thn dea neni ew Ihe ge he Ma Maen gm cme het aan Mh a gn ri ne tt ae i hipaa te tite = Jat 8 ee vn me iy = gas ee tg lt tg. tye Si il nN ee ir a oe lM ln he hdl a he Abn om oh A alten hn 5 2k in ch Re a a Dak Hy alas bh wh a cake te heme Bek! mei he Senn tO be he hel anh ange Aig andes Gow er i tnt ili ln mt i lewrenaine heroine Anh= Minin ethentnm Aen A poets te. Hanne ley okt he ld Ae ikaw. ste a ta te ag an Hn ee hee in ene te te hep Mr ee Nl AA ll At le an et no Me Celt natn nila ta all ale — hele atl ttl ntl, Tbh: Mer rst th ik ea tte abt oh ant Lavina oh emeahae A rte hy ah ee Aetna tt phrenic rat en ta hace Magn he Pll ge ee en Lh A wich arth athe Hip thetl> Comparten Metin tte a Ge st a te ee eI eth eet te ie a NG Fe tm te ee an i hha gh es i lata Mand oy tt ag, tr ahem hah le SA le Ad dlls Ot Am Arte i igptn Ns NN hl eh keh oath oh kl aheate atm lm oe tee ih tip ait he Strain Theo Thala atte petit imesh mtn tan forthe ata ven/tha thats aint. Hesthnth attain ihaartt mvt =", thn hehe RA nd ath adbatn hn bathed a te ee ee nn it hee Ne hha Reh A Me ll DA nat A he ben eld met = tan Anh inom att At mh alone ib he linn ae Creu Recta thet gti ie Mme PN tA ttenly thas edie lb: et Tg Ata nbs Rel oe Wn atti Ht nT Wn hae thilln deg te ees a ih Mie te Renee ne inte hm fit en aay Dh At ath Mal Ala Feb Hi the A a st Me ee de tg t nel te htt Ml ets ie it Mm ; en te hee ae ee ae ee Ry Eh it I eee Hime tn mearnsii ie ity Ma bi te mi en i A th Sth i “= Ws nok Oe tee Te te ete ee te he ad ~ 7 a hy ee lt le ll te Mi cl alll a nl alt lll Ring yh Rn StS alle Nel mea oll Ale te le Pe ee eon ae nha an nh a tb hai elt dem thet tla Miia ah ag ante Malls beste ho ARM haga athin Malt ~ Gein bw he —— photo eat awian a ee ee ee er yr ee ee eee eT te et owl! A ee a ei re a a ON che in a hee Nall cee nthe Rome tite Baht BH Sb witty i th lk te NN ee A te ele lite ay Mama tb it all tle alll paola th pe eh ke tthe Sentence: ho Wilh teh ottincdy Nel m ite Me nin tw edt Aiea a ate thn hn ita geile Nee ths edt oA Matha tt. Ae Sheil sabcle~ sol heel ‘a aad we he a de Re tee a ee he the al ttt ce et ie te ee wie meth = et ee elk ett te tee Se eat ne bie thane Sitter A aR ee ieee A ttle Ret he hk et at Maal: eetlet etl 8 eaten tale ae tenet htt ne fle Hite eae Mote oe des Dee ae ete athe wile Flee hte helt aie hn nF — Re th ren an i Mette He ay a = Hite lle te he Ne cet id tye ag ln A lA le ee Us a Ne Re ht a te he et Meh es LO, w “= Me eel ih len hee TAA ge yt A tl i fn en i> he he Me Ne ty Amt esi et nary Fath se tte Ml ah et ie AT A Me a a it ep eM le Mga eat wena Me tee te i tlh ate Flaten Re te iene tn Ag hm an a Mat Nw che Fae et ih a A tr oa ee Nay tt ee te Renee ate ete ete eh etn te hae me ee eint ene ae - When edna ch nna ewe He Bn i ach nc il a eee Ft te er tl i, al Sn te te re when Sed myers ee ee hn tt endl hy A Nl Nan gel ae he Ate Me bala thea aig matte has Lal aapipa le the ne Ne. ieee dp Milne Dann hg ah, ie te Sh nites mln Recah de thy Sohbet, pe ater sn anata aoe Theale Rage te Pain the tart ag te pela her Daesinwthaastin se Awe Tia 9a thal ape. che li healt ISS. pulang cs ante wheel Pr, Oe ee ener ey ar eee, te vey ee ee te eS ee ee ee A eth nn Re ell wane AE a et Rt th he tect Re eth mee mt Ni pelt Nd th emt atl tin A nlbeeht MdlA t e i athe ttl lll cals acini Oa alle Me He the te there Newt nila ia Met hee She Meth tg lt a he iste A Loti Fe Uns ttn ne Hw tae en ta tm nme ae lic Cis Mm line Mepis “hn Mh bh in Ble fe 0 a ca Me th NM Ait Hl ae Mle he tl HD ory ie rele Be om, Mee a At Ie Be ween le en tl tt tel a AN A er lt Rnd ett A athlete Ebene aha et et ge lat a le a al Mw wil elle eh th Neen inet eta lela aa an Mngt me ih thee it mga til mt idie Aelga flle Uae sa thn ie a igen hats elle aM 7. owe eS ee eS eee ee le eee = oh tee oe Sete ee ee clk el eA Rael hie er hee Me i ake Me he th A ee hate em het tn the cre RA Ry le rte te ee ed aah Gyan Malt atl tte ee te rie teint le na a tee OH al ne A Ne lle ey ten te Bache pater Ree asthe lib that ee me et hk, fe ne ee me tail Ne hk theseebiantie th te tae nln LT at ee ee RR te Rtn ts re Re tandem 8 Pm ehh Me a em a a eh ie ht RS a ne eth teh hel em De pe ee ak eal ae et are th Ane Mee mA the Line tae tte a tn ie the mag er tbowiiten/tehnn thptty Ate fothen tthae emai tr ala am" or 7 a mw le eee Fotadto Rs © Sco mmnate Cs Teale Gating ete etre id Hao Sen. > ota 6 Siist a a Ae hina tale de ttn dn A ae ee ee ee De NR i ee es ee ae ee I Mr ect eee nme nm et AT inte alti te lta ty Mla Naa mkt aM eg pe im Ma tm thie hia ee yp lsat ean a8 Mn Mine Mh posh orton s — ong Ra cettninn Pale Sieben teeth pein Mia BAe Aachen Romuene Radnythe Reels ea te tthe Ente + mat ie i le Ue eR Rc mem Ve tarde aie “Qe ee ee te ag Le a tk, agate NL gine ARM be et Ed re te at Ml Al mg belle RE halle Ra yA IAA fh Mh Mn a Bn vom Nm Len tyte ttntin Wie Renda tend Mets sgh he tanh hn = Aarti ms er oo! - + ee eet Re ee ete te nee tegen so oe Re 8 co ms te ke ti tea Ml adh te am etm Te ent ek te a te ee Te te ee ee te MRM ge Macnee Mica Olga deren De theta thee Ab pe RRsadbn Ahead = hata trend he Nan =e a ee Mati Mine tae hg Amt ee Seyi an st Aten be we Pe Daye FO Retin Mg ia Ein wee. Radi 690s tg el cert ben i andl Ais Rp Snir wl A Mee tends be hei St-« Be Nhe § pa Oe lt ca a li ee Te Re owe eee tetra pet Ah de gettlt catia ie 0A lime Sal A meh Atl gh tad 1A tee BS On Biman oh Rg mn ai We ee een ee ee ea Pe een ee err en oer on he ea lever wet eee Se NT Pe errs ee ne eto oe « a ee st, attdt gp ha ally nthe By nlw pebMaRk lettin Wad Ne in AM ete bre aren aed nny Fd Mele em ape, © eee ee A tenet Re Me Rt eneibe erkalte Rate tha aed An ine Cathet de eee Bag tlie be me me | thet Mamet crm a) iin Heth wee ee hn el ee el hy ete ee em ere te me enti OH ee A he le ee en ek me Bh We eM Nt tle ee te Met Rett Reeth cat oak Abadia, Mele Rate = -ratlie he dle thnedl ete ne Dgnteene meme Teenie jp amet ate Nh i ant em A a hw ey tk A ee he wile ene 0 ee ie Mtg lltn Hene tin Jab abet lee he Reet Atl ee A et eA Ee ere ee — of ge NR etm eRe ote Re et ee ee a Fo eoeek phe am he te ed We ete ten thet te Attest alls are Rl dt Se ee Bok et eh Meme ee ame tte Rnek Me Mat Hey et omar date Remrde e Mamtanlil ted he» a Na ee le eh A ll ie ohn bee te ee 40 oof * ro “ Pear ee oy eee ee ests Bette Sarge atedtagci, 6 Deb dat oe 8 Uy ee Perret cas cranial epmailinagals di, eaterthcdlg! Pashia vy terme Sele BP am ori He ame eRe Me ee ete ee a Mh rk eee ete Se ee eee i fg ta Rha te BL at tee ee ed tein rg i tee watt tent mM A een het ge weet ade te Mie thee om Me atl Matton hats Dike teria te mata he Metghn male todetinn - wee -_ eet eh ee ee ee ete ete « -~-* - . ~ ~ i ee aed s+ “> ee ute ete i ate nine da thet te me Lee em Ma tmnt alte Item dhe tet. by ue te! =e Mamie pe om etn Ba Bg reg, Foal a BS ee ne ee ee eth nt Be Re ee ee te Mh thy A te oe Ne A A. ee “ne oe Reson ata MF Kea i — temer mel eA a, + de ols = Retain aittatin ten tice Neste ee athe teh Ants Pao) we AN a re Ret me ee ein ea Cul te ee ee He et a ~— ~- » Be Hon sapien tig ee ee wi aN AEN a ee Te te ie sll Met) dete aM wedine = Ree en, ballet aM isan Ce tegen, ale tei bem wig etn a> Tate nett Moemaien soles lnm ie a ee rn ee ee. ee on or a © er tine Mad ee ye oe & i fe ie Ae eee ee ee te te . Wasi Sm desk & « be Qe «ae 1 te nth Shc Tae, Abba tha spac her 8 Peas ually ae permite cr a hel taal pes ee Bo em ee ke a Meret ee ee ee an ee ee —_ ane vee ene eee te ey os ne ~ we tency Migeigch, Weknlag” 40. oth cpahs aKa Regie We, auth A @ cnapeedeed oT aaacte, B-day te Mgt ep inl Ci tsh ad, be ered 06 Grabeert - ee - ee ee ke test the the Rite wy OP + ee owt ete - ete Ne De i he n pad obafee Gla an hasn se Wha tpt n Re tdi ay Mlnea Sts deve Ma Brted = 124k. 2. Gace ettage ahaa gk a eo. > elirBeeransian tals me - ee hy, ed ee eee a este - + - ah - ld tin Mh “he ‘ - - te ee bpm RM tte acti A ell Reet a Manbatne tee Latte SB ie tate te ihe thamnt pen mtn Maan bee he ste te Fuh Me mente = an bhp aoe VN om ~ ct _ -% a ee “ =~ ~ow -* nm _ Be eae nT Rohs tlk ch tents as EWA wcTaten ee, 870.6 a hetcetece 4 = ara 5 = = a ~ = irae = eke tee oe tele oli ee fee atten ee Gk be te - Se = = ~- — . we ek ee Nn he orm ant tle a = sakasDoa tesa’ -Esshilea Koecldcs ncicene Keeadi aleda:'na Winadle ene ot, BSNS ts al a re aide eties Satie SS Sen = we a = = np ne * « Butta heh Mme et ee, Por pee es 7 7 Soe Nea ihe © ‘<2 5 tee Be te Be Btls morte Ae nt pation - —_ - ~? = So eee a ee eee © Ah By hae ee TN ete Hate elit atte yet, nhl Nee = + + to é . aed eS 8 > - “e+ - _- - 0 heels tie a MR panto tne a” thee ne - 7 7 iJ a ane es AA Sean ee ee = ba = ela ee hag Rene Mins wo Mesa eo Mie ete Maha is ts wate tet~ ste ae Be ee ~ os a rer oe % . . - hme & 4 -* - Va. 4 eet be 9. Naty toile bettas ip melte inher erts GH teva Mehewiit Stata oFetet a ee - = % hee a fe RA ek Te Se tm te bet : ee ea Moieande he wo Avasn ap eatiallode, cs ee datas! - - a he * _ - - ie oe! ee - a 7 - ~ a ~ -> 8 dae ares ies Ps Sy * — ome + o & . 7 t Mem hee ak Lehane te ik epee, & a ee ee ZF ave Qu aah wire: tas a woe tg oan ae hash me “> ~ er a tee = - = - ——— — a Martin gs oe A wt mse a $i we , « ¥ : 4 re ee an .. x, — oe te ae 7 Nw _- - - Ae -" a Ae wae ok a ia re alk « - oe ~~ inal head - = - “ ~~ ‘ et ee = ty a seb te inal - = = eae " . Me & 4- my a " bas ee ye . rm Re ts - ¥ - » t=" “a = = . + hw to te Nok “4 ’ hin A hae x we = ws « ~ = " — . 3 - se . “ae x _ ere a = = to - ~te ie - =u - we - - we - - ‘ a. “ een - ios a - . lied * .< ac 7 . 7. rs ee eo ae & a le ne athe nn - ! - < Sete « Ps 2 P 7 mi - - 7 me ‘ _ « - : ‘ heme ee 2a - od ¢ dhe: do edn wk = = — ~ _ Nat te eo bee a! * ’ * ae, Ley 4 - v ‘ - * . a ae - i i = » . a ran) ’ a = = - al a . “4 « * or , a oP a - a .- —" - ' ‘ © ~ * : anal 7 7 - - ” = - ~- . a4 »~- 4 + _* J _ a - *. “ y . = — . Ss 7 - = . by J.P. SMITH 3 J 62 eee 92 xa? ay adovidian Outlier at Hyde Manor in ave Ver- mont ; by T..N. Dari 2 3) ele ee ee XIII. ENG olor. Effect of Isomorphous Mixture; by H. L. WSDL 2. 2-25 525225... ee ee 103 XIV.—Lorandite from the Rambler Mine, Wy oming ; 5 by: A. HORogERS .. 22.25... 2. see 105 XV.—Rate of Decay of Different Sizes of Nuclei, Deter- mined by Aid of the Coronas of Cloudy Condensation ; by C2 Baris 22S Be Sees ek eos 107 X VI.—Displacement Interferometer Adapted for High Tem- perature Measurement, Adiabatic Transformations of a Gas, ete: 5: by C. DARUS 2-22) 225. 442 2 - 109 X VII.—Unconformity at the Base of the Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky; by E. M. KInpLE .-.-.22..... 22 eee XVIII.—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature; by H. S. WASHINGTON 22 0 3a 20 ee 137 XIX.—Optical Resolution of the Saturnian Ring ; by D TPOpp 424 2.88.5. bree ee ee 152 Chemistry and Physics—Canadium, an Alleged New Hiement of the Platinum Group, A. G. Frencu: Alleged Complexity of Tellurium, Harcourt and BakER, 155.—New Quantitative Separation of Iron from Manganese, J. A. SANCHEZ: Famous Chemists, E. RoBerts, 156.—Quantitative Chemical Analysis, CLowES and CoLEMAN: Photometric Paddle-Wheels, J. R. MitneE: Text-Book of Physics, L. B. Spinney, 157.—Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants and some Mathematical Functions, G. W. C. Kaye and T. H. Lapy: Electrochemische Umformer, J. ZACHARIAS, 108. —Neue Welt der Fliissigen Kristalle, O. LEHmMaAnn, 109. Geology and Natural History—Thirty-second Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, G. O. SmitH, 159.—Granites of Connecticut, T. N. Dae and H. E. Grecory, 160.—The Mount McKinley Region, Alaska: Bulletin of the Seismological. Society of America, 161.—Atlas Photo- graphique des Formes du. Relief Terrestre, J. BRUNHES, EK. CHaix, HE. DE MartTONNE: New Zealand Botanical Notes, B. C. Aston, 168. —Fungous Diseases of Plants, B. M. DucGar: Practical Botany, J. "Y. BERGEN “and O. W. CaLDweELL: A Practical Course in Botany, E. F. ANDREws, 164. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence—Report of the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, 165.—Report of the Librarian of Congress and Report of the Superintendent of the Library Building, 166.—Das Schicksal der Planeten, $. ARRHENIUS: The Capture Theory of Cosmical Evolution, T. J. J. See, 167.—The Teaching of Geometry, D. E. Smita: The Hindu- Arabic Numerals, D. E. Smiru and L. C. Karpinsxy, 168. Obituary—C,. EK. Dutton. CONTENTS. V Number 195. Page Arr. XX.—Mineral Sulphides of Iron; by E. T. ALien, J. L. Crensnaw, and J. Jounston ; with Crystallo- Srapmienouuidy, by W.S. LARSEN _2--2252 2-5. 22 Syste 169 XXI.—Some Relations between Gravity Anomalies and the Geologic Formations in the United States ; by W. BowrE 237 XXI.—Association of Native Gold with Sillimanite ; by T. 1s. VE JSST O90 ies REN BOIL, ERS See era te ea ane een a ale | each neal 241 X XIII.—Hecker’s Remarks on Ocean Gr avity Observations ; pra tae NSE AUUEUI UR rh Gales) ahgeer ee tS BES ph el eh a 245 XXIV.—Relations of the Degree of Metamorphism to Geo- logical Structure and to Acid Igneous Intrusion in the Narragansett Basin, Rhode Island; by F. H. Lanrx__- 249 XXV.—IImenite Rocks near St. Urbain, Quebec; A New Occurrence of Rutile and Sapphirine ; by C. H. WarREN 263 Chemistry and Physics—Quantitative Determination of Manganese, Rarkow and Tiscokow: A Pernitride of Carbon, G. DarzEns, ° 278, — Portland Cement, E. JANEcKE: Annual Report of the International Committee on Atomic Weights for 1912.—Hydrates of Sodium Carbonate, WEGSCHEIDER : Canadium : Intrinsic Brightness of the Starlit Sky, C. Faspry, 280.—Mag- netische Spektren der 6-Strahlen des Radiums, 281.—Production of Char- acteristic Réntgen Radiations, R. WHIDDINGTON, 282.—Weitere Messungen tiber Wellenlangennormale im EKisenspektrum, EVERSHEIM, 283.—The Sun’s _Energy-Spectrum and Temperature, C. G. ABBot, 284.—College Physics, J. O. Reep and K. E. Gutue, 285. Geology and Mineralogy—Geology of the Lake Superior Region, C. R. Van Hise and C. K. Lerru, 286.—Elastic-Rebound Theory of Earthquakes, H. F, Rep, 287.—La Sismologie moderne, Comte de MONTESSUS DE BALLORE : Periodic Variations of Glaciers: Interpretation of Peneplains, E. C. ANDREWS, 288.— Australia in its Physiographic and Economic Aspects, G. TAYLOR: Canada, Department of Mines, 289.—The present distribution and origin of ‘‘ Coal Balls,” M. C. Stoprs and D. M. 8. Watson, 290.— Early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces, R. S. BASSLER: Fossil Fish remains of the Cretaceous of New Jersey, H. W. Fowiter: Types of Ore Deposits, H. F. Barn, 292.—Brief Notices of some Recently Described Minerals, 293. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence—Fourth Report of tho Wellcome Tropi- cal Research Laboratories, A. BaLrour, 294.—Einfihrung in die Mykol- ogie, A. Kossowicz: Pr inciples of Human N utrition, W. ei ORDAN, 290. Ostwald’s Klassiker der exacten Wissenschaften, 296. Obituary—G. J. Brusa: J. Lister: C.G. WHEELER: J. B. E. BoRNET, 296. v1 CONTENTS. Number 196. Art. XX VI.—Discovery of Pre-Historic Human Remains near Cuzco, Peru; by H. Bineuam, Director of the Yale Peruvian Expedition. (With Plates I and II) -._...-- XX VII.—Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains; by L- BOWMAN. ooo 35202 2 ee XXVIII.—Report on the Remains of Man and of Lower Animals from the Vicinity of Cuzco, Peru; by G. F. WUATON 2. Soo) eee Oe ees ea ee a ee a er rey XXIX.—Estimation of Lead, Nickel, and Zine by Precipita- tion as Oxalates and Titration with Potassium Perman- ganate 5 by Hud, WARD 22..." 295 220 ee XX X.—Description of the Skulls of Diadectes lentus and Animasaurus carinatus ; by E. C. Casr and 8. W. Wit- LISTON | 00 Dee 2 ee a eo G2 XX XI.—New Volumetric Method for the Determination of Mercury ; by GS. JAMIESON ~-2 2.2...) oe XX XII.—Volumetric Method for the Determination of Hydrazine ; by G. 8. JAMIESON 22 2222_22 3. 35= eee XX XIII.—Relations of the Degree of Metamorphism to Geo- logical Structure and to Acid Igneous Intrusion in the Narragansett Basin, Rhode Island ; by F. H. Lanus_-- Page 297 306 325 304 oo04 Chemistry and Physics—Separation of Titanium from Niobium, Tantalum, Thorium, and Zirconium, J. H. MuLLER: Cementite, RurF and GERSTEN, 373.—Use of Sulphur Monochloride for Decomposing Certain Minerals, W. B. Hicks: Determination of Water, ZeREwITINoFF, 374.—Reduction of Vanadic Acid ian Concentrated Sulphuric Acid Solution, Carn and HostTEtTER : Die Zersetzung von Stickstoffdioxyd im elektrischen Glimm- strom, J. ZENNEOK, 375.— Mechanism of the Semi-permeable Membrane, and a New Method of Determining Osmotic Pressure, F. T. Trouton, 3/¢7.—Note on the Monatomicity of Neon, Krypton and Xenon, Sir W. Ramsay, 378.—Modern Microscopy, M. I. Cross and M. J. Cote: Labo- ratory Problems in Physics, F. T. Jones and R. R. Tatnaty, 879.— Storage Batteries, H. W. Morse: A Laboratory Manual of Physics and Applied Electricity, 580.—Die Bearbeitung des Glases auf dem Blase- tische, D. Dsakonow and W. LERMANTOFF, 381. Geology—West Virginia Geological Survey: Wirt, Roane, and Calhoun Counties, R. V. Hennen, 381.—Geological Survey of New Jersey: State of the Ice in the Arctic Seas : Wisconsin Geological and Natural His- tory Survey, 882.—Annual Progress Report of the Geological Survey of West Australia for the year 1910: Uses of Peat, C. A. Davis, 383. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence—Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 10, 1911: Publications of the Carnegie Institution, 384,— Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus, W. A. GRANVILLE: Theory and Practice of Technical Writing, S. C. EARLE: Publications of the Harvard College Observatory: Publications of the Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh, 386. Obiluary—C. E. Durron, 387: T. H. Monrcommry, Jr.: J. B. SmirH: R. 8. TaRR, 388. CONTENTS. Vil Number 197. Page CHroOnrcelaAnvaiswoRuse.. With a Portrait: 2 222.202.2225. °389 Arr. XXXIV.—Life of the Connecticut Trias; by R. 8S. Uorameaatan Sot Dp RE Aaa SE EGY on) a Ree a ee Pg ie or ANG aan Maes | XXX V.—Oxalate-Permanganate Process for the Determina: tion of Copper Associated with Cadmium, Arsenic, Iron, Gupeadns ya tigi WARD 3928 9 ou2 005.0 el 493 XXXVI. arn Solution in Minerals. Ii.—The Chemical Composition of Analcite; by H. W. Foote and W. M. DADLEY, 61s. eats a pee Be ea a eee en en EFS) XXXVII.—Chemical Composition of Nephelite ; : by H. W. Boomscand: VW. MM. BRADLEY 279s) 2°. b ee a 439 XXX VIII.— Description of a new Genus and Species of igaleechinoides | by Ax VOESSONG 2220022 oe 442 XXIV.—Relations of the Degree of Metamorphism to Geo- logical Structure and to Acid Igneous Intrusion in the Nar- ragansett Basin, Rhode Island; by F. H. Langer. Pt. IIL 447 XX XIX.—One Phase of Microseismic Motion; by J. E. JEMTRIBARGR cs 5s OWN AANA eS ee eae emer 8 XL.—Microseisms Caused by Frost Action; by J. E. Bur- EPAONGKS oe a8 Se eee es cre os ke eye ois an, LEA XLI.—Dahllite (Podolite) from ‘Tonopah, ‘Nevada; Vele- kerite, a New Basic Calcium Phosphate ; Remarks on the Chemical Composition of Apatite and Phosphate Rock; by A. F. Rogers ; with Analyses by G. E. JE GYSTUNEEA “x a8 hae Sere A EM Sena amt ise OED ta A ee 445 XLIT.—Distribution of the Active Deposit of Radium in an Hlectric Field; by E. M. Wetuiscu and H. L. Bronson 483 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics—Melting-point of Spodumene, ENDELL and RIEKE: Detection of Nitric Acid in the Presence of Nitrous Acid, Smn and Dey, 499,—Chemical Constitution of Ilmenite, W. Mancuot: Determination of Alkalies in Silicates, E. MAkinun : Dictionary of Applied Chemistry, 500. — Properties of the Rays Producing Aurora Borealis, L. VeGarp : Pressure of a Blow, B. Hopkinson, 501.—Photographic Study of Vortex Rings in Liquids, KE. F. Nortarup, 504.—Note on Nevil Maskelyne’s Article, ‘‘ On the Trisection of an Angle,” H. 8S. UHuER, 506. Geology—Publications of the United States Geological Survey, 507. —Cambro- Ordovician Boundary in British Columbia with description of fossils, C. D. Watcort, 508.—Sardinian Cambrian Genus Olenopsis in America, C. D. Waucott: Middle Cambrian Branchiopoda, Malacostraca, Trilobita, and Merostomata, C. D. Watcortt, 509.—Strophomena and other fossils from Cincinnatian and Mohawkian horizons, A. F. Forrstr: Arnheim formation within the areas traversed by the Cincinnati geanticline, A. F. ForrstE : Paleontologia Universalis: Petrographic Methods, 511. — Methods of Petrographic-Microscopic Research, F. EK. Wriaut: The Soil Solution ; the nutrient medium for plant growth, F. K. Cammron, 512. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence—National Academy of Sciences, 513.— Sixth Annual Report Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teach- ing: Report of Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, O. H. Titrmann, 514,--Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, 515. Obituary—R. S. Tarr, 515: A.L. RotcH: O. Rpynoups, 516. Vill CONTENTS. Number 198. Page Art. XLITI.—Nitrogen Thermometer Scale from 300° to 630°, with a Direct Determinatton of the Boiling Point of Sulphur; by A. L.. Day and BK. B. Sosman 2) See 517 XLIV.—Note on the Standard Scale of Temperatures be- tween 200° and 1100°; by L. H. Apams and J. Joun- STON ~~ -- 6-4 --e eee ee ee ee XLV.—Note on Measurements of Radio-activity by Means of Alpha Rays; by W. R. Barss 202250257 eee 546 XLVI.—The Binary System: Na,Al,8i,0, (Nephelite, Car- negieite)—CaAl,8i,O, (Anorthite); by N. L. BowEn_.. 551 XLVII.—New Occurrence of Carnotite; by E. T. Wuerry 574 XLVIIL—Age of the Cleveland Shale of Ohio; by H. P. CUSHING 22 2e..4 5. OL Cee ee 581 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics—Ultra-filtration in Chemical Analysis, DORFURT and GALECKI: Magnesia Rods as a Substitute for Platinum Wire, E. Wapz- KIND, 585.—Combustion of Carbon Monoxide, WimLanpD: Purity of Com- mercial Metals, F. Myxius, 586.—Effect of Temperature upon Radio-active Disintegration, A. S. RUSSELL, 087.—Das Magnetische Spektrum der {- Strahlen des Thoriums, von BAEYER, Haun, and Meritner, 588.—Applied Physics for Secondary Schools, V. D. Hawkins: Die Messung vertikaler Luftstromungen, P. LupEwic, 589.—Teaching of Physics for Purposes of General Education, C. R. Mann: Uber Zerfallprozesse in der Natur, — C. ENGLER, 590. Geology—Evolution of the Vertebrates and their Kin, W. PatTen, 590.— Die Wirbeltiere : eine Ubersicht tiber die fossilen und lebenden Formen, O. JAEKEL; American Permian Vertebrates, S. W. WuIxL.iston, 592.— Maryland Geological Survey: Method of Removing Tests from Fossils, S. 8S. Buckman, 095.—Virginia Geological Survey : West Virginia Geolog- ical Survey, 594.—Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey : Building Stones and Clays, E. C. Eckert: Mineralogy, F. H. Harton, 595. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence—Annals of the Association of American Geographers, R. E. Dopgz: Annual Report of the Director of the Field Museum of Natural History, 596.—Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, Sendai, Japan: Fourth Report of,the Wellcome Tropical Re- search Laboratory, 597.--Life and Love of the Insect, J. H. FABRE: Evolution of Animal Intelligence, S. J. Ho~mgs, 598. Obituary—P. N. LEBepEW: A. TOPLER: E, Divers: G. Borup, 598. INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII, 599-604. ibrary, Bureau of Peet | by } eer ae JANUARY, 1912. Established by BENJAMIN SILLIMAN in 1818. é Z 2 Bea A cM Na THE - #£AMBRICAN | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Eprror: EDWARD S. DANA. ASSOCIATE EDITORS _ PRoFEssors GEORGE L. GOODALE, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, W. G. FARLOW anp WM. M. DAVIS, or Camsrivcz, ———————— " Prorzssors ADDISON E. VERRILL, HORACE L. WELLS, LL. V. PIRSSON anp H. E. GREGORY, or New Haven, Proressor HENRY S. WILLIAMS, or IrtHaca, Proressor JOSEPH S. AMES, or Baurimore, Mr. J. S. DILLER, er Wasuineron. FOURTH SERIES ‘VOL. XXXII [WHOLE NUMBER, CLXXXIIT. | No. 193— JANUARY, 19 12. NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. 1912. | HE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR CO., PRINTERS, 123 TEMPLE STREET. ; lished Ue eae Six dollars per year, in advance. $6.40 to countries in the Bo ; $6.25 to Canada. Remittances should be made either by money Belgas, URAL MOUNTAINS. os It is a number of years since any dealer in America has had such a collection of minerals and gem crystals as I have just received. On account of lack of space I cannot give an extensive description, but will state that the collec- tion consists of rare minerals, gem crystals and numerous polished speci- mens. Also included in this consignment is a large quantity of massive, gem quality malachite, suitable for cutting, and also polished specimens. In the same shipment I received a large assortment of malachite, rhodo- nite, jasper and rare marble boxes, Also dishes, trays, cups and numerous other ornaments of all the well known stones found at this celebrated locality. Also a unique collection of ornaments representing peasant art of this region in wood, iron, jasper, quartz and jade. I take pleasure in announcing that the large collection of minerals recently received has been thoroughly gone over and properly labelled and is now ready for sale. This collection consists of over 5,000 specimens of excellent quality, some of them from old finds, and almost all very well crystallized. Let me know what you desire and I shall be pleased to send you a selection on approval, prepaid. INTERESTING QUARTZ CRYSTALS FROM A NEW FIND. I have just received several hundred quartz crystals from a new find at Albuquerque, New Mexico. These crystals are of a rose color, unique in form, most look like cubes and are very sharp. Prices from 10 cents to 25 cents each. No collector should be without a series of these interesting crystals. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN GEMS? : If so, you will find my stock now richer than ever before in beautiful examples suitable both for jewelry and specimens. Among the reconstructed gems in my stock, all of which are of the finest quality, I will mention the following: Rubies, blue, pink, white and yellow sapphire; and an unusually large stock of common and rare Semi-Precious and Precious Stones, both eut and in the rough. Iam able to supply any gem desired, in best quality and all sizes. Any of the above which may be desired for selection I shall be glad to send on approval to patrons and customers. Information and prices of indi- vidual specimens cheerfully furnished upon request. A, A. PETE REE 81—83 Fulton Street, New York City. Phone Beekman 1856. Wel 1s) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE PEO U-net irk Si hil Bs: | —_—$ + Art. ].—Physiography of Newfoundland ; by Wiiuram H. TWENHOFEL. INTRODUCTION. Onty isolated references to the physiography of Newfound- land occur in the various papers that have been published relating to its geology, while almost nothing has been written on the physiography from the modern standpoint. To obtain some idea of the surface, and its history, the writer, while assisting in a study of the Cambro-Ordovician section of the west and northwest coasts,* made such notes on the physi- ography as time and opportunity permitted, and as these and the conclusions based upon them may be of value, it has been thought best to publish them. Only the west and northwest coasts have been seen and data relating to other areas have been derived from earlier writers, and in this connection the map by Mr. James P. Howley, Director of the Geological Survey of Newfoundland, has been of great assistance. The complete absence of topographic maps and the lack of detailed facts relating to the geology of much of Newfoundland, requires that many of the statements be couched in general terms. In treating the subject the major physiographic features are described, and as the Newfoundland surface is to a large degree controlled by rock and structure, these are shown in so far as necessary for interpretation. The chief factors concerned in * For the opportunity of assisting in this interesting work, undertaken in the summer of 1910, the writer is indebted to Professor Schuchert, for whom he acted as assistant, and Doctor Charles D. Walcott ; the work being done under the auspices of the Peabody Museum of Yale University and the Smithsonian Institution. The writer is further indebted to Professors Schuchert and Barrell for having read the paper. Am, Jour. Scl.—FourtTH SEerRies, Vou. X XXIII, No. 193.—January, 1912. il + x 2 W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. Fie. 1. NEWFOUNDLAND. Fic. 1. Map of Newfoundland from Rev. M. Harvey’s Text Book of Newfoundland History (1890). The northern tributaries of the Humber should extend farther to the north and west. td W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. 3 the production of the surface are examined and the conclusion is reached that the uplands of Newfoundland are the remnants left by dissection of a once almost perfect peneplain. Finally, the relation of the western settlements to the coastal physiog- raphy is briefly stated and a few notes are added on the physiography of the Belle Isle coast of Labrador. GENERAL OUTLINE OF THE ISLAND. The general outline of Newfoundland is very irregular, the coast being diversified by many bays and headlands, with the result that its length is tripled if not quadrupled. Tor descrip- tive purposes the island may be divided into three parts: (1) the main body elongated east and west along the parallel of 48° 30’, terminating on the west in the Long Range Mountains ; (2) the northern peninsula, formed for the most part of the Long Range mountains and the foreland to the west ; and (3) the peninsula of Avalon on the southeast, almost cut off from the rest of the island by Trinity and Placentia Bays. Possibly a fourth part may be considered as made by the peninsula lying between Placentia Bay and Fortune Bay farther to the west; of which St. Pierre and Great and Little Miquelon Islands may be considered the extension. _ Thoroughly land-locked harbors, extending, in the case of many, miles into the land, are common features, some of them, ten to fifteen miles from the sea, having depths of water in their middle portions not permitting the anchorage of ordinary vessels. CHARACTER OF THE Rocks. The variations of the rocks in texture, hardness, and solu- bility have been important factors of physiographic control in the development of the Newfoundland surface, and their regional distribution is as follows : The northern peninsula of Newfoundland consists of an interlor axis formed of metamorphic and igneous crystalline rocks of Laurentian or undetermined age (Howley, Map of Newfoundland). The axis is bordered on the northwest, from Cape Norman to Table Point, by a belt of limestones, gen- erally magnesian, which begin in the Lower Cambrian and. extend to about the middle of the Ordovician, having in some places a width of twenty miles and upward. South from Table Point to the Bay of Islands the belt is continued by thick beds of fine-grained shale to coarse sandstone and the coarsest of limestone conglomerate, in which blocks of interstratified limestone and shale with lengths exceeding 250 feet are not uncommon. The bold and rugged coast between Bonne Bay and the north end of Port au Port Bay is composed of basic x 4 W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. igneous rocks, probably intrusive in the sediments. Where these terminate, the limestones, shales, and conglomerates of the north reappear, repeating the sequence but in a reverse direction. From St. George Bay to the southwest corner of the island the rocks are of Carboniferous age, consisting of gypsum, thin coal beds, shale, sandstone, conglomerate, and limestone. On the east side of the northern peninsula the section, begin- ning in the pre-Cambrian and extending into the Silurian, con- sists of alternating zones of limestones, slates, sandstones, and conglomerates,* the belt varying in width from nothing at the south to ten miles and upward at the north. On the southeastern peninsula the youngest strata are of Cambrian time, consisting of conglomerates, shales, and lime- stones.+ Beneath is the Avalonian series - (Pr oterozoic) of slates, sandstones, quartzites, and conglomerates. The interior 1s underlain by more or less alternating bands of Paleozoic and Huronian sediments of varied character, Laurentian crystallines, and great masses of post- -Ordovician intrusives, consisting of granite, diorite, and trap.§ It is readily seen from this brief description of the rocks that they vary widely, which in consequence leads to decided variations in topographic expression. STRUCTURE OF NEWFOUNDLAND. No factor has made a more decided impress on Newfound- land topogr aphy than that of structure, which in its broader outlines is as follows: On the coasts of the northern peninsula the beds depart little from the horizontal, Logan| stating that ‘fin the great northern peninsula of Newfoundland, instead of undulations, great lines of fracture and dislocations are observed while the strata are but little tilted ” and only locally does the dip rise to high angles. On the northern half of the west coast the beds are generally inclined southwestward and the inclination may rise to as high as 30°, while on the opposite side the dip varies around 20° and is south of east.44 On the east side the faults, with trends approximately parallel to the Long Range, have displacements exceeding 1000 feet and usually the western blocks have been elevated.** On the west side faults strike inland from Hawke Harbor,t+ Table Point, and Port- land Head,t+ the displacement at Table Point being known * Murray, Can. Geol. Surv., 1869. + Walcott, 10th Ann. Rep., U.S. Geol. Surv., p. 554, 1890. t Walcott, Bull. Geol. Soc. America, x, pp. 219-220, 1898. § Murray and Howley, Geol. Surv. Newfoundland, 1881. | Logan, Can. Geol. Surv., Appendix to paper by A. Murray, p. 40, 1865. *| Murray, Can. Geol. Surv.. pp. 9-44, 1869. ** Logan, Ibid., pp. 872-876, 1863. +t Logan, Ibid., pp. 292, 877, 1863. W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. 5 to be greater than 1000 feet. In every case the eastern mass has been elevated and at Table Point this block has been shoved to the north (relatively), as shown by the bending of the beds on the downthrown mass. The trend is parallel to the Long Range. At Bonne Bay and the Bay of Islands of the west coast, the beds are in great confusion through fracturing, faulting, and folding. Many of the folds are closed and overturned and to add to the complexities of structure, great masses of basic rocks are intruded into the midst of the sediments. At the former locality, however, the original texture is not greatly modified, for many of the fossils are still present. At the Bay of Islands the forces were of greater magnitude, changing the shales to slates and the limestones to marbles—a change attended by the complete obliteration of all organic remains. — From Port au Port Bay to the southwest corner the strata in places are quite highly disturbed. The dip shows many variations, faulting is not uncommon, and there has been much intrusion of basic igneous rock.* In respect to the other parts of Newfoundland, Murrayt states that the Avalon peninsula and “ probably the whole island . . . seems to be ranged in an alternation of great anti- clinal and synclinal lines, independent of innumerable minor folds, which present throughout a remarkable degree of paral- lelism, pointing generally about N.N.E. and 8.8.W. from the true meridian, corresponding with the marked indentations of the coast as well as the topographical features of the interior.” A. great fault “intersects the island diagonally from shore to shore, running in an almost straight line from near the entrance of the Little Codroy River to White Bay.”{ This fault gives off a branch northeast of Bay St. George which courses through Grand Lake to Hall Bay, the southwest arm of Notre Dame Bay.§ It is readily seen from this brief description that Newfound- land structure is extremely varied and should be an important factor of surface control. Mason FEATURES OF THE TOPOGRAPHY. General surface.—There is no more striking feature in the topography of Newfoundland than the marked parallelism of the peninsulas, reéntrants, lakes, rivers, ridges, and outcrops, which in nearly every case approximate a direction about N. 28° K. Some of the most prominent of the examples are St. .* Murray and Howley, Geol. Surv. Newfoundland, 1873, 1874; Map of Newfoundland, 1904. t Murray and Howley, Geol. Surv. Newfoundland, p. 139, 1868. { Murray and Howley, Ibid., p. 90, 1866. $ Murray and Howley, Ibid., pp. 380-382, 1873. 6 W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. Mary’s Bay, continued northeastwardly by Conception Bay; Placentia and Trinity Bays, and Fortune and Bonavista Bays, similarly aligned ; the west and northwest coast, offset and broken at St. Geor ge, but still essentially parallel ; the east coast of the northern peninsula; the coast of the Avalon peninsula; the intrusive masses, the outcrop of the sedimen- taries ; the Long Range; the course of the Humber River; ao and Red Indian sree: and Glover Island in Grand Lake. In general, the surface slopes southeastward. The average elevation of the west coast is about 2000 feet, the northern portion approximating 2100 feet or less, which rises to 2300 - near the middle and decreases to 1700 feet near Cape Ray. On the east side of the northern peninsula there do not appear to be any elevations greater than 1200 feet. Along the south coast the height decreases from 1700 feet at Table Mountain to about 1350 feet north of Fortune Bay, and on the peninsula of Avalon the highest point is 1100 feet. An axis of some- what higher elevations extends from the neighborhood of the Bay of Islands through the middle of the Avalon peninsula from which the peaks decrease in height northeastward and southwestward, but are about equal for any particular locality. These figures of altitude, though significant, do not emphasize the real facts, as they are taken from conspicuous elevations rising above the average highland surface. The decrease in elevation of the highlands southeastward is fairly systematic, averaging a little less than 10 feet to the mile, and two planes placed on the western upland and meeting along a line extend- ing from the Bay of Islands to the Avalon peninsula, if given the average slope of the surface, would very nearly coincide with the summits of the aver age highlands of Newfoundland ; and if projected beneath the sea they would rest on, or slightly above, the immediate sea bottom off the east coast. Through this plane would project numerous conical peaks 100 to 400 feet high, usually formed of igneous rocks. On the west coast the regular ity and hor izontality of the sky line is striking, but on the east greater irregularity appears to exist, the country being more dissected. The Long Range—The Long Range, situated along the entire west coast, with an average elevation of 2000 feet, is the highest range of mountains in Newfoundland. At St. George Bay, where the Codroy—White Bay fault strikes into the land, it is broken and offset to the southeast. Its greatest elevation is in the Lewis Hills, about halfway between the Bay of Islands and St. George Bay, where 2700 feet is reached, an elevation purely local and exceeding by nearly 400 feet the height of any other portion of the range. The range faces the west W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. 7 with an almost vertical front, in some places reaching the sea; but usually with an inter- vening foreland. To one approaching New- foundland from Sidney to Port aux Basques, the most impressive feature is the high flat- topped upland, here rising almost vertically from the sea—the southern extremity of the Long Range. If Newfoundland be observed from the Labrador side, one feature will attract and maintain the attention: the flat- topped upland, standing boldly and promi- nently in view with a low plain on either side, widest toward Cape Norman way—the northern extremity of the Long Range. The sky line of the Long Range is strikingly hori- zontal and the appearance of an equal height in all its parts is not a fiction resulting from a distant view, for it remains the same near as well as far, while a very cursory study of Howley’s map confirms the evidence of direct observation. At many points in this range are ‘table mountains.” Suchis that forming its terminus on the southwest and rising to an elevation of 1700 feet. Here for fully fifty miles parallel to the railroad, which follows the west coast, 1s the steep western front, ris- ing like a wall, little cut up by erosion and with the top of the wall reaching to one level. On the west side of the railroad, opposite this table mountain, is the triangular block of the Anguille Mountains, built upon the older Paleozoic sediments and rising to a height of 1832 feet, more than 100 feet higher than the mountain to the east. The name of Table Mountain might with justice be applied to this block. At the Bay of Islandsis Mount Blomidon, 2125 feet high, with a table top, in the central portion of which isa lake. Table Mountain at Bonne Bay, 2336 feet high, is almost as flat on its summit as a western prairie, the surface rising gently from the margin toward the middle. It has been thor- oughly shattered by the movements to which it has been subjected, favoring the formation of angular gravel through sun and frost action, and were it not for a mantle of such gravel a Fic. 2. The lowest line is drawn at sea level, the middle at the top of the timber on the foreland (250' +), and the upper the summit level of the Long Range (2000’). Drawn from a photograph The north is on the left. Fie. 2. The Long Range opposite Cow Head. Length 7-10 miles. by Charles Schuchert, the vertical being multiplied by 2. “ 6 eee weonhofel—Physiageaphy of Newfoundland. bicycle could be ridden with ease on the top of the mountain, a surface stated to have a length of six miles parallel to the coast and four miles in the opposite direction. Its sides are very steep and there are few places where it may be ascended except with difficulty. The summit is almost bare of vegeta- tion and that present consists of dwarfed plants occurring in a few wet places or shallow bogs. The plane of this Bonne Bay iG: Fic. 8. Table Mountain, Bonne Bay, 2336 feet high. Photograph by Charles Schuchert. “table” truneates the rock of all the systems in the region, no matter what their structure or character, the elevations rising to, or almost to, its level and there stopping either as peaks, ridges, or ‘ tables.” The Long Range scarp with its elevated valleys.—The slope of the surface of Newfoundland rises toward the west till the summit of the Long Range is reached, where an abrupt drop of between 1500 and 2000 feet takes place. The line of west- ward-facing cliffs, for the most part composed of crystalline rocks, is almost a straight one, but is broken and offset to the southeast at St. George Bay, south of which it continues in the same direction as a straight line. West of the cliff face the rocks are almost wholly sedimentary and, in general, do not W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. 9 depart greatly from a horizontal attitude; the general dip is away from the cliff face, but at some localities, as the St. John Mountains and St. George Bay, the beds dip toward the cliff.* In most places, the beds if projected towards the mountains with the dip they have at the sea, would abut against the cliff face; but it is very probable that at its base the strata have an entirely different attitude. Such is the case at Bonne Bay and the Bay of Islands, and Murray} found similar conditions about St. George, where at the foot of the mountains the beds “are usually very highly tilted, inclining in the opposite direc- tion (away from the mountains) or vertical.” Erosion has done extremely little to destroy or modify this precipitous westward-facing scarp, its integrity being well pre- served. In but afew places like the Bay of Islands and St. George Bay has a large river cut its way to the sea or pushed its head far beyond the mountain face; but many small valleys have been cunt in the upper portion of the wall at elevations varying with the region, but averaging one-half to two-thirds the height of the cliff. Most of them flare out near their heads and flow on levels having a lesser gradient than lower down in their courses and nearly all of them appear to head in a wall. At Bonne Bay, where some of these valleys were studied in detail, they present a profile similar to that which follows (fig. 3). The upper level is flat-floored, quite wide, in a few cases one-half mile or more, and at an elevation of about 1200 feet above the sea, or about 900 to 1000 feet below the top of the Table Mountain wall. At Bonne Bay and the Bay of Islands many of the lower elevations rise to about the level of these upper valleys, where they, while not flat-topped, show an older topography on their summits, and at least one table mountain, that at Port au Port, rises to a level slightly less. Their width is out of all proportion to the small streams flowing in them, which move slowly from one to another of the ponds and lakes commonly present. Lower down in their courses they become a series of rapids and cataracts, enclosed in steep-walled narrow gorges, the descent of which, actual experience teaches is not only difficult but dangerous. At Bonne Bay the upper valley level affords an easy route ot travel from that place to Trout River, a fishing settlement about ten miles farther south on the coast. This route, after the ascent to the upper level has been made, is a really excel- lent one for vehicles, and the only one that is at all practicable (see fig. 4). *The dip at the St. John Mountains was judged from the deck of a schooner, but appears so plain that it can hardly be questioned. + Murray, Geol. Surv. Newfoundland, p. 88, 1866. 10 «OW. A. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. Foreland of the Long Range.—Along the northern and western sides of the island, the Long Range is fringed by a foreland of greater or less width. It is widest along the Strait of Belle Isle, approaching twenty miles, but decreases to about ten miles at Port Sanders and holds this width nearly to Bonne Bay. From Bonne Bay to Port au Port Bay the Long Range reaches the sea and the foreland vanishes, but reappears at St. Pies Top of highlands Fic. 4. Profiles of valleys and upland at Bonne Bay. (Diagrammatic.) George Bay, where both shore and Long Range are offset to the southeast. The surface of this lower level gives to the observer a decided impression of flatness. Near the sea it is carved into wide and narrow terraces, making the elevation immediate to the shore quite variable, the average being about 75 feet. Inland, elevations rise above 150 feet with many much higher, there being at least three very high blocks of sediments,—Anguille Mountains, St. John Mountains, and Portland Head. Many parts are also low, and it is said that tidal waters go nearly to the mountains at Paul Inlet, Parson’s Pond and Portland Creek, at each of which the shores are very low. There also appear to be places where the land is higher on the shore than in the backland, Mr. Thomas House, a fisherman at Table Point, stating that the rear of the foreland in that locality is a marsh considerably lower than is the shore. The presence of glacial strize at many localities fixes the time of the carving of the surface as pre-glacial. Uplands of the east and central parts.—Of the east and central parts the writer has no first-hand knowledge, but a study of the published maps and sections and the literature shows that the surface consists of a series of parallel valleys lying in the softer sediments, separated by flat-topped ridges W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. 11 on which rise local elevations. Professor Schuchert, who visited this part of the island after the writer had left for home, states that “what we saw [on the west] was confirmed in the eastern part of the island and the interior, although the physio- graphic aspect is a very different one. One sees no such foreland as we saw in western Newfoundland. The nearer one is to the coast the more fiord-like it is” ;* but even here a section published by Walcott in 1899,¢ extending from Signal Hill, St. John’s Harbor, to Portugal Cove, Conception Bay, shows well preserved flat-topped hills. 3 On the granite hills of the interior, where crossed by the railroad, “the surface is not a plane; but a gently undulatory one with pointed conical residual hills standing several hun- dred feet higher,”t a description, judging from the reports of Murray and Howley, apparently applicable to most of the inte- rior upland. Murray states that two great depressions extend across the island, one from St. George Bay through the Humber Valley and Deer Lake to White Bay, the other from St. George Bay through Grand Lake to Hall Bay, their location coinciding with the two great faults described by him. Liwers and lakes.—The rivers and lakes of Newfoundland are in no respect striking or peculiar with the exception of the Humber and its tributaries. In general, the rivers flow north- east or southwest, parallel to the ridges, along the outcrops of the sedimentary formations. The lakes have their greatest elongation in the same direction. Near the shore the general aspect of the rivers is that of youth, falls and rapids being met with at nearly every turn, with lakes in many places inter- rupting the course of rapid flow. In the interior the rivers flow in wide, sediment-cloaked valleys, carved in the softer sediments, most of them consisting of chains of lakes separated by intervals of rapid water. The Humber River with its tributaries, however, more than atones for whatever simplicity is exhibited by its fellows. It has two main branches, one rising far to the south, about twelve miles from the head of St. George Bay, the other about nine miles from the head of White Bay, at an elevation of less than 700 feet. The former flows for about fifty miles in a north- northeast direction, where it meets the latter, which has followed a south-southwest course for more than twenty miles. After the junction the united stream flows almost due west for about ten miles, where another tributary enters from the north-north- east which has two branches; one believed to head less than * Schuchert, Personal letter dated October 3, 1910. + Walcott, Bull. Geol. Soc. America, x, p. 221, fig. 6, 1899. ¢t Schuchert, Note book, August 26, 1910. 12) W. HH. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. five miles from the bottom of a western reéntrant from White Bay, while the other has its source about twelve miles from the head of Deer arm of Bonne Bay. Briefly stated, the Humber in two of its tributaries rises less than a dozen miles from the eastern sea at elevations less than 700 feet, with two other tributaries rising but twelve miles from the sea into which it iGo: ~ } G, 2M 23 y S, Ly fy | Fr 4 Fic. 5. The Humber drainage. The Long Range lies between the upper river and the coast. 1. Bay of Islands; 2. Bonne Bay; 8. White Bay; 4. St. George Bay. Reduced with some omissions from Howley’s map of New- foundland. empties, flows entirely across the southern end of the northern peninsula, and then ina steep V-shaped gorge dashes through a mountain range which gradually rises toward the sea and reaches a height of over 2000 feet where the waters of the Humber join with those of the Gulf. In this course the river flows across nearly every character of rock possessed by the island and across such structural features as faults, folds, and igneous contacts. That it is an antecedent river can hardly be questioned. Peninsulas and bays.—The coast of Newfoundland is diversified by extremely deep bays and bold headlands which on the south and north coasts are elongated in the direction of the structural features already outlined; but on the west and W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. 13 northwest coasts large bays are not. prominent and are rather irreeular in their shape and alignment. Among the large peninsulas of the west coast those of Port au Choix, Cow Head, and Port au Port are the most irregular, the last having a long northern prolongation which finds its continuation in the submerged Long Ledge, afew miles beyond. Each of these headlands is connected with the mainland by a low and narrow neck of accumulated sands and muds which an elevation of the sea-level of but about 25 feet would sub- merge, converting the peninsula into an island. The more important bays of the west and northwest coasts are Bonne, St. George, and St. Barbe Bays, the Bay of Islands, and the double reéntrant made by Port Sanders and Hawke Harbor. With the exception of St. George Bay, each of these extends far into the land with deep waters almost to the head. The Bay of Islands and Bonne Bay branch just a short dis- tance from the sea, and then each branch extends back into the land for many miles.. Across the mouth of the former there is a string of high islands which are formed of the same kind of rock as exists on each side of the bay. Port au Choix Bay may also be mentioned; not because of its size, but by reason of its narrow entrance and the enormous depth of water within a stone’s throw of the shore. Islands.— Along the coasts of Newfoundland there are many islands, of which only those of the west coast have been seen and to which the remarks that follow alone apply. Those about the western extremity of Belle Isle Strait are very low and of most extravagant shapes. In the broad indentation extending from St. Barbe Bay to Port au Choix there is a suc- cession of low islands and long peninsulas, one of which, Point Ferolle, divides the indentation into almost equal parts. The islands of the northern part are separated from the mainland, here low, by very shallow water. The southern embayment contains sixteen islands, of which the largest is St. John. Deep water les between this group and the mainland, here formed of the St. John Mountains, an outlier of the Long Range. South from Port au Choix islands are uncommon, if those at the mouth of the Bay of Islands be excepted. Offsetting of the west coast.—The west coast of Newfound- land shows at four localities,—Point Ferolle, Port au Choix, Table Point, and St. George Bay,—rather striking offsettings, or inland sags of the coast. At each of these places the shore makes a very abrupt bend in an easterly direction, southward from which it continues parallel to the original coastal line. The three northern offsets are parallel to each other, with a southeasterly trend ; but the St. George Bay offset trends almost due east and finds its continuation inland in the valley of St. 14. W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. George River, an almost straight line. The Table Point sag has a thousand-foot fault at its back, Logan has described a fault at the back of the Port au Choix offset, while numerous faults are known about St. George Bay, at the back of which is the great displacement described by Murray. Of Point Ferolle nothing is known. EVIDENCE OF UPLIFT. In shaping the surface of Newfoundland, relative elevation has been an extremely important factor, and the evidence for this is given in the paragraphs that follow. Youthful aspect of the streams.—The rivers of the west coast present a rather striking aspect of youth. Except where the mouths are drowned, all that were seen consist in their lower courses of a series of rapids and falls and flow as a rule in steep-walled gorges. Inland the waters move more slowly, but the numerous lakes with rapid waters between, as described by Murray and Howley, prove the immaturity of drainage. Terraces.—From the Straits of Belle Isle to the southwest corner of the island, systems of terraces rise like giant staircases Fig. 6. Fic. 6. Elevated terraces cut in igneous rock at Beverly Head, north of the Bay of Islands. The uppermost is about 400 feet, the lowest about 20 feet, the very marked one about 75 feet. Photograph by Charles Schuchert. from the sea. The lowest of these is less than a dozen feet above high water, the highest observed rises above 400 feet. Finely preserved examples of a 25-foot terrace, backed by a 26- foot cliff, exist on the islands north of the Port au Choix penin- sula, on the peninsula itself, and at numerous places south therefrom to the Bay of Islands, particularly in the islands at W. H. Twenhofel—Phystography of Newfoundland. 15 the mouth. The flat-topped “ barrens” of the foreland rising to elevations of about 75 feet or less, are remnants of terraces that are devoid of trees by reason of theirswampiness. Around Mall Bay south of Hawke Harbor, three beautifully preserved terraces occur at elevations of about 15, 25, and 40 feet, while still higher may be seen remnants of others, and at Romaine River, near Port au Port, there are five, the highest about 70 feet above the sea. In the interior, terraces exist around Grand and Deer Lakes, there being at least three at the former at about 5, 15, and 60 feet above lake level, which is 255 feet above the sea ; and in the Humber gorge there are also at least three.* There seems no reason for doubting that these inland terraces can be readily correlated with those of the shore. Barrier beaches.—At several places barriers extend along the sides of shore slopes like windrows of hay in a meadow. Two places in particular where such are rather marked are Current Island, south of St. Barbe Bay, where there are eight, the highest being between 20 and 25 feet above sea-level, and each elevated about 2 to 3 feet above the other ; and at Trap- per Cove, south of Hawke Harbor, where there are six, with the highest about 20 feet above sea-level, with about 3 feet ver- tically between one and the next above. These barriers are bare of vegetation and are composed of fresh rock derived from the limestone of the coast, and have, moreover, been there a number of years, appearing to have been formed by successive relative elevations and not by a succession of storms, each of less magnitude than the preceding, as at the latter point they are in a protected place and in the former on the land side of the island. Delta deposits.—At the mouth of almost every stream on the _ west coast there is a flat-topped alluvial deposit with the upper sur- face now standing at an elevation of 60 to 75 feet. The depos- its consist of coarse and fine alluvium, the particles rounded, and derived in most cases from the neighboring elevations. They cannot be interpreted as other than delta deposits formed at a time when the strand-line stood relatively higher by-at least 60 feet. At many places on each side of the delta flat a terrace continues the level, winding in and out of the reéntrants of the coast (see view 4). Marine shells.— Mya arenaria was observed in clays and sand at two localities on the west coast of Newfoundland,—the modern seachff on the west side of Port Sanders and in the cliffs of glacial materia] five or six miles south of Hawke Har- bor, being in each case but a few feet above high-tide level. Rock surfaces riddled by lithodomous shells exist at many * Schuchert, Note book, September 4, 1910. 16 W. Hl. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. points on the west coast of Newfoundland to elevations as great as 75 feet, and at Bell Burns Cove, just south of Table Point, Mr. Thomas House stated that in digging a well* on the edge of the marsh, about one-half mile from the shore and 40-50 feet above high tide, he had passed through a bed of “clams.” Rica Fic. 7. Trout River, south of Bonne Bay. The 60-75 foot elevated beach and delta are shown with the elevated peneplain in the background. The houses stand on the lowest terrace. Photograph by Charles Schuchert. Constructions.—No evidence based on human constructions was seen, nor did anyone appear to have any information lead- ing to any conclusions. It is, however, stated by Dalyt that along the coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland the fish stages have had to be lengthened again and again, while among the shoals new passages have had to be sought due to the shoaling of the old. EVIDENCE OF SUBMERGENCE. Drowned gorges.—St. Barbe Bay, Port Sanders, Bonne Bay, and the Bay of Islands are drowned gorges, the submerged lower courses of once swiftly flowing mountain streams. Each shows all the characters of ariver system,—St. Barbe with three main branches and some smaller ones, Port Sanders with two main arms and each with smaller ones, Bonne Bay with three branching arms, and the Bay of Islands with an equal number, each of which fingers out near its head. Each branch of an * The inhabitants of some of the villages on the west coast migrate annu- ally to the woods on the edge of the marsh fronting the Long Range in order to escape the winds, hence the well. + Daly, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., xxxviii, p. 261, 1902. W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. 17 arm receives its tributary, a remnant of a dismembered river system. At Bonne Bay and the Bay of Islands the mountains tower over the water with elevations of 2000 feet a mile from the shore, and cliffs rise from the water’s edge to nearly a thousand feet, while im the bays the slope descends precipi- tously from a shallow shelf, where ships may anchor, to depths greater than 700 feet.* The other bays do not have such high margins, though almost equally precipitous, nor do they descend so deep; but depths of 500 feet are not exceptional. Low islands.—Attention has been called to the numerous low islands on that portion of the coast extending from Belle Isle Strait to Port au Choix. North of St. Barbe Bay these are quite low, many barely rising above the surface of the water, yet with relatively deep water on their inland sides. South from St. Barbe Bay the islands are a little higher and the coast line of the north, if projected south, would rest on the surface of the outer islands and again touch the mainland at Point Rich, the outer extremity of the Port au Choix peninsula. The fore- land almost ceases to exist on this portion of the coast, but in its place appear numerous islands with passages between them and the mainland of sufficient depth to float large steamers. The islands are thought to represent the submerged foreland. Between the Bay of Islands and Port au Port the general line of the coast is continued by the submerged Long Ledge and Long Point and the outer margin of the peninsula. The enclosed waters are, in general, quite shallow. An exception is a long narrow trough of 20 fathoms depth that very closely follows the mainshore. This bay with its low islands and sub- merged ledges is also thought to be a part of the submerged foreland. Submerged folds off the Avalon peninsula.—That the east side of Newfoundland is in a drowned condition appears equally certain. Nearly every river in its lower course enters ina deep bay and the headlands rise precipitously from the water’s edge. The parallelism of the peninsulas and bays on this portion of the coast is one of its remarkable features; but equally striking is the submerged topography immediate to the shore with peninsulas essentially similar to those above the water and bays little different from those of the present coast. EFFECTS OF GLACIATION. Along the west coasts erratics are quite common and deposits of till and bowlders exist at several places in considerable thick- * A part of this depth may be due to glacial overdeepening. How much, however, there are no means of determining, but it is to be noted that the water is more shallow at the entrances than in the interior of the bays. The channels, however, could readily have been filled by the currents that drift along the coast. Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtH Smries, Vout. X XXIII, No. 193.—January, 1912. 2 18 W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. nesses, notably in the cliffs about ten miles south of Hawke Harbor. In the interior, along the line of the railroad, glacial debris appears to be more abundant, the mountain slopes being cloaked with material, morainic in character.* Strize were seen at numerous localities, generally with a direc- tion closely approximating the trend of the valleys of the place in question. Their presence was noted on top of Table Moun- tain, at Bonne Bay, in the elevated valleys, and numerous places on the foreland. The upper system of valleys in the Long Range are decid- edly U-shaped while the flared-out heads of some of them strongly resemble the descriptions given of cirques, which resem- blance is intensified by the lakes and ponds found in these val- leys and held in rock basins. Nearly every one of the valleys shows by the polished rock surfaces that at one time it was filled with the ice, and their precipitous margins are no doubt, in part, due to its work. The surface at many points has a rounded aspect, seen to good advantage near the mouth of the Bay of Islands in the foothills of Mount Blomidon, and to the work of ice may perhaps be ascribed, in part, the gouging out of the deep bays existing around the entire coast although those of the west side are decidedly canyon-like. That glaciers covered the western side of the island to the highest summits is certain and the same was probably true in respect to the other parts of Newfoundland. The direction of the striz on the western foreland leads to the conclusion that the ice movement was controlled by the topography, which is in harmony with the belief that ‘‘ Newfoundland seems to have been a separate area of glaciation. ’’+ ORIGIN OF THE SURFACE F'RATURES. Parallel features.—The presence of great structural lines with a northeastwardly trend finds expression on the surface in control of erosion resulting im parallel ridges and valleys having the same direction as the fold and faults, the softer beds and zones of weakness having been eroded out. Upland surface.—The accordance of the summit levels of the highlands, the systematic decrease of the elevations east- ward, the presence of well preserved flat-topped mountains at many localities with the projected plane of their summits trun- cating all kinds of structure and rock, the course of the Hum- ber River with its source less than a score of miles from the eastern shore at an elevation of less than 700 feet and its mouth on the opposite side of a mountain range 2000 feet high: these * Schuchert, Note book, August and September, 1910. +Chamberlin and Salisbury, Earth History, vol. iii, p. 336, 1907. W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. 19 are considered evidence of the present dissection, but one time perfection of a peneplain, a plain of erosion of remark- able perfection extending over the whole of Newfoundland.* If the valleys were filled to the level of the average mountain summits the resulting plain would be strikingly perfect, would be 2000 feet high on its western border and pass beneath the sea on its eastern with an elevation of about 700 feet at the shore. This slope probably represents the tilting that has occurred with uplift, which, however, does not appear to have been a simple warping uplift, but by different blocks acting as units, of which the Long Range is perhaps the most conspicu- ous. On this ancient plain the rivers were free to wander where they would, structure and texture of rock being mini- mized as factors of stream control. They probably crossed the site of the present mountain ranges and, when the land arose, each stream struggled to maintain its position. The Humber alone carved its way through the rising Long Range blocks and by developing northern and southern tributaries took from other western streams their sources, but thus pre- served their waters for the western sea. Attempts to fix the time of the close of the cycle of erosion in which this peneplain was carved meet with difficuity. The latest rocks involved in the folding that probably initiated the erosion cycle are of Pennsylvanian age and the upper wide and flat-floored valleys are pre-glacial. In the eastern United States throughout the Appalachians, the existence of an extensive peneplain, completed before the end of Cretaceous time, is now universally admitted and with this base level that of Newfoundland is tentatively correlated, and the period of development and close of the cycle assumed to be the same. | Elevated valleys.—These valleys, situated at altitudes of from 800 to 1200 feet, were probably carved during a period of temporary stability when the land was lower by an amount almost equal to their present elevation. The evidences of an older topography at this level are so evident that any possi- bility of ascribing them wholly to the work of ice is eliminated and to the work of this agent can merely be assigned their U-shape and greater width. Except that they are pre-glacial their time of origin cannot at present be determined in New- foundland, but the observations of numerous workers in many parts of the Appalachians have proven the development of a partial peneplain during Tertiary time and these elevated val- leys were perhaps a part of that level. There are not sufficient * Without discussion the writer assumes that this plain owes its origin to subaérial erosion and not marine, considering that the numerous conical residuals and the extensive area support the assumption. 20 W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. data to discuss the occurrence of this level in other parts of Newfoundland. Scarp of the Long Range und the foreland.—These two features seem to be causally related in their method of origin and so are considered together. The absence of detailed facts relating to the sediments along the entire base of the cliff renders any conclusion merely tentative. The facts at present known to the writer suggest an origin for each in two possible ways, one far more plausible than the other. These are dis- cussed in succeeding paragraphs. (1) It may be assumed that the foreland is a plain resulting from marine erosion. The presence of terraces up to 400 feet shows that at one time sea waters covered such portions as are below this elevation. These waters were, however, post-glacial while the foreland’s surface existed in pre-glacial time. The general limitation of the foreland to the sediments and _ its absence when the crystallines are reached favor the idea of its produetion by marine erosion, which is not supported, however, by the fact that at least three large blocks of the sediments— Anguille Mountains, St. John Mountains, and Portland Head— are left standing on the plain and reach the sea. Its extreme variability in width and almost total absence where the line of cliff reaches the sea, no matter of what kind of rock it be com- posed, and the steepness and well preserved character of the cliff face in view of the great age required on the assumption of marine erosion render the hypothesis untenable.* (2) It may be assumed that the scarp is a fault face along which the present Long Range has been elevated. The facts practically proving this idea are: the localization of numerous intrusions along the foot of its southern extension, its remark- able integrity, the actual presence of great faulting near its base at several widely removed localities, and the upturning of the beds where these have been observed at the base of the cliff. The horizontality of the beds, except in the immediate vicinity of the intrusive masses, and their occasional dip toward the mountains find in this idea a ready explanation. On this idea the elevated blocks on the foreland and its varia- tion in altitude are merely due to differential subsidence and elevation, while the bays of St. George and St. John are masses in which the depression was somewhat greater than the rest of the surface, the straight northern coast of St. George being the bounding fault of this bay, which, continued inland, fixed the course of the St. George River. The upper portion of the cliff face, that in which the elevated valleys have been * This hypothesis permits the assumption that the Long Range may be anticlinal in character. A search for data supporting this assumption yielded negative results. We 1 wenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. 21 carved, is the older, while the lower portion may be immediately pre-glacial or even younger, thus explaining its well preserved character. This hypothesis gives to the foreland surface and that of the upraised peneplain a community of origin—both formed when the land was a peneplain and since separated by the faulting up of the Long Range. PuysioGRaPpuHic Hisrory. The present physiography probably took its birth at the close of the period of folding in which the Pennsylvanian sediments were the latest involved. Then was initiated that cycle of erosion resulting in the peneplain, the numerous rem- nants of which are so well preserved on the flat-topped uplands of the west coast. On the lowland thus created, made almost perfect by the end of the Cretaceous, the rivers, free to wander, ploughed their channels across the site of the present moun- tains. The close of Cretaceoustime is thought to have witnessed the uplift of the highlands of the west coast to an amount equal to about 800 feet, in which movement it is not believed that the foreland participated to a great extent. That it was below the wide upper valleys appears certain, otherwise they should be found engraved on its surface. This uplift inaugu- rated a new cycle in which these valleys were carved and the rivers once more became adjusted to the structure and assumed their northeast-southwest alignment. before the completion of this cycle it was interrupted by renewed uplift; but suffi- cient time had elapsed to bring the topography well on the way toward maturity. When the movement had reached com- pletion, the highlands of the west coast stood about 600 feet above their present altitude, this figure being derived from the depth of the drowned valleys:* and the distance between their summits and the surface of the foreland was increased by an average of about 1000 feet, the latter not participating to a great extent in the elevation. To what extent the east side was affected is not known but that it once was much higher appears certain. Following the elevation the deeply submerged val- leys of the west coast were cut. The striking U-shape of the upper valleys and the presence of strize on the foreland fix the time of uplift as pre-glacial. - Glacial time saw the island under a sheet of ice and then were developed the U-shapes to the upper valleys and the flaring out of the small valleys cut in the cliff face. The topography was softened by the chiseling exerted by the ice on its salients, and many rock basins—the beds of existing lakes—were carved. *Tt is possible that a part of this depth may be due to ice cutting below sea-level, although more than 100 feet has been allowed. 22 W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. Champlain submergence brought a loss of about 1000 feet in the relative elevation of the west coast (the depth of the drowning of the valleys plus the elevation of the highest terrace) and an equivalent amount is assumed for the east. Since that time the island has experienced relative uplift, intermittent in its nature, to an amount equal on the west coast to at least 400 feet. On the east coast the elevation has been differential in character, Daly* stating that the altitude of the highest beach (507 feet on Signal Hill, St. John) decreases northward. RELATION OF SETTLEMENTS TO COASTAL PHYSIOGRAPHY. An extremely close relation exists between the location of the settlements of the west coast and the coastal physiography. The larger settlements owe their existence to the presence of a land-locked harbor, and unless two such harbors are very close together a rather large settlement may be looked for in every one entered. Fish, alluvial deposits, and coves have been the conditioning factors in the location of the smaller settlements north of St. George, a protected cove in which small boats can find refuge and alluvial deposits on which a garden can be made. Most of the streams of the western coast have ancient deltas bordering one side or other of their entrances to the sea, and these places have invariably proved attractive to the settlers as places in which to locate their houses; so that the relation of hut to cove is exceedingly intimate, and one on rounding a headland expects to find a “livier’s” homet and rarely is he disappointed, the size of the settlement being correlated with the extent of the cultivatable ground, the protection afforded by the cove, and the excellence of the fishing. Note on LABRADOR. About two weeks were spent on the coast of Labrador, and here on the western end of the Strait of Belle Isle were observed elevated beaches in a magnificent state of preserva- tion, at least eight being seen at one locality, the highest of which was 350 feet above high tide. No careful measurements of slope were made, but the general impression is that they slope to the east, an impression supported by observation made with a hand clinometer. Some of the elevated beaches are covered with myriads of rounded bowlders exactly similar to those of the present shore, only the water being needed to com- plete the picture of a modern beach from which, however, shells would be lacking, as none was seen in these old beaches. * Daly, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., xxxviii, p. 259, 1902. + The name ‘‘livier” is used on the west coast for an inhabitant of a village. W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. 28 Above the terraces the Cambrian sandstones and limestones rise to about one level, presenting a flat-topped upper surface which truncates the structure. A trip was made westward along the coast to Brador Bay, the site of the ancient French settlement of New Brest, to examine the contact between the Cambrian and the gneiss. It was not found, having been completely eroded out by a river Fie. 8. Fic. 8. Elevated beaches cut in the Lower Cambrian sandstones and lime- stones, Blane Sablon, Labrador. Photograph by Charles Schuchert. which follows it back into the country, forming a lowland between the Cambrian strata and the crystallines. Inquiry along the coast elicited the information that this depression exists almost everywhere between the Cambrian and _ the eneiss. If this be correct, then the Cambrian strata form a cuesta and the line of contact with the Laurentians an inner lowland. CoNCLUSIONS. (1) The physiography of Newfoundland owes most of its detail to the structure and texture of the rock which have local- ized erosion along the zones of the softer sediments and frac- 24 W. H. Twenhofel—Physiography of Newfoundland. ture. Still other detail is due to variations in the position of the strand-line and the work of ice. (2) The extensive distribution of wide flat-topped uplands with local elevations of a few hundred feet, and the horizon- tality of the summit levels truncating an exceedingly complex structure, show the former presence of a plain at this level, assumed to be a plain of subaérial erosion completed in Cre- taceous time and correlated with a similar plain in the Appa- lachians. (3) The presence of faulting of great magnitude, the up- turning of the beds at the foot of the western face of the Long Range, the extreme straightness of this face, and the elevation on the foreland of large blocks of sediments no different from those contiguous, render untenable the hypothesis that the cliff face and the foreland are due to marine erosion, and practi- cally prove that the Long Range owes its origin to the faulting upward of this block from the foreland’s level. (4) Wide elevated fiat-floored valleys along the western face of the Long Range are thought to have been formed in an uncompleted cycle of erosion interrupted by renewed uplift of the Long Range in pre-Glacial time. J.C. Branner—Hydrocarbon Found in Braz. 25 Art. I].—A Hydrocarbon Found in the Diamond and Car- bonado District of Bahia, Braz; by J. OC. BRanner. Amone the minerals obtained by me in the diamond wash- ings of Bahia was one known among the miners as “gelo”— ice. The only specimen I have seen was originally about the size of a man’s fist, but upon drying it crumbled into angular lumps about as large as peas. It is jet black and opaque; it has a conchoidal fracture, a hardness of 2°2, a specific gravity of 1:51, and is very friable. The following note was sent me by my Brazilian friend Dr. Alencar Lima of Bahia in regard to this hydrocarbon: ‘“ This specimer is from the Caetano Martins diamond washings at Chique-Chique, State of Bahia. The diamond miners call it ‘velo’ (ice). It is found in the beds below the diamond-bear- ing gravels, and it occurs in big pieces, sometimes nearly as large as a man’s head. It is solid only so long as it retains its natural moisture, for as soon as it dries it becomes friable in proportion as it dries out. While it is moist it yields a black inky substance, but once dry it does not absorb moisture again.” I have had an analysis made of this material with the fol- lowing results: Analysis of a Hydrocarbon from the Diamond-bearing Gravels - at Chique- Chique, State of Bahia, Brazil. L. R. Lenox, analyst. Nec ie tona tine tee Dh Bes wR ONE By ee 19°43% Volatile combustible matter ____ __.. Seno A axedecanbom.e2 pte en ee cA OSO6 J CAS, Si I eA Ee ean a 5:07 100-034 The ash is mainly alumina with a little silica, calcium, and magnesium. Tested for solubility it was found to be: INSOLUBLE IN SOLUBLE IN Cold water Concentrated sulphuric acid Hot water (to a dark brown liquid) Alcohol Nitric acid Kther (to a dark brown liquid) Petroleum ether Strong potassium hydroxide Chloroform (to a dark brown solution) Benzene Carbon disulphide Hydrochloric acid 26 J. C. Branner— Hydrocarbon Found in Brazil. Professor F. J. Rogers of the Physics Department of Stan- ford University kindly tested the conductivity of this material, but, owing to the small size of the fragments and to its fria- bility, no absolute measure of its conductivity could be made. The general conclusion was reached, however, that it has a low conductivity, about like that of bituminous coal. As an insu- lator it is not as good as elaterite, Cuban asphaltum, or alber- tite. When I first heard of this hydrocarbon I thought it possible that it might be genetically related to the diamonds and ear- bonados of the region in which it was found. But the size and occurrence of these lumps in recent gravels do not bear out such a theory. Attempts to obtain specimens of this material from other localities disclosed the fact that the term “‘gelo” is also applied to material other than hydrocarbon. For example, Mr. Arthur R. Turney of Cachorros has sent me several specimens of what is called “gelo” at the diamond washings at Mosquitos, a few miles south of the city of Lengoes. The materials from near Lengoes, however, are simply hard beds of various thicknesses in the recent gravels. They are made up of sands and water- worn pebbles firmly cemented. They contain no lime and very little iron, and it is therefore inferred that the cementing matter is silica. Stanford University, California. W. A. Drushel— Hydrolysis of Esters in Fatty Acids. 27 Art. III.— On the Hydrolysis of Esters of Substituted Fatty Acids ; by W. A. DrusuHet. [Contribution from the Kent Chemical Laboratory of Yale Univ.—cexxviii. ] 2. Hthyl Cyanacetate. Wuen hydrogen is replaced by halogens in fatty acids the strength of the acids is increased and greater stability of the esters of such substituted acids than of the esters of unsubstituted acetic acid toward the hydrolytic action of water in the presence of a strong catalyzing acid, may be expected. It was shown in a previous paper* from this laboratory that the methyl, ethyl, propyl and isobutyl esters of chlor and brom substituted acetic acids have smaller velocities of hydrolysis in the presence of hydrochloric and hydrobromic acids than the corresponding esters of unsubstituted acetic acid. These results are in accord with the theory that a substance most readily undergoes hydrol- ysis if it is formed by the combination of a weak acid and a weak base.t In view of the results obtained from the esters of halogen substituted acetic acids it seemed desirable to make a further study of the rates of hydrolysis of esters of substituted acids. Cyanacetic acid being more strongly dissociated than the mono- halogen substituted acetic acids, it is to be expected that ethyl cyanacetate would be even more stable than the ethyl esters of these acids. However the great difference in the rates of hydrolysis of ethyl cyanacetate and ethyl chloracetate under the same conditions of temperature and concentration of ester and catalyzing acid, recorded in Table I, can scarcely be explained on this theory alone. The dissociation constants of acetic acid, chloracetic acid and cyanacetic acid are in the ratio 1: 86: 205, and the velocity constants of the ethyl esters of these acids taken in the same order have a mean ratio, caleu- lated from Table I, of 65 :4:2:1. The rate of hydrolysis of ethyl cyanacetate is lower than would be expected from a com- parison of the dissociation constants of the acids and the rates of hydrolysis of ethyl acetate and ethyl chloracetate. Preparation of Hsters.—The ethyl cyanacetate used in the hydrolysis experiments recorded in this paper was prepared from recrystallized monochloracetic acid by the method of Phelps and Tillotson.t Five hundred cubic centimeters of the crude ester were fractioned under diminished pressure and 200°™* of the pure ester boiling at 953°C. at a pressure of 12™™ were obtained. The ethyl monochloracetate was prepared by boiling for six hours with a reflux condenser a mixture of 100 * This Journal, xxx, 72. + Nernst, Theoretical Chemistry, p. 521. tIbid., xxvi, 267. 28 W. A. Drushel—Hydrolysis of Esters in Fatty Acids. grm. of recrystallized monochloracetic acid and 800°™* of abso- lute ethyl alcohol containing 1°25 per cent of dry hydrochlorie acid gas. The crude ester was separated from the excess of alcohol by fractional distillation and purified by the method of Phelps and Eddy.* Hydrolysis in Decinormal Hydrochloric Acid.—Purified commercial ethyl acetate, and ethyl cyanacetate and ethyl monochloracetate prepared as described, were hydrolyzed at 25°, 35°, and 50°C. by making decinormal solutions of the esters in decinormal hydrochloric acid in 250°" and 500° flasks fitted with ground glass stoppers and keeping the flasks well submerged in a thermostat during the course of the reactions. The reaction velocity was determined by titrating at intervals 25°" of the reaction mixture, diluted with 100™* of cold water, with decinormal barium hydroxide, using phenolphthalein as an indicator. For the purpose of comparing the velocity con- stants the three esters were hydrolyzed under the same condi- tions of temperature and concentration of catalyzing acid. The velocity constants recorded in Table I were calculated as for monomolecular reactions from the titration formula, K =" fog(T,-T.,)-1og(T.-T.)] since cyanacetic and monochloracetice acids are relatively very weak acids in comparison to hydrochloric acid, used as a cata- lyzing acid, although they are many times stronger than acetic acid. The results of the hydrolysis experiments are given in detail in Table I and in summary form in Table III. It will be observed that the velocity constants for ethyl cyanacetate are very much lower than for ethyl acetate and also consider- ably lower than for ethyl monochloracetate, in fact, lower than would be anticipated from the dissociation constants of the three acids, acetic 0°0018, monochloracetic 0°155 and eyan- acetic 0°370. This is the result which may be expected if the molecules of ethyl cyanacetate exist, at least in part, in poly- merized form in dilute acid solution. Hydrolysis in Water Solution.—Decinormal solutions of ethyl acetate, ethyl monochloracetate and ethyl cyanacetate in water alone were hydrolyzed at 35° and 50°C. and 25™* por- tions of the reaction mixture were titrated at intervals in the man- ner previously described. In this case the hydrolytic action of water is accelerated only by the acids liberated from the respec- tive esters, a simple instance of autocatalysis. The results were calculated in per cent of ester hydrolyzed at given intervals and are recorded in detail in Table II and in summary form in Table III. It would be expected that the ester which liberates the most strongly dissociated acid would hydrolyze | * This Journal, xxvi, 253. W. A. Drushel—Hydrolysis of Esters in Fatty Acids. 29 most rapidly. Table II shows that both ethyl cyanacetate and ethyl monochloracetate are hydrolyzed much more rapidly than ethyl acetate, and that ethyl monochloracetate is hydro- lyzed more rapidly than ethyl cyanacetate although cyanacetie acid is a stronger acid than monochloracetic acid. This again is the result which may be expected if the ethyl cyanacetate molecules exist partly in polymeric form in aqueous solution. Suspecting the rapid increase in acidity of the ethyl mono- chloracetate solution to be partly due to a decomposition of the ester molecule with the liberation of hydrochloric acid, a portion of the reaction mixture was occasionally titrated with decinormal silver nitrate. No measurable decomposition in TABLE I, Ethyl cyanacetate in N/10 HCl. A. At 25° C. Ethyl acetate Kthyl chloracetate Ethyl cyanacetate I II Tim ani. 1021 Tin min, + 108 K Panemin, 102K fin min. = 10°-K 0 0 0 0 180 ~=64°6 75 46:0 120 10°35 180 10°4 300 69°3 1120 46°] 1480 10°4 420) 10°9 390 69°] 2700 A5°7 2990 10°4 1280 LOet 1260 66°4 4000 46°3 4290 10°6 2730 10°2 1780 67°3 4510 45°] 5675 10°1 4390 9°9 2745 68°5 5770 45°8 7120 9:9 6010 9°8 3195 68°6 == ees — —- 45'8 10°3 10°2 Otel: B. At 35° C. 0 0 0 61 159°2 129 92°7 900 22°4 IAD 158°9 240 92°4 1105 22°3 240 158°8 360 92°4 1300 24°0) 420 159°6 480 92°4 1440 23:2 540 159°3 1650 88°5 2430 23°3 715 159°8 == 2670 23°2 === 217) 3780 23°0 159°3 —— 23°1 C. At 50° C. 0 0 0 5 491°7 20 318°9 20 75°0 20 496°4 50 321°9 50 78:0 390 4986 110 314°9 110 774 50 38 501°5 180 320°3 180 tile 80 8 500°0 240 321°5 1140 76°6 ETO, 2497-2 300 329°6 2970 76°8 180 493°2 —-—- — SS 321°2 76°8 496°9 30 W. A. Drushel—Hydrolysis of Esters in Fatty Acids. this direction was observed even at 50°C. The hydrolysis reactions apparently proceeded smoothly according to the fol- lowing equations : Cl-CH,-COOC,H, + HOHZCIl-CH,-COOH + C,H.OH, and CN-CH -COOUC,H, + HOHZCN-CH_-COOH + CHI@EE TABLE II. Ethyl cyanacetate in water alone. A. At 35° C. Ethyl acetate Ethyl chloracetate Ethyl cyanacetate Tinhr. @hydrol. Tinhr. 4 hydrol. Tin hr. —@-hydtok ) 6) 6) 50°5 0 50°5 6°6 30 2°5 1S 0°3 111°5 15°3 50°5 4-4 163°5 0°5 163°5 24°5 149 13°3 281 1°4 281 41°3 isco 15°8 385 2°2 385 52°9 201 22°3 476 owl 476 59°2 240 2'0°3 573 3°9 DTS 63°7 294 - O09 313) 38°1 B: At 50-6: 0) 0 0 24 0:2 2 4°2 2 Dial 53 0:4 : 24 9°9 24 3°4 76 0°5 53 35°4 933) 8°8 96 0°7 76 aloha 76 22°4 120 0°9 96 70:2 96 30°3 145 ie 120 80°6 120 38°8 145 87°9 145 48°7 TABLE III. Summary. Hydrolysis in N/10 HCl Ethyl Ethyl Kthyl acetate chloracetate cyanacetate oa 10° K 10° K 10° K PAL O22 C: Oiieal, 45°8 10°25 At 35°C; 159 3 Oey Zearal At -bO° CC: 496°9 321°2 76°9 Hydrolysis in water alone at ak 4g inhr. @hydrol. inhr. ¢hydrol. inhr. ¢% hydrol. At 35> C. 3347 1°8 oon Aes 337 38°1 At 50° C. 145 le? 145 87°9 145 48°7 Hydrolysis in Alkaline Solution.—Decinormal solutions of ethyl cyanacetate in decinormal and fifth normal solutions of barium hydroxide were placed in a thermostat at 25° and 35°C. The decomposition of the ester apparently took place in two W.A. Drushel—Hydrolysis of Esters in Fatty Acids. 31 stages. The first reaction proceeded too rapidly to make accu- rate velocity measurements, having reached an equilibrium in from five to ten minutes with a loss in the alkalinity of the solution nearly equivalent to the concentration of ester used. No apparent formation of ammonia occurred in this first reac- tion and it no doubt resulted only in the liberation of alcohol and the formation of basic or neutral barium cyanacetate accord- ing to the equations: CN-CH,-COOC,H, + Ba(OH),——> ~ CN-CH,—COO-Ba-OH + C,H—OH, or 2CN-CH,-COOC,H, + Ba(OH),—~> (CN-CH,-COO-),Ba+ 2C,H,-OH Several hours after the alkalinity of the reaction mixture had reached an equilibrium the presence of ammonia became apparent and clusters of needle-shaped crystals began to deposit on the walls of the flasks containing the reaction mix- tures. This reaction continued for several days at 35°C. and for more than two weeks at 25°C. with an increase in the amount of crystalline product and ammonia without any increase in the alkalinity of the reaction mixture. This reac- tion evidently consists of the hydrolysis of the cyanogen group with the formation of free ammonia and barium malonate according to the following equation: CN-CH,-COO-Ba-OH + HOH—>Ba(COO),CH,+NH,. ~ The crystalline salt formed in this reaction on analysis proved to be barium malonate. ~ Summary.—When ethyl cyanacetate is hydrolyzed in deci- normal aqueous hydrochloric acid the rate of hydrolysis is much lower than that of ethyl monochloracetate under the same conditions, the effect of the replacement of hydrogen by cyanogen in the acetyl group being a much greater depression of the velocity of hydrolysis than would be expected from the strength of the cyanetic acid generated in the reaction. In. water alone the hydrolysis of ethyl cyanacetate also proceeds more slowly than the hydrolysis of ethyl monochloracetate — although cyanacetate acid is more strongly dissociated than | monochloracetic acid. This marked retardation in the hydrol- ysis reaction in the presence of the cyanogen group may be due to an effect analogous to what in the esterification reaction is called steric hindrance, or the possibility of the existence of polymerized molecules of cyanacetic ester in aqueous solution may be suggested as an explanation of the retarded action. In alkaline solution the hydrolysis of ethyl cyanacetate pro- ceeds in two stages. The first is a very rapid decomposition of the ester into alcohol and the alkali cyanacetate, and the second is the hydrolysis of the alkali cyanacetate to the alkali malonate and ammonia. 32 OC. LR. Keyes—Less Mantle and Kansan Drift-Sheet. Art. 1V.—felations of Missouri River Less Mantle and Kansan Drift-Sheet ; by CHARLES R. Keyes. For the enormous deposits of loess which border the Missouri River a glacial origin has never proved a very satisfactory explanation. Their genetic relations have long continued to be one of the most puzzling geologic problems of the region. Regarding thein as wind-formed accumulations has only par- tially removed the difficulties presented. There have ee remained many seeming incongruities. So long and so closely have the southern limits of the drift- sheet, a remarkable belt of Bluff deposits, or loess, and the course of the Missouri River been associated with one another that something of a genetic relationship between them has been often inferred. The older glacial boundaries practically follow the course of the river from its headwaters to its mouth. _ In southeast South Dakota a younger drift-sheet also touches the great stream. Noteworthy among the peculiarities of the loess of the region are: (1) Its great thickness and conspicuous capping of the bluffs on both sides of the river, a circumstance which early gave it the name of “ Bluff Deposit > * ; (2) its effectual man- tling of the Kansan drift-sheet + ; (3) its position in many locali- ties both above and below the ‘drift + ; (4) its greater thick- ness and higher elevation on the east bluff of the river than on the west side, as first suggested by me in Missouri, and after- wards determined by Bain in Iowa; (5) its extension far for- ward from the drift-border§; (6) its expansion indefinitely backward over the Kansan drift- sheet | ; (7) its notable non- restriction to the immediate vicinity of the drift-border, but, as recently shown, its extension for great distances westward from the river ; (8) ‘its deposition on the surface of the country inde- pendent of hypsometric conditions** ; (9) the multiple terranal character which it displays in many placestt+; (10) its develop- ment beneath the Kansan drift-sheet.¢{ Sinee presenting §§ reasons, a decade and a half ago, arguing for an eolian origia of the Missouri River leess, the conclusions * Swallow : Geol. Surv. Missouri, 1st and 2d Ann. Repts., p. 69, 1855. + Todd: Missouri Geol. Surv., vol. x, p. 129, 1896. t Call and McGee: This Journal (3), vol. xxiv, p. 202, 1882; also, Todd and Bain: Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., vol. ii, p. 20, 895. § Todd : Missouri Geol. Surv., vol, x, p. 132, 1896. | Bain : Iowa Geol. Surv., vol, 1X5: ‘1, 1890. *| Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. xxii, 1911. ** Calvin : Iowa Geol. Surv., vol. xi, p. 444, 1901. tt Wilcox: Iowa Geol. Surv., vol. xiii, p. 716, 1904. tt Udden : Iowa Geol. Surv., vol. xi, p. 249, 1901. §§ Keyes: This Journai (4), vol. vi, p. 299, 1898. C. R. Keyes—Less Mantle and Kansan Drift-Sheet. 33 then arrived at have been without reserve accepted by Lever- en Bain,t Shimek,¢ Calvin,§ Udden,| and others who have worked in the region. When I first set forth this evidence I was inclined to derive all of the lcess-materials directly from the extensive mud-flats and sand-bars which line the great stream. ‘These sources no doubt are more than ample to sup- .ply the necessary matter for the loess deposits as they appear to-day ; yet it now seems probable, in the light of wider investi- gations, that a greater part of the silty materials comes from more distant localities. Although, at the present moment, quantitative determinations are not available, the volume of wind-borne dusts derived from the dry, upland plains to the west and settling upon and beyond the Missouri River belt must be very great. The latest considerations on this point suggest that not only the contiguous country and the semi- arid belt but the desert regions of southwestern United States are large contributors to the loess of the Mississippi Valley. - Notwithstanding the fact that it had been long known that the Missouri River loess extended forward from the limits » of the drift, there has been little attempt to ascertain the prob- able distances. In all physical respects, except perhaps color, the loess is indistinguishable from the so-called “ Plains marls,” which so deeply mantle the surface of Kansas and Nebraska ; and it cannot be told from the adobe soils of the arid regions that are unquestionably accumulations of wind-blown dusts. The recognition of the identity of the three deposits not only eveatly simplifies the consideration of their origin, but it indi- cates clearly the complete independence of formation of the loess and the drift. The similarity in physical characters is more than co-incidental ; and once the comparison is made of the three soils in the field there remains no hesitancy 1 in pro- nouncing them identical in origin. What is really presented by the drift and loess sections at the Missouri River is a marked overlap of eolian dusts coming from the southwest and of glacial deposits derived from the northeast. In spite of the fact that the eolic formations attain vast development in the region under consideration, their true relations and character are greatly obscured by the vigorous action of the rains, this belt being within the influence of inoist climate ; they are confused by the presence of extensive glacial formations : they are easily misinterpreted because the typical deposits have never been traced forward from the glacial boundary ; and they are not generally critically examined by * Zeitschrift f. Gletscherkunde, iv, p. 299, 1910. + Iowa Geol. Surv., vol. ix, p. 91, 1899. } Proc. lowa Acad. Sci., vol, xiv, p. 247, 1907. 3 Iowa Geol. Surv., vol. xi, p. 442, 1901. | Ibid., vol. xi, p. 248, 1901. Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtH SERIES, VoL. XXXIII, No. 193.—January, 1912. 3 : 34. OC. R. Keyes—Less Manile and Kansan Drift-Sheet. reason of the fact that continental terranes of eolic origin have been little understood. That the real nature of the deposits in question was not inductively established long ago is due largely to the circumstance that they were invariably approached from the side of moist-climate conditions instead of from the side of aridity. HIGoae It is quite probable, therefore, that towards the Missouri River the Plains deposits represent (1) a Tertiary leess-section of indeterminable thickness, (2) an extensive Pre-Kansan lcess which also once covered the country east of the river, but of which few traces now remain on account of its profound dis- turbance by the advance of the ice-sheet, (3) a lcess-sheet equivalent to the Kansan drift that is doubtless everywhere near the glacial border quite thin, (4) an extensive Post-Kansan loess, which is well developed west of the river covering the surface of the entire region, passing eastward over the Kansan drift-sheet, interlocks with the other drift-sheets in central and eastern lowa, and continues at the present time to form as rapidly as loess has ever formed in the past. The several rela- tionships are graphically represented in the accompanying dia- gram (fig. 1). Des Moines, Iowa. WZ. Schaller-— Crystallized Turquoise from Virginia. 35 Arr. V.—Crystallized Turquoise from Virginia; by Warpemar T. ScHALLER. Introduction. A sAmpieE of a bright blue mineral, from near Lynch Sta- tion, Campbell County, Virginia, was brought to the Geolog- ical Survey for identification by Mr. J. H. Watkins. As a few preliminary tests failed to identify the mineral with any known species, a complete study of it was undertaken. The results obtained show that the supposed new mineral is identi- eal with turquoise. The chief interest, however, lies in the fact that this turquoise is well crystallized and it was possible to measure several of the minute crystals and determine thereby the crystallography of the mineral. I am deeply indebted to Mr. Watkins for his kindness in furnishing the material (now deposited in the United States National Museum) and in allow- ing this description to be published. The matrix of the specimen consists of irregular fragments of glassy quartz of various sizes, cemented together by thin layers of turquoise crystals. On one side of the specimen the turquoise forms a drusy, botryoidal layer, cavernous in texture and including many small irregular fragments of the glassy quartz. The turquoise, with its many included quartz frag- ments, polishes well and makes a very handsome ornamental stone. ; The spheres, bristling with minute crystals, which form the botryoidal surface, average about two or three millimeters in diameter. The individual crystals rarely are as much as a third of a millimeter long, being usually smaller and much thinner. General description of mineral. The turquoise is bright blue in color and vitreous in luster. Cleavage is present, possibly in two directions. The mineral is brittle and has a hardness of about 5, though the minute size and brittleness of the crystals make it difficult to deter- mine the hardness closely. The density of the sample ana- lyzed, determined with a pycnometer, is 2°816, which, when corrected for the 12°57 per cent insoluble material (mostly quartz) present (see analysis beyond), gives for the pure tur- quoise the value 2°84. | Examined under the microscope, the crystals are clear and transparent and the material is very pure. Pleochroism is dis- tinct, from colorless to pale bluish. Extinction is inclined on all sections and, as verified by the measurements, the crystals 386 W. 7. Schaller—Crystallized Turquoise from Virginia. are triclinic. None of the sections showed a good interference fizure, though such as were seen indicated biaxiality. One cleavage plate, possibly parallel to J/(1 10), showed extinction of 12° against the vertical direction and 12° against the other edge (110 ~. 011%). A different cleavage section, of a rhombic shape, showed extinction values of 5° and 34° respectively, but the orientation of this piece could not be determined. The double refraction of the mineral is high, about 0:04. The refractive indices are about 1°61 for a and 1°65 for y. Lacroix* gives the value 1°63 for the mean index. Crystallography. The crystals are very minute and so closely grown together that it was almost impossible to obtain any suitable for measure- ment. One complete crystal was found that gave fairly good reflections and the measurements were verified by those obtained on a second, less perfect, crystal. A third incom- plete one also yielded a few measurements. The size of the first two crystals measured is as follows: 2 hierar (¢ axis) 32™™ wide (6 axis) “325 hie h (¢ axis) Cryst. No, Ho a wae. bt Cryst. INOV2 = Vane: -40™" wide (6 axis) “12™™ thick (@+axis)> The crystals are triclinic and in angles very near to those of chaleosiderite. In fact, the angular values of turquoise and chalcosiderite are so close that the erystallographical elements of chalcosiderite have been adopted for those of turquoise, as the crystals of the latter mineral are but poorly adapted for accurate measurements. Were it not for the knowledge of the crystallography of chalcosiderite Gsomorphous with turquoise, see beyond under chemical composition) which we possess, it is doubtful if the orientation of the turquoise crystals could have been interpreted. The values for turquoise are then: @:0:¢=0°7910: 1+ 06051; a= 92°58), B= 93° 300 > == eee Forms: 6 {010}, a {100}, m {110}, M7 {110}, & {011}. The comparison of the measured angles with the calculated onest are shown below. * Lacroix, A., Mineralogie de la France, vol. iv, p. 529, 1910. + These calculated values are, with one exception, taken from the values calculated for chalcosiderite by Maskelyne, Journ, Chem. Soc., vol. xxviii, p. 586, 1875 W. 7. Schaller — Crystallized Turquoise from Virginia. 87 Comparison of measured and calculated angles, turquoise. Measured Angle Cryst. No.1 Cryst. No.2 Cryst.No.3 Calculated (3 5S SST as Gn SES 9 SS Se 110 A 100 Be MO Ve a. ase 44° 50’ 100 A 110 31 14 3128 Sh, 25. 31 10 110 A 110 104 14 ps pan ae 104 03 104 00 110 A 010* 37 28 SOOT ee bias 40 54 Olin iO a 107 42 ODE EE Dn) Ves a os 105 36 OURO OWN rs ae. DOBRO OMY Wy aero 95 45 Rb Oates oe UO TOO Wie reese 109 36 OR rHOMOR hen so. 1 2G eee sree coke ETO £9 * The faces of {010} gave very poor reflections. Fie. 1. 3 m a MM M a) a mm Fic. 1. Turquoise crystal. b {010}, a {100}, m {110}, M {110}, & {011}. The forms a {100} and JZ {110} are large and striated ver- tically, a generally more striated than JZ. The prism m {110} is narrow and striated parallel to the edge (110) : (011). Between m and & {011} lies an undetermined small face very 38 W. TZ. Schaller—Crystallized Turquoise from Virginia. mueh striated.’. The clinopinacoid 6 (010{ is very small and uneven and gives a very poor reflection. The dome & {011} is the only terminal face definitely determined and is strongly striated on crystal-No. 1, while perfectly smooth and yielding an excellent reflection on crystal No. 2. It may be that the face of & on crystal No. 2 is acleavage face, as an easy cleavage parallel to this dome was noted by Maskelyne on Geer The habit of the crystals is shown in figure 1. The pointed appearance of the minute crystals is due ms the sharpness of the corners where the intersections of & {011} with the faces of the prism zone yield acute points. Chemical Composition. Abundant material was on hand for the analysis, which was made on carefully selected pieces free from all impurities except for the quartz. It was found that the mineral is insol- uble in boilmg hydrochloric acid, but after gentle ignition (when it has turned brown) it is readily soluble in acids. The mineral does not lose any water below 200° and retains its blue color at this temperature. Between 200° and 650° all the water is given off* and the mineral becomes greenish in color. On higher heating the greenish color changes to a brown. The mineral is infusible before the blowpipe but becomes brown. The average analysis is shown in the table below in the first column, while in the second column is given the same analysis with the insoluble matter (quartz) deducted. The ratios derived herefrom are also given. Analysis and ratios of turquoise. Same with insol. matter Ratios Analysis deducted = ———-*+-——--— 5 Oks Ss eee 29°84 34°13 “940 2°07 on 2 ATO: Ge eee Slo 36°50 °357 : te He Oe ee es 18 21 001 2 ae CuO Reese TESm 9-00 “113 “Oy stt ait 9 i @) & eee 17°59 20°12 ats 9°64 % 99°96 99°96 The formula derived from the ratios of the analysis is as follows: Cu0.3Al,0,.2P,0,.9H,0. * Nearly all of the water is expelled below 400°. W. 7. Schaller—Crystallized Turquoise from Virginia. 39. Following Penfield’s* suggestion as to. the relation of the hydroxy! groups, this formula can be interpreted as: CuOH.6[ Al(OH),].H,.(PO,),. I believe that. this formula expresses the definite composition of turquoise, and a comparison with other analyses shows that this formula is doubtless the correct one. Among the best analyses of turquoise is the one by Pen- field+ on material from Lincoln County, Nevada. This tur- quoise. was “ of exceptionally fine quality. . ... very fine- grained, of a beautiful robin’s-egg blue color, and broke with a smooth fracture. . . . When examined under the micro- scope, the turquoise seemed to be perfectly uniform, showing no evidence of being madeup of two substances . . . it acted somewhat on polarized light.” Density given as 2°791. In the following table are given the analysis of the turquoise _ from Virginia, Penfield’s analysis of turquoise from Lincoln Co., Nevada, and in the third column the composition calcu- lated for the formula proposed : Analyses of turquoise. Calculated for Virginia Nevada Cu0O.3A1,03.2P205.9H,0 ORS Cire oaths 34°18 34°12 124i O ees eae a ln es 36°50 35°03 36°84 CRO) ee re et 7B 1°44 et ay CuO wis oie es 9°00 8°57 9°57 PE OR cere VON 20°12 19°38 19°47 JBanS/o] PRS Cate Sea hai amis 0°93 ee 99°96 99°53 100°00 The agreement of the three analyses is very close, so that the formula OuO.3A1,0,.2P,0,.9H,O expresses definitely the com- position of this mineral. Of the other analyses in which the purity of material is not SO definitely known as in the two analyses just cited, there are quoted only those given by Penfield. The high alumina may be partly accounted for by the admixture of a little aluminous rock. By considering some of the iron present as ferrous oxide, FeO, isomorphously replacing the CuO, the analyses agree very well with the values ealcu- lated for the composition. The idea of Penfield’s that the composition of the mineral — should be expressed as [Al(OH),,Fe(OH),,CuOH,H],PO, can be more definitely fixed now, as the analysis of crystals of tur- _* Penfield, S. L., On the Chemical Composition of Turquoise. This Journal ; vol. Da P. 046, 1900. + Loe. cit. t Loc. cit. 40 W. T. Schaller—Crystallized Turquoise from Virginia. Analyses of turquoise. Persia. Russia. California. New Mexico. Clarke Caleulated Church Nicolajew Moore —————--+-————-_, sco 6 KOR 34°12 32°86 34°42 33°21 31°96 32°86 28.63 Al,O, . 36°84 40°19 [35°79] 35°98 39°53 36°88 37.88 Fe,O. - eS 2A5* 3°52 Pe i asia 2°40 4°07 2 CuQ_. 9-57 527 27°67 780 630 7°51 6°56 H,O.. 19°47 19°34 1860 19°98 19°80 19°60 18-49 Ser HL O-36¢ .--. .--- 1288 “54l) 4-207 —_— = oe 100°00 100°47 100-00 99°96 98°87 99°79 99°83 Dope s 2°75 2°S9 2°86 2°80 - *Given as FeO. The figures would be in better agreement with values ealculated from formula if the iron were considered in the ferrous condition. + MnO. t Includes some Fe.QOs. § Insoluble, 1°15; CaO, 0°18. || Insoluble, 0°16 ; CaO, 0°38. “| Insoluble. quoise shows that the Al(OH),,OuOH, and H are present in fixed amounts, namely in the ratioof 6: 1:5. Pentield’s own analysis agrees very closely with these figures.* The crystallographical measurements have shown the appar- ent isomorphism of turquoise and chaleosiderite. The formula given for chalcosiderite is CuO.3Fe,O,.2P,0,.8H,O,which differs in form from that proposed for turquoise by one molecule less of water. From Maskelyne’st description of the material used for the analysis of chalcosiderite it seems probable that the sample was contaminated by a little andrewsite, limenite and dufrenite. These all contain less watert than chalcosiderite, so that the value obtained is probably a little low and the true amount of water for pure chalcosiderite is higher than that given. The correct formula for chalcosiderite is then more probably to be written with 9H,O instead of 8H,O. The isomorphous char- acter of this mineral with turquoise is then clearly brought out. Turquoise, Cu0.3Al,0,.2P,0,.9H,O. triclinic. Chalcosiderite, CuO.3Fe,O,.2P,0,.9H,O. triclinic. Summary. In closing, the three main points developed in this paper may be briefly restated : (1). Turquoise is triclinic with the crystal form as determined. (2). Turquoise has the definite composition CuQ.3Al1,0,.2P,0.. 9H,0. (8). Turquoise and chalcosiderite are isomorphous. * Penfield deduced the ratios 7 : 1 : 6 from his analysis, but 6 : 1 : 5 is still closer. + Maskelyne, N. S., On Andrewsite and Chalkosiderite. Journ. Chem. Soc., vol. xxviii, p. 586, 1875. t Andrewsite has 8°8 percent, limonite 14°5 percent, and dufrenite 10°5 per cent water, while chalcosiderite has 15°00 per cent. F.. H. Lahee—Crescentic Fractures of Glacial Origin. 41 Arr. VI.—Crescentic Fractures of Glacial Origin ; by ¥. H. LAHEE. Tue terms, ‘crescentic fracture,’ ‘crescentic crack,’ and ‘erescentic cross-fracture, have been used in the geological literature* to denote certain short, curved cracks which have been observed, usually in sets, on the glaciated surfaces of hard, brittle, homogeneous rocks. Since these fractures bear a constant and definite relation to the direction of ice motion, as indicated by the striae, their origin has been reasonably attributed to glacial action. | During the past summer the writer discovered such an excel- lent example of these fractures on a ledge brought to his notice by Mr. R. W. Sayles, that he considered it worth while to make a detailed study of them and prepare the results for pub- lication. The ledge above referred to is one of a group of roches moutonnées of quartzite, situated on the unwooded eastern end of Northey Hill in Lisbon, N. H. According to Hitchcock,t this rock is a member of the ‘Coés group’ which was listed by him as later than the ‘Cambrian clay slate’ and earlier than the ‘Helderberg quartzites, slates, and limestones.’{ In his more recent paper,§ this quartzite is represented on the map (plate 43) by a heavy black line in the area of staurolite schist south of Streeter Pond. Lithologically, this quartzite varies from a rock which is friable, distinctly bedded,| and more or less argillaceous, to one that is very hard, massive, and nearly pure. Microscopic sections of the latter phase display a compact mass of angular grains, closely cemented together, with no signs of their orig- inal outlines. The compactness of the rock is demonstrated in the section by the sharpness of outline of the glaciated surface which cuts straight across the grains without peripheral crush- ing (fig. 1, a-6). The texture of this quartzite is medium. Most of the outcrops, especially on the backbone and north- ern slope of the hill, are of the hard variety. They are of typical roche moutonnée form, with the gentle stoss side on the north. The. surface on which the crescentic cracks are best developed, measuring roughly 600 square feet in area, is ' * See the following: Winchell, N. H., Geol. and Nat. His. Surv. of Minn., 6th Ann. Rept., pp. 106, 107, 1877; Andrews, Kd., this Journal (8), xxvi, 1888, pp: 101, 102, 1883 ; Chamberlin, hee OA Use G. S., 3d Ann. Rept., 1883, pp. 363, 364, 1883 : ‘and, Gilbert, & K., Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., xvii, pp. 308, 304, 1906. + Hitchcock, C. H., Geol. of N. H., vol. ii, pp. 275, 317, 318, 1877. t Ibid., p. 278. & Hitchcock, C. H., Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., xv, p. 470, 1904. al Stratification : N. 55°-65°R., 60°-80°N. 42 EF. H. Lahee—Crescentie Fractures of Glacial Origin. itself a nearly flat stoss slope which has an inclination of about 10° northeastward (in a direction, N.65°E.). Upon all these glaciated surfaces there is a high polish, and numerous, nearly parallel, fine striae trend N.7°-10°E. It is a conspicuous fact that the fractures occur on the northern sides of the roches Bie... Fic. 1. Section through quartzite showing glaciated surface (a-b), direc- tion of ice movement (arrow), and seven crescentic fractures, passing into the rock from a-b. moutonnées, and, further, that they are particularly well devel- oped near the crest of the hill. The crescentic fractures themselves are grouped in sets, or series, in which the separate members succeed one another at short intervals* in the direction of ice motion, that is, parallel to the striae. Each fracture is concave forward.t Its trac- ing on the surface of the rock is an hyperbolic-curvet of which the transverse axis is also the axis of the series to which that crack belongs (and therefore the general direction of ice motion). The asymptotes of the curve usually form an angle of about 90°. In any given set all the cracks are not of equal length; there are many short ones for each long one. Hence they are most numerous near the common axis (fig. 2). The position of the axis is not infrequently marked by a stria, or even bv a shallow groove which may be as much as half an inch wide; but such evidences of actual abrasion are not always present. ) At the surface of the outcrop, and near the axis, the fracture is distinct and clean-cut and it passes directly through those grains of the rock that may happen to be in its course (fig. 1); * In one case 60 to the linear inch, parallel to the striae, were counted. + We use forward meaning with the ice motion. Andrews, Chamberlin, and Gilbert, noted that crescentic cracks are concave forward and suggested this as a criterion for determining glacier motion. They also observed that, in this respect, these cracks resemble chatter-marks. In the present locality the shape of the roches moutonnées, the ‘ drag-lines’ on the lee sides of hard rock obstructions, and other features, are sufficient evidence for inferring that the ice advance was from north to south, and that the late Pleistocene local glaciers, which Hitchcock (Geol. of N. H., Ill, pp. 233-238) describes as flowing north and west from the White Mountains, either did not traverse Northey Hill, or, if so, were no more effective in caus- ing striation and the usual accompanying phenomena here than they were in the region over which he shows they flowed (Bethlehem, etc.). ¢ And therefore not truly crescentic. We use the term crescentie, how- ever, following the rule of precedence, F. H. Lahee—Crescentic Fractures of Glacial Origin. 43 but when traced outward, away from the axis, or downward, into the rock (as seen in microscopic slides), it often wanders between the grains and may jump small intervals and become echelon in habit, as in the case of echelon jointing. Within the rock the fracture surface dips toward the axis, or forward, Fig. 2. Fic. 2. Plan of a series of crescentic fractures. X-Y is the direction in which the ice advanced. a-b is referred to as the ‘length’ of the longer cracks. at an angle varying from 60° to 80° (fig. 1). As for their size, individual cracks range up to seven inches in length (a-40, fig. 2), although commonly this dimension is between 1/4” and 2”; and their depth is rarely over 1/4”. These crescentic fractures, then, are of glacial origin. Gil- bert has suggested that they may be due to frictional resistance between the ice and the bed-rock, locally increased by the presence of sand-pockets in the ice-base.* In view of this interpretation it is interesting to observe that the long north- ern slope of Northey Hill rests upon mica and _ staurolite schists which are very friable and easily pulverized. We are inclined, however, to attribute the cause to more concentrated action than could result from fine, disintegrated materials, even though they were irregularly scattered. Thus, as evi- dence for the operation of a pointed or edged tool are (1) the increase in the number of fissures toward the axes of the sets ; (2) the dying out of these fractures, not only downward, but also laterally, away from the axes; (38) the frequent association, in a particular manner, of striae and grooves with many of the sets ; and (4) the fact that the curves are hyperbolic. Accord- ing to this view, the tool, in each case, may have been one of the rock fragments with which the ice must have been loaded. It is worthy of remark that actual contact of this tool with the bed-rock does not seem to have been necessary for the pro- . * Op. cit., p. 304, 44. F. H. Lahee—Crescentic Fractures of Glacial Origin. duction of the fractures, sce many sets are not accompanied by striae or grooves. The scratch associated with a group of fractures denotes merely a greater intensity of the force which first occasioned these fractures; or, in other words, a set of fractures, in itself, is evidence of a less intense force than the set accompanied by a groove. The distribution of this force within the bed-rock seems to have been tensional. ‘If the friction on some spot is greater. than on the surrounding area, the rock just beneath that spot is moved forward in relation to the surrounding rock through a minute but finite space. This relative movement involves compression about the downstream side of the affected rock and tension about its upstream side...... rupture occur- ring when the tensile stress exceeds the strength of the rock,”* and this degree of tensile stress appears to have been arrived at rhythmically, as in the case of chatter-marks, since the cres- centic fractures are rather evenly spaced along the axis of any given series. Thus the crescentic fracture resembles the chatter-mark not only in form and orientation, but also in the method of operation of the forces involved. _ In addition to the conditions already mentioned, another is indicated by the position of the fractures, especially (and almost entirely) upon gently northward-sloping ledges on the north side of the hill near its crest. This is where the gray- ity component of reszstance offered by the hill to the onward motion of the ice would be practically nil and would be pass- ing into a gravity component of assistance to such motion. To the north of this place the ice was shoved up; to the south of it, the ice was pushed down. Topographic form seems to have controlled, to some extent, the production of the frac- tures.t Summarizing, we infer that the conditions important in the formation of crescentic cracks are: (1) a hard, brittle bed-rock ; (2) a relatively heavy body of ice moving over this rock; (3) the presence in the ice-base of abundant rock fragments either in contact, or nearly in contact, with the bed-rock ; (4) the origin of local tensile stresses within this bed-rock, near its sur- face, by virtue of frictional resistance between it and the frag- ments; (5) a gentle slope of the overridden surface toward the direction from which the ice is coming; and (6) the position of this surface near the crest of a hill, “that i is, between slopes opposed to, and dipping with, the ice motion, and conse- quently where there should be in process material changes in the relations of the interacting forces. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 24, 1911. * Gilbert, G. K., op. cit., p. 304.‘ + The writer finds no mention, in the literature, of the exact relation between the topography and other occurrences of the crescentic fractures. The conclusion just presented is drawn from the Northey Hill locaiity only. { Mixter—Heat of Formation of Titanium Dioxide. 45 Arr. VII.—The Heat of Formation of Titanium Dioxide ; oy W. G, Mixrer. [Contributions from the Sheffield Chemical Laboratory of Yale University. ] In 1909 the writer determined the heat of formation of tita- nium dioxide by the sodium-peroxide method. The value found at that time was 215,600°.* In an article+ which appeared shortly after the wr iter’ s, Weiss and Kaiser gave the results obtained by them by burning titanium in oxygen. The average of their experiments is 97,7 ‘79° for the heat of forma- tion of titanium dioxide. It will be seen that the value found by them is less than 50 per cent of the value found in this laboratory. This great difference led the writer to attempt the burning of titanium in oxygen. A preliminary test showed that a platinum tray or cup would not answer tor holding the metal in the bomb since the heat of the combustion melts platinnm. Furthermore it seemed best to have the particles of titanium separated as much as possible to insure complete oxidation. With this object in view the fol- lowing method was used. A weighed amount of cotton wool was placed in the hemispherical bottom of a sterling silver bomb having a capacity of 100°, and titanium in grains or powder was scattered over the cotton. The ignition was by ' means of a cotton thread suspended from a small wire connect- ing the electrodes in the bomb. The cotton wool burned instantly and scattered and ignited the metal. After the com- bustion the titanium oxide was found mostly in one globule sticking to the bottom of the bomb. It was white on the out- side but dark colored and crystalline on the fractured surface. In all cases the large globule was hollow, an indication of slight dissociation of the oxide with sudden fall of gas pressure owing to cooling. The titanium used in experiments 1 to 5 was from the same pulverized metal used in the work two years ago. It was ground again in an agate mortar and separated by sifting into two lots, one of grains a millimeter and less in diameter and one of powder. The former was used in the first three and the latter in the fourth and fifth experiments. It was shown in the previous paper that the metal was quite pure. The low calorimetric results obtained with the powdered sample raised the question of its purity and therefore it was analyzed. By the pyrosulphate method 0-4765 gram of the powder gave 97-2, and by solution in hydrochloric acid and precipitation with ammonia 0:2025 gram gave 96-4 ‘per cent of titanium. * This Journal, xxxii, 393 ; abstract in Zentralblatt, ii, 180, 1909. + Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., Ixv, 397. 46 Mixter— Heat of Formation of Titanium Dioxide. The average is 96°8. Presumably the powder had oxidized. For the sixth and seventh experiments another lump of titanium from the same lot as first used was broken up and only the coarser portion used. It dissolved too slowly in hydrochloric acid, hence a pyrosulphate fusion was made. The result with 0°3109 gram was 100°1 per cent of titanium. In the first five experiments all of the oxide taken from the bomb was washed to remove a slight amount of silver nitrate present. Then it was dried, weighed, dissolved in molten potas- sium pyrosulphate and from the fusion TiO, was obtained in the usual way. The weight of the TiO, obtained less that of the oxide taken was the amount of oxygen required to com- pletely oxidize the oxide. In the sixth and seventh experi- ments a better method was used, namely: a weighed amount of finely powdered oxide from the bomb was heated until it ceased to gain in weight, the color changing from brown to nearly white. To find the thermal effect of 32 grams of oxygen combining with titanium in the same ratio asin a combustion in the bomb, let m, = mass of titanium placed in the bomb. m, = mass of the portion used of the titanium oxides taken from the bomb. m, = mass of oxygen added to m, to convert all of it into Os « = mass of titanium in M.,,. y = total mass of oxygen combined in the bomb. beg ae =e —— : Perea mM, LL ee =n, Let A equal observed heat minus the heat due to cotton, then ii re: : ; 32 is the heat effect of 32 grams of oxygen combining with titanium under the conditions of the calorimetric experiment. In caleulating the heat effect of 32 grams of oxygen in experl- ments 4 and 5, m, is multiplied by 0°968 since the powdered metal used was found to contain 96°8 per cent of titanium. The table contains the experimental data and the results derived. The heat effects of 48°1.grams of titanium combining with oxygen in the same ratios as in the bomb are, owing to incom- plete oxidation, too low for the reaction Ti+O, = TiO,. They prove, however, conclusively that the heat of combustion of 47 of Titanium Diowide. con O Mixter— Heat of Format 00F'8IG .008°8IZ 0116-0 00F6-0 S8E0-1 1820-1 ¢910-0 $360-0 6169-0 1899-0 "SULIS 0008°F0Z 000‘T0% 28699 ol BF9 9066 oSOP S869 30889 oI8F-G Reva -C6LB GOL 2610.0 G060-0 G09S-T 8469.1 "sux 9 001063 6169-0 $¥<0-0 6069-1 100S‘F0G o88EP oh PE oGELP o9VF-S -VLET 8980-0 7620-1 g 00P'036 6E19.0 9860-0 SIIe-1 0008°80Z oh Sov 9886 ofG6GP 0496-6 -C8EI F1L0-0 0000-1 v 0008 ‘81% LGIL-0 1E8).0 4810-0 SOT. 0006°31Z oF68F 0996 s09TS ol 19-§ -66F1 8990-0 9S0T-1 g 001‘ 1 8EP79-0 6199-0 9610-0 S9Eé-1 0006606 oh OEP o61¢ o988P o48G-E -C9ET 861-0 6€00-1 G 0000°L 18 $689.0 2069-0 4400-0 7209-1 s009°F 1G 0909F o9GP 2680G o8PL-& -9G8T h ice = (CQ jo sues SE jo yooyo yor] (4) quoq ur pourq “M09 usedAXO [¥4OT, L-8P 1 o& 0} poeinbet uesixg Shan ae ("w) “eu Aq dn ueyey uosixo -(‘w) yonpoad u0ry -Snqulod Jo uolzI0g 7] I-87 JO yooye ywoaTzyT --- (y) uaskxo pue UWINIUBIT} JO JOOTO YVOFT ue = “OL, WAZ "= 0109300 jo,, D sa aa aa joao Jeozy [VAIOjUT o1njzerodute J, wie}sfs jo queyeamnbe 1038 AA See cam be 103409 Seema ("w) vanruesry, 48 Mixter—Heat of Formation of Titanium Diowide. titanium is over 200,000°. The mean of all of the results for the heat effect of 32 grams of oxygen combining with titanium is 218,500°. Excluding those of experiments 4 and 5 with the finely powdered metal, the composition of which is not aceu- rately known, the mean is 218,000°. The last two results are to be regarded as the best, as larger quantities of metal were used and the method employed for finding the amount of oxy- gen required to complete the oxidation was more accurate than the one used in the other determinations. The last two results give for Ti+0O, = TiO, (crystalline)+218,400% This is 1-1 per cent higher than found two years ago by the sodium- peroxide method,* which was 215,600°, for “the heat of forma- tion of amor phous titanium dioxide. Note on the Spontaneous Oxidation of Titanium in the Air. The powdered titanium mentioned on page 45 contained not over 97 per cent of metal. Another sample prepared from a lump of pure titanium was ground in an agate mortar from time totime. Then 2°028 grams were left for four months in a small loosely stoppered vial. At the end of this period the weight was found to be unchanged. Analyses were made as follows: One portion, 0°3067 gram, was dissolved in a beaker in hydro- chloric acid and a few drops of nitric acid were added and the solution was evaporated to dryness. Then the residue was dis- solved in hydrochloric acid. The solution was complete. Finally the titanic acid was precipitated by ammonia, washed, ignited, and weighed with the usual precautions. Another portion, 0°3119 gram, was dissolved in a platinum dish in hot concentrated sulphuric acid, to which a few drops of nitric acid were added. The solution was complete. The analysis was carried out as just described. The two results were respectively 96°6 and 97:1 per cent of titanium. The 8 per cent of oxygen found by difference corresponds to 7:5 per cent of dioxide or 12 per cent of monoxide of: : titanium in the powders analyzed. As only clean fragments of pure metal were pulverized, the conclusion is that titanium oxidizes superficially in the air. Since the metal does not gain weight, in time the oxide forms a protective coating. The only statement that I have found in the literature bearing on the question is one in Abegg, III, ii, p. 407, that Schneider found that titanium heated for 15 hours at 100°-120° gained in weight 0:06 per cent. * Loc. cit. NV. L. Bowen—The Composition of Nephelite. 49 Arr. VIII.— The Composition of Nephelite ; by N. L. Bowen. THE composition of natural nephelite is a much discussed question. The earliest formula, expressing the composition as that of a simple orthosilicate (Na,K)AISiO,, is now generally recognized as incorrect since analyses always show somewhat higher silica than this formula requires. The formula (Nak), AJI,Si,O,,, which is now commonly given in text-books of min- eralogy, obviously attempts to account for this excess silica. Several analyses of excellent material have, however, been advanced by different investigators as evidence of the incor- rectness of this formula. These analyses demonstrate that no definite formula can be assigned to nephelite since the excess of silica is variable in amount. Moreover, the preparation of ‘artificial soda-nephelite’, NaAISiO,, by Doelter and others, showing crystallographic and optical properties essentially those of natural. nephelite, demonstrated long since that this compound is the ‘essential constituent’ of natural nephelite. The writer recently prepared this artificial soda-nephelite and determined its properties. The marked degree of corre- spondence with the natural mineral is set forth in the follow- ing table: | Opt. Cryst’n char. @ € G habit NaAlsiO, (artif.) hex. -. 1°537 1°533 2°619 prismand base Nephelite (nat.) hex. -. 1°541 1°537 2°55-2°65 prism and base commonest Several different investigators recognized this essential rela- tion and sought to explain the composition of nephelite by imagining it to bea ‘mixture’ of NaAISiO, with a potash molecule, either K AlSi,O,, or K,A1,8i,O,,, or K,A1,8i,0.,,. Each of these potash compounds has a silica ratio higher than that in an orthosilicate, and its presence in variable amount was intended to explain the excess of silica and its variable nature. The preparation of soda nephelite by the writer, just men- tioned, was accomplished by fusing together Na,CO,,A1,O, and SiO, in the proper proportions. It was, however, found that a ‘pure’ product was obtained only with some difficulty on account of the partial volatilization of soda at high tempera- tures. When the ‘impure’ mixture first obtained was crys- tallized at a low temperature the microscope revealed nephelite Am. Jour. Scol.—FourtTH SERIES, VoL. XXXIII, No. 198.—January, 1912, 4 : 50 NV. L. Bowen—The Composition of Nephelite. and corundum (Al,O,). But the loss of soda gave not only excess alumina. but also excess silica, which, however, did not appear in any form, and therefore must have been held in solid solution in the nephelite. By mere chance, then, the explanation of the excess silica content of nephelite was hit upon. It is held in solid solution and is therefore variable, but no potash content is necessary. | This fact suggests that in natural nephelites potash and excess silica may be quite independent of each other. An examination of analyses proves that it is indeed so. This examination is readily accomplished with the aid of the follow- ing diagram, where composition is plotted on triangular coordi- nates with SiO,,K,O.A],O, and Na,O,A1I,O, as apices. Only the significant segment of the plot is shown. CaO has been deducted from the analyses together with sufficient Al,O, and SiO, to form CaA1,Si,O,. Each small numbered circle represents the composition of a nephelite. There is no apparent arrangement to the points. Obviously nephelites cannot be considered as a ‘mixture’ of soda nephelite with any potash compound, for all the points would then lie on the straight line joining these two composi- tions. Potash and silica vary quite independently. An experimental study of the composition of nephelite was begun by the writer by making up mixtures in which there was excess silica (deliberate) but no excess alumina. The com- position Na,O,AJ,O,,2.28i0, (A of diagram) was crystallized. below 1200°, the temperature being kept low to prevent the formation of the high temperature form of nephelite (carne- gieite). The product was a completely crystalline perfectly homogeneous mass with properties essentially those of the orthosilicate (Na,O,A1,O,,28i0,). The excess silica had simply disappeared in solid solution, as had been accidentally found before. Mixtures with still greater excess of silica were experimented with in the attempt to find the limit of solubility and the excess phase after solubility was exceeded, but the increasing viscosity, and the necessity of crystallizing at a low tempera- ture, prevented the formation of a determinable crystalline product. We have apparently a scanty amount of experi- mental results on which to base any conclusion, and yet when used in conjunction with facts known to be true of rocks, cer- tain conclusions may be drawn. It is more than probable that, had the attempts above men- tioned been attended with success, albite (Na,O.A1,O,.681i0,) would have been found as the excess phase. By analogy, then, with an ordinary aqueous solution of salt we would speak of our solution as one of albite in nephelite. The excess phase N. L. Bowen—The Composition of Nephelite. 51 Fie. 1. 357% Na,OA!,O, 69% SiO, 0Secda-nephelite ‘ 25 75 oN, Al, Si, O,, / 2.0 20 5 Leucite os 25 KAI, Si,0., ® Kaliophi hte 65% SiO, 35% K,OAI,O, 1. Hintze, analysis 23. 2. Foote and Bradley, this Journal, xxxi, 25, 1911. 3, 7, 8 and 9. Morozewicz, Bull. Acad. Sci., Cracovie, 958, 1907. 6. Adams and Barlow, Mem. No. 6, Geol. Surv. Can., p. 236. 10. Hintze, analysis 34. certainly would not have been silica, for the evidence from nature is that silica and nephelite do not occur together. The only other possibility is a compound of the type Na,O Al,0,2+78i0,, of which the most likely is albite, again from evidence in nature. 52 N. L. Bowen—The Composition of Nephelite. Foote and Bradley,* in a recent paper, express the opinion that the excess silica of natural nephelites must be regarded as present in solid solution. Their conclusion has the great advantage of being stated in modern phraseology, but there appears to be nothing in this view which is essentially differ- ent from and, therefore, refutes the older view of the pres- ence in variable amount of some compound of higher silica content. Foote and Bradley do, however, point out certain facts which suggest to the reader that the compound determining the excess silica is the soda compound albite and not a potash compound as the older views have insisted upon. One of these facts is that the nephelites are ‘saturated’ with silica when found in contact with the polysilicate albite, but Foote and Bradley themselves apparently consider that contact with sanidine should bring about a like result. Still more recently Schaller,+ seizing the truth in Foote and Bradley’s discussion, has made the explicit statement that nephelites may be considered as composed of the three mole- cnles NaAISi0,, KAISiO, and NaA1$Si,O,. The random posi- tion of the points on the diagram shows that the expression in terms of three components is a step in the right direction. Moreover the conclusion agrees with that indicated by experi- mental results. Schaller supports his conclusion by testing it against actual analyses and finds a satisfactory concordance. But it should be pointed out that this test alone is not decisive. Had Schaller tried KAISi,O,, or KAISi,.0,, or Na, ALSi,0,,, or NaAlISi,O, instead of NaAISi,O,, he would have found equally good concordance. This fact becomes obvious by reference to the diagram, since all the points representing compositions of nephelite fall within the triangles having for their common apices soda-nephelite and kaliophilite, and for the third apex the compounds mentioned respectively. It so happens that all natural nephelites on whose analyses we may rely are doubtful to this extent, and at first sight it would appear that there is no reason for choosing any one as a third component rather than any other. The synthetic nephe- lite (A), however, leaves us to choose only between Na, Al,Si,O,,, NaAISi,O, and NaAISi,O,, of which the most likely is, as we have seen, albite. It is probable that there are natural nephe- lites whose composition would lie above the soda-nephelite, orthoclase line and for which albite would again be the only choice. * This Journal, xxxi, 25,1911. +Jour. Wash. Acad. Science, Sept. 19, 1911. ¢ Nephelite from Denise, Haute Loire, France (anal. 7, Dana’s System), has a composition which would place it barely above the orthoclase, soda- nephelite line. The low summation in this analysis makes it probable, however, that no great significance can be attached to this fact. WN. L. Bowen—The Composition of Nephelite. 53 For a great many nephelites, then, mere expression of com- position in terms of three components may be accomplished in a number of different ways, but for a systematic method which we may hope to apply to all possible nephelites we must use the three molecules NaA]SiO,, KAISiO,, and NaAISi,O,, that Schaller has suggested. The artificial nephelite A enables one to come to this decision. The ability to come to this definite decision also makes it possible to predict when nephelite may be expected to be ‘saturated’ with silica. The presence* of orthoclase in a rock may be considered as having a ‘silicifying’ effect on nephelite, but this effect would be limited, for the resultant composition could never pass above the orthoclase-soda-nephe- lite line. The artificial nephelite A shows that the composi- tion may lie above that line. It is, therefore, only in the presence of albite itself that nephelites may be expected to be ‘saturated’ with silica. It would appear that the presence of jadeite should bring about a like result, but this possibility may be disregarded in nature. The presence of the jadeite molecule in dilute solu- tion in a hornblende or pyroxene would not have a comparable effect. Indeed this remark applies equally well to albite itself. If the albite molecule were present as oligoclase or andesine it would, theoretically, not have an equal ‘silicifying’ effect on nephelite, for a nephelite saturated with albite would be in equilibrium only with a plagioclase saturated with albite and the only plagioclase saturated with albite is albite itself. On the other hand, a nephelite found associated with anorthoclase saturated with albite should itself be saturated with albite. The conditions necessary for the saturation of nephelite with albite are so unlikely to occur that it may be safely said that natural nephelites are probably never saturated. Summary. 1. A diagram is given which shows that the composition of nephelites cannot be explained by assuming mutual solid solution of any two components. It is necessary to imagine solid solution among three components. 2. Mere expression of the composition of nephelites in terms of three components may be accomplished in a number of different ways. 3. From the results of synthetic work it becomes possible to decide upon one of these methods as the only one applica- * By ‘‘ presence” it is necessary to understand intimate association during the process of crystallization, not mere proximity. 54 AL fas Srom Montana. ble to all possible nephelites. The decision falls upon the three components NaAlSiO,, KAISiO,, and NaAISsi,O,, sug- gested by Schaller. 4. Conclusions are drawn as to when nephelite may be expected to be saturated with silica. Mineralogical Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Art. 1X.— Baddeleyite from Montana ; by Austin F. Rogers. On some corundum specimens from Montana, obtained from Ward’s Natural Science Establishment, the writer noticed a black submetallic mineral. The nature of the mineral was not evident at sight, but it was soon identified by physical and chemical tests as baddeleyite or native zirconia, ZrO,,. Baddeleyite is a very rare mineral, first described from the gem-bearing gravels of Ceylon by Fletcher.* It had also been found in decomposed jacupirangite (magnetite-pyroxenite) at Jacupiranga, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and was called brazilite by Hussak,+ who latert withdrew his name in favor of baddeley- ite. Hussak§ has also described baddeleyite from Ano, Sweden, where it occurs in magnetite-olivine segregations in nephelite-syenite. The specimens obtained of Ward’s were from Montana, but the exact locality was not stated. Similar specimens contain- ing baddeleyite purchased from Mr. R. M. Wilke of Palo Alto, California, are from the property of the Bozeman Corundum Company, which according to Pratt|| is fourteen miles south- west of Bozeman, Montana. Occurrence.—The baddeleyite is an accessory constituent of a gneissoid corundum-syenite containing microcline-microper- thite, biotite, and corundum, with subordinate amounts of mus- covite, sillimanite, and zircon. It occurs in minute crystals and rounded blebs with a maximum size of about 3™™. The baddeleyite is found in both the feldspar and the corundum, but is especially abundant on the surface of the corundum, and often adheres to the feldspar when the corundum erystals are broken out of the matrix. * Mineralogical Magazine, vol. x, p. 148, 1893. + Neues Jahrb. Min., 1892, vol. ii, p. 141. ¢ Min. Petr. Mitth., vol. xiv, p. 395, 1895. & Neues Jahrb. Min., 1898, vol, li, p. 228. | Bull. 269, U.S. G. ‘9. ae Cs 133, 1906. A. F. Royers—Baddeleyite from Montana. 55 Crystal Form.—The baddeleyite crystals are square-pris- matic or tabular-prismatic 1 in habit with only one well-defined zone with the forms {100}, {110:, and {010%. Eight crystals were measured on the reflection goniometer with indifferent results, the angle for (100 : 110) varying from about 44° to 46°. Finally, one crystal was found which gave the following meas- urements : Average Cale. er tt (44 oy 44° O5f 44> BG! 44° 94") 44° 90’ ft) O10") 45°31", 45° 35'.45° 38" «45° 35" «45° 40! 100 : 010 89° 57’, 90° 0',90° 0’ 89° 59’ 90° 0’ The calculated angles established by Blake and Smith* are given in the last column. For the angle (100: 110) Fletcher gives 44° 0’ and Hussak, 44°174’. The terminal faces are obscure and rounded, but on one crystal faces of the form {111} were identified by the fol- lowing measurements, (010: 111) = = 63° 15’ (average of 62° 30’ and 64° 0’), the calculated value according to Blake and Smith being 64° 18’. Physical Tests—The cleavage seems to be in four direc- tions, parallel to {100, 6110}, and $010:. The hardness is about 64, for it scratches glass faintly and in turn is scratched by quartz. The luster is submetallic or metallic adamantine. The color is black, but in fragments it is translucent brownish red. The donble refraction is strong, and the index of refrac- tion is greater than that of methylene iodide. Some fragments show several sets of twinning lamelle crossing each other. In thin-sections the baddeleyite appears as elongate crystals with almost parallel extinction and slight pleochroism, the greatest absorption being parallel to the length of the crystal. Pyrognostic “Tests—The mineral is practically infusible when heated before the blowpipe, but examination with a high-power microscope shows a slight sprouting on the edges. In the oxygen-gas blowpipet it is fairly easily fusible to a black globule. ‘In the closed tube it is unaltered. When heated in the platinum forceps it glows with a brilliant light, which recalls the fact that zirconia is the principal constituent of the filament of the Nernst lamp. Chemical Tests.—In fine powder the baddeleyite is insoluble in a sodium metaphosphate bead but is soluble in a borax bead giving a faint iron test. It is insoluble in aqua regia but is decomposed by strong sulphuric acid. .The hydrochloric acid solution of the soda fusion turns turmeric paper orange, and since no green flame was obtained with boracic acid flux this * Mineralogical Magazine, vol. xiv, p. 378, 1907. + See Luquer, Sch. Mines Quart., vol. xxix, p. 179, 1908. 56 A. I. Rogers—Baddeleyite from Montana. test is proof that zirconium is present. The acid solution of the soda fusion with ammonium hydroxide gave a white floc- ° culent precipitate which is insoluble in KOH, but soluble in oxalic acid. The sulphuric acid solution with ammonium hydroxide gave a precipitate which glows when heated in platinum forceps before the blowpipe. Baddeleyite as a Rock-formmg Mineral.—Baddeleyite is one of the rare accessory minerals of igneous rocks. Asar as known, it is confined to rocks low in silica, the jacupirangite of Brazil having only 38 per cent SiO,, and the present corundum- syenite about 44 per cent. The deficiency in silica is proba- bly the reason baddeleyite forms rather than zircon. Identity with Baddeleyite—F rom the presence of zirconium and the crystal habit one might call the mineral zircon, badde- leyite, or one of the zirconium-pyroxenes, lavenite, wohlerite, or hiortdahlite. It is distinguished from zircon by luster, hard- ness, and cleavage; from altered zircon by the absence of water, and from the three zirconium pyroxenes mentioned by the solubility and fusibility. The angles in the prism zone [100 :110: 010] agree better with the baddeleyite angles than with the angles of the other minerals. The sum total of the characters undoubtedly identifies the mineral as baddeleyite. Stanford University, California, September, 1911. Chemistry and Physics. 57 SCTENDIEPIC INTELLIGENCE. Il. CHEmistRY AND Puysics. 1. Uranium Hexafluoride.—Since no hexavalent halogen com- pound of uranium has been previously prepared, the preparation of the fluoride UF, by Rurr and HEInzELMANN is of considerable interest. It appears that a supposed previous preparation of this compound by Ditte was not founded on fact. Three methods were worked out for the preparation of the compound: 1. The action of fluorine upon uranium pentachloride ; 2. The action of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid upon uranium pentachloride ; 3. ‘The action of fluorine upon metallic uranium or uranium carbide. According to the first two methods the product consisted of a mixture of two fluorides, according to the equations 9UC1,+5F, = UF,+UF,+5Cl, and 2UCl,+5H,F, = UF,+ UF,+10HCl. The higher fluoride, being very volatile, is easily separated from the other one, but when prepared according to the second method it was separated only with considerable difficulty from the excess of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid. The action of pure fluorine upon metallic uranium gave, as Moissan had shown, a product consisting chiefly of the tetrafluoride, but it was found that when a little chlorine was mixed with the fluorine, complete conversion intu hexafluoride took place. The chlorine appears to act as a catalytic agent in this case. Uranium hexafluoride is a very volatile, pale yellowish, crystal- line solid which boils at 55° C. at atmospheric pressure. Its melting-point, 69°5° C., lies above its boiling-point, so that a pres- sure of about two atmospheres is required to melt it. The sub- stance is extremely reactive ; it is very sensitive toward moisture; it reacts with hydrogen even when cold ; the chief product of its reduction appears to be uranium tetrafluoride. Its reaction with sulphur is particularly interesting, as it seems to give a new gase- ous fluoride of sulphur.—Zeztschr. anorgan. Chem., \xxii, 63. H. L. W. 2. The Atomic Weight of LHatra-terrestrial Iron.—Since, as far as is known, atomic weight determinations have always in the past been carried out with material of terrestrial origin, it seemed worth while to Baxrrr and THorvarpson to make such a deter- mination on an element of meteoric origin. Iron was selected as the subject of investigation, and for the purpose a piece of a 63 lb. meteoric iron found in 1903 near Cumpas, Mexico, was used. After an elaborate series of purification operations, ferrous bro- mide was prepared and analyzed according to a method that had been previously employed by the authors in connection with ter- restrial iron. The results indicated no appreciable difference 58 Scientific Intelligence. between the atomic weights of the two kinds of iron, for the average of eight determinations on the meteoric material was 55°832, while the outcome of the results of the other work was 55°838.—Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., xxxiil, No. 3. H. L. W. 3. The Compounds of Ammonia and Water.—The question of the existence of the compound NH,OH in solutions of NH, in water has attracted much attention in the past, but while the theory of the existence of the hydroxide has been a plausible one, it has been opposed by several investigators. Smits and Postma have now shown from freezing-point determinations of mixtures of NH,and H,O that the compounds NH,.H,O and 2NH.,.H,O, corresponding to NH,OH and (NH.,),O, certainly exist, and that these are the only compounds formed. They melt at about —77° C. and —78° C. respectively, or a little below the melting point of pure NH., while there are eutectics between the two compounds and between each of them and a constituent. The existence of these compounds, although it gives no proof of their chemical constitution, undoubtedly strengthens the hydroxyl and oxide theory, for it shows that NH, can be regarded as combin- ing with water in the same way that an alkali metal does, for example, to produce KOH and K,O. It may be added that Ruppert has obtained the same results by freezing-point deter- minations as those that have been mentioned, but published them somewhat later.—Zeitschr. anorgan. Chem.,\xxi, 250. H. L. W. 4. The Quantitative Determination of Fluorine as Calcium Fluoride.—The usual method for carrying out this determina- tion, following Berzelius, is to precipitate the calcium fluoride together with calcium carbonate, and, after filtering and igniting the mixture, to dissolve out the calcium carbonate with dilute acetic acid and finally collect and weigh the fluoride. Srarck and THoriIn have made a modification of this method, which con- sists In precipitating calcium fluoride in the presence of an exactly known amount of an oxalate in a solution containing about two cubic centimeters of free acetic acid. The amount of oxalate should be about the same as that of the fluoride. The precipita- tion is made in the hot solution by the addition of calcium chlo- ride solution. The mixture, which filters as well as calcium oxalate alone, is collected on asbestos, dried at 210°C., and weighed. By deducting the known amount of calcium oxalate, the weight of fluoride is found. From the results obtained by the authors it appears that the method gives very satisfactory results, and it is evidently a great improvement upon the old method.—Zeitschr. analyt. Chem., li, 14. H. L. W. 5. The Volumetric Determination of Antimony in Alloys.— Dr. G. S. Jamrizson of the Sheffield Laboratory has applied Andrews’ iodate titration to this determination. The alloy, such as hard lead or solder, is dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid by heating to boiling, the residue is treated with a mixture of equal volumes of strong hydrochloric acid and water, the lead sulphate is filtered off and washed with hydrochloric of the same Chemistry and Physics. 59 strength, and the filtrate is titrated directly in a bottle in the presence of a little chloroform with potassium iodate solution until the color of iodine, which is produced in the chloroform, at last disappears. The reaction in the presence of the strong hydrochloric acid proceeds according to the equation 2SbCl, +K10, +6HCl = 28bCl, + KC1+1Cl +3H,0. Since tin, copper, and iron do not interfere with the method, it is convenient in many cases, and it appears to give very accurate results.—Jour. Indust. and Eng. Chem., ii, No. 4. H. L. W. 6. The Radio-activity of the Dirkheim Mineral Waters.— Since it had been found by Ebler in an examination of the “ Max- quelle ” water of Diirkheim that a certain amount of radio-activ- ity appeared to follow the alkali-metals, and since on this account it was suspected that a sixth alkali metal with radio-active prop- erties might exist in this water, EBLER and FELLNER, in connec- tion with an elaborate investigation of the radio-activity of these waters and their products, have made a further study of the question of the presence of a new alkali metal. The result, how- ever, 1s disappointing from a chemical point of view, for they found that potassium salts prepared from the water of this spring showed no more radio-activity than ordinary potassium salts.— Leitschr. anorg. Chem., \xxii, 233. He LA We | 7. Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards.—The third number of volume VII, recently issued, opens with a paper by L. W. AUSTIN, giving in detail the results of Some quantitative experi- ments in long-distance radiotelegraphy. 'These tests were carried on two years since under the auspices of the Navy Department ‘between two cruisers and the wireless station at Brant Rock. Measurements were made up to a distance of one thousand miles, their chief object being the determination vf the law governing variations of strength of signal with the distance. The results arrived at, briefly stated, are as follows : ““(a) Over salt water the electrical waves decrease in intensity in proportion to the distance as found by Duddell and Taylor. In addition they are subject to an absorption which varies with the wave length and which may be expressed mathematically by the terme “°. The complete expression for the received current is then K ie ee ad, fucka tl This is true in general for day transmission, ‘The absorption at night is entirely irregular, varying from zero to the day value, but is onan average much less during the winter than in summer. Variations also appear to occur during the daytime, but these are probably in general small. “(6) The received antenna currents between two stations with salt water between are proportional to the product of the heights of the sending and receiving antennas and inversely proportional 60 Scientific Intelligence. to the wave length, provided the antenna resistances remain con- stant. These experiments were carried on with flat-top antenna heights of from 30 to 80 feet and wave lengths from approxi- mately 1500 to 4000 meters. “(c) Taking account of the influence of antenna height and wave length, the above equation may be extended and a general day transmission formula written as follows : co 7 0:0015d - S L. le pin V7 Ad Ip = 4°25 where the currents are given in amperes and all lengths in kilo- meters. This formula has been tested for sending currents from 7 to 30 amperes, antenna heights 37 to 130 feet, wave lengths from 300 to 3750 meters, and distances up to 1000 nautical miles. “In regard to the value of the day absorption it is only possi- ble to say that the above expression is satisfied within the limits of error of the observations. It is quite possible that when observations are made at distances of 2000 to 3000 miles, the value of.the absorption coefficient will have to be corrected by 10 or even 20 per cent, as this amount of error could exist with- out discovery at the distances covered in these experiments. It is also possible that the square-root law relating the absorption with the wave length is only an approximation.” The other papers in the same number include one by C. E. Waters on the behavior of high-boiling mineral oils on heating in the air; another by J. R. Cain on determination of vanadium in vanadium and chrome-vanadium steels; by E. Buckingham and J. H. Dellinger on the constant C, of Planck’s equation for the intensity of radiation ; by T. T. Fitch and C. J. Huber on Amert- can voltmeters and ammeters; by P. G. Agnew on the current transformer ; and by H. S. Carhart on thermodynamics of con- centration cells. CircuLaRr No. 24 (pp. 41) gives a summary of the published work of the Bureau of Standards, which is remarkable in extent, considering the short time since the Bureau was established. Seven volumes of the Bulletin have appeared, the first in 1904-5 ; in all 174 papers are enumerated, some of these now in press ; these are here classified and their contents briefly indicated. 3. Geological Survey of New Jersey. Henry B. Keane State Geologist. Jron Mines and Mining in New Jersey; by Witiiam 8. Baytey. Vol. VIL of the Final Report Series of the State Geologist. Pp. xv, 512 ; 13 plates, 31 figures, 2 pocket maps. Trenton, N. J., 1910.—A large amount of data relating to the iron ores of New Jersey, distributed through some forty volumes of the Annual Reports, have been brought together in the present volume, which is thus a thorough presentation of all that is important in regard to the iron-mining industry of the state. Although the work is essentially a compilation, the thor- ° oughness with which the facts have been assembled will be | appreciated from the statement that every mine hole has been revisited and every mine dump carefully examined. As is well known, the iron ores of New Jersey are chiefly magnetite, which occurs in the pre-Cambrian rocks of the state. The larger part of the volume is devoted, consequently, to the general statement of the occurrences and origin of the magnetite, followed by detailed facts in regard to individual mines. An account is also given of the bog ores and of limonite, which in former years were extensively mined, although of relatively small importance at the present time. The occurrences of hematite are limited in number and have never been extensively mined. 4. Geological Survey of Alabama; KucEenr ALLEN SMITH, State Geologist.—The following Bulletins have recently appeared: No. 10. Reconnoissance Report on the Fayette Gas Field, Alabama; by M. J. Munn. Pp. 66; 2 plates, 2 maps. Pre- pared in cooperation with the U. 8S. Geological Survey. No. 11. Roads and Road Materials of Alabama; by WiLLi1am F. Provutry. Pp. 148; 20 plates, 2 figures. 5. The Data of Geochemistry, Second Edition; by FRanK WIGGLESWORTH CLARKE. Pp. 782 (U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 491). —The first edition of this invaluable work was published in 1908 and noticed in this Journal at that time (see vol. xxv, p. 458). In its revised and enlarged form it now appears with sixty-six addi- Geology and’ Mineralogy. 65 tional pages. The labor of the author in thus bringing the vol- ume up to date will be appreciated by a large number of workers in science. 6. American Permian Vertebrates ; by Samunn W. Wixt1Is- Ton. Pp. 145; 39 plates and many text illustrations. University of Chicago Press, 1911.—In this book Professor Williston brings together ‘‘a series of monographic studies, together with briefer notes and descriptions, of new or little-known amphibians and reptiles from the Permian deposits of Texas and New Mexico.” He does not think it worth while as yet to “enter extensively into many suggested morphological and taxonomical discussions.” We need “ more facts, many more facts, and I have little faith in any system of classification based upon our present knowledge of these older land vertebrates.” However, certain morphological problems are set forth and what the author regards as “ the legiti- mate conclusions regarding the immediate relationships of the forms under discussion” are given. The two wonderful graveyards of Permian vertebrates dis- covered by Professor Williston in Texas are described under the captions Cacops Bone-Bed and Craddock Bone-Bed, while some- thing is also added of the Permian locality of New Mexico. Many of the animals described in this volume are based on omplete or nearly complete skeletons, and herein lies the greatest value of the book. ‘Then, too, all of the illustrations were made by the author. The orders Temnospondyli, Cotylosauria and Theromorpha are defined, along with eight of their families and seventeen species. : C. 8. 7, Analyses of Stone Meteorites; by O. C. Farrineton. Field Museum of Natural History. Publication 151. Geol. Series, vol. iii, No. 9, pp. 195-226.—The author a few years since published a compilation of the analyses of iron meteorites, and he has now accomplished a similar work for stone meteorites. Some one hundred and twenty-five analyses are included, and to them the principles of the Quantitative Classification for terres- trial rocks, with some necessary modifications, have been care- fully applied. It is interesting to quote here the general average arrived at for the composition of stone meteorites, which agrees pretty closely with that earlier obtained by Merrill. AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF STONE METEORITES. PaO) Aiea, Bye nia WSLS at ele Sige ieee tai BONE 39°12 PUNO) 255 Ge20Gs sells Sosceseetl co: 2°62 Jel, (aR RS et edie 0s See meade eden ea °38 AO) amin OW nn eek Se ee Nae ee Se he le AD UES eA ace aig ah ne dee a 16°13 Si SOL) Maes SLES aC ate. Sn te ee Ra te deg 18 DNHIUG VE OES te il oe Rear ae eee ae a 21 MeO eles. ceie ss beecnrese cess ll. 22°49 RO AO)E bryan apneic Lege oe Mein Ce ke ES 2°31 Am. Jour. Sci.—Fourtu Series, Vou. XXXIII, No. 198.—Janvary, 1912. 5 66 Scientific Intelligence. Nase er ee a Sh he ie Re 81 REO eh dee i 2 De eee 20 PIO ee ee ss eee eee 20 He forte ber ae NV 11°46 NGS teh ih id fo eee 1715 Cor So Be Noe eS Soe ea eee 05 a ts I a ee ee 1°98 IP hh be hE Ah) Yea 04 P.Oe. ete ee 03 Owe sit tah FOS ee Bie ee eeeeae 06 Ni! Mn, Cu, Sn 2 22.5221 ee 02 WiO) ys. So 02 SnQ eo 2c ee er 02 99°82 The following table also gives the average composition of iron meteorites compiled from 318 analyses. Further, the proportion AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF IRON METEORITES. Bewecec kee ose oS a ee ee es Nile os Soe es Se A ee eee 8°52 CO ese ed 2 eed ee “59 ge S peel Baten) = (ay Ae ae a a Py REN cy eee Seer 04 CO? iri Se Lae pete sy ee "08 Ou den2 22S Sees Ce ee 02 Or one Se ee ee Ol 100°23 of elements present in meteorites of both classes has been com- puted as given below, following out the suggestion of the author that this may very probably correspond with the proportions of the elements in the earth as a whole. PROPORTION OF ELEMENTS IN THE HARTH AS A WHOLE AS DEDUCED FROM METEORITES. fron 22 oo fo eee ee 72°06 Oxyoen . 22... 3. 2 ee eee 10°10 Nickel 2... 22 2 oe eee 6°50 Silicon 205380. 2 oe ee "scan Ne et Daa as 5:20 Magnesium... 2.22 eee 3°80 Sulphur 222-23... oe 49 Oaleiums...<. 22, a ee 46 Cobalt. = 22. ee 44 Aluminium «..2° 25 39 podium 2.22. 2.5. Soe ee a 4 Phosphorus .. 2. ou 2. -S2ees ee eee 14 Chromium 2.2... =. 6) eee eee ‘09 Potassium °..-. 23: 3. See eee 04 Carbon ... ss. eee ee 04 Manecanese f° 152 2 ee eee 03 Other elements 4202) 2 eee 05 Geology and Mineralogy. 67 He closes with the following paragraph : The large proportion of iron in the constitution of the earth indicated by meteorites is in accord with the earth’s density, rigidity, and magnetic proportions. Assuming the density of . the rocks of the earth’s crust to be 2°8, which may be too high, and combining with it metal of the density of 7°8, which is an average of the density of iron meteorites, it will be found that 77°58 per cent of metal will be required to obtain a density of 5°57, that of the earth as a whole. This is very nearly that of the sum of the metals in the above result after eliminating the proportions present as oxides. Such a proportion of iron would seem to be in accord, as has been stated, with the earth’s rigidity and magnetic properties. 8. The Mineralogy of Pennsylvania. Part Two. Chemical Analyses ; Joun Everman. Pp. 25. Easton, Pa., 1911.—The first part of these contributions was issued more than twenty years ago, and was noticed in the Journal at that time (see vol. XXXVil, 501, 1889). ‘The present part contains chemical analyses of many species, and also records of new localities. Unfortu- nately the results of a large number of analyses made were destroyed by fire sometime since, but those here given are numer- ous and will be of value to mineralogists. 9. Praktikum der experimentellen Mineralogie ; von Dr. Ernst SoMMERFELDT. Pp. xi, 192, 61 text figures,1 plate. Ber- lin, 1911 (Gebriider Borntraeger).—This is a convenient little book for the student who must instruct himself in practical min- eralogy. It takes up briefly the successive parts of the subject, and on the chemical side is much fuller than the elementary textbooks usually are ; there is, for example, a chapter giving the fundamental principles underlying the phenomena of fusion and crystallization of substances under different conditions. 10. Uraninite from German Hast Africa.—The uraninite locality in the mica quarries of the Uruguru Mts., German East Africa, has recently afforded, as announced by R. Brauns, a large cubic crystal weighing 154 grams and measuring 3°5 x 2°5 X 2 cen- timeters. The specific gravity found was 7:7; that of the pure nucleus being 8°84 and of the crust 4°82. The locality was first described by W. Marckwald in 1906.— Centralblatt Min., 1906, ps 701; 1911, -p: 689. 11. Production of Platinum in 1910.—The increased demand for platinum in recent years, chiefly caused by its use in jewelry, and the resulting rise in price reaching $45 per ounce in Septem- ber, 1911, gives especial interest to the advanced chapter by W. Lindgren on its production in 1910 from Mineral Resources of the United States. Unfortunately the increased demand has thus far brought no considerable increase in quantity. In this country crude platinum is obtained in small quantities from the placer mines of California and Oregon. The amount for 1910 was 337 and 53 ounces respectively. The production of crude platinum in troy ounces for the world at large for 1909 and 1910 is given in the following table. 68 Scientific Intelligence. 1909 1910 BSBA ee Co et oe ae ae * 264,000, * 275,000 Womwd ar ooo os Soe tt ee beet ee eee * 30 * 30 New South Wales 2.10.4 7200 ee ee eee bees 440) 332 Maite te teh) Pe 2s eee a ee ae ee * 6,000 10,000 United. States, domestic crude 58 i XXXII, FEBRUARY, 1912. Established by BENJAMIN SILLIMAN in 1818, _ | THE ‘ a MERIT O A N | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Epiror: EDWARD S. DANA. | ASSOCIATE EDITORS ‘Prorrssors GEORGE L. GOODALE, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, _ W. G. FARLOW anv WM. M. DAVIS, or Camprines, | Proressors ADDISON E. VERRILL, HORACE L. WELLS, . LOUIS V. PIRSSON, HERBERT E. GREGORY AND HORACE S. UHLER, or New Haven, PROFESSOR HENRY S. WILLIAMS, or Irnaca, Proressor JOSEPH S. AMES, or Batrimore, Mr. J. 8. DILLER, or Wasurtneron. FOURTH SERIES 4 VOL. XXXII-—[WHOLE NUMBER, is | No, 194--FLBRUARY, 1912ysonian ins; /<** | FEBS NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. 4, ~. *UOns ; Mase be. Rh LA AED. acs lished monthly. Six dolla:s per year, in advance. $6.40 to countries in the Union ; $6.25 to Canada. Remittances should be made either by money orders, cd letters, or bank 7hecks (preferably on New York banks). NEW YEAR ANNOUNCEMENT. I beg to advise my numerous patrons that the past half year has been an exceptional one for Mineralogists, considering the number of shipments which I have received from home and abroad. My stock now consists of some of the choicest speci- mens of foreign and domestic minerals, a list of which would more than fill this page several times. J am always in a posi- tion to supply or procure nearly anything my customers desire, as my stock consists of the best quality specimens, both crystallized and massive, polished and ornamental minerals, cut and rough gems, also a number of Antique Cameos, Carvings, Mosaics, ete. In addition to the above I carry a full line of synthetic gems. Are you acquainted with my plan of sending shipments on approval for your selection? I shall be pleased to send am assortment of anything you may be interested in, you retaining what you select, returning the balance at my expense. If you desire to be up to date in seience, let me put your name on my mailing list as I am continually receiving new things of interest. Information and prices on anything, cheerfully furnished. Send for my descriptive circular. A. H. PETEREIT, 81—83 Fulton Street, New York City. Phone Beekman 1856. mf F . . ‘peacash tata gisele heal THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [FOURTH SERIES. |] oe Art. X.—A Study of Some American Fossil Cycads.— Part VI.* On the Smaller Flower-Buds of Cycadeordea ; by G. R. WiELAND. [Preliminary Notes published by permission of the oe Institution of Washington. | iy continuing the studies of silicified cycads begun in 1898 one of the most pleasing results obtained has been the discovery that some of the large and fine trunks at first thought to bear rather young fructifications are full grown plants, their flower- buds being in reality of quite mature pygmic type. Of these trunks, which evidently fall into several distinct specific series, the one to which most study has been devoted is No. 3 of the Yale collections. Originally referred by num- ber only together with various other Yale cycads and one U.S. National Museum specimen to Cycadeoidea dacotensis,+ this handsome columnar trunk or possibly branch is, as it now proves, in nowise to be confused with younger examples of that species. Instead it clearly agrees specifically with those notably beautiful branched trunks figured under the name Cycadeoidea Marshiana on Plate VI, figures 7 and 9, and on Plates “UL, WOOL aingl IOs snouts al of my American Fossil Cycads (Structure). Conversely, the superb branching trunk figured by Wardt and signalized as “the type” of Cycadeoidea Marshiana has not been found to present any real differences from Cycadeoidea * Parts I-III of these studies of American fossil cycads appeared serially in this Journal for March—-May, 1899, Part IV in June, 1901, and Part V in August, 1911: See also December, !904—The Proembryo of the Bennettitez, February, 1908—Historic Fossil Cycads, and December, 1911—On the Williamsonian Tribe. + Ward, Lester F., Cretaceous formations of the Black Hills. Washington, 1899 ft Loe. cit., Plates CI-CIII. Am. Jour. Sc1.—Fourta Series, Vou. XX XIII, No. 194.—Frsrvuary, 1912, 6 74 G. R. Wieland—American Fossil Cycads. dacotensis Macbride. In fact several cylindrical cores drilled from this latter trunk contain bispor angiate strobili well enough conserved to make it certain that they have the same structure as those cut from such typical specimens of Cycadeordea daco- tensis as Yale trunk No. 214, illustrated at length in my American Fossil Cyeads (Str uctur e), Plates XXX V-—XLII, and especially the handsome State University of Lowa flower- bud shown in the colored frontispiece and on Plate XXXIV. While likewise, bearing in mind that the present rectifica- tion is only one of convenience, this same fate of relegation to Cycadeoidea dacotensis appar ently awaits the fine National Musen m trunk nominated as “the type and only perfect speci- men” of Cycadeoidea Minnekahtensis ; for it too is a form with medium to large-sized fructifications, and of the two accompanying fragmentary paratypes the fine armor slab num- bered 24 in the Yale collections and also figured in the original description® has been studied at length and found to bea @. dacotensis. Nor can we reconcile either C. colossalis or Wellsii, the only other species of antecedent description, with the lesser flowered forms to which we wish to turn our attention. It thus follows from the material now before us and the trunks secondarily referred to by Ward in his original descrip- tions, as well as from the chronologic order of type discussion, that while ( lycadeordea Marshiana is an unassailably well- founded species, its actual characters are very different from those for several years thought to mark it. Instead of being near to and diflicultly disting uishable from C. dacotensis with large flowers of eighteen to twenty microsporophylls, C. Marshiana proves to be a small-flowered type with only eleven or twelve microsporophylls of distinctly reduced form. In fact these flowers are, as described below, the smallest of any in the silicitied series so far found complete. That several of the trunks of mueb smaller growth with far smaller fronds, like C. rhombica and the evidently branched C. nana, bore even smaller flowers, is known from various small fruits and ovulate cones, but not so far from complete flowers. These latter, however, appear to be distinct, in consequence of which C. Marshiana is now based on (1) the trunks men- tioned above as figured under that name in my American Fos- sil Cyeads, (2) those illustrated here, (8) certain other Yale specimens enumerated by Ward,t and (4) the magnificent quaaruply-branched specimen several years since transterred from the Yale collections to those of the Paris Museum. While a further specimen requiring examination in this cen- nection is the U.S. National oe trunk No. 2 figured by Ward as the type of C. Colez (loc. cit., Pl. CX). * Loc. cit.> Pi liaxexayaniite + Loe. cit. and in this Journal, Noy. 1900. Further Notes on Floral Structures. 5 Nor does it, adding yet another word, seem even remotely probable that any of the earlier named Maryland or European Cycads agree with or could ever be found to preocecupy C. Marshiana ; for the Maryland forms appear to be, in agree- ment with all European forms, distinctly columnar, while Cycadeoidea marylandica (Font.) Capellini et Solms is most like Cycadeoidea etrusca Capellini et Solms, the flowers of which have been briefly restudied by the writer thanks to the interest of Oapellini.* It thus transpires that so far as more definitely known the larger branching specimens from Minnekahta are mainly included in the huge, large-flowered Cycadeoidea dacotensis, which probably includes C. colossalis, C. minnekahtensis and several other species, with C. swperba as a closely related type. The medium-sized specimens, bearing in mind that it is the adult fruit-bearing plant that is spoken of, mostly belong to Cycadeoidea Marshiana ; and following this well represented type comes, amongst smaller forms of branching trunks, the interesting C. nana, further to be mentioned below. But a closer scanning of these various forms need not now be attempted, the only object of the preceding paragraphs having been to fairly explain what the true specific names of the flowers and parent trunks here considered really is. Though before turning to the description of the flowers of Cycadeoidea Marshiana, which is thus the main object of this study, it may, however, conduce to clearness both now and hereafter to observe that the changes in specific. assignments which must inevitably follow the closer study of the silicified cycads can scarcely be regarded as taking away from the net value of Professor Ward’s earlier determinations and descrip- tions based on macroscopic characters alone. In 1899 the writer published his opinion that it was fortunate for scientific uniformity that Professor Ward had studied the entire Ameri- can series then known; and this,view still seems just. True enough, when the trunks of the greater Yale collections assem- bled by 1902 came to be searched rigorously for the purpos® of matching isolated parts of trunks, the catalogue list savas reduced by about forty numbers, it being found that i some instances parts of one and the same trunk had reached the | Museum in different collections, sometimes received several years apart. And it also became evident that the great branch- ing trunks of the Minnekahta series as thus frequently disso- ciated in the course of collecting had in considerable part simply defied accurate assignment on the basis of outer characters. But, on the other hand, all subsequent study has indicated the substantial accuracy of the entire specific alignment first * See Historic Fossil Cycads, this Journal, Feb. 1908. 76 G. R. Wieland—American Fossil Cycads. proposed for the unbranched series of trunks from Black Hawk including: Cycadeoidea Jenneyana, ingens, aspera, for- mosa, Stilwelli, excelsa, and rhombica ; so that in the end the somewhat arbitrary use of macroscopic characters has proven an indispensable convenience. For not only is there rather more connectedness in the determination of the Ameri- can series of species than in the nearly equal number of Euro- pean forms, but these latter are on last analysis quite as distinctly based on macroscopic diagnoses and even more des- tined to revision. * * * + x“ aS ae The Cycadeoidea Marshiana trunk No. 3 of the Yale col- lection, as at once appears in figure 1, bears many partly eroded bract groups irregularly scattered all over the lateral armor surface, plainly indicating the position of the deeply imbedded fructifications. And as already noted, attention was first directed to these rather inconspicuous flowers while searching for younger fruits of C. dacotensis, it being at the time over- looked that such even when very young develop a huge pedun- cular axis as in the examples shown in Plate XX XIX, fig. 1, and on Plate XLI of the American Fossil Cyecads. NS ~ Te S> Te BYP IZ YNN SSS =) Anny ¢ E \ SS = Z ZI. SQV SS yy yy Ged Z a = A ¢ S if Y 1 Hh ly MY iy Ge ™ — 4 LY, G: ve DE pis ye Ws. y y a SS SX Led . Ze eS im ) a=, <———- ES re = Zs —-= yi WS \ WY WG Ce \ Wt LW \ ‘ ih ) Wyn N TN \ KK Qn mh if Da ) ) Fe SAN QRS A NN YI. NY RASS { HANG eae A Sas } IW ‘ \ ) y / hy ) Mi J Seth AGAIN) NY >a S DZ a} = Of 1.3.8. 728-1C Fie. 8. Oycadeoidea Marshiana. The series of transverse sections cut from the bisporangiate flower bud No. 2 of Yale trunk No. 3. The exact level of each is indicated by letter (B, C, a, 6, ec), and by section number in the longitudinal view, figure 2 B. Observe that the upper figures are more enlarged than the lower ones. At f are the fronds, and 0b’ shows the line where the bract ramentum rests in that of a leaf base.—UI and ll’ mark the trial saw cuts spoken of in the text. Note that the lower section ¢ (S. 717) traverses the level of disk dehiscence, while in the two succeeding sections 6 and a the disk collar is continuous. Between these two sections b and a the ovulate axis finally terminates, and between a and C (No. 728) disk division into the fronds f, f occurs.—Con- tinue to figure3 A. For exact size compare with figure 2. B.—Cf. continua- tion fig. 3A. 80 G. R. Wieland—American Fossil Cycads. THE Flower or Cycadeoidea Marshiana. I. Yale trunk No. 3.—Figures 2, 3, ete. The orientation of the series of sections of the sole complete flower obtained from trunk 8 will at once be apparent on inspection of the figures. And it will doubtless be granted that the lesser difficulty of limitation to this single example is more than compensated for by the resultant fixing of the period of disk dehiscence at a given immature stage of ovulate growth, even more accurately than in Cycadeoidea dacotensis. More- over the series taken as a whole is nearly enough ideal to dis- play the floral features with precision; while the traversal of transverse sections 717, 726 and 725 by trial saw-cuts and the necessity of using approximately tandem sections for the longi- tudinal view figure 26 has in nowise taken away from Mr. Barkentin’s figures. These have all that excellence lent alone by the study of serial sections by both author and artist with free use of photographs and joint verification of every detail. High oA C3ULA)S 761 Fie. 3A. Cycadeoidea Marshiana. Section 761, Yale trunk No. 3. x 10. Supplementary figure in continuation of transverse series shown in figure 5d. The section traverses the microsporophylls at a point just beneath the down-curving of the rachidal apices, the grouping of which plainly appears at the center of the figure. In this camera lucida drawing by the writer the ornate sculpturing of the sporophylls, and especially the grouping and attachment of the synangia plainly appear. The longitudinal section 714, figure 2B, stands at right angles to the base line of the present section, and cross reference to the several figures shows the location of all the sections. The silicification of the armor of trunk No. 3 does not extend to the clear indication of the finer tissues of the enclosed flowers, although all larger tissue zones and features are clearly stained and outlined. So that in the bisporangiate bud one clearly sees the main anatomical details, the peduncle with its wood zones, the course at least of the bundles given off, the bracts enveloped deeply in hairy ramentum, the out- lines of the disk and component fronds with the position of the disk and rachidal bundles (figure 3A, section 761), the pin- Further Notes on Floral Structures. 81 nules and attached synangia with quite well-marked traces of wall structure, and finally the central ovulate cone with its large pithy axis bearing the young zone of seed stems and interseminal scales. And we can also see traces of the sporan gia, either a young condition being indicated, or pollen shed- Fie. 4. ob \\ i We { y sa) Wig WZ SS = Cr CSAS ~N RG BN li \\ \ A YZ SSS Se | =f =—— ————————————— Fie. 4. Cycadeoidea Marshiana. Longitudinal and serial transverse sections through core in which are embedded two adjacent ovulate cones. x38/2nearly. The secant lines in sections 723-725 indicate the position of the longitudinal section 722. In the latter the position of the foregoing transverse sections is indicated. At § in 722 there is a mass of tissue left by the breaking down of a disk. 82 G. R. Wieland—American Fossil Cycads. 7 IOS A SSS SSS Fic. 5. Cycadeoidea Marshiana. Two transverse sections in series with those of the succeeding figure 6. All five were cut from the core 7 centimeters in diameter drilled from the larger drill hole noted in figure 1. The lower section is drawn from a polished surface. It traverses four peduncles, and is slightly oblique to their axes the upper of which is cut from 12 to 18™™ more proximally than the lower. Continue to figure 6. Further Notes on Floral Structures. 83 \ SV) JSS YSN if lf KG SSS eS [I SSQTHA Y) Ve > > SS 4) \ => nn =< pee poe Y LB YZ NS ZH DIEZANN Teo ieee Fie. 6. Oycadeoidea Marshiana. Three sections in series with those of figure 5. The upper transverse sec- tion No. 756 passes at a distance of 8 to 12™™ above S. 757, figure 5; and the two lower longitudinal sections 726 and 7 lie between S. 757 and S. 756 at exactly right angles to each other as marked. Hach of these sections traverses the basal part of an ovulate strobilus in which the young seeds are fairly distinct, and may even approach full size ; though fertilization is not thought to have occurred.—S. No. 706 and the preceding SS. of fig. 5 are shown x 7/8, and SS. 726, 7 are x 2 nearly. 84 G. R. Wieland—American Fossil Cycads. ding and sporangial collapse having occurred. The seeds show but little structure, being distinctly younger than those of fig- ure 6, already mentioned as showing testal zones and distinet nucellar sacks. Cell walls are however generally obscure: one cannot make out the bract structure; and similarly the disk and rachidegs, though very clearly outlined, appear only as an indistinctly granular groundmass traversed by lighter colored traces of the bundles, fortunately continuous enough to show the pattern of the bundle system. But even so the assemblage of fairly well-conserved features taken together with the entire outline of all organs affords a clear view of the form and general structure of the flower. On noting that seven rachides are to be seen in sections 726 and 728, and then comparing the series of decurved apices in section 761, figure 3a, it becomes evident that the disk divides into twelve small microsporophylls as in the young and quite small flower of Cycadella wyomingensis (American Fossil Cycads, figure 93 [) and the very large flowered C. engens of the columnar series, instead of dividing imto seventeen or eighteen large staminate fronds as in C. ducotensis and various of the Wellzamsonia staminate disks or flowers. The point at which the campanula splits into the separate fronds is accu- rately located between sections 715 and 728, figure 3, at a hight of about a centimeter above the apex of the ovulate cone, which is not a precisely fixable point because ending as a long thin brush of sterile organs at last almost hair-like. The length of the microsporophylls can only be estimated within fairly close limits because of the destruction of the mid-region of the bud summit by erosion; but estimating this loss at about one centimeter and adding for the decurved tips 1:5 centimeters, the full length of the microsporophylls appears to have been about 5:5 centimeters. Whence after allowing for the diameter*of the ovulate cone, the flower as imagined in an arbitrarily expanded form would have a diameter of ten or twelve centimeters. The rachis and pinnules, as one readily sees in the longitu- dinal section fig. 26 and the transverse section fig. 3A, are much moulded and furrowed by appression faces or even crin- kled, but withal in a manner producing ornate patterns where these organs are cut to advantage in regular-series. The pin- nules are broad of base and must tend to confluence with each other. They are a centimeter long in the mid-rachidal region and diminish much in length towards both base and apex of the frond; so that each frond if laid out flat would have a more or less elongate-elliptical acuminately tipped, pinnately parted to pinnately divided form. Further Notes on Floral Structures. 85 The synangia are well enough advanced in growth to outline themselves distinctly, being in reality better conserved than one might expect from the condition of some of the other tis- sues. But the individual sporangia cannot be clearly made out, and no distinct pollen appears. Inasmuch, therefore, as the synangia have only from half to two-thirds.the size seen in C. dacotensis buds, in which the size agrees with that of Marat- tiaceous synangial types, either a somewhat young stage of growth is indicated, or as is more likely, an incompletely devel- oped stage due to some failure in floral growth such as would readily have been produced by events leading up to fossil- ization. WiC 4. A. B LZ ZA SS LEFF x25, T3.8. 756. : 4. Fic. 7. Oycadeoidea Marshiana. Yale trunk No. 38. S. 756. Ramentum in transverse section,—study suggested for use in determining species. The area shown includes the line f f separating the larger leaf-base ramenta from the small bract ramenta. In both cases the hairs are characteristically one cell thick, except that occasionally the leaf- base ramental scales are thicker. [Compare with Bennettites Gibsonianus. | 8.780. Transverse section through core containing two ovulate cones which have shed their staminate disks. The section traverses the outer armor, and cuts through the ovulate cone of the upper axis, but passes above that of the lower. At 1 is the saw cut for the longitudinal section 728 shown in figure 2. A, q.v. Natural size. On the other hand, the possibility that the synangia lke the flowers were of small size, and the pollen all shed, should not be lost sight of ; and as bearing on this point the supplement- ary section No. 717 was cut in order to better bring out the fact that the disk bears the same appearance of wilting and dehis- cing just above the insertion as in C. dacotensis buds, where an approach to floral maturity 1s seemingly indicated. But in neither case is it necessary to assume that the stam- inate frond was normally of much larger size than here seen ; while the ovulate zone is already notably older than in the C. dacotensis buds, it even being possible that the mature stro- bilus of trunk 38 did not reach a markedly greater size than in 86 G. R. Wieland—American Fossil Cycads. the largest of the ten axes so far studied. (Cf. fig. 6.)\—A fairly well grown or mature C. dacotensis cone is shown in my Amer- ican Fossil Cycads, p. 67, under the name C. Marshiana, and on the opposite page 66, under the latter name, a form that belongs to some third species not yet satisfactorily determined. Cone species and the later growth of cones is, however, a long and difficult subject which cannot be taken up in connection with discussion of the partly uncertain growth stage of the flower before us. II. Flower-Buds of Yale Specimen No. 164.—Figures 8, 9. This superb silicitied cyead was made the subject of special description with reference to branching in my American Fossil Fic. 8. Fic. 8. Cycadeoidea Marshiana. Yale trunk No. 129. Exceptionally handsome trunk with fruits small and young, but of the same type as those of figure 9. Minnekahta, South Dakota. Cycads (structure), pages 41-43, and illustrated in relief on Plates VII and VIII. Here too, small fruits were supposed to be young until several thin sections showed the presence of mature flowers adjudged to be of the same species as those of trunk No. 3, although sections of the ovulate cones yet require to be cut,—this task not being relatively urgent since no change of name is involved in the specific reference of this cycad here and earlier made. — Further Notes on Floral Structures. 87 The first section cut is that of fig. 9A, showing distinct agreement of the staminate disk with the corresponding trans- verse section from the flower of trunk 3 seen in figure 3, section 728, and in figure 3 6. And the meaning of the section was further confirmed by a rigid search all over the surface of the trunk, taken point by point, resulting in the detection of a single additional example, clear of outline but previously over- looked. This flower has not been cut from the trunk, where it appears just as shown in figure 9 B. The synangia are apparently larger than in trunk 3, which is realiy yet another reason for supposing the flower of that trunk to be not quite fully grown. But caution in judging without thin sections is required, here or in the case of any flower or strobilus,—more | Migeeg)y A B Fie. 9. Cycadeoidea Marshiana, Two bisporangiate flower buds from trunk 164 of the Yale Collection. (For figures of this trunk see American Fossil Cyeads, Plate VIII et seq.) (A) Transverse thin section through the summit of a flower with nine microsporophylls. The section passes at some distance above the ovulate cone, and no decurved tips of microsporophylls appear at the center. En- larged about twice. (B) Drawing of a portion of the surface of branch (C, Plate VIII, Amer. Fos. Cycads) showing partly eroded flower bud. The mass of synangia and pittings corresponding to the rachides of eleven microsporophylls plainly appear. Shown in natural size. especially where but a few axes are studied. The number of disk divisions is clearly eleven ; so that while the study of this form still rests mainly on macroscopic features, there is little doubt as to its identity. _ Probable Habitus of Cycadeoidea nana of Ward. Figure 10. The subject of small cyead flowers and the branching habit is further illustrated by the quintuply-branched trunk of fig. 10, consisting in a central stem, two large basal and two lesser lateral branches. This exceedingly interesting specimen was 88 G. f. Wieland—American Fossil Cycads. collected by the writer himself while engaged in private explo- ration carried on in the Black Hills region throughout the summer of 1902. It was found after some days of patient search at the well known Minnekahta locality, supposedly ex- hausted by previous collecting. The specimen has an added interest and importance as one of the few trunks found in place. It lay on its side imbedded in a characteristic stratum of stra- ticulate clayey sandstone, and only a few square inches of the upper face of the main stem could be seen. Had this handsome and finely conserved specimen been eroded ont like most American and the Italian Cycadeoideas, the basal branches, which were already fractured across their Fie. 10. Fic. 10. Cycadeoidea nana. x 1/6. The main central stem gives rise to the two low-set branches I and IIT, and the smaller lateral branches III and IV. That numbered IV is the smallest and fails of the good preservation seen in the others. —Near the Roman numeral IV is located the ovulate fruit mentioned in the text.— [Minnekahta, 8. D., Author’s Collection. | junction with the main stem, would have become separated, and probably could never have been brought into their natural position. It is thus by good fortune that the trunk adds precious testimony to our knowledge of the branching types. Moreover, had one of the basal branches been found sepa- rated it would in all likelihood have been referred to the species C. nana,* hitherto with some reservation regarded as an un- * See Ward, loc. cit., pls. elvi, elvii. Further Notes on Floral Structures. 89 branched cycad. To this species therefore the trunk should be provisionally assioned. Although a rather young form, several fruits are present, and an ovulate strobilus one centimeter in diameter and about two in length has, m strong contrast to the C. Marshiana strobili figured above, the same flatly convex type of parenchymatous “cushion as C. Wielandi. Wheuce it follows that C. dacotensis with the allied C. superba, C. Marsh- zana, and C. nana, include a clear succession of forms passing from. the largest of compactly branched cyecads to lesser and finally small-sized and small-flowered, more freely branched trunks. The floral indices of this series are therefore distinct ; C. dacotensis having a larger disk of seventeen or more fronds and C. Marshiana a much smaller flower with eleven or twelve fronds, while in C. nana the disk is unknown but the ovulate cone varies from that of both the foregoing species in its con- vex instead of elongate parenchymatous cushion. And as will be illustrated in subsequent studies already fairly complete, this same transition from the elongate primitive type of stro- bilar axis to a convex or nearly flat parenchymatous cushion is as strikingly illustrated by the strictly columnar species of the Black Hawk lecalities. There too, an elongate axis is present in the fruits of the great C. engens and the tall C. Jenneyana, while the fine columnar trunk C. excelsa bears the largest cones with the shortened or reduced axis or cushion uve yet seen. % % * x % s A few of the suggestions arising from the present study of small cyead flowers in connection with the trunks that bear them may well be given a tentative record here. Much stress has been laid in my American Fossil Cycads on the process of branch formation with increased flower output, in view of which Cycadeoidea Marshiana and C. nana have much interest asnow shown to typify the extreme of branch devel- opment and floral reduction in the Cycadeordew. But it is not necessary to assume this family to be a direct derivative of simple stemmed types; its immediate ancestry may have had freely branched forms with much slenderer stems. Even with- out considering Cordaites it is obvious that free branching of gymnosperms and reduction of floral organs are very ancient. it is then among the Williamsonian tribe that the search for types of branch development and floral reduction must be con- tinued. Nor can the role of the threefold process of branching, sporophyll reduction, and acquisition of the angiospermous emplacement in older eycadophytans have been a meaningless one. This course of change must have been in evidence by Permian time, while Wielandiella with wholly reduced sta- Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtH SERIES, VoL. XX XIII, No. 194.—Frxsrvuary, 1912. 7 90 G. R. Wieland—American Fossil Cycads. mens shows it to have been far advanced in the Trias. It indeed suggests an evolutionary process that may well have been the most significant of all that went on amongst the plants of the early Mesozoic forests. Even in the Cy a side line reduction of flowers from Fic. 11. Cycadeoidea turrita. eee Mature seed containing em- bryo cut in nearly the true median plane showing the mi- cropylar tube of three layers, a heavy inner palisaded, a thin middle, and a lighter outer pal- isaded layer,—the tube interior being filled with a soft tissue. Two of the five to six wings of the ‘‘ blow off” appear. These are the smallest mature seeds of Cycadeoidea so far known. was obvious. primitive crowns had proceeded well beyond the mere limits of floral size in the Angiosperms, and the conviction grows that such changes were the identical ones responsible for the advent of these now dominant plants. Twelve years ago this seemed the first probability. To-day it is a theory undergoing demon- stration, whether we regard the Angiosperms as monophyletic or, as seems vastly more reasonable in the light of the once dominant eycadophytan plexus, polyphyletie. Cosmopolitan and plastic races, already ancient of lineage, are better conceived of as moving forward: en masse with little loss in diversity of features. Regarding the general outlines of such an evolutionary course, fair inferences were possible with Cycadeoidea alone well known. That this type had an ancestry in which spiral insertion of leafy fer- tile organs on a main axis was as distinct as in the female Cycas And that these organs were of strictly Cycadalean nature appeared likewise evident before the restoration of Wed- trichia, equally balanced in its characters between Cycadaceans and Cycadeoideans, or perchance even representing one of those long occulted Medullosans. But with thisform before us we know, in fine, that the more or less dis- tinctly monaxial insertion of fer- tile organs was long retained, that the whorl of stamens with disk growth early appeared, and that concomitant floral reduction ue branch formation were at least in part late. Further Notes on Floral Structures. ae Weltrichia, as an early member of the Williamsonian tribe, of which the habitus is now so fortunately known, Cycadeotdea, and Wielandiella thus stand in reciprocal relationship. The first is simple, primitive, cycadean, but fairly started on the course of change leading towards angiospermous floral types. The second has by reason of silicification added most to our knowledge, but its xerophytic, stereotyped features have long obscured our conception of how truly generalized the eycado- phytans really are in stem leaf and fruit. While the third with its slender freely dichotomized branches and laminar leaves, in reality but little removed from any pinnately net-veined type, has all but completed the process of microsporophyll reduction. More or less in contrast to this staminate reduction, the com- plexly organized Cycadophytan seeds are uniformly ancient of type. In their coats are best seen Cycadofilicalean or Pterido- spermous features that add not a little in gaining ideas of race relationship ; although at the same time both style and stig- matic surface begin to appear as structures of secondary origin and function. It is in the seeds that but recently the distinct resemblances to Gnetum have been noted that may go to indi- cate this as some long persistent non-plastic form that origi- nated when the great races preceding the Angiosperms began to convert Paleozoic structures to Mesozoic needs. And similarly the hiatus between flower and inflorescence, once held all but impassable, may be but slight if Zwmbou proves to be another such a laterally related but even older and more stereotyped line; it being quite conceivable that con- tinued reduction of lateral branches bearing, like those of Cycadeoidea, flowers derived from strobilar crowns, could finally give rise to Tumboan and other types of inflorescence. 92 Smith—The Occurrence of Coral Reefs Art. XI.— The -Occurrence of Coral Reefs in the Triassic of North America ;* by James Perrin Smiru. THE occurrence, in the strata of past ages, of reef-building corals of modern groups gives us our best record of climatic conditions in those times. The modern reef-builders are now confined to the tropics, and it is only reasonable to assume that they have always been confined to regions where the waters had a tropical temperature. No corals of any sort are known as yet in the Lower Triassic, anywhere in the world, although the Hexacoralla must have lived somewhere during that time, since they are known before and after it. In the Middle Triassic of the Alpine province reet-building corals occur, but are not abundant enough to form reefs. They are not yet described from any other region. Towards the end of the Upper Triassic reef-building corals became abundant in the Alps, where they have long been known, and where they formed genuine reefs that had an important influence on the topography. There they extend up to latitude 45° N., showing that in this epoch the Alpine province enjoyed a warm climate. The chief coral zone of the Alpine province occurs in the Noric epoch of the Upper Triassic, not far above the rich ammonite limestone of the Karnice epoch. The occurrence of this same coral fauna, in the same stratigraphic position, in localities far removed from the Mediterranean Region would be ample proof that the favor- able conditions were widely distributed over the earth in this epoch. This would also tend to show the probability of the amelioration of the general temperature, at least over the northern hemisphere, during this epoch. Reef-building corals have been found in the Himalayas in India in the Noric beds, but are not yet described; their evi- dence as to physical conditions is just as positive, even though we do not yet know by what names they should be called. In his studies of Triassic stratigraphy in northern California the writer was long ago impressed by the fact that the lime- stone there resembles coral rock, and fragments were found that suggested remains of corals. Several years ago this was confirmed by the discovery of abundant corals in many places on the limestone ridge between Squaw Creek and Pitt River, and on Cow Creek south of Pitt River. The general section of the Triassic of Shasta County is given below, to show the position of the coral zone. In the section given above, the thickness of the beds is only approximate, varying from the maximum near the junction of * Published with permission of the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey. in the Triassic of North America. 93 Triassic Section of Shasta County, California. Thickness 48 ©’s| Black slates, with Pseudomonotis subcireularis. ? 800 ft. (Ooh 2 Spiriferina beds, hard siliceous limestone, full of 5 brachiopods. 4 PAR MERAGG IE TE Sr 100 ft. Coral zone, with numerous reefs, of Astreidz, . e Tsastrea, Stephanocenia, Astrocenia, Tham- q nastrea, and Thecosmilia. Bo | S ceri Sa 2 4 3 Juvavites beds, hard limestone, with abundant s 5 Ss ammonites, Juvavites, Gonionotites, Disco- | 50 ¢4 a mo lees phyllites, Tropites Telleri, T. laestrigonus, : D Shue ete . ® hd =) . a 3 |ge P 2 N 2| Trachyceras beds, shaly limestone, with Trop- i Atlee: Ss ites subbullatus, T. torquillus, T. Diller, 50 ft a S Discotropites sandlingensis, Paratropites, r 4 B Trachyceras Lecontei, T. shastense, ete. Halobia superba shales, calcareous shales, full of 100 ft Halobia superba, and a few crushed Trachyceras. F Halobia rugosa slates, black argillites, with Halo- | , 150 ft bia rugosa, and crushed Trachyceras. 3 Z Unconformity ? © | : = BS +2 8 Black siliceous shales, altered tuffs, and igneous SO 8 / 9's aS rocks, with Ceratites conf. humboldtensis, |? 1900 ft. =a a 2) Ptychites, ete. Unconformity Rn Sa | Ae . 5 Nosoni tzffs and shaly limestones, with Fusulina i 2 elongata, etc. fora ol, (S| pS McCloud limestone, with Fusulina robusta, F. & cylindrica, ete. 1 Squaw Creek and Pitt River, to less than half so much on the North Fork, 15 miles to the north, where the limestone almost disappears entirely. The Tropites subbullatus beds are divided into two zones, each about fifty feet thick. In the lower are numerous Tvopites subbullatus, T. torquillus, T. Dilleri, T. Morloti, T. fuso- bullatus, Discotropites sandlingensis, Trachyceras Leconte?, T. shastense, Arcestes pacificus, Clionites, Halobia superba, and many undescribed species of Zropites, Trachyceras, ete. In the higher division, the /uwvavites or Atractites beds are 94 Smith—The Occurrence of Coral Reefs many, Jwvavites subinterruptus, J. subintermittens, J. Ldgar, Tropites laestrigonus, T. Telleri, Homerites semiglobosus, Discotropites Theron, D. Laurae, Pinacoceras rex, Marga- rites senilis, Gonionotites, Metasibirites, Choristoceras, and many other species, new and old, Tropites of the group of 7. Telleri, Discotropites, of the group of 7. Laurae, Atractites and Dictyoconites. A tew feet above the highest /wvavites beds lies the coral zone with reefs made up chiefiy of Astraeidae, [sastraea pro- Sunda, Phyllocoenra cf. decussata, Monthivaulica ct. Mojsvari, Thecosmilia ct. fenestrata, Stephanocoenia cf. juvavica, Thamnastraea cf. rectilamellosa Spongiomorpha cf. ramosa, ete. This coral zone was found from near Pitt River, east of DeLamar, northward to the North Fork, always in the same horizon, between the Z7opztes limestones and the Pseudo- monotis shales. A few miles south of Pitt River, near the junction of Cedar Creek with Little Cow Creek, the Hosselkas limestone out- crops again, and the coral zone is here well developed. The thickness is not so great as north of Pitt River, being reduced to not much more than one hundred feet, the Zropites beds having almost disappeared. Here the writer found in the coral zone banks or reefs of Zhecosmilia ct. fenestrata, [sas- traea profunda Reuss, Stephanocoenia ct. guvavica, Latumean- dra cf. eucystes, and Thamnastraea cf. rectilamellosa. At this locality, as on Squaw Creek, the coral zone lies well up in the Hosselkus limestone, and below the Pseudomonotis shales. In the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon, m Baker County, at Martin’s bridge, near the junction of Paddy Creek with Eagle River, the writer discovered in 1908 a small coral reef in the Upper Triassic limestones, of which a section is given below. j It will be noted that this section is entirely different, in the lithologic sequence, from that of Shasta County, California. Nothing lower than the Halobia shales was found, and the writer could not determine just what part corresponded to the Hosselkus limestone, since the Zvopites beds were not exposed, if they are present in that region. Nor could the Pseudo- monotis shales be found above the coral zone, probably being represented by the barren limestone. The lower shales, with Halobia ct. superba, were also found at the junction of the two forks of Eagle ‘River, at Anthony’s hydraulic mine, but there the limestones that should contain the coral reef are crystalline, and the fossils destroyed. Massive limestone is abundant on the North Fork of Eagle River, but they are everywhere changed to marble. in the Triassic of North America. 95 Section on Eagle River, Baker County, Oregon, Thickness Massive limestone without visible fossils. 60 ft. Dark brown argillaceous shales, with Halobia cf. austriaca, |1Qq f and other species of Halobia, and Daonella ? ; 5 Thin bedded limestone, with banks of corals, Thecosmilia a norica Frech, Spongiomorpha cf. acyclica Frech, Mont- AQ ft = livaultia norica Frech, Heterastridium conglobatum : a Reuss. (cd) = = Barren shales. 500 ft. Massive limestone without fossils. 100 ft. Caleareous shales, with Halobia cf. superba, H. cf. salina- | 30 ft. rum, H. cf. austriaca, Dittmarites sp. ? etc. visible Some years ago Mr. H. W. Turner discovered some corals in limestone in Dunlop Canyon, Pilot Mountain, near Mina, Esmeralda County, Nevada. These were sent to the writer, who pronounced them Jurassic, as reported by J. E. Spurr* upon this identification. A recent examination of these corals has shown them to be more probably of Upper Triassic age, which is in perfect accord with the stratigraphy. The species determined are: Montlivaultia cf. marmorea, Astrocoenia cf. Waltheri, and Pentacrinus sp. indet. The two species of coral are well known forms in the Noric beds of the Alps, and Astrocoenia Waltheri occurs also in the Norie coral zone of Shasta County, California. The Lower and Middle Jurassic of the Great Basin area are not known in the coral-reef facies anywhere. A few years ago Dr. G. C. Martin, of the U. 8. Geological Survey, discovered in the region of Cook’s Inlet, Alaska, some coral-bearing limestones. Among the specimens sent by Dr. Martin from this locality the writer has determined : J/sastraeca ef. profunda, Thecosmilia cf. fenestrata, Phyllocoenia et. decussata, P. ct. incrassata, Astrocoenia ef. Waltheri, Mont- livaultia cf. Mojsvari, and Spongiomorpha sp. indet. This coral fauna is undoubtedly the same as that in the lower Noric zone of Shasta County, California, and has several species in common with that fauna. This discovery of reef-building corals in Alaska extends their range northward from 45° in the Alps, and in the Blue Mountains of Oregon, to 60° N. Lat. The coral zone in Cali- fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Alaska belongs to the same hori- * Bull. 208, U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 102, 1908. 96 Smith—The Occurrence of Coral feef's, ete. zon, and contains the fauna of the classic Zlambach beds of the Fischerwiese in the Tyrolian Alps, that is of the Noric horizon of the Upper Triassic. The group of Astraeidae is abundant in all these localities, except in the Blue Mountains, and since they are still impor- tant reef-builders, and now confined to the hottest parts of the tropics, where the temperature does not fall below 74° F., it is reasonable to suppose that in Triassic time they lived under approximately the same conditions. This makes it probable, if not certain, that the sea had a tropical temperature up to 60° N. Lat., at least in the Pacific Ocean. Speculations as to ancient temperatures of the sea are inter- esting, but of much more importance to geologists is the fact that this Noric coral fauna gives us a new and distinct bench- mark, which in its marked characters and wide distribution equals that of the zone of Zropites subbullatus, and enables the positive correlation of strata that heretofore have been a puzzle to stratigraphers. Stanford University, California. Dale—Ordovician Outlier at Hyde Manor in Sudbury. 97 Arr. XII.— The Ordovician Outlier at Hyde Manor in Sudbury, Vermont; by T. Netson Datz.* In a paper on the geology of the north end of the Taconic Ranget the writer called attention to the generally divergent strikes of the Lower Cambrian and Ordovician in the town of Sudbury, Vt., as a key to the perplexing geology of the western side of the Taconic Range. These were regarded as pointing to a crustal movement at the close of Lower Cambrian time which raised the Cambrian beds, west of the later formed axis of the range, above water, and to their submergence in Ordo- vician time, which was followed, at the close of Ordovician time, by another movement which refolded the Cambrian beds with the Ordovician, in places producing a folded overlap pos- sibly accompanied by minor faulting. One of the pieces of evidence offered was a small outlier of Ordovician limestone in what was then the golf course of Hyde Manor, about 14 miles SSE. of Sudbury village and 54 miles about WSW. of Brandon, in Rutland County, Vt. Dr. Rudolph Ruedemann, ‘Assistant Paleontologist of New York State, in a recent paper§$ reproduced a part of the writer’s plate from this Journal and referred to the outlier in these words: “Tt is there quite probable that the whole folded plate of Cambric rocks has been pushed along a slightly inclined fault plane from the east over the Lower Siluric rocks, and that the outlier of Stockbridge limestone does not rest in a small syn- cline of the Cambric, as it would seem, but protrudes from below the Cambrie or is a “ Fenster,’ as the European geolo- gists term it (an outlier of younger rock protruding through older rock in consequence of extensive overthrust and partial weathering away of the overthrusted mass).”’ In July and August, 1910, the writer spent a few days at - Hyde Manor in order to determine the real relations of the outher and with the aid of two men and dynamite four exca- vations were made. The distances between outcrops and excavations were measured with a steel tape. Thin sections of the schist underlying the outlier on the north side and overlying it on the east were examined microscopically to fix the directions of bedding and cleavage. In May, 1911, the * Published by permission of the Director of the U. S. Geol. Survey. + This Journal, Ser. 4, vol. xvii, pp. 185-190, pl. xi, 1904. t Ibid., p. 187, footnote, also p. 189, middle, pl. xi, black dot on section. § Rudolph Ruedemann: Types of inliers observed in New York, N. Y. State Museum Bull. No. 133, 5th Rept. of the Director, 1908, Albany, 1909, pp. 190, 191, fig. 33. 98 Dale—Ordovician Outlier at Hyde Manor in Sudbury. Rie ae ‘ THE ORDOVICIAN OUTLIER AT HYDE MANOR ,SUDBURY, VERMONT. ence . Skea ee % i e eS we ——— . o s = . s . 2 > >: +. SI FE between.~\-. 7: uy “D+ dimest. & schist seat Ge f Grpovician’ 7 Foe ORDOV :. AE MESTONEC 60k ia See ReneS Soh aS CG ee SCHIST >. CRINOIDS = .+" 4 © 7? oy Sema eG, | CUECT ODS ' Shoe as 510 20 30 40 50 Feet SESS eet BED STRIKE XDIP lacaal CLEAVAGE: = = BED HORIZONTAL e ROCK EXPOSURE MW CORE DRILL HOLE ORDOV. LIMEST. OUTLIER . ESE. INTERFOLDED WITHE SCHIST ' True North SCHIST ORDOV. LI MEST. € ( probably) uti — locality was again visited and in company with Messrs. Arthur Keith, E. O. Ulrich, and C. W. Hayes of the U. 8. Geol. Sur- vey. More dynamiting was done at one old point and two Dale— Ordovician Outlier at Hyde Manor in Sudbury. 99 new ones. The Ordovician age of the outlier was definitely established by the admission by Mr. Ulrich of the finding of a Streptelasma and crinoids in it on a previous visit. Finally through the kindness of the late Mr. Fletcher Proctor, Presi- dent of the Vermont Marble Co., the writer was also enabled to have some core-drilling done, which was accomplished in December 1911. The results of all the excavations and of the core-drilling, and the structure at the important outcrops, are shown on the Hie. 2. EXCAV. I EXCAV. 2 EXCAV.6 C SCHIST F NORTH ELM CAV. . CORE DRILL IQ Inches | SECT.INPLANE DIPPING 45 W. "FENSTER THEORY INTERFOLDED OUTLIER THRUST PLANE — —.~. ee ae a —— } | f A eo op LLL T.N.DALE W. map (fig. 1) and also in the diagrams of fig. 2. The details are given in the following paragraphs. Excavation 1 (fig. 2, A).—A trench was first dug from a large outcrop of Cambrian schist east of the northeast corner of the outlier, and a continuous exposure of the schist obtained to its eastern edge on the north. Then blasting was resorted to. The schist was found to overlie the limestone and to dip 35° E. The limestone surface dips about the same, but at one point 45° E. Further blasting to a depth of 5 ft. below rock surface reached a small cave with water which stopped operations. The foliation of the limestone here dips about 35° E. ‘ 100 Dale—Ordovician Outlier at Hyde Manor in Sudbury. Excavation 2 (fig. 2, B).—At the northern edge and near its western side schist and limestone were found in contact along a steep E.—W. line, but at a depth of 5 ft. the schist was found to underlie the limestone. Both rocks have a cleavage foliation dipping 55° roughly E. But that of the schist dips SE. while its bedding dips 75° NW. and the lower contact surface of the lime- stone about 8° EK. That this probably corresponds to bedding is shown at a point east of one of the elms, where a small plicated bed of dolomite in the limestone is about horizontal and its plica- tions strike N. 15° W., which is one of the strikes typical of the Ordovician in Sudbury. Near the elm this horizontal bedding crosses a low easterly dipping cleavage, but on the east side of the outlier the small dolomite beds dip east, about with the cleavage. Excavation 8.—Here a trench was dug 3 ft. deep through soil to the schist and this was exposed by blasting to a depth of 14 inches. The schist foliation dips 40° eastward. | Excavation 6 (fig. 2, C)—A trench was dug from the Cam- brian schist north or northeast of the northeast corner of outlier, and the contact of schist and limestone was exposed by blasting. Both rocks were found to be interfolded in a direction at right to the strike but their relations deeper down were not determined. Outcrops near elms (fig. 2, D).—These elms are on the west side of the outlier. One is growing on it, and schist crops out in contact with limestone and has a foliation dipping east under it. South of the other elm the two rocks are within a few inches of each other. Excavations 4 and 56 (fig. 2, E).—Here a little trenching exposed a surface of schist 10 ft. long doubled on itself and embracing on the south a limestone fold, 5 ft. thick at its widest part. Two openings were made: one on the line of section showed the limestone dipping about 45° E. between two schist masses to a depth of at least 5 ft. The other exposed the apex of the fold with an axial plane dipping 45° E. The bed surface of the apex (not its solution surface) lies in a vertical E.-—W. plane and the schist surrounds the apex. The strike is N.20E. Limestone ledge west of outlier.—This contains crinoids and, has a marked foliation dipping eastward and entered on map as cleavage. The course of bedding is not clear. Core-drill hole (fig. 2, F).—In May, 1911, one or two charges of dynamite were put in at the point indicated on the map by a star which is about 10 ft. NE. of the northern elm. The lime- stone became exposed to a depth of 2 ft. 1im. At this depth Mr. Charles E. Connell, Supt. Brandon Marble Co., on Dee. 1, 1911, had a core drill put in, using crushed steel for an abrasive. After penetrating 5 inches of limestone the drill crossed 9 ft. of soft rock, which it ground up mostly into sand. This effervesces strongly with dilute HCl and under the microscope shows parti- cles of calcite, quartz and schist. The magnet extracts consider- able fine steel due to the abrasive. On Dec. 2 the drill struck Dale—Ordovician Outlier at Hyde Manor in Sudbury. 101 solid schist and went a foot into it. At the end of another foot the core barrel became clogged and was left in the hole with its core. As the limestone of the outlier contains some dark sericitic streaks, the calcitic, quartzose sand with schist particles, brought up by the drill, is evidently finely ground weathered limestone. The cores obtained consist of 4:4 inches of limestone, and 4:5 inches of schist in 9 pieces. ‘The pieces of schist all have a marked easterly dipping cleavage and one piece, an inch thick, has a quartz lamina crossing the cleavage. The diameter of this core along the cleavage is 23 by 24 in.* 3 Conclusions.—The isolated mass of Ordovican limestone on the old golf course of Hyde Manor in Sudbury, Vt., is sur- rounded and underlain by schists of Lower Cambrian age upon which it rests unconformably and with which it is nterfolded in synclinal attitude, and with which it is also interfolded on a part of its northern side in a direction at right angles to the strike, as shown in the section of fig. | and diagrams A—F and H of fig. 2. This interfolding of the two formations reappears 40 ft. northwest of the outlier, where a small limestone fold with an axial plane dipping 45° E. has a pitch lying in an E.-W. vertical plane. In view of the evidence, the application of the ‘“ Fenster ”’ theory of Alpine geologists to the relations in Sudbury as shown in diagram G of fig. 2 is quite untenable. Valuable as is the use of the imagination in geological investigations, geo- logical science is still best advanced by careful observation and induction. In this instance the induction has been verified by physical demonstration through core-drilling. The main mass of Ordovician limestone west of the outlier is probably continuous with that interfolded with the Cam- brian schists at excavations 4 and 5, and was, of course, once continuous with the outlier or the beds adjacent to it. A little north of the latitude of the outlier a well marked anticline appears in the Ordovician limestone and the alternation of tongues (synclines) of Hudson schist and of Ordovician limestone shown on the map of the original article on this localityt ealls for such an anticline at that point, but the outlier is so near a Hudson schist tongue on the southwest that the anti- cline can hardly be developed there nor is evidence of its pres- ence obtainable. The general importance of the outlier is that it is as yet the only point iu Western Vermont and Eastern New York where the Ordovician can be seen unconformably on the Lower * As questions may arise as to this drilling the names of the workmen are given : Geo. McBride of Brandon and Dennis Sullivan of Sudbury. Mr. OC. E. Connell of Brandon was also present when the solid slate was struck at depth of 11 ft. 6 in. from surface. + This Journal, vol. xvii, pl. xi, 1904. 102 Dale— Ordovician Outlier at Hyde Manor in Sudbury. Cambrian, the refolding of these formations at the close of Ordovician time having in other places obscured any original divergence in their strike. As on the eastern side of the Cam- brian belt, 2 miles nearly ENE. of the outlier, Cambrian and Ordovician are also in marked unconformity, a westward thrust of the Cambrian on the west side is not consistent with an eastward thrust of it on the east side, which the proposed “Fenster” theory would involve. Minor faulting may well have occurred on both sides in the refolding of two unconform- able formations, but it was a secondary element. The prime factors in the relations of the two formations are: a crustal movement at the close of Lower Cambrian; emergence and erosion of the Cambrian beds, followed by their submerg- ence and the transgression of the Ordovician, and finally another crustal movement, but at a slightly different angle from the earlier one, which refolded both formations. The little outlier is a structural specimen, still an setw and small indeed, but preserving the record of one transgression, two crustal movements, and two periods of erosion which affected several hundred square miles of the Taconic region. Pittsfield, -Mass., Dec. 16, 1911. ws Es. Wells—Color-Effect of Isomorphous Miature. 1038 Art. XIII.—On a Color- Effect of Lsomorphous Mixture ; by Horace L. WE Ls. . Ir appears to be a general rule that crystals composed of iso- morphous substances, in case either or each of these is colored, assume a color intermediate. between the colors of the com- ponents, and so faras the writer is aware, no unexpected colors have been observed in such mixtures. For instance, it was found in this laboratory several years ago* that the yellow salt Cs,PbCl], and the deep blue salt Cs,SbCl, gave green mix- tures, as would be expected. I have recently observed a curious color-effect when the Cs,PbCl,,t which was mentioned above, crystallizes with Cs,TeCl,.t Both of these salts form bright yellow crys- talline precipitates. The lead compound has the color of sul- phur, while the tellurium compound has a slightly brighter tint, but their colors are so nearly alike that they can hardly be distinguished without direct comparison. Both of the salts crystallize in isometric octahedra, like K,PtCl, and many other compounds of the same type. These two yellow salts of lead and tellurium are sparingly soluble in hydrochloric acid, and, therefore, are easily prepared. When the conditions are such that both are deposited at the same time from a solution, the product always has a bright orange-red color, which is the peculiarity of the isomorphous mixture. This bright red mixture was first observed in connection with the fractional crystallization of about 600 g. of the salt Cs,TeCl,. The object of this operation was to find if in this way any separation of tellurium into different elements could be effected, and it is sufficient to say that the results of a very extensive fractionation were entirely negative in regard to any such separation. The salt used for this systematic crystallization was prepared from crude tellurium, as it was considered best to purify care- fully the tellurium of the end-products, rather than the whole of it. When the fractionation had been carried on to a con- siderable extent, it was observed that the products at the solu- ble end showed a bright red color, and since this substance was not recognized as any known cesium double chloride, it attracted attention as a possible indication of the presence of the much-sought impurity in tellurium. However, a qualita- * Wells and Metzger, Amer. Chem. Jour., xxvi, 268, 1901. + H. L. Wells, this Journal (3), xlvi, 180, 1898. { H. L. Wheeler, ibid., xlv, 267, 1898. 104. H. L. Wells—Color-Lifect of Isomorphous Mixture. tive examination of the red product showed nothing unusual in it except the presence of much lead. Then it was found that it could be readily prepared by dissolving cesium, lead and tellurium salts in hot agua regia and cooling or evaporat- ing to crystallization. It should be explained that the pres- ence of the lead tetrachloride compound in the mother-liquor from the fractional crystallization was due to the presence in the hydrochloric acid solution of a considerable amount of nitric acid which had been used in dissolving the crude tellu- rium. The lead was an impurity in the latter. The separate salts Cs,PbCl, and Cs,TeCl, were prepared repeatedly from agua regza solution, but they gave invariably pure yellow products. Under precisely tbe same conditions when both tellurium and lead were present the products were always red, and there was no very marked variation in this red color when the proportions of lead and tellurium were changed considerably. The red products formed octahedral erystals like the yellow salts, and they were of similar size. It was suspected that the red substance might be a triple salt of cesium, tellurium and lead, but analyses of several crops showed that there was no constant relation between the lead and tellurium, and that recrystallization from agua regia changed the composition of a product very much by increas- ing the proportion of the lead compound. Therefore it must be coneluded that the products were isomorphous mixtures. The following analyses were made of separate crops of the red mixture, where V was obtained by a single recrystalliza- tion of LV: IT III IV Vv I CsrebGl wi say 412 553 477 570 88-4 ‘65 6) oe eae 57-6... | 44-8: 9 51-3 485) ee It is to be noticed that when the two yellow salts in separate, very small crystals are mixed, either dry or under hydrochloric acid, there is no development of any red color, so that it appears that light in passing from one kind of erystal to the other kind gives no unusual effect. Hence it is evident that the effect under consideration is due to the crystallization of the two things together. Sheffield Laboratory, New Haven, Conn., December, 1911. Rogers—Lorandite from the Rambler Mine, Wyoming. 105 Art. XIV.—Lorandite from the Rambler Mine, Wyoming ; by Austin F. Roars. 7 I am indebted to Mr. Berger, of Placerville, California, for an interesting specimen from the Rambler mine, near Encamp- ment, in southern Wyoming. This specimen consists of dark fine-grained massive pyrite, upon which are implanted barite crystals and well-formed crystals of orpiment. With the orpi- ment and barite are associated several orange-red realgar crys- tals and a single deep red crystal of what proved to be lorandite or thallium metasulfarsenite, TlAsS,. This is the 100 cleavage Ss = second known occurrence of lorandite, the. original locality being Allchar in Macedonia.* The crystal mentioned is an imperfect one, of about 4™ size, bounded by the faces of a rhombic prism with interfacial angles of about 90° (ealc., 93°) and by three cleavages in one zone, which is at right angles to the prism zone. Using Goldschmidt’s orientation,t the prism faces constitute the {110? form and the three cleavages are parallel to {100}, {O01}, and {101:. The accompanying figure (plan and side elevation) gives an idea of the crystal. All the faces but {110} are cleavages. The following angles measured on the reflection goniometer prove that the crystal is lorandite. The first mentioned angle was measured on a detached fragment, Measured Calculated HOW (ela yes OON(ely.) ==>. 24.1. 52°49" 52°27" COn (ely )eeLO(Ely.) 2250 2-.. Oa 51°49’ while the other angle was measured by mounting the matrix specimen on the goniometer, as it was feared that the crystal would go to pieces if detached from its matrix. The cleavage parallel to {100} is very perfect, that parallel to {001} good, and that parallel to {101} fair. The luster is adamantine on * Krenner, abstract in Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., vol. xxvii, p. 98, 1897. + Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., vol. xxx, pp. 272-294, 1899. Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtTH SERIES, VoL. XX XIII, No. 194.—FEesruary, 1912. 8 106 Logers—Lorandite from the Rambler Mine, Wyoming. the cleavage faces, but the prism faces {110} are dull. Even if bright they could not be measured on account of the close proximity of the matrix. Fragments are prismatic, non-pleochroic, and have parallel extinction. Lorandite is monoclinic, but the cleavages are in the zone of the ortho-axis and so have parallel extinction. On charcoal lorandite fuses easily to a black globule, color- ing the flame bright green. It gives a green flame when fused on platinum wire and alloys with the platinum. In the closed tube it fuses to black globules, giving a black and red subli- mate and also minute colorless adamantine crystals of As,O,,. The lorandite is soluble in nitric acid, turning yellow. With chloroplatinic acid the solution gives a light yellow precipitate (T],PtCl,). After evaporating off the nitric acid, potassium iodide gives a yellow precipitate (TII). The nitric acid solu- tion with hydrochloric acid gives a white precipitate (TICl). With the spectroscope this white precipitate of thallium chloride gave a single bright line in the green. With a pure thallium salt the green line appeared at exactly the same position. Although the blowpipe and chemical tests were made with a very limited amount of material consisting of minute detached fragments, the identity of the mineral with lorandite is well established. The spectroscope proves it to bea thallium mineral and the goniometrical measurements prove it to have the crystal form of lorandite. The blowpipe and chemical tests are confirmatory. Stanford University, California, Oct. 1911. CO. Barus—LRate of Decay of Nucler. 107 Art. XV.—The Rate of Decay of Different Sizes of Nuclei, Determined by Arid of the Coronas of Cloudy Condensa- tion ;* by C. Barus. A SERIES of experiments into which I entered at some length and which, though from the nature of the experiment they cannot lay claim to a high order of precision, nevertheless lead to very definite results, are contained in the following table, which is an example of many similar results. These nuclei were produced by X-rays (of moderate intensity) in an alumi- num-covered fog chamber, with short exposures to the radia- tion. The data show that no persistent nuclei of the usual large type appreciably occur, since these, if present, require almost no supersaturation of moist air, for condensation. Moreover, the vapor nuclei of dust-free wet air are not caught in my fog chamber, im the presence of ions, or else their num- ber is specially determined and small in comparison with the nuclei here obtained by the X-rays. This premised, the table gives the relative drop of pressure 6p/p from p, the lapse of _ TasuE.—Decay of different sizes of nuclei (radius r), the number n present being determined by the coronas of cloudy condensation. dn/dt = — bn’. t op/p Lapse, sec. wx Os? bx 10 pr ht 26 0 73°8 43 "66 se 30 °9 ae mss =a 15 1°3 te Sk 28 0 484° 2 61 ae 30 15°7 ai ses °30 15 32°8 3 54 es 60 6°4 a a 33 15 36°8 “4 48 ae 60 29°7 Be or =. 30 29° Bee ae 120 PANES) = 240 6°2 a IDE fay, 44 = 15 55° rh 30 113°5 Be 60 86°7 ae 120 55°0 Be 240 38°8 oe 41). £, air 31°3 ae “= * Abridged from the Report to the Carnegie Institution of Washington, LD ENOE 108 C. Barus—Rate of Decay of Nuclei. time, ¢, between the instant the X-radiation is cut off and the instant of the ‘exhaustion made to catch the remaining ions, together with the number of nuclei, n, per cu. em. caught, as estimated from the apertures of the corresponding coronas. The column 7 is an estimate of the size of nuclei, obtained trom the drop of pressure 6p, and 0 is the rate of decay. In the table, the nucleation discovered in dust-free wet air at any drop of pressure 6p/p, in the absence of X-radiation is always relatively small, even at the highest exhaustions made. Never- theless, the persistence of these nuclei, surviving as much as even ten minutes after exposure, is remarkably large, as if all nuclei (vapor nuclei and ions) were eventually caught together. The results, in fact, often point to an almost indetinite persist- ence. On the other hand, at the lower exhaustion, the number of nuclei soon vanishes. The rates of decay are determined by the usual equation 1 A = bat or dn/dt = — bn’ Briefly, therefore, at a sufficiently high drop in pressure, 5p/p = °35, the nuclei produced in the presence of ions in dust- free moist air by the (moderate) X-rays, decay at phenomenally small rates, or are almost indefinitely persistent, whereas larger nuclei decay faster in proportion to their size. Similar facts were brought out by all the other tests with coronas. As 6p/p decreases, or 7 the radius of the nucleus increases, 6 increases at a rapidly accelerated rate, from very small values 6 =10~’ to enormous values. The small coefh- cient 6 is less than 1/10 the normal value obtained for ions with the electrometer (of the order of 107°), while the large values are nearly fifty times the normal value. The interpretation of these results is made difficult by the variability of the X-ray bulb. It is safe to assert, however, that the large ions or nuclei produced by the X-rays in dust- free wet air vanish with relatively enormous rapidity, whereas the very small nuclei are almost indefinitely persistent, and that there is a definite relation between the rate of decay and the size of nucleus. If, therefore, we regard these nuclei as water droplets of different sizes, evaporation is rapid until a limiting diameter depending on the intensity of radiation is. reached, after which evaporation nearly ceases. It is also probable, that the limiting diameter increases with the intens- ity of radiation, so that with strong X-rays almost no super- saturation is required. If, therefore, the X-rays produce any chemical body which may go into solution, as has been sup- posed, the greater or less abundance of this body, supplied by greater or less intensity of X-radiation, would account for larger or smaller persistent nuclei. C. Barus—Displacement Interferometer. 109 Art. XVI.—A Displacement Interferometer Adapted for High Temperature Measurement, Adiabatic Transforma- tions of a Gas, etc. ;* by C. Barus. 1. Elliptic Interferences.—Interferometry by displacement has an advantage inasmuch as the observer never loses the ellipses, even when the displacement is sudden. Their center may always be brought back again to a given spectrum line, by the micrometer. Moreover, since N,=epneoos k — — a =ecos h (u+2B/cos’ &) where JV, is the reduced micrometer reading, ¢ the thickness, p the index of refraction of the glass plate of the grating, for the wave length A, # the angle of refraction, and where w= A+B/n’, the sensitiveness, may be regulated by decreas- ing the thickness of the grating, e, by aid of a compensator of thickness e’, for the virtual thickness is now e—e’. Hence, since for radial motion the sensitiveness per fringe across any given Fraunhofer line is dN / dn = 2/2 this may be combined with the shift of ellipses controlled by V,, in any ratio. The limit of this procedure is conditioned by the size of the ellipses or the available. size of the field of the telescope, since when e—e’ approaches zero the ellipses become enormous. Furthermore it has been shownt that the quantity du/dr occurring in the value of VV, may be computed preliminarily from observations of AV, = V,—WZ,’, between definite Fraun- | hofer lines, particularly when the angles of incidence JZ, and of refraction , are small. In sucha case the constant 8eB = B mearly, where (/ = 0) Ap= B(1/N—1/A%g), AN. = B(1/d*—1 /d*2). Finally if AY is the motion of the micrometer to bring the center of ellipses back to a given line AN = (u—1) é’ where ¢’ is the thickness of the compensator. If é’ is large, one may expect to distinguish between the indices of refraction of a birefringent crystal, when the source of light is polarized. Again when the arms or the interfering beams of light are long, the refraction of a gas and its relation to temperature and pressure are determinable. * Abridged from the Report to the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Reprinted by permission. Le esncete Publications, No. 149, 1911, chap. v, § 44. 110 C. Barus— Displacement Interferometer. In view of these advantages among others, I have con- structed a definite form of apparatus for displacement inter- ferometry, specially adapted for general observations, such for instance as I have in view with fog particles. The apparatus is to be light, portable, rigid, with relatively long distance between the opaque orthogonal mirrors JZ and JV, and the oblique mirror or grating, as well as height of mirrors above the arms, and with an easy adjustment for different angles of incidence J, large and small. In the following apparatus, figs. 1, 2, and 3, the distance between the center and either remote mirror is about 35°. It may easily be enlarged many times. The angles of incidence 7 = 15°, 45°, and 75°, are available at once for the given braces, though of course other angles may be used. The long arms and feet of the apparatus, which in general form is naturally much like a spectrometer, are made of 1/4 inch gas pipe, and the braces are heavy strips of tin plate, bent so as to be U-shaped in cross section, much like umbrella steel, with the ends bolted down. In the drawing (of which fig. 1 isthe plan and fig. 2 the elevation) the axles are cylindric or slightly conical. In my own apparatus sufficient rotation, 180°, of the parts was secured by ordinary well-cut gas pipe screws. The long arms of gas pipe a, ¢, d, e are not only con- venient for the attachment of objects to be examined, by ordi- nary clamps, but they admit of a circulation of cold water, so that their lengths remain invariable whatever be the tempera- ture of the environment of air. The tripod, figs. 1 and 2, carries a standard @ of 3/8 inch gas pipe, which is secured snugly by the cross-coupling /. From this the horizontal rigid arms, @ and ¢, lead respectively to the collimator A and to the slide micrometer C and they are screwed into / parallel to the plane of fig. 1. The arm e which carries the telescope # must be revolvable around Q, a wide axle PP’ and braces 6” diverging as they approach @Y sufficing for the purpose. The telescope is used for reading only, and need not be clamped. It must, however, be quite firm so as not to shake the instrument. The standard @ is prolonged above the cross-coupling /¢ as shown at 7 and the graduated plate at A (for measuring the angle of incidence /) rotates around @ prolonged. The plate may be clamped by the set screw 7’. Radially to 4, the lat- eral arm d@ is bolted below the plate at 7. JD carries the opaque mirror J/, which thus rotates around QY with A. The adjustment chosen is such that the parts J/, VV, G (the grating), the telescope #' and the collimator A may be dis- placed upward several inches, in the clear. It is thus possible, for instance, to place the fog chamber between JG or VG. C. Barus—Displacement Interferometer. 111 The inside of 7 or Q prolonged is ground and receives the hollow eylindrical plug 7 of the table Z and this may be clamped by the set screws 4’. Upon J stands the grating G secured by the screw g to the ring-shaped support HZ, which reposes in an annular gutter in J on three leveling screws. Moreover a spiral spring (not shown) Figs. 1, 2, 3. in the inside of the hollow conical tube 2, pulls down the ring H firmly upon J, so that nothing is liable to fall on transporta- tion. The ruled surface of the grating G@ is toward the light or collimator A and in the axis of rotation. The adjustment need not be very accurate. The rulings are parallel to the slit. Certain details of the parts of the apparatus may now be pointed out. The collimator A may be raised or lowered on its vertical stem or clamped in any position by aid of the wing nut, a’, ona longitudinally split tube. It may also be slightly 112 C. Barus—Displacement Interferometer. inclined to the horizontal, either by the hinge indicated in the figure, or by the special device shown in fig. 8, where the tele- scope or collimator reposes on Y’s made of strips of elastic brass aa. These are so adjusted that the end of Z'at a’ is naturally higher than at a. The ring 6 and the thumb screw ¢ then lowers this end against the upward pressure of all the springs. Reading telescopes so mounted are firm and the device is very convenient if a slight inclination is to be imparted. They are removed by loosening c, and slipping Z’ out of the ring, 0. The tube @ ends on the left in the cross-coupling, which also admits the adjustable standard @” and affords an attach- ment for the braces 66 (U-shaped in section), the other ends of which are bolted down to the nearer feet of the tripod. Thus A is held sufficiently rigid by the braced system aa” bb. An inch or a 3/4 inch objective and a 6 inch focus is sufficient and by reason of its lightness perhaps preferable to a larger and heavier tube. Theslit may usually be opened about 1/2™™. In a similar way steadiness, elevation and inclination of the telescope / is secured, the tube ¢ and e” (adjustable foot) and the braces 6” terminating in the cross-coupling e’ as has been suggested. An inch objective and a 6 inch focus is adequate. Cross hairs are convenient but not necessary, as the spectrum lines are available when sunlight is used. If the are light is used, strong sodium lines are usually in the field with the spectrum. The opaque mirror JZ is controlled by three leveling screws (horizontal and vertical axes) and a suitable spring in the cap- sule D. It is adjusted vertically like the telescope and kept firm by the tubes d and d” (adjustable foot) and braces 0’ b’, all parts meeting at the cross-coupling d’. The braces 6’ 6’ are of equal length. Hence they may be bolted down to two of the feet of the tripod in succession, while the tube d together with the plate A take the three positions at 30°, 90°, and 150° to the rod a. The grating G does not turn with A but must be specially adjusted to corresponding angles of 15°, 45°, and 75°, as easily determined by the reflected rays. Finally the slide micrometer is sustained by the tubes ¢ and ce” (adjustable foot) and the braces 06, all parts meeting in the cross-coupling ¢’. The latter carries the table L, to which the slide micrometer C, with its drum at 7) is bolted down. WV is the opaque mirror adjusted by three leveling screws and a spring (horizontal and vertical axes) within the capsule 6. The slide should have from 1 inch to 2 inches of clear play and _ its displacements should be determinable to about 00005™. The opaque mirrors JZ and WV may both be silvered on the back and thus last indefinitely. C. Barus—Displacement Interferometer. 113 Since the telescope / rotates both around its own axis e” and around the standard Q, elaborate centering of the grating G is not usually necessary. ‘The latter is mounted between strips of cardboard or wood and secured by the screw g, the brass clutches being about twice as far apart as the thickness of the erating. In other words, the grating may be slightly moved in a direction normal to itself. To adjust the parts, sunlight (preferably) or are light is passed into the widened slit of the collimator, in a dark room, so that the spots falling on the mirrors J/ ar NV (the erating being suitably turned) and on the objective of the telescope # are seen and the different reflected images brought nearly into coincidence. A further adjustment is then made through the telescope /, two of the usual four images of the slit (now nar- rowed) being ¢ placed in coincidence horizontally and vertically by manipulating the leveling screws on B. Specks of dust, or nicks in the slit, greatly facilitate this adjustment. The tele- scope is then turned to the diffraction spectrum, preferably of the first order, and the drum actuated till the interferences appear. Naturally the distances GV and Gud are to be approximately equal to begin with. The solitary ellipses are best for general purposes and they usually correspond to unde- viated yellowish and bluish single slit images. The multiple slit image is to be avoided. If the rings are not quite centered in the spectrum, they may be made so by cautiously adjusting the screws at 6, which tip the mirror about a herizontal axis. The telescope may be moved with its foot sliding on a plane. The three possible positions of the mirror JV (positive uncom- pensated, self-compensated, negatively uncompensated) are about 1°" apart on the micrometer, for a plate of glass -68™ thick. When the are lamp is used, the accentuated sodium lines in the spectrum may be used in place of the white unde- viated images of the slit, both for adjustment of the two spectra for coincidence and as a fiducial mark, in place of the cross hairs in the telescope. For a small angle of incidence the sodium lines of higher orders of spectra are also liable to be available. To measure the angle of incidence /, the table / is turned in its socket, until the reflected image of the slit coincides with the slit itself. A hole is cut in the top or side of the collima- tor tube near the slit (not shown), for this purpose. ‘There- upon the table / is turned back again until the images coincide in the telescope. The angle read off on the graduated plate A is /, the reflected ray travelling over 2/. The table J is pro- vided with an index and vernier (also omitted in the diagram). The apparatus described being made virtually of hollow parts is light enough to be carried about with convenience. 114 C. Barus—Displacement Interferometer. In the case of the figure where the angle of incidence J is small, the distance from IZ to V isabout 70™. It may easily be increased to several times this, by inserting longer gas pipes at e¢ and d with appropriate braces. The fringes are very stable even when the instrument stands on a table fastened to a wall bracket. They naturally quiver when the observer is manipu- lating the micrometer screw, but they return at once to quies- cence when the hands are removed. To obviate quivering, i.e. to follow the motion of individual rings, the usual tangent screw method may be employed. 2. Other Interferences.—The same apparatus may be adapted for observing the linear diffraction-reflection interferences described by Mr. M. Barus and myself.* The equations here available are dé =2A/2cos7z; de’ =2A/2cosd; Se” = rA/2 (cos O—Cos #) where de, d¢’ and de” are the respective increments of the air spaces between the face (rulings) of the grating and the par- allel opaque mirror in front of it, per fringe passing the cross hairs of the telescope, or a given spectrum line, > the wave length of light and ¢ and @ the angles of incidence and dif- fraction in air. For the measurement of de, A, 2, @ should be known or determinable. For these observations let the micrometer C be removed from its plate Z and now bolted down on the graduated plate K (figs. 1, 2), the table Z and appurtenances being discarded. This must be so done that the face of the opaque mirror VV now mounted on the rigid part of the micrometer and the rul- ings of the grating (remounted on the slide of the micrometer) are in the axis of rotation, with the lines of the grating parallel to it and the slit. Hence the mirror must be adjustable by aid of a capsule with set screws (horizontal and vertical axes of rotation) and springs. The grating has its independent mount- ing with three similar set screws and springs. Usually WV will be attached to some apparatus whose linear excursions are to be found, and for this purpose of attachment the cross-coup- ling # in fig. 1 is abundantly supplied with screw sockets (front and rear, not shown), so that such parts may be here secured. A counterpoise, for instance, may be added in the rear. To prepare for observation, the plate A and the telescope # are turned until a suitable angle of incidence 7 and of diffrac- tion @ are obtained. The fringes are seen when grating and mirror are sufficiently near together (the distance apart may be as much as 1™), on condition that the direct images of the slit * The grating interferometer. Science, xxxi, 394, 1910; Phil. Mag. (6), xx, p. 45, 1910; Carnegie Publications, No. 149, chap. 2, 1911. C. Barus—IMsplacement Interferometer. 115 from the front face of mirror and the rear face of grating are in coincidence horizontally and vertically. 2’ may be revolved for this preliminary adjustment. To find the angle of inci- dence, the graduated plate A& is turned from the given position of coincidence until the image of the slit falls upon the slit itself at the end of the collimator A, as explained above. If the fringes are not sharp, they may be made so by further adjusting the set screws of J or the grating, by trial. This usually succeeds easily, remembering that the fringes move about a horizontal axis normal to the mirror when the mirror moves about a horizontal axis parallel to its face. For other details the earlier paper should be consulted. 15. Other Measurements: High Temperature, Adiabatic Transformations, etc.—The displacement interferometer con- structed with its arms made of gas pipe is adapted for high temperature investigation, if a current of cold water, at con- stant temperature, be passed through the arms in question; they will then be kept at invariable length, however much the atmosphere about them may change in temperature. Further- more, since the distance between the central grating and the opaque mirror may easily be increased to a meter or more, tubes of considerable length may be inserted in the interfering beams of light. The displacement interferometer should be used with the angle of incidence nearly zero, in which case this angle vanishes from the micrometer reading and the observing telescope lies in a particularly convenient position side by side with the opaque mirror on the micrometer. This is thus immediately at hand. It seemed to me, therefore, that a particularly interesting subject for investigation would be the relation of temperature and pressure of the index of refraction wu of air. According to Lorentz* the ~«—1 for air follows the equation p= C(p—1)8 (p pressure, C constant, 6 absolute temperature), coinciding in form to the intrinsic equation of a gas since the temperature coefficient of w—1 for air is very nearly equal to its coefficient of expansion. Mascart finds this not quite true. Pressures are to be corrected by (1+ 8p) where 8 is equal to -000,007,2 relative to em. of mereury and the temperature coefticient is a =°00382. At all events, the temperature coefficient a is so large that a method of high temperature measurement is not out of the question on the one hand, while on the other the variation of a throughout long ranges of temperature is itself of considerable interest. I have, therefore, made a few tenta- tive measurements at low temperatures to test the apparatus * See the admirable summary in Landolt and Boernstein’s Tables. 116 C. Barus— Displacement Interferometer. and have found it trustworthy throughout. In the following table the apparatus is adjusted with an angle of incidence of I =15°. The index of refraction is determined from the dis- placement of ellipses when the air contained in a longitudinal sealed tube in one of the component beams of light which interfere is alternately filled with air at pressure p and exhausted, at a given temperature 7 This tube was 23°8™ long and of brass, surrounded with a close fitting tubular tem- perature bath. | TaBLE I.—Index of Refraction of Air from shift A N of ellipses. e=23°8™. Angle of incidence [=15°. Barometer Vacuum Shift Shift AN U t em. cm. (scale pts.) cm. 76°95 5 13°27 00663 1:000279 30°? 19° 76:98 4 13°48 00674 ~—- 1:000283 23° Wyle Tegel “4 14°54 00727 1:000306 9° 21° 77°15 4 13°55 00677 1:000284 91° Ae The first two columns of the table show the barometric height and degree of exhaustion (residual pressure) ; the third the micrometer displacement of the opaque mirror which brings the centers of ellipses back to their original position with reference to a given spectrum line. This reading is taken on the drum on the micrometer, the scale parts being -0005°™. When electric arc light is used, the accentuated sodium line is always in presence in the spectrum and makes an excellent fiducial line for the centers of the ellipses. A single exhaus- tion is sutticient for two readings, as the displacement occurs on exhaustion (from red to green, for instance) and is measured by the turn of the micrometer to bring the ellipses back; while on readmitting air the displacement is in the opposed direction and is again measured by restoring the center of ellipses to the position of the sodium line. If this displacement of the opaque mirror on the micrometer is A V cm. the index required is eS AEG if eis the length of the tube. AV must be given in cm. as shown in the fourth column of the table and from this the p of the fifth is found at the temperature ¢ in the last column. They refer to the wave length of the D line, as this was taken as the fiducial mark. The absolute values of w are good but here of relatively little interest, as no attempt. was made to standardize the screw, etc. of the measuring apparatus, and the C. Barus—Displacement Interferometer. a water circulation had not been installed. The temperature coefficient may be found without this. If, therefore, »—1 is expressed in terms of ¢ the result is a = -0036, or of the order expected. From this datum the working conditions of the apparatus may be specified. For a tube 23-8 long the micrometer displacement per degree C. is ‘051 scale parts or -0005™ each ; i. e., the micrometer displacement is about *000,025™ per degree C’., or about 10-*™ per degree C. per cm. of length of tube. Thus a minimum of about 2° C. is directly appreciable in the given case, or for a tube about half a meter long a mini- mum of 1° @. should be appreciable at all temperatures. This moreover would correspond to the evanescence of two rings in succession, whereas in the above apparatus a little less than one ring vanishes per degree C., at all temperatures. The displace- ment of ellipses for an atmosphere of pressure is roughly from the D, nearly to the # line. In this method the arms need not be of invariable length except during the short period of exhaustion, as the data are obtained by differences. To turn to the second method for obtaining the same result: the displacement of ellipses is accompanied by the radial motion of rings to and from the center and the number vanish- ing may be connted. If 2 is the mean wave length between the initial and fina] position of the rings and v is the number of rings vanishing, then the equivalent micrometer displace- ment would be AN=nd/2 so that the micrometer reading A WV need not be taken. Hence p—1+nnr/2¢ To make use of the method, a fine screw stopcock is to be inserted through which dry air may be admitted, at any rate, into the exhausted tube. In this way the motion of the rings toward the center may be controlled, perfectly, and their evan- escence specified. The experiment is very interesting. Clearly the arms must be kept at invariable length while the rings are being counted, i. e., until they cease to move, when the pres- sure is against normal. The following fioure contains an example of many results of this kind. Here the abscissas denote the number of rings which have vanished and the ordinates the corresponding pressure, the latter increasing from afew mm. to an atmosphere. The line of observations hap- pens to be nearly continuous. An interruption of the count is, however, of no serious consequence, as the slope of the line is alone in question when the initial pressure and final pressure 118 C. Barus—LMsplacement Interferometer. are known. It is surprising .to note how closely these observa- tions lie on a straight line. They do so quite within the errors of observation. The slope of the line is 70°0 —2°8 210 i. e., °32™ of mercury at 0° C., per ring vanishing; or, a little over 3 rings (8°125) per cm. of mercury. The mean wave length in question (between the D and F line) is about > = 55°38 x 107°. Hence, as the effective barometer was 76°95" — 50 = 76°45" and the tube length 23°8™. a ple ee Xe lone ih a 39 23°8 = 1320 = 1°0002806 The datum obtained from the displacement of ellipses at thesame temperature (unfortunately not taken) was 1:000279. C. Barus—Displacement Interferometer. 119 Inasmuch as the water circulation was omitted during the ring measurements and the exact value of X was not specially found, the agreement is as close as may be expected. The two data selected from many similar results show how easily both methods may be used for mutual corroboration. Clearly the ring method, since it involves the evanescence of 236 rings, is more sensitive, but also less expeditious. It is not, however, necessary to observe all the rings; the disappearance of a reasonable number, say 25 or 50, establishes the rate of evanescence per cm. of mercury, or more conveniently the number of cm. of mercury per vanishing ring. If this is determined at the beginning and end of exhaustion the mean result is adequate. If the air tube of the apparatus is so modified that the air may be heated electrically the ring method should be equally available for temperature measurements. The results could be compared with a thermo-couple having its fine junction inserted in the tube and read simultaneously. Asa method of pressure measurement, since fora tube 23°8™ long, 3°12 rings vanish per cm. of mercury, 1. e., about -1313 rings per cm. of tube length per cm. of mercury pressure, the method is not very sensitive unless a long tube be used. A tube 1 meter long would, for instance, give 13 rings per cm. of mer- cury, admitting of the measurement of pressure to °08°™ per ring. One might estimate to -5°, while a more highly refract- ing gas would secure greater precision. The method of pressure measurement has the rare advan- tage, however, of being absolutely instantaneous, as reproducing immediately the state of the gas. It is therefore remarkably well adapted for the study of adiabatic phenomena. Many equa- tions relatively to such transformation of gases are thus open to investigation. Since (w—1) =A W/e = nd/2e and p = C'(u—1) 6, | 4 = CAN /e= Crn/2, the variations of p/é are directly given by the number, n, of rings vanishing. But the relation of p and 6 is also given either by the intrinsic equation of the gas or by its adiabatic equation, according to the transformation which has been imposed on the gas, so that p and 6 are each determinable. Brown University, Providence, R. I. 120 Kindle— Unconformity at the Base of the Art. XVII.—TZhe Unconformity at the Base of the Chatta- nooga Shale in Kentucky ;* by Epwarp M. Kinp ie. Introduction.—It is proposed to describe in this paper the physical evidences of the unconformity which exists at the base of the Chattanooga shale in Kentucky. This unconformity occurs in a region of horizontal or but slightly inclined rocks, - so that there is no discordance of the strata involved to render it conspicuous or easily detected. For this reason, perhaps, physical evidence of it appears to have been generally over- looked by the authors of State and Federal reports on the geology of the region. Professor Foerste and others, however, in various papers on the geology of Kentucky, have evidently inferred an unconformity at the base of the shale on the evi- dence of missing faunas at its base. A photograph and description of the contact of the Chatta-. nooga shale and Devonian limestone in middle Tennéssee has been published by Professor Schuchertt to illustrate the com- plete absence of evidence of unconformity between the two formations, aside from the age of their faunas, and our depend- ence upon the discordance in the superposed faunas for our knowledge of the hiatus between them. In eastern Tennessee an unconformity at the base of the Chattanooga has been reported in several of the folios. The writer § has previously called attention to the evidence of an erosion interval at the base of the shale at one or two points on the western side of the Cincinnati geanticline. But the widely distributed evidence of land conditions and a con- siderable amount of subaerial erosion immediately preceding the deposition of the Chattanooga shale interval, if recognized in Kentucky by any geologist, has thus far remained unrecorded. - The photographs which accompany this paper (figs. 2 and 3) make it sufficiently clear that physical evidence of the most unequivocal kind is available to supplement the evidence of unconformity furnished by the faunas. Such evidence in con- nection with faunal breaks substitutes a known for an unknown factor in problems where a hiatus is involved. If this factor of the geologic equation is left for deductive resolution from the faunal factors alone, it may turn out very differently in the * Published with the permission of the Director of the U. S. Geological Bese te of North America, Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. xx, p. 441, pl. 47, 1910. t Knoxville, Loudon, Maynardsville, Morristown, and Columbia Folios, U.S. Geol. Survey. § Williams, H. S., and Kindle, E. M., Contributions to Devonian Paleon- tology, 1903, Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 244, pp. 20-21, 1905. Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky. 121 hands of different men. Through the deductive method based on the faunas alone one geologist may find in the total absence of a fauna or faunas evidence of land conditions during the interval represented by the missing fauna; another with dif- ferent predilections may interpret this absence, if no evidence of subaerial erosion has been adduced, to marine scour or tem- porary suspension of sedimentation without land conditions. Geologists agree that unconformities mark important datum planes in stratigraphic geology. Hence the evidence for them is of sufficient importance to warrant full and complete presen- tation from both the biological and physical points of view. In this particular case the faunal evidence affords sufficient proof of unconformity independent of physical evidence, but in various other cases unconformities have been introduced by geologists where theoretic considerations regarding supposed diastrophic movements appeared to require their presence. An example of this kind of unconformity is one recently placed within the New Albany shale* of Indiana (Chattanooga) with- out a vestige of direct evidence in support of it. The history of such an unconformity as this hypothetical one within the New Albany is likely to be similar to that of the unconformity which was drawn at the top of the Chattanooga in central Ten- nessee some years ago by Hayes and Ulrich.t In a recent paper by the last named author} this unconformity is aban- doned without any explanation of the nature of the defects in the original evidence. It appears to have migrated to the top of the next formation above the Chattanooga, designated by Ulrich the Ridgetop. Whatever the ultimate verdict regard- ing the unconformity at the top of the Chattanooga shale may be, the following discussion will show that the unconformity at the base of this formation does not belong to the evanescent class of unconformities. Distribution of the Chattanooga Shale.—The Chattanooga shale, briefly characterized, is a formation composed chiefly of black fissile carbonaceous shale ranging from about 240 feet in the northern part of the state to 25 feet in the southern part. The areal distribution of the Chattanooga shale as an outerop- ping formation in Kentucky is confined to two geographically separable areas. By far the larger and more important of these is the narrow semicircular band which borders the dome of Ordovician and Silurian rocks in Northern Kentucky on the east, south, and west. From Vanceburg on the east to Louis- ville on the west the Chattanooga shale extends around the * Ulrich, E. O., Revision of the Paleozoic System, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer- ica, vol. xxii, p]. 28, 191}. + Folio U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 95, 1903. ¢{ Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. xxii, pl. 29, 1911. Am. Jour. ScI.—FourtH SErigs, Vout. XX XIII, No. 194.—Frprvuary, 1912. 9 122 Kindle— Uneonformity at the Base of the dome of older rocks in a broadly crescent-shaped belt having a zigzag line of outcrop more than 250 miles in length. Sepa- rated from this area by a narrow belt of Carboniferous rocks is the valley of the Cumberland River in southern Kentucky. The black shale extends up this valley from Tennessee about 50 miles. It is probable that this formation extends without interruption across the entire state beneath the younger rocks outside the above described areas in which strata older than the Chattanooga shale are the surface rocks. _ Description of unconformity.—A large number of outcrops showing the contact of the Chattanooga shale and older rocks, which are widely distributed along the lines of exposure of the shale as outlined above, have been studied by the writer. In nearly every district visited physical evidences of an erosion interval have been observed. These evidences may be referred to three classes, namely: (1) irregular of mammillary surface of the subjacent limestone, (2) beds of residuary clay beneath the shale, and (8) deeply excavated trenches and shale-filled cavities of solution in the underlying limestone. The first and second named phenomena have a wide distribution, but the third, as might be expected, is found rather rarely. In local- ties where the limestone base of the black shale has been recently denuded of the shale, one very frequently finds the surface of the limestone hollowed and pitted in the peculiar, irregular, and often angular manner similar to that which may be seen at nearly any limestone quarry where the rock has been stripped of its residuary clay. A good example of this hum- mocky surface on the Devonian limestone where the shale has been recently removed occurs sontheast of Crab Orchard, Ken- tucky, 13 miles on the Gum Sulphur road. Near the school- house at this locality the highly uneven hummocky surtace of the limestone can be traced directly under a 10-inch bed of reddish brown clay which separates the black shale from the weather-worn limestone below. Here one sees in the vertical cross-section of the limestone beneath the shale the angular ridges, truncated cones, and mammillary protuberances covered with a clay which differs from the usual residuary limestone clay only in being of a duller color. The correspondence in appearance between the surface of this irregularly worn lime- stone and that usually seen in limestones recently denuded of their clay covering is complete and unmistakable. Numerous examples of subaerial erosion of this kind have been observed around the fringe of Chattanooga shale which circles the older rocks south of the Ohio. On the west side of the Cincinnati geanticline, south of the Ohio river 15 miles, evidences of the pre-Chattanooga erosion interval are apparent near Brooks station. In the bed of Brooks Run, between the railroad and Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky. | 123 the wagon road, the lowest strata of the black shale lie in shal- low, irregularly eroded pockets in the limestone. In some of these a thin layer of reddish clay was observed between the limestone and the undisturbed black shale. In the southwestern part of the black shale area of outcrop near Rileys station in Marion county, unconformity at the base of the shale is well exposed in a small ravine a few hundred yards northwest of the railroad station. Here the hollows in the limestone under the black shale are deeply filled with dull red residuary clay, while but a thin band of the clay covers the intervening elevated ridges in the limestone. The upper sur- face of the latter is extremely uneven and seldom conforms with the approximately parallel bedding planes in the lime- stone. The unconformity as it is seen here is illustrated by [==] TS ES a] Ee ee ee Re ee eT a a Raeay SITE 7 Fic. 1. Section at Rileys, Kentucky, showing irregular surface of Devo- = nian limestone and residuary clay beneath the Chattanooga shale. A Devo- nian limestone, B residuary clay, C Chattanooga shale. fig. 1. The maximum thickness of the residuary clay which has been observed at the base of the black shale occurs in Mad- ison County, southwest of Berea, near the head of the west fork of Rocky Branch. The clay has a thickness in places of 3 feet or more at this locality. It is a brown clay containing numerous fragments of the chert which characterizes the under- lying Devonian limestone on Rocky Branch. The clay lies at this locality in deeply excavated troughs and pot-like depres- sions in the limestone. The upper part of this clay shows indi- cations of having been reworked. One or more thin papery bands of shale show a superposed bed of clay. The place usually occupied by the residuary clay which has been described is sometimes filled on the eastern side of the Cincinnati geanticline by a limonite ore. The iron ore has been found in the form of small lenticular and widely sepa- rated masses over a line of outcrop nearly 150 miles in length, extending through Boyle, Lincoln, Montgomery, and Casey counties as far north as Peebles, Ohio. This ore was exten- sively worked at one time near Preston, Ky., where the bed Is said to have had a thickness of from 7 to 15 feet. a 124 Kindle— Unconformity at the Base of the The most striking examples of pre-Chattanooga erosion in the Devonian ‘limestone which have been observed occur at Irvine, Ky. A considerable exposure along the railway west of town shows the contact of the Chattanooga shale and the Devonian limestone to be, as it often is, a horizontal line with no intervening residuary clay and no departure from exact parallelism of the adjacent formations. Foerste* has published photographs illustrating this type of the contact elsewhere in Kentucky. Near town, however, this apparent Fie. 2. Fic. 2. Chattanooga shale and Devonian limestone unconformity at Irvine, Kentucky. The Chattanooga shale is marked A, and the Devonian limestone B. conformity of the two formations terminates abruptly, ond we find the black shale resting for several yards on a highly irreg- ular surface of the Devonian limestone, and on one side of the section abutting against a vertical wall of limestone about 8 feet in height. The general relations of the two formations at this oint are shown in the photograph fig. 2, The beds marked 2 are a nearly pure limestone of Onondaga age. Those marked A Rare the basal beds of the Chattanooga shale, which at this horizon includes some dark magnesian and silicious beds inter- bedded with black shale. In the illustration the hammer rests upon the side of the limestone ledge and the hand of the man upon the shale. The details of this vertical contact * Kentucky Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 7, figs. 8, 9, 1996. Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky. 125 are shown more clearly in fig. 3, in which the hammer rests with one end against the shale and the other against the limestone. ~ Fig. 3 also shows more clearly than fig. 2 the walls of a small water-worn cavity in the lower half of the ledge Higa io: » Fic. 3. Close view of a portion of the black shale and limestone contact line shown in fig. 2. A solution cavity in the limestone filled with black shale is seen under the hat. The shale is marked A, and the limestone B. which extends nearly, if not quite, to the bottom of the lime- stone. This cavity, filled with a deposit of the black shale, is 126 LKaindle— Uneonformity at the Base of the seen in the photograph just above the bag. The hat rests upon the upper part:of the filling of the Chattanooga shale. Since the Devonian limestone in the vicinity of Irvine seldom ex- ceeds 10 feet in. thickness, it is evident from the photographs that it was locally almost, if not entirely, cut through by sub- aerial erosion previous to Chattanooga sedimentation. Another exposure of the contact of the two formations which occurs in the small ravine between the town and the station at Irvine shows a still more advanced stage of denudation of the lime- stone than that illustrated in the photographs. Here the Devo- nian limestone has been reduced to large disassociated bowlders. These have been enveloped by the Chattanooga shale, which lies upon and around them and rests directly on the subjacent Silurian shale between the bowlders. The significance of the remarkable and apparently haphazard variations in the thickness of the Devonian limestone in east central Kentucky to which Foerste* has called attention, becomes evident in the light of the preceding examples of sub- aerial erosion of this formation subsequent to Chattanooga shale deposition. ‘These variations in thickness range from a few inches to 47 feet according to Foerste. The following striking cases are quoted from Professor Foerste’s report : + “ Another thick section of Devonian limestone occurs three miles southwest of Cartersville, where the road to Crab Orchard crosses the headwaters of Harmon creek. Here the Devonian limestone is seventeen feet thick. Half way between this locality and Crab Orchard the thickness of the Devonian limestone is only six feet, so that the Devonian limestone appears to become thin- ner from both areas toward this middle region. . . . Directly north of Berea the thickness of the Devonian section is thirteen and a half feet. - Four miles north of Berea it is reduced to three inches. Evidences of thinning are seen also in going from Berea northeast, toward Bobtown. In the vicinity of Bobtown, and from this region forat least three miles toward the east and north- east, the thickness of the Devonian limestone is reduced to about one foot or less, except at the Mat Moody Store, a mile and a quarter toward the southeast of Bobtown. Here the thickness of the Devonian limestone is at least four feet four inches, again suggesting an irregular thinning of the Devonian limestone toward the north.” It would seem to be a reasonable inference that the subaerial erosion which rendered the Devonian limestone cavernous and in places reduced it to a bed of bowlders as at Irvine, may, where the pre-Chattanooga relief was greater, or the drainage more * The Silurian, Devonian, and Irvine formations of Hast-Central Kentucky, Kentucky Geol. Survey, Bull. No. 7, p. 89-92, 1906. + Idem., p. 90. Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky. 127 deeply incised, have removed it altogether. The very irregular and patchy distribution of the Devonian limestone which obtains in southern Kentucky and adjacent parts of Tennessee, taken in connection with the evidences of its partial erosion in central and northern Kentucky, strongly suggests that this formation has been completely removed over a considerable area near the Kentucky-Tennessee line and over smaller areas in central Kentucky. In the latter area the Devonian limestone is gen- erally present where the Chattanooga shale is found, but over certain areas, as the regions between Bardstown and New Haven, between Raywick and Loretta, and south of Stanford, it is entirely absent. Farther south it is not the absence but the presence of the Devonian limestone which is exceptional, Southwest of the southern limit of the Devonian limestone in Kentucky, as indicated on Foerste’s+ map, a detached area of this formation occurs on the Rolling Fork River. The writer has found another on the Green River near Edith P.O. A third occurs south of the Tennessee line on the Harpeth River. In the light of the evidence which has been presented of the extensive denudation of the Devonian limestone at Irvine, it appears nearly certain that these outlying patches of limestone are remnants of a once continuous sheet of Devonian limestone. Its relatively greater degree of denudation is doubtless the result of the greater elevation of the axis of the Cincinnati geanticline in southern Kentucky and northern Tennessee. Time interval represented.—Any conclusion concerning the time interval represented by the unconformity which has been described must rest upon the determination of the age of the formations involved. The complexity of this question is apparent when we consider that the unconformity involves at its base at least six distinct formationsin Kentucky ranging in age from Ordovician to Middle Devonian. ‘This, of course, raises the question whether in one part of the area land con- ditions began as early as Ordovician and in another part as late as post-Hamilton time, or whether differential erosion is respon- sible for the difference in age. The evidence already given of the nearly complete denudation of the Devonian limestone by subaerial erosion at one locality seems to strongly support the probability that the absence of the later formations in part of the Kentucky area is due to denudation rather than to land conditions having persisted in certain areas froin Ordovician to the beginning of Chattanooga sedimentation. Obviously the question of transgression or overlap comes into the problem, But we have to discover whether the transgression proceeded rapidly and at approximately the same rate from all sides, or * Silurian and Devonian limestones of Tennessee and Kentucky, Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. xii, fig. 8, 1901. 128 Kindle— Unconformity at the Base of the whether it proceeded very slowly and chiefly in the direction of the oldest rocks-exposed at the base of the unconformity. The latter view seems to have been maintained by some geologists as a corollary of the dogma of very slight erosion of Silurian and Devonian lands. The photographs and other evidence here presented indicate the necessity of very materially modifying this assumption. It is of course possible to have had a south- erly transgression of the black shale across Kentucky at the close of such a cycle of erosion as has been indicated in this paper, but proof of this must rest on evidence of distinctly dif- ferent age values of the basal faunas of the black shale at the north and at the south. It is desirable here to ascertain just what evidence there is, if any, for such differences in the age of the shale. Prof. Edward Orton, Jr.,* appears to have been one of the first to claim that the black shale in Kentucky represented only the “ Upper or Cleveland Division” of the Ohio shale. His statement is as follows: “The shale that covers the Lower Silurian limestone in central Kentucky is the Upper or Cleveland Division.” This opinion concerning the age of the Chattanooga shale is comparable to some which have followed it in the poverty of evidence on which it rests and the positive phrasing which might mislead one unfamiliar with the subject to suppose that it represents an established fact. No complete or entirely adequate discussion of the time interva! represented by the unconformity at the base of the Chattanooga shale can be given until the fauna and strati- graphy of this formation have been described in detail. Although generally considered to be nearly barren of organic remains, the writer has found the carbonaceous beds of the Chattanooga shale to carry a conodont fauna which is quite as abundant in the lower or Huron shale of Ohio and Kentucky as it is in the upper or Cleveland shale. These minute but beautifully preserved fossils may be obtained at any locality and at any horizon in the black shales from Lake Erie to Alabama. These fossils have long been known in Ohio in the upper beds of the Ohio shale, but with the exception of a very few species have remained undetermined and undescribed. When they have been described and the species which are con- fined to the upper and lower horizons of the shale distinguished, they will prove an invaluable aid in correlating the different parts of the Ohio shale in Ohio with their equivalents in the Chattanooga shale in Kentucky and farther south. Until this has been done, however, any attempt to make use of these fossils in correlating subdivisions of the Ohio and Chattanooga shale must be considered premature and futile. Hence, in the present discussion of the age of the interval represented by the * Geol. Survey of Ohio, vol. vii, p. 23, 1893. Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky. 129 unconformity at the base of the Chattanooga shale, the previ- ously adduced evidence of the age of the shale will be consid- ered chiefly. Devonian fossils have been found by various geologists in the lower part of the Chattanooga shale in Kentucky and in its equivalent, the new Albany shale, in Indiana. For a summary of the literature relating to the Devonian age of the. Ohio shale which has appeared previous to 1898, the reader is referred to Dr. George H. Girty’s* important contribution to the age of the Chattanooga shale in eastern Kentucky. Somewhat later the writer; published a short list of Devonian fossils obtained from the Chattanooga shale on the western side of the Cincinnati geanticline. The whole of the Chattanooga shale was generally considered to be of Genesee age until Prof. H. S. Williamst{ reported that Car- boniferous fossils appeared in the topmost beds of the formation at Irvine. The excellent stratigraphic work done by Foerste and Morse§ in northern Kentucky has shown that these Car- boniferous fossils at Irvine occur in beds which are the south- ern extensions of the Berea, Bedford, and Sunbury formations of southern Ohio. They have shown that about 4 feet of the uppermost beds previously included in the 150 feet of the Ohio or Chattanooga shale in east central Kentucky are the stratigraphic equivalents of beds which in northern Ohio imme- diately follow the Ohio shale and have a total thickness of about 150 feet. The thinning of these beds in crossing southern Ohio and northern Kentucky, though very marked, harmonizes fully with the attenuation which the Ohio shale suffers in being reduced from a thickness of more than 2400 feet east of Cleve- land to less than 150 feet at Irvine, Kentucky. On the basis of diastrophism Grabau, | Schuchert,4/ and Ulrich** have referred the Chattanooga shale in Tennessee to the Mississippian. These authors, though differing widely as to the direction of movement of the transgression, agree In assum- ing that it culminated in the deposition of the Chattanooga shale in Mississippian time. Concerning this correlation and the method by which it was derived, it is perhaps sufficient to quote Professor Schuchert’s remarks on the diastrophic method. He states: * Description of a Devonian fauna found in the Devonian black shale of eastern Kentucky, this Journal, vol. vi, p. 385, 1898. + Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No, 244, D. 20, 1905. { This Journal, vol. iii, p. 398, 1897, § Jour. of Geology, vol. xvii, pp. 164-167, 1909. | Types of Sedimentary Overlap, Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. xvii, pp. 599-701, 1906. pe eee of North America, Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. xx, ** Revision of the Paleozoic Systems, Bull. Geol. Soe. America, vol. xxii, No. 3, p. 807, pl. 29, 1911. 130 Kindle— Unconformity at the Base of the “In fact, the principle of diastrophism can rarely be used before taking the fossil. evidence into account, for it is the latter that fixes and determines physical events. Diastrophism, however, is of much value in paleontography, but it must follow, not precede, the evidence furnished by the fossils.” None of these authors has given us any faunal evidence for transferring the Chattanooga shale to the Carboniferous from the Devonian, where it had been generally placed and to which it had previously been referred by one of them,* and separated from the Carboniferous by an unconformity.t Probably all of the paleontologie evidence which the advocates of the Carboniferous age of the Chattanooga shale might claim to support their view has been presented by Dr. R. S. Bassler. Although his paper does not eschew diastrophism, it proceeds mainly on the paleontologie basis and consequently invites our careful consideration and critical examination. The con- tentions which Bassler makes in his paper are reducible to three distinct theses, which may be stated thus: (1) The Chat- tanooga shale of central Tennessee is a distinct formation from the Chattanooga shale of the U. 8. Geological Survey folios of eastern Tennessee. (2) The Chattanooga shale should be correlated with the Cleveland shale of Ohio. (8) The Cleveland shale of Ohio is of Waverlyan age.§ Inasmuch as Dr. Bassler admits the Devonian age of the east Tennessee black shale, it is evident that the first proposition is of pri- mary importance to his argument. It is stated by Bassler as follows: “ East and northeast of this Chattanooga band of outerop a similar black shale, but of undoubted Devonian age, has been mapped as the Chattanooga shale.” In support of the distinctness of the eastern and central Tennessee Chatta- nooga shale I find in Dr. Bassler’s paper no evidence adduced beyond the reference of the central Tennessee Chattanooga to the Carboniferous. This reference rests primarily on evidence submitted by Newberry nearly forty years ago, the validity of which I am compelled to deny for reasons to be shown presently. During the past summer the writer has discovered in the most easterly outcrops of the Chattanooga shale in * Ulrich, E. O., Prof. Paper, U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 36, p. 25, and Folio U.S. G. 8. No. 95. : + Hayes, C. W., and Ulrich, E. O., Folio U.S. Geol. Survey, No. 95, 1903. ¢ The Waverlyan Period of Tennessee, Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum. vol. xli, pp. 209-224, 1911. : § Note.—In another paper|| the whole of the Ohio shale in Ohio has been referred to the Mississippian by Dr. Bassler. This reference, however, was evidently an oversight as regards the lower division of the Ohio shale, since no evidence has ever been offered by Bassler or any one else tending to prove that the lower portion of the Ohio shale is of later age than Devonian. So we may confine our discussion of the proposed revision to the evidence rela- . ting to the position of the Cleveland and Chattanooga shales. | This Journal, vol. xxxi, p. 20, 1911. {| Idem, p. 215. Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky. 131 Tennessee the same conodont fauna which characterizes this formation at Chattanooga, the type locality. In view of this discovery of the same fauna on both sides of the barrier, which some geologists have assumed to separate the black shale of eastern and middle Tennessee, the claim of the distinctness of the shale in the two areas appears to be no longer tenable Since the Devonian age of the east Tennessee black shale has already been conceded, the finding of a conodont fauna which shows the essential faunal unity of the shale in both areas car- ries with it the evidence of the Devonian age of both. With the second proposition the writer does not take issue except to state that it is probable that the Chattanooga shale in Tennessee will be shown to be the equivalent, not only of the Cleveland shale, but of much of the remainder of the Ohio shale as well. With the third proposition I am compelled to disagree. Dr. Bassler does not claim to present any new evidence for refer- ring the Cleveland shale to the Carboniferous but briefly restates* the evidence which led Newberry to refer these beds to the Waverly in 1874. It seems probable that Bassler was not aware of the excellent reasons which have led the authors of the official reports of the Ohio Survey since Professor New- berry’s time to discard the evidence brought forward by Newberry and place the Cleveland shaie in the Devonian. In the space here available it is only possible to refer briefly to the stratigraphic mistakes made by Newberry which must throw grave doubt upon any evidence which he presented for the Carboniferous age of the Cleveland shale. Prof. Prossert has fully discussed some of these in his paper on the Sunbury shale, to which the reader is referred. It is necessary for the reader to recall in this connection’ that in northern Ohio the Cleveland shale, which is the highest member of the Ohio shale, is separated from a Carboniferous black shale above it, called the Sunbury, and from a Devonian black shale below, called the Huron, by drab shale and sandstone formations of variable thicknesses. It was easy in the early reconnoissance work of the Ohio Survey to confuse these three black shales. We have Newberry’s own statement that he did confuse the Cleve- Jand and Huron shales in northern Ohio. Concerning this he wrote: “ This dip misled us and the thinning of the Erie shale, bringing the Cleveland down near to the Huron, caused these two to be confounded.”’t It appears that this confusion of the upper and lower shales was not detected by Newberry until 1886, or twelve years after he announced the discovery * Proc. U. 8. Nat. Museum, vol. xli, p. 218, 1911. + The Sunbury Shale of Ohio, Jour. of Geology, vol. x, pp. 262-312, 1902. ¢ Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, xvi, p. 127, 1889. 132 Kindle— Onconformity at the Base of the of the Waverly fauna at the base of the Cleveland shale which Bassler cites as evidence of the Carboniferous age of the Cleveland. No one who has made a detailed study of the relations of the Carboniferous Sunbury to the two lower black shales from the northern to the southern boundary of Ohio, can doubt that the shale which Newberry called Cleveland in the 1874 Report* is the Sunbury shale. It was in this volume that Newberry published the list of Waverly fossils, including Syringothyris typa, which he reported to have been found below the Cleveland shale. It appears that the authenticity of this find was called in question during Professor Newberry’s lifetime, and in a later discussiont of the matter he states that these fossils were collected by an assistant who was not able to relocate the horizon when requested to do so. The writer and Mr. P. V. Roundy searched very carefully the section from which this fauna was reported to have been obtained, but found immediately below the Cleveland shale a Chemung fauna without any trace of Waverly species. Many other geologists have studied the northern Ohio sections since Wavy- erly fossils were reported by Newberry from below the Cleve- land shale, but not one, so far as the writer is aware, claims to have found Waverly fossils at this horizon.{ In view of these facts I think we may safely conclude that the collector of this fauna incorrectly identified the formation from which his Waverly fossils came. If, for the reasons already stated, we dismiss from considera tion the Syringothyris fauna as evidence in this case, we find that we must depend almost wholly for evidence of its age upon the affinities of the rich fish and conodont faunas which characterize the Cleveland shale. When Professor Newberry found himself unable to substantiate his previously published statement of the occurrence of a Waverly fauna at the base of the Cleveland shale, he continued to maintain the Carbonifer- ous age of the formation chiefly on the evidence of the occur- rence in it of three genera of Carboniferous fishes, namely, Hoplonchus, Orodus, and Polyrhizodus.§ Concerning this evidence it is well to recall that most of the fossil fishes described by Newberry were obtained for him by collectors on whom he depended for the correct designation of their geologic horizon. Since Professor Newberry had himself con- fused the Sunbury and Cleveland shales, the opportunities * Geol. Survey of Ohio, vol. ii, Pt. 1, p. 95. + Mon. U. S. Geoi. Survey, xvi, p. 127, 1889. t{ Note: It may be observed here that the Waverly fauna recently reported in Kentucky by Foerste (Ohio Naturalist, vol. ix, No. 7, pp. 515-528, 1 pl., 1909), was found below the Kentucky representative of the Sunbury shale. $The Paleozoic Fishes of North America, Mon, U. S. Geol. Survey, xvi, p. 128, 1889. Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky. 133 which existed for the collectors to confuse them are too evi- dent to require discussion. If these genera occur in the Cleve- land shale at Bedford, as Professor Newberry believed, recent workers in this field should have found at least one or two of them. We have, however, the testimony* of two paleoichthyol- ogists, Dr. L. Hussakof and Prof. KE. B. Branson, who have been persistent collectors in the Cleveland shale of northern Ohio, that they have never found any of these genera in it. Professor Bransont writes as follows: “‘T have never collected any specimens of the genera mentioned in your letter, from the Cleveland shale, nor have I ever seen Carboniferous fish remains of any kind in the shales. ... . We had quite a large collection of Cleveland shale material in Oberlin College Museum, but all of it indicated the Devonian age of the formation.” Dr. Hussakof indicates his experience in the following words : “In regard to your query about Hoplonchus, Orodus and Polyrhizodus—\ have never found any of them in the Cleveland shale.” { In view of this kind of testimony from paleontologists thor- oughly familiar with the fish fauna of the Cleveland shale, both through extended collecting and study of all the important collections made by others, we seem forced to conclude that the Carboniferous fishes which Newberry records from the Cleveland shale came probably from the Sunbury instead of the Cleveland. When Newberry’s monograph on the Paleozoic ‘fishes of North America was published he was not aware that any of the twenty-eight fossil fishes which had been described from the Cleveland shale occurred in the Huron shale of northern Ohio, for he states§ that “none of the fossil fishes described from northern Ohio should be credited to the Huron.” Progress has been made since this was written in our knowledge of the range of the Cleveland shale fishes. It has been comparatively small, however, because the group of collectors who have made the Cleveland shale famous for its fossil fishes, all lived on or near outcrops of this formation and gave comparatively little attention to the more remote area in northern Ohio in which the Huron shale reaches the surface. Branson| has, however, shown that at least one of the Cleveland shale fishes, Dinzch- thys intermedius, oceurs in the Huron shale in its typical area near Huron, Ohio. It may be pointed out, too, that one at * Letters to the writer. + Letter to the writer, Nov. 23, 1911. + Letter to the writer, Nov. 11, 1911. 8 Mon. U.S. Geol. Survey, xvi p. 127, 1889. | Science, n. s., vol. xxviii, p. 94, 1908. 134 Kindle— Uneonformity at the Base of the least of the fishes credited to the Huron shale by Newberry | and unknown in the Cleveland, came, not from the Huron, but from the Olentangy shale at the base of the Huron. This conclusion is evident from the remarks concerning Callogna- thus reqularis on page 60 of Newberry’s monograph* although it is referred under the description of the species to the Huron shale. With increasing knowledge of the fish fauna of the Huron we may confidently expect the discovery of a consider- able number of species common to both the Huron and the Cleveland shales. The general resemblance of the conodont faunas of the two formations seems fully to justify this pre- sumption. The writer’s collection from the Huron shale will, when studied, it is believed, add other species of fishes to those which are known to be common to the Huron and Cleveland shales. Professor Newberry, in his latest reference to the conodonts of the Cleveland shale, dismissed the evidence which these fos- sils might have yielded him with the statement that “the mil- lions of conodonts in it have no geological significance.”+ This view is evidently not shared by Dr. Bassler, who has based his correlation of the Chattanooga shale of Tennessee and the Cleveland shale of Ohio entirely on the similarity of the conodont faunas in the two. Nor is it shared by the writer, although, as previously stated, detailed discussion of the evi- dence which this group will afford must wait the description of the conodont faunas recently discovered by the writer in the Huron shale in northern Ohio. A preliminary examina- tion of the conodont fauna of the Huron shale shows that it is very similar to that of the Cleveland shale. The most impor- tant facts now available, as bearing directly on the question of the age of the Cleveland shale, relate to the known range outside of Ohio of the species which have been recognized in it. Only three of the Cleveland shale species of conodonts have thus far been recorded from other formations. These are Prionides angulatus Hinde, Prionides erraticus Hinde, and Polignathus dubius Hinde. These species are recorded only from Hamilton and Genesee horizons{ elsewhere, so that * Mon. U.S. Geol. Survey, No. 16, 1889. + Mon. U.S. Geol. Survey, xvi, page 128, 1889. +t Hinde, George H., On Conodonts from the Chazy and Cincinnati Group of the Cambro-Silurian, and from the Hamilton and Genesee-shale Divisions of the Devonian, in Canada and the United States. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., London, vol. xxxv, pp. 351-368, 1879. Clarke, J. M., Annelid Teeth from the lower portion of the Hamilton Group and from the Naples Shales of Ontario Co.,N. Y. N.Y. State Geol., Sixth Ann. Rep. for 1886, pp. 30-33, pl. Al. Grabau, A. W., The Paleontology of Highteen Mile Creek and the Lake Shore Sections of Erie County, New York. Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., vol. vi, pp. 150-158, figs. 833A-331, 34-46, 1899. Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky. 135 the conodonts, so far as their evidence is recorded, indicate a Devonian age for the Cleveland shale. Résumé of conclusions concerning age of unconformity.— Briefly summarizing the discussion of the question of the age of the Cleveland shale, we may say that (1) the evidence of the Waverly fauna originally brought forward by Newberry and restated by Bassler should be eliminated from considera- tion, because neither Newberry nor any of his successors have been able to substantiate it by finding a similar fauna at the base of the Cleveland. (2) Later workers have failed to find any of the Carboniferous fishes claimed by Newberry to occur in it. (8) Some of the large fossil fishes which characterize the Cleveland are represented by identical species in rocks of demonstrated Devonian age. (4) The Cleveland shale cono- donts, so far as their range has been recorded, are known elsewhere only from Devonian rocks. If there is extant no valid evidence of the Carboniferous age of the Cleveland shale, as the preceding review of it appears to indicate, the correlation of the Chattanooga shale, either in part or an toto with the Cleveland, affords strong evidence OIE, instead of against, its Devonian age as has been assumed by Dr. Bassler. This evidence in the north is fully corrobo- rated in the south by the discovery of a conodont fauna in a black shale of admitted Devonian age in east Tennessee which is identical with that in the Chattanooga shale. Thus we see that correlation of the Cleveland shale with its equivalent or partial equivalent, both in northern Ohio and eastern Tennes- see, indicates its Devonian age. With respect to the unconformity at the base of the Chatta- nooga shale, the important and obvious fact which appears from this discussion of the age of the Chattanooga is, that it does not transgress Devonian time. The field work of the writer has furnished convincing evidence, both stratigraphic and faunal, that the Chattanooga shale in Kentucky represents the Huron as well as the higher beds of the Ohio shale. Detailed presentation of the faunal and stratigraphic evidence of the continuity of the Huron shale across Kentucky must, however, await the appearance of the writer’s report on the fauna and stratigraphy of the Chattanooga shale. Only the evidence of one of the fossil fishes will be introduced here. Dr. L. Hussakof writes* concerning one of the fossil fishes obtained from this horizon by the writer and Mr. P. A. Bungart on Copperas Creek, east of Indian Fields, Clarke Co., Kentucky, as follows: “The specimen from Copperas Creek is without any question Dinichthys herzeri Newberry, the species supposed to be indica- * A letter to the writer, Nov. 28, 1911. 136 Kindle—Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky. tive of the Huron shale. Your specimen shows even the series of denticles alomg the front face of the ‘ premaxillary’ just as in the type specimen.” The fauna which most geologists have held to indicate a Genesee age for the Chattanooga in Kentucky the writer has found on all sides of the Cincinnati arch in Kentucky, but confined to the lower beds of the formation. There appear to be no good grounds for questioning this assignment of the basal beds of the Chattanooga to Genesee time. The land conditions represented by the unconformity could not then have continued later than the Genesee. Their initiation could not have been earlier than late Hamilton. Limestone of this age underlies the shale near Louisville. Hamilton fossils have been found in the Harpeth River valley a short distance south of the Kentucky-Tennessee boundary. When the Devo- nian limestone has been carefully studied in the intermediate territory in Kentucky, Hamilton fossils will doubtless be found in various localities where the rocks of this age have partially escaped erosion. It would appear, therefore, that the unconformity involved a time representing either early Genesee or late Hamilton time, or both. The evidence available with regard to the age of the black shale sediments in eastern Tennessee and southwest V1 irginia, indicate land conditions that were contemporaneous with . those which have been described in Kentucky. The uncon- formity at the base of the Chattanooga shale in eastern Tennessee* indicates that a land area existed in that region previous to Chattanooga sedimentation which was doubtless continuous with land conditions in southwest Virginia and central Tennessee and Kentucky, but which may have begun at an earlier period than in Kentucky. The unconformity in eastern Tennessee and southwestern Virginia is followed by shales with a fauna similar to that which we find above it in the Chattanooga in Kentucky. We must conclude, there- fore, that while pre-Chattanooga land conditions may have begun considerably earlier, they did not last appreciably longer in eastern Tennessee and southwest Virginia than in Kentucky. * Keith, Arthur, Knoxville, Loudon, Maynardsville, and Morristown Folios, U. 8S. Geol. Survey. - Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. 137 Arr. XVIII.—A Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature ; by Henry 8. WAsHINGTON. Introduction.—That the science of mineralogy may be regarded as a branch of descriptive chemistry (but one which deals only with substances occurring in nature) is recognized in the prevalent mineral classifications, where the chemical composition is the primary and most important factor. The character of the negative (acidic) ion controls for the for- mation of the largest classes, and subclasses may be based on the character of the positive (basic) ion, in some cases preceded by separation into anhydrous and hydrated compounds. In all these subclasses minerals which belong to the same acidic type are placed together. The ultimate smallest groups, which bring together minerals regarded as most closely related, are based on 1 similarity i in crystal form, dependent on isomor phous replacement, either entire or partial, and either in the negative or the positive portion of the molecule; while again dissimi- larity in crystal form due to polymorphism of substances with the same empirical chemical composition, serves to distinguish between groups chemically alike. The crystal form, therefore, is a necessary diagnostic, as important for the formulation of our idea of any mineral as its chemical composition. As Miers* expresses it, for the defini- tion of minerals “we are forced to employ at least two proper- ties, namely the chemical composition and the crystalline form: these two, when completely known, are necessary and sufficient for the definition and determination of any mineral.” The less important characters, such as color, structure, habit, _ state of aggregation, and minor details of chemical composition, are (or should be) used only to distinguish very subordinate (varietal) divisions, and, as Miers justly says, far too much importance has been oenerally assigned to them in naming minerals. Many cases will also occur to every mineralogist of minerals which stand alone and can only be referred to indefinite positions in the classes, dependent on the general character of the negative ion; that is, they show no intimate relations with other minerals through both ‘their chemical and crystallographic characters and constitute the sole represen- tatives of potential groups, which thus correspond to the mono- typic genera of botany and zoology. In this necessary utilization of both chemical composition and crystallographic characters, the definition and classification of minerals differ from, and may justly be considered as in *H. A. Miers, Mineralogy, London, 1902, p. 2 Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtTH SERIES, VoL. XX XIII, No. 194.—Frsruary, 1912. 10 1388 Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. advance of, the classification and definitions of descriptive chemistry, which only take cognizance of the ultimate chemi- cal composition of the substance as revealed by analysis, and its molecular structure as shown by its reactions, replacements, molecular weight, ete. To the chemist, CaCO, is only calcium carbonate, whether its erystal form is tr igonal or orthorhombie, with correlated differences in specitic gravity, optic characters, ete. To the mineralogist these two forms are different min- erals, though the chemical composition is expressed by the same empirical formula. This recognition of polymorphous or physically isomeric forms of the same empirical molecule as different substances and the converse relationship between substances of closely similar crystal form and of the same chemical type, though dif- fering in composition through isomorphous replacement, is but a logical following out of the teachings of physical chem- istry. It is an extension of the definition of “substance” to include, in addition to the chemical composition, the relations © of the physical and chemical characters of matter to the con- ditions of equilibrium which control crystallization. That the recognition of the essential difference between substances (in this sense) with the same ultimate chemical composition is valid and necessary, is shown by consideration of such cases as diamond and graphite (C), pyrite and marcasite (FeS,), or cal- cite and aragonite (CaCO,). In these the differences in the physical characters, and to no less an extent in many of the chemical characters, as resistance to reagents, of the members of each pair are so great that they must be regarded as dis- tinct substances. This would be true even from the purely | chemical point of view, since the physical differences, espe- ically those like specific gravity and specific heat, indicate differences in the molecular weight and very probably in molecular structure. It may be noted here that among minerals there are i ascertained cases of chemical isomerism, in which the distinct physical and chemical characters, due to profound and _persist- ent differences in the molecular structure, persist after the sub- stance has been changed into an amorphous state, as by fusion or solution, and then recrystallized.* Numerous illustrations of this are furnished by organic chemistry, the most classical being that of urea and ammonium isocyanate. Among minerals it is difficult to prove the existence of such cases, though they unquestionably occur, and Grotht regards pyrite and marcasite, and cyanite, sillimanite and andalusite, respec- * Groth, Introduction to Chemical Crystallography, New York, 1906, p. 3. Groth, Chemische Krystallographie, Leipzig, Pt. I, 1906, p. 155, and ry, grapnhie, pzig, , » P : Pt. II, 1908, p. 258. P Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. 139 tively, as cases in point. Whether there is any essential dif- ference between physical and chemical isomerism may perhaps be doubted, but further discussion of this topic is uncalled for here. In spite of this advanced state of the classification of min- eralogy, the nomenclature is in much the same condition as in the time of Pliny, when minerals were named after their qual- ities, localities, or uses, with the systematic termination -ctes or -2tis (modern -2¢e), the only innovations being the intro- duction of names after persons and certain other arbitrary ter- minations. Despite attempts to introduce binomial names, analogous to those of botany and zoology, or those based on chemical characters, systematic mineralogy has adhered closely to the nomenclature of the first century A. D.* Asaconsequence, mineral nomenclature, like that of the older rock classifications, is unable to express the facts of classification. Roots derived from names of places or persons can convey in themselves absolutely no idea of the mineralogical characters, and even those derived from chemical or physical characters are applicable to many different minerals. Thus cuprite applies equally well to CuO as Cu,O, and octahedrite would be an appropriate name for magnetite, franklinite, or fluorite. All such name roots are purely arbitrary in their mnemonic connotations, but at the same time, by long association, a laige proportion of mineral name roots convey very definite ideas of the mineral and chemical characters. _ Again, with the uniform and monotonous general use of a single termination (-ite), and the arbitrary and unsystematic employment of others, the characters and relations of minerals, and even of mineral groups, are concealed. No distinction is evident from the name between a rare or uncharacteristic vari- etal form of a certain mineral (as hiddenite or sagenite), and a large mineral group which may include many distinct min- erals (as zeolite or chlorite). In the case of a few of the com- monest and largest groups of related minerals we have names, fortunately distinctive because of their terminations, which -may be applied to the group as a whole, as spinel, feldspar, garnet, pyroxene, amphibole, mica; and the general usefulness and common application of these is sufficient evidence of the value of such group names. In other cases the difficulty of expressing relationships is got round and the need supplied by the word “group” after the name of a typical representative: as the pyrite, calcite, aragonite, olivine, and apatite groups. In all these group names the underlying idea which connects the members is adherence to a certain type of chemical formula, with isomorphous replacement, and, of equal importance, close * Cf. Dana, System Mineralogy, 1892, p. xl. 140 Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. similarity in the crystal form as shown by the system, axial relations, and often cleavage. As regards the crystal system, in the largest groups this similarity need not amount to iden- tity, as in the feldspars, pyroxenes and amphiboles, but in gen- eral the idea of a mineral group implies identity of crystal system modified only in its details by the slight morphotropic changes consequent on isomorphous replacement. It will thus be seen that a mineral nomenclature should be able to express in the name a fairly definite idea of the chemi- cal composition and type of compound, as well as the crystal system, and at the same time indicate the relations to other minerals, and especially the membership of a mineral in its particular “group.” It is the object of this paper to lay stress on the importance of the recognition in mineralogical classifi- cation of this idea of mineral groups, distinguished by close similarity in chemical composition and erystal form, and made up of distinct mineral members, and to suggest a nomenclature which will express these relations, based on the general prinei- ples of chemical nomenclature, but providing also for the recognition of the crystal form as an element of the classifica- tion. The System of Nomenclature.—As compared with the ecar- bon compounds, minerals, and especially the silicates, present very great difficulties in the study of their molecular constitu- tion. This is because of their high fusing points, non-volatility, insolubility, general chemical stability at ordinary or even very high temperatures (so that replacements of portions of the molecule are difficult), and impossibility of determination of the molecular weight, assuming that the term “ molecular weight” is applicable to a solid body. Although we now realize the importance of this branch of mineralogy, and are beginning to recognize, especially among the silicates, the complex chemical constitution of many minerals and the existence of certain radicals or atomic groups analogous to those of organic chem- istry, yet we are generally forced to be content with the expres- sion of the chemical composition by simple empirical formulas. The constitutional and graphic formulas of but very few min- erals can be given with any degree of confidence, and in the vast majority of cases we are absolutely in the dark. Mineralogy is essentially in the condition of organic chemis- try of the early days, when the composition of alcohol could only be expressed émpirically as C,H,O, that of lactic acid as C,H,O,, and that of urea as CH,ON,; - wher eas at present we can “confi- dently express them by the constitutional for mulas, (O,H,) (OH), (CH,) (CHOH) (COOH), and (CO) (NH,),, systemati- cally known as ethyl alcohol, o-hydroxypropionic acid, and carbonyl amide, the last differing in constitutional formula from the isomeric ammonium isocyanate, (CON) (NH,). Veashingiow.~ Suggestion Jor Mineral Nomenclature. 141 Indeed, the theory of mineral constitution at present is in many ways analogous to the “theory of types” in organic chemistry, formulated by Gerhardt about 1850,as is seen in the general reference of the silicate minerals to simple silicic acids, H,SiO,, H.,SiO,, H,Si,0,, ete. Kekulé’s “ theory of linked atoms” has now superseded this in organic chemistry, * and the applicability of this to mineral chemistry has only recently begun to be realized. The study of the molecular constitution of minerals and attempts at the establishment of constitutional formulas have been undertaken by T'schermak, Groth, Clarke, and many others, either throngh direct experiment or study of alteration pro- ducts, but so far with doubtful success in most cases, and it will probably be many years before mineralogy attains to the knowledge requisite for formulas like those of modern organic chemistry. In three important papers Penfieldt established the complex character of the acidic portion of the tourmalines and amphi- boles, and showed the effect of the mass action of the complex acid in controlling crystallization, allowing replacement of the hydrogen atoms of the hypothetical acid by very different ele- ments or radicals, and with different valences, but without change in crystal form. He also speaks of these acids as tour- maline acid and amphibole acid, with the implication that an essential character of their salts is adherence to the particular erystal form of tourmaline and amphibole respectively. More recently the problem of the constitution of some sili- cates has been studied by Tschermak, Baschieri and others.t These investigators have identified certain silicic acids, which they call after the mineral names, among them being: anorthi- tic acid (H,Si0,) albitic acid (H,Si,O,), leucitic acid (H,Si,O,), heulanditie acid (H,,Si,O,,), granatic acid (H,8i,O, and dato- litic acid (H,Si,O,). Their method, it may be remarked, does not apparently permit of discrimination between a purely sili- cic or an alumo- or boro-silicic acid, and none of these workers suggests, like Pentield, that the acid or the acid name implies the crystal form of its salts. It is suggested here that this concept of Penfield of silicate minerals as salts of mineral acids, in many cases of much greater complexity than is implied by the empirical formula, with the implication of the adherence of the salts to a charac- *Cf. C. Schorlemmer, Rise and Development of Organic Chemistry, Lon- don, 1894, pp. 39, 69, and 155. + This Journal, vii, p. 97, 1899: x, p. 19, 1900; xxiii, p. 28, 1907. +t Tschermak, Sb. Ak. Wiss. Wien, exii (1), p. 300, 1905, exiv (1), p. 455, i909, exy (1), p. 217, 1906.) HE. Baschieri, Proc. verb. Soc. Tose. , Xvi, p. 34, 1907: Atti Soc. Tose. Mem., xxiv, p. 133, 1908. Himmelbauer, Sb. Ak. Wiss. Wien, cxv(1), p. 1184, 1906. 142 Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. teristic crystal form, be extended to minerals in general and made the basis of a mineral nomenclature. From this point of view silicate minerals would not be considered simply as salts of orthosilicic acid (H,Si0,), metasilicic acid (H,Si0,), disilicic acid (H,Si,O,), and so forth; as substitution derivatives of normal aluminum silicates according to Clarke, (which correspond to the old theory of types); or of multiples of silica according to Goldschmidt: but each group would be considered as salts of a particular silico- or alumino-silico- acid characterized by the parti- cular crystal form and symmetry of its salts, and capable of ismorphous replacement either of its basic hydrogens or in the acidic portion. This concept may be most appropriately applied to mineral groups, distifguished as at present by identity of chemical type and close similarity in crystal form, but it may be equally _ well applied to monotypic “groups”, represented, so far as now known, by only one mineral and which exhibit no evident near relationships, either chemical or crystallographic, as is the case with beryl and calamine. It is also clear that it would be applicable to minerals of simple as well as highly complex constitution. A further poimt, and one of great importance, is that a system of nomenclature based on this concept would be applicable whether the structural or constitutional formula, or even the exact chemical composition, of the mineral acid were known or not, as the salts of a given mineral acid (in this sense) would be identifiable and their relationship established by their conforming to a certain empirical chemical formula and crystal form. Thus the various pyroxenes and amphiboles are members of two different, but well-characterized, and uni- versally recognized “natural” groups, though we are as yet almost wholly ignorant of their molecular constitution, know- ing only that they may be referred, but do not necessarily be- long, to the metasilicates, but are undoubtedly much more com- plex than is indicated by the empirical formulas. We cannot even determine which group is the more complex. Such a nomenclature would be rational and would be analo- gous to that of morganic chemistry, of which mineralogy may be considered to be a branch, except that the crystallographic character is implied in the name and is an integral part of the definition. It might even be suggested that such a nomencla- ture as is here suggested is also applicable to artificial salts, and would be found especially useful with such highly complex compounds as the silicotungstates, phosphomolybdates, cobalt- ammine compounds, the various groups of which might be named after chemists who have been especially identified with their study. While in advance of the present inadequate nomenclature, Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. 148 in that not only chemical and crystallographic characters but min- eral relationships would be indicated, the suggested nomen- clature would not, nor is it intended to, replace this for general use. The two would exist simultaneously, though used for different purposes, as the new nomenclature would lend itself readily to, and would probably aid in, the study and investigation of the molecular constitution of minerals and in other ways. In ordinary parlance and for usual purposes min- erals, especially the common ones, would go by their present names, while when greater precision and exactitude were needed, especially in theoretical discussion, the suggested nomenclature could be used. Similarly, in inorganic and especially in organic chemistry, the common names are ordinarily used instead of the longer and more complex scientific names, which are. sys- tematic and indicate the chemical constitution. 3 For the purposes of such a nomenclature the large store of present mineral names may be drawn on for the necessary roots, since these roots would have in most cases sufficient mnemonic connotations to give directly an idea of the general chemical and crystal characters. Well-known or fairly well-known roots are sufficiently numerous to cover nearly the whole field of mineralogy. Though new minerals are being discovered with some frequency, representatives of entirely new mineral groups are comparatively rare, as many of the new minerals are refer- able to groups already known, and with increasingly exact knowledge of chemical composition and molecular structure, many minerals of hitherto unknown or uncertain affinities are being correlated with other groups, as the sodalites and the garnets. It is suggested that the names of minerals (excepting for the present the elements and hydrocarbons) be formed similarly to those of oxides and salts in morganic chemistry, as ferric oxide, sodium chloride, potassium sulphate, but with the crystal char- acter implied in the name. Such mineral names will be bino- mial in general, composed of one term denoting the basic (positive) portion of the molecule and another denoting the acidic (negative) portion. As the acidic portion is of major importance in classification it will be considered first. The name of the mineral acid, or the acidic portion of its salts, will imply not only general chemical composition and type, but the crystal symmetry and general crystallographic relations of its salts, subject to the morphotropic changes due to isomorphous replacement. The acid (negative) radical of a mineral group will be denoted by a root derived from the present name of atypical and appro- priate member, preferably that best known or first named. To this root, in general shorn of its present termination (except 144. Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. for euphony or to avoid confusion with ordinary chemical salts), will be affixed the termination used in inorganic chem- istry for the type of compound represented. For the mineral acid itself this termination would then be -zc, for a binary com- pound (oxide, sulphide, ete.) it will be -zde, for the sulpho-acid and analogous salts,*. and for the oxy-acid salts, it will be -ate. As noted above, it will not be necessary to know the constitu- tional formula of the acid or mineral group to name it, as it may be defined by its empirical formula and crystal form. The water of crystallization of hydrated mineral salts may in general be considered for the purposes of nomenclature as part of the negative portion of the molecule, since not only do nearly all hydrates differ crystallographically from the anhy- drous salts, but the crystal form varies with the number of mole- cules of water present when several hydrates exist. Such simple designations, implying always the crystal system characteristic of the salts of the mineral acid, will suffice for the negative (acidic) portion of isomorphous mineral groups in which the acid radical is identical in all (the base alone varying through isomorphous replacement), or for monotypic mineral groups. Thus, the members of the calcite, aragonite, and olivine groups are respectively salts of calcitic, aragonic, and olivinice acids, or calcitates, aragonates, and olivinates; while eyanite and calamine are the only known disthenate and ecala- mate respectively. When, however, in a group the chief element in the acidic portion is replaceable isomorphously, by different elements, as with the pyrite and apatite groups or, as in the pyroxenes and feldspars, there are marked differences in the crystal symmetry, the acidic portion remaining chemically the same, it becomes necessary to indicate these differences in the nomenclature. This may best be done in two ways, according to which of the cases 1s involved. In the case of isomorphous replacement in the acidic portion the different compositions may be expressed by the use of appropriate prefixes to the acidic term used without a hyphen. Thus all members of the pyritohedrally isometric pyrite group would be pyrides, but pyrite and hauerite would be sulpyrides, and smaltite and chloanthite arsenpyrides. Among the silicates the presence of unusual or non-typical elements partially replacing silica may be expressed by similar syllables pretixed to the acidic name with a hyphen. Thus rosen- buschite and lavenite would be zirco-diopsidates. In some eases, when the isomorphous replacement in the acidic portion is complex, it may be advisable to use very much shortened syl- * The regular termination -ite would be inadvisable for these, as liable to confusion with present names. Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. 145 labic forms for the various elements, as will be explained when the naming of the base is considered. In the case of the more complex mineral acids, especially among the silicates, as the alumo-silicates or boro-silicates, in which only the subsidiary acidic element is’ isomorphously replaceable, the replacement will be indicated by the use of appropriate chemical syllables prefixed to the acidic term, used with a hyphen. Thus, if the garnets are regarded as salts of complex alumo-. ete.- acids, they would be called alumi- garnetates, ferri-garnetates, and chromi- garnetates, and simi- larly members of the datolite group would be bori-datolates, alumi-datolates or yttri-datolates, represented by datolite, euclase, and gadolinite. This will serve to distinguish such complex salts from those of mineral acids in which one characteristic element exists and is wholly replaced, as in the apatite group, which would be called phosphapatates, arsenapatates, and vanada- patates. When the differences are those of crystal symmetry, as in the pyroxene and feldspar groups, the general group names will be formed as above by a root derived from the present group name or best representative, followed by the termi nations -oze for the acid, -ode for binary compounds, and -ote for sulpho-and oxy-salts. The various subgroups, distinguished by differmg but related crystal systems, will be designated by the use of the appropriate roots and regular terminations as described above. Thus all the members of the pyroxene group would be salts of pyroxenoic acid or pyroxenotes, while the orthorhombic members would be hypersthenates, the mono- clinie diopsidates, and the triclinic rhodonates. The rare cases among minerals of homologous series, corre- sponding to the paraffins and olefines of organic chemistry, in which each member differs from the preceding by a constant increase of a certain atomic group, must also be considered. These are best represented by the humite group, better called “series.” The members of such a series may be designated as to the acidic portion by the use of the prefixes wn2-, b2-, ter-, etc., to indicate the number of the varying radical, as will be shown later. The base or bases present will be indicated by the use of the name or names of the positive element or elements, either as such or expressed by appropriate syllables when more than one base is present. It may be suggested that the relative impor- tance of the several isomorphous bases present be indicated by a definite order in the syllables and that the most important be placed last, the preceding ones being in the nature of mod- ifiers. This can also be emphasized by using the full name for the most important base, and a contracted adjectival form, 146 Washington—Sugqgestion for Mineral Nomenclature. ending in @ or 0, for the others. When two bases are of equal importance, present in about equal molecular amounts, the combined full names may be used, though this last might better be reserved for definite double salts, as dolomite. Illustrating the above idea, forsterite would be called magnesium olivinate, most chrysolite ferro-magnesium olivinate, hyalosiderite might be magnesi-ferrous olivinate, and fayalite ferrous olivinate. In many minerals, however, several bases are present and in these cases, and even when there are only two, the designation of the base may become long and cumbrous. It may therefore be desirable to have all the bases represented by syllables as com- pact and condensed as possible, so long as this can be done with- out sacrificing clearness. Jor this purpose it is suggested that the first syllable of the element name may be used, joined together without linking vowels or hyphens, the order being significant of the relative importance, asabove. Thus enstatite would be magnesium hypersthenate, bronzite fermag hypersthe- nate, and a highly ferrous hypersthene magfer hypersthenate. Witn the increasing recognition of the presence of radicals in minerals it becomes necessary, as a matter of convenience, to designate these by short terms, and here we may well follow the lead of organic chemistry, where we find such indispen- sable radical names as ethyl, butyl, phenyl, acetyl, derived from their most prominent compounds. Similarly we might desig- nate the mineral radical, Al(F,OH), essential in topaz, as topyl; Mg(Fj{OH), present in the chondrodrite series, as chondry] ; and (BOH), which Penfield has shown to be present in tourma- lines, as tourmyl. Such radical names would take the place of element names when present as bases. The objection will, of course, be raised against the use of such syllables that they are barbarous, uncouth, and cacopho- nous. In reply to this it may be said that, while they will undoubtedly appear so at first, usage will gradually render them easy, natural, and less awkward. As a case in point may be cited the terminology of organic chemistry, where we find such words as carboxyl, aldoxim, azoxybenzol, glyoxal, phthalisoimide, and a host of others. The same objections could have been, and probably were, raised against these, but to express the lengthy and complicated names of organic compounds the chemist has found such syllables absolutely nec- essarv. They are readily understandable and give an imme- diate insight into the composition of the substance, have wholly lost their original ‘“‘ barbarousness,” and new ones are freely coined when needed. Acid and basic salts present some difficulties, as it is not always possible as yet to determine the function of hydrogen or hydroxyl in minerals. When definitely known to be basic Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. 147 or acid salts they may be so designated, but in general they may be designated by special acidic names for the group, since the acidity or basicity almost always determines a crystal form different from that of the normal salt. Names formed as suggested above have certain analogies with some of the present mineral names, in which isomorphous replacement is indicated by the use of chemical modifiers, as soda-microline, manganopectolite, cuprodescloizite, natrojaro- site, plumbo-jarosite and soda-mica. Even in these we can see the lack of system in present nomenclature, since these names belong to two distinct categories. In the one the modifier expresses only partial replacement of the characteristic element of the type mineral by an isomorphous one, as in the first three examples, which are presumably cases of solid solution and should be regarded as varieties of the type, or as intermediate between two extremes. In the last three cases there is entore replacement by the element denoted in the name, and such minerals are definite compounds and must be regarded as dis- tinct species. For this reason natrojarosite and plumbojarosite are better entitled to recognition as distinct minerals than are soda-microcline (anorthoclase) or manganopectolite, and should have special names not formed on this plan, while paragonite has properly replaced the earlier soda-mica, which last should be used for a mica in which the potassium is only partially replaced by sodium. The names of the suggested nomenclature are properly appli- cable only to minerals of the second kind just mentioned, that is to definite compounds, since it is essentially an inorganic chemical nomenclature, in which mixed erystals should be named by calling them mixtures of their components. In mineralogy the case is somewhat different, it is true, as such mixed crystals are often important and fairly well-defined min- eral species, and names for them are necessary. Some latitude and discretionary power niust, therefore, be allowed, and while all rather indefinite mixed crystals need not receive specific recognition or names, there will be many cases, especially when the mixture is of mineralogical importance, fairly con- stant in composition, or with some approximation to simple stoichiometric ratios, when names as above should be bestowed. To meet the common case of the indefinite or variable isomor- phous replacement, it may be suggested that the syllable -ec be added to the compounded elemental syllables used for the base. Thus the various hypersthenes and bronzites would be called collectively fermagic hypersthenates, and the lime-soda feld- spars would be calsodic albates. Llliustrations of the System.—It is impracticable to give here a complete illustration of the application of the system to 148 Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. all known minerals, so that only a few selected cases are given which will illustrate the points brought out above. It is pur- posed to publish elsewhere a fairly complete list, already prepared, which will serve as a basis for the suggested nomen- clature. SPHALERITE GROUP. Sphalerides, R"(S,Se,Te), isometric, tetrahedral. Sphalerite, ZnS Zine sulsphaleride Metacinnabarite, HgS Mercury sulsphaleride Alabandite, MnsS Manganese sulsphaleride Tiemannite, HgSe Mercury selsphaleride Onofrite Hg(S,Se) Mercury selsulsphaleride Coloradoite, HgTe Mercury telsphaleride Pyrite GRovp. Pyrides, R(S,As,Sb),, isometric, pyritohedral. Pyrite, FeS, Tron sulpyride Hauerite, Mn§S, Manganese sulpyride Laurite, RuS, ’ Ruthenium sulpyride Smaltite, CoAs, Cobalt arsenpyride Chloanthite, NiAs, Nickel arsenpyride Sperrylite, PtAs, Platinum arsenpyride Cobaltite, Co(S, As), Cobalt sularsenpyride Gersdorftite, Ni(S, As), Nickel sularsenpyride MARCASITE GROUP. Marcasides, R(S,As),, orthorhombic. Marcasite, FeS, Iron sulmarcaside Léllingite, FeAs, Iron arsenmarcaside Safflorite, CaAs, Cobalt arsenmarcaside Rammelsbergite, NiAs, Nickel arsenmarcaside HEMATITE GROUP. Hematides, R,O,, trigonal. Corundum, Al,O, Aluminum hematide Hematite, Fe,O, Tron hematide Ilmenite, (Fe,T1),0, Titanferri hematide Geikielite, (Mg,Ti),O, Titanmagnesi hematide Pyrophanite, (Mn,T1),O, Titanmangani hematide If the members of this group are considered to be aluminates, ferrates, etc., the appropriate names would be : Aluminum alhem- atate, iron ferhematate, iron titanhematate, magnesium titan- hematate, and manganese titanhematate. Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. CALCITE GROUP. Calcitates, R",CO,, trigonal. Calcite, CaCO, Magnesite, MgCO, Dolomite, CaMg(CQ,), Ankerite, (Mg,Fe)Ca(CO,), Siderite, FeCO, Rhodochrosite, MnCO, Calcium calcitate Magnesium calcitate Magnesicalcium calcitate Fermag-calcium calcitate Ferrous calcitate Manganese calcitate FELDSPAR GROUP.* Feldspathotes, S R’AISi,0, | R’A1,Si,0, ADULAR SUBGROUP. Adularates, monoclinic. Orthoclase, K A1Si,O, Barbierite, NaAlSi, O. Celsian, BaAl, Si, O. Potassium adularate Sodium adularate Barium adularate ALBITE SUBGROUP. Albates, R'AlSsi,O,, Microcline, K.A1Si,O, Albite, NaAlsi EO Anorthoclase, (K, 'Na) AISi, O, triclinic Potassium albate Sodium albate , Potassisodium albate ANORTHITE SUBGROUP. Anorthates, R"Al,Si,O,, Anorthite, CaA1,Si,O, Carnegieite, Na, A1,S8i,O, triclinic. Calcium anorthate Sodium anorthate Mixed Salts. Oligoclase, Ab, An, Andesine, Ab, An, Labradorite, Ab, An, Caldisod anorth-albate Sodeal alb-anorthate Soddical alb-anorthate PYROXENE GROUP. ao1,O o monoclinic-triclinic. 149 Pyroxenotes, , orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinie. R’R’” SiO, *The constitution and relations of the feldspars, lenads and zeolites will form the subject of a subsequent paper. 150 Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. HyYPERSTHENE SUBGROUP. Hypersthenates, orthorhombic. Enstatite, Mg,Si,0, Magnesium hypersthenate Bronzite, (Fe,Mg),Si,O, Ferromagnesium hypersthenate Hypersthene, (Mg,Fe),Si,0, Magnesiferrous hypersthenate DiopsipE SUBGROUP. Diopsidates, monoclinic. Diopside, CaMgS8i,O, Calcimagnesium diopsidate Hedenbergite, Cak’eSi,O, Calciferrous diopsidate Wollastonite, Ca,Si,O, Calcium diopsidate mCaMegsi,O Py p> 2 Augite, | n(Mg, Fe) (Al,Fe),SiO, Alfercalmag diopsidate Acmite, NaFeSi,0, Ferrisodium diopsidate Jadeite, NaAIS8i,O, Alumisodium diopsidate Spodumene, LiAISi,0, Alumilithium diopsidate Pectolite, HNaCa,Si,O, Acid sodicalcium diopsidate RHODONITE SUBGROUP. Rhodonates, triclinic. Rhodonite, Mn,8i,0, Manganese rhodonate Babingtonite, ne Si oar: Ferricalcium rhodonate OLIVINE GROUP. Olivinates, R",Si,O,, orthorhombic. 2 4) Forsterite, Mg.Si,O, Magnesium olivinate Monticellite, CaMgsi,O, Calcimagnesium olivinate Chrysolite, (Fe,Mg),Si,O, - Ferromagnesium olivinate ~ Fayalite, Fe,Si,O, Ferrous olivinate Tephroite, Mn,8i,O, Manganous olivinate Glaucochroite, CaMn8i,O, Calcimanganous olivinate CHONDRODITE SERIES. Chondrodates, R",,_,(R"(F,OH)),(SiO,),, orthorhombic Prolectite, Me(Mg(F,OH)),(Si0,) Magnesium uni-chondrodate Chondrodite, Mg,(Mg(F,OH)),(Si0,), Magnesium bi-chondrodate i Humite, Me. {Me(F,OH)), (Si0,), Magnesium ter-chondrodate Leucopheenicite, Mn,(MnOH),(Si0,), Manganese ter-chondrodate Clinohumite, Mg.(Mg(F,OH)),(S810,), Magnesium quadri-chondrodate Washington—Suggestion for Mineral Nomenclature. 151 DAaTOLITE GROUP. Datolates, R",R'Si,O,,, monoclinic. 10? Datolite, H,Ca,B,8i,0,, Acid calcium bori-datolate Euclase, H,G1,A1,8i,O,, Acid glucinum alumi-datolate Gadolinite, FeG],Y,Si,O,, Ferro glucinum yttri-datolate Homilite, FeCa,B,Si,0O,, Ferro calcium bori-datolate SPINEL GROUP. Spinelates, R"R'’,O., isometric. Spinel, MgAl,O, Magnesium alumispinelate Hercynite, FeAl,O, Ferrous alumispinelate Gahnite, Zr Al,O, Zine alumispinelate Magnetite, FeFe,O, Ferrous ferrispinelate Chromite, FeCr,O, Ferrous chromispinelate APATITE GROUP. Apatates, R" (F, Cl) ((P, As, V)O,),, hexagonal. Apatite, Ca,(F,Cl)(PO,), — Calcium phosphapatate Pyromorphite, Pb,Cl(PO,), Lead phosphapatate Mimetite, Pb,Cl(AsQ,), : Lead arsenapatate Svabite, Ca,F(As9O,), Calcium arsenapatate Vanadinite, Pb,Cl(VO,), Lead vanadapatate Locust, N. J., November, 1911. 152 Zodd—Optical Resolution of the Saturnian Ring. Art. XIX.—Optical Fesolution of the Saturnian Ring ; | by Davip Topp. OBSERVATIONAL research upon the ring of Saturn may be embraced in ten stages : (1) Galileo (1564-1642) represented the Saturnian system triform. “Uliemum (altissemum) planetam tergeminum observavi,’ he announced and he drew the ring as two separate, we and lesser spherical bodies on either side of the planetary all. | (2) Scheiner (1575-1650) connected these two bodies with the planet, making it appear like a head with large ears, or a ae plaque with ansae (handles) as they were called, and still are. (5) Rieciol (1598-1671) and Hevelius (1611-1687), with larger and better telescopes, came very near the real ring form and all but guessed the true shape of the puzzling anomaly. (4) Huygens (1629-95) was the first who divined the ring as such, and he gave a full and accurate description of it as fol- lows: “Anulo cingitur tenuc plano nusquam cohaerente ad eclipticam inclinato.”’ His characterization of the ring first explained all the appearances that had battled his predecessors : how the ring might disappear and reappear, and in about 30° years could pass through a complete cycle of phases, from abso- lute invisibility to the amplest widening. | (5) Cassini (1625-1712), with a better telescope, showed that the ring had symmetric dark markings on it which divided it into two parts though unequal in breadth, the inner one the brighter and broader. (6) Encke (1791-1865) discovered a similar division of the outer ring into two parts, though he found it impossible to trace the dark dividing line all the way round. In facet, it is often invisible at the present day. (7) Bond (1789-1859) and Dawes (1799-1868) discovered a broad, dusky ring inside the inner Huygenian ring, and seemingly joined to its inner edge. | (8) Barnard (1857—_), by observing with the Lick telescope the transit of Japetus through the shadow of ball and rings, found the satellite readily visible in passing the crape ring, fainter by the bright ring, while it disappeared completely in the shadow of the ball. | (9) Keeler (1857-1900) photographed the spectrum of the ring, and measured the displacement in spectral lines of the inner and outer edge of the bright ring. This displacement he found exactly what it should be if the ring were not solid, but made up of clouds of particles revolving round Saturn, as shoals of satellites in full accord with the Keplerian har- monic law. The ring might still, however, be gaseous. It only remained to visualize the separate particles of which the ring is composed. There are many telescopes powerful enough to make this observation possible ; and the highly unfa- Todd— Optical Resolution of the Saturnian Ring. 158 vorable conditions of our lower atmosphere are alone respon- sible for failure hitherto to resolve the ring into its component satellites. The writer has for many years observed Saturn at every favorable opportunity, and with the highest magnifying pow- ers that the conditions of atmosphere would admit. In 1905, when the 18-inch Olark glass was first mounted at Amherst, the rmg was toc much foreshortened and the inner regions of the ansae too restricted in area. In 1907 when the glass was taken to Chile for photographing Mars, the ring was passing its period of edgewise visibility: the desert seeing, however, was most of the time superb, and resolution of the ring would have been relatively easy, from our station at Alianza in the foothills of the Andes, had the presentation of the ring been favorable. Since remounting the telescope at Amherst, every opportu- nity of exceptional definition has been embraced. Further- more, the objective has been fitted with an exterior iris diaphragm, conveniently operated from the eye-end; and the absolute necessity of such an appliance in all telescopic work requiring fine definition has been proved beyond adoubt. The pupil of the eye automatically opens and closes, in adaptation to the strength of illumination of the object toward which it is turned ; and the addition of a great objective to the optical system requires further adaptation of the amount of light it gathers to that particular magnifying power which the special condition of the always turbulent air will allow. The weather conditions of the peculiar autumn of 1911 gave many opportunities when resolution of the Saturnian ring near its extremities was suspected ; but not until the perfectly quiescent nights of October 28 and 29 was there a near approach to that serenity and entire atmospheric calm which I had before experienced but twice: on the summit of Fuji-san in 1887, and in the desert of Tarapaca in northern Chile twenty years later. The power on this occasion was pushed nearer to the limit than I had ever found it possible to do before at Amherst. The sky, too, was absolutely clear of haze, so that a power of 950 gave only very slightly scattered illumination in the field. In moments of best definition a power of 1400 was found to per- form satisfactorily with an aperture of 16 inches. Near the extremities of the inner bright ring there was a: lenticular shading, as drawn by Proctor (1837-88), and less pronouncedly by Barnard; and it was in this especial region that, in moments of the best vision, a certain sparkling flocculence was more or less steadily glimpsed ; scintillant much as fine snowflakes sun-illumined at the close of a storm. There was no longer in the writer’s mind any doubt that the separate component satellites of the ring had been seen, at least in that Am. Jour. Sct.—FourtH Series, VoL. X XXIII, No. 194.—Fresruary, 1912. ily 154 ZLodd—Optical Resolution of the Saturnian Ring. part of the inner Huygenian ring which is adjacent to the extremities of sits major axis. The degree of amplification seemed too great for resolution of the dusky ring; in fact, with the highest powers it was very difficult to discern this ring at all. The accompanying sketch of the critical region of the planet is a crude attempt to show approximately the area of the resolution in the following ansa, though it was by no means so regular either in character or outline as the engraver has represented it. It should be viewed not less than eight feet from the eye. Through November, December, and early January every favorable opportunity of observing Saturn was embraced, but at no time did the seeing approach. the excellence of late Octo- Following Ansa of Saturn, Oct. 28, 29, 1911. ber. Usual winter conditions having evidently set in for a permanency, no further opportunity for verification of the res- olution appeared likely to offer during the current presentation. A Latin dispatch was therefore fr amed, with the assistance of my colleague, Dr. Houghton, and for warded to Sir David Guill, as follows: Saturni anulorum clarorum extertorumgue axium matorum prope extrema, me adiuvantibus validissimis tele- scopiis, quandam flocculentiam scintillantem observavi, quam oculorum dissipationem anult esse interpretatus sum. By a like fatality that rendered Schiaparelli’s canali into canals, oculorum dissipatio became, not optical resolution, its true English equivalent, but dzsstpatcon,—a simple translitera- tion which implied a breaking up or dissolution of the ring: an idea wholly foreign to the writer, who is no friend o catas- trophic theories of the Saturnian ring. Amherst College Observatory, January 16, 1912. OU Chemistry and Physics. ig SOEEN PEE TC INEHUULEGEN CE. J. CHrmistRyY AND Puysics. 1. Canadium, an Alleged New Element of the Platinum Group.—The announcement is made by A. G. FRENCH, a metal- lurgist of the Nelson district in British Columbia, that he has discovered a new noble metal and has named it canadium in honor of the Dominion. It was found in the dike rocks in the Nelson district, occurring associated with platinum metals in quantities from a few pennyweights to three ounces per ton. It occurs pure in semi-crystalline grains, and in short rods about half a milli- meter in length and one-tenth of a millimeter in thickness. It has been found also in the form of scales in platinum-bearing ores. These particles, which have a bluish-white color, contain the metal alloyed with a volatile substance which may be osmium, as it is dispelled by the blowpipe, leaving a brilliant bead of “ cana- dium.” The new metal is not platinum, ruthenium, palladium, nor osmium, as it is much softer than these and is more fusible, being quite readily melted by the blowpipe. It is not oxidized by long heating in the oxidizing blowpipe flame. It is soluble in nitric and hydrochloric acids, and in mixtures of the two acids with- out residue, and the solution in nitric acid gives no precipitate with sodium chloride solution. Therefore it is not silver, a fact which is also indicated by the circumstance that the metal is not blackened by alkaline sulphides. The metal is not colored by tincture of iodine, and the nitrate solution gives no precipitate with potassium iodide. These tests show that it is not palladium. Its melting-point is somewhat lower than that of gold or silver, and very much lower than that of palladium. It is electro-neg- ative to silver. When it is alloyed with gold and silver in “ part- ing” proportions, dilute nitric acid dissolves the silver first and then the new element, leaving gold and the usual brown form, but if the action is stopped when the silver is all dissolved, and the dark residue is then dried and pressed with a knife-blade, the color is a most beautiful and brilliant white. The new metal may then be dissolved by further treatment with nitric acid, pre- cipitated by zinc, and cupelled with lead to a white bead which is not colored by alkaline sulphides. If the description given is accurate, a new metal would seem to be indicated, and a more thorough chemical examination on a larger scale, which is intended to be made soon, will be awaited with much interest.— Chem. News, civ, 283. H. L. W. 2. The Alleged Complexity of Tellurium.—The anomalous posi- tion of the atomic weight of tellurium in the Periodic System has led to many-attempts in recent years to separate it into elements of higher and lower atomic weights, and many such efforts have led to negative results. However, some recent work has indi- cated that the fractional decomposition of tellurium tetrachloride 156 Scientific Intelligence. by means of hot water gave a product which showed a lower atomic weight for tellurium than the one usually accepted. In fact an atomic weight as low as 124°32 was obtained by Flint from such fractionated material in one case, in place of the usual atomic weight, 127°5. Since Baker and Bennett had previously failed to find any change in tellurium by this same method, as well as by six other methods, Harcourt and BaKeEr have repeated the work. Starting with some very pure telluric acid, they made four fractional precipitations in series from solutions of the tetrachlo- ride by pouring them into boiling water. The tellurium of the final product was carefully purified and its atomic weight was determined by converting it into the tetrabromide. Five results gave the numbers 127°55, 127°55, 127°53, 127°53, and 127°53, while determinations on material similarly purified, but without the attempted fractionation, gave a mean result of 127°53. Since the results showed no evidence of the slightest change by means of the fractional precipitation, the operation was not carried further. The authors believe that the low results previously mentioned were due to contamination of the dioxide with trioxide, which was shown to give a precipitate with an orange color. It is evi- dent, at all events, that no fractionation of tellurium into dif- ferent elements has as yet been effected.— Chem. News, civ, 260. H bes We 3. A New Quantitative Separation of Iron from Manganese.— J. A. SancHEz has found that when pyridine is added to a neu- tral or slightly acid solution of ferric and manganous salts, all the iron 1s precipitated as hydroxide, while the manganese remains in solution. It is stated that in this way it is possible to separate 0:0005 g. of manganese from 1g. of iron. Neutralization of nearly all the free acid by caustic soda or potash, adding pyridine, boil- ing for 10 minutes, and washing the precipitate first with hot water saturated with pyridine, then with hot water alone, are recommended. No test analyses are given, nor is any statement made in regard to the behavior of nickel and cobalt in the sepa- ration, but it is stated that zinc goes partly into the precipitate and partly into solution.— Bulletin, ix, 880. H. L,. WW: 4, Famous Chemists ; by E. Roperts. 12mo, pp. 247. Lon- don and New York, 1911 (The Macmillan Company).—The object of this little book is to give an account of the chief work of the most famous chemists, and to indicate briefly the part played by each in the development of the science. The subjects treated are Stahl, Boyle, Black, Cavendish, Priestly, Scheele, Lavoisier, Berthollet, Dalton, Davy, Gay-Lussac, Berzelius, Faraday, Dumas, W ohler, Liebig, Graham, Bunsen, Hofmann, Pasteur, Williamson, Frank- land, Kekulé, Mendeleeff, Perkin, and Victor Meyer. The essays include the important biographical facts as well as the principal achievements of these heroes of chemistry. The arti- cles are clear, concise, and well written, and the book will be very useful to those who wish to obtain an outline of the development of modern chemistry. H, i. We Chemistry and Physics. 157 5. Quantitative Chemical Analysis ; by CiroweEs and Co.Le- MAN. 8yvo, pp. 565. Philadelphia, 1911 (P. Blakiston’s Son & Co.). This text-book is so well known and widely used, both in Great Britain, the place of its origin, and in the United States, that the appearance of the present ninth edition requires no comment except the statement that the text of the much improved eighth edition, which appeared two years ago, has been carefully revised with the result that some additions and improvements have been made, and errors have been corrected. HisoLs. We 6. Photometric Paddle- Wheels. — James R. Mitnez_ has recently described a new form of rotating photometric sector similar to a paddle-wheel in appearance, and consisting, in one form, of two flat, triangular vanes fixed to the shaft of a motor by which they are rotated. The amount of light interrupted depends on the azimuth of the base, which angular measurement can be made with a high degree of accuracy. The author gives a mathematical discussion of this new type of apparatus, in which are deduced formule for the intensities of the light transmitted under different conditions, and for the greatest width of the beam of light that can be employed ; and a graphical tabulation of the values of these formul in different cases is provided. The mounting and details of an actual instrument are also described, together with an additional mechanism for the pur- pose of automatically recording the photometric measurements obtained.—Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. xxxi, pp. 655-683. 7. A Text-Book of Physics; by Lovis BrvirR SPINNEY. Pp. xi, 605. New York, 1911 (The Macmillan Co.).—This vol- ume is designed primarily for use as a text in courses offered to engineering and technical students. Hence, special emphasis is laid on the practical aspects of the subject. Illustrations of phys- ical laws are drawn as far as possible from familiar phenomena, and physical principles are exemplified by numerous important applications. Particular emphasis is placed upon the subject of Mechanics. Also, it is expected that the book will be used as a basis for class-room work and that it will be supplemented by a course of experimentally illustrated lectures and suitable labora- tory exercises. The text is up to date and includes, of course, a discussion of ionization and radio-activity. A knowledge of plane trigonometry and elementary chemistry is assumed. The figures are large, well-drawn and interesting, and Gothic type is used for emphasis. 325 problems for solution are distributed throughout the volume. As regards minor details the book possesses both satisfactory and unsatisfactory characteristics. For instance, on page 26 an acceleration is given as “2 miles per hour per minute,” which is very helpful to students who find difficulty in grasping the full meaning of 2 miles per sec. per sec. On the other hand, the term moment of inertia is introduced symbolically on page 39, but its physical significance is first brought out on page 81. =-H. SS. U. 158 Scientific Intelligence. 8. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants and some Mathematical Functions ; by G. W. C. Kaye and T. H. Lasy. Pp. vi, 153. London, 1911 (Longmans, Green, & Co.). need of a comparatively small volume of up-to-date tables of physical and chemical constants has been felt for some time, not only by the authors but also by the writer of this notice. Hence it seems fair to assume that this volume will appeal strongly to others who are engaged either in giving instruction to laboratory classes or in original investigations. The material has been wisely selected and the manner of pre- sentation is excellent. Thus, in addition to the data incorporated in the older reference books of this type, fifteen pages are devoted to ionization and radio-activity. Also a table of e-* is appended. The utility of the volume is enhanced by the insertion, in the case of many of the sections, of a brief résumé containing refer- ences to such books and original papers as may be profitably consulted. The authors say in their preface: ‘Every effort has been made to keep the material up to date; ..... ae All numbers, units, etc., deserving special emphasis are printed in bold-faced type and an index to the pages is given. The book is bound in a flexible cover, so that it will lie open flat or lend itself to any other convenient position of holding. In conclusion, the present writer desires to state explicitly that the book appeals very strongly to him and he hopes that many other instructors and investigators will not only give the tables practical trial, but will also take advantage of the prefatory invitation of the authors, namely, “..... we shall be very glad to receive suggestions and to be informed of any mistakes which, despite every care, have eluded us.” If this is done, a very valuable set of convenient and reliable tables may be produced in the course of a few years. H. 8. U. 9. Llektrochemische Umformer [Galvanische Elemente] ; von Jouannes Zacuarias. Pp. xii, 262; 122 figures. Vienna and Leipzig, 1911 (A. Hartleben). —The author considers the custo- mary classification of cells, as primary and secondary elements, to be unsatisfactory and illogical, and hence he bases all of his discussions on the use, performance and manner of working or discharging cells. Consequently the title, ‘“ Electrochemical Transformers,” has been selected ‘‘to comprise all devices which serve to transform chemical energy into electrical work by the wet process.” Special attention is given to hecienics for furnishing strong currents and to the so-called “earth cells.” Also, a special section is devoted to a detailed account of pocket lamps. Accumulators or secondary batteries are not given prominence. Numerous tables and curves are distributed throughout the text to illustrate the behavior of different types of cells under almost every con- ceivable condition of activity. The author maintains a practical point of view, so that the book should appeal primarily to those who desire to select a bat- tery which is most suitable for fulfilling specified working condi- tions. H. Sou Geology and Natural History. 159 10. Die Neue Welt der Plissigen Kristalle ; by O. Leumann, 8vo, pp. 388. Leipzig, 1911 (Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft). —To anyone acquainted only with ordinary crystals, the idea of a liquid crystal—a substance which, if deformed, will flow back into crystalline shape—is hard to grasp. Professor Lehman is the discoverer of this class of substances and has done more work in the field than has any other investigator, so he speaks with authority. Rather curiously, liquid crystals are hardly mentioned in the first hundred and fifty pages of the book. Instead various other subjects are considered which are often only remotely connected with liquid crystals but which have been investigated by the author at one time or another. [or instance, there is an account of the author’s discovery of the transition temperature and a description of his crystallization miscroscope. The description of liquid crystals, their preparation and properties, occupies about a hundred pages and appears to be very well presented. There are chapters following which it is difficult to account for in a book of this character—chapters, for instance, on the growth of living things, latent life and soul (latentes Leben und Seele), atom souls (Atomseelen), and muscle power (Muskelkraft). Taken as a whole, the book is an account of the author’s scien- tific work rather than an account of liquid crystals. The part devoted to the latter appears to be very good. ‘The rest may be excellent, but it is on subjects having little to do with the title page. H. W. F. Il. Grotogy ano Naturat History. 1. Thirty-second Annual Report of the United States Geo- logical Survey. GrorGE Otis Smiru, Director. Pp. 143; 2 maps. Washington, 1911.—-The operations of the Survey for the year 1910-11 continue the gratifying record made in previous years. When the value and amount of work is com- pared with the aggregate cost ($1,477,440) it seems evident that no governmental bureau is yielding greater returns in pro- portion to the amount expended. It is satisfactory to note that the Survey is becoming each year more generally useful to the various departments involved with governmental administration. More than any other bureau it stands as a scientific adviser to the government in all matters relating to the development of natural resources. In the development of plans for wiser distribution and control of public lands, water supply, irrigation, coal, oil, and ore deposits, it is essential that some bureau possessing high skill and freedom from political control should be given charge; and it speaks well for the reputation of the Survey that this particular bureau should be relied upon to furnish accurate and unbiased information as the basis for legislative enactments. Because of the changes in the Department of the Interior which have placed 160 Scientific Intelligence. the administration of public lands on a more scientific basis, the work of the Land Classification Board has become an important feature of the Survey’s activity, and under the direction of W. C. Mendenhall, the present chairman, is increasing 1n amount and in accuracy. Fortunately the past work of the Survey has been done in such a manner that extensive records and studies cover- ing along term of years are available. Without these data public land legislation would be necessarily unsatisfactory. The general value of the Survey to the country is indicated by the growing demand for its publications. During the year under consideration the number of reports and maps issued reached the enormous total of 1,208,797 (488,930 books, 34,117 folios, 684,129 maps). Of this amount half a million maps were sold, an increase of 15 per cent over the previous years. The demand in some instances is so great that second editions were required of five Bulletins, twelve Water-Supply Papers, and of the Mineral Resources of the United States. An examination of the outline map showing the area covered by topographic surveys indicates substantial progress during the year. The maps of six states have been completed ; 50 per cent | of nine other states has been covered ; and only five states show less than 10 per cent of their area repr esented by maps. The organization of the Bureau of Mines, relieving the Survey of a portion of its economic work, which was only remotely related to it, seems on the whole to have been a satisfactory arrangement ; it allows for the enlargement of its work along scientific lines as well as of basal studies in conservation. It is an interesting indication of the growth of interest in scien- tific studies and the appreciation of expert scientific knowledge as a basis of legislation that various new bureaus have from time to time been created from sections in the Survey, without decreas- ing the staff or scope of the work of the parent organization. H. E. G. 2. The Granites of Connecticut ; by T. Netson Date and H. E. Greeory. Bull. 484, U. 8. Geol. Survey, pp. 137, pl. vi. Washington, 1911.—This is a continuation of the very useful reports on the granite industry in the eastern states published in recent years by the Survey. The subject is treated both from the scientific and economic standpoint, but in such a manner as to make the more purely scientific parts quite intelligible to the general reader. In part one, which is devoted to the scientific portion of the work, Professor Gregory first treats in a broad, concise way of the salient features of the geology of the state with especial ref- erence to the origin, nature, and classification of the rocks, the distribution of the bodies of granite being shown on a colored geologic map on the scale of 1-500,000. Professor Dale follows with a discussion of various features of the granites, such as their structure, rock variations, weathering and discoloration. The treatment of rift and grain and of sheeting is interesting, though Geology and Natural History. 161 no new views are advanced, but the author suggests that the dome structure may, perhaps, be due to anticlinal arches in the strata that originally overlaid the granites. The second part of the work, by Dale, is devoted to a descrip- tion of the various quarries in the state and to their products. In many instances their location is shown by small maps and the geologic features are described in detail with the aid of diagrams. In nearly all cases the result of a study of the rocks in thin section are briefly given, and where available, chemical analyses are added. While the main value of the work is on the economic side and it should prove itself technically useful to those engaged in the industry, there is nevertheless much of interest and impor- tance to the geologist and petrographer that is not merely local, but general, in its application. | Hi. YAGe 3. The Mount McKinley Region, Alaska; by AtFrep H. Brooks. With Descriptions of the Igneous Rocks and of the Bonnifield and Kantishna Districts ; by L. M. Prinpie. Prof. Paper 70, U. 8. Geol. Surv., 4°, pp. 234, pls. 18, 3 maps. Washing- ton, 1911.—In his preface Mr. Brooks, who has long been known for his explorations and pioneer geologic work in Alaska, states that the object of the volume is to give to geologists an epitome of its stratigraphy, structure, and geologic history, and to furnish the prospector with a concise summary of present knowledge of its mineral wealth. Available information regarding the climate, vegetation, agricultural land, wild animals, and means of commu- nication is added for the benefit of intending hunters and settlers. It would be impossible in a brief notice to give any adequate account of the large amount of information which this volume contains in succinct form. It represents a compendium of the labors in the field of a number of workers, chief of whom has been the senior author. The results of the reconnaissances here given will be of great value in the future when more detailed work is undertaken. Eee Vie: 4. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.—The Fourth number of volume I, recently issued, contains among other articles, one on the California earthquake of July 1, 1911, by E. C. Tempxieton. The shock, although not to be compared with that of 1906, was the most severe that has been felt since then, and was felt over an area whose maximum dimension was about four hundred miles, extending from Sacramento to Los Angeles. It was most severe in the region of San Francisco Bay. The shock came without preliminary tremor, and consisted of “two rather distinct periods of vibration, of which the first, with a duration of between five and eight seconds, was the more intense. After a lull of about five seconds came the second period of vibra- tion, with a duration of about five seconds. The shock was accompanied by a dull, rambling sound, described as similar to the roar of a distant railway train, the sound preceding the shock by two or three seconds.” . . . ‘The maximum intensity occurred 162 Scientijic Intelligence. in the vicinity of Coyote, a small town built on the alluvial floor of Santa Clara Valley, twelve miles southeast of San Jose. The intensity throughout the hills between Coyote and Mt. Hamilton, while apparently not as great as it was near Coyote itself, was the greatest reached at any place where the immediately underlying formation does not consist of unconsolidated, filled-in material. The time of the shock at Lick Observatory on Mt. Hamilton is the earliest reliable time reported. Coupled with the fact that the earthquake materially increased the flow of several streams near Mt. Hamilton, these facts seem to indicate that the epicenter was in the region between Coyote and Mt. Hamilton. ‘he move- ment probably occurred at a considerable depth, with the dis- placement entirely taken up by the overlying material, leaving no trace or rift on the surface.” Some post-Glacial faults near Banning, Ontario, are described by A. C. Lawson. They occur in a region of marked stability, and are found to exist on the glaciated surface of Archean rocks. The chief facts stated in regard to them are as follows: “The glacial strive are constant in direction over this surface, and their course is N.20° E. This glaciated surface is dislocated by a series of reverse or overthrust faults. The fault-plane in most of these is coincident with the cleavage of the slates, and since this dips to the north the result is a series of southerly facing and overhanging scarps, inclined to the horizon at 65°. ‘The edge or crest of the up-thrust block is thus rather acute, being about 25°, and this acute edge is usually perfectly sharp and unworn except for artificial breaks. The reéntrant angle at the base of the scarp, where it meets the horizontal surface of the next lower block to the south, is equally sharp. In no ease could any fault breccia or gouge be detected even on a microscopic scale ; nor was any well-defined slickensiding observable, although in some cases the surface of the scarp appeared to be smoother than the ordinary cleavage face and even to have a faint polish. “In every case observed the movement on the faults appeared to be in the direction of the dip, or to have no horizontal compo- nent except that normal to the strike. This could be determined by observing the displacement of particular strize or grooves. On the up-thrust block the striz, which make an angle of 61° with the strike of the faults, extend out to the very brink of the scarp, and on the adjacent block to the south the striz pass in under the overhanging scarp and abut against its base. These fault scarps are small but numerous. The highest one measured 3% inches vertically, and the others range down to one-eighth of an inch in height. In a distance of 66 feet across the strike twenty-four scarps were counted, and as the faulted surface passed beneath the drift on both sides of this, there is every reason to suppose that there are many more than could be ob- served.” Similar faults have been described by other authors, but it seems doubtful whether they are to be referred properly to oro- Geology and Natural History. 163 genic force. The author states that : “The stresses which gave rise to those faults may possibly be very superficial and in no way connected with those deeper seated forces which deform the earth’s crust in a large way. It is at least noteworthy that we have in these cases to deal with a peculiar type of faulting which is almost wholly confined, so far as our knowledge goes, to slatey and shaley rocks. ‘The close spacing of the faults, the distri- bution of the movement, the small amount of overthrust in each particular fault, and their confinement to soft, relatively plastic rocks, suggest that they are perhaps due to stresses connected with a volume change near the surface of the rocks concerned.” 5. Atlas Photographique des Formes du Relief Terrestre ; par J. Brunues, E. Cuaix, Emm. p—E Martonne. Geneva (Kditeurs, Fred. Boissonnas et Cie.).—In this Journal for April, 1911, the plan adopted by the Geographical Congress at Geneva for the publication of an Atlas of terrestrial relief-forms was explained in detail. This plan originated in 1907, when M. E. Chaix proposed the publication of an “Atlas de l’ Erosion,” in which M. J. Brunhes later agreed to codperate. In 1908 the ninth International Con- gress of Geography took the matter up and the scheme which has now taken shape was developed. The specimen number, which has recently been distributed, is gratifying as showing the admirable way in which the promises of the prospectus have been fulfilled. Eight plates are here given, each with the text required to explain the views. One of these is of the Grand Combin, showing the forms produced by mechanical disintegra- tion and by glacial influences ; another of the Ravin de Théus illustrates the elementary forms of erosion by streams of water ; another of James Peak, Colorado, exhibits the subdued forms of a high mountain modified by glacial action ; still another gives two striking views of desert dunes at Taghit in southern Algeria. All the plates are reproduced from excellent photographs with striking fidelity. A special sheet gives in detail the classification of the forms to be illustrated in the complete work ; there are nine general types, and each of these is more or less minutely subdivided. The value of the work as a whole to geographers, geologists, and the intelligent public at large can hardly be over- estimated, and it is not to be doubted that the 300 subscribers will be soon obtained who are needed to make the publication possible at a moderate price. Circulars and other information may be obtained from the executive committee : Prof. J. Brunhes, Fribourg, Switzerland ; Prof. E. Chaix, 23 Ave. du Mail, Geneva, and Prof. EK. de Martonne, 248 Bd. Raspail, Paris. 6.. New Zealand Botanical Notes, by B. C. Aston. These include: (1) Botanical Notes made on a Journey across the Tararuas, Trans. N. Z. Inst., Vol. XLII, 25 pages, 1 map, 7 plates, 1909. (2) List of Phanerogamic Plants indigenous in the Welling- ton Province. Ibid, Vol. XLIII, pp. 22, sketch map, 1910. (3) Some effects of Imported Animals on the Indigenous Vege- tation. Read before Wellington Philosophical Society, May 10th, 164 Scientific Intelligence. 1911.—These render available existing data and add materially to our knowledge ‘of the interesting flora of the South Temperate Zone. The collections made inthe Tararua Mountains are from a district not previously visited by a naturalist, and furnish new data regarding distribution and ecological relations. The illus- trations are unusually good and pertinent. H. E. G. 7. Fungous Diseases of Plants, with chapters on Physiol- ogy, Culture Methods and Technique ; by Bensamin M. Dueear. Pp. xii + 508, with 240 text-figures. New York and Boston, 1911 (Ginn & Company).—The majority of American works on parasitic fungi have dealt primarily or exclusively with the fungi themselves, rather than with their host plants. Professor Dug- gar’s book, which forms a volume of the Country Life Education Series, is a notable exception to this rule and lays special emphasis on the host plants, describing clearly the changes which they nndergo through the presence of the parasites and calling atten- tion to methods by which further infection can be prevented or controlled, After a series of chapters devoted to culture methods and technique, the diseases are taken up in representative types arranged according to the systematic position of the parasites, the Myxomycetes and Bacteria being considered first and then the Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes. In most cases the parasites selected for description are those which attack culti- vated plants or plants which are otherwise of economic interest. The illustrations, many of which are reproduced from photo- graphs, form an excellent feature of the book. A. W. E. 8. Practical Botany; by JoserpH Y. Breraen and Oris W. CALDWELL. Pp. vil + 545 with 388 text-figures. New York and Boston, 1911 (Ginn & Company).—Professor Bergen’s element- ary text-books of botany have long been recognized by teachers as valuable and practicable adjuncts to their work. The present volume, which maintains the usual high standard, is written in response to the demand for text-books which shall emphasize the connection between science and daily life. It gives the essential facts regarding the structure and functions of plants, but also shows how they play a part in agriculture, in the spread of disease, and in yielding products of economic significance. Chapters on ecology and on the geographical distribution of plants are like- wise included. ‘The illustrations are largely new and are remark- ably clear and satisfactory. A.W. E. 9. A Practical Course in Botany, with especial reference to its bearings on Agriculture, Economics, and Sanitation; by E. F. AnpRews. Pp.ix + 374, with 15 plates and 511 text-figures. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago, 1911 (American Book Company).—The present text-book is written particularly for schools which are not provided with a full laboratory outfit. Microscopic structure, therefore, receives but a limited amount of attention, and most of the work suggested can be carried on by the direct examination of material in the class room or in the field. With the exception of the concluding chapter, which gives Miscellaneous Intelligence. 165 a brief description of cryptogams, the book is almost entirely devoted to flowering plants, and the subjects treated are taken up in the following order: the seed, germination and growth, the root, the stem, buds and branches, the leaf, the flower, fruits, the response of the plant to its surroundings. Practical questions are interspersed throughout, and considerable attention is given to topics of economic importance. ‘The illustrations are profuse and well selected. A. W. E. III. Misce,ruansovus Screntiric INTELLIGENCE. 1. Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year ending June 30, 1911. Pp. 91. Washington, 1911.— The Smithsonian Institution is so remarkably efficient, not only in its general activity, but also in the variety of spheres in which it works, that the annual report of the Secretary, Dr. Cuar.zs D. W atcort, always contains much that is of general interest. One point to be noted is that a sum of $40,000 has been bequeathed to the Institution by George W. Poore, of Lowell, Massachusetts, who died in December, 1910. The income is to be added to the principal until a total of $250,000 has been reached, when the income of the fund so established is to be used for the purposes for which the Institution was created. This clearly indicates an appreciation on the part of the public of the work which the Smithsonian is doing, and gives reason to hope for further bequests in the future. A trust fund, yielding an income of $12,000, was earlier established by Mrs. E. H. Harriman, to be devoted particularly to the study of. American mammals and other animals. Of the special explorations and researches is to be mentioned, first, the remarkable work of the Secretary, at the trilobite locality on the slope of Mt. Stephen, near the Canadian Pacific Railroad. The exhaustive biological survey of the Panama Canal zone is now established on a solid basis, through the contribution of funds from outside. The Rainey expedition in Africa, the bird studies in the Aleutian Islands in the Behring Sea, and the anthropological researches of Dr. Hrdlitka in Peru, are other lines along which the work of the Institution has been extended. As regards publications, some 200,000 copies of various issues have been distributed through the past year, while the Depart- ment of International Exchanges has handled some 229,000 pack- ages, weighing 561,000 pounds. The structural work on the new National Museum was completed on June 20, 1911, just six years after the excavations for the foundations were commenced. The collections have been largely removed to the new building and reinstalled, while 200,000 specimens of animals and plants have been added. The work of the Astrophysical Observatory, under Mr. C. G. AxBBoT, is detailed in Appendix V, from which the following 166 Scientific Intelligence. summary is quoted: “‘ The year has been distinguished by a suc- cessful expedition to Mount Whitney. The results obtained there confirm the view that determinations of the intensity of the solar radiation outside the earth’s atmosphere by the spectrobolo- metric method of high and low sun observation are not dependent on the observer’s altitude above sea level, provided the conditions are otherwise good. The Mount Whitney expedition furnished opportunities also for measurements of the brightness of the sky by day and by night, the influence of water vapor on the snn’s spectrum, and the distribution of the sun’s energy spectrum out- side the atmosphere. Solar-constant observations and closely related researches were continued daily at Mount Wilson until November, 1910, and were taken up again in June, 1911. Further research tends to confirm the conclusion that the sun’s output of radiation varies from day to day in a manner irregular in period and quantity, but roughly running its courses within periods of 5 to 10 days in time and 3 to 10 per cent in amplitude. Assurance seems now complete that this result will be tested in the next fiscal year by long-continued daily observations made simultaneously at two widely separated stations. Many copies of the silver disk secondary pyrheliometer have been standardized and sent out to observers in this and foreign countries to promote exactly comparable observations of the sun’s radiation. Measurements of the transparency, for long-wave radiation, of columns of air containing known quantities of water vapor have been continued, and promise highly interesting results.” The following has recently been issued: Classified List of Smithsonian Publications available for distribution, January, 1912. Jey aly 20 2. Report of the Librarian of Congress and Report of the Superintendent of the Library Building and Grounds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911. Pp. 244; 5 plates. Washing- ton, 1911.—The Report of the Librarian of Congress, Mr. HERBERT Putnam, shows that the expenditures for the past year amounted to $655,000. The appropriations for the coming year are about $50,000 less, chiefly because a smaller amount is needed for the new book-stacks. The gain m number of books is nearly 100,000, making the total about 1,900,000; there have been also some 60,000 accessions in the way of maps, music, and prints. It is interesting to note two bequests from abroad, one in 1910 from the late Henry Harrisse, the historian of the period of the Colum- bian discovery. ‘This includes a full set of his own writings, annotated, with books, maps, and manuscripts on related topics. The other bequest of May, 1911, was from the late Dr. A. B. Meyer, of Dresden, of the letters of Professor F. Blumentritt, concerning certain matters in the Philippines. The articles themselves have not thus far been received. A list is also given of a series of gifts which, although not remarkable as concerning collections of books, show that the Library is becoming rich Miscellaneous Intelligence. 167 through what it receives from donors as well as by what it acquires by purchase and, directly and indirectly, from the Government. 3. Das Schicksal der Planeten ; by SvANTE ARRHENIUS. Pp. 55. Leipzig, 1911 (Akad. Verlagsges. M. B. H.). — Professor Arrhenius is well known as a writer on cosmogonic subjects and one welcomes this little tract containing a brief exposition of his conclusions concerning the present and future conditions of the inner planets. In reaching his results the author does not confine himself to any one department of physical science : the estab- lished facts of astronomy, geology, chemistry, physics, and biol- ogy are all brought into service. More particularly, stress is laid on the application of the physiography of the arid parts of the earth’s surface in order to explain present conditions on Mars and the Moon. The appearance of a popular account of more extensive re- searches elsewhere calls for a criticism of the manner rather than of the matter. Jn setting forth his views, Professor Arrhenius writes clearly and easily, avoiding involved sentences and quali- fying clauses. For this the reader is grateful. It has, however, perhaps caused the author to fall into a too dogmatic statement of his conélusions. The subject is not one on which any large body of scientific men are agreed, and the uninitiated, for whom the publication is apparently intended, may accept as the final results of science what should properly be considered the views of one of its exponents. Ernest W. Brown. 4. The Capture Theory of Cosmical Hvolution; by T. J. J. SEE, F.R.S. 4to, pp. vil, 735. Lynn, Mass., 1910 (Thomas P. Nichols & Son Co.).—This is the second volume of the author’s “ Researches on the Evolution of the Stellar System.” It is elegantly printed and the plates, nearly 100 in number, mostly reproductions of astronomical photographs, are most admirable. The term ‘‘ Capture Theory,” first used to designate the method of formation of the Jovian family of comets, is taken by Dr. See as the name for his system of cosmogony. The “capture,” however, is made possible on a grand scale only by the agency of a resisting medium of cosmic dust which can be supplied where necessary from the vapors of a central body through light pres- sure. ‘The author pronounces his theory to be incompatible with the Nebular Hypothesis of LaPlace, and constantly refers to the latter as disproved. It is true that the Nebular Hypothesis has been found insuffi- cient to explain the process of evolution indicated by the struc- ture of many of the nebule, and notably the great class of spiral nebule, and that tidal evolution as developed by Darwin adds a new chapter to it; but astronomers will hardly agree to relegate it to the category of “creeds outworn ” until Dr. See’s arguments have been subjected to a rigorous criticism. They will rather still lean to the opinion expressed by Simon Newcomb at the close of his brilliant: career that he yet retained “a little incredulity as 168 Scientific Intelligence. to our power, in the present state of science, to reach even a high degree of probability in cosmogony.” The following extract from the publishers’ notice of this work is mostly erroneous and quite misleading : ‘‘Since the accompanying standard circular was prepared, in the summer of 1910, Professor See’s celebrated discoveries in Cosmogony have been confirmed by many eminent astronomers; so that the Capture Theory has triumphed all along the line. Foremost among these verifications must be ranked Professor E. W. Brown’s confirmation of the Capture of Satellites, announced to the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the Minneapolis meeting, December, 1910 (Science, Jan. 20, 1911, p. 93), and more elaborately treated in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astro- nomical Society for March, 1911, p. 453. In this paper Professor Brown shows, by an extension of the methods adopted by Professor See, that the asteroids are transferred from beyond Jupiter’s orbit to the zone within, and that some of them may become satellites in the process of transition. The captured satellites may move either direct or retrograde, as first announced by Professor See in May, 1909.” W. B. 5. Lhe Teaching of Geometry ; by Davin EvcEener Smiru, Teachers College, Columbia University. 12mo, pp. v, 339. Boston and New York, 1911 (Ginn & Co.).—This is a clear dis- cussion of the merits of Geometry, of the means for making the subject more attractive and of its relation to the other sciences. The rise of Geometry is outlined, and the evolution of the method of teaching it, and the development of its definitions and assump- tions. The mathematical curriculum has been subject of late to such severe attacks by exponents of loose theories of education that the support afforded by such a broad view of the subject is welcome. W. B. 6. The Hindu-Arabic Numerals ; by D. E. Smita and L. C. KARPINSKY. 12mo, pp. 160, Boston and New York, 1911 (Ginn & Co.).—A very complete and scholarly treatise on the origin and introduction into Europe of the modern number system. Copious notes and references put the reader in touch with all the important literature of a subject which has an even stronger interest as bearing on the history of civilization than on its mathematical side. Few stop to think how much of modern progress depends on these labor-saving symbols, and fewer still realize that their general acceptance in the transactions of commerce dates back only four centuries, and that a system of place values strug- gled for a thousand years to supplant the crude notation of the Romans. Specially interesting in this volume 1s the chapter on the symbol zero, the invention of which came long after that of the others, which without it were of comparatively little ‘use. The author aptly points out how the production of this crux ot the system was beyond the power of any race but the Hindus,— though to them in complete harmony with the philosophy whose highest good is the Nirvana. Ww. B. OBITUARY. Major CtarencE E. Durron, the eminent geologist, died on January 4 in the seventy-first year of his age. A notice is deferred to a later number. New Circulars. 84: Eighth Mineral List: A descriptive list of new arrivals, rare and showy minerals. 85: Minerals for Sale by Weight: Price list of minerals for blowpipe and laboratory work. 86: Minerals and Rocks for Working Collections: List of common minerals and rocks for study specimens; prices from 1% cents up. Catalogue 26: Biological Supplies: New illustrated price list of material for disséction; study and display specimens; special disseetions; models, etc. Szxth edition. Any or atl of the above lists will be sent free on request. We are constantly acquiring new material and publishing new lists. It pays to be on our mailing list. Ward’s Natural Science Establishment 76-104 Cotiecr AVE., Rocuester, N. Y. Warns Naturat Science EstaBlisHMENT A Supply-House for Scientific Material. Founded 1862. Incorporated 1890. DEPARTMENTS: Geology, including Phenomenal and Physiographic. Mineralogy, including also Rocks, Meteorites, etc. Palaeontology. Archaeology and EKthnology. Invertebrates, including Biology, Conchology, ete. Zoology, including Osteology and Taxidermy. Human Anatomy, including Craniology, Odontology, ete. Models, Plaster Cast and Wall-Charts in all departments. + Circulars in any department free on request; address Wards Natural Science Establishment, 76-104 College Ave., Rochester, New York, U.S. A. < sa Nig CONTE KN T'S. Arr. X.—Study of Some American Fossil Cycads —Part — VI. On the Smaller Flower-Buds of Cycadeoidea ; by G. R. WiELAND | XI.—Occurrence of Coral* Reefs in the Triassic of North — America ; by J. P. Smita XII.—Ordovician Outlier at Hyde Manor in Sudbury, Ver- mont ; by T. N. Date XIII. —Color- Kifect of Isomorphous Mixture; by H. L. XIJV.—Lorandite trom the Rambler Mine, Wyoming ; A. F. RoGERs XV.—Rate of Decay of Different Sizes of Nutter Deter- mined by Aid of the Coronas of Cloudy Condensation ; by C. Barus XV1I.—Displacement Interferometer Adapted for High Tem- perature. Measurement, Adiabatic Transformations of a Gas, etc. ; by C. Barus XVII.—Unconformity at the Base of the Chattanooga Shale in Kentucky; by E. M. Kinpie XVIil.—Sueggestion for Mineral Nomenclature; by H. 8. W ASHINGTON . —-—- |= e-|\ ge ee er ee te ee eK Ke Bw ew KM ee eC eee er eK ewe er Ke ere A XIX.—Optical Resolution of the Saturnian Ring ; by D. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Pkysics—Canadium, an Alleged New E}ement of the Platinum Group, A. G. Frencu: Alleged Complexity of Tellurium, Harcourt and BAKER, 100.—New Quantitative Separation of Iron from Manganese, J. A. SANCHEZ: Famous Chemists, E. Rogerrs, 156.—Quantitative Chemical Analysis, CLowEs and CoL=Man: Photometric Paddle-Wheels, J. R. Minne: Text-Book of Physics, L. B. Spinney, 157.—Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants and some Mathematical Functions, G. W. C. Kayes and 1. H. Lasy: Electrochemische Umformer, J. ZACHARIAS, 108. —Neue Welt der Fltissigen Kristalle, O. LEnmMaAnn, 159. Geology and Natural History—Thirty-second Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, G. O. SmirH, 159.—Granites of Connecticut, T. N. Dae and H. E. Greeory, 160.—The Mount McKinley Region, Alaska: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 161.—Atlas Photo- graphique des Formes du Relief Terrestre, J. BRUNHES, K. CHarx, HE. DE Martonne: New Zealand Botanical Notes, B. C. Aston, 168. —Fungous Diseases of Plants, B. M. DueGar: Practical Botany, J. 'Y. BercEn and O. W. CALDWELL: A Practical Course in Botany, E. F, ANDREWws, 164. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence—Report of the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institation, 165.—Report of the Librarian of Congress and Report of the Superintendent of the Library Building, 166.—Das Schicksal der Planeten, 5. ARRHENIUS: The Capture Theory of Cosmical Evolution, T. J. J. See, 167.—The Teaching of Geometry, D. E. Smira: The Hindu- Arabic Nunes D. KE. SmirH and L. C. Karpinsxy, 168. Obituary—C. E. Dutton. i ————_ Library, Bureau of Ethnology. AOA, S VOL. XXXIll. MARCH, 1912. Ey an a Established by BENJAMIN SILLIMAN in 1818. | THE AMERICAN | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Prorsssors GEORGE L. GOODALE, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, W. G. FARLOW anp WM. M. DAVIS, or CampBrince, PROFESSORS ADDISON EK. VERRILL, HORACE L. WELIS, - LOUIS V. PIRSSON, HERBERT E. GREGORY and HORACE 8S. UHLER, or New Haven, Proressor HENRY S. WILLIAMS, or ItHaca, Proressor JOSEPH S. AMES, or Battimore, Me. J. S. DILLER, or Wasuineton. FOURTH SERIES VOL. XXXIII—[W HOLE NUMBER, CLXXXIII.] No. 195—MARCH, 1912. NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT 1912. THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR CO., PRINTERS, 123 TEMPLE STREET. | Published monthly, Six dollars per year, in advance. $6.40 to countries in the | Postal Union ; $6.25 to Canada. Remittances should be made either by money orders, Tegistered letters, or bank checks (preferably on New York banks). - ae a NEW ARRIVALS. The following is a brief list of the most important specimens recently received : Native antimony, massive and polished sections, White River, Cal. Awaruite, metallic pebbles, Smith River, Cal. Obsidian, black, brown and red, Smith River, Cal. Hanksite, loose crystals, San Bernardino, Cal. Andalusite, var. Chiastolite, polished matrix specimens with beautiful markings, also polished loose xls., Fresno Co., Cal. Californite, Fresno Co., Cal. Chalcedony and Opal, San Benito, Cal. Stibiotantalite, Mesa Grande, Cal. Calaverite, Cripple Creek, Colo. Pink quartz xls., near Aibuquerque, N. M. Nytramblygonite, Cafion City, Colo. White Labradorite, also cut cabachon and brilliant, southern Oregon. Opalized Wood with sparkling veins of gem opal, Northern Humboldt, Nevada. Waringtonite, new occurrence, formerly found in Cornwall, Eng.; also in combination with aurichalcite, Smithsonite, azurite and brochantite, Dry Cafion, Tooela Co., Utah. Brochantite, Azurite, Smithsonite, Aurichalcite, Malachite, Dry Cafion, Utah. lodyrite, Nevada. Zincite and Pyrochroite, remarkable specimen, Franklin Furnace, Nive Gageite with Zincite-leucophoenicite, Frankiin Furnace, New Jersey. Lapis Lazuli, polished slabs, Baikal, Siberia. Malachite, polished specimens, Ural Mts. Emeralds, fine specimens in matrix, Ural Mts. Alexandrite, Golden Beryl, Aquamarines, Ouvardvite, Perovskite, Pyro- morphite, Ural Mts. Dioptase, Khirgese Steppes, Siberia. Semsyite, xlzd., Felsobanya. Hessite, Botes, Hungary. Stephanite and Pyrargyrite, Hungary. Blue Chalcedony, xlzd., Hungary. Stibnite specimens and with barite, Hungary. Herrengrundite, Herrengrund, Hungary. Cinnabar, very choice, with dolomite and white quartz, China. Cinnabar, Spain and California. Stibnite and Bismuth, Japan. Kroéknkite, large specimens, Chili. Proustite, Chili and Bohemia. Octahedrite, Rathite, Cyanite, Anatase, Switzerland. Argyrodite, Saxony. Liroconite and Tennantite, Cornwall, Eng. Millerite, Westphalia. Embolite and Stolzite, New South Wales. Opal bird bones and opal shells, N. S. W. Cerussite, New South Wales. Phenacite, gem xls., Brazil. Tourmalines, Brazil; Mesa Grande, Cal.; Elba; Madagascar ; Maine. Synthetic gems; rubies; blue, white, yellow and pink sapphires, all sizes. Further information and prices furnished on request. ~ ASH. PE Te rea. 81—83 Fulton Street, New York City. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [FOURTH SERIES.|] Art. XX.—The Mineral Sulphides of Iron, by E. T. Atuen, J. L. Crensoaw, and Joun Jounston; with Orystallo- graphic Study, by Esper 8. Larsen. INTRODUCTION. Application of Chemistry to the problems of ore depo- sition.—The problems of ore deposition have claimed the attention of geologists for a long time, both for economic and for scientific reasons. The difficult questions as to the origin of ores and the conditions of their genesis have been zealously studied, and with notable success; yet despite the great advances which have been made, no one will question that the scarcity of chemical data has been a serious drawback in the development of the subject. A laboratory investigation of some phases of it involves, indeed, difficulties which are still to be surmounted, but the problems ‘of the temperature ranges within which the minerals have erystallized, the composition of the solutions from which they have come, and the agencies which have precipitated them are in general not only within the bounds of chemical possibility but within the limits of present day methods. Lhe sulphides of cron.—The sulphide ores from a chemical view-point are of very great interest, and geologically, they are of high importance. The sulphides of iron, in particular, fre- quently carry paying quantities of gold and nickel, and when themselves barren, are so frequently associated with other valuable ores as to hold a place of unusual significance in a general consideration of the subject of ore deposition. The chemical knowledge of these substances is still very meager. Syntheses of pyrite and pyrrhotite were made long ago by Am. Jour. ScI.—FourtH SERIES, Vout. XX XIII, No. 195.—Marcu, 1912. 12 170 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— Wohler, Rammelsberg and others, but for the most part by methods which throw little ight on their formation in nature.* Method of study.—In the investigation of this subject the synthetic method has been largely followed, while the most significant properties, reactions and relations of the substances have been studied. Some of the material will be chiefly of chemical interest, but the effort has been made to give special attention to the chemical geology involved and to this end the authors have consulted frequently with several eminent geolo- gists who are specialists in this field. The experience and suggestions of these scientists have been of great value and will be duly acknowledged in the proper place. No optical studies ‘were of course possible on opaque minerals, but erystallo- graphic measurements were made and such microscopic studies as the character of the material admitted of. I. The disulphides (£eS,) Pyrite and Marcasite. Two disulphides of iron are known—pyyrite, hard, lustrous, brassy-yellow, of sp. gr. 5027+ at 25°, and crystallizing in the regular system; and mareasite, yellowish grey in color, a little softer than pyrite, of sp. gr. 4°887+ at 25° and erystal- lizing in the orthorhombic system. Both minerals are almost insoluble in hot hydrochloric and dilute sulphuric acids, and both are decomposed by nitric acid. Both are slowly oxidized by free oxygen, the products being, according to conditions, sulphur dioxide and ferrous sulphate, or sulphuric acid and ferrous or ferric sulphate,—sometimes, in fact, sulphuric acid and ferric hydroxide. The conditions have not been investigated completely, though certain definite statements can be made at the present time. In a closed vessel containing ir, l.e., with an excess of sulphide, the products are sulphur dioxide and ferrous sulphate. When the minerals are heated to 100° in air or ground dry in a mortar, these are the jirst products at least. The-sulphur dioxide changes pretty readily, of course, to sulphuric acid. When kept in contact with air and moisture at 75° most of the iron takes the form of ferric hydroxide. Many oxidizing agents, important among which, from a geological standpoint, are ferric sulphate and copper sulphate solutions, change pyrite and marcasite into ferrous sulphate, sulphur and sulphuric acid. Im nitrie acid of 1:4 sp. gr., powdered pyrite dissolves completely, while marecasite separates sulphur.{ Both minerals are so nearly * An exception should be made of the excellent work of Senarmont, Ann. Ch. Phys., xxxii, 129, 1851. + These specific gravities were determined on very pure natural minerals, the analyses of which are given on p. 177. + Brush and Penfield’s Determinative Mineralogy, 15th ed., p. 252. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 171 insoluble in water that some statements* regarding their solu- bility, found in the literature, could only have been made on the basis of experiments in which atmospheric oxygen wa not excluded. In all these instances the two minerals pahave much alike, though marcasite is always more soluble in any medium and is more readily changed by oxidizing agents. Formation of wron disulphide in nature.— Geologists appear pretty well agreed that pyrite sometimes crystallizes direct from rock magmas. Pyrite, however, in the great majority of cases, and mareasite in all cases, crystallize from water solutions, though the nature of the process is purely a matter of conjec- ture. Here a general line of division should be made between the products of hot and the products of cold solutions. The pyrite of deep veins, metamorphic contacts and hot springs, as well as magmas, has ‘been formed by hot solutions, and such solu- tions never contain strong mineral acids, but are generally if not always alkaline. The pyrite and marcasite of surface veins, on the other hand, are formed from cold solutions which often contain considerable sulphuric acid. We shall find cogent reasons for the conclusion that the chemistry of these two proc- esses is similar, but first let us consider the formation of iron disulphide from surface solutions. Here the geologic hypothe- sis is that both minerals have been formed by the “reduction ” of ferrous sulphate through the agency of organic matter, and indeed, the frequent occurrence of pyrite in coal and its occa sional formation on wood gives plausibility to this view. It is plain that the soluble sulphate of iron could not be changed by simple reduction to the disulphide, though one might imagine such a reaction as the following equation imperfectly repre- sents : TC (vegetable matter) +4FeSO,= 2FeCO,+2FeS,+5CO,,. Some experiments have been tried in this laboratory in the hope of “reducing” ferrous sulphate with organic matter, but the results have not been promising. The action of starch and glucose on aqueous solutions at 300° was either slight or nil. On the other hand, the possibilities of hydrogen sulphide are suggestive. Pyrite and marcasite are very often found with simpler sulphides,—those of lead and zinc for example, which may be easily formed by the action of hydrogen sulphide; and furthermore, hydrogen sulphide is a substance widely distrib- uted in nature. Without denying that carbonaceous substances may in some instances be directly active in the formation of pyrite and marcasite, we will proceed to show that both min- erals may be formed through the agency of hydrogen sulphide, and under conditions which doubtless prevail commonly in nature. * See Doelter, Tschermak’s Min. Petr. Mitt., N. F. xi, 322, 1890; Neues Jabrb., ii, 273, 1894. 172 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— Synthesis of iron disulphide.—Apparatus.—All the experi- ments on the synthesis of pyrite and marcasite were done in Fic.1. Bomb used in heating sealed tubes. Le ARQ Te at. LLL, CLM go i Hed ee il | | prey hy ] rap \ a\ N IN IN \ \ N \ \ \ N iN JN yn \ \ | sealed tubes, enclosed in steel bombs and heated in resistance furnaces. Several kinds of glass were tried for the tubes, all of which were naturally more or less attacked. The Jena combustion glass and so-called “ durax” glass were the only kinds which were found to stand satisfactorily the action of water solutions at the higher temperatures (up to 350°), and even these are pretty rapidly attacked by alkaline solutions. To prevent bursting, the glass tubes were enclosed in heavy steel bombs (see fig. 1), about 80 in length by 25™™ inside and 43™™ outside diam- eter, having thus a thickness of nearly a centimeter. These bombs were closed at one end by an iron plug, P, which was welded in. The other end was threaded on the outside and closed with a cap. To insure a tight joint, three concentric grooves about 1°" deep were cut on the open end of the bomb. On this was laid a copper dise, Ff, 3™™ thick, on which was placed a steel dise, D,1™ thick. The cap was then screwed down by means of a long steel lever. The steel disc was used to prevent the shearing of the copper disc in screwing down the cap. The joint was Inbricated with oil and graph- ite. The glass tubes were put into the bombs and water was added before closing the latter, so that the pressure on the inside of the glass tubes would be compensated. These bombs will hold satisfactorily up to temperatures of 400°. Furnaces.—The furnaces in which the bombs were heated were electric resistance furnaces, the coils of which were of nickel wire 0°8™" in diameter, wound on a sheet- iron tube 5™ in diameter, which was first wrapped with asbestos paper. The tube and coil were surrounded by another sheet-iron cylinder 15°" in diameter. The space between the two was filled with light magnesium oxide. Caps, also of sheet-iron, fitted tightly over both ends of the outside tube, leaving at the upper end (the furnaces were set in an inclined position) a space about Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 173 6°" long for the head of the bomb. A hole about 6™ in diam- eter through the lower cap admitted the thermo-element. The variation in temperature along the outer wall of the bomb, from a point about 5°" from the lower end to another 20™ farther up, was only about 5°, which is within the error of the direct- reading oalvanometer used. This instrument was calibrated within that degree of accuracy, but as none of the tempera- tures involved had reference to any critical point, it was not considered worth while to measure more accurately. The action of hydrogen sulphide on ferric salis.—The first -action of hydrogen sulphide on ferric salts is, of course, the immediate reduction of the latter and the simultaneous precip- itation of sulphur: Fe,(SO,), + H,S = 2FeSO, + H,SO, +S. No further action has hitherto been noticed, but in a closed vessel where the hydrogen sulphide is prevented from oxida- tion or escape, a second reaction proceeds, viz: FeSO,+S+ H,S = FeS,+ H,SO,, At room temperatures, the velocity of this change is very slow, but at 200° it is relatively rapid. The following data prove beyond question the nature of this latter reaction : 3g. FeSO,.7H,O with 0°17 g. H,SO,, 0°75 g. sulphur and 100° water saturated at 0° with H,S, were sealed up in a glass tube and heated about 2 days at 200°. The product was purified by washing first with water, then digesting with ammonium sulphide to remove excess of sulphur, washing again with water, boiling out with 20 per cent hydrochloric acid, and finally washing in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide and drying in vacuo. Analysis: Product taken, 0:°5044 9. Fe,O, found, 0°3346 g. Found Cal. for FeS. 1S xe OS 46°44% 46°56% Another product was formed by heating at 100° for six days the following system: 5 g. FeSO,.7H,0, 0-5 ano. Ohman ESO), and 100° water saturated at 0° with H AS The product was purified in a way similar to the above. Analysis: Product taken, 0°5003 g. BaSO, found, 1:9598 g. < 0°5006 g. Fe AOR [0°83 295 g. Found Cal. for FeS, [Ra COURS Sree ae ae 46°06% 46°56% ie ane) Gi Daas aes 53°81 53°44 99°87 100°00 Both these products were similar to natural marcasite in color and luster. Their crystaliime nature was very obvious to the unaided eye, though the crystals were small. 174 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— Methods of distinguishing pyrite from marcasite.—To distinguish between the disulphides pyrite and marcasite, two methods were employed. 1. Crystals were prepared large enough for goniometric meas- urement. When hydrogen sulphide and sulphur act directly on a solution of ferrous sulphate, the crystals are in general HG. 2: Fic. 2. Apparatus for the slow forma- tion of crystals of iron disulphide. minute. They increase in size with rise in temperature and several other conditions. One of the most important of these is slow formation. This can be brought about by a simple device (fig. 2). Into a glass tube of about 18™™ inside diameter and 65™ in length, is poured through a funnel about 7-10 g. of sodium thiosulphate (Na,S,O,. 5H,O) dissolved in 80° water. The fer- ric salt is contained in another smaller tube which slips into the larger. The small tube has a diameter of 15™™" out- side and a length of 45°". It is supported above the thiosulphate solution by a piece of glass tnbing a little longer than the depth of the liquid. When the outer tube is sealed, the whole is heated in a bomb as usual. Ata temperature of 200°, hydrogen sulphide is slowly generated from the thio- sulphate solution, according to the follow- ing equation: Na,S,O, + H,O = Na,SO, + H,S. By the action of the gas on the ferric salt solution, crystals of measurable size have been repeatedly formed. This scheme, however, could not be satisfactorily used in studying the influence of various conditions on the crystal form. Obviously, not all the crystals of any product could be measured, and it was, of course, a thankless if not impossible task to identify all of them micro- scopically. Therefore, a quantitative esti- mation of the two minerals in mixtures could not be made. Besides, the method of syuthesis is very slow. 2. Stokes’s oxidation method. Some years ago, a chemical method for distinguishing between pyrite and marcasite was worked out by H. N. Stokes.* Since free use of this method has been made, it will be nec- essary to explain it in some detail. It *H. N. Stokes, Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, 186. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 175 depends on the difference in behavior between the two min- erals toward a solution of ferric sulphate. In both cases the sulphide which is used in excess reduces the ferric salt com- pletely to ferrous sulphate, while the mineral itself is oxidized to ferrous sulphate, sulphuric acid and free sulphur. It is in the relative quantities of the products that the difference between pyrite and marcasite shows itself. The reaction may be represented in two stages as follows: 1. FeS,+Fe,(SO,), = 3FeSO, +28 2. 28+6Fe,(SO,), +8H,O = 12FeSO, +8 H,80, In that portion of the sulphide which takes part in the reaction, the percentage of the sulphur which is oxidized to sulphuric acid depends on conditions, but, ceteris paribus, the quantity is much greater for pyrite than for marcasite. In order to distinguish between the two it is therefore necessary to deter- mine what percentage of the sulphur is oxidized to sulphuric acid. Stokes found it most advantageous to use a standard solution (ferric ammonium alum) containing 1 g. of iron and 4-0 g.* free sulphuric acid per liter, and to operate at the boil- ing temperature. Under these conditions, he found that 60 per cent of the sulphur in pyrite was oxidized, and only 18 per cent of the sulphur in marcasite. Instead of determining directly the quantity of free sulphur or sulphuric acid formed in the reaction, Stokes measured the increase in the concentra- tion of ferrous iron in solution. By stochiometrical caleula- tion, for the details of which the original paper must be con- 8°336 ean percentage of sulphur in the reacting sulphide which is oxidized to sulphuric acid, 6 the ferrous iron, ¢ the total iron in the solution at the end of the operation, and a the total iron in the original solution. There is one point on which Stokes does not express a perfectly clear view, viz: whether the solution at the end of the oxidation should contain any ferric iron or not. Asa matter of fact, the reaction, when successful, pro- ceeds to completion, so that all the iron at the end of the operation is ferrous; 6 and ¢ are consequently identical, and 8°33b — 25. b—a Stokes determined the ferrous iron by direct titration with permanganate. Afterwards he reduced the solution and titra- ted again so as to determine the ¢o¢a/ iron, ferrous and ferric. This reduction and subsequent titration are evidently super- fluous. The process has been improved in several other sulted, he derived the formula, p = 95, where p is the the formula may therefore be simplified to p= *This is our interpretation of Stokes’s statement: ‘‘16°™? of 25 per cent sulphuric acid.” 176 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— details also. The sulphide has to be very ‘carefully purified. Obviously, any other product which could reduce the solution, or anything like ferrous sulphate or ferric hydroxide which could in any way increase the concentration of the ferrous iron, would interfere with correct conclusions. In the main, Stokes’ procedure has been followed, though a new apparatus: for HIG. 5. Fic. 3. Apparatus for washing substances out of contact with air. washing substances out of contact with the air has been devised and used. This apparatus, which is shown in the adjoining figure (fig. 3), has proved of very general utility and convenience. A consists of two parts, the lower of brass, the upper of glass cemented into a brass ring. /' is a ground joint between this ring and another similar ring soldered to Mineral Sulphides of Lron. 177 the lower half of the apparatus. In use, this joint is greased with vaseline and the rings are held in place by two spring clamps which are not shown in the figure. The two vessels D and F are used to contain, respectively, hydrochloric acid and boiled water cooled in carbon dioxide, with which two liquids the ground sulphide in & is successively washed. The pressure of the carbon dioxide which enters the apparatus at HT is sufficient to drive either liquid over into 6 when the proper stop-cocks are opened. G opens into a filter flask filled nearly full of water, connected with the water pump. Suction is carefully regulated by a pinch-cock. The appara- tus is successively evacuated by the pump and filled with car- bon dioxide before using. In drying the material m the vacuum desiccator, instead of using the water pump as Stokes did, we have evacuated by an oil or mercury pump to a frac- tion of a millimeter. At the end of a half hour the sulphide is not dry but it does not contain enough water to affect the result essentially. In the determination of the ferrous iron, we have employed a weight burette instead of a volume burette. , Results with natural pyrite and marcasite——The minerals employed were pyrite from Elba* and marecasite from Joplin, Mo. They were purified with great care and then analyzed.t The only impurities found were small quantities of silica and a minute trace of copper in the marcasite. Marcasite Pyrite ° Cal. for FeS. Fe 46°53 46°49 46°56 S 53°30 53°49 53°44 SiO, 20 04 100°08 100°02 100°00 The oxidation coefficients obtained by us were 56 for pyrite and 14 for marcasite, while Stokes found 60 and 18 respect- ively. The differences have not been entirely accounted for, though we have taken somewhat greater precautions in our work. However, and this is the point to be emphasized, the results of each are probably consistent among themselves. Determination of the relative quantities of pyrite and marcasite in miatures.—By grinding together the two min- erals in different proportions and then determining the oxida- tion number for the mixture, Stokes constructed a curve repre- *In some of the later experiments, a pyrite from Leadville, Col., con- taining 0°1 per cent copper, was used. + For the method of analysis, see Allen and Johnston, Zs. anorg. Chem., ies, 102,191: 178 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— senting the oxidation coefficients for all possible mixtures. His curve had the form of a eutectic curve with the lowest point at ten per cent, pyrite having an oxidation coetticient of about 15. Fig. 4 shows the curve which we obtained for mix- tures of pyrite and marcasite. Careful experiment failed to reveal any mixture which gave a lower oxidation coefficient than pure marcasite. The difficulty of determining accurately the composition of an unknown mixture, by a measurement of Hae. 4: Oxidation coefficient. oo Hq (>) | [or} S = S S ~ So po fo) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Marcasite. Pyrite, Fie. 4. Curve showing the oxidation coefficients for mixtures of pyrite and marcasite. the oxidation coefficient, is obvious from the form of the curve ; indeed, differences of two to three per cent (of the weight of the mixture) were usually found in duplicate determinations. Yet, though we cannot confirm the statement of Stokes regard- ing ‘the accuracy of the method, we have found it of great value in studying synthetic products of iron disulphide, the mineral composition of which must otherwise have remained unknown, and have been thus enabled to work out the essen- tial conditions which govern the formation of pyrite or marca- Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 179 site. Of course, the method only applies where the substance contains no other reducing agent than pyrite and marcasite. If, therefore, we had present another crystal form of FeS,, the results would be unreliable. Although both pyrite and mar- casite have been repeatedly detected by the microscope in the synthetic products, no evidence of another form has come to light. It is possible that in some instances (which will be pointed out in the proper place) amorphous FeS, may have been present. In most cases, however, the crystalline structure was so apparent even to the unaided eye that the presence of any amorphous material was quite unlikely, and this conclusion was only confirmed by the microscopic study. Marcasite.— Marcasite is the principal product when hydro- gen sulphide acts directly on ferric sulphate at 200°. Exp. 15g. NH,Fe(SO,),.12H,0 in 100° water saturated at room temperature with hydrogen sulphide, was sealed up and heated in a bomb for several days at 200°. To insure a suffi- cient quantity of the product for experiment, three tubes were thus heated under the same conditions. The product was removed, ground fine, purified, and the oxidation number determined. It was found to be 23°6, corresponding to about 43 per cent pyrite. Influence of free acid on the proportion of marcasite.—The equation H,S + Fe,(SO,), = S-+ 2FeSO, + H,SO, shows that sulphuric acid is a product of the reaction in which the marca- site forms, and its concentration evidently increases as the reaction proceeds. It was, therefore, a plausible hypothesis that the concentration of acid influences the crystal form ; it seemed possible that the pyrite might have formed in the earlier stages of the process, when the acid was weaker. If this view were correct, a greater initial concentration of acid should result in more mareasite. The hypothesis is proved correct as shown by the results collated in the adjoining table. TABLE I, The effect of free H.SO, on the formation of marcasite at 200°. Taken Found Water saturated Oxidation} Per cent NH,Fe(SO,)2.12 H.O with H.S Free H.SO,* number pyrite 5 g. HOO) 0°50 g. 23°6 43° og. LOOT 0°57 g. 18°9 25° Do 2. LOO: Oni 8) os 17°0 10°0 og. LOO * Metis: (2 16°5 7°5 * This includes the acid formed in reduction of the ferric iron by hydro- gen sulphide. 180 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— ANG aj opel PA Effect of temperature on the formation of marcasite. Taken Found FeSO,. Water satu- ey Tem- 7,0 Sulphur | Free H.S0,| rated with | Oxidation |Percent perature HS at 0° number | pyrite 300° Dd g. 0d g. One LOOr: 29°0 57°5 300° og. 0'5 g. O17 &. LOOrs 28°4 56°5 200° Os 0°5 g. 0-17 g. 1GO. 20°7 32°0 100° 5 g. 0d g. 0°17 g. LOOK. 16° 6°0 100° Dg. 0:5 1a: Orliire. 1OO;¢" Livi 10°0 Table II shows the influence of temperature on the reaction. Here ferrous sulphate and sulphur, the products of the action of hydrogen sulphide on ferric sulphate, were taken. The quantities of acid used, by inadvertence, were considerably less than intended, but the evidence shows the influence of tempera- ture very plainly. The higher the temperature the greater is the quantity of pyrite formed. A word is here needed on the question of the formation temperature. The furnace was first heated to the required temperature, then the cold bomb con- taining the tube was introduced. Obviously, the reaction could not take place entirely at one temperature. At the lower tem- peratures, however, the reaction is very slow, so that the time required for the bomb to reach the temperature of the furnace is not important. When the bombs were heated to 300°, many hours were required to reach the maximum temperature. It would not be worth while, after having shown that the two variables, temperature and acid concentration, both influence the product of this reaction, to study the problem in great detail, but it is interesting to note that the reaction will proceed at ordinary temperatures, and also that pure marcasite may be obtained by a proper combination of the two variables. Thus at 100° the precipitate formed from a solution containing 1°18 per cent of free sulphuric acid gives the oxidation coefi- cient 14°5 and is therefore pure mareasite. From 2 liters of a solution which contained 3 per cent of hydrous ferrous sulphate and 0°15 per cent of free sulphuric acid, 1 gr. of precipitate was obtained at room temperature in about three weeks. Unfortu- ately, there was an accident in the determination of the oxida- tion coefficient of this product, but we can state that it contained less than 10 per cent of pyrite. For every temperature there appears to be a quantity of acid which inhibits the reaction: Mineral Sulphides of Lron. 181 FeSO,+H,S+S = Fe8S,+H,SO,. The quantity is smaller the lower the temperature. It appears to bear no relation to the solubility of the sulphide, for at room temperature this quantity is only a small fraction of 1 percent. At 200° it lies between 3°5 per cent and 5 per cent; at least this is true for periods of a few weeks. Crystals of marcasite. of marcasite were obtained by the slow action of hydrogen sulphide on fer- ric sulphate or chloride at several temperatures up to 300° (see p. 174). The general problem of making measurable erys- tals is one of the most troublesome in synthetic mineralogy. As yet we have no light on the means of controlling the number of nuclei which form in the process of crystallization. In general, the more soluble minerals are obtained in larger crystals. Likewise, larger crystals are obtained from a medium in which they are more soluble. In preparing well-formed mareasite crystals, some unaccountable failures were met with, though generally the products obtained by the method previ- ously described contained a number of ‘crystals which were measurable. The marcasite crystals were like the natural mineral in color and luster and the axial ratio deduced from the angular measurements was @:6:¢c = 0°7646:1:1°2176 as compared with 0°7580 : 1: 1:2122 for natural marcasite (Gold- schmidt). The striations which marked the crystals agreed with orthorhombic and not with regular symmetry (see Ul, Crystallographic Study). Formation of pyrite.*—While the product of the action of sulphur and hydrogen sulphide on ferrous salts is largely mar- casite, the percentage increasing with the quantity of free acid present, pyrite is the principal product where the solution remains neutral or but shghtly acid. Action of hydrogen sulphide on ferric hydroxide.—F reshly precipitated ferric hydroxide is instantly blackened by hydrogen sulphide. The product is a mixture of ferrous sulphide and sulphur, as shown by the following. Freshly precipitated fer- ric hydroxide was washed free of soluble salts, suspended in water and treated for some time with hydrogen sulphide. A portion of the black amorphous precipitate dissolved in cold dilute acid with evolution of hydrogen sulphide, leaving a residue of amorphous sulphur. Another portion was first digested with ammonium sulphide solution. After filtering *For former syntheses of pyrite, see Wohler (Ann., xvii, 260, 1836). W obler heated an intimate mixture of Fe.0;,S, and NH.Cl till the NH.Cl was sublimed. He obtained some small brass yellow tertrahedra and octa- hedra. Senarmont (loc. cit.) obtained FeS. by heating ferrous salt solutions with alkaline polysulphides. Geitner (Ann. 129, 350, 1864) heated metallic iron with a solution of sulphur dioxide to about 200°. His product may have been marcasite. See also Doelter (Zs. Kryst., xi, 30, 1886). 182 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— and washing out the excess of reagent, the black residue dis- solved without leaving any sulphur behind. The product therefore must have contained free sulphur and could not have been ferric sulphide, Fe,S,, though the latter, according to Gedel,* decomposes with dilute acid, giving the same products as the above mixture. A product made by the action of hydrogen sulphide on ferric hydroxide was washed into a glass tube with about 100° water, saturated with hydrogen sulphide at room temperature, sealed and heated at 140° for seven days. The solution when cooled and opened still smelled strongly of hydrogen sulphide. The product had become quite dense and had a yellowish grey color. It was boiled in hydrochlorie acid for some time to dissolve any unchanged ferric hydroxide, or ferrous sulphide, and further purified as usual. The oxidation number was 49, corresponding to 87 percent of pyrite. The work was repeated with ferric hydroxidet+ which had been dried at 100° to make it easier to handle: It proved, however, much less susceptible to hydrogen sulphide. It had to be heated repeatedly at 140° with saturated hydrogen sulphide water before the color of the oxide of iron had disappeared entirely. After purification, the product gave the oxidation number 50°4, corresponding to 90 per cent pyrite. Action of sulphur on pyrrhotite wm the presence of a sol- vent.—The formation of pyrite, just described, is evidently a result of the direct union of sulphur and ferrous sulphide, the first product of the reaction. The hydrogen sulphide water probably acts as a weak solvent. Similarly, the marcasite may be regarded as a product of the addition of sulphur to ferrous sulphide, which forms gradually from solution. The formation of pyrite by the action of sulphur on crystalline pyrrhotite, the relation of which to ferrous sulphide will be shown farther on, proves conclusively that, at a given temperature, it is not the exact nature of the solid phase which reacts with the sul- phur, but the composition of the solution in which it forms, that determines whether the product shall be pyrite or marca- site. 2°2g. pyrrhotite prepared in the laboratory, and 0°8 g. of sulphur were put into a glass tube, to which was added a solution of 0:1 g. of sodium bicarbonate in 100° water. Before sealing the tube, the solution was partially saturated with hydro- gen sulphide. In composition this solution was similar to that. of a warm “sulphur” spring, and it served as a solvent for the sulphur, which was gradually absorbed by the pyrrhotite. The tube and its contents were heated for two months at 70°. The product at the end of that time still contained sulphur and undecomposed pyrrhotite. To remove the latter it was boiled * Jour. fiir Gasbel., xlviii., pp. 400 and 428, 1905. + According to Gedel (loc. cit.), Fe203;.H2O is thus obtained. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 183 for a long time with 20 per cent hydrochloric acid. The res- idue was dense and brassy-yellow. It was finely ground, puri- fied as usual, and tested by Stokes’s method. It gave an oxi- dation number of 55-1, which corresponds to pure pyrite within the limits of error of the method. To make sure that no mis- take had been made in this test, some pure natural pyrite was compared the next day with the same ferric sulphate solution. 100° of the sulphate solution, after it had been reduced with the synthetic pyrite, required 42°51 g. of permanganate solution. 100° which had been reduced by natural pyrite took 42°56 g. of the permanganate. The action of sulphur on pyrrhotite was tried again at 300°, where the reaction was of course much more rapid than at 70°. Into the tube were put 5 g. powdered pyrrhotite, 1°75 2. sul- phur, 0°2 g. NaHCO,, and 100° water partially saturated with HS. The tube was heated four days at 300°. The oxidation number of the purified product was 52:0, corresponding to about 95 per cent pyrite. It is possible that these products contained a very little undecomposed pyrrhotite or perhaps amorphous FeS,, both of which would have undoubtedly had a similar effect as marcasite in lowering the oxidation number. TABLE III. The oxidation numbers of FeS. formed from alkali polysulphide solution. FeSO,. Temper- |Oxidation| Py- Time | Water | 7H.O NaS. Sulphur ature number | rite ae plain : A z 3 days | 100 eee ee 0rd S300 54 | 97% a plain ee 0 5 days | 100 1s Sta opener L2H) 25200 405 | 71% lain yce Pp . . ie) 7 days | 106 a Sasi) Ake 75 g. 100 26 ad The action of alkali polysulphides on ferrous salts.— eehacmony in 1851 showed by analysis that the product ue the action of alkali polysulphides on ferrous salts at 180° FeS,. The question of the crystal form was not riveebigatall The black amorphous precipitatet which is obtained at room temperature by the above reaction appears to be a mixture of sulphur and ferrous sulphide, at least it decomposes with dilute acids, giving a residue of amorphous sulphur, while hydrogen sulphide escapes. On heating, disulphide of iron gradually * Loe. cit. + Gedel (loc. cit.) claims that this precipitate is Fe.Ss. 184 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— forms, though some of the black precipitate is still unchanged after it has been heated several days at 100° with excess of the polysulphide. The oxidation coefficients of several such prod- ucts formed at different temperatures, and carefully purified as usual, are given in Table III. Evidently they are not pure pyrite, a result somewhat surprising in view of the previous work; for if we obtain marcasite from the more acid solutions, marcasite with pyrite from those which contain less acid, and pure pyrite from practically neutral solutions, we should natu- rally expect pure pyrite from alkaline solutions. Further inves- tigation has led us to believe that the products of the alkaline solutions do not contain marcasite, but are mixed with amor- phous disulphide. Stokes explained, very plausibly, that the reason why marcasite gave more free sulphur than pyrite when it reacted with ferric sulphate was because it was more soluble ; a fortiori, amorphous disulphide would give, under similar conditions, still more free sulphur because it is the most solu- ble of the three. The evidence for the existence of amorphous disulphide in the products of alkaline solutions is as follows: While the products of acid solutions which contain the most mareasite are the best crystallized, those from alkaline solu- tions which, judging by their oxidation coefficients, contain the most, are almost black, dull and lusterless at the lower temperatures. The quantity of pyrite is increased by raising the temperature or prolonging the time of reaction,—both con- ditions which are favorable to the crystallization of an amorph- ous substance. Moreover, marcasite is not changed by heating in alkali polysulphide solutions, as we found by heating some of the natural mineral in powdered form for several days at 300° with polysulphide of sodium. The oxidation coefficient remained 14:5. The influence of temperature on the formation of pyrite from ferrous salts and alkali polysulphides is shown in Table If1. ‘The Anas of time is proved by the two fol- lowing experiments: 3g. FeSO,.7H,0O, 2°5 g. Na,S, and 0°75 g. sulphur, and 100° water, were heated 2 tae at 100°. The pro- duct contained about 75 per cent pyrite.* similar system — heated for 7 the same temperature gave a product contain- ing about 95 per cent pyrite. The results are calculated on the supposition that they contain marcasite; if they contain amor- phous disulphide instead, the true percentage of pyrite should of course be higher, since a given quantity of amorphous disul- phide would be equivalent to a greater quantity of the less sol- uble mareasite, but the order of the results would of course remain thesame. The products obtained at 300° were yellower, * There is an apparent discrepancy between this last result and the one quoted in Table III under the caption ‘‘ 100°.” In the latter case the excess of polysulphide was much smaller. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 185 denser, and in direct sunlight showed a decided metallic luster, while their oxidation coefficients approach those of pure pyrite. It may therefore be safely stated that the product of the union of ferrous sulphide and sulphur from an alkali polysulphide solution is at first amorphous disulphide of iron which gradu- ally crystallizes to pyrite.* The formation of wron disulphide by the action of sodium thiosulphate on ferrous salts—In the endeavor to explain the formation of pyrite and marcasite in nature, the following hypothesis presented itself. Iron disulphide of either form may oxidize under surface conditions to ferrous thiosulphate by direct addition of oxygen ; this is transported by circulating waters to some point where it is reduced again to its former condition. Ina partial study of the oxidation of marcasite, no trace of thiosulphate was discovered. At the same time the effort to obtain the disulphide of iron by reduction of the thiosulphate was successful. When water solutions of ferrous sulphate and sodium thiosulphate are heated in sealed tubes, even to temperatures under 100°, the iron disulphide is precipitated with sulphur. By quantitative experiments which follow, the reaction is proved to be: 4Na,S,0, + FeSO, = FeS, +38 + 4Na,SO,. ie eke yous HesO) (1,0, 18-o. Na.S.0,.5H,0, and 25° water were heated in a sealed tube for 9 days at 90°. All buta trace of the iron was precipitated. The precipitate of FeS,+S was washed in air-free water and driedin vacuo. The sulphur was extracted by carbon disulphide and the residue of FeS, was weighed. Cal. from the Found above equation FeS,+5 3°82 3°85 FeS, ailcy 2°16 Exp. 2. 2g. FeSO,.7H,O, 18 g. Na,S,O,.5H,O and 35° water were sealed in CO, and heated for one day at about 150°. The precipitate was filtered and washed with air-free water. The solntion was boiled in, a current of carbon dioxide to remove a trace of hydrogen sulphide, and an aliquot part was titrated with standard iodine solution. No.i. 1/5 of the solution required 16°135 e. iodine solution. Cal. for th» whole, 80°675 g. iodine solution. No. 2. 2/5 of the solution required 32°332 g. iodine solution. * In a recent paper (Zs. angewandte Chem., xxiv, 97, 1911), ‘‘ Die Bildung von HKisen Bisulphide in Lésungen und die Enstehungen der nattirlichen Pyrit- lagern,” W. Feld states that whenever sulphur and ferrous sulphide are boiled in neutral or weakly acid solutions, pyrite forms. Am. Jour. Sct.—Fourts Series, Vou. XX XIII, No. 195.—Marcg, 1912. 18 186 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— Cal. for the whole, 80°830 g. iodine solution. The iodine solu- tion contained “005445 g. iodine per g. 80°675 and 80°830 g. iodine solution are respectively equiva- lent to 0°858 and 0°860 g. Na,8,O,.511,0. Therefore 7-142 ge. and 7140 g. Na,$,O,.5H,O were consumed in the reaction. The equation demands 7-137 g. for 5g. FeSO,.7H,0. Found Cal. FeS,+5 1547 1°556 Fes, 0°872 0°863 Sodium thiosulphate when heated with water in sealed tubes forms hydrogen sulphide and sodium sulphate. Na,S,O,+H,O= H,S+Na,SO,. The reaction at 200° is quite incomplete, though no thiosulphate was obtained when a solution of sodium sulphate saturated with hydrogen sulphide was heated under the same conditions. When 1g. Na,S,O,.5H,O and 20° water were heated 4 days at 200°, the thiosulphate undecomposed, as determined by standard iodine solution, was 0°753 g. 0°247 @ decomposed is equivalent to 0°141 ¢. Na,SO,. The solution after titrating with iodine was precipitated with barium chloride. BaSO, found 0°223 ¢. equivalent to 0°1386Na,SO,,. At first it was thought that the reaction between ferrous sul- phate and sodium thiosulphate was to be explained as follows: (1) Na,S,O,+H,0 = Na,SO,+H.S, (2) FeSO,+4H,8 = FeS,+ 388+4H,O. Later it was found that from ferrous chloride the same mixture of sulphur and FeS, was precipitated. Of course, the reaction represented by equation (2) could not go on with ferrous chloride. Therefore, the following is probably the true explanation of the reaction. (1.) FeSO,+Na,8,0, = Na,SO,+ FeS,0, (2.) Fes, O, +3Na,8,0, = FeS, +38+43Na, SO, Form of Fes, obtained by heating ferrous salts with sodium thiosulphate.—N either marcasite nor pyrite is obtained pure in | this reaction. ‘The product shows in crusts the color of pyrite, but it is poorly erystallized and may contain amorphous disul- phide. A product prepared at 90°, tested by Stokes’ method, behaved like a mixture of 70 per cent pyrite and 30 per cent marcasite. Another product formed at 800°* tested in the same way acted like a mixture of 72 per cent pyrite and 28 per cent mareasite. Though this reaction—the reduction of ferrous thiosulphate by sodium thiosulphate—doubtless has no significance as applied to geology, it is probable that the fer- rous thiosulphate might be reduced by other reagents, and it is possible that ferrous thiosulphate may be formed in nature under some conditions, but of this we have no evidence. * This was the maximum temperature. The reaction may have been com- plete before this temperature was reached. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 187 The transformation of marcasite into pyrite.—More than fifty years ago, Wohler* tried the experiment of heating both minerals for four hours at the temperature of boiling sulphur (about 445°) without observing any change in either of them. Our own results indicate that marcasite undoubtedly changes here, but very slowly. When marecasite was heated at 610° in hydrogen sulphide gas for 3 hours, it lost about 2°5 per cent sulphur and became strongly magnetic, owing, of course, to the formation of some pyrrhotite. A finely ground sample, after being thoroughly boiled out with hydrochloric acid, appeared decidedly yellower and less lustrous than marcasite.t+ The comparison is best made by placing the sample to be tested alongside of a fragment of marcasite which has had all tarnish removed by recent boiling in hydrochloric acid (Stokes). A finely ground and purified sample of the heated marcasite gave the oxidation number 56 instead of 14 as previously. At 525°, a sample of marcasite heated 4$ hours in hydrogen sulphide gave the oxidation number 55:8. Under similar conditions at 450°, a sample of marcasite heated 4 hours gave the oxidation number 15-7, which corresponds to 5°5 per cent of pyrite. The sample was returned to the furnace and heated again 5 hours. This time the top layer in the crucible gave, after purification, the oxidation number 27, corresponding to 58 per cent pyrite, while a deeper layer in the same crucible gave 31, which indicates about 61 per cent of pyrite. At 450°, therefore, dry heating in H,S changes marcasite to pyrite rather slowly—50 per cent—60 per cent in 9 hours. Heated to 410° for 4 hours, the oxidation number was 13:5, showing that no measurable change had occurred. J. Konigsberger and O. Reichenheimt found a marked decrease in the electrical resistance of marcasite in the neigh-. borhood of 520°. They noted that the sulphide then possessed a specific resistance of the same order as pyrite, and rightly in- terpreted their results to mean that marcasite had changed into pyrite and the change is irreversible. It is difficult to see in their results, however, any support of their statement that the change appears to begin between 250° and 300°, while our results contradict it. An effort was made to effect the transformation at a lower temperature in the wet way. At 350° marcasite heated in a sealed tube with a small amount of dilute sulphuric acid partly changed to ferrous sulphate and sulphur dioxide, but the solid * Ann. Chem. Pharm., 90, 256, 1854. + Pyrite is naturally a more lustrous mineral than marcasite. The duller color of heated marcasite is to be ascribed to the very large number of minute crystals in the product, and the lack of continuous surfaces. ¢{ Neues Jahrb., ii, 36, 1906. 188 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— portion gave no sign of change, and at 300° a powdered sample which was repeatedly heated for several days’ time with sodium sulphide and polysulphide solutions was equally unaffected. | Density.—The density of the marcasite heated to 610° rose from 4887 to 4911. The density of pure pyrite is 5-°02+ The change in color, and, more convincingly, the oxidation number, show that the substance is pure pyrite after heating, yet its density is too low. The explanation is probably to be sought in the porosity of the product. Influence of pressure on the change marcasite> pyrite.—Dr. A. Ludwig, at our request, kindly undertook some experiments on the influence of pressure in transforming marcasite to pyrite. A few grams of marcasite were compressed for five hours at a pressure of about 10,000 atmospheres. At the end of the period, the oxidation by Stokes’ method showed no change in the substance. Later Johnston and Adams devised an apparatus in which the marcasite could be heated by a resistance coil while subjected to hydrostatic pressure of about 2000 atmospheres in petroleum oil. A number of experiments were tried between 300° and 400°, but Stokes’ reaction showed no pyrite formation. The oxidation method was perhaps not quite so certain here on account of the fact that the oil was partially decomposed at the higher temperatures and the product may have contained some reducing matter which could not be removed by petroleum “ether.” A mixture of pyrite and marcasite containing any such reducing impurity, as we have seen (p. 184), would give too low an oxidation number. Thus it might happen that a little pyrite could be overlooked. These experiments are of considerable interest because there are very few data on the effect of pressure in irreversible changes.* We do not know whether a difference in density in the right direction would favor the change or not, since Le Chatelier’s law applies only to reversible changes. If the speed of the change is influenced by pressure quite apart from the volume relation, it may perhaps be retarded rather than accelerated. Until apparatus is developed which will give higher temperatures and at the same time high pressures, this problem must wait. At present the assumption,t which has been made in geology, that pressure favors all changes which are accompanied by reduction in volume, irrespective of their reversibility, is unwarranted. Monotropic relation of marcasite to pyrite.—A crucible con- taining 50 g. pyrite was rapidly heated (20° per minute) in H,S * Van’t Hoff, Vorlesungen, 2nd. Hd., Braunschweig, 1901, vol. I, p. 236. + See Van Hise, A Treatise on Metamorphism, Monograph No. 47, U.S. Geol. Survey, 1904, pp. 215, 368. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 189 over a range from 400° to 600°. The curve was perfectly smooth. When a similar charge of marcasite was heated in the same way, an acceleration of the temperature was plainly seen on the curve between 500° and 600°. (See fig. 5.) The Temperature. TES Ot USDaRoa Ease Sea hou | SLL een re AA eae Pee ea oe Aree ee oe ee Bia PEAY OW ey te Creel ca AVA EE SStkhes haa nae PSA LRP VA cogs ia | ld 2 7 i a AAA oo Se een See ae ee er ee 4 Ea a a ae |. ist A Ae nihasy 1 5 eA SS tL dG A pee BESET ah ae aan ay ss ea pe ae ea SCO: dea oe ee Time. Fic. 5. Thermal curves showing evolution of heat when marcasite is changed into pyrite. (Curves 3, 4 and 5.) Curves 1 and 2 are thermal curves of pyrite. 190 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— experiment was repeated several times with similar results. Under these conditions, there is a plain evolution of heat accompanying the change of marcasité into pyrite. This shows, of course, that marcasite possesses the more energy* of the two andisa monotropic form. This condition of instability isin accord with the more rapid oxidation of mareasite in nature, and in it is probably to be found the reason for the dif- ference in behavior between marcasite and pyrite toward other oxidizing agents. Monotropic forms often crystallize from some particular solvent or within a limited temperature range. The formation of marcasite from acid solutions is in accord: with this, though as yet we do not understand the reason for it. A rise in temperature doubtless increases the velocity of the change marcasite > pyrite. At low temperatures this becomes infinitesimal or zero; above 450° it becomes measur- able. This irreversible relation has a bearing on the question of paramorphs of iron disulphide, for it is impossible to see how pyrite could change to marcasite without first passing into - solution, while the opposite change is experimentally estab- lished. Paramorphs of pyrite after marcasite are certainly possible, but paramorphs of marcasite after pyrite are evidently impossible. The agency of organic matter in the formation of natural pyrite and marcasite.—The fact that pyrite is sometimes found in nature replacing wood has been alluded to. Liversidget gives an example of recent pyrite which is found on twigs in a hot spring at Tampo, N. Z. The sulphides of southwestern Mis- souri, including pyrite and mareasite, are frequently associated with asphaltic matter, and in Oklahoma this is sometimes so great in quantity as to interfere with the concentration of the ores. (Lindgren.) It is pretty generally believed by geolog- ists that the organic matter of certain shales acted as a precip- itant of the pyrite they contain. Such a shale underlies the sulphide deposits of Wisconsin. We learn from Mr. W. H. Emmons of the U. 8. Geological Survey that this shale con- tains a small quantity of hydrogen sulphide, which naturally may have been the precipitating agent. Coals, also, in which pyrite is commonly found, are frequently permeated with hydrogen sulphide. The role of micro-organisms in the formation of iron di- sulphide.—The question naturally arises whether there is any connection between organic matter and the formation of * Cavazzi (Rend. Accad., Bologna, N.S., ii, 205, 1898) states that the heats of combustion of pyrite and marcasite are identical (1550 cal. ). This is certainly incorrect. + J. Royal Soc. N. S. Wales, xi, 262, 1877. 7) Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 191 hydrogen sulphide. In the putrefaction of organic matter hydrogen sulphide is one of the products, and Gautier* has surmised that the pyrite which sometimes forms the substance of fossil bones and shells is precipitated by hydrogen sulphide which is given off slowly by the organic matter during its de- composition. The formation of pyrite in this case would dif- fer from that described in the previous pages only in the source of the hydrogen sulphide, which is here a product of micro- organisms. There is another way in which micro-organisms produce hydrogen sulphide, and that is by the reduction of sulphates. According to Beyerinck,+ a considerable number of bacteria, alow, flagellata and infusoria show this kind of aetivity. Spirillum desulfuricans is one of the most important. As these organisms are active only in neutral or alkaline solutions, fer- rous sulphide is precipitated whenever ferrous salts as well as sulphates are present. The black mud of many swamps, pools, and even seas (e.g., the Black Sea), as well as sea coasts,t which are intermittently overflowed, contains ferrous sulphide. Mr. C. A. Davis of the U. 8. Bureau of Mines, who has had large experience on this subject, informs us that he has always found hydrogen suiphide in peat-bogs into which tide-water finds its way. Apparently, the formation of pyrite or mar- casite through the agency of micro-organisms has not been observed, but only an influx of. air with excess of hydrogen sulphide would be needed to change the ferrous sulphide into disulphide. ‘That micro-organisms are directly responsible for any great quantity of the pyrite or marcasite of nature seems unlikely because in the first place they are probably not active far from the surface of the ground. They have been dis- covered at depths of only four or five meters.§ A fraction of a per cent of free acid usually inhibits the growth of these organisms; therefore they could not live in the solutions from which marcasite appears to have formed. Pyrite and marca- site are not infrequently associated with minerals like chalco- pyrite, which proves the presence of copper in the original solutions, and copper is exceedingly poisonous to practically all micro-organisms. It is possible, however, that the reduc- tion of sulphates like gypsum and sodium sulphate by micro- organisms may be an important source of hydrogen sulphide in nature. Distinct conditions leading to pyrite or marcasite in nature. —The geological relations of marcasite indicate that it is a *C.R., cxvi, 1494, 1892. + Centr. Bakter. u. Parasitenkunde, i, pp. 1, 49, 104, 1895. {H2S was found in sea-water by B. Leroy, Ann. Ch. Ph. , lviii, 382, 1846. S$ Hygiene des Bodens, Josef von Fodor, Jena, vol. i, Pt. “i. p. op 18938. 192 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— product of surface conditions. The oxidation of either pyrite or marcasite gives first a mixture of sulphuric acid and ferrous sulphate which by further oxidation easily gives ferric sul- phate. The action of hydrogen sulphide and atmospheric oxygen simultaneously on the acid ferrous solution would lead to the same goal. We have found how hydrogen sulphide acting on acid solutions, especially in the cold, gives rise to mareasite. We have also found that above 450° mareasite could not form, thus further confirming geological deductions. Pyrite, being a stable form, probably crystallizes under a considerably wider range of conditions than marcasite. The evidence of synthetic study is that the formation of pyrite is favored by high temperature and by solutions which con- tain little or no free acid. In accord with these, we have the following geological deductions. First, pyrite is a product of hot springs. In the springs of Carlsbad, which have a tem- perature of about 55° C., recent pyrite is observed.* The waters contain sulphates and a trace of hydrogen sulphide, and are slightly alkaline. The lagoons of Tuscany are deposit- ing pyrite from their hot waters. Bunsen{ found that the hot vapors of the fumaroles of Iceland were gradually chang- ing the ferrous silicate of the basalts into pyrite. More important geologically is the fact that the product of deep veins by ascending waters is always pyrite, never marca- site. Such waters are naturally hot, and commonly if not always alkaline.{ We can now see that a separation of pyrite from a magma is entirely possible, while the temperature of any magma would doubtless be incompatible with the existence of mareasite. The occurrence of pyrite and marcasite together.—Hintze§ mentions thirty-one instances where pyrite and marcasite are found intergrown or precipitated one upon the other. Stokes| also tested a number of specimens which proved to be mix- tures of pyrite and marcasite, some of them intergrown in con- centric layers. In other places, e.g., in Joplin, Missouri, the two minerals have been observed by us in the same hand spe- cimen.4] According to F. L. Ransome,** the two minerals occur together, though perhaps not intergrown, in Goldfield, Nevada. These facts show very strikingly not only the small influence of nuclei mn directing the form of the disulphide * Daubrée, Géologie expérimentale, Paris, 1879, p. 93. + Pogg. Ann., Ixxxili, 259, 1851. {A hot acid solution in contact with carbonate or most silicate rocks would first be neutralized and then become alkaline. ieee der Mineralogie, vol. i, pp. 724-778, 820-882. oc. Cit, j ee W.S. T. Smith and Siebenthal, U. S. G. S. Folio 148. -** Private communication. Specimens were also submitted by Mr. Ransome. Mineral Sulphides of Lron. 193 which separates from solution, but also that comparatively slight differences in conditions may give rise to one or the other. Further, that the two minerals may have formed at the same time in some instances. The synthetic experi- ments which have been described proved that the minerals very commonly formed together,* as polymorphic forms which are monotropic are apt to do. Cold solutions which were sufhi- ciently acid gave mareasite ; warm or hot solutions, either neu- tral or alkaline, gave pyrite, and intermediate conditions gave mixtures. IT, Pyrrhotite. Composition.—Special interest attaches to the composition of pyrrhotite, which, despite much discussion, is still an unset- tled question. The various formulae,t Fe,S,, Fe,,S,,, Fe,S, +, and FeS which have been assigned to it by various authors rest on widely varying analytical data. The analytical methods have no doubt been at fault, but the more important question concerns the physical homogeneity of the substance. This has been unusually troublesome. Pyrrhotite almost always occurs in the massive condition, a circumstance which naturally arouses suspicions of its purity, while its opacity makes it impossible to put the question to an optical test. Many years ago Lindstrémt subjected all the known analyses of this mineral to a careful critique. Those which for any reason, such as defective analytical methods or impure mate- rial, appeared unconvincing were rejected.§ In the remainder, the ratio] of iron to sulphur was calculated and found to vary from 1:1°06 up to 1:1°19. Some years later Habermehl4 inves- tigated the same question. He crushed pyrrhotite to a fine powder, covered it with water, and endeavored, by means of a strong horseshoe magnet, to separate it into fractions varying in magnetic intensity. Such fractions as he obtained in this way showed no systematic difference in composition. Haber- mehl used in his experiments the pyrrhotite from Bodenmais. A very satisfactory general discussion of the question of admixtures in pyrrhotite is also given in Habermehl’s paper. He decided that pyrrhotite could not contain free sulphur because carbon disulphide removes none from it, neither could *Tt may be, however, that pyrite was formed first and was succeeded by marcasite as the acidity of the solution increased. | Sidot judged from experimental work with Fe;0, and H.S that pyrrho- tite should have the formula Fe;S,, C. R. lxvi, 1257, 1868. _ $ Ofv. Ak. Stockh., xxxii, No. 2, 25, 1875. § 18 analyses out of 43 were thus rejected. || In the calculation of the ratios Lindstrém took, in place of the small percentage of nickel found in many of these analyses, the equivalent of iron. “| Ber. Oberhess. Ges. fiir Natur- und Heilkunde, xviii, 83, Giessen, 1879. 194 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— it contain any disulphide of iron because this is insoluble in hydrochloric acid, while only sulphur remains after pyrrhotite has been boiled with this reagent. Judging from the proper- ties ascribed to Fe,S,, he concluded that this also could not be present. Habermehl was thus forced to conclude, like Lind- strom, though on the basis of further evidence, that pyrrhotite was variable in composition, and it may here be said that no evidence of later date has ever disproved this conclusion. At that time a homogeneous solid of variable composition was an anomaly. ‘To-day such substances are quite generally recog- nized under the category of solid solutions. fypothesis of solid solution.—We proposed to test the hypothesis of solid solution by preparing a series of synthetic pyrrhotites and measuring some property of them. Pyrrhotite was prepared by Berzelius, Rammelsberg and others, generally by heating pyrite. One can also begin with mareasite, which, as we have seen, is first changed to pyrite between 450° and 600°, or with sulphur and iron. We have tried all three methods, though most of the work has been done with pyrite from Elba. This very pure mineral, an analysis of which was given on p. 177, Part I, was kept in a vacuum desiccator, from which portions were taken from time to time as required. Apparatus.—The apparatus used in the synthesis of pyrrho- tite appears in fig. 6. The crucible, C, containing the pyrite is of unglazed porcelain, 48" high x37™™ outside diameter at the top and 22™™ at the bottom. It has a doubly perforated graphite cover, 4, through the central orifice of which passed the glazed Marquardt jacket, A, which shields the thermo- element. Through the second orifice passes a similar tube, B, open at the lower end, which is traversed by a current of hydrogen sulphide.* The crucible is inclosed in a large porcelain tube, D, 40 —45™™ inside and 50™” outside diameter, and 50° in length. In some of the experiments the crucible was supported in the hot zone by a strong graphite rod, G, which was fastened to the cover, F, and clamped outside the large tube, D, while the cover itself was fastened to the crucible by three small pegs. By means of this device, the crucible could be quickly lowered at any time to the bottom of D and thus rapidly cooled. In other experi- ments, a much shorter porcelain tube was substituted for D, in which instances the crucible was supported by a fire-clay pedestal which rested on the bottom of the tube. The upper * Since the ferrous sulphide from which hydrogen sulphide is generated, contains free iron, the gas was passed through boiling sulphur to remove hydrogen, before reaching the furnace. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 195 Fic. 6. LS SSN = SS (7S “are 5 ne fhe, \ee iM, VF Akon E |PS fz We if Vig “G7 Wiis 4a ye, CHUN iy ay, = ¢ Wy) WS SS S aS Xx VN RS SV““ BEX SON WS SS Was << WSs SSIS WANN ORS ARN Fia. 6. Apparatus for the preparation of pyrrhotite. end of the tube in all cases is closed by the graphite cover, //, through which pass A and &. The crucible and its contents are heated by a platinum-resistance furnace, /, as shown in the figure. 196 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— Synthesis— When heated in hydrogen sulphide, pyrite de- composes gradually into sulphur and pyrrhotite. The decom- position may be first detected at about 575° (see p. 205). At about 665° it proceeds rapidly ; still, even after some hours at 750°, the dissociation is never quite complete, and when the pyrite used is rather coarse (sized between screens of 8-40 meshes per cm.), several per cent of it persist in the product. The latter is therefore melted and cooled, and the resulting material, which is now free from pyrite,* serves as a starting point in the preparation of pure pyrrhotite. When this is reheated it loses or gains sulphur according to conditions. A series of products was made by heating the sul- phide in hydrogen sulphide for some hours at different meas- ured temper atur es, and then cooling it in nitrogen.t To facilitate the formation of homogeneous products the sulphide was carefully sized between screens of 16 and 40 meshes per em. ‘These products were all similar in appearance to natural pyrrhotite. They were all dense, opaque, metallic, more brownish than pyrite, and only very slightly tarnished. Some tests were made to prove that the quantity of oxide on the surface was negligible. Weighed samples were heated in dry hydrogen to a red heat and the water formed was absorbed by passing through a calcium chloride tube. The surface of the grains became bright in a few minutes. The tube was cooled in hydrogen, which was then displaced from the apparatus by dry air. The water thus collected corresponded to less than 0-1 per cent of oxygen in two different tests. Furthermore it will be noted later that the preparations which were cooled in nitrogen were comparable in density with those which were prepared in another way and were not tarnished in the slightest degree (see p. 199). Composition of synthetic pyrrhotite—The sulphur was determined in each of the synthetic pyrrhotites by a methodt worked out in this laboratory, which was proved accurate within at least 0°2 per cent of the sulphur present. Treitschke and Tammann§ state that the fused sulphide of * Except for a slight superficial layer which decomposes in the next a The nitrogen was prepared by Knorre’s method (Die Chem. Ind., xxv., 531, 550, 1902 ; Chem. Centralb., i, 125, 1903), i. e., by dropping a saturated solution of sodium nitrite from a dropping funnel into a solution of ammo- nium sulphate and potassium chromate. The gas was passed through dilute sulphuric acid to remove ammonia, and then successively through long col- umns of chromic acid to remove oxides of nitrogen ; sulphuric acid to remove moisture, and finally over-heated copper to remove oxygen, or any traces of oxide of nitrogen which may have escaped. t+ Allen and Johnston, Jour. Ind. & Eng. Chem., ii, 196, 1910; Zs. anorg. Chem., lxix, 102, 1911. § Z. anorg. Chem., xlix, 320, 1906. Mineral Sulphides of Lron. 197 iron corrodes and dissolves porcelain, but it should be noted that they made their fusions in carbon-resistance furnaces without further protection from the air. Our unglazed crucibles appeared quite unattacked in an atmosphere of hydrogen sulphide. Analyses revealed the presence of about 0°25 per cent of silica in our preparations, though we believe that most of this was derived from minute fragments of the crucible, which are difficult to exclude entirely when the cake of sulphide ; is broken out of the crucible. Thus No. 7 gave 0°33 per cent, No. 10, 0°26 per cent, and No. 3 gave 0°22 per cent and 0-24 per cent of silica in duplicate deter- minations. This of course includes the silica in the original pyrite, which, however, was negligible, —-04 per cent. felation of the specific volume to the composition.—The specific gravity* of each preparation was determined and from TaBLE IV.t+ Composition, density and specific volumes of pyrrhotites. Total Cal. eel ‘al. dens. : Sulphur Cal. Fes ae as ap a5" : ates gp Y. 1 aG (2 99°59 | 4°769 4°755 0°2103 2 36°86 99°37 °63 4°768 4°755 0°2108 3 30°71 98°04 1°96 4°691 4°677 0°2138 4 38°45 96°89 oul 4°657 4°643 0°2154 5 38°54 96°73 ao 4°646 4°632 0°2159 6 38°64 96°57 3°43 4°648 4°634 0°2158 7 38°84 96°26 Sa 4°633 4°619 0°2165 8 39°09 95°86 4°14 4°602 4°589 0°2179 9 39°49 95°23 4°77 4°598 4°585 0°2181 10 40°30 93°96 6°04 4°533 4°520 0°2212 + Conditions of formation. 1. From pyrite, melted in H.S, kept a little above m. p. for 1h. in nitro- gen and then cooled in nitrogen. 2. From sulphur and iron, otherwise like 1. 3. From pyrite, heated to equilibrium in H.S at 1800°, then quickly cooled. 4, From pyrite, heated in H.S to 900°, then cooled in nitrogen. . From pyrite, melted in H.S and cooled rather slowly in same. . From marcasite, melted in H.S and cooled rather slowly in the same. . From pyrite, heated to 800° 6 h. in H.S, then cooled in nitrogen. From pyrite, heated to 700° 24h. in H.S, then cooled in nitrogen. From pyrite, heated to 600° 3h. in H.S, ‘then cooled in nitrogen. 10. From pyrite, heated to 600° 15h. in Hy S, then quickly cooled in the same. * Day and Allen, Publication No, 31, p. 55, Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington. SO FS Ot Specific volume. 198 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— this the density (at 4°) and the specific volume was calculated. Table IV contains these data. Column 1 contains the total percentage of sulphur, Columns 2 and 3 the quantities a FeS and S calculated on the hypothesis that pyrrhotite is solid solution of sulphur in ferrous sulphide. In fig. 7 are plotted as abscissas the quantities of dissolved sulphur (Column Inne. 7 we leis) 2 \ adie ae Se 0°2200 0°2178 HePASe eRe Meme ae, 0°2150 EEE Ee PST ae a i a Pe ee BV @hatieateaetee ee 1 2 3 +L 4) 6 Percentage of dissolved sulphur. 0°2125 0-2100 Fig. 7%. The variation of specific volume with the dissolved sulphur in pyrrhotite. 8, Table IV), and as ordinates the specific volumes (Column 6, Table IV). It will be noticed that the scale of the plot is very large and the locus of the points is not only a continuous curve as the theory of solid solutions demands, but it is also a straight Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 199 line within the limits of the errors.* If we compare this line with the dotted line joining the specific volumes of sulphur and ferrous sulphide, we see that a considerable contraction has taken place in the process of solution.+ Lgquilibrium between solid pyrrhotite and the partial pressure of sulphur in hydrogen sulphide.—The composition of a variable phase of two components, iron and sulphur, as pyrrhotite is shown to be, would of course be fixed when both temperature and pressure are fixed. By heating in hydrogen sulphide the pressure is fixed, though not independently of the temperature. To obtain equilibrium, the products were heated for about three hours, at the measured temperature, and then by the device shown in fig. 6, the crucible and its contents were quickly lowered to the bottom of the enclosing tube. The process of heating and quick cooling in hydrogen sulphide was repeated until the density of the product was constant. The densities of the products thus successively prepared usually agreed exactly in the third decimal place. The rate at which the sulphur is absorbed by pyrrhotite in the cooling is too slow to affect these results except possibly in the determinations made at the highest temperatures (1100°-1300°), where a small quantity of sulphur may perhaps be taken up. As this point is important, some data on the rate at which the cooling proceeded are here given. lima temperatures 22-3. 5.52 1300" § 1100° 800° 600° Temperature after 1 min._-.-_-_- Boe CO RE es itraee « Once eM A580 ASO LM. FL ‘< “¢ 8 ie tigen. We ee i ly AO Ona ee ae 13 rT: 34 Sa ea lb a Nie AO ae nas 73 C5 is Cathe oa Boh? 4: iit Sate 805° és SOREN Sia Ale willy rik 365° ee ep ea es ae &< CGRP WG ah MCC aie eel es 6S, Se a In Table V are collected the quantities of sulphur dissolved in pyrrhotite at different temperatures in hydrogen sulphide gas. The sulphur in Nos. 1 and 6 was determined by analysis ; in the rest it was calculated from the specific gravity. The results in ‘Table VI, showing the dependence of composition on temperature when the products are cooled in nitrogen, are given by way of control. In fig. 8, the curve in space shows how the composition of pyrrhotite varies with both tempera- * Three of the points are beyond the errors of the determination of sulphur, and specific gravity, but if we allow a small error in homogeneity in the process of preparation, probably occasioned by the splinters of por- celain, the statement holds for these points also. + The density of rhombic sulphur is very nearly 2°075, and its specific volume is therefore 0°4819. The specific volume of the ferrous sulphide is estimated by extrapolation to be 0°2093. 200 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— ture and pressure. The discontinuity in the curve between 1165° and 1200° which is conditioned by the change of state will be discussed later (p. 207). Maximum percentage of sulphur in pyrrhotite.—The most concentrated solution of sulphur in ferrous sulphide obtained Ps) Q re) ° oo aya SEREEEno PLCC saan ana SERRE SACP a [CES CD oe eee Po LM PO oe eT ey a Pe) aaa We | ake ole Leelee ka SV /L LL LL Le fe BLIP LL SLD IE LLAN PIL dA LILAL TIS LITA LILLIA SI J ae YT ITI ot VOU LIL y VI NG EE VELL ELLA LL ELE Vp Lila Leela Jihad PLD L LE WLLL DEI SEELEY ETA SLIME. WAV de AWIDAVMIAIA I ANT We AN NNN SS y REE Beers NSS SOUS SSS \ SGI alae aa aati i Sea SAUER NESSES ‘ RSS SSAA ANN \ RS SERS SSNS DSS SAIN NGS NONNGRAUN NAN NESS SN NR pee Fig. 8. Curve in space showing the dependence of the composition of pyrrhotite on temperature and pressure. C (composition) = percentage of dissolved sulphur. P = pressure in millimeters of mercury. T = temperature. ; synthetically contains 6 per cent of sulphur and 94 per cent of FeS. This solution was obtained at 600°, where the absorption of sulphur from hydrogen sulphide is slow. At 575° the reaction was so slow that the attempt to get a saturated product was discontinued. At 550°,as we will show farther on, pyrite is formed. The curve in fig. 9 shows an extrapola- Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 201 TABLE V. Sulphur dissolved by FeS in an atmosphere of H.S at measured temperatures. Time of heating Percentage of Temperature Time in which dissolved equilibrium Total sulphur was reached | . ] 600° ene ay he 6°04 2 800° oat? (a 4°41 3 1000° Dy ss Ap 3°6 4 1100° Pd i der 6 3°3 9) 1165° Dh se Dei 3°2 6 11200~ 20 min. 14“ 2°5 7 1300° BOW os TS 1°96 TABLE VI. Sulphur in pyrrhotite cooled in nitrogen from various temperatures. Time of heatin Percent Lolipeneiiue in H.S ‘ dissolved pater 1 eno Few minutes “41 2 About 1200° 14 h. °63 3 1000° 6 h. 2°70* 4 900° 6 h. 3‘1l 5 800° 6 h. 3°74 6 700° 2th. 4°14 a 600° oni, 4°77 * The sulphur in No. 3 was calculated from the density. tion from which we judge the maximum quantity of sulphur in pyrrhotite obtained by heating in hydrogen sulphide must be about 6°5 per cent. If we compute the analyses of natural pyrrhotite in terms of FeS and S, we find that the limit of solu- bility agrees well with this. The highest value calculated from Lindstrom’st figures is 6:08 per cent. From Rose’st analyses we derive the value of 6°76 per cent. The maximum percentage of sulphur in the pyrrhotite analyses quoted by Danas is 40°46 per cent. This particular occurrence, however, contained about 0°5 per cent of copper and cannot, therefore, be satisfactorily t Loe. cit. ¢ Gmelin Kraut Handbuch der Ch., 6th Ed., Vol. III, pt. 1, 382. § System of Mineralogy, 6th Ed., p. 74. Am. Jour. Sct.—FourtTH SERIES, VOL. Pedal No. 195.—Marcgu, 1912. 14 Percentage of dissolved sulphur. 202 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— used for a calculation of this sort. Dana gives also an analysis of pyrrhotite by Funaro, which contained 40°27 per cent total sulphur, equivalent to 6 per cent of dissolved sulphur. This pyrrhotite contained also 3°16 per cent of nickel, which, accord- ing to Penfield, is mechanically intermixed with pyrrhotite in the form of pentlandite. If this be true, the ratio of sulphur to Fie. 9. Senme. Saas EEEEEE AEE Be ee Sse a Be ofc e a ic Sees SS a ea a Bera Saree 0. Ee Sr Re Pes ee a cae , aa eee eee eee SS ane 500° 600° 700° 800° 900° 1000° 1100° 1200° 1300° Temperature. Fic. 9. Curve showing the percentage of sulphur dissolved by ferrous sulphide in hydrogen sulphide gas as the temperature varies. iron in the pyrrhotite would be raised a little, since pentlandite belongs to the type of sulphides MS, and the equivalent quantities of iron and nickel are almost the same. Some allowance for errors in the analyses of the natural mineral should be made; still, the agreement between the maximum quantities of sulphur in the natural and synthetic pyrrhotite is striking. Relation between pyrrhotite and pyrite.—The diagram in fig. 10 shows the relation between pyrrhotite and pyrite. The curve 1, 1 shows the partial pressures of sulphur vapor in one atmosphere of hydrogen sulphide, as they vary with tempera- ture. These results are taken from Preunner and Schupp,* and * Zs. phys. Chem., Ixviii, 161, 1909. Mineral HTS of Iron. 203 are extrapolated above 1130° and below 750°. Curve 2, 2, represents so far as may be with partial data the dissociation pressures of pyrite at various temperatures. Here it is assumed that the vapor pressure at 665° is one atmosphere (see p. 205). At 550° pyrrhotite was found to pass over into pyrite when Fie. 10. , 1 100 90 80 70 60 a) 40 30 20 10 el Pee =o SECs eae LE eee Se Oe ee, ae ee ie a ee ar ames oa Je a ee ee PA AMA Lbs el ool A ee 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Temperature. Pressure in millimeters of mercury. Fie. 10. Curve 1,1, shows the partial pressures of sulphur in hydrogen sulphide at various temperatures (Preunner and Schupp). Curve 2, 2, shows approximately the dissociation pressure of pyrite. heated in hydrogen sulphide. This was proved by the fact that the color changed to the yellower color of pyrite and the density increased, whereas pyrrhotite decreases in density with increase of sulphur. At 575° pyrrhotite showed no change in 204 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— ite a Pl iil FB = th a WGA Poe a I ose REVERE as eee ee eee BRESIR eee ee eee a en ae ee eae. a Se ne le a vs refs lB aiken ed SRR SHAME RE SR Shae) PMR EREMRGE See: poe ee MOTE pela Pe De Fae PLE PERERA CHIE AE CR Ee eS ee aS Sieh aie Ge wie a sl aie al Ei [i PE) UN eee ea ie a ee Eee Fie is Fe oc i AP oe Fs pelted val Eh Ee el ll call alata Blea al I a Pe eh) aad Gea eee ea ia hs HERE EAA EE Ht A A Wl I an al I CO TTT a7 a lk CEA Eee PCH © i v pik si: Time in hours. ge in specific gravity with time on heating pyrrhotite in hydrogen sulphide. Curves showing the chan refer to the temperatures 500°, 550°, 575° and 600°. The curves irc del. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 205 color but continued to decrease in weight the longer it was heated. These facts are graphically shown in fig. 11. Pyrite under the same conditions gave inside of a few hours a per- ceptible quantity of pyrrhotite, which was proved by testing with warm hydrochloric acid. At 565° the pyrite formed in several hours only a doubtful trace of pyrrhotite, if any. Between 550° and 575°, therefore, the two curves 1, 1 and 2, 2 cross, and, at that point, about 565°, at a pressure of about 5™" of sulphur, pyrite should be in equilibrium with a pyrrhotite containing about 6°5 per cent of dissolved sul- phur. How this quantity would vary with conditions we do not yet know, though, as we have just seen, the solu- tion of sulphur in ferrous sulphide of maximum concen- tration found in nature, formed presumably from water solu- tions, does not vary much from it. The change from pyrite to pyrrhotite is, then, a reversible reaction, FeS,2 = FeS(S),+(1—2)S. Simce the system contains a gaseous phase, the temperature at which the change occurs is manifestly dependent on pressure. Dissociation point.—lt has been previously stated that pyrite undergoes dissociation into pyrrhotite and sulphur and that this dissociation is detectable at 575° after the lapse of several hours, when the heating is done in hydrogen sulphide. If the heating is continued at a moderate rate (2° per min.) a strong absorption of heat manifests itself at about 665°. Here, under these conditions of heating, the dissociation there- fore becomes suddenly accelerated, and it is probable that the pressure of the escaping sulphur reaches one atmosphere. The solid phases pyrite and pyrrhotite, 1. e., the saturated solu- tion of sulphur in ferrous sulphide, should at-a fixed tempera- ture maintain a fixed pressure. As a matter of fact, the point is not sharp; the temperature gradually rises through an inter- val of about 20°. This is probably due to the formation of a coating of pyrrhotite on the pyrite grains, which retards the dissociation, so that the system requires a gradually rising tem- perature to maintain the pressure. The fact that undecom- posed pyrite persists so tenaciously in the product seems to support this view. 10 PUMP closed end. A small cementing in a small glass plug, because the former invariably leaked through the hole is drilled through this tube at O, so that all the air in the appa- ratus may be removed by the pump. The crucible of unglazed porcelain has a capacity of 15 g. of pyrrhotite. It rests on a ring of refractory clay, and is heated as usual by a resistance furnace after the apparatus has been exhausted by the oil pump. Repeated determinations of the melting temperature of ferrous sulphide under these conditions, showed in general that each suc- cessive determination was a few degrees lower than the one which preceded it, and analyses of the products as well as determi- nations of their density showed that they contained less sulphur than ferrous sulphide. The following data make it evident that ferrous sulphide slowly dissociates into sulphur and iron, in the vicinity of its melt- ing point, and that the successively lower melting temperatures obtained are caused ~ by the gradual accumulation of free iron in the melt. About 15 g. of a sulphide previ- ously melted in the vacuum furnace, and shown to contain less sulphur than ferrous sulphide, was introduced again into the vac- uum apparatus, which was then completely exhausted by the pump. The pump was then stopped and the heating was begun. At about the melting temperature the pres- sure had increased to 9°5™™. The product was now melted and frozen several times, and then the apparatus was cooled to room temperature. Next morning the manometer read 8™™, showing that the pressure was not due to a leakage but doubtless to the evolu- tion of gases occluded by the crucible and by the glaze of the porcelain.* When the crucible was removed from the vacuum tube * For data on this point, see Holborn and Day, On the Gas Thermometer at High Temperatures, this Journal (4), viii, 178, 185, 1899 ; Guichard, The Gases Disengaged from the Walls of Tubes of Glass, Porce- lain, and Silica,C. R., clii, 876, 1911. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 211 the contents were found to possess a bright metallic luster, while about 10™ above the cover of the resistance furnace a ring of sulphur was condensed on the inside of the tube. This exper- iment was repeated with similar results. A sulphide contain- ing 36°02 per cent of sulphur (FeS contains 36°45 per cent) was heated as before. This time the manometer read 5:5™™ at the melting temperature. When the apparatus was cold the reading was 5-0". This product was also perfectly bright and a ring of sulphur was again visible* on the cool part of the tube. The product was analyzed again and found to have lost still more sulphur. The following table (Table VIII) shows that the percentage of sulphur, the specific gravity, and the last melting point of three different products prepared in vacuo are in accord, i. e., the density increases with the per- centage of free iron and the melting “point” falls. The melt- ing temperature of No. 3 should of course be lower than No. 2, but these temperatures are not easy to locate exactly ; a part of the difficulty is perhaps due to the fact that we are dealing with a mixture, in which the heat absorption is not sharp. TaBLE VIII. Properties of pyrrhotite after melting in vacuo. Melting Melting temperature|tem perature Free iron in in Sp. gr. | Density Percent} calcu- No. | microvolts| degrees at 25° (4°) |Sp. vol.jsulphur) lated 1 11508 1165 4°816 | 4°802 | °-2082) 36°02) 1:23% 2 11346 1156 4-861 | 4°847 | °2063 | 35°71] 2°08 3 11416 ITA Fi 4°883 | 4°869 | -2054| 35°41) 2°91 It is quite evident from the above data that the true melting point of ferrous sulphide can only be determined by heating in sulphur vapor, the pressure of which is equal to the disso- ciation pressure of the sulphide. We may safely say that this point will be found to lie between 1183°, the melting temper- ature of a product formed in hydrogen sulphide of one atmos- phere pressure, and 1165°, and that the point is within 5° of 1170°. Treitschke and Tammann,+t working with impure mate- rial, by extrapolation estimated the melting point of ferrous sulphide at 13800°. Biltz,t heating precipitated sulphide of * The sulphur was identified by solution and crystallization from carbon bisulphide. About 100™% was thus recovered. + Zs. anorg. Chem., xlix, 328, 1906. ¢ Zs. anorg. Chem., lix, 273, 1908. 212 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— iron in an atmosphere of nitrogen, obtained 1197°+2°. Fried- rich, who took considerable pains with the composition of his material, preparing it by the fusion of synthetic pyrrhotite with the calculated quantity of iron, found an average of 1171°.* Crystals of pyrrhotite——Measurable crystals of pyrrhotite were readily formed by the action of hydrogen sulphide on solutions of ferrous salts in glass tubes which contained some air. The yield was small and it cannot be stated, in the absence of optical tests, that the different crystals were identical in composition; in fact, Mr. Larsen finds crystallographic evi- dence that there were differences of composition. The manifest impossibility of finding the composition of individual crystals and of proving that the crystals of any one preparation were identical, made it useless to attack the imteresting question, how the angles in crystals of the pyrrhotite series vary with composition. Crystals were prepared at 80°, at 225°, and at some other temperatures, therefore presumably above and below the inversion temperatures, but in the absence of direct evidence on either pure ferrous sulphide, or pyrrhotite of any composition (see p. 206) this can not be stated with certainty. Mr. Larsen believes there is good crystallographic evidence for two crystal forms, the upper form orthorhombic, the lower hexagonal. Troilite and its relation to pyrrhotite.—The knowledge of troilite is defective on account of the scarcity and poor develop- ment of material, but the analyses on record, and its behavior towards acids, prove that it is essentially ferrous sulphide, con- taminated generally with the sulphides of cobalt and nickel. The mineral is found only in meteorites embedded in a matrix of metallic iron, and it is evidently the contact with free iron and not the peculiar conditions of meteorite formation which accounts for the lack of dissolved sulphur in troilite. It is probable that the stony portions of meteorites contain ordinary pyrrhotite. Lorenzt has described a method for the preparation of ferrous sulphide (artificial troilite) which depends on the same principle, i. e., formation in the presence of excess of iron. Metallic iron is simply heated to redness in hydrogen sulphide. Crystalline crusts of silvery luster which are easily detached from the unchanged metal, are produced inthis way. Analyses of these crusts by Lorenz approached ferrous sulphide, but not closely. The only determination of sulphur gave 87 per cent, which corresponds to 0°85 per cent of dissolved sulphur. Two products were made by us in this way. They agreed with Lor- * Loe. cit. + Dana, A System of Min., 6th Ed., p. 78. + Ber., xxiv, 1501, 1891. Mineral Sulphides of Lron. 213 enz’s description completely, but they were not ferrous sulphide. The first, formed at 850° from soft iron wire, had a specific gravity at 25° of 4°739, corresponding to a specific volume (4°) of 0°2116. The second, formed at 950°, had a sp. gr. of 4°748, corresponding to a specific volume of 0°2112. Making no allowance for the impurities in the iron, we calculate from these numbers (see p. 198) 1:1 per cent and 0-9 per cent of dis- solved sulphur respectively. The diffusion of sulphur into the iron is evidently too slow here to give a homogeneous product. An examination of these crystals under the microscope, for which the authors are indebted to Dr. F. E. Wright, showed that they were either hexagonal:or pseudohexagonal, but they were not adapted to measurement on the goniometer. Efforts to prepare ferrous sulphide in the wet way were no more successful. Weinschenk* claims to have formed it by the action of hydrogen sulphide on a solution of ferrous chloride in sealed tubes. The product consisted of microscopic hexagonal plates, which Weinschenk states did not lose sulphur when heated to redness in hydrogen and therefore were fer- rous sulphide. His experimental work is doubtless in error, for Habermehl,t+ many years earlier, had shown that pyrrhotite under these conditions loses sulphur continuously and gradually approaches pure iron. Weinschenk’s work was repeated by us. Pure ferrous chloride was prepared repeatedly with much care, dissolved in an aqueous solution of carbon dioxide and subjected to the action of hydrogen sulphide, made in several ways (by the action of the water on sodium thiosulphate; and by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on ammonium thiocyanate). In no case was pure ferrous sulphide obtained. Free sulphur, either from secondary reactions or perhaps from the dissociation of hydrogen sulphide, even at 200°, always appeared to give pyrrhotite. After our further experience in heating pyrrhotite in vacuo, we state with confidence that pure ferrous sulphide has doubtless never been made. Mineralogically, troilite has no claim to a separate mineral species any more than have pyrrhotites of different composi- tion; it is simply the end member of the series of solid solu- tions. This is abundantly attested by the synthetic evidence submitted in the foregoing pages. Jt may also be noted by way of further evidence that the specific gravity of natural troilite or rather the specific volume calculated from it, agrees tolerably well with the extrapolated value in fig. 7, and the best erystallographict work on troilite, imperfect though the material was, indicates that it is hexagonal, as it should be. * Zs. Kryst., xvii, 499, 1890. + Loc. cit. ¢ Linck, Ber., xxxii, 895, 1899. 214 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— Application of data on pyrrhotite to geology.—-Very little of the chemistry of pyrrhotite worked out in these pages will probably find application in geology. However, the following points have a practical bearing. 1. The readiness with which pyrrhotite changes to pyrite, and the reverse, has been specially noted. The transformation of pyrrhotite into pyrite through the agency of vein-forming solutions which probably contained polysulphides, is an observed fact in geology; but the dissociation of pyrite has apparently not been noted, although certain phenomena in the vicinity of contacts would suggest this. The most distinet phenomenon which points to such a reaction is the almost con- stant presence of pyrrhotite in contact metamorphic shales. In-such shales pyrite develops normally at some distance from the contact, while close to it, pyrrhotite is universally present and there is little, if any, pyrite. (Lindgren.) The occurrence of pyrrhotite which could be proved to have formed in this way would point to a temperature above 500°,— much higher if the dissociation occurred under considerable pressure. Pseudomorphs of pyrite after pyrrhotite do not seem to have been observed, but they would probably be readily formed by the action of polysulphides on pyrrhotite crystals. Pseudo- morphs of marcasite after pyrrhotite have been described by Schéudox and Schroeder* and by Pogue.t The synthetic experiments (see p. 179) suggest that these were formed by the addition of sulphur from slightly acid solutions containing hydrogen sulphide and free sulphur in suspension. 2. The possibility of the formation of pyrrhotite from slightly acid solutions at temperatures as low as 80° has been made clear in the foregoing pages. The crystals made in this way were generally associated with crystals of pyrite and per- haps mareasite, a fact which shows how readily the former unite with sulphur. This is probably the reason why the pyrrhotite of nature never seems to form under the above conditions, for such could only occur in surface solutions where there is more or less access of air. This, with hydrogen sulphide, would give free sulphur. 3. Pyrrhotite is regarded in certain instances as a primary constituent of eruptives. Its intimate intergrowth in such cases with silicates such as augite and olivine strongly suggests the conclusion that both have separated from a common magma. Now it is well known that molten sulphides of this sort are all but immiscible with molten silicates ;in other words, a system like this would separate into two layers. It would bea matter of great interest to determine whether the addition of water, aqueous sodium sulphide or even of a more complex solution * Jahrest. Niedersachsischen geol. Vereins Hannover, p. 132, 1909. + Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus) xxxix"o7G, 1Oide Mineral Sulphides of Lron. 215 would bring a two-layered system of this character to homo- geneity, but at present the problem is experimentally beyond our means. Summary. [Including the results of Part III, as follows. | 1. The formation of iron disulphide was accomplished (1) by the action of hydrogen sulphide on ferric salts, or the action of sulphur and hydrogen sulphide on ferrous salts; (2) by the addition of sulphur from solution to amorphous ferrous sul- phide or pyrrhotite; (3) by the action of soluble polysulphides on ferrous salts; (4) by the action of soluble thiosulphates on ferrous salts according to the equation 4M,8,0,+FeX,= 38M,SO,+FeS,+2MX+38. The first three methods may be generalized as the action of sulphur on ferrous sulphide: (a) in acid solutions; (6) in nearly neutral solutions, and (c) in alkaline solutions, since in (1) we may assume that ferrous sul- phide first forms by the action of hydrogen sulphide on the ferrous salt, and in (8) we know that polysulphides first pre- cipitate a mixture of ferrous sulphide and sulphur. Marcasite was obtained with certainty only by method (1); low tempera- tures and free acid favor its formation. A solution containing about 1 per cent of free sulphuric acid at 100° gives pure mar- easite. Less acid solutions at higher temperatures give mix- tures of marcasite and pyrite. The other methods give pyrite which, under certain conditions, may be mixed with amorphous disulphide. It is possible that some marcasite may be formed by method (4). 2. Marcasite and pyrite were identified in the above products : (1) By microscopic examination and crystallographic measure- ment. The pyrite crystals showed only the cube and the octa- hedron. Marcasite crystals were formed for the first time. They were commonly twinned after (110), and their habits are shown in figures 15 and 16, Pt. III. The axial ratios of the syn- thetic mineral are @:b:¢ = 0°7646:1: 1:2176 and agree remark- ably well with those of the natural mineral. (2) By Stokes’s oxidation method, which serves also for the analysis of mix- tures of the two minerals. 3. Marcasite changes to pyrite with evolution of heat. The change proceeds very slowly at 450° and is not accelerated by pressures even of 10,000 atmospheres. Marcasite is mono- tropic toward pyrite. This is in accord with the greater incli- nation of marcasite to oxidize, its assumed greater solubility, and the fact that its formation is conditioned by the composi- tion of the solution from which it crystallizes. 4, The fact that marcasite never occurs as a primary con- stituent of magmas, while pyrite sometimes does, is explained 216 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— by the fact that marcasite cannot exist above 450°. The forma- tion of pyrite in deep veins and hot springs is explained by the fact that the waters from which it came were alkaline. The marecasite of surface veins was probably formed from cold acid solutions, while mixtures of marcasite with pyrite were probably conditioned by higher temperature (up to 300°), or the presence of less acid, or both. Micro-organisms may have been active in the formation of pyrite and marcasite by giving rise to hydrogen sulphide. 5. Pyrrhotite was formed by the decomposition of pyrite or heated marcasite, or by heating iron with excess of sulphur. The dissociation of pyrite into pyrrhotite and sulphur is readily reversible. At 565° (about) pyrite and pyrrhotite are in equi- librium with the partial pressure of sulphur in H,S, which here amounts to about 5™™ (data of Preunner and Schupp); at 550° in hydrogen sulphide, the pyrrhotite passes into pyrite, and at 575° the reverse action proceeds. At about 665° the evolu- tion of sulphur from pyrite becomes rapid and a marked absorption of heat results. The pressure of the sulphur vapor here probably reaches one atmosphere. | 6. Pyrrhotite is of variable composition. Its composition at any temperature depends on the pressure of sulphur vapor in which it is heated. Though it has not been found feasible to vary the temperature and pressure independently, a series of products were prepared by first decomposing pyrite and then reheating the resulting material to various measured tempera- tures in hydrogen sulphide and finally chilling in the same or cooling in nitrogen. The products lowest in sulphur were obtained in the latter way. These products all resemble natu- ral pyrrhotite in physical and chemical properties. Their specific volumes vary continuously with composition and pyrrhotite is therefore to be regarded as a solid solution of sulphur in ferrous sulphide. The maximum percentage of dissolved sulphur in synthetic pyrrhotite was 6-04 per cent at 600°. By extrapolation the saturated solution at 565°, below which point pyrite forms, was estimated to be 6°5 per cent. This corresponds closely to the maximum percentage of sul- phur reported in natural pyrrhotite. 7. Equilibria between pyrrhotite and the partial pressure of sulphur in dissociated hydrogen sulphide were determined at different temperatures, by sufficiently long heating and then rapid cooling. The dissolved sulphur varied under these con- ditions from 6:0 per cent at 600° to 2:0 per cent at 1300°. The curve shows a discontinuity at the melting temperature, at the beginning of which there is a sudden decrease in the percent- age of sulphur. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 217 8. The melting poimt of pure ferrous sulphide could not be exactly determined because the compound dissociates at high temperatures into its elements. by heating it in a vacuum this dissociation was placed beyond doubt, though the dissoeia- tion was so slow that the melting point could be located approximately. It may safely be put at 1170°-45°. In hydro- gen sulphide, the melting temperature is raised, because the solid solution thus formed contains more sulphur than the first portion of liquid to which it melts. The limits of the melting interval cannot be determined as yet, but the maximum heat absorption falls at 1183°. In one atmosphere of sulphur vapor this temperature rises to 1187°. 9. Crystals of pyrrhotite, the measurements of which are recorded under the Crystallographic Study, were repeatediy formed at various temperatures between 80° and 225° by the action of hydrogen sulphide on slightly acid solutions of ferrous salt containing some ferric salt. The product usually con- tained some crystals of disulphide. 10. The crystallographic study confirms the work of Rinne and Boeke and others, that there are two crystal forms of pyrrhotite. The high temperature form, a-pyrrhotite, appears to be orthorhombic and the axial ratios vary from a:b:¢= 0°5793 :1:0°9267 to 0°5793:1:0°9927, depending on the amount of the dissolved sulphur present (?). The habits of the crys- tals are shown in figs. 17, 18 and 20, Pt. Ill. @-pyrrhotite is hexagonal, and ¢ varies from 0°8632 to 0°8742. The crystal habit is shown in figs. 22 and 23, Pt. ILI. The crystal constants .of natural pyrrhotite can not be assumed to be invariable, since the composition of the mineral is not constant, and the crystal angles of the synthetic mineral are variable. ‘The lack of agreement among mineralogists regarding the crystal system to which pyrrhotite belongs can be explained on the theory that there are two forms of pyrrho- tite. 11. Troilite is only the end member of the pyrrhotite series and not a distinct mineral species. Thus far, it has not been prepared free from metallic iron. | In conclusion, the authors wish to express their hearty thanks to Dr. Carl Alsberg and Dr. Oswald Schreiner for important references, and to Dr. F. L. Ransome, Dr. W. H. Emmons and Mr. C. A. Davis for valuable geological informa- tion, and especially to Mr. W. Lindgren, not only for placing at our disposal the generalized results of his extensive experi- ence, but for reading this paper and making a number of important suggestions. Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C., Dec. 1, 1911. Am. Jour. Sct.—FourtTH SrErRies, VoL. XX XIIT, No. 195.—Marcg, 1912. 15 218 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— ITIL. Crystallographic Study. As the sulphides of iron are all opaque, the ordinary optical tests are not available and the mineralogic study is confined to the determination of the color, luster, cleavage, magnetic properties, crystal form, chemical properties, ete. Color and magnetism are important diagnostic properties of the sulphides of iron, while the crystal form and the chemical properties give positive evidence of the identity of the artificial prepara- tions with the natural minerals. In general the synthetic iron sulphides prepared in the dry way or by the inversion of one form into another in the solid state are massive and without crystal form, and only the color, magnetic and chemical prop- erties can be determined. The iron sulphides precipitated from solutions usually consist of a network of crystals, or of drusy crusts. Some preparations have crystals which are large enough for measurement on the Goldschmidt goniometer ; most of the crystals measured are from 0-2 to 0°-4™™ in length, though one erystal of §-pyrrhotite is about a millimeter in length, and one crystal of marcasite is even a little larger. In many of the preparations the crystals are all very minute— less than a tenth of a millimeter in length and often much less—and the crystallographic study was confined to an exam- ination of the material under the microscope. The crystal habit, however, of each of the four minerals is characteristic, and even the minute crystals can usually be determined. Pyrite. In some preparations the larger crystals of pyrite are half a millimeter across and can be easily recognized with a pocket lens by their color and crystal form. Much smaller crystals can be determined by the use of the microscope. The crystals usually show both the cube and the octahedral faces, but both forms also occur alone; pyritohedrons were not observed; the faces are always much warped and very imperfect. For the several crystals measured on the goniometer, the angles were seldom over half a degree from the theoretical value, and a closer agreement cannot be expected. Marcasite. The color of the synthetic marcasite is identical with that of the natural mineral, but the color test is not altogether satisfac- tory on minute erystals, even when brightened by heating in acid. The erystal habit, however, is characteristic, and the goniometric measurements of some of the jiarger crystals show a very close agreement with those of the natural mineral. Mineral Sulphides of Lron. 219 The common habit of the synthetic marcasite is shown in elinographic projection in fig. 15. The crystals are twinned with the face m (110)* as twinning plane, they are tabular par- allel to the twinning: plane and elongated along the vertical axis. The prisms m }110}, especially the large faces parallel to the twinning plane, are deeply striated parallel to the base. The domes e $101} and / {011} are also prominent. Crystals of a second habit, which are common in some preparations, are more symmetrical in their development and less often twinned ; in them the domes, ¢ {101} and Z}011}, are characteristic forms Fig. 15. Fic. 16. TL [] | AN SU HU 38 TM A ae | WHT Fie. 15, Artificial marcasite showing the forms m {110}, e {101}, and 1{011\. Twinned after (110). Fic. 16. Artificial marcasite showing the forms m {110}, e {101}, 7 {011}, and s {111}. and the striated prisms, m {110}, are usually prominent. The erystal represented in fig. 16 is of this habit, but the prisms and pyramids s {111} are more prominent than usual. Several erystals were seen under the microscope which resemble the fiveling pictured by Dana.t A preparation formed as usual, but at room temperature, consists of strings of minute crystals’ which have a rhombic outline under the microscope, and some- times the obtuse angle of the rhombs is truncated by a face _ which is probably the prism, m (110). *Throughout this paper parentheses are used to indicate crystal faces ; brackets, to indicate the entire crystal form. + System of Mineralogy, 6th edition, p. 95. 220 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and-Larsen— Crystals of marcasite large enough for measurement on the goniometer were found in several preparations ; most of them are only a few tenths of a millimeter in length, but a few are about a millimeter long. Seven fairly satisfactory crystals from two different preparations were measured. Only one of these is not twinned. The signals were seldom sharp, blurred signals, striated zones, and vicinal faces being the rule. The faces of {111} usually gave fairly sharp reflections, but between (111) and (111) there was a more or less complete band of sig- nals, and that for the face (110) seldom stood out sharply from the others. In some of the tabular twinned crystals the faces of §110{ which are parallel to the twinning plane yielded bright sionals, or else there were several bright signals near these faces. The reflections from the faces of {011; were usually bright, but vicinal development often made their exact position uncertain. Between (011) and (011) there was usually a dim series of sig- nals, but the reflection signals of the faces of (O11; did not stand out from the others. The faces of {101} gave fairly sharp signals. In one crystal the reflections of the faces of ‘772: took the place of those from §111{ at the ends of the series of signals of this zone. Most ee the twinned, tabular crystals gave a dim but nearly continuous line of sionals from the large faces (110) through the face (011) and the corre- sponding face (011) to (110). The faces 101? of both individ- uals lie on this zone, whose symbol is ee k. It is poorly developed on the untwinned crystal. Crystal angles of synthetic marcasite.—Of the seven crys- tals to be described, the first five were from a preparation of October 16, 1908, and were formed by the action of H,S on an acid solution of FeSO, for four days at a maximum tempera- ture of 300°. The crystals of this preparation are all of the habit shown in fig. 15. Crystals 6 and 7 were from a prepara- tion of October 28, 1908, and were formed at a maximum tem- perature of 220°. The common habit of the erystals of this preparation is shown in fig. 16, but the pyramids and prisms are often less prominent; there are some twinned crystals similar to those shown in fig. 15 Table [X lists the weighted average of the angles measured for each crystal, the crystal constants of synthetic marecasite, and the corresponding constants of the natural mineral as given by Gemacher and Goldschmidt. The agreement shown by Table I between the angles and axial ratios of natural marcasite and those of the synthetic mineral is very good. Both commonly show twinning with (110) as twinning plane, and both have the two unit domes and the pyramids as common faces. The base, however, which is AN Mineral Sulphides of Iron. "LOST ‘Ulteg ‘WaT [9qe} [OH UL ‘gpIULYPOsploH ‘OPISVOTVUL jemyen + "Q88I ‘She ‘rx “ASAI ‘97, ‘Loqoeuley) ‘oyISsvoLeUL [Injen » xs tel vial BVIIQIPvS 9IVEG-T +> LT? GL199L.0 = 9-29. 0 uuvUisney, §=SLPST-t: L: 1PZGhl.0 =9- 9-0 {IPIUAYOSpfoy BBZIG-1:1:08¢1.0 =0- Q°D xIOYOVULOK) = 86991GT ? 1: 996291.0 = 9-qG-0 OVISVOIVIL OTyoyJUAS ‘UOSIVT O/TSZ-LiT: OF OO = Ono @ re re j/OG 69 OG oh j08 _&9 {96 (OG ae {4 pruaypospjoxy as | Si j/LV oGG 79S ,SG hg vVG ,O€ ,89 (oe BOGS eae ee x LOYOBULIL) 28¢ 18 OF o¥h E98 3 Tag es (63 9&9 (OS 0G ee lp ean poynduiog ST ofS (GT at GE OF Sige? 68 0&9 iLO 009 ~*""AB POPSla AA ne /OT oGL G /86 _69 v HOG aS G 1/66 69 49 | OF ,0¢ v L oS Secs jBS oGG g Ol 8s 6 06 o&9 a 78S) 26. G 9 eae LE eine § iVS 26g g juGe BLS (6 jOV o&9 & | (SiG COP. G G 2 OL 9G I jG9S: 669 9 eres pa jOt (0G 9 F /8V oI8 9 196 oVL G 198 96S 9 aa Beta VP OG (© 6 jOG 918 6 Heche Ae it jOL 969 l = eg 6 EF OF 0G G 6 i. 16V ob & LV 949 G ---- te jO¢ (0G i! [ (1,2) ‘SVOUL (OIL) ‘svom (O10) ‘sveut (LOL) *SvOUL (ILD) ‘Svoul] ([1Q) ‘svour) peqyskip jo ejdue — Fo LO}ze jo jo jo [sue jo jo o[sur JO |jo ejsue jo jo vlog ‘ON UTA} ‘ON (OD) ‘ON Ielog ‘ON Ivlod ‘ON Ivlog ‘ON ‘ON 90M 4eq e[suy ‘OPISVOIBUL OTJOyJUAS UO pecnsvour so[Sur [eqs Aap 222 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— usually prominent in the natural mineral, was not observed on the synthetic crystals, while the prism zone is often more prominent on the artificial crystals. The natural mineral is described as having the brachydomes and pinacoids deeply striated parallel to the edge (010) (001); the synthetic mineral is similarly striated, the pyramid and prism zones are even more prominently striated parallel to the base, and the zone h+t=k on some of the crystals is a more or less continuous series of faces due to striations. Pyrrhotite. The experiments of Rinne and Beeke* show an inversion in FeS with 7 per cent, the maximum amount, of dissolved iron at 138°. On decreasing the amount of dissolved iron to 5 per cent the absorption of heat takes place between 90° and 98°. Although they were not able to observe a heat absorption in FeS with less than 5 per cent of dissolved iron or in natural pyrrhotite, they state that the inversion takes place but is too sluggish to be observed. Ferrous sulphide with a little carbon showed the inversion at 134°5°, while meteoric troilite with a little carbon inverted at about 148°. The present crystallographic study tends strongly to confirm the work of Rinne and Beeke. The low temperature form or £-pyrrhotite appears to be hexagonal, while the high temper- ature form or a-pyrrhotite appears to be orthorhombic. The measured interfacial angles for the two forms are near together and the fact that these angles vary with the amount of sulphur in excess of that required for FeS, together with the impos- sibility of determining the chemical composition of the meas- ured crystals, makes a comparison of the crystal constants of the two forms impossible. However, the crystal habit, the twinning, and the development of the faces on’ the two forms afford good evidence for the view that they belong to different crystal systems. The color of the synthetic. pyrrhotite is similar to that of the natural mineral. That prepared by melting iron and sulphur together is a little darker and has more of a grayish cast than the natural mineral. The crystals from some preparations of a-pyrrhotite are only slightly magnetic while those from others are strongly so. The crystals always show polarity with the poles along the a-axis. The poles for 6-pyrrhotite are along the c-axis in the one crystal observed. a- Pyrrhotite. Twenty-two fairly satisfactory crystals of a-pyrrhotite, repre- senting four different preparations, were measured on the * Zs, anorg. Chemie, liii, 338-348, 1907. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 223 goniometer. The crystals are almost certainly orthorhombic in symmetry, although the angles in the prism zone are very nearly 60°. In the following discussion, the crystals are treated as orthorhombic. The crystals are usually twinned Fie. 17. Fic. 17, Artificial a-pyrrhotite showing the forms m {110}, 6 {010}, and ec {001}. Twinned after (023). Eie. 18. aa Fie. 18. Artificial e-pyrrhotite showing the forms 6 {010}, ¢ {001}, and p {111}. with the twinning plane (023); one crystal is twinned only after (021), and two crystals are twinned after both laws. The twinned crystals are tabular parallel to the base and elon- 224 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— gated in the direction of the a-axis. The untwinned crystals are also nearly always much elongated along the a-axis, and have as their principal forms {001}, {010}, {111$. Tabular crystals of hexagonal shape are rare. Crystals A to H are from two different preparations formed by the action of H,S on an acid solution of FeSO, at a maximum temperature of 225° C. They are about 0°3 X 0°15 x 0:05" in dimensions. Most of the crystals are tabular parallel to the base and elongated along the @ axis; they are twinned after (023); {001!, {010}, and {110} are Fic. 19. Fic. 19. Stereographic projection of a simple erystal of a-pyrrhotite showing the development of the striation and vicinal faces. the dominant forms. Fig. 17 shows one of these crystals. Crystal H simulates a tabular hexagonal crystal; it is not twinned and is bounded by the forms {001{, {010}, $110, SO1L}, {112%, {0213, and {111}. Crystals of this type are uncommon. A third preparation was formed at about 200° C. The inside tube contained 3 g@. FeCl,, 1°° 20 per cent HCl, and 25° boiled H,O. After heating at about 200° ©. for several days, the sealed tube was allowed to stand at room temperature from June 16, 1909 to March 23, 1910. There was a considerable Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 225 yield of pyrrhotite crystals. They are strongly magnetic and show polarity with the poles along the @ axis. Many of them are about 0°3"™ in length and about a fifth as thick and broad. Twinning is rare and the base resembles a hexagon much elon- gated along one diameter and delicately striated parallel to the six sides. There area very few hexagonal tablets and twinned crystals similar to those of preparations 1 and 2. The six measured crystals, I to N, are all similar in habit to the crystal Fig. 20. Fie, 20. Artificial a-pyrrhotite showing the forms c {001}, b {010), » {111}, h {021}, and g {011}. Twinned after (021). shown in fig. 18, and the dominant forms are {001}, {010}, and {111!. One crystal showed also the form }021} poorly devel- oped, and another crystal showed {091;. Fig. 19 is the stereo- graphic projection of crystal I. The crystals were mounted along the @ axis. They did not, in general, give sharp signals and measured angles Hope (001) and (010) were in some cases out as much as 2°; while the measurements for the faces 4111; were only a little better. A fourth preparation was formed by the action of H,S on a solution of acid FeCl at a maximum temperature of 210°. Nearly all of the crystals are tabular parallel to the base and 226 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— elongated along the @ axis. Several of them are 0°5™ in length. Out of seven crystals measured, one is twinned after the law: twinning plane (021); three are twinned after the law: twinning plane (023); two after both laws, and one erystal is an untwinned hexagonal tablet. The crystals resem- ble the untwinned crystals of lot 3 in that the dominant forms are {O01}, }010%, and {111}, but {021}, {O11%, {0.1.20}, {110}, and }112; were also recognized. Fig. 20 represents one of these crystals twinned after (121). Fig. 21 is the stereographic projection of crystal U, which is twinned after both (028) and (021). One of the individuals of the twin after (023) is poorly developed on the part of the crystal shown. HiG.weile O21 a ie “aa at Fie. 21. Stereographic projection of a crystal of a-pyrrhotite twinned after both (021) and (023). The half of the crystal represented on the pro- jection shows few of the faces of one of the individuals after (023). The faces of the crystal twin after (021) are underscored once, those of the twin after (023) twice. Table X gives a summary of all the crystals of a-pyrrhotite which were measured. The designation of the crystal is given in column one and the number of the preparation from which it came in column two. Column three lists the faces recog- nized on the crystal, and column four gives the average of the angle between the faces (110) and (010). The eight sueceed- ing columns give the weighted averages of the measured inter- facial angles each followed by the value of py, computed from that angle. Next to the last column lists the weighted aver- Ages of the constant p., which is equal to the vertical axis, c. The final column gives all measured angles not listed in any ‘of the previous columns. Mineral Sulphides of Iron. 227 A comparison of the different values of p, with the average value, c, for any crystal shows that the difference is greater than 2 per cent only for erystal A, and in this case the angle from which py, was computed was so unreliable that it was not considered in computing the average. In all cases where the angle from which any p, was computed seemed to be reliable the difference between p, and ¢ is less than 1 per cent of ce. Au error as large as 1 per cent in ¢ may, therefore, be regarded as exceptional. One possible exception is crystal I, as the measurements on it were unsatisfactory and it has, therefore, been discarded in the discussion to follow. If, however, we compare the value of ¢ for the different crystals we find a maxi- mum difference of 0:0660 between crystals M and T or a dif- ference of nearly 7 per cent of their mean value. Moreover, the two extremes are neither exceptionally high nor excep- tionally low but the other crystals are pretty evenly distributed between them. It seems certain, therefore, that the crystal constants of a-pyrrhotite vary considerably in accord with the variable composition of the mineral. A further study of Table II shows that while the crystals of a given preparation show a considerable difference in the con- stant, ec, yet those-of preparation 3 are uniformly high, those of preparation 4 generally low, and those of preparation 1 and 2 intermediate. Unfortunately it was not found possible to determine the relation between the value of ¢ and the chemi- cal composition, as, even were any of the crystals large enough for an analysis, it is probable that they are built up of succes- sive shells of different composition. No consistent variation in the angle (100) (110) was recog- nized but it probably varies with c. The measurements were usually not good but the average value of 59° 55’ is probably within 15’ of the true value. Computing the axial ratios of a-pyrrhotite for the limiting values given by crystals M and T we! have:.@:6:¢0°5793:170°9267 to 0°5793 : 170-9927... It is probable that the limits are considerably greater than this. Table XI lists the observed faces and the interfacial angles as computed from the above values of the axial ratios. The symmetry and crystal constants of a-pyrrhotite.— The evidence that a-pyrrhotite is orthorhombic in symmetry is good, although it may not be conclusive. The angles in the prism zone were not proven to differ from sixty degrees, but the habit of the crystals consistently indicates orthorhombic rather than hexagonal symmetry. A very few crystals resembled hexagonal tablets. Nearly all of the crystals of the first two preparations were developed much like the crystal shown in fig. 17, although small domes and pyramids were found on many of the measured erystals. The habit and Crystal | Radia Cap No. of Pre- paration 228 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— TABLE X.—SUMMARY OF CRYSTAL 3.4 3.2 ees gee 2S = Faces represented = Sas S22 S = das PD, 4s Do S (001) (010) (110) (112)|60°=- ~ “\66" 30" 0:9834|____ = 2a eee eee (001) (010) (110) 59°32), Ge. so 2 UD800l) - ae “oe (001) (010) (119) 59°50 M6be a Ob Tee ee ge ee (001) (010) (110) (100)/60° 10’ |65° 27’ 09639] ._---- a (011) (023) (001) (010) (110) 59° 57 |63° 159" OOS 7allyae es Nee (001) (010) (111) (221)|/60°+ ~ 164° 5° 0-9388|_ 22 22) =e (001) (020) (110) (992)159° 57’ 165° 57%. 0-9732|_.__2 eee (001) (01 0):(110),(021)|60° 4: 9.4] Jana.) Ieee ee 62° 444 (111) (011) (112) (001) (010) (111) 60° 507 2k 1 5 alti Sele _.-3¢ (001), (010) (111), (091)|59° 56" |....--2) Lose (V01) (010) (111) GOR ob) ive 2 ne eas _ See (001) (010) (111) DO SD Gas eich ey ee a3 (001) (010) (111) GO tee ier a see ee a ee os baae (001), (O10) (O21) (D597 95970 Nees. ess eee 63° 15) (001) (010) (021) (111)|59°.53" [65° 30° “0°9646)_ 2-2 22 eae 62° 31m (011) (112) WOOL) (OFC) (O24) (TIAGO Se I a ea eee ~ 2. 162° Tae (OO) (O10) (0259) 2G 1) GO sak nee ee ee eee 55°18’ 0°9545/62° 19’ (O71 old. announcer BIR: BGs WY. a Lee 1.2 62° 26' (111) (0°1:20) (001) (010) (110) (021)|59° 44' 66° 10? 30°07 12) (232) aa 62° Ie (111) (011) (001) (010) (021) (111)/60°+ |62° 50’ 0°9160/52° 25’+ _____- 61° 38) (O11 ReMV eat Tn esURCAT NTN aE ee 40' 0:9495/55° 30’ 0°9503/62° 8’ (011) (1.1.34) the development of different faces in the zone (047) from those in the zone (AA7) strongly indicate orthorhombic sym- metry. exceptions, developed as is the crystal shown in fig. 18. The erystals of the third preparation were, with few The development of the zonal and vicinal faces is shown in fig. 19, which is a stereographic projection of crystal I. The other crystals of this lot are much like this, although the striations of the zone (0 £2) are not usually so prominent. The erystals a | Mineral Sulphides of Iron. MEASUREMENTS OF a@—PYRRHOTITE 229 | ais aon & = S 3 Average Other measured a ea ne Go=e angles Ss S S Po = Po Ss De S Pp. a. ee eee 4850) O96 TOU 9834 OE aie Ep ee Recke __ | re LY 8) LOS he Oecd | ee POCORN oe hets ses ae Lae ee re ee eh OOM eo ae OR GIS e | oe tn eel ww) AAS OY 0-9713 Bo ee eee (0639 (OO Fh (O2I == 32202 Mee Be ye eh iy Bu ME fe ck sat) I Wh ATK (YLO Ne aa bt ge a ee ere a ete Oahu ke eevee Po) vee O-O380 (O01) (221 )s274° 59’ PINS tere re) A 0°9732 (001) (992)=83° 41’ 0°9701162° 44’ 0: 9750/43° 59’ 0-9646 ASO OGG O od toor ee sete ee a Gee Ae OOS me hee ete ee EQ O SSE Tes . ee. GomeebeO IS (Ole oe eee es) eh 09878 (001) (091)=83° 17”, ee (Ome mOS Meee, Soe hee edt Oh (OP98O7 ree Lk St RN Stel ee: fe 3209667)... 2. Me ales Sees et wo ale ears 5 OL OGG No Say reaeaee Cte a ee A es... CeO OS OD aiaes ea Ol ets | 1 109997 RENEE ENIGEETS 3 ety ie MAING M4 O OSOn| le eee Bete Le, OPOSO UAE Ea ee 0°9614/62° 34’ 0°9681|48° 51’ 0°9607|44° 12’ 0-97479 0:9669 LADS st OT Oh eae ee 7 GO TA OrO5 4S). Yo eee so eee cee 22 Hef SHNOCO SANS ROT She i se Lee BESO] cc TES ere eee) ap cence eee eee $122 3/0°9530 1 \\(0O1) (O7T)=281% 407 ee AS ee eh a ak 2 (095718. (O00) (0, 20) o> toy 9594162 ° 40% 0°9772148° 50’ O'9601)_. -._- _L ee AOR SGG OR PE ONE Me oe te 092621612 58’ 0°9437/48° 10’ 0°9380|_____. ...-- OSE TA Ie BAe 9456/62° 10’ 0°9517|._..... 2..- A\adgk wel) Revey 0°9485 |(001) (1.1.34)=8° 10’ of the fourth preparation are usually twinned, and the common habit of these crystals is shown in fig. 20. twinned after (021) and the crystals which are twinned after (023) are similar, except for the twinning law. ‘These crystals are also elongated along the a axis and show a very different development in the zone (0 #7) from that in the zone (A //). Fig. 21, which is a stereographic projection of crystal U, shows the development of the zonal and vicinal faces. This crystal is Several other 230 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— TABLE XI.—Computed interfacial angles of a-pyrrhotite for different values of the axial ratios. Gr )0:9267 | c= 09924 (001) (O11) | 42° 49’ 44° 47! (112) a2 427 44° 40’ (021) | 61° 39’ 63° 16’ (111) Ble, ieee. 13) 010) | 90° o' 90° 0! HG} |. 90> 0% 90° 0’ (100) 90° 0’ 90° 0! (023) 31° 49! 33° 30’ (221) (A 52) 75° 50! (010) (110) BO) 55) Do). 5) (100) (100) 90° 0! 90-0" Angle between twins after (023) 63° 24! 67° 0 Angle between twins after (021) 56° 42! 53° 28’ preparations were made up largely of crystals of high-temper- ature pyrrhotite, and, although no measurable crystals were found, the microscopic study showed that they were very simi- © lar in habit to the measured crystals. On the other hand, the crystals from the three preparations which were formed at 100° C. and below, invariably had a very different habit (p. 231). B-Pyrrhotite. Three crystals of pyrrhotite formed below the inversion temperature were measured. ‘They were each from a different preparation and should give a fair idea of the crystal habit and crystal constants of 6-pyrrhotite. Their habit and the measured angles afford good reasons for supposing that @-pyrrhotite is hexagonal. The most prominent faces recognized were those of m , §1010? and z {2021', but those of ¢ {0001} were rather prominent on one crystal, and the vicinal form 2a {} on two crystals; the faces of the form « {5051} were subordi- nate on one crystal. All three of the crystals were twinned with (1011) as the twinning plane, giving cruciform twins with an angle of approximately 90° between the two individuals. Figures 22 and 23 are clinographic projections of the two habits of the crystals. The best crystal came from a preparation which was formed by heating for 8 days at a maximum temperature of 80° C. a Mineral Sulphides of fron. 231 sealed glass tube which contained a dilute solution of FeSO, saturated with H,S at 0° C. The yield of 6-pyrrhotite was small and consisted of the measured crystal which was about 1™™ in length, a crystal about half as large and a few crystals less than 0-2" in length. All were twinned and otherwise Fic. 22. Artificial G-pyrrhotite showing the forms m {1010} and z {2021}. Twinned after (1011). M is Fie. 23. Artificial 6-pyrrhotite showing the forms m {1010}, z {2021}, and ce {0001}. Twinned after (1011). similar to the measured crystal. This crystal, which was mounted on the goniometer along the ¢-axis of one of the individuals, gave blurred and multiple signals, but it was not striated, and most of the faces could. be located to within about ten minutes. The only forms developed were the prisms {1010} and the steep pyramids {2021%. Figure 22 is the cli- -nographic projection of the crystal. Six fairly good measure- ments of the angle (2021) ~ (2021) gave values of 53° 29’, 53° 30’, 58° 31’, 58° 6’, 58° 15’, 58° 41’, averaging 53° 22’; hence the polar angle of (2021) is 63° 19’. Two good measurements of the angle between (1010) and (1010) were 89° 41’ and 89° 49’, averaging 89° 45’. The twinning plane is therefore 1011. The angles measured between the prisms were never over 30’ from 60°. The conditions of formation of the second crystal were simi- lar to those of the first but the maximum temperature was about 100°* and the tube was allowed to stand at room tem- * We do not know the inversion temperature of FeS with an excess of sulphur and can not, therefore, be certain that this and the following ecrys- tals were formed below that temperature. Their habit, however, is evidence that they belong to the low temperature form. 232 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— perature for about three months before opening. A consider- able number of small, twinned crystals similar to the measured crystal and in no case over 0°15"™ in length were formed. The measured crystal was similar in its development to erys- tal 1, except that the pyramids were somewhat striated paral- lel to the base and {; was the dominant pyramid. The reflections were not quite so good as those of the first crystal. Six measurements of the polar angle of (16.0. 16.7) varied from 66° 0’ to 66° 31’, averaging 66° 18’. The signals for the face (2021) did not stand out sharply from the other sionals of its zone, but three measurements of the angle between the points where the strings of signals for the pyra- mid zones of the two individuals intersected gave 52° 47’, 53° 32’, and 52° 34’, averaging 52° 58’. The polar angle of (2021) is, therefore, 63° 31. One good measurement of the angle between the prism faces of the two individuals was 90° 14’.. The angles in the prism zone may differ as much as 30’ from 60°. The third preparation was formed as was the second but the crystals differed in that the base was rather prominent and the form {5051} was present. The habit of these crystals is shown in fig. 23. The measured crystal which was less than 0-2"" in length gave rather poor signals, and many of the faces were very poor or missing. There was a continuous line of signals from the prisms to the pyramids (2021) and the angle between the intersections of these zones belonging to the two individuals measured 52° 34’ and 52° 0’, averaging 52° 20’. Therefore the polar angle of (2021) is 68° 50’. The angle between the bases of the two individuals measured 90° 7’. Three measurements of the polar angle of (16. 0.16.7) La 66° 25’ with a maximum deviation of 19’. Five measurements of the polar angle of (5051) averaged 78° 55’ with a maximum deviation of 26’. The angles between ae prisms could not be measured accurately but they differed from 60° by less than 20’. The data for the three measured crystals of 8-pyrrhotite are assembled in Table XII. The table shows the principal inter- facial angles as measured on each erystal and as computed from the average value of the constant p,, the faces observed . on each crystal and the value of the vertical axis c. There is a close agreement between the measured and the computed angles and it seems certain that the difference in the value of p,. for the different crystals represents an actual difference in the crystal constants. Their difference is easily accounted for, as the amount of sulphur in pyrrhotite varies considerably. A comparison of the two Forms of pyrrhotite.—The follow- ing criteria for distinguishing between the two forms of Mineral Sulphides of Lron. 233 pyrrhotite applied to all of the artificial crystals which were examined and should serve as more or less reliable means of distinguishing between the two forms in both natural and syn- thetic erystals : 1. The habit of @-pyrrhotite is hexagonal and the dominant forms are the prism, and a steep pyramid, and sometimes also the base (figs. 22 and 28). a-pyrrhotite, on the other hand, is always tabular parallel to the base; a few of the crystals appear to be hexagonal, but most of them are much elongated in the direction of the a axis and the orthorhombic symmetry is further shown by the common association of the forms {001}, {100}, and $111} (figs. 17, 18 and 20). 2. The low temperature form (8) is almost invariably devel- oped as cruciform twins with an angle of about 90° between the two individuals (twinning plane 1011), while the high tem- perature form (a) is usually twinned after (023) with the two individuals at about 65° to each other, and sometimes also after (021) with the two individuals at about 55° to each other. 3. The constant p, for the measured crystals of §-pyrrho- tite varied from 0°9967 to 1:0100, while for a-pyrrhotite it varied from 0:9267 to 0°9927. While crystals for which the value of p, was approximately 1:0000 were found in both TABLE XII. Crystal data of 6-Pyrrhotite. Crystal 1 Crystal 2 Computed Compnted Observed |p)— 0°9967| Observed | po=1'004 Polar angle | (2021) 0 Ga WOM PGs 19" 68° ai PGs 3 Angle between UNL eh ar ea 89° 45’ | 89° 42’ | 90° 14’ | 90° 14’ Polar angle ma (5051) 022. Tr 158 Lam th Polar angle ir 8620.16.77) 5.2. Be Ss pat ive 66° 18’ | 66° 27’ 2 (Horo). (2021), | \ClOLO) ia. (202 1) ( Cee or 0°8632 0°8695 Crystal 3 Computed Observed | p )>=1°01 63.50" "Ga 40! 907 B90" 34! Terao ie 48) 660251 (66° 35° (1010) (2021) ( (0001) (5051) 0°8742 Am. Jour. Sci.—Fourts Series, Vout. XX XIII, No. 195.—Marcg, 1912. 16 234 Allen, Crenshaw, Johnston, and Larsen— forms and the unknown limiting values would introduce a greater ambiguity, yet crystals for which p, is considerably less than 1:0000 are likely to be a-pyrrhotite while those for which p, is considerably greater than 1:000 are probably - pyrrhotite. Natural Pyrrhotite. Pyrrhotite has generally been considered hexagonal, but as early as 1878 Streng* suggested that it was orthorhombic and isomorphous with sternbergite. However, in 1882 het con- cluded that the mineral was hexagonal from a study of the erystal form, etch figures, heating curve, and magnetic properties. Vrba,t Frenzel,§ and Dom Pedro von Sachsen- -Coburg| measured crystals whose angles indicated orthorhombic sym- metry. Crystals associated with limestone containing garnets are described by Roth*] as elongated along a horizontal axis and hence orthorhombic in habit. Nicol™ described crystals with a “decided orthorhombic appearance.” Recently Weisstt studied the magnetic properties of pyrrhotite and concluded that it was probably monoclinic but that it could not have a higher symmetry than orthorhombic. Kaisert{{ concluded, from a study of magnetic and other properties, that the mineral occurred in twinned orthorhombic crystals. There has also been a lack of agreement in the measured angles and length of the vertical axis. Table XIII gives the important crystal data for the eleven measured crystals of natural pyrrhotite which seemed to be most reliable. The first column contains the name of the author ; the second, the observed faces in the order of their prominence on the crystal giving the hexagonal symbol assigned by Dana; the third column gives the habit of the crystal; the fourth column, the most probable value of p,. The occurrence . and associated minerals are listed in the fifth column. The values for the constant p, are reliable only for the crystals of Busz, Nicol, Seligmann, Kenngott, Rose, and perhaps Shep- hard. The crystal of D’ Achiardi gave values of p, ranging from 0°9658 to 1:0240 depending on which pyramid was used in the calculation. That of Dom Pedro gave no good measurements. The two erystals of Streng and the one of Dana afforded measurements on only one pyramid and the value of p, de- pends upon the symbol assigned to it. * Jahrb. Min’, p. 797, 1878. + Jahrb. Min., i, p. 183, 1882. t Zs. Kryst. Min., iii, p. 190, 1879. § Min. Petr. Mitt., iii, 297, 1881. || Min. Petr. Mitt., x, 451, 1888. 4] Z. Kryst. Min., ix, 309, 1884. *%* 7s. Kryst. Min. | Xxxi, 58, 1899. t+ Jour. de Phys., ‘pp. 469 and 829, 1905; Centralbl. Min., p. 338, 1906. tt Centralbl. Min., p. 261, 1906. 235 Mineral Sulphides of Iron. seen ee Or TT ‘G@8T “OST “AL “uuy “880g *y ‘@G8T CLG ‘xr ‘Wel “AV “Jog “F “888 [er X “TW “Ted “Ul “OT S061 OFT "O88 “Spe ‘Ix “url “yshry 87 ‘¢g "QL8T “988 ‘TX “plat *6 THX “VsIg “JEN "OG “o807, 00g ‘oorg “9 "6681 “GG ‘Txxx “uly shay 87° “GS8T “TOG “TAX ‘jeutnor sty, °g ‘S181 “C36 “UI “GQ14ee N “¢ "C68T FOL TUT “Qryee CN ‘T {SNUG IOY. Ol MOM) Ske O es a ee os (LOT) (OL0T)|---~ Suang “T1 SINGOD as "do ‘oUPIOTOS 941} poysuo.s0 ‘oyTWVde -YOvg UOA ‘aqtopeo ‘aztqye ‘ayttddooyeyo ‘oqiaddouas.ay (170F)| OSuSnY ‘aya Ad YIM ULOA ploy ‘[IZBAg ‘SOVIIK) SVULT) FZIFO 1 (1000) 103;8 avpnqey, (1101) (OL0T) (1000) oapeg wod ‘OL (1000) ut sTeysA19 Jo Sapis 38 sojod oneusep, oxo ‘asupoorseyd ‘oyoyeo “oyeq ‘aqAg ‘ormejug ‘uMoyyoQezty ¢200-1 |(T 101)109j¥ pouutaM y, (t000) “ Wee 00a (‘Q'q) vueg ‘6 é ANYONE) HC Stes | 8 HOO) (AOS) (LOOOs Semen alee) 46 PA Be eee ee es (ILOL) {1ers) (OTST) edspie) PUL Oan\y. MOSaT| = 00s) = === a a (OMOT) (Coan) Cigars) esoy *L, 7 (1909) (1707) ‘BUd[VS SNOIIJTUIGIV UG ‘oUuT}}0g) FO00.T (1000) avynquy (1Z0%) (OL01) (1000) tpaeryoy >" -----"|(1g08) (OLOT) (t000)|---- SUdALIG °G "AUMION “S1oqssuoy) ¢666-0 |"-~--" ~-7- ~--- >> |(tg08) (oot) (1000) “--qjosuey “F ‘070 ‘o}1Uapq Alou . Grom) GHA ayeseq oporeuy uy ajsy uvadopodyy 8Z¢6.0 |(L000) 101; avjnqey,|(TFOF) (O10T) (1000)! ~~ UBULSI[IG "gE (1000) 10178 aepnqey, ‘oqAd eouvivod (TLOT) (1¥0F) ‘oyede oyopeg epeury ‘Ayunog ovuaiuog) 9 #G.0 |-de orqmoys poptosq|(1Z0z) (OL10T) (1000)|- ---- JOOIN, °2 ‘OH1D/VO UO STRISAIDQ, “Sunqsvoipuy) 1076.0 (1000) tejnqez\(OLoL) (sL0T) (t000)) ~~ ---- zsuq ‘Tf SUOTJELOOSSY PU sDTIEIINIDO) dd qq" So0BT 1oyjny ‘ALILOHUYAG IVUALVN dO SIVISAUD GHUASVA ‘PITX WIAV, 236 Allen, etc.—Mineral Sulphides of lron. The results of the different investigations are brought into agreement by the recognition of the two forms of pyrrhotite and also of the change in p, with a change in the composition of the mineral. The early view of Streng* that pyrrhotite is orthorhombic and belongs to the chalcocite group holds true for a-pyrrhotite, while §-pyrrhotite is hexagonal. Further investigation may show that other members of these groups are dimorphic. A further study of Table XIIT shows that most of the eleven crystals were probably formed as a-pyrrhotite. Crystals 1 to 3 have low values for p,, tabular habits, and crystal 3, at least, has an association which would indicate the high temperature form. Orystal 2, in particular, is described as having a “decided orthorhombic appearance’ and the orthorhombic axis is shown by the elongation along it and the development of the form {921} but not {041}, and of {011} but not §{112%. Crystals 4 and 5 from Kongsberg might belong to either form, but their tabular habit suggests a-pyrrhotite. Crystal 6 has the tabular habit of a-pyrrhotite. Crystal 10 has a tabular habit and is, in addition, associated with minerals which indicate the high temperature form. The occurrence of crystals 7 and 8 in meteorites places them as a-pyrrhotite. The hexagonal development and the twinning of crystal 9 indicate 6-pyrrho- tite, but the association with feldspar, etc., and the position of the magnetic poles are not consistent with this view. Any list of the faces which have been found on a-pyrrhotite will be somewhat uncertain since some of the measured crystals might belong to either form, and, besides, the variable charac- ter of p, makes it impossible to assign a symbol to some of the measured pyramids. The following list omits doubtful faces and marks with a star those found only on synthetic erystals. e (001) F (012) j (061) r (221) b (010) e (023)* n (201) s (331) a (100) g (011) g (114) u (623) m (110) h (021) » (112) Z (310) i (041) p (111) * Loc. cit. Bowie— Gravity Anomalies and Geologic Formations. 237 Art. XXI.—Some Relations between Gravity Anomalies and the Geologic Formation in the United States ; by Witit1am Bowte.* In the report of an investigation of the effect of topography and isostatic compensation on the intensity of gravity, which will soon appear as a Coast and Geodetic Survey publication, there are shown certain relations between the signs of the gravity anomalies and the geologic formations on which are located the 89 gravity stations considered. There are now available 35 additional stations, making 124 in all, and it is proposed in this paper to give the results of an additional study of the relations between the anomalies and the surface geologic formations, which confirm the earlier unpublished conclusions. The anomaly of gravity, which is used in this paper, is the difference between the observed gravity and the theoretical gravity for the latitude of the station, corrected for elevation, and for the effect of the topography and its isostatic compen- sation. ‘The isostatic compensation is assumed to be complete under every separate portion of the earth’s surface. If the surface density at the station is 2°67, which was that used in the computations, and the densities of the successive layers in the earth’s crust are normal (except as they may be affected by the compensation), and if the isostatic compensation of the topography is complete and uniformly distributed from the surface to a depth of 114 kilometers, then the anomaly will be zero. It is assumed that every part of the surface at a depth of 114 kilometers below sea level has equal pressure at all points and, consequently, is in a state of hydrostatic equili- brium. An anomaly at a station, different from zero, shows a departure from normal conditions. If the anomaly is positive, the observed is greater than the theoretical gravity ; and the reverse is the case for negative anomalies. The computations are based upon the theory of complete compensation of the separate topographic features ; the com- pensation being uniformly distributed to a depth of 114 kilo- meters. It is reasonably certain that each topographic feature is not completely compensated locally, and that the compen- sation is not distributed uniformly to a depth of 114 kilometers. But the gravity operations prove that the average condition over areas of large extent approximate very closely that of complete local isostatic compensation, uniformly distributed to a depth of 114 kilometers. They show that the United States * Read before the Geological Society of America, at Washington, D. C., December 30, 1911, by William Bowie, Inspector of Geodetic Work, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 238 Bowie—Gravity Anomalies and Geologic Formations. is not held up by the rigidity of the earth’s crust, and that no area within the United States, as large as the State of Ohio, for instance (41,000 square miles), is so supported. On the whole, the gravity anomalies in the United States are very small, and there is, apparently, no connection between the size and sign of the anomaly and the character of the topog- raphy. On the other hand, there is, apparently, a relation be- tween the surface geologic formation and the anomalies. Of the 124 stations in the United States, 10 are in areas of Precambrian formation, 31 are in Paleozoic, 20 are in Mesozoic, 30 are in Cenozoic, 11 are in Effusive or Intrusive, and 22 are unclassified. The geological map of North Amer- ica, by Gannett and Willis, of 1906, was used in making decisions as to the geologic formation at the stations. Those stations were left unclassified which plotted on the map near the dividing line between two formations, or when in such areas as at Ely and Winnemucca, Nevada, where there are rocks of several geologic ages within a few miles of the station. The table shown below gives the means of the anomalies in dynes (or centimeters) with and without regard to sign, for the several groups of gravity stations. The average gravity in the United States is about 980 dynes or centimeters. Geologic Number of Mean with re- Mean without Formation Stations gard to sign regard to sign Precambrian, = 22 2208 10 +°016 026 PaleozoiGs, aa Le Si — ‘008 019 Mesoz0IG, 22355" sage 20 +002 7015 Cenozoic j.2 Sate ee 29 —°008 021 Intrusive and Effusive 11 —'007 015 Wnelasstiedissen eee 22 SEOs "020 All gravionsee se eee 1123 0 7019 The mean with regard to sign for all anomalies is zero, and without regard to sign it is (019 dyne. The anomalies in the oldest formation have a comparatively large plus mean with the sign considered. Eight of the ten Precambrian stations have plus anomalies. The average size of the anomalies in the oldest formation is much larger than the mean of all. The most recent formation shows a decided minus anomaly with regard to sign. The formations of the intermediate ages have anomalies which are practically normal. The intrusive and effusive anomalies have a mean of —:007 with regard to sign, but the average size is much smaller than the mean of all. The mean of the intrusive anomalies is —-003 and of the effu- sive is —‘011. The number of anomalies in each of these Bowie— Gravity Anomalies and Geologic Formations. 239 — two formations is so small that no definite conclusions can be safely drawn from them. It is not necessary to consider the unclassified anomalies. It may appear obvious that this relation between the oldest and newest formations and the anomalies is what should have been expected inasmuch as the densities of the oldest rocks are, on the average, greater and those of the recent rocks lesser than the average surface density, 2°67, used in the com- putations. But it will appear, on reflection, that after all these cannot be mere surface phenomena. Let it be assumed that the pressure at the depth of 114 kilo- meters under a Precambrian station is normal; that is, the crust is in a state of perfect isostasy, and that the average anomaly with regard to sign of +°016 is caused by an excess in density of the geologic formation just under the station. Thenif the for- mation considered extends 1,300 meters out from the station and 1,000 feet below it, this material would have an increase in den- sity of 1:47. With the same radius but with a depth of 5,000 feet, the material would have an increase in density of 0°48. With 10,000 feet, there would be an increase of -40. If it is assumed that the formation considered extends 19 kilometers around the station and 1,000 feet down, then an increase in density of 1:37 would be necessary to cause an anomaly of +:016. Witha depth of 10,000 feet, the increase would be :13. The maximum anomaly in the Precambrian formation is +°054 dyne, therefore the increases in density above the normal would be three and one-half times those previously stated. If this formation is assumed to extend 19 kilometers from the station and to a depth of 10,000 feet, the increase in density would have to be ‘45 greater than the normal. The mean with regard to sign of the anomalies in the Ceno- zoic formation is —°008, and the changes in density necessary to cause this anomaly are one-half the size and of the opposite sign of the changes necessary to cause the mean Precambrian anomaly with regard to sign of +'016. The maximum anom- aly in the Cenozoic is —°091, and to cause this a decrease in density of -80 is necessary in the material extending 19 kilo- meters from the station and to a depth of 10,000 feet. Now let it be assumed that there is normal pressure under a station at the depth of 114 kilometers, and the density of the surface geology is also normal, and that an anomaly is caused by an excess of density in a stratum of material 5,000 feet in thickness, 10,000 feet below the station, which extends horizon- tally 19 kilometers from the station. Under these conditions an increase of °32 in the normal density would be necessary to cause an anomaly of +°016. 240 Bowie—Gravity Anomalies and Geologic Formations. It is seen that, under the assumptions stated, large changes in the normal densities are necessary, even in thick strata, to account for anomalies of average size. On the other hand, only small changes in density are necessary if 1t is assumed that the anomalies are caused by a departure from the state of per- fect isostasy in the earth’s crust. An anomaly of +:016 would be caused by a change of -02 from normal density in the material of a column 19 kilometers in radius and 120 kilo- meters in depth. The largest anomaly, :091, would be caused by a change in density of only °12. | If a column with a radius of 167 kilometers and depth of 114 kilometers be considered, then an increase in density of only :005 is necessary to produce an anomaly of +°016 and a decrease of only ‘03 in normal density is necessary to cause the Seattle anomaly of —:091. In the same sized column the average Cenozoic anomaly with regard to sign, +°008, would be caused by a decrease in density of only -002. It appears to be improbable that the average sized anomalies found in certain geologic formations are the result of greater or smaller densities of the surface materials than that used in the reductions, nor is it likely that the cause is an abnormal density in a stratum of moderate thickness in the upper portion of the crust. Such changes in density no doubt have some effect in causing the anomalies, but it appears to be probable that the principal cause of all except the smaller anomalies is an actual departure from the condition of perfect isostasy in the crust of the earth in the vicinity of the station. It is extremely interesting that the gravity anomalies, though very small, show a relation to the geologic formation at the earth’s surface. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Watson— Association of Natiwe Gold with Sillumanite. 241 Art. XXII.—An Association of Natwe Gold with Silli- manite ; by THomas Lronarp Watson. Axovut a year ago Doctor Craig R. Arnold of Dahlonega, Georgia, kindly sent me a very interesting specimen of pegma- tite partly incased in mica schist, which contained in places abundant large and small flakes of elementary gold readily visible to the unaided eye. A thin section was cut from the most favorable free gold-bearing portion of the rock for micro- scopic study of the relations of the gold to the silicate minerals. In view of the numerous published statements in recent years on the occurrence of primary gold in igneous and metamorphic rocks,* I consider the Georgia occurrence, regardless of min- eral associations, to be of some interest as illustrating, micro- scopically, the subsequent formation of the gold in the rock, which from its observed relations by the naked eye might readily be inferred to have formed contemporaneously with the - rock minerals.+ A personal communication from Doctor Arnold informs me that the locality from which the specimen came is on Coosa Creek, some four or five miles south of Blairsville, Union County, Georgia. Although located in the Coosa Creek gold belt, where gold mining has been engaged in from time to time for many years, the several State Survey reports on gold contain no geologic information on the area beyond the mere state- ment that the rocks are schists or gneisses. There has been some development work in the nature of inclines relative to water level at the locality from which the specimen was taken, but, so far as | am aware, practically nothing is known of the field relations. The specimen is fresh and apparently represents mostly vein matter, partly wrapped in a thin veneer of mica schist. Quartz greatly predominates, but some feldspar is observed, and this portion of the specimen has the appearance of a peg- matite of irregular but moderately coarse crystallization of the two minerals with some mica. The schist portion of the speci- _men is a mixture of large shreds and scales of biotite and mus- covite through which are distributed somewhat numerous rose-colored crystals of garnet. That portion of the specimen showing much visible elementary gold from which the thin section was cut, corresponds more nearly to the schist although *See Lincoln, F. C., Certain Natural Associations of Gold, Econ. Geol- ogy, vol. vi, pp. 247-802, 1911. Lincoln cites references to the literature. + This statement refers to the enclosing rock and not to the pegmatite, for it is believed the gold was probably introduced with the pegmatite and therefore contemporaneous in crystallization with its chief minerals, quartz and feldspar. 242 Watson—Association of Native Gold with Sillimanite. the appearance is that of gradation from pegmatite into schist, while in other portions the two rock phases are rather sharply differentiated from each other. In the hand specimen abundant large and small flecks of native gold are noted in intimate association with biotite, the light-colored minerals, and garnet, suggesting in the latter mineral partial rimming and filling of minute fractures or rifts. Under the microscope the thin section shows intergrowths of biotite and muscovite, quartz, sillimanite, orthoclase and plagioclase feldspar, garnet, occasional pyrite, and several unimportant microscopic accessory minerals. Biotite is partly altered to chlorite, is dark brown in color, has strong absorp- tion, and contains numerous inclusions of zircon surrounded by characteristic dark borders. Muscovite, in large and small shreds possessing good cleavage and partly intergrown with biotite, is plentiful. Orthoclase is probably in slight EXCESS over plagioclase and both feldspars show intergrowths with quartz in micrographic structure. A considerable portion of the thin section is occupied by an aggregate of sillimanite fibers having partial radiating arrangement, intergrown with biotite, and “closely associated with muscovite, the longer axis of the sillimanite fibers crossing at all angles the cleavage direction of muscovite. Much of the sillimanite is colored brown and is pleochroic from fine scales of biotite lying between the sillimanite fibers. ‘The relations of the two min- erals suggest possible derivation of sillimanite, in part at least, from biotite, a change which according to Van Hise* may take place under conditions of elevated temperature and pressure. Quartz shows optical disturbance and contains liquid and solid inclusions. Garnet is without crystal boundaries and exhibits rifts or minute fractures. Pyrite is only sparingly present but appears entirely fresh. That portion of the specimen from which the thin section was cut shows unusual richness in native gold, the particles of which range from tiny granules up to irregular grains 2™™ or more in diameter. The gold occurs associated with all the principal minerals including sillimanite and garnet, and is in juxtaposition with several grains of pyrite, partly enclosed by biotite; but in each case the boundaries between the two min- erals are sharply defined and the pyrite shows no indication of alteration. It occurs as interstitial grains between the quartz and feldspar and the other minerals, and in some cases is embedded in the substance of the quartz and feldspar, and to a *Van Hise, C. R., A Treatise on Metamorphism, Mon. No. XLVII, U.S. Geol. Survey, pp. 342-343, 1904. Dr. Van Hise states that biotite rarely alters into hypersthene and sillimanite, and the formation of these from biotite “usually oceurs in connection with contact reactions of igneous rocks ; Watson—Association of Native Gold with Sillimanite. 248 limited extent with their micrographic intergrowths. It is interleaved along cleavage directions with both biotite and muscovite, occasionally extending across the cleavage in frac- tures and sometimes formed along the mineral boundaries, being especially noticeable as partial rims to biotite; between the acicular crystals of sillimanite, sometimes as large and rea: Fic. 1. Photomicrograph showing relation of native gold (in black) to quartz and feldspar (white areas), garnet (light-colored mineral of high relief near center of figure), and biotite the intermediate dark mineral, a large shred of which occupies the lower part of the figure. Gold partially rims and fills fractures in the garnet, and lies along the cleavage positions in the biotite. Magnified 60 diameters. small irregular areas and sometimes filling distinct fractures in the mineral; and partially rimming and filling microscopic rifts in the carnet. These diverse relations of the gold to the rock minerals are shown in figures 1 and 2, which are microphotographs of dif- ferent parts of the thin section. An interesting feature of the rock is the presence of abundant sillimanite and native gold in intimate association, as indicated in fig. 2. Microscopic study discloses the relations of the two minerals to each other to be such as to indicate that the sillimanite formed in advance of the gold. Rifts or microscopic fractures are shown in the sillimanite, garnet, and micas, and the quartz exhibits strain phenomena. Muscovite is not infrequently bent and sheared and sometimes broken across. ‘These structures have devel- oped since the formation of the rock, and since the gold fre- 244 Watson—Association of Native Gold with Sillimanite. quently fills them, it is clear that it has been introduced subsequent to the formation of both the original and meta- morphic minerals, such as garnet and sillimanite. Some pyrite is present in the rock, and while the gold is closely associated with it in some instances there is no evidence suggesting the derivation of the gold from pyrite by alteration. In the iG: Fic. 2. Photomicograph showing relation of native gold (in black) to sillimanite, the fine fibrous mineral which occupies most of the field. Gold is shown as irregular black areas in the sillimanite partly lying between fibers and partly filling fractures.‘ White mineral occupying marginal posi- tions is muscovite showing some thin foils of gold (black) interleaved along cleavage directions. Intermediate dark mineral is biotite with partial rims of free gold (black), Magnified 60 diameters. absence of accurate knowledge of the field relations, conelu- sions based wholly on the single hand specimen and thin sec- tion are of doubtful value; but so far as these can be relied on the evidence suggests that the gold was probably introduced into the wall rock with the pegmatite-making solutions and formed in the relations to the rock minerals as described above and as indicated in the two figures photographed from the thin section. Brooks Museum, University of Virginia. L. A. Bauer— Ocean Gravity Observations. 245 Art. XXIIIl.—Hecker’s Remarks on Ocean Gravity Obser- vations ; by L. A. Bauvsr. Ir is frequently suggested by persons, presumably familiar with previous work, that it would be desirable to include gravity observations on the Carnegie. We are told that ocean gravity work, of requisite accuracy, is one of the few remaining heroic problems. Before deciding on any additional work a careful survey is made of existing knowledge and of the actual require- ments for obtaining trustworthy data. I was thus led into an examination of past ocean gravity work, viz., that by Dr. Hecker on three cruises between 1901-09, under the auspices of the International Geodetic Association and published in three monographs aggregating 500 quarto pages. Examina- tion was made at first only in general; however, I soon became engaged in an exhaustive examination of the entire problem, not only going this time more deeply into Hecker’s methods of observation and of computation, but also consulting experts in thermometry and barometry of the U. 8. Bureau of Standards and of the U.S. Weather Bureau, besides well-known geod- esists and physicists. The final result of this preparatory study was the paper “ On Gravity Determinations at Sea” published in this Journal, January, 1911. This paper received the en- dorsement of several well-known investigators to whom the manuscript was submitted before publication. Its special aim was to arouse general interest in this difficult subject and to assist in making clear the direction in which further advance was necessary. Returning December 24 from a cruise of the Carnegie, I found that Dr. Hecker had made reply to some points in my paper. His remarks were originally published in the journal of which he is chief editor (Gerland’s Beitrige zur Geophysik, Bd. xi, Heft 1, June, 1911, p. 200); in Novem- ber a modified translation "appeared in this Journal. Refer- ences throughout this article will be to this translation. I must begin by correcting some of Hecker’s statements. He infers that we have introduced for gravity work on the Carnegie an inferior method of reading the boiling-point ther- mometer, viz., with a hand lens instead of a telescope, as he had done. I had stated explicitly (/. ¢., p. 4) that the boiling-point observations on the Carnegie were not made for the purpose of gravity determinations; ‘‘the prime purpose being to obtain data for controlling the corrections of our aneroids, the instru- mental equipment was in accordance with this aim.”’ This was on our first cruise; on the present cruise we have replaced the hand lens by a telescope, but we are not yet willing to regard our individual results as gravity determinations. 246 L. A. Bauer—Ocean Gravity Observations. The experts consulted agreed that it would not be safe to rely exclusively upon barometers, as did Hecker, damped to sucha degree that, as he confesses, observations made with them at sea, under supposedly ideal conditions, were not of the desired accuracy. Thus he says (/.¢., p. 890), “this, of course, cannot be otherwise, for, as is well known, highly damped barometers, when perfectly at rest, do not have very accurate readings.” As the final outcome of all conferences and expe- riences, the conclusion has been reached that it will not be worth while to take up gravity work seriously on the Carnegie unless substantial improvements can be made upon the boiling- point—barometer method; we are continuing, however, with our present equipment, the necessary observations for the con- trol of our aneroids. I shall have to postpone for some future occasion the report upon this feature of our work.* In spite of all care bestowed, the possibilities of appreciable errors are sO numerous as to raise the question whether gray- ity data obtained by Hecker’s method would yield individual results of requisite accuracy. These errors in themselves appear trivial until converted into gravitational quantities. Thus, for example, an error in the boiling-point temperature of but 0°-001 C. corresponds to about 0:035™ or 1/28000 part of g, the order of accuracy required, 1 am informed, to meet modern requirements. It may be that Hecker considers that he has reached this accuracy. As the result of my exami- nation I was led to the conelusion (/.c., p. 161) that “it will not be surprising if it be found that many of the most recently published results are in error by an amount approximating to 0-1°", or about 1/10000 part of g.” Hecker questions my statement regarding his thermometer corrections. The facts as derived from his three publications are as follows (pp. 6-7, 1903; pp. 81-83, 1906, and pp. 39-40, 1910). The ¢otal corrections of thermometers employed in the Atlantic cruise of 1901, the Indian and Pacific Ocean cruise of 1904-05, and in the Black Sea work of 1909, were determined but once, viz., before starting out in 1901. If I understand him rightly, only the corrections dependent upon inequal- ities of bore of tube (the calibration corrections) were deter- mined a second time, namely, at the end of the work in 1904-5. All other corrections, however, ¢. g., those dependent upon the zero, the fundamental interval, reduction to standard scale, ete , * Hecker is correct with regard to the impossibility of reading successive high and low phases of the barometers used on the Carnegie ; 1 had misin- terpreted the observer’s notes. However, since then we have made some preliminary experiments in which successive high and low readings were obtained by using a hand magnifier and estimating the readings, as closely as possible, with the eye and attempting to secure the requisite accuracy by multiplying the observations under varied conditions on the principle suc- cessfully used in our magnetic work. — "* L. A. Baver—Ocean Gravity Observations. 247 were ascertained only once. Thus the comparison of Hecker’s thermometers with the standard of the Physikalische Reichs- anstalt, or with any other standard, were never again repeated as far as known. Hecker does not give the actual observed corrections, but, instead, a table computed therefrom, which, except for very slight corrections due to the second determi- nation of the calibration corrections, is used for the three eruises. Hecker assumed that the variations in the mentioned corrections, with age and use of thermometers, would either be negligible or “give only a constant difference,” and hence enter into the ‘miscellaneous constant term of his observation equation. How justifiable these assumptions are I leave others to judge. Due to the severe conditions imposed by his stren- uous program, Hecker had serious trouble at times with his thermometers—sufiicient, indeed, to require rejection of some series. The caliber corrections, Lam informed by thermometry experts, are the ones least liable to appreciable changes, and from their re-determination no certain conclusions can be © drawn as to the behavior of the other and more important corrections. Since Hecker criticises our proposal as to the necessity of frequent controls of the zero point, it will be of interest to quote from such an eminent authority on precise thermometry as Professor Callendar: ‘“ The effect [of zero changes] cannot be calculated or predicted in any series of observations because it depends in so complicated a manner on the past history and on the time. It is a most serious difficulty in accurate mercu- rial thermometry, especially at high temperatures. The most satisfactory method of correction appears to be to observe the zero immediately after each reading and to reckon the temper- ature from the variable zero thus observed.” The various experts consulted in this country are in entire accord with Pro- fessor Callendar. Now this is what Hecker says (/. ¢., p. 392) : “The reason why I made no freezing-point observations is that they would have introduced new errors into the observations ; for freezing-point observations are also subject to errors.’ Experienced physicists would say that the neglect of the zero control introduced greater uncertainty than that of a zero determination. Hecker depended too much upon the possibil- ity of eliminating all outstanding evils by general least square adjustments ; this same remark applies to other matters referred to in his comments, ¢. g., barometer corrections. A word with regard to Hecker’s least square treatment of his observational quantities. While I have pointed out wherein his observational work was in some respects not wholly satis- factory, I am inclined to think that the error due to reduction will be found to be greater than the purely observational one. 248 L. A. Bauer—Ocean Gravity Observations. I have shown (/.¢., p. 10) that his unknown quantities “are not strictly instrumental or ship constants, but depend upon the area (extent and geographic position) from which they are derived.” Hecker does not appreciate that they can hence only be used within the area embraced by the stations entering into his adjustments and not outside, for extrapolation pur- poses. For example, in his 1910 revision Hecker assumes that the unknowns derived from selected stations between the Tongas and San Francisco likewise hold for the disturbed region, Sydney to the Tongas. The 1910 computation increases the gravity anomalies between Sydney and Tonga at times by 0-1" and more over those of 1908; the largest gravity anomaly of all his cruises, +0°393™, is now placed in this region, viz., off the north extremity of New Zealand. The 1908 compu- tation, on the other hand, gave as the largest anomaly, +0°319™, off Honolulu. The Sydney-Tonga region is that for which Hecker appeals to Kohlschitter’s paper in confirmation of his work. Kohlschiitter’s own observations were not made on the ocean but on land, in German East Africa. His general con- clusion would doubtless hold as well for Hecker’s 1908 results as for those of 1910. Omitting the rejected port observations, it is found for the Atlantic work that 44 out of 47 available results were utilized, whereas for the Indian and Pacific Ocean cruise, out of 136 collected results 65 enter into the least square adjustments for the derivation of the required unknowns. Those who must utilize Hecker’s anomalies should bear in mind the extent to which they are already subject to the law of accidental distri- bution assumed in the adjustments. It may also be of interest to record here, that for 85 per cent of the total work the appli- cation of correction due to course and speed of vessel and the rejection of the port results has increased the sums of the gravity anomalies squared, the increase being most pronounced where extrapolated coefficients have been used. | , Hecker has overlooked the salient feature of our proposed plan, viz., the prime importance of so arranging observational work as to admit of but one logical method of reduction, and the necessity of restricting the unknowns to a few physically determinable ones. I hope that I shall not be regarded as un- appreciative of his labors. In fact, only one who is himself engaged in ocean observational work can adequately realize the countless difficulties which had to be overcome. My chief aim has been to assist in setting before those who use his results their precise limitations. | Washington, D. C., January 22, 1912. F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure, 249 Arr. XXIV.— Relations of the Degree of Metamorphism to Geological Structure and to Acid Igneous Intrusion in the Narragansett Basin, Rhode Island ;* by F. H. Lanes. Part I. CONTENTS. Acknowledgments. Introduction. Structural Geology. Theoretical considerations. ‘hes The borders of the Basin. . The Basin strata. Major folding Strikes. Dips. Pitch. Axial planes. Continuity of the major folds. Relative number of folds across the Basin. Minor folding. Areal distribution of variations in the major and minor folding. Conclusions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. For the use of laboratory equipment and for valuable advice in the preparation of the original thesis, the writer wishes to express his gratitude to Professor J. KE. Wolff and Professor J. B. Woodworth, under whose direction the work was carried on; and for numerous suggestions and favors, to Professors W. M. Davis, A. Sauveur, and C. Palache; to Dr. Ernest Howe; and to Messrs. R. W. Sayles, J. A. S. Monks, Wm. Burns, and W. P. Haynes. INTRODUCTION. The Narragansett Basin is a body of Carboniferous strata, fifty miles long, from fourteen to twenty-five miles wide, and. with a total stratigraphic thickness of somewhat more than two miles.t From the southern coast of eastern Rhode Island it trends northward as far asa line between Fall River and Provi- dence, including the major part of Narragansett Bay within its boundaries, and thence, bending more to the east, extends in a northeasterly direction to near Hanover, Massachusetts. Topographically the Basin is represented by a shallow depression with an uneven surface, between bordering * The present paper is an abstract of a thesis accepted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Geology, at Harvard University, in June, 1911. +Shaler, N. S., Foerste, A. F., and Woodworth, J. B., Geology of the Narragansett Basin. U.S. G.S., Monog. XXXIII. 1899. See pp. 208-210, 336, 338, 345, 358, and 373, and Plate xxx. Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtH Series, Vout. XX XIII, No. 195.—Manrcg, 1912. aly 250 +. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. tie. 4. SS Post- Carboniferous. ES Carboniferous. SSSSs Pre- Carboniferous. t) ‘ 2 3 Scale in miles Fic. 1. Outline map of the southern half of the Narragansett Basin. Many of the dips and strikes are somewhat generalized. References to numbered localities will be found in the text. Ff. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 251 ridges of harder rocks. A few inliers of the harder rocks occur surrounded by the Carboniferous (see fig. 1). On all sides, except in the broken southern rim, the same statements hold true, namely, that the predominating border rocks are granites or granite gneisses and that these granites are intrusive into sedimentary formations, now much metamorphosed. The granites (Sterling granite series) in South Kingstown are prob- ably post-Carboniferous and the schists enclosed in them, Carboniferous ;* but.elsewhere the plutonics are pre-Carbon- iferous, as is proved by the presence of their disintegrated débris in the Carboniferous. The strata of the Basin are shales, sandstones, arkoses, and conglomerates, which have been folded, metamorphosed, and injected by an acid series of dikes and veins, offshoots from the post-Carboniferous granites of Kingstown. The anticlines are relatively long and narrow, after the Aypalachian pattern, and crumpling of minor dimensions often occurs superposed upon the major folds. Although there are innumerable exceptions, the metamorphism, regarded from a broad standpoint, is dis- tinctly greater in the southern part of the field than in the northern. The acid intrusives range in composition from highly feldspathic pegmatites to veins of pure massive quartz. More- over, they are much larger, and there are many more of them, in South Kingstown than farther northward and eastward. Throughout the Basin, then, the texture and composition of the sedimentary rocks, the complexity of the folding, the degree of metamorphism, and the composition and abundance of the acid dikes, are variable factors. It has been our aim to investigate the kinds and degrees of metamorphism and to correlate them with the other variable factors just mentioned, with stratigraphic depth, and with geographic position in the Basin. The greater portion of the work has been carried on in the southern half of the field, where the exposurés are more satisfactory. The first part of this paper will treat of the Structural Geol- ogy of the Carboniferous rocks; the second, of the Petrology and Metamorphism of the Carboniferous rocks; and the third, of the post-Carboniferous intrusives. There is no need of describing the pre-Carboniferous rocks in detail. Their impor- tance for us rests (1) upon their having constituted the floor ~ upon which the Basin sediments were laid down, and (2) upon their relations to the forces which deformed these sediments ; and these matters will be taken up under the other heads. The remark is perhaps unnecessary that no attempt could be made to obtain exact quantitative results, because the relations *Loughlin, G. F., Intrusive Granites and Associated Metamorphic Sedi- ments in Southwestern Rhode Island, this Journal, xxix, p. 447, 1910. Py ee coche 2 Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. between such factors as mineral composition and intensity of deformation, or degree of deformation and stratigraphic depth, and the like, obviously cannot be measured with precision. ‘Yet a broad, general quantitative dependence can be deter- mined. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY OF THE CARBONIFEROUS FORMATION. THEORETICAL ConstDERATIONS.— Before describing the struc- tural geology of the basin, let us see what variations in inten- sity of folding may be expected, on theoretical grounds, in a region of deformed strata. A fold, in the geological sense, is the expression of a ay HiGs 2. Fie. 2. Diagram of an elliptical quaquaversai anticline. a-e-b-f, axial plane. a-b, direction of operation of minimum component of force. c-d, direction of operation of maximum component of force. compressural forces which have operated upon variable resist- ances. In most cases the pressure has been applied along approximately horizontal lines. However numerous the forces may have been, they may be regarded as having been equiva- lent to two components, —one of maximum value, which acted parallel to the greatest compression, and one ‘of minimum value, which acted parallel to the least compression, at right angles to the first. The simplest illustration is the quaquaversal anticline (see fig. 2). Here a—6 is the direction of the minimum component, and c-d is that of the maximum component. Pitch, measured along the slopes ea and ed, is really dip in the axial plane, a-e-b—-f. Whenever there is a pitch—and it may be stated asa F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 258 rule that pitch is practically universal in regions of folding*— the deforming forces were variable in direction and they may be considered as resolvable into two components as above explained. The ratio between these components will then be indicated by the ratio between the degrees of compression perpendicular to, and parallel to, the axis of the given fold. According to Van Hise,t folding may be parallel or simz- lar. In parallel folding the contacts between adjacent beds Fic. 3. Fie. 4. Fie. 3. Parallel folding. A-B, fundamental curve. Fie. 4. Similar folding. are parallel to one another and the thickness of any bed is essentially uniform throughout (see fig. 3). On the other hand, in similar folding the contacts between adjacent beds are identical in size and shape and the thickness of every stratum is considerably greater in the axial regions than on the limbs ¢ (see fig. 4). Again, in parallel folding that curve in which all anticlines and synclines are of equal size and shape may be termed fundamental to the structure (A-B, fig. 3). Above the fundamental curve synclines narrow and become ‘pinched’ or ‘carinate’, and below it anticlines undergo the same altera- tion in form. Obviously no such discrimination is possible in similar folding. It may be shown that, while deformation is in process, differential movement (shearing) near the funda- mental curve is at a maximum in the limbs and at a minimum in the crests and troughs; but that, away from this curve, both upward and downward, the locus of maximum differen- tial movement migrates from the limbs to the axial regions, *See, for example, the following: Reade, T. M., The Origin of Mountain Ranges, xxx, p.178. London, 1886. Reade, T. M., The Evolution of Earth Structure with a Theory of Geomorphic Changes, p. 195. London, 19038. Shaler, N. S., etc., op. cit., p. 382. Wan Hise, C. R., Deformation of Rocks, , Jour. Geol., iv, pp. 312, 344, 348-349. 1896. + Van Hise, C. R., Principles of North American pre-Cambrian Geology. U.S. G.§., Ann. Rept. XVI, Pt. I, 1894-1895, pp. 598, 599. Also, by the same author, Deformation of Rocks, Jour. Geol., iv, pp. 210, 211, 1896. ¢{ Van Hise, C. R., Principles of North American pre-Cambrian Geology, pp. 598-601. Also, Heim, A., Untersuchungen tiber den Mechanismus der Gebirgsbildung, Basel, 1878, p. 48. 254 F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. reaching these where the folds are most acutely pinched. In similar folding maximum shearing is always in the limbs.* If strata, deformed after the parallel pattern, have a pitch, carinate anticlines become flat and flat synclines become eari- nate, when traced in the direction of pitch; but in similar folding, since dips are always steeper on the limbs than on the axes, no amount of pitch can alter these relations. Parallel folding, representing less readjustment of beds than similar folding, is more common and is generally on a larger scale than the latter. It must be remembered that these state- ments apply to mathematical ideals only, and that, under nat- ural conditions, there is considerable variation. The two types are not always sharply distinguished; yet there is suffi- cient approximation to the ideal to make the classification valuable. Given a force in operation, a more rigid body will oppose deformation by this force more successfully than a less rigid body. If adjacent rocks of different degrees of rigidity are under lateral compression, whether the forces be regarded as acting parallel or perpendicular to the contact surfaces between the rock masses, there is a tendency for transmission of these forces by the stronger body.t| The first condition— of force parallel to contact, i.e., about parallel to the beds—is that for the development of competent structure ;t the second condition—of force about perpendicular to contact—is illus- trated by the relations between hard crystalline border-rocks and less resistant basin sediments, after deformation of the original land surface has progressed far enough. In nature the differences of rigidity are practically never so great that one rock merely transmits the force while the other accom- plishes all the accommodation. Both usually suffer, but one less than the other. The more rigid a rock mass under compressive strain, the farther from the point of application of the force will the effects of that force appear. For this reason, unless a stratum has competency sufficient to enable it to span the breadth of the deformed belt, the folds are apt to be closer and more numerous near the point of application and to die: out away from it;§ and the less the rigidity of such a stratum, the more rapidly will the folds subside. * Van Hise, C. R., ‘‘Principles’”, etc., p. 598. + Harker, A., On Slaty Cleavage... , Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1885, p. 848. Heim, A.: Op. cit., p. 40. aes Hise, C. R., Deformation of Rocks, Jour. Geol., iv, pp. 204, 472, t Willis, B., The Mechanics of Appalachian Structure, U. 8. G.S., Ann. Rept. XIII, Pt. II, 1891-1892, p. 247. S Shaler, N. S., -etc., op. cit., p. 16. F.. H, Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 255 According to the foregoing review of theoretical facts, variations in the intensity of deformation may be due (1) to the type of folding; (2) to the position of the outcrop in the fold; (8) to the degree of rigidity of the rock: and, (4) to the distance of the outcrop from the point of application of the force. Provided the proper conditions prevail, then, we should expect to find such variations in the structure of the Narragansett Basin. In the deseription which is to follow, we shall be able neither to mention strikes and dips of individual outcrops * nor to debate the pros and cons of questionable intepretations of the folding.t The method of procedure will be indicated and then the facts will be presented in summary form. Tue Borprers oF THE Basin.—As may be seen on the map, the borders of the Basin have many irregularities of trend. Oauses for these changes in direction may be: (1) a pre-Carbon- iferous hill-and-valley topography, forming the floor of the Basin; (2) the deformation of a more level pre-Carboniterous land surface ; or, (8) a system of post-Carboniferous faults. If the first supposition were true, the Carboniferous sediments should often abut against the pre-Carboniferous, and there should be little dependency between strikes of the strata and strikes of the surface of unconformity separating the Carbon- iferous and the pre-Carboniferous. But such is not the case. There is a remarkably close parallelism between the attitude of this surface of unconformity and the attitudes of the adjacent Basin sediments. Indeed, it is just what would be expected it the Bason floor had been originally comparatively flat and had later shared in the diastrophism of the overlying strata. Fur- ther evidence for deformation of the basement, according to Shaler, is to be seen in a certain amount of schistose structure in the eastern and western border-rocks, which decreases in intensity away from the Basin.t The Basin floor has been deformed not only by bending, but also by faulting. This is indicated locally by exceptional straightness of the rim, by apparent displacement of beds or of groups of beds, and by zones of fault brecciation. Whether all of this fracturing is of the normal, or tension, type, or whether some of it is of the reversed, or compression, type, could not be determined. Certainly many of the faults are normal. Summarizing, we infer (1) that the original floor of the Basin, which comes to the present topographic level in or near _ *The strikes and dips have been more or less generalized for different localities and have been plotted on the map (fig. 1). + For these see Shaler, N. S., ete., op. cit., and Lahee, F. H., A study of Metamorphism in the Carboniferous Formation of the Narragansett Basin ; thesis deposited in Gore Hall, Harvard University, in 1911. ¢ Shaler, N. S., op. cit., pp. 19-20. 256 FF. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. the pre-Carboniferous borders, had a relatively flat, or at most a gently undulating, surface; and (2) that this surface under- went deformation, both by folding and by faulting, in com- pany with the superjacent strata. Tue Basin Srrata.—In drawing conclusions with respect to the structural relations of the Carboniferous strata, consid- erable latitude of interpretation is inevitable. Among.other reasons this is partly because plant remains, although common, have not yet been proved to be of value in this region as indices of stratigraphic horizon, and furthermore, because the entire series of shales, sandstones, and conglomerates, of the Basin, while characterized by numerous textural variations, is so sim- ilar throughout that mineral composition and lithologie strue- ture are almost worthless for correlation. In general, however, a broad sequence has been made out, passing upward from basal conglomerates and arkoses (Pondville arkose, Natick con- glomerate, etc.), through a great thickness of conglomerates, sandstones, and shales with some coal seams (Kingstown and Aquidneck series), to an overlying coarse conglomerate (Digh- ton and Purgatory conglomerates). The deformation of these sediments has produced folds of various sizes and shapes. We shall make a distinction between major folds, which are sufficiently large and important to be represented in an ordinary generalized vertical section, and minor folds, which would usually be omitted from such a section. By contortion we mean complex minor deformation in which the strata are bent into closed or overturned folds, or - are otherwise severely compressed. Upon this arbitrary classi- fication we shall base the succeeding description. Major folding.— Evidences for variations in the major folds may be observed in such factors as the direction of strike, the degree of dip, the direction and amount of dip of axial planes, and the direction and amount of pitch, if there is a pitch. Strikes—The greatest regularity of strikes (between 5° and 20° E. of N.) occurs in the Kingstown formation, (1) in the western coast belt—between the western border and the west- ern coast of Narragansett Bay—on Boston Neck (B:15)* and northward to Barber’s Height (B:12), and (2) in northern Conanicut Island (D:10-13). That is to say, great uniformity is found only in the southwestern portion of the Basin where dips, as a rule, are rather’steep. Such parallelism signifies that the maximum component of force was here practically supreme. Somewhat less uniformity of direction is shown between Hamilton (Loc. 8, B:11) and East Greenwich in the western coast belt, and also on Prudence Island. * The map (fig. 1) is codrdinated by letters and figures along the margins. Some localities are numbered. These will be indicated as follows in the text: Loc. 10, C:138, i. e., Locality 10 in.codrdinate square, C: 13. F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 257 Districts in which the strikes are conspicuously variable are as follows: Northwest of Watchemoket Cove (D:1), Ponham Rock-Riverside area (D and E: 2), southeastern Cranston (A :4), Warwick Neck, Bristol Neck, Hope Island, Potter’s Cove on Conanicut Island @loenia: E: 13), eastern ‘coast of Mackerel Cove (Loe. 21, D:14), Beaver Tail Peninsula (Loe. 28, D: 14), | Coaster’s Harbor Island (lee 20 sts) asiiees Point. district (Loe. 42, F:15), area north and northeast of Warren Neck (H_ and 1:3 and 4), Brayton Point (Loc. 49, J :5), and the east- ern coast belt. Strikes of the western coast belt, then, are fairly regular, although with some rather abrupt changes in direction. On the contrary, strikes of the eastern border region are very irreg- ular and, except along the coast north of Stone Bridge (Loc. 47, I:8), have no particular relation to the eastern edge of the Basin. The lack of system here is probably due in part to faulting. Dips.—Without entering into detail, we may say that steep dips predominate in the southern portion of the area, and low dips in the northern. Many of the actual readings are recorded on the map. Pitch.—A. definite northward pitch is indicated in the fol- lowing places: Warwick Neck, Rumstick Neck, Hope Island, southeast coast of Prudence Island, Gould Island, southern Swansea, and High Hill Point (Loc. 45, [: 11-12). Southward pitch was recorded near Silver Spring (Loe. 3, D-E: 2), half a mile northeast of Riverside (E: 2), northeastern coast of Pru- dence Island, north side of Butt’s Hill (near Loc. 35, H: 9), one mile west of Portsmouth Village Cd :9), Coddington Cove (Loe. 31, F: 12-138), Beacon Hill (Loc. 32, F: 13), probably north of the Paradise tract (11:14), and at Easton’s Point. Pitch is more commonly low than high. In general, it is high where adjacent strikes and dips are variable (Swansea, Coddington Cove, Warwick Neck), or where adjacent dips are steep (Gould Island); and it is low in the broad folds (Pru- dence Island, Easton’s Point); but there are exceptions. Axial planes.*—Axial planes are vertical or dip either east- ward or westward without regard to whether the fold is nearer the eastern or western border of the Basin. That is to say, with reference to these border regions as comparatively rigid beams through which the forces were applied against the sedi- ments, both overthrusting and underthrusting were produced. Continuity of the major folds.—Because of these variations in strike, dip, pitch, and symmetry, and especially because of the wide water intervals between the land areas, the identity of separate folds can rarely be discerned across many miles. * See generalized sections, figs. 5 to 7. 258 LF. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. Almost without exception, however, the axes of the major folds trend a little east of north, thus proving that the maximum deforming forces acted along approximately east-west lines. ftelative number of folds across the Basin.—FKast-west sec- tions across the Basin show a varying number of folds in differ- ent latitudes. To illustrate this fact, sections along lines A-A, B-B, and C-C (fig. 1) have been drawn, as nearly as possible perpendicular to the strike (see figs. 5 to 7). By dividing the number of major folds (both anticlines and synclines) inter- Ries. 9,96, 7; ide a x ey oN Sp) eS ~ ‘ Ss NX ‘N == ~ = = & =< S$ S Scale in miles. Fie. 5. Generalized vertical section along the line A-A in fig. 1. Fic. 6. Generalized vertical section along the line B-B in fig. 1. Fic. 7 Generalized vertical section along the line C-C in fig. 1. sected by any line by the length of this line, we may estimate the number of folds per unit of length of the given line, that is, per unit of width of the Basin where the line is situated. In each case land and water areas are traversed. Since the determination of the folding is founded upon data obtained on land, we have calculated the results not only upon the total lengths of the lines, but also upon the sums of their land portions. An important source of error lies in the method of interpreting the geological structure, and the opportunity for mistake is greater in the north than in the south. To offset such error we have chosen, in each case, that interpretation which assumes the greatest reasonable number of folds. For example, in the Cranston area, where the structure has been explained by some as monoclinal and by others as consisting of ae ‘fall River F.. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 259 two synclines and an anticline, we have adopted the latter hypothesis. Following are the results: Line. Fold Length Numberof Sumofland Number of folds per tra- of line folds per portions in ten miles of versed. inmiles. ten miles. miles. land breadth. A. 9 19 4°73 16 5°62 134 138 16 8°12 8°75 14°85 C. 16 13°5 11°85 9 Nireay ts: This table indicates that the number of principal folds per unit of Basin width, and, therefore, the degree of compression, regularly increases southward. Minor folding.—Contortion of the strata was recorded at the localities listed below: Number of Location on locality* map Type of rock 1 Dey Shale, sandstone, little conglomeratet 4, D-E : 2-3 Chiefly sandstone and shale 5. D:6 Shale 6. De 7 Shale and sandstone 7 Cheer. Shale and fine sandstone Rao: C : 13-14 Shale and sandstone ie C: 1a Shale and sandstone iD. B: 16 Shale and sandstone (inclusions) 13. E16 Shale and sandstone (inclusions) 14. C-D : 138 Chiefly shale and sandstone 15. D : 10-11 Chiefly shale 16. | Dae a Chiefly shale 18. Hee iS Shale 19. De ts Shale 20. C-D : 14 Shale and sandstone Dal DP rt Shale 22. Dis b4 Shale 25 DLS Shale 26. De b5 Shale 2. Bes 12 Chiefly shale 28. EK-F : 13 Shale and arkose 29. Re 3.3 Shale, sandstone, and conglomerate 30. F : 12-18 Shale and sandstone 33. Teg Chiefly shale 36. |e Mesa Bh Chiefly shale 37. be 2 Chiefly shale 38. H:14 Shale and arkose 40. G:14 Shale, sandstone, and conglomerate Al. F-G: 15 Shale 44, ie ke Chiefly finer rocks 46. dis £0 Chiefly sandstone and conglomerate 48. ba28 Shale, sandstone, and conglomerate 49 o.3 Shale and fine sandstone 50. GanG Shale and sandstone * These numbers are plotted on the map. + For convenience the rocks are here spoken of as shales, sandstones, or conglomerates, whether or not they have been metamorphosed. 260 FF. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. Localities 4, 16, 27, and 33 are near the axial regions of major folds (all pinched anticlines) ; 10, 14, 15, 20, and 48 are on the limbs of major folds ; and the others cannot be surely placed in this respect. Evidently, then, there is no hard and fast rule for the location of contortion in the larger folds. If the map be divided into four equal rectangles (by lines in F and in 8 of the codrdinate squares, fig. 1), three of the locali- ties of contortion will be included in the northeastern area ; five in the northwestern; eleven in the southeastern ; and fif- teen in the southwestern. That is, more contortion is found southward and westward in the Basin.* In five of the localities the contortion affects shale, sandstone, and conglomerate, or sandstone and conglomerate ; in twenty- nine it affects shale and sandstone—usually fine—or shale alone. According to this, contortion is limited chiefly to the clastics of finer texture (see p. 254). Areal distribution of variations in the major and minor folding.—Taking into consideration both dip and strike of major and minor folding, we could show that, if we should pass across certain regions in the Basin, the complexity of the deformation would increase. Thus, there is evidence for an increase in the complexity of folding, (1) westward, in East Providence (D-E: 1-2); (2) eastward ‘and westward from the middle of the western coast belt, north of East Greenwich ; (3) southward, in Warwick Neck (4) westward, in the western coast belt, between East Green- wich and Wickford ; (5) southward, in the western coast belt, south of East Greenwich ; (6) eastward, in Prudence Island ; (7) westward, from Prudence Island to Hope Island ; (8) eastward, in northern Conanicut Island; (9) westward, from southern Conanicut Island to the western coast belt ; (10) southward, on Aquidneck Island ; (11) eastward, in northern Aquidneck ‘Island ; (12) eastward, from Aquidneck Island to the eastern coast belt; (13) westward, from middle Aquidneck Island to eastern Prudence Island, Coddington Point, and Coaster’s Harbor Island; and | (14) southward, in Swansea. Obviously there is not uniform increase in complexity from * This relation is not due essentially to a greater number of outcrops in the southern district. F.. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 261 the middle of the Basin to the walls. Such an increase does occur, however, within three or four miles of the borders, a phenomenon which might be explained by the greater proximity of these rocks to the pre-Carboniferous mass which transmitted, probably in part, the deforming thrust. Apparently there are alternating, nearly north-south belts of greater or less intensity, belts which cannot usually be traced continuously. These belts are as follows: (1) along the west- ern border; (2) Warwick Neck, northern Narragansett Bay, and Providence River in the latitude of East Providence, and the city of Providence; (3) eastern part of northern Conanicut Island; (4) Gould Island, Coaster’s Harbor Island, Coddington Point, and eastern Prudence Island; and, (5) Sakonnet River, and eastern coast belt. These facts refer to variations along east-west lines. As for north-south directions, only southward intensification of the deformation was noted, and this was in Swansea and, in gen- eral, from the latitude of Prudence Island. Conclusions.— From the preceding statements certain infer- ences may be drawn. (1.) The high dips of Carboniferous strata resting wneon- formably upon the pre-Carboniferous border rocks, the frequent parallelism of strikes of the Carboniferous sediments with the trend of the border, and the diversity of overturn and under- turn relations at the borders, as exhibited by the axial planes, indicate that the forces which operated through the pre-Car- boniferous, whatever their original character, must have been multiple in value and in direction at nearly all places where they encountered the Carboniferous. (2.) Within the Basin strata these forces acted in all direc- tions, but with much greater intensity along east-west lines than along north-south lines. (3.) In different parts of the Basin the deformation effected by these forces varies in complexity according (q@) to variations in the direction and potency of the forces themselves ; (0) to the texture (and therefore rigidity) of the rock affected ; and (c) to vertical position in a given fold. (4.) Variations in the deformation, due to variations in the forces, are so distributed that (a) there is a marked increase in the complexity of folding and in the amount of compression from north to south; (6) there are approximately north-south alternating belts of more or less intense deformation ; and (ce) within a few miles of the border there is sometimes observable an increase in intensity. (5.) Variations in the deformation (only minor folding), due to differences of texture, are important, but local. Finer rocks are more highly contorted than coarser ones. 262 FE. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. (6.) Variations in the deformation, due to vertical position in the folds, are of little importance and are commonly local. The folding appears to be of the parallel type except in rare instances of very minute crumpling. (7.) The factors upon which variations in the folding are © dependent, mentioned in order of lessening importanee, are: (a) relative position of outcrop along north-south lines ; (6) rock texture ; (c) distance of outcrop from walls of Basin ; (d@) relative vertical position of outcrop in fold. Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 6, 1912. (To be continued.) Warren—Ilmenite Rocks near St. Urbain, Quebec. 268 Art. XXV.—The Llmenite Rocks near St. Urbain, Quebec ; A New Occurrence of Rutile and Sapphirine ; by CHARLES H. Warren. Introductory.—-One of the notable occurrences of ilmenite, mentioned in treatises on mineralogy, is that near Bay St. Paul, a town located on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, about sixty miles east of Quebec. This occurrence is more accurately located as being just west of the little village of St. Urbain in the parish of that name, which is located about ten miles north of Bay St. Paul on the River Gouffre. In the Geology of Canada, 1863, Dr. T. 8. Hunt gives a brief descrip- tion of this occurrence. He states that the ilmenite bodies are “intercalated in the stratification’ of the anorthosite rock in which they occur. One bed, 90 feet thick, was traced for a distance of 300 feet, and was reported continuous for over a mile. Writing further, he states, ‘it contains in many parts orange-red transparent grains of pure titanic acid.” The density is given as from 4°56 to 4°66. A chemical analysis gave: TiO, 48°60; Fe,O,, 10°42 ; FeO, 37:06; MgO, 3-6. Total, 99°68. Just what type of ore this analysis represents is not stated, but assuming it to be a fairly correct analysis, the molec- ular ratio derived from it indicates that it was made on rutile- free material. The presence of the rutile appears to have been practically forgotten, at least no other mention of it occurs in the literature so far as the writer is aware. Its pres- ence in the ilmenite was again noted in the summer of 1909 by Dr. W. R. Whitney of Schenectady, N. Y., while on a visit to the locality, and it was through the latter’s interest in the deposit that the writer had an opportunity of visiting the locality in the spring of 1910. A representative collection of material was made at that time with the expectation of later using it for a thorough study of this unusual rock. A more careful examination of the material in the laboratory showed it to be more unusual in character than was at first supposed, but, unfortunately, it was also found that the material had suffered so much from alteration that it has been thought best to deter any exhaustive chemical study in the hope that fresher material may eventually be obtained, when it is also hoped that further details regarding the extent of the rutile-bearing portions may be also available. The Kncelosing Anorthosite.—Like so many other occur- rences of ilmenite the containing rock of the St. Urbain deposits is an anorthosite. The extent of the anorthosite area in the present instance is not known, but it appears to be a large one, and may be, as was believed by Hunt, continuous with the 264 Warren—Llmenite Rocks near St. Urbain, Quebec ; anorthosite located near Quebec, just north of the Chateau Richér, and known by that name. It is probably distinct from the great mass of anorthosite lying to the north and northeast about the upper waters of the Saguenay. The anorthosite calls for no special description. It may be noted, however, that it is rather poor in femic constituents, and that such as occur are largely or wholly altered to chloritie or serpentinous products. The disseminated grains of ilmenite are always highly xenomorphic. Locally the rock shows some crushing, and throughout, the feldspars, which are chiefly ande- sine, show some evidence of strains. The Ilmenite Masses in General.—The contacts with the ilmenite bodies are, as a rule, quite sharp, although there is in places some gr adation. Along the contacts there is commonly a narrow band of a dark brown mica developed. Small spheri- cal or irregular masses of ilmenite occur at many places in the vicinity of St. Urbain, also narrow dike-like streaks. The larger bodies appear in general to have the form of elongated masses, sometimes dike-like in their general outlines. The elongation follows an indistinct gneissoid structure in the anorthosite, which here has an east-westerly direction. The dip is usually highly inclined, although some of the ore bodies bend over and lie almost horizontally, conforming, doubtless, to local flextures in the enclosing rock. Large Deposit of Rutile-free Ilmenite.—One of the two most important exposures of the ilmenite rock is found about one-half way up the hillside, which rises rather steeply directly west of the village of St. Urbain and forms the western rim of the broad valley of the River Gouffre. The ilmenite has been partially uncovered, and probably a few thousand tons were mined many years ago for iron. In fact, the ruins of an old smelter may still be seen just below the deposit. The total exposure at the old workings is perhaps 100 feet wide by 200 feet long (east and west.) Good outcrops occur at intervals for some distance to the west along the bed of a small stream which runs down the hillside at this point. On the south side of workings a dike-like body of very massive ilmenite is exposed and may be followed up the hill for some 200 feet. This has an average width of about 10 feet and near its upper end bifureates, one branch bending off to the northwest. A few feet north of this, another dike, possibly ramifying below with the first, bends off to the north with a flattening dip until it becomes almost horizontal. Just north of this again comes another mass, which has been uncovered over an area measur- ing some 70 feet on a side, with a depth, as exposed, of some 20 feet. This is cut near its northernmost exposure by a nar- row streak of anorthosite rock with a nearly vertical dip and an east-west trend. New Occurrence of Rutile and Sapphirine. 265 Megascopieally, the ilmenite rock from this occurrence con- sists essentially of a dense black, medium to rather coarsely granular ilmenite, through which are scattered small grains of feldspar, or its decomposition products, occasional grains of a dark green spinel, and plates of dark brown mica. Long exposure to surface weathering develops a brown limonite coat, but, as a whole, the ilmenite tock is v ery resistant to weather- ing processes. ‘The ore, studied in thin sections and on pol- ished surfaces, shows that the ilmenite, as well as the other constituents, lack altogether any crystallographic outlines. The ilmenite grains range in size from individuals 3-4"™™ in eross section to ones 10-19™, the average being perhaps 6—7"™. The feldspar is the same variety as that in the anorthosite se forms rounded grains. It is often largely replaced by second- ary products. Lying along the border of many of the feldspar grains, next to the ilmenite, biotite is developed. This may lie parallel to the margin or may project out into the feldspar, sometimes replacing a good portion of it. Its occurrence is such as to suggest that it may be of later origin than the feld- spar, developed, perhaps, during the late magmatic period, or during a subsequent period of metamorphism. It possesses a very marked pleochroism and absorption: light brown or almost colorless to deep reddish brown. The axial angle as measured with the microscope was found to be 10 degrees. It resembles closely mica, often observed in a somewhat similar connection elsewhere, and is doubtless an iron rich variety. Alteration changes it toa chlorite. The spinel is of a dull green color, feebly translucent, isotropic, and is to be referred to the vari- ety pleonast. Its grains are entirely without crystalline out- lines, and it occurs both with the ilmenite and abont the’ feld- spar grains. Quantitative estimates show that considerable portions of the ore will not contain over 2 to 2°5 per cent cf accessories, but the general run will carry from 5 to 6 per cent. Structure and Composition of the Limenite Grains.—Exam- ined with a strong direct illumination, polished surfaces of the ilmenite show that individual grains are not of homogeneous composition, although all are identical in character. They are made up of a very fine lamellar intergrowth of two kinds of material. One kind, comprising what is roughly estimated as one-fifth to one-quarter of the whole, is of a bright steel-gray color and follows, as a rule, a nearly straight course across the grains. Many of them pinch out within the grain and in some the strips have the form of very flat, lensiform bodies; again they are slightly curved in outline. In width they vary from 0:003 to 0:02"™. The second series are uniformly broader than the first and run from 0:036™™ to 0:09"™ in width. These are of a dull black color. The whole intergrowth suggests in Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtH SrErigs, Vou. XX XIII, No. 195.—Marcna, 1912. 18 266 Warren—Llmenite Rocks near St. Urbain, Quebec ; appearance a fine microperthite structure. If a polished sur- face be immersed in cold dilute hydrochloric acid, the latter very soon shows the characteristic color of ferric chloride, becoming in the course of two or three hours quite strongly colored. The solution gives reactions for ferric iron only. Pure magnetite, similarly treated, dissolves somewhat more readily, but the solution’ reacts strongly for both ferric and ferrous iron. The steel-gray lamelle are deepened by the action of the acid forming tiny grooves, indicating that it is this part of the intergrowth that is dissolved. As will be seen from the chemical analysis of the ore given later, the percent- age of ferric oxide present is in general agreement with the percentage of the steel-gray lamelle. These facts point strongly to the conclusion that the latter are hematite in inti- mate crystallographic intergrowth with ilmenite. It may also be noted that the ilmenite grains are not affected by an ordi- nary magnet, and indeed require a strong field on an electro- magnet in order to be attracted to the point of picking up. Their weak magnetic properties indicate quite clearly that there is no magnetite present. The very fine powder rubbed on smooth white paper gives a dull brownish black streak (with perhaps a slight reddish tint) edentecal in ape a with the streak similarly obtained from a mixture of # pure magnetite (black streak) and + hematite (dark red str eal). To the writer this intergrowth appears to have some interest in connection with the composition of “ titanic-irons” gener- ally, and the disputed question of the isomorphism of hematite and ilmenite. While it is impossible to make an exact estimate of the amount of ferric oxide present as such in the inter- growth, the approximate estimate given above agrees approx- imately with the per cent of ferric oxide found by analysis. From this it appears that the amount of Fe,O, mixed isomorph- ously with the ilmenite must be small. The excess of Fe,O, so commonly reported in ilmenite analyses has generally been accepted to mean that the ilmenite and hematite molecules are isomorphous. If the ilmenite grains in the present instance possess the structure originally assumed by them on crystal- lization from the magmatic condition, the idea at once presents itself that the Fe,O, present in ilmenite may be always in large part, at least, present in the form of a fine intergrowth, and the desirability of examining carefully prepared polished and etched specimens of ilmenite whose chemical composition is accurately known is at once apparent. It is of course by no means certain that the intergrowth is an original structure. The two molecules may have erystallized originally as an iso- morphous mixture and subsequently, under changed conditions of temperature, ete., being no longer stable in the isomorphous New Occurrence of Rutile and Sapphirine. 267 state, separated, forming the intergrowth described. Such a change may have been considerably facilitated by the meta- morphism to which this rock has to some degree been sub- jected. It is to be noted that, although the two minerals have very nearly the same crystallographic constants, they differ somewhat in symmetry, and the accepted formule: for the two are not strictly analogous, ilmenite being RTiO, and hematite Fe,O,. It may, therefore, be questioned whether the crystallographic and chemical analogies of the two are sufi- ciently close to permit of isomorphous mixture to more than a very limited degree, but close enough to condition an intimate. and definite crystallographic intergrowth. It is hoped that a further study of the relations existing between ilmenite and hematite and also magnetite when these molecules occur together may soon be carried out. Deposit with Rutile-Sapphirine-Bearing Llmenite.—The second, and in the present instance, the most interesting deposit, is located near the top of the same ridge as the pre- vious one, about one-half a mile to the southwest. It has been pretty well exposed for a length of about 300 feet and for 50 teet in width. At one point the ilmenite rock has been opened up to a depth of about 15 feet and to a less depth in several others. Its contacts with the anorthosite, where exposed, have a roughly east and west trend and are nearly vertical. In the ore are several streaks of anorthosite which have also a nearly vertical extension and a more or less marked schistosity follow- ing much the same direction. There is also in the ore in places a feebly marked banding with the same trend. Further west and southwest of this deposit several small dike-like masses of ilmenite are exposed with the same orientation, but these carry no rutile, ete. The mineralogical character of the greater part of the ilmen- ite rock in this mass is essentially the same as that previously deseribed. The grain, however, appears on the average to be a little finer. A portion of the deposit differs from the rest and from other known bodies of ilmenite associated with anor- thosite rocks, in containing a notable percentage of rutile and a smaller amount of the rare mineral sapphirine. The rutile-bearing portion was first observed as a streak two feet wide, with a nearly vertical dip and an indistinctly marked banding parallel to the walls which ran east and west. The passage of this streak into the rutile-free ilmenite on both sides was very sudden. ‘Toward the west the rutile-bearing portion widened, and was somewhat less sharply defined, and there is evidence which points to the occurrence of rutile-bearing bands and patches. It appears, however, to always change quite sharply into the rutile-free rock. It was traced for several hun- dred feet. 268 Warren—ILlmenite Rocks near St. Urbain, Quebec ; Cutting the ore-body in the rutile-bearing portion is a streak of anorthosite rock which itself carries more or less rutile. The rutile makes up from two to three per cent of this rock as nearly, as it was possible to estimate it. It is associated with ilmenite and a considerable amount of biotite. These minerals are arranged along distinct lines of schistosity. No sapphirine has been noted in this rock. The rutedle-bearing rock is of a brownish black color and con- sists of a rather finely granular ilmenite thickly sprinkled with grains of an orange-red rutile, a smaller amount of feldspar, biotite, sapphirine, or their decomposition products, and spinel. The sapphirine cannot be distinguished without the aid of a good lens, and then only upon very close inspection, about the feldspar and ilmenite grains in the form of very dark, greenish black grains. The less altered ore is firm, but weathered portions are somewhat friable. All of the material collected shows more or less limonite along cracks and joints. In a limited portion of the rutile-bearing rock fairly numerous plagioclase grains or groups of grains, often larger than the average in size, are present. These feldspars sometimes reach a length of two or three centimeters and one centimeter in width, and are characteristically associated with a strong devel- opment of biotite plates. Microscopic thin-sections of the rutile-bearing rock disclose a highly xenomorphic texture for all of the constituent minerals with the one exception of the spinel inclusions in some of the feldspar grains. The ilmenite forms an almost continuous background in which the other minerals lie. Its grains, although irregular in outline, are roughly equidimen- sional and are fairly uniform in size, their average cross-section being about 8™". They consist of the same lamellar inter- growths as previously described, but the two sets of lamellee are narrower than in the former case, conforming to the smaller average size of the grains. The rutile is in the form of simple crystal grains or clusters of such, and is of a beautiful orange or golden brown color with a barely perceptible pleochroism. The cleavages are prominently developed. Twinning is rare. In- dividual grains attain a diameter of 3°5™™. From this size they run down to mere specks, the average being in the neighbor- hood of 0°6™". It is distributed quite uniformly through the ilmenite and occurs also with the other minerals, being some- times enclosed in their grains. The spinel is rather sparingly present and forms grains comparable in size to those of the rutile. In the feldspar-rich portions of the rutile-bearing rock, it also occurs included in the feldspars in the form of exceed- ingly minute crystals. These inclusions deserve a brief description. Many of the feldspars are crowded with them. New Occurrence of Rutile and Sapphirine. 269 They are of a pale, dull green color and as a rule are definitely orientated with reference to the enclosing crystal. Just what the orientation is has not been made out. Many of the spinels have a highly perfect octahedral habit, the whole erystal coming into view with slight changes of focus. Other erystals show the characteristic cross-sections of distorted octahedrons, or form flat, triangular plates. These attain a diameter of 015", though usually smaller. Again the spinels have the habit of relatively greatly elongated rods, or somewhat flattened blades arranged in lines across the feld- spars. The inclusions are isotropic, although being wholly enclosed in the feldspar, which often exhibits a slight disturb- ance in its optical properties about the inclusions, they often seem to be slightly doubly-refracting themselves. Minute inclusions of sapphirine have also been noted occasionally associated with the spinels, but these have a different color and are irregular in outline. The feldspars are an andesine like that of the anorthosite. They are as a rale quite evenly distributed and of fairly uniform size comparable with the ilmenite, but occasionally, as noted, they become more numerous and of larger size, and form groups of grains. Many of them show evidences of strains and slight bending. In even the fresher material collected the feldspar is usually partly replaced by secondary products, particularly where biotite and sapphirine were present with it, and in more highly altered specimens it is entirely gone. The biotite is sometimes quite abundant and .has the same characteristics as previously described. It is most intimately associated with the plagioclase, and where sapphirine is present it appears to have developed later than this mineral. Its position about the margins of the feldspar, or replacing part of it is here, as elsewhere, strongly suggestive of a later second- ary origin. Its alteration is to chloritic products. An oceasional grain of apatite has been noted, but it is hardly present as more than a trace. The sapphirine, which is of especial interest here, it being not only a new occurrence of this rare mineral, but also in a new association, seems to be confined to portions of the ilmenite rock which carry rutile. Even when alteration has destroyed both plagioclase and sapphirine, the characteristic alteration products enable it to be seen that the sapphirine has been a quite constant associate of the feldspar in the rutile- bearing portion. That there is some intimate relation be- tween the feldspar and the sapphirine is shown by the fact that the latter generally lies between the feldspar and the ilmenite. It is often seen as a narrow band extending around the feld- spar. (See fig. 1.) The band may widen out into a larger 270 Warren—Llmenite Rocks near St. Urbain, Quebec ; mass. Again, the feldspar may be surrounded by sapphirine of nearly or quite equal area. About a single feldspar grain the sapphirine usually has, throughout the greater portion of its extent, a uniform orientation. The mineral also includes ilmenite and rutile grains, and in one instance, at least, has been noted in contact with spmel. Where the feldspar is more abundant the sapphirine is also more strongly developed and its grains have in some instances fairly continuous distribution Hires: Fic. 1. Microphotograph of thin-section, showing plagioclase (white) al- most entirely surrounded by sapphirine (gray) either as a narrow band or as larger grains between it and the ilmenite (black) or rutile (dark, mottled). The plagioclase shows many minute microlites of spinel. Magnif. about 90 ; ordinary light. through the section, and often lie, with and without included ilmenite and rutile, between the feldspar crystals, or even included in them. In such sections as much as 20 per cent has been observed with about an equal amount of feldspar and rutile, a little spinel, and the remainder ilmenite. Here, the larger grains frequently attain a diameter of 3-0™", the aver- New Occurrence of Rutile and Sapphirine. 271 age being somewhat smaller (0-4 or 0-7"). Quantitative estimates of the amount present indicate something like 3-5 per cent for the general run of the rutile-bearing rock. No trace of crystallographic outline has been noted on the sapphirine and there is only a faint suggestion of two inter- secting cleavages. The fracture is marked, being developed in the form of prominent irregular cracks and is “highly con- choidal. The pleochroism is strong, a, pale, smoky brown to almost colorless, b=c, deep sapphire-blue, sometimes with a shade of green. The single refraction is strong, a, having been determined by the immersion method as approximately 1°729 for sodium light. The double-refraction is very low, not ex- ceeding 0°005. The interference tints in many sections show deep berlin blues. The optical character is clearly negative, the axial angle rather large, and the dispersion is marked 7 2 ~~ — — ai _ po oe et —. as Se een ae SR A ae a ae ae Z sae See 7 - . . _ “7 § Published monthly, Six dollars per year, in advance. $6.40 to countries in the Postal Union ; $6.25 to Canada. Remittances should be made either by money orders, egistered letters, or bank checks (preferably on New York banks). NEW ARRIVALS. The following is a brief list of the most important specimens recently received : Native antimony, massive and polished sections, White River, Cal. Awaruite, metallic pebbles, Smith River, Cal. Obsidian, black, brown and red, Smith River, Cal. - Hanksite, loose crystals, San Bernardino, Cal. Andalusite, var. Chiastolite, polished matrix specimens with beautiful markings, also polished loose xls., Fresno Co., Cal. Californite, Fresno Co., Cal. Chalcedony and Opal, San Benito, Cal. Stibiotantalite, Mesa Grande, Cal. Calaverite; Cripple Creek, Colo. Pink quartz xls., near Aibuquerque, N. M. Nytramblygonite, Cafion City, Colo. White Labradorite. also cut cabachon and brilliant, southern Oregon. Opalized Wood with sparkling veins of gem opal, Northern Humboldt, Nevada. . Waringtonite, new occurrence, formerly found in Cornwall, Eng.;.also in combination with aurichalcite, Smithsonite, azurite and brochantite, Dry Cafion, Tooela Co., Utah. Brochantite, Azurite, Smithsonite, Aurichalcite, Malachite, Dry Cafion, Utah. lodyrite, Nevada. Zincite and Pyrochroite, eae eale specimen, Franklin Furnace, N. J. Gageite with Zincite-leucophoenicite, Frankiin Furnace, New J ersey. Lapis Lazuli, polished slabs, Baikal, Siberia. Malachite, polished specimens, Ural Mts. Emeralds, fine specimens in matrix, Ural Mts. Alexandrite, Golden Beryl, Aquamarines, Ouvarovite, Perovskite, Pyro- morphite, Ural Mts. Dioptase, Khirgese Steppes, Siberia. Semsyite, xlzd., Felsobanya. Hessite, Botes, "Hungary. Stephanite and Pyrargyrite, Hungary. Blue Chalcedony, xlzd., Hungary. Stibnite specimens and with barite, Hungary. Herrengrundite, Herrengrund, Hun gary. Cinnabar, very choice, with dolomite and white quartz, China. Cinnabar, Spain and California. - Stibnite and Bismuth, Japan. : Kroknkite, large specimens, Chili. Proustite, Chili and Bohemia. Octahedrite, Rathite, Cyanite, Anatase, Switzerland. Argyrodite, Saxony. Liroconite and Tennantite, Cornwall, Eng. Millerite, Westphalia. Embolite and Stolzite, New South Wales. : Opal bird bones and opal shells, N. S. W. Cerussite, New South Wales. Phenacite, gem xls., Brazil. Tourmalines, Brazil; Mesa Grande, Cal.; Elba; Madagascar ; Maine. Synthetic gems; rubies; blue, white, yellow and pink sapphires, all sizes. Further information and prices furnished on request. > et = A. H. PETEREIT, -81—83 Fulton Street, New York City. Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XXXII], 1912. Plate I, SACSAHUAMAN | SS | genie YALE PERUVIAN EXPEDITION CUZCO AND ENVIRONS SURVRYRD AND DRAWN hy KAT HENDRIKSEN RR Statton |) + 4 moor: W PE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE “(FOUREM SERIES. | soe Art. XXVI.—The Discovery of Pre-lMstoric Human Remains near Cuzco, Peru; by. Hiram Bineuam, Director of the Yale Peruvian Expedition. (With Plates I and II.) Tur Yale Peruvian Expedition was organized to do archzeo- logical, geographical, geological, and topographical reconnais- sance. We spent the first part of July, 1911, in and about Cuzco. On the morning of July 6, while walking up a gulch called Ayahuaycco quebrada west of Cuzco (fig. 1), in company with Professor Harry W. Foote, the collector- naturalist of the Expedition, and Dr. William G. ‘Er ving, our surgeon, I noticed — a few bones and several pieces of pottery interstratified with the gravel bank of the gulch and apparently exposed by recent erosion. This led me to examine both sides of the gulch very carefully. A hundred yards above the point where the first bones were noticed we found that erosion had cut through an ancient ash-heap containing a large number of fragments of bones and pottery. Still farther up the gulch and on the side toward Cuzco I discovered a section of stone wall built of roughly finished stones more or less carefully fitted together (fig. 2). At first sight this wall appeared to have been built to prevent further washing away of that side of the gulch. Then I noticed that above the wall and flush with its surface the bank appeared to consist of stratified material, indicating that per- haps the wall antedated the gravel deposits. Fifty feet up the quebrada another portion of wall appeared. Between this and the section first seen the gravel bank some- what protruded. On top of the bank was a cultivated field. _ In order to see whether the wall extended behind this gravel bank, under the field, and whether the two portions were con- tinuous, I excavated and found, after half an hour’s work on the compact gravel, that there was more wall behind the Am. Jour. Sc1.—FourtH SEeRies, Vout. XX XIII, No. 196.—Aprit, 1912. 20 298 . Bingham—Discovery of Pre-Historic Mie. 4 co Fic.1. The Cuzco Valley. The upper photograph shows the Sacsahuaman fortress and is panoramic with the left border of the lower photograph, which shows the Ayahuaycco quebrada. Human Remains near Cuzco, Peru. 299 stratified sides of the gulch (fig. 3). The Prefect of Cuzco later helped me to secure fe services of six Indians, with whose aid we cut through the wall and found it was shear three feet Hines Fic. 2. Stratified gravel overlying a buried wall in Ayahuaycco quebrada. thick and nine feet in height, carefully faced on both sides and filled in with rubble. As this type of stonework is not uncom- mon in the foundations of some of the older buildings in the western part of the city of Cuzco, and as it is usually called by “ 300 H. Bingham—IMscovery of Pre-Historic | the inhabitants Incaic, I was at once struck by the idea that this kind of wall must be very much older than we should be led to suppose by our present ideas of Inca civilization. Such a thesis would be necessary to account for a wall completely covered over to a depth of six or eight feet by a compact gravel bank, a bank later eroded to a depth of ten feet. Fur- Ric. 3 Fic. 8. Portion of buried wall after partial excavation. ther investigation in this part of the gulch revealed numbers of potsherds and bones. A few days later I followed the Ayahuayceo quebrada up to its head, using a road on its east side. In various places I was struck by evidences of ancient civilization. Ash-heaps, recent and ancient, a stone-paved area which may have been a threshing floor or market place, and numbers of bones and + Humun Remains near Cuzco, Peru. 301 Fie. 4. Fie. 4, Ayahuayeco quebrada. Profile view of bluff in which vertebrate remains were found. Cuzco in the middle distance. The man in the fore- ground is standing in front of the excavation. potsherds offered a most interesting field for speculation and study. Ayahuayeco means “ the cadaver quebrada ” or “ dead man’s gulch,’ or “the valley of dead bodies.” There is a ‘ 302 HI. Bingham—Discovery of Pre-Historic tradition that this valley was once used as a burial place for plague victims in Cuzco, possibly not more than three genera- ? 4 i 2 r : ie x : ‘ 234 SRST? * + oF. ae Yer AS Pe Pag Vee 4 Pag F » \ F 23 Pe ( “ ; a , Fic. 5. The bone locality before excavation. The projecting femur first discovered lies directly beneath the hammer. Note the stratification from a point about one foot above the bone down to the base of the bluff. tions ago. Such a story appears to be well borne out by the great number of human bones that occur in thetalus slopes. I was most anxious to see whether anything could be found defi- nitely 2 sztw, where the stratification had not been disturbed. Human Remains near Cuzco, Peru. 303 After proceeding up the valley for more than half a mile it narrowed and the east side, along which I was walking, became very precipitous (fig. 4). The road had apparently recently been widened and this made the bank at this place practically perpendicular. About five feet above the road I saw what at first looked like one of the small rocks which are freely inter- spersed throughout the compact gravel of this region. Some- Fig. 6. Fic. 6. The vertebrate remains after partial excavation. The photograph shows the long narrow lense of vertebrate material and the jumbled state of the bones. The fallen end of the femur, in the lower left-hand corner, was originally in the stratum which the other bones occupied. thing about it led me to examine it more closely, and I then recognized that it was apparently the end of a human bone, probably a femur (fig. 5). I was at once so impressed by the possibilities, in case it should turn out to be true that this was a human bone and had been buried centuries ago under seventy-five or a hundred feet of gravel, that I refrained from disturbing the bone until I could get the geologist and the naturalist of the Expedition to witness its excavation. Professor Isaiah Bowman, who had already made studies in the Central Andes, and was the geolo- gist-geographer of the Expedition, was at this time only a few days away making a preliminary study of the Anta basin. On his return to Cuzco Professor Bowman was requested to make a physiographic study of the gulch in which the human remains had been found. The results of his study are presented in a 304 LH. Bingham—Discovery of Pre-Historic 3 iG. Fic. 7. Looking squarely at the face of the bluff. The bones were col- lected from the excavation between the men at the foot of the hill. separate article following this. Our topographer, Mr. Kai Hendriksen, made a detailed map of the gulch and a rough Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XXXIII, 1912. Plate II. YALE ee EXPEDITION ) Ayahuayeco Quebrada Yi CUZCO, PERU Surveyed and Drawn BY KAL HENDRIKSEN Altitudes based on Railroad Survey Human Remains near Cuzco, Peru. 305 sketch map of the vicinity of Cuzco, showing the relation of the gulch to the well-known ruins in the neighborhood. These maps are also included in the present number (Plates I and II). On the afternoon of July 11 Professor Bowman and I exca- vated the femur and found behind it fragments of a number of other bones. These we took out as carefully as possible. They were excessively fragile. The femur was unable to sup- port four inches of its own weight, and after that much had been excavated the exposed end fell off (ig. 6). The gravel was some- what damp but could hardly be called moist. The bones were dry and powdery. It is difficult to describe their color. Perhaps “ashy grey” is as near as anything. The end of the femur, first seen, was so like the pebbles as to be distinguished from them only with the greatest difficulty. Professor Foote was asked to photograph the wall, portions of the gulch, and the location of the bones, before, during and after the process of excavation. The accompanying illustra- tions were nearly all taken by him (fig. 7). The bones were carried to our hotel, where they were again photographed, soaked in melted vaseline and then packed in cotton batting. On my return to the States in December, the bones were submitted to Dr. George F. Eaton, curator of osteology in the Peabody Museum, for examination. His report is also presented herewith (p. 325). It was a keen disappointment that we were not able to spend more time in Cuzco. Notwithstanding my great inter- est in these prehistoric human remains, I felt that 1t was wiser to carry out the plans originally adopted for the Expedition, although that meant a hurried departure from Cuzco without doing more than is shown by the results presented herewith. It seems to me extremely desirable to continue the work of exploration and excavation in and about Cuzco, for it is highly probable that important data bearing on Inca and pre-Inca civilization may be obtained here. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE Ll. Cuzco and Environs. a: The Cathedral. 6: La Compania. c: La Merced. d: San Fran- cisco. e: SantaClara. f: Hospital. g: Santa Ana. h: Santo Domingo. Intersection of arrows in upper left hand corner indicates location of bone deposit in Ayahuayeco Quebrada. Altitudes based on railroad survey. Contour interval 20 ft. Shaded area: present limits of the city of Cuzco. PLATE II. Ayahuaycco Quebrada. ’ BM 1: Bench mark about 100 ft. west of excavation where human and other bones were found on roadside at base of high bluff. BM 5: Bench mark near talus slopes, containing many bones and potsherds. BM6: Paved area. BM ‘7: Recent ash heaps. BM 8-9-10: Location of buried wall. WT: Watertank. g: Santa Ana church. 4 306 Bowman—Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. Art. XX VII.—(Part Il) Zhe Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains ;* by Isatan Bowman. Historic Cuzco lies at the head of one of the most beautiful intermontane valley-basins in the Central Andes. The broad flat basin floor is deeply cloaked with land waste which also extends well up the bordering slopes and the tributary valleys. High mountains rim about the basin like a gigantic wall and their slopes m a few places lead up to summits snow-covered during the southern winter. The upper grass-covered slopes are the home of mountain shepherds who find in the other- wise unoccupied lands of their bleak territory ample room for their flocks and herds. Upon the lower slopes of the mountains the agricultural Indian breaks a tough sod here and there and plants his chief vegetable, the potato. Farther down, on the fringe of alluvium, are grain fields, potato patches, and bright green alfalfa meadows—almost all irrigated land, intensively cultivated, and supporting a dense popula- tion. Mae The Cuzco basin (fig. 1) is about fifteen miles long. Its width varies from a few hundred yards at the narrow lower outlet of the basin to several miles a little below Cuzco. The floor of the basin is from 11,000 to 11,500 feet above sea level. Dozens of small streams rising in the surrounding highlands follow steep irregular courses and furnish water to the irriga- tion ditches. Among these the Huatanay and the Tulumaynu are the most important. All of these streams bear down quantities of land waste (now much less than formerly) and all have dis- sected the marginal belt of alluvium and even the alluvial floor of the basin, which they formerly built up. Therefore at some time in the recent geologic past the streams of the basin have changed from aggrading to degrading agents. It is in one of the ravines cut into the bordering alluvium that the gravel deposits are exposed in which the Cuzco man was fonnd.t The present city extends up to the mouth of the ravine as shown in fig. 4. The lower ravine appears to have been occupied by man for a long time. Several feet from the surface and interstratitied with the surface material are artificial beds of wood ashes alternating with thin yellowish-brown lay- ers of sand and gravel. It appears that when the present slopes were being fashioned, and before erosion had gashed the alluvium, man inhabited the region and that he has witnessed * Tam indebted to Professors Schuchert, Gregory, Barrell, Lull, and MacCurdy, for criticisms. + For an account of the discovery by Professor Bingham see the preceding paper. oe. Bowman— Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. 307 the change from an aggrading to a degrading surface. A buried wall, the subject of another paper,* points in the same direction. Far up the slopes of uninhabited though still eul- tivated spurs one may find these ash beds, and mingled with them are bones of many kinds, shells, charred corn and quifa, and bits of broken pottery. Though the relations of this sort of material to the surface in every place indicate that man has long been an inhabitant of the region, no antiquity can be claimed for any of that examined during the work of the present expedition, for it all lies buried in but five or six feet of material. It is, however, equally well stratified and shows that the earliest ash and charcoal material was accumulated while alluviation was still going on. This should not, however, be confused with the strong alluviation of the elacial period. The ash material is interstratified with lower, younger, and thinner alluvium whose lowermost layers may be not more than a few thousand years old. Evidences of man’s existence in the Central Andes in late glacial or early post-glacial time were reported by the writer several years ago.t From the position of certain abandoned trails and ruined corrals in the Huasco basin and from the nature of associated strand lines and terraces, it is certain that man lived in the region in early times and that he was contem- poraneous with a large lake where there are at present only a few scattered ponds and marshes. We have now from the Cuzco basin the actual remains of man found embedded in gravels of still earler date. The following paragraphs deal with the geologic and geographic character of the gravel beds in point. “Te their age can be fixed we shall also be able to tell the age of the remains interstratified with them. Summary of Results. A brief summary of the chief features of the case will serve to guide the reader in his interpretation of the details of the problem. The bones found near Cuzco were contemporaneous with the compact gravels in which they were embedded. They were disposed in the form of a lense about 10 feet long and 6 inches thick. From (1) their disposition with respect to each other, (2) their relations with the bedding planes, and (3) their worn condition, it 1s concluded that they were interstratified with the gravel beds. The age of the beds thus becomes the critical factor in the interpretation. From a detailed study of the ‘* A buried wall at Cuzco: Its climatic significance and its relations to the question of a Pre-Inca Race. + Isaiah Bowman, Man and Climatic Change in South America, Geog. Journ. (London), March, 1909, pp. 268-278. 308 Bowman—Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. geology of the upper Cuzco basin with special reference to glacial forms, it is concluded (1) that the beds belong toa elacial series, (2) that the bones were deposited during a period of pronounced alluviation, and (8) that since the deposition of the bones from 75 to 150 feet of gravel were deposited over them and later partly eroded. The age of the vertebrate remains may be provisionally estimated at 20,000 to 40,000 years. The weaknesses of the case lie in the following facts: (1) Certain vertebrate remains* found associated with the human bones may be referred to bison, but they are not sharply dif- ferentiated from the bones of modern cattle. Bison remains have not been found either in other places in the Central Andes or elsewhere in South America. The distinctions between these fragmentary bones and those of modern eattle are not sufficiently well-marked to enable one to say absolutely that they could not be bones of domesticated eattle. Further- more, certain canine bones gathered in connection with the human remains cannot be said to be unlike those of the modern domesticated dog. While both these pieces of evidence are negative in character and do not actually disprove the case, they raise wholesome doubts that can not be dispelled save by further field work, especially excavation. (2) In the second place, there is one untested possibility and until that test is applied the case cannot be said to be proved absolutely. It is within the limits of possibility, although it still seems very unlikely, that the bluff in which the bones were found may be faced by younger gravel and that the bones were found in a gravel veneer deposited during later periods of partial valley filling. Until excavation is carried on, the interpretation must rest, not upon all the facts, as X, but upon X-1 facts. Indeed excavation may show that ‘the facts in hand are really xX or X-3 in number. Criteria. In determining the age of buried human remains account must be taken of two guiding principles : (1) The remains and the beds in which they are found must be proved to be contemporaneous. (2) The age of the beds must be determined by independent means. The possibility of landslips, of recent changes im the beha- vior of streams, and of burial by human hands or by ani- mals, must be considered in minutest detail. This is forced * For both the nature of the vertebrate material and the characteristics of the individual bones see the report by Dr. George F. Eaton in this number of the Journal (p. 329). Bowman—CGeologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. 309 upon one not only by the rigid demands of scientific method but also because failure to collect and interpret all data bearing on the problem may lead to unsatisfactory conclusions and has in fact cast doubt on the authenticity of one after another of the reported discoveries of human remains. It is, therefore, essential that the structure and composition of the deposits, the conditions of burial, and the physiographic history of the region be discussed in detail. If human remains were common in hard rock of Tertiary or Cretaceous age the case would be quite different. The in- durated rock would show such clear signs of disturbance in case of burial as to leave no one in doubt; the lapse of time after deposition would be so great that a certain degree of fossilization would have resulted; morphological. differences between the buried bones and the bones of existing forms would be distinguishable ; associated fossils world supply col- lateral evidence as to age. Butin America the conditions are far from this ideal. Human remains are always reported from loose surface material ; if the material is gravel the question of stratification arises; even if the remains are interstratified they . show no prominent variations from existing types; and in almost all cases no other fossils accompany the remains to throw hght upon their geologic relations. INTERSTRATIFICATION OF BONES AND GRAVEL. The coarse gravels in which the Cuzco man was found are rudely stratified in places; in other places they are very markedly stratified. The stratification at the precise locality where the bones lay was coarse though the pebbles range in size from a pea to a walnut and are mixed with ordinary yellow quartz sand. The bones themselves formed part of a stratum of shghtly finer material, and occurred in the form of a layer about ten feet long and six inches thick (fig. 6). Stratification within the limits of the six-inch layer was observed. It shows clearly in the photograph, fig. 5. Not only were the gravels about and within the six-inch layer disposed in a stratified manner but the bones themselves were in positions signifying natural deposition by water rather than artificial deposition through human burial. With refer- ence to a vertical plane they lay in a jumbled state; all were essentially flat with reference to a horizontal plane. One rib lay at the extreme right end of the ten-foot limit, another at the extreme left. Mixed with the human remains were bones of a bison, a wolf, anda l!ama. There can be no question of the plain facts in the case as regards interstratification. 310 Bowman—Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. We must now consider the possibility of landslip. A block of gravel may slide by slow degrees from the top of a bluff and come to rest at the foot with stratification intact and with a dip in conformity with that of the beds in the undisturbed parent mass. In such a ease it is evident that (1) between the disturbed and the undisturbed masses a break will occur and (2) both the material and the thickness and alternation of the beds will show marked contrasts on the two sides of the break. Now the bluff in which the Cuzco man was found is to some extent ravined and broken by landslips. East of the locality a series of small slips extend down valley for several hundred feet with characteristics quite unlike the undisturbed condition of the lense containing the bones. The line of separation between them and the parent mass is everywhere ragged with both horizontal and vertical variations. Material has been dragged down from an upper surface and is exposed to view near the bottom of the ravine. Such material exhibits recent unfos- silized shells, even human bones and pieces of broken pottery, carbonized wood and corn, and the ashes of old and long-aban- doned hearths or camp fires. No one who sees these clear evidences of the displacement of material by landslips can fail to see the necessity for giving the mass containing the human remains the most rigid exami- nation. At first sight the immediate surroundings indeed sug- gest a jandslip. Immediately above the stratum containing the bones was a break in the face of the bluff about four feet long (fig. 5). It rose in a curved line about two feet above the layer in which the bones were disposed and suggested the upper part of a grave, especially as the break exhibited a mould of organic material. After the excavation work was done, as much care was exercised in the examination of this break as in the gathering of the bones. Upon excavation of the gravel alone the line of the break and forward from it two facts were discovered : (1) the break extended downward but a few inches and merged into hard undisturbed material in which the bed- ding planes ran apparently without interruption from within the main gravel mass to the outer edge of the bluff; (2) the mould consisted principally of a fungous growth mixed with a few species ot lichens. At tirst the mould-covered material seemed quite out of harmony with the undisturbed structure of the gravel beneath it, but when a larger area of bluff face had been examined a clear explanation was afforded quite apart from the idea of a grave. Anywhere along the faces of these gravel blufis one may find the same material disposed in the same way. The break afforded an opportunity for the display of the mould but was in no way related to it. Upon the outermost surface of Bowman— Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. 311 the bluff was an earthy coating deposited from the clouds of dust raised by the feet of passing flocks and caravans. ‘The same gray-yellow appearance is exhibited upon all surfaces not recently eroded. Upon removing the thin surtace of such a bluff one comes upon what might be called an under surface somewhat like the under layer of skin on the human body and upon or in this are countless hosts of fungi. Their branching filaments or hyphae ramify through every pore; by scraping away the surface carefully one may exhibit a oreat area of fungous- -covered gravel. Beyond the outer film of material Fic. 8. Flat-topped spur Vertebrate eek Fig. 8.* Topographic profile of ravine in which the vertebrate remains were found, Compare with figs. 1, 4, 7, and 9. Scale: 1 inch = 200 feet, vertical and horizontal. Shaded area represents bed rock exposed in tribu- tary ravine. Degrees indicate declivity of ravine slopes at different eleva- tions. one comes in turn upon the yellow unmodified gravel free from dust and fungi. The linear distance from the face of the bluff to the undisturbed material is never more than two or three inches and generally but a half inch to an inch. The structure of the main mass of material in which the bones were deposited may be observed in a ravine but fifty feet west of the bone locality. The unbroken character of the mass, its stratified condition, the fact that it les as it was deposited with moderate inclination of the material down- valley, its smooth upper surface (fig. 1), its compact condition, the entire absence of recent material within the body of the gravel,—all these are features easy of observation and about which it would seem there could néver be any question either as regards the facts or their interpretation. Across the ravine from the bone locality a tributary gully extends far into the undisturbed gravels (fig. 9); the coarse- ness of the material, its degree of stratification, and its angle * Wor figures 1-7 inclusive see preceding article. ‘ 312 Bowman—Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. of inclination agree almost exactly with the characteristics of the mass in which the bones were discovered. That a land- slip of even large size should take place in such a manner as to lead to equality of related features on opposite sides of a ravine lies almost beyond the realm of possibilities. It is of course possible that a break may exist of which there is no surface indication, a break to be discovered only by extensive excavation. Even in that event the explanation requires no Fie. 9. Fic.9. South side of ravine of fig. 8. Complementary to fig. 4. The channel on the left is common to both photographs. important modification. That the bones should be covered with 75 to 150 feet of gravel in any position is the fact of out- standing importance. The progressive deflection of the stream to the north as shown in figs. 4 and 8 has given the bluff a very steep descent. Only a rather newly-made bluff in a dry climate would be expected to retain for any length of time such a sharp profile. The lower ten-foot section is almost vertical (88°), a condition due to artificial steepening in constructing Bowman— Geologic [relations of the Cuzco Remains. 3138 the road seen in fig. 4. From the nature of the road-bed and the bluff it is inferred that the bluff originally had a profile rep- resented by the broken line of fig. 8 (left, bottom). The con- struction of the road, therefore, further steepened a naturally steep bluff and carried the face of it back far enough to expose one end of a buried bone. It is possible that in building the road other associated bones were excavated and lost ; also that much more material of a similar nature might still ‘be found. Further excavation was impossible, however, because of other problems and because of the desire to leave the bluff (at least for the present) relatively undisturbed, so that interested stu- dents might see it almost in its original condition. PHYSIOGRAPHIC DETERMINATIONS. When the geologic history of comparatively fresh deposits is desired, the application of physiographic principles is indis- pensable. Fossils may be wholly absent, or if present may be so closely related to the existing fauna and flora as to be of little value. In the present case we have to determine, first, a problem in structural geology—whether or not the bones occurred interstratified in deposits m place; and, second, and more important, the age of the deposits as determined (1) by the topographic forms developed on them and (2) by their geo- graphic relations. The facts of structure are in this case rel- atively simple. The physiographic facts and relations are much more complex, though it is believed that they are no less substantial and convincing. That the reader may have a proper guide in the examination of the evidence, I shall at once present the conclusions that the facts in the succeeding paragraphs seem to establish : 1. The deposits in which the vertebrate remains were found have the same age as deposits of similar composition and topographic relations all about the borders of the Cuzco basin. 2. The deposits belong to the glacial series; and to the latter of two main groups. 3. They were formed in a time of glaciation on the sur- rounding highlands and of alluviation in the valleys. 4. Since the burial of the Cuzco man thick bodies of gravel were deposited, and later eroded. 5. Since the deep erosion of the gravels there have been two minor periods of alluviation. 6. The gravels of glacial derivation rest upon (a) deformed _and eroded sedimentary rocks of Tertiary and Paleozoic age and (b) igneous rock of pre-Tertiary age. The principal geologic and physiographic relations are shown in fio, 10. “The higher summits and intermediate slopes are Am. Jour. Scr. —Fourti SERIES, Vou. XXXII, No. 196.—Aprit, 1912. 2 x 314 Bowman—Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. developed upon pre-Tertiary rock. Tertiary strata underlie the benchland of the middle distance and appear as alternating light and dark bands in fig. 18. Upon the Tertiary shales, clays, and sandstones are the glacial gravels and sands. They consist of a finer, older series, overlaid by a coarser, younger series ; and both are now in process of dissection. ‘Not only Races 0! Fie. 10. Distant snow-capped mountains, part of Cuzco Valley in middle distance, and two series of glacial deposits, with unconformable relations, in the foreground. the differences of composition, but also the line of separation between the two series of gravels may be clearly seen in fig. 10. The glacial gravels of the Cuzco basin occur on all of the lower and most of the higher valley slopes and floors. They lie upon older eroded rock and are themselves being eroded at a rapid rate to-day no matter what their position. It follows that they represent a period in which erosion was halted upon all those slopes and on the floors of all those valleys on which fi Bowman— Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. 315 they lie. They could not have been formed under present conditions, for they are being eroded by the existing streams. They were formed during a time when waste was being shed from all of the higher valley heads and mountain slopes and collected principally on the lower slopes. Wherever the gravel deposits are traced into the higher valleys they may be seen to interlock or interfinger with glacial deposits—actual moraines or irregular masses of unstratified material. The interlocking relation is observable at a number of points in the Cuzco basin and is, besides, one of the most common relations throughout the Central Andes. I have studied similar cases all the way from southern Bolivia to central Pern. Further- more, the condition is widely encountered im other continents : it has been noted in both North America and Europe under such a variety of topographic relations that its meaning is one of the clearest in physiographic geology. It would require no further emphasis were it not for the great importance attach- ing to it in the present instance. It is characteristic of glacial gravels and sands that they occur in many valleys whose heads were not occupied by the ice. Among this class are the deposits in the ravine in which the human remains were found. It is inferred, however, that they have the same age as those which exhibit an interlocking relation in adjacent valleys. This appears at first sight to border so closely on mere analogy, that particular attention should be directed to the following argument for their age. Starting at the glaciated head of any of the higher vaileys of the Cuzco basin, one passes down over the morainic deposits to the more regularly distributed and stratified alluvium of the middle and lower sections of the valley. At the valley mouths one looks out upon a great belt of alluvium fringing the lower slopes and appearing to extend tongue-like up all the tributary valleys. The plane of the surface on which one stands is coin- cident with that of the surface of the adjacent deposits. There is lack of continuity only where some more massive or some longer spur extends far out into the basin, though such breaks are rare. One can find no marked differences between the deposits of the unglaciated and the glaciated valleys. In all cases the material is coarse, in all cases it leads to upper rocky slopes stripped bare of waste: the upper surfaces of the deposits of both the glaciated and the unglaciated valleys fall into a common plane: both have the same geographic position: along their common border, the deposits interlock in as clear a manner as do the glacial and alluvial material at the glaciated valley heads: both classes are benched, showing that there has been at least one important halt in the cutting down of the deposits since their formation. These are not accidental con- 316 Bowman—Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. cordanees ; for they would imply a repetition of accidents of both time and place. There are, to be sure, certain differences between the deposits, but they are differences of detail. The deposits at the mouths of the larger valleys are thicker ; while both classes are coarse, those from the glaciated valley heads are coarser; though both classes are eroded and are being eroded, the thicker deposits are eroded to a greater depth, though as a rule at a higher absolute elevation. The principal characteristics of the belt of alluvium are brought out in figs. 1 and 10. That the deposits of these two classes are contemporaneous points conclusively to some climatic condition which affected both alike, whether or not that condition led, as in some eases, to glaciation. It is inferred from the former extension of gla- cial systems that the climate of the Pleistocene was colder: it nas not always been necessary from the conditions of a given place also to postulate greater precipitation, though such a postulate is imperative in many cases, including the one under consideration. The basis for the inference is relatively simple. Before the Pleistocene, waste supply and waste removal main- tained a certain balance whereby large quantities of waste clung to the upper slopes, while another part of the waste was transported down valley without important aggradation. With the advent of the Pleistocene, waste was shed more rapidly from the upper slopes than it could be removed from the lower slopes and a fringe of alluvium was formed. That this should result in valleys whose heads were unglaciated means that a greater amount of water and snow (water by later periodic melting) fell on these valleys, and if on these valleys on all vallevs tributary to the basin. The conditions governing the actual formation of glaciers on the mountains about Cuzco are relatively few in number. Glaciers formed (1) in those valleys that reached above 12,500 feet, (2) in valleys with headwater tributaries able to supply important masses of snow or ice. Fig. 11 represents a glaci- ated valley at 13,000 feet. It has an extensive system of tributary slopes and minor valleys extending up to summits above 14,000 feet, where snow now collects in important amounts during the southern winter. Neighboring unglaci- ated valleys have few contributing slopes and a lower summit altitude. The topographic characters of the glaciated portions of the valleys about Cuzco are strongly marked. Glacial striz occur, though these are relatively few in number since the rock in so many instances is soft and upon exposure to weathering the strie are soon destroyed. The lowest marks of glaciation are at 12,250 feet (aneroid), in the valley of the Chacimayu south- Bowman— Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. 317 west of Cuzco.* In many valleys glacial features are devel- oped at a much higher level. In other valleys outside the Cuzco basin the limits of glaciation are much lower. For example, between Ollantaytambo and Torontoy, well-developed terminal moraines at least 400 feet high stand but 8,500 feet (aneroid) above sea level. Besides strize the glaciated valleys exhibit slopes of character- Mies Fig. 11. Glaciated head of the Chacimayu valley. Note the smooth floor and steep sides. Looking up-valley from station in which fig. 12 was taken. istic pattern. Fig. 11 represents the glaciated head of the Chacimayn; fig. 12 represents the unglaciated lower and * Near the fortress of Sacsahuaman, north of Cuzco, is a famous grooved and striated knob of rock. The remarkable nature of the grooves has often been described though never properly interpreted. Proof that the surface was slickensided and not glaciated will be presented in a later paper on the geology and geography of the Cuzco basin. 318 Bowman— Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. middle portions of the same valley. The two photographs were taken from the same point, so that the foreground of the one may be identified in the other. The glaciated portion of the valley is marked by a smooth and locally flat floor, steep marginal walls (in places precipitous), a ground moraine, and a flatter gradient than the unglaciated valley Fie. 12. Fie. 12. Middle section of the Chacimayu valley showing alluvium on valley floor and sides and the absence of glacial features. Looking down- valley from station in which fig. 11 was taken. exhibits. Like the alluvium in the lower valleys, certain features are here in process of destruction, and could not have been made under existing conditions. The steep mar- ginal walls are in ‘process of dissection, and the resulting waste is spread over the margins of the valley floor. The lower end of the glaciated portion of the valley is being invaded by ravines Bowman— Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. 319 tributary to the unglaciated part of the valley. In time the entire flat-floored portion will be dissected to the point where no flat floor remains; the steep marginal walls will ultimately be reduced in gradient, and the strize obliterated. The form of the upper valley will then harmonize with the form of the unglaciated portion of the valley farther down. If the gravels had been deposited in post-glacial time, glacial forms in the valley heads would be destroyed by that great headwater ero- sion which the valley alluvium demands. The bluff in whose face the Cuzco man and associated ver- tebrate remains were found leads up by steep slopes to a broad, smooth, and almost flat-topped gravel spur, one of a group of spurs whose upper surfaces fall into a common plane as in fig. 1. In all cases the borders of the spurs are marked by bluffs of steep descent, indeed in many cases they are unscalable and the infrequent paths run by selected routes. The highest bluffs rise several hundred feet above the valley floors. Their height and steepness are clearly dependent on the climate, which is semi-arid and marked by light, infrequent rains. Seepage lines are rare and occur only at low levels. So coarse and steep are the bluffs, so well drained, and so scantily watered that many of them exhibit not the slightest sign of seepage though all bear on their surfaces and margins signs of _water action. Later alluvium derived from older rock waste is in evidence everywhere either as a fringe about the bases of the bluffs or as long trailing masses of gravel along the dry channels of the tributary streams. The relation of the bones to the surface of the bluff leads to some important considerations. The finding of material on the immediate face of the bluff does not merely by virtue of that position indicate with certainty natural burial during the upbuilding of the formation and reéxposi:re as a result of present erosion. Though the bluff is very steep, a number of plant forms cling to it. These catch particles of falling or sliding material and even pieces of pottery. In a number of cases it was noted that the vegetation responsible for such obstruction in time dies and may be entirely or almost entirely removed. Surficial objects are then left attached to the face of the bluff, from which they may be easily removed. The steeper the bluff the more difficult the retention on a sloping surface becomes. The patchy mantle of foreign mate- rial is always loose, unstratified, fine-textured, and in strong contrast to the undisturbed material directly beneath it. As contrasted to such surface drift, it is noteworthy that the verte- brate remains were not on the face of the bluff but eight inches back from the face measuring to the median line of the deposits: also that they were stratified with the gravels, 320 Bowman—Geologic Relation of the Cuzco Remains. mixed with material of about the same texture and compo- sition, and that they lay in a nearly horizontal plane. The form of the bluff at the locality in point may be appre- ciated by the photograph, fig. 4, and by the profile, fig. 10, based on measurements. The topographic relations and the Haeeds: Fic. 18. Mountains on the border of the Cuzco basin. The white strata of the terrace at the foot of the mountain are of Tertiaryage. The alluvium covered floor of the basin shows in the foreground. eeographic position may be understood from the maps (Plates I and II), which exhibit so many details that further description is hardly required. AGE OF DEPOSITS. In order that the antiquity of these remains may be con- sidered in a concrete way, we shall now examine the deposits with a view to determining their age. It may be clearly seen from fig. 10 that the coarse gravels of the region are the upper- Ty eT Bowman— Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. 321 most of two glacial series. The coarse deposits and not the lower fine deposits have intimate relations with glacial material in the higher valleys. Therefore the coarse deposits were formed at the time of the last glaciation. Although two periods of glaciation may be identified throughout the Central Andes, I have nowhere been able to find any evidence of great differences of age. The lower, finer, eroded deposits appear to be in as fresh a condition as the overlying coarse material both at the contact and below it. This suggests that the deposits may correspond to those of the earlier and later Wis- consin glacial stages, the last in a series of six glacial epochs of which evidence is found in central North America. The topographic and drainage relations that in the United States have made it possible to estimate the age of the deposits of the last glacial invasions, and indeed of some of the earlier ones, are not duplicated in the Central Andes; nor have I been able to find other relations that will serve the same pur- pose. Estimates of the age of glacial deposits in South America rest upon comparison with elacial deposits in the northern hemisphere and the conclusion that glaciation was contempo- raneous in the two hemispheres; in other words, that the cli- | matic conditions which produce glaciation are of cosmic origin. Although I have studied the glacial deposits of the Central Andes in a great variety of climates and have examined glacial deposits in six of our northern states and in Canada, I can see no essential difference in the degree of weathering. The striking feature in all cases is the freshness of the material and the comparatively youthful, in many cases merely incipient, erosion of glacial forms. Direct evidence of contemporaneity has been presented by Steinmann.* In a later paper the writer will present a new line of evidence in support of the same conclusion. If we take contemporaneous glaciation in the northern and southern hemispheres as the basis for further consideration, we shall have as the age of the older deposit of the first epoch 40,000 to 150,000 years and the age of the later coarse deposits in which the Cuzco man was found as 20,000 to 60,000 years. The layers in which the bones were found do not lie higher than midway in the coarser series ; I should be inclined, were it not for the remains in them, to place them in the lower half of the coarser series, which would give them 40,000 to 60,000 years.t A conservative statement then is that the bones appear to be from 20,000 to 40,000 years old, or that they have *Uber Diluvium in Siid-Amerika, von G. Steinmann, Sonder-Abdruck aus den Monatsberichte der deutschen-geologischen Gesellschaft, Jahrg. 1906, Nr. 8/10. +See Chamberlin and Salisbury, Geology, vol. iii, 1906, p. 420. 322 Bowman— Geologic Lelations of the Cuzco Remains. been buried from three to six times longer than the historic period. The Scandinavian geologists argue for a much shorter post- glacial period than American geologists have heretofore con- ceded.* Their time estimates, calculated on the basis of the thickness, rate of formation and character of clay and bog deposits, give the post-glacial period a length of 15,000 to 20,000 years or less. We have to note of course that their results, based on facts gathered much nearer the center of an old ice field, are not strictly comparable with results from Niagara and the Finger Lakes district, near the edge of the glaciated country. All of these figures should be regarded as rough estimates which express an opinion, or as a calculation with a wide margin of error. CONDITIONS OF BURIAL. One asks at once how the bones could be preserved for so long a period. We are all familiar with the decayed condition of bones buried for even a short period of 20, 50, or 100 years. The bones of the Cuzco man are distinctly weathered but they do not fall apart. They are so fragile that we broke some of them in excavation though we used great care; yet they are sufficiently firm, or at least some of them are, to display a clean mark when scratched with the knife. On the whole their comparative freshness is striking in view of a probable age of 20,000 to 40,000 years. On the other hand, it must be remembered that human bones equally well preserved have been recovered from the shell heaps and kitchen-middens of Europe; that human bones no more decayed than these have been found in far older glacial deposits in France, Switzerland, and England; and that more important than the question of state of decay is the question of conditions of burial. The position of the bones within the zone of weathering, the char- acter of the material, the climatic conditions, and the state of the bones at the time of burial are all-important considerations which are discussed in the following paragraphs. The bones of the Cuzco man, as well as the related verte- brate remains, all show a certain degree of erosion as if they had been for a short time in the grip of a stream. The finer details are wanting and projecting points are moderately worn. The facts that only the projecting points are rounded and the finer detail lost on the more exposed portions and that the amount of erosion is small argues distinctly in favor of the fresh- ness of the material at the tume of burial. It the bones had *See especially the collection of papers published by the International Geological Congress, Stockholm, 1910, under the title: ‘‘ Die Veranderungen des Klimas seit dem Maximum der letzten Eiszeit.” Bowman—Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. 323 been decayed before being caught by the aggrading stream, their more fragile portions would be worn, though not without respect to exposure of more projecting parts. The projecting points are not necessarily the parts to decay more readily. It may be safely argued from these two conditions also that the bones were decidedly fresh at the time of burial, a condition favoring long preservation. The bones lay in the zone of weathering, that is to say in the zone between the surface and the ground water. At the time the deposits were forming over them they undoubtedly lay for a part of the time in the ground water and not in the zone of weathering. When the deposits were later eroded and the present ravines formed, the level of the ground-water zone was lowered to the point where the bones once more lay in the zone of weathering. The rate of weathering is, however, not uniform in this zone ; it is accelerated by strong temperature changes, by pronounced rise and fall of the ground water with the wet and the dry seasons, and by a greater amount of capil- lary water surrounding the soil grains. It is also hastened by soil acids which in turn depend upon conditions of drainage and of vegetable growth, being most abundant where the veg- etation is abundant and the drainage poor. Organic material buried in the gravel deposits of the Cuzco region at some depth in general would be well-preserved because of (1) the thorough drainage, (2) the absence of impor- tant amounts of vegetable acids in the soils owing to the rapid drainage and the scanty vegetation, (3) the absence of strong changes in temperature during the greater part of the period of burial, and (4) occurrence during the later stages of erosion on the face of a bluff where, though air could penetrate, the bones were surrounded by material almost air-dry. Tur NATURE OF THE EVIDENCE. Very few of the published arguments for the antiquity of human remains rest, as in the present instance, upon physio- _ graphic facts. It is, therefore, necessary to indicate the nature of the physiographic evidence herein presented, its strong and its weak points, and particularly, the necessity forits use. The gravels have no fossils that in themselves throw lght upon the age of the beds; the long erosion interval between the inclined and dissected Tertiary strata and the glacial gravels overlying them still further reduces the value of purely strati- graphic evidence; and the gravels are in process of vigorous dissection to-day, hence they were formed at some past time. We have, then, to deal with a phase of recent geologic history, without being able to rely upon any facts of structure or 324 Bowman—Geologic Relations of the Cuzco Remains. stratigraphy. It follows, that without a recognition of the physiographic evidence, no determinations of the geologic age of the deposits could be made. Indeed, archeeology in general deals so constantly with surface deposits, their thickness, rate of formation, geologic relations and probable age, that archeeo- logic collections can not be properly made if related physio- graphic facts are ignored. The original plan of the Expedition did not include execava- tion or detailed archeeologic work, nor was any effort made to do highly detailed geologic work. It was essentially an explo- ratory expedition. Furthermore, I came to the study of the bones, and the gravels in which they were embedded, with grave doubts as to the value of the find. A rather extended reading of anthropologie literature bearing on the antiquity of man convinced me, some years ago, that almost all of our reported cases of buried human remains in North America are not authentic, or the arguments are not sound. I expected to find some doubtful evidence that would entirely destroy any supposed value the Cuzco material might have. Upon exami- nation the geologic evidence appeared very convincing and the proof clear. At the least a detailed study of the physio- graphic geology of the head of the Cuzco basin was demanded. When this study had been completed, I again returned to the bone locality, in a skeptical frame of mind, prepared to find some fact that would destroy my former arguments. There is not the slightest thread on which I am able to hang any positive doubt, save the arch of material over the bones. It was at first thought to be either the natural arch of the top of a grave or a dividing plane between an earlier and a later deposit, and that the bones lay in the outer, later deposit, made long after the glacial period. The former hypothesis proved to be untenable, because the gravel became firm before the bones were reached, while excavating downward from the crack. In testing the latter hypothesis, a similar difficulty arose. No break could be found between the stratified gravel of fig. 5 and the stratified gravel in the steepest part of the bluff. Although a search was made for signs of a break, show- ing that erosion was followed by alluviation, and for facts showing that the fill material contained the bones, nothing con- clusive or even suggestive could be found. If, upon excavation, material should be found which clearly indicates the burial of remains belonging to species introduced by the Spaniards, it will have to be concluded that a break exists between the gravels on the face of the bluff and the gravels in the main mass of the spur. It will then be neces- sary, even if not before, to excavate until the position and character of the break are definitely determined. Should such G. F. Eaton— Remains of Man and Lower Animals. 325 evidence be found (and only excavation appears to be capable - _ of finding it), we shall have to conclude that the lowest terrace was still aggrading at the time of the Spanish Conquest and that after the aggradation cycle had been completed, degrada- tion followed, the valley being worn down to a depth of about thirty feet. ) The bovine cannon bone and rib of the Cuzco collection resemble bison more than they do modern domesticated cattle. -But apart from the present find there is no evidence that the bison existed in South America, and while it is possible that its remains may yet be found, it is very suggestive that none have been reported until now. It is, of course, necessary always to find the first occurrence. Nevertheless, there is a basis for doubt in the fact that the species has escaped discovery until now. Further excavation is needed, for the same body of gravels may yield material that will put the conclusions upon a more solid foundation. If later studies should yield evi- dence in favor of the conclusion that the material belongs to the Spanish period, we shall have still the fact of inter- stratification as a starting point, and the conclusions based upon that fact will have almost equal interest with the conclusions here stated, as to the glacial age of the material. Changes of such magnitude indicate a swing of the climatic pendulum but little short of remarkable. Art. XX VIII—feport on the Remains of Man and of Lower Animals from the Vicinity of Cuzco, Peru; by GrorGE F. Harton. THE vertebrate remains described in this report were dis- covered in the vicinity of Ouzco, Peru, by Professor Hiram Bingham, Director of the Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911. To him I am indebted for the privilege of studying this inter- esting and valuable collection. Under the List of Genera and Species are enumerated the specimens that are sufficiently characteristic for identification. Each bone is numbered in this List, so that by turning to the corresponding numbers in the following Description ot Mate- rial, further information regarding the more important speci- mens may be found. 326 G. F. Haton—LRemains of Man and Lower Animals. List oF GENERA AND SPECIES. Homo sapiens. (Representing at least three individuals.) . A fragment of the cranium. An imperfect 5th thoracic rib. An imperfect 9th thoracic rib. Fragments of a right os innominatum. A nearly complete right femur. An imperfect left femur. A fragment of a right femur. Several fragments of the shaft of a left femur. WaT OP WON Canis sp. 9. The shaft of a left tibia. Bos sp. 10. A left metatarsus. 11. A fragment of a right radius. 12, A fragment of a Ist right thoracic rib. Lama guanacus. 13. A nearly complete left tibia. 14. The ends of a left tibia. 15. A fragment of a left humerus. 16. A left caleaneum. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL. Homo sapiens. The human remains comprise the following specimens: 1. An irregular fragment of a right parietal bone, measuring about 75° along the sagittal suture and 2:°0™ along the coronal suture. Posteriorly the fragment is about 6°0™ wide. The sutures are moderately tortuous, and the bone, which is of fair but not remarkable thickness, is presumably from an adult skull. The outer and inner tables are firm and well preserved, the latter showing the Pacchionian depressions and the charac- teristic grooves made by the branches of the middle meningeal artery. It is, of course, useless to attempt to describe the particular type of cranium represented by such a small frag- ment further than to state that the sagittal and transverse curvatures are moderate rather than extreme, and present no G. F. Laton—Lemains of Man and Lower Animals. 327 Bie ch, Fie. 14.* General view of the principal human bones. indications whatever of pathological or artificial deformation. The fragment is too short to show the presence or absence of an interparietal bone, the so-called os Ince. 2. An incomplete right 5th thoracic rib. * For figures 1-13 inclusive see the two preceding articles. ° 328 G. F. Katon—Remains of Man and Lower Animals. MiGs as: ABV bi Mina ea Fic. 15. General view of the bone fragments and of some of the human bones of fig. 14. 3. The greater part of a right 9th thoracic rib of fairly robust character, though not of especially large size. 4. An incomplete right os innominatum in four fragments. Practically all that is “preserved is the ilium, the pubis being G. F. Haton—Remains of Man and Lower Animals. 329 - Jost, as well as nearly the whole of the ischium, with the excep- tion of a little of the ischiatic portion of the acetabulum. The imperfect condition of this bone and the absence of the sacrum render it impossible to measure all the pelvic diameters and to calculate the conventional pelvic indices; but an approximate idea of the size of the pelvis may be obtained from the follow- ing linear measurements : From the posterior superior spine to the anterior superior spine, 16°0%, From the summit of the iliac crest to the nearest point on the acetabular rim, 12-0. This bone is of massive form throughout, with well-devel- oped rugosities.. That it is from a male skeleton is further shown by the absence of a prae-auricular sulcus. Possibly this pelvis belonged to the same individual as the bone next described. 5. A nearly complete right femur. The contours of the ends of this bone are massive in proportion to its length, and the shaft also is well developed, though not especially large. It is necessary to record here only a few of the measurements that have been taken of this femur, in order to indicate its essential form. : Measurements of Femur, Bone 4. (1) Physiological length, or length in oblique position 42°4°™ (2); Mroeitamtenicy lencthey. (hoy ae 41°] * (8) Transverse diameter at a point 3°™ distal to the most prominent part of the lesser trochanter -_--_--- 3°6 (4) Antero-posterior diameter at same point .--.-_.--.- 2°6 (5) Index of superior platymeria = ie Wn eee 72-2 (This is a ratio, not a metric length.) (6) Transverse diameter at middle of shaft... .._-_-- a Bae (7) Antero-posterior diameter at middle of shaft. -_--. -- 2°9 (8) Proximal breadth, taken from the free surface of — the head across the great trochanter __--..---- 9°6 (OQ); Vexntical diameter of head. = "2 5 pet. 4°8 (10) Transverse diameter of head ..-. .--..--.-.-.---- 4°7 (11) Collo-diaphysial angle, paresis eres 6 LP 9° (12) Maximum transverse diameter of distal epiphysis..- 88°" The distal end of the femur is also characterized by a wide inter-condylar notch. No comparison can be made of the antero- posterior lengths of the condyles, as the median condyle is imperfect. The curvature of ‘the shaft is slight. The linea aspera is prominent, as indicated by the pilastric index. of ~ Am. Jour, Sct.—FourtH’ SERIES, VoL. XX XIII, No. 196.—Aprin, 1912: ! 22 330 G. F. Eaton—Remains of Man and Lower Animais. 107:7, obtained from the diameters at the middle of the shaft. The gluteal line is well developed, but there is no actual third trochanter. The anterior inter-trochanteric line is indistinetly marked, and the anterior surface of the shaft immediately below this line is slightly concave, while the external surface of the upper part of the shaft is bowed a little outward. The resulting platymeria, or femoral flattening, does not, on the whole, afford any satisfactory racial indications. Manouvrier attributes platymeria to excessive use of certain muscles of the leg in climbing steep slopes—a theory that is not ill-suited to the present case, the topography and geology of the region where the bone was found also favoring the supposition that we have to do with a hili-man or mountaineer. The form and size of this femur, as recorded in the fore- going measurements and description, fall within the range of femoral variation in normal adult male Peruvians of the later Inca period. I have already stated that this femur may possibly have belonged to the same individual as the pelvic fragments, bone 4. The two bones are of compatible size and form, and would represent a thickset and muscular man about 5 feet and 4 inches (1°625”) in height (fig. 14). It is clear that no proof of great antiquity can be drawn from the characters of the human skeletal parts submitted to me, agreeing, as they do, in all essential respects with the bones of a recent people. Until additional skeletal material is obtained, showing characters more primitive than those already noted, the burden of proof of great antiquity must rest on geological and paleontological evidence. 6. An imperfect left femur of considerably smaller size than that designated as number 5. While of the same general type as the larger bone, it is a little less robust in its propor- tions. The proximal end is poorly preserved and the distal end is missing. A very crude calculation gives a physio- logical length of 38-0°" (15 inches). 7. The proximal portion of a right femur of nearly the same size and form as number 6. 8. Several fragments from the shaft of a left femur of about the same size as number 6. Canis sp. 9. The shaft of a left tibia. Although this bone is much battered, and both ends have been broken off, it is clearly from the skeleton of a wolf or wolf-like dog. It closely resembles the tibia of a small Gray Wolf, Canis occidentalis. In this connection it is interesting to note that three distinct varieties or breeds of domestic dogs are known to have existed in Peru during the later Inca period. Dr. Nehring has described G. F. Katon—Remains of Man and Lower Animals. 331 these as follows: (1) A small-sized breed of the bulldog or pugdog type, characterized by a short snout, with undershot jaw; (2) a small house-dog like a Dachshund, with slender snout; and (3) a larger slender-limbed dog, with wolf-like skull, originally described by Tschudi under the name Canis inge pecuarvus. According to Dr. Nehring, the two smaller breeds were derived from the larger wolf-like variety, which, he states, was itself derived from the American wolf. The presence of a tibia of a large wolf-like dog among the bones collected at Cuzco, while it offers no proof. of oreat antiquity, certainly does not in any way render such a view untenable. Bos sp. 10. The metatarsus, or “cannon bone,” of the left hind leg. The length of the bone without the distal epiphysis, which was not preserved, is 19:0°", or 74 inches. Subsequent to the loss of the epiphysis, and prior to deposition in the locality where found, the bone has been eroded to such an extent that the sharp edges of its modelling are destroyed. 11. A small fragment of a right radius. Oy A fragment. lOiuea Uist right thoracie rib. Realizing the importance of determining whether these bovine remains belong to a feral or to a domestic race, I have endeavored to obtain all possible evidence on this difficult question. As these fragmentary bones (10, 11, and 12) are among the least characteristic parts of the skeleton, their exact specific identification is beset with almost insuperable dithicul- ties. While it is a simple matter to distinguish the hind cannon bone of a slender-limbed dairy cow from that of an adult Bison, a careful study of a large series of specimens shows that metatarsi of an intermediate type exist, which bafile specific identification unless accompanied by other more characteristic skeletal parts. This is true of the cannon bone designated as bone 10. The fact that the epiphysis is missing warrants the supposition that the bone is from a young animal, and accordingly had not attained its full growth. The frag- ment of a radius (bone 11) is too meager to be of any assistance in the present search for specific characters. The bovine specimen that is of greatest interest is the fragment of a 1st rib, designated as bone 12. I have examined the Ist ribs of | the following Bison, Bos americanus: An adult male and an adult female in the Yale University Museum; an adult male and a young female in the U.S. National Museum; and an adult male and a young female in the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. In all these, the origin of the external intercostal muscle is marked anteriorly by a well- 3382 G. LF. Katon—Remains of Man and Lower Animals. defined ridge on the lower third of the bone, near its posterior border, and the external surface of the rib anterior to this ridge is somewhat flat and approximately parallel to the plane of the internal surface. As might be expected, the 1st ribs of the females and of the younger animals of both sexes have the ridge less strongly marked than is the case with the older males. The Ist rib of the extinct Bison, Bos occidentalis, has essentially the same typical form. I have also examined the ist ribs of a number of domestic cattle, the Bos taurus of zoologists, including two dairy cows , three well-grown beef ~ animals of uncertain breed, and two “fully adult Long- horned Texas Steers. In all these ‘examples of Bos tawrus, the ridge that bounds the origin of the external intercostal muscle ante- riorly is placed much further forward on the lower end of the bone, and no such extensive flattened surface appears in front of this ridge as was noted in the examples of Bos AMETICANUS. In respect to these apparently differential characters, the fragmentary bovine rib from Cuzco, designated as bone 12, is of the form that appears to be characteristic of the Bisons, and differs from the form seen in all the domestic cattle that 1 have examined. However, it resembles the rib of a female Bison or of an immature male, rather than the rugose rib of a mature male. Since a fair statement includes a reference to all possible adverse evidence, it is well to note here that the 1st ribs of the Zebus, or Brahmin cattle, Los indicus, are variable in form, and intermediate between the Bisontic and Taurine types. But the possibility of Zebu ancestry affecting the form of. the Ist ribs of any South American cattle would seem extremely remote, because, as Professor Lydekker states in his work Oxen, Sheep and Goats of All Lands, Living and Extinct: “There being no other primitive wild ox [other than Bos taurus primigenius, the Aurochs|] in Europe, and an Eastern deriva- tion in the highest degree improbable, it is evident that all the domesticated breeds of European cattle must trace their ances- try to the aurochs. It may indeed be admitted that some of the breeds—especially those of Eastern Europe—may have crossed with African or Indian cattle, but this does not affect the general proposition.” It cannot be denied that the material examined suggests the possibility that some species of Bison is here represented, yet it would hardly be in accordance with conservative methods to differentiate Bison from domestic cattle solely by characters obtained from a study of the Ist ribs of a small heel OT of individuals, G. F. Haton— Remains of Man and Lower Animals. 3338 If the material collected at Cuzco dates from a time preced- ing the Spanish Conquest, it would of course appear that the bovine bones included in the collection pertain to some species of Bison, for no other feral group of the Bovide need be con- sidered. Such a conclusion, while by no means untenable on general grounds, might not be readily accepted by zoologists familiar with the principles concerned in the distribution of animals; for, although it is recorded that the Spaniards found captive Bison at Montezuma’s capital, the American Bison in the free state is not known to have ranged further south than the northeastern provinces of Mexico. 13, 14, 15, and 16. These more or less fragmentary bones are confidently referred to Lama guanacus, the Guanaco, the feral species from which the domestic breeds of Llama and Alpaca are supposed to be derived. No attempt has been made in this report to render any account of the chemical composition of the material described, as the conditions governing the destruction of osseous tissue, its mineral replacement, etc., are so varied and uncertain that chemical changes in the broader sense are no longer regarded by the highest authorities as reliable criteria of age. Yale University Museum, March 15, 1912. 334 HH. L. Ward—EKstimation of Lead, Nickel, and Zine. Arr. XXIX.—The Estimation of Lead, Nickel, and Zine by Precipitation as Oxalates and Titration with Potassium Permanganate ; by H. L. Warp. [Contributions from the Kent Chemical Laboratory of Yale Univ.—cexxix.]} Determination of Lead. Rets in some investigations on the use of oxalates in analysis precipitated lead as the oxalate* by adding ammonium oxalate to a neutral solution of a lead salt and breaking up the result- ing soluble double oxalate with a large excess of acetic acid. The insoluble lead oxalate was filtered off and ignited, and the lead was weighed as the oxide. It was thought that lead oxa- late precipitated under these conditions might be of such composition that titration with permanganate would give a true estimate of the amount of lead present. In the experiments of Table I the oxalate was precipitated by the addition of sohd ammonium oxalate to the boiling solu- tion of lead nitrate, containing the amount of acetic acid spec- ified. The precipitate was collected on asbestos in a perforated erucible, and washed with small amounts of water. The oxalic acid was then set free by treatment with warm dilute sulphuric acid and titrated with potassium permanganate. ‘ TABLE I, The Determination of Lead by Precipitation with Ammonium Oxalate in the Presence of Strong Acetic Acid. Lead present Volume Acetic Ammo- as the at precipi- acid nium Lead nitrate tation present oxalate found Error erm. em? em? grm. grm. erm. 0°0050 100 25 3 0°0016 —0°0036 0°0250 100 20 5) 0°0246 — 0'0004 0°0500 100 5) 3 0'0454 —0°0046 0°0500 100 10 3 0°0480 —0°0020 0°0500 100 25 5 0°0496 —0°0004 0°0500 200 50 7 0°0477 — 0°0023 0:0050 100 50 + 0°0048 | —0°0002 0°0050 100 50 + 0°0045 —0°0005 0°0250 100 50 4 0°0256 + 0°0006 0°0250 100 50 + 0°0250 +0°0000 0°0500 100 50 4 0°0505 +0:'0005 0°1000 200 100 8 - 0°1002 + 0:0002 It will be noticed in the first part of the table, where the amount of acetic acid does not exceed one-fourth of the solu- * Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges., xiii, 502. H. L. Ward—Estimation of Lead, Nickel, and Zine. 335 tion, that precipitation is incomplete. If, however, glacial acetic acid makes up one-half the volume of the solution the results are accurate. Oxalic acid has been used as a precipitant for lead by a number of investigators.* The determinations of Table Il were made by adding crystallized oxalic acid to a boiling solution of lead nitrate, filtering, washing, and titrating the oxalate with per- manganate as before. When no acetic acid is present, precip- itation is not quite complete, but the errors are much less than when ammonium oxalate is used as a precipitant, as may be seen from a comparison with Table I. Acetic acid added in equal volume to the solution secures complete precipitation even in the presence of considerable amounts of ammonium or potassium salts, provided the amount of lead salt present is not too small. TAB TEL, The Determination of Lead as Oxalate by Precipitation with Oxalic Acid in the Presence of strong Acetic Acid. Lead Volume present at as precipi- Acetic Oxalic Salts Lead nitrate tation acid acid present found Error erm. Crier treme orm erm. erm. erm. 0°0500 50 afd 2 La 0°0491 —0'0009 0°0500 100 he - a 0°0488 —0°0012 0°1000 50 Ee 2 sae 0°0994 —0°0006 0°1000 100 Lhe - we 0°0990 —0°0010. 0°0050 50 25 af an 0°0050 + 0°0000 0°0250 50 25 1 by 0°0256 + 0°0006 0°1000 100 50 2 3 0°1002 +0:0002 Potassium Acetate present 0°1000 50 ot 2 2 0°0962 —0°0038 0°1000 100 ah ~ oh 0:0988 —0°0012 0°1000 100 50 2 2 0°0997 —0°0003 0°1000 100 50 2 “2 0°1000 + 0°0000 Ammonium Acetate present 0°0050 50 25 1 Ef 2c 0°0040 — 0°0010 0°0250 100 50 2 5° 0°0227 — 0°0023 0°1000 100 50 2 2° 0°1000 +0:°0000 + Béttiger & Pollatz, Chemical Abstracts, ii; 645 : Mohr-Classen, Lehr- buch der Chemische Analytische Titermethode, 228; Low, Jour. Amer, Chem. Soc., xxx, 587. 3386 H. L. Ward—Estimation of Lead, Nickel, and Zine. Determination of Nickel. Classen has shown* that nickel may be completely precipi- tated by treating the soluble nickel potassium oxalate with a large amount of acetic acid. The oxalate formed under these circumstances may be ignited to the oxide and weighed as such. It seemed desirable to determine whether this oxalate is of such composition as to allow the estimation of nickel by titrating the oxalate radical with potassium permanganate. The pro- cedure first tried was that recommended by Classen. To a solution of a known amount of nickel sulphate was added a con- siderable excess of potassium oxalate and the liquid heated to boiling, when the oxalate first formed went into solution as nickel potassium oxalate. Two volumes of acetic acid were then added to precipitate the nickel oxalate. It was found necessary, in order to secure a product which could be filtered, to heat the acetic acid and to run slowly, with constant stir- ring, into the boiling solution of the double salt. Upon this treatment a flocky precipitate formed, which on standing for some time at 60°-70° went over to a fine powder. By filtration and titration with permanganate it was discovered - that the oxalate obtained under these conditions had a tendency to include some of the precipitant, causing high results on titration. On ignition also large positive errors were obtained, but if the oxide was washed to remove the potassium carbonate formed, a very good estimation of the amount of nickel present was secured. It seemed possible that the use of oxalic acid as a precipitant might eliminate the errors due to inclusion, but it was found. that if oxalic acid was added to the boiling solution of a nickel salt containing an equal volume of acetic acid, the oxalate formed came down quickly and in an extremely finely divided condition. The first experiment of Table II] was made in this manner, but in the majority of instances filtration proved to be impossible. If, however, precipitation was made in water soln- tion and acetic acid added later to throw out the last traces of nickel, the oxalate came out more slowly and in a form suitable for filtration. The nickel sulphate taken for analysis was dissolved in water and the solution standardized both by precipitation as nickelic hydroxide and ignition to the oxide and by throwing out as metallic nickel on the rotating cathode. To a definite amount of this solution, diluted to the required voluine and heated to boiling, was added an excess of crystallized oxalic acid. Upon cooling, acetic acid was run in and the precipitate allowed to settle over night. The smaller amounts of nickel did not come out from the water solution, and even after adding acetic acid * Classen, Zeitschr. anal. Chem., xvi, 470. H. L. Ward—Estimation of Lead, Nickel, and Linc. 3837 it was necessary to heat it to start precipitation. The nickel oxalate was filtered off on asbestos in a perforated crucible and washed with small amounts of water. The crucible was placed in a beaker containing about 25° of dilute (1:4) sul- phuric'acid and heat applied to effect the solution of the oxa- late. The volume of the solution was then made up to about 200°" and cobalt sulphate added until a slight pinkish tinge appeared. This procedure, recommended by Gibbs, was neces- sary to secure a definite end-point, as the green color of the nickel masked the complementary pink of the permanganate. The contents of the beaker were then heated to boiling and titration made in the usual manner. The results appear in TABLE III. The Determination of Nickel by Precipitation with Oxalic Acid and Treatment with Acetic Acid. Volume Nickel of water Acetic as solution at Oxalic acid Nickel sulphate precipitation acid added found Error erm. em? erm. em? erm. erm, 0°05038 100 2 50 0°0502 —0°0001 0°0050 100 2 100 0°0054 + 0°0004 0°0251 100 2 100 0°0258 +0:0007 . 0°0503 0) 2 100 0°0514 +0°0011 0°0503 100 2 100 0:0502 —0°0001 O1257 - 100 2 100 O12 71 + 0°0014 Table III. The positive errors may be assigned to two causes, inclusion of the precipitant and uncertainty of end-point when titrating in colored solutions. Determination of Zine as the Oxalate. It was found to be possible to estimate zine volumetrically as the oxalate by the process already outlined for nickel. In this case, no colored salts being present in the solution on nitration, a more definite end point was secured and the results obtained are much more accurate, as appears in Table IV. TABLE IV. The Determination of Zinc by Precipitation with Oxalic Acid and Treatment with Acetic Acid. Zine Volume as at Oxalic Acetic Zine acetate precipitation acid acid found Error erm. em? germ. em? erm. grm. 0°0055 100 2 100 0°0056 + 0°0001 0°0274 100 2 100 0°0276 + 0°0002 0°0548 50 2 50 0°0553 +0:°0005 0°0548 100 2 100 0°0550 + 0°0002 0°1370 100 2 100 Olan +0°0002 3388 H. L. Ward—Kstimation of Lead, Nickel, and Zine. The oxalate of zine obtained by the method of Classen* was contaminated with potassium oxalate and therefore could not be used to determine the amount of zinc present. On ignition and washing of the oxide obtained, it was shown that all the zine was recovered. Summary. Experiments have been given to show that lead may be determined by precipitation, either with ammonium oxalate or oxalic acid, in the presence of large volumes of acetic acid and titration of the oxalate formed with permanganate. Nickel has been estimated by precipitation by oxalic acid in water solution, the addition of acetic acid to separate the metal remaining in solution, and titration with permanganate. Errors may occur in this method from inclusion of the pre- cipitant or indefiniteness of the end point. | Zine may be estimated very accurately by the method used for nickel. * Classen, Zeitschr. anal. Chem., xvi, 470. Case and Williston—Description of Reptilian Skulls. 339 Arr. XXX.—A Description of the Skulls of Diadectes lentus and Animasaurus carinatus ; by E. C. Case and 8. W. _ WILLIstTon. Tue two skulls here described have recently come to light. The first was collected by Case in the Baldwin Bone Bed on Poleo Creek in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, and the second was collected by Baldwin near Animas, Colorado nearly thirty years ago, but has lain undescribed among the abundant material of Yale University. The matrix of the second skull, an indurated blue clay, is different from any occurring in the New Mexican localities, but the similarity of the skull to that of Diadectes and the geographical proximity indicate that it is a member of the same fauna. DiapEctrres LeNtus Marsh. (Figs. 1 and 2.) Nothodon tentus Marsh, this Journal, vol. xv, p. 410, 1878. Nothodon lentus Case, Publication 145, Carnegie Institution, p. 30, 1911. Nothodon lentus Williston, American Permian Vertebrates, Chicago, p. 16, tf. The only portions of the skull of this animal known pre- viously were the few teeth described by Marsh and the imper- feet top of a skull described by Williston in the paper cited above. The history of the discovery and description of the original specimen has been given by Williston in the paper cited above (pages 7 and 8) and need not be repeated. The uncertainty as to the generic identity of Wothodon and Dia- dectes has been removed by the discovery of this specimen associated with typical diadectid vertebree with hyposphene and hypantrum in the original Baldwin bone bed. The skull was found in a matrix of soft, blackish, friable clay on the banks of Poleo Creek about a mile above its junc- tion with the Puerco river in Rio Arriba County, New Mex- ico. Closely associated with the skull were found the two jaws described in this paper and they would have been regarded as belonging to the same specimen if several other jaws of the same size had not been found with them. The anterior portion of the skull, as far back as the post- orbital region, was taken out in plaster and the relation of the parts can not be questioned. The posterior portion was broken in the ground and recovered as fragments. As restored, the skull resembles very closely that of Diadectes in form and proportions. Lhe top of the skull is very rugose in the occipital and fron- tal regions, but on the sides of the temporal and facial regions the bones are marked by a sculpture of fine pits. “The 340 Case and Williston—Description of Reptilian Skulls. sutures can not be made out nor can any grooves such as fig- ured by Williston (Am. Permian Verts., fig. 1 and pl. xxxviil) be seen. In the specimen figured by Williston the bones were separated and the sutures thus determined resemble very closely those shown in the single specimen of Diadectes from Texas, in which the sutures can be made out. Cope mentions the occurrence of grooves on the skull of Chilonyax, consider- ing them to be the marks of attachment of corneous plates, but these could not be seen by Case. Seeley mentioned the occurrence of mucous grooves on the skull of Pareiasaurus, but this has been questioned. So far as we are aware, these are the only mentioned cases of anything resembling the grooves described by Williston. The only notable differences from the skull of Diadectes phaseolinus, the best known, are: 1. There are no pits on the surface of the supraoccipital bone. 2. The pits on the surface of the temporal region are very obseure and cannot be certainly distinguished from the deep interspaces of the rugosities. : 3. There are small pits on the surface of the prosquamosal bones just anterior to the upper anterior border of the quad- rate. : 4, The jugal descends to the lower edge of the quadrate. These differences are certainly not of generic value. The nares are far anterior and in the crushed condition of the specimen appear to look upward; this is, however, an exag- geration of the natural condition, in which the nares were inclined somewhat inward and forward and looked almost directly outward. The nasal canal is inclined inward and down- ward and opens on the sides of the palatines and prevomers (vomers) at the posterior edge of the premaxiliaries, a little posterior to the anterior opening. The orbits are elongate oval in outline and inclined slightly inward at the upper edge. The parietal foramen is, as in all the Dzadectidae, ‘enor- mous’. These are the only openings in the skull except the otic. The premawillaries are short and very heavy. Each one carries four strong incisor teeth (not two as described by Marsh) very prominent and protuberant; this is most evident in the median ones; the inclination becomes less in the outer teeth. The inner surface of the crown is beveled by a flat surface forming a strong chisel-like cutting edge. The surface of the crown is smooth but the roots are marked by deep striations. An isolated incisor tooth from another specimen has an imper- fect root 22™™ long with the crown 17:5™ long. There can remain no question of the true thecodonty of the teeth. The mawillaries have the alveolar portion greatly swollen Case and Williston—Description of Reptilian Skulls. 341 to accommodate the wide sockets for the teeth. The outer por- tion, forming the sides of the facial region, is thin and marked with a sculpture of fine pits. The swollen portion departs abruptly from the inner side, forming a gently swelling promi- nence; from a point near the middle of the inner side of this swollen portion rises the palatine process of the maxillary which projects from the bone at a fairly steep angle and leaves a deep groove between it and the bone proper. The process is thin and the lower edge is slightly rugose. It extends in a gentle curve, following the outline of the inner edge of the maxillary, from the third or fourth tooth to beyond the last tooth. The character of this process has been in doubt, Cope and Oase believing that it might possibly be the palatine bone, but the condition of this specimen leaves no doubt of its true nature. There are 11 maxillary teeth; the first has the form of the incisors except that the face is not so broad and chisel- like. It is smaller than the incisors and there is no approach to a canine character. The second is smaller than the first and more conical in form. Both of these are nearly vertical. The succeeding teeth, except the last, have the characteristic transverse widening; the first of these, the third of the series, has a sharp median cusp and the inner and outer edges are rounded ; the rest, except the eleventh, have a median cusp and lateral cusps on the inner and outer edges, identical with the teeth of Diadectes phaseolinus Cope. The teeth increase in width to the sixth or seventh and then decrease to the poste- rior end. The eleventh is not preserved, but the outline of the base shows it to have been small and conical. When first erupted the enamel of the teeth was marked by rugose lines which radiate from the central cusp, but these are soon removed by wear, and in old individuals the surface is nearly flat. There is a deep pit on the inner side of the base of each of the teeth, marking the position of successional teeth. The prevomers (vomers) are paired aud articulate strongly with the premaxillaries in front, the pterygoids behind, and the palatines laterally. They are of considerable vertical extent and closely applied to each other in the median line. Case (Publication 145, Carnegie Institution, p. 71) has described the posterior ends of the prevomers as spreading apart above at the posterior end and receiving the lower edge of the eth- noid. It is now apparent that this open portion is the anterior end of the pterygoids or the posterior of the palatines. The lower surface of the prevomers is flat and there is a series of small, sharp, conical teeth about a millimeter in length. The posterior limit can not be determined as the suture between the prevomer and the pterygoid is not distinguishable. The. palatenes are gently convex upward; the outer edge is 842 Case and Williston—Description of Reptilian Skulls. attached to the maxillaries throughout their length; there is no palatine vacuity. The position of the palatine-pterygoid suture can not be made out. The anterior portion of the inner edge of the palatine is applied to the outer surface of the prevomers, the attachment being by overlap. There are no teeth on the palatine. Fig. 1. Palate of Diadectes lentus Marsh. x 4. Mus. University of Chicago. The pterygoids are slightly convex upwards in the anterior portion ; the inner edges of the two bones meet, if at all, at the anterior ends, leaving an elongate vacuity which widens posteriorly. It is uncertain whether the anterior ends of the pterygoids meet or whether the vacuity is closed by the union of the prevomers (vomers). The edges of the pterygoids form- ing the sides of the median vacuity are lined with small teeth ~ and the flat surface of the bone adjacent to the posterior part of the vacuity is covered with small shagreen-like teeth. ‘The Case and Williston—Description of Reptilian Skulls. 348 middle portion of the pterygoid widens and is slightly concave on the lower face; this portion is marked by a low line con- vex anteriorly. On the outer side of the middle of the bone is the low ectopterygoid process: its outer edge and a portion of the upper surface is shghtly rugose, but there is no approach to the prominence which the same process gains in Labido- saurus and Captorhinus and there are no teeth on the process. Near the median vacuity there is slightly prominence on the inner edge of the bone which curves inward and backward over the vacuity. The articulation with the basisphenoid is by. strong flat faces. The pterygoids are separate from the basisphenoids in the specimen, but were found articulated in position so that the nature of the free articulation is beyond doubt. Posteriorly the pterygoids send the usual vertical plates back to join the quadrate. There is no evidence of an ectopterygoid. This bone has been in question, but it seems to us there can no longer be doubt of its absence. The basesphenotd is represented by the anterior end, only. There is a sinall but well developed foramen in the middle line. The parasphenoid rostrum is strong; the lower edge is thick and flat but the upper edge is thin and the whole bone becomes thin anteriorly; it terminates freely a little beyond the point where the median vacuity is closed by the approxi- mation of the pterygoids or prevomers. It is apparently this bone which was figured by Case as the ethmoid in Diadectes phaseolinus. It is worthy of note that this bone, so strong in this specimen, is wanting in many of the described skulls of Diadectes, perhaps by accident, and it was originally reported that it was absent. Above the parasphenoid process there are the shattered remains of very thin plates of bone which can not be restored. It is apparent that they were paired and that they reached up to the lower surface of the parietal or frontal bones. They are probably the anterior ends of the sphenoid plates described by Case. The guadrate resembles the same bone in the specimen of Diadectes described by Case from Texas (No. 4839 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist.), but the shaft is a little longer and there is a promi- nent tuberosity on the posterior surface just above the articular surface. It is probable that there was such a tuberosity on the Texas specimen but that it was destroyed by the accidents of fossilization. It is necessary here to correct certain errors in the restora- tion of the skull of Dzadectes published by Broom (Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. xxviii, Art. XX, pp. 216-217, figs. 11 and 12). In figure ithe side view, Broom shows an ‘enlarged anterior maxillary tooth resembling a canine, a diastema, 344 Case and Williston—Description of Reptilian Skulls. and a decrease in the size of the incisors from within outward. The character of the incisors is evidently hypothetical as they are shaded, but the arrangement is wrong as can, be made out from this specimen and from several others in the Ameri- can Museum. There is no diastema and in no specimen of Diadectes is there any indication of an enlarged maxillary. It was upon such an error that Cope founded the genus Empedzas. In figure 12, the palate, the arrangement of the bones is wrong. The premaxillaries are never so wide, antero-poste- riorly, as figured ; the prevomers extend much farther forward than figured ; the palatine process of the maxillary is figured as a palatine; the pterygoids are figured as short bones with Fic. 2. Lower jaw of Diadectes lentus Marsh. x1. Mus. University of Chicago. the prevomers extending back as far as the posterior end of the maxillaries; an ectopterygoid is figured,—as already stated we find no evidence of such a bone in the Diadectide. We have studied the known skulls of )zadectes carefully for several years and have found no evidence to warrant drawing the sutures of the temporal region so definitely as Broom has done, though they may be corr ect. The lower jaw.—The resemblance to the lower jaw of the specimens of Diadectes from Texas is very close, but the jaws from New Mexico show the sutures and permit. the outline of the individual bones to be determined. On the inner side the suture between the splenial and dentary is distinct in front but is not traceable behind : its probable continuation is indi- cated by the dots in the figure. Below the anterior Meckelian opening the suture between the splenial and the surangular 1s very distinct. The splenial takes the usual large part in the symphysis. The suture between the angular and the bone above it in the posterior portion of the jaw is distinct, but it is somewhat uncertain what this bone is. The articular is not marked off by distinct sutures, but on the surface of the bridge between the anterior and posterior openings of the lower Case and Williston—Description of Reptilian Skulls. 345 jaw there is a low, slightly rugose ridge which appears to mark the portion of a suture which has closed. If this is true, the portion of the bridge behind the rugose line may be the ante- rior portion of the articular, and the anterior portion of the bridge may represent the prearticular ; the ridge may, however, be only a surface for the attachment of muscles. The coronoid is a very small bone visible on the inner side of the jaw. The surangular behind and the dentary in front send processes up- ward which aid in the formation of the coronoid process. The sutures on the outer side of the jaw can not be made out except where a break in one of the Jaws shows that the suture between the dentary and the surangular runs downward a little anterior to the coronoid process. The articular face of the articular has two deep parallel grooves which limited the motion of the jaw to the vertical plane. There are fifteen teeth in the jaw. The posterior one is small and conical; the next eight have the expanded form characteristic of the genus. The first four have the chisel-like form of true incisors, the fifth is nearly conical, the sixth has the crown shghtly expanded and carries a single median tubercle. The other have wide crowns with three tubercles. The wear was on the outer side of the teeth in the lower jaw and the inner side in the upper. Animasaurus carinatus, gen. et sp. nov. (Fig. 2.) The specimen consists of a fairly perfect skull (No. 1107 Mus. Yale Univ.). It is slightly injured in the anterior part so that the premaxillaries, the anterior ends of the maxillaries and _ the nares are lost. The anterior portion of the facial region is crushed down upon the palate. The teeth are all destroyed, but the outlines of the roots show them to have been trans- versely expanded as in Diadectes. The condition of the speci- men is such that the sutures can not be made out and the hard matrix can not be entirely removed from the palate, but enough has been taken away, aided by a fortunate break, to make the structure evident. The superior surface of the skull_—Due to the position of the quadrate, the posterior portion of the skull is proportion- ately much broader than in Diadectes though the occipital por- tion is narrower. The surface is roughened by sculpture and the development of tubercular prominences which recall those of the genus Chilonyx. ‘This appearance is heightened by the position of the quadrate, which slants inwards instead of lying nearly parallel to the lateral surface, narrowing the occipital region. The parietal foramen is very large, approximately 20°" broad by 25™™ long. This opening is farther forward than in Diadectes, a line drawn through the posterior edges of the orbits cutting through it at near the center; in Diadectes Am. JOUR. Sci.—FourtH SERIES, VoL. XX XIII, No. 196.—Aprin, 1912. 20 346 Case and Williston—Description of Reptilian Skulls. such a line passes anterior to the opening. The outlines of the various bones can not be made out but it is evident that the trontal was very short and took no part in the superior border of the orbit. The lateral aspect of the skull.—Allowing for the crushed condition of the anterior end, the lateral profile resembles that of Diadectes. The orbits appear to be narrowed vertically, but this is evidently due to crushing. On the right side there is IZ I | M} 1 \ NY aa a) Af, y > \WNiihn uy {fA Ue i mmm \\ \ ( Fie. 3. Palate of Animasaurus carinatus Case and Williston. x 4. No. 817, Mus. Yale University. a large opening in the temporal region but this is of accidental origin instead of a true temporal foramen, as is evidenced by the sharp break of the edges and the lack of a corresponding open- ing on the opposite side. The palatal aspect of the skull.—This shows the great differ- ence between this genus and Diadectes. The alveolar edges of the maxillaries are broadened as in Yadectes for the accom- modation of the widened teeth, but the palatine process of the maxillary is perhaps different: it appears to rise from the inner edge of the alveolar surface instead of from the middle of the inner side of the swollen portion of the bone and there is no deep groove between it and the maxillary proper. The pterygoids and prevomers are united in the median line throughout their Case and Williston— Description of Reptilian Skulls. 347 length, forming a deep median keel; there is no median vacuity between the pterygoids but posterior to them there is a deep vacuity, the circular opening of which looks backwards and downwards at an angle of nearly 45° to the horizontal axis of the skull. Lhe posterior aspect of the skull.—The occipital portion is narrower than Diadectes owing to the position of the quadrates and the paroccipitals and exoccipitals are shorter. The artic- ular face of the quadrate is much narrower than in Diadectes and the whole bone occupies a very different position with rela- tion to the basicranium. In Diadectes lentus the quadrate lies much farther forward, the articular surface being opposite the posterior end of the basisphenoid ; in /)iadectes phaseolinus the articular face of the quadrate lies opposite the middle of the same bone, while in Animasaurus carinatus it les pos- terior to the posterior end of the bone. This accounts largely for the wider appearance of the posterior end of the skull in the latter. The individual bones can not all be made out, but such as can are described below. The maxillaries are similar to those of Diadectes except as noted in the description of the palatine process. The posterior end of the bone is continuous with and on the same level as the jugal; in Yzadectesit stands out as prominent point. There are nine bases of teeth and alveoli in the portion of the bone preserved. The posterior one was small and conical, as indi- cated by the base. The others are gradually enlarged until the 6 or 7 from the posterior end is reached, then they begin to diminish in size. There should be two more teeth in the maxillary if the number was the same as in Dzadectes. The pterygoids have the general form of those in Dzadectes,; the posterior vertical plate, reaching to the quadrate, is iden- tical in form; the ectopterygoid process is similar but is more prominent. Laterally the pterygoid joins the maxillary with no indication of an ectopterygoid bone, but the sutures can not be made out. Anterior to the ectopterygoid process the bone widens and dips beneath the matrix, but it is apparent from a break on the left side that it joins the palatine and maxillary as in Diadectes. Just anterior to the ectopterygoid process there is a large shallow pit on the flat surface of the bone but there is no perforation. In fact there is not, in any Ameri- can Permian reptile known to us, any indication of a lateral palatal opening or of a separate ectopterygoid. On the inner side of the bone the posterior portion rises abruptly to form the side of the circular vacuity anterior to the basisphenoid. Immediately in front of this opening the keel formed by the conjoined edges of the pterygoids of the two sides is very high. 348 Case and Williston—Description of Reptilian Skults. The edges of the two bones forming the keel were lined with small conical teeth, now indicated by the bases. At the pos- terior end there are four such teeth in 15™”; similar teeth ean be detected throughout the length of the keel. No small teeth can be detected on the sides of the pterygoids adjoining the keel, but this may be due to the condition of the bone or the accidents of preparation; the surface of the bone is partly destroyed. The prevomers are hidden by the matrix except the lower edge; it seems probable, however, from the appearance of the upper surface of the palate, revealed by the crushing of the facial region, that the palatines had the same relation to the prevomers as in Diadectes. The basisphenoid is similar to that of Diadectes but is very much longer and there is no foramen in the median line. In the deep pit anterior to the basisphenoid can be seen the pos- terior end of a strong parasphenoid rostrum. The posterior end of the basisphenoid is not entirely cleared but it is quite similar in general form to that of Diadectes. The guadrate is inclined inward so that its outer surface looks rather backward than outward. There is no indication of the pit opposite the anterior edge of the quadrate. The inner edge describes the same sharp curve as in Diadectes and there is the same deep notch at the upper end of the otic opening. The articular face is very much narrower than in Diadectes, the anterior p, sterior diameter being only 9°5™™ and the trans. verse at least 24™™- “+ Duadectes lentus the same diameters are 17™™ and 24™". imoreover the outer half of the articular surface is nearly the same width as the inner; in Dadectes the outer is much wider than the inner. The genus evidently belongs in the family Dzadectide, but may be distinguished by the following characters : 1. The union of the pterygoids in the midline to form, with the prevomers, a prominent keel. 2. The absence of any interpterygoid space. : 3. The elongation of the basisphenoid and the absence of a foramen in the median line. 4. The inward inclination of the quadrates narrowing the occipital region. The animal must have been similar in form and habits to Diadectes. It has been customary to regard the members of this family «s herbivorous, but the strong, chisel-like incisor teeth, the absence of any power of trituration in the unworn maxillary teeth and the possibility of the use of the palatine processes of the maxillaries as accessory agents of mastication lead to the caspicion that the animals were not exclusively if at all herbi. \cous, and that they may have ine’uded the less well-protected invertebrates in their diet. G. S. Jamieson—Determination of Mercury. 349 Arr. XX XI.—A New Volumetric Method for the Determina- tion of Mercury ; by GrorcEe 8. JAMIESON. Amone the methods that have been proposed for the volu- metric determination of mercury, the titration in nitric acid solution by means of ammonium thiocyanate,* according to Volhard’s method for silver, while it appears to be very accu- rate, is not generally applicable because it cannot be used in the presence of chlorides. The method of Ruppt consists in adding potassium iodide and an excess of sodium hydroxide to any mercuric solution, then precipitating the finely divided metal by means of for maldehyde, and, after acidifying with acetic acid, dissolving the metal with standard iodine solution and titrating back with sodium thiosulphate. This method is simple and rapid, and while it seems to be a good one for small quantities of mercury, my experience with it is that it gives seriously low results with amounts of mercuric chloride as large as 0-1 to 0-2 grams. Tempel’s method,{ which consists in titrating mercurous chloride (or iodide) with iodine and thio- sulphate, is undoubtedly very accurate, if it is used with proper precautions to completely dissolve ‘the mercurous chlor- ide in the iodine solution.§ The method to be described is based upon the titration of mercurous chloride with potassium iodate in the presence of 15 to 20 per cent of actual hydrochlori acid and*a small volume of an immiscible solvent, such as chsjroform. This general method of titration is the well known one of L. W. Andrews, | but as far as is known it has not been applied previously to the titration of mercurous chloride. It has the advantage over Hempel’s method in requiring ouly a single, very stable volu- metric solution, instead of two solutions which cannot be pre- served for a long time unchanged, while the method of titra- tion appears to be no less exact. It is to be observed that the 1odate titration cannot be applied to mercurous iodide without the employment of an entirely different factor, since the iodine would affect the results. It has been found that mercurous chloride reacts with potas- slum iodate according to the theoretical requirements of the equation 4HeCl+ KIO, +6HCl = 4HeCl, + KC1+I1C1+3H,O * Cohn, Berichte, xxxiv, 3502: Rupp, ibid., xxxv, 2015. 1 Lie, soexx, 3702. + Sutton, 10th edition, p. 263. S Smith, Chem. News, ev, 14. her aaed || Jour, Amer. Chem. Soc., xxv, 756, 1903. | aa 350 G. S. Jamieson—Determination of Mercury. In order to test the method, a solution of potassium iodate was standardized with pure sublimed iodine, using Andrews’ titration under the same conditions as are described beyond for the mercurous chloride titration. Iodine taken KIO; used Wt. of I for 1¢¢ AN <3: eee "10038 See “008488 Bee °1998 2326 00846 Average a eare ae! 00847 Since the reaction in the case of iodine is represented by the equation 41+KIO,+6HCl = KCl1+51C1+3H,0 the strength of the potassium iodate solution was 1°=-015728 of HgCl. For the following titrations a sample of pure mercurous chloride which had been dried at 130°-135° C. for several hours and well pulverized was used. The titrations were car- ried out in a glass stoppered bottle of 250°° capacity in the presence of 20° of water, 30° of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and 6° of chloroform, with thorough shaking of the closed bottle between the additions of the potassium iodate solution. As is usual in such titrations, the chloroform globule at first increases in iodine color and then this color is gradually removed. The end-point is the disappearance of this violet color. It was observed that dried mercurous chloride reacts more slowly in this operation than the precipitated substance which was titrated without drying in some of the experiments to be described beyond, so that in this case very thorough shaking and occasional crushing of the lumps with a glass rod were required. The following table gives the results of the titrations : HgCl taken KIOs ce. HeCl found Error lf “49995 31°80 "49995 "00008 EE “5000 31°80 “4999 ‘0001 Iil 5005 31°80 “4999 —°0006 IV “6001 38°15 "5997 — 0004 V “4999 31°80 “4999 "0000 The results show a very satisfactory agreement among them- selves and with theory. Since most kinds of organic matter do not interfere with this method of titration, it is applicable to various mixtures containing calomel. It was tried with calomel tablets contain- ing milk sugar, after pulverizing several tablets to obtain a uniform pte. Quantitative determinations of the calomel were also made by treating portions of the substance with water slightly acidified with hydrochloric acid and weighing G. S. Jamteson— Determination of Mercury. 351 the washed and dried residue. The following results were obtained : Substance taken KIO; used HgCl found "48115 LORS OS 53°91% 6783 23°25 53°89 "1976 gravimetric 53°94 "5694 7. 54°00 The method was applied also to the determination of mer- cury in a mercuric compound by converting the latter into mereurous chloride and then titrating. For this purpose weighed portions of mercuric chloride were dissolved in warm water with the addition of a few drops of hydrochloric acid ; an excess of phosphorous acid solution was then added, and after thorough stirring the precipitate in each case was allowed to settle for about twelve hours. It was then collected on a filter paper and well washed with cold water. The precipitate with the paper was put into the titration bottle, and any pre- cipitate adhering to the beaker and stirring rod was collected by wiping with a piece of filter paper and also put into the bottle. The titrations were carried out as previously described with the following results: (1° KIO, = :013354*H@) HegCl, KIO; sol. No. taken used Hg found He cale. Error Ji "39545 ml EE "28985 "29048 — -0006& KI 3107 72, "2997 "2294 +:0003 Iil °49038 CL a | ‘3619 *3619 "0000 IV 3315 18°83 "2444 "2447 — 0003 V *3407 18°8 "2511 *2515 —°0004 The results show that the method is an accurate one. Sheffield Scientific School, New Haven, Gonn., February, 1912. 352 G. S. Jamieson— Determination of Hydrazine. Arr. XXXII.—A Volumetric Method for the Determination | of Lydrazine ; Dy Grorce 8. JAMIESON. A metHop for the determination of hydrazine has been described by Rimini* and recently tested further by Hale and Redfield.| This is based upon the oxidation of the hydrazine compound in aqueous solution by the addition of an excess of standard potassium iodate solution, according to the following equation : 5(N,H,.H,SO,) +4K10, = 5N,4+12H,O+21,+2K,S0,+3H,S0, The liquid is then boiled until the iodine is expelled and the excess of potassium iodate is found after cooling by adding potassium iodide, acidifying with sulphuric acid, and titrating with sodium thiosulphate solution. The chief objection to this method, according to Hale and Redfield, is the length of time requir ed for the analysis. The method to be described here is based upon the titration of hydrazine by potassium iodate in a strong hydrochloric acid solution, according to the general method of L. W. Andrews.? It has the advantages of being rapid, and requiring the use of only a single, very stable volumetric solution. Besides, as will be seen from the results that follow, it is very accurate. In order to test the method, a solution containing 3-567 g. of KIO, in 1000° was prepared. According to the equation of the expected reaction N,H,.H,SO,+ KIO,+2HCl = N,+1Cl1+3H,0 +KC1+H,S0, the equivalent of this solution is 1° = :002169 ¢. N,H,.H,SO, and 1°° = -:000534 ¢. N,H,. Weighed portions of pure hydra- zine sulphate were placed in a 250° glass stoppered bottle together with 20° of water, 30° of hydrochloric acid and 6% of chloroform. Then the potassium iodate solution was run in gradually, with shaking between the additions, until the chloroform, after increasing and then diminishing in color, was just decolorized. The following results were obtained : N.H,.H2SO, N.H,.H2SO, taken KIO; used found Sirona I "04878 Dora "04888 +0001 1g "0434 S29 "0432 —°0002 III "0589 273 "0592 +:0003 ITV "0472 21°9 "0475 +0008 iV. "0986 45°65 70990 + 0004 VI °1060 49°00 "10638 +:0003 * Gazz. chim. ital., xxix, I, 265, 1899. + Journ. Amer, Chem. Soc., xxxiii, 1862, 1911. t Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc., xxv, 756, 1903. G. S. Jamieson—Determination of Hydrazine. 358 Determinations of hydrazine in the sparingly soluble double sulphates of zine, cobalt, nickel, and cadmium were made in order to test the method further. The double salts were pre- pared by mixing hot solutions of the component sulphates in the presence of a little sulphuric acid, and after digesting for some time on the steam-bath, the crystalline products were filtered off by suction, washed with cold water and dried at 100° C. The titrations were carried out in the same way as described above in the case of the simple sulphate. It was observed that the nickel salt reacted very slowly, apparently on account of difficult solubility, while the other compounds were titrated about as readily as hydrazine sulphate alone. The following results were obtained: Substance KIO; used N.H, found Calculated ZnSO,(N,H,),-H,SO, °11632 4.3°9°° 19'83% 19°81% 6¢ (19 ‘0880 32°6 1907 P@dsO (NEL) ESO, 1591 51°25 Deo ivie 29 Cs 1396 45°10 17°25 ef INISO, ONE) SO, »-0692 26°30 20°29 20°23 ty 0890 33°80 20°28 ce CoSO,(N,H,),.H,SO, :1308 49°20 20-09 20°20 re "1059 39°70 20°02 ub Sheffield Scientific School, New Haven, Conn., February, 1912. 354 FF. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. Arr. XX XIII.— Relations of the Degree a Metamorphism to Geological Structure and to Acid Igneous Intrusion in the Narragansett Basin, Pehode Island; by F. H. Lanzr. (Continued from p. 262.) Part II. ContTENTS. Petrology of the Carboniferous sediments. Introductory remarks. Study of the specimens. Coals. Pelites. Psammites. Psephites. Summary. Relations of the degree of metamorphism to rock-texture. Geographical distribution of the degrees of metamorphism. Relations between the degree of metamorphism and stratigraphic depth. Relations between the degree of metamorphism and the intensity of the folding. 2 Strikes. : Dips. Pitch. Axial planes. Relative number of folds across the Basin. Minor folding. Relations of the schistosity to the bedding. Conclusions, PETROLOGY OF THE CARBONIFEROUS SEDIMENTS. Inrropuctory Rrmarxs.—Aside from the effects of meta- morphism, the Carboniferous formation of the Narragansett Basin consists of a series of shaly, sandy, and conglomeratic rocks, which are notable (1) for their rapid textural variations, both parallel and perpendicular to the bedding; (2) for the abundant presence in them of such lithologic structures as local unconformity and cross-bedding; (3) for the considerable proportion of soluble clastic minerals in them; and, (4) for their content of fossil land organisms and coaly ‘layers, with a total absence of anything marine. Although these features may be said to characterize the formation as a whole, they do not all belong to all horizons. The evidences point (1) to a prolific source of materials; (2) to the incompleteness of chemical weathering here in Carboniferous times; and, (3) to rapid deposition by stream action, partly on land and partly in standing bodies of fresh water. After the Carboniferous strata were laid down, they were folded and metamorphosed, the original minerals being recrys- tallized in some cases or breaking up and recombining to form ‘ ; \ ! Xe Fr 4 ™ ae a F.. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 355 new and entirely different minerals in other cases. Every stage in the process, almost from the beginnings of the change to the highest metamorphism, is exhibited by these sediments in different parts of the Basin. Srupy oF THE SpEctmENS.—In our treatment of the petrol- ogy, we shall consider the metamorphism as having four degrees, called Stages A to D. The metamorphism is incip- ient in Stage A; distinct, but rather low, in Stage B; consid- erable to high in Stage C; and at a maximum in Stage D. We shall describe in order the coals, the pelites (shales, slates, and mud schists), the psammiites (sandstones, grits, arkoses, and their metamorphosed derivatives), and the psephites (conglom- erates and conglomerate gneisses). Coals.— W hile the coals form a very insignificant proportion of the whole stratigraphic series, they are important in that they illustrate certain principles which apply, though less clearly, to the other sediments. The least altered specimens (Stage A) are soft and friable and crumble into small regular polyhedra. There is a direction of easy splitting parallel to the bedding (primary cleavage). Soslight has been the deforma- tion that most delicately ribbed impressions of Cordaites have been hardly distorted. With an increase in the metamorphism (Stages B and C), the rock becomes less brittle, less friable, and somewhat harder and denser. A secondary cleavage is developed, with flat or undulating surfaces, and these surfaces are often slickensided or have a bright gloss which is due to internal rock movement under pressure. The extreme stage of metamorphism (Stage D) is found near large, massive quartz veins which, as will be explained subse- quently, are abundant in certain localities. Here the secondary cleavage is extremely thin and contorted and there is a great deal of slickensiding and glazing. Chemical analyses show that, with this increase in metamorphism, the ratio of fixed carbon to volatile constituents becomes greater. The coals pass from anthracite to graphite or ‘plumbago’. None of the phases are marked by the occurrence of minerals typically of metamorphic origin. In their present condition the coal seams are far from being uniform in thickness, for the compression to which they were subjected during the folding had the effect of thinning where the strain was at a maximum and of thickening where it was at a minimum, so that they are now ribbed or ‘rolled.’ This distortion involved shearing and brecciation. Shearing and its consequent high degrees of metamorphism are characteristic of the thinner portions; and brecciation is more common in the thickened portions in which lower stages of metamorphism prevail. | 356 FF. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. The different phases may all occur in one locality, or even in one seam, especially in regions of varying intensity of folding 1G: , Aquidneck Island) (see fig. 21,-p. 365) ; but where the de- for sed is extreme (western coast belt), only the higher stages are found. The degree of metamorphism, then, is dependent, at least in part, npon the amount and kind of deformation. Pelites.—According to their content of carbonaceous matter, the pelites, representing original muds and clays, range in color from black to light gray or greenish. They occur chiefly in the Kingstown and “Aquidneck formations. With the darker phases coal seams are often associated. In their least metamorphosed condition (Stage A) these rocks (shales) are dull and they break with rough, irregular surfaces—usually more easily parallel to the bedding. The finer the texture and the more abundant the plant remains, the more perfect is this primary cleavage. The principal minerals, as observed with the microscope, are carbonaceous powder ; quartz, in minute, angular fragments, sometimes with undulose extinction; and a very little feldspar, sericite, and ilmenite. All but the sericite are clastic in origin. There is no distinct parallelism in the arrangement of the constituents, unless it is in a streaking of the carbonaceous matter parallel to the bedding. Low “metamorphism (Stage B) is indicated meg gascopically by a fair secondary cleavage, by a gloss on the cleavage surfaces, due to a parallel arrangement of sericite laths, and by distor- tion of fossils if these are present. Microscopie examination shows the rock to have a composition similar to that of speci- mens in Stage A; but here the ilmenite is metamorphic in origin, as seen by its relations to the other constituents (see fig. 1), the sericite is more abundant, and a little chlorite occurs. The quartz grains have suffered more granulation and slicing, particularly in the coarser rocks, and have sometimes been ‘squeezed out into lenticular aggregates (see figs. 4 to 10). The parallel arrangement of these elongate quartz grains and aggregates and of a large proportion of the sericite laths is the cause of the secondary cleavage. The ilmenite has no definite orientation. In the pelites of Stage C the sericitic gloss, just described, has been enhanced in brilliancy by the richer development of this mica; the secondary cleavage is usually more perfect ; and in most cases there has been anamorphic chemical rearrange- ment with the consequent growth of ‘knots’ or metacrystals.* * A name used by Lane in reference to phenocrysts in metamorphic rocks, the metacrysts being of later origin than the groundmass. See Lane, A. C., Studies of the Grain of Igneous Intrusives, Bull. Geol. Soc Am., xiv, 369, 1905. F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 357 Under the microscope the finer portions of the rock (ground- mass when metacrysts occur) display certain features different from those seen in Stage B. For instance, in addition to the straining, crushing, and slicing of the quartz, some grains are partly or wholly recrystallized (see fig. 11); that is, some of the quartz is metamorphic. Furthermore, occasionally a little secondary aibite or oligoclase may be discovered ; and the ilmenite individuals have grown so large and conspicuous as to be classed with the metacrysts. Hines RiGe 2. Fre. 3. SS Fics. 1-3. Progressive elongation of crystals of ilmenite accompanying increase of metamorphism. All are of secondary origin. The outlines in fig. 1 and fig. 2 and the white areas included in fig. 2 are due to quartz. The arrows indicate the direction of the schistosity. The ‘ knots,’ or ‘ knoten,’ are oval granular aggregates (see figs. 13 and 14), measuring one millimeter or less in length and lying with their long axes parallel to the cleavage. They consist of quartz, chlorite, muscovite, and calcite, with a little ilmenite, rutile, and hmonite. While generally lacking signs of distortion, in zones of maximum shearing their constituents have assumed positions of alignment parallel to the adjacent geroundmass minerals. The cleavage of the rock curves round them. Laterally they are confined by strings of sericite; at their ends the sericite of the body of the rock gradually gives place to chlorite and muscovite, micas which are especially characteristic of these knots. Although any of the minerals just cited may be found in any portion of a knot, there is ordinarily an obscure concentrie arrangement, particularly in the least sheared forms (fig. 14). The principal constituent, quartz, predominates in the central part of the knot, and is there coarser than nearer the periphery. Just outside of the quartz core, which may also contain some calcite, rutile, ete., is an annular belt of unevenly distributed patches of calcite which encloses streaks and bunches of pow- dery limonite. In one instance the shape of the belt was rudely hexagonal. In another the limonite occurred in two sets of parallel streaks which crossed the core. Such features suggest pseudomorphism. The outer peripheral portion of the knot is composed of finely granular quartz with chlorite and muscovite laths and 358 LF H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geoiogical Structure. small ilmenite crystals. After treating a crushed knot with dilute hydrochloric acid, the residue was found to contain minute, nicely shaped crystals and reticulated aggregates of _ rutile about ilmenite plates. On the whole the facts indicate that these knots represent the positions of once existing crystals of some mineral which decomposed into a pseudomorphic form and was then modified by addition of material, by reerystallization, and by mechani- eal rearrangement. The metacrysts, in pelites of Stage C, named in the order of decreasing frequency, are, ilmenite, biotite, garnet, and ottre- lite. They are not all found in all specimens. Generally one or two are conspicuous and the others are scarce or absent. These four minerals were formed contemporaneous with, or later than, the schistosity. Only one among them, the ilmen- tie acquires parallel orientation of its crystals in Stage C (see g. 2). Sometimes biotite has a linear parallelism such that ne length of its plates are parallel, but the widths lie in all positions perpendicular to this common direction. Although isometric and therefore equidimensional, garnet is distinctly a mineral which develops under dynamic and not under static conditions. Ottrelite, which is very rare, is wholly unrelated in size, shape, and orientation, to the schistosity, and is conse- quently of late anamorphic derivation under static stress. The infrequent lack of dimensional parallelism in the ilmenite and the more common absence of the same in the biotite are due to the fact that these minerals, too, under such cireum- stances, originated under static pressure. The most highly metamorphosed pelites (Stage D) are char- acterized by as large a percentage of white mica (muscovite or sericite) as the composition of the rock will permit; by a very high sheen on the fracture surfaces ; and by an excellent cleay- age. Asseen in thin sections, the quar tz grains are commonly elongate (fig. 12) and may be grouped in ribbon-like aggre- gates. Their shape, their clearness, their freedom from strain- shadows, and their relations to the adjacent minerals, point to the conclusion that they are secondary or recrystallized quartz. Both as single grains and as aggregates, they are oriented with their longest dimensions parallel. Together with the similarly disposed mica, they are the chief cause for the very good cleavage. Among the metacrysts, ilmenite occurs in small plates par- allel to the schistosity (fig. 3); biotite here acquires elongate habit in single plates and as aggregates, which le with their lengths parallel to the cleavage (fig. 17); and garnet and ottre- lite possess the same characters which they had in Stage C (figs. 18 and 20). F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 359 HnGe4s Hig. do, Hie. 8. Fies. 4-12. Changes in quartz, which accompany increasing meta- morphism. In fig. 4 the grains are still uncrushed and unstrained, and dis- play their clastic outlines. Figs. 5 and 6 show mottled extinction passing into granulation. In fig. 7 conspicuous granulation is terminal and small muscovite laths have grown a little way into the ends of the quartz grain. Fig. 8 represents zonal granulation, due to shearing. Fig. 9 shows both terminal and zonal granulation and undulose extinction. The curving lines indicate the direction of schistosity. With complete granulation, flattening, and some recrystallization, the original grains become flattened aggregates, as drawn in cross-section in fig. 10. Figs. 11 and 12 are of grains of quartz . which owe their elongate shape entirely to recrystallization. Fic. 14. Wie. 13. ‘Knot’ showing elongation parallel to schistosity and distribu- tion of sericite, thickly plastered against the sides of the ‘ knot,’ but less abundant at its ends. Fie. 14. ‘Knot’ (partly drawn), showing coarser center and ring-like arrangement of calcite patches containing limonite (black patches). 360 EF. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. Psammites.—The psammites are the commonest rocks in the Basin formation. They occur at all horizons. As con- trasted with the pelites, they are coarser, contain less carbon- aceous matter, and number feldspar and muscovite among their Ries 16. Nigel Fies. 15-17. Changes in biotite, which accompany increasing metamorph- ism. Fig. 10: low metamorphism; the mica bears no relation to schis- tosity, which is indicated in the dimensional parallelism of included quartz grains. Fig. 16: shreds along the edges of the mica bend into parallelism with the schistosity. Fig. 17: aggregates are elongate parallel to the schis- tosity (arrow); the metamorphism is high. Hig ws. - Fie. 19. Fic. 20; Z ae 2.98 O05 0 5s! BS o10gS) Ai aSh S 2° e By 00 2° 0.2005 ° Sf a8 102-50 fotles AZ “oO 0 0. < “ei 2) ? Fie. 18. Garnet metacryst. The schistosity curves round it. Secondary chlorite is developed at the poles of compression (right and left). The black patch is ilmenite. Fic. 19. Hornblende metacryst, including quartz grains and an ilmenite crystal. Fie. 20. Ottrelite metacryst, showing hour-glass structure (due to peculiar distribution of included quartz and carbonaceous matter of the groundmass). The black crystals are ilmenite. original constituents. Those specimens which are least meta- morphosed (Stage A) already exhibit alteration of orthoclase to sericite, but this mica has no definite alignment. Both quartz and feldspar grains still possess their clastic forms (fig. 4). Flattening of fossil casts and bending of the primary musco- vite flakes are the only signs of distortion, and these are caused by superincumbent weight and not by shearing. F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 361 In many respects the succeeding stages of metamorphism in the psammites are like those in the pelites. Thus, the tokens of advancing metamorphism, as observed in Stages B to D, are (1) an increase in the quantity of sericite (here formed largely from clastic feldspar grains) ; (2) the acquisition of dimensional parallelism by this sericite; (8) the consequent origin of a secondary rock cleavage; (4) the transformation of fragmental quartz grains, by a process of granulation (see figs. 6 to 9) suc- ceeding a state of mottled extinction (fig. 5), into lenticular ageregates (fig. 10) of small, somewhat elongate, parallel gran- ules, and (5) the resulting improvement of the rock cleavage ; (6) the further lengthening of the quartz grains by recrystalli- zation (figs. 11 and 12); (7) the growth of such new minerals as ilmenite, biotite, garnet, hornblende (fig. 19), and zoisite ; and (8) the acquisition of dimensional parallelism by ilmenite and later by biotite, first as aggregates (fig. 17) and then as individual plates. These changes take place in the same order and under the -same circumstances as those which were described for the pelites. Yet, on the whole, any given degree of perfection of the secondary cleavage is attained somewhat earlier in the _pelites than in the psammites. There is no necessity for explaining the characters of the several stages in detail. Psephites.—Although stratigraphically the conglomerates and their derivatives have as wide a range as the psammites, their total thickness is less. Their largest expression is in the Dighton or Purgatory conglomerate, the uppermost member of the Carboniferous formation in this region. Consisting of both matrix and pebbles, the psephites may be studied from two standpoints; but since the matrix, in ail stages of metamorphism, resembles the psammites in the same stages, we may confine ourselves chiefly to describing the nature of the pebbles. A considerable majority of these are of quartzite. Granite and vein quartz are also not uncommon, and locally, at certain horizons, there are abundant, rather angular fragments of carbonaceous shale, probably intraforma- tional. The last are relatively soft, and therefore, as might be expected, they are somewhat compressed even in the least crushed specimens (Stage A). As usual, this early phase of metamorphism is marked by scarcity of sericite and by absence of a secondary rock cleavage. : Pebbles of Stage B differ from those of Stage A in being thinly coated with sericite, which gives a silky luster to their surfaces. At the same time there is more sericite in the matrix. A. further increase in the development of this mica is exhib- | Am. Jour. Scr.—FourtH SrrRigs, Vou. XX XITI, No. 196.—Aprin, 1912. 24 362 F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. ited by specimens of Stage C. Here the sericite occurs, not only in the matrix and plastered outside the pebbles, but also, toa certain extent, within them. Metacrysts of ilmenite, biotite, and garnet are sometimes present in the matrix. Many of the pebbles—even the more resistant ones—particularly when examined with the microscope, show signs of distortion in their own oval shape and also in the elongate form of their individual grains. If two pebbles are in contact, one often indents the other. The lengths of the pebbles and of their constituents are roughly parallel to a secondary cleavage (schistosity) which has been produced in the matrix at this stage. In Stage D the hardest pebbles may be sheared, flattened or elongated, bent, warped, and fluted. The less resistant ones have been squeezed into mere sheets and are cleaved parallel to their flatness. Recrystallization in pebbles and matrix is at a maximum. In both parts of the rock sericite is plentiful, and the metacrysts themselves may be nearly as abundant in the pebbles as in the matrix. The study of these phases in the psephites brought out the fact that spindle-shaped pebbles (linear schistosity) are charac- teristic of lower metaphorism than are flattened, sheet-like pebbles (plane schistosity). Moreover, when the matrix, as a whole, is more resistant to deformation than the separate peb- bles, the pebbles first reveal evidences of incipient metamorph- ism, and, at any given stage in the history of the rock, they are at a stage of metamorphism somewhat higher than that of the surrounding matrix; and when the matrix is less resist- ant than the pebbles, the reverse of this statement is true. That is to say, deformation first affects the weaker portions of the rock. Summary.*—The Carboniferous sediments, originally nor- mal fresh-water clastics, which represented the products of immature weathering, have been altered by dynamic and static metamorphism. During the process certain new minerals developed. In different specimens these minerals vary in species, in quantity, in orientation, and in size of the individual particles, and it is found that the variations are consistent with, and may therefore be used to some extent as indices of, the degree of metamorphism to which the rock has been subjected. Other factors, such as perfection of cleavage, deformation of pebbles, etc., serve in the same capacity. According to these indices the specimens have been classified in groups, each of which is characterized by a particular stage of metamorphism. * In the foregoing outline the major portion of the petrographic investiga- tion, with all its details of megascopic and microscopic description, has been omitted. We have endeavored to present a fair, though concise, idea of the kind and amount of metamorphism, and of the method adopted in the work. F.. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 363 The degrees of metamorphism may now be studied with reference (1) to rock texture; (2) to geographical distribution ; (8) to stratigraphic depth ; and, (4) to deformation. Follow- ing this, the relations of the schistosity to the bedding, a subject closely allied to (4), just mentioned, will receive con- sideration. RELATIONS OF THE DEGREE OF METAMORPHISM TO Rock TEXTURE. A comparison of the degrees of metamorphism in rocks of coarse and fine grain from different parts of the Basin would be unprofitable, for many other factors might enter to disguise the true relations. Such a comparison must obviously be one of purely local significance. Theoretically, shales, being finer than sandstones, should yield to folding first; and, since folding implies more or less rearrangement of the rock particles (deformation by flowage or by minute fracture), metamorphism should also commence first in the shales. This statement would seem to indicate that, in a series of strata which differ from one another in texture, the finer beds would be more intensely crumpled,* and hence more highly metamorphosed, than the coarser beds, after a given period of time, metamorphism being in process all the while. What are the conditions in the Narragansett Basin? From each of twenty-two localities visited in the field work, two or more specimens of different texture were obtained. Follow- ing is a list of these specimens : Conglomerates. Sandstones. Shales. General Stage of Stage of Stage of locality metamorphism metamorphism metamorphism Just north OfC%s I B B C Est A A — H:4 —_ A A Grid B B — Cant _ D C B:9 C CO C 9 — D C Be oapeags | — C C Orel? — C D 1B ea) ae D D Dis D C Rie t — C and D C Ets 1B) _ B *See remarks on competent structure and reference thereto in Part I of this paper. This Journal, last number, p. 254, 364 LF. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. Conglomerates. Sandstones. Shales. General Stage of Stage of Stage of locality metamorphism metamorphism metamorphism H:43 C and B B — Bo — C C | ei 8, D — C J eye a A C yes — B A H:9 C C — B:14 — D C D:14 D = C G:14 C — B According to this table, (1) there are thirteen cases of like metamorphism in specimens of different texture; (2) there is one case of conglomerate having higher metamorphism than sandstone; (8) there are four cases of conglomerate having higher metamorphism than shale; (4) there are seven cases of sandstone having higher metamorphism than shale; and (5) there are two cases of shale having higher metamorphism than sandstone. Thus, out of twenty-seven comparisons, there are only two instances of the finer rock having the greater meta- morphism. The same lack of concordance between fact and theory was also frequently observed in the field. As for the explanation of this condition, while we realize that the definition of degree of metamorphism, as used in this paper, is wholly arbitrary and that the opportunity for error in assigning such degrees is therefore considerable, we believe that the general conclusion which may be drawn will still remain unmodified. Since the Purgatory conglomerate, the uppermost member of the Carboniferous formation in this region, shows evidence of intense metamorphism in the zone of flow, it is clear that all these rocks must have been under a very thick cover at the time of their deformation. Probably adjacent beds, measuring but a few feet in thickness, are not affected with very marked differentiation according to texture, under the great pressures existing at such depths. Shearing is as apt to occur in a sandstone as in a shale. Moreover, as has been stated by Daubrée* and by Harker,+ more heat is developed by friction in the interstitial movements of coarse rocks than in those of fine-grained rocks, and such heat no doubt assists in the metamorphic processes. We infer, then, that, in single outcrops, differences of texture have little or no direct influence upon the distribution of the degrees of metamorphism in those outcrops. * Daubrée, A., Synthetical Studies and Experiments on Metamorphism. Translation by T. Egleston. Smith. Inst., An. Rept., pp. 463-465, 1861. + Harker, A., On Slaty Cleavage .... Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Rept., p. 848, 1885. FH. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 365 aS Post- Carboniferous. a | Carboniferous. RA Pre- Carboniferous. r) ‘ 2 3 Scale in miles - =e i KINGST Fic. 21. Outline map of the southern half of the Narragansett Basin. Many of the dips and strikes are somewhat generalized. References to numbered localities will be found in the text. 366 LF. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE DEGREES OF MRETas- MORPHISM. Some investigators in this region have noticed differences in the intensity of metamorphism in passing across belts two or three miles in breadth. Dale observed that the Carboniferous strata have been more metamorphosed on Conanicut and Dutch islands than in southern Aquidneck Island.* Foerste showed that the rocks of Prudence Island are less altered than those of Hope Island.+ And both Foerstet and Collie§ remarked upon the increase in metamorphism westward across northern Conanicut Island. In our field studies we have found a like advance in metamorphism eastward and westward from the middle north-south strip of the western coast belt north of East Greenwich; southward, in the western coast belt, south of Wickford; and eastward, from Aquidneck Island to the eastern coast belt. These variations are not uni- form and, in some cases, are not very conspicuous. Of more importance is a study of the distribution of the degrees of metamorphism in the Basin as a whole. This we have done graphically as follows: The position of the eight hundred or nine hundred specimens examined was plotted on the map. For each of these, the kind of rock (coal, shale, sandstone, or conglomerate) was indicated by a symbol, and the stages of metamorphism (A, B, C, and D) were shown by four different colors. The map was then divided into four equal rectangles, as in fig. 21, and the allotment of the speci- mens determined. The results are tabulated below. Conglomerate Sandstone Shale Coal Totals NE. rectangle : Stage A: 0 0 3 0 3 Stage B: 2 8 4 0 14 Stage C: 0 2 2 0 4 Stage D: 0 0 0 0 0 Totals : 2 10 9 0 21 NW. rectangle : Stage A: 2 5 1 1 9 Stage B: 1 2 1 0 4 Stage C: 4 6 2 1 13 Stage D: 0 1 1 0 2 Totals : 7 14 5 2 28 *Dale, T. N., The Geology of the Mouth of Narragansett Bay. Proc. Newport Nat. His. Soc., Doc. 3, 1884, p. 6. + Shaler, N. S., Woodworth, J. B., and Foerste, A. F.: Geology of the Narragansett Basin. U.S. G. S., Monog, xxxiii, 1899, p, 241. tIbid., p. 230. S$ Collie, G. L., Geology of Conanicut Island, R.I. Trans. Wise. Acad., x, 1894-1895, pp. 201, 217. F.. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 367 Conglomerate Sandstone Shale Coal Totals SE. Rectangle : Stage A: 0 2 5 0 7 Stage B: 2 9 6 1 18 Stage C : 10 5 10 1 26 Stage D: 2 0 1 0 3 Totals: 14 16 22 2 54 SW. Rectangle : Stage A: 1 1 1 ) 3 Stage B: 0) 0 2 0 2 Stage C: 5 7 14 1 27 Stage D: 3 14 13 0 30 Totals : 9 22 30 1 62 The relative number of examples of each stage for each rectangle may be calculated on a percentage basis : Rectangle Stage A Stage B Stage C Stage D Total NE. 14°286% 66°667% 19°:047% 0% 100°00% NW. 382°148 14°286 46°428 7°148% 100:00 SE. 12°963 33°333 48°148 5°555 100°00 SW. 4°918 3°279 42°623 49°180 100°00 Grouping Stages A and B (rather low metamorphism) together, and Stages C and D (rather high metamorphism) together : Rectangle Stages A and B Stages C and D NE. 80°953% 19°047% NW. 46°429 53°571 SE. 46°296 53°704 SW. 8°197 91°803 These figures demonstrate plainly that the degree of meta- morphism in the southern half of the Basin increases west- ward and southward.* RELATIONS BETWEEN THE DEGREE OF METAMORPHISM AND STRATIGRAPHIC DEPTH. This subject may be approached in two ways: we may study specimens brought up from known depths in borings or in mines, or we may examine surface outcrops of which the strati- graphic position is at least fairly certain. (1) In regard to the first suggestion, Professor Woodwortht cited the statement of Professor Coliier Cobb, that “the * We have already suggested that the western coals are most highly meta- morphosed. See p. 356. { Shaler, N. S., Woodworth, J. B., and Foerste, A. F.: op. cit., p. 191. 368 F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. amount of metamorphism varies with the depth, being greater at the bottom (of bore-holes) than near the surface.” Cobb drew this conclusion from his study, in 1887, of a set of cores obtained from two bore-holes in Portsmouth, R. I. (near Loe. 34, H: 9, fig. 21). We have made a thorough re-examination of the same cores with the following results : Hote 1 Hoek 2 Actual Stage of Actual Stage of depth Rock metam. depth Rock metam. 13’ 1” Coarse sandstone A 36’ 7" Medium “ C 99' Q! 14 6< A OOK 3 yikes = oe A 114’ 2” Coarse “ A 129’ 3” Fine, dark shale A 149’ 3” Medium sandstone B 286'11” Fine, dark shale C 194’ 7” Banded shale A 109! 10” (1 (T (74 A. 233' 2” Medium sandstone A 944! <4 (a4 66 B pay, Eley a -: ce B 325’ 11” Coarse shale A 334’ 4” Medium sandstone A 336’ 10” Fine sandstone B . 380' 3” Coarse sandstone D CC _ Considerable anticlines 27 5 Dicey Cor shies 33. Considerable Clipe. aC + Situated on 10 High .. D .. ., Considergiie limbs of 14 « SiaPaneles Deel fic = folds is a peed Un iD, “ 20 é D cis D 6c 48 ce a ah is ce Position in 1. Mich a]{"to tee folds 5 Slight oo foo oe Slee uncertain 6 Low -. B © A. Wanable 50 Moderate at Be eee Moderate This table indicates a close dependence of the intensity of metamorphism upon the degree of contortion. Whether the outcrops are situated on the limbs or in the axial regions of major folds appears to make no difference. RELATIONS OF THE SCHISTOSITY TO THE BEDDING. In a majority of the outcrops examined the schistosity was nearly, if not quite, parallel to the stratification.* However, while this is true of the coarser rocks, it does not so often hold for the pelites. Very notable exceptions are frequent in the greenish schists of southern Conanicut Island. Linear schistosity, when well developed, may trend parallel to the strike of the beds, or parallel to their dip, or in some other direction. Most often, perhaps, it coincides with the strike. This relation is not commonly evident in the psammitic and pelitic rocks on account of their fine texture; but in the conglomerates it is easily discerned in the attitude of the elongated pebbies.t The data obtained in the field work prove that parallelism with dip or strike is generally in regions where the strikes are uniform (western coast belt, southern Aquidneck Island), and that departures from this relation are * Collie (op. cit., p. 213) described this for Conanicut Island, and inferred that the ‘‘ schistosity was developed pari passu with the tilting of the rocks, and that both processes were due to dynamic pressure.” + The lengths of distorted pebbles in metamorphosed conglomerates have been recorded as parallel to the strike of the beds, by H. H. Reusch (Die Fossilien Fuhrenden Krystallinischen Schiefer von Bergen in Norwegen. German translation by R. Baldauf. Leipzig, 1883. Pp. 52-53); Ed. Hitch- cock (Final Report on the Geology of Mass. Amherst and Northampton, 1841. P. 535; and also, On the Conversion of certain Conglomerates, etc., this Journal (2), xxxi, 372. 1861. P. 384); and W. O. Crosby (Contribu- tions to the Geology of Eastern Mass., Bos. Soc. Nat. His., Occas. Papers, 1880. Pp. 148-149). On the other hand, the case in which the pebbles lie lengthwise parallel to the dip has been described by Ed. Hitchcock (On the Conversion of certain Conglomerates, etc. Loc. cit., p. 380); C. H. Hitchcock (General Report upon the Geology of Maine; in the Sixth Ann. Rept. of the Secretary of the Maine Board of Agriculture, 1861. P. 182); and W. P. Blake (The Plasticity of Pebbles and Rocks: Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., xviii, p. 199. 1869. P. 201). These differences are caused, no doubt, by the diversity of orientation of the maximum, intermediate, and minimum values of complex forces during deformation. 372 F. H. Lauhee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. especially characteristic of districts in which the dips and the strikes are variable. As illustrating the latter case may be mentioned the area north and northeast of Warren Neck, 1. e., the southern nose of the great Swansea syncline. On the whole, the attitude of the schistosity in different portions of the Basin is closely related to the attitude of the stratification. CONCLUSIONS. Following are the conclusions arrived at from the study of the Carboniferous rocks of the Basin : 1. During the period of their deformation, the Carbon- iferous sediments were deeply buried. 2. On account of the thick cover, or for other reasons, variations in the degree of metamorphism have been directly determined neither by alternating differences of texture nor by relative stratigraphic depth. 3. The degree of metamorphism is closely related to the kind and intensity of the folding, for (@) metamorphism and compression increase in severity in a southward direction; (6) the greatest metamorphism occurs in the region where there is greatest regularity of strikes; (¢) contortion of the beds is accompanied by a high degree of metamorphism ; and, (d@) the attitude of the schistosity generally bears a close relation to the attitude of the bedding. Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 1, 1912. (To be concluded.) ~ ee) “I oo Chemistry and Physics. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Il. CHEmIsTRY AND Puysics. 1. Separation of Titanium from Niobium, Tantalum, Tho- rium, and Zirconium.—lIt has been found by J. H. Mutier that salicylic acid shows a different behavior with titanium hydroxide than with the other “ metallic acids.” An excess of salicylic acid added to alkaline niobate or tantalate solutions completely pre- cipitates the acids, but the presence of an alkaline fluoride pre- vents this precipitation. Orthotitanic acid dissolves in salicylic acid, giving, in the absence of fluorides, an intensely yellow solu- tion. Zirconium and thorium hydroxides dissolve with difficulty in salicylic acid, but after ignition the resulting oxides are prac- tically insoluble in it. Known amounts of the oxides of niobium, tantalum, zirconium and thorium were each mixed with known weights of titanic oxide, and the mixtures were then fused with 5 grams of potas- sium carbonate, the fusions were taken up in 350-400° of water at 60° and treated with 14-15 g. of salicylic acid, and heated for 8 or 4 hours at the boiling temperature. Then the precipitates were allowed to settle, filtered rapidly, and washed with boiling water. The concentrated filtrates were treated with ammonium hydroxide, when titanium was precipitated, washed and ignited to oxide. The precipitates were invariably contaminated with alkali salicylates which could not be removed by washing. The ignited oxides were, therefore, fused with potassium bisulphate and weighed in the usual manner. The results given from test-analyses show remarkably good results in the separation of elements which has heretofore been exceedingly difficult or even impossible in some of the cases. From the tabular statement of the results it appears that three or four fusions are necessary with any but very small amounts of titanic acid, although nothing is said about this point in the description of the method. The exceedingly strong color of the salicylic acid solution of titanic acid was used satisfactorily in determining the titanium in several mixtures, but the author considers this calorimetric method as of little practical value, owing to the interference of the common contaminants of titanic oxide.—Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., XXxill, 1506. H. L. W. 2. Cementite—This important constituent of steels, Fe,C, which may be called also tri-ferro-carbide, has recently been care- fully studied by Rurr and GerstTEN with interesting results. The substance was prepared according to well known principles by suddenly cooling molten iron saturated with carbon and treat- ing the pulverized product at first for a long time with dilute acetic acid, then pulverizing the residue and treating it further 374 ~ Setentifie Inteiligence. with 1/5 normal hydrochloric acid, and finally after removing material of low specific gravity by stirring and decantation, wash- ing with alcohol and ether and drying ina vacuum. The mate- rial thus prepared appears to have been unusually pure, as it was crystalline in character, gave analytical results very close to those required by theory, and contained no graphite. The product was dark gray with a tint of bronze in some cases, and very brittle. Some of the larger fragments were used for hardness determinations with the surprising result that this was found to be only just above 3, according to the mineralogical scale. The conclusion is reached, therefore, that it is not the hardness of the carbide itself which causes the hardness of suddenly cooled steel, but that of its solid solution in y-iron. The authors have determined the heat of combustion of their product and have found 375:1 cal. per molecule of Fe,C, when burnt to Fe,O, and CO,. By comparing this result with their own determinations of the heat of combustion of pure iron and the known value for graphitic carbon, they have calculated the heat of formation as follows: 3Fe+C = Fe,C—15:1 cal. The compound is consequently shown to be endothermic, whereas previous indirect calculations had indicated an exorthermic com- bination of +8940 cal.— Berichte, xlv, 63. H. L. W. 3. The Use of Sulphur Monochloride for Decomposing Cer- tain Minerals.—The process of decomposing various minerals by means of sulphur monochloride was described by Edgar F. Smith in 1898. Since that time the method has been applied by various other chemists. W. B. Hicks, of the University of Pennsyl- vania, has recently applied this method to the decomposition of fergusonite, zschynite and samarskite, which are rare-earth min- erals containing columbium and tantalum. The process consists in heating the finely pulverized mineral in a boat in a combustion- tube in contact with the vapor of sulphur monochloride, with the result that columbium, tantalum, titanium and tungsten are volatilized as chlorides and may be collected in nitric acid, while the rare earths, together with silica, are left behind in the boat. The method appears to possess advantages over the usual methods of decomposition by means of fusion with acid potassium sulphate or the acid fluoride.—Jonr. Amer. Chem. Soc., xxxiil, 1492. H. L. W. 4. Determination of Water.—ZEREWITINOFF has devised a rapid and accurate method for the determination of water in various substances, which is interesting on account of being based on a new principle. He treats the substance, for example coal or starch, in a special form of apparatus with perfectly dry pyridine. This liquid is very hygroscopic and, therefore, takes up the water from the substance. A proper amount of methyl magnesium iodide in amyl ether solution is then added whereby methane is liberated, and the volume of this gas is at once meas- Chemistry and Physics. 375 ured in the special apparatus, and from this gas volume the weight of water present is calculated. The reaction taking place is as follows : 2CH,MgI+H,O = 2CH,+MgI,+Mg0O. For the preparation of the reagents, which requires special pre- cautions, as well as for the description of the apparatus, the “measuring part of which is based upon Lunge’s nitrometer, refer- ence must be made to the original article.—Zeitschr. analyt. Chem., li, 680. H. L. W. 5. Reduction of Vanadic Acid in Concentrated Sulphuric Acid Solution.—Cain and Hostetter have found that vanadium pen- toxide in concentrated sulphuric acid solution is reduced imme- diately and quantitatively to the quadrivalent condition by hydrogen peroxide. All that is necessary is to evaporate the solution until fumes are given off freely, cool, add a slight excess of 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide, cover the flask and fume strongly for a few minutes to destroy the excess of hydrogen peroxide, after which the solution may be titrated with permanganate. It was found that molybdenum, titanium and iron are not similarly reduced, and that persulphates and also Caro’s acid have the same effect as hydrogen peroxide upon the vanadium pentoxide.— Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., Xxxiv, 274. H. L. W. 6. Die Zersetzung von Stickstoffdioxyd im elektrischen Glimm- strom.—An easily reproducible, beautiful and instructive demon- stration experiment was performed by J. ZENNECK before the Physical Section of the 83d Convention of German Scientists at Karlsruhe, on September 26, 1911. The apparatus was con- structed of glass, and it may be described as follows. A cylindrical bulb with its long axis vertical was partly filled with pure nitrogen tetroxide, N,O,, which was maintained in its more complex molecular condition and liquid state by surround- ing the bulb with a freezing mixture of ice and common salt. A horizontal glass tube of convenient diameter connected the top of the bulb with a discharge tube, to be described later on. The horizontal tube was drawn down to capillary dimensions not far from its union with the bulb. Beyond the capillary section this tube was provided with a glass stopcock. The discharge tube was shaped like a vertical U, with relatively long “legs” or par- allel branches which were comparatively close together. Near the upper end of each leg a short, horizontal section of glass tubing was sealed in place. These inlet and outlet tubes were at the same level and both were situated in the plane of the U-tube. The object of these tubes was to enable the experimenter to con- nect the discharge tube with the above-mentioned horizontal tube leading from the bulb, and with the rest of the train of apparatus, by means of short pieces of rubber “ connecting tub- ing.” Above the common level of the horizontal tubes each leg of the U-tube was sealed to a vertical, cylindrical bulb. Each bulb contained an electrode whose wire was sealed into the top of 376 . Seientific Intelligence. the bulb and then continued to one terminal of the secondary of a spark coil. The primary coil was fed with an alternating current. Thus the discharge tube was simply a long vacuum tube bent through 180° at the middle of its length. The outlet tube was joined to a second discharge tube which was spherical in form and which was provided with two lateral tubes each con- taining one electrode. These side tubes were in the same vertical line and hence at right angles to the several sections of connect-' ing tubing. The inlet and outlet tubes of the spherical discharge bulb lay along a horizontal diameter, and each was furnished with a glass stop-cock. The last outlet tube led to a Gaede mercury pump. Usually the pump was regulated so as to maintain a pressure of about 1™™ of mercury in the region of the inlet of the U-tube, and this corresponded to a rate of flow of the gas of about 8 meters per sec., at the same place. When all three cocks were open and the U-tube alone was suit- ably excited, the following striking phenomena could be observed. Just below the inlet tube the discharge was yellow with a tinge of orange, and this was succeeded by a bluish violet region lower down in the limb. Still further down in this branch and through- out the entire curved portion of the U a greenish yellow light was emitted. In the second leg, and immediately below the out- let tube, the gas radiated bright red. If the electric current was decreased, while the flow of gas was maintained constant, the regions of different hues grew appreciably longer. Increasing the current shortened the colored segments. On the other hand, when the electrical conditions were kept invariable, the aforesaid regions increased or decreased in length according as the rate of flow of gas was made larger or smaller. That these phenomena are due to successive stages in the dis- sociation of nitrogen dioxide may be shown by the aid of the spherical discharge tube. Without exciting either tube, the gas is drawn slowly through the entire system for some time, and then the cocks on both sides of the spherical bulb are closed. On sending the electric current through this bulb the discharge first assumes a reddish yellow color, which gradually passes over into bluish violet. Suddenly the color changes to greenish yellow and this, in turn, slowly gives place to bright red. Thus the various stages of dissociation which are seen simultaneously, but spread out linearly, in the U-tube are presented in succession, but in the same general region, in the closed vacuum bulb. The question of the physical significance of the various color changes has been investigated spectroscopically by J. Zenneck and B. Strasser.* The first spectrum, of orange yellow color, belongs either to the tetroxide or the dioxide of nitrogen, since both of these vapors seem to give practically the same radiation. The second spectrum is due to some “labile” oxide intermediate between the dioxide and nitric oxide, perhaps nitrogen trioxide. Nitric oxide gives rise to the third spectrum, while the fourth is * Phys. Ztschr., No. 26, p. 1201, Dec., 1911. Chemistry and Physics. 3877 chiefly due to nitrogen and oxygen gases separately.— Verh. d. deutsch. phys. Gesellsch., No. 21, p. 953, 1911. H. S. U. 7. The Mechanism of the Semi-permeable Membrane, and a New Method of Determining Osmotic Pressure.—Heretotore, the semi-permeable membranes used in measuring osmotic pressures had to fulfil the condition of rigidity, either directly or by being deposited in a rigid support. A very ingenious scheme for abol- ishing this difficult requirement has been devised and tested by F. T. Trouton. Although the principles involved are of a gen- eral nature, it will be conducive to clearness to restrict the follow- ing explanation to a typical case. Suppose the problem is to find the value of the osmotic pressure of an aqueous solution of pure sugar of a given concentration. For theoretical purposes, we may imagine a rectangular glass vessel, of the type often used in stationary storage cells, separated into two compartments by a vertical, transverse, impervious diaphragm, ¢. g., a sheet of glass. This diaphragm must not extend to the level of the top of the vessel. One compartment is nearly filled with water, and the other with sugar solution. These liquids are then placed in hydrostatic communication by having superposed upon their upper surfaces a layer of liquid ether of sufficient depth to completely submerge the upper edge of the partition. Since sugar is insoluble in ether, while ether dissolves a small percentage of water, it follows that the layer of ether will take the role of the usual effectively rigid, semi-per- meable membrane. In fact, this is the key-note of Trouton’s innovation, namely, to substitute a liquid semipermeable partition for a rigid one. To be sure, both water and sugar solution take up some ether, but this complication is not serious since it can be relegated to the sphere of determinate corrections. Ether dis- solves about 1:05 per cent of water when placed in contact with the same, but ether absorbs less than this from a sugar solution, the amount depending upon the concentration of the solution. For equilibrium at the water-ether surface the ether must, there- fore, contain 1°05 per cent of water, while at the solution-ether interface a smaller quantity is necessary to establish equilibrium. Diffusion through the ether prevents this equilibrium from being established, consequently, water will pass across from the water side to the solution side of the partition. If the ether could rig- idly maintain its position so as to prevent any increase in the volume of the sugar solution, the hydrostatic pressure of this solution would increase, due to the accession of water. Under these ideal circumstances the process would come to an end when, owing to the increase of pressure, the percentage of water absorbed by the ether from the sugar solution attained the same value as the fraction of pure water taken up by the ether at atmospheric pressure. The pressure competent to effect this state of equilibrium in the ether wonld be the equivalent of the osmotic pressure of the sugar solution. Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtH Srrises, VoL. XX XIII, No. 196.—Aprit, 1912. 25 378 . Seientific Intelligence. Effective rigidity can be imparted to the ether by the apparatus designed by Trouton and used by Burgess. It consisted of a vertical, copper U-tube strong enough to withstand an internal pressure of more than 100 atmospheres in excess over the outside atmospheric pressure. One of the parallel branches of the tube was permanently connected with a pressure gauge, and the upper ends of both branches were provided with stopcocks and inlet tubes. In charging the apparatus the first step was to introduce enough sugar solution to half-fill the tube. Then ether was sucked into the branch which was not directly associated with the gauge, and the cock closed. Next, air was pumped into the other branch of the U-tube until the gauge registered the desired pressure, after which the second cock was closed. After sufficient time had elapsed for the ether to take up its full complement of water from the solution, the cock of the branch containing the ether was opened, thus allowing the compressed air in the other branch to force the ether out into the auxiliary testing tubes. The water content of the ether was determined by passing the moist ether, as vapor, through calcium chloride drying tubes which were maintained at 40°C. ‘This was sufficiently warm to prevent ether condensing in the tubes, and yet was found not to be too high for substantially absorbing all the water.” This entire process was repeated at different pressures, so that all the necessary data were obtained for plotting a curve having for the abscissas of 1ts points, pressures in atmospheres, and for the ordi- nates, percentages of water absorbed by the ether. For a con- centration of 600 grams of sugar per liter of solution the aforesaid percentages increased from 0°939 to 1143 as the pressure changed from 1 atmosphere to 110°5 atmospheres. The curve is somewhat convex towards the pressure axis. At about 79 atmospheres the per cent of water taken from the sugar solution by the ether was read off from the curve as 1°055, which is numerically the same as for the absorption of water by ether at a pressure of one atmosphere. Consequently, the osmotic pressure equals 79 atmos- pheres. Interpolating for the given concentration from the curves of Lord Berkeley and Mr. Hartley, the osmotic pressure as determined by the ferrocyanide of copper method was found by Trouton to be 81 atmospheres. The agreement is quite satis- factory in view of the fact that Trouton has not yet attempted to perfect his method, and to take into account all necessary correc- tions for variations in temperature, in concentration, ete.—Pro- ceedings Roy. Soc., \xxxvi, p. 149, Jan., 1912. H. S. U. 8. Note on the Monatomicity of Neon, Krypton and Xenon.— Having at his disposal relatively large quantities of pure neon, krypton and xenon, and being of the opinion that the monato- micity of these gases had been taken for granted on somewhat insufficient evidence, Str Wirtttam Ramsay has quite recently determined y, the ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume, for each of these gases. The appa- ratus used was of the same type as the one described in the mono- Chenustry and Physics. 379 graph on argon,* the experimental process consisting essentially in comparing the wave-length of sound in each rare gas with the wave-length in air for the same frequency, by Kundt’s method. The mean values of the wave-lengths for air, neon, krypton and xenon at 19° C. were found to be 5°584™, 7:220°™, 3:°626™ and 2°364™ respectively. Taking the densities of these gases, in the order named, as 14°479, 10°10, 41°46 and 65°11, and assuming y equal to 1:408 for air, it follows that the ratio of the specific heats of neon, krypton and xenon equals respectively 1°642, 1°689 and 1°666. Ramsay concludes :—‘‘'These numbers approximate within the limits of experimental error to the theoretical ratio 1667, and it therefore follows that neon, krypton, and xenon, like helium and argon, must be regarded as monatomic.” “ Their molecular and their atomic weights are identical.”— Proceedings voy. Soc.) Ixxxvi, p. 100, Jan., 1912. H. S. U. 9. Modern Microscopy ; by M. I. Cross and Martin J. Core. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. Pp. xvii, 325, with 113 figures and 6 plates. Chicago, 1912 (Chicago Medical Book Co.). —‘“ Jn the preparation of this new edition, the original intention that it should be for beginners and students has been steadily kept in view.” ‘The volume is divided into three parts, of which the first deals with microscopes and auxiliary apparatus such as ray-filters, artificial sources of light, text-books, etc. Care is taken to define and explain the significance of many optical terms, for example, aplanatism, chromatic over-correction, spheri- cal aberration, etc. In short, this Part, which comprises 136 _ pages, will enable an intelligent beginner to purchase wisely and to subsequently use and care for his apparatus to best advantage. Part II, of 82 pages, is devoted to staining, section cutting and, in a word, to the general preparation of microscopic objects. Part III, covering 100 pages, is entirely new, and it is divided into seven chapters, each of which was written by a specialist. It gives information on many subjects in which amateur micro- scopists in particular are interested, such as: interference figures of arragonite, larvae of hydrachnid parasites, bacillus anthracis, etc. The six plates belong to this Part and they are clear, beau- tiful reproductions of the original negatives. In conclusion, the subject is presented in such an attractive and elegant manner that the book deserves to win many converts to the branch of science with which it deals. He Seu 10. Laboratory Problems in Physics ; by Franxuin T. Jones and, Ropert R. Tatnatyn. Pp. ix, 81. New York, 1912 (The Macmillan Co.).—This book is in part a liberal revision of Crew and 'Tatnall’s ‘“‘ Laboratory Manual of Physics” and, with regard to its contents, the authors say: ‘‘ While these exercises may be used in connection with any text-book, the order adopted is that of Crew and Jones’s ‘ Elements of Physics.’” The 72 experi- ments suggested are intentionally of an elementary nature, they * Phil. Trans., A, 1895, Vol. 186, Part I, p. 228. 380 ~ Screntifie Intelligence. cover all of the usual subdivisions of physics, and they seem to be well arranged and wisely selected. The description of each exercise is presented under the subtitles : ‘“ Problem, Apparatus, Experiment, and Application.” In most cases, the paragraphs under “‘ Experiment ” include a well-drawn diagram of the appa- ratus and a blank tabular form to indicate a systematic plan for recording the numerical data. The “ Application” is a note- worthy feature of the volume and, in each case, it comprises several pertinent questions to be answered by the ‘student. For example, in the case of the pendulum, one question is this:—“ A block of stone, just swung clear of the ground by a derrick at the top of a high building, is observed to make one complete swing in 15 se¢. » & How high is the building?” The last four pages of the book are devoted to the metric system and toa table of 16 “ Useful Numbers,” such as :—“10 The specific heat of ice is about 0°505.” The typographical errors are few and unim- portant. On the whole, the book seems admirably adapted to subserve the purposes of the authors. H. 8. U. 11. Storage Batteries ; by Harry W. Morse. Pp. 266, with 106 text-figures. New York, 1912 (The Macmillan Co.).—This book does not contain a preface, but the author’s aim and object may be inferred from the last paragraph of the introductory chapter, which reads:—‘‘ The following chapters are based on lectures which have been given for the last few years at Harvard University.” ‘‘In the course the work on storage cells is pre- ceded by study of the general theory of.galvanic cells, and the simplest of this theory has been included in this book.” “ No attempt has been made to give any of the detail of storage bat- tery engineering, but only to introduce the reader to the peculi- arities of the cell itself.” The author possesses the happy faculty of presenting his sub- ject in an easy and entertaining style without sacrificing logical sequence and scientific accuracy and thoroughness in the least. Thus, it is rather attractive to read of “the heyday of galvanic cells” and of “‘a unique battery which harks back to the earliest form.” 'The curves and diagrams are well-drawn and to the point, and the text abounds in solutions of typical numerical examples. Finally, the treatment is well-balanced, since neither the physical nor the chemical aspect of the subject is given undue prominence. H. S.e 12. A Laboratory Manual of Physics and Applied EHlectric- ity; arranged and edited by Epwarp L. Nicuors. Vol. I. Junior Course in General Physics; revised and rewritten by Ernest Buaker. Pp. xiii, 417; with 135 figures. New York, 1912 (The Macmillan Co.). ’—The excellence of the first edition of this book has already been pointed out in this Journal, (see vol. xlvili, 346, 1894). The revised edition of this manual difters very appreciably in several respects from the earlier publication. As indicated above, it has been almost entirely rewritten. Changes have been made in the treatment of many of the experi- Geology. 381 ments retained, a few have been omitted, and about forty new experiments have been incorporated. In addition to the tables of natural functions, which are common to both editions, 18 tables of physical and mathematical constants have been placed near the end of the new volume. Asa consequence of all these mutations the manual has expanded from 294 to 417 pages. If possible, the quality of the book has kept pace with its increase i scope. H. Si: Ui. 13. Die Bearbeitung des Glases auf dem Blasetische; by D. Dsaxonow and W. Lrermantorr. 2d edition. Pp. xv, 196, with 34 text-figures. Berlin, 1911 (R. Friedlander & Sohn).— The real author of this manual is Lermantoff, since he had as a nucleus for the first edition, which appeared in 1895, only a few fragmentary notes left by Djakonow, who died in 1888. Ler- mantoff has taken great pains to supplement his own knowledge of the art by consulting with three of the best professional glass- blowers of St. Petersburg. Consequently the book is character- ized by giving the most minute details as to how to proceed in any given case. Undoubtedly it is very reliable and up to date. On the other hand, the volume is not well-balanced because pages 128 to 155 are devoted to the making of mercury-in-glass ther- mometers, while pages 155 to 195 deal with the calibration of such thermometers, a theme which pertains to laboratory manuals but not to a practical guide to glass-blowing. He) SeUy Il. Gronoey. 1. West Virginia Geological Survey: Wirt, Roane, and Calhoun Counties; by Ray V. HENNEN, Assistant Geologist. 1911. 573 pp., 3 maps, 15 plates, 6 figures.—In common with the previously issued West Virginia Reports, the description of Calhoun, Roane and Wirt counties is prepared in such a manner as to be directly useful to those interested in petroleum, gas and coal, and agriculture. The value of soil is particularly empha- sized by the State Geologist and attention is called to the damage resulting from deforestation. A chapter on the Historical and Industrial Development of the area, and a meagre discussion of the Physivgraphy is followed by a detailed study of the Geology, including chapters on General Geology, the Dunkard Series, the Monongahela Series, the Conemaugh Series. An unusually large list of carefully measured sections is given. An examination of the geologic structure shows the area to be located on the eastern flank of the Great Appalachian geosyncline, which in this area is modified by minor folds, embracing six anticlines and five syn- clines. The care with which structure contours have been worked out and recorded on the map is justified by the fact that structure is the primary control in the distribution of oil and gas,——the chief mineral wealth of this group of counties. The results of 382. Scientific Intelligence. strictly economic studies are recorded under the headings Petroleum and Natural Gas (pp. 276-467); Coal Resources (pp. 468-497); Clays, Road Materials and Stone (pp. 498-506). The chapter on Agriculture and Soils is the work of W. H. Latimer ~ and F. N. Meeker of the Bureau of Soils. H. E. G. 2. Geological Survey of New Jersey; Henry B. Kéuet, State Geologist. Bulletins 1-5, including Annual Report for 1910. 1911.--Beginning with the present report, the publications of the New Jersey Survey will be listed as Bulletins and issued in two forms,—separately and bound into an annual volume. The change will be welcomed by those who have occasion to use these valuable reports. Under the new arrangement the follow- ing bulletins have appeared : Bulletin 1, Annual Administrative Report of the State Geolo- gist for 1910. 48 pp. Bulletin 2, Report on the Approximate Cost of a Canal between Bay Head and the Shrewsbury River, by H. B. Kiimmel. 20 pp., map and profiles. Bulletin 3, Flora of the Raritan Formation, by Edward W. Berry. 231 pp., 29 plates, 3 figures. 7 Bulletin 4, Description of the Fossil Fish Remains of the Cre- taceous, Eocene and Miocene Formations of New Jersey, by Henry W. Fowler. 192 pp., 108 figures. Bulletin 5, Mineral Industry of New Jersey for 1910, by Henry B. Kiimmel and 8. Percy Jones. 24 pp. | Announcement is made that an entirely new geologic map of the state is In preparation to replace the map of 1890, which is not only out of date, but has been out of print for many years. H. E. G. 3. The State of the Ice in the Arctic Seas (Isforholdene i de arktiske Have). 1911, pp. xxill, 5 maps.—At the request of the Seventh International Geographical Congress, the Danish Meteor- ological Institute issues an annual bulletin on Arctic ice printed in Dutch and in English based on data from all available sources. The present report, prepared by Commander C. I. Hansen, records by months the condition of the ice at various localities and a summary for each region. Separate maps for April, May, June, July and August are included. H. E.G. 4, Wisconsin Geological und Natural History Survey; E. A. Brrer, Director; W. O. Horcuktss, State Geologist. Bulletin No. X XIII, Economic Series No. 14, 1911. Reconnoissance Soil Survey of Part of Northwestern Wisconsin, by SAamuEL WeErD- MAN, assisted by E. B. Hatt and F. 8S. Mussackx. Pp. 102, map in pocket, 15 plates, 16 text figures —The region covered by the Survey has an area of 6,705 square miles and includes the counties of Eau Claire, Chippewa, Rusk, Barren, Dunn, Pepin, Pierce, St. Croix, and Polk. In addition to a study of soils and of agricultural conditions, this report discusses the geology, geog- raphy, water supplies, climate, etc., and presents results in a manner very acceptable to those who wish a general knowledge Geology. 383 of the physical geography of this portion of the Prairie Plains Province. 5. Annual Progress Report of the Geological Survey of West Australia for the year 1910. Pp. 31; 2 maps, 2 figures. Perth, 1911.—The active staff of the Western Australia Survey includes the following officers in addition to A. Gibb Maitland, the Govern- ment Geologist : H. P. Woodward, Charles G. Gibson, H. W. B. Talbot, L. Glauert, and E. 8. Simpson, the latter in charge of the Survey Laboratory. Four Bulletins were issued during the year, viz., Bulletin 36, Paleontological Contributions to the Geology of Western Australia, III (this Journal, xxxi, p. 239, 1911) ; Bulletin 38, The Irwin River Coalfield and the adjacent Districts from Arrino to Northampton (this Journal, xxxi, p. 239, 1911); Bulletin 39, Geological Observations in the Country between Wiluna, Hall’s Creek and Tanami (this Journal, xxxi, 574); Bulletin 41, Geology and Ore Deposits of the West Pilbara Goldfield (in press). . The annual report for 1910 contains an interesting history of the Survey from its informal organization in 1847. Since 1887 the work has been carried on continually by a small but active group of geologists. The nature of the work undertaken may be judged from the list of publications which comprises 58 reports on gold deposits, 10 on copper and lead, 7 on tin, 3 on iron ores, 10 on coal and oil, 3 on phosphates, 12 on miscellaneous mineral deposits, 10 on general geologic subjects, 1 on petrography, 1 on paleontology, 23 on ground water. Besides preliminary reports on various phases of geologic work (chiefly economic) the Annual Progress Report for 1910 includes a discussion by Mr. Gibson of the “‘ Principal Geological Features of the Kalgoorlie Goldfield,” together with a geological map of this region, which has con- tributed more than half of the total production of gold in the state. H. E. G. 6. The Uses of Peat.—Bulletin 16 of the Bureau of Mines (pp. 214) contains an account by Cuartes A. Davis of the uses of peat for fuel and other purposes. The subject is one of importance, for thus far this country has made little progress in this direction, as compared with what has been done abroad. As fuel it has its highest value and is most efficient as a source of producer gas; but it is useful also, in place of wood, in brick manufacture, ceramic firing, and lime burning. This whole sub- ject is discussed in much detail and many important facts brought out. Peat is also available in a variety of manufacturing pur- poses, as those calling for a fibrous vegetable product; the comparative abundance of wood has, however, prevented the development of this in the United States, as compared with Europe, where wood is much more scarce. Agriculturally peat lands may be cultivated with profit, if the right crops are chosen, and sufficient care is used to put the lands in the best condition by draining, decomposing, and fertilizing the peat. 384 . Seventific Intelligence. III. Muscetnanrous Screntiric INTELLIGENCE. 1. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Year Book. No, 10, 1911, RosertS. Woopwarp, President. Pp. xvi, 296; 9 plates. Washington, January, 1912.—The publication of the tenth annual report of the Carnegie Institution is an event of uch importance, and gains a special interest from the fact that during the past year an addition of $10,000,000 to the fund of the foundation has been made by Mr. Carnegie; the total endowment now reaches the princely figure of $22,000,000, yielding an annual income of $1,100,000. The past year has also been marked by the comple- tion of the meridian astronomical work at the temporary observa- tory at San Luis, Argentina. The observations, carefully planned in advance by Professor Boss, were begun in April, 1909, and so expeditiously carried out that about a year since the observers returned to Dudley Observatory at Albany. Professor R. H. Tucker was the astronomer in charge of the work. It 1s also to be noted that the past year has seen the completion and equip- ment, at a cost of $25,000, of the 70-foot motor boat called the “Anton Dohrn” ; it will be used for the department of Marine Biology, which has its center at Tortugas, Florida. The sum allotted for the ten departments, to which the funds of the Institution are particularly devoted, amounted to very nearly $500,000, while about $100,000 more were appropriated for the minor grants, although not all expended. The total expenditures of the Institution since its beginning amount to about $5,500,000, of which $4,000,000 have been applied directly to research, more than $300,000 to publications, and $400,000 to administration. The Institution now owns two astronomical observatories, five laboratories and a non-magnetic ship, besides numerous buildings and pieces of real estate. Some 201 separate volumes have been published and a total of 90,730 volumes dis- tributed. The report of the President, from which these facts are taken, also gives a brief summary of the results accomplished by the several organized departments of research, ten in number, as well as of the investigations of the research associates. ‘These sub- jects are further discussed in detail by the gentlemen in charge, who give a most interesting account of the work that has been prosecuted in their respective lines. It is only by a careful read- ing of these individual reports, which make up the bulk of the present volume, that an adequate idea can be obtained of the manifold results that are being accomplished by the Carnegie Institution. A special descriptive pamphlet of 34 pages with numerous illustrations has been issued commemorative of this tenth anniversary. 2. Publications of the Carnegie Institution.—Recent publi- cations of the Carnegie Institution are noted in the following list (continued from vol. xxxii, p. 327): Miscellaneous Intellagence. 385 No. 27. Bacteria in relation to Plant Diseases; by Erwin F. Smith. Volume II. History, general Considerations, Vascu- lar Diseases. Pp. vili, 368; 20 plates, 148 figures. No. 88, Part Il. Dynamic Meteorology and Hydrography ; by V. Bserxnes and different collaborators. Part [[--Kinematies. Pp. vii, 175, 4to. 113 figures and 60 folio plates in separate cover. No. 140. The Eusporangiate. The Comparative Morphology of the Ophioglossacez and Marattiacee ; by Douariass H. Camp- BELLE.) Pp, vi, 229 ; 13 plates, 192 figures. No. 145. .) Hirror, erm. erm. em? grm,. . em? erm. erm. 0°0051 0°31 50 6 100 0°0049 —0'0002 0°0051 0°45 50 6 100 0°0046 —0'0005 0°0543 0°15 50 6 100 0°0544 +0°0001 0°05438 0°21 50 6 100 0°0542 —0O:'0001 0°05438 0°31 50 6 100 0°0546 +0°0008 0°0543 0°45 100 12 200 0°0538 —0°0005 0°1629 0°45 50 6 100 0:1649 +0°0020 0°1629 0°45 100 12 200 0°1629 +0°0000 Shonld much free acid be present originally it should be removed by evaporation before neutralizing the remainder with the potassium hydroxide ; and if potassium oxalate crystallizes out, as may happen if much potassium salt is present with the large amount of oxalic acid, it is best dissolved in a mixture of 430 HH. L. Ward—Ovxalate-Permanganate Process. alcohol, water, and acetic acid in equal parts. When very large amounts of iron are present it is more satisfactory to increase the dilution on precipitation to 100°. It is necessary in all cases to have present a very large excess of oxalic acid to secure the complete insolubility of the copper. Peters found that when potassium nitrate was present in the water solution of a copper salt, all the copper was not thrown down by oxalic acid. It becomes desirable, therefore, to ascer- tain whether copper oxalate is completely insoluble in the presence of commonly occurring salts, when one-half the solu- tion consists of acetic acid. The results of experiments shown in Table LX show clearly that the separation of the oxalate is complete even when very small amounts of oxalic acid are used. The potassium salts were chosen in preference to the sodium salts because potassium oxalate is much more soluble in water and is therefore less likely to crystallize out in the course of an analysis. Ammonium salts may not be present, as a soluble double oxalate is formed, which is stable in the presence of a’large amount of free acetic acid. In the experiments detailed in the last division of the table concentrated hydrochloric acid was neutralized with potassium hydroxide and acetic acid added before precipitation. TABLE IX. Effect of Salts on the Precipitation of Copper Oxalate in the Presence of Acetic Acid. : Volume Copper Salt at pre- Oxalic Acetic - Copper present present cipitation acid acid found Error grm. grm. em? erm. em? grm. grm. KNO; present. 0°0501 10 100 1 50 0°0504 +4-0°0003 0°0501 3°0 100 i 50 0°0504 +0°0003 K.SO,4 present 0°0501 120 100 it 30 0°0500 —0-'0001 KCl present 0°0050 2°0 100 1 50 0°0045 —0'0005 0°0250 2°0 100 1 50 0'0246 —0°0004 0°0501 1°0 100 1 50 0°0501 +0°0000 0°0501 3°0 100 1 50 0°0501 +0°0000 HCl em? HCl neutralized with KOH 0°0511 i 100 if 50 0°0513 +0°0002 0°0511 2 100 1 50 0°0510 —0°0001 00511 3 100 1 50 070511 +0°0000 0'0511 5 100 1 50 0:0501 —0°0010 0°0511 3 100 1 50 070511 +0°0000 0°1002 5 150 1 100 01001 —0-'0001 H. L. Ward—Oxalate-Permanganate Process. 481 The Determination of Copper Associated with Lead.— The oxalate of lead, though fairly soluble in nitric acid, shows a tendency to be included in the precipitation of an oxalate which is insoluble in that acid. For this reason it was found impossible to separate copper from lead as oxalate, even in a solution very strongly acid with nitric acid. It has been shown in a previous paper* that copper oxalate is insoluble in a 10 per cent solution of sulphuric acid containing one-half its vol- ume of acetic acid and a large excess of oxalie acid. The method proposed, therefore, is to add to a solution of lead and copper as nitrates an equal volume of acetic acid and then from 3 to 5™* of sulphuric acid. Under these conditions the lead is completely precipitated as the sulphate and may be filtered off and weighed as such. The filtrate is then evaporated somewhat, a little more acetic acid added and the copper estimated as the oxalate in the usual manner. The results are shown in Table X. TABLE X. The Separation of Copper and Lead. Both determined. Volume Sul- at pre- Copper Lead phuric Acetic cipita- Oxalic Copper Error Lead Error present present acid acid _ tion acid found copper found lead grm. grm. emis ems. ‘em. germ. grm. grm. grm. grm. 0°0511 0°0500 3 50 110 2 0°0513 +0°0002 0°0499 —0°0001 0°0511 0°1000 oe 50 100 2 0°0508 —0°00038 0°0996 —0:0004 0°0511 0°1000 3) 50 100 2 9°0508 —0°0003 0:0997 —0-:0003 Since the lead sulphate does not interfere with the perman- ganate titration, it is possible, as shown in Table XJ, to estimate TaBLE XI. Determination of Copper in Presence of Lead. Lead not determined. Sul- Copper Lead phuric Acetic Dilu- Oxalic Copper present present acid acid tion acid found Error grm, grm. em’, em, em’, grm. erm. erm. 0°0511 0°10 5 50 100 2 0°0508 —0°0003 0°1533 0°20 5) 50 100 2 0°1527 —0°0006 0°1533 0°20 5 50 100 2 0°1530 —0°'0003 0°0511 0°25 5 50 100 Z 070511 +0°0000 0°1086 0°25 5 50 100 4 0°1081 —0°0005 0°0051 0°30 5 50 160 4 0°0052 +0°0001 0°0511 0°30 5 50 100 + 0°0508 —0°0003 0°0543 0°30 10 50 100 + 0°0537 —0°0006 0°1022 0°30 10 50 100 2 0°1018 —0°0004 0°0511 0°40 3 50 100 2 0°0509 —0°0002 * This Journal [4], xxvii, 448, 1909. 432 HH. L. Ward—Oxalate-Permanganate Process. the copper as oxalate by precipitation and titration without first filtering off the sulphate of lead. In this case the sulphate is precipitated as before, the solution heated to boiling and oxalic acid added. The sulphate and oxalate are then filtered off together, heated to boiling with dilute sulphuric acid and the oxalate titrated with permanganate. 7 Summary. It has been shown in this paper that copper may be estimated in the presence of cadmium by precipitation as oxalate, in the presence of nitric acid and subsequent evapo- ration to dryness, the residue then being extracted with nitric acid, and the oxalate filtered off and titrated with potassium permanganate. A still more accurate determination is obtained by precipitation of the oxalate in the presence of a large amount of free acetic acid and small amounts of free nitric acid. Copper may be separated from arsenic in the higher condi- tion by the same methods as are applicable in the presence of cadmium. Copper may be separated from small amounts of iron by desiccation of the oxalate in the presence of nitric acid and extraction with dilute nitric acid. A better method and one more universally applicable is to precipitate the copper by adding oxalic acid to the water solution of the salts of iron and copper and adding two volumes of acetic acid to separate the small amount of copper remaining in solution. Copper associated with lead may be estimated by first pre- cipitating the latter metal with sulphuric acid in a solution containing a large amount of free acetic acid and then throwing out the copper by oxalic acid (either before or after filtration), and determining the copper by titration in the usual manner. Foote and Bradley— Chemical Composition of Analeite. 438 Arr. XXX VI—On Solid Solution in Minerals. I1.—The Chemical Composition of Anatlcite; by H. W. Footr and W. M. Bravery. : THE mineral analcite is the most important normal meta- silicate among the zeolites and occurring, as it does, in excel- lent crystals, its chemical composition has been the subject of repeated investigations. The formula which has been derived from the analyses, and which is commonly accepted, is Na,A], (SiO,),.2H,O. A consideration of the ratios derived from many analyses will show, however, that this formula is not in good agreement with the facts. This is well illustrated in Table I, in which the ratios of all the analcite analyses given in Dana’s Mineralogy have been calculated. TABLE I, Ratios obtained from Analyses of Analcite given in Dana’s Mineralogy. SiO, Al.Os3, ete. Na.O, etc. H.O INGOs i aioe i Bas Seg 1°16 1°00 2°37 Pee? pea 4°30 O07 7 2°15 SEL, e100 1°23 ‘e 1°62 AN ae a8 4°39 Itt f 2°22 5 iat Bie oy eRe! EES, L041 a 2°30 OVE weer 4°17 1:06 % VED CE a 4°25 94 % 2°08 oe aa 4°26 1:14 2°20 eG ae A 3°89 99 oe 1°96 AChE ae teat Sort one of 2°14 Ui paar Tea 3°67 oT # Toa J Zp plal cy 3°57 93 1°81 aco ten ek 3°74 LO, ee 1°94 Pao ce 4°05 1:07 af 2°10 Moy ase 4°49 1°09 ef 2°49 HOle 2 oa 78 4°00 1:00 = 2°04 Me Gen ee Ls 4°15 "98 - a 2°14 Suiass 4°27 Om e 2°15 IES Yet Aisceey 2 3°76 “97 2°00 BO Vo athe 4°48 1°14 e 2°36 alls Bee ae 4°02 101 i 2°03 ipl a oe 4°03 1°00 “t 2°00 Wat ate ee Act | 1:07 a 2°14 It is impossible to judge of the value of many of the analyses whose ratios have just been given, for in the original descrip- tions there is usually either no statement made regarding the quality of the material analyzed or the analysis was primarily undertaken to show that analcite was a constituent of certain 434 Foote and Bradley—Chemical Composition of Analette. rocks. An analysis by Hillebrand,* No. 18 in the table, and another by Clarke & Steiger,t+ not quoted by Dana, appear to be among the best that have been made. Their results, and the ratios derived from them, are given below: Analysis by Hillebrand. Per cent Ratio BIOs LE 258 Sea Oeil: 4:27 ALO Aa fae ache 22°43 TOU NaOree Seee 13°47 1°00 HOP Se tee 2-15 Analysis by Clarke and Steiger. SIOM Se Aso G06 4°82 AlOee ae 21:48 ) : Be.O; 225 eeee 18 Vos CaQ ch as et kG ES NajOe eee 12°20 re Te SG eve ete ee hoa 8°96 2°53 A glance at all the ratios given above will show that the ratio between soda and alumina is nearly 1:1, but that silica and water vary largely from the ratios 4 and 2 demanded by the formula. In Table I the ratio for silica is greater than 4°2 in ten cases, it is less than 3°9 in six cases, and it is between 4 and 4:2 in only seven cases. Similar irregularities are true as regards the ratio for water. Clarke and Steiger,{ in com- menting on their analysis given above, state: “It is at once evident... 2 1G. at that our sample of the mineral varies nota- bly in composition from the requirements of theory. The silica is 25 per cent too high while alumina and soda are cor- respondingly low. No probable impurity and no presumable errors of manipulation can account for so great a divergence. The variations are large enough, common enough and regular enough to command attention.” These investigators have sug- gested that the mineral is an isomorphous mixture of ortho- and trisilicate, the formula of which can be reduced to the simple expression NaAlX.H,O in which X_ represents - nSiO, -+ mSi,O,. This modification, however, does not take account of the water, which appears to be as variable as silica. The evidence to be gathered from the data which have been given points on the whole to a case of variable composition, such as was previously found in the case of nephelite$ and which can be explained by assuming solid solution. Consider- * Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., xx, 27, 1885. + This Journal [4], viii, 251, 1899. t Loc. cit. -§ This Journal [4], xxxi, 20, 1911. Foote and Bradley—Chemical Composition of Anateite. 435 ing the uncertain quality of many of the analyses, however, we have undertaken a new series. The material used in the analyses, which will be given below, fulfilled two conditions: it was of ideal quality and it came from widely different localities. All the specimens were well- erystallized and all were colorless or translucent, with one ex- ception, that from the Kerguelen Islands, which was milk-white. The attempt was made to obtain samples from localities which had furnished material for the analyses giving ratios less than 4 for silica, as quoted in Table I, but we were not successful. In some cases, the crystals required no special treatment in order to prepare a sample suitable for analysis. In others, where small glassy crystals had been removed from the rock, a thin layer of foreign matter would usually adhere. ‘To entirely free the crystals from this substance, it was found necessary to erush them and after sifting the fragments to a uniform size, to treat them with heavy solution. Microscopic examination of all the samples prepared for analysis proved them to be free from inclusions and to have a perfectly homogeneous glassy structure. In several cases, the specific gravity of the mineral was obtained from that of the heavy solution, while in others the ordinary method with a balance was used. The results obtained were as follows: TaBLE II.—Specific Gravity of Analcite. No. Locality Specific gravity ee wor Islands. N.S... 6282 feet. 2°254 Ze Ov clopeam ene <2 ui ee dee Se 2°260 Oey eRCeroimeletpylisnm seis at My 9°257 au Nictoria, Austratia .c2 2.24 sel. 2°219 pave Witchiean, SU Se se. OS. 6 2: 2°9293 Gr. Momtreal, Can isies 20.22). : 2°93)1 It seems desirable to give at least a brief outline of the methods of analysis, although the mineral is a simple one from an analytical standpoint. At the very outset it may be stated that great care was exercised in regard to the purity of the reagents, and platinum vessels were used wherever possible. The mineral being readily decomposed by hydrochloric acid made it possible to omit the ordinary fusion with sodium car- bonate and thus obviate the use of a solid reagent at this point. Two evaporations were made to render silica insoluble, which was treated in the ordinary manner. It may be stated that the specimen from the Kerguelen Islands, which was milk-white in color, decomposed with separation of silica and also with the formation of gelatinous silica when treated with hydrochloric acid. In all other cases the mineral decomposed only with separation of silica. Alumina was precipitated by ammonia, 436 Foote and Bradley—Chemical Composition of Analcite. and after igniting and weighing was fused with potassium bisulphate in order to make a volumetric determination of iron possible. Calcium was absent in all cases, and not more than the merest trace of magnesium was found. Alkalies were determined by a Smith fusion, and water by ignition. The analyses and the ratios calculated from them are given below (Table III). TaBLeE III.—New Analyses of Analcite. 1. Two Islands, N.S. I dG Average Ratio roi 0 ee weap ge F 2 59°90 55°90 50°90 4°46 € He ‘ 3° pe EA OR a ee 2 bs 2 ees ae 1:06 He Oly wees Ll 12 11 BS J 2 Sete ‘06 Heras "08 NasOuy fae. 12°85 12°96 12-91 ee LO wee oes 8°38 8°33 8°35 2°24 99°68 99°72 99°70 2. Cyclopean Islands. di if Average Ratio SLOWS cae t_ Bb 54°39 54°42 54°41 4°16 AND AD) Fee ak ee ho 23°52 23°62 ee HELO, ot: 12 13 12 ee el] ¢ e = . 2, K,0 cee eel 1 z a aO Ue eee 13°30 13°42 13°36 BLO. ge Arye 8°24 8°25 8°24 2 99°90 99°85 99°87 3. Kerguelen Islands. iE Te Average Ratio DIO. Neen toe 54°49 54°86 54°68 4°18 AAO) Cee 23°23 23°43 23°33 1:05 Bie ©) ee eee “15 "14 14 K Oye ake ee ne Ue 1:00 Na Oe 13°37 13°57 13°47 ELM = 2 eee 846 8°47 8°46 age Be 99°70 100°50 100°10 4. Victoria, Australia. I II Average Ratio BIOs 22 oe ee wa oEOe 55°02 55°06 4°29 Bed tiie Aan ee a 22°84 22°87 22°85 eS Besa) a ath 15 15 15 nee DD e . ee Ag ioe to a 1:00 Na Oras 13°20 13°16 13°18 | MO 2te ee 8°32 8°44 8°38 2°19 0 ————— 99°85 99°74 o3779 Foote and Bradley—Chemical Composition of Analcite. 437 _ 8. Michigan, U.S. A. 1B Average Ratio DIO) so a eats 56°43 56°48 4°45 TAOS. ahi 21°85 22°42 22°13 1:02 Me@ ieee °26 ZG 21 K,O Pe "09 "13 ‘ll 1:00 INaEOie Shiota ee 12°92 13°16 13°04 15 OS eee 8°37 8°41 8°39 pad 100°02 SP MLGO al 100°36 6. Montreal, Canada. I II Average Ratio Sk eae pears 56°96 56°72 56°84 4°61 IO) hehe 2S 22°88 22°81 1:09 Ret Or iss on” °25 Ly) 22 1: OG See pee 16 ‘21 "19 1:00 Na Ove onto 12°67 27 2 12°69 1 CC aia aaa 8°23 8°31 8°27 2°25 101°02 101°038 eS LOI02 The summary of the ratios obtained in these six new analy- ses is given below. There are included also the ratios from the analyses by Hillebrand (No. 7) and by Clarke and Steiger (No. 8), which appear to be as good as any that have been made. TABLE 1V,—Summary of Ratios, No. SiO, Al,Os, ete. Na,0O, etc. H.0. l. 4°46 1°06 1:00 2°24 2. 4°16 AO eg ne PN 3. 4°18 1°05 oe 2517 4, 4°29 1°05 oe 2°18) 5. 4°45 1°02 os 2°21 6. 4°61 1°09 Se 2°25 is 4°27 1°01 & 2°15 8. 4°82 LO7 sy 2°53 The ratios in Table IV confirm the general statement which was made from a consideration of old analyses, that the accepted formula is not in good agreement with the facts of analysis. Silica and water both show ratios which are always higher than the formula requires, and in most cases are very much higher. The ratio Na,O:AJ),O, is nearly 1:1. The average of all results 1:1°05. The ratio H,O:Si0, is very close indeed to1:2. Considering the low molecular weight of water, this ratio is as close as could be expected. The average is 1:1°97. To sum up the matter, soda and alumina on the Am. Jour. Sci1.—FourtH SERIES, VOL. XXXIII, No. 197.—May, 1912. 438 Foote and Bradley— Chemical Composition of Analcite. one hand, and silica and water on the other, show simple con- stant ratios, but there is no ratio either simple or constant between alumina (or soda) and silica (or water). The case appears to be very similar indeed to that of nephelite,* in which the ratio of soda to alumina was simple while their ratio to silica varied largely. The results can be accounted for very simply by assuming in analeite that the excess of water and silica over the amount corresponding to the simple ratios is due to solid solution. The formula of analeite can then be written Na, Al(SiO,),.2H,0.72H,81,0,. The point must be emphasized that this does not mean that the compound H,Si,O, as such is necessarily present in solid solution. The real com- ponents, for instance, may be Na,A1,(SiO,),.2H,O and Na,Al, S1,0,,.83H,0. Other possible components may also be chosen. There is no possible way, at the present time, of deciding defi- nitely in regard to the actual components, and furthermore, this seems unnecessary. The facts all point to a case of solid solution of the unusual type found in nephelite where there appear to be isomorphous relations existing between chemical compounds of very different type, and these facts are suffici- ently well expressed in the formula as it has been written above. i In deriving the formula, we have used only the eight ratios given in Table IV, six of which are calculated fron: our own analyses. As shown in Table I, a number of analyses have been made in which the silica ratio is considerably below the ratio number 4, and these cannot be represented by the formula given above. We were unable to obtain any specimens of analcite giving these low ratios and it is impossible to judge of the accuracy of the analyses and the quality of the material used in cases where these low ratios have been found. Until it can be demonstrated that such cases actually occur In pure analcites, we prefer to leave the formula as given. If the occurrence of the low ratios is proved, a slight change in the components chosen will take account of it. It is interesting to note that the water in analciteft as well as most of the other zeolitest does not behave like ordinary water of crystallization. The vapor pressure at a given temperature does not remain constant as the substance is dehydrated as, for instance, tle vapor of Glauber’s salt does, but it continually diminishes, behaving in this respect like the vapor pressure of an amorphous hydroxide such as silicic acid. or this reason, zeolites do not lose a definite number of molecules of water by heating at a certain temperature or through a certain range of * Loe. cit. + Friedel, Bull. Soc. Min., xix, 363, 1896 ; xxii, 5, 1899. +Tammann, Zeitschr. phys. Chem., xxvii, 323, 1898. Foote and Bradley— Chemical Composition of Nephelite. 489 temperature, just the reverse of the common behavior of hydrated salts. The explanation has been that water exists in zeolites in a condition of solid solution. Our data, obtained entirely from analyses, supports this view but indicates also that part of the silica is in a similar condition. It would be possible theoretically, however, for the water to behave as ordinary water of crystallization and still have the isomorphous relations derived above. It is hoped that the deductions advanced in this article may find similar application to other zeolites. In closing the authors desire to express their thanks to Professor L. V. Pirsson for many valued suggestions. All the material for this investigation was very generously furnished by Professor W. E. Ford from the Brush collection, to whom our thanks are also due. Chemical and Mineralogical Laboratories of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, New Haven, Conn., Feb. 1912. Art. XX XViI—TZhe Chemical Composition of Nephelite ; by H. W. Foorr and W. M. Braptey. In a previous article,* we have shown from a series of analyses that the composition of the mineral nephelite does not correspond to the simple formula NaAISiO, but that there is a variable excess of silica beyond the amount required by the formula. Since the material was entirely homogeneous, we showed that the results could be accounted for very simply by assuming that the excess of silica was present in some form in solid solution. We did not attempt to determine the molec- ular condition of the dissolved silica—whether it was present as albite, for instance, or in any other form (p. 31). Recently, two articles have appeared on the composition of nephelite, one by Schallert+ the other by Bowen.{ Schaller prefers to account for the excess of silica by assuming an isomorphous mixture of nephelite with an hexagonal albite, while Bowen assumes that albite itself accounts for the excess. The pres- ence of kaliophilite with nephelite as an isomorphous mixture of the ordinary type is of course to be assumed but has nothing to do with the excess of silica in the ratios. The difference in our views, then, amounts to this, that we assume silica is pres- * This Journal, xxxi, 25, 1911. + Wash. Acad. Sci., i, 109, 1911. { This Journal, xxxiii, 49, 1912. 440 Foote and Bradley—Chemical Composition of Nephelite. ent in solid solution, leaving the question entirely open as to what form the excess takes. It might, for instance, be present as hexagonal albite as Schaller suggests, just as it might be present in some other form. Schaller, on the other hand, suggests that the particular form which the excess of silica takes is that of an hexagonal albite and Bowen suggests albite and leaves the system of crystallization undecided. Considering the fact that the greatest uncertainty still pre- vails in regard to the actual molecular condition of dissolved substances in other types of solution which have been much more investigated, it seems impossible to decide definitely in regard to what molecular aggregates are actually present in nephelite. It appeared to us, when writing the first article (p. 31), as it does now, that it is better to avoid any definite assumption which cannot be proved, regarding the molecular condition of the dissolved silica. Our main point was to show there was an unusual case of solid solution and that it was unnecessary to assume any definite molecular condition for the excess of silica. While it may later be shown that albite actually exists in solid solution, this at present must be regarded as pure conjecture. The albite molecule, if present, would have very peculiar properties, entirely unlike albite as it exists either in pure condition or isomorphous with other feldspars, since nephelite with its excess of silica is completely soluble in N/4 hydrochloric acid. This evidence, however, we recog- nize fully is not proof that the albite molecule is absent. It cannot be proved either way at present. Hence our point, that it is better to leave the question as to the molecular con- dition of excess of silica entirely open. There is one point regarding the amount of silica which nephelite can take up, which needs mention. Bowen states (p. 58): “It is therefore only in the presence of albite itself that nephelites may be expected to be saturated with silica.” This is a conelusion which we also drew in our article, but later Bowen states: ‘‘ The conditions necessary for the saturation of nephelite with albite are so unlikely to occur that it may be safely said that natural nephelites are probably never saturated.” It was shown in our former article that three nephelites, which were associated with albite, and one asso- ciated with microcline-microperthite, exhibited a constant . maximum ratio for silica, and we suggested that this repre- sented the saturation value. The objection could, perhaps, be raised that the nephelite and albite were not formed simulta- neously, so that the former was not necessarily saturated. Probably no one will doubt the assertion that if a magma_ | deposits both nephelite and albite together, the former must be saturated with silica at the temperature of solidification. There is plenty of evidence that this process has taken place. : . Foote and Bradley— Chemical Composition of Nephelite. 441 It has been shown by Bayley* and by Morozewiez+ that rocks occur where both nephelite and very pure albite must have been formed simultaneously. Morozewiez in particular has shown that in the rock investigated by him, albite crystallized throughout the entire time when nephelite was forming. The nephelite in both rocks was analyzed. It is probable that the material was not as carefully purified as in the cases considered in our former article, since the object was to show that neph- elite was present and not to derive its formula. Still, the results should show approximately the limiting ratio for silica, when nephelite is saturated. The ratios calculated from their analyses are as follows: Bayley Morozewicz (anal. by Clarke) Si0, SATS oa ag pO 2°15 2°15 Al,O, ACE es Dn ce aa 1:00 1°00 CN Ie OU O es ce "94 "95 The ratios between alumina and alkalies is not as sharp as it should be, perhaps. If, instead of calling alumina 1, the error is allowed to rest equally on alumina and alkalies, whichzseems fair, the ratios become : Bayley Morozewicz (anal. by Clarke) DIO see ees ees FSS: 2°21 2°21 Jil sO nie Sie ee 1°03 1°08 GNAIOVOL Soha 97 98 Whichever way.the ratios are calculated, the value for silica comes very close to 2°2, which represents the limiting ratio. The value which we obtained before was 2°21. Since the two values are practically identical, there seems to be no reason whatever for modifying our original statement regarding this ratio. Judging purely by the evidence available, we cannot agree with Bowen ‘that natural nephelites are probably never saturated.’ It is to be hoped that the problem may be attacked from the synthetic standpoint in an adequate way. By this means, it will perhaps be shown whether the saturation limit changes appreciably with the temperature of formation, and also whether the potassium content affects this limit to any great extent. Chemical and Mineralogical Laboratories of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, . New Haven, Conn., February, 1912. * Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer,, iii, 231, 1892. +Min. Petr. Mitt., xxi, 238, 1902. 442 A. Olsson—New Genus of Paleechinoidea. Art. XXX VIIl— Description of a new Genus and Species of Paleechinoidea ;* by Axe Oxsson. Lepidechinoides gen. nov. SHAPE subspheroidal with five ambulacrals and five inter- ambulacral fields. Ambulacrum consisting of two columns of alternately arranged plates imbricating aborally. Each of the ambulacral plates pierced in the middle by a pair of pores set close together. In addition each ambulacral plate is pierced on the extreme ventral surface by a single pore situated on the adjacent ends of the plates. Interambulacrum composed of six _ columns of adorally imbricating plates. Adambulacral plates — =, ek an nh i fl Lepidechinoides ithacensis Olsson. Fic. 1. Side view of specimen enlarged three diameters. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, indicate number of column. 1’, 2’, 3’, 4’, initial plates. shghtly smaller than the second column of plates and perforated near ambulacral edge. The interior plates of the interambu- lacral series more or less hexagenal in shape, except those on the extreme ventral surface, which are small and scale-like. Spines small and striated, dilated at the base. | * The writer is indebted to Prof. H. S. Williams for the many kind sug- gestions in the preparation of this paper. 4 A. Olsson—New Genus of Paleechinoidea. = 448 Lepidechinoides ithacensis sp. nov. Ambulacral plates about three to each of the adambulacral plates bordering them. Each plate perforated m the middle by a pair of pores set close together. Arrangement of plates alternate and imbricated aborally. Interambulacrum consist- ing of six columns of rather large plates imbricated adorally. Second column of plates larger than the adambulacral plates. Adambulacral plates rhombic or pentagonal in shape and per- forated near the ambulacral edge. The inner series of inter- ambulacral plates more or less hexagonal in shape, except those on the extreme ventral surface, which are small and scale-like. These plates pierced in the center except those on the ventral surface. On the oral surface a few of the ambu- lacral plates are pierced by a pore each on their adjacent ends, but they are confined to this region. Secondary spines small and striated and dilated at the base for attachment. | Length 275° Width 4° Width of ambulacral area 4™™ Width of interambulacral area at middle 17™" After a careful study of the specimen and of the descrip- tions and figures of the other three genera in the family, viz.—Lepidocentrus Miller, Perischodomus McCoy, and Lepidechinus Hall, the following points of resemblance and differences were made out. In the imbrication of both areas it approaches Lepidechinus and Perischodomus and differs from Lepidocentrus, in which the am- bulacral plates are inflexible. As in Lepidechinus, the initial plate 1’ is retained. It is small and irregularly foursided, its ventral apex is sharp and does not appear to have suffered from resorption. This specimen in its possession of only six columns Fies. 2, 3. Secondary spines of interambulacral plates is not enlarged ten diameters. so highly accelerated in its de- velopment as the genus Lepide- chanus and the species Lepido- centrus mullert Schultze. In Lepidechinus rarispinus Hall the introduction of new plates is so rapid that each initial plate touches the next. In Lepidechinoides the plates 2, 3, 4 and 5 follow each other rapidly, as shown in figure, but between plates 5 and 6 there are three intervening plates. The exact S44 A. Olsson—New Genus of Paleechinordea. size and shape of the adambulacrals cannot be ascertained - because of the overlapping of the second column of plates; they appear, however, to be rhombic or pentagonal in shape and slightly smaller than the second column of plates, which are undoubtedly the largest of the mterambulacrals in this species. The remainder of the interambulacral plates are mainly hexagonal in shape, quite perfectly so near the dorsal surface, but on passing ventrally their edges become rounded. On the extreme oral surface the adambulacral plates are small and seale-like, closely resembling those of Lepzdechinus. Along a line through the initial plate 4’, the diameters through these plates are as follows: 2°75™™, 4™™, 3™™, 38™™, 3°75™™, and 2°75™". The number of columns of interambulacrals is vari- able even in the same genus and may, therefore, only be con- sidered of specific value. The list below gives the range of the number of columns of interambulacrals in the various species in the genera of the family Lepidocentride. (Eu) Lepidocentrus rhenanus Schultze 5 I (Eu) © mullert Beyr 11 I (Ku) e eifilianus Miller unknown (Ku) Perischodomus biserialis McCoy 5 I Z illinoisensis W orthern & Miller 5 or more I Lepidechinus rarispinus Hall 11 I ts imbricatus Hall 8 I Lepidechinoides tthacensis 6 I In the number of ambulacral plates to each of the adambu- lacrals there is some variation. As could be expected both in Lepidocentrus and Perischodomus, in which the adambu- lacrals are large—being the largest of the interambulacrals— there are many ambulacrals to each of the adambulacrals, while in Lepidechinus and in Lepidechinoides, in which the adaimbulacrals are relatively small, the opposite is the case, as shown below. Lepidocentrus rhenanus Schultze 7-8 A es mullert Beyr 7-8 A 4g eifilianus Miller unknown Perischodomus biserialis McCoy 5-8 or more A a illinoisensis Worthen & Miller Lepidechinus rarispinus Hall 3-4 A ne imbricatus Hall Lepidechinoides ithacensis 3-4 A In the above brief summation of a few of the generic char- acters, it is evident that it is fairly close to Lepidechinus Hall. It has for one of its most important differences the perforation of the ambulacral plates in the center and not on the distal A. Olsson—New Genus of Palwechinoidea. 445 end. Any variation in the ambulacral plates is of great importance and must be considered of at least generic value. Lepidechinoides differs also from Lepidechinus in its posses- sion of fewer columns of interambulacrals and, more impor- tantly, in having these plates more or less hexagonal in shape and not scale-like as in the latter genus. In this latter char- acter Lepidechinoides appears to represent a more primitive form. Jackson in his Studies of Paleeechinoidea* shows in reference to Lepidechinus rarispinus Hall, that the rhombic and hexagonal shape of the dorsal, or newly added interambu- lacral plates, have phylogenetic significance, having characters seen normally in less specialized genera and indicating deriva- tion from forms which did not have imbricating plates. Moreover those forms with scale-like imbricating plates are specialized and not primitive types. From the Devonian of America there are at present three genera and four species of Paleeechinodea, representing two families Lepzdovidaride Bather (Archwocidaride McCoy) and Lepidocentride Lovén. WVanuxem in his Report of the ~ 8d Geological District, p. 184, mentions some doubtful remains of echinoids from Dryden which he called Achinus drydenen- sis. These specimens were later examined by Hall,+ who referred them to the genus Hocidaris Desor. They are described as being from the shaly sandstones of the Chemung group, 1,000 feet above the Tully limestone, representing therefor the Enfield shales of the Portage formation. The genus Kocidaris belongs in the family Lepidocidaride and with Aenocidaris clavigera Schultze of Europe are the only mem- bers of the family found below the Sub-Carboniferous. The family Lepidocentride Loven is now represented in America by the two genera Lepidechinus and Lepidechinoides herein described. Of the genus Lepidechinus two species are known, viz., L. rarispinus Hall from the Chemung of Pennsylvania, and the Waverly group of Ohio and ZL. zmbricatus Hall from the Burlington limestone of Lowa. Lepidechinordes ithacensis therefore represents the earliest known echinoid from America although in Europe the genus Bothriocidaris Kichwald, of which two species are known, is from the Ordovician. The geological position of all the species in the family Lepidocen- tridee is shown below: Lepidocentrus rhenanus Schultze Gs mullert Beyr, middle Devonian of Muhlen- ~ berg—near Geroldstein Eifel fi eifilianus Miller, Devonian of Nohn Eifel * Bull. Geol. Soc. of Am., vol. vii, p. 228, 1896. + 20th Annual Report of State Cab. Nat. Hist. of N. Y., 1868, p. 343. 446 A. Olsson—New Genus of Palwechinoidea. Perischodomus biserialis McCoy Ve illinoisensis Worthen & Muller Chester lime- stone—Pope Co. Ill. Lepidechinus rarispinus Hall, Chemung Penn. and Wav- erly = imbricatus Hall, Burlington limestone— Bur- lington Ohio Lepidechinoides tthacensis Ithaca beds Portage formation NONE The type specimen herein described was found at the Uni- versity quarry, sometimes called the McCormick quarry, near the lower border of the Cornell campus. This quarry is situ- ated in the zone* characterized by the presence of Spurifer mesastrialis and Cryptonella eudora, which in the Ithaca region are rar ely found above or below these beds. This zone is contined to about twenty-five feet in the center of the Ithaca shale member and of which fifteen feet are exposed in this quarry. It is made up of hard sandstone layers with few shale beds. Fossiliferous layers sometimes occur so thickly filled with fossils as to produce an impure siliceous limestone. On passing eastward this zone is believed to thicken and to be represented in the Chenango valley by the Oneonta sandstone, which there overlies the Ithaca. Besides Spirifer mesa- strialis and Cryptonella eudora, the following fossils are quite characteristic of this zone: Actinopteria boydi ; Cama- rotechia eximia; Leiorhynchus mesacostale; Orthoceras bebryxz ; Gomphoceras tumidum and Stictapora meeki asso- ciated with numerous crinoid stems. Those who desire a more detailed comparison of the genus herein described with the other genera in the family will — the works listed below to be of service: Hall. Desc. New Spec. Crin., 1861, p. 18. Hall. 20th Rep. N. Y. State Cab. Nat. Hist., 1868, p. 340, pl. 9, fig. 10. Keeping, W. Notes on the Paleozoic Echini, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., London, vol. xxxii, p. 35, 1876. Worthen & Miller, Geol. Surv. “aL, vol. vil, 1883, p. 333, pl. ol, fiers: Jackson, R. T. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., vol. vii, 1896, p. 222-242. Klem, M. J. A Revision of the Paleozoic Palzechinoidea with complete bibliography. St. Louis Acad. Science Trans., vol. xiv, 1904, pp. 1-98, 6 pl. Ithaca, N. Y. Jan. 4, 1912. * Bull. U. S. G. S., No. 8, p.17. Watkins Glen-Catatonk folio, U.S.G.5., No. 169, field edition, pp. 64, 65, 92, library edition, pp. 6, 8, 12 F, H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 447 Art. XXIV.— Relations of the Degree of Metamorphism to Geological Structure and to Acid Igneous Intrusion in the Narragansett Basin, Rhode Island; by .Freprrick H. LAHEE. (Concluded from p, 372.) mohieal JU0G CONTENTS. Petrology of the post-Carboniferous rocks. Basic intrusives. Description. Relations of the minette to the Carboniferous sediments. Summary. Acid intrusives. Introductory remarks. General and theoretical considerations. The granite phase. Description. Relations to the Carboniferous sediments. The pegmatite phase. Description. Relations between the pegmatite phase and the granite phase. Relations of the pegmatite phase to the Carboniferous sediments. The quartz vein phase. Description. Relations between the guartz vein phase and the pegma- tite phase. Relations of the quartz vein phase to the Carboniferous sediments. Summary. Relations of the intrusion of the acid intrusives to the folding, metamorphism, and schistosity of the Carboniferous sediments. Conclusions to the study of the acid intrusives. Relations between the minette dikes and the acid intr usives. Summary and conclusions. PETROLOGY OF THE Post-CARBONIFEROUS Rocks. Post-CARBONIFEROUS rocks, intrusive into the sediments of the Narragansett Basin, may be classified from a relative stand- point as basic or acid. To the former category belong a few minette dikes; and to the latter, an extensive series of acid intrusives ranging from granites, through pegmatites, to quartz veins.* These we shall consider in the order named. * Occasional aplite stringers, belonging to this series, cut the granites, and one or two have been seen to intersect the pegmatite. 448 LF. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. - Basic INTRUSIVES. Description.—Dikes of minette have been found in southern Conanicut Island, and of these there are seven instances.* Six cut the fine greenish schists of the Beaver Tail Peninsula (fig. 1, Loc. 28,14:D) and one cuts the pre-Carboniferous Conanicut granite. These dikes consist of biotite and orthoclase, together with some microcline, plagioclase, apatite, zircon, titanite, and the secondary minerals, chlorite, calcite, epidote, limonite, and leu- coxene.t The biotite, as noted by Collie and Pirsson, reveals evidence of two generations. The older is represented by large idiomorphic plates which are clouded—darkly near the peripheries, but shading off inward—and which contain very fine rutile needles and leucoxene powder. The rutile needles are especially abundant near the edges of the plates. They are arranged in three directions, each at 60° to the others, in planes parallel to the basal pinacoid of the mica. The leu- coxene, while sparsely distributed, is more plentiful near the borders of the mica flakes. Of the younger generation numerous smaller plates are seen and also zones which encircle the earlier phenocrysts. This later form, whether as separate crystals or as border zones, is clear, greenish, and pleochroic, and contains no rutile nor leu- coxene. When it occurs surrounding individuals of the first generation, it is in optical orientation with them. Both types have partly or wholly altered to chlorite. In the section investigated by the writer, there was no par- allel orientation of the constituents, and evidences of crushing were slight. In other specimens there is a distinct schistosity. Pirssont attributed the rutile inclusions in the biotite pheno- erysts to the influence of the forces which produced this schistosity ; but since the biotite crystals are surrounded by zones of unrestrained mica and since the orthoclase grains may abut against or enclose such coated phenocrysts with their rutile needles, we conclude that the anomalous features described for the biotite of the first generation were of mag- matic origin. | —-Lelations of the minette tothe Carboniferous sediments.— In some places the minette seems to have been intruded into * Certain ones of these dikes were described by the following writers in the works cited: Foerste, A. F., in Geology of the Narragansett Basin, by Shaler, N. S., Foerste, A. F., and Woodworth, J. B., U. S. G.S., Monog. XXxili, 1899, p. 252. Pirsson, L. V., in his Geology and Petrography of Conanicut Island, this Journal (8), xlvi, p. 868, 1898. Collie, G. L., in his Geology of Conanicut Island, Trans. Wisc. Acad., x, p. 199, 1894-1895. Crosby, W. O., in his Contribution to the Geology of Newport Neck and Conanicut Island, this Journal, iv, 230, 1897. + Pirsson gives a chemical analysis: op. cit., p. 375. t Op. cit., pp. 375-376. LF. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 449 joint planes or along the cleavage of the southern Conanicut Carboniferous schists. Or, again, the dikes may cut indis- criminately across such structures. In most cases their thick- ness is rather variable. Short apophyses may pass from them into the country rock, and small inclusions of the latter may be seen. Exomorphieally the schists have been somewhat baked and bleached. The most obvious endomorphic features are the decrease in size of grain toward the contact and the par- allelism of the biotite flakes with the walls (flow structure), as noted by Collie* and Pirsson.+ Locally these dikes show some folding and schistosity. Veins of massive, milky quartz, some- times of considerable size, intersect them with sharp contacts. From these petrographic and. structural relations, it would seem that the minette dikes were injected into the Carbonifer- ous sediments before the period of deformation came to an end, yet after schistosity and jointing had been developed in the country rock. —Summary.—Dikes of minette (a) have been found ina few places in the southern part of Conanicut Island ; (0) are clearly intrusive into, and are, therefore, later than, the Carboniferous sediments and the pre- “Carboniferous Conanicut granite ; (¢) were injected during the general period of deformation of the Carboniferous series; (@) are themselves cut by numerous veins of massive, milky quartz. Acip INTRUSIVES. Introductory remarks.—We have already mentioned the fact that the granitic rocks in South Kingstown are probably intrusive into the Carboniferous sediments, and that they are not pre-Carboniferous as had formerly been supposed. Since these granites—part of the Sterling series—are especially prominent on Boston Neck (B: 14 and 15, fig. 1), they may be referred to as the ‘ Boston Neck granite.’ They appear to be closely related in origin to the great group of pegmatites and quartz veins which likewise cut the Carboniferous rocks. Herein we shall denote the Boston Neck granite, the pegma- tites, and the associated quartz veins by the general term, ‘ Acid Intrusive Series.’§ * Op, cit., p, 228. + Ojos eit. {Pirsson (op. cit., pp. 871-372) said that the schistosity, folding, and faulting in the dikes were caused by dynamic forces acting along north-south lines after intrusion. Collie (op. cit., pp. 228-230) stated that the nearly north-south dikes are schistose because they lie nearly at right angles to the direction of the forces; the east-west ones are foided and faulted. § Dr. Loughlin, in his ‘Intrusive Granites and Associated Metamorphic Sediments in Southwestern R. I.’ (this Journal. xxix, 447, 1910), presents evidences for the genetic relationship of the granites of southwestern Rhode Island, the pegmatites, and the quartz veins. From investigations carried on in the extreme eastern portion of Dr. Loughlin’s area and eastward, pre- vious to the publication of the paper just cited, the writer had arrived at similar conclusions, and, certainly in that region where the fields of work overlap, he is in agreement with Dr. Loughlin. 450 FH. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. General and theoretical considerations.—As in the discus- sion of the structural geology of the Basin (Part I of this paper), here also we shall put theory before fact. Accepting the doctrine commonly held to-day, eee that most peg- matites are of magmatic derivation,* we shall review below certain facts which may assist in the determination of the relations between the Acid Intrusive Series and the Basin sediments. The importance of the role played by catalyzers, or mineral- izers, in the crystallization of magmas, and especially of acid magmas, is widely recognized. These mineralizers “have been detined as volatile substances which, without entering into the final composition of minerals, render possible or facilitate their formation and erystallization.”+ This they do by reducing the viscosity of the magma and by lowering the freezing-points of its constituents.t Harker continues, “There is..... no reason for excluding the case in which the mineralizer, or part of it, enters into the mineral as finally constituted.”’s ” Among the chief catalytic agents may be cited fluorine, chlorine, boric acid, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and water gas. * For summaries of theories for the origin of pegmatite, see the following : Brégger, W. C., Die Mineralien der Syenitpegmatitgange der stdnor- wegischen Augit und Nephelinsyenite. Zeitschr. fiir Kryst., xvi, I Theil, pp. 215-225, 1890. Trans. by N. N. Evans, Can. Record of Sci., vi, pp. 33- 46 and 61-71. Williams, G. H., General Relations of the Granite Rocks in the Middle Atlantic Piedmont Plateau, U.S. G. S., Ann. Rept., xv, p. 657, 1894. Van Hise, C. R., A Treatise on Metamorphism, U.S. G. S., Monog. xlvii, 1904. Pp. 721-724. For recent statements on the subject, see: Harker, A., Natural History of Igneous Rocks, N. Y., 1909. Iddings, J. P., Igneous Rocks, N. Y., 1909. Bastin, E. $., Geology of the Pegmatites and Associated Rocks of Maine. WS. G48... ball, 4405 a9ilds + Harker, A., op. cit., p. 286. ¢{ Daubrée early demonstrated the function of water in’ promoting the. crystallization of anhydrous minerals far below their fusion points. Ooat). A., Etiides synthetiques de Géologie Expérimentale, Paris, 1879, 234.) rig Harker, A., op. cit., p. 287. Thus, muscovite, containing OH, may be regarded by the aid of mineralizers. Nernst, however, defines the process of catalysis as ‘‘an increase in velocity of reaction caused by the presence of substances which do not take part in it, although the reaction is capable of taking place without their presence.” (Nernst, W., Theoretical Chemistry. London, 1904, p. 566.) See also Doelter, C., Physikalisch-Chemische Mineralogie, Leipzig, 1905, pp. 110 et seq. Writing on this subject, Bastin suggested the application of Raoult’s law to rock magmas ‘‘to the extent that magmatic constituents of low molecular weight may exert greater influence in lowering the freezing point, decreas- ing the viscosity, and affecting textures, than do constituents of high mole- cular weight” (Bastin, E. S., op. cit., p. 31). || See Harker, A., op. cit., p. 295. Among the catalyzers, especial importance is attributed, by Bastin (on. cit., pp. 30-31), to the influence of water gas and of hy drogen in helping the crystallization of pegmatite. These substances largely escape as the magma cools. F.. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structiire. 451 Let us consider, by way of illustration, an ideally regular mass of granitic magma which has been injected into a relatively cool rock formation. We may take it for granted that such an intrusion cannot lose heat uniformly thr oughout its volume. The marginal regions must cool more rapidly “than the interior. Hence, ceteris paribus, the processes of cooling and of con- solidation must progress inward from the contact with the country rock. In other words, these processes must be cen- tripetal.* } Until the magma has quite hardened as a granite, there must be a constantly diminishing residuum which, as appears from the study of many examples, is known to have a tendency to increase in acidity. Since the mineralizers do not, except to a slight degree, enter into the reactions which they assist, their relative quantity in the diminishing remainder of the freezing magma must necessarily grow. Thus we havea liquid residuum in which the proportion of acid constituents and of catalyzers is steadily increasing.f Without the cataly tic agents such minerals as albite, ortho- clase, and quartz would be so viscous that they could not erys- tallize. With these agents present, however, the molecular mobility of the remaining acid minerals is so augmented that erystallization is not only possible, but is even assisted to such a degree that the resulting crystals may be much larger than the average grain of the main body of the rock. In this way pegmatite may originate as a late product in the consolidation of the magma.} In the ideal case, then, according to this explanation, we might expect to find a mass of pegmatite in the heart of the intrusive body. If the tension due to cooling had developed joints, dikes of pegmatite might extend out as apophyses from the inner pegmatite segregation into the normal granite. The first type would have blended contacts; theoretically, the second type might possess sharp contacts where the granite had already hardened, at some distance from the central segrega- tion. “When derived in this way, pegmatites may be called residual. Here it is necessary to observe that an intrusive body of ideal regularity of shape, such as we have been considering, is not natural. The great granite masses, being usually of the batholithie variety, are highly irregular. Moreover, they are * Compare Crosby, W. O., and Fuller, M. L., The Origin of Pegmatites, Tech. Quart., ix, p. 825, 1896, p. 301. + See, for example, Van Hise, C. R., op. cit., p. 728 { The pegmatite mass found in the Quincy quarry, Mass.. and recently described by Warren and Palache, is probably of thistype. (Warren, C.H., and Palache, C., The Pegmatites of the Riebeckite—Aigirite Granite of Quincy, Mass., U. S. A., Proc. Am. Acad., xlvii, 125, 1911, p. 146.) 452 Ff. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. peculiar to the deeper parts of mountain ranges,* and, such being the case, often cut a country rock which has been ren- dered schistose by dynamic action consequent upon folding. On this account, actual field data show, not the hypothetical pegmatite core with its apophyses, but, instead, scattered here and there in the granite, numerous, relatively small, shapeless or elongate segregations having blended contacts. Dikes with sharply defined edges are less common. The small segrega- tions of pegmatite, representing separate loci of the final operation of the concentrated mineralizers, indicate that, within layers parallel to the general external surface of the mass, con- solidation is far from uniform. No doubt this is due in part to the unevenness of the contact. Very often a marginal pegmatite zone may be observed between the main granite (or other plutonic) body and the country rock. From such a marginal zone dikes of pegmatite radiate outward. If the country rock is bedded or schistose, they follow its structural planes. Contacts of this marginal phase, both with the granite and with the country rock, are often blended, but they become more distinct away from the granite. Similar zones surround xenoliths. The marginal pegmatite with its offshoots into the country rock is obviously a contact effect and cannot be a late phase in the centripetal consolidation of the granite body. Crosby, recognizing this discrimination, attributed it to the capacity of the magma, at high temperature, to absorb water from the country rock, this water later functioning as the main catalytic agent in the ultimate crystallization of the marginal peg- matite.t According to this theory, a wedge of magma, in its forward advance into the country rock, would imbibe more and more water, and would have its fluidity augmented. Consequently, its penetrative efficiency and its tendency to freeze with peg- matite texture would increase. Loss of heat or lack of supply would bring the process to an end. Crystallization, if com- mencing after the cessation of injection, would proceed from the walls inward, and the first formed minerals would be more basic than the last. Thus the dike would acquire an acid * Daly speaks of granites as being primarily mountain rocks (Daly, R. A., Abyssal Igneous Injection. .... This Journal (4), xxii, p. 196, 1906, p. 214-215. See also Geikie, A., Text-book of Geology, 4th ed., Lon- don, 1903, p. 724. + Crosby, W. O., and Fuller, M. L., loc. cit., pp. 348-352. Van Hise writes: ... ‘‘In many and perhaps most cases the water in the outlying pegmatite dikes and veins..... has been largely derived from the sur- rounding rocks.” (Van Hise, C. R., A Treatise on Metamorphism, U. S. G.S., Monog. xlvii, 1904, p. 728.) On the other hand, Geikie (op. cit., p. 768) and Harker (op. cit., p. 303), referring to the investigations of others, state that hot intrusions expel volatile substances from the country rock. F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 453 central region.* If, on the other hand, crystallization were initiated before the cessation of injection, the advancing magma might grow more acid by selective formation of the more basic constituents along the walls. In this manner, a dike, composed of quartz, feldspar, etc., might consist of quartz only at its outer end. We may add further that in pegmatites or quartz veins of which the crystallization has been thus controlled by extrane- ous water, the relative amount of such minerals as topaz, tour- maline, and fluorite, should be small. ‘As for the metamorphic effects ascribed to pegmatites, the investigations of many geologists have demonstrated that granite intrusions have often, although not always, produced considerable exomorphic alteration.t The changes are due partly to heat and partly to the action of escaping volatile con- stituents.t The effects include induration, recrystallization, lit-par-lit “injection, and metasomatism. Ata distance, recrys- tallization in impure clastics may be evidenced by the presence of rutile needles; nearer the intrusive, by the occurrence of ‘knots’ and the micas; and still nearer, by such minerals as feldspar, andalusite, garnet, and amphibole, and by the aggrega- tion of siliceous matter into large irregular quartz grains. Concerning the relative importance of heat and volatile con- stituents in producing contact metamorphism, Geikie writes, “It would appear that mere dry heat produces only a small amount of chemical alteration.” Also,..... “the presence of pneumatolytic agents....has been largely influential, com- bined, doubtless, with great pressure, high temperature, and a continuance of these conditions for vast periods of time.’’§ The French school lays much stress upon the importance of metasomatic processes due to the action of gases. Harker * This type of distribution of the constituents, according to which the more basic minerals are marginal and the more acid ones are central, has been described by Smith and Calkins (Smith, G. O., and Calkins, F. C., A Geological Reconnaissance across the Cascade Range near the 40th Parallel. U.S. G.S., Bull. 235, 1904, p. 76), H. H. Reusch (Die Fossilien Fuhrenden Krystallinischen Schiefer von Bergen in Norwegen. German trans. by R. Baldauf, Leipzig, 1883), and many others. But Watson notes dikes in which quartz and feldspar are marginal, and mica, tourmaline, and garnet are con- centrated in the middle zone (Watson, T. iB: On the Occurrence of Aplite. Pegmatite, and Tourmaline Bunches in the Stone Mountain Granite of Georgia, Jour. Geol., x, p. 186, 1902). + Geikie, A., op; cit., pp. 726,.778 et seq. ¢{G. W. Hawes notes the addition of boric acid (this Journal, xxi, p. 21, 1881). Certain volatile components, such as water gas and carbon dioxide, may be driven out of minerals in the country rock by the heat and may then play an active part in the iu PoE (Van Hise, C. R., op. cit., p. 713). § Geikie, A., op. cit., p. 767. || See Harker, A. Gp fete: p. 305), for a summary ‘of the French views, and for several references. Michel: “Lévy and Lacroix are noted. Am, Jour. Sct1.—FourtTsH SERIES, VoL. XX XIII, No. 197.—May, 1912. 30 454 F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. contrasts the more intense thermal effects occasioned by basic intrusives, which contain few or no mineralizers, with the less intense effects of granites and other acid rocks.* He regards pneumatolytic metamorphism, however, as limited to a rather narrow zone next the contact.t It is probable that the temperature of the magma at the time of its injection is not excessively high. This is indicated in the country rock by the absence of proof of true fusion along the contacts and by the abundance of minerals which developed during the metamorphism and which can erystal- lize only at relatively low temperatures—considerably below their freezing-points. Such are the micas, the amphiboles, the alkali-feldspars, quartz, tourmaline, and many others.{ Since these minerals are also among the more important constituents of the granite itself, they prove a comparatively low tempera- ture of consolidation for the magma.§ The ragged edges of inclusions (xenoliths), and, adjacent to the country rock, the coarseness of texture of the intrusions, do not of necessity prove a very high temperature for the latter. Magmatic solution (not fusion) may account for this feature in the inclusions, and moderate warmth will explain the coarse texture. The granite phase: Description—Coming now to the description of the Acid Intrusive Series, we find that the Boston Neck granite occurs at various places along the western coast of Narragansett Bay from Watson’s Pier (between locs. 11 and 12, C:15, fig. 1) southward, and inland on Little Neck (B:16, fig. 1), Boston Neck, and Tower Hill(A and B: 14 and 15 This rock is typically of medium grain ; is white, pinkish, or cream-colored; and consists predominantly of microcline, with quartz, micropegmatite, microperthite, a coarsely twinned plagioclase, and orthoclase. A little biotite or muscovite may be present, and apatite, zircon, magnetite, rutile, and garnet, are among the less common constituents. Megascopically, a varying degree of schistosity is seen. Under the microscope, the quartz appears somewhat strained, the feldspar grains may be cracked or faulted, and the micas are more or less bent. * Harker, A... op. cit., p..189; + Ibid., p. 304. + Ibid., pp. 187, 284. § Harker (op. cit., p. 186) quotes Lehmann’s estimate of 500° as ‘‘probably by no means too low.” Referring to Sorby’s investigations on the vacuoles of crystals, he shows that the results obtained by Sorby lead to the same conclusion (pp. 187-189). See also Geikie, A., op. cit., pp. 412-4138. E. S. Bastin (op. cit., pp. 38-39), applying the data of Wright and Larsen, arrives at the conclusion that pegmatites crystallize not far below, nor far above, 575°C. (See Wright, E. F., and Larsen, E. S., Quartz as a Geologic Ther- mometer, this Journal, iv, 28. 1909.) || Geikie, A., op. cit., pp. 767, 776. F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 455 = Post-Carbon iferous. (Garr) Carboniferous. Rsv Pre-Carboniferous. C) t 2 3 Scale in miles i KINGST Fig. 1. Outline map of the southern half of the Narragansett Basin, 456 FF. Hf. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. —Lelations of the granite phase to the Carboniferous sedi- ments._—Within the Boston Neck granite are many elongate, highly metamorphosed inclusions of schist, which, as inferred from their structural and petrologic relations, are undoubtedly parts of the Carboniferous formation of the Basin.* The dimensions of these xenoliths vary from an inch to several scores of feet. In general, their lengths trend nearly north- south, i. e., about parallel to the strikes of the bedding of the adjacent Carboniferous strata, and their schistosity runs in the same direction. Their extremities are often ragged, and some- times strips may be observed to have been torn away and removed a short distance before having been frozen in. Apo- physes project into them from the granite. At the contact there is more or less blending, due either to solution or to interpenetration by the magma at the time of injection. Near the more basic xenoliths the granite may dis- play an increase in its content of biotite and garnet. Micro- scopic sections show that grains of the feldspars which are char- acteristic of the intrusive may occur in the inclusion, abundant near the contact, but decreasing in amount away from it. While the granite never becomes aphanitic adjacent to the country rock, it may grow sensibly finer. Apparently the schists were comparatively warm when intrusion took place. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the Boston Neck granite is irruptive into, and consequently later than, the Carboniferous strata. The pegmatite phase: Description.—Pegmatite is found, not only at various localities in the granite area, but also nearly as far northward as Hamilton (Loe. 8, B-C:11, fig. 1), and eastward, in the form of small dikelets, on Dutch Island (Loe. 14, C-D: 18). These pegmatites are composed chiefly of microcline, micro- perthite, graphic granite, and quartz, a little orthoclase, acid plagioclase, and muscovite. Biotite may be present instead of, or accompanying, the muscovite. Garnet may be plentiful. ‘Pneumatolytic minerals,’ such as beryl, tourmaline, topaz, and fluorite, are very rare. Tourmaline alone has been found in one instance by the writer. Kemp stated that, westward, tourmaline, monazite, and molybdenite have been observed.+ Of the principal constituents, the feldspars occurs in crystals, often excellently shaped, up to thirty inches in length. Quartz grains, too, may measure as much as two or three feet across. Muscovite occurs either as thick plates, sometimes two inches , * Shaler, N.S., Foerste, A. F.. and Woodworth, J. B., Geology of the Narragansett Basin, U. 8. G.S., Monog. xxxiii, 1899, pp. 249, 377. +Kemp, J. F., Granites of Southern Rhode Island and Connecticut. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., x, p. 361, 1899. F.. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 457 wide, or in the form of radiating aggregates known as ‘ plumose mica.’ The garnets seldom attain dimensions greater than 4 inch. j . —felations between the pegmatite phase and the granite phase.—From the foregoing remarks it is evident that the composition of the pegmatite closely resembles that of the Boston Neck granite—so closely, indeed, that if for no other reason, we should be inclined to regard both as genetically akin. There are other grounds, however, for thisassumption. In the first place, pegmatite may traverse the granite in the form of dikes or as regular patches and streaks. Especially in the latter case, the two rocks grade into one another so insensibly that no boundary can be set between them. These pegmatite bodies would seem to be of the residual type, as described above. In the second place, the granite sometimes becomes pegmatitic toward the Carboniferous schists, so that its contact zones, instead of being finer in texture, may be coarser than its normal phase, and its apophyses into the schists may be, and in fact generally are, pegmatitic. This is marginal pegmatite. Along the coast south of Watson’s Pier, granite and pegmatite may be seen thus intimately associated with blended contacts, the effect often being that of schlieren on a large scale. South- ward, the pegmatite phase becomes less important; northward, the granite phase becomes less important. The last evidences of the granite are seen in narrow streaks in a large pegmatite dike on the Bonnet (small projection of western coast in C:14, fig. 1). —felations of the pegmatite phase to the Carboniferous sedimenis.—Those pegmatite dikes which cut the Carboniferous formation may be many feet or less than an inch in thickness. On Boston Neck they are very numerous and very large, and the schists occupy relatively little space. Exposures on the Bonnet, for instanee, are chiefly of the schists which, however, are intersected by five or six large dikes and many little ones. Still farther north, on Barber’s Height (Loc. 9, B: 12), pegma- tite is rarely encountered. Great thickness does not necessarily imply great length ; for intrusives twenty or thirty feet across may thin out and come to an end (at the topographic level) within a space of twenty-live feet. On the other hand, apophyses from the larger dikes may run with nearly a uniform width of only five or six inches for distances of several scores of feet; but they commonly end by tapering to a point within a few yards of their parent body. Sometimes the thickness may alternately increase and decrease, even to such a degree that an intrusion appears in cross-section as a succession of short, discontinuous, 458 F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. lens-shaped masses.* (See fig. 2.) Some of the dikes are straight; others have elbow-bends; and still others appear to be highly contorted (see figs. 2-12). As regards contact phenomena, the margins of these dikes, although ordinarily pretty sharply defined, may display bend- ing in a narrow zone. The edges are often jagged or otherwise irregular, in a way to suggest that the schists were torn, and not ‘broken, at the time of irruption. Elongate, bent, shredded inclusions, as frequent here as in the granite, generally trend parallel to the walls. Within the smaller dikes, not more than a few inches in thickness, the central zone may consist of nearly pure quartz, or of quartz and muscovite, and the feld- spars with a little quartz and muscovite are then limited to the marginal portions. Biotite and garnet were also observed to occur more particularly near the contact. Pig. 2 SSS ie, 25 ——— ee Fic. 2. Lenses of pegmatite in schist. (Seen on the Bonnet.) Fie. 38. Dikes of coarse granite cutting schist. (Tower Hill.) Fie. 4. Dike, largely of quartz with a little feldspar, cutting across schistosity. (The Bonnet.) Many of these apophyses show a progressive Increase in acidity away from their point of origin, and this modification may go so far that they are composed of quartz only near their tapering extremities. In other words, the pegmatite dikes may grade into quartz veins. The country rock may exhibit evidences of exomorphic — alteration in the recrystallization of its constituents, in the formation of knot-like bunches of quartz up to one- half an inch across, or in the introduction of such minerals as feldspar and especially muscovite and sericite.t It may possess a charac- teristic greasy lustre consequent upon such changes. * Similar successions of lenticular masses are described by E. S. Bastin. (Quartz and Feldspar Deposits of Maine, U. 8. G. S., Bull. 315, p. 383; 1906, p. 384.) + Sericite is no doubt the result of dynamic metamorphism, an effect of the intrusion of the pegmatites. F.. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 459 As we have explained in Part I, the strikes of the beds in the southwestern portion of the Basin are nearly north-south and the. dips are commonly steep eastward (fig. 1). The attitude of the schistosity is usually similar. These structures (either or both) had a general directional influence upon the intrnsives, and this influence was more efficient southward. Thus, in the Watson’s Pier district, the dikes, which are pre- vailingly of large size, usually trend along north-south lines. On the other hand, in the Bonnet exposures,* large dikes are Hie. 5. Fie. 6. Ne) i=) a Fic. 0. Pegmatite dikes in schist. Note the distortion of the schistosity against the dikes. (Southern end of Boston Neck.) Fic. 6. Pegmatite dike cutting Carboniferous sehist and having inclu- sions of the same. (Figs. 6 to 12 are of features seen on the Bonnet.) few and, when present, may cut the strata obliquely or may bend sharply from a nearly north-south course and, crossing the beds nearly perpendicular to the strikes, disappear under the waters of the Bay or landward beneath the soil. Small dikes and apophyses are more numerous on the Bon- net than on Boston Neck. In the former place many of them show absolutely no dependence upon structures in the country rock. A few have been seen to extend into joints of an east- west set. When they are approximately or quite parallel to the cleavage, they may be relatively long and narrow and of pretty uniform thickness (fig. 4); where they cross the cleavage, they are shorter, thicker, bunchy or highly irregular in shape, or are convoluted (see figs. 5-11). Yet that this is not always true is proved by the straightness of such stringers as the middle third of the small apophysis on the left in fig. 11. Sometimes pinching seems to have brought about a separation of the dike (fig. 10). In this case, however, it should be noted that the two ends do not lie in the same cleavage plane. In spite * The strata of the Bonnet have a well developed cleavage which strikes a little east of north and has an average dip of 60° E. Differences of texture, where visible in these rocks, prove that the bedding has a like attitude. 460 F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. of these suggestions of folding and squeezing, the lithological structure and the texture of the pegmatite display little, if any, evidence of crushing. iivivel ¢. Fic. 8. SS Fie. 7. Tortuous dike of pegmatite cutting the schistosity, yet with a tendency to trend parallel to this structure. Fie. 8. Thick pegmatite dike, which, although irregular, shows a ten- dency to trend parallel to the schistosity of the country rock. Hig, 9; Fie, 10. pe ee SS _ ey oo, eS Fic. 9. Pegmatite dike with a loop-like lateral extension which encloses a large xenolith of the country rock. Fic. 10. Pegmatite dike, showing relations between the schistosity and the edges of the dike. Fie. 11. Fie. 12. = = age = eee g =e Cohan cE Fic. 11. Crumpling of schistosity against dike of pegmatite. Fic. 12. Irregular dike of pegmatite, bedding (parallel to the upper lines in the diagram), and cleavage (parallel to the lower lines in the diagran.). Absolute parallelism of the intrusive and the foliation of the country rock are very rare. When the cleavage is intersected at an acute angle, it may be nearly coincident with the sinuosi- ties of the contact (fig. 10). When it distinctly abuts against the dike, it may be minutely crumped or may fan out (figs. 10 and 11). F.. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 461 Immediately above the dikes depicted in figs. 10 and 12, the stratification, which was perfectly clear in the junction of a fine dark schist and a coarse light schist, had its dip and strike about parallel to the average attitude of the schistosity. Care- ful search was made for bedding where crumpling might occur, but with little success. In only one instance there were very obscure traces of close folding. Yet the very fact that the cleavage is contorted proves that the pre-existing stratification must also have suffered deformation of like nature. The quartz vein phase: Description.—Large and small veins of quartz are found throughout the southern half of the Narragansett Basin. They are more abundant southward and westward. , The quartz of these veins is milky or creamy in color. Feldspar has been found in small quantity, generally near the margins of the veins, as far north as the Devil’s-Foot Ledge (an B:9, where vertical dip is shown, fig. 1), near East Green- wich, and, eastward, on Dutch and Conanicut islands. Locally, a little chlorite, muscovite, sericite, pyrite, etc., have been dis- covered. Miarolitie cavities are occasionally seen (Kast Providence area and Sachuest Neck), and, in these, crystal terminations may be well developed; but, as a rule, the quartz is maésive. Comb-siructure was not recorded. —TLvelations between the quartz vein phase and the pegmatite phase.—We have explained above that pegmatite apophyses may become wholly quartzose at their extremities. We now see that the quartz veins may contain some feldspar. Every gradation between typical pegmatite dikes and pure quartz veins may be observed in this region. On the Bonnet, where all the varieties are best illustrated, quartz veins sometimes cut the pegmatite. Hence we infer that the quartz veins are genetically allied to the pegmatites and represent the extreme acid phase of the Acid Intrusive Series.* —Lvelations of the quartz vein phase to the Carboniferous sediments.—Those veins which cut the Carboniferous sedi- ments are of every variety of shape and size. Usually they are * The same relation between quartz veins and pegmatite dikes has been recorded in other regions by I. H. Ogilvie (Geology of the Paradox Lake Quadrangle, N. Y., N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 96, 1905), xx ; Van Hise (op. cit., p. 724); T. T. Read (Nodular-Bearing Schists near Pearl, Col., Jour. Geol., xi, p. 498, 1903) ; J. F. Kemp (The Role of the Igneous Rocks in the Formation of Veins, Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans. xxxi, p. 169, 1902); Crosby and Fuller (op. cit., pp. 829, 884); G. H. Williams (General Rela- tions of the Granitic Rocks in the Middle Atlantic Piedmont Plateau, U.S. G.S., Ann. Rept. xv, p. 657, 1894); C. R. Van Hise (Principles of North American Pre-Cambrian Geology, U.S. G. S., Ann. Rept. xvi, Pt. I, p. 581, 1895, p. 688) ; and many others. 462 F. A. Lahee—M etamorphism and Geological Structure. not sheet-like, but tend rather to occur as large, irregular masses or banches, from which short and long stringers run out in all directions. The shapeless type is particularly char- acteristic of those veins which are in the pelitic and graphitic rocks, while the sheet forms are found chiefly in the psamiites and psephites, where they occupy joint-fissures. It is im- portant to note not only that a great majority of these veins are in rocks of fine texture, but also that they are especially abundant where the country rock is much contorted. Loeal- ities where quartz veins are numerous and where contortion in the schists is at a maximum are as follows: southern end of Warwick Neck (D:7); part of the coast of Bristol Neck, northwest of Bristol (G : 5-6); Brayton Point (Loc. 49, J :5); several places along the eastern coast of Aquidneck Island ; along the eastern shore of the Sakonnet River, north of Brown Point (Loe. 44, [: 12); Sachuest Neck; Gould Island (KE: 12); numerous points on the eastern coast of northern Conanicut Island ; on Freebody’s Hill (between Locs. 17 and 19, D: 13) and on the Beaver Tail Peninsula (Loc. 28, D: 14 and 15), Conanicut Island; Dutch Island (Loc. 14, C-D:13); and at points along the western coast of the Bay. Whether introduc- tion of the veins was consequent upon the intense folding, or vice versa, is a question to be discussed later. As with the pegmatite apophyses on the Bonnet, the state- ment holds here also that veins which cross the schistosity are generally thicker and more contorted than those which run nearly parallel to it. Except in this way, the veins exhibit very little dependence upon directional structures of the coun- try rock. The edges of the veins, always sharply outlined, are ordin- arily uneven or jagged. Horses of the country rock are not infrequent. Exomorphic change is seen in an excess of sericite, oriented parallel to the contact as if caused by pressure concentrated near the vein. The presence of feldspar along the margins, as already described for certain cases, might be attributed to the action of the injected material upon a country rock containing the elements of this feldspar; but the fact that the relative propor- tion of this mineral (1) does not vary sympathetically with dif- ferences in the composition of the surrounding rock, and (2), when studied at different localities and compared, reveals a general and uniform increase in a southwesterly direction, toward the pegmatites and the granite, discountenances such an assumption. Summary.—We may now summarize the points brought out in describing the Acid Intrusive Series, at the same time applying the facts noted under the theoretical considerations. FE. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 468 (1). The Boston Neck granite is genetically related to the pegmatites, for (a) both contain essentially the same minerals ; (b) both phases may alternate, schlieren-like, in the same dike ; and (c) the granite may be seen to grade into the pegmatite. (2). The pegmatites and the quartz veins are genetically related, for the pegmatites, by constant increase in their rela- tive content of quartz and decrease in their relative content of feldspar and other minerals, grade into true quartz veins. (3). The Acid Intrusive Series (Boston Neck granite, peg- matites, and quartz veins) is intrusive into the Carboniferous sediments of the Basin, for (a) it cuts the sediments in dike form ; (b) it contains inclusions of the sediments; (c) it shows endomorphic effects in contact with the sediments; and (d) the sediments display exomorphic alteration near the intrusive rocks. (4). Of the several members of the Acid Intrusive Series, (a) the residual pegmatite represents a somewhat later stage of erystallization than the main body of the granite; (b) the mar- ginal pegmatite probably crystallized about the same time as the contact portions of the granite body; (c) the offshoots from _ the marginal pegmatite zone, and the quartz veins, represent a later stage of crystallization than do the marginal pegmatites proper. Hence, the younger members of the series are more acid than the older members. (5). The Acid Intrusive Series is distributed as follows: (a) the granite occurs only southwest and west of the south- western part of the Narragansett Basin, as a border rock ; here, too, are the residual pegmatites; (b) the marginal pegmatite and its offshoots occur chiefly in the southwestern portion of the Basin, and have somewhat greater extent than the granite, northward, northeastward, and eastward ; (c) the quartz veins occur locally in all parts of the southern half of the Basin, but more abundantly southwestward toward the pegmatites.* Hence, the series exhibits higher acidity and evidence of more intense operation of mineralizers, with increasing distance from the granite. (6). The most important catalytic agent active in the crys- tallization of these intrusive rocks appears to have been water gas, for there are found very few of the rarer ‘ pneumatolytic minerals,’ the occurrence of which would be a token of the presence of other volatile constituents. (7). Evidences for solution and chemical alteration as contact phenomena—slight in any caset—are most pronounced near * Such distribution may not be due to horizontal distance from a vertical, or nearly vertical, contact, for the upper surface of the granite may slope northward and eastward. + It is therefore questionable whether solution has contributed much toward opening the spaces for these bodies, as was suggested by Crosby and Fuller for similar dikes and veins (op. cit., p. 388). 464 FE. 1. Lahee—Metumorphism and Geological Structure. the granite, less so near the pegmatites, and least near the uartz veins. (8). While the quartz veins are not dynamically metamor- phosed, and the pegmatites have suffered at most only slight crushing, the granite, which represents the oldest phase of the series, locally has prominent gneissic structure. —Lelations of the intrusion of the acid intrusives to the folding, metamorphism, and schistosity of the Carboniferous sediments.— We have said (p. 456) that, while the granite may grow finer adjacent to the country rock, it never becomes aph- anitic. Indeed, in some places it shows no diminution of texture. There is no marked sign of chilling. Instead, the phenomena indicate that the country rock was relatively warm at the time of intrusion. The marginal zones of the pegmatite dikes are frequently of finer grain than the central regions. This might be explained partly or largely by the influence of the inwardly assembling mineralizers, and, to a less degree, by that of surrounding tem- perature conditions. Nevertheless, here again, nothing sug- gests a cool country rock. Because of the massive nature of the quartz veins, it is impossible to ascertain their relations to the sediments in this particular. We conclude that the temperature of the country rock, at the time of intrusion, was high. Exomorphic alteration, due to injection of the Acid Intru- sive Series, includes solution, introduction of minerals peculiar to the intrusive, and recrystallization of original constituents of the country rock. These changes are such as to imply the codperation of considerable heat and pressure, of solvent power, of the action of mineralizing agents, and of long time. They are characteristic and are distinct from the results of dynamic metamorphism, as described in Part II for the entire area investigated, in spite of the fact that this metamorphism is more severe westward and southward. The zone of contact metamorphism is limited to but a few feet in breadth. We must infer that the Acid Intrusive Series, although responsible for some contact metamorphism, did not cause the widespread metamorphism of the basin. We noticed that the Acid Intrusive Series exhibits a depend- ence upon certain directional structures (stratification and schistosity) in the country rock, and that this dependence increases southward. It follows from the distribution of the series that the degree of dependence of the different members varies inversely as their degree of acidity. And it follows, further, that this degree of dependence is less in the younger intrusives: for the more acid members, representing an advanced stage of differentiation, are somewhat later in origin. F.. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 465 Again, we have shown that, in the Bonnet-Boston Neck region, stratification appears to coincide with the planes of schistosity. The Carboniferous rocks of this district are of comparatively uniform texture. Conglomerate schists are fine- grained and are rare, and very fine pelitic schists are not com- mon. The bulk of the sediments are sandstone schists which range from coarse to fine. We might conclude, then, that the stratification, per se, would not have afforded easy access to an intrusion —certainly by no means as easy as if the sedimentary series consisted of rapidly alternating textures. On the other hand, since schistosity 1s well developed, it would seem to have offered relatively little resistance to the injection of magma along its planes. These facts being admitted, we may assume provisionally that those dikes which trend parallel to the schistosity and bedding were guided more efficiently by the schistosity than by the bedding. Northward and eastward the quartz veins are best developed in pelitic and coaly rocks, that is, in rocks of fine grain. Ina large sense, then, these veins may be said to be related to the stratification ; but they occur in huge masses which cut promis- cuously across the finer lamine of bedding and cleavage alike, and are, therefore, not immediately dependent upon either structure. The intimate relations between the pegmatite dikes and the schistosity of the Carboniferous sediments were described above (p. 457 et seq.). Among the features there mentioned, the conspicuous lack of dependence of the intrusions upon the direction of the schistosity, their occurrence sometimes in series of lenticular bunches or in irregular masses, which seem to have been squeezed apart, and their frequently tortuous shape, are strongly suggestive of their having been injected before the period of deformation and metamorphism, and of their having been subsequently folded together with the sedi- ments. but against this supposition, the following objections may be raised: (1) The internal structure of the dikes reveals little or no crushing. (2) Inclusions have schistosity which is practically identical with that of the country rock in respect to degree, nature, and direction. (8) Loops of pegmatite, which surround such inclusions, prove that all curves of these dikes could not have been parallel to the bedding. (4) In many cases the loops are of a type difficult to explain if injection preceded folding. (4) In the midst of an area containing numerous, often highly tortuous dikes, perfectly or nearly straight apophyses sometimes extend for considerable distances. (6) The method in which the cleavage abuts against the dikes, either by fanning out (fig. 12) or with minute local crumpling 466 FF. #1. Thee aie phism and Geological Structure. (fig. 11), is snggestive, not of interference by the dikes, as if already present, but of pressure exerted against the cleavage by the force of the incoming intrusive.* (7) Except in one doubtful instance, the stratification, wherever discernible, is regular and not contorted. We admit, however, that, where the cleavage is crumpled, the bedding laminge also must have suffered some minor deformation; but there are faint indica- tions that both cleavage and stratification, when folded as well as when relatively plane, are approximately coincident. From these statements we infer that the intrusion of the dikes—at least of those on the Bonnet—was chiefly subsequent to the deformation of the enclosing Carboniferous sediments. Conclusions to the study of the acid inirusives.—In regard to the Acid Intrusive Series, we conclude: (1) that, since endomorphie and exomorphic metamorphism are slight, the intrusion was weak ; (2) that, since the granite sometimes has a conspicuous oneissic structure, it was injected while the forces that caused the folding of the country rock were still active; (3) that, since the pegmatite shows at most only shght crush- ing, its dikes entered in general toward the close of the period of deformation; (4) that, since the quartz veins are not dynamically metamor phosed, they were injected after deforma- tion was at an end; (5) that, since injection of the Acid In- trusive Series , initiated during the process of folding, was not completed until after the close of this process, and, since the quartz veins are a differentiation product of the pegmatites, while the pegmatites, in their turn, are a differentiation product of the granite, therefore, the period of intrusion must have been of long duration sf (6) that, since the processes of * Compare Bastin, speaking of the Maine pegmatites: ‘‘The bending of the schist folia in the manner shown indicates also that the pegmatite when intruded behaved to a certain extent like a solid body capable of exerting differential thrust on the inclosing walls of schist.”” (Bastin, E. S., Geology of the Pegmatites and Associated Rocks of Maine, U. S.G.S., Bull. 445, 1911, p. 34.) + Accurate statements of the relative ages of folding, intrusion of acid rocks, and production of metamorphism in regions where these phenomena occur, are rare in the geological literature. The following may be men- tioned: G. O. Smith and F. C. Calkins described schists cut by granodiorite and by pegmatites which were somewhat gneissic. (A Geological Reconnais- sance across the Cascade Range near the 40th Parallel, U.S. G.S., Bull. 235, 1904.) E. S. Bastin held that the schist of Boothbay Harbor, Maine, has been intruded by granite and related pegmatite later than deformation and metamorphism. (Quartz and Feldspar Deposits of Maine, U. 8. G.S., Bull. 315, 1906, p. 384.) From studies in various localities, W. O. Crosby wrote, ‘‘In every instance the pegmatite is clearly younger than the foliation of the enclosing rocks.” (Crosby and Fuller, op. cit., p. 339.) R. A. Daly mentioned phyllites cut by quartz veins which seemed to have shared in the crushing, but most of which were later. (The Geology of Ascutney Moun- tain, Vt., U.S. G.S., Bull. 209, 1903, p. 15.) In his ‘Granites of Maine (U. S. G. S., Bull. 313, 1907), T. N. Dale said of the Waldoboro quarry, ‘‘The granite sends small apophyses into the schist and also contains inclu- F. H. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 467 intrusion and of deformation were in part contemporaneous, the forces active in the folding may have assisted in determin- ing the shapes and directions of the dikes ;* and, (7) that, not being the cause of the regional metamorphism of the Basin,t and, moreover, having its inception during deformation, the process of intrusion may have been a consequence of the action of the deforming forces. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE MINETTE DIKES AND THE ACID IN- TRUSIVES.—Because the minette dikes and the Boston Neck granite entered the Carboniferous strata during the period of deformation, there is strong reason to suppose that they may be related to one another. Someone has suggested that the pegmatites and quartz veins, on the one hand, and _ the minettes, on the other hand, represent complementary poles of differentiation. Advocates of this view would have to explain (1) why the minettes are so often intersected by quartz veins which are almost certainly of the Acid Intrusive Series ; (2) why there are so few minette dikes as compared with the vast number of pegmatite dikes and quartz veins; and (8) why sions of it. The granite was erupted (sic) after or during the folding of the schist, otherwise it would have become a gneiss” (p. 51). We find in Geikie’s ‘Text-Book’ that the granites of southeastern Ireland were injected into Lower Silurian rocks after the latter were folded (p. 726). Finally, we may quote from T. A. Jagger and E. Howe (The Laccoliths of the Black Hills, U.S. G.S., Ann. Rept. 21, Pt. III, 1901): ‘‘Throughout the Rocky Mountains igneous phenomena have accompanied colossal movements of uplift, folding, and faulting” (p. 187). ‘‘The history of intrusion in the Black Hills is believed to be intimately associated with the history of the larger deformation. Intrusion is not conceived to have been in any sense a cause of the greater uplift, but an effect” (p. 282). ‘‘Cross recognized in the Mosquito Range and Tenmile district the influence of orographic move- ments concomitant with intrusion” (p. 286). ‘‘In many places (in the Rocky Mountains) intrusions accompanied or followed the greater move- ments...” (p. 287). * Compare A. Harker: ....‘‘When very large bodies of magma are intruded under a considerable cover, their form and disposition may be determined mainly by the distribution of stress which thus finds relief, with very little regard to the structure of the encasing rocks” (Natural History of Igneous Rocks, N. Y., 1909, p. 83). + G. F. Loughlin wrote: ‘‘The details of metamorphism in the Kingstown area have not been exhaustively studied, but itis very evident, from the field work done, that vertical dips and the most complete recrystallization of the sediments are found where granitic intrusions are most abundant. There seems, then, no reason for doubting that in the Kingstown area.... the granite intrusion accompanied metamorphism and folding. As the Kingstown sediments have been determined to be of Carboniferous age, the time of granite intrusion and folding may be correlated with the Appala- chian Revolution.” (Intrusive Granites and Associated Metamorphic Sedi- ments in Southwestern R.I., this Journal, xxix, 447, 1910, p. 445.) The first statement seems to lead one to infer that the metamorphism of the sediments was largely due to intrusion ; but, as we have attempted to ex- plain, we regard the amount of metamorphism primarily caused by the intrusion to be slight in comparison with that due to folding and concomitant shearing, together with the static after-effects. 468 FH. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. the minettes display evidences of much more shearing than is seen in the pegmatites and quartz veins. The number of the minette dikes is so small, and their importance in the present discussion is so slight, that they will not be considered further here. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. (1). The Narragansett Basin is a body of Carboniferous strata which (a) have been deformed according to the Appa- lachian type of folding; (0) have been regionally metamor- phosed ; and (¢) have been intruded by igneous rocks. _ (2). The Basin is surrounded on nearly all sides by a nearly continuous border of pre-Carboniferous rocks from which the Carboniferous sediments were derived. The border is inter- rupted by the post-Carboniferous intrusives, in South Kings- town, and by arms of the sea, between Narragansett Pier and Sakonnet Point. (3). The Carboniferous strata represent sediments which (a) were heterogeneous in composition, containing varying amounts of feldspar, ilmenite, magnetite, carbonaceous matter, etc.; (>) were deposited by fresh water; and (c) were brought together and laid down by currents which had rather rapid variations in direction, rate, and carrying power. (4). The folding of the strata in the southern half of the Basin was caused by forces which acted radially, but with much greater intensity along approximately east-west lines than along north-south lines. (5). In different parts of the southern half of the Basin, the deformation effected by these forces shows variations in inten- sity——variations which owe their origin (@) to variations in the forces; (6) to vertical position in a given fold ; or (¢) to rock texture. (6). The intensity of the deformation, that is, the degree of compression, as seen in the principal folds and in the minor folding and contortion, increased southward. (7). The regional metamorphism is both dynamic and static. (8). The effects of the dynamic regional metamorphism (@) are seen in all parts of the southern half of the Basin; (0) are not directly related to textural differences and to stratigraphic depth ; (¢) increase in intensity southward and westward. (9). The schistosity of the Carboniferous sediments is often related, in respect to attitude, to the bedding. (10). The effects of the static regional metamorphism are superposed upon the effects of the dynamic metamorphism and are a consequence of the continuation of anamorphic chemical changes after mechanical movement had ceased. FH. Lahee—Metamorphism and Geological Structure. 469 (11). The post-Carboniferous intrusives include a few minette dikes, on the one‘hand, and an extensive, perhaps related, series of granites, pegmatites, and quartz veins (Acid Intrusive Series), on the other hand. (12). Of the Acid Intrusive Series, the granite (Boston Neck granite) is oldest, the pegmatites are younger, and the quartz veins represent the latest differentiation phase. (13). The Boston Neck granite is limited to Boston and Little Necks, the Tower Hill ridge, and westward (Sterling granite); the pegmatites have a wider distribution (within the Basin), north to Barber’s Height and east to Dutch Island; and the quartz veins, although most abundant in the south- western portion of the Basin, occur throughout the area investigated. (14). These igneous rocks (Acid Intrusive Series and prob- ably minettes) were injected during, and immediately sub- sequent to, the folding of the Carboniferous sediments. (15). More or less static and dynamic metamorphism attended the intrusion of these igneous rocks, but this metamorphism is local and is of a distinctly different character from the regional metamorphism due to the folding. We conclude, then, that the Carboniferous strata of the Narragansett Basin, after deep burial, were folded by forces that acted with greater intensity in the south; that, contem- poraneous with, and consequent upon, this deformation, these sediments were regionally metamorphosed ; that this deforma- tion and this metamorphism were accompanied, in their later stages, by the intrusion of certain igneous rocks—a_ process which continued, with magmatic differentiation, for some time after folding ceased; and that, these facts being accepted, the regional metamorphism, and the injection of the post-Carbon- iferous igneous rocks, may be regarded as nearly parallel effects of the mountain-building forces. Cambridge, Mass., February 5, 1912. - Am. Jour. Sor.—Fourra Srrtss, Vou: XXXIII, No. 197,—May, 1912, 470 J. E. Burbank—One Phase of Microseismic Motion. Art. XXXIX.—One Phase of Microseismic Motion ; by J. E. Burpank. SEIsMoLogists generally include in the term microseismic motion all pulsations and movements of the earth’s crust which are not attributable to earthquakes or to motion of a more or less violent and abrupt nature. Microseisms may be due to local causes, as industrial opera- tions and ordinary traffic, storms and waves on adjacent shores, frost action, and possibly by wind, tide, and waves on distant shores. The kind and number of microseisms recorded at any place will naturally be limited by the adjustment and damping of the pendulum and the nature of the record, as a photo- graphic registering seismograph with high magnification will record microseisms when a mechanically registering seismo- graph would give only a smooth straight line. Moreover, with -mechanical registration the recording surface may not always be uniformly coated with lampblack and hence will offer vary- ing resistance to the lateral movement of the writing stylus. The mechanical registration with low magnification offers a distinct advantage in studying certain microseisms, since it does not give such a large mass of detail, in which it is often difficult to identify a particular type of motion. At the Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory we have been studying the relation between microseismic motion and the variations in atmospheric pressure since 1906. Our seismo- graph is a two-component, 10 kilogram, horizontal pendulum, of the Omori type, with mechanical registration and magnifi- cation of ten times. The periods of the pendulums have been kept between 24 and 29 seconds. With the seismograph oper- ating under these conditions, only the more pronounced micro- seisms are recorded, yet it is an interesting fact that during nearly five years record there have been not more than 25 eases of moderate barometric changes in connection with which mi- croseisms might have been expected and were not found on the seismograph traces. The microseisms accompanying atmospheric pressure vari- . ations have aremarkably regular wave-like motion which almost always shows a rhythmical increase and decrease of amplitude indicating interference. The waves occur in groups of from 6 to 12, and vary in amplitude with the intensity of the baro- metric variation. The most pronounced cases indicate a move- ment of the earth particles at this place amounting to about 0-05 millimeters on each side of their mean position. The results of our observations from September 1, 1906, to J. EF. Burbank—One Phase of Microseismic Motion. 471 January 31, 1908, were published* in tabular form, with full notes on the atmospheric pressure conditions. These results showed that the most pronounced microseisms were almost invariably connected with the passage of deep lows across the coast line from land to sea, or vice versa. It was also pointed out that the water area under the pressure disturbance would be in hydrostatic equilibrium, while the land area would be subject to astress which would be greatest at the shore line, hence we should expect the greatest microseismic motion when the center of a low area moves rapidly over the coast line. This reasoning has been confirmed by approximately 100 well-defined cases during the past 5 years. In fact, during the eriod under investigation there has not been a single case of a well-defined low area which has crossed the coast line between Maine and Florida which has not been accompanied by well- defined microseisms. It was also noted in the above paper that a rapid rising or falling pressure over the coast was accompanied by microseisms. This type of microseisms has been studied by Dr. Otto Klotz of Ottawa, Canada, who finds that the most marked cases at Ottawa are connected with the passage of low areas down the St. Lawrence and into the Gulf. He considers the microseisms due to difference in pressure, which is in agree- ment with our conclusions. The movement of a low area down the St. Lawrence and into the Gulf should be regarded as a passage across the coast line, although Dr. Klotz makes the statement} that such pas- sage is not marked by microseisms. This statement is not in agreement with our results at Cheltenham, which is peculiarly well located geographically for the study of such phenomena. Of 300 microseisms recorded here between September 1, 1906, and June 30, 1911, all but 32, about 10 per cent, have been definitely connected with some change of pressure occurring over the coast line between Labrador and Texas. That a change of pressure over land areas alone, although of considerable intensity, does not produce appreciable tremors is borne out by the following observations ; in many cases intense depressions have developed over the Mississippi valley and over the Lakes and have moved northward and eastward en- tirely unaccompanied by microseisms until they had approached sufficiently near the ocean to cause a steep pressure gradient over the coast. Another small group in which a low develops over the Gulf or the lower Mississippi valley and moves rapidiy northeastward, passing out to sea over the middle Atlantic * Journal Terrestrial Magnetism, vol. xiii, pp. 1-20, March, 1908. + Department of the Interior, Canada, Report of Chief Astronomer, 1908, pp. 24-40. 472, J. EF. Burbank—One Phase of Microseismic Motion. states,—in such cases no appreciable microseisms occur until it approaches the coast, when they begin and reach their greatest intensity while the center is passing out to sea. Another very rare condition is when a low develops over the Gulf states and moves northeastward. along the Allegheny mountains, passing into Canada without producing any great pressure changes along the coast line; in such cases no microseisms are recogni- zable. Still another very rare case is when a low develops over the ocean east of Florida and recurves northwestward, passing inland over the South Atlantic coast. The micro- seisms rapidly decrease after the center passes inland, although it may still be of considerable intensity. Of the 268 microseisms recorded here during the last 5 years and which appear connected with atmospheric variations, approximately two-thirds occur in the period October to April, when pressure changes are more frequent and abrupt; they occur very rarely during June, July, and August, when pres- , sure gradients are very small. During these winter months these microscisms often continue for several days, diminishing and increasing in intensity as a succession of abrupt pressure changes from low to high sweep over the coast into the Atlan- tic Ocean. A detailed study of all these cases confirms the general con- clusions already set forth in connection with my earlier paper; hence the tabulation and detailed notes are omitted from this paper, and only conclusions stated. Of the 268 microseisms above mentioned, 74 were connected with lows moving over the Gulf of St. Lawrence; 20 of these were of sufficient amplitude to determine the period, which varied from 2°8 to 3-5 seconds, with 4 cases of 3°6, 4°6, 5:0, and 6:0 seconds respectively—68 lows moved wholly or in part over the coast of New England; of these 21 showed periods ranging from 3:0 to 3°5 seconds, with one 3°8, one 4:0, and two , 5:0 seconds, the remainder being too ill-defined to allow deter- mination of period—73 microseisms were connected with pres- sure changes occurring over the Middle Atlantic coast between New York City and Cape Hatteras; nearly all of these were lows and show periods ranging from 3°0 to 3°5 seconds, with 5 cases ranging from 3°8 to 5:0 seconds. There were 20 cases connected with the South Atlantic coast, nearly all being due to lows passing northeastward into the ocean and often moving northward parallel to the coast with decreasing intensity; most of these gave intense microseisms with the usual period, one case having a period of 5:0 seconds; in addition to these were 13 cases of lows forming in the Gulf, or the ocean east of Florida, also including hurricanes which approach the Flor- ida peninsula or the Gulf coast; these show the usual periods J. E. Burbank—One Phase of Microseismic Motion. 473 with one marked exception: on October 16-17 a hurricane, with pressure about 29°05 inches, was in the Gulf southwest of Florida and the microseisms had a period from 5-0 to 5:8 seconds; on the 18th, when the center had approached the Florida coast and was passing inland, the period had decreased to 3°5 seconds and the amplitude gr eatly i increased. In general the period of the microseisms is from 3:0 to 3°5 seconds regardless of the part of the coast under strain. Peri- ods greater than 3°6 seconds apparently occur only when the low is of great extent and the center almost wholly over the ocean. It would appear from this that the period of the micro- seisms varies with the extent of the disturbed water area. In general, pressure changes due to high areas are too grad- ual and widespread to produce microseisms of appreciable intensity, although about 40 cases have been noted, nearly all being cases in which a depression was closely followed by a high area of marked intensity. In my earlier paper it was suggested that the microseisms might be connected with the movements of large masses of water set in motion by the wind accompanying the pressure changes. This assumption is not borne out by a comparison of the winds, normal to the coast line, and the microseisms occurring during the period January 1 to June 30, 1910. During this period there were strong microseisms on days when there was little or no wind along the coast, and also days when there were high winds without any well- marked microseisms. In general, high areas are accompanied by winds when they approach the coast, although they are rarely accompanied by microseisms. Another point of interest is that the period of the micro- seisms does not appear to be conditioned by the geological nature of the part of the coast line over which the low is passing, as all parts of the coast give essentially the same periods. It seems probable that this period is a characteristic of the local- ity in which the seismograph is mounted, although the change of period during different microseisms is ditiicult to explain on that basis. Klotz at Ottawa observed periods of 5 to 6 seconds with occasional changes to 3 seconds. The above conclusions by no means preclude the probability of microseisms being produced by the movement of lows and highs wholly over the land area; in fact it is extremely prob- able that they do occur, and could be readily recorded by a sufficiently sensitive seismograph, but it is evident that, at least for the eastern part of the United States, the most “marked microseisms are those related to the variations of pressure along the coast line. 474 J. EF. Burbank—Microseisms Caused by Frost Action. Art. XL.— Microseisms Caused by Frost Action; by J. E. BuRBANK. In a paper on “Some Apparent Variations of the Vertical etc.”* the writer called attention to a class of minute earth movements or microseisms of very small amplitude and irreg- ular period varying from 8 seconds to 2 minutes. At that time only a few cases had been identified. Recently an abstract of a paper by B. Gutenbergt has come to my attention. In this abstract it is stated that the distri- bution of frost in southwestern Europe up to about 60° N. Lat. and 30° E. Long. can be determined from the records of the 100 kilogram pendulum of the Geophysical Institute at Gottingen. The movement showed a well-defined daily period, max. about 6 a. m. and min. about 3 p. m. and an amplitude which on one occasion showed an earth movement in the north-south direction as great as $ millimeter on each side of the position of rest. One would infer that these microseisms sometimes occur when the ground at some distance is freezing and thawing, while at Gottingen it was not frozen. It is diff- cult to understand how the expansion and contraction of the surface layers in freezing and thawing can produce vibrations or variations of level of sufficient magnitude to be recorded more than a few kilometers beyond the frost zone. Cheltenham is so located that the approach of cold waves and freezing of the ground can be studied several days before they reach us, and often the zone of frost is only a short distance, 100 to 200 kilometers, to the north of the station, while the ground at Cheltenhain is not frozen. Our pendulumst are not as sensitive as those used by Gutenberg, and a move- ment of the earth particles of less than -02 millimeter would not be recognized. An examination of our seismograms for a period of several years past shows that whenever actual freezing or thawing of the ground is taking place at Cheltenham these microseisms are recorded as irregular tilts or movements of the pendulum back and forth in a somewhat jerky and irregular manner. The most common period is between 8 and 14 seconds, but they frequently have a period as great as two minutes. The amplitude increases with the intensity of the freezing or thaw- ing, the usual range of motion of the earth particles being between ‘02 and ‘10 millimeters. These microseisms are con- * This Journal, vol. xxx, Nov. 1910, p. 382. + Physikalische Zeitschrift, 1910, pp. 1184-5. tSee preceding paper. J. H. Burbank—Microseisms Caused by Frost Action. 45 tinuous as long as the ground is frozen and continue without appreciable diminution when the frozen ground is covered with a blanket of snow. When the ground is covered with snow the microseisms are due to the thawing out of the lower layers of frozen ground in contact with the warmer layers below. Attention was especially directed to those cases of cold Waves with freezing temperatures approaching Cheltenham and in no case could any microseisms be detected until the ground at Cheltenham had begun to freeze. The above evidence does not disprove a relation between microseisms and frost action at a distance, but it places a limit on the magnitude of such action. Cheltenham, Md., August, 1911. Art. XLI.—Dahllite (Podolite) from Tonopah, Nevada ; Velckerite, a New Basic Calewum Phosphate; Remarks on the Chemical Composition of Apatite and Phosphate fiock; by Austin F. Rogers; with Analyses by G. E. Postma. My attention was directed to a chemical study of apatite and related minerals by the recognition of a calcium carbono- phosphate on a mineral specimen from Tonopah, Nevada, kindly sent to me by Mr. S. C. Herold, a mining engineer. This specimen, which is from the Mizpah mine of the Tonopah Mining Company, consists of iodyrite, hyalite, quartz, man- ganese dioxide, and a white drusy coating of minute hexagonal erystals. As these hexagonal crystals seemed to effervesce in acid, they were provisionally referred to calcite. Optical tests failed to confirm this determination, for the fragments had weak, instead of strong, double refraction. The weak double refraction suggested apatite. As a good phosphate test was obtained, the mineral naturally was called apatite and the effer- vescence was attributed to an error in observation. On reading a paper* on the probable identity of dahllite with podolite, it occurred to me that the Tonopah mineral might belong to one of these carbono-phosphates, so the solubility test was tried again very carefully. There was distinct effer- vescence with warm nitric acid. Observed under the micro- scope, the bubbles come from the hexagonal crystals and from * Schaller, this Journal, vol. xxx, 309, 1910. 476 Rogers—Dahllite ( Podolite) from Tonopah, Nevada. irregular fragments with weak double refraction, so the effer- vescence is not due to admixed calcite. Moreover, there is practically no effervescence until the acid is heated. Good tests for calcium and the phosphate radical and a slight test for chlorine were obtained. A faint test for fluorine was obtained by heating the powdered mineral with silica and con- centrated sulphuric acid, and condensing the fumes on moist- ened black paper.* To further prove the identity of the mineral, chemical analyses were made by Mr. G. E. Postma, chemistry student at Stanford University. Unfortunately, a very limited amount of material was available. The carbonate and phosphate radicals were determined in a large, very impure sample with these results} (average of two): In a much purer sample consisting of only 74 mg., calcium, fluorine, and the phosphate radical together with insoluble matter (principally quartz) were determined with the following results : | One BS Sie on See ge 32°56 PO Meo oe ee 47-03 IA ek te eas tee 0°29 Insolkis Se eee 1D The amount of carbonate radical in the sample can be eal- culated from the preceding analysis. The excess of oxygen can be obtained by subtracting the amounts of the constituents in the form given above from the amounts in the ordinary form of oxides. This oxygen excess amounts to 1:07 per cent. We then have the following figures: ‘ Molecular ratios Gla gat hah Brae 32°56 0°814 10°00 PO, CE ere vel, ae ee 47°03 0°495 6:08 ly ee ee ee ee 0°29 0°007 (CO, ppl Sis ps Re ioe 2°48) 0°041 ‘onus 1°40 (O EP eR Te ie 1:07) 0:066 The fluorine percentage is probably low, as it usually is. The ratio of Ca, PO,, (CO,, F,, O) is very closely 10: 6: 1, slight errors probably giving high oxygen. The Tonopah mineral can be interpreted as an isomorphous mixture of 3Ca,(PO,).. CaCO,, 3Ca,(PO,),.CaO, and 3Ca,(PO,),.CaF,. It is necessary * Browning, this Journal, vol. xxxii, 249, 1911. + In accordance with the modern views of chemistry, analyses are recorded in the form of metals and acid radicals. ” ee ee eee eS ee ee ee ~_s Rogers—Dahllite ( Podolite) from Tonopah, Nevada, 477 to assume that oxygen replaces fluorine and the carbonate radical on account of the small amounts of these constituents. As the carbonate-phosphate molecule is present to the extent of at least half, the mineral should be called dahllite (or podolite). The optical properties. of the mineral are also interesting. The erystals are hexagonal tabular in habit as represented in ficure 1. The interior of the crystals is almost opaque white, while the exterior is subtransparent. The central portion of 1s ae Die Ae Dahllite (Podolite) from Tonopah, Nevada. the crystals, including a narrow zone of the subtransparent part (black area of fig. 2), is dark between crossed nicols, while the remainder of the subtransparent exterior is double refract- ing and divided into six sectors. These sectors extinguish in opposite pairs at an angle of 7° or 8° with the edge as indicated in fig. 2 and give negative biaxial interference figures in convergent light. ki 4 The hexagonal prism is either {6170} (or {1670$) with axial plane parallel to {1010} or_it is {1010} with axial plane parallel to {617 0} (or {1670:), for the theoretical angle (1010 A 6170) is 7° 85’. If the prism is 6170}, as seems prob- able, the crystals have the symmetry of the hexagonal ‘pyramidal or apatite class. In the podolite described by Tschirwinsky* the biaxial sec- tors extend to the center of the crystal. The question arises as to whether all the Tonopah mineral, or only the exterior, is dahllite (podolite). This can not be definitely settled as the mineral contains some fluorine and also an excess of oxygen, but probably the exterior of the crystals more nearly approaches dahllite (podolite) than the interior. The formula for podolite established by Tschirwinskyt is 3Ca,(PO,),.CaCO,. Schaller{t gives good arguments for con- sidering podolite and dahllite as identical. The name dabllite given by Brégger and Backstrom§ has priority. * Centralblat. Mineral., etc., 1907, pp. 279-283. + Loe. cit. t Loe. cit. § Ofv. Akad. Stockh., xlv, 498, 1888 ; Dana System, 6th ed., p. 866. 478 Rogers—Dahllite (Podolite) from Tonopah, Nevada. The isomorphism, or at least the replacement of fluorine by the carbonate radical, is proved by several analyses* of apatite taken from the literature. Ca PO, F COs Cl Portland, Canada ----- 38°62 54°03 3°38 LLU yes Londongrove, Penn._.. 38°53 55°40 1°95 1°93 0°94 Templeton, Canada__-.- 37°77 55°52 Lsk7 3°14 0°42 The second analysis, made by Carnot,t corresponds almost exactly to the formula 3Ca,(PO,),.Ca(F,,Cl,,CO,). I have examined apatite from fourteen different localities and have found that, with one possible exception, they give effervescence in hot nitric acid. These include apatites from Canada, Arkansas, Norway, among them both fluor-apatites and chlor-apatites. It may seem strange that fluorine and the carbonate radical should replace each other and that the com- pounds 3Ca,(PO,),.CaF, and 3Ca,(PO,),.CaCO, should be isomorphous. The isomorphism of these compounds can be explained by the mass-effect of 3Ca,(PO,),.Ca (formula weight ==971) in these compounds ; the fluorine and carbonate radical have relatively little influence. This explanation of isomor- phism we owe to Penfield, who explained the chemical com- position of tourmaline by the mass-effect of Al,(B.OH),Si,O,, in the molecule H,A1,(B.OH),Si,O,,, it making little difference whether the hydrogen is replaced by alumininm, magnesium, iron, or the alkalies. The isomorphism of PbFe,OH),,(SO,), (plumbojarosite) with K,Fe(OH),.(SO,), (jarosite) Penfield explained in the same way. A similar explanation will doubt- less hold for other mineral groups. A critical study of apatite analyses will convince one of the existence of a basic calcium phosphate, for many of the analyses show a deficiency of both fluorine and chlorine and also of the carbonate radical. In tabular form I have collected here several apatite analyses showing this deficiency. The oxygen is obtained by subtracting the sum of the constituents in the present form from their sum as oxides. The almost perfect summations prove that this is justified. It was thought that perhaps the carbonate radical had been overlooked in these apatites. Accordingly Mr. Postma analyzed a specimen of Zillerthal apatite, obtained from Dr. Krantz of Bonn, Ger- many. ‘This apatite occurs in large white tabular crystals. Mr. Postma’s analysis, which is the last one in the preceding list, shows only a slight amount of the carbonate radical. * These and other analyses have been recalculated in the form of metals and acid radicals. — + Bull. Fr. Soc. Min., xix, 135, 1896. Rogers—Dahllite (Podolite) from Tonopah, Nevada. 479 Oxygen Defici- Ca PO, F CI.” H.O. ” Mise. ency Total Mt. Greiner et Gol- ere ae ees 38°06 57°31 0°23 0°12 0°35 3°18 0-72 99:97 Krageroe, Norwayt- 38°96 55°24 —- 0°81 0°44 3°96 1°48 100°89 Krageroe, Norwayt. 38°73 55°53 —- 1:52 0°22 3:10 1°30 99-90 (GE ic a 38°27 53°12 1:03 1°82 0°46 3°80 139" 99789 Aillerthals.<..-.--~ 40°44 57:50 0°62 —- 0°15 1°37 100:08 Zillerthal||-....___- 39°83 57:07 1:20 —- 0°30 CO,=0 23 0°92 99°55 The existence of the compound 3Ca,(PO,),.CaO is proved by the analyses of Vcelcker, Hoskyns-Abrahall, Carnot, and Postma. Fora mineral with this composition or one in which this molecule predominates I propose the name velckerite, as Veelcker was the first investigator to show that apatite was sometimes deficient in fluorine and chlorine. Hoskyns-Abra- hall wrote the formula for apatite thus: Ca,,(PO,),(O,F,,Cl.,). Groth** substitutes hydroxyl for oxygen, principally for a priory reasons. In the above analyses the water percentage is too low to make up the deficiency as hydroxyl, the average being 0°32 as against 1:19 for oxygen. The isomorphism of veeleckerite with fluor-apatite and chlor-apatite may also be explained by mass-effect isomorphism, one atom of oxygen replacing two atoms of fluorine. Thus we have four isomorphous compounds : Fluor-apatite ..------ 3Ca,(PO,),.CaF, Chlor-apatite ..------ 3Ca,(PO,),.CaCl, Wahtiitern. = jbo 8Ca,(PO,),.CaCO, V etckertte: - 22-2 _-- + .3c0a( FO) Cae The names fluor-apatite and chlor-apatite are well established in the literature. The name carb-apatite++ was proposed for the carbono-phosphate but was withdrawn in favor of podolite. Dahllite, however, has priority over both carb-apatite and podolite. Veelekerite is a better name than the name Oxy- apatite suggested by analogy and gives recognition to Vcelcker for his work on the chemical composition of apatite. On account of the difficulty of recognizing these minerals without chemical analysis, apatite may be used as a group name, the general formula being 3Ca,(PO,),.Ca(F,,Cl,,CO,,O). Besides 3Ca,(PO,),,;CaCO,, a number of other calcium carbono-phosphates have been described. They are as follows: * Carnot, Bull. Fr. Soc. Min., xix, 135. + Velcker, Ber. Ch. Ges., xvi, 2460, 1883. { Jannasch, Zs. anorg. Chem., vii, 154, 1894. § Hoskyns-Abrahall, Zs. Kryst., xxi, 389. || Postma. mn a “| In the case of the Norwegian apatites, which contain chlorine but no fluorine, there is no doubt of this, for the chlorine determination is a very accurate one. ** Tab. Uebersicht der Mineralien, 4th ed., p. 87. ++ Tschirwinsky, loc. cit. 480 Logers—Dahllite (Podolite) from Tonopah, Nevada. Dabilite 223 eee 2Ca,(PO,),.CaCO,.4H,O Nrancolitey 252 a= Ca,(CaF),(PO,),.CaCO,.H,O Stattelite ss 22s. se a fibrous variety of francolite Collophanite _- ---- £3Ca,(PO,),.yCa. CO, 2110 Dahllite, as shown by Schaller, is probably identical with podolite. The formula assigned to francolite seems anomalous, — as it does fit into the series given above. There are but two analyses of francolite on record and they do not agree. One has 9°04 per ceut Cal’,, 2°84 per cent CaCO,, and no water, while the other has 7°68 per cent CaF,, 5:10 per cent CaCO, and 1°59 per cent water. Francolite is pseudohexgonal like dahllite (podolite). The axial plane is parallel to the hexagonal outline, but this is probably not an essential difference. Lacroix regards staffelite as a fibrous variety of francolite. Additional analyses are necessary before francolite (or staffelite) can be assigned definite rank as a mineral species. Collophanite was described by Sandberger,* who gave the formula Ca,(PO,),.H,O after deducting 3°96 per cent CaCoO,, which he considered to be an impurity. The analysis of Kéottnitz gives 3Ca,(PO,),.CaCO,.3H,O, but Lacroixt gives #Ca,(PO,),.yCaCO,.zH,O. Besides the “original collophanite there is only one other analysis, that of Shepard,t which after deducting 4°64 per cent gypsum gives 3Ca,(PO,),.H,O. So the composition of collophanite is not settled. There is a possi- bility that collophanite is an amorphous mineral with the for- mula 3Ca,(PO,),.CaCO,.zH,O, thus bearing the same relation to dahllite (podolite) that “opal (SiO,.cH,O) does to quartz (Si0,). Of the various carbono-phosphates only one, viz. dahllite (podolite) with the formula 3Ca,(PO,),.CaCQ,, is, in my opinion, entitled to recognition as a mineral species. Several suggestions as to the chemical composition of phos- phate rock, phosphate nodules, and similar materials have recently been made. Stutzer§ regards phosphate rock as made up principally of amorphous calcium phosphate. Lacroix| believes them to be mixtures of collophanite with smaller amounts of francolite and dahllite (2Ca,(PO,),.CaCO,4H,O). According to Cameron and Bell these materials are solid solutions of CaO and P,O,. On account of the inaccuracy of the fluorine determination and on account of the water, iron, aluminium, and calcium carbonate present, analyses of phosphate rocks are difficult * Jb. Min., p. 308, 1870. + Mineralogie de la France, vol. iv, 56, 1911. ¢ This Journal, xxxiii, 402, 1882. S Die Lagerstitten der Nicht- Erze, Band I, P. aoe 1911. | Loe. cit. Rogers—Dahllite ( Podolite) from Tonopah, Nevada. 481 to interpret. It is usually impossible to decide whether the substances mentioned are essential constituents or impurities. A satisfactory explanation must account for the almost inva- riable presence of the carbonate radical, the usual presence of fluorine and a fairly constant ratio of 10Ca to 6PO, as well as for variations in the amounts of the constituents. An analysis by Mr. Postma of a dark brown egg-shaped nodule with radiated structure collected by Mr. R. M. Wilke in Volhynia, Russia, gave the following results: OF ies aaa 38°81 Wei. @' 222 fa ees 1°93 [Ehsaan 46°82 OGM Borate 3°93 CONE 2s. 2 6:46 nisalise tase 3°22 een see OME Organic matter 1°87 Gi sees Sa tr. This is a typical analysis, but it contains an excess of CaCO, over that required for 3Ca,(PO,),,CaCO,,. The following are analyses of the purer phosphate rocks, ete.: Ca POZ? "CO; iH HO) Mise. 10 Total emer ee re eee 37°72 53:04 2:00 — 3:02 2°89 1°32 99-99 [SST Sr eS ee oooh AGL 246 92°28 9215 1-20). 4 99°51 Malden Island —._-_.--- o4-Go0 49:43) 9a°238 === 5-48 ) 716 £07) 10000 - Crawford Mts., Utah.. 36°41 48°59 2°34 0°40 1:05 $°55 1°55 98°89 ousillae 2052-40. -2.- epi 00-04..0° Lo O-86 ) 7:05, “0:80 —— 99-49 Mountlagse 228k. 37°02 50°27 5°45 1:50 4°30 -— 0°08 99°12 Ambermos 2.5. 5252- Shoo omarion e900 ==) 3°61-< =F .100-00 TEN Tero ne anos ico ico 2:46. 3o:0a.-5°0L,) —— 100;30 ——+-—_—~ Ibeaumiles en oS 36°98 51°82 2°26 3:40 4°%5 ee O90 A few contain an excess of CaCO, over that required for the dahllite (podolite) molecule. The excess oxygen given in the next to the last column is necessary to give good summations. As phosphate rocks and nodules are not of definite chemical composition, they perhaps do not deserve recognition as min- erals, but as far as can be ascertained they seem to be mixtures of fluor-apatite, voelckerite, and dahllite (podolite) as repre- sented by the formula 3Ca,(PO,),.Ca(F,,0,CO,). Chlorine is practically absent from these substances. The water is proba- bly not essential, but there is a possibility of the substance 3Ca,(PO,),. CaCO, .vH,O or 8Ca,(PO,), . Ca(F,,0,CO,).#H,O, which will account for varying amounts of water. For convenience of the reader I have given the theoretical percentages of the minerals discussed in the form of metals and acid radicals. 482 Logers—Dahllite (Podolite) from Tonopah, Nevada. Ca, PO, F Cl CO; : O H.O Fluor-apatite -...-.---- 39°62. 56°00 3°83) == == > === Chior-apatite2es-7e 4 38°39 54°81 —— 680 .-—. ==) 22 Dahllite (podolite)__.__. 38°86 = 55°35 — aoe BD) ee bea Voeltkeritte 22 22225222 40°70 ONT © A a) Se Original dahllite -____-_- oo a4 } (0218 © ==) ==5 88 Bee Ps Ko Prancolites4. eee aans 39°07 50°62 3°40 ee ge to) aie I tested the solubility of some specimens of pyromorphite and found that several gave a distinct effervescence in hot nitric acid. Pyromorphite from the Buffalo claim on Lower Sugar Loaf creek in Marion County, Arkansas collected by Drasiise: Branner was analyzed* by Mr. Postma with the following results : Molecular ratios -———* mae Ue Mere es 66°73 0°322 nen ayn sat ae 4°02 07100 § 16) A ae 23°82 0-250 6°0 CO ine Lie 1:93 0-032 ae Clits Wi a 2°55 0-035 | insoles ee 0°42 . This pyromorphite, which is the polyspherite variety, occurs as a gray or greenish-gray crust on galena and is clearly an alteration product of the galena. It effervesces slightly in cold nitric acid. With the exception of a slight excess of the carbonate radical the analysis is very closely 10(Pb,Ca) : 6PO,: 1(Cl,,CO,). This analysis is considered proof that the carbonate radical may replace chlorine in pyromorphite, as there is not enough chlorine to form the pyromorphite molecule. On account of the accuracy of the chlorine determination there seems to be no doubt of this explanation. Several analyses of pyromorphite cited in Dana’s System of Mineralogy show a deficiency in chlorine which may be explained by the presence of either the carbonate radical or oxygen. In conclusion I may say that this paper makes no pretense to a final solution of the difficult problem of the chemical composition of apatite, phosphate rock, etc. Many accurate analyses will be necessary for that task. Stanford University, California, February, 1912. * A closely agreeing analysis is given in Vol. V (p. 87) of Arkansas Geo- logical Survey Reports, Wellisch and Bronson—Actwe Deposit of Radium. 483 Arr. XLII—TZhe Distribution of the Active Deposit of Radium m an LHlectric Field; by E. M. Wetutscu and H. L. Bronson. 1. Introductory. THE present paper contains the results of a series of experi- ments which were carried out at the Sloane Physical Labor- atory of Yale College, and which were undertaken with a view of throwing light on the mechanism involved in the transmis- sion of the active deposit of radium to the electrodes in an electric field or to the exposed solid surfaces in the absence of such field. In order to account for this transport of activity one of us* had already suggested a theory in which the view was taken that the transmission was effected as a result of the interaction between the active deposit particles (or restatoms) and the ions formed in the gas by the radiation accompanying the radio-active disintegration ; in particular, an attempt was made to explain on this theory the experimental result obtained by Rutherfordt and Franck{ that the restatoms moved through the gas with the same velocity as the positive ions. The original object proposed in the present experiment was to ascertain whether the distribution of activity on the elec- trodes could be affected in any way by the application of an extraneous source of ionization such, for instance, as that pro- duced by causing intense Rontgen rays to pass through the as. : We might be permitted to anticipate here the results of the present experimental investigation and to state that, although the application of such extraneous source of ionization has so far been found to produce little or no effect on the distribution of activity, nevertheless a decided interaction has been found to take place between the restatoms and the ions produced by the radiations which accompany the formation of these particles. The results of previous experimenters with regard to the distribution of the active deposit under various conditions have shown a lack of agreement which in our present experiments has been traced to the fact that the potentials employed were often far from sufficient to saturate even approximately the radio-active ions. * Wellisch, Verh. Deutsch. Phys. Ges., xiii, p. 159, 1911. + Rutherford, Phil. Mag. (6), v, p. 95, 1908. ¢ Franck, Verh. Deutsch. Phys. Ges., xi, p. 897, 1909. 484 Wellisch and Bronson—Distribution of the Active 2. Experimental Procedure. The radium emanation used in our experiments was obtained from two sources, for the use of both of which we are indebted to the kindness of Prof. Boltwood. One source consisted of a solution of radium salt contained in a glass vessel so con- structed as to permit vigorous bubbling when a current of gas was passed through it; the other source was a quantity of carnotite contained in a glass jar, which was adjusted to per- mit of rapid connexion to the testing vessel. The emanation was in most cases passed through glass-wool and phosphorus pentoxide before entering the test vessel; no effect on the distribution was observed, however, by omitting these precautions. Different forms of test vessels were employed; the vessel which was used practically throughout and to which all our experiments apply, unless mention is made to the contrary, consisted of a brass cylinder with an aluminium bottom and a brass central electrode sprung into a stout brass holder so as to permit of rapid detachment. The vessel was provided with a guard tube which was connected to earth; this guard tube was slightly tapered so as to make a good fit with the ebonite plug which supported the central electrode. Stop-cock grease was employed to ensure complete tightness. | The dimensions of this vessel were as follows : Height of containing portion..--_-.---- 140 mm Inneridiameter >. 222 seus eee ee 5Se Mates Exposed length of central electrode..--. 101 “ Diameter of central electrode__...._.-_- Mess The measurements of the activity of the central electrode were made in a vessel identical to the above except that, as men- tioned below, no ebonite and in consequence no guard tube was employed. The diagram of connexions and the disposition of apparatus are given in fig.1. The test-vessel A was supported by brass clips mounted on ebonite; these clips were connected to the battery through carbon resistances R, R’, the changes of poten- tial being effected by means of the adjustable contacts s, s’, and the key L. JB represents a parallel plate vessel which was employed in order to communicate definite induced charges to the electrometer system whenever occasion arose. C is a capacity consisting of two thin sheets of tinfoil separated by a thin sheet of mica; this capacity, together with that of B, could be added to the system by means of the key K, and the total capacity of the system was then increased 214 times. The electrometer was of the Dolezalek pattern with a platinum Deposit of Radium in an Electric Field. ' 485 suspension. The needle was charged to a potential of 120 volts, and with this potential the sensitiveness was 180™™ per volt on a scale about 1 meter distant. The Roéntgen-ray bulb, which was enclosed in a lead-covered box and which was employed whenever it was desired to increase the ionization current in the test-vessel, is not shown Hie. ol. E DX eee D = & U S) Nh---== [-----IIh E in the diagram; the rays were admitted through an aperture in the lead directly beneath the aluminium bottom of the vessel. | For potentials up to 1200 volts a battery of small accumula- tors was employed. For the larger potentials a Wimshurst machine was used which was driven by an electric motor ; it was found that the voltage obtained by this means was surpris- ingly steady, although the slight variations were sufficient to prevent any accurate measurements of the ionization current through the gas. The voltage was regulated by means of an Am. Jour. Sct.—FourtH SERIES, Vou. XXXIITI, No. 197.—May, 1912. 32 ‘ 486 Wellisch and Bronson—Lstribution of the Active adjustable spark-gap, and was measured with a Braun electro- meter. The method of procedure was in general as follows: after the introduction of the emanation the vessel was allowed to remain in position under the desired conditions of potential, pressure, etc., for a period sufficiently long to enable the emanation and the resulting activity to get into equilibrium. This period was usually about three hours, and was never less than 14 hours; readings of the ionization current were taken at intervals so as to note the growth of activity and the estab- lishment of equilibrium. The emanation was blown out by means of a strong current of air from a force-pump ; the ebon- ite plug containing the central electrode was removed, care being taken that this electrode did not touch the ease. The activity on the case was measured by observing the ionization current to which it gave rise; for this purpose a fresh electrode was suspended in the vessel by means of the brass holder shown in the diagram; by thus avoiding the use of ebonite the activity could be measured with great precision. This procedure was rendered necessary because, as is subse- quently shown, an accurate determination of the activity on the case was the most unportant factor in the experiments. Tt was found that handling ebonite insulation, even with great precaution, resulted in the production of disturbing electrical effects which were sufficient to render uncertain the subsequent measurements. The activity at any time after the removal of the emanation was then measured by observing the electro- meter rate. In order to determine the activ ity on the central electrode this electrode was removed from its holder by means of a pin, which passed through a small hole, and was then suspended in the second vessel in the same manner as described above ; the electrometer rate could then be taken at any definite time dating from the removal of the emanation. In practice it was found convenient to measure the case activity at 10, 15, and 20 minutes, and the central electrode activity at 25, °30, and 35 minutes after the emanation had been removed ; the maximum activity, 7. ¢. the activity when in equilibrium with the emanation, was then calculated by means of the figures given by one of us* for the rate of decay of the activity resulting from a long exposure. The consistency of this caleulated maximum determined the number of readings necessary for the measurement of the activity, but usually those just mentioned amply sufficed. * Bronson, Phil. Mag. (6), xii, p.73, 1906. In order to calculate the max- imum activity from the rates determined at the times given above, the observed rates have to be multiplied by the factors 2-02, 2:25, 2°41, 2°58, 2°75, and 2°96 respectively. Deposit of Radium in an Electric Freld. 487 In practically all our experiments the activities were meas- ured by observing the ionization currents to which they gave rise in air under the ordinary conditions when a_ potential of +160 volts was applied to the vessel employed. Although this potential was not sufficient to saturate the currents, sub- sequent experiments showed that the ratio of the two activities as thus measured was not altered by using a larger voltage. A. typical set of readings is given later. 3 3. Haperiments with Small Applied Potentials. It is well known that for moderately high potentials the activity is concentrated to a very large extent on the negative electrode in an electric field ; Schmidt* has shown that when small potentials are employed the cathode activity decreases in a manner analogous to the diminution in electric current which follows as a result of recombination of ions; in fact, he came to the conclusion that the active deposit particles behave in a manner similar to the positive ions. ‘The first set of experiments tried in the present series had as object to find whether the amount of activity that was deposited on the cathode when a small positive potential was applied to the ease could be altered when the ionization in the gas was so increased by means of Rontgen rays that the electric current through the gas was at least as great as if a large potential had been applied without any extraneous source of ionization. In this set of experiments the rods were exposed as cathodes to the process of activation for a period of 10 min- utes, both with and without the application of Rontgen rays, the testing vessel containing air at 1 atmosphere; the activ- ities were measured at various intervals atter removal, and were then directly compared. Preliminary trials which were made showed that in the process of removing one rod and sub- stituting another less than 2 per cent of the emanation escaped. A result of one set of measurements is given below: | With +4 volts on case and 10 minutes exposure, activity of cathode 10 minutes after removal is represented by an electro- meter rate of 1:1™™ per sec. With same applied potential and strong Réntgen rays pass- ing through the vessel during the whole time of exposure, the corresponding rate was ‘88. As arough idea of the relative currents involved the follow- ing figures are given; in these instances the rates were deter- mined with the extra capacity added to the system. Ionization current immediately after introduction of ema- nation and with +160 volts on case: 33™™ per see. : with 4 volts rate was 1:05; with 4 volts and Rontgen rays rate was 5:21. * Schmidt, Phys. Zeitschr., ix, p. 184, 1908. ‘ 488 Wellisch and Bronson—Distribution of the Active In the last two instances there was, of course, a deposit of activity on the walls of the vessel. Other experiments were made with the same object, in some instances large amounts of activity being previously concen- trated on the walls of the vessel so as to increase still further the ionization. The results were of the same nature, viz., to show a small decrease in the amount of activity deposited on the cathode when additional ionization was produced; the decrease could be accounted for if we adopt the view that the restatoms behave as positive ions, and are subject to increased recombination with the negative ions produced by the appli- cation of the extraneous radiation. 4, Experiments with Larger Potentials. Air at 1 atmosphere. Experiments were next made to ascertain the percentage of the total activity that was deposited on the cathode when larger positive potentials were applied to the case. The result of this set of measurements is given below (Table I), and is exhibited as a curve in fig. 2, which refers to air at 1 atmosphere; the ? po ee prMosPHERE poe | | 0 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500 Potential in volts po > c=) 2) So “| Percentage cathode activity method of procedure for determining the points has already been given in section 2. It will be seen from an inspection of this curve that the per- centage cathode activity always increased with the applied potential, a result which indicates that there are practically no negative carriers of activity ; all the so-called anode activity to which reference is made by many investigators is due to the diffusion to the walls of the vessel of uncharged restatoms. A slight correction has on this account to be made for the amount of unchar ged activity that diffuses to the cathode during the expo- sure ; this correction was made by estimating the relative areas of the exposed surfaces of cathode and case, which were found to ee Deposit of Radium in an Electric Field. 489 ‘PABER).L: Kmanation in Air at 1 Atmosphere. Potential in Percentage cathode volts activity 18 42°7 160 fou 900 85°9 975 : 86°6 2250 86°9 2800 88°5 3250 89°0 4000 91°3 be in the ratio 1:50, and assuming that the uncharged restatoms were distributed in this proportion. The true percentage cathode activity, that is, the number of positive carriers expressed as a percentage of the total number of carriers, is obtained from the percentage cathode activity (p), as deter- amet mined experimentally, by evaluating the expression All values given in this paper for the percentage cathode activ- ity denote the true percentage obtained by correcting in this manner. A typical set of measurements is given below: Emanation passed through P,O, and glass-wool into vessel containing air at 1 atmosphere. +975 volts on case. Exposure about 2 hours. Equilibrium rate with added capacity: 6°17. Activity on case, measured at 10 and 15 minutes after removal of emanation ; rates with added capacity : -19 and ‘17 respectively. Activity on cathode measured at 20 and 25 minutes after removal of emanation ; rates with added capac- ity : 1:05 and ‘98 respectively. Calculated maximum activity on case: °38. Ditto cathode: 2°53. Ratio of max. cathode to max. case activity: 6°66: 1. Percentage cathode activity: 86-9. True percentage cathode activity as corrected for dif- fusion of uncharged carriers to cathode: 86°6. It is difficult to estimate with precision the experimental error in the determination of the percentage cathode activity. A slight error probably arises from the fact that the cathode ‘ 490 Wellisch and Bronson—Distribution of the Active and case activities are determined by means of ionization which is differently distributed. This has been shown experi- mentally to have a negligible effect on the relative values of the percentage cathode activities for different potentials, the determination of which was really the object of the experi- ment. As mentioned above, it was important to make an accu- rate determination of the maximum activity on the case. An error in the determination of this activity leads to approxi- mately the same percentage error in the determination of the percentage cathode activity; this error in all our experiments is probably less than 2 per cent. The plotting of a curve such as that of fig. 2 is obviously only possible if the percentage cathode activity is independent of the amount of emanation used in the experiment. This fact was demonstrated repeatedly during the course of our inves- tigations ; ; as an instance of the wide range over which this holds it may be mentioned that the percentage cathode activity was the same with 900 volts on the case when the amounts of emanation in the vessel were such as to afford equilibrium rates of 5°32 without any added capacity and 16:1 with the added capacity, 7. e. rates which are roughly in the ratio 1:65. When we are working in the earlier part of the curve, 7. e. with relatively small potentials, this Independence no longer holds good; but for the higher potentials the effect of the amount of emanation within a lar ve range becomes negligible. The curve bears a striking resemblance to the curves which have been experimentally determined for ionization by a-par- ticles. Many observers have drawn attention to the “lack of saturation” which is a marked feature of such curves; in par- ticular, this phenomenon has been the subject of special i inves- tivation by Bragg,* Kleeman,t Moulin,t and Wheelock.§ Reference is made to this point later (section 7). The similar- ity was so striking as to suggest a more detailed study of the ionization curves for emanation in equilibrium and with differ- ent applied potentials. It was found that within the limits of error the ratio of the two ionization currents obtained for two potentials not too low] was, like the percentage cathode activity, independent of the amount of emanation in the vessel; and, moreover, that * Bragg, Phil. Mag. (6), xi, p. 466, 1906. + Kleeman, Phil. Mag. (6), xii, p. 278, 1906. t+ Moulin, Compt. Rend., exlviii, p. 1757, 1909; Le Radium, vii, p. 350, Bate this Journal, xxx, p. 238, 1910. | The potentials should be sufficiently large to prevent volume recom- bination, as distinguished from columnar recombination, 7%. e. should be sufficient to saturate a uniform distribution of Réntgen-ray ions equal in number to those produced by the a-radiation. Deposit of Radium in an Electric Field. 491 this ratio was identical with the ratio of the percentage cathode activities corresponding to these two potentials. As an example of the results obtained in this connection it will suffice to compare the ratio 1:09 of the percentage cathode activities obtained with potentials 975 and 160 volts respec- tively with the corresponding ionization currents. From our values for the ionization currents in air at 1 atmosphere pressure obtained in three experiments when widely different quantities of emanation were employed, we deduce the follow- ing figures : Ratio of current with V volts to that with 160 volts : =—E NO wien!) Vi ==8)7 5 =1°10 when V=980, =1:07 when V=900. It would serve no useful purpose to reproduce in full any of the ionization curves because, in the, first instance, the early slope of the curve depends markedly on the amount of emana- tion employed, and, secondly, because the comparison could only be made over the limited range from about 100 to 1000 volts, as the ionization current could not be accurately measured when the larger potentials were employed. That the equality of the ionization and activity ratios still holds approximately at low voltages when a constant amount of emanation was employed was verified by measuring the per- centage cathode activity with 18 volts applied, and the ioniza- tion currents for 18 volts and higher potentials, it being known that the percentage cathode activity at the higher potentials was independent of the amount of emanation in the vessel. The following results were obtained : Percentage cathode activity with 18 volts: 42°7 Ditto 160 volts: 79°1 Ratio : °54 Tonization current with._..___-_- LS: volts.) 6:6 Ditto 160 volts: 11-4 Ratio; 58 The agreement is only rough, and further experiments will be necessary at these small potentials. The percentage cathode activity increases so slowly with the higher potentials applied that it appeared as if some definite fraction of the activity was always bound to be deposited on the case. Subsequent experiments made with large potentials obtained by using the Wimshurst machine showed, however, that the percentage cathode activity continually increased with the potential. It isnot out of place to mention briefly here two sets of experiments which were conducted prior to the ase of the Wimshurst machine. \ 492 Wellisch and Bronson—Distribution of the Active It was suggested that, if a large uniform electric field were applied, possibly the number of uncharged carriers might become insignificant. For this purpose the emanation was introduced into a vessel consisting of*two parallel electrodes of aluminium (each 58™™ in diameter) insulated by an ebonite ring 20" thick; the vessel contained air at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. Experiments made with applied potentials of 160 and 1000 volts gave values of 75 and 82°6 respectively for the percentage of positively charged carriers. The second set of experiments had as object to determine whether RaA was deposited on the case. To test this point the cylindrical vessels were employed as usual and large potentials applied, but exposures of only 1 minute duration were made. It was found that the resulting curve of decay of the case activity had the characteristic properties of the curves of decay for the activity uae to a short exposure to the radium emanation. Mention might also Be briefly made here of some experi- ments which were performed to ascertain whether there was any alteration in value of the percentage cathode activity resulting from a long exposure with large positive potentials applied to the case when thr oughout the exposure the ioniza- tion current was greatly iner eased by the passage of Rontgen rays through the vessel. The alteration, if any, was very small, and for the present, at any rate, we must assume that the action of the Roéntgen rays is without effect on the dis- tribution of the activity. 5. Heperiments with Reduced Pressure. The experimental results described in the preceding section strongly suggest that over a wide range of potentials the per- centage of the total activity which is deposited on the case represents the percentage lack of saturation of the positive ionization current. These experiments related to the activity distribution in air at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. Now Moulin and Wheelock have shown (doc. czt.) that the ioniza- tion produced by a-particles is more readily saturated when the pressure of the gas is reduced; it was, therefore, of interest to determine whether the percentage cathode activity would follow the positive ionization current when the gas pressure was reduced. For this purpose the emanation was introduced into the testing vessel, which contained air at a pressure of 260™™, and the percentage cathode activity was determined for various applied positive potentials. The results are given below (Table IT), and are exhibited as a curve in fig. 2. Deposit of Radium in an Hlectric Field. 493 TABLE II. Emanation in air at pressure of 260™™. Potential in | Percentage cathode volts. activity 80 82°5 150 82°5 Cas) 81°8 790 82°2 1130 81°8 2250 83°8 2250 84°2 It is noticeable that although the percentage cathode activity for 150 volts is greater than the corresponding value for a pressure of 1 atmosphere, nevertheless when the higher potentials are reached the values are smaller at the lower pressure. When the ionization due to the emanation in equilibrium with its activity and in air at a pressure of 260" was measured for various applied positive potentials, it was observed that the alteration of ionization with potential was so extremely slow as to suggest saturation. Over the range for which the ionization could be measured this alteration was too small to justify comparison with the figures given for the percentage cathode activity; the striking feature is that both curves approach more nearly to the horizontal than the corr esponding curves for a pressure of 1 atmosphere. The figures for the lower pressure show that for large potentials the activity is farther from saturation than at 1 atmosphere; it is therefore only reasonable to conclude that in the case of ionization the percentage lack of saturation is greater at the lower than at the higher pressure. The figures given in Table II, although sufficiently con- sistent to justify the conclusion just given, nevertheless exhibit slight irregularities which are being made the subject of further investigation. In the first instance the values for the percentage cathode activity for potentials in the neighborhood of 1000 volts show a slight falling off as compared with those corresponding to the smaller potentials. The explanation of this effect appears to le in a distortion of the field in the neighborhood of the ebonite piug, arising from some action of the a-radiation on the ebonite; this distortion would result in some of the cathode activity being deposited on the plug instead of on the central electrode. Corresponding difficulties arose for the ionization measurements at the reduced pressures. 494. Wellisch and Bronson—Distribution of the Active The increase of the percentage cathode activity in the neigh- borhood of 2000 volts is probably real, although the number of experiments in this connection is not yet sufficient to justify any definite statement. It is, however, of interest to record that throughout the exposure with these high potentials a large current due to ionization by collision was passing through the gas. EF Falls it might here be mentioned that a complete set of observations for the distribution of the activity with various applied potentials, both for air at 1 atmosphere and for air at a pressure of 250"™, had previously been made, using the same test-vessel, but with the guard-tube projecting a short distance into the volume of the gas. By reason of this some of the activity which belonged properly to the cathode was measured as “case activity,” so that the resulting values for the percent- age cathode activity were too small. The curves obtained both for activity and ionization exhibited the same general features as those previously described. Some of the results obtained are given below; these figures are not comparable with those given above, which were all obtained after the guard-tube had been cut down. Emanation in Air at 1 atmosphere. Potential in Percentage cathode volts activity 160 76°2 880 84°1 2750 86°2 Emanation in Air at 250™™ pressure. Potential in Percentage cathode volts activity 160 81°2 920 81°9 2500 82°1 6. Experiments with Air at Pressures greater than 1 atmosphere. Several experiments were performed to ascertain the distri- bution of activity when the air in the testing vessel was at a vif rt ry ° pressure greater than 1 atmosphere. The results are given in Deposit of Radium in an Llectrie Field. 495 Table III: they were obtained in the early stages of the research when little information was at hand concerning the distribution of the activity for various potentials. For this - reason the experiments appear very unsystematic; however, the results will serve to convey a good idea of the difficulty of obtaining approximate saturation of the activity, even with large applied potentials. TABLE IIT. Pressure, Potential in Percentage cathode atm. volts activity 1°6 +700 68°8 2°0 650 64:1 2°5 160 55°2 2°5 150 60°1 3°13 880 575 3°33 3750 80°6 3°O3 750 53°8 The difficulty of saturating the ionization current through the gas likewise made itself manifest at these pressures; as an example it may be mentioned that with an applied potential of 1100 volts the ionization current due to a constant source of radiation increased as the pressure was increased from 1 to 24 atmospheres, and then continually decreased with any further increase in the pressure. These considerations afford an explanation for the maximum of cathode activity which has been found by several experi- menters to set in at certain pressures when a constant potential is employed. No indication of any decided effect upon the distribution of the activity was obtained by subjecting the gas throughout the exposure to the influence of a strong source of Rontgen rays. In this experiment the vessel contained emanation in air at a pressure of 3% atmospheres; the applied positive potential was 1100 volts; the equilibrium rate with added capacity was 5™™ per sec., and with the Rontgen rays acting was 25™™ per sec. The percentage cathode activity was 56:2, which is of the order that might have been expected from the previous results. 7. Discussion of Hxperimental Results. In the interpretation of the experimental results which have been obtained in connection with the distribution of activity the question arises immediately: what is the reason for the 496 Wellisch and Bronson—Distribution of the Active difficulty in saturating the cathode activity? Even under the most favorable conditions which have been employed in our work there is still about 10 per cent of the activity deposited on the walls of the testing vessel. In an attempt to answer this question we are at once led to the ccrresponding problem in connection with the ionization current which passes through the gas during the activation of the electrodes. Mention has already been made of the researches of Bragg, Kleeman, Mon- lin, and Wheelock in connection with this aspect of the prob- lem. Bragg explained the difficulty of saturating the loniza- tion due to a-particles by introducing the conception of initial recombination; viz., that the electron which is expelled in the process of ionization returns in a number of cases to its parent atom, and exceptionally strong electric fields are needed to exercise any appreciable preventive effect upon this tendency to recombine. Kleeman extended the experimental work, using Brage’s theory as a basis. Moulin ascribed the difficulty of obtaining saturation to the fact that the a-particles ionized in columns, so that the density of ionization is not uniform throughout the gas when sufficiently small volumes of gas are considered. This localization of the ions would naturally result in a recombination more intense than that which would correspond to a uniform distribution in the usual acceptation of the term. Moulin showed that saturation appeared to be most difficult when the columns were parallel to the lines of foree of the electric field; when, however, the a-particles moved across the lines the ionization tended more readily to saturation. Wheelock continued the work, adopting the idea of columnar ionization; in particular, he showed that when the pressure was reduced to about one-third of an atmosphere saturation set in fairly readily. There can be little doubt as to the reality of this columnar effect and the intense recom- bination resulting from the local distribution of the ions ; this is clearly brought out by the slowness with which the ioniza- tion current increases with the potential in the early stage of any curve for a-particle ionization. The experimental results obtained in the present research appear to lead to a radically different explanation of the shape of the ionization curves at the higher potentials. It has been shown that for potentials which are not too low the ratio of the percentage cathode activities for two different potentials is equal to the ratio of the corresponding ionization currents due to the a-particles, and over a wide range is independent of the amount of emanation employed, that is, of the intensity of the intrinsic ionization. This experimental result has already led to the suggestion that the fraction of the total activity which is deposited on the walls of the testing vessel is a measure of the lack of saturation of Deposit of Radium in an Electric Field. 497 the ionization current, so that in general the percentage case activity is equal to the percentage lack of saturation of the current. The values given in section 5 for the percentage cathode activities at a pressure of 260™" are smaller for the higher potentials than the corresponding values for atmospheric pressure; we are consequently constramed to regard the per- centage lack of saturation as being greater for the ionization currents at the lower pressure than at the higher pressure. The horizontality of the curves would thus appear to furnish no evidence as to the degree of saturation. The curves both for activity and ionization current do not appear to have hori- zontal asymptotes such as belong to the ordinary saturation curves for Réntgen-ray ionization. We must rather look upon the curves as having a continued upward slope, even when we are considering the ionization curves corresponding to low pressures. This upward slope suggests that extra ionization is produced by the electric field after the a-particle has ceased to ionize. On this view there must be present in the gas certain mole- cules, or neutrons, which are in a condition allowing of rela- tively easy ionization. It is highly probable that the molecules have already been put in this unstable condition by the action of the a-particle; we may look upon this condition as the result of ineffectual attempts by the a-particle at ionization, possibly as the result of actual ionization immediately succeeded by initial recombination. However, these molecules are left by the a-particle in an electrically neutral although unstable con- dition, and a certain number of them are afterwards resolved into ions, probably as a result of collision with the ions already established in the columns. These neutrons are in all probability formed most numer- ously during the early part of the range of the a-particle, when it is moving with its largest velocity. The approximately hori- zontal parts of the ionization curves such as are obtained at low pressures, or when the a-particle moves perpendicularly to the lines of electric force, would therefore only represent satu- ration in the sense that all the free ions have been brought over to the electrodes because in these cases it is unlikely that an appreciable number of neutrons would be resolved into ions. As far as the active deposit particles are concerned we may regard them as neutral restatoms which have been exposed to the action of the a-particle at the moment of disintegration of the emanation atom ; we would thus expect them to be for the most part radio-active neutrons which have in general to be sub- jected to further influence before acquiring a positive charge. Experiments which are now in progress suggest also that the shape of the Bragg-Kleeman ionization curve can be accounted 498 Wellisch and Bronson—Active Deposit of Radium. for by the formation of neutrons and ions in different propor- tions along the entire range of the a-particle. 8. Summary. (1) The distribution in an electric field of the activity result- ing from a long exposure to the emanation of radium has been determined for various conditions of pressure, potential, ete. (2) There appear to be no negatively charged carriers, all the so-called anode activity being due to the diffusion of uncharged carriers. (3) The effect on the distribution spunea by causing Ront- gen rays to pass through the gas during the exposure has been investigated ; this effect was appreciable only when the activity and ionization were far from saturation. (4) The difficulty of obtaining saturation both for the cath- ode activity and for the a-ray ionization currents has been explained as being due to the formation by the a-particle of neutrons, some of which are subsequently resolved into ions, probably by collision with ions already established in the columns. Chemistry and Physics. 499 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. I. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 1. The Melting-point of Spodumene.-—EnvELL and Riexe have made some new observations upon this subject and have drawn interesting geological conclusions from their results. They used spodumene from Branchville, which appears to be much purer than the material from Stirling which has been used by Doelter for melting-point determinations. The authors find that the min- eral, when heated for an hour or more to about 950° C., changes its specific gravity from 3°147 to about 2°37, a gain in volume of 24 per cent. At the same time, between 920° and 980° C., the monoclinic substance loses its double refraction and acquires a lower average index of refraction ; and the heating-curve shows a change at nearly the same temperature. It was found that the material must be finely powdered to show these changes accu- rately. The authors consider 950° C. as the true “ melting-point ” of spodumene, although it is perfectly hard and solid at this tem- perature and it does not actually fuse until a temperature of about 1380° C. is reached. ‘They do not admit the existence of a solid, isotropic modification of the mineral, because there is no differ- ence between the specific: gravity and index of refraction of the unfused solid and the glass. Since spodumene occurs at Branchville, Conn., in a pegmatite vein, the authors suggest that it may serve as a measure of geo- logical temperature, as they believe that it could not be formed above about 950° C. ‘They consider the effect of pressure as prac- tically of little importance, since from Clapeyron’s formula they calculate the effect as only 7° C. per kilometer in depth.—Zeitschr. anorgan. Chem., xxiv, 33. H, L. W. 2. The Detection of Nitric Acid in the Presence of Nitrous Acid.— SEN and Dry have found that hydrazine reacts with nitrous acid according to the following equations : N.H, + 2HNO,= N, + N,O + 3H,O N,H, + HNO, = NH, + N,O + H,O They have, therefore, used hydrazine sulphate for the purpose of removing nitrites, in order that nitrates, upon which the reagent has no action, may be detected. The method appears to be much more accurate than that of Piccini, which depends upon the remo- val of nitrous acid by means of urea in the presence of dilute sul- phuric acid, because this reaction is not rapid enough to prevent the formation of traces of nitric acid from the spontaneous decom- position of the free nitrous acid. The hydrazine method has the advantage that the nitrous acid does not need to be set free by another acid, since the sulphuric acid combined with the hydra- sine furnishes sufficient acid for the decomposition of the nitrite, and moreover the reaction goes so rapidly that no nitric acid can 500 Scientific Intelligence. be formed. Experiments with pure sodium nitrite showed that there was no odor of nitrous gases in the nitrogen escaping from the reaction with hydrazine sulphate, and that the solution after the reaction was complete gave no test for nitric acid with diphe- nylamine in concentrated sulphuric acid. — Zeitschr. unorgan. Chem., |xxiv, 52. H, de, We 3. The Chemical Constitution of Ilmenite. — W. Mancuor has made analyses of a massive titanic iton ore from Ekersund in Norway and a crystal of ilmenite from the Urals. The results in the two analyses are very dissimilar, and the ilmenite analysis is incomplete, but the latter is of some interest because the ferric oxide was determined by dissolving the substance, out of contact with air, in hydrochloric acid and using iodimetry. ‘This deter- mination indicates that the ratio of TiO, to FeO approaches 1: 1. This is used as an argument in favor of the ilmenite formula Ti0O,. FeO, and in opposition to the view that it is a mixture of Ti,0, and Fe,O,. It appears that the same formula was indi- cated much more satisfactorily by the work of Penfield and Foote (this Journal, iv, 108, 1897). ‘The author has attempted to show by direct experiment that Ti1,O, is not contained in the mineral by demonstrating that the powdered samples when boiled either with alkalies or acids evolve no hydrogen gas. Although the author considers these experiments to be conclusive, it does not appear that this is the case, for if a titanous salt and a ferric salt were formed at the same time it is perfectly well known that, at least in acid solution, the ferric salt would be reduced, and if the ferric salt were in excess no hydrogen could possibly be given off. In the case of alkalies, if any reaction at all occurred, it might happen that nascent hydrogen would reduce ferric oxide instead of forming a gas.—Zeitschr. anorgan. Chem., |xxiv, 79. H. L.- W. 4. Determination of Alkalies in Silicates.—For this determi- nation E. MAx1nen has used fusion with about 10 parts of cal- cium chloride in the place of J. Lawrence Smith’s method. The platinum crucible in which the fusion is made is placed in a hole in a piece of asbestos board in such a way that only the lower half of the crucible comes in contact with the flame. This part of the crucible is gradually brought to a full red heat by means of a Teclu burner, and so maintained for 25 or 30 minutes. The treatment is then similar to that usually employed in Smith’s method. Specially prepared calcium chloride was required, as the commercial product was found to contain alkalies. The results with several feldspars and rocks were good, but it appears to the reviewer that, on account of the very large amount of cal- cium chloride going into solution, which necessitates a double precipitation of calcium carbonate, the process will not replace the usual one.—Zeitschr. anorgan. Chem., \xxiv, 74. H. L. W. 5. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry ; by Str EKpwarp Tuorpk, C.B., LL.D., F.R.S., assisted by Eminent Contributors. Revised and Enlarged Edition in Five Volumes. Volume I (A- Chemistry and Physics. 501 CHE). 8vo, pp. 758 ; London, 1912 (Longmans, Green and Co.). —Twenty-two years have elapsed since the first edition of this well-known book of reference made its appearance as a companion to Watts’ Dictionary. During this period chemistry has advanced to such an extent in its applications to the arts and manufactures that a complete revision and a great enlargement of scope in the present edition have been necessary. It will consist of five volumes in the place of the original three volumes. An inspection of the new volume shows evidence of thorough work on the part of the contributors, who have been selected not only from the United Kingdom but also from America, Germany, Switzerland, etc. The work appears to have been thoroughly revised and modernized, particularly as far as the topics in which great advances have been made in the last two decades are con- cerned. No detailed review of a book of such magnitude and complexity can be attempted here, but a few of the prominent and interesting articles in the present volume may be mentioned, such as ‘“‘ Acetylene as an Illuminant,” ‘ Analysis,” “ Aluminium,” “ Brewing,” ‘ Carbohydrates,” and ‘ Cellulose.” H. L. W. 6. On the Properties of the Rays Producing Aurora Borealis. —It has been generally assumed that aurore are caused by elec- tromagnetic disturbances in the earth’s atmosphere due to radia- tions from the sun, but the precise nature of these radiations has not been established heretofore. An appreciable advance towards the solution of the problem has been made by L. VEGarp, who starts with the hypothesis that the incident radiations are small . electrified particles or rays. ‘The straight-lined streamers of the aurore would require a radiation which is but little scattered and this condition is fulfilled by a-rays and not by B-rays. The abruptness with which the luminosity stops at the lower edges of the streamers corresponds to the well-defined range of a-particles ina gas. The ionization, due to a homogeneous pencil of a-rays, is known to increase as the speed decreases, attaining a maximum value near the point where the rays are stopped. This fact has its counterpart in the increase in luminosity observed near the lowest parts of auroral bands and streamers. By comparing the altitudes at which the a-rays from various radio-active substances would be stopped by the earth’s atmosphere with the observed heights of aurore, Vegard shows that the agreement is as good as can be expected from the data at hand. The parallel, drapery bands can be accounted for by the assumption of groups of homo- geneous rays from the same source. A mathematical investiga- tion of the paths which would be followed by charged particles entering the earth’s atmosphere from the sun, leads to the conclu- sion that a positive charge is most consistent with the observed positions of aurore. ‘Thus it is seen, that the majority of auroral forms may be explained on the assumption that they are due to a-rays emitted by radio-active substances of the sun.— Phil. Magq., XXlil, p. 211, February, 1912. H.ASa Ue 7. The Pressure of a Blow.—In a discourse delivered at the Royal Institution on January 26, Prof. Bertram Hopxinson Am. Jour. Sci1.—FourtH Smries, Vou. XX XIII, No. 197.—May, 1912. 30 502 Scientific Intelligence. gave some very striking figures and described some highly inter- esting phenomena associated with blows produced in various ways. An account of only a few typical cases may be here pre- sented. Suppose that each of two equal billiard balls has a speed of eight feet per second and that they are moving towards each other along their line of centers. At the very instant of touch- ing there is, of course, no pressure between the balls, but as the centers continue to approach, each sphere becomes flattened at the region of contact. This region is circular and it rapidly increases in area until the balls as wholes are brought to rest, that is, until the work done against the elastic forces of restitution is equal to the original kinetic energy of the system. For the case in question the distance of approach is 14/1000 of an inch and the force equals 1,300 lbs. The circle of contact has a diameter of one-sixth of an inch, so that the average pressure amounts to 27 tons per square inch. The distribution of pressure, however, is not uniform, the pressure at the center of the areas of contact being 11/2 times as great as the average pressure. The subse- quent behavior of the spheres is of no interest in this connec- tion. If very hard, hollow steel balls, having the same mass as the ivory spheres, are caused to collide with a relative speed of 16 feet per second, the distance of approach will be less, the area of contact smaller, and the maximum pressure much greater than for the billiard balls. This pressure when averaged over the circle of contact attains a value of 280 tons per square inch. These results of theoretical computation for steel balls have been verified by comparing the calculated time of contact with the interval obtained experimentally by the aid of appropriate elec- trical apparatus» ‘The time of contact for the ivory spheres, men- tioned above, was 1/4000 of a second. A case involving an inelastic substance is afforded by the impact of an elongated lead rifle bullet against a hard steel plate. Under the enormous pressures developed lead flows very freely, so that, in the absence of any lateral support, each cross-sectional disc of the bullet maintains its speed practically unchanged until it comes in direct contact with the steel. The pressure exerted by the bullet is, probably, sensibly constant, since it depends upon the square of the speed, but not upon the length or diam- eter of the projectile. Increase in diameter only alters the area over which the force is applied, and increase in length the time during which it acts. As a practical example, consider a Lee- Metford bullet moving with the normal speed of 1,800 feet per second. This projectile is 1 1/4 inches in length, it has a mass of about 0°03 lb., and it would be stopped in 1 /18000 of a second. The force required to destroy the 1-7 lb.-second units of momentum would be 15 tons. Since the area of cross-section of the bullet is 1/14 of a square inch, the mean pressure would amount to 210 tons per square inch. Passing over several interesting cases involving the propaga- Chemistry and Physics. 503 tion of longitudinal waves along steel rods, we shall now consider -very briefly some entirely new investigations made by Hopkinson on the effects produced by detonating small cylinders of gun- cotton in contact with steel plates. The gun-cotton is converted into gas at small volume, high temperature, and enormous pres- sure, in roughly three or four millionths of a second. The only thing which restrains the expansion of the gas is the inertia of the surrounding air, and the pressure accordingly drops with very great rapidity. It is estimated that the pressure falls from 120 tons per square inch to atmospheric value in about 1 / 25000 of a second. ‘Ihe same pressure is, of course, exerted by the gas upon any rigid surface with which the gun-cotton is in contact, and the force so produced has the characteristics of a blow, namely, great intensity and short duration. If a cylinder of gun-cotton weigh- ing one or two ounces is placed in contact with a plate of mild steel one half an inch thick, or less, and if the explosive is then detonated, the effect will be to punch a clean hole through the plate, of approximately the same diameter as that of the cylinder of gun-cotton, just as if a projectile had passed through the plate. On the other hand, if the steel plate had a thickness of three- quarters of an inch, a very curious result would be obtained. A depression would be formed on the side of the plate next to the explosive, while a disc of steel of corresponding diameter would be torn off from the opposite face of the plate and projected with very high speed. ‘The speed, in fact, corresponds to a large frac- tion of the whole momentum of the blow. By detonating a two- ounce cylinder of gun-cotton in contact with a still thicker plate of steel, a depression and a complementary bulge were produced on the respective faces of the plate. When the plate was sawed in two in a plane containing the centers of the dent and of the lump, the presence of an internal crack was brought to light, thus showing the beginning of that separation which was com- plete in the case of the plate three-quarters of aninch thick. All of these phenomena can be accounted for by simple mechanical principles involving the reflection of longitudinal or sound waves in the metal. In conclusion, a few words with regard to the behavior of large projectiles and armor-plate may not be without interest. Modern shells are made of a special steel of great strength and consider- able ductility, the region of the point only being subsequently hardened by thermal treatment. When a shell of this construc- tion strikes normally against a plate of wrought iron, or even mild steel, it ploughs straight through the plate, pushes a plug of metal before it, and emerges unscathed. = SSS G= ee == ———— 7 ——— a SS Y === Sey G= Ey ma I mm Ml = Y | ——_—$—— $$ LLL — SSS i; LULL nna ASQ | SS SV Mitta NS CC Z ZA A Fic. 1. Nitrogen-thermometer bulb in double nitrate bath. (The two thermoelements on the outside of the bulb are not shown.) Fie. 2. Apparatus for the determination of the melting point of zine in the nitrogen thermometer nitrate bath. Seale: 1 to 6°. As at first used this tank was merely a covered vessel with- out partitions into which a turbine stirrer, operated by an elec- tric motor, was inserted. The comparatively loose lower bearing of the turbine was lubricated by the liquid itself, the upper one was water-cooled. Alongside of this stirrer, and 30™™ distant from it in the bath, was the bulb of the gas thermometer. Although the stirring in the tank was vigorous, temperature differences amounting to 0°4° appeared between the top and the bottom of the bulb at 400°. The current in the liquid was up- with Boiling Point of Sulphur. 521 ward in the turbine tube and downward past the bulb. With this arrangement the top of the bulb was cooler. In an air bath it had not proved possible to reduce the vari- ation of temperature over the surface of the bulb below 1°, so that the liquid bath, even in this form, was an improvement over the air bath. But still greater uniformity was desired. After some experimenting, which need not be described here, the arrangement shown in the diagram (fig. 1) was adopted. It amounted, briefly, to one bath within another; that is, the tube containing the stirrer was continued across the bottom of the tank and upward about the bulb, which it fitted with but little clearance (10"™) in order to insure the very rapid circulation of a thin layer of liquid past the bulb, while the remainder of the bath remained at an approximately uniform temperature without. With this arrangement no systematic temperature differences greater than the errors of observatioh of the ther- moelements (0°1°) were observed. 3. Method of Procedure. In this apparatus temperatures were read simultaneously (1) upon the gas thermometer, (2) upon three thermoelements dis- tributed at different points in the bath,—one in a re-entrant tube extending to the center of the bulb, and one each at the top and bottom of the outside wall. For the measurements at the benzophenone boiling-point thermoelements of copper-constantan and of platinum-platin- rhodium (Heraeus) were used, for the higher temperatures platinum-platinrhodium only. After a trial of the copper- constantan elements at the next higher temperature (zine), evi- dence of permanent changes in their readings was obtained which was more than sufficient to offset their increased sensi- tiveness. They were accordingly abandoned in work at the higher temperatures. A thermoelement suggested by Geibel,* of gold against an alloy of 60 gold, 40 palladium, was also tried. This gives an electromotive force about equal to that of copper-constantan and over six times that of the platinum-platinrhodium element. But the alloy wire proved so inhomogeneous that the accuracy of the element was much less than that of the platinrhodium, and it was accordingly rejected. Through the courteous codperation of the Bureau of Stand- ards, a sensitive resistance thermometer in charge of Drs. Dickinson and Mueller of the Bureau was placed alongside the bulb during a part of the measurements, and later a similar instrument ingeniously constructed for the purpose by Dr. * Zs. anorg. Chem., lxix, 38-46, 1910. 522 Day and Sosman—Nitrogen Thermometer Scale Dickinson was introduced into the re-entrant tube of the gas thermometer bulb itself. The resistance thermometer, which was easily sensitive to a few thousandths of a degree, revealed small temperature fluctuations (0°05°) in the rapidly circulating liquid outside the bulb but no systematic temperature differ- ences. Within the re-entrant tube the fluctuations were no longer felt. : With these precautions to guard against temperature differ- ences about the bulb, temperatures were measured (1) at the boiling-point of benzophenone, (2) at the melting-point of zine, (3) at the melting-point of antimony.* The three thermo- elements, after removal from the nitrate bath, were placed in one or the other of the following: in a vapor bath of boiling benzophenone, in an apparatus for determining the zinc melt- ing-point, or in a similar apparatus containing antimony ; after which they were returned to the gas thermometer furnace for the verification of their readings. This series of operations constituted aset of observations as carried out in the tables which follow. Inasmuch as the gas thermometer was brought as close as practicable to the temperature of the points (benzophenone, zine, etc.) selected as standards, the intermediary role of the thermoelements was merely that of a transfer agent, in which role the individual properties of the thermoelements do not appear at all provided the wires were originally homogeneous. The danger of contamination of the elements and consequent inhomogeneity is negligible at these temperatures. Even if such contamination had crept in, it would have discovered itself in differences between the readings of the elements with each change in the gradient, of which differences no trace was found. By way of providing a strictly rigorous test of the accuracy of the transfer of temperature from gas thermometer bulb to the reference standards and its independence of the intermedi- ary thermoelement, a special arrangement was devised in the case of zine as follows: A steel bulb was made up with approx- imately the dimensions of the gas thermometer bulb and sus- pended in the same position in the nitrate bath. Enclosed in this bulb was the charge of zinc in its graphite crucible (fig. 2). In this crucible the thermoelement occupied the same position which it occupied in reference to the gas thermometer bulb, and all other conditions were, of course, identical. The zine melting-points were determined in this way, i. e., in a nitrate bath in which there were no measurable temperature differ- ences in the region about the melting zine and with the tem- * The zine and antimony were the same charges which were used in the previous investigation. The analyses may be found in Pub. 157, pp. 87 and 88 ; this Journal, xxix, p. 159. with Boiling Point of Sulphur. 523 perature gradient along the thermoelements identical with that surrounding the gas thermometer bulb itself. 4, Boiling Point of Sulphur. Finally an attempt was made to establish one temperature in this region from which the intermediary thermoelement should be completely eliminated. The gas thermometer bulb itself was immersed in the vapor of boiling sulphur. For this deter- mination the nitrate bath was replaced by an appropriate sul- phur boiling-point apparatus, all other conditions remaining the same. In building this apparatus, which is shown in fig. 3, the experience of the Bureau of Standards was utilized for the most part. To this design certain modifications suggested by the unpublished work of Prof. G. A. Hulett of Princeton were added by way of rendering the determination, as far as prac- ticable, independent of particular exper imental conditions employed. Heat was supplied electrically from a coil of high resistance wire about the sulphur tube, the coil ending about 2° below the level of the surface of the liquid sulphur (Bureau of Standards usage). An independent coil surrounded the vapor region, sep- arated from it by an annular air space of about 1™ i (Hulett). The bulb was surrounded first by a shield of sheet aluminium (Bureau of Standards) with holes near the top and bottom to permit the free circulation of the sulphur vapor and a hole in the center of the bottom diaphram to permit the escape of liquid sulphur which chanced to condense on the shield. The shield afforded protection against any direct interchange of radiation with the furnace or with the boiling liquid and its steep con- ical roof diverted the condensing liquid sulphur away from the bulb. Subsequently with the purpose of varying these condi- tions the aluminium shield was replaced by another of similar form but of glass (Hulett) and of somewhat smaller diameter. This was suspended from the conicai aluminium roof of the first shield, which now overhung the side walls by several mil- limeters, with the effect that liquid sulphur condensing upon the cone could drip from the overhang instead of running down-the side wall past the bulb. The radiation conditions were also radically altered by this substitution of glass for aluminium both around the bulb and below it. Further variation was provided by changing the current in the two heating coils. Variations of some 35 per cent in the main coil about the boiling liquid were tried and the upper coil was varied from zero (Bureau of Standards usage) to over 40 per cent of the current in the main coil. Or, in other terms, the 1°" air jacket about the vapor was varied in temperature 524. Day and Sosman—Nitrogen Thermometer Scale from the normal gradient (without heat in the upper coil) to a temperature equal to that of the sulphur vapor itself. None of these changes produced any measurable change in the temperature of the sulphur vapor as recorded by the gas thermometer provided enough heat was supplied to fill the tube with vapor. During some of the measurements the vapor escaped freely between the glass tube and aluminium cover and burned there. The remaining details and relative dimensions of the sulphur HIG. 3. Fic. 3. Apparatus for direct determination of the boiling point of sulphur with the nitrogen thermometer. Scale: 1 to 6:0. vapor bath will be clear from the diagram (fig. 3), which is drawn to scale. The arrangement shown in the figure is the one with the aluminium shield. The sulphur used was distilled to free it from a black residue which was found in both of two different preparations of C.P. sulphur. This residue, which is partly if not wholly ferrous sulphide, would probably have had no appreciable effect on the boiling point. After the close of these experiments the sulphur boiling apparatus was sent to the Bureau of Standards, where a number of- measurements were made of the tempera- with Boiling Point of Sulphur. 525 ture of the vapor within the aluminium shield compared with the corresponding temperature in one of the sulphur baths which Waidner and Burgess* have standardized and described in connection with their measurements with the platinum resistance thermometer. This comparison has been described by Messrs. Dickinson and Mueller.t The differences amounted in maximum to 0:04°, which may afford some measure of the certainty with which the temperature of the sulphur vapor is reproduced in an apparatus differing considerably from the conventional form and dimensions. At the close of the measurements the gas thermometer bulb and manometer were disconnected. In order to make certain that our calculation of the volume of the unheated space con- tained no unknown constant error, that portion of this space lying outside the furnace was deter mined directly, as follows: the mereury was brought up to the fixed point with the capil- lary open to the air. The connection between the two arms of the manometer was then closed, and a known volume of air (about 0-1°°) was drawn in through the capillary by drawing off a weighed amount of mercury from the short arm. The open end of the capillary was then sealed, the manometer con- nection reopened, and the mercury again brought up to the fixed point. The pressure necessary to effect this is a measure of the volume of the space in the capillary and connections. The results were: Direct determinations ._.. ..-- 0:159°¢ 0°164°° SN LPS a Dads Se AR GE A Stig RECTAN ye ek ck O- 162° Caleulateds ins, £909... 235 0-168 The difference is negligible. Finally, the location on the brass scale of the gas thermo- meter of the “fixed point” which is situated in the top of the short arm of the instrument and which defines its “constant volume,” was redetermined and found to have become dis- placed by 0°18™™ since the initial determination in 1909. An appropriate correction was accordingly made to this constant in computing the results. These various checks and verifications complete the observa- tions. The more important constants of the instrument and the formula used in the calculations are reproduced below from the previous paper. * Bull. Bur. Stds., vi, 150-230, 1909. + J. Washington Acad., ii, 176-180, 1912. meu. No. 107, pe oe. 526 Day and Sosman—Nitrogen Thermometer Scale Material of the bulb: pure platinum 80 per cent pure rhodium 20 per cent Volume of bulb: V,=205-82° Volume of unheated space: v,=0°309°° oO. =0'00150 lz 0 Expansion coefficient of bulb material: 10° B=8'79 + 0:00161 ¢ Gas: pure nitrogen. Initial pressure of gas (see Table I): ,=about 500™™. Pressure coefficient of gas (see Table II): a = 0:0036679 to 0°0036681. Formula used in the computations: Doo Meets V. 0 in which p, and p are the corrected pressures at 0° and ¢ respec- tively. 5. Experimental Results with Nitrate Bath. Table I contains the measurements of the zero-point of the instrument before and after each heating and serves to show that its variations are wholly within the accidental errors of reading of barometer and manometer. In the third column p’, is the measured initial pressure of the gas in millimeters of mereury at zero degrees. The application of the correction for the “unheated space” gives the pressures (p,) of column 4. The measurements included in Table If are introduced merely as a rough check on the pressure coefiicient (a) of the gas. A much more accurate determination has been made of this constant for nitrogen by Chappuis* and his value of it (0:0036681, corresponding to a pressure of 502™™") was used in the calculations which follow. These measurements merely afford a rough confirmation of this value within the somewhat larger limits of error of our instrument. Columns 3 and 4 contain the pressures at the boiling point of water corrected as in Table I. In Table II], columns 3 and 4 contain the pressure measure- ments near the three fixed temperatures of reference, reduced as before; ¢ (column 5) is the gas thermometer temperature in the nitrate bath and e (column 6) the corresponding electromo- tive force of the thermoelement in microvolts ; ¢ (column 7) is the electromotive force of the same elements in benzophenone, zine and antimony respectively and the final column contains the corresponding gas thermometer temperatures. * Trav. Mem. Bur. Int., vol. xiii, 1907. with Bowing Point of Sulphur. 527 TABLE I, Measurements of po. Date Serial No. Po Po 1911 First Gas Filling. 17 Oct i 486°03 485°98 Oe as 4 486°05 486°00 a a 7 486°06 486°01 Ags Bs 8 486°05 486°00 Second Gas Filling. | D6. °° 9 501°91 501°86 Dy, sos SE 10 501°91 901°86 Silk act 12 501°87. 501°82 Sy 6 13 501°88 901°83 2 Nov 15 501°94* 501:89* Genre 17 501°89_ 501°84 Oveeees 18 901°91 901°86 Te Tey 4 e* 22 501°84 501°79 1 USSR eta 24 901°81 501°76 eye < 26 501°87 501°82 Qo 31° 29 001°81 501°76 6 Dec 30 501°79 501°74 Shae 8 35 901°84 S01:79 Abe SaaS 38 901°82 | HOUT Didin 56 43 901°83 501°78 Diewes 48 501°77 SON y 2 aOR? 2 Feb. 54 501°86 901°81 Beano” 61 901°88 901°83 TABLE IIT. Measurements of pj 00. Serial Date No. 10h p Barom. t a 1912 15 Feb. 58 683°51 | 683°69 | 754°3 | 99°790 | 0:00386684 oe 09 683°49 | 683°67 | 753°7 | 99°768 | 0°0036685 hs 60 683°46 | 683°64 | 753°4 | 99°757 | 0:0036686 Mean| 0°0036685 * High wind, both mercury columns varying. 528 Day and Sosman—Nitrogen Thermometer Scale TABLE III. Gas Thermometer Measurements in Nitrate Bath. Serial | | eat |Temp. of Date No. p | p | t e | fixed fixed | | point point Benzophenone, boiling point. (outs | | | 18 “Oet.| 32 4 1023-736 | 1024°47 | 306°97 | 2379.8 | 2369°2 | 305°82 vO i oe 6 1020°60 1021°69 | 305°37 | 2364°7 | 23869°2 | 305°86 gO as 11 1 4 053°07 | 1054°18 | 304°91 14944*| 14996 | 305°82 1. Nov.| 14 | 1054°84 | 1055°97 | 805°91 | 15002*| 15005 | 305-96 | | | Mean | 305-87 Zinc, melting point. 18 Oct.| 38 | 1216°27 | 1218°05 | 418°78 | 3429°4 ) 3433-7 | 419-94 2D a6. SE 5 | 1215°85 | 1217°61 | 418°53 | 3427°1 | 3433°7 | 419-24 4 Nov.| 16 | 1256°96 | 1258°76 | 419°32 | 3432°2 | 3433°7 419°48t 17 “© | 25 | 1256°54 | 1258°35 | 419°18 | 3432°9 | 3433°7 | 419-27 18 “| 27 | 1255-85 | 1257°69 | 418°80 | 3429°0 | 3433°7 | 419°31 18 “| 28 | 1254°96 | 1256°80 | 418°29 | 3423°8 | 3433°7 | 419-36 | Mean | 419-28 Antimony, melting point. 10 Nov.) 19 | 1627°10 | 1630°58 | 629°66 | 5525°8 | 5527-7 | 629°84 10 “ | 20 | 1627:09 | 1630°57 | 629°66 5525°2 5527-7 | 629-90 10 “ | 21 | 1626-96 | 1630-44 | 629°58 | 5524-2 | 5527-7 | 629-92 14. “ 93 | 1625-08 | 1628°59 | 628°54 | 5515°5 | 5527°7 | 629°78 | : | | Mean | 629°85 * Copper-constantan thermoelement. : + Wide temperature variation on manometer. This value is omitted from the mean. 6. Interpolation Formula. For convenient interpolation with thermoelements in this temperature region, the following equation is accurate within 0°3° as far as the melting point of copper, but may not be used beyond that temperature or below the boiling point of ben- zophenone : é = —308+4+8:2294¢+°001649 ¢ In terms of the standard element used in our recent publica- tion upon this subject,* this equation gives the following electromotive forces : . * Publication No. 157, Carnegie Institution of Washington, pp. 109 ef seq. For the measurement and interpolation of temperatures above 1082°6°, the reader is referred to the same pages; for temperatures below 305°9° to page 536, following (Adams and Johnston). with Boiling Point of Sulphur. Fixed point Benzophenone (boiling point) Cadmium (melting point) Zinc (melting point) Antimony (melting point) Silver (melting point) 0 (melting point) Copper (melting point) ifs Experimental Results on Sulphur. Standard Temperature | thermo- (Nitrogen element Thermometer) (in microvolts) 305°9> 2365 320°8 2502 419°3 3429 629°8 5530 960°0 91138 1062°4 10295 1082°6 10534 529 Difference een Obs. — Cal. (in microvolts)| yyy. Dede: 2364 | +1 | +0.1 2502 0 0:0 3432 tnt OF LE ee 5529 + +01 9112 Bey ey) 10296 2s Shee OS 10534 0 0-0 Table IV contains the measurements made in the sulphur vapor bath. p’ and p represent the gas thermometer pressures corrected as before, ¢ the resulting “temperature, followed by , and the the barometer reading reduced to sea level at lat. 45° boiling temperature reduced to 760™™ pressure. TABLE IV. Direct Measurement of Boiling Point of Sulphur. Serial Date No. 1912 31 Jan 49 (75 50 (‘a4 51 1 Feb. 52 (T4 53 3 Feb. Die) (43 56 ce 57 p 1298°77 1298°83 1298°84 1299°14 1299°14 1299-70 1299°50 1299°55 1301°07 1301°16 1301°17 1801°44 1301°44 1302°00 1301°81 1301°87 t at t Barom. | 760™™ 443°21 746°3 | 444°45 443°26 TALO | 444-43 443°27 ye a (a ie. © BP. 443°42 T48°4 | 444°47 443°42 748°2 | 444°48 443°73 752 Or | 44445 443°62 (olete ) 4474 0 443°66 (DEO P4424 7 Mean | 444:45 Thermometer Scale / trogen é a Day and Sosman—l 530 ‘e[Bos o1uvuApOTII0YY oy} UO ONn[eA Uke [euY 944 AyTUO Jeded areyy ut aAts AOU, ‘sq[Mseq [eJUeUITIEd xe Jo 9[qQv} ,SIOYINY oY} WO] poye[NoyeLo st UOSOIJIN ,, LO UOATS oNTVA OUL “TIGL “PLL-T9L ‘AXxx ‘yIsdyg ‘uuy |p Poort GG.PPV “ULLOY} “SOL ) ‘qd YSnomyy ¢) 1G-.PhP qooarpuy J ‘goortd =| &6-VPP “WUIIOYY “SOL | ‘Wd Ysnoryy + | ge, yoaatpay | O8-7VP “ULLOYY ‘Set ) ‘dq Wsnoryy ¢) 16.7 F7 qgoorrpuy ) eTvoS SOJON, orueudp -OULLIY J, ‘OGL ‘SOT-901 “V SMIxxK] 00g “Loy ‘oosg | "S061 ‘o9g-688 ‘V ‘ExXxx[ ‘00g “Loy ‘oo1g § ‘06 “d “pray t "GOGT “HX ‘4uUy ‘ing ‘wo ‘Avay, + ‘T6SE ‘LZGT-6LT “VW “Uxxx]o “suey, "TU x UBTUSOG GP.PPT | OF-PPY | S8-1PP | 777° GP.PPh, BOG | UWesONINT |"[0A 4su0g pue seq [(68-FFP)] 929 UdGOT}I NT LP-FHP | OS-FPP | I8-8F7 ab are 619 WINT[OF] | SULUUOFT Lb TS-7PF|} oro uasoi1pAzT |'TOA Ysu0g | puR uLOg]OF] SO] €8.7hP | 8L-PrF | SL.PPr |lloo-rPF | See-err| 092 ary | ‘ad ysuog | -nodojzowngy IOYAVTT OL.4FF | 99-pPy | 09-77) | [L-7FP | 42.9rF) OG | UesoOITIN [TOA ‘YsU0D | pus sinddeyD SUBD IS-Pry | OL-PPP | TLPPY | “77 | 489-FPF] - 09L ary | ad 4suog | pue svpuayen 00¢ =°d | 094 = 4 |000T =" @ | eansyg eInsy . UU sey 1940 1OyjnNW popyoetiog | TVUISLIQ |aInssertg -WLOULIOY, IT, e[ROS UESOAPIU “TOA “4SttOD 6l6L IT6L SO06T GO6T O68T ‘NGI ours anyd[ng Fo yulog Suljlog 9Y4 Jo SUOTYULUIIEJO™ AoyoTOULIOY, J, sey ‘A AIAVy], with Boiling Point of Sulphur. 5381 In Table V are brought together all the gas thermometer determinations of the boiling point of sulphur since 1890 with the necessary information for an intelligent comparison of the determinations. Column 5 contains the initial pressure of the gas used, and column 6 the original value published by the author with a reference to the place of publication. Two of these determinations were subsequently corrected by the authors themselves. These corrections (with the reference) are given in column 7. Inasmuch as these various determinations were made under somewhat different gas conditions, the results are not directly comparable without reduction to some common unit. The four columns which follow contain such reductions for pur- poses of convenient comparison. Our own observations are directly comparable with the numbers contained in the column “Const. vol. nitrogen scale, p, = 500.” The fairest compar- ison is afforded by reduction to the thermodynamic scale, in view of the fact that the different gases used by the various observers depart in varying degree from the behavior of a per- fect gas expanding at constant volume from the same initial pressure. Itshould be noted that the small differences between the four columns.are really arithmetical and not experimental, since none of the original determinations can claim an accuracy closer than 0°05°. The Callendar and Griffiths determination above, which is often quoted as direct, is in reality indirect. In his first inves- tigation (Phil. Trans. 1887) Callendar showed that his parabolic formula represented within 1° the variation of the resistance of. platinum with the temperature as determined by the constant pressure air thermometer as far as 600°. In this later work (Phil. Trans. 1891) he showed by a comparison of two resist- ance thermometers with the air thermometer, using sulphur merely as a constant temperature bath, that his original value of 6 = 1°57 would still represent the results for these ther- mometers within the limits of error. This value of 6 was then used to calculate the sulphur boiling point determined with several platinum thermometers in the usual (Meyer) form of sulphur boiling tube.* * The air thermometer observations of Callendar and Griffiths in sulphur vapor comprise fourteen readings, made between 4:52 and 5:30 p. m. on Friday, September 12, 1890, and between 8:25 and 9:07 the following morn- ing, as follows (Phil. Trans., 182 A, 1891, p. 189): Friday, Sept. 12, 1890. Saturday, Sept. 13, 1890. Time Temperature Time Temperature 4:52 444 °52° 8:25 444°51° 5:02 444-90 8:28 444-51 5:06 444°68 8:88 444-52 9:18 444°77 — . 8:42 444°58 * 8:21 444°79 8:48 444°54 5:26 444-94 8:50 444°52 5:30 444-98 9:07 444:61 582 Day and Sosman—WNitrogen Thermometer Scale 8. Summary. The new gas thermometer temperatures which this investi- gation has given us are brought together in Table VI, ex- pressed (column 2) in terms of nitrogen expanding at con- Concerning the sulphur used with the air thermometer, the following information is offered (p. 140) : ‘‘The sulphur used on the Friday was poured out of the apparatus before it soiidified. It was found to be much discoloured, owing to the presence of various impurities due to residues of oil, red lead, etc., used in fitting the iron tubes together. Fresh sulphur was used on the Saturday, and this, on examination, appeared to have suffered hardly any change.” Notwithstanding the fact that the conditions surrounding the observations of Saturday appear the more favorable, these are EOC, with this state- ment (p. 140): : ‘The mean values of ¢ deduced from the observations with the platinum thermometers M, and M2, by assuming the value 6=1°'570 in formula (d), are: On Friday, t= 444°78°C. On Saturday, t = 444°84°C. ‘“The mean values of ¢ deduced from the simultaneous observations with the ai thermometer are: On Friday, ¢t = 444:°80°C. On Saturday, t = 444°52° C. ‘The value found on Friday is seen to agree perfectly with that de- duced from the observations with the platinum thermometers. The value of ¢t deduced from Saturday’s observations is 0°32° too low; but it is prob- able that the value of mk, used in reducing the observations taken on that day, is a little too great.”’ We may, therefore, conclude that these experiments, SO far as . they g go, are a complete verification of the value of é found in 1887, and show that the platinum wire has not altered appreciably in the interval.” » Of the apparatus used, the following details are taken from another part of the paper (p. 120) : ‘““Two new thermometers, M, and Mz, were therefore constructed out of the remainder of the old spiral [1887], and were very carefully compared with the air thermometer at a temperature very near the boiling-point of sulphur. . . . The result agrees perfectly with that found in 1887, and shows that the value of the d-coefficient has not altered appreciably in the interval. ‘‘ The apparatus used for this comparison [the sulphur bath used with the air thermometer], although useful as a constant high-temperature bath, was not very well suited for determining the actual temperature of the sulphur vapour. Another series of experiments was therefore undertaken in a Meyer tube, which proved to be more convenient for the purpose.” On page 145 occurs the following statement of the final result (obtained in the Meyer tube with resistance thermometers only) : ‘‘ Assuming 0d = 1'd70 for thermometers L, M, and Me, we find for the corresponding air-temperature the value t = 444°53° C. We believe this to be within 0°1° of the true temperature of the vapour of sulphur boiling freely under a pressure of 760™™.” The value assumed for 0 is entirely dependent upon the temperature determined with the air thermometer, and can uot be more accurate than this determination. From the air thermometer measurements above quoted, 05° would appear to be a fairer measure of the uncertainty of the final sul- phur point. with Boiling Point of Suiphur. 5398 stant volume from an initial pressure of 760™" and (column 3) in terms of the thermodynamie scale. These values replace the corresponding temperatures published in our papers to which reference has been made. TABLE VI.—SUMMARIZED TABLE. Point Benzophenone (Kahlbaum) boiling pt. at 760™™ Cadmium, melting pt. Zinc, melting pt. Sulphur, boiling pt. at 760™™ Antimony (Kahlbaum), melting pt. Aluminum, melting point Temperature Notes Const. vol.| Thermo- p,—1 at. | dynamic 305°85 305'9 |Transferred by platin- rhodium and copper-con- stantan thermoelements. o20°8 320°9 Interpolated. 419°3 419°4 Transferred by thermo- elements. 444-40 444-55 | Direct. 629°8 6380°0 Transferred by thermo- elements. 698°5 698°7 ‘| Interpolated. Finally a comparative table is added showing in terms of the same (thermodynamic) scale a comparison of our results with those obtained by Holborn and Henning in the latest work published from the Reichsanstalt. TABLE VII.—CoOMPARATIVE TABLE. Thermodynamic Scale. Pout Holborn and Hen- | Day and Sosman ning 1911 1912 Benzophenpne 305°9 305°9 Cadmium 320°9 320°9 Zine 419°4 419°5 Sulphur 444°51 444-55 Holborn and Day Antimony 630°6 630°0 Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, March, 1912. Am. Jour. Sct.—FourtH Srries, Vou. XX XIII, No. 198.—Junz, 1912. 3 | 5384 Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. Art. XLIV.—A Wote on the Standard Scale of Tempera- tures between 200° and 1100°; by L. H. Apams and J. J OHNSTON. A YEAR ago, at the time when the original measurements recorded in this note were completed, there was an outstand- ing uncertainty of about 1° in the temperature scale around 400°; at the present time, by reason of the concordant results obtained in the best series of gas thermometer determinations within this region—those recently published by Holborn and Henning* and Day and Sosmant—this uncertainty is not more than 0°1°, and is probably less than this, at temperatures up to 500°. The definite establishment of the temperature scale ren- ders the conclusions presented in this note to some extent supererogatory ; nevertheless, it has been thought worth while to present them, as, at the least, they serve to confirm those expressed in the pr eceding paper. In what follows, we present independent thermoelectric measurements at the boiling points of naphthalene and benzo- phenone and of the freezing points of four metals—tin, bis- muth, cadminm and lead ; the agreement of these results with the best resistance thermometer measurements of the same fixed points shows that the thermocouple is not inferior to the resistance thermometer as an accurate temperature-measuring device within the temperature range in question. Moreover, we propose to show that the most thorough and most extensive series of resistance thermometer measurements—those of Waidner and Burgess, made at the Bureau of Standards—are also in remarkable agreement over the whole range of temperature (up to 1100°) with the gas thermometer measure- ments of Day and Sosman, when they are expressed in the same scale. At the same time this comparison shows that, if we consider all of the points,t excepting sulphur, to be fixed by the gas thermometer work, and on this basis set up an interpolation formula and galeulate therefrom the boiling point of sulphur, the resistance thermometer measurements lead to a value (444°55°) identical with the gas thermometer determinations. Calibration of the Thermoelements. In connection with another investigation$ it became neces- sary to calibrate carefully some copper-constantan thermo- * Ann. Physik, xxxv, 361-74, 1911. t+ Preceding paper. t Namely, the boiling points of naphthalene and benzophenone, and the freezing points of tin, cadmium, zinc, antimony, silver and copper. § This Journal (4), xxxi, 501- 17, 1911. Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. 535 couples, which were then employed in determining the freez- ing points of the metals tin, bismuth, cadmium and lead.* This calibration has been described in the paper just referred to; but the account there given must be amplified by the fol- lowing additions and corrections, which are rendered necessary by the slight changes in the temperature scale resulting from the new and more accurate gas thermometer determinations at temperatures up to 500°. It has been found+ that too much reliance can not be placed on the readings of copper-constantan thermoelements at the zine point (419°4°), for some diminution of electromotive force sets in, not serious, but sufficient to preclude the most accurate measurement. For this reason we have ceased to make use of the zine point as a calibration temperature; for the same reason, we give the calibration curve only up to about 360°. The calibration temperatures, expressed in the corrected seale, together with the corresponding values of the electro- motive force of the standard element, are given in Table I. TaBLE I.—Calibration Temperatures. e in microvolts Difference t Observed Calculated? In microvolts | In degrees 0 0 0 0°0 0°0 25°00 979 980°0 =F) —°025 50°00 2012 2012°7 +0°7 +°016 75°00 3096 3095°8 +0°2 | +°005 100°00 4997 4226°1 +0°9 +°019 217°95 10119 LOT19"S —0°3 —°005 306°1° 15007 15007°0 0°0 0:0 1 The benzophenone used was from Merck, which melts (at 46°9°) 0°3° lower, and boils 0°2° higher, than that obtained from Kahlbaum (Waidner and Burgess, Bull. Bur. Standards, vii, 6). The f. p. of our Merck benzo- phenone was also 46°9° ; consequently we have added 0°2° to the accepted b. p. (805°9°) of Kahlbaum benzophenone. * From the equation e=38'100¢ +0°04442 ? —0-00002856 t?, obtained by the method of least squares,e as measured at the zinc point (419°4°) was 21755 microvolts; the equation gives 21688, which does not differ by more than what one might expect in view of the extrapolation through more than 110". To reproduce the above data, a quadratic equation is insuf- ficient, except over a very short range, and so is the cubic Sikae-/eit., p. 008. + Cf. Day and Sosman, preceding paper, p. 521. 0 arn 5364 Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. TABLE II.—Standard Calibration Curve for copper-constantan difference for every 100 microvolts. Kahlbaum), 14996. Fixed points: 0°, 0; 100°, e | 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 0: 25°50 49-70 72°83 95:08 2°62 4 2:36 2:26 2-18 100 2-62 27°97 52-06 75°09 97-26 2-60 246 2-35 2:25 O17 200 5:22 30°43 54-41 Teak 99°43 2°59 2:45 2-33 2-25 27) 300 7°81 32°88 56°74 79°59 101:60 2°57 24h 2°83 2:24 2-16 400| 10°38 35°32 59-07 81°83 103°76 2°55 243 2°32 2 Oo is 2:15 500/| 12-93 37°75 61°39 84:06 105:91 2-54 2-41 2°31 2:22 aU 600| 15:47 © 40°16 63-70 86:28 10805 2°58 2:40 2:30 2-21 21h 700; 18:00 42°56 66°00 88.49 110°19 2°51 2°39 2:28 2:20 2:13 800} 20°51 44:95 68°28 90°69 112-32 2-50 2°38 2:28 2:20 2°12 900 23-01 ATES 70°56 92°89 © 114-44 29 2°37 2°87 2:19 2:12 1000 25:50 49-70 72°88 95:08 116°56 e 10000 11000 12000. 13000 14000 Q| 215-72 234-32 252-61 270°63 288°41 L877) Loy 1-8 179 Ie. 100 | 217°59 236°16 25442 272 A2 290°18 IG 1-84 TESTI 179 176 200 | 219:46 238-00 256°23 DA 21 291-94 1-87, PRY TSE 78: 1:76 300 | 221°33 239-84 25804 275°99 293°70 87, 183 PBA 73 1:76 400 | 223-20 241°67 259°85 DRT 295°46 . 1°86 183 1°80 TES £76 500! 225-06 243-50 261°65 279°55 297-22 1°86 T8e 180 C78 1G 600 | 226-92 24533 263°45 281°33 298-97 185 182 180 key, 175 700} 228-77 24715 265°25. 283-10 300°72 1°85 182 1°80 LUG 75 800 | 230-62 248-97 267°05 28487 302°47 V85 1°82 179 197 75 900 | 232-47 250°79 268-84 28664 30422 1:85 182 179 Pay L7G 234:32 252°61 270°63 288°41 305:97 Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. 537 thermo-elements, giving the temperature and the temperature 4226 ; 217:95° (naphthalene), 10119; 305°9° (benzophenone, 7000 8000 5000 6000 9000 e 116°56 137°40 157°66 177°43 19677. * 0 211 2°05 2-00 1:95 1:91 118°67 139°45 159-66 179°38 198°68 100 2:10 2-04 2:00 1:95 gt 120°77 141-49 161°66 181°33 200-59 200 2:10 2-04 1:99 194 1:90 17 143-53 163°65 132% 202-49 300 2-09 2°03 1:98 194 | 1:90 124:96 145-56 165°63 185°21 204-39 400 2:09 2:08 1:98 94 1:90 12705 147°59 167°61 187°15 206°29 - 500 2:08 2:02 oF, 1:93 AS 129'13 149-61 169°58 189-08 208°18 600 2-08 2:02 eo 1:93 1:89 131-21 151°63 171°55 191:01 210°07 700 2-07 2-01 1:96 1:92 189 133°28 153864 173°51 192:98 211-96 800 2:06 2-01 1:96 1:92 U'88 135°34 155°65 175247 194°85 213°84 900 2:06 2-01 1:96 1:92 TEE: 137:40 157-66 177°48 196°77 ee 72 1000 15000 16000 17000 18000 nia Aldey. Se e 305:97 323°35 340°58 SOCOOke ka ily Seepules 0 eG FB a 307:72 325-08 BAOED OAD ital RNR Rarer 3d |. ge a sy 100 Lith BIS FPO 309-46 32681 SAAS OOD siege MEGA Sy wolelisd ee 1 (ane eae 200 174 173 EO 311°20 328-54 Brose y let MER AAGO ETS sold ie es Ut aed DE 300 Ly, 1:72 IL 8312-94 330-26 BA EIESALD SiS Nae. Gal See Dae tOe ape ae tee ae 400 Ly 172 G75 314°68 331°98 Be wles ious he mig emer tna IE ig SAS CME 500 316°42 sud 333°70 rat 35084 ae 33: CPSC NE BAL NSU REIT A STACY ASDA Oe! : L774 172 aL may 18°16 385°42 BO DOR ete hme etn NRE HAS Ying, e778 1:72 OM oO 319-89 387°14 Sof its PO ah Getta) Seay) had 7G 1°72 70 ot 321-62 338°86 SIO OO are es een enNC ek aCe ninety | Fie, 172 170 poo 823°35 340°58 |. OM MOOM MEE ual Gta Wah a uit aes) eas ati 1000 538 Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. equation of the form ‘=Ae+ Be’+ Ce’ ;* but they can, as we found, be fitted very closely by the inverse form of function, 6— Att Be 4 Or. Accordingly, on this basis a least square solution for all the points in Table I was made; this resulted in the equation € =38'105 ¢+0°04442 ¢’—0:00002856 ¢°, from which the figures in the third column of Table I have been computed. The agreement is excellent; it cannot, how- ever, be used as a valid argument in favor of the accuracy of either the temperature scale or of the measurements, as any- one can readily convince himself by working with a number of similar cubies. Incidentally, it may be noted that in making such a least square solution, it is inadmissible to hghten the work by dividing through by ¢, which would necessitate only the least square solution of a quadratic; for the solution obtained by proceeding in this way, although apparently a cubic equation, is that appropriate to the condition that the deviation of the curve from the values of e/¢ (instead of e) shall be a minimum. By means of this equation, values of e and of de/dé for each 10° up to 360° were computed; the slight irregularities being evened out by adjustment of the successive differences. By interpolation from these results, and adjustment of the suc- cessive differences again, a table was constructed giving ¢ for each 100 microvolts; this is presented in Table II,+ to which are also appended the E. M. F.’s corresponding to the fixed reference points. This table may be used for any copper- -constantan element with the aid of its deviation curve, which is obtained by plotting at severalt known temperatures the differences between the readings of the element in question and the stand- ard curve.§ Its use thus saves much recalculation of thermo- element curves. The absolute uncertainty of temperatures deduced from the above table should, we believe, not now exceed 0°1°; temperature differences over a small range are probably accurate at least to 0°02°. For this reason the values of temperatures and differences in Table II are given to hundredths of degrees. The Identity of the Readings of Thermoelement and Resistance Thermometer at Boiling Points and Melting Points. The initial series of measurements gave differences between the freezing point of tin and the naphthalene point on the one * This was tried because its use would have saved so much trouble in cal- culating the most convenient form of table—that giving ¢ for round values of e. + This table replaces Table I of the previous publication (loc. cit., p. 510). { For accurate work, comparison at anumber of temperatures is advisable, since the slope of the deviation curve is likely to change sign once or oftener. § This matter is more fully treated by Sosman, this Journal, xxx, 7, 1910. Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. 539 hand and between the freezing point of cadmium and the benzophenone point on the other,—using our own apparatus and materials—which were 0°2° higher than the corresponding dit- ferences obtained by Waidner and Burgess at the Bureau of Standards. This lack of agreement disappeared* when we determined all the points on the identical samples of material used by Waidner and Burgess. This we were enabled to do through the kindness of Dr. G. K. Burgess in lending us his boiling point apparatus and his pots of tin, cadmium and lead, and we desire here to acknowledge our indebtedness to him. TABLE ITT. Boiling Point of Naphthalene and Benzophenone. From Thermoelectric|from Resistance Ther- measurements mometer measurements (Adams & Johnston)| (Waidner & Burgess) Sub- Source eye tm TEL a1 era) ee eM we TS MA oe stance paratus | couple! AA iGanree aed As given Microvolts | Degrees »|dueed to our iby them ceed Naph-|Merck A K 1585-7‘) thalene|/Kahlbaum| 5b E 1585°3 | Kahlbaum| B © Pe HOMO (24-95), 28-0 217°97 Merck A CHOU: 5 a CP HOLS"5 | Ss zu CF 10120; 2 J Benzo-|Merck (b)| A EK 2366°2 | phe- eooes(alinae 2 ty 2366°3 | none | By ia hati C F008 S271 i a coy A C. 15007" | (30671) | 306°2 306°11 feet |) S- (Cp abso LO, 4 BO ws niet C, |15004: | (oe es Cr 15005°5* | ' Couple E is of Pt—PtRh; Ci, Ce, Cs, are of copper-constantan. ? Bull. Bur. Standards, vii, 4, 5 (reprint No. 148). 3 The values given in the last column have been reduced from those in the column to the left by means of the differences between the scales as deter- mined in a way to be described later (p. 543); i. e., these values are on the basis that the b. p. of sulphur is 444 55°. * Mean of two or more determinations often separated by a monthor so in me The maximum deviation from the mean in any of these cases was *The divergence was due to slight impurities in our tin and to the fact that the benzophenone used was from Merck (cf. footnote to Table I). 540 Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. Freezing Points of Metals. From Thermoelectric From Resistance Ther- measurements mometer measurements Quantity (Adams & Johnston) (Waidner & Burgess) Metal Source | of | Thermo- i | metal couple’ 4 When re- | orms. | | Microvolts Degrees re seg duced 2 our seale | Sn |Kahlbaum| i500 | C, | 10861: | 231-75) ASRS eae? 10859 | 231°71 Jest ik, CS 10863: | 231°79| 200 C, 10856: 231°67 | 1) 231°92 231°88 200 | E 1706° | 231-9 | dt ideas" 17067741 231-0. 1500 | « 1706: | 231°9 | Shimik as LOG | 23169 | Bi J.T. Baker OS NS020" 24) 270099) Ce 13015- | 270-905 Cd |Kahlbaum C, | 15860- | 320°921| 1 . 20°92 || | | of PPB es | 320 82) | 301-014 ne E 2502°5 | 320°9 | Pb |Kahlbaum E 2560°5 | 327°2 | | | | | BO Pew ea 27°19 | | Go | 16227- |igoy-28)) 327 | |} C6226: v41'327-303 | | | ‘Couple E is of Pt—PtRh; C., Ceo, Cs, are of copper-constantan. ? Bull. Bur. Standards, vi, 173 (reprint No. 124). >The values given in the last column have been reduced from those in the column to the left by means of the differences between the scales as deter- mined in a way to be described later (p. 543); i. e., these values are on the basis that the b. p. of sulphur is 444°55°. 4 Melting point. In Table III we present our results. In the boiling point experiments, three forms of apparatus were used; one (B in the table) of glass,* with an aluminium shield for the thermo- couple; the second (A) of brass, with an inner tube of thin copper to prevent radiation; and the third (S) similar to the second, but of slightly different dimensions. Four different elements were used; one (E) of platinum-platin-rhodium, the other three (C,, C,, C,) of copper-constantan (No. 30 wire= 0°25™™ diam.). * Lent to us by Dr. Burgess. Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. 541 The electromotive forces at the freezing points were reduced to degrees with the aid of Table Il; the boiling points were reduced to normal pressure by means of this table and the formule: for naphthalene, ¢,,, = ¢—0°058 (py—760); for benzophenone, ¢,,. = ¢—0°063 (p—760). The freezing points have been given to hundredths of a degree, as relative values for purposes of comparison only; their absolute accuracy is of the order of 0-1°. This table shows that the boiling points are independent of the apparatus and sample of material employed, and that the freezing points can be reproduced satisfactorily on different days and with varying set-up; e. g., the results are independent of the size and kind of tube—glass or porecelain—used to protect the thermocouple from the metal, and of the size of the charge. In order to make the data of Waidner and Burgess more truly comparable with our own, we have reduced them to the scale of temperature on which our own values are based (cf. postea, Table V), and present these reduced values in the last column of Table III. The differences between the values for the adjacent freezing and boiling points are compared in Table IV with the analogous differences derived from our thermoelectric measurements. TaBLE I[V.—Comparison of Temperature Intervals as measured by Thermo- elements and by the Resistance Thermometer. Temperature difference as derived from measurements with Interval Thermoelements |Resistance Thermometer Waidner Holborn Us Cs le Burgess | & Henning Sn-naphthalene (138°9.13°78)13°78| 13°91 laced Cd-benzophenone, Merck 14°8/14°82,14°82) 14°81 {Matte Cd-benzophenone, Kahlbaum 15°0)15°02,15°02| 15°01 15°03 Pb—Ca 6:3) 6:36 oe 6-43 The differences, therefore, as determined by us with platin- rhodium and copper-constantan thermoelements in various forms of apparatus on the one hand, and with resistance ther- mometers at the Bureau of Standards or at the Reichsanstalt on the other, agree very satisfactorily. This proves conclu- * When reading only to one microvolt, as we were, it is illusory to give the readings of the platin-rhodinm element closer than the nearest tenth of a degree. 542 Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Tenyperatures. sively, that there is no systematic deviation whatever, within the range of these measurements, between the readings of these two kinds of thermometers—either at boiling points or at melting or freezing points—when both are calibrated with reference to the same temperature scale. This position is confirmed by a direct comparison of the series of measurements by Waidner and Burgess of the resist- ances of platinum thermometers with the recent gas thermome- ter measurements of Day and Sosman,* transferred by means of thermoelements to the same fixed points. So far we have dealt with temperatures less than about 330°; but the compari- son just referred to enables us to extend the same conclusion to the copper point (1083°), beyond which the readings of the resistance thermometer are no longer trustworthy. Comparison of the Series of Resistance Thermometer Measure- ments (Waidner and Burgess) with Gas Thermometer Deter- minations (Day and Sosman) at the same Fixed Points. For a fair comparison it is essential that the results be expressed in the same scale of temperatures; for this we have adopted the thermodynamic scale. We have accordingly applied the appropriate corrections, taking a mean of the cor- rection numbers collated by Buckingham, to the results of Day and Sosman, which were determined on the constant volume scale. The uncertainty of the gas thermometer determinations is indeed comparable with the magnitude of these corrections ; nevertheless, we have, for the sake of definiteness, considered it advisable to apply them. The results as given by Waidner and Burgesst were derived by means of the Callendar formula,§ the third calibration tem- perature being the sulphur boiling point taken as 444°70°. In order to refer these values to the comparison scale, it seemed simplest to substitute in the Callendar equation the simulta- * This Journal, xxix, 93-161, 1910; Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 157, 1911. Cf. also preceding paper. t Bull. Bur. Standards, iii, 288-9, 1907 ; (reprint No. 57). t Ibid., vi, 150-228, 1910, (reprint No. 124); vii, 1-11, 1910, (reprint No. 143). t § The Callendar formula is t—pt = 6 Ga, _ temperature, and pt (the so-called platinum temperature) is defined by the relation t : 1) where ¢ is the true ret 100 (R, — Ro) e a Pio0 na Ro (R is the resistance att). 0 is a deviation constant derived by means of the formula from the third calibration temperature (usually the sulphur boiling point); for pure platinum 6, as thus obtained, is close to1°50. The formula is essentially a simple quadratic relation of the form 159, Say af at + bt? Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. 543 neous values of the thermodynamic temperature (¢) and the platinum temperatures of a single resistance thermometer™ as measured by Waidner and Burgess, and to compute in this way the corresponding values of 6’. These values vary irreg- ularly at the lower temperatures, as might be expected, since the influence of variation of 6 is small when ¢ is small; but at the higher temperatures they show a distinct upward trend, and can be represented very fairly by the relation 6’ = 1:489+ 6:000015¢. These values of 6’ were combined with the respec- tive platinum temperatures to give new values of the temper- ature, which were then subtracted from the temperatures as given by Waidner and Burgess;{ thus giving the differences between the two scales at these points. These differences were applied to the average values given by Waidner and Burgess, giving the “corrected” average temperatures pre- sented in Table V, column [I. Alongside of this we have tabulated (column 1) the temperatures on the thermodynamic scale as derived from the work of Day and Sosman, and (in column III) the differences between these two sets of measure- nents. The differences at the tin and zine points are no doubt due to the fact that in these two cases the determinations were made on different samples of metal; with these two slight exceptions the agreement is all that could be desired. This concordance shows further that if we derive an interpolation formula for the resistance thermometer based on all of the points excepting sulphur, and calenlate by means of this formula the boiling temperature of sulphur, we obtain a result identical with the direct gas thermometer determination of this fixed point. If we recalculate the above temperatures, using a fixed value of 6 based on the newer determinations of the sulphur point, we obtain results which are practically identical with those of column II (Table V) except at the silver and copper points, which would on this ‘basis be lower by 0°6° and 0-9° respec- tively. This silver point would still be within the limits of accuracy of the gas thermometer measurements at that point, but the divergence at the copper point (1°3°) is somewhat greater than the probable error. This raises the question of the range through which the simple, and very convenient, Callendar formula is applicable in accurate work. It does not hold for impure platinum or for palladium ;t nor does it hold for pure platinum at all tem- *No. 1787C ; this instrument was used over the widest range and appears to ke the most satisfactory of those used at the Bureau of Standards. + That is, the temperatures as derived from a fixed 0, obtained by calibra- tion at 0°, 100°, and the S b.p. taken as 444°70°. { Waidner and Burgess, Bull. Bureau Standards, vi, 176, 183. 544 Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. TaBLE V.—Comparison of the ‘‘ Corrected’? Temperatures (measured by the Resistance Thermometer) with Determinations by the Gas Thermometer and with Thermoelements. Thermodynamic Scale. ‘* Corrected” Temp. based on |. temps. from re- gas fee ISIE ther- Dittorsn ces measurements mometer meas- (D. & S.) urements (W. & B.) te | II Ii—I Nph. b.p. 217°95" | 217-97 +002 Sn f.p. ew | 231°88 1S Bnz._ b.p. 305°90* | 305°91 Ol Cd so 320°92° 320°92 ‘00 Pb sie 327°39° 327°35 — ‘04 Zn f.p. 419°4* 419°24 — ‘16 Ss b.p. 444°55° | 444°55 "00 Sb 1G op 630°0°* | 630°36 + 736 Ag tp: 960°4° | 960°7 ara: Cu Tp: VOSs-2- | 1082°8 — 4 1 The temperatures are given to hundredths for purposes of comparison. ? Holborn and Henning, Ann. Physik, xxxv, 761-74, 1911. 7From the thermoelectric measurements of Table IV above. 4Temperatures transferred from gas thermometer measurement to fixed point by thermocouples. ° Direct gas thermometer determination. peratures below 0°C. Indeed Travers and Gwyer say: “A standard scale of temperature, based on Callendar’s three fixed points, using standard wire, and taking 1°5 for the value of 6, would obviously lead to absurd results at low temperatures ; and the converse may be said of our own observations,’’* and con- clude that the Callendar formula cannot be made use of except for interpolation. There is thus ground for believing that the accuracy ot the results calculated from the change of resistance of pure platinum by means of the simple Callendar formula is, to some extent, fortuitous. The small variation of 6 intro- duces uncertainties which would appear to be too great for the most accurate work, except over the temperature range included between the fixed calibration points 0° —444°55°), and a short region beyond (perhaps to 750°).+ On the other hand, it must be. admitted, that the cubic term (which expresses the varia- tion of 6 with the temperature) is very small—so small that its effect is searcely greater than the uncertainty in the gas ther- mometer determinations at higher temperatures. * Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ixxiv, 1904-5. + The effect of slight changes of 6 on the calculated temperatures may be gauged from the following : that a change of 0°2° in the boiling point of sul- phur changes db by 1 per cent (and proportionally for other small changes) ; this in turn affects temperatures of 300°, or lower, by 01° or less, but affects the antimony point by 0'5°, and the copper point by 1°6°. Adams and Johnston—Standard Scale of Temperatures. 545 In this connection one point remains to be noted, namely, the accuracy of the Reichsanstalt scale in the region 1000-1100°. Holborn and Valentiner state in one place* that the uncertainty at 1000° amounts to 2—3°; in another place,t in discussing the reliability of their newer measurements at high temperatures, they state that there is a difference amounting to 5° between the older (1900) and the newer (1906) Reichsanstalt determ1- nations at 1100°, and continue: ‘‘ The deviation from the mean would still fall within the limits of error of the earlier deter- minations. We consider it better, however, to attach greater weight to the former measurements, because the temperature eradient in the gas thermometer bulb was much smaller in the earlier measurements.” This may well be, for they give figurest which show that in the 1906 determinations at 1124° there were differences of temperature from one point of the bulb to another of as much as 346 microvolts, or about 29°. Summary. In this note a new calibration curve for copper-constantan thermoelements, extending from 0° up to 360°, is given, together with a series of independent measurements of the temperature differences between the boiling-points of naphthalene (217-95°) and benzophenone (305:9°), on the one hand, and the freezing points of tin, bismuth, cadmium, and lead on the other. These measurements lead to the following values of the freezing PolMicsnom Zola 8 bia" Od. 320-9" 3 Pb, 3273") lhe concordance of these values with those obtained by other meas- urements show that the thermoelement is not inferior to the resistance thermometer within this range of temperature (0—860°). Moreover, a comparison of the gas-thermometer determinations with the results obtained by means of those interpolation instruments (thermoelement, resistance ther- mometer, etc.), which measure not temperature independently but a well-defined physical property which changes con- tinuously with the temperature, affords an excellent oppor- tunity, through this continuity, for the discovery of inconsis- tencies in the gas thermometer measurements. The remarkable concordance of the present series of thermoelectric measure- ments and of the most extensive recent series of resistance ther- mometer measurements (Bureau of Standards), with the recent gas thermometer determinations made in this laboratory, serves, therefore, as an eflicient and independent check upon the trust- _worthiness of the present gas thermometer scale between 0° and) 11007: Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C., March 20, 1912. * Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, xliv, 414, 1906. + Ann. Physik, xxii, 19, 1907. { Loe. cit., p. 8. 546 WW. Rk. Barss—Measurements of Radio-activity. Art. XLV.—Wote on Measurements of Ladio-activity by means of Alpha Rays; by W. R. Barss. Ir is a well known fact that in a gas ionized by a-particles a saturation current is obtained only when a much larger poten- tial gradient is applied between the plates of the ionization chamber than is necessary when #- or X-rays are the ionizing agents. Bragg and Kleeman* showed that a current through a gas, ionized by a-particies, was still unsaturated when calculation showed that the number of ions lost by general recombination was small. The effect was ascribed to “Initial Recombina- tion’; i.e., to some of the ions being but partially separated from their parent molecules by the action of the a-particles. In the absence of an external electric field these ions fall back on their parent molecules and are thus neutralized. An intense electric field is snpposed to complete the separation of the ions and to produce saturation. On this hypothesis, lack of satura- tion would not depend on the size or shape of the ionization vessel and saturation would be more easily obtained under diminished pressure. | Kleemant has shown that lack of saturation with weak ioni- zation by a-particles is not due to diffusion of the ions, nor does it depend on the recombination coefficient. He has shown that ‘Initial Recombination ” is very small in gases ionized by #-, y- and X-rays; in other words, these ionizing agents effect a more complete separation of negative ions from their parent molecules. Moulint has proposed an explanation of the mechanism of ionization by a-particles as follows. The ions formed by the a-particles are not distributed uniformly throughout the gas, but each a-particle has, associated with it, a column of ions, the axis of the column being along the path of the particle. Lack of saturation is explained by recombination of ions of opposite sign within each column. This recombination between ions of the same column ought to exceed that which would be obtained for the same number of ions distributed throughout the volume of the gas. The amount of the recombination between ions of the same column should be much greater when the field is applied in a direction parallel to the direction of the column, than when it is applied in a direction perpendicular to it; for the parallel field would leave the.columns intact, while the perpendicular field would break each column into two parts by * Phil. Mag., xi, p. 466, 1906. + Phil. Mag., xii, p. 278, 1906. + Le Radium, May, 1908, p. 186. W. &. Barss—Measurements of Radio-activity. 547 separating the positive and negative ions. Hence the lack of saturation should be more apparent in the former case than in the latter. These facts were experimentally determined by Moulin. He obtained saturation for the parallel field at 1200 to 1500 volts per centimeter while for the perpendicular field only about 200 volts per centimeter were necessary. Moulin coneludes that general recombination within the columns (proportional to the square of the density of loniza- tion within the columns) is so much greater than “Initial Re- combination” that the latter is negligible in comparison. Ionization by a-particles was further investigated by Whee- lock ;* among other results, he obtained the following. When an electric field is applied parallel to the path of the a-parti- cle and therefore parallel to the axis of the column of ions, the eolumn would not be broken up and the recombination occur- ring would be between ions belonging to the same column. Since each particle makes the same number of ions along its path, the density of ionization would be the same in any one column and therefore it would be expected that the ratio of currents obtained with sources of different intensities would be constant for different potential gradients applied. When the field is applied perpendicular to the column and when the source of lonization is small, very few columns would exist in the ionization vessel during the time required for the ions to be carried over to their respective electrodes. Hence there would be little chance for recombination between the columns, so that it would be expected that the ratio of currents obtained with sources of different intensities would be constant as in the ease of the parallel field. When the field is perpendicular and the source of ionization is stronger, enough columns might exist between the electrodes at one time to make recombina- tion possible, not only between ions of the same column but between those of different columns. In this case the ratio of currents obtained with different source intensities might not be constant because of the added recombination of ions of dif- ferent columns. Wheelock found that the ratio of the current produced by a more intense source of rays to that produced by a weaker source is constant for the parallel field; that it is approxi- mately so for the perpendicular field when the sources are both weak, and that it increases slightly with the potential gradient applied when the sources are stronger. This is as would be expected if the ions formed by a-particles are arranged in columns. When the gas is ionized by §- or X-rays it would not be expected that the ratio of currents obtained for different source *This Journal, xxx, 233, 1910. 548 OW. Re. Barss— Measurements of Radio-activity. intensities would be constant. Here the ions are distributed throughout the volume of the gas, and general recombination, which depends upon the ionization density, i.e., upon the number of ions per cubic centimeter in the gas, would increase as the ionization itself is mereased, unless a saturating field is applied. In a great number of important investigations in the subject of radio-activity, it has been assumed that the quantity of radio-active material present was proportional to the ionization currents produced by the a-rays. In these experiments, elec- trical fields have been applied which would have been ampie to cause saturation if the ionization had been produced by 8- or X-rays, but which are now known to be quite inadequate to produce saturation when a-rays are employed. Results which have been obtained in this way are of fundamental importance in the theory of radio-active transformation. They include the determination of relative quantities of radio-active substances by the “ Kmanation Method” and the method of thin films, as well as nearly all the measurements of rates of decay of such substances. It is safe to say that in no case in which such measurements have been made with an electroscope, in air at atmospheric pressure, has a saturating potential been applied, or even very closely approached. The fact that a fairly consistent body of measurements and constants has been built up by many investigators, notwithstanding this apparent flaw in their experimental arrangements, shows that the con- siderations advanced above must have a considerable degree of validity. The object of the present experiments is to test this point specifically in the important case when the a-rays are produced by an emanation mixed with the ionized gas. In this case the sources of the rays are scattered through the gas and on the walls of the vessel, and the paths of the a-particles and their attending columns of ions extend in all directions ; so that the geometrical complication is as great as it can well be. We might reasonably expect the ratio of currents to be con- stant in this case, at least for small source intensities. If the number of a-particles is small, there will be only a few columns of ions existing together during the time required for the ions to be carried to their respective electrodes. It is true that a portion of the a-particles will cross each other and that the separated columns of ions will also sometimes cross each other, thus producing some recombination between ions of different columns. But even when this happens, the crossing will usu- ally be at an angle, and the length of each column is so great compared with the diameter of its cross section that even if they do intersect, the amount of this recombination will be neg- W. R. Barss— Measurements of Lradio-activity. 549 ligible compared to the recombination between ions of the same column. | As the intensity of the source is increased, the number of col- umns of ions existing together is also increased. The proba- bility that different columns will cross each other is greater and therefore the amount of recombination between ions of dif- ferent columns will be greater. So that, as in the case of the perpendicular field, the ratio of the larger current to the smaller will probably increase as the potential gradient is increased. In the present experiments, a cylindrical tin chamber was used 13:5% high and 10-5 in diameter. A central brass HiG.. L: cE Ur eta ts eee Be eR Ionization current 8 16 40 80 200 Field in volts electrode, provided with an earthed guard ring, was connected to a tilted electroscope of the Wilson type, the leaf of which was observed by means of a microscope having a graduated scale in the eyepiece. This central electrode and the leaf of the electroscope were grounded through a potentiometer by means of which each deflection due to the ionization current was calibrated in terms of potential. The capacity of the sys- tem was kept constant, so that these calibrated readings varied directly as the actual ionization currents. Different potentials were applied to the case of the chamber. Radium emanation was used as an ionizing agent; it has a half value period of about four days, so that it provided a suitable source of varying intensity. One series of observed data is given in the following table V is the potential in volts applied to the case. CO, represents the corresponding ionization current for a given intensity ; O, the ionization current for a weaker intensity, ete. Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtH Series, Vou. XX XIII, No. 198.—June,’ 1912. 3 550 W. Lt. Barss—Measurements of Radio-activity. V C, C, Cs Cs C; 2 “72 ware) “40 peor "16 = 1°60 1°15 °85 "50 38 8 2°50 1:90 1°40 *80 tars) 16 2°90 2°20 1°50 "96 65 40 3°35 2°40 1°75 1°05 “75 80 3°O3 2°58 1°86 1°10 ‘78 200 3°65 2°80 1°95 1°16 *80 400 3°80 Zo 2°05 °83 600 3°90 3°00 2°08 A series of curves plotted from these data is given in fig. 1: abscissee represent the potential V applied to the case. Ourve 1 has for its ordinates the values given in OC, above, curve 2 the values in C,, ete. Ratios of ionization currents are given in the following table: Vv C,/C. C:/Cs C,/O. C,/Cs 2 1°31 1:80 3°13 4°50 4 1°39 1°88 3°20 4:2] 8 1°31 1°80 3°12 4:54 16 1°32 1°93 3°02 4°45 40 1-30 p Se 21-04 3°19 4:46 80 1°36 1°89 3°21 4:59 200 1°30 1°87 3°14 4:56 ADO wed eh SBM 1°85 4°57 600 1°30 1°87 It is evident that the current ratios are constant within the limits of experimental error. In the above data the potential applied to the case was nega- tive. A series of readings was made with the potential posi- tive giving similar results. The radium emanation used was drawn from carnotite, the amount of emanation being equivalent to the amount in equilibrium with about 10-* gm. of radium. It remains to be tried to what degree the intensity may be increased before there is a change in the current ratios. Summary. When the a-particles are moving in all directions with respect to the electric field, and when the source of ionization is not too intense, the ratio of the currents obtained from two sources of different intensities is constant for different poten- tials applied to the ionization chamber. No great errors are involved even when currents are used less than one-fifth of the saturation value. In conclusion, I want to thank Professor Bumstead for his many suggestions throughout the experiment. Sloane Physical Laboratory, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. LN. L. Bowen—The Binary System. 551 Art. XLVI.—The Binary System: Na,Al,Si,O, (Nephelite, Carnegieite )— Ca Al,Si,0, (Anorthite) ; by N. L. Bowrn.* CONTENTS : Introduction. Preparation of Materials. Preliminary Study. Heating Curves. Method. Results—Table I. Quenchings. Method. Results—Table IT. Equilibrium Diagram. Discussion of Equilibrium Diagram. Optical Study. Properties of Anorthite. Carnegieite. Nephelite. Solid Solutions. Work of Earlier Investigators. Carnegieite. Nephelite. Anorthite. Application to Natural Minerals. Anorthite. Nephelite Nephelite Mix-Crystals. Other Solid Solutions. Carnegieite. Thermometry. General. INTRODUCTION. The study of the system WNa,A1,Si,0,—Ca Al,Si,0, was undertaken because of the very considerable importance of these compounds as rock-forming constituents. The compound CaA],8i,O, occurs in nature as the mineral anorthite. The preparation of anorthite in the laboratory has been accomplished by a number of workers. The compound Na, A],Si,0, (NaAISi0,) approximates in com- position the natural mineral nephelite and has been prepared in a form resembling that of nephelite. It is mentioned in text- books of mineralogy as artificial soda-nephelite and is given a place in order to bring out the chemical relationship within the hexagonal group of which nephelite is the best known member. Preparation of Materials. In the preparation of mixtures for exact thermal work, it is important that only the purest material should be used. The calcium carbonate was of tested purity, the alumina was freed * Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Geology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; May, 1912. Or 52 N. L. Bowen—The Binary System. from all but the last trace of alkalis by boiling with a solution of ammonium chloride and igniting. A very pure silica was obtained by grinding selected quartz and treating with hydro- ehloric acid. Anhydrous sodium carbonate was made from the hydrated compound by heating for eight hours at 300°C. It was proved that the material so obtained corresponded with the formula Na,CO, by converting to chloride and weighing. To make anorthite CaCO,, Al,O,, and SiO, were mixed in the proper proportions and fused in a Fletcher gas furnace at about 1600°. Three fusions, the product being “finely ground before each, gave a glass which er ystallized to a perfectly homogeneous mass of anorthite. In the preparation of the soda compound Na,CO,, A1l,O,, and SiO, were mixed and the same procedure followed, but not with equal success. When the resultant glass was crystallized, instead of the homogeneous product to be expected, the micro- scope showed, scattered throughout, plates and needles of Al,O, (corundum) uncombined. Repeated fusion did not remedy the difficulty. Finally, it was determined by analysis of the glass that some Na,O ‘had been volatilized at the high tempera- ture of the gas furnace. The materials had been mixed in the proportion to give :— Na2,O Al.Os Si02 Sum lea a | 30°89 42°34 = 100-00 Analysis showed 20°50 36°62 42°85 == 99:97 By heating the intimately mixed oxides at a low temperature (about 800°C) in an electric furnace, grinding and reheating four times, it was found possible to cause the oxides to com- bine without loss of soda. The whole could then be melted to a glass which gave on slow cooling a perfectly homogeneous crystalline mass with no excess of alumina.* Even after combination some alumina develops in the per- fectly homogeneous mass if held near its melting point for several days, from which it appears that some soda may still be lost after long heating. No very definite statements can be made concerning this phenomenon inasmuch as every effort was concentrated on its avoidance. Preliminary Study. A stock of the pure end members being ready, intermediate mixtures corresponding to each 10 per cent interval were made up. * The loss of soda gave, of course, an excess in both silica and alumina. The silica undoubtedly went to form a small quantity of a more highly sili- cated compound, probably albite, which, however, did not appear as such and, therefore, must have disappeared in solid solution. Apparently no compound in which the ratio, = 20s is greater than unity could form under a0’ the existing conditions and the a alanis was left free. NV. L. Bowen—The Binary System. 553 A preliminary study was carried out by putting some of each mixture in a separate platinum crystallizing dish and holding all at an approximately constant temperature in an electric fur- nace for a couple of days. The products were then examined under the microscope. This procedure was repeated at mod- erate temperature intervals over some range. The detail of this work need not be given here because it is not in itself of great importance, but is a very useful preliminary to the more precise determinations. It was noted that all compositions erystallize readily; that, in the mixtures, no reactions pro- ducing new components took place, leaving the system truly of two components. The existence of a eutectic point in the neighborhood of 1300° C. was indicated. Two ditferent forms of the soda compound were observed, the one appearing at low and the other at higher temperatures. The low temperature form is analogous to nephelite and will henceforth, for con- venience, be referred to simply as nephelite. The high tem- perature form had formerly been prepared at this laboratory, and given the name carnegieite. At low temperatures mixtures containing up to 30 per cent anorthite are perfectly homoge- neous, showing the ability of the low temperature form to hold over 30 per cent of the anorthite molecule in solid solution. The lime compound was observed in only one form, anorthite. Heating Curves. With this preliminary information it was possible to proceed with the exact determination more expeditiously. Small quantities of each mixture were crystallized at about 1200° C. (below the eutectic point indicated above), and heating curves run on each. The method employed was that found at the Geophysical laboratory to be the best in mineral work.’ * The charge is of about 2gms.; the bare thermocouple of plati- num-platinum-rhodium dips into the charge and is connected with a potentiometer system which measures the E.M.F. set up at the thermocouple contact. A curve has been prepared giving the E.M.F. corresponding to temperatures between 0° and 1550° C. for standard elements calibrated against the gas thermometer. Such standard elements are used to calibrate the elements employed in the course of the work. The furnace in which the charge is heated is an electrical resistance furnace in which a coil of platinum wire is the con- ducting material. In running a heating curve the temperature of the furnace is caused to rise gradually and regularly. The temperature of the thermocouple in the charge is read at regular time inter- * Wor references see list at end of article. 554 NV. L. Bowen—The Binary System. vals, and temperature is plotted against time. If there is no energy change within the charge, its temperature also rises reg- ularly, but at the appearance of a new phase the rate of heating of the charge (the gradient of the heating curve) experiences a change depending upon the energy involved in the change of hase. se During the change of phase, on account of heat absorption, the temperature of the charge either remains constant or rises more slowly than the temperature of the furnace, but upon completion of the change of phase the temperature rises rap- idly to that of the furnace. It is this.sudden increase in the rate of heating of the charge which is commonly termed a ‘break’ on the heating curve. The temperature at which a break occurs is, then, the temperature at which the disappear- ance of a phase of the system is completed. In Table [ the temperatures at which breaks were obtained on heating curves are given opposite the corresponding composition. TABLE I. Wit %, Upper point Kutectic Inversion Knickpunkt CaAl 2 Si 2 O 8 . One a eee 1527 ee 1504 2 ae ORs Sear e ares 1525 meee 1305 LA HQ ic oe ie ne 1473 sks 1335 1352 PEt pouees sige eM lo a a og Ma eee 25S aoe SNe 1349 AOS sce ee oe Eyer 1310° ee ee DO Sat ee Se crs 1305 ae eet OS ibs cere arenas Baie 1304 ipig Ahe ee 5) VA aes Oe Sle RAL ane 1302 2 EE ee 7 OA EMS OLL 1437 1307 mA oe uns BOs Sra eee ee 1484 1306 Ee aes B04 ve BU Bepery 1522 Seacre of p42 ier LOO Ses ge: 1550 Eyed ey ttes Jee 1OON S38 2 Seen 1549 SiSe a woes These results are plotted on the temperature-composition diagram (Diagram I). In the diagram each circle shows a temperature at which a break occurred on the heating curve for the corresponding composition. The general form of the equilibrium diagram is suggested. There is a eutectic point at about 1302°. Another triple point, possibly a ‘ knickpunkt,’ occurs at about 1352°. The general form of the liquidus curves is indicated. Small heat effects obtained in the pure sodium compound and in the N. L. Bowen—The Binary System. 555 DIAGRAM I. {0 20 30 40 SO COO .7 GO SO {00 Na, Al, 51, O,, ‘% CaAl, Si, Op Wet. mixture with 10 per cent CaAl,$i,O, are shown by small circles and are undoubtedly due to inversion. VQuenchings. In Table I there are many blanks. Doubtless, some ofthese could have been filled in by especially careful work with heat- ing curves, but a different method was adopted for obtaining the same informatiou. The use of the quenching furnace* combined with the micro- scopic examination of the charges offers a trustworthy method 556 NV. L. Bowen—The Binary System. of obtaining information as to temperatures at which phases appear and disappear, and at the same time a knowledge of the nature of the phases themselves. A small charge of any mixture, wrapped in platinum foil, is held at a definite temperature for a period of time which 1s deemed sufficient to insure equilibrium for that temperature and composition, and is then quenched by allowing it to fall into a dish of mercury at room temperature. The chilling is so abrupt that any phase present at the fur- nace temperature is ‘fixed’ and ready to be studied under the microscope. by running a series of quenchings progress is made towards a knowledge of the phases present at equilibrium for each composition, at all. temperatures—in short, towards the data necessary for an equilibrium diagram. By the quenching method many changes of phase may be detected and studied which either take place too slowly or involve too little energy change to give an appreciable break on a heating curve. With many transformations, moreover, especially in the more viscous substances, superheating is likely to oceur when the heating is rapid, as in running a heating curve, so that the actual break observed may come at a temper- ature higher than that at which the transformation concerned would take place if equilibrium prevailed. In quenching work it is the endeavor to make the time sufficiently long that all transformations which can take place at the temperature of the furnace may be complete. In this work the thermoelement junction in the quenching furnace was distant from the charge 1/2 em. or more. The small temperature difference between the charge and the fur- nace element was determined at frequent intervals over the temperature range desired by hanging a standard element in the position of the charge and reading both. The differences found were applied as corrections to the readings of the fur- nace element in the course of the work. The furnace temperature was kept constant by noting it fre- quently and making the necessary changes in the resistance of the circuit. For the more careful work the current from a storage battery was used. Several scores of quenchings were made. Of these, only the more significant will be tabulated (Table II), more especially those which determine the limit of stability for the various phases. No 15 16 eG 18 19 20 21 22 25 NV. L. Bowen—The Binary System. TABLE II. (a) Inversion, Temp. Time L245 = 6 hrs. L252 1 hr. 1245 lela 1252 6 hrs. 1260 elo 1252 iL lowe, 1245 i Vawes 1235 Teh 1260 4 hrs. 1275 olave: WS 17) 7 hrs. 1282 4 hrs. 1294 Lng 1296 Pilar: Phases found after quenching Ne only Ne & Cg Ne & Cg Cg only Ce only Cg only Ne & Cg Ne & Cg Ne only Ne & Cg Co & Ne Ne only Ne & Cg (trace) Ne & Cg * Ne = Nephelite, Cg = Carnegieite. (b) Nephelite solidus. See also (solid solution An in Ne). Tere 6 hrs. MEST 2 hrs. 1340 lave: 1343 1 hr. 1328 lon? Loe 2 ities 1310 2) | OMESS oaleg Daves (c) Ne liquidus. Ne only Ne only Ne only Ne & glass Ne & glass Ne only Ne only Ne & glass See also eutectic composition. Compo- Form sition at start Wt. % ; CaAl.SicOs 0 Ne* 0 Ne 0 Cg* 0 Cg 0 glass 0 glass 0 glass 0 glass 5 Ne 5 Ne 10 glass 10 Ne 10 Ne 10 Ne 20 glass 20 Ne 20 Ne 20 Ne 25 glass 25 glass 30 glass 30 glass 40 An & Ne 20 glass 20 glass 25 glass 50 An & Ne 60 An & Ne 30 An & Ne 1320° i Joye (d) Cg liquidus Lag? Th tae: el ay ie hie 1374 Telere (e) An liquidus. 1330° 1 hr. 1380 1 hr. 1392 1 hr, glass only glass only glass only DOT glass & Ne (bare trace) glass & Cg (bare trace) glass only glass & Cg (rare) 558 NV. L. Bowen—The Binary System. (f) Change of phase at ‘ Knickpunkt.’ 33 3 Ne 1357° 6 hrs. Cg only 34 5 Ne 1357 6 hrs. Cg & glass trace. 35 10 Ne 1357 6 hrs. Cg & glass 36 20 Ne 1357 6 hrs. Cg & glass 37 30 Ne 1357 7 hrs. glass only 38 3 Ne 1346 6 hrs. Cg only 39 5 Ne 1346 6 hrs. Cg & Ne 40 10 Ne 1346 6 hrs. Cg & Ne 41 20 Ne 1346 6 hrs. Ne & glass “ \) 40 ay Ne 1346 Ghrs. glass&Ne - Y (g) Eutectic composition. 43 50 glass 1304° 2hrs. An & glass 14 40 glass 1304 2hrs. Ne & glass 45 47°5 glass 1304 2hrs. An & glass 46 46 glass 1304 lhr. e. Ina similar manner it was shown that Ne,,An,, is positive and therefore «>. The positive character of crystals Ne,,An,, indicated by the interference figure was confirmed in these erystals of known orientation. A curious fact which gave rise to some difficulty in some of the quenchings may be noted here. The nephelite mix-erystals with 23 per cent CaA],Si,O, (approx.) are in equilibrium at 1335° with a melt containing 36 per cent CaA1,Si,O, (approx). (Area C BF G, Diagram II.) When quenched the er ystals are sensibly isotropic and have an index 1:537 and the glass, it so happens, has the same index.* Neither by a difference of index nor by the presence of birefringence do the crystals become distinguishable from the glass. Thus, in several charges quenched from 1335° the presence of nephelite in the glass could not be detected, although the necessity of its pres- ence could be proven from charges quenched at a slightly higher or lower temperature, in which charges the extreme similarity of nephelite with the glass was approached, but not quite attamed. Jor this reason the attempt to accurately locate the intersection of the liquidus B G on the ordinate of 35 per cent CaA1,8i,O, failed. The curve may, however, be regarded as sufficiently established by the other known points. The Work of Earlier Investigators. Several different workers have succeeded in preparing the nephelite form of NaAISi0O,, but the carnegieite form has seldom been encountered. This is rather a curious fact, for carnegieite crystallizes readily from the pure melt, whereas nephelite is obtained only with very slow cooling} or with the aid of fluxes. Carnegieite was first prepared by Thugutt’ by fusing an artificial ‘nepheline hydrate.’ He obtained a mineral with polysynthetic twinning and high extinction angles, prob- ably triclinic. Following the suggestion of Lemberg, this mineral was called soda-anorthite. In 1905, carnegieite was prepared at the Geophysical labor- atory and the new name proposed. (Published 1910.)* But * The index of this glass corresponds approximately with that calculated for it from the indices of anorthite glass and carnegieite glass in the propor- tion 36: 64. + With slow cooling, the temperature of the preparation is for a long period in the region slightly below the inversion point, permitting the for- mation of the low temperature form, nephelite. 568 NV. L. Bowen—The Binary System. few thermal determinations were made, so that its melting point and its relation to nephelite were not ascertained. It was not known at that time that some soda might be volatilized during the preparation of the compound, but a reéxamination of some of the samples then made gives evidence that there is a slight shortage in soda demonstrated by a slight excess of alumina. The optical properties of this material vary slightly from those of the purer niaterial, since prepared, the figures for which are given here. For the same reason the density 2°513 found here is probably more accurate than that formerly found (2°571). Gerh. Stein,’ by crystallizing “ soda-nepheline” directly from the melt, obtained a granular, strongly double-refracting mass. It is possible that Stein obtained carnegieite, of which the double refraction, though hardly strong, as ordinarily under- stood, is higher than that of nephelite. Nephelite.—The formation of soda-nephelite was first accom- plished by Fouqué and Lévy in 1878 by simple fusion of its constituents. With the addition of a flux (sodium vanadate) Hautefeuille (1880) succeeded in making measureable hexago- nal erystals.” In 1884 Doelter” prepared not only the simple orthosilicate, NaAISiO, but mixtures with excess silica and the potash and lime content of natural nephelite. Many others have succeeded in making nephelite as one constituent of a complex mixture, or by the action of aqueous carbonate solutions on various compounds. This work has no special interest from the point of view of this paper, and will merely be referred to here. Doelter found that Na,AI,Si,0, (NaAISiO,) and CaA1],Si,O, were capable of forming mix-crystals, as did the present writer. It appears that Doelter found a somewhat greater range of miscibility. Wallace,” by the slow cooling of a melt of composition NaAl SiO,, obtained a completely crystalline mass with low retrac- tive index and low birefringence which he refers to as soda- nephelite. At the same time it should be noted that Wallace observed in thin section a microline-like structure and since this is a structure charcteristic of carnegieite there can be no doubt that some carnegieite was present. On account of the long time necessary to obtain complete inversion in the direction carnegieite-nephelite, it may be stated as more than probable that much of the material prepared by direct fusion and described as soda-nephelite in the literature has contained some carnegieite. A rough similarity in optical properties is the reason for the failure to differentiate the two. The method of identification by immersion in refractive liquids eliminates this possibility. NV. L. Bowen—The Binary System. 569 Wallace found that a mixture of composition NaAIlSiO, was completely molten at 13850°. The writer finds that NaAISi0O, does not melt till a temperature of 1526° is attained, the actual fizures obtained in two determinations being 1527° and 1525°, of which the figure given is the mean (Table I). Possibly Wallace approached the unstable equilibrium nephelite-melt on cooling. An indistinct heat effect was obtained by Wallace on the cooling curve at 1260°. The writer found a small heat effect, due to inversion, on the heating curve at 1805°. Allen found a point at 1289°.* The diversity of results is due to the indefinite nature of heating-curve breaks representing a slug- gish transformation involving no great heat effect. The determination by the method of quenching gave 1248° (approx.) for the inversion point (Table IJ). Anorthite—Anorthite, like nephelite, was first prepared in 1878 by Fouqué and Lévy” by simple fusion of its oxides. No special interest attaches to the numerous other preparations of this mineral. ! The melting point of artificial anorthite is sufficiently sharp to be used by Day and Sosman™ as a reference point. (1550°) on the temperature scale. Brun’ obtained by his very different method (calorimetric) 1544°-1562°. Mixtures.—Schleimer™ has made determinations of the melt- ing ‘points’ of mixtures of anorthite and nephelite using natural minerals. His mixtures are of very different composition from those used in this investigation and the temperatures found need have no relation to those found here. Application to Natural Minerals. Anorthite.—Several natural anorthites approximate closely to the theoretical composition. The melting points of some of these have been determined. Brun,’ working with Seger cones, and Douglas,” the latest worker with the meldometer, have obtained figures that differ comparatively little from the figure given by Day and Sosman for pure anorthite. Anorthite from Idsu, Japan, 1490-1520°— Brun. Anorthite “ Mte. Somma, 1505°— Douglas. Nephelite.—\|n a recent paper” the writer has shown that experimental results are in accord with Schaller’s statement that natural nephelites may be regarded as solid solutions of the three molecules NaAlSiO,, KAISiO, and NaAJIS&i,O,. Natural nephelites, then, differ considerably in composition from the compound NaAISiO, used in this work and the * Geophysical Laboratory, unpublished notes. 570 NV. L. Bowen—The Binary System. difference in thermal properties is correspondingly great. Thus it was found by the writer that nephelite from Magnet Cove quenched from 1870° gave only a clear glass and therefore melts at some temperature below 1370°. Moreover, Wright® has found that molten ‘ nephelite’ (Magnet Cove) erystallizes directly as nephelite without first showing the carnegieite form. In this respect nephelite from Magnet Cove behaves like the artificial nephelites with 28-5—35 per cent CaA1,Si,O, in solid solution. Nephelite Mia-Crystals.— The extreme nephelite mix- crystals with 35 per cent CaA1,Si,O, contain approximately 7 per cent CaO. The lime content of natural nephelites never approaches such an amount. In nature, however, nephelite never occurs in intimate association with pure anorthite, although very often it does occur with a plagioclase.