sort pa ees AMERIGAN RAGING RULES OF THE Y ¥ AMERICAN TURF CONGRESS. BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS, AND BETTING RULES OF THE -AMERIGAN RUNNING ‘TURF. IN FORCE FROM AND AFTER JANUARY 1, 1888. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887, by Turf Publishing Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. TURF PUBLISHING COMPANY, No, 216 Vine Street, Vv CINCINNATI. é ') IN DE Xx: | RULE. MATOS -2. 5-4 Beever es eer econestese te cS asceces 53 Mllowance for Weats.s:... sccc.---0-- 47a Allowances must be claimed........ 18 IAC COL MNOTSEis. 02 cccs se eeonsesesdoneses s= 2 Arrears before WEIS hIM Pye seemeccass PSS PASSIStant Starter c.c.jcsss iessecicets PASS TMG GUNA sae tnconseaiscssdetccveatlsec U2. PANEL ENCE Seen Seee sen sede so ecctenccerete se 5S Betting se rounds: .c.ccss-oc.ccecon esse = 120 Bettina miwleSs.s.2-.s:seesce. sosscess 137-161 BO tim eters cseaeseecn cosdeeessesees secass 60 Garelessridingcsicc...scsss..cscessnesess 55 Cash payment required.............. 19a Ghungerohinameatcs.ccsss esses scenes 26 Geel enacts ses cs neavaviosswanes 196 Colorsmmust beigiven'.......,.0..... 24 Wolorsimecondedts--5.c. ss secaseeeee ee 100 Complaints..... .. PAG eee) Conditions supersede Ruies.. coreg Confirmation of entries.............. 15 Cornuphipractices-....s.s6-sesse se: 106 Craps and other gameg...... ........ 122 Crossing: intal races.s.c-..2---- eee 55 Mead plieateen.ceeseteer cath tases. tance ses 69 Dead heat for second place......... 79 Deathioftavhorse: secencscensss 34 Weathivor SubscriberSs-..:-:...-2s0-.<: 33 Deciding heat . Senccos abou (Te Declarations at NOON .ssssssssssseens 19¢ Declarations five per cent .......... 19é ID) Scortimiess ss. feens sede losis eaaseeoe one 108 Deductions for entrance paid..... Deputy Secretary ...........s000e6.....118 Description of horseé...............+0« 23 Determination subject to object’n 72 Dilatory joc'eys and trainers...... 50 Disposal of fines ......... ue Disqualifications for overweight. Pp eeealBeations: Of HORSES eeeees = Distance.. Lgatecaccnssese = 05 Distance Judge. ere Sacos surieseies tar ee eae 115 Division of declaration fee......... 19h Diutiesiofiimdgesie-ce-hecee.see 113 Effects of objections.... 78-80 End of meeting... SiO Entrance before starting... Kea: RULE Entries and subscriptions............ 16 Entries deputized...... -.sess.seeeee I5 Entries in produce races............. 12 Entries not revocable.. scusceseemes LE intries!not void). .:-:c2-.2-.-ecssese eee 35 Entries to sweepstakes.............+ 22 Examination of horses..............4 8r Hxeeption of jumperss....-s-csueees 57 Exclusion from the course........... 49 Excused after weighing out..... .. 51 Explanation) requineds:scs.snce-eess 44 Extent of disqualification........... 56 Fair start.. Soslee- Wid oneinensteeenne eee Feather weights. Bled rica ee aoecteniteemee 47a Foreign horses.. wesees OO Forfeit orders must be. paid... Reecricer 39 Forfeits before starting... scPsekacercedeeess 54 Liability for declaration............ 19f Liability tor declaration....... ...... 37 Light welter weights.................. 47a Limitation of badges..................121 Maidens (definition of )... bade Jere a Majority governs.. eee s Match (definition of). ee ey. 7 Miscarriage of entry... ..........+++. 22 Mistake in entry.. eater tee | Money before weighing... BiW, saeeesen 38 Money not returnable... ........... 36 PON 2S, cece ve Jnabeenenccvevexns 24 No alterationS........esssccscssosesssee 3: No change of name................-... 21 Nominating owners........... ........ 29 No purse walk-over........:........... 130 Number exhibited... Riacccepets a3 Number of Jockey on arm......... 100 NENG USNS oe hc sacs. odes see ables 73 PEC HIONS ATLEr LACE..........c0ccoses 75 Objections before race................ 74 VEILS STL Set 5 95 One declared, all declared ......... 19a Over weight declared....... ......... 48 Ownership of horses .................. 82 Owners suspended... ... ....... 19 f Owners tobe paid..::.3.8 622: 3......5. 84 AERO MOSES a. cel aicesscsssccenvooess aces 114 Bayiment tor handicap ...... :....:.. 19a Penalties and allowances............ 92 Penalties for foul riding............. 58 Positions for a start. ..... s.sseeeee oe 52 ROStDOOK MAKING... .. 5 <—DEAD HEATS. In races not of heats, a dead heat for the first place shall be run off after the last flat race of the day, unless the Judges otherwise appoint, but at an interval of not less than twenty minutes. The other horses shall be deemed to have been beaten, but they shall be entitled to their places (if any) as if the race had been finally determined the first time. 70— For Second or Lower Place. If a dead heat be run by two or more horses for second or any lower place in a race, the owners shall divide, subject to the rules applicable to objections, when the winner is ob- jected to; and if they can not agree as to which of them is to have a cup or other prize, which can not be divided, they shall draw lots for it. 71— How and When Owners Divide. When owners divide, they shall divide equally all the moneys and other prizes which any of them could take, if the dead heats were run off ; but owners can not divide in a race of heats, or in arace where any of the horses are to be sold, or in any race where divisions would conflict with any ~ of its conditions. 24 RULES OF RACING. Horses running a dead heat for a race or place shall be deemed winners of the race or place until the dead heat is run off, or the owners agree to divide; and if the owners agree to divide, each horse which divides shall be deemed a winner of the race or place for which he divides, 2—/Judves’ Determination Subject to Objection, 7 § 4] 1] The determination of the Judges declaring a horse to have won, or to be entitled to a place, shall be final, unless some objection is made and allowed on the ground of disqualifica- tion, provided that this rule shall not prevent the Judges from correcting any mistake. 73—OBJECTIONS. Every objection must be made by the owner, trainer, or jockey of some other horse engaged in the same race, or by the officials of the course, or some creditable person, and on race days must be made to one of the Judges of the race, or to the Clerk of the Course, and at other times, to one of the officers, or to the Clerk of the Course. The person to whom an objection is made may require it to be put in writing and signed. } 74— Objection Before Race. If an objection to a horse engaged in a race be made not later than eleven o’clock on the morning of the day of the race, the Officers may require his qualification to be proved before the race, and in default of such proof being given to their satisfaction, they may declare him disqualified, 75— When Objections After Race are to be Made. An objection to a horse on the ground of his not having run the proper course, or of any other matters occurring in the race (except those coming under a previous rule), must be made before the numbers of the horses placed in the race are put up. An objection on the ground of fraudulent or willful mis- RULES OF RACING. 25 statement or omission in the entry under which a horse has run, or on the ground that the horse which ran was not the horse which he was represented to be in the entry or at the time of the race, or was not of the age which he was repre- sented to be, may be received at any time within twelve months after the race. 76—Recovery of Money Paid Over Before Objection. If by reason of an objection to a horse made after the con- clusion of the meeting, a race or place isawarded to another, his owner can recover the money, or such race or place from those who wrongfully rece ved it, and in case of default shall be entitled to a forfeit order. 77— Who Shall Dectde Objections. Every objection shall be determined by the Judges of the race. The functions of the Judges of a race cease when they de- termine the places of the horses in the race, subject to objec- tions they have not decided, and thereafter the determination of all matters affecting the race devolves on the Officers of the Association. 78— Effects of Objection, tf Valid. If an objection to a horse which has won or been placed in a race be declared valid, the horse shall be regarded as distanced in races of heats, and as last in other races, and the other horses shall take their places accordingly, P 79—Jn Case of Dead Heat for Second Place. When a dead heat is run for second place and an objection is made to the winner of the race, if such objection be de- clared valid in time for the dead heat to be run off on the day of the race, the Judges may direct it to be run off ac- cordingly. Otherwise the horses which ran a dead heat shall divide or draw lots for an indivisable prize, and each horse which divides shall be liable to the penalties attaching to a winner of that race. Every objection which can not be decided by the Judges 26 RULES OF RACING. or officers during the meeting, must be made in writing and lodged with the Clerk of the Course. An objection made in writing can not be withdrawn with- out leave of the Officers of the Association. All costs and expenses in relation to determining an ob- jection shall be paid by the person decided against. If the Officers of the Association decide an objection to be frivolous, they may fine the person making it, or rule him off, 80— “Effect of Pending Objection, Pending the determination of an objection, any money or prize which the horse objected to may have won or may win in the race shall be withheld until the objection is deter- mined, and any forfeit payable by the owner of any other horse shall be paid to the Clerk of the Course, and held for the person who may be determined to be entitled to it. When any race is in dispute, both the horse which came in first and any horse claiming the race, shall be liable to all the penalties attaching to the winner of that race until the matter is decided. 81—Judges May Order Examination and Call for Proofs of Age of Horses. The Judges shall have power at any time, and either upon or without objection made, to order an investigation by such person or persons as they think fit, of any horse entered for a race, or which has run fora race, and shall withhold any money the horse or his owner may have won until such in- vestigation is made. If the horse be declared to be of the wrong age, the ex- pense of such examination shall be paid by the owner. Otherwise it shall be paid by the person (if any) at whose request the examination is ordered, or by the Association, as the Judges direct. 82— Ownership of Horse. The Officers of the Association shall also have power to call on any person in whose name a horse is entered to pro- duce proo! that the horse entered is not the property either RULES OF RACING. 27 wholly or in part of any person who owes forfeit or otherwise disqualified, or to produce proof of the extent of his interest or property in the horse, and in default of such proof being given to their satisfaction they may declare the horse dis- qualified. -82a—Fraudulent Transfer. If any transfer is made for the purpose of avoiding pay- ment of forfeits or any disqualification, the persons mak- ing and receiving such transfers may be ruled off, 83—-WHEN MEETING ENDS. In any other case an objection shall be made before the conclusion of the meeting, which is deemed to conclude one hour after the last race on the last day. 84—WHEN OWNERS ARE TO BE PAID. Payment of the moneys due to owners of horses which have run during the meeting may be made on the day after the meeting. 85—SELLING RACES. Any horse running for any race ‘‘ to be sold,” shall, if the winner, be liable to be claimed for the selling price, and if it is a condition of the race that the winner is to be sold by auction, the sale shall take place immediately after the race, and one-half of any surplus over the selling price shall go to the second horse, and the remainder to the Association, If sold, the horse shall not leave the place of sale until authorized by the Clerk of the Course to do so; and if the horse be not paid for, or the Clerk of the Course be not satis- fied with the security, he may order the horse to be put upa second time, and the purchaser at the first sale shall be re- sponsible for any deficiency arising from the second sale. The price of every horse sold must be paid to the Clerk of the Course, and an order be given by him for the delivery of the horse. 28 RULES OF RACING. 86—Special Rule for Selling Races, When Horses are Oljected to. Subject to the rules relating to objections, the following special provisions shall apply to selling races : (2) If the objection has not been made until after the horse has been bought, the person who bought him, shall, if the objection is declared valid, have the option of return- ing him or retaining him at the selling price, and any money returnable by reason of the exercise of such option, whether price or surplus, shall be repaid by those to whom it has been paid over, and in case of default the person to whom it is due shall have a forfeit order for the same. ‘ (6) If the objection has been made before the horse has been bought, the time for delivering but not for selling him, is thereby postponed until such time after the determination of the objection as the Judges appoint, and if the objection be declared valid, the person who bought him in shall have the same option as in the last mentioned case. (c) If the objection be declared valid before the close of the races of the same day, the horse to whom the race is given shall then be sold by auction, if it be a condition of the race that the winner is to be thus sold, and any surplus resulting from his sale and from the previous sale of the horse objected to, shall be treated as surplus from the sale of the winner, and be divided accordingly, but liability to be sold shall in all cases end with the day of the race. 88— Refusal to Deliver or Pay in a Selling Race. _Any person who refuses to deliver, as required by these rules, a horse entered to be sold or one bought in a selling race, shall be ruled off the course, and the horse shall be dis- qualified for all races. Any person who fails to pay for a horse bought in a sell- ing race may be ruled off the course. 89—Striking Out of Engagement. No horse shall be considered as struck out of his engage- ments unless the declaration be made by the owner, or by some person deputed by him, to the Clerk of the Course, © RULES OF RACING. 29 who shall record the day and hour of its receipt, and give early publicity thereto. The striking of a horse out of an engagement is irrevoc- able. go—Sale With Engagement, and Liability for Engagements of Aforses Sold. When a horse is sold with his engagements, or any part of them, the seller can not strike the horse out of any such engagements, and he remains liable for the amounts of the forfeits in each of the engagements; but he shall, if com- pelled to pay them by the purchaser’s default, be entitled to a forfeit order, as due by the purchaser to himself In all cases of sale by private treaty, the written acknowl- edgment of both parties that the horse was sold with the engagement is necessary to entitle the seller or buyer to the benefit of this rule, and if certain engagements be specified, it is to be understood that those only are sold with the horse; but when the horse is sold by public auction, the advertised conditions of the sale are sufficient evidence; and if certain engagements only be specified, it is to be understood that these only are sold with the horse; and if he has been bought in a race of which it was a condition that the horse was to be sold with his engagements, this is also sufficient. When a horse is sold without an engagement, the seller may grant or refuse ihe right to start for it, but in selling races the horse’s engagements are included. When a person is entitled by purchase or otherwise to start for any engagement a horse which was entered by an- other person, and he is prevented by these rules form start- ing the horse without paying forfeits or defaults on that horse to which he would not otherwise be liable, he may, if he pay such forfeits or defaults, start the horse, and shall be entitled to a forfeit order with the name of the horse in respect of which they are due as due to himself. goa— Transfer Must be Exhibited. In case of any transfer of a horse with his engagements, such horse will not be eligible to start in any stake, unless at the usual timeof the running of the stake, or prior thereto, 30 RULES OF RACING. the transfer of the horse and his engagements shall be exhibited to the Secretary or President of the Association. g91—WINNINGS. Winnings shall include all prizes up to the time appointed for the start, and shall apply to all races in any country, and winning shall include walking over or receiving forfeit. Winnings during the year shall be reckoned from the first of January preceding. Winner of a certain sum shall mean winner of a single race of that value, unless otherwise expressed in the con- ditions, Although a horse may be qualified for a race at the time of entry, he may lose his qualifications by winning subse- quently. In estimating the value of a race, there shall be deducted the amount of the winner’s own stake and any money pay- able to the horses, or out of the stakes by the conditions of the race, or by the general conditions of the meeting; entrance money to a purse or entrance money going toarace fund shall not be deducted. The value of any prize not of money or not paid in money shall not be estimated. In estimating the winnings of a horse, second and third money shall not be counted against him. 92—PENALTIES AND ALLOWANCES. (A)—As to Stake Penalties. In all stake races exclusively for two and three-year-olds no penalty should exceed five pounds. (B)—WVot Cumulative. Penalties and allowances are not cumulative, unless so declared by the conditions of the race. RULES OF RACING. 31 (c)—Beaten and Maiden Allowances. No horse shall receive allowance of weight, or be relieved from extra weight, for having been beaten in one or more races; provided that this rule shall not prohibit maiden allowances. (D)—Lxceptions of Matches or Private Sweepstakes. Allowances and extra weights shall not be allowed or in- curred in respect of matches or private sweepstakes. (E)—As to Selling Races. Where winners of selling races are exempted from penal- ties, only such horses as have run to be sold shall be entitled to the allowance. 93— Allowances in Produce Races. Allowances to the produce of untried horses extends only to the produce of horses whose produce in any country have not ceased to be maidens up to the day previous to that fixed for claiming allowances, and any such allowance shall be claimed before the expiration of the time for naming, and shall not be lost by winning after that time. 94—As to Steeplechases and Hurdle Races. Winners or losers of steeplechases or hurdle races are not considered winners or losers in flat racing. OMISSIONS. 95—Sunday Omitted in Computing Time. When the last day for doing anything in relation to a race falls on a Sunday, it may be done on the following Monday, unless the race to which such act relates is appointed for that day, in which case it must be done on the previous Saturday. 32 RULES OF RACING. 96— Omission of Weight. When a match or sweepstakes is made, and no weight mentioned, the horse shall carry the weights specified in the scale of weights. 97— Omusstons of Distance. When a match or sweepstakes is made and no He: mentioned, the distance shall be as follows : If two years old, six furlongs. If three years old, one mile and a half. If four years old, two miles. If five years old or upward, three miles, And if the horses be of different ages, the distance shall be fixed by the age of the youngest. 98— Omissions of Day. If the meeting be specified and no day imentioned for a race, it shall be on any day in that meeting the Association appoint; if neither day nor meeting be mentioned, then it shall be run during the meeting in progress, or during the next meeting, should the race be made between meetings— in both cases on the day the Association may appoint. 99—FOREIGN IIORSES. A horse foaled out of the United States shall not be qualified to start for any race until his owner has produced a certificate stating the age, pedigree, and color of the horse, and any mark by which he or she may be distinguished, signed by the secretary or other officer of some approved racing club, or by some approved magistrate or public officer of the country in which the horse was foaled, or has pro- duced other evidence of identity and age satisfactory to the Association. 100—DRESS OF JOCKEYS. Number and Record of Colors, All riders must be dressed in jockey costume—cap and jacket of silk or satin, white or light colored breeches and top boots. vo RULES OF RACING. 33 Each jockey shall wear a number on his arm corresponding with the number on the programme of the day. The colors selected by owners may be recorded with the Clerk of the Course, and when thus recorded shall not be used by others except in case of death or withdrawal from the turf for five years. A list of colurs that have been recorded shall be posted in the office of the Clerk of the Course. 101—ENGAGEMENT OF JOCKEYS AND STABLE EMPLOYES. Owners and trainers employing riders, grooms, or attend- ants shall make their contracts in writing, properly signed and witnessed whenever the time covered by the contract exceeds thirty days. Any person attempting to entice a rider, groom, or attendant away from his employer, who is under contract, may be ruled off. In the absence of special agreement, a jockey groom, or attendant who accepts a retainer can not terminate it other- wise than by three months’ notice in writing, ending at the close of the year. If a jockey, groom, or attendant be prevented from riding or service by suspension for fraudulent practices or other misconduct, any person who has retained or employed him may cancel the contract or retainer. In like cases, if any owner or trainer be prevented from run- ning or training by suspension or fraudulent practices or other misconduct, the rider, groom, or attendant may cancel the contract or retainer. When any owner or trainer shall discharge a rider, groom, or attendant, he shall give him a written discharge, setting forth the causes and reasons for the discharge. Refusing to do so he shall be fined or suspended. Any owner or trainer who shall employ a rider for the purpose of preventing him from riding for other parties in the same race may be suspended or ruled off. Any rider or employe prevented from obtaining em- ployment by this rule shall have the right of appeal to the Association, who may authorize the engagement. 34 RULES OF RACING. If a jockey rides, or agrees to ride, a race without the con- sent of his employer, the Association may fine or suspend him, and may also fine or suspend the owner or trainer for whom he rode or agreed to ride. If a jockey engaged for a certain race, or for a specified time, refuses to fulfill an engagement, the Association shall fine or suspend him. 102—JOCKEY FEES. In the absence of a special agreement, the fee to a winning jockey in stake races shall be twenty-five dollars, and to a losing jockey ten dollars ; to a winning jockey in purse races fifteen dollars, and to a losing jockey five dollars. In case an owner or trainer shall engage two or more jockeys for the same race, he shall pay the losing fee for each jockey en- gaged who does not ride for some one else in the same race. j (2) —Suspenszon of Jockeys, If a jocky should refuse to ride for or accept the fees as above provided, he shall, on complaint, be suspended for such a period of time as may be decided by the Judges. LICENSES FOR JOCKEYS AND TRAINERS. (6) Trainers and jockeys, before acting as such, shall each procure a license from the Secretary of the American Turf Congress, by application to him; or on recommendation of ~ any association running under these rules. Such license shall be for not more than one year, and shall expire on the first of January next after its issuance. The fee for each license shall be five dollars, (c) In case a party is trainer and jockey also, one license only will be necessary. (2) This rule shall be applicable to trainers and jockeys in actual service. (e) The said license may be revoked for good cause by any association, and any association permitting a trainer or jockey to act as such on its grounds without having a license, shall pay a fine of fifty dollars. RULES OF RACING. 35 103— Fines and their Disposal. All fines must be paid within twenty-four hours, Delin- quents shall be suspended from all privileges of the course until their fines are paid. The proceeds of all fines and licenses shall be paid to the Secretary of the American Turf Congress, and be applied under the direction of the American Turf Congress as they may direct. 104— The Fund for Trainers and Jockeys. The fund arising from license fees shall be in the keeping of the Treasurer, and shall be sacredly kept and used for the benefit of sick, superannuated, and injured trainers and jockeys in good standing, and who are not able to support themselves. To entitle a trainer or jockey to the benefit from this fund, the sickness or injury must exist or occur at the course of a member of this Congress. All payments from the fund shall be made upon the order of the Congress, unless in case of urgency or immediate need, when payments may be made on an order of the Association where the case arises. At the close of each session of the Congress the custodian of the fund shall invest the amount remaining in his hands, less bills ordered paid, on safe personal collateral of real estate security, at interest, the investment and security to be applied by the Congress, or by the President in writing. 10s—POST BOOK-MAKING. In case any association permits post book-making, no book-maker shall be permitted to make books upon any race in which he has a horse running, in whom he has any interest directly or indirectly. Upon proof of the fact, the offending party may be suspended or ruled oft. 1066—CORRUPT AND FRAUDULENT PRACTICES. If any person corruptly give or offer any money, share in a bet, or other benefit to any person having official duties in relation to a race, or to any jockey; or, 36 RULES OF RACING. If any person having official duties in relation to a race or any jockey, corruptly accept or offer to accept any money, share in a bet, or other benefit; or, If any person willfully enter or cause to be entered, or to start for any race a horse which he knows to be disqualified ; or, If any person be proved to the satisfaction of the Officers to have watched, or to have employed any person to watch a trial on a private course,or to have obtained surreptitiously information respecting a trial on a private or public course, from any person engaged in it or in the service of the owner and trainer of the horses tried, or respecting any horse in training from any person in such service ; or, If any person be guilty of any other corrupt or fraudulent practices on the turf in this or any other country. Every person so offending shall be ruled of the course. Every person ruled off the course of a recognized associa- tion shall be ruled off the course wherever these rules have force. When a persona is ruled off the course, or suspended, and so long as his exclusion continues, he shall not be allowed on the grounds of the course, and he shall not be qualified, whether acting as agent or otherwise, to subscribe, for or to enter or run any horse for any race in either his own name or that of any other person, and any horse of which he is wholly or partly the owner, or which after one month from his exclusion shall be proved to the satisfaction of the as- sociation to be under his care, management, training, or superintendence, shall be disqualified. If a person be so excluded for any fraudulent practice in relation to a particular horse, wholly or partly belonging to him, such horse shall be perpetually disqualified for all races, and such person shall return all money or prizes which such horse has fraudulently won in any race at any meeting. Touts, when known, shall be debarred the privileges of the race-courses and grounds, 107 — General Powers of Officers. When there is no specified penalty for violation of the RULES OF RACING. 37 rules of racing, or of the regulations of the course, the Officers shall have power to fine, suspend, expel from, or rule off the course. If any case occur which is not, or which is alleged not to be provided for by these rules, it shall be determined by the Officers in such manner as they think just and conformable to the usage of the turf. 108— Decorum. If any owner, trainer, jockey, or attendant, or any person use improper language to the racing officials, he may be ruled off the course. REGULATIONS OF THE COURSE. 109— Powers of Officer of the Association. During their term of office, the Officers of the Association shall have the entire management of the course and of the racing, and the appointment of the officials of the course, whose acts they shall have power to regulate and revise. They shall have power to fine, suspend, rule off, or expel, at their discretion, any person for misbehavior, or for viola- tion of the rules of racing, or of any regulation they may establish not inconsistent therewith. They shall exclude from the stands and grounds improper characters, and persons who have been ruled off the course for corrupt practices on the turf in any country, so long as the sentence against such persons remains in force. They thall have a discretionary power to warn any person off any premises in the occupation of the Jockey Club, and in case of such notice being disregarded, to enforce them by proper orders. Any person exhibiting a deadly weapon upon the grounds of any association may be suspended or expelled. 110— Majority to Govern. When the Officers differ, the decision of a majority shall prevail, 111— Substitutes. Should there be necessity on a race day for prompt judi- 38 RULES OF RACING. cial action on the part of the Officers of an Association, or executive committee, and less than three of them are on the course, the member or members present shall increase their numbers to three by selections from the governors, stewards, or officials of the Jockey Club, and the substi- tutes thus appointed shal!, for the occasion, possess full authority. 112— Postponement of Races. The officers or executive committee shall have power to postpone races. When races are postponed, handicaps stand— purse races are off, and may be re-opened and close at the hour prescribed by the rules. In case of postponement, associations may double up their races in order to finish their meeting on the last day, so as not to interfere with the meeting of any other association that may follow. No race or heat shail be run when it is so dark that the horses can not be plainly seen by the Judges from the stand, but all such races shall be continued by the Judges to the next day (omitting Sunday) at such hour as they shall designate. 113—Duties and Powers of Judges, There shall be three Judges—a presiding Judge and two assistants—who shall decide which horse wins, and assign their respective places in the race to as many horses as they think proper, except when in running the best of heats it is necessary to place all the horses. No one interested in the result of a race, either because of ownership of any horse, bets, or otherwise, shall act as judge, starter, or official therein, and the presiding Judge, previous to the race, shall inquire of the Judges selected whether they are so interested. For any violation of this rule, the parties may be suspended or ruled off. When the Judges differ, the majority shall govern. If one of the Judges be in their stand when the horses pass the winning post, the heat or race shall not be void. The Judges shall have control of the horses in the race, their jockeys and attendants. Any person refusing to obey their orders may be fined, or suspended, or ruled off the RULES OF RACING. 39 course. They shall determine all questions relative to the race, which can be decided within a reasonable time after the finish, and shall then assign their places to the horses, subject to objections they have not decided. They shall exclude from their stand during the running of a race all persons except the Clerk of the Course. The Judges shall have control of horses in purse races from the time of declaration at 12 o’clock (noon), the day of the race, and in stakes when declarations to start are made, forty- five minutes previous to the race. The Judges in their discretion, where fraud is suspected, shall have the right to put upon a horse a rider selected by them, and shall have a right to place the horse in charge of a trainer they may select. Any owner or trainer who re- fuses to permit a rider or trainer to be changed as herein provided, and any trainer or rider who refuses to take charge of, or ride a horse on the order of the Judges, shall be ruled off. 114— Patrol Judges. The Judges or officers may appoint patrol Judges, whose duty it shall be to observe the race from points designated to them, and if any foul riding or other irregularity come under their observation, to report to the Judges immediately after the heat or race. 115— Destance Judges. When running the best of heats, the Distance Judge and his assistant shall occupy a stand at the proper distance, and at the termination of each heat, report to the Judges the horse or horses that have been distanced. 116— 77mers. There shall be one or more timers, not to exceed three, who shall occupy the timers’ stand, and declare the official time of the race, and no one else shall be allowed in the timers’ stand during the race. 117—Asséstant Starter. With the sanction of the Officers of the Association, the starter may appoint his assistant. 40 RULES OF RACING. 118—Secretary or his Deputy. The Secretary or his deputy shall attend the Judges during each race; he shall discharge all the duties, whether ex- pressed or implied, required by the racing rules, and report to the Officers or the Judges, as the case may demand, all violations of those rules, or of the regulations of the course, coming under his notice; he shall keep a complete record of all races, and at the close of each meeting, make a report of the races to the Officers; he shall receive all stakes, for- feits, entrance moneys, and fines, and pay over all moneys so collected by him to such Officers as the club may select. 119— Superintendent. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to assign to applicants such stables as he may think proper, to be occu- pied only by horses in preparation for racing He shall see that the course is kept in order, at all proper times for train- ing and racing, and exercise such general control over it as may be necessary to protect its condition and the rights of all parties using it. He shall have the general authority to preserve order and prevent improper conduct upon the course and grounds connected therewith, and shall decide all conflicting claims of privileges between parties occupying them for any purpose, 12:0— Betting Grounds, Jockeys, grooms, and stable boys are positively forbidden the betting grounds. The parties so offending may be sus- pended or ruled off. 121—Limitation and Transfer of Badges. Free Badges shall not be issued by any association except in the following cases : Not exceeding two badges to any one newspaper. Not exceeding one owner’s badge to each stable on the grounds. Not exceeding one attache’s badge for each horse in a stable and on the grounds. Purchasers of privileges shall not have the right of Free Entrance by reason of their purchases, RULES OF RACING. 4I The transfer or giving of complimentary, press, or any other kind of badges, presented by the Association to any other party, shall exclude both the party giving or receiving said badges from the grounds of the Association. 122— Craps and Other Spectes of Games, Craps, and all other species of gambling games, by train- ers, jockeys, attendants or any other parties, are positively forbidden about the stables and grounds of the various associations governed by these rules. The parties so offend- ing may be suspended or ruled off. HURDLE RULES. 123: The rules of flat and steeplechase races, as far asapplicable» shall apply to hurdle races. 124— Winning Horse. b The term ‘‘ winning horse,’’ with reference to those liable to carry extra weight, or to be excluded from any race, shall apply only to winners of hurdle races, value $100 and upward, not including the winner’s own stake. 125—Dzistance of Hurdle Races. No hurdle race shall be of less than one mile (if a dash race), or less than foursflights of hurdles, and in all longer races there shall be an additional flight of hurdles in each quarter of a mile or part of one, 126—STEEPLECHASE RULES. When steeplechases are advertised to be run under the American Racing Rules, these rules shall be applicable, with the following additions : 127— Distance, No steeplechase shall be of less distance than one mile. 42 STEEPLECHASE RULES. 128— Scale of Weight. No horse shall carry less than 120 pounds in any steeple- chase, 1290—f/oul Riding. The Judges shall have power to disqualify any horse from being declared the winner of a steeplechase, although he should come in first, if it can be clearly proved to their satisfaction that the jockey, by any deliberate foul riding, intended to knock down any horse, or in any determined way jeopardize his chance of success in the race. Any jockey who shall be found guilty of foul riding, and sen- tenced to either fine, suspension, or expulsion from riding, will not be allowed to ride at any meeting over any course running under these rules until the Officers who have passed the sentence shall give him a certificate either to say that the fine is paid or that they consider the suspension of suf- ficient duration. In no case shall the fine exceed the sum of $100, and expulsion from riding for life shall always be the punishment for preventing a horse from winning or in a clear case of fraud. 130— Fost and Flags. Horses running on the wrong side of a post or flag, and not turning back, are disqualified. 131— Winners and Walk- Overs. Winners of flat or hurdle races are not considered winners in steeplechasing, A horse walking over or receiving forfeit, except for a match, is deemed a winner. 132. Any rider in a steeplechase, where the ground is not flagged out, going upward of one hundred yards on any high road, lane, or public thoroughfare, will disqualify his horse from winning, although he should come in first. STEEPLECHASE RULES. 43 133. Any rider in a steeplechase, where the ground is not flagged out, opening any gate or wicket, or passing through any gateway or common passage from one enclosure to another, will disqualify his horse from winning, although he should come in first, 134— Remountinge. Any horse getting away from his rider may be remounted in any part of the same field or enclosure in which the occurrence took place; but should such a horse not be caught until he shall have entered another field, then he shall be ridden or brought back to the one in which he parted from his rider. Any jockey so losing his horse may be assisted in catching and remounting him without risk of disqualification ; and in the event of a rider being disabled, his horse may be ridden home by any person of sufficient weight, provided he be qualified according to the conditions of the race. No penalty shall be exacted for carrying over- weight in this instance, 135—Fflag Marks. If any flag, post, or boundary mark be placed in the course—no matter by whose order—after the riders have been shown over the grounds, or had the line of country pointed out or explained to them, it shall not be considered binding or of any effect, unless such alteration or addition sha!l have been particularly named, previous to starting, to all the jockeys about to ride in the race, by one of the Officers, Secretary, Starter, or by their representative. 136— Refusing Jumps. If a horse refuse any fence or jump in a steeplechase, and it can be proved to the satisfaction of the Judges that he has been led over a fence by any of the bystanders, or has been given a lead over one by any horseman not in the race, the horse shall be disqualified for winning, although he should come in first. A4 BETTING RULES. 1374 BETTING RULES. In all bets there must be a possibility to win when the bet is made. ‘* You can not win where you can not lose.” 138. If a horse entered by an incorrect or insufficient descrip- tion is for that reason disqualified before the race and pre- vented from running, bets on that horse are void. 139: All pools and bets must follow the main stakes, purse, or prize, as awarded by the decision of the Judges, except when in cases of fraud, the bets are declared off by the Judges, 140. If a horse is illegally entered for the purpose of betting against him, and if he comes in first, of having him disqual- ified by means of an objection made after the race, such bets are fraudulent and void. 141. All bets are play or pay, unless otherwise stipulated. 142. All double bets must be considered play or pay. 143. Confirmed bets can not be off, except by mutual consent or by failure to make stakes at the time and place which may have been agreed upon, in which case it is optional with a better not in default to declare then and there that the bet stands. If at the time specified for making stakes, the horse or horses backed are dead or struck out of the engagement, and a start has not been stipulated, the better against them need not, while the backer must deposit his stake. If there is no stipulation when the bet is made for the deposit of stakes, they can not be demanded afterwards. wx BETTING RULES. 45 144. All bets on matches and private sweepstakes depending between any two horses, are void if those horses become the property of the same person or his confederate, subsequently to the bets being made. 145. Unless agreed by parties to the contrary, all bets between particular horses are void if neither of them is placed in the race; except bets between particular horses started for a race of heats, but not starting for a third heat, which shall be determined by their places in the second heat, and bets between such horses and a horse starting for a third heat, which are won by the latter, even though he be distanced afterwards. 146. If any bet shall be made by signal or indication after the race has been determined, such bets shall be considered fraudulent and void. 147. The person who lays the odds hasa right to choosea horse or the field; when a person has chosen a horse the field is what starts against him. 148. When a certain number of horses are taken against the field and among them are horses struck out of the engage- ment, or disqualified, or even never engaged, the bet mever- theless stands, so long as there remains one horse which is qualified to start at the time the bet is made. 149. If odds are laid without mentioning the horse before the race is over, the bet must be determined by the state of the odds at the time of making it. 150. When a race is postponed, all bets must stand; but if the slightest difference in the terms of the engagement is made, all bets before the alteration are void, 46 BETTING RULES. 151. Bets made on horses winning any number of races within the year shall be understood as meaning between the Ist of January and the 3tst of December, both inclusive. 152. If a bet be made between two horses, with a forfeit affixed —say $100 half forfeit—and both horses start, either party may declare forfeit; and the person making such a declara- tion would pay $50 if the other horse was placed in the race, but would receive nothing in the event of his horse being placed. 153. Money given to have a bet laid shall not be returned, though the race be not run. 154. Matches and bets are void on the decease of either party before the match or bet is determined. ce Bets on a match for which a dead heat is run are void; and if the match is run over again instanter, it is considered a fresh engagement. 156. When the rider of any horse has weighed out, and the horse’s number has been put up, all bets respecting such horse shall be play or pay, except when the horse is ex- cused, or in case of fraud. 157. When a horse runs a dead heat for a purse or sweepstakes, and the owners agree to, or by the rules of racing, divide, all bets between such horses, or between either of them and the field, must be settled by the money betted being put to- gether and divided between the parties in the same propor- tion as the prize or stakes. If the dead heat be the first event of a double bet between BETTING RULES, 47 either of the horses making it and the field, the bet is void, unless one horse received above moiety, which would con- stitute him a winner in a double event. If the dead heat be the first event of a double bet between the horses making it, the bet is void, unless the division was unequal, in which case a horse receiving a larger proportion would, in a double event, be considered as better placed in a race than one receiving a smaller sum. If a bet is made on one of the horses that ran the dead heat against a beaten horse, he who backed the horse that ran the dead heat wins the bet. 158, If amatch berun by mistake after the principals have compromised, it does not affect the betting or the result. 159. Pools shall not be play or pay. 160. In no case shall one horse be sold in the auction pools, Paris mutuals, or book-making as favorite against the field when there are four or more horses to start. In case one horse is such a favorite that his opponent will not sell, the favorite may be left out, and the same rule shall apply to the others in the race. Where two or more horses start in a race in the same interest they shall be coupled and sold as one horse in all pools, Paris mutuals, and book-betting. 161. In place betting, the money shall be awarded as the horses are placed by the Judges. At the Annual Meeting of the American Turf Con- gress, held at Lexington, Ky., November 9, 1887, the following officers were elected: CHARLES GREEN, PRESIDENT, Address, St. Louis, Mo. O. L. BRADLEY, TREASURER, Address, Lexington, Ky. B. G. BRUCE, SECRETARY, Address, Lexington, Ky. O At a special meeting of the American Turf Congress, held at Cincinnati, O., December 14, 1887, the Twin City Jockey Club of St. Paul, Minn., was elected a mem- ber of the Consress O Copies of these rules will be mailed to any address, on receipt of the price, as follows: Pocket Edition, paper covers, 25 cents, or 5 copies for one dollar. Pocket Edition, leather covers, 50 cents, or 5 copies for two dollars. O ADDRESS: TURF PUBLISHING Co. 216 Vine Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. < an ~ " ; P iF He ‘ | Sg

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