LLL LLM! ON IIT % ARRAN oe ro — = Lil a TE - -— eee ae see . : ah: m bile. rs a es re, Ad ’ b X rt a a € ry a AY pe “a ae “* ae O44 “ i . . » 5 + . : sgh re : a y bs yo es . *: Bui : oy l aA aly 4 ‘ : i ar ah ee i ’ . ; 4 oy, Aw: Se j » x Fare yt . se 7 . oa asne yl Pe ay i : y x oes ¢ we }} ~ 3.¥4 < at ; ‘ ’ , 4 AA A ye toe +. Pt ADA we “ * ; a ‘ “ i we > 3 “en y “* * - 2 5° wd . a fi A aD: : 4 —A A > 2 ee O q i My . * , A 2 . ° + a . “oe f; « bd , Et 5? - . we « ‘A oy ¢ . > i ® A” oe " “y 4 Di es AE 4 hod ‘ Gh Gy 1 +94 a * ; Ra wt ss we 6 Py b oe vat ry * BY ey | hh : @..¥, x. rl \ Og oy c ‘* . dA i) See ye ea te Mah Wy tidy ts ms: ‘ ¥ 4 ey , bi. a Ce: \. , AER veD r ig Nes as hi Pct . ~ as « r PSNTELe Wh? M120 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADQ eS MUSEUM / BOULDER, COLORADG Pein OAN SPEDE RS AND PRE oe NEN PNG AIOiK, NAS WAS, EIRS TORN ORBWEAVING SPIDERS OF THE UNITED STATES WITH SPECIAL REGARD TO THEIR INDUSTRY AND HABITS. BY HENRY Cy MceCOOK, D:D: VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA; VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY ; AUTHOR OF “THE AGRICULTURAL ANTS OF TEXAS,” “Tre HONEY AND OcCIDENT ANTS,” ETC., ETC. VOTE he PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. A. D. 1890. AU MEO RS Ae EET Ome This Edition is limited to Two Hunprep anp Frrry copies, of whieh this set is //%L, Subscription No. AutHor’s SIGNATURE, THE PRESS OF ALLEN, LANE & SCOTT PHILADELPHIA. Je Jas deer Guay Wirx the completion of the second volume of “American Spiders and their Spinningwork,” I feel that I have substantially ended the task which many years ago I proposed to myself. That task, as it lay in my pur- pose, was the description and illustration, in as large detail as possible, of the spinning industry and general habits of true spiders. Subsequently, as announced in the first volume of this work, my plan was so far modified as to make the spinningwork and habits of Orbweay- ers the principal theme, and to group around the same the industries of other spiders in such relations and proportions as seemed practicable. In the present volume I have adhered to this modified plan, but less closely than in the preceding one, having made large use of the natural history of other tribes than the Orbitelariz. It is probable that this volume will be more interesting than Volume I. both to the scientific and general public. It takes up the life history of spiders, and follows them literally from birth to death, from the cradle to the grave; more than that, it goes beyond the sphere of existing faunal life into the geologic periods, and touches upon the history and destiny of ancestral araneads who lived in the strange surroundings of prehistoric continents, the sites of which are embosomed in the rocks, or, like the amber forests, are now beneath the ocean. The courtship and mating of these solitary creatures; their maternal skill, devotion, and self sacrifice ; their cocoon life and babyhood; their youth and old age; their means of communion with the world around them; their voyages through the air and dens in the ground; their allies and enemies; their fashion of death and its strange diseuises—these and other facts I have tried to bring be- fore the reader in the following pages. Moreover, my studies have necessarily brought me face to face with many of the interesting problems, theories, and speculations of modern science. I have had no pet theory to approve or oppose, and have not (3) 4 PREFACE, sought to marshal the facts in hand for or against this or that philoso- phy of life and its origin. Indeed, my aim has been to write a natural history, and not a philosophy thereof. Yet I have here and there alluded to matters with which current thinking has much to do. This fact may also tend to make this volume more generally interesting than the preced- ing or succeeding one. I have not found the difficulties of my task lessened, but rather in- creased in treating these features of the history. Spiders are solitary and secretive at the best, and these characteristics have reached their highest expression in those acts—cocooning, for example—with which a large part of Volume II. is concerned. It has thus been unusually difficult to secure a continuous authentic record of habits. “Then, again, these studies have necessarily been only the recreations of a busy professional life, whose en- gagements haye rapidly multiplied, and been more onerous and exacting in. the last six years than ever before. These off labors have, therefore, continually receded or been suspended before the pressing and more se- rious obligations of duty. Nevertheless, I am glad to have done so much, and have great satisfaction in the hope that others, stimulated by my labors, may pass on through the vestibule where I must stop, and explore the vast temple of aranead lore that lies beyond. I have spoken of my task as substantially completed. I do not forget that the Third Volume yet remains to be finished, and that it is the most costly and, in some respects, the most difficult of all. But much of the work thereon is already done, and I feel justified in finishing it in a more leisurely way. That volume, with the exception of two chapters, will be devoted to species work, and will present, as far as it seems to me neces- sary for identification, descriptions of the Orbweaving fauna of the United States. These will be illustrated by ‘a number of lithographic plates, drawn in the best style of art and colored by hand from Nature. Plate IV. of the five colored plates in the present volume will best illustrate the character of those which are to follow. ‘To the above I will add some species of other tribes whose habits have had especial notice in this work. I have now said all that I expect to make public of my observations of spider manners, with the exception of one chapter on General Habits, which I haye reserved for the opening pages of Volume III., and, per- haps, a second chapter, which may be necessary for the explanation and enlargement of matters to which attention may be called by those who have followed me in the preceding studies. PREFACE, om) In these opening chapters of Volume III. I shall consider the toilet habits, manner of drinking, methods of burrowing, moulting and its con- sequences, prognostication of the weather, some of the superstitions associ- ated with spiders, spider silk and its commercial value, and some other points in the natural history of spiders not embraced in the preceding volumes. T again make my thankful acknowledgments of the assistance cordially given me by various friends and fellow laborers. Dr. George Marx, of Washington, has been especially helpful by generously placing at my dis- posal his entire collection of spider cocoons, and also by notes upon the habits of some of the species whose life history I have described. To Prof. Samuel H. Scudder I am indebted for various references and hints in pre- paring the chapter on Fossil Spiders, and for the use of his own publi- cations. Mrs. Mary Treat and Mrs. Rosa Smith Eigenmann have both helped me with valuable material sent by the one from the Atlantic coast, by the other from the Pacific. H. C. McC. Tue Manse, PHILApELeHtia, July 3d, 1890. EAB OF CONDENES OF VORUME Ml: PART I—COURTSHIP AND MATING OF SPIDERS. CHAPTER I. WOOING AND MATING OF ORBWEAVERS. PAGES The Mystery of Mating—The Male searching for his Mate—Males relatively Fewer— Males before Mating—Argiope cophinaria—Stages of Courtship—Aranead Lovers—A Lover’s Peril—Relative Sizes of Sexes—An unequally matched Couple—Nephila and Argiope—Sexes that live together—The Water Spider—Quarrels of Males—Fe- male Combativeness—Methods of Pairing among Orbweavers—A Love Bower. . 15-40 CHAPTER II. COURTSHIP AND PAIRING OF THE TRIBES. Love Dances of Saltigrades—Pairing of Linyphia marginata—The Period of Union—In- terruptions—Agalena nzeyia pairing—Love beneath the Waters—Caressing—Pairing of Laterigrades—Lycosids—Love Dances of the Saltigrades—Love Dances of Birds— Displays are to attract Females—A Saltigrade Harem—Color Development. . . . 41-60 CHAPTER ITI. COMPARATIVE VIEWS OF VARIOUS MATING HABITS. Value of general Habits—Value of spinning Habit—Maternity inspires Insect Archi- tecture—Spider Industry influenced by Maternity—By sexual Feeling in Males— Disproportion of Size in Sexes—Sexes of equal Sizes—Numerical Proportion of Sexes—Relative Activity of Sexes—Spermatozoa—Agamic Reproduction . . . . . 61-74 PART II—MATERNAL INDUSTRY AND INSTINCTS. CHAPTER IY. MATERNAL INDUSTRY: COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. Cocooning Sites—Argiope’s Cocoons—Leafy Canopies—Contents of Cocoons—The Ege Mass—Argiope cophinaria—Epeira Cocoons—Cocooning Tents—Cocoons of Zilla— Cocoon of Nephila—Gasteracantha—Spiders with several Cocoons—Tetragnatha extensa—Cyrtarachne’s Cocoon—The Cocoon String of Labyrinthea—Cyclosa bi- furca—Basilica Spider’s Cocoon—Plumefoot Spider’s Cocoon—Uloborus—Double Co- EQUUINORINEATOLONS (soy eyo ee eee eee TET ake, eee ysl ae Cy een eect eTL() (7) 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VY. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. PAGES Cocoons of Theridium—Argyrodes trigonum—Cocoons of Ero—Theridium frondeum or Theridiosoma radiosum ?—Cocoons in Nests—Carrying Cocoons in Jaws—Pholeus— Upholstered Cocoon of Agalena—Medicinal Spider—The Water Spider’s Cocoon— The Parson Spider—Brooding Cocoons—Mud plastered Cocoons—Cocooning Nest of an English Drassid—Cocoons in Tubes—Segestria canities and her Cocoons—Dic- tyna philoteichous—Cocoons of the Territelarise—Trapdoor Spiders—Cocoon of the Tarantula—Lycosa carrying her Cocoon—The Leaf thatched Cocoon Nest of Dolo- medes—Pucetia aurora—Nesting Cocoons of Saltigrades—Cocoons of Laterigrades— The Huntsman Spider and her Egg Cradle—Cave Spiders—Origin of Caye Fauna— nffects ofiCane site ANS 2785 RAs HE a Se ee tee ee oe eee eel 28 CHAPTER VI. COMPARATIVE COCOONING INDUSTRY. How Argiope weaves her Cocoon—Use of the Legs in Spinning—Kqualizing the Output of Thread—Epeira’s Method—Weaving a Cocoon—Theridium—Agalena nyia— Beating down the Thread—General Spinning Method—Composition of Cocoons— How Cocoons are disposed of—Protection of Cocoons—Cocoon Forms—Variety and Gomplexity—Number of ‘Cocoons! 4 5 2 =. =.) s ee) see cn) eo Lire CHAPTER VII. MATERNAL INSTINCTS: MOTHERHOOD. Coeoon Sites—Feeding Limits—Secreting Cocoons—Night Cocooning—Ovipositing—Cali- fornia Trapdoor Spider’s Eggs—Shape of Cocoon—Maternity and Cocoon Structure— Complexity and Maternal Care—Cocoon Vigils—Multifold Cocooning—Number of Eges—Fertility and Exposure—The Mother Turret Spider—The Watch of Dolo- medes—British Spiders—Special Cases of Mother Care—Feeding the Young—Per- sonal Care of Young—The Spiderlings—Strength of Maternal Feeling—Mistakes of Mothers—Unintelligent Instinct—Intuitive Skill—Marks of Forethought—The Mud Cradle Maker—Man’s Method and the Spider’s .............. . «178-205 PART JIJ.—EARLY LIFE AND DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES. CHAPTER VIII. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. Adult and Young—Period of Hatching—First Moult—Cocoon Cannibalism—Escape from the Cocoon—Delivery by Birds—By Mother Aid—First Days of Outdoor Life—Gre- garious Habit—Moyement Upward—A Tented Colony—Dispersions—The Children of the Spider Web—Mortality among Spiderlings—Assembly of Spiderlings—Bridge and Tent Making—A Cantonment and Tower—Argiope aurelia and her Young— Spider Communities—Spider Colonies—Darwin’s View Examined—Accidental As- semblage—Squatter Soyereignty—A Cellar Colony—A Camp of Juveniles—Young Water Spiders—The Spiderlings Pick-a-back—The Turret Spider’s Young—A young Tower Builder—Follow the Leader—The Young of Atypus—Nurture in the Nest— Young Tarantulas—Young Trapdoor Builders—Nest Development—Marvels of In- stinct—Dew covered Webs—Character Habits Innate .......... . . «206-2650 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. PAGES Flying Spiders—Velocity of Flight—Attitude of the Aeronautic Spider—Frolicsome Spi- derlings—In the Air—Controlling the Descent—The Height of Ascents—Floating Gossamer—Aeronautie Orbweavers—Flossy Balloons—Modes of Ballooning— medes—Burrowing Methods—The Tiger Spider—Turret Spider—Tarantula’s Pick and Wheelbarrow—Tigrina’s Courtship—Mating of Dictyna philoteichous—Moulting Habits in various Tribes—Waener’s Notes—Renewal of Lost Limbs—The Process Described— Weather Prognostication—Stories and Traditions—Records of Several Years—Arachne as a Weather “Indicator”—Superstitions about Spiders —Good Luck— Money-spinners—Spi- der Silk—Its Use in the Arts—Its Economical Value. PART II—DESCRIPTION OF ORBWEAVING SPECIES. PART III.—COLORED LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND EXPLANATIONS. en se steerable if 1 | Pahontat re att lo yeas aupam st Ei = i | oe Ye pried i, Ake PART IL—COURTSHIP AND MATING OF SPIDERS. CPAP Phi * WOOING AND MATING OF ORBWEAVERS. I. THRE is nothing in the life history of spiders that seems to me more mysterious and wonderful than the faculty by which the male finds the female to fulfill his office in Nature and fertilize the eggs. Over all diffi- culties and distance, through the midst often of a multitude of The Mys- individuals of various families and genera, and with apparently tery of One ; aes : : unfailing accuracy, the males of the several species find their Mating. ‘ 2 appropriate mates. It is impossible to determine definitely how wide is the circuit over which is scattered any single brood of spiderlings after its exode from the cocoon. Circumstances may confine all the individuals to a comparatively narrow space. More commonly, perhaps, through the aeronautic habit, by the agency of passing winds, they are dispersed throughout a wide region. Under ordinary circumstances, at least, the space is practically impassible by spiders whose habits are as sedentary as those of Orbweayers. Yet such is the power of the marital sense, and so strong and true the guidance of sexual feeling, that, over all barriers of environment the male reaches his proper consort. As far as I know, he never makes a mistake by falling upon the web of an alien species. At all events, if such error occurs, he knows enough to promptly turn away. The partner whom the Orbweayver gallant seeks is commonly seated in a well isolated nest, or at the hub of her snare, separated by a distance of several inches from him as he travels over the leaves, twigs, and The ; other material upon which the foundations of the orb are hung. Beet as. (See Fig. 1.) The errant lover’s difficulty in finding a mate must His Mate. Certainly be increased by this fact, for in his cautious approaches he is not able to draw very near, but must determine through a distance relatively great the question of identity: “Is this a partner of my species or not?” He touches the outer foundation line of the orb, and determines the question from that position. If he is satisfied, he settles near or upon the web, and awaits the issue of his courtship. And now, how has he determined, simply from contact with the snare spun by his chosen spouse, that this is the individual whom he seeks? (15) 16 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. What trace has the female left of her identity? By what subtle influence does she attract her wooer to settle in her vicinity? By what strange responsive power does he know the signs, and discern that his mate and the mating hour are nigh? ‘There is no fact in the life of spiders that has struck me with greater force as an unsolved inystery of Nature than this. I have no suggestions to offer in answer of the queries raised, but proceed to give such facts about the pairing of spiders as have passed under my observation, and, been gathered from the records of others. To arachnologists such studies are of special value. In the systematic grouping of spiders, among the characters to which later students give greatest force are the. distinctive organs of the male and female. The characters of the palp on the one, and the epigynum on the other, dom- inate the decisions by which species are determined. It is certainly reason- able to infer that if the external forms of these organs are of such con- trolling value in determining species, the use of the organs, or, in other words, the manner of pairing, might be expected to show characteristic differences. In point of fact we so find it; and the reader will be able to determine how closely the one may correspond with the other. I venture to add the suggestion that habits which stand at the very gates of life must have especial value in the natural history of such creatures as we are studying, and no artificial delicacy should turn aside the student. It seems probable that fewer male spiders than females are hatched from the eggs; or, that fewer reach the adult state. At least, one finds not only in collections, but in field observations, that females Males commonly greatly outnumber males. It would follow that one Rela- . ; ; male spider probably serves as gallant for several females, a tively I S =) Fewer, species of polygamy which reminds us of the barnyard chanti- cleer. This fact, as has been said,! would indicate that the peril which an aranead husband is commonly supposed to undergo during courtship has been considerably exaggerated by writers. According to De Geer, in his observation upon Linyphia montana, a single male suffices for many females, to whom he pays his respects consecutively in the same hour.2. Mr. Campbell saw one male in union with three females of Tege- naria guyonii during twenty days in August.* Professor Peckham records similar facts among the Saltigrades. Thorell speaks of the male as “the rarer sex,’+ and Darwin was informed by Blackwall that males are more numerous than females with a few species, but that the reverse appears to be the case out of several species in six genera. On the other hand, Mr. Campbell captured ten spiderlings of Tegenaria and found that seven of them showed the swollen palps of the immature male.° 1 Emile Blanc hard, Shoted from Reyue des Deux arena in “Popular Science,” Octo- ber, 1888. 2 Vide Walck., Aptéres, Vol. IL., page 411, suppl. » Linn. Soc. Jour. Zool., Vol. XVIL., “Pairing of Tegenaria guyonii,” page 167. 4“QOn European Spiders,” page 205. 5 “Pairing of Teg. guyonii,” page 168. WOOING AND MATING. Ny’ “alls Maul: l \ Wess auget 7 Nes ) WE 4} Gl iQ int UT] tt le NN ARZ Si MH» 1A pow 2 a NAP SN Fic, 1. Snare and nest of the Shamrock spider. The orb, nest, and surroundings show the field of courtship among Epeiroids. 18 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. It is perhaps not strange that there should be such wide differences of opinion, since the conclusions are based chiefly upon the indications of collections. Now, in Nature, the males show themselves in great- ees est numbers at the pairmg period. They appear to mature a Mating. little earlier than the females, and their solicitations have begun even before there is reasonable hope for favorable response. Thus, at this particular time they may be found by a collector more readily than at any other, and would show in larger numbers in his col- lection. As most males disap- pear shortly after maturing, and are probably not long lived, while the female survives until after cocooning, collections made after the mating time would be lack- ing in males. I have seen four males of the Banded and three: of the Bas- ket Argiope respective- ly hanging at the same time upon the margin of one female’s snare. I have observed two and three males of the Labyrinth spider waiting in the outer courts of the habitation of the female of that species, and the same number of the Insular spider ranged near the leafy bow- er of my lady Insularis. I have seen two males of Agalena neevia approaching at one time the door of their lady’s silken chamber, although it must be said that one of them promptly ran away when he found that his rival had come nearer than he. It is not unlikely that many females deposit their eggs without previous fertilizing; at all events, I have frequently found cocoons containing infertile eggs. But in the long run, in view of such facts as the above, it is scarcely to be questioned that Nature, who always knows how to hold an even balance in the product of her living creatures, pro- vides a master for every mate. Several Gallants. Hf] Ve Fic.2. Males of Argiope cophinaria courting the female. IU. The males of Argiope begin to mature about the middle of July, and they anticipate somewhat the maturity of the female. They may be found WOOING AND MATING. 19 at this period occasionally occupying separate webs, but more frequently domesticated upon the orb of the female, upon which several will be found congregated. For example, in a clump of grasses I found the The . web of an apparently mature female, to whom three males were os eae paying attention. Two of the males were established upon the ope. outer margins of the female’s snare, upon small rudimentary webs. The third had built a separate snare immediately behind the female. There he hung in the usual position at the hub, which was covered with light straggling lines, a kind of imitation of the ordinary shield. Above and below were two faint, irregularly formed ribbons, mere suggestions of the beautiful ribbon spun by the female. This snare had about twenty-one radii and twelve or thirteen spirals beaded apparently in the ordinary way. The web was about four inches’ in length and about two inches wide. On the same day several males were found on separate webs. These webs are ordinarily quite ru- ae yee dimentary. In one the upper giope. part consisted principally of a mass of straggling lines somewhat resembling a shield of the female when it is first spun. The lower part had ten radii concentrated upon the hub and all of them crossed by beaded interradials. The occupant hung to the upper part of his snare and stretched his legs over the lower part. The snare in width was little greater than the spider’s length meas- ured from the tip of the hind legs to the feet of the fore legs. In other words, he spanned his entire web. Another and similar male snare was found spun into the protective wings of a mature female snare. SS S ae ~e === HY \ ur iy a i ui AOU eee a ANN i ae oe " ye 4 ry ae oe z oe 2 SS x c = 4 a “a ae aunt Wi a jis Ul S SS SSS — ~ = a ‘i jist a . iN —~ SS Y il i ll A \ ma nh m Th ale (| ltt ie oe oe OG Pw AL Dale Ml i 7 Wh NS mn Cony LAN i) NWA stg. JN ina n Zip ul ay sl Ni) " Ne ee eee uae NN hi EE NATTA, LAU (sll HONS Uh i El i i hy on i My) Ta Telit i aa nM TTT nah i ns AN, Fic. 18. Pairing of Linyphia marginata. The figures much enlarged. The little dome caused by the pulling down of the feet is represented, and a part of the snare proper. pressing into the spermatheca, and at times a corresponding motion in the abdomen of the female, especially at the apex. With this exception the female remained motionless during the whole period. After applica- ae tion as above the palpal bulb was slowly, for the most part, Biting the 144 sometimes rapidly raised b the male, bent upward, and ap- Bulbs. Pee oo , I , P parently clasped upon the falces or lower margin of his face, which parts of course were upward. Three or four movements back and forth in this clinched position followed, when the series of motions above described was repeated. PAIRING OF SPIDERS. 43 In the meanwhile the second bulb remained upon the other tube until the first bulb began to descend, when it in turn was elevated and the same motion made. As the bulb descended, its sac began to inflate and issue. This process was quite regularly repeated. Sometimes, however, both bulbs were clinched upon the falces at the same time; sometimes the movements of the bulb were more rapid than at others. The bulbs had the appearance of having been moistened by some secretion, presenting the peculiar gloss which a colorless liquid gives to a black surface, but I could see no secretion otherwise, although I was able at any time to use my pocket lens with the exercise of a little care.! At twenty minutes before six o’clock I was compelled to leave, at which time the pair had been in embrace one hour and forty-nine minutes. At six o'clock twenty-eight minutes I returned, and found the pair in precisely the same positions. I remained five minutes, and then ‘ left an intelligent young man at the post, with full instructions as to points of observation. He reported that at thirteen and a half minutes past seven, afternoon, the pair parted suddenly. The male ran down to the lower margin of the dome, pursued by the female, who stopped suddenly just above, and turned back to the central point in the summit. Shortly after receiving this report I visited the web, and found the female sus- pended motionless in this position, and the male at the point to which he had fled, feeding upon a small fly. The next morning at seven o’clock the female was in the same position, and the male had disappeared. I attempted to capture the female, but she ran among the boards and escaped. The pair had thus been in union two hours and fifty-five and a half minutes. During this period they were separated a number of times. Nineteen of these interruptions were noted; one was caused by a small fly striking the snare, at which the male darted in a fierce manner, but Interrup- failed to seize, as the fly broke loose before he reached it. Others Period of Union ee were caused os the observer touching the foundation threads or as other parts of the web. Toward the close of my observations I accidentally broke the suspending lines nearest me, and caused one side of the dome to fall in. This made only a momentary interrup- tion. Many of these separations were, however, apparently without any extraneous cause. Twice the male ran to one side of the domed snare, made a web at- tachment to a bit of leaf hanging therein, drew out a thread about two and a half inches long, which he overlaid a couple of times, and then made the following motion: First, the body was placed erect, that is, back upwards, and was moved back and forth along the line, rubbing the points or ‘‘nippers” of the palps at the same time; then the spider swung over 1T did not A ine time suspect that the aaa bulb on are been Sapibed to the ai dominal organ of the male, and did not look for this act. But subsequently I have imagined that such might have been the case. 44 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. until the body made an angle of about forty-five degrees with the line, and while holding on thus the palps were rubbed back and forth alter- nately along the line as before. The process was repeated during another of the intermissions, as described above. It was conjectured that the pur- pose of this movement might have been the distribution of the seminal fluid into the palpal bulbs. It has been supposed that this is taken up by the sacs, by the inflation,and contraction of whose membraneous coats it is forced into the spermathecee of the female. Mr. Emerton! observed the pairing of the male and female of Steatoda borealis in April, and again in May. The female was in a scant web under a fence cap. The pair stood head to head, as far apart as pos- Steatoda ine The left palpus was kept in an hour and a quarter aft borealis, eg I = ee the couple were first seen. The male contracted his body sud- denly, and swelled up the base of the palpal organ once every two or three seconds. ‘Two days afterwards Emerton saw the right palpus used by the same pair for an hour. The adult males and females of this species occur at all seasons, differing in this respect from many others. JL. Among the Tubeweayers I have observed the pairing of our common Speckled Agalena. The male cautiously approaches over the broad sheeted Fic. 19. Agalena nevia pairing. Fic. 20. Agalena nzvia applying Fie, 21. Agalena applying the Front view. (After Emerton.) the right palp in pairing. left palp in pairing. web which forms a sort of front yard or plaza before the tube in which the female waits. He is usually larger than the female, and is, therefore, better able to compel a respectful reception. In the act of union Scio he takes his partner in his mandibles, turns her upon one side, Agalena. in which position she lies perfectly motionless, and with her legs somewhat doubled together, as in the attitude of feigning death. (Fig. 19) The male rests upon the side of the female, in a posi- tion nearly at right angles with her prostrate body, and, while holding her still with his fore feet, applies the palps alternately to the vulva. (See Figs. 20, 21.) ! New England Theridide, Trans. Acad. Conn., 1882, page 19. PAIRING OF SPIDERS. 45 According to Walckenaer, the union of the male and female of the European Agalena labyrinthea takes place in the tube which serves as the dwelling place for the female. In France this act occurs about mee the middle of July. The female turns herself upon her side, al- rinthea, most upon the broad of her back. The male places himself upon her in such a position, as to hide from the observer his head and cephalothorax.! It will thus be seen that the method entirely corresponds with that of our own Agalena neevia, which this familiar Eu- ropean spider so closely resembles. The male of Clubiona constructs a web for union with the female, and prepares, as one may say, the marriage couch, to which he admits the female when the propitious moment has come.? The interesting habits of Argyroneta aquatica, the well known Water spider of Europe, were first fully made known by De Lignac, a priest of the Oratoire, Paris, A. D. 1748.* He not only observed the man- ae ner of making the nest beneath the water (Fig. 22), which has Spider, been frequently confirmed since, but also the act of pairing. When the male wishes to pair, says De Lignac, he constructs near the nest of the female, and by the same means, a nest resembling that of his spouse; but the nest is somewhat smaller. When the male has completed the construction of his domicile, he makes a long canal, which joins his cell to that of his spouse. He then cuts through the wall of the latter, and introduces his body into the strange apartment. This vehicle of communication being made, he strengthens it on the roof and _ sides. He plasters this, as he does the rest of his nest, with silk, white and im- permeable, and thus extends this corridor until it may be as The Z 5 ae large as the two apartments. Sometimes one sees, but only oc- Corridor, Casionally, as many as three lodges, which communicate with each other. As these cells have been thus easily united, they also sometimes separate, as, for example, when they are too lightly united, or by the movements of the spiders when they engage in combats, for it ap- pears that during the time of amour they are somewhat irascible. Often- times one sees a strange spider making an effort to enter into one of these lodges; but the inmate, who keeps its feet outside, guards, as a watchful sentinel, the safety of its domicile, and drives the intruder from the door. Baron Walckenaer confirmed these observations of De Lignac and added some interesting details. On the 27th of July he placed together Walck- in glass vessels males and females of Argyroneta. On the fol- en lowing day he saw in one of the silken bells woven by them a one male caressing the female with his feet, and carrying his palps to her abdomen. The two spiders were then upon the same line, 1 Aptéres, Vol. II., page 22. 2 Walck., I. Apt., page 143. 3 T/Histoire des Araignées Aquatiques, page 43. De Geer in Holland as early as 1736 had observed the curious industry of the Water spiders. 46 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. and stood face to face. The male carried his head under the body of his mate in a reversed position. He stepped aside, and the female with her feet tickled the apex of his abdomen. The next day at 6 A. M. he saw a little web constructed by one of his Argyronetas. He gradually filled the bottle with fresh water, whereupon the couple began to work with extraordinary activity, and in less than an hour’s time had formed a cell which looked like a bubble of air and had the form of a subterranean vault. The male and female kept together. As soon as the cell was finished, and on the same morning, the female made a web at the surface of the plant which had been in- troduced into the bell glass. Much to the baron’s sur- prise, she immediately de- posited her eggs and enyel- oped them in a silken co- coon. The cocoon was placed near the surface of the water, and upon the very walls of the vessel. The eggs, which were of a beautiful orange yellow, could be seen through the fine, white tissue of the cocoon. July 29th, at six o’clock morning, Walckenaer saw the female near her eggs; then she ascended to the surface and dived. The male joined himself to his companion. The two spiders gently rub- Fic. 22. The subaqueous nest of the Water spider, Argyroneta bed the extremities of their aquatica, within which the cocoon is woven. anterior feet one against the other, having the air of ca- ressing. Soon this movement of the feet became more brusque and ap- peared menacing. The male, struck by the feet of the female, suddenly leaped aside, but the pair presently sought each other anew. They interlaced their legs, the one within another, and gradually approached nearer and nearer, head against head. The man- dibles were opened; they flung themselves one upon another; afterwards recoiled, separated instantly, and sprang aside as if they had suddenly been seized with fear. Thereupon the female returned to her position near her eges. The Cocoon. Caress- ing. PAIRING OF SPIDERS. AT The next day Walckenaer renewed the water in the vessels, and saw the couple approach one another, lightly touch their feet, swim without stretch- ing out any thread and without touching the insects which had been placed in the water for them, but which were all dead. At five o’clock in the evening again the observer saw the male and female upon the cocoon, drawn near together, the feet interlaced and mo- tionless. On opening the bottle they separated. He was then astonished to observe that the web that had surrounded the cocoon had disappeared. Had it been employed to strengthen the cocoon? The cocoon was a silken flask, attached to a plant by a short pedicle. It was in part immersed within the water. It was rounded, flat- tened, about three lines in diameter, was formed of a fine thread of a very compact tissue, thin as an onion peel, and difficult to tear. It contained forty eggs, not agglutinated, globular, of a pale yel- low color. On the first of April Walckenaer again observed in -the jar where the spiders were confined a little bubble of air and a web larger than the former had been. After five days’ absence, April 6th he observed that the spiders had detached the cocoon, in order to sink it to the bottom of the bottle. The water was changed in the vessel and immediately they swam about with delight, refreshed themselves, reunited near the cocoon, and caressed each other with their feet. On the 7th of April he decanted the water of the jar into a cistern. The Argyronetas, troubled by the sudden movement of the flood, swam with great rapidity, and the female having recovered her cocoon in the midst of the water, seized it, embraced it with her feet and sought to buoy it up. One of the most interesting and satisfactory accounts of the act of pair- ing among Tubeweayers is given by Mr. Campbell from observations on _ Tegenaria guyonii.! The male was placed in a bottle contain- ee ing a female which had been mature for a fortnight. He was guy left within the vessel in which he had been lodged, but the cover was removed therefrom. Notwithstanding the glass wall which sep- arated him from the female, he soon became conscious of her presence, and issuing from his own quarters approached her. The following morn- ing he was standing with the first pair of legs over the female, and his maxille resting on her abdomen, while she was crouching motion- less, with her head in an opposite direction. Both were in Embrac- ing. The Cocoon. Move- the same position the next morning, August 7th, 7 A. M. At ments of 5 5 E Male 10 A. M. the male became restless, and wandered about the bottle with spinnerets extended, returning every now and then to place his palps upon the female. After each action he jerked his abdomen 10n the Pairing of Tegenaria guyonii Guer., with a Description of certain Organs in the Abdominal Sexual Region of the Male. By F. Maule Campbell, F. L. 8. Linn. Soe. Jour. Zool., Vol. XVI., page 163. 48 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. upwards and downwards, a movement which often may be observed in males, and which gives an idea of an expression of impatience. The next observation, after a few minutes’ absence, showed the male about two inches behind the female, standing as it were on tiptoe. His palps were placed alternately and nervously to his maxille. On their re- moval the whole body was raised still higher, and the abdomen brought nearly to a right angle with the cephalothorax, with con- siderable muscular effort in the basal portion, and with violent tremulations. The movements, which were repeated four times, had the effect of throwing the spider slightly forward, while the palps were shaken in that peculiar manner which denotes great muscular tension in some other part than that in visible motion. The palps were now gener- ally alternately placed under the sternum and moved backward and forward, upward and downward, with a scooping motion. In five minutes these move- ments of the abdomen and palps were repeated ten times in regular succes- sion, only varied‘by an occasional transfer of the digital organs to the mouth. Mr. Campbell observed thirteen couples pairing in confinement from the middle of July to the end of August; and the following account may be taken as typical of the species, with the exception that the union does not necessarily occur so quickly after the female has gained maturity. On the 13th of August he placed together a male and female. On the 17th the latter cast her last skin. Up to that time, 6 A. M., they had taken no notice of one another. At 9.45 P. M. the two were so close together that the femora of the first pair of legs of each were almost in contact. After a few convulsive twitches of the legs the male pressed forward, moving his palps up and down, when, as they touched the palps of the female, the pair played with these organs like two friendly bees with their antenne. After a few minutes the female raised herself, leaning a little on her left side, and the male crept forward until his head was under the sternum of his mate, while his first pair of legs were rest- ing upon hers. He then advanced his right palp, leaning a little to the left, and using the left palp as part of his support. The male now rapidly raised his palps up and down for four or more seconds, and with such energy as to compel the female to assume a verti- cal position. He then retired, and again approached her, repeat- ing the movements a greater or less number of times, occasion- ally pausing before he withdrew his palps with a slight twist inwards. At times he would leave the female for five minutes, and strut with straightened legs around the vase, wagging his abdomen. Now and then he would remain perfectly still with the palp withdrawn, or play with the palps of the female, who seemed in a comatose state. He would then re- new the union with undiminished vigor, appearing on each occasion less desirous of changing his position. Use of Palps. Ap- proaches, Use of Palps. COLORS OF EPEIRA TRIFOLIUM. 1—9, VARIATIONS IN COLOR OF FEMALES. 10-11, THE MALE. PLAT M7 PAIRING OF SPIDERS. 49 The observer left them at 12.30 A. M. and returned at 7 A. M. The male was still using his right palp. He saw no application of the left palp, but had no doubt that it was employed during the night, as in other cases. He had never observed the pairing interrupted for a fresh collection of semen, although there is no reason to think that this may not occur. The duration of the pairing is long, but he was inclined to think it is more dependent on the difficulty in inserting the embolos than on sexual endurance. Impreg- nation. III. The pairing of Xysticus trivittata Keyserling has been briefly described by Mr. Emerton, and figured.' The spiders were seen on the 5th of June among the short grass in an open pasture in New England. The female held herself head downward on a blade of Pairing Of orass, with the abdomen turned Lateri- : Prades, “Vay only enough for the male to reach under it with his palps. There did not appear to have been any web on the grass, though there may have been a few threads for the female to hold by. Among Lycosids we have the descrip- tion given by one of the earliest natural- ists, Clerck, the Swedish observer.2 He saw the pairing of Lycosa_sac- cata about the middle of June, upon a rock exposed to the sun. The two sexes approached by jumps, which became fewer and slower as they drew near. The male ended these preliminary stages of courtship by suddenly leaping upon the female. He then passed one of his palps un- der her abdomen, and, holding and inclin- ing her body with the other, inserted first one and then the other palp. When the pairing was ended, the two sexes separated Fis. 23. es Lae et ee and promptly ran away from one another. Heald ae a Emerton‘ says of the same family that the male leaps upon the back of the female, and is carried about by her. He reaches down at the side of her abdomen and inserts his palps into the epigynum underneath. The = et = sid : = * 1 Psyche, Vol. V., 1889, page 169. 2 Clerck, Aran. Syec., pages 91, 92, pl. 4, Tab. 5, Figs. 1, 2, male. 3 Walck., Apt., I., page 328. 4 Habits and Structure, page 95. Pairing of Lycosids. 50 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. accuracy of the early observation made by Clerck is thus abundantly con- firmed. The attitude of Lycosa is represented in Fig. 24, which has been drawn from Nature for this work by Mr. Emerton. Among the Attide, De Geer has described the pairing of Epiblemum scenicum (Attus scenicus), which occurred upon a wall. The male mounted upon the body of the female, passing over her head towards her abdomen, under which he adyanced one of his palps. He gently raised the abdomen by upward pressure of his legs, and then ap- plied the extremity of his palp to the vulva. An instant afterward the two spiders separated and removed a little distance from one another. The male did not wait long before again approaching, and he repeated many times the action above described. The female did not offer the slightest opposition, but, on the contrary, seemed to greatly enjoy the act.1 Pairing of Attidee. IV. The mating of the Attoids, as told in the delightful pages of Mr. and Mrs. Peckham’s Observations on Sexual Selection in Spiders, presents one of the most important chapters in the life history of araneads. It is a strange and interesting story, a romance of natural history as fascinating as any love story of modern fiction. These accom- ee = plished arachnologists, who have Frc. 24. Male of Lycosa saccata embracing the female. eqrried on all their studies to- From Nature. (Drawn by Emerton.) c = gether, have given special atten- tion to the Saltigrades, and they were led into the study of the courtship of these interesting creatures by a desire to solve some of the current problems in natural and sexual selection. Independent of this, the facts recorded are extremely valuable. The first group of observations uncovered the habit of the males to exhibit themselves before the females in a series of varied movements, which may be generally characterized as dancing. The purpose Love of this appears to be, beyond doubt, to attract the attention of Dances of ; : the Males. ‘2& female, and render her complaisant to the addresses of her i lover. The courtship of Saitis pulex was thus conducted: The male, when placed in a box with a mature female, at once observed her, although she was twelve inches away. At the distance of four inches he stood still, and then began the most remarkable performances that an amorous male could offer to an admiring female. She eyed him eagerly, changing her position from time to time, so that he might always be in view. He, in the meantime, extended the fore legs upon one side of the ‘ De Geer, L’Hist. des Insectes, page 90. LOVE DANCES OF SALTIGRADES. 51 body in such wise as to elevate that side and correspondingly to depress the other. The legs and palpus of the lower side were folded under, and upon these the spider sidled along, moving in a semicircle for about two inches. He then instantly reversed the position of the legs, and circled in the opposite direction, gradually approaching nearer and nearer to the female in the course of these oscillations. The female dashed toward him, while he, raising his first pair of legs, extended them upward and forward, as if to hold her off, but withal slowly retreated. Again he began his oscillating movements until one hundred and eleven circles had been counted. The female in the meanwhile gazed toward him, apparently in a softer mood, evidently admiring the grace of his antics. When he had approached almost within reach of her, he whirled madly around and around her, she joining and whirling with him in a giddy maze. He then fell back, and resumed his semicircular motions, with his body tilted over. She, all excitement, lowered her head and raised her body, so that it was almost vertical. The two then drew nearer. The female moved slowly under the male, he crawling over her head, and the mating was accomplished. ! A male of Synagales picata executes his love dance with all his feet on the ground. He raises himself on the tips of the six hindermost legs, but slightly inclines his head downward by bending his front Saitis pulex. Love legs, their convex surface being always turned forward. His ab- Dance of 2 FOR ; Aes oft : Guna- domen is lifted vertically, so that it is at a right angle to the gales. plane of the cephalothorax. In this position he sways from side to side. After a moment he lowers the abdomen, runs a few steps nearer the female, and then tips his body and begins to sway again. Now he turns in one direction, now in another, pausing every few moments to rock from side to side, and to bend his brilliant legs so that she may look full at them. He could not have chosen a better position than the one he took to make a display, and the observers were impressed by the fact that the attitude taken by the males served perfectly to show off their fine points to the female.? Marptusa familiaris is an Attus of sombre gray and black colors, that may be frequently found on trees, fences, and like positions in the neigh- borhood of Philadelphia. It is apparently a widely distributed Wooing species. When the two sexes were placed together, the female as saw the male as he entered at the opposite side of the box, thir- familiaris. teen inches away. Eyeing him attentively, she slowly changed her position to keep him in sight, and kept her palps moving rapidly, a characteristic action of the species. As the male neared her, 1 Observations on Sexual Selection in Spiders of the Family Attidee. By George W. and Elizabeth G. Peckham. Occasional Papers of the Natural History Society of *Wisconsin, Vol. I., 1889. 2 Tdem, page 43. ou bo AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. he stretched the first and second pairs of legs sidewise, but after a moment backed away. These manceuvres were repeated many times, the attitude assumed during them being as represented by Fig. 25. Occasionally he would bend the tip of the abdomen down, lifting the body up on the last joints of the two hindermost legs. The female always paid the greatest attention to his movements, lying on the ground with all the legs flattened Fic. 25. Positions in courtship of Marptusa familiaris, and the palpi slightly raised, the Male on the right hand. (After Peckham.) only movement visible being the vi- bration of the palps. There is a certain slowness and dignity about the wooing of this species, almost ludicrous. ! The males of Dendryphantes capitatus approach the female rapidly, until within two to five inches, when they stop and extend the legs di- rectly forward close to the ground, the legs being slightly curved, with the _ tips turned up. This position serves admirably to Showing expose the whole of the bronze and white face cae ie (Fig. 26) to the attentive female, who watches him closely from a little distance. As the wooer grows } more excited, he lies down on one side, with his legs still fe ii extended. These antics are repeated for a very long time, Fie. 26. Bronze even for hours, before the female accepts his addresses. peer es The male of Habrocestum splendens is a magnificent fel- tes. Male. (at low, having an abdomen of glowing pink, and bronze ceph- *™ ’°sha™ alothorax tinted with reddish brown. He began his addresses by adyane- ing a few inches towards the female and then backing off again. Habro- ‘This movement was repeated many times. After awhile he set- coe tled down under a little web in a corner. The female, troubled splendens g 2 by this indifferent treatment, advanced toward him, whereupon he came out and she fell back. This play was kept up for some time, and at length the male began his courting in earnest. When within a few inches of her, he commenced a rapid dance from side to side, raising the whole body high on the tips of the legs, the first pair being directed forward, and the palps clasped together, with the abdomen Fic.’ 27. Male Saltigrade, Habroces. turned to one side and lifted up. (Fig. 27.) tum splendens, when approaching After a short dance he stood motionless, female. (After Peckham.) ate A : ep striking an attitude as shown in the figure, re- maining quiet for half a minute. Then he turned his back on the female, moving, irregularly about with his legs forward and his palps vibrating. 1 Tdem, page 44. LOVE DANCES OF SALTIGRADES. tits) Again he danced sidewise before her, strutting and showing off like a peacock, whirling around and around. Professor Peckham at first supposed that this turning around was accidental, but it hap- pened so regularly at a certain stage of Golor courtship, that he concluded that it was an Evolu- ie . p : ; : important part of his display, serving the tions. e better to show his brilliant abdomen. ! In approaching the female the males of Phileeus militaris were very eager and fairly quiv- -= ered with excitement. The first two legs 4 rereeraiccd Driven cach espe ‘| Agee | Fic. 28. Position of male were raised over the head and curved towarc TAN ng TAIoRY THOR ere each other, so that the tips nearly met, and the palps Preaching the female. (Af sys DREN ter Peckham.) were moved up and down. (Fig. 28.)? Astia vittata is peculiar in the fact that it has two well marked male forms, which shade into each other, but maintain at least one characteristic distinction, namely, three tufts of hair which mark the black form, niger. Mrs. Peckham was kind enough to send me a box in which were packed } a number of specimens of the female Dervis : * 4s : : and both varieties of the male, in order Dance of ‘ : Roe that I might witness these remarkable courtship dances. This was prior to the receipt of the work from which I have been quot- ing, and I had but a hint of what I might expect, and how best to proceed. Moreover, my specimens unfortunately, arrived in a bad condition. All d were dead except one female and two males, and Fic. 29. Male Astia vittata indanc- the latter were much dilapidated, one of them par- ee ee before female. (From ticularly being apparently in a dying condition. I ature, . . . succeeded, however, in resuscitating both males by doses of water and good nursing. One of them in a short time seemed quite well. I placed the three together in a box, and had the privilege of observing, in some degree, what the Peckhams have so fully described. The most lively male at once began animated movements, which were evidently induced by the presence of the female, who, however, ran away and kept cir- cling around the box, running over the walls and yg 39. The male of Astia vittata climbing upon the glass cover without showing — im the act of vaulting during a : one = love dance. (From Nature.) any disposition to respond to the advances made. The male threw himself into what may be described as a rampant position Phileeus militaris. 1 Idem, page 49, 2 Idem, page 51, 54 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. (Fig. 29), that is, the body was thrown into a position at about an angle of forty-five degrees, the abdomen almost in the line with the cephalothorax, but a little bent under at the apex, which nearly or quite touched the ground. The two hind pairs of legs were thrown outward from the body, the fourth or hindermost pair being well curved, the third or next pair somewhat bent, but more extend- The Peck- |. . eee ed. The second pair (next to the foremost) confirmed Was quite extended in a line without much curvature, except towards the last two joints. The front legs were extended in a line somewhat Fic. 31. Love dance of Astia vittata. Male with front Curved, and well thrown upward above the head, and legs in poise. (After Peck- the palps, which are black, were stretched out in a am.) corresponding position, and continually rubbed one upon the other in an excited manner. In this attitude the male moved backward and forward with a lively sal- tigrade movement, whirling around a little as he leaped upward (Fig. 30) and brush- ing the tips of his palps together in the meanwhile. This was about all I was permitted to see, but it at least confirms in part what the Peckhams have so care- fully recorded. The first male form, which corresponds in appearance to the female, when he ap- proaches his mate, raises his first abe he legs so that they point either Nene forward or upward, keeping his palps stiffly outstretched, while the tip of his abdomen is bent to the ground. This position he commonly takes fe. 32. Position of male Astia vittata when when three or four inches away. While as te females, Muph jenlarecd he retains this attitude he keeps curving and waying his legs in a very curious manner. Frequently he raises only = _, one of the legs of the first pair, running all the zh ~ time from side to side. As he draws nearer to the female, he lowers his body to the ground and, dropping his legs also, places the two anterior pairs so that the tips touch in front (Fig. 32), Fic. 3, Male oF Icias mitratus ‘€ proximal joints being turned almost at an dancing before female. (After angle to the body. Now he glides in a semicir- orn cle before the female, sometimes advancing, some- times receding, until at last she accepts his addresses. The Niger form is much the more lively of the two, and whenever the Ol ou LOVE DANCES OF SALTIGRADES. two varieties were seen to compete for the female, the black male was suc- cessful. He is bolder in his manners, and was never seen to assume the prone position as did the red form when close to the female. He always held one or both of the first legs high in the air (Fig. 31), waving them wildly to and fro; or, when the female became excited, he stood perfectly motionless before her, sometimes for a whole minute, seeming to fascinate her by the power of his glance. The male of Icius mitratus is quite different from the female, especially in his slender tapering body and long first legs. The female is remark- able for her indifference, and takes less interest in the male’s display of his personal charms than any spider observed. In courting and fighting, the position of the male is the same; the body is somewhat raised; the first legs are held at a right angle to the cephalothorax ; the abdomen is twisted to one side, and, as he dances before his lady love, is changed now to the right, now to the left.1 (Fig. 33.) It is interesting to find that these amorous displays on the part of males have recently been observed in other invertebrates. Mr. T. H. Mor- gan thus describes the performance of a male crab (Platyonychus Love ocellatus) in paying his courtship to the lady crab. The specimens Dance of Ps : : : ae the Male “ete confined together in an aquarium. While sketching some Gra hermit crabs which had previously been placed in the same tank, the observer was attracted by the movements of the male Platy- onychus. Without apparent cause he was seen to rise upon the third and fourth pairs of legs; his large chele were thrown above his head, with the claws open and their points touching in the middle line; his fifth pair of feet were held horizontally behind, and his body perpendicular to the floor of the aquarium, or at right angles to the normal position. The posture was ludicrous, and when he began slowly to gyrate, his movements and attitude were the cause of much merriment upon the part of the spectators. At times he balanced on two legs of one side, again on two legs of opposite sides. Now he advanced slowly and majestically, and now he wheeled in circles in the sand on the floor of the aquarium, and now for a few moments he stood as if transfixed in this unnatural posi- tion. An electric light hung above and to one side of the water, which suggested the possibility that it might be the exciting cause. It was turned out, and still the dancing went on. At last, from sheer exhaustion, Mon- sieur Crab sank down to the sand in his usual attitude. But now the female, who had all this time remained tucked away in the sand, came forth and began to move about the aquarium; soon she came near to the male crab, who instantly rose to his feet and began to danee. Again and again the performance was repeated, and each time the approach of the female was the signal for the male to rear upon his hind feet, and reel about the aquarium as if intoxicated. 1 Idem, page 50. 56 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. At times, when the female approached him as he danced, he was seen to make attempts to enclose her in his great chelate arms, not with any violence, for the claws never snapped or closed violently. She was coy, however, and refused to be won by his advances; for the dance may have been nothing new to the lady crab, nor half as interesting as it was to the two spectators outside the water. Later the male also buried himself in the sand, and the performance came to an end.! The love dances of Saltigrade spiders also suggest a similar habit record- ed of certain birds. Familiars of our American woods and fields will recall the well known partridge dances. Among the Chatterers the beau- Love tiful bird known as the Cock of the Rock (Rupicola rocia) is Dances of Bey Bane -f : : Bede famous for its saltigrade performances at the mating time. In- deed, the action of our domestic pigeons and barnyard fowls, although not so decided as these, yet suggest a like tendency.’ Mr. Wallace has given an account of similar actions by the beautiful Birds of Paradise in the Aru Islands. They moult about January or Feb- ruary; and in May, when in full plumage, the males assemble in the morn- ing to exhibit themselves in a most singular manner. These are what are called their “sécaleli,” or dancing parties, and they occur in certain trees in the forest, which are not fruit trees, but have an immense head of spread- ing branches and large but scattered leaves, giving a clear space for the birds to play and exhibit their plumes. On one of these trees a dozen or twenty full plumaged male birds assemble together, raise up their wings, stretch out their necks, and elevate their exquisite plumes, keeping them in a continual vibration. Between whiles they fly across from branch to branch in great excitement, so that the whole of the tree is filled with waving plumes in every variety of attitude and motion. The bird itself is nearly as large as a crow, and is of a rich coffee brown color. The head and neck are a pure straw yellow above, and rich metallic green beneath. The long, plumy tufts of golden orange Displays feathers spring from the sides beneath each wing, and when the oe bird is in repose are partly concealed by them. At the time of Paradise. its excitement, however, the wings are raised vertically over the back, the head is bent down and stretched out, and the long plumes are raised up and expanded until they form two magnificent golden fans, striped with deep red at the base, and fading off into the pale brown tint of the finely divided and softly waving points. The whole bird is then over- shadowed by them, the crouching body, yellow head, and emerald green throat forming but the foundation and setting to the golden glory which waves above. When seen in this attitude the Bird of Paradise really 1'T. H. Morgan, Popular Science Monthly, February, 1889, “The Dance of the Lady Crab.” 2 For further material on the display of their charms by the males of birds see Darwin’s Descent of Man, Vol. II., chap. xiii., Am, Ed. LOVE DANCES OF SALTIGRADES. 57 deserves its name, and must be ranked as one of the most beautiful and wonderful of lying things.? This habit enables the natives to obtain specimens with comparative ease. As soon as they find that the birds have fixed upon a tree on which to assemble, they ambush themselves in the neighborhood. A boy waits at the foot of the tree, and when the birds come at sunrise, and a sufficient number have assembled and have begun to dance, the hunter shoots the bird with a blunt arrow with sufficient force to stun it. It is then secured and killed by the boy without its plumage being injured by a drop of blood. The rest take no notice of the loss, but continue their amatory dance, and fall one after another until some of them take the alarm. Thus in these widely separated orders of animal life the excitement of the mating hour influences the males in substantially the same manner. That is, the sexual agitation finds vent in saltigrade movements, Displays }efore and around the female, of various forms and degrees of are to z ; : Rent intensity. These movements appear to be directed towards the Females. female with a view to attract her attention, excite her affection, and win her favors. As far as I can judge, there is no reason why this apparent purpose should not be regarded as the real one, and that these devices, common to spiders, crabs, birds, and doubtless other animals, are really prompted by the wish to secure marital favors from the female, and that they do have a sensible influence upon her. Ve Another interesting habit described by the Peckhams is the overspinning of the female by the male with a little tent or love bower, within which the two remain together, sometimes for several days. Three pairs of the Zebra spider (Epiblemum scenicum) were placed together in a box, and after two hours they had all come to an agree- ment and mated, the male in each case getting his partner in the corner of the box and spinning a cover over and around her. Sometimes, while the male was working, the female would wander off several inches, but when the bower was nearly completed he would seek her and half lead and half drive her home, when he would follow her into the nest. Here the mating would be accomplished after some slight preliminaries. ‘The female seemed to have some difficulty in choosing from among the males, but after a decision had been reached and a mate accepted, there appeared to be complete agreement, and the male commenced to build his house. The habit of secluding and protecting the female has developed an even more striking trait in at least one species. The males of Phileeus militaris were observed to select immature females, overspin them with a little sheeted tent, then spin a second sheet above this as a cover for A Love Bower. 1The Malay Archipelago, by Alfred Russel Wallace, pages 466, 467. 58 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. themselves, and remain quiet for a week in the little nest thus formed. During this time every spider that approached was driven away. The males went out occasionally for food, but were not seen to carry peed in any for their mates. At the end of a week one of the males Sn was observed to be pairing with his female, which had moulted and was now mature. Successive observations showed that this marital seclusion of young females was not an accidental result of artificial conditions, but is a fixed habit of the males. It must be acknowledged that it displays a remarkable degree of foresight and thoughtfulness—the immediate product, no doubt, of the emotional conditions of courtship. In all these various movements the position of the female of most species was simply one of watching. She followed the movements of her dancing partner, evidently with keen interest; sometimes took The Fe- herself out of the way, but ordinarily was quite attentive until male Qui- ; Se ‘ : 5 escent, the entire rejection of the suit or the acceptance of the suitor. Two species formed striking exceptions to this rule, as far as the attitude is concerned. In one, the female lay close to the ground with her first legs directed forward and upward, while her second legs were held on the ground and stretched forward in front of her face. In another species, Marptusa familiaris, a similar attitude was assumed by the female, who lay on the ground with all the legs flattened out and the palps slightly raised, the only movement visible being the vibration of the palps. (See Fig. 25.) The attitudes of the males were far more varied. A reference to the details of the notes as given will show that at least seven characteristic attitudes are assumed, namely :— Sum- First, the legs of one side are bent over, doubled under, yeveite Be and so kept while the male engages in his semicircular dance. of Males, (Saitis pulex.) Second, the body is well elevated, the abdomen lifted verti- cally, all the legs upraised and stretched out, and the entire eight legs touch the ground during the dance. (Synagales picata.) Third, the male, like the two females referred to above, lies flat on his venter, keeping the tips of the fore legs touch- ing (Icius); or the male lies flat, wriggling his abdomen and frequently turning from side to side, his legs held up over his head, slightly diverging, and often twisted, waved, or turned about. (Zygo- ballus bettini.) (See Fig. 34.) Ree nd) Wee on cae aise ee Fourth, the two front pairs of legs are stretched ballus bettini approaching fe- out in a straight line from the cephalothorax, male. (After Peckham.) A AN : while the remaining legs are raised and curved and used for moving the body forward in its whirling dance. (Marptusa familiaris.) LOVE DANCES OF SALTIGRADES. 59 Fifth, the first legs are extended directly forward, close to the ground, the legs being slightly curved, with the tips turned up (Dendryphantes capitans), or again he lies down on one side with the legs well extended. Sixth, the fore legs are elevated high above the head and curved towards each other, while the body is sustained upon the remaining feet during the saltigrade movement (Phileeus militaris), or again the fore legs are extended and the abdomen turned up. (Habrocestum splendens.) Seventh, the spider maintains a rampant attitude, something like the position last mentioned, with the fore feet raised high and curved forward, instead of toward each other. (Astia vittata.) These are the most characteristic positions, and they are maintained during the courtship dance with more or less persistence, according to the yarious species. The position after the consummation of the Position wooing is much the same in all species. In mating, the male of Male : i mS usually crawls over the female, or the female crawls under the Mating, ale, and the palps are applied to the vulva while in this atti- tude. An exception was observed in two species, where the male jumped upon his partner from a distance of one or two inches, the ap- proach being per saltem, instead of by the gradual crawling movement above indicated. For the most part the female appeared to be complaisant or, at the furthest, indifferent. She maintained herself in a position to watch the antics of her lover and to be influenced by them. Sometimes she ran away and avoided the advances of her suitor, but showed no disposition to attack or annoy him. At least one exception, however, to this general complaisance was ob- served in the case of Phidippus rufus, who is a ferocious creature, having a great advantage in size over her partner. It happened to one A Fero- assiduous male that in an unguarded moment he was pounced Be upon and eaten up by the lady whom he was wooing. Another species of Phidippus showed the same ferocity. This is our large black Phidippus morsitans, a creature not in good repute in certain parts of the country, it being regarded as one of our poisonous species. 1 The single female which the Peckhams caught during the summer was a savage monster. The two males provided for her had offered her only the merest civilities when she leaped upon them and killed them. The male of this species has the first pair of legs much longer than the corresponding legs of the female, and also it is thickly adorned Vain with white hairs, some of which are long and others short and en scale like. It was while one of the males was waving these handsome legs over his head that he was seized by his mate and devoured. This love signal was evidently not sufficiently attractive to win Female Attitude. 1 Vol. I., page 276. D So 1 Of two specimens of Epeira sclopetaria kept by me, one cocooned May 22d; the other May 26th; a third about the middle of June. An Epeira domiciliorum cocooned Septem- ber 16th. MATERNAL INDUSTRY: COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. 89 overlaid, and the outer tent, four inches long, covered the others so com- pletely that one might have supposed the whole to be the work of one spider. Undoubtedly, these works are precau- tions against both enemies and the weather, which, although without experience of the ef- fects of either upon her offspring, the mother takes as though she really foresaw the danger. yg. 65, Reg mass of Epeira, showing If an egg nest of this class be opened the under sheet and outer covering there will be found, in order, first, the outer Ses tent, separate from the covering of the cocoon; second, a thin white silken sheet, which is the outer envelope of the cocoon proper ; third, the thick egg pad of curled silk, usually yellow; fourth, ie eggs, a conical or hemispherical or spherical mass of small yellow globules. (Fig. 64.) When the spider oviposits against a flat sur- face, the eggs are generally laid upon a coating or sheet of silk spread upon the surface, and the padding is then woven over it in the manner of Argiope cophinaria. If the cocoon is suspended within a maze of lines, the eggs are laid in the midst of the curled nest or ege pad, which is after- wards completed. The cocoon of Epeira cinerea shows a variation from the common type of her congeners. The egg pad is a large flattened hemisphere, an inch in diameter, and one-fourth to three-eighths of an inch thick. This is spun against some flat surface, the boards of a shed, as I have seen it, upon a light cushion of curled yellow silk. Over and around this, on all sides, is woven the egg pad, which is flattened down quite compactly, and the whole mass lashed at the edges to the surface. The entire cocoon has a diameter of one and _ five-eighths inch or more, and-is a quarter or three-eighths of an inch thick at the centre. (Fig. 66.) Interior Structure Fic. 66, Cocoon of Epeira cinerea. III. Kpeira triaranea makes a cocoon of the common type, but smaller. Of two now before me, spun in bottles, one measures one-fifth of an inch, and the other about half that. They are both round or ovoid flossy masses, protected by a maze of intersecting lines spun around them. This maze is often thickened into a tent, in which condition I have observed numbers spun in the angles of the joists of a cellar at Atlantic City, in the early spring (May 22d), full of young spider- lings just ready to emerge. These cocoons measured one-half inch long, which is somewhat above the normal length. One female was observed (New Lisbon, Ohio), whose cocoon was wrapped up within a rolled leaf. This was swung to a cord, attached at one end Epeira triaranea. 90 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. to the silken, bell shaped tent within which the spider nested, and at the other end to the fence top against which the tent was placed. (Fig. 67.) In this way the mother had her future progeny literally ‘‘cradled,” and in good position also to be freely “rocked.” What freak had caused her to make this divergence we can only conjecture; probably the cocoon had first been spun upon the leaf, which, becoming loose, and threatening to fall, was secured in the manner described. A familiar resort of Triaranea in New England is the stone wall, char- acteristic of that section. Underneath the irregular slabs or boulders of granite which are heaped, one upon the other, to form the divi- Stone sion fences between meadows, ete., I have found large numbers Fence : “5 ma C 4 ; tat sey SCS Colpny of this species. The orb, which is usually about six inches in diameter, is woven within the interspaces of the rocks, and the spider has her resting place against the rough surface, or within the little in- dentations of the stone which forms the top of the cavity. Against this surface the moth- er Triaranea weaves her bowl shaped tent, and against the same surface, an inch or two away, she spins her cocoon. This is about a quarter or three-eighths of an inch in diameter; is a hemispherical disk of flossy white silk, which is oyerspun by a stiff, taut, close, but transparent tent of white silk about three-fourths of an inch long. This may be considered the typical co- coon of the species. The number of eggs in three cocoons counted was, Fic. 67. Leaf enclosed cocoon of Epeira triaranea, swung respectively, forty-five, forty- to her silken nest and above her snare. two, and thirty-two. They were of a gray color. Little spiders had just developed in one, and these had yellowish abdomens, round, and very slightly oval, with the legs white. The egg skin had just been cast, and the little fellows were stretching them- selves and straggling about in a feeble manner. One female was resting within a circular depression underneath a rock, and had spun a few silken lines, forming the foundations of a little circular tent, the framework of which extended downward toward her snare. Within this was an old empty cocoon, against which the spider rested. Near by was a fresh cocoon, nearly one-fourth inch in diameter, overspun by a MATERNAL INDUSTRY: COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. 91 tough silken tent, and this appeared to belong to the spider, who, moreover, looked as though she might soon make another cocoon. The question was started, but was not solved, does Triaranea weave more than one cocoon? The cocoon was a little flossy ball, flattened, of course, on the side attached to the rock. I captured one of the fe- males, which cocooned in a box, thus showing that the cocoons above described were those of this species. A cocoon of Epeira thad- deus was sent to me from Vineland, by Mrs. Mary Treat. It had been spun upon some potted ferns within her lodgings. It is a subglobose sac, of a delicate pearl gray color, one-fourth inch (six millimetres) in diameter. It is attached at the top to a strip of silk ribbon, or rather it widens out at the top into two triangular points, by which it is fastened upon a cord stretched between two sprigs of fern. The egg ball thus swings free. (Fig. 68.) I have secured cocoons of this species, by confinement within the trying box, which differ from the above. They are globular or subglobular masses of flossy yellow silk, about three-eighths of an inch in diameter. I believe that, ordinarily, Thaddeus will be found to weave a cocoon of this sort upon, a leaf or other surface, probably enclosing it within a curled leaf, or over- spinning it in the manner of Epeira triaranea. I have not been fortunate enough to identify the cocoons of our common Zillas; but a species which I observed in Florida made a cocoon shown at Fig. 69, top of the cut. It was a flossy ball, about three-eighths of an inch thick, and was woyen within the silken tent which formed the spider’s domicile. It was placed in the top of the tent, and against the twigs, which formed a sort of framework for it. After the cocoon had been made the spider shifted her domicile to a lower point, and gradually spun a new dome shaped tent just be- neath her cocoon, within which she con- . Fic. 69. Cocoon (top of figure) and tent tinued to dwell. of a Florida Zilla. Fic. 68. Cocoon of Epeira thaddeus, swung upon a line. Epeira thaddeus. The cocoon of Nephila wilderi, accord- ing to Professor Burt Wilder,! is a large flossy hemisphere of silk, which is usually spun upwards against a leaf or similar surface. The spinningwork 1 Trans. Am. Assoc. Advance. Sci., 1873, page 263. 92 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. Fie. 71. | | Fic. 70. Cocoon of Nephila wilderi, woven against a leaf. (After Wilder.) | Fic. 71. Cocoons of West Indies Nephilas spun on plants. (After Wood.) MATERNAL INDUSTRY: COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. 93 is of a yellow color, and so slight as to show the loose mass of eggs within. (Fig. 70.) It appears to resemble quite exactly the cocoon of its congeners in Africa and the West India Islands. For example, the cocoon of Nephila ni- gra, according to Dr. Vinson,! is of a beautiful yellow color, and is attached to the bark of trees, or spun against the surface of some re- cess. Nephila maurata spins a large cocoon, of a beautiful orange yellow color. This is not attached to her snare, but is woven against any adjacent recess, or in some shaded place near to her, al- though sometimes she goes quite a distance from her web to find a cocooning site. The orange colored egg sac is enclosed in a flossy envelope of a paler color.? If we may credit the statement, or rather the illustration of Mr. Wood, the Nephilas of the West Indies, which are there known as the Tufted spider, spin a cocoon similar to that described, but suspended to the stalks of various plants, instead of being hung beneath leaves or woven against hard surfaces.? The figure presented by Mr. Wood, and which is here reproduced, is said by re. 72, cocoon of a California the author to be made from specimens in the — Gasteracantha, woven upon curled leaves. British Museum, although I do not remember to have seen these when examining the collections of spinningwork at Ken- sington several years ago. Nephila Cocoons. IV. T have several cocoons of our American Gasteracantha, two of which were sent from Southern California by Mrs. Eigenmann. IG. 76, woven & ainst a twil > X53 Coc f Tet tl t TG. 75, sy 1) leaf, X 3; Fic. 76 ta t x3 Fic. 77, suspended within a fence post hole, the last about natural size. MATERNAL INDUSTRY : COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. 97 at Washington, D. C., a single cocoon; another containing two cocoons, sent to Dr. Marx from Fort Yukon, Alaska. Still others were forwarded to me from various parts of the country. The range of the species is, therefore, evi- dently from the southern extremity of Cali- fornia to the Alaskan peninsula on the west, and in the east along the New England coast, and as far south at least as Washington. Several of my specimens are fastened to the twigs upon which they were woven, and give a correct idea of the ordinary manner of attachment. The cocoons are about three-eighths of an inch in length, with a foot stalk of varying length, which gradually ends in a fine thread stretched upward along the twig. One example, containing two cocoons, is lashed against a twig by an overlying cord of yellowish silk five inches long. The cocoons are composed of dark brown or bluish silk, with overspread tufts or patches of white. They are separated by a space of nearly half an inch, and the foot stalk of the lower cocoon is united to the bottom of the upper one by a thick, stiff, blackish cord. The lower portion of the ball of the egg sac has a ric.78. Cocoons of Cyrta- scalloped fringe with blunt points or processes, which, — ‘#ehnesuspended against as far as my specimens show, have nothing to do with the manner of suspension. Nevertheless, they may serve some useful purpose in anchoring the egg sac to the twig. This description will fairly represent the form and mode of suspension of all my specimens. Emerton found his specimens at New Haven, Connecticut, on a beech tree. They were dark brown, as dark as the bark of the tree, and as hard. Around the middle of each was a circle of irregular points. One of his cocoons was attached by a string to the bark, and the other was attached in the same way to the first cocoon. The spider held on to one of the cocoons, which, therefore, had probably been recently spun. We may . “safely conjecture the date of this observation, October 22d, eens to be the cocooning period of this species. The following tarachne bi- Spring another similar pair of cocoons was found on a low ter Bmerton) Oak tree in the same vicinity, still firmly attached to the bark. From these the young came out in June. In my specimens there is much difference as to the regularity of the little exterior processes or points alluded to. In some specimens they are quite regularly formed, and make a very pretty ornament upon the Distribu- tion. Scalloped Fringe. 98 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. cocoon. In others they are quite irregular, not only in their shape, but in the mode of arrangement, being little more than irregular nodules upon the surface. One of the specimens from California consists of three cocoons, the first of which has the points arranged with considerable regularity, while the others are less in size and are al- most without rugosities. All have little openings towards arachne, seen from two the top, through which, no doubt, the spiderlings made their escape. (See Fig. 80, which shows the cocoons natural size.) Cyrtarachne cornigera is quite as remarkable in the character of its cocoon as in its own structure. This cocoon is a flask shaped object, re- sembling that of Argiope riparia, but with a neck relatively Fic. 80. Cocoon string of a California Cy sides. Natural size. Cyrtar- much longer. Two examples before me differ greatly in size, achne - ‘ i one being more than one- Cocoons. third larger than the other.' In the former the stalk or neck is of uniform thickness; in the latter it is twice as thick at the mouth as at the bowl. (Fig. 81.) The cocoon is lashed at the base of the bowl to a twig by a number of silken threads, which are attached to one side, carried quite around the twig, and simi- larly fastened to the opposite side. The entire lower half of the bowl is thus covered by the attached wrappings, which are drawn so tightly that the flask sits quite firmly upon the twig. At the op- posite end the cocoon is stayed by lines that pass from the tip of the stalk to the snare of the spider or F1G. 81. Cocoon of Cyrtarachne cornigera, lashed to a twig. 2 other support. The attachments of these guys are shown in Fig. 81, which is drawn twice natural size. In the Camden cocoon (Fig. 82, natural size), the lashings are of a 1 No. 1, collected by Mr. Isaac Martindale, Camden, N.J.; length, 19 mm, ; bowl, 10 mm. long, 9 mm. wide; stalk, 9 mm. long, 3 mm. wide. No. 2, collected by Dr. George Marx, Washington, D. C.; length, 12 mm.; bowl, 6 mm. long, 5 mm. wide ; stalk, 6 mm. long, 15 to 3 mm. wide, MATERNAL INDUSTRY: COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. 99 = yellow, glossy silk, and so abundant as to make quite a ribbon. Here the threads are carried around both sides of a projecting twig, as though the spider mother had purposely availed herself of this mechanical ad vantage, and are additionally strengthened by being crossed or twisted as they pass around the branch to which the cocoon is attached. The outer envelope is in color a very dark yellowish brown, and is of extraordinary stiffness. When cut open the bowl is found to contain a ball of white silken floss, within which the eggs are deposited. This ball is Fic. 82. FiG. 83. fastened to a very tough twisted cord, Fic. 82. Cocoon of Cyrtarachne cornigera (natural chempasses up) through the’ neck (Hig. Ses Sie momieiewis. dae:et tae 83), and which is the line by which the egg ball was suspended before the outer flask was spun around it. The texture of the external shell has every appearance, under the lens, of having been hardened by means of a viscid secretion applied to it by the spider; the toughness is evidently not the result of simple weaving. Another example of Cornigera’s cocoon is drawn at Fig. 84. The manner in which the bowl of the vase shaped object is seated upon the twig and lashed by a ribbon is there well shown. The top of the stalk is stayed by various lines wrapped about a neighboring twig. Epeira labyrinthea belongs to the small group of Orbweavers that spin compound snares; that is, snares in which the orb is associated with a well developed retitelarian snare.!~ The labyrinth of crossed lines Laby- is placed behind and above the orb, and within this the spider rinth es: a: i Bed > : Sridor has her dwelling, commonly beneath a dry leaf; here also she suspends her string of cocoons, placing them near her tent, and usually above it and to one side, as represented in Fig. 85. It consists of several, usually five, lenticular or semiglobular vessels, of a yellowish, tough texture, about one-fourth inch long and one-sixth wide. These may be properly described as woven dishes with covers. Each cocoon consists of two disks joined together at the edges Fic. 84. Cocoon of Cyrtarachne cornigera, with ribbon io r enano f ia y Gene at aie hina tightly enough to cause them to adhere until the parts are grad- ually loosened before the strain of the growing spiderlings, and finally open up and permit the inmates to escape. 1 See Vol. I, page 131, and Fig. 115. 100 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. ve ih nee So ANREOONTS These disks, on examination, pre- sent very uniformly the appearance shown at Fig. 88, a, b. The lower part of the cup, a, is an oval dish twice as long at the top as at the bottom, reminding one of the form of a portable bath tub much in vogue. The upper disk, the cover or cap, b, is in shape a miniature soft slouch hat with a rounded crown and turned up rim. The rim of the cap fits upon a minute cor- responding lip of the cup. When the eggs are first laid the cocoon has a somewhat flattened appearance, which Fic. 85. The Labyrinth spider’s cocoon string, suspended within the maze above her leaf roofed tent. MATERNAL INDUSTRY: COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. 101 in many cases (not all) becomes much rounded as the spiders grow. If the cap be lifted up or pulled off, as may readily be done when the young are nearly ready to emerge, a ball of yellow silk will be found inside, amidst which the eggs are originally deposited, and in whose fibres the spi- derlings burrow. The cocoons are in number about five, more or less, and each one contains about twelve to twen- ty eggs, so that the aggregate number Fic. 8. The : dish, a, and of eggs is about equal to that found (opine in the single -cocoons of some other a Labyrinth 5 ‘ spider’s co- species, coon. For the most part the cocoons over- lay one another, the top of each projecting one- third to one-half its length over its neighbor, as shown at Fig. 89, i, front view; ii, back view. They are held together chiefly by a band of loose threads (0, ii) which are stretched along the back Fic. 86. FIG. 87. parts of the cups, although at the points where the Cocoon stripgs of Labyrinth cocoons overlap they are also lightly attached. The spider. (Natural size.) Fic. 1 1 hie a at ns : . Hae Ste ne 86. The manner of lashing YANd Upon which the cocoons are thus strung is above. Fic. 87. The tiled fastened to a strong, thick, branching white cord, position of the cocoons. Z 2 : - which is anchored above and below to the network of cross lines. This cord is usually longest above, deltated and often suspended upon a similar trans- verse cord. (See Figs. 85, 86.) When the cocoons are opened in October, the spiderlings are found fully de- veloped, lively, and ready to escape. They resemble the adult form in markings. The cocoons are sometimes separated from each other, as at Fig. 86, but again are all overlaid, Fig. 87, being lashed together by the band of threads upon which they are strung. Occasionally, the spider will spin her tent beneath the lowest cocoon of the series, instead of the usual leaf or other débris, and will be found backed up against the same, holding to the trapline of her snare. Fie. 89. Two overlaid (Fig. 90.) The full page cut (Fig. 85) shows Labyrin- Pee ete Gk thea’s cocoons strung in natural site, above and behind cord i, and ii, 0, x, 2 upon which they are the leaf-roofed tent. strung )(Natural/size) The mother begins to spin her cocoons in August, adding one every week, or thereabouts, until the tale is complete. The suspensory cords that support the cocoon string are strong, thick, and of a pure white color. I have found numbers of the empty cocoon shells in 102 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. the early spring, hanging intact upon the bushes where they had been placed, although, of course, the snare had entirely disappeared. The Tailed spider, Cyclosa caudata, differs from Labyrinthea in the mode of hanging her string of egg sacs. This is suspended within the limits of her orb, above the central space, along the line of the perpendicular. As the cocoons increase in number, the adjacent radii and the connecting spirals are cut out, leaving a clear seg- ment resembling that in the snare of Zilla, in the middle of which the cocoon string hangs. (Fig. 92.) The number of cocoons appears to vary much; I have usually found from three to five; Hentz never observed more than five.! They are generally in shape a double cone, although often round or roundish, and are from three-sixteenths to quarter of an inch (five to seven millimetres) long and one-eighth inch (three millimetres) wide. A cocoon is not composed of two dis- tinet parts, like one of Labyrinthea’s, but is spun in a single piece of soft yellow- ish floss, externally close enough to be weatherproof, but which ravels out <~\\into_~woolly threads when picked Up \* with a needle. iy Le \ Within, the sae is filled abun- GENER WS \ dantly with delicate, flossy, yellow \ EEN i silk, in which the eggs are de- XN ‘ N posited. These vary in number; for example, three now before me, opened in succession, contain, re- spectively, twenty-two, two, and ten; certainly a remarkable differ- ence. On one occasion a female enclosed within a paper box began to make a cocoon, but proceeded no further than to weave a tiny saucer, similar to that spun by Ar- giope riparia. This would, there- fore, appear to be the commencement of her cocoon, and it may be that against such a disk Caudata habitually deposits her eggs before enclosing them. However, I have not found this within her cocoons, as is the case with Argiope’s, and conclude that the disk is made the basis of the external sac, into which it is woven as the spider proceeds. The cocoons are often well separated upon the string, but also are found touching and even over- Cyclosa caudata. ANC Siiik \ Fic. 90. Labyrinthea’s snare, viewed from behind, with two cocoons in site above the tubular nest. 1 “Spiders United States,’ page 127. i | Sp MATERNAL INDUSTRY: COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. 1038 lapping one another like tiles. Sometimes nodules of flossy silk, or of silk mixed with the débris of captured and deyoured insects, are irregularly interposed between the cocoons. This is, indeed, a fixed and most interesting habit of the species, which will be described in a succeeding chapter. During a temporary stay in Florida, April, 1886, I found nested upon the porch of Dr. Wittfeld’s place, Fairyland, Merrit’s Island, on the Indian River a little way below Rockledge, a new spider, which I named Cyr- tophora bifurca. Its snare resembles that of Cyclosa caudata. It also resembles that spider in the manner of hanging its cocoon string in the vertical axis of its orb just above the hub. The character of the cocoon, how- ever, differs entirely from that of Caudata. It is, in shape, a somewhat irregular octagon, and is of a dark green color. I have found as many as fourteen cocoons phe kits a eerste in one string, overlapping one another in the manner of manner of suspend- cocoons of the Labyrinth spider, and which may also be — Mf, Coons: (Nat seen at times with the cocoons of Caudata, although for the most part, the latter are arranged at intervals along the string. (See Figs. 96, 97.) The cocoon strings collected varied in the number of cocoons attached thereto, probably ac- cording to the period of advancement in the proc- ess of ovipositing on the part of the mother. Of the specimens collected one string contained fourteen, another twelve, and another ten cocoons. They are bound together, along one side, by con- tinuous series of thick white threads, which ex- tend from the top to the bottom of the string. Each cocoon consists of two parts, which have evidently been fastened together by a_ selvage. These parts present the appearance of two dishes placed together edge to edge. ‘They are woven of a soft, but rather tough, texture. A very slight tuft of flossy white silk is found inside, and with- FIG. 93. Fic. 95 Fic. 96. in this the eggs are deposited. In one cocoon of Fic. 93. Cocoon string of Caudata, g string of thirteen, twenty-five minute dead spi- with silk nodules interposed. (Nat- : ; ° < uralsize.) F1G.94(upper). Cocoons. ders were counted, which had passed their first (Natural size.) Fic. 95 (lower). En- yy oult. In another cocoon, taken from a string larged. F1G. 96. Cocoon string of Tie : a < Epeira bifurca, showing shape and of five only, there were twenty-six. The num- Seer atuns (Natural size,) ber varies a good deal, howeyer. The cocooning period appears to extend into May; at least I have received from Miss Anna Wittfeld, as late as the middle of June, a string, in which were 104 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. 1 The shape of the cocoons is not well represented in the cut. (See Fig. 96.) MATERNAL INDUSTRY: COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. 105 some cocoons empty, one with spiderlings passed the first moult several days, and another with young who had just broken the egg. There was no trace of the bifurcated abdomen upon these younglings. The spider is of a uniform light green color, about the shade of its cocoon. Another Orbweaver that makes several cocoons is Epeira basilica. I am indebted to Dr. George Marx, of Washington, for the specimens from which the following studies and drawings have been made, as Cocoon of 6]] as for the information concerning Basilica’s habit of caring Basilica PAPRINGR Ge oae OTK jisp ee no Galas iia: fives Eh teen os Spider. for her eggs. The number of cocoons is five, thus corresponding with that of Labyrinthea, and generally with Caudata. They are round, covered on the outside with gray spinningwork, and united by a cordage so stiff that the series stands out like a stick. They are attached to a triangular patch of yellowish white silk, which is an expansion of a long, glossy, strong linen like cord, composed of many threads, by which the string of egg balls is suspended. (Fig. 98.) According to Dr. Marx, whose observations were made at Washington, the string is hung just above the centre of Basilica’s peculiar domed snare, and wholly or in part within the dome, as represented at Fig. 99. The mother has position beneath her egg bags, back downward, as is the habit of Orbweavers making horizontal snares.? When the cocoon is dissected, it is found to consist, first, of an exterior sac of gray material; within this is next enclosed a round black case (Fig. 100), four or five millimetres in diameter, having a thin shell of remark- able hardness, in this respect resembling the cocoon of — F1s-98. Cocoon string a = : . - and suspension cord Cornigera. When illuminated and examined under the Ae Basilica aiden: microscope this egg ball is seen to be composed of yellow silken fibre of exceeding fineness, and so closely woven that, looked at when within its bag, it is quite black. The paper like stiffness of the ball could hardly be caused by even such fine spinning, and I believe that the fibres are smeared with a viscid secretion, which gives them their peculiar stiffness) When this black case is cut open it is seen to contain flossy silk (Fig. 101), which forms the customary wrapping of the eggs and nest of the young spiders. The cocoon of Uloborus is about one-fourth inch long, and one-eighth thick: It is drawn out at either pole into a point, and the surface is covered with small pointed or blunted processes. (Fig. 102.) It is made of a pure white silk, quite stiff of texture. Several of these cocoons (I have never found more than three) will be found united Cocoon. together so closely that they appear to be but one object, and not strung 1 See for further details Vol. I., Chapter [X., especially page 170, Fig. 159, 106 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. Sea YYZ pany y, or\ SN y Wi sid VL WW Ne Doge IE VI Cy uy A Boceuccocen inne wae: x SSSR @ 3 go: ny Y, / ois 3 Oo AW, ETEK en aee cara eee Sace We TE Tt lay a DAW B ZAG LE N(! uN SS i N i | / | \ WN WY WY fn 3 YZ - ’ \ 223 Cz Fig. 99. Dome shaped snare and suspended cocoon string of the Basilica spider. MATERNAL INDUSTRY: COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. LOT loosely, by attaching threads, as is the case of some other spiders that make several cocoons. However, in this respect, the habit may differ. As a rule these cocoons are stretched like those of Cyclosa caudata, along the axis of the mother’s horizontal orb, and are thus im- mediately under the maternal care. (Fig. 103.) In this posi- tion I have seell them in New Jersey, and thus Mrs. Treat has F's: 10 Cocoon of F Uloborus, enlarged observed them, and so also Mr. _ to show the surface Fic. 100. Fi. 101. Emerton has described them, P™* Cocoon of Basilica spider: F1G. 100, the case open to show the black (Mig. 104.) Our American species appears in this ege ball; Fic. 101, the ball open respect to have the same habit as the European to show the inside structure. : = 7s species, Uloborus walckenaérius. This mode of disposing of the cocoon, however, cannot be universal, for I possess a specimen, received from Dr. George Marx, which is stretched along a little twig, to which its orb was attached, at a point slightly above the cocoon string. (Fig. 105.) Hentz describes the cocoon of Uloborus mammeatus as tapering at both ends, in color whitish, with veins of brownish black, and with many small tubercles. He collected it in Alabama in dry places.! Wale The division here indicated between species habitually making a single cocoon and species habitually spinning several is, on the whole, a natural one; but there are certain facts to be noted which throw a measure of FIG. 103. Cocoon string of Uloborus in position upon the snare uncertainty around any such generalization. For example, it has long been supposed that Argiope cophinaria spins but one cocoon; and, judging from 1 “Spiders of the United States,” page 129, plate xix., Fig. 126. 108 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. its size and the number of eggs that are found therein, one would seem to be sufficient to guarantee the continuance of the species. I have no ~y doubt that, as a general rule, Coph- inaria makes but one cocoon, but that there are exceptions is very certain. Several years ago a_ clerical friend brought me two cocoons of this species, which had been spun on his premises by the same spi- der. Mrs. Mary Treat has discoy- ered what appears to her to be a va- riety of Argiope cophinaria, which makes four cocoons, and which she accordingly named Argiope multi- concha.! She sent me a string of \* these cocoons, of which there were four, of the general shape and about the usual size, strung within a few inches of each other. They had been spun against the wall of a kitchen in a house in Western Missouri. The spider mother was also sent, but the specimen was much dried up, and in such a condition that it could not be very satisfactorily studied. It seemed to differ in no particular from Argiope cophinaria. If it be indeed the same species, what are the pecul- lar circumstances that have caused such a remarkable variation in habit? Is it true that Cophinaria does, more frequently than has zp tN f been supposed, indulge in the lux- ury of an additional egg case? Two cocoons of this lot were open- ed and found to contain young spi- ders that had hatched, but died within the egg sac. The spider- lings were not counted, but they were very numerous. Fic. 104. Cocoon string of Uloborus; cocoons in the snare. (After Emerton.) During the summer of 1888 a i 4 female Cophinaria was SS Le meee discovered in the Farm- Son ocoon- . eh ing Ar ers’ Market of Philadel- Fic. 105. Uloborus snare and cocoon db = z . ; string on adjoining twig. ‘ giope. phia upon the meat stall of one of the butchers. She had probably been brought into the market from the country, hid- 1“American Naturalist,” December, 1887, page 1122. MATERNAL INDUSTRY: COCOONS OF ORBWEAVERS. 109 den among vegetable leaves, as the huge tarantula and the large Lateri- grade spider, Heterapoda venatoria, are brought to our port from the West Indies in bunches of bananas and other fruit. Or, she may have floated in, as a young balloonist, from some city garden; for the species is abundant in open grounds within the city limits. Instead of brushing her down and killing her, after the usual manner of dealing with such creatures, the farmer took a fancy to preserve her, and would allow no one around his stall to inflict any injury upon her. She wove her char- acteristic web against one of the iron rods for suspending meat, chickens, game, etc., and there remained secure during the season. Some time between the 10th and 20th of August she be- gan to make a cocoon, which she enclosed within a little tent of interlacing lines, after the manner of that repre- sented at Fig. 40. About a week or ten days thereafter she made a second cocoon, placing it in a position sixteen inches above the other. Both of these co- coons I saw precisely as they were left by the spider. They were spun within tents of crossed lines, five or six inches long and four or five wide, with a thickness of between two and three inches. The lines constituting FPF ES the under edges of the tent were at- i tached to the post of the stall on WE which the orb was spun. The upper iN tent had its roof lines sustained and | ARR drawn out from the post by the (| ait | foundation lines of the orb. (Fig. | |W if) 7%. 20% Dome oe I i | ie 106.) The lines composing the tents hung ina meat stall. | | \ were of a greenish yellow silk, sim-_ | : Ips i ilar to that used in the construction of the cocoon cases. Ny) OH I removed the cocoons and opened them. The lower one was an inch and a quarter long and seyen-eighths of an inch wide; was com- posed of a soft, yellow silken plush, and inside was constructed pre- !/ cisely like the ordinary egg sac of this species. It contained one hundred and twenty eggs, all of them sterile. The only peculiarity was that the stem which one usually finds at the top was missing. The second cocoon was not quite so large, one inch long and five-eighths of an inch wide, but was more perfect in shape, containing the usual stem. The eggs within this cocoon were also sterile, and the number did not exceed fifty. The number of eggs in both cases is small as compared with the usual fecundity of the species. We may probably account for the making of the second cocoon by some abnormal condition of the ovaries, which prevented the ovipositing 110 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. of all the eggs at once. The first lot, when extruded, were protected in the usual manner. Subsequently Nature compelled the mother to get rid of the remaining eggs; and, moved by the same impulse which covered the first lot, she was excited to overspin the second also. This species will sometimes make a cocoon, or a part of one, in con- finement, and I have observed that she will occasionally do the same in natural site. I have the branch of a bush which shows the beginning of a cocoon, being the little cup against which the eggs are spun, and also what appears to be the inner egg bag. There is nothing more, and the whole is stayed and shut in by the usual tent like spinningwork. Near by is a perfect cocoon, secured in quite the same manner. If we suppose that these two were made by the same spider, as is highly probable, we may infer that the original cocooning purpose of the mother was diverted in some manner, perhaps by alarm, which drove her from the spot. She returned to enclose the work partially done, but, moved by the urgency of motherhood, presently found a neighboring site, and finished her maternal duties. Epeira diademata habitually spins but one cocoon; but the Spanish investigator, Termeyer,! in the early part of this century, discovered and announced that she would spin as many as six cocoons when specially nourished. The fact strikes me as an extraordinary one, and I have never felt quite free to fully admit it. 1 Walckenaer’s Aptéres, Vol. I., page 152. CAA aire Vie GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS HavineG considered in detail the structure of the cocoons of Orbweavers, it is important for the sake of comparison that we should also consider some of the typical cocoons of other tribes. It will not be practicable to enter into details as fully as with the Orbweavers, nor to consider as many species in any of the remaining tribes. But I will give a few examples, under each tribe, of those species whose cocooning habits may be considered typical.! I. Theridium tepidariorum is one of our best known Lineweavers. It appears to be a native of America, and has been widely distributed by im- migration throughout Europe. I judge that the course of immi- Therid- gration has been eastward, because in Europe the species is found tum tepl almost exclusively in hot houses, both in England and on the dariorum. d = continent, while in America it habitually lives in fields, forests, ravines, among rocks, around outhouses, indeed everywhere that a cobweb can be located. In short, in Europe the conditions of its life are artificial, in America natural. It is a ferocious species and an expert trapper, prey- ing upon some of the largest insects. It spins during the season from three to five ovoid cocoons, often sharply pointed at one end, varying some- what in size, but sometimes at least a third of an inch in the longest diameter, These are woven within the retitelarian snare of the creature, and sus- pended well towards the top. Blackwall’s figure of the manner in which the cocoons are suspended is erroneous, or the English spiders must differ in habit from the Ameri- can. I have never seen any such sheeted, bell shaped tent as that which this author represents as enclosing the cocoons. The cocoon is rather simple in structure, consisting of an outer case of yellowish brown material, well compacted, stiff, within which the eggs are loosely placed without any or with but little interior pad- ding. During the weaving process the cocoon is hung by a strong Vane or series of threads, to the cross lines of the snare. The Spies Cocoon Weaving. My systematic knowledge of the other tribes is far less than of Gee and I tae sometimes had difficulty in positively identifying the species whose habits I haye observed. But I hope that I haye not erred in many cases; certainly not in enough to materially affect my statements and conclusions. . (111) ale, AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. clings to her web by one long fore leg, while with other legs she revolves her cocoon, using the hind legs, as is customary, to draw out the spinning stuff. This issues in numerous diverging filaments, which bunch up in —- minute loops as the abdomen descends, and are beaten down smooth by the spinnerets. Our widely distributed Latro- dectus mactans! quite resembles Tepidariorum in cocooning habit ; but its ovoid cocoons are larger, being a full half inch at the longer axis, and somewhat more spheri- Fic. 107. Cocoons of Theridium tepidariorum, hung in her eq] jn shape. She makes at least snare. (About natural size.) as many as four or five cocoons. Theridium serpentinum Hentz? is one of our common Lineweaving spi- ders, whose snares are found in dimly lighted cellars and in rooms aban- doned or rarely used. In the angle of a window or wall the es mother spreads her snare of intersecting lines, and establishes Sane? ~ herself at one end thereof, always well towards the top. In the course of time she succeeds in thickening her dwelling place by added threads, until it has formed a sort of shelter of lines much more closely set than those of the rest of the snare. In the neighborhood of this dwelling place and on a line therewith, or just a little above it and to one side, she spins several co- coons, in number four or five usually, but sometimes as many as eight, as shown in the figure. (Fig. 108.) They are little white, oblong or flask shaped flossy balls, about quarter of an inch in diameter, in the centre of which the eggs are depos- Wipe ited. In the delicateness and a. scantiness of the enveloping og tissue, this cocoon resembles Lit Steatoda borealis and Phol- cus phalangioides. The eggs are distinctly seen through the silken envelope. When the spiders are hatched they hang for a little while in clusters like minute swarms of F1G. 108. Cocoons of Theridium serpentinum in site at top of her snare. (Natural size.) 1 Lathrodectus formidabilis Walck. See also Vol. I., page 274. 2T am not positive as to the identity of this species. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 113 bees upon the adjoining lines, and soon thereafter distribute themselves, as is the custom with Theridioids generally, to surrounding points, where they construct webs like the mother’s. Another Theridioid spider, whose specific name is unknown to me, spins a similar snare in like localities, and deposits therein several eggs, almost resembling those of Serpentinum, except that they are of a yellowish brown color and more spherical in shape. They have a pretty appearance as they hang amidst the crossed lines in the dusty and dusky sites which the mother frequents. Among Lineweayers making several cocoons is Argyrodes trigonum., The species belongs to a genus quite famous for its habit of invading the snares of other Argy- _ species, particular- a) i, aout ly those belonging ~=@4#@zz Y) Whey) ’ to its own tribe of LE Retitelariz, and those Orb- S weavers that make com- pound snares and thus af- ford a suitable dwelling place in the labyrinth or maze of crossed lines. I have ob- served this habit in Trigo- num, but have more fre- quently found it in its own snare. It is an awkwardly shaped creature, and its odd appearance is increased by its habit of bunching its Fic. 109. Argyrodes trigonum in her snare, with three : ; cocoons. (Natural size.) legs together, and hanging upon a few crossed lines in its snare, as represented at Fig. 109. In this position it looks not unlike a trussed fowl in a green grocer’s stall. Her cocoon is a pretty pyriform hanging basket, about one-fourth inch in length and one-eighth in thickness, composed of stiff yellowish brown silk. The upper part is a cone, rounded or tapering well to a point, at which is attached a stiff white cord, by which it is fastened into its place among the crossed lines of the snare. The lower part of the basket termi- nates in a short projection from the middle. (Fig. 110.) The mother makes several cocoons; I haye found as many as three (Fig. 109) hanging within a snare at one time, all of which were doubtless made by the little mother. The cocoons are suspended by long, stout cords. When this hanging basket cocoon is opened the eggs are seen loosely deposited in the midst of a little puff of flossy silk. I sometimes find at the bottom of the cocoon a little hole, through which evidently the young have escaped after hatching. 114 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. Ero thoracica, a spider common to Europe and America, weaves a small flossy cocoon, containing about twelve eggs, which it suspends to various objects, grass, twigs, etc., by a long thread. (See Fig. 111.) Emerton has found this spider in New England; it is common in winter under leaves; he has also seen cocoons like those of the European Ero as above described, but has not identified them with the American species, whose web he has not seen. Something similar to this, but a little more complicated in structure, is the pretty orange brown cocoon of Theridium frondeum, which is found suspended ordinarily to a stretched, stiffened cord among rocks or leaves. It appears particularly to love shady positions; at all events, I have found it most frequently among rocks on banks of streams, in ravines, or moist and secluded spots, as far west as the hills of Eastern Ohio. It is about an eighth of an inch long, but varies some- medinGacsen what an length, Cae ey On opening this pretty little cocoon of Theridium frondeum, “~~ it is found to be filled with a delicate white silken floss, in the midst of which the eggs are deposited and the young will be found after hatching. The number of eggs appears to differ a good deal. I have counted as many as twenty-five in one cocoon, but many less than this in others. The flossy padding is compacted well towards the top of the cocoon, and passes out of a round opening therein in the shape of a carded cord of straight lines of white silk, which gradually diminishes until it is compacted into the stiff white cord by which the whole is suspended. A curious arrangement is shown in the en- larged figure of a dissected cocoon (Fig. 118), which is used by the spider as a cap to the open top of her cocoon. In other words, the cocoon, instead of being a continuous piece of spinningwork gradually tapering into a point, as it appears at the first a careless glance, proves to be composed of two pieces. First is the principal part or sac, which has already been referred to as having a round opening at the summit. Fitted di- rectly upon this, but easily separated from it by pulling, is a conical cap, which surrounds the lower part of the sus- pensory cord already described. This cap, by manipulation under the microscope, can be unraveled so that it is seen to have been formed by lapping the yellowish cocooning ae thread, of which the main sac has been woven, around and pana. around the base of the suspensory cord, after that has been slightly enlarged. spun. (See Fig. 114.) The whole cocoon forms a very beau- SS ae tiful and delicate bit of spinningwork, and shows considerable deftness in weaving on the part of its little architect. Somewhat similar to this is the cocoon of Ero variegata (Theridium Ero tho- racica. Cocoon Structure GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 115 Fic. 112. io i) @ Yi Fic. 116. Fic, 114. Fic. 112. Cocoon of Theridium frondeum, magnified. Fic. 113. The same, natural size, suspended in natural site. Fic. 114. Cocoon of Argyrodes trigonum, much enlarged, to show the structure. Fic. 115. The spiral thread on the cap and stalk. Fic. 116. Cocoons of Ero variegata, twice natural size. (After Blackwall.) 116 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. variegatum), a little spider not uncommon in England, which would arrest the attention of even an indifferent person. It is of an elegant pear shape, formed of a strong yellow brown silk network, and attached by a long elastic stem of the same material to stalks of dead grass, sticks, or other substances in shady places.! It is often placed on the under side of rocks, stones, etc. The envelope is double, an inner sac being formed of soft pale brown silk, loosely woven and enclosed in a coarse covering of dark reddish brown threads, which unite and form the stalk. The diameter of the cocoon is about one-eighth inch, and the length of the stalk is from one-tenth to one-half an inch. The cocoon contains about six brown eggs. The mother is one-eighth inch long.? Theridium pallens is a small English Lineweaver, about one-tenth of an inch long, that makes a cocoon a little longer than herself, containing about twenty pale yellow eggs. It is white, of a close, fine text- Therid- ure, and somewhat pear shaped; with several conical prominences ium : : ae Ae |: : a ey sullonst disposed in a circle around its greatest circumference. (Fig. 117.) The sexes pair in May; the cocoon is formed in June, and is found on shrubs and bushes, on heaths or near woods.? A Lineweaver which I find in our fields, and which I take to be The- ridium differens (Fig. 118) makes a globular cocoon, about one-eighth imch in diameter, a little larger than herself, which she hangs within her snare of crossed lines that may often be found spun in the interspaces formed by bending down the top and edges of a leaf. The cocoon is rather flossy in its exterior. The cocoon of the Fig. 117. Co. Same species, or one closely resembling it, I find within the con- coonofThe- cavity of a leaf, formed by pulling the pointed ends inward, as ridium pal- : : . § ; y lens. x 4 at Fig. 119. The hollow is overspun with intersecting lines Ero variegata (AfterCam- Which form the spider’s snare and dwelling, and the lodging - bridge.) C . place for her egg sac. The little mother is usually found near her cocoon, which she often clasps with her legs, especially at any suspicion of danger. She is apt to lug it about from point to point within the leafy bivouac thus prepared. A similar cocoon made by a Theridioid spider which I am unable to iden- tify is represented at Fig. 120. The cocoon was a globular one, resembling in appearance the last two described, but was hidden underneath a stone within a little nest of characteristic spinningwork, but which on one side was protected by a semicircular wall of clay, mingled with silk and attached to the under surface of the stone. In this respect, the cocoon and cocoon nest resemble that of Neriene rufipes and others of this genus as described by European writers. Theridium lineatum Clerck is found among our American fauna, Emer- ton? haying taken it in Massachusetts. It is common in Europe; its cocoon 1 Cambridge. 2 Staveley, “ British Spiders,” page 156. 8 Blackwall, “Spiders of Great Britain,’ page 195. * New England Therididie, page 16. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. ily Fie. 119. | Fic. 121. FPG. 122. I'ig. 118. Snare and cocoon of Theridium differens. Fic. 119. Cocoon of Theridium differens in a leafy tent. Fic. 120. Theridioid cocoon under a stone. Fic. 121. Cocoon of Theridium linea- tum in natural site on a leaf. (After Blackwall.) Fic. 122. Theridium varians and cocoons. (After Blackwall.) 118 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. is formed in July and is round, one-fourth inch in diameter, and bluish or greenish blue in color. It is loosely covered with silk and fastened to the lower side of a leaf, the edges of which are bound together, so as to pro- tect itt (Fig. 121.) Theridium varians pairs in June, and in July the female constructs several globular cocoons of dull white silk, of a loose texture, the largest of which measures about one-seventh of an inch in diameter. Therid- They are attached to objects situated near the upper part of the a vari snare, and contain, according to their size, from twenty to sixty spherical eggs, of a yellowish white color, not adherent among themselves.2 (Fig. 122.) Withered leaves, dried moss, and particles of indurated earth are generally disposed about the cocoons.* This habit, which, as will be seen further on, prevails largely in: other faimilies, appears to have but slight hold upon the cocooning instincts of the Lineweavers. The little bronze colored spiders belonging chiefly to the genus Eri- gone, weave their cocoons within the balled mass of intersecting lines which form their snare and abode. I have seen numberless examples of these webs, made manifest by the morning dews along the Delaware, shining over the entire external foli- age of a large spruce tree from top- most to lowest bough. Again, they will be seen with other Theridioid webs, glittering in the slanting sun- light on myriads of bunched grass tops, timothy heads, and weed tops. Some species of Erigone make a lit- Fic. 123. Cocoon of Erigone (?) suspended between tle balled cocoon similar to those he anne of Theridium first described, and similarly held within the snare. Another form of cocoon which I attrib- ute to a spider of the same genus 1s a minute white button shaped or double conyex bag, from one-sixteenth to one-eighth inch in diameter. It is suspended at the converging points of four lines (Fig. 123), which are attached to the surrounding foliage, as in the ex- ample shown of a cocoon hung between two twigs of pine, near a Theridioid web, in which an Erigone was ensconced. Hrigone. 1 Staveley, Brit. Spiders, page 140; Blackwall, Spi. Gt. B. & L., pl. xiii., Fig. 111. 2 Two small round cocoons are seen within the tent like structure in the cut, but in this case, as with the figure of Theridium tepidariorum, as heretofore remarked, the artist has erred by drawing in a sheeted tent instead of a structure of open lines. ’ Blackwall, Spiders Gt. B. & I., page 189, pl. xiv., Fig. 120, d. — GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 119 Theridium zelotypum makes a flattened cocoon of soft silk, which she establishes within her pretty nest, that has heretofore been described (Vol. I., page 317) as a silken, bell shaped tent thatched with the leaves Pt cs of spruce, balsam, hemlock, or other plant on which it is built. ane Within this the young are hatched, and here for a while after their exode mother and young may be found dwelling together. A like habit is possessed by the English nest making spider, Theridium riparium, whose most remarkable nesting architecture is described Vol. L., page 318. The mother makes several yellowish white, round cocoons about one-eighth inch in diameter.? Theridium sisyphum also shelters her reddish brown cocoons in a silken tent which hangs in her snare, and is sometimes strengthened by the intro- duction of dried leaves and other extraneous matter.? Another English spider, Theridium nervosum, also* forms a silk lined nesting tent, thatched with bits of dead leaves, flowers, or other particles, including the débris of slaughtered insects. Within this tent the mother spins a little round green cocoon, containing yellowish white eggs. The cocoon is one-eighth inch long, the spider herself being one-sixth inch. The mother is usually to be found in an inverted position, embracing her treasure and covering it with her body. It is probable that all the nest weaving species of Retitelarize place their cocoons within their nests, in which habit they substantially agree with their congeners, who suspend their cocoons upon the thickened cross lines which form the resident part of their snares. I have never been able to determine satisfactorily from observation the cocoons of our common species of Linyphia, but the Linyphia montana of Europe makes a flattened white cocoon, which it usually conceals underneath a stone, remaining with it and guarding it with the greatest care.+ Linyphia marginata, one of our most common American spiders, is also a European species.® It pairs in May, and in June the female spins one or two lenticular cocoons of white silk of a loose texture, which are at- tached to withered leaves or other objects situated near the snare. The larger of these cocoons measures half an inch in diameter and contains about one hundred and forty spherical eggs of a palish yellow color, not agglutinated.°® The English Linyphia crypticolens is remarkable for the habit of car- rying her cocoon fastened by threads to her spinnerets. It is globular and of a diameter equal to the whole length of the mother, is formed in June Linyphia. 1 Staveley, British Spiders, page 152. 2 Idem, page 143. 3 See Vol. I., page 317. 4 Staveley, “British Spiders,” page 165. 5 Equal to L. montana Sund., L. resupina Walck. 6 Blackwall, Spiders Gt. B. & I., page 215. 120 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. or July, is a pale brownish color, containing brown eggs. It resorts to dark and damp places, as cellars and the under surfaces of stones. It is cer- tainly remarkable to find a Line- weaving species thus approximat- ing the Citigrades, from which it so greatly differs in other respects, in the manner of caring for the cocoon. But in this habit she is not alone among her tribe. Theridium carolinum forms in June a round white cocoon one-tenth inch in di- ameter, which she carries attached by threads to her person! A pretty little Theridioid, Steatoda maculata (Theridium maculatum Linn.), is also said to carry about its egg cocoon suspended between the legs, and only relinquishes it Fic, 124. The mother Pholeus hanging in her snare, when force is used, regaining it with cocoon held in her jaws. quickly if possible. The cocoon of Pholeus phalangioides, which is perhaps the very simplest in structure of all this tribe, and I may add of all the tribes, is simply a gauzy covering which encloses the eggs, the whole being gathered into a globular mass. This is held by the spider within her jaws as she hangs in her ordinary position within her straggling web of intersecting lines. In this portage of her egg case Pholeus approaches the habit of the Citi- grades and Tunnel- weavers. (Fig. 124.) Seytodes thora- cica Latr. (Scytodes cameratus Hentz) has been found by Mr. Emerton, in New England, as a house spider, which he supposes has been imported from Europe. European observers note that this spider carries her cocoon under her breastplate, in which position it is not secured by silken threads, but is held by the falces and palpi. In this habit it resembles Pholcus, with Pholeus. \ Fic, 125. English Pholeus phalangioides, with her cocoon. (After Blackwall.) ' Staveley, “ British Spiders,” page 141. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. Al which it is closely allied structurally. It is found in houses, upon walls, ete., in warm situations. It is described as slow and deliberate in its motions, displaying somewhat of the action of a gnat in lifting and poising its lee in the air when walking. The whole char- acter of the aranead is mild and quiet. The poison fangs are so feeble as to be of but little use in seizing its prey, which office is chiefly performed by the maxille. When taken, Scytodes offers no resistance and attempts no flight, but, feigning death, resigns itself quietly to its fate.1 This tribe embraces the singular genus Walckenaéra, some of whose species have the eyes placed upon little turret like elevations of the ceph- alothorax. Their habits have not been carefully studied, and their cocoons are little known. One European species, Walcke- naéra acuminata, makes a cocoon flat on one side, rounded on the other, about one-third inch in diameter, and composed of slightly woven white silk. It is found in autumn on the under surface of stones and Scytodes thoracica. W alck- enaera. Fic. 126. Cocoon of Agalena nevia, spun upon bark. Fic. 126. Appearance of exterior, covered with brown sawdust. Fics. 127 and 128. Views after the outer coverings have been removed. other objects.2. Our American fauna has a number of closely related rep- resentatives of this strange genus, which are relegated by Emerton to vari- ous genera,? and it is probable that their cocoonery nearly resembles that of the above species. UL. The most common Tubeweaver in the Eastern States is probably the Speckled Agalena, Agalena neevia. Its funnel shaped nest, with its broad sheeted top spread over the grass or hedges, or stretched in mis- Tube- cellaneous sites, is one of the most familiar objects in our land- WAS Saad scape. Its cocoon is attached to some surface, as the leaf of a Agale- ree, a rock, or the under surface of a loose bit of old bark. In nine. tree, a rock, or the under s é a ‘ ark. this position Agalena spreads a circular patch a half inch or more in diameter, within which she encloses her eggs. This is covered 1 Staveley, “British Spiders,” page 268. 2 Idem, page 205. * See his “New England Theridiide.” 122 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. again with a thin sheet, upon which the mother overlays a wadding of sawdust or pulverized bark gnawed from the surrounding surface. In the absence of such materials, the upholstery consists of any available fibre furnished by the particular site. The whole is then overspun with an exterior covering. It is thus one of the most elaborate of known cocoons, and apparently is as well calculated to preserve the life concealed within as any spinningwork that could be wrought by aranead spinning organs. When Agalena cannot conveniently obtain sawdust and like material for the upholstery of her cocoon, she will overspin her eggs without such pro- tection. For example, a female of this species was observed upon Uphol- the window of a chicken house, with a pretty tubular snare hung Bata q. 2gainst the frame, and two cocoons woven upon the glass near by. These were simply eggs of a pinkish hue, covered over with silken spinningwork and no upholstery added. I have also found Aga- lena’s cocoon woven upon the under side of a leaf, in which position it contained no upholstery, and, indeed, quite resem- bled the cocoon of an Epeiroid spider spun in like situation. I suppose that in this case, as also in the preceding one, the difficulty of gnawing off the tough, green fibre of the leaf and branches, or Fic. 129. Cocoon of Agalena Selon : nievia on loose bark, to show Of the painted wooden frame of the window was an the mode of uniting to the obstacle which prevented the mother from pursu- opposite surface by a stalk. , f : o = ing her usual habit. Perhaps, indeed, it requires the suggestion of near by and available material, hke that of bark or decayed wood, to induce this additional upholstering protection of the cocoon. On the other hand, a female of this species, which I kept within a glass jar, haying made her cocoon, proceeded to collect from the bottom of the jar bits of débris of various sorts, which she placed upon it in the usual position. There were only a few of these particles, not enough to be of any value for the protection of the enclosed eggs, even if there had been any exposure to danger under the circumstances. Of course, it could hardly have been expected that this mother would understand that her offspring, by reason of the situation within a glass jar, would be safe from the enemies which usually assail the eggs of the species in natural site. Sometimes the cocoon of this species, when spun upon a loose piece of bark, will have a thick stalk spun across to the opposite surface of the tree to which it is united by a circular patch of thick silk. (Fig. 129.) A like arrangement is found when the cocoon is woven up against the lower side of a stone, the exterior or under part being then carried down- ward by a stalk to the earth. This is not a common method, however, and I can think of no good reason for such a variation. : ach abe ua GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 12 eo Agalena labyrinthea of Europe resembles in its general habits the Aga- lena nevia of America. According to Walckenaer the female makes her single cocoon in the month of August, which she encloses within en a huge purse like web full of soil and vegetable detritus. When ae is rem¢ b A he web is remoyec > COC s see es Sretas ; sarrinenh emoyed, the cocoon is seen to be about the size of the end of one’s thumb, and woven of a fine silken tissue enveloped by clods of earth. Next to these is another envelope of silk, and then, finally, particles of soil so strongly adhering to the cocoon that they cannot well be separated. When the cocoon is opened, it is found to be formed of a thick, tough web. On the exterior it is beautifully white and perfectly polished. It contains as high as one hundred and thirty-four eggs of a greenish yellow color.! The well known cellar spider, Tegenaria derhami,? which is widely Fie. 130. Fic. 131. Frc. 130. Snare of Tegenaria derhamii in a cellar window, with three cocoons suspended thereto. Fic. 131, One cocoon, natural size. distributed over both hemispheres, conceals her eggs within a flattened ball or hemisphere of soft silk, somewhere in the neighborhood of her snare. Sometimes this is suspended by threads to the snare itself (see Vol. I., page 239, Fig. 221), or again is attached Tege- naria. cal with this species, and have so used the name in Vol. I. Mr. Emerton, howeyer, in a recent paper, declares Hentz’s Tegenaria medicinalis to be a Ceelotes, and separate from T. derhamii. He classifies as Coelotes medicinalis the spider that I have heretofore considered Hentz’s Tegenaria persica. See Trans. Conn. Acad., Vol. VIII, 1889-90, New Eng. Spiders of the Families Drasside, ete. 124 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. represents the snare and cocoon of one of these spiders. The mother was hidden within a curtained screen or tower newly spun. On the beam just above the snare hung two cocoons. They were attached above and on the sides to the beam, and in front and on the sides to the flap of the snare. Their position was such that they were just above and in front of the door of the den. One of them was covered with black particles of dust. They were about half an inch in diameter. Figs. 182 and 133 are views of the manner in which the cocoons were suspended. One often finds these cocoons woven into the texture of abandoned snares in cellars and outhouses. Fig. 130 is a sketch of such a web hanging in a window of my church cellar. The pouch like snare stretched upward to the window roof, and at the bottom, on either side of the tube or tower, three button shaped cocoons were inserted. They were still white when sketched in midwinter, although the web was Witte much soiled with the cellar dust \ Yr and soot. I do not know that all three cocoons were made by one mother. Coelotes medicinalis (Tegena- ria persica Hentz) usually spins her cocoons on or near her snare. I have found in one snare two globular cocoons covered with bits FiGs. ie ae eens cocoons Ree ec of clay. One contained round eae whitish eggs; the other had liv- ing spiderlings with white cephalothorax and greenish abdomen. Agroeca brunnea! is an English species. The sexes pair in May, and in the month of June the female constructs an elegant vase shaped cocoon of white silk, of a fine compact structure, attached by a short foot stalk to rushes, stems of grass, heath, or gorse. It measures about one- fourth inch in diameter, and contains from forty to fifty yellowish spher- ical eggs, enveloped in white silk, connected with the anterior surface of the cocoon, contiguous to the foot stalk. Greatly to the disadvantage of its appearance, the cocoon is smeared with moist soil, which when dried serves to protect it from the weather, and, as an additional security, the extremity is closed and directed downward.? In the illustration (Fig. 154) the uppermost cocoon is shown as it is first spun, the two lower cocoons as they appear when plastered. Another drawing (Fig. 185) of this beau- tiful cocoon, which has attracted the attention of all English araneologists, is taken from Rey. Pickard-Cambridge. With it is a similar cocoon of an English congener, Agreeca proxima (Fig. 136), woven like the former species upon a twig of heather.* 1 Agalena brunnea Blekw. 2 Blackwall, Spid. Gt. B. & I., page 160, pl. xii., Fig. 102. 3 Spiders of Dorset, Vol. I., pl. ii., Fig. 7. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 125 Coelotes saxatilis makes a cocoon half an inch in diameter, containing yellowish white eggs. The external case is partly plastered with one earth. (Fig. 1387.) Textrix lycosina has the same habit of pro- an . Ree Ser By aed Sata ae Textrix, tecting her cocoon, which is usually woven to the under side of a stone near her tubular hiding place. It is white, flattened, and about one-fourth inch in diameter.! According to the Swedish naturalist Clerck? the eggs of the Water spider, Argyroneta aquatica, are round, of a saffron yellow color, contained within a globular silken cocoon, which occupies about one-fourth of the pclae subaqueous maternal cell. (Fig. 138.) The female remains con- aquatica. Stantly near it, keeping her abdomen in the interior of her hab- itation, and the fore part of her body in the water. The figures of this cocoon (Figs. 139 and 140) are from Blackwall,* and represent a hemispherical or disk like object resembling cocoons made by many terres- trial Tubeweavers, especially the Clubionide. Argyroneta’s cocoon presents the appearance of having been woven against a flat, solid surface, or per- haps the silken walls of the cell. Other naturalists represent it as being swung like a hammock across the cell, somewhat in the fashion of the cocoons of various Tunnelweavers hereafter described. Blackwall’s description of the cocoon, its site, and preservation is as fol- lows: Argyroneta aquatica habitually passes the greater part of its life in the water, not only pursuing its prey in that liquid, but constructing be- neath its surface a drum shaped cell in which is placed its cocoon of white silk of a compact texture and lenticular form, containing from eighty to one hundred eggs of a yellow color, not agglutinated together. ‘This is well supported in a vertical position, the open part being directed downwards by lines of silk connecting it with aquatic plants, and as it comprises a considerable quantity of atmospheric air, the spider can at all times occupy it without experiencing the least inconvenience. In swimming and diving Argyroneta assumes an inverted position, and is more or less enveloped in air confined by the cireumambient water among the hairs with which it is clothed. The supply is always more abundant on the under than on the upper part, in consequence of the greater length and density of the hairs distributed over its surface. Passing into the large and yaried family of Drassids, we find a sub- stantial uniformity in the general shape and structure of their cocoons. These are usually lenticular or button shaped (plano convex) ob- Family jects woven against some solid surface in the yicinity of the Saal tubular nest or ordinary haunts of the BpeCIES The covering is a close textured silk, as stiff as parchment. The circular piece attached to the surface is of similar composition, and the eggs are 1 Blackwall, Spid. Gt. B. & L., pl. xii., Fig. 109. ? Aran. Svecici., page 149. 3 Sp. Gt. B. & L., pl. viii., Figs. 87 g, h. 126 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. Fic. 140. Fie. 141, Fie. 134. Cocoons of Agalena brunnea, attached to moss. Slightly enlarged. (After Blackwall.) Fic. 135. Cocoon of Agreeca brunnea. Fig. 136. Cocoon of Agreeca proxima, attached to a sprig of heather. (After Cambridge.) »Fie. 137. Cocoons of Ceelotes saxatilis, natural size, with particles of earth daubed on the surface. (After Blackwall.) Fig. 138. Subaqueous cocooning nest of the Water spider. (After Cuvier.) Fre. 139. Cocoon of Argyroneta aquatica, front view. Fic. 140. Side view. (After Blackwall.) Fic, 141. Two Drassid cocoons woven against a board. Fic. 142. One detached, to show the flat bottom. Fic. 143. Cocoon of Clubiona tranquilla (probably), woven upon bark. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 127i commonly deposited inside, without any or with only a little flossy pad- ding. The exterior is frequently plastered more or less freely with mud or the detritus of decayed wood. Clubiona tranquilla makes a hemispherical or button shaped cocoon, which is attached to various surfaces, as of rocks, bark, or boards. (Fig. 143.) One female confined within a jar for observation spun her co- coon upon a little twig placed for her convenience within the vessel. As first completed by the mother the external covering was pure white silk. But, fol- lowing her maternal instinct, she de- Fie. 144. Cocoon of Clubiona tranquilla, woven on a stick, and slightly mud plastered. scended to the earth upon the bottom of the jar, collected pellets of mud between her mandibles, carried them up to her cocoon, and daubed the surface over in little ridges until the whole was quite mottled with the plastered mud. (Fig. 144.) Sometimes the Drassid’s cocoon is contained within the tubular domi- cile of the mother, and this again will be overspread with a tent of deli- eate texture, as in the case of the Parson spider, Prosthesima ecclesiastica (Herpyllus ecclesiasticus Hentz). (Fig. 145.) The Parson spider is a quite large species one half inch long, with a black body, marked along the thorax and dorsum of the abdomen with decided circular and oblong patches of white, to which peculiar uae markings it owes its specific name. Its habits are those of the Parson : a : Sedoe Drassids generally, although it is not as sedentary as some others, but wanders in search of prey. It is commonly found upon trees, fences, etc., near some recess or opening into which it may retreat. Like some of our common house Theridioids, it is fond of taking refuge under the projecting parts of outhouses. In winter it is found wrapped in a thick sheeted tube of silk under the bark of trees and like situations. It is active in its movements, and prowls for its prey. It makes its cocoon early in June. This is com- posed of several layers of pure white silk, between one of which particles of dust are placed and quilted in with =e 3 spinningwork. I have found Fic. 145. The Parson Rete cae her cocoon within an the chippings of the carpenter bee among these particles. An interesting and rather pretty little Tubeweaver, which appears to be Micaria aureata, the Herpyllus aureatus of Hentz, conceals its cocoon with- in a double tent. (Fig. 146.) The cocoon itself is a small, button shaped object, containing a few brownish yellow eggs. The example illustrated in the figure was spun within the angle of a wall, and covered over with a tube such as the spider usually spins for a dwelling place. Openings were 128 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. left at either end of this tube. Above the whole, and quite encompassing it, was woven a large tent several times the size of the first tube, and composed of spinningwork whose threads were quite closely placed, but of so thin tissue that one could see through it without any difficulty. A large opening appeared at one end of this external tent, but whether it was left of purpose for a door, or, more probably, was the result of acci- dent, I could not determine. Among the Drassids which I have found in Colorado is a species of Gnaphosa, which I took under a stone on the summit of the Snowy Range. It was dwelling in a little tubular nest. This species, according to Emerton,! is found all over New England, from the White Mountains to New Haven. Professor Packard found a female with a cocoon of eggs on Gray’s Peak, Colorado, over eleven thousand feet |||! yy I/| I LUTE il wu yu ee "hu ao a teu ms : a lh XC Ny aS \W rm Zul Me j ‘\ ry Gna- phosa. ‘ fl | au i. “is i Ly y) Te ay Zi yA Fic, 146. Cocoon of Micaria aureata within an interior and exterior tent. high. It thus has a remarkably great geographical as well as vertical dis- tribution. The spider lives under stones and leayes. The cocoon is white and flat, with its diameter as great as, or greater than, the length of the spider. Emerton says that the female stays near her cocoon, but makes no nest. I would have expected her to make her cocoon within her cell. Some of the Drassids, like the Agalenads, protect their cocoons by com- pletely enclosing them in cases of mortar. Among these is a species sent me for determination by Mr. F. M. Webster, assistant entomolo- gist of the State of Illinois, through whose intelligent interest the remarkable facts concerning this spider have thus been made known. Mr. Webster has found these mud cocoons throughout the whole range of Illinois, a State of great longitudinal extent. Two cells on Southern Illinois are Deen than the a and composed of Mud Encased Cocoons. s New mae ieee freee Conn. “Kean Vol. VIIL, page 13. PEAT MIMICRY OF ENVIRONMENT. TRAPDOOR SPIDERS. 1, BURROW WITH DOOR OF DRY OLIVE LEAVES, CLOSED. 2, THE SAME, OPEN. 3, 4, 5, TRAPDOOR COVERED WITH MOSS. & A y ’ “19 Wy : : wi > - ’ ie ¥ i rT, L x 4 STin ‘ Le ‘ _ = oy, a ‘ : ‘ . 7 f ' * ’ . ‘ . : ‘ ' ‘ ‘ : Fy ' ae . _ , ~~. ; ’ : , ~ ' ; = . ' . ‘ F ‘ “a 3 : 1 ee 1 GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 129 yellowish earth or clay; but balls from Central Illinois are made out of the rich black soil common to the prairies. They vary in diameter from one-half to one-fourth of an inch. (Figs. 147, 148.) From most of them a slight silken cord protrudes (Figs. 147, 148, 153, 154), by which they are often found attached to the under side of a board or stone. The cord is sometimes thickened into a cup shaped patch at the point of attachment, and is occasionally composed of several threads. When these mud balls are softened in water one is able to open them, and in some cases the mud peels off in little layers like the skin of an onion, indicating that the method of structure is to plaster a thin coating of mud upon the entire cocoon, and add successive layers, which likewise cover the whole surface before another layer is begun. It is evident that no little mechanical skill is involved in such even distribution of the mortar. In the centre of the mud ball is found a cocoon of delicate structure and pure white color (Figs. 151, 152), within which a few eggs are depos- ited. This can be lifted out of its matrix, leaving the round The concayity smooth and well defined, as shown at Figs. 149, 150. cece The stock of the cocoon is carried at one point entirely through Structure ap meade eis I ite” 5 the mud ball, and issues at the surface in a thin cord whose use has been alluded to above. This stalk or suspensory cord is, of course, spun before the plastermg begins, and is covered over gradually, an act which must require delicate manipulation. By keeping some of the cocoons in a moist condition, I was able to hatch from one, May 30th, a brood of about thirty lively young Drassid spiderlings. They apparently belong to the genus Micaria, and I therefore named the species Micaria limicunze,! although with much hesitation, as it is difficult to determine species from young spiders. These mud balls in external form closely resemble the spherical mud ege nest of the wasp Eumenes, which I have often found attached to the stalks of weeds, grasses, etc., in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. (Fig. 156.) It is certainly interesting to observe that this habit of concealing the future progeny within a globular cradle of mud belongs to a spider as well as to a wasp, and to note how maternal solicitude finds expression in like forms among widely separated orders. Limicunz appears to be much subject to the attacks of hymenopterous parasites. Mr. Webster found parasitic ichneumon flies in some of his boxes, which had evidently crawled out of one of the mud balls. Limicu- Some of the balls seen by him had openings in the side about ne’s Sa : a! ; ; .,.. one millimetre in diameter (Fig. 148), from which evidently Parasites. : the ichneumon had escaped, since it contained the stiff white silken case commonly spun by the larva of this insect. I secured from one of my specimens, in the process of hatching the spiderlings, two of 1 Proceedings Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1884, page 153. 130 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. 150 152 148 155 Mud plastered cocoons of Drassid spiders. Figs. 147-152. Micaria limicune. 2. Frss. 153-155. Unknown species from Alexandria Bay. X 2. Fic. 156. Mud nest of a wasp Eumenes. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 131 these flies, which were determined by the eminent hymenopterist, Mr. Ezra T. Cresson, to be Pezomachus meabilis Cresson. I collected cocoons somewhat similar to those of Limicune near Alex- andria Bay, New York, on the St. Lawrence River. They were ACon- attached by very loose spinningwork to the under side of stones, glomerate S sae . ‘ aoe but the external case, instead of being mud, was a mass of ag- Ball. glomerated particles of old wood, bark, leaves, blossoms, shells and wings of insects, etc., which were held together by a deli- cate weft of threads. (Figs. 153, 154, 157.) Two of these balls contained whitish cocoons similar to those in the mud balls of Limicune. (Fig. 155.) Another had within it the charac- teristic cases of some hymenopterous insect, containing dried pupe. A very thin veneering of soil immediately enclosed the silken egg pouch, but otherwise no mud plaster was used. I did not succeed in hatching spiders from the specimens, and could not therefore determine that these cocoons were made by the same spider that constructs the mud_ balls of Illinois, but I am inclined to think they were made by P the same or a closely related species.! tae This habit of protecting cocoons with an armor of mud and agglutinated rubbish of divers kinds, is widely spread, and is, no doubt, quite cosmopolitan. It is pos- sessed by several of the European species. Teg- enaria agrestis is found under rocks, in which position the mother attaches her large cocoon, pes eee about half an inch in diameter, formed of a triple or — atmored with chip- a 5 ° PLO pings, soil, etc. X 2. quadruple envelope. The first are thin, white, containing a layer of sand and the débris of insects agglutinated together, followed by a third envelope of beautiful orange red, which contains a loose wad, a little compacted where the eggs are. The mother makes several cocoons, which she abandons and leaves isolated, or which she encloses under a single web, fine and transparent. In France these cocoons are found in July and August, chiefly in woods.? The cocoon of Tegenaria emaciata, as described by Walckenaer, is formed of a round mass larger than a good sized pea. This mass is composed of soil agglutinated and mingled with the detritus of the bodies of small in- sects, as beetles, ants, and others. In the midst of this mass of earth is placed the cocoon, of a beautiful orange yellow color, but not perfectly globular, having the shape of a little flask. The particles of earth which enclose this are held together by filaments of silk, but are not enveloped by white silk, as is the case with Tegenaria agrestis. The immediate envelope of the cocoon is a pellicle so compact Mt aS The Habit Catholic. 1 McCook: “A Spider that makes a Spherical Mud Daub Cocoon.” Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1884, page 151. 2 Walckenaer, Aptéres, Volume II., page 5. 132 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. that one can tear it. Walckenaer found, August 20th, twenty-six spider- lings perfectly developed enclosed within a cocoon. Each was about a millimetre long, of a milk white color, the eyes not very distinct. In another cocoon, found at the same period, he counted twenty-three eggs. He saw no web near the tube in the neighborhood of the cocoons.1 Ex- amples of the same mode of treating cocoons by the European Agroca brunnea have already been given. While walking through the fields near the home of Mr. F. M. Camp- bell, at Hoddesdon, Hertz, England, I noticed a number of pretty, spherical nests which had been formed by mass- ing together spikelets of a species of grass. A ball about the size of a hick- ory nut, that is to say, one inch in di- ameter, was thus formed. At first sight I took this to be the work of lepidop- terous larve, but upon plucking some nests the spinningwork which bound the \. spikelets together appeared to be spider s ih silk rather than that of a moth larva. One of the nests was therefore opened and proved to contain a species of Dras- sid which I took to be a Clubiona. Unfortunately, the specimens which I had preserved for further examination FiG. 158. Cocooning nest of Were lost, and I can only give this an English Drassid, woven general identification. The species, as I upon tops of grass. (From : Nature.) remembered it, seemed much like our American Clubiona pallens, or the Eng- lish Clubiona hollosericea, The drawings (Fig. 158) were made from specimens which I brought home, and upon careful ex- amination prove beyond doubt to be the home nest of a spi- der, woven upon heads of a grass somewhat resembling maize, probably Leersia oryzoides Swz., or Rice Cut-grass. When cut open, a hollow sphere of white silk is disclosed, which is the dainty cell in which the aranead lived. A veritable fairy palace! Among the British Clubionide, as described by Blackwall and Staveley, I can only find one species, Clubiona erratica, whose habits would suggest such a nest as this. The cocoon of this species is white and nearly round. The mother places it in a nest, around which she forms a guard by binding together the branches of firs or other plants in the midst of which she is placed. She remains in the nest with her young.? 1 Aptéres, Volume II., page 14. * Staveley, British Spiders, page 110. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 133 This species, however, as described by the English authors, does not correspond with my recollection of the inhabitant of the pretty nest which I have noticed. It is possible that my memory may be at fault, Cocoon . : r - ct and that this cocooning tent was prepared by the female of Clu- * biona erratica. American Drassids, as we have seen, make simi- lar spherical nests, but I know none that thus hangs them to foliage. The substantial agreement in cocooning habit between the Drassids of America and those of Europe may further be seen by comparing the fol- lowing descriptions of English species. The female of Drassus ater con- structs a large white cell of close texture, usually in a hole in the earth or under a stone. Within this, in the month of May, she places a plano con- vex cocoon, which is attached by its flat side to the stone or other sub- stance on which the cell is formed. This cocoon is white or slightly yel- Fia. 159. Fic. 160. De Geer’s sketches of Clubiona cocoon nests. Fic. 159. On birch leaves. Fic. 160. Cocoon of the same. Fic. 161. Nest on an apple leaf. lowish at first, but afterwards becomes yellowish in color. The female re- mains on guard by her eggs. The cocoon of Drassus sylvestris is white, of a flattened shape, and a little less than one-third inch in diameter. It is formed in July and concealed in the silken cell in a hole in the earth under stones. The mother is usually found with her cocoons. Drassus lapidicolens conceals herself in a cell formed between the sur- face of the earth and the under side of a stone, near which she spins some threads, forming an irregular square. In this cell, in the months of July and August, she places her cocoon, covering it with dead leaves. This, at first, is in the form of a flattened sphere, but becomes nearly round when the young are about to escape. It is white and about one-half an inch in diameter. The mother remains with her young some time after the eggs are hatched. The cocoons formed by the beautiful little Drassus nitens are about one-sixth inch in diameter, hemispherical, and white. The mother inhabits a tube which proceeds from the upper side of the cocoon. ! English Drassids. 1 See descriptions of Blackwall and Staveley. 134 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. I present in this connection two of the earliest published figures rep- resenting the spinningwork of spiders of this family, both of them prob- ably belonging to the genus Clubiona. They were made by that pioneer araneologist, Baron De Geer. Fig. 159! represents a leaf nest with the spider within it, woven on the inner surfaces of birch leaves. This constituted the mother’s dwelling and the egg nest of her cocoon. The mother remained with most of her body concealed within her nest, but her fore feet were held outside ready to seize whatever prey might pass by. Fig. 160 is the cocoon separated from the enclosing nest. Fig. 161 represents an apple leaf within the concave inside of which is seen a white cell spun by the female of Araneus pallidus Clerck (“Araignee tapissiere”’), apparently a species of Clubiona. It serves as a dwelling for the mother and contains also her cocoon, within which the eggs are deposited and the young hatched. The nest was sketched July 25th. It was opened and the spiderlings found within with their mother. The mother showed no fear, but stayed by her little ones closely, even during the process of tearing open the nest for examina- tion.” The Dysderads form one of the most interest- ing families of the Tubeweayers, and are especially distinguished by having six instead of eight eyes, six spinnerets, and four breathing holes. In their general habits they are closely related to the Dras- sids, living in tubes or cells of silk formed under stones in cracks and crannies of walls, fence rails, old trees, and similar places. Our most common Fic. 162, Snare and nesting tube species in this geographical province is Dysdera oS Duedere Poe: bicolor.2 I have found it in great numbers occu- pying numerous interstices between the stones of an old barn in Delaware County, and in the interspaces between door jambs and window frames of the wall. Tubes of all sizes} from those of baby spiderlings to grizzled adults’, had their outlet upon the wall surface, at which points the tube widened out into a rectangular margin or flap, by which it was attached to the wall. The species is widely distributed over the adjoin- ing fields, in fences, etc., and the accompanying figure was drawn from a huge walnut tree that stood solitary in a meadow. The trunk was cleft by a longitudinal fissure twelve feet or more in length and from an inch to two inches wide. The bark was stripped off along the edges of this fissure, and within the crevice ten or twelve tubes were spun, extending De Geer’s Figures. Dysdera bicolor. 1 Mem. des Insect., Tom. VII., plate xviii., Figs. 8-9. 2 Tdem, page 268, pl. 15, Fig. 16. 8 Ariadne bicolor Emerton, New England Drassidee, page 38. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 135 inward for two inches and more. The silk of the tube was fine, but the flap of netted work by which it was attached to either side was of coarser fibre. (See Fig. 162.) The tubes were spun all the way up the fissure to the fork of the trunk. The spiders watch near the orifice of their tubes with the first three pairs of legs directed forward, an unusual position, as spiders usually have only the first two pairs thrust outward. The cocoon, containing twenty or thirty eggs, is placed within the inner part of the tube in July and August. Emerton! saw one in this position July 10th, and an- other under a stone with a cocoon containing thirty-four : eggs. The English Dysdera hombergi spins her egg sac em within her tube in June; it is an oval cell, within which are from twenty to thirty pinkish eggs loosely bound together. The cell is slightly woven, and is covered with particles of gravel or other extraneous matter. It thus appears that the cocooning habits of the genus as rep- resented in Europe are the same as those of our American species. In material sent me from San Bernardino, California, by Mr. Wright, were cocooning nests of a peculiar type made by a species of Segestria, _ which appears to be new, and which I have named Segestria ee canities. (Fig. 163.) The species was determined from young spiders found enclosed in some of the cocoons. Subsequently, I received from the same section, through Mrs. Eigenmann, two mature females, which enabled me to confirm my previous determination, and thus to identify the cocoons which are here described. The species is shown at Fig. 163, and a view of the face at Fig. 164.” The mother Segestria spins a series of flattened disks, which are oyer- laid one upon another like tiles upon a roof, and are bound by silken threads somewhat after the fashion of Epeira labyrin- thea’s cocoons. This series of cocoons is sometimes three = inches or more in length. The examples sent me were aes covered (apparently intentionally) with leaves, from the plant upon which the string had been suspended, resem- bling the leayes of spruce or hemlock. Along the entire Fie 1, View ofeyes length of one side of the cocoon string the mother and face of Segestria ad spun a silken tube, within which she dwelt. The aie manner in which the string is suspended is represented in Fig. 165. It hangs within a maze of intersecting cross lines like the 1 Notes, Hentz’s Spiders U.S., page 22. 2The spider is about three-eighths inch long; the cephalothorax brown, the abdomen brownish yellow covered thickly with white hairs, which also strongly mark the cephalo- thorax, suggesting its specific name. The legs are yellow, with brown rings at the joints and a similar ring in the middle of the tibia. 136 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. Fig, 167. Fic. 168. | Fic. 165. Fic. 166. sewed leaf. (Natural size.) Fre. 168. The same, snare and cocoons on inside of leaf. | | | , | Fic. 165. Cocoon string of Segestria canities, with domicile tube alongside. lia. 166. The same, | side view, and cocoons covered with leaves. IG. 167. Cocoons of wall loving Dictyna within a | | GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 137 webs of Lineweavers; is attached above’ to a strong thread, and is stayed and balanced by various guy lines along the entire length. On opening the several cocoons of one of these strings I found (in one of twelve co- coons) the first seven contained only the first moults or shells of the escaped spiders; the next three, young spiders in successive degrees of advanced erowth; and the last two, eggs alone. The exterior case of the cocoons is a light straw color or creamy white. It is made of two saucer shaped pieces well woven together at the edges, and is about three-eighths of an inch in diameter. Fig. 166 gives a side view of a cocoon string, showing the way in which the cocoons overlap one another. Dictyna usually makes several cocoons, small flattened globes of pure white, about one-eighth inch diameter, which are placed within the snare, usually grouped near one of circular doors on which the web lines converge. (See Vol. I, page 349.) When she spins her web along a brick wall or like surface, the cocoons are fastened to the wall, arranged along the angle or clustered together loosely. When the spider makes her snare within a leaf, as she frequently does, the cocoons are placed upon the leaf, protected, of course, by the enclosing cross lines. The mother is found near her cocoons, though apparently not exercising any special vigil upon them. She simply lays her eggs in the position most convenient to herself. The edges of the leaf are sometimes drawn well together (Fig. 167) and sewed in the prevailing aranead style; but more frequently the edges of the leaves are simply bent over by silken lashings as in Fig. 168. This cut is drawn from a sketch made on the grounds of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Dictyna. II. Of the typical cocoons of the Territelarise we may speak with some positiveness; but the number of species whose cocoons are known is small. However, it is highly probable that the variety of form and method of suspension and care is not great, and we may per- haps conclude that we possess a good knowledge of the general cocooning habit of the tribe. Mr. Enock determined the position in which the mother Atypus piceus spins her cocoon. In a tube ten inches long and from a half to five- eighths inch in diameter he found that about six and a half inches below the surface the tunnel widened into a sort of pouch. On opening this he saw the mother’s cocoon suspended in a beautiful hammock of silk one inch long, the flat ends of which were about three-sixteenths of an inch wide, and were attached to the top and bottom of the pouch.! This description entirely corresponds with that previously recorded by Terri- telariz. 1 Life History of Atypus piceus, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1885, page 394. ils AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. M. Eugene Simon! and by Mr. Pickard-Cambridge.2 Mr. Simon has made a drawing of the cocoon as found by him in natural site, which I reproduce from the paper just quoted. The earth is therein shown dug away to disclose the burrow, and the projecting tube is seen as laid along the surface. (See Fig. 169.) Instead of the ham- mock which Enock describes, Mr. Simon says that a number of threads are used to suspend the cocoon in the throat of the enlargement of the burrow. Mr. Enock found the male of Aty- pus piceus in the tubular nest of the female October 15th, and again Octo- ber 20th, but the fertilization must have occurred earlier, for the same writer, on August Ist and again on September Ist, found the cocoons con- taining eggs, and during the months of September and October the young were already found hatched. Accord- ing to this observer, the number of eggs in the cocoon of Atypus piceus was usually over a hundred. On sey- eral occasions he counted the number of young living with a single female, the sum always exceeding one hun- dred, and sometimes as high as one hundred and _ fifty-seven.? Blackwall, however, states that the mother Aty- pus deposits between thirty and forty eggs,4 but in view of the particular and definite statements of Mr. Enock we must conclude that this is a mis- take. Abbot’s Atypus of Florida no doubt protects her egg sac in the same manner as Atypus piceus, since, according to Abbot’s note, as re- corded by Baron Walckenaer,® and which I have read in the original manuscript, the young are found, like the offspring of Lycosids, domiciled on the back of the mother after they are hatched.® Atypus’ Cocoon. I'ic. 169. The cocoon of Atypus piceus, suspend- ed within her tunnel. (After Simon.) Abbot’s Atypus. ' Annals of the Entomological Society of France, fifth series, Tom. III., 1874, page 114 and pl. 4. * Spiders of Dorset, page xxxiii., Introduction. % Op. cit., page 392. + Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, page 15. ® Hist. Nat. des Insectes, Aptéres, Vol. I., page 248. ® MeCook, “ Nesting Habits of the American Purseweb Spider,” Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1888, page 213. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 139 That accomplished French arachnologist, M. Eugene Simon, has recently added largely to our knowledge of this interesting tribe. A visit to South America enabled him to make personal studies of trapdoor nests, and these have happily found expression in admirably drawn plates, some of whose figures I have ventured to redraw for these pages. Rhytidicolus structor is a common species in Venezuela, particularly upon the slopes of compact and sandy ground. Its burrow is the most complex that Simon observed. It is composed of three successive spacious chambers, communicating one with another by straight openings, which close by a hinged door. The first chamber is largely dilated in the form of a pear, but quite contracted at the two extremities. (See Fig. 170.) The second chamber is more or less cylindrical, and termi- nates in a cul de sac. The third chamber communicates with the sec- ond, not by its extremity, but upon the side, which is dilated and oval, like the first, and rounded at the bot- tom. The walls of the entire burrow are perfectly built, very smooth, and draped with a white tissue, light, transparent, and adhering. The three doors are almost alike. They are thick, cut like a stopple upon the edge, and penetrate within the opening, which is itself slightly widened and a little prolonged beyond the surface. They are semicircular, and cut in a straight line on the side of the hinge. Their superior faces are rough, like Simon on Trapdoor Spiders. bon ‘ ; ? Fic. 170. Section in the earth, showing trapdoor the adjoining soil, even with the in- nest of the female Rhytidicolus structor. (After Simon.) Fic. 171. Outline of first chamber of side door =) sometimes at an. external Rhytidicolus structor, to show location of cocoon. opening the doors are a little swollen, and yery unequal, but always slightly concave on the internal doors. The internal faces of the doors are convex, and have a silk drapery like that of the walls. On the edge of the bevel are small holes for the attachment of the claws when the trap is to be held down, and these are more distinct on the entrance door. This swings naturally from within to the out- side. The second door opens, on the contrary, from the outside inwardly in such manner that in the first chamber the two doors show the inter- nal faces equally smooth. The arrangement of these doors is shown in the figure. The female deposits her eggs in the first chamber; they are not agglu- tinated, and are enveloped in a cocoon of white, opaque tissue, much longer 140 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. than large, and are suspended obliquely, like a hammock, between the op- posite walls, as shown in the outline sketch, Fig. 171. Among the Venezuelan Avicularidee Simon discovered and describes an interesting species, which he names Psalistops melanophygia. It is a com- mon species in the neighborhood of Caracas, particularly in the Burrow forest of Catuche. It digs a burrow in the ground six or seven aerate inches in depth, garnished toward the top with a silken lining Psalis. ‘lightly adherent. The burrow is quite straight in the upper tops. part, from which proceeds a simple branch, straight and quite long, cutting the main entrance at an acute angle, and mount- ing near to the surface of the earth. (See Fig. 172.) Below the point at which this side branch enters, the main burrow is much enlarged and more or less curved towards the bottom. From this point also it is destitute of a silken lining. The opening to the burrow is with- out a trapdoor. It is slightly elevated above the surface, where it is always gar- nished by a collarette of dry leaves or any other sort of débris retained within the threads. The eggs, which were ob- served on the 12th of January, are not agglutinated. They are enveloped in a simple cocoon of cottony tissue, white and opaque; are placed near the bottom of the burrow, and suspended from one of the walls by a very short pedicle or stalk.1 (See Fig. 172.) A large female Tarantula, probably Eurypelma hentzii, or a closely related species, was sent to me from the West ey Indies, and arrived at the Academy dur- Fic. 172. The burrow of Psalistops melano- ing a prolonged absence. She died be- Tip pan ieenguen Bier suspended at fore my return, and was preserved in spirits; but afforded me an opportunity, which I had long desired, of determining the egg cocoon made by this family of the Theraphosoide. While cleaning out the box in which she had been sent I observed a piece of spinningwork within, which proved to be an abandoned cocoon. When inflated it showed a hollow spheroid composed of thick silken cloth, somewhat soiled on the outside, but within clean and white. It measured two inches along the longer axis and one and one-fourth inch along the shorter one. It Tarantula Cocoon. } Simon, Arachnides de Venezuela, page 197, plate 3, Fig. 1. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 141 was empty of young, whose first moults, however, were within the cocoon, as were also a few unhatched eggs, which are yellowish spheres three mil- limeters in diameter. Three small openings in the case showed where the spiderlings had escaped. Both cocoon and eggs are shown natural size in the accompanying figure. (ig. 173.) The interior of this cocoon was without any flossy lining or padding, resembling thus the egg sac of the Lycoside generally. A curious flap overlapped the cocoon at one side, whose use I could not conjecture, unless it may have served to attach the object to the mother’s body, or suspend it within her burrow; or perhaps it was simply a remnant of material which had remained after the eggs were rolled up within the silken rug upon which they are proba- bly deposited after the man- ner which I have shown to exist in the genus Lycosa.! The janitor who received the box containing this spi- der and placed it in my room was at the time new in his position, and did not understand the importance of observing all the particulars in the habits of living creatures sent to the’ Acad- emy. He therefore failed to YW) make any notes, but told 3 ee oe a if me, when questioned, that a he believed the cocoon was attached to the lower part of the spider’s body when Fic. 173. Cocoon and eggs of the Tarantula (Mygale). E Natural size. Mode of Carrying. it arrived. No doubt this is a correct observation, and we may assume with some degree of certainty that the large egg sac of the Theraposids is carried by the mother, lashed to the spinnerets at the apex of the abdomen, precisely as in the case of Lycosids, whose well known habit is familiar to every frequenter of our fields. This cocoon is exhibited in my collection of aranead architecture de- posited in the Philadelphia Academy, and is the only one, as far as I have been able to learn, exhibited in any similar institution. A second specimen in my possession is similar to this, except that the silken sac is 1 See Proceedings Academy Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1884, page 138, my note on “How Lycosa fabricates her round Cocoon.” 142 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. of much more delicate tissue, it probably having been made in confine- ment. Termeyer speaks of cocoons of the Mygalide of South America (“Aranea ayicularia”) even greater than the above. They are three inches long by one wide, and are placed in the fissures on trunks of trees. They contain thousands of eggs. This extraordinary size of the cocoon had made the inhabitants, who do not observe carefully, imagine that this spider would take the cocoon of “the bombice moth, del Guyavo (Janus, Linn.),” and, having destroyed or eaten the chrysalis, would place her own eges therein, and then artificially close the hole by which she had pene- trated it. One of these cocoons weighs as much as six cocoons of the silk worm before they are washed, and as much as three or four after haying been washed.! In San Domingo, according to Palissot de Beauvois, Mygale blondii is found in the fields, where it prepares a hole in which it awaits its prey. It does not confine itself to this manner of providing its food, but issues forth evening and morning, climbs up trees, and, penetrating into the nests of small birds, sucks their eggs or the blood of their little ones. The female’s cocoon is the size of a pigeon egg.” Walckenaer describes the cocoon of Mygale avicularia as composed of three silken envelopes, of which the middle one is thinner, and does not contain a silken padding. ‘The female places her cocoon near her tubular dwelling, and watches it assiduously. M. Moreau de Joannés, as quoted by Baron Walckenaer, says that the female of this spe¢ies in Cayenne envelopes, in a cocoon of white silk, her eggs, to the number of eighteen hundred or two thousand. He observes that the red ants eat the little Mygalidee when they issue from the cocoon. M. Guérin had in his collection a cocoon of this Mygale which was covered over with a multitude of very small parasitic Cynips. This cocoon was flat- tened, rounded, and about three inches in diameter. It was opened in the presence of Walckenaer, and the young spiders were found enclosed therein. Madame Merian, who first recorded a report that the Theraphosoide prey upon small birds, must have observed the cocoon of these spiders, as it seems to me. She indeed speaks of them as haying their domicile in a large round nest resembling the cocoon of a caterpillar; but the plate to which she refers is a fairly accurate figure of a female tarantula with a large oval cocoon attached to her abdomen, in the way usual to Lycosids.4 I have the opinion that the egg cocoon of the spider was mistaken by Mademoiselle Merian or her informants for a “domicile.” Size. Mygale avicularia ‘Communications Essex Institute, Vol. V., 1866-67, page 61. “Researches and Experi- ments upon Silk from Spiders and upon their Reproductions, by Raymond Maria de Ter- meyer.” Translated from the Italian, and revised by Burt G. Wilder. 2 Walckenaer, Aptéres, Vol. II., page 211. 3 Aptéres, I., 218. 4 Desertation sur la Generation et les Transformations des Insects de Surinam. Maric Sibillee Merian. A la Haye, MDCCXXVI. Fig. 18 and explication. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 143 At all events we may consider it fairly well assured that, in her cocoon- ing habits, the female Tarantula throughout most, or perhaps all, species, closely resembles the Lycosidee, and the resemblance probably ex- tends to all the Territelariz. In other words, the Theraphosid cocoon is, first, round or ovoid; second, is carried about with the mother, attached to her body, or kept under her care; and, third, the young for a period longer or shorter remain with their mother. The affinity between these two great groups of araneads is also marked in their nesting habits; both burrow into the ground a cylindrical tunnel or shaft, within which they domicile, sometimes lining it more or less completely with silk. Summary IV. Passing now into the group of Wandering spiders, we reach the co- coonery of the Citigrades, and here find little variety in structure, with scarcely an exception. The cocoons of this tribe are round balls without any interior furnishing, which are carried by the moth- er within her jaws, as in the case of Dol- omedes, or lashed to the spinnerets, as with the Lycosids and most other species. (Fig. 174.) The manner in which the co- = coon is made has been quite fully de- Fr.174. Lycosa carrying her round cocoon scribed by myself. ! lashed to her spinnerets. While walking in the suburbs of Philadelphia, | found under a stone a female Lycosa (probably L. riparia Hentz), which I placed in a jar on dry earth. For two days the spider remained on the surface Lycosa’s nearly inactive. The earth was then moistened, whereupon ae (May 2d) she immediately began digging, continuing until she ing had made a cavity about one inch in depth and height. The top was then carefully overlaid with a tolerably closely woven sheet of white spinningwork, so that the spider was entirely shut in. This cover she fortunately made against the glass side of the jar, and the moye- ments of the inmate were thus exposed to view. Shortly after the cave was covered the spider was seen working upon a circular cushion of white silk, about three-fourths of an inch in diameter, which was spun upwards in a nearly perpendicular position against the earthen wall of the cave. The cushion looked so much like the work of Agalena neevia, and the whole operations of the Lycosa were so like those of that spider when cocooning, that I was momentarily possessed with the thought that I had mistaken the identity altogether, and again examined her carefully, only to be sure that she was indeed a Lycosid. 1“How Lycosa fabricates her round cocoon.” Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1884, page 138. 144 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. After an absence of a half hour I returned to find that in the interval the spider had oviposited upon the central part of the cushion, and was then engaged in covering the hemispherical egg mass with a_ silken envelope, working like a mason spreading mortar with a trowel. Unluckily, at this stage of work I had to leave for an imperative en- gagement, and did not see my spider again for an hour and a half, when I was delighted to find a round silken ball dangling from the apex of her abdomen, held fast by short threads to the spin- nerets. The cushion, however, had disappeared. It is not dif- ficult to explain the intervening process. Within this circular cushion the eggs are deposited, after which act the spider proceeds to pull the edges of the cushion together until the whole is rolled around the egg mass, after the fashion of a schoolboy putting a leathern covering on a yarn ball. This done, the mother goes over the exterior of the ball, and spreads upon it an outer layer of spinningwork, which is woven in the same manner as the Forming the Ball. =S MUN ay, et ’ ( ( 3 Dy 4 \\\ ‘ Mp) Ww Fic. 175. Fic. 176. Fic. 175. The cocooning burrow of Lycosa saccata, made underneath a stone. The walls of mingled silk and soil. This figure shows the nest as exposed when the stone was removed. Fic. 176. The stone under which the burrow of Fig. 175 was made. The under part of the stone is shown turned upward. original cushion. Thereupon she attaches it to her spinnerets, where it is carried until the young are hatched. I had often wondered how the round egg ball of the Lycosid was put together, and the mechanical ingenuity and simplicity of the method were now apparent. The period consumed in the whole act of cocooning was less than four hours, and the act of ovi- positing took less than half an hour. Shortly after the egg sac was fin- ished the mother cut her way out of the silken cover woven over her little cavern. She had evidently thus secluded herself for the purpose of spinning her cocoon. This was in accord with a firmly fixed habit of the Lycosids to exclude themselves, before making their cocoons, in a burrow or cave which they form in the ground. This is often made under a stone and is protected on the sides by a plastered wall of mud, and above against the stone by a piece of spinningwork which thus forms an upholstered roof to this pretty, cavernous home. An approach to the cave is cut, which often debouches among the grasses, clumps of clover, mosses, or wild flow- GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. Leaf woven cocoon nest of Dolomedes sexpunctatus. 14 5 146 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. ers, that give a touch of natural beauty to the gateway. One of these Lycosid cocooning caves is shown at Figs. 175 and 176. It was made be- neath a stone, and when that was lifted up the spider, Lycosa saccata, showed within as at Fig. 175. The roof of her den was broken off by lifting and is shown in inverted position at Fig. 176. The use of this special cocooning den is common with Lycosids; but some species, and probably all at times, live within the home burrow while carrying their cocoons. This is the habit of Lycosa arenicola, which may often be seen on her turret with her egg ball at her spinnerets. (See Vol. I., page 314, Fig. 289.) There is no flossy wadding within the cocoon case of Lycosids, as is common with Orbweaving spiders. Indeed, such a provision for the com- fort and safety of the brood appears wholly unnecessary in the case of younglings whose egg life is so brief, and of a mother who carries her young about with her, and thus gives them the advantage of her personal protection and care. The Orbweaying mother generally dies within a few days after ovipositing. Personal protection of her offspring is therefore im- possible, and the period of development is often greatly prolonged. Nature has taught her to proyide for them the necessary covering of a warm, flossy, silken blanket beneath which they may outlive the changes of weather. In the case of Dolomedes, the cocoon is carried by the mother until shortly before the period of hatching, when it is generally deposited within a pretty nest composed of leaves drawn together and lashed at the edges into the form of a tent. (See Fig. 177; also Vol. I., Fig. 339.) Within this a mass of in- tersecting limes is spun, upon which the cocoon is hung. After hatching the spiderlings occupy the temporary home thus provid- ed for them, and hang in clusters or individuals upon the intersecting lines. Dolomedes differs from Lycosa in the mode of deporting her cocoon, suspending it beneath the abdomen and sternum, so that it is surrounded by the legs. (Fig. 178.) When walking, the mother Dolomede must straighten out her legs as much as possible, and carry her body high. (Figs. 178, 179.) The cocooning habits of the English Dolomedes mira- bilis differ in no particular from those of our American species. She Carouge ries her cocoon, which is large, globular, and of a dull yellowish color, attached to her body during all her hunting expeditions, until the time approaches for the hatching of the eggs. She then weaves a sheet of close, fine silk upon grasses or the branches of bushes, forming a dome, of which these supply the rafters. Fic. 178. Dolomedes sexpunctatus carrying her cocoon. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 147 Among the Citigrades, Pucetia aurora has a special interest, both from its appearance and structure and from the peculiarity of its cocooning habit. This spider was received in collections sent me by Mr. W. G. Wright, of San Bernardino, California. Numerous specimens of young and old were subsequently sent by Mrs. Eigenmann and others from the same locality. The genus Pucetia belongs to the family Oxyopoidee of the Citigrade spiders, to which it is doubtless relegated in spite of certain analogies with the Satigrades on the one hand and the Laterigrades (Philodromine) on the other.1| Mr. Wright describes the specimens sent me as jumping spiders; and Hentz, who describes several species under the generic name of Oxyopes, says that Oxyopes salticus leaps with more force than Attus. This family is arboreal in habit; the spiders are found on plants, with their legs extended, thus practicing Tetragnatha’s form of mimicry, and thence spring- ing upon their prey. The female’s cocoon is usually conical, surrounded with points, placed in a tent made between leayes drawn together and lashed, and is sometimes of a pale greenish color. Oxyopes viridens will make a cocoon suspended mid- way by threads attached to these ex- ternal prominences, and this she will watch constantly from a neighboring site. Hentz also thought that the mother of this species carries its Fic. 179. English Dolomedes mirabilis carrying : her cocoon. (After Blackwall.) young like a Lycosa.? Pucetia aurora appears to be a new species.*? The body length is four- teen millimetres; the legs are long and tapering, except among the young. The body is yellow and pale yellow; the cephalothorax striped longitudi- nally with bright red streaks; the abdomen marked above with red streaks; the sternum is red; the legs are yellow, with red rings at the joints. These red streaks upon the yellow background suggested the specific name of “aurora.” The cocoon nests, according to Mr. Wright, are uniformly placed upon bushes of Erigonum corymbosum. They are hung from three to four feet above the ground, and, being upon the topmost twigs of the plant, are easily seen from a distance. The cocoons, received by me in consider- able number, are straw colored spheres five-eighths of an inch in diameter. They are covered externally with various pointed rvgosities, from which numerous lines extend to the adjoining corymb of the plant upon which Pucetia aurora. 1Thorell, On European Spiders, page 196. 2 Spiders of the United States, page 48. * Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1883, page 276, “Notes on two new California Spiders.” 148 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. all the specimens sent are attached. (Fig. 180.) The retitelarian snare which surrounds the whole doubtless serves as a temporary home for the young spiders. The cocoon has no suture, and the spiderlings escape by cutting the case, which is thick and closely woven. No flossy padding was found inside of the case. (Fig. 181.) The cocoon thus resembles that made by Cit- igrades generally. A fine, large species of Ctenus from Central America, sent to me by Mr. Samuel H. Seudder, carried its cocoon. This was a large object, one inch and a quarter long, constructed in the ordinary manner of Lycosid cocoons, but differ- ing somewhat in shape, being globular instead of hemispherical. The mother carried it for some time after she came to me, and then fastened it by threads, in hammock fashion, to the side of the box wherein she was confined. Shortly thereafter a large brood of spiderlings appeared, spread themselves over my lab- oratory table, covering the books and other objects thereon with a sheet of fine spinningwork. They finally built upward a huge bridge like structure, a sort of aranead Eiffel Tower, which touched the ceiling above the table, and at another point diverged to the laboratory window. Some further account of this brood, with a figure of their bridge at a certain stage, will be found in the subsequent chapter on Cocoon Life and Babyhood. V. F1G. 180. Duplex cocoons of Pucetia aurora, woven Among Saltigrades the eocoons close- among the blossoms of Erigonum corymbosum. = ly resemble those of many of the genus Epeira. They are spun against some surface, as that of a rock or tree, the eggs being overlaid by a thick blanket of white spinningwork. Over this again is stretched a tent or cell of lighter structure, although still of close and somewhat adhesive texture, but not so thick as to pre- vent the cocoon from being seen through it. The eggs are heaped in a hemispherical mass, and are of a pinkish or light rose color. In the case of Phidippus morsitans the cocoon is from one-half to three-fourths of an inch in diameter. The spider dwells within her cell, and of course close GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 149 by her cocoon. The outer covering of the eggs is quite thick, very white, and apparently a little viscid; at least, it is quite adhesive. The exterior tent has something of the same qual- ity. (Fig. 182.) I sometimes find the cocoon of Saltigrades enclosed within the nesting cell and spun up within a rolled leaf, as shown at Fig. 188, a beau- tiful example of aranead sewing. Fig. 184 shows the leaf opened up, disclos- ing the tubular nest, and again the mass of eges much enlarged and dis- played against the egg case thrown back, the ege case, of course, being within the cell. One of the most elaborate cocoon nests woven by a Saltigrade spider is that made by Phidippus opifex of California.' | The examples both of nests and spiders in my possession were sent me by Mr. W. G. Wright, of San Bernardino, California. The cocoon nest is externally an egg shaped mass of white spinningwork, sometimes three inches long by two and a half inches wide, but often less, as in Fig. 185, which is drawn natural size. The outer part consists of a mass of fine silken lines crossing in all directions and lashed to twigs of sage bush, within which it is enclosed. This maze surrounds a sack or cell of thickly woven sheeted silk, irregu- larly oval in shape, two inches long by one inch in width, and also at- tached to the surrounding twigs. At the bottom this cell or tent is pierced by a circular opening which serves the spider as the door of her domicile. Like others of her genus Opifex lives and hibernates within this silken tent. Against an inner side of the tent she spins a lenticular cocoon (of double convex shape), consisting of thick white silk, within which the eggs are placed. When the cocoons sent me reached Philadelphia many young spiders had escaped and occu- pied the package box. They were about one-eighth inch long, resem- bling the mother, but less heavily Fic. 182. Cocoon tent and cocoon of Phidippus coated with eray. The spider her- mae self is a large example, five-eighths of an inch in body length, stout, the legs of moderate thickness, the whole animal covered closely with grayish white hairs, the skin beneath which is Fic. 181. Cocoon of Pucetia aurora, opened to show structure. 3 3 S \ AY y 1The spider and its habits were originally noticed by me in Proceedings Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1883, page 276, 150 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. aN ww Q > \ VAN \ \ \\ — a \ Bz Se AK \\ \ \\ \ Fig. 186. Fic. 183. Sewed leaf tent of a Saltigrade spider. and the egg mass (enlarged) in the open cocoon. Fic. 185. Typical Saltigrade Cocoons. Fic. 184. Leaf opened to show the silken cell Fic. 185. Cocoon nest of Phidippus opifex. (Natural size.) Fic. 186. Fac simile of a figure of an Attus cocoon nest, by Baron De Geer. GENERAL COCOONING HABITS OF SPIDERS. 151 black. I named the species Attus opifex, but according to Professor Peck- ham it belongs to the genus Phidippus.! J present in this connection a fac simile drawing of perhaps the earliest sketch of a Saltigrade cocooning nest. July 26th, 1745, Baron De Geer found among the needle like leaves of a pine tree a large, oval cocoon nest of white silk, which was woven around the branch and interlaced with the leaves. (Fig. 186.) The spider was inside along with her little ones, who were present in great number. In the middle of the cocoon nest, at the side, was a door, at which the spider stayed on guard; but generally she was within the tent with her little ones, preferring the back or middle part thereof, near the supporting branch. De Geer found at the entrance detritus of flies and other insects which had been devoured by the mother, such as the legs, wings, etc. The spiderlings accompanied the mother, and appeared to live on good terms with her. They were about a line long, but otherwise quite resem- bled the mother, having black bodies and brown legs. They moved with great vivacity and appeared to be nourished, in common with their mother, by the prey captured by the mother. The species appears to be Dendry- phantes hastatus Clerck.? WIE Among Laterigradés a very general habit is to spin a plano convex cocoon of tough silk fibre, which is attached to some surface. Sometimes a light shelter tent is spun over this, and the spider will be found dwelling within. (See Vol. L, page 347, Fig. 338.) Thomisus cristatus Clerck, of Europe (Xysticus audax Koch), secludes her- self in the leaves and stretches some isolated threads around her, and there sometimes she sus- pends herself. In this retreat the female lays her eggs in a flat cocoon, one-fourth inch in diame- ter, the tissue of which is swollen by the eggs, and presents rounded eminences. The spider places herself upon the cocoon and does not abandon it = Ea : ee a FiG. 187. Cocooning tents of when touched. The cocoon contains one hundred Sead as me a eggs of yellowish white color.* The eggs of Philodromus are usually enclosed within a cell which is hung among the leaves or stretched between twigs. (Fig. 187.) The egg sac is surrounded by a slight silken tent, wherein the mother dwells. An example of Philodromus mollitor, in my collection,+ is woven in the angles 1 “North American Spiders of the Family Attide, Phidippus opifex McCook.” Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., Vol. I1., 1888, page 20. 2 De Geer, pages 286, 287. 3 Walckenaer, Aptéres, Vol. I., page 523. 4 This example was sent me by Dr. Geo. Marx as the cocoon of this species. 152) AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. of forked twigs and are composed of very white stiff silk, the stiffness prob- ably being caused by the tightness with which the lines were spun. (Fig. 187.) Misumena yatia is well known among the Laterigrade spiders by its remarkable mimicry of the colors of flowers upon which it lurks for prey. A fine example of its cocoon was brought to my notice by a lady who had transported a specimen from the Wyoming Valley to her home in Phila- delphia. Her attention had been arrested by the remarkable resemblance of the creature to the bright golden yellow Coreopsis flower on which she discoy- ered it. The spider was placed in her bedroom chamber about the 28th of August, and during the first week in September it wove the cocoon repre- sented at Fig. 188, in a corner of the dressing bureau, just where a mirror is fixed in the woodwork. The cocoon consists of a flossy mass, something after the fashion of that of Epeira, which covers over the eggs. e B a fe a e al Oo 1 C | ‘(sotoods Aurutr) 9uas SOT | atoods 4SO VSODATT “‘Sopataopo(T ‘( A]]BUOISBIIO) ‘snuo},) epodevriejoyy | °° * °° *SPISOOA'T *(soroods Auvut) | (aqny auLoy “RPI *(4) sntmez,) “‘SOpoulo[o(T SpIstuotyy, | UT) ([Joo [eloods uy) | (‘]Jeo suLOT UT) “(Apuqsrs) | DSIULOTLY, | ‘SNULOIPOTLY | “RIOD [LV *(puno.s snosay ‘snddtpryg | tepun sya) “SNSTULOT LT ‘SITY BSODATT ‘snumorpoyry. |" (ATpeuorsva00) ‘snoysdy | Biotes 1a “SMSTULOT IL, ‘SN V ‘SapouLlopoc] “BlQoong CEES aed Mak! aa: “SopouLopo(] “SAC VUSINALV'T “SAC VUDSILIVS | “SAA VADILIY *(A][BUOISBII0 ) (Apquqoad) sotoods [LV ‘sotoods [LV ‘sotoods [LW -ods je) snd |-Ayy ‘ez1uey) -aqny} ouloy UT “SUAAVAMTANNO YT, | BUOTROV | OLGL | “BIIBUID J, “THI pLtoy L, | H *(BIouas | Auvw pue) (‘eitoues Auvut) nuo[eoy viqddury | end Auy “TUMTprtoy J, a mat BUOIOM | “SUSSRA(T “ered AULT “OUpBlAy “BpOYVOIS ‘snp Adiao “TOM p wou, | (‘SHOAROM |-oqny, Auvy() epowways BUA] ‘soporAo.Ly “BIIISIGOG “TUM ploy, | “RUOLqNY, ) “BIIBOT], *SOJOTD)) “RIIBUASA TL, RUO[Bo “TUM plot L, | | ’ 2 ojo ‘sutpAdaoyy “BIBT, | “WUMIpoyL, | | 2 | (4) BuoTRoy UMIPLIOY,Y, | BUA] | ‘SopoOIAaLy | ‘Blayses0g | = “WHT pMoqyy, | “SUAAVAMAGOT, | “SUPMAVAMANTT “Rao sy “BSOTDAY) sNALOGOT(]) Raa 5] “SULOQOT() “RSOPAL) LOU] BS0PA) “wactod yy BIZ BALOLST tod yy “aC OLsry “eatod oy “SUPAVAMAUNO sour, Arosuedsns Ag *6 1s) "+ 9 + 9sei10d * + Marques LOULIR SHOOUBI]T XO Saqjn} puR sya} * SOARo] SOUL] SUIPUNOLINS ‘sou0js YQvoudg “g Ag *L > Ag - ) OIBUS OY} UT “eC Ag *F kg % Ag 1 GHG tO VYUANAL) TVOIdA ‘SUAdIdG AO SAdIAYT, SHOLUVA DYNONV SNOOOOK) ONILOAMLOUT WO SUCOJY INATVAGTYT ONIMONS WIV a ek ae re or oe 174 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. Cocoon Forms oF ORBWEAVERS. Fre. 205. Fig. 210. FiG. 211. Fig. 213. Fic. 214. Fic. 215. LINEWEAVERS. ( \ Fig. 216. FG, 217. Fic, 218. FiG. 219. Fic. 220. Fic. 221. Fic. 222. TUBEWEAVERS. FIG. 228. Fic. 229. Fic. 230. LATERIGRADES. SALTIGRADE. CITIGRADE. Fic, 233. Fig. 234. Comparative map of aranead cocoon forms. Or COMPARATIVE COCOONING INDUSTRIES. 1 Next to Orbweavers, the Lineweayers exhibit the greatest variety of form. A round or ovoid cocoon is the prevalent form, but the pyri- form is well represented in this tribe. Among Tubeweavers the almost universal form of cocoon is the plano convex or hemispherical. This re- sults from the quite general habit of attaching the egg sac to the surface of some object. In some cases, however, Tubeweavers suspend within their nets a double convex cocoon; and, again, hang to the foliage or other surfaces a pyriform cocoon, as in the case of the European Agroeca brunnea. Among Tunnelweavers there is apparently but one form, as is indicated by the cocoonery of the few species known. This cocoon is a round ball and is in every respect like, or at least closely resembles, that of Citigrades. The Citigrades also have apparently one form, a globular silken case within which the eggs are enclosed with little or no padding. In numer- ous species of Lycosa, Dolomedes, Ctenus, etc., this form prevails. Among Saltigrades, also, there is apparently but one form, a hemispherical or plano convex cocoon, attached to some surface, the case being enclosed within a soft, flossy, or thick netted covering of spinningwork. Among Laterigrades there is greater diversity than among the last three mentioned Tribes. But, for the most part, the cocoons consist of stiff hemispherical cases attached to surfaces of rocks and trees; occasionally, however, as in the case of Philodromus and some species of Thomisus, the cocoon is a double con- vex covering hung between leaves or twigs. It is thus observed that the greatest variety and complexity of cocoons, as to form and structure, are to be found among the Sedentary tribes. The very greatest is in the Orbweavers, where the variety of form is i remarkable. Next in order are Lineweayers, although it is pos- plexity, ‘ible that, if a wider study of this tribe were made, they might be found to approach more nearly the Orbweavers in this re- spect than we are justified at present in asserting. The Tubeweavers follow in order. The Territelarize are classed ordinarily with Sedentary spiders, and many of the species fully justify this classification, since, like Atypus, they persistently dwell within their tubes. But they have also many of the characteristics of the Wanderers, and therefore we find their cocoons approaching those of Citigrades in simplicity of form. In the comparative chart printed upon the opposite page I have tried to show at one view the typical forms of cocoons known to be made by representative genera of the va- rious tribes. The following is the explanation of the chart: Cocooninc Forms or ORBWEAY- ERS: Figs. 205, 206, Epeira ; 207, 208, Argiope; 209, 210, Cyrtarachne; 211, Epeira labyrinthea ; 212, Epeira bifurca; 213, Tetragnatha; 214, Uloborus; 215, Cyclosa caudata. LinEWEAVERS: 216, Argyrodes trigonum; 217, Theridium frondeum; 218, Steatoda and Theridium; 219, Theridium ; 220, 221, Theridium; 222, Pholeus. Tusprwkavers: 223, 224, Agalena, Drassids ; 225, Segestria ; 226, Micaria limicunee; 227, Tegenaria. TuNnNeLWweayers: 228, Mygalidxe, Eury- pelma; 229, Atypus; 230, Nemesia. Larrricrapes: 231, Thomisus, Xysticus, and many genera; 252, Heterapoda and others. Sauricrapes: 233, Attus, Phidippus, and all genera. Cirigrkapes: 234, Lycosa, Dolomedes, and all known genera. 176 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. / The greatest general simplicity of structure appears among the cocoons of the Territelariz, Citigrades, and Saltigrades, and the Laterigrades nearly approach them in this combination of simplicity and uniformity. one: It may be said that the tribe which shows the greatest simplicity plicity. ®d uniformity of cocoon structure is the Citig rades. The in- ference may therefore be drawn, that the greatest general sim- plicity of structure exists among the cocoons of those spiders which have them most closely under their personal care. It is manifest that in the case of Lycosa and other genera that attach their egg sacs to their spin- nerets and carry them about until their young are hatched, there is less necessity for complex cocoonery to protect the enclosed eggs than in the case of Orbweaying spiders, like Epeira or Argiope, who hang their cocoons in the shubbery and leave them to the watch care of Nature alone. While this deduction is justified in the general view of the subject, it must be allowed that there are some exceptions which cannot well be explained. For example, the two cocoons which haye absolutely the simplest structure are made by members of the Retitelariz, as Pholeus phalangioides and Steatoda borealis. The egg bags of the latter species consist of a mere pinch of silk of such sparse weft that the eges are plainly seen through them. Pholeus, who carries her cocoon underneath her jaws, while she hangs continually upon her snare, holds her eggs together by little more than a netted bag of scant spin- ningwork. One who examines, even casually, these various forms will see that they are determined substantially by the fact that the eggs, as they are extruded, naturally form a spherical or hemispherical mass, according as they hang free or are oviposited against some surface. Around this mass the protecting spinning stuff is woven, and then the external case. The addition of a foot stalk, more or less pronounced, ap- pears to be determined by the act of suspending the cocoon during the weaving thereof, and the subsequent covering in and thickening of the suspensory cord so that the texture corresponds with the remainder of the outer case. Eixcep- tions. Origin of Forms. The little conical or pointed processes which characterize several cocoons, as those of Tetragnatha and Uloborus, probably originated in the same way, namely, by the attachment of suspensory or broken threads to yarious points of the external surface, the points of attachment being thickened into little puffs or rolls or points of spinning stuff. The introduction of extraneous material as an additional protection and the encasing of the silken sack in mud, as with Micaria limicune, is a habit to be accounted for altogether outside of the above; but the fact that these mud protected cocoons preserve the general form of the spin- ningwork which encloses the eggs, is undoubtedly determined by the same causes that regulate the shapes of all other cocoons. COMPARATIVE COCOONING INDUSTRIES. I/F WAL 6. A sixth basis of comparison is the multiplex cocoonery of certain species. The general habit among spiders is to make but a single cocoon at a time, and most females probably limit their maternal duty Nu ; mibeUioritic production of one egg sac. But there are numerous ex- pee ions, which have b d. Among Ort he L coons. Ceptions, which have been noted. Among Orbweayers the Laby- rinth spider, the Tailed spider, the Basilica spider, and some others habitually produce several cocoons. These are not made contempo- raneously, but are spun consecutively, with intervals of several days be- tween each cocoon, so that the younglings will be hatched from the first brood while the last is yet freshly laid. It is to be noted, also, that even those spiders that ordinarily limit themselves to one cocoon, as Argiope, under certain conditions, which are not fully understood, produce two or more cocoons. Epeira, when specially nourished, is said to produce several. The fecundity of the spider may therefore be said to be subject to variation, and the disposition to multi- ply cocoons is dependent, more or less, upon the fecundity. Among the Retitelarie numerous species are found spinning several cocoons, the most familiar example being Theridium tepidariorum and Latrodectus. The Tubeweayers also have some remarkable representatives of multiplex cocoonery, as, for example, certain species of Dictyna and Segestria. The cocooning habits of the Territelariz are so little known that one cannot speak positively, but it is probable that no Tunnelweaver makes more than one cocoon. Among the Wandering spiders the single cocoonery which characterizes the Tunnelweavers is the rule. I know no Saltigrade and no Laterigrade that produces more than one cocoon, although of the former Staveley says that Epiblemum scenicum makes one or two, and of the latter that Philo- dromus ceespiticolis deposits two flattened cocoons in a large nest.! Among Citigrades I know no species except Pucetia aurora; this spider produces at least two cocoons, that are concealed within a little nest of crossed lines, very much after the fashion of that constructed by Dolomedes. No doubt, however, a wider knowledge will compel us to include other species in this group. This summary of facts points to these conclusions: First, that the three Tribes which are by especial eminence Sedentary possess the greatest number of species that make more than one cocoon. Second, that the three Tribes that are conspicuously Wanderers make but one cocoon, with rare exceptions. Third, that the Tunnelweavers, whose habits sometimes approach one group and sometimes another, but in the matter of cocoonery resemble the Citigrades, as regards multiplex cocoonery are to be classed with the Wanderers, apparently limiting themselves to a single egg sac. 1“ Brit. Spiders,” pages 57 and 85. Oi ASP A Bu Viele MATERNAL INSTINCTS: MOTHERHOOD. In the chapters immediately preceding I have described the various devices and forms of spinning industry prompted by maternal instinct for preserving offspring. Apart from this—the mere industrial or archi- tectural expression of motherhood—there are some facts in the natural history of the maternal habit which may perhaps best be considered in a separate chapter. Such, for example, are the motives which regulate the choice of a cocoon site; the methods of ovipositing; the measure of ma- ternal purpose as taken from the complexity, isolation, or vigil of the cocoon ; the causes regulating the number of cocoons and eggs; the motive controlling the armoring and mud plastering of cocoons; brooding the egg nest; the degree of and conditions limiting the maternal anxiety for the eggs; and the intensity and intelligence of the maternal sentiment. These are points of the greatest interest to all naturalists, and are well worthy of a far more extended and philosophic treatment than I feel com- petent to give. But it may be permitted me at least to open the way. ie The sites which spiders choose for their cocoons are, of course, largely determined by their habitat. The cocoons will always be found near by the locality in which the mothers have lived. Although some of them do occasionally move from their native centres, the migration is, as a rule, extremely limited; and Orbweavers, in- deed all Sedentary spiders, may be considered as_ practically spending their lives within the narrow compass of the spot where they chance to pitch their first snare. The favorite sites of Orbweavers are bushes, low trees, grass, weeds, the angles of walls in the neighborhood of houses and outhouses, and like situations which afford them facilities for hanging their snares. They are frequently exposed to the full blaze of sunlight; some species appear to love the most open exposures in woodlands; others, again, shun the sun- light and are found in woods and forests, in Obscure corners, hollow trees, clumps of underbrush, and even, as in the case of Meta, in caves. They hang their nets along the banks of streams, in glens and ravines, on the seaside, on the lowest plains and prairies, and on the tops of the highest mountains, as far up at least as the timber line extends. I have (178) Cocoon Sites. MATERNAL INSTINCTS: MOTHERHOOD. 179 taken them on the highest railing of the dome of St. Peter’s in Rome; have seen their round webs swinging against the cliffs of Mosquito Mount- ain Pass in Colorado, more than ten thousand feet high; have found them upon the mountains of Scotland; and captured the British Epeira umbra- tica from snares spun against the basaltic columns of Fingal’s Cave. Their fixed positions are, of course, determined by their ability to obtain food therefrom; and, as their food is insects, the limit of insect life must also be the limit of spider life. For, although spiders are frequently at the mercy of the winds and are carried great distances when they are young, during the aeronautic stage, they cannot long sustain themselves and propagate their species if they chance to fall upon positions where it is difficult or impossible to obtain generous supplies of insect food. In seeking a spot upon which to place their cocoons, most Orbweavers go a little distance from their snares and construct the cocoon against the outer surface of a bush or tree, rock or wall, or cover it up within a leaf. As a rule, the disposition to find a secluded spot is quite manifest, but there are many exceptions. Other species deposit their cocoons within their webs, stringing them along one of the radii of the orb, as in the case of Uloborus, Epeira caudata, and Epeira bifurca; or suspend them within a maze of crossed lines which overhangs the orb, as in the case of the Labyrinth spider. Others, again, as with Argiope, will frequently swing their cocoons within a specially prepared mass of crossed and netted lines, which are hung to branches or boughs, leaves, or blades of grass. What is said of Orbweavers as to cocooning site is substantially true of the other Tribes, with, of course, such variations as are required by essential differences of habit and structure. For example, those Seden- tary spiders, as the Lineweavers, which suspend their snares in positions quite like those of Orbweavers, also follow closely that Tribe in the gen- eral principle of selection for cocoon sites. In other words, they hang their cocoons in some part of their snare, or somewhere near, hidden be- neath a convenient cover, or in a neighboring retreat. So also many Tubeweavers, and the Tunnelweayers even more persist- ently, attach. their cocoons to some part of their web, or weave one of their characteristic tubes around the egg case when it is once spun. In these cases the cocoon site is pretty sure to be identical with the dwelling place and snare. Among Wanderers the home site has less influence upon the cocoon site. As these animals pursue their prey over a more or less extended range of territory, the site of the cocoon is dependent on the place where the hour of maternity may overtake the females. Wherever they happen to be, the Saltigrades and Laterigrades will spin a tubular tent, enclose within it their cocoon, and there remain Food Limits. Cocoon Secreting. W ander- ers. 180 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. until the young are hatched. However, it must be said that, with Salti- grades at least, there is a tendency before cocooning to prepare a perma- nent dwelling tent, to which, when the proper time approaches, the mother will resort to deposit her eggs. Lycosids also strongly incline to spin and burrow a cocooning house after their kind. But inasmuch as they deport their cocoons, they are apt to move about from site to site with their egg bags dangling at their tails, stalking prey and biyouacking in any con- venient refuge. Nf, I infer that female spiders habitually prefer the night or early morn- ing hours for cocooning. At least I have never been able to observe any species laying eggs, although I have frequently and quite per- Gene sistently watched, both in artificial and natural sites, with a view ing. to such observation. I am satisfied that it is within the power of the female to control the maternal function and compel Na- ture to await her pleasure for a considerable length of time. I cannot otherwise well account for some experiences with my captives. Moreover, I have spent many days during the last fourteen or fifteen years in wan- dering among haunts of spiders, north, south, east, and west, in our own ' country and Europe, but have never once surprised a female in the act of ovipositing. This leads me to the con- clusion that spiders must commonly choose the night or early morning as the time for laying their eggs. Others, however, have been more fortunate ; and, judging from their ac- Fic. 235. Section views of abdomen, to show loca- counts, and reasoning from the vari- tion of eggs. Fig. 236. Same, with eggsremoved. os stages at which I have partially (From alcoholic specimen.) 5 observed the process, by putting the pieces of observation together, we obtain a tolerably accurate idea of the mother spider’s mode of procedure. Just before cocooning, the eggs will be found massed within the centre of the abdomen, the ovaries being so greatly distended as to compress and somewhat displace the surrounding and adjacent organs. (Figs. 235 and 236.) They are in this state gelatinous bodies, but have a spherical shape even in their soft condition. They are still jelly lke objects when ex- truded from the ovaries along the vulval hook or ovipositor, and do not harden until shortly after they are laid. When the mother is prepared to drop her eggs, and has satisfied herself as to locality, the next step is to prepare either a little sheet, or dish shaped dish, or a flossy tuft of spinningwork, against which the eggs are posited. I believe that this is most frequently done upwards in the case of females MATERNAL INSTINCTS: MOTHERHOOD. 181 who swing their cocoons free, as Argiope and Theridium; that is to say, the spider hangs with her back downward while ovipositing. But in many cases of females that have cocooned for me in boxes, the eggs must haye been placed in the reverse position, since the cocoon was attached to the bottom of the box. Of course, the species that fasten their cocoons to yarious surfaces, as do many Epeiras and most Tubeweavers, deposit the eggs downwards. Other fixed cocoons have as nee Pe eRe oe ae a manifestly been placed upwards, as, for ex- ample, those spun on the under surface of stones, fallen logs, ete. Others, again, have been laid while the spider was in a vertical position, as when cocooning upon loose bark of trees and similar vertical sites. The bodily attitude appears to make little or no difference as to the facility with which the female can deposit her eggs. Whether directing them upward (with the dorsum towards the earth), or directing them downward (with the dorsum towards the sky), or depositing them against a vertical surface, with the head downward or upward, as the case may be, the mother is able to empty the ovaries with equal comfort and ease. Mr. Emerton has observed several species in the act of ovipositing, and his brief notes upon the manner thereof are as follows:! Epeira strix first spins a rounded bunch of loose threads, into the middle of which she discharges her eggs, as shown in Fig. 237. The eggs, which are little drops of jelly, are held up by the loose threads until the spider has time to spin for them a covering of strong silk. It is to be regretted that the description here is so, indefinite, as the term ‘“coy- ering of strong silk” may imply either the flossy boll which is invari- ably found to surround the egg mass of Epeira, or the smooth textured silken bag which immediately encloses the eggs and against which the flossy blanketing is laid. When a cocoon of Epeira strix and others of similar habit is cut open, this silken encasement is invariably seen, and it presents the appearance of having been the original substance against which the egos were directly laid. The same author has been fortunate enough to observe the mode of positing eggs with two other tribes. The female Drassus (Fig. 238), spins a little web Fic. 238. Female Drassus in the act of drop- across her nest and drops the eggs upon ping eggs. (After Emerton.) 2 FTN 9 F 0 F F it. They are soft, and mixed with liquid, and are discharged in one or two drops, like jelly. They quickly suck up the liquid, and become dry on the surface, sometimes adhering slowly Ovipos- iting. ' Habits and Structure, page 101. 182 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. together. After the eggs are laid, the spider covers them with silk, draw- ing the threads over from one side to the other, fastening them to the edges of the web below. When the covering is complete, she bites off the threads that hold the cocoon to the nest, and finishes off the edges with her jaws. Phidippus galathea (Attus mystaceus Hentz) spins, before laying her eggs, a thick nest of white silk, usually on the under side of a stone. In this she thickens a circular patch on the side next the stone, and discharges her eggs upward against it. (Fig. 239.) They adhere, and are subsequently covered with white silk, after the manner common to Saltigrades. Mr. Emerton had a female of this species that deposited her eggs in confinement; he records that, “instead of completing the cocoon properly, she ate the eggs immediately after laying them,”! a breach of maternal fidelity which I believe to be rare among araneads, even when cocooning in the unnatural conditions of a forced imprisonment. The eggs are deposited in a mass, cylindrical, conical, or hemispherical, individuals of which are usually fastened together by a glutinous sub- stance, but sometimes are deposited loose, so that they roll about in the hand when the cocoon envelope is cut. We are indebted to Menge for the following interesting observation: After all the eggs are deposited the spider rests for a season, when she commences to draw threads over the eggs, as if desirous of covering them up; but it soon becomes clear that something else is to follow. After a while she returns to the cocoon and discharges a THe OE clear liquid over the eggs, which is absorbed laying eggs within a silken cell. (After by them without in any way interfering with rae ae) the web. This causes the eggs to swell to such an extent that they could no longer be contained within the animal. Menge thinks that this fluid proceeds from the semen pockets, which at this period are very much enlarged, and becomes mixed with the male semen, so that in reality the fructification of the eggs is completed by the female. The mother now appears very much exhausted. She lays down for a while on the eggs, and, finally, com- mences to spin them over, entirely covering them.? Mr. Moggridge had the opportunity to observe the eggs laid by a specimen of our Cteniza californica, which was sent to him from America and kept for a while in captivity. The eggs were deposited in several clusters, at various times, upon the under surface of a gauze fastened upon the mouth of the box in which she was imprisoned. The first of these groups was laid during the night, between Salti- grades Form of Egg Mass Fructifi- cation. Cteniza’s Eggs. ' Structure and Habits, pages 99, 100. 2 Menge, “ Preussische Spinnen.”’ The author adds “that it takes patience and persever- ance to observe the spider during this entire process, and he had only succeeded twice.” MATERNAL INSTINCTS: MOTHERHOOD. Fie. 240. A, Cteniza californica; B, her trapdoor nest; C, group of eggs, natural size; D, same, magnified; E, a second group, magnified; F, the same, largely magni- fied. (After Moggridge,) 183 184 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. the 12th and 13th of July, in a cluster shaped like a raspberry. The eggs were grayish white or pale brown, and yaried in shape from globose to oblong. All were very small, the largest one half a line in its greatest length. A fortnight later, July 27th, another cluster of eggs was laid, this time between the hours of 5 and 8 P. M. When the lamp was brought in at the latter hour, Mr. Moggridge perceived what he took to be a drop of water hanging from the gauze covering, above and rather in front of the spider’s door, the position occupied by the clusters of eggs previously described. On closer inspection this proved to be a drop of pellucid, colorless liquid, in which some thirty eggs floated. One egg was laid on the gauze at some distance from the main group, and several were also attached to the inside of the tin box. At midnight he found that the drop had coagulated and contracted, and by the following morning the mass was quite dry and resembled the former group, only that it was not quite so convex. Some of the eggs forming these clusters were much larger than in the preceding one, and one measured as much as a line in length by half a line in breadth. Between the above date and the end of November, when the spider died, eggs were laid on seven distinct occasions, namely, on July 31st, August 11th, 15th, and 31st (when he found the eggs floating on a drop of liquid, having been deposited on the gauze between two and half-past four in the afternoon), September 9th (twenty-three eggs laid on the earth near the entrance to the nest), September 19th (about thirty eggs on the gauze), November 4th (about thirty eggs on the gauze). Thus, between July 15th and November 4th, this spider laid nine clusters of eggs, all but one of which were placed on the same part of the gauze cover, above and a little in front of the door, and the total number of eggs deposited cannot have been less than two hundred and fifty.! Of course, it is difficult to account for the peculiarities of this female in oviposition, for there is little doubt that this manner of laying eggs in disconnected groups, at extended intervals of time, is quite foreign to the usual habit of the species. During the long journey from her native home she may have experienced a shock resulting in a morbid condition of the ovaries. Undoubtedly, like her congeners, of whom Mr. Eugene Simon gives an account (see Chapter V.), Cteniza californica lays her eggs in one mass, and suspends them within her burrow. But the above facts at least show the power of the female to control the function of ovipositing, and indicate that there are certain irregularities in that function, more or less - under the control of the female, which may give a clue to the habitual production by certain species of several cocoons, and the occasional multi- plication of cocoons by other species. ' Moggridge, “Trapdoor Spiders,” Supplement, page 203 sq. MATERNAL INSTINCTS: MOTHERHOOD. 185 100E. When the eggs are laid the spider mother proceeds to spin the outer envelope by which they are protected, and within which the progeny, when hatched, may find a comfortable home until sufficiently matured to begin life for themselves. This external structure differs, among various species, in shape, size, interior arrangement, and more or less in the character of construction. The details of these points have appeared in the preceding chapters, and they form some of the most interesting features in the life habits of araneads. The cocoon may be described in general terms as consisting of a silken sheet or sac surround- ing the eggs, a padding of greater or less compactness above that, and a case of a more or less compact texture surrounding the whole. The shape of the cocoon appears to haye no special relation to the maternal instinct, but is probably regulated by the habits of the particular species and the character of the cocoon site chosen. It has already been seen that the forms, although at first view they seem to be quite varied, may, by analysis, be reduced to the round or hemispherical. In other words, the eggs, as they drop from the spider’s ovaries, naturally assume a more or less rounded form when the cocoon swings free; and when ex- truded against a fixed surface as naturally form into a hemispherical mass. This is simply the result of the law of equilibrium. As the maternal care is directed solely to covering up and protecting the eggs, the shape of the egg mass inevitably regulates the shape of the spinningwork woven around it. It thus would seem that the maternal purpose is shown in the fact of enclosing the eggs within the cocoon, and not in the external shape which that cocoon assumes. However, a measure of maternal interest and intelligence is undoubt- edly found in the architectural details of the cocoon. I have shown (Chap- _ ters IV. and V.) that these have a tolerably wide range; that Materni- é . Rie oe : iS el some cocoons are extremely simple in their structure, and others Structure (uite complex. To what degree are these differences regulated by. maternal affection and intelligence? This question cannot be considered wholly from the standpoint of the cocoon structure itself, for other elements enter into consideration, as the natural environment chosen for a cocoon site, or the artificial environment prepared for it. That is to say, a cocoon may be quite simple in its structure, haying little spinning- work to directly enclose the egg mass, but, as in the case of Dolomedes, have a supplementary protection of a leafy tent, and an associated en- closure of intersecting lines, which add materially to the protection of the eggs. Of course, in thinking upon the degree of intelligence and affection exhibited by such a mother, the external protection must be an important factor. What is the relation between the simplicity or complexity of a cocoon’s Shape of Cocoon. 186 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. construction, and the amount of care which the mother gives it? There is much difference in the extent of elaboration of cocoons. The simplest construction of which I have any knowledge is that of our com- Complex- mon cellar spider, Pholeus phalangioides, which surrounds its Ns aa little cluster of agglutinated eggs with the barest filament of Care: silk through which the eggs are entirely visible. This rude co- coon the mother holds underneath her jaws, and there carries it until the spiderlings are ready to hatch out, when they take their place upon the straggling lines at the top of the maternal snare. Steatoda bore- alis spins a cocoon scarcely more elaborate than the aboye; she hangs it within her snare of crossed lines and stays near it. The cocoons of Lycosa and Dolomedes are also carried about by the mothers until they are hatched or nearly ready to hatch. These cocoons are rather simple in structure, consisting of a patch of spimningwork rolled up into a ball, without any internal padding or protection whatever. The cocoons of many Tube- weavers, the Drassids, for example, and the cocoons of Laterigrade spiders are simple parchment like textures, spun against a surface, and are also free from any internal padding or external protection. These spiders are in the habit of watching their cocoons, remaining near them until the little ones are hatched. Thus far it might be said that there is some reason for the conclusion that lack of complexity in the structure of a cocoon is supplemented by additional vigilance on the part of the mother in watching the cocoon. Let us see how it is among Orbweavers. The most complex cocoons are found among these spiders. That of Argiope, for example, Bao exhibits remarkable regard for the protection of eggs and young, weavers. PY its tough external case, its thick lined padding of brown silk, which nearly surrounds the egg mass, and the sac which con- tains it. Argiope, as far as known, never watches her cocoon. The same is true of most species of the genus Epeira, whose cocoons are frequently enclosed within a tent of sheeted spinningwork or of closely laid lines, and are themselves composed of several layers of spinningwork of various textures. Most spiders of this genus give their cocoons no care after they have made them. ‘There are, however, exceptions. Epeira cine- rea, for example, not only encloses her eggs in a well furnished cocoon, but adds to it scrapings from the bark of trees or the dry wood surface upon which the cocoon may be fastened. Yet, according to Mrs. Mary Treat, this spider is extremely watchful of its cocoon. Cyclosa caudata provides the ordinary enswathment for her eggs, and adds to that an exterior armor of the disjecta membra of in- sects captured by her. Yet these cocoons are hung within her snare, and during the cocooning season she is found constantly clinging to the end of her cocoon string. However, that this contiguity is an actual vigil is not proved. Cocoon Vigils. | ; . i . ; MATERNAL INSTINCTS: MOTHERHOOD. 187 The Speckled Agalena makes a cocoon which equals in its complexity the most carefully prepared of the Orbweavers. It not only surrounds its eggs with several swathings of silken material, but adds a mattress of saw- dust or bark chippings scraped from surrounding objects. Yet, according to Mrs. Treat, a spider mother of this species kept watch over her cocoon long after the frosts of winter had fallen, it being preserved in a suffi- ciently protected spot.1| Mr. Emerton attributes to this spider the habit of remaining near her cocoon until she dies.2 Nevertheless, my own nu- merous observations compel me to believe that this species gives an example of complexity associated with isolation of cocoon. The interesting California spider, Segestria canities, spins a string of ten or a dozen cocoons, which it suspends in the midst of a thick maze of crossed lines, forming a strong protection, yet she keeps her home in a silken tube spun along one side of the cocoon string. Tegenaria agrestis of Europe makes a well protected and cushioned cocoon for her young, yet she watches it carefully. The cocoons of all known Saltigrades are all protected underneath a thick exterior tent and by a stout case, but the mothers remain near, within the cell, although, according to Professor Peckham,* underneath an extra covering. Such examples as Segestria and the Saltigrades cannot positively be cited as cases of cocoon vigil, but at all events the mother’s domicile includes the cocoon within its premises. The above facts appear to indicate, first, that cocoons which are least carefully protected by spinning industry haye a supplementary defense in the personal care of the mother; on the other hand, second, that cocoons which are abandoned as soon as made, and are entirely without maternal sentry, are protected by elaborate structures ; but, third, in some cases the complex structure and the maternal vigil exist together. The In- ference. IV. Orbweavers differ among themselves as to the number of cocoons spun by females. Certain species, as the Tailed and Labyrinth spiders, habitu- ally spin several cocoons; others, again, as most Epeiras, ordi- narily spin but one. This habit must be subject to some va- riations, the reasons for which are not clear. Epeira apoclisa, according to Lister, lays three and even four cocoons in the period of a little more than two months. Termeyer makes the statement that Epeira diademata, when well fed, will make six cocoons. Several years ago a ministerial acquaintance, Rey. P. L. Jones, brought me two cocoons of the Basket Argiope, both of which, he affirmed, had Multifold Cocoon- ing. 1“My Garden Pets,’ page 18. 2 New England Drassidze, page 200, (36). ’ Letter to the author. 188 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. been made by a single mother. It struck him as a strange circumstance, and he reported the fact to me. Only recently Mrs. Mary Treat has pub- lished a description of what she considers a variety of this spider, Argiope multiconcha,! which habitually makes as many as four and sometimes five cocoons. I have one of these strings, which was made in a kitchen where a great cooking stove was in almost constant use to supply the demands of a large family. It contains four cocoons, which were hung close to each other, and precisely in the manner of those of Basket Argiope, which they exactly resemble. The habitat of this spider, as far as now known, is Missouri. The animal itself differs very little from Cophi- Argiope naria. Unfortunately, the one specimen that I have seen was so multi- ALi cas ' ; i 2 concha, Much dried up that it could not be figured, nor could any dis- tinctive features be readily traced; but it seems to differ in no essential respect from Cophinaria. Thus, the interesting question emerges, what are the conditions controlling this function in this spider? It can hardly be quantity of food, as with Termeyer’s Diademata. If it be qual- ity, upon what meat does this aranead feed, that she should so excel her congeners in cocooning industry? ? > (—) 1, 2, MISUMENA VATIA. LICHEN, AFTER PECKHAMS. WEB SPIDER’S TUBE. 3, A LATERIGRADE ON BARK. i i) = ib WSO MIMICRY OF ENVIRONMENT. 4, EPEIRA STRIX. 5, EPEIRA PARVULA ON 6, TETRAGNATHA EXTENSA AND THE ORCHARD SPIDER. (To RURSE PEATE ye MATERNAL INSTINCTS: MOTHERHOOD. 193 Theridium studiosum, when its web is destroyed, does not abandon the cocoon, which is orbicular and whitish and is placed in the central part of the web. The mother then grasps it with her mandibles and de- fends her progeny while life endures. Her maternal solicitude is not limited to her cocoon, but she also takes care of her young, making a tent for their shelter and remaining near them until they can _ protect themselves. ! Toward the last of July the female Turret spider appears at the top of her tower with a cocoon of eggs, about as large as a hazel nut, at- tached to the spinnerets. She exercises the greatest care over Mother her cocoon. On cool days she keeps it out of sight down in her Turret : ; Ae Asner ven : cae Bnider tube, which is about eight inches in depth, including the tower. But when Mrs. Treat set the jar in the centre the mother spider soon came up and put the cocoon in the sunshine. When the weather was cool enough for fire in the room, if the jar were placed near the fire the spider placed her eggs on the side next the stove. If the jar were then turned around, the mother presently moved the cocoon around to the warm side, letting it hang outside of the walls of her tower. On the 6th of October the young spiders were hatched, and at once perched upon the mother’s back, and even on her head and legs. She carried her cocoon two months before the eggs hatched. The Lycosid Oxyopes viridans makes a conical cocoon having small eminences, to which are attached the threads that hold it suspended firmly in the air. After it is finished the mother watches it constantly, never leaying its unprotected family.? Professor Hentz, speak- ing of the general maternal instincts of the Lycosids, says that the mother defends her progeny to the last, and her feet can be torn from her one by one before she can be compelled to abandon her treasure. Thus can maternal tenderness be exhibited in beings which are relentless to their own species, and even to the sex which gives life to its progeny.* I must say that my own experience gives no such examples of persistent devotion under attempts to separate Lycosids from their cocoons. If the female of Lycosa lenta be caught or wounded, the little ones escape rapidly in all directions, but the mother is faithful to her duties and defends her progeny while hfe endures.* A female of Dolomedes albineus was captured by a child, who trans- fixed her cephalothorax with a pin. The creature was placed in a glass jar, and the wound, instead of proving mortal, healed rapidly. After remaining inactive about three days, the spider made an orbicular cocoon of light brown color, in which her eggs were placed. She held it constantly grasped in her mandibles, and seemed in- tent on watching it to the last; but the effort of cocooning once made, Lycosids. Dolo- medes. 1 Hentz, id., page 106. 2Id., page 48. 3 Id., page 25. 4Td., page 28. 194 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. her strength failed. The wound opened again, and, the fluids running freely, she gradually lost her muscular power. But faithful to her duties, the last thing which she held was the ball containing her future family. Can maternal tenderness be more strikingly exhibited ?! Dr. T. W. Harris, whose work on “Injurious Insects” is well known, found in Massachusetts a female Dolomedes lanciolatus on a large, irreg- ular, loose horizontal web, at one extremity of which was situated her egg bag with her young, which the parent appeared to be watching.? Micro- mata marmorata remains constantly by its round white cocoon, which it embraces closely with its long legs, while it hangs suspended by one thread in the middle of its snow white tent. j Many British spiders have the same habit of caring for their cocoons. The female of Philodromus czespiticolis conceals herself with usually two flattened white cocoons in the large nest, which she forms upon the end branch of some shrub, drawing the leaves into a con- venient position with silken threads, which form a close tissue of a somewhat gray color. The cocoons are frequently of unequal size, the largest being about one-fourth inch in diameter. If the cocoon be touched the mother will not take flight, but will defend it with all her power.* Drassus ater makes a plano convex cocoon, which is attached by its flat side to a stone or other substance, on which the cell is formed. This cocoon is white or slightly yellowish at first, and afterwards becomes red- dish in color. The female remains on guard by her eggs.° The female of Drassus lapidicolens conceals herself in a cell formed between the sur- face of the earth and the under side of a stone, near which she spins some threads, forming an irregular snare. In this cell, in the month of July or August, she places her cocoon, covering it with dead leaves. This cocoon is at first in the form of a flattened sphere, but becomes nearly round when the young are about to escape. It is white, and about half an inch in diameter. The mother remains with her young for some time after the eggs are hatched.°® Clubiona holosericea makes a white flattish cocoon one-fourth inch in diameter in June, and places it in a long tube shaped cell, formed on the under side of a leaf, or in some crevice, as of the bark of a tree. The female remains in this cell except when she leaves it to pounce upon an insect passing near its opening, and which she carries into the cell. The cell is divided into two chambers, in which, in the month of June, male and female may be found each occupying one. The spider is timid until she becomes a mother, when she will face any danger rather than abandon her cocoon. Before that time, if driven from her ’ British Examples Clubiona. 1 Hentz, page 39. *Id., page 41. ’ Staveley, British Spiders, page 168. 4 Id., page 85. 5 Id., page 91. ® Id., page 97. MATERNAL INSTINCTS: MOTHERHOOD. 195 cell, she falls to the earth without drawing a line with which to suspend herself, feigns death for some time, and then, making a rapid flight, sets to work to build a new house in a fresh place.! WADE Mrs. Mary Treat, in a little work designed for popular use entirely, gives several extraordinary examples of maternal care on the part of spiders. One of these was a female of Dolomedes scriptus, which Special first attracted attention by the fact that she was carrying a bag Pee of eggs about the size of a small cherry, with which she planted Gare herself on top of a leaf nest of a Shamrock spider (Epeira tri- folium). One morning Dolomede was missed from her accus- tomed place, but upon searching some adjoining ferns the characteristic cocoon tent of the species was discovered. It was three or four inches in length and from two to three in breadth, composed of ferns bent over and fastened together. Through one of the openings between the leaves the cocoon was seen suspended from the ceiling, precisely as I have myself observed it, and as is represented in the sketch Fig. 177, Chapter V. In two or three days thereafter the young Dolomedes were hatched and swarming all over the outside of the cocoon. When the leafy domi- cile which enclosed them was touched the little ones ran down the Jines in the direction of Mrs. Treat’s finger, as if they expected something, and reminded the observer of young birds, which always open their mouths to be fed whenever they are approached by a human being, not having yet learned to recognize their parents. This behayior led Mrs. Treat to suspect that the youngling spiders were fed by their mother, and she accordingly kept watch upon the colony. One evening, not long afterwards, the mother Dolomede was seen Feed- 56 : 5 i ; fe i Dea ike ine the with a large fly in her mandibles taking: long strides in the Young. direction of her domicile. She was soon inside, and the little ones ‘thronged around her and sucked the juices of the fly while she held it. The fly had previously been crushed in the mother’s jaws as though to make the food available for her nestlings. How long this process continued is not stated. It is a great pity that the details were not given, and the lack of these details leaves in my mind the question, was this really a case of feeding the young? Or did the Dolomede simply return to her nest to prey upon the food which she had gathered for herself, and permit, without interference, her brood to share in the repast? I have seen a mature Argiope (see Vol. I, page 256) feeding upon a blue bottle fly, while a number of small Diptera were sharing in the feast, having crowded up to the very jaws of the spider to sip the juices of the carcass. Of course, no purpose to feed the little flies could be inferred on 1 Staveley, page 100. 196 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. the part of the big spider. Might not a deliberate intention to feed her young be excluded from the act of this mother Dolomede on_ precisely the same ground ? Quite as extraordinary as the above is the behavior of a little Jumping spider, Attus nubillus, related by the same observer.!. This spider de- posited her cocoon, after the manner of her genus, within a couple of curled leaves of prickly Smilax rotundifolia. Mrs. Treat opened the nest and found that the spiders were apparently just hatched, and were of a pale green color. The mother was not then in sight, but knowing that Attus remains with and cares for her young until they leave the nest, the observer waited and was rewarded by witnessing the little mother’s return. For a time she seemed to look with dismay upon her pretty home torn asunder, and her spiderlings scattered around, but soon proceeded to gather the younglings together and tuck them back under the Aas 1 silken canopy. One spiderling, which had wandered farther than Young. the rest to the verge of the leaf, was picked up bodily, as a cat would carry its kitten, and put back into the flossy interior of the cocoon. Then the mother set about repairing her damaged cocoon; and after the rent was mended the young were not visible. She also tried to bring the enclosing leaves together again, but presently abandoned that effort. She remained on the outside of the nest, and no threatened danger would induce her to leave. She sprang towards the observer’s hand, and fiercely grasped the point of a pencil thrust near her. Several times daily the nest was visited, and the mother was found persistently pres- ent until the third day, when she was missed. cnune® gradually proceeded, she built her mortar around the suspensory Method: oo EE nee © Be ESE) Me SUSPENSOry cord or pedicle, and shaped the whole with her mandibles and feet until it assumed the form of the smooth, round object represented in Figs. 147 and 148 on page 180. One cannot venture to think that the process by which the human plasterer arrives at his method of work is identical with that pursued by this spider plasterer. In the one case it is the result of educa- Man's tion and experience, and of the application by reasoning of Method : at : and the Previous training to the problem in hand. In the case of the Spider’s. Spider no such education or experience, and probably no such process of reasoning, can be predicated. What mental processes has she gone through, if indeed she has passed through any? Can we ascribe to her, under the circumstances, the credit of reasoning upon her work and adapting her methods thereto? To do this would seem to me to place her thinking abilities and natural mechanical capabilities above those of man. ‘That there have been design and forethought somewhere behind all the processes of the spider mother one cannot doubt; yet with equal certainty we must refuse to attribute them solely to the spider her- self. Forethought and mechanical skill abide in Nature, whose formative forces have wrought out the structure of the spider and guided all its functions. But forethought and skill are the attributes of mind, of per- sonality ; and how shall we denominate this Personal Thinker? How can we deny His Presence? Perhaps a third illustration may be added. Cyclosa caudata has the curious habit of attaching to the exterior of her cocoons carcasses of in- sects from which she has sucked the juices, instead of casting them from the snare, the usual aranead mode of disposing of such material. Given the habit of suspending the cocoon with- in the disc of the orbicular snare, and also the habit of protecting the same by an armor of extraneous material, it is, perhaps, inevitable that the mother should be compelled to resort to some such method. It is Cyclosa caudata. MATERNAL INSTINCTS: MOTHERHOOD. 205 obviously impracticable to descend to the ground and secure mud, vege- table mould, and chippage, as is the custom with those species whose cocoons are fixed upon various surfaces, and whose makers can conyveni- ently resort to terra firma. In the case of our little Caudata, whose net swings in the open air, the chippage of slaughtered insects is after all the most convenient material at hand. Necessity here, as among human creatures, appears to have been the mother of invention, aided much by opportunity. The hard, dry shells are cut up into pieces, which are stuck to every part of the egg sac until the whole is covered, often very closely. Thus, in a single cocoon one will be able to detect the wings, head, elytra, abdomens, and other parts of various orders 6f insects, many of them “having bright colors. In these various methods of exercising this general habit one can find no motive which meets the facts of the case as well as that of ma- ternal solicitude. Mother love has found expression in the armoring of the silken vessel within which the eggs are enclosed, thus protecting them from the enemies which are to beset them. The motive is none the less potent, and none the less to be recognized, because of the fact that the mother herself could have had no knowledge of the character of those enemies to which her progeny would be exposed, and acted in obedience to an impulse within which we can trace no factor of personal reasoning. PART III—EARLY LIFE AND DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES. CHAPTER, Vanni: COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. ME Tue tyro in arachnology experiences his first and greatest difficulty in the attempt to separate between the mature and immature spiders collected by him. There are resemblances between the young of various species, particularly of the same genera; and the differences be- tween the young and the adult of any one species are, in certain cases, so great as to produce confusion. In point of fact, except for pur- poses of special study in life economy, young spiders are not worth collect- ing of retaining in a collection. The valuable specimens are only those which are mature. Now, it must be remembered that spiders do not undergo a metamor- phosis—a fact which is continually forgotten because of their classification with insects by the earlier writers, and the frequent treatment of them under Entomology even at the present day. Certain orders of insects, as the Lepidoptera, undergo a complete metamorphosis. The butterfly ar- rives at maturity through the well marked stages of the cater- pillar and chrysalis. Other orders, as the Orthoptera—locusts and grasshoppers, for example—hayve an incomplete metamor- phosis. But a spider is a perfect animal from its birth, and only requires the general growth and strengthening of its mem- bers, together with the development of the sexual organs, to complete its maturity. This maturity is reached after several successive moultings of the skin. An important outward structural change takes place at the final moult, at which time male spiders get their complete armature of spines, bristles, and hairs, according to their species. Moreover, the last or digital joints of the palps, which, to quote the language of Cambridge,’ have been up to that time tumid and homogeneous, break up into the digital joint, so Adult and Young. Spiders Without Metamor- phosis. 1 “Spiders of Dorset,’ Introduction, page 26. (206) COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 207 called, and the curious and more or less complete congeries of lobes, bulbs, and spines known as the palpal organs. The full dimensions of the legs __ are also sometimes attained at the same period. The female Saar ed spider at her last moult merely develops the genital aperture turity. With its external processes. Up to this time the aperture is in- visible, though, like the palpal organs of the male, it has been gradually developing beneath the cuticle. ie Of spider life within the cocoon our knowledge must necessarily be limited. The period of hatching differs according to the species, the time of the year, and the nature of the season. The eggs in many autumn cocoons do not hatch until spring, say from the middle of April to the middle of May. I have gathered many cocoons that have wintered out of doors, of Agalena nevyia, of various Laterigrades, and several species of Orbweavers, which contained unhatched eggs from which young spiders were subsequently bred. After hatching, the little creatures remain massed within the cocoon along with the white shell of the egg or the first moult. At times they spin delicate threads, which add to the flossy nest within which they domicile, so that after a cocoon has been opened for examination, the fracture will be closed up by such spin- ningwork. The spring or summer cocoons are hatched at periods varying from fifteen to thirty days. According to Professor Wilder, the eggs of Nephila plumipes laid in September were hatched in about thirty days.1 A cocoon of Epeira cornigera, taken in April and having the eggs then unhatched, I found to contain fully hatched young on May 15th. A female Epeira sclopetaria cocooned in a trying box May 26th, and on June 13th, eighteen days thereafter, the young brood issued from the cocoon. I have opened cocoons of Argiope cophinaria in the early winter, and found the young within crawling about in a sluggish way among the silken fibres of the interior enswathment, or massed inside the central, common pouch along with the white skins of their first moult. On the contrary, I have found cocoons in which, as late as April 20th, the young had just cast off the egg shell, and were beginning their first, feeble movements in struggling with the silken lines of their enswathment. I have little doubt that the young of Argiope are generally hatched from the egg within a month or six weeks after the cocoon has been made. They, therefore, remain within the cocoon during the winter and until the season is sufficiently advanced to make their egress safe, Cocoon Life. Period of Hatching. * Proceedings American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. VII., 1866, page 56. 208 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. But in the case of females who, for whatever reason, have been be- lated in positing their eggs, the frosts of early autumn probably have the effect of retarding the process of development; and when the later autumn frosts and the winter cold follow, the eggs of such cocoons remain unhateched until the first warm days of coming spring quicken their vitality. This is probably true of other spe- cies than Argiope. I have neyer made any experiments upon the effect of frost to retard or prevent the hatching of spider eggs, but am inclined to think that cold has this effect upon them, as it is known to have upon the development of insects. On May 22d, one exceedingly cold season, I found the young of Epeira sclopetaria, at Atlantic City, all escaped from their cocoons, great num- bers of which were fixed upon the cornices of various buildings around the Inlet wharf. At the same time many cocoons of Epeira triaranea had the young still within them. I have had young Insular spiders colonized upon my vines make their exode May 19th. M. Vinson says that July Ist Gasteracantha bour- bonica, a Madagascar species, enclosed in a flagon, had fixed her cocoon against the side. On the 25th the little spiders were hatched. They were perfect as to their forms, but were still imprisoned within the co- Fic. 241. Young Agalena COON. They presented a blackish appearance. They stripping off the first issued from the cocoon and scattered on the 11th of moult. : : August, a period of seventeen days after hatching. So that under an African winter the hatching of eggs and escape of the young occupies a period of forty days. On the disengagement of young spiders from the egg every part is en- closed in a membranous envelope; they are embarrassed in their move- ments; are unable to spin or seize prey, and seem indisposed to action. For the unrestrained exercise of these functions it is requisite that they should extricate themselves from the cover- ing which impedes them. This operation, or, as it may be termed, their first moult, occurs after a period whose duration is regulated principally by the temperature and moisture of the atmosphere. The first moult in- variably takes place in the cocoon, or general envelope of the eggs, and the young spiders do not quit the common nest until the weather is mild and genial.! Once, while peeping inside a cocoon of Agalena nevia, I was fortu- nate enough to observe a spiderling in the last stages of this first moult. While it held on to the flossy nest with the two front and third pairs of legs, the hind pair was drawn up and forward, and the feet grasped the upper margin of the sack like shell, which, when first seen, was Effect of Cold. First Moult. 1 Blackwall, “Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland,” Intro., page 6. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 209 ————— a about half way removed from the abdomen. The feet pushed downward, and at the same time the abdomen appeared to be pulled upward, until the white pouch was gradually worked off. (Fig. 241.) The motion was not unlike that of a child stripping off its night dress by pushing it down the body and stepping out from the drapery. Life within the cocoon is not wholly destitute of “moying accidents” and “hairbreadth ’scapes,” if we may believe Professor Wilder, who ar- gues that the young of Argiope cophinaria eat one another while Cocoon yet within cocoon limits. His reason is that a comparison of ae the contents of cocoons opened early in the season with those opened later showed that the spiderlings were fewer in number but larger in size! He infers the same thing from the fact that after egress the young do prey upon one another, but without sufficient ground, as the one fact by no means imples the other. My own observation has been, of all species, that the young live together peacefully while within the cocoon. However, I have chiefly studied the cocoonery of our more northern latitudes. In southern latitudes, where the hatching probably occurs earlier with some species, and the period of confinement after hatching is thus much prolonged, or the appetite of the young quickened by the climate, hunger may assert its supremacy. Yet, even in the case of some southern spiders, as examples of Zilla from southern California, reared during winter in my study under conditions of temperature not very different from their native latitude, there never appeared a trace of cannibalism until after the young araneads had woven their first independent snares. In the case of most, probably of all, species in our more northern climate, during the greater part of the four months intervening between hatching and egress, the young are probably more or less torpid by reason of the cold, and thus with natural appetite still in abeyance. Even in our Southern States the influ- ence of season is seen by a general suspension of activity in the insect and aranead world; and, independent of climatic influence, Nature doubt- less gives a semidormant tone to the spider young. Whatever may be the truth as to Argiope and Nephila, I am certain that many species do not have this cannibal habit within the cocoon, nor, indeed, for some time after egress therefrom. Mr. Pollock’s observations? of Argiope aurelia, of Madeira, quite correspond with this statement, for the broods were always friendly within the cocoon, and indeed for a fort- night after leaving it. UU. The spiderlings themselyes procure exit from the cocoon in most spe- cies. This is frequently accomplished by cutting a small opening through 210 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. “ the outer envelopes. (Figs. 242, 243.) I have noted these openings in co- coons of Agalena nevia which were under observation for that purpose ; the period at which the openings were cut was identified, and the Egress little inmates seen peeping out at the round doors, of which there Raa, were, in some cases, a number opened, from which also they escaped when the cocoon was agitated. Similar openings have frequently been observed in the cocoons of Argiope cophinaria, Epeira cornigera, Argyrodes trigonum, and in numerous examples of Epeiroid, Tubitelarian, and Laterigrade cocoons. In these, however, as a rule, there was only one opening, but sometimes two. : Professor Wilder has recorded some facts upon this point.’ Cocoons of the Basket Argiope kept by him in South Carolina were never seen to be pierced by the inmates. Of four hundred and six cocoons Argiope obtained on James Island in the spring of 1865, only one hun- sere dred and thirty-four were entire, presenting no opening what- Cocoons. ever. Of the others one hundred and ninety were pierced when found, but no spiders came out of these before May 10th. The openings in them,were similar to that made in a New York cocoon June 14th, by the inmates themselves. This hole was near the pedicle or stem of the cocoon, and from it the young escaped. Of the remaining eighty-two co- coons fifty-nine were torn in one or more places, and loose silk proceeded through Fic. 242. Fic. 243. z Drassid cocoons, to show the openings out of which the young the rents. Professor Wilder q d. - : h heye|escaDe once saw a little bird, about Fig. 242. Front view. Fic. 243. Side view. the size of a sparrow, fly at a cocoon hanging in a tree, make one or two quick pulls and then re- treat. He is therefore inclined to think that all the above rents were so caused; and, as these attacks would usually open the cocoon without in- juring the inmates, he drew the inference that this might be a provision of Nature, somewhat like the fertilization of flowers by insects, by which the invasion of the cocoon should really permit the continuance of the species. There may be some ground for this inference, but it is certain that in ordinary cases no such external provision is required. Birds are much disposed to use the silken material of spider cocoonery for their nest building operations. Mr. Thomas Meehan, the botanist, has seen the pewit engaged in collecting spider’s spinningwork on his grounds at Germantown. Hummingbirds are known to make large draughts upon spider webs for nest building material. I have in my collection Delivery by Birds. 1 Proceed. Am. Assoc., 1873, page 260. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 211 several nests built by a Vireo, the white eyed Vireo probably (Vireo noyvo- boracensis), which are largely composed of the thick sheetings taken ap- parently from the cocoons of various Orbweavers and the Speckled Agalena, which may all have been abandoned cocoons. However, it is extremely probable that some of them were filled with young spiders when seized. Such seizure would not necessarily prove fatal to the young, as I have demonstrated by experiment, substituting my fingers for the bill of a bird. At the first pull, or as soon as a fracture had been made, a number of the wee fellows would run from the cocoon hurry-skurry and take refuge under surrounding objects. When a pinch or two more had widened the fracture so as to allow the brood to escape freely, and the hand was swung upward through the air as nearly as might be after the manner of the supposed robber bird, a long trail of young spiders floated behind, all hanging on as for dear life to the filaments that streamed backward like a kite tail, and which were the united threads of the whole evicted ten- antry forced into the utmost activity of their spinning organs. Nearest to the fingers the filaments were thickly placed, and here the young balloonists were massed. Further on they were less in number, and so to the end of this curious pennant, where one or two clung to the taper- ing point of gossa- mer. Of course, dur- ing the rapid motion some of the spider- lings were detached from the mass and floated away upon single or manifold strands. It is thus easy to see that a bird carrying a torn cocoon under similar circumstances might distribute a large portion of a brood along the course of her flight without destroying many. Even for those re- maining within the cocoon or clinging to the shreds thereof, there would be good chance to escape scot free after the work of weaving the silken material into the nest should begin. The action of birds in opening cocoons is an accident of which spiderlings doubtless avail themselves, but it probably goes for little or nothing in the natural delivery of the brood; and the peculiar spinning habit of spiders tends to protect them from the violence of such attacks when made. Mrs. Mary Treat has informed me that the young of Argiope cophi- naria have been observed by her escaping through the pedicle or stem of the outer cocoon case. A reference to the figures of the cocoons of this species in Chapter V. will show how this is done. The pedicle of Fig. 244. Young Agalenas escaping from a plundered cocoon. + Dit, AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. the cocoon is a short hollow tube. Just below this tube on the inside is hung a funnel shaped silken cap, which is attached above to a strong silken cord composed of numerous fibres, which cord passes up- Egress of ward through the hollow stem, sometimes forming an outward ea attachment to some external object. It would not be a diffi- cult task for the young Argiopes to work their way between the inner wall of the cocoon case and this cap above described, and so along the cord and out into the air through the pedicle. If Mrs, Treat’s observation should be established as a common habit, it would, of course, account for the fact that Professor Wilder found so many of these co- coons without any external opening. Simply, the spiders had crawled out through the pedicle; but I believe this is not common. In the case of many cocoons spun by Epeira, and, indeed, by Orb- weavers generally, there always is a selvage uniting the upper to the lower portions of the outer case. As the spiders grow and the The yeriod for egress approaches, this selvage appears to open, a Selvage 2 d = I : oe result which is perhaps due in large part to the influence of weather and time in loosening the tension of the threads which close the edges of the parts. Through this open selvage the spiders are enabled to escape with comparative ease. Even were there no relaxing of tension in the uniting threads, it would be easier for the spiderlings to cut their way out from this part of the cocoon than through the un- broken parts. A reference to several of the cocoons described in Chap- ter V. will show this. It remains to be determined whether the mother in some species may not be an active agent in delivering or aiding the deliverance of the brood. Emerton once noticed a small Theridium gnawing at its ale soft cocoon, and found that one side had in this way been made ery by : : Stent j much thinner than the remaining parts. He placed the spider Mother : a & 1 ! ! NGL with her cocoon in a bottle, where he could watch her. She soon recommenced the biting, and kept it up during the re- mainder of the day. The following night the young came out. Of course such a habit could only appear among those species that brood or watch over their cocoons until the young are hatched, or among those who, like various Theridioids and such Orbweavers as the Labyrinth and Tailed spiders, make several cocoons and string them within their snares. As most cocoons are abandoned by the mother immediately after spinning, the enclosed young must escape without maternal aid.! Menge observes that the warm rays of the spring sun aw aken the germ of the eggs, and by the time Mother Nature has provided a plentiful supply of flies and mosquitoes, the young hatch. It is a peculiarity of spiders that they do not leave the egg nest at once, but remain until legs, palps, 1 “Structure and Habits of Spiders,” page 104. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. Dales skin, and all parts are perfected. By this time the body is covered with hair and they possess claws and bristles; they crawl about and begin to spin, but remain in the neighborhood of the cocoon. They have as yet no need for food, as sufficient yelk is deposited in their bodies for present wants. After six or eight days the second moulting takes place, and they now begin to feel hungry, and, when nothing else offers, attack each other, the strong devouring the weak. Menge also noticed that when kept impris- oned they will even eat the old skin; but when at liberty neither of these extreme measures take place, as a general thing, inasmuch as plenty of food is found around the place of their birth. At this time each aranead supports itself as Nature ordained, and, its appetite becoming ravenous, it rapidly increases in size and development. For this reason Menge neyer succeeded in carrying young ones, hatched in a glass, over this period and he doubts whether it can be done at all, even taking foreign varieties (such as American) for the purpose. He tried Le Bon’s experiment, feeding them from quills filled with blood of young pigeons, but without success. A few of them may suck the blood, but most of them pay no attention whatever to this unnaturally served food. Most grown spiders present the same dif- ficulty, preferring to starve to death rather than accept food which they do not fancy; even the very insects on which they live when free are re- fused if not caught by themselves. Menge often tried to bring to maturity a yet undescribed spider (Me- lanophora), which he found rarely, and always full grown; but in this he .q.., failed. Although the glass was filled with flies, mosquitoes, po- sere dura, ete., the spider left them untouched, and finally both in- Difficult. Sects and spider died. The same result attended efforts with Saltigrades. Lineweavers and Tubeweavers were much easier to feed, as they attack everything that falls into their web when not too large or too much against their taste. The easiest to keep in captivity are the Lycosids, which become tame and will take flies offered to them in the hand.! TiVe After the rigors of winter have been successfully endured, the warm days of spring first hasten the process of hatching, and then tempt the spiderlings from their cocoon. I have repeatedly observed, dur- ing a series of years, the issuing of broods and their behavior immediately thereafter. The observations have been under fa- vorable conditions within doors, and also out of doors from cocoons trans- ferred from their original site and affixed to branches of shrubbery, and a few in original site. The young of various species representing Orbweavers, Open Air Life. 1 Menge, “Preussische Spinnen.” ge, 214 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. Tubeweavers, and Laterigrades, especially, have been studied. The results from experimental hatching are but little different from those which everywhere transpire in Nature, and, taken together with numerous facts noted afield, enable us to accurately sketch the life of the infant spider just after deliverance from the cocoon. One example, followed consecutively, will illustrate the habits of Orb- weavers. Early in May a cocoon of Epeira insularis was taken from a tree on the banks of the Schuylkill. It had been placed by ais 2 the mother spider on the under side of a branch, where it ays o* was best protected from the weather, and consisted externally Outdoor : Taree of a ball of thick, yellow, curled floss, about one-half an inch in diameter. (Fig. 245, C.) This was attached to the limb by a thin coating of white tissue, from which short, strong cords entered the ball. Within the ball were about one hundred young spiders, just fully hatched. The cocoon was placed in a paper box, and the spiderlings re- mained shut up in it until May 18th. Meanwhile they had made their first moult. This cocoon was now opened and put within a large covered paper box, which, by a dent in the side, had free communication with the outside. Next morning I found that the spiderlings had issued from the box and woven a mass of delicate webbing over the surrounding objects upon the table. The lines were most closely spun near the points of exit, where they re- sembled a delicate tissue web. They were Fic. 245. Cocoon (C) of Insular spider,on carried along the table on one side to he len le ae a distance of five feet, on another of two feet, and the lmes decreased in number as the distance increased. Where threads were dense the spiderlings were massed (O, Fig. 246) in large numbers, and as the lines thinned out the numbers decreased, until at each of the two points where the spinningwork ceased were one or two pioneers engaged in pushing the lines further from the centre. In point of fact, this last sentence expresses the general instinct which controls the young on their first issue from the cocoon—they spin away, and away from the home cradle, restlessly further and further, until they are arrested by satisfactory surroundings and further flight is hindered, or until they pause to undergo another moult. This is undoubtedly the impulse bestowed by Nature for the dispersion of the brood, asi ay with a view to the distribution and preservation of the species, ion o ‘ ; : : : primarily, perhaps, to the preservation of the young from their Species. ! 2 - =) own cannibal propensities. In order to test this matter and de- cide the mode of procedure, I fixed attention upon one of the outposts. Three feet from the main assembly (O, Fig. 246) a single straggler had carried or followed a line. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 215 A toy column from a box of a child’s building blocks was placed eight inches from the point reached by the spiderling, in order to arrest the thread which I believed she would emit. Directing a magnifying glass upon her, I presently saw her assume the attitude common to her Fic. 246. Assembly of spiderlings when first escaped from cocoon. O, the maze of crossed lines found outside of box; V, the furthest limit of same. order when about to take aeronautic flight. The eight legs were spread in a circle, the abdomen elevated, and from the spinnerets issued a deli- cate gossamer line, which was carried to and fro in the slight currents prevailing even in a closed room. Quite soon the line entangled upon the top of the column. Just as the spider was about to adventure upon her tiny bridge, a sister broodling reached her, at the touch of whose foot she instantly dropped downward along the side of the table and hung, back underneath, by the emitted line. (Fig. 247, 1.) Meanwhile the new comer unhesitatingly mounted the bridge line and crossed over the column. (Fig. 247, 2.) The journey was made “hand over hand,” to use a not inappropriate figure, and with the back downward, the invari- able posture of all spiders on like occasions. The original pioneer now reascended, and straightway followed her predecessor. At this stage I was summoned from the room by a vis- itor, and when I returned, in half an hour, a colony of fifty-three spiders had been drained from the mass meet- ing at O, Fig. 246, four feet distant, and were spread over a series of open lines woven into a triangular net- work fence (Fig. 248, F), into which the original line had now expanded. This illustrates another marked tendency of the earliest movements, viz., the bulk of the colony follow the pio- neers, and group themselves near together; in other words, they are at this stage gregarious. This action was re- peated a number of times during the next three days. eerie (renrs I found that I could always transfer the group to any ogee chosen spot by placing thereon some elevated object. : For example, I put a second column at y (Fig. 248), eight inches from the first column (x), and then pushed a toy dancing puppet (z) across the table eighteen inches distant from x. In order to 216 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. test the effect of a current of air, I slightly raised an adjoining window, admitting a light play of wind across the fence on the column x. In three minutes two lines were fastened upon the cap of the puppet, and two spi- ders had begun to cross from the points marked 2, 3. These lines were so del- icate that I had not seen them until the motion of the spiders along inyisible bridges directed particular attention to the spots. E - E | | 2 Fic. 248. Migration instinct. F, fence of netted lines; 1, 2, 3, Within an hour all the points of first departure; B, bridge lines for transit; n, final colony but two had crossed assembly of spiderlings. s over the fence (F) to the puppet, and were swarmed around the head, face, and chest of the figure, and upon a mass of lines (n) that stretched to a wire (w). A triangular bridge of lines (B) had now been formed, whose apex was Grega- the head of the puppet (z), and which broadened out, touching rious : ; : : ; Habit. the columns (y and x) and connecting with the first perpendic- ular bridge (IF) by the three principal points (1, 2, 3) from which the migration had proceeded. In the course of three days, by arranging various elevated objects over the table, and breaking off the threads that floated beyond the prescribed limits, I had induced the brood to cover a space haying a linear boundary of about twelve feet. The greater portion of the area thus bounded be- came at last sheeted by a web composed of the innumerable lines emitted by the little spinners, so that the whole presented a quite good miniature of the canvas tents of a traveling circus company. For long periods the little creatures would hang quite still, separated from each other by distances varying from three-fourths of an inch to one, two, and three inches. In these rest- ing moments they hung inverted between two lines which they grasped re- spectively by the four feet on either side; the abdomen was elevated somewhat, a short thread issued from the spinnerets, and was attached to an upper line, thus helping to support the body. (Fig. 249, 1.) Occasionally the two hind legs grasped a cross line hung upon or above the parallels, and the thread from the spinnerets was also attached to the cross line. (Fig. 249, 2.) Position in Rest. Fic. 249. Position of spiderlings when at rest upon assembly lines. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. Maly A number of cocoons forwarded to me in the early spring, by Mrs. Eigenmann, from San Diego, California, gave me an opportunity to note the tendency of young Orbweavers in outdoor site. The co- Escap- coons were fixed upon bushes within the forks of branches, at aie the time when the young were just ready to escape. They evi- dently felt the fresh air of the open, as contrasted with the boxes in which they had been confined, and at once pushed their way from the flossy interior to the outside of the cocoon. Then one adventurous spirit scrambled to a branch and began to as- cend a stem. Another and another followed, each trailing a dragline along the surface, until at last several threads were merged into one, which the little creatures laid hold of as suc- ceeding numbers emerged from the cocoon. Thus a long line of them appeared climbing up the thread, which at places swung free from the stem, and at others hugged it closely. (Fig. 250.) They reminded me of a watch of sailors following each other up the shrouds of a ship. Here and there, at various points, individ- uals would strike out an independent line of progress, and would be sure to be ae t followed by some of their comrades. ove- - : i h » see a | rom ment to One mig t be seen d Ang NN fro a Ascend, leaf by a slender filament; another with elevated abdomen sending out the first lines of a tentative balloon; a third already embarked on an aeronautic venture, swinging free and swaying in the breeze. (Fig. 250.) The general tendency was to ascend; scarcely a spider went below the point at which the egg sac was fixed. Here and there little groups would form and hang back downward for a while by a few crossed threads; these < b é Fic. 250. Cocoon fixed upon a rose again would break up, and at last, well toward Pannen anteaters tientn ction the summit of the bush, the colony, with the ex- from. To show tendency to ascend 2 3 = and migrate. ception of a few independent characters, massed themselves under a leafy shelter, and so remained pendent like a ball—legs, palps, heads, and abdomens mingled in a confused mass. (Figs. 251, 252.) This I suppose to be a good example of the general habit at this period. The “balling” or “snugging” of the brood is quite sure to suggest to the observer the appearance of a swarm of bees just escaped from the home hive. 218 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. How long does the brood remain thus massed? ‘This depends greatly upon circumstances, particularly the velocity of the wind and temperature of the air. A brisk wind and fair day tended to scatter my experimental spiderlings very rapidly; indeed, during the after- noon and night. This will best be illustrated by the following case. Balling. V. An interesting example of the habit of young spiderlings immediately after escape from the cocoon, was seen May 23d, 1887, in a ravine upon the ground of Ogontz, a young ladies’ school in the vicinity of A Tented Philadelphia. When observed, the little creatures were snugged Colony. : ; 22 together in a ball underneath a large leaf of Indian turnip or Jack-in-the-pulpit (Ariseema triphyllum). Two smaller individuals of the same plant stood on either flank. The tall central plant served as a sort ‘ of tent pole, and from the margins of the broad top leaves a delicate silken tissue spread downward to the edges of the shorter Jacks mentioned, There was thus formed a symmetrical pavilion, within which the spider- lings were contained, and which presented all the appearance of having been constructed intentionally. I am confident, however, that the deli- cate canvas wall of this tiny tent was simply formed by the immensely multiplied threadlets which the colony continually dragged after them as they moved back and forth, up and down, in the preparatory stages of settling themselves. When first observed, the whole colony was massed in a ball as large as a walnut underneath one of the top leaves. The spiders were of a yellowish brown color, and gave a pretty appearance as seen through the silvery white of the silken wall against the green background of their tent roof. When I tapped lightly upon the top of the leaf beneath which they were snugged, the ball instantly broke up, and a hundred or more of the little fellows dropped swiftly downward. Every one dragged after it a silken attachment, which filled the inside of the pavilion with perpendicular lines. Most of the number returned in a little while to their position. Some remained hanging at various distances; a few who had fallen quite to the bottom of the tent, which was limited by the top leaves of the two flanking Jack-in-the- pulpits, ran out from under the edge of the tent and extended their ex- cursion for a little distance beyond. When I left the brood, Miss Skinner, the teacher of natural history in Ogontz, kindly consented to keep it under observation, and I am indebted to her for the following history prolonged through a period of ten days: The colony was first observed on the morning of May 28d. The next day was rainy and windy. On the 25th it was found that great rifts had been made in the overhanging web or pavilion wall on the leeward side; Disper- sion. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 219 Fic. 251. The tent and assembly of young spiders beneath a leaf of Jack-in-the-pulpit, on the grounds of Ogontz Seminary. 220 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. While on the windward side it was quite swept away. To quote the moral- izing sentiment of the journalist, “their frail house was more ragged than good resolutions after a week’s wear!” The spiderlings remained snugged underneath their leaf as when first seen. On the afternoon of May 27th the little fellows had “outgrown their clothes, and hung them on the line, while they looked very smart in their new Clothes, over which no one had toiled. Their change of gar- eee ments had led to no change of habits,” for they were snugged to- Coats. gether in a ball as when first observed. In other words, the spiderlings had undergone a moult, and their white casts of skins clung to the lines upon which the moult had been effected. This is usual among young spiders. Mrs. Treat has even observed the shed skins of baby Turret spiders! clinging to lines stretched across the top of the mother’s abdomen, upon which the younglings had unfrocked themselves. May 29th, 9 A.M. The colonists were still closely snugged. They had grown some, and had thrown out a few cables to support their tent, which was then quite rickety. At five o’clock in the evening they were in the same condition. May 30th, 5 P. M. A few individuals were found spinning webs on an adjoining tree, but the majority were “ wandering in the wilderness of life, and could not be found.” Twenty- one still clung to the old home. * * * May 38ist, at 2 P. M., only five spiderlings could be found. “These wandered about in a forlorn way like pilgrims preparing to seek a shrine beyond the known country.” June Ist, at 3 P. M., not one of the colony was to be found. The frag- ments of the web and “the old clothes” were all that were left. About a rod beyond the site of this colony Miss Skinner found a new ball of spider- lings, apparently quite recently made; I quote the conclusion of her journal, which relates to this second colony: “June 2d. Something has happened to them, I know not what! Not a trace is to be found. So perish great nations!” Two of the young ladies of the seminary made sketches of the colony two or three days after the first observation. At that time the enclosing pavilion had been blown away, nothing remaining but a few straggling lines. I have restored the pavilion from my own sketch, presenting it thus as when first seen. (Fig. 251.) There is nothing to show how many of the two Ogontz colonies may have survived. It is not unlikely that a few scattered into the surrounding foliage and might have been found quietly ensconced beneath leaves or any other sheltered position, but the proba- bility is that most, if not all, of them perished. Such is certainly the fate of multitudes of young Orbweavers.? Disper- sion. ‘ Lycosa arenicola Scudder. See the author’s “Tenants of an Old Farm,” page 139. * TI reserve for the chapter on General Habits (under Moulting) the history of a brood of Epeiras hatched upon a honeysuckle arbor in my manse yard, whose fortunes I followed with particular interest. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 221 One of the young ladies in the natural history class of the school wrote and published in the “Ogontz Mosaic” a versified account of the above colony, which I venture to add, as a pleasant description of and happy comment upon the incident. It may at least serve to brighten for a mo- ment the dullness of these pages of details, and show that one may find a gleam of poetic fancy even in the babyhood of despised Arachne’s children. THE CHILDREN OF THE SPIDER WEB. Unperr a Jack-in-the-pulpit’s care, Where the shadows are deep, and the sunlight rare Tenderly kisses the maiden hair, A loying mother made her nest, And never did rest Till flossy blankets and silken sheet Enclosed her eggs in a safe retreat. The brood was safe, but the mother dead, For love’s last act spent life’s last thread, And the fair cocoon was left to swing Till winter’s snow dissolved in spring. The air was warm and the sunshine soft; To and fro the breezes tossed The tiny hammock of shining threads, Of shimmering, silyery spider webs. Far from the sounds of war and strife Were the spider babies wooed to life. On one bright day they all awoke, Their prison doors they burst and broke ; And, peeping through the barriers white, Discoyered a wonderful world of light. With glad surprise they looked around, Then a daring one, with a single bound, Went dancing down on a tiny thread, Making his own little spider web. Graceful and airy, A real fairy, He entered this new found land of glory. The days went by, and the babies grew. Were their pleasures many, their sorrows few ? Or within the silken canopy Was there acted out a tragedy? * * * * * * Shall we e’er know the source Of that wonderful force 3y which the good little mother wove Her babies’ cradle with threads of love ? Why the eges are laid by the little wife? How the sunlight laughs them into life ? Where the shadows are deep, and the sunshine rare Tenderly kisses the maiden hair, Beneath the Jack-in-the-pulpit rest The mysteries of the spider’s nest. 222 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. About the middle of May, the same spring, I watched the egress of a whole colony of the young of Epeira insularis from a cocoon which I had hung upon an ampelopsis vine outside my study window. They Tendency moved with great celerity and soon were widely scattered over to Mount : : : : z apmard the vine. : All mounted upwards, not a single one descending be- low the site of the cocoon; which habit, as I have observed, is quite common to all species. A few days thereafter their tiny filaments could be traced stretched from leaf to leaf over a large surface of the vine, as high as ten and a half feet from the ground. But not a single web was afterwards formed during the whole summer and autumn, and, as far as I know, every individual perished. Those who are familiar with like facts will readily perceive the necessity for the immense fecundity of fe- male spiders in the production of eggs. Only under favorable circum- stances can considerable numbers of any single colony reach maturity. My observations on colonies of Epeira labyrinthea and Epeira triara- Mortality nea show that twenty, thirty, or fifty may survive for a short Amon : 2 Sales Caer ; Spi eee period, and construct in the same vicinity their little orbicular lings. snares. But these, too, soon perish under the combined assaults of their natural enemies and unfavorable weather. It is probable, indeed I believe that it is quite certain, when cocoons are located in spe- cially favored spots, and the young inhabitants issue forth under specially favored circumstances, that the majority of them pass beyond the period of babyhood and attain middle growth, and reach in goodly proportion mature life; but these examples must be comparatively rare. WAG My observations of the habits of spiderlings immediately after egress are confirmed by such brief notes as other observers have made in natural site. Emerton says (speaking apparently from observation) that a brood of young Epeiras may often be seen living in a common web, and looking like a ball of wool in the top of a bush; while below them, connected by threads to their roost, are the skins left at their second moult, and further down, also connected by threads, the cocoon. I have often seen the young of Theridium tepidariorum, and of the long legged cellar spider, Pholeus phalangioides, hanging in these cottony clus- ters at the top of the maternal snare, the mother herself suspended beneath. The Orbweavers thus appear to agree in this habit with these Lineweayers. Wilder also has a brief reference in the same direction to the young of Nephila plumipes, which, he says, even after leaving the cocoon, are more or less gregarious, always keeping in companies, and preserving good order Other Ob- servers. while moving.? 1 Structure and Habits, page 110. 2 Proceed. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sciences, VII., 1865, page 56. FIG. 252. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 223 Assembly of young spiders, just after escape from cocoon, balled beneath a rose bush leaf. 224 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. The young of Epeira diademata, as observed in Europe,! have a like habit. In the spring, when the spiders are newly hatched, almost as soon as they leave the eggs they spin a small irregular mass of English almost invisible lines, in the middle of which they cluster to- eg gether, forming themselves into a ball about the size of a cherry stone.? This hangs apparently in midair, and an observer ap- proaching it to discover its nature touches some one of the slender lines by which it is suspended, or some twig near enough to communicate mo- tion to them. In an instant a hundred living atoms begin to disperse, the solid little ball seeming for a moment to be turning into smoke, so minute are the animals, so rapid are their motions, and so invisible the means of their dispersion. After a few seconds, if the disturbance be not repeated, the little creatures begin to subside again into a cluster, which is not at once restored to its former small size, since a thousand legs, how- ever minute, require a little time for the necessary curling, packing, and settling by which this animate sphere of snugging spiderlings’ is formed. A series of careful observations, made and communicated to me by Mrs. Treat, confirm the above records and furnish some interesting details. Females of Epeira harrison * were brought from New Hamp- ae . shire to Vineland in October, and there made their cocoons in arrison oe Spider the same month. These the mothers fastened to the ceiling after the fashion of the Domicile spider, and as long as life lasted manifested an unvarying love and care for the future offspring. As soon as a cocoon was completed the mother addressed herself to protecting it from insect foes and frost. For this purpose she scraped weather beaten boards with her mandibles, and made little pellets of the gray chippings, with which she covered the cocoon, which thus resembled somewhat a nat- ural inequality in the wood. The younglings did not leave the cocoon until the following spring. When they first came out they moved about six inches distant and formed a compact mass like a miniature swarm of bees, in which con- dition they remained a day or two. Finally, the mass broke up and formed four groups, in which they remained another day. Then they separated, and the united spinning labors of the entire brood made a thick web five or six inches in length and breadth. Herein they left their first baby clothes strung thickly along the innumerable lines. There- after they began to disperse, scattering everywhere around the house, each spinning a perfect little orb not much larger than a silver dollar. At this stage the observer began to look upon her spiderling emigrants with dismay. Several hundred must have emerged from each cocoon; and, 1 Staveley, British Spiders, page 239. * There must be a mistake here as to size; the clusters of Diademata would surely be much larger. 8 Epeira cinerea Emerton. ww eo) | COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. besides, a number of half grown specimens brought from New England with the colony, would be mothers in the fall. Thus, with the actual and prospective issue, an aranead invasion seemed imminent, carrying therewith the prospect that house, vineyard, and grounds would be en- swathed and shrouded in cobwebs. Mrs. Eigenmann has informed me of like behavior on the part of the young of Epeira gemma, at San Diego, California. A number of females had been placed, about the Ist of November, in tin cans, where California they deposited their large tawny brown cocoons, The cans with Spider- : i i : . i 1p iin their enclosed cocoons were placed aside, and when opened Feb- ruary 5th following, an interval of three months, they contained numbers of little yellow spiders, marked with a black spot posteriorly on the abdomen. One can was put out of doors and opened. In a few hours a silken ladder of delicate lines had been made from the tip upward eighteen inches to the buds and flowers of Encelia californica growing in the garden. At the top the ladder was attached to a bud which was bent downward, and between it and the stem of the plant some filmy spider weaving served as a scaffold. Upon this the spiderlings had as- sembled in three separate bunches, somewhat triangular in outline, which suggested to the observer tiny bunches of very prolific grapes. Mrs. Eigen- mann reinclosed the spiders within the tin, in order to ship them to me, but in the act many escaped. The rest arrived safely, and immediately upon the opening of the can issued forth and began to spin their delicate filaments. WAHL The brood fraternity of spiderlings, in connection with their rapidly developed tendency to spin themselves away from the home centre, leads to the accidental formation of objects that curiously resemble Bridge ridges, canopies, and tents, When they begin to move they and Tent “ : : Bee: Making. drag after them fine filaments of silk. A hundred spiderlings, more or less, passing from point to point and back and_ forth by single bridge lines, and keeping close together, will not be long in laying out a series of lines and ribbons that suggest miniature roadway trestles and cables of a wire bridge. One of the most curious miniatures of this sort which I haye known was once made in my library. A package of cocoons of Zilla x-notata, sent to me from California by Mrs. Eigenmann, was laid upon a long table. One morning, upon entering the room, I found that the spiders had hatched and issued from the openings in the lid of the package, a large cylindrical fruit can. From the summit of this can, as from a bridge pier, the spiderlings had strung their lines to books and paper boxes laid upon the table, and thus formed a series of piers and abut- ments. They had already woven a sheeted way several inches wide, that 226 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. stretched above the middle of the table for five feet. Thence it spread upward, in diverging threads, to the window curtain, on which many of the wee adventurers hung. (Fig. 253.) I kept the bridge for several days, during which time the roadway received many additional strings, and some of the baby bridge builders spun delicate little cobwebs along the edges and among the trusses of their bridge, and, separating them- selves from their fellows, set up housekeeping for themselves. Another example shows that precisely the same habit exists among Baby tO RS . MW i T ! Z, ‘ Se : : SN A fh Ny \) Fic. 253. Bridge of spinningwork laid by a brood of Epeiroid spiderlings. spiders widely separated in structure. A large specimen of Ctenus was sent to me by Prof. S. M. Scudder, who had received it from a Young = friend. The animal had come from Central America, and had ee brought her cocoon with her. This was a large conical object nearly an inch in diameter, constructed lke the ordinary Lyco- sid cocoon. The mother with her egg bag was placed in a box, and after a few days, tired of lugging her cradle, hung it to the side of the box in a hammock of loosely meshed lines. It was not long before an immense host of little Ctenids, several hundreds in number, issued from the cocoon, crawled out of an opening in the cover of the box, and distributed them- selves over a large study table in my room at the Academy of Natural Sciences. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. PPA On opening the door one morning I was surprised to find every object upon the table—books, manuscript, pamphlets, bottles, inkstand—ineluding the box in which the mother spider was contained, literally cov- eae ered with a mass of sheeted spinningwork, which lay over the and tops of the objects on the table like a thin silken cloth. It Tower, Showed the inequalities of those objects, thus presenting a good miniature model of the immense cantonment of a modern tray- eling circus company. This remarkable structure concentrated upon the tallest object on the table, a large box standing at one corner. To this Fic. 254. Bridge lines, canopies, and turret spun by a brood of young Citigrade spiders (Ctenus). point, evidently, the migrating brood had drifted, and here a strange sight was presented. Favored by the breeze, one adventurous spider had ap- parently found its output line borne upward until it caught upon the ceil- ing. Up it mounted, and in a little while was followed by others, each spiderling dragging after it a similar thread, until at last a tower like structure was formed, the base of which is represented in the drawing, Fig. 254, reaching entirely to the ceiling of the room, a distance of eight or ten feet. At several places along this were lines which issued towards 228 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. the window and other parts of the room, marking points where little ad- venturers, following their inherent tendency, had departed from their “ Hiffel Tower” of spinning threads, and dispersed into other parts of the building. VII. A yaluable account of life within the cocoon of a mother Argiope is given by Frederick Pollock, Esq.! The cocoon, which resembles substan- ; tially that of Argiope argyraspis, contained from six hundred to Argiope one thousand bright yellow eggs glued together in the shape of eae a bean. The egg shells burst at the end of the fourth week. Life. The spiders at that time were helpless and nearly transparent. At the end of the fifth week they cast off their first skin and became quite lively and active. Their color at this time was a_ bright yellow, with darkish legs. Their bodies were about the size of an ordi- nary pin head. Three or four dark spots gradually developed down each side of the abdomen. At about the end of the seventh week the spider- lings emerged through a small hole probably gnawed by them. After departure from their cocoon their habits, as reported by Mr. Pol- lock, agree with those of young Epeiroids as heretofore described. They club harmoniously together, hanging closely packed in a ball, upheld by numerous lines attached to adjacent objects. This community life con- tinues for ten days or a fortnight, the spiders occasionally separating them- selves from their snugged or balled estate, but always reverting to it. Dur- ing this time they eat nothing. At the close of a fortnight this friendly condition ceases. The indi- viduals of the brood scatter abroad, and each individual makes a round web about the size of a penny. Mr. Pollock conjectures that on account of the extreme weakness of these webs few insects are held by them, and that in consequence hundreds of spiderlings at this precarious period of their existence perish from starvation or other causes. He thinks that not more than one or two out of the entire brood survive. In this estimate of mortality he is doubtless correct as Mortality far as certain seasons are concerned. A heavy storm will destroy First Webs. Amon ae 2 ie & a whole brood. The presence of some skillful enemy will work Young, %® similar destruction, but under favorable circumstances quite a number of the brood will survive. The contingencies, however, are uncertain, and the life of baby spiders during the first few weeks of their existence hangs by an even weaker thread than that which they spin. Their little webs are strong enough to hold microscopic insects, the only kind that spiderlings could prey upon at their time of life. 21 On the History and Habits of Epeira aurelia. Annals and Magazine of Natural His- tory, page 459. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 229 When young Aurelia begins to construct snares it also begins to feed, to grow, and become darker. Mr. Pollock thinks that in a month or two from that time, according to the food it gets, the spiderling changes its skin. The females have nine changes after leaving the cocoon. From the first to the eighth moult these changes take place pretty regularly, under favorable circumstances, at periods in- creasing gradually from about fifteen to twenty-five days. For about two days preceding each change the spider seems to eat nothing, and remains motionless. The operation of getting out of the old skin isa strange looking per- formance, and is thus effected: The spider is fastened firmly, by a thread from the spinnerets, close to the under side of the web; the legs are all gathered together, and appear to be fixed to a spot close by; the body hangs downwards, the skin begins to split at the sides, and the spider, by a succession of powerful efforts, lasting about an hour, gradually draws its legs out of the old skin. When fairly freed, its former attitude is reversed, for it hangs with the end of its abdomen uppermost and its legs dangling loosely down; they are now quite soft, flexible, and semitransparent, the abdomen slender, and the spider feeble and exhausted. It can scarcely crawl or exert itself in any way. It remains stationary for about an hour, then turns its legs up, and climbs by its attaching line to the web, where it remains motionless for some forty-eight hours, after which it resumes its usual habits. Should it at any time whilst young lose a limb or part of one, nothing appears to occur towards its reproduction until at least one subsequent change of skin has taken place; the new leg is not much more Moulting Periods. Mode of Moulting. Lost than half the length of the corresponding perfect part, and is ke g I g 1 } esis coal of a somewhat lighter color. These stunted limbs Mr. Pollock thought of little use to the spider; and he could not notice that there was any reproduction of limbs lost after the seventh change of skin. The moults take place regularly from the first (after leaving the co- coon) till the eighth. Then the spider is adult, and begins making cocoons, the first in a month’s time, and others at periods within alae from about fifteen to twenty-five days apart. About a week ning o . te =) if > Qc aye) © enic ~ 7 © ao 7 a] Cocoon. #4 ter the fifth cocoon has been made the spider changes its skin for the last time, rests from its egg laying for about thirty days, makes five more cocoons at intervals of from fifteen to twenty-five days, and dies a week or so after making its last one. The spots on the sides of the abdomens ot young Aurelias gradually disappear, and give place to handsome markings of regular transverse bands across the abdomen of silver and orange alternating with black, a silver thorax, and transverse stripes of brown and black on the legs.1 1 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, pages 460, 461. 230 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. IDX Naturalists have at various times recorded descriptions of ‘“ gregarious spiders,” which have attracted especial interest by their singularity. Dar- win mentions a “gregarious Epeira” found in great numbers Grega- near St. Fe Bajada, the capital of one of the provinces of La rious Date 4 Wl WiC rc were large ‘ 7 7 a at 1] n: y gorke Snider: Plata. The spiders were large, of a black color, with ruby marks Darwin. On their backs, and were all of one size, so that they “could not have been a few old individuals with their families.”! The ver- tical webs were separated from each other by a space of about two feet, but were all attached to certain common lines of great length, that extend- ed to all parts of the community. In this manner the tops of some large bushes were encompassed by the united nets. These gregarious habits in so typical a genus as Epeira seemed to the distinguished author to “ pre- sent a singular case among insects which are so bloodthirsty and solitary that even the sexes attack each other.’ In point of fact Mr. Darwin had only come across a brood of Epeiroids, who, for some reason of en- vironment, as protection from the wind, freedom from enemies, or abun- dance of food, or from sluggishness of nature, had kept within a com- paratively limited space after egress from the cocoon. It is therefore not allowable to speak of this colony as a “community,” in the ordinary sense of the word as applied to such social insects as ants, termites, bees, and wasps. Don Felix de Azara had the same misconception, if indeed it be one. Although the family of spiders, he says, is for the most part regarded as of solitary habit, there is one in Paraguay which lives in a com- rad munity to the number of more than a hundred indiyiduals. ommu- . . . eee Each spider builds a nest larger than a hat, and suspends it aloft Azara. at the canopy of a high tree or the ridge piece of a roof, in such a manner as to be a little sheltered from above. From this a great number of threads issue in all directions, into every available part. The lines, in fact, are fifty or sixty feet long, white and thick. They are traversed by other threads of great fineness, upon which are entangled winged ants and other insects, which serve as food for the community of spiders, each individual of which eats what itself had trapped. These spi- ders all die in autumn, but leave in their nest eggs which are hatched out the ensuing spring.2 In both the above cases the facts are undoubtedly recorded correctly; but the inference from them can scarcely be justified. Darwin, who briefly refers to the account of Azara, appears to be quite right in thinking the Spaniard’s “ community” to be of the same species as his own, although Walckenaer gives in a note the opinion that the e of Beagle, Vol. III., Zoology. yages dans L’Amérique Meridionale. Par Don Felix de Azara. Tome Premier, page 212, 1806. Walckenaer’s French edition. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 231 oe? = WN eZ /| te He Hen IE Us DS i Sil Fig. 255. A colony of young Epeira triaranea upon a lattice screen. The rudimentary nest is shown in the angles, and the orientation of the free radius illustrated. 232 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. spinningwork indicated a Lineweaver—Theridium, perhaps. Darwin, how- eyer, saw no “central nest” in which the eggs were laid; and here I think he misreads Azara, who appears to me to mean that every orbweb has a cocoon or string of cocoons attached to it, pre- cisely as is the case with Cyclosa caudata, or hung in the retitelarian labyrinth above the orb, as is the case with the Labyrinth spider. That Darwin saw no cocoons is not strange, for his observation was made in spring (“May-June”), and as the colony was evidently a spring brood, doubtless immature, the pairing had not begun, and the eggs would not have been deposited until autumn, which in fact was the time when Azara saw them. The two accounts do not, therefore, contradict, but confirm each other. All the details of these two narratives—the number of the brood, the uniformity of the size, the distance by which the individual webs were separated, the straggling uniting threads, which were probably simply incidental to the Orbweavers’ habitual behavior, and not an essen- tial part of the snare—seem to me to justify the conclusion that these were not “communities,” but simply accidental assemblages of individuals, each one of which still maintained its solitary habit. Nevertheless, one should express this opinion with some reservation in view of the possibili- ties of Nature. The opinion here expressed is largely based on studies of broods both in artificial sites and afield. I have often found small groups of the Laby- rinth spider, which have been spoken of as ‘‘ colonies,” occupy- ing one bush, and presenting an appearance in kind the same as, but greatly less in degree, than the broods described by Agara and Darwin. I have seen snares of young Triaraneas hung along the strips of a latticed chicken house, in great numbers and close contiguity, more than forty of such webs appearing within a space of fifteen feet. Another similar colony appeared in the latticed screen of a cottage kitchen at Asbury Park, a section of which is given at Fig. 255. The rudimentary nests appear in the angles; and the tendency of the species, at the begin- ning of life, to preserve the characteristic open sector and free radius at the top of the orb, is well shown, as also the disposition to vary the loca- tion of the nest to right or left, according to convenience or whim. An old stone barn in the vicinity of Philadelphia has at times pre- sented to me an appearance most interesting and beautiful, by reason of the immense number of orbwebs spread over one of the gables. Darwin. Spider Colonies. een Placing the face close to the wall so as to get the right reflec- Barr tion of light, I saw the whole surface of the building, from foun- dation to roof, covered with orbs as closely set as space would well allow. Along the cornice of the roof they were especially massed in manner not at all unlike the “community” of Azara. As the morning light played upon the beaded spirals and white strands, or flashed in rain- bow colors from gathered dewdrops, the whole showed a natural decoration Fig. 256. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. A colony of Orbweaving spiders, formed on lines spun between boat houses extending into an inlet of the sea. 234 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. quite beyond the power of human art. These orbs were not all of one dimension, although multitudes did agree in size, but they were nearly all of two species, Epeira strix and Epeira triaranea, principally the former. They were undoubtedly composed of several broods of these ara- Acci- neads, of an equal age, who had, under favorable circumstances, dental fs Cane ; ee ae on ee been distributed in the same vicinity. I may here again refer blage. (see Vol. L., page 64) to the numerous colonies of Epeira sclo- petaria which domicile within a limited area upon the surfaces of the boat houses at Atlantic City and Cape May, as another example of accidental rather than gregarious assemblage. ‘These colonies spin their orbs between the outer walls, above the Inlet waters and hang the snares to foundation lines ten and fifteen feet long. (Fig. 256.) My notes show several ob- servations of this kind: At the summit of a tall branch- ing weed had been woven a large orbweb, which, probably after it had been abandoned, was occupied by a group of young Epeiroids, Furrow spi- ders. These little settlers, with a fine acquisitiveness that sug- gested the once famous Amer- ican theory of “squatter soy- ereignty,” had seized upon the araneal commons, and every one appropriating to itself a 4 corner or segment of the ter- 4 ritory, had woven a small orb- ia web. These snares were pitched : between the radu, which in Vic. 257. Young Orbweavers nested on an adult snare. places were eut away, and which made excellent founda- tion lines. (ig. 257.) This certainly seemed a canny operation, and might have been held to savor of economy did not one know the prodigality of spiders in the matter of their spinningwork. This use of large abandoned webs I have elsewhere seen afield and also around houses, once in a hotel outbuilding, once in a broken window of a ‘T have observed the same phenomenon at the Fish House of the historic club in the “State of Schuylkill,’ on the banks of the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 235 tannery. (Fig. 258.) I had never raised the thought of a “community ” to account for these groupings, for I knew that the species represented therein had the solitary habit characteristic of Orbweavers. Another example fell under my observation, which more closely resem- bled those cited by Darwin and Azara. I once found on the slopes of Brush Mountain, Pennsylvania, just above the banks of the Juniata River, a large colony of the young of Uloborus plumipes. Their pretty horizontal webs were spread over the tops of a clump of low laurel bushes covering an area ten or twelve feet in diameter. It needed only increased size and more vigorous spinningwork to establish a close correspondence between the appearance of this brood’s en- campment and the “community ” of La Plata. A case somewhat similar to this is recorded by Vinson as observed in the African island of Réunion.! In the great net of the Epeiroids, stretched between trees of Panda- nus, one might count the inmates living in colony (en famille), and in real harmony. There were found spiders of all ages and sizes; there were Nephila nigra and N., inaurata, messmates so hearty; and there came the Linyphiz to estab- lish themselyes upon these huge snares in order to glean the petty prey. It is Vinson’s opinion that these little aranead parasites sought the protection of the large Orb- Fic. 258. ‘‘Squatter sovereignty.” A colony of young Epeira sclopetaria, formed upon a large orb in an weavers by suspending themselves beso: J < open window. thereto in innumerable quantities, in order to avoid the birds and other enemies. Probably the “seeking” consists in the simple and natural fact that the young were bred in the neighborhood of the webs, and continued where they were hatched, avail- ing themselves of the spare spaces in the webs of their gigantic kindred, precisely as the little Furrow spiders of our figures. (Figs. 257, 258.) The Linyphias, however, apparently presented a case of real nest parasitism. X. Thus far our observations upon the habits of young spiders have been chiefly confined to the broods of Orbweayers. We turn now to consider 1 Araneides des Isles de la Réunion, etc., pages Xix., xxi. 236 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. the habits of the younglings of other tribes. We shall find that, in propor- tion as the general habits of the species approach one another, there is a likeness in the behavior of the young. Between Lineweavers Young and Orbweavers there is little difference. Their cocoons are com- Sata monly suspended within the intersecting lines that constitute the regular snare. The little ones issue from the cocoon and arrange themselves in fluffy masses, following the tendency, which has already been noted, to climb as far towards the top as they can. Here they remain for a little while undisturbed by the mother and, as far as I know, unre- garded by her. Soon they spin themselves away to various convenient sites in the neighborhood, and establish housekeeping for themselves. Thus, in the case of those spiders which weaye several cocoons, one brood after another will appear and disappear. Pholeus phalangioides, the “daddy longlegs” or cellar spider of our province, carries her bundle of eggs in her jaws until the httle ones are ready to hatch, when she abandons them and they take their place, in accordance with the custom of other Lineweayers, at the top of the home snare. It will thus be seen that the young Lineweavers reared within the limits of the maternal snare have precisely the same habit as Orbweavers, like Epeira labyrinthea, that deposit their cocoons near their orbs within a supplemental snare of retitelarian lines. The young of Agalena neyvia remain within the cocoon until they are lively little creatures covered ote Goan ee mentee with black hairs, apparently well able to skirmish Saltigrades, Epiblemum scen- for themselves. They then issue forth, and may be ee ete bark. (After found in great multitudes upon a dewy morning hanging beneath little sheeted webs spun upon the grass, leaves, upon the roadside, and eyen within the furrows of newly plowed fields. They are pretty little snares when thus covered with the beaded drops of morning dew, forming beautiful ob- jects for study under a common pocket lens. Tegenaria medicinalis presents little difference from Agalena in the gen- eral habit of the young. They leave the egg nest, rapidly disperse, and spread themselves into the neighborhood and immediately construct their characteristic webs. The tendency, of young spiders of the Wandering tribes to form colo- nies is not very decided, as, of course, the manner in which the young- lings are reared within the mother’s nest until they are able to set up housekeeping for themselves precludes such special habits as we find in the assemblages of Orbweavers and Lineweavers. But when the young Saltigrades have abandoned the maternal cell, groups of them may be seen underneath a bit of bark occupying their own tiny cells, which lie Agalena. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 237 close to each other, forming thus a miniature colony. One of these settle- ments I have redrawn from Mr. Otto Herman’s description of the Hun- garian spider fauna. ! XI. The disposition of some young spiders to settle im colonies in the neighborhood of their maternal origin may well be seen in the case of the Medicinal spider. For example, in my church cellar several windows have been left undisturbed, by my directions, in order that the various species inhabiting them might have free op- portunity to multiply and build in a natural way. On one window, which is represented in the accompanying cut (Fig. 260), an interesting spectacle is presented to the observer. The opening for the window is a deep one, the wall being four feet in thickness. The glass opens into an area exca- vated from the embankment outside, and through which light falls, dimly illuminating the window space. The whole place is occupied by spiders of several species. In the forefront may be seen the web of intersecting lines spun by Theridium serpentinum. The mother has disappeared, but her eight co- coons of flossy white silk still (in midwinter) hang in the midst of the maze of crossed lines, almost as spotless as when spun, appearing to have little capacity to gather the dust and muck of the cellar. Just beyond, and almost filling the capacious opening, the long cables of Theridium tepidariorum are stretched. Here the mother had her home, and she has left a dozen of her pear shaped, yellowish brown egg bags within the meshes of the snare. Beneath this a species of Linyphia has stretched her sheet like web, and as late as Christmas (1889) was found hanging beneath it, apparently patiently waiting to pick up such chance prey as the late season might bring her. Small snares of young individuals of the two species of Theridium above mentioned are woven at various points in the intervals. In a few the proprietors may be seen hanging back down- ward; from others the spinners have disappeared into various crevices and rugosities of the rough plastered window. Further on we reach the glass window frames close against the area. In either corner, and occupying the angle for a considerable distance on either side, are stretched the triangular shaped webs of Tegenaria medicinalis. Some of them are quite large. All are covered with cellar dust and soot. Some of them look broken and aban- doned. In others, if one follows the snare to the angle and runs his fin- ger into the turret, he will find still living the sombre colored spider that wove the web. These webs and towers are or were the snares and homes A Cellar Colony. Medicinal Spider. 1 Wohnungscolonie yon Epiblemum scenicum unter Rinden. Magyarorszig POok-fadja (Hungarian Spider Fauna), Vol. I., irta Herman Otto, pl. iii., Fig. 64. 238 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. Fic. 260. A colony of Medicinal spiders, old and young, domiciled in a cellar window. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 239 of the adult species, both male and female. Between these larger webs, occupying the angles and spread along the window frames, one sees many smaller webs. They occupy the angles where the intersecting frames of the sash cross one another. They are built just underneath the frames. They are stretched from the top of the frame to the surface of the glass, and some of them are woven upon the glass itself. They are small as compared with the webs of the adults, and they are of a bright bluish or lead colored silk, which has not been defiled by dust. I counted on this window as many as one hundred and six of these little tents, and in the neighborhood many spiderlings may be found. But many more have disappeared. Whither have they gone? Alas, A Camp ihere can be no doubt that many of them haye fallen victims a of that fratricidal strife which is sure to appear when the young of any brood of spiderlings have once set up housekeeping for themselves. Others, doubtless, have gone to satisfy the appetite of their own mothers, who, when once their broodlings have left the maternal care, make no distinction between their own and another mother’s offspring, but eat all indiscriminately that fall within their maws, while on still others alien species have preyed. The window presents an interesting object as it is thus depicted, and the carefully made photograph, which has assisted the artist’s study, accu- rately presents to the reader what may be seen by the student who takes his stand with the author and looks into this window. Elsewhere through- out the cellar the same phenomenon is presented. On another window I counted fifty-three of these youngling snares spread in like positions; but the one here figured is the most interesting object, and presents the largest exhibit I have seen of youthful spider industry intermingled on a natural site with the webs of adults and of other species. The Swedish naturalist Clerck saw many little Argyronetas swimming in the month of July,! which indicates that they are hatched Sees about that time, and appeared greatly to enjoy themselves in Spiders. Sporting through the element which forms the environment of their home. The instinct of swimming is as fully developed in these little ones at the very outset of life as in their parents. According to De Lignac,? when the mothers of Argyroneta aquatica are about to oviposit they construct a new silken bell or renew that which they have already made. The eggs are enclosed therein, and Swim- ob slo . : : when hatched one may see issuing from the beautiful balloon, ming .Hix- : x aes j eee : eine : cursions. Which is shining white, a prodigious quantity of little bubbles, brilliant as quicksilver, which swim about in different ways! These are the young water spiders. One female, observed and reported by this author made her cocoon on the 15th of April, and on the 3d_ of 1 Aran. Svecici, pages 149, 150. 2 Op. cit., page 53. 240 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK June following the little spiderlings issued forth. Their excursion was not simply for observation. They mounted in search of air. Many made little cells of their own upon a water plant = aii ay Ae pia pir which they found in the vase; never- ohh twin y) Yi theless, they still continued to go into and out of the maternal mansion. Some of them threw themselves upon the corpse of a dragon fly larva, each one tugging at his own side in such a way that they tore the body as ferociously as two dogs engaged in dragging at a piece of flesh. Fig. 261. Lycosid mother, with her newly On the fifteenth day they changed hatched brood upon her back. é ; d > their skin, and our observer saw a large number of their moults floating upon the surface of the water. After the young spiders had left the maternal cell it appeared transparent; but two days after the advent of the family a part appeared to be renewed, satiny, and opaque. When the balloon was deserted, the male, who had constructed a beautiful cell upon the surface of the water, sometimes came to visit the old apartment. These spiders have a local attachment for the neighborhood of their cells. eS XI. The Lycosid mother referred to (page 143) presented a good oppor- tunity to observe the habits of her younglings. One month after her co- coon had been made, June 4th, the Spider- spider was found with the young ane hatched and massed upon her body Pick-a- : Tene. from caput to abdomen. The empty ege sac still clung to her spinnerets, and the younglings were grouped upon the upper part of the same. The abdomens of the little spiders were of a light yellow color, the legs of a greenish brown or slate color, and the brood were tightly packed upon and around each other, the lower layers apparently holding on to the mother’s body and the upper upon those beneath it. Twenty-four hours thereafter the cocoon was dropped, and the spiderlings clung to the mother alone. An examination of Fie. 262. The site of a brood of Dolo- the cocoon showed that the young had escaped fe ceet ee nT ag ta from the thin seam or joint formed by the union of the egg cover and the cireular cushion when the whole was pulled up at the circumference into globular shape. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 241 On June 11th, one week after the hatching of the young Lycosids, one hundred had abandoned the maternal perch and were dispersed over the inner surface of the jar and upon a series of lines stretched from side to side. About half as many more remained upon the mother’s back, but by the 15th, two days thereafter, all had dismounted. In the meantime they had increased in size at least half, apparently without food. ! One summer, at the steamboat landing of Lake Saratoga, New York, between the platform and the logs driven as piles to protect it, I observed a large nest of interlacing lines within which hung a round co- Young oon from half to three-fourths of an inch in diameter. Imme- Dolo- 5 ; j aes : : diately beneath the cocoon many young spiders were massed in medes. . vod colony, hanging inverted, in the usual posture, from the crossed lines of the maze. These were the little fellows who had been 2 SSS hatched within the swinging ege bag, and who had doubt- less issued therefrom within the last week or ten days. At least, they were so well grown that they might have been of that age. ey) AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. In these particulars the young of Atypus differ little, perhaps, I may say, not at all, from the habits of Lycosids, after they have left their mother’s back and started housekeeping for themselves. Indeed, the re- semblance has a wider range among the tribes, inasmuch as Orbweavers, Laterigrades, and Saltigrades show the same disposition to seek elevated objects immediately after exode, and thence procure dispersion by means of the wind. The mother Atypus may occasionally carry its young upon its back during residence within the parental nest, but has not been seen doing this outside of its cave. This fact is not strange, since it rarely leaves its tube at all, but spends its entire life within its silken domicile, which is for it alike home, snare, nursery, and graye. According to Mr. Enock, maturity is not reached until the Atypus is at least four years old. The young of Atypus piceus were seen by Mr. Enock, September 25th, in the same nest with the female, looking very white and moving feebly, as evidently just hatched. He found the young nested with the mother at various dates through September, October, November, and again in March and April of the year following. It is thus established that after the young leave the cocoon in August and September, they remain with their mother during the entire autumn and winter, and during the early spring until the weather is mild enough to justify their leaving the ma- ternal home and establishing nests of their own. What they feed upon during this period is not known. Much of the time, no doubt, they are in a torpid condition, requiring no food. There is not the slightest evidence that they prey upon one another. a ee It is possible that the mother may provide food for them, and, ao a indeed, this is highly probable. If so, these troglodyte spiders furnish a beautiful example of domesticity; and the maternal care shown by creatures so unprepossessing in personal appearance and occupants of such gloomy homes, is not excelled by that of any of the known lower animals. I might, perhaps, truthfully add that the more highly organized vertebrates scarcely exhibit a greater amount of maternal tenderness and care. The immense cocoon of Mygale, sometimes as large as a hen’s egg, i sHoeeu with as many as two thousand eggs. In Cayenne the little My- galidee, when issuing from the cocoon, are attacked and de- Young voured by red ants, and are too feeble to offer effectual resist- aran- pees ance. Walckenaer describes the contents of a cocoon of Mygale avicularia from Cayenne, which was infested by a multitude of parasitic Cynips. Numbers of young spiders were found therein. They were about two lines long, of uniform yellowish white color, except at the eye space, which was brown. ‘The long spinnerets showed at the apex of the abdomen. The mandibles were prominent and curved, the eyes very apparent. All the characteristics of the genus were well developed. « — COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 247 The inner intermediate eyes were large and of a reddish brown. The first pair of legs were longer than the fourth pair.! It is a suggestive fact in the natural history of these immense repre- sentatives of a race so destructive to insect life to find them the victims of such puny creatures as parasitic Ichneumon flies and Cynips, and to see their young devoured in multitudes as a delicate morsel by little red ants. It is thus that Dame Nature knows how to keep an equilib- rium in the thronging life of the insect world, and, moreover, to bring it about by what seems an apt and admirable stroke of justice well in accordance with “the eternal fitness of things.” XIV. Mr. Moggridge was fortunate enough to see the female of Nemesia me- redionalis constructing a trapdoor in captivity, after having been placed in a flower pot full of earth, in which a cylindrical hole had been made in order to forward the spider’s operations. She quickly ‘disappeared into this hole, and during the night following made a thin web over the aperture, into which she wove any materials that came to hand. At this stage the trapdoor resembled a rudely constructed hori- zontal orbweb, attached by two or three threads to the earth at the mouth of the hole. In this web were caught bits of earth, moss, leaves, ete., which the spider had thrown into it from above. On the second night the door was nearly the normal texture and thickness, but in no case would it open completely. Mr. Mogegridge believed that when a door is fastened, the few threads which serve as supports and connect it with the earth on either side, are severed. Young Trapdoor spiders, both of the cork and wafer kind, when taken from the nest of the mother, will make their own perfect little dwelling in captivity, and Mogegridge observed them construct tube and door within fifteen hours. This may be favorably compared with the work of the adult Cteniza moggridgii, which the same observer saw make a perfect tube and furnish it with a movable door in a single night when confined under gauze or moist earth.” The same author has enabled us to decide that the young Nemesia proceeds in precisely the same manner as the adult when it builds a nest. While engaged at night in sketching, he detected something moy- ing at the mouth of a tiny hole just large enough to admit a quill pen, in a mass of earth near where he sat. The lamplght fell full upon it, and he soon saw that the moying object was a very small spider, which was at work in the mouth of its tube. The opening of the tube was completely uncovered, and it soon became apparent that the little aranead was intent upon remedying this deficiency. After a few threads Making a Trapdoor Young Builders. 1 Walckenaer, Aptéres, Vol. I., pages 218, 219. | * Trapdoor Spiders, Supplement, page 243. 248 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. had been spun from side to side of the tube, he watched the spider making one or two hasty sorties, apparently spinning all the while; and finally saw her gather up an armful, as it were, of earth and lay this on the web. After this the occupant of the tube was concealed, but the observer could see from the movement of the particles of earth that they were be- ing consolidated, and that the weaving of the under surface of the door was being completed. Next morning he could lift up the door, which had the form of a small cup of silk, in which the earth lay. It was then soft and pliant, but in ten days’ time it had hardened and become a very fair specimen of a minute door of the “cork” type.! He had watched the proceedings of young spiders when taken from the mother’s nest in the following species: Nemesia manderstjernee, Nemesia -eleanora, Nemesia congener, and Nemesia moggridgii, the first three con- structing wafer doors and the last a thick beveled or cork door nest. All of these very young spiders will excavate their own tubes and bring out pellets of earth, which closely resemble those carried out from their galler- ies by ants. The young brood while still in the mother’s nest will often comprise individuals of different sizes, and, though a majority are no larger than one-fourth of an inch long, some may occasionally be found that are fully twice as large. The little nests which they make in captivity vary accord- ingly in size. A large number made in captivity varied in size from two lines (one-sixth inch) to three lines (one-fourth inch) in width. These little spiders need to be kept constantly supplied with flies, which should be killed and placed near their nests. They are often so greedy that they will try to drag a house fly into their tubes, for which it is much too large, and when the door is pushed open the fly remains sticking in the entrance of the nest, with its legs up in the air. One may often feed these by approaching carefully without causing any vibra- tion, pushing the fly, placed on the end of a pencil, within reach of the spider.” Mr. Moggridge entertains the opinion that, as a rule, the mature trap- door nest with its hinged lid is the result of many successive enlarge- ments, beginning with the diminutive tube of the baby spider, Nest De- : : : aes 6 ° aren which is no bigger than a crow quill. This infantile home is eee not abandoned, but is enlarged from time to time according to the growth of the inhabitant, and becomes the abode of the full grown spider. Of course, this must require a series of months, and possibly of years, for its accomplishment, and it is not unlikely, judging from what we know of the prolonged life of some of the Territelarize of other families (for 1 Moggridge, Trapdoor Spiders, page 119. 2 Trapdoor Spiders, Supplement, 245. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 249 example, that of Atypus piceus, as shown by Mr. F. Enock, and that of Eury- pelma hentzii, as I have demonstrated by several species), that the Trap- door spiders may live for several years at least. Mr. Moggridge was inclined to think, judging from the character of the nest and its sur- roundings, that some which he saw had been occupied more than a year. Evidence of enlargement of the door is not rare to meet with, though, as a rule, the new piece is woven on to the old with such neatness as more or less to obscure these. Examples were found in which the old and smaller door of Nemesia meredionalis was. partially attached to the large new door which had been constructed below it. This view is borne out by the fact that a cork trapdoor may be readily separated into a number of layers of silk, with more or less of earth be- tween every one. These layers decrease in size from without First and . ; Thanet inwards, and together form a sort of saucer in which the small Doors, Central mass of earth lies. (See Fig. 264.)1 By moistening a series of the cork trapdoors of Nemesia ce- mentaria, Mogeridge was able to detach, in one of medium size, from six to fourteen circular patches of silk, of which the outermost, or that which forms the lower surface of the door, was the largest, and the inner- most the smallest, thus being in- termediate in size as in position. The last and smallest appears to be the first door the spider ever made, and the consecutive layers mark successive stages in the enlargement of the nest. Baron Walckenaer found more than thirty alternate layers of silk and earth in the nest of Cteniza fodiens.? Moggridge was confirmed in his opinion that these layers mark a suc- cessive enlargement of the nest, by the additional fact that in very small doors they are few or single, and a proportion is observable between the size of the door and the number of layers of which it is composed.* In order to test whether the doors were enlarged or not, Moggridge measured the surface doors of seven double door nests, and one minute cork door, on April 30th. On the 8th of October following he measured all these nests once more and found that they all were enlarged, the aver- age rate of increase being one and seven-tenths lines in the five and one- half months which had elapsed. The highest increase of the eight was from five lines across to seven and one-half lines across. In none of the Fic. 264. Successive layers in formation of a trapdoor (After Moggridge.) 1 After Moggridge, pl. xiv., and page 193. 2 Apt., Vol. I., page 228. * Trapdoor Spiders, page 125, and table from twenty-eight specimens examined, page 150. 250 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. series had the increase been less than one line in width, which was equal to an increase of one-fourth the original width of the door. We can scarcely venture from such limited premises to draw any precise conclusions. But if we suppose that during the entire course the nests increased on an ayerage by about four lines in diameter, and assume that the rate of growth continues the same, the nest of the infant spider, whose surface door measures scarcely a line across, would still require four years to attain the dimensions of some of the largest double doors, whose surface doors measure ten lines across.! In the nests of several females of Cteniza ariana Walck., on the island of Niros, in the Grecian Archipelago, Mr. Erber found eggs at the bottom of the tube attached by separate threads, and not placed in ai cocoons. The young spiders when hatched were turned out from an Italian ‘2 asylum of their mother’s nest, and these creatures were Species. found, scarcely two lines long, already established in nests three inches deep and furnished with perfect trapdoors, specimens of which were collected.? Costa states that the young of Nemesia meredionalis, observed by him in the neighborhood of Naples, remain in the bottom of the maternal tube. The mother herself stands at the door, holding the lid raised by means of the four anterior feet and the palpi, the curved extremi- ties of which she inserts between the rim of the tube and the door. Some- times the limbs do not ap- pear, but the spider leaves Fic. 265. The trapdoor and burrow of a young Nemesia only a ehink for observa- meredionalis. Natural size. (After Moggridge.) tion. He also observed the fact that the young spiders make perfect little tubes entirely inde- pendent of the maternal nest.* Ns y A liglay S K XV. Most persons who consider the above facts will cordially join with Mr. Moggridge in thinking that these very small trapdoor nests, built as they are by minute spiders probably not very long hatched from the rep egos, must rank among the most marvelous structures of the of In- aarp kind with which we are acquainted. That so young and weak a creature should be able to excavate a tube in the earth many ! Mogeridge, Trapdoor Spiders, page 127. * Verhand. der k. k. Zoologish-botanischer Verein in Wien, Vol. X VIII. (1868), page 905. ’ Costa, Fauna del Regno di Napoli, Aracnidi (1861), page 14, tab. i., Figs. 14. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. Poi times its own length, and know how to make a perfect miniature of the nests of its parents, seems to be a fact which has scarcely a parallel in Nature. (See Fig. 265.) When we remember how difficult a. thing it is for even draughtsman to reduce by eye a complicated drawing or model to diminished scale, we must own that the performance of this feat by a baby spider is so surprising as almost to exceed belief. And yet even the most complicated form of trapdoor nest, namely, that of the branched double door type, is perfectly reproduced in miniature by these tiny architects, with the upper door, the lower door, the main tube, and the branched body accurately placed.! Mr. A. R. Wallace shows that there is some reason to doubt Whether birds, which are so frequently said to build by instinct, would construct the nest proper to their kind if they were sep- arated from the mother at the earliest age and reared apart from her or oth- ers of her kind. He states that birds brought up from the egg in cages do not build the proper specific nest; nor do they even sing their parent’s song without being taught.?, Whatever may be the case with birds or other highly organized animals, there is not the slightest reason to doubt that, with spiders, all forms of nests are built in the most perfect condition by the young as soon as they are able to do any work at all after being hatched from the eggs. There is no fact which I have more frequently observed and demonstrated than that all the inter- a trained a greatly My uly we GW ANN Z| A KK SSS I S wilh Fic. 266. The spinningwork commons of a brood of young Agalenas, made in confinement. esting habits of spiders, including those which would appear to require the greatest reasoning powers, or the exercise of faculties that in highly or- ganized animals would imply the possession of experience and cunning 1 Trapdoor Spiders, page 127. +) ta) See Fig. b, plate ix., page 98. * Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. 252 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. skill, are exercised in their utmost plenitude by baby spiders fresh from their cocoons. A few additional illustrations may be here grouped to- gether, although many examples are scattered throughout these pages. A brood of Agalena neeyia hatched within a fruit jar, showed in a rather curious way the tendency of young spiders to imitate the parental snare. A leaf or two and several dry twigs had been placed within the bottle, and these formed points of support for the delicate, sheeted spinningwork which the young Agalenas were not long in spin- ning. Soon a hollow cylinder of silk was woven inside the jar, quite near the glass. Now, the habit of this spider in natural site is to pierce her sheeted snare with a cireular opening, to which is attached a funnel like tube leading downwards into the grass. The limitations of our imprisoned spiderlings would not permit them to form such a structure; but, yielding to the tendency of inherent instinct, they penetrated the sheeted cylinder with circular holes, which, curiously, were placed in little groups at various points. (See Fig. 266.) Through these openings the spiderlings came and went, and, although they were continually adding to the texture of the sheeted common by the draglines which they carried after them, I never observed that the circular holes were closed. iv When these little Agalenas make their exode in natural “\ Young Agalenas. site, and have the opportunity to pursue unobstructed their ~ natural tendency, they spin a little miniature of the maternal \ snare, except that, as a rule, the funnel like tube is not quite \ as distinctly marked, and does not form so prominent a part Pic. 267. Ayoung Of the web. At the period when the Agalena broodlings are Agalenanevia- issuing from their cocoons they may be seen dispersed over all manner of surrounding surfaces, upon which they have spun their peculiar snares. They hang them between blades of grass, stretch them across the surfaces of leaves, weave them within the angles of houses and walls, in all kinds of crannies and corners, upon rocks, and boards, and logs, and bits of dry wood; and I have often observed them by scores and hundreds spun during an evening over the broken clods of a recently spaded garden patch, or along the furrows of a plowed field. These tiny sheeted nests, when seen of an autumn morning covered with the beaded drops of dew and glistening in the early sunlight, present a remarkably beautiful appearance. A sketch of one of these dew covered nests is given at Fig. 268. M. Lucas observed on the part of certain young Trapdoor spiders, Cteniza mogegridgii, a behavior somewhat resembling that of these young Agalenas, but displaying even more decidedly the specific industrial char- acteristics. Mr. Moggridge sent some of the Ctenizas by mail to M. Lucas, at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, enclosed in little, wide mouthed, cylin- drical glass bottles. The young Trapdoors, in transitu or shortly there- after, lmed the bottles with silk and then proceeded to close them at the FQ COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 253 254 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. mouth with a door fitting accurately into a beveled lip. In the manufac- ture of these doors fragments of moss, the only material at the spiderling’s disposal, were used in place of earth.! The behavior of two of the brood of Epeira sclopetaria referred to (Vol. I., page 150), was notable as showing in its plenitude the presence of the strongest instincts immediately after egress. A small insect, while hovering around the lamp, was snared in the straggling lines. A spiderling near by instantly ran to it, threw out from its wee spinnerets jets of filaments, and completely enswathed the creature precisely in the manner of an adult. Another of the brood began in a few minutes after its coming to make an orbweb. The foundations were attached to the end of one of the lines hanging to the lamp globe by dropping a thread to the table, a distance of eighteen inches; then a triangular frame was formed by uniting a point of this thread to the opposite end of the upper line; within this frame a perfect orb was spun. (See Fig. 141, page 151, Vol. I.) I observed the whole process, laying in the radii, spinning the notched zone, the foundation spirals, the beaded spirals; all was complete, and an exact likeness of a perfect adult web. Neither of these young spiders could have been more than half an hour out of the natal tent; nor had they any previous ex- perience, having been excluded from all spinningwork what- Fic. 269. Baby : - : : m Epeira swing. Soever; nor had they taken food of any sort. There was no eens foot cannibalism within cocoon or tent before the egress of the brood, as not a single dead individual remained; every egg had hatched a perfect spider, and all the brood were gone, except three living ones, who remained within the tent until the next day. Nothing could more fully demonstrate the facts that the perfect exercise Charac- of the function of spinning, and the full possession of the char- Young Epeira. teristic OLAS : 5: : ; : Habits 2 teristic habit of capturing prey, are innate with the spider- Innate, ling, and dependent upon and influenced by nothing external . whatsoever. These facts, indeed, I have often demonstrated in the various families and species by experiments quite as conclusive as the above. A curious deviation from the harmony which prevailed throughout this Epeira brood was shown by the spider which made the above mentioned web and another who chanced to straggle upon it. ‘The intruder passed along a radius toward the hub where the Orbweaver hung awaiting prey. The latter immediately turned and seized the radius with her feet, her little frame meanwhile showing in every part the vigor and expectancy of her kind when a yictim strikes the web. A series of pulls and counter pulls ensued; then the two araneads ap- 1M. H. Lucas, Bull. des Seances de la Soc. Entom. de France, No. 27, page 107, 1874. COCOON LIFE AND BABYHOOD. 255 proached. There was ‘a sharp contact, a momentary whirl of confused legs, a retreat by the maker of the orb, who dropped from her snare quite to the table, where she lay in the characteristic mimicry of death. This behavior—conscious feigning or unconscious paralysis, as the case may be—is shown by the youngest spiders when they are touched upon their webs, or handled when off them. Like the aeronautic habit, swinging by dropthread and foot basket (Fig. 268), snare weaving, and enswathing the prey, it also springs into being as a_per- fectly developed instinct. The intruder upon the snare followed the owner a little way towards the confines of her abandoned domain, then returned to the hub, and de- liberately settled herself in the natural attitude, as much at home as though she had herself spun the orb. The little exile meanwhile recovered from her paralysis and climbed over to the standard of the lamp, where I left her. The actions of these two spiders showed the most determined hostility, and I have no doubt that, had either gained the mastery, the other would have been fed upon. On the contrary, those of the brood hanging upon the commons swung cheek by jowl without the slightest demonstration of a cannibal propensity. I believe that the ordinary brood fraternity is broken with the spinning of the first snare, at whose construction the natural. solitary and ferocious character of the creature, and all its wonder- ful instincts, heretofore dominant, are vivified and spring into active exer- cise. Possibly the little chappies are as much surprised as their human observer to find themselves possessed of such strange powers. Feigning Death Innate. OHA TP ai. TX: THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. Many accounts have been published, more or less valuable, of what are popularly known as “flying spiders.” As the natural habits of familiar animals have come to be better understood, this popular phrase has yielded to the more accurate one, “ballooning spiders.” How- ever called, the habit referred to has been and remains interest- ing and attractive to the ordinary scientific observer. The fact that an animal which has none of the natural provisions for progress through the air granted to winged creatures, should, nevertheless, be able to over- come gravity, mount into the atmosphere, and accomplish aerial jour- neys, sometimes of immense distances, is certainly well suited to capti- vate the imagination, awaken curiosity, and stimulate research. This interest is quickened by the fact that the mode by which the spider aeronaut reaches these results bears a marked likeness to the artificial means by which man has himself solved the problem of aerial naviga- tion. ‘The thought that the invention of Mongolfier’s mind possesses this striking analogue in the natural history of an inferior creature, strikes into a profounder depth than curious wonderment, and touches the prob- lem of a Supreme Mind over Nature. “Flying Spiders.” I. I have studied the aeronautic habit of spiders from representatives of the Orbweavers, Tubeweavers, Citigrades, Laterigrades, and Saltigrades, and have not been able to note any difference in the mode of flight as practiced by all. It is probable that the young of most spiders, and many of the small species of all the great groups, are more or less addicted to such mode of motion. Certainly the habit is very strongly fixed in Orb- weavers. Epeiroid spiderlings just out of the cocoon lift themselves into the air and sail away, precisely in the manner hereafter described. In- deed, the infant aranead, when separated from its fellows and exposed to a strong puff of air, seems instinctively to throw out its spinnerets and send forth jets of silken filament, just as a human baby sets in motion its feet and hands. As the jets almost instantly acquire sufficient buoyancy to counter- balance the spider’s weight, the creature becomes an aeronaut, nolens volens, and one can see how readily the deliberate habit of ballooning (256) THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. 57 could haye been formed and fixed by heredity. The largest Orbweaver that I ever saw taking flight was a partly grown Domicile spider about the size of a marrowfat pea, say one-fourth inch long. After haying floated over a field and above a hedge row, it crossed a road and anchored upon the top of a young tree. It never attained a height of over twenty feet, but moved quite as fast as I could run. Young and small spiders fly rapidly, their motion depending, of course, upon the state of the breeze, although they do not appear to _,. undertake their aerial voyage when the wind is strong. How- aed ever, even when the air seems quite still to the obserYer, the little aeronauts find a sufficient current in the height to which they immediately ascend to bear them along with a good degree of speed. Indeed, I have been surprised at the velocity of their progress in the midst of what might be called a dead calm. Spider ballooning is not limited to a special period of the year, but may be practiced at any time. In point of fact, however, the seasons when it most prevails are the spring or early summer, and the Pane autumn after the young have been hatched. The fall of the Ae year is more especially the season for “ flying spiders,” and Oc- tober the month most favored. But in early November also the balloonists are abroad, particularly during the Indian summer, or when a series of cool days is succeeded by a warm day. JUL The following studies! were made during October, in fields adjacent to Philadelphia and in the adjoining Delaware County. The days were warm and bright, with a soft wind from the west, or a gentle breeze blowing, but not steadily from any quarter. Stooping low and glancing along the meadow, the eye caught the sheen of myriads of fine silken filaments glistening in the sunlight. The tops of grass spires and the bushy heads of tall weeds were netted together by innumerable threads, and from many points of the same filaments were streaming out at various lengths into the air. Numerous small spiders, chiefly Orbweavers, especially the young of Tetragnatha extensa, were rising from these plants and sailing over the field. The finest exhibition of the aeronautic flight was seen along a_ post and rail fence which divided the meadow, and the description of this may be considered as covering the like behavior among all balloon- Hleva- —_ ists scattered over the fields. The tops of the fence posts were tion for 5 up aie mare L , ’ Flight. the favorite ascension points, and upon these clusters of young Lycosids were gathered, sometimes eight or ten ina group. The purpose in choosing these elevated spots is quite apparent, the currents of 1 Proceedings Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1877, page 308, sq. 258 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. air being stronger there than close to the surface of the earth, and conse- quently affording much better facility for flight. The presence of a delib- erate and wise volition seems evident from the fact that the Lycosids are ground spiders, and not found habitually in such positions as the above. They had certainly mounted to the top of the fence with the settled pur- pose of taking advantage of the stronger breeze and better “send off” which the superior height afforded. At least, it was easily determined that such an adyantage did ensue from elevation. I selected some of the ( lower stalks of grass from which silken ( streamers were fluttering quite lazily. Close up to the stalk or blade I saw the \! spider placed back downward clasping the thread with its claws. Sometimes a thickened conical or flattened piece of silk marked this end of the line. When these grass stalks were broken off and lifted into the air the streamers fluttered out briskly and were soon snapped off, carrying the young araneads away with them. ‘These experiments showed that the act of ascension is aided by eleva- tion, both in these cases and in those where the spider mounts directly from the perch. The young Lycosids had generally chosen the very tops of fence posts as points of ascent, and fortunately this site suited the observer's convenience as much as the spider’s, and I could there- Fic. 270. Attitude of aeronautic spider just | fore notice with comparative ease the Pe ae methods of the miniature balloonists. The spider’s first action was to turn its face in the direction from which the wind was blowing. Then the abdomen was eleyated to an angle of about forty-five degrees, and at the same time the eight legs Posture were stiffened, thus pushing the body upward. In order to per- Before : : : . : : Flight. mit this movement the claws were brought in somewhat, but not beneath the body, so that when the legs were stiffened the body stood high above the surface. From the spinnerets at the apex of the abdomen a single thread or ray of threads was exuded, and rapidly drawn out by the breeze until, by reason of its delicacy, it was lost to sight. Four, five, even six or more feet of the lines would at times be in view. Gradually the legs were inclined in the direction of the breeze, and the joints straightened out. The foremost pair of legs sank almost to the THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. 259 level of the post; and these especially, but indeed all the legs and the entire attitude of the creature, presented the appearance of an animal resisting with utmost force and tension of muscles the effort of some su- perior power to snatch it away. Suddenly and simultaneously the eight claws were unloosened, and the spider mounted with a sharp bound into the air, and went careering away across the meadow, at a rate more or less rapid according to the velocity of the wind. The utmost care was used to determine whether in this upward bound the volition of the spider had any further agency than the simple unclasping of the feet from the post. Owing to the extreme difficulty of such an observation, I cannot speak with absolute confidence, but was able to satisfy my own mind that the aeronauts always vaulted upward and clear of the post at the moment of releasing their hold. I can hardly be mistaken in the belief that this was so in many cases, at least. A similar action was frequently observed during the preliminary and tentative movements in which the spiderlings indulged prior to the final flight. Something was noticed among them not unlike the frol- Vaulting. Frolic- icsome pranks of kittens or lambs. One would rush up to an- some ayes ew s ; are Se Spider- other, who thereupon would immediately change position, either lings. by running or quickly vaulting to another part of the post. At times a leap would be made quite away from the post, but the buoyancy of the thread which had been exuded being insufficient to over- come the weight of the animal, instead of rising into the air, the creature returned to the post or struck upon the adjoining rail. In these and sim- ilar movements I was able to detect distinctly the vaulting action of the spider, and the eye, being thus familiarized with the movement, was less liable to be deceived in the more difficult observation of the quick spring at the time of the aerial flight. The posts and parts of railings adjoining were covered with threads adhering to the wood and streaming out into the air. These were the result in part of the feints at flight just referred to, but were partly owing to another cause. The spiders, previous to flight or vaulting, attached themselves to the post in the manner com- mon to most of their order. The apex of the abdomen was thrust down upon the surface, and the liquid silk at the same time exuded from the spinnerets was thus caused to adhere thereto. As the creature moved away the thread was run out into line, and gave the spider a firm attachment. It is a question whether this anchorage is always made previous to flight, and whether the thread is cut immediately before the ascent. The obser- vations made all pointed to an affirmative answer, but the matter was not positively settled. The attempt was made to follow some of the aeronauts beyond the point of ascent. The difficulty in getting the minute objects in position Gossamer Threads. 260 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. relative to the sun favorable for such observation, the motion of the air which carried them upward, as well as the rapidity of flight, frustrated many attempts. A position was finally taken beside one of the side posts of the sliding “bars,” which being opened gave a point of observation with the back to the sun, the eye upon the object, and a fair opportunity to follow it without the delay of leaping over a high fence, which before had been between the observer and the course of the aeronaut sailing before the wind. Fortune favored patience, and at last a spider took flight in a line which was a little higher than the face. Following the aranead at a moderate run, with the eye held closely upon it, I observed that the position of the body was soon reversed; that is, the head was turned in the direction toward which the wind was blow- ing, instead of the point from which it I yI / _ blew, as before the ascent. Thus the long | thread which streamed out above the aero- | naut inclined forward, and at the top was | in advance of its head. I also observed )Y that the legs were spread out, and that ) they had been united at the feet by deli- \ | } cate filaments of silk. The action by {| /\ which the spinningwork was accomplished | 6 was not noticed, owing to the smallness of f (K the creature, the rapidity of its move- \ \\ ments, and the difficulty of such an excep- \ tional mode of observation. But the fact was noted. he reason naturally suggested Tie: 271. Fic. 272. for it is the increased buoyancy resulting Fre, 271. Attitude of ballooning spider just from the increased surface thus offered to hier eon Mie Zn Maisdewmen the resistancesof the air, provided, Gf course, any reason be required beyond the animal’s need of some sort of foothold while afloat. Mr. Emerton,! in the course of some accurate observations of ballooning spiders, says that the most of them while afloat hung by their spinnerets only, and drew their legs close against their bodies, a posture which I have also sometimes ob- served. The spider whose behavior I am now describing was followed for a dis- tance of eighty feet, when it gradually settled downward upon the meadow. Before, or rather during, this ascent a small, white, flossy ball of silk was seen accumulating at the mouth, which, with the peculiar motion of the fore feet, palps, and mandibles, at once suggested the drawing in of a thread. This behavior is not infrequent with spiders under other circum- stances; indeed, it may nearly always be observed when webs are being “Flying Spiders,’ American Naturalist, 1872, pages 168-9. THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. 261 cleared away, and during ascent upon a dropped dragline after a spider has thrown herself from her snare. But it became especially interesting at that moment, for at once it suggested an act of volition on the part Control- of the Lycosid, by which, in a measure at least, it might control ens its descent Evidently the shortening of the overhanging thread Descent. peieg chs g 0! anging threa operated like the furling of sails upon a vessel, and decreasing the motion of the spider increased the influence of gravity upon the body, which thus sank toward the ground. At the same time, the diminution of the surface of the thread above, and the increase of bulk at the mouth (trifling as it might be), tended to increase the buoyancy of the whole, and allowed the creature to fall. The same effect was thus produced by the spider aeronaut, and by a strikingly analogous mode, as that which the human aeronaut accomplishes when he con- tracts the surface of his balloon by causing the inflating gas to escape. The manner in which the lines of spi- ders are carried out from the spinnerets by a current of air appears to be How Fila-thus: As a preparatory measure, ments are . Set Emittea, ‘2e spimnerets are brought into close contact, and the liquid silk is emitted from the spinning tubes; the spinnerets are then separated by a lateral motion, which breaks up the silk into fine filaments; on these filaments the air current impinges, drawing them out to a length which is regulated by the will of the ani- Fic. 273. Fie. 274. mal; and, on the spinnerets being again “Vine toc fcuheckon amc et ta. brought together, the filaments coalesce and toning spider gathering in its threads form a compound line.!| According to Mr, * “een Emerton,” the line seems to come from the middle pair of spinnerets only, but the posterior pair were in constant motion, folding together over the middle ones and then spreading apart as if to help throw out the threads. III. It will here be in place, and will add to the understanding of the reader, to insert a few field notes giving in detail the above and some further facts as to the posture and action of spiders before and during flight. *“Blackwall on the Structure, Functions, and Economy of the Araneidea,” Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Vol. XV., page 241, 1845. * “Flying Spiders,” American Naturalist, 1872, page 168. 262 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. There is no difference between the aeronautic habit of these araneads and that of spiders in other parts of the United States. Moreover, obser- vations of naturalists on ballooning spiders in various quarters of the globe show that the same methods everywhere prevail. It will be further ob- served that the notes relate chiefly to Lycosids, which appear to be univer- sally addicted to the ballooning habit. This is probably true of all Citi- grades. It is worthy of special notice that these ground spiders, when seeking aeronautic flight, take pains to seek some elevated spot as a point of departure. This is not limited to the Lycosids, for Mr. Enock speaks of young Atypinze in Eng- land securing an easy and un- obstructed flight in the same way. The instinctive impulse which urges spiderlings to leave their resorts on the ground and seek spots essen- tial for favorable ascent, cer- tainly has the appearance of reasoning intelligence. At all events, the younglings, by whatever process they reach the conclusion, do the best thing possible to aid their ballooning enterprise. Example No. 1. A young Lycosid, apparently Lycosa scutulata Hentz, was posed on the side of a fence post opposite the wind, face down- wards, abdomen elevated, the body raised by the legs. I Fic. 275. Ballooning Lycosids ascending from a fence post, followed it after flight for two and floating before the wind. 2) hundred feet; it rose as high as thirty feet before it was lost to sight. Its flight was across a wide meadow, and promised to be a long one. Several threads were streaming out and up behind and before the spider, No. 2. A Saltigrade, probably the young of Astia vittata, was posed on the side of a fence board opposite the wind. Its legs were elevated, thus raismg up the body; the abdomen was turned well nigh straight upward; a long thread floated out and up from the spinnerets. The spider walked several inches upward along the rail, keeping its body in the same stilted position, the thread meanwhile flying. Then it was off, rather slowly, and about on a line with my face. It showed, in motion, one small thread in front and one (or more) behind. It moved straight THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. 263 forward for about fifty feet, and then rose suddenly upward, as though it had passed into an ascending current of air. No. 3. Lycosa; observed at 2 P. M. Pose and actions as No. 1. After flight I distinctly saw one thread before and (apparently) two behind ; the head was toward the wind. After sailing fifteen feet it rose up and out of sight, a long stretch of meadow before it. Once, before it mounted, it lifted up one hind foot, as though laying hold upon the stay thread. No. 4. Lycosa; this example was followed for a distance of forty or fifty feet; in front of it there appeared to be but one thread, a ray of several fine diverging threads floated behind from the spinnerets. — Its back was toward the ground. Its abdomen seemed, but could not be certainly determined, to be riding in front, i. e., toward the direction of the wind. The body of the spider was thus at the apex of the angle formed by the fore and hind filaments, the free points of which were quite far apart. The balloon struck a tree, and part of it went on, the spider apparently staying on the tree. No. 5. Lycosa; this specimen floated with the abdomen toward the point of departure. Several threads ascended from it, one thread in front ; the feet were gathered together; but, apparently, the back was upward. It crossed the highway, and a carriage just then passing interfered with the observation. No. 6. The head rode in front, the back was certainly toward the ground. A fourfold streamer of threads was thrown out before mounting. At first the spider moved off slowly, but soon climbed up the fore thread, the “bow,” so to speak; further on it climbed up the rays of threads a dis- tance of several inches. The balloon, when lost sight of, had at least three separate filaments. It was followed one hundred feet before it rose out of sight. No. 7. Lycosa; riding back downward; it sailed sidewise part of the time; afterward the head seemed to be directed toward the course of the wind. Before vaulting into the air many of the spiderlings turned their ele- vated abdomens first to one point then to another; repeating the action many times, as though testing the direction of the wind. The The Proc- . ae le : % ee whole process of aeronautic flight, as it has been described, may marized, De briefly given as follows: First, the spider seeks a high posi- tion, such as the top of a bush, grass stalk, or fence post, as the point of ascent. Second, the abdomen is elevated to as nearly a right angle with the cephalothorax as may be. Third, a ray of threads is issued from the spinnerets, the face being meanwhile turned to various points; the legs are stretched upward, thus raising the body; fourth, they gradually incline in the direction of the breeze, the joints straighten out, the legs sink forward and down until the first pair are almost on a level with the surface, the whole attitude of the animal being that of one resisting some 264 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK.,. force exerted from above. Fifth, suddenly and simultaneously the eight claws are unloosed, and the spider mounts with a sharp bound, apparently, and (sixth) floats off with the back downward, usually, but sometimes with this position reversed. Seventh, at first the abdomen seems to be in ad- vance, but generally the body is turned so that the head rides in front. Eighth, the ray of threads is apparently grasped with the feet and floats out in front, upon which (ninth) sometimes the spider will climb upward, as though to adjust the centre of gravity. Meanwhile (tenth) a thread or cluster of threads issue from the spinnerets and float out behind, leaving the spider to ride in the angle of the two diverging rays, or, as it some- times happens, of three, which are widely separated at the upper free ends. Eleventh, the feet seem to be united by delicate filaments, which would serve to increase the buoyancy of the balloon. Twelfth, the spider is now carried forward by the wind, riding for long distances in an open space, and often borne high upward upon ascending currents. Thirteenth, the anchorage of this miniature balloon appears at times to be within the spider’s own volition, by the fact that it can draw in with its claws the forward ray and gather it in a white roll within the mandibles. But most frequently the balloonist is stopped by striking against some ele- vated object, or by the subsidence of the breeze. A bright warm day in October is commonly chosen for the ascent, and judging from the pres- ence of a number of dry moults, apparently of the same species of spider observed in flight, the animals had recently cast their skins. IV. The greatest height to which I have seen spiders ascend is about one hundred and fifty feet; but, undoubtedly, they often rise much higher. Dr. Lincecum observed the gossamer balloons of certain Texas The species floating at an altitude of one to two thousand feet.? Height of =ailll eas line ‘rents of air acting with sucl ABebntE: Blackwall found ascending currents of air acting with such force upon the gossamer streamers as to raise them in the atmos- phere to a perpendicular height of at least several hundred feet.? Dr. Martin Lister, the earliest observer of the habit (A. D. 1670), says: “As to the height they are able to mount, it is much beyond that of trees or even the highest steeples in England. This last October the sky here upon a day was very calm and serene, and I took notice that the air was very full of webs. I forthwith mounted to the top of the highest’ steeple * in the Minster [York], and could thence discern them yet exceeding high above me; some that fell and were entangled upon pinnacles, I took and 1“ The Gossamer Spider,’ American Naturalist, 1874, page 592. 2 Trans. Linn. Society, Vol. XV., page 453. * The central and two western towers are 201 feet high. Cathedrals and Abbeys of Great Britain, Dr. Wheatley. THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. 265 found them to be lupi [Lycosids], which seldom or never enter houses, and cannot be supposed to have taken their flight from the steeples.”! I once found a number of half grown Epeiras upon their round webs on the topmost railing of the dome of St. Peter’s at Rome (Italy), whither they or their maternal ancestor had doubtless been carried by the wind from the surface of the earth. October 25th, 1883, was a bright day following a series of cold, wet days caused by a severe northeast storm. At noon, while crossing the Chestnut Street Bridge, Philadelphia, I saw a great number of aeronautic threads floating in the air, streaming from the tips of the bridge balustrade and lodged upon the piers. One of the threads, a long filament, was sailing slowly toward the river as a Pennsyl- vania Railroad train dashed along the river track beneath the bridge. It was low enough to strike the cars as they rolled by, and so was carried on southward with its tiny voyager—another illus- tration of how artificial habits of man tend to the geographical distribution of life. The filaments were long, pure white, curled or wrinkled, about one millimetre wide or less, occasionally expanded into thicker wads, and frequently carried attached to them minute insects which had doubtless en- tangled in the fibres as the threads floated in the air. (Fig. 280.) On one thread I found three, OE aren Gates ee on another two small flies. The young balloonist — out aeronautic threads while is thus provided with food upon his landing, if © ™™*™# "Pe" * we? he choose to avail himself of these chance supplies. The insects are sim- ply entangled, as the fibre is without viscidity. The field observations recorded above have been confirmed by numer- ous studies made with spiderlings reared in the house, especially the young of Epeira sclopetaria, Epeira domiciliorum, Epeira insularis, and Agalena nevia. As the results obtained were not different from those already given, they require but brief mention. When let loose into the air from the finger tip, the spiderlings floated out by a sin- gle thread, which was always and instantly first attached to the finger. At first the head was outward, the abdomen being turned toward the hand, from the apex of which the long superior spinnerets of the tubeweavers diverged. Presently the little creature turned and cast out a thread be- hind, when, if permitted, it would usually clamber up the original thread to the finger. When this was broken off, the spider, seated midway of the two filaments, floated off and outward, and was lost to sight. Again, by an eddy of the air, the thread would be thrown backward and upward and catch against the wall, upon which the little voyager would anchor. Floating Gossamer Young Spiders. 1 Correspondence of John Ray, page 77. Lister to Ray, January 20th, 1670. 266 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. At other times, much to my surprise, after the thread had been quite lost to view, the spider was supposed to be far away upon its flight, it would descend as from the clouds, and send out its silken grapnels against the cheek or nose. The will of the little spider seemed to have no control over these movements, which apparently were always wholly at the mercy of the wind. However, the manner of accomplishing aerial flight by means of the buoyancy of a single thread, or rather of two threads united at or near the middle, was quite in accord with the methods above de- scribed. V. While the young balloonists were adventuring their flight in the fields in the manner heretofore described, several species of small Orbweavers were making or waiting for their ascension in a manner so dif- ferent that it requires espe- cial notice. These were sta- tioned upon the small grass- es and weeds, from which innumerable cords of spider silk were streaming, and up- on which similar threads were twisted and meshed by the eddies of the wind and the passing of the spider- lings from point to point. The attitude of most of these was one of expecta- tion. Only two were ob- served in actual flight, and one of these I assisted. ‘The nearness to the ground and the shelter of surrounding herbage doubtless retarded Hes the process. However, this Fic. 277. Aeronautic Orbweavers preparing to ascend from ereater deliberateness is quite floating threads. 5 2 in harmony with the more phlegmatic Orbweavers, just as the energy of the Lycosids in mounting the fence and their haste to be off are characteristic of that group. ce The little Orbweavers were hanging upon the lower part of the one , floating strings near the point of attachment to the grass. Their weavers, backs were downward and their heads outward, or toward the free end of the thread. (Fig. 276.) The first, second, and fourth pairs of legs were stretched along the thread, and the third and shortest pair THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. 267 were held off, curved, the feet apparently united to the main thread by taut filaments. This position, as far as could be determined, was main- tained after flight. In some cases a series of two or three puffs or pellets of floss were gathered around the thread between its free end and .the spiderling. They were generally cone shaped, the apex being turned toward the animal. In form they were not unlike the pellets which one used to see gathering upon the roll of wool as it passed from the fingers of our maternal ancestors into the whirling “flyers” of an old fashioned spin- ning wheel. (Fig. 277.) Perhaps they may have been wrought by a similar process, the twisting of the loose threads through the action of the wind and the counteraction of the spider. ‘The continuation of such twisting must presently break the thread, and thus set the occupant afloat. The greater force of the wind secured by gently breaking a stalk and lifting it into the air soon snapped off a thread, car- rying the little aranead away with it. I am inclined to think that this mode of ballooning prevails, particu- larly among Orbweavers ; that is to say, the spider, having spun out a long thread, sometimes thickened at the attached end, lays hold upon it and waits for the wind to pull it loose, when it is borne away and aloft. It is even probable that the spider may cut the thread, and thus procure her own release. This would place the moment of ascent within her own volition, and the fact (should it be established) would add greatly to the interest with which one must regard this variation in the aeronautic habit of these interesting araneads. Dr. Gideon Lincecum has put upon record a case in point.' He de- scribes the balloon of a Texas Orbweaver, which he calls the “ Spider,” as follows: A lock of white gossamer five or six inches long and two inches wide in the middle, tapering toward the ends, is attached to a stalk, bush, or other elevated object by a thread two or three ea inches long. At the free end or “bow,” two lines thirty or forty Balloon. feet long are spun out, and one twenty or thirty feet long is spun from the attached end or stern of the aerial craft. All being ready for ascent, the voyager cuts the cable which holds the balloon, and floats briskly upward and forward on an inclined plane, or bounds aloft with a sharp spring that eludes one’s efforts to stop it. Lincecum’s descrip- tion of the hammock shaped balloon and its float lines answers very well to the above described aeronautic spinningwork of Orbweavers (Fig. 277), and I am disposed to accept as quite trustworthy the statement that the attached end was actually severed by the spider, who thus controlled, in some measure, the period of her ascent. Blackwall had already observed that occasionally spiders may be found on gossamer webs after an ascending current of rarefied air has separated Flossy Balloons. Gossamer American Naturalist, 1874, page 595. 268 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. them from the objects to which they were attached, and has raised them into the atmosphere. He, however, added the opinion that, “as they never make use of them intentionally in the performance of their aero- Modes “ re ; c of Bal. autie expeditions, it must always be regarded as a fortuitous looning. circumstance.”! This opinion, I think, must be abandoned, and the conclusion reached that there are two modes of ballooning practiced by spiders, viz.: First, ascent by means of the buoyancy of lines issuing directly from the spinnerets, the aranead vaulting upward from its perch; and, second, the ascent upon lines, sometimes thickened by flossy tufts or strands, which are first spun out and attached to fixed objects, and afterward released by the force of the wind or cut loose by the spider. VI. While arranging a collection of spiders in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, I discovered a number of specimens of a large Laterigrade, the Huntsman spider, Heterapoda venatorius, from Aerial various localities, as represented upon the accompanying tables Circum- : ; : : : : eee and chart. (Fig. 278.) Starting with the specimens in my private Born collection, the line of distribution was traced from Santa Cruz, Virgin Isles, to Cuba, to Florida, across Central America, Yucatan, and Mexico; across the Pacifie Ocean by way of Sandwich Islands, Japan, and Loo-Choo Islands; and thence across the continents of Asia and Africa to Liberia. The line thus indicated extends from the extreme eastern limit of North America to the extreme western coast of Africa, thus girdling the globe, with the exception of 54° of longitude. This excepted area ex- presses substantially the width of the Atlantic Ocean. It occurred to me, when this fact became apparent, that this line of distribution is within the belt of the North Trade Winds; and, further, that there might be some connection between the two facts and the fact that Laterigrade spiders, to which group this animal belongs, are among those which are most addicted, in the earlier stages of growth, to balloon migration. Thereupon I referred to the general course and limits of the North Trades, which are roughly indicated in the chart (Fig. 278) by the two upper lines of arrows, marked (at the ends) A A and BB. In the At- lantic Ocean the North Trade Winds prevail between latitude 9° N. and 30° N.; in the Pacific between 9° N. and 26° N. We now may turn to the chart, in which the following geographical points (shown by black spots and figures) are represented by our spider. The specimens which have been examined in the Academy, and my own collections, whose habi- tats are personally known, are marked by an asterisk (*). The species is credited to the other localities named on the authori- ties given therewith. 1 Blackwall, Spiders of Gt. Br. and Ir., Introduction, page 12. THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. 269 A comparison of this table with the chart will at once show that the dotted lines in the latter, which indicate the geographical belt over which Venatoria is distributed correspond, with remarkable general exactitude, with the belt over which the North Trades blow. It is not, therefore, an improbable conjecture that this distribution has been accomplished by means of those winds and the spider’s habit of aerial flight. It is, of course, supposable that commerce, following largely the same belt, may have originated or aided this distribution. But certain facts in the history of the spider seem to forbid this hypothesis. Some of the facts are: First, the early discovery of the species as al- ready widely distributed ; second, its presence at so many different insular points nearly or altogether contemporaneously with first visits Not Ar }yy commercial nations; third, the existence of the species or its tificial 3 F eal . . Distri- close allies among the fauna of the tropical interiors of conti- bution. ents far distant from coast lines; fourth, the variations, chiefly in color, which haye been observed, and which would seem to require for their development a longer period than that which has tran- spired since the commencement of commercial communication with the localities in which the variations have been wrought. While one may not conclude with absolute certainty from these facts, they warrant the theory that the Huntsman spider has become cosmopolitan by the action of Nature, independent of the aid of man. TaspLe oF Disrrinution NortH OF THE EQuATOR. Locatiry. LATITUDE. LONGITUDE (GR.). | AUTHORITY. iL, Waly stele Gb ep oe oe GoeNe 163° W. as DePelewslslands: cee tewrs ct ace en eters 7°— 8° N. 134° FE. L. Koch. Siltoo-Choomslands! “)). 26.) 5) =a. 2 & « 25°-29° N. 128° E. * 4. Japan. . PM: Rat Par een. au 30°-40° N. 130°-140° E. ts SMeNicobarislanday i 2° Mok cop ee ens 6°-10° N. 96°— 97° E. Bock. Gulranquebarslncia ts) 2-120) ee 2 et 22 INE 80° E. Fabricius. Hep liberlaseAunlcain esse ame "oeetsel ay mere 5° 9° N. 10° W. * 8. Senegal, Africa. . . ts tata a jie Ne 16° W. Walckenaer. 9. Martinique, North America... 5... 15° N. 61° W. * 1), Sevawrey City oS ch Se areenol ® Gy bee den 18° N. 65° W. | * SANGHA ES cs aek tA tee ss se sett her ne wie ene 18° N. UL We Walckenaer. Ma GT nape ee Se fare ny ke tae ce ae 20°-23° N. 74°-85° W. * SRNR Ori Caer rt hi aA A. ee cee mena 30° N. 81° W. * 14. Yucatan. . . Beet eye! eee en ae na: ZO GeINE 82°-91° W. * 15. Mexico, Jalapa . SE As Una tec Latte 20° N. 97° W. w 16. California : 5 Os chal car a Gone ? 109°-117° W. | IL. Koch. 17. Oahu, Sandwic lean datas le em elk 20° "Ne 155°-160° W. , I was so impressed by the above chain of facts, and so confident of the inference therefrom, that I ventured to predict that corre- sponding results would follow a comparison of specimens collect- ed from all quarters; that is to say, they would be found to he within the belt of the North or South Trade Winds. The only specimens at A Pre- diction. 270 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. hand were those cited above, and from Zululand and Surinam. But I was able to pursue the matter by reference to locations given by a number of naturalists. I was aided in this by references kindly sent me by Mr. William Holden. Some of the localities thus obtained have been named above, and others were found to correspond with the points represented by the specimens examined. So far my conjecture was verified. The two lower arrow lines in the chart, C C and D D, give a general view of the course and limits of the South Trades, which prevail in the Atlantic Ocean between latitude 4° N. and 22° S., and the Pacific between latitude 4° N. and 234° S.1 It is, of course, understood that these limits are not stationary, but follow the sun, moving northward from January June, and southward from July to December; an oscillation which is also indicated in the zone of distribution. They are, however, substantially as above given, and may be compared with the following table, which shows the southern geographical distribution of this species, according to the authorities cited therein :— TABLE OF DISTRIBUTION SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR. Locatity. LATITUDE. | LONGITUDE (GR.). AUTHORITY. Viti Levu, Fejee Islands .~.......| 16°S. | 180° W. | L. Koch. = New G@aledoniay «i 4.500 6.5 ee oral e0s—22e 8: | 163°-162 E. se Ghuisnobaeng Nb, 29, 4 5 6 & ee oo ell) SO Sh 150° E. Bock. 4 AIshralide seen eer ean ee ere elle OOS S: 105°-115 E. | L. Koch. DseuNPApOLe wey tunics Merch Maa eure er 2° N. 104° E. | Walck. 6. Zanzibar, Africa ons Pious et hans (i ft 40° E. | Gerstaecker.? 7. Southeast Equatorial Africa. . . . . . .| 10°-20°S. (?) 30°-50° E. | Blackwall. Sheliyiberhnhitl 45 go Ala a oe bog ee ol > BE 56° E. | Walckenaer. Oh Madacascalras,. -1:je-te-e anette neni Sr —2OckSe | 43°-50° E. Vinson. KOS VAN) 5 6 ko eo yo A 8 6 |) PAUP TSE 28° B. 33 a, Ia eN ONY) 4 6 2 5 Gao b oe yee 1208: 30° W. 19> sBrazil atk ce, the See! kee 37°-70° W. | Simon, Walck. IGE Lio dine o o Gano 0 o Gyo ao 0 Bill ZAMS 50° W | Walck. 14. Surinam. . Foe oo ed esl | OCI 55° W. 2 15. Valparaiso, Chili... soe 26 es Sb COZ Wee L. Koch. 16. Tahiti, Huaheine, Society Islands . | S258: 150° W. 17. Rarotonga, Cook’s Islands .... . aN PRISE 162° W. 18. Upolu, Navigator Vslangeee, . ee ee) seul loec—l4acis: 168°-173° W. ce 19. Tongatabu, Friendly Islands ..... .| 20°S. 172°-176° W. 3 This table shows a distribution corresponding with the limits of the South Trades, with, in three cases, viz., Sidney (8), Surinam (14), and Val- paraiso (15), a.slight oscillation in accord with a fact above stated. Thus 1 The arrow line which indicates the course of the Trades is intended to give only the general direction. In point of fact, however, that course, in the case of the Southern Trades, is more nearly conterminous with the line of distribution than here shown. The arrow line should not run directly westward from Valparaiso, Chili (No. 15), but from a point 10° above it, passing just south of Friendly Isles (No. 19). 2 Gerstaecker speaks of species as distributed over a large part of Africa, Asia, and South America. See Von der Decken’s Travels in East Africa, III, ii., page 482. 271 HABIT. THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING Fig. 278. Chart to show the circumnayigation of the globe by the Huntsman spider, in the course of the Trade Winds. 272 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. was entirely fulfilled the expectation with which I entered upon the prep- aration of these comparative tables. ! It may not be without interest, and may, perhaps, have some bearing upon the above theory of distribution, to remark that the genus (or a closely allied genus) to which Heterapoda venatoria belongs is probably one of the oldest known forms of the spider fauna. Thorell? places the now existing genus Heterapoda (Ocypete, Koch; Oxypete, Menge) among those which are represented in the amber spiders. Amber probably be- longs to the tertiary (oligocene) period, and in it numerous spiders are found, generally well preserved. How far any supposed contiguity or closer approach of continents now separated might have facilitated or oc- easioned the world round distribution of our Huntsman spider, is a point upon which geologists may more properly express an opinion. The question, what variation of species, if any, occurs in the course of this distribution, is of great interest. The specimens examined by me show no variations which may not come within the range of Variation those natural differences which obtain in many species. Most of of Species Ais the specimens had been so long in alcohol as to obliterate any bution. differences in color and markings which might have existed. The normal color is a uniform tawny yellow, varied upon the cephalothorax by a circular patch of blackish or blackish brown color covering nearly two-thirds of the space; and, further, by a white or whit- ish marginal band quite or nearly girdling the same. In some of the specimens this circular patch seems to have been more or less of a brown- ish color. Gerstaecker® speaks of this species as distributed over a large part of Africa, Asia, and South America. Specimens were examined by him from Dafeta, Mombas, and Zanzibar. In these there was some varia- tion in the coloration of the maxillary palpi: on the one hand, from a light rust color to brownish red and pitch brown; on the other hand, to a more or less sharp division or limitation of the light yellow color of the anterior and posterior borders of the cephalothorax. There was also a browning of the region about the eyes. But the araneologist will not nears such eu Fevanees) as haying cay speci el value as specific characters. 1 W her! these piadies were originally announced in the BRundelpnan eaceene 1 had no specimens from the South Pacific Islands within the same general belt; nor from the chain of small islands between the Sandwich Islands and Asia, viz., Philadelphia, Drake, and Massachusetts Islands, Anson and Magellan Archipelagoes; nor the Cape Verde and St. Helena Islands, off the west coast of Africa. Nevertheless, I expressed the belief that these had all been stations in the line of migration, the latter across the Atlantic Ocean as the Antilles haye been; the former across the Pacific, as the Sandwich Islands, Loo-Choo Island, and Japan have been, and as Mauritius and Madagascar Islands have been across the In- dian Ocean. Moreover, I ventured the prediction that a more diligent search would prove that this cosmopolitan species exists, and probably had already been collected at some of the above points. * European Spiders, page 231, Nov. Acta. Reg. Soc. Sci., Upsal., 1870. ’ Von der Decken’s Travels in East Africa, III., ii., page 482. THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. 273 VIL. There seems nothing improbable in the theory of aerial cireumnaviga- tion suggested to explain the series of facts above presented. ‘There are not, indeed, many recorded observations of the distances to which spiders are carried out to sea in their aeronautic flights. But, before a strong steady wind, or in cases of storm, it is possible that the greatest distances which appear in the tables could be overcome. An observation of Mr. Darwin is the only recorded one to which I can refer.' At the distance of sixty miles from land, while the “ Beagle” was sailing before a steady, light breeze, the rigging was covered with vast numbers of small spiders with their webs. The little spider, when first coming in contact with the rigging, was always seated upon a single thread. While watching some that were suspended by this filament, the slightest breath of air was found to bear them out of sight. I have ob- served similar single threaded “balloons” sailing at considerable height Spiders at Sea. Fic. 279. The Huntsman spider; a male. ©, the female’s cocoon. above the surface of the earth, and know no reason why, with a favorable breeze, they might not have been carried hundreds of miles. That they were carried at least sixty miles, as Mr. Darwin’s testimony shows, and that before a light breeze, gives great probability to such a conjecture. It is to be noted, moreover, that the spiders arrested by the “ Beagle’s” rig- ging were evidently moving on when so stopped, and some of them, when arrested, soon resumed their flight across the main. I am able to add a valuable observation in the same line as that of Dr. Darwin’s. The late Capt. George H. Dodge, of the American Line steamer ‘‘ Pennsylvania,” informed me, during a voyage across the Atlantic in the winter of ’81-2, that he had found the masts and rigging of his ' Voyage of the Beagle, Vol. III., page 187. 274 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. vessel covered in the same way with innumerable webs of spiders, while sailing during the month of March along the eastern coast of South America. His ship was more than two hundred miles from land and about four hundred miles south of the equator. The wind at the time, ac- cording to his recollection, was blowing from the westward; that is, from the continent. Captain Dodge, at my request, communicated the facts in writing, the incident haying been impressed upon his memory by the strangeness of seeing such creatures so far out at sea. “The spiders seemed like little elongated balls, with a sort of umbrella canopy above them. They settled upon the sails and rigging, and, finally, disappeared as they came.’ } The purpose of such a remarkable habit as these facts exhibit 1s, Hint doubtless, to secure the distribution of species throughout wide Distribu- i regions. The buoyant filaments of spider gossamer serve the ion. : : tiny arachnid the same good office that is rendered the dandelion and thistle seed by the starry rays of down surrounding them. VIII. The ballooning habit of spiders gives a complete explanation of a nat- ural phenomenon which has attracted the attention of men from an early period, and which has been variously alluded to in prose and poetical writ- ings, viz., Showers of Gossamer. One who walks the open fields in the latter part of September or in the soft bright days of October, which is the most delightful period of our Fic. 280. A flocculent thread of gossamer, with American year, will notice great quan- small flies entangled. ais - . 6 a8 tities of spider silk trailing and float- ing from the stalks of weeds and grasses, and indeed from all elevated objects. In the early morning, when the dew deposited upon these fila- ments betrays their presence, one will be surprised at the vast amount visible. Further on in the day he will observe quantities of this threaded spinningwork sailing through the air. (Fig. 280.) A great excess of these floating tufts and filaments constitutes what is com-’° monly known as a gossamer shower. Doubtless Pliny alluded to such a phenomenon in the statement which he makes? that “in the year that L. Paulus and C. Marcellus were consuls it rained wool about the castle Carissa, near to which, a year after, T. Annius Milo was slain.” Gossamer Showers. ‘Captain Dodge adds, very significantly: “You know that it is not unusual for birds to be blown out to sea. How much easier for a spider, provided he had the means to keep ah himself suspended in the air! ? Natural History, II, 54. Holland’s translation, page 27. THE AEKRONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. a In later days, among our English ancestors, an explanation of this phenomenon even stranger than Pliny’s prevailed and found expression through some of the English bards. For example, Spenser writes :— “More subtle web Arachne cannot spin; Nor the fine nets, which oft we woven see, Of scorched dew, do not in th’ ayre more lightly flee.”! Still later Thomson in his “Seasons” utters the same idea :-— “How still the breeze! save what the filmy threads Of dew evaporate brushes from the plain.’? We have, however, passed beyond the period when so simple a natural phenomenon could be accounted for on such an impossible theory as that of autumnal dews scorched by the sun. I have never been so fortunate as to observe anything that could be called a “shower” of gossamer, although I have seen quantities of the material afloat in the air or fluttering from the foliage. I will therefore quote from others a description of the phenomenon. Mr. Kirby describes the gossamer observed by him early in the morning as spread over stub- bles and fallows, sometimes so thickly as to make them appear as if coy- ered with a gauzy carpet, or rather overflown by a sea of gauze, presenting, when studded with dewdrops, a most enchanting spectacle.* Rev. Gilbert White, whose “ Natural History of Selborne” has been so long and deservedly popular, describes such an incident as occurring in England on September 21st, 1741. At daybreak he found the stubble and clover grounds matted all over with a thick coat of cobwebs, in the meshes of which a heavy dew hung so plentifully that the whole face of the country seemed covered with two or three fishing set-nets drawn one over another. The dogs were so blinded by this deposit that they could not hunt, but lay down and scraped the encumbrances from their faces with their fore feet. ‘As the morning advanced,” writes the author, “the sun became bright and warm, and the day turned out one of those most lovely ones which no season but autumn produces, cloudless, calm, serene, and worthy of the south of France itself. About nine, an appearance very unusual began to demand our attention—a shower of cobwebs Material F ; vine : falling from yery elevated regions, and continuing without any of the 5 2 8 5 Shower, interruption, till the close of the day. These webs were not single filmy threads, floating in the air in all directions, but per- fect flakes or rags; some near an inch broad, and five or six long, which fell with a degree of velocity that showed they were considerably heavier than the atmosphere. 1 Faerie Queene, B. 2, XII., s. 77. 2 Seasons: Summer, I., 1209. * Kirby and Spence, Introduction to Entomology, Vol. II., 341, Letter XXIII. 276 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. “On every side, as the observer turned his eyes, he might behold a continual succession of fresh flakes falling into his sight, and twinkling like stars, as they turned their sides towards the sun.” This shower extended over at least eight miles of territory, for Mr. White received an account from a trustworthy gentleman living that dis- tance from his house, corroborating his own observation. This rece: gentleman met the gossamer shower while he was riding abroad, 10) e : . . . Shower, 22d, concluding that he could escape it by mounting a hill above his fields, which was three hundred feet in height, rode to that point. But, to his astonishment, when reaching this lofty spot, he found webs apparently still stretched as far above him as before, still descending into sight in a constant succession and twinkling in the sun as they fell. Neither before nor after, says Mr. White, was any such a fall observed; but on this day the flakes hung in the trees and hedges so thick that a diligent person sent out might have gathered baskets full.! Another account, quite as noteworthy as the above, was reported in the “London Times” on October 9th, 1826, which I quote from Mr. Frank Cowan’s interesting and valuable “Curious Facts.”? “On Sunday, October Ist, 1826, a phenomenon of rare occurrence in the neighborhood of Liverpool was observed in that vicinage, and for many miles Another distant, especially at Wigan. The fields and roads were covered English : ; B : : Snaee with a light filmy substance, which, by many persons, was mis- taken for cotton; although they might have been convinced of their error, as staple cotton does not exceed a few inches in length, while the filaments seen in such incredible quantities extended as many yards. In walking in the fields the shoes were completely covered with it, and its floating fibres came in contact with one’s face in all directions. Every tree, lamp post, or other projecting body had arrested a portion of it. It profusely descended at Wigan like a sheet, and in such quantities as to affect the appearance of the atmosphere. On examination it was found to contain small flies, some of which were so diminutive as to require a magnifying glass to render them perceptible. The substance so abun- dant in quantity was supposed by the writer who described the phenom- enon to be the gossamer of the garden or field spider, often met in fine weather in the country, and of which, according to Buffon, it would take 663,552 spiders to produce a single pound.” An English writer* describes what he calls a “ Visitation of Spiders,” which occurred at Neweastle-on-Tyne. ‘Three miles of iron railing in the writer’s neighborhood was covered with the little creatures. They were equally numerous about one mile north of Neweastle, and, in fact, covered 1 Natural History of Selborne, Letter LXV. * Curious Facts in the History of Insects, including Spiders and Scorpions. 8 “Science Gossip,” December Ist, 1865, page 282. THE AERONAUTIC OR BALLOONING HABIT. 277 the entire town. A gentleman from Hexham, a town twenty miles from Newcastle, reported that they were abundant there also. The spiders were unknown up to that time, Mr. Blackwall not having described them in his elaborate work on the ‘‘Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland,” only having noticed them in the “Annals of Natural History” in 1863, previous to which time they had not been observed in England. No one had ob- served this spider in the neighborhood of Neweastle up to the time of their appearance, and they disappeared as suddenly as they came. Ac- cording to Mr. Blackwall, the spider is an aeronautic species, Neriene dentipalpis. One of the most temperate descriptions of a gossamer shower I quote from Mr. Blackwall. 7 s v A ibe ¥ . ' a : A . , ‘ ; * ‘ r i ' Eat yy * ~ i \ a , i f 7 7 = - i a f THE SENSES AND THEIR ORGANS. 289 light. I have always found it hanging on the central shield of its web in broad daylight and at all hours of the day. Its eyes are a light yellow color. The same is true of Argiope argyraspis. Acrosoma rugosa I have always found upon its web in daytime. This is a wood loving species, but commonly spins its web in open places. Its eyes are light gray, the mid- dle front pair haying a little darker shade. Epeira labyrinthea is also a diurnal spider, selecting, as a rule, a position upon branches stripped of foliage or dead limbs. Its rear eyes are light colored, pearl gray or a del- icate amber, but those of the front row are black. Epeira insularis habit- ually occupies its nest of sewed leaves during the daytime and often at night also, but it takes prey quite freely during all hours of the day. Its eyes are all light colored. Two gravid specimens of this species which I examined had eyes decidedly lighter than other specimens, and the ques- tion occurred to me whether it might not be that the color of the eyes is affected during the period of gestation. I had not sufficient specimens, however, to follow this inquiry, which, perhaps, is not worthy of further attention. The eyes of Linyphia weyerii, which I have examined from several specimens received from Luray Cave, are of light color, the two central eyes being white. The latter is a marked variation from the general con- dition of this pair of eyes, which appear to be darker, as a rule, in all terrestial species, and to be obliterated in some cavern fauna. I submitted a few European species to a similar examination.! 'Tetrag- natha extensa (Russia) has the side eyes a yellowish brown, the side rear eyes of lighter hue than the side front. The midrear eyes are Sent ay dark yellow, and the midfront eyes are darkest of all. Epeira sclopetaria (Ireland) has the side eyes light colored, the rear eyes being lightest. The midrear eyes are a dark yellow, and the midfront darkest of all. Epeira sclopetaria of Russia is colored in the same way. Epeira quadrata (Russia) has the side rear eyes light colored, the side front eyes a little darker hue, and the front eyes tolerably dark. Epeira dia- demata (Russia) has the rear eyes brownish yellow, the front eyes a darker hue of yellow, and the front side eyes a darker yellow, and the midfront, eyes darkest of all, almost black. None of the above species can be classified as nocturnal in their habits, although all of them, of course, are able to capture prey at night. 'Tet- ragnatha extensa and Epeira sclopetaria are continually seen upon their webs in broad daylight. Epeira quadrata and Epeira diademata belong to nesting species, having habits similar to our Epeira insularis and trifolium. They live in dome shaped tents, roofed and walled by clustered leaves or by a single rolled leaf. Their faces are towards the opening, looking upon The Russian species were received from Mr. Waldemar Wagner, of Moscow, and the British species were collected partly by myself and partly by Mr. Thomas Workman, of Belfast. 290 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. their webs, which are usually spun in well illumined places. They may be regarded as diurnal in their habits quite as much as nocturnal. Of Epeira cornuta I examined specimens from Moscow (Russia) and Ireland. The side eyes are an amber yellow of a rather dark hue. The middle eyes are still darker; the midfront ones the darkest of all. The side rear eyes have the lightest hue. This species resembles our Epeira strix in its habits, and is much inclined to live in dark places, and for the most part retires to its cell or den, or some secluded retreat, during the day, showing its greatest activity at night. It is not exclusively a nocturnal species, but approaches nearly that habit. Of Epeira umbratica I examined two species captured by me upon the outer basaltic columns of Fingal’s Cave and one from England. The side eyes are amber yellow, of a darkish hue. The midrear eyes ae have a little darker color, and the midfront darker still. In umbra- the English specimens the colors were similar, but a little darker tica. s i Z the midrear eyes being quite dark and the midfront almost black. This species, as is well known, is nearest a nocturnal species of all the Orbweavers of Europe. It quite frequently seeks shaded places, although this is not its exclusive habit. The webs of the Fingal’s Cave spiders were exposed to the light, although the individuals were hidden within a. little recess of the rock. I have seen numbers of the webs of these species on the grounds of Tatton Hall, near Manchester, the estate of Lord Edgerton, swung between the railings of a rustic bridge, shaded only by foliage. These two spiders present the strongest testimony in contradiction of the theory that the white eyes are most useful to those species that are nocturnal in habit. Judging by their habits, their eyes should have been the lightest of any Orbweavers of Europe, but the contrary appears to be the case. I am not able to solve such contradictory facts. Quite at the opposite extreme, and in line with the general tendency, are the eyes of cavern fauna. The eyes of Linyphia weyerii, which I have examined from several specimens received from Luray Cave, are all light colored, the two central eyes being white. The above facts appear to point to the conclusion that eyes of a light color are better suited for seeing in the dark, but that dark colored eyes are not necessarily especially valuable to the species having diurnal habits. In short, there does not appear to be a corresponding difference between the nocturnal and diurnal habits of spiders, and the supposed nocturnal and diurnal eyes, sufficiently marked to justify a division on that basis. An examination of the above facts also shows that there is a quite persistent tendency on the part of the side eyes to be lighter in Most color than the middle eyes; and, of the side eyes, the rear ones Persistent : ; A . a. Fives are generally the brightest. It also appears that the middle group of eyes tend to be darker colored, and, of these, the front pair are darkest of all. THE SENSES AND THEIR ORGANS. 291 On the theory that the dark colored eyes are of the greatest advan- tage in the light, and the light colored eyes most valuable in the dark, one would expect that in the case of cave species the eyes first to disap- pear would be the middle ones, and those longest to persist the side ones; the rear eyes longest of all. I was anxious to test this theory, but unfor- tunately had but a scant amount of material to do it. However, the few facts at hand are valuable for comparison, and are quite in harmony with the above inference. Pavesi has observed! that while the species of Nesticus possess nor- mally eight eyes, in a cave dwelling species, Nesticus speluncarum, there are only four, the four middle eyes being atrophied. This suggests that the four central eyes serve especially in daylight. The above observation of Pavesi corresponds substantially with Emer- ton’s studies of the spider fauna of some of the large caverns of America.” Out of six species of Lineweayers described, five show some unusual condition of the eyes. Three species haye the front middle pair very small ; one has all the eyes small and colorless, with the front middle pair wanting in the males and some females; and one species is entirely without eyes. The complete obliteration of all the front middle pair in some specimens, and the partial atrophy of the same eyes in others, would seem to indi- o 9° a fe] o °8s 0 Fig. 285. 1 f 4 1 f : b Fi. 284. FIG. 286. cate that the organs so situated are of most ben- yy, 084. Face of Linyphia inserta, efit in full sunlight, or, at all events, that sun- with twoeyes wanting. Fic. 285. echt B : -y to their preserv: ti tl] Byes of another individual, same ight is more necessary to their preservation than species, all present. Fic. 286. the others. Face of Anthrobia mammouthi, < with eyes atrophied. Several figures are here presented, made from Emerton’s drawings,’ which will illustrate the progressive atrophy of the eyes in the case of some of the spider fauna of the cayerns of Kentucky and Virginia. Fig. 286 shows the face of a female Anthrobia mam- mouthia, from which the eyes have been entirely obliterated. Fig. 285 is a drawing of the eyes of a female Linyphia inserta from Fountain Cave. Here the middle eyes of the front row are extremely small, but, neverthe- less, are quite manifest. In contrast with this is Fig. 284, which repre- sents the head and mandibles of a male of the same species (Linyphia inserta), from which the middle front eyes have entirely disappeared. The absence of this or any pair of eyes, so far as my knowledge extends, is in no case a sexual characteristic, so that the disappearance of these eyes, if we suppose the figures to have been drawn correctly, can only be attributed 1 Sopra una nuova specie de Ragni appartenente alle collezioni dei Museo Civico di Genoya, Ann. Mus. Civ., 1873, page 344. * Notes on Spiders from Caves, Am. Naturalist, Vol. IX., page 278. 5 Op. cit., plate i., Figs. 5, 18, 21. AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. bo ide) bo to the gradual progress of the atrophy, or to one of those natural freaks which occasionally occur with spiders as well as other living things. Occasional irregularities in the number of eyes are not wholly due to causes which produce the atrophy of those organs. For example, Black- wall! records that an adult female Epeira inclinata captured in August was entirely destitute of the left intermediate eye of the posterior row, and the right intermediate eye of the same row was not the usual size. In another adult female taken in the autumn of the same year the right intermediate eye of the posterior row had not one-eighth of the usual size, being merely rudimentary. This spider abounds in many parts of Great Britain and Ireland, and seems to prefer districts which are well wooded, but otherwise has no habits which would account for such irregularities. It is simply an abnormal state of the eyes, resulting from some morbid condition. Concerning Linyphia inserta, drawings of whose eyes are shown at Figs. 284 and 285, Emerton says that the eyes are small and colorless and sep- arated from each other. The front middle pair are very small, hardly larger than the circles around the base of the hair by which they are sur- rounded, and only distinguished from them by wanting the dark ring which surrounds the hair circles. In five females from Fountain Cave all the eyes are present. (Fig. 285.) In one female one eye of the front mid- dle pair is wanting. In three males from ‘the same cave both front middle eyes are wanting, as in Fig. 284. In one male only one of the front mid- dle pair is wanting. In four females and one male from Bat Cave, Carter County, Kentucky, the front middle eyes are wanting.? This irregularity in the number of the eyes indicates with little doubt the fact that the in- fluence of environment has been strongly felt in producing a greater or less atrophy of these organs of sight. IV. That spiders have accurate perception of the direction and intensity of light, one may easily determine by experiments with the young. Note on the Fossil Spider Arthrolycosa antiqua Harger, by Charles E. Beecher, Amer. Journ. of Science, Vol. XXX VIII., 1889, page 219. 456 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. telarie. I insert a fac simile copy of the figure published by Professor Beecher (Fig. 381), representing a dorsal view of the fossil, and (Fig. 382) a bare outline when viewed directly in front. From the figure and profile it is seen that all the limbs of the spider are in nearly their natural posi- tion, having undergone but slight displacement and decay, while its per- , fection indicates that it is not a shed skin which is preserved, but that the actual animal was entombed. It throws an interesting side light upon the life habits of this creature, to learn that in the same concretion which contains the fossil are fragments of the broad leaves of a rush like plant which, as Professor Beecher thinks, probably furnished a float by which the spider was carried out from land, so that its remains are found min- gled in the same bed with marine organisms. In this connection I may call attention to another fossil spider which has been supposed also to belong to the Territelarie. While visiting the British Museum of Natural History at South Kensington, London, in the summer of 1887, my attention was called to some fossil spiders by Dr. Henry Woodward, Keeper of the Geo- logical Department. Among these I observed one which seemed new to science, and closely related to the genus Atypus. After my return to America, Dr. Woodward sent me casts both in wax and plaster, from which a description of the species was made, and the name Eo- atypus woodwardii suggested.!_ The fossil is simply an impression in the shale, which, how- ever, is tolerably well preserved, but exhibits few features necessary to classification. The ~» eyes are not defined, and nothing but a little Fic, 384, roughened elevation in the centre of the caput, Fic. 383. Fossil spider Eoatypus wood- om S wardii McCook. Dorsal view. x3, Which may or may not be an organic cast, lee gen woodwardii. Side #ives any suggestion of the eye space. As far ot as it goes, this appears to follow the charac- teristics of Atypus and the Territelarize generally. The appearance of the mandibles also suggests this relation, and the general facies of the fossil is to the same effect. The drawings have been made from a plaster cast, Fig. 583 representing the dorsal view, and Fig. 384 the same in outline, both magnified three times natural size.? ‘Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1888, page 200, for full description of the species. *T hesitated much as to whether this fossil should be assigned to the Lycosides, the Attidee, or to Atypinee. On the whole, I decided, though not positively, as above, and on the above named grounds. It seemed impossible, in the absence of the characteristic eyes and long jointed superior spinners to relegate the species positively to the genus Atypus. Besides expressing the general facies of the fossil as above described, the generic value of the name Koatypus consists largely in assigning the specimen rank as a fossil spider. ANCESTRAL SPIDERS AND THEIR HABITS. 457 The horizon from which this fossil was obtained is the Eocene Ter- tiary, Garnet Bay, Isle of Wight. It is, therefore, probably somewhat older than most European and American aranead fossils. According to Scudder, more than one-half the genera of known fossil spiders to which species have been referred have been described as new and peculiar to Tertiary times. These genera include about two-fifths of the species. Among the genera are some remarkable forms, such as Archea and Mizalia, each of which is considered by Thorell and others as repre- senting distinct families.! Further on I reproduce Berendt’s drawings of Archea paradoxa, to illustrate these peculiar forms. MESES ey C FiG. 385. Fic. 386. Figs. 385 and 386. Views of Palpipes priscus, a fossil crustacean larva. (After Von Meyer.) Two genera only of the thirteen to which the American species are referred are described as new, and to them are referred seven of the thirty- two species. Other genera not before recognized in a fossil state, but here recorded from American strata, are Titanceca, Tetragnatha, and Nephila. To enter into details, seventy-one genera of spiders have been described from the Tertiaries, sixty-six from Europe, and thirteen by Scudder from America, eight genera being common to both. Of these seventy-one gen- era, thirty-seven are counted extinct, thirty-five from Europe, and two from America, none of these extinct species being found in both countries. The European genera are, as may be supposed, largely composed of amber species, no less than fifty-two, including thirty-two distinct genera, being confined to amber deposits, besides others which they possess in common with the stratified beds.” ; Palpipes priscus ® has been so long regarded as a Jurassic spider that I have alluded to it in this chapter, but that it is not a true spider, but 1 Thorell, European Spiders, pages 225-233. 2 Scudder, Tertiary Insects of N. A., page 51. I do not here include Koatypus. 3 Von Meyer, Paleontographica, Bd. X., pages 299-304, Taf. L., Figs. 1-4, Cassel, 1863. 458 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. a crustacean larva appears to me to be very clear from an examination of the figures which I reproduce, Figs. 385 and 386, and, indeed, this has already been shown by Seebach.! Ae It remains to notice a little more definitely the geological position of the fossil spiders of America. Professor Cope, in view of the character of the fish fauna, relegates the Florissant deposits to the later Geological Eocene or early Miocene.2 Lesquereux, judging from the plants, Position of. | nas : si ‘ ; 3 ; ane eee refers this deposit to the lower Miocene or Oligocene.* This Spiders, Would place the spiders and the insects of these beds within ; the same horizon, substantially, as those of the amber and the Oeningen and other Tertiary strata of Europe. Or, as Scudder has ex- pressed it, “We may therefore provisionally conclude, from the evidence afforded by the plants and vertebrates, that the Florissant beds belong in or near the Oligocene.” The evidence derived from insects and spiders is thus in harmony with that from vegetables and higher animals. I have attempted, by the following tabulated statement, to express ap- proximately the relations of the Florissant spider bearing deposits with those of Europe in which spiders have also been found. TERTIARY. PLIOCENE. Upper. 1. Fresh water formations, Oeningen, Switzerland. Miocene. 4 Middle. 2. Sulphur impregnated strata, Radoboj, Croatia. | Lower. 3. Brown-coal strata of the Siebengebirge, Rhine. 4. Florissant Basin, Florissant, Colorado, U. 8. OLIGOCENE. { 5. Amber, Prussian Baltic. | 6. Fresh water formations,* Aix, Provence.” Eocene. 7. Garnet Bay, Isle of Wight (Eoatypus woodwardii). CRETACEOUS. JURASSIC. 8. Lithographic limestone, Solenhofen, Bavaria (Palpipes priscus).° TRIASSIC. PERMIAN. ( 9. Argillaceous slate, Kattowitz, Upper Silesia (Protolycosa anthro- CARBONIFEROUS. - cophila). | 10. Goal measures of Illinois (Arthrolycosa antiqua). 1 Zeitschr. deutsch geol. Gesellsch, X XIII., page 340. 2 Bull. U. 8. Geological Survey Territories, 2d series, No. 1, 1875. 3 Report U. S. Geological Survey Territories, Vol. 7, 1878. American Journal Science, XVII., page 279. 4 Oustalet, Recherches sur les Insectes Fossiles des Terrains Tertiaires de la France, page 36. Oustalet presents the various views of geologists as to the position of this forma- tion, from which I have placed it as here. 5 A well preserved Theridioid spider from Aix may be seen in “Geology and Mineral- ogy,” Bridgewater Treatise, by Rev. Wm. Buckland, D.D., Vol. II., page 79, and plate 46, Fig. 12, Theridium bucklandii Thorell. Gourret has recently described about eighteen Oli- gocene species from Aix. Rec. Zool. Suisse, IV., page 431, 1887. 6 A crustacean larva, see above, page 457. ANCESTRAL SPIDERS AND THEIR HABITS. 459 Wak The fragile nature of the spider’s spinningwork has passed into a prov- erb expressive of utter weakness and ephemeral age. Yet Mr. Scudder has uncovered for us a fossil cocoon, about one-fifth of an inch long, 5 ossil that dates from the distant period of the Oligocene, and which inning- 5 3 : ce © he describes under the name of Aranea columbiz.! This co- coon has been found at widely separated points—Florissant, Green River, Wyoming, and British Columbia—and thus appears to have had some favored environment or especial qualities inducing preservation. One might suppose that the large cocoons of Orbweavers, especially those with tough encasements, like Argiope and Cyrtarachne, or the large flossy silken ball of Nephila, might easily have been fossilized under circumstances that allowed the preservation of the araneads themselves. None of these, how- ever, have yet been discovered, and the little Aranea columbize cocoons are the sole representatives of the spinningwork of the aranead weavers of the Tertiary. Eleven of these in all have been found, and the survival of this minute bit of cocooning spinningwork is so interesting and im- portant that I give a full abstract of Scudder’s description thereof.” Among the stones obtained by Dr. George M. Dawson in British Co- lumbia are several containing the flattened remains of the egg cocoons of spiders. There are no _ less than eight of them, occurring by pairs, none of them re- verses of others. They vary slightly in size, and more in shape, owing, no doubt, to their varying position when crushed; probably they were globular, or possibly slightly oval in shape; ay- eraging about five millimetres in the Fossil Cocoons. longer and four millimetres in the short- Fi. 387. Fic. 388. er diameter ; of a firm structure ; testa- The fossil spider cocoon, Aranea columbiz. : Fic. 387. With the pedicle by which it was ceous in color, and hung by a slender paspondeds) orkid ase igcneio erence thread, less or much less than quarter pressure. Both figures are enlarged be- tween five and six times. (After Scudder.) the length of the egg cocoon (averag- ing, perhaps, one millimetre in length), to a thickened mass of web, at- tached to some object or to the mother’s web. That they have been preserved by pairs upon the stones has no signifi- cance, and, indeed, may be due simply to the way the stones were broken, for they lie at varying distances apart, with no sign of connection, and placed with no definite relations to each other.? Two of them show no 1 First described in the Report of the Geological Survey of Canada for 1876-77, pages 463, 464. 2 See Tertiary Insects of N. A. ’ Many spiders make two or more cocoons, which sufficiently accounts for the above fact. 460 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. sien of a pedicle, but this may be due to poor preservation; and a single one not only has no pedicle, but appears to be formed of a lighter, flim- sier tissue, and may belong to a different species. The egg cocoon of a spider of exactly the same size, shape, and gen- eral appearance as those described above, excepting that from a break in the stone there is no trace of a pedicle, was found by Scudder in the shales at Green River, Wyoming. A single specimen was also found at Floris- sant, Colorado, having the same general appearance, but with no trace of a pedicle and slightly larger than any of the others, being six millimetres long and four millimetres broad. It is, of course, impossible to say that it is the same species. Still another was brought by the Princeton ex- pedition from Florissant, different in the opposite direction, being con- siderably smaller and so preserved as to appear broader than long. It is provided with a pedicle one and four-tenths millimetres long, but is itself only two millimetres long and two and a half broad. If the reader will turn back to pages 114 and 115, in the chapter on General Cocooning Habits, he will see examples of cocoons which correspond, both in size and general character, to these fossil cocoons of the Tertiary. Cocoons of Ero thoracica, for example (Figs. 111 and 116), are represented in my drawings about twice natural size; that is, they are about one-eighth inch long, or a little over three milli- metres. They are suspended by a thread, from various objects, in a man- ner which is suggested by the character of Aranea columbiz. Another cocoon represented among these drawings (Migs. 112, 115) I there attribute to Theridium frondeum on the authority of Dr. Marx. A number of observations made since those pages were printed, both by my- self and my secretary, have led me seriously to doubt the identification, and to believe that this little orange colored hanging cocoon, which has so long puzzled me to identify, is probably the cocoon of Theridiosoma radiosum. We have found it a number of times hanging close by the snares of females of that species in Belmont Glen and other ravines of Fairmount Park, and in the country surrounding Philadelphia; and no other species was found in the neighborhood to which such a cocoon could be attributed. I am therefore inclined at the present date to be- lieve that the Ray spider is responsible for this pretty little egg sac. In addition to this, I have examined young specimens raised from the cocoon, and although the determination of a species by just hatched spiderlings is well known to be extremely uncertain, yet this examination has Modern Types. Theridio- gonfirmed me in the above opinion. The shape of cephalo- Serer thorax and abdomen, arrangement of eyes, proportion of legs Cocoon. den de 2 MLECD ONES yes, Pro} gs, and general ensemble of the younglings lead me to conclude that, if they are not Theridiosoma, they belong to no species with which T am acquainted. In further confirmation I may add that Dr. L. Koch says of the cocoon ANCESTRAL SPIDERS AND THEIR HABITS. 461 of Theridiosoma gemmosum that it is pyriform, pediculated, of yellow brown color, with pedicle white, and that the female makes her cocoon at the end of June.’ This description well agrees with the cocoon under question. Simon himself says that Theridiosoma gemmosum is found along the borders of waters, making its snares upon aquatic plants. Its cocoon is in the form of a balloon, with a pedicle like that of Ero.? As Theridiosoma gemmosum and T. radiosum are probably identical, or at least closely related, this evidence appears to be almost conclusive. I have measured many of these Theridiosoma cocoons, and they aver- age in length about one-eighth inch, or, more accurately, three and one- half millimetres. Their width is a little less. In other words, the cocoon is almost spherical, but the addition of the pedicle or stalk makes it seem longer. I have seen some cocoons which were five millimetres long. The- ridiosoma’s cocoons are closely woven and of tough fibre, well fitted for preservation. If now we compare the above named structures with Scud- der’s fossil cocoons, we shall find a close resemblance. We may therefore have little hesitation in relegating Aranea columbie to some such The- ridioid genus as Ero or Theridium, or perhaps to the ancestors of Therid- iosoma., The Ray spider has evident relationship to Theridium, as appears from the fact that such accomplished araneologists as Cambridge, Simon, and the late Count Keyserling have classed it with the Retitelarie. One might therefore venture to attribute to it an ancient lineage, and even to risk the conjecture that a species of Theridiosoma may have been the au- thor of some of Scudder’s fossil cocoons. The preservation of any spinningwork through so vast a period is greatly interesting; but I find the chief value of the fact in the inference that the general habits of spiders have. followed even more Unmodi- ¢losely the law of unmodified survival that appears to mark ee the general structure of araneads. Indeed, I am not able here to note any difference. Precisely the same industry that we see everywhere exemplified in the pretty hanging basket cocoonery of our modern Ero, Theridium, or Theridiosoma, characterized the fossil Aranea columbie that wrought her spinningwork along the shores of Lake Flor- issant in the early period of the Tertiary. It is certainly not an unwar- ranted inference that the spinning organs by which these cocoons were produced differed in no essential particular from those possessed by mod- ern spiders. This likeness implies structural similarity in other vital organs, and hence, reasoning from industrial product to function, from function to organ, from special organs to general structure, we arrive at the same conclusion that seems justified by a study of Scudder’s Ameri- can fossils, that many spiders of the Tertiary were not widely different 1 Simon, Arach. de France, Vol. V., page 27. 2 Tbid., page ? See Vol. I., Chapter II. 462 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. generically, and some probably even specifically, from the spiders which now inhabit our continent. Waut Since most fossil spiders known to us are preserved enclosed in amber, it is important in our study of the life of ancestral araneads to know something of the history and character of this important sub- stance. Amber is a product of the prehistoric world, a hard- ened resin which issued from the bark of certain trees. The chief geographical source of the amber wood is in the bottom of the Baltic Sea in the neighborhood of what is now called Samland, near Pil- lau. The amber tree is known as Pinites succinifer Gépp. and Ber., and has been described from various vegetable inclusions—wood, blossom, fruit, and needle leaves—along with various insects and araneads. ‘The species Succinifer rightly belongs to the genus Pinus, although that name is really a collective name, inasmuch as included needle leaves and other vegeta- ble formations show there must have been at least four species of pine in the amber fields. Since it cannot be determined which one of these actually secreted the resin, the specific name must be a comprehensive one. The trees which produce the amber are not now known to exist, but Berendt says that the Balsamea most closely resembles it.1 Every gale from the north still throws up, as for unknown ages it has done, masses of amber on the shore of the Baltic Sea, and each point of the coast is said to receive a particular kind so peculiar that practiced cutters are able, when looking at a rough piece, to decide whether it came from a quarter to the east of Danzig: or from the west on the coast of Pomerania; they are therefore probably the product of different trees. * The sources of amber are submarine forests which, in the middle epoch of the Brown-coal, as Berendt conceives, covered the shores of an island continent that occupied the northern portion of the great Ter- The Am- ber Tree. ogee tiary sea that covered most of Germany. ‘This island, or group of Amber: | : : : ; } ais Samland, ©! islands, had its geographical centre in the southeastern part of the present sea basin, under the fifty-fifth degree of latitude, and its northwestern border extending higher than the present north- western point of Samland. The name Samland will not be found upon many maps, and it may, therefore, be defined as distinguishing that part of Prussia bounded on the west by the Baltic Sea; on the north in part by the same sea, the Ku- rische Nehrung, and Kurische Haff. The southern boundary is the river Pregel and the Frische Haff; while the eastern boundary is an arm of 1 Berendt, G. K., Die im Bernstein befindlichen Organischen Reste der Vorwelt gesam- melt in Verbindung mit Mehreren bearbeitet und herausgegeben, von C. L. Koch und Dr. Georg Karl Berendt. Band I., Abth. II., page 28, Berlin, 1854 (1845). ANCESTRAL SPIDERS AND THEIR HABITS. 463 the Pregel, the Deima. It is hilly towards the northwest, the ground rising to heights of two and three hundred feet, and becoming flat towards the northeast and east, and gradually sinking down towards the north- eastern angle. In the elevated northwestern coast Tertiary beds are con- spicuous at a height from eighty to one hundred and_ twenty-five feet above the sea level, in which amber deposits are found. Zaddach! defines the site of the amber forests as a bay whose bed in- cluded the whole of West Prussia, a neighboring portion of Pomerania, and the western half of East Prussia, and which was connected in the southwest with the great Tertiary sea that covered the larger por- tion of Germany. The northern boundary of this bay left Sam- land at some distance, and was continued westward with some irregularity to Ruckshoft (Rixhoft), which lies at the foot of the peninsula of Hela, and where thick Brown-coal beds crop out on the coast of the Baltic. The bay was a basin in the Cretaceous formation, and was bordered by widely extended flat coasts, which mark the last upheaval of the district. _Number- less rivulets with small discharge emptied themselves into the bay and carried solid matter into it, and another stream from the northwest, which flowed from the southern portion of the Cretaceous land, also discharged itself here. The coasts of this bay were covered with luxuriant plant growths, a flora whose delicate structure is still preserved to us in the amber and coal. The forests which covered the shores of this bay and oc- Coa cupied the group of islands or insular continent beyond, were, Amber, according to Zaddach, the native home of the amber. This amber resin issued from the trees as pitch issues from pine trees, and gum from our cherry and plum trees. In the Adirondack forests I have seen guides and visitors collecting vials full of the aromatic resin which issues from the fragrant balsam tree. Certain resins and gums of commerce, as copal, anime, benzoe resin, mastix, and balsam, are collected by making slits in the bark of trees so that the resin runs down in chan- nels to the ground, where it hardens and is collected for transportation. Copal perhaps affords the best analogy between modern resins and the ancient amber, because it comes nearest it, and, indeed, according to Berendt, may be considered its modern representative. One species of copal belongs to the prehistoric world, but Berendt thinks that it did not grow in the same native home with the amber tree, because the organic inclusions of the two resins show no identity. The great amount of amber already collected gives but slight indica- tion of the incalculable quantity that must have been secreted by the amber pines of the Tertiary. The sunken storehouse thereof, the former Amber Bay. 1 Amber: Its Origin and History as illustrated by the Geology of Samland, by Dr. G. Zaddach, Professor in the University of Kénigsberg, Quarterly Journal of Sciences, London, 1868, page 167. 464. AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. soil of the forests, seems to be full of it. Although storms and floods during thousands and thousands of years have been tearing up and wash- ing away these stores, the quantity seems to haye been lessened Ae ee to only a trifling degree. All the Baltic shores which lie clos- Stores, @st to this supposed sunken continent, also the west shore of Samland and the north shore of the Frische Nehrung, have always received and still receive a large quantity of amber. However, the storms from the west and west northwest bring up the amber most abundantly. The temperature was then much higher than now, and the flora of the amber continent contained certain northern forms associated with plants in temperate climate, and others whose nearest allies now live in much more southern regions. Thus camphor trees (Cinnamomum poly- morphum Heer) occur with willows, beeches, and numerous oaks. Among the conifers, the most abundant tree was a Thuja, very similar to the Thuja occidentalis now living in America, next to which abounded Widdringtonia, pines and firs in great variety, and among them the amber pine. Many of the last already had perished, and, while the wood decayed, the resin with which the stem and branches were stored might have accumulated in large quantities in bogs and lakes in the soil of the forest. In order to explain, however, that this accumulation of amber could be suddenly broken up, floated away, and scattered, Zaddach assumes that the coast of the district was on the point of sinking. Alternate Breaking ypheavals and depressions of the country may be positively eae. proved to have occurred in the immediately succeeding period. house. Jf at that time the coast sank but slowly, in the lapse of a few centuries, or even a shorter time, a great portion of the flat coast terraces might have been covered by the sea. The forest earth was washed up by the waves, and the amber carried into the sea. The greater portion being probably still attached to the wood, with all its animal en- closures, it could float about in the water for some time before sinking. The forest of the imundated coast was also destroyed, but the stems of the trees which floated out into the open sea were scattered about, only those pieces of wood imbedded in the amber charged earth sinking with it to the bottom. Thus perished the amber forests; in great part, at least, for one need not assume that they were then all destroyed, as it is prob- able that in the higher districts of the country there still remained many forests which also were rich in amber trees.! At last, after alternate upheavals and depressions, the land gradually rose to its present height. And now, when lashed by storms, the sea tears up the amber out of the deep lying beds of amber earth. By the help of sea weeds turned up at the same time, the resin is heaved upwards and 1 Zaddach, op. cit. ANCESTRAL SPIDERS AND THEIR HABITS. 465 carried on the surface of the water; and when the storms abate and the sea becomes calm it carries the amber, together with pieces of older Brown- coal and fresh marine plants, on to the beach, where a hundred ine hands are waiting to intercept it with nets. That is the “amber iNentibe: drawing,” a trying occupation, which demands a strong and hearty frame, for the cold winter storms yield the richest booty. But many pieces of amber, nevertheless, do not reach the shore, for the largest and heaviest pieces have already sunk to the bottom, and lie be- tween the large boulders which cover the sea bed. Therefore, in calm weather, the inhabitants of the coast take boats and turn the stones with hooks fastened to long poles, dislodge the amber in the interspaces, and draw it up with small nets. This is called “striking for amber” (Bern- stein strechen). Amber is occasionally met with in the gravel beds near London. At Alborough, on the coast of Suffolk, after a wrecking tide, it is thrown on the beach in considerable quantities along with masses of jet, and if not torn from the bed of the sea may have been washed from the Bal- tic. There are regular mines of amber in Spain, and it is also abundant on the shores of Sicily and the Adriatic Sea. According to Mr. Hope, who speaks as an entomologist, many of the insects recognized in amber indicate a tropical climate, and evince a South American relationship; yet the Blattidee and some of the Hymen- Climate optera resemble closely oriental species. The presence of many of Amber - 4: : . : J; Taal other genera indicates a northern climate. From the above dis- crepancies, it may be adduced that the climate and temperature of Europe have undergone considerable change. The examples of tropical insects sufficiently testify that the amber tree did not flourish in a climate such as Prussia now enjoys, but in a warmer region.? Collect- VIIL One who reads a list of Succinic Insects, as, for example, that pub- lished by Mr. Hope,? will find represented the orders of insects with which we are now familiar. These must have formed the food sup- Insect plies of the amber spiders. A large proportion of our com- f oa 3 . peice mon families are therein represented, and underneath these fam- Spiders. ilies numerous genera of prevalent insects appear. It would thus seem that the generic aspects of the insect fauna of the amber period resembled that of the present time; indeed, Mr. Hope has said, per- haps somewhat too strongly, “the major part exhibit a close resemblance 1 Rey. F. W. Hope, F. R.S., President Entomological Society. “Observations on Succinic Insects.” Transactions Entomological Society of London, Vol. I., 1836, page 133, sq. 2 Thid., pages 139, 147. 466 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. to existing species, and can be satisfactorily placed under the published genera.” However, we have not been able to trace specific identity. In this antediluvian and amber forest now lying beneath the North Sea waves, and along the shores of this Tertiary Amber Bay, we can readily picture to ourselves yast numbers of Coleoptera burrowing in the ground, boring in trees, flying among the branches, pursuing the same round of habits with which we are to-day familiar. The Homoptera are represented by the Cicada, who doubtless then as now filled the forest with his piping notes. Dragon-flies hunted their insect prey, and Libellula and Agrion carried hayoe among the entomological hosts, as they do to-day in the neighbor- hood of Philadelphia. Ichneumon flies doubtless exercised their parasitic habits upon victims like their modern hosts. Wasps of various sorts dragged numberless spiders, flies, and other insects into their mud daub nests to feed their voracious grubs. Ants and bees were present in great numbers. Among the Orthoptera, cockroaches, locusts, grasshoppers, and many other genera were represented. Among the Lepidoptera such well known genera as Papilio, Tinea, and Sphinx might have been seen; and minute Diptera, some of which, at least, were similar to those of modern Europe, everywhere abounded in field and forest. We may, therefore, conclude that the picture of this submarine antediluyian amber forest, which we can draw from the facts presented to us by the entomologist, botanist, and geologist, would not largely differ from that of the midsummer aspect of the forests of the Adirondack Mount- ains in New York, where various sorts of pine trees reach immense pro- portions, and the balsam especially abounds, forming the fragrant upholstery for the beds of those who biyouae or camp along the lakes and rivers of that favorite region of American ‘summer tourists. In the midst some such scenes, and surrounded by similar insect hordes, the aranead ancestors of our existing spiders dwelt. The reader may know just how they looked. They are embalmed for us in the liquid resin secreted in the forests of Amber Island and Amber Bay. On the accompanying full page engraving I have presented a few selec- tions from the figures of amber spiders, as given in Berendt’s noble work. Figs. 389 and 390 represent Orbweavers of the genus Zilla. The Lineweavers are represented by Figs. 895 and 398, Ero and The- ridium. The Tubeweavers by Figs. 393 and 397, Segestria and Clubiona. The Saltigrades, by the unmistakable Eresus at Fig. 394, and the Laterigrades by Philodromus and Syphax, Figs. 396 and 399. It is at once manifest by a glance at these drawings that in their general facies not only, but in their detailed characteristics, they show a close resemblance to corresponding genera as they are known to-day. This resemblance, however, to existing genera (as far as now known) is not always so apparent from the figures presented by Berendt. For ex- ample, Archea paradoxa, which is represented much enlarged in both the Amber Spiders. ANCESTRAL SPIDERS AND THEIR HABITS. Fossil spiders of the amber. (After Berendt.) Fig. 389. Zilla porrecta, female. Fic. 390. Zilla gracilis, female. Fic. 391. Phidippus fre- natus, female. Fic. 392. Phidippus frenatus, male. Fic. 393. Segestria nana, female. Fig. 394. Eresus monachus, female. F1G. 395. Ero setulosa, female. Fic. 396, Philo- dromus microcephalus, male. Fic. 397. Clubiona attenuata, female. Fie. 398. The- ridium hirtum, female. FiG. 399. Syphax megacephalus, female. 468 AMERICAN SPIDERS AND THEIR SPINNINGWORK. female form (Fig. 400) and the male form (Fig. 401), shows a wide diverg- ence from any spider with which I am acquainted. Modern spiders cer- tainly present some forms that are equally remarkable in their divergence from the typical spider facies. But this genus appears to stand by itself, without any modern representative, and is probably extinct. As the climate of the amber forests covering the shores of the Tertiary Amber Bay, and the islands grouped within it, was that of a semitropical rather than of a temperate zone, we may conceive these endless Embalm- woods of amber pine exuding streams of resin under a hot sum- bene mer sun. The liquid product freely flowed down the trunks of Insects. the trees and accumulated in great lumps around the roots, mass mingling with mass, as the trees stood close together in the for- ests, until in the course of time the soil was surcharged with solidified resin. In that period, as now, insects frequented trees, and were continu- ally hovering around the trunks, alighting thereon, creeping along the bark. Then, too, any aromatic substance dropping from the branches upon the ground must have at- tracted swarms of them, as I have often seen in American forests. We have thus the conditions under which the amber fossils were entombed; for a_ single touch of an insect upon the liquid resin would at once arrest its flight, and the soft, flowing stream would instantly imbed it. For the most part this enclosure seems to have been painless; at least, the attitude of the included insects and spiders is such as to suggest the absence of all violent struggle. At any rate, their limbs soon sank into a position of repose, and they are thus preserved to us. Where insects are, there spiders resort in search of their natural food. Lurking upon the branches, crouching, walking, jumping upon the trunks, spinning their webs in the grasses at the foot of trees, and stringing them from bough to bough, it is not strange that, in palmed, ‘He ordinary course of life, they too found sepulture within the liquid runlets and masses of resin, and thus have been preserved to us, along with the insects whose lives they sought, imbedded in amber. Fic. 400. The fossil spider Archea paradoxa; female. (After Berendt.) Natural size shown in the circle. ANCESTRAL SPIDERS AND THEIR HABITS. AGE One might well be excused for giving his imagination some play in depicting the strange mutations of these creatures of the amber forests. But the simple truth seems fanciful enough. Their life in those fragrant woods of the Tertiary, along the islands and shores of the ancient Tertiary sea; their swift entombment within the aromatic balsam; their long repose within the soil of the ancient forests; the convulsions by which they were sunk deep within the sea, and their recovery again to the surface; their final repose in the deep bed of the Baltic Sea, after the recurring depressions and elevations had ceased; in some cases, at teast, their settlement and subsidence, after drifting here and there, attached to broken and decayed trunks and roots, the sport of waves and currents of the ocean; their long, long sleep under- neath deep sea waves, while the marvelous changes that have made our present world were being wrought out; their rupture from their rest of milleniads by the grinding force of winter storms; their drifting be- fore the force of breaking waves upon the shores of Samland; their capture by the : fishermen and amber strikers of Germany ; Bye: /401:" “Arachea! paradoxa'; male: ‘ 5 * ror tec : (After Berendt.) their cutting, shaping, and polishing in the hands of lapidaries; their transit from hand to hand among venders and merchants; their resting place in cabinets of entomologists, collectors, and scientific societies; their voyage from country to country, and once more upon the sea; their lodgment here beneath the curious eye and lens of the writer, who studies them and depicts their forms for science as they rest embalmed in their amber sarcophagus— all this is certainly a picture upon which fancy might fondly dwell. It reads like a romancer’s tale; yet the story, nevertheless, presents no merely fanciful features, but, in good sooth, is all within the realm of sober facts which naturalists have disclosed. Resur- gam. THE END. LN DHX OLS Vv Olen iit Abbot, John, 138, 386. Abdomen, curious use of, 417. Acoloides saitidis, 397. Acrosoma, 339. Acrosoma rugosa, 285, 289, 375. Activity of female, 70. Adaptation, 412. Adirondack Mountains, 463, 466. Aeronautic habit, 15, Chapter IX., 256, 399; flight, 179. African spiders, 208, 399, 450. Agalena brunnea, 124, 292. Agalena labyrinthea, 29, 45, 122, 189. Agalena neevia, 33, 36, 44, 85, 165, 166, 187, 189, 208, 211, 236, 251, 252, 2538, 288, 334, 337, 347, 389; cocoons of, 121; upholstering of co- coon, 122. Agamic reproduction, 73. Age of spiders, 341; influencing color, 331, 428; of ants, 427. Agroeca brunnea, 126, 132. Agreeca proxima, 126. Alaska, spider fauna, 97. “ Albatross,” Fish Commission steamer, 334. Alexandria Bay, New York, 131. Amber bay, 466; collecting, 465; embalming, 468 ; island, 466; stores of, 464; tree, 462; sources of, 462. Andover Review, 280. Androgeus, 452. Animals, senses of, 345. Annisquam, 336. Anthrobia mammouthia, 154, 156, 189, 286 291, 335. Anthrocophila antiqua, 455. Ant formed spiders, 357, 369. Ant thrush, 363. Ants, 427; cutting ants, 353; destroyed by birds, 362; driver ants, 363; eat spiders, 364. Arachnophagous wasps, 388. Aranea columbie, 459, 461. Archea paradoxa, 457, 466, 468, 469. ? Architecture, 355; influenced by motherhood, 185; inspired by motherhood, 64. Arctosa cinerea, 393. Argiope argenteola, 83, 84; construction of cocoon, 84, 388. Argiope argyraspis, 21, 71, 289, 334, 338, 347, 349, 386; cocoon of, manner of suspen- sion, 82; hung among wild flowers, 83. Argiope aurelia, life of young, 228, 229. Argiope cophinaria, 20, 21, 22, 26, 71, 188, 189, 201, 203, 207, 209, 210, 288, 300, 329, 334, 338, 346, 348, 350, 395, 398, 426; cocoon, con- struction of, 159, Chapter II.; sites of, 75; methods of supension, 76; among gras and wild flowers, 77; stability of poise, 78; hung to a curtain, 79; internal struct- ure of, 80; variation in structure, 81; ovi- positing, 160; spinning the brown pad- ding of her cocoon, 160; weaving the co- coon case, 161, 162; winding the thread, 168; mechanical ingenuity in weaving, 163; weaving, Argiope’s method of, 163; decline and death of, 419; male, courtship of, 18; maternity, 19; pairing of, 37; sev- eral cocoons, 108, 110. Argiope fenestrinus, 84. Argiope multiconcha, 108, 188. Argyrodes argyrodes, see Argyrodes trigonum. Argyrodes piraticum, 388, 390. Argyrodes trigonum, 115, 114, 376, 389; see Argyrodes argyrodes, 389. Argyroepeira hortorum, 39, 299. Argyroneta aquatica, 24, 29, 65, 125, 126, 188, 239, 393; cell and eggs of, 125; male and female, 23; pairing, 45. Ariadne bicolor, 134. Arthropoda, 314. Astia vittata, 262, 295; dance, 53, 54. Atkinson, George T., 416. Atrophy of eyes, 292. Atta fervens, 357. Attidae, 69, 333, 359, 364; colors of, 327; pair- ing of, 50; attitudes in courtship, 59. (470) INDEX. Attus nubilis, 196. Attus terebratus, 314. Atypus, 169. Atypus abbotii, 138; see Purseweb spider. Atypus piceus, 29, 137, 138, 245, 246, 429. Audebert, 73. Auditory organs, 300; hairs, 309, 312. Ausserer, Prof. Ant., 75. | Azara, Don Felix de, 230. Babyhood of spiders, 206. Beeus americanus, 397. Baird, James, M. D., 444. Ballooning, 109; among Orbweavers, 266; at- | titude during flight, 260, 261; circumnavi- gation by, 268, 269, 270; habit, 256; height attained, 264; modes of, 268; process of, 264; to distribute species, 272 ; species, 280 ; spiders at sea, 273; spiders, 262, 263, 379. Balloons, description of, 267. Balsam, 463. Balsamea, 462. | Baltic Sea, 462. Banks, Mr. Isaac, 94. Bat Cave, 292. Bates, Mr., 324, 359. Beaded hair, 310. Beauty of spiders, 523. | Beauvois, Palissot de, 142. Beecher, Prof. Charles E., 455, 456. Beethoven, Ludwig yan, 307. Belt, Mr., 443. Berendt, Dr. G. K., 453, 457, 462, 463, 466, 469. Bert, Prof. Paul, 342. Bertkau, Prof. Philip, 75, 74. Birds, 399; eat ants, 361; love dances of, 56; of Paradise, courting display of males, 56 ; opening cocoons, 210; sight of, 360. Blackwall, John, 16, 30, 94, 111, 118, 119, 190, 261, 267, 268, 277, 278, 279, 280, 292, 297, 298, 347, 392, 396, 433. Blue wasp, 382; mud dauber wasps, 383. Blanchard, Prof. Emile, 16. Boys, Mr. C. V., 305. Bridge building, by spiderlings, 226. British spiders, 194, 297, 358; see English. Brooding cocoons, 171, 191. Bruner, Mr. L., 397. Buckland, Rey. Wm., D. D., 458. Buckley, Prof., 385. Butler, Mr. A. G., 334, 371. California, spiders of, 83, 93, 98, 135, 147, 149, 999 187, 209, 225, 242, 329, 333, 388, 414, 428. O00, 99 Cambridge, Rey. O. Pickard, 26, 29, 66, 67, 116, 138, 206, 287, 328, 398, 364, 369, 370, 461. Campbell, Mr. F. M., 16, 24, 47, 48, 74, 132, 284, 308, 317, 318, 319, 403, 437. Camponotus pennsylvanicus, 361. Cannibalism, 209, 380. Caracas, South America, 140. Caressing, sexes of Water spider, 46, 47. Cave fauna, origin of, 156, 157; life, effects of, 157; spiders, 154, 286, 291, 339. Cayenne, spiders of, 142. Central America, spiders of, 148. Cephalothorax, color of, 349. Chalcidians, 395, 396. Chalybion ceeruleum, 383, 354. Chlorion czeruleum, 384. Chromatophores, 349, 350, 351. Citigradee, cocoons of, 148, 403 ; colors of, 324. Cicada, 466. Cicada pruinosa, 583. Cicada septendecim, 314. Cicada wasp, 383. Ciniflo atrox, 280. Clerek, Carolii, the Swedish naturalist, 29, 125. Climate, influence on color, 333; covers, 403 ; of Tertiary, 451. Clubshaped hair, 311. Clubiona, male, pairing, 45. Clubiona attenuata, 467. Clubiona erratica, 152, 133. Clubiona hollosericea, 152, Clubiona pallens, 152, 288. Clubiona putris, 393. Clubiona tranquilla, 126, 127. Cock-of-the-rock, 56. Cockerell, Mr. T. B., 362. Cocoons, 417; brooding of, 191; colors, 347, 348; egress from, 210; fossil, 459; life in, 206, 207; mimicry, 372, 376; of Water spider, 46; of Wandering spiders, 433 ; shape of, 185: of Theridiosoma, 460; simplicity and complexity of, 186; tent, 294; vigils of, 186; weaving of, 203; carrying, 418; har- borage of, 171; position of, 168; methods of production, 170; of British spiders, 194; of Orbweavers, Chapter 1V.; of Trapdoor spiders, 64; parasitized, 397 ; protecting by portage, 172; by suspensory lines, 172; re- lation of color, 346; secreting of, 179; sev- eral, 95; variety and complexity of, 174. Cocooning, 63; at hight, 180; caves, 403 ; habit, 460; in the dark, 285; multifold, 187; pe- riod of, 229. Ccelotes saxatilis, 125. Coflin’s Beach, 336. 202, 194. INDEX. Coleoptera, 466; long life, 429. Colonies of Medicinal spider, 237, 238; on adult webs, 234, 285; over water, 233; of South American Epeiras, 231; of Epeira triaranea, 231. Color and color sense, Chapter XI. Color, causes that modify, 341; consciousness of, 333, 341; development, 60; hairs, 351; mimicry, 867; normal, 325; of Cave spi- ders, 335: patterns, 348; utility of, 337; sense of, 346; structural causes of, 349; ex- hibited by males in wooing, 52; preference for, 348; relation to cocoons, 347. Colorado, Gray’s Peak, 128. Colors and sex, 328. Combativeness in females, 33; in males, 32, 33. Communication by sound, 314. Communities of spiders, 230. Conflicts of males, 30. Conifers of the Tertiary, 464. Consciousness of color, 333, 342. Copal, 463. Cope, Prof. Edward, 450, 458. Copulation, 73. Coreopsis, 367. Cornwallis, Mr. E. C., 362. Courtship, 333, 335; attitude in, 62; first stages of, 20. Cowan, Edward, 307. Crab, male, dances of, 55. Cresson, Ezra T., 131, 396. Cretaceous formations, 463. Cricket, 314, 315. Crum Creek, 368. Crustaceans, 342; sound making, 315. Cteniza ariana, 250. Cteniza californica, 169, 414, 415; eges of, 182, 183. Cteniza fodiens, 249. Ctenus, 148; young of, 226, 227. Cutting ants, 357, Cuvier, Baron, 415. Cyclocosmia truncata, 415, 416, 417. Cyclosa bifurca, 189, 372, 376. Cyclosa caudata, 102, 104, 169, 191, 204, 232, 301, 372, 373, 376. Cyclosa conica, 374. Cynips, 142; parasitic on spiders, 246, 247. Cyrtarachne, cocoons of, 95, 98, 97. Cyrtarachne cornigera, 98, 99. Cyrtophora bifurca, 95. Dahl, Herr, 309, 312. Dances, love, of males, 50. Danger, influence of, 341; influences indus- try, 407; insects unconscious of, 340. Daphnia pulex, 342. Darwin, Charles, 16, 30, 56, 230, 232, 273, 315, 319, 358, 359, 441, 442. Dawson, Dr. G. M., 459. Death, 378; feigning, 255, 438, 442; of spiders, Chapter XIV., 419. De Geer, Baron, 16, 27, De Lignac, 45. Dendryphantes capitatus, 31, 52. Dendryphantes elegans, 33. Dens, spider, 433. Dermestidee, 87, 396. Development, effects of, 208. Diadem spider, 22; see Epeira diademata. Digger wasp, 383, 406. Diptera, 340. Dispersion of young, 220. Dissimulation of insects, 359. Distribution of species, 97, 272, 274; vertical, of Orbweavers, 178. Diurnal eyes, 290. Dodge, Capt. George H., 273. Dolichoscaptus inops, 410, 411. Dolichoscaptus latastei, 410. Dolichoscaptus vittatus, 417. Dolomedes albinius, 193. Dolomedes lanceolatus, 194. Dolomedes mirabilis, 27, 146, 147, 189. Dolomedes scriptus, 195. Dolomedes sexpunctatus, 145, 146. Dolomedes tenebrosus, 192, 201, 299, 301. Dolomedes, young of, 240, 241. Domesticity of spiders, 27, 28, 39, 63. Domicile spider, 302. Doors of Lycosids, 405. Dragon flies, 466. Drassids, cocoon and nest of, 132; cocoons of, 210; of England, 153 ; ovipositing, 181. Drassus ater, 133, 194. Drassus lapidicolens, 133, Drassus nitens, 133. Drassus sylvestris, 133. Dufour, M., 407. Dwight, Dr. Sereno E., 280. Dyctina, nests and cocoons of, 136, 137. Dying, manner of, 419. Dysdera bicolor, 134, 135, 189. Dysdera hombergii, 189. 150. 29, 50, 133, 194. 99 Eating, 428. Edgerton, Lord, of Tatton Hall, 290. Edwards, Dr. Jonathan, as a naturalist, 280, 281. INDEX. Eggs, spider, 75, 88, 193, 199, 201, 202, 396; deyoured by mother, 182; fecundity of, 177; irregular oviposition, 184; number of, 90, 188; parasites on, 394; within the ab- domen, 180. Egress from cocoon, 212. Eigenmann, Mrs. Rosa, 83, 93, 1: 388, 395. Electricity, influencing ballooning, 279. Elis 4-notata, 384, 406, 414. Emerton, J. H., 21, 27, 36, 44, 49, 95, 109, 120, 121, 123, 135, 154, 155, 165, 181, 182, 187, 212, 261, 291, 292, 335, 351, 389, 404. Enemies and their influence, Chapter XIIL., 378. Enemies of spiders, 191, 863, 575, 399, 411. Efiglish spiders, 280, 284, 289, 290, 292, 328 330, 348, 366, 369, 374, 403, 429, 433; Dras- sids, 133; Atypus, 137; gossamer showers of, 276. Enock, Mr. Frederick, 29, 137, 244, 245, 249, 429. Environment, 352; influence of, 412; influ- ence on color, 334. Entombment, manner of, in amber, 468; of fossils, 447. Eo thoracica, 460. Eotypus woodwardii, 456. Epeira apoclisa, 27, 36, 38, 187, 433. Epeira basilica, 169, 191; cocoon string of, 106. Epeira bicentennaria, 330. Epeira bifurca, 95, 169; cocoon string, 104; see Cyclosa bifurea. Epeira bombicinaria, 440. Epeira cavatica, see Epeira cinerea. Epeira cinerea, 89, 190, 224, 398. Epeira cooksonii, 334. Epeira cornigera, 207. Epeira cornuta, 290. Epeira cucurbitina, 330, 370. Epeira diademata, 21, 110, 187, 188, 189, 190, 224, 283, 284, 289, 328; pairing of, 34. Epeira domiciliorum, 224, 334; cocoon, 86, 87; time of cocooning, 88. Epeira epiblemum, 207. Epeira fusca, 27; see Meta menardii. Epeira gemma, 330. Epeira inclinata, 24, 292. Epeira infumata, 440, 441. Epeira insularis, 208, 214, 289, 441, 453; co- coon of, 86, 87; male, 20. Epeira labyrinthea, 62, 99, 168, 187, 191, 222, 289, 305, 333, 386, 390; cocoons strung in site, 100; string of, 101; suspension of, 102 ; courtship, 21. 99m 29¢ » 220, O20, © Epeira marmorea, 34; see Epeira insularis. Epeira meekii, 453. Epeira paryula, 328, 371, 440. Epeira patagiata, 327. Epeira quadrata, 28, 189, 289, 453. Epeira sclopetaria, 36, 62, 207, 284, 254, 289, 293, 399, 482; time of cocooning, 88. Epeira strix, 24, 26, 164, 165, 181, 288, 285, 329, 388, 341, 386, 431, 455, 453. Epeira thaddeus, 331; cocoon, 90. Epeira triaranea, 89, 90, 195, 208, 222, 231, 338, 339. Epeira trifolium, 289, 331, 439. Epeira umbratica, 179, 290, 396. Epeira yertebrata, 26, 334. Epiblemum scenicum, 30, 50, 57, 236. Erigone, cocoon of, 118. Erigonum, 147. Erber, Mr., 250. Eresus monarchus, 467. Ergatis benigna, 27. Ero, 466. Ero setulosa, 467. Ero thoracica, 114, 115. Ero yariegata, 114, 115. Eumenes, genus of wasps, 130, 151. European spiders, 95, 289, 452. Eurypelma hentzii, 140, 249, 321, 385, 428. Evolution, 60, 360, 378. Eye tubercles, 298. Eye turrets, 297, 298. Eyes of spiders, 283; atrophy of, 292; color of, 287; night and day, 288; structure of, 254. Fabre, J. H., 445. Fakir, 444. Fairnfount Park, 399. Faithfulness, maternal, 199. Fear paralysis, 438. Fecundity of female spiders, 177. Feigning death, 195, 259. Female spiders, quiescent during courtship, 57; relative activity, 70. Ferocity, 66. Fertility of spiders, 189. Fertilization, 72. Feud among spiders, 389. Fighting of females, 33; of males, 30, 31. Fingal’s Cave, spiders in, 179, 290. Flies, 387, 442. Florida spiders, 91, 201, 356. Florissant spiders, 447, 458. Flowers, attracting insects and spiders, 346; mimicked, 368. Flying spiders, 256. ATA INDEX. Food of cave spiders, 156; of young spiders, 213, 243. | Forel, Prof. Auguste, M. D., 295, 345. Foreordination in Nature, 88. Forests protected by spiders, 401. Forethought, 202, 204. Form mimicry, 357. Formica exsecta, 362. Formica fusca, 362, 427. Formica integra, 362. Formica rufa, 362, 364. Formicariidie, 363. Fossil spiders, 446; life of, 469. Fountain Cave spiders, 291, 292. Four spotted Elis, 385. Franklin, Clarence P., 155. Fraternity among broodlings, 225, 255, Fright, 341. | Fronani, Prof., 428. Furrow spider; see Epeira strix. Gasteracantha, 93, 329, 340, 388. Gasteracantha bourbonica, 93, 208. Gentry, Dr. Allan, 434. Geology, 458. Geotrachea crocata, 351. Germany, Tertiary Sea, 462; Tertiary bound- aries of, 463. Gerstaecker, Herr, 271, 272. Gestation, 341; influence on color, 331. Gnaphosa, cocoons of, 128. Gnatcatcher, blue gray, 399. Goeppert, Prof. Dr. H. R., 462. | Goethe on wasps, 380, 381. God, presence of, in Nature, 204. Golden rod, 367. Gordius, 394. Gossamer, floating, 259, 265, 274; how formed, 277; showers, origin of, 274, 275, 276, 278. Gourret, M., 446, 458. Graber, Mr., 345. Grecian Archipelago, Trapdoor spiders of, 250. Green, Mr. E. Ernest, 392. Gregarious habit, 216, 217, 230. Grenacher, H., 283. Gretrey, M., 307. Guerin, M., 142. Guest wasps, 384. | Habit influencing industry, 406; modification of, 412; value of, 61. Habitat of spiders, 401. Habrocestus splendens, 52, 333. Hairs, auditory, 309; colored, 350, 351. Harger, Mr., 455. Harris, Dr. T. W., 194. Hatching of young, period of, 207, 294. Hawkins, Sir John, 307. Hearing, organs of, 301. Heer, Prof., 449. Henops marginatus, 393. Hentz, Prof. Marcellus, 102, 107, 147, 192, 193, 397, 390, 417, 451. Herman, Mr. Otto, 286, 287. Hermeteles fasciatus, 392. Hermeteles formosus, 392. Herpyllus aureata, 127, 128. Herpyllus ecclesiasticus, 191, 299, 501. Heterapoda venatoria, 109, 153, 272, 273. Heywood, Mr., 449. Hibernating, 430, 435. Holden, Mr. William, 271. Hope, Rey. F. W., 452, 465. Horn, Dr. George H., 429. Hornets, 387. Howard, Mr. L. O., 397. Huntsman spider, 153, 268. Hummingbirds, 210, 399. Hymenoptera, parasitic, 394, 397. Hypnotism, voluntary, 444. Ichneumon flies, 129, 189, 338, 392, 395, 466. Tcius mitratus, 54. Illinois spiders of, 128. Impregnation of female spider, 49, 74. India, spiders of, 392. Industrial mimicry, 352. Industrial skill, 415; intuitive, 202, 338; influ- enced by enemies, 402; by maternity, 64. Industry, maternal, 75; unmodified, 461. Insects, 314, 335, 340; color sense, 343; stored by spiders, 383; fossil, 452; succinic or amber, 465. Instinct, 201, 202; manifest in young, 250, 251; maternal, 75, 193, 196, 199, 200. Insular spider, 28, 338; see Epeira insularis. Intelligence, maternal, 185. Internal structure, 108. Trideseence, 335, 351. Ithomia, 359. Joannés, Moreau de, 142. Jones, Rey. P. L., 186. Keller, Dr. C., 401. Kent, J. Sackville, 315. ene Kirby and Spence, 375. Koch, Dr. L., 84, 151, 271. _ INDEX. AT5 Labyrinth spider; see Epeira labyrinthea. Lycosa riparia, 143. Laterigrades, 69, 180, 434, 466; cocoon of, 151; | Lycosa scutulata, 394. colors of, 324, 369. Lycosa tarentula, 407. Latreille, 281. Lathrodectus mactans, 112. Lebert, Mr., 288. Leidy, Prof. Joseph, 154, 336, 394, 428, 429. Legs, 313; restored when lost, 229; color of, 349; relative length of male and female, 26. Lepidoptera, 466. Leptalis, 359. Leptopelma cavicula, 409. Leptopelma elongata, 411. Lesquereux, 447, 450, 458. | Life, prolonged, 425. Lignac, Abbe de, 28. Lincecum, Dr. G., 264, 267, 385. Linton Park, England, 362. Linyphia communis, 341, 389. | Linyphia costata, 27; see Linyphia phry- giana. Linyphia erypticolens, 119. Linyphia inserta, 292. Linyphia marginata, 21, 29, 33, 36, 73, pairing of, 41, 42. Linyphia montana, 16, 119. Linyphia phrygiana = L. costata, 27. Linyphia scripta, 389. Linyphia subterranea, 335. Linyphia tenebricola, 318. Linyphia weyerii, 154, 289, 290. Liphistius, 455. Lister, Dr. Martin, 35, 95, 187, 264, 375. Livingstone, Dr. Dayid, 3¢ Lizards, eating spiders Local mimicry, 365. Locy, William H., 284. | Love, a, bower, 57; call, 315; dances of male | spiders, 51; maternal, 205; signals, 21, 59. Lubbock, Sir John, 201, 283, 296, 342, 348, 344, 345, 427, 429. Lueas, M. H., 252. | Luray Cave, 289, 290, 336. Lycosids, 72, 301, 334, 344, 364, 382, 403, 434; 119; 279, 374, cocoon of, 143; cocoon making, 166; effects of music on, 301; maternal feeling of, 198 ; maternal instincts of, 193; sight of, 295; | young of, 240, 242. Lycosa agrestis, 189. Lycosa arenicola, 336. Lycosa carolinensis, 403, 407. | Lycosa herbigrada, 370. Lycosa lenta, 193. Lycosa narbonensis, 189, 445. Lycosa Lycosa tigrina, 244, 384, 404, 407. saceata, 144, 280, 296, 314. Magellan, Straits of, 333. Males, 206, 333; amorous solicitations, 63; at- titude of, 58; before mating, 18; dwelling with females, 27; fights of, 30; love call, 315; love dances of, 50, 51, 52; displays to attract females, 57; interruptions during pairing, 48; office of, 15; peril of, 22; po- sition when mating, 59; pugnacity of, 32; relative activity, 70; relative number, 16; relative size of, 68; revelry and quarrel- someness, 63; sluggishness of, 71; snare, 19; immature web of, 19. Mammoth Cave, 336, 387; spiders of, 154. Mandibles, 322. Manifold cocooning, 95. Marptusa familiaris, 51, 58. Martindale, Isaac H., 98. Marx, Dr. George, 93, 95, 98, 106, 107, 141, 334, 377, 397, 432, 460. Mason, Prof. Wood, Maternal instincts, motherhood, Chapter VIL., 178, 190, 195, 198, 202, 212, 417, 418; and industry, Chapter IV., 75; influence on industry, 64. Mating, 337. Mating habits, comparative views of, 61. Mechanical skill of spiders, 129, 203. Medicinal spider, 123, 288; see Tegenaria me- dicinalis. Meehan, Thomas, 210, 399. Memory, 199. Menge, Herr A., 22, 28, 34, 73, 182, 190, 212, 213, 272, 382, 393, 394, 452. Merejkowski, M., 342. Merian, Madame, 142. Mermis allicans, a “hair snake,” 393. Meta, 178. Meta menardii, 94, 288. Meta segmentata, 29. Metallic colors, 325, 349, Metatarsus, hairs on, 313. Micaria aureata, 127, 128. Micaria limicunee, 129, 130, 203, 204. Micaria longipes, 351. Micaria scintilans, 358. Micromata marmorata, 194. Micromata ornata, 332. Mimetic harmonies, 335, 299 ole. ar old. no ; resemblance, 353. oO Mimetus interfector, 389, 390. 476 INDEX. Mimetus syllepsicus, 390. Mimicry, 152, 190, 337, 345; of animal forms, 357; of colors, 367; of cocoons, 372; of en- vironment, 365; knots and buds, 366; | ground, 369. Miranda adianta, 394. Missouri spider fauna, 108. Mistakes of mothers, 200. Misumena vatia, 152, 192, 324, 344, 346, 367, 369, 371, 386. Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir, 443. Moggridge, T. Traherne, 182, 184, 247, 248, 249, 250, 352, 354, 355, 356, 412, 415, 416, 429, 443. Morgan, T. H., 55. Mortality among spiders, 222, 228; first stages of, 422. Motherhood, 72, 178, 186, 192, 193, 194, 197, 200, 205. Moulting, 207, 208, 220, 229, 341; dangers of, 428; influence on color, 331; of Argiope, 22, 23; tents, 403. Mud cocoons, 129, 208. Mud dauber wasps, 364, 381, 382, 383, 387. Miller, Herr (Alpen Bliimen), 346. Multifold cocoons, 108. Murray, John, 276. Muscular action, 352, 341. Music, effects on spiders, 300, 305, 306, 307, 309. Mygale avyicularia, 142. Mygale blondii, 142, 189. Mygale stridulans, 319. Mygale truncata, see Cyclocosmia truncata. Mygalidee, 141, 142, 169, 316, 321. aS Natural selection, 363, 370, 442, 445. Navigating spiders, 268, 269. Nemesia ccementaria, 249, 353, 355, 416. Nemesia congener, 248, 415. Nemesia eleanora, 248. Nemesia manderstjernie, 356. Nemesia meridionalis, 353, 355, 411; nest of young, 250. Nemesia moggridgii, 248, 356. Nephila chrysogaster, 24. Nephila cocoons, 92; fossil, 450. Nephila inaurata, 93, 235. Nephila nigra, 25, 26, 66, 235. Nephila pennatipes, 451. Nephila plumipes (wilderi), 66, 91, 189, 450. Neriene dentipalpis, 277. Nests, 389; building, 355; cocooning of Dras- sids, 134, 185; development of trapdoor, 248; parasitism.: 235, 388; repairing of, 196; winter, 431, 432. Nesting habits, 70, 402; of Argyroneta, 45, 46 ; influence of habit, 67; Trapdoor spiders, 64. Nesticus pallidus, 154, 156, 189. Nesticus speluncarum, 291. New England spider fauna, 90. New Lisbon, Ohio, spider fauna, 89. Night eyes, 288; habits, 180, 287, 308. Niantic, Connecticut, 20. Nocturnal eyes, 290. Numerical proportion, 69. Ocellus, 283. Odors, effects on spiders, 299. Oeningen spiders, 452. Ogontz Seminary, 218. Olfactory organs, 300. Oligocene spiders, 447, 458. Olivet, Abbe, 307. Oncodes pallipes, 393. Oonops pulcher, 189. Orbweavers, 65, 71; difference between sexes, 62; position in pairing, 62; favorite sites of, 178; stored by wasps, 386; fossil, 466. Orchard spider, 339, 350, 366. Orcutt, C. R., 83, 388. Organs of hearing, 301, 302. Ornamentation, 333. Orthoptera, 466. Osborn, Capt., 444. Oustalet, M., 451, 458. Ovaries, 180. Oviposition, 181, 184. Oxyopes salticus, 147. Oxyopes viridens, 147, 193, 380. Pachygnatha, 27. Packard, Prof. A.S., Jr., 128, 154, 155, 156, 286, 335. Pairing of spiders, Chapter II., 41. Palmer, L. Chalkley, 368. Palpal bulb, use of, 42. Palpipes priscus, 457. Palps, 48, 72, 302. Paralysis, fear, 438. Paralyzed spiders, 383, 406. Parasites, 129, 142, 398, 394; of body, 391; veg- etable, 399. Parasitic larvee, 393 ; spiders, 235. Parasitism, 395, 398. . Parson spider, 127; see Herpyllus ecclesias- ticus. Parthenogenesis, 74. Partridges eat ants, 362. Patterns, dorsal, 348. Pavesi, Sig. Prof., 291. Peal, Mr. S. E., 319, 321. Peckham, Prof. George W. and Elizabeth G., 16, 21, 31, 33, 50, 51, 54, 60, 151, 187, 188, 189, 198, 199, 201, 295, 299, 301, 304, 305, 323, 328, 332, 333, 335, 337, 343, 358, 365, 371, 372, 376, 440, 441, 442. Pellisson, M., 307. Penny, Rey. C. W., 369. Pepsis formosa, 384, 414. Perils of spiders, 378. Pezomachus, 395, 398. Pezomachus dimidiatus, 396. Pezomachus gracilis, 396. Pezomachus meabilis, 131. Phidippus frenatus, 467. Phidippus galathea, 182. Phidippus jonsonii, 331. Phidippus morsitans, 33, 59, 148, 189, 190, 295, 335, 350, 351, 397. . Phidippus opifex, 149, 150. Phidippus rufus, 33, 59, 167. Philanthropy, spider, 400. Phileeus militaris, 31, 52, 53, Philodrominee, 147. Philodromus fallax, 370. Philodromus microcephalus, 467. Philodromus mollitor, 151. Pholcus phalangioides, 120, 186, Physical vigor, 63, Pigment, 341, 349, 351. Pike, Col. Nicholas, 397. Pinites succinifer, 462. Pirata piraticus, 198. Pittidee, 362. Pliny on gossamer showers, 274. Poison of wasps, 382. Pollock, Frederick, Esq., 188, 209, 228. Polysphincta carbonaria, 391. Pompilus annulatus, 445. Pompilus formosus ; see Pepsis formosa. Portage of cocoon, 119, 120, 153. Presbyterian and Reformed Review, 282. Prey, capturing, 70, 286, 368. Preyer, Dr., 437. Priocnemus pomilius, 384. Proctotrupids, 397. Prosthesima ecclesiastica; see Herpyllus ec- clesiasticus. Protection, 192; by colors, 338; of female during courtship, 57. Protective architecture, 402, 409; forms, 358 ; habits, 378; resemblance, 375. Protolycosa anthrocophila, 450, 454. Psalistops melanophygia, 140. Pseudidiops opifex, 356. On ool, Ke 906 57, 332. 292, 236. 2L4, 4 Pucetia aurora, 147, 149, 241. Pugnacity of males, 32. Purseweb spiders, 356; see Atypus abbotii. Quails eat ants, 362. Queen of ants, 427. Rats eat spiders, 380. Ray spider, 288, 460; see Theridiosoma radi- osum. Rearing spiders artificially, 213. Red color preferred by spiders, 344. Rennie, Mr., 433. Resins, 463. Retitelarize, 434. Rhytidicolus structor, 139. Riley, Dr. C. V., 362. Romer, Mr., 453. Romanes, G. J., 441, 444. Russian spiders, 289. Saitis pulex, 51, 397. Saltigrades, 30, 180, 434, 466; brilliant eyes of, 287; cocoons of, 148; cocoon making, 167 ; sense of smell, 299; sight of, 295. Samland, 462, 463, 469. Sanborn, F. G., 154. San Domingo, 142. Sauvages, Abbe, 64, 414. Seales of colors, 351. Scelionine, 397. Schindler, Anthon, 307. Schiodte, Mr. J. C., 453. Scorpions, 315; stridulating, 316. Scudder, Prof. S. H., 148, 226, 315, 446, 447, 448, 450, 452, 455, 457, 458, 459. Seytodes thoracica, 120. Season, influences of, 209. Secretiveness, 359. Seebach, Herr, 458. Segestria, 466. Segestria canities, 135, 136. Segestria nana, 467. Segmentation, 349. Self protection, 353, 354, 404. Senses of spiders, 288, 314. Sex, influence on color, 328, 332. Sexes, numerical proportion of, 69; relative size of, 24. Shaler, Prof., 154. Shamming death, 440. Shamrock spider, 17, 28; see Epeira trifolium. Sharp, Dr. David, 429. Sheep eat spiders, 380. Showers of gossamer, 274, 275. INDEX. Shrilling of insects, 314. Sight of spiders, accuracy of, 286; limited, 295, 296. Silk, spider, colors of, 348. Silliman, Prof. Benjamin, 281, 282. Simon, M. Eugene, 69, 138, 139, 140, 169, 184, 287, 288, 297, 332, 347, 356, 389, 409, 411, 412, 415, 417, 461. Simonella americana, 357. Sites, cocooning, 75. Size, spiders’, difference in, 67; disparity in, | 62; influencing development, 66; varia- tion in, 26. Smell, organs of, 300; sense of, 299. Smyth, Prof. Egbert C., 280. Solitary habit, 63; wasps, 387. Sounds, effects of, on spiders, 301; uses of, 314. South American spiders, 333, 358, 412. Sparrows eat ants, 562. Speckled Agalena, see Agalena neevia. Spermatozoa, 72. Sphecius speciosus, 383. Spheroma, 315. Spiderlings, life of, 197. Spines, abdominal, 330; protective, 339. Spinning, habit influencing courtship, 62; in- dustry defective in male, 63. Skill, mechanical, of spiders, 202, 203, 404. Skinner, Miss C., 218. Staveley, E. F., 28, 118, 119, 132, 188, 189, 194, 347, 399. Steatoda bipunctata, 318. Steatoda borealis, 27, 169, 186; pairing, 44. Steatoda guttata, 317. Steatoda maculata, 120. Stothis astuta, 412, 413. Stothis cenobita, 412, 413. Stridulating apparatus, 316; Mygale, 319. Stridulation, of spiders, 317, 318; organs of, 317, 318; uses of, 319. | Structure and color, 351. Sunbirds, 399. Survival of the fittest, 370. Swallows eat spiders, 379. Swedish spiders, 516. Swifts, 379. | Swinging basket, 254, 281. Synagales picata, 33, 189; love dance, 51. Synemosyna americana, 359. Synemosyna formica, 357, 358. Syphax megacephalus, 467. Sytodes cameratus, 120, 121. Tactile hairs, 310, 313. Tailed spider, 102; see Cyclosa caudata. Tarantula, 140, 166, 300, 385, 409, 443; age of, 429; cocoon of, 141; striking, 320, 322. Tarantula killer, 384, 385. Tarentula tigrina, see Lycosa tigrina. Tatton Hall, 290. Tegenaria agrestis, 131, 187. Tegenaria civilis, 280, 429. Tegenaria derhamii, 123. Tegenaria domestica, 189, 308, 429. Tegenaria emaciata, 131. Tegenaria guyonii, 16, 47, 74, 202; courtship of, 24. Tegenaria medicinalis, 123, 124, 169, 189, 236, 330, 334, 337, 347. Tegenaria persica, 123. Tents, cocooning, 86, 87, 294. Termeyer, Raymond, 21, 22, 33, 110, 142, 187. Territelarixe, 455; cocoons of, 137, 143; mak- ing cocoons, 166. Tertiary spiders, 446; trees, 464. Tethneus, 452. Tetragnatha, 379; mimicry of, 147. Tetragnatha elongata, 365. Tetragnatha extensa, 365, 366, 386, 451; co- coon of, 94, 96; pairing of, 34. Tetragnatha grallator, 365, 451. Tetragnatha tertiaria, 451. Teutana triangulosa, 377; see Theridium ser- pentinum. Texas, Gossamer spider of, 267. Textris lycosina, 125. Theraphosoidee, 140. Theridioids, colors of, 324. Theridiosoma gemmosum, 461, Theridiosoma radiosum, cocoon of, 461. Theridium, 466. Theridium carolinum, 120. Theridium differens, 116, 417. Theridium frondeum, 114, 115, 460; cocoon, see Theridiosoma radiosum, 461. Theridium globosum, 199. Theridium hirtum, 467. Theridium lineatum, 116. Theridium maculatum, 120. Theridium neryosum, 119. Theridium pallens, 116. Theridium riparium, 65. Theridium serpentinum, see Teutana triangu- losa, 112, 377. Theridium studiosum, 169, 193. Theridium tepidariorum, 27, 111, 112, 164, 165, 169, 222, 237, 334, 376, 386, 389, 435. Theridium vyarians, 118. Theridium variegatum, 189. Theridium zelotypum, 64, 119. INDEX. Thomisoids, 364. Thomisus cristatus, 151, 280. Thorell, Prof. Tamerlan, 147, 272, 452, 453, 457. Tibellus oblongus, 365. Tibia, hairs on, 313. Tiger spider; see Lycosa tigrina. | Tigrina, Lycosa, 408. Touch, sense of, 200, 285, 303. Tower, trapdoor, 411. Townsend, Charles H., 451. Trapdoor spiders, 64, 169, 183, 184, 247, 554, 355, 356, 404, 409, 411, 414, 429; cocoons of, 139, 140. Treat, Mrs. Mary, 91, 107, 108, 186, 187, 188, | 190, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 201, 211, 243, 367, | 375, 403, 404, 405, 434. Tree, trapdoor, 356. Trees of Tertiary, 464. Trevelyan, Sir C. E., 444. Trifolium, Epeira, male of, 326; varieties of color, 325, 326. Trypoxylon politum, 383, 384. Tubercles of eyes, 298. | Tubeweavers, 179; colors of, 324; sexual size | in, 67. Tuning fork experiments, 302. Tunnelweavers, 179, 324, 364, 409; industry, 64. Turret spider, 193, 242, 243, 337, 407. Turrets on eyes, 297. Uloborus, 106, 366, 376. | Uloborus mammeatus, 107, 192. | Uloborus plumipes, 108, 109, 235, 376. Uloborus riparia, 95. | Uloborus walckenaerius, 107. | Unmodified industry, 461. | Upholstering cocoons, 131. Variation, 359. Venezuela, spiders of, 139, 409. Vigils, maternal, 186, 190. Vinson, Dr., 24, 93, 235, 287, 329. Vireo noyeborocensis, 211, 399. Virey, M., 279. Vision in spiders, 285, 295, 296. Voelker, Mr. Carl, 361, 399. Voleanie showers, 449. Von Heyden, C., 452. Von Meyer, Herr, 457. Wafer trapdoor, 412. Wagner, Mr. Waldemar, 289, 313, 314. Walckenaer, Baron, 24, 27, 28, 35, 36, 38, 45, 47, 95, 131, 132, 142, 188, 189, 230, 246, 249, 307, 310, 311, 312, 346. Walekenaera acuminata, 121, 297. Wallace, Alfred Russell, 56, 251, 324, 326, 343, 363, 411. Walsh, Benj. D., 384. Wanderers, cocoon site, 179. Warning coloration, 335, 340. Wasps, 466; as mimics, 363; mud daubs, 338 ; mud nests of, 130; solitary, diggers, mud daubers, social, 387. Water spider, young of, aquatica. Weather, 404. Weaver, Prof. G. E. H., 428. Weaving, in darkness, 286; process of, 111, 161, 163. Webster, F. M., 128, 129, 397. Westring, Prof. Nicolas, 189, 315, 316, White, Rev. Gilbert, 275. Wilder, Prof. Burt G., 34, 91, 142, 189, 210, 212, 285. Winds, Trade, carrying spiders, 268. Winter, effects, 213; habits, 450. Wisconsin, spiders of, 371. Wittfield, Miss Anna, 104. Wood, Rey. J. H., 98. Wood-Mason, Prof. James, 315, 316, 319, 321. Woodpecker, pileated, 361. Woodward, Dr. Henry, 456. Wooing and mating habits, Chapter I., 15, 63. Workman, Mr. Thomas, 289. Wright, Mr. W. G., 135, 147, 149, 242. Wright, Rey. A., 362. 239; see Argyroneta 317, 319. 207, 209, Xenarchus, 315. Xysticus audax, 151. Xysticus ferox, 33. Xysticus gulosus, 33. Xysticus sabulosis, 370. Xysticus trivittata, pairing of, 49. Young spiders, 193, 197, 314, 370, 375, 376; of Agalena, 251, 252; of Gasteracantha, 540; of Lycosids, 72, 240; of Dolomedes, 241; of Trapdoor spiders, 247; ballooning habit of, 256; development of color, 327; feeding of, 195; first movements, 217, 218; mimics, 374 ; escape from cocoon, 211, 214; no metamor- phosis, 206; sensitive to light, 292, 293. Zaddach, Prof. G., 463, 464. Zilla, 91, 209, 466. Zilla callophila, 39. Zilla gracilis, fossil, 467. Zilla porrecta, 467. Zilla x-notata, 225, Zygoballus bettini, 3a5 292, ol. 328, 388. SUPPLEMENTARY ILS OF SU BSCRLBEnS. Prof. Aug. Weismann, Freiburg, Baden, Germany. Isaac C. Martindale, Philadelphia. Publie Library, Bangor, Maine. (Mrs. M. H. Curran.) Hon. J. K. Valentine, Philadelphia. Lieut. Col. Linley Blathwayt, Bath, England. (William Wesley & Son, London.) Feret & Fils, Bordeaux, France. Prof. A. Agassiz, Cambridge, Massachusetts. R. C. MeMurtrie, Philadelphia. Alfred C. Harrison, Philadelphia. Col. A. K. McClure, Philadelphia. George C. Thomas, Philadelphia. Carl Edelheim, Philadelphia. Rey. W. C. Cattell, D. D., LL. D., Philadelphia. Gen. I. J. Wistar, Philadelphia. Dr. J. B. Brinton, Philadelphia. Koenigliche Bibliothek, Berlin, Germany. Kaiserliche Universitiits und Landesbibliothek, Strassburg, Germany. (Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig.) State Laboratory of Natural History, Champaign, Illinois. Conyers Button, Philadelphia. (Two copies.) The Signet Library, Edinburgh, Scotland. (Thomas G. Law.) W. B. Clark & Co., Boston, Massachusetts. (Two copies.) Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. (Charles F. Richardson.) Charles Schaffer, Philadelphia. Rey. F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, Carlisle, England. (William Wesley & Son, London.) Enoch Pratt Library, Baltimore. (Lewis H. Steiner.) Justus C. Strawbridge, Philadelphia. (Two copies.) Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania.? Librairie, H. Georg, Geneve, Switzerland. Edinburgh Publie Library, Scotland. (Hodder & Stoughton, London.) Mrs. Henry Draper, New York City. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. Providence Athenzeum, Providence, Rhode Island. (Daniel Beckwith.) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. (Prof. Henry F. Nachtuit.) State Library of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg. (Porter & Coates, Philadelphia.) Mrs, Emma W. Bucknell, Philadelphia. John MacFarlane, Detroit, Michigan. James Kelly, New York City. Entomological Society of Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. University of California, Berkeley, California. (Methodist Book Depository, San Francisco.) Kegan Paul, Trench, Tribner & Co., London, England. A. $8. Bertolet, Cummings, Illinois. (A. C. MeClurg & Co., Chicago.) ‘This list includes all subscriptions made since November Ist, 1889. All before that date are published in Volume I. The author wishes to print a complete and corrected list at the close of Volume III., and requests that any mistakes heretofore made may be com- municated to him. He also requests all subscribers to send their names and addresses in full, with proper titles of individuals and full names of societies, libraries, ete. 2 Presented by Mr. Justus C. Strawbridge. * -—. q ara = “ . » a on +. ‘<, ae ‘ : & ; rs Beas We oY lia = 3 & - 2 BN * 5 ea YS ber) F. = a ly : i 4 oe A IAP te . 3 Pa Ty ES, Wer) 2, y. Fey : . a, * E; 4 oe = pa Nr A Ws a ae by rs bs Se & i * oO > K a... a TA mae = 3 ie sv RS oe...) Le: = ge: hyp Bg es 5 ‘ ° 5 oy * ‘ KY i = x y +e. . 4 oN srs: ‘“ <4 es ae c a 52, = oy date z > - As) > wy 4 A x -S.N 3 ¥, 4 F . , ‘Or : Le. Pe Fg Nae UI LOO. GFA UFZ, . : Rey . 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