TORONTO OF re n Le iw > 2 LIBRA °HY SIOLOGY aa 5 f ¢ ae 4 Pal 4 ; i.” j . ) “ ary .) _ ; | 4 4 ¥ ie: Ss} gn BY * HENRY P. BOWDITCH, M.D., JOHN G. CURTIS, M.D, _ HENRY H. DONALDSON, Pu.D., W. H. HOWELL, Pu.D., M.D, ie FREDERIC S. LEE, Pu.D., WARREN P. LOMBARD, M.D., GRAHAM LUSK, Pu. D., W. T. PORTER, M.D., EDWARD T. REICHERT, M.D., oe. anp HENRY SEWALL, Pu.D., M.D. EDITED BY WILLIAM Hy" HOWELL, Pu.D., M.D. PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE JoHNS HoPKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, Mp. F ULL Y ILLUSTRATED wa . PHILADELPHIA . Ww. B. SAUNDERS 925 WaLnuT STREET 1896 Pppacae: , an hee 2 say 2 ro” ELECTROTYPED BY WESTCOTT & THOMSON, PHILADA. Copyright, 1896, By W. B. SAUNDERS. PRESS OF WwW. B. SAUNDERS, PHILADA. ——_—™ CONTRIBUTORS. m TF LY P. BOWDITCH, M.D., i | pee of of Fhyseboey in the Harvard Medical School i youn G. CURTIS, M. D., _ Professor of Physiology in Columbia Uulvomity (College of Physicians and Surgeons). HENRY H. DONALDSON, Pu. D., ; : Head-Professor of Neurology in the University of Chicago. W. H. HOWELL, Pu. D., M.D., Professor of Physiology i in the Johns Hopkins University. a " PREDERIC. S. LEE, Pu. D., Adjunct Professor of Physiology in Columbia University (College of Physicians and _ Surgeons). WARREN 1s LOMBARD, M. D., Professor of Paisicleay in the University of Michigan. G AHAM pe Pu. D., Professor of Physiology in the Yale Medical School. 'T, PORTER, M. D., 3 _ Assistant Professor of Physiology in the Harvard Medical School. WARD T. REICHERT, M. D., : Professor of Physiology in the University of Pennsylvania. ‘3 RY SEWALL, Pu. D., M.D. | Profesor of Physiology i in the Medical Department of the University of Denver. 9 Nat | Ph MAMIE S Tins) ave i in SOORAVith fundiln PREFACE. of THE collaboration of several teachers in the preparation of an elementary text-book of physiology is unusual, the almost invariable rule heretofore re having been for a single author to write the entire book. It does not seem desirable to attempt a discussion of the relative merits and demerits of the two plans, since the method of collaboration is untried in the teaching of physi- ology, and there is therefore no basis for a satisfactory comparison. It is a fact, however, that many teachers of physiology in this country have not been altogether satisfied with the text-books at their disposal. Some of the more successful older books have not kept pace with the rapid changes in modern physiology, while few, if any, of the newer books have been uniformly satis- factory in their treatment of all parts of this many-sided science. Indeed, the literature of experimental physiology is so great that it would seem to be almost impossible for any one teacher to keep thoroughly informed on all topics. This fact undoubtedly accounts for some of the defects of our present text-books, and it is hoped that one of the advantages derived from the col- laboration method is that, owing to the less voluminous literature to be consulted, each author has been enabled to base his elementary account upon a comprehensive knowledge of the part of the subject assigned to him. Those who are acquainted with the difficulty of making a satisfactory elementary presentation of the complex and oftentimes unsettled questions of physiology must agree that authoritative statements and generalizations, such as are fre- quently necessary in text-books if they are to leave any impression at all upon the student, are usually trustworthy in proportion to the fulness of informa- tion possessed by the writer. Perhaps the most important advantage which may be expected to follow the use of the collaboration method is that the student gains thereby the point of view of a number of teachers. In a measure he reaps the same benefit as would be obtained by following courses of instruction under different teachers. The different standpoints assumed, and the differences in emphasis laid upon the various lines of procedure, chemical, physical, and anatomical, should give the student a better insight into the methods of the science as it exists ; 11 12 PREFACE. to-day. A similar advantage may be expected to follow the inevitable over- lapping of the topics assigned to the various contributors, since this has led_ in many cases to a treatment of the same subject by several writers, who have approached the matter under discussion from slightly varying standpoints, and in a few instances have arrived at slightly different conclusions. In this last respect the book reflects more faithfully perhaps than if written by a single author the legitimate differences of opinion which are held by physi- ologists at present with regard to certain questions, and in so far it fulfils more perfectly its object of presenting in an unprejudiced way the existing state of our knowledge. It is hoped, therefore, that the diversity in method of treatment, which at first sight might seem to be disadvantageous, will prove to be the most attractive feature of the book. In the preparation of the book it has been assumed that the student has previously obtained some knowledge of gross and microscopic anatomy, or is taking courses in these subjects concurrently with his physiology. For this reason no systematic attempt has been made to present details of histology or anatomy, but each author has been left free to avail himself of material of this kind according as he felt the necessity for it in developing the physiolog- ical side. In response to a general desire on the part of the contributors, references to literature have been given in the book. Some of the authors have used these freely, even to the point of giving a fairly complete bibliography of the subject, while others have preferred to employ them only occasionally, where the facts cited are recent or are noteworthy because of their importance or historical interest. References of this character are not usually found in ele- mentary text-books, so that a brief word of explanation seems desirable. It has not been supposed that the student will necessarily look up the references or commit to memory the names of the authorities quoted, although it is pos- sible, of course, that individual students may be led to refer occasionally to original sources, and thereby acquire a truer knowledge of the subject. The main result hoped for, however, is a healthful pedagogical influence. It is too often the case that the student of medicine, or indeed the graduate in medicine, regards his text-book as a final authority, losing sight of the fact that such books are mainly compilations from the works of various investigators, and that in all matters in dispute in physiology the final decision must be made, so far as possible, upon the evidence furnished by experimental work. To enforce this latter idea and to indicate the character and source of the great literature from which the material of the text-book is obtained have been the main reasons for the adoption of the reference system. It is hoped also that the - me PREFACE. i ee Kk will be found useful to many practitioners of medicine who may wish to Ce ae in touch with the development of modern physiology. For this class of readers references to literature are not only valuable, but frequently -essel atial, since the limits of a text-book forbid an exhaustive discussion of mal ’ points of interest concerning which fuller information may be desired. | ‘Then numerous additions which are constantly being made to the literature y Zs phyla and the closely related sciences make it a matter of difficulty to . as errors of statement in any elementary treatment of the subject. It can- ; be hoped that this book will be found entirely free from defects of this character, but an earnest effort has been made to render it a reliable repository of the important facts and principles of physiology, and, moreover, to embody ie ‘ iat, 87 ae sie alee aii ; al / : esa 2 ao ares rt P . i ee CONTENTS. PAGE PERU PRPUIC TS SOP 50.5) ries io rele te cel tcl a TePateate fe Now Stebel gee 17 By W. H. Howe t. , II. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE.... 32 By WARREN P. LOMBARD. TE ATG 50 els de! eo 3 gle ww (os, 4, 6 ee eh eel eat Sela Mat a 152 By W. H. Howe tt. ‘IV. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION ...... 213 By W. H. Howe tt. V. MOVEMENTS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL, BLADDER, CE TRIG Oo 6) ote ade Vel deen @ Leh a0G Ua tees 307 By W. H. Howe tt. | Ey RIND) ay VY ME EES yee, wipes eee flee de) 26 le ose 331 By W. H. Howe Lt. SES ECIOV UCU NG ob oor Fa Sut pala: coca bmg ual he tee oe 368 Part I.—THE MECHANICS OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD AND OF THE MOVEMENT OF THE LYMPH... . . 368 By Joun G. CurRTISs. Part II.—THE INNERVATION OF THE HEART .....--:- 440 Part III.—THE NUTRITION OF THE HEART ...---++:-: 471 Part LV.—THE INNERVATION OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS .. - 482 By W. T. PorTER. EIEIO TICATION cs coe selene Bade es em os ae se 503 By Epwarp T. REICHERT. Bereuee AT VIPAT 2c 5 8 a a eee Se ae er 575 td 5 By Epwarp T. REICHERT. 605 "x. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM .....--- +2007? By Henry H. Dona.pson. ri ? % ie «By Henry P. Bowp1rcn. ’ By Henry SewaLt. | XII. PHYSIOLOGY OF SPECIAL MUSCULAR MECHA THE AcTION oF LOCOMOTOR MECHANISMS ..... By Warren P. LomBarp. } rf il 5 -. By Henry Sewaxt. PEARL MEPRODUCTION 2... oc y.0 3 oe ale By Freperic S. Les. XIV. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY.... By GraHam Lusk. -werr a. bs, = —— ee ey Ad | Sig ea oN Scie AR Bein) I ed hy A ee oa) 4 Sot : e 7 5n: . 7 - oy a! ‘at. &, AE ey re. a * 4 he + an a Ta * ay t hs ' +} <4 ye 7c 5 ® : Te? rua oo a7 ) THE SPECIAL SENSES. e ty ean (Viston oss sss re yi HEARING, CUTANEOUS AND MuscuLaR SENSIBILITY, | PS 4AM, SMELE, AND: TAGTE ce) 4.2 ce Gye eo ft VOICE AND SPMNCH 6). 5 5 oA a Se AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. I. INTRODUCTION. THE term “physiology” is, in an etymological sense, synonymous with “natural philosophy,” and occasionally the word is used with this significance even at the present day.' By common usage, however, the term is restricted to the living side of nature, and is meant to include the sum of our know- ledge concerning the properties of living matter. The active substance of which living things are composed is supposed to be closely similar in all cases, and is commonly designated as protoplasm (zp@ro«, first, and zidopa, any- thing formed). It is usually stated that this word was first introduced into biological literature by the botanist Von Mohl to designate the granular semi- liquid contents of the plant-cell. It seems, however, that priority in the use of the word belongs to the physiologist Purkinje (1840), who employed it to describe the material from which the young animal embryo is constructed.” In recent years the term has been applied indifferently to -the soft material constituting the substance of either animal or plant-cells. The word must not be misunderstood to mean a substance of a definite chemical nature or of an invariable morphological structure ; it is applied to any part of a cell which shows the properties of life, and is therefore only a convenient abbreviation for the phrase “ mass of living matter.” Living things fall into two great groups, animals and plants, and corre- sponding to this there is a natural separation of physiology into two sciences, one dealing with the phenomena of animal life, the other with plant life. In what follows in this introductory section the former of these two divisions is chiefly considered, for although the most fundamental laws of physiology are, without doubt, equally applicable to animal and vegetable protoplasm, nevertheless the structure as well as the properties of the two forms -of matter are in some respects noticeably different, particularly in the higher types of organisms in each group. The most striking contrast, perhaps, is found in the fact that plants exhibit a lesser degree of specialization in form and function and 1 See Mineral Physiology and Physiography, T. Sterry Hunt, 1886. 20. Hertwig: Die Zelle wnd die Gewebe, 1893. 18 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. a much greater power of assimilation. Owing to this latter property the ~ plant-cell is able, with the aid of solar energy, to construct its protoplasm - from very simple forms of inorganic matter, such as water, carbon dioxide, and inorganic salts. In this way energy is stored within the vegetable cell in the form of complex organic compounds. Animal protoplasm, on the con- trary, has comparatively feeble synthetic properties ; it is characterized chiefly by its destructive power. In the long run, animals obtain their food from the plant kingdom, and the animal cell is able to dissociate or oxidize the complex material of vegetable protoplasm and thus liberate the potential energy con- tained therein, the energy taking the form mainly of heat and muscular work. We must suppose that there is a general resemblance in the ultimate structure of animal and vegetable living matter to which the fundamental similarity in properties is due, but at the same time there must be also some common dif- ference in internal structure between the two, and it is fair to assume that the divergent properties exhibited by the two great groups of living things are a direct outcome of this structural dissimilarity ; to make use of a figure of speech employed by Bichat, plants and animals are cast in different moulds. It is difficult if not impossible to settle upon any one property which absolutely shall distinguish living from dead matter. Nutrition, that is, the power of converting dead food material into living substance, and repro- duction, that is, the power of each organism to perpetuate its kind by the formation of new individuals, are probably the most fundamental charac- teristics of living things; but in some of the specialized tissues of higher animals the power of reproduction, so far as this means mere multiplication by cell-division, seems to be lost, as, for example, in the case of the nerve-cells in the central nervous system or of the ovum itself before it is fertilized by the spermatozoon. Nevertheless these cellular units are indisputably living matter, and continue to exhibit the power of nutrition as well as other prop- _ erties characteristic of the living state. It is possible also that the power of nutrition may, under certain conditions, be held in abeyance temporarily at least, although it is certain that a permanent loss of this property is incom- patible with the retention of the living condition. It is frequently said that the most general property of living matter is its irritability. The precise meaning of the term vital irritability is hard to — define. The word implies the capability of reacting to a stimulus and usually also the assumption that in the reaction some of the inner potential energy of the living material is liberated, so that the energy of the response is many times greater, it may be, than the energy of the stimulus. This last-idea is illustrated by the case of a contracting muscle, in which the stimulus acts as a liberating force causing chemical decompositions of the substance of the muscle with the liberation of a comparatively large amount of energy, chiefly in the form of heat or of heat and work. It may be remarked in passing, however, - that we are not justified at present. in assuming that a similar liberation of stored energy takes place in all irritable tissues. In the case of nerve-fibres, for instance, we have a typically irritable tissue which responds readily to ea Ta be Wis ete. 9 hee mee PPh MU a eee [at ae ye SF Fe 7 a> INTRODUCTION. 19 : ~ external stimuli, but as yet it has not been possible to show that the forma- tion or conduction of a nerve impulse is accompanied by or dependent upon the liberation of potential chemical energy. The nature of the reaction of irritable living matter is found to vary with the character of the tissue or organism on the one hand, and, so far as intensity goes at least, with the nature of the stimulus on the other. Response of a definite character to appropriate external stimulation may be observed frequently enough in dead matter, and in some cases the nature of the reaction simulates closely _ some of those displayed by living things. For instance, a dead catgut string may. be made to shorten after the manner of a muscular contraction by the . appropriate application of heat, or a mass of gunpowder may be exploded by the action of a small spark and give rise to a great liberation of energy which had previously existed in potential form within its molecules, As regards any piece of matter we can only say that it exhibits vital irritability when the reaction or response it gives upon stimulation is one characteristic of living _ “matter in general or of the particular kind of living matter under observation ; thus, a muscle-fibre contracts, a nerve-fibre conducts, a gland-cell secretes, an entire organism moves or in some way adjusts itself more perfectly to its environment. Considered from this standpoint, irritability means only the exhibition of one or more of the peculiar properties of living matter and can- not be used to designate a property in itself distinctive of living structure ; the term, in fact, comprises nothing more specific or characteristic than is implied in the more general phrase vitality. When an ameeba dies it is no longer irritable, that is, its substance-no longer assimilates when stimulated by the presence of appropriate food, its conductivity and contractility disappear so that mechanical irritation no longer causes the protrusion or retraction of pseudopodia—no form of stimulation, in fact, is capable of calling forth any of the recognized properties of living matter. To ascertain, therefore, whether or not a given piece of matter possesses vital irritability we must first become acquainted with the fundamental properties of living matter in order to recog- nize the response, if any, to the form of stimulation used. Nutrition or assimilation, in a wide sense of the word, has already been referred to as probably the most universal and characteristic of these prop- erties. By this term we designate that series of changes through which dead matter is received into the structure of living substance. The term in its broadest sense may be used to cover the subsidiary processes of digestion, respiration, absorption, and exeretion through which food material and oxygen are prepared for the activity of the living molecules, and the waste products of activity are removed from the organism, as well as the actual conversion of dead material into living protoplasm: This last act, which is presumably a synthetic process effected under the influence of living matter, - is especially designated as anabolism or as assimilation in a narrower sense of the word as opposed to disassimilation. By disassimilation or katabolism we mean those changes leading to the destruction of the complex substance of the living molecules, or of the food material in contact with these molecules. 20 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. As was said before, animal protoplasm is pre-eminently katabolic, and the evidence of its katabolism is found in the waste products, such as CO,, H,O, and urea, which are given off from animal organisms. Assimilation and dis- assimilation, or anabolism and katabolism, go hand in hand and together constitute an ever-recurring cycle of activity which persists as long as the material retains its living structure and which as a whole is designated under the name metabolism. In most forms of living matter metabolism is in some way self-limited, so that gradually it becomes less perfect, old age comes on, and finally death ensues. It has been asserted that originally the metabolic activity of protoplasm was self-perpetuating—that, barring accident, the cycle of changes would go on forever. Resting upon this assumption it has been suggested by Weissmann that the protoplasm of the reproductive elements still retains this primitive and perfect metabolism and thus provides for the continuity of life. The speculations bearing upon this point will be discussed in more detail in the section on Reproduction. Reproduction in some form is also practically a universal property of living matter. The unit of structure among living organisms is the cell. Under proper conditions of nourishment the cell may undergo separation into two daughter cells. In some cases the separation takes place by a simple act of fission, in other cases the division is indirect and involves a number of interesting changes in the structure of the nucleus and the protoplasm of the body of the cell, or cytoplasm, as it is frequently called. In the latter case the process is spoken of as karyokinesis or mitosis. This act of division was supposed formerly to be under the control of the nucleus of the cell, but modern histology has shown that in karyokinetic division the process, in many cases at least, is initiated by a special structure to which the name cen- trosome has been given. The many-celled animals arise by successive divi- sions of a primitive cell, the ovum, and in the higher forms of life the ovum requires to be fertilized by union with a spermatozoon before cell-division becomes possible. The sperm-cell acts as a stimulus to the egg-cell (see section on Reproduction) and rapid cell-division is the result of their union. It must be noted also that the term reproduction includes the power of hereditary transmission. ‘The daughter-cells are similar in form to the parent-cell and the organism produced from a fertilized ovum is substantially a facsimile of the parent forms. Living matter, therefore, not only exhibits the power of separating off other units of living matter, but of transmitting to its progeny its own peculiar internal structure and properties. 7 Contractility and conductivity are properties exhibited in one form or another in all animal organisms and we must believe that they are to be counted among the primitive properties of protoplasm. The power of con- tracting or shortening’ is, in fact, one of the commonly recognized features of a living thing. It is generally present in the simplest forms of animal as well as vegetable life, although in the more specialized forms it is found for the most part only in animal organisms. The opinion seems to be general among physiologists that wherever this property is exhibited, whether in the INTRODUCTION. 3 21 formation of the pseudopodia of an amceba or white blood-corpuscle, or in the vibratile movements of ciliary structures, or in the powerful contractions of voluntary muscle, the underlying mechanism by which the shortening is produced is essentially the same throughout. However general the property may be, it cannot be considered as distinctively characteristic of living struc- _ ture. As was mentioned before, Engelmann! has been able to show that a dead catgut string when surrounded by water of a certain temperature and exposed _ to a sudden additional rise of temperature will contract or shorten in a man- ner closely analogous to the contraction of ordinary muscular tissue, and it is not at all impossible that the molecular processes involved in the ahoetaaing of the catgut string and the muscle-fibre may be essentially the same. That conductivity is also a fundamental property of primitive protoplasmic structure seems to be assured by the reactions which the simple motile forms _ of life exhibit when exposed to external stimulation. An irritation applied to one point of a protoplasmic mass may produce a reaction involving other parts, or indeed the whole extent of the organism. The phenomenon is most clearly exhibited in the more specialized animals which possess a distinct nervous system. In these forms a stimulus applied to one organ, as for instance light acting upon the eye, may be followed by a reaction involving quite distant organs, such as the muscles of the extremities ; we know that in these _ cases the irritation has been conducted from one organ to the other by means of the nervous tissues. But here also we have a property which is widely exhibited in inanimate nature. The conduction of heat, electricity, and other forms of energy is familiar to every one. While it is quite possible that con- duction through the substance of living protoplasm is something sui generis, and does not find a strict parallel in dead structures, yet it must be admitted that it is conceivable that the molecular processes involved in nerve conduction - may be essentially the same as prevail in the conduction of heat through a solid body, or in the conduction of a wave of pressure through a liquid mass. At present we know nothing definite as to the exact nature of vital conduction, and can therefore affirm nothing. | | The four great properties enumerated, namely, nutrition or assimilation (including digestion, secretion, absorption, excretion, anabolism, and katabolism), reproduction, conduction, and contractility, form the important features which we may recognize in all living things and which we make use of in distin- guishing between dead and living matter. A fifth property perhaps should be added, that of sensibility or sensation, but concerning this property as a general accompaniment of living structure our knowledge is extremely im- perfect ; something more as to the difficulties connected with this subject will be said presently. The four fundamental properties mentioned are all ex- hibited in some degree in the simplest forms of life, such as the protozoa. In the more highly organized animals, however, we find that specialization of function prevails. Hand in hand with the differentiation in form which is displayed in the structure of the constituent tissues there goes a specialization 1 Ueber den Ursprung der Muskelkraft, Leipzig, 1893. 22 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. in certain properties with a concomitant suppression of other properties, the outcome of which is that muscular tissue exhibits pre-eminently the power of contractility, the nerve tissues are characterized by a highly developed power of conductivity, and so on. While in the simple unicellular forms of animal life the fundamental properties are all somewhat, equally exhibited within the compass of a single unit or cell, in the higher animals we have to deal with a vast community of cells segregated into tissues each of which possesses some distinctive property. This specialization of function is known technically as the physiological division of labor. The beginning of this process may be recognized in the cell itself. The typical cell is already an organism of some complexity as compared with a simple mass of undifferentiated protoplasm. The protoplasm of the nucleus, particularly of that material in the nucleus which is designated as chromatin, is differentiated, both histologically and physiologically, from the protoplasm of the rest of the cell, the so-called cyto- plasm. The chromatin material in the resting cell is arranged usually in a network, but during the act of division (karyokinesis) it is segmented into a number of rods or filaments known as chromosomes. In the ovum there are good reasons for believing that the power of transmitting hereditary charac- teristics has been especially acquired by these chromosomes. ‘The nucleus, moreover, controls in some way the metabolism of the entire cell, for it has been shown, in some cells at least, that a non-nucleated piece of the cytoplasm is not only deprived of the power of reproduction, but has also such limited powers of nutrition that it quickly undergoes disintegration. On the other hand contractility and conductivity, and some of the functions connected with nutrition, such as digestion and excretion, seem often to be specialized in the cytoplasm. As a further example of differentiation in the cell itself the ex- istence of the centrosome may be referred to. The centrosome is a body of very minute size which has been discovered in numerous kinds of cells, It is considered by many observers to be a permanent structure of the cell, lying either in the cytoplasm, or possibly in some cases within the substance of the nucleus. When present it seems to have some special function in connection with the movements of the chromosomes during the act of cell-division. In the many-celled animals the primitive properties of protoplasm become highly developed, in consequence of this subdivision of function among the various tissues, and in many ways the most complex animals are, from a physiological standpoint, the simplest for purposes of study, since the properties of living — matter become separated and emphasized in such an extent that they are better fitted for accurate observation. Weare at liberty to suppose that the various properties so clearly recognizable in the differentiated tissues of higher animals are all actually or potentially contained in the comparatively undifferentiated protoplasm of the simplest uni- cellular forms. That the lines of variation, or in other words the direction of specialization in form and function, are not infinite, but on the contrary comparatively limited, seems evident when we reflect that in spite of the numerous branches of the phylogenetic stem the properties as well as the PES a aL AS ee Yen : - oo, cy INTRODUCTION. 22 forms of the differentiated tissues throughout the animal kingdom are striking] alike. Striated muscle, with the characteristic property of sharp and anil contraction, is everywhere found ; the central nervous system in the inver- tebrates is built upon the same type as in the highest mammals, and the variations met with in different animals are probably but varying degrees of perfection in the development of the innate possibility contained in primitive protoplasm. It is not too much to say, perhaps, that were we acquainted with the structure and chemistry of the ultimate units of living substance, the key to the possibilities of the evolution of form and function would be in our possession. Most interesting suggestions have been made in recent years as to the essential molecular structure of living matter. These views are necessarily _very incomplete and of a highly speculative character, and their correctness or incorrectness is at present beyond the range of experimental proof; never- theless they are sufficiently interesting to warrant a brief statement of some of them, as they seem to show at least the trend of physiological thought. Pfliiger," in a highly interesting paper upon the nature of the vital pro- cesses, calls attention to the great instability of living matter. He supposes that living substance consists of very complex and very unstable molecules of a proteid nature which, because of the active intra-molecular movement pre- sent, are continually dissociating or falling to pieces with the formation of simpler and more stable bodies such as water, carbon dioxide and urea, the act of dissociation giving rise to a liberation of energy. ‘ The intra-molecular heat (movement) of the cell is its life.” He suggests that in this living mole- cule the nitrogen is contained in the form of a cyanogen compound, and that the instability of the molecule depends chiefly upon this particular grouping. Moreover the power of the molecule to assimilate dead proteid and convert it to living proteid like itself he attributes to the existence of the cyanogen group. It is known that cyanogen compounds possess the property of polymerization, that is, of combining with similar molecules to form more complex mole- cules, and we may suppose that the molecules of dead proteid when brought into contact with the living molecules are combined with the latter by a pro- cess analogous to polymerization or condensation. By this means the stable structure of dead proteid is converted to the labile structure of living proteid, and the molecules of the latter increase in size and instability. When living substance dies its molecules undergo alteration and become incapable of ex- hibiting the usual properties of life. Pfliiger suggests that the change may consist essentially in an absorption of water whereby the cyanogen grouping passes over into an ammonia grouping. Loew* assumes also that the dif- ference between dead and living or active proteid lies chiefly in the fact that in the latter we have a very unstable or labile molecule in which the atoms are in active motion. The instability of the molecules he likewise attributes to 1 Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1875, Bd. 10, p. 251. . 2 Tbid., 1880, Bd. 22; Loew and Bokorny: Die chemische Kraftquelle in lebenden Protoplasma, Miinchen, 1882; Imperial Institute of Tokyo (College of Agriculture), 1894. 24 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the existence of certain groupings of the atoms. Influenced in part by the power of living material to reduce alkaline silver solutions, he supposes that the specially important labile group in the molecule is the aldehyde radical —C_ H° The nitrogen exists also in a labile amido- combination, —NH,, and the active or living form of these two groups may be expressed by the + CH NH, formula ‘ —qQ: If this grouping by chemical change became con- eat Sas verted to the grouping _ ooh oi heen it would form a comparatively inert compound such as we have in dead proteid. Starting with formic aldehyde Loew and Bokorny give a schema according to which there might be con- structed a living molecule containing the requisite aldehyde and amido- groups ; thus: 4HCOH + H,N = C,H,NO, + 2H,0. Formic: Ammonia. Aspartic aldehyde. aldehyde. Further possible condensation of the aspartic aldehyde would give 3(C,H,NO, ) pe C,.H,,N,O, + 2H,0, and by still further condensation with the addition of sulphur and some re- duction we would get 6(C,,H,,N,O,) +12H + HS = C,,H,,.N,,SO., + 2H,0, which represents, from their standpoint, the simplest expression of the struc- ture of -a proteid molecule possessing great lability and the power of further polymerization. Latham’ proposes a theory which combines the ideas of Pfliiger and of Loew. He suggests that the living molecule may be composed of a chain of cyan-alcohols united to a benzene nucleus. The cyan-alcohols are obtained by the union of an aldehyde with hydrocyanic acid; they contain, therefore, the labile-aldehyde grouping as well as the cyanogen nucleus to which Pfliiger attributes such importance. It has been assumed by many observers that the properties of living matter, as we recognize them, are not solely an outcome of the inner structure of the hypothetical living molecules. They believe that these latter units are fashioned into larger secondary units each of which is a definite aggregate of chemical molecules and possesses certain properties or reactions that depend upon the mode of arrangement. The idea is similar to that advanced by mineralogists to explain the structure of crystals. They suppose that the — chemical molecules are arranged in larger or smaller groups to which the name “ physical molecules” has been given. So in living protoplasm it may be that the smallest particles capable of exhibiting the essential properties of life are groups of ultimate molecules, in the chemical sense, having a definite arrangement and definite physical properties. These secondary units 1 British Medical Journal, 1886, p. 629. INTRODUCTION. . 25 of peer were been designated by various names such as “ physiological molecules, somacules, 2 micelle,’ ete, Many facts, especially from the side of plant physiology, teach us that the physical constitution of protoplasm is probably of great Importance in understanding its reaction to its environ- ment. Microscopic analysis is insufficient to reveal the existence or character of these “ physiological molecules,” but it has abundantly shown that proto- plasm has always a certain physical construction and is not merely a struc- tureless fluid or semi-fluid mass. Most interesting in this connection are the recent views of Bitschli,* who believes that protoplasm is an aggregation of fluid vesicles filled with fluid, resembling somewhat the structure of a foam or the oily vesicles of an emulsion. He has in fact constructed an artificial foam of oil and potassium carbonate which not only gives many of the micro- scopic characters of protoplasm, but simulates the movements and currents observed in lower forms of life. What has been said above may serve at least to indicate the prevalent physiological belief that the phenomena shown by living matter are in the main the result of the action of the known forms of energy upon a substance of a complex and unstable structure which possesses, moreover, a physical organization responsible for some of the peculiarities exhibited. In other words, the phenomena of life are referred to the physical and chemical struc- ture of protoplasm and may be explained under the general physical and chemical laws which control the processes of inanimate nature. Just as in the case of dead organic or inorganic substances we attempt to explain the differences in properties between two substances by reference to the difference in chemical and physical structure between the two, so with regard to living matter the peculiar differences in properties which separate them from dead matter, or for that matter the differences which distinguish one form of living matter from another, must eventually depend upon the nature of the under- lying physical and chemical structure. In the early part of this century many prominent physiologists were still so overwhelmed with the mysteriousness of life that they took refuge in the hypothesis of a vital force or principle of life. By this term was meant a something of an unknown nature which controlled all the phenomena ex- hibited by living things. Even ordinary chemical compounds of a so-called organic nature were supposed to be formed under the influence of this force, and it was thought could not be produced otherwise. The error of this latter view has been demonstrated conclusively within recent years: many of the substances formed by the processes of plant and animal life are now easily produced within the laboratory by comparatively simple synthetic methods. By the distinguished labors of Emil Fischer® even the structure of carbohy- 1 Meltzer: “Ueber die fundamentale Bedeutung der Erschiitterung fiir die lebende Ma- terie,” Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, Bd. xxx., 1894. : 3 2 Foster : Physiology (Introduction). 3 Nigeli: Theorie der Gahrung, Miinchen, 1879. * Investigations on Microscopic Foams and on Protoplasm, London, 1894; abstracted in Science, N.S., vol. ii. No. 52, 1895. 5 Die Chemie der Kohlenhydrate, Berlin, 1894. 26 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. drate bodies has been determined, and bodies belonging to this group have been synthetically constructed in the laboratory. Moreover, the work of Schiitzenberger and of Grimaux gives promise that before long, proteid bodies may be produced by similar methods. Physiologists have shown, furthermore, that the digestion which takes place in the stomach or intestine may be effected also in test-tubes, and at the present day probably no one doubts that in the act of digestion we have to deal only with a series of chemical reactions which in time will be understood as clearly as it is possible to comprehend any form of chemical activity. Indeed, the whole history of food in the body follows strictly the great mechanical laws of the conservation of matter and of energy which prevail outside the body. No one disputes the proposition that the material of growth and of excretion comes entirely from the food. It has been demonstrated with scientific exactness that the measurable energy given off from the body is all contained potentially within the food that is eaten," and may be liberated outside the body by ordinary combustion. Living things, so far as can be determined, can only transform matter and energy ; they cannot create or destroy them, and in this respect they are like inanimate objects. But, in spite of the triumphs which have followed the use of the experimental method in physiology, every one recognizes that our knowledge is as yet very incomplete. Many important manifestations of life cannot be explained by reference to any of the known facts or laws of physics and chemistry, and in some cases these phenomena are seemingly removed from the field of experimental investigations. As long as there is this residuum of mystery connected with any of the processes of life, it is but natural that there should be two points of view. Most physiologists believe that as our knowledge and skill increase these mysteries will be explained, or rather will be referred to the same great final mysteries of the action of matter and energy under definite laws, under which we now classify the phenomena of lifeless matter. Others, however, find the difficulties too great,—they perceive that the laws of physics and chemistry are not completely adequate at present to explain all the phenomena of life, and assume that they never will be. They suppose that there is something in activity in living matter which is not present in dead matter, and which for want of a better term may be desig- nated as vital force or vita] energy. However this may be, it seems evident that a doctrine of this kind stifles inquiry. Nothing is more certain than the fact that the great advances made in physiology during the last four decades are mainly owing to the abandonment of this idea of an unknown vital force and the determination on the part’ of experimenters to push mechanical explanations to their farthest limit. There is no reason to-day to suppose that we have exhausted the results to be obtained by the application of the methods of physics and chemistry to the study of living things, and as a matter of fact the great bulk of physiological research is proceeding along these lines. It is interesting, however, to stop for a moment to examine briefly some of the problems which as yet have escaped satisfactory solution by these methods. 1 Rubner: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, Bd. xxx. 8. 73, 1894. INTRODUCTION. er The phenomena of secretion and absorption form important parts of the digestive processes in higher animals, and without doubt are exhibited in a minor degree in the unicellular types. In the higher animals the secretions may be collected and analyzed and their composition be compared with that of the lymph or blood from which they are derived. It has been found that secretions may contain entirely new substances not found at all in the blood, as for example the mucin of saliva or the ferments and HCl of gastric juice ; or, on the other hand, that they may contain substances which, although pres- ent in the blood, are found in much greater percentage amounts in the secre- tion—as, for instance, is the case with the urea eliminated in the urine. In the latter case we have an instance of the peculiar, almost purposeful, elective action of gland-cells of which many other examples might be given. With regard to the new material present in the secretions, it finds a sufficient general explanation in the theory that it arises from a metabolism of the protoplasmic material of the gland-cell. It offers, therefore, a purely chemical problem which may and probably will be worked out satisfactorily for each secretion, The selective power of gland-cells for particular constituents of the blood is a more difficult question. We find no exact parallel for this kind of action in chemical literature, but there can be no reasonable doubt that the phe- nomenon is essentially a chemical or physical reaction dependent upon an af- finity of the secreted substance for some material within the gland-cell. We -may indulge the hope that the details of the reaction will be discovered by more complete chemical and microscopical study of the structure of these cells. If in the meantime the act of selection is spoken of as a vital phenomenon it is not meant thereby that it is referred to the action of an unknown vital force, but only that it is a kind of action dependent upon the living structure of the cell-substance. _ The act of absorption of digested products from the alimentary canal was for a time supposed to be explained completely by the laws of imbibition and diffusion. The epithelial lining and its basement membrane form a septum - dividing the blood and lymph on the one side from the contents of the ali- mentary canal on the other. Inasmuch as the two liquids in question are of unequal composition with regard to certain constituents, a diffusion stream should: be set up whereby the peptones, sugar, salts, etc. would pass from the liquid in the alimentary canal, where they exist in greater concentration, into the blood, where the concentration is less. Careful work of recent years has shown that the laws of diffusion are not adequate to explain fully the ab- sorption that actually occurs ; a more detailed account of the difficulties met with may be found in the section on Digestion and Nutrition. It has become customary to speak of absorption as caused in part by the physical laws of diffusion, and in part by the vital activity of the epithelial cells. It will he noticed that the vital property in this case is again a selective affinity for certain constituents similar to that which has been referred to in the act of secretion. The mere fact that the old mechanical theory has proved to be in- sufficient is in itself no reason for abandoning all hope of a satisfactory ex- 28 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. planation. Most physiologists unquestionably believe that further experi- mental work will bring this phenomenon out of its obscurity and show that it is explicable in terms of known physical and chemical forces acting through the peculiar substance of the absorptive cell. The facts of heredity and consciousness offer difficulties of a much graver character. ‘The function of reproduction is two-sided. In the first place there is an active multiplication of cells, beginning with the segmentation of the ovum into two blastomeres and continuing in the larger animals to the formation of an innumerable multitude of cellular units. In the second place there is present in the ovum a form-building power of such a character that the great complex of cells arising from it form not a heterogeneous mass, but a definite organism of the same structure, organ for organ and tissue for tissue, as the parent form. The ovum of a starfish develops into a starfish, the ovum of a dog into a dog, and the ovum of man into a human being. Herein lies the great problem of heredity. The mere multiplication of cells by direct or indirect division is not beyond the range of a conceivable me- chanical explanation. Given the properties of assimilation and contractility it is possible that the act of cell-division may be traced to purely physical and chemical causes, and already cytological work is opening the way to credible hypotheses of this character. But the phenomena of heredity, on the other hand, are too complex and mysterious to justify any immediate expectation that they ean be explained in terms of the known properties of matter. The crude theories of earlier times have not stood the test of investigation by modern methods, the microscopic anatomy of both ovum and sperm showing that they are to all appearances simple cells which exhibit no visible signs of the wonderful potentialities contained within them. Histological and experi- mental investigation has, however, cleared away some of the difficulties for- merly surrounding the subject, for it has shown with a high degree of prob- ability that the power of hereditary transmission resides in a particular sub- stance in the nucleus, namely in the so-called chromatin material which forms the chromosomes. The fascinating observations which have led to this con- clusion promise to open up a new field of experimentation and speculation. It seems to be possible to study heredity by accepted scientifie methods, and we may therefore hope that in time more light will be thrown upon the conditions of its existence and possibly upon the nature of its activity. In the facts of consciousness, lastly, we are confronted with a problem seemingly more difficult than heredity. In ourselves we recognize different states of consciousness following upon the physiological activity of certain parts of the central nervous system. We know, or think we know, that these so-called psychical states are correlated with changes in the protoplasmic material of the cortical cells of the cerebral hemispheres. When these cells are stimulated, psychical states result; when they are injured or removed, psychical activity is depressed or destroyed altogether according to the extent of the injury. From the physiological standpoint it would seem to be as justifiable to assert that consciousness isa property of the cortical nerve-cells INTRODUCTION. . 29 as it is to define contractility as a property of muscle-tissue. But the short- ng of mu ie phyial phenomenon dnt canbe serve witht ‘ y explained in terms of the known prop- erties of matter. Psychical states are, however, removed from such methods of study ; they are subjective, and cannot be measured or weighed or otherwise esti- _ mated with sufficient accuracy and completeness in terms of our units of energy or matter. There must be a causative connection between the objective changes in the brain-cells and the corresponding states of consciousness, but the nature of this connection remains hidden from us ; and so hopeless does the problem seem that some of our profoundest thinkers have not hesitated to assert that it can never be solved. Whether or not consciousness is possessed by all animals it is impossible to say. In ourselves we know that it exists, and we have convincing evidence, from their actions, that it is possessed by many of the higher animals. we descend in the scale of animal forms the evidence becomes less impressive. It is true that even the simplest forms of animal life exhibit reactions of an apparently purposeful character which some have explained upon the simple assumption that these animals are endowed with consciousness or a psychical power of some sort. All such reactions, however, may be explained, as in the case of reflex actions from the spinal cord, upon purely mechanical principles, as the necessary response of a definite physical or chemical mechanism to a definite stimulus. To assume that in all cases of this kind conscious processes are involved amounts to making psychical activity one of the universal and primitive properties of protoplasm whether animal or vegetable, and indeed by the same kind of reasoning there would seem to be no logical objection to extending the property to all matter whether living or dead. All such views are of course purely speculative. As a matter of fact we have no means of proving or disproving, in a scientific sense, the exist- ence of consciousness in lower forms of life. To quote an appropriate remark of Huxley’s made in discussing this same point with reference to the crayfish, “ Nothing short of being a crayfish would give us positive assurance that such an animal possesses consciousness.” The study of psychical states in our- selves, for reasons which have been suggested above, does not usually form a part of the science of physiology. The matter has been referred to here simply because consciousness is a fact which our science cannot as yet explain. So far, some of the broad principles of physiology have been considered— principles which are applicable with more or less modification to all forms of animal life and which make the basis of what is known as general physiology. It must be borne in mind, however, that each particular organism possesses a special physiology of its own, which consists in part in a study of the properties exhibited by the particular kinds or variations of protoplasm in each individual, and in large part also in a study of the various mechan- isms existing in each animal. In the higher animals, particularly, the com- binations of various tissues and organs into complex mechanisms such as those of respiration, circulation, digestion, or vision, differ more or less in each group and to a minor extent in each individual of any one species. It 30 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. follows, therefore, that each animal has a special physiology of its own, and in this sense we may speak of a special human physiology. It need scarcely be said that the special physiology of man is very imperfectly known. Books like the present one, which profess to treat of human physiology, con- tain in reality a large amount of general and special physiology which has been derived from the study of lower animal forms upon which exact experi- mentation is possible. Most of our fundamental knowledge of the physiology of the heart and of muscles and nerves has been derived from experiments upon frogs and similar animals, and much of our information concerning the mechanisms of circulation, digestion, etc. has been obtained from a study of other mammalian forms. We transfer this knowledge to the human being, and in general without serious error, since the connection between man and related mammalia is as close on the physiological as it is on the morphological side, and the fundamental or general physiology of the tissues seems to be every- where the same. Gradually, however, the material for a genuine special human physiology is being acqnired. In many directions special investigation upon man is possible ; for instance, in the study of the localization of function in the cerebral cortex, or the details of body metabolism as obtained by exam- ination of the excreta, or the peculiarities of vaso-motor regulation as revealed by the use of plethysmographic methods, or the physiological optics of the human eye. This special information, as rapidly as it is obtained, is incorpo- rated into the text-books of human physiology, but the fact remains that the greater part of our so-called human physiology is founded upon experiments upon the lower aninals. Physiology as a science is confessedly very imperfect; it cannot compare in exactness with the sciences of physics and chemistry. This condition of affairs need excite no surprise when we remember the very wide field physiology attempts to cover, a field co-ordinate in extent with the physics as well as the chemistry of dead matter, and the enormous complexity and instability of the form of matter which it seeks to investigate. The progress of physiology is therefore comparatively slow. The present era seems to be one mainly of accumulation of reliable data derived from laborious experiments and observa- tions. The synthesis of these facts into great laws or generalizations is a task for the future. Corresponding with the diversity of the problems to be solved we find that the methods employed in physiological research are mani- fold in character. Inasmueh as animal organisms are composed either of single cells or aggregates of cells, it follows that every anatomical detail with regard to the organization of the cell itself or the connection between dif- ferent cells, and every advance in our knowledge of the arrangement of the tissues and organs which form the more complicated mechanisms, is of imme- diate value to physiology. The microscopic anatomy of the cell (a branch of histology which is frequently designated by the specific name of cytology), general histology, and gross anatomical dissection are therefore frequently employed in physiological investigations, and form what may be called the observational side of the science. On the other hand we have the experimental INTRODUCTION. 31 methods, which seek to discover the properties and functional relationships of the tissues and organs by the use of direct experiments. These experiments may be of a surgical character, involving the extirpation or destruction or alteration of known parts by operations upon the living animal, or they may consist in the application of the accepted methods of physics and _ chemistry to the living organism. The physical methods include the study of ! the physical properties of living matter and the interpretation of its activity in terms of known physical laws, and also the use of various kinds of physical apparatus such as manometers, galvanometers, etc. for recording with accuracy the phenomena exhibited by living tissues. The chemical methods imply the | application of the synthetic and analytic operations of chemistry to the study of . the composition and structure of living matter and the products of its activity. The study of the subjective phenomena of conscious life—in fact, the whole question of the psychic aspects or properties of living matter—for reasons which have been mentioned is not usually included in the science of physiol- ogy, although strictly speaking it forms an integral part of the subject. This province of physiology has, however, been organized into a separate science, _ psychology, although the boundary line between psychology as it exists at present and the scientific physiology of the nervous system cannot always be sharply drawn. . It follows clearly enough from what has been said of the methods used in animal physiology that even an elementary acquaintance with the subject as a science requires some knowledge of general histology and anatomy, human as well as comparative, of physics, and of chemistry. When this preliminary training is lacking, physiology cannot be taught as a science; it becomes simply a heterogeneous mass of facts, and fails to accomplish its function as a preparation for the scientific study of medicine. The mere facts of physiology are valuable, indeed indispensable, as a basis for the study of the succeeding branches of the medical curriculum, but in addition the subject, properly taught, should impart a scientific discipline and an acquaintance with the possible methods of experimental medicine ; for among the:so-called scientific branches of medicine physiology is the most developed and the most exact, and serves as a type, so far as methods are concerned, to which the others must conform. Il. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | | A. INTRODUCTION. Ir is seldom that the physical and chemical structure of a tissue, as revealed by the microscope and the most careful analysis, gives even a suggestion as to its function. No one would conclude from looking at a piece of beef, or even microscopically examining a muscle, that it had once been capable of motion, nor would the most exact statement of its chemical constitution give indication of such a form of activity. The most thorough histological and chemical examination of the bundle of fibres which compose a nerve would fail to sug- gest that a blow upon one end of it would cause to be transmitted to the other end an invisible change capable of exciting to action the cell with which the nerve communicated. To understand such a structure we must first learn the forms of activity of which the tissue is capable, the influences which excite it to action, and the conditions essential to its activity, and then seek an expla- nation of these facts in its physical and chemical structure. Contractility.—One of the most striking properties of living matter is its power to move and to change its form. At times the movements occur apparently spontaneously, the exciting cause seeming to originate within the living substance, but more often the motions are developed in response to some external influence. This power finds its best expression in muscle-substance. In its resting form a muscle, such as the biceps, is elongated, and when it is excited to action it assumes a more spherical shape, 7. e. shortens and thickens, whence it is said to have the property of contractility. It is the shortening, the contraction, of the muscle which enables it to perform its function of moving the parts to which it is attached, as the bones of the arm or leg, and of altering the size of the structures of which it forms a part, as the walls of the heart, intestine, or bladder. Ordinary muscle-substance is arranged in fine threads, each one of which is enveloped in a delicate membrane, the sarcolemma ; these muscle-fibres can be compared to long sausages of micro- scopic proportions. A muscle is composed of a vast number of fibres. arranged side by side in bundles, the whole being firmly bound together by connective tissue. Since isolated muscle-fibres have been seen under the microscope to contract, each fibre can be looked upon as containing true muscle- substance and being endowed with contractility. The movements of muscles are the resultant of the combined activity of the many microscopic fibres of which the muscles are composed. The rate, extent, strength, and duration of muscular contractions are adapted 32 TPE avery a ee ee ee _ .— Se ar ae & — ee ey, ee coy Ss > —_~ nina tage oa ~ ah ¥ GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE, 33 to the needs of the parts to be influenced, and it is found that the struct f the muscles differs according to the work which they have to perform "Tht we find two large classes of muscles : the one, like the muscles which eat he bones, remarkable for the rapidity with which they change their form, b ; unsuited to long-continued action; the other, occurring in the walls of z intestine, blood-vessels, bladder, etc., sluggish of movement, but possessing great endurance. The first of these, when examined with the microscope, is seen to be composed of bundles of fibres, which are transversely marked b alter- nating dark and light bands, and hence are called striated or striped ees é the other, though composed of fibres, shows no such cross markings iad therefore is known as smooth or non-striated muscle. Striated sei are Fic. 1.—Ameeba proteus, magnified 200 times: a, endosarc; }, simple pseudopodium ; ¢, ectosarc; d, first stage in the growth of a pseudopodium; é, pseudopodium a little older than d; f, branched pseudo- podium ; g, food-vacuole ; h, food-ball; ¢, endoplast; k, contractile vesicle (after Brooks: Handbook of Invertebrate Zoology). often called voluntary, because most of them can be. excited to action by the will, whereas non-striated muscles are termed involuntary, because in most cases they cannot be so controlled. Within these two large classes of muscles we find special forms presenting. other, though lesser, differences in function and structure. The muscle of the heart, though striated, differs so much from other forms of striped muscle as almost to belong in a special class. 3 34 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Since contractility is possessed by all forms of muscle-tissue, it is evident that it is independent of superficial structural differences. Nor is muscle the only substance possessing this property. Even isolated microscopic particles of liv- ing matter are capable of making movements, both spontaneously and when excited by external influences. As far back as 1755, Rosel von Rosenhof described the apparently spontaneous changes in form of a living organism composed of a single cell, a fresh-water amoeba. Moreover, he noted that, if quiet, it could be excited to action by mechanical shocks. The ameba (Fig. 1) is a little animal, of microscopic size, which is found in the ooze at the bottom of pools, or in the slime which clings to some of our fresh-water plants. Under the microscope it is seen to be composed of jelly- like, almost transparent matter, in which are a vast number of fine granules, a delicate tracery of finest fibrils, a small round body, called the nucleus or endoplast, a round hollow space termed the contractile vesicle, which is seen to change in size, appearing or disappearing from time to time, and small parti- cles, which are bits of food or foreign bodies. In the resting state the body has a somewhat flattened, irregular form, which, if the slide on which it rests be kept warm, is found to alter from minute to minute. Little tongue-like projec- tions, pseudopods (false feet), are protruded from the surface like feelers, and are then withdrawn, while others appear in new places. Evidently the little creature, though composed of a single cell, is endowed with life and has the | power of making movements. Moreover, it may be seen to change its place, the method of locomotion being a peculiar hee one. One of the processes, or pseudopods, may be extended a considerable distance, and then, instead of being withdrawn, grow in size, while the body of the animal becomes corre- spondingly smaller ; thus a transfer of material takes place, and this continues until the whole of the material of the cell has flowed over to the new place. This power of movement per- mits the animal to eat. If when moving over the slide it encounters suitable food material, a diatom for instance, it flows round it, engulf- ing it in its semifluid mass; and in a similar manner the animal gets rid of the useless sub- ‘ stances which it may have surrounded, by flow- . ing away from them. These movements may Ié@. 2.—Vorticella nebulifera, « 600: a, cilia of ciliated disk; b, ciliated disk; Tesult from changes which have occurred within & beristome ; 4, vestibule; ¢, cesophagus; its own substance,and apparently independently f, contractile vesicle; g, food- -vacuoles ; h, endoplast ; i, endosare; k, ectosare; 7, Of any external influence. On the other hand, cuticle; m, axis of stem (after Brooks: MR peti acer if its body be disturbed by being touched, by an unusual temperature, by certain etidnsieala, or by an electric shock, it replies by drawing in all of its pseudopods and assuming a contracted, ball form. zm 4 , t : E : GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 35 The movements of the leucocytes of the blood resemble j those of the ameeba.! ee ene The property of contractility is possessed by a vast variety of unicellular structures in lower forms of animal life. Another example is the Vorticella (Fig. 2). The vorticella, like the ameeba, is a little animal which, although consisting respects _ of asingle cell, possesses within its microscopic form all the physiological prop- erties essential to life and the perpetuation of its species. It consists of a bell with ciliated margin, borne upon a contractile stalk. If touched with ‘ hair, or jarred, the cell rapidly contracts ; the edge of the bell is drawn in so as to make the body nearly spherical, and the stalk is thrown into a spiral and drags the body back toward the point of attachment. The contraction is rapid ; the relaxation, which comes when the irritation ceases, is gradual. An interesting account of the movements of Vorticella gracilis is given by Hodge and Aikins* under the title of “The Daily Life of a Protozoan.” Other examples of contractile power possessed by apparently simple organ- isms are to be found in the tentacles of Actiniz, the surface sarcode of sponges, the chromatoblasts of Pleuronectide,> which are controlled by nerves and under the influence of light and darkness change their size and so alter the color of the skin, and the vast variety of ciliated forms, including spermatozoa, and some of the cells of mucous membranes.‘ Irritability. We have thus far referred to but one of the vital properties of protoplasm, viz. contractility. Another property intimately associated with it is irritability. Irritability is the property of living protoplasm which causes it to undergo characteristic chemical and physical changes when subjected to certain external influences called irritants. Muscle protoplasm is very iri- table, and is easily excited to contraction by such irritants as electric shocks, mechanical blows, etc. The muscles which move the bones rarely, if ever, in a normal condition, exhibit spontaneous alterations in form, and cannot be said to possess automatic power. By automatism is meant that property of cell- protoplasm which enables it to become active as a result of changes which originate within itself, and independently of any external irritant. Examples of this power may perhaps be found in the movements of ciliated organisms and the infusoria. Possibly the rhythmic movements of heart muscle are of this nature. Still another property of protoplasm, closely allied to contractility and irritability, and possessed by muscle-substance, is conductivity. . Conductivity is the property which enables a substance, when excited in one part, to transmit the condition of activity throughout the irritable mate- rial. For example, an external influence capable of exciting an irritable muscle-fibre to contraction, although it may directly affect only a small part of — 1 An excellent description of these movements, accompanied by illustrations, is given in Quain’s Anatomy, vol. i., pt. 2, pp. 174-179. 2 Hodge and Aikins: American Journal of Psychology, 1895, vol. vi., No. 4, p. 524. 8 Krukenberg: Vergleichend-physiologische Vortrdge, 1886, Ba. i. p. 274. 4 A careful study of the different forms of movement exhibited by simple organisms has been made by Engelmann: Hermann’s Handbuch der Physiologie, 1879, Bd. i., Th. 1, p. 344. 36 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the fibre, may indirectly influence the whole, because the condition of activity which it excites at the point of application is transmitted by the muscle-sub- stance throughout the extent of the fibre. Irritability and conductivity are not confined to contractile mechan- ism. They are possessed to a still higher degree by nervous tissues, which are not found to have the power of movement. The nervous system is composed of nerve-cells and nerve-fibres. The nerve-cells are located chiefly within the brain and spinal cord, a smaller number being found in the spinal ganglia and at special points along the course of certain nerve-fibres. The active part of the nerve-fibre is the axis-cylinder, which is an outgrowth from a nerve-cell, and which outside of the central nervous system acquires a delicate membran- ous sheath, the neurilemma, which invests it as the sarcolemma does the muscle- fibre. There are two classes of nerve-fibres, medullated and non-medullated, which are distinguished by the fact that the former has between the axis- cylinder and the neurilemma another covering composed of fatty material, called the medullary sheath, while in the latter this is absent. Just as it is the special function of the muscle-fibre to change its form when it is excited, so it is the special function of the nerve-fibre to transmit the condition of activity excited at one end throughout its length, and to awaken to action the cell with which it communicates. Nerve-fibres are the paths of communication between nerve-cells in the central nervous sys- tem, between sense-organs at the surface of the body and the nerve-cells, and between the nerve-cells and the muscle- and gland-cells. Nerve- fibres are distinguished as afferent and efferent, or centripetal and centrifugal, according as they carry impulses from the surface of the body inward or from the central nervous system outward. Further, they receive names according: to the character of the activity which they excite: those which excite muscle- fibres to contract are called motor nerves; those distributed to the muscles in the walls of blood-vessels, vaso-motor ; those which stimulate gland-cells to action, secretory ; those which influence certain nerve-cells in the brain and so cause sensations, sensory. Still other names are given, as “trophic” to fibres which are supposed to have a nutritive function, and “ inhibitory ” to those which check the activities of various organs. The method of conduction is the same in all these cases, the result depending wholly on the organ stimulated. Nerve-fibres do not run for any distance separately, but always in company with others, Thus large nerve-trunks may be formed, as in the case of the nerves to the limbs, in which afferent and efferent fibres run side by side, the | _ whole being bound together into a compact bundle by connective tissue. The separate fibres, though thus grouped together, are anatomically and physiologi- cally as distinct as the wires of an ocean cable; that these many strands are bound together is of anatomical interest, but has little physiological significance. The active substance of the nerve-fibre dues not show contractility, but this does not prevent it from being classed with other irritable forms of living cell- substance as protoplasm. In spite of differences in structure and composition, nerve protoplasm and muscle protoplasm are found to have many points of GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 37 resemblance. An explanation of the physiological resemblances may be found in their common ancestry. All the cells of the many structures of the animal body are descended from the two parent cells from which the animal is developed, The fertilized ovum divides, and two cells are formed, these new cells divide, and So the process continues, the developing cells through unknown causes be- coming arranged to form more or less definite layers and groups, which by means of foldings and unequal growths develop into the various structures and organs of the fetus. ‘At the same time that the division is going on, the total amount of material is increasing. Each of the cells absorbs and assimilates dead food- material, and this dead material is built into living substance. During this process of development and growth the cells of special tissues and organs acquire special anatomical and chemical characters. This development of specialized cells is termed cell-differentiation. Hand in hand with the ana- tomical and chemical differentiation goes a physiological differentiation. The protoplasm of each type of cell, while retaining the general characteristics of protoplasm, has certain physiological properties developed to a marked degree and other properties but little developed, or altogether lacking. The fertilized ovum does not have all the anatomical and chemical characteristics of all the cells which are descended from it, not at least in just the form in which they are possessed by these cells, and it cannot be assumed that its living sub- stance possesses all the physiological properties which are owned by its descendants. Many of these properties it must have, for many of them are essential to the continuance of life of all active cells,—such as the power to take in, alter, and utilize materials which are suitable for the building up and repair of the cell-substance, the power of chemically changing materials possessing potential energy so that the form of actual energy which is essential to the per- formance of the work of the cell shall be liberated, and the power to give off the waste materials which result from chemical changes. The protoplasm of the ovum, to have these powers, has properties closely allied to absorption, digestion, assimilation, respiration, excretion ; and, in consideration of the special function of the ovum, we may add that it possesses the property of reproduc- tion. The question of its possessing the characteristic properties of muscle and nerve protoplasm cannot be answered off-hand. Careful study, however, has shown the ovum of Hydra to possess irritability, conductivity, and contractility. It undergoes amceboid movements, as was first shown by Kleinenberg. Balfour,! in writing of the development of the ova of Tubularide, which is of a type similar to Hydra, says: “The mode of nutrition of the ovum may be very instructively studied in this type. The process is one of actual feed- ing, much as an ameeba might feed on other organisms.” Something similar seems to be true of the ova of echinodermata. During impregnation various movements are described implying the properties of irritability, conductivity, and contractility. Thus in the case of Asterias glacialis, when the head of the spermatozoon comes in contact with the mucilaginous covering of the ovum, “a prominence pointing toward the nearest spermatozoon now rises from the super- 1 Comparative Embryology, pp- 17, 29. 38 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ficial layer of protoplasm of the egg and grows until it comes in contact with the nearest spermatozoon.” “At the moment of contact between the sperma- tozoon and the egg, the outermost layer of protoplasm of the latter raises itself up as a distinct membrane, whieh separates from the egg and prevents the entrance of other spermatozoa.” Some of the eggs of arthropods and other forms have likewise been observed to undergo amoeboid movements as a result of the physiological stimulus given by the spermatozoon.’ Although irritability and contractility of the ovum have thus far been made out in but few forms, it is probable that they play an important part in all during fertilization and division. It would seem, then, that the ovum has all the principal properties which we ascribe to cell-protoplasm, and that these properties are inherited more or less completely developed by the many forms of. cells descended from it. The protoplasm of specialized cells, in spite of their differences in structure, still retains its protoplasmic nature. Undoubtedly structural peculiarities are intimately related to specialized functions,—the striped muscle, for example, is especially adapted for rapid movements, and the nerve-fibre is remarkable for its power of conduction. Physiological methods for the examination of individual cells are as yet in their infancy, and we must, for the most part, be content to study the func- tional activity of cells by observing the combined action of many cells of the same kind. B. Irrirapmity oF Musctz=E AND NERVE. Irritability is the property of living protoplasm which causes it to undergo characteristic physical and chemical changes when it is subjected to certain influences, called irritants, or stimuli. By an irritant is meant an external influ- ence which, when applied to living protoplasm, as of a nerve or muscle, excites it to action. Irritants may be roughly classed as mechanical, chemical, thermal, and electrical. The normal physiological stimulus is developed within some of the nervous mechanisms of the body as the result of the activity of the nerve-protoplasm, this having been excited as a rule by some form of irritant. The degree of irritability of a given form of protoplasm is measured by the amount of activity which it displays in response to a definite irritant, or by the minimal amount of irritation required to excite it to action. If the irritant be applied directly to a muscle, the height to which the muscle contracts and raises a given weight may be taken as an indication of its activity. As the nerve gives no visible evidence of activity, the effect of the irritant upon it is usually estimated by the extent to which the organ stimulated by the nerve reacts; in the case of motor nerves, the strength of the contraction of the corresponding muscle is taken as an index. To determine the exact relation of an irritant to its irritating effect we should be able to accurately measure them. This we cannot do. We are unable to state in irritation-units the relative value of different kinds of irritants. Even * Korschelt : Zoologischer Jahrbuch, 1891, Anat. Abtheil., Bd. iv., Heft 1, p. 1. Hertwig: Morphologische Jahrbuch, 1876, Bd. 1. Herbst: Biologische Centralblatt, 1891, xiii. p. 22. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 39 if we could accurately estimate the amount of energy which each form of irri- tani can expend in iritation, we should have only one of the many factors which determine its efficiency. It is equally difficult to compare the irritating effect of irritants upon different forms of protoplasm; e. y. we cannot state what degree of activity of a nerve-fibre corresponds to a certain amount of activity in a muscle-fibre. In spite of the lack of exact quantitative measure- ments, we have gained a clear idea of the way different forms of irritants act when applied to nerves and muscles in certain ways, and have learned to control the methods of excitation sufficiently to permit the influences which alter the irritability of nerves and muscles to show themselves. The effect of irritants can best be studied upon the nerves and muscles of cold-blooded ani- mals, because these retain their vitality and irritability for a considerable time after they have been separated from the rest of the body. It is a common observation of country folk that the body of a snake remains alive for a long time after the head has been crushed, while the body of a chicken loses all signs of life in a comparatively short time after it has been decapitated. More care- ful examination would show that in neither case do all parts of the body die simultaneously. Each of the myriad cells has a life of its own, which it loses sooner or later according to its nature and to the alterations to which it is subjected by the fatal change. The cells of cold-blooded animals, as the snake and frog, are much more resistant than those of warm-blooded animals, because the vital processes within the cells are less active, and the chemical changes which precede and lead to the death of the part occur more slowly. For instance, the nerves and muscles of a frog remain irritable for many hours, or even days, after the animal has been killed and they have been removed from the body. This fact is of the greatest use to the student. It enables him to study the nerve or muscle by itself, and under such artificial conditions as he cares toemploy. Experience shows that the facts learned from the study of the isolated nerve and muscle hold good, with but slight modification, for the nerves and muscles when in the normal body. Moreover, it has been found that the nerves and muscles of warm-blooded animals, and even man, resemble physiologically as well as anatomically those of the frog. The correspondence is by no means complete, but it is so great as to make the facts discovered by a study of the nerves and muscles of the frog of the utmost importance to us. We are driven to such sources of information because of the great difficulty of keeping the muscles of warm-blooded animals alive and in a normal condition after removal from the circulation. Irritability of Nerves.—The following preparation suffices to illustrate the more striking effects of irritants upon a nerve. A frog is rapidly killed, and then the sciatic nerve is cut high up in the thigh and dissected out from its groove, the branches going to the thigh-muscles being divided. The leg - then cut through just above the knee. This gives a preparation consisting 0 inj he carefully prepared nerve supplying the uninjured lower lee and foot, and the y prep pera the muscles of these parts. The leg may be placed foot upward, an : =. 2 in this position by a clamp which grasps the bones at the knee, the clamp 40 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. being supported by an upright (see Fig. 3). This preparation can then be subjected to a variety of tests. 3 Mechanical Irritation.—If the nerve be cut, pinched, suddenly stretched, or subjected to a blow, the muscles of the leg will contract and the foot will be quickly moved. Chemical Irritation —If acid, alkalies, vari- ous salts, glycerin, or some other chemical sub- stances be placed upon the nerve, the muscles of the leg begin to twitch irregularly, and as the chemical enters more and more deeply into the nerve the movements will become more and more marked, until finally all the muscles are actively contracted and the foot is held straight up. | Fic. 8—Experiment for determining Thermal Irritation—If a hot iron, or the ee ae flame of a match, be applied to the nerve, a condition of activity will be developed in the rapidly heated nerve-fibres, and be responded to by more or less vigorous muscular contractions. Electrical Irritation.—If the wires connected with the two poles of a galvanic cell, static machine, or induction apparatus be brought in contact with the nerve, the muscles will twitch each time there is a sudden change in potential. | More exact statements with reference to these different forms of irritation will be given later. By all these methods the nerve was excited by irritants applied to it from without, and the muscle was excited to action by the physio- logical stimulus coming to it from the excited nerve. The irritant produced no visible change in the nerve, but the movement of the muscles was an evi- dence that the nerve had undergone a change at the point of stimulation, and that the active state thus induced -had been transmitted through the length of the nerve, and had been sufficiently marked to stimulate the muscle to contrac- tion. This condition of activity which was transmitted along the nerve is called the nerve-impulse. Independent Irritability of Muscle.—In the above instances the irritants were applied to the nerve, and the muscle was indirectly stimulated. Muscle protoplasm, like nerve protoplasm, may be directly excited to action by various forms of irritants. A nerve after entering a muscle branches freely, and the nerve-fibres are distributed quite generally through the muscle. An irritant, if directly applied to muscle, would probably excite the nerve-fibres present as well as the muscle-fibres, and to obtain proof of independent irritability of muscle-substance it would be necessary to prevent the nerves from stimulating the muscle. This can be done by paralyzing the nerve-endings with curare. Curare, the South American arrow-poison, is used by the Indians in hunt- ing. The bird shot by these poisoned arrows gradually becomes paralyzed, and, losing power to move its muscles, is easily captured. The following experiment reveals the method of the action of this drug, and at the same GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. a time shows, first, that the muscle protoplasm can be irritated directly, and secondly, that the nerves do not communicate directly with the muscles but stimulate them through the agency of terminal end-organs, called motor aids plates.’ _Curare Experiment.—Rapidly destroy the brain of a frog with a slightly curved, blunt needle, and, to prevent hemorrhage, plug the wound by thrust- ing a pointed match through the foramen magnum into the brain-cavity Expose the sciatic nerve of the left thigh, carefully pass a ligature under it, “da tie the ligature tightly about all the tissues of the thigh excepting the nerve thus cutting off the circulation from all the leg below the ligature without iw jury to the nerve. Inject into the dorsal lymph-sac or the abdominal cavity a few drops of a 2 per cent. solution of curare. In from twenty to forty minutes the drug will have reached the general circulation and produced its effect. Although the brain has been destroyed and the frog is incapable of having sensation, it will be found that muscular movements will be made if the skin be pinched soon after the drug has been given. These are reflex movements, and are due to excitation of the spinal cord by the nerves connected with the skin. As the paralyzing action of the drug progresses, these reflex actions be- come feebler and feebler until altogether lost in the parts exposed to the drug, although they may still be shown by the parts from which the drug has been excluded. The condition of the nerves and muscles can be examined as soon as reflex movements of the poisoned parts cease. : To ascertain the action of the poison, expose the nerves of the two legs, either high up in the thigh or inside the abdominal cavity, where they have been subjected to the poison, and test their irritability by exciting them with electric shocks. Stimulation of the motor nerve of the right leg (a, Fig. 4) causes no contraction of the muscles of that leg, while stimulation of the motor nerve of the left leg (6), results in active movements of the muscles of that leg. The response of the left leg shows that nerve-trunks are not injured by the poison, and that the paralysis of the right leg must find some other expla- nation. On testing the muscles it is found that they are irritable and contract when directly stimulated. Since neither nerve-trunks nor muscles are poisoned, it is necessary to'assume that the cause of the paralysis is something which pre- vents the nerve-impulse from passing from the nerve to the muscle. Micro- scopic examination shows that the nerve-fibre does not communicate directly with the muscle-fibre, but ends inside the sarcolemma in an organ which is called the motor end-plate. It appears that the nerve acts on the muscle through this organ, and its failure to act on the side which was exposed to the curare was because the end-plate had been paralyzed by the drug. By the use of curare, therefore, we are enabled to prevent the nerve-impulse from reaching the muscles, and, when we have done this, we find that the muscle is still able to respond to direct excitation with all forms of irritants, viz. 1 Ch. Bernard: “ Analyse physiologique des Propriétés des Systemes musculaires et nerveux au moyen du Curare,” Comptes-rendus, 1856, p. 825. Kélliker: = Physiologische Untersuch- ungen iiber den Wirkungen einiger Gifte,” Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie, 1856. 42 electrical, mechanical, thermal, and chemical. AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Evidently the muscle-proto- plasm is irritable and is capable of developing a contraction independently of the nerves. Other Proofs that the Muscle-protoplasm can be Directly Irritated. —Muscles with long parallel fibres, such as the sartorius of the frog, contain no Fic, 4.—Curare experiment: the shaded parts show the re- gion of the body to which the drug had access; theunshaded part, the portion which was protected by the ligature from the action of the drug. The unbroken lines represent the sensory nerves which carry sensory impulses from the skin to the central nervy- ous system; the broken lines indicate the motor nerves, which carry motor impulses from the central nervous sys- tem out to the muscles (after Lauder Brunton: Pharmacol- ogy, Therapeutics, and Materia Medica). nerves at their extremities, the nerve-fibres joining the muscle-fibres at some little distance from their ends. The tip of such a muscle, where no nerve-fibres can be discovered by the most careful microscopical exam- ination, is found to be irritable. The fact that in some of the lower animals there are simple forms of contrac- tile tissue in which nerves cannot be discovered, and which are irritable, is interesting as corroborative eyi- dence, although it is not a proof, of the independent irritability of a highly differentiated tissue such as striated muscle. Another similar piece of evidence is to be found in the fact that the heart of the embryo beats rhythmically before nerve appears to have been developed. A proof can be found in the observation that if a nerve be cut it begins to undergo degenera- tion and loses its irritability and conductivity in four or five days, and the excitation of such a nerve has no effect upon the muscle although direct stimulation of the muscle itself is followed by contraction. As degeneration involves not only the whole course of the nerve, but also the nerve end-plates, the contraction must be attributed to the irritability of the muscle- substance. Another point of interest in this connection is the behavior of a dying muscle. If it be struck, instead of contracting as a whole it contracts at the place where it was irritated, the drawing together of the fibres at the part forming a local swelling, or welt. If such a muscle be stroked, a wave of contraction spreads over it, following the instrument, instead of extending, as under normal conditions, by means of the excited nerve-fibres to other parts. Under these circumstances the circum- scribed contraction would seem to show that the nerves had lost their irrita- bility, or that the nerve-ends no longer transmitted the stimulus to the muscle, and the response was due to the direct excitation of the dying muscle-fibres. This phenomenon is known as an idiomuscular contraction. CONDITIONS WHICH DETERMINE THE EFFEecT oF EXcITATION. The result of the irritation of nerve and muscle is dependent on two sets of conditions—namely, (1) Conditions which determine the irritability ; (2) Conditions which determine the efficiency of the irritant. It will be necessary for us to study the second set of conditions first,—for, GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF M USCLE AND NERVE. | 43 before we can judge of the irritability and the effect of various influences upon it, we must consider how far the activity of the nerve and muscle is depend- ent on the character, strength, and method of application of the irritant, Conditions which Determine the Efficiency of Irritants.—Some of these conditions can be best studied on nerves, while others are more ap- | parent in their effects on muscles. The most useful irritant for purposes of study is the electric current. Mechanical, thermal, and chemical irritants are likely to injure the tissue, and are not manageable, whereas electricity, if not too strong, can be applied again and again without producing any permanent alteration, and can be accurately graded as to strength, place, time, and dura- tion of application, ete. Of course the results obtained by the use of a given irritant cannot be accepted for others until verified. The conditions which determine the effectiveness of the electric current as an irritant may be classed as follows: 7 (a) The rate at which the intensity changes. (0) The strength of current. (c) The density of current. (d) The duration of application. (e) The angle of application. (f) The direction of flow. Ffrritating Effect of the Electric Ourrent.—Galvani, in seeking to find the effect of atmospheric electricity upon the animal body, suspended frogs by copper wires from an iron balcony, and observed the remarkable fact, that when the wind blew the legs against the balcony the muscles of the frogs twitched. He repeated the experiment in his laboratory, and concluded that the frogs had been excited to action by electric currents developed within them- selves; he looked upon the metals which he had used merely as conductors for this current. Volta, Professor of Natural Philosophy at Pavia, repeated Gal- vani’s experiment, and concluded that there had been an electric current developed from the contact of the dissimilar metals with the moist tissues of the frog. In accordance with this idea he constructed the voltaic pile, and this was the starting-point of the electric science of to-day. Although it is true that, under certain conditions, differences in electric potential sufficient to excite muscles to contraction can be developed in the animal body, the contractions of the frog’s leg which Galvani observed were due to the metals which he employed. The experiment can be easily per- formed by connecting a bit of zine to a piece of curved copper wire, and bring- ing the two ends of the are against the moist nerve and muscle of a frog. A stronger and more efficient shock can be obtained from a Daniell or some other voltaic cell. A Daniell cell (Fig. 5) is composed of a zinc and copper plate, the former dipping into dilute sulphuric acid, the latter into a strong copper-sulphate solution. — Although gravity will keep these liquids separated, if the cell is to be moved about it is better to enclose one of them in a porous cup. A common form of cell consists of a glass jar, in the middle of which is a porous cup; outside the cup is the sulphuric acid and the 44 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PH YSIOLOG Y. zine plate, and inside the cup is the copper sulphate solution and the copper plate. The zinc plate is acted upon by the sulphuric acid, and, as a result of the chemical change, a difference of electric potential is set up between the metals, so that if the zinc and copper be connected by a piece of metal, what we call an electric current flows from the zine to the copper inside the cell, and from the copper to the zinc outside the cell. The zinc plate, being the seat of the chemical change, is called the positive plate, and the copper the negative plate. Several such cells may be connected together to form a battery, each cell adding to the electro-motive force, and hence to the strength of the current. As the current is always considered to flow from -- to —, we call the end of the wire connected with the rs copper (negative plate) the positive pole, or anode, and the end of the wire connected with the zine (positive plate) the negative | pole, or kathode. If one of these wires be touched to a nerve, under ordinary circumstances no effect is produced ; -but when the other wire is likewise brought in contact with the nerve, the a ; moist tissues of the nerve form a conductor, complete the cir- = cuit, and an electric current at once flows through the nerve from the anode to the kathode. The effect of the sudden flow of electricity into the nerve is to give it a shock—as we say, it irritates the nerve—and the muscle which the nerve controls is seen to contract. In the place of using ordinary wires for applying the electricity, we use electrodes. These are practically the same thing, but have insulated handles, and have a form better suited to stimulate nerves or other tissues. The two wires may be held in two different Fig. 5.—Daniell cell. SSS 3 iia GS SSS Hie pies Hii TT Fic. 6.—a, Ordinary electrode for exciting exposed nerves and muscles, consisting of two wires enclosed, except at their extremities, in a handle of non-conducting material; b, ¢, non-polarizable elec- trodes. When metals come in contact with moist tissues a galvanic action is likely to occur and polariz- ing currents to be formed. These extra currents would complicate or interfere with the results of many forms of experiment, and they are avoided by the use of non-polarizable electrodes. A simple form con- sists of a short glass tube, at one end of which is a plug of china clay mixed with a 0.6 per cent. solution of sodium chloride, and at the other end a cork through which an amalgamated zine rod is thrust. The zine rod dips into a saturated solution of zine sulphate, which is in contact with the clay. The clay plugs touch the tissue to be excited, and the current passes from the zine rods through the zinc-sulphate and sodium-chloride solutions in the clay to the tissues; d-f, electrodes for exciting human nerves and mus- cles through the skin (after Erb): these may be of various forms and sizes, and are arranged to screw into handles (g), to which the wires are attached; they are usually made of brass and covered with sponge or other absorbent material wet with salt-solution. The smaller electrodes are used when a dense, well-localized stream is required, and the larger electrodes when little action is wished and it is of advantage to have the stream diffuse. handles, in which case we speak of the positive and negative electrodes, or the anode and the kathode, or they may be held in the same handle (Fig. 6). Keys.—lt is not as convenient to stimulate a nerve by touching it with the electrodes as GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NER VE. 45 it is to place it upon the electrodes and close the connection between the some other part of the circuit ; this may be done by what is called a key. which can be used to complete the circuit could receive this name, and there are a number of convenient forms. The one most used by physiologists is that devised by Du Bois-Rey- mond, and which bears his name (see Fig. 7). This has the advantage of being capable of being used in two different ways—one simply as a means to close the circuit, and the other to short-circuit the current. These two meth- ods are shown in Figure 8. , By the former method the key supplies a movable piece of metal by which contact be- tween the two ends of the wires may be made as in a (Fig. 8), or broken as in 0, and the current be sent through the nerve, or prevented from entering it. By the latter method the _ battery is all the time connected with the electrodes, and the key acts as a movable bridge between the wires, and when closed gives a path of slight resistance by which the current can return to the battery without passing through the nerve. The current always takes the path of least resistance, and so, if the key be closed as in ¢, all the cur- rent will pass through the key and none will go to the nerve, which has a high resistance, whereas if the key be opened as in d, the bridge being removed, all the current will go through the nerve. It is often better to let the cell or battery work a short time and to get its full strength before letting the current enter the nerve, and the short-circuiting key permits of this. Moreover, there are times when a nerve may be stimulated if connected zinc and copper at Any mechanism Fig. 7.—Electric key. Fig. 8.—Electric circuiting. the circuit, being completed through the ith the source of electricity by only one wire, , ( sont ; d unipolar stimulation ; this may be pre- earth ; when the nerve is so excited, it is calle vented by the short-circuiting key. As has been said, a nerve is irritated if it be connected with a battery and an electric current suddenly passes through it. Unless the current ere strong the irritation is transient, however; the muscle connected with the 46 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. nerve gives a single twitch at the moment that the current enters the nerve, and then remains quiet; and thus we meet with the remarkable fact that an electric current, though irritating a nerve at the moment that it enters it, can flow through the nerve continuously without exciting it. Fur- ther, although the current while flowing through the nerve does not excite it, a sudden withdrawal of the current from the nerve irritates it, and causes the muscle connected with it to contract. It is our custom to speak of closing, or making, the circuit when we complete the circuit and let the current flow through the nerve, and of opening, or breaking, the circuit when we withdraw the current from the nerve. Since the closing of the circuit acts as a sudden irritant to the nerve, we speak of this irritant as a “making” or “closing” shock, and the corresponding contraction of the muscles as a making or closing contraction; similarly we speak of the effect of opening the circuit as an “ opening” or “ breaking” shock, and the result- ing contraction as an opening or breaking contraction. As we shall see later, the making contraction excited by the direct battery current is stronger than the breaking contraction : the explanation of this must be deferred (see page 53). (a) Effect of the Rate at which an Irritant is Applied, Illustrated by the Elec- tric Current.—As has been said, an electric current of constant medium strength Fic. 9.—Rheonome, does not irritate a nerve while flowing through it, but the nerve is irritated at the instant that the current enters it, and at the instant that the current leaves it. Is it the change of condition to which the nerve is subjected, or is it the suddenness of the change, which produces the excitation? Would it be possi- ble to turn an electric current into a nerve and remove it from a nerve so slowly that it would not act as an irritant ? | The experiment has been tried, and it has been found that if the nerve be subjected to an electric current the strength of which is increased or decreased very gradually, no change occurs in the nerve sufficient to cause a contraction of the muscle. In this experiment, instead of using the ordinary key, we close and open the circuit by means of a rheonome (see Fig. 9). This instrument contains a fluid resistance, which can be altered at will, thereby per- mitting a greater or less strength of current to pass from the battery into the circuit ~?T rhe ——— — 7 =. «2 > Te ee central nervous system. It is a matter GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 47 containing the nerve. The wires from the battery are connected with binding-posts, a, (Fig. 9), at opposite sides of a circular groove containing a saturated solution hoes | phate. Strips of amalgamated zinc connect the binding-posts with the fluid, and so plete a circuit which offers much resistance to the passage of the current. Fic the = fe of the block containing the groove rises an upright bearing a movable horizontal bar from each extremity of which an amalgamated zinc rod, e and f, descends and dips into the os sulphate solution. The zinc rods are connected with binding-posts on the movable bar, and ? from these wires pass to the electrodes on which the nerve rests. The bar revolves on a pivot on the top of the upright, and thus the zinc rods can be readily approached to or removed from the zinc strips, the poles of the battery. When the zine rods hold a position midway between these poles, the current all passes by the way of the fluid. As the bar is turned, so as to bring the zinc rods nearer and nearer the two poles of the bat- tery, the current divides, and more and more of it passes through the path of lessening resistance of which the nerve is a part. When the zinc rods are brought directly opposite the poles of the battery nearly all the current passes by the way of thenerve. Ifthe bar be turned more or less rapidly, the current is thrown into, or withdrawn from, the nerve more or less quickly. By this arrangement we can not only observe that the nerve fails to be irritated when the current is made to enter or leave it gradually, and when it is flowing continuously through it, but that sudden variations in the density of the cur- rent flowing through the nerve, such as are caused by quick movements of the bar, although they do not make or break the circuit, serve to excite. This experiment shows that electricity, as such, does not irritate a nerve, but that a sudden change in the density of the current, whether it be an increase or decrease, produces an alteration in the nerve-protoplasm which excites it to action and causes the development of what we call the nerve-impulse. Du Bois-Reymond’s Law.—Du Bois-Reymond formulated the following rule for the irritation of nerves by the electrical current: “It is not the abso- lute value of the current at each instant to which the motor nerve replies by a contraction of its muscle, but the alteration of this value from one moment to another ; and, indeed, the excitation to movement which results from this change is greater the more rapidly it occurs by equal amounts, or the greater it is in a given time.” “We shall have occasion to see that this rule has exceptions, or rather that there is an upper as well as lower limit to the rate of change of density of the electric current which is favorable to irritation. Similar observations may be made with other forms of irritants. Pres- sure, if brought to bear on a nerve gradually enough, may be increased to the point of crushing it without causing sufficient irritation to excite the attached muscle to contract, although, as has been said, a very slight tap is capable of stimulating a nerve. Temperature, and various chemicals, likewise, must be so applied as to produce rapid alterations in the nerve-protoplasm in order to act as irritants. The same rule would seem to hold good for the nerve-cells of the of daily experience that the nervous mechanisms through which sensory impressions are perceived are vigorously excited by sudden alterations in the intensity of stimuli reaching them, and but little affected by their continuous application ; the withdrawal of light, a sudden 48 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. alteration of temperature, an unexpected noise, or the cessation of a monotonous sound, as exemplified by the common experience that a sleeper 1s awakened Fig. 10.—Induction apparatus: a, primary coil; b, secondary coil; c, the automatic interrupter. when reading aloud abruptly ceases, attract the attention, although a continu- ous sensory irritation may be unnoticed. This physiological law of the nervous system would seem to have a psychological bearing as well. Fig. 11.—Schema of induction apparatus. Irritating Effect of Induced Electric Currents.—Within certain limits, the more rapid the change in intensity of an electric current the greater its power to Yy Yi YY yyy Wo 2 Fig. 12.—Schema of the relative intensity of induction currents (after Hermann, Hand- buch der Physiologie, Bd. ii. 8. 37): P, abscissa for the primary current; S, abscissa for the secondary current; 1, curve of the rise of intensity of the primary current when made; 2, curve of the rise and fall of intensity of the corresponding induced current; 3, curve of fall of the intensity of the primary cur- rent when it is broken; 4, curve of the rise and fall of intensity of the corresponding in- duced current. irritate. This probably accounts in part for the fact that the induced current is a more powerful irritant to nerves than the direct galvanic current. Induced currents are usually obtained by means of an induc- tion apparatus (see Fig. 10). The ordinary induction apparatus employed in the laboratory (see Fig. 11) consists of a coil of wire, p, Which may be connected with the ter- minals of a battery, b, and a second coil, s, wholly independent of the first, which is connected with electrodes, e. At the instant that the key, /, in the primary circuit is closed, and the battery cur- rent enters the primary coil, an induced current is developed in the secondary coil, and the nerve resting on the electrodes is irritated. The in- duced current is of exceedingly short duration, suddenly rising to full intensity and falling to zero. As long asthe battery current continues to flow constantly through the primary coil, there is no change in the electrical condition of the sec- ondary coil, but at the instant the primary current is broken another induced current of short duration is set up in the secondary coil, and again the nerve receives a shock. The rise and GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE | 49 fall of the density of the current in the second ili ; c ary coil is very rapid, ‘a tani eget of the current causes the induction shock to be ; sire seh Fc aoe one hg Induction shock, as we call that which is produced by breaking the netinat y 3 reek: ound to act more vigorously than the making shock, which is the reverse of rif ihe d oun _ with direct battery currents. The cause of this lies in the nature of the apparatus, At th e moment that the current begins to flow into the prim il, it i in the secondary coil, but also currents in the eoils ‘of ey op oe pd "hess extra induced currents in the primary coil have the opposite drome to shes Bae ae rent and tend to oppose its entrance, and thereby to prevent it from auniae ly, nit ing its full intensity. This delay affects the development of the induced Satis da ah eekt coil, causing it to be weaker and to have a slower rise and fall of intensity than wo otherwise be the case. When the primary current is broken, on the other hand, there is no opposition to its cessation, a ys intense and has a rapid rise and fall. rie tee ae sae “Ps ; : To accurately test the effect of the making and breaking induction shocks it is necessary to record the reaction of the nerve; this can be done by baiiord: ing the extent to which the corresponding muscle contracts in response to the stimulus which it receives from the nerve. In such an experiment it is customary to use what is known as a nerve-muscle preparation, The gas- trocnemius muscle and sciatic nerve of a frog, for instance, are carefully dissected out, the attachment of the muscle to the femur baler prosatved ie! the bone being cut through at such a point that a sufficiently long Pe of it shall be left to fasten in a clamp, and so support the muscle (see Fig. 13). aed Hott | ee Fic. 13.—Method of recording muscular contraction. ——____ open ° i. "The simplest method of recording the extent of the muscular contraction is to connect the muscle by means of a fine thread with a light lever, and let the point of the lever rest against a smooth surface covered with soot, so that when the muscle contracts it shall draw up the lever and trace a line of cor- responding length upon the blackened surface. The combination of instru- ei 50 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ments employed to record the contraction of a muscle is. called a myograph, and the record of the contraction is termed a myogram. If, when the muscle of a nerve-muscle preparation is thus arranged to write its contractions, the nerve be irritated with alternating mak- ing and breaking induction shocks of medium strength, the muscle will make a series of movements, which, if the surface be moved past the writing-point a short distance after each contraction, will be pictured in the Fig, 14,—Effect of making record as a row of alternating long and short lines, the and breaking induction records of the breaking contractions being higher than vi ange those of the making contractions (Fig. 14). Similar results are obtained if, instead of irritating the nerve, we irritate the curarized muscle directly. Stimulating Effects of Making and Breaking the Direct Battery Current.— On account of the construction of the induction apparatus, breaking induction shocks are more effective stimuli than making induction shocks. The reverse is true of the stimulating effects which come from making and breaking the direct battery current. The excitation which results from sending a galvanic current into a nerve or muscle is stronger than that which is caused by the withdrawal of the current. This difference is due to the physiological altera- tions produced by the current as it flows through the irritable substance, and is without doubt closely associated with changes in the irritability which occur at the moment of the entrance and exit of the current. The making contraction starts from the kathode, and the breaking contraction from the anode, The irritation process which results from making the current is developed at the kathode, and that which results from breaking the current is developed at the anode. This was first demonstrated on normal muscles by Von Bezold,' and has since been substantiated for nerves as well as muscles Fie. 15.—Schema of Hering’s double myograph: C, clamp holding middle of muscle; P,P, pulleys to the axes of which the recording levers are attached; p, p, pulleys for the light weights which keep the muscle under slight tension; A, positive electrode; K, negative electrode ; 7, commutator for reversing the current; k, key ; b, battery. by the experiments of a great many observers. Perhaps the most striking demonstration is to be obtained by Engelmann’s method. The positive and negative electrodes are applied to the two extremities of a long curarized sarto- Untersuchungen iiber die elektrische Erregung von Muskeln und Nerven, 1861. obtained by the double myograph of Hering (Fig. 15), which permits th recording levers attached to the two ends of the muscle to write directly und : each other, so that any difference in the beginning of the ain of ri two halves of the muscle is immediately recognizable from the relati 7 tions of the records of their contractions. Ig ss The current is applied to the two extremities of the muscle by non-polarizable electrodes In all experiments with the direct battery current it is essential to employ non-polarizable electrodes. The form devised by Hering is very useful where the current has to be applied directly to the muscle, because the two electrodes are hung from pivots in such a our iad they move with the movements of the muscle, and hence do not shift their piition whan the muscle contracts. Some kind of apparatus has to be employed for quickly reversin the direction of the current. A convenient in- . strument for this purpose is Pohl’s mercury com- mutator (Fig. 16). This instrument consists of a block of insulating material in which are six little cups containing mercury, which is in con- 4 nection with binding-posts on the sides of the block. Two of the mercury cups on the opposite Fias. 16, 17.—Pohl’s mercury commutator. sides of the block a and b (Fig. 17, A), are connected by wires with the battery ; two others, eand d, are connected with wires which pass to the electrodes; the remaining two on the opposite side of the block, e and f, are joined by movable good conducting wires with the cups ¢ and d in such a way that c connects with f, and d with e. Two anchor-like pieces of metal are connected by an insulated handle, and are so placed that the stocks of the anchors dip into the mercury cups a and 5 (Fig. 16). The anchors can be rocked to one side or the other, so that the ends of the curved arms shall dip into the cups ¢ and d (in which case cup @ will be connected with cup c, and cup 6 with cup @), or so that the other ends of the arms shall dip into cups e and / (in which case cup a@ will be connected with cup e, and by means of the cross wire with cup d, and cup b will be conneeted with cup /, and by means of the cross wire with cup c). By the arrangement shown in Fig. 17, A the current can pass from the battery by way of a and ¢ down the nerve, and by way of d and b back to the battery; or it can pass from the battery by way of a, ¢, d, and in the reverse direction, up the nerve and back to the battery, by way of ¢, f, 6. This commutator can be used in another way (see Fig. 17, B). If the battery be con- nected with it as before, and the cross wires be removed, the current can be sent at will into either one of two separate circuits. For instance, if the cups ¢, d be connected with the electrodes on one part of the nerve, and the cups e, f with the electrodes on another 52 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PH YSIOLOG Y. part, the anchors have only to be rocked to one side or the other to complete the commu- nication between the battery and one or the other of these pairs of electrodes. In experiments with the double myograph, in which the making of the current is used to irritate, records are obtained such as are shown in Figure 18. ny A n nAnKnnnr semmmmmmn VAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAUAVAVACACAUAUAAUAUAUAULD VU NAVAU/VAVAUAUAUAVAVAUAUAUAUAY | H | neuen VAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA\ AVAVAVAVVAVAVAVAUAY i | Fic. 18.—The making contraction starts at the kathode (after Biedermann). In these records the beginning of the tuning-fork waves shows the moment that the current was made and the irritation given. In the experiment from which record a was taken the anode was at the knee-end of a curarized sartorius muscle and the kathode at the pelvic end—i. e. the current was ascending through the muscle. The lower of the two curves was that got from the kathode half, the arrangement being that shown in Figure 15, and the lower curve began before that got from the anode half; 7. e. the contraction originated at the kathode and spread thence over the muscle. In 6 the current was reversed, and the upper curve was obtained from the kathode half and the lower from the anode half; in this also the kathode end contracted first. In the above experiments the making of the current was used to irritate, and the muscular contraction began at the kathode; in experiments in which the breaking of the current was employed the opposite was observed, the anode end being seen to contract first, regardless of the direction of the cur- rent. If strong currents be used, the fleeting contractions which result from opening and closing the current are followed by continued contractions, the closing, Wundt’s, and the opening, Ritter’s tetanus, as they are called. These continued contractions, which last for a considerable time, remain strictly located at the region where they originate, and Engelmann proved by his — ee ——_ - ae ee GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 53 experiments that the tetanus which results from closing a strong current remains located at the kathode, and the tetanus following the opening of the current remains located at the anode. The same is true of the nerve as of the muscle ; the irritating process which is called out by the sudden entrance of a battery current into a nerve starts from the negative pole, the kathode, and spreads thence throughout the nerve, while the irritating process excited by the cessation of the flow of the current starts from the region of the positive pole, the anode, and spreads from that point throughout the nerve. —= > Weak current. ae we | | | Medium current. SS \VZ Strong current. — ee TS <—$— > Fig. 23.—Diagram illustrating Pfliiger’s law. from which the irritation which is effective in producing a contraction takes its rise. In the case of fresh motor nerves of the frog, when the current is weak, only closing contractions, 7. e, those originating at the kathode, are obtained by both directions of the current. As the strength of the current is increased, at the same time that the closing kathodic contractions grow stronger, opening anodic contractions begin to appear; and with currents of medium strength both closing and opening contractions are obtained with both directions of the eurrent. If the strength of the current be still further increased, a change is observed ; with a strong current, the closing of the ascending and the opening of the descending current fails to excite a muscular contraction. This fact is demon- strated most clearly if we employ two nerve-muscle preparations, and lay the nerves in opposite directions across the non-polar- izable electrodes, so that the current from the battery shall flow through one of the nerves in an ascending direction and through the other in the descending direction (see Fig. 24). If under these conditions a strong battery current beemployed, musclea (through —o_sact of direction of current the nerve of which the current is descending) as shown by simultaneous excitation of will contract only when the circuit is closed, *v° netve™muscl® ; puerta and muscle 6 (through the nerve of which the current is ascending) will con- tract only when the circuit is opened. Since in the case of currents of medium strength, both opening and clos- ing the circuit, when the current is ascending and when it is descending, develops a condition of excitation in the nerve sufficient to cause contractions, the failure of the contraction by the closing of the strong ascending current, 62 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. and by the opening of the strong descending current, can scarcely be supposed to be due to a failure of the exciting process to be developed in the nerve ; and it would seem more likely that the nerve-impulse is for some reason prevented from reaching the muscle—which, as has been said, is the fact, the region of the anode being incapable of conducting during the flow of a strong current, and the region of the kathode losing its power to conduct at the instant such a current is opened. | Effect of Battery Currents upon Normal Human Nerves.—In experl- ments upon normal human nerves, the current cannot be applied directly to the nerve, but has to be applied to the skin over the nerve. As it passes from the anode, the positive electrode, through the skin, the threads of current spread through the fluids and tissues beneath, somewhat as the bristles of a brush spread out, and the current flows in a more or less diffuse stream toward the point of exit, where the threads of current concentrate again to enter the kathode, the negative electrode. This spread of the current is illustrated in Figure 25. The density of the current entering any structure beneath the skin will depend in part upon the size of the electrode directly over it—that is, the amount to which the current is concentrated at its point of en- trance or exit—in part on the nearness of the structure to the skin, and in part on the con- ductivity of the tissues of the organ in question as compared with the tissues and fluids about it. If the conditions be such as are given in Figure 25, the current will not, as in the case of the isolated nerve, enter the nerve at a given point, flow longitudinally through it, and then leave it at a given point; Fig. 25.—Rough schema of active threads of current by most of the threads of current the ordinary application of electrodes to the skin over a 5 7 ‘ nerve (ulnar nerve in the upper arm). The inactive threads will pass at vary Ing angles di- wid cata pe on (after Erb: Ziemssen’s Pathologie wnd agonally through the part of the nerve beneath the positive pole, then flow through the fluids and tissues about the nerve, until, at a point beneath the negative pole, the concentrating threads of current again pass through the nerve. A distinction is to be drawn between the physical and physiological anode and kathode. The physical anode is the extremity of the positive electrode, and the physical kathode is the extremity of the negative electrode ; the physiological anode is the point at which the current enters the tissue under consideration, and the physiological kathode is the point where it leaves it. There is a physiological anode at every point where the current GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 63 enters the nerve, and a physiological kathode at every point where it leaves the nerve; therefore there is a physiological anode and kathode, or groups of anodes and kathodes, for the part of the nerve beneath the positive electrode, and another physiological anode and kathode, or collection of anodes and kathodes, for the part of the nerve beneath the negative electrode. To understand the effect upon the normal human nerve of opening and closing the battery current, it is necessary to bear in mind three facts, viz.: 1, At the moment that a battery current is closed, an irritating process is developed at the physiological kathode, and when it is opened, at the physio- logical anode. : 2. The irritating process developed at the kathode on the closing of the eurrent is stronger than that developed at the anode on the opening of the current, 3. The effect of the current is greatest where its density is greatest. The amount of the irritation process developed in a motor nerve is esti- mated from the amount of the contraction of the muscle. The contraction which results from closing the current, the closing contraction as it is called, represents the irritating change which occurs at the physiological kathode, while the contraction which results from opening the current, the opening contrac- tion, represents the irritating change developed at the physiological anode. Since there are physiological anodes and kathodes under each of the two elec- trodes—the physical anode and physical kathode (see Fig. 26)—four possible cases may arise, namely: 1. Anodic closing contraction—i. e. the effect of the change developed at the physiological kathode, beneath the physical anode (the positive pole). 2. Anodic opening contraction—i. e. the effect of the change developed at the physiological anode, beneath the physical anode (the positive pole). a pe HL WARKE »— > Fig, 26.—Diagram showing physical and physiological anodes and kathodes: A, the physical anode, or positive electrode; K, the physical kathode, or negative electrode; a, a, a, physiological anodes ; k, k, k, physiological kathodes. ‘ 3. Kathodic closing contraction—i. e. the effect of the change developed at the physiological kathode, beneath the physical kathode (the negative pole). 4, Kathodic opening contraction—i. e. the effect of the change developed at the physiological anode, beneath the physical kathode (the negative pole). 64 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. For convenience these four cases are represented by the abbreviations ACC, AOC, KCC, and KOC. These cases may be arranged in order according to the strength of the irritation which is developed. | Since the irritation process developed at a physiological kathode by closing a current, is, other things being equal, stronger than that developed at a physiological anode by opening the current, we should expect that the two closing contractions, KCC and ACC, would be stronger than the two opening contractions, KOC and AOC. This is the case, and as the current is more dense in the region of the physiological kathode, beneath the physical kathode, than at the physiological kathode, beneath the physical anode, KCC is stronger than ACC. | Of the two opening contractions, AOC is stronger than KOC because of the greater density of the current in the region of the physiological anode, beneath the physical anode, than in the region of the physiological anode, beneath the physical kathode. These differences in the strength of the irritation process developed in these different regions is well shown by examining the reaction of nerves to cur- rents of gradually increasing strength. The effect of the opening and closing irritation is seen to be as follows: Weak currents. Medium currents. Strong currents. KCC KCC KCC — | ACC ACC —- AOC AOC —— —— KOC The natural order, therefore, would be KCC, ACC, AOC, KOC. Some- times, however, AOC is stronger than ACC; this happens when on account of the relation of the surrounding tissues to the nerve the density of the cur- rent at the physiological anode is great as compared with the density at the physiological kathode. | When the currents employed are strong, it not infrequently happens in the case of men that not only are the make and break followed by the usual rapid contractions of short duration, but during the closure of the current there is - a continued contraction—galvanotonus, as it is sometimes called. Conditions which Determine the Irritability of Nerves and Muscles. —We have thus far considered the conditions which determine the efficiency of such an irritant as the electric current. Other irritants are subject to like conditions, their activity being controlled to a considerable extent by the sud- denness, strength, density, duration, and, possibly, direction of application. It is not necessary for us to consider how each special form of irritant is affected by these conditions; it will be more instructive for us to study how different irritants alter the irritability of nerve and muscle, and the relation of irri- tability to the state of excitation. The power to irritate is intimately connected with the power to heighten , i 4 ad x tom. xi. p. 32. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 65 irritability—for a condition of heightened irritability is difficult to distin- guish from a state of excitation. The irritability of cell-protoplasm is very dependent upon its physical and ‘chemical constitution, and even slight altera- tions of this constitution, such as may be induced by various irritants, will modify the finely adjusted molecular structure upon which the normal response to irritants depends. If this change be in the direction of increased irritability, the result may be irritation. But we must defer the discussion of the relation of irritability to irritation until we have considered the conditions upon which the irritability of nerve and muscle depends. These conditions ean be best studied in connection with the influences which modify then— namely : (a) Irritants. (6) Influences which favor the maintenance of the normal physiological condition. (c) The effects of functional activity. (a) The Influence of Irritants wpon the Irritability of Nerve and Muscle.— Effect of Mechanical Agencies.—A sudden blow, pinch, twitch, or cut excites a nerve or muscle. All have experienced the effect of a mechanical stimulation of a sensory nerve, through accidental blows on the ulnar nerve where it passes over the elbow, “the crazy bone.” The amount of mechanical energy required to cause a maximal excitation of an exposed motor nerve of a frog is estimated by Tigerstedt' to be 7000 to 8000 milligrammillimeters, which would corre- spond roughly to a weight of 0.500 gram falling fifteen millimeters—at least a hundred times less energy than that given out by the muscles in response to the nerve-impulse developed. Such stimuli can be repeated a great many times, if not given at too short intervals, without interfering with the activity of the nerve. A nerve can be irritated thirty to forty times, at intervals of three to four minutes, by blows from a weight of 0.485 gram, falling 1 to 20 millimeters, the contractions of the muscle, weighted with 30 to 50 grams, varying from minimal to from 3 to 4 millimeters in height. Rapidly following light blows or twitches applied to a motor nerve, by the tetanomotor of Heiden- hain or Tigerstedt, excite a series of contractions in the corresponding muscles which fuse more or less into a form of continuous contraction, known as tetanus. Mechanical applications to nerve and muscle first increase and later lessen and destroy the irritability. Thus pressure gradually applied first increases _and later reduces the power to respond to irritants. Stretching a nerve acts in a similar way, for this also is a form of pressure ; as Valentin said, the stretch- ing causes the outer sheath of the nerve to compress the myelin, and this in turn to compress the axis-cylinder. Tigerstedt states:’ “ From a tension of 0 up to 20 grams the irritability of the nerve is continually increased, but it lessens as soon as the weight is further increased.” Surgically the stretching of nerves is sometimes employed to destroy their 1“tudien tiber mechanische Nervenreizung,” Acta Societatis Scientiarum heen - 2 Op. cit., p. 43. 5 66 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. excitability. Slight stretching heightens the excitability and even quite vigor- ous stretching has only a temporary depressing effect unless it be carried to the point of doing positive injury to the axis-cylinder, and of causing degen- eration. As nerves have the power to regenerate they may recover from even such an injury. The irritability of muscles is likewise increased by moderate stretching and destroyed if it be excessive. Thus slight stretching produced by a weight causes a muscle to respond more vigorously to irritants. Similarly tension of the muscles of the leg, produced by slight over-flexion or extension, makes them more irritable to reflex stimuli, as in the case of the knee-jerk and ankle- clonus. Tension must be very marked to permanently alter the irritability of the muscles. Effect of Temperatwre.—Changes in temperature, if sudden and extreme, irritate nerves and muscles. If the nerve or muscle be quickly frozen or plunged into a hot fluid it will be excited and the muscle be seen to contract, The cause of the irritation has been attributed to mechanical or chemical alterations produced by the change of temperature. The ulnar nerve at the elbow is excited if the part be dipped into ice-water and allowed to remain there until the cold has had time to penetrate; as is proved by the fact that in addition to the sensations from the skin, pain is felt which is attributed by the subject of the experiment to the region supplied by the nerve. As the effect of the cold becomes greater the pain is replaced by numbness, both the irrita- bility and power of conduction of the nerve being reduced. Gradual cooling of motor nerves or muscles, and gradual heating, even to the point of death of the tissue, fails to excite contractions. It is stated that if a frog whose brain has been destroyed is placed in a bath the temperature of which is very gradually increased, the heating may be carried so far as to boil the frog without active movements having been called out. If a muscle be heated to 45° C. for frogs and 50° C. for mammals, it undergoes a chemical change, which is accompanied by a form of shortening different from the contraction induced by irritants. This form of contraction, though extensive, is feeble and is asso- ciated with a stiffening of the muscle, known as rigor oaloris. In general it may be said that raising the temperature above the usual tem- perature of the animal increases, while cooling decreases the irritability of the nerves and muscles. Cold, unless excessive and long continued, though it temporarily suspends does not destroy the irritability, while heat, if at all great, so alters the chemical constitution of the cell-protoplasm as to destroy its life. The higher the temperature, the more rapid the chemical changes of ‘the body and the less its power of resistance; low temperature, on the other hand, slows chemical processes and increases the endurance. It is noticeable that nerves and muscles remain irritable much longer than ordinarily in case the body be cooled before their removal. In the case of a mammal, the irritability may last from six to eight hours instead of two and a half, while in the case _ of frogs it may be preserved at 0° for ten days, although at summer heat it lasts only twenty-four hours. In the case of frogs which have been kept at a low GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 67 temperature the irritability becomes abnormally high when they are warmed to ordinary room-temperature. Lifject of Chemicals and Drugs.—The activity of nerve and muscle proto- plasm is markedly influenced by even slight changes in its constitution. If a nerve or muscle be allowed to lie in a liquid of a different constitution from its own fluid, and especially if such a liquid be injected into its blood-vessels, an interchange of materials takes place which results in an alteration of the constitution of the tissue, and a change in its irritability. Indeed, the only solutions which fail to alter the irritability are those which closely resemble serum and lymph. Fluids having other than the normal percentage of salts have a marked effect, while the absence of proteids appears to have little influence unless continued for a considerable time. These facts have been most clearly demonstrated in experiments upon the nature of fluids essential to the maintenance of the activity of isolated heart muscle. Most drugs and chemicals capable of influencing the irritability of nerves first increase and later destroy the irritability. It is said that sensory fibres are less susceptible to chemical stimulation than motor, but this is not certain. If the change in the chemical condition of the nerve or muscle be a rapid one, it is usually accompanied by the phenomenon of excitation ; if more gradual, the irritability alone is altered. The simple withdrawal of water from a motor nerve, by drying, or by strong solutions of neutral alkaline salts, urea, glycerin, etc., causes first an increase and later a decrease and loss of irritability. The increase of irritability is frequently accompanied by active irritation, the muscle in connection with the nerve showing rapid irregular contractions as different fibres of the nerve are one after the other affected. If the drying has not been too long continued, the irritability may be restored by supplying water. On the other hand, imbibition of distilled water may, by altering the relative amount of salts, or from mechanical causes, produce a lessening of irritability. If water be applied to the tissues by being injected into the blood-vessels, it first excites contractions and later causes a decline of irritability. Veratria, eserin, digitalis, alcohol, chloroform, ether, sublimate, mineral acids (except phosphoric), many organic acids, free alkalies, most salts of the heavy metals, destroy the irritability of nerves and muscles, as a rule after first producing increased excitability. Carbon dioxide, either because it is an acid or because of some specific effect, acid potassium phosphate, and lactic acid, lessen the irritability. Neutral potash salts, if concentrated, rapidly kill but excite less than do soda compounds. Many gases and fumes chemically irritate and kill nerve and muscle protoplasm. Ammonia, neutral salts, carbon bisulphide, and ethereal oils may destroy the irritability of nerves without causing excitation, at least not sufficiently to produce visible contractions of the muscle. If directly applied, however, these substances excite muscles. A sodium-chloride solution, of a strength of 6 parts per 1000 of distilled water, has been called the physiological solution because it was supposed to have no effect on the irritability of nerves and muscles ; but late experiments 68 - AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. have shown that even this if long continued first increases and later decreases the irritability of muscles. The cause of this is, however, probably the removal of other salts which are essential to the irritability, or the presence of carbonic acid. From all these results it becomes evident that the normal irritability of nerves and muscles requires that a certain chemical constitution be maintained, and that even slight variations from this suffice to alter, and if continued to destroy, the irritability. Further, it is noticeable that in most cases the first step toward deterioration is a rise of irritability, which, if marked, is accom- panied by a condition of irritation. If the cause of the increase in irritability and excitation be continued, sooner or later exhaustion supervenes, the irrita- bility lessens, and finally is lost. Effect of the Electric Current upon Muscles.—If a constaut-battery current of medium strength be sent through a muscle for a short time, the muscle will give a single short contraction at the moment that the current enters it, and again when the current leaves it. If a strong current be used, the short closing contraction may be followed by a prolonged contraction (Wundt’s closing tetanus), which, though gradually decreasing, may last as long as the current is closed ; and when the current is broken, the usual opening contraction may be likewise followed by a prolonged contraction (Ritter’s opening tetanus), which only gradually passes off. The closing contraction originates at, and the closing continued contraction may be limited to, the region of the kathode; and the opening contraction originates at, and the opening continued contrac- tion may be limited to, the region of the anode. In case a very weak current is used, no contraction will be observed ; nevertheless, while the current is flowing through the muscle it modifies its condition ; a state of latent excitation is produced at the kathode, which shows itself in an apparent increase of irritability of that part of the muscle. On the other hand, the irritability of the muscle at the kathode will be found to be lessened after the withdrawal of the polarizing current, because the condi- tion of excitation which it causes fatigues that part of the muscle. The effects of the battery current at the region of the anode are just oppo- site to those produced at the kathode. While the current is flowing, the irri- tability at the anode is lessened, and when the polarizing current is removed, irritability at the anode is found to be greater than it was before the battery current was applied. The lessened irritability which is produced at the anode during the flow of the battery current may be shown by an inhibition of a condition of exci- tation which may be present at the time that the current is applied to the muscle. For example, in the case of unstriated muscles, not only does closing the battery circuit never cause a contraction at the anode, but if the part of the muscle exposed to the influence of the anode happens to be at the time in a condition of tonic contraction, the entrance of the current causes that part of the muscle to relax. The inhibitory influence exerted by the anode, as a result of the lowering of the irritability, is seen to a remarkable degree in its GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 5 69 effect upon the heart. If the anode rest on the ventricle of the frog’s heart and the kathode at some indifferent point, relaxation is seen in the region of the anode with each systole of the ventricle. Inasmuch as the rest of the ventricle contracts, the pressure of the blood causes the wall of the ventricle to bulge out, and make a little vesicle at the region of the anode. A similar inhibitory influence may be observed upon an ordinary striated muscle at the point of application of the anode, if it be in a condition of tonic contraction when the battery current is sent into it. During the flow of the constant current through a muscle, the irritability is increased in the region of the kathode and decreased in the region of the anode. When the current is withdrawn from the muscle, on the other hand, the irritability of the kathode is found to be decreased, and at the anode to be increased. Hffect of the Electric Current upon Nerves.—The polarizing effects of a con- tinuous constant current are the same upon a nerve as upon a muscle, with the exception that in the case of the nerve the condition of altered irritability is not so strictly limited to the point of application of the anode and kathode, but spreads thence throughout the part of the nerve between the two electrodes, the intrapolar region, as it is called, and for a considerable distance into the parts of the nerve through which the current does not flow, i. e. the extrapolar region. The term electrotonus has been applied to the effects of battery currents on nerves and muscles, and includes two sets of changes—(1) physiological, mani- fested by the alterations of irritability which we are considering ; (2) physical, exhibited in changes of the electrical condition of the tissue. The most im- portant work on the influence of the constant current on the irritability of nerves was done by Pfliiger. He ascertained the electrotonic effects of the polarizing eurrent to be most vigorous in the immediate vicinity of the anode and kathode, and to spread thence in both directions along the nerve. He called the change produced in the nerve in the region of the anode “ anelectrotonic,” and the condition itself “anelectrotonus,” while the change at the kathode was termed “katelectrotonic,” and the condition “ katelectrotonus.” The same names are given to the effects of battery currents upon muscles. To test the effect of a constant battery current upon the irritability of a nerve, put the nerve of a nerve-muscle preparation upon two non-polarizable electrodes (A, K, Fig. 27) which are placed at some little distance apart and at a considerable distance from the muscle. Connect these electrodes with a battery, introducing into the circuit a key (k), which permits the current to be quickly thrown into or removed from the nerve, and a commutator (C), which allows the current to be reversed and to be sent through the nerve in either the ascending or descending direction. Connect the muscle with a myo- graph lever, arranged so as to record the height ofthe muscle contractions. Then apply to the nerve at some point between the polarizing electrodes and the muscle a pair of electrodes (J) connected with the secondary coil of an induction apparatus, which is placed near enough to the primary coil to cause excitations of medium strength, and introduce into the secondary circuit a 1 Biedermann: Elektrophysiologie, 1895, p. 199. 70 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. short-circuiting key (8), by which the closing shocks can be prevented from reaching the nerve. If, with this arrangement, a breaking induction shock of medium strength be given, the nerve will be excited, and the height of the muscular contraction which results may be taken as a test of the irritability of the nerve at J. Fic. 27.—Method of testing anelectrotonic and katelectrotonic alterations of irritability in nerves. Now send the polarizing current through the nerve, in the ascending direction, that is, with the anode nearer the muscle. At the moment the current is closed, if it be of medium strength, a closing contraction will be observed ; then comes a period during which the muscle is not contracting and the polar- izing current is apparently producing no effect on the nerve ; if, however, after the current has acted a short time, the irritability of the nerve at the point TI be again tested with a breaking induction shock, it will be found to be de- ereased, on account of the condition of anelectrotonus which has been induced. If the key in the polarizing current be then opened, the usual opening con- traction will be recorded. Afier the polarizing current has been removed, the condition of the nerve at J can be again tested, and it will be seen that the irritability has returned to the normal, or is even greater than it was at the start. The effect of the kathode on the irritability may be tested in a similar way, by reversing the polarizing current and again sending it into the nerve. This time the current will be descending, 7. e. the kathode nearest the muscle. As before, a closing contraction will be seen when the circuit is made, but on test- ing the irritability at J with an induction shock of the same strength as before, GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. } 71 it will be found to be increased, the shock causing a larger contraction. On opening the polarizing current the usual opening contraction will be seen, and if after the current has been removed the irritability be again tested, it will be found to have returned to the normal, or to be decreased. The changes in irritability described can be ascertained by using mechanical or chemical stimuli as well as induction shocks. Alterations of the irritability induced by anelectrotonic and katelectrotonic changes of the nerve-substance are to be found not only in the part of the nerve between the point to which the polar- izing current is applied and the muscle, but in the extrapolar region at the central end of the nerve, and in the intrapolar region. The experimental evidence of this is not so readily obtained, but there is no doubt of the fact. The effect of the polarizing current is the greater, the better the condition of the nerve; moreover, the stronger the current employed, the more of the nerve influenced by it. Of course, in the intrapolar region there is a point where the effect of the anode to decrease the irritability comes into conflict with the effect of the kathode to increase it, and where, in consequence, the irrita- bility remains unchanged. This indifferent point may be observed to approach the kathode as the strength of the current is increased. The following schema is given by Pfliiger to illustrate the way in which the irritability is changed in the anelectrotonic and katelectrotonic regions as the strength of the current is increased : Fig. 28.—Electrotonic alterations of irritability caused by weak, medium, and strong battery currents: A and Bindicate the points of application of the electrodes to the nerve, A being the anode, Bthe kathode. The horizontal line represents the nerve at normal irritability ; the curved lines illus- trate how the irritability is altered at different parts of the nerve with currents of different strengths. Curve 7! shows the effect of a weak current, the part below the line indicating decreased, and that above the line increased irritability, at z1 the curve crosses the line, this being the indifferent point at which the katelectrotonic effects are compensated for by anelectrotonic effects ; y* gives the effect of a stronger current, and 7, ofa still stronger current. As the strength of the current is increased the effect becomes greater and extends farther into the extrapolar regions. In the intrapolar region the indifferent point is seen to advance with increasing strengths of current from the anode toward the kathode. As in the case of the muscle, so of the nerve, the constant current leaves behind it important after-effects. In general it may be stated that wherever during the flow of the current the irritability is increased, there 1s a decrease of irritability immediately after the removal of the current, and vice versa. When the current is withdrawn from ‘the nerve, the irritability in the region of the kathode is lowered, and in the region of the anode raised. It must be added, however, that the decrease of irritability seen at the kathode aguere passes over into a second increase of irritability, while the increase seen at the 72 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. anode upon the removal of the current continues a considerable time and is not reconverted to a decrease ; therefore the total after-effect is an increase of irritability. The fact that when the current is closed the irritation starts from the kathode, and when the current is opened from the anode, may well be associated with the changes in irritability which take place at the kathode and anode upon the closing and the opening of the current. The setting free of an irritation appears to be associated only with an increase of irritability. When the current is closed the establishment of the condition of katelectrotonus is accompanied by a rise of irritability at the kathode, and when the current is opened the cessation of the condition of anelectrotonus is likewise accompanied by a rise of irritability. In the first case the irritability rises from the normal to something above the normal, and in the second case the irritability rises from the condition of decreased irritability up to something above the normal irritability. The change from the normal to the anelectrotonic condition of decreased irritability, or from the katelectrotonic condition of increased irritability down to normal irritability, does not irritate. As has often been said, it is hard to distinguish between increase of irritability and irritation. The effects produced by battery currents upon irritability are found to be associated with peculiar alterations in the electrical condition of nerves and muscles. ‘The relation is a suggestive one, but cannot be taken as a definite explanation of the changes of irritability. Lffect of Frequency of Application of the Stimulus on Irritability—We have seen that influences which act as irritants may also have an effect upon the irri- tability of the nerve or muscle. In order to produce this change they must be as a rule powerful, or act for a considerable time. Nevertheless, in the case of muscles, at least, even a weak irritant of short duration, if repeated fre- quently, tends to heighten irritability. For example, if a muscle be stimulated by separate weak induction shocks at long intervals,.the effect of each shock is slight, and the change produced by it is compensated for by restorative pro- cesses which occur within the living protoplasm during the following interval of rest, and each of the succeeding irritations finds the mechanism in much the " same condition ; if, however, the shocks follow each other rapidly, each stimu- lation leaves an after-effect which may have an influence upon the effectiveness of the stimulus following it. As a result of this, induction shocks too feeble to excite contractions may, if frequently repeated, after a little time cause a visible movement, and shocks of medium strength, if. given at short intervals, may each cause a larger contraction than its predecessor, until a certain height of contraction has been reached, beyond which there is no further increase pos- sible. It is not known whether the irritability of nerves is similarly increased, nor is it known whether physiological stimuli exert such an influence. We shall consider these so-called “ staircase contractions” more carefully later (see page 110). When irritations follow each other very rapidly, the whole cha- racter of the contraction is changed, and the muscle, instead of making rapid single contractions, enters into the condition of apparently continuous contrac- ete ye ay GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 73 tion known as tetanus, during which it shortens considerably more than it does when making single contractions. Increase in irritability plays only a com- paratively small part in the production of this remarkable phenomenon, which we shall study more carefully when we come to the mechanical problems involved in muscular contractions. Rapidly repeated stimuli, though at first favorable to activity of a muscle, soon exert an unfavorable influence by causing the lessened irritability which is associated with fatigue. (6) Influences which favor the Maintenance of the Normal Physiological Condition of Nerve and Muscle.—Effect of Blood-supply on Nerve and Muscle. —The vascular system is a path of communication between the several organs and tissues, and the circulating blood is a medium of exchange. The blood carries nutritive materials from the digestive organs and oxygen from the lungs to all the tissues of the body, and it transports the waste materials which the cells give off to the excretory organs. In addition to these functions it has the power to neutralize the acids which are produced by the cells during action, and so maintain the alkalinity essential to the life of the cell; it sup- plies all parts with moisture ; by virtue of the salts which it contains, it secures the imbibition relations which are necessary to the preservation of the normal chemical constitution of the cell-protoplasm ; it distributes the heat, and so equalizes the temperature of the body; finally, in addition to these and other similar functions, it is itself the seat of important chemical changes, in which the living cells which it contains play an active part. It is not strange that such a fluid should exert a marked influence upon the irritability of the nerves and muscles. Since the metabolism of muscles is best understood, we will first consider the importance of the circulation to the muscle. Muscles, even in the so-called state of rest, are the seat of chemical changes by which energy is liberated, and when they are active these changes may be very extensive. If the cell is to continue its work, it must be at all times in receipt of mate- tials to replenish the continually lessening store of energy-holding compounds ; moreover, as the setting free of energy is largely a process of oxidation, a free supply of oxygen is likewise indispensable to action. These oxidation pro- cesses result in the formation of waste products—such as carbon dioxide, water, lactic acid—and these are injurious to the muscle protoplasm, and if allowed to accumulate would finally kill it. Of the services which the blood renders to the muscle there are, therefore, two of paramount importance, viz. the bringing of nutriment and oxygen and the removal of waste matter and sur- plus energy. A classical experiment illustrating the effect of depriving tissues of blood is that of Stenson, which consists in the closure of the abdominal aorta of a warm-blooded animal by a ligature, or by compression. In the case of a rabbit, for example, the blood is shut off, not only from the limbs but from the lower part of the spinal cord. The effect is soon manifested in a complete - paralysis of the lower extremities, sensation as wel] as power of voluntary and reflex movements being lost. The paralysis is due, in the first instance, to the 74 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. loss of function of the nerve-cells in the cord by which the muscles are nor- mally excited to action. Later, however, the nerves and muscles of the limbs: lose their irritability. Of the peripheral mechanisms the motor nerve-ends are found to succumb before the nerves and muscles. ‘This is shown by the fact that although the muscles are still capable of responding to direct irrita- tion, they are not affected by stimuli applied to the nerve, although the nerve at the time, to judge from electrical changes which occur when it is excited, is still irritable. Since the nerve and muscle are irritable, the lack of response must be attributed to the nerve-ends. The response to indirect stimulation (t. e. excitation of a muscle by irritating its nerve) is lost in about twenty minutes, while the irritability of the muscle, as tested by direct. excitation, is not lost for four or five hours. In this as in so many instances the loss of irritability of the muscle is due primarily to the disturbance of the respira- tion of the muscle. Of the substances supplied to the muscle by the blood, oxygen is one the want of which is soonest felt. The muscle contains within itself a certain store of oxygen, but one which is by no means equal to the amount of oxidizable substances. Of this oxygen, that which is in the least. stable combinations, and which is available for immediate needs, is soon exhausted. A continual supply of oxygen is required even for the chem- ical changes which occur in the quiet muscle. Of the waste substances which the blood removes from the cell, carbon dioxide is the one which accumu- lates most rapidly and is the first to lessen the irritability. Lactie acid and waste products from the breaking down of nitrogenous materials of the cell are also injurious. The dependence of nerve-fibres upon the blood-supply is by no means so well understood. The nerve-fibre is a branch of a nerve-cell, and it seems as if the nourishment of the fibre was largely dependent upon that of the cell (see Fatigue of Nerve, p. 79). Nevertheless, the nerve-fibre requires a con- stant supply of blood for the maintenance of its irritability. The irritability of the nerve cannot long continue without oxygen, and a nerve which has been removed from the body is found to remain irritable longer in oxygen than in air, and in air than in an atmosphere containing no oxygen. Waste products liberated by active muscles have a deleterious effect on nerves; whether such substances are produced in the nerves themselves will be con- sidered later. The efficacy of the blood to preserve the irritability is to be seen in such experiments as those of Ludwig and Schmidt ;! they succeeded in maintaining the artificial circulation of defibrinated, aérated blood through the muscles of a dog, and kept them irritable for many hours after death of the animal. If such an experiment is to be successful, the blood must be maintained at the normal temperature, be plentifully supplied with oxygen, and be kept as free from carbon dioxide as possible, Von Frey? made an elaborate experiment of 1 Sitzungsberichte der math.-phys. Classe der k. siichs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, vol. xx., 1868. *“Versuche tiber den Stoffwechsel des Muskels,” Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1885; physiologische Abtheilung, p. 533. . oN eS Pe v4 2 See “= « GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 7% this nature. A dog was killed, the body was cut in halves, and the aorta and inferior vena cava were quickly connected with an apparatus for pumping the blood at a regular rate through the hind part of the body. Before the blood entered the arteries it passed through coils in which it was warmed to the nor- mal temperature, and an artificial lung, where it received a supply of oxygen and was relieved of its carbon dioxide. Under these conditions the muscles were kept alive for more than seven hours, and so far retained their normal condition that throughout this period they were able to respond to stimuli sent to them through their nerves and contract with sufficient vigor to raise a considerable weight. H. N. Martin’ made a similar experiment on the heart of adog. The heart and lungs were isolated from the rest of the body, the heart was fed with defibrinated blood from a Mariotte’s flask, and the lungs were supplied with air by an artificial respiration apparatus. The heart, which was kept moist and at the normal temperature, continued to beat for four hours and more. Normally the blood-supply to the muscle is varied according to its needs, When the muscle is stimulated to action, its blood-vessels are at the same time dilated so that it receives a free supply of blood.? Moreover, if muscular work is extensive, the heart beats faster and the respiratory movements are quicker, so that a larger amount of oxygen is provided and the carbon dioxide is removed more rapidly. The importance of the blood-supply to a muscle can be best understood if we consider it in relation to the effects of fatiguing work upon the muscles. The relation of other substances in the blood to the needs of the muscle can be best considered together with the chemistry of the muscle. Effect of Separation from the Central Nervous System.—If a motor nerve be cut, or if some part of it be so injured that the fibres lose their power of conduc- tion, the portion of the nerve thus separated from the central nervous system sooner or later completely degenerates. Each of the motor nerve-fibres is a branch of a motor cell in the anterior horns of the spinal cord. These nerve- cells are supposed to govern the nutrition of their processes, though how a microscopic cell can thus influence a nerve-fibre a meter or so long is by no means clear. Soon after the nerve is separated from its cell it exhibits an increase of excitability near the point of section, and this change progresses down the fibre toward the periphery. The rule that the change in irritability progresses centrifugally along the motor nerves is known as the Ritter- Valli law. The increase is soon followed by a decrease of irritability. In the case of mammalian nerves loss of irritability may be complete at the end of three or four days, but the nerves of cold-blooded animals may retain their irri- tability for several weeks. The immediate cause of the loss of irritability is the change in the chemical and physiological structure of the axis-cylinder. The degenerative changes result finally in the complete destruction of the nerve-fibres, and involve the motor end-organs as well, but do not imme- 1 Studies from the Biological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University, 1882, vol. ii. p. 188. 2 Sozelkow: Sitzungsber. d. k. Akad. Wien, 1862, vol. xlv. Abth. 1. 76 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. diately invade the muscle, which may be considered a proof that nerve and muscle protoplasm are not continuous. Though no immediate change in the structure of the muscle is observable, the irritability of the muscle soon begins to alter. At the end of a fortnight the irritability of the muscle for all forms of stimuli is lessened. From this time on, the irritability gradually undergoes a remarkable change, the excita- bility for mechanical irritants and for direct battery currents beginning to increase, but the power to respond to electric currents of short duration, as induction shocks, continuing to lessen; indeed, the reactions of the muscle appear to take on more of the character of those of smooth muscle- fibres. The condition of increasing irritability to direct battery currents and mechanical irritants reaches its maximum by the end of the seventh week, and from that time on the power to respond to all forms of stimuli lessens, the excitability being wholly lost by the end of the seventh or eighth month, During the stage of increased excitability fibrillary contractions are often observed. As in the case of a nerve so in the muscle the loss of irritability is due to degenerative changes which gradually lead to the destruction of the muscle protoplasm. The cause of the change in the muscle is still a matter of doubt, some regarding it as due to the absence of some nutritive, trophic influence from the central nervous system, while others consider it to be the result of circulatory disturbances, consequent upon the lack of a proper regulation of the blood-supply, due to the division of the vaso-motor nerves. As regards the latter view, it may be said that muscles whose vaso-motor nerves are intact, the vessels being innervated through other nerves than those which supply the muscle-tissue proper, as is the case with some of the facial muscles, undergo similar changes in irritability when their motor nerves are cut. As regards the former view, it may be said that if the muscles be artificially excited, as by electric stimuli, and thus are exercised daily, the coming on of degeneration can be at least greatly delayed. The question as to whether the anabolic processes within the muscle-cell are dependent on the central nervous system, in the sense of there being specific trophic influences sent from the nerve-cells to the mus- cles, is still under discussion and need not be considered further in this place. Without doubt the reflex tonus impulses which during waking hours are all the time coming to the muscles are productive of katabolic changes and, indirectly at least, favor anabolism. (c) Effect of Influences which result from the Functional Activity of Nerves and Muscles.—Fatigue of Muscles.—The condition of muscular fatigue is cha- racterized by lessened irritability, decrease in the rate and vigor with which the muscle contracts and liberates energy, and a still greater decrease in the rate with which it relaxes and recovers its normal form. Ina sense, whatever induces such a state can be said to cause fatigue, but it is perhaps best to restrict the term to the form of fatigue which is produced by excessive functional activity. The cause of exhaustion which results from over- work is much the same as the cause of the loss of irritability and power GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE, 77 which follows the cutting off of the blood-supply. The working cell liberates energy at the expense of its store of nutriment and oxygen, and through oxi- dation processes forms waste products which are poisonous to its protoplasm, The fatigue which results from functional activity has, therefore, a twofold cause, the decrease in energy-holding compounds and the accumulation of poisonous waste matters. It is evident that the length of time that the cell can continue to work will depend very much upon the rapidity with which the energy-holding explosive compounds are formed by the cell-protoplasm and the waste products are excreted. If a muscle is made to contract vigorously and continuously, as when a heavy weight is held up, fatigue comes quickly ; on the other hand, a muscle may be contracted a great many times if each contraction is of short duration and considerable intervals of rest intervene between the succeeding contractions. The best illustration of this is the heart, which, though making contractions in the case of man at the rate of seventy or more times a minute, is able to beat without fatigue throughout the life of the individual. Each of the vigorous contractions, or systoles, is followed by an interval of rest, diastole, during which the cells have time to recuperate. The same is true of the skeletal muscles. It was found in an experiment that if a muscle of the hand, the abductor indicis, were contracted at regular intervals, a weight being so arranged that it was lifted by the finger each time the muscle shortened, a light weight could be raised at the rate of once a second for two hours and a half, 7. e. more than 9000 times, without any evidence of fatigue. If, however, the weight was increased, which required a greater output of energy, or if the rate of contractions was increased, which shortened the time of repose, the mus- cle fatigued rapidly. In general, the greater the weight which the muscle has to lift, the shorter must be the periods of contraction in proportion to the inter- val of rest if the muscle is to maintain its power to work. Maggiora,’ in his interesting experiments in Mosso’s laboratory at Turin, made a very careful study of this subject, and ascertained that for a special group of muscles there is for each individual a definite weight and rate of contraction essential to the accom- plishment of the greatest possible work in a given time. Either increasing the weight or the rate of contraction hastens the coming on of fatigue and so lessens the power and the total amount of work. In such an exercise as walking the muscles are not continually acting, but intervals of rest alternate with the periods of work, and the time for recuperation is sufficiently long to permit the protoplasm of the muscle-cells to prepare the chemical compounds from which the energy is liberated, as fast as they are used, and get rid of the waste products of contraction, so that vigorous muscles can be em- ployed many hours before any marked fatigue is experienced. Sooner or later, however, the vigor of the muscle begins to decrease. ‘The reason for this is not wholly clear. It is noticeable, however, that not only the muscles employed in the work, but other muscles, such as those of the arms for instance, even when purposely kept quiet, have their irritability | 1 Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1890 ; physiologische Abtheilung, p. 191. 78 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. reduced. This would suggest that the fatigue which finally asserts itself is due to some general rather than local influence. To understand this we must recall the fact that all parts of the body are in communication by means of the circulatory system. The ever-circulating blood as it is thrown out by the | heart is divided into minute streams, which, after passing through the many organs of the body, unite again on their return to the heart. If materials be taken from the blood by one part, they are lost to all the rest, and if materials be added to the blood by any part, they are sooner or later carried to all the rest. During the course of a long march, the muscles of the leg take up a great deal of nutriment, and give off many waste products, and all the organs suffer in con- sequence. Mosso,' in his experiments upon soldiers taking long forced marches, found that lack of nutriment is not the only cause of the general fatigue produced by long-continued muscular work. The soldiers, though somewhat refreshed by the taking of food, did not recover completely until after a pro- longed interval of rest. He attributed this to the fatigue-products which he supposed the muscles to have given off, and concluded .hat they were only gradually eliminated from the blood. To see if there were fatigue-products in the blood of a tired animal capable of lessening the irritability of organs other than those which had been working, he made the following experiment : He drew a certain weight of blocd from the veins of a dog, and then put back into the animal an equal amount of blood from another completely rested dog. The dog which was the subject of the experiment appeared to be all right after the operation. On another day he repeated the experiment, but this time the blood which was put back was taken from a dog that was completely tired out by running. The effect of the blood from the fatigued animal was very marked ; the dog receiving it showed all the signs of fatigue, and crept off into a corner to sleep. Mosso concluded from this experiment, that during muscular work fatigue-products are generated in the muscles, pass from thence into the blood, and are conveyed to other muscles, where they produce the lowered irritability and loss of power characteristic of fatigue. Many years before, Von Ranke extracted from the tired muscles of frogs substances which he considered fatigue materials. We know many of the waste products formed by muscles, and have learned that some of them lower the irritability, but what the exact substances are which produce the effects observed in the above experiments is not known. : Maggiora, in his experiments upon the fatigue of special groups of muscles, likewise found that the taking of food causes only a partial recovery of the tired muscles, and that an interval of rest is essential to complete recovery. In these experiments the irritability of the muscles was tested not only by volitional impulses, but by the strength of the electric current required to cause direct excitation. In the case of vigorous men, one and a half hours suffices to restore the muscles of the forearm which have been completely tired out by raising a heavy weight many times. He also observed that the time required for recovery can be greatly shortened if the circulation of the blood ' Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1890; physiologische Abtheilung. son we GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 79 and lymph in the muscles be increased by massage. This suggests that the power of the cell to give off its waste products to the blood is sufficiently rapid to keep pace with the ordinary production, but not with the more rapid formation taking place during fatiguing work. This would seem to be the case in spite of the fact that circulation of the blood in the muscles is increased during action. When muscles are stimulated to action by impulses coming to them from the central nervous system, the muscles in the walls of the blood- vessels of the muscle are also irritated by their vaso-dilator nerves, and, relax- ing, permit a greater flow of blood through the muscle; when the muscles cease to be excited the muscles in the vessel walls are gradually contracted again through the action of the vaso-constrictor nerves, and the blood-supply to the muscle tissue is correspondingly lessened. This arrangement would seem to suffice for the bringing of nutriment and oxygen and the removal of waste matters under ordinary conditions. Normally the muscles are never completely fatigued. It would seem that as the muscles tire and their irritability is lessened, the central nerve- cells which send the stimulating impulses to them have to work harder, and that the nerve-cells give out sooner than the muscles. On the other hand, certain experiments seem to show that the nerve-cells recover from fatigue more rapidly than the muscles do, so that it is an advantage to the organism that they should cease to excite the muscles before muscular fatigue is complete. With the decreasing irritability of the muscle, a feeling of discomfort in the muscle and an increasing sense of effort are experienced by the individual, both of which tend to cause a cessation of contraction, and prevent a harmful amount of work. That such an arrangement would be of service was apparent in the experiments of Maggiora, in which he found that if muscles are forced to work after fatigue has developed, the time of recovery is prolonged out of all proportion to the extra work accomplished. Fatigue of Nerves—Muscle-, gland- and nerve-cells—in fact, almost every form of protoplasm—if excited to vigorous long-continued action, deteri- orate and exhibit a decline of functional activity. As we have seen, in the case of muscle there is a using up of energy-holding compounds and a production of poisonous waste matters, and these two effects induce the con- dition known as fatigue. A priori, we should expect similar changes to occur in the active nerve-fibre; almost all the experimental evidence is, however, opposed to this view. The form of activity which is most characteristic of muscle is contraction ; that which is most characteristic of nerve is conduction. In the case of the muscle it is exceedingly difficult to distinguish between the effects produced by the processes associated with the change of form and those which result from the transmission of the excitatary change. ‘There is little doubt but that fatigue is associated with the former ; whether it is associated with the latter is not known. In the case of the nerve, where the transmission process may be studied by itself, conduction does not seem to fatigue (see p- 96). P Apparently the same may be said of the processes which result in the 80 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. development of what we call the nerve-impulse. We have already seen that the nerve may undergo an alteration of irritability if subjected to artificial irritants. Such a change at the point of application of the irritant is hardly to be regarded as a fatigue effect, however, for in many cases, at least, it is due to the direct effect of the irritant on the physical or chemical structure of the nerve-protoplasm rather than to molecular changes which are peculiar to the development of the nerve-impulse. Thus the change of irritability which results from a series of light blows, such as may be given to a nerve by Tigerstedt’s tetanomotor, cannot properly be said to be the result of fatigue. It has been found that a medullary nerve may be excited many times a second for hours, by an induced current, and still be capable of developing at the stimulated point what we call the nerve-impulse. The change which is de- veloped at the point of excitation and which passes thence the length of the nerve, would seem to be the expression of a form of energy liberated within the nerve, and since the liberation of energy implies the breaking down of chemical combinations, the apparent lack of fatigue of the nerve is incompre- hensible. It is the more remarkable since the nerve-fibre is to be considered a branch of a nerve-cell, and nerve-cells appear to fatigue if frequently excited to vigorous action. Inasmuch as we have as yet no definite knowledge of the nature of what we call the nerve-impulse, or of the character of the processes by which it is transmitted along the nerve, we can afford to leave this question open, and simply state that the evidence thus far obtained is opposed to the view that nerve-fibres fatigue. Liffect of Use and Disuse.—Different kinds of muscle-tissues possess very different degrees of endurance. By endurance we mean the capacity to liber- ate energy during long periods of time. This capacity is intimately associated with irritability, for one of the first marks of failure of power is a decline of irritability. In general, the more irritable a muscle the less its endurance, because with an increase of irritability there is associated a more rapid and extensive liberation of energy in response to irritants. For example, the rap- idly responding and acting pale striated muscles of the rabbit have less resist- ing power than the red striated muscles, while the sluggish unstriated muscle- fibres can contract a long time without suffering from fatigue. The endurance of muscles of even the same kind may differ very considera- bly in the same individual, but the differences are more striking in the case of different individuals. One of the causes of this is the extent to which the muscles are employed. Use, exercise, is the most effective method of increasing not only the strength, but the endurance of the muscle. Though this fact is so well known as to scarcely need repeating, the explanation of it is by no means sv clear. Undoubtedly one of the causes is a more perfect circulation in a muscle which is often used, but this is not all. It would seem as if the protoplasm of the muscle-cell was educated, so to speak, to be more expert in assimilating materials containing energy, in building up the explosive compounds employed in its work, and in excreting deleterious waste matters, The effect of exercise upon irritability has not been thoroughly worked out. 7 7 : i GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 8} Tt would seem as if there were a normal degree of irritability for each special form of muscle-tissue, and as if either an increase or decrease of the irritability above or below this level was a sign of deterioration. Exercise, if not excess- ive, is favorable to the maintenance of this normal physiological condition. Without doubt many of the differences which we attribute to the muscles of different men are really due to differences in the central nerve-cells, the action of muscles, rightly interpreted, being rather an expression of central nervous activity than the result of peculiarities of the muscles themselves. To exercise the muscles is to exercise the nerve-cells, and the effects of exercise upon these nervous mechanisms is of as much importance as the effect upon the muscles. In admiring visible proportions we must always bear in mind “the power behind the throne.” “Beef” is of use to the athlete, but the muscles are merely the servants, and can accomplish nothing if the master is sick. The nerve-cells always give out before the muscles, and the man preparing for a contest should watch his nervous system more than his muscles. He who forgets this can easily over-train, and do himself a permanent injury, besides failing in the race. Lifect of Enforced Rest.—Not only is the strength of the muscles greatly increased by exercise, but a lack of exercise soon results in a loss of strength. This is seen when an individual is confined to his bed for even a comparatively short time, or when a limb is subjected to enforced rest by being placed in a splint. The cause is to be sought in changes peculiar to the muscle proto- plasm itself, although reduced circulation may.also play a part. The effect of prolonged rest on the irritability of muscles, is seen most markedly when they are separated from the central nervous system by injuries of their nerves (see p- 79). The lowered irritability which results from prolonged rest is not peculiar to muscles, but is shared by all forms of protoplasm. C. ConpDuctTIVITY. Conductivity is that property of protoplasm by virtue of which a condition of activity aroused in one portion of the substance by the action of a stimulus of any kind may be transmitted to any other portion. For example, if the edge of the bell of a vorticella (see Fig. 2, p. 34) be irritated by a hair, not only do the movements of the cilia cease, but the contractile substance of the bell draws it into a more compact shape, and the fibrille of the stalk shorten and pull the bell away from the offending irritant. In such a case an exciting process must have been transmitted throughout the cell, and through several more or less differentiated forms of protoplasm. This property of conductivity is not known to be limited to any one peculiar structural arrangement of protoplasm distinguishable with the microscope, but is exhibited by a vast variety of forms of cell-protoplasm, and by plants as well as animals. The cytoplasm of cells, the part of the protoplasm surrounding the nucleus, appears to be composed of a semifluid granular material, traversed in all directions by finest fibrillee which in some cases appear to form an irregular meshwork, the reticulum, and in others to be arranged side by side as more or less complete fibrils. It is not 6 82 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. known whether the power of conduction is possessed by the whole of the pro- toplasmic substance or is confined to the reticular substance, but there are cer- tain reasons why the former view may be considered the more probable. The rate and the strength of the conduction process varies greatly in different forms of protoplasm, and there appear to be differences in the facility with which the exciting process spreads through different parts of even the same cell.’ Not only are such differences to be noticed in many of the ciliated infusoria, but even the substance of striated muscles seems to conduct in two different ways, the sarcoplasm appearing to conduct slowly, and the more highly differentiated fibrillary portion of the fibre rapidly. In general the process appears to be more rapid and vigorous where a fibrillated structure is observable. Smooth muscle-tissue, which has a somewhat simple structure, conducts comparatively slowly ; striated muscle, which is more highly differentiated, more rapidly, and the fibrillated axis-cylinder of the nerve-fibre, most rapidly of all. Protoplasmic Continuity is Essential to Conduction.—Hfect of a Break in Protoplasmic Continuity.—A break of protoplasmic continuity in any part of a nerve- or muscle-fibre acts as a barrier to conduction. Ifa nerve be cut through, the irritability and conductivity remain for a considerable time in the severed extremities, but communication between them is lost, and remains absent however well the cut extremities may be adjusted. The nerve-impulse is not transmitted through the nerve-substance as electricity is transmitted along a wire: join the cut ends of a wire, and the contact suffices for the passage of the current ; join the cut ends of a nerve, and the neryve-impulse cannot pass. Any severe injury to a nerve alters the protoplasmic structure and prevents the chemical and physical processes through which conductivity is made possible. It is probable that the same may be said of all forms of liv- ing cells, and the absence of protoplasmic continuity would seem to be an explanation of the fact that nerve- and muscle-fibres which lie close together may physiologically act as separate mechanisms. Even in the case of apparently homogeneous protoplasm there is probably a definite structural relation of the finest particles, and upon this the physi- ological properties of the substance depends. Slight physical and chemical alterations suffice to change the rate and strength of the conduction process, and the power to conduct is altogether lost if the protoplasm is so altered that it dies, The relation of conductivity to structure of cell-protoplasm is illustrated in the effects of degeneration and regeneration upon the physiological properties of the nerve-fibre. The life of the nerve-fibre is dependent on influences exerted upon it by the nerve-cell of which it is a branch. When any part of the fibre is injured it loses its power to conduct, and the portion of the fibre separated by this block from its cell soon dies. The irritability and conductivity are wholly lost at the end of three or four days, and the fibre begins to undergo degenera- tion. The axis-cylinder and the myelin are seen to break up and are then absorbed, apparently with the assistance of the nuclei which normally lie just Biedermann: Elektrophysiologie, 1895, p. 137. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 83 _ inside the neurilemma, and which at this time proliferate greatly and come to occupy most of the lumen of the tube. The process of absorption is nearly com- plete at the end of a fortnight after the injury. Under suitable conditions, how- ever, regeneration may occur, and as this takes place there is a recovery of physi- ological activities. ‘The order in which conductivity and irritability return is instructive. Howell and Huber’ made a careful study of this subject. They found that the many nuclei which develop during degeneration are apparently the source of new protoplasm, which is seen to accumulate in the old sheath until a continuous band of protoplasm is formed. About this thread of protoplasm a new membranous sheath develops, and thus is built up what closely resembles an embryonic nerve-fibre. The embryonic fibre formed in the peripheral end of the regenerating nerve joins that of the central end in the cicatricial tissue which has been deposited at the point of injury. Thus a temporary nerve- fibre is formed and united to the undegenerated part of the old fibre, and this new structure, though possessing neither myelin nor axis-cylinder, is found to be capable of conduction and to have a low form of irritability, being ex- citable to violent mechanical stimuli but not to induction currents. The power of conduction appears to return before irritability, and may be observed first at the end of the third week. Apparently sensation is recovered before the power of making voluntary movements; this difference may well be due, not to any essential difference between sensory and motor fibres, but to the fact that extra time is required for the motor fibres to make connection with the muscle. The embryonic fibre gradually gives place to the adult fibre, new myelin being formed all along the fibre, and a new axis-cylinder growing down from the old axis-cylinder. As the axis-cylinder grows down, the irritability for induction shocks is recovered. Many months may be necessary for the complete recovery of function. The same is true of muscle as of nerve protoplasm,—the power of con- duction ceases with the life of the cell-substance ; thus, if the middle part of a muscle-fibre be killed, by pressure, heat, or some chemical, the dead proto- plasm acts as a block to prevent the state of activity which may be excited at one end from being transmitted to the other, and the conduction power is only recovered on the regeneration of the injured tissue. Isolated Conduction is the Rule.—(a) Conduction in Nerve-trunks.—The axis-cylinders of the many fibres which run side by side in a nerve-trunk are separated from each other by the neurilemma, and in the case of the medullary nerves by the myelin substance as well, so that there is not even contiguity, much less continuity of nerve-substance. Thus the many fibres of a nerve- trunk, some afferent and others efferent, though running side by side, conduct independently of one another. For example, if the skin of the foot be pricked, the excitation of its sense-organs is communicated to sensory nerve-fibres, and is transmitted along them to the spinal cord, where the stimulus awakens cer- tain groups of cells to activity ; these cells in turn, by means of their branches, the motor nerve-fibres, transmit the condition of excitation down to the mus- 1 Journal of Physiology, 1892, vol. xiii. p. 361. 84 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. cle-fibres of the legs, which, when stimulated, contract and withdraw the foot from the offending irritant. The sensory and motor nerves concerned in this reflex act run for a considerable part of their course in the same nerve-trunk, but the sensory impulses have no direct effect on the motor nerve-fibres, and the roundabout course which has been described is the only way by which they can influence them. ¥ It is probable that isolated conduction by separate fibres and their branches holds good within the central nervous system, as elsewhere, otherwise we could scarcely explain the localization of sensations, or co-ordinated movements. It is possible that within the central nervous system the neuroglia may act to secure isolated conduction. This question will be considered elsewhere. (6) Distribution of Excitation by Branches of Nerves.—Nerve-fibres rarely branch in their passage along the peripheral nerves. The branches which are seen to be given off from the nerve-trunks are composed of bundles of nerve- fibres which have separated off from the rest, but which remain intact. After the nerves have entered a peripheral organ, or the central nervous system, the axis-cylinders may give off branches. Thus in muscles, and to a still greater degree in the electric organs of certain fish, the nerve-fibre and its axis-eylinder may: divide again and again, or after entering the spinal cord the fibre may be _ seen to give off a great many lateral branches—collaterals, as they are called. It is not known whether in such cases the fibrillee of the axis-cylinder give off branches, or whether they simply separate, a part of them entering the branch while the rest of them continue on in the main fibre. Though the exciting process does not pass from fibre to fibre, it probably involves in a greater or less degree all the elements of the same fibre, and passes into all its branches. It is evident that where it is necessary for the irritation to be localized, branching could not occur; but where a more general distribution is permissible, especially where several parts of an organ ought to act at the same instant, conduction through a single fibre which branches freely near its termination would be useful. (c) Conduction .in Muscles—Each fibre of the muscles which move the bones—the skeletal muscles, as they are sometimes called—is physiologically independent of the rest. The sarcolemma prevents not only continuity, but contiguity of the muscle-substance of the separate fibres, and there is no cross conduction from fibre to fibre. Each of the separate muscle-fibres is supplied by at least one nerve-fibre, and, under normal conditions, only acts when stimulated by the nerve. In the case of plant-cells, and of certain forms of - muscle-cells, about which there is a more or less definite wall or sheath, there are little bridges of protoplasm binding the cells together. For example, Engelmann describes the muscle of the intestines of the fly as composed of striated cells, sheathed by sarcolemma, except where bound together by little branches of sarcoplasma, which may act as conducting wires between the cells. There are certain cells, however, which have been supposed to be exceptions to the rule that protoplasmic continuity is essential to conduction. The stri- ated muscle-fibres of the heart are quite different from those of ordinary GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 85 skeletal muscles, physiologically as well as anatomically, They are stumpy quadrangular cells, which are not known to have a sarcolemma, and which ‘i united not only by their broad ends, but by lateral branches. Engelmann and others have considered conduction to take place in the heart from cell to cell, without the intervention of nerves, and in all directions with equal readi- ness. This view was held because the irritation was found to spread in all directions through the muscle-substance, and no nerves had been discovered which could account for this free communication. Quite lately, however, Hegmans and Demoor claim to have discovered in the heart of the frog, by the Golgi staining method, an anastomosing network of nerve-fibres which extends over the whole heart. This nervous network would appear to give ample means of communication between the different parts of the heart,! but it is possible that it has only a regulatory function. - . The cells of the contractile substance of some of the medusz (as Aurelia), have been supposed to communicate by contiguity rather than by continuity. The same has been thought to be the case with many forms of unstriated muscle-tissue ;” moreover, there are groups of ciliated cells, the members of which act in unison although they have not been found to be connected either directly or by nerves. These cells have apparently no membranous covering, and though living as independent units, are so related that a condition of activity excited in one seems to be transmitted to the rest by means of contact, or through the mediation of cement-substance. From what has been said it will be seen that protoplasmic continuity ensures free communication between different cells; that protoplasmic con- tiguity, either directly or through the mediation of the cement-substance, may possibly permit of conduction; but that the intervention of a different tissue, even as delicate as the sarcolemma, suffices to cause complete isolation of the cell from its neighbors. Transmission of Excitation by means of End-organs.—The latest researches on the anatomy of the spinal cord seem to show that the incoming fibres do not communicate directly with nerve-cells, but terminate in brush-like end- ings in the immédiate vicinity of the cells. A similar arrangement is found wherever nerve-cells are excited to action by nerve-fibres. It is doubtful whether the brush-like endings should be regarded as special exciting mechan- isms, or whether the brush endings should be considered to be in contact with the nerve-cells or their protoplasmic processes, and this relation to be sufficiently close to permit the cells to be stimulated. The former view is favored by the fact that though the end-brush can excite the cell, the cell does not seem to be able to excite the brush. Much the same can be said of the end-plates by which the condition of excitation of nerve-fibres is conveyed to muscle-fibres, for they seem to be in contact with, rather than continuous with the muscle- substance. Though the nerve end-organ can excite the muscle, the muscle does not appear to be able to excite the nerve. 1 Archives de Biologiz, 1895, vol. xiii., No. 4, p. 619. 2 Engelmann: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1871, Bd. iv. 86 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. - We have little knowledge of the physiological activities of the end-brushes. We know that much more time is lost in the central nervous processes than would be required to transmit the excitation through nerve-fibres, and that the time occupied is apparently the greater the longer the chain of nerve-cells en- tering into the act. A part of this time is undoubtedly spent in the processes occurring within the nerve-cells, but it is not unlikely that a portion of it may be spent by the nerve end-brushes in the excitation of the cells. It is certain that the motor end-plates use up more time in the excitation of the muscles than would be required for the transmission of the irritation through a corresponding amount of nerve-substance. It is found by experi- ment that a muscle does not contract so quickly if it be excited through its nerve as when directly stimulated. Part of the lost time is spent in transmis- sion of the excitation through the nerve, but after allowance has been made for this loss there is a balance to be accounted for, and this is credited to the motor end-plates. The average time used by the motor end-plate is found to be 0.0032 second." There are many facts which go to show that the motor end- organ is different physiologically from the nerve; viz. the latent period of the motor end-plate, the effect of curare on the nerve end-plate as dis- tinguished from nerve and muscle, the fact that the end-organ loses its vitality quicker than do nerve and muscle when the blood-supply is cut off, and the very existence of an end-organ distinguishable with the microscope. f Conduction in Both Directions—(a) In Muscle.—Wherever proto- plasmic continuity exists, conductivity would seem to be possible; moreover, the active change excited by an irritant would seem to be able to pass in all directions, though whether with the same facility is not known. Where the spread of the excitatory process is accompanied by a change in form, as is the case in many of the lower organisms and in muscle-tissue, it is not difficult to trace the process. The rate at which the excitation spreads through the irrita- ble substance is very rapid, and special arrangements have to be employed to follow it, but the change is not so swift that its course cannot be accurately determined. It has been found that if a muscle-fibre be stimulated, as nor- mally, by a nerve-fibre, the active condition produced at the point of stimula- tion spreads along the muscle-fibre in both directions to its extremities; if the fibre be artificially irritated at either end, the exciting change runs the length — of the fibre, regardless of the direction, and stimulates every part of it to con- traction. (6) In Nerves.—In the cases of nerves where excitation is accompanied by no visible manifestation of activity, a definite answer to the question is not so readily obtained. As long as a nerve is within the normal body, the activity of the nerve-fibre can only be estimated from the response of the cell which the nerve-fibre excites, and there is such an organ only at one extremity of the fibre. Efforts have been made to elucidate the problem by attempting to unite the central part of a cut sensory nerve with the peripheral part of a divided motor nerve, and observing, after the healing was complete, whether excitation of the ' Bernstein: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1882, p. 329. | = ey rw ry 4) GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 87 sensory nerve caused movements in the part supplied by the motor nerve. With a similar purpose Paul Bert made a well-known experiment, in which he succeeded in bringing about union of the end of the tail of a rat with the tissues of the back, and found, when the union was complete, after the tail was cut off at its base, it was still capable of giving sensations of pain. All such experiments fail to throw light on the problem, for we now know that the peripheral part of the cut nerve dies, and the conduction power manifested later is dependent on new axis-cylinders which have grown down from the central nerve-stump. There is, however, an entirely different method of experimentation which seems to prove that nerve-, like muscle-protoplasm, can conduct in both direc- tions. This method is based on the fact that though nerve-fibres rarely branch in the peripheral nerve-trunks on their way to an organ, they may divide very freely after reaching it. Such branchings of fibres occur in muscle, and Kuehne! found that if one of these branches was stimulated, the irritation passed up the branch to the nerve-fibre and then down the other branches to the muscle. For example, he split the end of the sartorius muscle of a frog by a longitudinal cut, and then found on exciting one of the slips that the other contracted (see Fig. 29). Since cross conduction between striated muscle-fibres does not occur, no other explanation presents itself. Perhaps a still more striking example is to be found in an experiment of Babuchin? on the nerve of the electric organ of an electric fish, the Malopterurus. The organ, consisting of many thousand plates, is supplied by a single enormous nerve- fibre which after entering the organ divides very freely so # a P Fig. 29.—Kuehne’s as to supply every plate. In this case mechanical stimu- preparation of sarto- lation of the central end of one of the cut branches of the et aks ee nerve sufficed to cause an electric discharge of the whole organ. ‘The irritation must have passed backward along the irritated branch until the main trunk was reached and then in the usual direction down the other branches to the electric plates. Still another method is that which was employed by Du Bois-Reymond,’ on the fibres of the spinal nerve-roots. When a nerve is excited to action it undergoes a change in electrical condition, and this change progresses along the fibre at the same rate and in same direction as the nerve-impulse. This electrical change, though entirely different from the nerve-impulse itself, can be taken as an indication of the direction of movement of the process of conduction. Du Bois-Reymond found that if he stimulated the afferent fibres of the posterior spinal nerve-roots of the sciatic nerve of the frog, a “ nega- tive variation current,” as the current resulting from the change in the elec- trical condition of the nerve is called, passed down the nerve in a direction "1 Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1859, p. 595. 2 Ibid., 1877, p. 262. 3 Thierische Electricitét, 1849, Bd. ii. 8. 587. 88 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. opposite to that which the normal impulse takes. Further, it was found that if the sciatic nerve was excited, a negative variation current could be detected in the anterior as well as the posterior roots. Normally the irritation only passes up the posterior roots and down the anterior, for normally the sensory fibres of the posterior roots are excited only at the peripheral end and the motor fibres of the anterior roots only at the central end. The experiment showed both sensory and motor fibres to be capable of conducting in both directions. There is no doubt but that nerve-protoplasm can conduct in both directions, although normally the nerve is stimulated only at one end and therefore con- ducts in only one direction. This question is of considerable importance, not only with reference to the possibility of the central nervous system being influenced by stimuli passing from the muscles, for instance, back along the motor nerves, but more especially with reference to the spread of impulses through the central nervous system,—a problem which will be considered later with others of a similar character. Rate of Conduction.—The activity of the conduction process varies greatly in different tissues. The nerves of warm-blooded animals conduct more rapidly than those of cold; in a given animal the nerve-fibres conduct more rapidly than muscle-fibres ; striated muscle conducts more rapidly than smooth muscle ; and even within a single cell different portions may transmit the ex- citing process at different rates ; thus the myoid substance of the contractile fibres of one of the rhizopods conducts more rapidly than the less highly differen- tiated protoplasm of the cell. In general, it may be said that, “the power to conduct increases with increase of mobility and sensitiveness to external irri- tants, a fact which reveals itself’ in the protozoa, by a comparison of the slowly moving rhizopods with the lively flagellata and ciliata.”! A study of different classes of muscle-tissue supports this view. (a) Rate of Conduction in Muscles—The conduction process is invisible, hence we estimate its strength and rate by its effects. It is most readily fol- lowed in such mechanisms as muscle, where the conducting medium itself undergoes a change of form as the exciting influence passes along it. Rate of Transmission of Wave of Contraction—If a muscle be excited to action by an irritant applied to one end, it does not contract at once as a whole, but the change of form starts at the point which is irritated and spreads thence the length of the fibres. At the same time that the muscle shortens it thickens, and under certain conditions the swelling of the muscle can be seen to travel from the end which is excited to the further extremity. In the case of normal, active, striated muscle, the rate at which the change of form spreads over the muscle is far too rapid to be followed by the eye, and hence the muscle appears to act as a whole. By suitable recording mechanisms, evidence can be obtained of the rate at which the exciting influence and contraction pro- cess pass along the fibre. Thus two levers can be so placed as to rest on the two extremities of a muscle, at the same time that the free ends of the levers * Biedermann: Elektrophysiologie, 1895, Bd. i. S. 124. A GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY oFf MUSCLE AND NERVE. 89 touch a revolving cylinder, the surface of which is covered with paper black- ened with lampblack. If, when the cylinder is revolving, one end of the mus- cle be stimulated, the record will] show that the lever resting on that part is the first to move, making it evident that that part of the mus- cle begins to thicken first, and that the contraction does not begin at the further extremity of the mus- cle until somewhat later. The re- cord given in Figure 30 was ob- Fic. 30.—Rate of conduction of the contraction pro- tained in a similar experiment, but = c— Fie. 31.—Method of recording the rate of passage of the contraction process along a muscle ‘(after Marey). The movements of the muscle are recorded by means of air-transmission. The pince myo- graphique consists of two light bars, the upper of which acts as a lever, moving freely on an ey sup- ported by the lower.. When the free end of the upper bar is raised, the other end presses down on & delicate rnbber membrane which covers a little metal capsule, which is carried on the CORRES PURINE extremity of the lower bar. The capsule is in air-communication, by a stiff-walled rubber mt me another capsule which is similarly covered with rubber membrane. A light lever is connected wit the membrane of the second tambour, and records its movements on the surface of a mprolving bracers The muscle is placed between the free ends of the bars of the pince myographique, and, when the ae . thickens in contraction, it raises one end of the lever, depresses the membrane at the other en phen drives air into the recording tambour, and thus, by automatically raising the writing-point, records change in form on the cylinder. moment of irritation and the beginning of the contraction (see p. 101). A lever was so connected with one end of the muscle as to record the instant that it began to thicken. The muscle was stimulated in one experiment at the end from which the record of its contraction was taken, and in another immediately 1 Untersuchungen iiber die elektrische Erregung von Muskeln und Nerven, 1871, p. 79. 90 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. following experiment it was stimulated near the other end. The distance between the stimulated points being known, the rate of transmission was reckoned from the difference in the latent periods. In his experiments he found the rate of conduction in the semimembranosus of the frog to be from 3.2 to 4.4 meters per second. Hermann found the rate to be 2.7 meters for the curarized sartorius of the frog. The results obtained by Abey and some others are a little lower, but probably 3 meters per second can be accepted as the average normal rate for frog’s muscle. Length of Wave.-—By such experiments it becomes obvious that the con- traction process passes over the muscle, in the form of a wave. In an experi- ment, such as Bernstein’s, in which the thickening of the muscle is recorded, we can determine from the length of the curve written by the contracting muscle how long the contraction remains at a given place. Knowing this, and the rate at which the process passes along the fibre, we can estimate the length of the contraction wave, just as we could reckon the length of a train of cars if we knew how fast it was moving and how long it required to pass a given station. Thus, if the contraction is found to last at a given point on the muscle 0.1 second, and the rate at which the contraction process is travelling is 3000 millimeters per second, the length of the wave is 300 milli- meters. According to Bernstein’s determinations, the length of the wave of contraction in a frog’s striated muscle is from 198-380 millimeters. The length of a striated muscle-fibre is, at the most, scarcely more than 40 milli- meters, and normally the muscle-fibre is stimulated, not as in the above ex- periment at one end, but near its centre, at the point where the nerve joins it; the irritation process spreads along the fibre in both directions from this point, and would pass over the distance 20 millimeters so quickly that practi- cally the whole muscle-fibre would be in the same phase of contraction at the same time. Rate of Conduction in Different Kinds of Muscle.—The rate of conduction varies very considerably in the muscles of different animals, and in different kinds of muscle in the same animal, just as the contraction process itself dif- fers in its rate and strength. Meters per second. Smooth muscle-fibres of the ureters of the rabbit. . . 0.02-0.03 (Engelmann). Muscle of the heart-ventricle of the frog . .... . 0.1 (Waller). Contractile substance of meduse .........., 0.5 (Waller). Neck-muscles of the turtle ............ 0.1 -0.6 (Hermann and Abey). Gracilis and semimembranosus of the frog ....: 32-44 (Bernstein). Cruralis (red muscle) of the rabbit. ..... me, | (Rollet). . Sterno-mastoid of thedog ..........4... 3. -6 (Bernstein and Steiner). Semimembranosus (white muscle) of the rabbit .. . 5.4 -11.4 (Rollet). RE Ge cote ie eae un 10. -13 (Hermann). ~ (6) Rate of Conduction in Nerves.—Conductivity is most highly developed in the case of the nerve-fibre. The distances through which it acts and the rapidity of the process excite our wonder, The process is accompanied by no visible change in the nerve-fibre itself, and the strength and rate have to be GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 9\ estimated by the effect produced on the organ which the nerve excites to action or by the change which takes place in the electrical condition of the nerve a the wave of excitation sweeps over it. Kate m Motor Nerves.—Helmholtz was the first to measure the rate of con- duction in nerves.’ Originally he employed Pouillet’s method for measurin short intervals of time. The arrangement is illustrated in Figure 32. The moment that the current in the primary coil of an induction apparatus was broken and the nerve connected with the secondary coil received a shock a current was thrown into the coils of a galvanometer (see p. 136). An instant after, the contraction of the muscle which resulted from the stimulation of the nerve broke the galvanometer circuit. The amount of deviation of the magnet of the galvanometer varied with the time that the circuit remained closed, and therefore could be taken as a measure of the interval elapsing between the stimulation of the nerve and the contraction of the muscle. The nerve was excited in two succeeding experiments at two points, at a known distance apart, and the difference in the time records obtained was the time required for the transmission of the nerve-impulse through this distance. é and ~ 0 — NO ton seravaaeeess i —— five) | ; “ole Fic. 32.—Method of estimating rate of conduction in motor nerve of frog, as used by Helmholtz. The horizontal bar a-b is supported on an axis in such a manner that when the contact is made at a it is broken at b, therefore at the same instant a current is made in the galvanometer circuit and opened in the primary circuit of the induction apparatus. When the muscle contracts, the galvanometer circuit is broken atc. The nerve was stimulated in two successive experiments at d and e. Later, Helmholtz devised a method of directly recording the contractions of the muscle, and employed this to measure the rate of conduction in motor nerves. He stimulated the nerve as near as possible to the muscle and re- corded the contraction, then he stimulated the nerve as far as possible from the muscle and again recorded the contraction. The difference in time between the moment of excitation and the beginning of the contraction in the two experiments was due to the difference in the distance that the nerve-impulse had to pass in the two cases, and, this distance being known, the rate of con- duction could be readily calculated. By this means he found the rate of trans- mission in the motor nerves of the frog to be 27 meters per second. In similar experiments upon men he recorded the contractions of the muscles of the ball of the thumb, and noted the difference in the time of the beginning of the contractions when the median nerve was excited through the skin at two 1 Helmholtz: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1850, p. 71-276 ; 1852, p. 199. 92 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. different places. He found the average normal rate for man to be about 34 meters per second, a rate which is considerably quicker than that of our fastest express trains, but a million times less than the rate at which an electric current is transmitted along a wire. These determinations are still accepted as approximately correct for human nerves, although they are found to vary very considerably under different conditions, a high temperature and strong irritation quickening the rate to 90 or more meters per second. Moreover, considerable differences exist in nerves controlling different functions, even in the same animal. Thus Chauveau gives the rate for the fibres of the vagus nerve, which supply the rapidly contracting striated muscles of the larynx, as 66.7 meters per second; and the rate for vagus fibres, controlling the slower smooth muscles of the cesophagus, as 8.2 meters per second. The rate of transmission in the non-medullated nerves of invertebrates appears to be still slower ; the nerve for the claw-muscles of the lobster conducts at a rate of from 6 to 12 meters per second, according as the temperature is high or low (Fredericq and Vandervelde). Rate in Sensory Nerves——We have no definite knowledge of the rate of conduction in sensory nerves. The attempt has been made to measure it, by stimulating the sensory fibres of a nerve-trunk at two different points and noting the difference in the time of the beginning of the resulting reflex acts ; or, in experiments on men, the difference in the length of the reaction time has been taken as an indication. By reaction time is meant the interval which elapses between the moment that the irritant is applied and the signal which is made by the subject as soon as he feels the sensation. Ochl found the mean normal rate of conduction in the sensory nerves of men to be 36.6 meters per second." Dolley and Cattell,? by employing the reaction-time method, found the rate for the sensory fibres of the median nerve of one of them to be 21.1 meters per second, and for the other 49.5 meters per second, while the posterior tibial nerve gave rates, for one of-them 31.1 meters, and for the other 64.9 meters. ‘They attribute these wide variations in part to differences in the effectiveness of the irritant at different parts of the skin, but chiefly to differ- ences in the activity of the central nervous processes involved in the act. In spite of the great difficulty of getting definite measurements on men, we may conclude from the work of these and other observers that the rate of conduction in sensory fibres is about the same as in motor fibres ; in the case of man about 35 meters per second. Influences which Alter the Rate and Strength of the Conduction Pro- cess.—(a) Hffect of Death-processes.—Normally, the rate of conduction in mus- cle-fibres is so rapid that the whole muscle appears to contract at the same time; but there are certain conditions under which the transmission of the exciting influence is very much slowed, or even altogether prevented, so that the stimu- lation of a given part of the muscle results in a local swelling, or welt, limited to the excited area. When a muscle is dying, the rate of conduction as well "Oehl: Archives italiennes de Biologie, 1895, xxi., 3, p. 401. * Psychological Review, New York and London, 1894, i. p. 159. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 93 as the rapidity of contraction .is lessened. The muscles of warm-blooded ani- mals exhibit more striking differences than those of cold-blooded, but both are affected by them. Ifa dying muscle be mechanically stimulated, as by a direct blow, a localized swelling develops at the place; and if the muscle be stroked with a dull instrument, a wave of contraction may be seen to follow the instru- ment, the contraction being quite strictly limited to the excited area, so that one can write on the muscle. The strict localization of the contraction to the irritated parts makes it evident that the nerves take no part in it, hence Schiff called it an idio-muscular contraction, in distinction from the normal neuro- muscular contraction. In the dying nerve as in the dying muscle the rate of transmission is found to be slowed. (6) Lfect of Mechanical Conditions.—The effect of pressure to lessen the conduction-power of nerves is one which everyone has had occasion to demon- strate on himself. For example, if pressure be brought to bear on the ulnar nerve where it crosses the elbow, the region supplied by the nerve becomes numb, “goes to sleep,” so to speak. It is noticeable that only a, slightly greater effort is required to move the muscles, at a time when no sensations are received from the hand. For some unexplained reason the sensory nerve-fibres appear to be less resistant than the motor. Gradually applied pressure may paralyze the nerve without exciting it, but on the removal of the pressure the recovery of function of the sensory fibres is accompanied by excitation processes, which are felt as pricking sensations referred to the region supplied by the nerve. The exact reason of the loss of functional power caused by pressure which is insuf- ficient to produce permanent injury is not altogether clear. Stretching a nerve may act to lessen, and if severe destroy, conductivity. It is in one sense another way of applying pressure, since the calibre of the sheath is lessened and through the fluids pressure is brought to bear on the axis-cylinder. Of course, if the stretching were excessive, the nerve-fibres would be ruptured and degenerate. (c) Effect of Temperature on Conduction.—Helmholtz and Baxt found that by cooling motor nerves they could lower the rate of conduction, and by heat- ing them they could increase it even more markedly. By altering the tem- perature of the motor nerves of man, they observed rates varying from 30 to 90 meters per second. The rate of the motor nerves of other animals is like- wise greatly altered by heat and cold. This is true of the invertebrates as well as the vertebrates; the rate in the nerves of the claw-muscles of the lobster, for example, changes from 6 to 12 meters per second as the temperature is varied from 10° to 20° C. Sensory nerve-fibres are similarly influenced by temperature. Oehl found by cooling and heating the nerves of men, variations of from 34 to 96 meters per second, and in some cases even greater differences were observed. Both the sympathetic and vagus nerve-fibres in the frog have their influence on the heart-beat decreased by cold and increased by heat.! The favorable influence of heat on the conduction power seems common to all nerves, but only within certain limits. The motor fibres of the sciatic of the frog lose their power to conduct at 41° to 44° C., but may recover the power 1 Stewart: Journal of Physiology, 1891, vol. xii., No. 3, p. 22. 94 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. if quickly cooled ; if the temperature has reached 50° C. conductivity is per- manently lost. Nerves of like function in different animals may lose the power of conduc- tion at different temperatures. Thus the motor fibres of the sciatic nerve of the dog cease to conduct at 6° C., those of the cat at 5° to 3° C., of the frog at about 0° C. The inhibitory fibres of the vagus nerve of the dog show dimin- ished activity at 3° C., and become wholly inactive at 0° C.; the inhibitory fibres of the vagus of the rabbit become inactive at 15° C. ; Different kinds of fibres in the same nerve-trunk may be differently affected by temperature, and this difference may be sufficiently marked in some cases to be used asa means of distinguishing them.’ For example, the temperature limits at which the vaso-constrictor fibres of the sciatic of the cat can conduct are 2°-3° C. to 47° C., while the limits for the dilator fibres are both lower and higher than for the constrictors. If cold be applied to the sciatic nerve, the fibres supplying the extensor muscles seem to fail before those which in- nervate the flexors. Further, it has been observed that if cold be applied locally to a nerve, the part affected loses its power to conduct, and acts as a block to the passage of the nerve-impulse generated in another part of the nerve; on the other hand, the strength of an impulse is increased by passage through a region which has been warmed. ‘These facts remind us of the effect of heat and cold on the activity of other forms of protoplasm and would find a comparatively easy explanation were we content to look upon conduction as the result of chemical change in the axis-cylinder. The fact that conduction does not cause fatigue is opposed to such an explanation, and so we take refuge in the idea that heat is favorable and cold unfavorable to molecular activity in general. (d) Lffect of Chemicals and Drugs.—The conductivity, like the irritability, of nerve and muscle is greatly influenced by anything which alters the chemical constitution of active substance. In general it may be said that influences which increase or decrease the one have a similar effect upon the other, but there are important exceptions to the rule. Thus the direct application of alcohol, ether, etc., may destroy the conductivity without greatly lessening the irritability, while carbon dioxide may destroy the irritability, though leaving the conductivity unimpaired. (¢) Lifect of a Constant Battery Current.—A constant electric current, if al- lowed to flow through a nerve or muscle, not only alters the irritability but also the conductivity. The change in the conductivity affects both the strength and rate of the conduction process. Von Bezold? found that weak and medium currents have little effect on the conductivity, but that strong currents completely destroy the power of the nerve to transmit the nerve-impulse. As the strength of the current is increased the first effect is observed at the anode, and shows itself in a slowing of the passage of the exciting impulse. This action is the greater the more of the nerve exposed to the current, the stronger * Howell, Budgett, and Leonard: Journal of Physiology, vol. xvi., Nos. 3 and 4, 1894. * Untersuchungen tiber die elektrische Erregung den Nerven und Muskeln, Leipzig, 1861. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 95 the current, and the longer it is closed. The loss of conduction power is asso- ciated with changes at the place where the current enters and where it leaves the nerve rather than with alterations within the intrapolar region. Engelmann, in his experiments on the smooth muscle-fibres of the ureter, saw a decline of power of conduction at the anode by weak currents, which when the strength of the current was increased appeared also at the kathode; the conductivity was wholly lost at both poles when the current was very strong. In the case of a striated muscle, such as the sartorius of the frog, the kathode has been found to become impassable after strong currents have flowed through a muscle for a considerable time. The same is true of nerves. It is not surprising that a current which can greatly decrease the irritability at the anode, and even inhibit a contraction which may be present when it is applied, should be found to decrease the conductivity as well, but that the con- ductivity should be decreased at the kathode, where the irritability is greatly increased, was not to be expected. Rutherford! found that with weak currents the rate of the conduction power at the kathode was increased rather than diminished, and that it was only when strong currents acted a considerable time that the conduction power lessened at the kathode. Biedermann explains this on the ground that the increased excitability at the kathode leads in the muscle to a condition of latent contraction and therefore to fatigue, and that it is this which lessens the conductivity. The lessened power to conduct con- tinues at the kathode after the removal of the current. There is little doubt that fatigue interferes with the conduction power of muscle, but this explana- tion would hardly apply to nerves which are not known to fatigue at the point of stimulation, i. e. if we limit the term fatigue to changes resulting from physiological activity. Undoubtedly chemical and physical alterations may occur in nerves as a result of the passage of an electric current through them, and it would seem as if the loss of conductivity which they show when sub- jected to strong currents is to be accounted for by such changes. The changes produced in the conductivity of nerves by strong currents explain the failure of the closing of the ascending current and opening of the descending current to irritate the muscle (see Pfliiger’s law, p. 60). In the former case the anode region of decreased conductivity intervenes between the kathode, where the closing stimulus is developed, and the muscle. In the latter case the irritation developed at the anode, on the opening of the current, is unable to pass the region of decreased conductivity which is formed at the kathode, and which persists after the current is opened. Practical Application of Alterations produced by Battery Currents.—The alterations produced by strong battery currents in the irritability and condue- tivity of nerves’ and muscles may be made use of by the physician. If the effect of only one pole is desired, it may be applied as a small electrode im- mediately over the region to be influenced, while the other pole may be a large electrode placed over some distant part of the body where there are no import- ant organs. The size of the electrodes used determines the density of the 1 Journal of Anatomy and Physiologie, 1867, vol. 2, p. 87. 96 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. current leaving or entering the body and consequently the intensity of its action. The application of the anode to a region of increased excitability, by decreasing the irritability, may for the time lessen irritation; on the other hand the kathode may heighten the irritability of a region of decreased excitability.. The sending of a strong polarizing current through a motor nerve, by lessening the conductivity, may prevent abnormal motor impulses from reaching muscles, and so stop harmful “cramps ;” or the sending of such a current through a sensory nerve may, during the flow of the cur- rent, keep painful impulses from reaching the central nervous system. In applying a strong battery current to lessen irritability or conductivity it must be remembered that the after-effect of such a current is increased irritability. (f) Effect of Conduction.—Many experiments have been made in the hope of detecting some form of chemical change as a result of conduction. The nerve has been stimulated for many hours in succession with an electric cur- rent,-and then been examined with the utmost care to find whether there had been an accumulation of some waste product, as carbon dioxide, or some other acid body. The gray matter of the spinal cord, which is largely composed of nerve-cells, is found to become acid as a result of activity,’ but this cannot be found to be the case with the white matter of the cord, which is chiefly made up of nerve-fibres, nor has an acid reaction been obtained with certainty in nerve-trunks.,? Not only has an attempt to discover this or other waste products which might be supposed to result from chemical changes within the nervye-fibre failed, but observers have been unable to obtain evidence of the liberation of heat, which one would expect to find were the nerve-fibre the seat of chem- ical changes during the process of conduction.’ Stewart writes: “Speaking quite roughly, I think we may say that in the nerves of rabbits and dogs there is not even a rise of temperature of the general nerve-sheath of sj55 of a degree during excitation.” Many experiments have been made to ascertain whether a nerve would fatigue if made to conduct for a long time. Most of these have been made upon motor nerves, the amount of contraction of the muscle, in response to a definite stimulus applied to the nerve, being taken as an index of the activity of the nerve. Since the muscle would fatigue if stimulated continuously for a long time, various means have been block the nerve-impulse and prevent it from reaching the muscle, except at the beginning and end of the experiment. This block has been established by passing a continuous current through the nerve near the muscle, thus inducing an electrotonic * Funke: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physioloyie, 1859, p. 835. Ranke: Centralblatt fiir medicin- ische Wissenschaft, 1868 and 1869. * Heidenhain: Studien aus dem physiologischen Institut. zu Breslau, ix. p. 248; Centralblatt fiir Mediein, 1868, p. 833. Tigerstedt: “Studien iiber mechanische Nervenreizung,” Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennice, 1880, tom. xi. ® Helmholtz: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1848, p. 158. Heidenhain: op. cit. Rolleston : Journal of Physiology, 1890, vol. xi. p. 208. Stewart: second elapsed between the point b, at which the muscle curve began to rise, and c¢, the point at which the full height of the contraction was reached, and that about ;7, second was occupied by the return of the muscle curve from ¢ to point d, at the level from which it started. The muscle employed in this experiment was slightly fatigued, and the movements were in consequence a little slower than normal. Latent Period.—The time that elapses between the moment that a stim- ulus reaches a muscle and the. instant the muscle begins to change its form is called the latent period. In the experiment recorded in Fig. 35 the muscle received the shock at the point @ on the curve, but the lever did not begin to rise until the point 6 was reached. The latent period as recorded in this ex- periment was about 0.006 second. The latent period and the time relations of the muscle-curve were first measured by Helmholtz, who introduced the use of the myograph.' Helmholtz concluded from his experiments that the latent period for a frog’s muscle is about ;4, second, that the rise of the curve occupies about zz, and the fall about 73, second, the total time occupying about +, second. ‘These rates can be considered approximately correct, excepting for the latent period, which has been found by more accurate methods to be con- siderably shorter. Tigerstedt connected a curarized frog’s muscle with a myo- graph lever, which was so arranged as to break an electric contact at the instant that the muscle made the slightest movement; the break in the electric circuit was recorded on a rapidly revolving drum, by an electro-magnet similar to the chronograph. By this means he found the latent period of a frog’s muscle may be as short as 0.004 second. ‘Tigerstedt? did not regard this as the true latent period, however ; he expressed the belief that the muscle proto- plasm must have begun to respond to the excitation much sooner than this. The contraction of the whole muscle is the result of a shortening of each of the myriad of light and dark disks of which each of the muscle-fibres is composed (see Fig. 36). The distance to be traversed by the finest particles of muscle- substance is microscopic, hence the rapidity of the change of form of the whole muscle. Even such a change would require time, however, and it is probable nemius 1 Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1850, p. 308. 2 Ibid., 1885, Suppl. Bd., p. 111. 102 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. that the muscle protoplasm becomes active before any outward manifestation occurs. That this view is correct has been proved by electrical observations. When muscle protoplasm passes from a state of rest to one of action it undergoes an alteration in electrical condition. This change can be detected by the galvanometer (Fig. 58, p. 135) or by the capillary electrometer (Fig. 59, p. 136). Burdon Sanderson! has found that by the aid of the latter instru- ment an alteration of the electrical condition of the muscle of a frog can be detected within 0.0025 second after the stimulus has been applied to it. Since some slight interval of time must have been lost even by this delicate method, it would seem that muscle protoplasm begins to be active at the instant it is stimulated. According to this view, muscle-substance has no latent period ; neverthe- less we can still speak of the latent period of the muscle asa whole. It will be necessary, however, to distinguish between the electrical latent period and the mechanical latent period: by the former we mean the time which elapses between the moment of excitation and the first evidence obtainable of a change in the electrical condition of the muscle; by the latter, the time between exci- tation and the earliest evidence of movement which can be observed. In the case of the striated muscles of a frog the electrical latent period is about 0.0025 second, and the mechanical about 0.004 second. Mendelssohn? estimated the mechanical latent period of the muscles of man to be about 0.008 second. There can be little doubt, however, that this figure is too large. Bernstein’ found that if a normal frog’s muscle be excited indirectly, by the stimulation of its nerve, the mechanical latent period is somewhat longer than when it is directly excited. Of course a certain length of time is required to transmit the excitation through the length of nerve intervening between the point stimulated and the muscle fibres. If this time be deducted, there still remains a balance of about 0.003 second, which can only be ac- counted for on the assumption that the motor nerve end-plates require time to excite the muscle-fibres. The motor end-plates are therefore said to have a latent period of 0.002—0.003 second. The latent period, and the time required for the rise and fall of the myo- graph curve, are found to be very different not only for the muscles of differ- ent animals, but even for the different muscles of the same animal. Moreover, the time relations of the contraction process in each muscle are altered by a great variety of conditions. Before considering the effect of various influences upon the character of the muscle contraction, let us give a glance at the finer structure of the muscle, and the change of form which the microscopic segments of the muscle-fibre undergo during contraction. 2. Optical Properties of Striated Muscle during Rest and Action.— An ordinary striated muscle is composed of a great number of very long ’ Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, July 5, 1890, vol. iv. * Archiv de Physiologie, 1880, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 197. * Untersuchungen iiber den Erregungsvorgang im Nerven und Muskelsystem, 1871. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NER VE. | 103 muscle-cells, fibres as they are called, arranged side by side in bundles, the whole being bound together by a fine connective-tissue network. Each fastie: fibre consists of a very delicate elastic sheath, the sarcolemma, which is dea pletely filled with the muscle-substance. Under the microscope the fibies are seen to be striped by alternating light and dark transverse bands, and on focus- ing, the difference in texture which this suggests is found to extend through the fibres, 7. e. the light and dark bands correspond to little disks of substances of different degrees of translucency. More careful study with a high power shows under certain circumstances other . ; cross markings (see Fig. 36, A), the light band is found to be divided in halves by a fine dark line, Z, and parallel to it is 2 band, @, is found to have a barely per- % ceptible light line in its centre. The fine dark lines, Z, which run through the middle of the light bands, were for a time supposed to be caused by delicate membranes (Krause’s membrane), which were thought to stretch through the fibre and to divide it into a series of little compartments, each of which had exactly the same construction. Kuehne chanced to see a minute nematode worm Fie. 36.—Schema of histological structure of ‘ l ° id ] fib d muscle-fibre: A, resting fibre as seen by ordinary moving along inside a muscle-fibre, an light; B, resting fibre seen by polarized light; C, observed that it encountered no obstruc- Contracting fibre by ordinary light; D, contract- ing fibre by polarized light. tion, such as a series of membranes, how- _ ever delicate, would have caused. As it moved, the particles of muscle-sub- stance closed in behind it, the original structure being completely recovered. This observation did away with the view that the fibre is divided into com- partments, but the arrangement shown in Figure 36, A, repeats itself through- out the length of the fibre and indicates that it is made up of a vast succession of like parts. Muscle-substance consists of two materials, which differ in their optical peculiarities and their reaction to stains. If a muscle-fibre be examined by polarized light, it is found that there is a substance in the dark bands which - refracts the light doubly, is anisotropic, while the bulk of the substance in the light bands is singly refractive, isotropic (B, Fig. 36). The anisotropic sub- stance is found to stain with hematoxylin, while the isotropic is not thus stained ; on the other hand, the isotropic substance is: often colored by chloride of gold, which is not the case with the anisotropic. By means of these reac- tions it has been possible to ascertain something as to the arrangement of these substances within the muscle-fibre, though the ultimate structure has not been definitely decided. It appears that the isotropic material is the sarcoplasma, which is distributed throughout the fibre and holds imbedded within it the 104 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. particles of the anisotropic substance, these particles having a definite arrange- ment. Striated muscle-fibres present not only cross markings, but under favorable conditions longitudinal striations, these being most evident in the dark bands. These longitudinal striations are looked upon with great interest as indicating that the particles of anisotropic material are arranged in long chains as incomplete fibrillee. According to this view the muscle-fibre is com- posed of semifluid isotropic substance, in which are the particles of anisotropic material, arranged to form vast numbers of parallel fibrille of like structure, and so placed as to give the effect of transverse disks (Z, n, Q, Fig. 36). When a striated muscle contracts, each of its fibres becomes shorter and thicker, and the same is true of the dark and light disks of which the fibres are composed. If we examine a muscle-fibre which has been fixed by osmic acid at a time when part of it was contracting, we see that in the contracted part the light and dark bands have both become shorter and wider, but that the volume of the dark bands (Q, Fig. 36, C) has increased at the expense of the light bands. Further, the dark bands are seen to be lighter and the light bands darker in the contracted part, while examination with polarized light shows that though the anisotropic substance does not seem to have changed its position, (Fig. 36, D), the original dark bands have less and the lighter bands greater refractive power. ‘These appearances would seem to be explained by Engel- mann’s view that contraction is the result of imbibition of the more fluid part of the sarcoplasm by the anisotropic substance ; the cause of the imbibition is the liberation of heat by chemical changes which occur at the instant the muscle is excited. Engelmann’ has shown that dead substance containing anisotropic material, such as a catgut string, can change its form, by imbi- bition of fluid under the influence of heat, and give a contraction curye in many respects similar to that to be obtained from muscle. This theory of the method of action of the muscle-substance, though attractive, can be accepted only as a working hypothesis, and is not to be regarded as proved. Various other theories have been advanced to explain the connection between the chemical changes which undoubtedly occur during contraction and the alteration of form, but none have been generally accepted. Enough has been said to show that the contraction of the muscle as a whole is the result of a change in the minute elements of the fibrille, and that the various condi- tions which influence the activity of the process of contraction must act chiefly through alterations produced in these little mechanisms. 3. Elasticity of Muscle.—The elasticity and extensibility of muscle are of great importance, for by every form of muscular work the muscle is sub- jected to a stretching force. Elasticity of muscle is the property by virtue of which it tends to preserve its normal form, and to resist any external force which would act to alter that form. The shape of muscles may be altered by pressure, but the change is one of form and not of bulk; since muscles are — largely made up of fluid, their compressibility is inconsiderable. The elasticity * Ueber den Ursprung der Muskelkraft, Leipzig, 1893. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 105 of muscles is slight but quite perfect, by which is meant that a muscle vields readily to a stretching force, but on the removal of the force quickly its normal form. Most of the experiments upon muscle elasticity have been made after the muscle had been removed from the body, hence under abnormal conditions. Under these circumstances it is found that if a number of equal weights be added to a suspended muscle, one after the other, the extension pro- duced is not, like that of an inorganic body such as steel spring, proportional to the weight, but each weight stretches the muscle less than the preceding. If the weights be removed in succession, an elastic recovery is observed, which, although considerable, is incomplete. If the change in the length be recorded by a lever attached to the muscle, the surface being moved along just the same amount after each weight is added or removed, a curve is obtained such as is shown in Fig. 37, 5. Above this is a record taken in a similar way from a piece of rubber (a). The rubber resem- bles a steel spring in that equal weights stretch it to like amounts, but the elastic recovery, recovers though more complete than that of the muscle, Fic. 37.—a, Curve of extensibility rear f and elasticity of a rubber band; b, curve 1S imper ect. of extensibility and elasticity of a sar- In such an experiment it is found that the torius muscle of a frog. The weights ‘ : . employed were 10 grams each. The full effect of adding the weights, or removing same length of time was allowed to them from the muscle, does not occur immedi- itil ond eapiract. ately, but when a weight is added there is a gradual yielding to the stretching force, and, on the removal of a weight, a gradual recovery of form under the influence of the elasticity. This slow after-action makes it difficult to say just what is to be considered the proper curve of elasticity of muscle, especially as the physiological condition of the muscle is always changing. The elasticity of muscles is dependent on normal physiological conditions, and is altered by death, or by anything which causes a change in the normal constitution of the muscles, as the cutting off of the blood-supply. The dead muscle is less extensible and less elastic than the normal living muscle. Heating, within limits, increases, and cooling decreases the elasticity. Contraction is accompanied by increased extensibility, 7. e. lessened elasticity, and the changes caused by fatigue lessen the elasticity. It is interesting to note in this connection that the elasticity is decreased by weak acid solutions and increased by weak alkaline solutions (Brunton and Cash).' The elasticity of a muscle within the normal body is without doubt more perfect than that of an isolated muscle, and suffices to preserve the tension of the muscle under all ordinary conditions. The muscles are attached to the bones under elastic tension, as is shown by the separation of the ends in case , 1 Philosophical Transactions, 1884, p. 197. 106 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. a muscle be cut. This elastic tension is very favorable to the action of the muscle, as it takes up the slack and ensures that at the instant the muscle begins to shorten the effect of the change shall be quickly imparted to the bones which it is its function to move. The extensibility of the muscle is a great protection, lessening the danger of rupture of the muscle-fibres and ligaments, and the injury of joints when the muscles contract suddenly and vigorously, or when they are subjected to sudden strains by external forces. The importance of extensibility and elasticity to muscles which act as antag- onists is evident. When a muscle suddenly contracts against a resisting force such as the inertia of a heavy weight, the energy of contraction, which puts the muscle on the stretch, is temporarily stored in it as elastic force, and as the weight yields to the strain, is given out again; thus the effect of the contrac- tion force is tempered, the application of the suddenly developed energy being prolonged and softened. 3 4. Influences which Affect the Activity and Character of the Con- traction.—(a) The Character of the Muscle—Attention has been called to the fact that irritability and conductivity may be different not only in different kinds of muscle-tissue, and in muscles of different animals, but even in similar kinds of muscle-tissue in the different muscles of the same animal; the same may be said of contractility. Although irritability, conductivity, and contrac- tility are to be regarded as different properties of muscle protoplasm, they are usually found to be developed to a corresponding degree in each muscle. Those forms of muscle which require for their excitation irritants of slow and prolonged action, are found to conduct slowly and to make slow and long- drawn-out contractions, and muscles which are excited by irritants acting rapidly and briefly are noted for the quickness with which they contract and relax. Differences in the activity of the contraction process are made evident by the duration of single contractions of different forms of muscle-tissue. The duration of the contraction of the striated muscles of different animals differs greatly, e. g. of the frog ;1, second, of the turtle 1 second, of certain insects only sf 5 second. Even muscles of apparently the same kind in the Pectoralis major Sete ROU 74! S36 SGT RS Tel ee Fig. 38.—Records of maximal isotonic contractions of four different muscles from a turtle, each weighted with 30 grams: Pectoralis major; omohyoid; gracilis; palmaris. The dots mark } second, and the longer marks seconds (after Cash).2 same animal exhibit different degrees of activity. Cash! reports the following differences in the duration of the contractions of different striated muscles of a frog in fractions of a second: Hyoglossus, 0.205; rectus abdominis, 0.170 ; gastrocnemius, 0.120; semimembranosus, 0.108 ; triceps femoris, 0.104. Sim- * Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1880, suppl. Ba., p. 147. 2 Op. cit., p. 157. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 107 ilar differences are found to exist between different muscles in other animals —in the turtle, for instance, as is shown by the myograms in Fig, 38. It is interesting to connect the rate of the contraction process in different muscles with their function. The omohyoid muscle of the turtle is capable of comparatively rapid contractions, and the action of this muscle is to draw back the head beneath the projecting shell; the pectoralis, on the other hand, although strong, contracts slowly; it is a muscle of locomotion and has to move the heavy body of the animal. Unstriated muscles, which are remark- able for the slowness and the duration of their contractions, are found chiefly in the walls of the intestines, blood-vessels, ete., which require to remain in a state of continued contraction for considerable periods and do not need to alter rapidly. It is the business of the heart-muscle to drive fluids often against considerable resistance, and a strong, not too rapid, slightly prolonged contrae- tion, such as is peculiar to it, would be best adapted to its function. The bulk of the muscles of the bodies of warm-blooded animals are capable of rapid contraction and relaxation, but the rate normal to the muscle is found to vary with the form of work to be done. The muscles which control the vocal organs, for instance, have a very rapid rate of relaxation as well as of con- traction. The muscles which move the bones appear to have different rates of contraction and relaxation according to the weight of the parts to be moved ; those which control the lighter parts, as the hand, being capable of rapid con- tractions, while those which have to overcome the inertia of heavier parts, to which rapidity of action would be a positive disadvantage, react more slowly. In general, where rapid, brief, and vigorous contractions are required, pale striated muscles are found; where more prolonged contractions are needed, red striated muscles occur. The accompanying myograms (Fig. 39) illustrate Fig. 39.—A, maximal contractions of the gastrocnemius medialis of the rabbit (pale muscle), pres with 50, 100, 300, and 500 grams ; B, maximal contractions of the soleus of the rabbit (red muscle), weighte with 50, 100, and 200 grams (after Cash). the difference in the rate of contractions of pale and red striated muscles of the rabbit. . é Pale and red striated fibres are found united in the same muscle in certain instances, and in these cases it is supposed that the former, which are capable 108 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of very rapid and powerful but short-lived contractions start the movement, while the slower red muscles continue it. (6) Effect of Tension on the Extent and Course of the Contraction.—As we have seen, the rate of the contraction of an ordinary striated muscle is much too rapid to be followed by the eye, and to study the course of the change in form it is necessary to employ some kind of recording mechanism. Every mechanical device for recording the movements of the muscle has inertia, and, if given motion, acquires momentum. Both of these factors would tend to alter the shape of the record, and the more, the greater the weight of the re- cording apparatus. A weight, or tension, can be applied to a muscle in various ways, and the form of the contraction will be correspondingly changed. Ifa muscle is made to work with a considerable weight hanging on it, we speak of it as loaded ; if the weight be connected with the muscle, but so supported that it does not pull on it until the muscle begins to shorten, the muscle is said to be after- loaded; if the weight is the same throughout the contraction, as when the muscle has only to lift a light weight, applied close to the axis of the lever, the contraction is said to be isotonic ; if on the other hand the contracting muscle is made to work against a strong spring, so that it can shorten very little, 7. e. has almost the same length throughout the contraction, the contraction is said to be zsometric. The shape of the myogram recorded as a result of the same stimulus would evidently be very different in these four cases. The effect of a weight to alter the myogram is illustrated in the record given in Figure 40. Increasing the weight prolonged the latent period, and lessened the height and duration of the con- tractions. The alterations liable to occur in the form of the myogram as a result of the mechanical condi- tions under which the work is done are— (1) Prolongation of the latent period. There can be no moye- Fic. 40.—Effect of the weight upon the form of the myogram. The gastrocnemius muscle of a frog excited by maximal breaking induction shocks five times, the weight being increased after each contraction, andin the intervals supported at the normal resting length of the muscle; 7. ¢. the muscle was after-loaded: 1, muscle weighted only with very light lever; 2, weight five grams ; 3, ten grams ; 4, twenty-five grams; 5, fifty grams. The perpendicular line marks the moment of excitation. The time is recorded at the bottom of the curve by a chronograph, actuated by a tuning-fork vibrating 50 times per second. ment of the lever until the inertia of the weight has been overcome, and the first effect of the contrac- tion is to stretch the muscle, a part of the energy of contraction being changed to elastic force, which on the recoil assists in raising the weight. (2) Alteration in the shape of the ascending limb of the myograph curve. The 1) oe GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 109 weight will either lessen the rate at which the curve rises and decrease the height, or, if the weight be not great, it may acquire a velocity from the energy suddenly imparted to it by the muscle, which will carry the record higher than the absolute contraction of the muscle. (3) The fall of the curve may be altered. The weight, suddenly freed by the rapidly relaxing muscle, may acquire a velocity in falling which will stretch the muscle-tissue, carry the record lower than the actual relaxation of the muscle would warrant, and lead to the development of artificial elastic after- oscillations. These sources of error can be in part overcome by the employment of an exceedingly light, stiff writing-lever, and by bringing the necessary tension on the muscle by placing the extending weight very near the axis of the lever, so that it shall move but little and hence acquire little velocity. (c) Effect of Rate of Excitation on Height and Form of Muscular Contrac- tion.—If a muscle be excited a number of times by exactly the same irritant and under the same external conditions, the amount and course of each of the contractions should be exactly the same, provided the condition of the muscle itself remains the same. The condition of the muscle is, however, altered every time it is excited to contraction, and each contraction leaves behind it an after-effect. This altered condition is not permanent; as we have seen, increased katabolism is accompanied by increased anabolism, and, if the excitations do not follow each other too rapidly, the katabolic changes occur- ring in contraction are compensated for by anabolic changes during the suc- ceeding interval of rest. Normally, a muscle, under the restorative influence of the blood, rapidly recovers from the alterations produced by the contraction process, and, therefore, if not excited too frequently, will give, other things being equal, the same response each time it is called into action. The best illustration of this is the heart, which continues to beat at a regular rate throughout the life of the individual. Tiegel found that one of the skeletal muscles of a frog, while in the normal body, can make more than a thousand contractions in response to artificial stimuli without showing fatigue; finally the effect of the work shows itself in a lessening of the power to contract. Every muscle contains a surplus of energy-holding compounds and also sub- stances capable of neutralizing waste products, and even a muscle which has been separated from the rest of the body retains for a considerable time the ability to recover from the effects of excitation. It is evident that when a muscle is excited repeatedly, a certain interval of rest must be permitted between the succeeding excitations if its normal condition is to be maintained, and that the more extensive the chemical changes produced by the excita- tions the longer must be the periods allowed for recovery. This being the case, the rate of excitation and consequent length of the interval of rest will have a great effect upon the condition of the muscle and its capacity for work. (1) Effect of Frequent Excitations on the Height of Separate Muscular Contractions. —Other things being equal, the height to which a muscle can con- tract when excited by a given irritant can be taken as an index of its capacity 110 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. to do work, and if a muscle be excited many times in succession, the effect of action upon the strength of the contraction process, the endurance, and the coming on of fatigue can be estimated from the height of the succeeding con- tractions. One might expect that every contraction would tend to fatigue and to lessen the power of the muscle, but almost the first effect of action is to increase the irritability and mobility of muscle protoplasm. Introductory and Staircase Contractions.—The peculiar effect of action to increase muscular activity was first observed by Bowditch,’ when studying the effect of excitations upon the heart. He found that repeated excitations of equal strength applied to the ventricle of a frog’s heart caused a series of contractions each of which was greater than the preceding. If the contrac- tions were recorded on a regularly moving surface, the summits of the succes- sive contractions were seen to rise one above the other like a flight of steps. This peculiar phenomenon received the name of the “staircase contractions ” ie ntti: Fie. 41.—Staircase contractions of a frog’s ventricle in response to a series of like stimuli, written on a regularly revolving drum .by the float of a water manometer connected with the chamber of the ventricle (after Bowditch). The record is to be read from right to left. This effect of repeated excitations was later observed by Tiegel,? on the skeletal muscles of frogs; by Rossbach,? on the muscles of warm-blooded animals, and by many others on various forms of contractile protoplasm. The following series of contractions (Fig. 42), which closely resembles the above, was obtained from the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog, excited at a regular rate by a series of equal breaking induction shocks. Fic. 42.—Staircase contractions of gastrocnemius muscle of a frog, excited once every two seconds by strong breaking induction shocks. The contractions in Figure 42 did not begin to increase in height imme- diately ; on the contrary, each of the first four contractions was slightly lower than the one which preceded it. A decline in the height of the first three or 1 Berichte der kiniglichen siichsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft, 1871. 2 Ibid., 1875. * Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1882, 1884, Bd. xiii, xv. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 11] four contractions is the rule when a normal resting muscle is called into action (see Figs. 43 and 46), and these contractions at the beginning of a series have received the name of the “ introductory contractions.” The Rainidicknts 8 tractions appear to indicate that the first effect of action is to lessen irritability or that anabolic changes are too slow to compensate for katabolic changes sid each of the first few contractions leaves behind it a fatigue effect. It i not long, however, before the influence of activity to heighten anabolism and increase irritability shows itself in the growth of the height of the succeeding contractions, and the “ staircase contractions” are observed. This growth of the height of contractions must necessarily reach a limit, and the amount of increase is found to gradually lessen until the succeeding contractions have the same height. Sometimes the full height of the staircase is not reached before more than a hundred contractions have been made. These maximal contractions may be repeated many times ; sooner or later, however, an antagonistic effect of the work manifests itself and the height of the contractions begins to lessen. Effect of Fatigue—A decline in the height of the contractions is an evidence of fatigue, and indicates that anabolism is failing to keep pace with 66 contractions. Rest. 1-30 100 200 300 400 500 1700 600 700 800 900 1000 ©«=6.:'1100-=Ss«1200~Ss«1300S 1400 1500 1600 Fic. 43.—Effect of fatigue on the height of muscular contractions. The figure is a reproduction of parts of a record of over 1700 contractions made by an isolated gastrocnemius muscle of a frog. The con- tractions were isotonic, the weight being about 20 grams. The stimuli were maximal breaking induction shocks, and were applied directly to the muscle, at the rate of 25 per minute. Between the first group of 66 contractions and the following groups a rest of five minutes was given; after this rest the work was continued without interruption for about one and a half hours. The second group of contractions, that immediately following the period of rest, contains the first twenty contractions of the new series; the next group the 100th to the 110th; the next the 200th to the 210th, and so on. katabolism. From this time on, the height of the succeeding contractions continually lessens, and often with great regularity, so that a line drawn so as to 112 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. connect the summits of the declining contractions, the “curve of fatigue,” as it is called, may be a straight line. In the experiment, parts of the record of which are reproduced in Figure 43, an isolated gastrocnemius muscle of a frog was excited with maximal breaking induction shocks at the rate of 25 times a minute for about one and one-half hours; the contractions were isotonic, and the total weight of lever and load did not exceed 20 grams; the records of the succeeding contractions were recorded on a slowly moving cylinder. The experiment consisted of two parts—in the first 66 contractions, in the second over 1700 contractions were made; an interval of rest of five minutes was permitted between the two series. In the first part of the experiment there was a decline in the height of the contractions for the first five contractions, the “introductory contractions,” then during the next sixty-one contractions a gradual rise in the height of the contractions, the “ staircase contractions.” These phenomena repeat themselves: in the second part of the experiment, that following the interval of rest. The contractions at the beginning of the second series were not so high as those at the end of the first series, though somewhat higher than those seen at the beginning of the first series; the rest of five minutes was not sufficient to entirely do away with the stimulating influence of the preceding work. The contractions of the second series took the following course: The first four introductory contractions gradually declined, then came the staircase contrac- - tions, which continued to rise until the 100th contraction, when a gradual lessening of the height of the contractions began. This decline continued throughout the long series of more than 1700 contractions given in the record, and, had the experiment been continued, would have undoubtedly gone on until the power was completely lost. The curve of fatigue was not a straight line, but fell somewhat more rapidly during the early part of the work than toward the end. That the peculiar changes in the height of the contractions which occur in the early part of an experiment such as that which we have described are not abnormal, and the result of the artificial conditions under which the work is done, is shown not only by the fact that they are observed when a muscle which has its normal blood-supply is rhythmically excited to a large number of contractions, but by the personal experience of every one accustomed to violent muscular exercise. Everyone is conscious that he cannot put out the greatest muscular effort until he has “ warmed up to the work.” The runner precedes the race by a short run; the oarsman takes a short pull before going to the line; in all the sports one sees the contestants making movements to “limber up” before they enter upon the work of the game. These prelim- inary movements are performed not only to put the muscles in better condition for action, but to ensure more accurate co-ordination—that is to say, the facts ascertained for the muscle can be carried over to the central nervous system. The finely adjusted activities of the nerve-cells which control the muscles reach their perfection only after repeated action. In such experiments as that recorded in Figure 43 the record shows to GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NE RVE. 113 a remarkable degree the fact that at any given time the muscle has a definite capacity for work. A suitable explanation of this is lac king. The corre- spondence 1 in the height of the contractions of the same group, and the differ- ence in the height of different groups of contractions, must be attributed to the existence within the muscle-cell of some automatic mechanism which regulates the liberation of energy and which has its activity greatly influenced by the alterations which result from action. Whether this supposed automatic re gu- latory mechanism controls both the preparation of the final material from which the energy displayed by the muscle is liberated, and the amount of the explosive change which results from the application of the irritant, cannot be definitely said. (2) Lfect of Frequent Excitations upon the Form of Separate Contractions. —The effect of activity is not only observable in the change in the height of the muscular contractions, but in the length of the latent period, in the rate at which the muscle shortens, and, above all, in the rate at which the muscle relaxes. The effect of a large number of separate contractions, made in quick succession, upon the rate at which the muscle changes its form during contrac- tion, is illustrated in the myograms reproduced in Figure 44. Fic. 44.—Effect of excitation upon the form of separate contractions. In this experiment the records of the muscular contractions were taken upon a rapidly revolving drum. The muscle was the gas- trocnemius of the frog; the contractions were isotonic; the weight was very light, about 10 grams; the stimuli were maximal breaking induction shocks; and the rate of stimulation was twenty-three per minute. 1marks the first contraction; 2, the 100th; 3, the 200th; 4, the 300th. The muscle was excited automatically by an arrangement carried by the drum, and the excitation was always given when @ definite part of the surface of the drum was opposite the point of the lever which recorded the con- tractions. In Figure 44 only the Ist, 100th, 200th, and 300th contractions were re- corded. The perpendicular line marks the point at-which the stimulus was given. In this experiment the latent period for each of the succeeding con- tractions is seen to be longer; the height is lessened ; the rise of the curve of contraction is slowed and the curve of relaxation is even more prolonged. These and certain other changes are to be observed in the records of Figure 45, which were taken in an experiment made under the same conditions as the last, except 8 114 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. that the rate of excitation was 80 per minute, instead of 23, as in the preced- ing experiment, and the record of every 50th contraction was recorded. Fig. 45.—Effect of frequent excitation on the form of separate contractions. The method employed to obtain this record is the same as in the preceding experiment, except that the drum is revolving more rapidly, and every 50th contraction is recorded: 1 marks the first contraction; 2, the 50th: 3, the 100th; 4, the 150th; 5, the 200th; 6, the 250th ; 7, the 300th. A comparison of the first with the 50th contraction gives a number of points of interest. The stimulating effect of action upon the contraction pro- cess is shown by the fact that the latent period of the 50th (2 of Fig. 45) is shorter than that of the first, the rise of the curve is somewhat steeper, and the height is considerably greater. It is noticeable, however, that the crest is pro- longed, and consequently the total length of the contraction is increased. In considering the greater activity of the contraction process of this 50th con- traction as compared with the first, we must recall that it represents one of a series of staircase contractions, such as we noticed in Figure 43. If we examine the 100th contraction (3 of Fig. 45) we see the evidences of the beginning of fatigue; although the latent period is nearly as quick as in the first, the rise of the curve is less rapid, the height is less, and rate of relaxation is very much slowed. These changes are to be seen in a more marked degree in the 150th contraction (4 of Fig. 45), and the prolongation of the crest of the contraction and the decreased rate of relaxation are particularly noticeable. The same sort of differences are to be observed in the later contractions. By still more rapid rates of excitation these alterations in the contraction curve are not only exaggerated, but develop more quickly, and play a very important part in producing the peculiar form of continued contraction known as tetanus. (3) Lifect of Frequent Excitations to Produce Tetanus.—As we have seen, the normal muscle the first time that it is excited: relaxes almost as quickly as it contracts, but if it be excited rhythmically a number of times a minute, gradu- ally loses its power of rapid relaxation. The tendency to remain contracted begins to show itself in a prolongation of the crest of the contraction curve, even before fatigue comes on, and increases for a considerable time in spite of the effect of fatigue in lessening the height of the contractions. If a skeletal mus- cle of a frog be excited many times, at a rate of about once every two seconds, the gradual increase in the duration of the contractions will have the effect of preventing the muscle from returning to its normal length in the intervals be- GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE, 115 tween the succeeding stimuli, for contraction, will be excited before relaxation is complete. Asis shown in the record of the experiment reproduced ii Viens 46, there will come a time in the work when the base-line connecting the lowes extremities of the succeeding myograms will be seen to rise in the form of a curve, the change being at first gradual, then more and more rapid, and then again gradual (see 6, Fig. 46). The effect of the change in the power to relax is to make it appear as if the muscle were the seat of two contraction processes, the one acting continuously, the other intermittently in response to the suc- cessive excitations. Such a condition as that exhibited in section c, Figure 46, is spoken of as an incomplete tetanus, complete tetanus being a condition of continuous contraction caused by rhythmical excitations, in which none of the separate contraction movements are visible. In complete tetanus the muscle writes an unbroken curve. nn iT | ANFADAAMAADN GDS Seb ne Cera neha ba ata ge sy n sahil ANAANAARAD AD Anan SHAAANANA ; TT " BREATH UI HMUUCLLCCLUUAULSVOAUUCUULLSHUGTLO UU LKRRRORLCLAATORURATOPEEEEC CCH RGHTO UU AHAVTUU HALT wildly MANN | Fic. 46.—Effect of frequent stimuli to gradually produce incomplete tetanus. Series of isotonic con- tractions of a gastrocnemius muscle of a frog, excited once every two seconds by strong breaking induc- tionshocks. Only a part of the record is shown, 70contractions have been omitted between the end of the section marked a and the beginning of section b, and 200 contractions between the end of section b and the beginning of c. The increase in the extent of the relaxations seen at.the close of the record was due to the slowing of the rate of excitations at that time. ‘The slowing of the relaxation of the muscle and consequent state of con- tinued shortening which is to be seen in the latter part of the above experiment is termed “contracture.” The amount of contracture increases, within limits, with the increase in the strength and rate of excitation. The intensity and 116 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. rate of stimulation required for the production of this condition depends very largely upon the character of the muscle, and its condition at the time. In the experiment recorded in Figure 47 the development of the condition of con- ve ft | i il ! is nt jut Fic. 47.—Effect of frequent excitations to gradually produce tetanus. Experiment on a gastrocnemius muscle of a frog, similar to the last. The weight was only 10 grams. The rate of excitation was 100 per minute. This-muscle had been worked a short time before this series of contractions was taken, and, as a result, the introductory and staircase contractions were absent and contracture began much sooner than in the experiment recorded in Figure 45. The record in section b is a continuation of that in section a. tracture was more marked than in the above experiment, and the resulting con- dition of continued contraction caused first incomplete and finally complete tetanus. Although frequent excitations appear to be essential to the development of contracture, it is doubtful whether it is to be considered a fatigue effect, since Fic, 48.—Development and fatigue of contracture. Experiment on a gastrocnemius muscle of a frog. The weight was 10 grams. As in the preceding experiments strong maximal breaking induction shocks were used to excite. The rate of excitation was 5 per second. The record appears as a silhouette for the reason that the drum was moving very slowly. the contracted state which it produces may be increasing at the time that fatigue is lessening the height of the ordinary contraction movements, and since the GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 117 form of contraction peculiar to contracture is itself seen to lessen as fatigue becomes excessive. Both of these facts are illustrated in Figure 47, bins ante more strikingly shown in Figure 48, in which a more rapid rate of excitation was used. The record in Figure 48 shows many points of interest: a to b, a rapidly developing staircase, which is accompanied by a rising of the base line, which indicates that contracture began to make itself felt from the moment the work began ; 6 toc, a rapid and then a gradual fall in the height of contractions due to fatigue effects ; ¢ tod, a rise in the top of the curve in spite of the lessening height of the contractions, due to the increasing contracture; d to e, a gradual fall of the curve of incomplete tetanus, due to the effect of fatigue on the contracture ; ¢, complete tetanus, but continued gradual decline in the height of the curve under the influence of fatigue. The following experiment, Figure 49, differs from those which have preceded it, in that the muscle, instead of being directly excited, was stimulated indirectly by irritation of its nerve. Each shock applied to the nerve was represented by a separate contraction process in the muscle. The experiment illustrates well the combined effect of the staircase and the contracture to raise the height Fic. 49.—Development of incomplete tetanus and contracture, by indirect stimulation. A gas- trocnemius muscle of a frog was indirectly stimulated by breaking induction shocks, of medium strength, applied to the sciatic nerve. The rate was about 8 per second, as shown by comparison of the seconds traced at the bottom of the figure with the oscillations caused by the separate contractions. The weight was somewhat heavier than in the preceding experiment. The drum was revolving much faster than in the other experiments, hence the difference in the apparent duration of the contractions. of the contractions. On account of the more rapid rate of excitation, the contracture came on more quickly than in the preceding experiments ; it did not become sufficient during the few seconds that this experiment lasted to prevent the separate relaxations from being seen, and an incomplete tetanus was the result. In the experiment the record of which is given in Figure 50, the muscle was directly stimulated, and the rate of excitation was rapid, 33 per second. Not even this rate sufficed to cause complete tetanus, and the crest of the curve shows fine waves, which represent the separate contractions the combined effect of which resulted in the almost unbroken curve seen in the record. Had the rate been a little more rapid,no waves could have been detected and the tetanus would have been complete from the start. The effects of the staircase and con- tracture are merged into one another, and a very rapid high rise of the curve of contraction is the result. It is noticeable that the summit of the curve Is rising throughout the experiment, owing to the increasing contracture. 118 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. It is evident that the condition of contracture which is developed in a rapidly stimulated muscle will tend to maintain a condition of continuous con- Fic. 50.—Effect of rapid excitations to produce tetanus. Experiment with a gastrocnemius muscle of a frog, excited directly, with breaking induction shocks of medium strength, at the rate of 33 per second. The weight was about 15 grams. The drum was moving much more slowly than in the pre- ceding experiment. The time record gives fiftieths of a second. traction, there being no opportunity for the muscle to relax in the intervals between the succeeding excitations. 4, Explanation of the Great Height of Tetanic Contractions—We have now to seek an explanation of the fact that a muscle when tetanized will con- tract much higher than it will as a result of a single excitation. As we have seen, repeated excitations cause, in the case of a fresh muscle, a gradual increase in irritability and consequently a gradual rise in the height of the succeeding contractions, but the staircase sooner or later reaches its upper limit, and will not alone account for the great shortening which occurs in tetanus. Effect of Two Rapidly Following Excitations.—Helmholtz was the first to investigate the effect of rate of excitation on the height of combined contrac- tions. For the sake of simplicity, he excited a muscle with only two breaking induction shocks, of the same strength, and observed the effect of varying the interval between these two excitations. He concluded that if the second stim- ulus is given during the Jatent period of the first contraction, the effect is the same as if the muscle has received but one shock ; if the second shock be applied at some time during the contraction excited by the first, the second contraction behaves as if the amount of contraction present when it begins were the resting state of the muscle, 7. e. the condition of activity caused by the first shock has no influence on the amount of activity caused by the second, but the height of the second contraction is simply added to the amount of the first contraction present. Were this rule correct, as a result of this summation, if the second contraction occurred when the first was at its height, the sum of the two con- tractions would be double the height of either contraction taken by itself. Helmholtz’ conclusion, that the condition of activity awakened by the first excitation has no effect upon that caused by the second excitation, has not been substantiated by later observers. Von Kries' has found that the presence of the first contraction hastens the development of the contraction process result- 1 Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1888. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 119 ing from the second excitation; and Von Frey? has ascertained that Helm- holtz’s rule of summation applies only to weighted muscles. In the case of unweighted muscles the summation effect is greatest when the second contrac- tion starts during the period of developing energy caused by the first excita- tion, 7. e. during the rise of the first contraction. If the second contraction Fic, 51.—A schema of the effect of double excitations upon the gracilis muscle of a frog, by differ- ent intervals of excitation. To obtain this figure, the results of different experiments were super- imposed (after Von Frey). starts during the period of relaxation of the first, the second may be not even as high as when occurring alone (see Fig. 51). The fact that the second contraction is higher if it starts during the ascent of the first, may be explained as due to a summation of the condition of ex- yr arr i | v : \ gastrocnemius muscle of a Fic. 52.—Effect of support on height of contractions (after Von Frey): a, ae ; welgh frog, separate contractions, tetanus, separate contractions, and group of supported contractions 10.5 grams; b, the same, by weight of 0.5 grams. . MS t 7 a ay € =] 3 4 a7 8) , ay"e i j < oreater citation awakened by the two irritants, and hence the libere tion of a} | Nevertheless, the increased irritability, indicated by stair- amount of energy. by rapidly case contractions, and the summation of excitation effects which occur : repeated excitations, shown by the above experiment, do not suffice to ~ y y i 7 2 ot 7? " explain the great shortening of the muscle seen in tetanus. Helmholtz’ idea, ig ues, ier 2. ing 1 Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologe, 1888, p. 213. 120 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. that there is a support afforded by the first contraction to the second, must also play an important part, and we must turn to this for the completion of the explanation of the great height acquired by the tetanus curve. . Effect of Support on the Height of Contractions—Von Kries* and Von Frey * found that, in general, the shorter the distance the muscle has to raise a weight, the higher it can contract, and that if a muscle be excited at a regu- lar rate, and the support for the weight be raised between each of the succeed- ing contractions, at a certain height of the support the contractions may be as high as during tetanus (see Fig. 52). This effect can be got with a fresh muscle when the interval between the excitations is such that there can be no summation in Helmholtz’ sense. The importance of this discovery to our understanding of tetanus is very great, for it has been found that if an unsupported muscle be rapidly excited, effects are observed which closely resemble those obtained by the aid of a sup- in J Fic. 53.—Effect of a gradually increasing rate of excitation. Excitation of a gastrocnemius muscle of a frog with breaking induction shocks of medium strength. The time was recorded directly, by a tuning-fork making 100 vibrations per second. The rate of excitation was gradually increased, and then gradually decreased. The ascending curve, a-b, shows the effect of increasing, and the descending curve, c-d, of decreasing the rate of stimulation. Excitation was given by means of a special mechanism for interrupting the primary circuit of an induction apparatus and at the same time short-circuiting the making shocks. This interrupter was run by an electric motor which was allowed to speed up slowly, and was slowed down gradually. port ; this we have seen in the experiments recorded in Figures 47, 48, p. 116. After a certain amount of excitation, a change occurs in the condition of a muscle, owing to which it acts as if it had received an upward push, and as if a new force had been developed within it, which aids the ordinary con- 1 Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1886. 2 Ibid., 1887. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 421 _ traction process in raising the weight. The new aid to high contraction is the support afforded by the developing condition of contracture. 5. Liffect of Gradually Increasing the Rate of Excitation.—One of the most instructive methods of exciting tetanus is to send into the muscle a series of breaking induction shocks of medium intensity, at a gradually increasing rate. The record of such an experiment has been reproduced in Figure 53. At the beginning of the experiment, a, one complete contraction with a wave of elastic after-vibration was recorded; this was followed by two con- tractions of less height, “introductory contractions ;” then came three contrac- tions each of which was higher than the preceding, “staircase contractions ;” these were followed by three contractions, which, in spite of the developing contracture, were of less height, “fatigue effect.” The rate of excitation at this place was about 17 per second. From this point on, the developing con- tracture supported the muscle more and more and the contraction waves became less and less, until finally, when the rate had become 36 a second, the effect of the separate stimuli could scarcely be detected, although the curve continued to rise. This is as far as the record shows, but the rate was increased still further, and the contraction curve continued to rise, although less and less, until finally an almost straight, unbroken line was drawn. After a little time this was seen to begin to fall, the contracture yielding to the effect of fatigue. As the drum had nearly revolved to the place at which the experiment had been begun, the rate of excitation was then slowly decreased. With the lessen- ing rate, the curve fell more and more rapidly, and oscillations began to show themselves. ‘The character of the record during the rest of the experiment is shown in the curve c—-d, Figure 53. Ate the rate was about 17, and at d it was so slow that separate contractions were recorded, nevertheless the curve as a whole kept up. Indeed, even after the excitation had altogether ceased, the muscle maintained a partially contracted state for a considerable time, on account of the contracture effect, which only gradually passed off. 6. Summary of the Effects of Rapid Excitation which produce Tetanus.— Muscle-tetanus is the result of the combined action of a great many different factors, but the essential condition is that the muscle shall be excited at short intervals, so that the effect of each contraction shall have an influence on the one to follow it. This influence is exerted in several different ways: 1. In- crease of irritability resulting from action, and leading to the production of staircase contractions ; 2. Summation of excitation effects, as when each of the succeeding stimuli begins to act, before the contraction process excited by its predecessor has ceased ; 3. Support given by the contracting muscle to itself, especially the support offered by contracture. 7. Number of Excitations required to Tetanize.—The number of stimuli per second required to tetanize a muscle depends largely on the nature of the muscle, for this decides the character of the separate contractions, and, through them, the effect of their combined action. The duration of the separate contractions, and the tendency of the muscle to enter into contracture, are the predominant factors in determining the result. 122 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Complete tetanus can only be obtained in the case of a fresh muscle, when the — interval between succeeding stimuli is shorter than is required for the muscle to reach its maximal contraction by a single stimulus. Thus the prolonged contractions of smooth muscles permit of the development of a form of tetanus by successive closures of the galvanic current at intervals of several seconds. The contraction of some of the muscles of the turtle may last nearly a second, and two or three excitations a second suffice to tetanize. Tetanus of the red (slowly contracting) striated muscles.of the rabbit can be obtained by 10 exci- tations per second, while 20-30 per second are required to tetanize the pale (active) striated muscles (Kronecker and Sterling). 100 stimuli per second are needed to tetanize the muscles of some birds (Richet), and over 300 per second would be required to tetanize the muscles of some insects (Marey). Strange to say, the heart-muscle cannot be tetanized ; if it replies at all to frequent excitations, it gives the simple contractions characteristic of the heart- beat. Any influence which will prolong the contraction process will lessen the rate of excitation required to tetanize. 8. Lffect of Kxceedingly Rapid Excitations.—The question arises, Is there an upper limit to the rate of excitation to which muscles will respond by tetanus? There is no doubt that this is the case, but there is a difference of opinion as. to what the limit is, and how it shall be explained. Striated muscles and nerves can be excited by rates at which our most deli- cate chronographs fail to act. The muscle ceases to be tetanized by direct exci- tation at arate by which it can still be indirectly excited through its nerve. The highest rate for the nerve has been placed at from 3000 to 22,000 by differ- ent observers,’ and this wide difference is probably attributable to the methods. of excitation employed. That such different results should have been reached is not strange, if we recall the many conditions upon which the exciting power of the irritant depends. As a rule, when the rate of excitation is so high that tetanus fails, a contraction is observed when the current is thrown into the nerve, and often another when it is withdrawn from the nerve. A satisfactory explanation for this, as well as for the failure of the tetanus, is at present lack- ing. 9. Relative Intensity of Tetanus and Single Contractions —The amount that a muscle is capable of shortening, when tetanized by maximal excitations, and the strength of the tetanic contraction, depends very largely on the kind of muscle. For example, pale striated muscles, although capable of higher and more rapid single contractions than the red- striated, do not show as great an increase in the height and strength of contractions when tetanized as do the red ; the latter, which are very rich in sarcoplasma, have likewise the greater endurance. Gruetzner has called them “tetanus muscles,” since they seem to: be particularly adapted to this form of contraction. Fick found that human muscles when tetanized develop ten times the amount of tension, by isometric ’ Kronecker and Sterling: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1878, and Journal of Physi- ology, 1880, vol. i. Von Frey und Wiedermann: Berichte der stichsischen Gesellschaft der Wissen~ schaft, 1885. Roth: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1888. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 193 contractions, that they give by single contractions ; and in this respect they can be said to resemble red striated muscles, The following relations have been found to exist between separate contractions and tetanus in certain muscles : triceps and gastrocnemius of the frog, 1:2 or 3 ; the corresponding muscles of the turtle, 15 hyoglossus and rectus abdominalis of the frog, 1:8 or9.' It is evident that no just estimate of the part played by different groups of muscles in the movement of the body can be reached without a careful analysis of the nature of the contractions peculiar to each of the muscles participating in the movement. Both the height and strength of the tetanus is controlled by the intensity of the stimulus. A strong stimulus not only causes the separate contractions of which the tetanus is composed to be higher, but is favorable to the develop- ment of all the other factors which have been described as entering into the pro- duction of tetanus. All normal physiological contractions are supposed to be tetani, and everyone is conscious of the wonderful accuracy with which he can grade the extent and strength of his voluntary movements. The remarkable shading of the intensity of action observable in co-ordinated movements must find its explanation in the adjustment of protoplasmic activity in the nerve- cells of the central nervous system. 10. Continuous Contractions caused by Continuous Excitation.—Attention has been already called to the fact that under certain circumstances a form of continuous contraction may be excited by a continuous constant electric current. If the current be very strong, the short closing contraction may be followed by a more or less continuous contraction—the closing (or Wundt’s) tetanus, and the short opening contraction may be followed by another continuous contrac- tion, which only gradually passes off—the opening (or Ritter’s) tetanus. This form of contraction is quite readily excited in normal human muscles, both by direct and indirect excitation. The term “ galvanotonus” is sometimes em- ployed for the continuous contraction of human muscles excited by the con- tinuous flow of a constant current. The closing tetanus originates at the kathode, and the opening tetanus at the anode. The contraction process may spread rapidly from the point of origin to the rest of the muscle, or, if the muscle be in an abnormal state, or be dying, the contraction may remain localized as a circumscribed swelling, or welt. Although a continuous contraction caused by the constant current is spoken of as tetanus, it is a matter of doubt whether it is a true tetanic condi- tion, for the term tetanus is limited to an apparently continuous contraction resulting from many frequently repeated stimuli. Von Frey?” expresses the view that the continuous contraction which follows the closing of the contin- uous constant current is a form of tetanus. It is certainly true that the closing tetanus often shows irregular oscillations, suggestive of a more or less intermittent excitation. This might be attributed to irregular chemical changes produced in the muscle-substance by the electricity and leading to irregular 1 Biedermann: Elekirophysiologie, p. 109. 2 Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1885, p. 55. 124 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. contractions of the different fibres, the combined action of which produces a more or less regular continued contraction. Another view would be that con- tracture might be produced under the influence of the changes caused by the electric current, and a condition result similar to that which causes the pro- longed contractions which are characteristic of poisoning with veratria, etc. (see p. 128). s (d) Normal Physiological Contractions.—All normal physiological contrac- tions of muscles are regarded as tetani. Even the shortest possible voluntary or reflex movements are considered to be too long to be single contractions. Inasmuch as we can artificially excite muscles to continuous contraction only by means of a series of rapidly following stimuli, we find it hard to explain continuous contractions on any other basis, and hence the view that the exci- tation sent by the nerve-cells to muscles has always a rhythmic character, and that the normal motor-nerve impulse is a discontinuous rather than continuous form of excitation. The view is probably correct, but cannot be considered as proved. The evidence in favor of it is as follows. Muscle-sounds, Tremors, ete.—During voluntary muscular contractions the muscle gives out a sound, which would imply that its finest particles were not in a state of equilibrium, but vibrating. By delicate mechanisms it has been possible to obtain records of voluntary and reflex contractions which showed oscillations, although the contraction of the muscle appeared to the eye to be continuous. If the surface of a muscle be exposed and be wet and glistening, the light reflected from it during continued contractions is seen to flicker, as if the surface were shaken by fine oscillations. The tired muscle passes from apparently continuous contraction to one exhibiting tremors, and muscular tremors are observed under a variety of pathological conditions. With these facts in mind, a number of observers have endeavored to dis- cover the rate at which the muscle is normally stimulated. Experiments in which muscles have been excited to incomplete tetanic contractions by induced currents, interrupted at different rates, have shown that the muscle follows the - rate of excitation with a corresponding number of vibrations, and does not show a rate of vibration peculiar to itself. Further, it has been ascertained that the sound given out by a muscle excited to complete tetanus, 7. e. an apparently continuous contraction, corresponds to the rate at which it is ex- cited, Apparently, any rate of oscillations detected in a muscle during normal physiological excitation would be an indication of the rate of discharge of impulses from the central nerve-cells. Wollaston was the first to observe that a muscle gives a low dull sound when it is voluntarily contracted, and that this sound corresponds to a rate of vibration of 36 to 40 per second, It may be heard with a stethoscope placed over the contracting biceps muscle, for instance, or if, when all is stil] and the ears are stopped, one vigorously contracts his masseter muscles. Helmholtz placed vibrating reeds consisting of little strips of paper, etc., on the muscle, and found that only those which had a rate of vibration of 18 to 20 per second were thrown into oscillation when the muscle was voluntarily contracted. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 125 This observation indicated that the muscle had a rate of vibration of 18 to 20 per second, a rate too slow to be recognized as atone. He concluded that the tone heard from the voluntarily contracted muscle was the overtone, instead of the true muscle-tone. The consideration that the resonance tone of the ear itself corresponds to 36 to 40 vibrations per second, makes it question- able whether the muscle-sound should be accepted as evidence of the rate of normal physiological excitation; nervetheless, the experiments with the vibrating reeds remain to indicate 18 to 20 per second to be the normal rate. Within the last few years a number of researches bearing upon this question have been published, and the results of these point to a still slower rate of vol- untary excitation, varying from 8 to 12 per second according to the muscle on which the experiment is made. Lovén' discovered in the tetanus excited in frogs poisoned with strychnia, and in voluntary contractions, both by mechani- cal methods and by recording the electrical changes occurring during action with the capillary electrometer, rates of 7 to 9 per second. Horsley and Schafer? excited the brain cortex and motor tracts in the corona radiata and the spinal cord of mammals by induction shocks, at widely differing rates, and recorded the resulting muscular contractions by tambours placed over the muscles. They observed oscillations in the myograms obtained which had a rate of 8 to 12 per second, the average being 10. The rate of oscillations was quite independent of the rate of excitation, and oscillations of the same rate were seen by voluntary and by reflex contractions. Tunstall* found by the use of tambours, in experiments on voluntary contractions of men, a rate of 8 to 13 per second, with an average of 10. Griffiths‘ likewise used the tambour method, and studied the effect of tension on the rate of oscillations in voluntarily contracted human muscles. He observed rates varying from 8 to 19, the rate being increased with an increase of weight up toa certain point, and beyond this decreased. The oscillations became more extensive as fatigue developed. Von Kries by a similar method found rates varying with different muscles, but. averaging about 10. , It is not easy to harmonize the view that 8 to 13 excitations per second can cause voluntary tetani, when it is possible for the expert pianist to make as many as 10 or 11 separate movements of the finger in a second. It is, indeed, a common observation that a muscle can be slightly and continuously voluntarily contracted, and, at the same time, be capable of making additional short rapid movements. Von Kries would explain this as due to a peculiar method of innervation, while Biedermann favors Gruetzner’s® view that the muscle may contain two forms of muscle-substance, one of which is slow to ~ react, resembling red muscle-tissue, and maintains the continuous contraction, the other, of more rapid action, being responsible for the quicker movements. Although the evidence is, on the whole, in favor of the view that all normal 1 Centralblatt fiir medicinische Wissenschaft, 1881. 2 Journal of Physiology, 1886, vii. e re: 8 Journal of Physiology, 1886, vii. p. 114. * Journal of Physiology, 1888, ix. p. 39. 5 Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1887, Bd. 41, 8. 277. 126 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. contractions of voluntary muscles are tetanic in character, there is a great deal which remains to be explained. . Liffect of Artificial compared with Normal Stimulation.— Experiment shows that, with the same strength of irritant, a muscle contracts more vigorously when irritated indirectly, through its nerve, than when it is directly stimulated. Rosenthal describes the following experiment: If the nerve of muscle A be allowed to rest on a curarized muscle B, and an electric shock be applied in such a way as to excite nerve A and muscle B to the same amount, muscle A will be found to contract more than muscle B. Further, it has been found that muscles respond more vigorously to volun- tary excitations than to any artificial stimulus which can be applied to either the nerve or muscle. This shows itself, not only in the fact that a muscle can by voluntary stimulation lift much larger weights than by electrical excitation, but that after a human muscle has been fatigued by electrical excitations it can still respond vigorously to the will. An illustration of this is given in Figure 54. <—"K« Fic. 54.—Voluntary excitations are more effective than electrical. The flexor muscles of the second finger of the left hand of a man were excited first voluntarily, a, then electrically, a-b, and then yolun- tarily, b. The electrical excitation consisted of series of induction shocks, which were applied once every two seconds, during about half a second, the spring interrupter of the induction coil vibrating 23 times per second. Each time the muscle contracted it raised a weight of one kilogram. Each of the contractions recorded, whether the result of electrical or voluntary excitation, was a short tetanus. Fatigue of Voluntary Muscular Contractions.—Mosso and his pupils have done a large amount of work upon the fatigue of human muscles when excited by voluntary and artificial stimuli under varying conditions. The results at which they arrived all favor the view that human muscles differ but little from those of warm-blooded animals, and that the facts which have been ascertained by experiments upon cold-blooded animals, such as the frog, can be accepted with but slight modifications for the muscles of man. In the experiment recorded in Figure 55 we see the effect of repeated tetanic contractions, excited by electricity, to fatigue a human muscle. Normal voluntary contractions, if frequently repeated, provided the muscle has to raise a considerable weight, likewise cause fatigue. _It is doubtful whether, in an experiment such as is shown in Figure 55, the loss of the power to raise the weight is due to fatigue of the muscles. It is more likely that the decline in power is really due to fatigue of the central GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE, 1: bo ~] nerve-cells by which the muscles are excited to action during voluntary mus- 1 } , 2 iV. : ¥ 1 , cular work.’ This fact, that the nerve-cells give out before the muscles, ex- plains the apparent contradiction, that a muscle fatigued by electric excitations can be voluntarily contracted, and when the power to voluntarily contract the Fic. 55.—Effect of fatigue on voluntary muscular contractions. The flexor muscles of the second finger of left hand were voluntarily contracted once every two seconds, and always with the utmost force. The weight raised was four kilograms. muscles has been stopped by fatiguing voluntary work the muscles will respond to electrical excitation. It is undoubtedly of advantage to the body that the nerve-cells should fatigue before the muscles, for the muscles are thereby pro- tected from the injurious effects of overwork, and are always ready to serve the brain? It may be added that nerve-cells not only fatigue more quickly, but recover from fatigue more rapidly than the muscles. (ce) Effect of Temperature upon Muscular Contraction. Heat, within certain limits, increases the irritability and conductivity of muscle-tissue, and at the same time has a favoring influence upon those forms of chemical change which liberate energy. The effect of a rise of temperature, as shown by the myo- gram, is a shortening of the latent period, an increase in the height of contiac- tion, and a quickening of the contraction and relaxation, the whole curve being shortened. Of course there is an upper limit to this favoring action, since, at a certain temperature, about 45° C. for frog’s muscle and about 50° C. for the muscles of warm-blooded animals, heat-rigor begins, and this change is accom- panied by a loss of all vital properties. Cold can be said, in general, to pro- duce effects the opposite of those of heat; as the muscle is cooled, the latent period, the contraction, and the relaxation, are all prolonged. Nevertheless, the effect of temperature is nota simple one (see Fig. 56). If 1 Lombard: Archives Italiennes de Biologie, xiii. p. 1; or American Journal of Psychology, 1890, p. 1; Journal of Physiology, 1892, p. 1; 1898, p. 97. ? Waller: Brain, 1891, p. 179. 128 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. during the cooling process a striated muscle of a frog be irritated from time to time with single induction shocks, the height of the contractions does not con- tinually grow less as one would expect.’ The maximal height is obtained at 30° C., the height above this point being somewhat less, the irritability les- sening as the coagulation-point is approached; from 30° C. to 19° C. the height continually decreases, but from 19° to 0° C. the height increases, while below 0° C. it again becomes less, until at the freezing-point of muscle no con- traction is obtained. The cause of these peculiar phenomena is not definitely understood. c ee d Se a i ys Fic. 56.--Schema of effect of temperature on height and form of contraction curve: a, contraction at 19° C.; b, c, d, e, f, contractions made at intervals, each one at a lower temperature; g, h, contractions at higher temperatures than 19° C., h being made when the temperature was 30° C.; 7, k, 1, show a different series of contractions, made as the temperature was increased from 30° C. toward the point at which the muscle-substance coagulates (after Gad and Heymans). (f) Effect of Drugs and Chemicals upon Muscular Contraction.—Certain drugs and chemicals have a marked effect upon the irritability and conductivity of muscles, and these effects must necessarily find expression in the amount of con- traction which would be excited by a given irritant. In addition to this, it is worthy of notice that the character of the contraction may be altered. The drug which has the most striking effect upon the form of contraction is veratria. A few drops of a one per cent. solution of the acetate of veratria, in- jected beneath the skin of a frog whose brain has first been destroyed, in a few minutes alters completely the character of the reflex movements; the muscles Fia. 57.—Myogram of muscle poisoned with veratria and that ofa normal muscle: a, myogram froma normal gastrocnemius muscle of a frog—the waves at theclose are due to the recoil of the recording lever; b, myogram from a gastrocnemius muscle poisoned with veratria, recorded at the same part of the drum. are still capable of rapidly contracting, but the contractions are cramp-like, the power to relax being greatly lessened. The poison acts upon the muscle- substance. If a muscle poisoned with veratria be isolated and connected with + Gad und Heymans: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1890, p. 78. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. | 129 a myograph, a contraction excited by a single induction shock will show a rise as rapid and as high as normal, but the fall of the curve will be greatly pro- longed (see Fig. 57). Often the crest of the curve will exhibit a notch, which shows that relaxa- tion may begin and be checked by a second contraction process which carries the curve up again and holds it there for a considerable time. In the above experiment the contracture effect followed the primary contraction immediately, If the muscle be frequently excited, the characteristic prolongation of the contraction disappears, and the curve becomes normal; but if the muscle be allowed to rest, there is a return of the condition. Both high and low tempera- tures act like exercise to prevent this peculiar effect of veratria from showing itself. Barium salts, and to a less degree calcium and strontium, act similarly to veratria to prolong the relaxation of the muscle without lessening the rapidity and height of the contraction. Potassium and ammonium salts act to kill the muscle, and, as the death-process develops, excitation produces prolonged local- ized contractions. ‘This effect seems to be quite different from that of veratria, being accompanied by a rapid lessening of the power of the muscle. Sodium salts in strong solution may increase the irritability and induce fatigue, which is always accompanied by a prolongation of the curve of relaxation. The condition of continued contraction caused by veratria is a form of “contracture.” ‘The true nature of the condition is still under discussion ; the fact that the veratria contracture passes off if the muscle is worked, shows that it is not in the nature of a fatigue effect. Since more heat is produced during contracture than during rest (Fick and Boehme), it is to be regarded as an active contraction process and not an increase of elasticity. The fact that the crest of the veratria curve often exhibits a notch, and that the second rise, leading to the prolonged ridge, may be higher than the primary rise, has been interpreted to mean that the muscle contains two different forms of muscle- tissue which, like the pale (rapid) and red (slower) striated muscles of the rab- bit, have different rates of contraction. The first rise is supposed to be due to the quicker and the second to the slower form of muscle. A similar double crest is seen in the contraction curves of muscles the irritability of which has been heightened by sodium carbonate, and indeed in the curves from muscles of normal frogs after their irritability has been increased by frequent excitations. ; Liberation of Energy by the Contracting Muscle.—The law of con- servation of energy applies no less to the living body than to the inanimate world in which it dwells. Every manifestation of life is the result of the liberation of energy which was stored in the body in the form of chemical compounds. When a muscle is excited to action it undergoes chemical changes, which are accompanied by the conversion of potential to kinetic en- ergy: This active energy leaves the muscle in part as thermal energy, in part as mechanical energy, and, to a slight extent, under certain conditions, as elec- trical energy. In general, the sum of the liberated energy is given off as heat 9 130 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF. PHYSIOLOGY. or motion. The proportion in which these two forms of energy shall be pro- duced by a muscle may vary within wide limits, according to the state of the muscle and the conditions under which the work is done. Fick ' states that if the muscle works against a very heavy weight, possibly 4 of the liberated energy may be obtained as mechanical work, but if the weight be light not more than x, of the chemical energy is given off in this form, the muscle working no more economically than a steam engine. The fact that always a part, and often the whole, of the mechanical energy developed by the muscle is converted to thermal energy within the muscle, and leaves it as heat, makes it the more difficult to determine in what proportion these two forms of energy were originally produced. Moreover, if Engelmann’s view be correct, that the change of form exhibited by the muscle is the result of the imbibition of the fluid of the isotropic substance by the anisotropic material, this change being brought about by the heat which is liberated within the muscle, we must consider potential energy to be set free first as heat, a part of which is after- ward changed to mechanical energy, which in part, at least, is again changed to heat. 3 24k Tiberation of Mechanical Energy.—In estimating the amount of mechanical energy liberated by a muscle, we observe the amount of physical work which it accomplishes, 7. e. the amount of mechanical energy which it imparts to ex- ternal objects. If a muscle by contracting raises a weight, it gives energy to the weight, the amount being exactly that which the weight in falling through the distance which it was raised by the muscle can impart as motion, heat, etc., .to the objects with which it comes in contact. The measure of the mechanical work done by the contracting muscle is the product of the weight into the height to which it is lifted. For example, if a muscle raises a weight of 5 grams, 10 millimeters, it does 50 grammillimeters of work. The amount of work which a muscle can do depends on the following con- ditions : (a) The kind of muscle. The muscles of warm-blooded animals are stronger than those of cold-blooded animals; a human muscle can do two to three times the amount of work of an equal amount of frog’s muscle. The muscles of certain insects have even greater strength. (6) The quantity of muscle-substance and the arrangement of the fibres. The power of a muscle to do mechanical work, the absolute muscular force, is esti- mated by the weight which, brought upon the muscle at the instant it begins to contract, prevents it from shortening but does not stretch it, 7. e. one which ex- actly balances the contractile force of the muscle when it is excited to a maxi- mal tetanic contraction. It is evident that the amount of force which can be developed will depend on the amount of contractile substance and on the arrangement of the fibres. Since the force which can be developed by a contract- ing muscle depends largely on the arrangement of the microscopic contractile mechanisms of which it is composed, it is found best, for purposes of compari- * Fick: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1878, xvi. p. 85. * Hermann : Handbuch der Physiologie, 1879, Bd. i. p. 64. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 131 son, to state the strength of a muscle and its capacity to do work, for the unit of bulk, one cubic centimeter, or the unit of weight of muscle-substance, one gram. ‘Thus, the absolute muscular force of frog’s muscle is estimated to be about 3 kilograms per cubic centimeter, and of human muscle to be 8 to 10 kilograms per cubic centimeter. Fick states that the maximal amount of ex- ternal work of which frog’s muscle is capable is 1 grammeter per gram of muscle-substance. (c) The condition of the muscle. Any of the influences which lessen the irritability of the muscle—lack of blood, fatigue, cold, ete.—decreases the power to liberate energy, and any influence which heightens the irritability is favora- ble to the work. The effect of tension to heighten irritability has already been referred to and is of especial interest in this connection, since the very re- sistance of the weight is, within limits, a condition favorable to the liberation “of the energy required to overcome the resistance. This will be referred to again. ? (d) The strength and character of the stimulus. The liberation of energy is, up to a certain point, the greater, the stronger the excitation. Furthermore, rapidly repeated excitations are much more effective than single excitations, because a series of rapidly following stimuli, both by altering the irritability and by inducing the form of contraction known as tetanus, act to produce powerful and high contractions. Bernstein states that the energy developed by the muscle increases with the increase of the rate of excitation from 10 to 50 per second, at which rate the contraction power may be double that called out by a single excitation. (e) The method of contraction and the mechanical conditions under which the ‘work is done. Inasmuch as mechanical work is measured by the product of the weight into the height to which it is lifted, an unweighted muscle in con- tracting does no work ; a muscle, however vigorously it may contract, if it be prevented from shortening, does no work; finally, a muscle which raises a weight and then lowers it again when it relaxes, does not alter its surround- ings as the tot result of its activity, and hence does no work. Although no mechanical work is accomplished under these circumstances, physiological work is being done, as is evidenced by: the fatigue produced. Unquestionably mechani- cal energy is developed within the muscle in all these cases, but it is all con- verted to heat before it leaves the muscle. The amount of weight is an important factor in determining the extent to which a muscle will shorten when excited by a given stimulus, and, therefore, " the quantity of work which it will accomplish. If a muscle be after-loaded, i. e. if the weight be supported at the normal resting length of the muscle, and the muscle be excited to a series of maximal contractions, the weight being in- creased to a like amount before each of the succeeding excitations, there is, in general, a gradual lessening in the height of the contractions, but the de- crease in height is not proportional to the increase of the weight. The decrease in the height of contractions is, as a rule, more rapid at the beginning of the series than later, though at times an opposite tendency may show itself 132 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. and the increasing weights temporarily increase the irritability and therefore increase the amount of shortening. ‘The effect of tension to increase the activ- ity of the contraction process is seen if a muscle which is connected with a strong spring or heavy weight be excited to isometric contractions and in the midst of a contraction be suddenly released ; the muscle under such cir- cumstances is found to contract higher than when excited by the same stimulus without being subjected to tension. The effect of tension on the activity of muscular contractions is to be clearly seen in the case of the heart muscle. A rise of pressure of the fluid within the isolated heart of a frog increases the strength as well as the rate of the beat. If the weight be gradually increased, although the height of the contrac- tions is lessened, the work will for a time increase, and a curve of work (con- structed by raising ordinates of a length corresponding to the work done, from points on an abscissa at distances proportional to the weights em- ployed), will be seen to rise. After the weight has been increased to a cer- tain amount the decline in the height of contractions will be so great that the product of the weight into the height will begin to decrease, and the curve of work will fall, until finally a weight will be reached which the contracting muscle can just support at, but not raise above, its normal resting length. As has been said, this weight will be a measure of the absolute muscular force. Example. Load Height of lift Work (grams). (millimeters). (grammillimeters). OR a See ae Som ee i Srey 0 aS ase ekg Ge a tee eee TD ee © a 330 Dee SR A Ue a eee I: 2 a 540 Wars (te day thes? eae) ES PE. « Cs wel aio Tee 630 MN in tea RS pis a Sic ara = ARN gt Slee D a» id = Senses sey Qala aie 600 UPL a ie (he as esc. s we. ule weak Ween Pr ye 450 UMA iy sic reader d ah nate i cl: Sy ee y A RR 360 ER I IS ah Reh ee ieee ee TG O26 Jb, hee 0 In the above experiment 30 grams was added to the muscle after each contraction; as the weight was increased up to 90 grams the amount of work was increased, with greater weights the amount of work was lessened. Liberation of Thermal Energy.—Energy leaves the body as mechanical energy only when by its movements the body imparts energy to surrounding objects. Most of the energy liberated within the body leaves it as heat ; even during violent muscular exercise five times more energy may be expended as - heat than as mechanical energy, and the disproportion may be even greater than this. So great is the production of heat during exercise, that, in spite of the great amount leaving the body, the temperature of an oarsman has been found to be increased, during a race of 2000 meters, from 37.5° C. to 39° or 40° C!} | It is exceedingly difficult to ascertain with accuracy on the warm-blooded animal the exact relation of heat-production to muscular contraction. The * Geo. Kolb: Physiology of Sport, translated from the German, 2d edition, London, 1892. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 133 best results have been obtained by experiments on isolated muscles of cold- blooded animals. Helmholtz observed the temperature of a muscle of a - frog to be increased by tetanus lasting a couple of minutes 0.14° to 0.18° C.; Heidenhain saw a change of 0.005° C. result from a single contraction ; and Fick ascertained that a fresh, isolated muscle of a frog can by a single contraction produce per gram of muscle-substance enough heat to raise -3 milligrams of water 1° C.' To obtain evidence of the slight changes of temperature which occur in such small masses of muscle-tissue it is necessary to employ a very delicate instrument, such as a thermopile or a bolometer. The thermopile consists of strips of two dissimilar metals, united at their extremities, so as to form a series of thermo-electric junctions. If there be a difference of temperature at two such junctions, a difference of electric potential is developed, which causes the flow of an electric current. If the current be passed through the coils of wire of a galvanometer its amount can be measured, and the extent of the change in tempera- ture at one of the junctions, the other remaining constant, can be estimated. In the more sensitive instruments, several thermo-electric junctions are used. The amount of current depends largely on the metals employed, antimony and bismuth being a very sensitive combination. The action of the bolometer is based on the fact that the resistance of a wire to the passage of an electric current changes with its temperature. The amount of heat developed within the muscle by direct conversion of potential to thermal energy, and the amount formed indirectly, through con- version of mechanical to thermal energy, has been made a subject of careful study by Heidenhain,’ Fick and his pupils, and others, the experiments being made chiefly with isolated muscles of frogs. In general, the stronger the stimulus and the greater the irritability of the muscle—in other words, the more extensive the chemical changes excited in the muscle—the greater the amount, not only of mechanical, but of thermal energy liberated. Increase of tension, which is very favorable to muscular activity, greatly increases the heat-production. As the weight is increased, both the amount of heat developed and the work are increased, but the libera- tion of heat reaches its maximum and begins to decline sooner than the amount of work, 7. e. with large weights the muscle works more economically ; similarly, as the muscle is weakened by fatigue the heat-production lessens sooner than the work. | Muscle-tonus and Chemical Tonus.—During waking hours, the cells of the central nervous system are continually under the influence of a shower of weak nervous impulses, coming from the sensory organs all over the body ; * moreover, activity of brain-cells, especially emotional forms of activity, leads 1 Fick: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1878, xvi. p. 89. 2 Mechanische Leistung, Warmeentwicklung und Stoffumsatz bet der Muskelthitigkeit, Leipzig, 1864. 3 Myothermische Untersuchungen aus den physiologischen Laboratorium zu Zurich und Wurzburg, ‘Wiesbaden, 1889. : 4 Brondgeest: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1860, p. 703; Hermann, Jbid., 1861, p. 350. 3 134 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. to an overflow of nervous impulses to the spinal cord and an increased irrita- bility, or, if stronger, excitation of motor nerve-cells. If, when one is quietly sitting and reading, he turns his attention to the sensory impressions which are coming at every moment from all over the body to the brain, notes the temperature of different parts of the skin, the pressure of the clothes, ete., upon different parts, the light reflected from neighboring objects, and the slight sounds about him, he will recognize that the central nervous system is all the time subject to a vast number of excitations, which, because of their very repetition, are ordinarily disregarded by the mind, but which are, nevertheless, all the time influencing the nerve-cells. The effect of this multitude of affer- ent stimuli, in spite of their feebleness, is to cause the motor cells of the cord to continually send delicate motor stimuli to the muscles. These cause the muscle to keep in the state of slight but continued contraction which gives the tension peculiar to waking hours, and which is called musele-tonus. That such a tension exists is made evident by the change in attitude which occurs. when the relaxation accompanying sleep comes on. ‘The effect of brain activ- ity to cause muscular tension is, likewise, most easily recognized by observing the relaxation of the muscles which occurs when mental excitement ceases.. Muscle-tonus, like every form of muscular contraction, is the result of chem- — ical change, and the liberation of energy. But little of this energy leaves the body as mechanical energy, most of it being given off as heat. This view is by no means universally accepted, and many physiologists: believe in a production of heat by the muscles, as a result of nervous influences, independent of contraction. It is thought that a condition of slight but eon- tinuous chemical activity resulting in the production of heat may be maintained in the muscles by intermittent but frequent reflex excitations, a condition which has been called chemical tonus.'_ That the chemical activity of muscles is kept up by small stimuli from the spinal cord is shown by the fact that if the nerves be severed, or the nerve-ends be poisoned by curare, the muscle absorbs less oxygen and gives off less carbon dioxide than when at rest under normal conditions.” The theory of a reflex chemical tonus independent of contraction implies the existence of special nervous mechanisms for the exciting of chemical changes in the muscles which shall result in the liberation of energy as heat, independent of the change of form of the muscle. The question of the exist- ence of special nervous mechanisms controlling heat-production—heat-centres, as they are called—will be considered in another part of this book. EB. ELectricaL PHENoMENA IN Muscie AND NERVE. The active muscle liberates three forms of energy : mechanical work, heat, and electricity. The active nerve makes no visible movements, gives off no recognizable quantity of heat, but exhibits changes in electrical condition quite ? Roehrig und Zuntz: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1871, Bd. iv.; Pfliiger: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1878, xviii. p. 247. . * Zantz: Pjliiger’s Archiv, 1876, xii. 522; Colasanti, I bid., 1878, xvi. p. 57. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 135 comparable to those observed in the active muscle. The electrical changes in nerves are the only evidence of activity which we can observe, aside from the effect of the nerve on the organ which it excites ; they are therefore of great interest to us. Electrical energy, like all forms of active energy, is the result of a trans- formation of potential or some form of kinetic energy. In the case of the muscle, as of an electric battery, we find electricity to be associated with chemi- cal change, and believe it to be liberated from stored potential energy. In the case of nerves no chemical change can be detected during action, and hence we are at a loss to explain the devolopment of electricity. We can only say that it is the result of some chemical or physical process which we have as yet failed to discover. Although activity of nerve and muscle is found to be associated with elec- trical change, we must not suppose functional activity to be in any sense an electrical process. The movements of a man may be interpreted from the move- ments of his shadow, but they are very different phenomena; the activity of the nerve and muscle is indicated by the electrical changes accompanying it, but they may be independent processes. Certainly the irritating change which is transmitted along the nerve and which excites the muscle to action, although ac- \ companied by electrical changes, is not H itself an electric current. tgp! aaa Electrical energy is exhibited not only by active nerve and muscle, but during the activity of a great variety of forms of living matter. It may be detected in gland-cells, in the cells of many of the lower animal organisms, and even plant- cells. The amount of electrical energy developed in animal tissues may be far from trivial. Although delicate instru- ments are necessary to observe the elec- trical changes in nerve and muscle, as the great internal resistance of the tissues causes the currents to be small, we find in = ‘certain fish special electric organs, which ‘Fra, 68.—Schema of galvanometer: 2, s, north appear to he modified muscle-tisane, and 4 south pols of tn Per ton on te which are capable of discharging a great staff, and capable of being approached 0, of fe , . : tated with reference to, the suspended magnet; amount of electrical energy when excited \. inirror; 7, fibre supporting the magnets; ¢, ¢, through their nerves. So intense is the ¢¢, coils of wire to carry the electric current near to the magnets, the upper coils being wound action of this electr ical apparatus that it in the opposite direction to the lower; @, é, ae i i longitudina nd_ polarizable electrodes applied to the ~ ox ae og Ni ieages Si of defence . surface and cross section of a muscle. offence. 1. Methods of Ascertaining the Electrical Condition of a Muscle or a N erve.— If the electric tension of any two parts of an object differs, the instant they are joined an 136 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. electric current will flow from the point where the tension is greater to that where it is less, The presence, direction of flow, and strength of an electric current can be detected by an instrument called a galvanometer. If any two parts of a muscle or nerve, as e, e, Figure 58, be connected by suitable conductors with the coils, ¢, c, of a galvanometer, and if there be a difference in the electric potential of the two parts examined, an electric current will be indicated by the instrument. In such tests all extra sources of electricity are to be . avoided, therefore the electrodes applied to the muscle must be non-polarizable. The Galvanometer—An ordinary form of galvanometer consists of a magnet suspended by an exceedingly delicate fibre of silk, or quartz, and one or more coils, composed of many — windings of pure copper wire, placed vertically near the magnet and in the plane of the mag- netic meridian. If an electric current be allowed to flow through the wire, it influences the magnetic field about it, and, if the coils be close to the suspended magnet, causes the magnet to deviate from the plane of the magnetic meridian in one or the other direction, according to the direction of the flow of the current. In the more delicate instruments the influence of the earth's magnetism is lessened by the use of two magnets of as nearly as pos- sible the same strength, placed so as to point in opposite directions, and fastened at the extremities of alight rod. As each magnet tends to point toward the north, they mutually oppose each other, and therefore the effect of the earth’s magnetism is partly compensated. Still another magnet may be brought near this ‘‘astatic’’ combination, and by opposing the action of the earth’s magnetism make the arrangement even more delicate. In the Thomp- son galvanometer, the rod connecting the needles bears a slightly concave mirror, from which a beam of light can be reflected on a scale. Or ascale may be placed so that its image falls on the mirror, and the slightest movement of the magnet may be read in the mirror by a telescope. The galvanometer is very sensitive to the presence of electric currents. Another appa- ratus which is even more responsive to changes in electric potential of short duration is the capillary electrometer. . The capillary electrometer (Fig. 59) consists of a glass tube (a) drawn out to form a very fine capillary, the end of which dips into a glass cup with parallel sides (/) contain- ing a 10 per cent. solution of sulphuric acid. The upper part of the tube is connected by a thick- walled rubber tube with a pressure-bulb containing mercury (c). As the pressure-bulb is raised, the mercury is driven into the capillary, the flow being opposed by the capillary resistance. By a suffi- ciently great pressure, mercury may be driven to the extremity of the capillary and all the air expelled. When the pressure is relieved the mercury rises again in the tube, drawing the sulphuric acid after it. The column of mercury will come to rest at a point where the pressure and the capillary force just balance. Seen through the microscope (e), the end of the column of mercury, where it is in contact with the sulphuric acid appears as a convex menis- cus (7). Any alteration of the surface tension of the meniscus causes the mercury to move with great rapidity in one direction or the other along the tube; and a very slight difference of electric potential suffices to cause a change in surface ten- sion of the mercury-sulphuric acid meniscus. A platinum wire fused into the glass tube (a), and another dipped into a little mercury at the bottom of the cup holding the acid, permit the mercury in the capillary and the acid to be connected with the body the elec- tric condition of which is to be examined. If the mercury and acid be connected with two points of different electric potential, as g and h of muscle M, the mercury will instantly ® Fig. 59.—Schema of capillary electrometer. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 137 move from the direction of’ greater to that of lesser tension, descending deeper into th tube if the pressure be raised on the mercury side, or lowered on the acid side . : the versa. As seen through the microscope the picture is reversed (d), and the Cue vice of the mercury appear to be in the opposite direction to that stated. The extent eet movements of the mercury column can be estimated by a scale in the eyepiece “! the _ over, the movement of the mercury can be recorded photographically, by placin a ome light behind the column of mercury, and letting its shadow fall through a slit ha the 5 wil dark chamber, upon a sheet of sensitized paper stretched over the surface of a siest Ing drum ora sensitized plate moved by clockwork or other suitable mechanism This instrument, of which there are a number of different forms besides that originally pri me Lippmann, is very delicate, recording exceedingly slight differences in electrical poten tial. ~ 2. Currents of Rest.—A normal resting nerve or muscle presents no dif- ferences in electric tension and gives no evidence of electric currents, wherefore we say it is iso-electric. If any part of the structure be injured tts electrical condition is forthwith changed, and if the injured portion and catia normal part be connected with a galvanometer, an electric current is observed to flow from the normal region to the point of injury. These muscle-currents were discovered at about the same time by Matteucci and Du Bois-Reymond, and the latter wrote a now celebrated treatise upon the electrical phenomena ® be observed in the nerve and muscle under varying conditions.' Directions of Ourrents of Rest.—If a striated muscle, with long parallel fibres, such as the sartorius or the semimembranosus of a frog, be prepared with care not to injure the surface, and then be given a cylindrical shape by cutting off the two ends at right an- gles to the long axis, the piece will present two cross sections of injured tissue and a normal longitudinal sur- face (see Fig. 60). If non-polarizable e W~-_—_—_——.. - =, electrodes, connected with the coils of wire of a galvanometer, be applied to \ / various parts of such a piece of mus- gst : / cle, it will be found that all points on Sell Ss ~ < ed ae 4 the longitudinal surfaces are positive in relation to all points on the cross sections, but that the differences of tension will differ according to the points which are compared. Suppose that the cylinder be divided into equal halves by a plane parallel to the cut ends. Points on the line bound- ing this plane, the equator, show the Fic. 60.—Schema to show the direction of cur- rents to be obtained from muscle. The schema represents a cylindrical piece of muscle with nor- mal longitudinal surface (a, ¢ and b, d), and two artificial cross sections (a, b and ¢, d). The position of the equator is shown by linee. The unbroken lines connect points of different potential, and the arrows show the direction which the .currents would take were these points connected with a galvanometer. The broken lines connect points of equal potential from which no current would be obtained. ‘ greatest positive tension, and the farther other points on the longitudinal sur- face are from the equator the less their tension. Points on the cross section show a negative tension, and this lessens from the centre to the periphery of 1 Untersuchungen iiber thierische Elektricitét, Berlin, 1849. 138 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the cross section. Points on the cross section equidistant from the centre, or on the longitudinal surface equidistant from the equator, have the same poten-. tial and give no current, while points placed unsymmetrically give a current. Splitting the cylinder by separation of the parallel fibres gives pieces of mus- cle which show the same electrical peculiarities, and without doubt the same- would be true of separate muscle-fibres or pieces of fibres. | Theories as to Cause of Currents of Rest.—Du Bois-Reymond, impressed by the facts which he had ascertained as to the direction of action of the electro-- motive forces exhibited by the muscle, tried to explain the difference in elec-- trical tension of the surface and cross section on the supposition that the muscle was composed of electro-motive molecules which presented differences. in electric tension similar to those shown by the smallest particles of muscle: which it is possible to study experimentally. Further, he considered these dif-_ ferences in tension, and the consequent electric currents, to exist within the- normal muscle—the longitudinal surface and normal cross section, i.e. the point where the muscle-fibre joins the tendon, having the same sort of differ- ence in electric potential as the normal longitudinal surface and the artificial cross section. When the muscle is injured the balance of the electro-motive- forces within is lost, and they are revealed. It is difficult to refute such a. theory by experiment, because our instruments only record differences in tension at points on the surface of the muscle to which we can apply the electrodes. We cannot say that there is an absence of electric tension or lack of electric: currents within the normal resting muscle; we can only say that there is no- direct experimental evidence of the existence of such currents. Another theory of the electrical phenomena observed in muscle, and one which has found many adherents, was advanced by Hermann.! According to Hermann’s view there are no differences in electric potential and no electric: currents within the normal muscle; the “current of rest” is a “current of injury,” a “demarcation current,” 7. e. it is due to chemical changes occurring in the dying muscle-tissue at the border line between the injured and living: muscle-tissue. Although the greatest differences in potential are observed when many muscle- fibres are injured, as when a cut is made completely through a muscle, injury to any part causes that part to become negative as compared with the rest.. Even an injury to a tendon causes a difference in potential. It is exceedingly difficult, therefore, to expose a muscle without injuring it; but this can be done in the case of the heart ventricle, and Engelmann showed that this gives no cur- rent when at rest, although a current is found as soon as any part is hurt, the: part becoming immediately negative in relation to other uninjured parts. In experiments on isolated, long, parallel-fibred muscles, the current which is: caused by the injury of one extremity is found to fade away only very gradu- ally (it may last forty-eight hours or more), and this current can be strength-. ened but little by new injuries. In the case of the heart-muscle the current. caused by cutting off a piece of the ventricle soon disappears, but another cur-- * Handbuch der Physiologie, 1879, Bd. i. p. 226. eS ee ee ES ——S eC Oe Ae eg a a ee as ee GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 139 rent of equal strength is got if a new section be made by cutting off the tissue injured by the first cut. In the case of the long-fibred muscles the death process gradually progresses the length of the injured fibres, while in the case of the heart-muscle, in which the cells are very short, the death processes are limited to the injured cells, and on their death the current disappears; when a new cut is made other cells are injured and again a strong current is obtained. Dead tissue gives no current ; normal resting living tissue gives no current ; _ dying tissue is electrically negative as compared with normal living tissue. Hering has carried Hermann’s view that electrical change is the result of chemical action still further. He considers that the condition of negativity is an evidence of katabolic (breaking-down) chemical processes and that anabolic (building-up) chemical processes are accompanied by a positive electrical change. Like Du Bois-Reymond, he believes that the normal resting muscle may be the seat of electro-motive forces which do not manifest themselves as long as the different parts are in like condition. Current of Rest of a Nerve.—Nerves like muscles show no electric currents if normal and resting, but give a demarcation current if injured, the dying por- tion being negative to normal parts, and the direction of the currents is the same as in injured muscle. Gotch and Horsley! ascertained the electro-motive force in the nerve of a cat to be 0.01 of a Daniell cell and of an ape only 0.005, while in the spinal nerve-roots of the cat it was 0.025, and in the tracts of the spinal cord of the cat 0.046 and of the ape 0.029. Larger currents are obtained from non-medullated nerves, probably because a non-medullated nerve contains a larger number of axis-cylinders than a medullated nerve of the same size. The current of injury of a nerve lasts only a short time. The death process which is the immediate result of the injury proceeds along the nerve only a short distance, perhaps to the first node of Ranvier, and when it has ceased to advance the current fails; a new injury of the nerve causes another demarcation current as strong as the first. Hering found that a nerve like a muscle could be excited by its own cur- rent, provided the circuit between the longitudinal and fresh cross section of an irritable nerve was rapidly closed. 3. Currents of Action in Muscle.—Just as the dying tissue of nerves is electrically negative as compared with normal tissue, so active nerve- and muscle-tissue is electrically negative as compared with resting tissue. Du Bois-Reymond discovered that if the normal longitudinal surface and injured cut end of a muscle were connected with a galvanometer and the muscle were tetanized, the magnet swung back in the opposite direction to the deflec- tion which it had received from the current of rest. This backward swing of the magnet was not due to a lessening of the current of rest, for if the effect of the current of rest on the galvanometer were compensated for by a battery current of equal strength and of opposite direction, so that the needle stood at 0, and the muscle were then tetanized, there was a deviation of the needle in the opposite direction to that given it by the current of rest. Du Bois- 1 Philosophical Transactions, 1891, B., vol.182, pp. 267-526. 140 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Reymond called this current of action the negative variation current. This negative variation current was found to last as long as the muscle continued in tetanus. On the cessation of the stimulus the current subsided more or less rapidly and the needle returned more or less completely to the position given it by the current of rest before the excitation. The return was rarely complete, and by repeated excitations there was a gradual lessening of the current of rest, the amount varying with the extent of the preceding irritation. ~ Secondary Tetanus.—Matteucci and Du Bois-Reymond (1842) both dis- covered the phenomenon which Du Bois-Reymond called secondary tetanus, If two nerve-muscle preparations be made, and the nerve of preparation B be laid on the muscle of preparation A, when the nerve of A is stimulated, not only the muscle of A but the muscle of B will twitch (see Fig. 61). If nerve A be excited by many rapidly following induction shocks so that muscle A enters into tetanus, muscle B will also be tetanized. The phenomenon is not due to a spread of the irritating electric current through nerve and muscle A to nerve B, for the tetanus of both muscles stops if nerve A be ligated; moreover, a secondary tetanus is obtained in case tetanus of muscle A is called out by mechanical stimuli, such as a series of rapid light blows, applied to nerve A. Du Bois-Reymond considered “secondary tetanus” a proof of the discon- tinuity of the apparently continuous contraction of tetanus, for muscle B could only have been excited to tetanus by rhythmic excitations from A. Each of the rapidly following excitations applied to A was the cause of a separate con- traction process and a separate current of action in B ; the separate contractions combined to produce the tetanus of B, but the separate currents of action did not fuse, although they caused a continuous negative variation of the slowly moving magnet of the galvanometer. The correctness of this view has been shown by experiments with the eapil- lary electrometer, which approaches the “ physiological rheoscope,” as the nerve-muscle preparation is called, in its sensitiveness to rapid changes in elec- trical potential. Burdon Sanderson ' has obtained, by photographically recording the move- ments of the column of mercury of the capillary electrometer (see Fig. 59, p. 136), beautiful records of the changes of electric potential which occur when an injured muscle is tetanized. 3 The record in Figure 62 shows, first, a series of negative changes resulting from the separate stimuli. It is these which cause secondary tetanus and which produced the negative variation current disclosed by the galvanometer in the experiments of Du Bois-Reymond. Second, there is a more permanent negative change, likewise opposed to and lessening the effect of the negative * Journal of Physiology, 1895, vol. xviii. p. 717. Fie. 61.—Secondary tetanus. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 141 change at the part where the tissue is dying, and called by Sanderson “ the. diminutional effect.” This continuous negative change is probably attributable to the presence of a continuous contraction process, perhaps the contracture which we observed in studying the tetanus curve (see Fig. 49). This “ diminu- ee ee at ' Fic. 62.—Record. of changes in electric potential in a tetanized injured muscle of a frog. The leading- off non-polarizable electrodes connected with the capillary electrometer touched the normal longitud- inal and injured cut surface of the muscle. The muscle was tetanized by an induction current applied to its nerve, the rate of interruptions being 210 per second. Arise of the curve indicates an electrical change of opposite direction to that caused by the injury. The diminution of the current of injury, which was less than in some other experiments, was 0.008 volt. The time record at the bottom of the eurve was obtained from a tuning fork making 500 double vibrations persecond (after Burdon San- derson). tional effect” is only to be observed upon an injured muscle, since it repre- sents a difference in potential between the normally contracting and the injured, imperfectly contracting muscle-substance. When all parts of the muscle are normal and contracting to an equal amount, the electrical forces would be everywhere of the same nature, balance one another, and give no external evidence. Although the diminutional effect is only to be observed upon the injured muscle, the temporary negative changes which follow each excitation are to be observed on the normal muscle. To understand this we must con- sider the diphasic current of action. Diphasic Ourrent of Action.—If a normal muscle be locally stimulated by a single irritation, either directly or indirectly through its nerve, the part excited will be the first to become active and electrically negative, and_ this condition will be taken on later by other parts. Our methods only permit us to observe the relative condition of the parts of the muscle to which the elec- trodes are applied, the changes in the intermediate tissue failing to show them- selves. If an electrode be applied near the place where the uninjured muscle is stimulated, A, and another at some distant point, B, and these electrodes be connected with a capillary electrometer, a diphasic electrical change will be observed to follow each stimulation. At the instant the irritant is applied the muscle-substance at A will become suddenly negative with respect to that at B; when the spreading irritation. wave has reached B, that part too will tend to be negative, and an electrical equality will be temporarily established; finally, B continuing to be active after A has ceased to act, B will be negative in respect to A. Since the wave of excitation spreads along the fibres in both directions from the point irritated, each excitation will cause two such diphasic electrical changes. 142 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. If the muscle has been injured at B, the dying fibres there will react but poorly to the stimulus, and therefore the antagonistic influence of the negative change at B will incompletely compensate for the negativity at A, and hence only a single phase due to the condition of negativity at A will be seen. The normally beating heart shows diphasic currents of action: in the first phase the base, where the contraction process starts, is negative to the apex, and in the second phase the apex is negative to the base. In case the heart be injured, the negative change corresponding to action fails at the injured part, and therefore a single and because not antagonized more prolonged negative change is observed. Under certain conditions a triphasic change is observed. which need not be discussed here. Waller‘ has succeeded in recording the electrical changes which accompany the beat of the human heart. These diphasic changes of the electric condition are sufficiently strong and rapid in the mammalian heart to excite the nerve of a nerve-muscle prepara- tion, and the muscle will be seen to give one, or, if the heart is uninjured, sometimes two, contractions every time the heart beats. Bernstein? found the time between the two portions of diphasic change to be proportional to the distance between the leading-off electrodes, and to cor- respond to a rate of transmission the same as that of the wave of excitation as revealed by the spread of the contraction process (in the muscle of the frog 3 meters per second). Hermann, by using cord electrodes on the human fore- arm, found the rate of spread of the active process by the voluntary contraction of human muscle to be from 10 to 13 meters per second. Du Bois-Reymond dipped a finger of each hand into fluid contained in cups connected with a galvanometer. If the muscles of one arm were vigorously contracted, a deflection of the magnet was seen. This was probably due to electric currents from the glands of the skin and not from the contracting muscles. Bernstein found that the negative change began at the instant of excitation, ¢. e. during what was considered the latent period, and hence he thought that it preceded the contraction process and represented the excitation process. It is now believed that the katabolic chemical changes which result in the development of the three forms of energy, heat, motion, and electricity, have little or no latent period, but begin at the instant the irritant acts, being practically synchronous with the excitation process (see p. 101). The condition of negativity is con- sidered not to result from an irritation process preceding the contraction, but to be associated with the contraction process itself, and this view is supported by the discovery that the negative state continues throughout the contraction. Sanderson and Page‘ saw the diphasic change which accompanies the beat of the heart last throughout the contraction. Lee® found the diphasic change. which occurs when the skeletal muscle of * Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1890; physiol. Abtheil., p. 187. * Untersuchungen iiber den Erregungsvorgang im Nerven- und Muskel-systeme, 1871. * Handbuch der Physiologie, 1879, i. 1, p. 224. * Journal of Physiology, 1879, vol. ii., p. 396. ® Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1887, p. 204. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 143 a frog is excited by a single stimulus to continue as long as the muscle remains active, including the period relaxation; in some cases it lasted from 0.05 to 0.06 second. Sanderson, as we have seen (see Fig. 62), tetanized injured skeletal muscles of the frog, and found not only a series of negative variations corresponding to the contraction processes which resulted from the separate excitations, but a continuous negative variation, the diminutional effect, which developed comparatively slowly and lasted after the irritant had ceased to act. All these facts unite to point to the conclusion that the negative electrical change which develops when a muscle is excited to action is associated with the contraction process. 4, Currents of Action in Nerves.—In general, the facts which have been ‘stated with regard to the current of action in muscles apply to nerves. When anormal nerve is excited a negative change is forthwith developed at the stimulated point and passes thence in both directions along the nerve at the -same rate as the nerve impulse. This change is diphasic, first the part excited and later distant parts showing the negative change. If the nerve be injured, and the normal surface be compared with the dying or dead cross section, the ‘second phase is absent. If the nerve be frequently excited, each excitation -awakens a separate current of action. The duration of the negative change caused by a single stimulus varies in different conditions from 0.007 to 0.023 second. The strength of the current of action likewise varies, but under favorable conditions may be twice as great as the current of rest,! and Hering has shown that it is capable of exciting another nerve to action. Nerve-cells and muscles are more sensitive to nerve impulses than our instruments are to the accompanying electrical changes, nevertheless a negative change may be observed to accompany a nerve impulse which has been caused by the excita- ‘tion of the nerve by nerve-cells. Du Bois-Reymond observed with the galvanometer a lessening (“ negative variation”) of the demarcation current (“current of rest”) when in strychnia- poisoning the spinal motor nerve-cells were exciting the motor nerves vigor- ously and causing cramp-like tetanic muscular contractions. Gotch and Horsley ? applied electrodes connected with a capillary electrometer to periph- eral nerves, spinal nerve-roots, and tracts of motor fibres within the spinal cord, and discovered that if the cortical brain-cells in the motor zones were -excited, the nerves showed currents of action corresponding in rate to the dis- charge of motor impulses from these brain-cells, e. g. if the epileptiform con- vulsions were occurring at the time, the capillary electrometer revealed changes of potential of like rate in the nerves. As far as has been ascertained the nerve impulse has the same general cha- racteristics in all forms of nerves, medullated and non-medullated, sensory, inhibitory and motor, and except as regards strength, rhythm, etc. is the same whether they be excited artificially or normally by a nerve-cell or sensory end- organ. In every case the impulse appears to be accompanied by a current of 1 Biedermann: Elektrophysiologie, 1895, p. 666. 2 Philosophical Transactions, 1891, vol. 182, pp. 267-526. 144 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. action, e.g. light falling on the retina of the eye of a frog causes a negative variation of the current of rest of the optic nerve. F. CHemistry oF MusciE AND NERVE. I. CHEMISTRY OF MUSCLE. Muscles contain about 75 parts water and 25 parts solids; nearly°21 parts of the solids are proteids, the remaining 4 parts consisting of fats, extractives, and salts. Little is known concerning the chemistry of living muscle; the instability of the complex molecules which makes possible the rapid development of energy peculiar to muscles renders exact analysis impossible. The manipulations essential to chemical analysis necessarily alter and kill the muscle protoplasm. — Death of the muscle is ordinarily associated with a peculiar chemical change known as rigor mortis. To understand the chemical composition of muscle it is necessary that we should consider the nature of this change. | 1. Rigor Mortis.—figor mortis, the rigidity of death, is the result of a chemical change in the substance of a muscle by which it is permanently altered, its irritability and other vital properties being irretrievably lost. The change is manifested by a loss of translucency, the muscle becoming opaque, and by a gradual contraction, accompanied by a development of heat and acidity, and resulting in the muscle being stiff and firm to the touch, less elastic, and less extensible. Whenever muscle dies it undergoes this change. Conditions which Influence the Development of Rigor.—Ordinarily on the death of the body the muscle enters into rigor slowly—the muscle-fibres are involved one after the other, and through the gradual contraction and harden- ing of the antagonistic muscles the joints become fixed and the body acquires the rigidity which we associate with death. Rigor usually affects the different parts of the body in a regular order, from above downward, the jaw, neck, trunk, arms, and legs being influenced one after the other. The position taken by the body is generally determined by the weight of the parts and the rela- tive strength of the contractions of the muscles. The time required for the appearance of rigor is very variable. It is deter- mined in part by the nature of the muscle, its condition at the moment of death, and the temperature to which it is subjected. The muscles of warm- blooded animals enter into rigor more quickly than those of cold-blooded animals ; of the warm-blooded animals, pale muscles more quickly than red, and the flexors before the extensors ; of the cold-blooded animals, frog’s muscles more quickly than those of the turtle. In general, the more active the muscle protoplasm, the more rapid are the chemical changes which it undergoes, and amongst these the coagulation of rigor mortis. | The condition of the muscle plays a very important part in determining the onset of rigor. If the muscles are strong and vigorous and death of the body has come suddenly, rigor develops slowly ; if the muscles have been enfeebled by disease or fatigued by great exertion shortly before death, it comes rapidly. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 145 In the case of wasting diseases rigor comes quickly, is poorly developed, and passes off quickly ; when the muscles are fatigued at the time of death, as in the case of a hunted animal, it comes quickly. We hear of soldiers found dead on the field of battle grasping the sword, as if the muscular contractions of life had been continued by the contractions of death. In the case of certain dis- eases of the spinal cord and brain, too, rigor may come so rapidly that the limbs may maintain the position which they had at the time of death, “cata- leptic rigor,” as it has been called. The coming on of rigor is particularly striking in the case of diseases which, like cholera, are accompanied by violent muscular cramps and lead to a rapid death. It is not uncommon, in such cases, for the contractions of rigor to cause movements which may mislead a watcher into supposing the dead man to be still alive. This idea is favored by the fact that the body may remain warm, owing to the heat which is produced in the muscles as a result of the chemical changes occurring during rigor. The post-mortem muscular contractions and the rise of temperature observed in such cases are only excessive manifestations of what always occurs on the death of the muscle. The movements are probably due, in part, to the rapidity with which the muscles contract in rigor, and in part to the fact that the antagonistic muscles are not affected at the same time to the same degree. Whether the contractions are. partly excited by changes accompanying the death of the motor nerve-cells in the central nervous system is uncertain, but not impossible. Muscles are still able to respond by contractions to stimuli coming to them through the nerve, even after rigor has become quite pro- nounced, probably because the coagulation process attacks the different fibres at different rates, and certain of the fibres are still alive and irritable after the others are dead and coagulated. Many observers favor the view that the central nervous system influences muscles after the death of the body as a whole, and by weak stimuli resulting from the changes in the nerve-cells excites chemical changes in the muscles which favor the coming on of rigor.’ In proof of this it is stated that cura- rized muscles enter into rigor more slowly than non-curarized. Undoubtedly stimulation of the nerve, or, indeed, anything which would excite a muscle to action, tends to put it in a condition favorable to the coming on of rigor; whether the influence exerted by the central nervous system is more than this is very questionable. Temperature has a marked influence on the development of rigor mortis. Cold delays and warmth favors, 38°-40° C. being most favorable. Since rigor is the result of a chemical change, these effects of temperature are what one would have expected. Other forms of chemical change which are attributable to ferment action are found to be the most vigorous at’a temperature of about 40° C, In general, it may be said that rigor in warm-blooded animals comes on in from ten minutes to seven hours after death, although some state that it may come as late as eighteen hours. It lasts anywhere from one to six days. 1 Brown-Séquard: Archives de Physiologie, 1889, p. 675. 10 146 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. The sooner it comes on, the sooner it goes off. The stiffness can be broken up — artificially by forced movements of the parts, and when thus destroyed does not return, provided the rigor was complete at the time. The Cause and Nature of the Contraction of Rigor Mortis.—The most likely explanation of the contraction of the dying muscle is that it is the result of the coagulation of a part of the semi-fluid muscle-substance within the sarco- lemma. This was suggested by Bruecke, and Kuehne proved that such a coagulation change takes place, by showing that the semi-fluid muscle-sub- stance, “the muscle-plasma,” if expressed from the frozen muscle, coagulates on being warmed. The coagulation is a chemical change attributed to the action of a ferment, the myosin ferment, which is thought to be formed at the death of the muscle. Another, though less generally accepted view, is that the contraction of the muscle seen in rigor is of the same nature'as ordinary muscular contractions.’ Prolonged muscle contractions are observed when a muscle is greatly fatigued or subjected to such a drug as veratria (see p. 128), and there are many points of resemblance between the coitraction of normal and dying muscle—viz. the change of form, the production of heat, the formation of sarcolactie acid, the using up of oxygen and the production of carbon dioxide, and the fact that the dying and presumably coagulating muscle is, like normal contracting mus- ele, electrically negative as compared with normal resting muscle. To this may be added that, as has been said, the muscle continues to be irritable even when rigor is quite advanced, and that it enters into rigor more quickly if left in connection with the central nervous system. | On the other hand, one cannot fail to be impressed with the differences between the two forms of contraction. Normal Contracting Musele. Muscle contracting by Rigor Mortis. Contains uncoagulated myosinogen. Contains coagulated myosin. Is translucent. Is opaque. Is soft and flexible. Is firm and stiff. Is no less elastic than in repose. Is less elastic than before. Is more extensible than in repose. Ts less extensible than before. Contracts rapidly. Contracts very slowly, as a rule. Fatigues rapidly and retaxes. Remains contracted a long time. Furthermore, it may be added that normal contractions only occur when the irritable muscle is stimulated, while a muscle can enter into rigor when its irritability has been taken away by subjecting it to oxalate solutions,” also, when it has been curarized and so shut out from all nervous influences. Rigor is not confined to the voluntary muscles, though it is less easily observed in the case of most involuntary muscles. The heart enters rapidly into rigor, with the formation of sarcolactic acid. The non-striated muscle of the stomach and ureters, too, has been seen to undergo this change. ‘Hermann: Handbuch der Physiologie, 1879, Bd. i. p. 146. * Howell: Journal of Physiology, 1893, vol. xiv. p. 476. * Nagel: Pfliiger’s Archiv, vol. lviii. S, 279. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 147 The passing off of rigor mortis is usually accompanied by beginning decomposition, and, indeed, it is generally supposed that the decomposition is the cause of softening of the muscle. This is denied by certain observers, and it is stated that rigor may pass off when the presence of putrefactive organisms is excluded by special aseptic precautions. Lhe Chemical Changes which accompany the Development of Rigor.—Rigor mortis is characterized by the coagulation of a part of the muscle-substance ; this can be prevented by a temperature a little below 0° ©. Cold, although temporarily depriving the muscle of its irritability, does not, unless extreme and _ long-continued, kill the muscle protoplasm. Frogs can be frozen stiff and recover their activity when they thaw out. Indeed, this probably happens not infrequently to the frogs hibernating in holes in the banks of ponds. Since cold prevents coagulation without destroying the life of the muscle protoplasm, we can by its aid isolate the living muscle-substance from the nerves, blood- vessels, connective tissue, and sarcolemna of the muscle, but as soon as we begin to analyze it it loses its living structure. This method of obtaining muscle-plasma was introduced by Kuehne! in the study of the muscles of frogs, and was later employed with slight modifications by Halliburton? for the mus- cles of warm-blooded animals. The blood was washed out of the vessels with a stream of 0.6 per cent. sodium-chloride solution at 5° C.; the irritable mus- cles were then quickly cut out and frozen in a mixture of ice and salt at 12° C. The frozen muscle was then cut up finely in the cold, and a yellowish, somewhat viscid, and faintly alkaline muscle-plasma was squeezed out. This fluid was found to coagulate in twenty to thirty minutes at a temperature of 40° C.; if the temperature were lower the coagulation was slower. The clot, which was jelly-like and translucent, contracted slowly and in a few hours ‘Squeezed out a few drops of serum. The coagulated material formed in the clot is called myosin. It dissolves readily in dilute neutral saline solutions, as a 10 per cent. solution of sodium chloride or a 5 per cent. solution of mag- nesium sulphate, and its saline solutions are precipitated in an excess of water or by saturation with sodium chloride, magnesium sulphate, or ammonium sulphate; it has, in short, the characteristics of a globulin. Chittenden and Cummins state that it has the following composition: C 52.82, H 7.11, N 16.17, S 1.27, O 22.03. Halliburton, in studying the coagulation of muscle, followed for the sake of comparison the methods which have been employed in the study of coagulation of blood. He found that muscle-plasma, like blood-plasma, is prevented from coagulating not only by cold, but by neutral salts, such as magnesium sulphate, sodium chloride, and sodium sulphate; and further, that the salted plasma if diluted coagulates. The points of resemblance between the coagulation of myosin and fibrin suggest a similar cause, and Halliburton succeeded in obtaining from muscles coagulated by long standing in alcohol a watery extract, which greatly hastened 1 Untersuchungen tiber das Protoplasma, Leipzig, 1864. 2 Journal of Physiology, 1887, vol. viii. p. 134. 148 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the coagulation of muscle-plasma and myosin solutions. He called the sub- stance thus obtained myosin ferment. The extract obtained contained an ~ albumose which was either the ferment or held it in close combination. The pure ferment has not been isolated. The myosin ferment is not the same as fibrin ferment, since neither can do the work of the other. Moreover, fibrin ferment is destroyed at 75°-80° C. and myosin ferment is not destroyed till 100° C. ' In several respects there is a close resemblance between the behavior of blood- and muscle-plasma, but the coagulated products differ. Kuehne found that myosin could be dissolved by a dilute saline solution, and that, on further dilution, it was reprecipitated. Halliburton observed that a saline solution of myosin, diluted twenty times with water, gave a precipitate which could be dissolved in a 5 per cent. magnesium-sulphate solution, and then by the addi- tion of water be made to recoagulate. In these respects myosin differs markedly from fibrin. Fibrin is dissolved only with difficulty in dilute saline solutions and cannot be recoagulated. Myosin also differs from fibrin by its greater solubility in dilute HCl. | Moreover, the chemical change which results in the formation of myosin is different from that which produces fibrin. The clotting of muscle-plasma and the formation of myosin is accompanied or closely followed by the production of an acid, while no such change occurs during the coagulation of blood-plasma. In the earlier stages of clotting the acidity may be due in part to acid potassium phosphate, but the final acidity is chiefly due to lactic acid. The source of the lactic acid has not been definitely made out. The view that it comes from glycogen is made questionable by Boehm’s! observation that the amount of glycogen is not lessened in rigor, and is corroborated by the observation that the muscles of starving animals become acid when entering into rigor, although, as Bernard found, they contain no glycogen. Boehme concluded that the sarcolactic acid is formed from the proteids, and this is accepted by other good observers. Some writers have thought the coagulation of the muscle was the result of the formation of an acid by the dying muscle. This is unlikely, although the presence of acid, like that of many other substances, quinine, caffein, digitalin, veratrin, hydrocyanic acid, ether, chloroform, etc.,2 may hasten the process. This may account for the rapidity with which rigor comes on in fatigued muscles. | 2. Constituents of Muscle-serum and. Changes resulting from Con- traction.—Muscle-serum can be most readily obtained by mincing a muscle in rigor mortis and expressing the fluid. The proteids of the serum can be separated by the degrees at which they undergo heat-coagulation. The method of fractional heat-coagulation was employed by Halliburton * to determine the proteids of muscle. He found the following : 1 Phiger’s Archiv, 1880, Bd. xxiii. 8. 44. * Halliburton : Physiological Chemistry, p. 414. * Journal of Physiology, viii. pp. 184-186. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 149 Name. Temperature of lati Proteids obtained from { Paramyosinogen ............ 47° a coagulation, the dissolved clot. . MPOREOROM Cmts co Gy ee 56° &. Proteids obtained from ( My Oglobolin , kk Fie ee ee 68° C, eed. myoalbumin .o. 78° C. Myo-albumose. ....... (not coagulated by heat). The proteids of the serum can also be distinguished by their solubilities in neutral salt-solutions of various strengths. The myoglobulin resembles serum- globulin, although precipitated at 63° C. instead of 73° C. The myo-albumin is apparently identical with serum-albumin. To these proteids we must add the pigment hemoglobin. Another pig- ment, myohzmatin, is also found. It is not unlikely that these pigments have here as elsewhere a respiratory function. Nitrogenous Eztractives.—The chief nitrogenous extractive is creatin ; in addition to this we find small amounts of creatinin and of various xanthin bodies, as xanthin, hypoxanthin, carnin, and sometimes traces of urea, uric acid, taurin, and glycocoll. The chemical nature of these bodies need not be considered here. Physiologically they may be regarded as waste products which result from the partial oxidation of the proteids of muscle during the katabolic processes which are continually occurring even in the resting muscle protoplasm. Monari has shown that the amount of creatin and creatinin is increased by the wear and tear of muscular work, although the proteids of the well-fed muscle probably supply but little of the energy which is set free.! The non-nitrogenous constituents of muscle are fats, glycogen, inosit, sugar, and lactic acid. Fats are usually found in intermuscular connective tissue, but there is little within the normal fibre. It is doubtful whether fat plays any direct part in the ordinary metabolic processes involved in the action of muscles, although it is probable that if more available sources of energy are lacking it may, like the proteids, be altered and employed. Under pathological conditions large amounts of fat may be found inside the sarcolemma ; in phosphorus-poisoning the degenerated muscle protoplasm may be replaced by fat in the form of fine globules. Glycogen is found in very variable amounts in different muscles. The work of many observers has shown that it is here, as in the liver, a store of carbo- hydrate material, and is employed by the muscle, either directly or after con- _ version into some other body, as a source of energy. The quantity, which is rarely more than } per cent., lessens rapidly during muscle work. Sugar is found in muscles in small quantities only, nevertheless it probably plays an important part, for Chauveau and Kaufmann, by studying the levator labii superioris of the horse, found that the muscles take sugar from the blood, and that they take more during action than rest. The sugar which the mus- 1 Fick und Wislicenus: Vierteljahresschrift der Ziiricher Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 1865, Bd. x. p. 817; Pettenkofer und Voit: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1866, ii.; Voit : [bid., 1876, vi. 8. 305. 150 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. cle takes during rest is for the most part stored as glycogen." Although sugar is considered a source of muscle-energy, the exact way in which it is employed is doubtful. : Inorganic Constituents of Muscle—Amongst the bases, potassium has the greatest prominence, and sodium next ; magnesium, calcium, and small amounts of iron are also found. Of the acids, phosphoric is present in the largest quan- tities. | j Gases of Muscle.—No free oxygen can be extracted, but carbon dioxide may be obtained, in part free and in part in combination. A little nitrogen can also be extracted. The amount of carbonic acid varies greatly with the con- dition of the muscle; for instance, it is much increased by muscle work. Mus- cles take up oxygen from the blood freely, especially when active, and when removed from the body may absorb small amounts from the air. More oxygen is taken up by the muscle during rest than is liberated as carbon dioxide, but during action the reverse is the case.” Oxygen is not retained as free oxygen, but is stored in some combination more stable than oxyhemoglobin. It is by virtue of the combined oxygen that the muscle is enabled to do its work, but the process is not one of simple oxidation, That muscles hold oxygen in available combinations was shown by Hermann, who ascertained that a muscle can contract hundreds of times in an atmosphere free from oxygen, and produce water and carbon dioxide. II. CHEMISTRY OF NERVES. Most of our ideas concerning the chemistry of nerves are based on analysis of the white and gray matter of the central nervous system. The white matter is largely made up of fibres and supporting tissue and the gray matter of nerve- cells. The peripheral nerve-fibres are simply a continuation of the structures in the central nervous system ; the active part of the fibre, the axis-cylinder, is an outgrowth of the cytoplasm of a nerve-cell, and the surrounding medullary sheath a continuation of the material which sheaths the axis-cylinder while in the brain and cord. It is probable, therefore, that the chemistry of the axis- cylinder approaches to that of the nerve-cell of which it is a branch, and the chemistry of the medullary substance is the same outside as inside the central nervous system. : The white matter of the brain of the ox, which is largely made up of nerve- fibres, is composed of about 70 parts water and 30 parts solids, about one-half the latter being cholesterin, about a quarter proteids and connective-tissue sub- stance, and about a quarter complex fatty bodies, neuro-keratin, salts, chiefly potassium salts and phosphates, and traces of xanthin, hypoxanthin, ete. The nerve-fibre has a delicate sheath, the neurilemma, the exact constitution * Comptes rendus de la Société de Biologie, 1886, civ. * Ludwig und Sczelkow: Sitzwngsberichte den k. Ahad. Wien, 1862, Bd. xlv. Abthl. 1; and Ludwig und Schmidt: Sitzungsberichte den math.-phys. Classe d. k. Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaft. 1868, Bd. xx.; Regnault and Reiset: Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 1849, 3 me sér., xxvi.; Pfliiger: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1872, vi.; and others. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE AND NERVE. 151 of which is unknown, but which is supposed to resemble the sarcolemma and to be composed of a substance similar to elastin. The fibres are bound together by connective tissue which on boiling gives gelatin. Within the neurilemma is the medullary sheath, which is composed of two elements—viz. (1) neuro-kera- tin, a material similar to the horny substance of epithelial structures, which forms a sort of loose trellis, or network, and probably acts as a supporting framework to the fibre; (2) a white, highly refracting, semi-fluid material, which fills the meshes of the neuro-keratin network, and which is composed largely of protagon and cholesterin combined with fatty bodies. Protagon is a complex phosphorized nitrogenous compound, which. many observers believe to contain lecithin and cerebrin. Both lecithin and cerebrin are fatty bodies possessing nitrogen, and the former phosphorus. These and some other com- plex fatty bodies probably exist in addition to protagon in the medullary sub- tance. The formation of the “myelin forms” seen in the medulla of dead nerves is attributed to lecithin. The azis-cylinder probably contains most of the proteids of the fibre, chiefly globulins, mixed with complex fatty bodies. ' The reaction of the normal living fibre is neutral or slightly alkaline. It is said to become acid after death, but this change is not known to accompany functional activity. Indeed, nothing is known of the physiological import of the chemical constituents of the nerve-fibre or of the chemical changes which occur in the axis-cylinder when it develops or transmits the nerve impulse. The peculiar chemical composition of the medullary substance would suggest that it has a more important function than simply to protect the axis-cylinder. Some have attributed to it nutritive powers, and others have supposed it helped to insulate: it is certain that the axis-cylinder can develop and transmit the nerve impulse without the aid of the medullary sheath, for there is a large class of important nerves—the non-medullated nerves—in which it is lacking. II]. SECRETION. A. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. THE term secretion is meant ordinarily to apply to the liquid or semi- liquid products formed by glandular organs. On careful consideration it becomes evident that the term gland itself is widely applied to a variety of structures differing greatly in their anatomical organization—so much so, in fact, that a general definition of the term covering all cases becomes very indefinite, and as a consequence the conception of what is meant by a secretion becomes correspondingly extended. Considered from the most general standpoint we might define a gland as a structure composed of one or more gland-cells, epithelial in character, which forms a product, the secretion, which is discharged either upon a free epithelial surface such as the skin or mucous membrane, or upon the closed epithelial surface of the blood- and lymph-cavities. In the former case —that is, when the secretion appears upon a free epithelial surface communi- cating with the exterior, the product forms what is ordinarily known as a secretion ; for the sake of contrast it might be called an external secretion. In the latter case the secretion according to modern nomenclature is designated as an internal secretion. The best-known organs furnishing internal secretions are the liver, the thyroid, and the pancreas. It remains possible, however, that any organ, even those not possessing an epithelial structure, such as the muscles, may give off substances to the blood comparable to the internal secretions—a possibility which indicates how indefinite the distinction between the processes of secretion and of general cell-metabolism may become if the analysis is carried sufficiently far. If we consider only the external secretions definition and generalization become much easier, for in these cases the secret- ing surface is always an epithelial structure which, when it possesses a certain organization, is designated as nt a =agiand. The type upon which ps = ON these secreting surfaces are con- oe oe structed is illustrated in Figure 63. The type consists of an epithelium placed upon a basement membrane, while upon the other side of the membrane are blood-capillaries and lymph-spaces. The secretion is derived ultimately from the blood and is discharged upon the free epithelial surface, which is supposed to communicate with the exterior, The mucous membrane of the alimentary canal from stomach to rectum may be considered, 152 Fic. 63.—Plan of a secreting membrane. SECRETION. 153 if we neglect the existence of the villi and crypts, as representing a secreting surface constructed on this type. If we suppose such a membrane to become Fig. 64.—To illustrate the simplest form of a tubular and a racemose or acinous gland. invaginated to form a tube or a sac possessing a definite lumen (see Fig. 64), we have then what may be designated technically as a gland. Tt is obvious that in this case the gland may be a simple pouch, tubular or saccular in shape (Fig. 65), or it may attain a varying degree of complexity by the elongation of the involuted portion and the development of side branches Fig. 66.—Schematic representation of a lobe of a amphibian skin (after Flemming). compound tubular gland (after Flemming). (Fig. 66). The more complex structures of this character are known sometimes as compound glands, and are further described as tubular, or racemose (saccular), or tubulo-racemose, according as the terminations of the invaginations are tubular, or saccular, or intermediate in shape.' As a matter of fact we find the greatest variety in the structure of the glands imbedded in the cutaneous and mucous surfaces, a variety extending from the simplest form of crypts or tubes to very complicated organs possessing an anatomical independence and definite vascular and nerve-supplies as in the case of the salivary glands or the kidney. In compound glands it is generally assumed that the terminal portions of the tubes alone form the secretions, and these are designated as the the acini or alveoli, while the tubes connecting the alveoli with the exterior are known as the ducts, and it is supposed that their lining epithelium is devoid of secretory activity. The secretions formed by these glands are as varied in composition as the glands are in structure. If we neglect the case of the so-called reproductive 1 Flemming has called attention to the fact that most of the so-called compound racemose glands, salivary glands, pancreas, etc., do not contain terminal sacs or acini at the ends of the system of ducts; on the contrary, the final secreting portions are cylindrical tubes, and such glands are better designated as compound tubular glands. 154 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. glands, the ovary and testis, whose right to the designation of glands is doubt~ ful, we may say that the secretions in the mammalian body are liquid or semi- liquid in character and are composed of water, inorganic salts, and various organic compounds. With regard to the last-mentioned constituent the secre- tions differ greatly. In some cases the organic substances present are not found in ’ the blood, and furthermore they may be specific to a particular secretion, so that we must suppose that these constituents at least are constructed in the gland itself. In other cases the organic elements may be present in the blood, and are merely eliminated from it by the gland, as in the case of the urea found in the urine. Johannes Miiller long ago made this distinction, and spoke of secre- tions of the latter kind as excretions, a term which we still use and which car- ries to our minds also the implication that the substances so named are waste products whose retention would be injurious to the economy. Excretion as above defined is not a term, however, which is capable of exact application to any secretion as a whole. Urine, for example, contains some constituents which are probably formed within the kidney itself, e. g. hippuric acid; while, on the other hand, in most secretions the water and inorganic salts are derived directly from the blood or lymph. So, too, some secretions—for example, the bile—carry off waste products which may be regarded as mere excretions, and at the same time contain constituents (the bile salts) which are of immediate value to the whole organism. Excretion is therefore a name which we may apply conveniently to the process of removal of waste products from the body, or to particular constituents of certain secretions, but no fundamental distine- tion can be made between the method of their elimination and that of the formation of secreted products in general. Owing to the diversity in com- position of the various external secretions and the obvious difference in the extent to which the glandular epithelium participates in the process in different glands, a general theory of secretion cannot be formulated. The kinds of activity seem to be as varied as is the metabolism of the tissues in general. It was formerly believed that the formation of the secretions was de- pendent mainly if not entirely upon the physical processes of filtration, im- bibition, and diffusion. The basement membrane with its lining epithelium was supposed to constitute a membrane through which various products of the blood or lymph passed by filtration and diffusion, and the variation in com- position of the secretions was referred to differences in structure and chemical properties of the dialyzing membrane. ‘The significant point about this view is that the epithelial cells were supposed to play a passive part in the process ; the metabolic processes within the cytoplasm of the cells were not believed to affect the composition of the secreted product. As compared with this view the striking peculiarity of modern ideas of secretion is, perhaps, the import- ance attributed to the living structure and properties of the epithelial cells. It is believed generally now that the glandular epithelium takes a direct part in the production of some if not all of the constituents of the secretions. The reasons for this view will be brought out in detail further on in describing the secreting processes of the separate glands. Some of the general facts, how- % ‘ 5 3 4 a SECRETION. 155 ever, which influenced physiologists in coming to this conclusion are as follows : Microscopic examination has demonstrated clearly that in many cases parts of the epithelial cell-substance can be followed into the secretion. In the sebaceous secretion the cells seem to break down completely to form the mate- rial of the secretion; in the formation of mucus by the goblet cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines a portion of the cytoplasm after undergoing a mucoid degeneration is extruded bodily from the cell to form the secretion ; in the mammary glands a portion of the substance of the epithelial cells is likewise broken off and disintegrated in the act of secretion, while in other glands the material of the secretion is deposited within the cell in the form of visible granules which during the act of secretion may be observed to disappear, apparently by dissolution in the stream of water passing through the cell. Facts like these show that some at least of the products of secretion arise from the substance of the gland-cells, and may be considered as representing the results of a metabolism within the cell-substance. From this standpoint, therefore, we may explain the variations in the organic constituents of the secretions by referring them to the different kinds of metabolism existing in the different gland-cells. The existence of distinct secretory nerves to many of the glands is also a fact favoring the view of an active participation of the gland-cells in the formation of the secretion. The first discovery of this class of nerve-fibres we owe to Ludwig, who (in 1851) showed that stimulation of the chorda tympani nerve causes a strong secretion from the submaxillary gland. Later investigations have demon- strated the existence of similar nerve-fibres to many other glands—for example, the lachrymal glands, the sweat-glands, the gastric glands, the pancreas. It is asserted also that, in some cases at least, the increased secretion is accompanied by an elevation in temperature of the gland, which speaks for an increased metabolic activity. Moreover, there is considerable evidence, which will be given in the proper place, to show that the secretory fibres are of two kinds, one controlling the production of the organic elements, and one increasing the flow of water and inorganic salts. Recent microscopic work indicates that the secretory fibres end in a fine plexus between and round the epithelial cells, and we may infer from this that the action of the nerve- impulses conducted by these fibres is exerted directly upon the gland-cells. The formation of the water and inorganic salts present in the various secretions offers a problem the general nature of which may be referred to ap- propriately in this connection, although detailed statements must be reserved until the several secretions are specially described. The problem involves, indeed, not only the well-recognized secretions, but -also the lymph itself as well as the various normal and pathological exudations. Formerly the occur- rence of these substances was explained by the action of the physical processes of filtration and diffusion through membranes. With the blood under a con- siderable pressure and with a certain concentration in salts on one side of the basement membrane, and on the other a liquid under low pressure and ditfer- 156 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ing in chemical composition, it would seem inevitable that water should filter through the membrane and that processes of osmosis would be set up, further changing the nature of the secretion. Upon this theory the water and salts in all secretions were regarded merely as transudatory products, and so far as they were concerned the epithelium was supposed to act simply as a dead membrane. This theory has not proved entirely acceptable for various reasons. It has been shown that living membranes offer considerable resistance to filtration even when the liquid pressure on one side is much greater than on the other. Tigerstedt! and Santessen, for instance, found that a lung taken from a frog just killed gave no filtrate when its cavity was distended by liquid under a pressure of 18 to 20 centimeters, provided the liquid used was one that did not injure the tissue. If, however, the lung-tissue was killed by heat or other- wise, filtration occurred readily under the same pressure. In some glands, also, the formation of the water and salts, as has been said, is obviously under the control of nerve-fibres, and this fact is difficult to reconcile with the idea that the epithelial cells are merely passive filters. In glands like the kidney, and in other glands as well, it has been shown that the amount of water and salts does not increase in proportion to the rise of blood-pressure within the capillaries, as should happen if filtration were the sole agent at work, and furthermore, certain chemical substances when injected into the blood may increase the flow of water in the secretion to an extent that cannot be well accounted for in any other way than by supposing that they act as chemical stimuli to the epithelial cells. While, therefore, it cannot be denied that the anatomical conditions pre- vailing in the glands are favorable to the processes of filtration and osmosis, and while no one is justified in denying that these processes do actually occur and seem to account in part for the appearance of the water and inorganic salts, it seems to be clear that in the present condition of our knowledge these factors alone do not suffice to explain all the phenomena connected with the secretion of water and salts. We must suppose that the epithelial cells are actively concerned in the process. The way in which they act is not known; various hypotheses have been advanced, but none of them meets all the facts to be explained, and at present it is customary to refer the matter to the vital properties of the cells—that is, to the peculiar physical or chemical properties connected with their living structure. We may now pass to a consideration of the facts known with regard to the physiology of the different glands considered merely as secretory organs. The functional value of the secretions will be found described in the sections on Digestion and Nutrition. B. Mucous anp ALBuMINoUs (SzRovs) TypzEs oF GLANDs; SALIVARY GLANDs. inwfucous and Albuminous Glands.—Heidenhain recognized two types reasons fort he" mucous and the albuminous, basing his distinction upon the secreting pr OCE yom physiol. Lab. des Carol. med.-chir. Instituts in Stockholm, 1885. ae SECRETION. 157 character of the secretion and upon the histological appearance of the secreting cells. The classification as originally made was applied only to the salivary glands and to similar glands found in the mucous membranes of the mouth and oesophagus, the air-passages, conjunctiva, etc. The chemical difference in the secretions of the two types consists in the fact that the secretion of the albuminous (or serous) glands is thin and watery, containing in addition to possible enzymes only water, inorganic salts, and small quantities of albumin ; while that of the mucous glands is stringy and viscid owing to the presence of mucin. As examples of the albuminous glands we have the parotid in man and the mammalia generally, the submaxillary in some animals (rabbit), some of the glands of the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasal cavities, and the lachrymal glands. As examples of the mucous glands, the submaxil- lary in man and most mammals, the sublingual, the orbital, and some of the glands of the mucous membrane of the mouth-cavity, cesophagus, and air- passages. The histological appearance of the secretory cells in the albuminous glands is in typical cases markedly different from that of the cells in the mucous glands. In the albuminous glands the cells are small and densely filled with granular material, so that the cell outlines, in preparations from the fresh gland, cannot be distinguished (see Figs. 70 and 72). In the mucous glands, on the contrary, the cells are larger and much clearer (see Fig. 73). In microscopic preparations of the fresh gland the cells, to use Langley’s expression, present the appearance of ground glass, and granules are only indistinctly seen. Treatment with proper reagents brings out the granules, which are, however, larger and less densely packed than in the albuminous glands, and are imbedded in a clear homogeneous substance. Histological examination shows, moreover, that in some glands, e. g. the submaxillary gland, cells of both types occur. Such a gland is usually spoken of as a mucous gland, since its secretion contains mucin, but histologically it is a mixed gland. The terms mucous and albuminous or serous, as applied to the entire gland, are not in fact perfectly satisfactory, since not only do the mucous glands usually contain some secretory cells of the albuminous type, but albu- minous glands, such as the parotid, may also contain cells belonging to the mucous type. The distinction is more satisfactory when it is applied to the individual cells, since the formation of mucin within a secreting cell seems to present a definite histological picture, and we can recognize microscopically a mucous cell from an albuminous cell although the two may occur together in a single alveolus. Goblet Cells.—The goblet cells found in the epithelium of the intestine afford an interesting example of mucous cells. The epithelium of the intes- tine is a simple columnar epithelium. Scattered among the columnar cells are found cells containing mucin. These cells are originally columnar in shape like the neighboring cells, but their protoplasm undergoes a chemical change of such a character that mucin is produced, causing the cell to become swollen at its free extremity, whence the name of goblet cell. It has been shown that the mucin is formed with the substance of the protoplasm as distinct granules 158 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of a large size, and that the amount of mucin increases gradually, forcing the nucleus and a small part of the unchanged protoplasm toward the base of the cell. Eventually the mucin is extruded bodily into the lumen of the intestine, leaving behind a.partially empty cell with the nucleus and a small remnant of protoplasm (see Fig. 67). The complete life-history of these cells is imper- Fic. 67.—Formation of secretion of mucus in the goblet cells: 4, cell containing mucin; B, escape of the mucin; C, after escape of the mucin (after Paneth). fectly known. According to Bizzozero’ they are a distinct variety of cell and are not genetically related to the ordinary granular epithelial cells by which they are surrounded. According to others, any of the columnar epithelial cells may become a goblet cell by the formation of mucin within its interior, and after the mucin is extruded the cell regenerates its protoplasm and becomes again an ordinary epithelial cell. However this may be, the interesting fact from a physiological standpoint is that these goblet cells are genuine unicellular mucous glands; moreover, the deposition of the mucin in the form of definite granules within the protoplasm gives histological proof that this material is produced by a metabolism of the cell-substance itself. It will be found that the mucin cells in the secreting tubules of the salivary glands exhibit similar appearances, So far as is known, the goblet cells do not possess secretory nerves. SALIVARY GLANDS. Anatomical Relations.—The salivary glands in man are three in num- ber on each side—the parotid, the submaxillary, and the sublingual. The parotid gland communicates with the mouth by a large duct (Stenson’s duct) which opens upon the inner surface of the cheek opposite the second molar tooth of the upper jaw. The submaxillary gland lies below the lower jaw, and its duct (Wharton’s duct) opens into the mouth-cavity at the side of the freenum of the tongue. The sublingual gland lies in the floor of the mouth to the side of the freenum and opens into the mouth-cavity by a number (8 to 20) of small ducts, known as the ducts of Rivinus. One larger duct which runs parallel with the duct of Wharton and opens separately into the mouth- cavity is sometimes present in man. It is known as the duct of Bartholin and occurs normally in the dog. In addition to these three pairs of large glands a number of small glands belonging both to the albuminous and the 1 Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie, 1893, vol. 42, p. 82. SECRETION. 159 mucous types are found imbedded in the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue. The secretions of these glands contribute to the formation of the saliva. The course of the nerve-fibres supplying the large salivary glands is interest- ‘ing in view of the physiological results of their stimulation. The description here given applies especially to their arrangement in the dog. The parotid gland receives its fibres from two sources—first, cerebral fibres which originate in the glosso-pharyngeal or ninth cranial nerve, pass into a branch of this nerve known as the tympanic branch or nerve of Jacobson, thence to the small superficial petrosal nerve, through which they reach the otic ganglion. From this gan- glion they pass by way of the auriculo-temporal branch of the inferior max- Branches>-** to parotid... Glosso-pharyngeal Small superficial & petrosal nerve FE Inferior ganglion dental Fia. 68.—Schematic representation of the course of the cerebral fibres to the parotid gland. illary division of the fifth cranial nerve to the parotid gland. (A schematic diagram showing the course of these fibres is given in Figure 68.) A second BY Inferior maxillary branch of fifth Inferior dental Branches to submaxil-— l lary and sublingual ganglion Fic. 69.—Schematic representation of the course of the chorda tympani nerve to the submaxillary gland. supply of nerye-fibres is obtained from the cervical sympathetic nerve, the fibres reaching the gland ultimately in the coats of the blood-vessels. The ‘% r 13 160 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. submaxillary (and the sublingual) glands receive their nerve-fibres also from two sources. The cerebral fibres arise from the brain in the facial nerve and pass out in the chorda tympani branch (Fig. 69). This latter nerve, after emerging from the tympanic cavity through the Glaserian fissure, joins the lingual nerve. After running with this nerve for a short distance, the secre- tory (and vaso-dilator) nerve-fibres destined for the submaxillary and sublin- gual glands branch off and pass to the glands, following the course of the ducts. Where the chorda tympani fibres leave the lingual there is a small ganglion which has received the name of submaxillary ganglion. The nerve- fibres to the glands pass through this ganglion, but Langley has shown that. only those destined for the sublingual gland really connect with the nerve- cells of the ganglion, and he suggests therefore that it should be called the sublingual instead of the submaxillary ganglion. The nerve-fibres for the submaxillary gland make connections with nerve-cells within the hilus of the gland itself. The submaxillary and sublingual glands receive also sympa- thetic nerve-fibres, which after leaving the superior cervical ganglion pass to the glands in the coats of the blood-vessels. Histological Structure.—The salivary glands belong to the type of com- pound tubular glands, as Flemming has pointed out. That is, the secreting portions are tubular in shape, although in cross sections these tubes may present various outlines according as the plane of the section passes through them. The parotid is described usually as a typical serous or albuminous gland. Its secreting epithelium is composed of cells which in the fresh con- dition as well as in preserved specimens contain numerous fine granules (see Figs. 70 and 72, A). Heidenhain states that in exceptional cases (in the dog) some of the secreting cells may belong to the mucous type. The base- ment membrane is composed of flattened branched connective-tissue cells, the interstices between which are filled by a thin membrane. The submaxillary gland differs in histology in different animals. In some, as the dog or cat, all the secretory tubes are composed chiefly or exclusively of epithelial cells of the mucous type (Fig. 73). In man the gland is of a mixed type, the secretory tubes containing both mucous and albuminous cells. The sublingual gland in man also contains both varieties of cells, although the mucous cells predominate. It follows from these histological characteristics that the secre- tion from the submaxillary and sublingual glands is thick and mucilaginous as compared with that from the parotid. In the mucous glands another variety of cells, the so-called demilunes or crescent cells, is frequently met with; and the physiological significance of these cells has been the subject of much discussion. The demilunes are cres- cent-shaped granular cells lying between the mucous cells and the basement membrane, and not in contact, therefore, with the central lumen of the tube (see Fig. 73). According to Heidenhain these demilunes are for the purpose of replacing the mucous cells. In consequence of long-continued activity the mucous cells may disintegrate and disappear, and the demilunes then develop into new mucous cells. According to other views the demilunes represent SECRETION. 161 merely an inactive stage of ordinary mucous cells, or the basal protoplasmic part of a mucous cell, or, finally, a distinct secretory cell of the albuminous type. The secreting tubules of the salivary glands each possess a distinct lumen _ round which the cells are arranged. In addition a number of recent observers, making use of the Golgi method of staining, have apparently demonstrated that in the albuminous glands the lumen is continued as fine capillary spaces running between the secreting cells.' The statement is also made that from these secretion capillaries small side-branches are given off which penetrate into the substance of the cell, making an intracellular origin of the system of ducts ; this point, however, needs confirmation. In the mucous glands similar secretion capillaries are found only in connection with the demilunes. This latter fact supports the view that the demilunes are not simply inactive forms of mucous ¢ells, but cells with a specific functional activity. It is an un- doubted fact that the salivary glands possess definite secretory nerves which when stimulated start the formation of secretion. This fact indicates that there must be a direct contact of some kind between the gland-cells and the terminations of the secretory fibres. The nature of this cunnection has been the subject of numerous investigations, the results of which were for a long time negative or untrustworthy. Quite recently, however, the application of the useful Golgi method has led to satisfactory results. The ending of the nerve- fibres in the submaxillary and sublingual glands has been described by a num- ber of observers. The accounts differ somewhat as to details of the finer anatomy, but it seems to be clearly established that the secretory fibres from the chorda tympani end first round the intrinsic nerve-ganglion cells of the glands, and from these latter cells axis-cylinders are distributed to the secreting cells, passing to these cells along the ducts. The nerve-fibres termi- nate in a plexus upon the membrana propria of the alveoli, and from this plexus fine fibrils pass inward to end on and between the secreting cells. A _ more elaborate description of the final termination of the secretory fibres is given by Dogiel* for the lachrymal gland, which is a gland belonging to the albuminous type. It would seem from these observations that the nerve- fibrils do not penetrate or fuse with the gland-cells, as was formerly supposed, but form a terminal network in contact with the cells, following thus the general schema for the connection between nerve-fibres and peripheral tissues. - Composition of the Secretion.—The saliva as it is found in the mouth is a mixed secretion from the large salivary glands and the numerous smaller glands scattered over the mucous membrane of the mouth. It isa colorless or opalescent, turbid, and mucilaginous liquid of weakly alkaline re- action and a specific gravity of about 1003. It may contain numerous flat cells derived from the epithelium of the mouth, and the peculiar spherical cells known as salivary corpuscles, which seem to be altered leucocytes. The im- 1 Laserstein: Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1893, Bd. 55, p. 417. 2 See Huber: Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1896, vol. i. p. 281. 8 Archiv fiir mikroscoprscne Anatomie, 1893, Bd. xlii. S. 632. 11 162 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. portant constituents of the secretion are mucin, a diastatic enzyme known as ptyalin, traces of albumin and of potassium sulphocyanide, and inorganic salts such as potassium and sodium chloride, potassium sulphate, sodium carbonate, and calcium carbonate and phosphate. The average proportions of these con- stituents is given in the following analysis by Hammerbacher : PME Coen eee ew wl eS oa oe ee een eT ate OP epee 994.203 Solids: - Mucinand epithelial cells,. . . ......... 2.202 Ptyalin and albumin,....... .- + ie? wee REGRUAMIE IN ass 3 Sie wh Fst Sa Ce 2.205 ee 1.000.000 (Potassium sulphocyanide, 0.041.) Of the organic constituents of the saliva the albumin exists in small and varia- ble quantities, and its exact nature is not determined. The mucin gives to the saliva its ropy, mucilaginous character. This substance belongs to the group of combined proteids, glyco-proteids (see section on Chemistry), consisting of a proteid combined with a carbohydrate group. The physiological value of this constituent seems to lie in its physical properties, as described in the section on Digestion. The most interesting constituent of the mixed saliva is the pty- alin. This body belongs to the group of enzymes or unorganized ferments, whose general and specific properties are described in the section on Digestion. It suffices here to say only that ptyalin belongs to the diastatic group of enzymes, whose specific action is to convert the starches into sugar by a process of hydrolysis. In some animals (dog) ptyalin seems to be normally absent from the fresh saliva. An interesting fact with reference to the saliva is the large quantity of gases, particularly CO,, which may be obtained from it when freshly secreted. In an analysis by Pfliiger of the saliva from the submaxil- lary gland the following figures were obtained: CO,, 65 per cent., of which 42.5 per cent. was in the form of carbonates; N, 0.8 per cent. ; O, 0.6 per cent. or the parotid secretion Kiilz reports: CO,, 66.7 per cent., of which 62 per cent. was in combination as carbonate; N, 3.8 per cent. ; O, 1.46 per cent. The secretions of the parotid and submaxillary glands can be obtained easily by inserting a cannula into the openings of the ducts in the mouth. The secre- tion of the sublingual can only be obtained in sufficient quantities for analysis from the lower animals. Examination of the separate secretions shows that the - main difference lies in the fact that the parotid saliva contains no mucin, while © that of the submaxillary and especially of the sublingual gland is rich, in mucin. ‘The parotid saliva of man seems to be particularly rich in ptyalin as compared with that of the submaxillary, while the secretion of the latter and - of the sublingual gland give a stronger alkaline reaction than the parotid ° saliva. : The Secretory Nerves.—The existence of secretory nerves was discovered | by Ludwig in 1851. He found that stimulation of the chorda tympani nerve caused a flow of saliva from the submaxillary gland. He established also SECRETION. 163 several important facts with regard to the pressure and composition of the secretion which will be referred to presently. It was afterward shown that the salivary glands receive a double nerve-supply, in part by way of the cervical sympathetic and in part through cerebral nerves, as briefly described on p. 159. It was discovered also that not only are secretory fibres carried to the glands by these paths, but that the vaso-motor fibres are contained in the same nerves, and the arrangement of these latter fibres is such that the _ cerebral nerves contain vaso-dilator fibres which cause a dilatation of the small arteries in the glands and an accelerated blood-flow, while the sympathetic carries vaso-constrictor fibres whose stimulation causes a constriction of the small arteries and a diminished blood-flow. The effect upon the secretion of stimulation of these two sets of fibres is found to vary somewhat in different animals. For purposes of description we may confine ourselves to the effects observed on dogs, since most of our fundamental knowledge upon the subject is derived from Heidenhain’s’ experiments upon this animal. If the chorda tympani nerve is stimulated by weak induction shocks the gland begins to secrete promptly, and the secretion, by proper regulation of the stimuli, may be kept up for hours. The secretion thus obtained is thin and watery, flows freely, is abundant in amount, and contains not more than 1 or 2 per cent. of total solids. At the same time there is an increased flow of blood through the gland. The whole gland takes on a redder hue, the veins are distended, and if cut the blood that flows from them is of a redder color than in the resting gland, and may show a distinct pulse—all of which points to a dilata- tion of the small arteries. If now the sympathetic fibres are stimulated, quite different results are obtained. The secretion is relatively small in amount, flows slowly, is thick and turbid, and may contain as much as 6 per cent. of total solids. At the same time the gland becomes pale, and if the veins be eut the flow from them is slower than in the resting gland, thus indicating that a vaso-constriction has occurred. The increased vascular supply to the gland accompanying the abundant - flow of “chorda saliva” and the diminished flow of blood during the scanty secretion of “sympathetic saliva” suggest naturally the idea that the whole process of secretion may be at bottom a vaso-motor phenomenon, the amount of secretion depending only on the quantity and pressure of the blood flowing through the gland. It has been shown conclusively that this idea is erro- neous and that definite secretory fibres exist. The following facts may be quoted in support of this statement: (1) Ludwig showed that if a mercury manometer is connected with the duct of the submaxillary gland and the chorda is then stimulated for a certain time, the pressure in the duct may become greater than the blood-pressure in the gland. This fact shows that the secretion is not derived entirely by processes of filtration from the blood. (2) If the blood-flow be shut off completely from the gland, stimulation of the chorda -will still give a secretion for a short time. (3) If atropin is 1 Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1878, Bd. xvii. p. 1; also in Hermann’s Hand- huch der Physiologie, 1883, Bd. v. Th. 1. 164 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. — injected into the gland, stimulation of the chorda will cause vascular dilata- tion but no secretion. This may be explained by supposing that the atropin paralyzes the secretory but not the dilator fibres. (4) Hydrochlorate of qui- nine injected into the gland gives vascular dilatation but no secretion. In this case the secretory fibres are still irritable, since stimulation of the chorda gives the usual secretion. . A still more marked difference between the effect of stimulation of the cerebral and the sympathetic fibres may be observed in the case of the parotid gland in the dog. Stimulation of the cerebral fibres alone in any part of their course (see Fig. 68) gives an abundant thin and watery saliva, poor in solid constituents. Stimulation of the sympathetic fibres alone (provided the cerebral fibres have not been stimulated shortly before (Langley) and the tym- panic nerve has been cut to prevent a reflex effect) gives usually no perceptible secretion at all. But in this last stimulation a marked effect is produced upon the gland, in spite of the absence of a visible secretion ; this is shown by the fact that subsequent or simultaneous stimulation of the cerebral fibres gives a secretion very unlike that given by the cerebral fibres alone, in that it is very rich indeed in organic constituents. The amount of organic matter in the secretion may be tenfold that of the saliva obtained by stimulation of the cerebral fibres alone. Another important and suggestive set of facts with regard to the action of the secretory nerves is obtained from a study of the differences in composition of the secretion following upon variations in the strength of stimulation of the nerves, | Relation of the Composition of the Secretion to the Strength of Stimulation.— If the stimulus to the chorda be gradually increased in strength, care being taken not to fatigue the gland, the chemical composition of the secretion is found to change with regard to the relative amounts of the water, the salts, and the organic material. The water and the salts increase in amount with the increased strength of stimulus up to a certain maximal limit, which for the salts is about 0.77 per cent. Increase of stimulus beyond this point has no further effect, the amount of water and salts remaining constant. It is im- portant to observe that this effect may be obtained from a perfectly fresh gland as well as from a gland which had previously been secreting actively. With regard to the organic constituents the precise result obtained depends on the condition of the gland. If previous to the stimulation the gland was in a resting condition and unfatigued, then increased strength of stimulation is followed at first by a rise in the percentage of organic constituents, and this rise in the beginning is more marked than in the case of the salts. But with continued stimulation the increase in organic material soon ceases, and finally the amount begins actually to diminish, and may fall to a low point in spite of the stronger stimulation. On the other hand, if the gland in the beginning of the experiment had been previously worked to a considerable extent, then an increase in the stimulating current, while it increases the amount of water and salts, may have either no effect at all upon the organic SECRETION. 165 constituents or cause only a temporary increase, quickly followed by a fall. Similar results may be obtained from stimulation of the cerebral nerves of the parotid gland. ‘The above facts led Heidenhain to believe that the con- ditions determining the secretion of the organic material are different from those controlling the water and salts, and he gave a rational explanation of the differences observed, in his theory of trophic and secretory fibres. Theory of Trophic and Secretory Nerve-fibres.—This theory supposes that two physiological varieties of nerve-fibres are distributed to the salivary glands, One of these varieties controls the secretion of the water and inor- ganic salts and its fibres may be called secretory fibres proper, while the other, to which the name trophic is given, causes the formation of the organic con- stituents of the secretion, probably by a direct influence on the metabolism in the cell. Were the trophic fibres to act alone, the organic products would be formed within the cell but there would be no visible secretion, and this is the hypothesis which Heidenhain uses to explain the results of the experi- ment described above upon stimulation of the sympathetic fibres to the parotid of the dog. In this animal, apparently, the sympathetic branches to the parotid contain exclusively or almost exclusively trophic fibres, while in the cerebral branches both trophic and secretory fibres proper are present. The results of stimulation of the cerebral and sympathetic branches to the submaxillary gland of the same animal may be explained in terms of this theory by supposing that in the latter nerve trophic fibres preponderate, and in the former the secretory fibres proper. It is obvious that this anatomical separation of the two sets of fibres along the cerebral and sympathetic paths may be open to individual variations, and that dogs may be found in which the sympathetic branches to the parotid glands contain secretory fibres proper, and therefore give some flow of secretion on stimulation. These variations might also be expected to be more marked when animals of different groups are compared. Thus Langley’ finds that in cats the sympathetic saliva from the submaxillary gland is less viscid than the chorda saliva, just the reverse of what occurs in the dog. To apply Heidenhain’s theory to this case it is necessary to assume that in the cat the trophic fibres run chiefly in the chorda. An interesting fact with reference to the secretion of the parotid in dogs has been noted by Langley and is of special interest, since, although it may be reconciled with the theory of trophic and secretory fibres, it is at the same time suggestive of an incompleteness in this theory. As has been said, stimulation of the sympathetic in the dog causes usually no secretion from the parotid. Langley? finds, however, that if the tympanic nerve is stimulated just previously, stimulation of the sympathetic causes a secretory flow from the parotid. One may explain this in terms of the theory by assuming that the sympathetic does contain a few secretory fibres proper, but that ordinarily their action is too feeble to start the flow of water. Previous stimulation of the tympanic nerve, however, leaves the gland-cells in 1 Journal of Physiology, 1878, vol. i. p. 96. 2 Ibid., 1889, vol. x. p. 291. 166 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. a more irritable condition, so that the few secretory fibres proper in the sym- pathetic branches are now effective in producing a flow of water. Theories of the Action of Trophic and Secretory Fibres.—The way in which the trophic fibres act has been briefly indicated. They may be sup- posed to set up metabolic changes in the protoplasm of the cells, leading to the formation of certain definite products, such as mucin or ptyalin. That such changes do occur is abundantly shown by microscopic examination of the rest- ing and the active gland, the details of which will be given presently. In general these changes may be supposed to be katabolic in nature; that is, to consist in a disassociation or breaking down of the complex living material with the formation of the simpler and more stable organic constituents of the secretion. There is evidence to show that these gland-cells during activity form fresh material from the nourishment supplied by the blood; that is, that anabolic or building-up processes occur along with the katabolic changes. The latter are the more obvious and are the changes which are usually associated with the action of the trophic nerve-fibres. It is possible, also, that the anabolic or growth changes may be under the control of separate fibres for which the name anabolic fibres would be appropriate. Satisfactory proof of the existence of a separate set of anabolic fibres has not yet been furnished. The method of action of the secretory fibres proper is difficult to under- stand. At present the theories suggested are very speculative, and a detailed account of them is scarcely appropriate in this place. Heidenhain’s own view may be mentioned, but it.should be borne in mind that it is only an hy- pothesis, the truth of which is far from being demonstrated. The theory starts from the fact that no more water leaves the blood-capillaries than afterward appears in the secretion; that is, no matter how long the secretion continues, the gland does not become cedematous nor does the velocity of the lymph- stream in the lymphatics of the gland increase. This being the case, we must suppose that the stream of water is regulated by the secretion, that is, by the activity of the gland-cells. If we suppose that some constituent of these cells has an attraction for water, then, while the gland is in the resting state, water will be absorbed from the basement membrane ; this in turn supplies its loss from the surrounding lymph, and the lymph obtains the same amount of water from the blood. As the amount of water in the cell increases a point is reached at which the osmotic tension comes to an equilibrium, and the diffu- sion stream from blood to cells is at a standstill. The water in the cells does not escape into the lumen of the tubule or of the secretion capillaries, because the periphery of the cell is modified to form a layer offering considerable resistance to filtration. The action of the secretory fibres. proper consists in so altering the structure of this limiting layer of the cells that it offers less resistance to filtration ; consequently the water under tension in the cells escapes into the lumen, and the osmotic pressure of its substance again starts up a stream of water from capillaries to cells, which continues as long as the nerve-stimulation is effective. SECRETION. 167 Recent work by Ranvier, Drasch, Biedermann, and others has called atten- tion to an interesting phenomenon occurring in gland-cells during secretion which when better known will possibly throw light upon the formation of the water stream under the influence of nerve-stimulation. Ranvier! describes in both serous and mucous cells the formation of vacuoles within the proto- plasmic substance. These vacuoles are particularly abundant after nerve- stimulation. They seem to contain water, and if they behave as they do in the protozoa—and this is indicated by the observations of Drasch? upon the glands in the nictitating membrane in the frog—they would seem to form a mechanism sufficient to force water from the cells into the lumen. Histological Changes during Activity.—The cells of both the albu- minous and mucous glands undergo distinct histological changes in conse- quence of prolonged activity, and these changes may be recognized both in preparations from the fresh gland and in preserved specimens. In the parotid gland Heidenhain studied the changes in stained sections after hardening in alcohol. In the resting gland (Fig. 70) the cells are compactly filled with Fie. 70.—Parotid of the rabbit, in the resting condition (after Heidenhain). granules which. stain readily and are imbedded in a clear ground substance which does not stain. The nucleus is small and more or less irregular in out- line. After stimulation of the tympanic nerve the cells show but little altera- tion, but stimulation of the sympathetic produces a marked change (Fig. 71). The cells become smaller, the nuclei more rounded and the granules are more closely packed. This last appearance seems, however, to be due to the hard- ening reagents used. A truer picture of what occurs may be obtained from a study of sections of the fresh gland. Langley, who first used this method, 1 Comptes rendus, cxviii., 4, p. 168. ? Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1889, 8. 96. 8 Journal of Physiology, 1879, vol. ii. p. 260. 168 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. describes his results as follows: When the animal is in a fasting condition the cells have a granular appearance throughout their substance, the outlines of Fig. 71.—Parotid of the rabbit, after stimulation of the sympathetic (after Heidenhain). the different cells being faintly marked by light lines (Fig. 72, 4). When the gland is made to secrete by giving the animal food, by injecting pilocarpin, or by stimulating the sympathetic nerves, the granules begin to disappear from C D Fic. 72.—Parotid gland of the rabbit in a fresh state, showing portions of the secreting tubules: A, in a resting condition; B, after secretion caused by pilocarpin; C, after stronger secretion, pilocarpin and stimulation of sympathetic; D, after long-continued stimulation of sympathetic (after Langley). the outer borders of the cells (Fig. 72, B), so that each cell now shows an outer clear border and an inner granular one. If the stimulation is continued the granules become fewer in number and are collected near the lumen and the mar- SECRETION. 169 gins of the cells, the clear zone increases in extent and the cells become smaller (Fig. 72, C,D). Evidently the granular material is used up in some way to make the organic material of the secretion. Since the ptyalin is a conspicuous organic constituent of the secretion, it is assumed that the granules in the rest- ing gland contain the ptyalin, or rather a preliminary material from which the ptyalin is constructed during the act of secretion. On this latter assumption the granules are>frequently spoken of as zymogen granules. During the act of secretion two distinct processes seem to be going on in the cell, leaving out of consideration for the moment the formation of the water and the salts. In the first place the zymogen granules undergo a change such that they are forced or dissolved out of the cell, and, second, a constructive metabolism or an- abolism is set up, leading to the formation of new protoplasmic material from the substances contained in the blood and lymph. The new material thus formed is the clear, non-granular substance, which appears first toward the basal sides of the cells. We may suppose that the clear substance during the resting periods undergoes metabolic changes, whether of a katabolic or anabolic character cannot be safely asserted, leading to the formation of new granules, and the cells are again ready to form a secretion of normal composition. It should be borne in mind that in these experiments the glands were stimulated beyond normal limits. Under ordinary conditions the cells are probably never depleted of their granular material to the extent represented in the figures. In the cells of the mucous glands changes equally marked may be observed after prolonged activity. In stained sections of the resting gland, according to Heidenhain, the cells are large and clear (Fig. 73), with flattened nuclei Fia. 73.—Mucous gland: submaxillary of dog; rest- Fic. 74.—Mucous gland: submaxillary of dog ing stage. after eight hours’ stimulation of the chorda tym- pani. placed well toward the base of the cell. When the gland is made to secrete the nuclei become more spherical and lie more toward the middle of the cell, and the cells themselves become distinctly smaller. After prolonged secretion the changes become more marked (Fig. 74) and, according to Heidenhain, some of the mucous cells may break down completely, the demilune cells increasing in size and forming new mucous cells. According to most of the 170 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. later observers, however, the mucous cells do not actually disintegrate, but form again new material during the period of rest as was described for the goblet cells of the intestine. In the mucous as in the albuminous cells ob- servations upon pieces of the fresh gland seem to give more reliable results than those upon preserved specimens. Langley’ has shown that in the fresh mucous cells of the submaxillary gland numerous large granules may be discovered, about 125 to 250 to a cell. These granules are comparable to those found in the goblet cells, and may be interpreted as consisting of mucin or some preparatory material from which mucin is formed. The granules are sensitive to reagents ; addition of water causes them to swell up. and disappear. It may be assumed that this happens during secretion, the gran- ules becoming converted to a mucin-mass which is extruded from the cell. Action of Atropin, Pilocarpin, and Nicotin upon the Secretory — Nerves.—The action of drugs upon the salivary glands and their secretions belongs properly to pharmacology, but the effects of the three drugs men- tioned are so decided that they have a peculiar physiological interest. Atro-: pin in small doses injected either into the blood or into the gland-duct prevents the action of the cerebral fibres (tympanic nerve or chorda tympani): upon the glands. This effect may be explained by assuming that the atropin paralyzes the endings of the cerebral fibres in the glands. That it does not. act directly upon the gland-cells themselves seems to be assured by the inter-. esting fact that with doses sufficient to throw out entirely the secreting action of the cerebral fibres, the sympathetic fibres are still effective when stimulated. Pilocarpin has directly the opposite effect to atropin. In minimal doses it. sets up a continuous secretion of saliva, which may be explained upon the: supposition that it stimulates the endings of the secretory fibres in the gland. Within certain limits these drugs antagonize each other—that is, the effect of — pilocarpin may be removed by the subsequent application of atropin and vice versa. Nicotin, according to the experiments of Langley,” prevents the action of the secretory nerves, not by action on the gland-cells or the endings of the nerve-fibres, but by paralyzing the nerve-ganglion cells through which the: fibres pass on their way to the gland. If, for example, the superior cervical ganglion is painted with a solution of nicotin, stimulation of the cervical sympathetic below the gland will give no secretion ; stimulation, however, of the fibres in the ganglion or between the ganglion and gland will give the usual effect. By the use of this drug Langley is led to believe that the cells of the so-called submaxillary ganglion are really intercalated in the course of the fibres to the sublingual gland, while the nerve-cells with which the submaxillary fibres make connection are found chiefly in the Bess of the gland itself. Paralytic Secretion.—A remarkable phenomenon in connection with the salivary glands is the so-called paralytic secretion. It has been known for a long time that if the chorda tympani is cut the submaxillary gland after a cer- ? Journal of Physiology, 1889, vol. x. p. 433. * Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 1889, vol. xlvi. p. 423. SECRETION. eval tain time, one to three days, begins to secrete slowly and the secretion contin- ues uninterruptedly for a long period—-as long, perhaps, as several weeks—and eventually the gland itself undergoes atrophy. Langley ! states that section of the chorda on one side is followed by a continuous secretion from the glands on both sides ; the secretion from the gland of the opposite side he designates as the antiparalytic or antilytic secretion. He believes that this continuous secretion is due to the fact that the irritability of the nerve-cells in the secretion centre (see below) in the medulla, as well as of the nerve-cells in the gland itself, is so much increased that the venosity of the blood itself is sufficient to throw them into continuous activity. It is difficult, however, to understand why section of the chorda should have any such effect as this upon the medul- lary centre, especially as it is known that section of the secretory fibres in the sympathetic does not give a similar result. A more plausible explanation is the one suggested by Bradford,’ namely, that the salivary glands receive through _ their cerebral nerves certain fibres which may be called anabolic, whose action is to cause suspension or inhibition of the katabolic changes in the gland-cells— probably, according to Bradford, by acting on the local nerve-ganglion cells in the gland. When these fibres are removed by section there is nothing to hold the katabolic processes in the gland in check, and as a result we get a continuous secretion and a wasting of the gland. Normal Mechanism of Salivary Secretion.—Under normal conditions the flow of saliva from the salivary glands is the result of a reflex stimulation of the secretory nerves. The sensory fibres concerned in this reflex must be chiefly fibres of the glosso-pharyngeal and lingual nerves supplying the mouth and tongue. Sapid bodies and various other chemical or mechanical stimuli applied to the tongue or mucous membrane of the mouth will produce a flow of saliva. The normal flow during mastication must be effected by a reflex of this kind, the sensory impulse being carried to a centre and thence transmitted through the efferent nerves to the glands. It is found that section of the chorda prevents the reflex, in spite of the fact that the sympathetic fibres are still intact. No satisfactory explanation of the normal functions of the secre- tory fibres in the sympathetic has yet been given. Since the flow of saliva is normally a definite reflex, we should expect a distinct salivary secretion centre. This centre has been located by physiological means in the medulla oblon- gata; its exact position is not clearly defined, but possibly it is represented by the nuclei of origin of the secretory fibres which leave the medulla by way of the facial and glosso-pharyngeal nerves. Owing to the wide connections of nerve-cells in the central nervous system we should expect this centre to be affected by stimuli from various sources. As a matter of fact it is known that the centre and through it the glands may be called into activity by stimula- tion of the sensory fibres of the sciatic, splanchnic, and particularly the vagus nerves. So, too, various psychical acts, such as the thought of savory food and the feeling of nausea preceding vomiting, may be accompanied by a flow of saliva, 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 1885, No. 236. 2 Journal of Physiology, 1888, vol. ix. p. 287. 172 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the effect in this case being due probably to stimulation of the secretion centre by nervous impulses descending from the higher nerve-centres. Lastly, the medullary centre may be inhibited as well as stimulated. The well-known effect of fear, embarrassment, or anxiety in producing a parched throat may be supposed to arise in this way by the inhibitory action of nerve-impulses arising in the cerebral centres. . Electrical Changes in the Gland during Activity.—It has been shown that the salivary as well as other glands suffer certain changes in electric potential during activity which are comparable in a general way to the “action currents” observed in muscles and nerves (see section on Muscle and Nerve). Bradford! has apparently shown that stimulation of the secretory fibres proper causes the surface of the gland to become negative to the hilus, while stimulation of the trophic fibres gives the reverse effect. Stimulation of a mixed nerve, therefore, such as the chorda, gives a diphasic effect. The theories bearing upon the causes of these electrical changes are too intricate and speculative to enter upon here. The reader is referred to a recent account by Biedermann? for further details. C. Pancreas; GLANDS OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. Anatomical Relations of the Pancreas.—The pancreas in man lies in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach. It is a long, narrow gland, its head lying against the curvature of the duodenum and its narrow extremity or tail reaching to the spleen. The chief duct of the gland (duct of Wirsung) usually opens into the duodenum, together with the common bile-duct, about eight to ten centimeters below the pylorus. In some cases, at least, a smaller duct may enter the duodenum separately somewhat lower down. The points at which the ducts of the pancreas open into the duodenum vary considerably in different animals. For instance, in the dog there are two ducts, the larger of which enters the duodenum separately about six to seven centimeters below the pylorus, while in the rabbit the main duct opens into the duodenum over thirty centimeters below the pylorus. The nerves of the pancreas are derived from the solar plexus, but physiological experiments which will be described presently show that the gland receives fibres from at least two sources, through the vagus nerve and through the sympathetic system. Histological Characters.—The pancreas, like the salivary glands, belongs to the compound tubular type. The cells in the secreting portions of the tubules, the so-called alveoli, resemble the serous or albuminous type, and are usually characterized by the fact that the outer portion of each cell, that is, the part toward the basement membrane, is composed of a clear non-granular substance which takes stains readily, while the inner portion turned toward the lumen is filled with conspicuous granules. In addition to this type of cell, which is the characteristic secreting element of the organ, the pancreas contains a number of irregular masses of cells of a different character (bodies of Langerhans). ‘These latter cells are clear and small, frequently have ill- 1 Journal of Physiology, 1887, vol. viii. p. 86. ? Elektrophysiologie, Jena, 1895 SECRETION. 173 defined cell-bodies, but contain nuclei which stain readily with ordinary reagents. By some these cells are supposed to be immature secreting cells of the ordinary pancreatic type. By others it is thought that they are a separate type of cell and take some special part in the secretory functions of the pan- creas. Nothing definite, however, is known as to their physiological import- ance. In the pancreas, as in the salivary glands, the latest histological methods have apparently demonstrated that the lumen of each secreting tubule is con- tinuous with a system of intercellular secretion capillaries lying between the secretory cells, and according to some observers sending terminal capillaries into the very substance of the gland-cells. Composition of the Pancreatic Secretion.—The pancreatic secretion is a clear alkaline liquid which in some animals (dog) is thick and mucilaginous. Its physical characters seem to vary greatly, even in the same animal, accord- ing to the duration of the secretion or the time since the establishment of the fistula by which it is obtained (see p. 238). In a newly made fistula in the dog the secretion is thick, but in a permanent fistula it becomes much thinner and more watery. The main constituents of the secretion are three enzymes, a large percentage of proteid material the exact nature of which is not known, some fats, soaps, a slight amount of lecithin, and inorganic salts. The strongly alkaline nature seems to be due chiefly to sodium carbonate, which may be present in amounts equal to 0.2 to 0.4 per cent. The three enyzmes are known respectively as trypsin, a proteolytic ferment; amylopsin, a diastatic ferment, and steapsin, a fat-spliting ferment. The action of these enzymes in digestion is described in the section on Digestion. Action of the Nerves on the Secretion of the Pancreas.—In animals like the dog, in which the process of digestion is not continuous, the secretion of the pancreas is also supposed to be intermittent. A study of the flow of secretion as observed in cases of pancreatic fistula indicates that it is connected with the beginning of digestion in the stomach, and is therefore probably a reflex act. Until recently, however, little direct evidence had been obtained of the existence of secretory nerves. Stimulation of the medulla was known to increase the flow of pancreatic juice and to alter its composition as regards the organic constituents, but direct stimulation of the vagus and the sympa- thetic nerves gave only negative results. Lately, however, Pawlow’ and some of his students have been able to overcome the technical difficulties in the way, and have given what seems to be perfectly satisfactory proof of the existence of distinct secretory fibres comparable in their nature to those described for the salivary glands. The results that they have obtained may be stated briefly as follows : Stimulation of either the vagus nerve or the sympathetic causes, after a considerable latent period, a marked flow of pancreatic secretion. The failure of other experiments to get this result was due apparently to the sensitiveness of the gland to variations in its blood-supply. Either direct or reflex yaso-con- 1Pawlow: Du Bois-Reymond’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1893, Suppl. Bd.; Mett: 6vd., 1894; Kudrewetsky: Ibid., 1894. 174 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. striction of the pancreas prevents the action of the secretory nerves upon it. Thus stimulation of the sympathetic gives usually no effect upon the secretion, because vaso-constrictor fibres are stimulated at the same time, but if the sym- pathetic nerve is cut five or six days previously, so as to give the vaso-con- strictor fibres time to degenerate, stimulation will cause, after a long latent period, a distinct secretion of the pancreatic juice. Accepting the theory of secretory and trophic fibres proposed for the sali- vary glands, the experiments upon the variations in pancreatic secretion follow- ing upon stimulation of the vagus and sympathetic respectively seem to indi- cate that in the sympathetic trophic fibres are more abundant, and in the vagus the secretory fibres proper. The long latent period elapsing between the time of stimulation and the effect upon the flow is not easily understood. The authors quoted give no satisfactory explanation of this curious fact, but sug- gest that it may be due to the presence of definite inhibitory fibres to the gland, which are stimulated simultaneously with the secretory fibres and thus hold the secretion in check for a time. No independent proof of the presence of inhibitory fibres is furnished. Histological Changes during Activity.—The morphological changes in the pancreatic cells have long been known and have been studied satisfac- torily in the fresh gland as well as in preserved specimens. The general nature of the changes is the same as that described for the salivary gland, and is illustrated in Figures 75, 76, and 77. If the gland is removed from a dog which has been fasting for about twenty-four hours and is hardened in alcohol and sectioned and stained, it will be found that the cells are filled with granules except for a narrow zone toward the basal end, which is marked off more clearly because it stains more deeply than the granular portion (Fig. 75). If, on the contrary, the gland is taken from a dog which had been fed Fie. 75.—Pancreas of the dog during hunger ; preserved in alcohol and stained in carmine (after Heidenhain). six to ten hours previously, the non-staining granular zone is much reduced in size, while the clearer non-granular zone is enlarged (Fig. 76). The increase in size of the non-granular zone does not, however, entirely compensate for aed a Sig eS, SECRETION. 175 the loss of the granular material, so that the cell as a whole is smaller in size than in the gland from the fasting animal. It seems evident that during the hours immediately following a meal—that is, at the time when we know Fic. 76.—Pancreas of dog during first stage of digestion ; alcohol, carmine (after Heidenhain). that the gland is discharging its secretion, the granular material is being used up. After the period of most active secretion—that is, during the tenth to the twentieth hour after a meal in the case of a dog fed once in twenty-four ss I WY, MAM Eo Fic. 77.—Pancreas of dog during second stage of digestion; alcohol, carmine (after Heidenhain). hours—the gland-cells return to their resting condition (Fig. 77). New gran- ules are formed, and finally, if the gland is left unstimulated they fill the entire cell except for a narrow margin at the basal end. Similar results are reported by Kiihne’ and Lea from observations made upon the pancreas cells in a living rabbit. In the inactive gland the outlines 1 Untersuchungen aus dem physiologischen Institut des Universitiits Heidelberg, 1882, Bd. ii. 176 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. — of the individual cells are not clearly distinguishable, but it can be seen that there are two zones, one clear and homogeneous on the side toward the basement membrane, and one granular on the side toward the lumen. During activity the secretory tubules show a notched appearance correspondiug to the positions of the cells, the outlines of the cells become more distinct, the granular zone becomes smaller, and the homogeneous zone increases in width. It should be stated also that in this latter condition the basal zone of the cells shows a dis- tinct striation. From these appearances we must believe that, as in the case of the salivary gland, a part at least of the organic material of the secretion is formed from the granules of the inner zone, and that the granules in turn are formed within the cells from the homogenous material of the outer zone. Enzyme and Zymogen.—The observations just described indicate that the enzymes of the pancreatic secretion are derived from the granules in the cells, but other facts show that the granules do not contain the enzymes as such, but a preparatory material or mother-substance to which the name zymogen (enzyme-maker) is given. This belief rests upon facts of the following kind : If a pancreas is removed from a dog which has fasted for twenty-four hours, when, as we have seen, the cells are heavily loaded with granules, and a glycerin extract is made, very little active enzyme will be found in it. If, however, the gland is allowed to stand for twenty-four hours in a warm spot before the extract is made, or if it is first treated with dilute acetic acid, the glycerin ex- tract will show very active tryptic or amylolytic properties. Moreover, if an inactive glycerin extract of the perfectly fresh gland is treated by various methods, such as dilution with water or shaking with finely divided platinum- black, it becomes converted to an active extract capable of digesting proteid material. These results are readily explained upon the hypothesis that the granules contain only zymogen material, which during the act of secretion, or by means of the methods mentioned, may be converted into the corresponding enzymes. As the three enzymes of the pancreatic secretion seem to be distinct substances, one may suppose that each has it own zymogen to which a distinc- tive name might be given. The zymogen which is converted into trypsin is frequently spoken of as trypsinogen. Normal Mechanism of Pancreatic Secretion.—After the establishment of a pancreatic fistula it is possible to study the flow of secretion in its rela- tions to the ingestion of food. Experiments of this kind have been made, and show that in animals like the dog, in which sufficient food may be taken in a single meal to last for a day, the flow of secretion is intimately connected with the reception of food into the stomach and its subsequent digestive changes. The time relations of the secretion to the ingestion of food are shown in the accompanying chart (Fig. 78). The secretion begins immedi- ately after the food enters the stomach, and increases in velocity up to a cer- tain maximum which is reached some time between the first and the third hour after the meal. The velocity then diminishes rapidly to the fifth or sixth hour, after which there may be a second smaller increase reaching its maxi- mum about the ninth to the eleventh hour. From this point the secretion SECRETION. “117 diminishes in quantity to the sixteenth or seventeenth hour, when it has practically reached the zero point. In man, in whom the meals normally occur at intervals of five to six hours, this curve of course would have a dif- ferent form. ‘The interesting fact, however, that the secretion starts very soon Ss gs ~ Ss = oP 73-91 4-8 0.5 3-12 1-5 1.2 Pg vera, ee the NG.” ko as 84 0.5 Ais? 10 . 4 0.5 An examination of this table will show that the animal foods, particularly the meats, are characterized by their small percentage in carbohydrate and by a relatively large amount of proteid or of proteid and fat. With regard to the last two food-stuffs, meats differ very much among themselves. Some idea of the limits of variation may be obtained from the following table, taken chiefly from K®6nig’s analyses: Water. | Proteid. Fat. Carbohydrate. Ash. Beef, moderately fat ....... 73.03 20.96 5.41 0.46 1.14 OSM cnet tls cee hk alte 72.31 18.88 7.41 0.07 1.33 Mutton, moderately fat ...... 75.99 17.11 5.77 ee 1.33 cae eer toe Ue ee Wey Pee ees 20.05 6.81 1.10 Pieie wale eth RaSh. Oka ta 62.58 22.32 8.68 Srvog * 6.42 Pork (bacon), very fat? ...... 10.00 3.00 80.50 < et 6.5 | COIR 8 or inty oe 6: one eves, eS. 71.6 18.8 8.2 ai ie 1.4 The vegetable foods are distinguished, as a rule, by their large percentage in carbohydrates and the relatively small amounts of proteids and fats, as seen, for example, in the composition of rice, corn, wheat, and potatoes. Neverthe- 1 Konig, Die Menschlichen Nahrungs und Genussmittel, 3d ed., 1889; Parke’s Manual of Prac- tical Hygiene, section on Food, 2 Atwater: The Chemistry of Foods and Nutrition, 1887. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 217 less, it will be noticed that the proportion of proteid in some of the vegetables is not at all insignificant. They are characterized by their excess in carbohy- drates rather than by a deficiency in proteids. The composition of peas and other leguminous foods is remarkable for the large percentage of proteid, which exceeds that found in meats. Analyses such as are given here are indispensable in determining the true nutritive value of foods. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that the chemical composition of a food is not alone sufficient to determine its precise value in nutrition. It is obviously true that it is not what we eat, but what we digest and absorb, that is nutritious to the body, so that, in addition to determining the proportion of food-stuffs in any given food, it is necessary to determine to what extent the several constitu- ents are digested. This factor can be obtained only by actual experi- ments ; a number of results bearing upon this point have been collected which will be spoken of later. It may be said here, however, that in general the proteids of animal foods are more completely digestible than are those of vegetables, and with them, therefore, chemical analysis comes nearer to expressing directly the nutritive value. The physiology of digestion consists chiefly in the study of the chemical changes which the food undergoes during its passage through the alimentary canal. It happens that these chemical changes are of a peculiar character. The peculiarity is due to the fact that the changes of digestion are effected through the agency of a group of bodies known as enzymes, or unorganized ferments, whose chemical action is different from that of the ordinary reagents with which we have to deal. It will save useless repetition to give here certain general facts that are known with reference to these bodies, reserving for future treatment the details of the action of the specific enzymes found in the different digestive secretions. © Enzymes.—Enzymes, or unorganized ferments, or unformed ferments, is the name given to a group of bodies produced in animals and plants, but not themselves endowed with the structure of living matter. The term unorganized or unformed ferment was formerly used to emphasize the distinction between these bodies and living ferments, such as the yeast-plant or the bacteria. “Enzyme,” however, is a better name, and is coming into general use. Enzymes are to be regarded as dead matter, although produced in living protoplasm. Chemically, they are defined as complex organic compounds con- taining nitrogen. Their exact composition is unknown, as it has not been found possible heretofore to obtain them in pure enough condition for analysis. Although several elementary analyses are recorded, they cannot be considered reliable. It is not known whether or not the enzymes belong to the group of proteids. Solutions of most of the enzymes give some or all of the general reactions for proteids, but there is always an uncertainty as to the purity of the solutions. With reference to the fibrin ferment of blood, one of the enzymes, observations have recently been made which seem to show that it at least belongs to the group of combined proteids, nucleo-albumins (for details see the section on Blood). But even should this be true, we are 218 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. not justified in making any general application of this fact to the whole group. Classification of Enzymes.—Enzymes are classified according to the kind of reaction they produce—namely : 1. Proteolytic enzymes, or those acting upon proteids, converting them to a soluble modification, peptone or proteose. As examples of this group we have in the animal body pepsin of the gastric juice and trypsin of the pancreatic juice. In plants a similar enzyme is found in the pineapple family (bromelin) and in the papaw (papain). 2. Amylolytic enzymes, or those acting upon the starches, converting them to a soluble form, sugar, or sugar and dextrin. As examples of this group we have in the animal body ptyalin, found in saliva, amylopsin, found in pancreatic juice, and in the liver an enzyme capable of converting glycogen to sugar. In the plants the best-known example is diastase, found in germinating seeds. This particular enzyme has been known for a long time from the use made of it in the manufacture of beer. In fact, the name “ dias- tase” is frequently used in a generic sense, “the diastatic enzymes,” to cha- racterize the entire group of starch-destroying ferments. 3. Fat-splitting enzymes, or those acting upon the neutral fats, breaking them up into glycerin and the corresponding fatty acid. The best-known example in the animal body is found in the pancreatic secretion; it is known usually as steapsin, although it has been given several names. Similar enzymes are known to occur in a number of seeds. 4. Inverting enzymes, or those having the property of converting the double into the single sugars—the di-saccharides, such as cane-sugar and maltose, into the mono-saccharides, such as deatrose and levulose. Two enzymes of this character have been found in the animal body, one acting upon cane-sugar and one on maltose. They are usually spoken of as invertin or inverting enEyINGE. A similar enzyme may be obtained froth the yeast-plant. 5. Coagulating enzymes, or those acting upon soluble proteids, precipitating them in an insoluble form. As examples of this class we have fibrin ferment (thrombin), formed in shed blood, and rennin, the milk-curdling ferment of the gastric juice. An enzyme similar to rennin has been found in pineapple-juice. These five classes comprise the groups of enzymes that are known to occur in the animal body. One or more examples of each group take part in the digestion of food at some time during its passage through the alimentary canal. Two other important groups of enzymes which are not formed in the animal body may be mentioned briefly in this connection for the sake of completeness : 6. Glucoside-splitting enzymes, or those acting upon the glucosides, giving a carbohydrate as one of the products of decomposition. Examples: emuisin, found in bitter almonds; myrosin, in mustard-seeds. 7. Urea-splitting enzymes, or those acting upon urea, converting it to ammo- mum carbonate ; found in many bacteria, especially in those normally occur- ring in the urine. A great number of general reactions have been discovered, applicable, with CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 219 an exception here and there, to the whole group of enzymes. Among these reactions the following are the most useful or significant : 1, Solubility—The enzymes are all soluble in water, They are also solu- ble in glycerin, this being the most generally useful solvent for obtaining extracts of the enzymes from the organs in which they are formed. 2. Hffect of Temperature—In a moist condition they are all destroyed by temperatures below the boiling-point; 60° to 80° C. are the limits actually observed. Very low temperatures retard or even suspend entirely (0° C.) their action, without, however, destroying the enzyme. For each enzyme there is a temperature at which its action is greatest. 3. Incompleteness of Action.—With the exception perhaps of the coagulat- ing enzymes, they are characterized by the fact that in any given solution they never completely destroy the substance upon which they act. It seems that the products of their activity, as they accumulate, finally prevent the enzymes from acting further ; when these products are removed the action of the enzyme begins again. The most familiar example of this very striking peculiarity is found in the action of pepsin on proteids. The products of digestion in this case are peptones and proteoses, and when they have reached a certain concen- tration they prevent any further proteolysis on the part of the pepsin. 4, Relation of the Amount of Enzyme to the Effect it Prodwces.—With most substances the extent of the chemical change produced is proportional to the amount of the substance entering into the reaction. With the enzymes this is not so. Except for very small quantities, it may be said that the amount of change caused is independent of the amount of enzyme present, or, to state the matter more accurately, “with increasing amounts of enzymes the extent of action also increases, reaching a maximum with a certain percentage of enzyme; increase of enzyme beyond this has no effect.” This fact was formerly inter- preted to mean that the enzyme is not used up—that is, not permanently altered —by the reaction which it causes. This belief, indeed, must be true substan- tially, but it has been found practically that a given solution of enzyme cannot be used over and over again indefinitely. It is generally believed now that, although an enzyme causes an amount of change in the substance it acts upon altogether out of proportion to the amount of its own substance, neverthe- less it is eventually destroyed ; its action is not unlimited. Whether this using up of the enzyme is a necessary result of its activity, or is, as it were, an acci- dental effect from spontaneous changes in its own molecule, remains unde- termined,’ Theories of the Manner of Action of the Enzymes.—lIt is now known that with the possible exception of the coagulating enzymes the action of the enzymes is that of hydrating agents ; they produce their effect by what is known as hydrolysis; that is, they cause the molecules of the substance upon which they act to take up one or more molecules of water; the resulting molecule then splits or is dissociated, with the formation of two or more sim- pler bodies. This is one of the most significant facts in connection with the 1Tammann: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Ohemie, xvi., 1892, p. 271. 220 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. action of the enzymes; it is well illustrated by the action of invertin on cane- sugar, as follows: C,,H2,0;, +H,0 = C,H,,0, + C;H),9, Cane-sugar. Dextrose. Levulose. In what way enzymes cause the substances they act upon to take up water is unknown. ‘The fact that they are not themselves used up in the reaction pro- portionally to the change they cause formerly influenced physiologists and chem- ists to explain their effect as due to catalysis, or contact action. In its original sense this designation meant that the molecules of enzyme act by their mere presence or contiguity, but it need scarcely be said that a statement of this kind does not amount to an explanation of their manner of action; to say they “act by catalysis” means nothing in itself. Efforts to explain their action have resulted in a number of hypotheses, a detailed account of which would hardly be appropriate here. It may be mentioned that two ideas have found most general acceptance: one, that the vibrations of the molecules of enzyme set into more rapid vibration the molecules of the substance acted upon, thus leading to the taking up of water and to the subsequent splitting ; the other idea is that the enzyme enters into a definite chemical reaction, in which, however, it plays the part of a carrier or go-between, so that, although the enzyme is directly concerned in producing a chemical change, the final outcome is that it remains in its original condition. A number of chemical reactions of this general character are known, in which some one substance passes through a cycle of changes, aiding in the production of new compounds, but itself returning always to its first condition ; for example, the part taken by H,SO, in the manufacture of ether from alcohol, or the successive changes of hemo- ‘globin to oxyhemoglobin and back again to hemoglobin after giving up its oxygen to the tissues. Perhaps the most suggestive reaction of this character is the one quoted by Chittenden‘ to illustrate this very hypothesis as to the manner of action of enzymes, as follows: Oxygen and carbon monoxide gas, if perfectly dry, will not react upon the passage of an electric spark. I, however, a little aqueous vapor is present, they may be made to unite readily, with the formation of CO, The water in this case, without doubt, enters into the reaction, but in the end it is re-formed, and the final result is as though the water had not directly participated in the process. The reactions supposed to take place are explained by the following equations: CO + 2H,0 + 0, = CO (OH), + H,0,. H,O, + CO = CO(OB),. 2C0(OH), = 200, + 2H,0. B. Sautvary DIGEstIon. The first of the digestive secretions with which the food comes into contact is sala. ‘This liquid is a mixed secretion from the six large salivary glands (parotids, submaxillaries, and sublinguals) and the smaller mucous and serous Cartwright Lectures, Medical Record, New York, April 7, 1894. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 221 glands which open into the mouth. The physiological anatomy of these glands and the mechanism by which the secretions are produced and regulated will be found described fully in the section on Secretion ; we are concerned here only with the composition of the secretion after it is formed, and with its action upon foods. Properties and Composition of the Mixed Saliva.—Filtered saliva is a clear, viscid, transparent liquid. As obtained usually from the mouth, it is more or less turbid, owing to the presence in it, in suspension, of particles of food or of detached cells from the epithelium of the mouth. A some- what characteristic cell contained in it in small numbers is the so-called “salivary corpuscle.” These bodies are probably leucocytes, altered in struc- ture, which have escaped into the secretion. So far as is known, they have no physiological value. The specific gravity of the mixed secretion is on an aver- age 1003, and its reaction is normally alkaline. The total amount of secretion during twenty-four hours varies naturally with the individual and the condi- | tions of life; the estimates made vary from 300 to 1500 grams. Chemically, in addition to the water, the saliva contains mucin, ptyalin, albumin, and inor- ganic salts. The proportions of these constituents are given in the following analysis (Hammerbacher) : In 1000 parts. a nie ge we) 0 Meu dieetee pile ey ens 994.203 Solids: Seen tamom (and epithelial cells)... ..-..-....-2.--. 2.202 | Pain IEATES. lk: ZR LS of a WD te 1300 5.797 ESE ee ea ee 2.205 Potassium sulphocyanide ...... +. +2 2s ee ees 0.041 The inorganic salts, in addition to the sulphocyanide, which occurs only in traces, consist of the chlorides of potassium and sodium, the sulphate of potassium, and the phosphates of potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium ; the earthy phosphates form about 9.6 per cent. of the total ash. MZuein is an important constituent of saliva; it gives to the secretion its ropy, viscid cha- racter, which is of so much value in the mechanical function it fulfils in swallowing. This substance is formed in the salivary glands. Its formation in the protoplasm of the cells may be followed microscopically (see the section on Secretion). Chemically, it is now known to be a combination of a proteid with a carbohydrate group (see section on The Chemistry of the Body). So far as known, mucin has no function other than its mechanical use. The pres- ence of potassium sulphocyanide (KCNS) among the salts of saliva has always been considered interesting, since, although it occurs normally in urine as well as in saliva, it is not a salt found commonly in the secretions of the body, and its occurrence in saliva seemed to indicate some special activity on the part of the salivary gland, the possible value of which has been a subject of specula- tion. In the saliva, however, the sulphocyanide is found in such minute traces and its presence is so inconstant that no special functional importance can be attributed to it. It is supposed to be derived from the decomposition of proteids, and it represents, therefore, one of the end-products of proteid metab- 222 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. olism. Potassium sulphocyanide may be detected in saliva by adding to the latter a dilute acidulated solution of ferric chloride, a reddish color being produced. , Ptyalin and its Action.—From a physiological standpoint the most important constituent of saliva is ptyalin. It is an unorganized ferment or enzyme belonging to the amylolytic or diastatic group (p. 218) and possessing the general properties of enzymes already enumerated. It is found in human saliva and in that of many of the lower animals—for example, the pig and the herbivora—but it is said to be absent in the carnivora. Ptyalin has not been isolated in a sufficiently pure condition for satisfactory analysis, so that its chemical nature is undetermined; we depend for its detection upon its specific action—that is, its effect upon starch. Speaking roughly, we say that ptyalin converts starch into sugar, but when we come to consider the details of its action we find that it is complicated and that it consists in a series of hydrolytic splittings of the starch molecule ; the exact products of the reaction depend upon the stage at which the action is interrupted. To demonstrate the action of ptyalin on starch it is only necessary to make a suitable starch paste by boiling some powdered starch in water, and then to add a little fresh saliva. If the mixture is kept at a proper temperature (30° to 40° C.), the presence of sugar may be detected within a few minutes. The sugar that is formed was for a time supposed to be ordinary grape-sugar (dextrose, C,H,,O,), but later experiments have shown conclusively that it is maltose (C,,H,,O,,,- _H,O), a form of sugar more closely related in formula to cane-sugar (see Chemical section). In experiments of the kind just described two facts may easily be noticed: first, that the conversion of starch to sugar is not direct, but occurs through a number of intermediate stages; second, that the starch is not entirely converted to sugar under the conditions of such experiments—namely, when the digestion is carried on in a vessel, digestion in vitro. The second fact is an illustration of the incomplete- ness of action of the enzymes, a general property which has already been noticed. We may suppose, in this as in other cases, that the products of digestion, as they accumulate in the vessel, tend to retard and finally to sus- pend the amylolytic action of the ptyalin. In normal digestion, however, it is usually the case that the products of digestion, as they are formed, are — removed by absorption, and if the above explanation of the cause of the incompleteness of action is correct, then under normal conditions we should expect a complete conversion of starch to sugar. Lea! states that if the products of ptyalin action are partially removed by dialysis during digestion im vitro, a much larger percentage of maltose is formed. His experiments would seem to indicate that in the body the action of the amylolytic ferments may be complete, and that the final product of their action may be maltose alone. It will be found that this statement applies practically not to the ptyalin, but to the similar amylolytic enzyme in the pancreatic secretion, owing to the fact that, normally, food is held in the mouth for a short time only, and 1 Journal of Physiology, vol. xi., 1890, p. 227. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. © 223 that ptyalin digestion is soon interrupted after the food reaches the stomach, With reference to the intermediate stages or products in the conversion of starch to sugar it is difficult to give a perfectly clear account. It was formerly thought that the starch was first converted to dextrin, and this in turn was converted to sugar. It is now believed that the starch molecule, which is quite complex, consisting of some multiple of C,H,,O,—possibly (C,H,,O5)o>—first takes up water, thereby becoming soluble (soluble starch, amylodextrin), and then splits, with the formation of dextrin and maltose, and that the dextrin again undergoes the same hydrolytic process, with the formation of a second dextrin and more maltose; this process may continue under favorable con- ditions until only maltose is present. The difficulty at present is in isolating the different forms of dextrin that are produced. It is usually said that at least two forms occur, one of which gives a red color with iodine, and is there- fore known as erythrodextrin, while the other gives no color reaction with iodine, and is termed achroddextrin. It is pretty certain, however, that there are several forms of achroédextrin, and, according to some observers, erythro- dextrin also is really a mixture of dextrins with maltose in varying propor- tions. In accordance with the general outline of the process given above, Neumeister’ proposes the following schema, which is useful because it gives a clear representation of one theory, but which must not be considered as satis- factorily demonstrated (see also the section on Chemistry of the Body). r>3 Maltose. Starch—soluble starch : (amylodextrin). Maltose. Erythrodextrin. Maltose. Achroddextrin a. Maltose. Achrodédextrin p. . Maltose. Achroédextrin y (maltodextrin), Maltose. This schema represents the possibility of an ultimate conversion of all the starch into maltose, and it shows at the same time that maltose may be pres- ent very early in the reaction, and that it may occur together with one or more dextrins, according to the stage of the digestion. It should be said in conclu- sion that this description of the manner of action of the ptyalin is supposed to apply equally well to the amylolytic enzyme of the pancreatic secretion, the two being, so far as known, identical in their properties. From the stand- point of relative physiological importance the description of the details of amylolytic digestion should have been left until the functions of the pancre- atic juice were considered. It is introduced here because, in the natural order of treatment, ptyalin is the first of this group of ferments to be encountered. It is interesting also to remember in this connection that starch can be con- verted into sugar by a process of hydrolytic cleavage by boiling with dilute mineral acids. Although the general action of dilute acids and of amylolytic 1 Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie, 1893, p. 232. 224 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. enzymes is similar, the two processes are not identical, since in the first process dextrose is the sugar formed, while in the second it is maltose. Moreover, variations in temperature affect the two reactions differently. Conditions Influencing the Action of Ptyalin.—Temperature.—As in the case of the other enzymes, ptyalin is very susceptible to changes of temper- ature. At 0° C. its activity is said to be suspended entirely. The intensity of its action increases with increase of temperature from this point, and reaches its maximum at about 40° C. If the temperature is raised much beyond this point, the action of the ptyalin decreases, and at from 65° to 70° C. the enzyme is destroyed. In these latter points ptyalin differs from diastase, the erizyme‘of malt. Diastase shows a maximum action at 50° C. and is destroyed at 80° C. Effect of Reaction—The normal reaction of saliva is slightly alkaline. Chittenden! has shown, however, that ptyalin acts as well, or even better, in a perfectly neutral medium. A strong alkaline reaction retards or prevents its action. The most marked influence is exerted by acids. Free hydrochloric acid to the extent of only 0.008 per cent. (Chittenden) is sufficient to prac- tically stop the amylolytic action of enzyme, and a slight increase in acidity not only stops the action, but also destroys the enzyme. ‘The latter fact is of practical importance because it indicates that the action of ptyalin on starch must be suspended after the food reaches the stomach. Condition of the Starch.—It is a well-known fact that the conversion of starch to sugar by enzymes takes place much more rapidly with cooked stareh—for example, starch paste. In the latter condition sugar begins to appear in a few minutes (one to four), provided a good enzyme solution is used. With starch in a raw condition, on the contrary, it may be many minutes, or even several hours, before sugar can be detected. The longer time required for raw starch is partly explained by the well-known fact that the starch-grains are surrounded by a layer of cellulose or cellulose-like material which resists ~ the action of ptyalin. When boiled, this layer breaks and the starch in the interior becomes exposed. In addition, the starch itself is changed during the boiling ; it takes up water, and in this hydrated condition is acted upon more rapidly by the ptyalin. The practical value of cooking vegetable foods is evident from these statements without further comment. Physiological Value of Saliva.—Although human saliva contains ptyalin, and this enzyme is known to possess very energetic amylolytic properties, yet it is probable that it has an insignificant action in normal digestion. The time that food remains in the mouth is altogether too short to suppose that the starch is profoundly affected by the ptyalin. It would seem that whatever change takes place must be confined to the initial stages. After the mixed saliva and food are swallowed the acid reaction of the gastric juice soon stops completely all further amylolytic action. The complete digestion of the carbohydrates takes place after the food (chyme) has reached the small intestine, under the influence of the amylopsin of the pancreatic secretion. For these reasons it is * Studies from the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry of Yale College, vol. i., 1884. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 7 225 usually believed that the main value of the saliva, to the human being and to the carnivora at least, is that it facilitates the swallowing of food: It is impos- sible to swallow perfectly dry food. The saliva, by moistening the food, not only enables the swallowing act to take place, but its viscous consistency must aid also in the easy passage of the food along the cesophagus. Among the herbivora it is probable that the longer, retention of food in the mouth gives the saliva opportunity for more complete digestive action. C. Gastric DIGESTION. After the food reaches the stomach it is exposed to the action of the secre- — tion of the gastric mucous membrane, known usually as the gastric juice. The physiological mechanisms involved in the production and regulation of this secretion, and the important part played in gastric digestion by the movements of the stomach, will be found described in other sections (Secretion, Move- ments of Alimentary Canal). It is sufficient here to say that the secretion of gastric juice begins with the entrance of food into the stomach. By means of the muscles of the stomach the contained food is kept in motion for several hours and is thoroughly mixed with the gastric secretion, which during this time is exerting its digestive action upon certain of the food-stuffs. From time to time portions of the liquefied contents, known as chyme, are forced into the duodenum, and their digestion is completed in the small intestine. Gastric digestion and intestinal digestion go more or less hand in hand, and usually it is impossible to tell in any given case just how much of the food will undergo digestion in the stomach and how much will be left to the action of the intestinal secretions. It is possible, however, to collect the gastric secre- tion or to make an artificial juice and to test its action upon food-stuffs by digestions in vitro. Much of our fundamental knowledge of the digestive action of the gastric juice has been obtained in this way, although this has been supplemented, of course, by numerous experiments upon lower animals and human beings. f Methods of Obtaining Normal Gastric Juice.—The older methods used for obtaining normal gastric juice were very unsatisfactory. For instance, an animal was made to swallow a clean sponge to which a string was attached so that the sponge could afterward be removed and its contents be squeezed out ; or there was given the animal to eat some indigestible material, to start the secretion of juice by mechanical stimulation, the animal being killed at the proper time and the contents of its stomach being collected. A better method of obtaining normal juice was suggested by the famous observations of Beau- mont! upon Alexis St. Martin. St. Martin, by the premature discharge of his gun, was wounded in the abdomen and stomach.” On healing, a fistulous opening remained in the abdominal wall, leading into the stomach, so that the contents of the latter could be inspected. Beaumont made numerous interest- ing and most valuable observations upon his patient. Since that time it has become customary to make fistulous openings into the stomachs of dogs when- 1 The Physiology of Digestion, 1833. 15 226 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ever it is necessary to have the normal juice for examination. A silver canula is placed in the fistula, and at any time the plug closing the canula may be removed and gastric juice be obtained. In some cases the cesophagus has _been occluded or excised so as to prevent the mixture of saliva with the gastric juice. Gastric juice may be obtained from human beings also in cases of yom- iting or by means of the stomach-pump, but in such cases it is necessarily more or less diluted or mixed with food and cannot be used for exact analyses, although specimens of gastric juice obtained by these methods are valuable in the diagnosis and treatment of gastric troubles. Properties and Composition of Gastric Juice.—The normal gastric secre- tion is a thin, colorless or nearly colorless liquid with a strong acid reaction and a characteristic odor. Its specific gravity varies, but it is never great, the average being about 1002 to 1003. Upon analysis the gastric juice is found to contain a trace of proteid, probably a peptone, some mucin, and inorganic salts, but the essential constituents are an acid (HCl) and two enzymes, pepsin and rennin. A satisfactory analysis of the human juice has not been reported, owing to the difficulty of getting proper specimens. According to Schmidt,’ the gastr ic juice of dogs, free from — has the following composition, given in 1000 parts: Water 206 WF a ee 973.0 Solids. coe ce BTS oe le toe PaaS Oe 27.0 © Organic:substances. . . . . + + » » a, 998, 4) 17.1 Mree: HCl; .. 4°. 5 0 © 3 6 4 oe ee) © en be | ee 3.1 PRM 65 Sok 4 he ue oo a SOI eo, pe .° 4h ok Sn 2.5 CaCl a) SDT Da a 0.6 MEO ict sel te fim wk (ou te od Steere, a Nee ROA ee 1.1 DURA CT s) xi ee m. aera, 6 ins te’ eal 4 ie Cee Sapoeele ae 0.5 Cl PO Vin sop ins #6 ye Ue fe: ie ge eel epee ee 1.7 RAE OSs = Se se em ho 8 us 6 ae ok, oy 0.2 PePO ae LA SED Oe ae 0.1 Gastric juice does not give a coagulum upon boiling, but the digestive enzymes are thereby destroyed. One of “the interesting facts about this secretion is the way in which it withstands putrefaction. It may be kept for a long time, for months even, without becoming putrid and with very little change, if any, in its digestive action or in its total acidity. This fact shows that the juice possesses antiseptic properties, and it is usually supposed that the presence of the free acid accounts for this quality. The Acid of Gastric Juice.—The nature of the free acid in gastric juice was formerly the subject of dispute, some claiming that the acidity is due to HCl, since this acid can be distilled off from the gastric juice, others contend- ing that an organic acid, lactic acid, is present in the secretion. All recent experiments tend to prove that the acidity is due to HCl. This fact was first demonstrated satisfactorily by the analyses of Schmidt, who showed that if, in a given specimen of gastric juice, the chlorides were all precipitated by silver nitrate and the total amount of chlorine was determined, more was + Hammarsten: Text-book of Physiological Chemistry (translation by Mandel), 1893, p. 177. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. — 227 found than could be held in combination by the bases present in the secretion, Evidently, some of the chlorine must have been present in combination with hydrogen as hydrochloric acid. Confirmatory evidence of one kind or another has since been obtained. Thus it has been shown that a number of color tests for free mineral acids react with the gastric juice: methyl-violet solutions are turned blue, congo-red solutions and test-paper are changed from red to blue, 00 tropxolin from a yellowish to a pink-red, and so on. A number of additional tests of the same general character will be found described in the laboratory handbooks of physiology.' It must be added, however, that lactic acid undoubtedly occurs, or may occur, in the stomach during digestion. Its pres- ence is usually explained as being due to the fermentation of the carbohydrates, and it is therefore more constantly present in the stomach of the herbivora. The amount of free acid varies according to the duration of digestion ; that is, the secretion does not possess its full acidity in the beginning, owing probably to the fact (Heidenhain) that in the first periods of digestion, while the secre- tion is still scanty in amount, a portion of its acid is neutralized by the swallowed saliva and the alkaline secretion of the pyloric end of the stomach (see the section on Secretion). Estimates of the maximum acidity in the human stomach are usually given as between 0.2 and 0.3 per cent. The acidity of the dog’s gastric juice is greater—0.3 to 0.58 per cent. _ Origin of the HCl.—The gastric juice is the only secretion of the body con- taining a free acid. The fact that the acid is a mineral acid makes this circum- stance more remarkable, although other instances of a similar kind are known; for example, Dolium galea, a mollusc, secretes a salivary juice containing free H,SO, and free HCl. When and how the HCl is formed in the stomach is still asubject of investigation. Histologically, attempts have been made to show that it is produced in the border cells of the peptic glands in the fundic end of the stomach (see Secretion). It cannot be said, however, that the evidence for this theory is at all convincing; it can be accepted only provisionally. Ingenious efforts have been made to determine the place of production of the acid by micro-chemical methods. Substances which give color reactions with acids have been injected into the blood, and sections of the mucous membrane of the stomach have then been made to determine microscopically the part of the gastric glands in which the acid is produced ; but beyond proving that the acid is formed in the mucous membrane these experiments have given negative results, the color reaction for acid occurring throughout the thickness of the membrane.? The chemistry of the production of free HCl also remains unde- termined. No free acid occurs in the blood or the lymph, and it follows, there- fore, that it is manufactured in the secreting cells. It is quite evident, too, that the source of the acid is the neutral chlorides.of the blood ; these are in some way decomposed, the chlorine uniting with hydrogen to form HCl which is turned out upon the free surface of the stomach, while the base remains 1 Stirling: Outlines of Practical Physiology. 2 Frinkel: Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammtePhysiologie, 1891, vol. 48, p. 63. 228 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. behind and probably passes back into the blood. The latter part of the pro- cess, the passage of the base into the blood-current, enables us to explain in part the facts, noticed by a number of observers, that the alkalinity of the blood is increased and the acidity of the urine is decreased after meals. Attempts to express the reaction which takes place in the decomposition of the chlorides are still too theoretical to merit more than a brief mention in a book of this character. According to Heidenhain, a free organic acid is secreted=by the cells, which acid then acts upon and decomposes the chlorides. According to Maly, the HCl is the result of a reaction between the phosphates and the chlorides of the blood, as expressed in the two following equations: NaH,PO, + NaCl = Na,HPO, + HCl; or, -8CaCl, + 2Na,HPO, = Ca,(PO,), + 4NaCl + 2HC1. A recent theory by Liebermann supposes that the mass action of the CO, formed in the tissues of the gastric mucous membrane upon the chlorides, with the aid of a nucleo-albumin of acid properties which can be isolated from the gastric glands, may account for the production of the HCl. Although it is customary to speak of the HCl as existing in a free state in the gastric juice, certain differences in reaction between this secretion and aqueous solu- tions of the same acidity have led to the suggestion that the HCl, or a part of it at least, is held in some sort of combination with the organic (proteid) con- stituents of the secretion, so that its properties are modified in some minor points just as the properties of heemoglobin are modified by the combination in which it is held in the corpuscles. The differences usually described are that in the gastric juice or in mixtures of HCl and proteid the acid does not dialyze nor distil off so readily as in simple aqueous solutions. The peptones and proteoses formed during digestion seem to combine with the acid very readily -—so much so, in fact, that in certain cases specimens of gastric juice taken from the stomach, although they give an acid reaction with litmus-paper, may not give the special color reactions for free mineral acids. In such cases, how- ever, the acid may still be able to fulfil its part in the digestion of proteids. Nature and Properties of Pepsin.—Pepsin is a typical proteolytic enzyme which exhibits the striking peculiarity of acting only in acid media; hence peptic digestion in the stomach is the result of the combined action of pepsin and HCl. Pepsin is influenced in its action by temperature, as is the case with the other enzymes ; low temperatures retard, and may even suspend, its activity, while high temperatures increase it. The optimum temperature is stated to be from 37° to 40° C., while exposure for some’ time to 80° C. results, when the pepsin is in a moist condition, in the total destruction of the enzyme. Pepsin has never been isolated in sufficient purity for satisfactory analysis. It may be extracted, however, from the gastric mucous membrane by a variety of methods and in different degrees of purity and strength. The commercial preparations of pepsin consist usually of some form of extract of the gastric mucous membrane to which starch or sugar of milk has been added. Laboratory preparations are usually made by mincing thoroughly the mucous membrane and then extract- CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 299 ing fora long time with glycerin. Glycerin extracts, if not too much diluted with water or blood, keep for an indefinite time. Purer preparations of pepsin have been made by what is known as “ Briicke’s method,” in which the mucous membrane is minced and is then self-digested with a 5 per cent. solution of phosphoric acid. The phosphoric acid is precipitated by the addition of lime- water, and the pepsin is carried down in the flocculent precipitate. This pre- eipitate, after being washed, is carried into solution by dilute hydrochloric acid, and a solution of cholesterin in alcohol and ether is added. The choles- terin is precipitated, and, as before, carries down with it the pepsin. This precipitate is collected, carefully washed, and then treated repeatedly with ether, which dissolves and removes the cholesterin, leaving the pepsin in aqueous solution. ‘This method is interesting not only because it gives the purest form of pepsin, but also in that it illustrates one of the properties of this enzyme—namely, the readiness with which it adheres to precipitates occur- ring in its solutions. Pepsin illustrates very well two of the general properties of enzymes that have been described (p. 219): first, its action is incomplete, the accumulation of the products of digestion inhibiting further activity at a certain stage ; and, secondly, a small amount of the pepsin, if given sufficient time and the proper conditions, will digest a very large amount of proteid. Artificial Gastric Juice.—In studying peptic digestion it is not necessary for all purposes to establish a gastric fistula to get the normal secretion. The active agents of the normal juice are pepsin and acid of a proper strength ; and, as the pepsin can be extracted and preserved in various ways, and the HCl can easily be made of the proper strength, an artificial juice can be obtained at any time which may be used in place of the normal secretion for many purposes. In laboratory experiments it is customary to employ a glycerin extract of the gastric mucous membrane, and to add a small portion of this extract to a large bulk of 0.2 per cent. HCl. The artificial juice thus made, when kept at a temperature of from 37° to 40° C., will digest proteids rapidly if the preparation of pepsin is a good one. While the strength of the acid employed is generally from 0.2 to 0.3 per cent., digestion will take place in solutions of greater or less acidity. Too great or too small an acidity, however, will retard the process; that is, there is for the action of the pepsin an optimum acidity which lies somewhere between 0.2 and 0.5 per cent. Other acids may be used in place of the HCl—for example, nitric, phosphoric, or lactic—although they are not so effective, and the opti- mum acidity is different for each ; for phosphoric acid it is given as 2 per cent, Action of Pepsin-Hydrochloric Acid on Proteids.—It has been known for a long time that solid proteids, such as boiled eggs, when exposed to the action of a normal or an artificial gastric juice, swell up and eventually pass into solution. The soluble proteid thus formed was known not to be coagu- lated by heat; it was remarkable also for being more diffusible than other forms of soluble proteids, and was further characterized by certain positive and negative reactions which will be described more explicitly farther on. This end-product of digestion was formerly described as a soluble proteid with properties fitting it for rapid absorption, and the name of peptone was 230 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. given to it. It was quickly found, however, that the process was complicated —that in the conversion to so-called “ peptone” the proteid under digestion passed through a number of intermediate stages. The intermediate products were partially isolated and were given specific names, such as acid-albumin, parapeptone, and propeptone. ‘The two latter names, unfortunately, have not always been used with the same meaning by authors, and latterly they have fallen somewhat into disuse, although they are still frequently employed to indicate some one or other of the intermediate stages in the formation of pep- tones. The most complete investigation of the products of peptic digestion, and of proteolytic digestion in general, we owe to Kiihne and to those who have followed along the lines he laid down, among whom may be mentioned Chittenden and Neumeister. Their work has thrown new light upon the whole subject and has developed a new nomenclature. In our account of the process we shall adhere to the views and terminology of this school, as they seem to be generally adopted in most of the recent literature. It is well, however, to add, by way of: caution, that investigations of this character are still going on, and the views at present accepted are liable, therefore, to changes in detail as our experimental knowledge increases. Without giving the historical development of Kiihne’s theory, it may be said that at present the following steps in peptic digestion have been described: The proteid acted upon, whether soluble or insoluble, is converted first to an acid-albumin (see Chemical section) to which the name syntonin is usually given. In arti- ficial digestions the solid proteid usually first swells up from the action of the acid, and then slowly dissolves. Syntonin has the general properties of acid- albumins, of which properties the most characteristic is that the albumin is precipitated upon neutralizing the solution with dilute alkali. If, in the begin- ning of a peptic digestion, the liquid is neutralized, a more or less abundant precipitate of syntonin will form, the quantity depending upon the stage of digestion. The formation of syntonin is due mainly to the action of the HCl, although the acid seems to be much more effective in combination with pepsin than in simple aqueous solutions of the same strength. Syntonin in turn, under the influence of the pepsin, takes up water and undergoes hydrolytic cleavage, with the formation of two soluble proteids known together as primary albumoses or proteoses,' and separately as proto-proteose and hetero-proteose. Each of these proteids again takes up water and undergoes cleavage, with the formation of a second set of soluble proteids known as secondary proteoses, in contradis- tinction to the primary proteoses, but to which. the specific name of deutero- proteoses is given. Finally, the deutero-proteose, or more properly the deutero-proteoses, again undergo hydrolytic cleavage, with the formation of what are known as peptones. Peptic digestion can go no farther than the formation of peptones, but we shall find later that other proteolytic enzymes 1 The term proteose is used by some authors in place of the older name albumose, as it has a more general significance. According to this usage the name albumose is given to the proteoses formed from albumin, globulose to those formed from globulin, ete., while proteose is a general term applying to the intermediate products from any proteid. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. — 231 (trypsin, for example) are capable of splitting up a part of the peptones still further. The fact that trypsin can act upon only a part of the peptone shows that this latter substance is either a mixture of at least two separate although _closely-related peptones, to which the names of anti-peptone and hemi-peptone* have been given, or it is a compound containing such hemi- and anti- groups and capable, under the action of trypsin, of splitting, with the formation of hemi-peptone and anti-peptone (Neumeistet). If we consider peptic digestion alone, this distinction is unnecessary. The final products of peptic digestion are therefore spoken of usually simply as peptones, although the name anvpho- peptone is also frequently used to emphasize the fact that two distinct varieties of peptone are probably present. This description of the steps in peptic digestion may be made more intelligible by the following schema, which is modified somewhat from that given by Neumeister :? Proteid. Syntonin. (Primary proteoses) = Proto-proteose. Hetero-proteose. (Secondary proteoses) = Deutero-proteose. Deutero-proteose. (Ampho-peptones) = __ Peptone. Peptone. ’ Kiihne’s full theory of proteolytic digestion assumes that the original proteid molecule contains two atomic groups, the hemi- and the anti- group. Proteolytic enzymes split the mole- cule so as to give a hemi- and an anti- compound, each of which passes through a proteose stage into its own peptone. A condensed schema of the hypothetical changes would be as follows: ee Anti-albumose. | Hemi-albumose. | | Anti-peptone. Hemi-peptone. | Ampho-peptone. In the detailed description of proteolysis given above, primary and secondary proteoses are pre- sumably, according to this schema, mixtures in varying proportions of hemi- and anti- com- pounds, or, in other words, they are ampho-proteoses. No good way of separating the anti- from the hemi- compounds has been discovered except to digest them with trypsin. By this means each compound is converted to its proper peptone, and by the continued action of the trypsin the hemi-peptone is split into much simpler bodies (p. 241), only anti-peptone being left in solution. The conception of a proteid molecule with hemi- and anti- groups and the splitting into hemi- and anti-albumose is mainly an inference backward from the fact that there are two distinct peptones, one of which, hemi-peptone, is acted upon by trypsin, while the other is not so acted upon. The details of the splitting of the proteid under the influence of pepsin are still further complicated by the fact that in some cases a part of the proteid remains undissolved, form- ing a highly resistant substance to which the name antalbumid has been given. It has been shown that if this substance is dissolved in sodium carbonate and then submitted to the action of trypsin, only anti-peptone is formed, indicating that it contains none of the hemi- group. In fact, the prop- erties of antalbumid show that it is a peculiar modification of the anti- group which may arise dur- ing the cleavage of the proteid molecule, and may vary greatly in quantity in different digestions. 2 Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie, 1893, p. 187. 232 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. According to this schema, peptic digestion, after the syntonin stage, consists in a succession of hydrolytic cleavages whereby soluble proteids (proteoses and peptones) are produced of smaller and smaller molecular weights. It is possi- ble, of course, that the steps in this process may be more numerous than those represented in the schema, but the general nature of the changes seems to be established beyond question. Moreover, it is easy to understand that the products of digestion in any given case will vary with the stage at which the examination is made. Sufficiently early in the process one may find mainly syntonin, or syntonin and primary proteoses ; later the deutero-proteoses and peptones may occur alone or with mere traces of the first products. The whole process is more or less progressive, although it must be understood that the first and the last products may coexist in the same liquid; that is, a part of the original proteid may be well on toward the last stages of the action while another part is in the first stages. It is worth emphasizing also that in arti- ficial digestions with pepsin, no matter how long the action is allowed to go on, the final product is always a mixture of peptones and proteoses (deutero-proteose). Even when provision is made to dialyze off the peptone as it forms, thus simu- lating natural digestion, the final result, according to Chittenden and Amerman,} is still a mixture of proteose and peptone. The extent of peptic digestion in the body will be spoken of presently in connection with a résumé of the physiology of gastric digestion. In general, it may be said that from a physiological standpoint the object of the whole process is to get the proteids into a form in which they can be absorbed more easily. The properties and reactions of peptones and proteoses will be found stated in the Chemical section. It may serve a useful end, however, to give here some of their properties, in order to emphasize the nature of the changes caused by the pepsin. . Peptones.—The name “ peptones” was formerly given to all the products of peptic digestion after it had passed the syntonin stage—that is, to the pro- teoses as well as the true peptones. Commercially, the word is still used in this sense, the preparations sold as peptones being generally mixtures of proteoses and peptones. ‘True peptones, in the sense used by Kiihne, are distinguished chem- ically by certain reactions. Like the proteoses, they are very soluble, they are not precipitated by heating, and they give a red biuret reaction (see J?eactions of Proteids, Chemical section). They are distinguished from the primary pro- teoses by not giving a precipitate with acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide, and from the whole group of proteoses by the fact that they are not thrown down from their solutions by the most thorough saturation of the liquid with ammonium sulphate. This last reaction gives the only means for the complete separation of the peptones from the proteoses. The peptones, indeed, may be defined as being the products of proteolytic digestion which are not precipitated by saturation of the liquid with ammonium sulphate. The validity of this reaction has lately been called in question. It has been pointed out that, although the primary proteoses are readily precipitated by this salt, the deutero- proteoses, under certain circumstances at least, are not precipitated, and cannot 1 Journal of Physiology, vol. xiv., 1898, p. 483. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 233 therefore be distinguished or separated from the so-called “true peptones.” We must await further investigations before attempting to come to any conclusion upon this point. It is well to bear in mind that the change from ordinary proteid to peptone evidently takes place through a number of intermediate steps, and the word peptone is meant to designate the final product. Whether this final product is a chemical individual with properties separating it from all the intermediate stages is perhaps not yet fully known, but, provisionally at least, we may adopt Kihne’s definition, outlined above, of what constitutes peptone, as it seems to be generally accepted in current literature. Peptones are characterized by their diffusibility, and this property is also possessed, although to a less marked extent, by the proteoses. Recent work by Chittenden,' in which he corroborates results published simultaneously by Kiihne, shows the following relative diffusibility of peptones and proteoses. The solutions used were approx- imately 1 per cent.; they were dialyzed in parchment tubes against running water for from six to eight hours, and the loss of substance was determined and expressed in {percentages of the original amount. Proto-proteose gave a ‘loss of 5.09 per cent.; deutero-proteose, 2.21 per cent.; peptone, 11 per cent. Several elementary analyses of proteoses and peptones have been reported, but they cannot be accepted as final, owing to the fact that the substances analyzed were probably mixtures, and not chemical individuals. The follow- ing analyses, reported by Chittenden,’ will serve to show the relative percentage composition of these bodies : Phyto-vitellin, a Crystallized Proteid extracted from Hemp-seed. Mother-proteid. Proto-vitellose. Deutero-vitellose. Peptone. ot 51.63 51.55 49.78 49.40 i Ne a 6.90 6.73 6.73 6.77 RRs lS sl}. 18.78 18.90 ; 17.97 18.40 Meese Goes 0.90 1.09 1.08 0.49 COC de ee 21.79 21.73 24.44 24.94 The most striking differences in composition observed in passing from the mother-proteid to the peptones are the progressive decrease in the percentage of carbon and the inerease in the percentage of oxygen. Both these facts are in accord with the general theory that proteolysis consists essentially in a series of hydrolytic cleavages. Rennin.—In addition to pepsin the gastric secretion contains an enzyme which is characterized by its coagulating action upon milk. It has long been known that milk is curdled by coming into contact with the mucous membrane of the stomach. Dried mucous membrane of the calf’s stomach, when stirred in with fresh milk, will curdle the latter with astonishing rapidity, and this property has been utilized in the manufacture of cheese. Hammarsten discovered that this action is due to the presence of a specific enzyme which exists ready formed in the membrane of the sucking-calf’s stomach, and which is present 1 Journal of Physiology, vel. xiv., 1893, p. 502. : 2 Cartwright Lectures, New York Medical Record, April, 1894. 234 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. in a preparatory form (rennin-zymogen) in stomachs of all mammals. This enzyme has been given several names; rennin seems preferable to any other, and is the term most commonly employed. Rennin may be obtained from the stomach by self-digestion of the mucous membrane or by extracting it with glycerin. Such extracts usually contain both pepsin and rennin, but the two have been separated successfully, most easily by the prolonged action of a temperature of 40° C. in acid solutions, which destroys the rennin, but not the pepsin. Good extracts of rennin cause clotting of milk with great rapidity at a temperature of 40° C., the milk (cow’s milk), if undisturbed, setting first into a solid clot, which afterward shrinks and presses out a clear yellowish liquid, the whey; with human milk, however, the curd is much less firm, being deposited in the form of loose flocculi. The whole process resembles the clotting of blood not only in the superficial phenomena, but also in the character of the chemical changes. Briefly, what happens is that the rennin acts upon a soluble proteid in the milk known usually as casein, but by some called “ caseinogen,” and changes this proteid to an insoluble modification which is precipitated as the curd. The chemistry of the change is not completely understood, and there is an unfortunate want of agreement in the terminology ‘used to designate the products of the action. It has been shown that, as in the case of blood, curdling cannot take place unless lime salts are present. What seems to occur is as follows: Casein is a complex substance belonging to the group of nucleo-albumins, and when acted upon by rennin it undergoes hydro- lytic cleavage, with the formation of two proteid bodies, paracasein and whey proteid. The first of these bodies forms with calcium salts an insoluble com- pound which is precipitated as the curd ; the second remains behind in solution in the whey. It will be seen that this theory supposes the action to be parallel with that occurring in blood-coagulation, where fibrin ferment causes a cleavage of the fibrinogen molecule, a part uniting with calcium to form the insoluble fibrin, and a part—much the smaller part—remaining in solution in the serum as fibrin-globulin. It should ‘be added that casein is also precipitated from milk by the addition of an excess of acid. The curdling of sour milk in the formation of bonnyclabber is a well-known illustration of this fact. When milk stands for some time the action of bacteria upon the milk-sugar leads to the formation of lactic acid, and when this acid reaches a certain concentration it causes the precipitation of the casein. One might suppose that the curdling of milk in the stomach is caused by the acid present in the gastric secretion, but it has been shown that perfectly neutral .extracts of the gastric mucous membrane will curdle milk quite readily. | So far as our positive knowledge goes, the action of rennin is confined to milk. Casein constitutes the chief proteid constituent of milk, and has there- fore an important nutritive value. It is interesting to find that before its peptic digestion begins the casein is acted upon by an altogether different enzyme. The value of the curdling action is not at once apparent, but we may suppose that casein is more easily digested by the proteolytic enzymes after it has been brought into a solid form. The action of rennin goes no CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. | 235 further than the curdling ; the digestion of the curd is carried on by the pep- sin, and later, in the intestines, by the trypsin, with the formation of proteoses and peptones as in the case of other proteids. Action of Gastric Juice on Carbohydrates and Fats.—The gastric juice itself has no direct action upon carbohydrates ; that is, it does not contain an amylolytic enzyme. It is possible, nevertheless, that some digestion of carbo- hydrates goes on in the stomach, for, as has been seen, the masticated food is thoroughly mixed with saliva before it is swallowed. The portion that enters the stomach in the beginning of digestion, when the acidity of the contents is small (see p. 227), may continue to be acted upon by the ptyalin. This effect, however, cannot be considered important, since the acidity of the contents of the stomach must soon reach a point sufficient to suspend, and then to destroy, the ptyalin. It should be added, however, that Lusk’ has shown that cane-sugar can be inverted to dextrose and levulose in the stomach. The importance of this process of inversion, and the means by which it is accomplished, will be described more in detail when speaking of the digestion of sugars in the small intestine (p. 247). Upon the fats also gastric juice has no direct digestive action. According to the best evidence at hand, neutral fats are not split in the stomach, nor are they emulsified or absorbed. Without doubt, the heat of the stomach is sufficient to liquefy most of the fats eaten, and the move- ments of the stomach, together with the digestive action of its juice on the proteids and albuminoids with which the fats are often mixed, bring about such a mechanical mixture of the fats and oils with the other elements of the chyme as facilitates the more rapid digestion of these substances in the intestine. Action of Gastric Juice on the Albuminoids.—Gelatin is, from a nutritive standpoint, the most important of the albuminoids. Its nutritive value is stated briefly on page 215. It has been shown that this substance is acted upon by pepsin in a way practically identical with that described for the proteids. Intermediate products are formed similar to the albumoses, which products have been named gelatoses? or glutoses ;* these in turn may be con- verted to gelatin peptones. It is stated that the action of pepsin is confined almost, if not entirely, to changing gelatin to the gelatose stage. The pro- teolytic enzyme of the pancreatic secretion, however carries the change to the peptone stage much more readily. Why does the Stomach not Digest Itself ?— The gastric secretion will readily digest a stomach taken from some other animal, or under certain con- ditions it may digest the stomach in which it is secreted. If, for instance, an animal is killed while in full digestion, the stomach may undergo self-diges- tion, especially if the body is kept warm. This phenomenon has been observed in human cadavers. It has been shown also that if a portion of the stomach is deprived of its circulation by an embolism or a ligature, it may be attacked by the secretion and a perforation of the stomach-wall may result. How, 1Voit: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, vol. xxviii., 1891, p. 269. 2 Chittenden and Solley: Journal of Physiology, vol. xii., 1891, p. 23. 8 Klug: Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, vol. 48, 1891, p. 100. 236 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. then; under normal conditions, is the stomach protected from corrosion by its own secretion? The question has given rise to much discussion, and in reality it deals with one of the fundamental properties of living matter, for the same question must be extended to take in the non-digestion of the small intestine by the alkaline pancreatic secretion, the non-digestion of the digestive tracts of the invertebrates, and the case of the unicellular animals in which there is formed within the animal’s protoplasm a digestive secretion which digests foreign material, but does not affect the living substance of the cell. In the particular case under consideration—namely, the protection of the mammalian stomach from its own secretion—explanations of the following character have been offered: It was suggested (Hunter) that the “ principle of life” in living things protected them from digestion. This suggestion cannot be considered seriously at the present. day, since it implies that living matter is the seat of a special force, the so-called “ vital principle,” different from the forms of energy acting upon matter in general. Appeals of this kind to an unknown force in explanation of the properties of living matter are not now permissible in the science, of physiology. Moreover, it was shown by Bernard that the hind leg of a living frog introduced into a dog’s stomach through a fistula undergoes digestion. ‘The same thing will happen, it may be added, if the leg is put into a vessel containing an artificial gastric juice at the proper temperature. Bernard’s theory was that the epithe- lium of the stomach acts as a protection to the organ, preventing the absorp- tion of the juice. Others believe that the mucus formed by the gastric mem- brane acts as a protective covering; while still another theory holds that the alkaline blood circulating through the organ saves it from digestion, since it neutralizes the acid of the secretion as fast as it is absorbed, and it is known that pepsin can digest only in an acid medium, None of these explanations is sufficient. The last explanation is unsatisfactory because it does not explain the immunity of the small intestine from digestion by the alkaline pancreatic juice, or the protection of the infusoria from their own digestive secretion. The mucous theory is inadequate, as we cannot believe that by this means the protection could be as complete as it is; and, moreover, this theory does not admit of a general application to other cases. The epithelium theory simply changes the problem a little, as it involves an explanation of the immunity of the living epithelial cells. It is well known that in the dead stomach the _ epithelial lining is no longer a protection against digestion, so that we are led to believe that there is nothing peculiar in the composition of epithelial cells, as compared with other tissues, to account for their exemption under normal conditions. When we come to consider all the evidence, nothing seems clearer than that the protection of the living tissue is in every case due to the proper- ties of its living structure. So long as the tissue is alive, it is protected from the action of the digesting secretion, but the ultimate physical or chem- ical reason for this property is yet to be discovered. In the case of the mammalian stomach it is quite probable that the lining epithelial cells are especially modified to resist the action of the digestive secretion, but, as has CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 237 just been said, they lose this property as soon as they undergo the change from living to dead structure. The digestion of the living frog’s leg in gastric juice, and similar instances, do not affect this general idea, since, as Bernard himself pointed out, what happens in this case is that the tissue is first killed by the acid and then undergoes digestion. On the other hand, N eumeister has shown that a living frog’s. leg is not digested by strong pan- creatic extracts of weak alkaline reaction, since under these conditions the tissues are not injured by the slightly alkaline liquid. When it is said that the exemption of living tissues from self-digestion is due to the peculiarities of their structure, it must not be supposed that this is equivalent to referring the whole matter to the action of a mysterious vital force. On the contrary, all that is meant is that the structure of living protoplasmic material is such that the action of the digestive secretion is prevented, possibly because it is not absorbed, this result being the outcome of the physical and chemical forces exhibited by matter with this peculiar structure. While a statement of this kind is not an explanation of the facts in question, and indeed amounts to a confession that an explanation is not at present possible, it at least refers the phenomenon to the action of known properties of matter. General Remarks upon the Physiology of the Stomach.—From the foregoing account it will be seen that, speaking generally, the functions of the stomach are in part to act chemically upon the proteids, and in part, by the combined action of its secretion and its muscular movements, to get the food into a physical condition suitable for subsequent digestion in the intestine. The material sent out from the stomach (chyme) must be quite variable in composition, but physically the action of the stomach has been such as to reduce it to a liquid or semi-liquid consistency. The extent of the true digestive action of gastric juice on proteids is not now believed to be so complete as it was formerly thought to be. Examination of the chyme shows that it may contain quantities of undigested or only partially digested proteid, complete digestion being effected in the intestines. Moreover, arti- ficial peptic digestion of proteids under the most favorable conditions shows that only a portion is ever converted to peptone, most of it remaining in the proteose stage. It has been suggested, therefore, that gastric digestion of proteids is largely preparatory to the more complete action of the pancreatic juice, whose enzyme (trypsin) has more powerful proteolytic properties. In accordance with this idea, it has been shown that an animal can live and thrive without a stomach. Several cases! are on record in which the stomach was practically removed by surgical operations, the cesophagus being stitched to the duodenum. The animals did well and seemed perfectly normal. Exper- iments of this character do not, of course, show that the stomach is useless in digestion ; they demonstrate only that in the animals used it is not absolutely essential. The reason for this will better be appreciated after the digestive properties of pancreatic secretion have been studied. 1 Ludwig and Ogata: Archiv fiir Anatomie wnd Physiologie, 1883, p. 89; and Carvallo and Pachon: Archives de Physiologie normale et pathologique, 1894, p. 106. 238 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. D. IntEsTINAL DIGESTION. After the food has passed through the pyloric orifice of the stomach and has entered the small intestine it undergoes its most profound digestive changes. Intestinal digestion is carried out mainly while the food is passing through the small intestine, although, as we shall see, the process is completed during the slower passage through the large intestine. Intestinal digestion is effected through the combined action of three secretions—namely, the pancreatic juice, the bile, and the intestinal juice. The three secretions act together upon the food, but for the sake of clearness it is advisable to con each one separately as to its properties and its digestive action. Composition of Pancreatic Juice.—Pancreatic juice is the secretion of the pancreatic gland. In man the main duct of the gland opens into the duodenum, in common with the bile-duct, about 8 to 10 em. below the opening of the pylorus. In some of the other mammals the arrangement is different : in dogs, for example, there are two ducts, one opening into the duodenum, together with the bile-duct, about 3 to 5 cm. below the opening of the pylorus, and one some 3 to 5 cm. farther down. In rabbits the principal duct opens separately into the duodenum about 35 cm. below the opening of the bile-duct. For details as to the act of secretion, its time-relations to the ingestion of food, its quantity, etc., the reader is referred to the section on Secretion. Most of our exact knowledge of the properties of the pancreatic secretion has been obtained either from experiments upon lower animals, especially the dog and the rabbit, in which it is possible to establish a pan- creatic fistula and to collect the normal juice, or from experiments with arti- © ficial pancreatic juice prepared from extracts of the gland. Various methods have been used in making pancreatic fistule : usually the main duct of the gland, which in the two animals named is separate from the bile-duct, is exposed and a canula is inserted. A better method, devised by Heidenhain, consists in cutting out the piece of duodenum into which the main duct opens and sewing this isolated piece to the abdominal wall so as to make a permanent fistula, the continuity of the intestinal tract in this case being re-established, of course, by sutures. A simple method of obtaining normal pancreatic juice from the rabbit is described by Ratchford.'’ In his method the portion of the duodenum into which the main duct opens is resected and cut open along the border opposite to the mesenteric attachment. The mouth of the duct is seen as a small papilla projecting from the surface of the mucous membrane. Through the papilla a small glass canula maybe passed into the duct, and the secretion, which flows slowly, may be collected for several hours. The total quantity obtainable by this means from a rabbit is small—about 1 ¢.c.—but it is sufficient for the demonstration of some of the important properties of pan- creatic juice, especially its action upon fats. As obtained by these methods, the secretion is found to be a clear, colorless, alkaline liquid. The secretion obtained from dogs is thick and glairy, and forms a coagulum upon standing, Journal of Physiology, vol. xii., 1891, p. 72. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. — 239 while that from rabbits is a thin, perfectly colorless liquid which does not form a clot. In dogs the secretion from a permanent fistula soon becomes thinner than it was when the fistula was first established, and this change in its con- sistency is accompanied by a corresponding variation in specific gravity. The specific gravity (dog) of the juice from a temporary fistula is given at 1030 ; from a permanent fistula, at 1010 to 1011. The secretion coagulates upon being heated, owing to the proteids held in solution, and it undergoes putre- faction very quickly, so that it cannot be kept for any length of time. The analysis of the secretion most frequently quoted is that given by C. Schmidt, as follows : Panereatie Juice (Dog). Constituents. eotsbiishingiatuls,|( oa i Water Ee Shee se he Se 900.76 980.45 Solids Te Byres! a) ane chix) ) Wesite owls 99.24 19.55 ES 90.44 12.71 NE oS 8.80 6.84 ENN Bg gn 5 ow wl nce acca os 0.58 3.31 gk ee ck et tk we 7.35 2.50 Calcium, magnesium, and sodium phosphates ... . 0.53 0.08 The composition of normal human pancreatic juice has not been determined completely, owing to the rarity of opportunities of obtaining the secretion. Several partial analyses have been reported. According to Zawadsky,! the composition of the secretion in a young woman was as follows: In 1000 parts. Re Ge e ey oes Bo eee Coe phe A 864.05 ERT ae a eee 132.51 i SS kg ela ge eed Ce ea eee tb 92.05 ENS Bet Tle et a erly Me VES Ce ee 3.44 The organic substances held in the secretion are in part of an albuminous nature, since they coagulate upon heating, but the exact nature of the proteid or proteids has not been determined satisfactorily: The most important of the organic substances—the essential constituents, indeed, of the whole secretion— are three enzymes acting respectively upon the proteids, the carbohydrates, and the fats.. The proteolytic enzyme is called “trypsin;” the amylolytic enzyme is described under different names: “amylopsin” is perhaps the best, and will be adopted in this section; for the fat-splitting enzyme we shall use the term “steapsin.” Owing to the presence of these enzymes. the pancreatic secretion is capable of exerting a digestive action upon each of the three im- portant classes of food-stuffs. Trypsin.—Trypsin is a more powerful proteolytic enzyme than pepsin. Unlike the latter, trypsin acts best in alkaline media, but it is effective also in neutral liquids, or even in solutions not too strongly acid. Trypsin is affected by changes in temperature like the other enzymes, its action being retarded by cooling and being hastened by warming. There is, however, a temperature, 1 Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, vol. 5, 1891, p. 179. 240 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. which may be called the optimum temperature, at which the trypsin acts most powerfully ; if, however, the temperature is raised to as much as 70° to 80° C., the enzyme is destroyed entirely. Trypsin has never been isolated in a condi- tion sufficiently pure for analysis, so that its chemical composition is unknown. Extracts containing trypsin can be made from the gland very easily and by a variety of methods. The usual laboratory method is to mince the gland and to cover it with glycerin for some time. In using this and other methods for preparing trypsin extracts it is best not to take the perfectly fresh gland, but to keep it for a number of hours before using. The reason for this is that the enzyme exists in the fresh gland in a preparatory stage, a zymogen (see sec- tion on Secretion), which in this case is called “ trypsinogen.” Upon standing, the latter is slowly converted to trypsin—a process which may be hastened by the action of dilute acids and by other means. An artificial pancreatic juice is prepared usually by adding a small quantity of the pancreatic extract to an alkaline liquid ; the liquid usually employed is a solution of sodium carbonate of from 0.2 to 0.5 per cent. To prevent putrefactive changes, which come on with such readiness in pancreatic digestions, a few drops of an alcoholic solution of thymol may be added. A mixture of this kind, if kept at the proper temperature, digests proteids very rapidly, and most of our knowledge of the action of trypsin has been obtained from a study of the products of such digestions. Products of Tryptic Digestion.—Tryptic digestion resembles peptic diges- tion in that proteoses and peptones are the chief products formed, but the two processes differ in a number of details. ‘The naked-eye appearances, in the first place, are different in cases in which the proteid acted upon is in a solid form ; for while in the pepsin-hydrochloric digestion the proteid swells up and grad- ually dissolves, under the action of trypsin it does not swell, but suffers erosion, as it were, the solid mass of proteid being eaten out until finally only the indi- gestible part remains, retaining the shape of the original mass, but falling into fragments when shaken. In the second place, the hydrolytic cleavages seem to be of a more intense nature. In peptic digestion, after the syntonin stage is passed, there is a gradual change to peptone through the intermediate primary and secondary proteoses. Under the influence of trypsin, according to the most recent experiments, the solid proteid undergoes a transformation directly to secondary proteoses (deutero-proteoses), the intermediate stages being skipped. . It was formerly thought that the solid proteid was converted first into a soluble proteid, and that if the solution was alkaline some alkali-albumin was formed, precipitable by neutralization, and comparable to the syntonin of pepsin-hydro- chloric digestion. This soluble proteid was thought to be split into proteoses of the hemi- and anti- groups which were then converted to the corresponding peptones, according to Kiihne’s schema_(p. 231). There seems to be no doubt that with the proteid most frequently used in artificial digestion—namely, fibrin from coagulated blood—the first effect is a conversion to a soluble globulin-like form of proteid; but Neumeister finds that this does not happen with other proteids, and he thinks that in the case of fibrin it is not due toa CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. — 241 true digestive action of trypsin, but to a partial solution of the fibrin by the inorganic salts in the liquid. In general, however, the preliminary stage of a soluble proteid is missed, as also is that of the primary proteoses. The proteid falls at once by hydrolytic cleavage into deutero-proteoses, and these in turn are transformed to peptones (ampho-peptones). Just at this point comes in one of the most characteristic differences between the action of pepsin and that of trypsin. Pepsin cannot affect further the ampho-peptones, but trypsin may act upon the supposed hemi- constituent and split it up, with the formation of a number of much simpler non-proteid bodies, most of which are amido-acids. The final products of prolonged tryptic digestion are, first, a pep- tone which cannot further be decomposed by the enzyme and which constitutes what is known as anti-peptone, and, second, a number of simpler organic sub- stances, mainly amido-acids, that come from the splitting of that part of the peptone which can be acted upon by the trypsin, and which constitutes what is known as hemi-peptone. It may be remarked in passing that hemi-peptone has not been isolated. Ampho-peptones containing both anti- and hemi-pep- tones are formed in peptic digestion, and they may be obtained from tryptic digestion if it is not allowed to go too far; anti-peptone, on the other hand, may be obtained from tryptic digestion which has been permitted to go on until the hemi-peptone has been completely destroyed, but no good method is known by which hemi-peptone can be isolated from solutions containing both it and the anti- form. The simpler products formed by the breaking up of the hemi- peptone molecule under the influence of the trypsin can be formed, in part at least, in the laboratory by processes which are known to cause hydrolytic decompositions. It is probable, therefore, that these substances may be looked upon as products of the hydrolytic cleavage of hemi-peptone. They are of smaller molecular weight and of simpler structure than the peptone molecule from which they are formed. A tabular list of these bodies, taken from Gam- gee,’ is given. The list includes only those substances which have actually been isolated ; it is possible that others exist : Final Produets (other than Peptones) of the Action of Trypsin on Albuminous and Albuminoid Bodies. Bodies derived from the Organic body of unknown , : fatty acids. Bases. composition. Aromatic bodies. Amido-caproic acid (leu- Lysin. Tryptophan (gives a | Paroxyphenylamidopro- cin). Lysatinin. red color on the ad- pionic acid (tyrosin). Amido-valerianic acid NH;. dition of chlorine- (butalanin). water, and violet Amido-succinic acid (as- ‘ with bromine-water). partic acid). Amido-pyrotartaric acid (glutamic acid). (Diamido-acetic acid ?) Of these substances, the ones longest known and most easily isolated are leucin (C,H,,NO,) and tyrosin (C,H,,NO,). The chemical composition and proper- 1 A Text-book of the Physiological Chemistry of the Animal Body, 1893, vol. ii. p. 230. 16 242 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ties of these and the other products are described in the Chemical section. Leucin and tyrosin have been found in the contents of the intestines, and it is probable, therefore, that the splitting of the hemi-peptone which takes place so readily in artificial tryptic digestions occurs also, to some extent at least, within the body, although we have no accurate estimates of the amount of peptone destroyed in this way under normal conditions. On the supposition that the production of leucin, tyrosin, and the other amido- bodies is a normal result of tryptic digestion within the body, it is interesting to inquire what physiological value, if any, is to be attributed to these substances. At first sight the forma- tion of these amido- bodies from the valuable peptone would seem to be a waste. Peptone we know may be absorbed into the blood, and may then be used to form or repair proteid tissue, or to furnish energy to the body upon oxidation, but leucin and tyrosin and the other products of the breaking up of the hemi-peptone are far less valuable as sources of energy, and so far as we know they cannot be used to form or repair proteid tissue. But we must be careful not to jump too hastily to the conclusion that the splitting of the hemi-peptone is useless. It remains possible that a wider knowledge of the subject may show that the process is of distinct value to the body, although it must be confessed that no plausible suggestion as to its importance has yet been made. In addition to any possible functional value which these amido- bodies may possess, their occurrence in proteolysis is of immense interest to the physiologist. Some of them are of a constitution simple enough to be studied by exact chemical methods, and the hope is entertained that through them a clearer knowledge may be obtained of the structure of the proteid molecule. It should be added that not only are these amido- bodies found in the aliment- ary canal as products of tryptic digestion, but that they, or some of them, occur also in other parts of the body, especially under pathological conditions, and that, furthermore, they occur among the products of the destruction of the proteid molecule by laboratory methods or by the action of bacterial organisms. The theoretical importance of the base lysatinin will be referred to again later, when speaking of the origin of urea in the body. The processes of tryptic digestion outlined above are represented in brief in the following schema, taken from Neumeister :! Proteid. Deutero-albumoses. Praane va Anti-peptone. Hemi-peptone. | | Leucin. Tyrosin. Aspartic acid. Tryptophan, ete. It may be said in conclusion that trypsin produces peptone from proteids more readily than does pepsin. Under normal conditions it is probable that most 1 Lehrbuch der physiologicchen Chemie, 1893, p. 200. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 243 of the proteid of the food receives its final penton for absorption in the small intestine, under the influence of this enzyme.’ Albuminoids.—Gelatin and the other albuminoids are acted upon by trypsin, the products being similar in general to those formed from the pro- teids. As stated on page 235, pepsin carries the digestion of gelatin mainly to the gelatose stage; trypsin, however, produces gelatin peptones. It seems probable, therefore, that the final digestion of the albuminoids also is effected in the small intestine. Amylopsin.—The enzyme of the pancreatic secretion which acts upon starches is found in extracts of the gland, made according to the general methods already given, and its presence may be demonstrated, of course, in the secretion obtained by establishing a pancreatic fistula. The proof of the existence of this enzyme is found in the fact that if some of the pancreatic secretion or some of the extract of the gland is mixed with starch paste, the starch quickly disappears and maltose or maltose and dextrin are found in its place. Amylopsin shows the general reactions of enzymes with rela- tion to temperature, incompleteness of action, etc. Its specific reaction is its effect upon starches. Investigation has shown that the changes caused by it in the starches are apparently the same as those produced by ptyalin. In fact, the two enzymes ptyalin and amylopsin are identical in properties as far as our knowledge goes, so that it is not uncommon, in German liter- ature especially, to have them both described under the name of ptyalin, The term amylopsin is convenient, however, in any case, to designate the special origin of the pancreatic enzyme. As to the details of its action, it is unnecessary to repeat what has been said on page 223. The end-products of its action, as far as can be determined from artificial digestions, are a sugar, maltose (C,,H,,O,,,H,O), and more or less of the intermediate achroddextrins, * The details of the cleavage of the proteid molecule under the influence of pepsin and trypsin are obviously not yet completely worked out. The general idea of Kiihne is given briefly in a foot-note on page 231. An important modification of the original conception is represented in a theoretical schema given by Neumeister, which is here reproduced. According to this diagram, each proteose, as well as the peptone produced in an ordinary digestion, contains both hemi- and anti- groups, and is therefore an ampho- compound. The relative amount of hemi- or anti- substance present at each stage is indicated by thick or thin lines as the case may be. While proto-proteose and the deutero-proteose and peptone arising from it are mainly composed of the hemi- group, hetero-proteose and its subsequent stages consist chiefly of the anti- grouping. The resistant compound, known as anti-albumid, which is split off from the proteid _ molecule in greater or less quantity, seems to have only the anti- grouping; so far as it can be converted to peptone, it yields only anti-peptone. [ Proteid molecule. ‘ ] Hemi- group. Anti- group. ereaues Proto-proteose. Hetero-proteose. . (Ampho-proteose.) ap 1 Hane Anti-albumid. Deutero-proteose. ‘ Deutero-proteose. Deutero-proteose. (Amp teose.) (Ampho-proteose.) (Anti-proteose.) Ampho-peptone. Ampho-peptone, Anti-peptone. 244 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the relative amounts depending upon the completeness of digestion. As has previously been said, there are indications that under the favorable conditions of natural digestion all the starch may be changed to maltose, but possibly it is not necessary that the action should be so complete in order that the carbohydrate may be absorbed into the blood, as will be shown when we come to speak of the further action of the intestinal secretion upon maltose and the dextrins. The amylolytic action of the pancreatic juice is extremely import- ant. The starches constitute a large part of our ordinary diet. The action of the saliva upon them is probably, for reasons already given, of subordinate importance. Their digestion takes place, therefore, entirely or almost entirely in the small intestine, and mainly by virtue of the action of the amylopsin contained in the pancreatic secretion. The action of the amylopsin is supple- mented to some extent, apparently, by a similar enzyme formed in small quantities in the intestinal wall itself, the nature of which will be described presently in connection with intestinal secretion. Steapsin.—Steapsin is the name given to a fat-splitting enzyme occurring in the pancreatic juice. It is of the greatest importance in the digestion and absorption of fats. The peculiar power of the pancreatic juice to split neutral fats with the liberation of free fatty acid was first described by Bernard. His discovery has since been corroborated for different animals, including man, by the use of normal pancreatic juice obtained from a fistula, or by the aid of the tissue of the fresh gland, or, finally, by means of extracts of the gland. When neutral fats (see Chemical section for the composition of fats) are treated with an extract containing steapsin, they take up water and then undergo cleavage (hydrolysis), with the production of glycerin and the free fatty acid found in the particular fat used. This reaction is explained by the following equation, in which a general formula for fats is used: C,H,(C,H,,,;C00), + 3H,O = C,;H,(OH), + 3(C,H,,,,COOH). Fat. Glycerin. Free fatty acid. The reaction in the case of palmitin would be— C,H,(C,;H,,COO), + 3H,O = C,H,(OH), + 3(C,,H,,COOH). Palmitin. Glycerin. Palmitic acid. While this action is undoubtedly caused by an enzyme, it has not been possible to isolate the so-called “steapsin” in a condition of even approximate purity. As a matter of fact also, ordinary extracts of pancreas, such as the laboratory extracts in glycerin, do not usually show the presence of this enzyme unless special precautions are taken in their preparation. It would seem that steapsin is easily destroyed. With fresh normal juice or with pieces of fresh pancreas the fat-splitting effect can be demonstrated easily. One striking method of making the demonstration is to use butter as the fat to be decomposed. If butter is mixed with normal pancreatic juice or with pieces of fresh pancreas, and the mixture is kept at the body-temperature, the several fats contained in butter will be decomposed and the corresponding fatty acids will be liberated, CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. — 245 among them butyric acid, which is readily recognized by its familiar odor, that of rancid butter. The action of steapsin, as in the case of the other enzymes, is very much influenced by the temperature. At the body-temper- ature the action is very rapid. The nature of the fat also influences the rapidity of the reaction; it may be said, in general, that fats with a high melting-point are less readily decomposed than those with a low melting- point. It has been shown, however, that even spermaceti, which is a body related to the fats and whose melting-point is 53° C., is decomposed, although slowly and imperfectly, by steapsin. The fat-splitting action of the steapsin undoubtedly takes place normally in the intestines, but it must not be supposed that all the fat eaten undergoes this process. On the contrary, it is believed that a small portion only of the fats and oils is affected by the steapsin, by far _ the larger portion remaining unaffected and being absorbed into the blood as neutral fat. What, then, is the physiological value of steapsin in the digestion and absorption of fats? This question is difficult to answer satisfactorily if one goes into the details. In general, however, it is commonly taught that the small part of the fat split by the steapsin into fatty acid and glycerin helps to emulsify the balance of the fat and thereby renders its absorption possible. The fat-splitting action of steapsin, then, is of indirect value in digestion, and its importance can be brought out best by describing the emulsification of fats and the conditions bringing this emulsification about. Emulsification of Fats.—An oil is emulsified when it is broken up into minute globules which do not coalesce, but which remain separate and more or less uniformly distributed throughout the medium in which they exist. Artificial emulsions can be made by shaking oil vigorously in viscous solutions of soap, mucilage, ete. Milk is a natural emulsion which separates partially on standing, some of the oil rising to the top to form cream. Bernard made the important discovery that when oil and pancreatic juice are shaken together an emulsion of the oil takes place very rapidly, especially if the temperature is about that of the body. The main cause of the emulsification has been shown to be the formation of free fatty acids due to the action of steapsin, and the union of these acids with the alkaline salts present to form soaps. This fact has been demonstrated by experiments of the following character : If a perfectly neutral oil is shaken with an alkaline solution (} per cent. sodium-carbonate solution), no emulsion occurs and the two liquids soon sepa- rate. If to the same neutral oil one adds a little free fatty acid, or if one uses rancid oil to begin with and shakes it with } per cent. sodium-carbonate solution, an emulsion forms rapidly and remains for a long time. Oil con- taining fatty acids when shaken with distilled water alone will not give an emulsion. It has been shown, moreover, by Gad.and Ratchford that with a certain percentage of free fatty acids (5$ per cent.) rancid oil and a sodium- carbonate solution will form a fine emulsion spontaneously—that is, without shaking. Shaking, however, facilitates the emulsification when the amount of free acid varies from this optimum percentage. In what way the formation of soaps in an oily liquid causes the oil to become emulsified is still a matter 246 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of speculation. It has been suggested that the soap forms a thin coating or membrane round the small oil-drops, thus preventing them from uniting. The splitting of the oil into small drops seems to be caused, in cases of spontaneous emulsification, by the act of formation of the soap—that is, the union of the alkali with the fatty acid—in other cases by the mechanical shaking, or by these two causes combined. The application of these facts to the action of the pan- creatic juice normally in the small intestine is easily made. When the chyme, containing more or less of liquid fat, comes into contact with the pancreatic juice, a part of the oil is quickly split by the steapsin, with the formation of free fatty acids. These acids unite with the alkalies and the alkaline salts present in the secretions of the small intestine (pancreatic juice, bile, intestinal juice) to form soaps. The formation of the soaps, aided, perhaps, by the peristaltic movements of the intestine, emulsifies the remainder of the fats and thus renders them ready for absorption. It has been suggested that the proteids in solution in the pancreatic juice aid in the emulsification, but there is no experimental evidence to show that this is the case. A factor of much more importance is the influence of the bile. In man the pancreatic juice and the bile are poured into the duodenum together, and in all mammals the two secre- tions are mixed with the food at some part of the duodenum. Now, it has been shown beyond question that a mixture of bile and pancreatic juice will cause a splitting of fats into fatty acids and glycerin much more rapidly than will the pancreatic juice alone.’ This effect of the bile is not due to the presence in it of a fat-splitting enzyme of its own: the bile seems merely to favor in some way the action of the steapsin contained in the pancreatic secre- tion. Bile aids the emulsification possibly in another way. To be efficient as emulsifiers the fatty acids must form soaps. The alkaline salts of the pancre- atic juice do not appear to be in a form in which they can be used readily for this purpose. It is supposed that the alkaline salts of the bile (and the intestinal juice) are therefore made use of. The mechanism of the absorption of the emulsified fat and the importance of bile in this process will be described subsequently. Intestinal Secretion.—The small intestine is lined with tubular glands, the crypts of Lieberkuhn, which are supposed to -form a secretion of consid- erable importance in digestion. To obtain the intestinal secretion, or succus entericus, as it is often called, recourse has been had to an ingenious operation for establishing a permanent intestinal fistula. This operation, which usually goes under the name of the “ Thiry-Vella fistula,” consists in cutting out a small portion of the intestine without injuring its supply of blood-vessels or nerves, and then sewing the two open ends of this piece into the abdominal wall so as to form a double fistula. The continuity of the intestines is estab- lished by suture, while the isolated loop with its two openings to the exterior can be used for collecting the intestinal secretion uncontaminated by partially- digested food. The secretion is always small in quantity, and it must be 1 Nencki: Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie u. Pharmakologie, vol. 20, 1886, p. 367 ; Ratch- ford: Journal of Physiology, 1891, vol. 12, p. 27. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. | 247 started by a stimulus of some kind. According to Réhmann,! it varies in quantity in different parts of the small intestine, being very scanty in the upper part and more abundant in the lower. The intestinal secretion is a yellowish liquid with a strong alkaline reaction. The reaction is due to the presence of sodium carbonate, the quantity of which is about 0.25 to 0.50 per cent. The chemical composition of the secretion has not been satisfactorily determined, but its digestive action has been investigated with success. Upon proteids and fats it is said to have no specific action—that is, it contains neither a proteolytic nor a fat-splitting enzyme. The possible value of its sodium carbonate in aiding the emulsification of fats has been referred to in the preceding paragraph. Upon carbobydrates the secretion has an important action. In the first place, it has been shown that it contains an amylolytic enzyme which is more abun- dant in the upper than in the lower part of the intestine. This enzyme doubt- less aids the amylopsin of the pancreatic secretion in converting starches to sugar (maltose) or sugar and dextrin. What is still more important, however, is the presence of inverting enzymes capable of converting cane-sugar (saccha- rose) into dextrose and levulose, and of a similar enzyme capable of changing maltose (or dextrin) to dextrose. Both of these effects are examples of the conversion of di-saccharides to mono-saccharides. ‘The di-saccharides of importance in digestion are cane-sugar, milk-sugar, and maltose. The first of these forms a common constituent of our daily diet ; the second occurs always in milk ; and the third, as we have seen, is the main end-product of the digestion of starches. These substances are all readily soluble, and we might expect that they would be absorbed directly into the blood without undergoing further change. As a matter of fact, however, it seems that they are first dissociated under the influence of the inverting enzymes into simpler mono-saccharide compounds, although in the case of lactose this statement is perhaps not entirely justified, our knowledge of the fate of this sugar during absorption being as yet quite incomplete. According to some authors, lactose is absorbed unchanged (see Chemical section). The general nature of this change is expressed in the three following reactions: C,,H,,0), + H,0 a C,H,,0, 43 C;H,,0,. Maltose. Dextrose. Dextrose. C,,H.01, ae H,O — C,H,,0, — C,H,,0,. Cane-sugar. Dextrose. Levulose. C,.H,,0,, + H,O = C;H,,0, + C;H120¢. Lactose. Dextrose. Galactose. For the reactions by means of which these different isomeric forms of sugar are distinguished reference must be made to the Chemical section. The final stage in the artificial digestion of starches is the formation of maltose or of a mixture of maltose and dextrins. In the intestines, however, the process is carried a step farther by the aid of the inverting enzymes, and the maltose, and appar- ently the dextrins also, are converted into dextrose. According to this descrip- tion, all of the starch is finally absorbed into the blood in the form of dextrose ; 1 Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1887, vol. 41, p. 411. 248 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. and this conclusion falls in with the fact that the sugar found normally in the blood exists always in the form of dextrose. With reference to the inverting enzymes found in the small intestine, it should be added that they occur more abundantly in the mucous membrane than in the secretion itself. Indeed, the secretion is normally so scanty, especially in the upper part of the intestine, that it cannot be supposed to do more than moisten the free surface, and it is probable that the action of the inverting enzymes takes place upon or in the mucous membrane, as the last step in the series of digestive changes of the carbohydrates immediately preceding their absorption. Digestion in the Large Intestine.—Observations upon the secretions of the large intestine have been made upon human beings in cases of anus preeter- naturalis in which the lower portion of the intestine (rectum) was practically isolated. These observations, together with those made upon lower animals, unite in showing that the secretion of the large intestine is mainly composed of mucus, as the histology of the mucous membrane would indicate, and that it is very alkaline, and probably contains no digestive enzymes of its own. When the contents of the small intestine pass through the ileo-ceecal valve into the colon they still contain a quantity of incompletely digested material mixed with the enzymes of the small intestine. It is likely, therefore, that some at least of the digestive processes described above may keep on for a time in the large intestine ; but the changes here of most interest are the absorption which takes place and the bacterial decompositions. ‘The latter are described ~ briefly below. Bacterial Decompositions in the Intestines.—Bacteria of different kinds have been found throughout the alimentary canal from the mouth to the rectum. In the stomach, however, under normal conditions, the strong acid reaction prevents the action of those putrefactive bacteria which decompose proteids, and prevents or greatly retards the action of those which set up fermentation in the carbohydrates. Under certain abnormal conditions known to us under the general term of dyspepsia, bacterial fermentation of the carbohydrates may be pronounced, but this must be-considered as pathological. In the small intestine the secretions are all alkaline, and it was formerly taken for granted that the intestinal contents-are normally alkaline. If this were so the bacteria would find a favorable environment. It was supposed that putre- faction of the proteids must certainly occur, especially during the act of tryptic digestion, and this supposition was borne out by the extraordinary readiness of ar- tificial pancreatic digestions to undergo putrefaction when not protected in some way. ‘Two recent cases’ of fistula of the ileum at its junction with the colon in. human beings have given opportunity for exact study of the contents of the small intestine. The results are interesting, and toa certain extent are opposed to the preconceived notions as to reaction and proteid putrefaction which have just been stated. They show that the contents of the intestine at the point where they are about to pass into the large intestine are acid, provided a mixed * Macfadyen, Nencki, and Sieber: Archiv fiir expermentelle Pathologie u. Pharmakologie, 1891, vol. 28, p. 311; Jakowski: Archives des Sciences biologiques, St. Petersburg, 1892, vol. 1. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. .— 249 diet is used, the acidity being due to organic acids (acetic) and being equal to 0.1 per cent. acetic acid. These acids must have come from the bacterial fer- mentation of the carbohydrates, and a number of bacteria capable of producing such fermentation were isolated. The products of bacterial putrefaction of the proteids, on the contrary, are absent, and it has been suggested that the acid reaction produced by the fermentation of the carbohydrates serves the useful purpose, under normal conditions, of preventing the putrefaction of the pro- teids. With reference, therefore, to the point we are discussing—namely, the bacterial decomposition of the contents of the intestines—we may conclude, upon the evidence furnished by these two cases, that in the human being, when living on a mixed diet, some of the carbohydrates undergo bacterial decompo- sition in the small intestine, but that the proteids are protected. We may further suppose that in the case of the proteids the limits of protection are easily overstepped, and that such a condition asa large excess of proteid in the diet or a deficient absorption from the small intestine may easily lead to exten- sive intestinal putrefaction involving the proteids as well as the carbohydrates, In the large intestine, on the contrary, the alkaline reaction of the secretion is more than sufficient to neutralize the organic acids arising from fermentation of the carbohydrates, and the reaction of the contents is therefore alkaline. Here, then, what remains of the proteids undergoes, or may undergo, putrefac- tion, and this process must be looked upon as a normal occurrence in the large intestine. The extent of the bacterial action upon the proteids as well as the carbohydrates may vary widely even within the limits of health, and if excessive may lead to intestinal troubles. Among the products formed in this way, the following are known to occur: Leucin, tyrosin, and other amido-acids; indol ; skatol; phenols; various members of the fatty-acid series, such as lactic, butyric, and caproic acids; sulphuretted hydrogen; methane; hydrogen ; methyl mercaptan, etc. Some of these products will be described more fully in treating of the composition of the feces. To what extent these products are of value to the body it is difficult, with our imperfect knowledge, to say. It has been pointed out, on the one hand, that some of them (skatol, fatty acids, CO,, CH,, and H,S) promote the movements of the intestine, and may be of value from this standpoint; on the other hand, some of them are absorbed into the blood, to be eliminated again in different form in the urine (indol and phenols), and it may be that they are of importance in the metab- olism of the body ; but concerning this our knowledge is deficient. On the whole, we must believe that the food in its passage through the alimentary canal is acted upon mainly by the digestive enzymes, the so-called “ unorgan- ized” ferments, but that the action of the bacteria, or organized ferments, is responsible for a part of the changes which the food undergoes before its final elimination in the form of feces. These two kinds of action vary greatly within normal limits, and to a certain extent they seem to be in inverse relationship to each other. When the digestive enzymes and secretions are deficient or ineffective the field of action for the bacteria is increased, and this seems to be the case in some pathological conditions, the result being intes- 250 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. tinal troubles of various kinds. The limits of normal bacterial action have not been worked out satisfactorily, but it is evident that our knowledge of digestion will not be complete until this is accomplished. E. Apsorption; Summary orf DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION OF THE Foop-sTuFFs; F'EcEs. In the preceding sections we have followed the action of the various digestive secretions upon the food-stuffs as far as the formation of the supposed end-products. In order that these products may be of actual nutritive value to the body, it is necessary, of course, that they shall be absorbed into the circulation and thus be distributed to the tissues. There are two possible routes for the absorbed products to take: they may pass immediately into the blood, or they may enter the lymphatic system, the so-called “ lacteals” of the alimentary canal. In the latter case they reach the blood finally before being distributed to the tissues, since the thoracic duct, into which the lym- phatics of the alimentary canal all empty, opens into the blood-vascular system at the junction of the left internal jugular and subclavian veins. The sub- stances which take this route are distributed to the tissues by the blood, but it is to be noticed that, owing to the sluggish flow of the lymph-circulation (see section on Circulation), a relatively long time elapses after digestion before they enter the blood-current. The products which enter the blood directly from the alimentary canal are distributed rapidly ; but in this case we must remember that they first pass through the liver, owing to the existence of the portal circulation, before they reach the general circulation. During this passage through the liver, as we shall find, changes of the greatest importance take place. The physiology of absorption is concerned with the physical and chemical means by which the end-products of digestion are taken up by the blood or the lymph, and the relative importance of the stomach, the small intestine, and the large intestine in this process. Leaving aside the fats, whose absorption is a special case, the absorption of the other products of digestion was formerly thought to be a simple physical process. The processes of osmosis, and to a lesser extent of filtration and imbibition, as they are known to occur outside the body, were supposed to account for the absorption of all the soluble products. This belief has now given way, in large part, to newer views, according to which the living epithelial cells take an active part in absorption, acting under laws peculiar to them as living substances, and different from the laws of diffusion, filtration, etc. established for dead membranes. Since, however, it is highly probable that osmosis plays a part in absorption, it will be convenient to give a brief definition of this process as it occurs outside the body, in order that the use made of it in explain- ing physiological absorption, as well as the objections to its use, may more easily be understood. ) Diffusion and Osmosis.—Certain liquids when brought into contact with each other gradually mix, owing to the attraction of the molecules for each CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. — 251 other, giving finally a solution of uniform composition. The process of mixing —that is, of the passage of the molecules of one liquid into the intermolecular spaces of the other—is called “ diffusion.” Some liquids—water and oil, for _ example—will not diffuse with each other, or, as ordinarily stated, they are not miscible. When two miscible liquids are separated by a membrane, diffusion still takes place through the substance of the membrane; the process under these conditions is called “ osmosis” or “dialysis,” and it occurs independently of any difference of pressure on the two sides, It is well to bear in mind that, in order that osmosis may occur, it is not necessary that there should be actual capillary pores in the membrane. We may suppose such pores to be entirely absent, and yet osmosis be possible, since the liquids in this case, or one of them at least, may be imbibed into the substance of the membrane and thus be brought into contact. Imbibition, or the swelling of a membrane with water, is, in fact, always preliminary to the process of osmosis. When two liquids containing soluble constituents in different proportions are separated by a membrane, the tendency is for osmosis to occur until an equable composition is found on the two sides, diffusion equilibrium being established. This pos- sibility cannot always be fulfilled, for the reason that some soluble substances do not undergo osmosis, or, as we usually say, are not dialyzable. As is well known, Graham separated soluble substances into two great classes—the crys- talloids, comprising most of the crystalline bodies, which are dialyzable ; and the colloids, such as gelatin, which are not dialyzable. The rapidity of osmosis of a crystalloid is measured by some form of osmometer. The simplest form con- sists of a glass tube the end of which is closed by a membrane—for example, a piece of parchment. If we place a strong solution of sodium chloride in such a tube and then bring the bottom of the membrane into contact with distilled _ water, diffusion will take place, sodium chloride passing through the parchment into the distilled water outside (exosmosis), and water passing back into the tube (endosmosis). The weight of water which passes into the salt solution is much greater than the weight of salt which passes into the distilled water. If the process is allowed to go on long enough, the proportion of sodium chloride outside and inside will be the same, but the volume of liquid inside the osmom- eter will be increased greatly. In an experiment of this character it is not difficult to determine what weight of water passes one way through the mem- brane for a given unit (1 gram) of the crystalloid passing the other way. On the supposition that this ratio is constant, it was determined for a number of crys- talloids, and represents what is known as the “endosmotic equivalent,” “<". As a matter of fact, the ratio is not constant: it varies among other things with the strength of solutions used. Still the term is often used ; and it isa convenient one, as it expresses the approximate rate of dialysis of different substances. Colloidal substances, such as albumin solutions, which dialyze very slightly, have been supposed to have a high osmotic equivalent, but so far at least as the proteids are concerned this seems to be an error. Recent work has shown that these bedies exert only a slight attraction for water." 1 See Heidenhain: Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesummte Physiologie, 1894, Bd. lvi. 8. 637. 252 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK ON PHYSIOLOGY. From this brief description it will be seen that osmosis supposes the existence of two miscible liquids lying on opposite sides of a membrane. In the alimentary canal we have this arrangement. The mucous membrane rep- resents the dialyzing membrane ; on one side is the blood or the lymph, and on the other side are the contents of the stomach or the intestine. If in the latter there is more sugar, let us say, than-in the blood, then, according to the principles of osmosis, the sugar will tend to dialyze through the mucous membrane into the blood, and a quantity of water corresponding to its endos- motie equivalent will pass back into the canal. The fact that the blood is in rapid movement should promote the rapidity of dialysis, for the obvious reason that it tends to prevent an equalization in composition; just as in ordinary osmosis, if the parchment tube containing the substance to be dialyzed is swung in running water, the osmosis will be more complete and more rapid than when it is suspended in a given bulk of water which is not changed. | With this brief exposition of the meaning of the terms diffusion, osmosis, and dialysis, let us pass on first to a consideration of the facts known with reference to the actual absorption that occurs in different parts of the alimentary canal. Absorption in the Stomach.—In the stomach it is possible that there might be absorption of the following substances: water; salts; sugars and dextrins, which may have been formed in salivary digestion from starch, or which may have been eaten as such; the proteoses and peptones formed in the peptic digestion of proteids or albuminoids. In addition, absorption of soluble or liquid substances—drugs, alcohol, ete.—which have been swallowed may occur. It was formerly assumed without definite proof that the absorp- tion in the stomach of such things as water, salts, sugars, and peptones was very important. Of late years a number of actual experiments have been made, under conditions as nearly normal as possible, to determine the extent of absorption in this organ. ‘These experiments have given unexpected results, showing, upon the whole, that absorption does not take place readily in the stomach—certainly nothing like so easily as in the intestine. The methods made use of in these experiments have varied, but the most interesting results have been obtained by establishing a fistula of the duodenum just beyond the pylorus." Through a fistula in this position substances can be introduced into the stomach, and if the cardiac orifice is at the same time shut off by a ligature or a small balloon, they can be kept in the stomach a given time, then be removed, and the changes, if any, be noted. After establishing the fistula in the duodenum food may be given to the animal, and the contents of the stomach as they pass out through the fistula may be caught and examined. The older methods of introducing the substance to be observed into the stomach through the cesophagus or through a gastric fistula were of little use, since, if the substance disappeared, there was no way of deciding whether it was absorbed or was simply passed on into the intestine. ‘Compare V. Mering: Ueber die Function des Magens, 1893; Edkins: Journal of Physiology, 1892, vol. 13, p. 445; Brandl: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1892, vol. 29, p. 277. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. — 253 Water.—Experiments of the character just described show that water when taken alone is practically not absorbed at all in the stomach. Von Mering’s experiments especially show that as soon as water is introduced into the stomach it begins to pass out into the intestine, being forced out in a series of spirts by the contractions of the stomach. Within a comparatively short time practically all the water can be recovered in this way, none or very little having been absorbed in the stomach. For example, in a large dog with a fistula in the duodenum, 500 cubic centimeters of water were given through the mouth. Within twenty-five minutes 495 cubic centimeters had been forced out of the stomach through the duodenal fistula. The result was not true for all liquids ; alcohol, for example, was absorbed readily. Salts.—The absorption of salts from the stomach has not been investigated thoroughly. According to Brandl, sodium iodide is absorbed very slowly or not at all in dilute solutions. Not until its solutions reach a concentration of 3 per cent. or more does its absorption become important. This result, if applicable to all the soluble inorganic salts, would indicate that under ordi- nary conditions they are practically not absorbed in the stomach, since it can- not be supposed that they are normally swallowed in solutions so concentrated as 3 per cent. It was found that the absorption of sodium iodide was very much facilitated by the use of condiments, such as mustard and pepper, or alcohol, which act either by causing a greater congestion of the mucous mem- brane or perhaps by directly stimulating the epithelial cells. Sugars and Peptones.—Experiments by the newer methods leave no doubt that sugars and peptones can be absorbed from the stomach. In Von Mering’s work different forms of sugar—dextrose, lactose, saccharose (cane-sugar), maltose, and also dextrin—were tested. They were all absorbed, but it was found that absorption was more marked the more concentrated were the solutions. Brandl, however, reports that sugar (dextrose) and peptone were not sensibly absorbed until the concentration had reached 5 per cent. With these sub- stances also the ingestion of condiments or of alcohol increased distinctly the absorptive processes in the stomach. On the whole it would seem that sugars and peptones are absorbed with some difficulty from the stomach. Fats.—As we have seen, fats undergo no digestive changesin the stomach. The process of emulsification is supposed to be a necessary preliminary step to absorption, and, as this process takes place only after the fats have reached the small intestine, there seems to be no doubt that in the stomach fats escape absorption entirely. Absorption in the Small Intestine.—The soluble products of digestion —sugars and peptones or proteoses, as well as the emulsified fats—are mainly absorbed in the small intestine. This we should expect from a mere @ priori consideration of the conditions prevailing in this part of the alimentary canal. The partially-digested food sent out from the stomach meets the digestive secretions in the beginning of the small intestine. As we.have seen, the differ- ent enzymes of the pancreatic secretion act powerfully upon the three important classes of food-stuffs, and we have every reason to believe that their digestion 254 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. makes rapid progress. The passage of the food along the small intestine, although rapid compared with its passage through the large intestine, requires a number of hours for its completion. According to the observations made upon a patient with a fistula at the end of the small intestine,’ food begins to pass into the large intestine in from two to five and a quarter hours after it has been eaten, and it requires from nine to twenty-three hours before the last portions reach the end of the small intestine; this estimate includes, of -course, the time in the stomach. During this progress it has been converted for the most part into a condition suitable for absorption, and the mucous membrane with which it is in contact is one peculiarly adapted for absorption, since its epithelial surface is greatly increased in extent by the vast number of villi as well as by the numerous large folds known as the “ valvule conniventes.” In addition to these considerations, however, we have abundant experimental proof that absorption takes place actively in the small intestine. The absorp- tion of fats can be demonstrated microscopically, as will be described presently. Experiments made by Réhmann?’ and others with isolated loops of intestine have shown that sugars and peptones are absorbed readily and in much more dilute solutions than in the stomach. Moreover, in the case just referred to, of an intestinal fistula at the end of the small intestine, a determination of the proteid present in the discharge from the fistula, after a test-meal contain- ing a known amount of proteid, showed that about 85 per cent. had disappeared —that is, had been absorbed before reaching the large intestine. With refer- ence to water and salts, it has been shown that they also are readily absorbed ; some very interesting experiments demonstrating this fact have been reported recently by Heidenhain in a paper which is referred to briefly on page 95. It must be remembered, however, that under normal conditions the absorption of water and salts is more or less compensated by the secretion formed along the length of the intestine, so that when the contents reach the ileo-ceecal valve they are still of a fluid consistency similar to that of the chyme as it left the stomach to enter the intestine. A consideration of the mechanism of the absorption of fats, sugars, peptones, and water will be taken up presently, after a few words have been said of absorption in the large intestine. Absorption in the Large Intestine.—There can be no doubt that absorp- tion forms an important part of the function of the large intestine. The contents pass through it with great slowness, the average duration being given usually as twelve hours, and while they enter through the ileo-ceecal valve in a thin fluid condition, they leave the rectum in the form of nearly solid feces. This fact alone demonstrates the extent of the absorption of water. As for. the sugar and peptones, examination of the intestinal contents as they entered the large intestine in the case of fistula cited in the preceding paragraph showed that there may still be present an important percentage of proteid (14 per cent.) and a variable amount of sugars and fats—more than is * Macfadyen, Nencki, and Sieber: Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie u. Pharmakologie, 1891, vol. 28, p. 311. : * Phliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1887, vol. 41, p. 411. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 255 found normally in the feces. Some of this carbohydrate and proteid under- goes destruction by bacterial action, as has already been explained (p. 249), but some of it is absorbed, or may be absorbed, before decomposition occurs. The power of absorption in the large intestine has been strikingly demon- strated by the fact that various substances injected into the rectum are absorbed and suffice to nourish the animal. Enemata of this character are frequently used in medical practice with satisfactory results, and careful experimental work on lower animals and on men under conditions capable of being properly controlled has corroborated the results of medical experience and shown that even in the rectum absorption takes place. Without giving the details of this work, it may be said that it is now known that proteids in solution, or even such things as eggs beaten to a fluid mass with a little salt, are absorbed from the rectum, and this notwithstanding the fact that no proteolytic enzyme is found in this part of the alimentary canal. The theoretical bearing of this fact upon the general process of absorption will be brought out in the next paragraph. Fats also (such as milk-fat) and sugars can be absorbed in the same way. Absorption of Proteids—As we have seen in the preceding paragraphs, absorption of proteids takes place in the stomach and the small and large intestines, but in all probability mainly in the small intestine. The end- products of the digestion of proteids by the proteolytic enzymes are proteoses and peptones. Tryptic digestion produces also leucin, tyrosin, and the related amido- bodies, but so far as proteid has undergone decomposition to this stage it is no longer proteid, and does not have the nutritive value of proteid. The logical conclusion from our knowledge of proteid digestion should be that all proteid is reduced to the form of proteoses or peptones before absorption, and that the great advantage of proteolysis is that proteids are more readily absorbed in this form than in any other. In the main we must accept this conclusion. The process of proteid digestion would seem to be without mean- ing otherwise. But we must not shut our eyes to the fact that proteid may be absorbed in other forms than peptones or proteoses. This has been demon- strated most clearly for the rectum and the lower part of the colon, as was stated in the preceding paragraph. Enemata of dissolved muscle-proteid (myosin), egg-albumin, etc. are absorbed from this part of the alimentary canal without, so far as can be determined, previous conversion to peptones and proteoses, and we must admit that the same power is possessed by other parts of the intestinal tract. It is probable, for instance, that the very first product of pepsin-hydrochloric digestion, syntonin, is capable of absorption directly. This fact, however, does not weaken the conclusion that peptones and proteoses are absorbed more easily than other forms of proteids, and that they constitute the form in which the bulk of our proteid is absorbed. Opinions as to why these forms of proteids are more easily absorbed than any other must vary with the theory held as to the nature of absorption. It was formerly believed that absorption is entirely a process of imbibition and osmosis through the mucous membrane. The fact that proteoses and peptones 256 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. are more easily diffusible than are other forms of proteids harmonized with this theory. The object of digestion, it was said, is to convert the insoluble and non-dialyzable proteids into soluble, diffusible peptones. But a study of the details of proteid absorption has shown that the process cannot be explained by the laws of simple dialysis which govern the process of diffusion through dead membranes. Proteids, like egg-albumin, which are practically non-dialyzable are absorbed readily from the intestine. Moreover, when one considers the rate of absorption of peptone from the alimentary tract, it seems to be much too rapid and complete to be accounted for entirely by the dif- fusibility of this substance as determined by experiments with parchment dialyzers. It is believed, therefore, that the initial act in the absorption of proteids is dependent in some way upon the properties of the living epithelial cells lining the mucous membrane. It is impossible at present to make this statement more specific. A second similar suggestion attributes the absorption of proteids to the leucocytes found so abundantly in the adenoid tissue of the intestine, but this has been shown by Heidenhain* and others to be incorrect. We say, then, in brief, that the peptones and _ proteoses are absorbed by a special activity of the epithelial cells. Are they then transferred to the blood or to the lymph? Experiments have shown conclusively that they are transmitted directly to the blood-capillaries: liga- ture of the thoracic duct, for example, which shuts off the entire lymph-flow coming from the intestine, does not interfere with the absorption of proteids. There is one other fact of great significance in connection with this sub- ject: the proteids are absorbed mainly, if not entirely, as proteoses and peptones, and they pass immediately into the blood; nevertheless, examination of the blood directly after eating, while the process of absorption is in full activity, fails to show. any peptones or proteoses in the blood. In fact, if these substances are injected directly into the blood, they behave as foreign, and even as toxic, bodies. In certain doses they produce insensibility with lowered blood-pressure, and they may bring on a condition of coma ending in death. Moreover, when present in the blood, even in small quantities, they are eliminated by the kidneys and are evidently unfit for the use of the tissues. It follows from these facts that while the peptones and proteoses are being absorbed by the epithelial cells they are at the same time changed into some other form of proteid. What this change is has not been determined. Experiments have shown that peptones disappear when brought into contact with fresh pieces of the lining mucous membrane of the intestine which are still in a living condition. The presumption is that the peptones and proteoses are converted to serum-albumin, or at least to a native albumin of some kind, but we have no definite knowledge beyond the fact that the peptones and proteoses, as such, disappear. It is well to call attention to the fact that the - digestion of proteids is supposed, according to the schema already described, to consist in a process of hydration and splitting, with the formation, probably, of smaller molecules. The reverse act of conversion of peptones back to albu- ' Pliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, vol. 48, 1888, supplement. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. ~~ 257 min implies, therefore, a process of dehydration and polymerization which presumably takes place in the epithelial cells. It is at this point in the act of absorption of proteids that our knowledge is most deficient. Absorption of Sugars.—The carbohydrates are absorbed mainly in the form of sugar or of sugar and dextrin. Starches are converted in the intes- tine into maltose or maltose and dextrin, and then by the inverting enzymes of the mucous membrane are changed to dextrose. Ordinary cane-sugar suffers inversion into dextrose and levulose before absorption, and milk-sugar possibly undergoes a similar inversion into dextrose and galactose, though less is known of this. So far as our knowledge goes, then, we may say that the carbohydrates of our food are eventually absorbed in the form mainly of dextrose or of dextrose and levuiose, leaving out of consideration, of course, the small part that normally undergoes bacterial fermentation. In accordance with this statement, we find that the sugar of the blood exists in the form of dextrose. It is apparently a form of sugar that can be oxidized very readily by the tissues. In fact, it has been shown that if cane-sugar is injected directly into the blood, it cannot be utilized, at least not readily, by the tissues, since it is eliminated in the urine; whereas if dextrose is introduced directly into the circulation, it is all consumed, provided it is not injected too rapidly. The sugars are soluble and dialyzable, but, as in the case of peptones, exact study of their absorption shows that it does not follow the known laws of osmosis, The degree of absorption of the different sugars does not vary directly with their diffusibility. Moreover in the small intestine at least the rate of absorption increases with the concentration of the solution only up to a certain point (with dextrose, 5 to 6 per cent.) at which the maximum of absorption takes place, whereas, if it were simply a case of osmosis, the rapidity of dif- fusion ought to increase with an increase in concentration of the solution on one side of the membrane. For these and for other reasons it seems that the absorption of sugars is also a special act depending, in all probability, upon the living epithelial cells. Their absorption seems to be effected by means similar to those used for the proteids, but the details of the act cannot be given. As in the case of the proteids, the absorbed sugars—dextrose or dex- trose and levulose—pass directly into the blood, and do not under normal conditions enter the lymph-vessels. This has been demonstrated by direct examination of the blood of the portal vein during digestion (Von Mering’), a distinct increase in its sugar-contents being found. Examination of the lymph shows no increase in sugar unless excessive amounts of carbohydrates have been eaten (Heidenhain). | Absorption of Fats.—Unlike the sugars and peptones, fats are absorbed chiefly in a solid form—that is, in an emulsified condition, There can be no question therefore, in this case, of osmosis; the process of absorption naust be of a mechanical nature. The details of the process have been worked out microscopically and have given rise to numerous researches. It is unnecessary to speak of the various theories that have been held, as it has been shown by 1 Du Bois-Reymond’s Arehiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1877, p. 413. 17 258 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. nearly all the recent work that the immediate agent in the absorption of fats is again the epithelial cells of the villi of the small intestine. The fat-droplets— are taken up by these cells, and can be seen microscopically after digestion in the act of passing, or rather of being passed, through the cell-substance. The epithelial cells, in other words, ingest the fat-particles lying against their free ends, and then pass them slowly through their cytoplasm, forcing them finally out of the basal end of the cells into the substance, the stroma, of the villus. Reference to the histology of the villi will show that each villus possesses a comparatively large lymphatic capillary lying in its middle and ending blindly, apparently, near the apex of the villus. Between this central lym- phatic—or lacteal, as it is called here—and the epithelium lies the stroma, or main substance of the villus, which, in addition to its blood-capillaries and plain muscle-fibres, consists mainly of lymphoid or adenoid tissue containing numerous leucocytes. The fat-droplets have to pass from the epithelium to the central lymphatic, for it is one of the most certain facts in absorption, and one which has been long known, that the fat absorbed in an emulsified con- dition gets eventually into the lacteals and thence is conveyed through the system of lymphatic vessels to the thoracic duct and finally to the blood. The name “ lacteal,” in fact, is given to the lymphatic capillaries of the villus on account of the milky appearance of their contents, after meals, caused by the emulsified fat. It should be added, however, that it has not been possible to demonstrate experimentally that all the absorbed fat passes into the thoracic duct. Attempts have been made to collect all the fat passing through the thoracic duct after a meal containing a known quantity of fat, but even after making allowance for the unabsorbed fat in the feces there is a considerable percentage of the fat absorbed which cannot be recovered from the lymph of the thoracic duct. While this result does not invalidate the conclusion stated above that the emulsified fat passes chiefly, perhaps entirely, into the lacteals, it does indicate that there are some factors concerned in the process of fat-absorption which are at present unknown to us. The passage of the fat- droplets to the central lacteal is not difficult to understand. The adenoid tissue of the stroma is penetrated by minute unformed lymph-channels which are doubtless connected with the central lacteal. In each villus lymph is continually formed from the circulating blood, so that there must be a slow stream of lymph through the stroma to the lacteal. When the fat-droplets have passed through the epithelial cells (and basement membrane) they drop into the interstices of the adenoid tissue and are carried in this stream into the lacteal. The lacteals were formerly designated as the “ absorbents,” under the false impression that they attended to all the absorption going on in the intestines, including that of peptones, sugars, and fats. It is now known that their action under ordinary conditions is limited to the absorption of fats. Absorption of Water and Salts.—From what has been said (p. 252) it is evident that absorption of water takes place very slightly, if at all, in the stomach. Whenever soluble substances, such as peptones, sugars, or salts, are absorbed in this organ, a certain amount of water must go with them, but the CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. © 259 bulk of the water passes out of the pylorus. In the small intestine absorption of water and of inorganic salts evidently takes place readily, and, according to the experiments of Réhmann and Heidenhain already referred to, the laws governing their absorption are different from what we should expect if the process were simply one of osmosis, The differences as regards the absorption of salts are especially emphasized by the experiments of Heidenhain.' Making use of an interesting method, for which reference must be made to the original paper, Heidenhain has shown that if dilute solutions of NaCl (0.3 to 0.5 per cent.) are introduced into an isolated loop of the small intestine, absorption of both water and salts takes place readily, in spite of the fact that in this case the blood is the more concentrated solution and has therefore the greater osmotic pressure. Moreover, specimens of the animal’s own blood-serum intro- duced into an intestinal loop are also completely absorbed, although in this case there is practically no difference in composition, as regards water and salts, between the blood of the animal and the serum introduced into the intestine. In another paper by Heidenhain’ he proved that the absorption of water in the small intestine, when ordinary amounts are ingested, takes place entirely through the blood-vessels of the villus, and not through the lacteals; when larger quantities of water are swallowed, a small part may be absorbed through the lacteals, as shown by the increased lymph-flow, but by far the larger quantity is taken up directly by the blood. In the large intestine the contents become progressively more solid as they approach the rectum; the absorption of water is such that the stream is mainly from the intestinal contents to the blood, giving us a phenomenon somewhat similar to the absorption of water by the roots of a plant. This process is difficult to understand upon the supposition that it is caused by osmosis, using that term in its ordinary sense. We must suppose an active attraction of a peculiar character for water on the part of some substance in the epithelial cells of the wall of the large intestine. Composition of the Feces.—The feces differ widely in amount and in composition with the character of the food. Upon a diet composed exclu- sively of meats they are small in amount and dark in color; with an ordinary mixed diet the amount is increased, and it is largest with an exclusively vege- table diet. The average weight of the feces in twenty-four hours upon a mixed diet is given as 170 grams, while with a vegetable diet it may amount to as much as 400 or 500 grams. The quantitative composition, therefore, will vary greatly with the diet. Qualitatively, we find in the feces the following things: (1) Indigestible material, such as ligaments of meat or cellulose from vegetables. (2) Undigested material, such as fragments of meat, starch, or fats which have in some way escaped digestion. Naturally, the quantity of this material present is slight under normal conditions. Some fats, however, are almost always found in feces, either as neutral fats or as fatty acids, and to a small extent as calcium or magnesium soaps. The quantity of fat found is 1 Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1894, vol. 56, p. 579. 2 Tbid., vol. 48, 1888, supplement. 260 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. increased by an increase of the fats in the food. (8) Products of bacterial decomposition. The most characteristic of these products are indol and skatol. These two substances are formed normally in the large intestine from the putrefaction of proteid material. They occur always together. Indol has the formula C,H,N, and skatol, which is a methyl] indol, the formula C,H,N. They are crystalline bodies possessing a disagreeble fecal odor; this is espe- ially true of skatol, to which the odor of the feces is mainly due. Indol and skatol are eliminated from the body only in part in the feces ; a certain propor- portion of each is absorbed into the blood and is eliminated in a modified form through the urine—indol as indican (indoxyl-sulphuric acid), from which indigo was formerly made, and skatol as skatoxyl-sulphuric acid (see Chemical section for further information as to the chemistry of these bodies), (4) Cholesterin, which is found always in small amounts and is probably derived from the bile. (5) Excretin, a crystallizable, non-nitrogenous substance to which the formula C,,H,;,SO, has been assigned, is found in minute quantities. (6) Mucus and epithelial cells thrown off from the intestinal wall. (7) Pigment. In addition to the color due to the undigested food or to the metallic compounds contained in it, there is normally present in the feces a pigment, hydrobilirubin, derived from the pigments (bilirubin) of the bile. ydrobilirubin is formed from the bilirubin by reduction in the intestine. (8) Inorganic salts—salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. The importance of the calcium and iron salts will be referred to again in a subsequent chapter, when speaking of their nutritive importance. (9) Micro-organisms, Great quantities of bac- teria of different kinds are found in the feces. In addition to the feces, there is found often in the large intestine a quantity of gas which may also be eliminated through the rectum. This gas varies in composition. The following constituents have been determined to occur at one time or another: CH,, CO,,H, N, H,S. They arise mainly from the bacterial fermentation of the proteids, although some of the N may be derived from air swallowed with the food. F. PuHysioLoGy oF THE LIVER AND THE SPLEEN. The liver plays an important part in the general nutrition of the body ; its functions are manifold, but in the long run they depend upon the properties of the liver-cell, which constitutes the anatomical and physiological unit of the organ. ‘These cells are seemingly uniform in structure throughout the whole substance of the liver, but to understand clearly the different functions they fulfil one must have a clear idea of their anatomical relations to one another and to the blood-vessels, the lymphatics, and the bile-ducts. The histology of the liver lobule, and the relationship of the portal vein, the hepatic artery, and the bile-duct to the lobule, must be obtained from the text-books upon histol- ogy and anatomy. It is sufficient here to recall the fact that each lobule is supplied with blood coming in part from the portal vein and in part from the hepatic artery. The blood from the former source contains the soluble prod- ucts absorbed from the alimentary canal, such as sugar and proteid, and these CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. - 261 absorbed products are submitted to the metabolic activity of the liver-cells before reaching the general circulation. The hepatic artery brings to the liver- cells the arterialized blood sent out into the systemic circulation from the left ventricle. In addition, each lobule gives origin to the bile-capillaries which arise between the separate cells and which carry off the bile formed within the cells. In accordance with these facts, the physiology of the liver-cell falls naturally into two parts—one treating of the formation, composition, and physi- ological significance of bile, and the other dealing with the metabolic changes produced in the mixed blood of the portal vein and the hepatic artery as it flows through the lobules. In this latter division the main phenomena to be studied are the formation of urea and the formation and significance of glycogen. Bile.—F rom a physiological standpoint, bile is partly an excretion carrying off certain waste products, and partly a digestive secretion playing an import- ant rdle inthe absorption of fats, and possibly in other ways. Bile is a con- tinuous secretion, but in animals possessing a gall-bladder its ejection into the duodenum is intermittent. For the details of the mechanism of its secretion, its dependence on nerve- and blood-supply, etc., the reader is referred to the section on Secretion. Bile is easily obtained from living animals by establishing a fistula of the bile-duct or, as seems preferable, of the gall-bladder. The latter operation has been performed a number of times on human beings. In some cases the entire supply of bile has been diverted in this way to the ex- terior, and it is an interesting physiological fact that such patients may con- tinue to enjoy good health, showing that, whatever part the bile takes normally in digestion and absorption, its passage into the intestine is not absolutely necessary to the nutrition of the body. The quantity of bile secreted during the day has been estimated for human beings of average weight (43 to 73 kilo- grams) as varying between 600 and 850 cubic centimeters. This estimate is based upon observations on cases of biliary fistula." Chemical analyses of the bile show that, in addition to the water and salts, it contains bile-pigments, bile-acids, cholesterin, lecithin, neutral fats and soaps, sometimes a trace of urea, and a mucilaginous nucleo-albumin formerly designated improperly as mucin. The last-mentioned substance is not formed in the liver-cells, but is added to the bile by the mucous membrane of the bile-ducts and gall-bladder. The quantity of these substances present in the bile must vary greatly in different animals and under different conditions. As an illustration of their relative importance in human bile and of the limits of variation the two following analyses by Hammarsten? may be quoted: i Il. eetewaret era sy. 5 ts ela are eel ay ea are 2.520 2.840 EME REM BTS ke dh. i ele Siero hia aap at a ats 97.480 97.160 Mucin and pigment .-...++ +e +++ ees caret 8jrikars eee 0.910 St RMR, ee Rr et Se ta le ete eg 0.931 0.814 Ce eS eee en Ones ae as 0.3034 0.053 1 Copeman and Winston : Journal of Physiology, 1889, vol. x. p. 213; and Robson: Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 1890, vol. 47, p. 499. 2 Reported in Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 1894, No. 8. 262 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. 3 il. AZPVOGCAOIAEG Sos a hs 8 bile uelt@iumie. ie faite Mean - 0.6276 0.761 PRULY ACIS IPORT DORI: sk se 6 0 ce oboe tek ee eae 0.1230 0.024 REMAP pe ee gee es a 8a ote tel pee rg eee 0.0630 0.096 caged Sneath Aes RMR Ae et ge, 0.0220 0.1286 Fat EAS Sa Sta ae Ae ee Sy Reycerst 0.8070 0.8051 Insoluble salts ...... FP Puppet el Sk 0.0250 0.0411 The color of bile varies in different animals according to the preponderance of one or the other of the main bile-pigments, bilirubin and biliverdin. The bile of carnivorous animals has usually a bright golden color, owing to the pres- ence of bilirubin, while that of the herbivora is a bright green from the biliverdin. The color of human bile seems to vary : according to some author- ities, it is yellow or brownish yellow, and this seems especially true of the bile as found in the gall-bladder of the cadaver: according to others, it is of a dark-olive color with the greenish tint predominating. Its reaction is feebly alkaline and its specific gravity varies in human bile from 1050 or 1040 to 1010. Human bile does not give an absorption spectrum, but the bile of some herbivora, after exposure to the air at least, gives a characteristic spectrum. The individual constituents of the bile will now be described more in detail, but with reference mainly to their origin, fate, and function in the body. For a description of their strictly chemical properties and reactions reference must be made to the Chemical section. Bile-pigments.—Bile, according to the animal from which it is obtained, contains one or the other, or a mixture, of the two pigments bilirubin and biliverdin. Biliverdin is supposed to stand to bilirubin in the relation of an oxidation product. Bilirubin is given the formula C,,H,,N,O,, and biliverdin C,,.H,,N,O,, the latter being prepared readily from pure specimens of the former by oxidation. These pigments give a characteristic reaction, known as “Gmelin’s reaction,” with nitric acid containing some nitrous acid (nitric acid with a yellow color). If a drop of bile and a drop of nitric acid are brought into contact, the former undergoes a succession of color changes, the order being green, blue, violet, red, and reddish yellow. The play of colors is due to successive oxidations of the bile-pigments; starting with bilirubin, the first stage (green) is due to the formation of biliverdin. The pigments formed in some of the other stages have been isolated and named. The reaction is very delicate, and it is often used to detect the presence of bile- pigments in other liquids—urine, for example. The bile-pigments originate from hemoglobin. This origin was first indicated by the fact that in old blood-clots or in extravasations there was found a crystalline product, the so-called “heematoidin,” which was undoubtedly derived from hemoglobin, and which upon more careful examination was proved to be identical with bilirubin. This origin, which has since been made probable by other reac- tions, is now universally accepted. It is supposed that when the blood- corpuscles go to pieces in the circulation (p. 343) the hemoglobin is brought to the liver, and then, under the influence of the liver-cells, is converted to an CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. . 263 iron-free compound, bilirubin or biliverdin. It is very significant to find that the iron separated by this means from the hemoglobin is for the most part retained in the liver, a small portion only being secreted in the bile. It seems probable that the iron held back in the liver is again used in some way to make new hemoglobin in the hematopoietic organs. The bile-pigments are carried in the bile to the duodenum and are mixed with the food in its long passage through the intestine. Under normal conditions neither bilirubin nor biliverdin is found in the feces, but in their place is found a reduction pro- duct, hydrobilirubin. Moreover, it is believed that some of the bile-pigment is reabsorbed as it passes along the intestine, is carried to the liver in the portal blood, and is again eliminated. That this action occurs, or may occur, has been made probable by experiments of Wertheimer’ on dogs. It happens that sheep’s bile contains a pigment (cholohematin) which gives a characteristic spectrum. If some of this pigment is injected into the mesenteric veins of a dog, it is eliminated while passing through the liver, and can be recognized unchanged in the bile. The value of this “circulation of the bile,” so far as the pigments are concerned, is not apparent. Bile-acids.—“ Bile-acids” is the name given to two organic acids, glyco- cholic and taurocholic, which are always present in bile, and, indeed, form very important constituents of that secretion; they occur in the form of their respective sodium salts, and not as uncombined acids, as the term “ bile-acids” might lead one to believe. In human bile both acids are usually found, but the proportion of taurocholate is variable, and in some cases this latter acid may be absent altogether. Among herbivora the glycocholate predominates as a rule, although there are some exceptions ; among the carnivora, on the other hand, taurocholate occurs usually in greater quantities, and in the dog’s bile it is present alone. Glycocholic acid has the formula C,,H,NO,, and taurocholie acid has the formula C,,H,,NSO,. Each of them can be obtained in the form of crystals. When boiled with acids or alkalies these acids take up water and undergo hydrolytic cleavage, the reaction being represented by the following equations : : C,H,NO, + H,O = C,H,0, + CH,(NH,)COOH. Glycocholie acid. - Cholie acid. Glycocoll (amido-acetic acid). C,,H,,NSO, + H,O = C,,H,0, + C,H,NSO,. Taurocholic acid. Cholic acid. Taurin (amido-ethyl- sulphonic acid). These reactions are interesting not only in that they throw light on the structure of the acids, but also because similar reactions doubtless take place in the intes- tine, cholic acid having been detected in the intestinal contents. As the for- mulas show, cholic acid is formed in the decomposition of each acid, and we may regard the bile-acids as compounds produced by the synthetic union of cholic acid with glycocoll in the one case and with taurin in the other. Cholic acid or its compounds, the bile-acids, are usually detected in suspected 1 Archives de Physiologie normale et pathologique, 1892, p. 577. 264 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. liquids by the well-known Pettenkofer reaction. As usually performed, the test is made by adding to the liquid a few drops of a 10 per cent. solution of eane-sugar and then strong sulphuric acid. The latter must be added carefully and the temperature be kept below 70° C. If bile-acids are present, the liquid assumes a beautiful red-violet color. It is now known that the reaction con- sists in the formation of a substance (furfurol) by the action of the acid on sugar, which then reacts with the bile-acids. The bile-acids are formed directly in the liver-cells. This fact, which was for a long time the subject of discussion, has been demonstrated in recent years by an important series of researches made upon birds. It has been shown that if the bile-duct is ligated in these animals, the bile formed is reabsorbed and bile-acids and pigments may be detected in the urine and the blood. If, however, the liver is com- pletely extirpated, then no trace of either bile-acids or bile-pigments can be found in the blood or the urine, showing that these substances are not formed elsewhere in the body than in the liver. It is more difficult to ascer- tain from what substances they are formed. The fact that glycocoll and taurin contain nitrogen, and that the latter contains sulphur, indicates that some proteid or albuminoid constituent is broken down during their pro- duction. A circumstance of considerable physiological significance is that these acids or their decomposition products are absorbed in part from the intestine and are again secreted by the liver: as in the case of the pigments, there is an intestinal-hepatic circulation. The value of this reabsorption may lie in the fact that the bile-acids constitute a very efficient stimulus to the bile-secreting activity of the cells, being one of the best of cholagogues, or it may be that it economizes material. From what we know of the history of the bile-acids it is evident that they are not to be considered as excreta: they have some important function to fulfil. The following suggestions as to their value have been made: In the first place, they serve as a menstruum for dissolving the cholesterin which is constantly present in the bile and which is an excretion to be removed ; secondly, they facilitate the absorption of fats from the intes- tine. The value of bile in fat-absorption will presently be referred to more in detail. It is an undoubted fact that when bile is shut off from the intes- tine the absorption of fats is very much diminished, and it has been shown that this action of the bile is owing to the presence of the bile-acids. In what way they act is unknown. Cholesterin.—Cholesterin is a non-nitrogenous substance of the formula C,,H,,O. It is a constant constituent of the bile, although it occurs in variable. quantities. Cholesterin is very widely distributed in the body, being found especially in the white matter (medullary substance) of nerve-fibres. It seems, moreover, to be a constant constituent of all animal and plant cells. It is assumed that cholesterin is not formed in the liver, but that it is eliminated by the liver-cells from the blood, which collects it from the various tissues of the body. That it is an excretion is indicated by the fact that it is eliminated unchanged in the feces. Cholesterin is insoluble in water or in dilute saline CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 265 liquids, and is held in solution in the bile by means of the bile-acids, We must regard it as a waste product of cell-life, formed probably in minute quantities, and excreted mainly through the liver. It is partly eliminated through the skin, in the sebaceous and sweat secretions, and in the milk, Lecithin, Fats, and Nucleo-albumin.— Lecithin also seems to be present, generally in small quantities, in the cells of the various tissues, but it occurs especially in the white matter of nerve-fibres. It is probable, therefore, that, so far as it is found in the bile, it represents a waste product formed in different parts of the body and eliminated through the bile. The special importance, if any, of the small proportion of fats and fatty acids in the bile is unknown. The ropy, mucilaginous character of bile is due to the presence of a body formed in the bile-ducts and gall-bladder. This substance was formerly designated as mucin, but it is now known that in ox-bile at least it is not a true mucin, but is a nucleo-albumin (see Chemical section). Ham- marsten reports that in human bile some true mucin is found. Outside the fact that it makes the bile viscous, this constituent is not known to possess any especial physiological significance. General Physiological Importance of Bile.—The physiological value of bile has been referred to in speaking of its several constituents, but it will be convenient here to restate these facts and to add a few remarks of general interest. Bile is of importance as an excretion in that it removes from the body waste products of metabolism, such as cholesterin, lecithin, and _bile- pigments. With reference to the pigments, there is evidence to show that a part at least may be reabsorbed while passing through the intestine, and be used again in some way in the body. The bile-acids represent end-products of metabolism involving the proteids of the liver-cells, but they are undoubt- edly reabsorbed in part, and cannot be regarded merely as excreta. As a digestive secretion the most important function attributed to the bile is the part it takes in the digestion of fats. In the first place, it aids in the splitting of a part of the neutral fats and the subsequent emulsification of the re- mainder (p. 246). More than this, bile aids materially in the absorption of the emulsified fats. A number of observers have shown that when a permanent biliary fistula is made, and the bile is thus prevented from reaching the intes- tinal canal, a large proportion of the fat of the food escapes absorption and is found in the feces. This property of the bile is known to depend upon the bile-acids it contains, but how they act is not clearly understood. It was formerly believed, on the basis of some experiments by Von Westinghausen, that the bile-acids dissolve or mix with the fats and at the same time moisten the mucous membrane, and for these reasons aid in bringing the fat into immediate contact with the epithelial cells. It was stated, for instance, that oil rises higher in capillary tubes moistened with bile than in similar tubes moistened with water, and that oil will filter more readily through paper moistened with bile than through paper wet with water. Gréper,' who repeated these experiments, finds that they are erroneous. We must fall back, 1 Archiv fiir Anatomie u. Physiologie (“ Physiol. Abtheilung”), 1889, p. 505. 266 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. therefore, upon the general statement that the bile-acids stimulate the epithe- lial cells to a greater activity in the absorption of fat, or possibly accomplish the same end in some more indirect way as yet undiscovered. It was formerly believed that bile is also of great importance in restraining the processes of putrefaction in the intestine. It was asserted that bile is an efficient antiseptic, and that this property comes into use normally in preventing excessive putre- faction. Bacteriological experiments made by a number of observers have shown, however, that bile itself has very feeble antiseptic properties, as is indicated by the fact that it putrefies readily. The free bile-acids and cholalic acid do have a-direct retarding effect upon putrefactions outside the body ; but this action is not very pronounced, and has not been demonstrated satis- factorily for bile itself. It seems to be generally true that in cases of biliary, fistula the feces have a very fetid odor when meat and fat are taken in the food. But the increased putrefaction in these cases may possibly be due to some indirect result of the withdrawal of bile. It has been suggested, for instance, that the deficient absorption of fat which follows upon the removal of the bile results in the proteid and carbohydrate material becoming coated with an insoluble layer of fat, so that the penetration of the digestive enzymes is retarded and greater opportunity is given for the action of bacteria. We may conclude, therefore, that while there does not seem to be sufficient warrant at present for believing that the bile exerts a direct antiseptic action upon the intestinal contents, nevertheless its presence limits in some way the extent of putrefaction. Lastly, bile takes a direct part in suspending or destroying peptic digestion in the acid chyme forced from the stomach into the duodenum. The chyme meeting with bile and pancreatic juice is neutralized or is made alkaline, which alone would prevent further peptonization. Moreover, when chyme and bile are mixed a precipitate occurs, consisting partly of proteids (proteoses and syntonin) and partly of bile-acids. It is probable that pepsin, according to its well-known property, is thrown down in this flocculent pre- cipitate and, as it were, prepared for its destruction. Glycogen.—-One of the most important functions of the liver is the for- mation of glycogen. This substance was found in the liver in 1857 by Claude Bernard, and is one of several brilliant discoveries made by him. Glycogen has the formula (C,H,,O,),, which is also the general formula given to vegetable starch ; glycogen is therefore frequently spoken of as “animal starch.” It gives, however, a port-wine-red color with iodine solutions, instead of the familiar deep blue of vegetable starch, and this reaction serves to detect glyco- gen not only in its solutions, but also in the liver-cells. Glycogen is readily soluble in water, and the solutions have a characteristic opalescent appearance. Like starch, glycogen is acted upon by amylolytic enzymes, and the end- products are apparently the same—namely, maltose, or maltose and some dex- trin. For a more complete account of the chemical reactions of glycogen, and for the methods of obtaining it from the liver, reference must be made to the Chemical section. . Occurrence of Glycogen in the Liver.—Glycogen can be detected in CHEMISTRY. OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 267 the liver-cells microscopically. If the liver of a dog is removed twelve or fourteen hours after a hearty meal, hardened in alcohol, and sectioned, the liver-cells will be found to contain clumps of clear material which give the iodine reaction for glycogen. Even when distinct aggregations of the glycogen cannot be made out, its presence in the cells is shown by the red reaction with iodine. By this simple method one can demonstrate the important fact that _the amount of glycogen in the liver increases after. meals and decreases again during the fasting hours, and if the fast is sufficiently prolonged it may dis- appear altogether. This fact is, however, shown more satisfactorily by quanti- tative determinations, by chemical means, of the total glycogen present. The amount of glycogen present in the liver is quite variable, being influenced by such conditions as the character and amount of the food, muscular exercise, body-temperature, drugs, etc. From determinations made upon various animals it may be said that the average amount lies between 1.5 and 4 per cent. of the weight of the liver. But this amount may be increased greatly by feeding upon a diet largely made up of carbohydrates. It is said that in the dog the total amount of liver-glycogen may be raised to 17 per cent., and in the rabbit to 27 per cent., by this means, while it is estimated for man (Neumeister) that the quantity may be increased to at least 10 per cent. It is usually believed that glycogen exists as such in the liver-cells, being depos- ited in the substance of the cytoplasm. Reasons have been brought forward recently to show that possibly this is not strictly true, but that the glycogen is held in some sort of weak chemical combination. It has been shown, for instance, that although glycogen is easily soluble in cold water, it cannot be extracted readily from the liver-cells by this agent. One must use hot water, salts of the heavy metals, and other similar means that may be supposed to break up the combination in which the glycogen exists. For practical purposes, however, we may speak of the glycogen as lying free in the liver-cells, just as we speak of hemoglobin existing as such in the red corpuscles, although it is probably held in some sort of combination. | Origin of Glycogen.—To understand clearly the views held as to the origin of liver glycogen, it will be necessary to describe briefly the effect of the different food-stuffs upon its formation. Liffect of Carbohydrates on the Amount of Glycogen.—The amount of zlycogen in the liver is affected very quickly by the quantity of carbohydrates in the food. If the carbohydrates are given in excess, the supply of glycogen may be increased largely beyond the average amount present, as has been stated above. Investigation of the different sugars has shown that dextrose, levulose, saccharose (cane-sugar), and maltose are unquestionably direct glycogen-formers, that is, that glycogen is formed directly from them or from the products into which they are converted during digestion. Now, our studies in digestion have shown that the starches are converted into maltose, or maltose and dextrin, during digestion, and, further, that these substances are changed or inverted to the simpler sugar dextrose during absorption. Cane-sugar, which forms such an important part of our diet, is inverted in the intestine into dextrose and 268 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. levulose, and is absorbed in this form. It is evident, therefore, that the bulk of our carbohydrate food reaches the liver as dextrose, or as dextrose and levulose, and these forms of sugar must be converted into glycogen in the liver-cells by a process of dehydration such as may be represented in substance by the formula C,H,,O, —H,O =C,H,,O;. In the case of levulose there is reason to believe that it is changed first to dextrose in the liver before being converted into glycogen. However that may be, there is no doubt that both dextrose and levulose increase markedly the amount of glycogen in the liver; and, since cane-sugar is inverted in the intestine before absorption, it also must be a good glycogen-former—a fact which has been abundantly demonstrated by direct experiment. Lusk’ has shown, however, that if cane-sugar is in- jected under the skin, it has a very feeble effect in the way of increasing the amount of glycogen in the liver, since under these conditions it is probably absorbed into the blood without undergoing inversion. Experiments with sub- cutaneous injection of lactose gave similar results, and it is generally believed that the liver-cells cannot convert the double sugars to glycogen, at least not readily ; hence the value of the inversion of these sugars in the alimentary canal before absorption. The relations of lactose to glycogen-formation have not been determined satisfactorily. If it contributes at all to the direct forma- tion of glycogen, it is certainly less efficient than dextrose, levulose, or cane- sugar. When the proportion of lactose in the diet is much increased, it quickly begins to appear in the urine, showing that the limit of its consumption in the body is soon reached. ‘This latter fact is somewhat singular, since in infancy especially milk-sugar forms a constant and important item of our diet, and one would suppose that it is especially adapted to the needs of the body, Liffect of Proteids on Glycogen-formation.—It was pointed out by Bernard, in his first studies upon glycogen-formation, that the liver can produce glycogen from proteid food. This conclusion has since been verified by more exact investigations. When an animal is fed upon a diet of proteid alone, or on proteid and gelatin, the carbohydrates being entirely excluded, glycogen is still formed in the liver, although in smaller amounts than in the case of carbohy- drate foods. ‘This is an important fact to remember in studying the metabo- lism of the proteids in the body, for, as glycogen is a carbohydrate and con- tains no nitrogen, it implies that the proteid molecule is dissociated into a nitrogenous and a non-nitrogenous part, the latter being converted to glycogen by the liver-cells. The possibility of the production of glycogen from proteids accords with a well-known fact in medical practice with reference to the path- ological condition known as diabetes. In this disease sugar is excreted in the urine, sometimes in large quantities. As the sugar of the blood is formed from the carbohydrates in the food, it was thought that by excluding this food-stuff from the diet the excretion of sugar might be prevented. It has been found, however, that in some cases at least sugar continues to be present in the urine even upon a pure proteid diet. If we suppose that some of the proteid goes to form glycogen, the result observed is explained, for the gly- * Voit: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1891, xxviii. p. 285. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. ° 269 cogeni, as will be explained presently, is finally converted to sugar and is given off to the blood. Effect of Fats and other Substances upon Glycogen-formation.—It has been found that fats take no part in the formation of liver glycogen. Glycerin increases the amount of glycogen in the liver, but the evidence goes to show that it is not a direct or an indirect glycogen-former. Glycerin seems to prevent the reconversion of glycogen to sugar by the liver-cells, and thus leads to an increased percentage of this substance in the liver. The Function of Glycogen: Glycogenic Theory.—The meaning of the formation of glycogen in the liver has been, and still is, the subject of discussion. The view advanced first by Bernard is perhaps most generally accepted. Ac- cording to Bernard, glycogen forms a temporary reserve supply of carbohydrate material which is laid up in the liver during digestion and which is gradually made use of in the intervals between meals. During digestion the carbohy- drate food is absorbed into the blood of the portal system as dextrose or as dextrose and levulose. If these passed through the liver unchanged, the con- tents of the systemic blood in sugar would be increased perceptibly. It is now known that when the percentage of sugar in the blood rises above a certain low limit, the excess will be excreted through the kidney and will be lost. But as the blood from the digestive organs passes through the liver the ex- cess of sugar is abstracted from the blood by the liver-cells, is dehydrated to make glycogen, and is retained in the cells in this form for a short period. From time to time the glycogen is reconverted into sugar (dextrose) and is given off to the blood. By this means the percentage of sugar in the systemic blood is kept nearly constant (0.1 to 0.2 per cent.) and within limits best adapted for the use of the tissues. The great importance of the formation of glycogen and the consequent conservation of the sugar-supply of the tissues will be more evident when we come to consider the nutritive value of carbohydrate food. Carbohydrates form the bulk of our usual diet, and the proper regula- tion of the supply to the tissues is therefore of vital importance in the main- tenance of a normal healthy condition. The second part of this theory, which holds that the glycogen is reconverted to dextrose, is supported by observations upon livers removed from the body. It has been found that shortly after the removal of the liver the supply of glycogen begins to disappear and a corre- sponding increase in dextrose occurs. Within a comparatively short time all the glycogen is gone and only dextrose is found. It is for this reason that in the estimation of glycogen in the liver it is necessary to mince the organ and to throw it into boiling water as quickly as possible, since by this means the liver- cells are killed and the conversion of the glycogen is stopped. How the glycogen is changed to dextrose by the liver is a matter not fully explained. According to some, the conversion is due to an enzyme produced in the liver. Extracts of liver, as of many other organs, do contain a certain amount of an amylolytic enzyme, but this enzyme changes glycogen to maltose, whereas in the liver the glycogen is normally changed to dextrose. It is probable, therefore, that the conversion of glycogen to dextrose is dependent directly upon the 270 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. metabolic activity of the liver-cells, and so long as these cells are in a living condition they can effect this change. In this description of the origin and meaning of the liver glycogen reference has been made only to the glycogen derived directly from digested carbohydrates. The glycogen derived from proteid foods, once it is formed in the liver, has, of course, the same functions to fulfil. It is converted into sugar, and eventually is oxidized in the tissues. or the sake of completeness it may be well to add that some of the sugar of the blood formed from the glycogen may under certain conditions be converted into fat in the adipose tissues, instead of being burnt, and in this way it may be retained in the body as a reserve supply of food of a more stable character than is the glycogen. Glycogen in the Muscles and other Tissues.—The history of glycogen is not complete without some reference to its occurrence in the muscles. Glycogen is, in fact, found in various places in the body, and is widely distributed through- out the animal kingdom. It occurs, for example, in leucocytes, in the placenta, in the rapidly-growing tissues of the embryo, and in considerable abundance in the oyster and other molluscs. But in our bodies and in those of the mam- mals generally the most significant occurrence of glycogen, outside of the liver, is in the voluntary muscles, of which glycogen forms a normal constituent. It has been estimated that the percentage of glycogen in resting muscle varies from 0.5 to 0.9 per cent., and that in the musculature of the whole body there may be contained an amount of glycogen equal to that in the liver itself. - Apparently muscular tissue, as well as liver-tissue, has a glycogenetic fune- tion—that is, it is capable of laying up a supply of glycogen from the sugar brought to it by the blood. The glycogenetic function of muscle has been demonstrated recently by Kulz,' who has shown that an isolated muscle irrigated with an artificial supply of blood to which dextrose had been added is capable of changing the dextrose to glycogen, as shown by the increase in the latter sub- stance in the muscle after irrigation. Muscle glycogen is to be looked upon, probably, for reasons to be mentioned in the next paragraph, as a temporary and local reserve supply of material, so that, while we have in the liver a large general depot for the temporary storage of glycogen for the use of the body at large, the muscular tissue, which is the most active tissue of the body from a chemical standpoint, is also capable of laying up in the form of glycogen any excess of sugar brought to it. The fact that glycogen occurs so widely in the rapidly-growing tissues of embryos indicates that this glycogenetic func- tion may at times be exercised by any tissue. — Conditions Affecting the Supply of Glycogen in Muscle and Liver.—. In accordance with the view given above of the general value of glycogen— namely, that it is a temporary reserve supply of carbohydrate material which _may be rapidly converted to sugar and oxidized with the liberation of energy— it is found that the supply of glycogen is greatly affected by conditions calling for increased oxidations in the body. Muscular exercise will quickly exhaust the supply of muscle and liver glycogen, provided it is not renewed by new food. | Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1890, p. 237. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 271 In a starving animal glycogen will finally disappear, except perhaps in traces, but this disappearance will occur much sooner if the animal is made to use its muscles at the same time. It has been shown also by Morat and Dufourt that if a muscle has been made to contract vigorously, it will take up much more sugar from an artificial supply of blood sent through it than a similar muscle which has been resting; on the other hand, it has been found that if the nerve of one leg is cut so as to paralyze the muscles of that side of the body, the amount of glycogen will increase rapidly in these muscles as compared with those of the other leg, that have been contracting meantime and using up their glycogen. Formation of Urea in the Liver.—The nitrogen contained in the proteid material of our food is finally eliminated, after the metabolism of the proteid is completed, mainly in the form of urea. As will be explained in another part of this section, it has been definitively proved that the urea is not formed in the kidneys, the organs which eliminate it. It has long been considered a matter of the greatest importance to ascertain in what organ or tissues urea is formed. Investigations have now gone so far as to demonstrate that it arises chiefly in the liver, hence the property of forming urea must be added to the other important functions of the liver-cell. Schréder’ performed a number of experiments in which the liver was taken from a freshly-killed dog and irri- gated through its blood-vessels by a supply of blood obtained from another dog. If the supply of blood was taken from a fasting animal, then circulating it through the isolated liver was not accompanied by any increase in the amount of urea contained in it. If, on the contrary, the blood was obtained from a well-fed dog, the amount of urea contained in it was distinctly increased by passing it through the liver, thus indicating that the blood of an animal after digestion contains something which the liver can convert to urea. It is to be noted, moreover, that this power is not possessed by the organs generally, since blood from the well-fed animals showed no increase in urea after being circu- lated through an isolated kidney or muscle. As further proof of the urea- forming power of the liver Schroder found that if ammonium carbonate was added to the blood circulating through the liver—to that from the fasting as well as from the well-nourished animal—a very decided increase in the urea always followed. It follows from the last experiment that the liver-cells are able to convert carbonate of ammonia into urea. The reaction may be ex- pressed by the equation (NH,),CO, —2H,O = CON,H,. Schéndorff? in some recent work has shown that if the blood of a fasting dog is irrigated through the hind legs of a well-nourished animal, no increase in urea in the blood can be detected ; but if the blood, after irrigation through the hind legs, is subse- quently passed through the liver, a marked increase in urea results. Obviously, the blood in this experiment derives something from the tissues of the leg which the tissues themselves cannot convert to urea, but which the liver-cells can. Finally, in some remarkable experiments upon dogs made by four in- vestigators (Hahn, Massen, Nencki, and Pawlow), which will be described 1 Arehiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, vols. xv.and xix., 1882 and 1885. 2 Phliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1893, vol. liv. p. 420. 272 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. briefly in the next section in connection with urea, it was shown that when the liver is practically destroyed there is a marked diminution in the urea of the urine, its place being taken by carbamic acid. In birds uric acid takes the place of urea as the main nitrogenous excretion of the body, and Minkowski has shown that in them removal of the liver is followed by an important diminution in the amouut of uric acid excreted. From experiments such as these it is safe to conclude that urea is formed in the liver and is then given to the blood and excreted by the kidney. When we come to describe the physiological history of urea (p. 274), an account will be given of the views held with regard to the antecedent substance or substances from which the liver produces urea. ‘Physiology of the Spleen.—Much has been said and written about the spleen, but we are yet in the dark as to the distinctive function or functions of this organ. The few facts that are known may be stated briefly without going into the details of theories which have been offered at one time or another. The older experimenters demonstrated that this organ may be removed from the body without serious injury to the animal. An increase in the size of the lymph-glands and of the bone-marrow has been stated to occur after extirpation ; but this is denied by others, and, whether true or not, it gives but little clue to the normal functions of the spleen. Laudenbach’ finds that one result of the removal of the spleen is a marked diminution in the number of red corpuscles and the quantity of hemoglobin. He infers, therefore, that the spleen is normally concerned in some way in the formation of red corpuscles. These facts are significant, but they need, perhaps, further confirmation. The most definite facts known about the spleen are in connection with its moye- ments. It has been shown that there is a slow expansion and contraction of the organ synchronous with the digestion periods. After a meal the spleen begins to increase in size, reaching a maximum at about the fifth hour, and then slowly returns to its previous size. This movement, the meaning of which is not known, is probably due to a slow vaso-dilatation, together, perhaps, with a relaxation of the tonic contraction of the musculature of the trabecule. In addition to this slow movement, Roy? has shown that there is a rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the organ, occurring in cats and dogs at intervals of about one minute. Roy supposes that these contractions are effected through the intrinsic musculature of the organ—that is, the plain muscle-tissue present in the capsule and trabecule—and he believes that the contractions serve to keep up a circulation through the spleen and to make its vascular supply more or less independent of variations in general arterial pressure. These observa- tions are valuable as indicating the importance of the spleen functions. The fact that there is a special local arrangement for maintaining its circulation makes the spleen unique among the organs of the body, but no light is thrown upon the nature of the function fulfilled. The spleen is supplied richly with nerve-fibres which when stimulated either directly or reflexly cause the organ to diminish in volume. According to Schaefer,’ these fibres are contained in * Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 1895, Bd. ix. 8.1. ? Journal of Physiology, 1881, vol. iii. p. 203. * Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 1896, vol. lix., No. 355. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 272 the splanchnic nerves, which carry also inhibitory fibres whose stimulation pro- duces a dilatation of the spleen. The chemical composition of the spleen is complicated but suggestive. Its mineral constituents are characterized by a large percentage of iron, which seems to be present as an organic compound of some kind. Analysis shows also the presence of a number of fatty acids, fats, cholesterin, and, what is perhaps more noteworthy, a number of nitrogenous extractives such as xanthin, hypoxanthin, adenin, guanin, and uric acid. The presence of these bodies seems to indicate that active metabolic changes of some kind occur in the spleen. As to the theories of the splenic functions, the following may be mentioned : (1) The spleen has been supposed to give rise to new red corpuscles. This it undoubtedly does during fetal life and shortly after birth, and in some animals throughout life, but there is no reliable evidence that the function is retained in adult life in man or in most of the mammals. (2) It has been supposed to be an organ for the destruction of red corpuscles. This view is founded partly on very unsatisfactory microscopic evidence according to which certain large amceboid cells in the spleen ingest and destroy the old red corpus- cles, and partly upon the fact that the spleen-tissue seems to be rich in an iron- containing compound. This theory cannot be considered at present as anything more than a suggestion. (3) It has been suggested that uric acid is produced in the spleen. This substance is found in the spleen, as stated above, and it has been shown recently by Horbacewsky that the spleen contains a substance from which uric acid or xanthin may readily be formed ; but further investiga- tion has shown that the same substance is found in lymphoid tissue generally. If, therefore, uric acid is produced in the spleen, it is a function of the large amount of lymphoid tissue contained in it, and a function which it shares with similar tissues in the rest of the body. The lymphoid tissue of the spleen must also possess the property of producing lymphocytes, since, according to the gen- eral view, these corpuscles are formed in lymphoid tissue generally wherever the so-called “ germ-centres” occur. (4) Lastly, a theory has been supported by Schiff and Herzen, according to which the spleen produces something (an enzyme) which, when carried in the blood to the pancreas, acts upon the tryp- sinogen contained in this gland, converting it into trypsin. The experimental evidence upon which this view rests has not been confirmed by other observers. G. Tue KipNry AND THE SKIN AS ExcrEeToRY ORGANS. The secretion of the kidneys is the wrine. The means by which this secre- tion is produced, its relations to the histological structure of the kidney, and its connections with the blood- and nerve-supply of that organ will be found described in the section on Secretion. In this section will be discussed only the chemical composition of urine, and especially the physiological significance of its different constituents. The urine of man isa yellowish liquid varying greatly in depth of color. It has an average specific gravity of 1020, and an acid reaction. The acid reaction is not due to a free acid, but to an acid salt, the acid phosphate of sodium (NaH,PO,). Under certain normal conditions 18 274 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. human urine may show a neutral or even a slightly alkaline reaction, especially after meals. In fact, the reaction of the urine seems to depend directly on the character of the food. Among carnivorous animals the urine is uniformly acid, and among herbivorous animals it is uniformly alkaline, so long as they are using a vegetable diet, but when starving or when living upon the mother’s milk—that is, whenever they are existing upon a purely animal diet— the urine becomes acid.. The explanation, as given by Drechsel, is that upon an animal diet more acids are produced (from the sulphur and phosphorus) than the bases present can neutralize, whereas upon a vegetable diet carbonates are formed from the oxidation of the organic acids of the food in quantities sufficient to neutralize the mineral acids. The chemical composition of urine is very complex. Among the constituents constantly present under the conditions of normal life we have, in addition to water and inorganic salts, the following substances: Urea; uric acid; xanthin; creatinin; hippurie acid; the urinary pigments (urobilin) ; sulphocyanides in traces ; acetone; oxalic acid, probably as calcium oxalate ; several ethereal sulphuric acids, such as phenol and cresol sulphuric acids, indoxy] sulphuric acid (indican), and skatoxyl sulphuric acid; aromatic oxy-acid; some combinations of glycuronic acid ; some representa- tives of the fatty acids; and dissolved gases (N and CO,). This list would be very much extended if it attempted to take in all those substances occasion- ally found in the urine. The complexity of the composition and the fact that so many different organic compounds occur or may occur in small quantities is readily understood when we consider the nature of the secretion. Through the kidneys there are eliminated not only what we might call the normal end- products of the metabolism of the tissues, excluding the CO,, but also, in large part, the products of decomposition in the alimentary canal, the end- products of many organic substances occurring in our foods and not usually classed as food-stuffs, foreign substances introduced as drugs, ete., all of which are eliminated either in the form in which they are taken or as derivative products of some kind. We shall speak briefly of the most important of the normal constituents, dwelling especially upon their origin in the body and their physiological significance. For details of chemical properties, reactions, meth- ods of preparation, etc. reference must be made to the Chemical section. Urea.—Urea, which is given the formula CH,N,O, is usually considered as an amide of carbonic acid, having therefore the structural formula of CO ethene ee rt CPS ee! Fete rain and Cord... A ee 8s i th ela Remireie DRIP i Se ee SE: ff ANE hisieniesn tao} a: Paya’ op ea SY ae Se ates SN ee TT eC ar ee Srl * : ani According to these results, the greatest absolute loss was in the muscles (429 grams), while the greatest percentage loss was in the fat (97 per cent.), which had practically disappeared from the body. It is very significant that the central nervous system and the heart, organs which we may suppose were 1m continual activity, suffered no loss of weight: they had lived at the expense of 302 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the other tissues. We must suppose that in a starving animal the fat and the proteid material, particularly that of the voluntary muscles, pass into solution in the blood, and are then used to nourish the tissues generally and to supply the heat necessary to maintain the body-temperature. Examination of the excreta in starving animals has shown that a greater quantity of proteid is destroyed during the first day or two than in the subsequent days. ‘This fact is explained on the supposition that the body is at first richly supplied with “circulating proteid” derived from its previous food, and that after this is metabolized the animal lives entirely, se-far as proteid-consumption is concerned, upon its “tissue proteid.”” The general fact that: the loss of proteid is great- est during the first one or two days of starvation has been confirmed. recently upon men, in a number of interesting experiments made upon professional fasters. For the numerous details as to loss of weight, variations of tempera- ture, etc., carefully recorded in these latter experiments, reference must. be made to original sources.’ It may be added, in conclusion, that the fatter the body is to begin with, the longer will starvation be endured, and that if water is con- sumed freely the evil effects of starvation, as well : as the disagreeable sensations of hunger, are very much reduced. Potential Energy of Food.—The chemical changes occurring in the body are accompanied by a liberation of energy in different forms—for example, as heat, electricity, and mechanical work. By far the most of this energy takes the form, directly or indirectly, of heat. Even when the muscles are apparently at rest we know that they are undergoing chemical changes which give rise to heat. When a muscle contracts, the greater part (four-fifths) of the energy liberated by the chemical change takes the form of heat; a-much smaller — part (about one-fifth as a maximum) may perform mechanical work, whieh in turn, as in the case of the respiratory muscles and the heart, may be eon- verted to heat within the body. Roughly speaking, an adult man gives off from his body in the course of twenty-four hours about 2,400,000 calories of heat (1 calorie = the heat necessary to raise 1 cubic centimeter of water 1° C.). This supply of heat is derived from the metabolism or physiological oxidation of the proteids, the fats, and the carbohydrates which we take into the body in our food. By means of the oxygen absorbed through the lungs these substances are burnt, with the formation of CO,, H,O, and urea or some. similar nitrog- enous waste product. In the long run, then, the source of body-energy is found in the potential. energy contained in our food. Our energy-yielding foods— proteids, fats, and carbohydrates—are more or less complex bodies which are built up originally by plant organisms with the consumption of solar energy ; when they are burnt or otherwise destroyed, with the formation of simpler bodies (such as CO, or H,O), the contained potential energy is liberated in the form of heat, and this is what occurs in the body. From the standpoint of the law of conservation of energy it is easy to understand that the amount of available energy in any food-stuff may be determined by burning it outside the body and measuring the quantity of heat. liberated. If a gram of sugar is 1 Virchow’s Archiv, vol. 131, supplement, 1893, and Luciani, Das. Hungern, 1890. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 303 burnt, it is converted to CO, and H,O and a certain quantity of heat is liber- ated; if the same gram of sugar had been taken into the body, it would event- ually have been reduced to the form of CO, and H,0, and the total quantity of heat liberated would have been the same as in the combustion outside the body, although the destruction of the sugar in the body may not be a direct, but an indirect, oxidation ; that is, the oxygen may first be combined with sugar and other food-stuffs to form a complex molecule which afterward dissociates into simpler compounds similar to those obtained by direct oxidation, or there may be first a dissociation or cleavage followed by oxidation of the dissociation products. In determining the total energy given to the body we need only consider the form in which a substance enters the body and the form in which it is finally eliminated. In the case of proteids the combustion in the body is not so complete as it is outside; the final products are CO,, H,O, and urea; _ the urea, however, still contains potential energy which may be liberated by combustion, and in determining the energy of proteid available to the body, that which is lost in the urea must be deducted. As a matter of fact, there is some evidence (see origin of urea, p. 276) to show that proteid in the body is completely oxidized to CO,, H,O, and NH,; but, since the NH, in this case recombines with a part of the CO, and the H,O to form ammonium carbamate, and this in turn is converted into urea, the additional energy liberated in the first combustion is balanced by that absorbed in the synthetic production of the urea. ‘The potential energy of the fats, carbohydrates, and proteids can be determined by combustion outside the body ; the energy liberated is measured in terms of heat by some form of calorimeter, and the quantity of heat so obtained, expressed in calories, is known usually as the “combustion equiva- lent.” To be perfectly accurate, each particular form of fat, proteid, ete. should be burnt and its energy be determined, but usually average figures are employed, as the amount of heat given off by the different varieties of any one food-stuff—proteids, for example—does not vary greatly. According to Stoh- mann, 1 gram of beef deprived of fat = 5641 calories, while 1 gram of veal gives 5663 calories. For muscle extracted with water, Rubner obtained the following figures: 1 gram==5778 calories. The combustion equivalent of urea (Rubner) is 2523 calories. Since 1 gram of proteid yields about one-third of a gram of urea, we must deduct 841 calories from the combustion equivalent of one gram of proteid to get its available energy to the body: 5778 —841= 4937 calories. The combustion equivalents of fats and carbohydrates, as given by Stohmann, are: 1 gram of fat 9312 calories; 1 gram of starch = 4116 calories. Weight for weight, fat contains the most energy, and, as we know, in cold weather and in cold climates the proportion of fat in the food is inereased. In dietetics, however, the use of fat is limited by the difficulty attending its digestion and absorption as compared with carbohydrates. Fats and carbohydrates have the same general nutritive value to the body: they serve to supply energy. Since the amount of potential energy contained in each of these substances may be determined accurately by means of its com- bustion equivalent, it would seem probable that they might be mutually 304 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. interchangeable in dietetics in the ratio of their combustion equivalents. Such, in fact, is the case. The ratio of interchange is known as the “ iso- dynamic equivalent,” and it is given usually as 1: 2.4 or 2.2; that is, fats may replace over twice their weight of carbohydrate in the diet. It follows from the general principles just stated that if we wished to know the amount of heat produced in the body in a given time, say twenty-four hours, we might: ascertain it in one of two ways: In the first place, the animal might be placed in a calorimeter and the heat given off in twenty-four hours be measured directly. This method, which is that of direct calorimetry, is described more completely in the section treating of Animal Heat. Secondly, one might. feed the animal upon a diet containing known quantities of proteid, fats, and carbohydrates, and by collecting the total N and C excreta determine how much of each of these had been destroyed in the body. Knowing the combustion equivalent of each, the total quantity of heat liberated in the body could be ascertained. This latter method is known as indirect calorimetry. The two methods, if applied simultaneously to the same animal, should give identical results.. It is very interesting to know that an experiment of this character has been successfully performed by Rubner ;* his experiments were made with the greatest accuracy and with careful attention to all the possible sources of error, and it was found that the quantities of heat as determined by the two methods agreed to within less than 0.5 per cent. These experiments are note- worthy because they furnish us with the first successful experimental demon- stration of the accuracy of the general principles, stated above, upon which the available energy of foods is calculated. Dietetics.—The subject of the proper nourishment of individuals or col- lections of individuals—armies, inmates of hospitals, asylums, prisons, ete.— is treated usually in books upon hygiene, to which the reader is referred for _ practical details. The general principles of dieting have been obtained, how- ever, from experimental work upon the nutrition of animals. These principles have been stated more or less completely in the foregoing pages, but some additional facts of importance may be referred to conveniently at this point. In a healthy adult who has attained his maximum weight and size the main object of a diet is to furnish sufficient nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous food- stuffs, together with salts and water, to maintain the body in equilibrium— that is, to prevent loss of proteid tissue, fat, etc. In speaking of the nutritive value of the food-stuffs it was shown that in carnivora (dogs) this condition of equilibrium may be maintained upon proteid food alone, putting aside all consideration of salts and water, or upon proteids and fats, or upon proteids and carbohydrates, or upon proteids, fats, and carbohydrates. When proteids alone are used, the quantity must be increased far above that necessary in the case of a mixed diet, and it is doubtful whether, in the case of man or the herbivora, a healthy nutritive condition could be maintained long upon such a diet, owing to the largely increased demand upon the power of the alimentary canal to. digest and absorb proteids, to the greater labor thrown on the kidneys, ete. ' Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1893, vol. xxx. p. 73. CHEMISTRY OF DIGESTION AND NUTRITION. 305 The experience of mankind, as well as the results of experimental investiga- tion, shows that the healthy diet is one composed of proteids, fats, and carbo- hydrates. ‘The proportion in which the fats and the carbohydrates should be -taken—and, to a certain extent, this is true also of the proteids—may be varied within comparatively wide limits, in accordance with the law of “ iso- dynamic equivalents.” This is illustrated by the following “ average diets” calculated by different physiologists to indicate the average amount of food- stuffs required by an adult man under normal conditions of life: Average Diets. Moleschott. Ranke. Voit. Forster. | Atwater. OD ee 130 grams. | 100 grams. | 118 grams. | 131 grams. | 125 grams, | or te Gees (s 40 “ 100°" -# imag ee 125 * Carbohydrates... .|] 550 “ 240 “ 500 “ 494 “ | 400 “ In Voit’s diet, which is the one usually taken to represent the daily needs of the body, it will be noticed that the ratio of the nitrogenous to the non- nitrogenous food-stuffs is about as 1:5. It must be remembered, in regard to these diets, that the amounts of food-stuffs given refer to the dry material: 118 grams of proteid do not mean 118 grams of lean meat, for example, since Jean meat (flesh) contains a large proportion of water. Tables of analyses of food (one of which is given on page 216) enable us to determine for each par- ticular article of food the proportion of dry food-stuffs contained in it, and in how great quantities it must be taken to furnish the requisite amount of proteid, fats, or carbohydrates. There is, however, still another practical consideration which must be taken into account in estimating the nutritive value of articles of food from the analyses of their composition, and that is the extent to which each food-stuff in each article of food is capable of being digested and absorbed. Practical experience has shown that proteids in certain articles of food can be digested and absorbed nearly completely when not fed in excess, while in other foods only a certain percentage of the proteid is absorbed under the most favor- able conditions. This difference in usableness of the food-stuffs in various foods is most marked in the case of proteids, but it occurs also with the fats and the carbohydrates. Facts of this kind cannot be determined by mere analysis of the foods; they must be obtained from actual feeding experiments upon man or the lower animals. In general, it may be said that in meats from 2 to 3 per cent., in milk from 6 to 12 per cent., and in vegetables from 10 to 40 per cent. of the proteid escapes absorption. The greater value of the meats, then, as a source of proteid supply consists not only in the greater average per- centage of proteid contained in them as compared with the vegetables, but also in the fact that their proteid is more completely absorbed from the alimentary canal, less being lost in the feces. Munk! gives an interesting table showing how much of certain familiar articles of food would be necessary, if taken alone, to supply the requisite daily amount of proteid or non-proteid food ; his ' Weyl’s Handbuch der Hygiene, 1893, vol. iii., part i. p. 69. 20 306 © AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. estimates are based upon the percentage composition of the foods and upon experimental data showing the extent of absorption of the food-stuffs in each food. In this table he supposes that the daily diet should contain 110 grams proteid = 17.5 grams of N, and non-proteids sufficient to contain 270 grams of C: FOr 17 Geaine me For 270 grams C. MESON Pr led os TINGE Rien eee eon eh eee 2900 grams. 3800 grams. Meat flea) yi a: eile oak ose 540 2000, .* TRO A OME Sg ho. ke Birt gy Bue is ihe 18 eggs. 37 eggs. de Se colds or a 800 grams. 670 grams. ig SE BG earn ae aeete rear 1650 “ 1000.—s BOVE ORG 6 ars oat be tabs, Kae 1900 =“ 1100 +“ RD Roger a Sl Sal Oe en 9 ane 3870 pi | eta. SINAC Ts eer tc a hg Seer 6 tgs S hoe y gies 990 <« 660 =“ MES EY Ns as eek es ee Re 520 + * 750° « PO SSeS er aes ae 4500 “ 2550 +“ As Munk points out, this table shows that any single food, if taken in quantities sufficient to supply the nitrogen, would give too much or too little C, and the re- verse; those animal foods which, in certain amounts, supply the nitrogen needed furnish only from one-quarter to two-thirds of the necessary amount of C. To live for a stated period upon a single article of food—a diet sometimes recom- mended to reduce obesity—means, then, an insufficient quantity of either N or C and a consequent loss of body-weight. Such a method of dieting amounts practically to a partial starvation. In practical dieting we are accustomed to get our supply of proteids, fats, and carbohydrates from both vegetable and animal foods, ‘To illustrate this fact by an actual case, in which the food was earefully analyzed, an experimenter (Krummacher) weighing 67 kilograms records that he kept himself in N equilibrium upon a diet in which the pro- teid was distributed as follows: 300 grams meat = 63.08 grams peer = 9.78 grams o 666.3 ¢.c. milk == (,18iews ==. 12006..% 100 grams rice ame Gs ae *t —— 1.2 eS S004" bread. eS Lou gi = ae 5 RY a sy 500 c.c. wine = Be Gaia S = 0.132.-" 102.05“ ‘ se i TREE 18 For a person in health and leading an active normal life, appetite and experi- ence seem to be safe and sufficient guides by which to control the diet; but in conditions of disease, in regulating the diet of children and of collections of individuals, scientific dieting, if one may use the phrase, has accomplished - much, and will be of greater service as our knowledge of the physiology of nutrition increases. V. MOVEMENTS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL, BLADDER, AND URETER. PLAIN MUSCLE-TISSUE. THE movements of the alimentary canal and the organs concerned in mic- turition are effected for the most part through the agency of- plain muscle- tissue. The general properties of this tissue have been referred to in the section upon the Physiology of Muscle and Nerve, but it seems appropriate in this connection to again call attention to some points in its general physiology and histology, inasmuch as the character of the movements to be described depends so much upon the fundamental properties exhibited by this variety of muscle-tissue. Plain muscle as it is found in the walls of the abdominal and pelvic viscera is composed of masses of minute spindle-shaped cells whose size is said to vary from 22 to 560 y» in length and from 4 to 22 yw in width, the average size, according to Kolliker, being 100 to 200 yw in length and 4 to 6 yu in width. Each cell has an elongated nucleus, and its cytoplasm shows a longitudinal fibrillation. Cross striation, such as occurs in cardiac and striped _ muscle, is absent. These cells are united into more or less distinct bundles or fibres, which run in a definite direction corresponding to the long axes of the cells. The bundles of cells are united to form flat sheets of muscle of varying _ thicknesses, which constitute part of the walls of the viscera and are distin- guished usually as longitudinal and circular muscle-coats according as the cells and bundles of cells have a direction with or at right angles to the long axis of the viseus. The constituent cells are united to one another by cement- - substance, and according to several observers’ there is a direct protoplasmic continuity between neighboring cells—an anatomical fact of interest, since it makes possible the conduction of a wave of contraction directly from one cell to another. Plain muscle-tissue, in some organs at least, e. g. the stomach, intestines, bladder, and arteries, is under the control of motor nerves. There must be, therefore, some connection between the nerve-fibres and the muscle- tissue. The nature of this connection is not definitely established ; according to Miller? the nerve-fibres terminate eventually in fine nerve-fibrils which run in the cement-substance between the cells and send off small branches which _end in a swelling applied directly to the muscle-cell. Berkley * finds a similar 1 See Boheman: Anatomischer Anzeiger, 1894, Bd. 10, No. 10. 2 Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie, 1892, Bd. 40. 8 Anatomischer Anzeiger, 1893, Bd. 8. 307 308 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ending of the nerves, and in addition describes in the muscularis mucosee of the intestine a large globular end-organ which he considers as a motor plate. Perhaps the most striking physiological peculiarity of plain muscle, as compared with the more familiar striated muscle, is the sluggishness of its contrac- tions. Plain muscle, like striated muscle, is inde- pendently irritable. Various ‘forms of artificial stimuli, such as electrical currents, mechanical, chemical, and thermal stimuli, may cause the tis- sue to contract when directly applied to it, but the contraction in all cases is characterized by the slowness with which it develops. There is a long latent period, a gradual shortening which may per- sist for some time after the stimulus ceases to act, and a slow relaxation. These features are repre- sented in the curve shown in Figure 81, which it is instructive to compare with the typical curve of a striated muscle (Fig. 34). The slowness of the con- traction of plain muscle seems to depend upon the absence of cross striation. Striped muscle as found in various animals or in different muscles of the same e. g. the pale and red muscles of the rabbit —differs greatly in the rapidity of its contraction, and it has been shown that the more perfect the cross striation the more rapid is the contraction. The cross striation, in other words, is the expression of a animal mechanism or structure adapted to quick contractions and relaxations, and the relatively great slowness of movement in the plain muscle seems to result from the absence of this particular structure. Itshould be added, however, that plain muscle in different parts of the body exhibits considerable variation in the rapidity with which it contracts under stimulation, the ciliary muscle of the eyeball, for example, being able to react more rapidly than the muscles of the in- testines. The gentle prolonged contraction of the plain muscle is admirably adapted to its function in the intestine of moving the food-contents along the canal with sufficient slowness to permit normal digestion and absorption. Like the striated muscle, and un- like the cardiac muscle, plain muscle is capable of Fic. 85.—Contraction of a strip of plain muscle from the stomach of a terrapin. The bottom line gives the time-record in seconds ; the middle line shows the time of application of the stimulus, a tetan- izing current from an induction coil; the upper line is the curve recorded by the contracting muscle. MOVEMENTS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL, ETC. 309 giving submaximal as well as maximal contractions; with increased strength of stimulation the amount of the shortening increases until a maximum is reached. ‘This fact may be observed not only upon isolated strips of muscle from the stomach, but may be seen also in the different degrees of contraction exhibited by the intestinal musculature as a whole when acted upon by various stimuli. In his researches upon the movements of the ureter Engelmann! showed that a stimulus applied to the organ at any point caused a contraction which starting from the point stimulated might spread for some distance in either direction. Engelmann interprets this to mean that the contraction wave in the case of the ureter is propagated directly from cell to cell, and this possi- bility is supported by the fact, before referred to, that there is direct proto- plasmic continuity between adjoining cells. This passage of a contraction wave from cell to cell has, in fact, often been quoted as a peculiarity of plain muscle-tissue. In the case of the ureter the fact seems to be established, but in the intestines, where there is a rich intrinsic supply of nerve-ganglia, it is not possible to demonstrate clearly that the same property is exhibited. The wave of contraction in the intestine following artificial stimulation is, according to most observers, usually localized at the point stimulated or is propagated in only one direction, and these facts are difficult to reconcile with the hypothesis that each cell may transmit its condition of activity directly to neighboring cells. Upon the plain muscle of the ureter Engel- mann was able to show also an interesting resemblance to cardiac muscle, in the fact that each contraction is followed by a temporary diminution in irritability and conductivity ; but this important property, which in the case of the heart has been so useful in explaining the rhythmic nature of its contrac- tions, has not been demonstrated for all varieties of plain muscle occurring in _ the body. A general property of plain muscle which is of great significance in explain- ing the functional activity of this tissue is exhibited in the phenomenon of “tone.” By tone or tonic activity as applied to muscle-tissue is meant a con- dition of continuous contraction or shortening which persists for long periods and may be slowly increased or decreased by various conditions affecting the muscle. Both striated and cardiac muscle exhibit tone, and in the latter at least the condition is independent of any inflow of neryve-impulses from the extrinsic nerves. Plain muscle exhibits the property in a marked degree. The muscular coats of the alimentary canal, the blood-vessels, the bladder, etc., are usually found under normal circumstances in a condition of tone which varies from time to time and differs from an ordinary visible contraction in the slow- ness with which it develops and in its persistence for long periods. Such con- ditions as the reaction of the blood, for example, are known to alter greatly the tone of the blood-vessels, a less alkaline reaction than normal causing relaxation, while an increase in alkalinity favors the development of tone. Tone may also be increased or diminished by the action of motor or inhibitory 1 Phliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1869, Bd. 2, 8. 248. 310 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. nerve-fibres, but the precise relationship between the changes underlying the development of tone and those leading to the formation of an ordinary contrae- tion has not been satisfactorily determined. The mode of contraction of the plain muscle in the walls of some of the viscera, especially the intestine and ureter, is so characteristic as to be given the special name of peristalsis. By peristalsis, or vermicular contraction as it is sometimes called, is meant a contraction which, beginning at any point in the wall of a tubular viscus, is propagated along the length of the tube in the form of a wave, each part of the tube as the wave reaches it passing slowly into contraction until the maximum is reached, and then gradually relaxing. In viscera like the intestine, in which two muscular coats are present, the longitudinal and the circular, the peristalsis may involve both layers, either simultaneously or successively, but the striking feature observed when watching the movement is the contraction of the circular coat. The contraction of this coat causes a visible constriction of the tube, which may be followed by the eye as it passes onward. : MASTICATION. Mastication is an entirely voluntary act. The articulation of the mandi- bles with the skull permits a variety of movements; the jaw may be raised and lowered, may be projected and retracted, or may be moved from side to side, or various combinations of these different directions of movement may be effected. The muscles concerned in these movements and their innervation are described as follows: The masseter, temporal and internal pterygoids raise the jaw; these muscles are innervated through the inferior maxillary division of the trigeminal. The jaw is depressed mainly by the action of the digastric muscle, assisted in some cases by the mylo-hyoid and the genio-hyoid. The two former receive motor-fibres from the inferior maxillary division of the fifth cranial, the last from a branch of the hypoglossal. The lateral movements of the jaws are produced by the external pterygoids, when acting separately. Simultaneous contraction of these muscles on both sides causes projection of the lower jaw. In this latter case forcible retraction of the jaw is produced by the contraction of a part of the temporal muscle. The external pterygoids also receive their motor fibres from the fifth cranial nerve, through its inferior maxillary division. The grinding movements commonly used in masticating the food between the molar teeth are produced by a combination of the action of the external pterygoids, the elevators, and perhaps the depressors. At the same time the movements of the tongue and of the muscles of the cheeks and ~ lips serve to keep the food properly placed for the action of the teeth, and to gather it into position for the act of swallowing. DEGLUTITION. The act of swallowing is a complicated reflex movement which may be initiated voluntarily, but is for the most part completed quite independently 0 EEE ee MOVEMENTS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL, ETC. 811 of the will. The classical description of the act given by Magendie divides it into three stages, corresponding to the three anatomical regions, the mouth, pharynx and csophagus, through which the swallowed morsel passes on its way to the stomach. ‘The first stage consists in the passage of the bolus of food through the isthmus of the fauces—that is, the opening lying between the ridges formed by the palato-glossi muscles, the so-called anterior pillars of the fauces. This part of the act is usually ascribed to the movements of the tongue itself. The bolus of food lying upon its upper surface is forced backward by the elevation of the tongue against the soft palate from the tip toward the base. This portion of the movement may be regarded as voluntary, to the extent at least of manipulating the food into its proper position on the dorsum of the tongue, although it is open to doubt whether the entire movement is usually effected by a voluntary act. Under normal conditions the presence of moist food upon the tongue seems essential to the complete execution of the act; and an attempt to make the movement with very dry material upon the tongue is either not successful or is performed with difficulty. The second act com- prises the passage of the bolus from the isthmus of the fauces to the cesophagus —that is, its transit through the pharynx. The pharynx being a common passage for the air and the food, it is important that this part of the act should be consummated quickly. According to the usual description the motor power driving the bolus downward through the pharynx is derived from the contrac- tion of the pharyngeal muscles, particularly the constrictors, which contract from above downward and drive the food into the esophagus. Simultaneously, however, a number of other muscles are brought into action, the general effect of which is to shut off the nasal and laryngeal openings and thus prevent the entrance of food into the corresponding cavities. The whole reflex is therefore an excellent example of a finely co-ordinated movement. The following events are described: The mouth cavity is shut off by the position of the tongue against the soft palate and by the contraction of the muscles of the anterior pillars of the fauces. The opening into the nasal cavity is closed by the elevation of the soft palate (action of the levator palati and tensor palati muscles) and the contraction of the posterior pillars of the fauces (palato-pharyngei muscles) and the elevation of the uvula (azygos uvule mus- cle). The soft palate, uvula, and posterior pillars thus form a sloping surface shutting off the nasal chamber and facilitating the passage of the food backward into the pharynx where the constrictor muscles may act upon it. The respira- tory opening into the larynx is closed by the adduction of the vocal cords (lat- eral crico-arytenoids and constrictors of the glottis) and by the elevation of the entire larynx and a depression, in part mechanical, of the epiglottis over the larynx (action of the thyro-hyoids, digastrics, genio-hyoids, and mylo-hyoids and the muscles in the aryteno-epiglottidean folds). The movements of the epiglottis during this stage of swallowing have been much discussed. The usual view is that it is pressed down upon the laryngeal orifice like the lid of a box and thus effectually protects the respiratory passage. It has been shown, however, that removal of the epiglottis does not prevent normal swallowing, 812 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. and recently Stuart and McCormick’ have reported the case of a man in whom part of the pharynx had been permanently removed by surgical operation and in whom the epiglottis could be seen during the act of swallowing. In this individual, according to their observations, the epiglottis was not folded back during swallowing, but remained erect. Later observations by Kanthack and Anderson,” made partly upon themselves and partly upon the lower animals, tend, on the contrary, to support the older view. They state that in normal individuals the movement of the epiglottis backward during swallowing may be felt by simply passing the finger back into the pharynx until it comes into contact with the epiglottis. At the beginning of the movement there is also a contraction of the longitudinal muscles of the pharynx which tends to pull the pharyngeal walls toward the bolus of food while, as has been said, the nearly simultaneous contraction of the constrictors presses’ upon the food and forces it downward. The food is thus brought quickly into the opening of the cesophagus and the third stage commences. The transit of the food through the cesophagus is effected by the action of its intrinsic musculature. The muscular coat is arranged in two layers, an external longitudinal and an internal circular. These are composed of plain muscle-tissue in the lower third or two-thirds of the ceesophagus, but in most mammals the upper third or more contains striated muscular tissue. The chief factor in the transportation of the bolus through the cesophagus has been supposed to consist in the contraction of the circular muscle. This con- ‘traction begins at the pharyngeal opening of the cesophagus and passes down- ward in the form of a wave, peristaltic contraction, which moves rapidly in the upper segment where the musculature is striated, and more slowly in the lower segments in accordance with the physiological characteristics of plain muscle. ‘The result of this,movement would naturally be to force the food onward to the stomach. ‘The longitudinal muscles of the cesophagus are without doubt brought into action at the same time, but in this as in other cases of peristalsis in tubular viscera it is not perfectly clear how they co-operate in producing the onward movement. It may be that their contraction slightly precedes that of the circular muscle, and thus tends to dilate the tube and to bring it forward over the bolus. At the opening of the cesophagus into the stomach, the cardiac orifice, the circular fibres of the cesophagus function as a sphincter — which is normally in a condition of tone, particularly when the stomach con- tains food, and thus shuts off the cavity of the stomach from the cesophagus. In swallowing, however, the advancing peristaltic wave has sufficient force to overcome the tonicity of the sphincter, and possibly there is at this moment a partial inhibition of the sphincter. In either case the result is that the food is forced through the narrow opening into the stomach with sufficient energy .to give rise to a sound which may be heard by auscultation over this region.’ According to measurements by Kronecker and Meltzer the entrance of the ' Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1892. ? Journal of Physiology, 1893, vol. xiv. p. 154. ° See Meltzer: Centralblatt fiir die med. Wissenschaften, 1881, No. 1. MOVEMENTS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL, ETC. 313 food into the stomach occurs in man about six seconds after the beginning of the act of swallowing. Kronecker-Meltzer Theory of Deglutition.—The usual view of the mechanism of swallowing has been seriously modified by Kronecker and Meltzer". The experiments of these observers seem to be so conclusive that we must believe that in the main their explanation of the process is correct. According to their view the chief factor in forcing soft or liquid food through the pharynx and cesophagus is the sharp and strong contraction of the mylo- hyoid muscles. ‘The bolus of food lies upon the dorsum of the tongue and by the pressure of the tip of the tongue against the palate it is shut off from the front part of the mouth-cavity. The mylo-hyoids now contract, and the bolus of food is put under high pressure and is shot in the direction of least resistance—namely, through the pharynx and esophagus. This effect is aided by the simultaneous contractions of the hyoglossi muscles, which tend to still further increase the pressure upon the food by moving the tongue backward and downward. This same movement of the tongue suffices also to depress the epiglottis over the larynx, and thus protect the respiratory opening. By means of small rubber bags connected with recording tambours, which were placed in the pharynx and at different levels in the cesophagus, they were able to demonstrate the rapid spirting of the food through the whole length of pharynx and cesophagus, the time elapsing between the beginning of the swal- lowing movement and the arrival of the food at the cardiac orifice of the stomach being not more than 0.1 second. The contraction of the constrictors of the pharynx and the peristaltic wave along the cesophagus, according to this view, normally follow after the food has been swallowed, and may be regarded as a movement in reserve which is useful in removing adherent frag- ments along the deglutition passage, or possibly, in case of the failure of the first swallowing act from any cause—as may result, for instance, in swallowing food too dry or too solid—serves to actually push the bolus downward, although at a much slower rate. From auscultation of the deglutition sound which ensues when the food enters the stomach through the cardia, Kronecker and Meltzer believe that usually the swallowed food after reaching the end of the esophagus is kept from entering the stomach by the tonic contraction of the sphincter at that point, until the subsequent peristaltic wave of the cesoph- agus, which reaches the same point in about six seconds after the beginning of the act of swallowing, forces it through. There are, however, exceptions to -this rule. In some persons, apparently, the food is forced into the stomach by the energy of the first contraction of the mylo-hyoid muscles. The difference would seem to depend upon the condition of the sphincter at the cardiac orifice. Moreover, these authors were able to determine by their method of recording that the human cesophagus contracts apparently in three successive segments. The first of these comprises about six centimeters in the neck region, and its contraction begins about 1 or 1.2 seconds after the beginning of swallowing and is comparatively short, lasting 2 seconds, corresponding to the 1 Du Bois-Reymond’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1883, Suppl. Bd., 8. 328. 314 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. striated character of the muscle. The second segment covers about ten centi- meters of the upper thoracic portion of the cesophagus ; its contraction begins - about 1.8 seconds after the beginning of the contraction of the first segment, and is longer, lasting 6 to 7 seconds. ‘The third segment includes the remainder of the cesophagus; its contraction begins about 3 seconds after the contraction of the second segment, and lasts a much longer time, about 9-10 seconds. These figures apply, of course, to a single act of swallowing. It will be seen that according to these authors the swallowing reflex consists essentially in the successive contractions of five muscular segments or bands— namely, the mylo-hyoids, the constrictors of the pharynx, and the three seg- ments of the oesophagus described. The time elapsing between the contractions of these successive parts was determined as follows: + From the beginning of the contraction of the mylo-hyoids to that of the constrictors of the‘larynx . 20. 23029) ae 0.3 second. From the beginning of the contraction of the constrictors to that of the first oesophageal segment. .-. «<_<, + yiwueiiel eyietneee RAI 0.9: (Fe, Between the first and second cesophageal regent Rae ee Pee 1.8 seconds. “ “ second and third " A, She othe Sera poe A The total time before the wave of contraction reaches the stomach would be therefore, as has been stated, about six seconds. When a second act of swallowing is made within six seconds of the first swallow it causes an inhibi- tion, apparently by a reflex effect upon the deglutition centre, of the part of the tract which has not yet entered into contraction, so that the peristaltic wave does not reach the lower end of the eg ih until six seconds after the second act of swallowing. ; Nervous Control of Deglutition.—The entire act of swallowing, as has been said before, is essentially a reflex act. Even the comparatively simple wave of contraction which sweeps over the oesophagus is apparently due to a reflex nervous stimulation, and is not a simple conduction of contraction from one portion of the tube to another. This fact was demonstrated by the experiments of Mosso,' who found that after removal of an entire segment from the cesophagus the peristaltic wave passed to the portion of the cesoph- agus left on the stomach side in spite of the anatomical break. The same experiment was performed successfully on rabbits by Kronecker and Meltzer, Observation of the stomach end of the cesophagus in this animal showed that it went into contraction two seconds after the beginning of a swallowing act whether the cesophagus was intact or ligated or completely divided by a trans- . verse incision. ‘The afferent nerves concerned in this reflex are the sensory : fibres to the mucous membrane of the pharynx and csophagus, including branches of the glossopharyngeal, trigeminal, vagus, and superior laryngeal division of the vagus. Artificial stimulation of this last nerve in the lower animals is known to produce swallowing movements, Wassilieff? records that in rabbits he was able to produce the swallowing reflex by artificial stimula- tion of the mucous membrane of the soft palate over a definite area. The 1 Moleschott’s Untersuchungen, 1876, Bd. xi. * Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1888, Bd. 24, S. 29. MOVEMENTS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL, ETC. 315 sensory fibres to this area arise from the trigeminal nerve. The same observer, in experiments upon himself, was unable to locate any particular area of the mucous membrane of the mouth which seemed to be especially connected with the swallowing reflex. The physiological centre of the reflex is supposed to lie quite far forward in the medulla, but its anatomical boundaries have not been satisfactorily defined. It seems probable that in this as in other cases the physiological centre is not a circumscribed collection of nerve-cells, but com- prises certain portions, more or less scattered, of the nuclei of origin of the efferent fibres to the muscles of deglutition. These muscles are innervated by fibres from the hypoglossal, facial, trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, and vagus. The latter nerve supplies through some of its branches the entire cesophagus as well as some of the pharyngeal muscles, the muscles closing the. glottis, and the aryteno-epiglottidean, which is supposed to aid in depressing the epiglottis. MovEMENTS OF THE STOMACH. The musculature of the stomach is usually divided into three layers, a lon- gitudinal, an oblique, and a circular coat. The longitudinal coat is continuous at the cardia with the longitudinal fibres of the cesophagus ; it spreads out from this point along the length of the stomach, forming a layer of varying thick- ness ; along the curvatures the layer is stronger than on the front and posterior surfaces, while at the pyloric end it increases considerably in thickness, and passes over the pylorus to be continued directly into the longitudinal coat of the duodenum. ‘The layer of oblique fibres is quite incomplete ; it seems to be continuous with the circular fibres of the cesophagus and spreads out from the cardia for a certain distance over the front and posterior surfaces of the fundus of the stomach, but toward the pyloric end disappears, seeming to pass into the circular fibres. The circular coat, which is placed between the two pre- ceding layers, is the thickest and most important part of the musculature of the stomach. At the extreme left end of the fundus the circular bands are thin and somewhat loosely placed, but toward the pyloric end they increase much in thickness, forming a strong muscular mass, which, as we shall see, plays the most important part in the movements of the stomach. At the pylo- rus itself a special development of this layer functions as a sphincter pylori, which with the aid of a circular fold of the mucous membrane makes it possible to shut off the duodenum completely or partially from the cavity of the stomach. The portion of the stomach near the pylorus is fre- quently designated simply as the “pyloric part,” but owing to its distinct structure and functions the more specific name of “antrum pylori” seems preferable. The line of separation between the antrum pylori and the body or fundus of the stomach is made by a special thickening of the circular fibres which forms a structure known as the “transverse band” by the older writers,! and described more recently? as the “sphincter antri pylorici.” This so-called sphincter lies at a distance of seven to ten centimeters from the 1 See Beaumont: Physiology of Digestion, 2d ed., 1847, p. 104. 2 Hofmeister und Schiitz: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1886, Bd. xx. 316 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. pylorus. Between it and the pylorus is the “antrum pylori,” of which the distinguishing features are the comparative smoothness and paleness of the mucous membrane, the presence of the pyloric as distinguished from the fundie glands, and the existence of a relatively very strong musculature. The movements of the stomach during digestion have been the subject of much study and experimentation, both in man and the lower animals, but it cannot be said that the mechanism of the movements is as yet completely understood. The fundamental facts to be borne in mind are that during a period of several hours after ordinary food is received into the stomach the musculature of this organ contracts in such a way as to keep the contents in movement, while from time to time the thinner portions of the semi-digested food are sent through the pylorus into the duodenum. ‘There is a certain orderliness in the movement, and especially in the separation and ejection of the more liquid from the solid parts, which indicates that the whole act is well co-ordinated to a definite end. The older physiologists spoke of a selec- tive power of the pylorus in reference to the recurring acts of ejection of the more liquid portions into the intestine, but a phrase of this kind, as applied to a muscular apparatus, is permissible only as a figure of speech, and throws no light whatever upon the nature of the process. It has been the object of recent investigations to discover the mechanical factors involved in these acts and their relations to the musculature known to be present. It has been shown satisfactorily that the movements. of the stomach are not dependent upon its connection with the central nervous system. The stomach receives a rich sup- ply of extrinsic nerve-fibres, some of which are distributed to its muscles and — serve to regulate its movements, as will be described later; but when these extrinsic nerves are all severed, and indeed when the stomach is completely removed from the body, its movements may still continue in apparently a normal way so long as proper conditions of moisture and temperature are maintained. We must believe, therefore, that the stomach is an automatic organ, using the word automatic in a limited sense to imply essential independ- ence of the central nervous system. The normal stomach at rest is usually quiet, and the stimulus to its movements comes from the presence of the solid or liquid material received into it from the cesophagus. Upon the reception of this material the movements begin, at first feebly but gradually increasing in extent, and continue until most or all of the material has been sent into the duodenum, the length of time required depending upon the nature and amount of the food. The exact character of the movements has been variously de- scribed by different observers. Upon man they were carefully studied by Beaumont! in his famous observations upon Alexis St. Martin (see p. 225), and the essential points in his description have of late years been confirmed by experiments upon dogs,’ whose stomachs closely resemble that of man. These 1 The Physiology of Digestion, 1883. * Hofmeister und Schiitz: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie wnd Pharmakologie, 1886, Bd. xx.; Moritz: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1895, Bd. xxxii.; Rossbach: Deutsches Archiv fiir klinische Medien, 1890, Bd. xlvi. MOVEMENTS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL, ETC. 317 observations all tend to show that the main movements of the stomach are effected by the musculature of the antrum pylori, whose contraction is not only the chief factor in ejecting the material into the duodenum, but also aids in _ keeping the contents of the stomach in motion. The extent to which contrac- tions occur in the fundic end of the stomach does not seem to be so clearly de- termined. According to some observers rhythmic movements are absent in the fundus to the left of about the middle of the stomach, this portion simply re- maining in a condition of tone; according to others the contractions begin near the esophageal opening and pass thence toward the pylorus. The very careful experiments of Hofmeister and Schiitz upon the isolated stomach of the dog, together with the reliable observations made by Beaumont under such favora- ble conditions on the human stomach, give us a basis for a description of the sequence and extent of the movements during digestion, which is probably cor- rect in its main features at least, although some of the details still:need investi- gation. According to these observers a normal movement begins near the cardia by a flattening or constriction which is feeble and is apparent only on the side of the great curvature. This constriction is due to a contraction of the circular muscle-fibres, and the wave thus started passes toward the pylorus, increasing in strength as it goes, while the parts behind previously in contraction slowly relax. This peristaltic wave comes to a stop a short distance in front of the antrum pylori by a constriction involving -the whole circumference of the stomach to which Hofmeister and Schiitz gave the name of the “ pre-antral ” constriction ; it seems to mark the climax of the peristaltic movement. The obvious effect of this movement so far would be to push forward some of the contents of the fundus into the antrum. Immediately upon the formation of this constriction the strong “ sphincter antri pylorici” or transverse band which marks the beginning of the antrum, contracts strongly—so strongly, in fact, in what may be considered normal movements, as to cut off entirely the antrum pylori from the fundus. Following upon this the musculature of the antrum contracts as a whole, squeezing upon its contents and sending them through the narrow opening of the pylorus into the duodenum. If, however, the contents of the antrum are not entirely liquid, but contain some solid particles too large to escape through the narrow pylorus, their presence seems to stimulate an “ antiperistaltic” wave in the musculature of the antrum pylori—that is, a mus- cular wave running in the reverse direction to that of a normal one, from right to left, the effect of which is to throw back these solid particles into the fundus, which is now in communication with the antrum, the sphincter antri pylorici having relaxed. This reversed wave in the antrum seems to have been observed repeatedly by Beaumont upon the human stomach, as well as by Hofmeister and Schiitz upon the dog’s stomach, and enables us to understand how solid particles thrown against the pylorus are again forced back into the fundus to undergo further digestive and mechanical action. These movements, as a whole, from fundus to pylorus occur with a certain rapidity which varies with the nature and amount of the contents of the stomach and the period of diges- 318 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. tion. In Beaumont’s observations the movements of the pylorus are recorded as following each other at intervals of two to three minutes, while upon dogs similar movements are recorded as occurring from three to six times in a minute. It will be seen that according to this description the movements occur in two phases: first, the feeble peristaltic movemént running over the fundus chiefly on the side of the great curvature and resulting in pushing some of the fundic contents into the antrum ; second, the sharp contraction of the sphincter antri pylorici followed by a similar contraction of the entire musculature of the antrum, both circular and longitudinal, the effect of which is to squeeze some of the contents into the duodenum. It is possible that either of these phases, but especially the first, might occur at times without the other, and in the first phase it is probable that the longitudinal fibres of the stomach also contract, shortening the organ in its long diameter and aiding in the propulsive move- ment, but actual observation of this factor has not been successfully made. It can well be understood that a series of these movements occurring at short intervals would result in putting the entire semi-liquid contents of the stomach into constant circulation. The precise direction of the current set up is not _ agreed upon, but it is probable that the graphic description given by Beaumont is substantially accurate. A portion of this description may be quoted, as fol- lows: “The ordinary course and direction of the revolutions of the food are, first, after passing the cesophageal ring, from right to left, along the small arch ; thence, through the large curvature, from left to right. The bolus, as it enters the cardia, turns to the left; passes the aperture ; descends into the splenic extremity, and follows the great curvature toward the pyloric end. It then returns in the course of the small curvature.” The average time taken for one of these complete revolutions, according to observations made by Beaumont, seems to vary from one to three minutes. It is possible, of course, that this typical circuit taken by the food may often be varied more or less by different conditions, but the muscular movements observed from the outside would seem to be adapted to keeping up a general _ revolution of the kind described. The general result upon the food may easily be imagined. It becomes thoroughly mixed with the gastric juice and any liquid which may have been swallowed, and is gradually disintegrated, dissolved, and more or less completely digested so far as the proteid and albuminoid constitu- ents are concerned. The mixing action is aided, moreover, by the movements of the diaphragm in respiration, since at each descent it presses upon the stomach. The powerful muscular contractions of the antrum serve also to triturate the: softened solid particles, and finally the whole mass is reduced to a liquid or semi-liquid condition in which it is known as chyme, and in this condition the rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the antrum eject it into the duodenum. The rhythmic spirting of the contents of the stomach into the duodenum has been noticed by a number of observers by means of duodenal fistulas in dogs, established just beyond the pylorus. It has been shown also that when the food taken is entirely liquid—water, for example—the stomach is emptied in a MOVEMENTS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL, ETC. 319 surprisingly short time, within twenty to thirty minutes; if, however, the water is taken with solid food then naturally the time it will remain in the stomach may be much lengthened. © A very interesting part of the mechanism of the stomach the action of which is not thoroughly understood is the sphincter of the pylorus. During the act of digestion this sphincter remains in a condition of tone; whether its tonic contraction is sufficient only to narrow the pylorus, or whether it is sufficient to completely shut off the pylorus so that a partial relaxation must occur with each contraction of the musculature of the antrum, is not sufficiently well known. It has been shown, however, that this part of the circular layer of muscle is distinctly under the control of the extrinsic nerves, its tonicity being increased by impulses received through the vagi and diminished or inhibited by impulses through the splanchnics. It will be seen from the above brief description that the muscles of the antrum pylori do most of the work of the stomach, while in the much larger fundus the food is retained as in a reservoir to be digested and mechanically prepared for expulsion into the intestine, the two parts of the stomach fulfilling therefore somewhat different functions. Moritz' has called especial attention to this fact, and points out the great advantage which accrues to the digestive pro- cesses in the intestine in having the stomach to retain the bulk of the food swallowed during a meal, while from time to time small portions only are sent into the intestine for more complete digestion and absorption. In this way the intestine is protected from becoming congested, and its digestive and absorptive processes are more perfectly executed. Extrinsic Nerves to the Muscles of the Stomach.—The stomach re- ceives extrinsic nerve-fibres from two sources; from the two vagi and from the solar plexus. The fibres from the latter source arise ultimately in the spinal cord, pass to some of the thoracic ganglia of the sympathetic system, and thence by way of the splanchnics to the semilunar or solar plexus and then to the stomach. These fibres probably reach the stomach as non-medul- lated or sympathetic fibres. The vagi where they are distributed to the stomach seem to consist almost entirely of non-medullated fibres also, and probably the fibres distributed to the muscular coat are of this variety. The results of numerous experiments seem to show quite conclusively that in general the fibres received along the vagus path are motor, artificial stimulation of them causing more or less well marked contractions of part or all of the musculature of the stomach. It has been shown that the sphincter pylori as well as the rest of the musculature is supplied by motor fibres from these nerves. The fibres coming through the splanchnics, on the contrary, are mainly inhibitory. When stimulated they cause a dilatation of the contracted stomach and a relaxation of the sphincter pylori. Some observers have reported experiments which seem to show that this anatomical separation of the motor and inhibitory fibres is not complete; that some inhibitory fibres may be found in the vagi and some motor fibres in the splanchnics. The 1 Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1895, Bd. xxxii. 320 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. anatomical courses of these fibres are insufficiently known, but there seems to be no question as to the existence of the two physiological varieties. Through their activity, without doubt, the movements of the stomach may be regu- lated, favorably or unfavorably, by conditions directly or indirectly affect- ing the central nervous system. Wertheimer’ has shown experimentally that stimulation of the central end of the sciatic or.the vagus nerve may cause reflex inhibition of the tonus of the stomach, and Doyon? has confirmed this result in cases where the movements and tonicity of the stomach were first increased by the action of pilocarpin and strychnin. It must be borne in mind, however, that the action of these extrinsic fibres under normal conditions is probably only to regulate the movements of the stomach. As we have seen, even the extirpated stomach under proper conditions seems to execute movements of the normal type. Normally the movements are provoked by a stimulus of some kind, usually the presence of food material in the interior of the stomach. How the stimulus acts in this ease, whether directly upon the muscle-fibres or indirectly through the intrinsic ganglia of the stomach, has not been determined, and the evidence for either view is so insufficient that a discussion of the matter at this time would scarcely be profitable. We must wait for more complete investigations upon the physiology as well as the his- tology of the muscle- and nerve-tissue in this and in other visceral organs constructed on the same type. MovEMENTS OF THE INTESTINES. The muscles of the small and the large intestine are arranged in two layers, an outer longitudinal and an inner circular coat, while between these coats and in the submucous coat there are present the nerve-plexuses of Auerbach and Meissner. The general arrangement of muscles and nerves is similar, there- fore, to that prevailing in the stomach, and in accordance with this we find that the physiological activities exhibited are of much the same character, only, per- haps, not quite so complex. | Forms of Movement.—Two main forms of intestinal movement have been distinguished, the peristaltic and the pendular. Peristalsis.—The peristaltic movement consists in a constriction of the walls of the intestine which beginning at a certain point passes downward away from the stomach, from segment to segment, while the parts behind the advancing zone of constriction gradually relax. The evident effect of such a movement would be to push onward the contents of the intestines in the direction of the movement. It is obvious that the circular layer of muscles is chiefly involved in peristalsis, since constriction can only be produced by contraction of this layer. To what extent the longitudinal muscles enter into the movement is not definitely determined. The term “ anti-peristalsis” is used to describe the same form of movement running in the opposite direction—that is, toward the stomach. Anti-peristalsis is usually said not to occur under normal conditions; it has been observed sometimes in isolated pieces of intestine or in the exposed intes- 1 Archives de Physiologie normale et pathologique, 1892, p. 379. 2 Tbid., 1895, p. 374. MOVEMENTS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL, ETC. 321 tine of living animals when stimulated artificially, and Griitzner! reports a number of curious experiments which seem to show that substances such as hairs, animal charcoal, etc., introduced into the rectum may travel upward to the stomach under certain conditions. The peristaltic wave normally passes down- ward, and that this direction of movement is dependent upon some definite arrangement in the intestinal walls is beautifully shown by the experiments of Mall’ and others upon reversal of the intestines. In these experiments a por- tion of the small intestine was resected, turned round and sutured in place again, so that in this piece what was the lower end became the upper end. In those animals that made a good operative recovery the nutritive condition gradually became very serious, and in the animals killed and examined the autopsy showed accumulation of material at the upper end of the reversed piece of intestine, and great dilatation. The peristaltic movements of the intestines may be observed upon living animals when the abdomen is opened. If the operation is made in the air and the intestines are exposed to its influence, or if the conditions of tempera- ture and circulation are otherwise disturbed, the movements observed are often violent and irregular. The peristalsis runs rapidly along the intes- tines and may. pass over the whole length in about a minute; at the same time the contraction of the longitudinal muscles gives the bowels a peculiar writhing movement. Movements of this kind are evidently abnormal, and only occur in the body under the strong stimulation of pathological conditions. Normal peristalsis, the object of which is to move the food slowly along the alimentary tract, is quite a different affair. Observers all agree that the wave of contraction is gentle and progresses slowly. It has been studied very successfully, so far as rate of movement is concerned, by experiments upon animals in which a loop of the intestines was resected, to make a “'Thiry-Vella” fistula (see p. 246). Cash* finds that in such isolated loops foreign substances introduced are pro- pelled at different rates according to the condition of the animal. In the fast- ing animal it requires from one and a half to two and a half minutes for a distance of one centimeter. During exercise the movement is more rapid, while during the first few hours of digestion, that is the time during which the stomach is emptying its contents into the intestine, the velocity of the movement is greatly increased, requiring only from twenty to fifty seconds to cover a distance of one centimeter. The force of the contraction as measured by Cash in the dog’s intestine is very small. A weight of five to eight grams was. sufficient to check the onward movement of the substance in the intestine and to set up violent colicky contractions which caused the animal evident uneasiness. We may suppose that under normal conditions each contraction of the antrum pylori of the stomach, which ejects chyme into the duodenum, is followed by a peristalsis that beginning at the duodenum passes slowly downward for a part or all of the small intestine. According to most 1 Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift, 1894, No. 48. 2 The Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, vol. i. p. 93. 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 1887, vol. 41. tee i | 322 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. observers the movement is blocked at the ileo-ceecal valve, and the peristaltic movements of the large intestine form an independent group similar in all their general characters to those of the small intestine, but weaker and slower. Mechanism of the Peristaltic Movement.—The means by which the peri- staltic movement makes its orderly forward progression have not been satis- factorily determined. The simplest explanation would be to assume that an impulse is conveyed directly from cell to cell in the circular muscular coat, so that a contraction started at any point would spread by direct conduction of the contraction change. This theory, however, does not explain satisfactorily the normal conduction of the wave of contraction always in one direction, nor the fact that a reversed piece of intestine continues to send its waves in what was for it the normal direction. It is possible, therefore, that the co-ordination of the movement may be effected through the local nerve-ganglia, but our knowledge of the mechanism and physiology of these peripheral nerve-plexuses is as yet too incomplete tv be applied satisfactorily to the explanation of the movements in question. Pendular Movements.—In addition to the peristaltic wave a second kind of movement may be observed in the exposed intestines of a living animal. This movement is characterized by a gentle swinging to and fro of the different loops, whence its name of pendular movement. The oscillations occur at regular intervals, and are usually ascribed to rhythmic contractions of the longitudinal muscles. Mall,’ however, believes that the main feature of this movement is a rhythmic contraction of the circular muscles, involving a part or all of the intestines. He prefers to speak of the movements as rhythmic instead of pendular contractions, and points out that owing to the arrangement of the blood-vessels in the coats of the intestine the rhythmic contractions should act as a pump to expel the blood from the submucous venous plexus into the radicles of the superior mesenteric vein, and thus materially aid in keeping up the circulation through the intestine and in maintaining a good pressure in the portal vein, in much the same way as happens in the case of the spleen (see p. 272). How far these rhythmic or pendular contractions occur under perfectly normal conditions has not been determined. Extrinsic Nerves of the Intestines.— " 2 the blood of a cat; d, from the blood of a like bodies, solutions of hemoglobin are Hom the Liocd of aequitrel. decomposed by alcohol, by mineral acids, by salts of the heavy metals, by boiling, — ete. Notwithstanding the fact that hemoglobin crystallizes so readily, it is not easily dialyzable, behaving in this respect like proteids and other colloidal bodies. The compounds which hemoglobin forms with carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NO) are also crystallizable, the crystals being isomor- phous with those of oxyhzmoglobin. Absorption Spectra.—Solutions of hemoglobin and its derivative com- pounds, when examined with a spectroscope, give distinctive absorption bands. A brief account of the principle and arrangement of the spectroscope, although unnecessary for those familiar with the elements of Physies, is given by way of introduction to the description of these absorption bands. Light, when made to pass through a glass prism, is broken up into its constituent rays, giving the play of rainbow colors known as the spectrum. A spectroscope is an apparatus for producing and observing a spectrum. A simple form, which illus- trates sufficiently well the construction of the apparatus, is shown in Figure 87, P being the glass prism giving the spectrum. Light falls upon this prism through the tube (A) to the left, known as the “collimator tube.” A slit at the end of this tube (s) admits a narrow slice of light—lamplight or sunlight—which then, by means of a convex lens at the other end of the tube, is made to fall upon the prism BLOOD. 339 (P) with its rays parallel. In passing through the prism the rays are dispersed by unequal refraction, giving aspectrum. The spectrum thus produced is examined by the observer with the aid of the telescope (B). When the telescope is properly focussed for the rays entering it from the prism (P), a clear picture of the spectrum is seen. The length of the spectrum will depend upon the nature and the number of prisms through which the light is made to pass. For ordinary purposes a short spectrum is preferable for hemoglobin bands, and a spectroscope with one prism is generally used. If the source of light is a lamp-flame of some kind, the spectrum is continuous, the colors gradually merging one into another from red to violet. If sunlight is used, the spectrum will be crossed by a number of narrow dark lines known as the “ Fraunhofer lines ”’ \ i am : ) 1 HLL . iS 1_] — = Fia. 87._Spectroscope: P, the glass prism; A, the collimator tube, showing the slit (s) through which the light is admitted ; B, the telescope for observing the spectrum. (see Pl. I., Frontispiece, for an illustration in colors of the solar spectrum). The position of these lines in the solar spectrum is fixed, and the more distinct ones are designated by letters of the alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, etc., as shown in the charts below. If while using solar light or an artificial light a solution of any substance which gives absorption bands is so placed in front of the slit that the light is obliged to traverse it, the spectrum as observed through the telescope will show one or more narrow or broad black bands, which are characteristic of the substance used and which constitute its absorption spec- trum. The positions of these bands may be designated by describing their relations to the Fraunhofer lines, or more directly by stating the wave-lengths of the portions of the spectrum between which absorption takes place. Some spectroscopes are provided with a scale of wave-lengths superimposed on the spectrum, and when properly adjusted this scale enables one to read off directly the wave-length of any part of the spectrum. When very dilute solutions of oxyhemoglobin are examined with the spectroscope, two absorption bands appear, both occurring in the portion of ‘the spectrum included between the Fraunhofer lines p and £. The band nearer the red end of the spectrum is known as the “a-band ;” it is narrower, darker, and more clearly defined than the other, the “-band” (Fig. 88, and also Pl. I. spectrum 4). With a solution containing 0.09 per cent. of oxy- hemoglobin, and examined in layers one centimeter thick, the a-band extends over the part of the spectrum included between the wave-lengths 4 583 340 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. (583 millionths of a millimeter) and 4 571, and the f-band between 4 550 and A 532 (Gamgee). The width and distinctness of the bands vary naturally with the concentration of the solution used (see Pl. I. spectra 2, 3, 4, and 5), 70 65 ° 60 55 50 45 | BC D E b F G Fig, 88.—Diagrammatic representation of the absorption spectrum of oxyhemoglobin (after Rollett), The numerals give the wave-lengths in hundred-thousandths of a millimeter; the letters show the positions of the more prominent Fraunhofer lines of the solar spectrum. The red end of the spectrum is to the left. The a-band is to the right of D, the B-band to the left of £. or, if the concentration remains the same, with the width of the stratum of liquid through which the light passes. aBC D Eb F G h Fig. 89.—Diagram to show the variations in the ab- sorption spectrum of oxyhemoglobin with varying concentrations of the solution (after Rollett), The numbers to the right give the strength of the oxy- hemoglobin solution in percentages; the letters give the positions of the Fraunhofer lines. To ascertain the amount of absorption for any given concentration up to 1 per cent., draw a horizontal line across the diagram at the level corresponding to the concentra- tion. Where this line passes through the shaded part of the diagram absorption takes place, and the width of the absorption bands is seen at once. The diagram shows clearly that the amount of absorption increases as the solutions become more concentrated, especially the absorption of the blue end of the spectrum. It will be noticed that with concentrations between 0.6 and 0.7 per cent. the two bands between p and E fuse into one. With a certain minimal percentage of oxyheemoglobin (less than 0.01 per cent.) the 8-band is lost and the a- band is very faint in layers one cen- timeter thick. With stronger solu- tions the bands become darker and wider and finally fuse, while some of the extreme red end and a great deal of the violet end of the spec- trum is also absorbed. The varia- tions in theabsorption spectrum with differences in concentration are clear- ly shown in the accompanying illus- tration from Rollett' (Fig. 89) ; the thickness of the layer of liquid is supposed to be one centimeter. The numbers on the right indicate the percentage strength of the oxy- hemoglobin solutions. It will be noticed that the absorption which takes place as the concentration of the solution increases affects the red- orange end of the spectrum last of all. Solutions of reduced hemo- globin examined with the spectro- scope show only one absorption band, known sometimes as_ the “y-band.” This band lies also in the portion of the spectrum included between the lines D and £; its relations to these lines and the bands of oxyhemoglobin are shown in Figure 90 and in PI. I. spectrum 6. The 1 Hermann’s Handbuch der Physiologie, vol. iv., 1880. BLOOD. eae y-band is much more diffuse than the oxyhemoglobin bands, and its limits therefore, especially in weak solutions, are not well defined; in solutions of blood diluted 100 times with water, which would give a hemoglobin solution of about 0.14 per cent., the absorption band lies in the part of the spectrum included between the wave-lengths A 572 and 4 542. The width 70 65 60 55 50 45 BC D E b F G Fig. 90,—Diagrammatic representation of the absorption spectrum of hemoglobin (reduced heemoglo- bin) (after Rollett). The numerals give the wave-lengths in hundred-thousandths of a millimeter ; the letters show the positions of the more prominent Fraunhofer lines of the solar spectrum. The red end of the spectrum is to the left. The single diffuse absorption band lies between p and gz. and distinctness of this band vary also with the concentration of the solution. This variation is sufficiently well shown in the accompanying illustration (Fig. 91), which is a companion figure to the one just given for oxyhemoglobin Fig. 89). It will be noticed that the last light to be absorbed in this case is partly in the red end and partly in the blue, thus explaining the purplish color of hemoglobin solutions and of venous blood. Oxyhzemoglobin so- lutions can be converted to hemo- globin solutions, with a correspond- ing change in the spectrum bands, by placing the former in a vacuum or, more conveniently, by adding reducing solutions. The solutions most commonly used for this pur- pose are ammonium sulphide and Stokes’s reagent.' Ifa solution of reduced hemoglobin is shaken with air, it quickly changes to oxyhzemo- globin and gives two bands instead of one when examined through the spectroscope. Any given solution ie ys Fic. 91.—Diagram to show the variations in the ab- may be changed in this way from sorption spectrum of reduced hemoglobin with vary- i lobi ing concentrations of the solution (after Rollett). The oxyheemoglobin %0 heemog obin, numbers to the right give the strength of the hemo- and the reverse, a great number globin solution in percentages; the letters give the posi- bs ‘ ° tions of the Fraunhofer lines. For further directions of times, thus demonstrating the as to the use of the diagram, see the description of facility with which hemoglobin _ Figure 89. takes up and surrenders oxygen. 1 Stokes’s reagent is an ammoniacal solution of a ferrous salt. It is made by dissolving 2 parts (by weight) of ferrous sulphate, adding 3 parts of tartaric acid, and then ammonia to dis- tinct alkaline reaction. A permanent precipitate should not be obtained. UHI ri tpees eT D Eb F G h 342 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Solutions of carbon-monoxide hemoglobin also give a spectrum with two absorption bands closely resembling in position and appearance those of oxy- hemoglobin (see Pl. I. spectrum 7). They are distinguished from the oxy- hemoglobin bands by being slightly nearer the blue end of the spectrum, as may be demonstrated by observing the wave-lengths or, more conveniently, by superimposing the two spectra. Moreover, solutions of carbon-monoxide hemoglobin are not reduced to hemoglobin by adding Stokes’s liquid, two bands being still seen after such treatment. A solution of carbon-monoxide hemoglobin suitable for spectroscopic examination may be prepared easily by passing ordinary coal-gas through a dilute oxyhemoglobin solution for a few minutes and then filtering. Derivative Compounds of Heemoglobin.—A number of compounds directly related to hemoglobin have been described, some of them being found normally in the body. Brief mention is made of the best known of these substances, but for the details of their preparation and chemical proper- ties reference must be made to the section on “ The Chemistry of the Body.” ' Metheemoglobin is a compound obtained by the action of oxidizing agents on hemoglobin ; it is frequently found, therefore, in blood stains or patho- logical liquids containing blood which have been exposed to the air for some time. It is now supposed to be identical in composition with oxyhzemoglobin, with the exception that the oxygen is held in more stable combination. Methemoglobin crystallizes in the same form as oxyhemoglobin, and has a characteristic spectrum (PI. I. spectrum 8). Hemochromogen (C,,H;,N,FeO,;) is the substance obtained when hemo- globin is decomposed by acids or by alkalies in the absence of oxygen. It crystallizes and has a characteristic spectrum. Heematin (C,,.H;,N,FeO,) is obtained when oxyhemoglobin is decomposed by acids or by alkalies in the presence of oxygen. It is amorphous and has a characteristic spectrum (Pl. I. spectra 9 and 10). Hemin (C,,H,,N,FeO,HCl) is a compound of hematin and HCl, and is readily obtained in crystalline form. It is much used in the detection of blood in medico-legal cases, as the crystals are very characteristic and are easily obtained from blood-clots or blood-stains, no matter how old these may be. Hematoporphyrin (C3.H,,N,O,) is a compound characterized by the absence of iron. It is frequently spoken of as “iron-free hematin.” It is obtained by the action of strong sulphuric acid on heematin. Heematoidin (C,,H,;N,O;) is the name given to a crystalline substance found in old blood-clots, and formed undoubtedly from the hemoglobin of the clotted blood. It has been shown to be identical with one of the bile- pigments, bilirubin. Its occurrence is interesting in that it demonstrates the relationship between hemoglobin and the bile-pigments. Histohematins are a group of pigments said to be many of the tissues—for example, the muscles. They are supposed to be respiratory pig- ments, and are related physiologically, and possibly chemically, to hemoglobin. They have not been isolated, but their spectra have been described. BLOOD. ggg Bile-pigments and Urinary Pigments—Heemoglobin is regarded as the parent-substance of the bile-pigments and the urinary pigments. Origin and Fate of the Red Corpuscles.—The mammalian red corpuscle is a cell that has lost its nucleus. It is not probable, therefore, that any given corpuscle lives for a great while in the circulation. This is made more certain by the fact that hemoglobin is the mother-substance from which the bile- pigments are made, and, as these pigments are being excreted continually, it is fair to suppose that red corpuscles are as steadily undergoing disintegration in ’ the blood-stream. Just how long is the average life of the corpuscles has not been determined, nor is it certain where and how they go to pieces. It has been suggested that their destruction takes place in the spleen, but the observa- tions advanced in support of this hypothesis are not very numerous or con- clusive. Among the reasons given for assuming that the spleen is especially concerned in the destruction of red corpuscles, the most weighty is the histo- logical fact that one can sometimes find in teased preparations of spleen-tissue certain large cells which contain red corpuscles in their cell-substance in various stages of disintegration. It has been supposed that the large cells actually ingest the red corpuscles, selecting those, presumably, which are in a state of physiological decline. Against this idea a number of objections may be raised. Large leucocytes with red corpuscles in their interior are not found so frequently nor so constantly in the spleen as we would expect should be the case if the act of ingestion were constantly going on. There is some reason for believing, indeed, that the whole act of ingestion may be a post- mortem phenomenon ; that is, after the cessation of the blood-stream the amoeboid movements of the large leucocytes continue, while the red corpuscles lie at rest—conditions which are favorable to the act of ingestion. It may be added also that the blood of the splenic vein contains no hemoglobin in solu- tion, indicating that no considerable dissolution of red corpuscles is taking place in the spleen. Moreover, complete extirpation of the spleen does not seem to lessen materially the normal destruction of red corpuscles, if we may measure the extent of that normal destruction by the quantity of bile-pigment formed in the liver, remembering that hzmoglobin is the mother-substance from which the bile-pigments are derived. It is more probable that there is no special organ or tissue charged with the function of destroying red corpus- cles, and that they undergo disintegration and dissolution while in the blood- stream and in any part of the circulation, the liberated hemoglobin being carried to the liver and excreted in part as bile-pigment. The continual destruction of red corpuscles implies, of course, a continual formation of new ones. It has been shown satisfactorily that in the adult the organ for the reproduction of red corpuscles is the red marrow of bones. In this tissue heematopoiesis, as the process of formation of red corpuscles is termed, goes on continually, the process being much increased after hemorrhages and in certain pathological conditions. The details of the histological changes will be found in the text-books of histology. It is sufficient here to state simply that a group of nucleated colorless cells, erythroblasts, is found in the red marrow. 344 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. These cells multiply by karyokinesis, and the daughter-cells eventually pro- duce hemoglobin in their cytoplasm, thus forming nucleated red corpuscles, The nuclei are subsequently lost, either by disintegration or, more likely, by | extrusion, and the newly-formed non-nucleated red corpuscles are forced into the blood-stream, owing to a gradual change in their position during develop- ment caused by the growing hematopoietic tissue. When the process has been greatly accelerated, as after severe hemorrhages or in certain pathological conditions, red corpuscles still retaining their nuclei may be found in the circu- _ lating blood, having been forced out prematurely as it were. Such corpuscles may subsequently lose their nuclei while in the blood-stream. In the em- bryo, hematopoietic tissue is found in parts of the body other than the mar- row, notably in the liver and spleen, which at that time serve as organs for the production of new red corpuscles. In the blood of the young embryo nucleated red corpuscles are at first abundant, but they become less numerous as the fetus grows older.’ Variations in the Number of Red Corpuscles. —The average number | of red corpuscles for the adult male, as has been stated already, is usually © given as 5,000,000 per cubic mm. The number is found to vary greatly, however. Outside of pathological conditions, in which the diminution in number may be extreme, differences have been observed in human beings. under such conditions as the following: The number is less in females, (4,500,000); it varies in individuals with the constitution, nutrition, and - manner of life; it varies with age, being greatest in the fetus and in the new- born child ; it varies with the time of the day, showing a distinct diminution after meals; in the female it varies somewhat in menstruation and in preg- nancy, being slightly increased in the former and diminished in the latter condition. Perhaps the most interesting example of variation in the number of red corpuscles is that which occurs with changes in altitude. Residence in high altitudes is quickly followed by a marked increase in the number of red corpuscles. Viault? has recently shown that living in the mountains two weeks at an altitude of 4392 meters caused an increase in the corpuscles from 5,000,000 to over 7,000,000 per cubic mm., and in the third week the number reached 8,000,000. From these and similar observations it would seem that a diminished pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere stimulates the hematopoietic organs to greater activity, and it is interesting to compare this result with the effect of an actual loss of blood. In the latter case the production of red corpuscles in the red marrow is increased, because, apparently, the ansemic condition causes a diminution in the oxygen-supply to the hematopoietic tis- sue, and thereby stimulates the erythroblastic cells to more rapid multiplication. In the case of a sudden diminution in oxygen-pressure, as happens when the altitude is markedly increased, we may suppose that one result is again a slight diminution in the oxygen-supply to the tissues, including the red marrow, and ‘For further details see Howell, “ Life History of the Blood-corpuscles,” etc., Journal of Morphology, vol. iv., 1890. 2 La Semaine medicale, 1890, p. 464. BLOOD. ao in consequence the erythroblasts are again stimulated to greater activity. This variation in hemoglobin with the altitude is an interesting adaptation which ensures always a normal oxygen-capacity for the blood. Physiology of the Blood-leucocytes.—The function of the blood-leuco- cytes has been the subject of numerous investigations, particularly in connection with the pathology of blood diseases. Although many hypotheses have been made as the result of this work, it cannot be said that we possess any positive information as to the normal function of these cells in the body. It must be borne in mind in the first place that the blood-leucocytes are not all the same histologically, and it may be that their functions are as diverse as is their mor- phology. Various classifications have been made, based upon one or another difference in microscopic structure and reaction. Thus, Ehrlich groups the leuco- eytes according to the size and the staining of the granules contained in the cyto- plasm, making in the latter respect three main groups: oxyphiles or eosinophiles, those whose granules stain only with acid aniline dyes—that is, with dyes in which the acid part of the dye acts as the stain ; basophiles, those which stain only with basic dyes; and neutrophiles, those which stain only with neutral dyes’ (Fig. 92). This classification is frequently used, especially in patholog- Fic. 92.—Blood stained with Ehrlich’s “triple stain” of acid-fuchsin, methyl-green, and orange G. (drawn with the camera lucida from normal blood) (after Osler): a, red corpuscles; 6, lymphocytes; c, large mononuclear leucocytes; d, transitional forms; e, neutrophilic leucocytes with polymorphous nuclei (polynuclear neutrophiles) ; /, eosinophilic leucocytes. ical literature, but it is not altogether satisfactory, since no definite functional relationship of the granules has been established ; and, moreover, it is unde- cided whether or not the specific granules are permanent or temporary struc- tures in the cells. A safer classification perhaps is the following: 1. Lympho- cytes, which are small corpuscles with a round vesicular nucleus and very scanty cytoplasm: they are not capable of amceboid movements. These corpuscles are so called because they resemble the leucocytes found in the lymph-gland, and 1 For a recent discussion and modification of this classification see Kanthack and Hardy, Journal of Physiology, vol. xvii., 1894, p. 81. 346 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. are supposed in fact to be brought into the blood through the lymph. 2. Mono- nuclear leucocytes, which are large corpuscles with a vesicular nucleus and abundant cytoplasm: they have the power of making amceboid movements. 3. Polymorphous or polynucleated leucocytes, which are large corpuscles with the nucleus divided into lobes that are either entirely separated or are connected by fine protoplasmic threads. This form shows active amceboid movements. It is impossible to say whether these varieties of blood-leucocytes are distinct histological units which have independent origins and more or less dissimilar functions, or whether, as seems more probable to the writer, they represent different stages in the development of a single type of cell, the lymphocytes forming the youngest and the polymorphic or polynucleated leucocytes the oldest stage. Perhaps the most striking property of the leuco- cytes as a class is their power of making amceboid movements—a charac- teristic which has gained for them the sobriquet of “wandering” cells. By virtue of this property some of them are able to migrate through the walls of blood-capillaries into the surrounding tissues. .This process of migration takes place normally, but is vastly accelerated under pathological conditions. As to the function or functions fulfilled by the leucocytes, numerous sugges- tions have been made, some of which may be stated in brief form as follows: (1) They protect the body from pathogenic bacteria. In explanation of this action it has been suggested that they may either ingest the bacteria, and thus destroy them directly, or they may form certain substances, defensive proteids, which destroy the bacteria. Leucocytes that act by ingesting the bacteria are spoken of as “ phagocytes” (gayeev, to eat; xvtoc, cell). This theory of their function is usually designated as the “ phagocytosis theory of Metschni- koff ;” it is founded upon the fact that the ameeboid leucocytes are known to ingest foreign particles with which they come in contact. The theory of the protective action of leucocytes has been used largely in pathology to explain immunity from infectious diseases, and for details of experiments in support of it reference must be made to pathological text-books. (2) They aid in the absorption of fats from the intestine. (3) They aid in the absorption of peptones from the intestine. These latter two theories will be spoken of more in detail in describing the process of absorption. (See the section upon Digestion.) It may be noticed here that these theories apply to the leucocytes found so abundantly in the lymphoid tissue of the alimentary canal, rather than to those contained in the blood itself. (4) They take part in the pro- cess of blood-coagulation. A complete statement with reference to this function must be reserved until the phenomenon of coagulation is de- scribed. (5) They help to maintain the normal composition of the blood- plasma as to proteids. It may be said for this view that there is considerable evidence that the leucocytes normally undergo disintegration and dissolu- tion in the circulating blood, to some extent at least. The blood-proteids are peculiar, and they are not obtained directly from the digested food. It is possible that the leucocytes, which are the only typical cells in the blood, aid in keeping up the normal supply of proteids. None of the theories mentioned BLOOD. | 347 has much positive evidence in its favor. It remains possible, on the one hand, that all these as well as other functions may be performed by the leucocytes, and, on the other hand, further discoveries may give an entirely new explanation of the value of these cells to the body. As to the origin of the leucocytes, it is known that they increase in number while in the circu- lation, undergoing multiplication by karyokinesis ; but the greater number are probably produced in the lymph-glands and in the lymphoid tissue of the body, whence they get into the lymph-stream and eventually are brought into the blood. Physiology of the Blood-plates.—The blood-plates are small circular or elliptical bodies, nearly homogeneous in structure and variable in size (0.5 to 5.54), but they are always smaller than the red corpuscles (see Histology). Less is known of their origin, fate, and functions than in the case of the leucocytes. It is certain that they are not independent cells, and it is altogether probable, therefore, that they soon disintegrate and dissolve in the plasma. When removed from the circulating blood they are known to disintegrate very rapidly. This peculiarity, in fact, prevented them from being discovered for a long time after the blood had been studied microscopically. Recent work has shown that they are formed elements, and not simply precipitates from the plasma, as was suggested at one time. The theory of Hayem, their real discoverer, that they develop into red corpuscles may also be considered as erroneous. ‘There is considerable evidence to show that in shed blood they take part in the process of coagulation. The nature of this evidence will be described later. Lilienfeld’ recently demonstrated that chemically the blood-plates contain a nucleo-albumin (see section on Chemistry of the Body) to which he gives the specific name of “nucleohiston.” The same substance is contained in the nuclei of leucocytes. This latter fact may be taken as additional evidence for a view which has already been supported on morphological grounds—that the blood-plates are derived from the nuclei of the leucocytes. According to this theory, when the multinucleated leucocytes go to pieces in the blood the fragments of nuclei contained in them persist for a longer or shorter time as blood-plates, which in time eventually dissolve in the plasma. If this last statement is correct, then it follows that the substance contained in the blood- plates either goes to form one of the normal constituents of the plasma, useful in nutrition or otherwise, or that it forms a waste product which is eliminated from the body. The specific function, if any, of the blood-plates, beyond that of aiding in coagulation, remains to be discovered. B. Cuzmicat Composition oF THE Bioon; CoacuLation; Toran Quantity or BLoop; REGENERATION AFTER HEMORRHAGE. Composition of the Plasma and Corpuscles.—Blood (plasma and cor- puscles) contains a great variety of substances, as may be inferred from its double relations to the tissues as a source of food-supply and as a means of 1 Du Bois-Reymond’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1893, p. 560. 348 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. removing the waste products of their functional activity. The constituents . existing in quantities sufficiently large for recognition by chemical means are as follows: (1) Water; (2) proteids, of which three varieties at least are known to exist in the plasma—namely, fibrinogen, paraglobulin (serum- globulin), and serum-albumin; (8) combined proteids (hemoglobin, nucleo- albumins) ; (4) extractives, including such substances as fats, sugar, urea, lecithin, cholesterin, etc.; and (5) inorganic salts. The proportions of these substances found in the blood of various mammals differ somewhat, although the qualitative composition is practically the same in all. The following tables, taken from different sources, summarize the main results of the quantitative analyses which have thus far been made: Analysis of the Whole Blood, Human (C. Schmidt). Man Woman (25 years). (30 years.) Water. -. ce bw ce we Re) eee ae a 788.71 824.55 Solids ee cal! Ne bt let cw cop eal te gaa 211.29 175.45 Proteids and extractives ....-..4..-. Kua “Te. a ei 191.78 157.93 Fibrin (derived from the fibrinogen) . .......... 3.93 1.91 Hematin (and iron) ... ...\.« +/+ 5 « 9) 7.70 6.99 Balts.. . 2. se et tw ye ee ke en 7.88 8.62 Inorganic Salis of Human Blood, 1000 parts (C. Schmidt). Blood-corpuscles. Blood-plasma. BE eee fe oa ee AS gas a ae Sond ian 1.75 OF eee Soe t+ es a ee 3.536 Page ees SAA te Tra 3.091 vt ore ee ere. 0.314 ‘EN EG A ee ee a 0.470 Le re See re 3.410 oN tee are 0.061 Se ees bee 0.129 ea ae a a 1.355 Pi hes! sn > 0.145 No PEED Pedy PAP Oe eee O°} erate te 2 RE i in ne hed MgO"). 20S. 1.) Se These acids and bases exist, of course, in the plasma and the corpuscles as salts. It is not possible to determine exactly how they are combined as salts, but Schmidt suggests the following probable combinations : Probable Salts in the Corpuscles. Probable Salts in the Plasma. Potassium sulphate ..... 0.132 Potassium sulphate ..... 0.281 Potassium chloride ..... 3.679 Potassium chloride ..... 0.359 Potassium phosphate. . . . . 2.343 Sodium chloride. ...... 5.546 Sodium phosphate. ..... 0.633 Sodium phosphate. .... . 0.271 Sodium carbonate ...... 0.341 Sodium carbonate ...... 1.532 Calcium phosphate. .... . 0.094 Calcium phosphate. .... . 0.298 Magnesium phosphate . . . . 0.060 Magnesium phosphate ... . . 0.218 One interesting fact brought out in the above table is the peculiarity in distribution of the potassium and sodium salts between the plasma and the corpuscles. The plasma contains an excess of the total sodium salts, and the corpuscles contain an excess of the potassium salts. BLOOD. . 349 Composition of Blood-plasma (1000 parts).! Composition of Blood-serum (1000 parts). Horse. Horse, Man. Ox. Water... -- +--+ -e eee 917.6 =n ee ete ie) se -) pg: oat 92.07 89.65 otal proteids .. . . ...:.%- ‘ 72.57 76.2 74, Fibrin (derived from the fibrinogen) 6.5 : Se Paraglobulin. ......... 38.4 45.65 31.04 41.69 Serum-albumin......... 24.6 26.92 45.16 33.30 Extractivesandsalts ...... 12.9 13.40 15.88 14.66 Red Corpuseles, Human Blood (Hoppe-Seyler). Re Il. DIRVRMINORIODIN 6. ew kw Bcc ow Pat ae 86.8 94.3 per cent. Pe CAINE DUNC TY 6 i. ke dete a mbes & 12.2 ot Ea RT Etat AL neil st ist ase is Gl ee a Te Fe Sees 0.7 C4. % EE EO ee ee ee 0.3 Ons .* Leucocytes, Thymus of Calf (Lilienfeld). In the total dry substance of the corpuscles, which was equal to 11.49 per cent., there was contained— Se Sacha! «aCe Nain atom whe a alesse - 1.76 per cent. Gl eke oe, end) whe harie 4 Gea ae €laee) ett 68.78 “ meee PPA Pita ate ct tk Peat Nar Taeeae tend OMe ee 8.67 “ METS ble ite Seok: ak le SO Ser teths Sreel old eee So) ar Ee eae my eS yi) 3. 2. Sho sa! falas Wobh ce on, hp eens LOR G Cholesterin ...... sk Wiggs iy Tee vee eee Pace eee RM oe nh g 440 * a. i ge el a a a aaa Mer ie Ver ake is AE ae 0.80 “ The extractives present in the blood vary in amount under different conditions. Average estimates of some of them, given in percentages of the entire blood, have been reported as follows: PIMINORE (DTAPC-GUQRT). 0 5 5 ie ww le 6) hie tye ls 0.117 per cent. I ae ee ee ee ee ee 0.016 “ IE Se cdi a ny os, 4 cw, Maer 98 Re 8 ee Beceem ke 0.0844 “ TSS S- aki a elias Go Wale eer es ee Mle eels Ue Oe le 0.041 “ Proteids of the Blood-plasma.—The properties and reactions of proteids and the related compounds, as well as a classification of those occurring in the animal body, are described in the section on the Chemistry of the Body. This description should be read before attempting to study the proteids of the plasma and the part they take in coagulation. Three proteids are usually described as existing in the plasma of circulating blood—namely, fibrinogen, "-paraglobulin, or, as it is sometimes called, “ serum-globulin,” and serum-albu- min. The first two of these proteids, fibrinogen and paraglobulin, belong to the group of globulins, and hence have many properties in common. Serum- albumin belongs to the group of so-called “native albumins” of which egg- albumin constitutes another member. Serum-albumin.—This substance is a typical proteid. Its elementary com- position, according to Hammarsten, is as follows : C H N s ) 53.06 6.85 16.04 1.80 22.26 These figures can be regarded as approximate only. Serum-albumin shows the 1 Hammarsten: A Text-book of Physiological Chemistry, 1893 (translated by Mandel). 300 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. general reactions of the native albumins. One of its most useful reactions is its behavior toward magnesium sulphate. Serum-albumin usually occurs in liquids together with the globulins, as is the case in blood. If such a liquid is thoroughly saturated with solid MgSO,, the globulins are precipitated com- . pletely, while the albumin is not affected. So far as the blood and similar liquids are concerned, a definition of serum-albumin might be given by saying that it comprises all the proteids not precipitated by MgSO, When its solutions have a neutral or an acid reaction, serum-albumin is precipitated in an insoluble form by heating the solution above a certain degree. Precipi- tates produced in this way by heating solutions of proteids are spoken of as coagulations—heat coagulations—and the exact temperature at. which coagulation occurs is to a certain extent characteristic for each proteid. The temperature of coagulation of serum-albumin is usually given at from 70° to 75° C., but it varies greatly with the conditions. It has been asserted, in fact, that careful heating under proper conditions gives separate coagula- tions at three different temperatures—namely, 73°, 77°, and 84° C.—indi- cating the possibility that what is called “serum-albumin” may be a mixture of three or more proteids. Serum-albumin occurs in blood-plasma and blood- serum, in lymph, and in the different normal and pathological exudations found in the body, such as pericardial liquid, hydrocele fluid, etc. The amount of serum-albumin in the blood varies in different animals, ranging among the mammalia from 2.67 per cent. in the horse to 4.52 per cent. in man. In some of the cold-blooded animals it oecurs in surprisingly small quantities— 0.36 to 0.69 per cent. As to the source or origin of serum-albumin, it is generally believed that it comes from the digested proteids of the food. It is known that proteid material in the food is not changed at once to serum- - albumin during the act of digestion ; indeed, it is known that the final product of digestion is a proteid or group of profeids of an entirely different character— namely, peptones and proteoses; but during the act of absorption into the blood these latter bodies are supposed to undergo transformation into serum- albumin. From a physiological standpoint serum-albumin is considered to be the main source of proteid nourishment for the tissues generally. As will be explained in the section on Nutrition, one of the most important requisites in the nutrition of the cells of the body is an adequate supply of proteid material to replace that used up in the chemical changes, the metabolism, of the tissues. Serum-albumin is supposed to furnish a part, at least, of this supply. As long as the serum-albumin is in the blood-vessels it is of course cut off from the tissues. The cells, however, are bathed directly in lymph, and this in turn is formed from the plasma of the blood which is filtered—or, according to some physiologists, secreted—through the vessel-walls. Serum-albumin may be looked upon, then, as a supply of proteid nourishment which is replenished, after every meal containing proteids, by absorption from the alimentary canal, Paraglobulin, which belongs to the group of globulins, exhibits the gen- eral reactions characteristic of the group. As stated above, it is completely precipitated from its solutions by saturation with MgSO,. It is incompletely BLOOD. 351 precipitated by saturation with common salt (NaCl). In neutral or feebly acid solutions it coagulates upon heating to 75° C. Hammarsten gives its element- ary composition as— c H N s o) 52.71 7.01 15.85 1.11 23.24 These figures must also be received as approximate, as it is not absolutely cer- tain that the substance analyzed was chemically pure. Paraglobulin occurs in blood, in lymph, and in the normal and pathological exudations. The amount of paraglobulin present in blood varies in different animals. Among the mam- malia the amount ranges from 1.78 per cent. in rabbits to 4.56 per cent. in the horse. In human blood it is given at 3.10 per cent., being less in amount, therefore, than the serum-albumin. It will be seen, upon examining the tables of composition of the blood-plasma and blood-serum of the horse (p. 349), that more of this proteid is found in the serum than in the plasma. This result, which is usually considered as being true, is explained by supposing that during coagulation some of the leucocytes disintegrate and part of their substance passes into solution as a globulin identical with or closely resembling paraglobulin. ‘The figures given above show that a considerable amount of paraglobulin is normally present in blood. It is reasonable to suppose that, like serum-albumin, this proteid is valuable as a source of nitrogenous food to the tissues. It is uncertain, however, whether it is used by the tissues directly as paraglobulin or is first converted into some other form of proteid. It is entirely unknown, also, whether its value as a proteid supply is in any way different from that of serum-albumin. The origin of paraglobulin remains undetermined. It may arise from the digested proteids absorbed from the alimentary canal, but there is no evidence to support such a view. Another suggestion is that it comes from the disintegration of the leucocytes (and other formed elements) of the blood. These bodies are known to contain a small quantity of a globulin resembling paraglobulin, and it is possible that this globulin may be liberated after the dissolution of the leucocytes in the plasma, and thus go to make up the normal supply of paraglobulin. This suggestion, however, is theoretical, The fact remains that at present the origin and the special use of the paraglobulin are entirely unknown. Fibrinogen is a proteid belonging to the globulin class and exhibiting all the general reactions of this group. It is distinguished from paraglobulin by a number of special reactions; for example, its temperature of heat coagula- _ tion is much lower (56° to 60° C.), and it is completely thrown down from its solutions by saturation with NaCl as well as with MgSO, Its most import- ant and distinctive reaction is, however, that under proper conditions it gives rise to an insoluble proteid, fibrin, whose formation is the essential phenom- enon in the coagulation of blood. Fibrinogen has an elementary composition, according to Hammarsten, of— c H N - ) §2.93 6.90 16.66 1.25 22.26 Fibrinogen is found in blood-plasma, in lymph, and in some cases, though not 352 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. always, in the normal and pathological exudations. It is absent from blood- serum, being used up during the process of clotting. It occurs in very small quantities in blood, compared with the other proteids. There is no good method of determining quantitatively the amount of fibrinogen, but estimates of the amount of fibrin, which cannot differ very much from the fibrinogen, show that in human blood it varies from 0.22 to 0.4 per cent. In horse’s blood it may be more abundant—0.65 per cent. As to the origin and the special physiological value of this proteid we are, if possible, more in the dark than in the case of paraglobulin, with the exception that fibrinogen is known to be the source of the fibrin of the blood. But clotting is an occasional phe- nomenon only. What nutritive function, if any, is possessed by fibrinogen under normal conditions is unknown. No satisfactory account has been given of its origin. It has been suggested by different investigators that it may come from the nuclei of disintegrating leucocytes (and blood-plates) or from the dissolution of the extruded nuclei of newly-made red corpuscles, but here again we have only speculations, which cannot be accepted until some experi- mental proof is advanced to support them. | Coagulation of Blood.—One of the most striking properties of blood is its power of clotting or coagulating shortly after it escapes from the blood- vessels. The general changes in the blood during this process are easily fol- lowed. At first shed blood is perfectly fluid, but in a few minutes it becomes viscous and then sets into a soft jelly which quickly becomes firmer, so that the vessel containing it can be inverted without spilling the blood. The clot continues to grow more compact and gradually shrinks in volume, pressing out a smaller or larger quantity of a clear, faintly yellow liquid to which the name blood-serwm has been given. The essential part of the clot is the fibrin. Fibrin is an insoluble proteid which is absent from normal blood. In shed blood, and under certain conditions in blood while still in the blood-vessels, this fibrin is formed from the soluble fibrinogen. The deposition of the fibrin is peculiar. It is precipitated, if the word may be used, in the form of an exceedingly fine network of delicate threads which permeate the whole mass of the blood and give the clot its jelly-like character. The shrinking of the threads causes — the subsequent contraction of the clot. If the blood has not been shaken during the act of clotting, almost all the red corpuscles are caught in the fine fibrin meshwork, and as the clot shrinks these corpuscles are held more firmly, only the clear liquid of the blood being squeezed out, so that it is possible to get specimens of serum containing few or no red corpuscles. The leucocytes, on the contrary, although they are also caught at first in the forming mesh- work of fibrin, may readily pass out into the serum in the later stages of clot- ting, on account of their power of making amceboid movements. If the blood has been agitated during the process of clotting, the delicate network will be broken in places and the serum will be more or less bloody—that is, it will contain numerous red corpuscles. If during the time of clotting the blood is vigorously whipped with a bundle of fine rods, all the fibrin will be deposited as a stringy mass upon the whip, and the remaining liquid part will consist of BLOOD. 353 serum plus the blood-corpuscles. Blood which has been whipped in this way M “ ; +] is known as “defibrinated blood.” It resembles normal blood in appearance, but is different in its composition : it cannot clot again. The way in which the fibrin is normally deposited may be demonstrated most beautifully under the microscope by placing a good-sized drop of blood on a slide, covering it 7 with a cover-slip, and allowing it to stand for several minutes until coagu- lation is completed. If the drop is now examined, it is possible by careful focussing to discover in the spaces between the masses of corpuscles many examples of the delicate fibrin network. The physiological value of clotting is that it stops hemorrhages by closing the openings of the wounded blood- vessels. Time of Clotting.—The time necessary for the clot to form varies slightly in different individuals, or in the blood of the same individual varies with the conditions. It may be said in general that under normal conditions the blood passes into the jelly stage in from three to ten minutes. The separation of clot and serum takes place gradually, but is usually completed in from ten to forty-eight hours. ‘The time of clotting shows marked variations in different animals; the process is especially slow in the horse and the terrapin, so that coagulation of shed. blood is more easily prevented in these animals. In the human being also the time of clotting may be much prolonged under certain conditions—in fevers, for example. This fact was noticed in the days when bloodletting was a common practice. The slow clotting of the blood permitted the red corpuscles to sink somewhat, so that the upper part of the clot in such eases was of a lighter color, forming what was called the “buffy coat.” The time of clotting may be shortened or be prolonged, or the clotting may be pre- vented altogether, in various ways, and much use has been made of this fact in studying the composition and the coagulation of blood as well as in con- trolling hemorrhages. It will be advantageous to postpone an account of these methods for hastening or retarding coagulation until the theories of coagulation have been considered. Theories of Coagulation.—The clotting of blood is such a prominent phe- nomenon that it has attracted attention at all times, and as a result numerous theories to account for it have been advanced. Most of these theories possess _ simply an historical interest, and need not be discussed in a work of this charac- ter, but some reference to older views is unavoidable for a proper presentation of the subject. To prevent misunderstanding it may be stated explicitly in the beginning that there is at present no perfectly satisfactory theory. Indeed, the subject is a difficult one, as it is intimately connected with the chemistry of the proteids of the blood, and it may be said that a complete understanding of clotting waits upon a better knowledge of the nature of these proteids. It happens that at the present time a great deal of attention is being paid to this subject by experimenters, and it is possible that at any moment new facts may be discovered which will alter present ideas of the nature of the process. In considering the different theories that have been proposed there are two general facts which should always be kept in mind: first, that the main phenomenon 23 354 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. which a theory of coagulation has to explain is the formation of fibrin ; second, that all theories unite in the common belief that the fibrin is derived, in part at _least, from the fibrinogen of the plasma. Schmidt's Older Theory of Coagulation.—The first theory which gained general acceptance in recent times was that of Alexander Schmidt. It was proposed in 1861, and it has served as the basis for all subsequent theories. Schmidt held that the fibrin of the clot is formed by a reaction between para- globulin (he called it “ fibrinoplastin ”) and fibrinogen, and that this reaction is brought about by a third body, to which he gave the name of fibrin ferment. Fibrin ferment was believed to be absent from normal blood, but to be formed after the blood was shed. Further reference will presently be made to the nature of this substance. Schmidt was not able to determine its nature— whether it was a proteid or not—but he discovered a method of preparing it from blood-serum, and demonstrated that it cannot be obtained from blood immediately after it leaves the blood-vessels, and that consequently it does not exist in circulating blood, in any appreciable quantity at least. Finally, Schmidt believed that a certain quantity of soluble salts is necessary as a fourth “fibrin factor.” Hammarsten’s Theory of Coagulation—Hammarsten, who repeated Schmidt’s experiments, demonstrated that paraglobulin is unnecessary for the formation of fibrin. He showed that if a solution of pure fibrinogen is prepared, and if there is added to it a solution of fibrin ferment entirely free from paraglobulin, a typical clot is formed. This experiment has since been. confirmed by others, so that at present it is generally accepted that paraglob- ulin takes no direct part in the formation of fibrin. Hammarsten’s theory is that there are two fibrin factors, fibrin ferment and fibrinogen, and that fibrin results from a reaction between these two bodies. The nature of this reaction could not be determined, but Hammarsten showed that the entire fibrinogen molecule is not changed to fibrin. A dissociation or splitting occurs, so that in place of the fibrinogen there is present after clotting, on the one hand, fibrin representing most of the weight of fibrinogen, and, on the other hand, a newly-formed globulin-like proteid retained in solution in the serum, to which proteid the name fibrin-globulin has been given. Ham- marsten supposed that although paraglobulin took no direct part in the process, it acted as a favoring condition, a greater quantity of fibrin being formed when it was present. Some recent experiments’ show that this supposition is incorrect, and that paraglobulin may be eliminated entirely from the theory. The theory of Hammarsten, which is perhaps generally accepted at the present time, is incomplete, however, in that it leayes undetermined the nature of the ferment and of the reaction between it and the fibrinogen. The aim of the newer theories has been to supply this deficiency. Schmidt’s Recent Theory of Coagulation—In a recent book? containing the results of a lifetime of work devoted to the study of*blood-coagulation, 1 Frederikse: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, vol. 19, 1894, p. 143. 2 Zur Blutlehre, Leipzig, 1893. PRT ESAS te SO RREES BLOOD. 855 Schmidt has modified his well-known theory. His present ideas of the direct and indirect connection of the proteids of the plasma with the formation of fibrin are too complex to be stated clearly in brief compass. He classifies the conditions necessary for coagulation as follows: (1) Certain soluble proteids— namely, the two globulins of the blood—as the material from which fibrin is made. Schmidt does not believe, however, that paraglobulin and fibrinogen react to make fibrin, but believes that fibrinogen is formed from paraglobulin, and that fibrinogen in turn is changed to fibrin. (2) A specific ferment, fibrin ferment, to effect the changes in the proteids just stated. He proposes for fibrin ferment the distinctive name of thrombin. (3) A certain quantity of neutral salts is necessary for the precipitation of the fibrin in an insoluble form. The Relation of Calcium Salts to Coagulation—It has been shown by a number of observers that calcium salts take an important part in the pro- cess of clotting. This fact was most clearly demonstrated by Arthus and Pages, who found that if oxalate of potash or soda is added to freshly-drawn blood in quantities sufficient to precipitate the calcium salts, clotting will be prevented. If, however, a soluble calcium salt is again added, clotting occurs promptly. This fact has been demonstrated not only for the blood, but also for pure solutions of fibrinogen, and we are justified in saying that without the presence of calcium salts fibrin cannot be formed from fibrinogen. This is one of the most significant facts recently brought out in connection with coagulation. We know that fibrinogen when acted upon by fibrin ferment produces fibrin, but we now know also that calcium salts must be present. What is the relation of these salts to the so-called “ferment”? This question has been differently answered in two recent theories of coagulation. Pekelharing’s Theory of Coagulation.—Pekelharing’ succeeded in sepa- rating from blood-plasma a proteid body which has the properties of a nucleo- albumin. He finds that if this substance is brought into solution together with fibrinogen and calcium salts, a typical clot will form, while nucleo- albumin alone, or calcium salts alone, added to fibrinogen solutions, cause no clotting. His theory of coagulation is that what has been called “ fibrin ferment” is a compound of nucleo-albumin and calcium, and that when this compound is brought into contact with fibrinogen a reaction occurs, the calcium passing over to the fibrinogen and forming an insoluble calcium compound, fibrin. According to this theory, fibrin is a calcium compound with fibrinogen or with a part of the fibrinogen molecule. This idea is strengthened by the unusually large percentage of calcium found in fibrin ash. The theory supposes also that the fibrin ferment is not present in blood- plasma—that is, in sufficient quantity to set up coagulation—but that it is formed after the blood is shed. The nucleo-albumin part is derived from the cor- puscles of the blood (leucocytes, blood-plates), which break down and go into ~ solution. This nucleo-albumin then unites with the calcium salts present in the blood to form fibrin ferment, an organic compound of calcium capable of reacting with fibrinogen. The theory is a simple one; it accounts for the 1 Untersuchungen iiber das Fibrinferment, Amsterdam, 1892. 356 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. importance of calcium salts in coagulation, and reduces the interchange be- tween fibrinogen and fibrin ferment to the nature of an ordinary chemical reaction. | Lilienfeld’s Theory of Coagulation.—Lilienfeld* has carried still further the chemical study of the changes occurring in coagulation. Like Pekelharing he finds that the three important substances to be considered in coagulation are fibrinogen, nuclein compounds, and calcium salts. He differs from Pekel- haring, however, in his description of how these substances react with one another in producing fibrin. Lilienfeld and others have shown that a com- pound proteid to which the name “ nucleohiston” is given may be extracted from the nuclei of leucocytes and other cells, and that this neucleohiston under some circumstances favors the coagulation of liquids containing fibrinogen, but under other circumstances prevents or retards coagulation. Nucleohiston is readily decomposed into its two constituents—histon, a proteid body, and a nucleo-proteid to which the specific name of “ leuconuclein” is given. Histon when injected into the blood of a living animal has a remarkable influence in preventing coagulation: blood drawn shortly after the injection remains per- fectly fluid, and its histological elements, red and white corpuscles and blood- plates, retain perfectly their normal shapes. Leuconuclein, on the contrary, although it is not able to produce fibrin from fibrinogen, does cause the fibrin- ogen molecule to split, with the formation of a substance, “thrombosin,” which comes down as a precipitate. If this thrombosin is dissolved in dilute alkaline solution it clots readily when brought into contact with cal- cium salts. Thrombosin may also be formed from fibrinogen by the action of dilute acetic acid or nucleic acid (nuclein). Normal coagulation, according to Lilienfeld, takes place as follows: After blood is shed there occurs a disinte- gration of leucocytes (and blood-plates) resulting in the giving off of nuclein compounds to the plasma. ‘These nuclein substances, being dissolved in the alkaline plasma, come in contact with the fibrinogen and decompose it, with the formation of thrombosin. This latter substance then unites with the cal- cium salts of the plasma to form fibrin, which, on this theory, might be defined as a calcium compound of thrombosin. Lilienfeld’s theory does not give a satisfactory explanation of the nature of fibrin ferment, but is very valuable in demonstrating that the essential act of clotting—that is, of the formation of fibrin—is the union of calcium salts with a portion of the fibrinogen mole- cule, and that this portion of the fibrinogen molecule may first be split off by the action of acetic acid or the acid nuclein compounds. Until further inves- tigations are made it is not possible to decide between the theories of Pekel- haring and Lilienfeld. It is well, however, to emphasize the fact that there is much in common between the two theories. Each holds that the fibrin is a compound of calcium salts with a portion of the fibrinogen molecule, the latter undergoing splitting during the act of clotting. According to Lilienfeld, this splitting of the fibrinogen molecule is caused by nucleo-proteid, and the thrombosin thus formed then combines with the calcium. According to Pekel- 1 Du Bois-Reymond’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1898, p. 560. BLOOD. | 357 haring, the nucleo-proteid first combines with the calcium, and then this cal- cium compound reacts with the fibrinogen, transferring its calcium to a portion of the molecule. We might say, therefore, that there are three fibrin factors —fibrinogen, nucleo-proteid, and calcium salts; the first and last of these exist in the circulating blood, but the nucleo-proteid is formed usually only after the blood is shed, and is derived from the disintegration of the formed ele- ments, the leucocytes and blood-plates. How these three factors interact to form fibrin cannot be stated positively, but it seems to be satisfactorily deter- mined that the fibrin is a compound of calcium with a product derived from the splitting of the fibrinogen. Nature and Origin of Fibrin Ferment (Thrombin).—Recent views as to the nature of fibrin ferment have been referred to incidentally in the description of the theories of coagulation just given. . The relation of these _ newer views to the older ideas can be presented most easily by giving a brief description of the development of our knowledge concerning this body. Schmidt prepared solutions of fibrin ferment originally by adding a large excess of alcohol to blood-serum and allowing the proteids thus precipitated to stand under strong alcohol for a long time until they were thoroughly coagu- lated and rendered nearly insoluble in water. At the end of the proper period the coagulated proteids were extracted with water, and there was obtained a solution which contained only small quantities of proteid. It was found that solutions prepared in this way had a marked effect in inducing coagulation when added to liquids, such as hydrocele liquid, which contained fibrinogen, but which did not clot spontaneously or else clotted very slowly. It was after- ward shown that similar solutions of fibrin ferment are capable of setting up coagulation very readily in so-called salted plasma—that is, in blood-plasma prevented from clotting by the addition of a certain quantity of neutral salts. It was not possible to say whether the coagulating power of these solutions was due to the small traces of proteid contained in them, or whether the pro- teid was merely an impurity. The general belief for a time, however, was that the proteids present were not the active agent, and that there was in solu- tion something of an unknown chemical nature which acted upon the fibrinogen after the manner of unorganized ferments. This belief was founded mainly upon three facts: first, that the substance seemed to be able to act powerfully upon fibrinogen, although present in such minute quantities that it could not be isolated satisfactorily ; second, it was destroyed by heating its solutions for a few minutes at 60° C.; and, third, it did not seem to be destroyed in the reaction of coagulation which it set up, since it was always present in the serum squeezed out of the clot. Schmidt proved that fibrin ferment could not be obtained from blood by the method described above if the blood was made to flow im- mediately from the cut artery into the alcohol. On the other hand, if the shed blood was allowed to stand, the quantity of fibrin ferment increased up to the time of coagulation, and was present in quantity in the serum, Schmidt believed that the ferment was formed in shed blood from the disintegration of the leucocytes, and this belief was corroborated by subsequent histological & 358 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. work. It was shown in microscopic preparations of coagulated blood that the fibrin threads often radiated from broken-down leucocytes—an appearance which seemed to indicate that the leucocytes served as points of origin for the deposition of the fibrin. When the blood-plates were discovered a great deal of microscopic work was done tending to show that these bodies also are con- nected with coagulation in the same way as the leucocytes, and serve probably as sources of fibrin ferment. In microscopic preparations the fibrin threads were found to radiate from masses of partially disintegrated plates ; and, more- over, it was discovered that conditions which retard or prevent coagulation of blood often serve to preserve the delicate plates from disintegration. At the present time it is generally believed that there is derived from the disintegra- tion of the leucocytes and blood-plates something which is necessary to the coagulation of blood, but there is some difference of opinion as to the nature of this substance and whether it is identical with Schmidt’s fibrin ferment. Pekelharing thinks that the substance set free from the corpuscles and plates is a nucleo-proteid, but that this nucleo-proteid is not capable of acting upon fibrinogen until it has combined with the calcium salts of the blood. According to his view, therefore, fibrin ferment, in Schmidt’s sense, is a compound of cal- cium and nucleo-proteid. Lilienfeld has shown by chemical reactions that blood-plates and nuclei of leucocytes contain nucleo-proteid material which in all probability is liberated in the blood-plasma by the disintegration of these elements after the blood is shed. As he has shown also that this nucleo- proteid material with the aid of calcium salts acts upon the fibrinogen to pro- duce fibrin, it would seem clear that the so-called fibrin ferment is really a nucleo-proteid compound. Lilienfeld contends, however, that solutions of fibrin ferment prepared by Schmidt’s method do not contain any nucleo-proteid material, and that, although the liberation of the nucleo-proteid material is what starts normal coagulation of blood, nevertheless so-called fibrin ferment is some- thing entirely different from nucleo-proteid. In this point, however, his results are contradicted by the experiments of Pekelharing and of Halliburton, who both find that solutions of fibrin ferment prepared by Schmidt’s method give distinct evidence of containing nucleo-proteid material. We may conclude, therefore, that the essential element of Schmidt’s fibrin ferment is a nucleo- proteid compound. Whether or not this nucleo-proteid can act upon fibrinogen directly, as Lilienfeld claims, or must first combine with calcium salts, as held by Pekelharing, is a matter which must be left to future investigation. Intravascular Clotting.—Clotting may -be induced within the blood- vessels by the introduction of foreign particles, either solid or gaseous—for example, air—or by injuring the inner coat of the blood-vessels, as in ligat- ing. In the latter case the area injured by the ligature acts as a foreign surface and probably causes the disintegration of a number of corpuscles. The clot in this case is confined at first to the injured area, and is known as a “thrombus.” Intravascular clotting more or less general in occurrence may be produced by injecting into the circulation such substances as leucocytes obtained by macerating lymph-glands, extracts of fibrin ferment, solutions of BLOOD. 359 nucleo-albumins of different kinds, ete. According to the theory of coagu- lation adopted above, injections of these latter substances ought to cause coagu- lation very readily, since the blood already contains fibrinogen, and needs only the presence of ferment to set up coagulation. As a matter of fact, however, intravascular clotting is produced with some difficulty by these methods, show- ing that the body can protect itself within certain limits from an excess of | ferment in the circulating blood. Just how this is done is not known, but possibly it is due to some defensive activity of the living endothelial cells lining the interior of the blood-vessels. Moreover, injection of leucocytes, nucleo- albumins, etc. sometimes diminishes instead of increasing the coagulability of blood, making the so-called “negative phase” of the injection. In the case of leucocytes it is probable that this result is accounted for by the fact that the nucleohiston liberated by their disintegration may undergo decomposition in the blood with the formation of histon, which is known to prevent coagu- lation (see p. 356). Why Blood does not Clot within the Blood-vessels.—The reasons why blood remains fluid while in the living blood-vessels, but clots quickly after being shed or after being brought into contact with a foreign substance in any way, have already been stated in describing the theories of coagulation, but they will be restated here in more categorical form. Briefly, then, blood does not clot within the blood-vessels because nucleo-proteids are not present in sufficient quantities at any one time. Leucocytes and blood-plates probably disintegrate here and there within the circulation, but the small amount of fer- ment thus formed is insufficient to act upon the blood, and probably the ferment is quickly destroyed or changed. When blood is shed, however, the formed elements break down in mass, as it were, liberating a relatively large amount of nucleo-proteids, which, in combination with the calcium salts, produce fibrin from the fibrinogen. In shed blood the restraining action of the endothelial cells of the blood-vessels, a more or less unknown factor, is also eliminated. Means of Hastening or of Retarding Coagulation.—Blood coagulates normally within a few minutes, but the process may be hastened by increasing the extent of foreign surface with which it comes in contact. Thus, moving the liquid when in quantity, or the application of a sponge or a handkerchief to a wound, will hasten the onset of clotting. This is easily understood when it is remembered that nucleo-proteids arise from the breaking down of leucocytes and blood-plates, and that these corpuscles go to pieces more rapidly when in contact with a dead surface. It has been proposed also to hasten clotting in case of hemorrhage by the use of ferment solutions. Hot sponges or cloths applied to a wound will hasten clotting, probably by accelerating the formation of ferment and the chemical changes of clotting. Coagulation may be retarded or be prevented altogether by a variety of means, of which the following are the most important: | 1. By Cooling.—This method succeeds well only in blood which clots slowly—for example, the blood of the horse or the terrapin. Blood from these animals received into narrow vessels surrounded by crushed ice may be 360 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. kept fluid for an indefinite time. The blood-corpuscles soon sink, so that this method is an excellent one for obtaining pure blood-plasma. The cooling probably prevents clotting by keeping the corpuscles intact. 2. By the Action of Neutral Salts——Blood received at once from the blood- vessels into a solution of such neutral salts as sodium sulphate or magnesium ~ sulphate, and well mixed, will not clot. In this case also the corpuscles settle slowly, or they may be centrifugalized, and specimens of plasma can be obtained. For this purpose horse’s or cat’s blood is to be preferred. Such — plasma is known as “salted plasma ;” it is frequently used in experiments in coagulation—for example, in testing the efficacy of a given ferment solution. The best salt to use is MgSO, in solutions of 27 per cent.: 1 part by volume of this solution is usually mixed with 4 parts of blood ; if cat’s blood is used a smaller amount may be taken—1 part of the solution to 9 of blood. Salted plasma or salted blood again clots when diluted sufficiently with water or when ferment solutions are added to it. How the salts prevent coagulation is not definitely known—possibly by preventing the disintegration of corpuscles and the formation of ferment, possibly by altering the chemical properties of the proteids. 3. By the Action of Albumose Solutions.—Certain of the products of proteid digestion, peptones and albumoses, when injected into the circulation retard clotting for a long time. For injection into dogs one uses 0.3. gram to each kilogram of animal. If the blood is withdrawn shortly after the injection, it will remain fluid for a long time. According to Pekelharing, the ~ albumoses act by combining with the calcium salts, or at least by preventing them from reacting normally. 4. By the Use of Leech Extracts.—Extract of the heads of leeches, when — mixed with blood, will prevent coagulation. The extract contains some sub- stance formed in the salivary glands of the leech. It is probable that this substance acts normally to prevent the clotting of blood when sucked in by the animal. | 5. By the Action of Oxalate Solutions.—If blood as it flows from the vessels is mixed with solutions of potassium. or sodium oxalate in proportion sufficient to make a total strength of 0.1 per cent. or more of these salts, coagulation will be prevented entirely. Addition of an excess of water will not produce clotting in this case, but solutions of some soluble calcium salt will quickly start the process. The explanation of the action of the oxalate solutions is simple: they are supposed to precipitate the calcium as insoluble calcium oxalate. . Total Quantity of Blood in the Body.—The total quantity of blood in the body has been determined approximately for man and a number of the lower animals. The method used in such determinations consists essentially in first bleeding the animal as thoroughly as possible and weighing the quan- tity of blood thus obtained, and afterward washing out the blood-vessels with water and estimating the amount of hemoglobin in the washings. The results are as follows: Man, 7.7 per cent. (=';) of the body-weight; that is, a man ‘BLOOD, 361 weighing 68 kilos. has about 5236 grams, or 4965 ¢.c., of blood in his body ; dog, 7.7 per cent.; rabbit and cat, 5 per cent.; new-born human being, 5.26 per cent.; and birds, 10 per cent. Moreover, thé distribution of this blood in the tissues of the body at any one time has been estimated by Ranke,! from experiments on freshly-killed rabbits, as follows: NT Se ea en a aa ee ee EM PT At 0.23 per cent. Dae COPG UNS 7970. Vil) to anias wort ap dyodions. Lidti nes te RON satel teaia yt: Ato tay. copless oilt/ site oidad ann BBS 45 55 cf SST ES nas i ea a al oe ar ie 210 * «& Leen sg ig Mire sha ea TR RED wg gh tl Rg ke gg Sk kel ete te ne Cg toe eee Le SORE S25". S23°s Heart, lungs, and great blood-vessels. . . 2... ....0.22. 22.76.) & MEM PAGANS Sycielct syicy ery ba wtyat he dere Me se ve 20.20'..¢, OS ee a pei aie aS ol gl alte Yel weap. ae Tt will be seen from inspection of this table that in the rabbit the blood of the body is distributed-at any one time about as follows: one-fourth to the heart, lungs, and great blood-vessels ; one-fourth to the liver; one-fourth to the resting muscles ; and one-fourth to the remaining organs. Regeneration of the Blood after Hemorrhage.—aA large portion of the entire quantity of blood in the body may be lost suddenly by hemorrhage without producing a fatal result. The extent of hemorrhage which can be recovered from safely has been investigated upon a number of animals. Although the results show more or less individual variation, it can be said that in dogs a hemorrhage of from 2 to 3 per cent. of the body-weight? is recovered from easily, while a loss of 4.5 per cent., more than half the entire blood, will probably prove fatal. In cats a hemorrhage of from 2 to 3 per cent. of the body-weight is not usually followed by a fatal result. Just what percentage of loss can be borne by the human being has not been deter- mined, but it is probable that a healthy individual may recover without serious difficulty from the loss of a quantity of blood amounting to as much as 3 per cent. of the body-weight. It is known that if liquids which are iso- tonic to the blood, such as a 0.9 per cent. solution of NaCl, are injected into the veins immediately after a severe hemorrhage, recovery will be more certain ; in fact, it is possible by this means to restore persons after a hemorrhage which would otherwise have been fatal. The physiological reason for this fact seems to be that the large access of neutral liquid puts into circulation all the red corpuscles. Ordinarily the number of red corpuscles is greater than that neces- sary for a barely sufficient supply of oxygen, and increasing the bulk of liquid in the vessels after a severe hemorrhage makes more effective as oxygen-carriers the remaining red corpuscles, inasmuch as it ensures a more rapid circulation. If a hemorrhage has not been fatal, experiments on lower animals show that the plasma of the blood is regenerated with astonishing rapidity, the blood regaining its normal volume within a few hours in slight hemorrhages, and -1Taken from Vierordt’s Anatomische, physiologische und physikalische Daten und Tabellen, Jena, 1893. 2 Fredericq : Travaux du Laboratoire ( Université de Liége), vol. i., 1885, p. 189. 362 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours if the loss of blood has been severe; but the number of red corpuscles and the hemoglobin are. regenerated more slowly, getting back to normal only after a number of days or after several weeks. : Blood-transfusion.—Shortly after the discovery of the circulation of the blood (Harvey, 1628), the operation was introduced of transfusing blood from one individual to another or from some of the lower animals to man. Ex- travagant hopes were held as to the value of such transfusion not only as a means of replacing the blood lost by hemorrhage, but also as a cure for various infirmities and diseases. ‘Then and subsequently, fatal as well as successful results followed the operation. It is now known to be a dangerous under- taking, mainly for two reasons: first, the strange blood, whether transfused directly or after defibrination, is liable to contain a quantity of fibrin ferment sufficient to cause intravascular clotting ; secondly, the serum of one animal is known to cause often a destruction of the blood-corpuscles of another. Owing to this globulicidal action, which has previously been referred to (p. 334), the injection of foreign blood is likely to be directly injurious instead of beneficial. In cases of loss of blood from severe hemorrhage, therefore, it is far safer to inject a neutral liquid, such as the so-called “ physiological salt-solution ”—a solution of NaCl of such a strength (0.9 per cent.) as to be isotonic to the cor- puscles. The bulk of the circulating liquid is thereby augmented, and all the red corpuscles are made more efficient as oxygen-carriers, partly owing to the fact that the velocity of the circulation is increased, and partly because the corpuscles are kept from stagnation in the capillary areas. LYMPH. LyMPH is a colorless liquid found in the lymph-vessels as well as in the extravascular spaces of the body. All the tissue-elements, in fact, may be regarded as being bathed in lymph. To understand its occurrence in the body one has only to bear in mind its method of origin from the blood. Throughout the entire body there is a rich supply of blood-vessels penetrating every tissue with the exception of the epidermis and some epidermal structures, as the nails and the hair. ‘The plasma of the blood filters through, or is secreted through, the thin walls of the capillaries, and is thus brought into immediate contact with the tissues, to which it brings the nourishment and oxygen of the blood and from which it removes the waste products of metabolism. This extravas-. cular lymph is collected into small capillary spaces which in turn open into definite lymphatic vessels, These vessels unite to larger and larger trunks, forming eventually one main trunk, the thoracic or left lymphatic duct, and a second smaller right lymphatic duct, which open into the blood-vessels, each on its own side, at the junction of the subclavian and internal jugular veins. The lymph movement is from the tissues to the veins, and the flow is main- tained chiefly by the difference in pressure between the lymph at its origin in | f 3 ; q LYMPH. 363 the tissues and in the large lymphatic vessels. The continual formation of lymph in the tissues leads to the development of a relatively high pressure in the lymph capillaries, and as a result of this the lymph is forced toward the point of lowest pressure—namely, the points of junction of the large lymph- ducts with the venous system. A fuller discussion of the factors concerned in the movement of lymph will be found in the section on Circulation. As would be inferred from its origin, the composition of lymph is essentially the same as that of blood-plasma. Lymph contains the three blood-proteids, the extractives (urea, fat, lecithin, cholesterin, sugar), and inorganic salts. The salts are found in the same proportions as in the plasma; the proteids are less in amount, espe- cially the fibrinogen. Lymph coagulates, but does so more slowly and less firmly than the blood. Histologically, lymph consists of a colorless liquid con- taining a number of leucocytes, and after meals a number of minute fat-drop- lets ; red blood-corpuscles occur only accidentally, and blood-plates, according to most accounts, are likewise normally absent. Formation of Lymph.—The careful researches of Ludwig and his pupils were formerly believed to prove that the lymph is derived directly from the _, plasma of the blood by filtration through the capillary walls. Various condi- tions which alter the pressure of the blood were shown to influence the amount of lymph formed in accordance with the demands of a theory of filtration. Moreover, the composition of lymph as usually given seems to support such a theory, inasmuch as the inorganic salts contained in it are in the same concen- tration, approximately, as in blood-plasma, while the proteids are in less con- centration, following the well-known law that in the filtration of colloids through animal membranes the filtrate is more dilute than the original solution. This simple and apparently satisfactory theory has been subjected to critical examination within recent years, and it has been shown that filtration alone does not suffice to explain the composition of the lymph under all circum- stances. At present two divergent views are held upon the subject. Accord- ing to some physiologists, all the facts known with regard to the composition of lymph may be satisfactorily explained if we suppose that this liquid is formed from blood-plasma by the combined action of the two physical pro- cesses of filtration and diffusion. According to others, it is believed that, in addition to filtration and diffusion, it is necessary to assume an active secretory process on the part of the endothelial cells composing the capillary walls. A discussion upon these points is in progress at present in current physiological literature, and it is impossible to foresee definitely what the outcome will be, since a final conclusion can be reached only by repeated experimental investi- gations. The actual condition of our knowledge of the subject can be presented most easily by briefly stating the objections which have been raised by Heiden- hain? to a pure filtration-and-diffusion theory, and indicating how these objec- tions have been met. 1. Heidenhain shows by simple calculations that an impossible formation of lymph would be required, upon the filtration theory, to supply the chemical 1 Apehiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1891, Bd. xlix. S. 209. 364 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. needs of the organs in various organic and inorganic constituents. Thus, to take an illustration which has been much discussed, one kilogram of cow’s milk contains 1.7 grams CaO, and the entire milk of twenty-four hours would contain in round numbers 42.5 grams CaO. Since the lymph contains nor- mally about 0.18 parts of CaO per thousand, it would require 236 liters of lymph per day to supply the necessary CaO to the mammary glands. Heiden- hain himself suggests that the difficulty in this case may be met by assuming active diffusion processes in connection with filtration. If, for instance, in the — case cited, we suppose that the CaO of the lymph is quickly combined by the tissues of the mammary gland, then the tension of calcium salts in the lymph will be kept at zero, and an active diffusion of calcium into the lymph will occur so long as the gland is secreting. In other words, the gland will receive its calcium by much the same process as it receives its oxygen, and will get its daily supply from a. comparatively small bulk of lymph. Cohnstein’ has answered the problem in another way. He calls attention to the fact that in the body the capillaries contain blood under a comparatively high pres- sure, while on their exterior they are bathed with lymph, also under pres- sure, although less than that of the blood. The pressure causing filtration in this case is the difference in pressure between the inside and the outside liquid. Moreover these liquids differ in composition, so that diffusion must also take place in such a manner that crystalloids will diffuse out into the lymph, and an amount of water corresponding to the osmotic equivalent will pass into the blood. The lymph that is actually formed will therefore be the balance between these two processes, and a liquid produced in this way he designates specifically as a transudation. From laboratory experiments made with ureters and veins he shows that the percentage composition of the transu- dation in crystalloid substances will increase with the pressure of the outside liquid. As this pressure is raised the filtration-stream is diminished, but the — diffusion is unaffected, hence the transudation will be more concentrated. It is possible in this way, as he shows by experiment, to get a transudation much more concentrated than the original liquid, and he assumes that in the body the lymph formed in the tissues may be more concentrated than the blood, and thus a small quantity of lymph may transport a large amount of crystalloid substance. What seems to be a fatal objection to this reasoning, so far as it applies to the difficulty first suggested with regard to the chemical needs of the organs, is the time element. As Heidenhain points out, the more concentrated the transudation the less its bulk, so that to get the required amount of CaO, for example, would upon this hypothesis require much more than twenty- four hours. Strictly speaking, however, the difficulty we are dealing with here shows only the insufficiency of a pure filtration theory. It seems possible that filtration and diffusion together would suffice to supply the organs, so far at least as the diffusible substances are concerned. 2, Heidenhain found that occlusion of the inferior vena cava causes not only an increase in the flow of lymph—as might be expected, on the filtration 1 Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1894, Bd. lix. 8. 350. LYMPH, 865 theory, from the consequent rise of pressure in the capillary regions—but also an increased concentration in the percentage of proteid in the lymph. This latter fact has been satisfactorily explained by the experiments of Starling. According to this observer, the lymph formed in the liver is normally more concentrated than that of the rest of the body. The occlusion of the vena cava causes a marked rise in the capillary pressure in the liver, and most of the increased lymph-flow under these circumstances comes from the liver, hence the greater concentration. The results of this experiment, therefore, do not antagonize the filtration-and-diffusion theory. 3. Heidenhein discovered that extracts of various substances which he designated as “lymphagogues of the first class” cause a marked increase in the flow of lymph from the thoracic duct, the lymph being more concentrated than normal, and the increased flow continuing for a long period. Nevertheless, these substances cause little, if any, increase in general arterial pressure; in fact, if injected in sufficient quantity they produce usually a fall of arterial pressure. The substances belonging to this class comprise such things as pep- tone, egg-albumin, extracts of liver and intestine, and especially extracts of the muscles of crabs, crayfish, mussels, and leeches. Heidenhain supposes that these extracts contain an organic substance which acts as a specific stimulus to the endothelial cells of the capillaries and increases their secretory action. The results of the action of these substances has been differently explained by those who are unwilling to believe in the secretion theory. Starling? finds experi- mentally that the increased flow of lymph in this case, as after obstruction of the vena cava, comes mainly from the liver. There is at the same time in the portal area an increased pressure which may account in part for the greater flow of lymph; but, since this effect upon the portal pressure lasts but a short time, while the greater flow of lymph may continue for one or two hours, it is obvious that this factor alone does not suffice to explain the result of the injec- | tions. Starling suggests, therefore, that these extracts act pathologically upon the blood-capillaries, particularly those of the liver, and render them more permeable, so that a greater quantity of concentrated lymph filters through them. No experimental proof is given to show that these extracts do so affect the capillary walls. Starling’s explanation is supported by the experiments of Popoff.s According to this observer, if the lymyh is col- lected simultaneously from the lower portions of the thoracic duct, which con- veys the lymph from the abdominal organs, and from the upper part, which contains the lymph from the head, neck, etc., it will be found that injection of peptone increases the flow only from the abdominal organs. Popoff finds also that the peptone causes a dilatation in the intestinal circulation and a marked rise in the portal pressure. At the same time there is some evidence of injury to the walls of the blood-vessels from the occurrence of extravasa- tion in the intestine. Cohnstein,’ from experiments made with peptone solu- 1 Journal of Physiology, 1894, vol. xvi. p. 234. 2 Tbid., 1894, vol. xvii. p. 30. 3 Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 1895, Bd. ix., No. 2. * Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1894, Bd. lix. S. 366. 366 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. tions, suggests a different explanation of the action of these lymphagogues. He believes that these substances diminish in some way the osmotic tension of the blood. In consequence of this diminution the diffusion-stream of water from lymph into the blood is lessened, and therefore the filtration-stream in the opposite direction, if it remains unchanged, must cause an increased volume of lymph. ‘This, theory, although supported to some extent by experimental evidence, does not seem to explain the greater concentration of lymph: obtained in these cases. So far, however, as the action of the lymphagogues of the first class is concerned, it may be said that the advocates of the filtration-and-diffu- sion theory have suggested a plausible explanation in accord with their theory. The facts emphasized by Heidenhain with regard to this class of substances do not compel us to assume a secretory function for the endothelial cells. 4, Injection of certain crystalline substances, such as sugar, NaCl, and other neutral salts, causes a marked increase in the flow of lymph from the thoracic duct. The lymph in these cases is more dilute than normal, and the blood-plasma also becomes more watery, thus indicating that the increase in water comes from the tissues themselves. Heidenhain designated these bodies as “lymphagogues of the second class.” His explanation of their action is that the crystalloid materials introduced into the blood are eliminated by the secretory activity of the endothelial cells, and that they then attract water from the tissue-elements, thus augmenting the flow of lymph. These sub- stances cause but little change in arterial blood-pressure, hence Heidenhain thought that the greater flow of lymph could not be explained by an increased filtration. Starling’ has shown, however, that, although these bodies may not seriously alter general arterial pressure, they may greatly augment intracapil- lary pressure, particularly in the abdominal organs. His explanation of the greater flow of lymph in these cases is as follows: ‘On their injection into the blood the osmotic pressure of the circulating fluid is largely increased. In consequence of this increase water is attracted from lymph and tissues into the blood by a process of osmosis, until the osmotic pressure of the circulating fluid is restored to normal. A condition of hydreemic plethora is thereby pro- duced, attended with a rise of pressure in the capillaries generally, especially in those of the abdominal viscera. This rise of pressure will be proportional to the increase in the volume of the blood, and therefore to the osmotic pres- sure of the solutions injected. The rise of capillary pressure causes great increase in the transudation of fluid from the capillaries, and therefore in the lymph-flow from the thoracic duct.” This explanation is well supported by experiments, and seems to obviate the necessity of assuming a secretory action on the part of the capillary walls. | 5. One of the most interesting facts developed by the experiments of Hei- denhain and his pupils is that after the injection of sugar or neutral salts in the blood the percentage of these substances in the lymph of the thoracic duct may be. greater than in the blood itself. It is obviously difficult to explain how this can occur by filtration or diffusion, since it seems to involve the pas- 1 Op. cit. LYMPH. 367 sage of crystalloid bodies from a less concentrated to a more concentrated solu- tion. Cohnstein’* has endeavored to show a fallacy in these results. He con- tends that since it requires some time (several minutes) for the lymph to form and pass into the thoracic duct, it is not justifiable to compare the quantitative composition of specimens of blood and lymph taken at the same time. If one compares, in any given experiment, the maximal percentage in the blood of the substance injected with its maximal percentage in the lymph, the latter will be found to be lower. This, however, does not seem to be the case in all the experiments reported. The work of Mendel? with sodium iodide seems to establish the fact that when this salt is injected slowly its maximal percentage in the lymph may exceed that in the blood; and in the experiments made by Cohnstein, as well as those by Mendel, it is shown that the percentage of the substance in the lymph remains above that in the blood throughout most of the experiment. In this point, therefore, there seems to be a real difficulty in the direct application of the laws of filtration and diffusion to the explanation of the composition of lymph. It is possible, however, that a better under- standing of the conditions prevailing in the capillaries with regard to osmosis and filtration may clear up this difficulty. Meanwhile it seems evident that in spite of the very valuable work of Heidenhain, which has added so much to our knowledge of the conditions influencing the formation of lymph, the existence of a definite secretory activity of the endothelial cells of the capil- laries has not been proved. 1 Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1894-95, Bde. lix., 1x. und Ixii. Journal of Physiology, 1896, vol. xix. p. 227. 8 See Hamberger: Du Bois-Reymond’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1896, 8. 36. VIL CIRCULATION. PART L—THE MECHANICS OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD AND OF THE MOVEMENT OF THE LYMPH. A. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. THE metaphorical phrase “ circulation of the blood” means that every par- ticle of blood, so long as it remains within the vessels, moves along a path which, no matter how tortuous, finally returns into itself; that, therefore, the particles which pass a given point of that path may be the same which have passed it many times already ; and that the blood moyes in its path always in a definite direction, and never in the reverse. The discoverer of these weighty facts was ‘‘ William Harvey, physician. of London,” as he styled himself. In the lecture notes of the year 1616, mostly in Latin, which contain the earliest record of his discovery, he declares that a “ perpetual movement of the blood in a cirele is caused by the beat of the heart” (“perpetuum sanguinis motum in circulo fieri pulsu cordis”).’ For a long time afterward the name of the discoverer was coupled with the expression which he himself had introduced, and the true movement of the blood was known as the “ Harveian circulation.” ? Course of the Blood.—The metaphorical circle of the blood-path may be shown by such a diagram as Figure 93. If, in the body of a warm-blooded animal, we trace the course of a given particle, beginning at the point where it leaves the right ventricle of the heart, we find that course to be as follows: From the trunk of the pulmonary artery (PA) through a succession of arterial branches derived therefrom into a capil- _ lary of the lungs (PC); out of that, through a succession of pulmonary veins, to one of the main pulmonary veins (PV) and the left auricle of the heart (A) ; thence to the left ventricle (ZV); to the trunk of the aorta (A); through a succession of arterial branches derived therefrom into any capillary (C) not supplied by the pulmonary artery ; out of that, through a succession of veins (V) to one .of the venz cave or to a vein of the heart itself; thence to the right auricle (fA), to the right ventricle (RV), and to the trunk of the pul- monary artery, where the tracing of the circuit began. ? William Harvey: Prelectiones Anatomie Universalis, edited, with an autotype reproduction of the original, by a committee of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 1886, p. 80. ? Harvey’s discovery of the circulation was first published in the modern sense in his work Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus, Francofurti, 1628. This great classic can be read in English in the following : On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals. By William Harvey, M. D.; Willis’s translation, revised and edited by Alex. Bowie, 1889. 368 CIRCULATION. | 369 It must be noted here that a particle of blood which traverses a capillary of the spleen, of the pancreas, of the stomach, or of the intestines, and enters the portal vein, must next traverse a series of venous branches of diminishing size, and a capillary of the liver, before entering the succession of veins which will conduct the particle to the ascending vena cava (compare Figs. 93 and 94). Most of the blood, therefore, which leaves the liver has traversed two sets of capillaries, connected with one another by the portal vein, since quit- ting the arterial system. This ar- Fig. 93.—General diagram of the circulation: Fic. 94.—Diagram of the portal system: the ar- the arrows indicate the course of the blood: PA, rows indicate the course of the blood: M. Foster: A Text-book of Physiology, New York, 1895, p. 182. ° Skoda: “Ueber die Function der Vorkammern des Herzens,” Sitzwngsberichte der mathem.- naturw. Classe der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, 1852, vol. ix. p. 788. lL. Her- mann: Lehrbuch der Physiologie, 1892, p. 66. 4 W. T. Porter: Op. cit., p. 534. CIRCULATION. 431 cases been observed and ascribed to regurgitation.! A systolic narrowing with- out closure of the venous mouths would leave room also for the view already given, that so far is regurgitation from taking place, that even during the sys- tole of the auricles blood enters them incessantly, and the venous flow is never checked. In this case the systole of the auricle would still empty it partially into the ventricle, owing to the lowness of the pressure there, The time has not arrived for a decision as to all these questions, which are surrounded by practical difficulties ; but fortunately they do not throw doubt upon the functions of the auricle as a reservoir and pump which may be swiftly filled, and may swiftly complete the filling of the ventricle which it adjoins. O. Toe ARTERIAL Putss. Nature and Importance.—The expression “ arterial pulse’ is restricted commonly to those incessant fluctuations of the arterial pressure which corre- spond with the incessant beatings of the ventricles of the heart. These rhyth- mic fluctuations of the arterial pressure have been explained already (p. 385) to depend upon the rhythmic intermittent injections of blood from the ven- ___ tricles; upon the resistance to these injections produced by the friction within the blood-vessels ; and upon the elasticity of the arterial walls. It has also been explained that the interaction of these three factors is such that the blood, in traversing the capillaries, comes to exert a continuous pressure, free from rhythmic fluctuations ; in other words, that the pulse undergoes extinction at the confines of the arterial system. It is at once apparent that the pulse may be affected by an abnormal change, either in the heart’s beat, in the elas- ticity of the arteries, or in the peripheral resistance, or by a combination of such changes; and that, therefore, the characters of the pulse possess an importance in medical diagnosis which justifies a brief further discus- sion of them. A pulsating artery not only expands, but is lengthened. The sudden increase in the contents of an artery which causes the pulse therein, is accom- modated not merely by the increase of calibre which produces the “ up-stroke ” of the arterial wall against the finger, but also by an increase in the length of the elastic vessel. If the artery be sinuous in its course, this increase in length suddenly exaggerates the curves of the vessel, and thus produces a slight wriggling movement. This is sometimes very clearly visible in the temporal arteries of emaciated persons. On the other hand, the increase in the calibre of the artery is relatively so slight that it is invisible at the profile even of a large artery, dissected clean for a short distance for the purpose of tying it. Such a vessel appears pulseless to the eye, although its pulse is easily felt by the finger, which slightly flattens the artery and thus gains a larger surface of contact. Transmission of the Pulse.—If an observer feel his own pulse, placing 1 Francois-Franck: “Variations de la vitesse du sang dans les veines sous l’influence de la systole de Voreillette droite,” Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique, 1890, p. 347. 432 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the finger of one hand upon the common carotid artery, and that of the other upon the dorsal artery of the foot at the instep, he will perceive that the pulse corresponding to a given heart-beat occurs later in the foot than in the neck. This phenomenon is readily comprehended by considering that room for the “ pulse-volume ” injected by the heart is made in the root of the arterial system both by local expansion and by a more rapid displacement of blood into the next arterial segment. ‘This next segment, in turn, accommodates its increased charge by local expansion and by a more rapid displacement ; and this same process involves segment after segment in succession, onward toward the capillaries, The expansion of the arterial system, then, is a progressive one, and, as the phrase is, spreads as a wave from the aorta onward to the arteri- oles. The rate of transmission of the “pulse-wave” from a point near the heart to one remute from it, may be calculated. This is done by comparing the time which elapses between the occurrence of the up-stroke of the pulse in the nearer and in the farther artery with the distance along the arterial system which separates the two points of observation. In one case, for exam- ple, that of an adult, the absolute amount of the postponement of the pulse— that is, the time required for the transmission of the pulse-wave from the heart itself to the arteria dorsalis pedis, was 0.193 second.’ The time of transmission of the pulse-wave from the heart to the dorsalis pedis is often longer than in this case, amounting to 0.2 second or a little more. If we reckon the duration of the ventricular systole at about 0.3 second, it is evi- dent that the fact of the postponement of the pulse in the arteries distant from the heart does not invalidate the general statement that the arterial pulse is synchronous with the systole of the ventricles, The general estimates of the rate, as opposed to the absolute time, of trans- mission of the pulse-wave vary, in different cases, from more than 3 meters to more than 9 meters per second. As the blood in the arteries does not pass onward at a swifter rate than about 0.5 meter per second, it is clear that the wave of expansion moves along the artery many times faster than the blood does ; and that to confound the travelling of the wave with the travelling of the blood would be a very serious error, easily avoided by bearing in mind the causes of the pulse-wave as already given. Investigation by the Finger.—The feeling of the pulse has been a valu- able and constantly used means of diagnosis since ancient times. Indeed, the ancient medicine attached to it more importance than does the practice of to-day. But it is still advisable to warn the beginner that he may not look to the pulse for “pathognomonic” information; that is to say, he may not expect to diagnosticate a disease solely by touching an artery of the patient under examination. The pulse is most commonly felt in the radial artery, which is convenient, superficial, and well supported against an examining finger by the underlying bone. Many other arteries, however, may be util- ized. Frequency and Regularity.—The most conspicuous qualities of the pulse 1 J. N. Czermak: Gesammelte Schriften, 1879, Bd. i. Abth. 2, p. 711. CIRCULATION. 433 ave frequency and regularity. Usually these can be appreciated not merely by a physician but by any intelligent person. The physiological variations in the frequency of the heart’s beats have been referred to already (p. 412). In an intermittent pulse the rhythm is usually regular, but, at longer or shorter intervals, the ventricle omits a systole, and therefore, the pulse omits an up- stroke. Either intermittence or irregularity of the cardiac beats may be caused by transient disorder as well as by serious disease, Tension.— When unusual force is required in order to extinguish the pulse by compressing the artery against the bone, the arterial wall, and hence the pulse, is said to possess high tension, or the pulse is called incompressible, or hard. Conversely, the pulse is said to be of low tension, compressible, or soft, when its obliteration is unusually easy. A very hard pulse is sometimes called “wiry ;” a very soft one, “gaseous.” High tension, hardness, incompressibil- ity, obviously are directly indicative of a high blood-pressure in the artery ; and the converse qualities of a low pressure. It follows from what has gone _ before that the causes of changes in the arterial pressure, and hence in the tension, may be found in changes either in the heart’s action, or in the periph- eral resistance, or, as is very common, in both. An instrument called the sphygmomanometer * is sometimes applied to the skin over an artery, in order to obtain a better measurement of its hardness or softness than the finger can make, This instrument is not free from sources of error. Size.— When the artery is unusually increased in calibre at each up-stroke of the pulse, the pulse is said to be large. When, at the up-stroke, the calibre changes but little, the pulse is said to be small. A very large pulse is some- times called “bounding ;” a very small one, “thready.” Largeness of the pulse must be distinguished carefully from largeness of the artery. The for- mer phrase means that the fluctuating part of the arterial pressure is large in proportion to the mean pressure. But if the mean pressure be great while the fluctuating part of the pressure is relatively small, the artery, even at the end of the down-stroke, will be of large calibre, while the pulse will be small. | It has been seen that the increased charge of blood which an artery receives at the ventricular systole is accommodated partly by increased displacement of blood toward the capillaries, and partly by that increase in the capacity of the artery which is accompanied by the up-stroke of the pulse. The less the con- tents of the artery the less is the arterial pressure, the less the tension of the wall, and the more yielding is that wall. The more yielding the wall, the more _of the increased charge of blood does the artery accommodate by an increase of capacity and the less by an increase of displacement. Therefore, a large pulse often accompanies a low mean pressure in the arteries, and hence may appear as a symptom after large losses of blood. In former days, when bloodletting ‘was practised as a remedial measure, imperfect knowledge of the mechanics of the circulation sometimes caused life to be endangered ; for a “ throbbing” pulse in a patient who had been bled already was liable to be taken as an “in- 1 From odvypdc, pulse. 28 434 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. dication” for the letting of more blood. If this were done, an effect was combated by repeating its cause.’ Celerity of Stroke-—When each up-stroke of the pulse appears to be slowly accomplished, requiring a relatively long interval of time, the pulse is called slow, or long. When each up-stroke appears to be quickly accom- plished, requiring a relatively short time, the pulse is called quick or short. These contrasted qualities are among the most obscure of those which the skilled touch is called upon to appreciate. The Pulse-trace.—The rise and fall of a pulsating human artery, if near enough to the skin, may be made to raise and lower the recording lever of a somewhat complicated instrument called a sphygmograph.? Of this instru- ment a number of varieties are in use. If the fine point of the lever be kept in contact with a piece of smoked paper which is in uniform motion, a “ pulse- trace” or “pulse-curve” is inscribed, which shows successive fluctuations, larger and smaller, which tend to be rhythmically repeated, and which depend upon the movements of the arterial wall produced by the fluctuations of blood- pressure. In an animal, a manometer may be connected with the interior of an artery, and thus the fluctuations of the blood-pressure may be observed more directly. It has been explained (p. 382) that the mercurial manometer. is of no value for the study of the finer characters of the pulse, owing to’ the inertia of the mercury. On the other hand, the best forms of elastic manometer give pulse-traces which are more reliable than those of the sphyg- mograph. ‘This is because the sphygmographic trace is subject to unayoid- able errors dependent upon the physical qualities of the skin and other parts which intervene between the instrument and the cavity of the artery. Nevertheless, the sphygmographic pulse-trace, or “sphygmogram,” is the only pulse-trace which can be obtained from the human subject; and, when obtained from an animal, it has so much in common with the trace recorded by the elastic manometer, that the sphygmograph has been much used for the study of the human pulse, in health and disease, both by physiologists and by: medical practitioners. As a means of diagnosis, however, the sphygmogram still leaves much to be desired. The same instrument, applied in immediate succession to different arteries of the same person, gives, as might be expected, pulse-traces of somewhat different forms. The same artery of the same per- son yields to the same instrument at different times different forms of trace, depending upon different physiological states of the circulation. But the same artery yields traces of different form to sphygmographs of different varieties applied to it in immediate succession ; and even moderate changes in adjust- ment cause differences in the form of the successive traces which the same instrument obtains from the same artery. It is no wonder, therefore, that great care must be exercised in comparing sphygmographic observations, and in drawing general conclusions from the information which they impart. The Details of the Sphygmogram.—Figure 111 is a fair example of 1 Marshall Hall: Researches principally relative to the Morbid and Curative Effects of Loss of Blood, London, 1830. 2 From opvyudc, pulse, and ypdagecy, to record. CIRCULATION. 435 the sphygmograms commonly obtained from the healthy human radial pulse, When this trace was taken, the subject’s heart was beating from 58 to 60 times Fig, 111.—Sphygmogram from a normal human radial pulse beating from 58 to 60 times a minute To be read from left to right (Burdon-Sanderson). a minute. ‘The trace records the effects upon the lever of five successive com- plete pulsations of the artery, which all agree in the general character of their details, while differing in minor respects. By the tracing of each pulsation the up-stroke is shown to be sudden, brief, and steady, while the down-stroke is gradual, protracted, and oscillating. The commencing recoil of the arterial wall succeeds its expansion with some suddenness. In many sphygmograms this is exaggerated by the inertia of the instrument. As shown by the trace rep- resented in the figure, and by most such traces, the recoil soon changes from rapid to gradual, and, in the trace, its protracted line becomes wavy, indicating that the slow diminution of calibre varies its rate, or even is interrupted by one or more slight expansions, before it reaches its lowest, and is succeeded by the up-stroke of the next pulsation. In each of the five successive pulsations the traces of which are shown in Figure 111, the line which represents the more gradual portion of the down-stroke of the pulse is made up of three waves, of which the first is the shortest, the last the longest and lowest, and the mid- dle one intermediate in length, but by far the highest. This middle wave is, in fact, the only one of the three to produce which an actual rise of pressure occurs; in each of the other two, no rise, but, only a diminished rate of decline, -is exhibited. The changes of pressure which produce the first and third of the waves just spoken of, in the pulse-trace under consideration, are very obscure in their origin, and are inconstant in their occurrence, sometimes being more numerous than in the trace shown in Figure 111, and sometimes failing altogether to appear. The Dicrotic Wave.—The oscillation of pressure, however, which pro- duces the middle wave of each of the pulsations of Figure 111, is so constant in its occurrence that it is undoubtedly a normal and important phenomenon, although, in different sphygmograms, the height, and position in the trace, of the wave inscribed by this oscillation may vary. Occasionally this oscillation is morbidly exaggerated, so that it may be not only recorded by the sphygmo- graph, but even felt by the finger, as a second usually smaller up-stroke of the pulse. In such a case the artery is felt to beat twice at each single beat of the ventricle, and is said, technically, to show a “dicrotic’’’ pulse. Where a dicrotic pulse can be detected by the finger, it is apt to accompany a mark- edly low mean tension of the arterial wall. The dicrotic pulse was known, ‘and named, long before the sphygmograph revealed the fact that the pulse is always dicrotic, although to a degree normally too slight for the finger to 1 From dixpotoc, double-beating. 436 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYST OLOGY. appreciate. The sphygmographic wave which records the slight “ dicrotism ” of the normal pulse is called the “dicrotic wave.” Where dicrotism can be felt by the finger, the sphygmogram naturally exhibits a very conspicuous dicrotic wave. | The origin of the dicrotic oscillation has been much discussed, and is not yet thoroughly settled, important as a complete settlement of it would be to the true interpretation and clinical usefulness of the sphygmogram. It is believed by some that this fluctuation of pressure is produced at the smaller arterial branches, as a reflection of the main pulse-wave, and that the dicrotiec wave, thus reflected, travels toward the heart, and, naturally, reaches a given artery after the main wave of the pulse has ane over it, travelling in the opposite direction. The weight of opinion and of prsbatileee however, is in favor of the view that the dicrotic wave essentially depends upon a slight rise of the arterial pressure, or slackening of its decline, due to the closing of the semi- lunar valve; and that, therefore, this wave follows the main wave of arterial expansion outward from the heart, instead of being reflected inward from the periphery. If the dicrotic wave be caused solely by reflection from the periphery, it ought, in a sphygmogram from a peripheral artery, to begin at a point nearer to the highest point of each pulsation than in the case of an artery near the heart, in which latter vessel, naturally, a reflected wave would undergo postponement. On the other hand, if the dicrotic wave be trans- mitted toward the periphery, and caused solely by the closure of the aortic valve; it ought, in a sphygmogram from a peripheral artery, to occupy very nearly the same relative position as in a sphygmogram taken from an artery near the heart. But a wave running toward the periphery may be modified by a reflected wave in the same vessel, and a reflected wave may undergo a second reflection at the closed aortic valve, or even elsewhere, and thus give rise to an oscillation which will be transmitted toward the periphery. These statements show with what technical difficulties the subject is beset, whether the sphygmograph be employed, or, in the case of animals, the elastic man- ometer, the traces recorded by which also exhibit the dicrotic wave. As already stated, however, the probabilities are in favor of the valvular origin of the dicrotic wave. If it be true that the closure of the aortic valve causes the dicrotie wave, the instant marked by the commencement of this wave, in the manometric trace inscribed by the pressure within the first part of the arch of the aorta itself, practically marks the instant of closure of the aortic valve. We have seen (p. 422) that this doctrine has been made use of in the elucidation of the curve of the pressure within the ventricle. The Diagnostic Limitations of the Sphygmogram.—The feeling of the pulse, imperfect as is the most skilled touch, cannot be replaced by the use of the sphygmograph. The presence, between the cavity of the artery and the surface of the body, of a quantity of tissue the amount and elasticity of which differ in different people, and even differ over neighboring points of the same artery, renders it impossible so to adjust the spring of the sphygmo- CIRCULATION. | 437 graph as to be able to obtain a reliable base-line corresponding to the abscissa, or line of atmospheric pressure, in the case of the manometric curve of loti pressure. The effects produced by slight differences in the placing of the instrument tend to the same result. By the absence of such a base-line the sphygmographic curve is shorn of quantitative value as a curve of blood- pressure, and cannot give information as to whether, in clinical language, the pulse be hard or soft, large or small. Nor can a long or short pulse be iden- tified from the appearance of the sphygmogram.!. The pulse-trace still requires much elucidation; but when further study shall have rendered clearer the true extent, the wcnuial variations, and the causes of the complex and incessant pasion of. the walls of the arteries, it may well be believed that both physiology and practical medicine will have gained an important insight into the laws of the circulation of the blood. P. Tue Movement or tHe Lympa. The Lymphatic System.—The lymph is contained within the so-called lymphatic system, the nature of which may be summarized as follows : | The lymph appears first in innumerable minute irregular gaps in the tis- sues, which gaps communicate in various ways with one another, and with minute lymphatic vessels, which latter, when traced onward from their begin- nings, presently assume a structure comparable to’ that of narrow veins with very delicate walls and extremely numerous valves. These valves open away from the gaps of the tissues, as the valves of the veins open away from the capillaries. The lymphatic vessels unite to form somewhat larger ones, each of which, however, is of small calibre as compared with a vein of medium size, until at length the entire system of vessels ends, by numerous openings, in two main trunks of very unequal importance, the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct. The latter is exceedingly short, and receives the ter- minations of the lymphatics of a very limited portion of the body ; the termi- nations of all the rest, including the lymphatics of the alimentary canal, are received by the thoracic duct, which runs the whole length of the chest. Both of the main ducts have walls which, relatively, are very thin; and, like the smaller lymphatics, the ducts are abundantly provided with valves so disposed as to prevent any regurgitation of lymph from either duct into its branches. Each duct terminates on one side of the root of the neck, where, in man, the cavity of the duct joins by an open mouth the confluence of the internal jugular and subclavian veins where they form the innominate vein. At the opening of each duct into the vein a valve exists, which permits the free entrance of lymph into the vein, but forbids the entrance of blood into the duct. It is a peculiarity of the lymphatic system that some of its vessels end and begin by open mouths in the so-called serous cavities of the body—those vast irregular interstices between organs the membranous walls of which interstices are known as the peritoneum, the pleure, and the like. For present purposes, | 1M. von Frey: Die Untersuchung des Pulses, 1892, p. 35. 438 AN AMERICAN TEX1-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. therefore, these serous cavities may be regarded as vast local expansions of portions of the lymph-path. Another peculiarity of the lymphatic system de- pends upon the presence of the lymphatic glands or ganglia, which also are intercalated here and there between the mouths of lymphatic vessels which enter and leave them. The nature and importance of these bodies have been dealt with in dealing with the origin of the leucocytes and the nature of the lymph (p. 345). For the present purposes the ganglia are of interest in this, that the lymph which traverses their texture meets, in so doing, with much resistance from friction. Physiologically, therefore, the lymph-path as a whole, extending from the tissue-gaps to the veins at the root of the neck, both differs from, and in some respects resembles, the blood-path from the capillaries to the same point. The origin of the lymph has been discussed already (p. 362), and has been found to be partly from the blood in the capillaries, and partly from the tis- sues, to say nothing of the products directly absorbed from the alimentary canal during digestion. The quantity of material which leaves the lymph-path and enters the blood during twenty-four hours is undoubtedly large, amount- ing, in the dog, to about sixty cubic centimeters for each kilogram of body- weight. The movement of the lymph is, therefore, of physiological import- ance; and the causes of this movement must now be considered. Absence of Lymph-hearts.—It is a striking fact that, in man and the other mammals, there exist no “lymph-hearts” for the maintenance of the lymphatic flow. Unstriped muscular fibres, indeed, exist in the walls of the lymphatics ; and rhythmical variations in the calibre of some of these have been described. It remains doubtful, however, whether these variations, when present, are produced by muscular contractions in the walls of the lymphatics, or whether the muscular fibres exist in these, as in the blood-vessels, rather for the regulation of their calibre than for the propulsion of their contents. It is not improbable that the muscular fibres of the walls of the lymphatics further resemble those of the blood-vessels in being under the control of the nervous system; and it has been shown that, in the splanchnic nerve of the dog, there exist centrifugal fibres, stimulation of which produces dilatation of the receptaculum chyli.* Differences of Pressure.—The fundamental causes of the movement of the lymph are, that at the beginning of its path in the gaps of the tissues it is under considerable pressure ; that at the end of its path at the veins of the neck it is under very low pressure, which often, if not usually, is negative; and that, throughout the lymph-path, the valves are so numerous as to work effectively against regurgitation. The pressure of the lymph in the gaps of the tissues has been estimated at one half, or more, of the capillary blood- pressure,’ which latter has been stated (p. 376) to be from 24 to 54 millimeters 1 L, Camus et E. Gley: “ Recherches expérimentales sur les nerfs des vaisseaux lymph- atiques,” Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique, 1894, p. 454. * A. Landerer: Die Gewebsspannung in ihrem Einfluss auf die értliche Blut- und Lymphbewegung, Leipzig, 1884, p. 103. CIRCULATION. 439 of mercury. The difference between one half of either of these pressures and the pressure in the veins of the neck, which pressure is not far from zero, is quite enough to produce a flow from the one point to the other. To this flow a resistance is caused by the friction along the lymph-path, which resistance eauses the lymph to accumulate in the gaps of the tissues, and the pressure there to rise, until the tension of the tissues resists further accumulation more forcibly than friction resists the onward movement of the lymph. The little- known forces which continually produce fresh lymph, and pour it into the tissue-gaps against resistance, cannot be discussed here further than has been done in treating of the origin of the lymph (p. 362). Thoracic Aspiration.—The causes have already been stated fully of that low, perhaps negative, pressure in the veins at the root of the neck which ren- ders possible the continuous discharge of the lymph into the blood (p. 387). Tt need only be noted here that when inspiration rhythmically produces, or heightens, the suction of blood into the chest, it must also produce, or heighten, the suction of lymph out of the mouths of the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts. Moreover, as the thoracic duct lies with most of its length within the chest, each expansion of the chest must tend to expand the main part of the duct, and thus to suck into it lymph from the numerous lymphatics which join the duct from without the chest ; while the numerous valves in the duct must promptly check any tendency to regurgitation from the neck. The Bodily Movements and the Valves.—Like the flow of the blood in the veins, the flow of the lymph in its vessels is powerfully assisted by the pressure exerted upon the thin-walled lymphatics by the contractions of the skeletal muscles; for the very numerous valves of the lymphatics render it impossible for the lymph to be pressed along them by this means in any other than the physiological direction toward the venous system. Experiment shows — that even passive bending and straightening of a limb in which the mus- cles remain relaxed, increases to a very great extent the discharge of lymph from a divided lymphatic vessel of that limb. It is probable, therefore, that movement in any external or internal part of the body, however pro- duced, tends to relieve the tension in the tissues by pressing the lymph along its path. Conclusion.—The movement of the lymph produced in these various ways is doubtless irregular; but a substance in solution, injected into the blood, can be identified in the lymph collected from an opening in the thoracic duct at the neck in from four to seven minutes after the injection.’ The physiological importance of the lymph-movement is shown not only by the large amount of matter which daily leaves the lymphatic system to join the blood, but also by the evil effects which result from an undue accumulation of lymph, more or less changed in character, in the gaps of the tissues. Such an accumulation constitutes dropsy. It may occur in a serous cavity or in the subcutaneous tissue; in the latter case giving rise to a peculiar swelling which “pits on 1§. Tschirwinsky : “Zur Frage iiber die Schnelligkeit des Lymphstromes und der Lymph- filtration,” Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 1895, Band ix. p. 49. 440 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. pressure.” Any tissue the meshes of which are thus engorged with lymph is _ said to be “ cedematous.” * PART II.—THE INN ERVATION OF THE HEART. It has long been known that the frog’s heart can be kept beating for many hours after its removal from the body. In 1881, Martin? succeeded in main- taining the beat of the dog’s heart after its complete isolation from the central nervous system and the systemic blood-vessels. Ludwig and his pupils* have attained the same result in a different way. In 1895, Langendorff* was able by circulating warmed oxygenated, defibrinated blood through the coronary vessels to maintain the hearts of rabbits, cats, and dogs in activity after their total extirpation from the body. It is evident, therefore, that the cause of the rhythmic beat of the heart lies within the heart itself, and not within the cen- tral nervous system. Cause of Rhythmic Beat.—It has been much disputed whether the car- diac muscle possesses the power of rhythmical contraction or whether the rhythmic beat is due to the periodic stimulation of the muscle by the discharge | of nerve-impulses from the ganglion-cells of the heart. ‘The arrangement of the ganglion-cells and nerves suggests the latter view. The Intracardiae Ganglion-cells and Nerves.—In the frog the cardiac nerves, arise by a single branch from each vagus trunk and run along the great veins ‘through the wall of the sinus venosus, where many ganglion-cells are found,’ to the auricular septum. Here they unite in a strong plexus richly provided with ganglion-cells.° Two nerves of unequal length and thickness leave this plexus and pass along the borders of the septum to the auriculo-ventricular ~ junction, where each enters a conspicuous mass of cells known as Bidder’s ganglion.’ Ventricular nerves spring from these ganglia and can be followed with the unaided eye some distance on the ventricle. With the chloride-of- gold method, the methylene-blue stain, and especially the nitrate-of-silver im- -pregnation, the ventricular nerves ean be traced to their termination. Some difference of opinion exists regarding the manner of their distribution and the precise nature of their terminal organs. The following facts, however, may be considered established both for the batrachian and the mammalian heart.® The ventricular nerves form a rich plexus beneath the pericardium and endocardium. Branches from these plexuses form a third plexus in the myo- _cardium or heart muscle, from which arise a vast number of non-medullated 1 From oldjyua, a swelling. 2 Martin, 1881, p. 119. 5 Stolnikow, 1886, p. 2; Pawlow, 1887, p. 452. * Langendorff, 1895, p. 293; also Martin and Applegarth, 1890, p. 275; Arnaud, 1891, p. _ 396; Hédon and Gilis, 1892, p. 760; Porter, 1896, p. 39. 5 Remak, 1844, p. 463. 6 Ludwig, 1848, p. 140. 7 Bidder, 1852, p. 169. ® The literature of this subject has been collected by Jacques (1894, p. 622; and 1896, p- 517) and by Heymans and Demoor (1895, p. 619). For the development of the cardiac nervous system in different classes of vertebrates, see His, Jr., 1891, pp. 1-64; compare His and Romberg, 1890, pp. 374 and 416. > CIRCULATION. 441 terminal nerves, enveloping the muscle-fibres and ending in small enlargements or nodosities of various forms. Similar “ varicose ” enlargements are observed along the course of the nerves. The nerve-endings are in contact with the naked muscle-substance, the. mode of termination resembling in general that observed in non-striated muscle. Ganglion-cells are found chiefly in the auricular septum and the auriculo-ventricular furrow, but are present also beneath the pericardium of the upper half of the ventricle. No ganglia have as yet been satisfactorily demonstrated within the apical half of the ventricle, and most observers do not admit their presence within the ventricular muscle ‘itself The nerve-cells are unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar. Certain unipolar cells in the frog are distinguished by a spherical form, a pericellular network, and two processes—namely, the axis-cylinder or straight process, and the spiral process. The latter is wound in spiral fashion about the axis-cylinder, ending in the pericellular net. According to Retzius and others, the spiral is not really a process of the cell, but arises in a distant extra- cardiac cell and carries to the heart-cell a nervous impulse which is transmitted from the spiral process to the cell by means of the contact between the peri- cellular net and the cell-body. Section of the cardiac fibres of the vagus causes the spiral “process” and pericellular net to degenerate, the cell-body and axis-cylinder process remaining untouched, showing that the spiral process is the terminal of a nerve-fibre running in the vagus trunk.’ | Nerve-theory of Heart-beat.—The theory of the nervous origin of the heart-beat rests in part on the correspondence between the degree of contrac- tility of the various parts of the heart and the number of nerve-cells present in them. Thus the power of rhythmical contraction is greater in the auricle, in which there are many cells, than in the ventricle, in which there are fewer. The properties of the apical half, or “apex,” of the ventricle are considered to be of especial importance in the study of this problem, because the apex, as has been said, is believed to contain no ganglion-cells. This part of the ven- tricle stops beating when separated from the heart, while the auricles and the ventricular stump continue to beat. The apex need not be cut away in order to isolate it. By ligating* or squeezing the frog’s ventricle across the middle with a pair of forceps the tissues at the junction of the upper and the lower ‘half of the ventricle can be crushed to the point at which physiological con- nection is destroyed but physical continuity still preserved.* Such frogs have been kept alive as long as six weeks. The apex does not as a rule beat again.” The exceptions can be explained as the consequence of accidental stimulation. The conclusion drawn is that the apex, in which ganglion-cells have not been satisfactorily demonstrated, has not the power of spontaneous pulsation which 1 For contrary opinion see Tuminzew and Dogiel, 1890, p. 494, and Berkeley, 1894, p. 90; also the very beautiful plates of Lee, 1849, p. 43, showing subpericardial nerves and ganglia (?) in the calf’s heart. * Nikolajew, 1893, p. 73. 3 Heidenhain, 1854, p. 47. .* Bernstein, 1876, p. 386; Bowditch, 1879, p. 105. * Bowditch, 1871, p. 169; Merunowicz, 1875, p. 182; Bernstein, 1876, pp. 386, 4385 ; Bowditch, 1879, p. 104; Aubert, 1881, p. 3625 Ludwig and Luchsinger, 1881, p. 231; Langendorff, 1884, p. 6. 442 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. distinguishes the remainder of the heart. This view is further supported by the observation that a slight stimulus applied to the base of a resting ventricle will often provoke a series of contractions, while the same stimulus applied to the apex will cause but a single contraction.’ The action of muscarin on the heart is often held to indicate the nervous origin of the heart-beat. Muscarin arrests the heart of the frog and other vertebrates, but has no similar action on any other muscle either striped or smooth, nor does it arrest the heart of insects and mollusks. It follows that muscarin does not cause arrest by acting directly upon the contractile material of the heart. The contractile material being excluded, the assumption of a nervous mechanism on the integrity of which the heart-beat depends seems necessary to explain the effect of the poison.’ Further arguments are based on uncertain analogies between the heart and other rhythmically contracting organs. Muscular Theory of Heart-beat.—The evidence just stated cannot be re- garded as proof of the nervous origin of the heart-beat. The most that can. be claimed is that it makes such a conception plausible. Even this claim has. been denied by not a few investigators who believe that the heart-beat is a purely muscular phenomenon. Here again the properties of the apex are con- sidered to be of the first importance. It has been shown that a strip of muscle cut from the apex of the tortoise ventricle and suspended in a moist chamber begins in a few hours to beat apparently of its own accord with a regular but slow rhythm, which has been seen to continue as long as thirty hours. If the strip is cut into pieces and placed on moistened glass slides each piece will con- tract rhythmically.* Yet in the apex of the heart no nerve-cells have been found. The apex of the batrachian heart will beat rhythmically in response to a constant stimulus. Thus if the apex is suspended in normal saline solution and a constant electrical current kept passing through it, beats will appear after a time, the frequency of pulsation increasing with the strength of the current.* Very strong currents cause tonic contraction. An apex made inac- tive by Bernstein’s crushing can be made to beat again by clamping the aorta and thus raising the endocardiac pressure.’ Chemical stimulation is also effect- ive. Delphinin,’ quinine,’ muscarin with atropin,® atropin alone, morphin and various other alkaloids, dilute mineral acids, dilute alkalies, bile, sodium chloride, alcohol, and other bodies,” when painted on the resting ventricle, call forth a longer or shorter series of beats. Stimulation with induction shocks gives a similar result." Scherhey, 1880, p. 260. 2 Cushny, 1893, p. 451. 3 Gaskell, 1883, p. 54. . * Bernstein, 1871, p. 230; Foster and Dewsmith, 1876, p. 737; von Basch, 1879, p. 71; Scher- hey, 1880, p. 259; Langendorff, 1895, p. 336; Kaiser, 1895, p. 464. * Gaskell, 1880, p. 51; Aubert, 1881, p. 366; Ludwig and Luchsinger, 1881, p. 231; Dastre, 1882, p. 458; Biedermann, 1884, p. 24; Langendorff, 1884, p. 6. ° Bowditch, 1871, p. 169. Schtschepotjew, 1879, p. 56. 8 vy. Basch, 1879, p. 73. ® Léwit, 1881, p. 447. © Langendorff, 1884, p. 21; 1895, p. 333; Kaiser, 1895, p. 6. " Bowditch, 1871, p. 149; Kronecker, 1875, p. 178; 1879, p. 381; 1880, p. 285; v. Basch, 1879, p. 71; Ranvier, 1880, p, 46; Dastre, 1882, p. 433; Gaskell, 1883, p. 52. "of “- i CIRCULATION. 443 Other muscles in which no nerve-cells have been discovered can contract rhythmically. Thus the bulbus aorte of the frog beats regularly after its removal from the body, even the smallest pieces showing under the microscope rhythmical contractions. Engelmann, who observed this fact, declares that the entire bulbus is lacking in nerve-cells. This is contradicted by Dogiel ; yet it seems hardly reasonable that these “smallest pieces” which Engelmann mentions were each provided with ganglion-cells. It is more probable that the - contractions were the result of a constant artificial stimulus.! Curarized stri- ated muscles placed in certain saline solutions may contract from time to time. The hearts of many invertebrates in which ganglion-cells are apparently absent beat rhythmically.* Much has been made of the fact that the ganglion-cells grow into the heart long after the cardiac rhythm is established,* showing that the embryonic heart muscle has rhythmic contractile powers. The adult heart muscle, it is alleged, retains certain embryonic peculiarities of structure, and as structure and func- tion are correlated, should also retain the embryonic power of contraction without nerve-cells.° It cannot be denied that these facts prove that the embryo heart muscle possesses rhythmic contractility, that the apical half of the heart of the adult frog and tortoise may be made to contract rhythmically, and that even fully striated muscle will under some conditions show more or less periodic contrac- tions. They can, however, hardly be said to prove that the beat of the mam- malian or even the batrachian adult heart is not dependent on discharges from the cardiac nerve-cells. Even the freedom of the apex from ganglion-cells, ~ which is the very foundation of the doctrine of muscular origin, has recently been questioned. This problem is still unsolved. . The Excitation-wave.—The change in form which constitutes what com- monly is called the cardiac contraction is preceded by a change in electrical potential, supposed to be a manifestation of the unknown process by which the heart-muscle is excited to contract. Both the contraction and the electrical change sweep over the heart in the form of waves, and it has become the cus- tom to speak of the electrical change as the excitation-wave. - It should not be forgotten, however, that this usage rests merely on an assumption, for the real nature of the excitation is still a mystery. The contraction-wave begins nor- mally at the great veins, travels rapidly through the auricle, and, after a dis- tinct interval, spreads through the ventricle. The excitation-wave, which pre- cedes and is the cause of the contraction, probably takes the same course,’ and in fact it is possible to show that the change in electrical potential actually begins under normal conditions at the great veins and passes thence over the entire heart. But this sequence is not invariable. The ventricle under abnor- 1 Engelmann, 1882, p. 446; Dogiel, 1894, p. 225. 2 Biedermann, 1880, p. 259. 8 Concerning the cardiac apex in fishes, see Ludwig and Luchsinger, 1881, p. 247; Kazem- Beck and Dogiel, 1882, p. 259; McWilliam, 1885, p. 197; Mills, 1886, p. 91. * Wagner, 1854, p. 227 ; Schenck, 1867, p. 111; His, Jr., 1893, p. 25; Pickering, 1893, p. 391. 5 Gaskell, 1883, p. 77. 6 Berkeley, 1894, p. 90. 7 Compare Kaiser, 1895, p. 447. 444 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. mal conditions has been seen to contract before the auricle, the normal sequence ~ of great veins, auricle, and ventricle being reversed." The energy of the ven- tricular muscle-cell may, therefore, be discharged by an excitation arising within the ventricle itself. Evidence of this is afforded also by the experi- ment of Wooldridge,? who isolated the ventricles by drawing a silk ligature tightly about the auricles at their junction with the ventricles, completely crushing the muscle and nerves of the auricle in the track of the ligature with- out tearing through the more resistant pericardium. This experiment was repeated the following year by Tigerstedt,? who devised a special clamp for crushing the auricular tissues. Both observers found that the auricles and ventricles continued to beat. The rhythm, however, was no longer the same. The ventricular beat was slower than before* and was independent of the beat of the auricle. Thus the ventricle, no longer connected physiologically with the auricle, develops a rhythm of its own, an idio-ventricular rhythm. It seems improbable that the very small part of the auricular tissue which cannot be included in Wooldridge’s ligature for fear of closing the coronary arteries should be able to maintain the ventricular contractions. Independent contraction is said to be secured by properly regulated excita- . tion of the cardiac end of the cut vagus nerve. Stimuli of one second duration applied to the vagus at intervals of six to seven seconds arrest the auricles completely, but do not stop the ventricles, except during the second of stimu- lation. The ventricles, now dissociated from the auricles, beat with a rhythm different from that which characterized the normal heart.’ The force of this demonstration is somewhat weakened by the: possibility that the auricles, although not beating themselves, might still excite the ventricles to contraction. Conduction of the Excitation.—If the points of non-polarizable electrodes are placed on the surface of the ventricle and connected with a delicate galyan- ometer, a variation of the galvanometer needle will be seen with each ventric- ular beat. If one electrode is placed near the base of the heart and the other near the apex it is seen that the former electrode becomes negative before the latter, indicating that the part of the heart muscle on which the basal electrode rests is stimulated before the apical portion, and that the difference in electrical potential, or excitation-wave, according to the prevailing hypothesis, travels as a wave over the ventricle from the base to the apex (see Fig. 112). Burdon- Sanderson and Page® have found that the duration of the difference of poten- tial is about two secdnds in the frog’s heart at ordinary temperatures. Cooling lengthens the period of negativity, warming diminishes it. Some observers 1 Recently studied by Engelmann, 1895, p. 275; see also Knoll, 1894, p. 306, who observed fibrillary contraction of the auricle coincident with strong co-ordinated contractions of the ven- tricles. ? Wooldridge, 1883, p. 527. * Tigerstedt, 1884, p. 500; see also Krehl and Romberg, 1892, p. 54. * The isolated ventricle may, however, beat as rapidly as the auricle, although independ- ently of it (Bayliss and Starling, 1892, p. 408). ° Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 236; see also Knoll, 1884, p. 312. ® Burdon-Sanderson and Page, 1884, p. 338. CIRCULATION. 445 believe that the excitation-wave under certain conditions returns toward the base after having reached the apex.! The speed of the excitation-wave has been measured by the interval between the appearance of negative variation in the ventricle when the auricle is stimulated first near and then as far as possible a eee ee 2 2 ee ee Ee ee Ee Oe Be Bele Bate Mele eee ee ee Fic. 112.—The electrical variation in the spontaneously contracting heart of the frog, recorded by a capillary electrometer, the apex being connected with the sulphuric acid and the base with the mercury of the electrometer. The changes in electrical potential are shown by the line e, e, which is obtained by throwing the shadow of the mercury in the capillary on a travelling sheet of sensitized paper. The con- traction of the heart is recorded by the line h, A; time, in 4, second, byt, #. The curves read from left to right. The electrical variation is diphasic; in the first phase the base is negative to the apex; in the second, the apex is negative to the base; the negative variation passes as a wave from base to apex (Waller, 1887, p. 231). from the non-polarizable electrodes. The interval is the time which the excita- tion-wave requires to pass the distance between the two points stimulated. The average rate is at least 50 millimeters per second.? The negative variation begins apparently instantly after the application of the stimulus. Its phases and their characteristics have been described by Engelmann.® The latent period of a frog’s heart muscle is about 0.08 second.‘ Although the normal course of the excitation-wave is from base to apex, it can be made to travel in any direction. If the frog’s ventricle is cut with fine scissors into a number of pieces in such a way as to leave small bridges of heart-tissue between each piece, and any one of the pieces is stimulated, the contraction will begin in the stimulated piece and then run from piece to piece over the connecting bridges until all have successively contracted. The direc- tion in which the excitation-wave travels can thus be altered at the pleasure of the operator.° Whether the excitation is propagated from muscle-cell to muscle-cell or by means of nerve-fibres has given rise to much discussion. Anatomical evidence ean be adduced on both sides. On the one hand the rich plexus of nerve- fibres everywhere present in the heart-muscle suggests conduction through nerves ; on the other is the intimate contact of neighboring muscle-cells over 1 Bayliss and Starling, 1892, pp. 260, 380. 2 Engelmann, 1878, p. 91; Burdon-Sanderson and Page, 1880, p. 426, give 150 millimeters per second. $ Engelmann, 1878, p. 74. * Ibid., 1874, p. 6. 5 Ibid., p. 3; compare Bayliss and Starling, 1892, p. 262. 446 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. a part at least of their surface, thus bringing one mass of irritable protoplasm against another and offering a path by which the excitation might travel from — cell to cell.’ If the excitation-wave were conducted by means of nerves, the difference between the moment of contraction of the ventricle when the auricle is stimu- lated near the ventricle, and again as far as possible from the ventricle, should be very slight, because of the great speed at which the nervous impulse travels (about 33 meters per second). If, on the contrary, the conduction were by means of muscle, the difference would be relatively much greater, correspond- ing to the much slower conductivity of muscular tissue. It has been found by Engelmann that the ventricle contracts later when the auricle is stimulated far from the ventricle than when it is stimulated near the ventricle. The rate of propagation being calculated from the difference in the time of ventricular con- traction was found to be 90 millimeters per second, which is about 300 times less than the rate which would have been obtained had conduction over the measured distance taken place through nerves.” Hence the stimulus that tray- els through the auricle to the ventricle and causes its contraction should be propagated in the auricle by muscle-fibres and not by nerves. Passage of Excitation-wave from Auricle to Ventricle—The normal con- traction of the heart begins, as has been said, at the junction of the great veins and the auricle, spreads rapidly over the auricle and, after a distinct pause, reaches the ventricle. The normal excitation-wave preceding the con- traction passes likewise from the auricle to the ventricle and is delayed at or near the auriculo-ventricular junction. The controversy over the nervous or muscular conduction of the excitation within the auricle and ventricle has been extended to its passage from auricle to ventricle. A path for conduction by nerves is presented by the numerous nerves which go from the auricle to the ventricle. It has been shown recently that muscular connections also exist.* In the frog, muscle-bundles pass from the auricle to the ventricle where the auricular septum adjoins the base of the ventricle. Muscular bridges pass also from the sinus venosus to the auricles and from the ventricle to the bulbus arteriosus.* These muscle-fibres appear to be in intimate con- tact with the muscle-cells of the divisions of the heart which they unite. Gas- kell ® believes that the connecting fibres are morphologically and physiologically related to embryonic muscle, and therefore possess the power of contracting rhythmically. The delay experienced by the excitation in its passage from the auricle to the ventricle—in other words, the normal interval between the contraction of _the auricle and the contraction of the ventricle—is explained by those favoring 1 Engelmann, 1874, p. 7. * Ibid., 1894, p. 188; 1896, p. 549; the measurements of Bayliss and Starling, 1892, p. 271, on the mammalian heart are probably of little value because of the variation due to tempera- ‘ ture (p. 272). See also Kaiser, 1895, p. 2, and Engelmann’s reply, 1896, p. 547. * Paladino, 1876; Gaskell, 1880, p. 70; Krehl and Romberg, 1892, p. 71; Kent, 1893, p. 240; Engelmann, 1894, p. 158. * Engelmann, 1894, p. 158. 5 Gaskell, 1883, p. 77. CIRCULATION. 447 the nervous conduction as the delay which the excitation experiences in dis- charging the ganglion-cells of the ventricle, in accordance with the well-known hypotheses of the retardation of the nerve-impulse in sympathetic ganglia and the slow passage of the nervous impulse through spinal cells. The explanation given by those who believe in muscular conduction is that the small number of muscular fibres composing the bridge between auricle and ventricle acts as a “block” to the excitation-wave. If the auricle of the tortoise heart is cut into two pieces connected by a small bridge of auricular tissue, the stimulation of one piece will be followed immediately by the con- traction of that piece, and after an interval by the contraction of the other. The smaller the bridge, the longer the interval; that is the longer the excita- tion-wave will be in passing from one piece to another. ‘The duration of the pause or “ block ” in the frog has been found to be from 0.15 to 0.30 second. The length of the muscle-fibres connecting auricle and ventricle is about one millimeter. The speed of the excitation-wave in em- _ bryonic heart muscle is from 3.6 to 11.5 millimeters per second. The duration of the pause agrees, therefore, with the time which would be required for muscular conduction.” The extensive extirpations of the auricular nerves which have been made without stopping conduction from auricle to ventricle’—for example, the ex- tirpation of the entire auricular septum of the frog’s heart—are of little importance to this question, since the great number of nerve-cells revealed by recent methods make it improbable that any extirpation short of total removal of both auricles could cut off all the nerve-cells of the auricle. Refractory Period and Compensatory Pause.—Schiff‘* found in 1850 that the heart which contracted to each stimulus of a series of slowly repeated mechanical stimuli would not contract to the same stimuli if they followed each other in too rapid succession. Kronecker’ got a similar result with induction shocks. The heart contracted to every stimulus only when the interval between them was not too brief. The following year Marey® published a systematic study of the phenomenon. He observed that the irritability of the heart sank during a part of the systole, but returned during the remainder of the systole and the following diastole.’ The stimulus which fell between the beginning of the systole and its maximum produced no extra contraction, whilst that which fell between the maximum of one systole and the beginning of the next called forth an extra contraction. During a part of the cardiac cycle therefore the heart is “refractory” toward stimuli, The irritability of the heart is removed for a time by an adequate stimulus. Kronecker and Marey noticed further that stimulation with the induction shock during the non-refractory period did not influence the total number of systoles. The extra systole called forth by the artificial stimulus was followed by a pause the length of which was that of the normal pause plus the interval 1 Gaskell, 1883, p. 64. 2 Engelmann, 1894, p. 159. * Gaskell, 1883, p. 75; Hoffmann, 1895, p. 169. * Schiff, 1850, p. 50. > Kronecker, 1875, p. 181. 6 Marey, 1876, p. 73. 7 Cf. Engelmann, 1895, p. 313. 448 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. between the appearance of the extra systole and what would have been the end of the cardiac cycle in which the extra systole fell. The extra length of this pause restored the normal frequency or rhythm. It was called the compensa- tory pause (see Fig. 113). PAP PAPSL Fig. 113.—The refractory period and compensatory pause. The curves are recorded by a writing lever resting on the ventricle of the frog’s heart. They read from left to right. A break in the horizontal line below each curve indicates the moment at which an induction shock was sent through the ventricle. In curves 1, 2, and 3 the ventricle proved refractory to this stimulus; in the remaining curves, the stimulus having fallen outside the refractory period, an extra contraction and compensatory pause are seen. Many of the phenomena mentioned in the text are illustrated by this figure (Marey, 1876, p. 72). If the heart, or the isolated apex, is beating at a rate so slow that an extra contraction falling in the interval between two normal contractions has time to complete its entire phase before the next normal contraction is due, there will be no compensatory pause.’ The refractory phase disappears with sufficiently strong stimuli, especially if the heart is warmed.? In such a case an artificial stimulus falling in the beginning of a spontaneous contraction produces an extra contraction. This extra contraction, however, comes first after the end of the systole during which the artificial stimulation is made,’ occurring in fact toward the end of the 1 Kaiser, 1895, p. 449. ? Engelmann, 1882, p. 453; compare Burdon-Sanderson and Page, 1880, p. 401. * This is apparently true only of the whole heart, and not of the isolated apex (Engel- mann, 1895, p. 317). CIRCULATION. 449 following diastole. The latent period of such a contraction lengthens with the length of the interval between the artificial stimulation and the end of the systole. A refractory period has been demonstrated in the auricle of the frog ' and dog ;’ in the ventricle of the cat,’ rabbit and dog,‘ and in the sinus venosus® and bulbus arteriosus ° of the frog. In some cases, the extra stimulus provokes not merely one, but two or three extra contractions.’ The amplitude of the extra contraction increases with the length of the interval between the maximum of contraction and the extra stimulus. If the extra stimulus is given at the beginning of relaxation, the extra contraction is exceedingly small; on the other hand, the extra contraction may be greater than the primary one, when the stimulus falls in the pause between two normal beats.® The supplementary systole of the auricle is sometimes followed by a sup- plementary systole and compensatory pause of the ventricle, sometimes by the compensatory pause alone, probably because the excitation wave reaches the ventricle during its refractory period. Multiple extra contractions of the auricle are often followed by the same number of extra contractions of the ventricle.” If the frog’s heart is made to beat in reversed order, ventricle first, auricle second, extra contractions of the ventricle may be produced, and will cause extra contractions of the auricle with compensatory pause. If the reversed excitation wave travelling from the ventricle to the auricle reaches the latter during auricular systole, the extra auricular contraction is omitted, but a distinct though shortened compensatory pause is still observed. The phenomena with reversed contraction are therefore similar to those seen under the usual conditions.” Kaiser ” finds in frogs poisoned with muscarin that stimulation of the ven- tricle during the refractory period causes the contraction in which the stimulus falls to be more complete, as shown by the contraction curve rising above its former level. He concludes that the ventricle is not wholly inexcitable even during the refractory period. The question whether the refractory state and compensatory pause are properties of the muscle-substance or of the nervous system of the heart has excited considerable attention. If the ganglion-free apex of the frog’s ven- tricle is stimulated by rapidly repeated induction shocks it can be made to con- tract periodically for a time. By momentarily increasing the strength of any one induction shock an extra stimulus can be given from time to time. When 1 Hildebrand, 1877, quoted by Lovén, 1886, p. 5; Brunton and Cash, 1883, p. 461; Kaiser, 1895, p. 15; Engelmann, 1895, p. 322. ; ? Meyer, 1893, p. 185. 5 MeWilliam, 1888, p. 169. : * Gley, 1889, p. 501; 1890, p. 437. ° Stromberg and Tigerstedt, 1888, p. 26; Brunton and Cash, 1883, p. 463. 6 Engelmann, 1882, p. 453. ’ Hildebrand, 1877; Strémberg and Tigerstedt, 1888, p. 33; Meyer, 1893, p. 187. ® Stromberg and Tigerstedt, 1888, p. 36. 9 Kaiser, 1895, p. 16. 0 Meyer, 1893, p. 188. 11 Kaiser, 1895, p. 19. 12 Thid., 1892, p. 219. 29 450 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the extra stimulus falls after the contraction maximum or during diastole an extra contraction results, otherwise not. ‘The refractory period exists, there- fore, independently of the cardiac ganglia.’ - The compensatory pause can also, though not always, be secured with the ganglion-free apex.’ The refractory period has been used to show how a continuous stimulus might produce a rhythmic heart-beat. The continuous stimulus cannot affect the heart during the refractory period from the beginning to near the maxi- mum of systole. At the close of the refractory period the constant stimulus becomes effective, causing an extra contraction with long latent period. This latent period is, according to this theory, the interval between the first and the second contraction.* | A tonic contraction of the heart muscle is sometimes produced by strong, rapidly repeated induction shocks* and by various other means, such as filling the ventricle with old blood,’ by weak sodium hydrate solution,’ and by certain poisons, such as digitalin and veratrin.’ A. Toe Carpiac NERVEs. The cardiac nerves are branches of the vagus and the sympathetic nerves. In the dog the vagus arises by about a dozen fine roots from the ventro- lateral aspect of the medulla and passes outward to the jugular foramen in company with the spinal accessory nerve. In the jugular canal the vagus bears a ganglion called the jugular ganglion. The spinal accessory nerve joins the vagus here, the spinal portion almost immediately leaving the vagus to be distributed to certain muscles in the neck, while the medullary portion passes to the heart through the trunk ganglion and thereafter in the substance of the vagus. Directly after emerging from the skull, the vagus presents a second ganglion, fusiform in shape and in a fairly large dog about one centi- meter in length. From the caudal end or middle of this “ ganglion of the trunk” is given off the superior laryngeal nerve, slightly behind which a large nerve is seen passing from the sympathetic chain to the trunk of the vagus. This nerve is in reality the main cord of the sympathetic chain, the sympathetic nerve being bound up with the vagus from the “ inferior” cervical ganglion to the point just mentioned. Posterior to the trunk ganglion of the vagus, the vago-sympathetic runs caudalward as a large nerve dorsal to the common carotid artery as far as the first rib or near it, where it enters the so-called inferior cervical ganglion. This ganglion belongs to the sympathetic system and not to the vagus; from a morphological point of view it is the middle cervical sympathetic ganglion. The true inferior cervical sympathetic ? Dastre, 1882, p. 447; Kaiser, 1895, p. 449; Engelmann, 1895, p. 326; compare Kronecker, 1875, p. 181. ? Kaiser, 1895, pp. 449, 457; Engelmann, 1895, p. 311; Dastre dissents, 1882, p. 464. ° Tigerstedt, 1893, p. 169. 4 Engelmann, 1882, p. 453. 5. Aubert, 1881, p. 381; compare Rossbach, 1874, p. 97. 6 Gaskell, 1880, p. 53. . T Roy, 1879, p. 477. CIRCULATION. 451 ganglion is fused with the first one or two thoracic ganglia to form the gan- glion stellatum, situated opposite the first intercostal space. At the “inferior cervical” ganglion the vagus and the sympathetic part company, the vagus passing caudalward behind the root of the lung and the sympathetic passing ' to the stellate ganglion, dividing on its way into two portions (the annulus of Vieussens), which embrace the subclavian artery. In many cases the lower loop of the annulus of Vieussens joins the trunk of the vagus caudal to the ganglion.' The cardiac nerves spring from the vagus and the sympathetic nerve in the region of the inferior cervical ganglion. They may be divided into an inner and an outer group. The inner group is composed of one medium, one thick, and from two to three slender nerves. The nerve of medium thickness springs from the gan- glion itself. The thick branch rises from the trunk of the vagus near the origin of the inferior laryngeal nerve about 1.25 centimeters caudal to the inferior cervical ganglion. It can be easily followed to its final distribution. It passes behind the vena cava superior, perforates the pericardium, and runs parallel with the ascending aorta across the pulmonary artery, on which it lies in the connective tissue already divided into two or three tolerably thick twigs or spread in a fan of smaller branches. These now bend beneath the artery, pass round its base on the inner side, and reach the anterior inter-ventricular groove. Here they spread over the surface of the ventricle. The slender branches leave the vagus trunk caudal to the branch just described. The outer group comprises two thick branches—namely, an upper nerve, springing from the ganglion or from the trunk of the vagus near it, and a lower nerve, from the lower loop of the annulus, or from the vagus 1-1} centimeters lower down. Each of these thick branches may be replaced by a bundle of finer branches, and in fact the description of the cardiac nerves Fie. 114.—Cardiac plexus and stellate ganglion of the cat, drawn from nature after the removal of the arteries and veins; about one and one-half times natural size (Boehm, 1875, p. 258): R, right; LZ, left: 1,1, vagus nerve; 2, cervical sympathetic; 2’, annulus of Vieussens ; 2”, thoracic sympathetic; 3, recurrent laryngeal nerve; 4, de- pressor nerve, entering the vagus on the right, on the left running a separate course to the heart; 5, middle (often called “inferior’’) cervical gan- glion; 5’, communicating branch between middle cervical ganglion and vagus nerve; 6, stellate gan- glion ; 6’,6’’ 6’”, spinal roots of stellate ganglion; 7, communication between stellate ganglion and vagus ; 8’, 8”, 8’”, cardiac nerves. here given can be regarded as a close approximation only, so frequent are the individual variations.? 1 Schmiedeberg, 1871, p. 34. ? Details concerning the composition of the cardiac plexuses in the dog are given by Lim Boon Keng, 1893, p. 467. 452 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. In the rabbit the cervical sympathetic and the vagus trunk are not joined, - as in the dog, but run a separate course. Cardiac fibres from the spinal cord reach the lower cervical and first thoracic ganglion (ganglion stellatum) along their rami communicantes' and pass to the heart by two sympathetic cardiac nerves, one from the inferior cervical ganglion and one from the ganglion -stellatum.? The arrangement of the cardiac nerves in the cad is shown in Figure 114. In the frog the cardiac nerves, both vagal and sympathetic, reach the heart through the splanchnic branch of the vagus. The sympathetic fibres pass out of the spinal cord with the third spinal nerve, through the ramus communicans of this nerve into the third sympathetic ganglion,® up the sympathetic chain to the ganglion of the vagus, and down the vagus trunk to the heart.‘ THE INHIBITORY NERVES. In 1845, Ernst Heinrich and Eduard Weber® announced that stimulation of the vagus nerves or the parts of the brain where they arise slows the heart even to arrest. When one pole of an induction apparatus was placed in the nasal cavity of a frog and the other on the spinal cord at the fourth or fifth vertebra, the heart was completely arrested after one or two pulsations and remained motionless several seconds after the interruption of the current. During the arrest, the heart was relaxed and filled gradually with blood. When the stimulus was continued many seconds, the heart began to beat again, at first weakly and with long intervals, then more strongly and frequently, until at length the beats were as vigorous and as frequent as before, though all this time the stimulation was uninterrupted. In order to determine from what part of the brain this influence proceeds, the electrodes were brought very near together and placed upon the cerebral hemispheres. The movements of the heart were not affected. Negative results followed also the stimulation of the spinal cord. Not until the medulla oblon- gata between the corpora quadrigemina and the lower end of the calamus scrip- _ torius was stimulated did the arrest take place. Cutting away the spinal cord and the remainder of the brain did not alter the result. Having determined that the inhibitory power had its seat in the medulla oblongata, the question arose through what nerve the inhibitory influence is transmitted to the heart. In a frog in which the stimulation of the medulla had stopped the heart, the vagus nerves were cut and the ends in connection with the heart stimulated. The heart was arrested as before. Thus the fundamental fact of the inhibition of a peripheral motor mechan- ism by the central nervous system through the agency of special inhibitory 1 Bever and von Bezold, 1867, pp. 236, 247. * Ludwig and Thiry, 1864, p. 429; Bever, 1867, p. 249. 3 It is probable that the fibres of spinal origin end in the sympathetic eavota making con- tacts there with sympathetic ganglion-cells, the axis-cylinder processes of which pass up the cervical chain and descend to the heart in company with the vagus. * Gaskell and Gadow, 1884, p. 369. 5 E. Weber, 1846, p. 42. CIRCULATION. 453 nerves was firmly established. A great number of investigations have demon- strated that this inhibitory power is found in many if not all vertebrates and not a few invertebrates.’ The effect of vagus stimulation on the heart is not immediate; a latent period is seen extending over one beat and sometimes two, according to the moment of stimulation ® (see Fig. 115), NAA Fie, 115.—Pulsations of frog’s heart, inhibited by the excitation of the left vagus nerve (Tarchanoff, 1876, p. 296): C, pulsations of heart; S, electric signal which vibrated during the passage of the stimu- lating current, one vibration for each induction shock. Changes in the Ventricle.—The periodicity of the ventricular contraction is altered by vagus excitation, a weak excitation lengthening the duration of dias- tole, while leaving the duration of systole unchanged (see Fig. 116). A stronger excitation, capably of modifying largely the force of the contraction, lengthens both systole and diastole.’ The difficulty of producing a continued arrest in diastole is much greater in some animals than in others, Even when easily produced, the arrest soon gives away in the manner described by E. H. and E. Weber, the heart beginning to beat in spite of the vagus excitation.‘ Fig. 116.—Showing the lengthened diastole and diminished force of ventricular contraction during weak stimulation of the peripheral end of the cut vagus nerve. The heart (cat) was isolated from both systemic and pulmonary vessels, and was kept beating by circulating defibrinated blood through the coronary arteries: A, Pressure in left ventricle, which was filled with normal saline solution, and com- municated with a Hiirthle membrane manometer by means of a cannula which was passed through the auricular appendix and the mitral orifice; B, line drawn by the armature of an electro-magnet in the primary circuit; the heavy line indicates the duration of stimulation; C, time in seconds. The force of the contraction, measured by the height of the up-stroke of the intra-ventricular pressure curve, or by placing a recording lever on the heart, 1 For literature see Tigerstedt, Physiologie des Kreislaufes, 1893. 2 Schiff, 1849, p. 192; Pfliiger, 1865, p. 30; Czermak, 1868, p. 644; 1868, p. 32; Donders, 1868, p. 339; 1872, p. 6; Tarchanoff, 1876, p. 300; Pruszynski, 1889, p. 569. § Arloing, 1894, p. 88; Meyer, 1894, p. 698. * Hough, 1895, p. 161. The terrapin heart is said not to escape, asa rule, from vagus inhibi- tion. Compare Mills, 1885, p. 255; see also Laulanié, 1889, p. 409. 454 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. is lessened,' this diminution in force appearing often before any noticeable change in periodicity. The diastolic pressure increases, as is shown by the lower level of the curve gradually rising farther and farther above the atmospheric pressure line.’ The volume of blood in the ventricle at the closé of diastole is increased. So also is the volume at the close of systole (residual blood)—sometimes to such a degree that the volume of the heart at the end of systole may be greater than the volume of the organ at the end of diastole before the vagus was excited.* The output and the input of the ventricle, that is, the quantity of blood dis- charged and received, are both diminished by vagus excitation.’ The ventricular tonus, or state of constant slight contraction on which the systolic contractions are superimposed, is also diminished, as is well shown by an experiment of Stefani. In this experiment the pericardial sac is filled with normal saline solution under a pressure just sufficient to prevent the expansion of the heart in diastole. On stimulation of the vagus, the heart dilates fur- ther. A considerably higher pressure is necessary to overcome this dilatation. ‘Stefani finds also that the pressure necessary to prevent diastolic expansion is much greater with intact than with cut vagi. Furthermore, the heart is much more easily distended by the rise of arterial pressure through compression of the aorta when the vagi are severed than when they are intact. Franck has noticed that the walls of the empty ventricle become softer when the vagus is stimulated.® The propagation of the cardiac excitation is more difficult during vagus excitation.’ Bayliss and Starling* demonstrate this on mammalian hearts made to contract by exciting the auricle three or four times per second ; the ven- tricle as a rule responds regularly to every auricular beat. If, then, the vagus is stimulated with a weak induced current, the ventricle may drop every other beat, or may for a short time cease to respond at all to the auricular contrac- tions. The defective propagation is not due to changes in the auricular con- traction, for even an almost inappreciable beat of the auricle can cause the ventricle to contract. Nor is it due to lowered excitability of the ventricle, for the effect described is seen with currents too weak to depress the irrita- bility of the ventricle to an appreciable extent. The action of the vagus is accompanied by an electrical variation. This has been shown in the muscular tissue of the resting auricle of the tortoise® (see Fig. 117). The auricle is cut away from the sinus without injuring the coronary nerve, which in the tortoise passes from the sinus to the auricle and contains the cardiac fibres of the vagus. After this operation the auricle and ventricle remain motionless for a time, and this quiescent period is utilized for * Coats, 1869, p. 187; Nuél, 1874, p. 87; Gaskell, 1882, p. 1011; Heidenhain, 1882, p. 388; Mills, 1885, p. 283. Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 224, are of contrary opinion. ? Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 227. * Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 218; compare Stefani, 1893, p. 186; 1895, p. 175. * Roy and Adami, 1892, pp. 217, 228. 5 Stefani, 1891, p. 182. 6 Franck, 1891, p. 486. ’ Gaskell, 1883, p. 100; McWilliam, 1888, p. 367. * Bayliss and Starling, 1892, p. 412. ® Gaskell, 1887, p. 116; 1887, p. 404, CIRCULATION. 455 the experiment. The tip of the auricle is injured by immersion in hot water, and the demarcation current (the injured tissue being negative toward the unin- jured) is led off to a galvanometer. On exciting the vagus in the neck, the demarcation current is markedly increased. No visible change of form is seen in the auricular strip. Fic. 117.—The tortoise heart prepared for the demonstration of the electrical change in the cardiac muscle accompanying the excitation of the vagus nerve: V, vagus nerve; C, coronary nerve; S, sinus - and part of auricle in connection with it; G, galvanometer, in the circuit formed by two non-polarizable 2 § | electrodes and the part of the auricle between them; £, induction coil (Gaskell, 1887). Changes in the Auricle.—There is little probability that the action of the vagus on the auricle’ differs essentially from the action on the ventricle. The force of the auricular contraction is diminished. The diastole is length- ened. ‘The change in force appears earlier than in the change in periodicity, and sometimes without it. On the whole, the auricle is more easily affected _by vagus excitation than the ventricle. Action on Bulbus Arteriosus.—lIf the bulbus arteriosus of the frog’s heart is extirpated in such a way as to leave untouched the nerve-fibres that connect it with the auricular septum, the contractions of the isolated bulbus will be arrested when the peripheral end of the vagus is excited.’ Diminished Irritability of Heart.—During vagus excitation with cur- rents of moderate strength, the arrested héart will respond to direct stimula- tion by a single contraction. With stréng vagus excitation, however, the directly stimulated heart contracts not at; all or less readily than before.’ Effects of Varying the Stimulus.—A single excitation of the vagus does not stop the heart. Morat has investigated the effect of excitations of varied 1 Eckhard, 1860, p. 140; Nuél, 1874, p. 86; Gaskell, 1882, p. 1010; 1883, p. 89; Mills, 1885, p. 250; 1886, p. 550; McWilliam, 1885, p. 225; 1887, p. 309; 1888, p. 348; Johansson and Tigerstedt, 1889 ; Franck, 1891, p. 581; Baylies and Siarting, 1892, p. 410; Roy and . Adami, 1892, p. 219. * Dogiel, 1894, p. 227. § Schiff, 1850, p. 64; 1877, p. 494; Einbrodt, 1859, p. 353; Eckhard, 1883, p. 25; MeWil- liam, 1885, p. 222; 1888, p- 851; Mills, 1888, p. 3. * Donders, 1868, p- 344; 1879, p. 5; Tarchanoff, 1876, p. 303; Heidenhain, 1882, p. 386. 456 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. duration, number, and frequency on the tortoise heart.’ With excitations of the same duration, the effect was minimal at 2 per second, maximal at 7 per second, diminishing thereafter as the frequency increased. The longer the stimulation, the longer (within limits) was the inhibition. An excitation that is too feeble or too slow, or, on the contrary, is over-strong or over-frequent, has no effect. Within limits, however, the degree of inhibition increases with _ the strength of the stimulus.’ Weak stimuli affect primarily the auricles, diminishing frequency and force of contraction, and secondarily lower the frequency of the ventricle. Stronger stimuli arrest the auricle, the ventricles continuing to beat with almost undi- minished force but with altered rhythm. Still stronger stimuli inhibit the ventricles also.* The frequency can be kept comparatively small by continued moderate stimulation.‘ Arrest in Systole.—The excitation of the tortoise vagus in the upper or middle cervical region is sometimes followed, according to Rouget,’ by a state of continued, prolonged contraction—in short, an arrest in systole. The same effect is observed in rabbits strongly curarized and in curarized frogs. Arloing ® noticed that the mechanical irritation produced by raising on a thread the left vagus nerve of a horse caused the right ventricle to remain contracted during seven seconds. The ventricular curve during this time presented the characters of the tetanus curve of a striated muscle.’ Comparative Inhibitory Power.—One vagus often possesses more inhibi- tory power than the other.’ Septal Nerves in Frog.—The electrical stimulation of the peripheral stump of either of two large nerves of the inter-auricular septum in the frog alters the tonus and the force of contraction of the ventricle, but not the fre- quency. After section of these nerves, the excitation of the vagus has very little effect on the tonus, and almost none on the force of the ventricular beat, while the frequency is diminished in the characteristic manner. Evidently, therefore, the two large septal nerves take no part in the regulation of fre- quency, but leave this to the nerves diffusely distributed through the auricles. There is then an anatomical division of the septal branches of the frog’s vagus, the fibres affecting periodicity running outside the septal nerves, while those modifying the force of contraction and the tonusof the ventriclerun within them.? * Morat, 1894, p. 10; Legros and Onimus, 1872, p. 565. ? y. Bezold, 1863, p. 50; Pfliiger, 1859, p. 19; Donders, 1868, p. 356. * Johansson and Tigerstedt, 1889; Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 287; Bayliss and Starling, 1892, p. 411. * Laulanié, 1889, p. 408. ° > Rouget, 1894, p. 398. 6 Arloing, 1893, p. 112. 7 For other unusual alterations in the heart-beat in consequence of vagus excitation see Arloing, 1893, p. 1638. 8 Cold-blooded Animals: Meyer, 1869, p. 61; Tarchanoff, 1876, p. 293; Gaskell, 1882, p. 82; MeWilliam, 1885, xvi.; Mills, 1885, p. 259; 1887, p. 11; 1888, p. 2. Mammals: Masoin, 1872, p. 410; Legros and Onimus, 1872, p. 575; Arloing and Tripier, 1872, p. 420; Langendorff, 1878, p. 68; compare Brown-Séquard, 1880, p. 211. ® Hofmann, 1895, p. 169; examine Eckhard, 1876, p. 192; and Dogiel, 1890, p. 258. — A NIG i A — . = , eh AY PE ee ro ek CIRCULATION. 457 Nature of Vagus Influence on Heart.—The nature of the terminal apparatus by which the vagus inhibits the heart is unknown. It is probable that the same intracaidiac apparatus serves for both nerves, for Hiifler finds that when the heart escapes from the inhibition caused by continued stimula- tion of one vagus, the prolonged diastole growing shorter again, the immediate stimulation of the second vagus has no effect upon the heart.! Dogiel and Grahe have recently observed that the lengthening of diastole which follows stimulation of the peripheral stump of the vagus, the other vagus being intact, is less marked than when both vagi are cut.? _ The question whether the vagus acts on the heart muscle directly or through the medium of some nervous mechanism has not yet been answered. The only fact bearing immediately on this problem is the diminution in the irritability of the ventricle during vagus excitation, and this does not exclude an action upon a nervous mechanism.* The earlier attempts to form a satisfactory theory for the inhibitory power of the vagus met with little success. The statement of the Webers’ that the vagus inhibits the movements of the heart gave to nerves a new attribute, but is hardly an explanation. The view of Budge‘ and Schiff,’ that the vagus is the motor nerve of the heart and that inhibition is the expression of its exhaustion, is now of only historical interest. Nor has a better fate overtaken the theory of Brown-Séquard,° who saw in the vagus the vaso-motor nerve of the heart, the stimulation of which, by narrowing the coronary arteries, deprived the heart of the blood that, according to Brown-Séquard, is the exciting cause of the contraction. Of recent years, the explanation that has commanded most attention is the one advanced by Stefani’ and Gaskell, namely, that the vagus is the trophic nerve of the heart, producing a dis-assimilation or katabolism in systole and an assimilation or anabolism in diastole. Gaskell supports this theory by the observation that the after-effect of vagus excitation is to strengthen the force of the cardiac contraction and to increase the speed with which the excitation wave passes over the heart, while the contrary effects are witnessed after the excitation of the augmentor nerves.® Various attempts have been made to prove a trophic action of the vagus on the heart by cutting the nerve in animals kept alive until degenerative changes 1 Hiifler, 1889, p. 307 ; Hough, 1895, p. 198. Earlier experimenters obtained conflicting results ; see Tarchanoff and Puelma, 1875, p. 757 ; Tarchanoff, 1876, p. 296; Eckhard, 1879, p. 181; Gamgee and Priestley, 1878, p. 39 ; Tscherepin, 1881 ; McWilliam, 1885, p. 217 ; Mills, 1885, p. 257; Laulanié, 1889, p. 377. 2 Dogiel and Grahe, 1895, p. 393. ’ Changes in the peripheral efficiency of the vagi are discussed by McWilliam, 1893, p. 475. * Budge, 1846, p. 418. _ ® Schiff, 1849, p. 442. 6 Brown-Séquard, 1853, p. 154. 7 Stefani, 1880; 1895, p. 176; Eichhorst, 1879, p. 18; Gaskell, 1886, p. 49; Fantino, 1888, p. 248; Timofeew, 1889; Tigerstedt, 1893, p. 259. Gaskell gives a résumé of his work on the heart in Archives de Physiologie, 1888, pp. 56-68. 8 Gaskell, 1883, pp. 81, 94; also Gianuzzi, 1871; Schiff, 1878, p. 16; Brown-Séquard, 1880, p- 211; Laffont, 1887, p. 1095; Konow and Stenbeck, 1889, p. 414. i 458 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. in the heart-muscle shou!d have had time to appear. The important distribu- tion of the vagus nerve to many organs, and the consequently wide extent of the loss of function following its section, makes it difficult to decide whether the changes produced in the heart are not secondary to the alterations in other tis-_ sues. The work of Fantino’ will serve for an example of these investigations. Fantino cut a single vagus to avoid the paralysis of deglutition and the inani- tion and occasional broncho-pneumonia that follow section of both nerves, Young and perfectly healthy rabbits and guinea-pigs were selected. ‘The opera- tion was strictly aseptic, and all cases in which the wound suppurated were excluded. A piece of the nerve about one centimeter long was cut out, so that no reunion could be possible. After the operation the animals were as a rule lively, ate well, and gained weight. Post-mortem examination of animals killed two days or more after section of the vagus nerve disclosed no patho- logical changes in the lungs, spleen, liver, and stomach. In the heart, areas were found in which the nuclei and the striation of the muscle-cells had disap- peared. Eighteen days after section the atrophy of the cardiac muscle in these areas was observed to be extreme. The degenerations following section of the right vagus were situated in a different part of the ventricular wall from those following section of the left nerve. ) The effects of stimulation of the vagus nerve in the new-born do not differ essentially from those seen in the adult.’ The relation between the action of the vagus and the intracardiae pressure has been recently studied by Stewart.? He finds that an increase in the pressure in the sinus or auricle makes it difficult to inhibit the heart through the vagus. The inhibitory action of the vagus diminishes as the temperature* of the heart falls. At a low limit: the inhibitory power is lost, but may return when the heart is warmed again. Even when the stimulation of the trunk of the nerve has failed to affect the cooled heart, the direct stimulation of the sinus can still cause distinct inhibition. The power of inhibiting the ventricle is first lost. Loss of inhibitory power does not follow the raising of the heart to high temperatures. The vagus remains active to the verge of heat rigor, and resumes its power as soon as the rigor passes away. THE AUGMENTOR NERVES. v. Bezold® observed in 1862 that stimulation of the cervical spinal cord caused an increased frequency of heart-beat. This seemed to him to prove the existence of special accelerating nerves. Ludwig and Thiry,® however, soon pointed out that stimulation of the spinal cord in the cervical region excited many vaso-constrictor fibres, leading to the narrowing of many vessels and a corresponding rise of blood-pressure. The acceleration of the heart-beat Fantino, 1888, p. 239; see also Bidder, 1868, p. 41; Eichhorst, 1879, p. 18; Wassilieff, 1881, p. 317; Klug, 1881, p. 946. 3 Ciianass Soltinant, 1877, p. 106; Bochefontaine, 1877, p. 226; Tarchanoff, 1878, p. 217; Langendorff, 1879, p. 247; von Anrep, 1880, p. 78; Meyer, 1893, p. “ATT. bisa 3 Stewart, 1892, p. 138, * Stewart, 1892, p. 80. 5 von Bezold, 1863, p. 191. 6 Ludwig and Thiry, 1864, p, 421. —- - ~~ > i eee = < ae fa eee “ri Be CIROULA TION. 459 accompanying this rise in blood-pressure would alone explain the observation of von Bezold. ‘Three years later Bever and von Bezold! were more suc- cessful. The influence of the vaso-motor nerves was excluded by section of the spinal cord between the first and second thoracic vertebre. Stimulation of the cervical cord now caused an increase in the frequency of the heart-beat without a simultaneous increase of blood-pressure. The fibres carrying the accelerating impulse were traced from the spinal cord to the last cervical gan- glion and from there toward the heart. In the dog the “augmenting” or “accelerating” nerves thus discovered leave the spinal cord mainly by the roots of the second dorsal nerves, and enter the ganglion stellatum, whence they pass through the anterior and posterior loops of the annulus of Vieussens into the inferior cervical ganglion, from which they go, in the cardiac branches of the latter, to the heart.2 Some of the cardiac fibres in the annulus pass directly thence to the cardiac plexus and do not enter the inferior cervical ganglion. | In the rabbit, the course of the augmentor fibres is probably closely similar to that in the dog. In the cat,* the augmentor nerves spring from the ganglion stellatum, and very rarely from the inferior cervical ganglion as well. The right cardiac sympathetic nerve communicates with the vagus. The stimulation of the sympathetic chain in the frog, “ between ganglion 1 and the vagus ganglion, and also stimulation of the chain between ganglia 2 and 3, causes marked acceleration and augmentation of the auricular and ven- tricular contractions. Stimulation be- tween ganglia 3 and 4 produces no effect whatever upon the heart.”° This ex- periment of Gaskell and Gadow’s shows that augmentor fibres enter the sympa- thetic from the spinal cord along the ramus communicans of the third spinal nerve and pass upward in the sympa- thetic chain. In this animal the sym- pathetic chain, after dividing between the first and second ganglia to form the —_ry¢. 118—The cardiac sympathetic nerves in annulus of Vieussens, joins the trunk Rane temporaria (Gree nama son 7 of the vagus between the united vagus ZV, second and fourth spinal nerves (Gaskell and glosso-pharyngeal ganglia and the and Gadow, 1884). vertebral column (see Fig. 118). Here the sympathetic again divides, some of 1 yon Bezold, 1866, p. 834; Bever and von Bezold, 1867, p. 227, 2 Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 238; compare Schmiedeberg, 1871, p. 38, and Langley, 1893, p. 108; the latter states on p. 108 the results of Bever and von Bezold, 1867, Schmiedeberg, 1871, Boehm and Nussbaum, 1875, Stricker and Wagner, 1878, Bradford, 1889, and Bradford and Dean, 1889. 3 Bever and von Bezold, 1867, p. 247; see remarks of Gaskell and Gadow, 1884, p. 370. * Boehm, 1875, p. 260. 5 Gaskell and Gadow, 1884, p. 369. 460 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the fibres passing alongside the vagus into the cranial cavity, the rest accompany- ing the vagus nerve peripherally. The augmentor nerves for the heart are among the latter, for the stimulation of the intracranial vagus results in pure inhibition,’ while the stimulation of the vagus trunk after it is joined by the sympathetic may give either inhibition or augmentation. We may say, there- fore, that the augmentor nerves of the frog pass out of the spinal cord by the third spinal nerve, through the ramus communicans of this nerve, into the third sympathetic ganglion, up the sympathetic chain to the ganglion of the vagus, and down the vagus trunk to the heart. Stimulation of Augmentor Nerves.—The most obvious effect of the stim- ulation of the augmentor nerves is an increase of from 7 to 70 per cent. in the Frequency of the heart-beat (see Fig. 119). The quicker the heart is beating before the stimulation, the less marked is the acceleration. The absolute maxi- AWWW MIT Tan Ne Sateca tac { | | “” ” vy) ” 24 | Fie. 119.—Curve of blood-pressure in the cat, recorded by a mercury manometer, showing the increase in frequency of heart-beat from excitation of the augmentor nerves. The curve reads from right to left. The augmentor nerves were excited during thirty seconds, between the two stars. The number of beats per ten seconds rose from 24 to 33 (Boehm, 1875, p. 258). mum of frequency is, however, independent of the frequency before stimulation.” The maximum of acceleration is largely independent of the duration of stimula- tion. The duration of stimulation and the duration of acceleration are not related, a long stimulation causing no greater acceleration than a short one.’ The force of the ventricular beat is increased. The ventricle is filled more completely by the auricles, the volume of the ventricle being increased. The | | } | } \\ \| \ \ | \} \} \) \ VV Fig. 120.—Increase in the force of the ventricular contraction (curve of pressure in right ventricle) from stimulation of angmentor fibres. There is little or no change in frequency (Franck, 1890, p. 819). output of the heart is raised. There is no definite relation between the in- crease of contraction volume or force of contraction and the increase in fre- quency (see Fig. 120). Either may appear without the other, though this is 1 Gaskell, 1884, p. 48. 2 Boehm, 1875, p. 277. 5 Baxt, 1877, p. 523. * Heidenhain, 1882, p. 396; Gaskell, 1884, p. 47; 1886, p. 42; Mills, 1886, p. 554; Franck, 1890, p. 814; Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 242; Bayliss and Starling, 1892, p. 413. > Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 240. 4 1 H 6 i ? in yee operand , cee <= CIRCULATION. 461 rare. The simultaneous stimulation of the nerves of both sides does not give a greater maximum frequency than the stimulation of one nerve alone? The strength and the volume of the auricular contractions are also in- ereased. The increase in volume is not due to a rise of pressure in the veins —in fact, the pressure falls in the veins—but to a change in the elasticity of the relaxed auricle, a lowering of its tonus. This change is not related to the increase in the force of the auricular contractions that stimulation of the aug- mentor nerves also causes. It varies much in amount and is less constantly met with than the change in force.* The changes in the ventricle and auricle probably account for the rise of blood-pressure in the systemic arteries and the fall in both systemic and pulmonary veins observed by Roy and Adami.! The speed of the cardiac excitation wave is increased. Its passage across the auriculo-ventricular groove is also quickened, as is shown in the following experiment of Bayliss and Starling.” In the dog, the artificial excitation of the ventricle may cause the excitation wave to travel in a reverse direction, namely, from ventricle to auricle. If the ventricles are excited rhythmically and the rate of excitation is gradually increased, a limit will be reached beyond which the auricle no longer beats in response to every ventricular contraction. With intact vagi, a rate of 3 per second is generally the limit. If now the augmentor nerve is stimulated, the “block” is partially removed, and the auricle beats during and for a short time after the stimulation at the same rapid rate as the ventricle. The latent period of the excitation is long. In the dog, about two seconds pass between the beginning of stimulation and the beginning of acceleration, and ten seconds may pass before the maximum acceleration is reached. The after-effect may continue two minutes or more.’ It consists of a weakening of the contractions and an increase in the difficulty with which the excitation wave passes from the auricle to the ventricle. The return to the former fre- quency is more rapid after short than after long stimulations.° The simultaneous stimulation of the inhibitory and the augmenting nerves of the heart, either in the vagus or separately, causes, in warm-blooded ani- mals, inhibition and not augmentation. The inhibition overcomes the aug- mentation,’ but the vagus effect is diminished nevertheless. The acceleration that is seen after the stimulation of the vagus is due to the after-effect of the stimulation of accelerating fibres in the vagus. The simultaneous stimulation of the augmentors and the vagi, the strength of the current being sufficient to stop the auricular contractions, causes accel- eration of the ventricular contractions.” 1 Franck, 1890, p. 819; Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 240. 2 Franck, 1880, p. 85. 3 Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 240. * Tbid. 5 Bayliss and Starling, 1892, p. 415. " 6 Baxt, 1877, p. 529. 7 von Bezold and Bever, 1867, p. 245; Schmiedeberg, 1870, p. 136; 1871, p. 43; Boehm, 1875, p. 273. 8 Baxt, 1877, p. 536. 9 Bowditch, 1873, p. 273; Baxt, 1875, p. 204; Boehm, 1875, p. 278. 10 Bayliss and Starling, 1892, p. 414. For further discussion of the effects of simultaneous stimulation, see Meltzer, 1892, p. 376. 462 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. OTHER CENTRIFUGAL HEART-NERVES. In the vago-sympathetic trunk and the annulus of Vieussens fibres pass to the heart that cannot be classed either with the vagus or the augmentor nerves. The evidence for their existence is furnished by Roy and Adami’s observation that when the intracardiac vagus mechanism is acting strongly, so that the auricles are more or less completely arrested, the stimulation of the vago- sympathetic trunk sometimes causes a decided increase in the force both of the ventricles and the auricles, usually accompanied by an acceleration of the rhythm of the heart. These changes are too rapidly produced to be aug- mentor effects.’ Centrifugal inhibitory nerves have been found as an anomaly in the right depressor nerve of a rabbit.’ . Pawlow® divides the inhibitory and augmentor nerves into four classes— (1) nerves inhibiting the frequency of the beat, (2) nerves inhibiting the force of | the contraction, (3) nerves augmenting frequency, and (4) nerves augmenting force. The origin of this subdivision of the two groups generally recog- nized was the observation that, in cer- tain stages of convallaria poisoning, the excitation of the vagus in the neck—all the branches of the nerve except those going to heart and lungs being cut—re- duced the blood-pressure without alter- ing tle frequency of the beat. Further researches showed that the stimulation of branch 3 (Fig. 121) even in unpoi- soned animals reduced the blood-pres- sure independently of the variable al- 4 teration simultaneously produced in the Fig. 121.—Scheme of the centrifugal nerves of pulse-rate. Stimulation of branch 5 the heart according to Pawlow: 1, vago-sympa- thetic nerve; 2, upper inner branch; 8, strong produced an acceleration of the heart- inner branch; 4, lower inner branch; 5, upper ry ° and lower outer branches; 6, ganglion stellatum ; beat without increase of blood-p shai? 7, annulus of Vieussens ; 8, middle (inferior) cer- Other branches brought about rise of vical ganglion; 9, recurrent laryngeal nerve. ° 4 5 pressure without acceleration, and in- creased discharge by the left ventricle without alteration in the pulse-rate. These results are supported further by Wooldridge’s observation that exci- tation of the peripheral ends of certain nerves on the posterior surface of the ventricle raised the blood-pressure without modifying the frequency of contrac- tion,* and by Roy and Adami’s demonstration that certain branches of the first thoracic ganglion lessen the force of the cardiac contraction without influencing its rhythm.’ But the matter is as yet far from certain. 1 Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 249. ? Hering, 1894, p. 78. 5 Pawlow, 1887, p. 510. * Wooldridge, 1883, p. 537. ° Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 246. ow be 4 ¥, CIRCULATION. 463 THE CENTRIPETAL NERVES OF THE HEART. The Ventricular Nerves.—When the mammalian heart is freed from blood by washing it out with normal saline solution and the ventricle is painted with pure carbolic acid, liquefied by warming, numerous nerves appear as white threads on a brown background. They are non-medullated, form many plexuses, and run beneath the pericardium obliquely downward from the base to the apex of the ventricle. They may be traced to the cardiac plexus. These fibres are not centrifugal branches of the vagus or the augmentor nerves, for the characteristic effects of vagus and augmentor stimulation are seen after section of the nerves in question. The stimulation of their peripheral ends, moreover, the fibre being carefully dissected out from the subpericardial tissue, eut across, and the cut end raised on a thread in the air, is without effect on the blood-pressure and pulse-rate. The stimulation of the central stumps of _ these nerves, on the contrary, is followed by changes both in the blood-pressure and the pulse, showing that they carry impulses from the heart to the cardiac centres in the central nervous system, or perhaps, according to the views of some recent investigators, to peripheral ganglia, thus modifying the action of the heart reflexly.' Sensory Nerves of the Heart.—The stimulation of intracardiac nerves by the application of acids and other chemical agents to the surface of the heart causes various reflex actions, such as movements of the limbs. The afferent nerves in these reflexes are the vagi, for the reflex movements dis- appear when the vagi are cut.? On the strength of these experiments the vagus has been believed to carry sensory impressions from the heart to the brain. Direct stimulation of the human heart, in cases in which a defect in _ the chest-wall has made the organ accessible, give evidence of a dim and very limited recognition of cardiac events—for example, the compression of the heart.* ; Vagus.—The stimulation of the central end of the cut vagus nerve, the other vagus being intact, causes a slowing of the pulse-rate. The section of the second vagus causes this retardation of the pulse to disappear, indicating that the stimulation of the central end of the one affects the heart reflexly through the agency of the other vagus. The blood-pressure is simultaneously affected, being sometimes lowered and sometimes raised, the differénce seeming to depend largely on the varying composition of the vagus in different ani- mals and in different individuals of the same species. The stimulation of the pulmonary branches, by gently forcing air into the lungs, loud speaking, singing, etc., is said to increase the frequency of the heart-beat.2 Yet the chemical stimulation of the mucous membrane of the lungs is alleged to slow the pulse- 1 Wooldridge, 1883, pp. 523, 529, 539; see also Lee, 1849, p. 43. * Budge, 1846, p. 588; Goltz, 1863, p. 5; Gurboki, 1872, p. 289; Franck, 1880, p. 382. 8 vy. Ziemssen, 1882, p. 297; Nothnagel, 1891, p. 209. 4See Franck, 1880, p. 281; v. Bezold, 1863, p. 281; Dreschfeld, 1867, p. 326; Aubert and Roever, 1868, p. 211; Kowalewsky and Adamiik, 1868, p. 546; Cybulski and Wartanow, 1883; Rey and Aducco, 1887, p. 188; Arendt, 1890, p.11; Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 251. 5 Hering, 1871; Sommerbrodt, 1881, p. 602. 464 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. rate and lower the blood-pressure.’ Observers differ as to the results of stim- ulation of the central end of the laryngeal branches of the vagus on the pulse- rate and blood-pressure.’ Depressor Nerve.—The earlier stimulations of the nerves that pass between the central nervous system and the heart, with the exception of the vagus, altered neither the blood-pressure nor the pulse-rate. Ludwig and Cyon* suspected that the negative results were owing to the fact that the stimulations were confined to the end of the cut nerve in connection with the heart. Some of the nerves, they thought, should carry impulses from the heart to the brain, and such nerves could be found only by stimulation of the brain end of the cut nerve. They began their research for these afferent nerves with the branch which springs from the rabbit’s vagus high in the neck and passes downward to the ganglion stellatum. Their suspicion was at once confirmed. The stimu- lation of the central end of this nerve, called by Ludwig and Cyon the depres- sor, caused a considerable fall of the blood-pressure. . The depressor nerve arises in the rabbit by two roots, one of which comes from the trunk of the vagus itself, the other from a branch of the vagus, the superior laryngeal nerve. Frequently the origin is single; in that case it is usually from the nervus laryngeus.* The nervus depressor runs in company with the sympathetic nerve to the chest, where communications are made with the branches of the ganglion stellatum. The stimulation of the peripheral end of the depressor nerve is without effect on the blood-pressure and heart-beat. The stimulation of the central end, on the contrary, causes a gradual fall of the general blood-pressure to the half or the third of its former height. After the stimulation is stopped, the blood-pressure returns gradually to its previous level. Simultaneously with the fall in blood-pressure a lessening of the pulse-rate sets in. The slowing is most marked at the beginning of stimulation, and after rapidly reaching its maximum gives way gradually until the rate is almost what it was before the stimulation began. After stimulation the frequency is commonly greater than previous to stimulation. After section of both vagi, the stimulation of the depressor causes no change in the pulse-rate, but the blood-pressure falls as usual. The alteration in fre- quency is therefore brought about through stimulation of the cardiac inhibitory centre, acting on the heart through the vagi. ‘The experiment teaches, further, that the alteration in pressure is not dependent on the integrity of the vagi. Poisoning with curare paralyzes all motor mechanisms except the heart and the muscles of the blood-vessels. Yet curare-poisoning does not affect the result of depressor stimulation. The cause of the fall in blood-pressure must be sought then either in the heart or the reflex dilatation of the blood-vessels. It cannot be in the heart, for depressor stimulation lowers the blood-pressure after all the nerves going to the heart have been severed. It must therefore 1 Franck, 1880, p. 378. ? Aubert and Roever, 1868, p. 241; Franck, 1880, p. 357. 5 Ludwig and Cyon, 1866, p. 128. 4 Tschirwinsky, 1896, p. 778, gives a somewhat different account. CIRCULATION. 465 lie in the blood-vessels. Ludwig and Cyon knew that the dilatation of the intestinal vessels could produce a great fall in the blood-pressure and turned at once to them. Section of the splanchnic nerve caused a dilata- tion of the abdominal vessels and a fall in the blood-pressure. Stimula- tion of the peripheral end of the cut splanchnic caused the blood-pressure to rise even beyond its former height. If now the depressor lowers the blood- pressure chiefly by affecting the splanchnic nerve reflexly, the stimulation of the central end of the depressor after section of the splanchnic nerves ought to have little effect on the blood-pressure. This proved to be the case. The depressor, therefore, reduces the blood-pressure chiefly by lessening the tonus of the vessels governed by the splanchnic nerve, thus allowing their dilatation and in consequence lessening the peripheral resistance. It has already been said that the depressor fibres pass from the heart to the yaso-motor mechanism in the central nervous system. The cardiac fibres are probably stimulated when the heart is overfilled through lack of expulsive force or through excessive venous inflow, and, by reducing the peripheral resist- ance, assist the engorged organ to empty itself. The depressor nerve is not in continual action ; it has no tonus; for the sec- tion of both depressor nerves causes no alteration in the blood-pressure. The many successors of Cyon and Ludwig have added relatively few im- portant facts to their extraordinary investigation. Sewall and Steiner! have obtained in some cases a permanent rise in blood- pressure following section of both depressors, yet they hesitate to say that the depressor exercises a tonic action. Spallita and Consiglio” have stimulated the depressor before and after the f a Am A aA AIA AA AAA Fig. 122.Showing the fall in blood-pressure and the dilatation of peripheral vessels from stimula- tion of the central end of the depressor nerve (Bayliss): A, curve of blood-pressure in the carotid artery ; B, volume of hind limb, recorded by a plethysmograph; C, electro-magnet line, in which the elevation shows the time of stimulation of the nerve; D, atmospheric pressure-line; E, time in seconds. section of the spinal accessory nerve near its junction with the vagus. They find that after section of the spinal accessory, the stimulation of the depressor 1 Sewall and Steiner, 1885, p. 168. 2 Spallita and Consiglio, 1892, p. 42. 30 466 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. does not affect the pulse, whence they conclude that the depressor fibres that affect the blood-pressure are separate from those that affect the rate of beat, the latter being derived from the spinal accessory nerve. A recent study by Bayliss’ brings out several new facts. If a limb is sical in Mosso’s plethysmograph and the central end of the depressor stimulated, the volume of the limb increases, showing an active dilatation of the vessels that supply it. The latent period of this dilatation varies greatly. The vessels of the skin play a large part in its production. A similar local action is seen on the vessels of the head and neck (see Fig. 122). — The depressor fibres vary much in size in different animals. When the nerve is small, a greater depressor effect can be obtained by stimulating the central end of the vagus than from the depressor itself. But the course of the fall is different in the two cases. With the depressor, the fall is maintained at a constant level during the whole excitation, however long it lasts, whereas in the case of the vagus the pressure very soon returns to its original height although the excitation still continues. Bayliss believes, therefore, that there is a considerable difference between the central connections of the depressor nerve itself and the depressor fibres sometimes found in other nerves. The left depressor nerve usually produces a greater fall of pressure than the right. The excitation of the second nerve during the excitation of the first produces a greater fall than the excitation of one alone. The fibres of the depressor, in part at least, end in the wall of the ventricle.” A similar nerve has been demonstrated in the cat,’ horse,* dog,’ sheep,® swine,’ and in man.® Sensory Nerves.—The first and usually the only effect of the stimulation of the central end of a mixed nerve like the sciatic, according to Roy and Adami,’ is an increase in the force and the frequency of the heart-beat. Other observers’ have sometimes found quickening and sometimes slowing of the pulse- rate, so that sensory nerves, as Tigerstedt suggests, appear to affect both the inhibitory and the augmenting heart-nerves. When a sensory nerve is weakly excited the augmentor effect predominates, when strongly excited the inhibi- tory. A well-known demonstration of the reflex action of the sensory nerves on the heart is seen in the slowing of the rabbit’s heart when the animal 1 Bayliss, 1893, p. 304. * Kazem-Beck, 1888, p. 329. * Bernhardt, 1868, p. 5; Aubert and Roever, 1868, p. 214; Kowalewsky and Adamiik, 1868, p. 545; Roever, 1869, p. 68; Kazem-Beck, 1888, p. 331. * Bernhardt, 1868, p. 5; Cyon, 1870, p. 262; Finkelstein, 1880, p. 350. 5 Roever, 1869, p. 71; Langenbacher, 1877 ; Kreidmann, 1878, p. 411; Finkelstein, 1880, p. 248; Kazem-Beck, 1888, p. 332. 6 Kriedmann, 1878, p. 407. 7 Langenbacher, 1877; Kazem-Beck, 1888, p. 335; the latter describes also (p. 338) a de- pressor nerve in cold-blooded animals; compare Gaskell and Gadow, 1885, p. 362. 8 Bernhardt, 1868, p. 5; Kreidmann, 1878, p. 408; Finkelstein, 1880, p. 249; Békésy, 1888. ® Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 254. 10 Lovén, 1866, p. 5; Bernard, 1858, p. 291; Asp, 1867, p.173; Tranck, 1876, p. 246; Siman- owsky, 1881. U-Figerstedt, 1893, p. 287. CIRCULATION. 467 is made to inhale chloroform. The superior laryngeal and the trigeminus nerves, especially the latter, convey the stimulus to the nerve-centres.! _ The stimulation of the nerves of special sense, optic, auditory, olfactory and glosso-pharyngeal nerves, also sometimes slows and sometimes quickens the heart.” Sympathetic.—The reflex action of the sympathetic nerve upon the heart is well shown by the celebrated experiment of F. Goltz? In a medium-sized frog, the pericardium was exposed by carefully cutting a small window in the chest-wall. ‘The pulsations of the heart could be seen through the thin peri- cardial membrane. Goltz now began to beat upon the abdomen about 140 times a minute with the handle of a scalpel. The heart gradually slowed, and at length stood still in diastole. Goltz now ceased the rain of little blows. The heart remained quiet for a time and then began to beat again, at first slowly and then more rapidly. Some time after the experiment, the heart beat about five strokes in the minute faster than before the experiment was begun. The effect cannot be obtained after section of the vagi. Bernstein* found that the afferent nerves in Goltz’s experiment were branches of the abdominal sympathetic, and discovered that the stimulation of the cen- tral end of the abdominal sympathetic in the rabbit was followed also by reflex inhibition of the heart. The stimulation of the central end of the splanchnic produces a reflex rise of blood-pressure and, perhaps secondarily, a slowing of the heart. In some eases acceleration has been observed. According to Roy and Adami splanch- nic stimulation sometimes produces a combination of augmentor and vagus effects, the augmentation appearing during stimulation and giving place abruptly to well-marked inhibitory slowing at the close of stimulation.’ The results of stimulating various abdominal viscera have been studied by Mayer and Pribram. One of the most interesting of the reflexes observed by them was the inhibition of the heart called forth by dilating the stomach.’ The stimulation of the cervical sympathetic does not give any very constant results on the action of the heart.? B. THz CENTRES OF THE HEART-NERVES. Inhibitory Centre.—It has been already mentioned that the brothers Weber” localized the cardiac inhibitory centre in the medulla oblongata. The efforts to fix the exact location of the centre by stimulation of various parts, either mechanically, by thrusting fine needles into the medulla," or electrically, 1 Dogiel, 1866, p. 236; Kratschmer, 1870, p. 159; Franck, 1876, p. 227; Simanowsky, 1881. * Couty and Charpentier, 1877, p. 563. 8 Goltz, 1863, p. 11. + Bernstein, 1863, p.818; 1864, pp. 617, 642. 5 Asp, 1867, p. 150. 6 vy. Bezold, 1863, p. 252; Asp, 1867, p. 172; Sabbatini, 1891, p.-219. -™ Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 258. 8 Mayer and Pribram, 1872, p. 107; Simanowsky, 1881. ® Bernstein, 1864, p. 630; Aubert and Roever, 1868, p. 240; 1869, p. 95; Bernstein, 1868, p- 601. 10 Weber, 1846, p. 45. 41 Eckhard, 1878, p. 187; Klug, 1880, p. 516; Laborde, 1888, p. 400. 468 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. cannot inspire great confidence because of the difficulty of distinguishing between the results that follow the excitation of a nerve-path from or to the centre and those following the excitation of the centre itself. According to Laborde, who also used this method, the cardiac inhibitory centre is situated at the level of the mass of cells known as the accessory nucleus of the hypoglossus and the mixed nerves (vagus, spinal accessory, glosso-pharyngeal).' The localization of the centre by the method of successive sections is per- haps more trustworthy. Franck? has found that the separation of the bulb from the spinal cord cuts off the reflexes called forth by nerves that enter the spinal cord, while leaving undisturbed the reflex produced by stimulation of the trigeminus nerve. On the whole, there seems to be no doubt that the cardiac inhibitory centre is situated in the bulb. ; Tonus of Cardiac Inhibitory Centre-—The cardiac inhibitory centre is prob- ably always in action, for when the vagus nerves are cut, the heart-beat - becomes more frequent. The source of this continued or “tonic” activity ' may lie in the continuous discharge of inhibitory impulses created by the liberation of energy in the cell independent of direct external influences, or the cells may be discharged by the continuous stream of afferent impulses that must constantly play upon them from the multitude of afferent nerves. This latter theory, the conception of a reflex tonus, is made probable by the observations that section of the vagi does not increase the rate of beat after ' the greater part of the afferent impulses have been cut off by division of the spinal cord near its junction with the bulb,? and that the sudden decrease in the number of afferent impulses caused by section of the splanchnic nerve quickens the pulse-rate.* Irradiation.—The slowing of the rate of beat observed chiefly during the expiratory portion of respiration disappears after the section of both vagus nerves. The slowing may perhaps be due to the stimulation of the cardiac inhibitory centre by irradiation from the respiratory centre.° . Origin of Cardiac Inhibitory Fibres.—Since the researches of Waller® and others, it has been generally believed that the cardiac inhibitory fibres enter the vagus from the spinal accessory nerve, for the reason that cardiac inhibi- _ tion was not secured in animals in which the fibres in the vagus derived from the spinal accessory nerve were made to degenerate by tearing out the latter before its junction with the vagus. These results have lately been called in question by Grossmann.’ The method employed by his predecessors, according to him, probably involved the destruction of vagus roots as well as those of the spinal accessory. Grossmann finds that the stimulation of the spinal accessory nerve before its junction with the vagus does not inhibit the heart. Nor does inhibition foliow the stimulation of the bulbar roots supposed to be contributed to the mixed nerve by the spinal accessory. 1 Laborde, 1888, p. 415. ? Franck, 1876, p. 255. % Bernstein, 1864, p. 654. * Asp, 1867, p. 136. 5 Laulanié, 1893, p. 723. 6 Waller, 1856, p. 420; Schiff, 1858; Heidenhain, 1865, p. 109; Gianuzzi, 1872; Franck, 1876, p. 264. ? Grossmann, 1895, p. 6. ; CIRCULATION. | 469 Augmentor Centre.—The situation of the centre for the augmentor nerves of the heart is not definitely known, although from analogy it seems probable that it will be found in the bulb. That this centre is constantly in action is indicated by the lowering of the pulse-rate after section of the vagi followed by the bilateral extirpation of the inferior cervical and first thoracic ganglia. ‘The division of the spinal cord in the upper cervical region after the - section of the vagi has the same effect.!| Vagus inhibition, moreover, is said to be more readily produced after section of the augmentor nerves.” MeWilliam * has remarked that the latent period and the character of the acceleration often accompanying the excitation of afferent nerves may differ entirely from the characteristic effects of the excitation of augmentor nerves. The stimulation of the latter is followed by a long latent period, after which the rate of beat gradually increases to its maximum and, after excitation is over, as gradually declines. ‘The excitation of an afferent nerve, on the con- trary, causes often, with almost no latent period, a remarkably sudden accel- eration, that reaches at once a high value and often suddenly gives way to a slow heart-beat. ‘These facts seem to show that reflex acceleration of the heart- beat is due to changes in the cardiac inhibitory centre, and not to augmentor excitation. This view is strengthened by the fact that if the augmentor nerves are cut, the vagi remaining intact, the stimulation of afferent fibres, for exam- ple in the brachial nerves, can still cause a marked quickening of the pulse- rate. In short, the action of afferent nerves upon the rate of beat is essentially _ the same, according to this observer, whether the augmentor nerves are divided or intact. Roy and Adami‘ believe that the stimulation of afferent nerves, such as the sciatic or the splanchnic, excites both augmentor and vagus centres. The augmentor centre is almost always the more strongly excited of the two, so that augmentor effects alone are usually obtained. Action of Higher Parts of the Brain on Cardiac Centres.—Repeated efforts have been made to find areas in the cortex of the brain especially related to the inhibition or augmentation of the heart, but with results so con- tradictory as to warrant the conclusion that the influence on the heart-beat of the parts of the brain lying above the cardiac centres does not differ essen- tially from that of other organs peripheral to those centres.’ Voluntary control of the heart, by which is meant the power to alter the rate of beat by the exercise of the will, is impossible except as a rare indi- vidual peculiarity, commonly accompanied by an unusual control over muscles, such as the platysma, not usually subject to the will. Cases are described by Tarchanoff® and Pease,’ in which acceleration of the beat up to twenty-seven 1 Tschirjew, 1877, p. 164; Stricker and Wagner, 1878, p. 370. Sustschinsky, 1868, p. 164. ; 3 McWilliam, 1893, p. 472. * Roy and Adami, 1892, p. 260. 5 See Danilewsky, 1875, p. 130; Bochefontaine, 1876, p. 140; 1883, p. 33; Balogh, 76; Eckhard, 1878, p. 185; Bechterew and Mislawsky, 1886, pp. 198, 416; Franck, 1887, p. 162. ® Tarchanoff, 1884, p. 113. 7 Pease, 1889, p. 525. 470 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. in the minute was produced, together with increase of blood-pressure, from vaso-constrictor action. The experiments are dangerous. Peripheral Reflex Centres.—It is now much discussed whether the periph- eral ganglia can act as centres of reflex action. According to Franck’ the excita- tion of the central stump of the divided left anterior limb of the annulus of Vieussens is transformed within the first thoracic ganglion, isolated from the spinal cord by section of its ramus communicans, into a motor impulse trans- mitted by the posterior limb of the annulus. This motor impulse causes, inde- pendently of the bulbo-spinal centres, a reflex augmentation in the action of the heart, and a reflex constriction of the vessels in the external ear, the submaxil- lary gland, and the nasal mucous membrane. This experiment, in conjunction with the facts in favor of other sympathetic ganglia acting as reflex centres, seems to demonstrate that some afferent impulses are transformed in the sym- pathetic cardiac ganglia into efferent impulses modifying the action of the heart. If this conclusion is confirmed by future investigations it will pro- foundly modify the views now entertained regarding the innervation of the heart. Intra-ventricular Centre.—Kronecker and Schmey,? finding that puncture of the inter-ventricular septum at the junction of the upper and ‘middle thirds ~ often caused arrest of the heart with fibrillary contractions, have set up the hypothesis of a co-ordinating centre at that point, essential to the co-ordinated contractions of the ventricle. Their results are possibly due to inhibition ;* cer- tainly they are not to be explained by the destruction of a co-ordinating centre. The anatomical basis for such a conception is wanting, careful search having failed to reveal any ganglion-cells in the locality in question, and the heart has been observed to beat for hours and even days after the cardiac tissue of this part of the septum had been destroyed by infarction, caused by the ligation of its nutrient arteries.® The experiments of Stannius, published in 1852, have been the starting- point of a very great number of researches on the innervation of the frog’s heart. Stannius observed, among other facts, that the heart remained for a time arrested in diastole when a ligature was tied about the heart precisely at the junction of the sinus venosus with the right auricle. No sufficient explanation of this result has yet been given, nor is one likely to be found until the innervation of the heart is better understood. Stannius’ further 1 Franck, 1894, p. 721. 2See Wertheimer, 1890, p. 519; Skabitechiewsky 1891, p. 156; Langley and pes gi. 1893, p. 435. * Kronecker and Schmey, 1884, p. 89; Sée and Gieg, 1887, p. 827; the latter could not get arrest in 11 out of 14 dogs. * Knoll, 1894, p. 312, observed fibrillation of the auricles in consequénce of vagus stimula- tion ; escape of current into the heart was guarded against. ° Krehl and Romberg, 1892, p. 54. Porter, 1893, p. 366; for the effect of wounds of the heart upon its rhythm, see Rodet and Nicolas, 1896, p. 167. 7A review of the Stannius literature is given by Tigerstedt, Physiologie des Kreislaufes, 1893, p. 196. CIRCULATION. 471 observed that after the ligature just described had been drawn tight, thus arresting the heart, the placing of a second ligature around the heart at the junction of the auricle and ventricle caused the latter to begin to beat again, while the auricle remained at rest. This second ligature, it is generally ' admitted, stimulates the ganglion of Bidder, and the ventricle responds by rhythmic contractions to the constant excitation thus produced. Loosening the ligature and so interrupting the excitation stops the ventricular beat. PART III.—THE NUTRITION OF THE HEART. The cells of which the heart-wall are composed are nourished by contact with a nutrient fluid. In hearts consisting of relatively few cells no special means of bringing the nutrient fluid to the cells is required. The walls of the minute globular heart of the small crustacean Daphnia, for example, are com- posed of a single layer of cells, each of which is bathed by the fluid which the ‘heart pumps. In larger hearts with thicker walls only the innermost cells could be fed in this way. Special means of distributing the blood throughout the substance of the organ are necessary here. Passages in the Frog’s Heart.—In the frog this distribution is accom- plished chiefly through the irregular passages which go out from the cavities of the heart between the muscle-bundles to within even the fraction of a milli- meter of the external surface.? These passages vary greatly in size. Many are mere capillaries. ‘They are lined by a prolongation of the endothelium of the heart. Filled by every diastole and emptied by every systole, they do the work of blood-vessels and carry the blood to every part of the cardiac muscle. Henri Martin® describes a coronary artery in the frog, analogous to the coronary arteries of higher vertebrates. ‘This artery supplies a part of the auricles and the upper fourth of the ventricle. In the rabbit, cat and dog, and in man a well-developed system of cardiac vessels exists, the coronary arteries and veins. Their distribution in the dog deserves especial notice, because the physiological problems connected with these vessels have been studied chiefly in this animal. Coronary Arteries in the Dog.—lIn the dog the coronary arteries and their larger branches lie upon the surface of the heart, covered as a rule only by the pericardium and a varying quantity of connective tissue and fat. The left coronary artery is extraordinarily short. A few millimeters after its origin -from the aorta it divides into the large ramus circumflex and the descen- dens, nearly as large. The former runs in the auriculo-ventricular furrow around the left side of the heart to the posterior surface, ending in the pos- terior inter-ventricular furrow. The left auricle and the upper anterior and the posterior portion of the left ventricle are supplied by this artery. The descen- . dens runs downward in the anterior inter-ventricular furrow to the apex. Close to its origin the descendens gives off the arteria septi, which at once enters the 1 Goltz, 1861, p. 201. * Engelmann, 1874, p. 11. * Martin, 1893, p. 754; 1894, p. 46. 472 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. inter-ventricular septum and passes, sparsely covered with muscle-bundles, obliquely downward and backward on the right side of the septum. The descendens in its farther course gives off numerous branches to the left ventricle and the anterior part of the septum. Only a few small branches go to the right ventricle. Thus the descendens supplies the septum and the inferior anterior part of the left ventricle. The right coronary artery, imbedded in fat, runs in the right auriculo-ventricular groove around the right side of the heart, supplying the right auricle and ventricle. It isa much smaller artery than either the circumflex or descendens. Each coronary artery keeps to its own boundaries and does not, in the dog, pass into the field of another artery, as sometimes happens in man.’ Terminal Nature of Coronary Arteries.—The coronary arteries in the dog, as in man, are terminal arteries, that is, the anastomoses which their branches have with neighboring vessels do not permit the making of a collateral circula- tion. Their terminal nature in the human heart is shown by the formation of infarcts in the areas supplied by arteries which have been plugged by embo- lism or thrombosis. That part of the heart-wall supplied by the stopped artery speedily decays. The bloodless area is of a dull white color, often faintly tinged with yellow; rarely it is red, being stained by hemoglobin from the veins of neighboring capillaries. The cross section is coarsely granular. The nuclei of the muscle-cells have lost their power of staining. The muscle-cells are dead and connective tissue soon replaces them.? This loss of function and rapid decay of cardiac tissue would not take place did anastomoses permit the establishment of collateral circulation between the artery going to the part and neighboring arteries. ‘The terminal nature of the coronary arteries in the dog has been placed beyond doubt by direct experiment. It is possible to tie them and keep the animal alive until a distinct infarct has formed.? The objection that one of the coronary arteries can be injected from another,‘ and that therefore they are not terminal, is based on the incorrect premise that terminal arteries cannot be thus indented and has no weight against the positive evidence of the complete failure of nutrition following closure. The passage of a fine injection-mass from one vascular area to another proves nothing concerning the possibility of the one area receiving its blood-supply from the other. Such supply is impossible if the resistance in the communi- cating vessels is greater than the blood-pressure in the smallest branches of the artery through which the supply must come. It is the fact of this high resist- ance, due to the small size of the communicating branches, which makes the artery “terminal.” This condition of high resistance is really present se life, or infarction could not take place. The terminal nature of the coronary arteries is of great importance with regard to the part taken by them in the nutrition of the heart. Being ter- 1 Cohnheim and v. Schulthess-Rechberg, 1881, p. 511. 2 See also the description by Kolster, 1893, p. 14, of the infarctions produced experiment- ally in the dog’s heart. * Kolster, 1893, p. 14; Porter, 1893, p. 366. * Michaelis, 1894, p. 289. CIRCULATION. 473 minal, their experimental closure enables us to study the effects of the sudden stopping of the blood-supply (ischemia) of the heart muscle upon the action of the heart. Results of Closure of the Coronary Arteries.—The sudden closure of one of the large coronary branches in the dog has as a rule either no effect upon the action of the heart beyond occasional and transient irregularity,' or is fol- lowed after the lapse of seconds, or of minutes, by the arrest of the ventricu- lar stroke, the ventricle falling a moment later into the rapid, fluttering, Fig. 123.—A, curve of intra-ventricular pressure, written by a weinoiseter connected with the interior of the left ventricle; B, atmospheric pressure; C, time in two-second intervals. At the first arrow the ramus circumflexus of the left coronary artery was ligated; at the second arrow the heart fell into fibril- lary contractions. The lessening height of the curve shows the gradual: diminution of the force of con- traction after ligation. The rise of the lower line of the curve above the atmospheric pressure indicates a rise of intra-ventricular pressure during diastole. The small eRvations in the pressure-curve after the second arrow are caused by the left auricle, which continued to beat after the arrest of the ventricle (Porter, 1893). undulatory movements known as fibrillary contractions and produced by the inco-ordinated, confused shortenings of individual muscle-cells, or groups of cells. The auricles continue to beat for a time, but the power of the ventricles to execute co-ordinated contractions is lost. The Frequency of Arrest——The frequency with which closure is fol- lowed by ventricular arrest depends on at least two factors—namely, the size of the artery ligated and the irritability of the heart. That the size of the artery is of influence appears from a series of ligations performed on dogs, arrest being never observed after ligation of the arteria septi alone, rarely observed (14 per cent.) with the right coronary artery, more frequently (28 per cent.) with the descendens, and still more frequently (64 per cent.) with the arteria circumflexa.” The irritability of the heart is an important factor. In animals cooled by long artificial respiration, or by section of the spinal cord at its junction with the bulb, the ligation of the descendens arrests the heart less frequently than in vigorous animals which have been operated upon quickly. The frequency of arrest is increased by the use of morphia and curare.* Changes in the Heart-beat.—Ligation destined to arrest the heart is fol- lowed almost immediately by a continuous fall in the intra-ventricular pressure during systole and a gradual rise in the pressure during diastole (see Fig. 123). The contraction and relaxation of the ventricle are ,often slowed. The force of the ventricular stroke is diminished. As arrest draws near, irregularities in the force of the ventricular beat are seldom absent.* The frequency of beat is sometimes unchanged throughout, but is usually diminished toward the end ; 1 The changes produced by subsequent degeneration are not considered here. ? Porter, 1893, p, 131. 3 Ibid., 1896, p. 49. * Tbid., 1893, p. 133. 474 Fie. 124.—Showing fall in arte- rial pressure and diminished out- put ofleft ventricle in consequence of the ligation of the circumflex artery. The curve reads from left to right. It is one-half the original size. The upper curve is the pres- sure in the carotid artery. The unbroken line is atmospheric pres- sure. The next curve is the meas- urement of the outflow from the left ventricle, each rise and each fall. indicating the passage of 50 of blood into the aorta. The lower line is a time-curve in sec- onds. At * the circumflex artery was ligated (Porter, 1896, p. 51). AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY, occasionally the frequency is increased. Both ven- tricles as a rule cease to beat at the same instant. The work done by the heart, measured by the blood thrown into the aorta in a unit of time, is lessened by ligation when followed by arrest (see Fig. 124). The Exciting Cause of Arrest.—There are two opinions concerning the exciting cause of the changes following closure of a coronary artery, some investigators holding for anzemia and others for mechanical injury of the cardiac muscle or its nerves in the operation of ligation. The latter base their claim on the frequent failure of ligation of even a main branch to stop the heart; on the fact that the heart of the dog has been seen to beat from 115 to 150 seconds after the blood-pres- sure in the aorta was‘so far reduced, by clamping the auricle and opening the carotid artery, as to make a continuance of the coronary circulation very improbable;? on the revival of the arrested heart by the injection of defibrinated blood into the coronary arteries from the aorta, by which means the dog’s heart and even the human heart has been made to beat again many minutes after the total arrest of the circulation,*—it being as- sumed, incorrectly, that the dog’s heart cannot be made to beat after arrest with fibrillary contrac- tions; and, finally, on the arrest with fibrillary contractions which some experimenters have caused by mechanical injury to the heart.‘ To sum up, the argument in favor of explain- ing arrest with fibrillary contractions simply by the mechanical injury done the heart in the pro- cess of ligation consists of two propositions: first, that aneemia without mechanical injury does not cause arrest with fibrillary contractions; and sec- ond, that mechanical injury without anzemia does cause arrest. Against the second of these propositions must be placed the extreme infrequency of arrest from mechanical injuries. In more than one hundred 1 Porter, 1896, p. 52. ? Tigerstedt, 1895, p. 87; Michaelis, 1894. 3 Langendorff, 1895, p. 320; Hédon and Gilis, 1892, p. 760. * Martin and Sedgwick, 1882, p. 168. CIRCULATION. A475 ligations Porter’ observed not a single arrest in consequence of laying the artery bare and placing the ligature ready to be drawn, the only effect of the mechanical procedure being an occasional slight irregularity in force, Ligation of the periarterial tissues in ten dogs, the artery itself being excluded from the ligature, directly injured both muscular and nervous substance, but was only once followed by arrest.” Nor does arrest follow the ligation of a vein, although the mechanical injury is possibly as great as in tying an artery. The direct stimulation of the superficial ventricular nerves exposed to injury in the opera- tion of ligation does not produce the effects that appear after the ligation of coronary arteries.® Against the remaining proposition stated above—namely, that anemia with- out mechanical injury does not cause arrest with fibrillary contractions—it should be said that the frequency of arrest after ligation is in proportion to the size of the artery ligated, and hence to the size of the area made anemic, and is not in proportion to the injury done in the preparation of the artery. The circumflex and descendens may be prepared without injuring a single muscle-fibre, yet their ligation frequently arrests the heart, while the ligation of the arteria septi, which cannot be prepared without injuring the muscle- substance, does not arrest the heart. It is, moreover, possible to close a coro- nary artery without mechanical injury. Lycopodium spores mixed with de- fibrinated blood are injected into the arch of the aorta during the momentary closure of that vessel and are carried into the coronary arteries, the only way left open for the blood. The lycopodium spores plug up the finer branches of the coronary vessels. The coronary arteries are thus closed without the operator having touched the heart. Prompt arrest with tumultuous fibrillary contractions follows.* There seems, then, to be no doubt that fibrillary contrac- tions can be brought on by sudden anemia of the heart muscle. The gradual interruption of the circulation in the coronary vessels—by bleeding from the carotid artery, for example—is followed by feeble inco- ordinated contractions not essentially different in kind from those commonly termed fibrillary contractions.’ The manner of interruption probably explains the difference in result. In the former case, namely, ligation or other sudden closure, the supply of blood to the heart muscle is suddenly stopped while the heart continues to work against a high peripheral resistance ; in the latter, the anemia is gradual and the heart works against little or no peripheral resistance. Recovery from Fibrillary Contractions.—Fibrillary contractions brought on by clamping the left coronary artery in the rabbit’s heart are often gradually replaced by normal contractions when the clamp is removed.® The isolated cat’s heart after showing marked fibrillary contractions during forty-five minutes has given strong regular beats for more than an hour.’ The recovery 1 Porter, 1896, p. 58; see also Fenoglio and Drogoul, 1888, p. 49. Porter, 1896, p. 57; see also Rodet and Nicolas, 1896, p. 167. 3 McWilliam, 1887, p. 298; Wooldridge, 1883, p. 532; compare Michaelis, 1894, p. 285. * Porter, 1896, p. 65. 5 Porter, 1895, p. 482. 6 y. Bezold, 1867, pp. 263, 285. 1 Magrath and Kennedy (about to be published). 476 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of the dog’s heart has been supposed impossible." MeWilliam, however, has seen a number of regular beats after the termination of fibrillary contraction.’ Recent results suggest that fibrillary contractions even in the highest verte- brates may be removed by establishing an artificial circulation of defibrinated blood through the coronary arteries. Closure of the Coronary Veins.—Closure of all the coronary veins in the rabbit produced fibrillary contractions after from fifteen to twenty minutes had passed.* Their closure in the dog is said to he without effect *—a negative result perhaps to be explained by the fact that a portion of the coronary blood finds its way to the cavities of the heart through the venz Thebesii.° Volume of Coronary Circulation.—Bohr and Henriques,’ taking the average of six experiments on dogs, found that 16 cubic centimeters of blood passed through the coronary arteries per minute for each 100 grams of heart muscle. ‘The quantity passing through both coronary arteries varied in dif- ferent animals from 20 to 64 cubic centimeters per minute; the quantity passing through the left coronary artery varied from 22.5 to 60 cubic centi- HL Wie uly mila Witte VOUS UEUSUTEUOTULSURIAUEDUESOSUEUUDTIORLUAD FERUS EDEN GUaa) PEESER AAMT Rep p dpe poe peop pf pe PE ce ee MU yl Fia. 125.—Diminution of the force of contraction of the ventricle of the isolated cat’s heart in con- sequence of diminishing the supply of blood to the cardiac muscle: A, blood-pressure at the root of the aorta, recorded by a mercury manometer; B, intra-ventricular pressure-curve, left ventricle: the indi- vidual beats do not appear, because of the slow speed of the smoked surface; C, time in seconds; D, the number of drops of blood passing through the coronary arteries, each vertical mark recording one drop. As the number of drops of blood passing through the coronary arteries diminishes, the contractions of the left ventricle become weaker, but recover again when the former volume of the coronary circula- tion is restored. meters per minute. The hearts weighed from 51 to 350 grams. The method which Bohr and Henriques found it necessary to employ placed the heart under such abnormal conditions that their results can be regarded as only + Cohnheim and v. Schulthess-Rechberg, 1881, p. 519; Tigerstedt, 1895, p. 546; and others. ? It is not quite clear whether. McWilliam refers to fibrillary contractions produced by closing a coronary artery or to those which follow strong faradic stimulation of the ventricle (1887, p. 299). 3 y. Bezold and Breymann, 1867, p. 299. * Michaelis, 1894, p. 291. 5 Gad, 1886, p. 382. ® Bohr and Henriques, 1895, pp. 233-236. CIRCULATION. 477 approximate. Porter’ supplied the left coronary artery of the dog with blood diluted one-half with sodium chloride solution (0.6 per cent.) by means of a tube (lumen 2.75 millimeters) inserted into the aortic opening of the left coro- nary artery and connected with a reservoir placed 150 centimeters above the heart. In one dog, weighing 11,500 grams, 318 cubic centimeters flowed through in eight minutes. In a second dog, weighing 9500 grams, 114 cubic centimeters passed through in four minutes. In the isolated heart of the cat strong and regular contractions are made on a circulation of about 4 cubic centimeters per minute, or even less, through the coronary system. The quantity passing through the veins of Thebesius into the left auricle and ventricle is very slight. Blood-supply and Heart-beat.—The relation between the volume of blood passing through the coronary arteries and the rate and force of the ventricular contraction has been studied by Magrath and Kennedy (1896). Variations in the volume of the coronary circulation in the isolated heart of the cat, unless very considerable, are not accompanied by changes in the rate of beat. The force of contraction, on the contrary, appears to be closely dependent on the volume of the coronary circulation (Fig. 125). Lymphatics of the Heart.—A rich plexus of lymphatic vessels has been demonstrated in the heart. “Valuable information concerning the nutrition of the heart could probably be gained by the systematic study of these vessels. C. SoLUTIONS WHICH MAINTAIN THE BEAT OF THE HEART. The beat of the heart is maintained during life by a constant supply of oxygenated blood. . The blood, however, is a very complex fluid, and it can hardly be supposed that all of its constituents are of equal value to the heart. The systematic search for those constituents of the blood which are of import- ance to the nutrition of the heart was begun in Ludwig’s laboratory in 1875 by Merunowicz.? The first step toward the method used by Merunowicz and his successors was taken by Cyon.* Cyon tied cannulas in the vena cava inferior and in one of the aorte of the extirpated heart of the frog, and joined them by a bowed tube filled with serum. The ventricle pumped the serum through the aortic cannula and the bowed tube into the vena cava, whence it reached the ventricle again. ‘The force of the contraction was measured by a mercury manometer which was joined by a side branch to one limb of the bowed tube. The frog heart manometer method thus introduced by Ludwig and Cyon has undergone various modifications at the hands of Blasius and Fick,* Bow- ditch,® Luciani,’ Kronecker,’ and others. Blasius and Fick were the first to register changes in the volume of the heart by the plethysmographic method, the organ being enclosed in a vessel filled with normal saline solution and Porter, 1896, p. 64. | 2 Merunowicz, 1876, p. 132. 3 Cyon, 1867, p. 80. * Blasius, 1872, p. 9. > Bowditch, 1872, p. 139. 6 Luciani, 1873, p. 113. 7 Kronecker, 1874, p. 174. 478° AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. connected with a manometer. This idea reappears in the Strassburg apparatus described below. A valuable improvement was made by Kronecker, who invented a double cannula, through one side of which the “nutrient” fluid enters the ventricle Fie. 126.—The perfusion cannula of Kronecker. The ventricle is tied on the cannula at d, a ring being placed here to prevent the ligature from slipping. The double tube, shown in cross-section at e, divides into the large branch a and the small branch b. The nutrient solu- tion enters the heart through b and escapes through a. The silver wire ec can be connected with one pole of a battery, the cannula serving as one electrode, and the fluid surrounding the heart as the other. voir or into the same reservoir. while it passes out through the other (Fig. 126). The contents of the ventricle are thus contin- ually renewed. In 1878, Roy’ constructed the instrument shown in Figure 127, by means of which the changes in the volume of the heart at each contraction are recorded on a moving cylin- der. A great advance was made by Williams,’ in the invention known as “ Williams’s valve,” which is the essential feature of the apparatus devised by this investigator and others in Schmiedeberg’s laboratory at Strassburg. The present form of this apparatus is illustrated in Figure 128. A perfusion cannula is introduced into the ventricle through the aorta. Through one tube of the cannula the heart is fed from a reservoir placed above it. Through the other the heart pumps its contents into a higher reser- Thus the heart is “loaded ” with a column of liquid of known height and pumps against a measurable resistance. A Ha i Fic. 127.—Roy’s apparatus: the heart is tied ona perfusion cannula and enclosed in a bell glass rest- ing on a brass plate, b, the centre of which presents an opening covered by a rubber membrane. Vari- ations in the volume of the heart cause the mem- The movements of the membrane are recorded by a lever. brane to rise and fall. Fic. 128.—Williams’s apparatus: H, frog’s heart; V, V’, Williams’s valves ; MS, millimeterscale. The apparatus is arranged to feed the heart from the reservoir into which the heart is pumping. Williams’s valve in the inflow tube prevents any flow except in the direction of the heart. 1 Roy, 1879, p. 453. A similar valve reversed in the outflow tube prevents any flow 2 Williams, 1881, p. 3. rs i. CIRCULATION. 479 except away from the heart. The ventricle is filled and emptied alternately as is the normal heart, the artificial valves replacing the heart-valves, which are often necessarily rendered useless by the introduction of the cannula and are at best less certain in their action than the artificial valve. The changes in the volume of the heart are shown by the movements of a liquid column in a horizontal tube which communicates with the bottle filled with “ nutrient” fluid in which the heart is enclosed. In the original method of Cyon the ventricle is left in connection with the auricle, the ganglion-cells of the ventricle and the neighboring portions of the auricle being kept intact. This ‘whole heart” preparation is to be distin- guished from the “apex” preparation of Bowditch, which has also been used in studies of the effects of nutrient solutions on the heart. In Bowditch’s “apex ” preparation,' the ventricle is bound to the cannula by a thread tied at the junction of the upper and middle thirds of the ventricle. By this means the lower two-thirds of the ventricle, which contains no ganglion-cells, is cut off from any physiological connection with the base of the ventricle and a “ sanglion-free apex ” secured. The isolated “apex” at first stands still, but after from ten to sixty minutes” commences to beat again and can then be kept beating for several hours. In the use of these various methods certain general precautions should be kept in mind. Special attention should be directed to the difficulty of remov- ing the blood from the capillary fissures in the wall of the frog’s heart. A small amount of blood remaining in these passages is frequently a source of error. It should be remembered that, as Cyon* pointed out, a change in the nutrient solution is of itself a stimulus to the heart, increasing or diminishing the frequency of contraction and obliging the investigator to wait until the heart has become accustomed to the new solution before making an observation. The heart should, as a rule, be constantly supplied with fresh fluid, as in the natural state. The resistance against which the heart works is also a factor of import- ance. The water with which the solutions are made should be distilled in glass, as the minutest trace of the compounds of heavy metals in non-colloidal solu- tions affects the heart.® Nutrient Solutions.—Cyon * found that the beat of the extirpated frog’s heart is very dependent on the nature of the solution with which the heart is fed. Hearts supplied with normal saline solution (NaCl, 0.6 per cent.) ceased to beat much sooner than those left empty. The serum of dog’s blood seemed almost poisonous. Rabbit’s serum, on the contrary, postponed the exhaustion of the heart for many hours, provided the limited quantity contained in the apparatus was renewed from time to time. Serum used over and over again caused the beats to lose force after an hour or two. The renewal of the serum seemed a stimulus to the heart, causing it to contract.very strongly during a half minute or more, after which the contractions became less energetic. 1 Bowditch, 1872, p. 139. 2 Merunowicz, 1876, p. 135. 3 Martius and Kronecker, 1882, p. 547. 4 Cyon, 1867, p. 89. 5 Locke, 1895, p. 331; Naegeli, 1893, p. 12. 6 Cyon, 1867, p. 89. 480 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Cyon’s immediate successors, Bowditch, Luciani, and Rossbach,' confirmed his observations. None of these investigators, however, was concerned pri- marily with the nutrition of the heart. The first systematic work on this sub- ject was done, as has been said, by Merunowicz, who attempted to maintain the beat of the heart with normal saline solution containing various quantities of blood, with normal saline alone, with a watery solution of the ash of an alcholic extract of serum, and with a normal saline solution containing a minute amount of sodium carbonate. The direction taken by him has been pursued to the present day, the chief objects of study being the importance to the heart of sodium carbonate or other alkali, sodium and potassium chloride, the salts of calcium, oxygen, proteids and some other organic bodies such as dextrose, and, finally, of fluids possessing the physical characteristics of the blood. The outcome of this work we must now consider. The value of an alkaline reaction has been generally recognized. Sodium carbonate is the alkali commonly preferred. The favorable influence of this salt probably does not depend on any specific action, but simply upon its alkalinity.2 The alkali promotes the beat of the heart by neutralizing the carbon dioxide and other acids formed in the metabolism of the contracting muscle; this, however, may not be its only use. Certain of the salts normally present in the blood are necessary to main- tain the beat of the heart. Sodiwm chloride is one of these. The solution employed should contain a “ physiological quantity.” Such a solution is said to be “isotonic.” The amount required to make a sodium chloride solution “normal” or “ isotonic” for the frog is 0.6 per cent., for the mammal nearly 1 per cent. Enough of a calcium salt to prevent the washing out of lime from the tissues is also essential for prolonged maintenance of the contractions.® A heart fed with normal saline solution is before long brought to a stand ; the addition of a calcium salt to the solution postpones the arrest. The character of the contraction, however, is altered by the calcium, the relaxation of the ventricle being sometimes so much delayed that the next contraction takes place before the relaxation from the previous contraction has commenced, the ventricle falling thereby into a state of persistent or “ tonic” contraction. The addition of a potassium salt restores the normal character of the contraction,‘ calcium and potassium having an antagonistic action on the heart. The ‘importance of calcium to the heart is said to be demonstrated by the disap- pearance of the spontaneous contractions of the heart which follows the pre- cipitation of the calcium in the circulating fluid by the addition to it of an equivalent quantity of a soluble oxalate, and by the return of spontaneous contractions which is seen when the calcium is restored to the solution.® The antagonistic action of calcium and the oxalates was first pointed out by Cyon.° 1 Bowditch, 1872, p. 139; Luciani, 1878, p. 113; Rossbach, 1875, p. 90. 2 Gaule, 1878, p. 294. 3 Ringer, 1885, p. 252. * Ringer, 1885, p. 247. ° Ringer, 1885, p. 85; compare Howell, 1894, p. 478. ® Cyon, 1867, p. 203; see also Sokoloff, 1881, p. 8; Ringer, 1885, p. 86; Howell and Cooke, 1893, p. 220; Howell, 1894, p. 478. CIRCULATION. 481 According to Ringer,’ the substances thus far mentioned are effective in the following order: normal saline is the least effective; next is saline containing sodium bicarbonate ; then saline containing tricalcium phosphate; and best of all, saline containing tricalcium phosphate together with potassium chloride. He recommends the following mixture: Sodium chloride solution 0.6 per cent., saturated with tribasic calcium phosphate, 100 cubic centimeters; solu- tion potassium chloride 1 per cent., or acid potassium phosphate (HK,PO,) - 1 per cent., 2 cubic centimeters.’ There has been considerable dispute over the part played by oxygen in the beat of the frog’s heart. McGuire* and Klug* were of opinion that the beat is largely independent of the amount of oxygen in the circulating fluid. Yeo° concluded that the contracting heart uses more oxygen than the resting heart, and that the consumption of oxygen increases with the work done. Kronecker and Handler,’ on the contrary, believe that the oxygen con- sumption is increased by an increase in the rate of beat, but is independent of the work done.’ More recent observers are united on the necessity of oxygen to the working heart. Oehrwall’s studies in this field are especially interesting. He finds that a volume of blood sufficient to fill the frog’s ventricle will main- tain contractions for hours provided the heart is surrounded by an atmosphere of oxygen. ‘The heart is brought to a stand by lack of oxygen and may be made to beat again, even after an arrest of twenty minutes, by giving it a fresh sup- ply. The heart fails in oxygen-hunger probably because the chemical process by which the stimulus to contraction is called forth no longer takes place, and not because of a failure in contractility, for even after long inaction a gentle touch on the pericardium will cause a vigorous contraction. Carbon diowide® is injurious to the heart when present in the circulating fluid in considerable quantities. The force of the contraction is reduced before the rate of beat. The heart poisoned with carbon dioxide often falls into irregular contractions, exhibiting at times “grouping” and the “staircase” phenomenon, a series of beats regularly increasing in strength. Organic Substances.—An unsuccessful effort has been made to prove that only solutions containing proteids, for example blood-serum, chyle, and milk, can keep the heart active.? Recent observers have shown the incorrectness of this claim. The inorganic salts of serum alone suffice.” Locke" found that the addition of 0.1 per cent. of dextrose to a suitable inorganic solution kept a frog’s 1 Ringer, 1886, p. 294. _ ® Ringer, 1898, p. 128; for the action of rubidium, strontium, and cesium on the heart see Ringer, 1884, p. 370. 3 McGuire, 1878, p. 321. * Klug, 1879, p. 478. 5 Yeo, 1886, p. 119. 6 Handler, 1890, p. 253. ’ Heffter, 1892, p. 52; Albanese, 1893, p. 311; Oehrwall, 1893, pp. 42, 44. 8 See Kronecker and Stirling, 1874, p. 200; McGuire, 1878, p. 322; Klug, 1879, p. 478; Saltet, 1882, p. 567; Kronecker and Mays, 1883, p. 263; Langendorff, 1893, p. 417; Ide, 1893, p. 492; Ringer, 1893, p. 129. 9 Martius and Kronecker, 1882, p. 562; v. Ott, 1883, p. 26; Popoff, 1889, p. 438; Brinck, 1889, p. 472; White, 1896, p. 344; compare Stienon, 1878, p. 277, and Ringer, 1886, p. 363. © Merunowicz, 1876, p. 166; Howell and Cooke, 1893, p. 204. 1! Locke, 1895, p. 333. 31 482 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. heart working under a load of 3.5 centigrams, and under an “ after-load” of 3 centigrams in spontaneous activity for more than twenty-four hours. The sustaining action which dextrose appears to exercise is shared, according to him, by various other organic substances. Physical Characteristics—Heffter* and Albanese,’ having observed that the addition of gum-arabic to the circulating fluid was of advantage, declared - that the nutrient solutions should possess the viscosity of the blood. The favorable action of gum-arabic may, however, more probably be ascribed to the compounds which it contains rather than to its physical properties.’ Mammalian Heart.—The success attained within the past two years in the isolation of the mammalian heart opens up an hitherto unexplored region in which systematic investigation will surely bring to light facts of wide interest and value. At present, however, little is known as to the constituents of the blood which are essential to the life of the mammalian heart.. An abundant supply of oxygen is certainly highly important. ; Blood of Various Animals.—Roy ° gives some data as to the effect on the frog’s ventricle of the blood of various animals. The blood of the various her- bivora (rabbit, guinea-pig, horse, cow, calf, sheep), as well as that of the pigeon, were found to have nearly the same nutritive value in each case. That of the dog, of the cat, and more especially of the pig, while in some instances equal in effect to that from the horse or rabbit, were in other examples (from the newly killed animals) apparently almost poisonous. Cyon’s early observation of the in- jurious action of dog’s blood on the frog’s ventricle has already been mentioned. Regarding the mammalian heart, experience has shown that it is best to supply the heart with blood from the same species of animal.’ The difficulties attending the use of blood from a different species are seen in the case of the dog’s heart supplied with calf’s blood. The heart dies sooner; cedema of the lungs takes place, impeding the pulmonary circulation and leading to engorge- ment of the right heart and paralysis of the right auricle ; exudation into the pericardium often seriously interferes with the beat of the heart; and, finally, the elastic modulus of the cardiac muscle is apparently altered, permitting the heart to swell until it tightly fills the pericardium, when the proper filling of the heart is no longer possible through lack of room for diastolic expansion. PART IV.—THE INNERVATION OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. About the middle of the eighteenth century more or less sagacious hypotheses concerning the contractility of the blood-vessels began to appear in medical 1 Heffter, 1892, p. 52. ? Albanese, 1893, p. 311. ° Howell and Cooke, 1893, p. 216; Locke, 1895, p. 333. * Experiments on the artificial dreietion of defibrinated blood chrough the coronary arter- ies have been performed by Martin and Applegarth, 1890, p. 275; Arnaud, 1891, p. 396; Hédon and Gilis, 1892, p. 760; Langendorff, 1895, p. 291; Porter, 1896, p. 46; Magrath onl Kennedy, 1896. ° Roy, 1879, p. 460; compare Heffier, 1892, p. 44. 6 Cyon, 1867, p. 89. " Martin, 1883, p. 676; see also Langendorff, 1895, p. 293. ” CIRCULATION. 483 literature, but it was not until Henle demonstrated the existence of muscular elements in the middle coats of the arteries in 1840 that a secure foundation was laid for the present knowledge of the mechanism by which that'contractility is made to control the distribution of the blood. More than a hundred years before, indeed, Pourfour du Petit had shown that redness of the conjunctiva was one of the consequences of the section of the cervical sympathetic, but had called the process an inflammation, in which false idea he was supported by Cruikshank and others; and Dupuy of Alfort had noted redness of the con- junctiva, increased warmth of the forehead, and sweat-drops on ears, forehead, and neck following his extirpation of the superior cervical ganglia in the horse; Brachet, also, cutting the cervical sympathetic in the dog, had gone so far as to attribute the resulting congestion to a paralysis of the blood-vessels. But these were merely clever speculations, for the anatomical basis necessary for a real knowledge of this subject was wanting as yet. Henle furnished this basis, and at the same time reached the modern point of view. “The part taken by the contractility of the heart and the blood-vessels in the circulation,” said Henle, “ can be expressed in two words: the movement of the blood depends on the heart, but its distribution depends on the vessels.” Nor did Henle stop here. It was now known that the vessels possessed contractile walls; it was known further that these walls contracted when mechanically stimulated ; for example, by scraping them with. the point of a scalpel; and various observers had traced sympathetic nerves from the greater vessels to the lesser until lost in their finest ramifications. It was therefore easy to construct a reasonable hypothesis of the control of the bluod-vessels by the nerves. Henle declared that the vessels contract because their nerves are stimulated, either directly, or reflexly through the agency of a sensory apparatus. The ground was thus prepared for the physiological demonstration of the existence of “ vaso- motor” nerves, as Stilling began to call them. Four names are associated with this great achievement—Schiff, Bernard, Brown-Séquard, and Waller,' each of whom worked independently of the others. Foremost among them is Claude Bernard, though not the first in point of time, for it was he who put the new doctrine on a firm basis. In his first publication Bernard ? stated that section of the cervical sympathetic, or removal of the superior cervical ganglion, in the rabbit, causes a more active circulation on the correspond- ing side of the face together with an increase in its temperature. The greater blood-supply manifests itself in the increased redness of the skin, particularly noticeable in the skin of the ear. The elevation of temperature may be easily felt by the hand. A thermometer placed in the nostril or in the ear of the operated side shows a rise of from 4° to 6° C. The elevation of temperature may persist for several months. Similar results are obtained in the horse and the dog. 7 33 | The following year Brown-Séquard* announced that “if galvanism is applied ? Waller, 1853, p. 378. The literature of vaso-motor nerves is so large that only works of the past fifteen years can be cited, except in a few important instances. 2 Bernard, 1851, p. 163. 5 Brown-Séquard, 1852, p. 490. 484 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. to the superior portion of the sympathetic after it has been cut in the neck, the dilated vessels of the face and of the ear after a certain time begin to contract ; their contraction increases slowly, but at last it is evident that they resume their normal condition, if they are not even smaller. Then the temperature diminishes in the face and the ear, and becomes in the palsied side the same as in the sound side. When the galvanic current ceases to act, the vessels begin to dilate again, and all the phenomena discovered by Dr. Bernard reappear.” Brown-Séquard concludes that “the only direct effect of the section of the cervical part of the sympathetic is the paralysis, and consequently the dilata- tion, of the blood-vessels. Another evident conclusion is that the cervical sympathetic sends motor fibres to many of the blood-vessels of the head.” While Brown-Séquard was making these important investigations in America, Bernard, in Paris, quite unaware of Brown-Séquard’s labors, was reaching the same result. The existence of nerve-fibres the stimulation of which causes constriction of the blood-vessels to which they are distributed was thus established. A considerable addition to this knowledge was presently made by Schiff," who pointed out in 1856 that certain vaso-motor nerves take origin from the spinal cord. The destruction of certain parts of the spinal cord causes the same vascular dilatation and rise of temperature that follows the section of the vaso-motor nerves outside the spinal cord. At this time Schiff also offered evidence of vaso-dilator nerves. When the left cervical sympathetic is cut in a dog, and the animal is kept in his kennel, the left ear will always be found to be 5° to 9° warmer than the right. If the dog is now taken out for a run in the warm sunshine, and allowed to heat himself until he begins to pant with outstretched tongue, the temperature of both ears will be found to have increased. The right ear is now, however, the warmer of the two, being from 1° to 5° warmer than the left. The blood-vessels of the right ear are, moreover, now fuller than those of the left. When the animal is quiet again the former condition returns, the redness and warmth in the right becoming again less than in the left ear. The increase of the redness and warmth of the right ear over the left, in which the vaso-constrictor nerves were paralyzed, must be the result of a dilatation of the vessels of the right ear by some nervous mechanism. For if the dilatation of the vessels was merely passive, the vessels in the right ear could not dilate to a greater degree than those in the left ear which had been left in a passive state by the section of their nerves. This experiment, however, is by no means con- clusive. ! The existence of vaso-dilator fibres was placed beyond doubt by the follow- ing experiment of Bernard? on the chorda tympani nerve, new facts regarding the vaso-constrictor nerves being also secured. Bernard exposed the submax- illary gland of a digesting dog, removed the digastric muscle, isolated the nerves going to the gland, introduced a tube into the duct, and, finally, sought ' Schiff, 1856, p. 69; 1859, p. 153. * Bernard, 1858, p. 241; see also pp. 649 to 658. b CIRCULATION. 485 out and opened the submaxillary vein. The blood contained in the vein was dark. The nerve-branch coming to the gland from the sympathetic was now ligated, whereupon the venous blood from the gland grew red and flowed more abundantly ; no saliva was excreted. The sympathetic nerve was now stimu- lated between the ligature and the gland. At this the blood in the vein became dark again, flowed in less abundance and finally stopped entirely. On allow- ing the animal to rest the venous blood grew red once more. The chorda tympani nerve, coming from the lingual nerve, was now ligated, and the end in connection with the gland stimulated. Then almost at once saliva streamed - into the duct, and large quantities of bright scarlet blood flowed from the vein in jets, synchronous with the pulse. This experiment may be said to close the earlier history of the vaso-motor nerves.' It was now established beyond question that the size of the blood- vessels, and thus the quantity of blood carried by them to different parts of the body, is controlled by nerves which when stimulated either narrow the blood vessels (vaso-constrictor nerves) and thus diminish the quantity of blood that flows through them, or dilate the vessels (vaso-dilator nerves) and increase the flow. The section of vaso-constrictor nerves, for example those found in the cervical sympathetic, causes the vessels previously constricted by them to dilate. The section of a vaso-dilator nerve, for example the chorda tympani, running from the lingual nerve to the submaxillary gland, does not, however, cause the constriction of the vessels to which it is distributed. And finally, it was now determined that vaso-motor fibres are found in the sympathetic system as well as in the spinal cord and the cerebro-spinal nerves. It remained for a later day to show that vaso-motor nerves are present in the veins as well as in the arteries. Mall? has found that when the aorta is compressed below the left subclavian artery, the portal vein receives no more blood from the arteries of the intestine, yet remains for a time moderately full, because it cannot immediately empty its contents through the portal capil- laries of the liver against the resistance which they offer. If the peripheral end of the cut splanchnic nerve is now stimulated, the portal vein contracts visibly and may be almost wholly emptied. Thompson* has extended the discovery of Mall to the superficial veins of the extremities. He finds that the stimulation of the peripheral end of the cut sciatic nerve, the crural artery being tied, causes the constriction of the superficial veins of the hind limb. . The contraction begins soon after the commencement of the stimulation, and usually goes so far as to obliterate the lumen of the vein. Often the contrac- tion begins nearer the proximal portion of the vein and advances toward the ‘periphery. More commonly, however, it is limited to band-like constrictions between which the vein is filled with blood. After stimulation ceases the constrictions gradually disappear. A second and third stimulation produce 1 Further information regarding the history of this subject is given by Vulpian, Legons sur Pappareil vaso-moteur, Paris, 1875; Longet, Traité de physiologie, Paris, 1869, t. ii. p. 199; and Schiff, Untersuchungen zur Physiologie des Nervensystems, Frankfort-am-Main, 1855, Bd. i. p. 124. .? Mall, 1890, p. 57; 1892, p. 409. ’ Thompson, 1893, p. 104. 486 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. much less constriction. The superficial veins of the rabbit’s abdomen are constricted by the stimulation of the cervical spinal cord at the second ver- tebra. The observations of Bernard and his contemporaries led to a very great number of researches on the general properties and the distribution of the vaso-motor nerves, in the course of which a variety of ingenious methods of observation have been devised. Methods of Observation.—One fruitful method of research has been already incidentally mentioned, namely, the direct inspection of the vessel, or region, the vaso-motor nerves of which are being studied. A second method consists in accurately measuring the outflow from the vein. If the blood-vessels of the area drained by the vein are constricted by the stimulation of a vaso-motor nerve, the quantity escaping from the vein in a given period previous to constriction will be greater than that escaping in an” equal period during constriction. This well-known method is especially avail- able where an artificial circulation is kept up through the organ studied, as the blood drained from the vein does not then weaken the animal and thus ~ disturb the accuracy of the observations.' A third method is founded on the principle in hydraulics that the lateral pressure at any point in a tube through which a liquid flows depends, other things being equal, on the resistance to be overcome below the point at which the pressure is measured. In the animal body the resistance to be overcome by the blood-stream varies with the state of contraction of the smaller vessels, and thus the variations in the lateral pressure of a given artery may, under certain restrictions, be used to determine variations in the size of the smaller vessels distal to the artery. The restrictions are, that the variations in the lateral pressure in the artery are indicative of changes in the size of the distal vessels only when the general blood-pressure remains unaltered, or alters in a direction opposite to the change in the artery investigated.? An example will make this plain. Dastre and Morat,* in order to demonstrate the presence of vaso-motor fibres for the hind limb in the sciatic nerve, connected a manometer with the central end of the left femoral artery, and a second manometer with the peripheral end of the right femoral artery, distal to the origin of the pro- funda femoris. ‘The anastomoses between the principal branches of the fem- oral artery are so numerous and so large that the circulation in the limb can be maintained by the profunda femoris alone. Dastre and Morat could there- fore compare the general blood-pressure with the blood-pressure in the right hind limb. On stimulating the peripheral end of the right sciatic nerve, the blood-pressure rose in the arteries of the limb, but remained stationary in the arteries of the trunk, connected with the first manometer through the central end of the left femoral artery. The rise of blood-pressure in the operated limb, while the blood-pressure in the rest of the body remained unchanged, proved that the vessels in the operated limb were constricted. ? Cavazzani and Manca, 1895, p. 33. ? Hiirthle, 1889, p. 563. * Dastre and Morat, 1883, p. 556. me CIRCULATION. 487 Many investigators have studied vaso-motor phenomena by means of the plethysmograph, an apparatus invented by Mosso for recording the changes in the volume of the extremities. The member, the vaso-motor nerves of which are to be studied, is placed within a cylinder filled with water, from which a tube leads to a recording tambour.’ An increase in the volume of the member, such as would be brought about by the expansion of its vessels, causes a corre- sponding volume of water to enter the tambour tube, thus raising the pressure in the tambour and forcing its lever to rise. A constriction of the vessels, on the contrary, causes the recording lever to fall. In addition to these general methods, special devices have been employed : in the researches into the vaso-motor nerves of the brain. In considering the observations made with these various methods it will be advisable to begin with the differences between the two kinds of vaso-motor nerves. _ Differences between Vaso-constrictor and Vaso-dilator Nerves.—The differences between vaso-constrictor and vaso-dilator nerves are particularly interesting for the reason that both vaso-constrictor and vaso-dilator fibres are often found in one and the same anatomical nerve. The sciatic nerve is a good example of this. By taking advantage of these differences the investi- gator may determine whether one or both kinds of fibres are present in any anatomical nerve; whereas, without this knowledge, the effects produced by the stimulation of the one might be wholly masked by the effects produced by the stimulation of the other. The vaso-constrictors are less easily excited than the vaso-dilators. The simultaneous and equal stimulation of the dilator and constrictor nerves going to the submaxillary gland causes vaso-constriction, dilatation appearing after the stimulation ceases, for the after-effect of excitation is of shorter duration with the constrictors than with the dilators.2 Warming increases and cooling diminishes the excitability of the vaso-constrictors to a greater degree than is the case with the vaso-dilators. Thus if the hind limb of an animal be warmed, the stimulation of the sciatic nerve will cause vaso-constriction ; while if it be cooled the same stimulation will cause vaso-dilatation.2 Vaso- constrictors are more sensitive to rapidly repeated induction shocks (tetaniza- tion) and less sensitive to single induction shocks than are vaso-dilators. Thus if the sciatic nerve is stimulated with induction shocks of the same strength, it will be found that a rapid repetition of the stimuli will give vaso-constriction, while with single shocks at intervals of five seconds vaso-dilatation is the result.‘ Vaso-constrictors degenerate more rapidly than vaso-dilators after separation from their cells of origin. The stimulation of the peripheral end of the frog’s sciatic nerve immediately after section causes constriction. Several days later the same stimulation causes vaso-dilatation, the oonstrictor nerves having already 1 An improved method of recording is given by Bowditch and Warren, 1886, p. 420. ? Anrep and Cybulski, 1884. 5 Lépine, 1876, p. 26; Howell, Budgett, and Leonard, 1894, p. 306. * Ostroumoff, 1876, p. 232; Bowditch and Warren, 1886, p. 436; Bradford, 1889, p. 390. 488 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. degenerated ' (see Fig. 129, B). The maximum effect of stimulation is more quickly reached with the vaso-constrictor than with the vaso-dilator nerves. There is also a difference in the latent period, or interval between stimulation Fira. 129.—Curves obtained by enclosing the hind limb of a cat in the plethysmograph and stimu- lating the peripheral end of the cut sciatic nerve (Bowditch and Warren, 1886, p, 447). The curves read from right to left. In each case the vertical lines show the duration of the stimulus—namely, fifteen induction shocks per second during twenty seconds. Curve A shows the contraction of the vessels pro- duced by the excitation of the freshly-divided nerve; curve B, the dilatation produced by an equal excitation of the nerve of the opposite side four days after section, the vaso-constrictor nerves having degenerated more rapidly than the vaso-dilators. and response. Bowditch and Warren’ have found the latent period of the vaso-constrictor fibres in the sciatic to be about 1.5 seconds, while that of the vaso-dilators is 3.5 seconds. Finally, the two sorts of nerves have been said to differ in the manner in which they are distributed. The vaso-constrictor nerves leave the cord as medullated fibres, enter the sympathetic chain of gan- glia and end in terminal branches probably in contact with a sympathetic ganglion-cell. The constrictor impulse is forwarded to the vessel by a process of this cell, either directly or by means of still other sympathetic ganglion-cells. The yaso-dilator fibre, on the contrary, was thought to run directly from the cord to the blood-vessel ;* but the latest investigations make it probable that all spinal vaso-motor fibres end in sympathetic ganglia.* Origin and Course.—The vaso-motor nerves the general properties of which have just been studied are axis-cylinder processes of sympathetic gan- glion-cells. They follow, for a time at least, the course of the corresponding spinal nerve. According to Langley,® they do not differ from the pilo-motor and secretory nerves except in the nature of the structure in which they termi- nate. ‘They are not interrupted by other nerve-cells on their course. The action of the sympathetic vaso-motor cells is influenced by the vaso-motor cells of the spinal cord and bulb. These are probably small cells situated at various levels in the anterior horn and lateral gray substance. Their axis- cylinder processes leave the cerebro-spinal axis by the anterior roots’ of ? Ostroumoff, 1876, p. 228; Bowditch and Warren, 1886, p. 444. ? Bowditch and Warren, 1886, p. 440. 3 Kolliker, 1894, p. 2: * Langley, 1895, p. 314. 5 Langley, 1895, p. 314. 6 Kolliker, 1894, p. 6 (reprint). 7 Budge, 1853, p.378. Some investigators hold that yaso-motor nerves leave the cord in the posterior as well as the anterior roots. Stricker! observed that excitation of the peripheral end of the posterior roots of the sciatic nerve is followed by a rise of temperature in the hind limb. This was denied by Kiihlwetter.?- Bonuzzi* and Girtner * agreed with Stricker. Morat ® found 1 Stricker, 1877, p. 279, 2 Kihlwetter, 1885, p. 40. 8 Bonuzzi, 1885, p. 473. 4 Gartner, 1889, p. 980. 5 Morat, 1892, pp. 1499, 694; see also Bradford, 1889, p. 363, and Morat, 1890, p. 473. CIRCULATION. 489 certain spinal and by certain cranial nerves, and enter sympathetic ganglia, where they end in terminal twigs probably in contact with the sympathetic vaso-motor cells. The vaso-motor cells lying at various levels in the cerebro- spinal axis are in turn largely controlled by an association of cells situated in the bulb and termed the vaso-motor centre. The neuraxons (axis-cylinder processes) of the cells composing this “centre” pass in part to the nuclei of certain cranial nerves and in part down the lateral columns! of the cord, to end in contact with the spinal vaso-motor cells. The vaso-motor apparatus consists, then, of three classes of nerve-cells.? The cell-bodies of the first class lie in sympathetic ganglia, their neuraxons passing directly to the smooth mus- cles in the walls of the vessels; the second are situated at different levels in the cerebro-spinal axis, their neuraxons passing thence to the sympathetic gan- glia by way of the spinal and cranial nerves; and the third are placed in the bulb and control the second through intraspinal and intracranial paths. The nerve-cell of the first class lies wholly without the cerebro-spinal axis, the third wholly within it, while the second is partly within and partly without, and binds together the remaining two. The evidence for the existence of these vaso-motor nerve-cells must now be considered. We shall begin with those of the third class, constituting the so-called bulbar vaso-motor centre. Bulbar Vaso-motor Centre.—The section of the spinal cord near its junction with the bulb is followed by the general dilatation of the blood- vessels of the trunk and limbs.* The dilated vessels are again constricted when the severed fibres in the spinal cord are artificially stimulated. Hence the section caused the dilatation by interrupting the vaso-constrictor impulses passing from the bulb to parts below. The position of the bulbar vaso- constrictor centre has been determined by Owsjannikow and Dittmar. The former observer* divided the bulb transversely at various levels. When the section fell immediately caudal to the corpora quadrigemina, only a slight temporary rise in blood-pressure was observed. When, however, the section fell a millimeter or two nearer the cord, a considerable and permanent fall in the blood-pressure was noted. Further lowering was seen as the sections were carried still farther toward the spinal cord, until at length, about four millimeters from the corpora quadrigemina, no further fall took place. The area from which the vaso-constrictor nerves receive a constant excitation extends, therefore, in the rabbit, over about three millimeters of the bulb not far from the corpora quadrigemina. ‘Two years after this investigation Ditt- mar added to the observations of Owsjannikow the fact that the vaso-con- in a curarized dog that excitation of the peripheral end of certain lumbo-sacral posterior roots causes primary vascular dilatation in the pulp of the hind paw corresponding to the nerves stimulated. The fibres in question do not degenerate after section of the root containing them, and are therefore not of spinal origin. 1 Compare Nicolaides, 1882, p. 28; Helweg, 1886, quoted by Tigerstedt, 1893, p. 536. ? By “nerve-cells” is meant the cell-body with all its processes, namely, the neuraxon, or axis-cylinder process, and the dendrites, or protoplasma processes. * Waller, 1853, p. 381. * Owsjannikow, 1871, p. 25. 490 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. strictor centre is bilateral, lying in the anterior part of the lateral columns on both sides of the median line.! At this site is found a group of ganglion-cells known as the antero-lateral nucleus of Clarke. It is possible, though far from certain, that these are the cells of the vaso-constrictor centre. The vaso-constrictor centre in the bulb is always in a state of action, or “tonic” excitation, as is shown by the dilatation of the vessels when deprived of their constrictor impulses through the section of the spinal cord. It is not definitely known whether a vaso-dilator centre is present in the bulb. Spinal Centres.—A complete demonstration of the existence of vaso-motor centres in the spinal cord, first suggested by Marshall Hall, was made by Goltz and Freusberg? in their experiments on dogs which had been kept alive after the division of the spinal cord at the junction of the dorsal and the lumbar regions. This operation cuts off both sensory and motor communication between the parts lying above and below the plane of section, and divides the animal physiologically into a fore dog and a hind dog, to use the author’s expression. The investigator can now explore the lumbar cord unvexed by cerebral impulses. A great number of motor reflexes formerly thought to have their centres exclusively in the brain are by this means found to take place in the absence of the brain.» That vaso-motor reflexes were among them was discovered by accident. It was noticed that the mechanical stimulation of the skin of the abdomen and penis while the animal was being washed provoked erection, which, as Eckhard‘ had discovered some years before, is a reflex action due to the dilatation of the arteries of the penis through impulses conveyed by the nervi erigentes. Pressure on the bladder, or the walls of the rectum, also had this effect. After the destruction of the lumbar cord this reflex was no longer possible. The vessels of the hind limb are also connected with vaso- motor cells in the lumbar cord. Soon after the section of the cord in the dorsal region the hind paws are observed to be warmer than the fore paws, and the arteries of the hind limb are seen to beat more strongly. This is the result of cutting off the vaso-constrictor impulses from the bulbar centre to the vessels in question. If the animal survives a considerable time the hind paws will be observed to grow cooler from day to day until they are again no warmer than the fore paws. Destruction of the lumbar cord now causes the tempera- ture of the hind limbs to rise again. The conclusion drawn from these observations is that vaso-motor cells are . present in the spinal cord. It is probable that they are normally subordinated to the bulbar nerve-cells and require a certain time after separation from the bulb in order to develop their previously rudimentary powers. Hence the 1 Dittmar, 1873, pp. 110, 114. Other literature: Schiff, 1855, p. 198; Heidenhain, 1870, 510; Latschenberger and Deahna, 1876, p. 183; Stricker, 1886, p. 13. * Goltz and Freusberg, 1874, p. 463. Other literature: Smirnow, 1886, p. 145; Ustimo- witsch, 1887, p. 187; Thayer and Pal, 1888, p. 29; Konow and Stenbeck, 1889, p. 409. * Later experiments by Goltz and Ewald, showing the degree of independence of the spinal cord possessed by sympathetic vaso-motor neurons will presently be cited. * Eckhard, 1863, p. 144. 13 CIRCULATION. 491 interval of many days between the section and the return of arterial tone in areas distal to the section. It has been suggested that during this period the power of the spinal nerve-cell is inhibited by impulses proceeding from the cut sur- face of the cord,’ but this long inhibition is questionable in view of the fact that transverse section of the cord in rabbits and dogs does not inhibit the phrenic nuclei.? The spinal nerve-cell takes part in vaso-motor reflexes. Thus the stimu- lation of the central end of the brachial nerves after section of the spinal cord at the third vertebra causes a dilatation of the vessels of the fore limb.2 The stimulation of the central end of the sciatic nerve after the division of the spinal cord causes a general rise of blood-pressure indicating the constriction of many vessels. The sensory stimulation of one hind limb may cause reflexly a narrowing of the vessels in the other, after the spinal cord is severed in the mid-thoracic region. In asphyxia, after the separation of the cord from the brain, vascular constriction is produced reflexly through the spinal centres.° This constriction is not observed if the cord is previously destroyed.’ Goltz and Ewald’ find that the tonic constriction of the vessels of the hind limbs returns after the extirpation of the lower part of the spinal cord. Sympathetic Vaso-motor Centres.—Gley® finds that after the destruc- tion of both bulbar and spinal centres some degree of vascular tone is still maintained. The extraordinary experiments of Goltz and Ewald® place this fact beyond question. These physiologists remove the lower part of the spinal cord completely, taking away 80 millimeters or more. For a few days after the operation the hind limbs are hot and red, from dilatation of their blood- vessels. Soon, however, the hind limbs become as cool, and sometimes even cooler, than the fore limbs, their arterial tonus being re-established and main- tained without the help of the spinal cord. The sympathetic ganglia are probably also centres of reflex vaso-motor action. ‘The fact that these ganglia act as centres for other motor reflexes would itself suggest this possibility. A direct proof of the vaso-motor reflex’ function of the first thoracic ganglion has been given recently by Frangois Franck." The two branches composing the annulus of Vieussens contain both afferent and efferent fibres. If one of the branches is cut, and the end in con- nection with the first thoracic ganglion is stimulated, the ganglion having been separated from the spinal cord by the section of the communicating branches, a constriction of the vessels of the ear, the submaxillary gland, and the nasal mucous membrane may be observed. . 1 Goltz and Ewald, 1896, p. 397. 2 Porter, 1895, p. 459. 3 Smirnow, 1886, p. 147; compare Thayer and Pal, 1888, p. 29. * Vulpian, 1875, p. 290. 5 Kowalewsky and Adamiik, 1868, p. 582. 6 Konow and Stenbeck, 1889, p. 409. ™ Goltz and Ewald, 1891, p. 496; 1896, p. 388. 8 Gley, 1894, p. 704. ® Goltz and Ewald, 1896, p. 389. 10 See Wertheimer, 1890, p. 519; Navrocki and Skabitschewsky, 1891, p. 156; Langley and Anderson, 1893, p. 417; Franck, 1894, p. 717 ; compare Mosso and Pellacani, 1882, p. 300; also Goltz and Ewald, 1896, p. 391. 1 Franck, 1894, p. 721; see also Roschansky, 1889, p. 162. 492 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. This evidence, together with the probability that the neuraxons of all the spinal vaso-motor cells end in sympathetic ganglia,! makes it fairly credible that the sympathetic vaso-motor nerve-cell possesses central functions. There has been much discussion over the meaning of the rhythmic con- tractions observed in certain blood-vessels apparently independent of the cen- tral nervous system.2, The median artery of the rabbit’s ear, the arteria saphena in the same animal, and the vessels in the frog’s web and frog’s mes- entery, slowly contract and relax. This rhythmic contraction is easily seen in the ear of a white rabbit. The movements are possibly of purely muscular origin, but are more probably the result of periodical discharges by vaso-motor nerve-cells. Rhythmical variations in the tonus of the vaso-constrictor centres are often held to explain the oscillations seen in the blood-pressure curve after the influence of thoracic aspiration has been eliminated by opening the chest and cutting the vagus nerves. These oscillations are of two sorts. In the one, the blood-pressure sinks with every inspiration and rises with every expiration, though the rise and fall are not precisely synchronous with the respiratory movements; in the other, the so-called Traube-Hering waves, the oscillations embrace several respirations. It has also been suggested that these phenomena are due to periodical changes in the respiratory centre affecting the vaso-con- strictor centre by “irradiation.” * Vaso-motor Reflexes.—The vaso-motor nerves can be excited reflexly by afferent impulses conveyed either from the blood-vessels themselves or from the end-organs of sensory nerves in general. The existence of reflexes from the blood-vessels may be shown by Heger’s experiment. Heger* observed a rise of general blood-pressure with a subsequent fall, and at times a primary fall, after the injection of nitrate of silver into the peripheral end of the crural artery of a rabbit. The limb, with the exception of the sciatic nerve, was severed from the trunk. The quantity injected was so small that it probably was decomposed before passing the capillaries or escaping from the blood- vessels. Thus the effect exerted by the nitrate of silver on the general blood- pressure was probably caused by afferent impulses set up in the blood-vessels themselves and transmitted through the sciatic nerve to the vaso-motor cen- tres. Vaso-motor reflexes are, however, much more commonly produced by the stimulation of sensory nerves other than those present in the blood- vessels. The reflex constriction or dilatation® appears usually in the vascular area 1 See the statement of Langley’s results with the nicotin method on page 500. ? Literature: Schiff, 1854, p. 508; Mosso, 1880, p. 66; Pye-Smith, 1887, p. 48; Fredericq, 1887, p. 351; Konow and Stenbeck, 1889, p. 406. Discussion of the active dilatation of the blood-vessels has been recently revived by Piotrowski, 1892, p. 701; Griinhagen, 1892, p. 829; Franck, 1893, p. 729; Biedl, 1894; Stefani, 1894, pp. 237, 245; Lui, 1894, p. 416; Goltz and Ewald, 1896, p. 396. * Compare Fredericq, 1882, p. 71; Knoll, 1885, p. 439. * Heger, 1887, p. 197. ° For a study of reflex constriction and dilatation produced by stimulating the skin see Maragliano and Lusona, 1889, p. 246; compare Hegglin, 1894, p. 25. CIRCULATION. 493 from which the afferent impulses arise. For example, the stimulation of the central end of the posterior auricular nerve in the rabbit causes a passing con- striction followed by dilatation, or a primary dilatation often followed by constriction of the vessels in the ear. The stimulation of the nervi erigentes causes dilatation of the vessels of the penis.’ Gaskell? found that the vessels of the mylo-hyoid muscle widened on stimulating the mucous membrane at the entrance of the glottis. The vascular reflex * may appear in a part associated in function with the sensory surface stimulated. Thus the stimulation of the tongue causes dilata- tion of the blood-vessels in the submaxillary gland.*| Frequently the vascular reflex is seen on both sides of the body. The stimulation of the mucous membrane on one side of the nose may cause vascular dilatation in the whole head ;° the effect in this case is usually more marked on the side stimulated. The vessels of one hand contract when the other hand is put in cold water. Sometimes distant and apparently unrelated parts are affected. Vulpian’ noticed that the stimulation of the central end of the sciatic caused the vessels of the tongue to contract. The vascular changes produced reflexly in the splanchnic area are of especial importance because of the great number of vessels innervated through these nerves and the great changes in the blood-pressure that can follow dilata- tion or constriction on so large a scale. There is in some degree an inverse relation between the vessels of the skin and deeper parts on reflex stimulation of the vaso-motor centres. The super- ficial vessels are often dilated while those of deeper parts are constricted.® Thus the stimulation of the central end of the sciatic nerve may cause a dilata- tion of the vessels of the lips, hand in hand with a rise in general blood-pres- sure.® Exposing a loop of intestine dilates the intestinal vessels in the rabbit, _but constricts those of the ear.” In asphyxia, the superficial vessels of the ear, face, and extremities dilate, while the vessels of the intestine, spleen, kidneys and uterus are constricted.” Relation of Cerebrum to Vaso-motor Centres.—A rise of general blood- pressure has been produced by the stimulation of different regions of the cortex and of various other parts of the brain; for example, the crura cerebri and corpora quadrigemina. Vaso-dilatation has also been observed. The motor area of the cortex especially seems closely connected with the bulbar vaso- motor centres. There is, however, no conclusive evidence that special vaso- 1 Eckhard, 1863, p. 144. 2 Gaskell, 1877, p. 742. $ The general arrangement of the matter in this paragraph is that given by Tigerstedt, 1893, p. 519. 4 Bernard, 1858, p. 656. 5 Franck, 1889, p. 555. § Brown-Séquard: and Tholozan, 1858, p. 500; compare Talsrier and Kaufmann, 1881, p. 1302; and Ranvier, 1892, p. 629. Walbian; 1875, p. 238; compare Sergejew, 1894, p. 162. 8 Griitzner and aidechain: 1878, p. 20; Dastre and Morat, 1884, p. 329; Wertheimer, 1893, p. 595; 1894, p. 724; Franck, 1896, p. 502; compare Bayliss and Bradford, 1894, p. 17. 9 Wertheiiner, 1891, p. 548; compare Isergin, 1894, p. 448. 1 Pawlow, 1878, p. 268. 11 Heidenhain, 1872, p. 100. 494 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. motor centres exist in the brain aside from the bulbar centres already described. At present the safer view is that the changes in blood-pressure called forth by the stimulation of various parts of the brain are reflex actions, the afferent im- pulse starting in the brain as it might in any other tissue peripheral to the vaso-motor centres.’ Pressor and Depressor Fibres.—The stimulation of the same afferent nerve sometimes causes reflex dilation of the vessels of a part, instead of the more usual reflex constriction. Two explanations of this fact have been sug- gested. The first assumes that the condition of the vaso-motor centre varies in such a way that the same stimuli might produce contrary effects, depending on the relation between the time of stimulation and the condition of the centre. The second assumes the existence of special reflex constrictor or “ pressor ” fibres, and reflex dilator or “depressor” fibres. The existence of at least one depressor nerve is beyond question, namely the cardiac depressor nerve, which it will be remembered runs from the heart to the bulb and when stimulated causes a dilatation of the splanchnic and other vessels reflexly through the bulbar vaso-motor centre. Evidence of other reflex vaso-dilator nerves and of reflex vaso-constrictor fibres as well has been offered by Latschenberger and Deahna,? Howell,? and others. Howell, for example, has found that if a part of the sciatic nerve is cooled to near 0° C. and the central end stimulated periph- erally to this part, the blood-pressure falls, instead of rising, as it does when the nerve is stimulated without previous cooling. Howell’s experiments have been recently extended by Hunt,* who finds that the stimulation of the sciatic during its regeneration after section gives at first vaso-dilatation only, but when regeneration has progressed still further, vaso-constriction is secured. These results point to the existence of both pressor and depressor fibres, the latter being the first to regenerate after section. A reflex fall in blood-pressure is also produced by stimulating various mixed nerves with weak currents® and by the mechanical stimulation of the nerve-endings in muscle. The fall is more readily obtained when the animal is under ether, chloroform, or chloral, less readily under curare. Topography.—We pass now to the vaso-motor nerves of various regions. Brain..—The study of the innervation of the intracranial vessels is ren- dered exceptionally difficult by the fact that the brain and its blood-vessels are placed in a closed cavity surrounded by walls of unyielding bone. The funda- mental difference created by this arrangement between the vascular phenomena 1 Literature: Dogiel, 1880, p. 420; Stricker, 1886, p- 9; Bechterew and Mislawsky, 1886, p. 193; Franck, 1887, p. 162. e Heuchasberser and Deahna, 1876, p. 165. ’ * Howell, Budgett, and Leonard, 1894, p.310. Other literature: Belfield, 1882, p. 298 ; Knoll, 1885, p. 447, 1889, p. 249; Kleen, 1887, p. 247; Bayliss, 1893, p. 317; Bradford and Dean, 1894, p. 67; Hunt, 1895, p. 381. * Hunt, 1895, p. 381. > See also Knoll, 1885, p. 451. 6 Literature: Mies, 1880, p. 1-127 ; Franck, 1887, p. 199; Gaertner and Wagner, 1887, p. 602; Corin, 1888, p. 185; Hiirthle, 1889, p. ‘561; Roy and Sherriagten, 1890, p. 85; Cavazzani, 1891, p. 23; 1893, pp. 54, 214; Bayliss and Hill, 1895, p. 334; Gulland, 1895, p. 361. 5 ed + x CIRCULATION. 495 of the brain and those of other organs was recognized in part at least by the younger Monro as long ago as 1783. Monro declared that the quantity of blood within the cranium is almost invariable, “ for, being enclosed in a case of bone, the blood must be continually flowing out of the veins that room may be given to the blood which is entering by the arteries,—as the substance of the brain, like that of the other solids of our body, is nearly incompress- ible.” Further differences between the circulation in the brain and in other organs are introduced by the presence of the cerebro-spinal fluid in the ventri- cles and in the arachnoidal spaces at the base of the brain. This fluid may pass out into the spinal canal and thus leave room for an increase in the amount of blood in the cranium. Finally, a rise of pressure in the arteries too great _to be compensated by the outflow of cerebro-spinal fluid may lead to com- pression of the vénous sinuses and a decided change in the relative distri- bution of the blood in the arteries, capillaries and veins—conditions which are not present in extracranial tissues. It is evident, therefore, that the methods employed in the search for vaso-motor nerves within the cranium must take into account many sources of error that are absent in vaso-motor studies of other regions. It is, indeed, probable that incompleteness of method will go far toward explaining the disagreement of authors as to the presence of vaso- motor nerves in the brain. According to Bayliss and Hill,’ the most recent investigators of this subject, it is necessary to record simultaneously the arterial pressure, the general venous pressure, the intracranial pressure and the cerebral venous pressure, the cranium as in the normal condition being kept a closed cavity. In their experiments, “a cannula was placed in the central end of the carotid artery. A second long cannula was passed down the external jugular vein, and on the same side, into the right auricle. The torcular Herophili was trephined, and a third cannula, this time of brass, was screwed into the hole thus made.” The intracranial pressure was recorded by a cannula connected through another trephine-hole with the subdural space. Bayliss and Hill could find no evidence of the existence of cerebral vaso- motor nerves. The cerebral circulation, according to them, passively follows the changes in the general arterial and venous pressure. Gulland? has examined the cerebral vessels by the Golgi, Ehrlich, and other methods, to determine whether nerve-fibres could be demonstrated in them. None were found. It is probable that the blood-supply to the brain is regulated through the bulbar vaso-constrictor centre.® Angmia or asphyxia of the brain stimulates the cells composing this centre, vascular constriction of many vessels follows, and more blood enters the cranial cavity. The vessels of the splanchnic area play a chief part in this regulative process. Their importance to the circulation in the brain is shown by the fatal effect of the section of the splanchnic nerves in the rabbit. On placing the animal on its feet, so much blood flows into the relaxed abdominal vessels that death may follow from anzmia of the brain. 1 Bayliss and Hill, 1895, p. 837. 2, Gulland, 1895, p. 361. 3 Bayliss and Hill, 1895, p. 358. * Wertheimer, 1893, p. 297. 496 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Vaso-motor Nerves of Head.—The cervical sympathetic contains vaso-con- strictor fibres for the corresponding side of the face, the eye, ear, salivary glands! and tongue, and possibly the brain. The spinal vaso-constrictor fibres for the vessels of the head in the cat and dog leave the cord in the first five thoracic nerves ;*? in the rabbit, in the second to eighth thoracic, seven in all.’ Vaso-dilator fibres for the face and mouth have been found in the cervical sympathetic by Dastre and Morat,* leaving the cord in the second to fifth dorsal nerves, and uniting (at least for the most part) with the trigeminus by passing, according to Morat,°’ from the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion to the ganglion of Gasser. Other dilator fibres for the skin and mucous membrane of the face and mouth arise apparently in the trigeminus, for the stimulation of this nerve between the brain and Gasser’s ganglion causes dila- tation of the vessels of the face,° and in the nerve of Wrisberg.” The vaso-motor nerves of the tongue have been recently studied by Isergin.* The lingual and the glosso-pharyngeal nerves are recognized by all authors as dilators of the lingual vessels. The sympathetic and the hypoglossus contain constrictor fibres for the tongue. It is possible that the lingual contains also a small number of constrictor fibres. Most if not all these vaso-motor fibres arise in the sympathetic and reach the above-mentioned nerves by way of the superior cervical ganglion.’ They degenerate in from three to five weeks after the extirpation of the ganglion. Morat and Doyon” cut the cervical sympathetic in a curarized rabbit and examined the retinal arteries with the ophthalmoscope. They were found dilated. The excitation of the cervical sympathetic caused constriction, the excitation of the thoracic sympathetic dilatation of these vessels. The retinal fibres leave the sympathetic at the superior cervical ganglion and pass along the communicating ramus to the ganglion of Gasser, whence they reach the eye through the ophthalmic branch of the fifth nerve, the gray root of the ophthalmic ganglion, and the ciliary nerves. Most, or all, of the fibres for the anterior part of the eye are found in the fifth nerve. Inngs.—The methods ordinarily employed for the demonstration of vaso- motor nerves cannot without danger be used in the study of the innervation 1 Compare Vulpian, 1885, p. 853. ? Langley, 1892, p. 102. 3 Langley, 1892, p. 104. * Dastre and Morat, 1884, pp. 116, 129; see also Pye-Smith, 1887, p. 25; Langley, 1890, p. 146; Langley and Dickinson, 1890, p. 380; Morat, 1891, p. 87; Piotrowski, 1892, p. 464; Langley, 1892, p. 97. > Morat, 1889, p. 201. ° Vulpian, 1885, p. 982; compare Dastre and Morat, 1884, p. 118; Langley, 1893, iv.; Pio- trowski, 1894, p. 278. 7 Vulpian, 1885, p. 1038. 8 Isergin, 1894, p. 441; other literature: Anrep and Cybulski, 1884; Vulpian, 1885, pp. 854, 1038; Piotrowski, 1887, p. 454; 1894, p. 246. ° For evidence that probably all vaso-constrictor fibres to the head (nerve-cells of the second class) end in the superior cervical ganglion, see Langley and Dickinson, 1889, p. 425. '° Morat and Doyon, 1892, p. 60; see also Langley, 1893, iv. ; Doyon, 1890, p.774; 1891, p. 154. CIRCULATION. 497 of the pulmonary vessels."| A fall in the blood-pressure in the pulmonary artery, for example, produced by stimulating any nerve cannot be taken as final evidence that the stimulation caused the constriction of the pulmonary vessels. The lesser circulation is so connected that changes in the calibre of the vessels of a distant part, the liver for example, may alter the quantity of blood in the lungs.? The method of Cavazzani* avoids these difficulties, Cavazzani establishes an artificial circulation through one lobe of a lung in a living animal, and measures the outflow per unit of time. An increase in the outflow means a dilatation of the vessels, diminution means constriction. He finds that the outflow diminishes in the rabbit when the vagus is stimulated in the neck, and increases when the cervical sympathetic is stimulated. Franck measures the pressure simultaneously in the pulmonary artery and left auricle, a method apparently also trustworthy. The stimulation of the inner surface of the aorta causes a rise of pressure in the pulmonary artery and a simul- taneous fall in the left auricle, indicating, according to Franck,‘ the vaso-con- strictor power of the sympathetic nerve over the pulmonary vessels. A reflex constriction is also produced by the stimulation of the central end of a branch S RA fee’ AUAUREUTALEE DRED AA CMAMADLEMETEE DRAMA RRARTOTIVALTENOSUETICVIVONSUEDEOUINOVIUNUTRUSEIOT IVI SN TEDSRREROUS) Fig. 130.—The excitation of the central end of the inguinal branch of the crural (sciatic) nerve causes a rise in the aortic pressure (Pr.A.F.), a rise in the pressure in the pulmonary artery (Pr.A.P.) of 10 to 16 mm, Hg, accompanied by a falling pressure in the left auricle (Pr.0.G.) (Franck, 1896, p. 184). The rise of pressure in the pulmonary artery, together with the fall in the left auricle, demonstrate, according to Franck, a constriction of the pulmonary vessels. of the sciatic, intercostal, abdominal pneumogastric, and abdominal sympa- thetic nerves® (see Fig. 130). Heart.— V aso-motor fibres for the coronary arteries of the heart have been described in the vagus of the dog® and cat.’ 1 Literature: Openchowski, 1882, p. 233; Franck, 1889, p. 555; Bradford and Dean, 1889, i-iv.; 1889, p. 369; Couvreur, 1889, p. 731; Franck, 1890, p. 550; Arthaud and Butte, 1890, p- 12; Knoll, 1890, p. 13; Cavazzani, 1891, p. 32; Doyon, 1893, p. 101; Henriques, 1893, p. 229; Bradford and Dean, 1894, p. 34; Franck, 1895, pp. 744, 816; 1896, p. 178. * Tigerstedt, 1893, p. 493. 3 Cavazzani, 1891, p. 35. * Franck, 1896, p. 178. 6 Franck, 1896, p. 184. 6 Martin, 1891, p. 291. ? Porter, 1896, p. 39. 32 498 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Intestines.\—The mesenteric vessels receive vaso-constrictor fibres from the sympathetic chiefly through the splanchnic nerve.’ The vaso-constrictors of the jejunum, as a rule, begin to be found in the rami of the fifth dorsal nerves ; a little lower down, those for the ileum come off; and still lower down, those for the colon; none arise below the second lumbar pair.* According to Hal- lion and Franck, vaso-dilator fibres are present in the same sympathetic nerves that contain vaso-constrictors. The dilator fibres are most abundant or most powerful in the rami of the last three dorsal and first two lumbar nerves. There is some evidence of the presence of vaso-dilator fibres in the vagus. The excitation of the vaso-constrictor centres by the blood in asphyxia pro- duces constriction of the abdominal vessels.* The vaso-dilator as well as the vaso-constrictor fibres of the splanchnic probably end in the solar and renal plexuses.* | Liver.—Cavazzani and Manca® have recently attempted to show the pres- ence of vaso-motor fibres in the liver. Their method consists in passing warm normal saline solution from a Mariotte’s flask at a pressure of 8 to 10 milli- meters Hg through the hepatic branches of the portal vein and measuring the outflow in a unit of time from the ascending vena cava. On stimulating the splanchnic nerve they observed that the outflow was usually diminished though sometimes increased, indicating perhaps that the splanchnics contain both vaso-constrictor and vaso-dilator fibres for the hepatic branches of the portal vein. The vagus appeared to contain vaso-dilator fibres. Further studies are necessary, however, before pronouncing definitely upon these questions. Kidney.’—The vaso-motor nerves of the kidney leave the cord from the sixth dorsal to the second lumbar nerve.’ In the dog, most of the renal vaso- motor fibres are found in the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth dorsal nerves.? The stimulation of the nerves entering the hilus of the kidney between the artery and vein causes a marked and sudden renal contraction, but the organ soon regains its former volume.” Constriction follows also the stimulation of the peripheral end of the cut splanchnic nerve." Bradford has demonstrated renal vaso-dilator fibres for certain nerves by stimulating at the rate of one induction shock per second. For example, the excitation of the thirteenth dorsal nerve with 50 to 5 induction shocks per second gave always a constric- 1 Literature: Cyon and Ludwig, 1866, p. 136; Cohnheim and Roy, 1883, p. 440: Dastre and Morat, 1884, p. 294; Waters, 1885, p. 460; Bradford, 1889, p. 390; Hallion and Franck, 1896, p. 478. * Cyon and Ludwig, 1866, p. 136. 5 Hallion and Franck, 1896, p. 496. 4 Dastre and Morat, 1884, p. 294; Hallion and Franck, 1896, p. 506. 5 Langley and Dickinson, 1889, p. 429. 6 Cavazzani and Manca, 1895, p. 33: see also Pal, 1888, p. 73. ' Literature: Nicolaides, 1882, p. 28; Cohnheim and Roy, 1883, p. 345; Klemensiewicz, 1886, p. 84; Masius, 1888, p. 539; Bradford, 1889, p. 404; Arthaud and Butte, 1890, p. 379; Preobraschensky, 1892; Wertheimer, 1893, p. 1024; 1894, p. 308; Bayliss and Bradford, 1894, p. 17. 8 Bayliss and Bradford, 1894, p. 17. ® Bradford, 1889, p. 404. 10 Cohnheim and Roy, 1883, p. 345; and Bradford, 1889, p. 364. ‘l Cohnheim and Roy, 1883, p. 440. i 7 . - CIRCULATION. 499 tion of the kidney, but when a single shock per second was employed, the kidney dilated. If the cells connected with the renal vaso-motor fibres are stimulated directly by venous blood as in asphyxia, the animal being curarized, _a decided constriction of the kidney results.? The reflex excitation of these cells is of especial importance. The stimulation of the central end of the sciatic or the splanchnic nerves causes renal constriction.? The same effect is easily produced by stimulating the skin, for example, by the application of cold. The stimulation of the sole of the foot in a curarized dog caused contraction of the renal vessels.” There is some evidence that the splanchnic vaso-motor fibres for the kidney end in the cells of the renal plexus.° | Spleen.—The stimulation of the peripheral end of the splanchnic nerves causes a sudden and large diminution in the volume of the spleen” It is, however, not certain whether the constriction of the spleen is to be referred primarily to a constriction of its blood-vessels or to the contraction of the intrinsic muscular fibres which play so large a part in the changes of volume of this organ. The doubt is strengthened by the fact that section of the splanchnic nerves does not alter the volume of the spleen; dilatation would be expected were these nerves the pathway of vaso-constrictor fibres for the spleen. External Generative Organs.2—The recent history of the vaso-motor nerves of the external generative organs—namely, those developed from the urogenital sinus and the skin surrounding the urogenital opening *—begins with Eck- hard,’ who showed that the stimulation of certain branches of the first and second, and occasionally the third, sacral nerves (dog) caused a dilatation of the blood-vessels of the penis and erection of that organ, and with Goltz," who found an erection centre in the lumbo-sacral cord.. Numerous researches in recent years, among which the reader is referred especially to the work of Langley and Langley and Anderson,” have shown that the vaso-motor nerves of the external generative organs of both sexes may be divided into a lumbar and a sacral group. The lumbar fibres pass out of the cord in the anterior roots of the second, third, fourth, and fifth lumbar nerves, and run in the white rami communi- cantes to the sympathetic chain, from which they reach the periphery either by way of the pudic nerves or by the pelvic plexus. The greater number take 1 Bradford, 1889, p. 387. ? Cohnheim and Roy, 1883, p. 437. 5 Cohnheim and Roy, 1883, p. 439. * Preobraschensky, 1892; Wertheimer, 1894, p. 308. 5 Wertheimer, 1893, p. 1024. ® Langley and Dickinson, 1889, p. 429. 7 Roy, 1882, p. 225; Schiifer and Moore, 1896, pp. 229, 287. 8 Literature: Goltz and Freusberg, 1874, p. 460; Kaes, 1883, p. 1; Anrep and Cybulski, 1884; Gaskell, 1887, iv.; Morat, 1890, p. 480; Piotrowski, 1892, p. 464; Sherrington, 1892, p. . 686; Franck, 1894, p. 740; Piotrowski, 1894, p. 284; Franck, 1895, p. 122; Langley and Anderson, 1895, p. 5; 1895, p. 76. . ® Langley and Anderson, 1895, p. 76; 1895, p. 85. Eckhard, 1863, p. 145. 1 Goltz and Freusberg, 1874, p. 460. 12 Langley and Anderson, 1895, p. 120. 500 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the former course, running down the sympathetic chain to the sactal ganglia, and passing from these ganglia through the gray rami communicantes to the sacral nerves. None of the fibres thus derived enter the nervi erigentes of - Eckhard. Of the various branches of the pudie nerves (rabbit), the nervus dorsalis causes constriction of the blood-vessels of the penis and the peri- neal nerve contraction of the blood-vessels of the scrotum. The course by way of the pelvic plexus is taken by relatively few fibres. They run for the most part in the hypogastric nerves, a few sometimes joining the plexus from the lower lumbar or upper sacral sympathetic chain, or from the aortic plexus. The presence of vaso-dilator fibres in the lumbar group is disputed." A The sacral group of nerves leave the spinal cord in the sacral nerve roots. Their stimulation causes dilatation of the vessels of the penis and vulva. Internal Generative Organs (those developed from the Miillerian, or the Wolffian, ducts).—Langley and Anderson? find yvaso-constrictor fibres for the Fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina in the female, and the vasa deferentia and seminal vesicles in the male, in the second, third, fourth, and fifth lumbar nerves. ‘The internal generative organs receive no afferent, and probably no efferent, fibres from the sacral nerves.* The position of the sympathetic ganglion-cells, the processes of which carry to their peripheral distribution the efferent impulses brought to them by the efferent vaso-motor fibres of the spinal cord, may be determined by the nicotin method of Langley. About 10 milligrams of nicotin injected into a vein of a cat prevent for a time, according to Langley,* any passage of nerve-impulses through a sympathetic cell. Painting the ganglion with a brush dipped in nicotin solution has a similar effect. The fibres peripheral to the cell, on the contrary, are not paralyzed by nicotin. Now, after the injection of nicotin the stimulation of the lumbar nerves in the spinal canal has no effect on the vessels of the generative organs.’ Hence all the vaso-motor fibres of the lumbar nerves must be connected with nerve-cells somewhere on their course. The lumbar fibres which run outward to the inferior mesenteric ganglia are for the most part connected with the cells of these ganglia. A lesser number is con- nected with small ganglia lying as a rule near the organs to which the nerves are distributed. The remaining division of lumbar fibres running downward in the sympathetic chain, and including the majority of the nerve-fibres to the external generative organs are connected with nerve-cells in the sacral gan- glia of the sympathetic. The sacral group of nerves enter ganglion-cells scattered on their course, most of the nerve-cells for any one organ being in ganglia near that organ. Bladder.—Neither lumbar nor sacral nerves send yaso-motor fibres to the vessels of the bladder.® 1 Franck, 1895, p. 143; Langley and Anderson, 1895, p. 93. . ? Langley and Anderson, 1895, p. 129. 3 Langley and Anderson, 1896, p. 372. * Langley, 1894, p. 420, also Langley and Dickinson, 1889, p. 423. 5 Langley and Anderson, 1895, P- 131. 6 Langley and Anderson, 1895, P- 84. CIRCULATION. 501 Portal System.—It has already been said that vaso-constrictor fibres for the portal vein were discovered by Mall’ in the splanchnic nerve. Constrictor fibres have been found by Bayliss and Starling? in the nerve-roots from the third to the eleventh dorsal inclusive. Most of the constrictor nerves pass out from the fifth to the ninth dorsal. : Back,—The dorsal branches of the lumbar and intercostal arteries, issuing from the dorsal muscles to supply the skin of the back,’ can be seen to con- tract when the gray ramus of the corresponding opnncie ganglia are stimulated. Liimbs.—The vaso-motor nerves of the limbs in the dog leave the spinal cord from the second dorsal to the third lumbar nerves.° The area for the hind limb, according to Bayliss and Bradford,’ is less extensive than that for the fore limb, the former receiving constrictor fibres from nine roots, namely the third to the eleventh ‘dorsal, the latter from six roots, the eleventh dorsal to third lumbar. Langley’ finds that the sympathetic constrictor and dilator fibres for the fore foot are connected with nerve-cells in the ganglion stella- tum ; while those for the hind foot are connected with nerve-cells in the sixth and seventh lumbar, and the first, and possibly the second, sacral ganglia. Tail.* —Stimulation of any part of the sympathetic from about the third lumbar ganglion downward almost completely stops the flow of blood from wounds in the tail. The vaso-motor fibres for the tail leave the cord chiefly in the third and fourth lumbar nerves. Their stimulation may cause primary dilatation followed by constriction. : Muscles.’ —According to Gaskell,’ the section of the nerve belonging to any particular muscle or group of muscles causes a temporary increase in the amount of blood which flows from the muscle vein. The stimulation of the peripheral end of the nerve also increases the rate of flow through the muscle. The same increase is seen on stimulation of the nerve when the muscle is kept from contracting by curare, provided the drug is not used in amounts sufficient to paralyze the vaso-dilator nerves." Mechanical stimulation by crimping the peripheral end of the nerve gives also an increase.” The existence of vaso- dilator nerves to muscles must therefore be conceded. The presence of vaso-con- strictor fibres is shown by the diminution in outfiow from the left femoral vein which followed Gaskell’s stimulation of the peripheral end of the abdominal sympathetic in a thoroughly curarized dog," but the supply of constrictor fibres 1 Mall, 1890, p. 57; 1892, p. 409. ? Bayliss and Starling, 1895, p. 125. * Langley, 1895, p. 314. * Literature : Lewaschew, 1882, p. 389; 1884; Laffont, 1882, p. 864; Bowditch and Warren, 1886, p. 416; Humilewski, 1886, p. 126; Langley, 1891, p. 375; Jegorow, 1892, p. 69; Pio- trowski, 1892, p. 464; Thompson, 1893, p. 104; Langley, 1893, p. 227; Piotrowski, 1894, p. 258; Wertheimer, 1394, p- 724; Bayliss and Bradford, 1894, p. 16; Lanates. 1895, p. 307. s Bayliss and Bradford, 1894, p. 22. § Bayliss and Bradford, 1894, pp. 16, 17; compare Ensaley, 1895, p- 307. 7 Langley, 1891, p. 375. 8 Langley, 1895, p. 311. ® Literature: Sadler, 1869, p. 77; Gaskell, 1876, p. 45; 1877, pp. 360, 720; Griitzner and Heidenhain, 1878, p. 1; Gaskell, 1878, p. 262. 10 Gaskell, 1878, p. 262. M Jbid., p. 274. 2 Tbid., p. 275. 13 Tbid., p. 277. 502 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ‘iscomparatively small. In curarized animals reflex dilatation apparently follows the stimulation of the nerves the excitation of which would have caused the contraction of the muscles observed, had not the occurrence of actual contrac- tion been prevented by the curare. The stimulation of the central end of nerves not capable of calling forth reflex contractions in the muscles observed —for example, the vagus—seems te cause constriction of the muscle-vessels.' 1 Gaskell, 1878, p. 289. VIII. RESPIRATION. A stupy of the phenomena of animal life teaches us that a supply of oxygen and an elimination of carbon dioxide are essential to existence. Oxy- gen is indispensable to life; carbon dioxide is inimical to life. One serves for the disintegration of complex molecules whereby energy is evolved, while the other is one of the main effete products of this dissociation. We therefore find an intimate relationship between the ingress of the one and the egress of the other. During the entire life of the individual there is this continual inter- change, which we term respiration. This term embraces two acts which, while different, are nevertheless co-operative—first, the interchange of O and CO,; second, the movements of certain parts of the body, having for their object the inflow and outflow of air to and from the lungs. The former, properly speak- ing, is respiration ; the latter, movements of respiration. Respiration is spoken of as internal and as external respiration. In the very lowest forms of life the interchange of gases takes place directly between the various parts of the organism and the air or the water in which the organ- ism lives; but in higher beings a circulating fluid becomes a means of exchange between the bodily structures and the surrounding medium, so that in these beings there is first an interchange between the air or the water in which the animal lives and the circulating medium, and subsequently an inter- change between the circulating medium and the tissues. Therefore in the most “primitive forms of life respiration is a single process, while in higher organ- isms it is a dual process, or one consisting of two stages, the first being the interchange between the atmosphere or the water surrounding the body and the circulating medium, and the second between the circulating medium and _ the bodily structures. In man, external respiration is the interchange taking place between the blood and the gases in the lungs and between the blood and the air through the skin; while internal respiration is the interchange between the blood and the tissues. In external respiration O is absorbed and CQ, is given off by the blood; in internal respiration the blood absorbs CO, and gives off O. A. Toe Resprratory MrEcHANISM IN MAN. The respiratory apparatus in man consists (1) of the lungs and the air- passages leading to them, the thorax and the muscular mechanisms by means ‘of which the lungs are inflated and emptied, and the nervous mechanisms con- nected therewith ; and (2) the skin, which, however, plays a subsidiary part in man, and need not here be considered. 503 504 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. The lungs may be regarded as two large bags broken up into saccular divisions and subdivisions which ultimately consist of a vast number of little pouches, or infundibuli, each of which is, as the name implies, funnel-shaped, the walls being hollowed out into alveoli, or air-vesicles. These alveoli vary in size from 120 to 380, the average diameter being about 250 yu (4, inch). Each infundibulum communicates by means of a small air-passage with a bronchiole, which in turn communicates with a smaller air-tube or bronchus, and finally, through successive unions, with the common air-duct or trachea. It is estimated that the alveoli number about 725,000,000, and that the total superficies exposed by them to the gases in the lungs is about 200 square meters, or from one hundred to one hundred and thirty times greater than the surface of the body (1.5 to 2 square meters). The wall of each alveolus forms a delicate partition between the air in the lungs and an intricate net- work of blood-vessels; this network is so dense that the spaces between the capillaries are, as'a rule, smaller than the diameters of the vessels. . The lungs, therefore, are exceedingly vascular, and it is estimated that the vessels contain on an average about 1.5 kilograms of blood. Owing to the minute- ness of the capillaries and the density of the network, the air-cells may be said to be surrounded by a film of blood which is about 10 in thickness and has an area of about 150 square meters. | The lungs are highly elastic, and their elasticity is perfect, as is shown by the fact that they immediately regain their passive condition as soon as the dilating or distending force has been removed. Before birth the lungs are air- less (atelectatic) and the walls of the bronchioles and the infundibuli are in contact, yet in the child before birth, as in the adult, the lungs are in apposi- tion with the thoracic walls, being separated only by two layers of the pleure. As soon as the child is born a few respiratory movements are sufficient to inflate them, and thereafter they never regain their atelectatic condition, since after the most complete collapse, such as occurs when the thorax is opened, some air remains in the alveoli, owing to the fact that the walls of the bron- chioles come together before all of the air can escape. As the child grows the thorax increases in size more rapidly than the lungs, and becomes too large, as it were, for the lungs, which, as a consequence, become permanently distended because of their being in an air-tight cavity. If the chest of a cadaver be punctured, the lungs immediately shrink so that a considerable air-space will be formed between them and the walls of the thorax. This collapse is due to the condition of elastic tension which exists from the moment air is introduced into the alveoli, and which increases with the degree of expansion. Therefore, after the lungs are inflated they exhibit a persistent tendency to collapse; con- sequently they must exercise upon the thoracic walls and diaphragm a constant traction or “pull” which is in proportion to the amount of tension. It is therefore obvious that there must exist within the thorax, under ordinary circumstances, a state of negative pressure (pressure below that of the atmo- sphere). ‘This can be proven by connecting a trocar with a manometer and then forcing the trocar into one of the pleural sacs. RESPIRATION. 505 ‘Donders found that the pressure at the end of quiet expiration was —6 mil- limeters of Hg, and at the end of quiet inspiration —9 millimeters. Accord- ing to these figures, the pressure on the heart, great blood-vessels, and other thoracic structures lying between the lungs and the thoracic walls would be 754 millimeters of Hg (one atmosphere, 760 millimeters, —6 millimeters) at the end of quiet expiration, and 751 millimeters of Hg at the end of quiet inspiration. Corresponding values by Hutchinson are —3 millimeters and —4,.5 millimeters, Arron’ found in a case of a woman with emphysema that the pressure at the end of expiration ranged from —1.9 to —3.9 millimeters, and at the end of inspiration from —4 to —6.85 millimeters, according to the position of the body, the pressure being lowest in the lying posture, higher when sitting in bed, still higher when sitting on a chair, and highest when sit- ting and when inspiration on the well side was hindered, thus throwing a larger portion of the work on the diseased side, on which the measurements were made. During inspiration negative pressure increases in proportion to the depth of inspiration—or, in other words, in relation to the amount of expan- sion of the lungs—while during expiration it gradually falls to the standard at the beginning of inspiration. During forced inspiration it may reach —30 to —40 millimeters or more.. The pressure thus observed within the thorax (out- side of the lungs) is known as intrathoracic pressure, and must not be con- founded with intrapulmonary or respiratory pressure, which exists within the lungs and the respiratory passages (see p. 516). The thorax is capable of enlargement in all directions. It is cone-shaped, the top of the cone being closed in by the structures of the neck; the sides, by the vertebral column, ribs, costal cartilages, sternum, and intercostal sheets of muscular and other tissues; and the bottom, by the arched diaphragm. It is obvious that, since the thorax is an air-tight cavity and completely filled by various structures, enlargement in any direction must cause a diminution of pressure within the lungs, while a shrinkage would operate to bring about an opposite condition of increased pressure. Since the trachea is the only means of communication between the lungs and the atmosphere, it is evident that such alterations in pressure must encourage either the inflow or the outflow of air, as the case may be; consequently, when the thoracic cavity is expanded the pres- sure within the lungs is less than that of the atmosphere, and air is forced into the lungs; and when the thorax is decreased in size the reverse of the above pressure relation exists, and the air is expelled. In fact, the thorax and the lungs behave as a pair of bellows—just as air is drawn into the expanding bellows, so is air drawn into the lungs by the enlargement of the thorax ; similarly, as the air is forced from the bellows by compression, so is air forced from the lungs by the shrinkage of the lungs and the thorax. During the expansion of the thorax the lungs are-entirely passive, and by virtue of their perfect elasticity merely follow the thoracic walls, from which they are separated only by the two layers of the pleurs, which, being moist- ened with lymph, slide over each other without appreciable friction. That 1 Virchow’s Archiv, 1891, vol. 126, p. 523. 506 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the lungs are entirely passive is shown by the fact that when the thorax is punctured, so as to allow a free communication with the atmosphere, expan- sion of the chest is no longer followed by dilatation of the lungs. During the shrinkage of the thorax the elastic reaction of the lungs plays an active part. Respiration, Inspiration, and Expiration.—Each respiration or respiratory act consists of an inspiration (enlargement of the thorax and inflation of the lungs) and an expiration (shrinkage of the thorax and the lungs). Accord- ing to some observers, a pause exists after expiration (expiratory pause), but during quiet breathing no such interval can be detected. A pause may be present when the respirations are deep and infrequent. Under certain abnor- mal circumstances a pause may exist between inspiration and expiration (inspiratory pause). Inspiration is accomplished by the contraction of certain muscles which are designated inspiratory muscles. Expiration during quiet breathing is essen- tially a passive act, but during forced breathing various muscles are active; these muscles are distinguished as expiratory muscles. During inspiration the thorax is enlarged in the vertical, transverse, and antero-posterior diameters. During quiet breathing the vertical diameter is increased by the descent of the diaphragm, and during deep inspiration it is further increased by the backward and slightly downward movement of the floating ribs, and by the extension of the vertebral column, which raises the sternum with its costal cartilages and ribs. The transverse diameter is in- creased by the elevation and eversion (rotation outward and upward) of the ribs. The antero-posterior diameter is increased by the upward and outward movement of the sternum, costal cartilages, and ribs. During quiet inspiration in men the sternum is not raised to a higher level, but the lower end is rotated forward and upward. It is only during deep inspiration in the male and in quiet or deep inspiration in women that the sternum as a whole is elevated. The movements of the anterior and lateral walls constitute costal respira- tion, and those of the diaphragm diaphragmatic or, as it is sometimes called, abdominal respiration, since the descent of the diaphragm causes protrusion of the abdominal walls. Both types coexist during ordinary respiratory move- ments, but one may be more prominent than the other. The costal type is well marked in women, and the diaphragmatic type in men. These peculiarities are not, however, due to inherent sexual differences, but to dress and heredity. Young children of both sexes exhibit, as a rule, the diaphragmatic type, and it is only near or at puberty that the costal type is developed in the female, The chief muscles of inspiration are the diaphragm, the quadrati lumborum, the serrati postici inferiores, the scaleni, the serrati postici superiores, the leva- tores costarum longi et breves, and the intercostales externi et intercartilaginei. Movements of the Diaphragm.—The diaphragm is attached by its two crura to the first three or four lumbar vertebree, to the lower six or seven cos- tal cartilages and adjoining parts of the corresponding ribs, and to the poste- rior surface of the ensiform appendix. It projects into the thoracic cavity in the form of a flattened dome, the highest part being formed by the central RESPIRATION. 507 tendon. The tendon consists of three lobes which are partially separated by depressions. The right lobe, or largest, is the highest portion and lies over the liver; the left lobe, which is the smallest, lies over the stomach and the spleen ; while the central lobe is situated anteriorly, the upper surface blending with the pericardium. The central tendon is a common point of insertion of all the muscular fibres of the diaphragm. In the passive condition the lower portions of the diaphragm are in apposition to the thoracic walls. During contraction the whole dome is drawn downward, while the parts of the muscle in contact with the chest are pulled inward. According to Hult- kranz, the cardiac part of the diaphragm descends from 5.5 to 11.5 millimeters during quiet inspiration, and as much as 42 millimeters during deep inspira- tion. Not only is the height of the arch lessened, but there is also a tendency, owing to the points of attachment of the diaphragm, toward.the pulling of the lower ribs with their costal cartilages and the lower end of the sternum inward and upward; this traction, however, is counterbalanced by the pressure of the abdominal viscera, the latter being forced downward and outward against the thoracic and abdominal walls. If this counterbalancing pressure be removed by freely opening the abdominal cavity, especially after removing the viscera, the lower lateral portions of the thorax will be seen during each inspiration to be drawn inward. It is during labored inspiration only that this movement occurs in the intact individual. . _ When the diaphragm ceases to contract, the negative intrathoracic pressure is sufficient to draw the sunken dome upward into the passive position. This upward movement of the diaphragm is aided by the positive intra-abdominal pressure exerted by the elastic tension of the abdominal walls through the medium of the abdominal viscera. In forced expiration the contraction of _ the abdominal muscles (p. 515) adds additional force. The quadrati lumborum are believed to assist the diaphragm by fixing the twelfth ribs, or even lowering them during deep inspiration. Each of these muscles arises from the ilio-lumbar ligament and the iliac crest, and is inserted into the transverse processes of the first, second, third, and fourth lumbar vertebre and the lower border of one-half of the length of the last rib. These muscles are regarded by some physiologists as expiratory agents. The serrati postici inferiores similarly assist the diaphragm by drawing the lower four ribs backward, and in deep inspiration also downward. They not only thus oppose the tendency of the diaphragm to pull the lower ribs ~ upward, which would lessen its effectiveness in enlarging the vertical diam- eter of the thorax, but they contribute to this enlargement by their down- ward and backward traction upon the ribs and the attached portions of the diaphragm. These muscles pass from the spines of tlie eleventh and twelfth dorsal and first two or three lumbar vertebree and the supraspinous ligament to the lower borders of the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth ribs, beyond their angles. Simultaneously with the contraction of the diaphragm the thoracic walls 508 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. are drawn upward and outward by the contractions of other inspiratory mus- cles, thus enlarging the thorax in the antero-posterior and lateral diameters. Movements of the Ribs.—The movements of the ribs during inspiration are, as a whole, essentially rotations upward and outward upon axes which are directed obliquely outward and backward, each axis being directed through the costo-vertebral articulation and a little anterior to the costo-transverse articulation. The vertebral ends of the ribs lie higher than their sternal extremities, so that when the ribs are elevated the anterior ends are advanced forward and upward. The arches of the ribs are inclined downward and outward, and, owing to the obliquity of the axes of rotation, the convexities are rotated upward and outward, or everted. ‘Thus both the antero-posterior and lateral diameters are increased. a The degree of obliquity of the axes of rotation of the different ribs varies. The axis of the first rib is almost transverse (Fig. 131), while that of each succeeding rib to the ninth, inclusive, becomes more oblique (Fig. 132). The Axis of rotation. Fig. 1381.—First dorsal vertebra and rib. Fic. 132,—Sixth dorsal vertebra and rib. more oblique the axis, the greater the degree of eversion; consequently the first rib is capable of but slight eversion, while the lower ribs may be everted to a relatively marked extent. Moreover, the peculiarities or the absence of the costo-transverse articulations materially affect the character of the move- ments of the different ribs. Thus, the facets on the transverse processes of the first and second dorsal vertebre are cup-shaped, and into them are inserted the conical tuberosities of the ribs, thus materially limiting the rotation of the | ribs; while the facets for the articulations of the third to the tenth ribs, inclu- sive, assume a plane character which admits of larger movement. The facets for the third to the fifth ribs are almost vertical, thus allowing a free move- ment upon the oblique axis; while the facets for the sixth to the ninth ribs, inclusive, are directed obliquely upward and backward, and admit of a move- eye ¢ RESPIRATION. 509 ment upward and backward as well as a rotation upon the oblique axis. Finally, the eleventh and twelfth ribs (and generally the tenth) have no costo- transverse articulations, allowing a movement backward and forward as well as rotation upon their oblique axes. While, therefore, the movements of the ribs are essentially rotations upward, forward, and outward upon oblique axes directed through the costo-vertebral articulations and a little anterior to the costo-transverse articulation, they are more or less modified by reason of the motion permitted by the nature or the absence of the costo-transverse articu- lations. ‘Thus, the essential character of the movement of the first to the fifth ribs is a rotation upward, forward, and outward; that of the sixth to the ninth ribs, a rotation upward, forward, and outward combined with a movement upward and backward; that of the tenth and eleventh ribs, a rotation upward, forward, and outward with a rotation backward; that of the twelfth rib, chiefly a rotation backward and rather downward. The character of the movement of each rib differs somewhat as we pass from the first to the twelfth ribs. | During forced inspiration the sternum and its attached costal cartilages with their ribs are pulled upward and outward, while the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth ribs are drawn backward and downward. During expiration these movements are of course reversed. The intercostal spaces during inspiration, except the first two, are widened.! The reason for this opening out must be apparent when we remember that the ribs are arranged in the form of a series of parallel curved bars directed obliquely downward, and the fact may be demonstrated by means of a very sim- ple model (Fig. 133) consisting of a vertical support and two parallel bars, a, 6, placed obliquely. If, after measuring the distance ¢, d, we raise the bars to a horizontal position, the distance e, f will be found to be greater than ¢, d, since the bars rotate around fixed points placed in the same vertical line. This widening of the intercostal spaces is readily accomplished because of the elasticity of the costal cartilages. The muscles involved in the movements of the ribs during quiet inspiration include the scaleni, the serrati postici superiores, the levatores costarwm longi et breves, and the intercostales externi et intercartilagines. a Bais padille Rysted The scaleni are active in fixing the first and second ribs, 1ustrate the widening a as , : ° ofthe intercostalspaces thus establishing, as it were, a firm basis from which the 4. ving inspiration. external intercostal muscles may act. The scalenus anticus passes between the tubercles of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebre to the scalene tubercle on the first rib. The scalenus medius passes from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the lower six cervical vertebre to the upper surface of the first rib, extending from the tubercle to just behind the groove for the subclavian artery. The scalenus posticus passes from the transverse pro- 1 Ebner: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, Anatomische Abtheilung, 1886, p. 199. 510 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. cesses of the two or three lower cervical vertebre to the outer surface of the second rib. The serrati postict swperiores aid in fixing the second ribs and raise the third, fourth, and fifth ribs. The muscles pass from the ligamentum nuche and the spines of the seventh cervical and first two or three dorsal vertebre to the upper borders of the second, third, fourth, and fifth ribs, beyond their angles. The Jevatores costarwm breves consist of twelve pairs which pass from the tips of the transverse processes of the seventh cervical and first to the eleventh dorsal vertebree downward and outward, each being inserted between the tubercle and the angle of the next rib below. Those arising from the lower ribs send fibres to the second rib below (levatores costarwm longiores). They assist in the elevation and eversion of the first to the tenth ribs, inclusive, and co-operate with the quadrati lumborum and the serrati postici inferiores to draw the lower ribs backward. The functions of the intercostales have been a matter of dispute for centu- ries, and the problem is still unsettled. For instance, Galen looked upon the external intercostals as being expiratory. Vesalius asserted that both the external and the internal intercostals are expiratory, while Haller expressed the opposite belief. Hamberger and Hutchinson regarded the external inter- costals and the interchondrals as being inspiratory, and the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals as being expiratory. Finally, Landois believes that while the external intercostals and the interchondrals are active during inspira- tion, and the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals during expiration, their chief actions are not to enlarge nor to diminish the volume of the thoracic cavity, but to maintain a proper degree of tension of the intercostal spaces. Each view still has its adherents. | The actions of the intercostal muscles are generally demonstrated by means of rods and elastic bands arranged in imitation of the ribs and the origins and insertions of the muscles, or by geometric diagrams. The well-known model of Bernouilli consists of a vertical bar representing the vertebral column, upon which bar move two parallel straight rods in imitation of the ribs (Fig. 134). If the rods be placed at an oblique angle and a tense rubber band (a, 6) be affixed to represent the relations of the external intercostals, the rods will be pulled upward and the space between them will be widened. The interchon- dral portion of the internal intercostals bears the same oblique relation to the costal cartilages, and theoretically should have the same action. The action of the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals is demonstrated in this way: If the rubber band be placed at right angles to the rods (Fig. 135, a, 5) and the rods be raised to a horizontal position, the rubber is put on the stretch (c, d), so that when the rods are released they will be pulled downward by the elastic reaction of the rubber. This last demonstration has been held to indi- cate that during inspiration the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals is put on the stretch and in an oblique position, and therefore in a relation favorable for effective action during contraction. The ribs, however, differ essentially from such a model in the fact that they are curved bars, that their RESPIRATION. 511 ends are not free, and that the movement of rotation is materially different. In fact, the mechanical conditions are so complex that deductions from phe- nomena observed in such gross demonstrations or by means of geometric figures such as suggested by Rosenthal and others must be accepted with caution. There is no doubt that stimulation of any of the intercostal fibres causes an elevation of the rib below if the rib above be fixed, and that if the excita- tion be sufficiently strong and the area be large, the effect may extend from rib to rib, and thus a large part of the thoracic cage will be elevated. Conse- quently, it has been assumed that, should the upper ribs be fixed, the contrac- tions of both sets of intercostals would elevate the system of ribs below. But the experiments of Martin and Hartwell’ show that during forced inspiration the internal intercostals contract alternately with the diaphragm and the exter- nal intercostals, and therefore are expiratory. Moreover, Ebner? has found, as a result of elaborate measurements, that the intercostal spaces, excepting the first two, are, instead of being narrowed, actually widened during inspiration. --<—~— wee so Cc. va a ! ‘ ee ee a 1 1 Fig. 134.—Model to illustrate the action of the Fic. 135.—Model to illustrate the action of the inter- external intercostals and interchondrals. osseous portion of the internal intercostals. An examination of the origins and insertions of the external intercostals and the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals, and of their actions during contraction, renders it apparent that it is possible for the externi to elevate the ribs and to widen the intercostal spaces, but that such effects are impossible in the case of the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals. Thus, if we take the model described above (Fig. 134), project a line a, 6 in imitation of the relation of the external intercostals to the ribs, and raise the parallel bars to a horizontal position, the distance between c, d is shorter than that between a, 6. It is but a logical step from this demonstration to assume that, should a strip of muscle be placed between a, 6, the muscle in shortening would pull the bars upward, at the same time widening the intercostal spaces. If now the upper ribs be fixed, it is obvious that the external intercostals must raise the ribs and open up the intercostal spaces during contraction. This same reason- ing applies to the interchondrals, and the experiments of Hough? show that they contract synchronously with the diaphragm, and therefore with the exter- nal intercostals, * Journal of Physiology, 1879-80, vol. 2, p. 24. 2 Loe. cit. * Studies from the Biological Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, March, 1894. 512 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. In considering the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals we find that during the passive condition they are placed nearly at right angles to the ribs. If contraction takes place, it is obvious that the mechanical response must be an approximation of the ribs and a lessening of the width of the inter- costal spaces. It must also be apparent that during the movement of inspira- tion these fibres are put on the stretch, which can be demonstrated in the above model. Thus, if we put a rubber band at right angles to the parallel rods. (Fig. 135), we will find that when the rods are in the horizontal position, in imitation of the position of the ribs at the beginning of expiration, the distance between c, d is greater than that between a, 6; therefore if we lessen the dis- tance between c, d, as when the muscle-fibres contract, the mechanical result of contraction must be approximation, the opposite to that which occurs during inspiration. While the whole subject of the actions of the intercostal muscles must still be regarded as in an unsettled condition, yet there is no reasonable doubt that the externi and the intercartilaginei contract during inspiration, and the inter- osseous portion of the internal intercostals during expiration. Admitting this to be true, it is, however, by no means clear whether or not these muscles are for the purpose of altering the volume of the thorax. It is probable, as sug- gested by Landois, that their chief function is to maintain, during all phases of the respiratory movements, a proper degree of tension of the intercostal tissues. If this view be correct, the external intercostals and interchondrals con- tract during inspiration chiefly for the purpose of causing greater tension of the intercostal tissues, so as to counteract the influence of the increase of negative intrathoracic pressure; while during expiration, when their relax- ation occurs, a substitution for this relaxation is provided by the contraction of the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals, so that the tension of the intercostal tissues is maintained. The internal intercostals must prove most effective during forced expiratory efforts—for example, in coughing, when the intercostal tissues are subjected to high positive intrathoracic pres- sure, and there is a consequent tendency to outward displacement, which is met and counteracted by the internal intercostals. During forced inspiration the scaleni and the serrati postict swperiores con- tract vigorously, so that the sternum and the first five ribs are elevated, thus raising the thoracic cage as a whole. At the same time the serrati postici inferiores, the quadrati lumborum, and the sacro-lumbales are active in pulling the lower ribs downward and backward. Besides these muscles there are a number of others which directly or indirectly affect the size of the thorax and which may be brought into activity ; chief among these are the sterno-cleido- mastoider, the trapezet, the pectorales minores, the pectorales majores (costal portion), the rhomboidei, and the erectores spine. The sterno-cleido-mastoid passes from the mastoid process and the superior curved line of the occipital bone to the upper front surface of the manubrium and the upper border of the inner third of the clavicle. These muscles ele- vate the upper part of the chest when the head and neck are fixed. The i i Fi ; i ae —- wo AN aes RESPIRA TION. 513 trapezius passes from the occipital bone, the ligamentum nuche, the spines of the seventh cervical and of all the dorsal vertebra, and the supraspinous liga- ment to the posterior border of the outer third of the clavicle, the inner border of the acromion process, the crest of the spine of the scapula, and to the tubercle near the root. The trapezei help to fix the shoulders. The rhomboid- eus minor passes from the ligamentum nuche and the spines of the seventh cervical and first dorsal vertebre to the root of the spine of the scapula. The rhomboideus major passes from the spines of the first four or five dorsal vertebree and the supraspinous ligament to the inferior angle of the scapula. The trapezei and rhomboidei fix the shoulders, affording a base of action from which the pectorales act. The pectoralis major passes from the pectoral ridge of the humerus to the inner half of the anterior surface of the clavicle, the corre- sponding half of the anterior surface of the sternum, the cartilages of the first six ribs, and the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle. The pecto- ralis minor passes from the coracoid process of the scapula to the upper margin and outer surface of the third, fourth, and fifth ribs close to the cartilages and to the intercostal aponeuroses. ‘The pectorales minores and the costal portion of the pectorales majores raise the ribs when the shoulders are fixed. The erectores spince are composite muscles extending along each side of the spinal column, each consisting of the sacro-lumbalis, the musculus accessorius, the cervicalis ascendens, the longissimus dorsi, the transversalis cervicis, the trachelo- mastoid, and the spinalis dorsi. The erectores spinze straighten and extend the spine and the neck, and thus tend to raise the sternum, the costal cartilages, and the ribs. The infrahyoide: may also be included among the muscles engaged in forced inspiration, since they may aid in the elevation of the sternum. Summary of the Actions of the Chief Muscles of Inspiration.—Dur- ing quiet inspiration the diaphragm contracts, thus increasing the vertical diam- eter of the thorax, its effectiveness being augmented by the associated actions of the quadrati lumborum and the serrati postici inferiores, the former fixing the twelfth ribs, and the latter fixing the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth ribs, and thus preventing the muscular slips of the diaphragm attached to these ribs from drawing them inward and upward and thus diminishing the cavity of the thorax. Coincidently with the contractions of these muscles the scalent fix the first and second ribs, and the serrati postici swperiores aid in fixing the second ribs and elevate the third, fourth, and fifth ribs; the intercostales externt et intercartilaginet and the levatores costarum longi et breves elevate and evert the first to the tenth ribs, inclusive, throwing the lower end of the sternum for- ward ; and the /evatores, in conjunction with the quadrati lumborum and the serrats postici inferiores, aid in fixing the lower ribs and even draw them back- ward. The intercostales externi also serve to maintain a proves degree of tension of the intercostal tissues. During forced inspiration the scaleni and the serrati postict superiores act more powerfully and thus raise the sternum with its attached costal cartilages and ribs, being assisted by the sterno-cleido-mastoidet and the infrahyordet when the head and neck are fixed, and by the pectorales majores et minores 33 514 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. when the shoulders are fixed by the trapezei and the rhomboidei. The erectores spine further assist this action by extending the spinal column. Movements of Expiration.— During quiet breathing expiration is effected mainly or solely by the passive return of the displaced parts. Normal expi- ration is therefore essentially a passive act, although it may be assisted by the contraction of the interosseous portion of the internal intercostals. The most important factors are unquestionably the elastic tension of the lungs, costal cartilages, intercostal spaces, and abdominal walls, together with the weight of the chest. The lungs after quiet expiration are in a state of elastic tension equal to a pressure of +1.9 to +3.9 millimeters of mercury (see p. 505), which pressure during inspiration is increased in proportion to the depth of the movement. As soon, therefore, as the inspiratory muscles cease to contract, this tension comes into play, and, aided by elastic and mechanical reactions below noted, forces air from the lungs. ‘This elasticity, and the facility with which the air is expelled, may be demonstrated by inflating a pair of excised lungs and then suddenly allowing a free egress of the air: collapse occurs with remarkable rapidity, with a force proportionate to the degree of distention. The elastic costal cartilages are similarly put on the stretch: the lower borders are drawn outward and upward and are thus twisted out of position, so that as soon as the inspiratory forces are withdrawn they must untwist themselves, further aiding the elastic reaction of the lungs. The intercostal spaces, excepting the first two, are widened and the tissues are stretched, and the diaphragm during its descent presses upon the abdominal viscera, rendering the abdominal walls tense. When, therefore, inspiration ceases the reaction of the tense and elastic intercostal tissues aids in bringing the chest into the position of rest, while the stretched abdominal walls press upon the abdominal viscera and thus force the diaphragm upward. Finally, the chest-walls by their weight tend to fall from the position to which they have been raised, adding thus another factor toward the elastic reaction of the lungs, costal cartilages, intercostal tissues, and abdominal walls. Whether or not the interosseous portion of the internal intercostal muscles assists in expiration cannot be stated with positiveness. The fact that these muscles contract during the expiratory phase and that the contraction results in an approximation of the ribs leads to the belief that they are expiratory. But, as before stated (p. 512), this activity may be primarily for the purpose of maintaining a proper degree of tension of the intercostal tissues. In the dog these muscles are not active until dyspnoea appears, while in the cat they do not come into play until extreme dyspneea has set in (Martin and Hartwell). These facts certainly militate against regarding them as active expiratory fac- tors during quiet breathing, while during forced expiration they may with accuracy be considered as being in part at least expiratory in function. We are therefore justified in concluding that normal quiet expiration is essentially a passive act due to elastic reaction and to the mechanical replacement of dis- placed parts. | “al che > RESPIRATION. 515 During forced expiration certain muscles may be active, the chief being the intercostales interni interossei, the triangulares sterni, the musculi abdominales, and the levatores ani. ‘The intercostales interni interossei are probably active expiratory muscles during forced expiration, but they can prove effective only when the lower part of the thoracic cage is fixed or drawn down—an act which is accomplished chiefly by the abdominal muscles. The triangulares sternt pass outward and upward from the lower part of the sternum, the inner surface of the ensiform cartilage, and the sternal ends of the costal cartilages of the two or three lower sternal ribs, to the lower and inner surfaces of the cartilages of the second to the sixth ribs, inclusive. They draw the attached costal cartilages downward during expiration. The abdominales during quiet expiration are passive, and aid in the expul- sion of air from the lungs simply by their elasticity ; but during forced} expi- ration, by contraction, they are active expiratory factors. The obliquus externus arises by slips on the outer surface and lower borders of the lower eight ribs, and is inserted into the outer lip of the anterior half of the crest of the ilium and into the broad aponeurosis which blends with that of the opposite side in the linea alba. The obliquus internus passes from the outer half or two-thirds of Poupart’s ligament, the anterior two-thirds of the middle lip of the crest of the ilium, and the posterior layer of the lumbar fascia to the cartilages of the last three ribs and the aponeurosis of the anterior part of the abdominal wall. The rectus abdominis passes from the crest of the pubes and the ligaments in front of the symphysis pubis to the cartilages of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs, and usually to the bone of the fifth rib. The transversalis abdominis passes from the outer third of Poupart’s ligament, the anterior three-fourths of the inner lip of the iliac crest, by an aponeurosis from the transverse and spinous processes of the lumbar vertebre, and from the inner surface of the sixth lower costal cartilages to the pubic crest and the linea alba. The fibres for the most part havea horizontal direction. The pyram- idalis passes from the anterior surface of the pubes and the pubic ligament to the linea alba. It is obvious from the points of origin and insertion of the abdominal muscles that during contraction they co-operate toward diminishing the volume of the thorax in three ways: (1) By offering a base of action for the internal intercostals, and ‘thus aiding in the approximation of the ribs; (2) by depressing and drawing inward the lower end of the sternum and the lower costal cartilages and ribs; (3) by forcing the abdominal viscera against the diaphragm, thrusting it upward. The abdominales are unquestionably the chief expiratory muscles. The levatores ani converge from the pelvic wall to the inner part of the rec- tum and the prostate gland. They form the largest part of the muscular floor of the pelvic cavity. The levatores ani are important’ during forcible expi- ration by resisting the downward pressure of the pelvic viscera caused by the powerful contractions of the abdominal muscles, but they must be regarded rather as associated in the act of expiration, and not as true expiratory muscles. Summary of the Actions of the Chief Muscles of Expiration.— During 516 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. quiet expiration no muscular factors are involved, unless it be the contraction of the intercostales interni interossei, in which event they are more probably — engaged in maintaining the tension of the intercostal tissues than in actually diminishing the capacity of the thorax. During forced eapiration the abdominales flex the thorax upon the pelvis, force the abdominal viscera against the diaphragm, thrusting it upward, and by pulling upon the lower margins of the thoracic cage draw them inward and at the same time offer a base from which the intercostales interni inter- osset act to pull the ribs downward; the triangulares sterni contract at the same time and pull downward the cartilages of the second to the sixth ribs, inclusive. Associated Respiratory Movements.—. Tensions in arterial blood. .......-. 29.64 21.28 I WHOL WEIS sc ec ee Be eles t t remeieue in tiGHIGS. . 6. ee 0.00 5dbs It is manifest from the above that O should pass from the blood to the tissues, and CO, from the tissues to the blood. The lymph is probably merely a passive medium in this interchange. It contains, according to Hammarsten, only traces of O, from 37.5 to 47.1 vol- umes per cent. of CO,, and from 1.1 to 1.63 volumes per cent. of N. The mean percentage of CO, is lower than in serum, but Gaule has shown that the tension is higher. Doubtless the same relations hold good for the plasma and 1 Loe. cit. 2 Loc. cit. 528 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the blood,.so that, notwithstanding a smaller volume per cent. of CO, in the lymph, CO, passes to the blood because of the higher tension in the lymph. Extraction of Gases from the Blood.—We have found that in the blood | both O and CO, exist partly in solution and partly in chemical combination. The portion in solution comes off regularly with a diminution of pressure, but that which is in chemical combination remains so until the pressure is reduced to the level of the tension of dissociation. - Since there are several of these combinations, such as O in oxyhzmoglobin and COQ, in carbonates, bicarbon- ates, alkali phosphates, etc., portions of each of these gases come off at different pressures in accordance with their different tensions in the several chemical combinations. The portions in solution may be removed by the use of an ordinary air-pump, but those in chemical combination are held so firmly that the more powerful mer- curial pump is required. A con- venient pump of this kind has been devised by Dr. Geo. T. Kemp, the description of which he gives as follows : “To use the pump the reservoir bulb Bb (Fig. 136), the bulb J, the cylinder SR and S’R’, and the ves- sel Pare filled with mercury. When the bulb Bd is raised the mercury rises in the tube AC and fills B, driving the air out by the path FHOP, the stopcock Q being closed. When Bb is lowered again the mer- cury flows back from B into Bb, creating a Torricellian vacuum in B. As soon as the mercury has fallen below the joint D, this vacuum in B becomes connected by the path DEG with the tubes TGUG'T' and the tube VWYX, and thence, when the stopcock is open, with the vessel to be exhausted. The air in this then diffuses to fill the vacuum in B, and becomes rarefied, so that the mercury rises from the cylin- ders SR and S/R’ in the outer tubes TG and 7’@’. The small inner tubes RG and R’G@’ are made so high that even when there is a complete vacuum in the outer tubes 7G and 7’G’ the mercury will not rise high enough to cover them. “On raising Bb again the mercury rises in AC, and as soon as the joint D is covered, all the air which has been caught in B is forced out by the path FHOP. Each time the bulb Bd is raised and lowered a certain amount of air is ex- Fie. 136.—Kemp’s gas pump. RESPIRATION. 529 tracted from the receiver, until finally a vacuum is produced. In a similar way, when the receiver connected with the pump at Z contains any gas which we wish to analyze—as, for example, the gases given off by the blood in a vacuum—we put a eudiometer (wu) over the bend of the tube at P, which, of course, is always under the mercury, and collect the gases as they are forced out. “The extraction of the last traces of gas by raising and lowering Bb is a very tedious and laborious process, so that the final extraction of the gases can best be accomplished by the Sprengel pump JJKLMNHOP. The bulb and stop- cock IJK are made separate, as shown in the figure, and are connected with LMN by a piece of rubber tubing, the whole being under mercury. This is accomplished by the bend JKLM, which is made so as to allow a narrow wooden box filled with the mercury to be slipped up over the bend high enough to cover the stopcock and thus prevent leakage of air. The same arrangement is shown at X, and is indicated by a dotted line in each instance. When the stopcock K is opened the mercury flows in, drops down the tube NHOP, and extracts the gases at H in the well-known manner of the Sprengel pump. The large bulb is for rapid exhaustion down to the last few millimeters of pressure, the rest being accomplished more slowly but more perfectly by the Sprengel. In extracting blood-gases the oxygen is given off suddenly and the CO, slowly. The great desideratum is to keep the tension of the gases in the blood-chamber down as near zero as possible—certainly below 20 millimeters of Hg. This is readily done with the large bulb when the O is evolved, while the Sprengel is able to remove the CO, as it is given off, thus obviating the continued rais- ing and lowering of the reservoir bulb.” The gases collected are driven through the tube P into a eudiometer previously filled with mercury and inverted. The eudiometer (Fig. 137) is a calibrated tube in which the gases are measured. In the upper part of it are two plati- num wires by means of which an electric spark is brought in contact with the gases. Hydrogen is introduced into the eudiometer in definite quantity (more than sufficient to com- bine with all of the O to form H,O), and a spark is gen- erated between the ends of the platinum wires, causing the Oand the H to combine. The diminution in volume is now noted, one-third of which diminution is equal to the total volume of O obtained from the sample of blood. The quan- tity of CO, may be estimated by introducing into the eudi- ometer a piece of moistened fused potassium hydrate, which absorbs the CO,, forming potassium carbonate. The loss in volume is the volume of CO, obtained from the blood. The residual gas consists of N and H, the latter being the exéess ) not combined with O. The total quantity of H introduced ric.137—Eudiometer. being known, and also the quantity which combined with . | O, the difference is deducted from the volume N and H, the remainder being the volume N. Accurate analysis necessitates corrections for temperature, for 34 530 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. tension of aqueous vapor, and for atmospheric pressure, as well as attention to the many details connected with gas-analysis. Cutaneous Respiration.—In frogs the skin is a more important respi- ratory organ than the lungs, as is illustrated by the fact that asphyxia is more rapidly produced by dipping the animal in oil, and thus preventing the interchange of O and CO, through the skin, than by ligature of the trachea ; moreover, the investigations of Regnault and Reiset show that in these animals nearly the same quantities of O are absorbed and CO, eliminated after the lungs are excised as in the intact animal. In man the reverse is the case, the cutaneous interchange being insignificant as compared with that in the lungs. The quantity of CO, exhaled through the skin during twenty-four hours has been estimated by different observers from 2.23 grams to as much as 32.08 grams. Compared with pulmonary interchange, the ratio of O absorbed is probably about 1 : 100-200, and of CO, eliminated, 1 : 200-250. Cutaneous respiration is, as a rule, subject to the same circumstances that affect the interchange in the lungs, and is accomplished, moreover, in the same way. In some instances, however, it is influenced in the opposite direction ; for instance, it is increased by circumstances that hinder pulmonary respiration. Cutaneous respiration is favored by moist skin, and Ronchi found that it was increased by higher external temperature. | Internal or Tissue-respiration.—The main object of the respiratory mech- anism is to supply the organism with O and to remove the CO, resulting from tissue-activity. The organism may be regarded as an aggregation of living cells, each of which during life consumes O and gives off CO,.- Activity depends essentially upon processes of oxidation ; consequently, not only is oxi- dation necessary for existence, but the quantity of O absorbed must bear a direct relation to the degree of activity. The avidity of the different tissues for O varies greatly, and the differences are doubtless expressions, broadly speaking, of the relative intensities of their respiratory processes. Quinquaud ’ records the following absorption-capacities of 100 grams of each tissue, submitted for three hours to a temperature of 38°: AR oan S's Sa) 2 syrae 23 c.c. Spleeh 3.) a s-tune ees $. ec eatin = he I 21. “ Log 2352 WARE ON Sy one 78'S Rai ea ew ae A eS 12 :;f Adipose tissue. ....... Giaitt pO ey oe eer 10 “ Bose, 67 saefeccobeel ae th oe pones eas ai are sere. oak ke posh 1 Blood: ..... Pastel ale eee eee 0.8% The quantity of CO, formed in each case was approximately proportional to the quantity of O absorbed.. The respiratory value of blood is doubtless too low. ‘The blood is not merely a carrier of O and CO, to and from the tissues, but is itself the seat of active disintegrations which involve the consumption of O and the production of CO, and other effete matters. Ludwig and his pupils long ago showed that when readily-oxidizable substances, such as lactate of sodium, are mixed with the blood, and the blood is transfused through the lungs or other living tissues, more O is consumed and CO, given off than by 1 Comptes rendus de la Société de biologie (9), 1890, 2, pp. 29, 30. “~ RESPIRATION. 531 blood free from them. These results have been substantiated by the recent researches of Bohr and Henriquez'! on dogs; these experiments have further shown that a considerable portion of O may disappear as a result of processes occurring in the blood during its passage through the lungs, and a large amount of CO, be formed as one of the products. Thus they found that con- siderably more O was absorbed from the lungs than could be pumped from the blood, and that more CO, was given to the air in the lungs than was lost by the venous blood. ‘They believe that the tissues deliver to the blood par- tially-oxidized substances which undergo a final splitting up when the blood reaches the lungs. If this be so, the respiratory capacity of the blood, apart from its capacity as a carrier of O and CO, to and from the tissues, must be __. considerably greater than indicated by Quinquaud’s figures. The chief chemical product of the oxidative decompositions in the blood and tissues is CO,; but the quantity of O absorbed is not necessarily related to the amount of CO,-eliminated ; that is, during a given interval the quantity of O may be out of proportion to the elimination of CO,, and vice versd. Thus, in a muscle during rest, at normal bodily temperature, the consumption of O is greater than the elimination of CO,, while during ses the propor- tion of CO, to O increases and may exceed that of O. Rubner’s? experiments on the resting muscle at various temperatures accentuate the fact that the for- mation of CO, may be independent of the quantity of O absorbed. Thus, at 8.4° the respiratory quotient was 3.28 ; at 28.2°, 1.01; at 33.89, 1.18; and at 38.8°, 0.91. The high respiratory quotient at low temperatures is to be explained partly by direct oxidation and partly by intramolecular splitting, which is independent of oxidation. It is probable that during rest O is util- ized to some extent in oxidations which are not at once carried to their final stage and in which relatively little CO, is formed; hence during activity com- _ paratively little O is required to cause a final disintegration of the now par- tially broken-down substances, and thus to give rise to a relatively large formation of CO, (See Effects of Muscular Activity on Respiration and Metabolism of Muscle, etc.) C. Taz Ruytum, FREQUENCY, AND DEPTH oF THE RESPIRATORY MovEMENTs. _ The Rhythm of the Respiratory Movements.—During normal breathing the respiratory movements follow each other in regular sequence or rhythm. Various instruments have been devised for the study of these movements in man; the form most commonly used is the stethograph or pneumo- graph of Marey. The respiratory movements are communicated by a system of levers to a tambour, thence through a rubber tube to a second tambour having attached a lever which records upon a moving surface. In animals a tracheal cannula or tube (p. 554) is usually inserted into the trachea, and © a tube is led from it to a recording tambour. In case the movements 1 Comptes rendus, 1892, vol. 114, pp. 1496-99. 2 DuBois-Reymond’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1885, pp. 38-66. ~ §32 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of the ribs are especially to be studied, the stethograph may be employed ; if the movements of the diaphragm, a long probe may be inserted through the abdominal walls so that one end rests between the liver and the diaphragm and the other end connects with a recording lever, the abdominal walls serving as a fulcrum, A tracing obtained by one of the above methods shows: (1) That inspiration passes into expiration without an appreciable in- tervening pause; (2) that inspiration is shorter than expiration; (3) that the curves of inspiration and expiration differ in certain characters. The relative periods of inspiration and expiration vary with age, sex, and other conditions. The inspiratory phase is shorter relatively in women than in men, and in chil- dren and the aged than in those of middle life. The length of inspiration as compared to expiration is subject to variations, but these relations are affected chiefly by disease and by other abnormal conditions. After section of the pneumogastric nerves, and in diseased conditions which narrow any part of the air-passages, inspiration is longer than expiration, while in emphysema the expiratory phase is prolonged. The relative periods occupied by inspiration and by expiration in the adult differ according to various observers; at one extreme, the ratio according to Vierordt and Ludwig is 10: 19-20, and at. the other extreme, according to Ewald, 11:12. A mean ratio is 5:6. Rennebaum found that the expiratory phase is relatively prolonged by an increase in the respiration-rate, the ratio being 9:10 at 13 respirations per minute, and 9:13 at 46 per minute. In the new-born the ratio is 1: 2-3. Mosso found that during sleep the inspiratory phase is lengthened one-fourth. Inspiration is more abrupt than expiration, the lever moving more rapidly during inspiration than during expiration; consequently the curves differ in character. We may volitionally affect the rhythm and the various phases of each respiratory act. A pause may exist between expiration and inspiration (expiratory pause) when the respirations are abnormally infrequent. In certain diseases an inter- val may be observed between inspiration and expiration (inspiratory pause). Some observers look upon the nearly horizontal part of the respiratory curve as a record of a pause, but an examination of tracings of normal respirations shows that one phase passes into the other without an appreciable interval. The respiratory acts while we are awake and quiet are rhythmical, but this rhythm is more or less disturbed during sleep, especially in young children and in the aged. In the latter there may not only be an irregularity in the time-intervals between successive acts, but occasionally long expiratory pauses, giving the movements a peculiar periodical character. In the so-called ‘““Cheyne-Stokes respiration” the rhythm is greatly disturbed. This type is characterized by groups of respiratory movements, each group being separated from the preceding and succeeding ones by more or less marked pauses. The - first respiration in each group is very shallow and is followed by movements which successively become deeper and deeper until a maximum is reached; then the successive movements become more and more shallow and finally cease. Each group commonly consists of about 10 to 30 respirations, and is RESPIRATION. 633 separated from the preceding and succeeding groups by a variable interval, usually 30 to 45 seconds. This form of respiration is frequently observed in uremia, after severe hemorrhage, and in certain diseases of the heart and brain. Periodical alterations in the respiratory rhythm may be observed in the last stages of asphyxia, in poisoning by chloral, opium, curare, and digitalis, in cer- tain septic fevers, in certain animals during hybernation, etc. In the human organism, excepting during sleep and in the aged and the very young, such non-rhythmical respirations are always indicative of abnormal conditions. In warm-blooded animals the movements are generally of a much more rhythmical character than in cold-blooded animals. The Frequency and. Depth of the Respiratory Movements.—The respiratory rate is affected by a number of conditions, chiefly species, age, posture, time of day, digestion, activity, internal and external temperature, season, barometric pressure, emotions, the composition of the air, the composi- tion of the blood, the state of the respiratory centres and nerves, etc. The following figures, compiled from various sources, indicate the wide differences in various species, the rates being per minute : See 6-10 ty ECC Re oe 15-20 Rabbit. . . . 50- 60 _ Age 10-15 teeta miata 16-24 Sparrow... 90 Sheep... .. 12-20 0 Pe aot 20-30 Guinea-pig . . 100-150 SE 15-25. |: Pigeon. .. 3... 30 Ta dia RY S 100-200 The average rate in man varies according to different investigators, from 11.9 by Vierordt to 19.35 by Ruef. Hutchinson noted 16-24 per minute as a mean of 2000 observations. There is a general, but not an absolute, rela- tionship between the rate and the size of the body, as regards both different species and different individuals of the same species: as a rule, the smaller the species the more frequent the respirations; the same holding good for indi- viduals of the same species. The marked influence of age is illustrated by the records of the observa- tions by Quetelet on 300 individuals : Rate per Minute. Age. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. PME Pee els Sl ae he a ek 70 23 44 NNN Bors 5!) 5 aie, dL withdt Jaya Seis ia 32 os 26 en ee ee Pe ee ee 24 16 20 RE Tei ao edt. hye us ae wires 24 14 18.7 na lle ae lr a Ne Caen ame a 21 15 16 EC Re SS ge Re oe 23 Tt} 18.1 Posture exerts a marked influence, especially in those enfeebled by disease. Guy records, in normal individuals, 13 while lying, 19 while sitting, and 22 while standing. The diurnal changes are in close accord with those of the pulse-rate (p. 412). The rate is less frequent by about one-fourth during the night than during the day, and more frequent after meals, especially after the mid-day meal. Vier- ordt noted the following variations: 9 A.M., 12.1; 12M., 11.5; 2 P.M., 13; 534 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. 7 p.M., 11.1. Guy gives the mean rate in the morning as 17 and in the evening as 18. The rate increases with an increase in muscular activity (p. 413). Changes in eaternal (surrounding) temperature have very little influence. Vierordt noted a rate of 12.16 at 8.47° C. and one of 11.57 at 19.4° C., and that an increase of each degree C. decreases the period of each respiration 0.054. Alterations of énternal temperature are associated with marked changes, as is well illustrated in the increase in the rate observed in fevers, which increase, in turn, is closely related to the rise in the pulse-rate and the bodily temperature. Season is not without its influence. In the spring the rate, according to E. Smith, is 32 per cent. greater than at the end of summer. Ordinary changes in atmospheric pressure exert no influence, but under con- siderable variations the rate rises and falls inversely with the pressure. The frequency of the respirations may be profoundly affected by our emo- tions and by our will. Mental excitement may increase or decrease the rate, and, as is well known, we may greatly modify not only the rate but the depth of the movements by volitional effort. If the composition of the inspired air becomes so altered that O falls below 13 volumes per cent., the respirations are increased in frequency and in depth. In the same way, if the blood becomes deficient in O or overcharged with CO,, movements of respiration are increased. Excitation and depression of the respiratory centres and nerves through the agency of operations, disease, poisons, etc. effect changes in the respiratory rate. The rate and the depth of the respirations bear generally an inverse relation to each other: the greater the rate the less the depth, and vice versd; but the quantity of air respired during a given period does not necessarily bear any direct relation to either the rate or the depth alone, but rather to both. A general relationship exists between the frequency of the respirations and the pulse-rate. Comparisons of a large number of observations by different investigators give a ratio at twenty-five to thirty-five years, 1:4-4.5; at fifteen to twenty years, 1: 3.5; at six weeks, 1: 2.5. D. THE Vouumes or Arr, O, anp CO, Rzspirep. During quiet respiration there occurs an inflow and outflow of air, desig- nated tidal at, equal to about 500 cubic centimeters, or 30 cubic inches. The volume of expired air is a little in excess of inspired air, owing to the expan- sion caused by the increase of temperature, although the actual volume is: less (p. 519). The volume of air respired during each respiration bears generally an inverse relation to the respiration-rate, and is affected by the position of the body ; thus, if in the lying posture the volume be 1, when sitting it will be 1.11, and when standing 1.13 (Hutchinson). Besides the term tidal air, others are used to express definite volumes associated with the capacity of the lungs under certain circumstances. Thus, Hutchinson distinguishes RESPIRATION. 535 complemental air, or the volume that can be inspired after the completion of an ordinary inspiration (1500 cubic centimeters) ; reserve or supplemental air, or the volume that can be expelled after an ordinary expiration (1240-1800 cubic centimeters) ; residual air, or the volume remaining in the lungs after the most forcible expiration (1230-1640 cubic centimeters); and stationary air, or the volume remaining in the lungs after ordinary expiration, and equal to reserve air plus residual air (2470-3440 cubic centimeters). The volume of residual air is different according to various observers, the estimates ranging from 538 cubic centimeters by Kochs to 19,800 cubic centimeters by Neupauer. The recent researches of Hermann and Jacobson’ give 914.5 cubic centimeters as the average of nine observations, the lowest measurement being 434 cubic centimeters, and the highest 1023.2 cubic centimeters. Iung-capacity is the total quantity of air the lungs contain after the most forcible inspiration, and is equal to the vital capacity plus the residual air. Bronchial capacity is the capacity of the - trachea and bronchi, and is equal to about 140 cubic centimeters. Alveolar capacity is the volume of air in the smallest air-passages and alveoli, and is greater during inspiration than during expira- tion, and, of course, is altered in proportion to the depth of these movements. After quiet expiration it is equal to about 2000 to 38000 cubic centimeters; during quiet inspiration it is increased about 500 cubic centimeters, and during forced inspiration about 2000 cubic cen- timeters ; during forced expiration it is dimin- ished about 1500 cubic centimeters. Between the extremes of forced inspiration and forced expiration the volume differs about 34 times. Vital capacity is the volume of air that can be expired after the most forcible inspiration. Averages obtained by Vierordt from the results of the observations by various investigators are 3400 cubic centimeters for men and 2500 cubic centimeters for women. Such investigations are conducted by the aid of a spirometer (Fig. 138), which is a calibrated gasometer consisting of a bell-jar submerged in water and counter- RS aide . a cay ‘ . P Fig. 188.—Wintrich’s modification of poised. Communicating with the interior of Hutchinson’s spirometer. the jar is a tube through which the expired air — ; is conducted. The subject makes the deepest possible inspiration and then forcibly expires into the tube: the jar rises in proportion to the volume of air admitted, and the extent of this rise may be read from the scale. ' Phliiger’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1888, vol. 43, pp. 236, 440. 536 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Vital capacity is affected by various circumstances, especially age, stature, sex, posture, occupation, and disease. It increases with age, reaching a maxi- mum at about thirty-five years, after which there occurs an annual decrease of about 32 cubic centimeters up to about sixty-five years. In proportion to the length of the body it increases up to twenty-five years and then dimin- ishes. Wintrich has shown that vital capacity for each centimeter of height varies at different ages; thus at eight to ten years it is 9 to 11 cubic centimeters for each centimeter of height, at sixteen to eighteen years 20.65 cubic centimeters, and at fifty years 21 cubic centimeters. Arnold estimates that in the adult for each centimeter of increase or decrease of height beyond a mean standard there is a corresponding rise or fall of 60 cubic centimeters in men and of 40 cubic centimeters in women. It is greater in men than in women of the same height, the ratio being about 10:7.5. Hutch- inson found that it was affected by posture, the ratios being as follows: Lying on chest and abdomen, 0.96; lying on -back or sitting, 1.11; and standing, 1.13. Wintrich and Arnold both have found that vital capacity is diminished during starvation 100 to 200 cubic centimeters. Physical exercise, such as running and other forms of violent exertion that increase the rate and depth of respiration, tends to increase the vital capacity. Occupation also exerts an influence upon vital capacity, it being proportionately greater in those en- gaged in active physical work than in those leading a sedentary life. All cir- cumstances which interfere with the full and free expansion of the thoracic cavity diminish vital capacity, as, for instance, tight clothing, visceral tumors, tuberculosis of the lungs, pneumothorax, ete. The Volumes of O and CO, Respired.—The quantity of air. re- spired during each respiratory act is about 500 cubic centimeters, or 30 cubic inches; and since the normal respiration-rate in man is, we may say, for the twenty-four hours about 15, the total quantity of air respired per diem may readily be calculated : 7 : Per minute, 500 c.c. x 15= 7,500 c.c., or 7.5 liters. Per hour, 7.5 liters x 60 = 460 liters. Perday, 450 liters x 24 = 10,800 liters, or abont 380 cubic feet, which is equal to a volume about 220 centimeters (74 feet) in height,width, and thickness. With these figures as standards, and knowing the per cent. composition of inspired and expired air, the volumes of O absorbed and of CO, eliminated are easily found. ‘The inspired air loses 4.78 volumes per cent. of O; it is obvious, then, that the quantity absorbed per diem is 4.78 volumes per cent. of 10,800 liters, which is 516 liters, or about 740 grams; likewise, the ex- pired air contains an excess of 4.34 volumes per cent. of CO,; the quantity expired per diem is 4.34 volumes per cent. of 10,800 liters, or 470. liters or 925 grams. ‘These figures, while not strictly accurate, are in accord with those obtained by other methods of estimation and by experiments. The amount of O varies from 600 to 1200 grams per diem, and that of CO, from 700 to 1400 grams—approximate averages being about 750 grams of O and 875 grams of CO,,. rg .» RESPIRATION. 537 The quantities of O and of CO, exchanged, although in a general way closely related, are in a measure independent of each other, but, as a rule, an increase or a decrease in one is accompanied by a rise or a fall in the other. The most important conditions affecting the quantities of O absorbed and CO, given off are species, body-weight and body-surface, age, sex, constitution, rate and depth of the respirations, the period of the day, digestion, food, internal and external temperature, activity, atmospheric pressure, the composition of the inspired air, and the condition of the nervous system. Most of the studies have been made solely by determinations of the quan- tities of CO, given off, the results being taken as standards for the relative volumes of O absorbed ; but such deductions are of very uncertain value and may be entirely misleading. (See Respiratory Quotient, p. 544.) Respiratory activity in different species in proportion to body-weight is less in cold-blooded than in warm-blooded animals, the difference being due chiefly to the larger supply of O demanded by the more active heat-producing pro- cesses in the latter, and in part to the more active character generally of the bodily operations. If we take as a standard for cold-blooded animals the respiratory activity in the frog (which is 0.07 gram of O per kilogram of body- weight per hour), and compare this with the standards for warm-blooded ani- mals, in the latter it will be from 6 to 18 times greater, according to the species. Respiratory activity is higher in proportion to body-weight in birds than in mammals. ‘The following tabular statement of the intensity of the respiratory interchange per kilogram of body-weight per hour, compiled chiefly from the researches of Regnault and Reiset, Zuntz and Lehmann, Fist Sup Herzog, and Grouven, illustrates these differences : Animal. es C0». CO. Grams C.c. Grams. C.c. 0 ENS eer ee 11.635 1837 11.540 5857 0.72 SS Sear 9.595 6710 10.492 5334 0.79 Re el Ss SS ek 1.189 831 1.271 678 0.82 PGMS a STs oo swe ove 0.070 49 0.062 37 0.76 Sa A aera ale 1.191 847 1.281 652 0.77 A 1.001 699 1.082 549 0.80 A 0.550 382 0.757 383 1.00 ng ES Pe 0.566 394 0.393 394 1.00 RIT gttas 5 ys false. of & & Sees 0.481 336 0.571 290 0.86 Eee ee 0.437 303 0.640 323 0.91 ie Os Er 0.499 347 0.599 804 0.88 cg ee 0.920 642 1.158 588 0.90 REE ns. gk ec ks 0.434 802 0.507 257 0.85 SS 0.474 331 0.594 302 0.91 As a rule, the smaller the species the greater (relatively, but not absolutely) is the intensity of respiratory activity ; for instance, -the consumption of O for each kilogram of body-weight is for the horse, 0.437 ; ass, 0.566 ; sheep, 0.499 ; rabbit, 0.92; and for birds, as high as 12.58. For different species of the same class the same variations are observed ; thus, Richet records, as the result of investigations on birds, the following figures as the number of 538 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. grams of CO, given off per kilogram of body-weight per hour: best at: 1.49; fowl, 1.66 ; duck, 2.27; pigeon, 3.36; and finch, 12.58. In the same species, gehier things being equal, the respiratory interchange is | greater in smaller animals, because in relation to body-weight the body-surface is greater, causing a greater proportional heat-loss, which in turn necessitates a larger consumption of O for oxidative processes to produce heat, and a conse- quent increase in the production of CO,. Richet’ has shown that in the same species the quantity of CO, exhaled (indicating the intensity of the oxidation- processes) is inversely proportional to the body-weight and is directly propor- tional to the body-surface. The following figures illustrate these important facts : : CO, per Kilogram CQ, per 100 M Body- ht 2 Body-surface “‘(kilograms).~ tls at (sq. em.). fa 24 1.026 9296 2.65 11.5 1.380 5656 2.81 6.5 1.624 3940 2.69 31 1.964 2341 2.71 Thus, an animal weighing 24 kilograms will give off 1.026 grams of CO, per hour for each kilogram of body-weight, while one weighing 3.1 kilograms will give off 1.964 grams, or nearly twice as much, for equal increments of weight. It will be observed by comparing the quantity of CO, and the body- surface that for each 100 square centimeters of surface the elimination is about the same. Age exercises an important influence. Until full growth respiratory activity is higher than in middle life, and in middle life it is higher than in old age. In children the absolute quantities of O consumed and CO, formed are less than in the adult, but in relation to body-weight they are about twice as much. During middle life respiratory activity is about one-sixth higher than during old age. In the young the quantity of O in relation to CO, is higher than in the adult. Andral and Gavarret have shown, in investigations relative to sea, that after the eighth year males give off from one-third to one-half more CO, than females, the difference being most pronounced at puberty. During pregnancy and after the menopause the relative quantity of CO, rises. The influence of constitution is manifest by a greater intensity of respi- ratory activity in the robust than in the weak, other conditions being the same, The rate and depth of the respiratory movements ic not appreciably affect the volumes of O and CO, interchanged, although the removal of CO, is facili- tated by an increase of the volume of air respired, because of the better ven- tilation of the lungs. An increase in the rate, the depth remaining constant, increases the volume of air respired and the absolute quantity of CO, given off, but the quantity of CO, in relation to the total volume of air is less. If 1 Archiv de Physiologie normale et pathologique, vol. 22, pp. 17-30. q f ' RESPIRATION. 539 the rate remain constant and the depth be increased, similar results are obtained. 3 The quantity of CO, eliminated during slow, deep respirations is larger than during rapid, shallow respirations. The diurnal variations are in accord with the changes in the respiratory rate—rising after we awake, falling during the forenoon, again rising after the mid-day meal, again falling during the afternoon, increasing after the evening meal, and falling to a minimum during the night. Sunlight exercises a marked influence, as is proven by the results obtained by a number of investigators. In frogs the elimination of CO, is increased by sunlight, even after excision of the lungs. Fubini and Benedicenti,! in experiments upon hybernating animals, found that the comparative quantities of CO, eliminated under the influence of sunlight and of darkness were as 100 : 93.48. Confirmatory results have been obtained by Ewald on curarized frogs. | : Respiratory activity is affected by the character and quantity of the food. The following results, obtained by Pettenkofer and Voit, are very instructive : ; Non-nitrogenous Nitrogenous Fasting. Mixed Diet. Diet. Diet. BR yD idcrs ve) o/b) 50 743 grams. 867 grams. 808 grams. 1083 grams. Ree, Fie Aa. 3s +t .¢ 695 “ 920 839 * LS | It will be observed that respiratory activity is lowest during fasting, higher when the diet is non-nitrogenous, still higher when the diet is mixed, and highest when the diet is purely nitrogenous. The respiratory quotient is higher when the diet is rich in carbohydrates (p. 545), while it falls in propor- tion to the percentage of nitrogenous food. Fasting reduces the quotient con- siderably, and if coupled with inactivity (hybernation) causes it to fall to a minimum. ) During digestion the gaseous exchange is increased, according to Loewy,’ from 7 to 30 per cent. Joylet, Bergonie, and Sigalas* obtained the following averages of seven experiments on a man weighing 52 kilograms, the increase of O being about 7 per cent., and of CO, about 6 per cent. : CO» oO. COz. ig 1 Sea ae era 259 grams. 298.4 grams. 0.869 ME ee gre. 317 “ 0.867 The increase of respiratory activity during digestion may be due to the chemical processes involved in the production of the digestive secretions, to the oxidation of the products of digestion after absorption, or to muscular activity of the gastro-intestinal walls. Zuntz and Mering* endeavored to 1 Moleschott’s Untersuch. z. Naturl., 1887, vol. 14, pp. 623-629. 2 Phliiger’s Archiv f. Physiologie, 1888, vol. 43, pp. 515-532. 3 Compt. rend., 1887, vol. 105, pp. 380, 675. 4 Phliiger’s Archiv f. Physiologie, 1883, vol. 32, pp. 173-221. 540 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. settle this point by making three series of experiments: in one they injected certain readily oxidizable substances into the blood ; in another the substances — were injected into the stomach; and in another sulphate of sodium or other purgative was given. When the substances were injected into the blood, Zuntz and Mering found as a general result that the absorption of O was not increased, while the formation of CO, was slightly increased ; when injected into the stom- ach, no marked increase in respiratory activity occurred unless the substances were given in large quantities. When, however, in addition to the readily oxidiz- able substances, a purgative was injected, or when the purgative was given alone, the absorption of O and the elimination of CO, were considerably in- creased. They were therefore led to conclude that the increased respiratory interchange during digestion is due chiefly to the muscular activity of the intestinal walls. Loewy’ has confirmed this conclusion, and has clearly shown that the increase in respiratory activity is chiefly related to the intensity of peristalsis, the most marked increase being associated with excessive peristaltic activity. There can be no reasonable doubt, however, that an insignificant portion of the increase is due both to glandular activity and to the oxidation of the absorbed products of digestion. The volumes of O absorbed and of CO, produced rise with an increase of bodily temperature. This fact has been illustrated by the experiments of Pfliiger and Colasanti on guinea-pigs, in which they found that the quantity of O absorbed at a bodily temperature of 37.1° was 948.17 grams; at 38.5°, 1137.3 grams; at 39.7°, 1242.6 grams. Similar results have been obtained by other investigators in experiments both upon the human subject and upon the lower animals under the pathological conditions of fever. A fall of bodily temperature is accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of respiration, unless the fall is accompanied by muscular excitement, such as shivering. Speck? has seen shivering cause the consumption of O to rise from 302 to 496 cubic centimeters, and the exhalation of CO, from 287 to 439 cubic centimeters. The primary and fundamental effect of lowering the bodily temperature is to diminish respiratory activity, but this may be more than compensated for by involuntary or voluntary excitement of the muscles (p. 541; see also Tissue- respiration). . The effects of external temperature upon warm- and cold-blooded animals are different: Moleschott found that frogs produced three times more CO, at 38.7° than at 6°, while in warm-blooded animals the opposite is the case—that is, three times more CO, is formed at the lower temperature. The frog’s tem- perature rises and falls with changes in the temperature of the surroundings, while that of warm-blooded animals remains at a fairly constant standard ; he>ce the respiratory intensity in the frog increases with the rise of external temperature, while in warm-blooded animals it decreases, owing to diminished heat-production. But in warm-blooded animals the alterations in respiratory activity caused by changes of external temperature are not always in inverse relation. Thus, Voit has shown, as a result of studies in man, that the exhala- 1 Loe. cit. ? Deutsches Archiv f. klin. Med., 1889, vol..33, pp. 375, 424. RESPIRATION. 541 tion of CO, diminishes with the rise of external temperature from 4.4° until the temperature reaches 14.3°, when it rises slowly. These results have been substantiated by the more recent investigations of Page,’ who found in experi- ments on dogs that the discharge of CO, was at a minimum at about 25°; that below this temperature the quantity increased as the temperature fell ; and that above this temperature the discharge increased, and became greatly augmented at temperatures of 40° to 42°. At the latter temperatures the increase may reach 33 times the normal, but the bodily temperature is also increased, If the elimination of CO, at 23° to 24° be represented by 100 as a standard, at 13° it will be about 128; at 10°, 141; and at 18°, 177. The researches of Speck,’ of Loewy,’ and of Quinquaud‘ all show that external cold increases respiratory activity, chiefly by causing involuntary muscular excitement (shivering). If shivering and other forms of muscular activity be absent, the exchange of O and CO, is unaffected or diminished, but when present the increase of respiratory activity may amount to 100 per cent. not- withstanding a fall of bodily temperature below the normal. Muscular activity is one of the most important of all the circumstances affecting the quantities of O and CO, exchanged. Involuntary excitement, such as shivering, may of itself double the consumption of O and increase by one-half the elimination of CO,, but the volitional effort may increase the interchange even beyond. these limits. Hirn, in investigations on four men, noted during rest an hourly absorption of 30.2 grams of O, and during work 120.9 grams; and Pettenkofer and Voit, in similar studies, found an increase of O from 867 grams during rest to 1006 grams during moderate work, and from 930 grams of CO, to 1137 grams. In experiments on the horse Zuntz and Lehmann? obtained the following results, which show to what a marked extent the respiratory interchange may be increased by muscular activity : Liters pee Minto CO, O. COd. GK DR AD le 56 8) aS RS eh fe 1.722 1.570 0.92 I eee veer are 4.766 4.342 0.90 UNE RE oe oar 8.093 7.516 0.93 Speck ® has added some interesting facts to our knowledge of the effects of muscular activity on the respiratory interchange. Thus, he found that the increase of O and CO, reaches a maximum before exertion reaches its maxi- mum; that the increase for the same amount of work can be varied by chang- ing the position of the body; that if a given amount of work be divided into two equal parts, the increase of respiratory activity during the first period is greater than during the second ; that the greater the increase of CO,, the less, 1 Journal of Physiology, 1879-80, vol. 2, p. 228. 2 Loe. cit. 3 Piliiger’s Archiv f. Physiologie, 1890, vol. 46, pp. 189-224. * Compt. rend., 1887, vol. 104, pp. 1542-1544. 5 Journal of Physiology, 1890, vol. 2, p. 396. ° Deutsches Archiv f. klin. Med., 1889, vol. 45, pp. 460-528. 542 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. proportionately, is the increase of O, so that the respiratory quotient rises more and more, and to such an extent that the CO, contains more O than is at the time absorbed ; and that the quantity of air respired is so intimately related to the amount of CO, given off that he regards the quantity of this gas formed as the regulator, as it were, of the degree of activity of the respiratory movements. Griiber' states that while respiratory activity is proportional to the inten- sity of muscular activity, “training” diminishes the quantity of CO, given off for the same amount of work. Thus, taking 1 as a standard of the . amount of CO, eliminated during rest, he obtained the following ratios in two series of observations: Climbing hills Climbing hills Resting. Walking. when not used when used to to it. it. First series. ...... 1 | 1.89 4.1 3.3 Second series. ..... 2% 1.75 3.05 2.42 Weeais WS rs at ee eee 1 1.82 3.07 2.86 Training therefore reduces the output about 20 per cent. The elimination of CO, is about one-fifth less during sleep than while awake and quiet ; from one-fifth to one-half greater during ordinary exertion ; from two to two and a half times greater during violent exercise; and about three times greater during tetanus. During hybernation the absorption of O falls to 7, and the elimination of CO, to =; of the normal for the period of activity (Valentine). Relatively more O is absorbed than CO, given off, hence the respiratory quotient falls, reaching as low as 0.50 to 0.75. A diminution of the barometric pressure increases the respiration-rate and the volume of air respired, but both Mosso and Marcet have shown that if allowances be made for the increase of volume of the air at the lower pressure, the actual volume respired is less. Conversely, an increase of pressure lowers the rate and the volume of air respired. Extremes of pressure severely affect the respiratory and other functions (p. 559). The integrity of the nervous apparatus which governs the metabolic pro- cesses in the tissues is obviously of fundamental importance. If the efferent nerve-fibres of a muscle be cut, the interchange of O and CO, at once sinks, as illustrated by the following results obtained by Zuntz: O consumed. CO, given off. TORS BOCMION 54 3 ee wee Ge 13.2 ce. 14.4 ec. SUE OUREONL ss sk tk se 10.45 @.c. 10.1 c.c. After section (less) ....... 2.75 c.c. 4.3 cc. The consumption of O was therefore lessened about 20 per cent., and the formation of CO, about 30 per cent. After section of the spinal cord in the dorsal region Quinquand ? obtained 1 Zeitschrift f. Biologie, 1891, vol. 28, pp. 466-491. 2 Compt. rend. Soc. Biologie, 1887, pp. 340--342. RESPIRATION. 543 similar results. Before the section the blood in the crural vein contained 9.5 per cent. of O and 60 per cent. of CO,; after section it contained 13.5 per cent. of O and 40 per cent. of CO,, showing that the consumption of O by the tissues and the formation of CO, were considerably lessened. After de- struction of the spinal cord respiratory activity falls to a minimum. The study of the effects of alterations in the composition of the inspired air on the absorption of O and the elimination of CO, are of great importance. Nitrogen is merely a mechanical diluent of the inspired air, and may be replaced by H or by other inert gas, so that alterations in its percentage do not, per se, affect the respiratory phenomena; but changes in the percentages of O and CO, may cause marked disturbances both of the respiratory move- ments and of the gaseous interchange. When the percentage of O in the inspired air is increased up to 40 volumes per cent., Bert found that there occurred an increase in the quantity absorbed, and both Speck and Fredericq have noted merely a transient increase under similar circumstances ; but the results of most experimenters, on the contrary, seem to show quite conclusively that an increase of the per cent. of O above the normal does not affect the quantity absorbed. Lukjanow’ in a large number of experiments could not detect any increase, and Saint-Martin,” in researches on guinea-pigs and rats with an atmosphere containing from 20 to 75 volumes per cent. of O, noted the same result. Even in an atmosphere of pure O animals breathe as though they Were respiring normal atmospheric air. A decrease in the percentage of O is without influence until the proportion falls below 13 volumes per cent. Worm-Miiller long ago showed that animals breathe quietly in air containing 14.8 volumes per cent. of O, and that if the proportion fell to 7 volumes per cent., respiration became slow, deep, and diffi- cult; with 4.5 volumes per cent. marked dyspnoea occurred ; and when there was but 3 volumes per cent. asphyxia rapidly supervened. The more recent results of Speck * not only confirm the main facts of Worm-Miiller’s observa- tions, but furnish other important data. He has shown that when the atmosphere contains 13 volumes per cent. of O, respiration is quiet and the quantity of O absorbed is but slightly, if at all, diminished, and that even when the proportion falls to 9.65 volumes per cent. breathing is carried on for a long time without inconvenience, the amount of O absorbed, however, being diminished. He shows, moreover, that when the volume of O in the atmo- sphere falls to 8 per cent. the réspiratory movements are deep and are but slightly accelerated, the quantity of O absorbed being very much diminished, and that the animal subjected to such an atmosphere succumbs in a few moments. The quantity of O taken into the lungs falls proportionately with the diminution of O in the inspired air until the reduction reaches 11.26 vol- umes per cent., but further diminution is compensated for by an increase in the volume of air respired. As the volume per cent. of O in the inspired air 1 Zeitschrift f. Physiolog. Chemie, 1883-1884, vol. 8, pp. 312-355. 2 Compt. rend., 1885, vol. 98, pp. 241-243. 3 Zeitschrift f. klin. Med., 1887, vol. 12, pp. 447-532. 544 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. diminishes the relative percentage of O absorbed increases, and this continues until the volume in the inspired air is reduced to 11.26 per cent., 27 per cent. of which is absorbed; below this point no further increase of absorption occurs. As the Sic he of O absorbed is reduced the respiratory quotient becomes greater, and may reach as high as 2.218. When the quantity of O remains at the normal standard and the percentage of CO, is much increased, the elimination of the latter is interfered with; and Pfliiger has shown that if the percentage of CO, be high, dyspnoea ensues, notwithstanding the fact that the blood contains a normal amount of O., When air contains 3 to 4 volumes per cent. of CO,, the quantity of CO, given off is diminished about one-half. Speck? and others have found that the elimination of CO, during a given period may be independent of both the percentage of O in the inspired air and the quantity absorbed. An atmo- sphere containing 10 volumes per cent. of CO, is generally believed to be toxic, but Wilson’s? investigations show that air having even as much as 25 to 30 volumes per cent. may be inhaled with impunity. It is quite probable that in those cases in which small percentages of CO, in the inspired air have proven poisonous the gases were contaminated with CO (carbon monoxide), Respiration of an atmosphere of pure CO, is followed within two or three minutes by death. Worm-Miiller found that when animals breathe atmospheric air in a large closed chamber O disappears and CO, accumulates, and death finally occurs, not from a lack of O, but from the increase of CO,, as is shown by the fact that at the time of death the quantity of O in the air is sufficient to sustain life. He has also shown that animals placed in an atmosphere of pure O die from an accumulation of CO, in the blood, rabbits succumbing after the reten- tion of a volume of CO, equal to one-half the volume of the body, and at a time when the atmosphere contained as much as 50 volumes per cent. of O, The dyspneea occurring in an animal confined in an air-tight chamber of small size is due to the lack of O, nearly all of the gas being absorbed before the animal dies. If a cold-blooded animal, such as a frog, be similarly ex-— posed, the attraction of hemoglobin for O is so strong that almost every par- ticle of gas will pass into the blood long before death occurs; and even after the total disappearance of O the elimination of CO, is said to continue at the ~ normal rate. Animals placed in a confined space becéme accustomed, as it were, to the vitiated air, and survive longer than a fresh animal suddenly thrust into the poisonous atmosphere. The Respiratory Quotient.—The relation between the quantities of O absorbed and CO, given off during a given period is expressed as the respira- tory quotient. The air during its sojourn in the lungs loses 4.78 volumes per cent. of O and acquires 4.34 volumes per cent. of CO,, hence the respiratory CO, 4.34 O, 4.78 1 Loe. cit. ? American Journ. Pharmacy, 1893, p. 561. quotient is = 0.901. This quotient is subject to considerable ~- an ves uel « e sen ae =) : 7 _ - ¥ * ‘e . ry RESPIRATION. 545 variations not only in different species, but in different individuals under varied circumstances. ‘The chief reasons for the differences are: First, the production of CO, is in a measure independent of the O absorbed, as is proven by the records of various investigators, showing that CO, results both from oxidation-processes and from intramolecular splitting (analogous to fermentation-processes) which may be entirely independent of each other; that the quantity of CO, eliminated may continue under certain circumstances at the normal standard even after the absorption of O has ceased; and that the quantity of O contained in the CO, eliminated during a given time may be larger than the actual quantity absorbed. This may be understood in a general way when we remember that the CO, formed in the body is not the result of an immediate oxidation of the carbon-containing material of the body ; on the contrary, some of the O absorbed may be stored, as it were, in the form of complex compounds, which at some later time may undergo disin- tegration, with the formation of CO,; or the complex materials introduced as food may undergo a similar disintegration and splitting of the molecules, with the formation of CO, independently of the direct action of the O upon them, Second, a larger quantity of CO, is formed per unit of oxygen from the disintegration of certain substances than from others, consequently the quotient must be affected by the nature of the substances broken down. ‘Thus, in the formation of CO, from carbohydrates all of the O consumed in the disinte- gration of the molecules is used in forming CO,, the H already having suffi- cient O to satisfy it; but in the case of fats and proteids a portion of the O is utilized in the oxidation of H to form H,O. 6 molecules of O will oxidize 1 molecule of grape-sugar (C,H,,0,) into 6CO, + 6H,O; hence the quotient is aA 6 1. In regard to fat, if we take olein, C,H, (C,,H,,O,),, as an ex- ample, 80 molecules of O are required to reduce each molecule of the fat to 57 molecules of CO, and 52 molecules of H,O; hence the quotient is oa 2 = 0.712. In the disintegration of proteid only a part of the C is oxidized into CO,, the remainder being eliminated as a constituent of various complex effete bodies; but it is estimated that the quotient for proteids (albumin) is from 0.75 to 0.81, depending upon the completeness of disintegration. The respiratory quotient varies with species, food, age, the time of day, internal and external temperature, muscular activity, the composition of the inspired air, etc. © In regard to species, the quotient is higher in warm-blooded (0.70 to 1.00) than in cold-blooded animals (0.65 to 0.75); in herbivora (0.90 to 1.00) than in carnivora (0.75 to 0.80); and in omnivora (0.80 to 0.90) than in carnivora, but lower than in herbivora. These differences are due essentially to diet, herbivora feeding largely upon carbohydrates, omnivora using carbohydrates to a less extent, and carnivora practically not at all. These observations are substantiated by the fact that during fasting, when the animal is feeding upon its own tissues, the respiratory quotient in all species is the same (0.7 to 0.75). 35 546 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. The quotient is lowered by an animal diet and increased by a vegetable diet, the ratio approximating unity if the diet be sufficiently rich in carbohydrates, Hanriot and Richet! in observations on man noted that before feeding the quo- tient was 0.84 to 0.89; when meat or fat was given the consumption of O was increased, but there was no increase in CO,, and the quotient fell to 0.76 ; when given potatoes it was 0.93; and when the diet was of glucose it reached 1.03. During fasting the quotient falls rapidly. The experiments of Zuntz and Lehmann? show that in dogs it falls as low as 0.65 to 0.68 on the-second day of fasting, and that on the resumption of food it rises to 0.73 to 0.81. The influence of age is manifest in the fact that in children the quotient is lower than in the adult, more O being absorbed in proportion to the CO, given off than after full growth has been reached. The quotient undergoes a diwrnal variation. The day-time is more fayvor- able than the night for the discharge of CO,, as well as for the absorption of O, owing mainly to greater muscular activity luring the day, but the CO, is more affected than the O; hence the respiratory quotient is higher during the day. In the recent experiments by Saint-Martin * on birds, the mean quo- tient during the day was 0.83 and during the night 0.72; the ratio for CO, for the day and night was 1: 0.78, and forO 1:0.9. During the night the elimination of CO, was diminished about 20 per cent., while the absorption of O fell only about 10 per cent. . The quotient is increased by a rise of external temperature. ‘Thus, Pfliiger and Finkler found in guinea-pigs that the quotient was 0.83 at 3.64° and 0.94 at 26.21°. When the bodily temperature is increased, as in fever, the respira- tory quotient remains practically unaltered. When the temperature falls below the normal the respiratory quotient increases. Muscular activity is also an important factor. During rest the consumption of O by muscles is greater than the production of CO,, while.during contrac- tion the difference becomes less and less in proportion to the degree of activity, until finally more CO, may be given off than there is O consumed. Sczelkow found in experiments on muscles of rabbits at rest and in tetanus that the respiratory quotient was decidedly increased. A mean of six experiments gives as the quotient during rest 0.543 and during tetanus 0.933 ; in one-half of the experiments it went above 1, and in one instance to 1.13. During sleep the output of CO, is diminished more than the consumption of O (p. 542), so that the respiratory quotient is less than when awake and quiet. During hybernation the quotient falls to a minimum—in the marmot as low as 0.49. This is due chiefly to the more decided falling off in the quantity of CO,, the CO, being reduced to 7, and the O to only 7; the animal, however, is not only in a, state of muscular quiet, but fasting, which, it will be remem- bered, is an important factor in lowering the quotient. ’ Compt. rend., 1888, vol. 106, pp. 496-498. ? Berliner klin. Woch., 1887, p. 428. ® Compt. rend., 1887, vol. 105, pp. 1124-1128, RESPIRATION. 547 When the percentage of O in the inspired air falls so low as to cause marked dyspnea, the respiratory quotient rapidly rises. This is owing on the one hand to the diminished quantity of O absorbed, and on the other hand to the increased production of CO, as a consequence of excessive activity of the muscles of respiration. Speck (p. 543) found that when the proportion of O was very low the quotient rose as high as 2.258. E.. PRINCIPLES OF VENTILATION. Breathing within a confined space, as in a small unventilated room or in a large room in which a considerable number of persons are assembled, causes a gradual diminution in the quantity of O and an accumulation of CO,, moist- ure, and organic matter. In regard to O, even in the worst ventilated rooms the atmosphere seldom contains as little as 15 volumes per cent., which is suffi- cient to permit of undisturbed respiration. When the proportion of CO, exceeds 0.07 volume per cent. the air becomes disagreeable, close, and stuffy— offensive characters which are due neither to the increase of CO, nor to a deficiency of O, but to the presence of organic matter termed ‘ crowd-poison.” Air from which this organic exhalation is absent may contain considerably more CO, without causing any unpleasant effects. In well-ventilated rooms the proportion of CO, does not exceed 0.05 to 0.07 volume per cent.; in badly-ventilated rooms it may reach 0.25 to 0.30 volume per cent.; while when a large number of fndividuals are crowded together, as in lecture- rooms, it may be as high as 0.70 to 0.80 volume per cent. This vitiation is further increased by the burning of gas or oil, 150 liters of ordinary coal-gas (enough to supply a large burner for about an hour) consuming all the O in 1200 liters of air, or as much O as is required by the average individual in eight hours, besides loading the air with various deleterious products of combustion. While the accumulation of CO, even in the worst ventilated rooms is not in itself pernicious, its percentage is a practical working index of the amount of organic matter present, and therefore of the degree of vitiation. It has long been recognized that the atmosphere of crowded, badly-ventilated rooms is poisonous, but the precise nature of the toxic element is unknown. Brown- Séquard and d’Arsonval condensed the moisture of the expired air and found that from 20 to 40 cubic centimeters would kill a guinea-pig ; but their results have been contradicted positively by Dastré and Loye, Lehmann, Geyer, and others. The poison in expired air, whatever it may be, is of an impalpable nature, and is neither dissolved nor condensed in the moisture exhaled. | The quantity of fresh air required during a given period depends upon the size of the individual, the degree of activity, and the size of the air-space. Assuming that an individual eliminates 900 grams, or 458 liters, of CO, per diem, and that the percentage of CO, is to be kept at a standard not exceeding 0.07 volume per cent., there would be required at least 1,440,000 liters of fresh air during twenty-four hours, or about 60,000 liters (2000 cubic feet) per 548 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. hour. All circumstances, such as muscular activity, which increase the output of CO, augment the demand for fresh air. When confined in rooms, every person should have an air-space equal to about 28,000 liters, or 1000 cubic feet, the floor-space should not be less than #5 of the cubic capacity of the room, and the air should be renewed as often as twice an hour. In lecture- rooms, school-rooms, ete. the air-space per individual is usually very small, so that the renewal must be more frequent and in proportion to the limitation of space per individual. : | ; Ventilation is accomplished by natural and artificial means. The forces of the wind, the differences in temperature within and without the building, the natural diffusion of gases owing to variations in composition, ete,, all cause more or less circulation. Artificial ventilation is effected by the use of proper — appliances for the forced introduction of air into and expulsion from apartments. F. Tae EFrects oF THE RESPIRATION OF VARIOUS GASES. The respiration of pure O takes place without disturbance of the respiratory — processes, but dyspnoea is developed when the inspired air contains less than 13 volumes per cent. (p. 543). Respiration of pure CO, (p. 544) is fatal within two or three minutes, but an atmosphere containing as much as 26 to 30 per cent. may be respired for a few minutes without ill effect (p. 544). Nitrogen, hydrogen, and carburetted hydrogen (CH,) may be inhaled with impunity if they contain not less than 13 volumes per cent. of O. The respiration of nitrous oxide or of air containing much ozone rapidly produces anzsthesia, unconsciousness, and death. Carbon monoxide (CO) and cyanogen are decid- edly toxic, combining with hemoglobin and displacing oxygen. Sulphuretted hydrogen, phosphoretted hydrogen, arseniuretted hydrogen, and antimoniu- retted hydrogen are all poisonous and are all destructive to hemoglobin. An atmosphere containing 0.4 volume per cent. of sulphuretted hydrogen is said to be toxic. Air containing 2 volumes per cent. of CO (carbon monoxide) is quickly fatal. Certain gases and vapors—as, for instance, ammonia, chlorine, bromine, ozone, etc.—produce serious irritation of the respiratory passages, and may in this way cause death. G. Errects oF THE GAsEous CoMPOSsITION OF THE BLOOD ON THE RESPIRATORY MovEMENTs. “gy Certain terms are employed to express peculiarities in the respiratory phe- nomena: Hupnea is normal, quiet, and easy breathing. Apnea is a suspen- sion of the respiratory movements. Hyperpnea is a condition of increased respiratory activity. Polypneea, thermopolypnea, and heat-dyspnea are forms of hyperpneea due to heating the blood or the skin. Dyspnea is distinguished by deep and labored breathing; the respiratory rate is usually less than the normal, but in some forms it may be higher. Asphyzwia (suffocation) is cha- racterized by infrequent, feeble, and shallow respirations. Eupnea is the condition of respiration observed during bodily and mental TEEPE or ier oe aera RESPIRATION. 549 quiet, the quantities of O and CO, in the blood being within the normal mean limits. : Apnoa may be produced by rapidly repeated respirations of atmospheric air, under which circumstances the respiratory movements may be arrested for a period varying from a few seconds to a minute or more. This condition is produced most easily upon animals which have been tracheotomized and con- nected with an artificial respiration apparatus. If under these conditions the lungs are repeatedly inflated with sufficient frequency, and the blasts are then suspended, the animal will lie quietly for a certain period in a condition of apneea. The respirations after a time begin, usually with very feeble move- ments which quickly increase in strength and depth to the normal type. The ultimate cause of apnoea is still a mooted question, and the heretofore prevalent belief that it is due to hyperoxygenation of the blood is almost entirely dis- carded. ‘The connection between the quantity of O in the blood and apnea is, however, suggested by several facts: thus, apnoea is more marked after the respiration of pure O than after that of atmospheric air, and less marked if the air is deficient in O; moreover, Ewald states that the arterial blood of apneeic animals is saturated with O. These facts naturally lead to the inference that the blood is surcharged with O, and that the respiratory movements are arrested until the excess of O is consumed or until sufficient CO, accumulates in the blood to excite respiratory movements. But Head’ has shown that apnoea can be caused by the inflation of the lungs with pure hydrogen as well as by infla- tion with air or with pure O, although the apneeic pause after the cessation of the inflations is not so long or may be absent altogether; while Ewald’s asser- tion as to the saturation of the blood with O is contradicted by Hoppe-Seyler, Gad, and others. ‘The fact that the apneeic pause exists for a longer period when O is respired lends confirmation to Gad’s theory that it is due in part to the large amount of O carried into and stored up, as it were, in the alveoli— an amount sufficient to supply the blood for a certain period and thus to dis- pense with respiratory movements. Gad found that even when apneea follows the inflation of the lungs with air, the air in the lungs contains enough O to supply the blood during the period occupied by the blood in making a com- plete cireuit of the system. The fact, however, that apnoea can be caused by the inflation of the lungs by an indifferent gas such as hydrogen, by which every particle of O may be driven from the lungs, certainly shows that there exists some important factor apart from the O; and this assump- tion receives support in the observation that after section of the pneumo- gastric nerves (the channels for the conveyance of sensory impulses from the lungs to the respiratory centre) it is very difficult to cause apnoea by in- flation of the lungs with air, while if pure hydrogen is used violent dyspnoea results. It seems, then, that apnoea cannot be produced after division of the vagi unless there be an accumulation of O in the lungs. These facts suggest that the frequent forced inflations of the lungs excite the pulmonic peripheries of the pneumogastric nerves, thus generating impulses which inhibit the inspi- 1 Journ. Physiology, 1889, vol. 10, pp. 1, 279. 550 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ratory discharges from the respiratory centre. This view receives further sup- port in several facts: first, that the same number of inflations, whether of pure O, of air, or of H, causes apnoea, the only difference being the length of the apneeic pause after the cessation of artificial respiration, which pause lasts for the longest period when O is used, and for the shortest period, or not at all, when H is employed ; second, that apnoea cannot be caused by inflation of the lungs with H if the pneumogastric nerves be previously divided ; third, that the arrest of respiration which occurs during swallowing (“ deglutition-apneea ”) is due to an inhibition of the respiratory centre by impulses generated in the terminations of the glosso-pharyngeal nerves (p. 570). It therefore seems evi- dent that apnoea may be due to either gaseous or mechanical factors, or to both, the former being effective, not because of the blood being saturated with O, but because of the increased amount of O in the alveoli—a quantity sufficient for a time to aérate the blood ; while the mechanical factors give rise to inhibi- tory impulses which suspend for a longer or shorter period the rhythmical inspiratory discharges from the respiratory centre, doubtless by depressing the irritability of this centre (p. 563). From the experiment quoted it seems that the first of these factors may alone be sufficient to cause apnoea, but that apnoea is more easily produced, and lasts longer, when both factors act together, as is usually the case. Polypnea, thermopolypnea, and heat-dyspnea are due to a direct excitation of the respiratory centres through an increase of the temperature of the blood, or reflexly by excitation of the cutaneous nerves by external heat. This con- dition may be produced, as was done by Goldstein, by exposing the carotids and placing them in warm tubes, thus heating the blood; or, as was done by Richet and others, by subjecting the body to high external heat. Richet in employing this latter method found that dogs so exposed may have a respira- tory rate as high as 400 per minute. Ott records marked polypneea as a result of direct irritation of the tuber cinereum. This form of hyperpneea is entirely independent of the gaseous composition of the blood ; moreover, an animal in heat-dyspncea cannot be rendered apneic, even though the blood be so thor- oughly oxygenated that the venous blood is of a bright arterial hue. Dyspnea is generally characterized by slow, deep, and labored respiratory movements, although in some instances the rate may be increased. Several distinct forms are observed: ‘O-dyspnea,” due to a deficiency of O; “CO,-dyspneea,” due to an excess of CO, in the blood; a form of dyspnoea due to substances imparted to the blood by the muscles during activity ; and cardiac and hemorrhagic dyspneas, belonging to the O category. Dyspneeas due to the gaseous composition of the blood may be caused either by a deficiency of O or by an excess of CO,, but are generally due to both. Dyspneea from a deficit of O is observed when an animal is placed within a small closed chamber, or when an indifferent gas, such as pure hydrogen or nitrogen, is respired. Under the latter circumstances dyspncea occurs even though the quantity of CO, in the blood be below the normal. If, on the contrary, the animal be compelled to breathe an atmosphere containing 10 vol- A RESPIRATION. 551 umes per cent. of CO,, dyspnoea occurs, notwithstanding an abundance of O (p. 544) both in the air and in the blood; indeed, the quantity of O in the blood may be above the normal. Fredericq' in ingenious experiments has directly demonstrated the influence of the quantity of CO, in the blood upon the respiratory movements. He took two rabbits or dogs, a and B, ligated the vertebral arteries in each, exposed the carotids, and ligated one in each animal. The other carotid in each was cut, and the peripheral end of the vessel of one was connected by means of a cannula with the central end of the vessel of the other, so that the blood of animal a supplied the head (respiratory centre) of animal B, and vice versd. When the trachea of animal A was ligated or com- pressed the animal B showed signs of dyspnoea, because its respiratory centre was now supplied with the venous blood from A. On the contrary, animal A exhibited quiet respirations, almost apnoeic, because its centre received: the thoroughly arterialized blood from B, in which the respiratory movements were augmented. In a second series of experiments blood was transfused through the head: when the blood was laden with CO, marked dyspnea resulted ; when arterial blood was transfused the normal respirations were restored. While dyspnoea may be caused by the respiration of an atmosphere either deficient in O (“O-dyspneea”’) or containing an excess of CO, (“CO,-dysp- neea”’), the phenomena in the two cases are in certain respects different: When an animal breathes pure N, thus causing O-dyspnoea, the dyspnoea is character- ized especially by frequént respiratory movements with vigorous inspirations, whereas if the atmosphere be rich in O and contain an excess of CO, the . respirations are especially marked by a slower rate and by the depth and vigor of the expirations ; O-dyspncea continues for a long time before death ensues, and is more severe; in O-dyspneea the absorption of O is diminished, but the excretion of CO, is practically unaffected ; in O-dyspnoea the attendant rise of blood-pressure (p. 555) is more marked and lasting; in O-dyspnoea death is preceded by violent motor disturbances which are absent in CO,-dyspneea. Blood poor in O (O-dyspneea) affects chiefly the inspiratory portion of the respiratory centre (p. 565), while blood rich in CO, (CO,-dyspneea) affects chiefly the expiratory portion ; hence in the former the dyspnoea is manifest especially in an increase in the frequency of the respirations (hyperpnoea) and in the vigor of the inspirations, while in the latter it is manifest in a lessened rate, strong expirations, and expiratory pauses. The marked increase in the depth of the respiratory movements in CO,- dyspnoea is not solely due to the direct action of CO, upon the respiratory centre, for Gad and Zagari? have shown that CO, in abundance in inspired air acts upon the terminations of the sensory nerves of the larger bronchi and thus reflexly excites the respiratory centre. Ina research on dogs these ob- servers opened the trachea and passed glass tubes through the trachea and the larger bronchi to the smaller bronchi. Before the tubes were inserted the inhalation of CO, caused a considerable deepening of the respiratory move- 1 Bull. Acad. Roy. Méd. Belgique, vol. 13, pp. 417-421. _? DuBois-Reymond’s Archiv f. Physiologie, 1890, p. 588. 552 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ments, but after the insertion of the tubes, by means of which the gas was carried directly to the smaller bronchi, the characteristic action of the CO, was no longer observed. From the results of these experiments we may con- clude that the marked increase in the depth of the respiratory movements in CO,-dyspnea is due in part to the irritation of the sensory nerve-fibres of the mucous membrane of the larger bronchi. The form of dyspnoea due to muscular activity is owing to the action upon the respiratory centre of certain substances which are formed in the muscles during contraction and are given to the blood. Muscular activity, as is well known, is accompanied by an increase in the rate and depth of the respiratory movements, and when the exercise is violent more or less marked dyspnoea may occur. Some physiologists have been led to the belief that the respiratory centre is connected directly or indirectly with the muscles by means of afferent nerve-fibres which convey impulses to the centre and thus excite it to activity ; while others have regarded a diminution of O and an increase of CO, in the blood as the cause, the active muscles rapidly consuming the O in the blood and giving off CO, in great abundance; but Geppert and Zuntz* have clearly shown that neither of these theories is tenable, and that the respiratory excita- tion is due to products of muscular activity which are given to the blood and which act as powerful excitants to the respiratory centre. The precise nature of the bodies is unknown, but it is probable that they are of an acid character, for Lehmann? found that there was a distinct lessening of the alkalinity of the blood after muscular exercise. It is likely that the bodies are broken up in the system, because the results of Loewy’s® investigations indicate that they are not removed by the kidneys. Cardiac and hemorrhagic dyspneeas are chiefly due to the deficiency in the supply of O—the former, to the poor supply of blood due to the enfeebled action of the heart; and the latter, both to this and to the reduced quantity of blood (hemoglobin). All cireumstances which enfeeble the circulation or lessen the quantity of hemoglobin therefore tend to cause dyspneea; hence individuals with heart troubles or weakened by disease or with certain forms of aneemia are apt to suffer from dyspnoea upon the least exertion. All circumstances which interfere with the interchange of O and the elimination of CO, in the lungs are favorable to the production of dyspnoea, as in pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, growths of the larnyx, abdominal tumors, ete., especially so upon exertion. Asphyaia is literally a state of pulselessness, but the term is now used to express a series of phenomena caused by the .deprivation of air, as by placing an animal ina closed chamber of moderate size. These phenomena may be divided into three stages: the first is one of hyperpneea; the second, of developing dyspneea, and finally of convulsions; and the third, of collapse. During the first stage the inspiratory portion of the respiratory centre especially is excited, the respirations being increased in frequency and depth. ' Pfliiger’s Archiv f. Physiologie, 1888, vol. 42, p. 189. 2 Tbid., p. 284. 8 [bid., p. 281. , S iz + Fi sy “. n a ~ . on PRET Pe, RESPIRATION. 553 During the second stage the excitation of the expiratory portion of the respiratory centre is more intense than that of the inspiratory portion, so that the respira- tions become slow and deep, prolonged and convulsive, and the movements of inspiration are feeble and in striking contrast to the violent spasmodic expira- tory efforts. During the third stage the dyspnoea is followed by general exhaustion ; the respirations are shallow and occur at longer and longer inter- vals, the pupils become dilated, the motor reflexes disappear, consciousness is lost, the inspiratory muscles contract spasmodically with each inspiratory act, convulsive twitches are observed in the muscles of the extremities and else- where, gasping and snapping respiratory movements may be present, the legs are rigidly outstretched and the head and body are arched backward, feces and urine are usually voided, respiratory movements cease, and finally the heart stops beating. During these stages the circulation has undergone considerable disturbances. During the first and second stages the blood has been robbed of nearly all its O, the gums, lips, and skin become cyanosed, and, owing to the venous condition of the blood, the cardio-inhibitory centre has been decidedly excited, so that the heart’s contractions are rendered less frequent; the vaso- constrictor centre for the same reason has also been excited, causing a con- striction of the capillaries and an increase of blood-pressure. During the third stage these centres are depressed and finally are paralyzed. If asphyxia be caused by ligating the trachea, the whole series of events covers a period of four to five minutes, the first stage lasting for about one minute, the second a little longer, and the third from two to three minutes. _ If asphyxia be produced gradually, as by placing an animal within a relatively large confined air-space, death may occur without the appearance of any motor disturbances (p. 544). The heart usually continues beating feebly for several minutes after the cessation of respiration, so that by means of artificial respiration it is possible to restore the respiratory movements and other suspended functions. After death the blood is very dark, almost black. The arteries are almost if not entirely empty, while the veins and lungs are engorged. Death from drowning occurs generally from the failure of respiration, occasionally from a cessation of the heart’s contractions. It is more difficult to revive an animal asphyxiated in this way than one which, out of water, has simply been deprived of air for the same length of time. Dogs submerged for one and a half minutes can rarely be revived, but recovery can usually be accomplished after deprivation of air, out of water, for a period four to five times longer. After a person has been submerged for five minutes it is extremely difficult to effect resuscitation. H. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. - Effective methods for maintaining ventilation of the lungs are important alike to the experimenter and to the clinician. In the laboratory the usual method is to expose the trachea, insert a cannula (Fig. 139), and then period- ically force air into the lungs by means of a pair of bellows ora pump. Some 554 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of the forms of apparatus are very simple, while others are complicated. An ordinary pair of bellows does very well for short experiments, but for longer study, especially when it is necessary that the supply of air should be uniform, the bellows are operated by power. Some of these instruments are so con- structed that air is alternately forced into and withdrawn from the lungs. Periodical inflation of the lungs is : termed positive ventilation; the period- Fic. 139.—Cannule for dogs (a) and for cats ical withdrawal of air from the lungs ane e by suction is negative ventilation ; and alternate inflation and suction is compound ventilation. In practising artificial respiration we should imitate the normal rate and depth of the respiratory movements. Long-continued positive ventilation causes cerebral anzemia, a fall of blood-pressure, and decrease of bodily tem- perature. In human beings it is not practicable, except under extraordinary circum- stances, to inflate the lungs by the above methods, so that we are dependent upon such means as will enable us to expand and contract the thoracic cavity without resorting to the knife. One method is to place the individual on his back, the operator taking a position on his knees at the head, facing the feet. The lower ribs are grasped by both hands and the lower antero-lateral portions of the thorax are elevated, thus increasing the thoracic capacity, with a conse- quent drawing of air into the lungs; the ribs and the abdominal muscles are then pressed upon in imitation of expiration. These alternate movements are kept up as long as necessary. | The methods of Marshall Hall and Sylvester are now classic, and should be learned thoroughly by every physician. Marshall Hall’s method is as — follows: “ After clearing the mouth and throat, place the patient on the face, raising and supporting the chest well on a folded coat or other article of dress. Turn the body very gently on the side and a little beyond, and then briskly on the face, back again, repeating these measures cautiously, efficiently, and perseveringly about fifteen times in the minute, or one every four or five seconds, occasionally varying the side. By placing the patient on the chest the weight of the body forces the air out; when turned on the side this pres- sure is removed and air enters the chest. On each occasion that the body is replaced on the face, make uniform but efficient pressure with brisk move- ments on the back, between and below the shoulder-blades or bones on each side, removing the pressure immediately before turning the body on the side. During the whole of the operations let one person attend solely to the move- ments of the head and of the arm placed under it.” The following is Sylvester’s method: “ Place the patient on the back, on a flat surface inclined a little upward from the feet; raise and support the head and shoulders on a small firm cushion or folded article of dress placed under RESPIRATION. 555 the shoulder-blades. Draw forward the patient’s tongue, and keep it project- ing beyond the lips; an elastic band over the tongue and under the chin will answer this purpose, or a piece of string or tape may be tied around them, or by raising the lower jaw the teeth may be made to retain the tongue in that position. Remove all tight clothing from about the neck and chest, especially the braces” . . . . “To imitate the movements of breathing: Standing at the patient’s head, grasp the arms just above the elbows, and draw the arms gently and steadily upward above the head, and keep them stretched upward for two seconds. By this means air is drawn into the lungs. Then turn down the patient’s arms, and press them gently and firmly for two seconds against the sides of the chest. By this means air is pressed out of the lungs. Repeat these measures alternately, deliberately, and perseveringly about fifteen times in a minute, until a spontaneous effort to respire is perceived, immediately upon which cease to imitate the movements of breathing, and proceed to induce circulation and warmth.” The restoration of respiratory movements is usually facilitated by periodical traction of the tongue, which acts as a reflex stimulus to the respiratory centre. I. Toe Errects or THE Resprratory MovEMENTS ON THE CIRCULATION. The respiratory movements are accompanied by marked changes in the cir- culation. If a tracing be made of the blood-pressure and the pulse (Fig. 140), and at the same time the inspiratory and expiratory movements be noted, it IN. EX. IN. EX. IN. EX. Fic. 140,—Blood-pressure and pulse tracing showing the changes during inspiration (IN.) and expi- ration (EX.). will be seen that the blood-pressure begins to rise shortly after the onset of inspiration, commonly after a period occupied by one to three heart-beats, and reaches a maximum after the lapse of a similar brief interval after the begin- ning of expiration, when it begins to fall, reaching a minimum after the beginning of the next inspiration. During inspiration the pulse-rate is more frequent than during expiration and the character of the pulse-curve is some- what different. The Effects on Blood-pressure.—The changes: in blood-pressure are mechanical effects due to the actions of the respiratory movements. When it is remembered that the lungs and the heart with their great blood-vessels are placed within an air-tight cavity, that the lungs become inflated through the aspiratory action of the muscles of inspiration, and that during inspiration 556 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. intrathoracic negative pressure is increased, it is easy to understand how the action which causes inflation of the lungs must affect in like manner such | hollow elastic structures as the heart and the great blood-vessels, and thus influence the circulation. It is obvious, however, that this influence must make itself felt toa more marked degree upon the vessels than upon the heart, and upon the flaccid walls of the veins than upon the comparatively rigid walls of the arteries. Moreover, the effects upon the flow of blood through the vessels entering and leaving the thoracic cavity must be different: the inflow through the veins must be favored, and the outflow through the arteries hindered ; but it is upon the flaccid veins chiefly that the mechanical influences of inspiration are exerted. Ifthe thoracic cavity be freely opened, movements of inspiration no longer cause an expansion of the lungs, nor is there a tendency to distend the heart and the large blood-vessels ; if, however, in an intact animal the out- let of the thorax be restricted, as by pressure upon the trachea, the force of the inspiratory movement would make itself felt chiefly upon the heart and the vessels, and it is under such circumstances that the maximal influences of in- spiration upon the circulation are observed. ‘The lungs on the one hand and the heart and its large vessels on the other may be regarded as two sacs placed within a closed expansible cavity, the former having an outlet communicating with the external air, and the latter having inlets and outlets communicating with the extrathoracic blood-vessels, both being dilated when the thorax ex- pands and constricted when it contracts. Moreover, the blood-vessels in the lungs may be compared to a system of delicate tubes placed within a closed. distensible bag and communicating with tubes outside of the bag, simulating the communication of the vense cave and the aorta with the extrathoracic vessels. When such a bag is distended the tubes also must be distended and their lumina in consequence be enlarged. The lungs in the same way, when expanded by the act of inspiration, are accompanied by a simultaneous dilatation of the intrapulmonary vessels, increasing their capacity, with the natural physical result of lessened resistance to the flow of blood. During expiration negative intrathoracic pressure becomes less, so that there is a gradual return of the expanded intrathoracic vessels to that condition which existed at the beginning of inspiration; at the same time the intrapul- monary vessels are not only subjected to the passive influence of the declining intrathoracic pressure, but are actively squeezed, as it were, between the air in the lungs on one side and the expiratory forces expelling the air on the other. Thus we have during expiration passive and active agents combining to bring about constriction of the intrapulmonary vessels. The mechanical effects of the movements of respiration upon blood-pressure may be demonstrated by means of Hering’s device (Fig. 141). The chamber A represents the thorax; the rubber bottom B, the diaphragm ; ©, the opening of the trachea; ED, a tube leading from the thoracic cavity to the manometer I, by means of which intrathoracic pressure is measured ; @ is a vessel contain- ing water, colored blue in imitation of venous blood, communicating by means of a tube with an oblong flaccid bag F, in imitation of the heart and the intra- RESPIRATION, 557 thoracic vessels, and finally with the vessel H; v’ and v are valves in imitation of valves in the heart and pulmonary vein and aorta. If now the knob x which is fastened to the centre of the diaphragm be pulled down, rarefaction of the air within the chamber occurs, so that the greater external pressure forces air through the tube c into the two rubber bags (lungs); at the same time and for the same reason water is forced from the vessel G into F, which is distended. ‘The diaphragm upon being released is drawn up in part by virtue of its own elasticity and in part by the negative pressure within the chamber. The rubber bags are emptied by their own natural elastic reaction. At the ’ l ‘ f 5 T Cala r= || Sr 9 ~ 0 ait! i Fig. 141.—Hering’s device to illustrate the influence of respiratory movements upon the circulation. same time the distended bag F contracts on its contained fluid, forcing it into the vessel H, the valve v preventing a back-flow into @. The degree of force exerted by the traction on the diaphragm is read from the scale on the man- ometer. | This simple contrivance teaches us that during the entire phase of inspira- tion there is a condition of progressively increasing negative pressure within the thorax, and that not only is air aspirated into the lungs, but that blood is drawn into the large, flaccid venze cave; and that during expiration there is a- gradual diminution of negative pressure during which air is expelled from the lungs and blood from the expanded vene cavee. The increased flow into the thoracic cavity during inspiration is favored in its progress through the pulmonary vessels by the attendant dilatation of the lung-capillaries and by the fact that the increased negative pressure affects the 558 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. thin-walled and slightly distended pulmonary veins more than the thick-walled and more distended pulmonary arteries, so that the “driving force” of the lung circulation, which is essentially the difference in pressure between the blood in the pulmonary arteries and that in the veins, is thereby increased during inspi- ration and the blood-current is driven with greater velocity. More blood thus being brought into the chest, and consequently to the heart, during inspiration, and less resistance being offered to the flow of the blood through the lungs, more blood must ultimately find its way to the left side of the heart, and con- sequently into the general circulation. If, therefore, the general capillary resistance in the systemic circulation remains the same, it is evident that an increased blood-supply to the left ventricle must cause the general blood-pres- sure to rise. That this rise does not become manifest immediately at the beginning of inspiration is doubtless owing to the filling of the flaccid and partially collapsed large veins and to the dilatation of the pulmonary capil- laries. The continuance of the rise for a short time after the cessation of in- spiration is due apparently to the partial emptying of the now distended lung- vessels, whereby, owing to the arrangement of the heart-valves, the excess of blood is forced toward the left side of the heart. Besides the above factors, the flow of blood to the right side of the heart is favored by the pressure transmitted from the conjoint actions of the diaphragm and the abdominal walls through the abdominal viscera to the abdominal vessels. The pressure upon the arteries tends to drive the blood toward the lower extremities and to hinder the flow from the heart ; in the veins, however, the flow toward the heart is encouraged, while that from the extremities is hindered. The rigid walls of the arteries protect them from being materially affected, but the flaccid veins are influenced to a marked degree; while, there- fore, the flow from the left side of the heart is not materially interfered with, that through the veins toward the right side is appreciably facilitated, and thus the supply of blood to the heart is increased. The effects of these movements may be seen after section of the phrenic nerves, which causes paralysis of the diaphragm, when it will be noted that the blood-pressure curves are much re- duced. This diminution is attributed to two causes—the enfeebled respiratory movements, which are now confined to the ribs and the sternum, and the absence of the pressure transmitted from the diaphragm through the abdominal organs to the veins. If in such an animal the abdomen be periodically com- pressed, in imitation of the effects produced by the contraction of the dia- phragm, the respiratory curves may be restored to their normal height. During expiration, since the conditions are reversed the effects also must be reversed. ‘The increased negative intrathoracic pressure occasioned by inspira- tion now gives place to a gradual diminution, and with this a lessening of the aspiratory action due to the sub-atmospheric intrathoracic pressure ; the blood- supply is further reduced because of the lessened amount of blood coming through the inferior vena cava; the abdominal veins, instead of being com- pressed and their contents forced chiefly toward the heart, are now being filled ; finally, during the shrinkage of the lungs the intrapulmonary vessels wy = “ RESPIRATION. 559 become constricted, and thus offer greater resistance to the flow from the right side of the heart through the lungs to the left side of the heart, and subse- quently into the general circulation. Another factor believed by some to be involved in the respiratory undula- tions in blood-pressure is a rhythmical excitation of the vaso-constrictor centre in the medulla oblongata, asserted to occur coincidently with the inspiratory discharge from the respiratory centre. This has, however, been disproved. Others have held that the blood-pressure changes are due to the pressure ex- erted by the expanding lungs upon the heart; while others contend that rhythmical alterations in the heart-beats are important. This latter factor is of importance in man and in the dog, in which there is a distinct increase in the rate of the heart-beat during inspiration, and co-operates in producing the _ general rise of pressure during inspiration. The Effects on the Pulse.—During inspiration the pulse-rate is more rapid than during expiration. If we cut the pneumogastric nerves, it will be seen that, while the rate is increased as the result of the section, the difference during inspiration and expiration is abolished ; on the other hand, if the thorax be widely opened, but the pneumogastric nerves are left intact, the inspiratory increase in the rate still occurs. This indicates that the cardio-inhibitory centre is either less active during inspiration or more active during expiration, and that there is an associated activity of the respiratory and cardio-inhibitory centres. Why this sympathy should exist between the respiratory and cardio- inhibitory centres we do not know, but it has been suggested that during expi- ration the blood reaching the centres is less highly arterialized than during the inspiratory phase, and that the cardiac centre is so sensitive to the difference as to be affected, and thus its activity is somewhat increased during the expira- tory phase, with the consequent decrease in the pulse-rate. During inspiration the pulse-rate is not only higher than during expiration, but the form of the pulse-wave is affected. The systolic, dicrotic, and sec- ondary waves are smaller and the dicrotic notch is more pronounced, so that the dicrotic character of the curves is better marked. The Effects of Obstruction of the Air-passages and of the Respira- tion of Rarefied and Compressed Air on the Circulation.—The blood- pressure undulations produced during quiet breathing become marked in pro- portion to the depth of the respiratory movements. Inspiration or expiration against extraordinary resistance—as after closing the mouth and nostrils, or respiring rarefied or compressed air—may materially modify the circulatory phe- nomena. When we make the most forcible inspiratory effort, the air passages being fully open, not only is there a full expansion of the lungs, but great diastolic distention of the heart and dilatation of the intrapulmonary and intra- thoracic vessels; yet, notwithstanding that this powerful aspiratory action en- courages the flow of an extraordinarily large amount of blood into the thoracic _ vessels, the heart-beats may be very small, because intrathoracic negative pressure is so great that the thin-walled auricles meet with great resistance while contracting ; in consequence, then, of this forced inspiratory effort little 560 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. blood is driven through the lungs to the left auricle and by the left ventricle into the general circulation. If we make the greatest possible expiratory effort, and maintain the expiratory phase with air-passages open, the heart- beats are small, owing to the small amount of blood which flows through the ven cave to the right auricle, and to the resistance offered by the con- stricted intrapulmonary vessels. If, after a most powerful expiration, we close the mouth and nostrils and make a powerful inspiratory effort, the aspiratory effect of inspiration on the heart and the blood-vessels is manifest to its utmost degree: the heart and the vessels tend to undergo great dilatation, the blood-flow to the right auricle and ventricle is increased, the intrapulmonary vessels and the heart become en- gorged, and, owing to the powerful traction of the negative pressure upon the heart, especially upon the right auricle, very little blood is forced through the lungs to the left auricle and ventricle and subsequently into the general circu- lation, thus causing a fall of blood-pressure; indeed, the heart-sounds and the pulse may disappear. If now we make the most forcible inspiratory effort, close the glottis, and make a powerful expiratory effort, not only is the air in ~ the lungs subjected to high positive pressure, but the heart and the great vessels partake in the pressure-effects, the blood being forced from the pul- monic circulation into the left auricle, thence by the ventricle into the aorta, with the result of a temporary rise of blood-pressure. The pressure upon the intrathoracic veins is so great that the flow of blood into the chest is almost shut off, hence the veins outside the thorax become very much distended, as seen in the superficial veins of the neck, and the heart is pressed upon to such an extent that, together with the lessened supply of blood, the heart-sounds and the radial pulse may disappear and the blood-pressure falls. The respiration into or from a spirometer (p. 535) containing rarefied or compressed air modifies the blood-pressure curves. Inspiration of rarefied air causes a greater rise of blood-pressure than when respiration occurs at normal pressure, while during expiration, although the blood-pressure falls, it may remain somewhat above the normal. The increase of pressure is due to the aspiratory effort required to draw the air into the lungs, which effort also makes itself felt to a more marked degree upon the heart and the intrathoracic and intrapulmonary vessels, thus increasing the blood-flow through the pulmonary circulation. During expiration air is aspirated from the lungs into the spi- rometer, tending to dilate the intrathoracic and intrapulmonary vessels and the heart and thus to aid the pulmonary circulation. After a time, however, there is a fall of blood-pressure on account both of the engorgement of the thoracic vessels and the accompanying depletion of the general circulation, and of the distention of the heart and interference with its contractions. Inspiration of compressed air lessens the extent of, and may prevent, the inspiratory rise, or it may cause a fall. If, upon the respiration of compressed air, the pressure of the air be above that exerted by the elastic tension of the lungs, no effort of the inspiratory muscles is required, the chest being expanded by the pressure of the air. Therefore, instead of an increase of negative intra- RESPIRATION. — 561 thoracic pressure, as in normal inspiration, there is a decrease, and negative intrathoracic pressure is replaced by positive pressure. As a result, the blood- vessels and the heart, instead of being dilated by an aspiratory action, are pressed upon, forcing the blood into the general circulation, and thus causing a transient rise of pressure, which is, however, succeeded by a fall due to obstruc- tion to the flow of blood through the heart and the pulmonary vessels, Ex- piration into compressed air causes at first a transient increase of blood-pressure followed by a fall, the former being due to the forcing of some of the blood from the intrathoracic and intrapulmonary vessels into the general circulation, and the latter to obstruction to the blood-flow through the heart and the pul- monary circulation. When individuals are exposed to compressed air, as in a pneumatic cabinet, or to rarefied air, as in ballooning, the effects on the circulation become of a very complex character, owing chiefly to the additional influences of the abnormal pressure upon the peripheral circulation ; moreover, the effects of breathing against obstructions or of respiring rarefied or compressed air may be materially influenced by secondary effects resulting from excitation of the cardiac and vaso-motor mechanisms. In artificial respiration, as ordinarily performed in the laboratory, air is periodically forced into the lungs by a pair of bellows or a pump, and is ex- pelled from the lungs by the normal elastic and mechanical factors of expira- tion. When the lungs are inflated the pulmonary capillaries are subjected to opposing forces—the positive pressure of the air within the lungs on one hand, and the resistance of the thoracic walls on the other—so that the blood is squeezed out, thus momentarily increasing the blood-pressure, but subsequently — retarding the current and consequently lowering the pressure. During expira- tion the pressure is removed and the blood-flow is encouraged ; there is, there- fore, a temporary fall during the filling of the pulmonary vessels, followed by a rise due to the removal of the obstruction. If the air is aspirated from the lungs, the rise of the pressure is augmented, owing to the further dilatation of the intrapulmonary capillaries ; hence, in artificial respiration, during the in- spiratory phase the blood-pressure curves are reversed, there being a primary transient rise followed by a fall, and during the expiratory phase a transient fall followed by arise. In normal respiration the oscillations are due essen- tially to changes in negative intrathoracic pressure, while in artificial respira- tion, as above noted, they are due to changes in positive intrapulmonary pressure. J. SprcoraL Resprratory Movements. The rhythmical expansions and contractions of the thorax which we under- stand as respiratory movements have for their object the ventilation of the lungs. There are, however, other movements which possess certain respiratory characters, but which are for entirely different purposes, hence they are spoken of as special or modified respiratory movements. Some of these movements are purposeful in character, others are spasmodic; some are voluntary or in- 36 562 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. voluntary, or possess both volitional and involitional characteristics ; some are peculiar to certain species, ete. Among such movements are coughing, hawking, sneezing, laughing, crying, sobbing, sighing, yawning, snoring, gargling, hic- cough, neighing, braying, growling, ete. In coughing a preliminary inspiration is followed by an expiration which is frequently interrupted, the glottis being partially closed at the time of the occurrence of each interruption, so that a series of characteristic sounds are caused. The air is forcibly ejected through the mouth, and thus foreign parti- cles, such as mucus in the respiratory passages, may be expelled. Coughing may be either voluntary or reflex. Hawking is somewhat similar to coughing. The glottis is, however, open during the expiratory act, and the expiration is continuous. The current of air is forced through the contracted passage between the root of the tongue and the soft palate. Hawking is a voluntary act. In sneezing a deep inspiration is followed by a forcible expiratory blast directed through the nose; the glottis is open, and should the oral passage be open, which is not usually the case, a portion of the blast is forced through the mouth. Sneezing is usually a reflex act commonly excited by irritation of the fibres of the nasal branches of the fifth pair of cranial nerves. Peculiar sen- sations in the nose give us a premonition of sneezing; at such a time the act may be prevented by firmly pressing the finger upon the upper lip. In laughing there is an inspiration followed, as in coughing, by a repeatedly- interrupted expiration during which the glottis is open and the vocal cords are thrown into vibration with each expiratory movement. ‘The expirations are not as forcible as in coughing, the mouth is wide open, and the face has a characteristic expression due to the contraction of the muscles of expression. Crying bears a close relationship to laughing—so much so that at times it is impossible to distinguish between the two; hence one may readily pass into the other, as frequently occurs in cases of hysteria and in young children. The chief differences between the two are in the rhythm and the facial expres- sion. A secretion of tears is an accompaniment of crying, but not so of laughing, except during very hearty laughter. Crying normally is involun- tary ; laughing may be either voluntary or involuntary. Sobbing, which is apt to follow a long period of crying, is characterized as being a series of spasmodic inspirations during each of which the glottis is _ partially closed, and the series is followed by a long, quiet expiration. This is usually involuntary, but may sometimes be arrested volitionally. In sighing there is a long inspiration attended by a peculiar plaintive sound. The mouth may be either closed or partially open. Sighing is usually voluntary. Yawning has certain features like the preceding. There occurs a long, deep inspiration during which the mouth is stretched wide open, and there is usually a simultaneous strong contraction of certain of the muscles of the shoulders and the back ; the glottis is wide open, and inspiration is accompa- nied by a peculiar sound ; expiration is short. - Yawning may be either volun- tary or involuntary. RESPIRATION. 563 In snoring the mouth is open, and the inflow and outflow of air throws the uvula and the soft palate into vibration. The sound produced is more marked during inspiration, and may even be absent during expiration. It is more apt to occur when the individual is lying on his back than when in any other posture. Snoring is usually involuntary, but it may be volitional. In gargling the fluid is held between the tongue and the soft palate and air is expired through it in the form of bubbles. In hiccough there is a sudden inspiratory effort caused by a spasmodic twitch of the diaphragm and attended by a sudden closure of the glottis, so that the inspiratory movement is suddenly arrested, thus causing a characteris- tic sound. Hiccough is sometimes not only distressing, but may be even seri- ous or fatal in its consequences. It is especially apt to occur in cases of gastric irritation, in certain forms of hysteria, in alcoholism, in uremia, ete. Besides the above special respiratory movements, others are observed in certain species of animals, such as whining, neighing, braying, roaring, bellow- ing, bawling, barking, purring, growling, etc. Of all these modified respiratory movements, coughing possesses to the clinician the most interest, because it not only may express an abnormal condi- tion of some portion of the lungs, trachea, or larynx, but may indicate irrita- tion in even remote and entirely unassociated parts. Thus, coughing may be the result of irritation in the nose, ear, pharynx, stomach, liver, spleen, intes- tines, ovaries, testicle, uterus, or mamma. Coughs which are not dependent upon irritation of the larynx, trachea, or lungs are distinguished as sympa- thetic or reflex coughs. The term “reflex” is a bad one, however, inasmuch as all coughs are essentially or solely reflex. K. Tae Nervous MEcHANISM OF THE RESPIRATORY MovEMENTs. The movements of respiration are carried on involuntarily and automati- ceally—that is, they recur by virtue of the activity of a self-governing mech- anism. ach respiratory act necessitates a finely co-ordinated adjustment of the contractions of a number of muscles, which adjustment is dependent upon the operations of a dominating or controlling nerve-centre located in the medulla oblongata, and known as the respiratory centre. Besides this centre, others of minor importance have been asserted to exist in certain parts of the cerebro-spinal axis; these centres are distinguished as subsidiary or subordinate respiratory centres. Connected with the respiratory centre are afferent and efferent respiratory nerves. The Respiratory Centres.—After removal of all parts of the brain except the spinal bulb, rhythmical respiratory movements may still continue, but after destruction of the lower part of the bulb they at once cease. These facts indi- cate that the centre for these movements is in the medulla oblongata, and this conclusion is substantiated by the results of other experiments upon this region. According to the observations of Flourens, the respiratory centre is located in an area about 5 millimeters wide between the nuclei of the pneumo- gastric and spinal accessory nerves in the lower end of the calamus scriptorius. 564 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. When this region was destroyed he found that respiratory movements ceased and death ensued, consequently he termed it the neud vital, or vital knot. The results of various investigations show, however, that Flourens’ area, as well as certain other parts of the medulla oblongata that have been looked upon by others as being respiratory centres, are not such, but are largely or wholly collections of nerve-fibres which arise chiefly in the roots of the vagal, spinal accessory, glosso-pharyngeal, and trigeminal nerves, and which there- fore are probably nerve-paths to and from the respiratory centre. Moreover, excitation of the neeud vital does not excite respiratory movements, but simply increases the tonicity of the diaphragm; nor is the destruction of the area always followed by a cessation of respiration. While the precise location of the centre is still in doubt, there is abundant evidence to justify the belief in its existence in the lower portion of the spinal bulb. The centre is bilateral, one half being situated on each side of the median line, the two parts being intimately connected by commissural fibres, thus con- stituting physiologically a single centre. This union may be destroyed by section along the median line. Each half acts more or less independently of, although synchronously with, the other, and each is connected with the lungs and the muscles of respiration of the corresponding side. These facts are rendered manifest in the following observations: If a section be made in the median line so as to cut the commissural fibres, the respiratory movements on the two sides continue synchronously ; if now the portion of the centre on the one side be destroyed, the respiratory movements on the corresponding side tem- porarily or permanently cease. If after section in the median line one pneumo- gastric nerve be divided, the sensory impulses conveyed from the lungs on the side of section to the corresponding half of the respiratory centre are prevented from reaching the centre, causing the movements of the respiratory muscles on the same side to be slower and the inspirations stronger as compared with those on the opposite side ; if both pneumogastrics be divided, and the central end of one of the cut nerves be excited high in the neck by a strong current, the respi- ratory movements on the same side may be arrested, yet they may continue on the opposite side. These facts indicate that each half is in a measure inde- pendent of the other. The operations in the two parts are, however, inti- mately related, as shown by the fact that if the commissural fibres between the halves are intact, excitation or depression of one half is to a certain degree shared by the other. Thus, after section of one vagus not only are the respi- ratory movements less frequent and the inspirations stronger on the side of the section, but there is a corresponding condition on the opposite side; simi- larly, excitation of the central end of the cut nerve increases the respiratory rate both on the same and on the opposite side. Consequently, while there is more or less independence of the halves, the two are physiologically so intimately associated as to constitute a common or single centre. Moreover, each of the halves may be supposed to consist of two distinet portions, one of which, upon excitation, gives rise to contraction of inspiratory muscles, the other to contraction of expiratory muscles ; hence they are spoken RESPIRA TION. 565 of as inspiratory and expiratory parts of the respiratory centre, or as inspi- ratory and expiratory centres. Moderate excitation of the inspiratory centre causes not only contraction of inspiratory muscles, but an increase in the respiratory rate; and if the irritation be sufficiently strong, there occurs a spasmodic arrest of the respiratory movements in the inspiratory phase. On the contrary, excitation of the expiratory centre causes contraction of expi- ratory muscles and diminishes the respiratory rate; powerful excitation of the same centre is followed by arrest of movements in the expiratory phase. The inspiratory portion may therefore be regarded not only as being spe- cifically connected with inspiratory muscles, but in the sense of an accelerator centre; and the expiratory portion may be regarded as being similarly con- nected with expiratory muscles, and as being an inhibitory centre. When the two are conjointly excited the accelerator effect prevails, because under ordinary circumstances the accelerator element of the centre seems more excitable and potent than the inhibitory; therefore, when the centre as a whole is irritated, it manifests an accelerator character. In addition to this centre, the existence of subsidiary centres is claimed, situated both in the brain and in the spinal cord. One centre has been located in the rabbit in the tuber cinerewm, which has been named a polypneeic centre, because when excited the respirations are rendered extremely frequent. The sensitiveness of this centre is readily demonstrated by subjecting an animal to a high external temperature, when a marked increase of the respiratory rate follows; if now the tuber cinereum be destroyed, there occurs an immediate cesssation of the accelerated movements. Another area has been located in the optic thalamus in the floor of the third ventricle; this centre is believed to be excited by impulses carried by the nerves of sight and hearing, and when irritated causes an acceleration of the respiratory rate, and when strongly excited arrests respiration during the inspiratory phase; hence it is regarded ‘as an inspiratory or accelerator centre. Another centre has been located in the anterior pair of the corpora quadrigemina ; it causes expiratory and inhibi- tory effects, and may therefore be placed among the expiratory or inhibitory centres. An inspiratory or accelerator centre has been recorded as existing in the posterior pair of the corpora quadrigemina and the pons Varolii. The nuclei of the trigemini are also said to act as inspiratory or accelerator centres. Respiratory centres are likewise claimed to exist in the brain-corter. It is very doubtful, however, whether or not these so-called subsidiary respiratory centres should be regarded as being of a specific,character. In any event, we cannot suppose that these centres are capable of evoking directly respiratory movements. If they exist, they are probably connected with the medullary centre, through which they exert their influence on the respiratory movements. The existence of a respiratory centre in the spinal cord is also doubtful. The chief reasons for the claim of its existence is that respiratory movements may for a time he observed after section of the cerebro-spinal axis at the junc- tion of the spinal cord and bulb. In new-born animals after such section respiratory movements may continue for some time, strychnine rendering them 566 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. more pronounced. Again, animals in which respiration has been artificially maintained for a long time may, after section of the cord at the junction with the bulb, exhibit respiratory movements after artificial respiration has been suspended. The respiratory movements under these circumstances are, how- ever, of a spasmodic character, and distinctly unlike the co-ordinated rhythmi- eal movements observed in normal animals; the movements are rather of the nature of spasms simulating normal respirations. The Rhythmic Activity of the Respiratory Centre-—The rhythmic sequence of the respiratory movements is due to periodic discharges from the respiratory centre. The cause of this periodicity is still obscure, but the fact that the rhythm continues after the combined section of the vagi and the glosso-pharyn- geal nerves, of the spinal cord in the lower cervical region, of the posterior roots of the cervical spinal nerves, and of the spinal bulb from the parts above, indicates that the rhythm is inherent in the nerve-cells, and is not caused by external stimuli carried to the centre through afferent nerve-fibres, Loewy ' has shown that under the above circumstances, when the centre is iso- lated from afferent nerve-impulses, the rhythmical activity of the centre is due to the blood, which, while acting as a continuous excitant, causes discontinuous or periodic discharges, so that, although we usually speak of the activity of the . respiratory centre as being automatic—that is, not immediately dependent upon external stimuli—yet as a matter of fact the apparently automatic discharges are in reality due to the stimulation by the blood; the centre is therefore auto- matic only with reference to external nerve-stimulation. The rhythm as well as the rate, force, and other characters of the discharges may be affected materially by the will and emotions; by the composition, supply, and temperature of the blood; and especially by certain afferent im- pulses, pre-eminently those originating in the pneumogastric nerves. As to the influence of the will and emotions, we are able, as is well known, to modify voluntarily to a certain extent the rhythm and other characters of the respira- tions, while the striking effect of emotions upon respiratory movements is a matter of almost daily observation. The importance of the composition of the blood is manifested by the marked effect upon the respirations when the blood is deficient in O, when it contains an excess of CO,, and during muscu- lar activity, when in the blood there is a relative abundance of certain products resulting from muscular metabolism. If the blood-supply to the centre is diminished, as after severe hemorrhage or after clamping the aorta so as to interfere with the cerebral circulation, the respirations are less frequent and the rhythm is affected, the form of breathing having a Cheyne-Stokes char- acter (p. 532); conversely, an increase in the blood-supply causes an inerease in the rate. An increase or decrease in the temperature of the blood induces corresponding changes in the rate; thus, in fever the frequency of the move- ments increases almost pari passu with the augmentation of temperature, while if the temperature of the blood be reduced by applying ice to the carotids, the rate is lessened. 1 Phliiger’s Archiv f. Physiologie, 1889, vol. xlii. pp. 245-281. é sciatica RESPIRATION. 567 Afferent impulses exercise an important, and practically a continuous, influ- ence. After section of one pneumogastric nerve the respirations are somewhat less frequent ; after section of both nerves the respirations become considerably less frequent and deeper and otherwise changed. If we stimulate the central end of one of these cut nerves below the origin of the laryngeal branches by a current of electricity of moderate intensity, the respiratory rate may be in- ereased, and we may be able to restore, or even exceed, the normal frequency. The fact that section of these nerves is followed by a diminution of the rate and that excitation of the central end of the cut nerve causes an increase leads us to believe that the pneumogastric nerves are continually conveying impulses from the lungs to the respiratory centre, which impulses in some way increase the number of discharges, and thus the respiratory rate. The centre may be excited or depressed by excitation of the cutaneous nerves and the sensory nerves in general; thus, external heat accelerates, while a dash of cold water may either accelerate or inhibit, respiratory movements. Excitation of the glosso-pharyngeal nerves inhibits the respirations. Such inhibition occurs during deglutition to avoid the risk of introducing foreign bodies into the larynx. Similar respiratory inhibition may be induced by excitation of the ‘superior laryngeal nerves, when, if the degree of irritation be sufficiently strong, complete arrest of the respiratory movements may occur. Strong irri- tation of the olfactory nerves and of the fibres of the trigemini distributed to the nasal chambers excites expiration and may be followed by complete inhibi- tion of the respiratory movements; strong irritation of the optic and auditory nerves excites inspiratory activity ; and irritation of the sciatic nerve causes an increase of the rate, and may or may not affect the depth of breathing. The study of the rhythmic activity of the respiratory centre is further complicated by the fact that there is not only a rhythmic sequence of the res- pirations, but a rhythmic alternation of inspiratory and expiratory move- ments. While it is true that in ordinary quiet expiration but little of the - muscular element is present, yet forced expiration is a well-defined co-ordinated muscular act. The mechanism whereby this alternation is brought about is not understood. Some believe that the pneumogastric nerves contain both inspiratory and expiratory fibres which are connected with corresponding parts of the respiratory centre and alternately convey their respective impulses to the centre, inspiratory impulses being excited during expiration and expiratory impulses during inspiration (p. 505). These impulses are, however, not indis- pensable to the alternation of inspiration and expiration, because these acts follow each other regularly, even after the isolation of the respiratory centre from the lungs by section of the pneumogastric nerves. Thus we may conclude that the rhythmical discharges from the centre are due primarily to an inherent property of periodic activity of the nerve-cells constituting the respiratory centre and maintained by the blood, and that the rhythm, rate, and other characters of these discharges may be affected by the will and the emotions, by the composition, supply, and temperature of the blood, and by various afferent impulses. The chief factors are, under ordi- 568 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. nary circumstances, the quantities of O and CO, in the blood, and the impulses ' conveyed from the lungs by the fibres of the pneumogastric nerves. | The Afferent Respiratory Nerves.—The chief of these nerves are the pneumogastric, glosso-pharyngeal, trigeminal, and cutaneous nerves. The im- portant part taken by them in the regulation of the respiratory movements has frequently been alluded to in connection with the respiratory centres. Their functions, however, are of sufficient importance to demand special and detailed consideration. n The pneumogastric nerves are pre-eminently the most important. Their functions may be studied by comparing the phenomena before and after section of one or of both nerves, and from the results following excitation by stimuli of varying quality and strength under normal and abnormal conditions. Section of one pneumogastric may be without effect or be followed by a transitory, slight diminution of the respiratory rate; by slower and deeper movements; by stronger, deeper, and longer inspirations; by unaltered or longer or shorter expirations; and probably by active expirations. These effects are transient, and the normal respiratory movements are usually restored within a half hour. Section of both nerves is sooner or later followed by a diminution of the respiratory rate; by slow, deep, powerful inspirations ; by active expiration; and by a pause between expiration and inspiration. The immediate results are variable unless certain precautions are taken to prevent irritation of the central ends of the cut nerves. If the ends are allowed to fall back into the wound, the respirations may become irregular; or they may be less frequent, with weakened inspirations, spasmodic expirations, and pro- longed expiratory pauses. The explanation of these variable results is found in the fact that the expiratory fibres are more sensitive to very weak stimulus than the inspiratory fibres, and that the mechanical irritation caused by the section, and the excitation due to the electric current in the cut ends of the nerves that is established when the central end of the nerve is replaced in the wound, excite expiratory impulses and cause expiratory phenomena; if the irritation be stronger, both inspiratory and expiratory impulses are excited, thus causing uncertain results, varying as one or the other is the stronger. If irritation be prevented, section is at once followed by typical slow, deep respirations. Stimulation of the central end of the cut vagus, the other nerve being intact, is followed by variable results dependent upon the character of the stimulus. Chemical stimuli, such as a solution of sodium carbonate, excite the expiratory fibres; mechanical stimuli, the inspiratory fibres; electrical stimuli, expiratory or inspiratory fibres or both, according to the strength of the current. Single induction shocks are without effect, but a tetanizing current is very effective. Should that current which will elicit the least response be used, the breathing is rendered less frequent, the inspirations are weakened, and the expirations may be active and lengthened ; in other words, there are present the same phenomena which often immediately follow section of both nerves when the cut ends are allowed to fall back into the wound and r j ai | RESPIRA TION. 569 ‘thus establish an exciting electric current which affects expiratory fibres. If the strength of the current be increased, these effects give place to those of an opposite character, the respirations becoming more frequent and the inspi- rations more marked in depth and force, the explanation of this difference being that the stronger current has also excited inspiratory fibres, so that now both expiratory and inspiratory impulses are generated, but the latter, being more potent in their influences, cause acceleration of the rate and accentuated inspirations. The effects following stimulation of the central end of the cut vagus by a current of moderate strength are best observed after both nerves have been divided and when there exist slow, deep, powerful respirations. Under such circumstances stimulation of the central end of one of the vagi is followed at once by an increase in the respiratory rate and a return of the general char- acters of the inspiratory and expiratory phases toward the normal; and if the degree of excitation be properly adjusted, the normal rate and normal charac- ter of breathing may be restored. Still stronger excitation further accelerates the rate, causing the respiratory acts to follow each other with such frequency that inspiration begins before the expiratory act (relaxation of the inspiratory muscles) has been completed. The inspiratory muscles are therefore never completely relaxed. With a further increase of stimulus the expiratory relaxation becomes less and less, until finally the respirations are brought to a standstill in the inspiratory phase, the inspiratory muscles being in tetanus. If the nerves be fatigued from over-excitation or if the animal be thoroughly chloralized, stimulation of the central end of the cut nerve by a strong current is no longer followed by inspiratory stimulation, but is followed by expiratory stimulation (the inspirations being shortened and weakened, the expirations prolonged and spasmodic) and by long pauses between expiration and inspiration. If the excitation be sufficiently strong, arrest of respiration occurs in the expiratory phase. It will be observed from the above results that electrical irritation of the central end of the cut pneumogastric may be followed by effects of an oppo- site character, extremely weak irritation causing expiratory stimulation (weaker and shorter inspirations, prolonged and active expirations, expiratory pauses, and diminished respiratory rate) ; whereas moderate irritation causes inspiratory stimulation (stronger and deeper inspirations and increased respiratory rate). These diverse results are explained by the fact that these nerves contain two kinds of fibres having opposite functions: fibres of one kind convey impulses which affect the expiratory centre; those of the other kind convey impulses which affect the inspiratory centre. The former are more susceptible to weak electrical stimulation, and thus their presence may be elicited by the weakest stimulus capable of causing any response. At the same time they are less readily exhausted, so that if the vagi be subjected to prolonged stimulation by a strong current, the inspiratory fibres are exhausted before the expiratory fibres. For moderate and strong currents the inspiratory fibres are affected to a greater degree than the expiratory fibres, therefore inspiratory stimula- tion predominates. 570 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Both sets of fibres convey impulses which have their origin essentially in the peripheries of the pneumogastric nerves in the lungs; but expiratory — impulses may arise in the fibres of the superior and inferior laryngeal nerves, _ especially in the former. The impulses which arise in the lungs are under ordinary circumstances produced mechanically by the movements of the lungs, although it is believed by some that the composition of the gases in the alveoli is an important factor. According to the latter view, when the lungs are in the expiratory phase the accummulation of CO, in the air-cells excites the peripheries of the inspiratory fibres, thus giving rise to impulses which are carried to the inspiratory portion of the respiratory centre, and exciting inspi- ration; whereas the stretching of the lungs during inspiration is held to excite the peripheries of the expiratory fibres, generating impuses which are conveyed to the expiratory portion of the expiratory centre, causing expiration. There is, however, no sufficient evidence to lead us to believe that the presence of CO, in normal percentages influences in any way either set of fibres. On the contrary, the mechanical effects of the movements of the lungs are of great importance, as is apparent from the fact that inflation excites active expi- ration, whereas aspiration or collapse excites inspiration; moreover, if the movements of one lung be prevented by occlusion of the bronchi or by free opening of the pleural sac, the effects are the same as though the vagus of the same side were cut ; if now the other nerve be severed, the results are the same as when both nerves are cut. The movements of the lungs therefore generate alternate inspiratory and expiratory impulses, collapse causing inspiratory impulses, and expansion causing expiratory impulses. The inspiratory impulses, however, not only excite inspiration, but concurrently limit the duration of expiration; while the expiratory impulses excite expiration and concurrently limit inspiration. Excitation of the superior laryngeal nerve causes expiratory stimulation, and there may occur respiratory arrest in the expiratory phase. These fibres are extremely sensitive; and they are of considerable physiological import- ance, as is illustrated by the fact that the entrance of foreign bodies into the larynx during deglutition causes an immediate arrest of inspiration, and even a forced, spasmodic expiration. The foreign particles, coming in contact with the keenly sensitive fibres of these nerves, generate impulses which arrest inspiration, thus being prevented from being carried to the lungs. The fibres of the glosso-pharyngeal nerves act similarly. Their excitation is followed by an arrest of respiration which lasts for a period equal to that occupied by about three of the preceding respiratory acts. The value of such an inhibitory influence is obvious: During swallowing breathing is arrested, evidently for the purpose of preventing the aspiration of food and drink into the larynx. ‘This act is purely reflex, and is due to the excitation of fibres of these nerves by the fluid or the bolus of food after the act of deglutition has begun. Such impulses flow to the respiratory centre, immediately arresting the inspiratory discharge in whatever phase the inspiratory movement may RESPIRATION. 571 happen to be. When swallowing has been accomplished the inhibitory influ- ence is removed and respiration is resumed. - The inhalation of irritating gases may cause respiratory arrest by exciting either the sensory fibres of the trigeminal nerves in the nose or the pneumo- gastric fibres in the larynx and lungs. Some gases affect the former, some the latter, others both. In the rabbit, for example, the introduction of tobacco- smoke into the lungs through a tracheal opening produces no effect upon the respirations, but if injected into the nose respiration is at once arrested. When ammonia is similarly introduced into the lungs the respirations may be either accelerated or diminished, and may be arrested in the inspiratory or the expi- ratory phase, but when drawn into the nose expiratory arrest follows. Some irritating gases arrest respiration in the inspiratory phase, others in the expi- ratory phase. Odorous gases which are powerful and disagreeable may simi- larly cause arrest by acting upon the olfactory nerves. Excitation of the splanchnic nerves causes expiratory arrest; stimulation of the sciatic and sen- sory nerves in general usually increases the number of respirations, yet under certain circumstances it may cause a decrease and final arrest during expi- ration. Stimulation of the cutaneous nerves, as by a cold douche, slapping, ete., causes primarily a tendency to an increase in the number and depth of the res- pirations, but finally causes cessation in the expiratory phase. It is stated that excitation of these nerves is more effective in causing respiratory movements than irritation of the vagi. The influence of external heat is very powerful, and is perhaps the most potent means, under ordinary circumstances, of exciting the respiratory centre. The respiratory movements caused by cutaneous irrita- tion, are, however, of the character of reflex spasms rather than of normal movements, and when the excitation is sufficiently strong the movements may be distinctly convulsive. Finally, afferent (intercentral) fibres connect the brain-cortea, and probably the ganglia at the base of the brain, with the respiratory centres. The Efferent Respiratory Nerves.—During ordinary respiration the only efferent or motor nerves necessarily involved are the phrenics, and certain other of the spinal nerves, and the pneumogastrics, Section of one phrenic nerve causes paralysis of the corresponding side of the diaphragm ; section of both phrenics is followed by paralysis of the entire diaphragm. So important are these nerves in respiration that in most cases after section death occurs from asphyxia within several hours. In such cases not only is the work of inspiration thrown upon the other inspiratory muscles, but the effectiveness of the latter is greatly compromised by the relaxed condition of the diaphragm, which permits of its being drawn into the thoracic cavity with each inspiration, thus hindering the expansion of the lungs. If section be made of the spinal cord just below the exit of the fifth cervical nerve, costal movements cease, but diaphragmatic con- tractions continue. The level of the section is just below the origin of the roots of the phrenics, so that the motor fibres for the diaphragm are left intact, but the motor impulses which would have gone out to other inspiratory muscles 572 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. through the spinal nerves below ne point of section are cut off. If the cord be cut just below the medulla oblongata or above the origin of the phrenics, _ both costal and diaphragmatic movements immediately or very soon cease, but respiratory movements may continue in the larynx, and when dyspneea occurs they may be observed in the muscles of the face, neck, and mouth. In rare cases, after section at the junction of the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord, respiratory movements may continue in the thorax and the abdomen, but these instances are exceptional and the movements are of the nature of reflex spasms. During each respiratory act there flow to the larynx impulses which open the glottis during inspiration. The pathway of these impulses is through the laryngeal branches of the vagi, almost solely through the recurrent or inferior laryngeal nerves. (See section on the Physiology of the Voice.) If the pneu- mogastrics are cut above the origin of these branches, respiratory movements in the larynx cease, and, owing to the paralysis of the laryngeal muscles, the vocal cords are flaccid, the glottis is no longer widened, and thus great resist- ance is offered to the inflow of air, causing difficulty during inspiration. During forced breathing, besides the above nerves a number of others may be involved, especially the spinal nerves, which supply the extraordinary respi- ratory muscles of the chest, abdomen, pelvis, and vertebral column, and the facial, hypoglossal, and spinal accessory nerves. L. THE ConpITION OF THE RESPIRATORY CENTRE IN THE FETUS. During intra-uterine life the child receives O from and gives CO, to the blood of the mother. No attempt is made by the child to breathe, because the centre is in an apneeic condition, due to a low condition of irritability and to — the relatively large amount of O in the blood. The fetal blood contains a larger percentage of hemoglobin than the blood of the mother; Quinquaud has shown that the fetal blood has a larger respiratory capacity than adult’s blood ; and Regnard and Dubois have proven the same to be true of the calf and the cow. Were it not for these two conditions, the child would continu- ally attempt to breathe. While such efforts do not occur under normal cir- cumstances, they may be present if we interfere in any way with the supply of oxygen, as by pressure upon the umbilical vessels. The child has been seen to make respiratory efforts while within the intact fetal membranes. It seems evident, therefore, that all that is necessary to excite the respiratory centre to activity is a venous condition of the blood. Jn utero, and as long as the child is bathed in the amniotic fluid, respiratory movements cannot be carried on even though the respiratory centre be excited to activity, the reason being that with the first movement of inspiration amniotic fluid is drawn into the nasal chamber ; the fluid acts as a powerful excitant to the sensory fibres of the mucous membrane, thus causing inhibitory respiratory impulses. From this fact we learn the practical application that it is desirable immediately after birth of a child, if spontaneous respirations do not immediately and effectively occur, to carefully remove mucus or other matter from the nose, so that the inhibitory influences generated by nasal irritation shall be discontinued. | + RESPIRATION. 573 When the exchange of O and CO, is interfered with for a long period, as in cases of prolonged labor, the respiratory centre may become so depressed that spontaneous respirations do not occur upon the birth of the child. In such a case respirations may usually be initiated by irritation of the skin, as by slapping, sprinkling with iced water, etc. Respirations may also be carried on successfully by artificial means (see p. 553). In utero the lungs are devoid of air; the sides of the alveoli and of the small air-passages are in apposition, although the lungs completely fill the . compressed thoracic cavity. During the first inspiration comparatively little air is taken into the lungs, because of the force necessary to overcome the adhesion of the sides of the alveoli and of the smaller air-tubes, but as one inspiration follows another inflation increases more and more until full disten- tion is accomplished. The vigorous crying which so generally occurs immedi- ately after birth doubtless is of value in facilitating this expansion. If once the lungs have been filled with air, they are never completely emptied of it, _ either by volitional effort or by collapse after excision. M. Tue INNERVATION OF THE LUNGS. The nerves of the lungs are derived from the pnewmogastrics, the sympa- thetics, and the wpper dorsal nerves. Scattered along the paths of distribution of these fibres are many small ganglia. The Pneumogastric Nerves.—The pulmonary branches of the pneumogas- tric nerves contain not: only fibres. which convey impulses that affect the gen- eral characters of the respiratory movements, but other fibres that are of _ great importance to the respiratory mechanism. Setting aside the effects on the respiratory movements following section and stimulation of one or of both vagi, there are observed phenomena which are of an entirely different character, and which are due to excitation or paralysis of certain other specific nerve- fibres. Among these fibres are efferent and afferent broncho-constrictors and _ broncho-dilators. Roy and Brown!’ found in investigations upon dogs that stimulation of one vagus caused constriction of the bronchi in both lungs; section of one vagus was followed by expansion of the bronchi in the corre- sponding lung, which expansion was sometimes preceded by a slight contraction owing to the temporary irritation caused by the section; stimulation of the peripheral end of the cut nerve caused a contraction of the bronchi in both lungs; stimulation of the central end of the cut nerve was followed by a con- traction of the bronchi in both lungs, but not so marked as when the peripheral end was stimulated ; stimulation of sensory nerves other than the vagus rarely, and then only to a slight extent, caused contraction; atropine paralyzed the constrictor fibres ; nicotine in small doses had a powerful expansive effect on the bronchi; after etherization stimulation of either the central or the periph- eral end of the cut pneumogastric nerve was often followed by broncho-dilata- 1 Journal of Physiology, vol. 6, 1885 (Proceedings. of the Physiological Society, iii. p. xxi.) ; Einthoven, Pfliger’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1892, vol. 51, p. 367; Sandeman, Du Bois-Reymond’s Archiv: fiir Physiologie, 1890, p. 252. 574 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. tion ; asphyxia causes broncho-constriction, but not after section of the pneu- mogastric nerves; after section of both vagi it is impossible to cause reflex — broncho-constriction or broncho-dilatation; the constriction of the bronchi may be so great as to reduce their calibres to one-half or one-third, or even more. The above results are very instructive, and show—(1) That broncho- constriction or broncho-dilatation can be obtained by stimulating the peripheral end of the vagus, and that these changes occur in the bronchi of both lungs when only one nerve is excited, thus proving that each nerve supplies both | kinds of fibres to both lungs; (2) that the same results can be obtained by ex- citation of the central end of the cut nerve, thus showing that the pneumogas- trics contain both afferent constrictor and afferent dilator fibres ; (3) that reflex broncho-constriction and broncho-dilatation cannot be produced after section of the vagi, thus proving that all of the efferent fibres pass through the pneu- mogastrics ; (4) that asphyxia and the inhalation of CO, cause broncho-con- striction, but not after section of the vagi, thus indicating that under these circumstances the effects on the bronchi are reflex; (5) that certain poisons affect one or the other of these two sets of fibres. | : The presence of efferent vaso-motor fibres in the vagi has been disproved by the results of experiments by Bradford and Dean,‘ and others. These observers have shown, however, that the vagi contain afferent pressor fibres, irritation of which is followed by constriction of the pulmonary vessels that may or may not be accompanied by constriction of the systemic vessels, the efferent fibres in this case reaching the lungs through the sympathetic nerves. The existence of trophic fibres is generally admitted. After section of one pheumogastric nutritive changes immediately begin in the lung of the corre- sponding side, which changes are manifest in the appearance of inflammation in the middle and lower lobes. Section of both nerves is followed by inflam- mation in the middle and lower lobes of both lungs. The vagi contain sensory fibres for the larynx, trachea, and lungs, after sec- tion of which fibres there is an absolute loss of sensibility in these parts. It is probable that the vagi contain secretory fibres for the mucous glands. Thus we find that the pneumogastric nerves supply the lungs with (1) afferent inspiratory and expiratory fibres; (2) afferent and efferent broncho- constrictor and broncho-dilator fibres; (3) afferent pressor fibres; (4) general sensory fibres; (5) trophie fibres; (6) and probably secretory fibres for the mucous glands. The Sympathetic Nerves—The sympathetics supply trophic and efferent vaso-motor fibres. The efferent vaso-motor fibres pass from the spinal cord in the anterior roots of the second to the seventh dorsal nerve, inclusive, to join the sympathetics, thence through the first thoracic ganglia to the lungs. The Ganglia.—Nothing is known of the functions of the ganglia. Journal of Physiology, 1894, vol. 16, p. 70. ov be A Siagpwargiat date — rs ‘ = . IX. ANIMAL HEAT: A. Bopity TEMPERATURE. Homothermous and Poikilothermous Animals.—Animal organisms are divided as regards bodily temperature into two classes, homothermous and poikilothermous. The temperature of homothermous (warm-blooded) animals is constant within narrow limits and is not materially affected by alterations of the temperature of the medium in which the organism lives. The tempera- ture of poikilothermous (cold-blooded) animals normally ranges from a frac- tion of a degree to several degrees above that of the surrounding medium, ‘and under ordinary circumstances rises and falls with corresponding changes of sur- rounding temperature. The old terms warm-blooded and cold-blooded imply that the difference between the two classes is one of absolute temperature, the former having a temperature higher than the latter, and although this is gener- ally the case it is not necessarily so. For instance, Landois has recorded that a frog (cold-blooded) in water at a temperature of 20.6° C. had a temperature of about 20.7° C., and that when the water was at 41° C. his temperature rose to about 38° C., which is higher than the mean temperature of man (warm- blooded). The temperature of cold-blooded animals may, therefore, be higher than that of warm-blooded animals. The difference therefore is relative and not absolute, the chief distinguishing feature being that the temperature of homothermous animals is practically constant, while that of poikilothermous animals fluctuates with the temperature of the medium in which the organism exists. The class of homothermous animals includes mammals and birds ; and that of poikilothermous animals, fish, reptiles, amphibia, and invertebrates. Temperatures of Different Species of Animals.—The temperature of every animal varies in different parts of the organism, so that in making com- parisons it is necessary that the observations be made in the same region of the body of the different individuals, and as far as possible under the same internal and external conditions. As a rule, rectal temperatures are preferable, and in making them it is especially desirable, in order to ensure practical accuracy, that the bulb of the thermometer be inserted well into the pelvis, and that it does not rest within a mass of fecal matter. The depth to which the bulb is inserted is also of importance, as shown by Finkler, who found in experiments on a guinea-pig that the temperature was 36.1° C. at a depth of 2.5 centimeters, 38.7° C. at 6 centimeters, and 38.9° C. at 9 centimeters. The following records of mean bodily temperature of various species have been derived from various sources, chiefly from the compilations of Gavarret : 575 576 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Mammals. Birds. Reptiles and Fish.! Centigrade. Centigrade. Centigrade. Morte. Gane sos 41.1° Birds .. .,. » 44.08° Frog... +. + «0.82-2:448" eS eran wee 37.3-40.5° | Duck .... - 42.50-48.90° | Snakes... .. . 2.5-12.0° — PEs IR eae 35.5-39.7° | Goose... . - 41.7° Fish... .. « .05-8.07 Rabbit ee Re rt tee 39.6-40.0° CL eat Sages“? 37.8° Invertebrates.1 Guinea-pig . . . . 38.4-39.0°|Guinea. ... . 43.90° Crustacea. . 2... 0.6° RNG Tin ete baie 37.4-39.6° | Turkey. . . . . 42.70° Cephalopods . . . 0.57° RO pee ella de oe 38.3-38.9° | Sparrow . . . . 39.08-42.10°| Meduse ..... 0.27° CO ee 36.8-87.5° | Chicken . . . . 43.0° Polyps... +) 2g. see MES es ee ees 38.8° CROW So. ates 41.17° Molluses ... . . . 0.46° BPR Se oc) Wel tte ae we 37.5° Die er ket bes 36.95° The Temperature of the Different Regions of the Body.—The quanti- ties of heat produced and dissipated by different parts of the economy vary, consequently there must continually be a transmission of heat from the warmer to the cooler parts to establish throughout the organism an equilibrium of tem- perature. Heat is distributed by direct conduction from part to part, but prob- ably chiefly by the circulating blood and lymph. These means of distribution are, however, not sufficiently active to establish a uniform temperature. Thus we find that the internal parts of the body have a higher temperature than the external parts ; that some internal organs are considerably warmer than others; that every organ is warmer when active than when at rest; that the tempera- ture varies in different regions of the surface of the body, ete. The following figures by Kunkel? instance some of these differences, the temperature of the room being 20° C.: Centigrade. Centigrade. renege thse a She PON ee 34.1°-34.4° | Sternum 2.4:'',.) . 7 20 gee 34.4° Cheek under the zygoma .. . . 34.4° Pectorales : © +) 4) 0G aa Siskwweke 34.7° Re gy Peron ene | eee 28.8° Right iliac fotes ...),4_ «osner kes ban 34.4° CP |): arn ep > 32.5°-33.2° | Left iliac fossa, . . . . . 2+. 34.6° Hollow of the hand (closed) . . . 34.8°-35.19|Ossacrum .....-....s-+--s 342° Hollow of the hand (open). . . . 34.4°-34.8°| Eleventh rib (back) ........ 34.5° Poreara, /02 con i.e he tea 33.7° Tuberosity of ischium ....... 32.0° Forearm (higher). ....... 34.3° Upper part of thigh. ....... 34,2° Calf i. +s 9-%s, 9 le aes eee 33.6° The temperature of the skin is higher over an artery than at some distance from it; it is higher over muscle than over sinew; it is higher over an organ in activity than when at rest; it is higher in the frontal than in the parietal region of the head, and on the left side of the head than on the right, ete. Temperature observations are usually made in the rectum, in the mouth under the tongue, in the axilla, and in the vagina, the rectum beige preferable, although in the human being the temperature is usually obtained in the mouth and axilla. In the same individual when records are taken simultaneously i in all four regions appreciable differences will be noted. The temperature in the axilla is, according to Hunter 37.2° C., to Davy 37.3° C., to Wunderlich 36.5° to 37.25° C. (mean 37.1° C.), to Liebermeister 36.89° C., to Jiirgensen 37.2° C., 1 Temperatures above that of the surrounding medium. ® Zeitschrift fur Biologie, 1889, vol. 25, pp. 69-78. a Nt aH ANIMAL HEAT. 577 and to Jaeger 37.3° C. The mean axillary temperature may be put down as being about 37.1° C. (98.8° F.), the normal limits being 36.25° to 37.5° C. (97.2° to 99.5° F.) The temperature in the mouth is about 0.2° to 0.5° C. higher than in the axilla, in the rectum from 0.3° to 1.5° C. higher, and in the vagina from 0.5° to 1.8° C. higher. The temperature of different tissues varies. Dare as results of observa- tions on a fresh-killed sheep, gives the temperature of the brain as about 40° C.; of the left ventricle 41.67° C.; of the right ventricle 41.11° C.; of the liver 41.39° C.; of the rectum 40.56° C. According to Bernard, the liver is the warmest organ in the body, and then the following in the order named— brain, glands, muscles, and lungs. The temperature of the blood varies considerably in different vessels. In the carotid it is from 0.5° to 2° C. higher than in the jugular vein; in the crural artery, from 0.75° to 1° C. higher than in the corresponding vein ; in the right side of the heart about 0.2° C. higher than in the left ; in the hepatic vein 0.6° C. higher than in the portal vein during the intervals of digestion, and as much as 1.5° to 2° C. or more during periods of digestion ; the venous blood coming from internal organs is warmer than the arterial blood going to them, but the blood coming from the skin is cooler than that going to it; the blood coming from a muscle in a state of rest is about 0.2° C., and during activity as much as 0.6° to 0.7° C., warmer than that supplied to the muscle. The mean temperature of the blood as a whole is about 39° C. (102° F.); of venous blood about 1° C. (1.8° F.) lower than of arterial blood. The warm- est blood in the body is that, coming from the liver during the period of diges- tion; the coolest blood is that coming from the tips of the ears and nose and similarly exposed parts. Conditions affecting Bodily Temperature.—The mean temperature of the body is subjected to variations which depend chiefly upon age, sex, consti- tution, the time of day, diet, activity, season and climate (surrounding tem- perature), the blood-supply, disease, drugs, the nervous system, ete. The temperature of a new-born child (37.86° C.) is from 0.1° to 0.8° C. higher than that of the vagina of the mother; it falls about 1° C. during the first few hours after birth, and then rises within the next twenty-four hours to about 37.4° to 37.5° C. The mean temperature of an infant a day or two old is about 37.4° C. It very slowly sinks until full growth is attained, when the normal mean temperature of adult life is reached (37.1° C.), a standard which is maintained until about the age of forty-five or fifty, when it declines until about the age of seventy (36.8° C.), and then slowly rises and approaches in very old people (eighty to ninety years) the temperature of very young infants (37.4° C.). It is important to observe that during the early weeks of life the temperature may undergo considerable variations, and that it is readily affected by bathing, exposure, crying, pain, sleep, etc., and by many circum- stances which have little or absolutely no influence upon the temperature of the adult. The mean temperature of the female is said to be slightly lower than that 37 578 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of the male. In observations on children Sommer noted a difference of 0.05° C., and Fehling a difference of 0.33° C. | Individuals with vigorous constitutions have a somewhat higher temper- ature than those who are weak. - Records obtained by various European investigators indicate that the bodily temperature is subjected to regular diurnal variations. The limits of variation in health are from 1° to 2° C. The maximum temperature observed is usu- ally from 5 to 8 Pp. M. (mean, about 7 P. M.); the minimum, from 2 to 6 A. M. (mean, about 4 A. M.). Carter’s’ experiments on rabbits, cats, and dogs show that rhythmical temperature-changes occur in these animals which agree with those noted by Jiirgensen in man. This same rhythm is stated to occur during fasting, so that the ingestion and the digestion of food cannot be claimed to account for it; moreover, it is present in fever and not disturbed by muscular activity and by cold baths. If an individual works at night and sleeps during the day, thus reversing the prevailing custom, the temperature curve is reversed, the lowest temperature being noted in the evening and the highest — in the morning. Insufficient diet causes a lowering of the temperature; a liberal diet tends to cause a rise slightly above the normal mean, especially during forced feeding or when the food is particularly rich in fats and carbohydrates. There is a rise during digestion which is usually slight, but it may reach 0.2° or 0.5°, the increase being due chiefly to the activity of the intestinal muscles (see p. 540). — Although considerably more heat is produced during the periods of digestion than during the intervals, the excess is dissipated almost as rapidly as it is formed, so that but little heat is permitted to accumulate and thus cause a rise of temperature. Hot drinks and solids tend to augment, and cold drinks and solids to lower bodily temperature. In the nursing child Demme found that the rectal temperature sinks during the first half-hour after taking food, then rises during the next sixty to ninety minutes to a point from 0.2° to 0.8° C. higher than the temperature before feeding, and falls again during the next thirty to sixty minutes. All conditions which increase metabolic activity are favorable to an increase of temperature. Thus, during the activity of the brain, glands, muscles, ete., more heat is produced than when the tissues are at rest; indeed, so abundant is heat-production during severe muscular exercise that the temperature of the body may rise as much as 0.5° to 1.5° C. (1° to 2.79 F.). During sleep the temperature falls from 0.3° to 0.9° C. or more in young children. During the summer the mean bodily temperature is from 0.1° to 0.3° C. higher than during the winter. In warm climates it is about 0.5° C. higher than in cold climates, but the difference is not due to race, since it is observed in individuals who have changed their habitations from one climate to another. Continued exposure to excessively high or low temperatures is inimical to life. Exposure in dry air at a temperature of 100° to 130° C. may cause the bodily temperature to increase as much as 1° to 2° C. within a few minutes, 1 Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1890, vol. xvii. p. 782. “a * = - ANIMAL HEAT. 579 and the temperature may rise so rapidly as to cause fatal symptoms within ten or fifteen minutes. A hot moist air is far more oppressive and dangerous than hot dry air. Baths exercise a potent influence on bodily temperature, hot baths increasing and cold baths decreasing it. The effect of a cold bath is less if it follows a hot bath. Thus Dill’ found that his morning temperature varied from 33.7° to 36.6° C., after a hot bath (40°-41° C.) it rose, in one instance, as high as 39.5° C., and after a cold bath it remained at 37° C. When, however, the hot bath was omitted the cold bath reduced the temperature to 35.4° C. Bal- jakowski? has recorded some very interesting results which show that the local application of heat causes the bodily temperature to sink and the cutaneous temperature of the part experimented upon to rise. The experiments were conducted on young men, whose arms and legs were encased in hot sand at a temperature of 55° C. When the arm was used the axillary temperature sunk an average of 0.13° C. during the bath and subsequently 0.24° C., the corre- sponding. records of average rectal temperature being 0.23° and 0.31° C. In case of the leg bath the corresponding records were axillary 0.06° and 0.32° C,; and rectal 0.21° and 0.25° C. The cutaneous temperature of the limb experimented upon increased materially, the average rise varying from 0.73° to 1.20° C., according to the part of the limb. Long-continued severe exter- nal cold may prove fatal, but this is not necessarily due to the effect on bodily temperature, for Milne-Edwards* has shown that rabbits die within five or six days when exposed to a temperature of —10° to —15° C., without the bodily temperature falling more than 1° C. There is a general relationship between the frequency of the heart’s beat and the bodily temperature, especially in fever. Bérensprung noted such a coinci- dence between the diurnal variations of the pulse and bodily temperature ; and, in fever, Aiken found that for each increase of 0.55° C. (1° F.) above the mean normal temperature the pulse-rate was increased about ten beats per minute. But the variations in the two do not always correspond either quantitively or qualitatively. Liebermeister found in man that for a rise of each degree from 37° to 42° C. the increase in the pulse-rate was 12.6, 8.6, 8.7, 11.5, and 27.5 beats per minute respectively. Beljakowski’s* experiments show that the bodily temperature may fall and the pulse-rate rise—in one set of experiments the rectal temperature falling on an average 0.23° C. and the pulse increasing on an average 6.85 beats per minute. After the local hot bath the temperature remained subnormal, and the heart-beats became less frequent, and finally were on an average from 2.7 to 3.1 beats per minute less than the normal rate. More important, however, than the pulse-rate is the effect of the amount of blood supplied to any given part of the body. The mere lowering or rais- ing of the arm is sufficient to alter the blood-supply to the part ; thus Rémer found that keeping the arm elevated for five minutes was sufficient to reduce ! British Medical Journal, 1890, vol. i. p. 1136. 2 Vratch, 1889, p. 486; Provincial Medical Journal, 1890, p. 118. * Comptes rendus de la Soc. de Biologie, 1891, vol. 112, pp. 201-205. + Loe, cit. 580 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the temperature of the hand 0.19° C., and that if the period was doubled the fall amounted to 0.38° C. Compression of the veins of the arm may diminish the temperature of the hand as much as 0.25° to 2.45° C., while compression of the brachial artery may cause a fall of 2.4° within fifteen minutes. A larger | supply of blood to the cutaneous surface increases cutaneous temperature and tends to decrease internal temperature, while a lessened supply causes the opposite effects. In abnormal conditions the temperature may be increased or decreased : in cholera, diabetes, and in the last stages of insanity, it may be lowered 6° or 8° C. or even more. In fever it is increased, usually ranging between 37.5° and 41.5° C. (99.4° and 106.7° F-.), but in very rare cases it may reach 44° to 45° C. (111° to 113° F.) just before death. A temperature of 42.5° C. (108.5° F.) maintained for several hours is almost inevitably fatal. In frogs, the highest temperature consistent with life for any length of time is below 40° C.; in birds, from 48° to 50°C., and in dogs, from 48° to 45°C. Ex- ceptional cases are on record of people having survived extraordinarily high or low bodily temperature, Richet having reported one in which the tempera- — ture several times was 46° C. (114.8° F.), while Teale records an axillary tem- perature of 50°C. (122° F.) in an hysterical (?) woman. Frantzel noted a temperature of 24.6° C. (76.2° F.) in a drunken man, and Kosiirew a temper- ture of 26.5° C. (79.7° F.) in a man having a fractured skull. Bodily temperature may be variously influenced by drugs and other sub- stances, micro-organisms, etc. Some increase it, others decrease it, others are without any marked influence, while others exert primary and secondary actions. Among those which increase bodily temperature are cocain, atropin, strychnin, brucin, caffein, veratrin, ete., and, as shown by Krehl' and others, a large number of other organic substances and micro-organisms. ‘Temperature is decreased by anesthetics, morphin and other hypnotics, quinin, various _ antipyretics, large doses of alcohol, ete. Among the most important of the conditions selidcl affect bodily tempera- ture are disturbances of the nervous system. Injury or irritation of almost any part of the nerve-centres and of certain nerves may give rise directly or indirectly to alterations of temperature, and there are some parts which are very sensitive in this respect, especially certain areas of the brain cortex, the striated bodies, the pons Varolii, the spinal bulb, and the cutaneous nerves. The results of injury or stimulation of these as well as of other parts will be considered later on (p. 600). Temperature-regulation.—The fact that during life the organism is con- tinually producing and losing heat, and that the bodily temperature of homo- thermous animal is maintained at an almost uniform standard, notwithstanding considerable mutations of surrounding temperature, renders it evident that there exists an important mechanism whereby the regulation of the relations between heat-production and heat-dissipation is effected. It must be evident that when the variations in heat-production and heat-dissipation balance, bodily 1 Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1895, vol. 35, pp. 222-268. rom tauPas Rate Mia > * ANIMAL HEAT. 581 temperature must remain unaltered, and that if the changes in one exceed those in the other the temperature rises or falls, depending upon whether more or less heat is produced than is dissipated. It does not follow that because heat-production is increased the bodily temperature must similarly be affected, since heat-dissipation may be increased to the same extent and thus effect a compensation. ‘Therefore an alteration in heat-production or in heat-dissipation by no means implies that the temperature must be affected. Moreover, when the temperature is increased or diminished the change may be caused by various alterations in the quantities of heat produced or lost, singly or com- bined, and the temperature may remain constant even when both processes are materially affected.. Thus, the temperature remains constant when both heat- production and heat-dissipation are normal, and when both are increased or decreased to the same extent. The temperature is increased when heat-pro- duction is normal and heat-dissipation diminished ; when both heat-production and heat-dissipation are diminished, but when heat-production is diminished to a less extent than heat-dissipation ; when heat-production is increased and heat-dissipation remains normal ; when both heat-production and heat-dissipa- tion are increased, but when heat-production is increased to a greater extent than heat-dissipation ; and when heat-production is increased and heat-dissipa- tion is diminished. The temperature is diminished when heat-production is normal and heat-dissipation is increased ; when heat-production is diminished and heat-dissipation remains normal; when heat-production and_heat-dissipa- tion are diminished, but when heat-production is diminished to a greater extent than heat-dissipation ; when heat-production is diminished and _heat-dissipa- tion is increased; and when both heat-dissipation and heat-production are increased, but when heat-production is increased to a less extent than heat- dissipation. : It is generally regarded by clinicians that bodily temperature varies directly with heat-production—that is, that a rise means increased production, and a fall diminished production ; but the fallaciousness of such a conclusion must be apparent. It may, however, be accepted as a fact that in fever, as a rule, an increase of bodily temperature is a concomitant of increased heat-produc- tion, and diminished temperature of diminished heat-production ; but it must also be observed that pyrexia, although generally due to increased heat- production, may also be due partly or wholly to diminished heat-dissipation. It is obvious, therefore, that temperature variations simply show that the balance between heat-production and _ heaf-dissipation is disturbed, without positively indicating how the processes of heat-production and heat-dissipation are affected. The mechanism concerned in the adjustment of the relations between heat- production and heat-dissipation will be considered under another heading (p. 602). B. INcomME AND EXPENDITURE OF HEAT. Broadly speaking, the source of animal heat is in the potential energy of organic food-stuffs—so little relatively being obtained from the heat of warm 582 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. food and drink and directly from external sources, such as the sun’s rays, that these sources may be disregarded. This potential energy of food may be converted into heat directly or indirectly ; directly, as an immediate result of chemical decomposition ; and indirectly, by mechanical movements, such as muscular contraction, the flow of the blood, the friction of the joints, ete. About 90 per cent. of the heat of the organism results directly from chemical decompositions, and about 10 per cent. results indirectly from mechanical movements. The potential energy of the food is transformed into kinetic energy (heat and work) essentially by processes of oxidation. The energy- yielding food-stuffs enter the body in the form of proteids, fats, and carbo- hydrates. The proteid is oxidized into urea, CO,, H,O, and various extrac- tives ; and the fats and carbohydrates are reduced to CO, and H,O. During these oxidative processes, by which the potential energy of the molecules is transformed into kinetic energy, the total amount of energy evolved by the complete oxidation of a given amount of any substance is the same whether the processes are carried at once to the final stages, that is, to the final disin- tegration products, or whether they pass through an indefinite number of intermediate stages, provided that the final product or products are the same. In other words, the amount of heat evolved by the oxidation of 1 gram of proteid into urea, CO,, and H,O is the same when the molecule is oxidized immediately into these substances as when the decomposition is carried through a number of intermediate stages. Similarly 1 gram of carbon oxidized into CO,, or 1 gram of H oxidized into H,O, yields a definite amount of heat, 1 gram of C yielding 8080 calories (see p. 584 for definition of calorie), and 1 gram of H 34,460 calories; 1 gram of proteid oxidized into CO, and H,O yields 5778 calories; 1 gram of fat oxidized into CO, and H,O yields 9312 calories; and 1 gram of carbohydrate oxidized into CO, and H,O yields 4116 calories (see Potential Energy of Food, p. 302). Income of Heat.—Since the energy-yielding food-stuffs are essentially proteids, fats, and carbohydrates, and composed of C, H, O, and N, and since the products of their disintegration are essentially urea, CO,, and H,O, the amount of energy yielded by the oxidation of the food-stuffs can readily be determined if we know the quantity and quality of the food and excreta. Since the energy of the organism is manifested essentially in the form of heat and. work, and as under ordinary circumstances but a fraction of it is manifested as work, we may in making this estimate, as a matter of convenience, consider that the total available energy of the food appears in the form of heat. The income of energy may be estimated by determining—(1) the quantity of oxygen consumed ; (2) the amounts of C and H that are oxidized in the body into CO, and H,O; (3) the quantity and quality of the food, and the energy yielded by the oxidation of the same substances outside the body when they are decomposed into the same residual products as appear in the body; (4) the quantity of heat produced, by the aid of a calorimeter, the individual being kept quiet so that as little as possible of the energy expended appears as work. | 7 Woe etic dts ice dimen ahr st nem shan A 5 mo Yale els ANIMAL HEAT. 583 The first two methods have fallen into disuse. According to the third method it is necessary that we know the kind and quantity of food ingested, the final products of disintegration, and the quantity of energy evolved by the oxidation of each of the food-stuffs to their normal residual substances. As the basis of these calculations we have the fact that during the complete oxidation of any given substance a definite amount of energy is given off, and that when the oxidation is but partial only a portion of energy is evolved, the proportion being in accordance with the stage of oxidation. The complete oxidation of 1 gram of proteid yields 5778 calories; of 1 gram of fat, 9312 calories; and of 1 gram of carbohydrate, 4116 calories (see Potential Energy of Food, p. 302). If these substances be completely oxidized in the body, the amount of energy evolved will be the same as though the oxidation occurred outside of the body, provided that the final products are the same in both cases. As far as fats and carbohydrates are concerned, we are justified in assuming that they are completely oxidized in the body into CO, and H,O; but the proteids, as already pointed out, undergo only partial oxidation, each gram yielding about one-third of a gram of urea. The results of experiments show that each gram of urea contains potential energy equivalent to 2523 calories, and since each gram of proteid yields one-third of a gram of urea, representing 841 calories, each gram of proteid yields to the organism only 4937 calories. The available energy from the proteid would, therefore, be equivalent to the total amount of energy derivable from the complete oxidation of the proteid minus the amount represented in the urea. With these facts in view it is a simple matter to determine the total income of energy, should the diet be known. Thus, if the diet consists of 120 grams of proteids, 90 grams of fat, and 330 of carbohydrates, the absolute and available amounts of energy ingested are— Grams. Calories. Calories. NS ho ea eae ae ot 120 x 5778 693,360 TS ENT torso el oe RT aa 90 x 9312 837,080 Oa ae ee ee 330 x 4116 1,358,280 2,888,720 Deduct the proteid energy in 40 grams of urea, 40x 2523= — 100,920 aoe) daily heat-production 5.6 6. 6 se ee ce es 2,787,800 This is assuming that the entire quantity of proteids, fats, and carbohydrates is digested, absorbed and ultimately broken down into CO,, H,O, and urea. This assumption, however, is not justified by facts, since we know, for instance, that more or less food escapes digestion. In practice, therefore, it is necessary to ascertain from the excreta of the animal (see section on Nutrition) just how much of the ingested food has been absorbed and completely or partially destroyed in the body. Calorimetric investigations also afford us indirect information as to the income of heat by showing the quantities of heat produced and dissipated. Such data are of much value, since it is evident that should the energy of the body be maintained in a condition of equilibrium from day to day, and should the energy resulting from the transformation of potential energy be manifested 584 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. solely in the form of heat, it follows that the mean daily heat-production and income of available energy must balance. But it cannot be considered that this balance is maintained at a constant standard from hour to hour, nor from day to day ; on the contrary, the fluctuations are undoubtedly considerable, as is obvious by the fact that we are continually expending energy and only periodi- cally (at meal-times) acquiring energy. During fasting there is absolutely no income of energy, yet the output of heat may be subnormal, normal, or hyper- normal; on the other hand, if an excess of energy be ingested, as in excessive eating, it is not by any means implied that there is a similar excess in heat-pro- duction, because some of the food ingested may be lost as undigested food or as partially oxidized excrementitious matters, or may be stored in the body in the form of carbohydrate, fat, or proteid ; nor does an excess of heat-production imply an excess of income of energy, because the stored-up energy may be drawn upon. (For results of the calorimetric method see p. 589.) The results of the various methods are in close accord, and indicate that in the adult the total income of available energy is about 2,500,000 calories. Expenditure of Heat.—Assuming that the energy of the organism is expended in the form of heat, and that the total income of available energy is 2,500,000 calories, it has been estimated by Vierordt that about— 1.8 per cent. is lost in the urine and feces . .......-. 47,500 calories, 3.5 “ 3 “expired ‘air’. . ss ‘sp 6a eee 84,500 “ ‘SA ee ag “evaporation of water from thelungs 182,120 “ 14507. % ss "i ¢ ‘ skin. 364,120 73.0 4 e “« radiation and conduction from skin 1,791,820 “ 2,500,000 calories. Therefore, about 87.5 per cent. is lost by the skin, 10.7 per cent. by the lungs, and 1.8 per cent. in the urine and feces. C. H&AT-PRODUCTION AND HBEAT-DISSIPATION. Calorimetry.—The intensity of heat of any substance is measured by means of a thermometer or thermopile ; the quantity of heat present is estimated by the weight, the specific heat, and the mean temperature of the body ; the quan- tity of heat dissipated is measured by the calorimeter; and the quantity of heat produced is determined by the quantity dissipated plus any addition of heat to that of the body or minus any that is lost (p. 588). The calorie, or heat unit, is the quantity of heat that is necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water 1° C.; the mechanical unit, or grammeter, is the quantity of energy required to raise one gram a height of one meter, and is equal to 424.5 calories ; a kilocalorie or kilogramdegree is equal to 1000 calories, and a kilo- grammeter to 1000 grammeters. By specific heat is meant the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of any substance 1° C., this quantity varying considerably for different substances. If water be taken as 1, as a standard of comparison, the specific heat of the animal body may be regarded as being about 0.8; in other words, 0.8 of the quantity of heat wili be required to heat the same weight of the animal body as to heat the water. Knowing the weight, ANIMAL HEAT. 585 specific heat, and temperature of any substance the total quantity of heat stored in it at a given temperature may be readily calculated. Thus, if the animal experimented upon weigh 20 kilos, its specific heat be 0.8, and its temperature be 39°, the total quantity of heat stored would be 20 < 0.8 « 39° = 62.4 kilo- gramdegrees. In calorimetric work the total heat in the organism is seldom considered, but the specific heat of the organism is of importance in determin- ing the quantity of heat involved in a change of the animal’s temperature. For instance, should the animal weigh 20 kilograms and its temperature be increased or decreased 0.2°, the quantity of heat added to or taken from the heat of the body, as the case may be, would be 20 < 0.8 0.2 =3.20 kilogramdegrees. These calculations are of fundamental importance in studying heat-production and heat-dissipation. | In making estimates of the dissipation of heat no regard is paid usually to the quantity lost in the urine and feces, because the error involved is so slight, but the quantities imparted to the air, both in warming the inspired air and in evaporating water from the lungs and skin, represent important percentages. Calorimetry is spoken of as direct and indirect. The former method is the direct determination of the amount of heat produced and dissipated ; the latter is the indirect determination based upon estimates of the quantities of O absorbed and CO, eliminated, or upon the amount of potential energy ingested in the food and probably transformed into kinetic energy within the body (p. 582). . Calorimeters of various forms have been employed, some of which have been devised to study the body as a whole, while others are adapted only for studying parts, such as a leg or arm. They may be classified as ice, air, and water calorimeters in accordance with the chief medium employed to absorb the heat. They consist essentially of an insulated jacket of ice, air, or water, which encloses the animal and serves to absorb the heat. The ice calorimeter is impracticable for physiological uses because the animal is placed under such abnormal temperature conditions ; the air calorimeter has many inherent defects, and until very recent years has found but little acceptance ; the water calorimeter is the form of apparatus usually employed, having been first used by Crawford in 1788; it has been materially modified by Despretz and Dulong and subsequent investigators. The now classical instrument of Dulong consists of two concentric cases. The animal is placed within the smaller case, which is submerged in the water contained in the larger case, this in turn being placed within a large box, between which and the calorime- ter some non-conducting material such as feathers or wool is packed. Suit- able openings are made for the proper supply of fresh air and for the agitation of the water in the calorimeter so that an equalization of the temperature of the instrument can be obtained. This apparatus has éertain serious defects, however, which render it troublesome for expeditious and accurate work. An improved form devised by the author! which is now in general use meets every essential requirement for a satisfactory instrument. The apparatus con- 1 Reichert: University Medical Magazine, 1890, vol. 2, p. 173. 586 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. sists of two concentric boxes of sheet metal which are fastened together so that there is space of about one and a half inches between them filled with water (Fig. 142). The outer box is fifteen inches in height and width, and eighteen CT EN Ss EX VS = = = =) By. WA Y) AN \ me Z eS « ) “))) = WZ : G Y u ; —— | SS le y )F iG in “GE \ = ND ian a Fic. 142.—Reichert’s water calorimeter. inches in length. An opening (A) nine inches in diameter is made in one end for the entrance and exit of the animal. It is also perforated with three small holes in the top corners, and a slit-like opening in the top on one side. Two of the holes are for the tubes for the entrance and exit of air (LN, £X), the entrance tube being carried close to the bottom, while the exit tube extends only to the top of the box, and is placed in the opposite diagonal corner, thus ensuring adequate ventilation. In the third hole a thermometer (C7) is inserted, by means of which the temperature of the calorimeter (jacket of metal and — water) is obtained. The opening in the side is for the insertion of a stirrer (S), which is for the purpose of thoroughly mixing the water and thus equalizing the temperature of both water and metal—in other words, of the calorimeter. Before using the apparatus the calorimetric equivalent must be determined,,. that is, the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the instrument 1°. This may be obtained indirectly by knowing the different substances used in. the construction of the instrument, their weights, and their specific heats, and estimating from these data. It is better, however, to,make the determination by burning a definite amount of absolute alcohol or hydrogen within the instru- ment, or by using a sealed vessel of hot water of a known temperature and allowing it to cool to a definite extent. The process is simple; for instance,. each gram of alcohol or each liter of hydrogen completely oxidized yields a: definite number of calories ; similarly, a definite weight of water cooled a i) = = _ ai = ‘a 4 @ a SS pee Pa Wa tree, ANIMAL HEAT. 587 definite number of degrees gives off a definite quantity of heat. The heat thus generated by the oxidation of the alcohol or hydrogen or given off by the cool- ing of the water is imparted to the calorimeter and increases its temperature. Knowing the quantity of heat given to the calorimeter and the increase of temperature of the instrument, the determination of the calorimetrical equiva- lent may be easily made. Thus, 1 gram of alcohol yields in round numbers 9000 calories ; if we burn 10 grams of absolute alcohol, 90,000 calories will result ; if the temperature of the calorimeter be increased 1°, the calorimetric equivalent will be 90,000 calories or 90-kilogramdegrees ; in other words, for each degree of increase of the temperature of the calorimeter a quantity of heat equivalent to 90 kilogramdegrees is absorbed. The heat dissipated by an animal is only in part absorbed by the calori- meter, another portion being given to the air which passes from the instrument, and another portion to water which is evaporated from the lungs and skin. Three estimates, therefore, are necessary—(1) of the heat given to the calori- meter, (2) of the heat given to the air, and (3) of the heat given off in the evaporation of water. The estimate of the heat given to the air necessitates the measurement of the quantity of air supplied to the calorimeter, and of the temperature of the air on entering and leaving the calorimeter ; while the estimate of the heat lost in evaporating water involves the measurement of samples of the air entering and leaving the instrument and of the quantities of water in both cases, the total quantity of water evaporated from the animal being estimated from these data. The conduct of such experiments is not attended with any material dif- ficulties. The water of the calorimeter is stirred for a sufficient length of time in order to obtain a uniform temperature. The temperature of the animal is taken and the animal then placed within the animal chamber. The temperatures of the calorimeter and of the air entering and leaving the instru- ment, and readings of the three gas-meters are recorded. During the progress of the experiment air temperatures are recorded at regular intervals of ten or fifteen minutes and the water stirred for a few seconds each time. At the conclusion of the experiment there are recorded—the temperature of the calori- meter, the temperatures of the air entering and leaving the calorimeter, the quantities of air passing through the three gas-meters, and the temperature of the animal. The quantity of heat given to the calorimeter is now determined by multi- plying the increase of temperature of the instrument by the calorimetric equivalent. If the rise of temperature be 0.6° C. and the calorimetric equiva- lent be 90 kilogramdegrees, the quantity of heat me pee tet to the water jacket will be 90 x 0.6° = 54 kilogramdegrees. The quantity of heat imparted to the air is determined by finding first the corrected volume of the air, then reducing the corrected volume to weight, then multiplying the weight by the specific heat of air at 0° C., and finally multiplying by the increase of temperature. The corrected volume may be 588 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Vivre 760 (1 + 0.003665 #) the required volume at 0° C. and 760 mm. barometric pressure, V’ the ob- served volume, P the observed pressure, and ¢ the observed mean temperature : 760 (1 + 0.003665) is conveniently obtained from standard tables. The errors incident to changes in barometric pressure and in aqueous tension are so slight that they are not usually taken into consideration. Assuming that the quan- tity of air supplied amounted to 6000 liters, and that the mean temperature of the air was 20°, the corrected volume would be, omitting barometric Wee 6000 pressure and aqueous tension, V = = = 5590 liters (1 + 0.0036656 ¢#) 1,0733 at 0° C. One litre of dry air at 0° C. weighs 0.001293 kilogram ; therefore, 5590 liters x 0.001293 = 7.228 kilograms. If we assume that the air during its passage through the calorimeter had its temperature increased 3°, and the specific heat of air is 0.2377, the quantity of heat imparted to the air must have been 7.228 X 3 X 0.2377 = 5.152 kilogramdegrees., The next estimate is of the quantity of heat lost in the evaporation of water. This is determined by finding the difference between the quantities of water in the samples of the air passing into and from the calorimeter, and estimating from these results the amount of moisture imparted to the total air leaving the chamber. Assuming that 10 grams of water were thus evaporated, since each gram requires about 582 calories or 0.582 kilogramdegree, the quan- tity of heat evolved would be equal to 10 x 0.582 = 5.82 kilogramdegrees. The total quantity of heat dissipated would therefore be the sum of the quantities given to the calorimeter, to the air, and to the water evaporated : where V is obtained by the following formula: V = Given to.the calorimeter! ...../s) o: « +50[ sane pee 54,000 kilogramdegrees. Given to the.air;, .. 1:0.» \» oo: sfe ap Se 5,152 mR Lost in‘evaporating water. . .-. . . <%. s ss 5 5 5,820 * Total heat-dissipation: . . .... 2°s°h = me 64,972 - The quantity of heat produced is determined by adding to or subtracting from the quantity dissipated the amount of heat that may have been gained or lost by the organism. It is obvious that any difference between the quantities of heat dissipated and produced must be represented by an increase or decrease of the mean temperature of the animal. If the animal’s tempera- ture remains unchanged, the quantity of heat produced is the same as the quantity lost; if, however, the animal’s temperature increases, less heat is dissipated than is produced; if it falls, vice versa. The quantity of: heat involved in a change of body-temperature is determined by the product of the change in temperature into the animal’s weight and specific heat. Assum-_ ing that the animal’s temperature at the beginning of the experiment was 38.95° C. and at the end 39.32° C., the temperature being increased 0.37° C., that the animal’s weight was 25 kilograms, and that the animal’s specific heat was 0.8, the quantity of heat would be 0.37 x 25 x 0.8 = 7.4 kilogramdegrees. ANIMAL HEAT. 589 The quantity of heat produced would, therefore, be the total quantity dissipated plus the quantity of heat added to the heat of the organism at the time the experiment begun ; therefore, the heat-production was 64.972 + 7.4 = 72.372 kilogramdegrees. If the animal’s temperature had fallen, more heat would have been dissipated than produced, because the total quantity of heat in the organism was greater at the beginning than at the end of the experiment ; therefore, the quantity of heat represented in the change of temperature would have been deducted from the quantity of heat dissipated. While calorimetric experiments do not generally involve any special diffi- culties, accurate results can only be ensured by the strict observation of certain details: (1) The temperatures of the calorimeter and room should be as nearly as possible alike and kept as far as possible constant. (2) The thermometers employed should be so sensitive that readings can be made in hundredths of a degree, and they should respond very quickly, so that rectal temperatures can be obtained within three minutes. (3) Rectal temperatures are to be preferred, the thermometer always being inserted to the same extent and held in the same position, care being exercised to prevent the burying of the bulb in fecal matter. (4) The animal during the taking of its temperature must on no account be tied down, but gently held, and all circumstances seduously avoided that tend to excite the animal. The chief sources of error in the calorime- try are in failures to obtain accurate temperatures of the calorimeter and of the animal. In the latter case inaccuracy is to some extent absolutely una- voidable, chiefly because of normal fluctuations which occur frequently and are often very marked. Conditions affecting Heat-production.—The quantity of heat produced must necessarily vary with many circumstances. Estimates of heat-production in the adult range in round numbers from 2000 to 3000 kilogramdegrees per diem according to the method and incidental circumstances. ‘Thus, according to— BCOATING. . . «ons 3169 kilogramdegrees | Ranke ....... 2272 kilogramdegrees .. | ee 2400 . OBOE in eae 2843 ms a ee 3725 . ie age cat hae le 103 — 4 CS ee oe 2160 1 per hour during the afternoon (weight of Bremnolze ... . 5 - « 2732 ~ man 87.3 kilograms). Rosenthal ...... 2446 = Lichatschew . . . - 33.072 to 38.723 kilo- Danilesky°.: 3.0... 3210 «: gramdegrees per kilogram of body-weight i ae ee 3192 x per diem.! The chief conditions which affect heat-production are age, sex, constitution, body-weight and body surface, species, respiratory activity, the condition of the circulation, internal and external temperature, food, digestion, time of day, muscular activity, the activity of heat-dissipation, nervous influences, drugs, abnormal and pathological conditions. 1 The figures by Ott (New York Medical Journal, 1889, vol. 16, p. 29) and Lichatschew (Diss. inauguralis, St. Petersburg, 1893; quoted in Hermann’s Jahresberichte der Physiologie, 1893, p. 99) were obtained by means of a water calorimeter. 590 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Young animals produce more heat, weight for weight, than the mature. This is owing chiefly to the greater activity of the metabolic processes in the former, and in part to the relatively larger body surface, young animals generally being smaller than the matured and thus having, in proportion to body-weight, larger radiating surfaces. Heat-production is more active in the robust than in the weak, other con- ditions being the same. | The weight of the body is obviously a most important factor in relation to the quantity of heat produced, especially as regards the weight of the active tissues in relation to inactive structures such as bone, sinew, and cartilage, Two animals of the same weight may produce very different quantities of heat per diem, other things being equal. Thus, a fleshy animal should naturally be expected to produce more heat than one with very little flesh and an abundance of fat, which is an inactive heat-producing structure. While, therefore, the relation of heat-production to body-weight does not seem to be definite, yet the experiments by Reichert’ and by Carter? indicate that heat- production bears, broadly speaking, a direct relation to body-weight. Heat-production is greater relatively in homothermous than in poikilother- mous animals; it varies materially in intensity in different species, especially in warm-blooded animals; and it is closely related to the intensity of respiration. Moreover, it is probable that each species, and even each individual of the species, has its own specific thermogenic coefficient, that is, a mean standard of heat-production for each kilogram of body-weight or for each square centime- ter of body-surface. The following figures giving the heat-production per kilogram per hour, compiled by Munk,’ are of interest both as regards species and size and weight of the animal in relation to heat-production : Hae 6p oa eet 1.3 kilogramdegrees. | Duck. ...-+... 6.0 kilogramdegrees. WaG 45 ios Bones: ene 1.5 : Pigeon... + 3 wwe 10.1 . Child (7 kilograms). . 3.2 fs Rat so o60 ee 11.3 & Dog (30 pl Et pe: - Mouae’s. 3-55 at sole 19.0 sty Dog (3 i beri ROG ar ° Sparrow) 7.7.3: 35.5 “? Guinea-pig .... . . . 7.5 . Greenfinch .... . 35.7 > These figures have an additional interest when compared with the respira- tory activity of different species (p. 537). The intensity of respiration has a marked significance both in connection with the species and the individual. The larger the quantity of oxygen consumed the greater relatively is the activity of oxidation processes, and, consequently, the more active is heat-pro- duction (see p. 537). Therefore, all circumstances which affect respiratory activity tend to affect thermogenesis. The intensity of respiratory activity and the extent of body-surface in relation to body-weight are closely related (p. 538). Increased activity of the circulation is favorable to increased heat-produc- 1 University Medical Magazine, 1890, vol. 2, p. 225. * Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1890, vol. 17, p. 782. 3 Physiologie des Menschen und der Saugethiere, 1892, p. 302. ee kw Ts (eee ANIMAL HEAT. 591 tion, this being due to several factors: (1) A more abundant supply of blood may be accompanied by increased metabolic activity. (2) Increased circulatory activity is favorable to increased heat-dissipation by causing a larger supply of blood to the skin, thus facilitating loss by radiation and indirectly tending to increase thermogenesis. (3) Increased circulatory activity also excites the respi- ratory movements and the secretion of sweat, thus increasing heat-loss and in- directly favoring heat-production. (4) The more active the circulation the larger the amount of heat produced by the heart and the movement of the blood. The diurnal fluctuations of the pulse-rate are said to be more or less closely related to similar changes of body temperature. A rise of internal temperature (bodily temperature) is favorable to increased metabolic activity (p. 540) and, therefore, to an increase of heat-production ; conversely, a fall of bodily temperature reduces heat-production. The influ- ences of bodily temperature are, as a whole, less important than those of ex- ternal temperature. The influences of external temperature are in a measure different upon homo- thermous and poikilothermous animals. In the former, heat-production is in inverse relation to the temperature of the surrounding medium, so that the cooler the ambient temperature the greater the heat-production ; in the latter heat-production increases with an increase. of external temperature, because with the rise of the latter bodily temperature increases, which in turn increases metabolic activity (pp. 540, 541). Consequently, in warm-blooded animals heat- production is greater in cold climates and seasons than in the opposite conditions, while in cold-blooded animals the opposite is the case. Cold applied to the skin increases heat-production by reflexly exciting muscular activity (shivering, etc., p- 541); moderate heat exerts the opposite influence unless the bodily tem- perature is affected, as shown by the results of studies of respiration (p. 541). The character of the food is important. Danilewsky' has estimated that the following quantities of heat are produced under different diets, ete. : RINE AIOE 6S ie eS. Wig Nia esis 1800 kilogramdegrees. On a reduced diet (absolute rest) ........... 1989 4 On a non-nitrogenous diet ..........-+4.. 2480 - On a mixed diet (moderate work). .......... 3210 se On an abundant diet (hard work) ........... 3646 * On an abundant diet (very laborious work). . .... . 3780 a The influence of the quantity and quality of the diet must be potent when it is remembered that 1 gram of proteid yields about 4937 calories, 1 gram of fat about 9312 calories, and 1 gram of carbohydrate about 4116 calories. In cold climates fats enter very largely into the diet because of the greater loss of heat and the consequent increased demand for heat-producing substances. During the periods of digestion more heat is produced than during the in- tervals, this increase being due chiefly to the muscular activity of the intestinal walls (p. 540). Langlois’ experiments indicate that during digestion heat- production may be increased 35 to 40 per cent. 1 Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1883, vol. xxx. p. 190. 592 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. It is said that heat-production undergoes diurnal variations which corre- spond with the fluctuations of bodily temperature, but this is doubtful. All structures produce more heat during activity than during rest. Heat- production has been estimated to be from two and a half to three times greater when awake and resting than when asleep, and from one and a half to three times more when active than when at rest, in proportion to the degree of activity. During hybernation the absorption of O falls considerably (p. 542), consequently heat-production is believed to decline to a like degree. All cireumstances which affect heat-dissipation (p. 601) tend indirectly to influence heat-production. The most important of the factors influencing heat-production is the ner- vous mechanism which controls the heat-producing processes (p. 598). Various drugs exert more or less potent influences directly or indirectly upon heat-production. Cocain, strychnin, brucin, and other motor excitants increase heat-production ; while chloroform, most antipyretics, narcotics generally, bro- mides, and motor depressants decrease heat-production. Heat-production is diminished in most forms of anzemia, after severe hem- orrhage, and in most non-febrile adynamic conditions. It is usually increased in fevers, especially so in infectious fevers. According to Liebermeister, the increase in fever is probably about 6 per cent. for each increase of 1° C. of bodily temperature, so that were the increase of temperature 3° C. the increase of heat-production would be 18 per cent.. Conditions affecting Heat-dissipation.—The loss of heat from the body occurs through several channels—in the urine, feces, sweat, and expired air, and by radiation and conduction from the skin; hence, all conditions which affect the loss of heat in the above ways must influence heat-dissipation. The chief of these are: Age, sex, species, the quantity of subcutaneous fat, the nature of the surrounding medium, clothing, internal and external tempera- ture, activity of heat-production, body-surface, the condition of the circulation, respiration, sweat, activity, radiating coefficient, nervous influences, drugs, and abnormal conditions. The young dissipate and produce more heat in proportion to body-weight than the adult, this being due chiefly to the relatively greater metabolic activity and the larger proportional body-surface (p. 538), and consequent greater radiation, in the young. Sex per se does not seem to exert any influence, although the adult human female, weight for weight and for an equivalent bodily surface, probably dissi- pates less heat than the male, because of her relative abundance of subcu- taneous fat, which hinders heat-dissipation. No difference so far as sex is concerned has been noted in the lower animals. Heat-dissipation varies greatly in different species, owing chiefly to relative size and respiratory activity, to the nature of the medium in which the animal lives, and to the character of the body-covering. Heat-dissipation is more active in homothermous animals than in poikilothermous animals, because of the greater activity in the former of heat-production. In amphibia heat-dissi- ~~ ier yo se -STe ‘ _ rf r a —_* Su WORM TT Hehe ep —— ANIMAL HEAT. 593 pation is greater when the animal is in the water than when exposed to the air if both water and air be of the same temperature, because water is a better conductor of heat and consequently withdraws heat from the body more rapidly. The higher the temperature of the surroundings the higher the bodily temperature of cold-blooded animals, consequently the greater are heat- production and heat-dissipation. In warm-blooded animals the effect on both heat-production and heat-dissipation is in inverse relation to the surrounding temperature (unless the bodily temperature is affected), external heat decreasing both heat-dissipation and heat-production, and internal heat increasing both. Subcutaneous fat is a poor conductor of heat, consequently the greater the abundance of it the greater the hindrance offered to the dissipation of heat. The value of fat in this respect is illustrated in water-fowl, which, as a rule, are far more abundantly supplied with fat than other species; and by the ex- ceptional abundance of subcutaneous fat in species of fowl which inhabit very cold waters. Bathing the skin with grease hinders radiation, and is adopted by swimmers both to conserve the bodily heat and to protect the skin. When air and water are of the same temperature, heat-dissipation is greater when the animal is exposed to the water, because the latter is a better con- ductor. Heat-loss is greater in dry than in moist air, other things being equal, because in the former the evaporation of sweat from the body and the loss of water from the lungs are favored, the vaporization of water affecting heat-dissipation more decidedly than the moisture of the air. Heat-dissipation is more active in cold moist air than in cold dry air. Cold air is not favorable to the vaporization of water, whereas cold moist air has a higher specific heat than the dry air, and thus tends to carry off heat more rapidly. The character of the covering of the body is of great importance. This is illustrated in the changes which occur in the natural covering of animals during warm and cold seasons, and in the characters of the fur of species which inhabit very cold or very warm climates, During the winter the fur is longer and thicker than during the summer. Animals living in cold or hot climates are supplied with a relatively greater or less abundance of fur or feathers and subcutaneous fat. Man provides for changes of the seasons by modifying the quantity and quality of his clothing. In the adaptation of dress to climate, the conductivity, radiating coefficient, hygroscopic capacity, porosity, weight, and color of the clothing are important factors. The poorest conductors, other things being equal, make the warmest clothing; -fur and wool are poor conductors and therefore are adapted especially for cold seasons and climates, while cotton and linen are good conductors and therefore make cool clothing. The radiating coefficient depends upon the conductivity of the material and the character of the radiating surface. The coarser the material the better the radiating surface, hence the better the conductor and the cooler the clothing. The hygroscopic character of the clothing is of far more importance than is generally believed. Articles of clothing having a large capacity for absorbing and retaining moisture are, other things being equal, of more value, especially for underwear, than those possessing the opposite 38 594 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. quality. Woollen goods compared with those made of cotton not only have a far greater absorptive capacity but retain moisture for a longer time. When the clothing is of wool people are less apt to catch cold from exposure to draughts and sudden cold than when it is of linen or cotton, the wool pre- venting a too rapid evaporation of moisture, thus guarding against chilling. Porosity is a comparatively subsidiary factor. The greater the weight of the clothing, other things being equal, the more is heat-dissipation hindered. The color of the outer apparel has a certain influence owing to the relative heat- absorbing capacities, black clothing being warmer than white, etc., hence the general use of white or light-colored clothing in warm climates and seasons. A rise of internal temperature (bodily temperature) is favorable to an in- crease of heat-dissipation, for several reasons: (1) Heat-production tends to be increased and thus cause an effort of the system to get rid of the excess of heat. (2) The activity of the circulation is increased, causing a larger amount of blood to be brought to the cutaneous surface where it is subjected to the influence of the cooler surroundings. (3) Respiratory movements are increased so that heat-dissipation is favored by the larger amount of air respired and larger amount of moisture carried off. (4) The temperature of the body is higher in relation to that of the surroundings and thus heat-dissipation by radiation and conduction is facilitated. The influences of external tempera- ture are even more potent in their effects than those of internal temperature, chiefly because of the much wider range of temperature to which the organism is subjected. Bodily temperature under ordinary circumstances does not vary more than 1° to 2° C. during the twenty-four hours, but external temperature may vary as much as 40° C., or more. External heat tends by exciting cuta- neous nerves to reflexly diminish heat-production and thus indirectly dimin- ish heat-dissipation ; but this is to some extent antagonized by a dilatation of the blood-vessels of the skin, an excitation of respiration, and increase in the quantity of sweat, all of which tend to increase heat-dissipation, but which are unable to balance the opposite effects. Cold, on the other hand, accelerates both heat-dissipation and heat-production. The loss of heat from the body — is increased because of the greater difference in the temperatures of the body and the surroundings ; but, on the other hand, the cutaneous vessels are con; tracted, the circulation is less active, and the quantity of sweat is lessened, all of which are unfavorable to heat-dissipation. Yet while these latter altera- — tions tend to diminish heat-loss, they are not sufficient to compensate for the — increased expenditure by radiation and for the greater loss by respiration. Circumstances which increase heat-production above the normal tend indi- rectly to increase heat-dissipation. Other things being equal, the greater the quantity of heat produced the greater the heat-dissipation, unless the bodily temperature be below the normal, in which case heat-production may be in- creased and yet heat-dissipation remain unaffected, or even be diminished, until sufficient heat has accumulated to bring the ere temperature up to the mean standard. The larger the surface of the body exposed to the seakeate cooler sur- ; ot ee a en at aden eee = “ - rae ox & ie ee a ae . ' es > ANIMAL HEAT. 595 roundings, the greater is the loss of heat. The larger the animal the greater the body-surface, and therefore the greater is heat-dissipation ; but in proportion to body-weight smaller animals have larger body-surfaces, therefore heat-dissi- pation is relatively greater, although not absolutely so (see p. 537), The area of body-surface involved in heat-dissipation is affected by the position of the individual. ‘Thus, by bringing the arms and legs in contact with’ the body the total surface exposed is lessened. On the other hand, animals which habitually have their legs in apposition with the trunk have their radiating surfaces increased when their legs are extended. For instance, in the rabbit extension of the legs enormously increases heat-dissipation, so that the bodily temperature is profoundly affected. The condition of the vascular system exercises an important influence. Circumstances that excite the circulation affect heat-dissipation both directly and indirectly. Thus, heat-loss is directly increased by the excitation of the respiratory movements, by the increased secretion of sweat, and by the larger supply and increased temperature of the blood to the skin. Increased activity of the circulation also increases heat-production, and thus indirectly affects heat- dissipation. Opposite conditions, of course, lessen heat-dissipation. The larger the quantity of air respired, other things being equal, the larger the loss of heat by this channel. The heat-loss occurs both in warming the air and in the evaporation of water from the lungs, so that the cooler and drier the air inspired the larger relatively is the heat-loss. The importance of respiration as a heat-dissipating factor is illustrated by the fact that about 10.7 per cent. of the total heat-dissipation occurs in this way (see p. 584). Next in importance to radiation is the amount of water evaporated from the skin. Each gram of water requires 582 calories to vaporize it, and it is estimated (p. 584) that 364,120 calories are dissipated in this way, or 14.5 per cent, of the total heat-dissipation. An increase of external temperature increases the irritability of the sudoriparous glands, thus favoring secretion and heat-dissipation. The value of sweat, however, as a means of carrying off heat, is materially affected by the temperature of the air as well as by the amount of moisture present. The higher the temperature and the less the moisture the more rapidly evaporation occurs, and consequently the greater the loss of heat; when air is moist and of high temperature evaporation takes place relatively slowly, if at all. Therefore, individuals can withstand sub- jection to dry air of a higher temperature and for a longer period than when the atmosphere is moist. In the former case sweat is rapidly secreted and vaporized, and thus a marked rise of internal temperature may be prevented. James found that a vapor bath at 44.5° C. (112° F.) was insufferable, while dry air at 80° C. (176° F.) caused little inconvenience. When air is of high temperature and loaded with moisture we say that it is “sultry,” but dry air of the same temperature is not unpleasant. Muscular activity increases heat-production, excites the circulation and respiration, and increases the secretion of sweat, all of which directly or indi- rectly increase heat-dissipation. 596 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. The surface of the body as a radiating surface cannot be regarded in the same light as an indifferent, inanimate surface, such as metal or wood. ‘The coefficient of radiation (the quantity of heat emitted during a unit of time at a standard temperature from a given area) in an inanimate body remains fixed, because the surface itself is virtually unchangeable; but the coefficient for the living organism is subject to material alterations. These alterations depend chiefly (1) upon the actions of the pilo-motor mechanism whereby the relation of the natural covering (hair or feathers in the lower animals) of the body to the skin is effectéd ; (2) upon changes in the conductivity of the skin owing to variations of the blood-supply ; (3) upon the varying thickness of the skin in different species, in different individuals, and in different parts of the body ; (4) upon the temperature of the surroundings; (5) upon the extent of the body-surface exposed; (6) upon the character of the clothing. When the arrector pili muscles contract the skin is made tense and the cutaneous blood- vessels are pressed upon and rendered anemic, thus lessening the quantity of fluid in the skin and as a consequence lowering the coefficient of dissipation ; moreover, in animals whose natural covering is fur or feathers, these fibres cause an erection of one or the other, as the case may be, and in this way affect the radiating coefficient. The coefficient is enormously increased by removing the natural covering, such as the fur of the rabbit, under which cir- cumstances, even though the animal be subjected to a relatively high external temperature, heat-dissipation is so enormously increased that death ensues within two or three days. When one side of the body of a horse was shaved and the animal subjected to an atmosphere having a temperature of 0° C., the tem- perature of the skin of the shaven side fell 8° in forty minutes, while the temperature of the unshaven side fell only 0.5°. The coefficient is diminished where there is excessive sebaceous secretion, and where grease is artificially applied, and by an accumulation of subcutaneous fat; it is increased by wetting the skin, as by sweat or bathing; and it is affected by many other circumstances. Through the operations of the nervous system heat-dissipation may be affected directly or indirectly by action upon the heat-dissipating and heat- producing processes—circulation, wir ser gs sudorific and sebaceous glands, and arrector pili muscles. There are many drugs which directly or indirectly affect heat-dissipation. Drugs which cause dilatation of the cutaneous vessels tend to increase heat- dissipation ; conversely, those which cause contraction of the blood-vessels hinder dissipation. Diaphoretics increase heat-loss essentially by increasing the amount of sweat. Respiratory excitants increase the loss of heat by means of the increased volume of air respired. Drugs which increase heat-production tend to indirectly increase heat-dissipation. All pathological states which affect heat-production tend to similarly disturb heat-dissipation. Conditions of malnutrition favor heat-dissipation by causing a loss of subcutaneous fat, but this is to a greater or less extent compensated or by the enfeeblement of the circulation, respiration, and metabolic processes ANIMAL HEAT. © 597 in general. In fever, both heat-production and heat-dissipation are generally increased, the former being affected more than the latter, so that the bodily temperature rises. In some forms of fever the rise of temperature is essentially due to diminished heat-dissipation. D. THz HeAat-MECHANISM. The heat-mechanism consists of two fundamental parts, one being concerned in heat-production, and the other in heat-dissipation. Heat-production is briefly expressed as thermogenesis ; and heat-dissipation, as thermolysis. The operations of these mechanisms are so intimately related that fluctuations in the activity of one are rapidly compensated for by reciprocal changes in the other, so that under normal conditions heat-production and heat-dissipation so nearly balance that the mean bodily temperature is maintained within narrow limits. _ The regulation of the relations between heat-production and heat-dissipation is termed thermotaxis, which regulation may be effected by alterations in either thermogenesis or thermolysis. The Mechanism concerned in Thermogenesis.—The portion of the heat- mechanism concerned in heat-production consists of (1) thermogenic tissues, (2) thermogenic nerves, and (3) thermogenic centres. The Thermogenic Tissues—Almost if not every tissue of the body may be regarded as being a heat-producing structure. The very fact that oxidative processes lie at the bottom of all forms of vital activity, and that heat-produc- tion is a concomitant of oxidation, leads inevitably to the conclusion that as long as cells possess life they must produce heat. There are, however, certain of the bodily structures, especially the skeletal muscles and the glands, which are exceptionally active as heat-producers. Indeed, in the case of the skeletal muscles the heat-producing processes are of such a character as to justify the belief that with them thermogenesis is a specific function, because heat is pro- duced not merely as an incidental product of activity but as a specific product. When a muscle contracts, heat is evolved as an incident of the performance of work, and when it is at rest heat is produced not only as an incident of growth and repair but as the result of a specific act. This latter is proved by the fact that when the muscles have been in a state of prolonged rest, when the chemi- eal changes concerned in growth and in repair of waste are inactive, heat-pro- duction continues to a marked degree. Moreover, the quantity which is pro- duced varies with the immediate needs of the economy and bears a reciprocal relationship to the quantity of heat formed in other structures,’ and is regulated apparently by specific nerve-centres. When the muscles are contracting less than one-fifth of the energy appears as work, and more than four-fifths as heat. The contractions of the heart also furnish an appreciable percentage of heat as an accompaniment of contraction ; and considerable heat is formed indirectly by the resistance offered by the the blood-vessel walls to the blood current. Indeed, the entire work of the heart becomes converted into heat, representing from 5 to 10 per cent. of the 1 Riibner: Sitzwngsberichte d. konigl. Bayer. Akad. der Wissenschaft, 1885, Heft 4. 598 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. total heat-production. The quantity formed as by-products of the activity of various structures during a state of muscular quiet is doubtless small compared _ with the quantity produced by the muscles, The Thermogenic Nerves and Centres.—Heat-production may occur independ- ently of, but under normal circumstances it is regulated by, the nervous system. A muscle separated from all nervous influences continues to produce heat, but con- siderably less than before, and it ceases to respond to the demands of the system for more or less heat as do muscles with their nerves intact. Injuries to certain parts of the cerebro-spinal axis affect heat-production in muscles, in some in- stances causing an increase and in others a decrease ; but these changes do not occur if the nervous communication between the centres and muscles is destroyed. Thermogenic Nerves.—Specific thermogenic ‘nerve-fibres have not as yet been isolated, although the researches by Kemp‘ and Reichert? indicate that such fibres exist. In muscles probably two kinds of katabolic processes go on, one subservient to muscular contraction and the other to heat-produc- tion. From the fact that there may be two kinds of katabolic processes we are led to the conclusion that two corresponding sets of nerve-fibres con- trol them, and it seems probable that the katabolie processes which give rise to muscular contraction and its accompanying heat-production are due to im- pulses carried to the muscles by motor nerves, while those specifically con- cerned in the production of heat are transmitted by nerve-fibres of an entirely different character, possibly those fibres subserving muscular tone. Upon this hypothesis the latter fibres might be designated as specific thermogenic fibres— in other words, they are specifically engaged in conveying impulses from the nerve-centres to the muscles, bringing about katabolic changes which have for their especial object the production of heat. According to another hypothesis both muscular contraction and muscular tone are subserved by the motor nerves, whether or not contraction results being a question of intensity of the impulses, Our knowledge of the character of the afferent fibres which carry impulses that reflexly affect thermogenesis is very unsatisfactory. There can be no doubt that sensory impulses arise in various parts of the organism, especially in the skin, which exercise important influences upon the heat-producing pro- cesses. Thus, cooling the skin reflexly excites heat-production, which cannot be attributed to indirect influences upon other functions, but whether or not there exist specific afferent thermogenic fibres is not known. It is possible that the temperature nerves of the skin, the cold and the heat nerves, may be responsible for reflex excitation or depression of heat-production. The Thermogenic Centres.—The existence of specific thermogenic centres has for many years been conceded, but it has only been recently that hypothesis has given place to fact. The most important results of recent research may be generalized as follows: (1) That the irritation of the skin by heat or cold is followed by marked changes in thermogenesis, which effects are to a certain extent entirely independent of vasomotor and other incidental changes, and which, therefore, are due in part to an increase of heat-production dependent Therapeutic Gazette, 1889, p. 155. 2? Tbid., 1891, p. 151. ANIMAL HEAT. 599 directly upon efferent thermogenic impulses. (2) That injury or excitation of certain parts of the brain is followed by an increase of heat-production. (3) That injury or excitation of certain other parts of the brain is followed by diminished heat-production. (4) That injury of the spinal cord may be fol- lowed by an increase or decrease of heat-production which cannot be entirely accounted for by vaso-motor and other attendant alterations. (5) That after operations upon certain parts of the cerebro-spinal axis there follows an increase or decrease in the quantity of CO, formed, indicating a corresponding effect on the heat-producing processes. The results of recent calorimetric work show that there are definite regions of the cerebro-spinal axis which are apparently specifically concerned in ther- mogenesis ; that the effects of excitation or destruction of each region are more or less characteristic; and that the different regions seem to be so intimately related to one another as to constitute a co-ordinate mechanism. Certain of these regions when irritated give rise, as a direct result, to increased thermogenesis, hence they are of the nature of thermo-accelerator centres; and others to diminished thermogenesis, hence are thermo-inhibitory centres. Both kinds of centres seem to be associated with and to govern a third kind which is dis- tinguished as the general or automatic thermogenic centres. The mechanism may be theoretically expressed in this form: The general thermogenic centres may be regarded as maintaining by virtue of independent activity a fairly con- stant standard of thermogenesis, and as being influenced to increased activity by the thermo-accelerator centres and to diminished activity by the thermo-inhib- itory centres. The finer or smaller variations in thermogenesis are presumably effected by the general centres, whereas the grosser variations are probably ef- fected by the influences of the thermo-accelerator and thermo-inhibitory centres. Specific heat-centres (thermogenic and thermolytic) have by various ob- servers been held to exist in certain regions of the brain cortex, in the base of the brain just in front of and beneath the corpus striatum, in the corpus stri- atum, in the septum lucidum and the tuber cinereum, in the optic thalamus, in the corpora quadrigemina, in the pons and medulla oblongata, and in the spinal cord. Some of these centres have been regarded as being thermogenic and others as being thermolytic. Many errors in deduction have, however, been made because of the many inherent difficulties attending experimenta- tion upon the cerebro-spinal axis, and because almost all the methods used necessarily involve injury or excitation of contiguous parts. The methods adopted of studying these various regions have been chiefly destruction or injury by means of a probe, actual cautery, excision, and the injection of cauterants ; by transverse incisions across the cerebro-spinal axis so as to sepa- rate higher from lower portions of the cerebro-spinal axis; and by excitation by small punctures, electricity, ete. In classifying these centres we are governed by the results which follow excitation and destruction. When irritation or destruction directly affects thermogenesis, the centre is regarded as being thermogenic, but if heat-dissi- pation is the process directly affected, the centre is regarded as being thermo- 600 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. lytic. In classifying thermogenic centres we would regard the centre as being a general thermogenic centre if it is capable, after the destruction of other thermogenic centres, of causing the normal output of heat; a thermo-acceler- ator centre is distinguished by the fact that excitation increases thermogenesis, while destruction does not diminish thermogenesis, unless the centre happens to be active at the time, and further by the fact that after its destruction the normal output of heat may continue ; a thermo-inhibitory centre is distinguished by a decrease of heat-production following stimulation and by the absence of any permanent effect on thermogenesis when the centre is destroyed. The general or reflex thermogenic centres are undoubtedly continuously active, the degree of activity varying according to the immediate demands of the organism for heat ; while the thermo-accelerator and thermo-inhibitory centres are prob- ably only intermittently active, coming into play when the general centres are of themselves unable to effect a sufficiently rapid compensation. While it must be admitted that our knowledge of the precise locations, physiological peculiarities, and correlations of the thermogenic centres is by no means complete, we have at our disposal some most important and significant data. The general thermogenic centres have been shown by Reichert' to be located in the spinal cord. The thermogenic centres in the brain are either thermo-accelerator or thermo-inhibitory. Thermo-accelerator centres probably exist in the caudate nuclei (possibly also in the tuber cinereum sae optic thalami), pons, and medulla oblongata.’ Excitation of any one of these regions is followed by a pronounced rise of heat-production ; destruction of any one region may or may not be followed by a decrease of heat-production, and if a decrease does occur it may in most cases be attributed to incidental causes, such as shock and other attendant conditions. The centre which is common to the pons and medulla is for the most part probably located in the latter, but it is not so powerful in its influ- ences on thermogenesis as the thermo-accelerator centres in the basal regions of the cerebrum. These cerebral centres are affected by agents which have little or no effect on the heat centres of the spinal cord. Thermo-inhibitory centres have been located in the dog in the region of the sulcus cruciatus and at the junction of the supra-Sylvian and post-Sylvian fissures.’ Irritation of either of them is followed by a decrease of heat-production, while their destruction may be followed by a transient increase of heat-production. The cruciate centre is the more powerful. None of these cerebral centres exercises 1 University Medical Magazine, 1894, vol. v. p. 406. ? Reichert: University Medical Magazine, 1894, vol. 6, p. 303. Ott: Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1884, vol. 11, p. 141; 1887, vol. 14, p. 154; 1888, vol. 15, p. 85; Therapeutic Gazette, 1887, p. 592; Fever, Thermotaxia, and Calorimetry, 1889. Aronsohn and Sachs: Piliiger’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1885, vol. 37, p. 232. Girard: Archiv de Physiologie normale et patholo- gique, 1886, vol. 8, p. 281. Baginsky und Lehmann: Virchow’s Archiv fiir Pathologie, 1886, Bd. 106, p. 258. White: Journal of Physiology, 1890, vol. 11, p. 1; 1891, vol. 12, p. 233. Baculo: Centri temici, 1890, 1891, and 1892. Tangl: Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1895, vol. 68, p. 559. 3 Wood: “ Fever,” Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 1880, No. 357. Ott: Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1888. . ANIMAL HEAT. 601 any influence on thermogenesis after section of the spinal cord at its junction with the medulla oblongata. Theoretically, these centres are associated in this way: The general thermo- genic centres are in the spinal cord, and while they are perhaps impressionable to impulses coming to them ae various sensory nerves, they are not apparently in the least influenced by cutaneous impulses caused by changes in external temperature nor by changes of the temperature of the blood. It is not improbable that these centres are in the anterior cornua of the spinal cord. The thermo-accelerator and thermo-inhibitory centres are connected with the general centres by nerve-fibres, the former influencing the general centres to increased activity, and the latter to diminished activity. The thermo-accel- erator and thermo-inhibitory centres seem to be especially affected by cuta- neous impulses which are generated by changes in external temperature, and to be influenced by alterations of the temperature of the blood. It is doubtless through these centres that changes in external and internal temperature are able to affect the heat-producing processes. Presumably both an increase of temperature of the blood and cutaneous impulses generated by an increase of external temperature excite the thermo-inhibitory centres, and thus inhibitory impulses are sent to the general centres, lessening their activity ; on the other hand, both a fall of temperature of the blood and cutaneous impulses gener- ated by cold presumably excite the thermo-accelerator centres and thus cause impulses to be sent to the general centres, exciting them to greater activity. The Mechanism concerned in Thermolysis.—The loss of heat by the body is in a large measure incidental to attendant conditions and is not a reflex result of the activity of a thermolytic mechanism; in other words, the loss occurs essentially by virtue of the same conditions as would cause inanimate bodies to lose heat. The living homothermous organism differs as regards the loss of heat from dead matter, chiefly in that the rapidity with which heat- dissipation occurs is regulated to a material extent by vital processes. The regulation of the loss of heat is effected by the operations of a complex mech- anism—that is, one consisting of a number of distinct although correlated parts. A study of this mechanism, which is designated the thermolytic mechanism, includes a consideration of all of the processes by which heat is lost, of the nervous mechanisms which govern them, and of the conditions which affect them, but especially of those processes and mechanisms which act reciprocally in conjunction with the thermogenic mechanism to maintain the mean bodily temperature. Practically all of the heat lost by the organism occurs by radia- tion and conduction from the skin, by the evaporation of water from the skin and lungs, and in warming the food, drink, and inspired air. From these facts we believe that mechanisms which affect the blood-supply to the skin, the quantity of sweat secreted, the condition of the surface of the skin, and the quantity of air inspired must in a large measure regulate thermolysis. For instance, if the temperature of the organism be materially increased there occur increased activ- ity of the heart, peripheral vascular dilatation, increased respiratory activity, and (except in fever) an increase in the secretion of sweat. The increase of the 602 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. activity of the heart together with the dilatation of the cutaneous blood-vessels increases the quantity of blood supplied to the skin ; the cutaneous blood-vessels are dilated, exposing a larger surface of blood to the cooler external surround- ings, and thus materially favoring the loss of heat by radiation ; the increase in the quantity of sweat is favorable to an increase in the amount of water evaporated, and thus to a larger loss of heat in this way ; an increase of respiratory activity means a larger volume of air respired, a greater expenditure of heat in warming the air and in the evaporation of water from the lungs. In man the pilo-motor mechanism plays a subsidiary and unimportant part in the regulation of heat- dissipation, but in some lower animals, as in certain birds, it is of considerable importance. The thermolytic mechanism therefore includes the cardiac, vaso- motor, respiratory, sweat, and pilo-motor mechanisms. All these are affected directly or indirectly by the temperature of the blood and skin. An increase in the temperature of the blood and skin excites all of them so that changes are brought about which favor heat-loss. The respiratory movements especially may be rendered intensely active, and in certain animals to such a marked degree that they may become more frequent than the heart-beats. Thermotaxis——Thermotaxis or heat-regulation is effected by reciprocal changes in heat-production and heat-dissipation brought about by the inter- vention of the thermogenic and thermolytic centres, just as the regulation of arterial pressure is effected by the reciprocal relations of the cardio- inhibitory and vaso-motor mechanisms. If heat-production is more active than heat-dissipation, thermolysis is so affected that the heat-loss is increased, and thus the mean bodily temperature maintained ; if heat-production is sub- normal, heat-dissipation also falls. Similarly, if heat-dissipation is increased, the heat-producing processes are excited to greater activity to make up the loss; conversely, if heat-dissipation is decreased, heat-production also tends to be decreased. These reciprocal actions depend essentially or wholly upon the influence of cutaneous impulses and the temperature of the blood. For instance, an increase of the temperature of the blood increases the activity of the thermolytic processes, thus effecting a compensation. If we subject an animal to a moderately cold atmosphere, as in the winter, heat-dissipation is increased, but cutaneous impulses are generated which excite the thermogenic centres so that heat-production is also increased, and thus the bodily temperature is maintained practically unaffected. It is only under abnormal conditions or under conditions of intense muscular activity that this reciprocal relation- ship is so disturbed that changes in one process are not quickly compensated for by changes in the other. Thermotaxis is effected in a large measure reflexly, especially by cutaneous impulses generated by external cold and heat, both thermogenic and thermo- lytic processes being affected. Cold applied temporarily, as in the form of a douche, bath, sponging, etc., causes constriction of the cutaneous capillaries. This lessens both the quantity and temperature of the blood passing through the skin, the effect of which tends to decrease the dissipation of heat by radia- tion and conduction. Moreover, a lessened blood-supply causes the skin to ANIMAL HEAT. 603 become poorer in fluid, so that the conduction of heat from the warmer inner parts is lessened. ‘The conductivity of the skin is further decreased by the action of the pilo-motor muscles, which when in contraction or in a state of greater tonicity render the skin tenser and thus press out the blood and tissue juices. The secretion of sweat is diminished, so that the quantity of heat lost in the vaporization of water is decreased. On the other hand, heat-dissipation tends to be materially increased by the greater radiation of heat due to the greater difference between the temperature of the body and of the douche, bath, etc., and the tendency to an increase in this way is much greater than the opposite tendency depending upon the factors above noted, therefore heat- dissipation is increased. Bathing the skin with cold water increases heat-loss by the vaporization of water as well as by conduction. The excitation of the cutaneous nerves by cold reflexly increases thermo- genesis, and to such an extent that heat-production may even exceed the quantity dissipated, thus causing an increase of bodily temperature. This rise, which is transient, may amount to 0.2° C. or more, and is followed by a re- action in which the temperature may fall 0.2° C. or more below the normal, and continue subnormal for some hours; this fall in turn is succeeded by a supple- mentary reaction in which the temperature may rise slightly above the normal. The chief reactions brought about by moderate external cold are constriction of the cutaneous blood-vessels, a diminution of the quantity of sweat secreted, increased tonicity of the pilo-motor muscles, and increased tonicity of the skeletal muscles. The action upon the latter muscles may be so marked as to cause shivering, which increases respiratory activity (see p. 540) and presumably similarly increases heat-production. Moderate external heat causes dilatation of the cutaneous vessels, excites the general circulation and thus increases the blood-supply to the skin, excites respiratory movements and the sweat-glands, but decreases thermogenesis. Owing to the dilatation of the blood-vessels of the skin and the excitation of the circulation the temperature and the quantity of the blood supplied to the skin are increased, so that conditions are caused which are favorable to an increased loss of heat by radiation. Increased activity of the respiratory movements means a larger volume of air respired, and consequently a greater loss of heat in warming the air and in the evaporation of the larger quantity of water from the lungs. The increase in the quantity of sweat formed also favors heat-dissipation by means of the larger amount of water evaporated from the skin. When, however, the external temperature is higher than that of the body, loss of heat by radiation and conduction cannot occur, so that heat not only accumulates as a result of the interference with heat-dissipation, but by absorption. The chief reactions brought about by moderate external heat are a dilata- tion of the cutaneous blood-vessels, excitement of the general circulation, an in- crease in the number of respiratory movements, increase in the amount of sweat, diminished tonicity of the muscles, and diminished thermogenesis which is prob- ably due to a lessening of the activity of the chemical changes in the muscles. 604 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. When external temperature is excessive and continued, heat-regulation is — rendered impossible: if extreme cold, heat-dissipation takes place more rapidly than heat-production, so that bodily temperature falls until death results; if very hot, heat-dissipation is so interfered with that heat rapidly accumulates within the organism, causing a continuous rise of temperature which finally causes death. | Abnormal Thermotaxis.—By this term is meant the regulation of the heat- processes under conditions in which the mean bodily temperature is maintained at a standard above or below the normal, as in fever and in animals from which the hair has been shaved. It is assumed that under normal conditions the heat-centres are “set,” as it were, for a given temperature of the blood, and that when the temperature of the blood goes above or below this standard a compensatory reaction occurs, so that thermogenesis and thermolysis are properly affected to bring about an adjustment. In fever it may be considered that the centres are set for a higher temperature than the normal; the higher the fever, the higher the adjustment. The centres may be set for subnormal temperatures, as in the case of a rabbit shaved, whose temperature may remain — 2° or 3° below the normal for a week or more. When the cause of the ab- normal condition disappears, the centres are readjusted to the normal standard. E. Post-mMortTEM RisEz oF TEMPERATURE. A rise of temperature after death is not uncommon; indeed, in case of violent death of healthy individuals, and after death following convulsions, a rise in temperature is almost invariable. This increase is due to continued heat-production and to diminished heat-dissipation. Heat-production after death may be due to continued chemical activity in the muscles and other structures which are not dead but simply ina moribund state. There is, as it were, a residual metabolic activity which remains in the cells until their tem- perature has been reduced to such a standard that the molecular transforma- tions cease—in other words, until the death of the cells occurs. Consequently, the higher the temperature of the individual at the time of somatic death (the cessation of the circulation and respiration), the longer heat-production con- tinues, because the longer the time required to cool the cells to such a degree that their chemical processes no longer go on. Heat is also produced during the development of rigor mortis. The more quickly rigor sets in, and the — more intense it is, the greater is the abundance of heat produced.. The tendency to an increase of bodily temperature is favored by the marked diminution of heat-dissipation which occurs immediately upon the cessation of of the circulation and respiration. Therefore, while both heat-production and heat-dissipation fall at once and enormously at the time of death, heat-dissipa- tion may be decreased to a more marked degree than heat-production, so that heat may accumulate and the bodily temperature rise. Temperature Sense.—(See Cutaneous Sensibility, in the section on Special Senses.) X. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. INTRODUCTION. The Unity of the Central Nervous System.—The human nervous system is formed by a mass of separate but contiguous nerve-cells. As each nerve- cell is always in close relations with some other nerve-cell, this system differs from those formed by the bones, muscles, or glands, since these tissues are dis- tributed through the body in masses more or less isolated. Isolated groups of nerve-cells do not occur. Indeed a group of nerve-cells disconnected from the other nerve-tissues of the body, as the muscles or glands are disconnected, would be without physiological significance. It is desirable, therefore, to emphasize the fact that by dissection the nervous system is found to be con- tinuous throughout its entire extent. Subdivisions Artificial.— When, therefore, the nervous system is described as formed of a central and a peripheral portion, and the peripheral portion is further analyzed into its spinal and sympathetic components, the parts distin- guished are found to have no sharply marked boundaries separating them, but _ really to merge one into the other. The conyenience of these subdivisions is undoubted, but the physiological processes which it is our purpose to study, overstep in so large a measure such conventional limits, that the picture of events in the central nervous system would be very incomplete, should they be traced only within such prescribed anatomical boundaries. : By virtue of its continuity, the nervous system puts into connection all the other systems of the body. Conforming as it does in shape to the framework of the bedy, its branches extend to all parts. These branches form pathways over which nerve-impulses travel toward the central system—the brain and spinal cord, enclosed in the cranial cavity and vertebral canal—and in conse- quence of the impulses that come in, there pass out from the central system other impulses to the muscles, glands, and blood-vessels. All incoming impulses must reach the central system. Most important in this arrangement is the absence of any device for short-circuiting the incoming impulses. It is a fact of the greatest significance, that until they have entered the central system the incoming impulses do not give rise to those outgoing, and thus all incoming impulses are first brought to the spinal cord and brain, and the outgoing impulses are there aroused and co-ordinated by them. By means of the central system there are established reactions in those tis- sues not directly affected by the variation of the external conditions, and thus 605 606 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. there follows an amount and variety of response in the organism as a whole out of all proportion to the strength of the physical stimuli employed. Owing also to the wide connections of the nervous system and the conduction of all incoming impulses to its central part a measure of harmony is maintained between the various activities of the several systems composing the body. Thus not only the various systems forming the body are in this manner con- trolled, but the body as a whole, in relation to all things outside of it and forming its environment, is even more plainly under the guidance of these administrative cells. Growth and Organization.—In this connection, it is fitting to emphasize a character of the central system which is both unique and highly important. The physiological connections existing between the nerve-elements in youth are very incomplete and poorly established, more so than in any other system of the body; in the history of the growth of the nervous system, the increase in weight and change in shape run parallel with an increase in its organiza- tion—i. e. in the connections between its constituent cells. This organization results in better and more numerous physiological pathways which permit the system, as a whole, not only to do more perfectly at maturity those things which it could do in some degree at an earlier age, but also, by virtue of its increased complexity, to do at maturity those things which previously it could not do at all. Growth in the case of this system implies, therefore, an increase in com- plexity such as nowhere else occurs, and since this growth can be modified by the experience of the individual during the growing period, the importance of understanding it and its relation to organization is evident. Phenomena Involving Consciousness.—It is with the nervous system that the phenomena of consciousness are most closely linked. Strictly, physi- ology concerns itself at present with the reactions of the nervous system, which can be studied without an appeal to consciousness. A moment’s consideration shows, however, that in the physiology of the brain the assistance to be obtained by passing beyond the limit thus laid down is of more value than any boundary, and hence, although the field of consciousness is sacred to psy- chology, physiology should not be deprived of any of the advantages which come from the privilege of occasional trespass. Plan of. Presentation.—In accordance with these facts, it has seemed best to first present— Part I. The physiology of the nerve-cell, considered as a peculiar kind of tissue-element, endowed with special physiological characters. Part II. The activities of the simplest groups of these elements. The physiological grouping is of course mainly dependent on the anatomical arrangement, and, as must always be the case, the activities of one group © modify those of others. Stated in general terms, the problem in this part is that of the pathway of any impulse through the central system. Part III. The reactions of the system taken as a whole. Here its capa- bilities as a unit are contrasted with those of the other tissue-systems, and its CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 607 growth, organization, and rhythms of rest and activity, are more properly presented as functions of all its parts than as functions of special subdivisions. PART I—PHYSIOLOGY OF THE N ERVE-CELL. A. ANATOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NERVE-CELL. Form of Nerve-cells.—Morphologically, the mature nerve-cell is regarded as composed of a cell-body, containing a nucleus together with other modified inclusions and possessed of one or more outgrowths or branches. Some of these branches may be very long, such for instance as those which form nerve- fibres ; other branches are short and differ from the nerve-fibres in their structure. _ The terms employed in describing the nerve-elements are as follows: To the entire mass under the control of a given nucleus and forming both cell- body and branches, the term nerve-cell is applied. The inclusions within the cell-body have the usual designations. Nerve-cells differ greatly in the number of the branches arising from them. In some cells there appear to be two nerve-fibres arising from the cell-body, in others only one. For convenience the description about to be given will apply to the latter group only. From most cells there arises one principal branch, which when con- sidered alone is described as a nerve-fibre, but when considered as the out- growth. of the cell-body from which it originates, is called a newron.' Cells with one neuron are called mononeuric. Cells with two neurons, dineuric. The neuron, in many cases, has branches, both near its origin from the cell- body and also along its course. These branches are designated as collaterals. Contrasted with this principal outgrowth are the other branches of the cell, etext i Taye S s Fig. 143.—A group of human nervye-cell bodies, drawn to Me a dca < 200 diameters: A, cell-body from the ventral horn of the spinal cord, longitudinal section; C, the same, transverse section; B, cell from the third layer of cerebral cortex; D, cell from the column of Clarke; £, cell from the ganglion of the spinal nerve-root, with neuron; F, “solitary’’ cell from the dorsal horn of the spinal cord; G, granule from the cortex of the cerebellum (modified from Waller, Human Physiology). which are individually much less extensive and which divide dichotomously at frequent intervals. From the tree-like form which they thus acquire they have been designated dendrons. The accompanying illustration (Fig. 143) shows the features just described and also gives some idea of the variations in the size of the cel!-bodies as found 1 Schiifer, Brain, 1893. 608 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. in man. The nerve-cell body is usually ovoid in shape, although this type is much modified in many cases. As will be seen from Figure 143, the diam-. eters of nerve-cells range from 10-100 y,' and in some instances, in the spinal — cord, cells of even larger diameter are found. The Structure of the Nerve-cell Body.—Nissl’ has shown that in nerye- | cells hardened in strong alcohol there are two substances—one which is not stained by a basic aniline dye, and the second whichis. The first forms a frame- work continuous with the fibrille of the nerve-fibre.and enclosing the stainable _ substance in its meshes in small masses or granules. These granules are physio- — logically very sensitive, and the study of them under a variety of conditions has — already revealed changes in the nerve-cells where none had previously been found, Peculiarities of Nerve-cells——As compared with the other cells of the — body, the best developed nerve-cells are of large size, but the nucleus, pro- — portionately to the cell-body, is not large, its value decreasing, as a rule, with the increase in the size of the entire cell. The most striking feature of the — nerve-cell, however, is the great length to which its chief branch, the neuron, — may attain, for in no other tissue does anything like so great a proportion of the — cell-substance occur as a branch. The form of cell represented in Figure 144 is — one in which the neuron shows a yery short stem between the cell-body and its terminal twigs. In such an instance the entire exten- sion of the neuron may be less than a milli- © meter. With this are to be contrasted those — forms in which the neuron is very long and — its mass great. What its greatest length — may be is easily determined. Within the — central system there are cells whose neurons — extend from the cerebral cortex to the lumbar — enlargement (60 centimeters), and again in the — peripheral system there are cell-bodies in the giving off many branches. In such a cell ° . . the neuron is less in volume than the cell- ripheral sy stem, every intermediate length body. This is the extreme form of the between these and the cells with very short © “central cell” (Ramén y Cajal). D, den- drons ; N, neuron. neurons previously mentioned, is to be — found. ~~ lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord the — neurons of which extend to the skin and — muscles of the foot a distance of 100 centi- — meters. These are the extreme cases, but as _ the neurons are distributed to all inter- — Fig. 144.—A cell with a short neuron mediate points both in the central and pe- — Volume Relations.—Calculation shows that the volume of the cell-body of a pyramidal cell in the human cerebral cortex having a basal diameter of % 1 w= 0.001 of a millimeter. * Allgemeiner Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatrie, 1896, Bd. lii. 8.1147. (A condensed statement of pre-- — vious work.) CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 609 16 y, is, when calculated as a cone, approximately 4266 cubic u. The neuron from such a cell would have a diameter of at least 2 y, the medullary sheath being included. ‘This gives an area for the cross section of the neuron, of 6.3 square #. Thus in the case chosen a portion of the neuron 680 » long would have a volume equal to the cell-body. We may assume this neuron to be 15 centimeters = 150,000 » long. Dividing the entire length of the neuron by the length of the piece having the volume of the cell, it appears that the _ yolume of the neuron is 220 times that of the cell-body. Repeating the same process with a cell from the lumbar enlargement of the & spinal cord, taking a medium cell with a diameter of 46 4 and a volume (calcu- lated as a sphere) of 50,000 cubic y, a neuron with a diameter of 10 y, and a length of 100 centimeters, the relation of the volume of the neuron to that of the cell-body is 1570 to 1. This estimate of the volume of the neuron includes, in addition to the axis- _ eylinder, the enclosing medullary sheath. The volumes of these two portions are approximately equal, so that either the axis-cylinder or the medullary sheath _ exceeds the cell-body in volume about half as many times as does the entire neuron. It is extremely difficult to estimate the mass of the dendrons. In some instances, as in the cells of the spinal ganglia (Fig. 147) they are absent, while in the large cells of the cerebellum—Purkinje’s cells—they form a mass which must be many times greater than that of the cell-body proper. In most cells, however, the dendrons have at best a mass several times as great as that of the cell-body. Size of Nerve-cells in Different Animals.—In discussing the size and form of cells in man it becomes of interest to determine how far the observa- tions apply to the lower mammals. The facts are briefly these: It can be said that the smaller mammals usually have the smaller nerve-cells, but the decrease in the mass of the nerve-cells is not proportional to the decrease in the mass of the entire body. For example, Kaiser’ has shown that the cell-bodies occupying the ventral horn in the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord of the bat, the rabbit, and the monkey are in many cases as large or larger than. those found in man. Size of the Neurons in Different Animals.—Though the volume of the eell-body and the diameter of the associated neuron are approximately similar _ in any two animals of different size, as for instance in a bat and in man, it is also evident that the neuron could nevertheless not have the length in the bat that it does in man, and that in this last dimension at least there is a diminu- _ tion corresponding to the size of the animal. Nevertheless, the volume of the entire cells—cell-body plus neuron—still remains proportionately very large i in the smaller mammals. The bearing of this fact on the comparative physiology of the nervous sys- tem is evident, for, under these conditions, as the volume of the entire nervous system is diminished, the number of cell-elements constituting it must also be 1 Die Funktionen der Ganglienzellen des Halsmarkes, Haag, 1891. 39 610 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. diminished, and thus the structure of this system in the smaller mammals becomes Aumeneally simplified. Size and Function.—Histology shows us the nerve-cell prolonging itself into branches often much subdivided, the dendrons and the neuron. Such a cell contains a mass of living substances capable of being broken down and built up chemically, and there is nothing against the inference that the larger the cell the greater is the quantity of these living substances, and hence the larger the amount of stored energy represented by it. The larger cells are therefore those capable of setting free the greater amount of energy. The — energy-producing changes are in the greatest measure to be associated with the — cell-body, rather than with any of the branches. On the other hand, the nerve-cells with large cell-bodies, sending out as they do branches whtale are more voluminous than those nerve-cells that are small, furnish a greater amount of material to form the ultimate twigs into which these branches finally split. From this it follows that in general the large nerve-cells have - more points of connection with the structures about them, as well as the capacity for the lib- eration of a greater amount of energy. ‘i. Growth of Nerve-cells.— During growth — and development the nerve-cells may present many changes in appearance (Fig. 145). The nerve-elements are derived from ger- minal cells found in the epiblast of the embryo. Amid the columnar epiblastic elements forming the medullary tube these spherical cells appear in man about the third to the fourth week of fetal life! They divide rapidly and in such a way that one daughter-cell continues as the germinal cell, while the other moves away from the primitive surface of the body and becomes without further division a young nerve-cell or neuroblast. The formation of neuroblasts in man ceases or becomes very slow and unimportant by the end of the thir Fie. 145.—Portion of developing medul- ; = lary tube (human) seen in frontal section month of fetal life. 1100 diameters (His): G, germinal cell ; Two characters of the neuroblast are N, neuroblasts. worthy of careful consideration. First, there is good Helpers evidence that, in early life at least, and before their branches have been formed, they are migratory, moving in an ameeboid manner. This being so, the perfection with which they arrange themselves in the adult system depends on the accuracy with which they respond to those condi- tions that determine their migration as well as upon the normal character of these directing influences (mechanical strain ;? chemotaxis or nutritive attrac- 1 His: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, Anat. Abthlg., 1889. 2 His: Unsere Kérperform, 1874. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 611 tion).! But with so much liberty of movement and with directing influences that are so complicated, the chances for deviation from a fixed arrangement are much enhanced. Polarization of Neuroblasts.—Moreover, very early in the history of the neuroblast the point on the cell-body from which the neuron will grow appears in many cases to be fixed, and the cell is thus physiologically polarized.?_ This polarity being established, the direction in which the neuron first grows is determined, and where the cells are misplaced this polarization can lead to the confusion of arrangement found in the brains of some congenital idiots.’ The volume of either the germinal cell or of the first form of the neuro- blast was found by His‘ to be 697 cubic # in a human fetus (embryo R-length 5.5 millimeters, aged 3 to 3.5 weeks). It has previously been shown that the volume of a spinal-cord nerve-cell is, taken altogether, 78,500,000 cubic yp, and that of this the neuron occupies 78,450,000 cubic yp, and the cell-body 50,000 cubic vw. If we take half of this total volume, it gives under the con- ditions chosen an increase in volume between the neuroblast and the mature cell of 57,456-fold. Maturing of the Nerve-cell.—The maturing of the nerve-cell involves several changes. First, the outgrowth of the neuron or neurons; next, the formation of the dendrons; and finally, in some cases, the medullation of the neuron, while simultaneously and with greater or less rapidity the absolute amount of substance in both cell-body and neuron is being: increased, together with a chemical differentiation of the contents of the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The time in the life-history of the individual at which these several events occur is variable, and may be delayed beyond puberty at least, while the rate at which they occur is different in different cases. Furthermore, many nerye-cells never develop beyond the first stages of immaturity (Fig. 146). Form of the Neuron as a Means of Classification.—Of the various devices used to classify nerve-cells, the form of the neuron is the most useful. Physiologically, the nerve-cell is significant as a pathway for the nerve- impulse. The current conception of the change called the nerve-impulse is that it begins at one point of the cell and travels from there to the other parts ; one of the other parts is the neuron, and along this the impulse can be shown to pass. Although it cannot be directly demonstrated, there is reason to think that primitively all the branches of a cell had similar physiological powers. Indeed, the nerve-cell body stimulated at any point may be responsive just as an ameceba is responsive at any portion of its surface. When, however, the branches are formed they become the channels through which the impulses pass, and hence assume a special significance without indicating any funda- mental change in the structure of the cell. Where the cell has well-developed 1 Davenport: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, Nov., 1895 ; Herbst : Biologische Centralblatt, 1894, Bd. xiv. 2 Mall: Journal of Morphology, 1893, vol. viii. 3 Koster : Neurologische Centralblatt, 1889, Bd. viii. * Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1889. 612 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. branches we expect an arrangement of them such that the if 5 sues shall enter the cell-body by one branch and leave it by another. . On examining the mature nerve-cells of man with this idea in mind, two types are found. ‘The first type may be exemplified by the pyramidal cortical Fic. 146.—A-D, showing the phylogenetic development of mature nerve-cells in a series of ver- tebrates ; a-e, the ontogenetic development of growing cells in a typical mammal; in both cases only ~ pyramidal cells from the cerebrum are shown; 4, frog; B, lizard; C, rat; D, man; a, neuroblast without — dendrons; b, commencing dendrons; ¢c, dendrons further developed; d, first appearance of collateral branches; ¢, further development of collaterals and dendrons (from 8. Ramon y Cajal). cells shown in Figure 146. Here, from a pyramidal body (D) there arise a number of dendrons, while from the lower portion of the cell the neuron grows out and branches. In the other type the neuron alone grows out. Its branches Fic. 147.—Spinal ganglion of an embryo duck; composed of dineuric nerve-cells (van Gehuchten). are but two in number and both are medullated. They pass in opposite direc- tions and in this type there are no dendrons. To understand the arrangement — in these cases, recourse must be had to the facts of development. The second — ey f € fr & ' shown in a striking way that cells ‘ “a CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 613 type begins its development as a bipolar cell, a neuron growing from each pole (Fig. 147). In the adult spinal ganglion of the higher mammals, however, no such bipolar cells are to be found, but only cells having a single neuron which soon divides into two branches. Figure 148 beautifully illustrates the phases of this change as seen in a single section. At first one neuron arises from each pole of the ovoid cell- body. Later the cell-body occupies a position at the side of the two neurons, which appear to run into one another. Finally the cell-body is separated from the two neurons by an intervening stem. The stem has the characters of a nerve-fibre and from the end of it the original two neurons pass off as branches. From this mode of development it is plain that the single stem must be looked upon as containing a double pathway, although it appears to be in all ways a single fibre, for on the one hand it contains the path for the incoming and on the other for the outgoing im- pulses. Recent investigations have pe Ro modified in this manner are by no means limited to the spinal ganglia, but occur in the cortex of the cerebel- lum and elsewhere. The study of this modification brings with it the follow- Fig. 148,—Dineuric changing into mononeuric F ° ° ‘ cells: from the Gasserian ganglion of a develop- ing suggestion: If the single stem in ing guinea-pig (van Gehuchten). the modified spinal ganglion-cells must by virtue of its development contain a double pathway, it is fair to inquire whether the same may not be true of the other forms of the nerve-cell in which the neuron also appears to be single. Among the cortical cells the arrange- ment of the branches is such that, for aught that is known, the stem of the neuron may functionate in the manner suggested, and contain more than one pathway. Classifying the nerve-cells, therefore, in the light of these facts, we find— (1) The pyramidal type, in which the dendrons and neuron are. both well developed, and in which the greater part of the impulses most probably enter _ the cell by way of the dendrons and leave by way of the neuron; (2) The spinal ganglion type, in which originally the impulse passes in at one pole of the cell and out at the other, but in the course of development the two neurons become attached to the cell-body by a single stem, and by inference there must be in this stem a double pathway. In this special case there are no dendrons. Growth of Branches.—After the cells have taken on their type form, the branches still continue to grow, not only in length, but in diameter. In man, for example, the diameter of the nerve-fibres (neurons) taken from the periph- eral nerves at birth is 1.2—2 » for the smallest, up to 7-8 » for the largest, with an average of 3-4 y, while at maturity it is 10-15 y for the larger fibres.’ In the second spinal nerve of the frog, Birge found the fibres ? to increase 1 Westphal: Neurologische Centralblatt, 1894, No. 2. 2 Birge: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1882. 614 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. in average diameter from 7.6 4 to 12.6 fy as the total weight of the oe q increased from 1.5 to 63.0 grams. The branch which forms the neuron contains an axis-cylinder surrounded by a medullary sheath. There are two views concerning the constitution of the — axis-cylinder—one! that the axis is composed of slender thread-like fibrille — floating in a coagulable plasma, these fibrille being the conductors of the nerye- impulses. The opposing view is that advocated by Leydig,?Nansen,? and — Schiifer,‘ to the effect that the axis-cylinder is formed by a spongy framework in the meshes of which is'a semi-fluid plasma. According to this latter view — the plasma is the substance through which the impulses pass. Neither view is — beyond criticism, nor does either of them admit of detailed correlation with the — physiological facts. The conception of the axis-cylinder as composed of fibrilles — appears at first sight to offer an anatomical arrangement for a number of isolated pathways within a single fibre, but the fibrillee cannot be unbranched from one — end of their course to the other, since many nerve-fibres near their final distribu- tion divide a number of times, the diameter of the individual fibrille remaining the same; and the combined cross sections of the axis-cylinders in the subdivis- ions demand, therefore, a far greater number of fibrillee than is contained in the — main stem of the fibre. On the other hand, the conception of the axis-cylinder — as a seriés of tubes interosculating at very acute angles does away at the start with any notion of structural isolation of the pathways within the fibres. This latter view is, however, the better supported histologically. When the axis-cylinder increases in diameter, it must, under this view, be by the formation of more of these tubes, for their size, though variable, is not directly in proportion to the diameter of the fibre. While the neuron is growing — as a naked axis-cylinder it is usually slightly enlarged at the tip (Cajal), sug- gesting that it is specially modified at that point. The nutritive exchange on — which the increase of the entire neuron depends appears to take place along — its whole extent, and not to be entirely iy er on material passed from the — cell-body into the neuron. Medullation.—After the production of its several branches the next step — in the growth of the cell is the formation of the medullary sheath. Not all neurons have a medullary sheath, nor is any neuron completely medullated. In the sympathetic system there is a very large proportion of unmedullated fibres. In the central system the number is.very large although their mass is small. ~ Of the significance of the medullary sheath we know nothing. The suggestion — that it acts to insulate the nerve-impulse within a given axis-cylinder has little or no evidence in its favor. The suggestion that it is nutritive is plausible, but important differences in the physiological reactions of the two classes of nerve- fibres have not yet been found. ‘ In studying the: effect of stimulation and of changes in temperature on the 1 Kuppfer und Boveri: arhaudivoin d. k. bayer. Akad. den Wessenecnajen, Miinchen, 1885. ~ 2 Zelle und Gewebe, Bonn, 1885. 8 The Structure and Combination of the Histological Elements of the Central Nervous System, — Bergen, 1887. * Quain’s Anatomy, 10th edition, vol. i. pt. 2, 1891. * Oe dT ah ees eka ge nd He » + cer aed Ke 4 eee rh not vt ‘ en es CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, 615 - irritability and conductivity of nerve-fibres’ it was found that certain nerve- fibres, notably the vaso-constrictor fibres and the sweat-fibres in the sciatic nerve of the cat, when they were subjected to a faradic current continued for several minutes, lost their irritability, completely or in part, at the point of stimula- tion. This “stimulation fatigue” is not known to be produced in nerves which are unquestionably medullated. It does occur where the nerves are unmedullated, but it also occurs where the absence of medullation has not been proved, and hence cannot be put forward as a differential character distinguish- ing these two sorts of nerves. ‘The medullated neurons are in their early history unmedullated, and only later acquire this sheath, so that medullation might be taken to represent a final step in the highest development of the nerve-cell. The fact that certain groups of fibres are not functional till after they are medullated hardly bears on the question, for the following reason: Until a group of fibres has established a physiological connection with the tissues which it is to control, it cannot be expected to influence them, and it has yet to be shown that the appearance of functional activity and the beginnings of medullation are not both of them the result of such growth-changes at the distal end of the axis- eylinder. The changes involved in establishing physiological connections are those by which the tips of the branches formed by the neuron of one cell come into such relation with other branches of a second cell or some non-nervous tissue that the nerve-impulse can pass between them. At the same time the non-medullated neurons establish connections with the tissues controlled by them just as well as do those which are to be medullated, but why one goes on to the acquisition of: the sheath and the other remains without it, is not explained. Neither is it known how far one of these forms may replace the other, although, it is not improbable that the proportions of medullated and unmedullated fibres in different persons may be very unlike. Growth of Medullary Sheath.— Whatever may be the significance of the medullary sheath it is usually formed before the nerve-element as a whole has attained its full size. In the peripheral system it depends on the presence of cells which envelop the axis-cylinder, forming a tube about it. Each ensheath- ing cell is physiologically controlled by a nucleus which becomes situated about midway between its extremities. The cell-substance is largely transformed into myelin, and the line of junction between two of these sheathing cells forms a node of the nerve-fibre. In the sheath of a growing nerve-cell at least two changes are clearly marked: As the axis increases in diameter the medul- lary sheath becomes thicker. The change is such that in the peripheral system the areas of the axis-cylinder and of the medullary sheath as shown in cross sections remain nearly equal (Fig. 149). On the other hand the length of the internodal segments tends to increase with an increase in the diameter of the nerve-fibre, and for nerves of the same diameter it is less in man than in the lower mammals. In a given fibre the segments are shorter at the extreme peripheral end (Key and Retzius). In the young fibres, ae they are shorter and increase in length with age. 1 Howell, Budgett, and Leonard: Journal of Physiology, 1894, vol. xvi. 616 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. A physiological significance attaches to these segments, because, as Ranvier long since pointed out, it is at the nodes that various staining reagents most easily reach the axis-cylinder. This sug- gests that normal nutritive exchanges may follow the same path and thus short inter- nodal segments giving rise to many nodes SS would represent the condition most favor- sail i mang 4 able to exchange between the axis and the Fic. 149,—Longitudinal (B) and transverse (A) ; sections of nerve-fibres. The heavy border surrounding plasma. Thus far, histologi- eee thicker im the lager fibres, Hume, Cal Observation shows the more numerous sciatic nerve. » 200 diameters (modified from nodes where the physiological processes bat i are presumptively most active, and hence supports the hypothesis suggested. Cases of the interpolation of new sheath- ing cells to form additional segments between those originally laid down have also been described." Medullation in Central System.—Concerning the relation of the medul- lary sheath to the axis-cylinder in the central system, our information is less complete. The elements which give rise to the medullary substance are not known and the myelin is not enclosed in a primitive sheath. There are no internodal nuclei regularly placed, yet Porter? has demonstrated in both the frog and the rabbit the existence of nodes in fibres taken from the spinal cord. ———— <—— The conditions which there exist must be further studied before any general statements concerning the medullary substance in the nerve-centres can be ven- tured, yet it is an important observation, that whereas: medullation in the peripheral system is mainly completed during the first five years of life, the process continues in the central system, and especially in the cerebral cortex, to beyond the thirtieth year. Whatever views may be held concerning the capacities of a medullated fibre, it is to be remembered that the medullary sheath does not cover the first part of the neuron on its emergence from the cell-body, nor are ultimate branches of the neuron medullated in the region of their final distribution. The acquisition of this sheath occurs in response to a physiological change that appears at the same time along the entire length of the fibre. The pro- cess, therefore, is not a progressive one, but practically simultaneous. What has just been said applies tothe main stem of the neuron. As shown in Figure 146, the neuron often has branches near its origin, and according to the observations of Flechsig* these may become medullated. Concerning the time of the medullation of these branches there are no direct observations, but if it is controlled by the same conditions which appear to control the process in the main stem, then, as the branches form their physiological connections later than the main stem, it would follow that their medullation should also occur later, and the studies on the progressive medullation of the cerebral cortex favor such a view. 1 Vignal: Archives de Physiologie, 1883. ? Quarterly Journal Microscopical Science, 1890. > Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1889. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 617 Changes in the Cytoplasm.—While the nerve-cell is passing from the immature to the mature form, increasing in mass and in the number of its branches, as well as acquiring its medullary sheath, it is also undergoing vari- ous chemical changes. The chromatic substance in the cytoplasm becomes more abundant at maturity and the pigment-granules increase in quantity.! Old Age of Nerve-cells.—But the nerve-cell, though possessing, in most cases, a life-history co-extensive with that of the entire body, eventually exhibits regressive changes. ‘These changes of old age consist, in some measure, in a reversal of those processes most evident during active growth. The cell-body, together with the nucleus and its subdivisions, becomes smaller, the chromatic substance diminishes, the pigment increases, the cytoplasm exhibits vacuoles, the Fie. 150.—To show the changes in nerve-cells due to age: A, spinal ganglion-cells of a still-born male child; B, spinal ganglion-cells of a man dying at ninety-two years; n, nuclei. In the old man the cells are not large, the cytoplasm is pigmented, the nucleus is small, and the nucleolus much shrunken or absent. Both sections taken from the first cervical ganglion, x 250 diameters; C, nerve-cells from the antennary ganglion of a honey-bee, just emerged in the perfect form ; D, cells from the same locality of an aged honey-bee. In C'the large nucleus (black) is surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm; in D the nucleus is stellate, and the cell-substance contains large vacuoles with shreds of cytoplasm (Hodge). dendrons atrophy, and the neurons also probably diminish in mass. In some instances the entire cell is absorbed. Some of these facts are illustrated by the observations of Hodge? on the spinal ganglion-cells of an old man of ninety- two years as compared with those of a new-born child (see Fig. 150). The 1 Vas: Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie, 1892. 2 Journal of Physiology, 1894, vol. xvii. 618 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. changes in the outline of the nucleus are also to be noted, as well as the decrease in their volume. The figures for the decrease in the volume of the nucleus are given in the following table, showing the principal differences. observed on comparing the spinal ganglion-cells (first cervical ganglion) from a child at birth with those from a man dying from old age at ninety-two years. (Hodge) : Child at birth; male. Old man. Volume. of rineleus oseso.\o, eae MOY Bye 100 per cent. 64.2 per cent. Nauclooli isthe if cept 563 4508 oa els epee a ied i Oe nce Deep pigthentatiog.~.-%. 6.6 4.5 95% afc | arts Jee «: Mila BES, Slight pigmentation. .......... O! PRsIe® SSt eee Analogous changes were found by this investigator in the antennary gan- glia of old honey-bees as compared with the corresponding ganglia taken from those which had just emerged in the perfect form. These are also shown in Figure 150. Since with the chemical and morphological variations which occur during the entire growth-cycle there must go variations in the physiological powers, we are led therefore to anticipate in old age a correlation, on the one hand, between the decrease in the quantity of functional substance in the cytoplasm and a decrease in the energy-producing power of the cells, and, on the other, between the absorption of the cell-branches and a limitation in the extent of the influ- ence exercised by a given cell. Both of which defects are characteristic of the nervous system during old age. B. Tue NERVE-IMPULSE WITHIN A SINGLE NERVE-CELL. The Nerve-impulse.—Nerve-cells form the pathways along which nerve- impulses travel. As introductory, therefore, to the study of the composite pathways in the central system, comprising as they do several elements arranged in series, it becomes important to study the behavior of the nerve- impulse within the limits of a single cell-element. Experimentally it is found that the nerve-impulse is revealed by a wave of molecular change in the form of an electrical variation which passes along the nerve-fibre in both directions from the point of stimulation. Under normal conditions the intensity of the electrical change does not vary in transit, but it does change with changes in the strength of the initial stimulus. It moves — in the peripheral nerves of the frog in the form of a wave some 18 millime- ters in length, at the mean rate of 30 meters per second, and this rate can be somewhat retarded by cooling the nerves, and accelerated by warming them, In mammals, the rate in the peripheral nerves has been found by Helm- holtz and Baxt to be 34 meters per second. The nerve-impulse can be aroused at any point on a nerve-fibre provided a sufficient length of fibre be subjected to stimulation. Mechanical, thermal, chemical, and electrical stimuli may be used to arouse it, but just how the impulse thus started differs from that normally passing along the fibres as a consequence of changes in the cell- bodies of which these fibres are outgrowths is not known. It appears, how- 5 ae 222 ART, —_ a CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 619 ever, that the impulses roused by artificial stimuli are usually accompanied by a much stronger electrical variation than accompanies the normal impulses. In the peripheral system the nerve-impulse, when once started within a fibre, is confined to that track and does not diffuse to other fibres running par- allel with it in the same bundle. In other words, throughout this portion of its course the conduction of the impulses is isolated. The above-mentioned facts have been observed on the peripheral nerves, and these morphologically are but parts of the medullated neurons, the cell- bodies of which are located either in the central system proper or in the spinal or sympathetic ganglia. The observations apply therefore to but one portion of the nerve-cell, and our present purpose is to determine how far it is possible to extend them so that they apply to the entire nerve-cell, noting at the same time the modifica- tions introduced by this extension. Conditions Surrounding the Extension of the Nerve-impulse.— Owing to the small size of nerve-cell bodies, there are of course very few instances in which a single nerve-cell, or part of such a cell, has been the object of direct physiological experiment. Groups of elements are usually employed like those represented in the groups of neurons forming the various peripheral nerves, and where these have common functions, the inference may be made from the changes in the mass to changes in the constituent units. This method can be used without serious error, and it is possible, therefore, to speak of events occurring in the individual elements, although the experiments were made upon masses of them. Direction of the Nerve-impulse.—In the case of a given nerve-cell, the impulses which we usually consider pass in one direction only. For instance, along the ventral nerve-roots of the spinal cord the impulses pass from the cord to the periphery, while in the dorsal roots, so far as they take origin from the cells of the spinal ganglia, these impulses travel in the opposite direction. At the same time experiment has shown that if a nerve-trunk be stimulated at a given point, then the nerve-impulse can be demonstrated as passing away from the point of stimulation in both directions. We are therefore led to inquire what limits are set to the passage of im- pulses in a direction opposite to the usual one. The narrowest limits, it appears, are those of the single cell in which the impulse has originated. ‘The experimental observations are as follows: When the fibres forming the ven- tral root of the spinal cord are stimulated electrically, and the cross section of the cord, somewhat cephalad to the level at which the root joins it, is explored with an electrometer, there is not found any evidence of nerve-impulses pass- ing cephalad in the substance of the cord. The arrangement of the cells in the cord is such, however, that the cell-bodies which give origin to the fibres forming the ventral root are physiologically connected with fibres running toward them from every portion of the cord, and under normal conditions these fibres convey impulses to them. The experiment shows that when, under 620 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the conditions named, an impulse enters the cell-body by way of the ventral root-fibre to which it gives origin, it does not pass out of this cell-body into. the other elements of the cord causing an electric change detectable as a nega- tive variation. It appears, therefore, that the connection between the fibres of the cord and the cell-bodies in question is such that though impulses readily pass from the former to the latter, they do not pass in the reverse direction, thus showing that in this instance the cell-boundary sets a limit to the reversed impulse. . With the elements forming the dorsal spinal root, the case is at first glance apparently different, though in reality it is the same. These elements are those having the cell-body located in the spinal ganglion. The cells are essentially dineuric (Fig. 148); one neuron extends from the imi > point of division toward the periphery, and pits the other enters the spinal cord to distribute ia itself as a fibre coursing longitudinally for some distance within it (see Fig. 151). The normal direction of the effective impulses is from the periphery toward the cord, and within the cord they are delivered to other elements which carry them in all directions. It is therefore to be ex- pected that the stimulation of the dorsal root- fibres would give rise to impulses passing in both Col directions in the dorsal columns of the cord. When, however, the dorsal columns of the cord are electrically stimulated in a cross section made just above the level of the entrance of a dorsal root, then it is found that the electrical varia- tion is to be detected in the nerve-fibres on the distal side of the spinal ganglion. These im- pulses have therefore passed in a direction the reverse of that usually taken. The fibres which are stimulated in this instance in the cross sec- tion of the cord are, however, outgrowths of the spinal ganglion-cells, and thus, although the stimulation of the cord does give rise to an im- pulse in the peripheral nerve, nevertheless the impulse is continually within the limits of one cell-element. The question of whether the: re- versed impulse can traverse the cell-body is here answered in the affirmative, for these cells are virtually dineuric, and everything points to the passage of the impulse through the cell-body in passing from one neuron to the other. There is, however, no evidence that the stimulation of the dorsal columns of the cord 1 Gotch and Horsley: Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1888, ( a Fig. 151.—A longitudinal section of the cord to show the branching of incoming root-fibres in dorsal col- umns. At the left are three DR root-fibres, each of which forms two principal branches. These give off at right angles other branches, col- laterals, Col, which terminate in brushes. COC, central cells, whose neurons give off similar collaterals (Ramon y Cajal). CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 621 produces outgoing impulses in the dorsal nerve-roots except when the stimulus is applied to the neurons which are outgrowths of the cells of the dorsal ganglia. Arrangement. in the Central System.—== SSS oy mA 9 See oe Fic. 155.—Frontal sections through the human mid-brain at A, level of the anterior quadrigeminum; B, level of the posterior quadrigeminum (Shimamura). On the left side the blood-vessels have been injected ; on the right the gray mat- ter is indicated by the heavy lines. It appears by this that the blood-vessels are most abundant in the gray matter. enlargement of the cell during growth, but also those leading to the formation of such sub- stances as by their breaking down release the energy that appears in the nerve-impulse. The passage of the nerve- impulses probably alters the osmotic powers of the cell- wall toward the surrounding plasma, and this of course is fundamental to the nutritive exchange. It follows, there- — fore, that the passage of nerve- impulses is one factor deter- mining the nutrition of these cells. Cell-body.—Histologically we look upon the cell-bodies as the part in which the most active changes occur, since the network of blood-vessels is — most dense about these, indi- — cating that the metabolic pro- cesses are here most active’ (Fig. 155). Chemical Changes.—For the direct micro-chemical de- termination of special sub- atitaioes within ‘the henvescelle there are but few methods, though some phos- phorus-bearing substances (nucleins) can be demonstrated,” and the occurrence 1 Shimamura: Neurologische Centralblatt, 1894, Bd. xiii. ? Lilienfeld und Monti: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1892, Bd. xvii. ee MEF ERE Ss fafa we bis = L a = ¢ 7 SPR AA rat Sere or! 4 san : CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 627 of chemical changes due to activity and to age are very evident. The nature of these latter changes is quite unknown. There is general consensus that the alkalinity of the nerve-tissues is decreased during activity, and this decrease in alkalinity may amount at times to a positively acid reaction.' This change, too, is better supported by the observations made where the cell-bodies are numerous, than by those made where the fibres are alone present. Trophic Influences.— When a nerve-cell is not kept active by the passage of nerve-impulses through it, it usually atrophies and may degenerate. The reason for this appears to lie in the fact that the loss of those changes which accompany the nerve-impulses decreases the vigor of the nutritive exchange with the result of causing a steady diminution in the volume of the cell or even its disintegration. Such changes are found, for instance, in the nerves after the amputation of the limb to which they were supplied.’ The result of an amputation is that portions of the neurons originating from cell-bodies located either in the ventral horns of the spinal cord, or in the cells of the spinal ganglion, are removed. In the latter case the normal pathway for the incoming impulses is interrupted at its peripheral end, and in the former the last part of the pathway by which the impulse is delivered at the periphery is destroyed (see Fig. 156). Fig. 156.—Cross section of the spinal cord of the chick, 100 diameters (van Gehuchten): D, dorsal surface; V, ventral surface; d.r, dorsal root; v.r, ventral root; g, spinal ganglion. On the left the arrows indicate the direction of the larger number of impulses in the dorsal and ventral roots respectively. The small arrow on the right dorsal root calls attention to the fact that some neurons arising in the ventral ‘plate emerge through the dorsal root and convey impulses in the direction indicated. The disturbance caused in the two sets of cells is, however, not the same. In the case of the cells of the spinal ganglion the chief pathway by which they are stimulated under normal conditions, is so far mutilated that only a com- paratively small number of impulses passes over them. That some do pass, is indicated by the sensations apparently coming from the lost limbs—sensa- tions which are often very vivid and minutely localized.* 1 Gscheidlen: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1874, Bd. viii. * Grigoriew: Zeitschrift fiir Heilkunde, 1894, Bd. xv. 5 Weir-Mitchell : Injuries of Nerves, Philadelphia, 1872. 628 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. On analyzing the condition thus established by an amputation it is seen that the cells located in the spinal cord are deprived by such an operation of one principal group of incoming impulses, namely those which arrive through the dorsal root-fibres that are most closely associated with them; but at the same time there remain many other ways in which these same cells are nor- mally stimulated. The efferent pathway from these cells is incomplete, and the impulses which must pass along the stumps are inefficient. That im- pulses do pass along the stumps of the efferent roots is beyond question, since, when the distal portion of an efferent nerve is cut off the cell can be shown to still discharge through the portion of the fibres connected with the cell- bodies. Moreover, the muscles of any stump tend to execute the associated contraction which they normally perform, thus showing that the group of cells is fully innervated, although its discharge is without mechanical signifi- cance, and finally there is always a tendency to the regeneration of the cut fibre which indicates activity through its entire length. It is therefore not improbable that after amputation impulses do pass down even those fibres which end without physiological connections. It is explica- ble from this that in the case named the spinal ganglion cells should be more affected than those of the spinal cord. Further, since the efferent cells of the leg are more commonly innervated bilaterally than are those of the arm, we might expect the efferent cells in the cervical region to be more readily affected by an amputation. Wherever in the central system a group of fibres forms the chief pathway for the impulses arriving at a given group of cells, then the destruction of these afferent fibres brings about the more or less complete atrophy of the cells with which they are secondarily associated, and this effect is the more marked the younger the animal at the time of injury. Examples of this relation are found in the “nuclei” of the sensory cranial nerves. | Thus the activity of a given cell has the value of contributing to the strength of its own nutritive processes, and different cell-elements, so far as they are physiologically united, stand in a nutritive or trophic relation to one another such that the cell receiving impulses is in some measure dependent for its nutrition on the cell which delivers the impulses to it. Fatigue.—It is a familiar fact that living tissues may be fatigued. In ~ the nervous system the signs of fatigue are both physiological and histological, — but it is to the latter changes only that attention will be here directed, Not only is the food-supply to the nerve-cells, as represented by the quality and quantity of the plasma, variable, but the cells themselves are subject to wide variations in their power to use the surrounding substances. When in a nerve-trunk containing both afferent and efferent spinal root- — fibres passing to a limb, the afferent fibres are stimulated by a faradic current applied intermittently, changes in the cell-bodies in the spinal ganglion are to be observed (Hodge). When this experiment is made on a cat, and, after death, the sections from the stimulated are compared with those from the corresponding but CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 629 unstimulated spinal ganglion, a picture like that represented by Figure 157 is obtained.’ | The sections indicate that the cytoplasm together with the enclosed nucleus and nucleolus as well as the nuclei of the enclosing capsule of the cell, have Fig. 157.—Two sections, A and B, from the first thoracic spinal ganglion of acat. Bis from the gan- _ glion which had been electrically stimulated through its nerve for five hours. A, from the correspond- ing resting ganglion. The shrinkage of the structures connected with the stimulated cells is the most marked general change. n, nucleus; 7.s, nucleus of the capsule; v, vacuole; x 500 diameters (Hodge). all suffered change by this treatment. The stimulus was applied for only fifteen seconds of each minute, the remaining forty-five seconds being given to rest. In this way the cells here figured had been stimulated over a period of five hours. The nuclei of the sheath are flattened, the cytoplasm somewhat _ shrunken and vacuolated. With osmic acid the nuclei of the stimulated cells _ stain more darkly and the cytoplasm less darkly than in a resting cell. The - nucleus is shrunken and crenated, and the nucleolus is also diminished in size. | In the first experiments the attempt was made to demonstrate a measurable _ change within the nerve cell-bodies as the result of stimulation. Assuming the nuclei of these cells to be approximately spherical, and calculating their vol- ume as spheres, the shrinkage amounted to that shown in the following table : 1 Hodge: Journal of Morphology, 1892. 630 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Table showing the Decrease in the Volume of the Nucleus of Stimulated Spinal _ Ganglion-cells of Cats. Stimulation for fifteen seconds alternating with rest for forty-five seconds (Hodge). Stimulation continued Shrinkage in the volume of the nuclei for— of the stimulated cells. 1 hour 22 per cent. 2.5 hours ae <6 5 “ 94 “ «“ » 10 “ 44 “ “ x This table further shows that the shrinkage is greater, the greater the time during which the stimulus was applied. There is thus established not only the fact of a change in the cell, but also a connection between the aniount of this change and the length of time during which the stimulus was allowed to act. ‘The results when expressed by a curve yield the following: Per cent. 100 |e 2 \ eG \ : 90 n\ Pas } a 80 e e4. oo ie = ~ b | ot gas 60 - ne re @ 50 Lut mi a Bail oe A | i Hours 1 2 5 10 114 17 23 29 Fig. 158.—The broken line indicates the volume of the nuclei of the spinal ganglion-cells of a cat after stimulation for the times indicated. The solid line indicates the volume of the nuclei, first after severe stimulation for five hours, and then in other cats, also stimulated for five hours, but subsequently allowed to rest for different periods of time. The period of rest is found by subtracting five hours from the time at which the record is made. After twenty-four hours of rest the nucleus is seen to have regained its normal volume (Hodge). Table to show Influence of Rest. Right brachial plexus of each Cat stimulated in the same manner for five hours. Cat allowed’ to rest for a variable time after the stimulation had been stopped. Nuclei. . Cellg.. aa Rest. Mean diameter of nuclei in m.| Shrinkage. Mean” ie 4 16.40 Left, normal. 57. Wty 1735 o es a telson 0 hours { 12.98 Right, stimulated. \ 48.8% { 52, : ; 16.70 Left, normal. CM AG lesa ht 6.5 hours. { [19-49 Riptit alawiibed: \ 26% } oe 16.34 Left, normal. )3 GesOT a's AVI . «| 12 hours. { 14.73 Right, stimulated. } 26 % { ; ol ae 17.08 Left, normal. LINE AD sce aces aoe rks 18 hours. { 16.03 Right, stimulated. } 18% { 5B 17.01 Left, normal. ; Cat; 18°... eh es 24 hours. { 1711 Right, dinnuated. bs + 2% . a Cats Fat Th tte i sk Normal. { a4 2 Hight, } + 6.9% | Whether these changes could be considered similar to the normal physi- - CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 631 ological variations depended on whether it was possible to demonstrate recoy- ery from them. This was accomplished in the following manner. Under fixed conditions a cat was stimulated in the usual way and the amount of shrinkage in the nuclei of the spinal ganglion-cells was determined. This was found to be almost 50 per cent. Four other cats were similarly treated and then allowed various periods (six and a half, twelve, seventeen, and twenty-four hours) in which to recover. The results appear in Figure 158 and the table on page 630. The effects of stimulation described were found not only in the nerve-cells of cats, but also in those of frogs which had been stimulated in a similar manner. Having thus shown that the change was physio- logical in the sense that it was one from which the cells could recover, it remained to be shown that the features of the change were discernible in the living cell, and were not caused secondarily by the actions of the reagents employed in preparing the sections. For the study of the living cell, frogs were chosen, and the cells of the sympathetic ganglia examined. In these experiments cells from dif- ferent frogs were prepared under two different microscopes and kept alive in the same way by irri- gation with a nutrient fluid. In one case, however, the cell was stimulated by electricity, while in the other no stimulation was applied. During the time of the experiment the cell which was not stimulated remained unchanged, while the stimulated cell went through the series of changes exhibited in Figure 159." So far as the main features are concerned the shrinkage and crenulation of the nucleus was essen- tially similar to that found in the nuclei of the spinal ganglion cells of cats. These results demon- strated therefore the natural character of those changes in the nerve-cells which had been found after treatment with histological reagents. It followed that if these changes were really significant of normal processes they should be found. in the nerve-cells of those animals which show well-marked periods of activity, alternating with periods of rest. 1 Hodge: Journal of Morphology, 1892, vol. vii. Fiag. 159.—Showing the changes in the form of the nucleus result- ing from the direct electrical stimulation of the living sym- pathatic nerve-cell of a frog. The hour of observation is given within each outline. The experi- ment lasted six hours and forty- nine minutes. A control cell treated during this time in the same manner, except that it was not stimulated, showed no changes (Hodge). To deter- 632 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. mine this, birds and bees were examined, one set of preparations being made from animals which were killed at the beginning of the day, after a night of rest, and the other from those killed at the end of the day, after a period of activity. Similar changes were found in the cells of the spinal ganglia of English sparrows, of the cerebrum of pigeons and cerebellum of swallows, and of the antennary lobes of bees (see Fig. 160). See Ae De Ey ¥ aa - vee Fic. 160.—Spinal ganglion-cells from English sparrows, to show the daily variation in the appearance of the cells due to normal activity: A, appearance of cells at the end of an active day; B, appearance of cells in the morning after a night’s rest. The cytoplasm is filled with clear lenticular masses which are much more evident in the rested cells than in those fatigued (Hodge). A study of these figures shows the cells to be turgid with large round nuclei, at the beginning of the day after a night of rest, and on the other hand that they are vacuolated and shrunken and with altered nuclei at the end of an active period. These observations therefore justify the conclusions drawn from the appearances following direct stimulation. Other observers’ have obtained similar results. The motor cells of the spinal cord and cells of the retina (dogs, Mann) have been added to the list of those showing changes. After a short period of stimulation of the sympa- thetic cells of the rabbit, both Vas and Mann have found.a preliminary swell- ing of the cell, and the same has been noted by Mann in the case of retinal cells in the dog. The application of these observations to changes in the human nervous system has thus far been made only in @ casual way, but enough has been already observed to make certain that the results are applicable. It will be noted that the changes described follow variations in the amount of stimulation, the nutrient conditions represented by the surrounding plasma remaining nearly constant. This latter, however, may undergo alteration, and recent observations show that in various forms of poisoning by inorganic sub- 1 Vas: Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie, 1892; Mann: Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1894. ,“ aM ; ee a 7 bl 4 “4 wr af zn Rony "a “ith ty, ~— CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 633 stances or in zymotic diseases, the nervous system and especially the cell-bodies are affected early and in a profound manner.’ With the establishment of these facts concerning the cell-body the question at once arises whether the nerve-fibres are in a like manner altered as a result of their activity. The matter has been tested in this way: In a cat or dog a nerve-trunk was stimulated by a measured induction current, and the contraction of the muscle controlled by it, recorded. The physiological connection between the nerve and muscle was then interrupted by the giving of curare and the nerve was teta- nized.2 The stimulation of the nerve-trunk was continued in some cases for five hours. On the complete disappearance of the curare effects, a stimulus similar to that employed in the first instance was found to produce muscular contraction, thus showing that the continuous stimulation of the nerve-trunk during this interval had not seriously diminished its power to transmit the nerve impulses aroused in it. Histological changes have also been sought for in the nerve-fibres after prolonged stimulation, but thus far they have not been demonstrated. Chemi- cal changes in the nerve-fibres, if present, must be extremely small, and the thermal variations which occur amount to less than 0.0005° C., or, in other words, are not demonstrable.* Histological and chemical changes due to activity have therefore been seen in the cell-bodies alone. Degeneration and Regeneration of Nerve-elements.-—All parts of a nerve-cell are under the control of that portion of the cell-body which con- tains the nucleus; in this respect the nerve-tissues are similar to other tissues which have been studied, and in which the nucleated portion of the cell is found to be the more important. It was shown by Waller’ that a nerve- fibre belonging to the peripheral nerves when separated from the cell of which it was an outgrowth soon degenerated from the point of section to its final distribution. The process is often designated as Wallerian degeneration. According to recent studies on this subject, this degenerative change occurs practically simultaneously along the entire length of the portion cut off. The changes following the section consist in a fragmentation of the axis-cylinder followed by its disappearance, enlargement and multiplication of the nuclei of the medullary sheath, and absorption of the medullary substance, so that in the course of the fibres there is left at the completion of the process the primitive sheaths together with the sheath-nuclei. In the early stages of this process the medullary sheath, moreover, undergoes some changes, the result of which is that it stains more deeply with osmic acid, and hence appears very black in comparison with the normal fibres about it (Marchi). Degeneration of Non-medullated Fibres.—Concerning the progress of 1 Schaffer: Ungarisches Archiv fiir Medicin, 1893; Pandi: Ibid., 1894; Popoff: Virchow’s Archiv, 1894; Tschistowitsch : Petersburger medicinische Wochenschrift, 1895. * Bowditch: Archiv fiir Anatomie wnd Physiologie, 1890. 8 Stewart: Journal of Physiology, 1891, vol. xii. 4 Nowvelle méthode anatomique pour U investigation du Systéme nerveux, Bonn, 1851. 5 Howell and Huber: Journal of Physiology, 1892, vol. xiii. 634 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. degenerative changes in the non-medullated fibres information is scanty, Bowditch and Warren’ observed that when the sciatic nerve of the cat was sectioned, degeneration of the motor and vaso-constrictor fibres in the periph- eral portion went on at about the same rate. Stimulation of the peripheral part of the nerve gave a vaso-dilator reaction after the vaso-constrictor reac-. _ tion had entirely disappeared, suggesting that the constrictor fibres degenerate more rapidly than do the dilators, although it is not improbable that the dilator fibres in this location really belong to the medullated class (Howell). After five days no vaso-motor reaction at all could be obtained. In a recent study. by Tuckett? of the degeneration of the non-medullated fibres contained in the branches springing from the superior cervical ganglion, it is stated that the degeneration as traced by histological and physiological methods is com- plete within thirty to forty hours after section of the fibres, and that the degenerative changes involve only the core of the fibres, the outside sheath and nuclei being unaffected. Degeneration in the Central System.—In the central system, thug distal portion of the fibres separated from the cell-body degenerate as at the periph-— ery, and this reaction has therefore formed a means by which to study the architecture of the central system. The details of the process are, howsaa not well understood. So far, then, as the principal outgrowth of the nerve-cell is eonberatal it is found to be always under the nutritive control of the cell-body from which it — springs. The changes which take place when the spinal roots are cut will serve to illustrate this control (see Fig. 161). Section of the dorsal root at the distal eS PiTiai Fie. 161.—Schema of a cross section of the spinal cord, showing the dorsal and ventral roots and the points at which they may be interrupted: DR, dorsal root; VR, ventral root; G, ganglion; M, muscle ; S, skin ; 1, lesion between ganglion and cord; 2, lesion between muscles an@ cord; 3, lesion between skin and ganglion; 4, combination of 2 and 8. ~~ side of the spinal ganglion at 3 causes a degeneration of all the fibres which form the dorsal nerve-root distal to the ganglion. Section of the dorsal root at 1 causes degeneration, central to the section, of those nerves which are out- growths from the cell-bodies of the spinal ganglion. - Section of the ventral root at 2 causes a degeneration distal to the point of section in those fibres which form the ventral root and which arise from the cells within the spinal cord. In each case, therefore, the degeneration occurs on one side only of the section, and that is the side away trom the cell-body. 1 Journal of Physiology, 1885, vol. vii. 2 Tuckett: Journal of Physiology, 1896, vol. xix. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 635 It is sometimes stated that degeneration takes place in the direction of the nerve-impulse. In a general way this is true, since the impulses usually travel from the cell-body along the neuron, In the case of the fibres arising from the cells of the spinal ganglion it is not true, since the section at the distal side of the ganglion causes degeneration away from the spinal cord, while that on the proximal side of the ganglion causes degeneration toward the spinal cord ; yet in both neurons the impulse is in the same direction— namely, always toward the cord. The distal portions of the nerve may be regenerated, or, under other con- ditions, the remainder of the neuron together with the cell-body from which it springs may atrophy, and this latter process may result in even the complete destruction of the nucleated portion. Degeneration of Nucleated Portion.—In any case the internodal seg- ment of the peripheral nerve-fibre which has been directly injured by the section degenerates centrally as far as the next node of Ranvier. Whether beyond this point any marked change is to occur depends on several circum- stances. When regeneration is prevented, the younger the animals on which the operation has been made the more marked are the involutionary changes. These consist, first, in a stoppage of growth-processes in the elements affected ; second, in a simple atrophy. Such, for example, are the changes taking place in the cells of the spinal cord after the amputation of a limb. Sometimes also - true degeneration follows. That these effects may be very plain in man, the amputation should be one near the trunk—é. e. involving a great number of nerve-fibres, and be of long standing—7. e. more than one year.’ It was discovered by von Gudden’ that when nerves in young animals are pulled away from their attachment with the central system, they most fre- quently break just at the point where they emerge from the cord or brain axis. When an efferent nerve is thus broken, in animals just born or very young, the remaining portion—i. ¢. the cell-bodies with so much of their neurons as lie within the central system—atrophies to complete disappearance. The cause of this complete disappearance in the case of very young animals thus injured, seems to lie in the intense struggle for nutriment among the nerve-elements themselves. Thus young cells meeting with injury are unable to compete with those about them for nourishment, and so perish. The bearing of such a fact is very direct. If in man there is reason to think that an injury was suffered during fetal life, there is a possibility that the injury may not only have prevented the further development of the cells involved, but may also have caused the complete destruction of some of them, in which case, of course, the architecture of the region is necessarily abnormal. Such complete disappearance as the result of early injury has not been shown for cells which lie entirely within the central system, or for those form- ing the spinal ganglia. In the case of those central cells which form the sensory nuclei, like the sensory nucleus of the fifth nerve, or of the vagus, 1 Grigoriew: Zeitschrift fiir Heilkunde, 1894, Bd. xv. 2 Archiv fiir Psychiatrie, 1870, Bd. ii. 636 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. pulling out the nerve-trunk causes only an atrophy of the central cells, and not their complete disappearance.! Regeneration.— When the two ends of the sectioned nerve are brought together under favorable conditions, the peripheral portion of the trunk may be regenerated. This occurs in the following steps as described by Howell and Huber.’ While the fragmentation and absorption of the myelin in the distal portion of the cut nerves is going on, the protoplasm in the neighborhood of the sheath-nuclei tends to increase. These enlarged masses of protoplasm then appear as a thread of substance within the old nerve-sheath. A new sheath is, however, soon formed on the protoplasmic thread, and the whole consti- tutes an “embryonic fibre.” The embryonic fibres lying on one side of the cut unite with those on the other, union taking place in the intervening cica- tricial tissue. Next the myelin appears in isolated drops, usually near the nuclei, and these subsequently unite to form a continuous tube, the formation of the myelin proceeding centrifugally from the wound. Then follows the outgrowth of the new axis-cylinder slightly behind the organization of the myelin into the tubular form. It must not be forgotten that the last act, the formation of the axis-cylin- der, is the important event, and while the whole process of repair may require many months, the rate at which the axis-cylinder, when started, grows out from the central end may be comparatively rapid. If this explanation be correct, namely that the axis-cylinder is an outgrowth from the central end, then the regeneration of the neuron is in so far but a repetition of the events by which it was originally formed. The development of the medullary sheath in its relation to the axis is, however, different in the two cases. When first. regenerated, the fibres resemble normal young fibres in being small, -but whether they later attain the size of those which they replace has not been shown. Moreover, it appears that the two functions of irritability and con- ductivity do not both return at the same time. The newly formed fibres are capable of conduction before they become sufficiently irritable to respond to artificial stimuli directly applied to them. In the first stages of irritability, also, the young, fibres responded more readily to slight mechanical stimuli than to induction shocks—a differentiation in reaction which serves to suggest the complexity of the changes involved in the re-formation of the fibres. Regeneration of this sort which is found in the peripheral system is not known to occur in the central system, although in many ways the conditions of such regeneration seem there most favorable. This fact also has its appli- cation in the use of the method of degeneration for determining architectural relationships ; for when once caused to degenerate, the bundles of fibres thus altered can be tracked through the central system without fear that new growth- changes will obscure them. The dorsal spinal root degenerates when the section is made between the 1 Forel: Festschrift zur von Néageli und von Kolliker, Ziirich, 1891. 2 Journal of Physiology, 1892, vol. xiii. §) ‘ eA, Tears --e< “a5 ar; ee Fi a “le TER Masts eae CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 637 cord and the spinal ganglion. Study of its development has shown that in the first instance the spinal ganglion becomes connected with the cord by the outgrowth from the cells of the ganglion of those fibres which form the dorsal root. It would follow that as the cells of the spinal ganglion can regenerate the fibres which pass toward the periphery, they should also be able to regen- erate those which form the dorsal root, but as yet there have not been reported any cases where a dorsal root has been thus re-formed. That the regeneration is due to an outgrowth of the central stump has been clearly shown by Huber,‘ who inserted a bone tube between the two ends of the sciatic nerve of the dog, and obtained regeneration of the nerve with a return of function although the initial interval between the two parts of the nerve was more than three centimeters. The rate of growth from the central end has been specially studied by Vanlair.? In the facial nerve of the rabbit, function was restored in eight months after section, and in the pheumogastric and ischiadic nerves of the dog in about eleven months. In the latter case, this gives an average rate of growth of about 1 millimeter a day. In the sear-tissue between the two parts of the nerve the rate is not more than 0.25 millimeter a day, and hence the return of function tends to be delayed by any increase in the distance between the cut ends of the nerve. It appears also that the return of the cutaneous sensibility is more rapid than the return of motion (Howell and Huber). On testing the capacity of the sciatic nerve for repeated regeneration Vanlair found that in a dog, when it was cut a second time, it not only regen- erated but did so more rapidly than in the first case. Much interest has always attached to the exact course taken by the regen- erating fibres. ‘They appear in a general way to be guided by the old sheaths of the peripheral portion. But the peripheral nerves contain both afferent and efferent fibres, and it would appear most probable that in the process of re-for- mation these should undergo much rearrangement. Since the peripheral por- tion of the nerve acts as a guide to the growing fibres, the experiment has been tried of cross-suturing. ‘Thus Howell and Huber? having cut both the median and ulnar nerves in dogs, sutured the central end of one nerve to the peripheral end of the other, and obtained reunion with extensive return of sensation and movement, and without inco-ordination to be attributed to the unusual arrangement of the nerve-fibres. Such a rearrangement without inco-ordination is not easy to explain in view of the association of certain functions, such as the control of a given set of muscles, with a special cell- group in the cord. The most remarkable observation, however, on the regen- eration of nerve-trunks has recently been reported by Langley.* The pre- ganglionic nerve going to the superior cervical ganglion of the cat is composed of fibres with several functions. These fibres are derived from the first thoracic nerve, which mainly controls those cells in the ganglion that are 1 Journal of Morphology, 1895, vol. xi. 2 Archiv de Physiologie normale et pathologique, 1894. 3 Loc. cit. . * Journal of Physiology, 1895, vol. xviii. 638 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. connected with the pupil and the nictitating membrane; from the second thoracic nerve, which is mainly associated with the cells controlling the blood-vessels of the ear and in a less measure the nictitating membrane; from the third thoracic, which connects with a few cells which control the pupil; from the fourth thoracic, which connects mainly with cells controlling the erection of the hairs on the face and neck ; from the fifth thoracic, which con- nects with the cells controlling the-vessels of the ear, and also the hairs of the — face and neck ; and from the sixth and seventh thoracic, supplying hairs only, When the pre-ganglionic fibres were cut, therefore, and allowed to regenerate, various things might happen. The newly-formed fibres might grow past the ganglion, or they might form novel connections with the cells there contained, or finally, they might repeat the original connections, As a matter of fact, the last arrangement is the one accomplished, and in the case of the cat used in this experiment, stimulation of the nerve-roots above mentioned gave after regeneration the reactions characteristic for the several roots. It would ap- pear, therefore, that in some way each group of the regenerating pre-gangli- onic fibres had selected those cells which they had originally controlled. The regeneration which has thus far been described has been that of the non-nucleated neuron by that portion of a nerve-cell which was nucleated, The regenerated portion always lies inthe peripheral nervous system. Con- cerning the regeneration of the dendrons there are no observations. . The possibility of the formation of entirely new cell-elements in the pro- cess of repair remains to be mentioned. When the central system is injured it sometimes happens that mature nerve-cells there present show in their nuclei those changes which are characteristic of nuclei about to divide, but division does not take place’ either in the nuclei or in the éell-bodies. In mammals there is no convincing record of the formation of new nerve-cells in the central nervous system of the mature animal. In some lower verte- brates (lizards) regeneration of the spinal cord has been reported, and in the newt such regeneration has been obtained in the retina, but the result in both cases appears to be due rather to the enlargement of embryonic cells still remaining in these regions than to an exhibition in the mature cells of powers absent from the corresponding cells of the mammalia. At various times and in several places the idea has been advanced that in the peripheral nervous system at least there was in progress a continuous process of degeneration and regeneration, as though this portion of the system was being continually reno- vated. What is known of the fixity of the central system and of the relation between the central system and that of the periphery, very strongly supports the idea that change in one would necessitate change in the other, and for central changes of this sort the evidence has never been advanced. ‘To be sure, slow growth-changes occur in the central system until after the thirtieth year, but the additions which are thus made result from the enlargement of, nerve-cells there present as structural units from a very early age, and such 1 Sanarelli: “I processi riparativi nel Cervello e nel Cervelleto,” R. Accademia dei Lincet, 1891. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 639 repair as is made occurs in the peripheral system only, while a cell once damaged by injury to its nucleated portion is not to be replaced. PART IL.—THE PHYSIOLOGY OF GROUPS OF NERVE-CELLS. A. ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS 7 SYSTEM. THE reactions of groups of associated nerve-cells have usually furnished the largest mass of facts presented under the title of the physiology of the central nervous system. When it was recognized that the nerves formed pathways by which the sensory surfaces of the body were put into connection with the central system, and also the pathways by which this system was in turn rendered capable of controlling the tissues of expression, it became at once important to determine over what nerves the impulses arrived at the central organ, how they travelled through that organ, and by what other nerves they were again delivered at the periphery. Both anatomical and physiological research have been directed to this end. The arrangement of these paths as found in the adult human nervous system is our principal object ; at the same time it should not be forgotten that the reactions of simpler mammalian systems have furnished the greater number of facts, and if the pitfalls surrounding the assumption that the reactions found in the nervous system of a rabbit or monkey hold true in all detail for that of man can be avoided, no danger and much gain will follow from the use of the facts of comparative physiology. Physiological Unity of the Central Nervous System.—So far as its physiology is concerned, the nervous system of any mammal must be regarded as aunit. Custom, however, sanctions a division into a central and peripheral nervous system. ‘The central system is usually taken as that enclosed within _ the bony cavities of the cranium and vertebral canal, excluding the dorsal root-ganglia ; the peripheral, that formed by the spinal and cranial nerves and the ganglia associated with them. Neither of these parts has an independent significance, and furthermore the central system is largely penetrated by nerve- fibres from the dorsal spinal roots, fibres which have an origin outside of those cells which form the walls of the medullary tube and constitute the central ‘system in the strict morphological sense. On the other hand, the retina, which is in large measure morphologically a part of the medullary system, is, as a Tule, not counted as belonging to this system, but is put down as a peripheral sense-organ. ‘These facts are here mentioned solely to emphasize the point that gross anatomy has found convenient certain methods of division which, if ‘strictly followed, confuse the morphological relations. Yet, for many purposes, the subdivision into central and peripheral portions is advantageous. General Arrangement of the Central Nervous System.—The general architecture of the central system is best understood by means of schemas (Figs. 162 and 163). As the typical arrangement is found in the spinal cord, 4 cross section through this part will most readily express the facts. 640 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PH YSTOLOG Y. The dorsal root-fibres among the spinal and cranial nerves, together with — their homologues in the retina and the olfactory region, are the only channels for the entrance of impulses into the central system. Once having arrived there, the impulses cause other cells to discharge, and these in turn still others, through an indefinite series. The original impulse may thus arouse many other impulses within the system, and these spread until some of them reach cell-bodies which give rise to efferent fibres and which discharge away from the central system. The efferent fibres pass out mainly by the ventral roots, but in part by the lateral (when pre- sent) or by the dorsal roots (Fig. 163). Such efferent fibres end either directly in striated muscle tissue, or in the neighborhood Fig. 162.—Schema of the arrangement of the human spinal cord as seen in cross section; for clearness the afferent fibres are shown on the left side only, efferent and central cells on the right side only (von Lenhossek): D. R, dorsal root; V. R, ventral root; D. P, direct pyramidal fibres; C. P, crossed pyramidal fibres; C, direct cerebellar tract; A. L, antero-lateral tract; D. C, dorsal columns. The various classes of cell- bodies are indicated by the manner of draw- ing. of ganglia (sympathetic ganglia). The fibres from the ganglia, in turn, very often connect with a peripheral plexus, such as the double plexus of — Meissner and Auerbach, or the plexuses about the blood-vessels. ; The evidence for the foregoing statements is briefly the following: The Fie. 163.—Schema of the distribution of the — efferent fibres of the spinal roots. A, afferent fibres in the dorsal root only; E, £, efferent fibres” in both dorsal and ventral roots. In the ventral root one group of efferent fibres goes to M, the — striped muscles; another group to ganglion cells, S, forming a single sympathetic ganglion, or to S’, © cells located in more than one sympathetic gan- — glion, but all connected with one efferent fibre by means of its collaterals; P, peripheral, plexuses — into which the neurons of some sympathetic cells run. Rema CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 641 experiments and observations of Sir Charles Bell (1811) and Majendie (1822) showed that sensation followed the stimulation of the central ends only of the dorsal nerve-roots, and that direct contractions of the skeletal muscles occurred only when the peripheral portions of the ventral and lateral roots were stim- ulated. It had previously been shown by Hales and Whytt (1768) that even though both roots were intact, destruction of the spinal cord prevented the excitation of the dorsal roots from causing a reflex response, and hence the cord was to be regarded as forming part of the pathway. Moreover, it had been shown by the earlier investigators, before Bell, that the excitation of the ventral roots produced a response. Brown-Séquard’ showed that section of the (last six thoracic and first two lumbar) dorsal roots caused (in guinea-pig, rabbit, and dog) a vascular dilatation and a rise of 1° to 3° C. in the hind limbs. Stricker showed that stimulation of the peripheral ends of the cut dorsal nerves caused a rise in the temperature of the foot; and Morat showed that stimulation of the peripheral end of a cut dorsal root produced vaso- dilatation. The studies in the degeneration of the nerve-fibres? show a small group in the dorsal root which, upon section of the root between the ganglion and cord, degenerates toward the periphery and remains intact toward the _ eord—a behavior which is precisely opposite to that which occurs in the case of the fibres taking origin from the spinal ganglion-cells. _ Finally, van Gehuchten and others have shown, that in histological prep- arations (chick), these fibres can be traced through the ganglion itself (see Fig. 163). In the dorsal roots of the lumbar region of the monkey, Sherring- ton*® was unable to find any efferent fibres. The connection of some of the ventral roots with sympathetic ganglia was established by Budge (1851), and physiological as well as histological observations show that the further con- nection of these ganglion-cells with the elements which they ultimately control is in many instances by way of the peripheral plexuses. | Classification of Nerve-elements.—In accordance with this arrangement of the nervous system, the elements which compose it fall into three groups: (1) The afferent cells, those whose function it is to convey impulses due to external stimuli from the periphery, including the muscles and joints, to the central system. The expression “external stimuli” is in this case intended to include also such stimuli as act within the tissues of the body, for example, Cae Tr ' au those acting on tendons and muscles, and affecting the afferent nerves which terminate in them. (2) The central cells, those the neurons of which never ____ leave the central system, and the function of which is to distribute within this system the impulses which have there been received. (2) The efferent cells, or those the neurons of which pass outside of the central system, and which carry impulses to the periphery. In this last group, again, two minor divisions may be made, namely, (a) the efferent elements the cell-bodies of which lie 1 Gazette médicale de Paris, 1856. — 2 Gad and Joseph: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1889. § Journal of Physiology, 1895, vol. xvii. 41 642 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. within the central system, as is the case with those giving rise to the ventral roots ; (6) those forming the peripheral ganglia entirely outside of the central system—the sympathetic ganglia and the more or less solitary cells which take part in the formation of the peripheral plexuses. . Relative Development of Different Parts.—The bulk of the three sub- divisions which have been named is by no means equal. The central system is far more massive than the afferent and efferent, taken together, but the relation cannot be stated with any exactness, since the mass of the peripheral system is not definitely known. The afferent and efferent groups are, how- ever, about equal in weight, so that the comparatively small mass of either of them, taken alone, is apparent. When in addition to this disproportion it is fur- ther recalled that in both the groups last named the number of cell-elements is small as compared with the number which compose the central system, the disproportion is still further emphasized. That the central or distributive division of the nervous system is thus the most important is indicated also by the fact that, in the vertebrate series, as the complexity of the entire nervous system increases, the proportional development of the group of central ele- ments is most marked. Moreover, if we take the areas of the cross sections of the various spinal and cranial nerve-trunks as a measure, it is found that the areas for the afferent are greater than those for the efferent elements, and that the area of afferent nerves increases from the cord toward the encephalon. Organization.—During early fetal life all the cells are isolated from each other. Either they are without branches as in the earliest state, or the branches, although formed, have not come into such relations with the neighboring ele- ments that nerve-impulses are able to pass by way of them. ‘The series of changes by which the elements are put into the most perfect physiological connection which they will ultimately attain may be designated as organization. This change is dependent on two structural conditions—(a) the number of the dendritic branches, and of the terminal and collateral branches of the neurons, and (6) the relations in which these dendrons and terminal and col- lateral branches stand to one another. In the case of cells like those of the cortex, it is to be seen from the instructive figure of Cajal (see p. 612), that in the vertebrate series the cor- tical cells tend to possess more branches the higher the animal stands in the — series, 7. e. the more complicated and adaptable its reactions. Further, the same figure shows that in the development of the individual cells it passes from a condition in which it has few to-that in which it has many branches. Certainly the disposition of the cell-substance in the form of branches in- — creases the surface thus exposed, and, assuming that the nutrition of the cell takes place over this surface generally, they increase its nutritive capacity. There is, however, another and more important standpoint from which they may be regarded. Cajal has suggested that the dendrons are the pathways by which impulses enter the cells. If this is true, then the number of den- — drons characteristic of any group of cells may be taken as an index of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 643 variety of incoming impulses to which they are subject. In the case of the afferent, central, and efferent groups of cells, the following can be stated: Unless the branch which passes toward the periphery from the cells of the spinal ganglia be considered as homologous with the dendrons—because it car- ries incoming impulses—these cells are without dendrons but possess two neurons. In either case they are subject to but one group of impulses—those, namely, which enter the cell over the peripheral neuron, The central neuron -_ramifies widely within the central system. ie closing basket or frame about the Among the central cells we have the greatest variety of arrangement, the -dendrons being insignificant in certain cells of the dorsal horns of the gray matter, and abundant in the large pyramidal cells of the cortex ; or again, the granules of the cerebellar cortex with few dendrons may be contrasted with the ~ large cells of Purkinje having many—these being taken merely as examples. Finally, the bodies of efferent calls are characteristically supplied with a large number of dendrons—again an arrangement which fits with the physio- logical demands, as they must react to many stimuli though they discharge but one way and with but one sort of effect. | Connections between Cells.—In determining the connection between cells, the fact that the neuron is the outgrowth of a cell-body and that each _ eell is an independent morphological unit forms the point of departure. Under these circumstances the question of the connection between cells takes the more explicit form of the question whether cell-branches become continuous by secondary union. In mammals, man included, there is no good histo- logical evidence that such secondary union occurs in the central system. A close approximation of the parts of two nerve-cells is alone to be seen. The means by which the cells are brought close together are not always the same. If the branching of the neurons in the neighborhood of the dendrons of the large pyramidal cells is subject to the interpretation that the impulses act across the small intervals that separate these two struc- tures, then, when it is found that the neurons in some cases end in an en- Ei) () wi \ Wh NA #) \ VND Gi B iy ) \ \ N HN \) AW ai ye ENG i AN K . . Y / i () 7} Dr) (ne f ) I) f Fig. 164.—Showing at the lower edge of the figure bodies of the cells of Purkinje, it would be correct to infer that the ac- 4 tion took place between the terminals of the neuron and the body of the cell which they surround. If this infer- a series of basket-like terminations of neurons which surround the bodies of the great cells of Purkinje in the cortex of the cerebellum (Ramén y Cajal): C, cell-body; N, neurons; B, basket-like terminations arising from cell C, and enclosing the cells of Purkinje. : ence is correct, then the dendrons are not necessarily the sole pathways for the impulses which affect a given cell (see Fig. 164). 644 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Theories of the Passage of the Nerve-impulse.—Accepting the view that the nervous system is composed of discontinuous but closely approxi- mated cell-elements, it remains to explain how impulses arising within the _ limits of one element are able to influence others. As an hypothesis, this may be assumed as dependent on chemical changes set up at the tips of the terminals and affecting the surrounding substance, — which, thus affected, acts to stimulate the neighboring dendrons. As this is — only an hypothesis, it may be left with the statement that it seems to fit in — large measure the group of facts which it is necessary to explain. The structural changes which permit the stimulation of one element to affect another are completed slowly, and, as we shall later see, these changes — continue in some parts of the human nervous system up to middle life. From what has just been stated it follows that the nervous system of the — immature person is quite a different thing from that of one mature, since in the former it is more schematic, more simple, the details of the pathways not having been as yet filled out. Moreover, considering the slow and minute manner in which the central system is organized by the growth of the cell- branches, it is the last place where there should be expected structural uni-’ formity in the details of arrangement. B. Tuer PxuysiotocicaL ANATOMY OF THE NEeRvous SYSTEM. It follows from what has already been stated concerning the relations of cell-elements, that the impulse which enters the central system along a given © dorsal neuron is bound to be first delivered to those cells in the neighborhood — of which the branches of the neuron terminate. Therefore, in determining the course that the impulses take, the deverniiail tion of the mode in which the dorsal root-fibres are distributed is the first step. Fig. 165.—Schema of the human spinal cord: D. R, dorsal root, right side; Col, collaterals from the dorsal root-fibres; D.C, dorsal columns; P, crossed pyramid; P’, direct pyramid; C, direct cerebellar tract; A, antero-lateral tract. . Afferent Roots.—The manner of this termination is shown in Figures 151 and 165. Pe Here the afferent neuron having entered into the cord is seen to divide, and — CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 645 send one branch caudad, while the other passes cephalad (Fig. 151). The length of these branches is difficult of determination, but it appears that the one passing cephalad is probably the longer as a rule, and that it may extend over nearly the entire length of the cord. By means of collaterals, these main branches are connected with cells within the cord, probably both efferent and central. Through the central cells arranged in series, pathways are formed by which the incoming impulses may produce an effect at parts of the system remote from the point of entrance, as well as pass almost directly to the effer- ent cells in the neighborhood where they enter. Of these afferent roots there are thirty-one on either side, and for each dorsal root there is a corresponding ventral one. Due allowance being made for components which have failed to develop, the cranial nerves can be homologized with them. Considering, then, the longitudinal extension of the cord, it falls into a series of segments marked on each side by a pair of spinal nerves. _ Segmentation.—The segmentation thus indicated is most evidently marked by the arrangement of the efferent or ventral spinal nerves. The studies on the relations between the efferent nerve-fibres and the cell-bodies which give origin to them indicate that the latter are located at the same level in the cord as that at which the fibres springing from them emerge. This permits us to infer that the cells of origin for any ventral root tend to concen- trate in the segment from which that root springs. The afferent nerve-fibres have in part at least a somewhat extended course through the cord, and are less strictly limited to the segment with which they make their superficial connections. At the same time, a number of central cells belong to each segment, and must be more closely connected with the dorsal and ventral nerves with which they are immediately associated, than with any others. Nevertheless the human spinal cord shows but poorly the segmental disposition of the elements in it when compared with that of lower vertebrates, like the snakes for example, in which the concentra- tion of the nerve-cells about the region of emergence of the roots is more evident. Bilateral Symmetry.—The body being in the main bilaterally symmet- rical, it is to be expected that the nervous system which controls it will be constructed in the same manner. Such is, indeed, the case. Architecturally this symmetry is not perfect, since each cell on one side is not exactly bal- anced by a corresponding cell on the opposite side, but the number of cells in corresponding regions is approximately the same, and for physiological purposes the bilateral symmetry is quite complete. Yet this arrangement is not without exception. Dorsal and Ventral Plates.—In the human fetus the shape of the me- dullary tube, —the tube from which, later, the brain and spinal cord are developed—is shown in cross section in Figure 166. Slight indentations on either side of the tube are here evident on the inner wall. They divide each side of the tube into a dorsal and ventral portion, 646 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ah and His’ has followed these two portions, with a groove dividing them, — through the entire length of the tube. The dorsal plate (d. p.) he designates as the Fliigelplatte (literally, wing-plate), and the ventral plate (v. p.) as the Grundplatte (literally, foundation-plate). The interest attaching to these sub- _ divisions resides in the fact that the parts of the — tube thus marked off are loci for cells having well-marked and different physiological fune- tions. The incoming neurons arriving from the cells of the spinal ganglia are limited in the distribution of the main branches to the — dorsal plate, and the cell-bodies which give rise to the efferent fibres are to be found in the ventral plate only. The central cells are pres- — ent in both plates, though grouped in the local- _ ity where the two plates come together, and vsst siltbal of & total Muah’ shee being rather more abundant in the dorsal one. — cord at the sixth week; x 50diameters The collaterals of the afferent fibres are distrib- TAMER s Gotten Raat ye | plates. There is thus in the cord groove separating the two plates; d.p, dorsal plate; vp, ventral plate, in 4 general arrangement whereby the central cells which alone are located nerve-cells the neurons of which leave thecentral are located between the afferent neuron and the Systems dry dorsal roots wr, ventral efferent cell-bodies. Far more important than : this, however, is the relation which becomes evi- dent as we pass cephalad—namely, that the cerebellum, quadrigemina, and almost the entire mass of the basal ganglia, together with the hemispheres, are the homologues of the dorsal plates, and contain central cells only (Fig. 167). Cb A Y ] Y Sp.cV : . Fie. 167.—Schema showing the encephalon and cord; the unshaded portion is that derived from the dorsal plate; the shaded that from the ventral (from Minot): C, cerebrum; Cb, cerebellum; F, foramen of Monro; J, infundibulum; M, bulb; 0, olfactory lobe; P, pons; Q, quadrigemina; Sp.c,spinal cord; III, third ventricle; IV, fourth ventricle. ‘His: Abhandlungen d. math~phys. Classe d. kénigl. Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1889, , _ WW i: VW" = aN \ Sp ae Ce Ne ee ee ~ - m nae + a CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 647 There are then to be expected from these cells, forming as they do the great bulk of the central system, reactions of the same order as those occurring among the central cells of the cord. Decussation.—All through the central system neurons pass from one lateral half to the other, witness for example the arrangements of the optic chiasma, the callosum, the decussation of the pyramidal fibres and the ventral commissure in the cord itself. It is to be noted, however, that the bulk of the commissures is small as compared with the masses which they connect. So far as known, the neurons of the dorsal roots that have entered the dorsal column of the cord on one side of the middle line do not cross, by their main stems at least, to the other side. As regards the efferent cells, it appears that the neurons of some of these do cross in the ventral commissure, but in the instances above given, and in the case of the greater number of fibres belonging to the ventral commissure, the neurons concerned are the outgrowths of central cells (Fig. 168). In the case of the central cells > tan the decussation may be effected by the entire mah neuron or by a principal branch from it. Such | J VI is the arrangement in the ease of certain cortical cells which send one branch to the callosum (Cajal). Besides these connections between . ; : . . Fig. 168.—Illustrating the partial parts lying ‘symmetrically Ga either siden oF |.) cline decuiaution of the the middle line, there are of course dorso-ven- fibres of the third and fourth cranial . . . nerves, and the absence of decussa- tral connections, but the neurons by which this ion in the ease of the sixth: IIL is effected do not run in bundles and are there- 10°t of the third cranial nerve; IV, ; F of the fourth; VJ, of the sixth. fore less obvious and probably less important. C. PATHWAY OF THE IMPULSES. Conditions of Stimulation.—In speaking of the nerve-impulses we regard them as always initially aroused at the periphery, using this last term in a wide sense. The conditions necessary for this arousal are an external stimulus, acting on an irritable nerve-end. While life exists, stimulation of varying intensity is always going on, and hence there is no moment at which the nervous system is not stimulated and no moment at which the effectiveness of this stimulus is not varied. The response to this continuous and ever- varying stimulation is not necessarily observable, but occasionally the variation in the stimuli is so wide that an evident reaction follows. Though the foregoing statements suggest that the chief variable is that represented by the stimulus, the strength of which changes, yet as a matter of 648 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. fact the variations in the physiological (chemica!) condition of the nerve-cells are equally important, and neither factor can be studied independently. The term central stimulation is sometimes employed. For example; the spasmodic movements of the young child, when there is no change noticeable in the external stimuli acting upon it, are sometimes attributed to this cause ; but these, although doubtless due to central changes, altering the irritability of the cells, are most properly classed with the reactions which follow the external stimulus. The misconceptions here to be avoided are those of sup- posing that the nervous system is at any time unstimulated, and that the evident responses follow a change of the external stimulus only. Strength of Stimulus and Strength of Response.— Where the impulse does not traverse more than one nerve-element, there is a direct relation be- tween the strength of the stimulus and the strength of the response. The negative variation in the isolated nerve increases with the intensity of the stimulus which is sent through it. The same is true for submaximal stimuli applied to the nerve when the nerve is still attached to a muscle, and the height of the muscular contraction is measured. When, however, the impulse in one cell-element is used to arouse an impulse in another, as in all experiments where the nerve-cells are arranged in a physio- logical series, the strength of the impulse from the second is less easy to pre- dict. This is explained as due to variations in the ease with which the impulse in one element stimulates the next, and also to the variations in the second cell of those conditions which determine the intensity with which it may discharge. | When an impulse has once entered the central system the arrangement of the pathways involves the distribution of it to a larger and larger number of elements. This may be illustrated by Figure 169. At the same time that the impulse is thus distributed. it tends to die out. If, as we assume, it is a wave of molecular change that passes along the neuron, then when the neuron divides the energy in the main stem is distributed to the mass of substance which forms the branches, and if the mass of these, as is usually the case, is greater than that of the main stem, then the energy in any branch will be less than in the main stem. In the case of some of the cells about which the branches of the neuron end the impulse will not be adequate to cause in them a discharge, although it may still produce a certain amount of chemical change in them. The impulse thus tends to disappear within the system, by producing in part chem- ical changes strong enough to cause a discharge, and in part similar changes of a less intensity. Diffusion of Central Impulses.—Thus the general result of sending an impulse into the central system is that it tends to be distributed and at the same time to become weaker. Finally, by one or more of the central paths it reaches an efferent cell which is in a condition to discharge so as to produce an evident reaction. If the previous description has been correct, two very important events CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 649 occur: in the first place, the impulse reaches a far greater number of cells than evidently discharge, and in the second, the pathway followed by the im- Gr L Fig. 169.—Schema to show how, by means of the collaterals and the central cells, several paths are open to any impulse coming in over 4,A, also showing how an impulse may arrive at a given part of an efferent cell by more than one pathway among the central cells: €,C, C’C’. C’”C”, neurons of central cells the bodies of which are located in other segments; E, efferent cell. pulses which do produce the discharge is by no means the only pathway over which the impulses can or do travel. | The most convenient illustration of this process of diffusion can be obtained by a study of the knee-kick or knee-jerk as it is more commonly called. The reaction in question consists in a contraction of extensor muscles of the knee in consequence of a blow on the tendon just below the knee-pan. As a result of this contraction, the leg is extended, and a kick of greater or less extent is made from the knee joint. Very careful studies of the conditions controlling this response have been made by a number of investigators, notably Westphal,! Lombard,? Bowditch and Warren,? Weir-Mitchell,* 1 Archiv fiir Psychiatrie, 1875. 2 American Journal of Psychology, 1887. * Journal of Physiology, 1890. * Philadelphia Medical News, Feb., 1886. 650 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY.. Noyes. It is found that under given conditions, the variations in the extent of the kick can be referred to variations in the excitability of that portion of the spinal cord from which the fibres controlling the muscles take their origin, namely, the second, third, and fourth lumbar seg- ments, | i il : In the same individual under 2: wus 1 1 x r constant conditions and for short periods of time, the knee-kick may be fairly constant in its ex- tent, but the normal extent for different individuals may vary widely, all the way from those cases in which this reaction is nor- Fic. 170.—Record of the knee-kick of a dementea mally absent to those in which it is patient. The knee was tapped at regular intervals of normally very large. In the same five seconds. While the patient was asleep and all | || | ae about was quiet, no response was obtained; after such individual there are also variations s . s , d f Lki . ° an irresponsive period the sound of some one walking from day to day, variations com- on the floor below caused at A a series of kicks which gradually diminished; the same at B. At C two taps parable for instance to those in the © with a pencil and a distant locomotive-whistle produced °° A . a longer series. The arrow indicates the direction in condition of athletes whose capacity which the record is to be read (Noyes). for performing a given feat is, as } we know, by no means constant. Experimentally the most marked variation which is observed in the extent of the knee-kick occurs when the patient passes from the waking to the sleeping state, or vice versa. The regulated blow of a hammer automatically released, and striking the same point of the tendon, will produce little or no reaction when the patient is asleep, whereas in full wakefulness the reaction may be very evident. Figures 170, 171 illustrate such variations. Attention was first directed to this peculiar reaction for the reason that in some degree it could be used to test the physiological condition of the spinal cord, it being found that the knee-kick was usually abolished in those condi- tions in which the lumbar portion of the cord is damaged or its connections — with the higher centres interrupted, whereas it was much exaggerated in those conditions in which disturbance in the higher centres tended to cause excessive — stimulation of the cord. As soon, however, as the reaction was studied with — greater care in normal persons, it became evident that the condition of this — part of the spinal cord was subject to remarkable fluctuations, and that these fluctuations depended in a measure on circumstances which could be controlled. For example, there are here given (Fig. 171) six records showing respectively the increase in the extent of the knee-kick after the subject was suddenly awakened ; on repeating Browning’s Poem, “How they brought the good news from Ghent to Aix;” as the result of talking; in consequence of the crying of a child in the next room; and immediately after swallowing. The point heré insisted upon and for which illustration is sought by the accom- 1 American Journal of Psychology, 1892. n Hl be by pee aes CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 651 panying figures, is simply this: that an extra stimulus caused by the condi- tions just enumerated and sent into the central system, often at one very def- A B Je C ba “90 i 90 —xt- 60; 80 80 \ RP } Fs 50 S| 70 ! a8 : Nhl ap 40 60 Rast sot f \ \\ ll | 30 50 50 + a \ WT 20 Riot a. \ : 40 et la {Tt i | | VV iv ofp fi J | 0 20 4 Il 20 }} eo 10 : 60 E F - so} —at j sl 17 40 40 40 30 | | Mi! fer ‘ | si iran yy Dea a H ae } hf malt \ | ‘ 10 vy ct Lf 10 y *. \ 10 { ° 0 0 | Fic. 171.—A series of small figures showing various reinforcements of the knee-kick (Lombard) ; curves constructed from the original records. Numbers at the left indicate the height of kick in millimeters: A, subject asleep, when the curve is lowest; * reinforcement after being called; B, first part of curve low; * reinforcement in the knee-kick on repeating Browning’s poem, ‘‘ How they brought the good news from Ghent to Aix.” C, * reinforcement as the result of talking; D, * reinforcement due to itching of the ear; £, * reinforcement due to the crying of a child in the next room; F, * reinforcement due to swallowing. inite point, does not limit its influence to that immediate portion of the system, but in all these cases the nerve-cells located in that portion of the spinal 652 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. cord which controls the knee-kick are so modified that the extent of the kick is noticeably altered. : There is little doubt that if there were a means of measuring other motor — reactions and testing their variability as determined by variations in the — incoming stimuli, results concordant with these just given could be obtained, They illustrate a fundamental condition in the reactions of the central system — —namely, that every stimulus which falls upon it alters its responsiveness, and — that it is continually in a state of tension due to the effect of many stimuli — which we often fail to recognize. If we follow strictly the anatomical inter- — pretation, it appears, as a consequence of these observations, that any nerye- ; impulse arriving over the afferent pathways can and does affect to a varying — degree all the efferent cell-elements, that there must be a pathway for the — nerve-impulses from some of the terminals of each afferent fibre to the neigh- — borhood of each cell giving rise to efferent impulses. Variations in Diffusibility—The degree to which any set of incoming impulses modifies the responsiveness of the central system depends in the — first instance on the physiological connections of the fibres by which they — travel, and in the second, on the particular condition in which the central cells happen to be found. As to the first point, we should expect the afferent nerves with the widest central connections, such as the olfactory, optic, and — auditory nerves, to be the most efficient in this respect, and this is the case. a Concerning the second, it is observed, for example, that by means of drugs it is possible to alter the diffusibility of incoming stimuli to an enormous extent. — Strychnin and drugs with a similar physiological action have this as one of ; their effects. Influence of Strychnin.—The experimental study of strychnin-poisoning ~ - shows the following relations: A frog poisoned by the injection of this drug — is easily thrown into tetanus whether the brain is intact or has been removed — previous to the injection. The drug is found to have accumulated in the sub- — stance of the spinal cord.'' The peculiar change wrought in the nervous sys- tem is such that a slight stimulus will cause an extended and prolonged tetanic — contraction of the skeletal muscles, 7. e. the diffusion of impulses within the — cord is very wide and efficient to an unusual degree. The direct application — of strychnin to the spinal cord has been carefully studied by Houghton and ~ Muirhead.? When the strychnin solution was applied locally to the brachial — enlargement of the spinal cord of a brainless frog, a subsequent stimulation of the skin of the arms produced tetanic contractions of the arms, and later, after the poison had acted for a time, of the entire trunk and legs. On the other — hand, stimulation of the legs in such a case produced a slight reflex or none — at all, Since in order to cause contraction of the leg muscles the efferent cells controlling the muscles of the leg must be discharged—and in the one case — when the stimulus was applied to the arm region these cells discharged so as — to cause a tetanic spasm, while in the other, when the stimulus was applied to _ the legs, they discharged only slightly—the alteration in the cord produced by * Lovett : Journal of Physiology, 1888, vol. ix. 2 The Medical News, June 1, 1895. — ~ meme Me eT ls — OP PE NS PS a i Se CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 653 the drug must affect some other group than these efferent cells. Since, more- over, a tetanus of the legs could be caused by the stimulation of the skin of the arm, the application of the drug being to the brachial enlargement only, it appears that the central cells, or those conducting the impulses entering by the dorsal root-fibres in the brachial region to the nuclei of the lumbar en- largement, are probably affected ; and further, that it is the bodies of these cells on which the drug must act, since they alone were in the locality at which the drug was applied. The application of the drug to the dorsal root- ganglia and to the nerve-roots between the ganglia and the cord proved to be without effect, so that the two parts which can possibly be influenced are the terminations of the sensory afferent nerves within the cord and the bodies. of the central cells with which these terminations are associated. But whether the change is in both these structures or only in one cannot now be determined. The diffusion of impulses in the central system depends anatomically not only on the amount of branching among the neurons of the individual cen- tral cells, but also on the association of many cells together so as to accomplish this wide distribution of the impulses. In the case of the afferent elements, as we have seen, the diffusion depends on the branching of the neurons alone. Peripheral Diffusion.—Turning next to the efferent system, we find the conditions for diffusion dependent on the arrangement of several cells in series. When a group of efferent cells discharges, we know from the arrange- ment of the ventral roots that the impulses leave the cord mainly along the fibres which comprise these roots, but where the lateral root is present they may also pass out over it, as well as over the few efferent fibres found in the dorsal roots. These neurons carrying the outgoing impulses have two desti- nations: (1) The voluntary or striped muscle-fibres; (2) the sympathetic nerve-cells, grouped in masses to form the vagrant ganglia (see Fig. 163). In the case of those neurons passing to the voluntary muscles, the impulses are distributed to the muscle-fibres to which the final branches of the neuron extend, but there is no evidence that in these localities the impulses, having entered a given muscle-cell, necessarily pass beyond the limits of that cell by conduction through the muscle-substance. It thus happens that one part of a large muscle can be innervated by one bundle of fibres and another part by a different bundle, or that the same parts of a muscle may be innervated by fibres which reach it through more than one ventral nerve-root, and also that with a given stimulus the strength with which a muscle contracts depends on the proportion of the neurons stimulated, and therefore on the proportion of the muscle-fibres thrown into contraction." When the impulses are thus sent out there is in the case of motor nerves no diffusion, the effect being limited to the peripheral distribution of the efferent nerve-elements by way of which the impulses leave the central system. The fibres going to the voluntary muscles form, however, but one portion, which 1 Gad : “ Ueber einige Beziehungen zwischen Nerv, Muskel, und Centrum,” Wiirzburger Fest- schrift, 1882. 654 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. has just been indicated as group 1. The connections of the remaining group (2) are still to be examined. 7 Sympathetic System.—Associated with the efferent neurons of the cerebro- spinal system, and with these alone, is the series of vagrant ganglia and also of peripheral plexuses containing ganglion-cells, which taken together form — the sympathetic system.’ This system is composed of nerve-cells always mono- neuric but sometimes with and sometimes without well-marked dendrons. The cells are more or less grouped in ganglia, and these ganglia-interpolated — between the efferent neurons of the spinal nerve-roots on the one hand and the peripheral plexuses or secreting cells on the other. The number of cells — in the ganglia is greater than the number of spinal neurons going to them, and hence their interpolation in the course of the ventral fibres increases the number of pathways toward the periphery, as is shown in Figure 163. In speaking of the fibres concerned it is desirable to distinguish between the — pre-ganglionic, or those originating in the medullary centres and passing to the ganglia, and the post-ganglionic fibres, or those originating in the cells of the ganglia and passing to the periphery. Following the histological observations of Gaskell’ and the physiolonll . studies of Langley,’ previously quoted, an outline of the relations of the sym- — pathetic cells, based on those found in the cat, is briefly as follows: Pre-ganglionic fibres, 7. e. those growing out of cell-bodies located in the cord, arise from the first thoracic to the fourth or fifth lumbar, and from these _ segments only (Gaskell). The fibres are medullated. Langley’s experiments — indicate that no sympathetic cell sends a branch to any other sympathetic cell. It has been shown that the pre-ganglionic fibres are interrupted in the ganglia. The post-ganglionic fibres are in part medullated, though sometimes medulla- tion occurs only at intervals, but in the main they are gray or unmedullated. The cerebro-spinal neurons end in the ganglia in such a manner that the branches of the pre-ganglionic neuron are distributed to a number of the ganglion cell-bodies, and these cells in turn send their neurons either directly to the peripheral structures controlled by the sympathetic elements or to the plexuses such as are found in the intestine and about the blood-vessels, The same pre-ganglionic fibre may have connections with several cells in one ganglion, or, by means of collaterals, connect with one or more cells i ina series of ganglia (Langley). , Manner of Diffusion.—It has been found that while the cells in a sympas thetic ganglion are so arranged that one pre-ganglionic fibre may be in con- nection with a group of cells, and thus the impulses which pass out of the ganglion be more numerous than those which entered it, yet the several groups of cells within the ganglion are not connected. In the peripheral plexuses there appears to be a different arrangement.’ * Gaskell: Journal of Physiology, 1885, vol. vii.; von Kélliker: “ Ueber die feinere Anat- mie und die physiologische Bedeutung des sympathischen Nervensystems,” Verhandlungen Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte, 194, Allgemeiner Theil, 1894. * Langley : “A Short Account of the Sympathetic System,” Physiological Congress, Berne, 1896. * Berkeley: Anatomischer Anzeiger, 1892. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 655 It has been observed upon stimulation of the branches of the cceliac plexus in the dog, that the several branches, though unlike in size, bring about nearly the same quantitative reaction, in the constriction of the veins, from which we infer that though entering the peripheral plexus by different channels, the impulses find their way to the same elements at the end, owing to a multi- plicity of pathways within the plexus.’ Experiments with strychnin on the more proximal sympathetic ganglia do not show any increased diffusibility following the application of the drug, but on the other hand, Langley and Dickinson? have shown that nicotin applied to various sympathetic ganglia of the cat produces a condition whereby elec- trical stimulation below the ganglion, which in the normal animal is followed by dilatation of the pupil, is without effect. Since the application of the drug to the nerve-fibres on either side of the ganglion is ineffective, when at the same time the application to the ganglion itself is effective, it is inferred that the drug acts by altering some peculiar relation existing within the ganglion, and the relation which is assumed to be thus modified is that between the fibres terminating in the ganglion and the cells which they there control. The relation between the post-ganglionie fibres and the peripheral plexuses is not interrupted by nicotin, and hence is different from that between the pre- ganglionic fibres and the cell-bodies which they control. Evidence for Continuous Outgoing Impulses.—Under normal condi- tions, striped and unstriped muscular tissues are always in a condition of slight contraction. When the nerves controlling any such set of muscles are cut, or their central connections injured, the muscles at first relax. If a frog, rendered reflex by the removal of the brain, the cord remaining intact, be hung up vertically, it is found that the legs are slightly flexed at the hip and knee. If now the sciatic nerve be cut upon one side, the leg on the side of the section hangs the straighter, indicating that the muscles have relaxed a little as the result of the section of the nerve; if, in the same animal, the smaller arteries in the web of the foot be examined both before and after the section, it is found that after the section they have increased in diameter. Conversely, artificial stimulation of the peripheral stump causes a contraction of the vessels, but it is not possible in so rough a way to imitate the tonic con- traction of the skeletal muscles. It is inferred from these experiments that normally there pass from the central system along some of the nerve-fibres impulses which tend to keep the muscles in a state of slight contraction. Destruction of the entire cord abolishes -all outgoing impulses, and produces a complete relaxation of these muscles. Though the intensity of these outgoing impulses is normally always small, yet it is subject to significant variations. The difference between the tone of the muscles of an athlete in prime condition and those of a patient recovering from a prolonged and exhausting illness is easily recognized, and this differ- ence is in a large measure due to the difference in the intensity of the impulses 1 Mall: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1892. 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1889, vol. xlvi. 656 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. passing out of the cord. Among the insane, too, the variations in this tonie — condition follow in a marked way the nutritive changes in the central system, and both facial and bodily expression have a value as an index of the strength 3 and variability of those impulses on which the tone of the skeletal muscles — depends. Indeed, so wide in the insane is the variation thus brought about, — that when the expressions of the same individual at one time in a phase of mental exaltation and at another in that of mental depression are com-— pared, it appears hardly possible that they can be those of the same person. — This continuous outflow of impulses from the central system is indicated also by the continuous changes within glands, and the variations in these metabolic processes according to the activities of the central system. Rigor Mortis.—Even in the very act of dying, the influence of these im-_ pulses can be again traced. The death of the central nerve-tissues being ex- pressed as a chemical change, causes impulses to pass down the efferent nerves, — and these impulses modify those chemical changes which, in the muscles of a frog’s leg for example, lead to rigor mortis. It thus happens that a frog sud- — denly killed and then left until the onset of rigor, will under ordinary condi- tions show this at about the same time in both legs. If, however, the sciatic nerve on one side be cut immediately after the death of the animal, the begin- ning of rigor in that leg is much delayed ; thus showing that the nervous con- nection is an important factor in modifying the time of this occurrence — (Hermann). Summary.—In their most general form the activities of the nervous sys tem can therefore be pictured as follows: The peripheral termini of the sensory - or afferent nerves are isolated and there pass into the central system at least as many distinct impulses as there are nerves that have been stimulated. The point of entrance of these impulses is in each case the point at which the affer- — ent nerve connects with the cerebro-spinal system, and these points taken all — together form a corresponding projection of the sensory surfaces upon the cen- — tral system. Once entered into the central system and transmitted to the cen-— tral cells by the collaterals and terminals of the afferent fibre, such an incom- — ing impulse has open to it many pathways among the central cells, and by these pathways it can reach any group of efferent cells. That all the pathways by — which it can travel are traversed by it, and that all the efferent cells are in some measure affected, is very probable. Both the diffusion and the — 7 are, however, subject to wide modifications. ’ The evident response which we commonly regard as the reaction to any stimulus, arises from a more or less localized group of efferent cells and emerges as a series of impulses which pass by the efferent nerves either to find — a comparatively limited expression in the contractions of the voluntary muscles — or enter into the series of ganglia and plexuses forming the sympathetic system to be distributed in a diffuse manner to the unstriped muscles and the coon ing tissues. a In brief, then, the impulses enter the cexchansneiae system according to q the fixed anatomical relation of the afferent nerves. They leave this system CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 657 according to similar anatomical restrictions imposed by the arrangement of the efferent: cells, and along the efferent pathway they are directed by isolated fibres either to the voluntary muscles, or by means of other fibres to the ganglia of the sympathetic. In this latter subdivision the arrangement is for diffusion from the proximal to the distal members of the series, and here the area of tissue finally affected is large as compared with the part of the efferent system from which the outgoing impulse may have started. Yet the point at which the most significant diffusion of the impulses occurs is the central system. The afferent elements being single cells only, the amount of diffusion which may occur is limited to the branches of this one group of elements alone. The efferent subdivision of the nervous system, so far as it connects with skeletal muscles, represents a single element, but so far as it is connected with the sympathetic system there are at least two elements arranged in series. The arrangement of the central system, however, is but an elaboration of this latter in so far as the number of elements involved may be increased above two. Any incoming impulse entering the central system at any point tends to be diffused over a large portion of the central cells and by them to all the efferent elements, but the path between the point of the arriving impulse and _ that at which the evident discharge originates in the efferent cells is variable. _ The permeability of the central system is therefore inconstant, and probably this inconstancy depends on the one hand on the ease with which the incoming impulses are transferred to it and from it, as well as the ease with which they pass among the elements constituting this subdivision itself. The chief prob- lem in the physiology of the central system is, therefore, to determine how the nerve-impulses find their way among the central cells and at what point they pass over to the efferent cells so as to cause an evident response. D. Rertex Action. The simplest and most constant of the co-ordinated reactions of the nerv- ous system are reflex. The term involves the idea that the response is not accompanied by consciousness, and is dependent on anatomical conditions in the central system which are only in a slight degree subject to physiological modifications. This view of reflex activities is in a large measure justified by the facts, but at the same time it must be held subject to many modifications, and it is not possible to make a hard and fast line between reflex and voluntary reactions. The principal features of a reflex act may be illustrated by following a typical experiment. Typical Reflex Response.—If the central nervous system of a frog be severed at the bulb, so as to separate from the spinal cord all of the portions of the central system above it, the animal is for a time in a condition of col- lapse. If, after twelve hours or more, such a frog be suspended by the lip, it will remain motionless, the fore legs extended and the hind limbs pendent, though very slightly flexed. If such a frog were dissected down to the nervous 42 658 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. system, there would be found the following arrangement: Afferent fibres ran- _ ning from the skin, muscles, and tendons, and forming the dorsal nerve-root with its ganglion. The central mass of the cord in which these roots end, each _ root marking the middle of a segment. From each segment of the cord go the ventral root-fibres passing to the muscles lying beneath the skin to which — the sensory nerves are distributed, as well as to the ganglia of the sympa- thetic system. The mechanism demanded for a reflex response is an afferent path leading to the cord ; cells in the cord by which the incoming impulses — shall be distributed ; and a third set of efferent elements to carry the outgoing impulses. It is important to consider in detail what occurs in each portion — of this reflex are. b In a frog thus prepared, stimulation of the skin in any part supplied by — the sensory nerves originating from the spinal cord causes a contraction of — some muscles. Influence of Location of Stimulus.—The muscles which thus contract — tend to be those innervated from the same segments of the cord that receive — the sensory nerves that have been stimulated. Thus stimulation of the skin — of the breast causes movements of the fore limbs, and stimulation of the rump . or legs corresponding movements of the hind limbs. It is noticeable, how-— ever, that wherever the stimulus is applied, the hind limbs have a tendency — to move at the same time that the muscles most directly concerned contract, - Segmental Reactions.—In attempting to explain this associated contrac- tion of the leg muscles, it must be remembered that the hind limbs are, par excellence, the motile extremities of the frog, and therefore all general move-— ments involve their use. We infer from this, moreover, that the arrangement in the spinal cord of the frog is not such that the sensory impulses coming into any segment tend to rouse exclusively the muscles innervated by that segment, but that these incoming impulses are diffused in the cord unevenly and in such a way as to easily involve the segments controlling the legs. As” reflex co-ordinating centres, therefore, the several segments of the cord have not an equal value. When the stimulus is applied on one side of the median plane, the re~ sponses first appear in the muscles of the same side, and if the stimulus is” slight they may appear on that side only. The incoming impulses are there- fore first and most effectively distributed to the efferent cells located on the same side of the cord as that on which these impulses enter. Such a state- ment is most true, however, when the stimulus enters the cord at the level where the nerves to the limbs are given off. At other levels the diffusion to | the limb centres may take place more readily than to the cells in the opposite half of the same segment. When the muscles of the side opposite contract it is found that those there contracting correspond to the group of muscles giving the initial response. The diffusion then tends to be across the cord and to involve the cells located at the same level as that at which the incoming impulses enter it. There is some reason to think that the path by which the diffusion takes CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 659 place is not the shortest one between the two groups of cells, but a path in which the actual crossing of the impulses occurs toward the cephalic end of the cord, so that they must pass up the cord on one side and down on the other. Strength of Stimulus.—In a reflex response the strength of the stimulus influences the extent to which the muscles are contracted ; the number of muscles taking part in the contraction, and the length of time during which the contraction continues. That the strength of the stimulus influences the extent to which the contraction of a given group of muscles takes place is easily shown when, for example, the toe of a reflex frog which has been sus- pended is stimulated by pinching it or dipping it in dilute acid. In this case, if the stimulus be slight, the leg is but slightly raised, whereas if the stimulus be strong it is drawn up high. In the same way by altering the stimulus the muscles which enter into the contraction may be only those controlling the joints of the foot, whereas, with stronger stimuli, those for the knee and hip are successively affected, thereby involving a much larger number of muscles. Here, too, we infer a spread of the incoming impulses which is orderly, since the several joints of the limb are moved in regulai sequence. The responses which are thus obtained are not spasmodic, but are contrac- tions of muscles in regular series, giving the appearance of a carefully co- _ordinated movement—a movement that is modified in accordance both with the strength of the stimulus and its point of application. Moreover, such a movement may occur not only once but a number of times, the leg being alternately flexed and extended during an interval of several seconds, although the stimulus is simple and of much shorter duration. Continuance of Response.—The continuance of the response after the stimulus has been withdrawn must be of course the result of a long-continued chemical change at some point in the pathway of the impulse, and it appears probable by analogy with the results obtained from the direct stimulation of the central cortex, that in these cases the stimulating changes are taking place in the central cells. | Latent Period.—It has been observed that in the case of a reflex frog an interval of varying length elapses between the application of a stimulus and the appearance of a reaction. The modifications of the interval according to variations in the stimulus have been carefully studied. When dilute acid is used as a stimulus, this latent interval decreases as the strength of the acid is increased. When separate electrical or mechanical stimuli are employed, the reaction tends to occur after a given number of stimuli have been applied, although the time intervals between the individual stimuli may be varied within wide limits. The experimental evidence for electrical stimuli shows that the time intervals may range between 0.05 second and 0.4 second,! while the number of stimuli required to produce a response remains practically con- stant. Summation of Stimuli—aA single stimulus very rarely if ever calls forth a reaction if the time during which it acts is very short, and hence there 1 Ward: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie (Physiol. Abthl.), 1880. 660 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. has developed the idea of the summation of stimuli, implying at some part of — the pathway a piling up of the effects of the separately inefficient stimuli to 4 a point at which they ultimately become effective. » The details of the changes involved in this summation and the place at — which the changes occur are both obscure, but it would seem most probable that summation is an expression of changes in the relations between the final twigs of the afferent elements and the cell-bodies of the central or efferent — elements, which permit the better passage of the impulse from one element to — the other, for the evidence strongly indicates that the course of the impulse can be interrupted at these junctions. The foregoing paragraphs are concerned, therefore, with changes occurring in the afferent portion of the pathway. Next to be considered is the amount of central nervous matter which must — be present in the frog’s spinal cord in order that the reactions can take place. Reactions from Fractions of the Cord.—If the construction of the cord — was strictly segmental in the sense that each segment contained the associated — nerves for a given band of skin and muscle, there should be no disturbance on. dividing the cord into its anatomical segments, and practically, among the invertebrates, where the ganglionic chain is thus arranged, the single segments — can perform alone all the reactions of which they are capable under normal — conditions. In such invertebrates the only change effected by the combination ~ of the segments is that of co-ordinating in time and in intensity the reactions of the series. If, on the other hand, the segments of the cord were more or less dependent upon one another, and not physiologically equivalent, modifica- tions of various degrees would arise according to the segments isolated. It has — been found that the spinal cord of the frog may under special conditions be reduced to three segments and reactions still be obtained. q During the breeding season the male frog by means of his fore legs clasps” the female vigorously and often for days, If at this season there is cut out — from the male the region of the shoulder girdle bearing the fore limbs together — with the connected skin and muscles and the three upper segments of the spinal cord, then an irritation of the skin will cause a reflex oe move- — ment ene to that characteristic for the normal male at this season.! 3 The Efferent Impulses.—Incessantly the efferent impulses pass out eco the cord to the muscles and glands. With each fresh afferent impulse those — which go out are modified in strength and in their order, but just how they — shall be co-ordinated is dependent on so many and such delicate conditions that — even in the simplest case the results are to be predicted only in a general way. The attempt to determine the spread of the impulse in the cord by deter- mining the order in which the various muscles of the thigh and leg contracted — in response to thermal stimuli was made by Lombard.? In a reflex frog the - tendons of the leg and thigh muscles were exposed at the knee, and each | attached to a writing rod in so ingenious a manner that simultaneous records | of fifteen muscles could sometimes be obtained. The stimulus was a metal ‘Goltz: Centralblatt fiir die medicinische Wissenschaften, 1865. ? Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1885. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 661 tube filled with warm water at 47° to 61° C., which was applied to the skin. Under these conditions it was remarkable that a continuous stimulus was often followed, not by a single contraction of the muscles, but by a series of contractions, suggesting that in the central system the cells are roused to a discharge and then are for a time concerned with the preparation for sending out new impulses, and that during this latter period the muscles were relaxed. Apparently a high degree of uniformity in the conditions was obtained in these experiments, but at the same time the reactions were far from uniform, in either the latent time of contraction or the order in which the contrac- ‘tion of the several muscles followed, although certain muscles tended to con- tract first, and certain series of contractions to reappear. The co-ordination of the contractions is therefore variable in time, even under these condi- tions. These variations are probably due either to the fact that the impulses are not distributed in the centre in the same manner on each occasion, or if they are thus distributed, the central and efferent cells vary from moment to moment in their responsiveness. ‘That these cells should so vary is easy to comprehend, for all the cell-elements in such a reflex frog are slowly dying. In this process they are undergoing a destructive chemical change, and with these destructive changes are generated weak impulses sufficient to cause their physiological status continually to vary, thus modifying the effects of any special set of incoming impulses acting upon them. It is not to be overlooked also that the dissection of the muscles tested, and the removal of the skin about them, deprived the spinal cord of the incoming impulses due to the stretching of the skin by the swelling of the contracting muscles and disturbed the order and intensity of such sensory im- pulses as come in from the tendons and the muscles themselves. However much these impulses may add to the regularity of the muscular responses, as apparently they do, in the case of an intact leg, these experiments indicate that the regularity thus obtained is dependent rather on the constancy of the incoming stimuli than on any fixed arrangement in the nerve-centres them- selves. It is thus evident that the discharge of one efferent cell is not neces- sary in order that another efferent cell may discharge, but that each dis- charging cell stands at the end of a physiological pathway and may react independently. Purposeful Character of Responses.—When the muscular responses of a reflex frog to a dermal stimulus are studied, they are seen to have a purpose- ful character, in that they are often directed to the removal of the irritation. This is demonstrated by placing upon the skin on one side of the rump a small square of paper moistened with dilute acid. As a result the foot of the same side is raised and the attempt made to brush the paper away ; if the first attempt fails, it may be several times repeated. When the irritation has been removed, the frog usually becomes quiet. If the leg of the same side be held fast after the application of the stimulus, or if the first movements fail to brush away the acid paper, then the leg of the opposite side may be contracted and appropriate movements be made by it. Emphasis has been laid by various 662 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. physiologists upon reactions of this sort as showing a capability of choice on : the part of the spinal cord, thus granting to the cord psychical powers, Against such a view it must be urged that the movements of the leg on the — side opposite to the stimulus do not occur until after the muscles of the leg on the same side have responded. When these responses are inefficient be- — cause the leg is prevented from moving or because they fail to remove ; the stimulus, the prime fact remains that the stimulus continues to act and the diffusion of the impulses in the cord goes on, involving in either case — the nerve-cells controlling the muscles of the opposite leg. The adjustment — of the reaction of the leg, on whichever side it occurs, is, however, far from precise ; and although the movements of the leg, when the stimulus is applied far up on the rump, differ from those which follow the application of the stimulus to the lower part of the thigh, yet in either case they are very wide, — and in both cases the foot is brushed across a large part of both the rump and — leg. Considering, therefore, the rather general character of these movements, — and the fact that the movement of the opposite leg only follows after a con- tinued stimulus to the leg of the same side has produced an ineffective response, — it is best to explain the result by the diffusion of the impulses within the cord, leaving quite to one side the psychical element. Such reflex actions are in a — high degree predictable, but in reality this has little significance, since there is but one general movement that a frog in such a condition can make, whether the stimulus be applied to the toes or the rump—namely, the flexion of the leg—so that under these circumstances the prediction of the kind of movement is a simple matter. The extent of the contraction is related to the intensity — of the stimulus, and is in turn dependent on the excitability of the central system, which can be increased or diminished in various ways. ‘The modifi-~ cation of the reaction as dependent on the location of the stimulus can be in a measure predicted, but the modification is wanting in precision just in so far — as the movements themselves are wanting in this quality. Periodic Reflexes.—Not all reflexes are to be obtained from the same animal with equal intensity at different times. In general, frogs in the spring- time and in early summer, after reviving from their winter sleep, are highly irregular in their reflex responses—so irregular that students are advised not to” attempt the study of these reactions at this season. On the other hand, it is — during the spring that the mating occurs, and during this period the male clasps the female and exhibits the peculiar reflex which has already been — described. Comparable with this variation in the frog must be the changes: | which occur in the spinal cords of migratory birds which both in the spring” and in the fall are capable of such extended flights, or in the system of: hiber- nating mammals and all animals exhibiting extensive periodic variations in their habits of life. le General Applicability of these Results.—There are many reptiles and fishes in which the arrangement of the spinal cord is more simple than that in the frog ; such are the animals in which the actions of locomotion are very uniform, — and in which these locomotory actions represent the principal responses of the — : Y } b ‘ i g, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 663 muscles whatever the stimulus. In these cases small segments of the body will perform the locomotor reactions when the segments of the spinal cord belonging to them are intact (Steiner). Tarchanow has shown that beheaded ducks can still swim and fly in a co-ordinated manner, and among mammals (dog and rabbit) Goltz and others have demonstrated that if the lumbar region be separated from the rest of the cord by a cut and the animal allowed to recover from the operation, it will with proper care live for many months, and not only are the legs responsive to stimulation of the skin, but the reflexes of defecation and urination are easily induced by slight extra stimulation. An instructive reaction occurs when such animal is held up so that the hind legs hang free. When thus held the legs slowly extend by their own weight and then are flexed together. The reaction becomes rhythmic and may continue for a long time. It is assumed in this case that the stretching of the skin and tendons due to the weight of the pendent legs acts as the stimulus, and in con- sequence the legs are flexed. This act in turn removes the stimulus, and as a result they extend again, to be once more stimulated and drawn up. In man, as a rule, death rapidly follows the complete separation of any portion of the cord from the rest of the central system, especially if the sep- aration be sudden, as in the case of a wound. But Gerhardt? has recorded the retention of the reflexes in the case of compression of the cord by a tumor, the ease having been under observation for four and a half years ; and Hitzig * a case in which a total separation between the last cervical and first thoracic segments had been survived for as long as seven years. The principal reac- tion to be observed in such cases is a contraction of the limb muscles in response to stimulation of the skin, such as a drawing up of the legs when the soles of the feet are tickled. No elaborate reflexes are, however, retained in connection with the muscles of locomotion. In the normal individual reflexes involving striped muscles are found in the tendon reflexes, of which the knee-kick is an example, in winking, and the whole series of reflex modi- fications of respiration, such as coughing, sneezing, and the like. The activities of the alimentary tract are examples of reflex actions in- volving the peristaltic contraction of unstriped muscles in deglutition, defe- cation, and similar peristaltic movements in other hollow viscera. So, too, micturition, the cremaster reflex, emission, and vaginal peristalsis and the reactions of parturition are to be classed here. Moreover, the entire vascular system is controlled in this manner, the contraction and distention of the small arteries being in a large measure in response to stimuli originating at a distance; while as a third group we have the glands, the activity of which is almost entirely reflex. It thus appears that the reflex responses, namely, simple reactions unac- companied by consciousness, are in man mainly given by the unstriped mus- cle-tissue and by glands, and only in a minor degree by the striped muscles, Moreover, while the typical reflex is a reaction over which we cannot exercise } Die Functionen des Centralnervensystems der Fische, Braunschweig, 1888. ? Neurologische Centralblait, 1894, S. 502. 5 Loc. cit. 664 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. direct control, the normal individual has some power over many of these reactions; for example, the impulse to micturition or defecation can be thus delayed, respiration arrested, and in some instances, so remote a reaction as the beat of the heart either accelerated or slowed at will. | It is of interest to note that many reflexes which in the young are not controlled, as micturition for instance, become so gradually—a change most probably dependent on the growth of neurons from the cephalic centres into the cord, thus subjecting the cord-cells to a new set of impulses which modify their reactions. That such is the case is indicated by the fact that extreme fright or anesthetics which diminish the activities of the higher centres often cause these reactions to take place involuntarily. Other reflexes are present in early life, but disappear later ; such are the sucking reflex of an infant, and the remarkable clinging power of the hands, by which a young child is enabled to hang from a bar, thus supporting the weight of its entire body, often for several minutes. This last capacity soon begins to wane, and usually disappears by the second month of life (Robinson, Nineteenth Century, 1891), The Nervous Background.—We return now to the conditions which modify the spread of the impulses within the central system, when this system is represented by the spinal cord of a reflex frog. Admittedly, there is here present but a fraction of the central system. It has been shown that all incoming impulses tend to spread over a large part of the central system. In a reflex frog, therefore, the cord is cut off from the remote effects of impulses which normally enter the system by way of cells located in the por- tion removed. Moreover, in the complete nervous system, the incoming — impulses tend to be transmitted to the cephalic end, and in some measure — give rise to impulses returning within the central system and affecting the efferent cells. In a fragment of the central system like the cord, such im- pulses taken up by the central cells must pass so far as the neurons are intact, but as these end at the level of the section, such impulses are lost, in the physiological sense, at that point. | _ The fact, therefore, that the experiments with spinal reflexes are conducted on a portion of the central system has two important physiological conse- quences. In the first place, there are wanting incoming impulses, direct or indirect, from the portion removed ; on the other hand, through the section of the afferent neurons, in their course within the central system, there is a — direct diminution in the number of the pathways by which the impulses arriv- ing at the cord may be there distributed. It is most probable that in the frog, at least, the reduction of the central mass does not so much diminish the num-— ber of pathways by which the impulses may be immediately distributed by way of the afferent and central elements, as it diminishes the number of impulses which by way of the portion sbmoved arrive at the efferent cells and modify their responsiveness. The modification of the responsive cells under more than one impulse i is well illustrated by an experiment of Exner:! A rabbit was so prepared thatan 1 Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, Bd. xxvii. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 665 electric stimulus could be applied to the cerebral cortex at a point the excita- tion of which caused contraction of certain muscles of the foot. One of these muscles was attached to a lever so that its contraction eould be recorded, and a second electrode applied to the skin of the foot overlying the muscle. The discharging efferent cells in the cord were in this case subject to impulses from two directions, one from the cortex and one from the skin of the foot. With a current of given strength stimulation of the cortex alone caused a contrac- tion of the muscle, and stimulation of the skin of the foot alone, a similar contraction. When both were stimulated simultaneously, the extent of the contraction was greater than when either was stimulated alone. If now the strength of the stimulus applied to the skin was so reduced that, alone, it was inefficient, then a stimulus from the cortex, which produced a reaction, as indicated by the first cortical stimulus in Figure 172 (A, a), put the efferent Movement of paw. —— Vv ee That Ae A B Stimulation of cortex. a’ 4a oe nt “cc b’ “cc paw. sai ab! 4b ees set Lee LL Lt Lt AS Time in seconds. Pee errr ery Fic. 172.—To show the reinforcing influence of stimuli applied to the cerebral cortex and to the skin of the paw, on the movements of the paw of a rabbit (Exner). The arrows indicate the direction in which the curves are to be read. In curve A the cortical stimulus at a causes a movement of the paw. Dermal stimulus, within a second, at b causes a movement of the paw. Cortical stimulus at a’ causes a movement of the paw. Dermal stimulus several seconds later at b’ is ineffective. In curve B dermal stimulus at bis ineffective. The cortical stimulus at a several seconds later is also ineffective. The - dermal stimulus at 0’ is ineffective, but if followed within 0.13 second by a cortical stimulus at a’ a move- ment of the paw occurs. cells in such a condition that the stimulus from the skin (A, 6) Figure 172, applied within 0.6 second, produced a second contraction of the muscle, although, alone, the stimulus from the skin had proved inefficient. Here the first efficient stimulus from the cortex had rendered the discharging cell, for a short period of time, more excitable. In the same figure the record shows that if a longer interval, here more than three seconds, be allowed to elapse, then the second stimulus from the skin remains inefficient. A similar relation be- tween the two incoming impulses is also found to hold, when the stimulus from the skin is made to precede. The curve B, Fig. 172, shows the results when both stimuli are inefficient. In this the stimuli (6 and a) produce no effect when given several seconds apart, but when they occur within a short interval (6’ and a’)—in this case 0.13 second—a contraction of the muscle follows. These various experiments, taken together, show in a beautiful way that in the cases chosen the two sets of impulses tend to reinforce each other, whether they are efficient or inefficient, and without regard to the order in which they come. This relation between the discharging cell and those by way of which it is stimulated can be illustrated in still another way. It was observed by Jen- drassik * that. when a patient was being tested for the height of his knee-kick, 1 Deutsches Archiv fiir klinische Medicin, Bd. xxxiii. 666 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. a voluntary muscular contraction, or an extra sensory stimulus occurring abana the same time that the tendon was struck, had the effect of increasing the height — of the kick. This was studied in detail by Bowditch and Warren,’ and they — were able with great exactness to measure the interval between the contraction — of the muscle used for reinforcement and the time at which the tendon was — struck, The curve shown in Fig. 173 represents the results of these experi- MM a 40- > oo” ro) 1—. Increase. 0 \ Normal. > | i i Decrease. ae is Oe : 3 aia. Time. Ol’OR” OF" 0.7” 1.0” EF ; Fic. 173.—Showing in millimeters the amount by which the “ reinforced” knee-kick varied from thx 7 normal, the level of which is represented by the horizontal line at 0, “normal.” The time intervals elapsing between the clenching of the hand (which constituted the reinforcement) and the tap on ra tendon are marked below. The reinforcement is greatest when the two events are nearly simultaneo At an interval of 0.4” it amounts to nothing; during the next 0.6” the height of the kick is actaale " fh diminished the longer the interval, after which the negative reinforcement tends to disappear; and when 1.7” is allowed to elapse the height of the kick ceases to be affected by the clenching of the hand (Bowditch and Warren). bs ments. It indicates that in general the closer together these two stimuli occur, the greater the reinforcement. At an interval of 0.4 second no effect is pro= duced by the muscular contraction. Increasing the interval only very slightly - has, however, the effect of greatly diminishing the height of the knee-kick— i. e. decreasing the strength of the discharge of the efferent cells—and - effect is not lost until the interval is increased to 1.7 second, when the volun n=. tary muscular contraction ceases to modify the response. A given efferent cel 1 is thus modified in its discharge according to the several stimuli that act upon it Effects of Disuse.—Studies on inactivity show that a certain amount of exercise in any given cell is necessary for its proper nutrition, and if the exci- tation fall below the point which causes this, the responsiveness of the cell is diminished. oF : For example, a strychnized reflex Sake on being dipped into a sola cocaine loses in so large a measure its irritability that its responsiveness f Is far below that of a normal frog? In this case the central system is depts ved by the action of the cocaine of the impulses which even in the absence of any special form of irritation normally arrive from the skin, and the abolition of _ these impulses causes a diminution in central responsiveness. Effects which 1 Journal of Physiology, 1890, vol. ‘xi. ag * Poulsson: Archiv fiir Pathologie und experimentelle Pharmakologie, 1885, Bd. xxvi. - La 1 —_ a a aa a al le re © 4) a x ae CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 667 _ can thus be accomplished in a few seconds by cutting off the afferent impulses from the skin may of course follow any slow diminution in these impulses, although all such slow changes are much more likely to be accompanied by some sort of compensation whereby other afferent impulses in a measure take the place of those which have been suppressed. The loss of these impulses which rouse the cells to activity is usually a more important condition than direct nutritive change, and must for this reason always be kept in view. -Inhibition.—On the other hand, let one leg of a reflex frog be stimulated in the usual manner by pinching or by acid, and then the experiment repeated, while the other leg is lightly pinched at the same time, and it will be found that either the latent period preceding the response is increased or, with the strength of stimulus employed, the reaction does not occur. This is an ex- ample of inhibition which can be caused by the simultaneous excitement of a nerve-cell in several ways. To obtain inhibition there must be at least two pathways by which impulses reach a given cell, and the two stimuli must tend to excite different reactions. When they tend to excite the same reaction a reinforcement follows. The inhi- bition, therefore, is connected with the effect of these two sets of impulses upon the responding cell, and that is always associated with the fact that as the two paths end in different relations to the cell, the impulses must enter it at differ- ent points, and hence in the first instance tend to act on different portions of the cell-contents. ae Though at.the present time it is not possible to give a theory of inhibition that will be general and satisfactory, there is enough known to indicate that this effect, when developed in the central nervous system, is not produced by a special set of nerve-fibres, but is the result of the action of several incom- ing impulses, arriving by different paths, on the responsiveness of a given cell. BE. VoLtuntary AcTIONS. On attempting to distinguish between a voluntary and reflex act from the physiological standpoint, we find the chief difference to be that the voluntary act is not predictable, because, according to the capabilities of the animal, it may be more variable in form than is the reflex response, and also because, instead of occurring within a short interval after the stimulus, as does the reflex, the voluntary response may be delayed even for years. For example, we read in a book some statement that makes us desire to question the author. The question is a response to the stimulus given by the printed page, and it may be carried out by writing a letter within a few hours, or delayed until a meeting with the author years hence. During this interval, and in the absence of the author, the reaction which will take the form of a question remains incomplete, while his presence is sufficient to set in motion the train of stimuli which shall cause it. Moreover, consciousness enters as an element into such reactions, and there is present a mental image of the act to be accomplished, together with some remembrance of its execution. 668 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. For the most complex voluntary reactions the entire central system is necessary, and especially the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres, while it has already been shown that the impulses — which cause reflex actions can make their circuit in a very limited portion of the spinal cord. In the case of vol- untary reactions the impulses take a~ longer pathway and involye a larger number of nerve-elements, since from the point at which they enter the sys- tem they must pass to the cephalic end. At the same time, in a voluntary reac- tion a greater number of impulses com- Y bine to modify the discharge from the efferent cells. Tracts in the Central System.— How this result is accomplished has been studied both in mammals and in man. Histology shows us the fibres of ee J > the dorsal root entering the cord and /—~< sending one branch cephalad and the \ ee other caudad, both branches giving off “Se collaterals (Fig. 174). In man and the C MRS higher mammals the dorsal root-fibres m4 enter the cord in three groups—a me- dian group, an intermediate group of Fic. 174.—Schema showing pathway of the sen- large fibres, and a lateral group of sory impulses. On the left side S, S’ represent . afferent spinal nerve-fibres; C,an afferent cranial Very fine fibres, the bundle of Lissauer. nerve-fibre. This fibre in each case terminates ° . near a central cell, the neuron of which crosses When the dorsal root 1s sectioned be the middle line and ends in the opposite hemi- tween the ganglion and the cord, all Sphere (van Gehuchten). these fibres degenerate. 4 The degeneration extends in the dorsal columns down the cord two or three centimeters from the level of the section, and also up the cord as far as the nuclei of the dorsal columns, located at the commencement of the bulb. If the section is made near the caudal end, the degeneration may in conse- quence run through the entire length of the cord. Moreover, it occurs only on the side of the cord to which the sectioned nerves belong. Take, for example, the area of degeneration caused by the section in a dog of the dorsal roots on the left side between the sixth lumbar and second sacral nerves. The degeneration in the lower lumbar region is represented in Figure 175; AS in the upper lumbar region in B, and in the thoracic in C. On passing cephalad the area of degeneration becomes smaller. This is interpreted to mean that all along, between the caudal and cephalic limits, fibres are given off from the main bundle to the intermediate segments of the cord. Here is evidence of an arrangement that is always to be kept in view. Though a a i ca a ° CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 669 number of fibres among those degenerating after section of the dorsal roots may run the longer course, the larger portion run a short or an intermediate course, and are therefore distributed at different points between the termini. Injury to the dorsal roots at different levels shows, moreover, that the fibres. Fic. 175.—Sections showing the degeneration in the dorsal columns of the dog’s spinal cord when the dorsal roots from the sixth lumbar to the second sacral have been cut on the left side (Singer): A, level of the sixth lumbar; B, level of the fourth lumbar; C, level of the sixth thoracic. Degenerated area in black. ¢ from a given Jevel which run the length of the dorsal columns do not mingle indiscriminately with those from other levels, but form a bundle, and that this bundle in the cephalic part of the cord tends to lie nearer the middle line the more caudad the level from which it arises. From these relations it is evident that comparatively few of the dorsal root-fibres run the entire length of the dorsal columns. If, then, it is remem- bered that in describing the arrangements of the cord emphasis is usually placed on the very short pathways formed in part by collaterals and con- cerned in the simpler reflexes, and on the longest pathways concerned in the voluntary reactions, as two extremes between which are to be found a more or less complete series of intermediate arrangements, the unevenness of the pre- sentation can be corrected. Since these fibres in the dorsal columns of the cord degenerate on destruc- tion of the dorsal roots, it is inferred that they must be morphologically con- tinuous with certain fibres in the roots, and, since the dorsal roots are afferent. pathways, they too must form part of the afferent pathway in the cord. It is of course a portion only of the afferent pathway that is thus formed, for both the intermediate and lateral groups of root-fibres enter the gray matter of the dorsal horn, and must there come into physiological connection with other nerve-cells both central and efferent. The fact that the connection is only physiological accounts for the arrest of the Wallerian degeneration at these points after section of the dorsal roots. The continuation of the paths for the afferent impulses must therefore be formed by the neurons of the central cells with which the dorsal root-fibres connect. Degeneration after Hemisection of Cord.—Upon hemisection of the cord involving one lateral half the ascending fibres which degenerate appear in the dorsal columns, in the dorso-lateral ascending tract, and in the ventro- lateral ascending tract. ‘The number of degenerated fibres is large on the side of the lesion, but on the opposite side there are also degenerated fibres in all 670 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. these localities, although they are by no means so numerous. It is inferred that all the fibres which thus degenerate form paths for the afferent impulses, The impulses which come in over a dorsal root on one side can therefore find their way cephalad either by the direct continuations of the dorsal root- fibres running in the dorsal column of the same side, or by way of central — f cells in the lateral column of the same side of the cord, and also to a less degree in the lateral and dorsal columns of the opposite side. The tracts which undergo Wallerian degeneration after this treatment include, therefore, those formed by the neurons arising from central cells. These cells have their cell-bodies arranged in a column running the length of the cord. In the neighborhood of this column some of the dorsal root- fibres terminate. In the bulb we are familiar with such groups of cells, well marked as the “nuclei of the sensory nerves,” and these cells in the cord, — though far less clearly segregated, are the homologues of those in the bulb. If this is granted, then the fibres which are continued from these central cell- _ groups, whether in the cord or bulb, are also homologous. Corroborative of what has been said on the subject of afferent pathways in the cord are the results of Pellizzi.. He studied dogs, making use of the method of Marchi, whereby the nerve-sheaths of fibres beginning to degen- erate or the nutrition of which is disturbed give a characteristic reaction ; he — found, after hemisection of the cord, the same lesions that have been described above, with the addition that the changes could also be followed in some of the fibres of the ventral roots. More significant, however, is the fact that section of the lumbar and sacral dorsal roots, without direct injury to the cord, gave rise to modifications of the medullary sheaths, detectable by the method of Marchi, in all the localities just named. A distinction must be made at this point. Wallerian degeneration in the central system means eventual destruction of the severed fibre. The method of Marchi shows a characteristic change in fibres entering upon this degen- eration, but this method also shows changes in the sheaths of elements which are only physiologically connected with those about to undergo Wallerian degeneration, but which themselves -are, as a rule, not ultimately destroyed. Under the usual conditions of experiment Wallerian degeneration is confined within the morphological limits of a single cell-element, but the physiological changes in the cells overstep this limit, as shown by Marchi’s reaction. Itis — proper to add, also, that Wallerian degeneration may under some conditions — extend to a group of nerve-cells only physiologically connected with those — suffering the initial injury. Physiological Observations on Afferent Pathways.—Making use of the fact that strong stimulation of the sensory fibres, such as those in the sciatic nerve, eauses a rise in blood-pressure, Woroschiloff? sought to block the passage of the impulses causing this reaction by section of the cord in different ways in the upper lumbar region of the rabbit. It appears that in 1 Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 1895, Bd. xxiv. ? Berichte der math.~phys. Classe d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissen. zu Leipzig, 1874. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 671 this animal the reaction was most diminished—that is, stimulation of the sciatic produced least rise in the blood-pressure—when the lateral columns of the cord had been cut through; and that the effect of section of the lateral column on the side opposite to that on which the stimulus was applied was greater than that following section of the column on the same side. These experiments are open to the criticism that the results are proved only for a very limited set of conditions, and hence it would be unwise to make any broad inference from them; yet at the same time they form a very definite part of the evidence which directs our attention to the lateral columns of the cord as a principal afferent pathway. The physiological observations of Gotch and Horsley ' indicate that when in a monkey a dorsal root is stimulated electrically, then 80 per cent. of the impulses pass cephalad on the same side of the cord, while the remainder cross. Of the 20 per cent. that cross, some 15 per cent. pass up in the dorsal columns. The dorso-ventral median longitudinal section of the cord in the monkey (sixth lumbar segment)? shows an ascending degeneration in a small part of the dorsal area of the direct cerebellar tracts and of the ventro-lateral tracts, as well as in the columns of Goll. This would indicate that the section had cut fibres which crossed the middle line and ran cephalad in these localities. These investigations all point to the several tracts most closely connected with the dorsal nerve-roots as the paths for the sensory impulses. The experi- mental results, taken together, are by no means accordant, but not necessarily mutually exclusive: confusion must, therefore, not be permitted to enter here through any unwarranted attempt to combine observations which should really be kept apart, and the failure of which to harmonize is in large degree an ex- pression of the physiological complexity of the cord. Osawa* found that when the cord in a dog was hemisected (in the upper lumbar or lower thoracic region) the animal showed for the most part no per- manent disturbance of sensation or motion. If the cord is first hemisected on one side, and later on the other side, the second hemisection being made a short distance above or below the first, sen- sation and motion persist behind the section, although they are somewhat damaged. After three hemisections, alternating and at different levels, there still remained a trace of co-ordinated movement possible to the hind legs, although the sensibility of the parts could not be clearly demonstrated. The path thus marked out for any afferent impulses is certainly a tortuous one. These observations were followed by a number of others, the most important of which in this connection are the following : Section of all parts of the cord except the two lateral columns (in the lower thoracic region, Fig. 176) was without influence on the sensibility or move- ments of the hind legs. After section of the entire cord, with the exception of the dorsal and ventral columns and the intervening gray matter, sensation was 1 Croonian Lectures, Philosophical Transactions Royal Society, 1891. ? Griinbaum: Journal of Physiology, 1894, vol. xvi. * Untersuchungen iiber die Leitungsbahnen im Riickenmark des Hundes, Strassburg, 1882. 672 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. nearly destroyed, while the voluntary movements of the leg were but slightly disturbed (Fig. 177). After section of the entire cord, with the exception of the dorsal columns, both sensation and motion were lost (Fig. 178). Fic. 176.—Outline of the spinal cord of a dog; the shaded portion indi- cates the extent of the lesion. The lateral col- umns of the cord are in- Fie. 177.—Outline of the spi- nal cord of a dog; the shaded portion indicates the extent of the lesion. The dorsal and ventral columns, together with the intermediate gray Fig. 178.—Outline of the spi- nal cord of a dog; the shaded portion indicates the extent of the lesion. The dorsal columns alone are intact (Osawa). tact (Osawa). matter, are intact (Osawa). Here are a number of very striking results. It is to be noted that the lateral columns of the cord form the important pathway for all the impulses which influence sensation and motion caudad to the section, but, at the same time, section of them causes a marked diminution of sensation alone. On the other hand, the preservation of the dorsal columns alone does not preserve sensation. 7 It will be understood, of course, that the motion in question is executed by muscles lying caudad to the section and is co-ordinated with that of the structures lying in front of it. Similarly sensation was inferred from movye- ments executed in front-of. the level of the section and caused by stimulation behind it. A double hemisection of the spinal cord as described above seems to involve an interruption of all the long pathways. Yet the nervous impulses pass such a block in both directions. Probably within the central system as elsewhere the amount of information conveyed is not directly dependent on the number of nerve-fibres stimulated. In general, a very small number— — those brought into action by pulling out a single hair—are as efficient in co-ordinating our responses as would be the stimulation of a thousand times — the number. Such being the case, it is not impossible that although after the sections of the cord both the number and intensity of the impulses that pass the point of section may be diminished, yet they may still remain sufficient to — modify the reactions of the caudal portion of the cord, which is in no very great degree dependent on such modifying impulses. That the impulses may pass along a cord twice hemisected on opposite sides demands the aid of the gray matter, and we at once refer to the short fibre-tracts as the pathway. It is a drawback to such a view that physiologists have not been accustomed to lay much weight on the connections established by these short tracts, but from the anatomical side there is no inherent difficulty in accounting for many CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 673 reactions by means of them. It is evident that, so far as the dog is concerned, the long and preferred pathways in the spinal cord are by no means the only pathways, and, though probably the human cord offers fewer possible alter- natives, the arrangement is presumptively according to the same plan. Specific Nerves.—In order to analyze the afferent pathways still further, we next inquire whether among the dorsal nerve-roots which pass between the cord and periphery there are separate nerve-fibres for each of the modes of sensation represented by pressure, heat, cold, pain, and the muscle-sensation. The data available for determination of this question are not of the best, but are still of some value. | The number of dorsal root nerve-fibres on both sides was found (in a woman twenty-six years of age) by Stilling to be approximately 500,000, which is probably an underestimate." The area of the skin in a man of 62 kilograms (136 pounds), and twenty-six years of age, was found by Meeh to be 1,900,000 square millimeters. Taking three-fifths of the number of the dorsal root-fibres (300,000) as the portion going to the skin, the other two-fifths going to the muscles and joints, there is evidently one nerve-fibre to innervate, on the average, about 6 square millimeters of skin. It is recognized that dermal innervation is extremely unequal, as the experi- ments on tactile discrimination and the like all indicate. The average distri- bution which has just been suggested must therefore be subject to local modi- fications that are very wide. Moreover, Woischwillo* has determined that in man the skin of the arm is three times better supplied with sensory nerves than that of the leg. In both arm and leg the relative abundance of the sensory nerves increases toward the extremity of the limb. This increase is specially marked in the leg. Assuming, however, one nerve-fibre to 6 square . millimeters to be the average relation, it becomes a serious matter to postulate separate groups of fibres for each mode of dermal sensation, since each time anew set of fibres is admitted the area of the skin innervated by any one fibre with a given function is thereby increased. The histological evidence for the area of skin innervated by a single sen- sory fibre has still to be gathered, but in the mean time physiological observa- tions indicate that the area controlled by a single fibre cannot be indefinitely extended, and the suggestion of a new category of nerve-fibres needs very ample evidence to make it plausible. This being the case, there is good reason to limit the number of categories of nerve-fibres. In every case the fibres carrying the impulses which come from the skin arise as outgrowths of the spinal ganglion-cells. Trophic nerves as a special eategory are not recognized, nor reflex nerves, the functions attributed to the latter being now explained by the collaterals of the afferent fibres. At pres- ent it is sometimes maintained that there must be special nerves for pain, pres- 1 Stilling: Newe Untersuchungen iiber den Bau des Riickenmarks, Cassel, 1859. ® Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1879, Bd. xv. “Ueber das Verhiltniss des Kalibers der Nerven zur Haut und den Muskeln des Menschen,” Jnaug. Diss. (Russian), 1883, vide Centralblatt fiir Nervenheilkunde, 1883, Bd. vi. 43 ! 674 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. sure, heat, and cold. The evidence for those of pressure and heat and cold is the most satisfactory. Pain.—Upon severe stimulation of the skin or muscles the normal person _ experiences a distinct sensation of pain. There is, however, great variation in the intensity of this sensation when the same stimulus is applied to difteer persons. If we include abnormal persons, it is found that while in a few cases com- _ plete absence of painful sensations has been noted—the other sensations — remaining normal—there are at the other end of the scale those cases in which pain is produced by many stimuli, which would not have this effect on persons — in ordinary health. The capability of a given stimulus to produce pain is — therefore subject to wide variations according to the general condition of the — subject... The same stimulus has different effects in a given individual accord-— ing to several circumstances. Peripheral irritation, such as an inflammatory — process in the skin, greatly increases the intensity of the pain caused by the stimulation of the nerves supplying the locality. Continued stimulation of © the sensory nerves of the muscles and viscera has the same effect.2 Local anzesthetics, such as cocaine, may reduce the sensibility to zero, and the same follows the general anesthesia produced by chloroform, ether, nitrous oxide, morphia, and similar drugs. Painful sensations are distinct and powerful — only when the stimulus is applied to general sensory nerve-trunks—. e. those mediating cutaneous, muscular, and visceral sensibility—-while the nerves” which mediate the special sensations of light, sound, taste, and smell do nets give pain even on excessive stimulation. Limiting our observation, therefore, to the nerves of cutaneous sensibility, it is found that the sensations of pressure, heat, and cold may all be present to — a normal degree, and yet increasing the stimulus be without effect in causing” any painful sensations whatever. This would represent a condition of com=- plete analgesia. Moreover, the capacity of the skin to cause abnormal painful sensations upon the adequate stimulation of each of these groups of nerves — may be associated (in lesions of the central system) with any one group alone, — the abnormal pain-sensations thus produced being either those of excess or deficiency. q ' We advance the hypothesis, therefore, that each of these three sensations, — if pushed to excess, is usually accompanied by pain of gradually increasing intensity. Therefore it is most probable that these nerves when slightly stimulated mediate their proper sensations, but when this stimulus is pushed — to excess they can give rise to pain also, and that in the last instance this sen- sation of pain may prove exclusive of any other. If this view is correct it appears improbable that special pain-nerves exist. iva _ As various experiments show, increasing either the strength of the periph- eral stimulus, the number of fibres to which it is applied, or the irritability of the terminals of the fibres, will assist in arousing painful sensations. In the 1 Strong: Psychological Review, 1895, vol. ii. No. 4. * Gad und Goldscheider: Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin, Bd. xx. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 675 last analysis the physiological condition for pain is excessive stimulation, which by all analogy must mean excessive discharge within the central system. The changes following this discharge into the central system are not such as lead to co-ordinated muscular responses, but to convulsive reactions of a very irregular character. Where this process takes place in the central system we do not know, because we can only determine the existence of this sensation when conscious. As to normal analgesia, it must be looked upon as depend- ent on a condition in which excessive stimulation cannot be produced ; and we find this condition normally present in the case of the nerves of special sense. Returning now to the arrangements by which the several dermal sensations are mediated, the hypothesis may be entertained that one peripheral twig of a dermal nerve may be modified for thermal and another for mechanical stimulation, and, though they run by way of the same ganglion-cell, may yet find a different distribution in the centre, and thus lead to different sensations. Since in the pathological cases the one sort of sensibility may be lost while the others remain, it has been inferred that there were separate fibres for the - conveyance of each sort of sensation. This idea was expressed in the law of the specific energies of nerves as formulated by Johannes Miller, who pointed out that in many cases the same nerve might be stimulated in any way, me- chanically, electrically, or chemically, as well as in the normal physiological manner, and that in all cases the mode of the response was the same—a sen- sation of light or taste or contact, as the case might be. Hence it was argued that the mode of the sensation was independent of the kind of stimulus, but dependent on the nature of the central cells, among which the afferent fibres terminated. It will be seen, however, that this argument does not touch the character of the nerve-impulses in any two sets of nerves, and we have no observations by which to decide whether the nerve-impulses passing along the optic nerve-fibres are, for example, similar or dissimilar so those which pass along the auditory fibres. If the nerve-impulses are always all alike, there seems no escape from the inference that separate nerve-fibres convey the different sorts of impulses to the cord. At the same time, it is just possible that the nature of the impulses and of the resultant:sensation is, in the nerves of cutaneous sensibility, determined by the form of the peripheral stimulus, and that, as a consequence, different branches of the same nerve-fibres may be conceived of as susceptible to differ- ent forms of stimulation, and thus the two different sensations follow from the partial stimulation of the same nerve-fibres. Pathway of Impulses in the Spinal Cord.—The question arises how these impulses are distributed among the afferent tracts which are recognized in the cord, and whether these tracts form special paths for the impulses that rouse the several sensations of pressure, temperature (heat and cold), and pain. Since it is necessary to know the sensations of the subject, this problem can be, in some ways, best studied in man. Here, owing to wounds or disease, it may so happen that some of these sensations are lost or greatly diminished, and it is to be determined whether this loss is constantly associated with the inter- 676 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ruption of definite tracts. Unfortunately, however, the material for such a study is very meagre. The weight of evidence indicates that the result of a lesion in one lateral half of the spinal cord in man and in the higher animals is followed by a loss or impairment of motion on the same side, and a loss of sensation which is greatest on the side opposite to the lesion, As just cited, there are cases in dogs where the damage caused by the hemisection is apparently transient, and no permanent loss can be demonstrated, but in man the loss of function tends to be, far more persistent. On the basis of a case’ in which the lateral column of the cord and the gray matter of both horns on the same side was the seat of damage, and in which there was a total loss of pain on the opposite side of the body without impairment of tactile sensibility, it may be inferred that the pain-impulses cross soon after entering the cord, and pass cephalad by some path lying within the damaged area. A second case? is recorded in which a stab-wound divided all of one-half of the cord plus the dorsal column of the other half. There was here a loss of sensibility to pain on the side opposite the lesion, together © with the loss of tactile sensibility on both sides, pointing, therefore, to the — dorsal columns as the paths for the tactile impulses. The observations of Turner * on monkeys, in which hemisection of the cord had been made in the lumbar and thoracic regions indicate that all sensory impulses cross immediately after entering the cord, yet section in the cervical region showed that the impulses roused by touching the skin pass in part on the same side of the cord as the section, the other sensory impulses being, however, completely crossed. On the other hand, from his work on hemisection of the dorsal cord of the monkey at different levels,* Mott found the disturbance of sensibility of all forms mainly on the side of the section. The evidence for the path of the © cutaneous impulses is therefore contradictory. In addition to the cutaneous impulses there are the sensory impulses from the viscera, muscles and tendons, which find their path cephalad probably along the direct cerebellar tract as well by the other pathways conducting cephalad. — After hemisection of the cord the “ muscular” sensations are usually lost om the side of the section. Since, then, the dorsal and lateral columns of the cord appear to contain J the chief afferent paths for the sensory impulses, the next step in following the pathway is to find the terminations of these tracts. The long tracts in the dorsal columns are connected with the nuclei of those columns (nuclei of Goll and of Burdach) on the same side. The cells of these nuclei send their neurons cephalad; in part they decussate in the sensory crossing and contribute to the formation of the lemniscus, by way of — which they pass either directly to the cerebral cortex or reach this only after 1 Gowers: Clinical Society’s Transactions, 1878, vol. xi. ? Miiller : Beitrage zur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie des Riickenmarkes, Lipa 1871. 5 Brain, 1891. * Mott: Journal of Physiology, 1891, vol. xvii. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 677 interruption in the thalamus.’ Fig. 179, as will be observed, shows no fibres running directly to the cortex without interruption in the thalamus. It will he ———— Cortex. V b f t d Y 5 } Radial fibres. oe Oe 8 Lagat Ventral = thalamic wn nucleus. sere, ieee ve Internuclear fibre..---"~ Reticular a formation * pons, bulb. oe Nucleus d.-- - of dorsal columns. Meson. Fic. 179.—To illustrate the pathway of a sensory impulse arriving at the nuclei of the dorsal columns “d” or the gray matter of the pons and bulb “c.”” The impulse is represented as passing over to a new element “a” in the thalamic nuclei, and from thence to the cortex. In the other direction the cortex is shown as connected with the thalamic cells by the neuron 0’; only the fibres arising from the nuclei Of the dorsal columns cross the middle line ‘‘meson” (yon Monakow). be noted that these fibres of the dorsal columns are physiologically joined with the contralateral thalamus and hemisphere. In part, however, the neurons from the dorsal nuclei enter the cerebellum by the inferior peduncle of the same side. The ascending fibres in the lateral columns of the cord pass to the cerebellar hemisphere of the same side by way of the inferior peduncle of the cerebel- lum, and, although the paths out of the cerebellum are not clearly marked, the general relation of the hemispheres of the cerebellum to that of the cere- -brum is a crossed one. Some of the fibres by which this crossed connection _____ is accomplished pass from the cerebral hemisphere along the crus of the same ____ side to the olivary body, and thence by way of the arcuate fibres of the pons ____and the middle peduncle to the opposite cerebellar hemisphere. a It is with the “motor” region of the cerebral hemisphere that this con- nection of the cerebellum appears to be most marked. If this really repre- 1 von Monakow: Archiv fiir Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 1895, Bd. xxvii. 678 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. sents the path for the sensory impulses finding their way by the antero-lateral — tract, then the impulses are finally delivered to the hemisphere on the same side of the system as that on which they enter. “a The direct cerebellar tracts pass by the way of the restiform body to the — A N.D.S. ST.MED.D. (ATR.)°~ SVIILR.P.D. N.D.S. : T.AS. __\ S8T.MED.S. SO ae VIILR.A.S.-° ie FP 7 ’ Fie. 180.—Sections of the bulb of a rabbit after lesion of the cochlear portion of the eighth nerve (Onufrowicz): A, section at the level of the posterior root of the eighth nerve; B, section at the level of the accessory ganglion of the eighth nerve. In the designations the final S= “left” and the final D= — “right.” C.R, restiforme ; N.D, dorsal nucleus; P, pyramids ; St. Med, stricee medullares ; 7.A, tuberculum acusticum (atrophied on the left side); Gl.Ac, accessory ganglion (atrophied on the left side); VIZI.R.P, posterior root of the eighth nerve (atrophied on the left side); VIJI.R.A, anterior root of the eighth nerve; ! VII.G, knee of the seventh nerve; VII.K, nucleus of the seventh nerve; V, root of the fifth nerve. middle lobe of the cerebellum, mainly on the same side ; from here, by way — of the superior peduncle, there is a crossed connection with the more cephalic — cell-masses. | , 4 On passing up the axis the sensory cranial nerves appear. Those which — depart most from the type of the dorsal spinal nerves are the eighth or audi~ ee ee eT rere CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 679 tory, the second or optic, and the first or olfactory ; and these require special comment. Highth Nerve, Hearing.—The eighth nerve goes to the ear. The gan- glion-cells appear in two groups, the accessory ganglion Gil.Ac. and the spiral ganglion of the cochlea. This latter is definitely associated with the cochlear branch of the auditory nerve which has to do with the organ of Corti. The other branch of the auditory nerve, the vestibular, is associated with the semi- circular canals, the functions of which are not auditory, but concerned with the maintenance of equilibrium (see Fig. 180). The branch for the semicircular canals and that for the cochlea have dif- ferent central connections." The auditory fibres proper arising from the cells of the spiral ganglion in the cochlea and from those of the anterior auditory nucleus (Gl. ac.), first connect with the cells of the tuberculum acusticum (7.A.), and are thence continued by the striz acusticee (St. med.) into the lemniscus of the opposite side ; through this with the posterior quadrigemi- num and the internal geniculate body of that side, probably the thalamus also, and thence by the internal capsule toward its occipital end, with the cortex of the more occipital portions of the first and second temporal convolutions, This path is indicated by comparative anatomy (Spitzka), by experimental degeneration practised on animals (von Monakow), and by pathological observa- tions on man where the Eeeheray has become injured or diseased in one of its parts. By the two latter forms of evidence it appears that the portion of the cere- bral cortex is also associated with the lateral nucleus of the thalamus of the same side, for injury to the cortex causes atrophy of this part of the thalamus. Second Nerve, Optic.—As has long been recognized, the optic nerve, so called, is a cerebral tract morphologically equivalent to such tracts as connect any portion of the cerebral cortex with a primary centre, the retina being in part the representative of the cerebrum, and the pulvinares, the quadrigemina, - and geniculata externa being the primary centres. At the chiasma where the two optic nerves come together their fibres inter- mingle, and then emerge as the optic tracts, which contain not only the fibres connected with the retina, but others added from the superposed parts of the brain. In the higher mammals it was shown by von Gudden? that in the chiasma the majority of the fibres forming one optic nerve pass to the tract of the opposite side, but that a portion of the fibres remain in the tract of the same side. This was inferred because removal of one optic bulb caused in young rabbits a degeneration in the associated optic nerve and also in both optic tracts—most marked, however, in the tract of the side opposite to the lesion. 1 Onufrowicz: “Exper. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des centralen Ursprunges des Nervus acus- ticus,” Inaug. Diss., 1885. ? von Gudden : ‘Catomenclie und hinterlassene Abhandlungen, Wiesbaden, 1889. 680 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Conversely, the section of one optic tract causes a degeneration in both optic a nerves, the nerve of the side opposite to the lesion being most affected, anda smaller degeneration appearing in the nerve of the same side (see Fig. 181). 7 | Uncrossed. Yy Y) / r Craeond Fic. 181.—Illustrating the relations of the afferent fibres in the optic nerve. The crossed fibres are indicated by solid lines, the uncrossed fibres by broken lines: N, nasal side of the right eye; 7, temporal © ; side of the same ; G@. E, geniculatum externum: P, pulvinar; C. Q, quadrigeminum anterius. 7 i It appears from this that in the higher mammals an optic tract is composed of fibres from both optic nerves, but mainly of fibres from the nerve of the — opposite side. In the fish, amphibia, reptiles, and birds—except the owls’— — as well as in the lower mammals (mouse and guinea-pig, for example) the — decussation appears to be complete.? For the partial decussation in the owls the evidence is physiological. This distribution of the optic fibres was asso- — 1 Ferrier: The Croonian Lectures on Cerebral Localization, London, 1890, p. 70. * Singer und Miinzer: Denkschriften der math.-naturwiss. Classe der kais. Akademie der Wissen- a schaften, 1888, Bd. lv. | tenen> =~ ee CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 681 ciated by von Gudden with the position of the eyes in the head. The extreme lateral position of the eyes as it occurs in the lower mammals permits of but little combination of the two visual fields ; whereas the position in man, in a frontal plane, permits a combination of the fields to a much greater degree. It was in accordance with this principle that partial decussation of these nerves was anticipated by von Gudden in the owl, although the histological evidence for it was not obtained by him. In man the evidence from degeneration in the optic nerve points to the presence of a crossed and an uncrossed:bundle of fibres in each optic nerve, the uncrossed being much the smaller of the two bundles. The contrary view of complete decussation has been maintained by Michel.’ The central ends of the afferent optic fibres forming an optic tract are distributed between the anterior quadrigeminum, the geniculatum externum, and the pulvinar of the same side. By central cells located in these latter structures the pathway is continued to the occipital cortex of the hemisphere of the same side, by the fibres passing in the occipital end of the internal capsule and forming the optic radiation. It must be remembered, however, that between the cortex and the primary centres, and again between these centres and the bulb, there are pathways conducting from the cortex to the primary centres, and also from the primary centres to the retina.’ As the result of partial decussation it will be seen that the relations of the two bulbs to the cortex is this: The nasal or crossed bundle of the contra- lateral bulb and the temporal or uncrossed bundle of the bulb of the same side come together in the optic tract of one side, and are associated with the occipital lobe of that side. Hence it would appear that hemianopsia or blindness in the corresponding halves of the two eyes following a lesion of the optic pathway anywhere behind the chiasma would be, in some measure, explained by this anatomical arrangement. .If strictly interpreted an approximately equal number of fibres would be expected for each half of the retina. Such, however, has not been established as the relation be- tween the areas of the bundles. It is to be added, nevertheless, that ana- tomical arrangements such as decussations are probably open to wide indi- vidual variations, and hence that many more observations are required before we can say what is the usual relation between these two bundles. With a view to determining the exact location of the cortical centres in man many observations have been made. The cuneus and immediately sur- rounding parts of the cortex are those most concerned. Henschen? indicates the calcarine fissure and its immediate neighborhood as the most important locality. Observations on the arrest in the development of the cortex due to early blindness following destruction of the bulb in the case of the blind deaf- mute Laura Bridgman show the entire cuneus to be the central and funda- mental portion, while the associated portions extend some distance on to the 1 Kolliker’s Festschrift, Wiirzburg, 1887. 2 von Monakow: Archiv f. Psychiatrie, 1890, Bd. xx. H. 3. + Experimentelle und pathologische Untersuchungen tiber der Gehirn, Upsala, 1890-92. 682 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. convex surface of the hemisphere.’ Ferrier? from the study of monkeys em- phasizes the importance of the cortex of the angular gyrus; but these various results must ultimately be harmonized through studies of degeneration in man’ and the monkeys which will show the relative values of the several parts, all of which are in some degree involved. First Nerve.—Comparative anatomy indicates that the parts of the en- cephalon mediating the sense of smell are most closely connected with the cerebral hemispheres, in the sense that phylogenetically the first development. of the hemispheres was in connection with the central terminations of the olfactory tracts. It happens in man, however, that although the cerebral hem- ispheres are proportionately much more massive than in the lower mammals, yet the olfactory bulbs and tracts are at the same time but poorly developed. The pathway of the olfactory impulses is from the olfactory area in the nose to the olfactory bulb of the same side, thence via the olfactory tract to its — termination in front of the anterior perforated space, one branch of the tract. passing directly into the substance of the gyrus fornicatus at this point, and the other going into the more lateral. portion represented in man by the tem- poral end of the gyrus hippocampi. The cortical areas, together with the olfactory lobe and tract, form the rhinencephalon of the comparative anat- omists. It has been shown, nevertheless, by Hill* that in anosmic mammals. the fascia dentata alone varies with the development of the olfactory apparatus. The experimental pathological evidence is very meagre in relation to these nerves, but, on the other hand, the anatomical evidence is of the best. The brief sketches of the pathways for incoming impulses indicate that. with the exception of those coming by the olfactory tract, they arrive ulti- mately at the cerebral cortex over the fibres forming the internal capsule, most, if not all, passing by way of the thalamus. In the cerebral cortex are found the terminal branches of the last cell-groups furnishing neurons which conduct toward the cerebrum, and these are arranged in several layers corre- sponding to the various strata of fibres which the cortex always shows. F. LocaAuizATION OF CELL-GROUPS IN THE CEREBRAL CorRTEX. The foregoing section has brought to light the fact that groups of incom=- ing impulses find their way to the cerebral cortex. The path to the cerebrum — is best developed in the higher animals. In any case, the impulse in order to — produce evident responses must finally escape from the central system into the tissues controlled, and using the reactions of the expressive tissues as a guide, it is our present purpose to trace the impulses in those cases in which the cor- tex forms part of the path. We turn, therefore, to the study of those parts — of the cerebral cortex the direct stimulation of which produces impulses that. pass to cell-groups lying more or less caudad in the central system. ‘ Donaldson: American Journal of Psychology, 1892, vol. iv. No. 4. * The Croonian Lectures on Cerebral Localization, London, 1890. * Sir William Turner: Journal of Anatomy, 1890; Edinger: Anatomische Anzeiger, 1893. _ * Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1893, vol. clxxxiv. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. ; 683 Earlier Observations.—It was demonstrated by Fritsch and Hitzig in 1870! that if a constant current was applied to the surface of the dog’s brain, it was possible by interrupting it to obtain movements of the limbs and face when the electrodes were placed on certain parts of the cerebral cortex, and the reaction varied according to the place of stimulation, a constant rela- tion subsisting between the two. From this time on, active investigations of the relations thus suggested have been pursued, both by stimulating small areas in the cortex of various animals, including the monkey and man, and by the removal of various parts of the cerebral hemispheres and cortex, together with the study of the effects of pathological lesions in man. The results following removal of parts are complicated by the transitory effects of the lesion, and can best be treated by themselves later on. The results following the stimulation of the cortex are the simplest, and will next be described. Stimulation of Cortex.—The common method of experiment is to apply the faradic current by means of fine but blunt electrodes, the ends of which are but two or three millimeters apart, to the exposed surface of the cerebral hemispheres, the pia being undisturbed. Rabbits, dogs, and monkeys have been the animals most commonly studied. If the current be slight, its application for one or more seconds causes a response in the shape of movements of muscles, which are thrown into co- ordinated contraction. The contraction continues for some time after the stimulus has been removed. When the stimulus is very strong, instead of a limited and co-ordinated response, there may be a widespread contraction of many muscles, resembling an epileptic convulsion. This, however, occurs more commonly in the lower than in the higher mammals, On the other _ hand, the irritability of the cortex is easily reduced, so that it becomes irre- sponsive, and often immediately after the first exposure of the brain there is a time during which a response cannot be obtained. Turning to the areas of the cortex which are occupied by the extension of Fig. 182.—Lateral view of a human hemisphere. The cortical visual area on this aspect is shaded (V). the pathways from the special sense-organs, it is found that the visual area alone exhibits any elaboration when examined by the method of stimulation. 1Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1870. 684 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. To be sure, Ferrier’ very early pointed out that stimulation of the other sen- sory areas causes movements. It was by means of the movements thus ob- tained that he sought to localize the sensory centres, assuming that the move- ments were in response to sensations caused by the irritation of the cortex. As the result of stimulation of a sensory area the muscles of the sense organ itself or those immediately - associated with it respond (see Figs. 182, 183). . Shafer” has shown in the mon- key that the dorsal portion of the visual area is associated with the upper portion of the retina, the eye being turned downward as the : result of stimulating this portion. Fi. 183.—Mesial view of a human hemisphere. The corti- This is interpreted as a movement cal visual area is shaded, V; cortical area for smell, 8. ofthe eye jntendad:vte bring . stimulus falling on the upper part of the retina into the centre of the field of vision. When the stimulus is applied to the ventral portion of the area a corresponding upward movement of the eye occurs, and the corresponding relation holds for the stimulation of the lateral and mesial portions of the area. These movements occur in both eyes, although the stimulus is applied to one lobe only, and hence the two retinal fields appear to be superposed i in the visual cortex of each hemisphere. The experiments on the stimulation of the other sensory areas show, in the first place, that these areas contain cells the stimulation of which causes the contraction of certain muscles immediately associated with the organ of © sense, and, in the second place, that while each of the areas is pre-eminently concerned with the reception of impulses from a particular sense-organ, yet no one of them is exclusively sensory. Deferring for a moment the other evidence by which the sensory charac- ters have been established, and also the arrangements within the cortex by which any group of muscles can be made to respond to stimuli arriving at any sensory area, we shall follow out the distribution of those cortical cells the stimulation of which causes contractions of: the skeletal muscles. The results here presented were obtained from the electrical stimulation of the monkey’s brain by Beevor and Horsley* (see Figs. 184, 185). These experimenters explored the exposed surface of the hemisphere with the elec- trodes, moving them two millimeters at a time, and at each point noting the muscle-group first thrown into contraction. As the result of many observations on the monkey, it is possible to map out the cerebral cortex in the following way: The surface of the hemispheres is divided into regions (motor and sensory regions), which are the largest sub- \ C a mw on 1 The Functions of the Brain, 1876. ? Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 1888, vol. xliii. ° Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1888-90. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 685 SS 2 Ss SS NSS _ > u Ss V/LSION i ( i h \ : ; ' i Fic. 184.—Brain of the macaque monkey, showing the sensory and motor areas. In the sensory region the name of the sensation is over the locality most closely associated with the corresponding sense-organ ; in the motor region the name of the part is written over the portion of the cortex which controls it. The upper figure gives a lateral view of the hemisphere, and the lower a dorsal view (Beevor and Horsley). divisions. These are subdivided into areas for the muscle-groups belonging to different members of the body—arms, head, trunk, etc., or those areas Fic. 185.—Mesial surface of the brain (monkey). The localization of motor functions is indicated along the shaded portion of the marginal gyrus. The location of the visual area is indicated at the tip of the occipital lobe, and the location of the olfactory area at the tip of the temporal (Horsley). 686 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. within which all the impulses from a given sense-organ reach the cortex. The areas in turn may be marked off into centres, formed by the groups of cells which, for example, control the smaller masses of muscle belonging to a given segment of a limb, or in the visual area are represented by those cells especially connected with one part of the retina. There is thus a motor region the stimulation of which gives rise to the more evident bodily movements. Within this are several subdivisions, the stimulation of one of which is fol- lowed by movements of groups of muscles—for instance, those controlling the arm—and within such an area in turn come the smaller centres, or those the stimulation of which is first followed by movements at one joint only. Another method of studying the cortex is to regard the character of the movement obtained by stimulating a single area, as that of the arm. Figure — Fic. 186.—Showing in the arm-area (monkey’s brain) the localization of movements having different characters (after Horsley). 186 shows that stimulation of the upper arm-area gives rise in the first in- stance to movements of extension, whereas the lower arm-area yields those of flexion. This basis of subdivision is, however, not so useful as the analysis into centres. As the smallest subdivisions, the centres are most convenient for further study. If a vertical incision be carried around such a centre so as to isolate it from the other parts of the cortex, the characteristic reactions still follow the stimu- lation of it, indicating that the special effect can be produced by the passage of impulses from the point of stimulation toward the infracortical structures. If, in addition, a cut be made below the cortex and parallel with its surface, then stimulation of the cortex above this section is ineffective, thus indicating that the impulses pass from the cortex directly into the substance of the hem- isphere along certain nerve-tracts, which by this operation were sectioned. Further, if the bit of cortex thus separated from the underlying white sub- stance be removed and the faradic current be applied to the white substance beneath, a reaction of the same type and involving the same muscles can be obtained, although it differs from that to be gotten from the cortex itself, in CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 687 the first place by being less co-ordinated, in the second by continuing only so long as the stimulus lasts, and in the third place by giving rise to less intense electrical changes connected with the passing impulse. These facts, taken together, lead to the conclusion that when the tortex is stimulated the impulses concerned in producing the muscular contractions traverse cell-bodies at the point of stimulation, and are transmitted thence through the underlying fibres. We shall see later that this direct course probably does not represent the sole pathway for these impulses. Secondary Degeneration.—The course of these impulses is next inferred from the relation between the removal of different parts of the cortex and the consequent, secondary degenerations throughout the: length of the central nervous system. When the part of the cortex removed is taken from the motor area, then the degeneration occurs in the ‘internal capsule and in the - oo . ° ° ° ong PE le ee Y YG} foe pe hel We ‘i SENN sa \ WS. ts \VA “hee; Pack : See. +a es Fig. 187.—Schema of the projection fibres within the brain (Starr); lateral view of the internal cap- sule: A, tract from the frontal gyri to the pons nuclei, and so to the cerebellum; B, motor tract; C, sen- sory tract for touch (separated from B for the sake of clearness in the schema); D, visual tract; EZ, audi- tory tract; F, G, H, superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncles; J, fibres between the auditory nucleus and the inferior quadrigeminal body; K, motor decussation in the bulb; V#, fourth ventricle. The numerals refer to the cranial nerves. The sensory radiations are seen to be massed toward the occipital end of the hemisphere. callosum. The path of the fibres forming outgrowths of the cortical cells can be followed thence through the crusta and pyramids to the spinal cord. After removal of the motor region of one cerebral hemisphere the degen- 688 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. eration is mainly in the internal capsule and crusta of the same side, though by way of fibres crossing in the callosum it may be traced on the other side also, At the decussation of the pyramids the fibres occupying the internal capsule of the same side as the lesion, for the most part cross the middle line (see Fig, 187). The portion which remains uncrossed passes as the direct pyramidal tract of the ventral columns in man, while.the crossed bundle, which is much the larger, lies in the dorso-lateral field of the lateral column, forming the crossed pyramidal tract. This, however, is only the principal, but not the com- plete, distribution of the degenerated fibres. | The direct pyramidal tracts disappear in the cervical region, having entered the substance of the cord by way of the ventral commissure, and probably having there undergone decussation. The crossed pyramidal tract shows the greatest diminution in area after passing caudad of the cervical and lumbar enlargements, and hence it is inferred that the pyramidal fibres largely terminate in these regions of the cord. Most important, however, is the observation of Sherrington,’ that even with a unilateral cortical lesion degen- eration occurs in both crossed pyramidal tracts, and that at the level of the two enlargements the degenerations in the crossed pyramidal tract on the same side as the lesion is larger than above or below these enlargements, thus showing a local increase in the degenerated fibres running on this side, Sherrington’s first explanation of this bilateral degeneration in the pyramidal tracts was based on the assumption that fibres which had once crossed at the decussation of the pyramids recrossed at lower levels. If, however, such were the case, the recrossing would carry a number of the degenerated fibres across the middle line, and decrease by so many the fibres in the opposite half. The diminution of the fibres in number on the first side of the cord does not warrant this inference: Sherrington therefore put forward the view that the pyramidal fibres recrossing in the cord are derived in large part from a division of the pyramidal fibres into two branches, one of which may cross to the opposite side of the cord, while the other continues its first course; such dividing fibres he designates as “ geminal fibres,” the number of which is by no means small, The observations of Sherrington were made on monkeys (Macacus) and dogs, and probably the arrangements of these fibres in man is similar. The observations are particularly significant as giving an anatomical basis for the control of the movements in both halves of the body from each cerebral hemisphere. The continuous degeneration, coupled with the histological evidence for the absence of intervening nerve-cells, indicates that the cell-bodies in the cortex have neurons that extend all the way to the cell-groups of the spinal cord, even as far as the sacral region. The neurons of one group of these cortical cells pass, however, to the cell-groups in the cervical enlargement, while those from others pass to the groups in the lumbar enlargement. It thus happens that if the spinal cord be cut across in the middle of the thoracic region, and 1 Journal of Physiology, 1889, vol. x. oe Eo RE aT eee hg Ae TR RS A EI. RT IS, 5 S ‘ . — / 2 CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 689 then the leg-area (see Fig. 153) be stimulated, an electrometer applied to the -eut end of the cord will show the passage of nerve impulses, because the electrometer is applied to a tract of fibres on their way to the lumbar enlarge- ment, and the fibres originate in cortical cells within the region stimulated. When, however, the cortical stimulus is made in the arm-area, the electrometer being applied as before, no electric change occurs, for the neurons of the cells in the arm terminate in the part of the cord containing the cell-groups which control the muscles of the arm, and these all lie cephalad to the point of section of the cord. It is evident, therefore, that the arrangement is a com- paratively simple one—namely, an extension of the neurons of the several groups of cortical cells from the different areas for the leg, arm, face, etc., to the axial cell-groups which control the muscles of these parts, and which are situated in the cord. Sherrington reports’ a degeneration of some fibres as far as the lumbar enlargement even when the lesion is confined to the cortical area for the arm. Assuming the correctness of this observation, it is to be harmonized with the preceding ‘statements to the effect that stimulation of the arm-area does not produce an electrical variation in an electrometer applied to the crossed pyramidal tracts in the mid-thoracic region by the fact that the number of these long fibres is small. The cortical cells in the motor region belong to the group of central cells —i. e. their neurons never leave the central system—and hence they are engaged in distributing impulses within it. To the axial cell-groups in the cord they bring impulses, and therefore from the standpoint of these latter may be considered as afferent, whereas, owing to the fact that they carry impulses away from the cortex, they are sometimes called efferent. Confusion can be avoided, however, by refraining from either term. Just how these two sets, the cortical and the cord elements, are related still requires to be worked out. ‘The number of fibres in the pyramidal tracts indicates that there cer- tainly is not one fibre for each cell in the axial cell-groups, because the num- ber of pyramidal fibres is very much less than is the number of cells which they control. This discrepancy is in some measure relieved by the formation of “geminal” fibres already described. Moreover, the branching of the pyr- amidal fibres near their termination is very probable, and the most plausible view at present is that each pyramidal fibre by means of its collaterals comes into physiological connection with a considerable number of efferent cells, and _ probably the cells controlled by any one fibre at its terminus form more or less compact groups. Mapping of the Cortex.—Having sketched the relations of the pyramidal cells forming the motor region of the cerebral cortex to the parts lying below, it will be important to study the arrangement, size, subdivisions, and com- parative anatomy of this region, and then to examine the relation of it to the other parts of the cortex. The observations here quoted are those on the monkey only. On glancing at Figure 184 it is evident, first, that the areas for the head 1 Journal of Physiology, 1869, vol. x. 690 Fra. 188.—Horizontal section of the human cere- brum, showing the internal capsule on the left side: F, frontal region; G, knee of the capsule; NC, NC, caudate nucleus; NZ, lenticular nucleus; O, occipital lobe; TO, thalamus; X, X, lateral ven- tricle. In the internal capsule the letters indicate the probable position of the bundles of fibres which upon stimulation give rise to movements of the parts named or which convey special sets of in- coming impulses; £, eyes; H, head; 7,tongue; M, mouth; Z,shoulder; B, elbow; D, digits; A, abdo- men; P, hip; K, knee; U, toes; S, temporo-occip- ital tract; OC, fibres to the occipital lobe; OP, optic radiation (based on Horsley). AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. and face are widely separated from each other—that the arm-area lies be- tween them, and that the area for the trunk, though less schematically placed, is located between the arm and leg. This arrangement is more typically represented on the mesial (Fig. 185) than on the convex surface of the hemisphere. | The muscle-groups when enumer- — ated cephalo-caudad being those for the head, arm, trunk, and legs, the serial order of the cortical areas is thus in correspondence with the order of the muscle-groups which they con- trol. The Size of the Cortical Areas.— Evidently there is no direct relation — between the extent of a cortical area and the mass of muscles which it con- trols; certainly in man the mass of — muscles in the leg is five times greater than that in the arm, and this many — times greater than that in the face and head ; yet it is for the last area that the greatest cortical extension is found. — Mass of muscle and extent of cortical area do not therefore go together. When the movements effected by the muscles in these several areas are considered, we find that such move-— ments become more complex and more — accurate as we approach the head, and it therefore accords with the facts to consider the extension of the motor areas as correlated with the refinement of the movements which they control— _ a relation which may be expressed ana- — tomically as an increase in the number of cortical cells controlling the related — cell-groups in the cord. Subdivision of Areas.—The areas — which have been described are further subdivided, the subdivisions in the arm- area being the clearest. Here it is found that the stimulation of the upper — part of the arm-area gives rise to movements which start at the shoulder, BY or bs ae... A 4 ¥ ' . CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 691 _ while stimulation at the lower part of this area gives rise to movements first involving the fingers, and especially the thumb. The centres from which these several reactions may be obtained occupy, as Figure 184 shows, narrow fields across the cortex in a fronto-occipital direction. Moreover, the centre for the most proximal joint of the arm is farthest removed from that for the most distal, while the intermediate joints are represented by their several cen- tres lying in regular order between these two. A similar arrangement appears in the subdivisions of the leg, and in the face-area as well. Interpreting these facts in the terms of nerve-cells and their arrangement, ‘it appears that in the shoulder centre the neurons of the cortical cells that dis- charge downward pass predominantly to the efferent cell-groups which in the spinal cord directly control the muscles of the shoulder, and that a similar arrangement obtains for the other centres in this region with the correspond- ing cell-groups in the cord. The stimulation of the different portions of the internal capsule where it is composed of bundles of fibres coming from the motor region shows (observations on orang-utang) that the fibres running to the several lower centres are here aggregated, and are ranged in the same order as the cortical centres themselves (see Fig. 188). _ Separateness of Areas and Centres.—As we ascend in the mammalian series there is an increase in the perfection with which cells forming the sev- eral centres are segregated, yore? the areas in the different forms tend to hold the same relative positions.’ Figures 189, 190 give the localizations recently obtained in the rabbit’s brain by eS aniation (Mann). The various areas occupy a large proportion of the cortex, and in some cases come very close together, so that they are not easily separated by experiment. Fic. 189.—Rabbit’s brain, dorsal view. The Fig. 190.—Rabbit’s brain, lateral view. The - areas indicated are those the stimulation of which areas indicated are those the stimulation of which causes a movement of the parts named (Mann). causes a movement of the parts named (Mann). In the lower monkeys (Macacus sinicus) these cell-groups are segregated, so that those associated with the cervical portion of the cord and forming the arm-area are much more together, and quite separate from those associated with the lumbar region, leg-area. In the orang-utang,? and to a greater extent in man, a further separation occurs, so that they come to be surrounded 1 Mann: Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1895, vol. xxx. * Beevor and Horsley: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 1890-91, vol. xlviii. 692 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Fic. 191.—Lateral view of the left hemisphere of an orang-utang, showing the motor area about the central fissure (Beevor and Horsley). by parts of the cortex from which no response can be obtained upon direct stimulation (see Fig. 191). Fic. 192.—Lateral view of a left human hemisphere, showing the motor areasin man. The schema is based on the observations on the monkey, on pathological records, human, and on direct experiments. on man. It is to be remembered that in the human brain the excitable localities are I ipcriirsans by rather extensive areas not directly excitable ADAGE Fic. 198.—Mesial view of a human hemisphere, showing motor areas. Formed in the same way as Figure 192, By a few direct experiments and by many pathological observations some- thing is known of the motor centres in the human cerebral cortex. When CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 693 the results are plotted they give a distribution such as is shown in Figure 192, At the same time all such figures are largely compiled from results obtained on the monkey. It is here seen that the two central gyri are the principal seat of these areas, and that it is only along the great longitudinal fissure divid- ing the hemispheres that the motor areas extend beyond this limit in a cephalo- caudad direction. Perhaps the relation most worthy of remark is the com- paratively small fraction of the cortex concerned with the direct control of the spinal cord cells. The motor areas in man are elaborated, not so much by the increase in the number of the cells controlling the lower centres, as by an increase in the number of those cells under the influence of which these areas react. The relation of the areas in a frontal section is shown in Figure 194. Fia. 194.—Frontal section of the human cerebrum on the left side. The fibres forming the internal capsule (— — —), the callosum (---.-- ), and the anterior commissure (- — -—.-—- —) have been indicated. _ 7, cortical area for the trunk; L, cortical area for the leg; A, cortical area for the arm; F, cortical area for the face; A, anterior commissure; C, callosum; CO, optic chiasma; NC, caudate nucleus; NL, lenticular nucleus; R, fornix; TO, thalamus; X, lateral ventricle. Sensory and Motor Regions.—If an attempt is made to unify the con- struction of the entire cortex by bringing the.motor and sensory areas under a common law, it must be based on the fact that the system of neurons bring- ing impulses to the motor region forms part of the afferent pathways from the skin and muscles. To Munk’! is due the credit of having from the first looked upon the responsive cortex as marked off into areas within which certain groups of afferent fibres terminated, so that apart from the sensory areas named from the special senses, he calls the area which controls the skeletal muscles the “ Fuhlsphire,” on the assumption that in it end the fibres bringing in impulses 1 Ueber der Functionen der Grosshirnrinde, 1881. 694 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. from the skin and muscles. It has been suggested, to be sure, that separate localities were the seat for the dermal and muscular sensations. Ferrier! in-— dicated the limbic lobe, especially the hippocampal gyrus, while Horsley and Schiifer? argued for the gyrus fornicatus. At present the weight of evidence is in favor of the location of the centres for dermal and muscular sensations in the same area as that from which the muscles of the trunk and limbs can be made to contract.? Both in monkeys and in man defects in sensation are not permanent after limited lesions of the cortex, but, as suggested by Mott, the wide distribution of the incoming impulses would explain this result. Thus the entire portion of the cortex to which a definite function can be assigned must be looked upon as made up of fibres which bring impulses into it and cell-bodies which by their discharge send impulses to other divisions of the central system as well as to other parts of the cortex itself. All parts of the cortex having assigned functions give rise on stimulation to movements, but in the case of the movements aroused by the stimulation of the sensory areas, so called, they involve the contractions of only those muscles controlling the external sense-organ, as the eyeball, external ear, tongue, and nostrils, and, though physiologically important, and in the case of the eye at least reaching a high degree of refinement, they are quantitatively very insignificant as com- pared with the responses to be obtained from stimulating the “‘ motor region,” from which contractions of the larger skeletal muscles are obtained. Hence the significance of the usual terms “sensory” and “ motor” in describing the respective regions. Multiple Control from the Cortex.—It has been found that stimulation of the cortex in the region of the frontal lobes marked “eye” (Fig. 184) was followed by movements of the eye. Schifer* has shown that very precise movements of the eye also follow the stimulation of the temporal and various parts of the occipital cortex. Since the efferent fibres which control the muscles concerned start from the cell-groups of the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves, it would appear most probable that in both parts of the cortex there are located cells the neurons of which pass to those groups and are capable of exciting them. An alternative hypothesis—namely, that the impulses which produced the movements when the occipital region was stimulated, travelled first to the cortical cells in the frontal lobe and thence by way of them to the efferent cell-groups—was at one time considered, for the latent period of contraction of these muscles was less by several hun- dredths of a second when the stimulus was applied in the frontal region than when applied elsewhere. The experiments of Schafer show, however, that when the occipital and frontal lobes are separated from one another by a sec- tion severing all the association fibres, still the reactions can be obtained by stimulation in the former locality,—showing that the connections of the two * 1 The Functions of the Brain, 1876. 2 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1888, vol. exxix. 5 Mott: Journal of Physiology, 1894, vol. xv. * Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1888, vol. xliii. 3 i FI SO Ne re en ES tee CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 695 cortical areas with the cell-groups controlling the muscles of the eye are independent of each other. This instance of the direct control of the same axial cell-groups from dif- ferent areas of the cortex is analogous to the control of efferent cell-groups in the spinal cord, either by impulses coming down from the cerebrum or by those entering the cord directly through the dorsal roots, and the instance here cited is typical of a general arrangement. Cortical Control Crossed.—W here the stimulation of the cerebral cortex causes a response on one side only, that response is on the side opposite to the stimulated hemisphere. It sometimes happens, however, that two groups of symmetrically placed muscles both respond to the stimulus applied to one hemisphere only, but these cases:—the conjugate movements of the eyes; movements of the jaw muscles or those of the larynx,—always depend on the response of muscles which are naturally contracted together. This reaction depends on the arrangement of the fibres in the cord, since in lower mammals (dog and rabbit, for example) it is not seriously disturbed by the removal of one hemisphere. | Course of Impulses Leaving the Cortex.—lIn the higher mammals, as well as in man, it is by way of the pyramidal fibres that impulses travel from the cortex to the cell-groups of the axis. The pyramidal tracts by definition form in part of their course the bundles of fibres lying on the ventral aspect of the bulb, caudad to the pons, ventrad to the trapezium, and between the olivary bodies. According to Spitzka,' these are absent in the case of the elephant and porpoise. It has been pointed out, too, that removal of a hemi- sphere causes in the dog and most rodents a degeneration of other parts of the cord (dorsal columns) than those occupied by the pyramidal tracts in man.? The fibres passing from the cortex to the efferent cell-groups in the cord do not, therefore, hold exactly the same position in various mammals. Size of Pyramidal Tracts.—It has been clearly shown that if the cross sections of the cords of the dog, monkey, and man be drawn of the same size, the pyramidal fibres being indicated, then the area of this bundle is propor- tionately greatest in man and least in the dog, the monkey being intermediate in this respect. The relations thus indicated are evident—namely, that the number of fibres controlling the cell-groups in man is the largest, and is much larger than that in the lower animals. The relative areas of the pyramidal tract, the area of the entire cord being taken as 100 per cent. at corresponding levels, are given by v. Lenhossek * for the following animals: So Re ee RRP INCE Mer ES a Ld Caaf ar Bea 1.14 per cent. SPOONER 8S. ai Ld UR ER 3.0 % BUR ig. Saw (eri eae: ee ee oy he SRR iA klk oe, * pop eieeieh aceael he Missi 2.70, “ MET cee be ele es eek pe ed ier 1 Journal of Comparative Medicine and Surgery, 1886, vol. vii. ? von Lenhossek: Anatomischer Anzeiger, 1889. 3 Die feiner Bau des Nervensystems im Lichte neuester Forschungen, Basel, 1893. 696 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. This relation is to be carefully noted, for with it is correlated the degree of the disturbances in the reactions of the entire nervous system following removal of parts of the encephalon, the effect being slight when the encephalon is connected with the cord by a small number of fibres, and serious when the connection is by many fibres, as in the case of man and the highest mammals. G. PATHWAYS WITHIN THE HEMISPHERES. If the guiding idea of the pathway of the nervous impulse through the central system had been rigidly followed, the association tracts in the cerebral hemispheres would have come up for discussion immediately after the descrip- tion of the afferent pathways. The knowledge of the arrangement in the cerebral cortex which has been obtained from the stimulation of it is, how- ever, so much less complicated than that obtained by other methods of inves- tigation that the observations on this head were made introductory to the whole matter of localization, although in so doing the strict sequence of the presentation was interrupted and the emphasis put on the cell-groups which discharge from the cortex to the lower centres. Determination of Sensory Areas.—The determination of the sensory areas in man has been through the study of brains modified by destructive lesions or congenital defects. The cortical centre for smell, inferred from comparative anatomy and physiology to be at the tip of the temporal lobe and closely connected with the hippocampal gyrus and the uncus, has been similarly located in man on the basis of pathologi- cal observations ; but the evidence is indirect and incomplete (see Fig. 195). Concerning the loca- tion of taste sensations even less is known. Both of these senses, it must be remembered, are insig- nificant in man, and hence their central locations have not been Fic. 195.—Lateral view of ahuman hemisphere. The studied with great care. pina aiatireed a0 Pod foie (S); the cortical area On the other hand, the cortical areas for hearing and sight have been located with much more precision and certainty. . Damage to the first and second temporal gyri in man causes deafness in the opposite ear, and concordantly conditions of the ear which early in life lead to deafness and deaf-mutism are accompanied by a lack of development in these gyri.’ Destruction of these temporal gyri on one side always causes deafness in the opposite ear, but there has not yet been reported a case of com- plete deafness due to a double cortical lesion alone. * Donaldson: American Journal of Psychology, 1891. j q eg Set ee Se eg ne as ee is mame Te - Pte ed 7 es CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 697 - In the case of the visual areas in man there is the same sort of evidence, but somewhat more exact. The destruction of the area represented by the cuneus and the surrounding cortex (see Figures 182 and 183) always injures vision, and the failure of the eyes to grow arrests the development of this portion of the hemisphere.’ Hemianopsia.—It is found, moreover, that injury to the visual area in one hemisphere produces usually a hemianopsia or partial defect of vision in both retinas. The homonymous halves are affected on the same side as the lesion, and the dividing line is usually vertical. The clinical picture corresponds to a semi-decussation of the optic tract and the representation of the homon- ymous halves of each retina in both hemispheres. At the same time the rela- tion is much more complicated than at first sight appears, for the point of most acute vision is often unaffected in such cases ; and for this peculiarity we have no anatomical explanation.? In neither vision nor hearing do we find in man any subcortical cell-groups capable of acting as centres; that is, after the removal of the appropriate cor- tical region the corresponding sensations and reactions to the stimuli which arouse these sensations are completely and permanently lost. From these facts, therefore, it appears that the impulses which give rise to visual and auditory sensations are delivered in certain parts of the cerebral cortex, and unless they arrive there the appropriate sensations are absent. Association Fibres.—Common experience shows us that we can volun- tarily contract any group of muscles in response to any form of stimulus— dermal, gustatory, olfactory, auditory, or visual. When, therefore, the hand is extended in response to a visual stimulus, the nerve-impulses pass first to the visual region, and then are transferred to the cortical cells controlling the muscles of the hand. This connection is accomplished through the so-called association fibres of the cortex. These fibres are formally described as those which put into connection different parts of one lateral half of any subdivis- ion of the central system (see Fig. 196). The bundles which are thus shown in the cerebral hemisphere must be looked upon as typical of the arrangement throughout the entire cortex, and, further, the arrangement in the cortex is typical of that in other parts of the central system. Anatomy would suggest, and pathology bears out the suggestion, that it is by these tracts that the impulses travel from one area to another. Aphasia.—The development of the ideas bearing on this subject has been’ slow. After the publication of the great work of Gall and Spurzheim (1810- 19) on the brain, some pathologists (Bouillaud, 1825; Dax, 1836), especially in France, were in search of evidence touching the doctrine of the localization of function. At the same time the subject of phrenology, as put forward by Gall and Spurzheim, was not in good repute, and anything which looked that way, even in a slight degree, was generally scouted. Broca, however, pub- 1 Donaldson: American Journal of Psychology, 1892, vol. iv. 2 Noyes: New York Medical Record, 1891. 698 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. lished (1861) the important observation that when the most ventral or the third frontal convolution in the left hemisphere (often designated Broca’s con- volution) was thrown out of function, the power of expression by spoken words was lost, and hence the name of “speech-centre” has been applied to this convolution. Since this discovery, which links the neurology of the first part of the Fie, 196.—Lateral view of a human hemisphere, showing the bundles of association fibres (Starr): A, A, between adjacent gyri; B, between frontal and occipital areas; C, between frontal and temporal areas, cingulum ; D, between frontal and temporal areas, fasciculus uncinatus ; E£, between occipital and temporal areas, fasciculus longitudinalis inferior; C, N, caudate nucleus; O, 7, optic thalamus. century with that of to-day, and also forms a fundamental observation in the modern doctrine of cerebral physiology, many steps have been taken. It was early observed that although in such cases the capacity for spoken language was lost, nevertheless the muscles which were used in the act of phonation were by no means paralyzed. This relation is due probably to the fact that the speech-centre of Broca does not contain cells which connect directly with the lower nuclei controlling the muscles of phonation. The interesting observation was also made that in the ordinary person the muscles could not be controlled for phonation from the right hemisphere. Thus the symmetrical portion of the right hemisphere has not the same physi- ological value. | ' Besides this lesion, which involves the cortex frontad to the motor region proper, numerous other lesions—namely, those which involve the tracts run- ning between the areas of special sensation (vision and hearing, for example), and the motor or expressive region—produce corresponding results (see Fig. 197). An individual in whom the association tracts between the visual and motor areas have been interrupted can, for instance, see an object presented to him in CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 699 the sense that he gets a visual impression, but because of the interruption of the association fibres the object is not recognized, and the impulses reaching this sensory area elicit no response from the muscles, the motor areas for which are located else- where. Of these connections between sensory and motor areas a suffi- cient number have been studied to suggest that the typical ar- rangement of the cells in the cerebral cortex is the following : The afferent impulses are dis- tributed in the sensory cortical areas among several classes of cells. Some of these through Fie. 197.—Lateral view of a human hemisphere ; cor- 4 tical area V, damage to which produces “ mind-blind- their neurons, form association ness;” cortical area H, damage to which produces tracts by which the impulses are “mint-dca;” cecal ares damagy to wnich transferred from the sensory to age to which abolishes the power of writing. the motor regions. Concerning the exact manner in which the impulses arrive at these associating cells, or concerning the layer in the cortex which represents them, information is meagre, but the observations on the distribution of the fibres in the cortex suggest that the short association tracts must be at the level of the superficial fibre-layers, while the longer tracts extend far below the cortex, and would most naturally be associated with the deepest layers of cells." Upon attempt- ing to carry out this arrangement to anything like the completeness demanded by the physiological reactions, it is necessary to postulate the existence of such pathways between each sensory and each motor area, and thus there must be a pathway extending from every sensory to every motor area. This arrange- ment is of course to be pictured as modified in several ways. In the first place, the connection between a given motor and a given sen- sory area is by no means proportionate in the several instances. The connec- tion, for example, between the visual area and the motor area for the arm is probably represented by more nerve-elements, and these better organized, than” the connection between the gustatory area and that for the movements of the leg. When, therefore, it is said that such connections exist, it must be added always that the nexus is different for the several regions concerned, and, what is more, that in man, at least, it is different for the two- hemispheres. The Relative Functions of the Two Hemispheres.— When the subject is right-handed, it appears that in man injury to the left cerebral hemisphere is more productive of disturbance than injury to the right hemisphere. At the same time, lesion of the left hemisphere is far more frequent than that of 1 Andriezen: Brain, 1894. 700 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. | the right. So far as can be judged from experiments on man, the higher sense-organs, the eye and the ear, are more perfect, physiologically, on the right side. Since the connection of the sense-organs is largely with the cortex of the contralateral hemisphere, this means that the impulses going mainly to the left hemisphere are better differentiated than those going to the right. For these impulses to reach a motor area in the same hemisphere would appear to be easier than to reach the corresponding area on the opposite side, and it is thus possible to see how, on the basis of the slightly better sense-organs of the right side, the left-brained man might have been developed. The observations of Flechsig! on the pyramidal tracts also show that this tract, before medullation at least, may be unevenly developed on two sides of the cord, and the ease of control may thus be rendered unequal—a condition which must be dominant in the determination of the side of the body which shall be exercised. Doubtless there are other factors concerned, and, moreover, it has yet to be demonstrated that the sense-organs of the left side are superior in persons left- handed. Nor has the inequality of the crossed pyramidal tracts in the adult been established with reference to these questions. Be this as it may, the lesions which cause aphasia or apraxia (inability to determine the meaning and use of objects) are predominantly in the left hemisphere in persons who are — right-handed, while there is some evidence that the right hemisphere is more important in left-handed persons. In the adult, damage to one hemisphere is usually followed by a permanent ~ loss of function, but this loss may be transient when the lesion occurs in the very young subject, so that during the growing period the sound hemisphere can in a measure take up the function of the one that has been injured. Assuming this general plan for the arrangement of the cortex to be correct, it is evident that a given cell, the neuron of which forms part of the pyrami- dal tract, must in the human cortex be subject to a large series of impulses coming to it over as many paths. Schematically, it would be as represented in Figure 198. The discharging cell may be destroyed; then, of course, the muscles con- trolled by it become more or less paralyzed. The discharging cell may, how- ever, remain intact, but the pathways by which impulses arrive at it be dam- aged. This is the type of lesion which produces symptoms of aphasia. When an interruption of associative pathways occurs some one or more of these tracts is broken, and hence this discharging cell does not receive a stimulus adequate to cause a response. The physiological simplicity of the elements in any part of the central, sys- tem, either when different portions of the system from the same animal or when the corresponding portions of different animals are compared, depends on the number of paths by which the impulses are brought to the discharging cells. | Composite Character of Incoming Impulses.—To these conclusions based on the anatomy are to be added others suggested by clinical observa- 1 Leitungsbahnen im Gehirn und Riickenmark, 1876. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 701 tions. That a patient suffering from a lesion between the visual and motor areas may be able to recognize an object and to indicate its use, it is sometimes necessary that the object shall appeal to several senses. For example, the name and use of a knife, when seen alone, may not be recalled, but when it is sa raat | factor ol Fic. 198.—Schema showing in a purely formal manner the different sort of afferent impulses whick may influence the discharge of a cortical cell. taken into the hand—that is, when the dermal and muscular sensations are added to the visual one—the response is made, though, acting alone, any one .set of sensations is inadequate to produce this result. Just where the block occurs in such a case it is not possible to say with exactness, but the lesion lies, as a rule, between the sensory and motor areas concerned, and by the damage to the pathway, it is assumed that one or more groups of impulses are so reduced in intensity that they are alone insufficient to produce a reaction ; and therefore it is only when the impulses from several sides are combined that a response can be obtained. Variations in Association.—It is a familiar fact that individuals differ in no small degree in the acuteness of their senses—. e. in the power to dis- criminate small differences, and this, too, when the sense-organs are normal. Further, the powers of those best. endowed are by no means to be attained by others, however conscientious their training. Moreover, the central sensory pathways differ widely. The inference is fair, therefore, that those who think in terms of visual images, as compared with those who think in auditory terms, do so by virtue of the fact that in the former case the central cells con- 702 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. cerned in vision are distinctly the better organized, while in the latter case it is those concerned in hearing. In the same way, the power of expression varies in an equally marked degree, and the capacity for the expression of ideas by means of the hand in writing is by no means necessarily equal to the power of expression by means of spoken words. In the former case we have the results of the play of im- pulses from the several sensory centres on the motor area for the hand, and this is reinforced by the sight of that which has been written, whereas in the latter case impulses from these same sensory centres play upon the area which controls the muscles of phonation, and the reaction is reinforced by the sound of the words uttered. Of course in the case of a defective, like a blind-deaf- mute, the expression of thought is by movements of the fingers, and this is rein- forced by the tactile and muscular sensations which follow these movements. It is not by any means to be expected that the anatomical connections which render such reactions possible will be equally perfect for the different sensori-motor combinations or the same combinations in different persons, and hence the powers of the individual will be modified by the perfection of these paths in the several cases. From this it also follows that the same lesion as grossly determined will not produce identical results in the two per- sons, for it will not effect the damage of structural elements which are strictly comparable. Pathways through Gray Matter.—Moreover, what is true of the spinal cord is also probably true of the cortex—viz. that while the long tracts are the usual and preferred pathways between centres, shorter tracts formed by a large series of cells often serve as the pathway, and impulses may under some conditions find their way from one part of the cortex to another by way of these more complex tracts. Latent Areas.—It has been plain from an examination of the foregoing figures, as well as from the descriptions, that there must be a large portion of the cortex which, so far as has been observed, may be called latent. These regions, which include nearly the entire ventral surface of the hemispheres, a large part of the mesial surface, and on the dorsal and lateral aspects a large portion of the frontal and temporal lobes, certainly require a word. The various forms of investigation yield negative results. The speech- centre is, strictly speaking, neither a motor nor a sensory portion of the cortex, and yet when it is damaged the function of speech is disturbed. We have come to look upon the speech-centre as containing cells by way of which im- pulses pass to the centres controlling the muscles of phonation. This relation suggests that the rest of the cortex called latent may act in a similar manner, and that by way of it pass impulses which modify the discharge of the motor areas proper. rom any one portion of the latent area, however, the connec- tions are not massive enough to permit of impulses which will cause a contrac- tion, and hence these impulses coming from one locality to a discharging cell form only a fraction of the impulses which control it ; and for this reason the significance of these parts fails to be clearly evident upon direct experiment. es. ig — CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 703 The cortex of the frontal lobes has some connections with the nuclei of the pons, and so with the cerebellum. The more recent experiments on the func- tions of this region are by Bianchi’ and Grosglik,’ the former on monkeys and dogs and the latter on dogs alone. These experimenters found that the removal of one frontal lobe is com- paratively insignificant in its effects, while when both are removed the change is profound. On removing the frontal lobe on one side only there is no dis- turbance of vision, hearing, intelligence, or character. There do occur both sensory and motor disturbances, but these are for the most part transient. On the side opposite to the lesion there is in the limbs a blunting of all sensations and some paresis. Moreover, there is a hyperesthesia combined with a paresis of the muscles of the neck and trunk which move these parts away from the side of the lesion. These several effects of the operation tend to pass off, and if then the remaining frontal lobe be removed from a dog or monkey, not only do the symptoms just described appear on the other side of the body, but still more fundamental changes occur. A ceaseless wandering to and fro, such as Goltz* observed in those dogs in which the anterior half of the brain had been removed, characterizes the animals ; curiosity, affection, sexual feeling, pleasure, memory, and the capacity to learn are at the same time abolished, and the expressions of the animal are those of fear and excessive irritability. That, therefore, the frontal lobes play an important réle in the total reactions of the central system is amply evident, but this by no means justifies the conclusion that they are the seat of the intelligence. H. CoMPARATIVE PuysioLoGy oF THE CENTRAL NgeRvovus System. For the better comprehension of the conditions found in man and the _ monkey, it will be of importance to briefly review the comparative physiology of the central nervous system in vertebrates below the monkey. This system in the lower vertebrates is usually composed of a very much smaller number of cells than is found in that of man, and also cephalization, or the massing of the elements toward the head and in connection with the principal sense- organs, has gone on to a far less extent. It must not be thought, however, because it is the custom to emphasize the reflex activities of the lower vertebrates, and to show that these reflexes can be carried out even by fractions of the spinal cord alone, that therefore the spinal cord is particularly well developed in them. Comparative anatomy shows in the lower vertebrates a simplicity in the structure of the cord quite comparable with that found in the brain, and as we ascend the vertebrate series both parts of the central system increase in complexity. In this increase, however, the cephalic division takes the lead, and further, by means of the fibre-tracts, the cell-groups in the cord are more and more brought under the 1 Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 1895, t. xii. 2 Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1895. 3 Ueber die Verrichtungen des Grosshirns, 1881. 704 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. influence of the special sense-organs which connect with the encephalon. The physiological reactions of the higher vertebrates are especially modified by this. latter arrangement. It is therefore true that the cord, as well as the brain, is, in man, more complicated anatomically than in any of the lower forms, and this in spite of the fact that the independent reactions of the human cord are so imperfect. One result of this concentration of the nerve-elements toward the head, and the dependence of the rest of the system on the encephalon, is, as we shall see, that the cephalic division becomes thereby a more necessary portion of the pathway for the incoming impulses, and, conversely, as cephalization fails to take place the several parts of the system remain more independent. Reactions of Portions of Spinal Cord.—When an amphioxus is cut. into two pieces and then put back in the water, a slight dermal stimulus causes in both of them locomotory movements, such as are made by the entire animal. When a shark (Scylliwm canicula) is beheaded the torso swims in a co-ordi- nated manner when returned to the water. Separation of the cord from the brain does not deprive a ray (Torpedo oculata) of the power of perfect loco- motion. The same is true of the ganoid fish. In the case of the cyclostome fish (Petromyzon) the beheaded trunk is, in the water, inactive, and, on gentle mechanical stimulation it makes inco-ordinated responses, but, put in a bath. formed by a 3 per cent. solution of picro-sulphuric acid, locomotion under the influence of this strong and extensive dermal stimulus is completely performed. In the case of the eel the responsiveness even to the picro-sulphuric acid bath is evident in the caudal part of the body alone. In the bony fish this power in the spinal cord has not been observed.’ : In these experiments the central system is represented by the entire spinal cord with the associated nerves, or by some fraction of it, but so simple, con- stant, and independent are the reactions of the cord under normal conditions that a strong stimulus is able to elicit the characteristic responses from even a fragment of the system. The higher we ascend in the vertebrate series the less evident do the independent powers of the cord become. For the determination of the functions of the several parts of the nervous system it is possible to employ in animals the method of removal as well as the method of stimulation. The doctrine of localization was at one time crudely expressed by the statement that a cortical centre was one the stimula- tion of which produced a given reaction, and the removal of which abolished this same reaction.. Goltz? soon showed that in the dog the removal of even an entire hemisphere did not cause a paralysis of the muscles on the opposite side of the body, although others had shown that a stimulation of certain por- tions of the cortex of the hemisphere would cause these muscles to contract. It was argued, therefore—and quite rightly—that the cortical centres of the dog did not completely answer to the definition. | 1 Steiner: Die Functionen des Coniecrenrvereneanns und thre Phylogenese, 2te Abth., “ Die Fische,”’ 1888. 2 Ueber die Verrichtungen des Grosshirns, 1881. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 705 From the experimental work of the strict localizationists like Hitzig,! Munk,’ and Ferrier,’ and from the work of those who, like Goltz‘ and Loeb,® denied a strict localization in the cerebral hemispheres, several important points of view have been developed. In the first instance, anatomy indicates that in the central system there are but few localities which consist only of one set of cell-bodies, together with the fibres coming to these bodies and going from them. Almost every part has both more than one set of connections with other parts and also fibres passing through it or by way of it to other localities. Hence in removing any part of the hemispheres, for instance, not only are groups of cell-bodies taken away, but a number of extra pathways are interrupted at the same time, and thus the damage extends beyond the limits of the part removed. Moreover, when any portion of the central system has been removed there is a greater or less amount of disturbance of function following immediately after the opera- tion ; but this disturbance partially passes away. ‘There are thus “ temporary ” as contrasted with “ permanent” effects of the lesion, and these require to be sharply distinguished, because it is the permanent loss which is alone sig- nificant in these experiments. Finally, it has been made clear that neither the relative nor the absolute value of any division of the central system is fixed, but depends on the degree to which cephalization has progressed, or, to use the more common measure, the grade of the animal in the zoological series, both — expressions signifying an increase in the connections between the cerebrum Fig. 199.—Schema of the encephalon of a bony fish—embryonic (Edinger). The vertical black line marks off the structures in front of the thalamus. and the lower centres. The age of the animal on which the operation has been made is also of no small importance in this respect. These relations can be illustrated by reference to several experiments. Removal of Cerebral Hemispheres.—If from a bony fish the cerebral 1 Untersuchungen iiber das Gehirn, Berlin, 1874. ? Ueber die Functionen der Grosshirnrinde, Berlin, 1881. ’ The Functions of the Brain, London, 1876. * Ueber die Verrichtungen des Grosshirns, Bonn, 1881. > Arch. fiir die gesammie Physiologie, Bde. 33 u. 34, 1884. 45 706 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. hemispheres (including the corpora striata as well as the mantle) be removed, the animal apparently suffers little inconvenience. ‘The movements are undis- turbed ; such fish play together in the usual manner, discriminate between a worm and a bit of string, and among a series of colored wafers to which they rise, always select the red ones first.’ In these fish the eye is the controlling sense-organ, and, as will be recognized (see Fig. 199), the operation has by no means damaged the primary centres of vision. Quite different is the result when the cerebrum is removed from a shark.? In this case, although the eyes are intact, the animal is reduced to complete quiescence ; yet on the whole, the nervous system of the shark is rather less well organized and more simple than that of the bony fish. The astonishing effect produced is explained by a second experiment (see Fig. 200). If the Fie. 200.—Schema of the encephalon of a cartilaginous fish (Edinger). The vertical black line marks 4 off the striatum. and pars olfactorius, which lie in front of the thalamus. olfactory tract be severed on one side, no marked disturbance in the reactions of the shark is to be noticed; when, however, both tracts are severed, the shark acts as though deprived of its cerebrum. From this it appears that — the removal of the principal sense-organ, that of smell, is the real key to the reactions, and that the responsiveness of the fish is reduced in the first instance, — because in this case it has been deprived of the impulses coming through the principal organs of sense, and in the second the removal of the cerebrum is — mainly important because the cerebrum contains the pathway for the impulses from the olfactory bulbs to the cell-groups which control the cord. | Passing next to the amphibia as represented by the frog, there are several — series of observations on the physiological value of the divisions of the eentral system. Schrader finds the following: Removal of the cerebral hemispheres — only, the optic thalami being uninjured, does not abolish the spontaneous actiy-— ity of the frog. It jumps on the land or swims in the water, and changes from — one to the other without special stimulation. It hibernates like a normal frog, retains its sexual instincts, and can feed by catching passing insects, such as flies Steiner: Die Functionen der Centralnervensystems, 1888. ? Steiner, loe cit. ® Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1887, Bd. xli. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 707 (see Fig. 201). A frog without its hemispheres is therefore capable of doing several things apparently in a spontaneous way. Such frogs balance themselves West - Pan eae fe ie ~ -_—- -——*, ie - pete eneneeeoe™ “"Sende ae - - ane -. - - - Pete heen ee! --~ ~ - Me ewee ee” ' ‘ | ' ‘ ! ‘ ‘ ‘ i Jerr Rens. Pd eae, ~~ _ Fie. 201—Frog’s brain; the parts in dotted outline have been removed: 4A, brain intact; B, cerebral hemispheres removed; C, cerebral hemispheres and thalami removed; D, cerebellum removed; £, two sections through the optic lobes; F, two sections through the right half of the bulb (Steiner). when the support on which they rest is slowly turned, moving forward or back- ward as the case demands in order to maintain their equilibrium. In doing 708 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. this the frog tends first to move the head in the direction opposite to the motion of the support, and then to follow with movements of the body. If the optic thalami are removed (Fig. 201, C), the power of balancing is lost, because, although the movements of the head still occur, those of the body are abolished. A frog thus operated on and deprived of the hemispheres and thalami exhibits the lack of spontaneity which is usually described as following the loss of the hemispheres alone, but which is not a necessary consequence of this operation, as the preceding experiments show. A frog possessed of the mid-brain and the parts behind it (Fig. 201, C) will croak when stroked on the back. When the optic lobes have been removed this reaction becomes more difficult to obtain, but it is not necessarily abolished, neither is the characteristic fling of the legs in swimming. At the same time, a frog with its optic lobes can direct both its jumping and swim- ming movements according to light stimuli acting through the eye, jumping around and over obstacles which form a shadow in its path, and climbing out of the swimming tank on the lighter side. This power is lost when the optic lobes have been removed. When the anterior end of the bulb (pars commissuralis—Stieda) has been also removed, then the frog becomes incessantly active, creeping about, and not coming to rest until he has run himself into some corner. Schrader found such frogs capable of clambering over the edge of a box 18 centimeters high. They are at a loss when the edge of the box has been finally attained, and vainly reach into space from this position. In the water they swim “ dog-fashion,” and only upon special stimulation do they make a spring. If more of the bulb is removed, the bearing of the frog departs more and more from the normal, and is only temporarily regained in response to strong stimulation ; nevertheless, co-ordinated movements can be obtained when the bulb down to the calamus scriptorius has been removed, and only when the movements of the arms are directly affected by the damage of the upper end of the cord does the inco-ordination become constant. A section through the optic lobes at a (Fig. 201, ’) puts the frog in a con- dition similar to that following the isolated removal of the lobes, while a sec- tion at 6 has the curious effect of causing the animal to move backward upon stimulation of the toes. My When the small ridge which forms the cerebellum in the frog has been — removed, a slight tremor of the leg-muscles and a loss of precision in jumping are the only defects noted (Fig. 201, D). . These results hold for symmetrical removal of the divisions of the encephalon. When the removal is unsymmet- rical in the inter-brain, mid-brain, or bulb (Fig. 201, F, a and 6), there is more or less tendency to forced positions or forced movements. As a rule, action is most vigorous on the side of the body associated with the greater quantity of nerve-tissue. This relation appears as a natural result of the greater effectiveness of the incoming impulses when entering a larger group of central cells. Indeed, the removal of the different portions of the central system in the frog is accompanied by a progressive loss in responsive-. - CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. : 709 ness, stronger and stronger stimuli being required to induce a reaction. This holds true down to the anterior end of the bulb, the removal of which, on the contrary, sets free the lower centres, so that the frog becomes incessantly active. Just how this release is effected is not easy to explain, but further removal is again followed by the loss of responsiveness. Passing next to the bird, as represented by the pigeon, the observations of Schrader are the most instructive." The removal of the hemispheres from the bird (see Fig. 202) involves taking away the mantle and the basal ganglia, the Striat Fia. 202.—Schema of the encephalon of a bird (Edinger). The oblique black line marks off the structures in front of the thalamus. chiasma and the optic nerves being left intact. For the first few days after operation the bird is in a sleep-like condition. Next the sleep becomes broken into shorter and shorter periods, and then the bird begins walking about the room. From the beginning its movements are directed by vision; slight _ obstacles it surmounts by flying up to them, larger ones it goes around. In climbing its movements are co-ordinated by the sense of touch, and the normal position of the body is maintained with vigor. The birds which walk about by day remain quiet and asleep during the night. In flying from a high place the operated pigeon selects the point where it will alight, and prefers a perch or similar object to the floor. | A reaction to sound is expressed by a start at a sudden noise, like the explosion of a percussion cap. Pigeons without the cerebrum do not eat voluntarily, though the presence of the frontal portions of the hemispheres is sufficient to preserve the reaction. In a young hawk slight damage to the frontal lobes abolished for the time the use of the feet in the handling of food, and thus abolished in this way the power of feeding as well as that of standing. With the loss of the cerebrum the pigeon does not lose responsiveness to the objects of the outer world, but they all have an equal value. The bird is 1 Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1888, Bd. xliv. 710 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. neither attracted nor repelled, save in so far as the selection of the points toward which it will fly is an example of attraction. Sexual and maternal reactions both disappear, and neither fear nor desire is evident. In ascending the mammalian series the removal of the cerebrum becomes a matter of increasing difficulty. The reasons for this are several, and reside in the increasing size of the blood-vessels and the nutritive complications depend- ent on the increase in the mass of the cerebrum, as well as in the greater physi- — ological importance of this division. Goltz’ has been able by repeated ope- rations to remove the entire cerebrum of a dog, and still to keep the animal alive and under observation for eighteen months, at the end of which time the animal, though in good health, was killed for further examination. This dog was blind, though he blinked when a bull’s-eye lantern was suddenly flashed in his face. He could be awakened by a loud sound, and when awake re- sponded to such sounds when intense by shaking the head or ears. This would not, however, be complete proof that he could hear. The sense of taste was so far present that meat soaked in quinine was rejected after tasting. Tactile stimuli and those involving the muscle sense, as in the case when the animal was lifted, caused him to struggle and to bite in the direction of the irritation. These reactions were modified according to the locality of the stim- ulus. The power to make movements expressive of pain was still present. On the motor side the dog was capable of such highly complicated acts as walking, standing, and eating, and in these operations was guided by the muscle sense and that of contact. The sexual instincts were lost, but the animal was excessively active, and became more and more excited when ready to defecate or when hungry. The examination of the brain showed that all parts in front of the mid- brain had been removed or were degenerated, so that the defects were due to a removal of rather more than the cerebrum proper. Emotions, feelings, conscious sensations, or the capacity to learn were entirely wanting in this dog, and its reactions were those of a very elaborate machine, If we compare, now, the effects of the removal of the cerebral hemisphere ~ in the bony fish, the pigeon, and the dog, we see that the results of the operation are progressively more disturbing as we pass up the series. In the higher animals the effects are more often fatal, the disturbance immediately following is much more severe, the return of function slower, and the permanent loss — greater. As a partial exception to the above statements is the observation that after operation the general health of pigeons always declines, and it is not possible to keep them alive more than about six weeks. On the contrary, a dog could be kept in good health for some eighteen months; but there is this difference, that the removal in the case of the dog was made by several suc- cessive operations. By removal of the cerebrum the higher animal tends to lose just those capacities which best serve to distinguish it from the lower forms. When, therefore, the inquiry is made why the results gotten in the dog are not obtain- 1 Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, Bd. xli. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. wesl able in monkey or man, there are several replies. In the first place, no such extensive experiments have been made on monkeys of the right age and under equally favorable conditions. If a mature animal is taken, the secondary degenerations are so massive that they certainly cause great disturbance in the remaining part of the system. ‘This is not equivalent to an assertion that the same results could be obtained in the monkey by more extensive experiments, but a suggestion of one difference behind the results thus far reported. There is no reason for assuming any deep-seated difference in the arrangement of the central system of the highest mammals as compared with that in the lower, Indeed, in some human microcephalic idiots the proportion of sound and functional tissue in the encephalon is less than one-fourth that found in a normal person, yet, on the other hand, no normal adult could lose anything like that amount of tissue which is out of function in these microcephalic brains and at the same time live. The central system, therefore, even in man, is to be looked upon as possessed of some power to adapt itself when portions have been lost, but this is most evident when the defect begins early and develops slowly. Keeping the cerebrum still in view, it is possible to go into further detail. In forms below the monkey the loss of portions of the cerebral cortex from the motor area is accompanied by a greater or less paralysis of the muscles repre- sented. This, however, is an initial symptom only, and gradually disappears, though not always with the same completeness. In man, of course, the tend- ency to recover is least. The anatomical relations behind this difference are the following: The efferent cells in the ventral horns are dominated principally by two sets of impulses, those arriving directly over the dorsal roots of that segment in which they are located, and those coming over the long paths by way of the cerebral cortex and pyramidal tracts. In the lower mammals this second pathway is insignificant, and when interrupted, therefore, the disturbance in the control of the ventral-horn cells is but slight. Passing up the series, however, this path- way tends to become more and more massive and important, as the figures pre- viously given show (see p. 695), until in man and the monkey a damage of it such as is effected by injury to the cortex causes a high degree of paresis if not permanent paralysis, because by this injury a greater proportion of the impulses is thus cut off from the efferent cells. It has previously been shown that the cortical areas do not vary accord- ing to the mass of the muscles which they control. Experiments also show that it is the fore limbs which are most disturbed in their reactions when the lesion involves the cortical centres for both fore and hind limbs, and this falls under the law that the more highly adaptable movements (i. e. those of the fore limb as contrasted with the hind limb) are most under the control of the cortex. If the examination be restricted to the fore limb alone, it is found that the finger and hand movements or those of the more distal segments are in turn the ones most disturbed. Thus, in the limbs, the more distal groups of mus- cles are those best controlled from the cortex. It follows, then, that for the 712 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. arm, paralysis of shoulder movements as the result of cortical lesion is least complete, while as we travel toward the extremity of the arm the liability to. disturbance of its function as the result of cortical injury increases steadily. Turning, now, to the “sensory” areas of the cortex, the principles under- lying their physiological significance and connections appear to be similar. The lower the animal in the vertebrate series the more probable that its reac- tions can be controlled by the afferent impulses which have not passed through the cerebral cortex. None of the senses except vision can be analyzed sufficiently to bring out the significance of subdivisions of the cortical area; hence the illustrations are taken from that sense alone. It has already been shown that without cerebral hemispheres a bony fish can distinguish the colors of wafers thrown on the water and discriminate between a bit of string and a worm. In the same case a frog is able to direct its move- ments and to catch flies—z. e. to detect objects in motion and react to them normally. A pigeon can direct its movements in some measure, and even select a special object as a perch, but it is not able to respond to the sight of food or its fellows or those objects-which might be supposed to excite the bird to flight. In the dog the vision which remains permits only the response of blinking when the eye is stimulated by the flash of a bull’s-eye lantern. The progressive diminution in the response which follows visual stimuli in these animals is open to the interpretation that the path by which the impulses may pass over to the cells forming the primary centres interme- diate between the sense-organ and the cortex is progressively diminished. Thus the impulses arriving at the primary optic centres are in a less and less degree reflected toward the cord, as the pathway to the cortex becomes more permeable. When therefore, the cortex has been removed the reac- tions taking place by way of it are disturbed in proportion to their normal importance. | In the first instance, when the reflexion occurs in the primary centres, the incoming impulses are distributed toward the cord by paths not known, while in the second, they pass from the cortex along the pyramidal tracts. In the cortex subdivisions of the visual area have been made by Munk.' He found that the more anterior portions of the visual area were associated with the superior parts of the retina, and the more posterior portions with the inferior, while the area in one hemisphere corresponded with the nasal portion of the contralateral retina, and to a less degree with the temporal portion of the retina of the same side. The determination of these relations was made by the removal of parts of the visual area (dogs) and the subsequent examination of the field of vision. It appears, therefore, that the incoming impulses from _ certain parts of the retina are delivered at definite points in the cortex, and that when the paths are interrupted in the dog or higher mammals these impulses are blocked. By stimulation, it will be remembered, Schafer deter- mined similar relations in the monkey. 1 Ueber die Functionen der Grosshirnrinde, Berlin, 1881. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 713 Before leaving the cerebral hemispheres, mention of the fact should be made that still other functions, control of the sphincter ani (Fig. 189), secretion of saliva, and micturition can be roused by the stimulation of the cortex in the appropriate region—namely, in the region where the muscles and glands con- cerned might be expected to have representation if they followed the general law of arrangement. Changes in the production and elimination of heat from the body follow interference with the motor region of the cerebrum, and the removal of portions of the cortex in this region is followed by a rise in the temperature of the muscles affected. In the encephalon, the cerebrum, and especially its outer surface, is the por-. tion the functions of which have been studied. The significance of the other portions of the encephalon can be far less well determined. The disturbances caused by the section and stimulation of the callosum have been studied by Koranyi’ and by Schafer? and Mott. It was found that complete section of the corpus callosum was not followed by any perceptible loss of function. On the other hand, stimulation of the uninjured callosum from above gave symmetrical bilateral movements, while if the cortex on one side was removed stimulation of the callosum gave unilateral movements on the side controlled by the uninjured hemisphere. These results seem to corroborate the conclu- sion derived from histological work to the effect that the system of the callo- sum is composed only of commissural fibres and that it sends no fibres directly into the internal capsule of either side. Concerning the corpora striata and the optic thalami very little is known. In the case of the corpora striata injury causes in man no permanent defect of sensation or motion, although both forms of disturbance may at the outset be present in the case of acute lesions. Lesions of the corpora striata cause a rise in temperature. Following a puncture of one corpus striatum there occurs in rabbits a rise amounting to some 3° C.: it begins a few minutes after the operation and may last a week, but the temper- ature tends to return to the normal. The most striking feature in these exper- iments is the very wide effects produced by an extremely small wound, like the puncture of a probe. In the cases where lesion of the striatum on one side causes in man a rise of temperature it appears mainly on the side of the body opposite the lesion.‘ A vaso-motor dilatation occurs over the parts of the body where the temper- ature is high. In less degree a rise of temperature follows injury of the optic thalamus— at least such is the result of experiments on rabbits—but the effect of the lesion is never so marked as in the case of the striatum. Owing to the disproportion between the area of the lesion and the extent of the effects, it is difficult to con- ceive of the anatomical relations which permit the reaction. It is of interest to note, however, that similar relations hold for the vaso-motor centre in the 1 Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, Bd. xlvii. 2 Brain, 1890. * Aronsohn und Sachs: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1885, Bd. xxxvii.; Richet: Compt. rend. de Acad. des Sciences, 1884; Ott: Brain, 1889, vol. xi. * Kaiser: Neurologische Centralblatt, No. 10, 1895. 714 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. bulb, in which case the vessels supplying a great area are controlled by a small group of cells. : The difficulty of an anatomical explanation is increased by the fact! that Ott enumerates in animals six heat-centres : 1. The cruciate, about the Rolandic fissure ; 2. The Sylvian, at the junction of the supra- and post-Sylvian fis- sures ; 3. The caudate nucleus; 4. The tissues about the striatum; 5. A point Habween the striatum and the thaleraun: near the median line; 6. Thea anterior mesial end of the thalamus. The only other division of the encephalon, the functions of which can prop- erly be described apart, is the cerebellum. This portion is among vertebrates. almost as variable in its development as the mantle of the cerebral hemispheres, and in many fish and mammals is asymmetrical in its gross structure. The recent work on this subdivision has been carried out in the first instance: by Luciani,’ and later by Russell* and by Ferrier.‘ The cerebellum is not concerned with psychical functions. The removal of it does not cause permanently either paralysis or anesthesia, but the imme- diate effects of an extensive injury are a paresis and analgesia as well as anzs- thesia mainly in the hind legs, and in consequence a high degree of inco- ordination in locomotion. A distinct series of symptoms, however, follows. injury to this organ, and these are modified according to the locality and nature of the lesion. Removal of one half (cerebellar hemisphere plus half the vermis) of the cerebellum in the dog causes a deviation outward and downward of the optic bulb on the opposite side, a proptosis of the bulbs on both sides, nystagmus and contracture of the muscles of the neck on the side of the lesion, and an increase of the tendon reflexes in the limbs. In walking the dog wheels toward the side opposite to the lesion, and tends to fall toward the side of the lesion. The symptoms are chiefly unilateral, and, caudad from the cerebellum, are on the side of the lesion. The symptoms are less severe when only one hemis- phere, instead of an entire half of the cerebellum, has been removed. The existing symptoms are not intensified by the removal of the remaining half. The permanent condition of the muscles after operation is expressed by an atonia, or lack of tonus, in the resting muscles ; an asthenia, or loss of strength, which was measured by Luciani, and was most marked in the hind leg; an astasia, or a lack of steadiness in the muscles during action; and finally an ataxia, or a want of orderly sequence, in the contractions of a muscle- group. The general expression of these symptoms is a twist of the trunk,. the concavity being toward the operated side, combined with a disorderly gait. At the same time there is no demonstrable permanent disturbance of tactile or muscular sensibility. Though the two halves of the cerebellum are united by strong commissural fibres, the complete division of the organ in the middle line is followed by a disturbance of the gait which is only transitory. Hence it is inferred that the 1 Ott: loc. cit. 2 Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 1891-92, xvi. * Philosophical Transactions Royal Society, 1894. * Brain, 1893, vol. xvi. a : : Fn ey Rae ee et ee Se ES pee - - \ = . go = CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. - 715 connections of the cerebellum are mainly with the same side of the bulb and spinal cord. Cephalad of the cerebellum the connection, however, is a crossed one, each cerebellar hemisphere being associated with the contralateral cerebral hemisphere. Throughout these connections, both cephalad and caudad to the cerebellum itself, it appears that there is always a double pathway, and the cerebellum not only sends impulses to, but receives them from, the regions with which it is associated. One effect of removal of one half of the cerebellum is to increase the respon- siveness of the cortex of the contralateral cerebral hemisphere to electrical stim- ulation, thereby making it possible with a weaker stimulus to obtain a reaction which could be obtained from the other hemisphere only by a stronger one. When an irritative lesion is made, instead of a merely destructive one, the rota- tion and falling are away from the side of the lesion instead of toward it. The experiments altogether show the cerebellum to be closely associated with the proper contraction of the muscles, and this is so directly connected with the maintenance of equilibrium that it is not surprising to find that stimulation or removal of the cerebellar cortex, besides producing nystagmus, may give rise to deviations of the eyes similar to those found on injury to the semicircular canals or stimulation of their nerves in fishes.’ PART III.—PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM TAKEN AS A WHOLE. A. WIGHT oF THE BRAIN AND SPINAL Corb. In attributing a value to the mass of the nervous system we assume that the elements which compose it possess potential energy. This energy varies for any given element in accordance with a number of conditions, but for the moment it will be sufficient to point out that if the mass of the entire system is significant the masses of its respective subdivisions are also significant, as showing in some measure the relative physiological importance of the several parts. Changes Dependent upon Age.—That the mass of the system varies with age is a matter of common observation. The changes which occur in the mass, although they are specially evident, are not the only changes which take place ; for with the change in mass go hand in hand changes in the relations which the elements bear to one another, and which result in making the organization of the system different at the different periods of life. Moreover, the special- ization of the nerve-elements, in the mammals at least, has been carried to such a point that they are utterly dependent for their full activity on the nutritive system, and the character and amount of the nutrient plasma is a circum- stance of prime importance. Any variation in this factor serves to com- pletely alter the activities of the system, be it never so well organized, and 1Lee: Journal of Physiology, 1893, vol. xv. ; 1894, vol. xvii. 716 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. therefore the discussion of the general powers of the nervous system for per- formance must never leave this factor unconsidered. Constituents of the Central System.—Calculation shows that the oiila bodies probably contribute less than 10 per cent. of the entire weight of the central system, so that the remainder must be made up of neurons and other © tissues. . In the central system there are present, besides the nerve-elements proper, the sustentacular tissues and the nutritive vessels—the channels for blood and lymph. Just what fraction of the total weight of the central system is thus represented has not been exactly determined, but it must be nearly equal to that of the nerve cell-bodies alone. 3 The weight of the brain is the weight of these several constituents. Of course a brain congested with blood would weigh more than one from which the blood had been largely withdrawn, but there is no way of controlling this condition directly. Previous to weighing, the brain is sometimes sub- divided and even cut into large sections, in which case of course much of the blood and lymph has the opportunity to drain away. In some cases too the brain is weighed without, and in others with, the pia. Weight of the Pia and Fluid.—Broca’s table for the weight of the pia in males is as follows :? 20-30 years ©. 065 4 6 oe enn 45 grams. 31-40 8 wa es | ala! 60 irae nee Te 60 “ The cast of the ventricles, as made by Welcker, displaces 26 cubic centi- meters of water, so that the fluid filling these cavities would weigh a trifle over 26 grams. Percentage of Water.—In man the percentage of water in the gray matter of the cerebrum is 81.8 per cent., and in the white matter 70 per cent.’ Specific Gravity.—According to calculation, the specific gravity of the entire encephalon is 1036.3 in the male and 1036.0 in the female. Ober- steiner? found the specific gravity of the cortex to gradually increase from frontal to the occipital lobe. It was further found that while the outermost layer of the cortex had a specific gravity of 1028, that of the middle layers was 1034 and of the deepest layers 1036, thus indicating a progressive increase from the most superficial to the deepest layers—an increase to be associated with the larger proportion of medullated fibres in the deeper layers. Weight of the Encephalon and Spinal Cord.—As a result of the pre- ceding statement it follows that when the weight of any portion of the nery- ous system is taken, the final record represents, in addition to the weight of the nerve-tissues proper, that of the supporting and nutritive tissues, together with the enclosed blood and lymph. It is, however, assumed that under normal conditions the relation between the nervous and non-nervous tissues is 1 Broca, quoted by Topinard: Eléments d’ Anthropologie générale, 1885. ? Halliburton: Journal of Physiloogy, 1894. 3 Centralblatt fiir Nervenheilkunde, 1894. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. TT nearly a constant one, and that the results of different weighings are therefore comparable among themselves. Interpretations of Weight.—Assuming as the simplest case that the num- ber of the nerve-elements composing a given portion of the central system is constant, then differences in the weight of these portions in different individ- uals imply variations in the size of the component cells. The significance of variations in the size of the nerve-elements must be, primarily, that the larger the cells, and especially the larger the cell-bodies, the greater the mass of cell- substance ready at any moment to undergo chemical change leading to the release of energy. On the other hand, if the number of elements is variable, an increase in the number must, in view of the law of isolated conduction, also provide a larger number of conducting pathways. Whether this increase in the number of pathways shall further add to the complication of the sys- tem depends on the localities at which it occurs. Bearing these facts in mind,. we may turn to the records of the weight of the encephalon. Weight of the Encephalon.—The encephalon is that portion of the cen- tral nervous system contained within the skull. The accompanying diagram. Fie. 203.—Showing the principal divisions of the encephalon made for the study of its weight: 1,. hemisphere seen from the side, fissuration according to Eberstaller; 2, mid-brain, region of the quad- rigemina; 3, pons; 4, cerebellum, or hind-brain; 5, bulb, or after-brain. Divisions 2, 3,and 5, taken together, form what is designated the “stem” in the tables of Boyd (modified from Quain’s Anatomy). (Fig. 203) shows the encephalon, together with one manner of subdividing it. Its weight has usually been taken while it was still covered by the pia, but after allowing the fluids to drain away for five minutes or more. As has been stated, sometimes drainage has been facilitated by cutting into the brain ;. hence, when the brain-weight records by any observer are to be discussed, the first question concerns the method according to which the brains were exam- ined, for the weights may be either with or without the pia and with or with- out drainage. 718 |AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. The anthropologists classify the encephala according to weight in the fol- lowing manner : | The Nomenclature of the Encephalon according to Weight. res in Grams (Topinard ). Classes. Males. Females. Macrocephalie .....+ +++ From 1925-1701 From 1743-1501 Lavie’ hit. 23a eee eb Re “1700-1451 _“ 1500-1351 Miastint i. op se ad ye ae “ 1450-1251 “ 1350-1151 Small. s: -'s -4./5 secs gee oe ei ee “1250-1001 “ —1150- 901 Microcephalio.. 2°." 0... Se ** 1000- 300 “« ~— 900- 283 The brain-weight in the majority of persons falls within the group of medium brains, and average figures are obtained by combining the individual records in which all variations from the medium occur. Of course races of small size, like the small people of India or the Pygmies of Africa, would not be expected to possess encephala equal in weights to those of the larger races of Europe. Any set of average figures, therefore, should be based as nearly as possible on observations made on a homogeneous population. Within the limits of a given race there are several conditions which determine differences in brain-weight, namely, sex, age, stature, and body-weight. From the observations by Dr. Boyd on the weight of the brain in England the following table has been compiled : Table showing the Weight of the Encephalon and its Subdivisions in Sane Persons, the Records being arranged according to Sex, Age, and Stature (from Marshall’s tables based on Boyd's records)." MALES. FEMALES. =| ‘ S Z ded E dea a E 3 3 E a oi © = = d g 3 ‘3 3 g 8 = 5 5 2 = 5 5 FE v1) < gy o os) D mR 2) 2) < Stature 175 cm. and upward. Stature 163 cm. and upward. 20-40 1409 1232 149 28 23 134 1108 1265 20-40 41-70 1363 1192 144 27 23 131 1055 1209 41-70 71-90 1330 1167 137 26 24a 130 1012 1166 71-90 Stature 172-167 cm. Stature 160-155em. 20-40 1360 1188 144 28 26s 1378s{ 1055 1218 20-40 41-70 1335 1164 144 27 268 131 1055 1212s) 41-70 71-90 1305 1135 1428 28 a8 24 128 969s} 1121 71-90 Stature 164 em. and under. Stature 152 cm. and under. 20-40 1331 1168 138 25 248 130 1045 1199 20-40 41-70 1297 1123 139 4 25 25 a8 129 105la 1205a | 41-70 71-90 1251 1095 131 25 25 a8 123 974 1122 71-90 The method of weighing the brain used by Dr. Boyd? was as follows: The skull-cap being removed and the pia being intact, the hemispheres were sliced 1 @ indicates that a record considered according to age is too large; s indicates that a record considered according to stature is too large. ® Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, 1860; see also Marshall: Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1892. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 719 away by horizontal sections as far down as the tentorium. The parts of the hemispheres still remaining were then removed by a section passing in front of the quadrigemina. The cerebellum was next separated from the stem, this latter being represented by the quadrigemina, the pons, and the bulb. Each hemisphere, the cerebellum, and the stem were then weighed separately. Between the twentieth year and old age there are here represented the average encephalic weights, arranged in two main groups according to sex, and then in large horizontal groups according to stature, those of a given stature being sub- divided according to age. This record is typical of what has been found by other observers and may be discussed without further evidence. If groups of similar ages and corresponding statures are compared accord- ing to sex, it is at once seen that the male possesses the heavier encephalon, and that all the subdivisions of it are likewise heavier. When individuals of the same sex and falling within the same age-limits are compared according to stature, those having the greater stature are found to have the greater brain-weight, though in the case of the subdivisions of the encephalon, and especially among the females, there are some irregularities, but these would probably disappear could the number of observations be increased. Finally, within the groups of those having the same stature, but different ages, the weight decreases with advancing age. The middle group, forty-one to seventy years of age, is in one way unfortunate, because, while the brain is probably still growing (see curve of growth, Fig. 204), during the first third of that period, and is nearly stationary (males especially) during the second, it begins to diminish so rapidly during the last third that the average weight is lower for the cases between sixty-one and seventy years than for the twenty years between forty-one and sixty years. Between seventy-one and ninety years the involutionary changes in the central system are most marked, and the decrease in weight during this period is clearly indicated. Body-weight.—As regards the relations between the weight of the central system and the weight of the body the case is not so clear. In the first place, the presence of fat at maturity disturbs the results, because the nervous system cannot be expected to vary with changes in the quantity of an inactive tissue representing stored food-stuff merely. The taller individuals have a larger cranial capacity than the shorter, and hence the variation of brain with body- mass can only be made fairly when persons of the same stature, but of dif- ferent body-weights, shall have been carefully compared. If under these cireumstances it shall appear that the bulkier individuals have the heavier nervous system, then the excess in their favor can be fairly correlated with the excess of the active tissues. Before suggesting an explanation of these variations according to age, sex, and stature, it is to be noted that they occur in other mammals as well as in man. As regards the difference in the weight of the encephalon due to sex, it has been shown to obtain among the apes,’ the male having the heavier brain , and from the general relation of size according to sex among the mammalia, A Keith: Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1895. 720 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. where the male as a rule has the greater body-weight, it is to be anticipated that: a similar difference in the weight of the brain will be shown in other groups, Among individuals of the same species, but of different races or of different lengths and weights, the law holds good that the larger races have the heavier brains, as do the larger and heavier individuals. Here, as in the case of man, it is always assumed that the differences in body-weight are mainly correlated with the active tissues like muscle, and not with fat. As to the loss of the brain in weight after maturity, observations on animals are scanty, but point to decrease in weight toward the natural close of life. Interpretation of Brain-weight.—In the absence of fuller data the explanation of the series of differences just mentioned is, in a very high degree, tentative. The loss of weight in advanced years appears to be due to a gen- eral atrophy of the nerve-elements. The greater brain-weight associated with greater stature appears to depend on the variations in the size of the elements rather than in their number, and, so far as can be seen, the distinction accord- ing to sex is susceptible of a similar explanation. The fact that the difference in brain-weight between the two sexes more probably depends upon a difference in the size of individual elements than upon a difference in the number of these elements is strongly suggested by the following considerations: The microcephalic brains, constituting one group which always appears in long series of records, belong to individuals whose intelligence is very limited or to those to whom the functions necessary to mere existence are just possible. In this latter class we have presumptively arrived at a brain in which the functional elements are reduced to the lowest number compatible with life. | Subjoined is a table giving the average weights of microcephalic brains for the two sexes, the observations being divided into three groups. In each of the groups taken the average weight for the females is less than that for the males: The Weight of the Brain in Microcephalics (condensed from Marchand), Group. 241-500 grams. 501-800 grams. 801-1015 grams. DEAT Sh 3) 5: a.) as hel ena hee 349 651 954 RIA cs. tS «seen? eee 299 621 912 When the weight for the two sexes is here compared, it is seen that the average for the female is the closer to the lower limit in each group. As by hypothesis we are dealing with the least possible number of elements in either sex, and as there is no reason to assume that this minimum number is materi- ally different for the two sexes, the inference is plausible that in these cases the difference in weight is in a large measure due to the difference in the size of the constituent elements. If this holds for the lower limit of the series, it is of course also probable that it holds throughout the entire series as well. As compared with the average brain, those of either sex forming the groups heavier than the average owe their greater weight more often to an increase in the size of the constituent elements than to an increase in their number. On 1 Marchand: Nova Acta der Kaiserl. Carol. Deutsch. Akad. der Naturférscher, Halle, 1890. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 721 the other hand, in those groups possessing the smallest weight not only the size, but more probably also the number, of elements may be reduced below that found in normal persons. These statements are of course to be applied for the present to members of the same race. We know that the mammals with smaller nervous systems than that of man have a far smaller number of nerve- cells composing them. | It is probable that the wider variations in the number of cells composing the nervous system in man occur among the different races, and that here, as well as among the microcephalics, in which development has been early arrested, differences in the number of cells are most marked. Weights of Different Portions.—A study of the proportional weights of the several subdivisions of the encephalon according to the sex, stature, and age shows that there is very little difference caused by variations in these con- ditions. This too, so far as it goes, suggests that the absolute weight is depend- ent rather on variations in the size than in the number of the elements, since a harmonious variation in number would be less probable than a harmonious - variation in size. Social Environment.—It is not to be expected that the weight of the brain among the least-favored classes in any community will be the same as that of those who, during the years of growth, are under favorable conditions. All extensive series of observations which we possess relate to the least-favored social classes, and hence it is not improbable that the figures in the foregoing tables, which are based on data obtained mainly at the Marylebone workhouse in London are decidedly below those which would be obtained from the more fortunate classes in the same community. We have a list of brain-weights which contains the records for a number of men of acknowledged eminence, and also for others who attained recognition as able persons without being exceptionally remarkable. It shows the men in this list to have brains on the average heavier than the usual hospital subject.’ Comparison of the brain-weights of eminent men with the weights taken from the classes used to furnish the standard has been made by Manouvrier. The table on page 722 gives the brain-weights occurring among eminent men compared with those found among Parisians of the lower classes, these latter being subdivided according to stature (Manouvrier). The figures express the number of brains in each group of 100 that would fall within the limits of weight opposite to which the entries stand. There is a wide range in the weights given in these tables, but at the same time their average is high as compared with the figures of Boyd and other — observers. Since even those who are undoubtedly distinguished present brain-weights having a wide range, and since any long series of observations would furnish a fair number of cases of high brain-weight without any suggestion of superior mental ability, it is evident that the high brain-weight and unusual mental capability are by no means necessarily Jinked—a conclu- sion in harmony with common observation. Whether, however, high brain- 1 Donaldson: The Growth of the Brain, 1896. 46 722 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. weight is to be considered more frequent among men of distinction cannot be determined until there is available a large number of records obtained, not from the less-favored social classes, but from persons accounted as ‘successful — merchants, bankers, and members of the learned professions. Parisians Parisians Eminent Men, Wott Enema, | Eos | ea sis |171-18 em. | 1st Series. | 24 Series. Series 1 and SOB-1008 7... ures at cee ee 0.6 FOUT=1100 659. POP BAER SOEs 0.6 120 £90005 vic tebe coud a hake ee er 3.5 rr 2.9 1.2 1-100 a is ee ee 23.3 15.5 111 2.9 75 1901-1400 Dursardeiaesaree, ots Te ek 31.5 97.5 17.8 17.2 17.5 LADD =1800 AG See geo eee 23.8 34.6 33.3 48.5 40.0 TO1=1600 6 oe ec a eee ee ae 9.6 15.5 24.5 22.8 23.8 4001-1700! &% ie dizi nrie® Mk ees 3.5 3.4 2.2 5.7 3.3 > 470)

: ep 67 $8 PRE Ne ce ae NS Pe, ang nD 2" 81 Child: at birth, 1215) 22024 oR, — 124 Boy at fifteen years. ....-.-+... — 124 15 years, bit MEME Co) hehe eee. ree — 160 19.95 It is believed that in this case the new cells and new fibres are not, strictly speaking, new morphological elements, but are the result of developmental changes taking place in the cells present in the system from an early period. A distinction is thus to be made between cell-elements which, because they are not developed, are therefore not a part of the system already physiologi- cally active, and those cells already organized together and which are fully functional. When, therefore, it is said that the cells of origin for the ventral root-fibres increase in number, the increase refers to the latter group, and not to the total number of elements of both kinds present in the cord. In other words, the number of cells appears to increase because the number of devel- oped cells become greater. | On the other hand, Schiller! counted the number of nerve-fibres in the oculo-motor nerves of cats, and found but a very slight difference in this num- ber between birth and maturity. So far, then, as this nerve is concerned, it is found in the cat to be nearly complete at the time of birth. In man there are very few observations on the increase in the number of functional nerve-cells with age. Kaiser,? as is shown in the accompanying table, found in man increasing numbers of large nerve-cells in the ventral horns of the spinal cord at the ages named : Number of Developed Cells in the Cervical Enlargement of Man at Dare Ages (Kaiser). Age. Number of Nerve-cells. Petud a6 weeks 2. 0. °. .< 1. (eee 50,500 apy; he en eee ee SMC yc 118,330 IN@W-DOIM ONG. f5. 4 ee eee 104,270 | So0y, Menon years 4’. 3 tk . . . 211,800 Malépadales), (0600) 200s 2 a 221,200 1 Schiller: Comptes rendus de ? Académie des Sciences, Paris, 1889. ? Die Functionen der Ganglienzellen des Halsmarkes, Haag, 1891. ——s wre = iy fe ae oY oo! eh ms ag Gc aS A ia —~ Pe Se ee eee ke fe ad Beant CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 729 Here, as in the frog, the apparent increase must be looked upon as due to the gradual development of elements present from an early date. Increase in the Fibres of the Cortex.—The area of the cerebral cortex (see Fig. 205) varies according to several conditions, but in general the more voluminous the cerebral hemispheres the greater its extent. That which coy- ers the walls of the sulci has in man about twice the extent of that directly exposed on the surface of the hemispheres. Fia. 205.—Diagram illustrating the extent of the cerebral cortex. The outer square (B) shows a sur- face one-twenty-fifth of 2352 sq. cm. in extent; the inner square (A) has two-thirds of this area, and is the proportion of the cortex sunken in the fissures. 2352 sq. cm. is approximately the area of the entire cortex in a male brain weighing 1360 grams. In the cortex of the human cerebral hemispheres: it has been shown by ‘Vulpius’ that the number of fibres in the different layers is greater at the thirty-third year than at earlier periods, and in old age the number is again decreased. At exactly what age decrease sets in is not to be determined from these observations. They show, simply, that in general the number of fibres was less at seventy-nine years than at thirty-three years. In a similar way Kaes” has compared the development of the thickness of the cortical fibre-layers in a youth of eighteen years as contrasted with a man of thirty-eight years, and found them thicker in the latter. The relation of the cell-bodies in the cerebral cortex at different ages is illustrated by Figure 206. | Significance of Medullation.—Two sorts of nerve-fibres are described— those with and those without a medullary sheath. Both have the power of isolated conduction, but in the peripheral system the non-medullated fibres are found in connection with the sympathetic system, where less specialized func- tions are carried on, and also in a large but varying degree in the central sys- *Vulpius: Archiv fiir Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 1892. 2 Neurologische Centralblatt, 1891. 730 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. tem. The wider significance of this difference in medullation is at the moment quite obscure. bein The first suggestion, that absence of the medullary sheath is an immature condition which persists in various parts of the nervous system, brings us at. Deis Me Il | | b? ) 26> 69 iS | sd BY le °o {) 067 Lee A Ake fis bd 2) I i Citas Ms ; wat, sl ge PY y <4: “e ° i] Ze oo oe f 6c / ih d, lg A —Oo9 VEN = < ; *3 o ° r ae = 200 e? c as Ss SS + es <*, =< a Fig. 206.—To show in the developing human cortex the increase in the number and size of the mature cell-bodies, as well as the separation of them from one another (Vignal): A, fetus of twenty-— eight weeks; B, fetus of thirty-two weeks; C, child at birth; D, man at maturity; I-V, layersofthe cortex according to the enumeration of Meynert. once to the question of the physiological difference thus implied but not | explained. — It is known that the central system is at birth very imperfectly medullated, — and the growth of these medullary sheaths must form a large part of the total — increase in its bulk. In the mature fibre the axis-cylinder and the medullary _ sheath have nearly equal volumes, and therefore approximately equal weights. The medullated fibres form probably not less than 90 per cent. of the total CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 731 weight of the nerve-tissues composing the encephalon, and of this one-half would be medullary substance. | Increase in the Mass of Nerve-cells.—The amount of this increase under various conditions has already been discussed, and been found to range between zero and fifty-thousand-fold. Number of Cells.—A conservative estimate of the number of cells in the entire central system is 3,000,000,000. Giving each cell of this number a vol- ume of at least 700° (His’ measurements give 697°), then this entire number could easily be placed in 2.25 cu.em. We assume that about three-quarters of the total volume of the central system is nerve-tissue proper, while the remaining quarter is composed of the supporting tissues and _ blood- vessels. | Volume of Central System.—The volume of the entire system contain- ing cells of the number and size chosen, as well as the supporting tissues, would then, on the supposition made, be about 3, which is approximately that found in the human fetus at the end of the twelfth week (see Fig. 207). The enlargement occurring between this time and maturity is that between 3 and 1340, the latter figure being the volume of the encephalon and cord, Maturity Birth Fetus 12 wks. Fig. 207.-Cubes illustrating the relative volumes of the central nervous system at the twelfth week of fetal life, at birth, and at maturity. The cubes as shown have exactly one-eighth of their true volumes. weighing 1386 grams (encephalon 1360 grams, and spinal cord 26 grams), and having together a specific gravity of 1036. This change demands an average enlargement in the nerve-elements of four hundred and forty- seven-fold, which, it is seen, is well within the limits of that found for a cortical cell of medium size which had enlarged six hundred and sixty times (pages 608, 609). 732 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Estimates of the Volume of the Central Nervous System. Encephalon and Spinal Cord at Different Ages. | Three-quarters of this volume is assumed to represent the nerve-elements proper. For the first two records I am indebted to Professor F. P. Mall. The third is estimated. «Weight, | Volgme of Nervous system Subject. Age. 0 Vol., f this i at éu.ech, % of cm. 2 hab a een eae 2 weeks. — 0.04 0.03 hd MO Nee, Sotho Baile ec tik 9 She oe. — 0.2 0.15 Moly ate diet See ARO 12:5 — 3.0 2.25 Cia. a i ae a oes ea ere At birth 381+-4 376 282 385 Mati é-ce'y see ehasee ea apa Be ea Adult 1360-+-26 1340 1005 1386 From the foregoing facts, together with those bearing on the cell-elements, it is possible to get some conception of the growth-processes in the central system, and to see how they are due to an enlargement of the nerve-elements which have been formed at a very early stage in the life-history of the individual. In such enlargements the chief increase is due to the formation of the neurons, and in them, in turn, about half the substance is represented by the medullary sheaths, In all probability these sheaths are no exception to the rule according to which all parts of the body are variable, not only in their absolute but also in their relative size, and therefore it is possible that the quantitative variation in this constituent is a very important factor in modifying. ie weight of the cen- tral system. Change in Specific Gravity with Age.— During fetal life and at birth the specific gravity of the nerve-tissues is low, but becomes higher at maturity. This change is correlated i in some measure with the development of the medul-. lary substance. For the gross physical ae which have thus been indibated as occurring during growth an explanation is to be found in the changes affecting the con- stituent elements, and these have been set forth when describing the growth of the individual cells. | C. ORGANIZATION AND NoutrITIoN oF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. - What is here meant by organization may be easily illustrated. When, for example, by later growth new tissue is added to the liver or the skin is in- creased in area or a muscle enlarged, there is caused by the addition of new substance a change in the powers of these tissues, which is mainly quantitative. The larger organ exhibits the same capabilities that the smaller organ exhibited, but does so in a greater degree. In the central nervous system, on the other and, it appears that with MD 28 CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 733 growth the system becomes capable of new reactions in the sense that its various responses are controlled and directed by a larger number of incoming impulses, and thus the number, complexity, and refinement of the reactions is increased, and in this sense it really attains new powers. With the change in the age of the central system there occurs from birth to maturity, if we may judge from general reactions, an increase in this organization which is maintained during the prime of life, and then in old age this breaks down, at first gradually, and later rapidly. It becomes important, therefore, to examine the manner in which this organ- ization is accomplished. | Organization in the Central System.— When first formed the cells com- posing the central system are completely separated from one another. In the mature nervous system the impulses, as has been pointed out, probably travel for the most part from the neurons of one unit to the dendrons of another. From the original position in which the young cells, the neuroblasts, are produced, they plainly migrate, and often these migrations involve groups of cells, as in the case of those forming the olivary bodies (His). For organization the most important changes, however, are those affecting the branches, both dendrons and neuron. During growth both of these in- crease in the length of their main stem and of their respective branches. In picturing the approach of two elements within the central system the process is usually described as that of the outgrowth of the neuron toward the den- drons or bodies of those cells which are destined to receive the impulse, but it must by no means be forgotten that the dendrons are also growing, and the question of the approximation of the branches of these latter to those of the neurons depends on their own activities as well. The conditions modifying this process are, however, obscure. It is evident that medullation outside of the central system is not necessary to the functional activity of a fibre, and therefore probably in the central system unmedullated fibres are also in many cases functional. Whatever may be the relation of the establishment of new pathways to the acquisition of medullary sheaths by the neuron and its branches, it is also clear that all fibres which when mature are medullated begin as unmedullated fibres, that the increase in medullation throughout the central system is an index of the increase in organization. A consideration of the facts of growth in the layers of the cortex, for instance, will show them to be open to this interpretation. Applying these ideas concerning organization to the three classes of cells, afferent, central, and efferent, composing the nervous system, we find the fol- lowing: In the central system the afferent cells contribute to organization by the multiplication of the collaterals. At the periphery the division of the branches of the neuron increases the number of opportunities for excitation which such an element offers. These cells are without dendrons. Among the central cells all possible modes of growth are contributory; that is, the branches of both kinds add directly to the complexity of the central pathways. On the other hand, the efferent group contributes to this com- 734 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. plexity almost solely by the formation of dendrons, the collaterals which come from the neurons of these cells forming but an insignificant contribution. Not only, therefore, is organization in large part dependent on changes in the cen- : tral cells by reason of their numerical preponderance, but also by reason of the fact that to them a multiplication of pathways both by elaboration of the neurons and the dendrons is alone possible. Defective Development.—In view of these facts, defective development in the nervous system may depend on failure in one or more of these several processes by which the system is organized, and it should be possible to correlate defective development involving mainly one set of elements with a distinct clinical picture. The results of defective development are not merely an absence of certain powers, but in some measure a diminution in the strength and range of those that remain. Laboratory Animals.—The bearing of these facts on the conception which we form of the nervous systems of those animals commonly employed for laboratory experiments may be here mentioned. The frog, pigeon, rabbit, cat, and dog form a series in which the total mass of the central system increases from the beginning to the end of the series. The number of cells in the largest system, that of the dog, is many times greater than that in the smallest, the frog, and it is probable that the others are — : in this respect intermediate. Organization is apparently more rapidly completed and more nearly simultaneous throughout the entire system in forms like the — frog and pigeon, and also in these latter the organization is least elaborate at the cephalic end. While the educability of the nervous system of the dog may depend on several conditions, the comparative slowness of organization is undoubtedly one of them, and a very important one. Where the organ- — ization is early established it is found that the parts organized have a greater independence than under the reverse conditions. In selecting an animal, therefore, on which to make a series of experiments, these several facts must be kept in view, for the choice is by no means a matter of indifference. . pi Blood-supply.—For the general distribution of the blood-vessels in rela- tion to the gross subdivision of the brain the student is referred to the works on anatomy. The finest network of vessels is, however, to be found where — the cell-bodies are most densely congregated, and indeed the distinction between the masses of gray and white matter in the central system is as clearly marked by the relative closeness of the capillary network as in any other way. One result of this relation between the blood-supply and the cell- bodies which form the gray matter is a general arrangement of the vessels along the radii of the larger-subdivisions of the brain, as the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum. The conditions which control the circulation within the cranium and spinal canal are not exactly the same at all periods of life, but the variations occur in minor points only. The general conditions are the following: The evidence, physiological and CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 735 histological, is against the existence of vaso-motor nerves in the vessels of the pia or of the encephalon and cord (see Circulation).’ The circulation in these regions, therefore, is not modified by any reflex varia- tions in the calibre of the vessels. The authors just cited do not find any evi- dence for a local control of the arterioles whereby the products of nerve-cell activity cause an increase in the diameter of the vessels affected by these sub- stances. The reactions of the central vessels are broadly those of a system of elastic tubes in a closed cavity. As a result, it is found that the quantity of blood in the central system is subject to very slight variations only. A rise in the arterial pressure causes a more rapid flow of the blood through the encephalon. It also causes a rise in the venous pressure, and with this a corresponding rise in the intracranial pressure, the last two varying in the same sense and to the same extent. The flow through the central system is subject to the influence of gravity, and takes place the more readily the more the resistance is diminished.? ‘The principal controlling mechanism is in the splanchnic area. According to the condition of the vessels in this area the intracranial blood-pressure varies. It is to be noted in passing that when a person lying on a table is balanced on a transverse axis, this axis is about 8.77 centimeters to the cephalic side of the line which joins the heads of the femurs.* This leaves, of course, the splanchnic area mainly on the cephalic side of this axis, and hence any inflow of blood from the extremities would tend to make the head end of the person thus balanced dip down. This dip will occur even when the splanchnic area alone is filled, and hence the dipping as such would not necessarily indicate an increase in the quantity of blood in the encephalon. In the adult the cranial cavity is almost rigidly closed. There is an oppor- tunity for the escape of a small quantity of fluid through the foramen magnum into the vertebral canal. When, as the result of increased arterial pressure, the brain has increased so as to drive out the subdural fluid, the brain is forced against the walls of the cranium and blocks the outflow into the spinal canal. In the same way it has been found that if a mass displacing from 2-3 be introduced into the subdural space of a dog the brain will adjust itself with- out rise of intracranial pressure. If in this case the volume of the mass intro- duced is increased, there follows a rise of intracranial pressure, and this rise in every instance tends to impede the circulation through the brain. While the fontanelles are open the brain normally pulsates, and we recognize in its varia- tions in volume all the different variations in blood-pressure with which we are familiar. The pulsation of the brain is doubtless an important aid to the movements of the fluids within and hence tends to facilitate nutrition during the earlier periods of growth. In pathological cases where the cranial wall has iohes destroyed, there is a similar variation in volume to be observed in the adult, and it is possible 1 Bayliss, Hill, and Gulland: Journal of Physiology, 1895, vol. xviii. 2 Hill: Journal of Physiology, 1895, vol. xviii. 3 W. und Ed. Weber: Mechanik der menschlichen Gehwerkzeuge, 1836. 736 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. that the beneficial effects which in so many instances follow trephining of the skull may depend upon this mechanical release. Of course in cases with a— defective skull-wall an increase in arterial pressure causes a more decided increase in the volume of blood in the brain; this, however, is much more marked than it would be under ordinary conditions, and is not to be regarded as the main effect, which is an increase in. the quantity of the blood passed through the central system in a unit of time. Mosso* has found the tempera- ture of the blood coming from the brain (dogs) slightly higher than that of the rectum and of the arterial blood. The differences are very small, but he draws the conclusion that the metabolic processes in the brain are suffi- ciently intense to raise the temperature of the blood passing through it. As against the intensity of the metabolism in the central system, it has been observed that blood taken from the torcular Herophili of the dog was intermediate between arterial blood and that taken from the femoral vein, thus indicating that the arterial exchange was less intense in the brain than in the muscles of the leg. The following is a condensed statement of the figures : Percentages of Oxygen and Carbonic Acid in various Samples of Dogs’ Blood (Hill)? Average of 52 arterialsamples .........+.. CO, 37.64 per cent. O 18.25 “ CO 4165 “ A f 42 torcula les... °s, «. 2) Ae ee 2 verage 0 orcular samples 0 18.49; : CO 45.75 “ A f 28 f l vein’. 3.0) 42), RAR 2 verage 0 emoral vein 0 684. The absolute quantity of blood in the brain and cord is certainly small ; if we may judge from the observations on animals, it is not more than 1 per cent. of the entire blood in the body. It is to be remembered, however, that the cell-bodies, which alone are well supplied with blood, probably represent less than one-tenth of the entire encephalic mass. 3 With general rise and fall of pressure elsewhere there is a rise and fall of pressure within the central system. During the first phases of mental activity blood is withdrawn from the limbs; the blood thus withdrawn can be shown to pass toward the trunk, for when a person lying on a horizontal table sup- ported at the centre on a transverse knife-edge is just balanced, then increased activity of the cerebral centres causes the head end to dip down (Mosso), and if the skull wall is defective the brain is seen to swell. In the latter stages of fatigue the blood-supply to the nerve-centres dimin- ishes owing to a decrease in force of the heart-beat and the tonicity of the splanchnic vessels, so that the brain in birds exhausted by a long flight has been found by Mosso to be in a high degree anemic. There is much reason to think that in man a similar reaction occurs. The study of the cerebral circulation in the case of those in whom the skull-wall is at some point deficient shows a bulging of the skin over the open- ing into the cranial cavity as a. result of mental effort or emotion. In the 1 Die Temperatur des Gehirns, 1894, Leipzig. 2 Journal of Physiology, vol. xviii., 1895. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. ‘737 normal adult this bulging cannot of course occur to anything like such an extent, and the space for the arterial blood must be gained in the first instance by driving out the blood from the venous sinuses within the cranium and through the removal of the subdural fluid. Influence of Glands.—In the growth of the nervous system it is not only the quantity, but the peculiar qualities, of the blood that are important, and among the various glands the activity of which is necessary for the growth of the nervous, as well as the other systems, and also needed for its full maintenance, the thyroid appears as very important. In sporadic cretinism, associated as it is with atrophy of the thyroid, the feeding of sheep’s thyroids has produced remarkable growth-changes in all parts of the body—the nervous system included. At the same time, experimental extirpation of the thyroid is followed by de- structive changes in the central system, caused by disturbances in its nutrition. Starvation.—In starving animals the nervous system loses but very little in weight.! This small loss is most striking, and would seem to be best explained on the assumption that the other tissues are used to keep up the central system, which, when even slightly reduced in weight, ceases to act. Fatigue.—The histological basis of fatigue, as expressed by the changes in the individual cells, has already been discussed. The fatigue of the system as a whole is but the expression of fatigue in large numbers of its elements, but the manner in which the changes show themselves is somewhat complicated. When the attempt is made to raise a weight by the voluntary contractions of the muscles of the index finger at regular intervals, say once a second, it is found that if the weight be heavy the power of the finger decreases, and the <— KK: ith hl lll AAI Fig. 208.—A record of the extent of the flexions of the forefinger lifting a weight at regular intervals. The light lines are those for the voluntary contractions; the heavy lines, those for contractions follow- ing the direct stimulation of the flexor muscles by electricity. In the former there are periods, in the latter none. The arrow shows the direction in which the record is to be read (Lombard). weight soon ceases to be lifted as high as at first. Finally, a point is reached when the voluntary effort produces little or no elevation of the weight. If, however, despite this failure, the effort is still made at regular intervals, it occurs in some persons that this power returns gradually, and a few seconds later the contractions are very nearly as high as at the beginning of the ex- periment (Mosso). This phenomenon may repeat itself many times, giving a record formed by groups of contractions most extensive near the centre of 1 Voit: Leitschrift fiir Biologie, Bd. xxx., 1894. 47 738 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. each group, these latter being separated by portions of the curve in which the contractions are very small or wanting (see Fig. 208). (See General Physiology of Nerve and Muscle, p. 126.) Daily Rhythms.— Within the cycle of the astronomical day the progress of events leading to fatigue is not a steady one. Lombard! found that if the capacity for voluntary effort was measured by the amount of work which could be done by voluntarily contracting the flexor muscles of the index finger before the first failure to respond to a voluntary stimulus appeared, then the curve A.M. 2 8 4 8 6-7 86 9° Bio 2 Uo ee eee T Sitikatt | De{Ab eae yt) eae es eS “t i i ") | -, | / I M. 8 gs WO Tt Cm. — ; ed | (| | sf iy “P| a irae Fee 40 Fia. 209.—Showing at each hour of the day and night how many centimeters a weight of 3000 grams. could be raised by repeated voluntary contractions of the forefinger before fatigue set in. The curve is highest at 10 to 11 a, M. and 10 to 11 p. m.; lowest, 3to4P.mM.and3to4a.m. Circle with dot, observation made just after taking food; square with dot, smoking; *, work done eight minutes after drinking 15 cubic centimeters of whisky (Lombard). expressing this capacity for voluntary work throughout the day was repre- sented as in Fig. 209. Briefly, the curve shows two maxima, at 10 P. M. and — 10 A. M., with two minima midway between them. In general the immediate effect of taking food is to increase the work done by the subject. Alcohol has the same effect, while smoking produces a decrease. Further, from day to day this capacity for work was influenced by a num- ber of external conditions—temperature, barometric pressure, etc. Time taken in Central Processes.—A1I processes in the nervous system take time, and are for the most part easy to measure. The rate of the nerve- impulse has already been given. Jt has also been noted that in passing through the body of a spinal ganglion-cell the impulse suffers some delay. When, 1 Journal of Physiology, vol. xiii., 1892. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 739 however, it passes from one element to another the delay is even more marked, and it is plausible to assume that this detention occurs at the juncture of the elements. Thus in those parts of the central system where the cell-elements and also the cell-junctions are most numerous, the time taken is longest. $0.5 See. Fig. 210.—To show the rate at which impulses pass through the nervous system of a frog. At the extreme left the vertical has the value of 0.5 second and the other verticals are compared with it; thus between the cerebrum and the optic lobe requires about 0.25 second; between the bulb and the lumbar enlargement a greater distance—only about half the time; and for the still greater distance represented by the length of the sciatic nerve even less time is needed (Exner). Figure 210 shows this very well. Between the middle of the cerebral hemisphere and the optic lobe, although the distance is short, the impulse takes twice as long to travel as between the bulb and the lumbar enlargement. When this time is measured in the conscious individual it is of course open to a long series of modifying conditions, and these appear to be in part the same condi- tions which modify the muscular endurance of the individual at different por- tions of the day. Thus it has been determined that the speed with which reactions can be made, as indicated by the reaction time, is subject to varia- tions, and does not steadily decrease from the morning to the evening. It has been the purpose of the paragraphs just preceding to indicate that through the day it is not possible to demonstrate a steady decline of power in the nervous system. We begin the morning, to be sure, feeling fresh, and are fagged in the evening, but the course by which this condition has been attained is not a simple or direct one. D. SLEzP. Conditions Favoring Sleep.—To recover from fatigue sleep is required. The prime condition favoring sleep is the diminution of nerve-impulses pass- ing through the central system. This is accomplished in two ways. In the first instance it is usual to reduce all incoming stimuli toa minimum. This is most directly under our own control. On the other hand, the permeability of the nervous system and the intensity with which it responds are decreased as the result of the beginning fatigue. How these conditions are brought about has been a matter of much speculation and some experiment. The parts played by the sensory and that by the -central cells vary some- what at different times of life, for impulses are much less widely diffused in the early years than at maturity. Moreover, in childhood the amount of stored material is small, large at maturity, and small again in old age, and this holds true for all the groups of cells. Hence the cells would, by reason of this fact, have the greatest capability for work in. the middle period. 740 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Between childhood and old age there is, however, this difference—that while in the former the non-available substances in the cell are developing, not yet having matured, those in the latter have in some way become permanently useless. The degree to which the blood-supply can be controlled varies with age, and the amounts of substance capable of yielding energy at various periods of life are different ; so that, considering these factors alone, though there are probably others, it may be easily appreciated that the sleep of childhood, maturity, and old age should be quite distinguishable. Cause of Sleep.—lIt is recognized that local exercise is capable of producing general fatigue, and the fatigued portions give rise to afferent impulses which, reaching the central system, cause some of the sensations of fatigue ; moreover, the active tissues (nerve-cells and muscles) yield as the result of their activity some by-product which is carried by the blood through the central system and becomes the chief cause of sleep. It has been shown by Mosso that if a dog be thoroughly fatigued, giving all the signs of exhaustion, and the blood from this dog be transfused to one that has been at rest, after the transfusion the dog which has received the blood from the exhausted animal will exhibit the symptoms of fatigue in full force. The inference is that from the tired animal certain by-products have thus been transferred, and that these are responsible for the reactions. We know, further, that we can distinguish in ourselves different forms of the feeling of fatigue, and that the sensations which follow the prolonged exercise of the muscular system differ from those follow- ing the exercise of the higher nerve-centres. Cessation of stimuli, decreased responsiveness of the active tissues, and a change in the composition of the blood are the preliminaries to sleep. To these should be added the diminution of the blood-supply to the head. A condition superficially resembling sleep can be induced in various ways. Removal of all external stimuli, extreme cold, anesthetics, hypnotic suggestion, compression of the carotids, a blow on the head, loss of blood, all produce a state of unconsciousness which, in so far, has a similitude with sleep. These conditions produce this state, however, by mechanically decreasing the blood- supply or cutting off the peripheral stimuli. | Normal sleep is tested by the fact that during its progress the changes that occur in the central system are recuperative, whereas this feature may be more or less absent from the states which merely resemble it. Condition of the System during Sleep.—It appears that during sleep the capacity of the central system to react is never lost. Were such the case it would not be possible to awaken the sleeper. Moreover, the sleeping per- son is far more responsive to stimuli from without than at first might be thought. The close relations between dreams and external stimuli has been recognized, and plethysmographic studies show still more clearly how the matter stands, | It was found that when a subject fell asleep with the arm in a plethysmo- graph various stimuli which did not waken the sleeper still served to cause a diminution in the volume of the arm, which was certainly due to the with- CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 74] drawal of blood from it, the blood-supply to the brain being probably at the same time increased (see Fig. 211). 1 3 thal itt ! | Nyt iy! I I | | TL Ih] il! | h ', 9 cr 1, I , pltny sy 4 > gan, atay tld yy ' Mi “wun 99999 Fig. 211.—Plethysmographic record taken from the arm of a person sleeping in the laboratory. A fall in the curve indicates a decrease in the volume of the arm. The curve is to be read in the direction of the arrow. 1, the night watchman entering the laboratory, waking the subject, who shortly fell asleep again; 2, the watchman spoke; 3, watchman went out; these changes (2 and 3) occurred without awak- ening the subject (from experiments made by Messrs. Bardeen and Nichols, Johns Hopkins Medical School). This experiment shows that during sleep the nervous system is capable of reactions which are not remembered in any way, but which naturally form a feature of the condition intermediate between waking and deep slumber. The depth of sleep as determined by the strength of the stimulus necessary to elicit an efficient response has been measured. The stimulus in these experiments was the sound caused by the fall of a ball upon a plate, and the measure was Strength of stimulus 800 + wot LI / ot ber | soo | | Debt. | 100 ate . ——— Hours O5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 78 Fig. 212.—Curve illustrating the strength of an auditory stimulus (a ball falling from a height) neces- sary to waken a sleeping person. The hours marked below. The tests were made at half-hour intervals. The curve indicates that the distance through which the ball required to be dropped increased during the first hour, and then diminished, at first very rapidly, then slowly (Kohlschiitter). —,, P the height from which the ball must fall in order to produce a sound loud enough to awaken a sleeping person. The results of the observations are shown in Figure 212. ° 742 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. It is seen from this that the period of deep slumber is short, less than two hours, and is followed by a long period, that of an average night’s rest, during which a comparatively slight stimulus is sufficient to awaken. Almost the same results have been more recently obtained by Ménninghoff and Pies- bergen." It is evident that the effectiveness of such a stimulus is, however, no measure of the recuperative processes in the central system. Repair is by no means accomplished during the interval of deep sleep, and experience has shown, as in the case of persons undertaking to walk a thousand miles in one thousand hours, that although such an arrangement left the subject with two-thirds of the total time for rest and refreshment, yet the feat was most difficult to accom- plish by reason of the discontinuity in the sleep. The changes leading to recuperation needed longer periods than those permitted by the conditions of the experiment. Loss of Sleep.—Loss of sleep is more damaging to the organism as a whole than is starvation. It has been found (Maniceine) that in young dogs which can recover from starvation extending over twenty days, loss of sleep for five days or more was fatal. Toward the end of such a period the body-tem- perature may fall as much as 8° C. below the normal and the reflexes disap- pear. ‘The red blood-corpuscles are first diminished in number, to be finally increased during the last two days, when the animal refuses food. The most widespread change in the tissues is a fatty degeneration, and in the nervous system there were found capillary hemorrhages in the cerebral hemispheres, the spinal cord appearing abnormally dry and anemic. BE. Outp AGE oF THE CENTRAL SYSTEM. Metabolism in the Nerve-cells.—Connected closely with fatigue are those alterations both of the constituent nerve-cells and of the entire system found in old age. The picture of the changes in the living cells is that of anabolic and katabolic processes always going on, but varying in their absolute and relative intensity according to several conditions. Of these conditions one of the most important is the age of the individual. In youth and during the growing period of life the anabolic changes appear within the daily cycle of activity and repose to overbalance the katabolic, the total expenditure of energy increasing toward maturity. During middle life the two processes are more nearly in equilibrium, though the total expenditure of energy is probably greatest then, and finally in old age the total expenditure diminishes, while at the same time the anabolic processes become less and less competent to repair the waste. The question why in the nervous system the energies wane with advanced age is but the obverse of the question why they wax during the growing period. The essential nature of these changes is in both instances equally obscure. Decrease in Weight of Brain.—The weight of the brain in advanced life shows that between fifty and sixty years there is a decrease in the bulk of the encephalon in those persons belonging to the classes from which the greater 1 Zeitschrift siir Biologie, 1898, Bd. xix. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 143 number of the records have been obtained. So far as can be seen, there is no marked change in the proportional development of the encephalon in old age, save that the waste appears to be slightly greater in the cerebral hemispheres than in the other portions. Changes in Encephalon.—The thickness of the cerebral cortex diminishes in harmony with the shrinkage of the entire system. In large measure this must depend on the loss of volume in the various fibre-systems, which, accord- ing to the observations of Vulpius, show a senile decrease in the number of fibres composing them. This decrease is more marked in the motor than in the sensory areas. The time at which it commences cannot, however, be well judged, owing to the small number of records after the thirty-third year. Where records are made between this and the seventy-ninth year it appears that there is no decided diminution until after the fiftieth year, though at the seventy-ninth the decrease is clearly shown. Engel has shown that the branches of the arbor vite of the human cerebellum decrease in size and number in old age.’ To the anatomy of the human nervous system in old age contributions have been made by studies on the pathological anatomy of paralysis agitans.? In subjects suffering from this affection the bodies of the nerve-cells are shrunken, pigmented, and show in some cases a granular degeneration; the fibres in part are atrophied and degenerated ; the supporting tissues increase, and the walls of the small blood-vessels are thickened. These changes have been found principally in the spinal cord, being most marked in the lumbar region. But the cords of the aged persons who do not exhibit the symptoms of paralysis agitans show similar changes, though usually they are not so evident, and hence the pathological anatomy of this disease resolves itself into a somewhat premature and excessive senility of the central system. Changes in the Cerebellum.—F rom the examination of the cerebral cor- tex in the case of a man dying of old age (Hodge) no peculiarities were deter- mined, but in the cerebellum some cells were shrunken and others (cells of Purkinje) had completely disappeared. In the antennary ganglion of bees a very striking difference appears between those dying of old age and the adult just emerged from its larval skin. These changes are comparable with those described in mammals, and it further appears that in passing from the youngest to the oldest forms cells have disappeared from the ganglia, and that in the young form of the bee there are some twenty-nine cells present for each one found at a later period. Shrinkage, decay, and destruction mark the progress of senes- cence, and the nervous system as a whole becomes less vigorous in its responses, less capable of repair or extra strain, and less permeable to the nervous impulses that fall upon it; and it thus breaks down, not into the disconnected elements of the fetus, but into groups of elements, so that its capacities are lost in a fragmentary and uneven way. 1 Engel: Wiener medicinische Wochenschrift, 1863. 2 Ketcher: Zeitschrift fiir Heilkunde, 1892; Redlich: Jahrbuch fiir Psychiatrie, 1893. XI. THE SPECIAL SENSES. A. VISION. The Physiology of Vision.—The eye is the organ by means of which certain vibrations of the luminiferous ether are enabled to affect our conscious- ness, producing the sensation which we call “light.” Hence the essential part of an organ of vision is a substance or an apparatus which, on the one hand, is of a nature to be stimulated by waves of light, and, on the other, is so con- nected with a nerve that its activity causes nerve-impulses to be transmitted to the nerve-centres. Any animal in which a portion of the ectoderm is thus differentiated and connected may be said to possess an eye—#. ¢. an organ through which the animal may consciously or unconsciously react to the exist- ence of light around it.'| But the human eye, as well as that of all the higher animals, not only informs us of the existence of light, but enables us to form correct ideas of the direction from which the light comes and of the form, color, and distance of the luminous body. To accomplish this result the substance sensitive to light must form a part of a complicated piece of apparatus capable of very varied adjustments. ‘The eye is, in other words, an optical instrument, and its description, like that of all optical instruments, includes a consideration of its mechanical adjustments and of its refracting media. _ Mechanical Movements.—The first point to be observed in studying the movements of the eye is that they are essentially those of a ball-and-socket joint, the globe of the eye revolving freely in the socket formed by the capsule of Tenon through a horizontal angle of almost 88° and a vertical angle of about 80°. The centre of rotation of the eye (which is not, however, an ubsolutely fixed point) does not coincide with the centre of the eyeball, but lies a little behind it. It is rather farther forward in hypermetropic than in myopic eyes. The movements of the eye, especially those in a horizontal direction, are sup- plemented by the movements of the head upon the shoulders. The combined eye and head movements are in most persons sufficiently extensive to enable the individual, without any movement of the body, to receive upon the lateral portion of the retina the image of an object directly behind his back. The rotation of the eye in the socket is of course easiest and most extensive when the eyeball has an approximately spherical shape, as in the normal or emme- tropic eye. When the antero-posterior diameter is very much longer than those 1 In certain of the lower orders of animals no local differentiations seem to have occurred, and the whole surface of the body appears to be obscurely sensitive to light. See Nagel: Der Lichtsinn augenloser Thiere, Jena, 1896. 744 a ek a i i a «te Site OR. ee THE SENSE OF VISION. 745 at right angles to it, as in extremely myopic or short-sighted eyes, the rotation of the eyeball may be considerably limited in its extent. In addition to the movements of rotation round a centre situated in the axis of vision, the eye- ball may be moved forward and backward in the socket to the extent of about one millimeter, This movement may be observed whenever the eyelids are widely opened, and is supposed to be effected by the simultaneous contraction of both the oblique muscles. A slight lateral movement has also been described. The movements of the eye will be best understood when considered as referred to three axes at right angles to each other and passing through the centre of rotation of the eye. The first of these axes, which may be called the longitudinal axis, is best described as coinciding with the axis of vision when, with head erect, we look straight forward to the distant horizon; the second, or transverse, axis is defined as a line passing through the centres of rotation of the two eyes; and the third, or vertical, axis is a vertical line nec- essarily perpendicular to the other two and also passing through the centre of rotation. . When the axis of vision coincides with the longitudinal axis, the eye is said to be in the primary position. When it moves from the primary posi- tion by revolving around either the transverse or the vertical axis, it is said to assume secondary positions. All other positions are called tertiary positions, and are reached from the primary position by rotation round an axis which lies in the same plane as the vertical and horizontal axis—i. e. in the “ equato- rial plane” of the eye. When the eye passes from a secondary to a tertiary position, or from one tertiary position to another, the position assumed by the eye is identical with that which it would have had if it had reached it from the primary position by rotation round an axis in the equatorial plane. In other words, every direction of the axis of vision is associated with a fixed position of the whole eye—a condition of the greatest importance for the easy and correct use of the eyes. A rotation of the eye round its antero-posterior axis takes place in connection with certain movements, but authorities differ with regard to the direction and amount of this rotation. Muscles of the Hye.—The muscles of the eye are six in number—viz: the superior, inferior, internal and external recti, and the superior and inferior oblique. This apparent superfluity of muscles (for four muscles would suffice to turn the eye in any desired direction) is probably of advantage in reducing the amount of muscular exertion required to put the eye into any given posi- tion, and thus facilitating the recognition of slight differences of direction, for, according to Fechner’s psycho-physic law the smallest perceptible difference in a sensation is proportionate to the total amount of the sensation. Hence if the eye can be brought into a given position by a slight muscular effort, a change from that position will be more easily perceived than if a powerful effort were necessary. Each of the eye-muscles, acting singly, tends to rotate the eye round an axis which may be called the axis of rotation of that muscle. Now, none of the muscles have axes of rotation lying exactly in the equator of the eye—i. e. in a plane passing through the centre of rotation perpendicular to the axis 746 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of vision.'. But all movements of the eye from the primary position take place, as we have seen, round an axis lying in this plane. Hence all such movements must be produced by more than one muscle, and this circumstance also is prob- ably of advantage in estimating the extent and direction of the movement. In this connection it is interesting to note that the eye-muscles have an exception- ally abundant nerve-supply—a fact which it-is natural to associate with their power of extremely delicate adjustment. It has been found by actual count that in the muscles of the human eye each nerve-fibre supplies only two or three muscle-fibres, while in the muscles of the limbs the ratio is as high as 1 to 40-125? Although each eye has its own supply of muscles and nerves, yet the two eyes are not independent of each other in their movements. The nature of their connections with the nerve-centres is such that only those movements are, as a rule, possible in which both axes of vision remain in the same plane. This condition being fulfilled, the eyes may be together directed to any desired point above, below, or at either side of the observer. The axes may also be con- verged, as is indeed necessary in looking at near objects, and to facilitate this convergence the internal recti muscles are inserted nearer to the cornea than the other muscles of the eye. Though in the ordinary use of the eyes there is never any occasion to diverge the axes of vision, yet most persons are able to effect a divergence of about four degrees, as shown by their power to overcome the ten- dency to double vision produced by holding a prism in front of one of the eyes, The nervous mechanism through which this remarkable co-ordination of the muscles of the two eyes is effected, and their motions limited to those which are useful in binocular vision, is not completely understood, but it is supposed to have its seat in part in the tubercula quadrigemina, in connection with the nuclei of origin of the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves. Its disturbance by disease, alcoholic intoxication, etc. causes strabismus, confusion, dizziness, and double vision. | A nerve termination sensitive to light, and so arranged that it can be turned in different directions, is sufficient to give information of the direction from which the light comes, for the contraction of the various eye-muscles indicates, through the nerves of muscular sense, the position into which the eye is nor- mally brought in order to best receive the luminous rays, or, in other words, the direction of the luminous body. The eye, however, informs us not only of the direction, but of the form of the object from which the light proceeds ; and to understand how this is effected it will be necessary to consider the refracting media of the eye by means of which an optical image of the luminous object is thrown upon the expanded termination of the optic nerve—viz. the retina. Dioptric Apparatus of the Eye.—For the better comprehension of this portion of the subject a few definitions in elementary optics may be given. A ' The axes of rotation of the internal and external recti, however, deviate but slightly from the equatorial plane. ry > P. Tergast: “Ueber das Verhiiltniss von Nerven und Muskeln,” Archiv fiir mikr. Anat. ix. 36-46, THE SENSE OF VISION. 747 dioptric system in its simplest form consists of two adjacent media which have different indices of refraction and whose surface of separation is the segment of a sphere. A line joining the middle of the segment with the centre of the sphere and prolonged in either direction is called the axis of the system. Let the line A PB in Figure 213 represent in section such a spherical surface the . gainers E Me . Gq M’ B Fig. 213.—Diagram of simple optical system (after Foster). centre of which is at N, the rarer medium being to the left and the denser me- dium to the right of the line. Any ray of light which, in passing from the rarer to the denser medium, is normal to the spherical surface will be unchanged in its direction—i. e. will undergo no refraction. Such rays are represented by the lines O P, MD, and M’ E. Ifa pencil of rays having its origin in the rarer medium at any point in the axis falls upon the spherical surface, there will be one ray—viz. the one which coincides with the axis of the system, which will pass into the second medium unchanged in its direction. This ray is called the principal ray (O P), and its point of intersection (P) with the spherical surface is called the principal point. The centre of the sphere (VV) through which the principal ray necessarily passes is called the nodal point. All the other rays in the pencil are refracted toward the principal ray by an amount Fia. 214.—Diagram to show method of finding principal foci (Neumann). which depends, for a given radius of curvature, upon the difference in the refractive power of the media, or, in other words, upon the retardation of light in passing from one medium to the other. If the incident rays have their origin at a point infinitely distant on the axis—i. e. if they are parallel to each other—they will all be refracted to a point behind the spherical surface known 748 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. as the principal focus, F. There is another principal focus (F”) in front of the spherical surface—viz. the point from which diverging incident rays will be refracted into parallelism on passing the spherical surface, or, in other words, the point at which parallel rays coming from the opposite direction will be brought to a focus. The position of these two principal foci may be deter- mined by the construction shown in Figure 214. Let CA C’ representa sec- tion of a spherical refracting surface with the axis A JN, the nodal point N, and the principal point A. The problem is to find the foci of rays parallel to the axis. Erect perpendiculars at A and N. Set off on each perpendicular dis- tances No, Np, Ao’, Ap’ proportionate to the rapidity of light in the two media (e. g. 2:3). The points where the lines p’o and po’ prolonged will cut the axis are the two principal foci F' and #’’—4+. e. the points at which parallel rays. coming from either direction are brought to a focus after passing the spherical refracting surface. If the rays are not parallel, but diverging—. e. coming from an object at a finite distance—the point where the rays will be brought to — a focus, or, in other words, the point where the optical image of the luminous. object will be formed, may be determined by a construction which combines any two of the three rays whose course is given in the manner above described. Thus in Figure 215 let A N be the axis, and F and F’ the principal foci of B . ee Fig. 215.—Diagram to show method of finding conjugate foci. the spherical refracting surface C_A C’, with a nodal point at VN. Let B be the origin of a pencil of rays the focus of which is to be determined. Draw the line BC representing the course of an incident ray parallel to the axis. This ray will necessarily be refracted through the focus J, its course being represented by the line CF and its prolongation. Similarly, the incident ray passing through the focus F’ and striking the spherical surface at C’ will, after refraction, be parallel to the axis—. e. it will have the direction C’b. The principal ray of the pencil will of course pass through the spherical surface and the nodal point NV without change of direction. These three rays will come together at the same point 6, the position of which may be determined by con- structing the course of any two of the three. The points B and 6 are called conjugate foci, and are related to each other in such a way that an optical image is formed at one point of a luminous object situated at the other. When the rays of light pass through several refracting surfaces in succession their course may be determined by separate calculations for each surface, a process which is much simplified when the surfaces are “centred ”—#. e. have their centres of curvature lying in the same axis, as is approximately the case in the eye. Refracting Media of the Eye.—Rays of light in passing through the eye penetrate seven different media and are refracted at seven surfaces. The media ae wT far I | » j a : z H : - : — THE SENSE OF VISION. 749 are as follows: layer of tears, cornea, aqueous humor, anterior capsule of lens, lens, posterior capsule of lens, vitreous humor. The surfaces are those which separate the successive media from each other and that which separates the tear layer from the air. For purposes of practical calculation the number of sur- faces and media may be reduced to three. In the first place, the layer of tears which moisténs the surface of the cornea has the same index of refraction as the aqueous humor. Hence the index of refraction of the cornea may be left out of account, since, having practically parallel surfaces and being bounded en both sides by substances having the same index of refraction, it does not influence the direction of rays of light passing through it. For this same reason objects seen obliquely through a window appear in their true direction, the refraction of the rays of light on entering the glass being equal in amount and opposite in direction to that which occurs in leaving it. For purposes of optical calculation we may, therefore, disregard the refraction of the cornea (which, moreover, does not differ materially from that of the aqueous humor), and imagine the aqueous humor extending forward to the anterior surface of the layer of tears which bathes the corneal epithelium. Furthermore, the cap- sule of the lens has the same index of refraction as the outer layer of the lens itself, and for optical purposes may be regarded as replaced by it. Hence the optical apparatus of the eye may be regarded as consisting of the fol- lowing three refracting media: Aqueous humor, index of refraction 1.33; lens, average index of refraction 1.45; vitreous humor, index of refraction 1.33. The surfaces at which refraction occurs are also three in number: An- terior surface of cornea, radius of curvature 8 millimeters; anterior surface of lens, radius of curvature 10 millimeters ; posterior surface of lens, radius of curvature 6 millimeters. It will thus be seen that the anterior surface of the lens is less and the posterior surface more convex than the cornea. To the values of the optical constants of the eye as above given may be added the following: Distance from the anterior surface of the cornea to the anterior surface of the lens, 3.6 millimeters ; distance from the posterior sur- face of the lens to the retina, 15. millimeters ; thickness of lens, 3.6 millimeters. The methods usually employed for determining these constants are the fol- lowing: The indices of refraction of the aqueous and vitreous humor are determined by filling the space between a glass lens and a glass plate with the fresh humor. The aqueous or vitreous humor thus forms a convex or concave lens, from the form and focal distance of which the index can be calculated. Another method consists in placing a thin layer of the medium between the hypothenuse surfaces of two right-angled prisms and determining the angle at which total internal reflection takes place. In the case of the crystalline lens the index is found by determining its focal distance as for an ordinary lens, and solving the equation which expresses the value of the index in terms of radius of curvature and focal distance, thickness, and focal length. The refractive index of the lens increases from the surface toward the centre, a peculiarity which tends to correct the disturbances due to spherical aberration, as well as to increase the refractive power of the lens as a whole. 750 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. The curvature of the refracting surfaces of the eye is determined by an instrument known as an ophthalmometer, which measures the size of the — reflected image of a known object in the various curved surfaces. The radius of curvature of the surface is determined by the following formula: 2Ab B:b=A: * Beste a in which B =the size of the object, b =the size of the image, A =distance between the object and the reflecting surface, and r =the radius of the reflecting surface. The distances between the various surfaces of the eye are measured on frozen sections of the organ, or can be determined upon the living eye by optical methods too complicated to be here described. It should be borne in mind that the above values of the so-called “optical constants” of the eye are subject to considerable individual variation, and that the statements of authors concerning them are not always consistent. The refracting surfaces of the eye may-be regarded as still further sim- plified, and a so-called “reduced eye” constructed which is very useful for purposes of optical calculation. ‘This reduced eye, which for optical purposes is the equivalent of the actual eye, is regarded as consisting of a single refract- ing medium having an index of 1.33, a radius of curvature of 5.017 milli- meters, its principal point 2.148 millimeters behind the anterior surface of the cornea, and its nodal point 0.04 millimeter in front of the posterior surface of the lens." The principal foci of the reduced eye are respectively 12.918 millimeters in front of and 22.231 millimeters behind the anterior surface of the cornea. Its optical power is equal to 50.8 dioptries.? The position of this imaginary refracting surface is indicated by the dotted line in figure 216. The Fic. 216.—Diagram of the formation of a retinal image (after Foster). nodal point, n, in this construction may be regarded as the crossing-point of all the principal rays which enter the eye, and, as these rays are unchanged in their direction by refraction, it is evident that the image of the point whence they proceed will be formed at the point where they strike the retina. Hence to determine the size and position of the retinal image of any external object— e. g. the arrow in Figure 216—it is only necessary to draw lines from various 1 Strictly speaking, there are in this imaginary refracting apparatus which is regarded as equivalent to the actual eye two principal and two nodal points, each pair about 0.4 millimeter apart. The distance is so small that the two points may, for all ordinary constructions, be regarded as coincident. . 2 The optical power of a lens is the reciprocal of its focal length. The dioptry or unit of optical power is the power of a lens with a focal length of 1 meter. THE SENSE OF VISION. 751 points of the object through the above-mentioned nodal point and to prolong them till they strike the retina. It is evident that the size of the retinal image will be as much smaller than that of the object as the distance of the nodal point from the retina is smaller than its distance from the object. According to the figures above given, the nodal point is about 7.2 milli- meters behind ‘the anterior surface of the cornea and about 15.0 millimeters in front of the retina. Hence the size of the retinal image of an object of known size and distance can be readily caleulated—a problem which has frequently to be solved in the study of physiological optics. The construction given in Figure 216 shows that from all external objects inverted images are projected upon the retina, and such inverted images can actually be seen under favorable condi- tions. If, for instance, the eye of a white rabbit, which contains no choroidal pigment, be excised and held with the cornea directed toward a window or other source of light, an inverted image of the luminous object will be seen through the transparent sclerotic in the same way that one sees an inverted image of a landscape on the ground-glass plate of a photographic camera. The question is often asked, “ Why, if the images are inverted in the retina, do we not see objects upside down?” ‘The only answer to such a question is that it is precisely because images are inverted on the retina that we do not see objects upside down, for the eye has learned through lifelong practice to asso- ciate an impression made upon any portion of the retina with light coming from the opposite portion of the field of vision. Thus if an image falls upon the lower portion of the retina, our experience, gained chiefly through mus- cular movements and tactile sensations, has taught us that this image must cor- respond to an object in the upper portion of our field of vision. In whatever way the retina is stimulated the same effect is produced. If, for instance, gentle pressure is made with the finger on the lateral portion of the eyeball through the closed lids a circle of light known as a phosphene immediately appears on the opposite side of the eye. Another good illustration of the same general rule is found in the effect of throwing a shadow upon the retina from an object as close as possible to the eye. or this purpose place a card B P Fie. 217,—Diagram illustrating the projection of a shadow on the retina. with a small pin-hole in it in front of a source of light, and three or four centimeters distant from the eye. Then hold some object smaller than the pupil—e, g. the head of a pin—as close as possible to the cornea. Under these conditions neither the pin-hole nor the pin-head can be really seen—i. e. they 752 — AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. are both too near to have their image focussed upon the retina, The pin-hole ~ becomes itself a source of light, and appears as a luminous circle bounded by — the shadow thrown by the edge of the iris. Within this circle of light is seen the shadow of the pin-head, but the pin-head appears inverted, for the obvious reason that the eye, being accustomed to interpret all retinal impressions as corresponding to objects in the opposite portion of the field of vision, regards the upright shadow of the pin-head as the representation of an inverted object. The course of the rays in this experiment is shown in Figure 217, in which — A B represents the card with a pin-hole in it, P the pin, and P’ its upright shadow thrown on the retina. Accommodation.—From what has been said of conjugate foci and their relation to each other it is evident that any change in the distance of the object from the refracting media will involve a corresponding. change in the position of the image, or, in other words, only objects at a given distance can be focussed upon a plane which has a fixed position with regard to the refracting surface or surfaces. Hence all optical instruments in which the principle of conjugate foci finds its application have adjustments for distance. In the telescope and opera-glass the adjustment is effected by changes in the distance — between the lenses, and in the photographic camera by a change in the posi- tion of the ground-glass plate representing the focal plane. In the microscope the adjustment is effected by changing the distance of the objet to suit the lenses, the higher powers having a shorter “ working distance.” We must now consider in what way the eye adapts itself to see objects dis- tinctly at different distances. ‘That this power of adaptation, or “ accommo- dation,” really exists we can easily convince ourselves by looking at different objects through a network of fine wire held near the eyes. When with normal vision the eyes are directed to the distant objects the network nearly disappears, and if we attempt to see the network distinctly the outlines of the distant objects become obscure. In other words, it is impossible to see both the network and the distant objects distinctly at the same time. It is also evident that in accommodation for distant objects the eyes are at rest, for when they are suddenly opened after having been closed for a short time they are found to be accommodated for distant objects, and we are conscious of a distinct effort in directing them to any near object.! | From the optical principles above-described it is clear that the accommo- dation of the eye for near objects may be conceived of as taking place in three different ways: 1st, By an increase of the distance between the refracting sur- faces of the eye and the retina; 2d, By an increase of the index of refraction of one or more of the media; 3d, By a diminution of the radius of curvature of one or more of the surfaces. The first of these methods was formerly sup-— posed to be the one actually in use, a lengthening of the eyeball under a pres- ‘It has been shown by Beer (Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, lviii. 523) that in fishes the eyes when at rest are accommodated for near objects, and that accommodation for distant objects is effected by the contraction of a muscle for which the name “retractor lentis” is pro- posed. THE SENSE OF VISION. 953 sure produced by the eye-muscles being assumed to occur. This lengthening would, in the case of a normal eye accommodating itself for an object at a _ distance of 15 centimeters, amount to not less than 2 millimeters—a change which could hardly be brought about by the action of any muscles connected with the eye. Moreover, accommodation changes can be observed upon elec- _ trical stimulation of the excised eye. Its mechanism must, therefore, lie within the eye itself. As for the second of these methods, there is no conceivable way by which a change in the index of refraction of the media can be effected, and we are thus forced to the conclusion that accommodation is brought about by a change in the curvature of the refracting surfaces—i. e. by a method quite different from any which is employed in optical instruments of human con- struction. Now, by measuring the curvature of the cornea of a person who looks alternately at near and distant objects it has been shown that the cornea undergoes no change of form in the act of accommodation. By a process of exclusion, therefore, the lens is indicated as the essential organ in this function of the eye, and, in fact, the complicated structure and connections of the lens at once suggest the thought that it is in the surfaces of this portion of the eye that the necessary changes take place. Indeed, from a teleological point of view the lens would seem somewhat superfluous if it were not important to have a transparent refracting body of variable form in the eye, for the amount of refraction which takes place in the lens could be produced by a slightly increased curvature of the cornea. Now, the changes of curvature which occur in the surfaces of the lens when the eye is directed to distant and near objects alternately can be actually observed and measured with considerable accuracy. For this purpose the changes in the form, size, and position of the images of brilliant objects reflected in these two surfaces are studied. | If a candle is held in a dark room on a level with and about 50 centimeters away from the eye in which the accommodation is to be studied, an observer, so placed that his own axis of vision makes about the same angle (15°-20°) with that of the ob- served eye that is made by a line joining the observed eye and the candle, will readily see a small upright image of the candle reflected in the cornea of the observed eye. Near this and within the outline of the pupil are two other images of the candle, which, though much less easily seen than the corneal image, can usually be made out by a proper adjustment of the light. The first of these is a large faint upright image reflected from the anterior surface of the lens, and the second is a small inverted image reflected from the pos- terior surface of the lens. It will be observed that the size of these images varies with the radius of curvature of the three reflecting surfaces as given on p- 749. The relative size and position of these images having been recog- nized while the eye is at rest—i. e. is accommodated for distance—let the person who is under observation be now requested to direct his eye to a near _ object lying in the same direction. When this is done the corneal image and that reflected from the posterior surface of the lens will remain unchanged,’ 1 A very slight diminution in size may sometimes be observed in the image reflected from the posterior surface of the Jens. 48 754 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. while that reflected from the anterior surface of the lens will become smaller and move toward the corneal image. This change in the size and position of the reflected image can only mean that the surface from which the reflection takes place has become more convex and has moved forward. Coincident with this change a contraction of the pupil will be observed. An apparatus for making observations of this sort is known as the phako- scope of Helmholtz (Fig. 218). The eye in which the changes due to accom- modation are to be observed is placed at an opening in the back of the instrument at C, and directed al- ternately to a needle placed in the opening D and to a distant object lying in the same direction. Two prisms at B and B’ serve to throw the light of a candle on to the observed eye, and the eye of an observer at A sees the three reflected images, each as two small square spots of light. The movement and the change of size of the image reflected from the anterior surface of the lens can be thus much better observed than when a candle-flame is used. The course of the rays of light in this experi- : ment is shown diagrammatically in Figure 219. Fic, 218.—Phakoscope of The observed eye is directed to the point A, while pracmnany the candle and the eye of the observer are placed symmetrically on either side. The images of the candle reflected from the various surfaces of the eye will be seen projected on the dark background of the pupil Fig. 219.--Diagram explaining the change in the position of the image reflected from the anterior surface of the crystalline lens (Williams, after Donders). in the directions indicated by the dotted lines ending at a,b, and c. When the eye is accommodated for a near object the middle one of the three images moves nearer the corneal image—i. e. it changes in its direction from 5 to 6’ , Showing that the anterior surface of the lens has bulged forward into the position indi- THE SENSE OF VISION. . 755 cated by the dotted line. The change in the appearance of the images is represented diagrammatically in Figure 220. On the left is shown the appear- ance of the images as seen when the eye is at rest, a representing the corneal image, 6 that reflected from the anterior, and ¢ that from the posterior surface of the lens when the observing eye and the candle are in the position repre- Fia. 220.—Reflected images of a candle-flame as seen in the pupil of an eye at rest and accommodated for near objects (Williams). sented in Figure 219. The images are represented as they appear in the dark background of the pupil, though of course the corneal image may, in certain positions of the light, appear outside of the pupillary region. When the eye is accommodated for near objects the images appear as shown in the circle on the right, the image 6 becoming smaller and brighter and moving toward the corneal image, while the pupil contracts as indicated by the circle drawn round the images. The changes produced in the eye by an effort of accommodation are indi- cated in Figure 221, the left-hand side of the diagram showing the condition Fie. 221.—Showing changes in the eye produced by the act of accommodation (Helmholtz). of the eye at rest, and the right-hand side that in extreme accommodation for near objects. It will be observed that the iris is pushed forward by the bulging lens and that its free border approaches the median line. In other words, the pupil is contracted in accommodation for near objects. The following explanation of the mechanism by which this change in the shape of the lens is effected has been proposed by Helmholtz, and is still generally accepted. The structure of the lens is such that by its own elasticity it tends constantly to assume a more convex form than the pressure of the capsule and the tension of the sus- pensory ligaments (s, s, Fig. 221) allow. This pressure and tension are dimin- ished when the eye is accommodated for near vision by the contraction of the ciliary muscles (ce; ¢, Fig. 221), most of whose fibres, having their origin at the 756 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. point of union of the cornea and sclerotic, extend radially outward in every: direction and are attached to the front part of the choroid. The contrac- — tion of the ciliary muscle, drawing forward the membranes of the eye, will relax the tension of the suspensory ligament and allow the lens to take the form determined. by its own elastic structure. According to another theory of accommodation proposed by Tscherning,' the suspensory liga- ment is stretched and not relaxed by the contraction of the ciliary muscle. In consequence of the pressure thus produced upon the lens, the soft external portions are moulded upon the harder nuclear portion in such a way as to give to the anterior (and to some extent to the posterior) surface a hyperboloid instead of a spherical form. A similar theory has been recently brought forward by Schoen,’ who com- pares the action of the ciliary muscle upon the lens to that of the fingers compressing a rubber ball, as shown in Fig- ure 222. These theories have an advantage over that offered by Helmholtz, inasmuch as they afford an expla- nation of the presence in the ciliary muscle of circular fibres, which, on the theory of Helmholtz, seem to be su- perfluous. They also make the fact of so-called “astig- Fig. 222.—To illustrate matic accommodation” comprehensible. This term is steel eee es applied to the power said to be sometimes gradually acquired by persons with astigmatic’ eyes of correcting this defect of vision by accommodating the eye more strongly in one meridian than another.‘ Whatever views may be entertained as to the exact mechanism by which its change of shape is brought about, there can be no doubt that the lens is the portion of the eye chiefly or wholly concerned in accommodation, and it is accordingly found that the removal of the lens in the operation for cataract destroys the power of accommodation, and the patient is compelled to use convex lenses for distant and still stronger ones for near objects. It is interesting to notice that the act of accommodation, though distinctly voluntary, is performed by the agency of the unstriped fibres of the ciliary ‘muscles. It is evident, therefore, that the term “involuntary ” sometimes applied to muscular fibres of this sort may be misleading. The voluntary character of the act of accommodation is not affected by the circumstance that ‘the will needs, as a rule, to be assisted by visual sensations. The fact that most persons cannot affect the necessary change in the eye unless they direct their attention to some near or far object is only an instance of the close rela- ‘tion between sensory impressions and motor impulses, which is further exem- 1 Archives de Physiologie, 1894, p. 40. 2 Archiv fiir die gesammte Phys., lix. 427. 5 See p. 763. * Recent observations by Hess (Archiv f. Ophthalmologie, xJii. 288) tend to confirm the Helm- holtz theory by showing that the suspensory ligament is relaxed and not stretched in accommo- dation for near objects. THE SENSE OF VISION. “be plified by such phenomena as the paralysis of the lip of a horse caused by the division of the trifacial nerve. It is found, moreover, that by practice the power of accommodating the eye without directing it to near and distant objects can be acquired. The nerve-channels through which accommodation is affected are the anterior part of the nucleus of the third pair of nerves lying in the extreme hind part of the floor of the third ventricle, the most anterior bundle of the nerve-root, the third nerve itself, the lenticular ganglion, and the short ciliary nerves (see diagram p. 769). The mechanism of accommodation is affected in a remarkable way by drugs, the most important of which are atropia and physostigmin, the former para- lyzing and the latter stimulating the ciliary muscle. As these drugs exert a corresponding effect upon the iris, it will be convenient to discuss their action in connection with the physiology of that organ. The changes occurring in the eye during the act of accommodation are indicated in the following table, which shows, both for the actual and the reduced eye, the extent to which the refracting media change their form and position, and the consequent changes in the position of the foci : Accommodation for Actual Eye. distant objects. near objects. 0 ESS ae ee ee ee ae 8 mm. 8 mm. Radius of anterior surface of lens ........ 10 + 6 * Radius of posterior surface of lens... .... . 6 . moe 1 Distance from cornea to anterior surface of lens . . 3.6 “ A il Pi Distance from cornea to posterior surface of lens. . 7.2 “ “es Reduced Eye. Piamiue-o ieunvature i 5.02 “ 448 “ Distance from cornea to principal point... .. . 9:46) 2.26 “ Distance from cornea to nodal point ....... BT ae 6.74 “ Distance from cornea to anterior focus ..... . 12.918 “ 11,241 “ Distance from cornea to posterior focus . . . . . . 22.231 “ 20.248 “ It will be noticed that no change occurs in the curvature of the cornea, and next to none in the posterior surface of the lens, while the anterior surface of the lens undergoes material alterations both in its shape and position. Associated with the accommodative movements above described, two other changes take place in the eyes to adapt them for near vision. In the first place, the axes of the eyes are converged upon the near object, so that the images formed in the two eyes shall fall upon corresponding points of the retinas, as will be more fully explained in connection with the subject of binocular vision. In the second place, the pupil becomes contracted, thus reducing the size of the pencil of rays that enters the eye. The importance of this movement of the pupil will be better understood after the subject of spherical aberration of light has been explained. These three adjustments, focal, axial, and pupillary, are so habitually associated in looking at near objects that the axial can only by an effort be dissociated from the other two, while these two are quite inseparable from one another. This may be illustrated by a simple experiment. On a sheet of paper about 40 centimeters distant 758 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY, — from the eyes draw two letters or figures precisely alike and about 3 centimeters apart. (Two letters cut from a newspaper and fastened to the sheet will answer the same purpose.) Hold a small object like the head of a pin between the eyes and the paper at the point of intersection of a line joining the right eye and the left letter with a line joining the left eye and the right letter. If the axes of vision are converged upon the pin-head, that object will be seen dis- tinctly, and beyond it will be seen indistinctly three images of the letter, the central one being formed by the blending of the inner one of each pair of images formed on the two retinas. If now the attention be directed to the middle image, it will gradually become perfectly distinct as the eye accommo- dates itself for that distance. We have thus an axial adjustment for a very near object and a focal adjustment for a more distant one. If the pupil of the individual making this observation be watched by another person, it will be found that at the moment when the middle image of the letter becomes distinct . the pupil, which had been contracted in viewing the pin-head, suddenly dilates. It is thus seen that when the axial and focal adjustments are dissociated from each other the pupillary adjustment allies itself with the latter. The opposite form of dissociation—viz. the axial adjustment for distance and the focal adjustment for near vision—is less easy to bring about. It may perhaps be best accomplished by holding a pair of stereoscopic pictures before the eyes and endeavoring to direct the right eye to the right and the left eye to the left picture—i. ¢. to keep the axes of vision parallel while the eyes are — accommodated for near objects. One who is successful in this species of ocular gymnastics sees the two pictures blend into one having all the appearance of a solid object. The power of thus studying stereoscopic pictures without a stereoscope is often a great convenience to the possessor, but individuals differ very much in their ability to acquire it. Range of Accommodation.—By means of the mechanism above described it is possible for the eye to produce a distinct image upon the retina of objects lying at various distances from the cornea. The point farthest from the eye at which an object can be distinctly seen is called the far-point, and the nearest point of distinct vision is called the near-point of the eye, and the distance between the near-point and the far-point is called the range of distinct vision or the range of accommodation. As the normal emmetropic eye is adapted, when at rest, to bring parallel rays of light to a focus upon the retina, its far- point may be regarded as at an infinite distance. Its near-point varies with age, as will be described under Presbyopia. In early adult life it is from 10 to 13 centimeters from the eye. For every point within this range there will be theoretically a corresponding condition of the lens adapted to bring rays pro- ceeding from that point to a focus on the retina, but as rays reaching the eye from a point 175 to 200 centimeters distant do not, owing to the small size of the pupil, differ sensibly from parallel rays, there is no appreciable change in the lens unless the object looked at lies within that distance. It is also evi- dent that as an object approaches the eye a given change of distance will cause a constantly increasing amount of divergence of the rays proceeding from THE SENSE OF VISION. 759 it, and will therefore necessitate a constantly increasing amount of change in the lens to enable it to focus the rays on the retina. We find, accordingly, that all objects more than two meters distant from the eye can be seen distinctly at the same time—i. e. without any change in the accommodative mechanism— but for objects within that distance we are conscious of a special effort of accommodation which becomes more and more distinct the shorter the distance between the eye and the object. Myopia and Hypermetropia.—There are two conditions of the eye in which the range of accommodation may differ from that which has just been described as normal. These conditions, which are too frequent to be regarded (except in extreme cases) as pathological, are generally dependent upon the eyeball being unduly lengthened or : shortened. In Fig. 223 are shown diagrammatically the three conditions known as emmetropia, myopia, and hypermetropia. In the normal or emmetropie eye, A, parallel rays are represented as brought to a focus on the retina; in the short-sighted, or myopic, eye, B, similar rays are focussed in front of the retina, since the latter is abnormally distant; while in the over-sighted, or hypermetropic, eye, CO, they are focussed behind the retina, since it is abnormally near. It is evident that when the eye is at rest both the myopic and the hy- permetropic eye will see distant ob- jects indistinctly, but there is this important difference: that in hyper- metropia the difficulty can be cor- rected by an effort of accommodation, while in myopia this is impossible, since there is no mechanism by which the radius of the lenticular surfaces can be increased. Hence an individual affected with myopia is always aware of the infirmity, while a person with hypermetropic eyes often goes through life unconscious of the defect. In this case the accomodation is constantly called into play even for distant objects, and if the hypermetropia is excessive, any prolonged use of the eyes is apt to be attended by a feeling of fatigue, headache, and a train of nervous symptoms familiar to the ophthalmic surgeon. Hence it is important to discover this defect where it exists and to apply the appropriate remed y—viz. convex lenses placed in front of the eyes in order to make the rays slightly convergent when they enter the eye. Thus aided, the refractive power of the eye at rest is sufficient to bring the rays to a focus upon the retina and thus relieve the accommoda- ae Fia, 223.—Diagram showing the difference between normal, myopic, and hypermetropic eyes. 760 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. tion. This action of a convex lens in hypermetropia is indicated by the dotted lines in Fig. 222, C, and the corresponding use of a concave lens in myopia is shown in Fig. 222, B. The detection and quantitative dstenasinadian of hypermetropia are best made after the accommodation has been paralyzed by the use of atropia, by ascertaining how strong a convex lens must be placed before the eye to pro- duce distinct vision of distant objects. The range of accommodation varies very much from the normal in myopic and hypermetropic eyes. In myopia the near-point is often 5 or 6 centimeters from the cornea, while the far-point, instead of being infinitely far off, is at a variable but no very great distance from the eye. The range of accommoda- tion is therefore very limited. In hypermetropia the near-point is slightly farther than normal from the eye, and the far-point cannot be said to exist, for the eye at rest is adapted to bring converging rays to a focus on the retina, and such pencils of rays do not exist in nature. Mathematically, the far-point ‘may be said to be at more than an infinite distance from the eye. The range of effective accommodation is therefore reduced, for a portion of the accommo- dative power is used up in adapting the eye to receive parallel rays. Presbyopia.—The power of accommodation diminishes with age, owing apparently to a loss of elasticity of the lens. The change is regularly pro- gressive, and can be detected as early as the fifteenth year, though in normal eyes it does not usually attract attention until the individual is between forty and forty-five years of age. At this period of life a difficulty is commonly experienced in reading ordinary type held at a convenient distance from the eye, and the individual becomes old-sighted or presbyopie—a condition which can, of course, be remedied by the use of convex glasses. Cases are occasion- ally reported of persons recovering their power of near vision in extreme old age and discontinuing the use of the glasses previously employed for reading. In these cases there is apparently not a restoration of the power of accommo- dation, but an increase in the refractive power of the lens through local changes in its tissue. A diminution in the size of the pupil, sometimes noticed in old age, may also contribute to the distinctness of the retinal image, as will be described in connection with spherical aberration. Defects of the Dioptric Apparatus.—The above-described imperfections of the eye—viz. myopia and hypermetropia—being generally (though not invariably) due to an abnormal length of the longitudinal axis, are to be regarded as defects of construction affecting only a comparatively small number of eyes. There are, however, a number of imperfections of the diop- tric apparatus, many of which affect all eyes alike. Of these imperfections some affect the eye in common with all optical instruments, while others are peculiar to the eye and are not found in instruments of human construction. The former class will be first considered. Spherical Aberration.—It has been stated that a laut of rays falling upon a spherical refracting surface will be refracted to a common focus. Strictly speaking, however, the outer rays of the pencil—i. e. those which fall THE SENSE OF VISION. 761 near the periphery of the refracting surface—will be refracted more than those which lie near the axis and will come to a focus sooner. This phenomenon, which is called spherical aberration, is more marked with diverging than with parallel rays, and tends, of course, to produce an indistinctness of the image which will increase with the extent of the surface through which the rays pass. The effect of a diaphragm used in many optical instruments to reduce the amount of spherical aberration by cutting off the side rays is shown dia- grammatically in Fig. 224. Fic. 224.—Diagram showing the effect of a diaphragm in reducing the amount of spherical aberration. The rdle of the iris in the vision of near objects is now evident, for when the eye is directed to a near object the spherical aberration is increased in con- sequence of the rays becoming more divergent, but the contraction of the pupil which accompanies accommodation tends, by cutting off the side rays, to prevent a blurring of the image which otherwise would be produced. It must, however, be remembered that the crystalline lens, unlike any lens of human construction, has a greater index of refraction at the centre than at the periph- ery. This, of course, tends to correct spherical aberration, and, in so far as it does so, to render the cutting off of the side rays unnecessary. Indeed, the total amount of possible spherical aberration in the eye is so small that its effect on vision may be regarded as insignificant in comparison with that caused by the other optical imperfections of the eye. | Chromatic Aberration.—In the above account of the dioptric apparatus of the eye the phenomena have been described as they would occur with mono- chromatic light—i. e. with light having but one degree of refrangibility. But the light of the sun is composed of an infinite number of rays of different degrees of refrangibility. Hence when an image is formed by a simple lens the more refrangible rays—i. e. the violet rays of the spectrum—are brought to a focus sooner than the less refrangible red rays. ‘The image therefore 762 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. appears bordered by fringes of colored light. This phenomenon of chromatic aberration can be well observed by looking at objects through the lateral por-— tion of a simple lens, or, still better, by observing them through two simple lenses held at a distance apart equal to the sum of their focal distances. The objects will appear inverted (as through an astronomical telescope) and sur- rounded with borders of colored light. Now, the chromatic aberration of the eye is so slight that it is not easily detected, and the physicists of the eighteenth century, in their efforts to produce an achromatic lens, seem to have been impressed by the fact that in the eye a combination of media of different refractive powers is employed, and to have sought in this circumstance an explanation of the supposed achromatism of the eye. Work directed on this line was crowned with brilliant success, for by combining two sorts of glass of different refractive and dispersive powers it was found possible to reftact a ray of light without dispersing it into its different colored rays, and the achromatic lens, thus constructed, became at once an essential part of every first-class opti- cal instrument. Now, as there is not only no evidence that the principle of the achromatic lens is employed in the eye, but distinct evidence that the eye is uncorrected for chromatic aberration, we have here a remarkable instance of a misconception of a physical fact leading to an important discovery in physics. The chromatic aberration of the eye, though so slight as not to interfere at all with ordinary vision, can be readily shown to exist by the simple experiment of covering up one half of the pupil and looking at a bright source of light e.g. a window. If the lower half of the pupil be covered, the cross-bars of Fig. 225.—Diagram to illustrate chromatic aberration. the window will appear bordered with a fringe of blue light on the lower and reddish light on the upper side. The explanation usually given of the way in _ which this result is produced is illustrated in Fig. 225. Owing to the chromatic aberration of the eye all the rays emanating from an object at A are not focussed accurately on the retina, but if the eye is accommodated for a ray of medium refrangibility, the violet rays will be brought to a focus in front of the retina at V, while the red rays will be focussed behind the retina at R. On the retina itself will be formed not an accurate optical image of the point A, but a small circle of dispersion in which the various colored rays are mixed together, the violet rays after crossing falling upon the same part of the retina as the red rays before crossing. Thus by a sort of compensation, which, how- ever, cannot be equivalent to the synthetic reproduction of white light by the union of the spectral colors, the disturbing effect of chromatic aberration is THE SENSE OF VISION. - 763. diminished. When the lower half of the pupil is covered by the edge of a card held in front of the cornea at D, the aberration produced in the upper half of the eye is not compensated by that of the lower half. Hence the image of a point of white light at A will appear as a row of spectral colors on the retina, and all objects will appear bordered by colored fringes. Another good illustration of the chromatic aberration of the eye is obtained by cutting two holes of any convenient shape in a piece of black cardboard and placing behind one of them a piece of blue and behind the other a piece of red glass. If the card is placed in a window some distance (10 meters) from the observer,. in such a position that the white light of the sky may be seen through the col- ored glasses, it will be found that the outlines of the two holes will generally be seen with unequal distinctness. ‘To most eyes the red outline will appear quite distinct, while the blue figure will seem much blurred. To a few indi- viduals the blue figure appears the more distinct, and these will generally be found to be hypermetropic. Astigmatism.—The defect known as astigmatism is due to irregularities of curvature of the refracting surfaces, in consequence of which all the rays proceeding from a single point cannot be brought to a single focus on the retina. Astigmatism is said to be regular when one of the surfaces, generally the cornea, is not spherical, but ellipsoidal—i. e. having meridians of maximum. Fig. 226.—Model to illustrate astigmatism. and minimum curvature at right angles to each other, though in each meridian: the curvature is regular. When this is the case the rays proceeding from a single luminous point are brought to a focus earliest when they lie in the meridian in which the surface is most convex. Hence the pencil of rays will 764 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. have two linear foci, at right angles to the meridians of greatest and least curvature separated by a space in which a section of the cone of rays will be first elliptical, then circular, and then again elliptical. This defect exists to a certain extent in nearly all eyes, and is, in some cases, a serious obstacle to dis- tinct vision. The course of the rays when thus refracted is illustrated in Fig, 226, which represents the interior of a box through which black threads are drawn to indicate the course of the rays of light. The threads start at one-end of the box from a circle representing the cornea, and converge with different degrees of rapidity in different meridians, so that a section of the cone of rays will be successively an ellipse, a straight line, an ellipse, a circle, ete., as shown by the model represented in Fig. 227. It will be noticed that this and the preced- Fic. 227.—Model to illustrate astigmatism. ing figure are drawn in duplicate, but that the lines are not precisely alike on the two sides. In fact, the lines on the left represent the model as it would be seen with the right eye, and those on the right as it would appear to the left eye, which is just the opposite from an ordinary stereoscopic slide. The figures are drawn in this way because they are intended to produce a “ pseudoscopic ” effect in a way which will be explained in connection with the subject of binocular vision. For this purpose it is only necessary to cross the axes of vision in front of the page, as in the experiment described on page 758, for studying the relation between the focal, axial, and pupillary adjust- ments of the eye. As soon as the middle image becomes distinct it assumes a stereoscopic appearance, and the correct relations between the different parts of the model are at once obvious. , This imperfection of the eye may be detected by looking at lines such as are shown in Figure 228, and testing each eye separately. If the straight lines THE SENSE OF VISION. . 765 drawn in various directions through a common point cannot be seen with equal distinctness at the same time, it is evident that the eye is better adapted to focus. rays in one meridian than in another—. e. it is astigmatic. The concentric Fie, 228.—Lines for the detection of astigmatism. circles are a still more delicate test. Few persons can look at this figure attentively without noticing that the lines are not everywhere equally distinct, but that in certain sectors the circles present a blurred appearance. Not infrequently it: will be found that,the blurred sectors do not occupy a constant position, but oscillate rapidly from one part of the series of circles to another. This phe- nomenon seems to be due to slight involuntary contractions of the ciliary muscle causing changes in accommodation. | The direction of the meridians of greatest and least curvature of the cornea of a regularly astigmatic eye, and the difference in the amount of this curvature, can be very accurately measured by means of the ophthalmometer (see p. 750). These points being determined, the defect of the eye can be perfectly corrected by cylindrical glasses adapted to compensate for the excessive or deficient refraction of the eye in certain meridians. By another method known as “ skiascopy,” which consists in studying the light reflected from the fundus of the eye when the ophthalmoscopic mirror is moved in various directions, the amount and direction of the astigmatism of the eye as a whole (and not that of the cornea alone) may be ascertained. Astigmatism is said to be irregular when in certain meridians the curvatures of the refracting surfaces are not ares of circles or ellipses, or when there is a lack of homogeneousness in the refracting media. This imperfection exists to a greater or less extent in all eyes, and, unlike regular astigmatism, is incapable of correction. It manifests itself by causing the outlines of all brilliant objects to appear irregular. It is on this account that the fixed stars do not appear to us like points of light, but as luminous bodies with irregular “ star-shaped outlines. The phenomenon can be conveniently studied by looking at a pin- hole in a large black card held at a convenient distance between the eye and a strong light. The hole will appear to have an irregular outline, and to some eyes will appear double or treble. Intraocular Images.—Light entering the eye makes visible, under certain circumstances, a, number of objects which lie within the eye itself. These objects are usually opacities in the media of the eye which are ordinarily invisi- 766 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. ble, because the retina is illuminated by light coming from all parts of the pupil, and with such a broad source of light no object, unless it is a very large one or one lying very near the back of the eye, can cast a shadow on the retina. Such shadows can, however, be made apparent by allowing the media of the eye to be traversed by parallel rays of light. This can be accomplished by holding a small polished sphere—e. g. the steel head of a shawl-pin illuminated by sunlight or strong artificial light—in the anterior focus of the eye—i. e. about 22 millimeters in front of the cornea, or by placing a dark screen with a pin-hole in it in the same position between the eye and a source of uniform diffused light, such as the sky or the porcelain shade of a student lamp. In either case the rays of light diverging from the minute source will be refracted into parallelism by the media of the eye, and will produce the sensation of a circle of diffused light, the size of which will depend upon the amount of dila- tation of the pupil. Within this circle of light will be seen the shadows of any opaque substances that may be present in the media of the eye. These shadows, being cast by parallel rays, will be of the same size as the objects themselves, as is shown diagrammatically in Figure 229, in which A represents a source Fia. 229.—Showing the method of studying intraocular images (Helmholtz). of light at the anterior focus of the eye, and 6 an opacity in the vitreous humor casting a shadow B of the same size as itself upon the retina. It is evident that if the source of light A is moved from side to side the various opacities will be — displaced relatively to the circle of light surrounding them by an amount de- pending upon the distance of the opacities from the retina. A study of these displacements will therefore afford a means of determining the position of the opacities within the media of the eye. Musce Volitantes.—Among the objects to be seen in thus examining the eye the most conspicuous are those known as the musce volitantes. These pre- sent themselves in the form of beads, either singly or in groups, or of streaks, patches, and granules. They have an almost constant floating motion, which is increased by the movements of the eye and head. They usually avoid the line of vision, floating away when an attempt is made to fix the sight upon them. When the eye is directed vertically, however, they sometimes place themselves directly in line with the object looked at. If the intraocular object is at the same time sufficiently near the back of the eye to cast a shadow which is visible without the use of the focal illumination, some inconvenience may thus be caused in using a vertical microscope. A study of the motions of the musce volitantes makes it evident that the THE SENSE OF VISION. - (16d phenomenon is due to small bodies floating in a liquid medium of a little greater specific gravity than themselves. Their movements are chiefly in planes perpendicular to the axis of vision, for when the eye is directed verti- cally upward they move as usual through the field of vision without increasing the distance from the retina. They are generally supposed to be the remains of the embyronic structure of the vitreous body—i. e. portions of the cells and fibres which have not undergone complete mucous transformation. In addition to these floating opacities in the vitreous body various other defects in the transparent media of the eye may be revealed by the method of focal illumination. Among these may be mentioned spots and stripes due to irregularities in the lens or its capsule, and radiating lines indicating the stel- late structure of the lens. Retinal Vessels.—Owing to the fact that the blood-vessels ramify near the anterior surface of the retina, while. those structures which are sensitive to light constitute the posterior layer of that organ, it is evident that light entering the eye will cast a shadow of the vessels on the light-perceiving elements of the retina. Since, however, the diameter of the largest blood-vessels is not more than one-sixth of the thickness of the retina, and the diameter of the pupil is one-fourth or one-fifth of the distance from the iris to the retina, it is evident that when the eye is directed to the sky or other broad illuminated surfaces it is only the penumbra of the vessels that will reach the rods and cones, the wmbra terminating conically somewhere in the thickness of the retina. But if light is allowed to enter the eye through a pin-hole in a card held a short distance from the cornea, as in the above-described method of focal illumination, a sharply defined shadow of the vessels will be thrown on the rods and cones. Yet under these conditions the retinal vessels are not rendered visible unless the perforated card is moved rapidly to and fro, so as to throw the shadow continually on to fresh portions of the retinal surface. When this is done the vessels appear, ramifying usually as dark lines on a lighter background, but the dark lines are sometimes bordered by bright edges. It will be observed that those vessels appear most distinctly the course of which is at right angles to the direction in which the card is moved. Hence in order to see all the vessels with equal distinctness it is best to move the card rapidly in a circle the diameter of which should not exceed that of the pupil. In this manner the distribution of the vessels in one’s own retina may be accurately observed, and in many cases the position of the fovea centralis may be determined by the absence of vessels from that portion of the macula lutea. The retinal vessels may also be made visible in several other ways—e. 9-5 1. By directing the eye toward a dark background and moving a candle to and fro in front of the eye, but below or to one side of the line of vision. 2. By concentrating a strong light -by means of a lens of short focus upon a point of the sclerotic as distant as possible from the cornea. By either of these methods a small image of the external source of light is formed upon the lateral portion of the eye, and this image is the source of light which throws shadows of the rétinal vessels on to the rods and cones. _ 768 . AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Circulation of Blood in the Retina.— When the eye is directed toward a. surface which is uniformly and brightly illuminated—e. g. the sky or a sheet. of white paper on which the sun is shining—the field of vision is soon seen to. be filled with small bright bodies moving with considerable rapidity in irregu- lar curved lines, but with a certain uniformity which suggests that their movements are confined to definite channels. They are usually better seen when one or more sheets of cobalt glass are held before the face, so that the eyes are bathed in blue light. That the phenomenon depends upon the circu-- lation of the blood globules in the retina is evident from the fact that the moving bodies follow paths which correspond with the form of the retinal capillaries as seen by the methods above described, and also from the corre- spondence between the rate of movement of the intraocular image and the rapidity of the capillary circulation in those organs in which it can be di- rectly measured under the microscope. The exact way in which the moving globules stimulate the retina so as to produce the observed phenomenon must be regarded as an unsettled question. We have thus seen that the eye, regarded from the optician’s point of view, has not only all the faults inherent in optical instruments generally, but many others which would not be tolerated in an instrument of human construction. Yet with all its imperfections the eye is perhaps the most wonderful instance: in nature of the development of a highly specialized organ to fulfil a definite purpose. In the accomplishment of this object the various parts of the eye have been perfected to a degree sufficient to enable it to meet the requirements. of the nervous system with which it is connected, and no farther. In the ordinary use of the eye we are unconscious of its various irregularities, shadows,. opacities, etc., for these imperfections are all so slight that the resulting inac- curacy of the image does not much exceed the limit which the size of the light-perceiving elements of the retina imposes upon the delicacy of our visual perceptions, and it is only by illuminating the eye in some unusual way that the existence of these imperfections can be detected. In other words, the eye is as good an optical instrument as the nervous system can appreciate and make use of. Moreover, when we reflect upon the difficulty of the problem which nature has solved, of constructing an optical instrument out of living and growing animal tissue, we cannot fail to be struck by the perfection of the dioptric apparatus of the eye as well as by its adaptation to the needs of the organism of which it forms a part. Iris.—The importance of the iris as an adjustable diaphragm for cutting off side rays and thus securing good definition in near vision has been described in connection with the act of accommodation. Its other function of protecting the retina from an excess of light is no less important, and we must now con- sider how this pupillary adjustment may be studied and by what mechanism it is effected. The changes in the size of the pupil may be conveniently ob- served in man and animals by holding a millimeter scale in front of the eye and noticing the variations in the diameter of the pupil. It should be borne in mind that the iris, seen in this way, does not appear in its natural size and THE SENSE OF VISION. 169 position, but somewhat enlarged and bulged forward by the magnifying effect of the cornea and the aqueous humor. The changes in one’s own pupil may be readily observed by noticing the varying size of the circle of light thrown upon the retina when the eye is illuminated by a point of light held at the anterior focus, as in the method above described for the study of intraocular images. The muscles of the iris are, except in birds, of the unstriped variety, and are arranged concentrically around the pupil. Radiating fibres are also recog- nized by many observers, though their existence has been called in question by others. The circular or constricting muscles of the iris are under the con- trol of the third pair of cranial nerves, and are normally brought into activity in consequence of light falling upon the retina. This isa reflex phenom- enon, the optic nerve being the affer- ent, and the third pair, the ciliary ganglion, and the short ciliary nerves the efferent, channel, as indicated in Figure 230. This reflex is in man and many of the higher animals bi- lateral—i. e. light falling upon one retina will cause a contraction of both pupils. This may readily be observed in one’s own eye when focally illumi- nated in the manner above described. Opening the other eye will, under these conditions, cause a diminution, and closing it an increase, in the size of the circle of light. This bilateral character. is found to be dependent upon the nature of the decussation of : the optic nerves, for in animals in ©™"S*® Nee gga BEN Tusaiiiiics at which the crossing Is complete the Fic. 230.—Diagrammatic representation of the reflex is confined to the illuminated nerves governing the pupil (after Foster): IJ, optic eye. The arrangemen & of thé fibres nerve; J.g, ciliary ganglion; r.b, its short root from III, motor-oculi nerve ; sym, its sympathetic root ;r./, in the optic commissure is in general its long root from V, ophthalmo-nasal branch of oph- associated with the position of the bean pia a Ten ih Riel parnith a cae eyes in the head. When the eyes are so placed that they can both be directed to the same object, as in man and many of the higher animals, the fibres of each-optic nerve are usually found to be distributed to both optic tracts, while in animals whose eyes are in opposite sides of the head there is complete crossing of the optic nerves. Hence it may be said that animals having binocular vision have in general a bilateral pupillary reflex. The rule is, however, not without exceptions, for owls, though their visual axes are parallel, have, like other birds, a com- 49 | 770 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. plete crossing of the optic nerves, and consequently a unilateral pupillary reflex.’ | A direct as well as a reflex constriction of the pupil under the influence of light has been observed in the excised eyes of eels, frogs, and some other ani- mals. As the phenomenon can be seen in preparations consisting of the iris alone or of the iris and cornea together, it is evident that the light exerts its influence directly upon the tissues of the iris and not through an intraocular connection with the retina. The maximum effect is produced by the yellowish- green portion of the spectrum. : Antagonizing the motor oculi nerve in its constricting influence on the pupil is a set of nerve-fibres the function of which is to increase the size of the pupil. Most of these fibres seem to run their course from a centre which lies in the floor of the third ventricle not far from the origin of the third pair, through the bulb, the cervical cord, the anterior roots of the upper dorsal nerves, the upper thoracic ganglion, the cervical sympathetic nerve as far as the upper cervical ganglion; then through a branch which accompanies the internal carotid artery, passes over the Gasserian ganglion and joins the oph- thalmic branch of the fifth pair; then through the nasal branch of the latter nerve and the long ciliary nerves to the eye? (see diagram, p. 769). ‘These fibres appear to be in a state of tonic activity, for section of them in any part of their course (most conveniently in the cervical sympathetic) causes a con- traction of the pupil which, on stimulation of the peripheral end of the divided nerve, gives place to a marked dilatation. Their activity can be increased in various ways. ‘Thus dilatation of the pupil may be caused by dyspnea, vio- lent muscular efforts, etc. Stimulation of various sensory nerves may also cause reflex dilatation of the pupil, and this phenomenon may be observed, though greatly diminished in intensity, after extirpation of the superior cervi- cal sympathetic ganglion. It is therefore evident that the dilator nerves of the pupil do not have their course exclusively in the cervical sympathetic nerve: Since the cervical sympathetic nerve contains vaso-constrictor fibres for the head and neck, it has been thought that its dilating effect upon the pupil might be explained by its power of causing changes in the amount of blood in the vessels of the iris. There is no doubt that a condition of vascular turgescence or depletion will tend to produce contraction or dilatation of the pupil, but it is impossible to explain the observed phenomena in this way, since the pupillary are more prompt than the vascular changes, and may be observed on a bloodless eye. Moreover, the nerve-fibres producing them are said to have a somewhat different course. Another explanation of the influence of the sympathetic on the pupil is that it acts by inhibiting the contraction of the sphincter muscles, and that the dilatation is simply an elastic reaction. But since it is posssible to produce local dilatation of the pupil by circumscribed stimulation at or near Steinach : Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, xlvii. 313. * Langley: Journal of Physiology, xiii. p. 575. For the evidence of the existence of a “cilio-spinal” centre in the cord, see Steil and Langendorff: Archiv fiir die gesammte Phys- tologie, viii. p. 155; also Schenck: Ibid., Ixii. p. 494. THE SENSE OF VISION. et the outer border of the iris, it seems more reasonable to conclude that the dilator nerves of the pupil act upon radial muscular fibres in the substance of the iris, in spite of the fact that the existence of such fibres has not been uni- versally admitted. Whatever view may be taken of the mechanism by which the sympathetic nerves influence the pupil, there is no doubt that the iris is under the control of two antagonistic sets of nerve-fibres, both of which are, under’ normal cir- cumstances, in a state of tonic activity. Therefore, when the sympathetic nerve is divided the pupil contracts under the influence of the motor oculi, and section of the motor oculi causes dilatation through the unopposed influence of the sympathetic. The movements of the iris, though performed by smooth muscles, are more rapid than those of smooth muscles found elsewhere—e. g. in the intestines and the arteries. The contraction of the pupil when the retina of the oppo- site eye is illuminated occupies about 0.3/’; the dilatation when the light is cut off from the eye, about 3” or 4’’.. The latter determination is, however, diffi- cult to make with precision, since dilatation of the pupil takes place at first rapidly and then more slowly, so that the moment when the process is at an end is not easily determined. After remaining a considerable time in absolute darkness the pupils become enormously dilated, as has been shown by flash- light photographs taken under these conditions. In sleep, though the eyes are protected from the light, the pupils are strongly contracted, but dilate on stimulation of sensory nerves, even though the stimulation may be insufficient to rouse the sleeper. Many drugs when introduced into the system or applied locally to the con- junctiva produce effects upon the pupil. Those which dilate it are known as mydriatics, those which contract it as myotics. Of the former class the most important is atropin, the alkaloid of the Atropa belladonna, and of the latter physostigmin, the alkaloid of the Calabar bean. In addition to their action upon the pupil, mydriatics paralyze the accommodation, thus focussing the eye for distant objects, while myotics, by producing a cramp of the ciliary muscle, adjust the eye for near vision. The effect on the accommodation usually begins later and passes off sooner than the affection of the pupil. Atropin seems to act by producing local paralysis of the terminations of the third pair of cranial nerves in the sphincter iridis and the ciliary muscle. In large doses it may also paralyze the muscle-fibres of the sphincter. With this para- lyzing action there appears to be combined a stimulating effect upon the dilator muscles of the iris. The myotic action of physostigmin seems to be due to a loeal stimulation of the fibres of the sphincter of the iris. Although in going from a dark room to a lighter one the pupil at first con- tracts, this contraction soon gives place to a dilatation, and in about three or four minutes the pupil usually regains its former size. In a similar manner the primary dilatation of the pupil caused by entering a dark room from a lighter one is followed by a contraction which usually restores the pupil to its original size within fifteen or twenty minutes. It is thus evident that the 772 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. amount of light falling upon the retina is not the only factor in determining the size of the pupil. In fact, if the light acts for a sufficient length of time the pupil may have the same size under the influence of widely different degrees of illumination." This so-called “adaptation ” of the eye to various amounts of light seems to be connected with the movements of the retinal pigment-granules and with the chemical changes of the visual purple, to be more fully described in con- nection with the physiology of the retina. The Ophthalmoscope.—Under normal conditions the pupil of the eye appears as a black spot in the middle of the colored iris. The cause of this dark appearance of the pupil is to be found in the fact that a source of light and the retina lie in the conjugate foci of the dioptric apparatus of the eye. Hence any light entering the eye that escapes absorption by the retinal pig- ment and is reflected from the fundus must be refracted back to the source from which it came. The eye of an observer who looks at the pupil from — another direction will see'no light coming from it, and it will therefore appear to him black. It is therefore evident that the essential condition for perceiving light coming from the fundus of the eye is that the line of vision of the observing eye shall be in the line of illumination. This condition is fulfilled by means of instruments known as ophthalmoscopes. The principles involved in the construction of the most common form of ophthalmoscope are illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 231. Fia. 231.—Diagram to illustrate the principles of a simple ophthalmoscope (after Foster). The rays from a source of light ZL, after being brought to a focus at a by the concave perforated mirror M M, pass on and are rendered parallel by the lens 7. Then, entering the observed eye B, they are brought to a focus onthe retina at a’. Any rays which are reflected back from the part of the retina thus illuminated will follow the course of the entering rays and be brought to a focus at a. The eye of an observer at A, looking through the hole in the mirror, will therefore see at a an inverted image of the retina, the observation of which may be facilitated by a convex lens placed immediately in front of the observer’s eye. ? Schirmer : Archiv fiir Ophthalmologie, xi. 5. THE SENSE OF VISION. > ST The fundus of the eye thus observed presents a reddish background on which the retinal vessels are distinctly visible. Retina.—Having considered the mechanism by which optical images of objects at various distances from the eye are formed upon the retina, we must next inquire what part of the retina is affected by the rays of light, and in what this affection consists. ‘To the former of these questions it will be found possible to give a fairly satisfactory answer. With regard to the latter nothing positive is known. The structure of the retina is exceedingly complicated, but, as very little is known of the functions of the ganglion cells and of the molecular and nuclear layers, it will suffice for the present purpose of physiological descrip- tion to regard the retina as consisting of fibres of the optic nerve which are connected through various intermediate structures with the layer of rods and cones. Fic. 232.—Diagrammatic representation of the retina. Figure 232 is intended to show, diagrammatically, the mutual relation of these various portions of the retina in different parts of the eye, and is not drawn to scale. It will be observed that the optic nerve O, where it enters the eye, interrupts the continuity of the layer of rods and cones # and of the intermediate structures J. Its fibres spread themselves out in all directions, forming the internal layer of the retina N. ‘The central artery of the retina A accompanying the optic nerve ramifies in the layer of nerve-fibres and in the immediately adjacent layers of the retina, forming a vascular layer V. In the fovea centralis F of the macula lutea (the centre of distinct vision) the layer of rods and cones becomes more highly developed, while the other layers of the retina are much reduced in thickness and the blood-vessels entirely dis- appear. This histological observation points strongly to the conclusion that the rods and cones are the structures which are essential to vision, and that in them are found the conditions for the conversion of the vibrations of the luminiferous ether into a stimulus for a nerve-fibre. This view derives con- firmation from the observations on the retinal blood-vessels, for it is found that the distance between the vascular layer of the retina and the layer of rods and cones determined by histological methods corresponds with that which must exist between the vessels and the light-perceiving elements of the retina, as calculated from the apparent displacement of the shadow caused by given movements of the source of light used in studying intraocular images" as 1“ Dimmer Verh. d. phys. Clubs zu Wien, 24 April, 1894,” Centralbl. fiir Physiologie, 1894, 159. 774 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY, described on p. 767. Another argument in favor of this view is found in the correspondence between the size of the smallest visible images on the retina and the diameter of the rods and cones. A double star can be recognized as double by the normal eye when the distance between the components corresponds to a visual angle of 60’’.. Two white lines on a black ground are seen to be dis- tinct when the distance between them subtends a visual angle of 64-73”. These angles correspond to a retinal image of 0.0044, 0.0046, and 0.0053 mil- limeter. Now, the diameter of the cones in the macula lutea, as determined by Kolliker, is 0.0045-0.0055 millimeter, a size which agrees well with the hypothesis that each cone when stimulated can produce a special sensation of light distinguishable from those caused by the stimulation of the neighboring cones. The existence of the so-called blind spot in the retina at the point of entrance of the optic nerve is sometimes regarded as evidence of the light- perceiving function of the rods and cones, but as the other layers of the retina, as well as the rods and cones, are absent at this point, and the retina here consists solely of nerve-fibres, it is evident that the presence of the blind spot Fic. 233.—To demonstrate the blind spot. only proves that the optic nerve-fibres are insensible to light. Figure 233 is intended to demonstrate this insensibility. For this purpose it should be held at a distance of about 23 centimeters from the eyes (i. e. about 3.5 times the dis- tance between the cross and the round spot). If the left eye be closed and the right eye fixed upon the cross, the round spot will disappear from view, though it will become visible if the eye be directed either to the right or to the left of the cross, or if the figure be held either a greater or a less distance from the eye. ‘The size and shape of the blind spot may readily be determined as follows: Fix the eye upon a definite point marked upon a sheet of white paper. Bring the black point of a lead pencil (which, except the point, has been painted white or covered with white paper) into the invisible portion of ~ the field of vision and carry it outward in any direction until it becomes vis- ible. Mark upon the paper the point at which it just begins to be seen, and by repeating the process in as many d a e different directions as possible the out- line of the blind spot may be marked out. Figure 234 shows the shape of the blind spot determined by Helm- a ig holtz in his own right eye, a being the point of fixation of the eye, and the line AB being one-third of the distance between the eye and the paper. The irregularities of outline, as at Fig. 234.—Form of the blind spot (Helmholtz). THE SENSE OF VISION. - $T6 d, are due to shadows of the large retinal vessels. During this determination it is of course necessary that the head should occupy a fixed position with regard to the paper. This condition can be secured by holding firmly between the teeth a piece of wood that is clamped in a suitable position to the edge of the table. The diameter of the blind spot, as thus determined, has been found to correspond to a visual angle varying from 3° 39’ to 9° 47’, the average measurement being 6° 10’. This is about the angle that is subtended by the human face seen at a distance of two meters. Although a considerable por- tion of the retina is thus insensible to light, we are, in the ordinary use of the eyes, conscious of no corresponding blank in the field of vision. By what psychical operation we “ fill up” the gap in our subjective field of vision caused by the blind spot of the retina is a question that has been much dis- cussed without being definitely settled. The above-mentioned reasons for regarding the rods and cones as the light- perceiving elements of the retina seem sufficiently conclusive. Whether there is any difference between the rods and the cones with regard to their light- perceiving function is a question which may be best considered in connection with a description of the qualitative modifications of light. The histological relation between the various layers of the retina is still under discussion. According to recent observations of Cajal,’ the connection between the rods and cones on the one side and the fibres of the optic nerve on the other is established in a man- ner which is represented diagram- matically in Figure 235. The pro- longations of the bipolar cells of the internal nuclear layer EL’ break up into fine fibres in the external molecular (or plexiform) layer C. Here they are brought into contact, though not into anatomical continuity, with the termi- nal fibres of the rods and cones. The inner prolongations of the same bipolar cells penetrate into the internal molec- ular (or plexiform) layer F’, and there come into contact with the dendrites coming from the layer of ganglion-cells G. These cells are, in their turn, con- nected by their axis-cylinder processes with the fibres of the optic nerve, ‘The ria 2z;Diastammatiorenresnttion of th bipolar cells which serve as connective nd cones; B, external nuclear layer; C, external links between the rods and the optic Gear layers internal molecular (or plexiform) nerve-fibres are anatomically distin- lyer; @ layer of ganglion-cells; H, layer of . << de . . nerve-fibres. guishable (as indicated in the diagram) 1 Die Retina der Wirbelthiere, Wiesbaden, 1894. Rods. Cones. 776 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. from those which perform the same function for the cones. Whatever be the precise mode of connection between the rods and cones and the fibres of the optic nerve, it is evident that each retinal element cannot be connected with the nerve-centres by a separate independent nerve-channel, since the retina. contains many millions of rods and cones, while the optic nerve has only about 438,000 nerve-fibres,' though of course such a connection may exist in the fovea centralis, as Cajal has shown is probably the case in reptiles and birds. -Changes Produced in the Retina by Light.—We must now inquire what changes can be supposed to occur in the rods and cones under the influ- ence of light by means of which they are able to transform the energy of the ether vibrations into a’stimulus for the fibres of the optic nerve. Though in the present state of our knowledge no satisfactory answer can be given to this. question, yet certain direct effects of light upon the retina have been observed which are doubtless associated in some way with the transformation in question. | | The retina of an eye which has been protected from light for a considerable length of time has a purplish-red color, which upon exposure to light changes to yellow and then fades away. This bleaching occurs also in monochromatic light, the most powerful rays being those of the greenish-yellow portion of the spectrum—. e. those rays which are most completely absorbed by the pur-. plish-red coloring matter. A microscopic examination of the retina shows that this coloring matter, which has been termed visual purple, is entirely con- fined to the outer portion of the retinal rods and does not occur at all in the cones. After being bleached by light it is, during life, restored through the agency of the pigment epithelium, the cells of which, under the influence of light, send their prolongations inward to envelop the outer limbs of the rods and cones with pigment. If an eye, either excised or in its natural position, is protected from light for a time, and then placed in such a position that the image of a lamp or a window is thrown upon the retina for a time which may vary with the amount of light from seven seconds to ten minutes, it will be found that the retina, if removed and examined under red light, will show the image of the luminous object impressed upon it by the bleaching of the visual purple. If the retina be treated with a 4 per cent. solution of alum, the restoration of the visual purple will be pre- vented, and the so-called “ optogram” will be, as pho- tographers say, “ fixed.” * F Figure 236 shows the appearance of a rabbit’s retina on which the optogram of a window has been impressed. Although the chemical changes in the visual purple under the influence of light seem, at first sight, to afford an explanation of the transformation of the vibrations of the luminiferous ether into a stimulation for the optic nerve, yet the fact that vision is most distinct in the fovea centralis of the retina, which, * Salzer: Wiener Sitzungsberichte, 1880, Bd. lxxxi. 8. 3. ? Kithne: Untersuchungen a. d. phys. Inst. d. Universitit Heidelberg, i. 1. Fig. 236.—Optogram in eye of rabbit (Kiihne). THE SENSE OF VISION. . ae as it contains no rods, is destitute of visual purple, makes it impossible to regard this coloring matter as essential to vision. The most probable theory of its function is perhaps that which connects it with the adaptation of the eye to varying amounts of light, as described on p. 772. In addition to the above-mentioned movements of the pigment epithelium cells under the influence of light, certain changes in the retinal cones of frogs and fishes have been observed.’ The change consists in a shortening and thick- ening of the inner portion of the cones when illuminated, but the relation-of the phenomenon to vision has not been explained. Like most of the living tissues of the body, the retina is the seat of electri- eal currents. In repose the fibres of the optic nerve are said to be positive in relation to the layer of rods and cones. When light falls upon the retina this current is at first increased and then diminished in intensity. Sensation of Light.— Whatever view may be adopted with regard to the mechanism by which light is enabled to become a stimulus for the optic nerve, the fundamental fact remains that the retina (and in all probability the layer of rods and cones in the retina) alone supplies the conditions under which this transformation of energy is possible. But in accordance with the “law of specific energy” a sensation of light may be produced in whatever way the optic nerve be stimulated, for a stimulus reaching the visual centres through the optic nerve is interpreted as a visual sensation, in the same way that pressure on a nerve caused by the contracting cicatrix of an amputated leg often causes a painful sensation which is referred to the lost toes to which the nerve was formerly distributed. Thus local pressure on the eyeball by stimu- lating the underlying retina causes luminous sensations, already described as phosphenes,” and electrical stimulation of the eye as a whole or of the stump of the optic nerve after the removal of the eye is found to give rise to sensa- tions of light. Vibrations of the luminiferous ether constitute, however, the normal stim- ulus of the retina, and we must now endeavor to analyze the sensation thus produced. In the first place, it must be borne in mind that the so-called ether waves differ among themselves very widely in regard to: their rate of oscilla- tion. The slowest known vibrations of the ether molecules have a frequency of about 107,000,000,000,000 in a second, and the fastest a rate of about 40,000,000,000,000,000 in a second—a range, expressed in musical terms, of about eight and one-half octaves. All these ether waves are capable of warm- ing bodies upon which they strike and of breaking up certain chemical com- binations, the slowly vibrating waves being especially adapted to produce the former and the rapidly vibrating ones the latter effect. Certain waves of intermediate rates of oscillation—viz. those ranging between 392,000,000,- 000,000 and 757,000,000,000,000 in a second—not only produce thermic and chemical effects, but have the power, when they strike the retina, of causing changes in the layer of rods and cones, which, in their turn, act as a stimulus to the optic nerve. The ether waves which produce these various phenomena 1 Engelmann: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, xxxv. 498. 778 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. are often spoken of as heat rays, light rays, and actinic or chemical rays, but it must be remembered that the same wave may produce all three classes of phenomena, the effect depending upon the nature of the substance upon which it strikes. It will be observed that the range of vibrations capable of affecting the retina is rather less than one octave, a limitation which obviously tends to reduce the amount of chromatic aberration. In this connection it is interesting to notice that the highest audible note is produced by about 40,000 sonorous impulses in a second. Between the high- est audible note and the lowest visible color there is a gap of nearly thirty-four octaves in which neither the vibrations of the air nor those of the luminifer- ous ether affect our senses. Even if the slowly vibrating heat-rays which affect our cutaneous nerves are taken into account, there still remain over thirty-one octaves of vibrations, either of the air or of the luminiferous ether, which may be, and very likely are, filling the universe around us without in any way impressing themselves upon our consciousness. Qualitative Modifications of Light.—All the ethereal vibrations which are capable of affecting the retina are transmitted with very nearly the same rapidity through air, but when they enter a denser medium the waves having a rapid vibration are retarded more than those vibrating more slowly. Hence when a ray of sunlight composed of all the visible ether waves strikes upon a plane surface of glass, the greater retardation of the waves of rapid vibration causes them to be more refracted than those of slower vibra- tion, and if the glass has the form of a prism, as shown in Figure 237, this so-called “dispersion” of the rays is still further increased when the rays leave the glass, so that the emerging beam, if received upon a white surface, instead of forming a spot of white light, produces a band of color known as the solar spectrum. The colors of the spectrum, though commonly spoken of as seven in number, really form a continuous series from the extreme red to the extreme violet, these colors corresponding to ether vibra- tions have rates of 392,000,000,000,000 and 757,000,000,000,000 in 1 second, and wave lengths of 0.7667 and 0.3970 micromillimeters' respectively. Colors, therefore, are sensations caused by the impact upon the retina of certain ether waves having definite frequencies and wave-lengths, but these are not the only peculiarities of the ether vibration which influence the retinal sensation. The energy of the vibration, or the vis viva of the vibrating mole- cule, determines the “ intensity ” of the sensation or the brillianey of the light.? Fig. 237.—Diagram illustrating the dispersion of light by @ prism. 1 One micromillimeter = 0.001 millimeter = one Me * The energy of vibration capable of producing a given subjective sensation of intensity varies with the color of the light, as will be later explained (see p. 786). THE SENSE OF VISION. ' 779 Furthermore, the sensation produced by the impact of ether waves of a definite length will vary according as the eye is simultaneously affected by a greater or less amount of white light. This modification of the sensation is termed its degree of “saturation,” light being said to be completely saturated when it is “monochromatic” or produced by ether vibrations of a single wave-length. The modifications of light which taken together determine completely the character of the sensation are, then, three in number—viz.: 1. Color, depend- ent upon rate of vibration or length of the ether wave; 2. Intensity, dependent upon the energy of the vibration ; 3. Saturation, dependent upon the amount of white light mingled with the monochromatic light. These three qualitative modifications of light must now be considered in detail. Color.—In our profound ignorance of the nature of the process by which, in the rods and cones, the movements of the ether waves are converted into a stimulus for the optic nerve-fibres, all that can be reasonably demanded of a color theory is that it shall present a logically consistent hypothesis to account for the sensations actually produced by the impact of ether waves of varying rates, either singly or combined, upon different parts of the retina. Some of the important phenomena of color sensation of which every color theory must take account may be enumerated as follows : 1, Luminosity is more readily recognized than color. This is shown by the fact that a colored object appears colorless when it is too feebly illuminated, and that a spectrum produced by a very feeble light shows variations of inten- sity with a maximum nearer than normal to the blue end, but no gradations of color. A similar lack of color is noticed when a colored object is observed for too short a time or when it is of insufficient size. In all these respects the various colors present important individual differences which will be considered later, 2. Colored objects seen with increasing intensity of illumination appear more and more colorless, and finally present the appearance of pure white. Yellow passes into white more readily than the other colors. . 8. The power of the retina to distinguish colors diminishes from the centre toward the periphery, the various colors, in this respect also, differing mate- rially from each other. Sensibility to red is lost at a short distance from the macula lutea, while the sensation of blue is lost only on the extreme lateral portions of the retina. The relation of this phenomenon to the distribution of the rods and cones in the retina will be considered in connection with the perception of the intensity of light. Color-mixture.—Since the various spectral colors are produced by the dis- persion of the white light of the sun, it is evident that white light may be reproduced by the reunion of the rays corresponding to the different colors, and it is accordingly found that if the colored rays emerging from a prism, as in Fig. 237, are reunited by suitable refracting surfaces, a spot of white light will be produced similar to that which would have been caused by the original beam of sunlight. But white light may be produced not only by the union of all the spectral colors, but by the union of certain selected colors in twos, threes, 780 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. fours, etc. Any two spectral colors which by their union produce white are said to be “complementary ” colors. The relation of these pairs of comple- mentary colors to each other may be best understood by reference to Figure 238. P Fig. 238.—Color diagram. Here the spectral colors are supposed to be disposed around a curved line, as indicated by their initial letters, and the two ends of the curve are united by a straight line, thus enclosing a surface having somewhat the form of a tri- angle with a rounded apex. If the curved edge of this surface be supposed to be loaded with weights proportionate to the luminosity of the different colors, the centre of gravity of the surface will be near the point W. Now, if a straight line be drawn from any point on the curved line through the point W and prolonged till it cuts the curve again, the colors corresponding to the two ends of this straight line will be complementary colors. Thus in Figure 238 it will be seen that the complementary color of red is bluish-green, and that of yellow lies near the indigo. It is also evident that the complementary color of green is purple, which is not a spectral color at all, but a color obtained by the union of violet and red. The union of a pair of colors. lying nearer together than complementary colors produces an intermediate color mixed with an amount of white which is proportionate to the nearness of the colors to the complementary. ‘Thus the union of red and yellow produces orange, but a less saturated orange than the spectral color. The union of two colors lying farther apart than complementary colors produces a color which borders more or less upon purple. | The mixing of colors to demonstrate the above-mentioned effects may be accomplished in three different ways : 1. By employing two prisms to produce two independent spectra, and then directing the colored rays which are to be united so that they will illuminate the same white surface. , 2. By looking obliquely through a glass plate at a colored object placed behind it, while at the same time light from another colored object, placed in front of the glass, is reflected into the eye of the observer, as shown in Figure 239. Here the transmitted light from the colored object A and the reflected light from the colored object B enter the eye at C' from the same direction, and are therefore united upon the retina. 3. By rotating before the eye a disk on which the colors to be united are =~ t 7 a SS Oh eee eee ee S.C aes OF we - 7ae" 1 eS RE a a THE SENSE OF VISION. ~ fay painted upon different sectors. This is most readily accomplished by using a number of disks, each painted with one of the colors to be experimented with, and each divided radially by a cut running from the centre to the circum- ference. The disks can then be lapped over each other and rotated together, and in this way two or more colors can be mixed in any desired proportions. This method of mixing colors depends upon | the property of the retina to retain an 7 O impression after the stimulus causing Kk it has ceased to act—a phenomenon of / great importance in physiological optics, ot \ and one which will be further discussed / \ in connection with the subject of “ after- y, \ images.” jh % The physiological mixing of colors Fie. 239.—Diagram to illustrate color mixture by cannot be accomplish ed by the mixture reflected and transmitted light (Helmholtz). of pigments or by allowing sunlight to pass successively through glasses of different colors, for in these cases rays corresponding to certain colors are absorbed by the medium through which the white light passes, and the phe- nomenon is the result of a process of subtraction and not addition. Light reaching the eye through red glass, for instance, looks red because all the rays except the red rays are absorbed, and light coming through green glass appears green for a similar reason. Now, when light is allowed to pass successively through red and green glass the only rays which pass through the red glass will be absorbed by the green. Hence no light will pass through the combi- nation of red and green glass, and darkness results. But when red and green rays are mixed by any of the three methods above described the result of this process of addition is not darkness, but a yellow color, as will be understood by reference to the color diagram on p. 780. In the case of colored pigments similar phenomena occur, for here too light reaches the eye after rays of cer- tain wave-lengths have been absorbed by the medium. This subject will be further considered in connection with color-theories. Color-theories.—F rom what has been said of color-mixtures it is evident that every color sensation may be produced by the mixture of a number of other color sensations, and that certain color sensations—viz. the purples—can be produced only by the mixture of other sensations, since there is no single. wave-length corresponding to them. Hence the hypothesis is a natural one that all colors are produced by the mixture in varying proportions of a certain number of fundamental colors, each of which depends for its production upon the presence in the retina of a certain substance capable of being affected (probably through some sort of a photo-chemical process) by light of a certain definite wave-length. A hypothesis of this sort lies at the basis of both the ‘Young-Helmholtz and the Hering theories of color sensation. The former theory postulates the existence in the retina of three substances capable of being affected by red, green, and violet rays, respectively—é. e. by the three colors lying at the three angles of the color diagram given on p. 780 782 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. —and regards all other color sensations as produced by the simultaneous affec- tion of two of these substances in varying proportions. Thus when a ray of blue light falls on the retina it stimulates the violet- and green-perceiving sub- stances, and produces a sensation intermediate between the two, while simul- taneous stimulation of the red- and green-perceiving substances produces the sensations corresponding to yellow and orange; and when the violet- and red- ‘perceiving substances are affected at the same time, the various shades of purple are produced. Each of these three substances is, however, supposed to be affected to a slight extent by all the rays of the visible spectrum, a suppo- sition which is rendered necessary by the fact that even the pure spectral colors do not appear to be perfectly saturated, as will be explained in connec- tion with the subject of saturation. Furthermore, the disappearance of color when objects are very feebly or very brightly illuminated or when they are seen with the lateral portions of the retina (as described on p. 779) necessitates the additional hypotheses that these three substances are all equally affected by all kinds of rays when the light is of either very small or very great intensity or when it falls on the extreme lateral portions of the retina, and that they manifest their specific irritability for red, green, and violet rays respectively only in light of moderate intensity falling not too far from the fovea centralis: of the retina. | The modifications of the Young-Hemholtz theory introduced by these sub- sidiary hypotheses greatly diminish the simplicity which was its chief claim to acceptance when originally proposed. Moreover, there will always remain a psychological difficulty in supposing that three sensations so different from each other as those of red, green, and violet can by their union produce a fourth sensation absolutely distinct from any of them—viz. white. The fact that in the Hering theory this difficulty is obviated has contributed greatly to its acceptance by physiologists. In this theory the retina is supposed to contain three substances in which chemical changes may be produced by ether vibrations, but each of these substances is supposed to be affected in two oppo- site ways by rays of light which correspond to complementary color sensa- tions. ‘Thus in one substance—viz. the white-black visual substance—kata- bolic or destructive changes are supposed to be produced by all the rays of the visible spectrum, the maximum effect being caused by the yellow rays, while anabolic or constructive changes occur when no light at all falls upon the retina. The chemical changes of this substance correspond, therefore, to the sensation of luminosity as distinguished from color. In a second substance red rays are supposed to produce katabolic, and green rays anabolic changes, while a third substance is similarly affected by yellow and blue rays. These two substances are therefore spoken of as red-green and yellow-blue visual sub- stances respectively. It has been sometimes urged as an objection to this theory that the effect of a stimulus is usually katabolic and not anabolic. This is true with regard to muscular contraction, from the study of which phenomenon most of our know- ledge of the effect of stimulation has been obtained, but it should be remem- ae ee ee ne THE SENSE OF VISION. eee bered that observations on the augmentor and inhibitory cardiac nerves have shown us that nerve-stimulation may produce very contrary effects. There seems to be, therefore, no serious theoretical difficulty in supposing that light rays of different wave-lengths may produce opposite metabolic effects upon the substances in which changes are associated with visual sensations. A more serious objection lies in the difficulty of distinguishing between the sensation of blackness, which, on Hering’s hypothesis, must correspond to active anabolism of the white-black substance, and the sensation of darkness (such as we experience when the eyes have been withdrawn for some time from the influence of light), which must correspond to a condition of equilibrium of the white-black substance in which neither anabolism nor katabolism is occurring. Another objection to the Hering theory is to be found in the results of experiments in comparing grays or whites produced by mixing different colored rays under varying intensities of light. The explanation given by Hering of the production of white through the mixture of blue and yellow or of red and green is that when either of these pairs of complementary colors is mixed the anabolic and the katabolic processes balance each other, leaving the corre- sponding visual substance in a condition of equilibrium. Hence, the white- black substance being alone stimulated, the result will be a sensation of white corresponding to the intensity of the katabolic process caused by the mixed rays. Now, it is found that when blue and yellow are mixed in certain pro- portions on a revolving disk a white can be produced which will, with a certain intensity of illumination, be undistinguishable from a white produced by mix- ing red and green. If, however, the intensity of the illumination is changed, it will be found necessary to add a certain amount of white to one of the mix- tures in order to bring them to equality. On the theory that complementary colors produce antagonistic processes in the retina it is difficult to understand why this should be the case. A color theory which is in some respects more in harmony with recent observations in the physiology of vision has been proposed by Mrs. C. L. Franklin. In this theory it is supposed that, in its earlier periods of de- velopment, the eye is sensitive only to luminosity and not to color—i. e. it possesses only a white-black or (to use a single word) a gray-perceiving sub- stance which is affected by all visible light rays, but most powerfully by those lying near the middle of the spectrum, The sensation of gray is supposed to be dependent upon the chemical stimulation of the optic nerve-terminations by some product of decomposition of this substance. In the course of development a portion of this gray visual substance becomes differentiated into three different substances, each of which is affected by rays of light corresponding to one of the three fundamental colors of the spectrum —viz. red, green, and blue. When a ray of light intermediate between two of the fundamental colors falls upon the retina, the visual substances corre- sponding to these two colors will be affected to a degree proportionate to the proximity of these two colors to that of the incident ray. Since this effect is 784 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. exactly the same as that which is produced when the retina is acted upon simul- taneously by light of two fundamental colors, we are incapable of distinguish- ing in sensation between an intermediate wave-length and a mixture in proper amounts of two fundamental wave-lengths. When the retina is affected by two or more rays of such wave-lengths that all three of the color visual substances are equally affected, the resulting decom- position will be the same as that produced by the stimulation of the gray visual substance out of which the color visual substances were differentiated, and the corresponding sensation will therefore be that of gray or white. It will be noticed that the important feature of this theory is that it pro- vides for the independent existence of the gray visual substance, while at the same time the stimulation of this substance is made a necessary result of the mixture of certain color sensations. Oolor-blindness.—The fact that many individuals are incapable of distin- guishing between certain colors—#. e. are more or less “ color-blind ”—is one of fundamental importance in the discussion of theories of color vision. By far the most common kind of color-blindness is that in which certain shades of red and green are not recognized as different colors. The advocates of the Young-Helmholtz theory explain such cases by supposing that either the red or the green perceiving elements of the retina are deficient, or, if present, are irritable, not by rays of a particular wave-length, but by all the rays of the visible spectrum. In accordance with this view these cases of color-blindness are divided into two classes—viz. the red-blind and the green-blind—the basis for the classification being furnished by more or less characteristic curves repre- senting the variations in the luminosity of the visible spectrum as it appears to the different eyes. There are, however, cases which cannot easily be brought under either of these two classes. Moreover, it has been proved in cases of monocular color-blindness, and is admitted even by the defenders of the Helm- holtz theory, that such persons see really only two colors—viz. blue and yellow. To such persons the red end of the spectrum appears a dark yellow, and the green portion of the spectrum has luminosity without color. A better explanation of this sort of color-blindness is given in the Hering theory by simply supposing that in such eyes the red-green visual substance is deficient or wholly wanting, but the theory of Mrs, Franklin accounts for the phenomena in a still more satisfactory way ; for, by supposing that the differ- entiation of the primary grav visual substance has first led to the formation of a blue and a yellow visual substance, and that the latter has subsequently been differentiated into a red and a green visual substance, color-blindness._ is readily explained by supposing that this second differentiation has either not occurred at all or has taken place in an imperfect manner. It is, in other words, an arrest of development. Cases of absolute color-blindness are said to occasionally occur. To such persons nature is colorless, all objects presenting simply differences of light and shade. In whatever way color-blindness is to be explained, the defect is one of THE SENSE OF VISION. 185 considerable practical importance, since it renders those affected by it incapable of distinguishing the red and green lights ordinarily used for signals. Such persons are, therefore, unsuitable for employment as pilots, railway engineers, etc., and it is now customary to test the vision of all candidates for employment in such situations. It has been found that no satisfactory results can be reached by requiring persons to name colors which are shown them, and the chromatic sense is now commonly tested by what is known as the “ Holmgren method,” which consists in requiring the individual examined to select from a pile of worsteds of various colors those shades which seem to him to resemble standard skeins of green and pink. When examined in this way about 4 per cent. of the male and one-quarter of 1 per cent. of the female sex are found to be more or less color-blind. The defect may be inherited, and the relatives of a color-blind person are therefore to be tested with special care. Since females are less liable to be affected than males, it often happens that the daughters of a color-blind person, themselves with normal vision, have sons who inherit their grandfather’s infirmity. Although in all theories of color vision the different sensations are supposed to depend upon changes produced by the ether vibrations of varying rates acting upon different substances in the retina, yet it should be borne in mind that we have at present no proof of the existence of any such substances. The visual purple—or, to adopt Mrs. Franklin’s more appropriate term, “the rod pigment”—was at one time thought to be such a substance, but for the reasons above given cannot be regarded as essential to vision." That a centre for color vision, distinct from the visual centre, exists in the cerebral cortex is rendered probable by the occurrence of cases of hemianopsia for colors, and also by the experiments of Heidenhain and Cohn on the influ- ence of the hypnotic trance upon color-blindness. Intensity.—The second of the above-mentioned qualitative modifications of light is its intensity, which is dependent upon the energy of vibrations of the molecules of the luminiferous ether. The sensation of luminosity is net, how- ever, proportionate to the intensity of the stimulus, but varies in such a way that a given increment of intensity causes a greater difference in sensation with feeble than with strong illuminations. This phenomenon is illustrated by the disappearance of a shadow thrown by a candle in a darkened room on a sheet of white paper when sunlight is allowed to fall on the paper from the opposite direction. In this case the absolute difference in luminosity between the shadowed and unshadowed portions of the paper remains the same, but it becomes imperceptible in consequence of the increased total illumination. Although our power of distinguishing absolute differences in luminosity diminishes as the intensity of the illumination increases, yet with regard to relative differences no such dependence exists. On the contrary, it is found within pretty wide limits that, whatever be the intensity of the illumination, 1 In a recently developed theory by Ebbinghaus (Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie wnd Physiologie der Sinnesorgane, vy. 145) a physiological importance in relation to vision is attached to this substance in connection with other substances of a hypothetical character. 50 786 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. it must be increased by a certain constant fraction of its total amount in order to produce a perceptible difference in sensation. This is only a special case of a general law of sensation known as Weber’s law, which has been formulated by Foster as follows: “The smallest change in the magnitude of a stimulus which we can appreciate through a change in our sensation always bears the same proportion to the whole magnitude of the stimulus.” Inuminosity of Different Colors.—When two sources of light having the same color are compared, it is possible to estimate their relative luminosity with considerable accuracy, a difference of about 1 per cent. of the total luminosity being appreciated by the eye. When the sources of light have different colors, much less accuracy is attainable, but there is still a great differ- ence in the intensity with which rays of light of different wave-lengths affect the retina. We do not hesitate to say, for instance, that the maximum intensity of the solar spectrum is found in the yellow portion, but it is import- ant to observe that the position of this maximum varies with the illumina- tion. In a very brilliant spectrum the maximum shifts toward the orange, and in a feeble spectrum (such as may be obtained by narrowing the slit of the spectroscope) it moves toward the green. The curves in Figure 240 illus- howatvhyoh =. = = = = > .] “Bi 650 G25 G05 590 BT 555 535 520 505 490 BiG D F Fig, 240,—Diagram showing the distribution of the intensity of the spectrum as dependent upon the degree of illumination (K6nig). trate this shifting of the maximum of luminosity of the spectrum with vary- ing intensities of illumination. The abscissas represent wave-lengths in millionths of a millimeter, and the ordinates the luminosity of the different colors as expressed by the reciprocal values of the width of the slit necessary to give to the color under observation a luminosity equal to that of an arbi- —ee es SO LA OSs 9 ae te pa ee THE SENSE OF VISION. 787 trarily chosen standard. The curves from A to H represent the distribution of the intensity of light in the spectrum with eight different grades of illumi- nation. This shifting of the maximum of luminosity in the spectrum explains the so-called “ Purkinje’s phenomenon”—viz. the changing rela- tive values of colors in varying illumination. This can be best observed at nightfall, the attention being directed to a carpet or a wall-paper the pattern of which is made up of a number of different colors. As the daylight fades away the red colors, which in full illumination are the most intense, become gradually darker, and are scarcely to be distin- guished from black at a time when the blue colors are still very readily distinguished. Function of Rods and Cones.—The layer of rods and cones has thus far been spoken of as if all its elements had one and the same function. There is, however, some reason to suppose that the rods and cones have different _ functions. That color sensation and accuracy of definition are most perfect in the central portion of the retina is shown by the fact that when we desire to obtain the best possible idea of the form and color of an object we direct our eyes in such a way that the image falls upon the fovea centralis of the retina. The luminosity of a faint object, however, seems greatest when we look not directly at it, but a little to one side of it. This can be readily observed when we look at a group of stars, as, for example, the Pleiades. When the eyes are accurately directed to the stars so as to enable us to count them, the total luminosity of the constellation appears much less than when _ the eyes are directed to a point a few degrees to one side of the object. Now, an examination of the retina shows only cones in the fovea centralis. In the immediately adjacent parts a small number of rods are found mingled with the cones. In the lateral portions of the retina the rods are relatively more numerous than the cones, and in the extreme peripheral portions the rods alone exist. Hence this phenomenon is readily explained on the supposition that the rods are a comparatively rudimentary form of visual apparatus® taking cognizance of the existence of light with special reference to its varying intensity, and that the cones are organs specially modified for the localization of stimuli and for the perception of differences of wave-lengths. The view that the rods are specially adapted for the perception of luminosity and the cones for that of color derives support from the fact that in the retina of cer- tain nocturnal animals—e. g. bats and owls—rods alone are present. ‘This theory has been further developed by Von Kries,' who in a recent article describes the rods as differing from the cones in the following respects: (1) They are color-blind—i. e. they produce a sensation of simple luminosity whatever be the wave-length of the light-ray falling’on them ; (2) they are more easily stimulated than the cones, and are particularly responsive to light- waves of short wave-lengths ; ; (3) they have the power of adapting themselves to light of varying intensity. On this theory it is evident that we must get the sensation of white or 1 Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie wnd Physiologie der Sinnesorgane, ix. 81. 788 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. colorless light in two different ways: (1) In consequence of the stimulation of the rods by any sort of light-rays, and (2) in consequence of the stimula- tion of the cones by certain combinations of light-rays—. e. complementary colors. In this double mode of white perception lies perhaps the explanation of the effect of varying intensity of illumination upon the results of color- mixtures which has been above alluded to (see p. 783) as an objection to the Hering theory. The so-called “ Purkinje’s phenomenon,” described on p. 787, is readily explained in accordance with this theory, for, owing to the greater irritability of the rods, the importance of these organs, as compared with the cones, in the production of the total visual sensation is greater with feeble than with strong illumination of the field of vision. At the same time, the power of the rods to respond particularly to light-rays of short wave-length will cause a greater apparent intensity of the colors at the blue than at the red end of the spectrum. In this connection it is interesting to note that the phe- nomenon is said not to occur when the observation is limited to the fovea centralis, where cones alone are found.’ Saturation.—The degree of saturation of light of a given color depends, as above stated, upon the amount of white light mixed with it. The quality of light thus designated is best studied and appreciated by means of experiments with rotating disks. If, for instance, a disk consisting of a large white and a small red sector be rapidly rotated, the effect produced is that of a pale pink color. By gradually increasing the relative size of the red sector the pink color becomes more and more saturated, and finally when the white sector is reduced to zero the maximum of saturation is produced. It must be borne in mind, however, that no pigments represent completely saturated colors. Even the colors of the spectrum do not produce a sensation of absolute saturation, for, whatever theory of color vision be adopted, it is evident that all the color-perceiving elements of the retina are affected more or less by all the rays of light. Thus when rays of red light fall upon the retina they will stimulate not only the red-perceiving elements, but to a slight extent also (to use the language of the Helmholtz theory) the green- and violet-perceiving elements of the retina. The effect of this will be that of mixing a small amount of white with a large amount of red light—.e. it will produce the sensation of incompletely saturated red light. This dilution of the sensation can be avoided only by previously exhausting the blue- and green-perceiving elements of the retina in a manner which will be explained in connection with the phenomena of after-images. Retinal Stimulation.—Whenever by a stimulus applied to an irritable substance the potential energy there stored up is liberated the following phe- nomena may be observed: 1. A so-called latent period of variable duration during which no effects of stimulation are manifest; 2. A very brief period during which the effect of the stimulation reaches a maximum; 3. A period of continued stimulation during which the effect diminishes in consequence of the using up of the substance containing the potential energy—i.e. a period ‘Von Kries: Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 1896, i. THE SENSE OF VISION. 789 of fatigue; 4. A period after the stimulation has ceased in which the effect slowly passes away. Fic. 241.—Diagram showing the effect of stimulation of an irritable substance. The curve drawn by a muscle in tetanic contraction, as shown in Figure 241, illustrates this phenomenon. Thus, if A D represents the duration of the stimulation, A B indicates the latent period, B C the period of contraction, C D the period of fatigue under stimulation, and D E the after-effect of stimulation showing itself as a slow relaxation. When light falls upon the retina corresponding phenomena are to be observed. Latent Period.—That there is a period of latent sensation in the retina (i.e. an interval between the falling of light on the retina and the beginning of the sensation) is, judging from the analogy of other parts of the nervous system, quite probable, though its existence has not been demonstrated. Rise to Maximum of Sensation.—The rapidity with which the sensation of light reaches its maximum increases with the intensity of the light and varies with its color, red light producing its maximum sensation sooner than green and blue. Consequently, when the image of a white object is moved across the retina it will appear bordered by colored fringes, since the various con- stituents of white light do not produce their maximum effects at the same time. This phenomena can be readily observed when a disk on which a black and a white spiral band alternate with each other (as shown in Figure 242, A) is rotated before the eyes. The white band as its image moves out- - A B Fic. 242.—Disks to illustrate the varying rate at which colors rise to their maximum of sensation. ward. or inward over the retinal surface appears bordered with colors which vary with the rate of rotation of the disk and with the amount of exhaustion of the retina. Chromatic effects due to a similar cause are also to be seen when a disk, such as is shown in Figure 242, B (known as Benham’s spectrum 790 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. top), is rotated with moderate rapidity. The concentric bands of color appear in reverse order when the direction of rotation is reversed. ‘The apparent movement of colored figures on a background of a different color when the eye moves rapidly over the object or the object is moved rapidly before the eye seems to depend upon this same retinal peculiarity. The phenomenon may be best observed when small pieces of bright-red paper are fastened upon a bright-blue sheet and the sheet gently shaken before the eyes. ~ The red figures will appear to move upon the blue background. The effect may be best observed in a dimly-lighted room. | In this connection should be mentioned the phenomenon of “ recurrent images” or “ oscillatory activity of the retina.” * This may be best observed when a black disk containing a white sector is rotated at a rate of about one revolution in two seconds. If the disk is brightly illuminated, as by sunlight, and the eye fixed steadily upon the axis of rota- tion, the moving white sector seems to have a shadow upon it a short distance behind its ad- vancing border, and this shadow may be followed by a second fainter, and even by a third still fainter shadow, as shown in Figure 243. ‘The distance of the shadows from each other and from the edge of the sector increases with the rate of rotation of the disk and corresponds to a time Fig. 243.—To illustrate the oscillatory interval of about 0,015’. It thus appears that activity of the retina (Charpentier). 5 s x when light is suddenly thrown upon the retina the sensation does not at once rise to its maximum, but reaches this point by a sort of vibratory movement. The apparent duplication of a single very brief retinal stimulation, as that caused by a flash of lightning, may perhaps be a phenomenon of the same sort. Fatigue of Retina.—When the eye rests steadily upon a uniformly illu- minated white surface (e. g. a sheet of white paper), we are usually unconscious of any diminution in the intensity of the sensation, but it can be shown that the longer we look at the paper the less brilliant it appears, or, in other words, that the retina really becomes fatigued. To do this it is only necessary to place a disk of black paper on the white surface and to keep the eyes steadily fixed for about half a minute upon the centre of the disk. Upon removing the disk without changing the direction of the eyes a round spot will be seen on the white paper in the place previously occupied by the disk. On this spot the whiteness of the paper will appear much more intense than on the neighboring portion of the sheet, because we are able in this experiment to bring into direct contrast the sensations produced by a given amount of light upon a fresh and a fatigued portion of the retina.” ‘ Charpentier: Archives de Physiologie, 1892, pp. 541, 629; and 1896, p. 677. ? Although the retina is here spoken of as the portion of the visual apparatus subject to fatigue, it should be borne in mind that we cannot, in the present state of our knowledge, dis- criminate between retinal fatigue and exhaustion of the visual nerve-centres. THE SENSE OF VISION. | 791 _ The rapidity with which the retina becomes fatigued varies with the color of the light. Hence when intense white light falls upon the retina, as. when we look at the setting sun, its disk seems to undergo changes of color as one or another of the constituents of its light becomes, through fatigue, less and less conspicuous in the combination of rays which produces the sensation of white. The After-effect of Stimulation.—The persistence of the sensation after the stimulus has ceased causes very brief illuminations (e. g. by an electric spark) to produce distinct effects. On this phenomenon depends also the above-described method of mixing eolors on a revolving disk, since a second color is thrown upon the retina before the impression produced by the first color has had time enough to become sensibly diminished. The interval at which successive stim- ulations must follow each other in order to pro- duce a uniform sensation (a process analogous to the tetanic stimulation of a muscle) may be determined by rotating a disk, such as repre- sented in Figure 244, and ascertaining at what speed the various rings produce a uniform sen- sation of gray. The interval varies with the intensity of the illumination from 0.1’ to 0.033’. The duration of the after-effect de- pends also upon the length of the stimulation and upon the color of the light producing it, the most persistent effect being produced by the "4. 244.—Disk to illustrate the persistence 4 x oe | 5 of retinal sensation (Helmholtz). red rays. In this connection it is interesting to note that while with the rapidly vibrating blue rays a less intense illumination suffices to stimulate the eye, the slowly vibrating red rays produce the more permanent impression. | After-images.— When the object looked at is very brightly illuminated the impression upon the retina may be so persistent that the form and color of the object are distinctly visible for a considerable time after the stimulus has ceased to act. This appearance is known as a “ positive after-image,” and can be best observed when we close the eyes after looking at the sun or other bright source of light. Under these circumstances we perceive a brilliant spot of light which, owing to the above-mentioned difference in the persistence of the impressions produced by the various colored rays, rapidly changes its color, passing gen- erally through bluish green, blue, violet, purple, and red, and then disappear- ing. This phenomenon is apt to be associated with or followed by another effect known as a “negative after-image.” This form of after-image is much more readily observed than the positive variety, and.seems to depend upon the fatigue of the retina. It is distinguished from the positive after-image by the . fact that its color is always complementary to that of the object causing it. In the experiment to demonstrate the fatigue of the retina, described on p. 790, the white spot which appears after. the black disk is withdrawn is the “ nega- tive after-image” of the disk, white being complementary to black. If a 792 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. colored disk be placed upon a sheet of white paper, looked at attentively for a few seconds, and then withdrawn, the eye will perceive in its place a spot of light of a color complementary to that of the disk. If, for example, the disk be yellow, the yellow-perceiving elements of the retina become fatigued in looking at it. Therefore when the mixed rays constituting white light are thrown upon the portion of the retina which is thus fatigued, those rays which produce the sensation of yellow will produce less effect than the other rays for which the eye has not been fatigued. Hence white light to an eye fatigued for yellow will appear blue. If the experiment be made with a yellow disk resting on a sheet of blue paper, the negative after-image will be a spot on which the blue color will appear (1) more intense than on the neighboring portions of the sheet, owing to the blue-perceiving elements of that portion of the retina not being fatigued ; (2) more saturated, owing to the yellow-perceiving elements being so far exhausted that they no longer respond to the slight stimulation which is pro- duced when light of a complementary color is thrown upon them, as has been explained in connection with the subject of saturation. Contrast.—As the eye wanders from one part of the field of vision to another it is evident that the sensation produced by a given portion of the field will be modified by the amount of fatigue produced by that portion on which the eye has last rested, or, other words, the sensation will be the result Fic. 245.—To illustrate the phenomenon of contrast. of the stimulation by the object looked at combined with the negative after- image of the object previously observed. The effect of this combination is to niwatide the phenomenon of successive contrast, the principle of which may be thus stated: Every part of the field of vision appears lighter near a darker THE SENSE OF VISION. '. Fa part and darker near a lighter part, and its color seen near another color approaches the complementary color of the latter. A contrast phenomenon similar in its effects to that above described may be produced under conditions in which negative after-images can play no part. This kind of contrast is known as simultaneous contrast, and may perhaps be explained on the theory that a stimulation of a given portion of the retina produces in the neighboring portions an effect to some extent antagonistic to that caused by direct stimulation. A good illustration of the phenomenon of contrast is given in Figure 245, in which black squares are separated by white bands which at their points of intersection appear darker than where they are bordered on either side by the black squares. A black disk on a yellow background seen through white tissue-paper appears blue, since the white paper makes the black disk look gray and the yellow background pale yellow. The gray disk in contrast to the pale yellow around it appears blue. The phenomenon of colored shadows also illustrates the principle of con- trast. These may be observed whenever an object of suitable size and shape is placed upon a sheet of white paper and illuminated from one direction by daylight and from another by gaslight. Two shadows will be produced, one of which will appear yellow, since it is illuminated only by the yellowish gas- light, while the other, though illuminated by the white light of day, will appear blue in contrast to the yellowish light around it. Space-perception.— Rays of light proceeding from every point in the field of vision are refracted to and stimulate a definite point on the sur- face of the retina, thus furnishing us with a local sign by which we can recognize the position of the point from which the light proceeds. Hence the size and shape of an optical image upon the retina enable us to judge of the size of the corresponding object in the same way that the cutane- ous terminations of the nerves of touch enable us to judge of the size and shape of an object brought in contact with the skin. This spatial perception is materially aided by the muscular sense of the muscles moving the eyeball, for we can obtain a much more accurate idea of the size of an object if we let the eye rest in succession upon its different parts than if we gaze fixedly at a given point upon its surface. The conscious effort associated with a given amount of muscular motion gives, in the case of the eye, a measure of distance similar to that secured by the hand when we move the fingers over the surface of an object to obtain an idea of its size and shape. | The perception of space by the retina is limited to space in two dimensions —i. e. in a plane perpendicular to the axis of vision. Of the third dimension in space—i. e. of distance from the eye—the retinal image gives us no know- ledge, as may be proved by the study of after-images. If an after-image of any bright object—e. g. a window—be produced upon the retina in the man- ner above described and the eye be then directed to a sheet of paper held in the hand, the object will appear outlined in miniature upon the surface of the paper. If, however, the eye be directed to the ceiling of the room, the object 794 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. will appear enlarged and at a distance corresponding to that of the surface looked at. Hence one and the same retinal image may, under different cir- cumstances, give rise to the impression of objects at different distances. We must therefore regard the perception of distance not as a direct datum of vision, but, as will be later explained, a matter of visual judgment. When objects are of such a shape that their images may be thrown suc- cessively upon the same part of the retina, it is possible to judge of their rela- tive size with considerable accuracy, the retinal surface serving as a scale to which the images are successively applied. When this is not the case, the error of judgment is much greater. We can compare, for instance, the relative length of two vertical or of two horizontal lines with a good deal of precision, but in comparing a vertical with a horizontal line we are liable to make a con- siderable error. Thus it is difficult to realize that the vertical and the hori- zontal lines in Figure 246 are of the same length. ‘The error consists in an over-estimation of the length of the vertical lines relatively to horizontal ones, and appears to depend, in part at any rate, upon the small size of the superior rectus muscle relatively to the other muscles of the eye. The difference amounts. to 30-45 per cent. in weight and 40-53 per cent. in area of cross section. It is evident, therefore, that a given motion of the eye in the upward direction will require a more powerful contraction of the weaker muscle concerned in the movement: Fic. 246.—To illustrate the over-esti- than will be demanded of the stronger muscles: mation of vertical lines. . moving the eye laterally to an equal amount. Hence we judge the upward motion of the eye to be greater because to accom- plish it we make a greater effort than is required for a horizontal movement of equal extent, D The position of the vertical line bisecting the horizontal one (in Fig. 246) aids the illusion, as ' may be seen by turning the page through 90°, so ; as to bring the bisected line into a vertical posi- tion, or by looking at the lines in Figure 247, in which the illusion is much less marked than in Figure 246. The tendency to over-estimate the length of vertical lines is also illustrated by the error commonly made in supposing the height of the — crown of an ordinary silk hat to be greater th Toe ane A Fia. 247.—To illustrate the over-estima-. an 1ts brea : tion of vertical lines. Irradiation. — Many other circumstances affect the accuracy of the spatial perception of the retina. One of the most: important of these is the intensity of the illumination. All brilliantly illumi- nated objects appear larger than feebly illuminated ones of the same size, as is. THE SENSE OF VISION. 795 well shown by the ordinary incandescent electric lamp, the delicate filament of which is scarcely visible when cold, but when intensely heated by the electric current glows as a broad band of light. The phenomenon is known as “ irra- diation,” and seems to depend chiefly upon the above-described imperfections in the dioptric apparatus of the eye, in consequence of which points of light produce small circles of dispersion on the retina and bright objects produce Fie. 248.—To illustrate the phenomenon of irradiation. images with imperfectly defined outlines. The white square surrounded by black and the black square surrounded by white (Figure 248), being of the same size, would in an ideally perfect eye produce images of the same size on the retina, but owing to the imperfections of the eye the images are not sharply Fic. 249.—To illustrate the phenomenon of ifradiation. defined, and the white surfaces consequently appear to encroach upon the darker portions of the field of vision. Hence the white square looks larger than the _ black one, the difference in the apparent size depending upon the intensity of the illumination and upon the accuracy with which the eye can be accommo- 796 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. dated for the distance at which the objects are viewed. The effect of irradi- ation is most manifest when the dark portion of the field of vision over which the irradiation takes place has a considerable breadth. Thus the circular white spots in Figure 249, when viewed from a distance of three or four meters, appear hexagonal, since the irradiation is most marked into the triangular dark space between three adjacent circles. A familiar example of the effect of irra- diation is afforded by the appearance of the new moon, whose sun-illuminated crescent seems to be part of a much larger circle than the remainder of the disk, which shines only by the light reflected upon it from the surface of the | earth. | Subdivided ;Space.—A space subdivided into smaller portions by inter- mediate objects seems more extensive than a space of the same size not so sub- divided. Thus the distance from A to B (Fig. 250) seems longer than that from @ ® é a & @ e A B C D E Fia. 250.—To illustrate the illusion of subdivided space. B to C, though both are of the same length, and for the same reason the square D seems higher than it is broad, and the square E broader than it is high, the illusion being more marked in the case of D than in the case of E, because, as above explained, vertical distances are, as a rule, over-estimated. The explanation of this illusion seems to be that the eye in passing over a subdivided line or area recognizes the number and size of the subdivisions, and thus gets an impression of greater total size than when no subdivisions are present. : | ? A good example of this phenomenon is afforded by the apparently increased extent of a meadow when the grass growing on it is cut and arranged in hay- cocks, } : ) The relations of lines to each other gives rise to numerous illusions of spatial perception, among the most striking of which are those afforded by the so-called “ Zéllner’s lines,” an example of which is given in Figure 251. Here ‘ It is interesting to note that a similar illusion has been observed when an interval of time subdivided by audible signals is compared with an equal interval not so subdivided (Hall and Jastrow : Mind, xi. 62), THE SENSE OF VISION. i ee the horizontal lines, though strictly parallel to each other, seem to diverge and converge alternately, their apparent direction being changed toward greater per- (ORE Ge a eal Sa La TW ath Mee AS SSS ies 2 +. e ee ~ i . part, the Te whieh jeorde— Vie = { . et gnte pr ar the . i & 244 iN) io rs Af eu _ R a RA 2: , A Ye : a ~~ My ms fe ath aa Ne Pet - MEE Bee - Fie. 291.—Cells of the olfactory region (after V. uber se —— Brunn): a, olfactory cells; b, epithelial cells; n, Fie, 290.—Section of olfactory mucous mem- central process prolonged as an olfactory nerve- brane (after V. Brunn): the olfactory cells are in fibril; 7, nucleus; c, knob-like clear termination black. of peripheral process ; , bunch of olfactory hairs. the temperature of the body; and it gives up moisture sufficient nearly to saturate the air. | | 1 Journal of Physiology, xv. p. 311; xvii. p. 192. 54 850 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. The olfactory mucous membrane, which alone is the peripheral organ for smell, is seated in the upper part of the nasal chamber, away from the line of the direct current of inspired air. The membrane is thick and is covered by an epithelium composed of two kinds of cells, columnar and rod cells. The latter are the true olfactory cells (Figs. 290, 291), with which the fibres of the olfactory nerve are known to be connected. These olfactory cells, in fact, are comparable to nerve-cells in that the fibres connected with them, the fibres composing the olfactory nerve, are direct outgrowths from the cells (Fig. 292), essentially similar in every way to the nerve-fibre processes springing from nerve-cells in the nerve-centres. In this respect the olfactory cells differ from the sensory cells in other organs of special sense. The membrane olf.c\ Fic. 292.—Diagram of the connections of cells and fibres in the olfactory bulb (Schafer, in Quain’s Anat- omy): olf.c, cells of the olfactory mucous membrane; ol/.n, deepest layer of the bulb, composed of the olfactory nerve-fibres which are prolonged from the olfactory cells; gl, olfactory glomeruli, containing arborization of the olfactory nerve-fibres and of the dendrons of the mitral cells; m.c, mitral cells; a, thin axis-cylinder process passing toward the nerve-fibre layer,, of the bulb to become continuous with fibres of the olfactory tract; these axis-cylinder processes are seen to give off collaterals, some of which pass again into the deeper layers of the bulb; n’, a nerve-fibre from the olfactory tract ramifying in the gray matter of the bulb. appears to be not ciliated except near its juncture with the Schneiderian membrane, where the columnar cells acquire cilia and gradually pass over into the cells covering the respiratory tract. Substances exciting the sense of smell exist as gases or in a fine state of division in the air inspired. They reach the olfactory mucous membrane by diffusion, assisted by the modified inspiratory movements of “sniffing” and “smelling,” and are most acutely perceived when the air containing them is warmed to the body-temperature. The amount of odoriferous matter that may thus be recognized is extraordinarily small; thus, it is said that in one liter of air the odor of 0.000,005 gram of musk and of 0.000,000,005 gram of oil of peppermint can be perceived. The odoriferous particles probably excite the 1 Passy : Comptes-rendus de la Société de Biologie, 1892, p. 84. THE SENSE OF TASTE. - gay sense of smell by coming into contact with the olfactory epithelium after solu- tion in the layer of moisture covering it. This epithelium is easily thrown out of function, as the common loss of smell when there is a “cold in the head ” testifies. When the nostril is filled with water in which an odorous substance is dissolved, no sensation of smell is excited, but it is said that if normal salt-solution, which injures the living tissues less than water, be used - as the solvent, the odor can still be perceived. In many lower animals the sense of smell has an acuteness and an importance in their economy unknown in the human race. It is probable that not only do different races have their distinctive odors, but that each individual exhales an odor peculiar to himself, distinguishable by the olfactory organs of certain animals. The classification of odors is not very definite, and the relation of odors to one another in the way of contrast and harmony is ill understood. No limited number of pri- mary sensations, as in vision, have been discovered out of which other sen- sations can be composed. Certain sensations, as those due to the inhalation of ammonia and other irritant gases, are thought to be due to excitement of the nasal filaments of the fifth nerve, and not of the olfactory. Subjective sensations of smell are sometimes experienced, the result of some irritation arising in the olfactory apparatus itself. Finally, in man sensations of smell have their most important uses in con- nection with taste; many so-called “tastes” owe their character wholly or partly to the unconscious excitement of the sense of smell. G. Tasts. The peripheral surfaces concerned in taste include, in variable degree, the upper surface and sides of the tongue and the anterior surfaces of the soft palate and of the anterior pillars of the fauces. Other parts of the buccal and pharyngeal cavities are, in most persons, devoid of taste.' The chief peripheral sensory organs of taste are groups of modified epi- thelial cells, known as taste-buds (Fig. 293), seated in certain papille of the tasting surfaces. According to some authors, only parts provided with taste- buds can give taste-sensations,” The structure of taste-buds is most easily studied in the papilla foliata of the rabbit, a patch of fine, parallel wrinkles found on each side of the back part of the tongue of the animal. The taste-bud is a somewhat globular body seated in the folds of mucous membrane between the furrows of the papilla. It is made up of a sheath of flattened, fusiform cells enclosing a number of rod-like cells each of which terminates in a hair-like process. These cells surround a central pore which opens into a furrow of the papilla. The hair-bearing cells recall the appearance of the olfactory rod-cells, and are probably the true sensory cells of taste, since between them terminate the filaments of the gustatory nerve. In the human tongue taste-buds are con- 1'V. Vintschgau: “Geruchsinn,”’ Hermann’s Handbuch der Physiologie, iii. 2, 1880. 2 Camerer: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1870, vi. S. 440; Wilezynsky: Hofmann und Schwalbe’s Jahresbericht der Physiol., 1875. 852 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. fined to the fungiform papillz, seen often as red dots scattered over the upper surface; to the circumvallate papille, the pores of the buds opening into the groove around the papilla ; and to an area just in front of the anterior pillar of the fauces, which somewhat resembles the papilla foliata of the rabbit. The sensory nerves distributed to the tongue include filaments from the glosso-pharyngeal, the lingual branch of the-fifth, and the chorda tympani. The relation of these nerves to the sense of taste has been the occasion of much dispute. The weight of evidence probably favors the belief that the glosso-pharyngeal is the nerve of taste for the posterior third of the tongue, while the lingual and, to some extent, the chorda carry taste-impressions from the anterior two-thirds. Clinical cases have been cited to show that all the gustatory fibres arise from the brain as part of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve, whatever may be their subsequent course to the tongue. On the contrary, other cases have shown a marked loss of taste-sensation following upon lesions. of the fifth nerve at or near its origin from the brain, while still others indi-: cate that some of the taste-fibres may arise in the seventh nerve. The point. is of practical importance in diagnosis, in the interpretation of loss of taste: over any given part of the tongue, but the contradiction in the clinical cases. reported has led to the general belief NP eee 2577 TN that the origin and course of the gusta- INS Rees ARAL tory fibres are subject to considerable: ENN individual variations. Fig. 293.—Section through one of the taste-buds Our taste-perceptions are ordinarily of the papilla foliata of the rabbit (from Quain, much modified by simultaneous olfac- after Ranvier), highly magnified: p, gustatory ° ° pore; 8, gustatory cell; r, sustentacular cell; m, tory sensations, as may easily be dem- leucocyte containing granules; ¢, superficial epi- onstrated by the difficulty experienced) thelial cells; n, nerve-fibres. ‘ 6 Ta in distinguishing by taste an apple, an onion, and a potato, when the nostrils are closed. Sight has also an import- ant influence, at least in quickening the expectancy for individual flavors. Every smoker knows the blunting of his perception for burning tobacco. while in the dark ; various dishes having distinctive flavors are said to lose much of their gustatory characteristics when the eyes are bandaged. The intensity of gustatory sensation increases with the area to which the tasted substance is applied. The movements of mastication are peculiarly adapted to bring out the full taste value of substances taken into the mouth, and the act of swallowing, by which the morsel is rubbed between the tongue: and the palate, has been proved to develop tastes not appreciable by simple- contact with the sensory surface. A considerable area in the mid-dorsum of the tongue is said to be devoid of all taste-sensibility.? 1 Shore: Journal of Physiology, 1892, vol. xiii. p. 191. oes M My } M i n THE SENSE OF TASTE. — The sensitiveness of taste-sensation is greatest when the exciting substance is at the temperature of the body. Weber' found that when the tongue was dipped during one-half to one minute in water either at the freezing tempera- ture or warmed to 50° C., the sweet taste of sugar could no longer be appre- ciated by it. It is probable that sapid substances reach the sensory endings of the nerves of taste only after being dissolved in the natural fluids of the mouth, and any artificial drying of the buccal surfaces or alteration of their secretion must affect taste-perceptions. The excitement of the taste-nerves appears to depend not so much on the absolute amount of the substance to be detected as on the concentration of the Fie. 294.—Diagram showing the mode of termination of sensory nerve-fibres in the auditory, gustatory, and tactile structures of vertebrata (from Quain, after Retzius). Each sense organ may be considered as essentially constructed of a nerve-cell with two processes, one finding its way centrally to cluster round other nerve-cells or their processes, and the other to terminate in the periphery. In the organ of smell the peripheral process is very short and is directly irritated by foreign particles, the original nerve-cell being represented by the olfactory cell (Fig. 291). In the organs of touch the nerve-cell is found in the ganglion of the posterior spinal nerve-root; the peripheral process is very long and is acted on indirectly through the modified epithelium round which it clusters. The same may be said of the other sense organs. See Quain’s Anatomy, 10th ed., vol. iii. pt. 3, p. 152. solution containing it. Thus, when 1 part of common salt to 213 of water was tasted by Valentin,’ 14 cubic centimeters of the fluid was sufficient to give a saltish taste; when diluted so that the ratio of salt to water was 1 to 426, 12 cubic centimeters taken in the mouth scarcely gave the salt taste. Sulphate of quinine dissolved in the proportion 1 to 33,000 gave a decided bitter taste, but a solution 1 to 1,000,000 was with difficulty perceived as bitter. It has generally been conceded that all gustatory sensations may be built up out of four primary taste-sensations—namely, bitter, sweet, sowr, and salt, Some authors even limit the list to tastes of bitter and sweet (V. Vintschgau). 1 Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, 1847, 8. 342. 2 Lehrbuch der Physiologie, 1848. 854 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. There is strong reason to believe that corresponding to the four primary taste- sensations there are separate centres and nerve-fibres, each of which, when excited, gives rise only to its appropriate taste-sensation. Substances which arouse the sense of taste are not appreciated in uniform degree over the surface of the tongue. Thus, to V. Vintschgau, at the tip of the tongue acids were perceived acutely, sweets somewhat less plainly, and bitter substances hardly at all. It is generally admitted that sweet and sour tastes are recognized chiefly at the front, and bitter, together with alkaline tastes, by the posterior part of the tongue. Strong evidence in favor of the specific difference between various taste-nerves is found in the fact that the same substance may excite a different gustatory sensation according as it is applied to the front or the back of the tongue. Thus, it has been demonstrated that a certain compound of saccharin (para-brom-benzoic sulphinide) appears to most persons to be sweet when applied to the tip of the tongue, but bitter in the region of the cireum- vallate papillee." Ocehrwall ? has examined the different fungiform papille scattered over the tongue with reference to their sensitiveness to taste-stimuli. One hundred and twenty-five separate papillae were tested with succinic acid, quinine, and sugar. Twenty-seven of the papillae gave no response at all, indicating that they were devoid of taste-fibres. Of the remaining ninety-eight, twelve reacted to suc- cinic acid alone, three to sugar alone, while none were found which were acted upon by quinine alone. The fact that some papillz responded with only one form of taste-sensation is again evidence in favor of the view that there are separate nerve-fibres and endings for each fundamental sensation; but the figures given in the experiments show that the majority of the papille are provided with more than one variety of taste-fibre. An extract of the leaves of a tropical plant, Gymnema silvestre, when applied to the tongue, renders it incapable of distinguishing the taste of sweet and bitter substances; it probably paralyzes the nerves of sweet and bitter sensations. When a solution of cocaine in sufficient strength is painted on the tongue, the various sensations from this member are said to be abolished in the following order: (1) General feeling and pain; (2) bitter taste; (3) sweet taste; (4) salt taste; (5) acid taste; (6) tactile perception (Shore). That there are laws of contrast in taste-sensation has long been empirically known. Thus, the taste of cheese enhances the flavor of wine, but sweets impair it (Joh. Miller). It is unfortunate, from a hygienic standpoint at least, that in this most important department of the physiology of sensation investigations are almost wholly wanting. Certain tastes may disguise others without physically neutralizing them ; F when, for example, sugar is mixed with vinegar, the overcoming of the acid taste is probably effected in the central nerve-organ.* 1 Howell and Kastle: Studies from the Biological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. 1887, iv. 13. ? Skandinavisches Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1890, vol. ii. p. 1. * Brucke: Vorlesungen iiber Physiologie, 1876. XIi. PHYSIOLOGY OF SPECIAL MUSCULAR MECHANISMS. A. Tae Action or Locomotor MEcHANISMs. The Articulations.—The form, posture, and movements of vertebrates are largely determined by the structure of the skeleton and the method of union of the bones of which it is composed. There are two hundred bones in the human skeleton, and they are so connected together as to be immovable, or to allow of many varieties and degrees of motion. There are four prin- cipal methods of articulation : 1. Union by Bony Substance (Sutures).—This form of union occurs between the bones of the skull. These bones, which at birth are independent structures connected by fibrous tissue, gradually grow together and make a continuous whole, only a more or less distinct seam remaining as witness of the original condition. 2. Union by Fibro-Cartilages (Symphyses).—The bodies of the verte- bree and the pelvic bones are closely bound together by disks of fibro-cartilage. This material, which is very strong, but yielding and elastic, permits of a slight amount of movement when the force applied is considerable, and restores the bones to their original position on the removal of the force. The inter- vertebral disks act, moreover, as elastic cushions or buffers to deaden the effect of sudden jars. 3. Union of Fibrous Bands (Syndesmoses).—Some of the bones, as of the carpus and tarsus, are connected by interosseous ligaments which, at the same time that they bind the bones together, admit of a certain amount of play, the extent of the movement varying with the character of the surfaces and the length of the ligaments. 4, Union by Joints.—The adjacent surfaces of most of the bones are so formed as to permit of close contact and freedom of movement in special directions. The parts of the bones entering into the joint are clothed with very smooth cartilage, and the joint-surfaces are lubricated by synovial fluid, a viscid liquid secreted by a delicate membrane which lines the fibrous capsule by which the joint is surrounded. The joint-capsule is firmly attached to the bones at the margin of the articular cartilages, and, at the same time that it completely surrounds and isolates the joint-cavity, helps to bind the bones together. The bones are further united by strong ligaments, in some cases within aud in other cases without the capsule. These ligaments are so placed that they are relaxed in certain positions of the joints and tightened in others ; 855 856 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. they guide and limit the movements of the joints. The joint-surfaces always touch, although in some joints the parts in contact change with the position of the joint. If continuous contact of the joint-surfaces is to be maintained and free movement is to take place in special directions, it is evident that the opposing surfaces must not only be so constructed that-they shall fit each other with great accuracy, but also have forms especially adapted to the move- ments peculiar to each of the joints. > The different joints exhibit a great variety of movements and may be clas- sified as follows: gliding joints, hinge joints, condyloid joints, saddle joints, ball-and-socket joints, pivot joints. For a description of the structure and the peculiarities of these joints the student is referred to works on anatomy.’ The contact of the surfaces of the joint is secured in part by the fibrous capsule, in part by the joint ligaments, and in part by the tension of the muscles. The elastic muscles are attached under slight tension, and, moreover, during wak- ing hours are kept slightly contracted by tonus impulses of reflex origin. - Another less evident but no less important condition is the atmospheric pres- sure. The capsule fits the joint closely and all the space within not occupied by the bones is filled by cartilages, fibrous bands, fatty tissues and synovial fluid. The joint is air-tight, and, as was first demonstrated by the Weber brothers, the atmospheric pressure keeps all parts in close apposition. This force is sufficiently great in the case of the hip-joint to support the whole weight of the leg even after all the surrounding soft parts have been cut through. The proof that the air-pressure gives this support is found in the fact that the head of the femur maintains its place in the acetabulum after all the soft parts which surround the joint have been divided, but falls out of its socket if a hole be bored in the acetabulum and air be permitted to enter the cavity of the joint. ‘Though the air-pressure keeps the bones in constant contact it offers no resistance to the movements peculiar to the joints. The movements of the bones is effected chiefly by muscular contractions, but the direction and extent of the movements is for the most part determined by the form of the joint-surfaces and the limitations to movement which result from the method of attachment of the ligaments. In the case of sliding joints, in which the articular surfaces are nearly flat, a sliding movement may occur in various directions, but the extent of the movement is slight, being limited by the capsule and the ligaments. Hinge joints have but a single axis of rotation, because the convex and somewhat cylindrical surface of one bone fits quite closely the concave surface of the other, and because of tense lateral ligaments which permit of movements only in a single plane. The joint between the humerus and the ulnar at the elbow is an example. The knee-joint’ is a less simple form of hinge joint. The presence of the semilunar cartilages and ' Quain’s Anatomy, vol. ii. pt. 1. ? W. Braunne and Fischer have studied with mathematical accuracy the construction and movements of many of the joints of the human body. Their articles are published in the Abhandlungen der math.-phys. Classe der kénigl. Stichsischer Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Bd. Xvii., and others. THE ACTION OF LOCOMOTOR MECHANISMS. | 857 the shape of the joint-surfaces cause flexion to be produced by the combined action of sliding, rolling, and rotation movements. In complete extension the lateral ligaments and the posterior and anterior crucial ligaments are put on the stretch, and there is a locking of the joint, no rotation being possible; in complete flexion, on the other hand, the posterior crucial ligament is tight, but the others are sufficiently loose to allow of a consider- able amount of pronation and supination. In the saddle-joint there is a double axis of rotation—e. g. the articulation of the trapezius with the first metacarpal bone permits of rotation about an axis extending from before back- ward, and another, at nearly right angles to this, extending from side to side. The ball-and-socket joint, of which the shoulder- and hip-joints are exam- ples, permits of the greatest variety of movements, any diameter of the head of the bone serving as an axis of rotation. Method of Action of Muscles upon the Bones.—The bones can be looked upon as levers actuated by the forces which are applied at the points of attachment of the muscles. All three forms of levers are represented in the body ; indeed, they may be illustrated in the same joint, as the elbow. An example of a lever of the first class, in which the fulcrum is between the power and the resistance, is to be found in the extension of the forearm in such an act as driving a nail: the inertia of the hammer, hand, and forearm offers the resistance, the triceps muscle acting upon the olecranon gives the power, and the trochlea, upon which the rotation occurs, is the fulcrum. The balancing of the head upon the atlas is another example: the front part of the head and face is the resistance, the occipito-atlantoid joint the fulcrum, and the muscles of the neck the power. In the case of a lever of the second order, the resistance is between the ful- erum and the power; for example, when the weight of the body is being raised from the floor by the hands: the fulcrum is where the hand rests on the floor, the weight is applied at the elbow-joint, and the power is the pull of the triceps on the olecranon. The raising of the body on the toes is another ex- ample: the fulcrum is at the place where the toes are in contact with the floor, the resistance is the weight of the body transmitted through the tibia to the astragalus, and the power is applied at the point of attachment of the tendo Achillis to the os calcis. The raising of a weight in the hand by flexion of the forearm through contraction of the biceps gives an example of a lever of the third order, in which the power is applied between the fulerum and the weight. This form of lever, because of the great length of the resistance arm, as compared with the power arm, is favorable to extensive and rapid movements, and is the most usual form of lever in the body. The power is applied to best advantage when it is exerted at right angles to the direction of a lever, as in the case of the muscles of mastication and of the calf of the leg. If the traction be exerted obliquely, the effect is the less the more acute the angle between the tendon of the muscle and the bone; for example, when the arm is extended the flexor muscles work to great disad- 858 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. vantage, for a large part of the force is expended in pulling the ulnar and radius against the humerus, and is lost for movement, but as the elbow is flexed the force is directed more and more nearly at right angles to the bones of the forearm, and there is a gain in leverage, which is of course again decreased as flexion is completed. This gain in leverage which accompanies the shortening of the muscles is the more important, since the power of the muscle is greatest when the muscle has its normal length, and continually lessens as the muscle shortens in contraction. ‘There are a number of special arrangements which help to increase the leverage of the muscles by lessening the obliquity of attachment—viz. the enlarged heads of the bones, and in some cases special processes projecting from the bones, the introduction of sesamoid bones into the tendons, and the presence of pulley-like mechanisms, The contraction of a muscle causes the points to which it is attached to approach one another, and the direction of the movement is often determined by the direction in which the force of the contracting muscle is applied to the bones. In the case of certain joints, however, the form of the joint-surfaces and the method of attachment of the ligaments limits the direction of move- ment to special lines; and when this is not the case the movement is usually the resultant of the action of many muscles rather than the effect of the con- traction of any one muscle. This question has been made the subject of careful study by Fick.’ In the case of many muscles, both of the bones to which they are attached are movable, and the result of contraction depends largely on which of the extremities of the muscles becomes fixed by the contraction of other muscles. Though most muscles have direct influence over only one joint, there are certain muscles which include two joints between their points of attachment, and pro- duce correspondingly complex effects. The accurate adjustment and smooth graduation of most co-ordinated muscular movements is due to the fact that not only the muscles directly engaged in the act, but the antagonists of these mus- cles take part in the movement. It would appear from the observations of certain writers” that antagonistic muscles may be not only excited to contrac- tion, but inhibited to relaxation, and that the tension of the muscles is thereby accurately adjusted to the requirements of the movement to be performed. The importance of the elastic tension and reflex tonic contractions of muscles to ensure quick action, to protect from sudden strains, and to restore the parts to the normal position of rest has been referred to elsewhere. The shape of the muscle has an important relation to the work which it has to perform. A muscle consists of a vast number of fibres, each of which can be regarded as a chain of contractile mechanisms. The longer the fibre, the greater the number of these mechanisms in series and the greater the total shortening effected by their combined action; consequently, a muscle with long fibres, such as the sartorius, is adapted to the production of extensive movements. In order that a muscle shall be capable of making powerful * Hermann’s Handbuch der Physiologie, 1871, Bd. i. pt. 2, p. 241. * Sherrington: Proceedings of the Royal Society, Feb., 1893, vol. liii. THE ACTION OF LOCOMOTOR MECHANISMS. — 859 movements it is necessary that many fibres shall be placed side by side, as in the case of the gluteus: “ Many hands, light work.” Standing.—In spite of the ease with which the many joints of the body move, the erect position is maintained with comparatively little muscular exertion. It is an act of balancing in which the centre of gravity of the body is kept directly over the base of support. In the natural erect position of the body the centre of gravity of the head is slightly in front of the oc- cipito-atlantoid articulation, so that there is a tendency for the head to rock forward, as is seen from the nodding of the head of one falling asleep. The centre of gravity of the head and trunk together is such that the line of gravity falls slightly behind a line drawn between the centres of the hip- joints, which would incline the body to fall backward. The line of gravity of the head, trunk, and thighs falls slightly behind the axis of the knee- joints, and the line of gravity of the whole body slightly in front of a line connecting the two ankle-joints, so that the weight of the body would tend to flex the knee- and ankle-joints. We cannot here consider in detail the mechanical sondittons which limit the movements possible to the different joints in the erect position of the body. Although these conditions help to support the body in the upright position, they are not alone sufficient to the maintenance of this posture, as is shown by the fact that the cadaver cannot be balanced upon its feet. That standing requires the action of the muscles is further proved by the fatigue which is experienced when one is forced to stand for a considerable time. The body may be supported in the standing position in various attitudes. Thus, the soldier standing at “attention” places the heels together, turns the toes out, makes the legs straight and parallel, so as to extend the knees to their utmost, tilts back the pelvis, straightens the spine, and looks directly forward. In this position many of the muscles are relieved from action, for the complete extension of the knee, by bringing the line of gravity slightly in front of the axis of rotation and tending to produce further extension, puts the ligaments on the stretch and so locks the joint. Similarly, in the case of the hip-joint the tilting backward of the pelvis causes the line of gravity to fall slightly behind the joint and puts the strong ilio-femoral ligament on the stretch. The ankle-joint cannot be locked, and the tendency of the body to fall forward is resisted by the strong muscles of the calf of the leg. The erect position of the spine and the balancing of the head have likewise to be maintained by the action of muscles. Although this position gives great stability, it cannot be long maintained with comfort. It is less fatiguing to allow the joints to be a little more flexed, and to keep the balance by the action of the muscles, the position being frequently changed so as to bring fresh muscles into action. Perhaps the most restful standing position is found in letting the weight of the body be supported on one leg, the pelvis being tilted so as to bring the weight of the body over the femur, and the other being used as a prop to pre- serve the balance. Absolute stability in standing is impossible for any length of time; the body is continually swaying, and a pencil resting on a writing 860 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. surface placed upon the head is found to write a very complicated curve. There is a normal sway for every individual, and this may become markedly exaggerated under pathological conditions. The maintenance of equilibrium requires that afferent impulses shall continually pass to the co-ordinating cen- tres which control the muscles involved in this act, and if any of these normal impulses fail the sway of the body is increased ; for example, it is more diffi- cult to stand steadily when the eyes are closed than when they are open; the absence of the normal sensory impulses from the skin of the feet, the muscles, joints, etc., also makes standing more difficult and tends to increase the sway. The effect.of the normal sway of the body is to shift the pressure and strain from point to point and to relieve the different muscles from continuous action. Locomotion.'—The movements of animals were first studied by careful observation, accompanied by more or less accurate direct measurements, and by these simple methods the Weber brothers? arrived at quite accurate con- clusions as to the nature of the processes, walking, running, jumping, ete. These results were greatly extended by Marey,* who employed elaborate recording methods, and exact pictures of all stages of these processes were later obtained through the remarkable revelations of instantaneous photog- raphy.‘ Walking.—During the act of walking, at the same time that the body is propelled forward it is continually supported by the feet, one or the other of which is always touching the ground. Preparatory to beginning the move- ment the weight of the body is thrown upon one leg, while the other leg is placed somewhat behind it, the knee and ankle being slightly flexed. At the start the body is given a slight forward inclination, then the back leg is ex- tended and impels the body forward. As the centre of gravity progresses so as to be no longer over the supporting leg, it would fall were it not that the back leg is at the same instant swung forward to sustain it. As the body moves forward and its weight is received by the leg which has just been advanced, the leg which has been its support is freed from the weight and becomes inclined behind it. This leg and foot are next extended, the body thereby receiving another forward impulse, and then the hip-, knee-, and ankle-joints flexing slightly, the leg swings forward past the supporting leg and again becomes the support of the body. The forward movement of the body is due in part to a slight inclination which tends to cause it to fall forward, and in Ye to a push given it by each leg in turn as it leaves the ground. The amou work performed by the legs in ordinary walking is com- paratively slight, since the swing of the leg is, like that of a pendulum, largely * Beaunis: Physiologie humaine, 1888, vol. ii. p. 269, gives many references to the litera- ture of this subject. *'W. and E. Weber: Mechanik der menschlichen Gehewerkzeuge, 1836. * La Méthode graphique, 1885. * Marey: Méthode graphique (supplement), 1885; Muybridge: The Horse in ies as Shown | by Instantaneous Photography, 1882. VOICE AND SPEECH. 861 a passive act. Speed in walking is attained by inclining the body somewhat more and by flexing the legs somewhat more, so that the hind limb in extend- ing can push the body forward with greater force. The more rapid move- | ment of the body is also accompanied by a more rapid forward swing of the leg, the muscles aiding the force of gravity. The transfer of the weight of the body from one leg to the other causes it to oscillate slightly from side to side, and the falling motion, interrupted by the support offered by the receiving limbs, causes a slight up-and-down movement. These oscillations are, how- ever, very slight ; the tendency for the centre of gravity to move from side to side as the legs alternately push the body forward is in part balanced by the swing of the opposite arm; and the vertical oscillation is largely obviated, because the supporting leg is extending—~. e. lengthening—as the body moves forward, and so sustains the pelvis until its weight is taken by the other leg. In running the body is inclined more than in walking, and the legs are more flexed in order that the extension movement of the back leg, which drives the body forward, may be more effective. In running the body is pro- pelled by a series of spring-like movements and there are times when both feet are off the ground, the back leg leaving the ground before the other touches it. ‘The increase in speed is due in part to the greater forward incli- nation of the body, but more especially to the vigorous action of the muscles. B. VoiIcE AND SPEECH. 1. STRUCTURE OF .THE LARYNX. Voice-production.—The human voice is produced by vibration of the true vocal cords, normally brought about by an expiratory blast of air passing between them while they are approximated and held in a state of tension by muscular action. Mere vibration of the cords could produce but a feeble sound ; the voice owes its intensity both to the energy of the expiratory blast (Helmholtz)* and to the reinforcement of the vibrations by the resonating cavities above and below the cords. A true conception of the action of the larynx can only be gained by a pre- liminary study of the organ in situ, in its relations with the trachea, pharynx, tongue, extrinsic muscles, and hyoidean apparatus. Removed from its con- nections, the larynx, in vertical transverse section, is seen to be shaped some- what like an hour-glass, the true vocal cords forming the line of constriction half way between the top of the epiglottis and the lower border of the cri- coid cartilage (Fig. 295). In median vertical section the axis of the larynx above the vocal cords extends decidedly backward, and below the cords the axis is nearly perpendicular to the plane in which they lie. The epiglottis is an ovoid lamella of elastic cartilage, shaped like a shoe-horn, that leans backward over the laryngeal orifice so that the observer must look down obliquely in order to inspect the cavity of the larynx (Fig. 299). The mucous membrane is thickened into a slight prominence, known as the “cushion,” at the base of 1 Quoted by Griitzner: Hermann’s Handb. der Physiologie, Bd. 11, Th. 2, 8. 14, 1879. 862 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. the epiglottis. The epiglottis, which is extremely movable in a median plane, may be tilted backward so as to close completely the entrance into the larynx. Functions of the Epiglottis.——One function of the epiglottis seems obviously to serve as a cover for the superior entrance of the larynx, over which it is said to shut in the act of swallowing. But it- is found that deglutition occurs in a normal manner when the epiglottis is wanting or is too small to cover the aperture, the sphincter muscles surrounding the latter being capable of pro- tecting the larynx against the entrance of foreign substances. It is held by some that the epiglottis has an important influ- ence in modifying the voice according as it NS es ink more or less completely covers the exit to Vi | | the column of vibrating air. It isalso held 3 ii that the epiglottis acts as a sort of sounding- | le board, taking up and reinforcing the vibra- tions of the air-column impinging against it." Sweeping downward and backward from Fia. 295.—Vertical transverse section of the larynx (after Testut): 1, posterior face of epiglottis, with 1’, its cushion; 2, aryteno- epiglottic fold; 3, ventricular band, or false vocal cord; 4, true vocal cord; 5, central fossa of Merkel; 6, ventricle of larynx, with 6’, its ascending pouch; 7, anterior portion of cricoid; 8, section of cricoid; 9, thyroid, cut surface; 10, thyro-hyoid membrane; 11, thyro-hyoid muscle; 12, aryteno-epiglottic muscle; 13, :thyro-arytenoid muscle, with 13’, its inner division, contained in the vocal cord; 14, crico-thyroid muscle; 15, subglottic portion of larynx; 16, cavity of the trachea, each edge of the epiglottis is a sheet of mucous membrane, the ary-epiglottic fold, which forms the lateral rim of the superior aperture of the larynx and which ends in, and covers posteriorly, the arytenoid carti- lages. The rounded prominence on the pos- terior corner of this fold is made by the car- tilage of Santorini, anda second, less marked, swelling external to it, by the cartilage of Wrisberg (Fig. 302). Looking down into the larynx, it is seen that its lateral walls approach each other by the develop- ment on each side of a permanent ridge of mucous membrane, known as the ventricular band or false vocal cord (Fig. 295). Ventricular Bands and Ventricles of Morgagni.— The ventricular bands or false vocal cords arise from the thyroid cartilage near the median line, a_ short distance above the origin of the true cords. arytenoid cartilages somewhat below the apices of the latter. They are inserted into the Their free bor- der is more or less ligamentous in structure. They are brought into contact by the sphincter muscles of the larynx, and thus protect the glottis. It has even been stated that, in paralysis of the true cords, they may be set in vibra- tion and be the seat of voice-formation. So-called “cedema of the glottis” is chiefly due to accumulation of fluid in the wide lymph-spaces found in the false cords. ? Mills: Journ. of Physiology, 1883, vol. iv. p. 135. SE Se Ohl 2 —— — VOICE AND SPEECH. - 863 The ventricular bands are parallel with and just above the true vocal cords, from which they are separated by a narrow slit. They do not, however, reach so near the middle line as the true cords, which can be seen between and below the bands. The ventricular bands project more or less into the cavity of the larynx like overhanging lips, so that each band forms the inner wall of a space closed by the true vocal cords below, and communicating with the cavity of the larynx through the narrow slit above mentioned. The spaces thus bounded internally by the false cords are known as The Ventricles of Morgagni (Fig. 295).—No complete explanation has been offered as to the purposes served by the ventricles of Morgagni and the false vocal cords. Numerous mucous and serous glands seated in the ventricular bands pour their secretions into the ventricles, whence the fluid may be trans- mitted by the overhanging lips of the ventricular bands to the true vocal cords; hence, an important function of the former structure, probably, is to supply to the vocal cords the moisture necessary to their normal action. The secretion contained within the ventricle is protected by the ventricular band from the desiccating influence of the passing air-currents. The existence of the ventricular spaces also permits free upward vibration of the true cords. The ventricles of Morgagni in some of the lower animals, as the higher apes, communicate with extensive cavities which serve an obvious purpose as reso- nating chambers for the voice, and perhaps the preservation of this function in the ventricles themselves is still of importance in the human being. It is not improbable that the ventricular bands find their most important function as sphincters of the larynx, the superior opening of which may be firmly occluded by their approximation. The well-known fact that during strong muscular effort the breath is held from escaping is, according to Brunton and Cash,! due to the meeting of the false cords in the middle line. The overhanging shape of the cords allows them to be readily separated by an inspiratory blast, but causes them to be more firmly approximated by an expiratory effort. This mechanism recalls the mode of action of the semilunar valves of the heart. The true vocal cords arise from the angle formed by the sides of the thyroid cartilage where they meet in front, a little below its middle point, and, passing backward, are inserted into the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages. The aperture between the vocal cords and between the vocal processes of the arytenoids is known as the glottis or rima glottidis (Figs. 301, 302). Since, as will be seen later, the vocal cords may be brought together while the vocal pro- cesses of the arytenoids are widely separated at their bases, the space between the cords themselves is sometimes called the rima vocalis and that between the vocal processes the rima respiratoria. In the adult male the vocal cords measure about 15 millimeters in length and the vocal processes measure 8 millimeters in addition. In the female the cords are from 10 to 11 millimeters in length. The free edges of the cord are thin and straight and are directed upward ; their median surfaces are flattened. Each cord is composed of a dense bundle of fibres of yellow elastic tissue, 1 Brunton and Cash: Journ. Anat. and Phys., 1883, vol. xvii. 864 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. which fibres, though having a general longitudinal course, are interwoven, and send off shoots laterally into the subjacent tissue. The compact ligament, known commonly as the “ vocal cord,” forms only the free edge of a reflexion from the side wall of the larynx. This reflexion is wedge-shaped in a vertical, transverse section and contains much elastic tissue and the internal and part of the external thyro-arytenoid muscle (Fig. 295). This whole structure properly forms the vocal cord, and by contraction of its contained muscle its thickness and vibrating qualities may be greatly modified. Like the trachea, the larynx, with the exception of the vocal cords, is lined Fig. 296.—Cartilages of the larynx, separated (Stoerk): 1, epiglottis; 2, petiolus; 3, median notch of thyroid; 4, superior cornu of thyroid; 5, attachment of stylo-pharyngeus muscle; 6, origin of thyro-epiglottic ligament; 7, origin of the thyro-arytenoid muscle; 8, origin of true vocal cord ; 9, inferior cornu of thyroid; 10, car- tilage of Wrisberg; 11, cartilage of Santorini; 12, 12’, arytenoid cartilages, showing attachments of the transverse arytenoid muscle; 13, 18’, pro- cessus muscularis, showing attachments of the posterior and lateral crico-arytenoid muscles; 14, base of the arytenoid cartilage; 15, vocal pro- cesses of the arytenoids; 16, articular surface for the base of the arytenoid cartilage ; 17, posterior view of cricoid cartilage, with outline of attach- ment of the posterior crico-arytenoid muscle; 18, articular surface for inferior cornu of thyroid cartilage. Fic. 297.—Cartilages and ligaments of the larynx, posterior view (after Stoerk): 1, epiglot- tis; 2, cushion of the epiglottis; 3, cartilage of Wrisberg; 4, ary-epiglottic ligament ; 5, 8, mucous membrane ; 6, cartilage of Santorini; 7, arytenoid cartilage; 9, its processus muscularis; 10, crico- arytenoid ligament; 11, cricoid cartilage; 12, in- ferior cornu of thyroid cartilage; 13, posterior superior cerato-cricoid ligament; 13’, posterior inferior cerato-cricoid ligament; 14, cartilages of the trachea; 15, membranous portion of trachea. by columnar, ciliated epithelium, the direction of whose movement is upward toward the pharynx. ‘The vocal cords are covered by thin, flat, stratified epi- thelium. The inner surface of the epiglottis, the walls of the ventricles, and the ventricular bands contain much adenoid tissue, the spaces of which are apt to become distended with fluid, giving rise to oedema of those parts. The whole mucous membrane of the larynx, except over the vocal cords, is richly supplied with glands both mucous and serous in character. VOICE AND SPEECH. — 865 Cartilages of the Larynx.—The mechanism of the larynx is supported by askeleton composed of several pieces of cartilage. The lowermost of these cartilages is the cricoid cartilage, so called from its resemblance to a signet ring (Fig. 296). The cricoid cartilage is situated above the topmost ring of the trachea to which it is attached by a membrane. The vertical measurement of the cricoid cartilage is about one inch on its posterior, and one-quarter inch on its anterior surface. Superior to, and partly overlapping the cricoid, is the thyroid cartilage, which forms an incomplete ring, being deficient posteriorly (Fig. 296). The free corners of the thyroid behind are prolonged upward or downward into projections known as the cornua. The upper pair are attached to the extremities of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone, while by the inner surface of the ends of the lower cornua the thyroid is articulated with the cricoid cartilage and rotates upon it around an axis drawn through the points of articulation. ‘The lower anterior border of the thyroid cartilage is evenly concave, but its upper border has a deep narrow notch in the middle line. The upper half of the thyroid in front projects sharply forward in an elevation known as Adam’s apple (pomum Adami), which is much more marked in adult males than in females. The elliptical space between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages in front is covered by a membrane. Adam’s apple, the anterior part of the cricoid ring, and the space between the two, can easily be felt in the liv- ing subject ; they rise perceptibly toward the head with each swallowing movement. The arytenoid cartilages are two in number and are similar in shape (Figs. 296, 297). Each cartilage, which has somewhat the form of a triangular pyramid, is seated on, and articulates with, the highest point on the posterior part of the cricoid cartilage some distance from the middle line. Of the free faces of the pyramid, one:looks backward, one toward the middle line, and the third outward and forward. Lach face is more or less concave. The apex of each arytenoid cartilage is capped by a small body called the cartilage of San- torint or, from its bent shape, corniculum laryngis (Figs. 296, 297). Outside and in front of the latter is the minute cuneiform cartilage or cartilage of Wrisberg, enclosed in the ary-epiglottic fold. The lateral posterior corner of the arytenoid cartilage forms a blunt projection which serves for the attach- ment of muscles, the processus muscularis. The anterior, lower, and median part of each cartilage is of especial interest, since it serves for the posterior attachment of the vocal cord ; it is known as the processus vocalis. The thyroid and cricoid cartilages and the body of the arytenoids are of hyaline cartilage, and tend to become ossified in middle life. The other carti- lages and the vocal processes of the arytenoids are composed of the elastic variety. The Muscles of the Larynx may be divided into two classes—the extrinsic and the intrinsic ; the former find their origin outside the larynx, and the latter both arise and are inserted within it. , Extrinsic Muscles—To this group belong the sterno-hyoid, the sterno-thy- roid, and the omo-hyoid muscles, which depress the larynx or hyoid bone; the thyro-hyoid muscle, which depresses the hyoid bone or elevates the thyroid 55 | 866 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. cartilage. To the elevators of the larynx belong the genio-hyoid, the mylo- hyoid, the digastric, the stylo-hyoid, and the hyo-glossus. ‘The muscles of the palate and the constrictors of the pharynx enter into codrdinated action with the above. When food is passing through the pharyx in the act of swallowing, the hyoid bone is drawn upward and forward, raising the larynx with it; the tongue is thrown backward so that the epiglottis covers the entrance into the — larynx, and the constrictors of the larynx contract, completely closing the entrance into that organ. The intrinsic muscles of the larynx are the crico-thyroids, the lateral crico- arytenoids, the posterior crico-arytenoids, the arytenoid, the aryteno-epiglot- tideans, and the thyro-arytenoids; all being in pairs except the arytenoid, which crosses the middle line. The crico-thyroid muscle arises from the front and side of the cricoid cartilage and, passing upward and backward, is inserted into the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage (Fig. 298). The action of the crico- thyroid muscle is to diminish the distance between the thyroid and cricoid car- tilages in front, either by depressing the front of the thyroid or by elevating that of the cricoid cartilage, or both. In the first case the distance between the anterior attachment of the vocal cords and the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages is increased by movement of the thyroid, and in the second case the same effect is produced by backward rotation of the edge of the cricoid upon which the arytenoid cartilages are seated (Fig. 297). The muscle, therefore, is a tensor of the vocal cords. It is, probably, the mechanism we ordinarily use in raising the pitch of the voice when the vocal machinery has been “set” by the other muscles (see below). If the fingers be placed on the cricoid ring and on the pomum Adami while the ascending scale is sung in the middle chest register, both descent of the — front of the thyroid and ascent of the cricoid can be made out. The lateral erico-arytenoid muscle arises from the upper, lateral border of the cricoid Fie, 298.—Lateral view of the - cartilages of larynx with the erico. Cartilage, and passes upward and backward to be ee wb se cage Anatomy inserted into the outer edge of the arytenoid car- cle; 2, erico-thyroid membrane; 3, tilage, on and in front of the lateral prominence wes. are Ages hamdlrasiag (Fig. 299). Its main action is to wheel the vocal process of the arytenoid toward the middle line and thus approximate the vocal cords. The posterior crico-arytenoid is a large muscle, which rises from the median posterior surface of the cricoid car- tilage and passes upward and outward to be inserted into the outer surface of the arytenoid cartilage, behind and above the insertion of the lateral crico-arytenoid (Fig. 300). Its action is to turn the vocal processes outward and thus abduct the vocal cords. The posterior crico-arytenoid occupies an important position in the group of respiratory muscles; during vigorous inspiration it is brought into action Ny Mea, Rhee, 7 y| mn | | , lu VOICE AND SPEECH. (867 and widens the glottis. Paralysis of this muscle is a most serious condition, since it is followed by approximation of, and inability to separate, the vocal cords. The arytenoid, or transverse or posterior arytenoid muscle, the single unpaired hehehe Fig. 299.—Larynx and its lateral muscles after Fie. 300.—Larynx with its muscles, posterior removal of the left plate of the thyroid cartilage view (Stoerk) : 1, epiglottis; 2, cushion; 3, ary- (Stoerk) : 1, thyroid cartilage ; 2, thyro-epiglottic mus- epiglottic ligament; 4, cartilage of Wrisberg; cle; 3, cartilage of Wrisberg; 4, ary-epiglottic mus- 5, cartilage of Santorini; 6, oblique arytenoid cle; 5, cartilage of Santorini; 6, oblique arytenoid muscles; 7, transverse arytenoid muscle; 8, muscles; 7, thyro-arytenoid muscle; 8, transverse posterior crico-arytenoid muscle; 9, inferior arytenoid muscle; 9, processus muscularis of aryte- cornu of thyroid cartilage; 10, cricoid car- noid cartilage ; 10, lateral crico-arytenoid muscle; 11, tilage ; 11, posterior inferior cerato-cricoid lig- ‘posterior crico-arytenoid muscle; 12, crico-thyroid ament; 12, cartilaginous portion; 13, mem- ‘membrane; 13, cricoid cartilage ; 14, attachment of branous portion of trachea, erico-thyroid muscle; 15, articular surface for the inferior cornu of the thyroid cartilage; 16, crico- ‘tracheal ligament; 17, cartilages of trachea; 18, membranous part of trachea. muscle of the larynx, is a considerable band passing across the middle line from the posterior surface of one arytenoid cartilage to that of the other (Fig. 300). Its action is to draw the arytenoid cartilages together in the middle line and approximate the vocal processes ; its action is essential in closing the glottis. In the resting larynx the arytenoid cartilages are kept apart by the elastic tension of the parts. The aryteno-epiglottidean, sometimes called the oblique arytenoid, muscles consist of two bundles of fibres seated upon the surface of the arytenoid muscle (Fig. 300). Each muscle arises from the outer posterior angle of the arytenoid cartilage, and, passing upward and inward, crosses in the middle line partly to be inserted into the outer and upper part of the opposite cartilage, partly to penetrate the ary-epiglottic fold as far as the epiglottis, and the remainder to join some fibres of the thyro-arytenoid muscle. The action of the aryteno-epiglottidean muscles is to close the glottis. The thyro-arytenoid is a muscle of complex mechanism, usually described as formed of two parts, an external and an internal. The external thyro-arytenoid arises from the lower 868 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. part of the angle of the thyroid cartilage ; its fibres pass, for the most part, backward and somewhat upward and outward to be inserted into the outer edge of the arytenoid cartilage and its lateral processus muscularis (Figs. 295, 301). Some of its bundles of fibres, however, have different directions, and a portion of them pass upward into the ventricular bands. The internal thyro- arytenoid, wedge-shaped in transverse section, lies between the muscular divis- ion just described and the vocal ligament, by which its thin median edge is covered. The internal thyro-arytenoid arises from the anterior angle of the thyroid cartilage and is inserted into the processus vocalis and the outer face of the arytenoid cartilage. Certain fibre-bundles of this, as of the external division of the muscle, pass in various directions, some of them being inserted into the free border of the vocal cord. The action of the muscle is, on the whole, to draw the arytenoids forward and thus relax the vocal cords; but, by its contraction, the cords may also be approximated and their thickness, and probably their elasticity, extensively modified. Specific Actions of the Laryngeal Muscles.—To sum up the various effects of the muscular action on the larynx: A sphincter action of the larynx is brought about by the combined contraction of all the muscles with the exception of the crico-thyroids and the posterior crico-arytenoids ; the vocal cords are adducted and the glottis nar- rowed by the transverse and oblique ary- tenoids, the external thyro-arytenoids, and the lateral crico-arytenoids; the . vocal cords are abducted and the glottis ar. widened chiefly or wholly by the poste- rior crico-arytenoids; the vocal cords are made tense by contraction of the crico-thyroids; the vocal cords are slack- ened by the combined action of the Fig. 301.—Diagram to illustrate the thyro-aryte- noid muscles; the figure represents a transverse section of the larynx through the bases of the arytenoid cartilages (redrawn from Foster): Ary, arytenoid cartilage; p.m, processus muscularis; p.v, processus vocalis; Th, thyroid cartilage; c.u, vocal cords; @ is placed in the cesophagus;, internal thyro-arytenoid muscle;, external thyro-arytenoid muscle;, part of the thyro-ary-epiglottic mus- cle, cut more or less transversely;, trans- verse arytenoid muscle. fixed by contraction of the posterior sphincter group and especially by the external thyro-arytenoids. It will easily be seen that in the larynx, as in the skeleton at large, the efficiency of any single muscle involves the action of accessory muscles; thus, contraction of the crico-thyroid could have little effect in tightening the vocal cords were not the arytenoid cartilages crico-arytenoid and arytenoid muscles. Nerve-supply of the Larynx.—The larynx receives its nerve-supply from . the superior and the inferior or recurrent laryngeal nerves. The extremely sensitive surface of the nrucous membrane of the organ above the vocal cords is supplied by sensory filaments of the superior laryngeal nerve. The superior laryngeal also supplies motor fibres to the crico-thyroid muscle, whose action as a tightener of the vocal cords is peculiar. All the other muscles of the VOICE AND SPEECH. «869 larynx receive their motor impulses from the inferior laryngeal nerve. Much of the nervous mechanism of the larynx is still in dispute. Laryngoscopic Appearance of the Larynx.—Much may be learned by inspection of the larynx during life by means of the laryngoscopic mirror. It is not difficult for an observer to examine his own larynx by placing himself before a second mirror in which may be seen the image reflected from the laryngoscope. ‘To inspect the larynx the tongue must be held well out so as to pull forward the epiglottis, then the structures below appear in the laryngoscopic mirror in reversed position. Beneath the middle of the epiglottis the cushion may be seen as a slight swelling, and continuing downward and backward from the edges of the cartilage, may be seen the ary-epiglottic folds, each marked at its extremity by two rounded nodules, the cartilages of Wris- berg and Santorini (Fig. 302). In quiet breathing the glottis is nearly stationary and opened to the extent of from 3 to 5 millimeters. The vocal cords bounding it look white and glistening in contrast with the red color of the general mucous membrane. ‘The cartilages of Santorini are several millimeters apart, and a sheet of mucous membrane reaches from one to the other. The ventricular 17 Fic. 302.—The laryngoscopic image in easy breathing (Stoerk): 1, base of the tongue; 2, median glosso-epiglottic ligament; 3, vallecula; 4, lateral glosso-epiglottic ligament; 5, epiglottis; 6, cushion of epiglottis ; 7, cornu major of hyoid bone; 8, ventricular band, or false vocal cord; 9, true vocal cord; opening of the ventricle of Morgagni seen between 8 and 9; 10, folds of mucous membrane; 11, sinus pyriformis; 12, cartilage of Wrisberg; 13, aryteno-epiglottic fold; 14, rima glottidis; 15, arytenoid carti- lage ; 16, cartilage of Santorini; 17, posterior wall of pharynx. bands are seen as red shelves reaching to the outer margin of the shining cords and separated from the latter by a dark line which is the entrance into the ventricles of Morgagni. When a deep inspiration is taken the glottis is widely opened, even to the extent of half an inch; an angle is formed between the vocal process of the arytenoid and the vocal cord, the space between the cartilages of Santorini is widened, and the rings of the trachea, and even its bifurcation may be seen below. With the succeeding expiration the glottis again becomes narrow. When the voice is sounded the picture at once changes. The space between the cartilages of Santorini is obliterated, the vocal processes and cords are 870 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. brought together, and the whole rim of the glottis or the vocal cords alone, according to the pitch of the note, may be seen to vibrate. 2. THE VOICE. The vocal machinery consists of—(1) the motive power or breath; (2) the larynx, which forms the tone; (3) the chest, the pharynx, the mouth, and the nose, which color the tone; and (4) the organs of articulation.’ - The production of voice is undoubtedly accomplished by the vibration of the vocal cords which have previously been approximated in the middle line and made tense through action of the nerve-muscular apparatus already de- scribed. A blast of air from below pressing against the cords so adjusted, causes them to separate and fall into vibration. We have to distinguish in voice the three features of loudness, pitch, and quality. The loudness of the tone depends on two factors: (1) the strength of the tone-producing blast as determining not only the amplitude of vibration of the vocal cords, but also the energy with which the air is expelled; (2) the resonance of the two chambers between which the vocal cords are sus- pended, the chest below and the cavities of the head above, whose walls and contained air, by their sympathetic vibration, powerfully reinforce the oscilla- tions imparted to them. 3 The pitch of the voice is determined by the thickness, tension, and length of the vocal cords, conditions which regulate the pitch of the note obtained from any vibrating string. ‘The thickness and the elastic quality of the cords are probably largely under the control of the thyro-arytenoid muscle. The principal tensor of the cords is the crico-thyroid muscle. Other muscles, as — described above, may so fix the arytenoid cartilages that their vocal processes may be prevented from taking part in the vibration of the cords throughout the whole and also, possibly, throughout part only of their length. This dampening of the vocal processes of the arytenoids may be accomplished either by pressure applied to them throughout their whole length, in which case the posterior part of the glottis is closed, or they may be pressed together at the tips alone, leaving the respiratory glottis open as a triangular aperture. Quality— Variation in the quality of the voice depends on the fact that vibrations of the vocal cords are composite in character, giving rise to notes made up of a fundamental tone combined with upper partial tones (see p. 827). By reason of the varied adjustments that may be imparted to it, the larynx is capable of producing many more qualities of tone than is any artificial instru- ment.” Change in the size and shape of the resonance-chamber above and below the vocal cords produces a corresponding change in their fundamental notes and, therefore, in the partial tones of the voice which they reinforce by sympathetic vibration (see p. 829). According to Helmholtz,’ the difference in quality between the various vowel sounds of the human voice depends on 'C. H. Davis: The Voice, 1879. * Helmholtz: Sensations of Tone, trans. by Ellis, 1885, p. 98. 3 Op. cit., p. 104. VOICE AND SPEECH. «871 the number and relative prominence of the various overtones determined by altering the shape and size of the nasal and buccal resonance-chambers. By a simple experiment the production of voice by the vocal cords can easily be illustrated. ‘Take a glass tube, about 4 inch in diameter and of con- venient length, and press one end firmly against the palmar surfaces of the proximal phalanges of two fingers at their line of division when they are brought together. By blowing smartly into the other end of the tube, a musical note will be produced by the vibration of the folds of the skin be- tween which the air is forced. By relaxing the pressure with which the fingers are held together, the length of the vibrating segment of skin is in- creased and its tension diminished; its note is accordingly lowered. The reverse conditions are produced when the fingers are held together tightly and the tube applied firmly ; the pitch of the note is then raised. In these ways the pitch of the note may be varied through two octaves, which is the range of a good singing voice. Various upper partials of the note so produced may be made prominent by sympathetic resonance, if the vibrating air-stream is sent across the opening of a wide-mouthed bottle, of about a pint capacity. The air within the bottle is thrown into sympathetic vibration when its funda- mental tone is contained in the note emitted through the fingers; when the volume of the air is diminished by slowly pouring water into the bottle, the fundamental tone of the resonator is changed, and it responds to one after another of the partials contained in the musical note. The marvellous adjustment of muscular action by which, at will, notes may be struck of definite pitch and quality, is evidence of an elaborate nervous machinery for the larynx, not only on the efferent side but, possibly through a muscular sense, on the afferent side as well. The various phe- nomena of aphasia, and the anatomical importance of the cerebral areas devoted to the elaboration of speech, point in the same direction. The relations between the centres for speech and hearing are most intimate. The ear plays a constant part, as a critical medium, in the tuition of the vocal organs in either speech or song. So-called “dumbness” is the result, usually, not of defects in the vocal organs, but of lack of hearing and, hence, of inability to control by the ear the pitch or quality of the vocal notes. The voice and the larynx of the child fall naturally in a group with those of the female as contrasted with the adult male. At the age of puberty a boy’s larynx becomes congested and undergoes rapid development. The voice changes rapidly from the juvenile to the adult quality. During this change, the voice frequently “breaks” or rapidly returns from the newly-acquired chest register to the head or falsetto notes of childhood (see p. 873). In boys who are castrated a good while before the age of puberty is reached, the larynx does not undergo its characteristic development, and the voice remains of a peculiar quality, much valued in some countries in the rendition of vocal music. The practice of castration for esthetic purposes has, accordingly, in certain districts, long been in vogue. In the female the changes in the larynx and in the voice at puberty are much less marked than in the male. 872 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Arrangements for Changing the Pitch of the Voice.—As has frequently been mentioned, the vocal cords are stretched, and the pitch of their note is _ elevated, by contraction of the crico-thyroid muscle. But the change that is thus produced in the tension of the vocal cords is by no means capable of accounting for the full range of pitch which falls within the compass of the voice. When the arytenoid and the crico-arytenoid muscles sufficiently con- tract, the vocal processes are brought tightly together and their vibration is prevented. Voice-production must then be limited to the vocal cords them- selves, and the stretching action of the crico-thyroids may begin anew and reach its maximum with the glottis so set that only its ligamentous borders can vibrate. It can also be seen that the vocal cords themselves may be shortened functionally, or even be broken up into segments, or the main body of the cord be changed in thickness, by contraction of the complex thyro-arytenoid muscles ; each such condition would be accompanied by a change in the rate of vibra- tion. We are probably justified in assuming that, when the musical scale is sung, the lowest notes are produced by vibration of the glottie borders through- out their full length, and the elevation of pitch is affected by the gradually- increased tension of the vocal ligaments through the action of the crico-thyroid - muscle. This contraction having reached its maximum, the muscle probably relaxes, only to contract again after the vibrating segments of the glottis are shortened by a partial or complete clamping together of the vocal processes in the manner described above. There are thus two or three, or more, adjustments which may be imparted to the vibrating mechanism of the lar- ynx, each of which is distinguished by giving rise to a note of different pitch that may further be altered by action of the crico-thyroid muscle. It might be anticipated that the voice whose pitch was gradually ele- vated in the manner described would suffer some alteration in quality at those points in the scale where there is a change in the set of the lar- ynx producing a shortening of the vibrating segment. Such, indeed, is the fact. Registers.— Long before the invention of the laryngoscope, and before any- thing definite was known of the method of voice-production, it was recognized that in ascending the musical scale there occur certain breaks, as it were, where the voice changes in quality as well as in pitch. It is an object in musical education to render these breaks as little prominent as possible. The kinds of voice included between: these breaks were distinguished as the vocal “registers.” There is no general agreement among musicians as to how many registers are compassed by the voice, and the nomenclatures used to distinguish them differ in the most confusing fashion. According to some authors, the range of the voice is included within two registers only; more commonly three distinct registers are described, to which, in certain cases, a fourth is said to be prob- ably added. The most common designation of the lowest register is the “ chest voice,” though it has also been called “thick”! as distinguished from the “thin” register ; another term applied to it is the “long-reed ” register as con- ' Browne and Behnke: Voice, Song, and Speech, 1890, p. 135. VOICE AND SPEECH. 873 trasted with the “short-reed ” register." The middle register of all voices is by some authors (Garcia,? Mme. Seiler*) denominated the “ falsetto,” while other writers use this term to distinguish certain higher notes of the male voice of a peculiar quality not in ordinary use. The third and highest series of vocal sounds is usually known as the “ head ” register. The lowest or chest register is that used in ordinary life. It is so called from the strong vibrations of the chest-wall which may be felt while the voice is sounded. In passing to the higher register the chest vibration is found to diminish and that of the head bones to increase; in the one case the cavity of the head acts strongly as a resonance chamber, and in the other that of the thorax. According to Madame Seiler, in the lowest register both the vocal ligaments and the vocal processes of the arytenoids vibrate. In the middle register the vocal processes are clamped together and the vibration of the liga- ments seems confined chiefly to their sharp edges; while in the highest register the ligaments themselves appear to be damped throughout the greater part of their length, the vibrations being confined to the edges of an oval slit at their Fie. 303.—The voicing (female) larynx (after Browne and Behnke). A, Small or highest register. B, Upper thin or middle register. C, Lower thin or middle register: 7,7, tongue; F,F, false vocal cords; 8,S, cartilages of Santorini; W,W, cartilages of Wrisberg; V,V, vocal cords. anterior ends (Fig. 303). Within any definite register the quality of individual voices is determined by the size and elasticity of the parts of the larynx, and probably also by peculiarities of the resonating chambers; voices are accord- ingly classified as base, tenor, alto, and soprano. A Whistling Register.—A friend and former pupil of the author’s has the remark- able power of emitting from the larynx notes which are indistinguishable in quality from an ordinary whistle. He writes, ‘‘The whistle cannot be made to ‘slide’ into vocal tones of any sort, nor can any other tones be produced simultaneously with it. Its range is about one and a half octaves, or half an octave less than my singing voice. ‘The lips have nothing to do with the sound except as their position changes the reso- mance-quality of the tone by ‘ reinforcement’ or otherwise, for I can whistle almost as read- ily with the teeth closed and the lips wide parted as with the jaws and lips firmly closed as in the ordinary position. Any other movement of the air-column destroys the sound at once.’ Some years ago the author made a laryngoscopic examination of this larynx while it was in the act of whistling. No notes were written at the time, but the picture remem- bered is that of vocal cords closely approximated, except for an oval slit between their anterior and middle portions, as in singing head tones, the cords vibrating chiefly along their free edges. Speech.— Language consists, in general, of a combination of short musical sounds, vowels or sonants, which are produced purely by vibration of the vocal 1 Mackenzie: Hygiene of the Vocal Organs, 1891, p. 55. 2 Garcia: Lond., Edin., and Dub. Mag., vol. x. 1855, p. 218. (Quoted by Seiler.) % Seiler: op. cit. 874 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. cords, together with superadded noises or modes of obstruction, con-sonants, produced by action of the mouth-parts. The vowel sounds usually carry the accent of syllables, and the consonants, for the most part, are sounded only with, or represent peculiar modes of obstructing the former. No classification of vocal signs can be made in which exceptions do not form important addenda to general rules. Articulation is the modification of sound in alal usually effected by action of the lips, the tongue, the palate, or the jaws, and the place of articulation depends, in any definite case, on the mode in which a sound is formed. Its use as an expression of thought is the chief physiological distinction between man and the lower animals. Distinctness of articulation, so essential to clearness of language, not to mention its esthetic value, depends on the accuracy of the muscular adjustments used in forming sounds, especially consonantal sounds. The speaking is distinguished from the singing voice partly by the fact that most sounds in the first case are articulate or formed in the mouth, while in the latter their quality is only there modified. In singing the tone is sustained at the same pitch for a considerable interval, while in speaking the voice is con-. tinually sliding up and down on the wiahiek sounds. In speaking the conso- nantal ce and obstructions are more prominent because of their more abrupt formation." Vowel sounds owe their origin to vibration of the vocal cords, and their quality to the selective resonance of the cavities above the cords. In sounding the series of vowels, a, e, 1, 0, u (pronounced ah, a, e, 0, 00), it is found that the Fig. 304.—Section of the parts concerned in phonation, and the changes in their relations in sound- ing the vowels A (#4), I (), U () (after Landois and Stirling) : 7, tongue; p, soft palate ; e, epiglottis; g, glot- tis; h, hyoid bone; 1, thyroid; 2,3, cricoid; 4, arytenoid cartilage. form and size of the mouth-cavity, the position of the tongue, the position of the soft palate separating or allowing communication hetween the nasal and pharyngeal cavities, undergo a progressive change (Fig. 304). Helmholtz has shown that the vowel sounds owe their differences of quality to the varied resonance of the mouth-cavity, dependent on its shape, through which now one, now another, of the overtones in the note produced by vibration of the vocal cords is reinforced.’ This result is dependent on the fact that when the mouth is set in position for the formation of the various vowel sounds the pitch of its * Browne and Behnke: op. cit., p. 28. * Monroe: Manual of Physical aha Vocal Trnieng, 1869, p. 51. 3 Helmholtz: loc. cit. VOICE AND SPEECH. 875 fundamental note, or the rate of vibration to which it sympathetically responds, varies accordingly.! That the resonance of the mouth cavity changes with its shape is illustrated in the various pitch of the notes produced by flipping the edge of an incisor tooth, the cheek, or Adam’s apple with the finger-nail, while the mouth assumes the positions for production of the different vowels. Vowels whose normal pitch is low, as 0, u, cannot be sounded easily in the higher part of the musical scale; conversely, high-pitched vowels, as ¢ in feet, lose their character in the lower part of the scale. Language is, therefore, much less distinct in song than in speech.” Since the mouth cavity is set to a definite pitch for each vowel sound, it follows that when the same vowel is voiced in different parts of the musical scale, those tones which are strengthened by resonance remain the same, but their distance from the fundamental will be different. That is, the resonated partial depends not only on its relation to the fundamental, but also on its vibration rate.* This feature of vocal resonance distinguishes the human larynx from most musical instruments. That the ground is not covered by these facts was shown by Auerbach,‘ who demonstrated that the strength of upper partials in vowel sounds depends also on the strength of their production by the vocal cords and, therefore, upon their relation to the fundamental tone. That is to say, the quality of a vowel is dependent not only on the absolute vibration numbers of its upper partials, according to which they are or are not reinforced by the position of the mouth, but also on the relative position of these upper partials as compared with the fundamental tone. The peculiar esthetic value of the human voice is dependent on the fact that, on account of its varied powers of adjustment, the larynx is capable of pro- ducing many more kinds of tone-quality than any artificial instrument. Helm- holtz® found no less than sixteen overtones to accompany the fundamental. - The posture of the mouth-parts differs markedly when set for the various principal vowel sounds ; but as we know that each vowel sound has several modifications or gradations so that a tone may pass by an easy glide from one to another, so the form of the mouth passes by insensible steps from one vowel position to another. It will be seen later that several articulate sounds play the part now of vowels, now of consonants, according to their position in the syllable or mode of formation. There has also been shown reason for believ- ing that the form of the chest cavity and the tension of its walls are factors in determining the pitch of its fundamental tone; so that through the varied sympathetic resonance of the thorax the reinforcement of laryngeal tones may here be altered somewhat, as in the mouth itself.*? Whispering is a mode of speech in which noise largely replaces pendular musical vibrations. The glottis remains more or less widely open and the vocal cords are not tense; the vibrations are produced both in the larynx and in the buccal-pharyngeal chambers. Vowel sounds may be produced in whis- ? Helmholtz: op. cit., p. 108. 2 Op. cit., p. 114. 3 Op. eit., p. 118. * Quoted by Griitzner: op cit., p. 179. 5 Op. cit., p. 103. 6 Op. cit., p. 93. ’ Sewall and Pollard: Journal of Physiology, vol. xi., 1890, p. 159. 876 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. pering as well as in true voice because, from the multitude of irregular vibra- tions, those waves are reinforced which make up the vowel sounds determined by the set of the mouth. Gentle whispering requires much less effort than does speaking, and inspiratory whispering is less easily distinguished from expiratory than is the strained voice of inspiration from the natural sound of expiration. Consonants, as already indicated, may sometimes play the part of vowels, but pure consonants do not appear in syllables except in combinations with vowels, which combinations always carry the syllable accent. Consonants.—The distinction between consonants and vowels lies in the fact that the tones of the latter are produced by vibration of the vocal cords, the parts above which act only as resonance-boxes and modify the sound, and never offer marked obstruction to the exit of air; whereas in the formation of consonants there is some adjustment in the mouth-passage either in the nature of a local narrowing, by which a peculiar noise is added to the vocal sound, or in the nature of a sudden closing or opening of the air-channel by which a characteristic noise is likewise added to the vocal sound. In other words, the parts above the larynx make the sounds of consonants but only modify those of vowels.’ No sharp line of separation can be drawn between yowels and consonants, since certain characters, according to their associations, now fall into one, now into another class. In the classification of consonantal sounds much confusion exists, dependent chiefly on the fact that several letter charac- ters change their modes of formation and expression with their place in the syllable. The same facts, also, are expressed by different authors by different nomenclatures, and sounds occur in one language that are not found in another. Adopting the general classification of Griitzner,? we may divide consonants into the following three groups: 1. Semi-vowels or liquids, which can be used either as vowels or consonants ; this group includes the sounds m,n, ng, /, and 7. In expressing the function of a consonant, the letter is not to be sounded as if it stood alone, but its cha- racter given as actually expressed in a syllable; thus the sound of p is not pee, but is the abbreviated labial expression, as in pack or piece when all the letters are eliminated after the first. Of the liquids the n, m, and ng (sometimes called “resonants”) have the nature of vowels when final (as in him, hen, being), and are then produced by vibration of the vocal cords, the lips having previously been closed for the m, and the tongue applied to the roof of the mouth to cut off the exit of air for n and ng; the expelled air escapes alto- gether through the nose, which acts as a resonance-chamber. Used as conso- nants, as in make and no, m and n are seen to have the characters of the second group,—Explosives. J is pronounced somewhat like n, but air is allowed to escape through the mouth on each side of the tongue; it may be produced either with voice or without voice (in whispers). It may have vowel charac- ters as in play. is characterized as a vibrative and may have several seats of articulation, as by the thrill of the tip of the tongue against the hard palate, or that of the hind part of the tongue against the soft palate, or even 1 Griitaner: op. cit., p. 196. 2 Op. cit., p. 197. VOICE AND SPEECH. 0 BEF by the coarse vibration of the vocal cords themselves. In the first two cases it may be sounded either with or without voice. Its vowel nature is shown in such words as pray. 2. Explosives, which are produced either when an obstruction is suddenly offered to or removed from the exit of air from the mouth; at the same time a characteristic noise is produced. They may be subdivided according to the place of articulation into /abials (p, v) ; linguo-palatals (t, d) ; gutturals (k, 9). The similarity in the method of formation of p and 6, t and d, k and g, is striking. They are frequently characterized as being formed with or without voice ; that is, b, d, and g require voice for their distinct recognition, and when whispered they are easily mistaken for p, t, &, which latter do not require voice (vibration of the vocal cords) for their recognition. A consonant, then, is said to be formed with voice when it can be rendered distinctly only by an accom- panying vibration of the vocal cords, without voice when articulated clearly without laryngeal aid. ‘The former are sometimes called sonanis, the latter surds. ‘This classification only approximates the truth, for the suddenness and energy with which the obstruction to the breath is removed determines our recognition of the consonant irrespective of voice.’ Table of Consonantal Elements.’ ORAL. NASAL. PLACE OF ARTICULATION. Momentary. Continuous. Continuous. Surds Sonants Surds Sonants Sonants (without voice). |(with voice).| (without voice). |(with voice)./(with voice). Be iett sy s:} a «1s Pp EA Og nei , Ww m EE bss ee eer) De f v Ss Gere ae Meee th(in) th(y) Tongue and hard palate RIOEWOIM) «0 5 + 5 t d ~ sr n Tongue and hard palate EE iar ae ch : te sh zh, r Tongue, hard palate, and Se er ee en oe) ec ee y; 1 Tongue and soft palate . k TORR, SES NAS Ae a er are oe ng Various places. . .. . h 3. Friction sounds or frictionals, often called aspirates, are all noises pro- duced by the expired blast passing through a constriction in its passage, at which point a vibration is set up. No obstruction being offered to the sound, they are known as continuous as distinguished from the momentary sounds of group 2. They may be divided into labio-dental frictionals, f (without voice) ; v, w (with voice); the lingual frietionals s, th (as in them); sh, ch soft (with- out voice); z, 7 (with voice). The sound of h may be regarded as due to the vibration of the separated vocal cords.: It is peculiar, however, in appearing to be formed in any part of the vocal chamber; when it is formed the mouth parts take on no peculiar position, but assume that of the vowel following the h, as hark, hear, ete. 1 Griitzner, op. cit., pp. 211, 213. 1 Webster's International Dictionary, 1891, p. xvi. XIII. REPRODUCTION. THE principles and problems of Physiology that have been already pre- sented in this volume, comprising nutrition and the functions of the muscular and the nervous systems, have reference to the individual man or woman. Through the normal activity of those functions and their appropriate co- ordination the individual lives his daily life or performs his daily tasks as an independent organism. But man is something more than an independent organism ; he is an integral part of a race, and as such he has the instincts of racial continuance. The continuance of the race is assured only by the pro- duction of new individuals, and the strength of the human reproductive . instinct is indicated in some measure by the large proportion of energy that is expended by woman in the bearing of children and by both sexes in the nur- ture and education of the young. The function of reproduction is not limited to the daily life and well-being of independent organisms. It has a deeper significance than that. Its essence lies in the fact that it has reference to the species or race. Many of its problems are, therefore, broad ones; they in- clude not only the immediate details of individual reproduction, but larger ones relative to the nature and significance of reproduction and of sex, and to heredity. In the following discussion some of these broader applications of the facts presented will be indicated. A. REPRODUCTION IN GENERAL. In all forms of organic reproduction the essential act is the separation from the body of an individual, called the parent, of a portion of its own material living substance, which under suitable conditions is able to grow into an inde- pendent adult organism. | Among living beings two methods of reproduction are recognized, the asexual and the sexual methods. Both are widespread among animals and plants, but the asexual method is the more primitive of the two and is rela- tively more frequent in low organisms. The sexual method, the only one present in the production of new individuals among the higher animals, has evidently been acquired gradually, and has probably been developed from the asexual method. Asexual Reproduction.—Asexual reproduction, or agamogenesis, is the chief method of reproduction among unicellular plants and animals, and throughout the plants and in the lower multicellular animals it is important. Among various species it takes various forms, known as fission or division, gemmation or budding, endogenous cell-formation or spore-formation or multi- 878 REPRODUCTION. 879 ple fission ; but all the varieties are modifications of the simplest form, fission or divcitis. In fission, found only in unicellular organisms and typified in Ameeba, the fetiboplinset of the single cell, together with the nucleus, becomes divided into two approximately equal portions which separate from one another. In the process no material is lost, and two independent nucleated organisms result, each approximately half the size of the original. The parent has become bodily transformed into the two offspring, which have only to increase in size by the usual processes of assimilation in order themselves to become parents. In higher organisms, even where sexual processes alone prevail in the production of new individuals, the asexual method has per- sisted in the multiplication of the individual cells that constitute the body ; embryonic growth is an asexual reproductive process, a continued fission, dif- fering from the ameeboid type in the facts that the resulting cells do not sepa- rate from one another to form independent organisms, but remain closely associated, undergo morphological differentiation and physiological specializa- tion, and together constitute the individual. Likewise in the adult the pro- duction of blood-corpuscles and of epidermis, the regrowth of lost tissues, and the healing of wounds are examples of asexual cell-reproduction. From the standpoint of multicellular growth Spencer and Haeckel have happily termed the process of asexual reproduction in unicellular organisms “ discontinuous growth.” Sexual Reproduction.—Sexual reproduction, or gamogenesis, occurs in unicellular organisms, where it is known as conjugation, and is the prevailing form of reproduction in most of the multicellular forms. In most of the invertebrate and vertebrate animals it is the sole form of reproduction of ’ individuals. In its simple form of conjugation, typified in the minute monad, Heteromita, it consists of a complete fusion of the bodies of two similar indi- viduals, protoplasm and nuclei, followed by a division of the mass into numerous spore-like particles, each of which grows into an adult Heteromita. In the higher infusorian, Paramecium, the fusion of the two similar individ- uals is a partial and temporary one, during which a partial exchange of nuclear material takes place; this is followed by separation, after which each individual proceeds to live its ordinary life and occasionally to multiply by simple fission. | In the highly specialized sexual reproduction of higher animals, including man, the individuals of the species are of two kinds or sexes, the male and the female, with profound morphological and physiological differences between them ; in each the protoplasm of the body consists of two kinds of cells, somatic cells and germ-cells, the former subserving the nutritive, muscular, and nervous functions of daily life, the latter subserving reproduction. The germ-cells of the male, called spermatozoa, are relatively small and active, those of the female, called ova, are relatively large and passive; the reproductive process consists of a fusion of a male and a female germ-cell, the essential part being a fusion of their nuclei; and this is followed by continued asexual cell-division and growth into a new individual. Among both plants and animals it is not 880 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. difficult to find a series of forms showing progressively greater and greater deviations from the typical asexual toward the typical sexual method of reproduction, and the existence of such a series is indicative of the derivation of the latter from the former type. Origin of Sex, and Theory of Reproduction.—It is obvious that the production of new individuals is necessary to the continued existence of any species. It would be interesting to know the origin and significance of the two existing methods of reproduction. Apropos of the asexual process, Leuckart, and especially Herbert Spencer, have pointed out that during the growth of a cell the mass increases as the cube, but the surface only as the square, of the diameter—i. e. the quantity of protoplasm increases much more rapidly than the absorptive surface. It follows from this that during the growth of a unicellular organism a size will ultimately be reached beyond which the cell will not be able to absorb sufficient food for the maintenance of the proto- plasm. In order that growth may continue beyond this point, a division of the cell, which ensures a relative increase of surface over mass, is absolutely necessary. Fission is, therefore, a necessary corollary of growth, and, although we are ignorant of the details of its mechanism, it is conceivable that the method of asexual reproduction arose through causes connected with growth. The explanation of sexual reproduction is much more difficult, for here, in addition to the budding off of the germ-cells from the parental bodies, which has probably the same fundamental cause as fission in unicellular forms, we must account for the differentiation into sexes, the existence of special sexual cells, and the fusion of the male and the female germinal substance ; in short, we must account for the conception of sexuality itself and all that it implies. Regarding the origin of sexuality itself, as to the question whether sexuality — is an original and fundamental attribute of protoplasm or has been acquired, we may say at once that at present we know really nothing. Yet, whatever view is held as to the origin of sexuality, it seems entirely probable that the method of reproduction known as sexual is a derivative of the method known as asexual—the latter is primitive, the former has arisen from it. From the wide distribution and prominence of the former among vital phenomena we must believe, with biologists generally, that sexual differentiation and sexual processes have arisen from natural causes, and for the reason that sexual repro- duction is of advantage to living beings and to species. In what way it is of advantage, however, is disputed. Three views, all of which have evidence in their favor and which are not mutually exclusive, are at present engaging the attention of scientific men. The first to be mentioned is the theory advocated by Hensen, Edouard van Beneden, and Biitschli, according to whom the fusion of the cells in sexual reproduction exists for the purpose of rejuvenating the living substance. The power possessed by cells of dividing asexually is limited ; in time the protoplasm grows old and degenerates; its vital powers are weakened, and without help the extinction of the race must.follow. But the mingling of another strain with such senescent protoplasm gives it renewed youth and vigor, restores the power of fission, and grants a new lease of life to REPRODUCTION. «6881 the species. From his observations upon the Infusoria, Maupas' has brought forward valuable evidence which has been quoted in favor of this view. Sty- lonychia normally produces by fission 130 to 180 generations or individuals, Onychodromus 140 to 230, and Leucophrys patula 300 to 450, after which con- jugation is necessary to continued division. If conjugation be prevented, the individuals become small, their physiological powers become weakened, their nuclei atrophy, and the chromatin disappears ; all of which changes are evidence of the oncoming of senile degeneration, and this ultimately results in death. Analogous to this is doubtless the fact, pointed out by Hertwig,? that in sexual animals an unfertilized ovum within the oviduct soon becomes over-mature and enfeebled, and subsequent fertilization, even though possible, is abnormal. Even if the idea of ‘ rejuvenescence” be regarded as fanciful and as a com- parison rather than an explanation, it seems to be a principle of nature that occasional fusion of one line of descent with another is necessary to continued reproduction and continued life. A second theory, defended by Hatschek and Hertwig, argues that sexual reproduction prevents variation, and thus preserves the uniformity of the race. The mingling of two different individuals possessing different qualities must give rise to an individual intermediate between the parents, but differing from them. Such differences between parents and offspring are numerous, but in a single generation are minute, and they are easily obliterated by a subsequent union, which latter in turn gives rise to other minute differences. Hence sexual reproduction, although constantly producing variations, as constantly eradicates therh, and, by striving always toward the mean between two extremes, tends toward homogeneity of the species. The essential truth of such a view seems obvious. A third theory, advocated by Weismann and Brooks, is quite the opposite of the last, and maintains that the meaning of sexual reproduction lies in the production of variations. ‘The process furnishes an inexhaustible supply of fresh combinations of individual variations.””’ These minute variations, seized upon by natural selection, are augmented and made serviceable, and a variety, better able to cope with the conditions of existence, results. The transformation, not the homogeneity, of the species is thereby assured. The two latter views are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Both claim that fertilization brings into evidence variations. It is quite conceivable that subsequent fertilizations may obliterate some and augment others, the result of union being the Bech sum of the characteristics contributed by the two sexes. Primary and Secondary Characters.—In the human species, as in all the higher sexual animals, the characters of sex, anatomical, physiological, and psychological, are divisible into two classes, called primary and secondary. Primary sexual characters are those that pertain to the sexual organs them- selves and to their functions, They are naturally the most pronounced of all 1 E. Maupas: Archives de Zoologie expérimentale et générale, 2e série, vii., 1889. 20. und R. Hertwig: Experimentelle Studien am thierischen Ei vor, wihrend und nach der Befruchtung, i., 1890. 56 882 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. sexual attributes. Secondary sexual characters comprise those attributes that are not directly connected with the sexual organs, but that, nevertheless, con- stitute marked differences between the sexes; such are the greater size and strength of man’s body as compared with woman’s, the superior grace and delicacy of woman’s movements, the deeper, rougher voice of man, and the higher, softer voice of woman. In reality, all secondary sexual characters are accessory to the primary ones, and the greater portion of the present article will be devoted to a discussion of the latter. The primary sexual characters of the male centre in the production of spermatozoa and the process of impreg-_ nation, those of the female in the production of ova and the care of the devel- oping sinlivya: Sexual Organs.—Sexual organs are classified into essential and accessory organs. The essential organs are the two testes of the male and the two ovaries of the female. The accessory organs of the male comprise the vasa deferentia, the seminal vesicles, the urethra, the penis, the prostate gland, Cow- per’s glands, and the scrotum and its attached parts. The accessory organs of the female comprise the oviducts or Fallopian tubes, the uterus, the vagina, the various external parts included in the vulva, and the mammary glands. During the greater part of life the sexual organs perform but a portion of their duties ; only ‘at intervals, and in some individuals never, do they complete the cycle of their functions by engaging in the reproductive process itself. In the fol- lowing account we shall discuss first the habitual physiology of the organs of the male and of the female, and later their special activities in the repro- ductive process. B. Tot Marzet RepropuctivE ORGANS. The male reproductive organs, already mentioned, have as their specific functions the production of the essential male germ-cells, the spermatozoa, the production of a fluid medium in which the spermatozoa can live and undergo transportation, the temporary storing of this seminal fluid, and its ultimate transference to the outside world or to the reproductive passages of the female. The Spermatozoon.—Spermatozoa were first discovered by Hamm, a student at Leyden, in 1677. Hamm’s teacher, Leeuwenhoek, first studied — them carefully. They were long believed to be parasites, even until near the middle of the present century, when their origin and fertilizing function were established. Spermatozoa are cells modified for locomotion and entrance into the ovum. Human spermatozoa are slender, delicate cells, averaging 0.055 millimeter (745 of an inch) in thickness, and consisting of a head, a middle- piece, and a tail (Fig. 305). The head (h) is flattened, egg-shaped, with a thin anterior edge and often slightly depressed sides. It terminates anteriorly in a slender projecting and sharply pointed thread or spear. Its chief component appears to be chromatic substance, and it is to be regarded probably as a nucleus covered by an excessively thin layer of cytoplasm. von Bardeleben* *K. v. Bardeleben: Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft ; Anatomischer sei vii., 1892. REPRODUCTION. 883 claims the number of chromosomes in the chromatic substance after matura- tion to be eight. The middle-piece (m) is a short, cytoplasmic rod, probably containing a cen- trosome. The tail (#) is a delicate filiform, apparently cytoplasmic structure, and analogous to a single cilium of a ciliated cell. The tail is tipped by an excessively fine, short filament, the end-piece (e). The most abundant of the solid chemical constituents of the spermato- zoon is nuclein, probably in the form of nucleic acid, which is found in the head. Other constituents are proteids, prota- mine, lecithin, cholesterin, and fat. The structure and power of movement of the spermatozoon plainly show it to be adapted to activity. It is not burdened by the presence of food-substance within its protoplasm. It is the active element in fertilization ; it seeks the ovum, and it is modified from the form of the typical cell for the special purpose of fertilization. The nucleus is the fertilizing agent. The head is plainly fitted for facilitating entrance into the ovum. The tail is a locomotor organ capable of spontaneous moyements, and, after expulsion of the semen, it propels the C cell, head forward, through the fluid in which it lies. The movement is a complex one, and is effected by the lashing é of the tail from side to side, accompanied by a rotary move- ment about the longitudinal axis. The rate of movement has Fic. 305—Human been variously estimated at from 1.2 to 3.6 millimeters in the SPeTmatov (after 3 ; Retzius): A, sperm- minute. ‘Toward heat, cold, and chemical agents spermatozoa atozoon seen en face ; behave like ciliated cells. Leah end. Ripe spermatozoa appear to be capable of living for months piece: B, ¢ seen “1: : from the side. within the male genital passages, where they are probably quiescent. Outside of the body they have been kept alive and in motion for forty-eight hours. It is not. certain how long they may remain alive within the genital passages of the human female. They have been found in the os uteri and capable of movement more than eight days after their discharge. It seems not improbable that within the female organs their environment is favor- able to a somewhat prolonged existence. In this connection it is of interest to know that spermatozoa capable of fertilizing have been known to live within the receptaculum seminis of a queen bee for three years. Spermatozoa are produced in large numbers. Upon the basis of observa- tions in several individuals, Lode’ computes the average production per week as 226,257,000, and in the period of thirty years from twenty-five to fifty-five years of age the total production as 339,385,500,000. “This excessive produc- tion is an adaptation by nature that serves as a compensation for the small size of the cells and the small chance of every cell finding an ovum. With- out large numbers fertilization would not be ensured and the continuance of the species would be endangered. | 1A. Lode: Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1., 1891. 884 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Maturation of the Spermatozoon.—Considerable theoretical interest attaches to the question as to the real morphological value of the spermatozoon. It is undoubtedly a cell, and has arisen by division from one of the testicular cells, called the primary spermatocyte or sometimes the mother-cell of the spermatozoon. But is it the morphological equivalent of one of the mother- cells? In most animals, and probably also in man, each primary spermatocyte gives rise to four spermatids, which grow directly into four spermatozoa. The process of derivation of the spermatozoa may be called, by analogy with the process in the ripening of the ovum, maturation. The details and essence of the process have been much discussed. Van Beneden found in an interesting worm, Ascaris, that the number of chromosomes in the nucleus of a single spermatozoon is only half that in the original testicular cell; that is, the pro- cess of maturation of the spermatozoon consists in a reduction of the chromo- somes by one half. This discovery has since been extended to many other forms, including mammals and man,‘ and it has-been shown further that the mature spermatozoon contains only one-half the number of chromosomes cha- racteristic of the tissue-cells of the species in question. In the light of the subsequent process of fertilization these facts are interesting. Hertwig and Weismann, who regard the chromatic substance of the nucleus as the bearer of the hereditary qualities, interpret this halving of the chromatin as a pro- vision for the reduction of the hereditary mass, which later will be restored to its full amount by union with the egg. As we shall see, the maturation of — the ovum follows a somewhat similar course, and, since the process has been more fully studied there, we shall reserve further discussion until that subject is reached (p. 889). | Semen.—Semen consists of spermatozoa, together with fluid and dissolved solids, coming partly from the testes themselves, but chiefly secreted by the accessory sexual glands—namely, the glands within the vasa deferentia, the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and Cowper’s glands. It is a whitish, viscid, alkaline fluid, with a slight characteristic odor. The amount passed out. at any one time has been estimated at between 0.5 and 6 cubic centimeters. Its chemical composition has not been examined exhaustively. Besides water, it contains approximately 18 per cent. of solid substances, which comprise nuclein, protamine, proteids, xanthin, lecithin, cholesterin, and other extractives, fat, and sodium and potassium chlorides, sulphates, and phosphates. Under proper treat- ment colorless crystals, called Charcot’s crystals, may be obtained from semen. They appear to be a phosphate of a nitrogenous base, which has been called sperm- ine. Interest in the semen centres in its histological rather than its chemical features. The fluid portion serves as a vehicle for the transportation of and pos- — sibly also for the nutrition of the ripe spermatozoa. Colorless particles, called seminal granules, exist in semen. They are possibly parts of nuclei of disin- tegrated cells. Comparatively little is known of the composition or the specific function of the individual secretions contributed by the various organs. The | disintegration of the nutritive cells of the testis probably furnishes some of the _ ly. Bardeleben : loc cit. REPRODUCTION. 885 nutritive substance of the fluid. Prostatic secretion is viscid and opalescent, and contains 1.5 per cent. of solids, comprising mainly proteids and salts. It con- tributes the substance of Charcot’s crystals to the semen, and their partial decom- position is said to be responsible for the characteristic odor of the seminal fluid. The secretion from the seminal vesicles is fairly abundant, is albuminous, and in some animals at least seems to contain fibrinogen. This enables the fluid to clot after its reception in the female passages, and thus to prevent loss of sper- matozoa. Cowper’s glands secrete a mucous fluid. By careful experiments upon white rats Steinach* has shown that removal of the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland, while not diminishing the sexual passion and the ability to perform the sexual act, including the actual discharge of spermatozoa, prevents entirely the fertilization of the ova; removal of the seminal vesicles alone markedly weakens the fertilizing power of the semen. The secretions of these accessory glands are essential to the mo- bility of the spermatozoa, and they may have other important functions. The Testis.—The testes (Fig. 306, ¢) are compound tubular glands with a unique structure. Formed early in em- bryonic life as solid structures, with the seminiferous tubules (t.s) represented by solid cords of cells, they remain in the embryonic condition until the time of puberty. Some of the cells, the mother- cells of the spermatozoa, then begin | actively to divide, and the result of di- vision with differentiation is the mature spermatozoa. These latter accumulate at the centre of the tubules, the walls being formed largely of the dividing cells or immature spermatozoa. Other cells do not produce spermatozoa, but seem to disintegrate and give rise to the nutritive fluid and nuclear particles that are found mixed with the sperm-cells. t From the time of puberty on, usually throughout life, this cellular activity proceeds, the rate and regularity proba- . bly varying greatly with individualsand depending largely on the frequency of discharge of the semen. Spermatozoa Fic. 806.—Diagram of the male reproductive organs: ¢, testis; ¢t.s, seminiferous tubules; Zé.r, tubuli recti; r.v, rete vasculosum; v.e, vasa effer- entia; e, canal of the epididymis; v.a, vas aberrans ; v.d, v.d, vas deferens ; v.s, seminal vesicle; d.e, ejac- ulatory duct; pr, prostate gland; b, urinary blad- der; C.g, Cowper’s gland; uw, urethra; pn, penis. may be wanting in old men, but they have been found in individuals at eighty or ninety years of age. The spermatozoa accumulate within the seminal 1. Steinach: Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, lvi., 1894. 886 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. tubules, and by the constant formation of others behind them are gradually pushed outward along the ducts. The Ducts of the Testis——The ducts of the testis (Fig. 306) comprise a suecession of tubes of different morphological and physiological values. ~ They are approximately twenty-five feet in length, and are named, in order, tubuli recti, rete vasculosum, vasa efferentia, canal of the epididymis, vas deferens, and ejaculatory duct. The tubuli recti (tr) and rete vasculosum (r.v), being mere channels for the passage of spermatozoa, present no special physiological features. The vasa efferentia (v.e) and the canal of the epididymis (ec) contain smooth muscular tissue in their walls, and, moreover, are lined by ciliated epithelium, the cilia causing a movement outward; both of these features doubtless aid in the outward passage of the spermatozoa. The excretory duct of the testis, or vas deferens (v.d), with its offshoot, the seminal vesicle, is more important physiologically. It is nearly two feet in’ length, with a diameter throughout the greater part of its course of one-tenth of an inch. Near its termination, however, it is larger and sacculated, and resembles the seminal vesicle ; it is known here as the ampulla of Henle. Its epithelium is not ciliated, but its walls contain a very thick, plain muscular layer consisting of outer longitudinal and inner circular fibres. In the walls of the ampulla of Henle exist small tubular glands. The vas deferens is an’ important storehouse for the spermatozoa. The glands near its termination supply a part of the fluid of the semen. The muscles in its walls, by contract- ing, aid in the seminal discharges. The seminal vesicle (v.s) is a branched diver- ticulum from the vas deferens. In structure it is not radically unlike the ampulla of Henle, its walls containing muscular layers and glands. Its chief, if not its only, function is to contribute fluid to the semen. Of all the organs, the seminal vesicles contribute probably the greatest share of fluid. Micro- scopic examination does not confirm the old belief that the vesicles are store- houses for semen, and this idea is now largely laid aside. The ejaculatory duct (d.e) on each side is a short, thin-walled muscular tube, passing partly through the substance of the prostate gland and serving to convey the semen to the urethra. The Urethra.—The urethra (Fig. 306, u), the common excretory duct for the urine and the semen, is commonly described as consisting of three parts, — named, respectively, the prostatic, the membranous, and the spongy portions. The first is characterized by the presence of the prostate gland, the second by the absence of special features, and the third by the presence of Cowper’s glands and the penis. Throughout its length the wall of the urethra contains plain muscular tissue arranged longitudinally within and circularly without ; and, except at the external opening, the small racemose mucous glands of Littré. Its wall is hence contractile and its lumen is kept moist. Beyond these its special physiological features are given it by the organs above mentioned. The Prostate Gland.—The prostate gland (Fig. 306, pr) is a compound tubular gland whose alveoli are mingled with a large quantity of plain mus- cular tissue. It completely surrounds the urethra at the base of the bladder, REPRODUCTION. Re and opens into it by numerous small ducts situated about the openings of the vasa deferentia. Its function is to contribute prostatic fluid to the semen. .The composition of this fluid has been already mentioned (p. 885); its specific use is not known. Cowper’s Glands.—Cowper’s glands (Fig. 306, C.g), two in number, are tubulo-racemose glands, the ducts of which open into the spongy portion of the urethra by two orifices situated some two inches below the openings of the vasa deferentia. Their viscid secretion is thought to be one of the components of the seminal fluid, but its specific function is unknown. It has been sug- gested that Cowper’s fluid cleanses the urethra of urine and of semen, instead of contributing actually to the seminal fluid. The Penis.—The penis (Fig. 306, pn) has as its constant function merely the conveying of the urine to the outside world, and for this purpose it has no special features beyond those belonging to the urethra, which runs throughout its whole length. Specifically, however, it is the intromittent organ, and serves to convey the semen into the genital passages of the female. This function is based upon its power of erection, and this power is dependent upon the presence of the erectile tissue which constitutes the bulk of the organ. The erectile tissue is arranged in the form of three long cylindrical masses imperfectly separated from, but parallel to, one another and extending lengthwise. Of these, the two corpora cavernosa lie at the sides, and meet each other in the middle line along the upper side of the penis; the corpus spongi- osum lies in the middle line below, and is pierced throughout its length by the urethra. At its proximal end each corpus is enlarged into a bulbous part, and is covered by a layer of muscular fibres constituting a distinct muscle—the bulbs of the corpora cavernosa by the ischio-cavernosi (erectores penis), that of the corpus spongiosum (called bulbus urethre) by the bulbo-cavernosus (accel- erator urine). At its distal end each corpus cavernosum terminates bluntly, while the corpus spongiosum projects farther and enlarges to form the extrem- ity of the organ, the glans penis. Each corpus is spongy in consistence, being formed of a trabecular framework of white and elastic connective tissue and plain muscular fibres, with cavernous venous spaces, and is covered by a tough fibrous tunic. When the spaces are distended with blood the whole organ becomes hard, rigid, and erect in position. The mechanism of erection will be studied more in detail later (p. 901). The penis, especially toward its ter- mination, is beset with end-bulbs, Pacinian bodies, and other nerve-termina- tions, that make it particularly sensitive to external stimulation. C. Tae Fremaute RepropuctivE ORGANS. The female reproductive organs, already mentioned, have as their specific functions the production of the essential female germ-cells, the ova, their trans- ference to the uterus, and, if unfertilized, to the outside world ; if fertilized, the protection and nutrition of the developing embryo, its ultimate transfer- ence to the outside world, and the nutrition of the child during early in- fancy. 888 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. The Ovum.—The human ovum was discovered in 1827 by Von Baer, and it was he who first completely traced the connection between ova in the gene- rative passages and ova in the Graafian follicles of the ovary. The conception of ova as the essential female element had, however, long been held, and Har- vey’s dictum of the seventeenth century, that everything living is derived from. an egg (omne vivum ex ovo), is well known. The human ovum, as it comes from the ovary, is a spherical, proto- plasmic cell (Fig. 307), averaging with the zona radiata, approximately 0.2 milli- -meter (;4, inch) in diameter. As in other cells, the cell-body may be distin- Fic. 307.—Human ovum (modified from Na- gyished from the nucleus, the proto- gel): n, nucleus (germinal vesicle) containing : the ameboid nucleolus (germinal spot); d,deu- plasm of the former being called cyto- a ue Zones % 2" plasm. In its finer structure the cyto- ake plasm consists of an excessively delicate network of protoplasmic substance. As in other mammalian eggs, it proba- bly contains, adjoining the nucleus, a minute, specially differentiated portion, consisting of a single or double centrosome surrounded by an attraction sphere (Fig. 308, A). For some distance inward from the border the cytoplasm is pure and transparent, and this portion is often called the protoplasmic zone (Fig. 307, p). Throughout the centre of the cell, however, it is obscured by the presence of an abundance of yolk-substance, or deutoplasm, from which the corresponding part of the ovum is sometimes called the deutoplasmic zone (d). Deutoplasm is non-living substance; it consists of granules of yolk imbedded in the meshes of the cytoplasmic network, and, like its ana- logue, the yolk of the hen’s egg, it serves as food for the future cells of the embryo. | A comparison of the respective amounts of food in the human and the fowl’s egg, with the manner of embryonic development, is suggestive. The chick develops outside the body of the hen, and, therefore, requires a large supply of nutriment, which it finds in the yolk and the white of the egg. The child develops within the mother’s body and receives its nourishment from the maternal blood; hence the supply of food within the egg is only enough to ensure the beginning of growth, special blood-vessels being formed to facilitate its continuance. The nucleus (n), commonly called by its early name, the germinal vesicle, is spherical, and usually occupies a slightly eccentric position. Its protoplasm consists of a network composed of two kinds of material: the more delicate, slightly staining threads are the achromatic substance, the coarser, deeply staining portion, the chromatic substance or chromatin. The former is con- tinuous with, and probably of exactly the same nature as, the cytoplasm. REPRODUCTION. ‘98s The chromatin is peculiar to the nucleus, and at certain stages in the nuclear history is resolved into distinct granules or filaments, the chromosomes (Fig. 308, A), the number of which in the human ovum is unknown. There is much reason for believing that the chromatin is the bearer of whatever is inherited from the mother. The nucleus is limited by a nuclear membrane, and contains a strongly marked nucleolus, which has likewise retained its original name of germinal spot. ‘There is probably no proper cell-wall, or vitelline membrane, such as is said to exist in many mammalian and other eggs. The ovum is, however, surrounded by a thick, tough, transparent membrane of ovarian origin, about 0.02 millimeter (;545 inch) in thickness, and called the zona radiata or zona pellucida (Fig. 307, z). It is pierced by a multitude of fine lines radiating from the surface of the zona to the ovum; these are thought to represent pores, to contain fine protoplasmic processes of the surrounding ovarian cells, and thus to serve as channels for the passage of nutriment to the egg. Between the zona radiata and the ovum a narrow space, the peri- vitelline space (s), exists. Attached to the outside of the zona radiata are usually patches of cells derived from the discus proligerus of the Graafian fol- licle of the ovary, which may form a complete covering and constitute the corona radiata. They disappear soon after the egg is discharged from the ovary. Regarding the chemistry of the mammalian ovum little is known definitely, and of the human ovum nothing whatever except by inference from the eggs of lower animals. The protoplasmic basis undoubtedly resembles other undif- ferentiated protoplasm in its general composition, with an abundance of proteid among its solid constituents. Deutoplasm is a rich mixture of food-substance in concentrated form, and edntains among its solids probably vitellin, nuclein, albumin, lecithin, fats, carbohydrates, and inorganic salts. The form and the structure of the egg suggest the part that it plays in reproduction. It is not locomotor; in fertilization it is the passive element ; it remains in its place and is sought by the spermatozoon. Its nucleus is the equivalent of that of the spermatozoon. Its form renders easy the entrance of the male element. Its bulk consists largely of food in a very concentrated form, and, as development proceeds, it supplies this food to the growing cells. In lower forms of animal life, where eggs are fertilized outside the body of the parent in the water into which they are set free, they are usually pro- duced in enormous numbers. Some fail of fertilization, while others are destroyed by enemies, and the large number is a compensatory adaptation by nature for their poor chance of survival. In mammals and man, however, ova have a much better opportunity of being fertilized and of developing into adults, and their number is correspondingly reduced. Their relative fewness, as compared with the spermatozoa, is in harmony with their larger size and the fact that, while awaiting fertilization, they are carefully protected within the body of the mother. , Maturation of the Ovum.—Attention has been called to the maturation of the spermatozoon. The ovum undergoes an analogous process of ripening, which has been studied very carefully, and from its theoretical interest has 890 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 308,—Stages in the maturation of the ovum; diagrammatic (mainly from Wilson): A, the orig- inal ovarian ovum; n, its nucleus, containing four chromosomes; ¢, its double centrosome, surrounded by the attraction sphere; in B much of the chromatin has begun to degenerate; the rest has become arranged into two quadruple groups of chromosomes, or tetrads; the formation of the spindle and the asters has begun; in C'the first polar amphiaster, bearing the chromosomes, is completed ; in D the am- phiaster has become rotated and has travelled toward the surface of the ovum; g. v, the degenerated remains of the nucleus; in E the division of the tetrads into double groups of chromosomes, or dyads, has begun, and the first polar body, p. bt, is indicated ; in F the first polar body, containing two dyads, has been extruded; the formation of the second polar amphiaster has begun; in @ the first polar body is pre- paring to divide; the second polar amphiaster is fully formed; in H the division of the dyads into single chromosomes in both the first polar body and the egg has begun, and the second polar body, p. 52, is in- dicated; in I the formation of the polar bodies is completed; 2, the egg-nucleus, containing two small chromosomes, one-half the original number. In fertilization the spermatozoon will bring in two addi- tional chromosomes, thus restoring the total number of four. ; REPRODUCTION. ) 891 given rise to a large amount of discussion. Maturation occurs approximately as the ovum is leaving the ovary, the exact time-relations being not yet deter- mined. It consists of a karyokinetic division of the nucleus, essentially like karyokinesis (mitosis) in ordinary cell-division, and an expulsion of one por- tion from the cell. This occurs twice in succession. The cast-off bits of pro- toplasm are known as polar bodies. The details of the process of maturation are as follows (Fig. 308): The nucleus of the original ovarian ovum contains the same number of chromosomes as the ordinary tissue-cells(A). At the begin- ning of maturation much of the chromatic substance begins to degenerate, and later it disappears wholly (B, C,.D). The remainder is rearranged into groups of chromosomes, usually four in each group, which is called a “ quadruple- group” or “tetrad” (B). The number of tetrads is always one-half the num- ber of original chromosomes, while the total number of chromosomes in the nucleus at this stage is double the original number. The nucleus moves from its position in the interior of the egg toward the surface, and the nuclear mem- brane begins to disappear. At the same time the two minute cytoplasmic structures, the centrosomes, which lie close beside the nucleus, separate and take up positions at a considerable distance apart from each other, in some cases even upon opposite sides of the nucleus. ‘The substance lying between them—either the cytoplasmic network or the achromatic substance of the nucleus—loses its reticular appearance, becomes filamentous, and arranges itself in the form of a spindle with the threads extending from pole to pole (C, D). The groups of chromosomes become attached to the spindle threads midway between the poles. At each pole lies a centrosome, and about it the cytoplasm becomes arranged in the form of a star, the aster. The spindle with the two asters is known as the polar amphiaster, and the complicated structure seems to be formed, as in ordinary cell-division, for the sole purpose of dividing the nucleus into two portions. This is now performed (/’); each quadruple- group of chromosomes splits into two, and these, known as “ double-groups,” or “dyads,” are drawn apart from each other and toward the spindle poles, probably by contraction of the fibres of the spindle. The nucleus is thus di- vided into halves. While the division has been proceeding, the spindle has wandered halfway outside the egg, and, when it is completed, one of the result- ing nuclear halves, comprising one-half of the full number of dyads, together with the centrosome and the aster, finds itself entirely extruded from the egg and lying within the perivitelline space. It is known as the first polar body (F, p. 6‘). The diminished nucleus within the ovum proceeds at once to under- go a second karyokinetic division similar to the first (G, H, I); each of the remaining dyads divides into two single chromosomes, which are pulled apart from each other; and a second polar body (p. 6’), containing one-half the number of single chromosomes characteristic of the tissue-cells, is extruded. Apparently the two polar bodies are of no further use. In many animals the first divides into two, but sooner or later both degenerate and disappear. The remnant of the nucleus left within the egg, much reduced in size, wanders back to the interior. Its chromosomes, reduced to one-half the number 892 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. belonging to the ovarian ovum, are resolved again into scattered chromatic substance. It develops a membrane and becomes again a resting nucleus. It is known henceforth as the egg-nucleus, or female pronucleus, and it awaits the coming of the male. Its centrosome gradually degenerates and disappears. Thus the curious process of maturation of the ovum is different in detail from that of maturation of the spermatozoon. In the latter the primary spermatocyte divides into four functional spermatozoa ; in the former the pri- mary ovocyte divides into two functionless polar bodies (or, by subdivision of the first, three, which have been called abortive eggs) and one functional ovum. It is entirely probable, however, that the essence of the process is exactly the same in the two cases, and lies in the reduction of the chromatic substance of the nucleus. Van Beneden found in Ascaris that in the maturation of the ovum, as in that of the spermatozoon already referred to, the number of chro- mosomes is halved and that the number in the two germ-cells is the same. This has since been proved abundantly in other forms, as well as the further associated fact that the mature germ-cells contain each one-half the number of chromosomes that are characteristic of the somatic cells ; it is wholly prob- able that these facts are universal in sexual reproduction. Each mature germ- cell, therefore, while in reality a cell, is, when compared with the somatic cells, incomplete. The subsequent union of the two in fertilization restores the chromosomes to their normal number. Inasmuch as the chromatin is probably the all-important constituent of the germ-cells, the bearer of the paternal and the maternal inherited characteristics, the phenomena of maturation are of great interest. Most biologists follow Hertwig and Weismann in regarding maturation as an adaptation for the prevention of the constant increase in quantity of the hereditary substance that would otherwise take place with every union of ovum and spermatozoon. Without a reducing process the quantity of chromatin in cells would become in a very few generations incon- veniently great. Maturation is a preparation of each germ-cell for union with its mate. The Ovary ; Ovulation.—The ovaries (Fig. 309, 0) are often spoken of as glands, but they are not glands according to the ordinary histological and physiological use of the term. They are solid organs with a structure peculiar to themselves, and their function is the production of ova. Their stroma con- sists of fine connective tissue with numerous connective-tissue cells. The ova are developed in the interior within cavities called, from their discoverer, Graafian follicles (Gf), from primitive ova that are modified cells of the germinal epithelium of the embryo. It has been calculated that the two human ovaries at the age of eighteen years contain an average of 72,000 primitive ova, but that not more than four hundred of these arrive at maturity. Each Graafian follicle is lined by an epithelial layer several cells thick, the membrana granulosa, and is filled with clear viscid fluid, the liquor folliculi, which con- tains albuminoid matter. Imbedded in the epithelium upon one side is usually a single ovum, completely surrounded by the cells and forming a prominent hillock which projects well into the cavity of the follicle. The Se ee. ee ie REPRODUCTION. 893. epithelium immediately surrounding the ovum is the discus proligerus. Within the discus the ovum grows and becomes surrounded by the zona pellucida. In the process of growth the Graafian follicle approaches the surface of the ovary, ii Hite \\i SRA ZO “ING \ - . \ > en ee Ais Lb Ks A? COLE KI Fic. 309.—-Diagram of the female reproductive organs (modified from Henle and Symington): 0, ovary ; G. f, Graafian follicle containing an ovum; ¢c./, corpus luteum; p, parovarium; f/, fimbriated end of F. t, Fallopian tube; wu, body, and c, cervix of uterus; 0.e, os uteri externum; vg, vagina; h, hymen; wu, open- ing of urethra; v, vulval cleft; n, labia minora, or nymphe; J.m, labia majora. and finally comes to form a minute rounded vesicular projection covered only by the ovarian epithelium. When fully ready for discharge, the wall of the follicle becomes ruptured, probably by the increasing pressure of the contained liquid, and the ovum with its zona pellucida and a portion or all of the discus proligerus, now called the corona radiata, is cast out upon the surface of the ovary to be taken up by the Fallopian tube. The empty follicle undergoes changes and becomes the corpus luteum.(c.l). Usually the corpus luteum de- generates within a few days and ultimately disappears. If, however, pregnancy follows ovulation, it grows very large, perhaps because of the congested state of the reproductive organs, and remains for months before the retrograde metamorphosis sets in. Not all Graafian follicles reach maturity and burst, for many, after developing to a considerable size, undergo degenerative changes, characterized by liquefaction and disappearance of their contents. The discharge of the ovum is known technically as ovulation. In most animals ovulation is a periodic phenomenon accompanying certain seasons, and is marked by general sexual activity. In woman and many domesticated ani- mals the relation to the seasons no longer exists, but too little is known of the causes and time-relations of the phenomenon and its general bearings upon other physiological processes, notably upon menstruation in woman. A large 894 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. but not wholly decisive literature upon the subject in the human being has been written. It is a common belief, originating in the seventeenth century, that ovulation in woman is a periodic phenomenon occurring regularly every month and contemporaneous with the occurrence of the menstrual flow, and. numerous post-mortem observations of the presence in the ovary of freshly- discharged Graafian follicles at the menstrual. period afford evidence of the frequent coincidence of the two phenomena. But ovulation at the-time of menstruation, though probably usual, is not exclusive of ovulation at other times, for intermenstrual observations of fresh ovarian scars are not rare, and prove without doubt that discharge of an ovum may occur at any time between two successive periods (see under Menstruation, p. 895). Graafian follicles develop even during infancy ; most of them, and perhaps all, retrograde with- out discharging their ova, but the occasional instances of pregnancy at the ages of seven, eight, or nine, prove that ovulation may occur during childhood. Ovulation usually begins at puberty, its commencement thus coinciding with that of menstruation, and continues until the climacteric. After the climacteric it may occur in exceptional cases, although here, as before puberty, retrogressive degeneration of the Graafian follicles is the rule. It is commonly believed that ovulation is at a standstill during both pregnancy and lactation. The un- doubted possibility of a pregnancy originating during lactation would, how- ever, seem to prove the possibility of ovulation during the latter period. It is not decided whether removal of the uterus does away wholly with ovulation. The Fallopian Tube.—Each of the Fallopian tubes (Fig. 309, £.#), or oviducts, opens into the peritoneal cavity about one inch from the correspond- ing ovary. Around the opening is an expanded fringe of irregular processes, the fimbrie (f), one of which is attached to the ovary. The length of the tube is between three and four inches, and the opening into the uterus is extremely small. The chief structures in the walls of the oviduets that are of physio- logical interest are the double layer of plain muscle, an outer longitudinal and an inner circular coat, longitudinal fibres from which pass also into the fimbriz ; and the cilia with which the tube is lined throughout, and which are present also upon the inner side of the fimbris. The direction of the ciliary movement is from the ovary toward the uterus. The primary function of the Fallopian tubes is to convey ova from the ovary to the uterus; they also con- vey spermatozoa in the reverse direction ; and within them the union of ovum and spermatozoon usually takes place. The mechanism of the receipt of the ovum by the tube is not fully under- stood. After ovulation the ovum is slightly adherent to the surface of the ovary by the agency of the viscid liquor folliculi. It is possible, but it has not been proved, that in the human being, as has been seen in some animals, the expanded, fimbriated end of the Fallopian tube clasps the ovary when the egg is discharged. The passage of the ovum into the tube is probably brought about by the cilia lining the fimbriz. Once within the tube, the - ciliary action, assisted perhaps by contraction of the muscular fibres in the walls, carries the ovum slowly along toward and finally into the uterus. In REPRODUCTION. . 895 some mammals the passage occupies three to five days; the time in woman is not known. | The Uterus.—The uterus (Fig. 309, u), or womb, receives the ovum from the Fallopian tube and passes it on, if unimpregnated, to the vagina; on the -other hand, it receives from the vagina spermatozoa and transmits them to the Fallopian tubes ; it is the seat of the function of menstruation ; when impreg- nation has taken place, it retains and nourishes the growing embryo, and ulti- mately expels the child from the body. Its structure accords with these funec- tions. Its thick walls consist largely of plain muscular tissue arranged roughly in the form of three indistinctly marked layers. Of these, the exter- nal and the middle coats are thin; the fibres of the former are arranged in general longitudinally, those of the latter more circularly and obliquely. The third, most internal layer, which is regarded by some as a greatly hyper- trophied muscularis mucose, forms the greater part of the uterine wall. Its fibres are arranged chiefly circularly ; toward the upper part they become trans- verse to the Fallopian tubes, and at the cervix longitudinal fibres lie within the circular ones. The individuality of the muscular layers and uniformity in the course of the fibres is largely interfered with by the numerous blood- vessels of the uterine walls. The uterus is lined by an epithelium composed of columnar ciliated cells, except in the lower half of the cervix, where a stratified non-ciliated epithelium exists. The direction of the ciliary movement in woman is not definitely known ; in other mammals the cilia appear to sweep toward the os uteri. ‘The mucous membrane is thick, and contains very numerous branch- ing tubular glands that are lined by ciliated epithelium and have a tortu- ous course, terminating in the edge of the muscular layer. They secrete a viscid mucous fluid. Between the glands are branched connective-tissue cells that are not unlike the connective-tissue cells of embryonic structures, and wandering cells. Lymph-spaces and _ blood-capillaries exist. The development of the tissue goes on slowly up to the time of puberty, and, as we shall see, after puberty the mucous membrane is subject to constant change. Menstruation.—Except during pregnancy the most striking activities of the uterus are associated with that peculiar female function which, from its monthly periodicity, is called menstruation. The most obvious external fact of this phenomenon is the discharge every month of a bloody, mucous fluid through the vagina ; the most obvious internal facts are the bleeding and the degeneration and disappearance of a portion of the mucous membrane of the body of the uterus. This curious process, though having analogies in lower animals, occurs most markedly in the human female, and from before the time of Aristotle to the present, among both primitive and civilized races, its signifi- cance has been the cause of much speculation. The detailed phenomena of menstruation are not as well known as they should be. Experimentation is practically out of the question, and the opportunities of careful post-mortem study of normal healthy uteri at different stages are rare. The main facts are as follows: 896 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Some days before the flow occurs the mucous membrane of the body of the uterus begins to thicken, partly by an active growth of its connective tissue elements and partly by an excessive filling of its capillaries and veins with blood. The cause of this swelling is not known. It continues until the membrane has doubled or trebled in thickness, and, according to some authori- ties, the uterine cavity becomes a mere slit between the walls. Then occurs an infiltration of blood-corpuscles and plasma, probably largely by diapedesis, although possibly assisted by rupture, through the walls of the swollen capil- laries into the connective-tissue spaces beneath the epithelial lining of the uterine wall. The epithelium is thus pressed up from beneath, and begins rapidly to undergo disintegration (perhaps fatty degeneration) and to disappear. The immediate cause of the degeneration is not definitely known. The con- nective-tissue elements and the upper portion of the glands are involved in the degenerative change. The capillaries, thus laid bare, burst, and the dark blood oozes forth and, mixed with disintegrated remains of the uterine tissues, with the mucous secretion of the uterus and the vagina, and with the escaped lymph, passes away, drop by drop, from the body. There is great difference of opinion as to the extent of the destruction of uterine tissue. On the one extreme side are those who claim that the loss of tissue is normally wholly trivial and secondary, the hyperemia and the bloody glandular discharge being the important events. Other authorities, equally extreme, have observed a disap- pearance of the whole mucous membrane except the deepest layers containing the bases of the glands ; this is probably pathological. From all the evidence an opinion intermediate between these two views seems most reasonable—namely, that usually and physiologically only the superficial portion of the mucous membrane disintegrates. Differences in the amount undoubtedly occur. Occasionally it happens that the membrane, instead of disintegrating, comes away in pieces of considerable size. The term decidua menstrualis is applied to the lost coat. The flow continues upon an average four days or more. From observations upon 2080 American women Emmet' finds the average duration of the flow at puberty to be 4.82 days, the average in later life 4.66 days. The amount of blood discharged can be determined only with great diffi- culty. It probably varies greatly, but is commonly estimated at from 100 to 200 cubic centimeters (4—5 ounces). The blood is slimy, with abundant mucus ; usually it does not coagulate. Epithelium cells, red corpuscles, leuco- cytes, and detritus from the disintegrated tissues, occur in it, and it has a cha- racteristic odor. As the flow ceases, a new growth, of connective-tissue cells, capillaries, glands, and from the glands superficial epithelium, begins, and the mucous membrane is restored to its original amount. Whether a resting period follows before the succeeding tumefaction occurs, is not definitely known, but it seems probable, The durations of the various steps in the uterine changes are not well known, and probably vary in individual cases. Minot? suggests the following approximate times : ‘T. A. Emmet: The Principles and Practice of Gynecology, 2d ed., 1880. *C. 8. Minot: Human Embryology, 1892. REPRODUCTION. | $97 Tumefaction of the mucosa, with accompanying structural changes. . . . . 5 days NANT TRAN Rr GR a ye yee iw I 0 faye anc ees > 88% abe Restoration of the resting mucosa ...-....+..2..6.-e2ec ee cee eke a ON be Sik ee Dial AE alt SOCAL 8 del ei ae he ae a Seoe ER re RO eae RNa ne a GM MLS bos. ta Holds 8d a we ea 28 days The menstrual changes in the uterus are accompanied by characteristic phenomena in other parts of the body. The Fallopian tubes are congested, and, according to some authorities, their mucous membrane degenerates and bleeds like that of the uterus. The ovaries are likewise congested. As has been stated, it is commonly believed, but not definitely proved, that ovulation accompanies each period. Frequent accompaniments are turgescence of the breasts, swelling of the thyroid and the parotid glands and the tonsils, con- gestion of the skin, dull complexion, tendency toward the development of pig- ment, and dark rings about the eyes. The skin and the breath may have a characteristic odor. In singers the voice is often impaired, which is one instance of a general nervous and muscular enervation. Mental depression often exists. In most cases sexual instincts do not appear to be heightened. Pain is a frequent accompaniment, and nervous and congestive pathological phenomena may, at times, become very pronounced. Recent work has shown that the various phenomena accompanying menstruation are evidences of a profound physiological change, with a monthly periodicity, that the female human organism undergoes, and of which the uterine changes are only a part. Thus, during the intermenstrual period there is a gradual increase of nervous tension and general mobility, of vascular tension manifested by turgescence of the blood-vessels, a gradual increase of nutritive activity manifested by increased production and excretion of urea and increased temperature, and a gradual increase of the heart’s action in strength and rate.’ These various activities of the organism usually attain a maximum a few days before the menstrual flow begins and then undergo a rapid fall, which reaches a minimum toward the close of the flow ; a second lesser maximum may occur a few days after the flow ceases. All organic activities that have been carefully investi- gated show evidences of such a monthly rhythm. It is not known that the male possesses such a period. The first menstruation is usually regarded as the index of the oncoming of puberty or sexual maturity, and in temperate climates occurs usually at the age of fourteen to seventeen. Its onset is earlier in warm than in cold climates, in city than in country girls, and varies in time with food, growth, and environ- ment. Exceptionally menstruation may begin in infancy or later than puberty, and it has even been known to be wholly wanting in otherwise normal women. Normally, it ceases during pregnancy, and probably usually during lactation, although there are frequent exceptions to the latter rule. Complete removal of the ovaries appears to put an entire end to menstruation. Its final cessation, 1 Cf. Mary Putnam Jacobi: “The Question of Rest for Women during Menstruation,” Boylston Prize Essay, 1876; C. Reinl: Sammlung klinische Vortrige, No. 248, 1884; O. Ott: Nouvelles archives @ obstétrique et de gynécologie, v., 1890. 57 898 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. which is a gradual process extending over several months, usually marks the climacteric (menopause) or end of the sexual life, and occurs usually at the age of forty-four to forty-seven. Exceptionally the flow may cease early in life or extend to extreme old age. Comparative Physiology of Menstruation.—The comparative physiology of menstruation, although it has been studied only incompletely in a few domesti- cated animals and some monkeys,’ sheds some valuable light upon the phe- nomenon in woman. In animals lower than man, in a wild state, the desire and power of reproduction are usually limited to seasonal periods. At such times conception is possible, and probably usually takes place. Such periods are known as “rut,” “heat,” and “cestrus.” During the rest of the year sexual activities are in abeyance. Domestication, with its artificial condi- tions of regular food-supply, warmth, and care, has increased productiveness (Darwin) and rendered the reproductive periods more frequent. If impregna- tion be prevented, as is often the case in domesticated animals, the periods of “heat” appear with great frequency and regularity (monkey, mare, buffalo, zebra, hippopotamus, four weeks ; cow, three weeks; sow, fifteen to eighteen days; sheep, two weeks; bitch, nine to ten days.) They are characterized by general nervous excitement, desire and power of conception, congestion and swelling of the external genital organs, and a uterine discharge. The latter is scanty, mucous, and bloody, the amount of blood increasing in ascending the evolutionary scale. The histological processes occurring in the uterus have been studied carefully by Retterer in the dog and by Heape in the monkey. In the latter the processes seem to be nearly identical with those of man. In the dog, growth and congestion of the mucosa occur, and are followed by rup- ture of the capillaries, extravasation of blood, and degeneration of the tissues, but it is doubtful whether the epithelium is actually shed. It is generally believed that “ heat”? in the lower mammals is accompanied by ovulation. It is not necessarily so in monkeys. The phenomena of “ heat” are thus closely similar to those of human menstruation, the similarity being most marked in the monkeys. In addition to these more hidden phenomena there is present sexual desire, which in the human female is largely absent at such periods. Theory of Menstruation.—The significance of menstruation is in great dis- pute. All modern theories agree in regarding it as associated in some way with the function of childbearing. The flow was early believed to be a means employed by the body to get rid of a plethora of nutriment. This was fol- lowed by the well-known hypothesis, put forward especially by Pfliiger (1865), and even now widely accepted. According to this hypothesis,? the menstrual bleeding and the uterine denudation occur for the purpose of providing a fresh uterine surface to which the egg, if impregnated, can readily attach itself, just as, in grafting, the gardener provides .a wounded surface upon which the young ‘Of. A. Wiltshire: British Medical Journal, March, 1883; E. Retterer : Comptes rendus des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie, 1892; W. Hidainé + Philosophical Transactions she the Royal Society (B). vol. 185, pt. i., 1894. ? E. F. W. Pfliiger: Fidlorechungen aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium zum Bonn, 1865. re EEE— ——= oo REPRODUCTION. . 899 scion is set, or, in uniting two membrane-covered tissues, the surgeon first wounds or freshens their surfaces. The mechanism of this uterine process is as fol- lows: The constant growth of the ovarian cells and the consequent swelling of the ovary subject the ovarian nerve-fibres, and through them the spinal cord, to a constant slight stimulation. Through the summation of the stimuli within the cord a reflex dilatation of the vessels in the genital organs is produced. The excessive blood-supply leads in turn to the tumefaction of the uterus, and frequently to the ripening of a Graafian follicle. The bleeding follows, and at the same time or slightly later the rupture of the follicle occurs, provided the latter be sufficiently advanced in growth. The menstrual flow and ovulation are, therefore, two phenomena conditioned usually by the same cause, namely, the menstrual congestion, yet either may occur without the other. Pfliiger’s hypothesis accounts clearly for the absence of menstruation after removal of the ovaries. Numerous other theories have been proposed, no one of which can be said to be widely and generally accepted. The present tendency in belief is as follows : Ovulation and menstruation are in great part independent phenomena ; they may or they may not coexist ; the uterine growth is a prep- aration for the future embryo ; the tissue of the decidua menstrualis is the fore- runner of the decidua graviditatis (p. 909) ; if an ovum, whenever it is discharged, be fertilized, it attaches itself to the thickened uterine wall, the tissues become the decidua graviditatis; pregnancy follows, and the decidua is not discharged until the time of parturition ; if, however, fertilization does not: take place, there is no attachment, the tissues degenerate and become the decidua men- strualis, and the flow occurs. The suggestion of Jacobi! is not an extreme one: “'The menstrual crisis is the physiological homologue of parturition.” Its monthly periodicity is not explained. Regarding its mechanism the above hypothesis of Pfliger, although not yet proven experimentally, seems not unreasonable. The mystery of. menstruation largely ceases when we recognize what is un- doubtedly a fact, that the phenomenon is a highly developed inheritance from our mammalian ancestors, and that, although in the human race under the influence of civilization and social life it has largely lost its technical sexual significance, it is, nevertheless, primarily a reproductive phenomenon derived directly from the lower females. Nature has endowed the latter, in a manner yet unknown, with reproductive periods that are pronounced in the wild state and are coincident with certain of the seasons. A primitive seasonal period may perhaps still be shown in woman by the greater proportion of births that take place during the winter months than at other times of the year: this sig- nifies greater sexual activity during the months of spring, as is the case in most animals.” 1 Mary Putnam Jacobi: American Journal of Obstetrics, xviii.., 1885. 2 “The largest number [of human births] almost always falls in the month of February, . . corresponding to conceptions in May and June..... Observations tend to show the largest number of conceptions in Sweden falling in June; in Holland and France, in May-June; in Spain, Austria, and Italy, in.May; in Greece, in April. That is, the farther south the earlier the spring and the earlier the conceptions.”—Mayo-Smith : Statistics and Sociology, 1895. 900 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Domestication has, however, interfered with the original plan of nature. It has rendered the lower forms more prolific and has made more frequent their reproductive periods. Civilization has done exactly the same for woman. It has rendered her more prolific and has made more frequent her reproduc- tive periods. It is wholly probable that the menstrual periods of woman are the homologues of the frequent reproductive periods of the lower forms. It has been seen that the latter are characterized by the same kind of phenomena that exist in the former; the characteristic human menstrual phenomena are least developed in the lower mammals, much more so in the monkey, and are most pronounced in the human female. For what purpose this evolution of function has taken place we do not know. Below the human species concep- tion is confined to these times of “heat;” in woman it is possible at other than her menstrual periods. In this respect woman is more highly endowed than her mammalian ancestors. The Vagina.—The vagina (Fig. 309, vg) is the broad passage from the uterus to the external organs. Its walls consist of smooth muscle fibres, arranged both circularly and longitudinally. It is lined by stratified scaly epithelium and is surrounded by erectile tissue. Its walls contain few glands. Its specific functions are connected solely with the reproductive process ; in ‘copulation it receives the penis and the semen. Its cavity is the pathway out- ward for the products of menstruation and, in parturition, for the child. The Vulva and its Parts.—The vulva (Fig. 309) comprises the genital organs that are visible externally—viz. the mons Veneris, the labia majora (l.m), the labia minora or nymphe (n), the clitoris, which is the diminutive homologue of the penis of the male, and the hymen (h), or perforated curtain that guards the entrance to the vagina and is usually ruptured at the time of the first coition. The vulva receives the openings of the vagina, the urethra (wu), and the ducts of Bartholini’s glands. Its parts are capable of turgidity through its rich vas- cular supply, and perform minor ill-defined, adaptive, and stimulating func- tions in copulation. Their surface is covered by mucous membrane which is. moistened: and lubricated by a secretion from numerous mucous follicles, seba- ceous glands, and the glands of Bartholini. The latter are comparable to. Cowper’s glands of the male and secrete a viscid fluid. The Mammary Glands.—The mammary glands, being active only during the period of lactation, may best be studied in connection with that function — (see p. 201). | Internal Secretion.—A priori, the reproductive organs can scarcely be regarded as organs that are quiescent during the greater part of life and pas- sively await the reproductive act. The view that they are more than this is supported by some, although slight, experimental evidence. Notwithstanding the fact that removal of the testis or the ovary in adult life is often unaccom- panied by great somatic changes, the profound effects of early castration upon development, in both the male and female, show that upon the presence of the — sexual organs depends the appearance of many of the secondary sexual cha- racters—characters which apparently are independent of those organs, and -yet. REPRODUCTION. — 901 of themselves distinguish the individual as specifically masculine or feminine, The mode of dynamic reaction of the sexual organs upon the other organs can at present be little more than hinted at. It is entirely probable that such reaction is either nervous or chemical, or perhaps it is both combined. Regard- ing the former little is known. Regarding the latter, recent assertions of the general invigorating effects of injections of testicular extracts in the adult, although in most cases not founded upon careful experimentation, are, never- theless, suggestive, and point to a possible normal and constant contribution of specific material by the reproductive glands to the blood or lymph, and thus to the whole body. Such a process is spoken of as internal secretion, and in the case of the thymus and thyroid glands its occurrence seems undoubted (p. 205). As to the reproductive organs, investigation of the subject is yet in its mere infancy, and it is too early to say with any degree of authority what the truth of the matter is. Very recently Zoth* has shown that daily injec- tions of testicular extract during one week increased by 50 per cent. the work- ing power of a man’s neuro-muscular system. ‘The increase manifested itself both by lessened susceptibility to fatigue and, in a still higher degree dur- ing the periods of rest from labor, by increased power of recovery. What part of the whole neuro-muscular system is affected by the specific substance is not. decided. D. Tart ReEepRopucTIVE PROCESs. Attention has heretofore been given to the general functions of the repro- ductive organs. We come now to the special phenomena connected with the reproductive process itself, and have to trace the history of the spermatozoon, the ovum, and the embryo. It should be borne clearly in mind that the essential part of the reproductive process is the fusion of the nuclei of the two germ-cells. Investigation is making it more and more probable that the spermatozoon and the ovum, although so different in appearance and general behavior, are fundamentally and in origin both morphologically and physi- ologically equivalent cells. In the processes of their growth and maturation they are secondarily modified, the one into an active locomotive body, the other into a passive nutritive body. The modifications in both are confined, how- ever, to the cell-protoplasm (cytoplasm and centrosome) ; the essential parts, the nuclei, remain unmodified and both morphologically and physiologically equivalent down to the time of their fusion in the process of fertilization. The many and complex details of the reproductive process exist for the sole purpose of bringing together these two minute masses of chromatin.’ Copulation.—Copulation is the act of sexual union, and has for its object the transference of the semen from the genital passages of the male to those of the female. It is preceded by erection of the penis and turgidity of the organs of the vulva. These latter occurrences are in the main vascular phenomena, 10. Zoth: Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1xii., 1896. ? Compare Th. Boveri: “ Befruchtung,” Merkel und Bonnet’s Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte, i., 1892. 902 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. and are brought about by a distention of the cavernous spaces of the erectile tissues with blood. ‘The vascular phenomena are, however, accompanied by complex nervous and muscular activities. As regards the penis, the arteries supplying the organ relax and allow blood to flow in quantity to the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum. Simultaneous relaxation of the smooth muscle fibres scattered throughout the trabecular framework of the corpora increases the capacity of the blood-spaces. Furthermore, the ischio-cavernosus (erector penis) and bulbo-cavernosus muscles contract and compress the proximal or bulbous ends of the corpora and the outgoing veins. The result of this combined muscular relaxation and contraction is a free entrance of blood into and a difficult exit from the vascular spaces ; this leads to a swelling and distention which aid further in compressing the venous outlets and, being limited by the tough, fibrous tunics of the corpora, result in making the organ stiff, hard, erect in position, and well adapted to its specific function, During the process of erection the cresta of the urethra or caput gallinaginis, which is an elevation extending from the cavity of the bladder into the prostatic por- tion of the urethra and containing erectile tissue, becomes turgid and, by the aid of the contraction of the sphincter urethra, effectually closes the passage into the bladder. Erection is a complex reflex act, the centre of which lies in the lumbar spinal cord and may be aroused to activity by nervous impulses coming from different directions. Impulses may originate in the walls of the ducts of the testis from the pressure of the contained semen or in the penis from external stimulation of the nerve-endings in the skin, in both cases passing along the sensory nerves of the organs to the spinal centre; or they may originate in the brain and pass downward through the cord, the impulses in this case corresponding to sexual emotions. The centrifugal paths for the arteries are along the nervi erigentes, which are true vaso-dilator nerves, and in the mammals, where experiment has proved their existence, pass from the spinal cord along the posterior lumbar (monkey) or anterior sacral (monkey, dog, cat) nerves to their arterial distribution. The ischio- and bulbo-caverno- sus muscles are under the control of their motor nerve supply, consisting of branches of the perineal nerve. In the female, anatomists recognize the homologues of the male erectile parts as follows : the clitoris with its corpora cavernosa and glans as the homo- logue of the penis, the two bulbi vestibuli as that of the bulb of the corpus spongiosum, the pars intermedia perhaps as that of the corpus spongiosum itself, and the erector clitoridis muscle as the homologue of the erector penis (¢schio-cavernosus). The mechanism of erection is similar to that in the male, and the result is a considerable degree of firmness in the external genital organs, | The sexual excitement attendant upon copulation is usually much greater in man than in woman, and culminates in the sexual orgasm, when the emis- sion of semen from the penis into the vagina occurs. It will be remembered that the prepared semen is stored in the ducts of the testes. The discharge of the fluid is a muscular act which begins probably in the vasa efferentia. REPRODUCTION. : 903 and the canal of the epididymis, and sweeps along the powerful muscular walls of the vasa deferentia in the form of a series of peristaltic waves. The seminal vesicles also contract, and the mixed fluid and spermatozoa are poured through the ejaculatory ducts into the prostatic portion of the urethra. The muscles of the prostate expel the prostatic fluid and help to pass the semen onward, The glands of Cowper possibly add their contribution. But the final urethral discharge is effected especially by powerful rhythmic contractions of the already partially contracted striped muscles, viz. the ischio- and bulbo- cavernost, the constrictor urethre, and probably the anal muscles, the result of - the complex series of actions being to expel the semen with some force into — the upper part of the vagina close to the os utert. Ejaculation is a reflex act. The centre lies in the lumbar spinal cord ; the centripetal nerves are the sen- sory nerves of the penis, stimulation of the glans being especially effective ; the centrifugal nerves are the nerves to the various muscles. In the female during ejaculation the glands of Bartholini pour out a mucous fluid upon the vulva. There is possibly a downward movement of the uterus, brought about by contraction of its round ligaments and accompanied perhaps by a contrac- tion of the uterine walls themselves. But all muscular and erectile activity, as well as sexual passion, is less pronounced in woman than Locomotion of the Spermatozoa.—The union of the spermatozoon and the ovum probably takes place usually in the Fallopian tube not far from its ovarian end, and to this place the spermatozoa at once proceed. Their mode of entrance into the uterus is not wholly clear ; it is quite generally believed, but without conclusive experimental proof, that relaxation of the uterus immediately after eopulation exerts a suction upon the fluid which aids in its passage through the os and the cervix. It is possible that active contraction of the vaginal walls assists. However these may be, the main agency in the locomotion of the spermatozoa through the body of the uterus and the Fallopian tubes, and probably also from the vagina into the uterus, is the spontaneous movement of the spermatozoa themselves. By the lashing of their tails they wriggle their way over the moist surface, being stimulated to lively activity probably by the opposing ciliary movements in the epithelium lining the passages. Kraft’ has shown in the rabbit that, when spermatozoa in feeble motion are placed upon the inner surface of the oviduct, not only are they thrown into active contrac- tions, but they move against the ciliary movement, 7%. e. up the oviduct. The capacity of the male cells thus to respond by locomotion in the opposite direc- tion to the stimulating influence of the ciliary cells over which they have to pass, is an interesting adaptation. Probably this is the directive agency that enables the spermatozoa to follow the right path to the ovum, while the ovum, being in itself passive, is by the same ciliary movement brought toward the active male cell. The time occupied in the passage of the spermatozoa is un- known in the human female, but is probably short ; in the rabbit spermatozoa have been known to reach the ovary within two and three-quarter hours after copulation. As has been seen, spermatozoa are probably capable of living 1H. Kraft: Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, xlvii., 1890. 904 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. within the genital passages for several days, when, if ovulation has not taken place, they perish. If, however, an ovum appears, they at once approach and surround it in great numbers, being apparently attracted to it in some myste- rious manner. The work of Pfeffer, who found that in the fertilization of ferns malic acid within the female organs attracts the spermatozoids to their vicinity, suggests strongly that also among animals the attraction may be a chemical one, the ovum containing or producing something for which the sper- matozoon has an affinity. Ifso, the meeting of the two germ-cells is an illus- tration of a widespread principle of nature known as chemotropism, or chemo- tavis. Experimental evidence upon the subject in animals is wanting. Fertilization.—Ii will be remembered that the ovum and the spermatozoon undergo in their growth the process of maturation, and that this process con- sists essentially of a loss of one-half of the chromosomes of their nuclei. The germ-cells thus matured meet, as we have seen, in the distal half of the Fal- lopian tube and fuse into one cell, the process of fusion being called fertilization or impregnation. The details of fertilization have not been observed in the case of the human being, and the following account is generalized from our knowledge of the process in other mammals and lower animals. In its broad outlines fertilization is probably the same in all animals, the differences being confined to details. The ovum at the time of fertilization is surrounded by the zona radi- ata alone, the corona radiata having been lost. The spermatozoa swarm about the zona, lashing their tails and attempting to worm their way through it. Several may succeed in reaching the perivitelline space, but for some unknown reason in most cases one only penetrates the substance of the ovum ; the others ultimately perish. In mammalian ova there is no micropyle, and apparently the successful spermatozoon may enter at any point, the protoplasm of the egg rising up as a slight protuberance to meet it (Fig. 310, c). In some animals the tail is left outside to perish; in others it enters, but then disap- pears ; in no case does it appear to be of further use. The head and probably the middle-piece are of vital importance. The head, now known as the sperm- nucleus or male pronucleus, proceeds by an unknown method of locomotion toward the centre of the egg, and becomes enlarged by the imbibition of fluid (Fig. 310, B, s). The matured nucleus of the ovum, or egg-nucleus (e), remains in the resting stage from the time of maturation until the entrance of the sperm. Then, without changing its character, it moves slowly toward the future meet- ing-place of the two nuclei, which is near the centre of the egg. The sperm- nucleus finally reaches the egg-nucleus (Fig. 311, c), its chromatin enters into the latter, and the two fuse together to form a new and complete nucleus, called the first segmentation nucleus (Fig. 311, p). This body has the con- ventional nuclear structure—namely, an achromatic network with the chro- matic reticulum mingled with it—and the whole is covered by a nuclear mem- brane. The chromatic substance, it will be perceived, is now restored to the original amount present in either germ-cell before its maturation, one-half of 1 'W. Pfeffer: Untersuchungen aus dem Botanischen Institut zu Tiibingen, i., 1884. it having come, how- ever, from the male cell and one-half from the female cell. On the commonly accepted theory that this is the hereditary substance, the first segmentation nucleus contains within itself potentially all the inherited qualities of the future individual. While the head of the spermatozoon is making its way through the substance of the egg there appears beside it a minute cytoplasmic REPRODUCTION. 905 Fic. 310.—Stages in the fertilization of the egg (after Wilson). The drawings were made from sections of the eggs of the sea-urchin, Tozo- pneustes variegatus, Ag. A. Thesurface of the egg has become elevated to form c, the entrance- cone for the spermatozoon; the head (h) and the middle-piece (m) of the latter have entered the egg. B. Five minutes after entrance of the spermatozoon. The head (s), now the male pronucleus, has rotated 180 degrees, and has travelled deeper into theovum. The cytoplasm of the latter has become arranged in a radiate manner about the middle-piece ofthe spermatozoon, now the centrosome, to form the sperm-aster; e, the egg-nucleus, now the fe- male pronucleus, is approaching the sperm-nucleus; its chromatin forms an irregular reticulum ; c, the entrance cone. Fie. 311.—Stages in the fertilization of the egg (continued from Fig. 310). c. Ten minutes after entrance of the spermatozoon. The male and the female pronuclei have met near the centre of the egg and the fusion has begun; the former has become enlarged and its chromatin has become loosely reticulated. The sperm-aster has become enormously enlarged. The single centro- some has been divided into two, which lie upon either side of the sperm-nucleus. D. The pause thirty minutes after entrance of the spermatozoon. The two pronuclei have fused com- pletely to form the first segmentation-nucleus, all trace of a distinction between paternal and maternal chromatin being lost. The sperm-aster has become divided into two asters, which have moved to oppo- site poles of the nucleus; the astral rays have become shortened. The egg is now ready to,undergo segmentation. 906 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF 4 Uy is / A Bare mye ES mes Pay nS RRs oF Sy” rreee 2 o} eh \\N MASS a NN \\ ers RAYS § > Enis Nectaey Hi Hi Sift, ~ " iy, ij Yi =—- S\N » Wy Up YE ——— ZAA A ZA ins Lyi) Fic. 312.—Stages in the segmentation of the egg (after Wilson). The drawings were made from sections of eggs of the sea-urchin, Toxopneustes variegatus, Ag. A. Beginning of the formation of the amphiaster. The nuclear membrane has disappeared at the two poles of the spindle-shaped nucleus. Within the nucleus a distinction between the chromatic and the achromatic substance is being made, the former existing as irregular rod-shaped bodies lying at the centre, the latter as delicate filaments extending irregularly from pole to pole. The asters are well marked. B. The nuclear membrane has wholly disappeared. The chro- mosomes are clearly defined and aggregated in the centre of the spindle to form the equatorial plate. The achromatic filaments of the spindle are well marked. The connection of the astral rays with the cytoplasmic reticulum of the egg is shown. c. Each chromosome has become split into two, and the latter, ch, are being pulled toward the poles. 1 Th. Boveri: loc. cit. PHYSIOLOGY. body, the centrosome, and around the latter the fila- ments of the cytoplasm of the egg arrange themselves in the form of a star, the whole body being known as the sperm-aster (Fig. 310, B). We have previously recognized such a structure in the ovum at the time of maturation, and have found it functional in the forma- tion of the polar bodies ; after maturation it disap- pears. The sperm-aster accompanies the sperm-nu- cleus, becomes’ gradually enlarged, and finally comes to lie, a large and promi- nent body, beside the seg- mentation nucleus. Its origin, or, more exactly, the origin of its centro- some, has been greatly disputed, and, at the pres- ent time, is understood in few species of animals. Boveri! and Wilson? find in the sea-urchins that the centrosome is the middle- piece of the spermatozoon and is exclusively of male origin. Several other in- vestigators have observed in other animals its origin from one germ-cell only, usually the male, and it is a question whether its male origin may not be the com- mon one. The significance of this discovery and the function of the aster will be explained in the follow- ing section. 2 E. B. Wilson and A. P. Mathews: Journal of Morphology, x., 1895. REPRODUCTION. 907 There results from fertilization, it is perceived, a single cell complete in all its essential parts. This is the starting-point of the new individual or resting period usually follows fertilization, and then growth begins. Segmentation.—The process of growth is a complex process of repeated cell-division, increase in bulk, morphological differentiation, and physiological division of labor. Cell-division is largely, if not wholly, indirect or karyokinetic. The term segmentation, or cleavage, of the ovum is conveniently applied to the first few A pause eet eet te Sitane es er cene Ween, eee, le wocoenseesee . ~ ef - =e Stem me mcere rer" -* on" . Fic. 313.—Stages in the segmentation of the egg (continued from Fig. 312). Dp. The divergence of the chromosomes has ceased and the latter have become converted into vesicu- lay masses beside the centrosomes. The spindle is becoming resolved into ordinary cytoplasm. The division of the cytoplasm is beginning with a constriction at the surface of the egg. E. The vesicular chromatic masses have become converted into two typical resting nuclei, each with achromatic network. Thesingle aster, formerly connected with each nuclear mass, has become divided into two, which have taken positions at opposite poles of the nuclei. The division of the cytoplasm is complete, and the two resulting cells, or blastomeres, are resting, preparatory to a second division in a plane at right angles to that of the first. divisions, although the details of segmentation are not different fundamen- tally from those manifested later in the division of more specialized cells. Each division may be resolved into three definite acts, which, however, 908 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. overlap each other in time. The first act is characterized by the appear- ance of two centrosomes, each with its astral rays, in place of the one already existing (Fig. 311, c). The two take up positions on opposite sides of the nucleus (Fig. 311, p) and await the time when they can exert their specific function. We have spoken of the difference of opinion regarding the origin of the original centrosome of fertilization. The origin of the two centrosomes present in segmentation has likewise been disputed. The question is of consid- erable theoretical interest in connection with the problem of the physical basis of inheritance. Certain observers have claimed that the centrosomes have a double origin, one being derived from the male and one from the female germ- cell. Upon this theory sexuality is shown by the cytoplasmic centrosomes as well as by the nuclear chromosomes, and the inference is possible that cytoplasm, as well as nucleus, transmits hereditary qualities. The observations of Boveri, Wilson, and others refute this claim by showing that the two centrosomes arise by a splitting of the original centrosome, which is derived from the middle- piece of the spermatozoon. They are, therefore, not male and female, and cannot be regarded as bearers of inherited characteristics. These observa- tions not only allow, but tend to strengthen, the prevailing view of the exclusive hereditary rdle of the nucleus. (See below under Heredity, p- 931). The second act of segmentation is more complicated than the first, and con- sists of a halving of the nucleus. The nuclear membrane gradually disap- pears. ‘The achromatic network resolves itself into long cytoplasmic filaments arranged in the form of a spindle, and meeting at the two centrosomes (Fig. 312, A). The spindle, centrosomes, and asters form the body known as the am- phiaster. The chromatic substance becomes changed into the definite rod-like chromosomes which are collected in the equatorial zone of the spindle and con- stitute the equatorial plate (Fig. 312, B). From the observations of Van Beneden, Riickert,’ Zoja,? and others, it seems probable that the male and the female chromosomes do not fuse together, but remain distinct from each other, perhaps throughout all the tissue-cells. Each chromosome proceeds to split lengthwise, and the two halves are drawn toward the two centro- somes, being mechanically pulled, it is commonly believed, by contraction of the spindle-filaments, assisted by the astral rays (Fig. 312, c). The two halves of the amphiaster, each with its centrosome, are, in fact, commonly believed to be composed of contractile cytoplasm and to be organs possessing the definite function of separating the two halves of the nucleus in karyokinesis. The evidence for this view is not wholly satisfactory. In the process of divis- ion each nuclear half obtains half of the original male and half of the original ’ female chromatin, and hence contains inherited potentialities of both parents. After division each half gradually assumes the structure of a typical resting nucleus with its accompanying aster. The third act of segmentation consists of a simple division of the cytoplasm 1 J. Riickert: Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie, xlv., 1895. * R. Zoja: Anatomischer Anzeiger, xi., 1896. REPRODUCTION. | 909 into two equal parts, the separation’ taking place along the plane of nuclear division (Fig. 313, p, E). Each part contains one of the new nuclei, and the result of the first division is the existence of two cells, two blastomeres, in place of the one fertilized ovum. The beginning of differentiation is shown sometimes even as early as this, for, according to Van Beneden, in some mam- mals at least, one blastomere is often somewhat larger and less granular than the other. | Each blastomere proceeds now to divide by a similar karyokinetic process into two, the result being four in all, and by subsequent divisions, eight, six- teen, and more, the divisions not proceeding, however, with mathematical regu- larity. By such repeated karyokinetic processes the original fertilized ovum becomes a mass of small and approximately similar cells, the morula, from which by continued increase of cells, morphological differentiation, and physi- ological division of labor, the embryo with all its functions is destined to be built up. Polyspermy.—lIt happens occasionally that two or more spermatozoa enter the ovum ; such a phenomenon is known as dispermy or polyspermy, according to the number of entering sperms. Each sperm with its nucleus and centro- some becomes a male pronucleus and proceeds to conjugate with the female pronucleus. In the case of dispermy the one female and the two male pro- nuclei fuse together ; each centrosome divides as usual into two, making four in all, which take up a quadrilateral position about the first segmentation nucleus ; the chromatic figure consists of two crossed spindles; and the egg. segments at once into four instead of two blastomeres. When three sperma- tozoa enter, six centrosomes appear and six blastomeres result from the first division, and analogous phenomena result from more complex cases of poly- spermy. Apparently normal larval forms are produced from such double- or multi-fertilized eggs, but as a rule their development ceases very early and death occurs. During cleavage the ovum proceeds, after the manner of the non-fertilized ovum, slowly along the Fallopian tube and enters the uterus. Unlike the non- fertilized ovum, however, the morula is not cast out of the body, but remains and undergoes further development. The morphological development of the embryo in utero does not fall within the scope of the present article. Some attention may, however, be given to the immediate environment of the develop- ing child and its relations to the maternal organism. Decidua Graviditatis.—While the segmentation of the ovum is proceed- ing within the Fallopian tube, the uterus prepares for the future guest by begin- ning to undergo a profound change, probably being stimulated to activity re- flexly by centripetal impulses originating in the walls of the tube through con- tact with the ovum. This change comprises an enlargement of the whole uterus and a great and rapid growth in thickness of its mucosa and its muscular coat. At first the alterations are not unlike the phenomena of growth pre- ceding the menstrual flow, but, as they proceed, they become much more pro- 910 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. found than those. The supply of blood to the walls is greatly increased, the vessels forming large irregular sinuses within the mucosa. The supply of lymph is increased. The glands become tortuous and dilated into flattened cavernous spaces, and their walls atrophy, the epithelium breaking down except in their deepest parts. The mucosa is thus converted into a spongy tissue, the frame- work of which contains numerous large irregular cells, derived probably from the original connective tissue and called decidual cells. The musculature is fread iis merit SFE ay apmiwines aaa valara cy Er. {I at, 41 Xs LEX S oS a, chi Hoe ae rs SES SON Sean reteset aN Arteaautt Seuss SRE HALT ROR TOS cece AT Sle itinse ickanss Np 2 ANT ait al NN Ns sh Wtrnnessct CERES ; eectants ; “st paths Ky) i rs, “A HIDE: A» We ISN Lipa N ~ 5 mg J poe >y feincapmegenns ney, SKE Aya wa OEE Eel tre: hibia = Bnew ates tr LY (( sen eli U) L 7 1A ray, TAA a A A am PAY Yas lites mn th rte Mes: Lf] bys) at TA aH | | ; é Re Mucous plug within cervical canal. cme a rh ime SE Pot fT war. DEH Satis puts Ans mee va x = UY fs eT ye 1] s 2] ok “Kis nn 1D 4 Seite rosin Ss ol Mee bs SI (eth nwa ts SS Ts ae uM IZ [TZ ri rH ROSA Vals 3 es eat ai Fic. 314.—Diagram of the human uterus at the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy (modified from Allen Thompson). The fetal villi are shown growing into the sinuses of the decidua serotina and the decidua reflexa; in the latter they are becoming atrophied. They are marked by the black fetal vessels, which can be traced backward along the umbilical cord to the embryo. The placenta comprises the: decidua serotina and the chorion frondosum. greatly thickened by an increase, partly in number and partly in size, of its constituent fibres, and the nerve-supply is increased. These general structural changes proceed through the early part of gestation and are accompanied by special changes to be discussed later. It is not definitely known how far the alterations have gone before the advent of the segmented ovum in the uterus. REPRODUCTION. | 911 With the latter instead of the unimpregnated ovum present in the Fallopian tube, the hypertrophied uterine mucosa does not break away as in menstrua- tion, but remains, and henceforth is called the decidua graviditatis, special names being given to special parts. Entering the uterus, the ovum attaches itself in an unknown manner to the wall of the womb. The part of the mucous membrane that forms its bed is henceforth known as the decidua serotina; as the seat of the future placenta, it is physiologically the most interesting and important portion of the uterine mucosa. The surrounding cells and tissues are stimulated to active proliferation and grow around and over the ovum, completely covering it with a layer, the decidua reflexa. The remainder of the uterine lining membrane constitutes the decidua vera. Between the reflexa and the vera is the uterine cavity. At first thickened, the reflexa later thins away as the embryo grows, and approaches close to the vera ; finally it touches the latter, and the original cavity of the body of the uterus becomes oblit- erated. By the sixth month the reflexa disappears, either coalescing with the vera or undergoing total degeneration (Minot). During the latter half of gestation the vera itself thins markedly. This atrophy of the comparatively unimportant reflexa and vera, in contrast to the placental hypertrophy of the serotina, is interesting. ‘The arrangement of the parts is well shown in the accompanying illustration (Fig. 314). The Fetal Membranes.—The segmented ovum absorbs nutriment at first directly from its surrounding maternal tissues, and later through the mediation of the placenta. Its growth and cell-division are active, and it increases in size and complexity. It early takes the form of a generalized vertebrate em- bryo, and by the fortieth day begins to assume distinctly human characteristics. It becomes surrounded early by the fetal membranes, which are two in num- ber, the amnion and the chorion or, as it is usually called in other vertebrates, falseamnion. The amnion isa thin, transparent, non-vascular membrane imme- diately surrounding the embryo (Fig. 314). In origin a derivative of the embry- onic somatopleure, later it becomes completely separated from the body of the embryo. The space enclosed by the amnion, the amniotic cavity, within which the embryo lies, is traversed by the umbilical cord and contains a serous fluid, the liquor amnii. This fluid, highly variable in quantity, averages at full term nearly a liter (1? pints). It has in general the composition of a serous fluid. It contains between 1 and 2 per cent. of solids, consisting of proteids (0.06-0.7 per cent.), mucin, a minute and variable quantity of urea, and inor- ganic salts. It is derived perhaps in part by exudation from the fetus, but doubtless chiefly by transudation from the maternal fluids, as is indicated by the ready appearance within the amniotic cavity of solutions injected into the maternal veins. It bathes the entire surface of the embryonic body, and is, moreover, apparently swallowed at times into the stomach, as the presence of fetal hairs and epidermal scales within the alimentary canal attests. Its chief functions appear to be those of protecting the fetus from sudden shocks and from pressure, maintaining a constant temperature, and supplying the fetal body with water. The proteid possibly confers upon it a slight nutritive 912 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. value, and the minute quantity of urea is perhaps indicative of an unimport- ant excretory function. As growth proceeds, the amnion expands and becomes loosely attached to the outer fetal membrane, the chorion. The chorion (Fig. 314), or false amnion, is formed simultaneously with the true amnion, and like it from somatopleure. It is a thickened vascular mem- brane, completely surrounding the amnion with the contained embryo. Be- tween it and the amnion there is at first a considerable space, traversed by the umbilical cord and filled with the chorionic fluid (which is probably of the same general nature as the amniotic fluid). But later this space is obliterated by the enlargement of the amnion. Externally the chorion presents, at first, a shaggy appearance due to the existence of very numerous columnar pro- cesses, called villi, extending outward in all directions and joining by their tips the decidua serotina and the decidua refleca. Later the villi are aborted except in the region of the serotina, where they become more prominent and constitute an important part of the placenta. The blood-vessels of the chorion are fetal vessels coming from the embryonic structure, the allantois. They comprise the branches and uniting capillaries of the two allantoic or umbilical arteries, and the one (at first two) allantoic or umbilical vein. They are especially well developed within the villi. As growth proceeds, the chorion comes into close contact with the decidua reflewa, and, as the latter disappears, with the decidua vera; this portion of it is called chorion leve. In the region of the decidua serotina it enters into the formation of the placenta, and is here called chorion frondosum. : The Placenta.—The placenta (Fig. 314), or organ of attachment of mother and fetus, is a disk-shaped body, approximately 20 centimeters (7-8 inches) in diameter, attached to the inner surface of the uterine wall, usually either upon the dorsal or the ventral side, more frequently upon the former, and connected by the umbilical cord with the navel of the fetus. It consists of a maternal part, the modified decidua serotina, and a fetal part, the modified chorion, inti- mately united together. The modifications of the serotina consist of a degen- eration of the superficial layers of the mucosa, especially of the epithelium and the glands, and the development of very large irregular sinuses at the surface, into which the uterine arteries and veins appear freely to open. It should be said that it is a disputed question among histologists whether the sinuses are maternal or fetal in origin, or really spaces between maternal and fetal tissues. It is also disputed whether they actually contain blood or only fluid from the surrounding tissues; the former has by far the weight of evi- dence in its favor and is the prevailing view. The modifications of the chorion consist of a great increase in length and complexity of branching of the villi, a great development of their contained blood-vessels, and a firm attachment of their tips to the uneven surface of the serotina, so that their branches come to float freely within the uterine sinuses and to be bathed in uterine blood (Fig. 315). The analogy between the mammalian placental villi and the gills of a fish, also highly vascular and floating in liquid, is striking. We shall see later that the analogy is not only morphological, but also physiological, REPRODUCTION. 913 inasmuch as the villi have important respiratory functions. The bulk of the placenta is this intravillous portion, of spongy consistence, comprising the maternal sinuses permeated by the fetal villi; this is in contact upon hac henge the fetal side with the thin un- : modified chorion covered within by the amnion, and upon the maternal side with the thin rela- tively unmodified serotina covered without by the uterine muscle. The pure maternal blood brought by the uterine arteries moves slowly through the sinuses and retires by the uterine veins; the fetal blood is propelled by the fe- tal heart along the umbilical cord within the allantoic arteries and through the villous capillaries, and returns by the allantoic vein. The two kinds of blood never mix, but are always separated by the thin capillary walls and their thin vil- lous investment of connective tissue and epithelium. Thus the anatom- ical conditions for ready diffusion are present, and this is the chief means of transfer of nutriment and 4, pe uangietien Beas m . . placenta (Schifer): s, pla- oxygen from mother to child, and cental sinuses, into which project the fetal villi, con- f f hild taining the red fetal vessels ; d.s, decidua serotina; s. p, of wastes from chi to mother. spongy layer, and m, muscular layer, of the uterus; a, The physiological role of the pla- uterine artery, and v, uterine vein, opening into the “ . placental sinuses. centa is, therefore, an all-important and complicated one. ‘The placenta is, technically, the nutritive organ of the embryo. Nutrition of the Embryo.—We have seen that a fundamental and most striking difference between the minute human ovum and the large egg of the fowl lies in the relative quantity of food contained in the two. The fowl has retained the primitive habit of discharging the ovum from the maternal body, and discharges within its shell at the same time sufficient food for the needs of the developing chick. Evolution has endowed the human mother, in common with other mammals, with the peculiar custom of retaining the offspring within her body until its embryonic life is completed, and of doling out its nutriment molecularly throughout the period of gestation. The store of nutritive deuto- plasm with which the egg leaves the ovary is, therefore, only sufficient for the early segmentative activities. Within the Fallopian tube absorption from the surrounding walls doubtless goes on. Arrived in the uterus and imbedded in 58 914 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. — its decidual wall, the segmented ovum continues to take nutriment from its immediate environing cells. It has been suggested, but without much basis of fact, that the uterine glands, which at this time are greatly dilated, may furnish a nutritive secretion for the use of the embryo; but, a priori, it would seem more reasonable that, just as the ovum within the Graafian follicle obtains its food from its surrounding stroma, so within the highly vascular decidua it absorbs directly from the decidual tissue. But that this source soon proves insufficient for the rapid growth is indicated by the early develop- ment of the chorion with its villi and the embryonic vascular system. In Reichert’s ovum, the earliest known human embryo, and believed to be between twelve and thirteen. days old, the villi are already well marked over an equatorial zone. From this time onward throughout gestation the — chorion takes an important part in the embryonic nutrition, becoming, as we have seen, an integral part of the placenta. The placenta is par excellence the medium of nutritive communication between mother and child. Let us consider briefly the needs of the embryo. The fetal energies must be directed almost wholly to the all-important functions of growth and prepa- ration for the future independent existence. The organism requires, therefore, an abundance of food containing all the chief kinds of food-stuffs. With the alimentary canal in its embryonic and functionless state, this food, when it reaches the embryo, must necessarily be already digested and ready for absorp- tion by the cells. A supply of oxygen, not necessarily great in quantity, is also needed. The fetal lungs are not ready for respiration, and the oxygen must come to the blood by another channel than them. Carbonic acid must be got rid of, and through other than pulmonary paths. Urea and :its fore- runners and other wastes, probably not in great quantity, must be excreted. The fetal kidneys and the skin are probably never very active, as is made rea- sonably certain by the late external opening of the male urethra, the late development of the cutaneous glands, and the composition of the amniotic fluid, into which they would naturally pour their secretions. Thus the paths of income and outgo that are normal to the individual after birth are only partially open during fetal life; nevertheless, the processes of income and outgo must be performed. The placenta, with its close relationship but non- communication of maternal and fetal blood-vessels, has, therefore, been evolved phylogenetically, and appears early in the course of ontogeny. To it is brought on the part of the embryo and discharged into the villous capillaries a mixed blood, comprising venous blood from the various capillary systems of the body, and containing, therefore, the carbonic acid and other wastes of venous blood, and a certain proportion of purified blood that has passed directly by way of the ductus venosus, inferior yena cava, right auricle, fora- men ovale, and the left side of the heart to the aorta and the umbilical arte- ries. To it is brought on the part of the mother and discharged into the sinuses pure arterial blood, laden with food and with oxygen. Through the membrane intervening between maternal and fetal vessels there passes from the fetus carbonic acid and other wastes, and from the mother food and oxy- REPRODUCTION. oO OTe gen. Back to the fetal liver and heart goes the nutritive and arterialized blood, and back to the maternal excretory organs the vessels convey the fetal wastes. The placenta is thus a peculiar organ intermediate between the living cells of the embryo on the one hand and the digestive organs, lungs, kidneys, and skin, of the mother on the other. Little is known of the actual details of the placental process. The structure of the intervening cells indicates that the interchange may be after a manner analogous to that taking place in the lungs, rather than to that of a typical secreting gland—. e. that known physi- cal processes, such as diffusion and filtration, play a prominent rdéle. It has been shown by several investigators that the fetus may be poisoned by car- bonic oxide and strychnine, and may receive other harmless diffusible sub- stances that are introduced in solution into the maternal circulation. The mother may be affected similarly from the fetal circulation. But, as in the case of the lungs, so the placental membrane can scarcely be regarded as acting in the same passive way as a lifeless membrane would act (compare Respiration. As accessory to the main nutritive source it has been sug- : gested that a diapedesis of maternal leucocytes into the fetus may take place. The uterine glands are thought by some to afford a nutritive secretion to the sinuses, and to the amniotic fluid has been ascribed a nutritive function. Theoretically, these various means are not impossible, but true placental diffu- sion must be regarded as the chief principle at work. The result is that the mother relieves the child of all the labor of nutrition except that connected directly with the latter’s own cellular and protoplasmic metabolism. - The fetal energies are, therefore, free to be expended in the process of growth, while gestation profonndly affects the maternal organism. Physiological Effects of Pregnancy upon the Mother.—As might have been expected, there is probably not one organic system within the mother’s body that is not more or less altered by pregnancy, often morphologically, but especially in regard to function. And such normal alterations pass so gradu- ally and so frequently into genuine pathological conditions that it is sometimes difficult to draw the line between the two. The most marked changes are connected with the body of the uterus, and have already been described. The walls of the cervia uteri become hypertrophied, though to a less degree than the body, and their glands secrete a quantity of mucus that forms a plug com- pletely closing the passage-way of the cervix (Fig. 314). The rest of the reproductive organs from the uterus outward become involved in the increased venous hyperemia. The walls of the vagina become infiltrated with serous fluid. The parts of the vulva partake in the general tumefaction. From the second month of gestation onward the mammary glands undergo gradual devel- opment as a preparation for the post-partum lactation. The increase in size of the laden uterus brings gradually increasing pressure to bear upon the abdom- inal viscera, and thus mechanically causes functional derangements of the digestive and the urinary organs. The stretching of the abdominal skin results in localized ruptures of the connective tissue of the cutis, the charac- teristic scars forming the strie gravidarum, which persist after pregnancy, 916 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Other organic changes are, however, more profound than these mechanical ones. In accordance with the increased nutritive labor thrown upon the mother, the total quantity of blood in her body is increased, if we can reason from deter- minations made upon the lower animals.! The condition of the blood is dis- puted. The old view was that the blood of pregnancy is more watery and contains less hemoglobin than at other times.. This is perhaps true for the earlier months, but Schroeder? and others have shown that the proportion of hemoglobin and the number of red corpuscles rise above the normal during the later stages. The work of the maternal heart is increased during gestation. It is maintained by some that the heart beats more rapidly—according to Kehrer,? over eighty in the minute. It has also been thought, mainly from the results of percussion and from sphygmographic tracings, that the left ven- tricle is hypertrophied during pregnancy. Post-mortem examination, although scanty, cannot be said to confirm this inference. Pregnancy necessarily throws increased labor upon both the liver and the kidneys, and these organs are prone to functional disorders. Gastric disturbances are marked by frequent vomit- ing. A tendency to increased pigmentation in the skin is present. The ner- vous system is affected, manifesting its alterations both by nutritional disturb- ances and by mental irritability, depression of spirits, disordered senses, easily passing into temporary pathological states, and occasionally by feelings of heightened well-being. The body-weight usually increases independently of the added weight of the embryo. Duration of Gestation For centuries the duration of gestation in woman has been commonly regarded as 280 days. The beginning of preg- nancy, the union of the ovum and the spermatozoon, however, presents no obvious signs by which it may be recognized, and hence the actual length of pregnancy in the human female is no more known than in other mammals, The obstetrician is obliged, therefore, to use artificial schemes in computing its probable length. Several tables have been published of the time elapsing between a single coition resulting in pregnancy and the terminal parturition. Veit,‘ in collecting 503 such cases reported by several obstetricians, finds the duration to be from 265 to 280 days in 396 cases, and longer in the remaining 107 cases, the variation thus being marked. It is obvious that the date of the effective coition can rarely be known. One of the first and most evident signs of pregnancy is the non-appearance of the menses, and, probably largely from the long-prevailing idea of the close relation existing between ovulation and menstruation, it has been customary to regard gestation as dating from the last menstruation. Following Naegele, obstetricians estimate the date of parturi- tion as 280 days from the first day of the last menstruation; and this simple but artificial rule is doubtless approximately éorrect. In accordance with modern biological theories, it must be supposed that for QO. Spiegelberg und R. Gscheidelen: Archiv fiir Gyndkologie, iv., 1872. ? R. Schroeder: Archiv fiir Gyndkoloyie, xxxix., 1890-91. °F. A. Kehrer: Ueber die Veréinderungen der Pulscurve im Puerperium, 1886. * J. Veit: Miiller’s Handbuch der Geburtshiilfe, 1, 1888. REPRODUCTION. . 917 each species there has been developed a gestative period of a length most favorable to the continuance of the species ; this has been a matter of natural selection. But this principle does not account for the termination of the period in any individual case. The proximate cause of the oncoming of birth must be sought in more specific anatomical or physiological phenomena. This cause has been sought long, and not wholly successfully. Among the agents sug- gested may be mentioned the pressure which the uterine tissues, the cervical ganglion, and the adjacent nerves, receive between the fetal head and the pelvic wall, the stretching of the uterine wall, the fatty degeneration of the decidus, the thrombosis of the placental vessels, the venosity of the fetal blood due to the growing functional importance of the fetal right ventricle acting as a stimulus to the placental area, and a gradual increase in irritability of the uterus as the nerve-supply of the organ increases. Some of these, such as the fatty degeneration of the deciduze and the placental thrombosis, are not con- stant phenomena, and the others are not definitely proved to be efficient causes. It is probable that, with the uterus undoubtedly irritable, in different cases different stimuli act to inaugurate the process of birth, and a priori the above causes seem not improbable ones. Parturition in General.—Parturition, birth, or labor, is the process of expulsion of the developed embryo, the membranes, and the placenta from the _ body of the mother. It is executed by contraction of the muscles of the so- called wpper segment of the uterus and those of the abdominal walls. The lower segment of the uterus, comprising approximately that portion of the body lying below the attachment of the peritoneum, the cervix, the vagina, and the vulva, are largely, if not wholly, passive in parturition. The obstet- ricians have found it convenient to divide labor into three stages, although physiologically these are not sharply differentiated from each other. The first stage is characterized by the dilatation of the os uteri, the second by the expul- sion of the fetus, the third by the expulsion of the after-birth. The customary position of the fetus within the uterus at the end of pregnancy is that in which the head is downward or nearest the os, the back toward the ventral and left side of the mother, and the arms and legs folded upon the trunk. First Stage of Labor.—For several weeks toward the close of pregnancy there are occasional periods when rhythmic muscular contractions pass over the uterine walls. These are mostly painless, and apparently are not in themselves ~ of special functional importance. The first stage of labor is ushered in by various phenomena, prominent among which are an increase in the intensity of the contractions, their painfulness, and their frequency and continuance. In women they are confined practically to the upper segment of the uterus and its attached ligaments, ceasing at a circular ridge that projects inward and is called the “contraction ring.” For some reason, at present disputed, the lower segment of the uterus, and the cervix, are passive. The contractions are probably peristaltic in character, as in lower animals. Schatz’ has graphi- cally recorded the uterine movements by means of a bladder filled with water 1F. Schatz: Archiv fiir Gyndkologie, xxvii., 1885-86. 918 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. and introduced into the uterus. During the earlier part of parturition the contractions gradually increase in intensity up to a maximum which they then maintain. Their rhythm is somewhat irregular ; the duration of each contraction averages about one minute, and a pause, which ensues between suc- cessive contractions, extends from one and one-half to several minutes, The relaxation of the muscle-fibres during the period of rest is incomplete, the result being that the fibres enter gradually into a tonically contracted state. Each contraction is accompanied by a pain, localized in the early part of labor in the uterus alone, but later extending outward, upward into the abdomen, and downward into the thighs. The pains of labor vary greatly in intensity in individuals, but are usually more intense during the first gestation than during later ones. They are due chiefly to direct mechanical stimulation of the sensory uterine and other nerves by compression, tension, and even lacera- tion. As a result of the tonic contraction of the uterine walls, gradually increas- ing with each new peristaltic wave, the uterus becomes gradually narrower in diameter and longer, and the walls press more and more firmly upon the bag of amniotic fluid containing the embryo. Schatz finds that the uterine pres- sure under the uterine contractions rarely reaches and never exceeds 100 milli- meters of mercury. The direction of least resistance to this pressure lies along the cervical canal, the walls of which do not take part in the uterine labor. With each succeeding contraction this canal is forced wider open and the uterine contents are pressed tightly downward and into the cervix. The head of the embryo is preceded by a bulging portion of the membrane, filled with fluid and forming a distinct bladder-like advance guard. This bag appears at the os uteri, its contents increase under the increasing pressure, and in the majority of cases, when the os is fully expanded, it bursts and allows the amniotic fluid to escape to the exterior. In some cases the rupture is delayed until the sec- ond stage of labor, and rarely the child is born with the membranes intact. Second Stage of Labor.—The uterine contractions frequently cease for a period following the rupture of the membrane. They then begin anew with increased force, and are accompanied by a new feature, namely, analogous vigorous rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the abdominal walls. These, following deep inspiration and accompanied by forced attempts at expiration with a closed glottis, diminish the longitudinal and the lateral diameters of the abdominal cavity, compress the abdominal organs, and help to augment greatly the uterine pressure. At the beginning of the second stage the force of the contractions is expended mainly upon the head of the embryo, which lies like a plug in the cervical canal. This is squeezed gradually through the os into the vagina, followed by the more easily passing trunk and limbs. The con- tractions are frequent, vigorous, and painful, the pains reaching a maximum as the sensitive vulva is put upon the stretch and traversed. The vertex is usually presented first to the exterior, the head and body following as the suc- cessive contractions of the maternal muscles develop sufficient power to over- come the resistance offered to their passage by the surrounding walls. In REPRODUCTION. . 919 the human female the vaginal muscles do not appear to engage in the expel- ling act, the uterine and the abdominal muscles alone sufficing and finally forcing the child wholly outside the mother’s body. In this gradual manner, painful and dangerous alike to mother and child, the maternal organism forces the offspring to forsake its sheltering and nutritive walls and begin its inde- pendent existence. Third Stage of Labor.—During the later expulsive contractions of the second stage the placenta, being greatly folded by the diminution in the uterine surface of attachment, is loosened from the uterine wall by a rupture taking * place through the loose tissue in the region of the blood-sinuses. The child, when born, is joined to the loosened placenta by the umbilical cord, until the latter is tied and cut by the obstetrician. The muscular contractions, now almost painless, continue. through the third stage, and the placenta is torn from its attachment, everted, and carried gradually outward. The lining membrane of the uterus from the placenta outward and for a considerable depth is gradually torn free from the deeper parts through the spongy layer, and with the attached chorion and amnion follows the placenta. As a rule, this after-birth appears at the vulva within fifteen minutes after the expulsion of the child ; it consists of the placenta, the amnion, the chorion, the decidua refleea, and-a considerable portion of the decidua vera. Previous to the third stage slight bleeding from laceration of the passages occurs. But with the loosening of the placenta and the accompanying rupture of the placental vessels the maternal blood flows freely and continues to flow from the uterine wall, chiefly from the placental area, until the after-birth is discharged. The average loss of blood amounts to about 400 grams, At the close of the third stage of labor the uterine contractions have so far proceeded that the organ is compressed into a hard compact mass, the ruptured vessels are contorted and compressed, and the bleeding is thereby largely stopped. For several hours, however, slight hemorrhage continues as an accompaniment to the post-partum contractions, but finally this ceases with the formation of a blood-clot over the wounded surface. The third stage of labor may continue through one or two hours. It is customary, however, for the obstetrician speedily to put an end to it by assist- ing the removal of the after-birth. Nature of Labor.—Our knowledge of the nature of the muscular phe- nomena of labor is incomplete. The uterine contractions are in part automatic and in part reflex, but to what extent the former, and to what the latter, is not known. Nerves reach the uterus partly through the abdominal sympathetic chain and partly directly from the spinal cord through the sacral plexus. Rein! found that in the rabbit after section of all uterine nerves normal conception, pregnancy, and birth may occur. In some animals uterine move- ments may continue after removal of the organ from the body. Such and other observations indicate the existence of an automatic contractile power resident in the organ itself. Since nerve-cells are not found in its walls, it “G. Rein: Piliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammie Physiologie, xxiii. 1880... 920 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. seems probable that the automatism resides in the muscle tissue. The uterus is, moreover, very sensitive to direct stimulation, even after excision. In ani- mals higher than rabbits a connection with the lumbar spinal cord seems ~ essential to normal labor. Goltz’ obtained in dogs conception, pregnancy, and — delivery after section of the spinal cord at the height of the first lumbar vertebra. In paraplegic women, with conduction in the cord broken in the dorsal region, delivery is possible. A centre for uterine contraction must hence be supposed to exist in the lumbar cord. Centripetal and centrifugal fibres exist in both sympathetic and spinal nerves, and reflex uterine contrac- tions are readily obtained by stimulation of the central ends of the divided nerve-trunks. According to von Basch and Hofmann, in the dog the sym- pathetic trunks supply the circular muscular coat of the uterine walls and con- tain vaso-constrictor fibres, while the spinal trunks supply the longitudinal coat and contain vaso-dilator fibres. Stimulation of the uterus itself, the vagina, the vulva, the sciatic and the crural nerves, and various sensory regions, notably the nipples, causes reflex contractions of the uterus. The same result occurs upon stimulation of various portions of the brain, such as the medulla oblongata, the cerebellum, the pons, the corpora quadrigemina, the optic thalamus, the corpus striatum, and even the corpus callosum. In woman psychic influences may call forth or inhibit uterine contractions. How largely the well-known stimulating effects of the blood in asphyxia and of drugs, like ergot, are due to central, and how largely to direct uterine, influence is undecided. The regular co-ordinated course of labor and many experi- mental facts make it probable that, normally, reflex influences constitute a large part of the process, the centripetal impulses arising within the uterus itself, In fact, it is customary to speak of labor as a complex reflex action. The undoubted automatism of the uterine muscle-fibres must, however, be taken into account, and the act should be regarded as composed of both automatic and reflex elements. We have here to deal with that variety of contractility peculiar to smooth muscle, in which central and peripheral influences work together to bring about the result. It is perhaps not going too far to regard all such actions, like that of the heart, as primarily automatic and called out by direct stimulation, but as modified and controlled by reflex influences. The parturitive contractions of the striated muscles of the abdominal walls are probably more generally reflex in nature, modified, however, by voluntary efforts. Multiple Conceptions.—According to the records given by different stat- isticians, the frequeney of twin births varies considerably in different coun- tries. In 13,000,000 births in Prussia, G. Veit ® found the number of twins to be 1.12 per cent., or 1 in 89 births. In the cities of New York and Philadelphia recent reports give the ratio of twins to single births as 1 : 120, or 0.83 per cent. 1 Fr. Goltz: Pfliger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, ix., 1874. ?'S. von Basch und E. Hofmann: Medizinische Jahrbiicher, Wien, 1877. °G. Veit: Monatsschrift fiir Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten, vi., 1855. REPRODUCTION. | 921 Observations of discharged Graafian follicles in cases of multiple concep- tions show that twins may arise either from separate eggs or from a single egg. The presence at birth of a double chorion is commonly regarded as diagnostic of the former origin, that of a single chorion of the latter. In the former case the two ova may come from a single Graafian follicle, or from two folli- cles situated within one ovary, or from both ovaries, direct observation of the ovaries themselves being required to determine the origin in any particular ease. The two ova are discharged and fertilized probably at approximately the same time. There are two distinct amnions. The two placentas may be either fused into one or wholly separated from each other, and accordingly the decidua refleca may be single or double. The two offspring may be of sep- arate sexes, and do not necessarily closely resemble each other. In cases where the two embryos come from a single ovum their origin is little under- stood. It is conceivable that it may arise from the presence of two nuclei within the one ovum. It is more probable, however, that it is due to a mechanical separation of the blastomeres after the first cleavage or later in segmentation.’ Driesch,? Wilson,’ Zoja,* and others have shown that in various invertebrates and the low vertebrate Amphiowus, single blastomeres, isolated from the rest by shaking or other unusual treatment, are capable of develop- ing into small but otherwise normal and complete embryos. No reason is obvious why such an occurrence cannot take place in human development, if in any accidental manner within the Fallopian tube the blastomeres become separated. Driesch observed in the sea-urchins and Wilson in Amphioxus incomplete separation of blastomeres to produce two incomplete organisms more or less united together. It is not improbable that even in man cases like the Siamese Twins, and greater monstrosities, may be similarly accounted for. In cases of double pregnancy from a single ovum the two amnions are usually separate, in rare cases a breaking away of their partition wall throwing them into one ; the two placentas usually fuse more or less into one, the blood- vessels of the two halves always anastomosing; and a single decidua refleaa covers both. The two offspring are uniformly of the same sex and their per- sonal resemblance is always close. In Veit’s statistics of 13,000,000 births in Prussia, triplets occur with a frequency of 0.012 per cent., or 1 in 7910, and quadruplets 1 in 371,126 births. There are well-authenticated cases of quintuplets. In all of these cases a single ovum rarely, if ever, contributes more than two embryos, and these are characterized, as in the case of twins, by being of similar sex, by pos- sessing a single chorion, and by close personal resemblance. The Determination of Sex.—In most, if not all, civilized races more boys are born than girls. This is shown in the following table :° 1 Of. Fr. Ahlfeld: Archiv fiir Gyndkologie, ix., 1876. 2H. Driesch: Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie, liii., 1892; lv., 1893; Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel, xi., 1893. 3K. B. Wilson: Journal of Morphology, viii., 1893. 4 R. Zoja: Archiv fiir Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, ii., 1895. 5 Bulletin de P institut international de statistique, vii. 922 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Boys born to 1000 Girls born (1887-91). Halves es & alk ei dese ale 1058 England. «.. 2.» «sya; ¥ eed ie 1036 LPC Ne ag vl ee Se Pn eeee 1055 Connecticut... sce @ bene 1072 German Empire. ...-- = - 1052 Rhode Island. ....... 1049 OBL ee alee ale ee tee 1046 Massachusetts ....... 1046 The proportional birth-rate of the two sexes is usually fairly constant from year to year. This means that constant regulating factors are at work. What determines sex in any one individual is ill understood. The~sexual organs in the human embryo are well differentiated at the eighth week of intra-uterine life, hence the sex of the child must be settled previously to this time. It is at present quite impossible to say whether it is settled in the germ-cells previous to their union, in the act of fertilization, or during the early uterine life. Many facts, both observational and experimental, and more hypotheses, bearing upon the determination of sex, have been brought forward. The Hofacker-Sadler law (Hofacker, 1828 ; Sadler, 1830) is well known, as follows: If the father be older than the mother, more boys than girls will be born; if the parents be of equal age, slightly more girls than boys; if the mother be older than the father, the probability of girls is still greater. Since its promulgation this so-called law has received evidence both confirmatory and contradictory of its truth. Thury in 1863 claimed that the earlier after its liberation the egg is fertilized, the greater is the tendency to the production of a female; the later the fertilization, the greater the prob- ability of a male. Breeders have made use of this principle apparently with success—offspring conceived at the beginning of “heat” seem to be more usually females. Likewise, it is frequently believed that in human beings _ conceptions immediately after menstruation produce a larger proportion of — females than later conceptions. Diising’ accepts Thury’s view and extends it to the male element—the younger the spermatozoon the greater the tendency toward the production of males. Hence among animals the scarcity of one sex leads to the more frequent exercise of its reproductive function, the em- ployment of younger germ-cells, and therefore the relative increase of that sex. Further, the nearer q parent is to the height of his reproductive capacity the less will be the probability of transmitting his own sex to the offspring. By feeding tadpoles with highly nutritious flesh Yung? increased the percent- age of females from 56 to 92. Mrs. Treat* showed that the butterflies of well-fed caterpillars become females, those of starved caterpillars males. Sta- tistics among mammals and human beings indicate that the proportion of male to female offspring varies inversely with the nutrition of the parents, especially of the mother. ‘Thus, more boys are born in the country than in the city, and in poor than in prosperous families; the relative number of boys is said to vary even with the prices of food. It is contended, moreover, and with some statistical support, that in the human race an epidemic or a war, either of which affects adversely the well-being of the people, is followed by a relative increase 1K. Diising: Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaft, xvi., 1883, and xvii., 1884, ? E. Yung: Comptes rendus de ? Académie des sciences, Paris, xcii., 1881. * Mrs. Mary Treat: The American Naturalist, vii., 1873. REPRODUCTION. . 923 of male births. It is claimed that ethnic intermixture causes a decrease in the relative number of males born. This is strongly supported by a recent sta- tistical study by Ripley * of the two races inhabiting Belgium, the Walloons, of the same origin as the Kelts in France, and the Flemish, of German stock. Where these races are purest, the number of boys born to 1000 girls is 1064; along the region where the two races come into contact, however, the number may fall as low as 1043. Maupas? found that sex in the rotifer, Hydatina senta, could be controlled by altering the temperature of the medium surround- ing the egg-laying females. In various experiments at a temperature of 26°— 28° C., 81-100 per cent. of the eggs gave rise to males, the rest to females ; at 14°-15° C. only 5-24 per cent. were males, the much larger majority females. The above considerations are highly interesting and suggestive, but they have not yet been brought under general laws sufficiently to make their bear- ing upon the main problem wholly clear. It is probable that numerous factors are of influence in the determination of sex. The general deduction from all the facts seems justified that unfavorable nutritive conditions sur- rounding the parents tend to the production of males, favorable conditions to the production of females. The experimental results indicate, moreover, that the conditions surrounding the parents or the developing embryo are largely responsible for the resulting sex. Watase*® regards the embryo as neutral as regards sex from the time of fertilization up to a certain stage of its development ; external conditions act as a stimulus to the sexless proto- plasm, and the resulting response is a development in the direction of either maleness or femaleness according to the nature of the stimulus. How largely and in what manner this may be true of the human species is wholly unknown. Diising urges that the various factors determining sex have arisen through natural selection ; they are conducive to the continuance of the species, and they act in such a way that sex is in a certain sense self-regulating—the scarcity of one sex tends to the greater production of individuals of that sex ; this is instanced by the fact mentioned above that after the destruction of males by war relatively more males are born than previously. E. Epocus In THE PHyYsIoLoGICAL Lire or THE INDIVIDUAL. Fertilization begins, somatic death ends, the physiological life of the indi- vidual. Between these two events the life-processes go on gradually, and, with the exception of birth, are marked by few abrupt changes. It is some- times convenient to divide the individual life into a number of successive stages, as follows: the embryonic period, the fetal period, infancy, childhood, youth, or adolescence, maturity, and old age, or senescence. Such a division, however, is not physiologically exact, the stages are not sharply limited, and the terms are employed in very different senses by different writers. Between fertilization and birth the functions originate and are developed gradually. 1 W. Z. Ripley: Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association, v., March, 1896. 2 E. Maupas: Comptes rendus de (Académie des sciences, Paris, cxiil., 1891. 3S. Watase : Journal of Morphology, vi., 1892. 924 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. At birth the environment of the individual is abruptly changed, organic connection with the mother suddenly ceases, and profound physiological changes occur. At this time, or shortly after it, the individual is capable of performing all the functions of adult life with the exception of reproduc- tion, the functions needing, however, to be exercised and improved before they are at their best. From birth to maturity, therefore, the physiological history is mainly a history of progressive modifications of function—modi- fications, indeed, of great importance, but secondary to the primary fact of function itself. The same may be said of the period of old age, with the dif- ference that here the modifications of function are retrogressive. In the present book, devoted mainly to the physiology of the adult at the time of maturity, little can be said of the origin and development of function in the embryo; the modifications of function at different periods of life have been discussed in - connection with the various functions themselves ; certain topics of special physio- logical significance have, however, been left for brief treatment in this chapter. Growth of the Cells, the Tissues, and the Organs.—All growth, whether of the cells, the tissues, or the organs, is the result of no more than three processes, viz. multiplication of cells, enlargement of cells, and deposition of intercellular substance, the first two processes being the most potent of all. Increase in the number of cells is largely, although not wholly, an embryonie phenomenon ; increase in the size of cells and deposition of intercellular sub- stance are especially important from the later embryonic period through the time of birth and up to the cessation of the body-growth. The periods of growth of the several tissues differ ; in view of this it is quite impossible to designate any period except that of death at which the growth of the tissues wholly terminates. Detailed statistics of the growth of organs are wanting. Growth of the Body before Birth.—The most obvious result of growth of the cells, the tissues, and the organs, is growth or increase in size of the body. Growth of the body continues actively from the beginning of the seg- mentation of the ovum up to about the age of twenty-five years, and results in an increase in all dimensions and in weight. In determining the extent of growth, the two most convenient and most commonly used measurements are those of length, or height, and weight. For the embryo the following table _ has been compiled by Hecker : Table showing the Average Length and Weight of the Human Embryo at Different Ages. Month. Length of embryo in centimeters. Weight of embryo in grams. pie i Dd Bg ae 4to 9 11 - Poatth) 05s) i) 10 to 17 57 PiBRende teed: <1 18 to 27 284 Ro) RDP Soe ae 28 to 34 634 Revenge Ae bs 35 to 88 1218 Hight 39 to 41 1569 i ga hd hes 42 to 44 1 1971 SOMO 8 <7 egy water, § 45 to 47 2334 1C, Hecker: Monatsschrift fiir Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten, xxvii., 1866. REPRODUCTION. 925 The length and the weight at birth vary very greatly. The average measure- ments, as given for over 450 infants in Great Britain, are, for height, males 19.5 inches, females 19.3 inches; for weight, males 7.1 pounds, females, 6.9 pounds. The weight at birth is said to be greater the nearer the mother’s age is to thirty-five years, the greater the weight of the mother, the greater the number of previous pregnancies, and the earlier the appearance of the first menstruation. Race and climate are also of influence. Minot’ believes that all of these influences work principally through prolonging or abbreviating the period of gestation, and that the variations at birth depend partly upon the duration of gestation and partly upon individual differences of the rate of growth in the uterus. _ Growth of the Body after Birth.—In studying the growth of the body after birth two methods have been employed, named the “ generalizing” and 0 Age. 5 10 15 20 Years. 25 3 = x q 70 7 140 60 120 50 100 40 480 30 60 20 40 10 20 . Males. ———~——— Females. Fig. 316.—Diagram showing increase of stature and weight of both sexes, as determined by the Anthropo- metric Committee of the British Association.? the “individualizing” methods. The former consists in deducing the course of growth by averages or other central values from statistics taken from a large number of individuals at different ages. It is the method more com- monly employed ; it shows the course of growth of the typical child, but is inexact in enabling future growth to be predicted in individual cases. The individualizing method consists in measuring the actual growth of the same individual through successive years; it shows well the relation of the indi- 1C.S. Minot: Human Embryology, 1892. ? Roberts: Manual of Anthropometry, 1878. 926 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. vidual to the type throughout the period of growth. The course of growth of British boys and girls from birth up to the age of twenty-four is graphically shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 316). Growth is here seen to be rapid during the first five years of life, then slower up to the tenth or the twelfth year. From thence up to the fifteenth or the seventeenth year —that is, preceding and including puberty—marked acceleration occurs, which in turn is followed by slow increase up to the twentieth or the twenty-fifth year. For from five to ten years thereafter slight increase in height occurs, while from the accumulation of fat the weight usually rises markedly up to the fiftieth or the sixtieth year. One of the most interesting results revealed by statistics is the relative growth of the two sexes. From birth up to about the age of ten or twelve, boys show a slight and increasing preponderance over girls, but the two curves are nearly parallel. The prepu- bertal acceleration of growth in girls, however, precedes that of boys, and is even accompanied by some check in the male growth, with the result that between the ages of twelve and fifteen girls are actually heavier and taller than boys. This fact, first pointed out in 1872 by Bowditch * from observa- tions on several thousand Boston school children, has been abundantly con- firmed by Pagliani in Italy, Key in Sweden, Schmidt in Germany, Porter in St. Louis, and others. At about fifteen years boys again take the lead and maintain it throughout life. Boys grow most rapidly at sixteen, girls at thir- teen or fourteen, years of age; the former attain their adult stature approxi- mately at twenty-three to twenty-five, the latter at twenty to twenty-one years. The details of growth and the actual measurements vary considerably with race; thus the supremacy of the American girl over her brother appears to be less marked and to cover a shorter period than that of the English, German, Swedish, or Italian girl. Children of well-to-do families are superior to others in both weight and stature. Disease may alter the form-of the curve of growth. But the final result seems to depend less upon external condi- tions than upon race and sex. As an interesting accessory fact it was found by Porter? that well-developed children take a higher rank in school than less- developed children of the same age. If the percentage annual increase of the total weight be computed, it is found to diminish throughout life, very rapidly during the first two or three years, later more slowly and with minor variations of increase and decrease ; that is, as growth proceeds and the powers of the individual mature, the power to grow becomes rapidly less. This is a peculiar and most interesting fact and has not been explained. It would seem to signify that the sum of the vital powers declines from birth onward. Many facts indicate that the common conception, dating from the time of Aristotle, of human life as consisting of the three periods of rise, maturity, and decline, must give way to a more rational idea of a steady decline from birth. ‘ H. P. Bowditch: Eighth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts, 1877. ? 'W. T. Porter: “ The Physical Basis of Precocity and Dullness,” Transactions of the Acad- emy of Science of St. Louis, vi., No.7, 1893. See also “The Growth of St. Louis Children,” Transactions of the Academy-of Science of St. Louis, vi., No. 12, 1894. REPRODUCTION. 927 Puberty.—By puberty is meant the period of sexual maturity, at which the individual becomes able to reproduce. In the male the exact time of its onset, characterized primarily by the appearance of fully ripe spermatozoa, is not well known, but is believed to be about one year later than in the female. In temperate climates, therefore, it usually appears in boys not before the age of fifteen ; it is earlier in warmer regions. It is preceded and accompanied by acceleration in bodily growth, already spoken of. Other bodily changes, such as general maturation of the functions of the reproductive organs, alterations in the bodily proportions, increase of strength, and growth of the beard, all of which are elements of the transformation from boyhood to manhood, either occur at that time or follow soon after. One of the most obvious external changes is that of the voice. Its tone may fall permanently an octave, and for the time being become rough, broken, and uncontrollable. This is due to a sudden general enlargement of the laryngeal cartilages and a lengthening of the vocal cords. In the girl the oncoming of puberty is marked more exactly than in the boy by the appearance of menstruation, in the majority of girls in temperate climates at the age of fourteen to seventeen. But other characteristic anatom- ical and physiological changes in the body occur. The uterus, the external reproductive organs, and the breasts become larger, while the pelvis widens. The prepubertal acceleration of growth has been mentioned. Nervous disor- ders are especially prone to make their appearance at this time. The subcuta- neous layer of adipose tissue develops and confers upon the outlines the grace- ful curves characteristic of the woman’s body. The mental faculties mature, and the girl becomes a woman earlier and more rapidly than the boy a man. Climacteric.—F rom the sixtieth year the power of producing spermato- zoa, and, therefore, the reproductive power of man, begins to wane. It con- tinues, however, in a diminishing degree, even to extreme old age, and there is no recognized period of ending of the male sexual life. In ‘woman, on the other hand, the sexual period continues for only thirty to thirty-five years, and the climacteric, menopause, or change of life, marks a definite ending of the power of reproduction. In temperate climates it occurs usually between the ages of forty-four and forty-seven ; in warmer regions it comes early, in colder late. It is earlier in the laboring classes, and later where menstruation has first appeared early. Its most characteristic feature is the cessation of menstruation, which is a gradual process extending over a period of two or three years and characterized by irregularity in the oncoming and the quantity of the flow and by gradual diminution. But the cessation of the menses is but one phenomenon in a long series of changes that pro- foundly affect the whole organism and endanger life. The reproductive organs and the breasts diminish in size, and ovulation ceases. The changes in the pelvic organs are in general the reverse of those occurring at puberty. The organic functions generally are rendered irregular; dyspepsia, palpitation, sweating, and vasomotor changes are frequent; vertigo, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, and gout are not rare; a tendency to obesity occurs, though sometimes the reverse ; irritability, fear, hysteria, and melancholia may be present; the 928 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. disposition may be temporarily altered,—all of which changes indicate that the female organism at this time suffers a profound nervous shock. The loss of the weighty function of reproduction and the adaptation to the new order of events is not accomplished quietly. Senescence.—The progressive diminution in the power of growth from birth onward throughout lite has been mentioned, and may be interpreted as indicating that the process of senescence begins with the beginning of life.t In the broadest sense this is true, and is confirmed by a study of various organic functions. In the more restricted sense senescence or old age com- prises the period from about fifty years (in woman from the climacteric) onward, during which there is a noticeable progressive waning of the vital powers. The leading somatic changes accompanying old age are atrophic and degenerative, but detailed statistics of this period are almost wholly wanting. A marked cellular difference between the young and the old, which is shown by nearly if not quite all tissues, is the relatively large nucleus and small quantity of cytoplasm in the young, the proportions being reversed in the old. This has recently been pointed out as follows by Hodge? in the nerve-cells of the first cervical spinal ganglion : ane Volume of Nucleoli observ- Pigment Pigment nucleus. able in nuclei. much, little. Fetus (at birth} ... . « 2. 100 per cent. in 53 per cent. Old man (at ninety-two years) 64.2 “ in 5 , 67 per cent. 33 per cent. Thus with the progress of age the nuclei become small and irregular in out- line, and the cytoplasm pigmented, while the nucleoli are often wanting. The nuclear differences are even more marked in the cerebral ganglia of bees, where, moreover, aged individuals possess a smaller number of nerve-cells than the young. They are in harmony with the growing belief in the function of the nucleus as the formative centre of the cell. It has been shown that a decrease in the weight of the whole brain occurs in both men and women, beginning in the former at about fifty-five years, in the latter at about forty-five years. In eminent men the decrease begins later. The thickness of the cortex and the number of tangential fibres in it diminish especially after fifty years, and this probably signifies a loss of cells. There is a decrease in general brain-power, in power of origination, in the power to map out new paths of conduction and association in the central nervous system and thus to form habits. Reaction- time is lengthened. The delicacy of the sense-organs is noticeably less, and in the eye the hardening of the crystalline lens and the weakening of the ciliary muscle diminish the power of accommodation. ‘The muscles atrophy and mus- cular strength is reduced. The pineal gland, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and the walls of the arteries, show a tendency toward calcification, and the bones become more brittle. Subcutaneous adipose tissue disappears, but a fatty de- generation of cells is not uncommon, notably in all varieties of muscle-cells, in nerve-cells, and probably in gland-cells. The pigment of the hairs disap- * Of. C. S. Minot: Journal of Physiology, xii., 1891. *C. F, Hodge: Anatomischer Anzeiger, ix., 1894; Journal of Physiology, xvii., 1894. REPRODUCTION. 929 pears. The size of the muscles, the liver, the spleen, the lymphatic and prob- ably the digestive glands, decreases. The heart and the kidneys seem to retain their adult size. The vital capacity of the lungs, the amounts of carbonic acid and of urine excreted, diminish. The rate of respiration and of the heart-beat rises slightly. Ovulation is wanting, and the power of producing spermatozoa is lessened. The stature undergoes a slight and steady decrease. Boas! has shown that in the North American Indian this continues from about thirty years of age onward. All of these changes, the details of which should be care- fully studied and reduced to anatomical and physiological exactness, demonstrate that senescence is characterized by a steady diminution of vitality. Death.—Sooner or later vitality must cease and the change that is called death must come. The-term “death” is used in two senses, according as it is applied to the whole organism or to the individual tissues of which the organ- ism is composed. The former is distinguished as somatic death, or death simply, the latter as the death of the tissues. Somatic death occurs when one or more of the organic functions is so dis- turbed that the harmonious exercise of all the functions becomes impossible. Thus, if the brain receives a severe concussion, the co-ordination of the organs may be interrupted ; if the respiration ceases, the necessary oxygen is withheld ; if the heart fails, the distribution of oxygen and food and the collection of wastes come to an end; if the kidneys are diseased, the poisonous urea is retained within the tissues. A continuation of any one of these profound abnormal conditions, which may be brought about by accident or disease, or a simultaneous occurrence of several slight disturbances of function, such as is not infrequent in aged persons, may prevent the restoration of that concordance among the organs without which the individual cannot live. The most con- venient and most certain sign by which somatic death may be recognized is the absence of the beat of the heart, and in nearly all cases this is the criterion employed. But it should be borne in mind that the failure of the heart to beat is but one of the causes, and frequently a very secondary one, the primary cause being then associated with other functions. It is at present in most cases quite impossible to trace the course of events by which the derangement of one function leads to the ultimate cessation of individual life. Death of the tissues or of the living substance is neither necessarily nor usually simultaneous with somatic death. Constantly throughout life the mole- cules of living matter are being disintegrated, and whole cells die and are cast away ; life and death are concomitants. With the cessation of the individual life the nervous system dies almost immediately. With the muscular tissue it is very different. The stopping of the beat of the heart is a gradual process, and, as Harvey long ago pointed out, the last portion to beat, the ultimum moriens, is the right auricle. For many minutes after death the heart, if exposed, will be found to be excitable and to respond by single contractions to single stimuli. Irritability is said to continue in the smooth muscle of the stomach and the intestines for forty-five minutes, and considerably later than 1F. Boas: Verhandlungen der Berliner Anthropologischen Gesellschaft, 1895. 59 930 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. this the striated muscles of the limbs can be made to twitch by proper stimuli. Gland-cells probably die within a few minutes. As to the chemical changes undergone by the protoplasm in the process of dying, little can be said. The composition of dead protoplasm is comparatively well known, that of living protoplasm is at present a blank ; and, although investigation has gone suf- ficiently far to offer a basis for several suggestive hypotheses, the latter are too abstruse for lucid discussion in the present space. Neither in somatic death nor in the death of the tissues does the body lose weight. Within fifteen or twenty hours it cools to the temperature of the surrounding medium. Rigor - mortis, due to the coagulation of the muscle-plasma within the muscle-cells, begins within a time varying with the cause of death from a half hour to twenty or thirty hours, and continues upon an average twenty-four to thirty- six hours. Then the tissues soften, and soon putrefactive changes begin. ; Theory of Death.—It has been intimated that all the tissues are destined to die. An exception must be made in the case of those germ-cells, both male — and female, that are employed in the production of new individuals. They pass from one individual, the parent, to another, the offspring, and thus cannot be said to undergo death. This is the basis of Weismann’s theory of the origin and significance of death in the organic world.’ According to Weis- mann, primitive protoplasm was not endowed with the property of death. As found in the simplest individuals, like the Amoeba, even at the present day, with a continuance of the proper nutritive conditions protoplasm does not grow old and die; the single individual divides into two and life continues unceasing, unless accident or other untoward event interferes. With the progress of evolution, however, the cells of the individual body have become differentiated into germ-cells and somatic cells, the former subserving the reproduction of the species, the latter all the other bodily functions. Germ- cells are passed on from parent to offspring; they never die, they are immor- tal. Somatic cells, on the other hand, grow old, and at last perish. Death was, therefore, in the beginning, not a necessary adjunct to life ; it is not inhe- ~ rent in primitive protoplasm, but has been acquired along with the differen- tiation of protoplasm into germ-plasm and somatoplasm, and the introduction of a sexual method of reproduction. It has been acquired because it is to the advantage of the species to possess it; in the simplest cases it should occur at the close of the reproductive period, and in fact it frequently does occur then. A superabundance of aged individuals, after they have ceased to be reproduc- tive, would be detrimental to the race ; it is to the advantage of the species that they be put out of the way. Death of the individual in order that the species may survive has, therefore, become an established principle of nature. The higher animals are better able to protect themselves from destruction than the lower, and, moreover, they are needed to rear the young; hence the duration of life is frequently prolonged beyond the reproductive period. Weismann’s theory has been the cause of much discussion, and the pros and cons have been set forth by eminent biological authorities. In its appli- *A. Weismann: Essays upon Heredity, i., 1889. REPRODUCTION. 931 cation to the human race it would seem that the factors of social evolution have brought it about that the aged are protected in the struggle for existence for long after their reproductive usefulness, has ceased, and thus the working of a pitiless biological law has become modified. F. Herepiry. Biologists are accustomed to recognize two factors as responsible for the character and actions of the living organism. These are heredity and the environment. Heredity includes whatever is transmitted, either as actual or as potential characteristics, by parents to offspring. The environment com- prises both material and immaterial components, such as food, water, air, or other substances that surround the organism, and the forces of nature, such as light, heat, electricity, and gravity, that act as conditions of existence or as stimuli to action. The same principles apply to the character and actions of every cell of a many-celled organism, but here we must include in the envi- ronmental factor the mysterious influences that are exerted upon the cell by the other cells of the body. Of these two factors heredity acts from within, the environment from without the living substance. Among unicellular or- ganisms the individual begins its career when the bit of protoplasm that con- stitutes its body is separated from the parent bit of protoplasm. Among higher forms, including man, the term individual may be applied to the fer- tilized ovum; the union of the ovum and the spermatozoon inaugurates the new being. From the inception to the death of the individual, life consists partly of manifestations of the powers conferred by the germ-cells and partly of reactions to environmental influences. In considering the details of vital action we are apt to overlook these fundamental facts and to evolve narrow and erroneous views as to the causes of vital phenomena. Biologists are seeking with increasing vigor to determine the relative importance of the parts played by these two principles in development and in daily life. It is need- less to say that the problem is a difficult one and is still far from solution. In previous chapters of this book attention has been directed more especially to the external than to the hereditary factor. A work upon physiology would be incomplete, however, if it did not include an examination of the latter, especially since at the present time heredity is one of the leading subjects of biological research and discussion. It is proposed, therefore, in this section to present a brief. outline of the facts, the principles, and the attempted ex- planations of the modes of working of heredity. It should be premised that, because of the present incomplete state of our knowledge of the facts, the highly speculative and involved character of most of the theories, and the con- stant, active shifting of ideas and points of view, such an outline must neces- sarily be incomplete and in many respects unsatisfactory. Facts of Inheritance.—It is not proposed in this paragraph to enter into a discussion of the question as to whether a particular vital phenomenon is a fact of inheritance or a reaction to external influences. For our present pur- poses it is sufficient to record the common facts of resemblance to ancestors, 932 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. and to assume that such resemblance, when present, has been inherited. Resemblances are strongest between child and parents, and appear in a dimin- ishing ratio backward along the ancestral line. Galton’ has computed that, of the total heritage of the child, each of the two parents contributes one- fourth, each of the four grandparents one-sixteenth, and the remaining one- fourth is handed down by more remote ancestors. The correctness of this estimate has been disputed by Weismann. The fact must not be overlooked that, in addition to and back of all the particular individual features that are inherited, a host of racial characteristics are transmitted—the progeny of a given species belongs to that species; the human being is the father of the human child, the child of Caucasian parents is a Caucasian, of negro parents a negro. Congenital resemblances may be anatomical, physiological, or psychological, and in each of these classes they may be normal or pathological. Anatomical resemblances are the most commonly recognized of all: facial features, stature, color of eyes and of hair, supernumerary digits, excessive hairiness of body, cleft palate, monstrosities, and various defects of the eye, such as those that give rise to hypermetropia, myopia, cataract, color-blindness, and strabismus, are all known examples. Physiological peculiarities that may be transmitted include the tendency to characteristic gestures, locomotion and other muscular movements, longevity or short life, tendency to thinness or obesity, handwriting, voice, heematophilia or tendency to profuse hemorrhage from slight wounds, gout, epilepsy, and asthma. Psychological inheritances comprise habits of mind, talent, artistic and moral qualities, tastes, traits of character, tempera- ment, ambition, insanity and other mental diseases, and tendencies to crime and to suicide. Latent Characters ;. Reversion.—Characters that never appear in the parent may yet be transmitted through him from grandparent to child; such charac- ters are called /atent. Among the most striking latent characters are those con- nected with sex. Darwin? says: “In every female all the secondary male characters, and in every male all the secondary female characters, apparently exist in a latent state, ready to be evolved under certain conditions.” Thus, a girl may inherit female secondary sexual peculiarities of her paternal grand- mother that are latent in her father, or a boy may inherit from his maternal grandfather characteristics that never show in his mother. An excellent example of such transmission, taken from the herbivora, is the common one of a bull conveying to his female descendants the good milking qualities of his female ancestors. In the human species hydrocele, necessarily a disease of the male, has been known to be inherited from the maternal grandfather, and hence must have been latent in the mother’s organism. That in such cases the character is really potential, though latent in the intermediate ancestor, is rendered probable by such well-known facts as the appearance of female cha- ' Francis Galton: Natwral Inheritance, 1889, p. 134. Bie Charles Darwin: The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, vol. ii., 2d ed., REPRODUCTION. | 933 racteristics in castrated males, and of male characteristics in females with dis- eased ovaries or after the end of the normal sexual life. Latency may be offered as the explanation of the numerous cases of atavism, or reversion, by which is meant the appearance in an individual of peculiarities that were formerly known only in the grandparents or more remote ancestors, but not in the parents of the individual. This subject is one of the most important in the whole field of heredity. Almost any character may reappear even after many generations. In the human species stronger likeness to grandparents than to parents is a frequent occurrence. The majority of the frequent anomalies of the dissecting-room are regarded as reversions toward the simian ancestors of the human race. The crossing of two strains develops a strong tendency to reversion, and because of this the prin- ciple of atavism must constantly be taken into account by breeders of animals and growers of plants. As an example of reversion after crossing may be mentioned the well-known one, studied by Darwin, of the frequent appear- ance of marked stripes upon the legs of the mule, the mule being a hybrid from the horse and the ass, both of which are comparatively unstriped but are undoubtedly descended from a striped zebra-like ancestor. Here the capacity of developing stripes is regarded as latent in both the horse and the ass, but as made evident in the mule by the mysterious influence of crossing. Darwin thinks likewise that the customary degraded state of half-castes may be due to reversion to a primitive savage condition which, usually latent in both civilized and savage races, is rendered manifest in the offspring that results from the union of the two. Reversionary characters are often more prominent during youth than during later life—a fact that has been quoted in favor of their explanation on the theory of latency. Regeneration.—The facts of regeneration of lost parts must also be taken into account in a theory of heredity. Such regeneration may be either physi- ological or pathological. Physiological or normal regeneration has reference to the reproduction of parts that takes place during the normal life of the individual, such as the constant growth of the deeper layers of the epidermis to replace the outer layers that are as constantly being shed. Pathological regeneration refers to the replacement of parts lost by accident, and presents the more interesting and striking examples. The power of pathological regeneration in man and the higher mammals is limited. A denuded surface may be re-covered with epithelium ; the central end of a cut nerve may grow anew to its termination ; the parts of a broken bone may reunite ; muscle may reappear ; connective-tissue, blood-corpuscles, and blood-vessels may develop readily ; and in the healing of every wound a regeneration of parts takes place. But in descending the scale of animal life the regenerative power becomes progressively stronger, and in many plants and low animals it is marvellous. Thus, the newt may. replace a lost leg, the crab a lost claw, the snail an eyestalk and eye. If an earth-worm be cut in two, one half may regenerate a new half, complete in all respects. A hydra may be chopped into fragments and each fragment may re-grow into a complete hydra. From 934 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. a small piece of the leaf of a begonia, planted in moist earth, a new plant with all its parts may arise. It is evident that the existing parts of an organ- ism, if not too specialized, possess the power of restoring parts that are lost ; under ordinary circumstances this power is latent. The growth of tumors is perhaps allied in nature to regeneration. A study of regeneration shows that in many cases the process of building anew follows the same course as the - original embryonic growth. It is properly a phenomenon of heredity. The Inheritance of Acquired Characters—No topic in heredity has been more debated during the past fifteen years than that of the possibility of the transmission to the offspring of characteristics that are acquired by the parents previous to the discharge of the germ-cells, or, in the case of the mammalian female, previous to parturition. Obviously, no one denies this possibility in the unicellular organisms, where reproduction by fission prevails, for there the protoplasm of the body of one parent becomes the substance of two offspring ; in the transformation nothing is lost, and hence whatever peculiarities the ances- tral protoplasm has acquired are transferred bodily to the descendants. But in multicellular forms, where sexual reproduction exists, the case is very dif- ferent, for here whatever is transmitted is transmitted through germinal cells, or germ-plasm, as the hereditary substance contained in the germ-cells is now commonly called. The problem then resolves itself into that of the relation of the germ-plasm to the protoplasm of the rest of the body, the so-called somatoplasm ; and the question to be answered is this: Are variations in the ‘parental somatoplasm capable of inducing such changes in the germ-plasm that somatic peculiarities appear in the offspring similar to those possessed by the parent? Weismann classifies all somatic variations according to their origin into three groups—viz. injuries, functional variations, and variations, mainly climatic, that depend upon the environment. The problem of their inherit- ance is a far-reaching one, and upon its correct solution depend principles that are of much wider application than simply to matters of heredity; for if acquired characters can be inherited, there is revealed to us a most potent fac- tor in the transformation of species, and the whole question of the possibility of use and disuse as factors of evolution is presented. The larger evolutionary problem need not here be considered. Regarding the problem of the inheritance of acquired characteristics we may say at once that it is not yet solved. To the lay mind this may seem strange, for at first thought it appears self-evident that parents may transmit to their children peculiarities that they themselves have acquired. Affirmative evidence seems all about us, as witness the undoubted cases of inheritance of artistic tastes, of talent, of traits valuable in professional life, which seem to originate in the industry of the parent. But scientific analysis by Weismann and others of popular impressions, popular anecdotes, and hearsay evidence, and accurate | original observation have revealed little that cannot as well be explained on other hypotheses. Anatomical and functional peculiarities of the body that are apparently new often reappear in successive generations, but to assume that they are acquired by the somatoplasm and have become congenital, rather than REPRODUCTION. . 935 that they are germinal from the first, is unwarranted. Direct experiments by various investigators are almost as inconclusive. Weismann! has removed the tails of white mice for five successive generations, and yet of 901 young every individual was born with a tail normal in length and in other respects. Bos? has experimented similarly upon rats for ten generations without observing any diminution of the tails. The practice of circumcision for centuries has resulted in no reduction of the prepuce. The binding of the feet of Chinese girls has not resulted in any congenital malformation of the Chinese foot. Brown- Séquard,® and later Obersteiner,* have artificially produced epilepsy in guinea- pigs by various operations upon the central nervous system and the peripheral . nerves, and the offspring of such parents have been epileptic. At first this would seem to amount to proof of the actual hereditary transmission of mutila- tions, yet in these cases the mutilation itself was not transmitted ; the offspring were weak and sickly and exhibited a variety of abnormal nervous and nutri- tional symptoms, among which was a tendency toward epileptiform convulsions, the cause of which is still to be explained. Evidence from paleontology regarding the apparent gradual accumulation of the effects of use and disuse throughout a long-continued animal series seems to require the assumption of such a principle as the inheritance of acquired characters, but even here the principle of natural selection may perhaps be equally explanatory. The Inheritance of Diseases.—The question of the inheritance of diseases has also been much discussed. The same general principles apply here as in the inheritance of normal characteristics. The fact has been mentioned above that pathological characters, whether anatomical, physiological, or psycholog- ical, are capable of transmission. If, however, a pathological character has been acquired by the parent and is not inherent in his own germ-cells, it is extremely doubtful whether it can be passed on to the child. A diseased parent, on the other hand, may produce offspring that are constitutionally weak or that are even predisposed toward the parental disease, and such off- spring may develop the parent’s ailment. In such cases constitutional weakness or predisposition, and not actual disease, is inherited ; the disease itself later attacks the weak or predisposed body. Proneness to mildness or severity of, and immunity toward, certain diseases seem to be transmissible. ‘These sub- jects, however, are so little understood, and the real meaning of such terms as predisposition, inherited constitutional weakness, and inherited immunity, is so little known, that it is idle to discuss them here. Considerable experimental work has been performed recently upon the transmissibility of infectious diseases. Undoubtedly infectious diseases cling to a particular family for generations. The transmitted factor is probably fre- quently, if not usually, simple predisposition. But in an increasing number of cases there appears to be transmission of a specific micro-organism. Such 1A. Weismann: Essays upon Heredity, vol. i., 1889, p. 432. 2 J. R. Bos: Biologisches Centralblatt, xi., 1891, p. 734. 3 E. Brown-Séquard: Researches on Epilepsy, etc., Boston, 1857; also various later papers. * H. Obersteiner: Medizinische Jahrbiicher, Wien, 1875, p. 179. 936 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. transmission is called germinal when the micro-organism is conveyed in the ovum or the semen, and placental or intra-uterine when the micro-organism reaches the fetus after uterine development has begun, and chiefly through the circulation. Of germinal infections syphilis seems undoubtedly capable of transmission within either the ovum or the semen. The possibility of germinal transmission of tuberculosis has been maintained, but is not fully proven. Of intra-uterine infections there have been observed in human beings apparently undoubted eases of typhoid fever, relapsing fever, scarlatina, small-pox, measles, croupous pneumonia, anthrax, and possibly tuberculosis, syphilis, and Asiatic cholera. It is obvious that neither germinal nor placental inheritance, both taking place through the medium of a specific micro-organism, and not through the modification of germ-plasm, is comparable to inheritance in the customary sense. Theories of Inheritance.—F rom early historical times theories of inher- itance have not been wanting. Physical and metaphysical, materialistic and spiritualistic theories have had their day. Previous to the discovery of the spermatozoon (Hamm, Leeuwenhoek, 1677) all theories were necessarily fantastic, and for nearly two hundred years later they were crude. The theories that are now rife may be said to date from 1864, when Herbert Spencer published his Principles of Biology. Since that date they have become numerous. Even the modern theories are highly speculative ; none can be regarded as being accepted to the exclusion of all others by a large majority of scientific workers, and the excuse for introducing them into a text-book of physiology is the hope that a brief discussion of them may prove suggestive, stimulating, and productive of investigation. Germ-plasm.—Germinal substance, germ-plasm (Weismann), or, as it is sometimes called, idioplasm (Nageli), must lie at the basis of all scientific theories of heredity. The father and the mother contribute to the child the spermatozoon and the ovum respectively, and within these two bits of proto- plasm there must be contained potentially the qualities of the two parents. There is much evidence in favor of the prevailing view that the nucleus alone of each germ-cell is essentially hereditary, or, more exactly, that the chromatic substance of the nucleus is the sole actual germinal substance. We have seen that the tail of the spermatozoon is a locomotive organ, and that the body of the ovum is nutritive matter. We have seen also that the essence of the whole process of fertilization is a fusion of the male and the female nuclei, or, more exactly, a mingling of male and female chromosomes. Hence most physiologists agree with Strasburger and Hertwig that the chromatic substance of the nuclei of the germ-cells transmits the hereditary qualities. | As to the origin of the germ-plasm, two hypotheses have been suggested. Spencer, Darwin, Galton, and Brooks have argued in favor of a production of germ-plasm within each individual by a collocation within the reproductive organs of minute elementary vital particles— physiological units” (Spencer), “gemmules” (Darwin)—that come from all parts of the body ; hence each part of the body has its representative within every germ-cell. This hypothesis REPRODUCTION. | 937 affords a ready explanation of numerous facts, but its highly speculative cha- racter, the entire absence of direct observational or experimental proof of its truth, and the demand that its conception makes upon human credulity, mili- tate against its general acceptance. Weismann, the promulgator of the second hypothesis, denies altogether the formation of the germ-plasm from the body- tissues of the individual, and maintains its sole origin from the germ-plasm of the parent of the individual. Through the parent it comes from the grand- parent, thence from the great-grandparent, and so may be traced backward through families and tribes and races to its origin in simple unicellular organisms. According to Weismann, therefore, germ-plasm is very ancient and is directly continuous from one individual to another; the parts of an individual body are derivatives of it, but they do not return to it their repre- sentatives in the form of minute particles. The general truth of Weismann’s conception can hardly be denied. As to the morphological nature of germ-plasm, two views likewise are held. One school, led by His and Weismann, holds that germ-plasm possesses a complicated architecture ; that the fertilized ovum contains within its structure the rudiments or primary constituents of the various cells, tissues, and organs of which the body is destined to be composed ; and that growth is a develop- ment of these already existing germs and largely independent of surrounding influences. In accordance with this idea, segmentation of the ovum is specifi- cally a qualitative process, one blastomere representing one portion of. the future adult, another blastomere another portion, and so on. This theory recalls in a refined form the crude theory of Preformation that was advocated during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries by Haller, Bonnet, and many others, according to which the germ-cell was believed to contain a minute but perfectly formed model of the adult, which needed only to be enlarged and unfolded in growth. The other modern school, in which Oscar Hertwig is prominent, maintains that the fertilized egg is isotropous—that is, that one part is essentially like another part—that the architecture of the egg is rela- tively simple, and that growth is largely a reaction of the living substance to external influences. The idea of isotropy is based largely upon the experi- mental results of Pfliiger, Chabry, Driesch, Wilson, Boveri, and the brothers Hertwig, who by various methods and in various animals have found that single blastomeres of a sezmenting ovum, when separated from the others, will develop into normal but dwarfed larve ; that is, a portion of the original germ- plasm is capable of giving rise to all parts of the animal. These results are interpreted to signify that segmentation, instead of being qualitative, is quanti- tative, each blastomere being like all the others. The second theory, like the first, resembles in some degree a theory of the past two centuries, advocated by Wolff and Harvey, and known as the theory of Hpigenesis. According to this there was no preformation in the germ-cells, but rather a lack of organi- zation which during growth, under guidance of a mysterious power supposed to be resident in the living substance, gave place to differentiation and the appearance of definite parts. 938 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Modern microscopes have revealed no miniature of the adult in the egg, nor has modern physiology found necessary an assumption of extra-physical forces within living matter. With the increase of knowledge the old and crude preformation of Haller and Bonnet and the speculative epigenesis of Wolff and Harvey have given place to the new preformation and epigenesis of the present time, and all modern theories of heredity may be classed in the one or the other category or as intermediate between them. The mod- ern advocates of preformation explain hereditary resemblance by the supposed similarity of all germ-plasm in any one line of descent. The modern advocates of epigenesis, while allowing the necessity of a material basis of germ-plasm, ascribe hereditary resemblance to similarity of environment during develop- ment. Variation.—It is a commonplace in observation that, however close hereditary resemblance may be, it is never absolute; the child is never the exact image of the parent either physically or mentally. Variations from the parental type may be either acquired by-the offspring subsequent to fertilization or to birth, and hence are to be traced to the action of the environment; or they may be congenital, that is, inherent in the germ-plasm. Although it is not always easy in the case of any one variation to determine to which class it belongs, yet the fact remains that the two classes exist; and a complete theory of heredity must recognize and explain congenital variation as fully as congenital resemblance. It is unnecessary to say that the origin of congenital variation is one of the much discussed and still unsettled questions. At least two causes of congenital variations are commonly recognized, although opinions differ as to the relative importance of the réle played by each. These causes are differ- ences in the nutrition of the germ-plasm, and sexual reproduction. As to the former, it is evident that the germ-plasm in no two individuals, even father and son, has exactly identical nutritional opportunities. Since the life of one individual is not the exact counterpart of the life of another, the germ-plasm of one individual has a different nutrition from that of another. It would hence be strange, even although we regard the germ-plasm as relatively stable, if with succeeding generations there did not appear variations that are sufficient to give rise to unlikeness in relatives. Differences in the nutrition of the germ- plasm in different individuals are, therefore, a true cause of variations. As regards sexual reproduction, it must be remembered that a new individual is the product of two individuals, that the two individuals have descended along different genealogical lines, and hence that the two conjugating masses of germ- plasm are different in nature. It is only to be expected, therefore, that the resulting individual shall be different from the two contributing parents. Thus sexual reproduction is a true cause of variations. Having outlined the main facts and principles of heredity, let us now review a few of the specific theories that have been of value in clearing the clouded atmosphere. Darwin's Theory of Pangenesis.—Darwin’s “ Provisional Hypothesis of Pangenesis” was published in 1868 as chapter xxvii. of his work on The Vari- REPRODUCTION. 2 939 ations of Animals and Plants under Domestication. It was the first of the modern theories to attempt to cover the whole ground of heredity; it was accompanied by a most exhaustive presentation and analysis of facts, and it stimulated abundant discussion and investigation. In Darwin’s own words the hypothesis was formulated as follows: “ It is universally admitted that the cells or units of the body increase by cell-division or proliferation, retaining the same nature, and that they ultimately become converted into the various tissues and substances of the body. But besides this means of increase I assume that the units [cells] throw off minute granules which are dispersed throughout the whole system ; that these, when supplied with proper nutriment, multiply by self-division, and are ultimately developed into units like those from which they were originally derived. These granules may be called gemmules. They are collected from all parts of the system to constitute the sexual elements, and their development in the next generation forms a new being; but they are likewise capable of transmission in a dormant state to future generations, and may then be developed. Their development depends on their union with other partially developed or nascent cells which precede them in the regular course of growth..... Gemmules are supposed to be thrown off by every unit, not only during the adult state, but during each stage of development of - every organism; but not necessarily during the continued existence of the same unit. Lastly, I assume that the gemmules in their dormant state have a mutual affinity for each other, leading to their aggregation into buds or into the sexual elements. Hence, it is not the reproductive organs or buds which generate new organisms, but the units of which each individual is composed. These assumptions constitute the provisional hypothesis which I have called Pangenesis.”” Since the cells of the body are represented by gemmules within the germ- cells, Darwin’s theory is a theory of Preformation. .It explains the facts of the regeneration of lost parts by the assumptions that the gemmules of the part in question are disseminated throughout the body and have only to unite with the nascent cells at the point of new growth. Pangenesis explains reversion, since gemmules may lie dormant in one generation and develop in the next. It explains congenital variation, since the mixture of maternal and paternal gemmules is plainly different from the two kinds taken separately. It explains how acquired variations may become congenital, since an altered part throws off altered gemmules, and by the collocation of these in the germ-cells the alteration may be transmitted. It thus allows the transmission of acquired characters. | Darwin’s assumptions of gemmules and their behavior are pure assump- tions, for which subsequent investigation has not provided a basis of facts. As we have seen, also, the inheritance of acquired characters is greatly in doubt, and, if they are heritable at all, they can be so only comparatively feebly. Besides these objections it was early found that, with the increase of knowledge of the facts of heredity, it was necessary to modify very mate- rially the theory of Pangenesis. This has been ably done successively by 940 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Galton,! Brooks,” and de Vries? But neither the original theory nor its modifications have been generally accepted. ' Weismann’s Theory.—Since 1880, Professor Weismann * of Freiburg has published numerous essays upon heredity and allied subjects, in which, besides reviewing the views of others, he has developed in detail a new and elaborate theory of his own, that is the most ambitious attempt yet made to solve the problem of inheritance. In the course of their development Weismann’s ideas have undergone some modification. Their leading features are as follows : The essential hereditary substance, or germ-plasm, is the chromatin of the nucleus of the germ-cells. One of the fundamental tenets of Weismann’s system is expressed by his own phrase, “the continuity of germ-plasm.” By this is meant that the germ-plasm of one individual, instead of arising de novo in the individual by the collocation of multitudinous “gemmules” derived from the body-cells, originates directly from the germ-plasm of the parent, thence from that of the grandparent, and so on backward through all genera- tions to the origin of all germ-plasms that took place simultaneously with the origin of sex—germ-plasm is continuous from individual to individual along any one line of descent. Weismann draws a sharp line between germ-plasm and somatoplasm, or body-plasm, which latter comprises all protoplasm that the body contains except the germ-plasm. Germ-plasm once originated con- tinues from generation to generation ; somatoplasm develops anew in each gen- eration from germ-plasm by growth and differentiation, resulting in a loss of its specific germinal character. Germ-plasm is stable in composition ; somatoplasm is variable. Germ-plasm, being passed on from parent to offspring, is immortal ; somatoplasm dies when the individual dies. Weismann believes that “the germ-plasm possesses a fixed architecture, which has been transmitted histori- cally ” and which represents the parts of the future organism. It consists of material particles or hereditary units called determinants, each of which has a definite localized position within the germ-plasm. The determinants are sug- gestive of Darwin’s gemmules, yet they are not the same, for, while gemmules were supposed to represent individual cells, determinants are representatives of cells or groups of cells that are variable from the germ onward. Deter- minants consist of definite combinations of simpler units, or biophors, which are the smallest particles that can exhibit vital phenomena. Below biophors there come in order of simplicity of material structure the molecules and the atoms of the physicist. Above biophors and determinants Weismann finds it necessary to assume the existence of higher units, named in order ids and idants, the former being groups of determinants, and actually visible as granules of chromatin, the latter being the chromosomes of the nucleus. Each ' Francis Galton: “A Theory of Heredity,” Journal of the Anthropological Institute, 1875. ? W. K. Brooks: The Laws of Heredity, 1883. * H. de Vries: Die Intracelluléire Pangenesis, 1889. * August Weismann: Essays upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems, authorized translation, vol. i., 1889; vol. ii., 1892; The Germ-plasm, authorized translation, 1893; The Effect of External Influences upon Development, the Romanes Lecture, 1894. REPRODUCTION. 941 one of these various units is possessed of the fundamental vital properties of growth and multiplication by division. Such a complex system is Preforma- tion in an extreme form. In fertilization idants of the sperm join with idants of the ovum, and the resulting segmentation nucleus consists of a mixture of paternal and maternal determinants. Within this mixture there exist in a potential state the primary constituents of a considerable number of forms which the future individual may assume. In ontogeny, or development of the individual, these primary constituents take two paths: some of the ids remain inactive and enter the germ-cells of the embryo for the production of future generations ; other ids disintegrate into determinants, the determinants enter the embryonic cells that result from segmentation, and there themselves disintegrate and set free into the cytoplasm their constituent biophors ; thus they determine the future character of the cells of the organism. The division of primary constituents into those that shall remain latent and those that shall become active is effected largely by the stimulation of external influences ; hence, given several potential formations in the germ, external influences decide which one shall become the actual structure in the adult organism. Once set free and having become somatoplasm, neither the biophors nor the determinants are able to return to the germ-cells. In the adult, germ-plasm is never capable of reflecting in any way the characteristics of the somatoplasm which surrounds it on all sides. With its ancient ancestry it leads a charmed existence, largely independent of environmental changes. It follows that characters acquired by the adult are incapable of acquisition by the germ- plasm, and hence may not be transmitted. The non-inheritance of acquired characters is thus another of the fundamental tenets of Weismann’s theory, and one: about which he is most positive. If these two principles of continuity of stable germ-plasm and non-inheri- tance of acquired characters be true, why are not all individuals in any one line of descent exactly like each other? How is congenital variation possible ? In the first place, Weismann allows that germ-plasm, while eminently stable, is not absolutely so; it is subject to slight continual changes of composition resulting from inequalities in nutrition ; and “these very minute fluctuations, which are imperceptible to us, are the primary cause of the greater deviations in the determinants which we finally observe in the form of individual varia- tions.” The accumulation of minute deviations may be aided greatly by sex- ual reproduction, or, to use Weismann’s more exact term, which is equally applicable to the combination of sexual elements in sexual organisms and to the process of conjugation in the asexual forms, amphimixis. Given the in- finitesimal beginning of a variation, the mingling of two lines of descent, with different past surroundings, may be a most powerful factor in strengthening the deviation and bringing it into recognition as a new character. Moreover, natural selection becomes here also potent as soon as the variation has assumed sufficient proportions to be seized upon by this important factor of evolution. In cases of reversion Weismann supposes the determinants to remain inactive in the germ-plasm for one or more generations and later to develop. The 942 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. theory accounts for the regeneration of lost parts by the assumption that the cells in the vicinity of the wound, by the proliferation of which the new part grows, contain, besides the active determinants that have given them their specific character, other determinants that are latent until the opportunity for regeneration arrives. Some cells do not possess such latent determinants, and hence some parts of a body are incapable of reproducing lost parts. Such are the main features of Weismann’s theory—a germ-plasm of highly complex architecture and independent of somatoplasm ; continuity of germ- _ plasm and non-inheritance of acquired somatic characters tending to preserve the uniformity of the species; slight nutritional variation of germ-plasm and sexual reproduction tending to destroy that uniformity ; the result is inherited resemblance and congenital variation. ‘The theory is now being most actively discussed. | Theory of Epigenesis.—Among epigenesists no one theorp may be said to be pre-eminent. The main features of the epigenetic conception, already referred to, may be summarized as follows: The fertilized ovum is isotropous, z. e. all parts are essentially alike; germ-plasm probably consists of minute particles, but these particles do not represent definite cells or groups of cells of the adult; segmentation is a quantitative process; the early blastomeres are essentially alike, and any one of them, if isolated from the rest, may give rise to a whole organism, although under ordinary circumstances they react upon each other in bringing about the resultant individual; there is no predetermination, either in the germ-cells or in the segmenting ovum, of the ultimate form or function of the various constituent parts; morpho- logical differentiation and physiological specialization are phenomena of comparatively late embryonic life, and the prospective character of ‘any one cell, whether it is to be a muscle-cell, gland-cell, nerve-cell, or germ-cell, is determined by the influence of the surrounding cells and the surrounding physical and chemical conditions—“ the prospective character of each cell is a function of its location.” Extreme epigenetic views are not so numerous as those of preformation.! The more moderate thinkers of the present time recognize truth in both preformation and epigenesis, and are endeavoring by experimental methods to determine how much share in the production of the characteristics of the off- spring is to be ascribed to the original qualities of the germ-plasm and how much to the physical, chemical, and physiological phenomena of the immediate environment of the developing embryo. Such experimental work is per- formed at present upon the simpler and lower animals, mostly marine inverte- brates, and has reference to the effect of changes in the composition of the water surrounding the embryo, the effects of various salts, of changes in temperature, of pressure, of electricity, etc., ete. Such work is now in its infancy, but it is doubtless destined to yield results of the highest value in an understanding of the true nature of heredity. : ? The best statement of a moderate epigenetic theory is to be found in Zeit- und Streitfragen der Biologie: I. Préformation oder Epigenesis? . Hertwig, 1894. XIV. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. Introduction.—Living matter contains hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur, chlo- rine, fluorine, nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, silicon, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Abstraction of one of these elements means death to the organization. The compounds occurring in living matter may for the most part be isolated in the laboratory, but they do not then exhibit the prop- erties of animate matter. In the living cell the smallest particles of matter are arranged in such a manner that the phenomena of life are possible. Such an arrangement of materials is called protoplasm, and anything which disturbs this arrangement results in sickness or in death. Somatic death may result from physical shock to the cell; or it may be due to the inability of the cell or the organism to remove from itself poisonous products which are retained in _ ithe body so affecting the smallest particles that functional activity is impossible. Pure chemistry adds much to our knowledge of physiology, but it must always be remembered that the conditions present in the beaker glass are not the con- ditions present in the living cell, physical and chemical results being dependent on surrounding conditions ; hence the necessity and value of animal experimen- tation. From chemical changes, the physical activities, 7. e. the motions cha- racteristic of life, result. Hence the chemistry of protoplasm is the corner-stone of biology. The plan of this section is designed to consider the substances concerned in life in the order usually followed by chemical text-books. Tort Non-METALLIC ELEMENTS. Hyproeen, H = 1. This gas is found as a constant product of the putrefaction of animal matter, and is therefore present in the intestinal tract. It is found in the expired air of the rabbit and other herbivorous animals, and in traces in the ex- pired air of carnivorous animals, having first been absorbed by the blood from the intestinal tract. By far the greater amount of hydrogen in the animal and vegetable worlds, as well as in the world at large, occurs combined in the form of water, and it will be shown that the proteids, carbohydrates, and fats, characteristic of the organism, all contain hydrogen originally derived from water. In the atmosphere is found ammonia in traces, which holds hydrogen in combination, and this is a second source of hydrogen, especially for the con- struction of the proteid molecule. Preparation.—(1) Through the electrolysis of water, by which one volume } 943 944 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of oxygen is evolved on the positive pole and two volumes of hydrogen on the negative. aioe (2) Through the action of zine on sulphuric acid,’ Zn + H,SO, = ZnSO, + H,. (3) Through putrefaction (by which is understood the change effected in organic matter through certain lower organisms, bacteria) hydrogen is liberated in the intestinal canal from proteid matter, and especially from the fermenta- tion of carbohydrates : C,H,,0, = C,H,O, + 2CO, + 2H,. Sugar. Butyric acid. In putrefaction in the presence of oxygen the hydrogen formed immediately unites with oxygen, producing water; hence, notwithstanding the enormous amount of putrefaction in the world, there is no accumulation of hydrogen in the atmosphere. Both bacteria and an enzyme can liberate hydrogen by acting on calcium formate, Ca (CHO,), + H,O = CaCO, + CO, + 2H,, and this same reaction may be brought about by the action of metallic iridium, rhodium, or ruthenium on formic acid. An enzyme is a substance probably of proteid nature capa- ble of producing change in other substances without itself undergoing apparent change (example, pepsin). Bunge? calls attention to the fact that the above reaction may be brought about by living cells (bacteria), by an organic substance (enzyme), and by an inorganic metal. This similarity of action between organized and unorganized material, between living and dead substances, is shown more and more conspicuously as science advances. Properties—Hydrogen burns in the air, forming water, and if two volumes of hydrogen and one of oxygen be ignited, they unite with a loud explosion. Hydrogen will not support respiration, but, mixed with oxygen, may be respired, probably being dissolved in the fluids of the body as an inert gas, without effect upon the organism. Hydrogen may pass through the intes- tinal tissues into the blood-vessels, according to the laws of diffusion, in ex- change for some other gas, and may then be given off in the lungs. Nascent hydrogen—that is to say, hydrogen at the moment of generation—is a powerful reducing agent, uniting readily with oxygen (see p. 952). OxyGEN, O=16. Oxygen is found free in the atmosphere to the amount of about 21 per cent. by volume, and is found dissolved in water and chemically combined in arterial blood. It is swallowed with the food and may be present in the stom- ach, but it entirely disappears in the intestinal canal, being absorbed by respir- atory exchange through the mucous membrane. It occurs chemically com- bined with metals so that it forms one-half the weight of the earth’s crust ; it likewise occurs combined in water and in most of the materials forming animal and vegetable organisms. It is found in the blood in loose chemical ‘It is not within the scope of this work to give more than typical methods of laboratory preparation. For greater detail the reader is referred to works on general chemistry. Physiologische Chemie, 2d ed., 1889, p. 167. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. — 945 combination as oxyhzemoglobin. It is present dissolved in the saliva, so great is the amount of oxygen furnished by the blood to the salivary gland; it is, however, not found in the urine or in the bile. Preparation.—(1) Through the electrolysis of water (see Hydrogen). (2) By heating manganese dioxide with sulphuric acid, 2MnO, + H.SO, = 2MnSO, + 2H.0 + O,.. (3) By heating potassium chlorate, 7 2KCI1O, = 2KC1 + 30,. _ (4) By the action of a vacuum, or an atmosphere containing no oxygen, on a solution of oxyhemoglobin, Hb-O, = Hb + O,, This latter is the method occurring in the higher animals. Any oxygen present in a cell in the body-combines with the decomposition products formed there, consequently entailing in such a cell an oxygen vacuum, which now acts upon the oxyhzemoglobin of the blood-corpuscles in an adjacent capillary, dissociating it into oxygen and hemoglobin. (5) By the action of sunlight on the leaf of the plant, transforming the carbonic oxide and water of the air into sugar, and setting oxygen free, 6CO, + 6H,O = C,H,,0, + 60,. Properties.—All the elements except fluorine unite with oxygen, and the products are known as oxides, the process being called oxidation. It is usually accompanied by the evolution of energy in the form of heat, and often the energy liberated is sufficiently great to cause the production of light. The light of a candle comes from vibrating particles of carbon in the flame, which particles collect as lampblack on a cold plate. In pure oxygen combustion is more violent than in the air; thus, iron burns brilliantly in pure oxygen, while in damp air it is only very slowly converted into oxide (rust), This latter process is called slow combustion, and animal metabolism is in the nature of a slow combustion. In the burning candle has been noted the liberation of heat, and motion of the smallest particles: in the cell there is likewise oxidation, with dependent liberation of heat and motion of the smallest particles in virtue of which the cell is active. Phenomena of life are phenomena of motion, and the energy supplying this motion comes from chemical decomposition. The amount of oxidation in the animal is not increased in an atmosphere of pure oxygen, nor, within wide limits, is it affected by variations in atmospheric pressure, for oxygen is not the cause of decomposition. In putrefaction it is known that bacteria cause decomposition, and the products subsequently unite with oxygen. But the cause of the decomposition in the cell remains unsolved, it being only known that the decomposition-products after being formed unite with oxygen. So the quantity of oxygen absorbed by the body depends on the decomposition going on, not the decomposition on the absorption of oxygen. This distinction is fundamental (see further under Ozone and Peroxide: of Hydrogen). | 60 946 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. By reduction in its simplest sense is meant the removal of oxygen wholly or in part from the molecule, Example: reduced hemoglobin from oxy- hemoglobin, iron from oxide of iron (Fe,O;). Reduction may likewise be accomplished by simple addition of hydrogen to the molecule, or by the sub- stitution of hydrogen for oxygen. These two processes may be represented respectively by the reactions : : CH,CHO +H, =CH,CH,OH. - Ethyl aldehyde. Ethyl alcohol. CH,COOH + 2H, = CH,CH,OH + H,0. Acetic acid. Ethyl alcohol. Ozone, O,.—Ozone is a second form of oxygen possessing more active oxi- dizing properties than common oxygen. It is found in neighborhoods where large quantities of water evaporate, and after a thunder-storm. Preparation.—(1) An induction current in an oxygen atmosphere breaks up some of the molecules present into atoms of nascent or ‘‘active’’ oxygen —O—, the powerful affinities of whose free bonds enter into combination with oxygen, O=O to form Ad ozone, rite (2) Through the slow oxidation of phosphorus, P, + 3H,0 + 20, = 2H;PO,; + (—O—). (—O—) + O, = 03. (3) On the positive pole in the electrolysis of water. In each of the above cases ozone is formed by the action of nascent oxygen on oxygen. Properties.—Ozone is a colorless gas, hardly soluble in water, and having the peculiar smell noted in the air after thunder-storms. Ozone has powerful oxidizing properties due to its third unstable atom of oxygen, oxidizing silver, which oxygen of itself does not. But ozone is not as oxidizing as nascent or “active” oxygen, which may convert carbon monoxide into dioxide, and nitrogen into nitrous acid. Ozone cannot occur in the cell, as any nascent oxygen formed would naturally unite not with oxygen, but with the more readily oxidizable materials of the cell itself. Ozone acts on an alcoholic solu- tion of guaiacum, turning it blue; blood-corpuscles give the same reaction with guaiacum, hence it was thought that hemoglobin converted oxygen into ozone. However, this test is not a test for ozone, but for “active” atomic oxygen, which is produced from the ozone and in the decomposing blood-cor- puscle (see theory of Traube below, and that of Hoppe-Seyler under Peroxide of Hydrogen). Ozone converts oxyhemoglobin into methemoglobin. Theory of Traube as to the Cause of Oxidation in the Body.—Indigo-blue dissolved in a sugar-solution gives up oxygen in the atomic state for the oxida- tion of sugar, and the solution becomes white. If shaken in the air the blue coloration reappears, owing to the absorption of oxygen by the indigo. Hence indigo has the power of splitting oxygen into atoms, and acts as an “ oxygen- carrier” between the air and the sugar. Traube is of the opinion that an “oxygen-carrier” exists in the blood-corpuscles. Sugar is destroyed by stand- ing in fresh defibrinated blood; serum alone does not effect this, nor does a solution of oxyhzmoglobin, but it may take place in the extract obtained by THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY, ~ 947 the action of a 0.6 per cent. sodium-chloride solution on blood-corpuscles.! The action here has been described as that of catalysis, that is, an action in which some substance effects decomposition in another substance without per- manent change in itself. In this case the substance in the blood-corpuscle, whatever it may be, is defined as an “oxyyen-carrier,” taking molecules of oxygen from oxyhemoglobin and giving atomic oxygen for the oxidation of the sugar. Old turpentine is highly oxidizing. This action was once believed to be due to absorbed ozone. If old turpentine be mixed with water and filtered, the aqueous extract has the same properties, due to the fact that an oxidized product which is soluble in water, gives off, under favorable conditions, atomic oxygen.’ Detection.—Moist strips of filter-paper soaked in starch-paste containing potassium iodide turn blue when exposed to the action of ozone, due to the liberation of free iodine, which colors the starch: 2KI + H,O + 0, =2KOH + O, + 21. This liberation of iodine is likewise accomplished by chlorine, bromine, some nitrous oxides, and peroxide of hydrogen. Water, H,O.—Water is found on the earth in large quantities, and its vapor is a constant constituent of the atmosphere. It is a product of the combustion of animal matter, and occurs in expired air almost to the point of saturation. It is furthermore given off by the kidneys and by the skin. It is a necessary constituent of a living cell, and forms 67.6 per cent. of the weight of the human body (Moleschott). Removal of 5 to 6 per cent. of water from the body, as for example in cholera, causes the blood to become very viscid and to flow slowly, no urine is excreted, the nerves become excess- ively irritable, and violent convulsions result.’ Preparation.—(1) By passing an electric spark through a mixture of one volume of oxygen and two volumes of hydrogen. (2) By the combustion of a food—as, for example, _C,H,,0, + 120 = 6CO, + 6H,0. Sugar. (3) Distilled water is made in quantity by boiling ordinary water and condensing the vapors formed in another vessel. Properties.—W ater is an odorless, tasteless fluid of neutral reaction, colorless in small quantities, but bluish when seen in large masses. It is a bad conductor of heat and electricity. It conducts electricity better when it contains salts. It is nearly non-compressible and non-expansible; thus in plant-life, through evaporation on the surface of the leaf, sap is continuously attracted from the roots of the tree... The solvent properties of water give to. the blood many of its uses, soluble foods being carried to the tissues and soluble products of decomposition to the proper organs for elimination. When water is absorbed by any substance the process is called hydration, as an example of which may be cited the change of calcium oxide into 1 Read W. Spitzer : Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1895, Bd. 60, p. 307. 2 N. Kowalewsky: Centralblatt fiir die medicinische Wissenschaft, 1889, p. 113. 3 C. Voit: Hermann’s Handbuch, 1881, Bd. vi., 1, p. 349. 948 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. hydroxide when thrown into water. When a substance breaks down into simpler bodies through absorption of water the process is called hydrolysis or hydrolytic cleavage. ‘Thus cane-sugar may take up water and be resolved into a mixture of dextrose and levulose, which are called cleavage-products. So, likewise, starch and proteid are resolved into series of simpler bodies through hydrolytic cleavage—changes which take place in intestinal digestion. All forms of fermentation and putrefaction are characterized by hydrolysis (exam- ples, p. 944), and hence complete drying prevents such processes. Alcoholic, butyric, and lactic fermentation are apparent though not real exceptions to the above. Alcoholic fermentation, for example, is usually represented by the reaction, C,H,,0,=2C,H,OH + 2CO,, but the CO, is in fact united with water, and hence the true reaction should read, C.H,,0, + 2H,0 = 2C,H,OH + 2H,CO,. Sugar. _ Alcohol. Drinking-water contains salts and air dissolved, giving it an agreeable taste. One does not willingly take distilled water on account of its tastelessness. Drinking large quantities of water produces a slight increase in the decom- position of proteid in the body. Dry animal membranes and cells absorb water in quantities varying with the concentra- tion and the quality of salts in the solution in which they are suspended (Liebig). This is called imbibition. Membranes will absorb a solution of potassium salts in greater quantity than of sodium salts, and so the potassium salts are found predominating in the cells, the sodium salts in the fluids of the body. A blood-corpuscle treated with distilled water swells because it can hold more distilled water than it can salt-containing plasma. A cor- puscle placed in a 0.65 per cent. solution of sodium chloride (the physiological salt-solution) remains unchanged, for this corresponds in concentration to the plasma of the blood. If the corpuscle be placed in a strong solution of a salt it shrivels, because it cannot hold as much of that solution as it can one having the strength of the salts of the plasma. Oysters are often planted at the mouths of fresh-water rivers, since they imbibe more of the weaker solution and appear fatter. If salt be placed on meat and left to itself, a brine is formed around the meat, not on account of the hygroscopic properties of the salt, but because salt penetrates the tissues, which can then hold less water than they could before, and so water is forced out from the meat. é Different bodies require different quantities of heat to warm them to the same extent. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of water is greater than that for any other substance. A calorie or heat-unit is the amount of heat required to raise 1 cubic centimeter of water from 0° to 1° C. The specific heat of the human body—that is, the amount of heat required to raise 1 gram 1° C.—is about 0.8 that of water. On the trans- formation of a substance from the solid to the liquid state, a certain amount of heat is absorbed, known as latent heat. To melt 1 gram of ice producing 1 gram of water at 0°, 79 calories are required, or sufficient to raise 1 gram of water from 0° to 79°. Upon the basis of these facts a determination may be made by means of the ice-calorimeter of the number of heat-units produced in the combustion. For example, 1 gram of sugar (dex- trose) burned in an ice-chamber, melts 49.86 grams of ice. Since each gram required 79 calories to melt it, 3939 calories must have been produced altogether. If 1 gram of sugar be burned in the body, the heat produced is identically the same, and may be meas- ured with great accuracy.! In the transformation of water at 100° to steam at 100° there is a further absorption of © 1M. Rubner: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1893, Bd. 30, p. 73. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. .— 949 heat, the latent heat of steam. For 1 gram of water this absorption amounts to 536.5 calories. This property of water is of great value to life, for through the heat absorbed in the evaporation of sweat the temperature of the body is in part regulated. Peroxide of Hydrogen, H,O,, is found in very small quantities in the air, in rain, snow, and sleet, and where there is oxidation of organic matter. Preparation.—(1) By the action of sulphuric acid on peroxide of barium, BaO, + H,S80, =BaSO, + H,0,. (2) Peroxide of hydrogen is a product of the oxidation of phosphorus, and generally exists wherever ozone is produced. (3) Peroxide of hydrogen exists wherever nascent hydrogen acts on oxygen. It is therefore found mixed with hydrogen evolved at the negative pole in the electrolysis of water. This action happens in putrefaction, where the nascent hydrogen unites with any oxygen present, and the resulting H,O, strongly oxidizes the organic matter through the free —O— atom liberated.’ Properties.—Peroxide of hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, bitter-tasting fluid, which decomposes slowly at 20° F., and with great violence at higher temperatures. It oxidizes where ordinary oxygen is ineffective ; it is a powerful bleaching agent, and is used to produce blonde hair. It destroys bacteria. Blood- corpuscles brought into a solution of H,O, bring about its rapid decomposition into water and atomic oxygen, whereby oxygen is evolved and oxyhemoglobin is converted into methemoglobin. If oxyhemoglobin be brought into a putrefying fluid, the nascent hydrogen withdraws oxygen from combination to form H,O,, and then the atomic oxygen reacts on hemoglobin to form methemoglobin.2? The formula for the peroxide is probably H—O—O—H. In certain cases peroxide of hydrogen has a reducing action. Theory of Hoppe-Seyler* to account for the Oxidation in the Body.—This maintains that, as in putrefaction, hydrogen is produced in the decomposition of the cell, and acting on the oxygen present converts it into peroxide with its unstable atom, which then splits off as active oxygen and effects the oxida- tion of the substances in the cell. This theory is easier to reconcile with the fact that oxidation is dependent on the amount of decomposition (see p. 945) than is the theory of Traube. Detection.—Solutions of H,O, do not liberate iodine from potassium iodide imme- diately, but only on the addition of blood-corpuscles or of ferrous sulphate, which cause liberation of —O—, and then any starch present may be colored blue (see p. 947). Guaiacum is not affected by H,O, unless blood-corpuscles or ferrous sulphate be added which make the oxygen attive. SULPHUR, S = 32. Sulphur is built in the proteid molecule of the plant from the sulphates taken from the ground. It is found in albuminoids, especially in keratin. As taurin it occurs in muscle and in bile, as iron and alkaline sulphide in the 1 Hoppe-Seyler: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1878, Bd. 2, p. 22. * Hoppe-Seyler, Op. cit., p. 26. 3 Pfliiger’s Archiv, Bd. 12, p. 16, 1876. See also Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, Bad. 22, p. 2215. 950 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. feces, as sulphuretted hydrogen in the intestinal gas, as sulphate and other unknown compounds in the urine. Detection.—If a sulphur compound be fused with sodium carbonate on charcoal, the sulphur will be reduced to sodium sulphide. The melted mass if placed with a drop of water on a silver coin leaves a black spot of silver sulphide. Sulphuretted Hydrogen, H,S.—This gas is found in the intestines, and pathologically in the urine. | 5 Preparation.—(1) Action of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid on ferrous eae FeS + H,SO,=FeS0,+H,8. This same reaction takes place by treating feces (which contain FeS) with acid. (2) From the putrefaction of proteids, and by boiling proteid with mineral acid. Properties.—Sulphuretted hydrogen unites readily with the alkalies and with iron salts, forming sulphide; hence little H,S is found in the intestinal tract. It is a strong poison when respired. It has been shown in frogs to enter into combination with oxyhemoglobin to form sulph-hemoglobin, and likewise rapidly kills the nerves." Sulphuretted hydrogen diluted with hydrogen and introduced into the rectum of a dog produces symptoms of poisoning in one to two minutes (Planer). It has an offensive odor similar to foul eggs. | Detection.—If a piece of filter-paper soaked in acetate of lead be brought in contact with H,S, it turns black, owing to the formation of sulphide of lead (PbS). Soluble sul- phides in alkaline solution give with sodium nitro-prussiate, Na,Fe(CN);NO + 2H,0, an intense violet color, given also by acetone and aceto-acetic acid. Sulphurous Acid, H,SO;.—This acid has been found in the urine of cats and dogs, and has been detected by Striimpell in human urine in a case of typhoid fever. Sulphuric Acid, H,SO,.—This acid is found in the urine in combination with alkali (preformed sulphate), and with indol, skatol, cresol, and phenol (ethereal sulphates). It is found in the saliva of various gastropods. Preparation.—(1) By oxidation of sulphur with nitric acid, S + 2HNO, = H,80, + 2NO. (2) By oxidation of sulphur-containing proteid. Properties.—Sulphuric acid is a very powerful acid. It is produced in the body by the burning of the proteids (which contain 0.5 to 1.5 per cent. S), 80 per cent. or more being oxidized to acid, while the remainder appears in the urine in the unoxidized condition termed neutral sulphur. When proteid, fat, and starch free from ash is fed to dogs, they live only half as long as they would were they starving,’ for, according to Bunge,* the sulphuric acid formed abstracts necessary salts from the tissue. (For further discussion of this see pp. 956 and 969), : Detection.—If 100 cubic centimeters of urine be treated with 5 cubic centimeters of * Harnack : Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1894, Bd. 34, p. 156. * J. Foster: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1873, Bd. 9, p. 297. * Physiologische Chemie, 2d ed., 1889, p. 104. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. . 951 hydrochloric acid and barium chloride be added, the preformed sulphuric acid is precip- itated as barium sulphate (BaSQO,), which may be washed, dried, and weighed. If 100 cubic centimeters of urine be mixed with an equal volume of a solution containing barium chloride and hydrate, filtered, and one-half the filtrate (50 cubic centimeters of urine, now free of preformed sulphate) be strongly acidified with hydrochloric acid and boiled, the ethereal sulphates will be broken up, and the resulting precipitate of barium sulphate will '. eorrespond to the ethereal sulphuric acid. To determine the neutral sulphur, evaporate the urine to dryness, fuse the residue with potassium nitrate (KNO,), which oxidizes all the sulphur to sulphate, take up with water and hydrochloric acid, add barium chloride, and the precipitate (BaSO,) represents the total sulphur present. Deduct the amount belonging to sulphuric acid, previously determined, and the remainder represents the neutral sulphur. METABOLISM OF SuULPHUR.—The total amount of sulphur in the urine runs proportionally parallel with the amount of nitrogen; that is to say, the amount is proportional to the amount of proteid destroyed. The amount of ethereal sulphate is dependent upon the putrefactive production of indol, skatol, phenol, and cresol in the intestinal canal, which on absorption form a synthetical combination with the traces of sulphate in the blood. Concerning neutral sulphur it is known that taurin is one source of it. If taurin be fed directly, the amount of neutral sulphur in the urine increases (Salkowski), and in a dog with a biliary fistula the neutral sulphur decreases but does not en- tirely disappear.’ In a well-fed dog with a biliary fistula Voit? found the quantity of sulphur in the bile to be about 10 to 13 per cent. of that in the urine. ‘This biliary sulphur (taurin) is normally reabsorbed, as the quantity of sulphur in the feces (eS, Na,S) is small and derived principally from pro- teid putrefaction. The amount of neutral sulphur in the urine is greatest under a meat diet, least when fat or gelatin is fed; the sulphur of gelatin burns apparently to sulphuric acid.* The neutral sulphur of the urine includes potassium sulphocyanide (originally derived from the saliva), likewise a sub- stance which on treatment with calcium hydrate yields ethyl sulphide, (C,H,).S,* and there are present other unknown compounds. When an animal eats proteid and neither gains nor loses the same in his body, the amount of sulphur ingested is equal to the sum of that found in the urine and feces. If sulphur be eaten it partially appears as sulphate in the urine. Sulphates eaten pass out through the urine. They play no part in the life of the cell. CHLORINE, Cl = 35.5. Free chlorine is not found in the organization, and when breathed it vigor- ously attacks the respiratory mucous membranes. Chlorine is found combined in the body as sodium, potassium, and calcium chloride, as hydrochloric acid, and it is said to beldng to the constitution of pepsin.’ 1 Kunkel: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1877, Bd. 14, p. 353. 2 Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1894, Bd. 30, p. 554. 3 Voit, Op. cit., p. 537. J.J. Abel: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1894, Bd. 20, p. 253. 5 E. O. Schoumow-Simanowski: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1894, Bd. 33, p. 336. 952 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Hydrochloric Acid, HCl, is found to a small extent in the gastric juice. Preparation.—(1) If sunlight acts on a mixture of equal volumes of chlorine and hydrogen, they unite with a loud explosion. (2) By the action of strong sulphuric acid on common salt, 2NaCl + H,SO,= Na,SO,+ 2HCI. (3) By the action of primary acid phosphate of sodium on common salt, NaH,PO, + NaCl = Na,HPO, + HCl. | This, according to Maly, represents the process in the cells of the gastric glands. Properties.—Hydrochloric acid readily unites with most metals, forming chlorides. It causes a gelatinization of the proteids and seems to unite with them chemically. Such gelatinization is a necessary forerunner of peptic di- gestion. ‘The cleavage products of peptic digestion (peptones, proteoses, etc.) combine with more hydrochloric acid than the original more complex proteid.' Hydrochloric acid of the strength of the gastric juice (0.2 per cent.) inverts cane-sugar at the temperature of the body, and ‘inhibits the action of bacteria. Hydrochloric acid is indisputably derived from decomposition of chlorides in the secreting cells of the stomach. It has been shown that the excretion of common salt in the urine is decreased during those hours that the stomach is active, while the alkalinity of the urine increases. If, in a dog with a gastric fistula, the mucous membrane of the stomach be stimulated and the gastric juice be removed as soon as formed, the urine becomes strongly alkaline with sodium carbonate (the excess of Na liberated taking this form) while the chlo- rides may entirely disappear from the urine? Respiration in an atmosphere containing 0.5 per cent. HCl gas becomes very uncomfortable after twelve minutes.® Detection.—Hydrochloric acid and the chlorides give with silver nitrate a white precipi- tate of silver chloride, insoluble in nitric acid, very soluble in ammonia. If the bases (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe) of gastric juice and then the acid radicals (Cl and P,O,;) be deter- mined, after uniting by calculation phosphoric anhydride with the proper bases, then chlo- rine with the rest of the bases, there still remains an excess of chlorine which could only have belonged to hydrochloric acid present. To detect free hydrochloric acid, put three or four drops of a saturated alcoholic solution of tropzeolin 00 in a small white porcelain cover, add to this an equal quantity of gastric juice, evaporate slowly, and the presence of hydrochloric acid is shown by a beautiful violet color, not given by any organic acid.‘ Giinzburg’s reagent consisting of phloroglucin and vanillin in alcoholic solution, warmed (as above) with gastric juice containing free hydrochloric acid, gives a carmine-red mirror on the porcelain, not given by an organic acid.® CHLORINE IN THE BODY is ingested as chloride, and leaves the body as such, principally in the urine, likewise through the sweat and tears, and in. traces in the feces. ? Chittenden: Cartwright Lectures on Digestive Proteolysis, 1895, p. 52. * E. O. Schoumow-Simanowski: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie wnd Pharmakologie, 1894, Bd. 33, p. 336. * Lehmann: Archiv fiir Hygiene, Bd. 5, p. 1. * Boas: Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift, 1887, No. 39. ® Giinzburg : Centralblatt fiir klinische Medicin, 1887, No. 40. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. ~ 953 BroMineE, Br = 80. Salts of bromine are found in marine plants and animals, but their physiological im- portance has not been established. Bromine is a fluid of intensely disagreeable odor, whose vapors strongly attack the skin, turning it brown, and likewise the mucous mem- branes of the respiratory passages. Hydrobromic Acid, HBr, may be prepared by the action of water on phosphorus tribromid ribromide;, PBr, + 3H,O = 3HBr + H,PO,. It is a colorless gas of penetrating odor. If sodium bromide be given to a dog in the place of sodium chloride, fifty per cent. and more of the hydrochloric acid may be sup- planted by hydrobromic acid in the gastric juice.’ lopIngz, I = 127. Like bromine, the salts of iodine are found in many marine plants and animals, espe- cially in the alge. It is found in the thyroid gland. [odine is prepared in metallic-looking plates, almost insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol (tincture of iodine). Iodine is still more strongly corrosive in its action on animal tissue than is chlorine or bromine, and is an antiseptic and disinfectant. A slight trace of free iodine turns starch blue. Hydriodic Acid, HI, is prepared like hydrobromic acid, by the action of water on tri-iodide of phosphorus. An aqueous solution of hydriodic acid introduced into the stomach is absorbed, and shortly afterward iodine, as alkaline iodide, may be detected in the urine. On administration of sodium sari to a we with his food, only very little hydriodic acid appears in the gastric juice.’ CIRCULATION IN THE Bopy.—lIodine or iodides given are rapidly eliminated in the urine, in smaller amounts in saliva, gastric juice, sweat, milk, ete. It is noticed that for weeks after the administration of the last dose of potassium iodide, traces of iodine are found in the saliva, and none in the urine. The explanation lies in the presumption that iodine has been united with proteid to a certain extent, and appears in such secretions as saliva, which contains materials derived from proteid through glandular manufacture.® A similar explanation avails in the case of Drechsel’s* discovery that, in patients who have been treated with iodides, iodine may be detected in the hair (the keratin of hair being derived from other proteid bodies.) Baumann® has recently announced the dis- covery of an organic compound of iodine occurring in the thyroid gland and containing as much as 9.3 per cent. of iodine. This thyro-iodin is the effective principle, or at least one of the effective principles, of the thyroid gland. Whether free iodine or hydriodic acid is liberated in the tissues from ingested iodides is a disputed point. FLUORINE, F = 19. Fluorine is. found in the bones and teeth, in muscle, brain, blood, and in all investigated tissues of the body, though in small quantities. In one liter of milk 0.0003 gram of fluorine have been detected.” Fluorine is found in plants, and in soil without fluorine plants do not flourish. It seems to be a necessary constituent of protoplasm. Free fluorine is a gas which cannot be preserved, as it unites with any vessel in which it is prepared. 1 Nencki and Schoumow-Simanowski: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1895, Bd. 34, p. 320. ? Nencki and Schoumow-Simanowski, loc. cit. 3 Schmiedeberg: Grundriss z Arzneimittellehre, 2d ed., 1888, p. 197. * Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 1896, Bd. 9, p. 704. 5 Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1895, Bd. 21, p. 319. 6 See Drechsel: Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 1896, Bd. 9, p. 705. ™G. Tammann: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1888, Bd. 12, p. 322. 954 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Hydrofluoric Acid, HF, is prepared by heating a fluoride with concentrated sul- phuric acid, in a platinum or lead dish, CaF, + H,SO, = CaSO, + 2HF. Properties. —Hydrofluoric acid is a colorless gas, so powerfully corrosive that breathing its fumes results fatally. Its aqueous solutions are stable, but can be kept only in vessels of platinum, gold, lead, or india-rubber. It etches glass, uniting to form volatile silicon fluoride, SiO, + 4HF = Sif, + 2H,0. Detection.—If silicon be absent from the substance to be tested, the above reaction may be used, and if the glass be etched, after treating the substance with sulphuric acid, fluorine is present. In the organism silicon is found, and the method of detection is different. The principle of the method depends on the fact that Sif’, in contact with water forms. silicic acid (H,SiO,), and hydrofluor-silicic acid (H,SiF,). If the ash of the organ be mixed with powdered silica (SiO,), transferred to a flask, mixed with concentrated sul- phuric acid, then heated, and if a current of dry air remove the Sil’, from the flask through a tube into water, the slightest trace of fluorine is proven by the appearance- of a whitish cloud of silicic acid at that part of the tube where Sif, first comes in con- tact with moisture. This may be noted when 0.0001 gram of fluorine is present.’ CIRCULATION IN THE Bopy.—Tappeiner and Brandl? have shown, on feeding sodium fluoride (NaF) to a dog in doses varying between 0.1 and — 1 gram daily, that the fluorine fed was not all recoverable in the urine and feces, but was partially stored in the body. On subsequently killing the dog, fluorine was found in all the organs investigated, and was especially found in the dry skeletal ash to the extent of 5.19 per cent. reckoned as sodium fluoride. From the microscopic appearance of the crystals seen deposited in the bone, the presence of calcium fluoride was concluded. In this form it normally occurs. in bones and teeth, Nitrogen, N = 14. Free nitrogen constitutes 79 per cent. of the volume of atmospheric air. It. is found dissolved in the fluids and tissues of the body to about the same extent: as distilled water would dissolve it. It is swallowed with the food, may par- tially diffuse through the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract, but forms. a considerable constituent of any final intestinal gas. It is found in the atmos- phere combined as ammonium nitrate and nitrite, which are useful in furnish- ing the roots of the plant with material from which to build up proteid. Bacteria upon the roots of certain vegetables combine and assimilate the free nitrogen. of the air (Hellriegel and Willforth). Cultures of alge do the same.* Preparation.—(1) By abstraction of oxygen from air through burning phosphorus in a bell jar over water, pentoxide of phosphorus being formed, which dissolves in the water and almost pure nitrogen remains. (2) By heating nitrite of ammonium, NH,NO, = 2N + 2H,0. : Properties. —Nitrogen is especially distinguished by the absence of chemical affinity for other elements. It does not support combustion, and in it both a 1 Tammann, loc. cit. Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1892, Bd. 28, p. 518. * P. Kossowitch: Botanische Zeitung, 1894, J ahrg. 50, p. 97. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 955 flame and animal life are extinguished, owing to lack of oxygen. It acts as a diluent of atmospheric oxygen, thereby retarding combustion, but on —— animal life it is certainly without direct influence. Ammonia, N Hy, 1 is found in the atmosphere as nitrate and nitrite to the extent of one part in one million. It is found in the urine in small quantities, is a constant product of the putrefaction of animal matter, and is a product of trypsin proteolysis. _Preparation.—(1) Through the action of nascent hydrogen on nascent nitrogen. This may be brought about by dissolving zinc in nitric acid, 3Zn + 6HNO, = 3Zn(NO,), + 6H. 10H + 2HNO, = 6H,O + 2N. N + 3H = NH,. Ammonia is produced in a similar way in the dry distillation of nitro- genous organic substances in absence of oxygen, being therefore a by-product in the manufacture of coal-gas. In putrefaction nascent hydrogen acts on nascent nitrogen, producing ammonia, which in the presence of oxygen becomes oxidized to nitrate and nitrite, or in the presence of carbonic oxide is con- verted into ammonium carbonate. Ammonium nitrite is likewise formed on burning a nitrogenous body in the air, in the evaporation of water, and on the discharge of electricity in moist air, 2N + 2H,O = NH,NO,. At the same time a small amount of nitrate is formed in the above three processes, 2N + 2H,0O + O= NH,NO,,. Hence these substances find their way into every water and soil, and furnish nitrogen to the plant. The value of decaying organic matter as a fertilizer is likewise obvious. Properties —Ammonia is a colorless gas of pungent odor. It readily dis- solves in water and in acids, entering into chemical combination, the radical NH, appearing to act like a metal with properties like the alkalies, and its salts will be described with them. Very small amounts of ammonia instantly kill a nerve, but upon muscular substance it acts first as a stimulant, provok- ing contractions. Detection.—On warming an ammonium salt with sodium hydrate, ammonia is set free, recognizable by its smell, by the fact that it turns turmeric paper brown, and that even in smallest traces it gives a yellow coloration, or, in greater amounts, a reddish precipitate in Nessler’s reagent (mercuric iodide dis- solved in potassium iodide and potassium hydrate), AMMONIA IN THE Bopy.—If it be agreed with Hoppe-Seyler that normal decomposition in the tissues is analogous to putrefaction, then nascent hydrogen acting on nascent nitrogen in the cell produces ammonia, which in the presence of carbonic acid becomes ammonium carbonate, and in turn may be converted into urea by the liver. If acids (HCl) be fed to carnivora (dogs) the amount 956 - AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of ammonia present in the urine is increased, which indicates that an amount of ammonia usually converted into urea has been taken for the neutralization of the acid In a similar manner acids formed from decomposing proteid may be neutralized (see pp. 950 and 993). The ammoniacal fermentation of the urine consists in the decomposition of urea into ammonium carbonate by the micrococcus urine, the urine becoming alkaline. Compounds of Nitrogen with Oxygen.—There are various oxides of nitrogen, the higher ones being powerfully corrosive, and some of these unite with water to form acids, of which nitric acid (HNO,) is the strongest. Only nitrous and nitric oxides are of physi- ological interest. Nitrous Oxide, N,O, likewise called ‘‘laughing-gas,”’ is prepared by heating ammo- nium nitrate NH,NO, =N,0 + 2H,0. It supports ordinary combustion almost as well as pure oxygen, but it will not sustain life. Mixed with oxygen it may be respired, producing a state of unconsciousness preceded by hysterical laughter. | Nitric Oxide, NO, is prepared by dissolving copper in nitric acid, 3Cu+ 8HNO, = 3Cu(NO,), + 4H,O + 2NO. Contact with oxygen converts it into peroxide of nitrogen (NO,), which is an irritating irrespirable gas of reddish color. Nitric oxide in blood first unites with the oxygen of oxyhzemoglobin, forming the peroxide (NO,), and then the nitric oxide combines with hzemoglobin, forming a highly stable compound, nitric-oxide hemoglobin (Hb-NQ). NITROGEN IN THE Bopy.—Nitrogen is taken into the body combined in the great group of proteid substances, which are normally completely absorbed by the intestinal tract. It passes from the body in the form of simple decom- position-products, in larger part through the urine, but likewise through the juices which pour into the intestinal canal. The unabsorbed residues of these latter juices, mixed with intestinal epithelia constitute in greater part the feces.’ An almost insignificant amount of nitrogen is further lost to the body through the hair, nails, and epidermis, but, generally speaking, the sum of the nitrogen in the urine and feces corresponds to the proteid decomposition for the same time (1 gram N=6.25 grams proteid). When the nitrogen of the proteid eaten is equal in quantity to the sum of that in the urine and feces, the body is said to be in nitrogenous equilibrium. . When the ingested nitrogen has been larger than that given off, proteid has been added to the substance of the body ; when smaller, proteid has been lost. These propositions were established by Carl Voit. A small amount of urea and other nitrogenous substances may be exéreted in profuse sweating. Proteid nitrogen never leaves the body in the form of free nitrogen or of ammonia. That ammonia is not given off by the lungs may be demonstrated by perform-’ ing tracheotomy on a rabbit, and passing the expired air first through pure potassium hydrate (to absorb CO,) and then through Nessler’s reagent. The experiment may be continued for hours with negative result.® ; Fr. Walther: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1877, Bd. 7, p. 164. * Menichanti and Prausnitz: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1894, Bd. 30, p. 353. * Bach]: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1869, Bd. 5, p. 61. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY.: 957 PHospHorvs, P =:32. Phosphorus is found combined as phosphate in the soil; it is necessary to the development of plants. As phosphate it is present in large quantity in the bones, and is found also in all the cells, tissues, and fluids of the body, probably in loose chemical combination with the proteid molecule. It is pres- ent in nuclein, protagon, and lecithin. Preparation.—Phosphorus was first prepared by igniting evaporated urine, 3NaH,PO,+ 5C = 3H,0 + 5CO + 2P + Na,PO,. In a similar way it may be obtained by chemical treatment of bones. The vapors of phosphorus may be condensed by passing them under water, where at a temperature of 44, 4° it melts and may be cast into sticks. Properties.—Phosphorus is a yellow, crystalline substance, soluble in oils and carbon disulphide. It is insoluble in water, in which it is kept, since in moist air it gives off a feeble glowing light, accompanied by white fumes of phosphorous acid (H,;PO,) and small amounts of ammonium nitrate, peroxide of hydrogen, and ozone, to which latter the peculiar odor is ascribed. Phosphorus ignites spontaneously at a temperature of 60°, and this may be produced by mere handling, the resulting burns being severe and dangerous. This form of phosphorus is poisonous, but if it be heated to 250° in a neutral gas (nitrogen) it is changed into red phosphorus, which has different properties and is not poisonous. _ Phosphorus-poisoning.—On injecting phosphorus dissolved in oil into the jugular vein, embolisms are produced by the oil in the capillaries of the lungs, the expired air contains fumes of phosphorous acid, and the lungs glow when eut out (Magendie). If the phosphorus oil be injected in the form of a fine emulsion, embolism is avoided,' and the fine particles of phosphorus are generally distributed throughout the circulation. On autopsy of a rabbit after such injec- tion in the femoral vein, all the organs and blood-vessels glow on exposure to the air.?_ If two portions of arterial blood be taken, and one of them be mixed with phosphorus oil, and they be let stand, both portions become venous in the same time.* Hence phosphorus in blood, as in water, is not readily oxidized. Persons breathing vapor of phosphorus acquire phosphorus-poisoning. What the direct action of phosphorus is, is unknown, but the results are most inter- esting. To understand the results it must be made clear that proteid in decom- posing in the body splits up into a nitrogeneous portion which finds its exit through the urine and feces, and a non-nitrogenous portion which is resolved into carbonic oxide and water, just as are the sugars and the fats. This car- bonic acid is given off, for the most part, through the lungs. Now if a starv- ing dog, which lives on his own flesh and fat, be poisoned with phosphorus, the proteid decomposition as indicated by the nitrogen in the urine is largely increased, while the amount of carbonic acid given off and oxygen absorbed are largely decreased ; on post-mortem examination the organs are found to contain excessive quantities of fat. We have here presumptive evidence that a part of the proteid molecule usually completely oxidized has not been burned, 1 L, Hermann: Pfliger’s Archiv, 1870, Bd. 3, p. 1. 2H. Meyer: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1881, Bd. 14, p. 327. 3 Meyer, Op. cit., p. 329. 958 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. but has been converted into fat.! Similar results are characteristic of arsenic and antimony poisoning, and of yellow atrophy of the liver. Detection.—If any organ containing phosphorus be boiled with water in a flask with a long upright tube, a ring of luminous phosphorus will condense at a certain point of the tube. Compounds of Phosphorus with Oxygen.—Of these compounds three oxides and several acids exist, but only meta- and orthophosphoric acid need attention here. Phosphorus Peroxide, P,O,, is a white powder, which rapidly absorbs moisture; it is produced by burning phosphorus in dry air. Metaphosphoric Acid, HPO,, is said to occur combined in nuclein, Preparation.—(1) By dissolving P.O, in cold water, P,O, + H,O = 2HPO,. (2) By fusing phosphoric acid, H,PO, = HPO, + H,O. It is converted slowly in the cold, rapidly on heating, into phosphoric acid. Crystalline it forms ordinary glacial phosphoric acid. Metaphosphoric acid precipitates proteid from solution, yielding a body having the properties of — nuclein,? but this has been denied.’ yes Orthophosphoric Acid, H,PO,—Salts of this acid constitute all the in- organic compounds of phosphorus in the body, and are called phosphates. Preparation.—{1) By heating solutions of metaphosphorie acid, HPO, -+ H,O=H,PQ, (2) By treating bone-ash with sulphuric acid, Ca,(PO,), + 3H,SO, = 3CaSO, + 2H,PO,,. Properties.—On evaporation of the liquors obtained above, the acid separates in color- less hygroscopic crystals. Phosphoric acid forms different salts according as one, two, or three atoms of hydrogen are supplanted by a metal. Thus there exist primary sodium or calcium phosphates, NaH,PO, and Ca< HPO the secondary phosphates, Na, HPO, and CaHPO,; and the tertiary phosphates, Na,PO, and Ca,(PO,)... On account of their reaction to litmus these salts have been falsely called acid, neutral, and basic, but the secondary salts are, chemically speaking, acid salts, The bones contain a large quantity of tertiary phosphate of calcium; the fluids and cells of the body contain likewise the primary and secondary phos- phates, while to primary sodium phosphate carnivorous urine mainly owes its acid reaction. | In speaking of the ash of protoplasm, Nencki ¢ advocates the idea of separate combinations of the base and acid radicles with the proteid molecule, as, for ‘J. Bauer: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1871, Bd. 7, p. 63. ? L. Liebermann: Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 22, p. 598. * Salkowski: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1094, Ba. 59, p. 245. * Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1894, Bd, 34, p. 334. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. . 959 example, the separate union of potassium with proteid and of phosphoric acid with proteid, in the functionally active cell. However combined, phosphoric acid is necessary for the organism. Detection.—A solution of phosphate treated with a magnesium salt dissolved in am- monia containing ammonium chloride, gives a fine crystalline precipitate of magnesium- ammonium phosphate, which on ignition loses ammonia and is converted into magnesium pyrophosphate. PHOSPHORUS IN THE Bopy.—The principal source of supply is derived from the phosphates of the alkalies and alkaline earths in the foods; it may be absorbed in organic combinations in nuclein, casein, and caseoses ; and it may further be absorbed as glycerin phosphoric acid, which is an intestinal decompo- sition product of lecithin’ and probably also of protagon. Phosphorus leaves the body almost entirely in the form of inorganic phosphate, the only exception being glycerin phosphoric acid, which has been detected in traces in the urine, In man and earnivora the soluble primary and secondary phosphates of the alkalies are found in the urine, together with much smaller amounts of the less soluble primary and secondary phosphates of the alkaline earths. There is likewise, even during hunger, a continuous excretion of tertiary phosphate of calcium, magnesium, and iron in the intestinal tract. In herbivora the ex- cretion is normally into the intestinal tract, and no phosphates occur in the urine. This is because herbivora eat large quantities of calcium salts which bind the phosphate in the blood, and they likewise eat organic salts of the alkalies, which become converted into carbonate and appear in the urine as acid carbonates; such a urine has no solvent action on calcium phosphate.” In a similar manner a great reduction of phosphate in the urine of man may be effected by feeding alkaline citrate and calcium carbonate, the first to furnish the more alkaline reaction to blood and urine, the second to bind the phosphate in the blood. The more alkaline reaction itself is insufficient to prevent the appearance of phosphates in the urine.* On the other hand, starving herbiv- ora, or herbivora fed with animal food, give urines acid from primary phos- phate.* Excreted phosphates may be originally derived from the phosphates of the bones, or from phosphates arising from the oxidation of nuclein, protagon, and lecithin, but by far the greater quantity is derived from the food, or from pro- teid metabolism. Ina starving dog, which feeds on its own proteid, it was found that a ratio existed between nitrogen and phosphoric acid in the urine as 6.4:1, which approximates that in muscle, 7. e. 7.6:1. On feeding meat till nitrogenous equilibrium was established, the ratio became 8.1:1.5 On addi- tion of proteid to the body, a proportionate amount of phosphoric acid is re- tained for the new protoplasm, while on destruction of proteid the phosphoric acid corresponding to it is eliminated. The larger excretion of phosphoric acid 1 Békay: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1877-78, Bd. 1, p. 157. 2 J. Bertram: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1878, Bd. 14, p. 354. 3 Op. cit., p. 354. * Weiske: Ibid., 1872, Bd. 8, p. 246. 5 KE. Bischoff: Ibid., 1867, Bd. 3, p. 309. 960 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. during hunger shown in the ratio above, has been ascribed to the decomposi- tion of the bones.! Thus Munk found on Cetti, who lived many days without food, a ratio as low as 4.5:1. In starvation the brain and nerves do not decrease in weight, so the protagon can hardly yield any great amount of phos- phorie acid (Voit). Casein and other nucleo-albumins, when fed, are oxidized and furnish phosphoric acid for the urine. Carzon, C= 12: This element is found combined in every organism, and in many decom- position-products of organized matter. Elementary carbon occurs as lamp- black, diamond, and graphite, the two latter having their origin from the action of high heat on coal. Carbon occurs combined in coal, petroleum, and natural gas, which are all products of the decomposition of wood out of contact with the air. Further it is found in vast masses, principally consisting of calcium car- bonate, having their origin from sea-shells. The maintenance of life depends, as will be shown, on the small percentage of carbon dioxide which is contained in the atmosphere. Lavoisier believed that compounds of carbon were all products of life, formed under the influence of a “vital force,” which was a property of the cell. It is now known that almost every constituent of the cell may be prepared from its elements in the laboratory without the aid of any “ vital force”? whatever. Notwithstanding its loss of strict scientific significance, the old term “ organic” for a carbon compound is still in vogue, and conveniently describes a large number of bodies which are treated under the head of “ or- ganic chemistry,” while the term “inorganic” is applied to the rest of the chemical world. 7 Elementary Carbon.—This burns only at a high heat. It is unaffected by the intestinal tract. This is shown by the fact that diamonds have been stolen by swallowing them, and that finely divided particles of lampblack pass unchanged and unabsorbed to the feces, coloring them black (proof that the intestinal canal does not absorb solid particles). If lampblack be eaten with a meal its appearance in the feces may be used as a demarcation line between the feces belonging to the period before the meal, and the period subsequent to it. Carbon unites directly with hydrogen, oxygen, and sulphur only. Carbon Monoxide, CO.—This gas is a product of the incomplete combus- tion of carbon, is present in illuminating gas, and burns on ignition to carbon dioxide. It is usually prepared by heating oxalic acid with sulphuric acid, COOH | = H,O + CO,+C0O, COOH the carbon dioxide being removed by passing through calcium hydroxide. Properties.—A colorless, odorless gas. Inspired, it unites with the blood to form a carbon-monoxide hemoglobin (Hb-CO). This is a very stable bright-red compound which may even be boiled without decomposing. Ani- See Voit: Hermann’s Handbuch, 1881, vi. 1, p. 79. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. | 961 mals poisoned with CO die from want of oxygen, since the latter cannot dis- place the carbon monoxide from combination with hemoglobin. Carbon Dioxide, CO,.—This is the highest oxidation compound of carbon, the product of its complete combustion. It is present in the air to the extent of 0.04 per cent. It is formed in all living cells, and in higher animals is collected by the blood and brought to the lungs and skin for excretion ; it is also a product of putrefaction ; it gives an acid reaction to herbivorous urine. It is found dissolved in all natural waters, and is present combined in sea shells. It is found in the blood principally combined with sodium in the serum, and is likewise combined with calcium and magnesium in the bones. Preparation.—(1) By burning carbon or a carbon-containing substance, C,H,,0, + 120 = 6CO, + 6H,0. Sugar. (2) By heating a carbonate, CaCO, = CaO + CO,,. (3) By the action of an acid on a carbonate, Na,CO, + 2HCl = 2NaCl + CO, + H,0. In the blood, hemoglobin and, to a less extent, serum-albumin and primary sodium phosphate act like acids. If the gases be extracted from fresh defib- rinated blood in a vacuum, all the CO, is removed. If sodium carbonate be added to blood, the carbonic acid belonging to this is likewise given up in a vacuum, while a simple aqueous solution of sodium carbonate is not affected. If serum be extracted in vacuo, only a little more than half the carbonic acid contained in it is dissociated from combination, indicating that in the previous experiment hemoglobin had acted like an acid. If a solution of bicarbonate of sodium (NaHCO,) be exhausted under the air-pump, just one-half of the CO, is given off, sodium carbonate (Na,CO,) remaining. In the serum more than one-half of the CO, is obtained in vacuo, because the serum-albumin, like the hemoglobin, though less effectively, acts like an acid in fixing the alkali and liberating the gas. There is likewise present the action of pri-. mary phosphate on the acid carbonate, NaH,PO, + NaHCO, = Na,HPO, + H,O + CO,. Through these agencies the tension of carbonic acid is kept high in the blood, and its escape through the walls of the alveolar capillary is not unlike the escape of gas on uncorking a bottle of carbonated water. After drinking a carbonated water, carbonic oxide may be detected disbinkes in the urine. Properties.—A colorless, odorless gas. It is poisonous, its accumulation at first stimulating and afterwards paralyzing the nervous centres. _ It affects the irritability—not, however, the conducting power—of the nerves. A solution of carbonic oxide in water forms carbonic acid, H,CO,, and from this are derived two series of salts, primary or acid salts, MHCO,, and secondary or neutral salts, M,CO,. 61 962 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Detection.—If expired air, or air from a bag enclosing any part of the skin, be passed through a solution of calcium or barium hydrate, a precipitate of white insoluble carbonate will be thrown down. METABOLISM OF CARBON.—It will be remembered that there is a union of chlorine and hydrogen on exposure to sunlight. Ina similar manner the chloro- phyll-containing leaf of the plant, through the medium of the energy of the sun’s rays, brings the molecules of water and carbonic oxide derived from the air in such a position with regard to each other that they unite to form sugar with the elimination of oxygen (reaction on p. 945). This process is called synthesis— the construction of a more complicated body from simpler ones. The active or “kinetic” energy from the sun required to build up the compound is stored, becoming “ potential” energy in that compound, and is liberated again in exactly the same quantity on the resolution of the substance into its original constituents. So the amount of energy liberated in the decomposition of a food in the body is exactly equal to the energy needed to build it up from its excreted constituents,’ and this liberated energy appears in the body as heat, work, and electric currents. The plant has the power of converting sugar into starch and cellulose, and likewise into fat. Further the sugar undoubtedly unites with certain nitrogen- containing bodies, and the synthesis of proteids results. Plants containing this mixture of food-stuffs become the sustaining basis of animal life. . The animal devours these substances and either adds them to his body, or burns them to prevent destruction of his own substance: such are the objects of food. In contradistinction to synthesis in plants, animal life is said to be characterized by analysis, i. e., the resolution of a complicated substance into simpler ones. This classification is not entirely accurate, many exceptions occurring on both sides ; for example, animals may convert sugar into fat, which is synthesis. The animal expires its carbon partly as carbonic acid, and partly in the form of more complex organic compounds such as urea and uric acid. Since these latter after leaving the body eventually become oxidized, and the carbon becomes completely changed to carbon dioxide, it follows that all animal carbon is finally restored to the air in the form of carbon dioxide. Thus is established the revolution of the carbon atom, made possible by the energy of the sun, between air, plants, animals, and back to air again. Burning coal, lime-kilns, volcanoes, give carbonic acid to the air. Rain water receives carbonic acid from the atmosphere, from putrefying organic matter in the soil and from the roots of trees, and ultimately much of this combines with mineral matter, or contributes to form shells in marine life. SrLicon, Si = 28. Silicon is found in the ash of plants, and in traces in the cells and tissues of animals, being a constant constituent of hen’s eggs. It appears in traces in the human urine, and in considerable quantity in herbivorous urine. It is especially present in hair and feathers. It does not seem to be of great importance to the ‘See Rubner, Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1893, Bd. 30, p. 73. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. | 963 life of the plant, for if corn-stalks, whose ash usually contains 20 per cent. of silica (SiO,), be grown in a soil free from it, the plant flourishes though only 0.7 per cent. of silica is found in the ash, this having been derived from the vessel holding the soil. Silicon Dioxide, or Silica, SiO,.—This is the oxide of the element, and is found in quartz and sand, but not in the organism. Silicic Acids.—The ortho-silicic acid (H,SiO,) is formed by the action of an acid on a metallic silicate, Ca,Si0, + 2H,CO, = 2CaCO, + H,Si0,. This reaction takes place in the soil, and the silicic acid so obtained is soluble in water and is a colloid—that is to say, is of gelatinous consistence, will not crystallize, and does not osmose through vegetable and animal membranes. However, it is in this form or in the form of soluble alkaline silicate that it is probably received by the root of the plant.! Metasilicic acid has the formula H,SiO,, while the polysilicic acids (H,SiO;,H,Si,O,, etc. ) are numerous, and constitute the acid radicals of most mineral silicates. If silicic acid be evaporated and dried, it leaves a gritty residue of silica. Tae Metauiic ELEMENTs. The metals in the body are the alkalies potassium and sodium, the alkaline earths calcium and magnesium, and the heavy metal iron. Porasstum, K = 39. Potassium salts are found predominating in all animal cells (see p. 943), and in the milk which is manufactured from the disintegration of such cells, They are found in the blood-corpuscle to the almost complete exclusion of sodium salts. Only to a small extent do they occur in the fluids of the body and in the blood plasma (K,O = 0.02 per cent. in plasma). They are excreted in the urine. Potassium salts are retained on the surface of the ground for the use of vegetation, and occur in the plant not only as inorganic but also as organic salts (tartrate, citrate, etc.). Potassium Chloride, KCl.—Potassium chloride is a constant constituent of all animal cells and tissues, and may be absorbed with the food or be pro- ‘duced in the body after eating potassium carbonate or phosphate, since these salts may react with the sodium chloride. If fed, it is ordinarily balanced by its ex- -eretion, but if 0.1 gram be introduced into the jugular vein of a medium-sized ‘dog, immediately paralysis of the heart ensues. It isa powerful poison for nerves and nervous centres. It melts when heated to a low red heat, and volatilizes at a higher heat. Potassium Phosphates.—The primary (K H,PO,) and secondary (K,HPO,) phosphate of potassium are the principal salts of the cells of the body, and are likewise present in the urine, and to a very small extent in the blood-plasma. They are undoubtedly intimately connected with the functional activity of proto- plasm. Presence of carbonic acid causes the conversion of the secondary phos- phate into the primary salt, and this occurs in the blood-corpuscle as well as in the Plasma: _K,HPO, + CO, + H,O —KH,PO, + KHOO,. 1 Bunge: Physiologische Chemie, 3d ed., 1894, p. 25. 964 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Primary acid phosphate of potassium contributes to the acid reaction of the urine, though in presence of sodium chloride there is a tendency to the forma- tion of primary sodium phosphate and potassium chloride. It is the cause of the acid reaction in muscle in rigor mortis (see p. 989). Potassium Carbonates.—The primary and secondary carbonates exist in the body only in trifling quantities. They may be produced as above de- scribed by the action of carbonic acid on the phosphates, they may be ingested with the food, or they may result in the body from the combustion of an organic salt of potassium, according to the same reaction as WOR take place by burn- ing it in the laboratory, K,C,H,O, + 50 = K,CO, + 38CO, + 2H,0. K iarteate: Feeding potassium carbonate or an organic salt of potassium makes the urine alkaline owing to the excretion of potassium carbonate. Potassium salts are poisonous if introduced into the blood in too large quantities. In concentrated solutions in the stomach they produce gastritis, even with quickly fatal results. ' Zuntz believes that potassium is combined with hemoglobin in the blood- corpuscle, and may be dissociated from it by the action of carbonic oxide.’ PorassIuM IN THE Bopy.—The various salts of potassium are received with the food in the manner described ; the phosphate may be retained for new tissue, but the other salts are removed in the urine. They are all quite completely absorbed in the intestinal tract. In starvation, or in fever, where there is high tissue-metabolism, the body suffers greater loss of the potassium phosphate-containing tissue than it does of the sodium-rich blood, and potas- sium exceeds sodium in the urine (reverse of the usual proportion). Bunge * has noted an important influence of potassium salts. Ifa potassium salt be in solution together with sodium chloride, the two partially react on each other, — with formation of potassium chloride. If now potassium carbonate, for examiple, be eaten, the same reaction occurs in the body, K,CO, + 2NaCl = 2KCl + Na,CO,. The kidney has the power of removing soluble substances which do not helone to the blood or are present in it to excess, and consequently the two salts. formed as above are excreted. Hence potassium carbonate has caused a direct: loss of sodium and chlorine. For this reason, if potatoes and vegetables very rich in potassium salts are eaten, sodium chloride must be added to the food to. compensate for the loss. Nations living on rice do not need salt, for here the potassium content is low. Tribes living solely on meat or fish do not use salt, but care is taken that the animals slaughtered for food shall not lose the blood, rich in sodium salts, and strips of meat dipped in blood are, by some races, considered a delicacy.* * Bunge: Physiologische Chemie, 3d ed., 1894, p. 136. * A. Loewy und N. Zuntz: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1894, Bd. 58, p. 522. 3 Op. cit., p. 108. * Bunge, Op. cit., p. 116. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. — 965 Sopium, Na = 23. Sodium salts belong particularly to the fluids of the body (see p. 948), blood-plasma containing 0.4 per cent. calculated to Na,O. Sodium chloride, NaCl, is found in all the fluids of the body. It is found in blood and lymph to an extent of about 0.65 per cent., in the saliva, gastric juice, milk, sweat, urine, etc. Sodium chloride, like potassium chloride, melts at a low seal heat, hence the fluids of the body yield a fluid ash, with the single exception of milk, which contains a high percentage of aiid calcium phos- phate. Sodium iota is very readily soluble. In the blood it acts as a solvent on serum-globulin and other proteids, and its inert presence in proper concentration affords a medium in which the functional activity of cells and tissues is maintained. (For “ physiological salt-solution” see p. 948.) From sodium chloride the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice is prepared (see p. 952); it is also a necessary addition to every food where potassium salts are in great preponderance (see p. 964), but it is taken by most races in amounts far above these physiological necessities. If a mixture of necessary food-stuffs—proteid, fats, starch, salts, and water—in proper proportion, but without flavor, be set before a dog, he will starve rather than touch it. A man will attempt its digestion, but the permanent support of life is impossible. A food to support life must be a well-tasting mixture of food-stuffs, for, through the action of the flavor on the mucous membrane of the mouth and stomach there is established reflexly a nervous influence causing a proper flow of the various digestive juices. Hence salt, pepper, mustard, beer, wine, and other condiments are taken with the food. What the change is, when a substance acts on the taste-buds of the tongue, for example, start- ing a motion such as is afterwards interpreted in the brain as flavor, is unknown. Chemical constitution gives no hint how a body will taste or smell. In carnivora every trace of sodium chloride is absorbed by the villi from the intestinal tract. This is a proof that absorption does not depend on simple physical osmosis, in which case the intestinal contents would tend to have the same percentage composition as the blood, but upon the selective capacity of the exposed protoplasm of the villi. Sodium chloride is the principal solid con- stituent of sweat and of tears. Usually, however, it is lost to the body through the urine, of whose ash it forms the chief constituent. The quantity of salt in the urine is decreased during gastric digestion (see p. 952). Sodium chloride does not pass to the urine as soon as it rises above a certain quantity in the blood, but the tissues retain or give it up according to circumstances. Experiments ' have been made on a man who ate normally 27 grams of salt daily ; on reducing this to 1.4 grams the following daily excretions occurred in the urine: 9.9, 6.5, 3.8, 4.1, 3.2, 2.9, 2.9, 2.5. Then, on returning to 27 grams daily: 3.4, 7.9, 11.2, 15.8, 17.4. Experiments of abstention have never been carried so far as to produce vital disturbances, but the physiological min- imum is probably very low. A dog weighing 35 kilograms may live on 0.6 gram of salt daily.2. Sodium chloride, fed, produces of itself alone an increase 1 Klein und Verron: Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Academie, Mathematisch-physikalische Classe, 1867, iv. (2), p. 622. 2 Voit: Hermann’s Handbuch, 1881, vi. 1, p. 367. 966 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of water and of urea in the urine.’ The increase of urea means increase in proteid metabolism, and is produced by all salts; it is to be explained by the increased motion of water from the cell, the same effect being seen on drinking large quantities of water (see p. 948). Sodium sulphate, Na,SO,, called “ Glauber’s salt,” is found together with potassium sulphate in the urine in the condition of preformed sulphuric acid (see p. 951). If fed, it reappears in the urine. It acts on the epithelial cells of the intestines, preventing the absorption of water, consequently causing diar- rhea. Other laxatives act in the same way. Sodium Phosphates.—The primary (NaH,PQ,) and the secondary (Na,HPO,) salts are found to a small extent in the blood-plasma and other fluids, and in the urine. As with the potassium phosphates, carbonic oxide acts when in certain excess to convert the secondary phosphate into NaH,PO, and NaHCO,. These two, however, may react on one another to drive off ear- bonic acid (see p. 961), Carnivorous urine owes its acid reaction principally to primary sodium phosphate. Ifa mixture of NaH,PO, and Na,HPO, be permitted to diffuse through membranes, the NaH,PO, passes through in greater quantity, and this process may take place in the kidney.’ Secondary sodium phosphate dissolves uric acid on warming, forming sodium acid urate and primary phosphate, which solution reacts acid (Voit). Urine standing in the cold precipitates uric acid with the formation of secondary phosphates, while the reverse reaction with return of original acidity takes place on warm- ing the urine. . Sodium Carbonates.—Of these there are two, the primary, NaHCO,, and the neutral, Na,CO,. The organization owes its alkaline reaction, and also its power of combining with carbonic acid, almost entirely to sodium carbonate. Saliva, pancreatic and intestinal juice are strongly alkaline with sodium carbonate, as are also blood, lymph, and other fluids. If the organization be acidified, by feeding acid to a rabbit, for example, death occurs even before complete loss of the blood’s alkalinity, while venous injections of sodium carbonate at the proper time restore the animal. Carbonic oxide cannot be removed from the tissues in the acidified blood. Sodium carbonate treated with carbonic acid becomes acid sodium carbonate, and this change is effected in the internal res- piration, where the cells give CO, to the blood. Treated with acids, both car- bonates liberate carbonic oxide—a reaction which takes place in the blood (see p. 961). Bunge suggests that the acid chyme of the stomach, into whose © finest particles the alkaline intestinal juice diffuses, is especially penetrable by the latter’s enzymes, because liberated carbonic oxide has separated the particles of chyme from each other. The same principle would hold true of a morsel well mixed with saliva, which, as is well known, is more easily penetrable by gastric juice than one not so mixed. Sodium carbonate may be obtained for the body either directly from the food by absorption, or indirectly through 1 Voit: Op. cit., p. 160. * Soubiranski: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie wnd Pharmakologie, 1895, Bd. 35, p. 178. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. | 967 combustion of sodium organic salts. Ingested in sufficiently large quantities, it makes the urine alkaline. Sodium salts are undoubtedly united with serum-albumin in the plasma, forming a combination which may be dissociated by carbonic oxide. Detection.—Sodium gives a yellow coloration to a colorless flame, and a distinctive bright line in the yellow of the spectroscope. Soprum IN THE Bopy.—This subject has been discussed under the different salts, and likewise under potassium and hydrochloric acid; repetition here is therefore needless. Ammonium, NH,. Ammonia, NH;, has already been described (p. 955). Sodium-Ammonium Phosphate, NaNH,HPO,, is an insoluble salt formed in the urine during ammoniacal fermentation. Ammonium Carbonate, (NH,),CO,, is formed by the union of carbonic oxide and ammonia in the presence of water, and is therefore a usual product of putrefaction. If introduced into the blood, it is converted into urea by the liver. In wremia urea passes from the blood into the stomach and is there converted into ammonium carbonate, which produces vomiting through irrita- tion of the mucous membrane. (See further discussion under Carbamic Acid and Urea.) 3 | Caucrum, Ca = 40. Calcium is by far the most abundant metallic element in the body, and, as has been found in the dog, 99.5 per cent. belongs to the composition of the bones.’ Outside the bones it occurs most abundantly in blood-plasma. It is found in all the cells and fluids of the body, probably loosely combined with proteid. Calcium is always accompanied by magnesium. Calcium Chloride, CaCl,, is found in small quantities in the bones. Calcium Fluoride, CaF,, a salt insoluble in water, is found in bone, den- tine, and enamel (see p. 954). Calcium Sulphate, CaSO,, is found in small quantities in bones and rarely as part of the sediment in strongly acid urine. Calcium Phosphates.—Of these there are three—primary, CaH,(PO,)., secondary, CaHPO,, and tertiary, Ca,(PO,),. The tertiary phosphate is insol- uble in water, the secondary only very slightly soluble, but the primary salt is soluble. The tertiary and secondary phosphates are insoluble in alkali, but soluble in mineral acids and in acetic acid. The tertiary phosphate forms the largest mineral constituent of the bones (83.89 per cent., Zalesky) and of den- tine and enamel. Tertiary phosphate of calcium likewise occurs in the blood; how it is held in solution it is difficult to say, though it is probably loosely combined with proteid. Ina similar way it is combined with the protoplasm of the cell. It is largely found in the ash of milk, having been in previous chemical combination with casein. Tertiary phosphate of calcium is continu- ously excreted into the intestinal tract. It is present in the acid gastric juice, but only in traces in the alkaline saliva, pancreatic juice, and in the nearly 1 Heiss: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1876, Bd. 12, p. 165. 968 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. neutral bile. Tertiary phosphates never occur in the urine, except as a sedi- ment after the urine has attained an alkaline reaction, being formed from the acid phosphates. In carnivorous urine the calcium present occurs as primary and secondary phosphate, the solution of the latter being aided by the primary alkali phosphate and sodium chloride. Occasionally a coat is noticed on the surface of the urine, an appearance once thought to be a sign of pregnancy. This coat is now known to consist chiefly of secondary phosphate of calcium, which may crystallize out on the urine becoming alkaline. Calcium does not occur as phosphate in an alkaline urine (see p. 959). Calcium Carbonates.—Of these there are two, the primary or acid, CaH,(CO,),, and the secondary or neutral carbonate, CaCO,. Neutral calcium carbonate is the substance of which sea shells, coral, egg-shell, and otoliths consist. It is found in the ash of bones to the extent of 13.032 per cent. (Zalesky). Apatite is a mineral having the formula Ca,)F,(PO,),, and Hoppe- Seyler, using Zalesky’s figures, believes that bone has a composition repre- sented by Ca,,CO,(PO,),, or 3Ca,(PO,),,CaCO,, in which CO, has the position of F, in apatite. In the wasting of the mineral matter of oe in osteoma- lacia this formula of composition remains constant,’ one molecule of calcium carbonate always being removed for every three molecules of the phosphate. Neutral calcium carbonate is insoluble in water or alkali, but dissolves in water containing carbonic oxide to form the soluble acid carbonate, CaH,(CO,),, This is found in blood and lymph, and in minute quantities in all the tissues. It is found in herbivorous urine, which contains carbonic acid in excess, but it is soon deposited as neutral carbonate as the carbonic oxide diffuses into the air. It occurs in all alkaline and neutral urines, though to a less extent than calcium phosphate in acid urines. It is found in pancreatic juice and in the saliva, from which latter is derived the calcic carbonate which, mixed with bacteria and other organic matter, is deposited as tartar on the teeth. The ferment rennet does not act in the absence of calcium salts. The coagulation of the blood requires the presence of calcium salts,? and fibrin always contains calcium. If ten parts of blood be drawn into one part of a 1 per cent. solution of potassium oxalate, thus precipitating the calcium, no coagulation takes place, but on the addition of calcium chloride a typical fibrin forms. A solution of sodium oxalate passed through a beating excised heart causes it to cease beating*® and nerves and muscles lose their irritability when calcium salts are abstracted from them with sodium oxalate. These facts illustrate the intimate relation between calc salts and the functional activity of protoplasm. Detection.—Ammonium oxalate in neutral o or alkaline solutions of calcium salts gives a precipitate of calcium oxalate—a white powder, insoluble in acetic or oxalic acid. ‘M. Levey: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1894, Bd. 19, p. 239. ” Arthus et Paget: Archives de Physiologie, vlo. ii. p. 739. * Howell and Cooke: Journal of Physiology, 1893, vol. 14, p. 219, note. * Howell: Journal of Physiology, 1894, vol. 16, p. 476. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. — 969 CaLciuM IN THE Bopy.—Calcium salts are especially needed in childhood for the growth of the bones. It has been estimated that the human suckling requires 0.32 gram CaO daily, and in the milk for that time is contained 0.55 gram to 2.37 grams, so that there may easily be lack of CaO when absorption is unfavorable. In children with rickets the bones contain too little calcium, and are abnormally weak and flexible. This same con- dition may be reproduced in young growing dogs by feeding them entirely on meat and fat, which contain too little calcium for proper skeletal development.' Such dogs grow rapidly in size, especially around the thorax, while the pelvis remains ludicrously small, the extrem- ities become bent and finally incapable of supporting the weight of the body. A puppy of the same litter fed on the same food but with the addition of bones grows normally. In certain cases even when children are fed with sufficient calcium they still have the rickets. This might be due to a lack of ability to absorb the salts, but this Riidel? has disproved. To a child having rickets he administered a calcium salt, and confirmed its absorption by the increase in the calcium contents of the urine, the result being the same as with a normal child. (Example: Normal day, 0.0196 gram CaO in urine; after feeding 1.4 grams CaO dissolved in acetic acid the amount in the urine rises to 0.0396 gram for the twenty-four hours.) Riidel therefore concludes that the cause of rickets may be in a local change of the bones themselves, whereby calcium salts are not deposited in the normal manner. In osteomalacia there occurs a solution of the salts of the bones in adult life, called softening of the bones. In osteoporosis, which is a simple atrophy of the bones, similar effects are produced. Voit* fed a pigeon for a year on washed wheat and distilled water, at the end of which time the pigeon apparently did not differ from the normal bird. A few months later a wing was broken, and the autopsy discovered osteoporosis in high degree, the skull being especially attacked. Weiske* has shown that rabbits ultimately die when fed on oats which are poor in calcium; the oats yield an acid ash and produce an acid urine. On autopsy osteoporosis is found. This does not take place when calcium carbonate is added to the food. Whether the loss of salts to the bone is due to a normal metabolism, or to solution due to the production of acids in the metabolism of proteid, is an unanswered problem (see pp. 950, 955) the discussion of which lack of space forbids.® In such experiments as the above, the percentage of ash is always diminished, while the percentage of organic matter always rises, whereas the actual percentage composition of the ash itself remains the same. This is a strong argument in favor of the view that bone is a mineral of definite chemical composition. The mineral matter of bone is believed by some to be loosely combined with the organic material, principally ossein, but of this there is no proof. The exact amount of calcium salt necessary to keep up the supply in the adult body is unknown, but it must be exceedingly small. A dog of 3.8 kilograms eating with his food 0.043 gram CaO maintains his calcium equilibrium (Heiss). Regarding the absorption of calcium salts, it has long been questioned whether inorganic salts can be absorbed, since, it was argued, insoluble phosphate would immediately be precipitated in the blood. It has, however, been conclusively shown that such salts when eaten produce an increase in the calcium of the urine® and it is known that blood has a special capability for carrying calcium phosphate. Calcium carbonate and chloride are capable of 1 E. Voit: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1880, Bd. 16, p. 70. 2 Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1893, Bd. 33, p. 90. 8 Hermann’s Handbuch, 1881, vi. 1, p. 379. * Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1894, Bd. 31, p. 421. 5 See Weiske, loc. cit. ; Bunge, Physiologische Chemie, 3d ed., 1894, p. 104; V. Noorden, Path- ologie der Stoffwechsels, 1893, pp. 48 and 413. 6 Riidel, Op. cit., p. 79. 970 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. absorption, while absorption of the phosphate may be considered as still in doubt. If calcium chloride be given, a little of the calcium appears in the urine, and all of the chlorine, this being due to the conversion in the intes- tine of calcium chloride into calcium carbonate and sodium chloride, which latter is completely absorbed. Organic salts of calcium such as the acetate are absorbable, as are probably proteid combinations with calcium such as casein. Milk and egg-yolk are the foods richest in calcium salts, cow’s milk containing: more calcium to the liter than does lime-water." The excretion of calcium takes place in major part as triple phosphate from the wall of the intestine, in minor part through the urine (for the latter see pp. 959 and 968). It is excreted during starvation, and is the principal constituent: of starvation feces (Voit). The secretions of the intestines, according to Fr. Miiller,? hardly contain enough calcium to account for that found in the feces, so that it is probably excreted by the epithelial cells of the villus. In starva- tion the source of excreted calcium is principally from the breaking down of tis- sue, but partially from the metabolism of the bones. The excretion is never large. On subcutaneous injection of small amounts of calcium acetate in dogs,’ the calcium excretion may be raised for several days. On venous. injection of 0.8 gram CaO as acetate, after one hour but 0.3 gram could be found above the normal in the blood, and analysis of the liver, kidney, spleen, and intestinal wall failed to reveal more than the usual minimal amounts of calcium. As it is never rapidly excreted it must have been temporarily depos- ited in some unknown part of the body. Rey * believes the large intestine to be the principal organ of calcium-excretion, while F. Voit® attributes this. function to the small intestine. STRONTIUM, Sr = 87.5. Cremer ® has shown, on adding strontium phosphate to almost calcium-free food of young growing dogs, that the strontium line could be detected in the subsequent spectral analysis of their bones. Weiske,’ on feeding young rabbits with food nearly free from calcium, and with addition of strontium carbonate, found the ash in some of the bones to contain, in the place of CaO, as high as 4.09 per cent. of SrO. In both of the above experiments. the skeleton remained very undeveloped in comparison with the normal, so that strontium cannot be considered a physiological substitute for calcium. Maayesium, Mg = 24.3. This is the second in importance of the alkaline earths. It is present wherever calcium is found, but in comparison with calcium it has been little investigated. It occurs principally as phosphate, but is found as carbonate in herbivorous urine. Of the total quantity of magnesium in the dog, Heiss * Bunge: Physiologische Chemie, 3d ed., 1894, p. 101. * Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1894, Bd. 20, p. 356. * Rey: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmokologie, 1895, Bd. 35, p. 298. * Rey, loc. cit. | 5 Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1893, Bd. 29, p. 325. Reger ens a der Gesellschaft fiir Morphologie und Physiologie in Miinchen, 1891, Bd. 7, p. 124. " Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1894, Bd. 31, p. 437. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. - 971 found that 71 per cent. belonged to the bones. It is found decidedly pre- dominating over calcium in muscle, but is less in quantity than calcium in the blood. Magnesium Phosphates.—Magnesium tertiary phosphate, Mg,(PO,),, is found in the ash of bones to the extent of about 1 per cent., is present in blood and especially in muscle, probably in combination with proteid, and contrib- utes to the functional activity of protoplasm. It is continuously excreted by the walls of the intestinal canal. The primary and secondary phosphates of magnesium are found in carnivorous urine, solution of the latter being aided by the presence of primary alkali phosphate and sodium chloride. Tertiary phosphate of magnesium is insoluble in water, the secondary very slightly so, the primary quite soluble; but all are soluble in acids. In the am- moniacal fermentation of the urine, ammonium magnesium phosphate, MgNH,- PO, is precipitated as a fine crystalline powder insoluble in alkalies. When- ever this fermentation takes placed, whether in the bladder or, by similar reaction, in the intestines (herbivora especially), stones are formed. Magnesium Carbonates.—The neutral carbonate, MgCO,, is insoluble in water, but soluble in water containing carbonic oxide, forming secondary or acid carbonate, MgH,(CO,),. ‘his latter occurs in herbivorous urine. _ Detection.—A mixture of sodium phosphate and ammonia containing an ammonium salt (NH,Cl) precipitates from magnesium solutions magnesium ammonium phosphate. MAGNESIUM IN THE Bopy.—Considerations regarding the absorption of calcium apply likewise to magnesium. It is absorbed by the intestine as inor- ganic and probably as organic combinations. If growing rabbits be fed on a diet poor in calcium salts, but containing magnesium carbonate, the bones may be brought to contain double the normal quantity of magnesium, but the skeletal development remains far behind that of a normal rabbit, and there- fore magnesium can in no sense be considered a substitute for calcium.’ The magnesium salts, whether phosphate or carbonate, being more soluble than the calcium salts, occur in the urine in greater abundance. Indeed, in carniv- orous urine the major part of excreted magnesium is found in the urine, the balance being given off through the intestinal wall to the feces. In starvation the source of the excreted magnesium is from the bones, and especially from destruction of its combination in proteid metabolism. Iron, Fe= 56. This is the one heavy metal which is an absolute necessity for the organ- ism. About three grams occurs in the average man. It has been demon- strated of certain bacteria that they will not deyelop in the absence of iron, and this is believed to be true of all protoplasm. Iron is found through- out the body, and is especially an ingredient of hemoglobin (0.4 per cent.), which carries oxygen to the tissues. It is found deposited in the liver and the spleen as ferratin, hepatin, and other less investigated organic compounds. 1 Weiske : Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1894, Bd. 31, p. 437. 972 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. It is found in muscle washed free from blood. Iron appears in urine and in milk as organic compounds, and in the bile, gastric juice, and intestines as phosphate, in the feces as sulphide. Tron occurs in two forms, the ferro- and ferri- compounds, in which it has respectively two and three bonds. Ferrosulphide, FeS.—This is found in the feces and is the product of the action of sulphuretted hydrogen or alkaline sulphide on both inorganic iron and likewise, more slowly, on organic iron-containing compounds (fer- ratin, heematogen, etc.). Ammonium sulphide acts in a similar manner, and, in all cases, ferric salts are reduced to ferrous : Sahl 2F eC, + 3(NH,),S = 2F eS + 6NH,Cl + 8. Ferric chloride. Ferric Phosphate, FePO,—This is found in the gastric juice, bile, and probably in the intestinal juice ;' it is not, as many have believed, given off by the epithelia of the intestines. It is soluble in mineral acids, but insoluble in water, alkalies, or acetic acid. Detection.—Ammonium sulphide gives a black precipitate of ferrous sulphide in all iron solutions. Ferrocyanide of potassium gives a deep blue coloration (Berlin-blue) to solutions of ferric salt. Ferricyanide of potassium gives Turnbull’s blue, very similar to Berlin-blue, with solutions of ferrous salts. Iron IN THE Bopy.—The amount of iron in the urine is very small, amounting daily in a large starving dog to 0.0013-0.0049 gram? Feeding iron compounds does not increase the amount of iron in the urine. Forster*® fed a dog of 26 kilograms for thirty-eight days with washed meat containing 0.93 grams of iron, and in the feces were found 3.59 grams belonging to the same period. Here there was a loss of 2.66 grams‘ of iron from the body, and the necessity of iron as a food was established. 2 eh Concerning the method and the amount of iron-absorption, considerable difficulty has been encountered owing to the fact that both absorptive and secretive organs lie in the intestinal canal. On feeding a dog for thirteen days with meat containing 0.180 gram Fe, there were found in urine and feces for the same time 0.1765 gram Fe; then to the same food for a similar length of time were added 0.441 gram Fe (as sulphate), making in all 0.636 gram Fe, and of this 0.6084 gram were recovered in the excreta.® This experiment proves only that such absorption as may take place is pretty nearly balanced by the excre- tion. After eating blood the feces are found to contain much hzematin, and it is believed — that iron cannot be absorbed in that way. Bunge ® has sought for one of the antecedents of hemoglobin in egg-yolk, and has described it as an iron-containing nucleo-albumin, which he names hematogen. That and similar nucleo-albumins existing in plants he con- ceives to be the source of absorbable iron, while inorganic salts of iron aid only indirectly by forming iron sulphide, thus preventing the same formation from organic iron (see above). Marfori’ has prepared a substance from proteid and irom salts, called ferratin, which con- tains 4 to 8 per cent. of iron; it is a compound unaffected by gastric juice or by boiling; it * Macallum: Jowrnal of Physiology, 1894, vol. 15, p. 268. | * Forster: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1873, Bd. 9, p. 297. ~ 8 Loe. eit. *This figure is probably too high, but the principle itself is fundamental. See Voit, Hermann’s Handbook, 1881, vi. 1, p. 385. * Hamburger: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1878, Bd. 2, p. 191. * Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1884, Bd. 9, p. 49. * Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie wnd Pharmakologie, 1891, Bd. 29, p. 212. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. | 973 is soluble in the alkaline intestine, where it is but slowly affected by alkaline sulphide. Now this same ferratin is found in the body itself, especially in the liver,’ although not the only iron-containing substance of the liver.” If ferratin be fed, the quantity of it increases in the liver. If adog be fed on milk, which is always poor in iron, and he be bled from time to time, the ferratin disappears from the liver, being used for the formation of new red blood-corpuscles.* Such a liver does not change color when placed in dilute ammo- nium sulphide, while one containing ferratin or other iron compounds gradually turns black from iron sulphide. As it is not decomposed by boiling, ferratin is found in the usual cooked meat. Concerning the influence of inorganic salts, Schmiedeberg agrees with Bunge that the formation of iron sulphide protects the ferratin from attack. The insolubility of iron salts in alkaline solutions has raised the question of their absorption by the blood. If inorganic iron salts be injected into a vein, the iron reappears chiefly in the intestines, with only 3 to 4 per cent. in the urine (Jakobj): in too great quantities they have powerful toxié properties. (Gottlieb * administered 0.1 gram of iron as sodium iron tartrate subcutaneously to a dog during a period of nine days; twenty-eight days after the first injection 0.0969 gram Fe had been removed in the excreta over and above the normal excretion calculated for the same time. It was shown that this iron was especially stored in the liver. It may be argued that such iron, being foreign to the organ- ization, was deposited in the liver and gradually excreted through the bile, as other heavy metals, mercury, copper, lead, would be. Kunkel® fed mice and to the food of half their number added a solution of oxychloride of iron (FeCl,,4Fe(OH),, liquor ferri oxychlorati) : in the livers of those fed with iron, iron was present to a greater extent than in the others; but here, again, the surplus can be attributed to the sulphide-forming ‘protective power of the added salts, which Kunkel admits, though maintaining the contrary ground. The only. proof of the absorption of inorganic salts emanates from Macallum,* who showed, after feeding chloride, phosphate, and sulphate to guinea-pigs, that the epithelial cells and the subepithelial leucocytes of the intestines gave a strong microchemical reaction for iron with ammonium sulphide. With small doses this was observed only near the pylorus, for iron is soon precipitated by the alkali of the intestines, but where the iron salt was in suf- ficient quantity to neutralize the intestinal alkali it could be absorbed the whole length of the small intestines. Whether inorganic iron unites with proteid before absorption or not is unknown. Regarding the transformation of iron compounds after absorption into hemoglobin, little is known except that the necessary synthesis takes place in the spleen, in the bone- marrow, and probably in the liver. On the destruction of red blood-corpuscles, proteid bodies holding iron in combination are deposited in the cells of the liver and spleen, this being noticeable in pernicious anzemia. On the production of icterus with arseniuretted hydrogen, similar iron compounds are noted in the liver, being cleavage products of hzemo- globin in its transformation to biliary coloring matter. The amount of iron normally excreted from the body is far less than the corresponding biliary coloring matter (see Hzemochromogen), showing that the rest of the iron is retained for further use in con- structing new hemoglobin. Iron is excreted as phosphate in the gastric juice, in bile (in considerable quantity), and, according to Macallum,’ in the intestinal juice. In the urine it is present as an | unknown organic compound. A newborn child or animal has, proportionately to its weight, far more iron than at any 1 Marfori, loc. cit., and Schmiedeberg, Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1894, Bd. 33, p. 101. ? Vay: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1895, Bd. 20, p. 398. - 5 Schmiedeberg, Op. cit., p. 110. * Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1891, Bd. 15, p. 371. 5 Pjliiger's Archiv, 1891, Bd. 50, p. 11. 6 Journal of Physiology, 1894, vol. 16, p. 268. 7 Op. cit., p. 278. 974 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. other time of its life. This iron is lost only very slowly, hence the very small quantity of iron in the milk answers all necessities. The other salts of the milk are in the same pro- portion to one another as are the salts in the newborn animal. Tables representing generally accepted analyses of the mineral constituents of the more important fluids and cells of the body are subjoined. Only very pronounced differences are to be taken into consideration in drawing conclusions, for analyses of animals of dif- ferent species, or of the same species, or even of the same animal at different times, show wide variations. The tables represent parts in 1000 of fresh substance: o I. KeSO,. | KCl. |NaCl.| NagCOs. CaCO3. |CagPO,. ; MgCO3. | Mgs(PO,)e. | FePO,. Saliva! (dog) . . . .| 0.209 | 0.940 | 1.546 |0.940 0.150 0.113 Paes Bog) ..| .. . [0.98 [258 |8.80(NagO)| .... 0.07 0.01(Mg0) 0.01 Gastric juice’ (dog).| .. . |1.125 |2.507| .... | 0.624(CaOg)| 1.729 iS i 0.226 0.082 Fresh bile* (dog) . .| 0.022 | .. | 0.185 |0.056 0.080 0.039 | 0.007(MgO) Aa? 0.021 II. K,0. Na,0. Cad. MgO. Fe20z, Cl P,05 Blood-serum5 (dog) ......../| 0.202 4,341 0.176 0.041 0.01 3.961 0.489 Blood-corpuscles® (pig) ...... 5.543 0 0 0.158 hue 1.504 2.067 Blood-serum® (pig) ........ 0.278 4.272 0.136 0.038 ii 3.611 0.188 EMO LOR Yk oS 5 a gia o 4,654 0.770 0.086 0.412 0.057. 0.672 4.644 POETS GOW oa tia! s bib whic 1.67 1.05 1.51 0.20 0.003 1.86 1.60 THE CHEMISTRY OF THE COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. DERIVATIVES OF METHANE. The complicated structure and the great variety of the compounds of car- bon are due to the fact that carbon-atoms have a greater power for union with one another than have the atoms of other elements. Saturated Hydrocarbons or Paraffins (formula, C,H,, , , ).— Methane, CH,, gas. Pentane, C;H,,, liquid at 38°. Ethane, C,H,, ‘ Hexane, C,H,,, alae f Se" Propane, C,H,, ‘ Heptane, C,H,,, “*, J08?, Butane, C,H,,, ‘ | ete. These are the constituents of petroleum and natural gas, and are formed by the action of low heat on coal under pressure in the absence of oxygen, and are probably derived from fossil animal fat, since it has been shown that the paraffins may be obtained in large ' Herter: Hoppe-Seyler’s Physiologische Chemie, p. 192. * Kroger: Quoted by Halliburton, Chemistry, Physiological and Pathological, p. 656. * Bidder and Schmidt: Quoted by Halliburton, Op. cit., p. 638. * Hoppe-Seyler : Physiologische Chemie, p. 302. * Bunge: Ibid., 3d ed., p. 265. ® Op. cit., p. 222 (Bunge finds Na,O exceeds K,O in the blood-corpuseles of cattle). " Bunge: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1885, Bd. 9, p. 60. ° Bunge: Physiologische Chemie, 8d ed., p. 100. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. | 975 quantity by heating fish oil at a pressure of ten atmospheres.' The paraffins may all be formed synthetically from methane by the action of sodium on halogen compounds of the group: 2CH,I + 2Na= C,H, + 2Nal. C.H;I + CH,I + 2Na = 0,H, + 2Nal. This may be continued to form a theoretically endless number of compounds. Paraffins are notably resistant to chemical reagents, not being affected by either concentrated nitric or sulphuric acids. Vaseline contains a mixture of paraffins melting between 30° and 40°. By massage vaseline may be absorbed by the skin, through the epithelial cells of the seba- ceous glands. In rabbits and dogs, directly after such treatment, it may be detected de- posited especially in muscle, but it is for the greater part destroyed in the body.? Monatomic ALCOHOL RADICALS. These are radicals which may be considered as paraffins less one atom of hydrogen, and . therefore having one free bond. They form the basis of homologous series of alcohols and acids. Monatomic Alcohols (general formula, C,H, , ,OH).— Methyl alcohol, CH,OH. Amy] alcohol, C;H,,OH. Ethyl alcohol, C,H;OH. Hexy] alcohol, C,H,,0OH. Propyl aleohol, C,H,OH. Heptyl alcohol, C,H,,OH. Butyl alcohol, C,H,OH. ete. General Reactions for Primary Alcohols.—(1) Alcohols treated with sulphuric acid give ethers (see Ethyl ether): - 20H,OH + H,S0,= cE >O + H,0 + H,80,. Methy1 ether. _ (2) Alcohols oxidized give first aldehyde and then acid: CH,OH +0 =HCZ® + H,0. Methyl aldehyde. CH,O+0=HC 400 grams of fresh leaves (128 grams dry) of the sugar beet form synthetically and send to the beet root 31 grams of cane-sugar in thirty days. General Behavior of Aldehydes.—They act as reducing agents, being readily oxidized to the corresponding acid. With nascent hydrogen they are reduced to alcohols. Op. cit., p. 256. 6 Lang: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1895, Bd. 36, p. 75. 986 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Seyler the urea-formation in the body is as indicated in the above reaction, but that no eyanic acid or ammonium cyanate is to be detected on account of their extreme instability. Potassium Thiocyanide, NCSK.—This substance is usually found in human saliva and in the urine. Since it contains nitrogen and sulphur its original source must be from proteid. The amount in the urine is probably wholly and quantitatively derived from that in the saliva.! If thiocyanides be fed, they appear quickly in the urine without change. Thiocyanides are less poisonous than the simple cyanides (see discussion under Acetonitril above). Thiocyanides give a red color with ferric chloride in acid solution. Diatomic ALcoHoL RaDICALs. Thus far only derivatives of monatomic radicals have been discussed ; next in order follow diatomic alcohol radicals, represented by the formula C,,H,,, and including the bodies ethylene, H,C = CH,, propylene, CH,—HC=CH,, ete. _ This set of hydrocarbons is called the olefines. The first series of compounds which are of physiological interest are the amines of the olefines. AMINES OF THE OLEFINES. These include the group of ptomaines—basic substances which are formed from proteid through bacterial putrefaction. Those which are poisonous are called towines. These bodies are diamines of the olefines, and have been investigated especially by Brieger.’ | Tetramethylene-diamin, or Putrescin, H,N.CH,.CH,.CH,.CH,.NH,.—This com- pound is found in putrefying proteid, and has been detected in the urine and feces in cystitis. Pentamethylene-diamin, or Cadaverin, H,N.C;H,.NH,.—This is found with putrescine wherever produced. They are both found in cultivations of Koch’s cholera bacil- lus and in cholera feces. In cystitis they are a result of special infection of the intestinal tract, are principally excreted in the feces, but are partially absorbed, and prevent, perhaps through chemical union, the burning of cystein normally produced.* Diamines are not normally present in the urine. Neuridin and Saprin.—These are isomers of cadaverin and are produced by the same putrefactive processes. Cholin.—This is trimethyl oxyethyl ammonium hydroxide, ae OH (CH:)s —N < O9,0H,OH and has its source in lecithin decomposition, and putrefaction (see p. 1001). Muscarin, or Oxycholin.—This is a violent heart-poison, and may be obtained by treating cholin with nitric acid. Neurin.—This is trimethyl-vinyl] ammonium hydroxide, (CH,), = N < a won 008) and is derived from lecithin. Theoretically it may be considered as derived from cholin, with the elimination of a molecule of water, but it has never been shown that bacteria make this conversion. 1t is a powerful poison. DERIVATIVES OF Dratomic ALCOHOLS. Taurin, or Amido-ethyl Sulphonic Acid, H,N.CH,.CH,.SO,H.—This has been detected in muscle,‘ in the spleen, and in the suprarenal capsules. 1 @scheidlen : Pfliger’s Archiv, 1877, Bd. 14, p. 411. ’ Abstract, Jahresbericht tiber Thierchemie, 1885, p. 101. * Baumann und Udranszky: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1889, Bd. 13, p. 562, and 1891, Bd. 15, p. 77. * Reed, Kunkenberg, and Wagner: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1885, Bd. 21, p. 30. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. — 987 It is likewise a usual constituent of the human bile in combination with cholic acid, the salt present being known as sodium taurocholate. Taurin is of proteid origin as is shown by its nitrogen and sulphur content. Little is known regarding its fate in the body, except as it indicated through the behavior of its sulphur atom (see p. 951). The Biliary Salts —Taurin and glycocoll are found in the bile of cattle in combination with cholie acid (C,,H,O;). In human bile, according to Lassar- Cohn,’ there is more fellic acid (C,,H;,0,) present than cholic, and there is likewise present some choleic acid, (C,,H, O,). These acids are of similar chemi- eal structure, though what the structure is, is unknown. Still other acids occur in the bile of pigs, geese, etc. Taurin and glycocoll form compounds with these acids, the sodium salts of which usually make up the major part of the solids of the bile. It has been shown that glycocell and taurin are found in various parts of the body. Cholie, fellic, etc. acids are only found as products of hepatic activity. In a dog with a biliary fistula the solids of the bile increase on feeding much meat, but the hourly record of the solids compared with the nitrogen in the urine shows that the great production of biliary salts con- tinues after the nitrogen in the urine has begun to decrease.” The experiments of Feder* have shown that the greater part of the nitrogen in proteid eaten by a dog leaves the body within the first fourteen hours, whereas the excretion of the non-nitrogenous moiety is more evenly distributed over twenty-four hours. Jt may be fairly concluded that cholic and fellic acids are produced from the non-nitrogenous portion, or from sugar or fat.“ Furthermore Tappeiner’ has shown that cholic acid on oxidation yields fatty acids. A synthesis may there- fore be effected in the liver between the non-nitrogenous cholic acid formed in the liver from fat or materials convertible into fat, and glycocoll and taurin formed from proteids, whether the latter be produced in the liver or brought to it from the tissues by the blood. That the liver is the place for the synthesis is shown by the fact that the biliary salts do not collect in the body after extir- pation of the liver. In the intestine either the acid of the gastric juice or bacteria may split up the biliary salt through hydrolysis: — C,,H,.NO, -+ H,O = C,H,NO, + C,,H,,0,. Glycocholic acid. Glycocoll. Cholic acid. Taurin and glycocoll may be absorbed, while cholic acid is precipitated if in an acid medium, but may be dissolved and absorbed in an alkaline intestine. ~ Hence cholic acid, fellic acid, etc., may often be found in the feces. Meco- nium, that is, the fecal matter of the fetus, contains quantities of the biliary salts, but unaltered, since putrefaction is absent in the fetus. Kiihne has de- scribed dyslysin as a putrefactive product of cholic acid, but its existence is denied by Hoppe-Seyler and Voit. In ieterus (jaundice), a condition in 1 Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1894, Bd. 19, p. 570. 2 Voit: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1894, Bd. 30, p. 545. § Tbid., 1881, Bd. 17, p. 531. * Voit, Op. cit., p. 556. 5 Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1876, Bd. 12, p. 60. 988 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. which the biliary salts return to the blood from the liver, they are burned in the body, sometimes so completely that none appear in the urine. They have the power of dissolving hemoglobin from the blood-corpuscles, and in con- sequence the urine may be highly colored, perhaps from bilirubin." Pettenkofer, experimenting once on the conversion of sugar into fat, warmed together cane-sugar, bile, and concentrated sulphuric acid. He obtained no fat, but a strong violet coloration. ‘This is ‘‘ Pettenkofer’s test’’ for biliary acids (cholic acid, fellic acid, etc.). This coloration is likewise given by proteid, oleic acid, and other bodies. The test-of Neu- komm, however, is said to be absolutely characteristic. Here a drop of a substance con- taining biliary acids is placed on a small white porcelain cover, with a drop of dilute cane-sugar solution, and one of dilute sulphuric acid; the mixture is then very carefully evaporated over a flame and leaves a brilliant violet stain. | Oxy- Farry Actrps, Lacric-acip GRoupP. These are diatomic monobasic acids of the glycols. A glycol is a diatomic alcohol. The oxy- fatty acids have the general formula C,H,,O,, and include : Carbonic acid, CH,Q,. Oxy-butyric acid, C,H,O,. Glycollic acid, C,H,O,. Oxy-valerianic acid, C,H,,O.. Lactic acid, C,H,O,. ete. Carbonic Acid, or Oxy-formic Acid, HO.CO.OH.—This is, in reality, a dibasic acid on account of the symmetric structure of the two —OH radicals. It has already been considered (see p. 1003). | Lactic Acids, or Oxy-propionic Acids.—Of these there are two isomeres, which vary in the position of their —OH group, the a- and f- lactic acids. Physiology is concerned only with the first. a-Lactic Acid, or Ethidene Lactic Acid, CH,CHOH.COOH.—tThis is called fermentation lactic acid, being a product of the fermentation of carbo- hydrates (see p. 982) : C,H,,0, = 2C,H,O;. On lactic fermentation of milk-sugar depends the souring of milk. This fer- mentation does not take place in the presence of sufficiently acid gastric juice, but it is very active in the more nearly neutral (or alkaline) intestine. After a meal which includes carbohydrates the intestinal contents may remain quite distinctly acid down to the ileo-cecal valve, due to acetic and lactic acid pro- duction, to such an extent even that proteid putrefaction is inhibited, as indicated by the total absence of leucin and tyrosin.? It has been noticed that the fecal excrements after a carbohydrate diet react acid, after proteid diet alkaline. The acid reaction is due chiefly if not wholly to- acetic acid, since lactic acid, being the stronger acid, is first neutralized by the intestinal alkali. Lactic acid, when absorbed, is completely burned in the body. Lactic-acid fermenta- tion between the teeth dissolves the enamel, and gives bacteria access to the interior. The fermentation lactic acid is inactive to polarized light, and, since * Hoppe-Seyler: Physiologische Chemie, 1877, p. 476. * Macfadyen, Nencki, und Sieber: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie wnd Pharmakologie, 1891, Bd. 28, p. 347. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. © 989 it has in its formula an asymmetric carbon atom,' it is necessary to assume that it consists of an equal mixture of right and left ethidene lactic acid. On standing with Penicillium glaucum the left lactic acid is destroyed more freely than is the right, and the solution rotates polarized light to the right.’ The right ethidene lactic acid, called also sarco- or para-lactic acid, is that which is found in muscle, blood, in various blood-glands, in the pericardial fluid, and in the aqueous humor, Likewise it is found in the urine after strenuous physical effort, after CO-poisoning, in yellow atrophy of the liver, in phosphorus-poisoning, in trichinosis, and in birds (geese and ducks) after the liver has been extirpated. It is sometimes present in diabetic urine. Para- lactic acid is a normal constituent of the blood and increases in amount after work or tetanus. It accumulates in the dying muscle (rigor mortis), causing the formation of KH,PO,, which gives the acid reaction and causes coagula- tion.’ Some believe that free lactic acid itself is present and aids in the coag- ulation. Regarding its origin it has been shown that it increases in amount in the dying muscle without simultaneous decrease in the amount of glycogen.* On extirpation of the liver in geese,’ ammonia and lactic acid replace the cus- tomary uric acid in the excreta, and previous ingestion of carbohydrates or of urea will not increase the amount of lactic acid. The lactic acid excreted is proportional in amount to the proteid destroyed and to the ammonia present. It may fairly be concluded that it owes its origin to proteid. Hoppe-Seyler ® says that lactic acid appears in the urine only when there is insufficient oxidation in the body, and attributes its derivation to the decomposition of glycogen. In CO-poisoning Araki’ finds as much as 2 per cent. of lactic acid (reckoned as zine lactate) in a rabbit’s urine. Minkowski,’ on the other hand, denies the insufficient-oxidation theory, and maintains that the destruction of lactic acid depends on a specific property of the 1 An asymmetric carbon atom is one in which the four atoms, or groups of atoms, united to CH; it are all different. In lactic acid we find the following grouping, H—C—OH. The central COOH. — carbon represents the asymmetric atom. Such an arrangement is always optically active. One is able to conceive the arrangement of the atoms in space, according to the above grouping, or CH, as follows: HO—C—H. This latter represents a different configuration. The two arrange- boon : ments are optically antagonistic. A mixture of the two is optically inactive. The reader is referred to a text-book on general chemistry for the suggestive illustrations of the tetrahedral space pictures. 2 Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 16, p. 2720. 3 Astaschewski: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1880, Bd. 4, p. 403; Irisawa, Ibid., 1893, Bd. 17, p. 351. * Boehm: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1880, Bd. 23, p. 44. 5 Minkowski: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1886, Bd. 21, p. 41. 6 Festschrift zu R. Virchow’s 70. Geburtstag. 1 Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1894, Bd. 19, p. 426. 8Loe. cit., and Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1893, Bd. 31, p. 214. 990 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. liver, the normal action being either destruction in the liver itself or in other organs through the medium of a substance (enzyme ?) produced in the liver. i One may interpret Araki’s experiment as showing that considerable quantities of lactic acid are constantly produced in metabolism, but are normally swept away and burned; the CO-poisoning would prevent the normal combustion. The accumulation in muscle after stoppage of blood-current (rigor mortis) would then be only a continuation of the normal — process of decomposition. Cystein, a-Amido-a-thiopropionic Acid.—This substance has the formula NH, cu,—¢_cooH. It is a product of proteid metabolism and is normally H destroyed in the body. On the introduction of a halogen derivative of benzol into the body, compounds are formed with cystein, called mercapturic acids, which appear in the urine: NH, NH, | | | CH,—C—COOH + C,H,Br + O= cH,¢—C00H + H,0. SH SC,H,Br. Bromophenyl-mercapturic acid. This proves that cystein (like glycocoll, for example) is at least an intermediary and possibly a primary product of proteid metabolism (see p. 951). If eystein be fed, the greater part (two-thirds) of the sulphur appears in the urine as sulphuric acid, the rest as neutral sulphur. Thiolactic acid has been found’ as a decomposition product of horn. Baumann? demonstrates the reduction of eystein to thiolactic acid, shows that the latter yields an odor of ethyl sulphide on evaporation, and asks if thiolactic acid be not the mother. substance of Abel’s compound (see p. 951): | NH, CH,—tCOOH + H, = CH,CH(SH)COOH + NH,. Thiolactic acid. SH Cystein itself is never directly detected in the urine or in the body. Cystin, Dithio-diamido-ethidene Lactic Acid.—Cystein is converted by atmospheric oxygen into cystin : NH, 3 | CH,—CSNH,—COOH 2CH,—C—COOH + 20= pnd os CH,—CSNH,—COOH Cystin. ) Cystin is very insoluble in water. In particular cases it appears in considerable ’ Suter: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1895, Bd. 20, p. 564. * Baumann: Ibid., 1895, Bd. 20, p. 583. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. |. 991 quantities as a urinary sediment, still more rarely as a stone in the bladder (see p. 986). It is levo-rotatory. It is reported’ that bodies having the composition C—S—H (thio- acids, mercaptans) may form sulphuric acid, while most of those having the composition —C—S—C— (ethyl sulphide) are not oxidized in the body. B-Oxybutyric Acid, CH,CHOHCH,COOH.—A levo-rotatory acid (see p- 981). Amipo- DERIVATIVES oF CaRBoNiIc AcID. OH PRA SS NH OC CO, the other of urea. The skeletal struc- ture of all alloxuric bodies may be written thus: rie C —N Neb | 0° Alloxan. Urea. These bodies fall into three groups, that of hypoxanthin, of xanthin, and of uric acid. Bodies belonging to the first two groups are called alloruric bases, or more commonly xanthin bases, or nuclein bases, because they are derived from nuclein. The strong family analogy of the three groups is shown by the following reactions—results of heating with hydrochloric acid in sealed tubes at 180° to 200° :? C,H,N,O+ 7H,0 =3NH, + C,H, NO, + CO, + 2CH,O,. Hypoxanthifi. Glycocoll. Formic acid. C,H,N,0, + 6H,O =3NH, + C,H,NO, + 2CO, + CH,O,. Xanthin. C.H,N,O, + 5H,0=3NH, + C,H,NO, + 3CO,. Uric acid. Reference to the formule below will show that the molecules of CO, given off correspond to the number of CO radicals in the alloxuric body, while the molecules of formic acid correspond to the number of CH groups. (a2) HypoxaNnTHIN Bases. NH—C—H | Hypoxanthin, or Sarcin, HC C—NH I > CO—This is found in N — C=N small amounts in the tissues and fluids of the body and in the urine, The action of water or dilute acids on nuclein yields hypoxanthin.° | NH—C—H Adenin, or Imidosarcin, HC C—NH, ° S| DONE —This is found N—C=N 1 For literature on these diamido- fatty acids see Klebs: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1895, Bd. 19, p. 301. . 2 Kriiger: Ibid., 1894, Bd. 18, p. 463. 5 Kossel : Jbid., 1881, Bd. 5, p. 268. 996: AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. in the tissues and fluids of the body and in the urine. It is, like hypoxan- thin, a decomposition product of nuclei.’ It is converted into hypoxanthin through the action of nitrous acid. (6) XANTHIN BASsEs, NH—C—H oh: | | Xanthin, OC ee \ »co.— —This substance, like the two last N ape N named, is found in the tissues and the fluids of the body, and is a decomposi- tion product of nuclein, Occasionally it occurs in the form of a urinary cal- culus, as a stone of exceptional hardness. Monomethy] Xanthin, or Heteroxanthin, C,H,N,O,.—This has likewise been detected in the urine (see Caffein). Theobromin, Dimethyl Xanthin, or Paraxanthin.— NCH,—C—H "6 | O=C C_NCH, i | PO NH — C=N This is the principal alkaloid in cacao (chocolate). When fed it is in part excreted as monomethyl xanthin in the urine (see Caffein). Its silver com- pound treated with methyl-iodide yields caffein. NCH,— : —H | Theophyllin, O = 0% C— NH s l PO: .—This is found in tea and may be NCH,— C=N converted into caffein through the addition of a third methyl group.’ NCH,—C—H | Caffein, Thein, Trimethyl Xanthin, O _o% C—NCH. ~*~ | CO. NCH,—C=N This is the alkaloid of coffee, tea, guarana, and the cola nut, imparting the nerve-stimulating properties to each. A cup of coffee contains 0.1 gram ie caffein. If caffein be fed it appears in part as methyl xanthin in the urine. That the compounds theobromin and caffein may be demethylated in the tissue is an interesting commentary on the methylation of tellurium, selenium, and pyridin by the tissues. Guanin, Imido-xanthin, C,H,N,ONH.—This is found, like hypoxanthin, adenin, and xanthin, in tissues rich in nuclei, and in the blood.t It is a decom- * Kossel : Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1886, Bd. 7, p. 250. * Ibid., 1889, Bd. 18, p. 298. * Boudzynski und Gottlieb : Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1895, Bd. 36, p. 45. * Kossel: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1884, Bd. 8, p. 404. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 997 position product of nuclein. Combined with calcium it gives the brilliant iridescence to fish-scales.* It is found in the fresher layers of deposited guano, according to Voit being very probably derived from the fish eaten by the water-fow]. (c) Uric Actps. NH—C=0O a | Uric Acid, O=C C—NH ; ll >CO.—This acid is found in the nor- NH—C—NH mal urine in small amounts, and may be detected in the blood and tissues, especially in gout. It is the principal excrement of birds and snakes, that of the latter being almost pure ammonium urate. Preparation.—(1) By heating glycocoll with urea at 200° : C,H,NO, + 3CO(NH,), = C,H,N,O, + 3NH, + 2H,0. (2) By heating the amide of trichlorlactic acid with urea: CCl,CHOH.CO.NH, + 2CO(NH,), = C,H,N,O, + 3HCl + NH, + H,O. Properties.—Uric acid may be deposited in white hard crystals, which are tasteless, odorless, and almost insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether. (For its solution in the urine see p. 966.) Presence of urea adds to its solubility.’ Its most soluble salts are those of lithium and piperazin. Uric acid is dibasic— that is, two of its hydrogen atoms may be replaced by monad elements. (1) Nitric acid in the cold converts uric acid into urea and alloxan : C,H,N,0, + 0 + H,0 = 00 OH OH BH. OH This is the sugar of the body. It is found in the blood and other fluids and in the tissues to the extent of 0.1 per cent. and more, even during starvation. The principal source of the dextrose of the blood is that derived from the digestion of starch, and also of cane-sugar, in the intestinal tract. Dextrose is likewise pro- duced from proteid, for a diabetic patient fed solely on proteid may still excrete sugar in the urine. Minkowski’ finds that in starving dogs after extirpation of the pancreas the proportion of sugar to nitrogen is 2.8:1. The same ratio has been shown to exist in phlorizin diabetes in rabbits? when the drug is. administered in a certain way. In calculating this production of glucose from proteid, it is discovered to be a process of oxidation, in which 45 grams of dextrose are formed from every 100 grams of proteid decomposed.* The sugar so formed contains 44 per cent. of the physiologically available energy of the proteid consumed, ‘The pancreas may perhaps manufacture a ferment which, supplied to the tissues, becomes the first cause of the decomposition of dextrose, and in whose absence diabetes ensues. Excess of dextrose in the body is stored up, especially in the liver- cells, as glycogen, which is the anhydride of dextrose; the glycogen may be ' afterwards reconverted into dextrose. The presence of sugar in the body in starvation, even when little urea may be detected there, shows the readier excre- tion of the nitrogenous radical of proteid. Traces of dextrose are found in normal urine. Dextrose is a sweet-tasting crystalline substance ; its solutions rotate polar- ized light to the right. Fee ote d-Fructose, Levulose, Fruit-sugar, CH,OH C C C COCH,OH.— OH OH H This occurs in many fruits and in honey. It is sweeter than dextrose, and rotates polarized light to the left. It is a product of the decomposition of cane-sugar in the intestinal canal. If levulose be fed, any excess in the blood may be converted into glycogen, and through the. glycogen into dextrose. It is possible thus to convert 50 per cent. of the levulose fed into dextrose.* 1 Archiv fiir Physiologie und Pharmakologie, 1893, Bd. 31, p. 85. 2 Lusk: Paper read before the American Society of Physiology, Philadelphia, 1895. 8 Weintraud and Laues: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1894, Bd. 19, p. 632. * Minkowski: Archiv fiir Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1893, Bd. 31, p. 157. 1006 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. When levulose is fed to a diabetic patient, it may be burned, though power to burn dextrose has been lost.’ H OHOHH d-Galactose, CHAOH C C C C CHO.—This is found combined OHH H OH with proteid in the brain, forming the glucoside cerebrin. It is produced together with dextrose in the hydrolytic decomposition of milk-sugar. It does not undergo alcoholic fermentation, at least not with Saccharomyces apiculatus. When fed it is not converted directly into glycogen, but through its burning it spares the decomposition of some of the dextrose produced from proteid, which latter may of course be converted into glycogen,” THE DIsACCHARIDES, C,,H,,O,). These are di-multiple sugars in ether-like combination. To cane-sugar and milk-sugar, Fisher has ascribed the following formule :* | CANE-SUGAR. MILK-SUGAR, CH, CH,OH CH,OH CHO 09’ CHOH ~'NC CHOH CHOH \CHOH | /CHOH CH CHOH CH OX CHOH Oo” CHOH CHOH CHOH CH \ CHOH CHOH CH,OH CH,OH CH -—O-'CH: Dextrose group. Levulose group. Galactose group. Dextrose group. Cane-sugar, or Saccharose.—Cane-sugar, obtained from the sugar-cane and the beet-root, is largely used to flavor the food, and likewise assumes importance as a food-stuff. On boiling with dilute acids, cane-sugar is con- verted through hydrolysis into a mixture of levulose and dextrose. The same result is obtained by warming with 0.2 per cent. hydrochloric acid at the temperature of the body. ‘This inversion, therefore, takes place in the stomach. In the intestinal canal the inversion is accomplished through the action of a ferment present in the intestinal juice. Subcutaneous injection of cane-sugar shows that it is not directly converted into glycogen, but that in burning it spares some dextrose coming from proteid decomposition, and this latter is converted into glycogen and may be found in the liver and muscles. But fed per os, cane-sugar is the cause of a large glycogen storage, in virtue of its greater or less conversion into dextrose and levulose in the intestines. Milk-sugar, or Lactose.—This is found in the milk and in the amniotic fluid. It is probably manufactured from dextrose in the mammary glands, for the blood does not contain it. It is sometimes present in the urine during’ the last days of pregnancy, and almost always during the first days of lactation. It readily undergoes lactic fermentation, producing lactic acid, which then causes clotting of the milk. This fermentation may take place in the intestinal tract. Boiling with dilute acids splits up milk-sugar into galactose and dextrose. 1 Loe Cit. *C. Voit: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1891, Bd. 28, p. 245. * Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1894, Bd.26, p. 2400. . A ——_— EEE eEeEE>E————S Y THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. — 1007 This decomposition probably does not take place in the stomach. Neither does the intestinal juice cause this transformation.’ Milk-sugar is probably absorbed unchanged, and is not a glycogen-producer except indirectly in the sense of sparing proteid dextrose which may become glycogen.? The contrary view, i. e. that milk-sugar is converted into dextrose and galactose, is held by Minkowski? and others. The question is not definitely settled. Isomaltose.—This is the only disaccharide which has been synthetically obtained, having been produced by boiling dextrose with hydrochloric acid. It ferments with difficulty and forms an osazone which melts at 150°-153°. It, with dextrin, is a product of the action of diastase and of the diastatic enzymes found in saliva, pancreatic juice, intestinal juice, and blood upon starch and glycogen. Through further action of the same ferments isomaltose is converted into maltose. Maltose.—Maltose (and dextrin) are the end-products of the action of diastase on starch and glycogen, the process being one of hydrolysis: 3C,H,,0O, + H,O = C,,H,,0,, + C,H,,0;. Maltose. Dextrin. It is likewise a product of the diastatic action of ptyalin (saliva), amylopsin (pancreatic juice), and of ferments in the intestinal juice and in the blood. Maltose readily undergoes alcoholic fermentation and forms an osazone which melts at 206°. It is converted into dextrose by boiling with acids. Certain ferments convert maltose (and dextrin) into dextrose (see Starch). CELLULOSE GRouP, (C,H,,0,),. Cellulose.—This is a highly polymerized anhydride of dextrose, perhaps also of man- ‘nose. It forms the cell-wall in the plant. It undergoes putrefaction in the intestinal canal, especially in herbivora (see p. 976), and owing to the production of fatty acids it may have value as a food. In man only young and tender cellulose is digested, such as occurs in lettuce and celery. The bulk of herbivorous fecal matter consists of cellulose. Cellulose is only with difficulty attacked by acids and alkalies. Tunicin, found among the tunicates, is identical with cellulose, so that the substance is not solely characteristic of the vegetable kingdom. Starch, (C,;H,,0;),..—This substance on boiling with dilute acids breaks down by hydrolysis principally to dextrose. It is found in plants, and may be manufactured by them from cane-sugar, dextrose, levulose, and from other sugars. It forms a reserve food-stuff, being converted into sugar as the plant requires it—in winter, for example. Starch gives a blue color with iodine. According to recent investigations‘ starch is said to be broken up by diastase into five successive hydrolytic cleavage-products as follows : (1) Amylo- dextrin (Ci.H)0;)54, 2 Substance giving a deep-blue color with iodine. This is next changed to (2) Erythrodeztrin, (C\zH)O,9);, + HO, or (CypHO,);;- 1 Pregl: Prfliiger’s Archiv, 1895, Bd. 61, p. 359. 2 ©. Voit, Op. cit., p. 260 et seq. 3 Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1893, Bd. 31, p. 161; Kausch and Socin, ibid., 1893, Bd. 31, p. 398. 4 Lintner and Diill: Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1893, Bd. 26, p. 2533. 1008 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. (C,,H,.0,,), which is readily soluble in water and gives with iodine a reddish- brown color. Erythrodextrin is converted into (3) Achroodeatrin, (C,H ,O,9), + H,0, or (C,gH)Ojo)5«C12H220;,, which is likewise very soluble, tastes slightly sweet, but gives no coloration with iodine. Achroodextrin now breaks up into (4) Isomaltose, which through change in configuration is transformed to its isomere (5) Maltose. Products similar to these are formed by the various diastatie ferments in the body, and in addition also some dextrose. Ptyalin* acts rapidly on starch, producing dextrin and maltose, but very little dextrose. Amylopsin, from the pancreas, acts still more rapidly than ptyalin, and with the production of con- siderable dextrose. The diastatic ferment of intestinal juice acts very slowly on starch, forming dextrin, maltose, and a little dextrose, while the ferment in blood-serum likewise acts slowly but with complete transformation of all the maltose and dextrin formed, into dextrose. The above facts lead Hamburger to suggest that the diastatic ferments of the body consist of mixtures, in different proportions, of diastase, which forms dextrin and maltose from starch, and of glucase, which converts these into dextrose. This, however, is merely an hypothesis, and glucase has never been prepared. The vegetable diastase is not iden- tical with that found in the body. Thus ptyalin, like emulsin, breaks up salicin into sali- cylic alcohol and dextrose, of which action vegetable diastase is incapable. But ptyalin, again, is not identical with emulsin, for it will not act on amygdalin. Glycogen, or Animal Starch.—Recent investigations have shown that in all the particulars of diastatic decomposition glycogen is identical with vege- table starch.? Glycogen is soluble in water, giving an opalescent fluid. The blood has a normal composition which does not greatly vary. After a hearty meal excess of fat is deposited in fatty tissue, excess of proteid in the muscular tissue, while excess of sugar is stored in the muscles and especially in the liver- cells in the less combustible and less diffusible form of glycogen. About one- half of the total quantity of glycogen is found in the muscles, the remainder in the liver, where it may even amount to 40 per cent. of the dry solids. When the blood becomes poor in sugar, the store of glycogen is drawn upon to such an extent that in hunger the body becomes glycogen-free. Muscular work likewise causes the rapid conversion of glycogen into sugar. The sources of glycogen are certain ingested carbohydrates, and also the dextrose derived from proteid. If large quantities of proteid be fed, glycogen may be stored. If milk-sugar and galactose be burned in the cells of an otherwise starving animal, the dextrose from proteid is economized and glycogen is found. If dextrose or levulose (or anything which produces dextrose, e. g. cane-sugar, maltose) be fed, there is a direct conversion of the sugar into glycogen. Voit* has called attention to the fact that only directly fermentable sugars are convertible into glycogen. Cremer * shows that yeast-cells contain much glycogen when cul- tivated in media which they ferment, not, however, when cultivated in milk- ‘See Hamburger: Piliiger’s Archiv, 1895, Bd. 60, p. 573. * Kiilz and Vogel: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1895, Bd. 31, p. 108. * Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1891, Bd. 28, p. 270. * Ibid., 1895, Bd. 31, p. 188. ’ ’ ite, ae Se, er a THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. ~ 1009 sugar, for example. So perhaps, in levulose-fermentation the first step may be conversion into glycogen or the anhydride of dextrose. Cremer maintains that the pentoses are burned in the body, but are only indirectly glycogen- producers. Dextrins.—These have been described under starch. HH (OHA d-Glucuronic Acid, or Glycuronic Acid, HOOCC C C C CHO. OHOHH OH —Obtained by reducing d-saccharic acid with nascent hydrogen. After feed- ing chloral hydrate, naphthalin, camphor, terpentine, phenol, ortho-nitrotoluol, and other bodies, they appear in the urine (usually having been first converted into alcohol) in combination with glycuronic acid. Urochloralic acid, naphthol- glycuronic acid, campho-glycuronic acid, terpene-glycuronic acid, etc., all rotate polarized light to the left. It seems that these ingested substances unite in the body with the aldehyde group of dextrose, at the same time protecting all but one group of the dextrose molecule from further oxidation (Fischer). Glycu- ronic acid, which is easily separated by hydrolysis from its aromatic combina- tion, itself rotates polarized light to the right, reduces alkaline copper solutions, and might be confounded with dextrose except that it does not ferment with yeast. Glycuronic acid is likewise found in the urine after administration of curare, morphine, and after chloroform-narcosis, perhaps paired with aromatic bodies formed in the organization. COMBUSTION IN THE CELL IN GENERAL.—Experiments’ show that taking the proteid decomposition in the starving dog as 1, it is necessary to feed three to four times that amount of proteid taken alone in order to attain nitrogenous equilibrium, 1.6 to 2.1 times that amount of proteid when fed with fat, and 1 to 1.2 times that amount when fed with carbohydrates. The physiological proteid minimum is in these cases never less than the amount required in starvation. Only after feeding gelatin with proteid may the proteid fed be below the amount decomposed in starvation. The above shows what is well known, that sugar spares proteid from decomposition more than fat does. E. Voit” states these two propositions: (1) The part played by these several food-stuffs in the total metabolism depends on the composition of the fluid feeding the cell. The greater the amount of one of these food-stuffs, the greater its decompo- sition and the less the decomposition of the others, so long as the total decom- position suffers no change. (2) The several food-stuffs do not act wholly on account of their quantity in the fluid surrounding the cell, but especially accord- ing to the chemical affinity of the cell-substance for them individually. First in this regard comes proteid, then carbohydrates, and lastly fat. The excessive proteid decomposition in diabetes is due to the non-combus- _tion of the proteid protecting sugars* and the same is true in fever where a small supply of carbohydrates reaches the blood.‘ 1K. Voit and Korkunoff: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1895, Bd. 32, p. 117. 2 Op. cit., pp. 128 and 135. 3 Lusk: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1890, Bd. 27, p. 459. 4 May: Ibid., 1894, Bd. 30, p. 1. 64 1010 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. For further discussion of carbohydrates in the body see under the indi- vidual sugars, and under Fat in the Body. Benzo, Derivatives on Aromatic CoMPOUNDS. The aromatic compounds are characterized by a configuration in which six atoms of carbon are linked together in a circle called the benzol ring. The type of this is benzol, a hydrocarbon found in coal-tar and having the formula, Hi 1 C Fs 6 2 —t% bet I | H—C C—H Shy 5 3 C 4 H The hydrogen atoms may be substituted for others, substitution of one OH group, for example, forming phenol, C;H;—OH. If, however, two OH groups are substituted, three different bodies, corresponding to the different arrangements on the ring, become possible. If the two OH groups occupy the positions 1 and 2 the substance is ortho-dioxybenzol ; if 1 and 3, meta- dioxybenzol ; and if 1 and 4, para-dioxybenzol. It is possible to convert bodies of the fatty series into those of the aro- — matic. Acetylene passed through red-hot tubes yields benzol. On the other hand, aromatic bodies may be converted into those of the fatty series. If phenol in aqueous solution be subjected to electrolysis by an alternating cur- rent under which circumstances hydrogen and oxygen are alternately liberated on the same pole, the effect of this intermittent oxidation and reduction is to break up the phenol into caproic acid, and finally, after passing through acids of lower carbon contents, into carbonic acid and water. The aromatic compounds found in the urine are normally exclusively derived from the products of proteid putrefaction in the intestines. It is admitted that neither fats nor carbohydrates play any part in their formation. Benzol, C;H,.—This body if fed is absorbed and afterward converted into oxybenzol or phenol, with subsequent behavior similar to phenol. Phenol (Carbolic Acid, Oxybenzol, Phenyl-hydroxide), C,H,OH.— This is an aromatic alcohol. A 5 per cent. solution precipitates proteid, and a much weaker solution produces irritation of the tissues, and especially those of the kidney, where its excretion takes place. It is strange that a strong antiseptic like phenol should be a normal product of proteid putrefaction. Phenol is obtainable from tyrosin, by processes of cleavage and oxidation (see Tyrosin), and in the intestinal canal is probably derived from tyrosin. A small amount of the phenol ordinarily absorbed is converted by the organism. into pyrocatechin, a dioxybenzol. These two substances are found in normal urine in ethereal combination with sulphuric acid, C;H,O.SO,.OH (or as an alkaline ethereal sulphate). This synthesis, accomplished by the union of the © Sa = ee THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 1011 phenol and sulphuric acid with loss of water, has been obtained by electrolysis, using alternating electric currents.’ If phenol be administered in more than a very small amount, hydroquinone likewise appears in the urine, paired like the others with sulphuric acid, and should the phenol administered exceed at any time the available sulphate, it forms to a certain extent a synthesis with glycuronic acid, and so combined appears in the urine. Phenol gives with Millon’s reagent (mercuric nitrate in nitric acid with some nitrous acid) a brilliant red coloration. This is given by all bodies having an hydroxy] group on the benzol ring, of which substance tyrosin may be mentioned as an example. It is likewise given by proteid, slowly in the cold, more rapidly on warming, and this fact together with the cleavage putrefactive products has given foundation to the belief that the oxy- benzol ring exists preformed in the proteid molecule. Pyrocatechin, C,H,OH),.—This is ortho-dioxybenzol. For its forma- tion see under Phenol. Hydroquinone, C,H,(OH),.—Para-dioxybenzol. Found in the urine especially in cases of carbolic-acid poisoning (see Phenol). If such urine be shaken in the air, it is turned black, owing to the oxidation of hydroquinone fo to quinone, C,H, |. No p-Cresol, C,H,.OH.CH,.—This is a product of intestinal putrefaction, and is derived from tyrosin (which see). It is found in the urine as an ethereal sulphate. Benzoic Acid, C,H,COOH.—Salts of this acid and analogous bodies are found especially in plants. In the urine of herbivora therefore is found a considerable amount of hippuric acid, COOH.CH,.NH.CO.C,H,, the com- bination of benzoic acid and glycocoll (see Glycocoll, p. 981). On feeding phenyl-acetic acid, C,H,;CH,COOH, phenaceturic acid, COOH.CH,.NH.- CO.CH,.C,H,, appears in the urine, while the higher benzyl acids, such as phenyl-propionie acid, suffer the oxidation of the side chain in the body, and _ ordinary hippuric acid is formed. After eating apple-parings and other vege- table substances, hippuric acid is found in human urine. It is further stated that phenyl-acetic acid and phenyl-propionic acids are normal products of proteid putrefaction, though in very small quantities ; hippuric acid and phen- aceturic acid must therefore be constantly present in traces in human urine. Hippuric acid is split into its constituents by hydrolysis through the action of the Micrococcus uree. | p-Oxyphenyl-acetic Acid, C,H,.OH.CH,COOH.—This is a product of the intestinal putrefaction of proteid and of tyrosin (which see). It occurs in the urine either paired with sulphuric acid or as an alkaline salt of oxyphenyl- acetic acid.” p-Hydrocumaric Acid, C,H,.OH.C,H,COOH.—This second oxy- acid is likewise derived from proteid and tyrosin (which see) putrefaction. Its occur- rence in the urine is similar to the above oxy- acid. Tyrosin, Amido-hydrocumaric Acid, p-Oxyphenyl-amido-propionic 1 Drechsel : Journal fiir praktische Chemie, Bd. 29, p. 229 ; abstr. Jahresbericht tiber Thierchemie, 1884, p. 77. ? Baumann: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1886, Bd. 10, p. 125. 1012 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Acid, C,H,.OH.C,H,NH,COOH.—Tyrosin is a constant product of the putre- faction of all proteid bodies (except gelatin), and is therefore found in cheese. It may be formed in large quantities by boiling horn-shavings with sul- phurie acid. Leucin is always formed whenever tyrosin is. Tyrosin forms characteristic sheaf-shaped bundles of crystals. All the aromatic bodies thus far described have been eliminated in the urine with their benzol nucleus intact. Tyrosin, however, may be completely burned in the body. This seems to be because of the presence of the amido- group on the side chain, for phenyl-amido-propionic acid is likewise destroyed. ‘Tyrosin is found in the urine in yellow atrophy of the liver, in phosphorus-poisoning, etc. (see Leucin, p. 983). Through cleavage, oxidation, or reduction, the following reactions take place, phenol being the final product.’ The substances not found in intes- tinal putrefaction are named in italics : C,H,.OH.C,H;,NH,COOH + H, = O©,H,.OH.C,H,COOH + NH, p-Hydrocumaric acid. C,H,.OH.C,H,COOH = C,H,OH.C,H,; + CO, p-Ethylphenol. C,H,.OH.C,H; + 30 = C,H,OH.CH,COOH + H,O p-Oxyphenyl-acetic acid. C,H,.OH.CH,COOH = C,H,.OH.CH, + CO, p-Cresol, C,H,.OH.CH, + 30 i C,H,OH COOH -+- H,O p-Oxybenzoic acid. C,H,OH.COOH = C,H;OH + CO, Phenol. It has never been shown that tyrosin is a normal product of proteid metabolism within the tissues. With leucin it is said to be a normal product of pancreatic di- gestion (see p. 983), being derived only from hemipeptone (Kiihne, Chittenden). Pyridin.—This body has the accompanying formula, one of the CH groups in benzol ( Y HC oe ~ being substituted by N: ah Ae When pyridin is fed, methyl-pyridin ammonium SK - hydroxide, OH.CH;.NC,H;, is excreted in the urine.? This is another ease, besides those of selenium and tellurium, of methylation in the body. H 4H On yy NN fr Py Let HC... Chinolin.—The accompanying formula __ | | | illustrates the composition HC .0- ‘OH S4\F N, <28 H of this body., Several of the methyl-chinolins burn readily in the body.® ‘Baumann: Berichte der deutschen chemischen Ctesellschaft, 1879, Bd. 12, p. 1450. * His: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1887, Bd. 22, p. 258. * Cohn: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1894, Bd. 20, p. 210. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 1013 Cynurenic Acid, C,H;N.OH.COOH.—This is oxychinolin carbonic acid; it is found normally in dog’s urine, being derived from proteid metabolism. This form of the chinolin group is therefore not burned in the body. Indol, or Benzopyrol, C,H,N.—The source of indol is surely from proteid putrefaction ; it may also be obtained by melting proteid with potash. H H C C Des ON Go YON HC C CH HC C COH | | | | | HC C CH HC C CH ae aS No C N C N H H H H Indol. Indoxyl. After its absorption it receives an oxy- group just as benzol does, and like benzol pairs with sulphuric acid with the loss of a molecule of water, and appears as ethereal sulphate in the urine. In preparing indol from feces the fecal odor clings to it. Pure indol, however, has no smell. An alcoholic solution of indol mixed with hydrochloric acid colors fir-wood cherry-red. If urine be mixed with an equal volume of hydrochloric acid, chloroform added, and then gradually an oxidizing agent (chloride of lime), any indoxyl- sulphuric acid present will be oxidized to indigo-blue, which gives a blue color to the chloroform in which it dissolves. Skatol, or /-Methyl Indol, C,H,CH,;NH.—tThe history of skatol, H C soe Ar abe HO * O° (CoH; ogg aieas Stee Hor) 5 «i OM Sirti wit Ce ON ns Skatol. is the same as that of indol. Its source is from proteid putrefaction ; after ab- sorption it unites with an oxy- group, and the skatoxy]l thus produced pairs with sulphuric acid, and appears in the urine as ethereal skatoxy]-sulphuric acid. AROMATIC BopIEs IN THE Urtne.—There have been named above as appearing in normal human urine the ethereal sulphates of phenol, p-cresol, pyrocatechin, indoxyl, skatoxyl, hydroparacumaric acid, and oxypheny]-acetie acid, of which, however, the last two appear likewise as their salts without being combined with sulphuric acid.’ These are derived from proteid putre- factive products formed almost entirely in the large intestine (see p. 988), which are partially absorbed and partially pass into the feces. The amount 1 Baumann: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1886, Bd. 10, p. 125. 1014 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. of ethereal sulphate in the urine gives an indication of the amount of intes- tinal putrefaction. It does not disappear in starvation, mucin and nucleo- proteid of bile and intestinal juice furnishing material.’ If the intestinal tract be treated so as to make it antiseptic, the ethereal sulphates disappear from the urine2 Diarrhoea likewise decreases their amount, obviously from the short time given for putrefaction. Inosit.—This is the hexatomic phenol of hexahydrobenzol, C,H,(OH),. It was long mistaken for a carbohydrate. It has been found in muscle, liver, spleen, suprarenals, lungs, brain, and testicles; likewise in plants, in unripe peas and beans. After drinking much water it may be washed out in the urine, and perhaps for this reason is often found in the voluminous urine of the diabetic. When fed it is burned; also by the diabetic. Its origin is unknown. SuBsTANCES OF UNKNOWN COMPOSITION. CoLORING MATTERS IN THE Bopy. Hemoglobin, Cn :HusoN.uFeS,0,,; (Zinoffsky’s formula for hemoglobin in horse's ‘blood).—Hzemoglobin is found in the red blood-corpusele. United with oxygen it forms. oxyhzemoglobin, which gives the scarlet color to arterial blood; heemoglobin itself is darker, more bluish, and therefore venous blood is of a less brilliant red. Methods for preparing oxyhzemoglobin crystals are numerous, but all depend on getting the heemoglobin into solu- tion. If the corpuscles in cruor be washed with physiological salt-solution, then treated with distilled water, the HbO will be dissolved; on shaking with a little ether the stroma will likewise dissolve ; after decantation and evaporation of the ether, at the room’s tem- perature, the solution is cooled to —10° and a one-fourth volume of alcohol at the same temperature added ; after a few days rhombic crystals of oxyhzemoglobin may he collected, redissolved in water, and reprecipitated for purification. The crystals may be dried im vacuo over sulphuric acid. Once dry they may be. heated to 100° without decomposition, but in aqueous solution they are decomposed at 70° into a globulin and heematin, the latter having a brown color. This difference in color gives the distinction between “‘rare’’ and ‘‘well-done’’ roast-beef. Gastric and pancreatic digestion likewise convert oxyhzemoglobin into a globulin, which may be absorbed, and hzematin, which passes into the feces. Hzemo- globin is without doubt formed in the body from simple proteids by a synthetic process. (For further information see pp. 973 and 1015, and likewise under the section on Blood.) CO-Heemoglobin (see p. 960). NO-Hemoglobin (see p. 956). | Methemoglobin.—This has the same composition as oxyhemoglobin. It is found in blood-stains, and may be considered as oxyhzemoglobin which has undergone a chemical change whereby its oxygen is more firmly bound in the molecule. Hematin, C;,H;.N,O,Fe.—This is a cleavage-product of heemoglobin in the presence of oxygen. (See above, under Hemoglobin). It is not itself a constituent of the body. It is insoluble in dilute acids, alcohol, ether, or chloroform, but is soluble in alkalies or in acidified alcohol or ether, showing characteristic absorption-bands. If a little dry blood be placed on a microscope slide with NaCl and moistened with glacial acetic acid, and warmed, characteristic brown microscopic crystals of heemin, Cy,H3)N,FeOs. HCl, crystallize out. If these crystals and the spectroscopic test be obtained, one can be absolutely posi- tive of the presence of blood. Hemochromogen, ©,,H,,N,FeO,;.—If reduced hzemoglobin be heated in sealed tubes with dilute acids or alkali in absence of oxygen, a purple-red compound is produced called * Von Noorden: Pathologie des Stoffwechsels, 1898, p. 163. ? Baumann, Op. cit., p. 129. Oe THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. ~ 1015 hzemochromogen, which is a crystallizable cleavage-product of hemoglobin. According to Hoppe-Seyler the oxygen in oxyhemoglobin is bound to the hemochromogen group. Hzemochromogen treated with a strong dehydrating agent is converted, with elimination of iron, into hematoporphyrin, C,H .N,O¢, an isomer of bilirubin. Hzematoporphyrin is said to occur in normal urine.’ Heematoporphyrin treated with nascent hydrogen is converted into a body believed to be identical with hydro- or urobilirubin. Analogous to this is the work of the liver in the body, manufacturing the biliary coloring matter from hzemoglobin, and retaining the separated iron for the synthesis of fresh haemoglobin (see p. 973). Hamatoidin, found in old blood-stains, is believed to be identical with bilirubin. The Bile-pigments.—The ordinary coloring matter of yellow human bile is bilirubin, C,,H,,N,O,. The next higher oxidation-product is the green biliverdin, CO .H3,.N,Oz, which is the usual dominant color in the bile of herbivora. In gall-stones have been found the following coloring matters, to which have been ascribed the accompanying formule : Bilirubin (red), CysHegN 0, ; Biliverdin (green), Cs.H .N,Og; Bilifuscin (brown), C3,H N,O,; Biliprasin (green), C,,H,,N,O,,; Bilihumin (brown), ? Bilicyanin (blue), ? Choletelin (black), C;.H3,N,0,.. If nitric acid containing a little nitrous acid be added to a solution of bilirubin, a play of colors is observed at the juncture of the two fluids, undoubtedly depending upon various stages of oxidation. Above is a ring of green (biliverdin), then blue and violet (bilicya- nin), red, yellowish-brown (choletelin). Cholotelin is the highest oxidation-product. The above is known as Gmelin’s test.” If bilirubin or biliverdin is subjected to the action either of nascent hydrogen or of putrefaction it is reduced to hydrobilirubin, C,,H,,N,O,. This substance is therefore formed in the intestinal tract, is in part absorbed, and appears in the urine, where it is called urobilin, though the two are identical. Urobilin gives a yellowish coloration to the urine. Injection into the blood-vessels of distilled water, ether, chloroform, the biliary salts, or arsenuretted hydrogen, produces a solution of the red blood-corpuscles and conver- sion of hemoglobin into biliary coloring matters which are thrown out in the urine (see p. 988). Bilirubin, biliverdin, and bilicyanin give characteristic spectra. Melanins.—Under this name are classed the pigments of the skin, of the retina, and of the iris. They contain iron, and their source has been attributed to hemoglobin. In melanosis and kindred diseases they are deposited in black granules. There are melanins of different composition. In a case of melanotic sarcoma the hemoglobin was one quar- ter, the number of blood-corpuscles one-half, the normal, indicating perhaps the source of melanin.’ . Eryptophan.—This is said to be a cleavage-product of hemipeptone in tryptic diges- tion ;* it gives a red color with chlorine and a violet color with bromme, due to halogen- addition compounds. Lipochromes.—These include lutein, the yellow pigment of the corpus luteum, of blood-plasma, butter, egg-yolk, and of fat; likewise visual purple of the retina, which is bleached by light. Solutions of the pure viswal purple from ee or dogs become clear as water on exposure to light.°® 1 Garrod: Journal of Physiology, 1894, vol. 17, p. 348. 2 For a delicate modification of this test see Jolles : Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1895, Bd. 20, p. 461. ’ Brandl und Pfeiffer: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1890, Bd. 26, p. 348. * Stadelmann: Jbid., 1890, Bd. 26, p. 491. 5 Kiihne: Jbid., 1895, Bd. 32, p. 26. 1016 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. CHOLESTERIN. Cholesterin, C,,H,,OH.—This is found in all animal and vegetable cells and in the milk.! It is especially present in nervous tissue, in blood-corpuseles, and in the bile. ‘Tt may be prepared by dissolving gall-stones in alcohol, from which solution the cholesterin crys- tallizes on cooling in characteristic plates. It is insoluble in water or acids, but soluble in the biliary salts, alcohol, and ether. It is probably excreted unabsorbed in the feces. Cholesterin feels like a fat to the touch, but is in reality a monatomic alcohol. With con- centrated sulphuric acid it yields a hydrocarbon, cholesterilin, C.gH,, coloring the sul- phuric acid red (Salkowski’s reaction). Iso-cholesterin, an isomere, is found combined as an ester with fatty acid in wool-fat or lanolin. The physiological importance of cholesterin is unknown. THE PROTEIDS. Consideration of the proteids from a purely chemical standpoint is impos- sible, for their composition is unknown. ‘There exist only the indices of com- position furnished by the products of cleavage and disintegration. Bodies at present classed as individuals may sometimes be shown to be identical, with characterizing impurities. It remains for the chemist to do for the proteid group what Emil Fischer with phenyl-hydrazin has accomplished for the sugars. As a characteristic proteid, egg-albumin may be mentioned. Proteid forms (after water) the largest part of the organized cell, and is found in all the fluids of the body except in urine, sweat, and bile. Proteid contains carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, sometimes phosphorus and iron. General Reactions.—A. neutral solution of proteid (with the exception of the peptones and proteoses) is partially precipitated on boiling, and is quite completely precipitated on careful addition of an acid (acetic) to the boiling solution. Proteids are precipitated in the cold by nitric and the other com- mon mineral acids, by metaphosphoric but not by orthophosphoriec acid. Metallic salts, such as lead acetate, copper sulphate, and mercuric chloride, precipitate proteid ;'as do ferro- and ferricyanide of potassium in acetic-acid solution. Further, saturation of acid solutions of proteid with neutral salts (NaCl, Na,SO,, (NH,),SO,) precipitates them, as does likewise alcohol in neutral or acid solutions. Proteid is also precipitated by tannic acid in acetic- acid solutions, by phospho-tungstic and phospho-molybdie acids in the presence of free mineral acids, by picric acid in solutions acidified by organic acids.” Of the color-reactions the action of Millon’s reagent has been described (see p. 992). Soluble proteids give the biuret test (see p. 1011). With concen- trated sulphuric acid and a little cane-sugar a pink color is given when proteid is present (see p. 988). Proteid heated with moderately concentrated nitric acid gives yellow flakes, changing to orange-yellow on addition of alkalies (xantho-proteid reaction). Proteid in a mixture of one part of concentrated sulphuric acid and two parts of glacial acetic acid gives a reddish-violet color (Adamkiewicz), a reaction accelerated by heating. Finally, proteid dissolves "Schmidt-Mihlheim: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1883, Bd. 30, p. 384. an. above list is given by Hammarsten, Physiological Chemistry, translated by Mandel, p. 18. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 1017 after heating with concentrated hydrochloric acid, forming a violet-colored solution (Liebermann). The following, taken in part from Chittenden,' is submitted as a general classification of the proteids : SIMPLE PROTEIDs. Serum-albumin ; Egg-albumin ; Lacto-alburain ; Myo-albumin. r Serum-globulin ; Fibrinogen ; Globulins Myosin ; Myo-globulin ; ‘ Paramyosinogen ; Cell-globulin. Acid-albumin ; Alkali-albumin. Proteoses and Peptones. ; Fibrin: Dialiited Proteid | ; fe Other coagulated proteids. Albumins Albuminates COMBINED PROTEIDS. , Hemoglobin ; Histo-heematins ; Chromo-proteids 4 Chlorocruorin ; Heemerythrina ; \ Heemocyanin. Mucins ; se ar tooeae Mucoids. Casein ; 1. Those yielding para-nuclein | Pyin ; Vitellin. Nucleo-histon ; Cell-nuclein. Nucleo-proteids | 2. Those yielding true nuclein { Phospho-glyco-proteids. Helico-proteid. ALBUMINOIDS. Collagen (gelatin). Elastin. . Keratin and Neurokeratin. Albumins.—Bodies of this group are soluble in water and precipitated by boiling, or on standing with alcohol. Serum-albumin is the principal proteid constituent of blood- plasma, while lacto-albumin and myo-albumin are similar bodies found respectively in milk and muscle. 1 “Digestive Proteolysis,” Cartwright Lectures, 1895, p. 30. | 1018 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Globulins.—These are insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute salt-solutions. They are coagulated on heating. If blood-serum be dialyzed with distilled water to remove the salts present, serum-globulin formerly held in solution separates in flakes. Fibrinogen and serum-globulin are in blood-plasma and the lymph. Myosin is the principal constituent of dead muscles; in the living muscle myosin is said to be present in the form of myosin- ogen. Myoglobulin in muscle is akin to serum-globulin in plasma. Paramyosinogen in muscle is characterized by the low temperature at which it coagulates (+ 47°). Cell- globulin is also found in the animal cell. The globulins of vegetable cells are interesting as having been obtained in well-defined crystalline form and in great purity of composition.’ These are not generally coagulable by heat, and indeed vegetable proteids show many points of divergence from those of the animal. Albuminates.—If any of the above native animal proteids or any coagulated proteid be treated with an alkaline solution, alkali albuminate is formed. In this way the alkali of the intestine acts upon proteid. If hydrochloric acid acts on proteid, there is a gelatin- ization and slow conversion into acid albuminate, a process accelerated by the presence of pepsin. This takes place in the stomach. Both alkali and acid albuminates are in- soluble in water, but both are soluble in dilute acid or alkali, without loss of individual identity. Proteoses and Peptones.—These are bodies obtained from the digestion of proteids, through a process of hydrolysis. They are non-coagulable by heat. If a mixture of pro- teoses and peptones be saturated with ammonium sulphate the proteoses are said to be precipitated, while true peptorie remains in solution. The chemical identity of this true peptone is still, however, to be established. In gastric digestion are said to exist four varieties of proteoses: (1) Dysproteose, insoluble in water and dilute NaCl solutions, (2) hetero-proteose, insoluble in water and soluble in NaCl solution, (3) proto-proteose, soluble. in water and in NaCl solution, (4) deutero-proteose, which is also soluble in water and in NaCl solution, but is distinguished by the fact that while the first-named three are pre- cipitated by saturating the neutral solution with NaCl, deutero-proteose is only partly precipitated, the rest coming down on addition of an acid. Proteoses are converted into: amphopeptones, a mixture of hemi- and antipeptone. According to Kiihne proteid con- sists of a hemi- and an anti- group, which separate into distinct hemi- and anti- bodies in proteolysis. Of the final products, hemi- and antipeptone, only the former yields leucin and tyrosin in tryptic proteolysis. This is the only radical difference between the two peptones, hence hemipeptone has never been isolated. Coagulated Proteids.—These are insoluble in water, salt-solutions, alcohol, dilute- acids and alkalies, but soluble in strong acids and alkalies, pepsin-hydrochlorie acid, and alkaline solutions of trypsin. The chemical or physical change which is effected in coagulation of proteid is unknown. Combined Proteids.—These consist of proteid united to non-proteid bodies such as. hezemochromogen, carbohydrates, and nucleic acid. Chromo-proteids.—These are compounds of proteid with an iron- or copper-contain- ing pigment, like hemoglobin, which has already been described. Histohematins are- iron-containing pigments found especially in muscle. That which is found in muscle is. called myohzematin, and resembles heemochromogen somewhat in its spectroscopic appear- ance, and is believed to be present in two forms corresponding to haemoglobin and oxyhzemo- globin. It has been regarded as an oxygen-carrier to the tissues. Among the inverte- brates the blood often contains only white corpuscles with sometimes a colored plasma. Thus the blood-serum of the common earth-worm contains dissolved heemoglobin, that. of some other invertebrates a green respiratory pigment, chlorocruorin, whose charac- terizing component seems similar to hematin; hemerythrin occurs in the pinkish corpus- 1 Osborne: Journal of American Chemical Society, 1894, vol. xvi., Nos. 9, 10; and other arti- cles in the same journal by the same author. Pe ee eee ee THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 1019 cles of Stpunculus, while the blood of crabs, snails, and other animals (mollusks and arthropods) is colored blue by a pigment, hemocyanin, which contains copper instead of iron. Glyco-proteids.—These consist of proteids combined with a carbohydrate. They are insoluble in water, but soluble in very weak alkalies. On boiling with dilute mineral acids they yield a reducing substance. Mucins. are found in mucous glands, goblet cells, in the cement substance of epithelium and in the connective tissues. Of the nearly related mucoids may be named colloid, a sub- stance appearing like a gelatinous glue in certain tumors; psewdo-mucoid, the slimy body which gives its character to the liquid in ovarian cysts; and chondro-mucoid, found as a constituent of cartilage. On boiling chondro-mucoid with dilute sulphuric acid it yields acid-albuminate, a peptone substance, and chondroitic acid. The last is a nitrogenous ethereal sulphuric acid, yielding a carbohydrate on decomposition, and found preformed in every cartilage’ and in the amyloid liver.” It is, of course, not a proteid. Nucleo-proteids, or Nucleo-albumins.*—These are compounds of proteid with nuclein, which latter yields phosphoric acid on decomposition. If nucleo-proteid, which is found in every cell, be digested with pepsin-hydrochloric acid, there remains a residue of insoluble nuclein, likewise insoluble in water but soluble in alkalies. If this nuclein yields xanthin bases on further decomposition it is called true nuclein, if it fails to yield these bases it is called paranuclein.* Nucleo-proteids yielding proteid and paranuclein on decomposition include the casein of milk, pyin of the pleural cavity, vitellin of the egg, Bunge’s® iron-containing hematogen of the egg, as well as nucleo-proteids found in all protoplasm. They all contain iron. Paranuclein is probably absorbable (see p. 958). It is considered by Liebermann to be a combination of proteid and metaphosphoric acid (see p. 958). A second group of nucleo-proteids yields true nuclein on decomposition. This group includes the various nucleo-proteids which are constituents of different cell-nuclei. The nuclein here obtained yields on decomposition nucleic acid, from which xanthin bases are always to be derived. These xanthin bases vary in proportion and kind in the different nucleic acids. Nucleic acid of yeast nuclein yields guanin and adenin, that of a bull’s testicle adenin, hypoxanthin, and xanthin, that of the thymus adenin alone. Kossel® calls this latter ‘‘adenylic acid,’’ and speaks likewise of ‘‘ guanylic,’’ ‘‘ xanthylic,’’ ete acids, as provisional names for separate nucleic acids. Each one of this family of acids is - capable of combining with any soluble proteid to form nuclein, hence it is readily seen that nucleins may exist in great variety. Another constituent of nucleic acid Kossel finds to be thymin (a body derived from paranucleic acid, which latter, according to Kossel, is a component of paranuclein). Some nucleic acids, such as those derived from yeast, pan- creas, and the lactic glands, yield a reducing carbohydrate, while others (calf’s thymus) show the presence of the carbohydrate group only in the production of levulic acid after very thorough decomposition, and still others (fish-sperm) fail to indicate any carbohydrate radical as being present. A clearer idea of these relations is afforded by the following schematic view of the decomposition of the nucleohiston, the constituent of blood-plates and of the nuclei of leucocytes." 1 Morner : Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1895, Bd. 20, p. 357. 2 Oddi: Archiv fiir exper. Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1894, Bd. 33, p. 376. 3 These two terms are used here as synonymous, though Hammarsten would confine the term nucleo-albumin to those proteids which yield paranuclein. , It is difficult to give a definite classification of these bodies, as the whole subject at present is in a transition stage. * Kossel: Verhandlungen der Berliner physiologischen Gesellschaft, Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1894, p. 194. ® Physiologische Chemie, 3d ed., 1894 p. 92. 5 Loe. cit. ’ Lilienfeld : Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1895, Bd. 20, p. 106. 1020 AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Nucleohiston, soluble in H,0, decomposed by HCl or Ba(OH), into ~ ren Histon, a proteid. Leuconuclein, an acid ; decomposed by strong alkali into Proteid. Adenylic acid (nucleic acid), which on heating with mineral acids yields adenin, thymin, levulic acid, and phosphoric acid: (For the respective offices of histon and leuconuclein in the coagulation of the blood, see section on the Blood. ) In the sperm of salmon is found only free nucleic acid uncombined with proteid. According to Kossel other nuclei may at times contain free nucleic acids. Phospho-glyco-proteids.—This class is represented by Hammarsten’s helico-proteid, which yields paranuclein, and, unlike other nucleo-proteids of the paranuclein class, it yields a reducing carbohydrate on boiling with acids. The Albuminoids.—These are bodies derived from true proteid in the body, but not themselves convertible into proteid. They are resistant to the ordinary proteid solvents, and as a rule exist in the solid state when in the body. Collagen.—This is the chief constituent of the fibres of connective tissue, of the organic matter of bone (ossein) and is likewise one of the constituents of cartilage. Col- lagen is insoluble in water, dilute acids and alkalies. On boiling with water it forms gelatin through hydration, which is soluble in hot water, but gelatinizes on cooling (as in bouillon). Dry gelatin swells when brought into cold water. By continuous boiling or by gastric or tryptic digestion further hydration takes place with the formation of soluble gelatin peptone. Gelatin fed will not take the place of proteid, but, like sugar, only more effectively, it may prevent proteid waste by being burned in its stead.’ Gelatin yields leucin and glycocoll on decomposition, but no tyrosin. It therefore gives the biuret reaction, but none with Millon’s reagent. It contains but little sulphur. It yields about the same amido- acids as ordinary proteid. Elastin.—This is very insoluble in almost all reagents and in boiling water. - On decomposition it yields leucin, tyrosin, glycocoll, and lysatin. It is slowly hydrated by boiling with dilute acids, and by pepsin hydrochloric acid. It contains very little sulphur, and gives Millon’s test. It is found in various connective tissues, and especially in the cervical ligament. Keratin and Neuro-keratin.—These are insoluble in water, dilute acids and alkalies; insoluble in pepsin hydrochloric acid, and alkaline solutions of trypsin. Keratin is found in all horny structures, in epidermis, hair, wool, nails, hoofs, horn, feathers, tortoise-shell, whalebone, ete. Neuro-keratin has been discovered in the brain, and in the medullary sheath of nerve-fibres.? On decomposition with hydrochloric acid keratin yields all the products given by simple proteids. It contains more sulphur than simple proteid and yields more tyrosin. Drechsel* believes that it is transformed from simple proteid by the substitution of sulphur for some of the oxygen and of tyrosin for leucin or other amido- acid. Part of the sulphur is loosely combined, and a lead comb turns hair black, due to the formation of lead sulphide. There are different: keratins, and their sulphur content varies greatly. 5 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE PROTEIDS.—It has been impossible within the limits set to more than glance at the proteid bodies. Many facts concern- ing the behavior of proteids have been mentioned throughout the text, and ' Voit: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1872, Bd. 8, p. 297. * Kiihne and Chittenden : Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1890, Bd. 26, p. 291. * Ladenburg’s Handwirterbuch der Chemie, 1885, Bd. 8, p. 571. 4 i ee S £ — ‘a>: THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ANIMAL BODY. ~ 1021 cannot be classified here. A list of the principal products of the digestion and putrefaction of proteid may not be out of place. It includes albumoses, peptones, leucin, tyrosin, lysin and lysatinin, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, amido- valerianic acid, volatile fatty acids; phenyl-propionic, phenyl-acetic, p-oxy- phenyl-acetic, and p-hydrocumariec acids ; p-cresol, phenol, indol, skatol ; and the gases, ammonia, carbonic oxide, sulphuretted hydrogen, methyl mercaptan, hydrogen, and methane. | The size of the proteid molecule must be very great, and one computation shows the following figures: * C394 H gooN p20 geo. Cros Hi, nN Oo 8s- Egg-albumin. Proteid from hemoglobin (dog). It is well, perhaps, finally, to speak of experiments which, however incom- plete, at least throw some light on the possibilities of the problem of the syn- thesis of proteid. Lilienfeld’ through the condensation of the ethyl-ester of glycocoll has obtained a body insoluble in water, but swelling in it, forming a gelatinous mass. ‘The substance gives the biuret reaction, is insoluble in alcohol ‘and dilute hydrochloric acid, but dissolves in pepsin-hydrochloric acid. These reactions show its kinship to gelatin. Lilienfeld likewise de- scribes a synthetically formed peptone and a coagulable proteid,* the peptone formed principally through condensation of the above-described product with the ethyl-esters of the amido- bodies, leucin and tyrosin, the proteid from the same with addition of formic aldehyde. Grimaux likewise has produced, with other reagents, colloids which resemble proteids. Probably none of these substances are native proteids, but they furnish indications of lines of attack for the future mastery which in time is sure. 1 Bunge: Physiologische Chemie, 3d ed., 1893, p. 56. 2 Verhandlungen der Berliner physiologischen Gesellschaft, Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1894, p. 383. 3 Tbid., p. 555. r a ee ve isk a j 22,53 A, at Shah INDEX. ABERRATION, 760, 761 Absorption, 250-259 bile in, physiological importance of, 265, 266 by diffusion and osmosis, 250 in the large intestine, 254 in the small intestine, 253 in the stomach, 252 of fats, 257 of proteids, 255 of sugars, 257 of water and salts, 258 phenomena of, 27 spectra. See Spectrum. Accommodation. See Hye. Acetone, 982 Acetonitril, 985 Achroddextrin, 223, 1008 Acid, acetic, 980 aceto-acetic, 980 acetyl-acetic, 980 amido-acetic, 981 amido-ethyl sulphonic, 986 amido-hydrocumaric, 1011 amido-succinic, 1000 monamide of, 1000 a-amido-a-thiopropionic, 990 a-lactic, 988 a-e-diamido-caproic, 994 aspartic, 1000 B-oxybutyric, 991 benzoic, 1011 _ butyric, normal, 245, 982 capric, 984 caproic, 983 caprylic, 984 carbamic, 991 carbolic, 1010 carbonic, 988 amido-derivatives of, 991 choleic, 987 cholic, 987 cynurenic, 1013 d-glucuronic, 1009 diamido-acetic, 994 diamido-valeric, 994 dithio-diamido-ethidene lactic, 990 fellic, 987 formic, 978 glutamic, 1000 glycerin phosphoric, 1001 glycuronic, 1009 hippuric, 154, 279, 1011 hydriodic, 953 hydrobromic, 953 | hydrochloric, 952 hydrocyanic, 985 hydrofluoric, 954 iso-butyl amido-acetic, 983 iso-butyric, 983 iso-pentoic, 983 iso-valerianic, 983 lactic, ethidene, 988 of gastric juice, 226, 227 production of, 234 Acid, lactic, sarco- or para-, 989 source of, 148 levulic, 982 malic, 1000 metaphosphoric, 958 metasilicic, 963 methyl amido-acetic, 982 - guanidin acetic, 993 oleic, 1002 orthophosphorie, 958 detection of, 959 oxalic, 999 oxy-formic, 988 oxy-succinic, 1000 palmitic, 984 phenaceturic, 1011 phenyl-acetic, 1011 p-hydrocumaric, 1011 p-oxyphenyl-acetic, 1011 p-oxyphenyl-amido-propionic, 1011 propionic, 982 B-acetyl, 982 stearic, 984 succinic, 1000 sulphuric, 950 sulphurous, 950 taurocholic, 263 thiolactic, 990 uric, 277, 278, 997 dimethyl, 998 murexid test for, 998 preparation and properties, 997 urochloralic, 980 Acids, action of, in promoting pancreatic secre- tion, 177 amido, in general, 981 biliary, Neukomm’s test, 988 Pettenkofer’s test, 988 containing more than five carbon atoms, 983 dibasic, diatomic, 999 fatty, 976 diamido-, 994 lactic, 988 mercapturic, 990 monobasic, 976 oxy-, fatty, 988 oxy-propionic, 988 polysilicic, 963 silicic, 963 uric, 997, 998 Acini, 153 Adenin, 995 Adipocere, 1002 Adrenal bodies, internal secretions of, 210 Adult, body-temperature of female, 577 male, variations in, 577 heat-production in the, estimates of, 589 After-birth, the, 919 Agamogenesis, 878 Age, changes in the nervous system dependent upon, 715 increase in brain-weight with, 724 influence of, on heat-dissipation, 592 on heat-production, 590 1023 1024 Age, influence of, on the respiratory rate, 533 on the respiratory tract, 546 old, atrophy of the brain in, 720, 726 decrease in brain-weight in, 742 metabolism in the cerebellum in, 743 in the encephalon in, 743 in the nerve-cells in, 742 recovery of vision in, 760 the period of, 928 Air, amount of, in adult human lungs, 517 dry and moist, exposure to, physiological effect of, 578, 593, 595 ; expired, proportions of O and CO: in, 518 quantity of N in, 518 of watery vapor given off by, 518 temperature of, 518 volume of, 519 ( inspired and alveolar, pressure of gases in, 521 constituents of, 518 effect of, on the respiratory quotient, 547 effects of alterations of, on the absorption and elimination of gases, 543 influence of alteration in composition of, upon the respiratory rate, 534 proportions of O, COz, and N in atmospheric, 521, 523 rarefied and compressed, respiration of, effects of, on the circulation, 559 respired, quantity of, 534, 536 Air-capacity, alveolar, of the lungs, 535 of the trachea and bronchi, 535 vital, 535, 536 Air-passages, obstruction of the, effects of, on the circulation, 559 Air-vitiation of inhabited rooms, 547 Air-volumes, respiratory, Hutchinson’s classifi- cation, 534, 535 —complemental air, 535 —residual, 535 —stationary air, 535 —supplemental or reserve air, 535 Albumin, acid-, 230 serum-, 349 Albuminates, 1018 Albuminoids, 215, 1020 action of gastric juice on the, 235 of trypsin on the, 243 chemistry of the, 215 nutritive value of, to the body, 215, 288 Albuminous glands. See Glands. Albumins, 1017 Albumose, defined, 230, n. Alcohol, amyl, 983 butyl, poisonous dose of, 983 cerotyl, 983 cetyl, 983 ethyl, 978 poisonous dose of, 983 excessive use of, effect of, 298 in the body, 979 iso-pentyl, 983 melicy], 983 physiological effect of, 297 propenyl, 1000 propyl, normal or primary, 982 poisonous dose of, 983 radicals, compounds of the, with nitrogen, 984 diatomic, derivatives of, 986 monatomic, 975 triatomic, 1000 Alcohols containing more than five carbon atoms, 983 primary general reactions for, 975 secondary, 975 tertiary, 975 Aldehyde, formic (methyl), 977 a INDEX. Aldehyde, glycerin, 1001 methyl, 977 paraformic, 977 Aldehydes, behavior and preparation of, 977 Alimentary canal, bacteria of the, 248 digestive processes in the, object of, 213 movements of the, 307— —defecation, 324 —deglutition, 310 —mastication, 310 —movements, intestinal, 320 —movements of the stomach, 315 —vomiting, 325 osmosis of the, 252 Alkalies, action of, in promoting pancreatic se- cretion, 177 Allantoin, 998 Allochiria, 844 Altitude, influence of, on the number of red corpuscles in blood, 344 Alveoli and the blood, interchange of C and CO2 between, 522-527 of resting mammary gland, epithelial cells of, 202 of the lungs, number and size of, 504 of the pancreas, 172 of the sebaceous glands, 197 secretory, of mammary gland, incompletely formed before pregnancy, 201, 204 Amines, the, 984 of the olefines, 986 Ammonia, 955 Ammonium, 967 carbonate, 218, 967 cyanate, 985 Amnion, the, 911 Ameeba, 33, 34 Amphibia, removal of cerebral hemispheres of, effect of, 706-709 Ampho-peptones, 231, 241 Amygdalin, 985 Amylodextrin, 223, 1007 Amylopsin, 243, 1008 end-products of, 243 specific reaction of, 243 Anabolism defined, 19 Analysis, chemical, defined, 962 Anatomy of the ear, 807-824 physiological, of the central nervous system, 644 .| Anelectrotonus, 69 Animal “starch,” 266 Animals, cold-blooded, body-temperature of, 575 class of, 575 retention of vitality of, after death, 39 heat-production in various, 590 human physiology founded upon experimen- tation on lower, 30 nerve-cells in different, size of, 609 neurons in different, size of, 609 reflex action of central nervous system of, 704 removal of cerebral hemispheres of, result of, compared, 705-710 reproduction in, periods of desire and power - of, 898 sense of smell in lower, 851 warm-blooded, body-temperature of, 575 class of, 575 Anode, electrical, 44 physical and physiological, defined, 62 ~ Antalbumid, 231, n. Antipeptone, 231, 241 Anti-peristalsis, 317, 320 Antrum pylori, 315 Apex-beat of the heart, 409 Aphasia, 697 Apnoea, 548, 549 INDEX. Apparatus, electric, 43-45 Area, visual, cortical subdivisions of, 712. Areas, cortical. See Brain. Arteries and heart, general changes in, 404 blood-speed in the, 393 coronary, closure of the, changes i in the heart- beat from, 473 exciting cause of ventricular arrest from, frequency and results of ventricular ar- rest from, 473 ‘in the dog, 471 terminal nature of, 472 great, changes in the, in the open chest, 407 Articulation, defined, 874 Articulations, the, 855 of the auditory ossicles, 812 Asparagin, 1000 Asphyxia defined, 548 stages of, 552, 553 Assimilation. See Nutrition. Astigmatism, 763-765 Atavism, 933 Atropin, action of, upon the salivary glands and their secretions, 170 Auditory meatus, external, 807 ossicles, 810 sensation, theory of, 824 Auricle a feeble force-pump, 427 are the venous openings into the, closed during its systole? 430 changes in the, from vagus excitation, 455 connections of the, 426 function of the, 428 is the, emptied by its systole? 430 - pressure of the systole of the, 427 within the, negative, 429 Auricles, beating, changes in size of, 404, 405 changes in the, in the open chest, 407 color of the, 407 functions of the, 426. See also Heart. Auricular cycle, relations of time of the, 413 Auscultation, inventor of, 410 Automatism, muscle, defined, 35 Axilla, temperature of the, mean, 577 Axis-cylinder of nerve, 36, 151 BACTERIA, intestinal, 248-250 pathogenic, destruction of, by the leucocytes of the blood, 346 Basilar membrane, cochlear, 821, 824 fibres of the, number of, 824 Basophiles, 345 Baths, influence of hot and cold, on body-tem- perature, 579 Beats in notes or tones, production of, 830 Benzol, 1010 Benzopyrol, 1013 Bidder’s ganglion, 440 Bile, 261 absorption spectrum of, 262 analysis of, chemical, 261 antiseptic properties of, 266 circulation of the, 263 color of, 185, 186, 262 constituents of, 186, 261-265 —hile-acids, 263 —bile-pigments, 262 —cholesterin, 264 —fats, 265 —lecithin, 265 —nucleo-albumin, 265 ejection hee from the ’vall-bladder, process of, 188 normal mechanism of, 189 formation of, action of ‘secretory nerve-fibres upon the, 188 65 1025 Bile, formation of, during the digestive process, not controlled by the nervous system, 185 function of, 154 importance of, physiological, 265 influence of, in the emulsification of fats, 246 in the blood, action of the presence of, 187 method of obtaining, 261 quantity of, secreted, 186, 261 reaction and specific ‘gravity of, 262 Bile-acids, 263, 264 Bile-capillaries, relations of the, to the liver- cells, 185 Bile-duct, complete occlusion of the, effect of, 189 Bile-ducts, lining epithelium of, relationship be- tween the liver-cells and the, 185 Bile- “pigments, 262, 1015 Gmnelin’s test for, 262, 1015 reabsorption of, 265 relationship of hemoglobin to, 343 Bile-salts, 154 Tees oe conditions influencing the amount of, 187 digestive function of, 265 normal mechanism of, 189 quantity of, 186 relation of, to the blood-flow in the liver, 187 Bile-vessels, motor nérves of the, 188 Bilirubin, 262, 1015 Biliverdin, 262, 1015 Birth. See Parturition. body-growth before and after, 924, 925 length and weight of fetal body at, 925 Birth-rate, relative, of the two sexes, 922, 923 Births, multiple, 920, 921 periods of largest number of, 899, 2. Bladder, changes in size of the, from reflex stimulation, 329 contraction of the, influence of the force of, upon the urinary stream, 328 contractions of the, physiological mechanism of, 329 mechanism of the, nervous, 330 of urinary injection into the, 327 movements of the, 328 nerve-fibres of the, sensory and motor, 330 nerves of the, vaso-motor, 500 “Blind spot,’’ retinal, 774 Blood, absorption-coefficient of, for O, 523 alkalinity of, degree of and test for, 332 ammonia carbamate of the, 276 appearance of, in asphyxiation, 553 arterial, gases of, alterations in the, 519 per cent. of, of various animals, 519 proportions of O and CO: in, 519 pulmonary, color of, 519 speed and pressure of, compared, 393 bile in the, presence of, action of the, 187 capillary, speed and pressure of, compared, 393 COz in the, influence of the quantity of, 551 composition of, chemical, 347 gaseous, effects of, on the respiratory 1 move- ments, 548 importance of, upon the respirations, 566 defibrinated, 331, 332 defibrination of, 352, 353 functions of the, 73, 331 gases in the, alterations in the, 519 extraction of, 528 hemoglobin in, amount of, 336 in the body, distribution of, 360, 361 quantity of, 360 in the central system, 734-736 “laky,’”’ 333 menstrual, amount of, discharged, 896 1026 Blood, menstrual, character of the, 896 movement of the, in capillaries, minute arte- ries and veins, 371-377 of pregnancy, 916 of various animals, nutritive value of, 482 of the mammalian heart, 482 peptones and proteoses in, 256 properties of the, general, 331-347 reaction of, 332 regeneration of, after hemorrhage, 361 solutions of, isotonic, 334 specific gravity of, 332 spectra of, absorption, 338 structure of, histological, 331 sugar of the, form of, 257 temperature of the, 577 ; time spent by the, in a systemic capillary, 395 transfusion of, 362 urea present in the, amount of, 275 venous, proportions of O and COy in, 519, 520 speed and pressure of, compared, 393, 394 Blood and the alveoli, interchange of C and COz between the, 522-527 and the tissues, interchange of O and COz be- tween the, 527 Blood-circulation. See Circulation. Blood-clotting. See Coagulation. Blood-corpuscles. See Corpuscles. Blood-flow, capillary, 372 causes of the, 369 course of the, 368 in the small vessels, direct observation of, 372 summary of, 377 through the kidneys, 195 the lungs, 395 venous, subsidiary forces assisting the, 387 Blood-leucocytes. See Leucocytes. Blood-passages in the frog’s heart, 471 Blood-path, circle of the, 368 pulmonary, 370 Blood-plasma. See Plasma. Blood-plates, 347 Blood-pressure, aortic, 377-383 arterial, capillary, and venous, 377-383 causes of, 383-389 causation of, 383, 385 arterial and venous, manometric and graphic, method of studying, 377-380 manometric trace of, 381, 382 capillary, 376, 438 why pulseless ? 387 cardiac, effect of stimulation of cardiac nerve-fibres on the, 463-467 changes in, from stimulation of the brain, due to reflex action, 494 effects of respiratory movements on, 555 intracranial, 735, 736 symptoms of bleeding in relation to, 383 the mean arterial, capillary, and venous, 382 venous, causation of, 386 Blood-pressures within the ventricles, 416 Blood-proteids of lymph, 363 Blood-serum, 331-334 action of, bactericidal, 334 globulicidal, 334 Blood-speed and pressure compared, 393 in arteries, capillaries, and veins, 390-395 in large vessels, measurement of, 390, 392 in the arteries, 393 in the capillaries, 393 in the minute vessels, 375 in the veins, 393 varies inversely as the collective sectional area of its path, 394 Blood-stream, evidence of the more rapid move- ment of the central part of, 373 INDEX. Blood-stream, pulmonary, 395, 396 Blood-supply and heart-beat, relation of, in the coronary circulation, 477 effect of the, on nerve and muscle, 73 - importance of the, upon the respirations, 566 influence of the, on body-temperature, 579 of the brain, 723, 734-736 Blood-vessels, chorionic, 912 clotting within the, production of, 358 condition of the, due to asphyxiation, 553 contractility of the, early experimental demonstrations of, 48 innervation of the, 482-501 large, speed of the blood in, 390-392 minute, speed of the blood in, 375 placental, 912 retinal, 767 small, flow in the, direct observation of, 372 why blood does not clot within the, 359. See Arteries, Capillaries, Veins. Body, chemistry of the, 943-1021 equilibrium, dynamic, 833, 843, 845-849 static, 849 locomotion of the, 860 ‘‘Body of Aranzi,” 404 Body-activity, influence of, on heat-production, 592 Body-fat, origin of, theories of, 290, 291 Body-heat. See Heat, also Temperature. chemic production of, 302 specific, 948 Body-growth before and after birth, 924, 925 diminution of, progressive, 926, 928 influence of race upon, 926 rapidity of, relative, in both sexes, 926 Body-metabolism, 282-302 Body-surface in relation to heat-dissipation, 594, 595 Body-temperature. See Temperature. Body-weight in death, 930 influence of, on heat-production, 590 loss of, from starvation, 301 relations between weight of central nervous system and the, 719 Bone a mineral, 969 Bones, action of muscles upon the, method of, 857 d : in human skeleton, number of, 855 muscles of, contraction and reaction of, 107 of the skull, conduction of sound-sensation through the, 815 union of. See Articulations. “Border cells,’ 178 Brain, atrophy of the, in old age, 720, 726 blood-supply of the, 734 frontal lobes of, effect of removal of, 703 growth of the, 724 hemispheres of the, effect of injury to the two, 699, 700 nervous pathways within the, 696-702 nerves of the, vaso-motor, 494 relations of the, to vaso-motor centres, 493 removal of the, in animals, result of, 705-715 sensory and motor regions of the, 684-687 specific gravity of the, 716 ““speech-centre”’ of the, 698, '702 s water in the, percentage of, 716 weighing the, method of, 718, 719 white matter of, composition of, 150. Encephalon. Brain-weight among the insane, 722 at birth, 726 : comparative, 718, 719 of eminent men, Manouvrier’s table, 721 decrease in, in old age, 742, 928 differences in, conditions determining, 718 increase in, with age, 724 See also - a ti INDEX. $027 Brain-weight, influence of social environment on, 721 \ interpretation of, 720 of criminals, 722 of different races, 722 variations in, according to age, sex and stat- ure, 718, 719, 720 “leper and weight of the pia and fluid, 71 of the spinal cord, 715-724 Breathing. See Respiration. nasal, value of, 517 Bromine, 953 ‘* Buffy coat,’ 353 Bulbus arteriosus, action on the, from vagus ex- citation, 455 Bulimia, 846 Butyl compounds, 98 CADAVERIN, 986 Caffein, 996 Calcium, 967 carbonates, 968 chloride, 967 detection of, 968 fluoride, 967 in the body, 969 phosphates, 967 sulphate, 967 Calorie, or heat unit, 584, 948 Calorimeter, Reichert’s, 586 Calorimeters, classes of, 585 Cane-sugar, 218, 247, 1006 chemical action of invertin on, 220 inversion of, 257 relation of, to glycogen- -formation, 267, 268 Capillaries, blood-flow of the, 377, 379 blood in the, movement of, 371 blood-pressure of the, 376 blood-speed in the, 393 calibre of the, 371, 376 characters of the, 371 of the lungs, 504 red corpuscles of the, behavior of, 373 deformity of, 373 “systemic,” 369 Capillary, structure of the, histological, 372 systemic, time spent by the blood in a, 395 Capsules, suprarenal, removal of the, symptoms preceding death from, 210 Carbamate of ammonia, derivation of urea from, 275, 276 Carbamide, 991 Carbohydrates, 215, 861, 1003 absorption of the, 257 action of gastric juice on, 235 of intestinal secretion on, 247 combustion equivalents of, 303 effect of, on the amount of glycogen in the liver, 267 nutritive importance of, to the body, 215, 292 oxidation of, 292 potential energy of, determination of, 303 production of fat by the, 291 proper regulation of, to the tissues, essential to health, 269 Carbon, 960 atom, asymmetric, 989 compounds, chemistry of, 974 dioxide, 961 detection of, 962 elementary, 960 equilibrium defined, 284 metabolism of, 962 monoxide, 960 Carbonate, ammonium, 967 Carbonates, calcium, 968 Carbonates, magnesium, 971 potassium, 964 sodium, 966 Cardiac centre, augmentor, localization of, 469 inhibitory, localization of, 467, 468 cycle, defined, 396, 414 relations in time of the main events of, 413 cycles, brevity and variability of each, 414 frequency of the, 412 excitation-wave, 443 fibres, inhibitory, origin of, 468 “impulse,’’ 405, 409 nerve-centres, 467-470 nerves, 450 Cardiogram, the, 409 Cardiometer, the, 398 Cardio-pneumatic movements, 520 Carnin, 998 Cartilages of the larynx, 865 —of Santorini, 865 —of Wrisberg, 865 —the arytenoid, 865 —the cricoid, 865 —the thyroid, 865 Casein, 234 Caseinogen, 234 Castration, physiological changes due to, 871, 872, 900, 933 Cataleptic rigor, 145 Catalysis of enzymes, 220, 947 Cell, combustion in the, in general, 1009 death of the, somatic, 943 the, the unit of structure of living organisms, 20 Cell-bodies, nerve, change in, resulting from stimulation, 629-633 relation of, in the cerebral cortex, 729, 730 Cell-differentiation, 22, 37 Cell-division, 20 Cell-granules, 157 Cell-groups, localization of, in cerebral cortex, 682-696 Cell-protoplasm, conductivity of, 81 irritability of, conditions determining the, 65 Cell-reproduction, asexual, 879 Cells, auditory, classes of, 818 “border,” function of, 178, 179 capillary, 372 daughter-, 20 dineuric, defined, 607 embryonic, growth of, 924 epithelial, glomerular, influence of the, in urinary secretion, 193, 194 influence of, in the secretory processes, 154, 155 of resting mammary gland, 202 erythroblastic, of red marrow, formation of red blood-corpuscles by the, 343, 344 ganglion-, intracardiac, 440 gland-, sebaceous, 197 goblet, secretory, 157 hair-, auditory, of Corti, 818, 822, 824, 825 hepatic, relations of the, to the ducts, 184, 185 mononeuriec, defined, 607 mucous (secretory), 157 muscle-tissue, of alimentary canal, 307 nerve-, classes of, defined, 641 gustatory, 851 tactile, 853 vaso-motor, 488, 489 of Langerhans, 172 of mucous gland, appearance of, after stimu- lation, 169 ina resting state, 169 of pancreas, appearance of, during fasting, 174 during the stages of digestion, 175 1028 INDEX. Cells of pancreas, histological changes in, during | Chorion, the, 911, 912 activity, 174 characters of, 172 of parotid, appearance of, after stimulation, 16 in a fresh state, 168 in a resting condition, 167 of tubules of kidney, secretory functions of, definite, 192, 193 of the cortex. See Cortex. of the gastric glands, histological changes in, during secretion, 182 histological characteristics of, 178 of the intestinal glands, 184 olfactory, 850 “oxyntic,” 178 Chromatin, 22, 28, 889, 892 Chromo-proteids, 1018 Chromosomes, 22, 28, 884, 889 number of, in fertilized ovum, 908 Chronograph, the, 100 Chyme, 237, 318 “Circulating proteid,”’ 285 Circulation (blood), cerebral, 495 circuit of, time required to complete the, 371 coronary, blood-supply and heart- beat, 477 volume of, 476 course of the, 368 defined, 368 discovery of the, 362, 368 effects of obstruction of the air-passages on “ parietal,” 178, 179 the, 559° secretory, appearances of, histological, 157 of the respiration of rarefied and compressed. lumen of the, 161 air on, 559 of sweat-glands, 198 spindle-shaped, of plain muscle-tissue, 307 sustentacular, auditory, 818 “wandering,” 346 of the respiratory movements on the, 555 influence of, on heat-dissipation, 595 on heat-production, 590 influences of intrathoracic and intrapulmon- Cellulose, 1007 ary pressure upon the, 517 Centre of gravity of the human body, 859 in the central nervous system, conditions con- Centres, nerve-, cardiac, 467-470 trolling the, 734, 735 of the cortex. See Cortex. mechanics of the, 371 thermogenic, 598, 600, 601 placental, 912, 913 thermo-inhibitory, 599, 601 proofs that the heart unaided can maintain vaso-motor, 489-493 the, 390 Centrosome, 20, 22, 908 rapidity of the, 371 Cephalization defined, 703 retinal, 768 Cerebellum, changes in the, in old age, 743 Climacteric, the, 898, 927 removal of, effect of, 714 changes of, pathological, physical, and psychi- Cerebral cortex. See Cortex. cal, 927 hemispheres, bilateral symmetry of the, 723 | Climate, effect of, on sexual maturity, 927 blood-supply to the, 723 influence of, on body-temperature, 578 functions in the, localization of, 704, '705 on heat-dissipation, 593 of the two, relative, 699 on heat-production, 591 nervous pathways within the, 696 Clothing, influence of, on heat-dissipation, 593 removal of the, 705-715 Clotting. See Coagulation. Cerebrin, 1001 COz, effect of respiration of, 547, 548 Cerumen, 198 elimination of, during muscular work, 299 Charcot’s crystals, 884, 885 during sleep, 300 Chemical tonus, 133, 134 from variations in temperature, 300, 301 Chemicals and drugs. See Drugs. excretion of, from the skin, 282 Chemistry of digestion and nutrition, 213-304 exhaled through the skin, quantity of, 530 of muscle and nerve, 144-151 tension of, 524 of the body, 943-1021 CO2-dyspneea, cause of, 550, 551 Chemotaxis or chemotropism, 904 Coagulation, blood, 352 Chest, opened, effects on the heart and vessels conditions necessary for, Schmidt’s classi- of the, 407 fication, 355 observation of heart and vessels in the, 405 intravascular, 358, 359 unopened, probable changes in the heart’s means of hastening or retarding, 359 position and form in the, 408. See —by action of albuminose solutions, 360 ; Thorax. —by action of neutral salts, 360 Chief-cells, changes during secretion in, 182, —by action of oxalate solutions, 360 183 —by cooling, 359 of the gastric glands of the stomach, function —by use of leech extracts, 360 _ .. of, 178, 179 mechanism of, 352 Chinolin, 1012 . necessity of calcium salts to, 296 Chloral hydrate, 980 physiological value of, 353 Chloride, calcium, 967 process of normal, 356 sodium, 965 relation of calcium salts to, 355 potassium, 963 theories of, 353 Chlorides of the urine, quantity of, 280 —Hammarsten’s theory, 354 Chlorine, 951 —Lilienfeld’s theory, 356 in the body, 952 —Pekelharing’s theory, 355 Chlorocruorin, 1018 —relation of salts to, 355 Chloroform, 977 —Schmidt’s older theory, 354 Chocolate, physiological effect of, 297 —Schmidt’s recent theory, 354 Cholesterilin, 1016 ' time of clotting, 353 , Cholesterin, 264, 1016 lymph, 363 : elimination of, 264, 265 milk, rennin process of, 234 formation and distribution of, 264 muscle, in rigor, 146, 147 Cholin, 986 Coats, muscular, of the bladder, 328 Chondro-mucoid, 1019 of the stomach, 315 INDEX. Coats of the ureters, 327 Cochlea, anatomy of the, general, 819 membranous, 817, 819, 821 osseous structure of, 816 Coffee, physiological effect of, 297 Cold and warm points, cutaneous, 841 application of, to the body, reactions produced , 603 effect of, on muscle-protoplasm, 147 on muscular contraction, 127 on the development of rigor, 145 Collagen, 288, 1020 Colloid, 1019 of the thyroids, formation of, 207 Color contrast, retinal, 792 sensation, 778, 779 theory of, Hering’s, 782 Mrs. Franklin’ 8, 783 Young-Helmholtz, 781, 782 vision, cerebral centre for, 785 Color-blindness, 784 practical importance of determining, 785 test for, Holmgren method, 785 Color-mixture, spectral, 779 Color-reactions of proteids, 1016 Color-sensations, 778, 779 Color-theories, 781 Colorimetry, 584 Colors, binocular, combination of, 803 “complementary,” defined, 780 luminosity of different, 786 mixture of, physiological, 780, 781 Colostrum, 204 corpuscles, origin of, 203 “Combustion equivalent,’ 303 Commutator, mercury, Pohl, 51 Conceptions, multiple, 920 periods of the largest number of, 899, n. Concha, the, 807 Concord, musical, perfect, 831 Condiments and flavors, influence of, on diges- tion, 298 Conduction, influences which alter the rate and strength of the process, 92-96 of muscles and nerves in both directions, 86 influences which alter the rate and strength of the process, 92 isolated, 83 nature of the process, 97 protoplasmic continuity essential to, 82 rate of, 88 Conductivity, 21, 35, 81-98 Consciousness, 28, 29 existence of, in animal life, 29 phenomena of the central nervous system in- volving, 606 Consonants, classification of, 876, 877 phonation of, 876, 877 Continuity,{protoplasmic, of muscles and nerves, 82 Contractility, 20, 32, 98-134 power of, in simple living organisms, 34, 35 Contraction, anodic, 50, 63, 68, 69 cardiac, 441-450 idiomuscular, 42, 93 isometric, 108 isotonic, 108 kathodic, 50, 63, 68, 69 law of, Pfliiger’ S, 60 muscular, alterations in the form of the myo- gram, from mechanical conditions, 108 amount of irritation process developed, esti- mated from the amount of the, 63 as effected by heat, 66 duration of, differences in, 106 effect of cold on, 127 1029 Contraction, muscular, effect of drugs and chem- icals on, 128 of temperature on, 127, 128 of veratria on, 128 of body-weight on the form of the myo- gram, 108 influences affecting the activity and charac- ter of the, 106 latent period of, 101, 113, 114 law of, 53, 60 liberation of energy by, 129-132 method of recording, 49 myogram of, simple, 101 nature of, in rigor, 146 normal and rigor mortis, differences in forms of, 146 of rigor, changes resulting from, 148 of the bladder, mechanism of, 329 spinal centre of reflex, 330 of the intestines, 309 of the wsophagus, 312-314 of the stomach during digestion, 316, 317 of the ureters, 309, 327 of the viscera, mode of, 310 rate of, in different muscles, 107 theories of chemical changes ana alterations of form in, 104 of muscle-tissue, variation in rate of, 308 of striped muscle, rapidity of, 308 spasmodic, of the abdominal muscles, the prin- cipal factor in vomiting, 325 ventricular, force of the, 399 vermicular, defined, 310 “ Contraction-ring,’’ 917 Contraction-wave, “‘antiperistaltic,’’ of the stom- ach, 317 cardiac, 443 peristaltic, intestinal, 321 Contractions, fibrillary, cardiac, from closure of coronary arteries, 473, 475 from closure of coronary veins, 476 recovery from, 475 muscular, 98-134, 737 effect of fatigue on, 111, 112, 126 of increase of strength of electric cur- rent, 54, 55 of making and breaking the direct elec- tric current, 50 of support on the height of, 119, 120 of tension on the activity of, 131, 132 of the strength of electric irritation on, 53, 54 fatigue from, 77 of voluntary, 126 functions of, 32, 33 post-mortem, 144-147 recording of, method, 98, 99 separate, effect of excitation upon the form of, 113, 114 simple, studied by the graphic method, 98 “staircase,” 72, 110 starting-points of excitation in the irrita- tion process of making and breaking electric currents, 50-53 of the bladder, influence of the force of, upon the urinary stream, 328 of the spleen, 272 physiological, normal, 124 rhythms of, daily, 738 uterine, 917-920 duration and nature of, 918-920 ventricular, 369 “Contracture” (muscle), 115, 116 Contrast, auditory, 831, 832 color, retinal, 792 Copulation, 902 act of ejaculation in, 902, 903 1030 Copulation, sexual excitement of, comparative, 902 Cord, spinal, hemisection of, degeneration of nerve-fibres after, 669 effect of, 671-673, 676 nerve-impulses i in the, afferent pathways of, 675 plates of the, dorsal and ventral, 645 segmentation of the, 645 Corpora Arantii of semilunar valves, 404 Corpuscles, blood-, average life of, 343 composition of, 347-349 isotonic relations of, 334, 335 number of, variations in, conditions affect- ing the, 344 red, 333 behavior of, 373 blood-speed measured by the speed of the, 375 color of, 333 composition of, 333 destruction of, by ingestion, 343 evidences of friction of, 373 form of the, 330 formation of, by the erythroblastie cells of red marrow, 343, 344 function of, 333 hemoglobin of, condition of the, 333 nature and amount of, 335 movement of, observation of, 372 number of, 333, 344 origin and fate of, 343 reproduction of the, 343 specific gravity of, 333 varieties of, 331 colostrum, 203, 204 salivary, 161, 221 touch-, 836 Corpus luteum, 893 Cortex (cerebral), afferent impulses of the, com- posite character of, '700 pathways through gray matter of the, 702 variations in association of, 701 area of the, 729 areas of the, centres and, separateness of, 691 latent, 702 localization of, 682, 683 result of stimulation upon, 683 mapping of the, 684, 689 sensory and motor, 683-687, 693 determination of, 696 size of the, 690 subdivisions of, 690 association-fibres of, 697 centre for color-vision i in the, 785 fibres of the, increase in the, 729 impulses leaving the, course of, 695 metabolism of the, in old age, 743 movements from the, control of, 694, 695 relation of cell-bodies i in the, 729, 730 visual area of the, subdivision of, 712 Corti, cells of, 822 organ of, 821 rods of, 821-823, 825 Coughing, 562 diagnostic importance of, 563 Cowper’s glands, 887 secretion of, 885 “Crazy bone,”’ the, 65 Creatin, 278, ‘993 Creatinin, 278, 994 Cresol, formula, 280 Cretinism, sporadic, feeding of thyroids in, ef- fect of, 737 Criminals, brain-weight of, 722 Crying, 562 Crypts of Lieberkiihn, 184, 246 INDEX. Crystals, Charcot’s, 884, 885 hemoglobin, 337, 338 Curare experiment on the independent irrita- bility of muscle, 41 Cyanamide, 985 Cyanate, ammonium, 985 Cyanide, methyl, 985 potassium, 985 Cystein, 990 Cystin, 990 Cytology, 30 Cytoplasm, 20, 81 ~ differentiation of, from protoplasm of the cell- nucleus, 99 d-FRUCTOSE, 1005 d-galactose, 1006 d-glucose, 1005 ‘* Dangerous region,”’ 389 Daniell cell, the, 43 Deafness, cause of, 696 Death from extirpation of the thyroids, 208 symptoms preceding, 208 from removal of suprarenal capsules, 40 of living protoplasm, molecular alteration, 23 of the tissues, 929 rise of body-temperature after, causation, 604 somatic, 929, 930 Death-processes, effect of, on conduction, 92 Decidue, the, 909-912 Decomposition, bacterial, intestinal, 248 Decussation of nerve- fibres, 647, 680, 681, 768 Defecation, 324 involuntary factor in, 324 mechanism of, 324, 325 voluntary factor in, 324, 325 Degeneration, nerve-, Wallerian, 633 of nerve-fibres, of the central system, 634 secondary, 687 of non-medullated nerve-fibres, 633 of nucleated portion of nerve-fibres, 635 Deglutition, 310 Kronecker-Meltzer theory of, 313 nervous control of, 314 cesophageal, number and time elapsing be- tween, 313, 314 sound, 312, 313 stages of, 310, 311 Demilunes (cells), 160 Dendrons, neuric, 607 Depth-perception, 801 Deutero-proteoses, 230 Deutoplasm, 888, 889 Dextrose, 218, 1005 Diabetes mellitus, 206, 207, 293 sugar in the urine in, 268 Dialysis defined, 251 cv Diaphragm, movements of the, respiratory, 506 structure of the, 506, 507 Diastase, 218 Diastole, auricular, 370, 396 ventricular, 370, 396, 405 Diet, accessory articles of, 296, 298 composition of healthy, 305 effect of, on respiratory quotient, 545 influence of, on body-temperature, 578 on heat-production, 591 Dietetics, object of, 304 Diets, effect of various, on gastric secretion, 181 Digestion, action of steapsin in, physiological value of, 245 of unorganized and organized ferments on, 249 albuminoid, 288 bile in, physiological importance of, 265, 266 carbohydrate, 292 di-saccharides of, 247 INDEX. Digestion, effect of condiments and flavors upon, 298 of stimulants upon, 297 formation of bile during, 189 gastric, 225-237 proteoses of, 1018 influence of, on body-temperature, 578 on heat-production, 591 on the volume of gases respired, 539 intestinal, 238-248 action of the intestinal juice upon, 247 secretions acting in, 238 normal, flow of gastric secretion during, cause of, 181 physiological value of saliva on, 224 object of the processes of, in the alimentary canal, 213 of fats, 235, 289 pepsin-hydrochloric acid, 229, 240 product of, 255 peptic, 240 action of bile on, 266 end-products of, 229, 230 in the stomach, 228 steps in, 230 study of artificial, 229 physiology of, 217 products of, routes of absorption of the, 250 proteid, 285 end-products of, 255, 350, 1021 proteolytic, Kihne’s theory of, 231, n. Neumeister’s schema, 243, n. salivary, 220, 224 stomach, movements of the, during, 316 of carbohydrates, 235 of fats, 235 processes of, schema of, 242 products of, 240, 255 the, not essential in, 237 tryptic, 240 Digestion and nutrition, chemistry of, 213-304 Dioptric system, 746-748 Dioxide, carbon, 961 silicon, 963 Dioxyacetone, 1001 Disaccharides, the, 247, 1006 Discord, 831 Diseases, infectious, transmission of, 935, 936 Distance-perception, retinal, 799 Dress, adaptation of, to climate, factors in, 593 Drowning, death from, causation, 553 Drugs, action of, upon the salivary glands and their secretions, 170 application of, to the eye, effects of, 771 upon the mechanism of eye-accommoda- tion, 757 effect of, upon body-temperature, 580 upon heat-dissipation, 596 upon heat-production, 592 upon intestinal movements, 323 upon the sweat-glands, 200 Drugs and chemicals, effect of, on conduction, 94 upon muscular contraction, 128 upon the irritability of nerve and muscle, Drum-skin (ear), 809 Du Bois-Reymond law of electric nerve irrita- tion, 47 Duct of Bartholin, 158 of Wirsung, 172 of the gastric gland, 179 Ducts, gland-. See Gland-ducts. lymphatic, 362, 437 of Rivinus, 158 of the testis, 886 1031 Ducts of the mamme, 201 pancreatic, 172 See Secretion. Dumbness, 871 Dyslysin, 987 Dyspnea, cardiac, 555 COs, cause of, 550, 551 defined, 548 forms and causation of, 550, 552 hemorrhagic, 555 EAR, analysis of composite tones by the, 828 anatomy and histology of, 807-824 of external, 807 —external auditory meatus, 807 —the concha, 807 —the pinna or auricle, 807 of internal, 815-824 of middle, 810-815 —auditory ossicles, 810 —Eustachian tube, 814 —muscles of the middle ear, 814 —tympanic membrane, 809 —tympanum, 808 different parts of the, functions of, 832 fatigue of the, to sound, 831 imperfections of the, to sound-perception, 832 judgment of direction and distance by the, 833 muscles of the middle, 814 perception of time-intervals by the, 832 sensitiveness of the, to difference in musical pitch, 829 Elasticity, muscle-, 104-106 Elastin, 1020 Electric circuiting, 45 current as an irritant, conditions determining the efficiency of the, 43-64 effect of, 43-60 constant, effect of, on conduction, 94 effect of the, on the irritability and con- ductivity of muscle and nerve, 61 direct, stimulating effect of making and breaking the, on muscle and nerve, 50 effect of opening and closing the, on normal human nerve, 63 of rate of alternations of, Tessla’s experi- ments, 58 upon muscles, 68 upon nerves, 69 upon the irritability of nerve and muscle, 67 irritating effect of, on muscle and nerve, 43 —angle of application, 58 —density of current, 56 —direction of flow, 60 —duration of application, 56 —rate at which the intensity changes, 46 —strength of current, 54 Galvani and Volta’s experiments, 43 relation of the method of application of, to the, 59 relative efficacy of the different methods of application upon the power of, 59 strength of, altering the, methods of, 55, 56 Electric currents, effect of, upon normal human nerves, 62 induced, irritating effect of, on muscle and nerve, 48 practical application of alterations produced by, on conduction, 95 reaction of muscles and nerves to, 57 key, Du Bois-Reymond, 45 Electrode, the, 44 Electrometer, capillary, 136 Electrotonus, 69 Elements (chemic), metallic, of the body: —ammonium, 1032 Elements, metallic: —calcium, 967 —iron, 971 —magnesium, 970 —potassium, 963 —sodium, 965 —strontium, 970 non-metallic : —bromine, 953 —carbon, 960 —chlorine, 951 —fluorine, 953 —hydrogen, 943 —iodine, 953 —nitrogen, 954 —oxygen, 944 —phosphorus, 957 —silicon, 962 —sulphur, 949 Embryo, development of the, 911 growth of the cells, tissues, and organs of, 924 length and weight of the human, at different ages, 924 nutrition of the, 913 sex of the, factors determining the, 921-923 Emulsification, 245 Emulsin, 218, 985 Emulsion, 1002 Encephalon defined, 717 growth of body and, relation between, 727 in old age, changes in the, 743 nomenclature of, according to weight, 718 section of the, functional disturbances follow- ing, 713 specific gravity of, 716 the “stem’”’ of the, 717, 719 weight of the, 717 at different ages, 726 in sane persons, table, 718 weights of different portions of, 721 Encephalon and spinal cord, weight of, 716. See also Brain. End-bulbs of sensory nerve-fibres, 835 End-organs, nerve, importance of, in cutaneous sensation, 839 transmission of excitation by, to muscles and nerves, 85, 86 Endosmosis, 251 ‘“‘Endosmotic equivalent,’ 251 End-plates, motor, 41 Enemata, absorption of, 255 Energy, body-, influence of inorganic salts on, 294 muscular, electrical, amount developed, 135 liberation of, 129 —mechanical, 130 —thermal, 132 source of, 215, 298, 299, 302 nerve, specific, 842 potential, liberation of, 302-304 direct and indirect conversion of, into heat, 582 Enzyme, 176, 944 fat-splitting, pancreatic, 244 glycolytic, 293 zymogen and, of pancreatic secretion, 176 Enzymes, 217 action of the, incompleteness of, 219 theories of the manner of, 219 classification of, 218 —amylolytic, 218 —coagulating, 218 —fat-splitting, 218 —glucoside-splitting, 218 —inverting, 218 —proteolytic, 218 —urea-splitting, 218 INDEX. Enzymes, “‘ diastatic,’’ 218 of gastric juice, 226 of intestinal secretion, 247, 248 of the secretion of the gastric mucous mem- brane, 179 ' pancreatic, 239 reaction of, 218 —effect of temperature, 219 —incompleteness of action, 219 —relation of the amount of enzyme to — the effect it produces, 219 —-solubility, 219 > Eosinophiles, 345 Epiglottis, the, 861, 862 movements of the, in swallowing, 311 Equilibrium, body-, maintenance of, 859, 960. See Body-equilibrium. Erythrodextrin, 223, 1007 Ether, ethyl, 980 Ether molecules, rate of vibrations of, 777 waves, retinal changes produced by, 777 synonymous terms used, 777, 778 Ethers, mixed, preparation of, 980 .Ethyl] alcohol, 978 compounds, 978 ether, 980 hydroxide, 978 Ethylamine, 985 Eudiometer, the, 529 Eupneea defined, 548 Eustachian tube, structure and function, 814 Excitation, cardiac, electrical variation in, 454, propagation of the, 454 in muscle, rate of transmission and direction of, 66 of contraction-wave, 88 of muscle and nerve, conditions which deter- mine the effect of, 42 muscular. See Muscle. nerve, rate of, 122 respiratory, due to products of muscular activity given to the blood, 552 vagus, inhibitory power of, on the heart, 453- 457 Excitation-wave, cardiac, 443-446 Excitations, muscular, effect of double, 118, 119 voluntary, more effective than electrical, 126 Excretion, formula of, 260 Excretion of CO2 by the skin, amount, 282 Excretions defined, 154 of the skin, 281 Exercise, effect of, 80, 81 muscular, effect of preliminary movements on, 112 heat-production from, amount of energy of, 132, 133 promoting endurance and strength of mus- cles, 80 Exosmosis, 251 Expiration, mechanism of, 506 muscular movements of, 514, 515 Extracts, adrenal, physiological action of the, 210 testicular, physiological action of, 211 thyroid, therapeutic value of, 208, 209, 901 Eye aberration, 760, 761 accommodation, 752 ‘‘astigmatic,”’ 755 axial, 757, '758 changes produced by the act of, 755, '757 theories of the mechanism of, 755, 756 diminished power of, with age, 760 for distant objects, 752-758 for near objects, 752-758 focal, 752-757 INDEX. Eye, accommodation, mechanism of, 758 influence of drugs upon the, 757 pupillary, 757, 758 range of, in myopic and hypermetropic eyes, 760 normal, 758 to various amounts of light, 771, 772 astigmatic, 763, 765 blood-vessels of, methods of observing, 767 centre of rotation of the, 744 constants, methods of determining, 749 curvature of refracting surfaces of the, meth- ods of determining, 750 defined, 744 dioptric apparatus of the, 746-748, 760 ‘‘far-point”’ of the, 758, 760 hypermetropic, 759, 760 images of the, intraocular, 765 iris of the, 768. See Jris. movements of the, mechanical, 744 musce volitantes of the, 766 muscles of the, 745, 746 myopic, 759 “near-point,’”’ 758, 760 nodal point of the, position of, 751 perception of time intervals by the, 832 positions of the, axial, 745 presbyopic, 760 “reduced,” 750 refracting media of the, 748 retina of the. See Retina, also Vision. FACE, respiratory movements of the, 516 Fallopian tube, the, 894 entrance of the spermatozoa into the, mode of, 903 reception of the ovum by the, mechanism of, 894 structure and function of, 894 Fat in the body, 1002 formation of, 290 subcutaneous, influence of, on heat-dissipation, 593 Fatigue, effect of, on muscular contraction, 111, loss of conductivity of muscle by, 95 muscular, 76 decline of functional activity from, 79 effect of nutriment on, 78 from functional activity, 77 recuperation from, time required for, 78 of nerves, 79, 80, 97 of voluntary muscular contractions, 126 of the ear to sound, 831 of the nervous system, 737 - of the retina, 790 Fatigue-products of the blood, 78 Fats of the body, 215 absorption of, 257 from the stomach, 253 action of gastric juice on, 235 of steapsin in the decomposition of, 244 combustion equivalent of, 303 emulsification of, 245 energy of, potential, determination of, 303 nutritive value of, 215, 289 Feces, color of, 359, 260 composition of, qualitative, 259, 260 —cholesterin, 260 —excretin, 260 —indigestible material, 259 —inorganic salts, 260 —micro-organisms, 260 —mucus, and epithelial cells, 260 —pigments, 260 —products of bacterial decomposition, 260 —undigested material, 259 1033 | Feces, composition of, quantitative, 259 odor of, derivation of the, 260 weight of, 259 Ferments, digestive, 217 Ferratin, 972 Ferrosulphide, 972 Fertilization (impregnation), process of, 904-906 Fetal membranes, 911 ; Fetus, position of, at end of pregnancy, 917 respiratory centre in the, condition of, 572 Fever, body-temperature in, 580 Fevers, influence of, on heat-dissipation, 597. on heat-production, 592 Fibres, muscle-, form and arrangement of, 32 secretory, effect of stimulation on the, 163, 164 proofs of definite, 163 stimulation of, effect of, on the nature of secretion, 163, 164 to the sweat-glands, 199 Fibrin defined, 352 ferment, 354, 355, 357 solubility of, 148 “ Fibrin-globulin,” 354 Fibrinogen, 351 amount of, in the blood, 352 coagulation-temperature of, 351 composition of, 351 occurrence and origin of, 351, 352 reactions of, 351 value of, physiological, 352 “ Fibroplastin,”’ 354 “Fictitions meal,’ experimental, 180 Fission, 878, 879 Fistule, pancreatic, methods of making, 238 Fluoride, calcium, 967 Fluorine, 953 circulation of, in the body, 954 Food, absorption of food-stuffs in articles of, ex- tent of, 306 calcium salts in the, importance of, 296 circuit taken by and the effect upon the, in the digestive process, 318 deglutition of, normal process of, 311, 312 digestion of. See Digestion. influence of, on heat-production, 591 passage of, along the intestines, time required, 254 potential energy of, 302 proteid, necessity of, to the body, 214, 286 value of inorganic salts as constituents of, 294 variations in character of human, 213 Food-consumption, effect of muscular work upon, 8 Foods, animal and vegetable, analyses of, 216 composition of, 213-219 energy-yielding, 302 “nitrogenous,” 214 Food-stuff, amount of energy in a, determina- tion of, 302 capacity of, for digestion and absorption, 305 heat given off by any one, amount. of, 303 Food-stuffs, absorption of, in articles of food, ex- tent of, 305, 306 albuminoid, nutritive value of, 288 average amount of, required by an adult male, 305 carbohydrates of, nutritive value of, 292 classification of, 213-217 —albuminoids, 215 —carbohydrates, 215 —-fats, 215 —proteids, 214 —water and salts, 213, 214 defined, 213 energy-yielding, constituents of, 582 fats of, nutritive value of, 289, 290 nutritive value of, 285-294 1034 Food-stuffs, nutritive value of, methods of de- termining, 282 plastic or respiratory, defined, 286 potential energy of, liberation of, 302 proteid, nutritive value of, 285 Formose, 977 Fovee centrales, 804 ‘‘ Fraunhofer lines,’’ 339 Fruit-sugar, 1005 Furfurol, 264 GALL-BLADDER, motor nerve-fibres of the, 188 Galvani, experiment of, on the irritating effect of the electric current, 43 Galvanometer, the, 136 Galvanotonus, 64, 123 Gamogenesis, 879 Ganglion-cells, intracardiac, 440 sympathetic, position of, Langley’s method of determining the, 501 Gas, cyanogen, 985 intestinal, composition of, 260 Gases in the lungs, blood, and tissues, 517 of saliva, amount of, 162 respiration of, various, effects of, 548 respired (O, CO2), conditions affecting the vol- ume of, 536 —age, sex, and constitution, 538 —atmospheric pressure, 542 —body-weight and body-surface, 537, 538 —composition of inspired air, —diurnal variations, 539 —food and digestion, 539 —muscular activity, 541 —nervous system, 542 —rate and depth of respiratory move- ments, 538 —species, 537 —sunlight, 539 —temperature, 540 Gastric juice, acid of, 226 action of, digestive, beginning of the, 225 on carbohydrates and fats, 235 on the albuminoids, 235 analysis of, 226 artificial, 229 chlorides of, reaction in decomposition of the, 228 color, reaction, and order of, 226 free acid of, 226, 227 free mineral acids of, color tests for, 227 non-digestion of the stomach by the, 236 non-putrefaction of, 226 normal, methods of obtaining, 225 origin of the HCl of, 227 properties and composition of, 226 specific gravity of, 226. See also Secretion. Gelatin a typical albuminoid, 215 nutritive value of, 288, 289 Gelatoses, 235 Generative organs. See Organs. Germ-cells of the female. See Ova. of the male. See Spermatozoa. -plasm, 936, 937 Gestation, duration of, 916 Gland, adrenal, 210 mammary, epithelial cells of resting, 202 influence of the uterus on the, 204 pancreatic, histological changes in, during activity, 174 histological characters of, 172 parotid, cerebral fibres of the, course of, 159 histological structure of, 160 nerve-fibres of the, 159 position of the, 158 pituitary, 211 prostate, 886 INDEX. Gland, salivary, electrical changes in, during activity of, 172 secretory, defined, 152 sublingual, histological structure of, 160 position of, 158 submaxillary, histological structure of, 160 position of, 158 ihe tubular, compound, 153 and racemose, 153 Gland-cells, connection between the secretory nerve-fibres and, 161 fundic, of the stomach, histological character- istics of, 178 of the gastric mucous membrane, histological characteristics of, 178 participation of, in the formation of secre- tions, 155 pyloric, histological characteristics, 178 Gland-ducts, cutaneous, 197 pancreatic, 238 Gland-secretion, 153, 154 of organic material, conditions determining the, 164, 165 Glands, albuminous, 156 histological changes in, during activity, 167 cutaneous, secretory, 197 gastric, histological changes in the, during secretion, 182 influence of the, on the growth of the nervous. system, 737 intestinal, secretion of the, 246 mammary, 201-205 histological changes during secretion, 202 histology of the, 201 mucous, 156 changes in, during activity, 167, 169 of Brunner, 184 of Cowper, 885, 887 of Lieberkuhn, 184 of Littré, 886 of the gastric mucous membrane, 178 of the kidney, 189-195 of the liver, secretory, 184-189 of the stomach, secretory, 172, 178-182 salivary, 158-172 action of drugs upon the, 170 changes in, electrical, during activity, 172 histological, during activity, 167 nerve-fibres of the, 159 number of, 158 secretions of, character of, 160, 220 method of obtaining, 162 structure of, 160 sebaceous, characteristics of, 197 distribution of, 281 secretory, albuminous, examples of, 157 classification of, 153, 156, 157 mucous, examples of, 157 of the intestines, 184 secretions of the, chemical differences in,, 157 seminal, 885 stomach, changes in, during secretion, 182 characteristics of, 178 sublingual, nerve-fibres of the, 160 submaxillary, nerve-fibres of, 160 sweat-, 198-200 testicular, 211 thyroid, secretions of, 207, 209, 210 Glauber’s salt, 966 Globulins, 335, 1018 Globulose defined, 230, n. Glomerulus, histology ef, 190 Glutamin, 1000 Glutoses, 235 . Glycerin, 1000 aldehyde, 1001 INDEX. Glycerin, gana of, to glycogen-formation, Glycerose, 1001 Glycocoll, 981 Glycogen, 266; 1005, 1008 conversion of, to dextrose, how effected, 269 derived from carbohydrates, functions of, 269 from proteid foods, functions of, 270 end-products of, 266 formula, 266 function of, 269, 270 in animal and vegetable bodies, extent of dis- tribution of, 270 in the human body, 270 in the liver, 205, 267-270 in the muscles and other tissues, value of, 270 muscle, conditions affecting the supply in, 270 origin of, 267 reaction of, 266 _ Glycogen-consumption in muscular work, 300 in starvation, 301 Glycogen-formation defined, 269 Glycogenic theory, 269 Glycolysis, 293 Glyco-proteids, 1019 Glycoses, the, 1004 Glycosuria from removal of pancreas, 206, 207 Goitre, treatment of, with thyroid extracts, 209 Graafian follicles, 892 Grammeter, 584 Granules, cell, of the gastric glands, 183 of the pancreatic glands, 172 of the parotid, 167-169 zymogen, 169, 183 Grape-sugar, 1005 ; Growth-changes of the body, influence of thy- roid gland on, 737 of the brain, 724-732 Guanidin, 993 glycolyl methyl, 994 Guanin, 996 H2MATIN, 335, 342, 1014 Hematogen, 295 Heematoidin, 342, 1015 Hematopoiesis, 343 Heematoporphyrin, 342, 1015 Hemerythrin, 1018 Heemin, 342, 1014 medico-legal value of, 342 Hemochromogen, 335, 342, 1014 molecular formula of, 336 Hemoglobin, 335, 1014 carbon-monoxide, 336 absorption spectrum of, 342 composition of, 335 compounds of, derivative, 342 —bile-, and urinary pigments, 343 —hematin, 342 —hematoidin, 342 —hzmatoporphyrin, 342 —heemin, 342 —hemochromogen, 342 —histohematins, 342 —methemoglobin, 342 with oxygen and other gases, 366 condition of the, in red blood-corpuscles, 333 crystallization of, 337 decom position-products of, 335 distribution of, 335 molecule of, formula, 335 presence of iron in the, 337 nature and amount of, in red blood-corpuscles, 335 “reduced,’’ 336 absorption spectrum of, 340, 341 Hair-cells of Corti, 822, 824, 825 1035 Hand, contractions of, fatigue from muscular, 77 Harmony, 831 “ Harveian circulation,” 368 Hawking, 562 HCl, origin of, in the gastric juice, 227 Head, vaso-motor nerves of the, 496 Hearing, sense of, 807-833 cortical centres for the, 696, 697 special nerve of, 679 Heart, beating. See Heart-beat. method of exposing the, 405 position and form of, changes in, 404 blood-passages in the frog’s, 471 changes in form and size of, during ventric- ular systole and diastole, 406 conduction in the, means of, 85 contractions of the, in heat-production, 400, 597 without fatigue, 77 contraction-wave of the, 443 cords of the, tendinous, and their uses, 401 excitation-wave of the, 443-446 impulse or apex-beat of the, 409 innervation of the, 440-470 irritability of the, diminished by vagus exci- tation, 455 lymphatics of the, 477 mammalian, constituents of blood of, 482 nutrition of the, 482 muscle-fibres of the, 84, 85 nerves of the, 450 centres of, 467-470 inhibitory, 452 sensory, 463, 466 vaso-motor, 497 ventricular, 463 nutrition of the, 471-482 pulse-volume of the, 397, 398 pumping mechanism of the, 370 the ‘‘ pause” or “ repose”’ of the, 414 vagus influence on the, nature of, 457 stimulation on the, effect of, 453-457 —action on bulbus arteriosus, 455 —arrest in systole, 456 —changes 1n the auricle, 455 —changes in the ventricle, 453 —comparative inhibitory power, 456 —diminished irritability of the heart, 455 —effects of varying the stimulus, 455 —nature of vagus influence on the heart, 457 —septal nerves in the frog, 456 valves of the, mechanism of, 400-404 ventricle of, average pulse-volume of the human, 398 voluntary coutrol of the, defined, 469. See also Auricles, Ventricles. Heart and arteries, general changes in the, 404 and vessels, observation of changes of the, in the open chest, 405 —changes in the beating auricles, 407 —changes in the great arteries, 407 —changes in the great veins, 407 —changes of position in the beating ven- tricles, 406 —changes of size and form in the beating ventricles, 405 Heart-beat, alterations in the, by vagus excita- tion, 452-458 changes in the, from closure of the coronary arteries, 473 conditions influencing the, 413 effect of carbon dioxide on the, 481 of stimulation of augmentor nerves, 460 following cessation of respiration, 553 influence of oxygen on the, 481 1036 Heart-beat, influence of sex and age on the, 412, 413 inhibition of the, vagus, 453-457 ; maintenance of the, artificial, Martin’s ex- periment, 75 “negative impulse” of the, 409 of pregnancy, 916 phenomena of the, 396 ; refractory period and compensating pause of the, 447 rhythmic, cause of, 440 solutions maintaining the, 477, 479, 480, 481 precautions to be observed in testing, 479 stopping of the, a gradual process, 929 theory of muscular, 442 nerve-, of, 441 Heart-beat and blood-supply, relation of, in the coronary circulation, 477 and body-temperature, relationship between, 579 Heart-beats, frequency of, 412. Heart-muscle, failure of tetanus in, 122 function and contraction of, 107 Heart-muscles, papillary, and their uses, 402 Heart-nerve, depressor, 464 sympathetic, 467 Heart-nerves, inhibitory centre of, 467 irradiation, 468 origin of the nerve-fibres, 468 tonus of, 468 Heart-sound, first, acoustic analysis of, 411, 412 second, cause of, 410. Heat, animal body-, 575-604 body-, 575-580. See Temperature. sexual, animal, 898 Heat-centres, 599, 713, 714 Heat-dissipation, channels of, 592 mechanism of, 601 physiology of, 584-597 Heat-dyspneea, causation of, 550 Heat-production after death, cause of, 604 by muscular energy, amount of, 132 mechanism of, 597 physiology of, 597 Heat-regulation of the body, 602 Helico-proteids, 1020 Hemianopsia, 697 Hemi-peptone, 231, 241 Hemorrhage, extent of, with safe recovery, 361 regeneration of blood after, 361 Heredity, 22, 28, 931-942 Hetero-proteose, 230 Heteroxanthin, 996 Hexoses, 1004 Hibernation, absorption and elimination of gases during, 542, 546 effect on heat-production of, 592 Hiccough, 563 Histohematins, 342, 1018 Histon, action of, in prevention of blood-coagu- lation, 356 Homothermous animals, 575 Horopter, 804 Hunger, sense of, 845 Hydrate, chloral], 980 Hydration, 947 Hydrazones, 977 Hydrobilirubin, 1015 of the feces, 260, 263 Hydrocarbons or paraffins, saturated, 975 Hydrogen, 943, 944 peroxide of, 949 ” preparation and properties of, 943, 944 sulphuretted, 950 Hydrolysis, 948 of enzymes defined, 219 Hydroquinone, 1011 INDEX. Hydroxide, ethyl, 978 Hypermetropia, 759 Hyperpneea defined, 548 Hypoxanthin, 278, 995 ILLUSIONS OF TOUCH, 840 optical, 794-803 Images, after-, retinal, 791 intraocular, 765 Imbibition, 948 Imidosarcin, 995 _ Imido-xanthin, 996 “ Impulse or apex-beat of the heart, 409 Incus, the, 810, 811 Indol, 260, 280, 1013 B-methyl, 1013 Induction apparatus, 48, 54 Inheritance, facts of, 931 of acquired characters, 934 of disease, 935 of latent characters, 932, 933 theories of, 936 Tnhibition, cardiac, seat of the power of, 452 vagus, 452-457 of reflex action of central system, 667 respiratory, 567, 570, 571 Innervation, dermal, 673 of the blood-vessels, 482-501 of the heart, 440-470 of the jaw-muscles, 310 of the lungs, 573 Inosit, 1014 Insane, brain-weight of the, 722 Inspiration, mechanism of, 506 muscles of, 506, 513 Inspiration and expiration, relative periods of, variations in, 532 Intensity of light, 778, 785 Intestine, large, absorption in the, 254 digestion in the, 248 gas of the, composition of, 260 muscle-tissue of the, contraction-wave of, 309 secretion of the, 246 small, absorption in the, 253 Intestines, decomposition in the, bacterial, 248 glands of the, secretory, 184 movements of the, 320 —pendular movements, 322 —peristalsis, 320-322 conditions influencing the, 323 nerves of the, extrinsic, 322 vaso-motor, 498 Iodine, 953 Iris, the, 768 movements of the, muscular, 771 muscles of the, 769 Iron, 971 compounds of, detection of, 972 in animal and vegetable foods, absorption and excretion of, 295 in hemoglobin, presence of, 337 in the body, 972 in the production of hemoglobin, 263, 295 “Tron-free” hematin, 342 Irradiation, retinal, 794 Irritability, 38-81 alterations of, electrotonic, 71 induced by anelectrotonic and katelectro- tonic changes, 71 anodic, 68, 69, 70, 72 degree of, method of ascertaining, 38 dependent upon oxygen-supply, 73, 74 duration of, as affected by temperature, effect of enforced rest on, 81 of exercise on, 80 of frequency of application of stimulus on, 72 66 INDEX. Irritability, effect on, from separation of nerves from the central nervous system, 75 efficacy of the blood to preserve, 74, 75 influence of the blood on, 73 kathodic, 68, 69, 70, 72 loss of, by separation of muscles, 76 by separation of nerves, 75, 76 of muscle, defined, 35 curare experiment, 41 independent, 40 of muscles and nerves, conditions which deter- mine, 64 effect of heat and cold on, 66 of nerves, 38-4 —chemical irritation, 40 —electrical irritation, 40 —mechanical irritation, 40 .—thermal irritation, 40 curare, experiment for determining, 40, 41 influence of constant electric currents on the, G result of change in the chemical constitution of muscles and nerves, 67, 68 vital, definition of, 18 Irritability and conductivity of nerve-fibres, 624 and contractility of ova, 37, 38 Irritant, electric current as a muscle and nerve, 43-60. See Electric current. Irritants, classes of, 38 effect of, study of the, 39 efficiency of, on muscles and nerves, 43 influence of, upon the irritability of muscle and nerve, 65 --effect of chemicals and drugs, 67 —effect of electric current upon the mus- cles, 68 —effect of electric current upon nerves, 69 | | —effect of temperature, 66 —effect of the frequent application of the stimulus on irritability, 72 —mechanical agencies, 65 relative value of different, 38 Irritation, direct, of muscle-protoplasm, proofs of, 42 nerve, by electric current, Du Bois-Reymond’s law, 47 frequency of stimuli and effect of, 65 of nerve and muscle, result of, conditions determining, 42 “Tsodynamie equivalent,” 304 Tsomaltose, 1007 Iso-nitril, an, defined, 985 JAUNDICE, causation of, 189 Jaw movements, muscles concerned in the, 310 Joint-movements, classes of, 856 —ball-and-socket joint, 857 —hinge joints, 856 —saddle joint, 857 —sliding joints, 856 Joints, union of bones by, 855 KARYOKINESIS defined, 19, 20 Katabolism defined, 20 of animal protoplasm, 20 Katelectrotonus, 69 Kathode defined, 44 — physical and physiological defined, 62 Keratin, 1020 Ketone, dimethyl, 982 Kidney, 189, 273 Kidneys, blood-flow through the, 195 action of diuretics on the, 195 regulation of, by the vaso-motor nerves, 196, 197 glands of the, secretory, 189-195 nerves of the, vaso-motor, 498 1037 Knee-kick, muscular reaction involved, 649- 652 reinforced nerve-impulses of, 665-666 Kymograph, the, 381 LABOR, nature of, 919, 920 stages of, 917-919. See also Parturition. Labor-pains, 918 Labyrinth, the, 815 membranous, 815 fluids of, 817 transmission of vibrations through the, 820 osseous, structure of, 815, 816 Lactates in human urine. 278 Lacteals; absorption of fat by the, 258 Lactose, 202, 1006 relations of, to glycogen-formation, 268 Language defined, 874 Lanolin, 198 Larynx, appearance of the, laryngoscopic, 869 cartilages of the, 865 movements of the, 516 muscles of the, 865-868 nerve-supply of the, 868 self-examination of, method of, 869 stricture of, 861-869 ventricular bands of, 862, 863 Latent characters, inherited human, 932 heat, 948 period defined, 101 differentiation of electrical and mechanical, in retinal sensation, 789 of muscular contraction, 113, 114 Laughing, 562 Lecithin, 265, 1001 Lens, achromatic, discovery of the principle of the, 762 Leucin, 242, 983 Leucocytes, blood-, action of, 346, 374 classification of, 345, 346 —lymphocytes, 345 —mononuclear, 346 —polymorphous or polynucleated, 346 emigration of, 346, 376 functions of, 245, 346 movements of, 35 amceboid, 346 origin of, 347 shcreinine?: of, 345 * Leuconuclein,”’ 356 Levulose, 218, 1005 Life, phenomena of, hypotheses of, 25, 26 Light, ‘‘ dispersion ”’ of, 778 intensity of, 778, 785 modifications of, 779 —color, 779 —color-blindness, 784 —color-mixture, 779 —color-theories, 781 —intensity, 785 —luminosity of colors, 786 —saturation, 788 retinal, changes produced by, 776 saturation of, 77.9, 788 sensation of, ‘retinal, 777, 778 Limbs, nerves of the, vaso-motor, 501 Lipochromes, 1015 Liquor amnii, finction of, 911 quantity and composition of, 911 Liver, blood-flow in the, relation of the secretion of bile to the, 187 existence of secretory nerves to the, 188 extirpation of, effect of, on urea formation, 276, 277 functions of the, 260 glands of the, secretory, 184-189 1038 Liver, glycogen in the, conditions affecting the supply of, 270 function of, 269 occurrence and origin of, 266, 267 nerves of the, vaso-motor, 498 relations of the, to the circulation, 276 secretions of the, 185, 205 structure of the, histological, 184 urea in the, formation of, 271 urea-forming power of the, 271, 272 Liver and spleen, physiology of, 260-272 Liver-cells, blood-supply of, sources of, 187 chemical changes by the, 184 formation of urea by the, 271, 272, 275 glycogen of the, 267 ° physiology of the, 260, 261 relations of the, to the ducts, 184, 185 secretions formed by the, 205, 206 Locomotion, body-, 860 of the spermatozoa, 883, 903 mechanisms of, 855-861 Loop of Henle, 189, 190, 192 Lumen of the secretory cells, 161 Lung-pressure, 504, 505, 514, 516 Lung-ventilation, artificial, laboratory method of, 553, 554, 561 Lungs, action of the continuous pull of the, on the blood-flow, 387 air in the, admixture and purification of, 522 amount of, in adult human, 517 alveoli of the, number and size of, 504 blood-flow through the, 395 capillaries of the, 504 elasticity of the, 504 expansion of, in the new-born, 504, 573 fetal, atelectatic condition of, 504 in utero, 573 gases in the, alterations in the, 517 inflation of the, artificial, 554 innervation of the, 573 nerves of the, vaso-motor, 466 O and CO: absorbed and eliminated by the, quantity of, 519 diffusion in the, forces concerned in, 520 structure of the, 504 Lunule of the semilunar valves, 403 Lutein, 1015 Lymph, 363-367 aspiration of, thoracic, 439 composition of, 363 formation of, filtration-and-diffusion theory of, 362-367 < movement of, 362, 363, 437-439 occurrence of, 362 origin of the, 438 Lymph-flow, influence of body-movements upon the, 439 Lymph-hearts, absence of, in man, 438 Lymph-pressure, differences of, 438 Lymph-valves, body-movements and the, 439 Lymphatic system, 437 Lymphocytes, 345 Lysatin, 994 Lysatinin, 277, 994 Lysin, 994 MAGNEsIUM, 970 carbonates, 971 phosphates, 971 Malleus, the, 810, 811 Maltose, 218, 247, 1007 Mammalia, removal of cerebral hemispheres of, effect of, 710 Mammary glands. See Glands. Man, reproductive power of, waning period, 927 Manometer, differential, 422, 423 elastic, 418, 419 INDEX. Manometer, mercurial, 379, 380 Manometers, Hales’, 378 Marsh-gas, 976 Massage, effect of, on muscular fatigue, 79 Mastication, 310 normal salivary flow during, the result of re- flex action, 171 taste-perception developed by, 852 Maturation of the ovum, 889, 891 of the spermatozoon, 884, 892 Meats as a source of proteid-supply, 305 Meconium, biliary salts in, 987 Medullary sheath, 36, 151 Medullation in central nervous system, 616 of nerve-fibres, 614, 615 significance of, 729 Melanins, 1015 Menopause, the, 898, 927 Menstruation, 895 amount of blood discharged, 896 appearance of, time of, 927 conditions affecting, 897 duration and onset, 896-898 physiology of, comparative, 898 process of, 895, 896 theory of, 898, 899 Mercaptan, methyl, 977 Metabolism, body-, 20, 282, 302 conditions influencing, 298 —effect of muscular work, 298 —effect of starvation, 301 _—effect of variations in temperature, 300 —metabolism during sleep, 300 total, determination of, 282-284 , in the encephalon in old age, 743 in the nerve-cells in old age, 742 of carbon, 962 of cell-body, 626 of sulphur, 951 Methemoglobin, 342, 1014 . Methane, 975, 976 Methyl aldehyde, 977 compounds, 976 cyanide, 985 mercaptan, 977 selenide, 978 telluride, 978 Methylamine, 984 ** Micelle,” 25 Microcephalics, the brain of, 711, '720 Micturition, 327 control of the process of, 329 mechanism of normal, 328 —movements of the bladder, 328 —movements of the ureters, 327 —nervous mechanism of the bladder, 330 normal, a reflex act, 329, 330 “Micturition-centre,’’ 329 Milk, composition of, 201 secretion of, normal, 204 Milk-coagulation, rennin process, 234 Milk-ducts of the mamme, 201 Milk-fat, constituents and formation of, 201, 203 Milk-formation, changes in the cells of alveoli * of mammary gland during, 202 Milk-plasma, constituents of, 201, 202 Milk-salts, secretion of, epithelial, 202 Milk-sugar or lactose, 202, 247, 1006 Mitosis, 20 Molecule, proteid, size of, 1021 protoplasmic, instability of, 23, 24 Monoxide, carbon, 960 Morula, 909 Mouth, temperature of the, 577 Mucin, 261 bile, 265 formation and function of, 221 INDEX. ‘ Mucin of goblet-cells, formation of, 157, 158 of saliva, amount of, 162 Mucins, 1019 Mucous glands. See Glands. membrane, gastric, composition of the secre- tion of, 179 glands of the, structure, 178 irritation of, temperature-sensation not discriminated by, 842 irritation of, touch-sensation not induced by, 840 olfactory, 850 Murexid, 998 Musce volitantes, 766 Muscarin, 986 action of, on the heart, 442 Muscle, “‘ after-loaded, » 108 altered condition of, after contraction, 109 change in, in rigor mortis, 144 composition of, 32 conduction in both directions in, 86 conductivity of, loss and recovery of, 83 contraction of. See Contraction. contraction-wave of, length of, methods of determining, 90 rate of transmission of, 88-90 death of, chemical change in, 144 digastric, function of, 310 dying, circumscribed contraction of, 42 effect of mechanical stimulus on, 93 elasticity of, 104 changes in the, conditions influencing, 105 excitation of, effect of rate, on height and form of contraction, 109 -—continuous contractions caused by con- tinuous excitation, 123° —effect of frequent excitation on the height of separate muscular contrac- tions, 109 —effect of frequent excitation to produce tetanus, 114 —effect of frequent excitations upon the form of separate contractions, 113 —effect of exceedingly rapid excitations, 122 —effect of gradually increasing the rate of excitation, 121 —effect of, upon the form of separate con- tractions, 113, 114 —explanation of the great height of tetanic contractions, 118 —number of excitations required to tetan- ize, 121 —relative intensity of tetanus and single contractions, 122 —summary of the effects of rapid excita- tion that produce tetanus, 121 excitations, double, effect of, 118, 119 extensibility and elasticity of, 104-106 a protection against injury, 106 gases of, 150 glycogenetic function of, 270 importance of the blood-supply to the, 75 of the circulation to the, 73 injured, ‘‘ diminution effect’ upon, 141 tetanized, changes of electric potential in, 140 intestinal, of the fly, structure of, 84 irritability of, independent, 40-42 curare experiment, 41 conditions which determine the effect of, 42 “loaded,’’ 108 masseter, function of the, 310 omohyoid and pectoralis, of turtle, contraction and function of, 107 phenomena, electric, theories of, 138 pterygoid, external, function of, 310 1039 Muscle, pterygoid, internal, function, 310 reaction of human, to electric currents, a means of diagnosis, 58 rest of, necessary to restoration of normal condition, 109 stapedius, 814 stretching of, effect of, on irritability, 66 striated, conductivity ‘of, 82 optical properties of, during rest and action, 2 contraction of, rapidity of, 308 temporal, function of, 310 tensor-tympani, 814 tetanized, amount of shortening in, 122 Muscle and. nerve, chemistry of, 144-151 conditions which determine the efficiency of irritants on, 43 effect of constant electric current on the irritability and conductivity of, 61 electrical phenomena in, 134-143 excitation of, conditions which determine the effect of, 42 influences favoring the maintenance of the normal physiological condition of, 73 irritability of, influence of irritants upon the, 65 irritant, electric current as an, effect of, irritating effect of induced electric currents, 48 of the electric current, 43 result of, conditions determining the, 42 physiology of, general, 32 reflex movements of, 41 stimulating effects of making and breaking the direct electric current, 50 Muscle-contraction, influenees affecting the activity and character of the, 106 latent period of, 101, 113,114. See Contrac- tion. Muscle-contractions, graphic method of study, 98-101 Muscle-fibre, structure of, histological, 103 Muscle-fibres, conduction in, rate of, 92 Muscle-injury, electrical current of, 138 Muscle-plasma, 146, 147 Muscle-protoplasm, direct irritation of, proofs of, 42 irritability of, 35, 40-42 Muscle-serum, constituents of, 148-150 Muscle-sounds, 124 Muscle-spindles, 845 Muscle-tissue of the bladder, histology of, 328 of the intestines, contraction-wave of, 309 of the ureter, contraction-wave of, 309 plain, of the alimentary canal, 307 contraction of, 308, 310 “tone” of, defined, 309 smooth, conductivity of, 82 structure of, 32, 33 Muscle-tonus, 133 Muscles, abdominal, contraction of the, spas- modie, influence of, in vomiting, 325 functions of, 515 action of the, in standing, 859 upon the bones, method of, 857 capacity of the, for work or exercise, 77 chemical changes in, 73 classes of, 33 - concerned in the act of vomiting, 326 in the movements of the jaw, 310 condition of, following removal of the cere- bellum, 714 conduction in, 84 rate of, 88-90 contraction in different, rate of, with their function, 107 1040 Muscles, creatin of, 279 effect of electric current upon, 68 endurance of, defined, 80 enforced rest of, effect of, 81 expiratory, chief, 525 actions of, 515 eye, 745, 746 nerye-supply of the, 746 fatigue of, effect of, 76 glycogen in, value of, 270 ; inspiratory and expiratory, chief, 506, 513 intercostal, actions of, exemplified, 510-512 functions of, 510, 512, 513, 515 intestinal, histology of, 320 — intrinsic laryngeal, actions and origin of, 866-868 involuntary, defined, 33 jaw, innervation of, mode of, 310 laryngeal, intrinsic, 866-868 —aryteno-epiglottidian, 867, 868 —arytenoid, 867 —crico-arytenoid, lateral, 866 —crico-arytenoid, posterior, 866, 867 —crico-thyroid, 866 —thyro-arytenoid, 868 levator, functions of the, 510, 513 ani, function of, 515 movements of the rib, controlling the, 509 myosin of, 1018 nerves of the, vaso-motor, 501 non-striated, 33 of inspiration, contraction of, action on the blood-flow of, 387 of the iris, 769 of the larynx, 865-868 of the middle ear, 814 of the vagina, 900 oxidization processes of, 73, 74 quadrati lumborum, function of, 507, 513 reaction of, to electric current, 57 rectal, physiology of, 324 recuperative power of, 77-79 relations between separate contractions and tetanus of, 123 scaleni, function of, 509, 513 serrati postici, functions of, 510-513 skeletal, 84 and the venous valves, action on the blood- flow of, 387 relation of, to heat-production, 597 striated or striped, 33 appearance of, after contraction, 104 contractions of, differences in duration of, 106 excitation of, rate of, 122 function of, 98 properties of, optical, during rest and action, 102 structure of, 102-104 tension of, sense-perception of the, 844 thoracic, 512, 513 triangulares sterni, function of, 515 uterine, 895 use and disuse of, effect of, 80 voluntary, defined, 33 Muscles and nerves, changes in, influenced by the effects of battery currents, 69 conduction of, protoplasmic continuity essential to, 82 in both directions, 86 influences which alter the rate and strength of the process, 92 isolated, 83 rate of, 88 effect of influences which result from func- tional activity of, 76 —etfect of enforced rest, 81 INDEX. Muscles and nerves: —effect of use and disuse, 80 —fatigue of muscles, 76 —fatigue of nerves, 79 fey irritability of, conditions which determin the, 64 effect of heat and cold on the, 66 transmission of excitation to, by end-organs, 85 Muscular activity, dyspnoea of, 552 effect of, on the respiratory quotient, 546 influence of, on body-temperature, 578 influence of, on heat-dissipation, 595 on the volume of gases respired, 541 mechanisms, special physiology of, 855-877 Musical note, highest, number of impulses pro- ducing the, 778 Mydriatics, 771 Myogram, the, 50, 101 of simple muscle-contraction, 101 Myograph, 50, 51, 99 double, experiments with the, 52 Myopia, 759 Myosin, 147, 148 Myotics, 771 Myrosin, 218 Myxcedema, treatment of, with thyroid extracts, 208, 209 NATIVE ALBUMINS, 349 “Negative variation current,” 140 Nerve, auditory, 679, 818 chorda tympani, course of the, 159, 160 conductivity of, effect of stretching on, 93 depressor, effects of stimulation of the, 464 dying, effect of mechanical stimulation on, 93 end-organs of, importance of, 839 glosso-pharyngeal, excitation of the, effect on , respiratory movements of, 570 irritation of, chemical, 40 conditions determining the effect of, 42 electrical, 40 mechanical, 40 temperatural, 47 thermal, 40 layngeal, superior, excitation of the, effect of, on respiratory movements, 570 of Jacobson, 159 olfactory, 682 optic, 679 relations of afferent fibres in the, 680 pressure upon a, irritating effect of, 47 reaction of a, effect of making and breaking induction shocks on the, 49 relation of the strength of a current to the irritating effect upon a, test of, 54 sensory, excitation of, effect of mechanical, 65 separation of a, break in conductivity by, 82 - stretching a, effect of, on irritability, 65 sympathetic, effect of stimulation of the, 467 ulnar, effect of pressure on the, 93 excitation of the, effect of ice-water on the,66 vagus, of the dog, morphology of, 450 Nerve and muscle protoplasm, resemblance of, b Nerve-cell, anatomical characteristics of, 607 , bodies, sizes and shapes of, 607, volume relations of, 608 body, impulses on the, effect of, 622 metabolism of, 626 - points of the, at which the nerve-impulse can be aroused, 624 shape of, significance of, 622 structure of, 608 chemical changes in, 626 defined, 607 fatigue of, influence of, 628 INDEX. ‘Nerve-cell, maturing of the, 611 nutrition of the, influences acting on the, physiology of the, 607-639 single, nerve-impulse within a, 618 spinal-cord, volume of, 611 stimuli necessary to oicit a response in a, number of, 625 trophic influences on the, 627 Nerve-cells, changes in, due to age, 617 classes of, defined, cytoplasm of, changes in the, 617 disuse of, effect of, upon reflex action of nerve-fibres, 666 efferent, sympathetic relations of the, 654 forms of, 607 groups of, in central nervous system, 639 growth of, 610 impulses of, rate of discharge of, 623 in central nervous system, number of, 731 increase in the mass of, 731 in the number of, in central nervous sys- tem, 727, 728 location of, 36 medullation of, 614 metabolism in, in old age, 742 peculiarities of, 608 size and function of, 610 in different animals, 609 types of, 612, 613 unipolar, 441 vaso-motor, 488, 489 Nerve-elements, classification of, 641 degeneration and regeneration of, 633 enlargement in the, average, 731 functional, increase in the number of, in central system, 727 Nerve-fibre, axis-cylinder, conductivity of, 82 branches, growth of, 613 chemical reaction of, 151 composition of, 150, 151 defined, 607 degeneration and regeneration of, 52, 82 injured, absorption-process following, 82, 83 recovery, functional, 83 irritability and conductivity of, 624 Nerve-fibres, afferent or centripetal, 36 of spinal cord, 645 arrangement of, 36 association, cortical, 697 auditory, of the cochlea, 821 terminations of, 815-818 cardiac inhibitory, origin of, 468 cerebral, of the salivary glands, 159, 160 varieties of, 729 cholesterin of, 264 classes of, 36 —medullated, 36 —non-medullated, 36 constrictor, of the pupils, 769, 770 cortical, increase in the, 729 decussation of, 647, 680, 681, 768 degeneration of, after hemisection of cord, 669 in the central system, 634 of non-medullated, 633 of nucleated portion of, 635 1041 Nerve-fibres, glyco-secretory, 188 growth of the medullary sheath of, 615 lecithin of, 265 medullation of, 614, 615, 729 motor, of the gall- -bladder, 188 of liver-cells, existence of, 185 of salivary glands, 159 of sweat-glands, 199 of the bladder, 330 of the eye-muscles, 746 of the parotid, 159 of the skin, 281, 835 of the sphincter ani, 324 of the spleen, 272, 273 of the stomach, 316 olfactory, 850 optic, insensibility of, to light, 774 number of, 770 pressor and depressor, 494 regeneration of, 58, 82, 636 relation of medullary sheath and axis-cyl- inder of, to the central system, 616 to the peripheral nervous system, 615 secretory, action of, upon the formation of bile, 188 connection between the gland-cells and the, 161 in the pancreas, proof of, 173, 174 normal function of the, in the sympa- thetic, 171 of the kidney, 191 termination of, 161 theory of, 165, 166 varieties of, 155 sensory, ending of, in the skin, 835 of the tongue, 852 stimulation and changes in temperature on, effect of, 614, 615 structure of, 36 trophic, theory of, 165, 166 thermogenic, 598 vaso-constrictor of the kidneys, action of, 196, 197 vaso-dilator of the kidneys, action of, 196, 19 vaso-motor of the lungs, 574 Nerve-impulse, afferent, of the cortex composite character of, 700 defined, 40, 611 direction of the, 619 extension of the, conditions surrounding the, 619 pathways of the, double, 621 points in the cell-body at which the, can be aroused, 624 rate of, 618, 738, 739 theories of the passage of the, in the cen- tral system, 644 within a single nerve-cell, 618 Nerve-impulses, arrangement of, in the central system, 621 course of the, on leaving the cortex, 695 effect of, on the cell-body, 622 efferent, reaction of, 660 olfactory, pathway of, 682 pathways of the, 618, 647-657, 668, 682 sensory, pathways of, 668 Nerve-injury, electrical current of, 139 Nerve-muscle preparation, 49 Nerve-roots, afferent, 644, 645 Nerve-supply of the larynx, 868 Nerve-theory of heart-beat, 441 Nerve-tissues, specific gravity of, 732 Nerve-tracts in the central system, 668 Nerve-trunks, direct irritation of, excites no sensations of temperature and touch, 841, 842 secondary, of cortical, 687 dependence of, on the blood-supply, 74 diameters of the neurons of, 613 dilator, of the pupils, 769, 770 dorsal root, number of, 673 efferent or centrifugal, 36 extrinsic, intestinal, 322, 323 of the stomach muscles, 316, 319, 320 function of, 36 “ germinal,” 688 66 1042 INDEX. Nerves, sensory, defined, 36 Racsiocteuisles conduction. in, 83 ; d of the muscles, 844, 845 Nerves, action of the, on the pancreatic secre- tion, 173 auditory, of ‘the cochlea, 821 augmentor, course of, in various animals, 459 stimulation of, effects of, 460 branching of, 84 cardiac, 450 —augmentor nerves, 458 —centrifugal nerves, 462 —centripetal nerves, 463 —inhibitory nerves, 452 centres of the, 467-470 —augmentor centre, 469 —inhibitory centre, 467 —intra-ventricular centre, 470 —peripheral reflex centres, 470 division of the, 451 inhibitory, 452 chemical changes in, by conduction, 96 chemistry of, 150 concerned in the reflex action of deglutition, 314 conduction in both directions in, 86 experimental methods of determining, 87 rate of, 90 —in motor nerves, 91 —in sensory nerves, 92 - conductivity of, effect of pressure upon, 93 effect of temperature on the, 93 cutaneous, excitation of the, effect on the respiratory movements of, 571 effect of electric current upon, 69 on normal human, 62 of sudden alterations in the intensity of stimuli, 46, 47 electro-motive force of, 1389 extrinsic, of the intestines, 322 to the stomach muscles, 319 fatigue of, by conduction, 79, 97 influence of the, on the gastric secretion, 180 . inhibitory, defined, 36 and augmentor, Pawlow’s classification, 462 effect of simultaneous stimulation of, 461 intracardiac, 440 effects of stimulation of the, 463 irritability of, 38-40 testing anelectrotonic and katelectrotonic alterations of, 69, 70 irritation of, by electrical current, Du Bois- Reymond’ s law, 47 liberation of heat i in, by conduction, 96 motor, conduction in human, 91, 92 defined, 36 of the bile-vessels, 188 of common sensation, 843 -. of special sense, effect of stimulation of the, 467 of the eye, 769-772 ‘of the spleen, 499 olfactory, excitation of the, effect of, on the respiratory movements, 571 pancreatic, 172 phrenic, result of section of, 571 pneumogastric, 573 functioris of, 568-570 pulmonary branches of, 573, 574 reaction of, to currents of gradually increas- ing strength, 64 respiratory, afferent, 568 efferent, 571 sciatic and sensory, excitation of the, effect of, on respiration, 571 secretory, 36, 162-164 ‘action of drugs upon the, 170 existence of, to the liver, 188 of the pancreas, 173 stimulation of the, effect of, 466 septal, effect of vagus excitation on the, of a splanchnic, excitation of the, effect of, on the respiration, 571 sweat-, 199 sympathetic, pulmonary, 574 temperature, 84 thermogenic, 598 trigeminal, excitation of the, effect on _ the respiration of, 591 “‘trophic,” defined, 36 vagus, stimulation of the, effects of, 463 vaso-dilator, early demonstration of, 484 vaso-motor, defined, 36 differences between the constrictors and dilators of the, 487 early experimental demonstrations of, 482- 486 observation of, methods of, 486 — origin and course of, 488 reflex excitation of, ‘492 topography of, 494 . —of the back, 501 —of the bladder, 500 —of the brain, 494 —of the external generative organs, 499 —of the head, 496 —of the heart, 497 —of the internal generative organs, 500 —of the intestines, 498 —of the kidneys, 498 —of the limbs, 501 —of the liver, 498 —of the lungs, 496 —of the muscles, 501 —of the portal system, 501 —of the spleen, 499 —of the tail, 501 ventricular, 463 distribution of, 440 Nerves and muscles of cold-blooded animals, effect of irritants best studied by, 39 Nervous system, alterations in the, due to preg- - haney, 916 central, 605-743 activities of the, summary of, 656 anatomy of the, physiological, 644 architecture of, "general, 639 asymmetry of, 723 cells in the, number of, 731 circulation in the, 734-737 conditions of the, during sleep, 740 conditions of the, favoring sleep, 739 connections between cells in the, 643 constituents of the, 716 development in different parts of the, ‘relative, 642 development of the, defective, 734 effect of fatigue on the, 737 effect of loss of sleep on the, 742 effect of removal of cerebral boaters 705-715 effect of starvation on the, 737 3 influence of the, on gastric secretion, 180 growth and organization, 606 growth of, influence of glands on the, 737 medullation i in, 616 nerve-elements of the, classification of, 641 _ nerve-elements of the, increase in num- uJ ber of functional, 727 nerve-fibres in the, degeneration of, 634, 669, 670 nerve-impulses of the, arrangement of,621 INDEX.. Nervous system, nerve-impulses of the, diffusion of, 648, 652, 653 nerve-im pulses of the, evidence of con- tinuous outgoing of, 655 nerve-impulses of the, theories of the passage of the, 644 nerve-tracts in the, 668 nerves of the, specific afferent, 673 —auditory, 679 —olfacfory, 682 —optic, 679 —special nerves of pain, 674 old age of the, 742, 743 organization of, 642, 734 organization and nutrition of the, 732-739 pathways of the, 648, 670, 675 phenomena of the, involving conscious- ness, 606 physiology of the, comparative, 703-705 processes in the, time taken in, 738 reaction of the efferent impulses, 660 reactions of, from fractures of the spinal cord, 660 reactions of, during sleep, 740, 741 reactions of the spinal cord, segmental,658 reflex action of, 657-667 relations between body-weight and, 719 stimulation of the, conditions of, 647 strength of stimulus and strength of re- sponses of, 648 subdivisions of, 605 symmetry of, bilateral, 645, 723 unity of the, 605, 639 sweat-centres in, 200 volume of the, 731 changes in the, dependent upon age, 715 control of the mammary secretion by the, 203 disturbances of the, influence of, on body- temperature, 580 influence of the, on functional activity, 81 on heat-dissipation, 596 physiology of the, as a whole, 715 sympathetic, nerve-impulses in the, diffu- sion of, 654 weight of the, interpretations of, 717 Neuridin, 986 Neurilemma, 36, 150 Neurin, 986 _ Neuroblast, the, 610, 611 Neuroblasts, polarization of, 611 Neuro-keratin, 151, 1020 Neuron, axis-cylinder of the, constitution of,614 defined, 607 form of the, as a means of classification, 611 _ structure of the, 607 volume of the, 609 Neurous, medullation of, 614-616 size of, in different animals, 609 Neutrophiles, 345 New-born, body-temperature of, 577 expansion of the lungs in, 504, 573 respiratory movements of, 573 Nicotin, action of, upon the salivary glands and their secretions, 170 Nipple, origin of the, 201 Nitril defined, 985 Nitrogen, 954 compounds of the alcohol radicals with, 984 with oxygen, 956 effect of respiration of, 548 equilibrium, defined, in the body, 956 tension of, 525 Nitrogenous material, determination of amount destroyed in the body, 282 “Neeud vital,” 564 1043 Noises, 832 Non-nitrogenous tuaterial, determination of amount destroyed i in the body, 283 Nose, tracts of the, 849 Notes, musical, quality of, 827, 828 Nuclein, 1019 Nucleo-albumins, 1019 Nucleo-histon, 347, 356, 1019, 1020 Nucleo- -proteids, 1019 Nucleus, cell-, protoplasm of the, differentiation from cytoplasm of, 22 Nutriment, effect of, on muscular fatigue, 78 Nutrition, body-; bile not essential for, 261 defined, 18, 19, 213 of the embryo, 913 of the placental process of, 914, 915 of the heart, 461-482 Opokrs, detection of, by sensations of smell, 850, 1 skin, racial and individual, 851 (Esophagus, deglutition in the, 312 Oil, emulsions of, artificial, 245 Old age. See Age. Olefines, amines of the, 986 Oncometer, Roy’s, 196 Ophthalmometer, the, 750, 765 Ophthalmoscope, the, 772 **Optogram,” 776 Organ of Corti. See Corti. Organization. See Central Nervous System. Organs, reproductive, female, 887-901 male, 882-887 mechanical and pathological changes in the female, due to pregnancy, 915, 916 respiratory, 503 secretory, internal, 205-211 sexual, classification of, 882 vocal, 107, 870-877 Ornithin, 994 Osazones, 1004 Osmometer, 251 Osmosis, 250-252 Ossicles, auditory, 810 function of, 813 ligaments of the, 811 Otoliths or otoconia, 819, 849 Ova, irritability and contractility of, 37, 38 movements of, amceboid, 37, 38 primitive, number of, in the ovaries, 892 Ovaries, primitive ova in, number of, 892 structure of the, 892 Ovary, the, 892 Overtones, musical, 827 inharmonic, 830 Ovulation, 892-894 Ovum, the, 888 action of the spermatozoa in entering the, 904 chemistry of the, 889 chromosomes of, power of hereditary transmis- sion due to the, 2 fertilization of, 904-906 growth of the, uterine, 911 human and fowl’s, compared, 888, 913 © discovery of, 888 form and size of, 888 structure of, 888, 889 impregnation of, movements during the, 37, 38 maturation of ‘the, 889-891 nucleolus of the, 889 nucleus of the, 888 nutrition of the, mode of, 37 protoplasm of, 37 reception of the, by the Fallopian tube, 894 segmentation of the, 907, 908 Oxidation, body-, Hoppe-Seyler’ s theory of, 949 Traube’s theory of causation, 946 1044 Oxide, nitric, 956 nitrous, 956 Oxybenzol, 1010 Oxycholin, 986 Oxygen, 944 chaaretinn -papacities of tissues for, 530 -coefticient of blood for, 523 compounds, 956, 958 effect of respiration of, 548 influence of, on the heart- beat, 481 of muscle, 150 preparation and properties of, 945 reduction defined, 946 Oxygen and COz:, diffusion of, in the lungs, forces concerned in, 5 520 interchange of, between the alveoli and the blood, 522, 525 between the blood and tissues, 527 proportion of, in the blood, 519 in room-ventilation, 547 quantity of, absorbed and eliminated, 518 tension of, 523 volumes of, respired, 536 | Oxygen, CO2, and N, absorption-coefficients of water for, 522 and other gases, compounds of hemoglobin with, 336 Oxygen-dyspneea, cause of, 550, 551 Oxyhemoglobin, 336 absorption spectrum of, 339, 340 Oxyphiles, 345 Ozone, 946, 947 PACINIAN BODIES, 836 Pain, 842, 843 special nerves of, 674 Pains, ‘‘ sympathetic’’ or transferred, 844 Pancreas, 172-176 anatomical relations of the, 172 changes during activity in the, 174 characters of the, 172 consumption of sugar by the, 293 removal of the, result of the, 206 secretion of the. See Secretion. Pancreatic diabetes, 293 juice, action of, in the emulsification of fats, 246 artificial, 240 composition of, 238, 239 enzymes of, 238-244 —amylopsin, 243 —steapsin, 244 —trypsin, 239 flow of, during digestion, rapidity of, 176 obtaining the, methods of, 238 Papille of the tongue, 851, 852 sensitiveness of, to stimuli, 854 Paraffins or hydrocarbons, saturated, 975 Paraglobulin, 350 amount of, in the blood, 351 coagulation-temperature of, 351 composition and reaction of, 350, 351 function of, 351 occurrence and origin of, 351 Paralysis agitans, 73, 743 Paranuclein, 1019 Parapeptone, 230 Parathyroids, 207 Paraxanthin, 996 Parotid, appearance of, after stimulation, 168 in a fresh state, 168 ina resting condition, 167 changes in, following stimulation, 167 nerve- fibres of the, 159 position of, 158 ~ structure of, 160 Parturition, contractions in, uterine, 919, 920 INDEX. Parturition, date of, estimating the, 916 mechanism of, 917-919 Paté de foie gras, 1002 Pause, respiratory, 506, 532 P-cresol, 1011 Penis, the, 887 erection of, mechanism of, 902, 903 Pentamethylene-diamine, 986 Pentyl compounds, 983 Pepsin, action of, 235 on proteids, 219 nature and properties of, 228 = preparations of, Briicke’s method, 229 commercial and laboratory, 228 Pepsin and trypsin, differences in action of, 241 Peptones, 232, 1018 absorption of, from the stomach, 253 diffusibility of, 233 formation of, 230-232 properties and reactions of, 232 Peptones and proteoses, analysis of, 233 conversion of, into serum-albumin, 350 Peristalsis defined, 310 intestinal, 320-322 of the esophagus in deglutition, 312 of the stomach during digestion, 317 of the ureters, causation, 327 Peroxide, phosphorus, 958 Perspiration, 198, 281 “ Pettenkofer’s test,” 988 Phagocytes, 346 Phagocytosis theory of Metschnikoff, 346 Phakoscope, the, 754 Pharynx, deglutition in the, 311 respiratory movements of the, 516 Phenol, 280, 1010 Millon’s reagent, 1011 Phenyl-hydroxide, 1010 Phonation, 874 Phosphate, ferric, 972 sodium-ammonium, 967 Phosphates, calcium, 967 excreted, derivation of, 959 magnesium, 971 of urine, 280 potassium, 963 sodium, 966 Phosphenes, 751, 777 Phosphorus, 957 compounds of, with oxygen, 958 detection of, 958 in the body, 959 Phosphorus-poisoning, 957 Physiology defined, 17 divisions of, 17 special, differentiation of, from general, 29, 30 study of, experimental methods used and pre- liminary knowledge required in, 30,31 Pia and fluid, weight of, 716 Pigments, bile. See Bile-pigments. urinary, relationship of hemoglobin to, 343 Pilocarpine, action of, upon the salivary glands and their secretions, 170 Pince myographique and recording nike 89 Pinna or auricle, 807 Pitch, musical, 825, 826 Pituitary body, internal secretions of, 211 Placenta, the, 912 relationship of the, to embryonic nutrition, 914, 915 Plant-cell assimilation, 18." Plant-cells, conductivity in, 84 Plants and animals, structural dissimilarity of, 7; enzymes of, 218 Plasma (blood-), coagulation of, 147, 148 composition of, 347-349 INDEX. Plasma, hie 4s layer” of, in small blood-vessels, 74 proteids of, 349 pure, method of obtaining, 360 regeneration of, after hemorrhage, 361 “salted,’’ 357, 360 structure and color of, 331 Pleuronectide, chromotoblasts of, 35 Pneumograph of Marey, 531 Poikilothermous animals, 575 Poisoning, phosphorus, 957 Polymerization, 23 Polypneea, causation of, 550 Polyspermy, 909 Portal system, vaso-motor nerves of the, 501 Post-mortem rise of body-temperature, 145, 604 Potassium, 963 carbonates, 964 chloride, 963 cyanide, 985 in the body, 964 phosphates, 963 sulphocyanide, 221, 222 thiocyanide, 986 Pregnancy, influence of, on the mammary glands, 204, 915 multiple, 920, 921 physiological effects upon the mother of, 915 position of fetus at end of, 917 sign of, urinary coat as a, 968 Presbyopia, 760 Pressure, blood-, and speed, compared, 393 arterial and venous, method of studying, 377 capillary, causation, 385 symptoms of bleeding i in relation to, 383 the mean arterial, capillary, and venous, 382 venous, causation, 386 intrapulmonary, 505, 516 intrathoraci , 505, 516 sense of. See Touch. upon a nerve, irritating effect of, 47 Pressure-curve, ventricular, and the auricular systole, 422 and the valve-play, 422 ventricular, general characters of, 419 Pressure-points, cutaneous, 839 Pressure-sense, tympanic membrane as an organ of, 826 Propeptone, 230 Prostate, secretion of the, 885 Protagon, 1001 of nerve, 151 Proteid, composition of, 1016 digestion, products of, 1021 loss of, during starvation, 302 molecule, size of, 1021 oxidization of, power of tissue in, 286 putrefaction, products of, 1021 supply, value of meats as, 305 synthesis, experiments, 1021 Proteids, 214, 1016 absorption ‘of, intestinal and stomach, 252-254 action, of pepsin-hydrochloric acid on, 229 bacterial, upon the, products of, 249° of pepsin on, products of digestion in, 219 animal-food, digestibility of, 217 blood-, 346 of lymph, 363 chromo-, 1018 coagulated, 1018 combined, 1018 digestion of, 214, 1021 effect of, on ’ slycogen-formation i in the liver, "268 glyco-, 1019 1045 Proteids, importance of nutritive, to the body, 14, 285 luxus consumption of, 288 of milk, 201 of muscle, fractional heat-coagulation to de- termine the, 148, 149 nucleo-, 1019 of the blood-plasma, 349 —fibrinogen, 350 —paraglobulin, 350 —serum albumin, 349 phospho-glyco-, 1020 potential energy of, 303 production of fats by the, 290, 291 of glycogen from, 268 properties of, dependent upon the presence of inorganic salts, 294 putrefaction of, bacterial, 249 reaction of, general, 1016 remarks on the, general, 1021 vegetable, digestibility of, 217 Proteose defined, 230, n. Proteoses, 230, 1018 Protoplasm, animal, katabolism of, 20 synthetic properties of, 18 cell, continuity of, 84, 85 conductivity of, 35 contractility of, 32-35 defined, 17, 943 dying, chemical changes in, 930 irritability of, 35 irritating effect of irritants upon different forms of, 39 living and dead, differentiation, 18 death of, molecular change in, 23 divisions of, 17 instability of, 23, 24 specialization of function of, organized animals, 21, 22 muscle, 35, 40-42 necessity of proteids for the formation and preservation of, 214 nerve and muscle, resemblance of, 36, 37 plant, nutrition of, 215 primitive, immortality of, 930 properties of, fundamental, 21 structure of, molecular, 23,25 vegetable, synthetic properties of, 18 Proto-proteose, 230 Pseudo-mucoid, 1019 Ptyalin, 218, 222, 1008 action of, 222 conditions influencing the, 224 —conditions of the starch, 224 —effect of reaction, 224 —temperature, 224 of acids on, 224 specific, in saliva, 162 Puberty, 926 changes at, anatomical and physiological, 927 voice, 871, 872 period of, in the female and male, 927 Pulsation, cardiac. See Heart-beat. Pulse, arterial, 385, 431 celerity of stroke of, 432 dicrotic wave of, 435 extinction of the, 386 frequency and regularity of, 432 investigation of the, by the finger, 432 nature and importance of, 431 size of the, 433 tension of, 433 transmission of, 432 “hounding,” defined, 433 compressible and incompressible, 433 *“ dicrotic,’’ 435 digital examination of, in diasnonin, 432 in highly 1046 Pulse, effects of respiration on the, 559 respiratory, in the veins near the chest, 388 varieties of, 433 venous, 407 aa : Pulse-rate, influence of variations in body-tem- perature on the, 579 R relation of frequency of respirations and the, 534 Pulse-trace, arterial, 434 : Pulse-volume, average, of the human ventricle, 398 defined, 397 , force exerted upon the ventricles, during each systole, 399 measuring the, methods of, 397, 398 of the heart, variation in, 397 Pulse-wave, dicrotic, 435 transmission of, rate of, 432 p Pupil, changes in size of, method of observing, 768 contraction and dilatation of, 769-771 effects of drugs upon the, 771 reflex action of, to light, 769-772 Purkinje’s phenomenon, 787, 788 Putrefaction, 945 proteid, intestinal, 248, 249 products of, 1021 Putrescin, 986 ‘‘Pyramid of light,’’ 810 Pyridin, 1012 Pyrocatechin, 1011 RACE, influence of, upon body-growth, 926 Races, brain-weight of different, 722 skin odors of, 851 Radiation, coefficient of, 596 Reaction, biuret, of urea, 992 of a nerve, effect of making and breaking in- duction shocks on the, 49 of blood, 332 of efferent nerve-impulses, 660 of muscle in rigor, cause of, 964 of muscles and nerves to electric currents, 57 _ of nerve-fibre, chemical, 151 of saliva, 221, 224 of sweat, 199, 281 of the efferent impulses of central system, 660 of urine, 273, 274, 280 produced by application of cold to the body, 603 Reactions of enzymes, 218, 219 of intestinal secretion, 247 of nervous system, involuntary, 651-667 voluntary, 667-682 proteid, 1016 Rectum, absorption by the, 255 muscles of the, function of, 324 Rectum and colon, nerve-supply of, 323 Reflex action of light upon the pupil, 769-772 of deglutition, nerves concerned in the, 314 of muscle and nerve, 41 of mio salivary flow during mastication, 7 of the central nervous system, 657-667 contractions of uterus during labor, 919, 920 excitation of vaso-motor nerves, 492 movements of muscle and nerve, 41 of spinal cord, in lower vertebrates, 703-705 Reflex and bo ner ed actions, difference between, Regeneration of blood after hemorrhage, 361 _ Of nerve-fibres, 58, 82, 636 pathological, 933 physiological, 933 Relief, perception of, 800 Rennin, 218, 233, 234 extracts, method of obtaining, 234 INDEX. Rennin-zymogen, 234 Reproduction, 877-942 asexual, 878 by conjugation, 879 defined, 18, 20 desire and power of, periods in animals of the, — 898, 899 double function of, 28 organs of, female, 882, 887-901 male, 882-887 periods of, seasonal, 899 process of, 901-923 = sexual, 879 theories of, 880, 881 Resemblances, congenital, hereditary, 932 variations in, 938 Resonators, 829 Respiration, 503-574 appearance of the larynx in, 869 artificial, 553 laboratory method of, 553, 554, 561 average rate in man, 533 be centre of, expiratory, 565 inspiratory, 565 in the fetus, condition of, 572 location of the, 563 rhythmic activity of, 566 discharges from the, causation, 567 centres, 563-567 subsidiary, 565 ‘*Cheyne-Stokes,” 532 cutaneous, 530 quantity of COz exhaled, 530 influence of, internal or tissue-, 530 on heat-dissipation, 595 on heat-production, 590 movements of, 503-516 centre of the, location of, 563, 564 effects of the gaseous composition of the blood on the, 548 on blood-pressure, 555 on the circulation, 555 on the pulse, 555 frequency of, 533 increase in depth of, in COs-dyspneea, 551 influence of rate and depth of the volume of gases expired on, 538 instrumental recording of, 531 nervous mechanism of, 563 of the new-born, 573 relative periods in, variations in the, 532 rhythm of, 531 periodical alterations in, 532, 533 sequence of, rhythmic, causation, 566 special, 561 —coughing, 562 —crying, 562 —gargling, 563 —hawking, 562 —hiccough, 563 —laughing, 562 —sneezing, 562 —snoring, 563 —sobbing, 562 —yawning, 562 object of, 517, 530 of various gases, effect of, 548 organs of, 503 rate of, 518 conditions affecting the, 533, 534 —age, 533 —atmospheric pressure, 534 —composition of inspired air, 534 —diurnal changes, 533 —emotions and will-power, 534 —posture, 533 —respiratory centres and nerves, 534 INDEX. ~ 3pa7 Respiration, rate of, conditions affecting the: —season, 534 —species, 533 —temperature, 534 types of, 506 Respirator, Hering’s, 557 Respiratory quotient, 518, 544 conditions affecting the, 545 —age, 546 —composition of the inspired air, 547 —diet, 545 —diurnal variation, 546 —muscular activity, 546 -—species, 545 —temperature, 546 sounds, 517 tract, function of, 849 Rest, muscular, effect of enforced, 81 electrical currents of, 137-139 Resuscitation from drowning, 553 Retina, the, 773 activity of the, oscillatory, 790 after-images of the, 791 “blind spot” in the, 774 blood-circulation in the, 768 blood-vessels of the, 767 changes produced in the, by light, 776 color contrast of the, 792, 793 sensations upon the, 778-788 distance-perception of the, 799 fatigue of, 790 irradiation of, 794 projection of inverted images on, 751 of a shadow on, 751 rods and cones of, function of, 773, 787 structure of, 775 sensation of the, persistence of, 791 of light on the, 777, 778 space-perception of the, 793, 796 structure of the, 773, '775 stimulation of, phenomena of, 788-791 —after-effects, 791 —fatigue, 790 —latent period, 789 —rise to maximum of sensation, 789 visual purple of the, 776, 784, 1015 Retinal image, size of, 750 Reversion, hereditary, 932, 933 Rhenome, 46 Rheocord, the, 56 Rheometer, the, 391 Rheoscope, physiological, 140 Rheostat, the, 55 Rhythm of respiration, 531-533 of muscular contractions, 738 Ribs, axes of rotation of, obliquity of, 508 eversion of the, 508 movements of the, respiratory, 508 of the intercostal spaces, 509 Rigor caloris, 66 ** cataleptic,” 145 mortis, 144 appearance and duration, 145, 146 disappearance of, 147 heat-production during development of, 604 influence of nerve-impulses upon, 656 reaction of muscle in, cause of, 964 Rima glottidis or glottis, 863 respiratoria, 863 Ritter-Valli law of irritability, 75 “Rivalry of the fields of vision,” 803 Rods and cones. See Corti and Retina. Running, mechanism of, 861 SACCHAROSE, 1006 Saliva, action of ptyalin on the, 222 conditions influencing, 224 Saliva, amount of, secreted, 221 analysis of, 162, 221 appearance and specific gravity, 161 glands forming the, 159 origin of the, 220 physiological value of, 224 properties and composition of mixed, 221 reaction of, normal, 221, 224 salts of, inorganic, 221 specific gravity of, 161, 221 Salivary glands. See Glands. Salt, use of, by herbivora and carnivora, 295 Salt-solution, physiological, 362 Salts, biliary, 987 calcium, excretion of, by the body, 296 importance of, in food, 296 inorganic, nutr itive value of, 294 reactions of, 294 iron, importance of, to body-metabolism, 295 Saponification, 1000 Saprin, 986 Sarein, 995 Sarcolemma, 32, 103 Sarcoplasm, conductivity of, 82 Sarcosin, 982 Saturation of light, 779, 788 Schneiderian membrane, 849 Sebum, composition of, 198 Secretion, 152-211 biliary, activity of, formative, 186, 187 digestive function of, 265 normal mechanism of, 189 physiology of, 261 quantity of, 186, 187 variations in ejection from the liver, 186, 187 centre, salivary, 171 changes in the gastric glands during, 182 cutaneous, 197-204 digestive, exemption of tissues from, 237 double, of the liver, 184 effect of stimulation of secretory fibres on, 163, 164 from stimulation of secretory fibres, nature of, 163, 164 gastric, cause of, during normal digestion, 181 effect of chemical stimulus on the, 182 of various diets on, 181 influence of the central system on, 180 quantity of, variation in, 181, 182 rapidity of the, during digestion, 176, 177 gland, of organic material, conditions deter- mining, 164, 165 internal, of reproductive glands, 901 intestinal, action of, digestive, 246-248 color and reaction of, 247 composition of, 247 method of obtaining, 246 quantity of, 184, 246, 247 mammary, composition of, 201 conditions controlling the, 203 control of the, by the nervous system, 203 influence of artificial nerve-stimulation on, 204 normal, 204 of seminal vesicles, 885 of small intestine, 246 of the gastric juice, normal mechanism of, 181 of the gastric’ mucous membrane, acidity of, 226 digestive action of, 225 methods of obtaining, 225 properties and composition, 179, 226 of the liver, composition of, 185 of the sweat-glands, physiological value, 281 of the testis, 211 pancreatic, 206, 238 1048 Secretion, pancreatic, action of nerves on, 173 amylolytic, 243, 244 analysis of, 173, 239 characters of the, 238 ‘enzyme and zymogen of, 176 enzymes of, 173 normal mechanism of, 176 properties of, 238 putrefaction of, 239 . f reflex excitation of, by stimuli, 177 specific gravity of, 239 pyloric, composition of, 179 _ } relation of the strength of stimulation to the composition of, 164 salivary, antiparalytic or antilytic, 171 composition of, 161 normal mechanism of, 171 paralytic, 170 sebaceous, 197, 282 composition of, 282 of the skin, 198 of uropygal glands of birds, function of, 198 physiological value of, 282 urinary, amount of, 191 conditions influencing the, 197 nitrogenous elements of the, of birds, 192 of water and salts, 193, 194 theoretical considerations, 191-195 Secretion and absorption, phenomena, 27 Secretions, animal, properties of, 27 therapeutic value of, 210 formation of, 154 gland, composition of, 153, 154 internal, 205-211 —adrenal bodies, 210 —liver, 205 —pancreas, 206 —pituitary body, 211 —testis, 211 —thyroid, 207 organs of, 152 of the gastric mucous membrane, 226-228 of the liver, 205 of the male accessory sexual organs, 885 of the thyroids, 207-210, 901 salivary, action of drugs on the, 170 method of obtaining, 162 Segmentation of the ovum, 907, 908 Selenide, methyl, 978 Semen, the, 884 amount ejected, 884 composition of, chemical, 804 derivation of, 884 ejaculation of, in copulation, 902, 903 Semicircular canals, function of, 846, 848 structure of, 816 Seminal vesicles, 885, 886 Senescence, 928 Sensation, auditory, theory of, 824 color, phenomena of, 779 co-ordinated movements of, 83, 84 muscular, 834, 844 of light, retinal, 777 qualitative modifications, 778 retinal, latent period in, 789 of white, 787 persistence of, 791 rise to maximum of, 789 touch. See Touch-sensation. Sensations, common, 843 cutaneous and muscular, 694, 834-846 of ssa age of surrounding objects, 826, 4 painful, localization of, 842 temperature, of the skin, 840-842 Sense of equilibrium, 846 of hearing, 807-833 INDEX. Sense of pain, 842 of posture, 843 of smell, 849 of taste, 851 of temperature, 840 of touch, 836-840 of vision, 696, 697, 744-806 Sense-organs. See End-organs or End-bulbs. functional independence of, 845 Senses, special, 744-854 Sensibility, cutaneous, 674 Serum. See Blood-serum. = muscle, 148-150 Serum-albumin, 349, 350 Sex, characters of, primary and secondary, 881 determination of, Hofacker-Sadler law, 922 influence of, on heat-dissipation, 592 of the embryo, determination of, 821-923 origin of, 880 ‘| Sexes, body-growth in both, relative rapidity of, 926 stature and weight of both, after birth, 925 Sight. See Vision. Silica, 963 Silicon, 962 dioxide, 963 ‘*Sinuses” of Valsalva, 403 Skatol, 260, 280, 1013 “Skiascopy,” 765 Skin, cold and warm points of, 841 - excretions of the, 281, 282 functions of the, 281 greasing the, effect of, 593 nerve-fibres in the, 281, 835 pressure-points of the, 839 pressure-sensibility of the, discriminating differences of, tests, 836, 837 respiration of. See Respiration. secretions of, 197-204 sensations of the, classification of, 834 sense-perception of the, differences in, 841 sensitiveness of the, to temperature, 840 “tactile areas” of the, 838, 839 temperature of the, of various points of the body, 576 temperature-sense of, 840 touch-sensation of the, 836 Skin-tenderness, topographical association of, with visceral diseases, Sleep, 739-742 body-metabolism during, 300 body-temperature during, 578 cause of, 740 conditions favoring, 739, '740 loss of, 742 Smegma preeputii, 198 Smell, sense of, 696, 849-851 Sneezing, 562 Snoring, 563 Sobbing, 562 Sodium, 965-967 carbonates, 966 chloride, 965 phosphates, 966 sulphate, 966 Sodium-ammonium phosphate, 967 , Solutions, carbon-monoxide hemoglobin, prepa- ration of, 342 maintaining the heart-beat, 477-481 oxyhzmoglobin, conversion of, into hemo- globin solutions, 341 “ Somacules,” 25 Sound, relation between physical and physi- ological, 825-834. See Tone. : Sound-perception, functions of different parts of the ear to, relative, 832 judgment of direction and distance by, 833 : INDEX. ~ 1049 Sound-sensation, vibration-rate necessary to pro- | duce, 826 Sound-waves, production of, 825 Sounds, audible, limits of, 826 heart-, 410 practical application of observation of, 416 musical, analysis of, 829 respiratory, 517 Space-perception, illusions of, 796-799 Specific heat of the body, 948 Species, effect of, on respiratory quotient, 545 influence of, on heat-dissipation, 592 on heat-production, 590 on the respiratory rate, 533 on the volume of gases respired, 537 Spectroscope, the, 338, 339 Spectrum, absorption of bile, 262 of blood, 338 of carbon-monoxide hemoglobin, 342 of hematin, 342 of methemoglobin, 342 of oxyhemoglobin, 339, 340 of reduced hemoglobin, 340, 341 colors, number of, 778 defined, 338 intensity of the, distribution of the, 786 Speech, 861-877 impairment of, cause of, 698 Speech and hearing centres, relations of, 871 *Speech-centre,”’ Broca’s, 698 Spermatocyte, 884 Spermatozoa, the, 882 action of the, in entering the ovum, 904 contractility of, 35 discovery of, 882, 936 duration of life of the, 903, 904 locomotion of the, 883, 903 maturation of, 884 passage of the, time required in, 903 presence of, in the testes of the aged, 885 production of, average, 883 structure of human, 882, 883 Spermatozoon and ovum, place of union, 903 Spermine, 211, 884 Sphincter ani pylorici, 315 of the cardiac orifice, 312 pyloric, 315, 319 urethra, 328 vesicee internus, 328 Sphincters, rectal, function of, 324 “Sphygmogram,” the, 434-436 Sphygmograph, the, 434 Sphygmomanometer, the, 433 Spinal cord, nerve-fibres in the, ending of, 85 reactions of portions of the, 704 weight of the, 723 and of the brain, 715-724 Spirometer, the, 535 Spleen, composition of, chemical, 273 extirpation of, result of, 272 functions of the, 272, 273 movements of the, 272 nerves of the, vaso-motor, 499 theory of reproduction of blood-corpuscles, 343 “Staircase contractions,” 72, 110 Standing, muscular action in, 846, 859 Stapedius (muscle), 814 Stapes, the, 810, 812 Starch, 1007 action of amylolopsin on, 243, 244 animal, 1008 conversion of, 223, 224, 257 digestion of, intestinal, 247 Starvation, effect of, on body-metabolism, 301 on the nervous system, 737 Stature, decrease of, in old age, 929 Stature and weight of both sexes at birth, 925 Steapsin, 244 action of, influence of temperature on, 245 reaction of, 244 value rer digestion and absorption of fats, Stenson’s duct, 158 Stereoscope, the, 801 Sternum, respiratory movements of, 509 Stimulants, action of, upon the pancreatic secre- tion, 177 as articles of diet, 297 Stimulation, electrical, of the cut vagus, results of, 568, 569 muscle, effect of artificial, compared with normal, 126 nerve, relation of the composition of the secre- tion to the strength of, 164 of secretory nerve-fibres, effect of, 163, 164 retinal, 788, 791 vagus, effect of, on the heart, 453-457 Stimuli, number of, necessary to elicit a response in a nerve-cell, 625 rapidly-repeated, effect of, on muscle and nerve, 72, 73 reaction to. See Reflex action. Stokes’ reagent, 341, n. Stomach, absorption in, 252, 253 bacteria of the, 248 coats of the, 315 contents, ejection of the, 318, 319, 325, 326 digestion in the, peptic, 228-232 functions of the, 237 glands of the, secretory, 178-182 movements of the, 315, 316 muscles of the, 315, 319 not essential in digestion, 237 physiology of the, 237 secretions of, acidity of, 226-228 self-digestion of, exemption from, 236 Strie gravidarum, 915 Stromuhr, the, 391 Strontium, 970 Strychnin, influence of, on the diffusibility of nerve impulse, 652 Succus entericus, 184, 286 Suffocation. See Asphyzia. Sugar of the body, 292, 293 Sugars, absorption of, 253, 257 Sulphate, calcium, 967 sodium, 966 Sulphates of urine, conjugated, 279 quantity of, 280 Sulphide, ferro-, 972 Sulphur, 949 detection of, 950 metabolism of, 951 Suprarenal capsules, 210 Sutures, union of bone by, 855 Swallowing, act of, nervous control of, 314 mechanism of, 311-313, 866 stages of, 310, 311 Sweat, 198-200, 281 color and odor of, 281 composition of, 198, 199, 281 elimination of urea in, 275 influence of, on heat-dissipatien, 595 reaction of, 199, 281 specific gravity of, 199, 281 Sweat-centres, in central system, 200 Sweat-glands, action of nerve-fibres on, 199 distribution of the, 281 effect of drugs on the, 200 effect of temperature on the, 200 histology of, 198 number of human, 198 secretion of the, 198-200 1050 Sweat-nerves, 199 Sweating, profuse, cause of, 200 Sympathetic pains, 844 vibration, 829 Symphyses, 855 Syndesmoses, 855 Synovial fluid, 855 Synthesis, 962 proteid, experiments, 1021 Syntonin, 230 Syphilis, transmission of, 936 Systole, arrest of, from vagus stimulus, 456 auricular, 370, ’396, 422, 427 ventricular, 370, 396, 399, 415 Systole and diastole, auricular, relative duration of the, and of the pause, 416 time relations of the, 428 TASTE, sense of, 851 cortical centre for the, 696 Taste-buds, structure of, 851 Taste-perceptions modified by sight and smell, 852 Taste-sensation, contrasts of, 854 destruction of, 854 ; intensified by mastication and swallowing, 852 primary, 853 sensitiveness of, 853 Taurin, 951, 986 Tea, physiological effect of, 297 Teeth, tartar on the, 968 Telluride, methyl, 978 Temperature, body, 575-604 abnormal, 580 conditions affecting, 577 conduction of, from part to part, 576 constant, defined, 581 diminished, defined, 58 dissipation of, 584-588, 592 effect of, on respiratory quotient, 546 evolution of, 581, 582 expenditure and income of, 581-584 increased, defined, 581 influence of, on heat-dissipation, 594 on the volume of gases respired, 540 mechanism of, 597, 601 of animals, methods of taking the, 575 of different regions of the body, 576 of the new-born, 577 origin of, 302 post-mortem rise of, 145, 604 production of, 302, 584, 588, 589 regulation of, 580 rise and fall of, 576, 577 specific, 948 effect of on conduction, 93 on muscular contraction, 127 on elasticity of muscle, 105 on the development of rigor, 145 on the irritability of muscle and nerve, 65 on the reaction of enzymes, 219 external, changes in, effect on irritability and conductivity of nerve-fibres, 614, 615 effect of, on the respiratory quotient, 546 on the sweat-glands, 200 influence of, on heat-dissipation, 594 on heat-production, 591 on the volume of gases respired, 540, 541 upon the respirations, 566 upon the respiratory rate, 534 reactions produced by, 603 sense-perceptions of, 840-842 variations in, on body-metabolism, 300 on the oxidation of non-proteid material in the body, 300 of blood of the brain, 736 INDEX. Temperature of expired air, 518 Temperature-sense of the skin, 674, 840-842 Tension, muscular, effect on the extent and course of contraction of, 108 Tessla, experiment of, on the effect of vapid alternations of electric currents, 58 Testes, embryonic, strueture of, 885 Testicular extracts, effect of injections of, on the neuro-muscular system, 901 Testis, the, 885, 886 internal secretion of, 211 Tetanus, 65, 73 > closing, Wundt’s, 52, 68, 123 complete, conditions ‘ necessary to effect, 122 continuous, causation, 123 duration of contracture of, 122 effect of double excitation on, 118-120 of frequent excitations to produce, 114, 116 effect of gradually increasing the rate of ex- citation, 121 effect of rapid excitations to produce, 117, 118, 122 ) explanation of the great height of contrac- tions in, 118-120 ‘height and strength due to intensity of stimu- lus, 123 incomplete, effect of frequent stimuli to pro- duce, 115 and contracture, development of, by indi- rect stimulation, 117 intensity of, relative, and single contractions, 122 method of exciting, by breaking induetion- shocks, 121 number of excitations required to produce, 121 opening, Ritter’s, 52, 68, 123 production of, factors in the, 121 secondary, 140 summary of the effects of rapid excitation, 121 “Tetanus muscles,’’ 122 Tetramethylene-diamine, 986 . Thein, 996 Theobromin, 996 : Theophyllin, 996 Thermo-accelerator centres, 599-601 Thermogenesis, 597 Thermolysis, 597, 601 Thermopile, the, 133 Thermopolypnea, 550 Thermotaxis, 597, 602-604 Thiocyanide, potassium, 986 Thirst, sense of, 845 “Thiry-Vella fistula,” 246, 321 Thorax, 505 inspiratory changes in form of the, 506 muscles of the, 512 Thrombin, 218, 355 Thrombosin, 356 Thrombus (blood), 358 Thyreo-antitoxin, 210 Thyroid extracts, therapeutic value of, 208, 209;. 901 glands, influence on growth-changes of the body of, 737 secretions of the, internal, 207-210 ; Thyroidalbumin, 210 : Thyroidectomy, results following, 208 Thyroids, 207, 208 function of the, 208, 209 Thyro-iodin, 209, 953 “Tidal air” (respiration), 534 Tissue differentiation, 22, 23 Tissue-proteid, 285 Tissue-respiration, 530 Tissues, absorption-capacities of, for O, 530 death of the, 929 effect of depriving, of blood, 73 _—— EY sh. ee INDEX. Tissues, embryonic, growth of, 924 glycogen in the, value of, 270 influence of activity of, on body-temperature, 578 muscle. See Muscle. nerve-, specific gravity of, 732 temperature of different, variations in, 577 _ thermogenic, 597 Tissues and the blood, interchange of O and CO2 between the, 527 and fluids of the body, importance of the in- organic salts to the, 294 and organs, effect of starvation upon, 301 Tone, musical, differential, 831 fundamental, 815, 827 sensation of, production of, 825 “Tone” of muscle-tissue, 309 ‘Tones, musical, 832 combinational, 831, 832 complex, 827 composite, analysis of, by the ear, 828 . ‘concordant and discordant, 831 factors determining, 831 production of beats in, 830 Tongue, nerves of the, sensory, 852 papille of the, 851, 852 sensitivéness of, to stimuli, 854 . taste-perception by the, points of, 854 ““Tonographs,”’ 419 Touch, illusions of, 840 pressure sensibility to, 836, 837 sense of, 836-840 Touch-corpuscles, 836 . -Touch-sensation and stimulus, relations of, 836 importance of the nerve end-organ in, 839 localization of, 838, 839 Tracts, pyramidal, size of, 695 Transfusion, blood, danger attending, 362 ‘Transmission, hereditary, 22, 28, 931-942 Traube-Hering waves, 492 Tremors, muscle, 124 Trichlormethane, 977 Trimethylamine, 985 Trioses, 1001 Trypsin, 231, 239-241 extracts, methods of preparing, 240 Trypsinogen, 176, 240 Tryptophan, 1015 Tubules, uriniferous, histology of, 189, 190 Tympanic membrane, 809 as an organ of pressure-sense, 826 function of, 815 perforation or extirpation of, effect of, 815 vibrations of, 815, 820 Tympanum, the, 808 Tyrosin, 242, 1011 Units, calorimetric, 584 Urates, deposition of, in the kidneys, by ligation of ureters, 192 Urea, 274, 991 biuret reaction of, 992 combustion-equivalent of, 303 derivation of, 205, 206, 274-276 elimination from urine of, 192 in sweat, 275 process and rate of, 195 formation of, in the liver, 271, 272, 275 in milk, 202, 275 in sweat, 199, 281 in the body, 992 in the urine, 274 preparation and properties, 991, 992 quantity of, eliminated, 274 Ureter, muscle-tissue of the, contraction-wave of, 309 Ureters, movements of, 327 1051 Urethra, the, 886 Urination. See Micturition. Urine, accumulation of, in the bladder, 328 amount secreted, 191, 274 color of the, 191, 273 constituents of, 191, 274-280 —conjugated sulphates, 279 —creatinin, 278 —hippuric acid, 279 —urea, 274 —uric acid, 277 —water and salts, 280 —xanthin bodies, 277 creatinin in, 278, 279 elimination of urea and related bodies of, 192 fermentation of the, ammoniacal, 956 hippuric acid of, 279 injecting the, into the bladder, mechanism of, 327 lactates in human, presence of, 278 phosphatic coating of, as a sign of pregnancy, 968 reaction of, 273, 274, 280 salts of, inorganic, 280 secretion of, 191-193 specific gravity of, 191, 273 sulphur in, form eliminated, 279 urea in the, 274 uric acid in, 272, 273, 277, 278 Urobilin, 1015 Uterus, the, 895 changes in the, during menstruation, 896, 897 in early gestation, 909, 910 entrance of spermatozoa into, mode of, 903 VAGINA, the, 900 Vagus, the, 463 stimulation of the, results of, 568 Valve, auriculo-ventricular, 400 Valve-play, cardiac, method of recording, 423- 425 Valves, heart-, mechanism of, 400-404 semilunar, mechanism of, 402-404 “ Valvule conniventes,’’ 254 Vas deferens, the, 886 Vaseline, 975 Vaso-constrictor centre, bulbar, 489-492 Vaso-motor centre, bulbar, 489 centres, relation of cerebrum to, 490-493 cerebral, 495 spinal, 490 reflexes, 492 spinal, discovery of, 490 Vein, wounded, entrance of air into a, danger of, 389 Veins, blood-flow in, subsidiary forces assisting the, 387 blood-pressure in, causation, 386 blood-speed in the, 393 coronary, closure of the, results of, 476 great, changes in the, in the open chest, 407 contraction of the, rhythmic, 407 valves of the. See Valves. Ventilation, principles of, 547 Ventricle, changes in the, from vagus excita- tion, 453 —force of the contraction, 453 ‘—periodicity of contraction, 453 —the diastolic pressure, 454 —the output and input, 454 —the ventricular tonus, 454 —the volume of blood, 454 closure of the, two periods of complete, 425 the auricle a mechanism for the quick-charg- ing of, 428 Ventricles, changes in size of, during the heart- beat, 404, 405 1052 Ventricles, beating, changes in size and form of, in the open chest, 405 of position in the open chest, 406 contracting, force of, 398, 399 of Morgagni, 863 pressure within the, 416-418 negative, 425 suction within the, 387, 426. See also Heart. Ventricular bands of larynx, 862, 863 cycle, periods of the, 425 relations in time of the, 413 Vernix caseosa, 198 Vestibule, auditory, 816 Vertebrates, comparative physiology of the cen- tral system in, 703-705 Viscera, abdominal, cardiac effect of stimulating the, 467 muscular contraction of the, 310 Villi, chorionic, 912 intestinal, 254, 258 Vision, binocular and monocular, compared, 801 defective, 697, 759, 760, 763 physiology of, '744 caution in the study of, 806 points of, corresponding, 803 pseudoscopic, 802 sense of, 696, 697, 744-806 stereoscopic, 801-803 “Vital force” of life, 25, 26 Vocal cords, false and true, 862, 863 in voice-production, 870-877 structure of, 863, 864 Vocal organs, muscles of, reaction and contrac- tion of, 107 Voice, the, 870-877 —changing the pitch, 872 —speech, 874 —vocal machinery, 870 —vowel and consonantal sounds, 874-877 —whispering, 875 changes in the, at puberty, 871, 872, 927 characters of the: —loudness, 870 —pitch, 870 —quality, 870 effect of castration on the, 871, 872 pitch of the, 872 range of the, 872, 873 registers of the, 872-874 INDEX. Voice, speaking and singing, distinguished, 874 Voice and speech, 861-877 - Voice-production, 861, 870 Voices, classification of, 873 Voltaic pile, invention of, 43 Vomiting, nervous mechanism of, 325, 326 paren location of a, 326 . Von Frey’s experiment of artificially preserving the irritability of nee,’ 74 Vorticella, 34, 35 ; Vowel sounds, difference in quality of, 829 mechanism of production of, 874-876 Vowels, phonation of, 874-876 Vulva, the, and its parts, 900 WALKING, mechanism of, 860, 861 Water, 947 is i of, effect of continued, on the - distilled, preparation of, 947 drinking-, 948 elimination from the body of, channels of, 3 29 3 in the brain, percentage of, 716 Water and salts, absorption of, 258 from the stomach, 253 intestinal, 254, 259 in secretions, theories of the formation of, ? necessity of, to the body, 214 of food-stuffs, 213, 214 of urine, 193, 280 value of, nutritive, 293, 294 Waves, sound-, production of, 825 Wharton’s duct, 158 Whispering, 876 Whistling register, 873 Womb, the, 895 Ca Women, a period in, of reproductive power, 7 XANTHIN, 277, 278, 996 dimethyl, 996 monomethyl, 996 trimethyl, 996 ZYMOGEN, 176 cell-granules, 169, 183 Saunders’ “ American Year-Book of Medicine and Surgery ” (see last page of Catalogue). 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CONTRIBUTORS : Dr. William Pepper, Philadelphia. W. Gilman Thompson, New York. W. H. Welch, Baltimore. James T. Whittaker, Cincinnati. James C. Wilson, Philadelphia. Horatio C. Wood, Philadelphia. Dr. J. S. Billings, Philadelphia. Francis Delafield, New York. Reginald H. Fitz, Boston. James W. Holland, Philadelphia. Henry M. Lyman, Chicago. William Osler, Baltimore. “ We reviewed the first volume of this work, and said: ‘ It is undoubtedly one of the best text books on the practice of medicine which we possess,’ A consideration of the second and last volume leads us to modify that verdict and to say that the completed work is, in our opinion, the BEST of its kind it has ever been our fortune to see. It is complete, thorough, accurate, and clear. It is well written, well arranged, well printed, well illustrated, and well bound. It isa model of what the modern text-book should be.” —Mew York Medical Journal. « A library upon modern medical art. The work must promote the wider diffusion of sound knowledge.”’—American Lancet. « A trusty counsellor for the practitioner or senior student, on which he may implicitly rely.” — Edinburgh Medical Journal. 5 W. B. SAUNDERS’ ILLUSTRATED For Sale by Subscription. AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF THE DISEASES OF CHIL- DREN. By American Teachers. Edited by Louis Srarr, M. D., assisted by THompson S. Westcott, M.D. In one handsome royal-8vo vol- ume of 1190 pages, profusely illustrated with wood-cuts, half-tone and colored plates. Prices: Cloth, $7.00 net; Sheep or Half-Morocco, $8.00 net. The plan of this work embraces a series of original articles written by some sixty well-known pzediatrists, representing collectively the teachings of the most prominent medical schools and colleges of America. ‘The work is intended to be a PRACTICAL book, suitable for constant and handy reference by the practitioner and the advanced student. One decided innovation is the large number of authors, nearly every article being contributed by a specialist in the line on which he writes. ‘This, while entailing considerable labor upon the editors, has resulted in the publication of a work THOROUGHLY NEW AND ABREAST OF THE TIMES. Especial attention has been given to the consideration of the latest accepted teaching upon the etiology, symptoms, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of the disorders of children, with the introduction of many special formule and thera- peutic procedures. ' Special chapters embrace at unusual length the Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and the Skin ; while the introductory chapters cover fully the important subjects of Diet, Hygiene, Exercise, Bathing, and the Chemistry of Food. Trache- otomy, Intubation, Circumcision, and such minor surgical procedures coming within the province of the medical practitioner, are carefully considered. CONTRIBUTORS: , Dr. S. S. Adams, Washington. Dr. Thomas S. 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George Roe Lockwood, New York. Henry M. Lyman, Chicago. Francis T. Miles, Baltimore. Charles K. Mills, Philadelphia. John H. Musser, Philadelphia. Thomas R. Neilson, Philadelphia. W. P. Northrup, New York. William Osler, Baltimore. Frederick A. Packard, Philadelphia. William Pepper, Philadelphia. Frederick Peterson, New York. W. T. Plant, Syracuse, New York. William M. Powell, Atlantic City. B, Alexander Randall, Philadelphia, Edward O. Shakespeare, Philadelphia. F. C. Shattuck, Boston. J. Lewis Smith, New York. Louis Starr, Philadelphia. M. Allen Starr, New York. J. Madison Taylor, Philadelphia. Charles W. Townsend, Boston. James Tyson, Philadelphia. W. S. Thayer, Baltimore. . Victor C. Vaughan, Ann Arbor, Mich, Thompson S. Westcott, Philadelphia. Henry R. Wharton, Philadelphia. J. William White, Philadelphia. J. C. Wilson, Philadelphia. a, CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL WORKS. 7 For Sale by Subscription. 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The ope- ‘rations recommended are fully illustrated, so that the reader, having a pic- ture of the procedure de- scribed in the text under his eye, cannot fail to grasp the idea. All ex- traneous matter and dis- cussions have been care- Specimen Illustration. fully excluded, the attempt being made to allow no unnecessary details to cumber the text. The subject-matter is brought up to date at every point, and the work is as nearly as possible the combined opinions of the ten specialists who figure as the authors. The work is well illustrated throughout with wood-cuts, half-tone and colored plates, mostly selected from the authors’ private collections. CONTRIBUTORS: Dr. Henry T. Byford. Dr. Howard A. Kelly. John M. Baldy. Florian Krug. Edwin Cragin. E. E. Montgomery. J. H. Etheridge. William R. Pryor. William Goodell. George M. Tuttle. “ The most notable contribution to gynecological literature since 1887, . . . . and the most com- plete exponent of gynecology which we have. No subject seems to have been neglected, .... and the gynecologist and surgeon and the general practitioner, who has any desire to practise diseases of women, will find it of practical value. In the matter of illustrations and plates the book sur- passes anything we have seen.” —Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. 8 W. B. SAUNDERS’ ILLUSTRATED For Sale by Subscription. ————————— NEARLY READY. An American Text-Book of — ; APPLIED THERAPEUTICS. Edited by James C. Wilson, M.D., Professor of the Practice of Medi- cine and of Clinical Medicine, Jefferson College, Philadelphia. This work will contain the contributions of over forty eminent American practitioners, each author being selected with respect of his special qualifications to discuss, authoritatively the topic assigned for elaboration. This volume, like the previous volumes of the series, will reflect the latest advances and discoveries in Applied Thera- peutics. IN PREPARATION. An American Text-Book of PHYSIOLOGY. By Henry P. 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More than one hundred of the illustrations are original, while the remainder were selected from books and medical journals not readily accessible to the student and the general practitioner. “The appearance of such a work is most opportune. . . . In design and execution the work is such as will appeal to every student who appreciates the logical examination of facts and the prac- tical exemplification of well-digested clinical observation.””-—Medical Record, New York. «The most exhaustive of any recent book in English on this subject. It is well illustrated, and will doubtless remain as the principal monograph on the subject in our language for some years. The book is handsomely illustrated and printed, . . . . and the author has given a notable and lasting contribution to surgery.”— Fournal of American Medical Association, Chicago. SURGICAL PATHOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS. By Joun CoLLins WarRREN, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Surgery, Medical Depart- ment Harvard University ; Surgeon to the Massachusetts General. Hospital, etc. A handsome octavo volume of 832 pages, with 136 relief and litho- graphic illustrations, 33 of which are printed in colors, and all of which were drawn by William J. Kaula from original specimens. Prices: Cloth, $6.00 net ; Half-Morocco, $7.00 net. ‘¢ The volume is for the bedside, the amphitheatre, and the ward. It deals with things not as we see them through the microscope alone, but as the practitioner sees their effect in his patients; not only as they appear in and affect culture- media, but also as they influence the human body ; and, following up the demon- strations of the nature of diseases, the author points out their logical treatment ”’ (Mew York Medical Journal). ‘‘ Indeed, the volume may be termed a modern medical classic, for such is the position to which it has already risen ’’ (A@edical Age, Detroit), ‘‘and is the handsomest specimen of bookmaking * * * that has ever been issued from the American medical press’’ (American Journal of. the Medical Sciences, Philadelphia). Without Exception, the Illustrations are the Best ever Seen in a Work of this Kind. . « A most striking and very excellent feature of this book is its illustrations. Without exception, from the point of accuracy and artistic merit, they are the best ever seen in a work of this kind. * ® * Many of those representing microscopic pictures are so perfect in their coloring and detail as almost to give the beholder the impression that he is looking down the barrel of a microscope at a well-mounted section.” —Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia. 10 W. B. SAUNDERS’ ILLUSTRATED For Sale by Subscription. DISEASES OF THE EYE. A Hand-Book of Ophthalmic Prac- tice. By G. E. DESCHWEINITZ, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye, Philadelphia Polyclinic; Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, etc. A handsome royal-octavo volume of 679 pages, with 256 fine illustrations, many of which are original, and 2 chromo-lithographic plates. Prices: Cloth, $4.00 net; Sheep, $5.00 net; Half Russia, $5.50 net. The object of this work is to present to the student, and to the practitioner who is beginning work in the fields of ophthal- mology, a plain description of the opti- cal defects and diseases of the eye. To this end special attention has been paid to the clinical side of the question ; and ie . SSO the method of examination, the symp- Uy ZN tomatology leading to a diagnosis, and , the treatment of the various ocular defects have been brought into special prominence. The general plan of the book is eminently practical. Attention is called to the large number of illus- trations (nearly one-third of which are new), which will materially facilitate the thorough understanding of the subject. Specimen Illustration. fi Pi él hig i> MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS. By Dr. OswaLp ViERoRDT, Professor of Medi- cine at the University of Heidelberg. Translated, with additions, from the Second Enlarged German Edition, with the author’s permission, by FRANCIS H. Stuart, A.M., M.D. Third and Revised Edition. 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Each particular item in the consideration of an organ or apparatus, which is necessary to determine a diagnosis of any disease of that organ, is mentioned; nothing seems forgotten. The chapters on diseases of the circulatory and digestive apparatus and nervous system are especially full and valuable. Not- withstanding a few minor errors in translating, which are of small importance to the accuracy of the rest of the volume, the reviewer would repeat that the book is one of the best—probably, the best—which has fallen into his hands. An excellent and comprehensive index of nearly one hundred pages closes the volume.” — University Medical Magazine, Philadelphia. CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL WORKS. II For Sale by Subscription. A NEW PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF MEDICINE, with Phonetic Pronunciation, Accentuation, Etymology, etc. By Joun M. Keatinc, M. 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A conveniently arranged chart for recording Temperature, with columns for daily amounts of Urinary and Fecal Excretions, Food, Remarks, etc. On the back of each chart is given in full the method of Brand in the treatment of Typhoid Fever. CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL WORKS. 7 13 MANUAL OF MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. By A. A. STEvENS, A. M., M. D., Instructor of Physical Diagnosis in the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and Demonstrator of Pathology in the Woman’s Medical College of Philadelphia. 435 pages. Price, Cloth, $2.25. This wholly new volume, which is based on the 1890 edition of the Pharma- copeia, comprehends the following sections: Physiological Action of Drugs; Drugs; Remedial Measures other than Drugs; Applied Therapeutics; Incom- patibility in Prescriptions ; Table of Doses; Index of Drugs; and Index of Dis- eases ; the treatment being elucidated by more than two hundred formulz. NOTES ON THE NEWER REMEDIES: their Therapeutic Appli- cations and Modes of Administration. 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The profound learning and great clinical experience of the distinguished author find expression in this book in a most attractive and instructive form. Young practitioners, to whom experienced consultants may not be available, will find in this book invaluable counsel and help.”’ THAD. A. REAMY, M.D., LL.D., Professor of Clinical Gynecology, Medical College of Ohio; Gynecologist to the Good Samaritan and to the Cincinnati Hospitals. OUTLINES OF OBSTETRICS: A Syllabus of Lectures Delivered at Long Island College Hospital. By CHartes Jewett, A. M., M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Pediatrics in the College, and Obstetrician to the Hospital. Edited by Harotp F. Jewett, M. D. Post 8vo, 264 pages. 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