Pe — Ahi Es dre J ~ a a, o* “~]-9 | 1. Craterellus cornucopioides. 2. Cortinarius armillatus, 3, Clitocybe laccata. 4. Tremellodon gelatinosum. AMONG THE MUSHROOMS A GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS BY ELLEN M. DALLAS AND CAROLINE A. BURGIN TORONTO LONDON DREXEL: BIDDLE, PUBLISHER NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO 67 Fifth Avenue 228 South Fourth St. 319-325 Sansome St. I9g00o ‘ a i Ay e% TP ioe vs Ce . ack ‘ rt CA | ve % a ~ ie Copyright, 1900 By A. a DREXEL BIDDLE PRESS OF DREXEL BIDDLE, PHILADELPHIA = A as Ce , aa ~— Fight om Ce ee iat WSUS SRE “ Have you not seen in the woods on a late autumn morning a poor fungus or mushroom—a plant without any solidity, nay, that seemed nothing but a soft mush or jelly—by its constant total and inconceivably gentle push- ing, manage to break its way up through the frosty ground, and actually to lift a hard crust on its head ? It is the symbol of the power of kindness.” EMERSON, (vi) PREFACE. THE books which have been consulted in the preparation of this work are, ‘British Fungi,” by Rev. John Stevenson; “ British Fungus-Flora,’ by George Massee; ‘‘ Mushrooms and their Uses,” and “ Boleti of the United States,” by Professor Charles H. Peck, State Botanist of New York; “‘ Moulds, Mildew and Mushrooms,” by Professor L. M. Under- wood ; and a pamphlet by Mr. C. G. Lloyd, entitled “‘ The Volve of the United States.” No attempt has been made to do more than to put in popu- lar language the statements of experienced botanists, and so to arrange the matter as to aid beginners in their work. Thanks are due to Mr. Harold Wingate for his suggestions and corrections of the manuscript; to Mr. C. G. Lloyd for permission to print from his photographs; to Miss Laura C. Detwiller for her paintings from nature, which have been here reproduced; and also to Mrs. Harrison Streeter and Miss Mary W. Nichols for their encouragement of the undertak- ing and suggestions in furtherance of its success. ( vii ) Ae Pg tT AS “at —e a a a Ae he COUN BN Ee. PAGE INTRODUCTION, ; : ; 5 a See MUSHROOMS, : ‘ ; : ; : : Raber 4s: Antiquity of Fungi, . ; fp : : : aout Manner of Growth, . ; ; ‘ : ; 2p sere Odor, . : ; : : P : : i Pies 4 Duration, . ; : ; : ; ; ; on teed Uses, . ; : : ; : : ; ; Ay ae Habitat, . : ; : : ; : : Bp 0) Structure and growth, ; ‘ : : : hee Mycelium, . : : : P : ; Pa ess! TheStem, . : E , é 3 : - 4 The Gills, o4 The Spores, : 36 The Volva and Veil, 37 The Tubes or Pores, 38 CLASSIFICATION OF FUNGI, : ts, Distinctive Characteristics of a nerks Hy: nenomy- cetes 4] Gasteromycetes, 59 Ascomycetes, : : : ; : : 5 ee By Color of the Spores, . : ; ; ‘ aR GENERAL HELPS TO THE MEMORY ; 68 DESCRIPTIONS OF FUNGI eames NGueaRTiTe TO CoLOR OF CAP ONLY, . ; : ‘ : Ree a Red or Pink, é : ‘ : ; : : J rf Yellow or Orange, . ; : : ui. Oe Gray, . ; ; : : : : ; : . 100 Green, ; : : P : ; : : cee 0) White, . : - P : , : : a LOF Brown, ; K é 2 ; : ; & LIS Purple or yiblees ; j ; ; ; oe okee ( ix ) x CONTENTS. DESCRIPTION OF SOME FAMILIAR MUSHROOMS, WITH- iss OUT REGARD TO COLOR, : : ASS eee doe DIRECTION FOR USING KEYS, . : : : : . 147 Key to Hymenomycetes, . : : ; , . 148 Key to Polyporei, : : ; 2 . ; . 52 Key to Hydnei, : : ; : : eee m Cw bv Boletus edulis. Hypholoma perplexum. Marasmius rotula. Calostoma cinnebarinus. DESCRIPTIONS OF FUNGI. 129 Purple or Violet. breadth, eccentric or lateral, depressed in the middle, dry, covered with dense down, soon torn into scales, which are a dingy yellow. Flesh yellow. Stem short, scarcely 1 inch, tapering downward, yellow inside. Gills de- current, tense and straight, crowded, narrow, yellowish, then darker in color. It was grow- ing on the ground in September. MUSHROOMS WITH PURPLE OR VIOLET- COLORED CAP. CORTINARIUS ALBO-VIOLACEOUS — white and violet. The Viclet-colored Cortinarius. Cap whitish-violet, 2 to 3 inches broad, fleshy, convex, broadly umbonate or gibbous, dry, beautifully silky and becoming even; flesh juicy, a bluish-white color. Stem 2 to 4 inches long, solid, firm, bulbous, club-shaped, 4 to 1 inch thick. It is, both outside and inside, of a whitish violet color, often fibrillose above, with the cortina, and sometimes with the white veil, in the form of a zone at the middle. Gills adnate, 2 to 8 lines broad, somewhat distant, slightly serrulated, of a peculiar ashy violace- ous color, at length slightly cinnamon from the 9 130 MUSHROOMS. Purple or Violet. spores. It has no odor and the taste is insipid. We found this in the woods in the month of October, growing on dead leaves; a pretty fungus from the violet tints. DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME FAMILIAR MUSHROOMS WITHOUT REGARD TO COLOR. Here follows a list of fungi that we con- stantly see, but which cannot be classified by the color of the cap. POLYPOREI, PORE-BEARING FUNGI. FISTULINA HEPATICA — liver. The Beefsteak Fungus. This species grows on trees, oaks or chest- nuts, in hot weather. Cap is of a dark-red color, which probably suggested the name. It is generally 2 to 6 inches broad, but often grows to an immense size. The surface is rough, the flesh thick, viscid above, soft when young, when old tough, covered with tenacious fibres. Stem short and thick. Pores at first pallid or yel- lowish-pink when young; they become brown- ish ochraceous when old. It is changeable in (131 ) 132 MUSHROOMS. form, is sometimes sessile (without a stem), or it has a short lateral stem. The genus Fistulina, to which this mushroom belongs, has the under surface of the cap cov- ered with minute hollow pores, which are separate from one another and stand side by side. The shape varies. It is sometimes long, shaped like a tongue, or roundish. It is pecu- liar-looking. It is considered good for food and nourishing, but the taste is said to be rather acid. The specimens we found varied from 2 to 5 inches in diameter. They were of a dark- red color, and were tough and old. They grew upon a tree in a large forest, and were not found anywhere else. POLYPORUS BETULINUS — birch. The Birch Polyporus. We shall meet a great many fungi on our walks that belong to the genus Polyporus. They are generally leathery (coriaceous) fungi, and many grow on wood. A few are edible, but are not recommended as food. The species P. betulinus is found on living and dead birch trees. The specimens we found grew in great quantities, of all sizes, from 14 to 6 inches broad. They were at first pure white, and then DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME FAMILIAR MUSHROOMS. 133 assumed a brownish tinge. The edges were obtuse, the caps fleshy, then corky, smooth, the upper ends not regular, oblique in the- form of an umbo or little knob, the pellicles or outside layers thin and easily separated. Pores short, small, unequal, at length separat- ing. The shape of the fungus is peculiar, a sort of semi-circular outline that may be called dimidiate. The margins were involute. They protruded from a split in the bark of a dead birch tree which lay prostrate on the ground, several feet in length, and it was literally cov- ered with the fungi, some an inch wide and snow white, and the largest 5 or 6 inches in width, and of a brownish-gray tinge. These specimens became as hard as wood after they had been kept for some time. The thin skin peeled off easily and disclosed the snowy flesh beneath. POLYPORUS PERENNIS — perennial. The Perennial Polyporus. Cap is cinnamon-colored, then of a date brown, leathery, tough, funnel-shaped, becom- ing smooth, zoned. Pores minute, angular, acute, at first sprinkled with a white bloom, then naked and torn. Stem slightly firm, 134 MUSHROOMS. thickened downward, velvety. This is a com- mon species, and one meets with it everywhere on the ground, and on stumps, from July to January. The cap is 15 to 2 inches broad, _ and the stem 1 inch long. POLYPORUS PICIPES — pitch and foot. The Black-stemmed Polyporus. Cap pallid color, then turning chestnut, often a pale yellowish livid color, with the disc chest- nut, fleshy, leathery, rigid, tough, even, smooth, depressed at disc or behind. Flesh white. Stem eccentric and lateral, equal, firm, at first velvety, then naked, and dotted black up to the pores. Pores decurrent, round, very small, rather slender, white, then slightly pale and yellowish. This fungus grows on the trunks of trees, and is found as late as the middle of winter. POLYPORUS SULPHUREUS — brimstone. The Sulphury Polyporus. This mushroom gains its name from the color of its pores, which are of a bright sulphur color. It grows in tufted layers (ceespitose), sometimes 1 to 2 feet long, and it cannot be mistaken. DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME FAMILIAR MUSHROOMS. 185 Cap may measure 8 inches in breadth, and is of a reddish-yellow color, overlapping like the shingles of a roof (imbricated). It is wavy and rather smooth. Flesh light yellow- ish, then white, splitting open. Pores are minute, even, sulphur yellow. They retain their color much better than the pileus. The plants are generally without a stem, but there may be a short stem, which is lateral. They grow in clusters, all fastened together and one above the other, and of all sizes. We saw this fungus first in a dense woods, where its bright color at once attracted our notice. It was growing in a large cluster, closely packed one over the other. It is said to be good for food when young and tender. POLYPORUS LUCIDUS — bright. The Shining Polyporus. One can never mistake this fungus. Its sur- face looks as if covered with varnish, rather wrinkled, a bright dark-red color, and its shape is varied and singular. We have seen it some- times shaped like a fan, and like a lady’s high comb, or in some fantastic form. Stevenson says it is a light yellow color and then becomes blood red chestnut. It is first corky, then 136 MUSHROOMS. woody. Stem lateral, equal, varnished, shin- ing, of the same color as cap. Pores are long, very small, white and then cinnamon color. It grows on and about stumps during the summer. Cap is from 2 to 6 inches broad, and the stem 6 to 10 inches long, and 1 or more thick. POLYPORUS VERSICOLOR — changeable. The Changeable Polyporus. This species is alsocommon, It is found on dead wood, in all forms and colors. Cap variegated with different-colored zones ; leath- ery, thin, rigid, depressed behind, becoming velvety. Pores minute, round, acute and torn, white, turning pale or yellow. POLYPORUS ELEGANS — elegant. The Elegant Polyporus. Cap 2 to 4 inches broad, of one color, pallid, ochraceous or orange, shining, equally fleshy, and then hardened, becoming woody, flattened, even, smooth. Flesh white. Stem eccentric or lateral, even, smooth, pallid at first, abruptly black and rooting at the base. Pores plane, minute, somewhat round, yellowish-white, pal- DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME FAMILIAR MUSHROOMS. 187 lid. The cap differs in shape from others that have been described; it is not funnel-shaped nor streaked, and is scarcely depressed, and the flesh is thick to the margin. It grows on trunks of trees from July to November. CLAVARIEI, OR CLUB-SHAPED FUNGI. We now come to another order, Clavariei, of which the first genus is Clavaria, from a word meaning a club. They are fleshy fungi, not coriaceous. ‘They have no distinct stem and generally grow on the ground. We will men- tion a few of those we often see. ‘They some- what resemble coral in growth but not in color. CLAVARIA STRICTA — to draw tight. The Constricted Clavaria. This Clavaria grows on trunks of trees. It is of a pale yellowish color, becoming a dusky brown (fuscous) when bruised. The base is about 3 lines long, thick and much branched. The branches and branchlets are tense and straight, crowded, adpressed and acute. Ste- venson says that this species is uncommon in Great Britain. 138 MUSHROOMS. CLAVARIA FLAVA = yellow. The Pale Yellow Clavaria. Stevenson does not mention this species, so it may be peculiar to this country. Stem is short and stout, thick, and abruptly dissolves into a dense mass of erect branches nearly parallel. The tips are yellow but fade when old. It branches below and the stems are whitish. Flesh white. It is recommended as well flavored and edible. CLAVARIA PISTILLARIS — a pestle. The Large Club Clavaria. This species belongs to the largest of the un- branched kind. It is generally 3 to 5 inches high, and § to 3 of an inch thick at top. Light yellow color, then reddish, and dingy brown in decay. It is smooth and the flesh soft and white. It is rounded at the top and club- shaped. It tapers downward toward the base. Stevenson gives the height from 6 to 12 inches, but Professor Peck says he has not seen it as large in this country. It is found in open grassy places. It was late in the autumn when we discovered it. (Hdible.) DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME FAMILIAR MUSHROOMS. 139 CLAVARIA INEQUALIS — unequal, The Unequal Clavaria. This fungus is yellow and fragile. The clubs are alike in color, simple or forked, and variable. It is common in woods and pastures. We found it in September in the woods, rather wrinkled in appearance. It is not classed among the edible species. TYPHULA — reed mace. One may sometimes see among the dead leaves in the woods, minute slender bodies with thread-like stems, springing upfrom the ground, 2 to 3 inches high, of a white color and cylin- drical inshape. ‘They look like slender stems from which the blossoms have been plucked. They are called Typhula. They grow on dead leaves, on mosses, or on dead herbaceous stems. The name is taken from the Cat Tail family, the T'yphaceae, which they somewhat resemble in miniature. 140 MUSHROOMS. SCHIZOPHYLLUM COMMUNE = to split, aleaf and common. The Common Schizophyllum. There is but one species given by Stevenson of this genus, and, as the name demonstrates, it is common, at least in this country. In Great Britainit israre. It grows on dead wood and logs. It has zones, either of gray or white color, and it is turned up at the edge (revolute). There is no flesh, and the pileus is dry. The gills are branched fan-wise. It is not a typical Agaric, but is more like some Polyporei. ‘The gills are split longitudinally at the edge, and the two lips commonly turn backward (revolute). HIRNEOLA AURICULA JUDAE. The Jew’s Ear. There is one species belonging to the order Tremellodon that is quite common. It is called the Jew’s ear. It is a very peculiar-looking fungus, shaped somewhat like the human ear, of all sizes, and grows in great quantities In the same place. It looks as if it were composed of a thick jelly, and becomes soft and tremu- lous when damp. Its color is dark, sometimes DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME FAMILIAR MUSHROOMS. 141 almost black. It is tough and cup-shaped, with ridges across it like anear. ‘The generic name, Hirneola, means a jug, and the specific name, Auricula Judae, a Jew’s ear. GASTEROMYCETES, OR STOMACH FUNGI. SCLERODERMA VULGARE — hard, skin, common. The Common Hard-skinned Mushroom. This species closely resembles the common potato in shape and color. It generally meas- ures 2 to 3 inches across, and is of a pale brown color. It grows close on the earth, is folded toward the base, and firm in texture. The cuticle is covered with warts or scales. CRUCIBULUM VULGARE — crucible, common. The Common Crucible. This little fungus is about 4 of an inch across. It resembles a tiny bird’s-nest with egos init. At first it looks like a cottony knot, closely covered; its apex is closed by a mem- brane, then its covering is thrown off, and the apparent tiny eggs are merely smaller envelopes, called the peridiola. These are lentil-shaped and pale, and are fastened to the inside of the 142 MUSHROOMS. covering by a long cord, which can be seen only through a strong lens. CYATHUS VERNICOSUS — varnished. The Varnished Cup. This differs from the crucible in color, form and habitat. It is about 4 an inchhigh. It is bell-shaped, becoming broadly open like a trumpet, and of a slate or ash color. The mouth and lining shine as if varnished, and hence its name. The plants grow on the ground, on wood and on leaves. LYCOPERDON CYATHIFORME — cup-shape. The Cup-shaped Puff-ball. This species of puff-ball is round witha con- tracted base. It is 4 to 10 inches across, a white or pinkish-brown color, afterward becom- ing a darker brown and covered with small patches. When the spores mature the upper part of the covering (peridium) becomes torn and only the lower part remains. It looks like a dark-colored cup with a ragged margin, and may beseen by the excursionist in the spring on the roadside. It has survived the winter frosts and storms. It is split and shabby DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME FAMILIAR MUSHROOMS. 143 looking. In August it is a whitish puff-ball, in the spring only a torn, brown cup. LYCOPERDON PYRIFORME — pear-shape. The Pear-shaped Puff-ball. This species is shaped like a pear. It is from 1 to 4 inches high and is covered with persist- ent warts so small as to look like scales to the naked eye. Itis of a dingy white or brownish- yellow. Its shape separates it from the puff- balls, especially from the warted puff-ball, L. gemmatum, which is nearly round with a base like a stem, an ashy-gray color, and the surface is also warty, but unequally so, and as the warts fall off they leave the puff-ball dotted. The pear-shaped puff-ball has little fibrous root- lets, and the plants grow in crowds on decay- ing trees. GEASTER HYGROMETRICUS — moisture, measure. The Wandering Earth Star. This earth star is from 2 to 34 inches wide. it is sessile, of a brownish color, and changes its form accordingly as the weather is moist or dry, hence the name. It is contracted and round in dry weather, and star-like in damp atmosphere, with its lobes stretched out on the 144 MUSHROOMS. earth. The covering consists of three layers, the two outermost split from the top into sey- _ eral acute divisions, which spread out like the points ofastar. The innermost layer is round and attached by the base. ‘There are one or more openings at the top for the escape of the spores. PHALLUS IMPUDICUS = disgusting. The Fetid Wood Witch. In the first stages the plant is white, soft and heavy, in shape and size likea hen’s egg. It is covered by three layers, the outer one firm, the middle one gelatinous, the third and inner one consists of a thin membrane. This phallus develops under the ground until its spores are mature. At length the apex is ruptured by the growth of the spore receptacle, and the stem expands and elongates, escaping through the top, and elevates the cap into the air. The stem at the early stage is composed of cells filled with a gluten. The stem afterward be- comes open and spongy, owing to the drying of the gelatinous matter. The spores are im- mersed in a strong-smelling, olive-green gluten. They are on the outside of the cap and em- bedded in its ridges. A part of the volva DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME FAMILIAR MUSHROOMS. 145 remains as a sheath at the base of the stem. This plant develops so rapidly as to attain in a few hours the height of seven inches, the stem is of lace-like structure, pure white, and its appearance suggests the silicious sponge so ornamental in collections, commonly known as Venus’ basket. The drooping cap is also lacey with a network, and the spores drip mucus and then dry up, in the meantime spreading around a carrion-like, fetid smell. The Phallus, therefore, differs greatly in ap- pearance from the other genera of the order when it is seen above ground, but if one is successful in finding it at an early stage, under the surface of the earth, he will realize its re- lationship to the general group, and find it an interesting subject of study. ASCOMYCETES, OR SPORE-SAC FUNGI. PEZIZA AURANTIA = golden. The Golden Peziza. This species is 2 to 5 inches in diameter, its disc is bright orange color, while its exterior is pale and downy, owing to the presence of short, stout hairs. It is sessile or nearly so, and grows 10 146 MUSHROOMS. in tufts on the ground near stumps of trees. At first the disc is thin and brittle, with a raised margin, much waved, becoming incised, and finally spreads flat on the ground. MORCHELLA ESCULENTA — food. The Edible or Common Morel. This is 2 to 4 inches high, stem about § inch in diameter. ‘The cap is of a dull yellow color, olivaceous, darkening with age to a brownish tinge. It is oval-shaped, with dark hollows. HELVELLA INFULA = name of a woollen head-dress. The Cap-like Helvella. This species is named Infula, because it is supposed to resemblein shape the sacred woollen head-dress worn by priests of Rome, by sup- plicants and victims, tied around the head by a ribbon or bandage, which hangs down on both sides. The stem is surmounted with a lobed cap, with two to four irregularly drooping lobes of reddish or cinnamon-brown color, and is about 3 inches in diameter. The stem is 2 or 3 inches high, usually smooth, but sometimes pitted. We found our specimen in the woods in August. Cortinarius distans. Photographed by C. G. Lloyd. DIRECTIONS FOR USING KEYS, LET us suppose that the beginner finds a mushroom and wishes to name it. He has learned its component parts. He has remarked the names of the classes into which mushrooms are divided. How then shall he make use of the Keys? We will imagine that he has found a Cantharellus. The cap is yellow color, so let him turn to the list of fungi described under the section “ Yellow and Orange,” and see if it agrees in appearance with anyone of these. (It is necessary before consulting a key to find the color of the spores. This is done by cutting off the cap, and placing it, gills downward, on paper, and leaving it there for two or three hours. Having followed these directions in this case it will have been seen that the spores are white. ) After consulting the list of “Yellow and Orange” he will find that the first one men- tioned is Cantharellus cibarius, the Chantarelle. (147 ) 148 MUSHROOMS. The description resembles that of the mush- room found in every particular. Now let the beginner go further, and prove the correctness of the name in another way. Turning to the section called “ General Helps to the Memory,” on page 68, and reading the names of the different genera under the head- ings until he comes to the name Cantharellus, he will find it in the table called “ Mushrooms with gills running down the stems (decurrent).” This distinction is apparent in the specimen found. Again, let him turn to the list of white- spored Agarics, page 73, and he will find the name of the genus Cantharellus there. Now, as an additional test, let him turn to the key at the end of this work, the key to Hymenomycetes. He must have learned enough by this time to know that his mushroom belongs to this class, namely, the one that has spores produced upon the lower part of the cap, and, also, that it is an Agaric, from its having gills on the under side. Let him begin with Section A, “ with cap.” 1. Mushrooms with radiating gills beneath caps (Agarics). The key then follows: 1. Plants fleshy, soon decaying. 2. Turn to number 2. There are two descriptions, juice milky and juice watery ; he will choose the second one, DIRECTIONS FOR USING KEYS. 149 which is followed by the number 3. Then fol- lows, stem central or nearly so; this agrees vith the plant, and leads to 4. The first line reads “white spores,” which is correct ; then comes 5. There are four lines with descrip- tions, the last one, “no ring and no volva,” is right, which leads to 7. There are here two lines belonging to 7, the second one, “ gills in the form of folds, obtuse edge,” is correct, and points to 10. This reads, “Gills decurrent, plant terrestrial, Cantharellus.” The Key gives the name of the genus only. In the list of de- scriptions an attempt is made to mention some of the commonest species. These directions apply to all the keys alike. DIVISION I. KrY TO HYMENOMYCETES, MEMBRANE FUNGI. Hymenomycetes or membrane fungi are divided into two sections : Section A, with cap. Section B, without cap. Section A is divided into four classes: I. Mushrooms with radiating gills beneath caps, gill-bearing mushrooms (Agarics). II. With pores or tubes beneath caps (Polyporei). III. With spines or teeth beneath the cap or branches (Hyd- nei). IV. Where the spore-bearing surface beneath the cap is even, smooth, or slightly wrinkled (Thelephorei). 150 MUSHROOMS. Section B is divided into two classes : I, Plants club-shaped and simple, or bush-like and branched (Clavariei). II. Plants gelatinous and irregular (Tremellinei). SECTION A. Cuass J. KEY To GILL-BEARING MusHRooMS (Agarics). 1. Plants fleshy, soon decaying, 2. Plants leathery, woody, persistent, 12. 2. Juice milky, white, or colored, Lactarius. Juice watery, 3. 3. Stem central, or nearly so, 4, Stem lateral, eccentric or wanting, i 4. Spores white, 5. Spores rosy, pink or salmon color, 16. Spores yellowish-brown, ochre color, 17; Spores dark brown, 21. Spores black, 24. 5. With volva and ring, Amanita, Volva and noring, Amanita (sub-genus Amanitopsis). Ring and no volva, 6. No ring and no volva, if 6. Gills free, ring movable, pileus scaly, Lepiota. Gills adnate, pileus generally smooth, Armillaria. 7. Gills thin, edge acute, 8 Gills in the form of folds, obtuse edge, 10. 8. Gills decurrent or stem fleshy. Clitocybe. Gills sinuate, notched behind, stem fleshy, Tricholoma. Gills adnate, not decurrent, stem carti- laginous, Collybia. Stem fleshy, cap often bright color, <3 9. Plants rigid, gills even, cap bright, Russula. Plants with waxy gills, Hygrophorus. 10. Gills decurrent, plant terrestrial, Cantharellus. Hf. 12. 16. Ly, 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. DIRECTIONS FOR USING KEYS. 151 Spores white, Pleurotus. Spores yellowish or brown, Crepidotus. Gills serrated on their edges, stem cen- tral or lateral, Lentinus. Gills entire, stem central, 13. Stem lateral or wanting, 14, . Gills simple, pileus dry, soon wither- ing, then reviving when moist, Marasmius. . Gills deeply splitting, with weak hairs, Schizophyllum. Gills united by veins, plant corky, Lenzites. . Volva, no ring, Volvaria. No volva, ring present, ~ Annularia. No volva, no ring, 16, Gills free, rounded behind, cohering at first, Pluteus. Gills adnate or sinuate, stem fleshy, soft, waxy, cap fleshy, margin incurved, Entoloma. Gills decurrent, stem fleshy, Clitopilis. Ring continuous, pileus with scales, | Pholiota. Ring cobwebby or evanescent, not ap- parent in old specimens, 18. Ring wanting, 19. Stem with cartilaginous rind, 21. Gills adnate, plants on the ground, Cortinarius. Gills decurrent, stem fleshy, gills easily separating, Paxillus. Gills not decurrent, stem fleshy, 20. Pileus fibrillose, or silky, Inocybe. Pileus smooth and sticky, Hebeloma. Veil remaining attached to margin of pileus, often not seen in old speci- mens, Hypholoma. Veil on stem as a ring, 22. Margin of cap incurved when young, Naucoria. Gills separate on the stem, Agaricus or Psalliota. Gills united with stem, Stropharia. Gills adnate or sinuate, 23. 152 MUSHROOMS. 23. Margin of pileus incurved when young, Psilocybe. Margin of pileus always straight, Psathyra. 24. Pileus of normal form, 25. 25. Pileus fleshy, membranaceous or deli- quescent, 26. 26. Gills deliquescent—inky fluid, Coprinus. Gills not deliquescent—ring present, Annellaria. Gills not decurrent—ring wanting, 27. 27. Pileus striate—plants small, Psathyrella. Pileus not striate, stem fleshy, margin exceeding the gills, Panaeolus. Cuass II. Key To PoRE BEARING FuNGrI (Polyporei). 1. Pores readily separating from cap, spores whitish or brownish, Boletus. 2. Stems strictly lateral, pores in the form of tubes, mouths are separate from each other (growing on wood), Fistulina. 3. Tubes not separable from each other, round, angular, or torn, fleshy, leathery or woody, Polyporus. (Key to species of Boleti may be found in Professor Peck’s work on Boleti.) Cuass III. Key To SPINE-BEARING FuNGI (Hydnei). 1. Spines awl-shaped, distinct at base, Hydnum. Spines awl-shaped, equal; plant gelat- inous, tremulous, Tremellodon. Cuiass IV. Key To SmoorH SurFace Funai (Thelephorei). 1. Spores white, on ground, fleshy, tubi- form, cap blackish, scaly, stem hollow, Craterellus cornucopioides, 2. Coriaceous or woody, somewhat zoned, entire, definite in form, Stereum. DIRECTIONS FOR USING KEYS. 153 SECTION B. Cuass I. KEY TO CLAVARIEI. 1. Fleshy, branched or simple, without dis- tinct stem, growing on the ground, Clavaria. 2. Growing on trunks, yellowish, becoming dark, much branched, tense and straight, C. stricta. 3. Yellow, stuffed, clubs simple or forked, of the same color, C. inequalis. 4. Color changeable, becoming dark, light yellow, then reddish, simple, fleshy, stuffed, obovate, clavate, obtuse, C. pistillaris. DIVISION II. KEY TO GASTEROMYCETES AND ASCOMYCETES. Section A. Fungi that have the spores inside the cap. (Stomach fungi or Gasteromycetes.) Section B. Fungi that have the spores in delicate sacs. (Spore sac fungi or Ascomycetes.) SECTION A. 1. Fungi covered with a hard rind, Scleroderma. 2. In which the spores when ripe turn to dust, 4, Where spores are at first closed in a cup- like sac that resembles a bird’s-nest, 3. 3. Fungi with the outside covering bowl- shaped of one cottony layer, Crucibulum, the Crucible. Outside covering tubular, trumpet- shaped, of 3 layers, Cyathus, the cup 154 MUSHROOMS. Outside covering opening with a torn mouth, Nidularia, bird’s-nest. 4. Outer covering splitting into star-like points, Geaster, earth star. Outer covering opening by a single mouth at the top, Lycoperdon, puff-ball. Spores at first borne in an egg-like sac, when ripe elevated on a cap at the top of the stem, no veil, has an odious smell, Phallus, stink-horn fungus. SECTION B. 1. Where the sacs soon become free, no special covering, mostly fleshy, cup-like fungi, Peziza, cup fungus. Sacs opening from the first, caps pitted or furrowed, Z; 2. Cap lobed, irregular, saddle-shaped, Helvella, yellowish fungus. Cap oval or conical, upper surface with deep pits formed by long ridges, Morchella or Morel, honey-combed fungus. (The genera described under Section B. all belong to the order of Discomycetes, fungi that have the spore sacs collected in a flattened disc.) GLOSSARY. Acute’. Gills when called acute have sharp edges or are pointed at either end. Adnate’. Spoken of gills when they are firmly attached to the stem, Adnex’. A less degree of attachment of gills than adnate, A’garic. A mushroom that bears gills. Aluta’ceous. A light leather color. Anas’tomosing. Interlacing of veins, spoken of gills that are united by cross veins or partitions. An’nulus. The ring on the stem of a mushroom, formed by the separation of the veil from the margin of the cap. A’pex. Thetop. The end of the stem nearest to the gills. Ap’ical. Relating to the apex. Appendic’ulate. Hanging in small fragments. Arach’noid. Like a cobweb. Ar’cuate. Shaped like a bow. Are’olate. Any surface divided into little areas or patches. Axis. Stipe or stalk. Band. A broad bar of color. Basid’ium (plural basidia). Mother cells in the hymenium. Behind. Posterior, the end of a gill next to the stem is said to be the posterior end. Bifur’cate. Two-forked. Bulbous. Spoken of the stem when it has a bulb-like swelling at the base. Cees’pitose. Growing in tufts. Campan/ulate. Bell-shaped. Cap. The pileus. Cartilag’inous, Gristly, tough. (155 ) 156 MUSHROOMS. Casta’neus. Chestnut color. Cell. A mass of protoplasm, with or without an enclosing wall. Chlorophyll. The green coloring-matter contained in plants. Cla’vate. Club-shaped. Close. Crowded together—term used in describing gills. Cohe’rent. Sticking together. Con’cave. Having a rounded inwardly curved surface. Concen’tric. With acommon centre, as a series of rings, one within the other. Con’nate. Growing together from the first. Constric’ted. Contracted. Contin’uous. Without interruption. Convex. Elevated and regularly rounded. Con’volute. Covered with irregularities on the surface, like the human brain. Coria’ceous. Leathery in texture. Cor’rugated. Wrinkled. Corti’na. Pb A. A. B. B. B. Bs B B. B. B. ley B. B. B. B, . placomyces. . campestris. . phalloides. . muscaria, . Frostiana. virosa. nitida. vaginata. strobiliformis. felleus. cyanescens. castaneus. chromapes. sordidus. edulis. chrysenteron. granulatus. griseus. hemichrysus. Murrayi. ornatipes. piperatus. illudens. subtomento- sus. (161) PAGE. 104 103 108 89 90 107 109 101 100 102 96 123 85 126 121 128 96 103 95 85 119 126 124 125 162 GENUS. Boletus. Boletus. Boletus. Boletus. Boletus. Boletus. Cantharellus. Cantharellus. Cantharellus. Clitocybe. Clavaria. Clavaria. Clavaria. Clavaria. Collybia. Collybia. Coprinus. Coprinus. Cortinarius. Cortinarius. Cortinarius. Cortinarius. Crucibulum. Cyathus. Fistulina, MUSHROOMS. ENGLISH OR GREEK OR COMMON NAMES. LATIN NAMES. res The related Boletus, B. affinis. 128 The rough Boletus, B. scaber. 122 The short-stemmed Bo- letus, B. brevipes. 120 The small yellowish Bo- letus, B. subluteus. 127 The thick-stemmed Bo- letus, B. pachypus. 124 The white Boletus, B. albus. 113 The Chantarelle, C. cibarius. 88 The funnel-shaped C. infundibuli- Chantarelle, formis. 94 The golden Chantarelle, C. aurantiacus. 94 The waxy Clitocybe, C. laccata. 83 The club-shaped Cla- varia, C. pistillaris. 138 The constricted Cla- varia, C. stricta. 137 The pale yellow Clava- ria, C. flava. 138 The unequal Clavaria, OO. inequalis. 139 The oak-loving Collybia, C. dryophila. 118 The tufted Collybia, C. acervata. 115 The inky Coprinus, C. atramentarius. 105 The glistening Coprinus, C. micaceous. 100 The cinnamon-colored Cortinarius, C. cinnamomeus. 115 The violet-colored Cor- tinarius, C.albo violaceous. 129 The wrinkled Corti- narius, C. corrugatus. 102 The zoned Cortinarius, ©. armillatus. 82 The common crucible, C. vulgare. 141 The varnished cup, C. vernicosus. 142 The beefsteak mushroom, F. hepatica. 131 INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF FUNGI. GENUS. Geaster. Helvella. Hirneola. Hygrophorus. Hygrophorus. Hygrophorus. Hypholoma. Hypholoma. Hypholoma. Lactarius. Lactarius. Lactarius. Lactarius. Lactarius. Lactarius. Lepiota. Lepiota. Lycoperdon. Lycoperdon. Marasmius. Morchella. Paxillus. Peziza. Phallus. Pholiota. Pholiota. ENGLISH OR COMMON NAMES. GREEK OR LATIN NAMES. 163 PAGE, The wandering earth star,G. hygrometricus. 143 The cap-shaped Helvella, H. The Jew’s ear, H. auricula Judae. The blood-red Hygro- phorus, H. puniceus. The scarlet color Hygro- phorus, H. coccineus. The vermilion Hygro- phorus, H. mineatus. The gray-gilled mush- room, H. capnoides. The perplexing mush- room, H. perplexum. The tufted mushroom, H. fasciculare. The delicious Lactarius, L. deliciosus. The colorless Lactarius, L. ichoratus. The fleecy Lactarius, L. vellereus. The mild Lactarius, L. mitissimus. The orange brown Lac- tarius, L. volemus. The peppery Lactarius, L. piperatus. The smooth Lepiota, L. naucinoides. The tall Lepiota, L. procera. Thecup-shaped puff-ball, L. cyathiforme. The pear-shaped puff- ball, L. pyriforme. The fairy ring mushroom, M. oreades. The edible Morel, M. esculenta. The thin stemmed Pax- illus, P. leptopus. The golden cup-shaped mushroom, P. aurantia. The fetid wood witch, PP. impudicus. The fat Pholiota, P. adiposa. The showy Pholiota, infula. P. spectabilis. 146 140 87 87 86 164 MUSHROOMS. ENGLISH OR GREEK OR eave COMMON NAMES. LATIN NAMES. Pleurotus. The elm Pleurotus, P. ulmarius. Pleurotus. The palatable Pleurotus, P. sapidus. Pluteus. The fawn-colored Plu- 3 teus, P. cervinus. Polyporus. The birch Polyporus, _ P. betulinus, Polyporus. The black-stemmed Polyporus, P. picipes. Polyporus. The changeable Polypo- rus, P. versicolor. Polyporus. The elegant Polyporus, P. elegans. Polyporus. The perennial Polyporus, P. perennis. Polyporus. The sulphury Polyporus, P. sulphureus. Polyporus. The shining Polyporus, P. lucidus. Psathyrella. The widely-spread Psathyrella, P. disseminata. Russula. The blood-red Russula, R. sanguinea. Russula. The elegant Russula, _iR. lepida. Russula. The forked Russula, R. furcata. Russula. The green Russula, R. virescens. Russula. The nauseating Russula, R. emetica. Russula. The rosy-stemmed Rus- sula, R. roseipes. Schizophyllum. The common Schizo- phyllum, S. commune. Scleroderma. The hard-skinned mush- room, S. vulgare. Stropharia. The dry Stropharia, S. siccapes. Tricholoma, The canary-colored Tricholoma, T. equestre. Tricholoma. The imbricated Tricho- loma, T. imbricata. Tricholoma. The sulphury Tricho- loma, T. sulphureum. Typhula. The reed mace mush- room, T. phacorrhiza. PAGE, 118 114 105 182 184 136 136 133 134 135 116 78 80 107 106 fii 79 140 141 93 91 119 91 139 APPENDIX. A GUIDE FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AND DIFFERENTIATION OF AGARICS, COMPRISED IN FOUR TABLES, ARRANGED WITH REFERENCE TO THE COLORS OF THE SPORES, VIZ.: TasLE I. White spores. TasuE II. Red and pink spores. TABLE IIT. Ochraceous spores. TasuE ITV. Dark purple and black spores. (165 ) NOTE. —<—$—$—$—_—_—_————- In using this table the student should first ascertain the color of the spores of the speci- men under investigation. This will determine the particular table to be applied to its fur- ther examination. If, for instance, he finds its spores to be white, he will know that Table IL. is the one to be consulted. Turning to that table, he should recall the place of its growth, its habitat. Now, suppose it to have been found growing on a stump, he will, by looking at the first column, Habitat, of Table I., be informed that it must be one of the four genera named in the column with the heading “On Stumps.” Let him then examine its “gills.” If he finds them to be “adnate,” he will be assured that it must be an “ Armillaria,” as no other genus is shown in the column as growing “on stumps” and which has gills that are adnate. But to make assurance doubly sure, he may proceed further ( 166 ) APPENDIX. 167 to discover whether the specimen has also the ring called for in column headed “ Ring.” If it has, and was found growing in the summer, he may feel quite safe in classifying it as Armil- laria. Sometimes the same genus will be found in more than one column, This ought not to mislead or confuse the beginner. In Table I, column headed “ Volva,” Amanita is men- tioned, and also in the column headed “ Ring,” but this indicates that an Amanita has both the Volva (the universal veil) and the Ring. So in the columns headed by “Stem,” Pleuro- tus is represented as having a lateral or eccen- tric stem, and also as having no stem. ‘The meaning is, that some species of the genus have no stem, while there are others in which the stem is lateral or eccentric. 168 MUSHROOMS. TABLE I.—White Spores. Size of plants, small. Collybia, 1 Mycena, Omphalia, Marasmius. 1 Some small. Plants deli- quescent. 2 In late summer. Time of growth,| Time of growth, summer. Amanita, Collybia, Mycena, Omphalia, Lepiota, Pleurotus, Russula,? Lactarius. autumn, Amanita, Clitocybe, Collybia, Mycena, Omphalia, Hygrophorus, Lepiota, Marasmius, Armillaria, Pleurotus, Tricholoma, Russula, Cantharellus, Lactarius.? 3 Generallyin autumn. Habitat: In woods, in un- cultivated places, on ground. Amanita, Armillaria, Tricholoma,* Clitocybe, Collybia,°® Hygrophorus, Lactarius, Russula, Cantharellus.® 4 Large species. Habitat: On wood. Trogia, Pleurotus, Schizophyllum,?° Cantharellus,® § Sometimes on rotten wood. Habitat : In grass and fields, on ground. Lepiota, Tricholoma.? 5 Few. Gills, free. Amanita, Lepiota. ® Some on rotten wood. Habitat: On other plants— epiphytal. Mycena, Omphalia, Marasmius, Collybia. § Some, Habitat: On stumps. Panus, Armillaria, Lenzites, Lentinus. 7 Small species. Gills, adnate. Armillaria, Clitocybe, Collybia. Gills,decurrent. Omphalia, Clitocybe, Cantharellus, Hygrophorus, Lactarius. !° 10 Adnato decurrent. APPENDIX. 169 TABLE I.—White Spores, continued. Gills, serrated.| Gills, sinuous.| Gills, distant. | Gills, in folds. Marasmius, Cantharellus, Lentinus. Tricholoma, Clitocybe. Trogia. Pleurotus. Veil adhering Volva. to margin of Ring. Stem, carti- can laginous. Amanita. Tricholoma. Amanita, Marasmius, Armillaria, Mycena, Lepiota. Omphalia, Collybia. Stem, lateral, : Pileus, scaly eS ocanttio. Stem, none. Stem, brittle. orrartod. Pleurotus, Lenzites, Russula. Amanita, Panus. Pleurotus, Lepiota. Trogia, Schizophyllum. Panus. Pileus, cam- Su ee Pileus, Pileus, anuiate pEeeked,/0F umbonate umbilicate : ; fibrillose. : 3 Mycena. Tricholoma, Mycena. Omphalia, Clitocybe, Lactarius. 1 Pleurotus. 11 Becomes depressed in centre. Pileus, striate. ORE aaa Omphalia, Lactarius. Mycena. 170 MUSHROOMS. TABLE II.—Red and Pink Spores. Size of plants, Plants deli- |Time of growth eae of growth, small. quescent. summer, autumn. ; Volvaria, Volvaria, Leptonia. Pluteus, Pluteus, Enteloma, Leptonia, Nolanea, Nolanea, Eccilia. Habitat: In woods, in un- Habitat: In Habitat: On Habitat: On cultivated grass and fields,| other plants— t : places, on on ground. epiphytal. ahaa ground. Volvaria,! Pluteus.* Enteloma, Clitopilus, Leptonia,? Nolanea,* Nolanea. Claudopus. 1 Damp ground. 2 Dry hills. 8 Wet places in woods. # On or close to stumps. Habitet: On "| HabitatsOn |” Gills, frac. |) Gaia ae wood. manure. Volvaria,® Nolanea, Nolanea, Claudopus. Pluteus, Annularia, Volvaria. Enteloma.® 5 On rotten wood. 6 Almost free. APPENDIX. 171 TABLE II.—Red and Pink Spores, continued. Gills, deeurrent.| Gills, sinuous. | Gills, serrated.| Gills, distant. Eccilia, Enteloma, Clitopilus, Claudopus. Claudopus. Veil adhering Gills, in folds. Volva. to margin of Ring. cap. Volvaria. Enteloma. Annularia. Stem earti- eee Stem, none. Stem, brittle. laginous, or eccentric. Nolanea, Claudopus. Claudopus. Leptonia. Pileus, scaly or| Pileus, cam- porte? | mea Pileus, warted. panulate. fibmilase: umbonate. Leptonia. Leptonia, Entoloma, Nolanea. Pluteus.? Pluteus.® 7 Often fibrillose or floccose. 8 Somewhat. Pileus, : 2 Pileus and gills simbilioate, | ons Renin: milky. Leptonia, Nolanea. Kccilia. 172 : MUSHROOMS. TABLE III.—Ochraceous Spores. Size of plants, Plants deli- |Time of growth,|Time of growth, small. quescent. summer, autumn. Inocybe, Flammula, Pholiota, Pholiota, Galera, Hebeloma, Inocybe. Crepedotus, Naucoria. Naucoria, Cortinarius. Habitat: In woods, in un- Habitat: In Habitat: On Habitat: On cultivated grass and fields,) other plants— : ; stumps. places, on on ground. epiphytal. ground, Inocybe, Pholiota,! Pholiota, Hebeloma, Flammula, Paxillus. Paxillus, Cortinarius, Cortinarius. Naucoria, Naucoria. Galera. 1 Damp ground. Pepitet: On| Habitats OU | Gillie, free, |). Gilke equates wood. manure. Naucoria, Claudopus, Naucoria. Pholiota,? Flammula, Flammula, Crepidotus, Cortinarius, Naucoria. Hebeloma. 2 Somewhat free. APPENDIX. 173 TABLE III.—Ochraceous Spores, continued. Gills, decurrent.| Gills, sinuous. | Gills, serrated.| Gills, distant. | PTET § Lille Peet | nae ek Flammula, Hebeloma. a Paxillus. Veil adhering Gills, in folds. Volva. to margin of Ring. cap. Hebeloma, Pholiota, Cortinarius, Cortinarius.? Inocybe. e—————— 3 Some with rings. Stem, carti- Stem, lateral, laginous. or Gxachtele: Stem, none. Stem, brittle. Tubaria, Crepidotus. Crepidotus. Naucoria, Galera. Pileus, silky, Pileus, scaly or| Pileus, cam- Pileus, Z cracked, or warted. panulate. Absiliowe: umbonate. Flammula, Galera, Inocybe. Tnocybe. Inocybe. Pluteolus. Cee ee Pileus and gills milky. Pileus, 3) BaiGAte: Pileus, striate. Pluteolus, Galera. pe AS ee ee a Se ee 174 MUSHROOMS. TABLE IV.—Dark Purple and Black Spores. Size of plants, small. Psathyrella. Habitat: In woods, in un- cultivated places, on ground. Stropharia, Psathyra. Habitat: On wood. Psathyra,! Hypholoma. Gills, deourrent, Gills, sinuous. | Gills, serrated. Plants deli- |Time of growth,|Time of growth, quescent. summer, autumn. Coprinus, Coprinus, Coprinus, Bolbitius. Stropharia, Psaliota, Paneolus. Paneolus, Hypholoma. Habitat: In Habitat: On wk ones grass and fields,| other plants— spies i on ground. epiphytal. eS Psaliota. Stropharia. Hypholoma, Psathyra. Habitat: On: | gis, free. | Gille, adaate manure. Stropharia, Chetonia, Stropharia, Paneolus, Psalliota, Hypholoma, Psathyrella, Psathyrella Psathyrella. Coprinus, Coprinus, Bolbitius. Bolbitius. 1 On rotten wood. Gills, distant. Gomphidius. | Hypholoma. APPENDIX. 175 TABLE IV.—Dark Purple and Black Spores, continued. Veil adhering Gills, in folds. Volva. E to margin, Ring. Hypholoma. Stropharia, Psalliota, Gomphidius.? 2 A floccose ring. Stem, carti- Stem, lateral, Seach ions Sioa Mees 5 ° ) 2 laginous. or eccentric. Psathyra, Psilocybe. Pileus, scaly Pileus, cam- coe opel Pileus, or warted. panulate. sr ates aah umbonate fibrillose. < Psathyra, Psathyrella,? Coprinus, Gomphidius.* 3 At first adpressed to stem. * Top shaped. Pileus and gills milky. Pileus, rebate. Pileus, striate, Psathyra, Psathyrella. New York Botanical Garden Library Dallas, Ellen M./Among the mushrooms; 3 5185 00063 901 + ey 2353-E-255 =, r+ Stans s Say