THE EISENHOWER LIBRARY 15 III II 02716 9790 iiii«;-;;l (f"i!!jt()f'l!f.l(i'^i Williii UnUrMtut PA'^if^ I'ijjm^'ij •^T.. •'';•■■'I?:;,;^!■"^. '^^-'**-^ ^//^ A- 'i-f THE ANASOMT, HABITS, AUD EMBHZOLOGY OF YOLDLA. LIMATULA, SAT. A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD OF UNP/SSSITY STUDIES OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNP/ESSITY, FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. by GIU'IAN A. DREW. BAIjTMORS 1898. ^tjili^ .bc: .f THE ALTATOMT, HABITS, AND EMBSYOLOGT OP YOLDIA LIMATULA, SAY. Along tiie coast of Maine, wliere Yoldia limatiila is very abundant, and gro'ws to be especially large, specimens are widely distributed. Tlieir principal habitat, liOTTevor, is in tlie shallow coves and inlets, wliere the tidal currents sweep by without enter- ing. ^^ ^— Here, soft rmid has accumulated, and is constantly being added to, by the decay of plants and animals swept in from the surrounding sea and land. They are most abundant in water from one to five fathoms deep, and probably never occur above low tijle mark. During the two seasons of my stay at Casco Bay Maine, Prof. C. B. Wilson generously allowed me the free use of his equip- ment, which was of great value to me. Previous to this, speci- mens from Woods Holl, Mass., were furnished me through the kind- ness of Dr. W. K, Brooks, Mr. Richard Rathbum and Dr. James L. Kelloga Most of these specimens were collected by Mr. Vinal Edwards. (11) 1^ own work, like the work of Drs. Mitsukuri and Kellog^'^) upon this animal, has been carried on under the direc- tion of Dr. Brooks who has for many years manifested a great in- ;'•.; ■■' li'L.' ■' ■Jt §.; fii ,-■ >4 •..•>v;r ii^jL 2: terest in tliis rather peculiar lamellibranch.. It is a pleasure to ackno-wledge my indebtedness to liim, I wish publicly to ac- knowledge my indebtedness to ray wife, wlio has materially aided me in securiiig, tending and preserving specimens, ANATOIIT AND HABITS. The distincti-re characters for the genus Yoldia as given by Verrill and Bush ^^■'•) are : "shell nearly smooth, compressed, lanceolate, gaping, more or less prolonged and tapering posterior- ly, with a well- defined wide rostrum, generally withotit carina- tions. The external liganent is marginal, feebly developed, continuous under the beaks and not much differentiated from the gen- eral epidermis. The Chondrophore is large, concave, and pro- jects within the margin. The pallial sinus is large and deep. The siphon-tubes and posterior pallial tantacle are long. The palpal tentacle^ are long and tapered ; in life they may extend nearly to the end of the expanded siphon.' SHELL. Figures 1 and 2. To the above characters of the shell will be added a few others, part of which, no doubt, are comriion to all the species of the genus, while others are specific. 0.:'.. V ;. 1- ' f ■ i. i [it ;^'■'^■V/^3^iV■ i'/.Q? p'y.^s ? 3. liVlien tlie animal is taken, from the mud. in ^Afiaich it lives, the anterior portion of the shell is jet black. Posteriorly it gradually assiunes olive greeai. The black is no doubt a stain, as it bleaches out in animals kept in aquaria, and the shell as- sumes a rather laniforra olivaceous tint, somewhat streal^ed along some of the more prominent, lines of gro"VTth with yellow or brown. On each valve, two more or less prono\xncod radial stripes extend from the beal-c to the ventral margin, one anterior, the other posterior, figure 1. The margin of the mantle opposite the extremity of each of these stripes is specially modified and sen.sitive. Internally, near the dorsal margin of each valve are two rows of toxodont teeth, one extending anteriorly a:ad the other posteriorly from the cartilage pit, figure 2. Near tlie car- tilage pit these teeth are very small and closely placed. They attain their greatest length about midway along each row, and be- come short and rather widely separated at the ends furth^est from the cartilage pit. Internal markings are rather obscure. Beside the foot and adductor muscle scars, and the pallial line with its deep and broad sinus, there is on each valve" a rather distinct, cur^red line, extending from the ventral margin of the anterior adductor muscle scar, nearly to the cartilage pit. Dissection shows that this line marks the limit of the genital mass and digestive glaid. 4. (20) Tryon refers to this mark on the right valve, and thinks it is caused by the loop of the intestine that extends for- ward, on the right side, very near the shell. That this view is wrong is shown by there being similar markings on both valves. MANTLE. Figures 1 and 3. The mantle lobes are free along their ventral borders, and are ciliated in patches on their inner surfaces. They are modified to form the siphons, the marginal tentacles^ ar» unpair- ed, very rouch elongated tentacle situated near the base of the siphons, a flattened expansion opposite the e>rbremity of each posterior shell stripe, and a rounded projection opposite the ex- tremity of each anterior shell stripe. These will be treated in turn. There are also two pairs of apparently glandular patch- es, one situated ventral to the anterior adductor muscle and the other ventral to the base of the siphons. Siphons-- The oldest specimens reared from eggs have not begun to develop siphons. The youngest specimen collected with a dredge (about 1/2 m m. long) had already formed the exhalent siphon. This siphon, figure 11, seems to have been formed by the union of the margins of the mantle lobes, followed by their gro-vrbh into a tube and the withdrawal of the tube between the 5. mantle lobes. In withdrawing the tube its dorsal surface, cor- responding to tlie dorsal surface of the united mantle lobes, is drawn, in, forming a complete septum. A ridge on each mantle lobe indicates ^j.ere the point of union of the mantle margins has been drawn along its inner surface. The ventral surface of the base of this siphon arches dorsally, figure 12, the ridges on the mantle lobes near its base thicken and finally fuse. Thus a second tube is formed lying ventral to the extialent siphon, figure 13. The wall separating the two siphons reinains arcZaed upward for some t^ime, but ffabse- quent growth straiglitens it. Even in the adult the line of fusion along tlie ventral side of the inhalent siphon remains dis- tinct, figure 14, and offers little resistance to splitting. Al- thoufTh the inlialent siphon is formed between the mantle lobes, at the base of the exhalep.t siphon, it may morphologically be con- sidered marginal in formation, as it is formed by thickenings of, and growth from, ridges that seem to have been carried back from the margin. The adult siphons are united along their Tfoole length, figures 1 and 3, and may be extended beyond the shell to a distance considerably exceeding the shell's length. Normally the inhalent siphon is shorter, broader, and has thicker walls 6. tiian the exhalent siplion, but they are frequently rendered of eqiial length by inj-'ory. Both siphons, figure 14, have betiween their outer and inner layers of epithelium, large bundles of longitudinal muscle fibers, separated by sl\eets of radial muscles. A few circular fibers lie near the epithelium but they are not numerous. Ihe siphons are extended by forcing blood into the spaces holloT/red out in the connective tissue. If the siphon of a young specimen is examined with a moderately high power of the microscope, small, conical papillae mil be seen projecting from its surface, figure 15. Each papilla bears at its tip a long, rigid filament. Older specimens show similar papillae, but instead of bearing single elongated filaments, several short- er filaments are borne on the tip of each. Similar papillae are found in vsirious places on the mantle and its modifications. They probably correspond to the "pinselzellen" of FlemmingC^) later described by Dorst^^) and Rawitz i^'^) , Siphonal tentacle and marginal tentacles, - The youngest specimen collected with a dredge, shows a little rounded knob, figure 11, st. lying on one side, between the mantle and the siphon. This knob, the rudiment of the si- phonal tentacle, is an outgrowth from the line of imion of the 7. mantle with the base of the siphon, which line, as has beeii sho?m., seems Tnorphologically to be a portion of the mantle's margin. During the development of the siphons the tentacle is carried ventrally and in the adult, comes to lie nearly opposite the ventral border of the inhalent siphon. Ihis unpaired tenta- cle was first described by Brookp(l) and has frequently been re- ferred to since. Pelseneer^ ■'■'*) fo-und that it occurred on either the right or left side of Yoldia isonota, an obser\ration that al- so h.olds true for Y. limatula. From its position and iner^ration Pelseneer(l^) was led to conclude that it might be cojTpared to the osphradium of gastropods, but this conclusion does not seem to be borne out by a further knowledge of the subject. Another organ corresponding in enervation and position to the osphradium of other lamellibranchs, is present and will be described later. Ifflhen extended, figures 1, 3 and 10, st . the siphonal tentacle is a long and slender filament, gradually tapering to its free extremity, and generally lying loosely coiled on the bot- tom of the aquariiim, or on the surface of the mud in -v^-ich the animal lives. [Throughout its length it is set with small conic- al, papillae, figures 6 and 7, sucin as have already been describ- ed for the siphons. Each papilla, like the papillae on the 8. adult siphon, beaxs a cluster o£ filaments at its tip. "When retracted tlie tentacle presents a series of trans- verse ivrinkles, figure 6, Beneath the layer of epithelium, figure 8, ep. run strands of longitudinal muscle fibers, Im. im- bedded in connective tissue. On the side of the tentacle near- est the mantle lobe to which it is attached, inside the muscle layer, is a large ner\re, tn, which can be easily traced to the tentacle's tip. This nerve is a branch of the pallial zierve. It is not given off directly opposite the base of the tentacle, but some distance above it, and the two ner^res continue along, side by side, until the tentacle is reached. The appearance of the two ner\'-es lying side by side, is cjaite like^a ganglioxv an.d has, no doubt, been mistaken for one. On the side of the ten- tacle opposite the nerve, also within the muscle layer, is a more or less definite blood space, bs. Extension of the tentacle seems to be accomplished sole- ly by forcing blood into this space. In favorable cases blood corpuscles can be seen moving along it wflien the tentacle is being extended, -x ^If considerable force is exerted in extendeing the ten- tacle, S77el lings, figure 7, may occur in it. Such swellings are 9. filled with blood an.d disappear when the presfjure is remoA'ed. "When the muscles of the tentacle contract, the blood is forced back, and the blood-space Tnay be completelj obliterated. The tentacles that fringe the postero -ventral margins of the mantle, have, beneath their epithelium, both longitudinal and transverse strands of muscle fibers, an.d generally several blood spaces. "iThile branches of the pallial nerves have not been traced into these tentacles, such branches can be traced to their bases, and there can be no doubt that the tentacles are s^ipplied by fibers from these nerves. Each tentacle has at least one papilla and frequently there are several papillae upon its surface. In development the tentacle is preceded by a single sense papilla which is carried out by the growth of tlie mantle near its base, into a conspicuous projection. As this projection grovrs, other sorise papillae make their appearance on its sides, and the papilla at its tip may or may not retain its position. In a few cases the tentacles divide or brarich. This is most common witli the tentacles fringing the posterior expansions of the mantle, soon to be described. Considering the origin, structure, and inervation of the siphonal tentacle and the marginal tentacles, there can be 10. but little doubt that the siphonal tentacle is a greatly enlarged atid specialized marginal tentacle. Both stnacture and experiment agree in assigning to these tentacles a tactile fimction. The siphonal tentacle is not, as might be supposed, the most sensitive to toucli of any of the organs. It seeins to be rather more sensitive than the mar- ginal tentacles, about as sensitive as the expansions of the man- tle opposite the extremities of the posterior shell stripes, and rather less sensitive than the projections opposite the extremi- ties of the anterior shell stripes, the foot, and the siphons. It may be moved about with a pencil-point without causing much dis- turbance, but if it be pressed slightly, moved qxxickly, or Jarred, it is quickly withdraTOi, and the withdrawal may be accompanied by the partial or complete retraction of the siphons, the closing of the shell, and, in some cases, by the activity of tlie foot. It seems especially sensitive to sudden movements or Jars, and its special function may lie in this direction, in enabling the creature to detect the approacJi of enemies, of -^^lich flounders seem to be a^.ong the most dangerous. If a vessel, containing several specimens partially buried in the mud, is not disturbed for some hours and^^then Jar- red, all will generally disappear with astonishing rapidity. 11. Ihetlier the stirmiUis is transmitted through, the siphonal tentacle or not, has not been determined, but its position, coiled on the surface of the mud, suggests the possibility. All of the er-cperiinents that were tried to determine the function of the tentacle resulted in failure, inasmuch as specimens in Tffoich the tentacle Zaad been removed, seemed to be as sensitive to jars as uninjured specimens. It may be remarked, however, that the Jars of a small vessel, can. at best bear only a slight resemblance to Jars af.fecting the surface of the mud on the bot- tom of the ocean, such as would be caused, for instance, by the swimming of a floundei'. Posterior expansions of the mant 1 e , - These e: itr,.- 23 ^/^ ^^f<^^^ ^^^-^ .^/^-'i--^ -eu95'«ise«:?->^aei^»xaa*««,.tlie plates are loosely opposed and alloTisr vTater to pass freely between them. In tliis position the gills eire eiucIi longer than during contraction, an.d lie in a:' curve*, figure 3, g, "When the suspensory membranes contract, the longi- tudinal muscles, figure 19, ulm, and 11m, also contract, the gills are shortened, and the plates more closely opposed. Sach plate is rendered rather rigid centrally chit-mous rods that are so disposed as to allow flexibility ; and many of the muscle fibers of the plate are attached to these rods in such a way as to insure an even strain and keep the plate from bending ventral ly when pressure is applied. E3cperiments were tried to determine, if possible, the part taken by the gills in the collection of food. For this puipose both mutilated and uninjured specimens were used. No definite resvilts were reached, but in no case was Kelloa^s obser- (7) vat ion , that the gills are extremely active food collectors, confirmed. Considering the remarkable activity of the palps as collectors of food, such activity for the gills seems rather unnecessary, an.d it would also seem that the p-uinping action of the gills would seriously interfere with their normally performing such a function. . ■ -f illi/'-**!';: 'fi<>: v'^ c 'y\' o. i-'i t •■;;;■: jVrt'ii'^ . -■' ■'•jT'.i,'" *•■? .•■ ••'■)■ 29. EXCEETOKI ORG^TS. Figures 4-. and 23. In tlie adult aninal the excretory organs are very exten- sive. They consist of many loops, the walls of -vfliich are mucli sacc^^lated. They lie ventral to the pericardiim arid are con- tinued into the foot along the posterior side of the stomach, figure 4, ex. ^Ji^ .^^.^.^.^.^^ , ^;^:^-^«:^3.^^=^U^ , .^^c^-^U^^ ^ ^^^.^ Figure 23 is a drawing of a wax inodel of the 'ends of the left excretorjr orgaa and genital duct, seen from the -^rentral side. The inner end, i- e, opens into the pericardium -ef ■^ife^eh a-Bortion of— the-w-al4 , p c, is shown, by a rather large open- ing, turns abruptly towards the middle line of the body, crosses the outer end, o'~^e, and is continued anteriorly close to the pericardium. After passing through the many sacculated loops already mentioned, the tube again comes near the pericardial ^irall, enlarges, runs alongside the anterior i^um of the inner end, nar- rows down again and opens into the mantle chamber through an an antero-posteriorly elongated opening, mco, just posterior to the point where the outer and inner ends of the tube cross. .H"ir«>.*u^ •J r«f: 'J.0 30. The genital duct, gd, following the course of the cerebro- visceral commissare, turns ventral I7 wlxen almost in contact with, the inner end of the excretory organ, meets the outer end and opens With IX,, The common opening of the excretory opening and genital duct is, as has been noticed, elongated in an antero-posterior di- rection, figure 65, mco, and may represent a fusion of the two rather than an opening of one Lnto the other. As has been seen, the condition described by Pelseneer^ ' viz : the genital duct opening into the excretory organ near its pericardial opening, is not borne out by these obser\rations. In material that is not well preserved, it not unfre- quently happens that the walls of the genital duct and the inner end of the excx-otory organ., are ruptured in sectioning, at the point where they come in contact, thus placing th.eir cavities in c oitcnun i c a t i on . It may be well to state in passing that the genital ducts of Nucula proxima open into or with the outer end of the excretory organs in a manner similar to that Just described for Yoldia 1 imatula. GENITAL GLAiroS. These, when distended with th.eir products are very ex- tensive. They pusQi in between the kidneys, below the pericardium^ 31. between the stomacla and intestine nearly to tlie pedal ganglia, and surroiind tlie digestive glands as well as dip in between their lobes. The opening of the genital duct, figure 23, gd, has al- ready been described in connection with the excretory organ. The sexes are separate aiid, when the genital products are abundant, they may easily be distinguished by the color of the genital mass surrounding the digestive glands. This portion is chocolate brown in fe^nales and yellow in males. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Figures 4 and 5. The cerebral ganglia fig. 4, eg. united in front of the oesophagus by a very broad commissure, which differs very little in structure from the ganglia themselves, lie just posterior to the ventral side of the anterior adductor raascle. Each ganglion is almost circular in transverse section and gradually tapers posteriorly into the cerebro-visceral commissure. So gradually does this tapering take place, that it is impossible to deterroine where the ganglion ends and the commissure begins. Even in struct- ure there is onl3'- a difference in degree, there being proportional- ly more nuclei in the ganglion than in the commissure. Posterior ly each commissure gives place, in the same gradual way, to a visce3 al ganglion. The visceral ganglia, vg, lie anterior to the '■■ ^^h CO IV-' . ' ©/■ .1 ac V .1 ... ■x . ;;( J Tr.C .:■■ r _>».-.-) •-,;j _> 32. ventral side of tlie posterior adductor muscle, and almost equal tlie cerebral ganglia in size. Tlie commissure connecting these ganglia is also verv broad an.d, like tlio cerebral commissure, tends to share the structure of ganglia. The pedal ganglia, pg, are roxtnded bodies and are ap- parently larger than either the cerebral or Tisceral, Thev lie very close together and are connected by a very broad commissure. The cerebro-pedal, ^onlike the cerebro -vise oral commiss-ores are not surrounded by nuclei and show ordinary commissural struct- ure. Although a great many specimens of widely differing ages have been examined, the double origin of each cerebro-pedal com- missure from the cerebral ganglia, has not been observed. Neither is a separation into cerebral and pleural ganglia evident. It is true that the cerebral ganglia are not quite smooth and, in some places, the outer layer of nuc'lei dips into the fibrous layer, but this seems to be accounted for by the origin of nerves in the immediate vicinity. The only place that can be looked upon as a constriction, lies between the origin of the large anterior pallial nerve, on the outer dorsal surface o C the ganglion, and the origins of the cerebro-pedal comraissure, the large palpal nerve, and a small f-oot maoolo nerve^. all of which leave the 4'.c^<-^«-v^ i.''r>- <^f.x ■ <;/.. lys-^ r.!/ o . 1 f V ^.D . Y.^i: ■■:.:• <-v [<'<^''Oii '3fcc;va 83. together, on the inner, near tlie -ventral side, of the ganglion. The origin of the corebro-pedal conunissure is entirely anterior to tliis depression. The bulgings at the bases of the ner^re seem sufficient to account for the irregularity. Each cerebral ganglion giv^es rise to several nerves. A large herve passes forward, under the anterior adductor muscle, branches^and supplies the anterior portion of the corresponding inantl© lobe. Another large ner^.'-e passes dovm to the dorsal mar- gins of the palps, follows them posteriorly and is finally continued the whole length of the palp appendage. Of the smaller no37ves, one supplies the anterior adductor muscle and another passes to the body wal 1 . Each visceral ganglion gives rise anteriorly to a small osphradial ner^.'-e, and posteriorly to a nerve that branches almost immediately. Sometimes these branches originate as separate nerves. One of them sends a small neirve to the posterior ad- ductor muscle and another belo?/ the adductor muscle to the postero- dorsal portion of the man.tle. The main nerve bends ventral ly and is distributed to the siphons. The other nex^re passed ventrally, Reside the ner^;-e just described, sends a large noirve to the siphon— al tentacle^, on the side where this tentacle is present, and is contiraued to supply the postero-ventral margin of the mantle. .-.In. 34. Several branches are given to t'ne posterior extension of the mantle. Each pedal ganglion gives rise to a nerve that runs direct^ to the byssal gland, and to six or nore ner^.'^s that supply the muscles of the foot. Frequently one neirre and sometimes sev- eral ner^^es may run up the cerebro-pedal commissure for some dis- tance before iss'aing to be distributed to the muscles of the foot. The nerve that supplies the otocyst issues from the cerebro-pedal commissure but^ judging from the direction of the fibres in the commissure, probably has its origin in the cerebral ganglion. OTOCYSTS. Figixres 4-., 21 and 22. The otocysts are rather large and, as Kellogg ' has pointed out, each contains a single large otolith, whicia plainly ■< shows concentric structure. The epithelial cells of the otocysts carry rather long arid slender cilia. In adult- specimens there IS a well defined canal connected with each otocyst. Pelseneer v"' J describes this canal as opening at the surface of the foot and gives a figure indicating the position of its opening. I have found that, by the careful dissection of speci- mens preserved in formaline, the cerebro- pedal coirmissures, with the otocysts, otocystic ner^res, and otocystic canals, all held 35. together by connecti-"-e tissue, can be removed. Study of these preparations, of Mtr.icli I have :made nearly 30, shoW the usual form of tlie otocvstic canals to be cylindrical and of a uniform size for aboiit three-fourths the length of the otocystic nerves, figure 21; ot, at 7/hich point theire is nearly always a swelling, beyond which there continues a thin strand of fibrous tissue, probably connective tissue. At the distal end of the swollen por- tion of each canal there is generally, probably always, a wall that can easily be seen in dissected preparations, and has been verified in sections. This wall is the rounded end of the otocystic canal. Sometimes one or more little closed patch eg are found, lying in the strand of tissue that is continued on past the swol- len portion of the canal ^ ^ Two such pouches are shown in figure 22, which repre- sents the distal swollen portion of a canal and part of tlie con- tinuing strand of tissue. These pouclies, when foimd, shov^ the same structure that is shoiTO. by the canals, and like them are lined with niLmerous verj?- long cilia. It seems to me that these walls and pouches sh-ovr con- clusively that in each of the several cases tiie whole canal has been removed send, in this species, that the canals do not reach the surface of the foot. 86. In Nucula proxima there is a strand of tissue passing from eacli otocj^st to the surface of the foot. This corresponds (15) in position to the canal described by Polseneer for Nucula mus/culxis, and is probably an open canal, but I have not had tine to demonstrate this point. In Yoldia limatula, the strand of tissue, with the series of pouches which it sorae times encloses, seems to indicate that these canals have undergone^ and perhaps are still undergoing degeneration. The otocystic nerves lie alongside the canals and seem to send fibers to their walls. In fact it is difficult to demon- strate that the ner^res reach the otocj'-sts other tlian through, the walls of the canals. OSPHRADIUM. On the inner side of each suspens or;;'- membrane of the gills, lying just beneath the visceral ganglion of the corres- ponding side, is a rather large patch of modified epithelium which probably represents an osphradixtm. This epithelium is s^applied hj a rather large nerve, figure 4, on, that leaves the corresponding visceral ganglion protty well forward* (h*^^-^ "-^ ^:x^..^^^^<^^ ^^.-^ . :'i .1 37. CIECULATORY SYSTEIl. The heart, figure 4, h.^ is situated Just posterior to the beaks of the shell, and verv near the dorsal margin. The cavity of each auricle is connected with the blood spaces of the corres- ponding gill, through a slit in a muscular partition that pro- jects dorsal I7 into the cavity of the auricle. The arrangement of this partition is such as to tend to stop the backward flow of blood into the gills. The ventricle is perforated bv the in- testine. "Where the ventricle joins each auricle, there is a marked constriction and, internally, a muscular septum perforated by a single opening. When the ventricle contracts, this septum probably contracts and more or less completely closes the opening in it. Two blood vessels leave the ventricle, one anteriorly on the left side of the intestine, the other posteriorly, beneath the intestine. EMBRYOLOGY. The eggs of Y. limatule, are abo\it .15 m m. in diameter, of a chocolate brown color and very opaque. They are laid f r&e in the water and are not encumbered by any kind of envelope. The polar bodies are lost soon after they are formed. The first cleavage, which tastes place about two hours after the eggs are 38. fertilizecl, results in tiae formation of sub equal blastomeres, figure 24. In the next cleavage, figure 25, tlie smaller blastomere divides equally and the larger unequally. The eight celled stage is formed by a cleavage at right angles to the two preced- ing planes of cleavage, and the two sets of foiir cells each come to lie in the position indicated by figure 26, the last division being in the plane of the paper. One of these cells is considerably larger than the other seven and, with the beginning of the next cleavage, begins to be s«6i©:wfeat— ^u-s^so^adreii by Other cells, figure 27. The small cell formed by the unequal division of this large cell, figure 28, becomes a surface coll. What becomes of similar cells in later divisions has not been determined, but, from sections, it appears probable that the next small cell cut from the large cell, figure 29, crowds in over' the tip of the large cell and divides into two, figure 37. Aboiit this time the outer cells, or at least part of them, acquire cilia, figure 30, and the embryo rolls around on the bottom of the dish. It finally rises to the surface an.d swims freely. Just what internal changes take place during this in- terval is rather hard to determine. Surface cells in the region 39. of tlie blastopo3:'e become especially active, dividing and crowding in arouad tlie large internal cell, wlLidi novr divides into nearly equal cells, figure 39. Most of tiie outer cells now take on a decidedly differ- ent appearance from tiie internal cells. There is a rather densely staining layer of protoplasm against the outer -wall of each cell, but the remainder of the cell is occupied by vacuolated protoplasm. These vacuoles become larger -with age. Beside the vaucolated cells, there is a group of cells, figures 38 and 39 eg, and figure 40, ap, which are largely sur- face colls and later give rise to the cerebral ganglia and the apical plate. The apical plate, figure 40, Ifcp, is already dis- t ingui shab 1 e . "Whether there is a general migration of surface cells into the interior is doubtful, but it is certain that their num- ber is reduced. The reduction iS probably not more than is accounted for by the pushing in of those around the blastopore, and the setting aside of the group from which the cerebral ganglia and apical plate arise. The embryo now elongates, figure 31, apical plate ac- quires a tuft of apical cilia, ac, and the oiiter, vacuolated cells, which will hereafter be referred to as test cells, arrange 4o; tliemsel-ves in^ five rovrs that surround the embrvo. Frequently the fifth, last, row of test cells, is not complete on the dorsal side at this stage but this does not long remain so. Occasional- Iv a si^cth more or less complete row is present. The blastopore and the apical plate occupy nearly opposite ends of the embryo, but for some time the blastopore may be twisted around somewhat to one side. The position of the group of cells from which the cerebral ganglia are formed, is indicated in tZae external view of the embryo by a depression, x, where the colls of the first, or anterior row of test cells, are pushed away from the second row. As later stages show this to be the ventral side of the embryo, it is easy to determine that the blastopore is always twisted tovmrd the same, that is, the dorsal side. The test cells are distinctly rounded and the cilia on each of the three intermediate rows are collected into a band. The embryo now swims in more or less definite lines, rotating the while upon its longitudinal axis. The rotation is q'aite rapid but is not always in the same direction, there being fre- quent changes. During activity the apical cilia are b-onched together into a sort of whip, which lashes vigorously from side to side, and always precedes the embryo in its movements. Inside the test the cells in the region of the blasto- pore are still activel:'- undergoing division and are quite small. 0 ■ !. 4-'' figure 41, The cells of tiie apical plate, ap, and those from which, the cerebral ganglia arise, &g, are separated externally by test cells, but internally are, and continue to be, connectel by cells that do not take part in the formation of other organs. The other internal cells have increased in number, and their origin can no longer be determned. At a little later stage, figure 42, the dorsal internal cells are arranged in a lay- er, sg, tZaat represents the beginning of the formation of the shell gland. Other cells soon arrange themselves over the re- mainder of the surface inside the test and, together with the shell gland, form a new ectoderm. This ectoderm probably is formed from cells originally surface cells. If this view is true, the original surface cells give rise to at least three groupfi : those tjiat remain at the surface, acquire cilia, and become differentiated as test cells ; those that form the cere- bral ganglia and apical plate ; and those that form the new ec- toderm inside the test. In the stage of which figure 42 represents a section, a space, seems always to be present in about the same position. This space probably represents the beginning of the liimen of the ifiidgut • -.0 ."sr. >«^*i-;-'-IC' . ifXi vf:^ V 'u /u. ;''^G:.oc f» .:>- ■. >•< ■:*; ,:\; vrV ;i» 'f^r^ r^ru; ■ t- -ff • . f: ,-o^ ;^''' ^>^vX>-;^ ^' ■; ■<.*!•. .-.i^'- f-i* yrv^jj;-;. •; >' ,: 'J <•:.■••;!:€ i^:.?>ii::'' :-}!^r'>iS liX'i! 43, The stomodaeura elorxgates and soon establislies communica- tion witli the inidg"at, fig-ores 40, and 48. It lies along the ventral side of the enhvyo, just inside the test, and is joined, but is not enclosed by^the layer of ectoderm, figure 49, std. The shell glaiid beco-ines slightly invaginated, fig-ares 44, and 45, sg, but it very soon arches Tipward preparatorjr to protruding laterally to form the mantle, figure 49. The midget becones prolonged posteriorly, and the mass of cells from ■t'tiich the cere- bral ganglia form arch in-ward and form two poxiches that open to the surface. The poviches lie side by side, f ignore 46, and gen- erally open to the exterior together. Sometimes, however, they open between different test cells, figtxre 47, and seem to be only slightly connected with each other. In other cases only one of the poiiches opens to the exterior and this opening may be small. In some cases it may not be present at all. The walls of the pouches are rather thick but each is composed of a single layer of cells. The shell gland folds ox^t at the edges and most of the dorsal cells assume the character of mantle cells. Only those near the edges remain especially large and glandular. This is accompanied by the ectodermal thickenings that form the pedal ganglia, figure 59 pg, and the invaginations that form the U. Vi t iV.. i '. .}. . vi; ni''. =■: -^ ;.•■§•• .-•J'lp ■••a ■.:!■•••■)■. •^::;v- 'XH-'^i f -'■'■''. rC'^^-XS I .\ V^>, ; ■.n ■*'■'■: f;-'.;;; 44. otocj'-sts, figure 56, ot. The ne:ct stage shows the otocj^sts ap- parently completely closed off, lying yer:;^ close to the clefts that separate the mantle from t2ie body wall. The formation of the mantle and shell is accompanied by a slight lateral com^jression and a corresponding dorso-ventral widening of the embryo. The test cells become yery much thinner and the vacuoles, nearly or quite disappear, but tlie cilia re- main as described and tiie moA'-ements of swinmiiig are not altered. Several new organs ma^e their appearance. Cleared "iiS^ole motmts show some of the internal organs, but throughout it is necessary to resort to reconstructions from the study of serial sections, to get the relationship of the dif- ferent parts. The body of the embrj'-o now lies between the shell valves and these are enclosed hx the test. The foot, figures 33, 55 , and 61, f, is formed by a rapid increase of cells between the mid- gut and the stomodaeum. The anterior adductor muscle, figures 33, 55, and 56, aa, is formed at a corresponding time (about 85 hours) and consists of a few muscle fibers which stretch from^ one shell valve to the other. It is left, by the gro7rth of the embryo, separated from the rest of the bods'-, except at its ends, which penetrate the majitle, and are attached to the shell. The ' ■; '"y( •'.'"■.'■) \i,---.'^-.. l\..\>-:''\-y,'!i-:.^.-i X ,...7 I'V; :-ivr r,- 45. posterior adductor muscle, figures 33 , aiid 55, pa, does not ap- pear until some liours later. It is always siirrounded by other tissue. The digestive glands, figures 33, 62, and 63, are formed as tvaginations from tiie anterior end of tiie midg^at, vrliicli is nov^ extended posteriorly nearly to the blastopore. The visceral ganglia appear as groups of nuclei, the position of which suggests ectodermal origin. The cerebral poxiches have moved some distance dorsally and posteriorly into the interior of the embryo, and are situated at the end of a single pouch, figures 33 and 55, r, which opens to the exterior between the test cells at the point where the pouches were originally formed. The paired pouches are thus brought to lie in the interior, as diverticula of a single elon- gated pouch. As they are carried into the interior, the cells f03nning their walls divide rapidly, push in, and fill up their cavities, and a commissure is foimed connecting the tv^o masses of colls. The relation of the unpaired pouch to the cerebral ganglia has been 3hO¥/n by tjiree succeeding transverse sections of the same embryo. Figure 53 shows the external opening of the un-paired poiich, figure 59 shows the anterior portion of the cere- bral ganglia, eg, with the laterally compressed unpaired pouch, r §, lying beneath them, and figure 60 shows the commissure con- necting the ganglia. ;l.^f^'' ■J L' .-ii:-;-?. ,\'.- ... , -r)- .' . .,•/:•■■ j.i ....•;) "Ov I.ry ' ',• i- i^--"^' 46. Having described the for!:aatioii of the various organs atteiition will be given to tlie ei3ibr;;-o*s appcara;ice. I^irtlier than tlie lateral co:tipressiori and th.e correspond- ing dors o -ventral widening; tliere lias been little change in the embryo's external appearance, but the internal appearance is greatly altered. Inside the test a shell has heeri formed, the two valves of which gape ventral I7. The anterior adductor inuscle, figure 33, aa, is quite large and, being isolated from tiae general niass of the body is very conspicuous. The posterior adductor rmiscle, pa, as yet consists of very few fibers and is enclosed in other tissue. It is not easily seen in Tidiole mounts. The apical plate ap, is connected with the ventral end of the group of cells that form the wall of the unpaired pouch, r. This groiip of cells f orraS a distinct stalk w^iich runs dorsally and posteriorly to connect with the anterior part of the body. The midgut, ng, and the stomodaeun, std, are widely separated by the foot, f. The stomodaeum opens to the e:coerior through the blastopore, bl, and the posterior end of the midgut almost reaches it but does not open. # # Observations since my publication in the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Circular (-) have not revealed the actiial opening, up to the tine the test is cast away. r - '-, . «'■) • jrOf." ■'■xV.-'ii :.J \(i :}-:f^- ^^::G^ -:-.:' :C.v'1 s'lji- vA;:,i>.t, '"^Bi-- 47, The stomodaeiim is ofte?a attached to the anterior, a;o.d to part of the ventral margins, of the foot, but its posterior end, figure 61, std, lies free between the mantle lobes, some- times almost, if not quite, in contact with the test, sometimes raised well abore it. The anterior end of the midgut is enlarg- ed to form the stomach, which corimunicates with the liver-pouches. Most of the tissue dorsal to the intestine has beer, \ised in form- ing the mantle, which is now separated from it by a large space. This space extends to, and around, the anterior adductor tmiscle anteriorly, and nearly to the margin of the shell posteriorly. The cerebral, pedal, and visceral ganglia, with their c ommis spires , have been formed. The otocysts, figure 61, ot, have apparently been entirely closed off, and each contains an otolith, which stains deeply witli haematoxj'-lin and, a little later, plainly shows concentric structure. As the otocysts have nearer been opai to the exter'ior, development having taken place inside a closed test, the otolith's cannot be foreiga particles. The only places where the outer test is attached to the body of the embryo lying inside it: are, around the blastopore, the apical plate, and the opening of the unpaired pouch, figure 33, r. The embryo still swims rapidly but has periods of rest. cr.-f. .Ir) .= ■ ."■. O'?' :h\ :mv -F'l •VT^C: .-.(^ .V S'i: (, *; 48^ Tills condition of the enbr^ro is reached in from 90 to 120 hotirs. It now stops swinmlng, settles to tlie bottom, the apical cilia shrivel, and the test cells break apart and freqiient- ly go to pieces at once. The process of casting the test gener- ally begins with the posterior row of cells and woiks forward. It generally takes but a very few minutes. Casting includes, beside the test, the stalk which extends from it to the cerebral ganglia, the apical plate and its connection, and the stomodae^im from the blastopore to the position of the definitive mouth. These parts, together with a few adhering test cells, that are no longer stretched flat but have rounded \ip, raaj not sever tlieir connection for a half hour or more, figure 34, but they finally break off Just belovr the cerebral ganglia, and casting is com- plete. TJntil about the tine that the test is cast, the shell valves remain gaping ventral ly and the tissues of the body ex- tend completely across' from valve to valve. ItVlien the sliel 1. is finally closed by the contraction of the adductor muscles, there is no longer sufficient space for t2"ie organs in tlieir original position. The principal change^ of importance due to this crowd- ing, takes place in the pouches of the digestive glands, which are forced into the space dorsal to the alimentary canal, and, in I(; v.i. ' 49. all of tiie specinens examined, seem to imdergo ohan/^es that result in tlie formation of large cells, figures 35, 64, and 65, Z, that are not arranged in any definite manner. It was thouglit possible that tJais appearance was due to poor preservation, an explanation that -veirj naturally suggests itself, but the large cells appear in living as well as preser^red specinens. Reformation of the liver pouches is accompanied by the disappearance of these cells. The anterior adductor muscle soon becomes enclosed lij the forward growth of the bods'". For a few hotii's a space may re- main between it and tl-ie cerebral ganglia but this soon disappears. The foot, which at first is capable of onlj'- feeble movements, grows quite rapidly, and is soon ver;'- active. Locomotion is chiefly effected by the means of long and powerful cilia, ^.ich are arranged along the sides of the foot, figures 35, and 36, and are very active whenever the foot is tiirust oixt of the shell. These enable the animal to glide over the surface on which it lies, but do not enable it to rise. For some hours after the test is cast, the foot shoiws no indication of the modi- fication which is later generally knovjn as the sole, figure 52. The first indication of this modification is a groove vfiiich ap- pears along the middle line of the ventral surface of the foot. ,i \-> "^S K^'-Ci ■:■-,,'■ 50, fig-aro 53. This groove deepens, apparently by the groTTtl-i of tlio parts on each, side, figure 54, and gives rise to a "sole" resembl- ing that of the adult, figures 2, and 9, The novenents of the foot no^'T closely reseiible those of the adtilt, but locomotion is still materially aided by the poTT'erf'j.l cilia along its sides. The formation of the "sole" is accompanied by the growth of the poster© -ventral portion of the foot into a more and more prominent portion resembling a heel. The use of this outgrovrbh is not evident. It remains in the adalt as a small projection, just behind the opening of the jbyssal gland ; an organ that makes its appearance about a day after the test is cast, but does not seem to secrete threads. About the tim.e that the test is cast away, a thickening makes its appearance on the inside of each mantle lobe, near its posterior border, figures 34 and 35 g. • This thickening, the rudiment of the gill, accjuires cilia and grows anteriorly so as to project over the mantloi-sur- face. A constriction appears near the middle of each gill, figure 36, g, deepens, and divides it into almost equal lobes. Beneath its epitlieliiim, following the curve of its antei-ior ra8.r- « gin, is a chit*nous bar, the two ends of //hich lie near the ends of the lobes, figure 36, cr. ccJ .)'Lr f\v> > ;l ):i .■>.'■: :^rj:ji'-^: 51, Figures 50 and 51 represent longitudinal sections of a gill, taken in tlie pla^ies indicated in figure 36. Tlie cliitfnous bar is cut in one, but tlie plane of the other lies below it. These sections shov/ the gill to be rather evenly ciliated. Later stages, after the lobes have elongated, show the cilia to be con- fined to t}ie side next to the mantle. The third lobe is formed from the ventral lobe, which broadens and then constricts in the manner detailed above. Other lobes are foimied in a similar man- ner. The alimentary canal elongates, bends ventral ly, and the stomach enlarges. In from two to four days after the test is cast, tiie liver poviches reappear. At first they do not jiave very definite walls, but they gradually become well defined, and it is noticeable that the large scattered cells disappear at a corresponding time. The two po'aches are no longer symmetrical, the left being prolonged posteriorly, fills up the space between the dorsal end of the stomach and the intestine, figures 36 and 66. The greater development of the left liver lobe at this early date, ver^'- likely affects the futiore position of the intestine, a loop of A-^^ich comes to lie on the right side of the animal, very near the shell. Abovit the 25th day, a ridge, corresponding in position ■ J :r;.?M',j. .:.;r .ii •-•>;.. 52. to the otiter labial palps, appears as an outgrovrth from the body wall. The palps have not attained any considerable development in any of the embryos reai'ed from eggs. The gajiglia are all distinct in T/ifliole mounts as well as in sections. At first the cerebral ganglia are much larger than either of the others, figure 33, but the pedal ganglia grow rapidly, and soon come to equal if not to exceed them in size, figure 36. No division into cerebral and pleural ganglia has been observed. GENSRAL aSMASKS. ANATOMY.. Since Mitsukuri's ^^'^j paper appeared in October 1381, much has been ivritten on the anatomy, and itc oignifleaaoO', of ( 1 5) members of this group. Pelseneer ^ has called attention to certain characters, in support of the supposition that the group is primitive. Possibly influenced by tZ-ie desire to make the case as strong as possible, he has allowed some errors to creep in. Thus he says on page 272 : " The least specialized 1 ame 1 1 ibran chs : In demonstrate ing the ph3'-i ©genetic development of the gills, part 2, IV, 6, p. 246, I have shown that the most primitive of t}iesargoly recon- structed) . Pig. 5. Specimen about 1 mm. long. Represented as a partially transparent object, seen from the right side, after the right shell valve and mantle lobe have been removed. (.largely reconstructed). Pig. 6, Tip of a retracted siphonal tentacle. Pig. ?. Portion of an extended siphonal tentacle, with a swelling caused by the pressure of the blood, seen as a tran.sparent object. Fig. 8. Transverse section of a siphonal tentacle. 68, Pig. 9, Anterior portion of tiie sliell, and tne reriected margins of tl-ie foot just before tliey are brouglit together and witadraism into the shell. Fig. 10. An animal as it appears -while feeding. Pig. 11. Posterior portion of a specimen about 1/2 mm long. Fig, 12. Transverse section of a specimen about 1 mm. long^ showing the thickening of the ridges leading to the base of the siphon, and the pushing in of the ventral wall of the exhalent siphon. Taken near the base of the siphon. Fig. 13. Posterior portion of a specimen about 2rani. long. Fig. 14. Transverse section of a specimen about 1 cm. long, taken through the bases of the siphons. One of the ridges is shovm joining the inhalent siphon. The section also includes a portion of the -wall attaching the exhalent siphon witli the dorsal por- tion of the mantle. Fig. 15. End of the exhalent siphon of a specimen ,7 ram. in length. Fig. 16, Projection of the mantle margin opposite the ex- tremity of the anterior shell stripe, seen some- •what obi i quel v. 69. Fig. 1?. Section of tlie anterior projection of the mantle margin , Fig. 18. Transverse section of a palp appendage. Fig. 19. A pair of gill plates seen from their anterior surfaces. The suspensory membrane, the "walls of the plates joining the plates next in succes- sion, the longitxidinal muscles, and the basis of I the chit«aous rods are shovm in sec'oion. These are all cut across in separating the pair of plates from the pair lying in front. (Drami from a study of sections). Pig. 20. Portion of a gill, seen from the ventral side. Fig. 21. Otocvst with its canal and nerve, and a portion of the cerebro-pedal commissure. A nerve fre- quently leaves the commissure near to oto cystic « nerve and is distributed to the muscles of the foot. Fig. 22. Portion of the extremity of an otoo^'^stic canal, showing *J»©. two closed pouches. Fig, 23. Inner and oxiter ends of t2ie left excretory organ and genital duct, seen from the ventral side. Fig. 24. Two celled stage. >■< *■ x^c •O- t::?^r 70. Fig. 25. Four col led. stage. Fig. 26. Eigiit celled stage seen from the animal pole. Fig. 27. Eiglit celled stage. The cells prepax'ing for tlae next o 1 ea^'-age . Figs. 28 and 29. Later cleavage stages. Fig. 30. Ciliated embrvo about 20 hoars old. Fig. 31. Extrenal appearance of an ernbryo abo^at hours old. Fig. 32. External appearance of an embrvo about hours old. Fig. 33. Reconstruction of an .embryo about 105 hours old. The outli2ie and test cells were obtained from a whole mount. The cilia are indicated only at the margins. Fig. 34. Reconstruction of an. embryo that has just cast the test, represented with the right cell valve and mantle lobe removed. The stomodaeum and the stalk extending from the cerebral ganglia, together with adhering test cells, are still at- tached. Fig. 35. Reconstruction of an embryo about 10 hours after casting. Represented mth the left shell valve and mantle lobe removed. ^TO i; .!"if.'T. , . S"'-?. 71. Pig. 36. B.e const ruction of an embrvo about 12 days old. Represented witl-i th.e riglit sJiell valve and mantle lobe removed. Fig. 37, Section of an embrj'-o about / 0 liours old. Tlie plane of tlie section lies througli tlie blastopore. Pigs. 33, 39 and 40. Successive sections of an e:TTbr70 • about I J hours old. Some of tne surface cells are beginning to assume the character of test colls. The group of cells eg, figures 38 and 39, are coimected with the cells ap, figure 40, bv cells of the same character. Pig. 41. Median vertical section of an embryo about 15 hours old. Pig. 42. Median vertical section of an embryo abo\it 22 hours old. Pig. 43, Median vertical section of an embrjro about 30 hours old. Pig. 44. Median vertical section of an embryo aboxit 36 hours old. Pig. 45, Transverse section of an embryo about 35 hours old, taken near the third band of cilia. Fig. 46, Transverse section of an embryo about 45 hours old, taken through, the cerebral pouches. ■cr i.sT;; ?2, Pig. 47. A similar section showing the po^xchos separate. Pig. 48. Transverse section of an embryo about 45 hours old, ta]-cen where the storaodaeum Joins the midgut, Pig. 49, Transverse section of the same embryo a little further posterior. Pig. 50. Section of the gill rudiment in the plane indi- cated by the line 50, figure 36, Pig, 51. Section of the same gill rudiment in the plane indicated by the line 51, figure 36. Pigs, 52, 53 and 54. Transverse sections showing tho formation of the "sole" of the foot. Pig, 55, Median, vertical section of an embryo about 95 hoxirs old. (A portion of the stomodaeum was drawn from the next section). Fig, 56. Transverse section of an embrj'"© about 75 hours old, showing the invaginations that form the otocysts. Pig, 57, Transverse section of an embryo about 70 hotirs old showing the forming pedal ganglia. Pigs. 58, 59 and 60. Successive tran.sverse sections through the anterior portion of an ombrsT'o about 95 hours old. )r^c>- '.. r; H ?3. Pig. 61. Transverse section o f an enbrj'-o about 95 hears old, taken through, the otocysts. Pig. 62. Transverse section through the liver pouohes of an embryo about 95 hours old. Pig. 63. Horizontal section through the liver pouches of an embrvo of the sa^ne age. Pig, 64. Median vertical section of an embryo about 10 hours after casting. Pig. 65. Transverse section of an embryo of the same age. Pig. 66. Horizontal section through the dorsal portion of an enbrjj-o about 12 days old. . - i'- 74. LIFE. The writer of this thesis was bom in Jasper, Iowa, November 15th, 1868. He received his early educational training in the public schools of that state, and, in the year 1890 was granted the degree of Bachelor of Science at the State University of Iowa, Three years have since been spent in teaching, and five years have been devoted to studj'' in this University, •w