setae ebeetehesehphhbeerae Rat nba denen totals hot terete eePereni reg) aa ri Fit ( a ‘ (si OEREA SS LOANS uy A wee g Hie} AN AY LNs LVI 5 aN) Yi wr UN Mies AES Py a HY TR Lib ee pp 5 Sire of sa 4 7 iS OD) > Writ} -2} 7 ) i ee ae ah pe aa RE ee he abe ai ie & WAG 8 Ve ee y a LANA THE PeNCLE NT LIFE-HISTORY OF ASE AR re fnternational Science Library hte BNCIENT LIFE-HISTORY OF Te CEARUE A COMPREHENSIVE OUTLINE OF THE PRINCIPLES AND LEADING FACTS OF PALAEONTOLOGICAL SCIENCE BY H. ALLEYNE NICHOLSON M.D: DoSe, i. AL, Pu D. (Gorr.); F.RoS. EBL s: PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS wnt jl i ie . SN \ MsUiV/A VV FEB 17 1982 Rew Por ioe H. 2. fowle = = We A enone LFattion, Ree FA Cr. THE study of Palzontology, or the science which is concerned with the living beings which flourished upon the globe during past periods of its history, may be pursued by two parallel but essentially distinct paths. By the one method of inquiry, we may study the anatomical characters and structure of the innumerable extinct forms of life which lie buried in the rocks simply as so many organisms, with but a slight and secondary reference to the ¢zme at which they lived. By the other method, fossil animals are regarded prin- cipally as so many landmarks in the ancient records of the world, and are studied Azstorically and as regards their relations to the chronological succession of the strata in which they are entombed. In so doing, it is of course impossible to wholly ignore their structural characters, and their relationships with animais now living upon the earth; but these points are held to occupy a subordinate place, and to require nothing more than a comparatively general attention. In a former work, the Author has endeavoured to furnish a summary of the more important facts of V1 PREFACE. Paleontology regarded in its strictly scientific aspect, as a mere department of the great science of Biology. The present work, on the other hand, is an attempt to treat Paleontology more especially from its historical side, and in its more intimate relations with Geology. In accordance with this object, the introductory portion of the work is devoted to a consideration of the general principles of Paleontology, and the bearings of this science upon various geological problems—such as the mode of formation of the sedimentary rocks, the reac- tions of living beings upon the crust of the earth, and the sequence in time of the fossiliferous formations. The second portion of the work deals exclusively with Historical Paleontology, each formation being consid- ered separately, as regards its lithological nature and subdivisions, its relations to other formations, its geo- graphical distribution, its mode of origin, and its char- acteristic life-forms. In the consideration of the characteristic fossils of each successive period, a general account is given of their more important zoological characters and their relations to living forms; but the technical language of Zoology has been avoided, and the aid of illustrations has been freely called into use. It may therefore be hoped that the work may be found to be available for the purposes of both the Geological and the Zoological student ; since it is essentially an outline of Historical Paleontology, and the student of either of the above- mentioned sciences must perforce possess some know- ledge of the last. Whilst primarily intended for stu- dents, it may be added that the method of treatment adopted has been so far untechnical as not to render the work useless to the general reader who may desire ~ PREFACE. vil to acquire some knowledge of a subject of such vast and universal interest. 3 In carrying out the object which he has held before him, the Author can hardly expect, from the nature of the materials with which he has had to deal, that he has kept himself absolutely clear of errors, both of omission and commission. The subject, however, is one to which he has devoted the labour of many years, both in studying the researches of others and in personal investigations of his own; and he can only trust that such errors as may exist will be found to belong chiefly to the former class, and to be neither serious nor numerous. It need only be added that the work is necessarily very limited in its scope, and that the necessity of not assuming a thorough previous acquaint- ance with Natural History in the reader has inexorably restricted its range still further. The Author does not, therefore, profess to have given more than a merely general outline of the subject ; and those who desire to obtain a more minute and detailed knowledge of Paleontology, must have recourse to other and more elaborate treatises. UNITED COLLEGE, ST ANDREWS, October 2, 1876. CON TE Ne S: BN Roa ale PRINCIPLES OF PALAZONTOLOGY. INTRODUCTION. PAGE The general objects of geological science—The older theories of catastrophistic and intermittent action—The more modern doc- trines of continuous and uniform action—Bearing of these doc- trines respectively on the origin of the existing terrestrial order— Elements of truth in Catastrophism—General truth of the doc- trine of Continuity—Geological time, : : : : I-10 CHAPTER: Definition of Paleontology—Nature of Fossils—Different processes of fossilisation, : : ; : : : : , 10-14 CHAPTER GE Aqueous and igneous rocks—General characters of the sedimentary rocks—Mode of formation of the sedimentary rocks—Definition of the term ‘‘ formation ”—Chief divisions of the aqueous rocks —Mechanically-formed rocks, their characters and mode of origin —Chemically and organically formed rocks—Calcareous rocks— Chalk, its microscopic structure and mode of formation—Lime- stone, varieties, structure, and origin—Phosphate of lime —Con- cretions—Sulphate of lime—Silica and siliceous deposits of vari- ous kinds—Greensands— Red clays—Carbon and carbonaceous deposits, . . : : : ; : : j : 14-36 GHAPTER Tt. Chronological succession of the fossiliferous rocks—Tests of age of strata—Value of Palzontological evidence in stratigraphical Geo- logy—General sequence of the great formations, } P 37-44 x - CONTENTS. NCHAPALE RAV: The breaks in the paleontological and geological record—Use of the term ‘‘ contemporaneous” as applied to groups of strata— General sequence of strata and of life-forms interfered with by more or less extensive gaps— Unconformability—Phenomena im- plied by this—Causes of the imperfection of the palzeontological record,)) : : : : : : . E : 44-52 CHAPTER : Conclusions to be drawn from fossils—Age of rocks—Mode of origin of any fossiliferous bed—Fluviatile, lacustrine,.and marine de- posits—Conclusions as to climate—Proofs of elevation and subsi- dence of portions of the earth’s crust derived from fossils, . 52-50 CHAPTERS VI. The biological relations of fossils—Extinction of life-forms—Geolo- gical range of different species—Persistent types of life—Modern origin of existing animals and plants—Reference of fossil forms to the existing primary divisions of the animal kingdom—Depart- ure of the older types of life from those now in existence—Re- semblance of the fossils of a given formation to those of the for- mation next above and next below—Introduction of new life- forms, ; : : : - ; : : ‘ 5 57-61 PA Robe HISTORICAL PALAZONTOLOGY. CHAPTER Vit: The Laurentian and Huronian periods—General nature, divisions, and geographical distribution of the Laurentian deposits—Lower and Upper Laurentian— Reasons for believing that the Lauren- tian rocks are not azoic based upon their containing limestones, beds of oxide of iron, and graphite—The characters, chemical composition, and minute structure of Zoz00n Canadense—Compar- ison of Zozoéx with existing Foraminifera— Archeospherine— Huronian formation—Nature and distribution of Huronian de- posits—Organic remains of the Huronian—Literature, 65-76 CHAPTER VIE: The Cambrian period—General succession of Cambrian deposits in Wales—Lower Cambrian and Upper Cambrian—Cambrian de- posits of the continent of Europe and North America—Life of the Cambrian period — Fucoids— Eophyton—Oldhamia— Sponges— _ Echinoderms—Annelides—Crustaceans—Structure of Trilobites —Brachiopods—Pteropods, Gasteropods, and Bivalves—Cephalo- pods— Literature, : : : : : : ; 77-90 CONTENTS, xi CHAP Im RAI The Lower Silurian period—The Silurian rocks generally— Limits of Lower and Upper Silurian—General succession, subdivisions, and characters of the Lower Silurian rocks of Wales—General succes- sion, subdivisions, and characters of the Lower Silurian rocks of the North American continent—Life of the period—Fucoids— Protozoa—Graptolites—Structure of Graptolites—Corals—Gene- ral structure of Corals—Crinoids—Cystideans— General characters of Cystideans—Annelides—Crustaceans— Polyzoa—Brachiopods —Bivalve and Univalve Molluscs—Chambered Cephalopods— General characters of the Cephalopoda—Conodonts, . » 90-114 GHAR TER 2S The Upper Silurian period—General succession of the Upper Silurian deposits of Wales—Upper Silurian deposits of North America— Life of the Upper Silurian— Plants — Protozoa—Graptolites— Corals—Crinoids—General structure of Crinoids—Star-fishes— Annelides—Crustaceans— Eurypterids— Polyzoa—Brachiopods— Structure of Brachiopods— Bivalves and Univalves— Pteropods— Cephalopods—Fishes—Silurian literature, : . 115-132 CHAPTER XI: The Devonian period—Relations between the Old Red Sandstone and the marine Devonian deposits—The Old Red Sandstone of Scotland—The Devonian strata of Devonshire—Sequence and subdivisions of the Devonian deposits of North America—Life of the period—Plants—Protozoa—Corals—Crinoids—Pentremites— Annelides— Crustaceans — Insects— Polyzoa— Brachiopods—Bi- valves — Univalves—Pteropods—Cephalopods—Fishes—General divisions of the Fishes—Palzontological evidence as to the inde- pendent existence of the Devonian system as a distinct formation —Literature, . . : 3 : 5 . : St L2 1507) GEA PR Oe. The Carboniferous period—Relations of Carboniferous rocks to De- vonian — The Carboniferous Limestone or Sub - Carboniferous series—The Millstone-grit and the Coal-measures—Life of the period—Structure and mode of formation of Coal—Plants of the Coal, : 5 ; 5 ; ; E ; A . 157-170 CHAPTER XU: Animal life of the Carboniferous period—Protozoa—Corals—Crinoids —Pentremites—Structure of Pentremites—Echinoids— Structure of Echinoidea — Annelides — Crustacea — Insects—Arachnids— - Myriapods— Polyzoa—Brachiopods—Bivalves and Univalves— Cephalopods — Fishes — Labyrinthodont Amphibians — Litera- ture, ; . : Aaah : é 5 170-192 Xil CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIV. The Permian period—General succession, characters, and mode of formation of the Permian deposits—Life of the period—Plants— Protozoa — Corals — Echinoderms — Annelides — Crustaceans— Polyzoa — Brachiopods — Bivalves — Univalves — Pteropods — Cephalopods—Fishes—Amphibians—Reptiles—Literature, 492-203 CHAPTER XV. The Triassic period—General characters and subdivisions of the Trias of the Continent of Europe and Britain—Trias of North America —Life of the period—Plants—Echinoderms—Crustaceans—Poly- zoa—Brachiopods — Bivalves— Univalves— Cephalopods—Inter- mixture of Paleozoic with Mesozoic types of Molluscs—Fishes— mea TPG eye Ae ene of Birds— Mammals —Literature, . . « 203-225 CHAPTER XV 1: The Jurassic perlod—General sequence and subdivisions of the Juras- sic deposits in Britain—Jurassic rocks of North America—Life of the period— Plants—Corals —Echinoderms—Crustaceans— in- sects— Brachiopods— Bivalves — Univalves — Pteropods— Tetra- branchiate Cephalopods—Dibranchiate sae es Cane Reptiles —Birds—Mammals— Literature, . 226-256 — CHARTER VET: The Cretaceous period—General succession and subdivisions of the Cretaceous rocks in Britain—Cretaceous rocks of North America —Life of the period—Plants—Protozoa—Corals—Echinoderms —Crustaceans — Polyzoa — Brachiopods— Bivalves— Univalves— Tetrabranchiate and Dibranchiate ads tiles—Birds—Literature, . : . 256-284 CHAPTER xviii. The Eocene period—Relations between the Kainozoic and Mesozoic rocks in Europe and in North America—Classification of the Tertiary deposits—The sequence and subdivisions of the Eocene rocks of Britain and France—Eocene strata of the United States —Life of the period—Plants—Foraminifera—Corals—Echino- derms— Mollusca—Fishes—Reptiles—Birds—Mammals, . 284-305 GHAPTER. XIX. The Miocene period—Miocene strata of Britain—Of France—Of Belgium—Of Austria—Of Switzerland—Of Germany—Of Greece — Of India—Of North America—Of the Arctic regions—Life of the period—Vegetation of the Miocene period —Foraminifera— Corals — Echinoderms—Articulates— Mollusca— Fishes—Amphi- bians—Reptiles—Mammals, . : ° . - 305-323 CONTENTS. Xill CHAPTER XxX. The Pliocene period—Pliocene deposits of Britam—Of Europe—Of North America—Life of the period—Climate of the period as indicated by the Invertebrate animals—The Pliocene Mammalia —Literature relating to the Tertiary deposits and their fossils, 323-333 CHAPTER COW: The Post-Pliocene period—Division of the Quaternary deposits into Post-Pliocene and Recent—Relations of the Post-Pliocene de- posits of the northern hemisphere to the ‘‘ Glacial period ”— Pre-Glacial deposits—Glacial deposits—Arctic Mollusca in Gla- cial beds—Post-Glacial deposits—Nature and mode of formation of high-level and low-level gravels—Nature and mode of forma- tion of cavern-deposits—Kent’s Cavern—Post-Pliocene deposits of the southern hemisphere, : ; : ; : - 334-344 GHAP TE Reet: Life of the Post-Pliocene period—Effect of the coming on and de- parture of the Glacial period upon the animals inhabiting the northern hemisphere—Birds of the Post-Pliocene—Mammalia of the Post-Pliocene— Climate of the Post-Glacial period as deduced from the Post-Glacial Mammals—Occurrence of the bones and implements of Man in Post-Pliocene deposits in association with the remains of extinct Mammalia—Literature relating to the Post- Pliocene period, : : : : : : : - 344-366 CHAPTER YU XX: The succession of life upon the globe—Gradual and successive intro- duction of life-forms—What is meant by ‘‘ lower ” and ‘‘ higher” groups of animals and plants—Succession in time of the great groups of animals in the main corresponding with their zoological order—Identical phenomena in the vegetable kingdom—Persist- ent types of life—High organisation of many early forms—Bear- ings of Palzontology on the general doctrine of Evolution, 367-374 APPENDIX. —Tabular view of the chief Divisions of the Animal Kingdom, ; P , ° : ; ; ‘ - 375-378 GLOSSARY, s e e e e e e e e Ld 379-395 INDEX, . ° . : ° ° ~ : ; - - 396-407 Oo um B EY: 2. = 14. i. kG. 17, . Microscopic . Organisms EIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. . Cast of Zrigonia longa, . Microscopic section of the wood of a fossil Conifer, . Microscopic section of the wood of the Larch, . Section of Carboniferous strata, Kinghorn, Fife, . Diagram illustrating the formation of stratified deposits, . Microscopic section of a calcareous breccia, section of White Chalk, in Atlantic Ooze, ; : . Crinoidal marble, . Piece of Nummulitic lime- stone, Pyramids, Microscopic section of Fo- raminiferal limestone— Carboniferous, Amer- ica, : : F Microscopic section of Lower Silurian lime- stone, ; Microscopic section of oolitic limestone, Ju- rassic, ; - Microscopic section of ooolitic limestone, Car- ‘boniferous, Organisms in Barbadoes earth, Organisms in " Richmond earth, Ideal section of the crust of the earth, PAGE FIG. 12 | 18 13 19 I3 | 20 16 | 21 22 17 23 19 24 22 25 23 | 26 24 27 25 28 29 30 27 | 31 32 27 33 29 | 34 30 | 35 33 36 BS NL: 38 43 | 39 . Microscopic . Microscopic . Unconformable junction PAGE of Chalk and Eocene : rocks, . Erect trunk ofa Sigillaria, . Diagrammatic section of the Laurentian rocks, section of Laurentian limestone, . Fragment of a mass of Eozoon Canadense, . Diagram illustrating the structure of Hozo0n, section of Lozoon Canadense, . LVonionina and Gromia, . . Group of shells of living Foraminifera, . Diagrammatic section of Cambrian strata, . Lophyton Linneanum, . Oldhamia antiqua, . Scolithus Canadensis, . Group of Cambrian Trilo- bites, . Group of characteristic Cambrian fossils, < . Fragment of Dictyonema soctale, : (C@oncmlced Berio inf the Lower Silurian rocks of Wales, . ° Coneeliced section of the Lower Silurian rocks of North America, . Licrophycus Ottawaensis, . Astylospongia premorsa, . . Stromatopora rugosa, : . Dichograptus octobrachiatus, 10% 94. 06 97 08 99 XVi LIST OF . Didymograptus divarica- tus, - Diplogr aptus pristis, . Phyllograptus typus, : Zaphrentis Stokest, . . Strombodes pentagonus, . Columnaria alveolata, . Group of Cystideans, . Group of Lower Silurian Crustaceans, . Ptilodictya falciformis, . Ptilodictya Schaffert, . Group of Lower Silurian Brachiopods, . Group of Lower Silurian Brachiopods, . Murchisonia gracits, . Bellerophon argo, . Maclurea crenulata, . Orthoceras crebriseptum, . Restoration of Orthoceras, . Generalised section of the Upper Silurian rocks, . Monograptus priodon, . Halysites catenularia and fH. agglomerata, . . Group of Upper Silurian Star-fishes, . Protaster Sedewickii, . Group of Upper Silurian Crinoids, . Planolites vulgaris, . : . Group of Upper Silurian Trilobites, . . Pterygotus Anglicus, . Group of Upper Silurian Polyzoa, . Spirifera hysterica, . Group of Upper Silurian Brachiopods, . Group of Upper Silurian Brachiopods, . Pentamerus Knightit, . Cardiola interrupta, C. fibrosa, and Fterinea subfalcata, . . Group of Upper Silurian Univalves, . Lentaculites ornatus, . Pteraspis Banksii, .« . Onchus tenuistriatus and Thelodus, . . Generalised section of the of Devonian rocks North America, . Psilophyton princeps, ILLUSTRATIONS. 115. 116. 117. . Generalised . Prototaxites Logani, . Stromatopora tuberculata, . Cystiphyllum vesiculosum, . Zaphrentis cornicula, . Heliophyllum exiguum, . Crepidophyllum Archiact, . Favosites Gothlandica, . Favosites hemispherica, . Spirorbis omphalodes and S. Arkonensts, . Spirorbis laxus and S. spinulifera, . Group of Devonian Tri- lobites, . Wing of Platephemera antiqua, . Clathropora intertexta, : . Certopora Hamiltonensis, . Fenestella magnifica, . Retepora Phillipsi, . Lenestella cribrosa, . Spirtfera sculptilis, . Spirifera mucronata, . Atrypa reticularis, . Strophomena rhomboid - alis, . Platyceras dumosum, . Conularia ornata, . Clymenia Sedgwickit, . Group of Fishes from the Devonian rocks of North America, . Cephalaspis Lyelit, . Pterichihys cornutus, . . Polypterus and Osteolepis, . Holoptychius nobilisst- MUS, . ‘ : ; section of the Carboniferous rocks of the North of Eng- land, ; Odontopteri 7s Schlotheimii, . Calamites canneformis, II0. III. . Stigmaria ficoides, . Trigonocarpum ovatum, IT4. Lepidodendron Sternbergit, Sigillaria Greseri, Microscopic section of Foraminiferal limestone —Carboniferous, North America, . : 4 Fusulina cylindrica, . Group of Carboniferous Corals, Platycrinus tricontadac- tylts, . . ‘ : 143 145 148 149 15! 154 154 161 164 165 167 168 169 170 172 172 174 175 LIST OF . Pentremites pyriformis and P. conoideus, : A rcheocidaris ellipticus, . Spirorbis Carbonarius, . Prestwichia rotundato, : . Group of Carboniferous Crustaceans, : : Cyclophthalmus senior, . Aylobius Sigillaria, Haplophlebium Barnesi, . Group of Carboniferous Polyzoa, . Group of Carboniferous Brachiopoda, . Pupa vetusta, . Goniatites Fosse, : . Amblypterus macropterus, 131. Cochhodus contortus, 132. Anthracosaurus Russell, 133. Generalised section of the Permian rocks, 134. Walchia piniformis, 135. Group of Permian Bra- chiopods, 136. Arca antigua, : . 137. Llatysomus gibbosus, 138. Protorosaurus Speneri, . 139. Generalised section of the Triassic rocks, 140. Zamia spiralis, ‘ 141. Triassic Conifers and Cycads, 142. Encrinus liliiformis, Aspidura loricata, Group of Triassic Bi- valves, : 145. Ceratites nodosus, . . 146. Tooth of Ceratodus ser- ratus and C. altus, 147. Ceratodus Fostert, 148. Footprints of Cheiro- therium, 149. Section of tooth of Laby- rinthodont, 150. Skullof Mastodonsaur US, 151. Skull of Rhynchosaurus, 152. Lelodon, Nothosaurus, Paleosaurus, &c., 153. Placodus gigas, 154. Skulls of Dicynodon and Oudenodon, . Supposed footprint of Bird, from the Trias of Connecticut, . Lower jaw of ‘Droma- thertum sylvestre, 2 ILLUSTRATIONS. 157. Molar tooth of Jficro- 176 lestes antiquus, j 177 | 158. Ayrmecobius fasciatus, . 178 | 159. Generalised section of 179 the Jurassic rocks, 160. Aantellia megalophylla, 180 | 161. Zhecosmilia annularis, 181 | 162. Pentacrinus fasciculosus, 182 | 163. Hemucidaris crenularts, . 182 | 164. Eryon arctiformis, | 165. Group of Jurassic Bra- 183 chiopods, 166. Ostrea Marshit, 185 | 167. Gryphea incurva, . 186 | 168. Dauceras arietina, 187 | 169. Nerinea Goodhallit, 188 | 170. Ammonites Oia 189 anus, 190 | 171. Ammonttes bifrons, 172. Leloteuthis subcostata, 195 | 173. Belemnite restored ; dia- 196 gram of Belemnite ; Belemnites canaliculata, 198 | 174. TZetragonolepis, 199 | 175. Acrodus nobilts, 199 | 176. Lehthyosaurus communts, 201 | 177. Plestosaurus dolichodetrus, 178. Pterodactylus crasstros- 206 CFOS 208 | 179. Ramphorhynchus ‘Buch- landi, restored, 209 | 180. Skull of Mesalsaupus, | ; 210 | 181. Archeopteryx macrura, 210 | 182. Archeopteryx, restored, 183. Jaw of Amphitherium 211 Prevostit, 212 | 184. Jaws of Oolitic Mam- mals, ; 214 | 185. Generalised section of 215 the Cretaceous rocks, . 186. Cretaceous Angiosperms, 216 | 187. Rotalia Bouecana, . 188. Szphonia ficus, 217 | 189. Ventriculites simplex, 217 | 190. Synhelia Sharpeana, 218 | 191. Galerites albogalerus, 192. Discoidea cylindrica, 219 | 193. Escharina Oceant, 220 | 194. Terebratella Astieriana, . 195. Crania [gnabergensis, 221 | 196. Ostrea Coulont, 197. Spondylus spinosus, 198. Lnoceramus sulcatus, 222 | 199. Hippurites Toucasiana, . 200. Voluta elongata, 223 | 201. Nautilus Danicus, XVII 222 224 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 230 236 236 237 238 238 240 241 241 242 242 244 246 248 249 252 252 254 254 260 263 264. 265 265 266 267 267 268 268 269 269 270 270 271 271 272 XVili 202. LIST OF Ancyloceras Matheroni- anus, : PEt aoe Beers: 203. 204. Forms of Cretaceous Ammonitide, 205. Belemnitella mucronata, 206. Tooth of Aybodus, 207. Fin-spine of Hybodus, 208. Beryx Lewesiensis and Osmeroides Manitellz, 209. Teeth of /guanodon, 210. Skull of Mosasaurus Campert, 211. Chelone Bensted, : 212. Jaws and vertebrze of Odontornithes, 213. Fruit of Nzpadites, 214. Nummulina levigata, 215. Lurbinola sulcata, 216. Cardita planicosta, 217. Typhis tubtfer, 218. Cyprea elegans, 219. Certthium hexagonum, 220. Limnea pyramidalis, 221. Physa columnaris, 222. Cyclostoma Arnoudii, 223. Rhombus minimus, 224. Otodus obliguus, 225. Myhobatis Edwardsiz, 226. Upper jaw of Alligator, 227. Skul» of Odontopter. yx toliapicus, 228. Zeuglodon cetoides, 220. Palazotherium magnumne, restored, . 230. Feet of Aguide, 231. Anoplotherium commune, 232. Skull of Dinoceras mir- abilts, 233. Vesper tilio Parisiens S05, 234. Miocene Palms, 35. Flatanus aceroides, 236. Cinnamomum PRO phum, . 2 Textularia Mey eriana, : . Scutella subrotunda, ILLUSTRATIONS. 239. Hyalea Orbignyana, 273 240. Tooth of Oxyrhina, 274 | 241. Tooth of Carcharodon, 242. Andrias Scheuchzeri, 274 243. Skull of Svontotherium 275 tngens, : 275 244. Hippopotamus Sue 275 245. Skull of Stvatherium, 246. Skull of Deinotherium, 276 247. Tooth of Llephas plani-— 278 | trons and of Mastodon | ‘ Szvalensis, . 279 | 248. Jaw of Pliopithecus, 280 | 249. Rhinoceros Etruscus and R. megarhinus, . 282 | 250. Molar tooth of Mastodon 290 Arvernensis, 291 251. Molar tooth of Elephas 292 meridionalts, : 293 | 252. Mola tooth of Elephas 293 antiquus, . 293 | 253. Skull and tooth of Ma- 204 chairodus cultridens, 204 | 254. Fecten /slandicus, 294 | 255. Diagram of high-ley el 204 and low-level gravels, 295 | 256. Diagrammatic section of 206 | Cave, 296 | 257. Dinornis elephantopus, 297 | 258. Skull of Diprotodon, 259. Skull of 7hylacoleo, 298 | 260. Skeleton of A/egatherium, 299 | 261. Skeleton of A4/odon, 262. Glyptodon clavifpes, 301 | 263. Skull of Rhinoceros ticho- 302 | rhinus, 303 264. Skeleton of Cervus mega CErOS, 304 | 265. Skull of Bos p imigenius, 305 266. Skeleton of Mammoth, 309 | 267. Molar tooth of Mam- 309 moth, ‘ . 268. Skull of Ursus speleus, 309 | 269. Skull of Hyena spelea, 311 | 270. Lower jaw of Zvogon- 312 | therium Cuviert, . Go Go U2 nur or C*# Our cn OS Au Pe ie PewN Clink ES OF), PALBONTOLOGY: 0 leh ie ANCIENT LIPE-HISTORY OF THE BARTEL. INTRODUCTION THE LAws OF GEOLOGICAL ACTION. UNDER the general title of “ Geology” are usually included at least two distinct branches of inquiry, allied to one another in the closest manner, and yet so distinct as to be largely capable of separate study. Geo/ogy,* in its strict sense, is the science which is concerned with the investigation of the materials which compose the earth, the methods in which those materials have been arranged, and the causes and modes of origin of these arrangements. In this limited aspect, Geology is nothing more than the Physical Geography of the past, just as Physical Geo- graphy is the Geology of to-day ; and though it has to call in the aid of Physics, Astronomy, Mineralogy, Chemistry, and other allies more remote, it is in itself a perfectly distinct and individual study. One has, however, only to cross the thresh- old of Geology to discover that the field and scope of the science cannot be thus rigidly limited to purely physical pro- blems. The study of the physical development of the earth throughout past ages brings us at once in contact with the forms of animal and vegetable life which peopled its surface in bygone epochs, and it is found impossible adequately to com- * Gr. gé, the earth ; Jogos, a discourse. 2 PRINCIPLES OF PALAZONTOLOGY. prehend the former, unless we possess some knowledge of the latter. However great its physical advances may be, Geology remains imperfect till it is wedded with Palzontology,* a study which essentially belongs to the vast complex of the Biologi- cal Sciences, but at the same time has its strictly geological side. Dealing, as it does, wholly with the consideration of such living beings as do not belong exclusively to the present order of things, Palzeontology is, in reality, a branch of Natu- ral History, and may be regarded as substantially the Zoology and Botany of the past. It is the ancient life-history of the earth, as revealed to us by the labours of palzeontologists, with which we have mainly to do here; but before entering upon this, there are some general questions, affecting Geology and Paleontology alike, which may be very briefly discussed. The working geologist, dealing in the main with purely phy- sical problems, has for his object to determine the material structure of the earth, and to investigate, as far as may be, the long chain of causes of which that structure is the ultimate re- sult. No wider or more extended field of inquiry could be found ; but philosophical geology is not content with this. At all the confines of his science, the transcendental geologist finds himself confronted with some of the most stupendous problems which have ever engaged the restless intellect of humanity. The origin and primeeval constitution of the terres- trial globe, the laws of geologic action through long ages of vicissitude and development, the origin of life, the nature and source of the myriad complexities of living beings, the advent of man, possibly even the future history of the earth, are amongst the questions with which the geologist has to grapple in his higher capacity. These are problems which have occupied the attention of philosophers in every age of the world, and in periods long antecedent to the existence of a science of geology. The mere existence of cosmogonies in the religion of almost every nation, both ancient and modern, is a sufficient proof of the eager de- sire of the human mind to know something of the origin of the earth on which we tread. Every human being who has gazed on the vast panorama of the universe, though it may have been but with the eyes of a child, has felt the longing to solve, how- ever imperfectly, “the riddle of the painful earth,” and has, consciously or unconsciously, elaborated some sort of a theory as to the why and wherefore of what he sees. Apart from the profound and perhaps inscrutable problems which lie at the bottom of human existence, men have in all ages invented * Gr. palaios, ancient ; onta, beings ; logos, discourse. _ THE LAWS OF GEOLOGICAL ACTION. 3 theories to explain the common phenomena of the material universe ; and most of these theories, however varied in their details, turn out on examination to have a common root, and to be based on the same elements. Modern geology has its own theories on the same subject, and it will be well to glance for a moment at the principles underlying the old and the new views. It has been maintained, as a metaphysical hypothesis, that there exists in the mind of man an inherent principle, in virtue of which he believes and expects that what has been, will be ; and that the course of nature will be a continuous and unin- terrupted one. So far, however, from any such belief existing as a necessary consequence of the constitution of the human mind, the real fact seems to be that the contrary belief has been almost universally prevalent. In all old religions, and in the philosophical systems of almost all ancient nations, the order of the universe has been regarded as distinctly unstable, mutable, and temporary. A beginning and an end have always been assumed, and the course of terrestrial events between these two indefinite points has been regarded as liable to con- stant interruption by revolutions and catastrophes of different kinds, in many cases emanating from supernatural sources. Few of the more ancient theological creeds, and still fewer of the ancient philosophies, attained body and shape without containing, in some form or another, the belief in the existence of periodical convulsions, and of alternating cycles of destruc- tion and repair. That geology, in its early infancy, should have become im- bued with the spirit of this belief, is no more than might have been expected ; and hence arose the at one time powerful and generally-accepted doctrine of “ Catastrophism.” That the succession of phenomena upon the globe, whereby the earth’s crust had assumed the configuration and composition which we find it to possess, had been a discontinuous and broken succession, was the almost inevitable conclusion of the older geologists. Everywhere in their study of the rocks they met with apparently impassable gaps, and breaches of continuity that could not be bridged over. Everywhere they found them- selves conducted abruptly from one system of deposits to others totally different in mineral character or in stratigraphical position. Everywhere they discovered that well-marked and easily recognisable groups of animals and plants were succeeded, without the intermediation of any obvious lapse of time, by other assemblages of organic beings of a different character. Everywhere they found evidence that the earth’s crust had 4 PRINCIPLES OF PALAONTOLOGY. undergone changes of such magnitude as to render it seemingly irrational to suppose that they could have been produced by any process now in existence. If we add to the above the prevalent belief of the time as to the comparative brevity of the period which had elapsed since the birth of the globe, we can readily understand the general acceptance of some form of catastrophism amongst the earlier geologists. As regards its general sense and substance, the doctrine of catastrophism held that the history of the earth, since first it emerged from the primitive chaos, had been one of periods of repose, alternating with catastrophes and cataclysms of a more or less violent character. The periods of tranquillity were sup- posed to have been long and protracted ; and during each of them it was thought that one of the great geological ‘‘ forma- tions” was deposited. In each of these periods, therefore, the condition of the earth was supposed to be much the same as it is now—sediment was quietly accumulated at the bottom of the sea, and animals and plants flourished uninterruptedly in suc- cessive generations. Each period of tranquillity, however, was believed to have been, sooner or later, put an end to by a sudden and awful convulsion of nature, ushering in a brief and paroxysmal period, in which the great physical forces were unchained and permitted to spring into a portentous activity. The forces of subterranean fire, with their concomitant pheno- mena of earthquake and volcano, were chiefly relied upon as the efficient causes of these periods of spasm and revolution. Enormous elevations of portions of the earth’s crust were thus believed to be produced, accompanied by corresponding and equally gigantic depressions of other portions. In this way new ranges of mountains were produced, and previously exist- ing ranges levelled with the ground, seas were converted into dry land, and continents buried beneath the ocean—catastrophe following catastrophe, till the earth was rendered uninhabitable, and its races of animals and plants were extinguished, never to reappear in the same form. Finally, it was believed that this feverish activity ultimately died out, and that the ancient peace once more came to reign upon the earth. As the abnormal throes and convulsions began to be relieved, the dry land and sea once more resumed their relations of stability, the condi- tions of life were once more established, and new races of ani- mals and plants sprang into existence, to last until the super- vention of another fever-fit. Such is the past history of the globe, as sketched for us, in alternating scenes of fruitful peace and revolutionary destruc- tion, by the earlier geologists. As before said, we cannot THE LAWS OF GEOLOGICAL ACTION. 5 wonder at the former general acceptance of Catastrophistic doctrines. Even in the light of our present widely-increased knowledge, the series of geological monuments remains a broken and imperfect one ; nor can we ever hope to fill up completely the numerous gaps with which the geological record is defaced. Catastrophism was the natural method of accounting for these gaps, and, as we shall see, it possesses a basis of truth. At present, however, catastrophism may be said to be nearly ex- tinct, a place is taken by the modern doctrine of ‘ Con- tinuity ” or “‘ Uniformity ”—a doctrine with which the name of Lyell cet ever remain imperishably associated. The fundamental thesis of the doctrine of Uniformity is, that, in spite of all apparent violations of continuity, the se- quence of geological phenomena has in reality been a regular and uninterrupted one; and that the vast changes which can be shown to have passed over the earth in former periods have been the result of the slow and ceaseless working of the ordi- nary physical forces—acting with no greater intensity than they do now, but acting through enormously prolonged periods. The essential element in the theory of Continuity is to be found in the allotment of indefinite time for the accomplishment of the known series of geological changes. It is obviously the case, namely, that there are two possible explanations of all phenomena which lie so far concealed in “the dark backward and abysm of time,” that we can have no direct knowledge of the manner in which they were produced. We may, on the one hand, suppose them to be the result of some very powerful cause, acting through a short period of time. ‘That is Catas- trophism. Or, we may suppose them to be caused by a much weaker force operating through a proportionately prolonged period. This is the view of the Uniformitarians. It is a ques- tion of exergy versus time ; and it 1s “me which is the true ele- ment of the case. An earthquake may remove a mountain in the course of a few seconds; but the dropping of the gentle rain will do the same, if we extend its operations over a millen- nium. And this is true of all agencies which are now at work, or ever have been at work, upon our planet. The Catastro- phists, believing that the globe is but, as it were, the birth of. yesterday, were driven of necessity to the conclusion that its history had been checkered by the intermittent action of par- oxysmal and almost inconceivably potent forces. The Unifor- mitarians, on the other hand, maintaining the “ adequacy of existing causes,” and denying that the known physical forces ever acted in past time with greater intensity than they do at present, are, equally of necessity, driven to the conclusion that. 6 PRINCIPLES OF PALZONTOLOGY. the world is truly in its “hoary eld,” and that its present state is really the result of the tranquil and regulated action of known forces through unnumbered and innumerable centuries. The most important point for us, in the present connection, is the bearing of these opposing doctrines upon the question as to the origin of the existing terrestrial order. On any doc- trine of uniformity that order has been evolved slowly, and, according to law, from a pre-existing order. Any doctrine of catastrophism, on the other hand, carries with it, by implica- tion, the belief that the present order of things was brought about suddenly and irrespective of any pre-existent order; and it is important to hold clear ideas as to which of these beliefs is the true one. In the first place, we may postulate that the world had a beginning, and, equally, that the existing terrestrial order had a beginning. However far back we may go, geology does not, and cannot, reach the actual beginning of the world ; and we are, therefore, left simply to our own speculations on this point. With regard, however, to the existing terrestrial order, a great deal can be discovered, and to do so is one of the principal tasks of geological science. The first steps in the production of that order lie buried in the profound and un- searchable depths of a past so prolonged as to present itself to our finite minds as almost an eternity. The last steps are in the prophetic future, and can be but dimly guessed at. Be- tween the remote past and the distant future, we have, however, a long period which is fairly open to inspection ; and in saying a ‘‘long”’ period, it is to be borne in mind that this term is used in its geological sense. Within this period, enormously long as it is when measured by human standards, we can trace with reasonable certainty the progressive march of events, and can determine the laws of geological action, by which the pre- sent order of things has been brought about. The natural belief on this subject doubtless is, that the world, such as we now see it, possessed its present form and configuration from the beginning. Nothing can be more natural than the belief that the present continents and oceans have always been where they are now; that we have always had the same mountains and plains; that our rivers have always had their present courses, and our lakes their present positions; that our climate has always been the same; and that our animals and plants have always been identical with those now familiar to us. Nothing could be more natural than such a belief, and nothing could be further removed from the actual truth. On the contrary, a very slight acquaintance with geology shows us, in the words of Sir John Herschel, that THE LAWS. OF GEOLOGICAL, ACTION. Ti “the actual configuration of our continents and islands, the coast-lines of our maps, the direction and elevation of our mountain-chains, the courses of our rivers, and the soundings of our oceans, are not things primordially arranged in the con- struction of our globe, but results of successive and complex actions on a former state of things; /¢/at, again, of similar actions on another still more remote; and so on, till the ori- ginal and really permanent state is pushed altogether out of sight and beyond the reach even of imagination ; while on the other hand, a similar, and, as far as we can see, interminable vista is opened out for the future, by which the habitability of our planet is secured amid the total abolition on it of the present theatres of terrestrial life.” Geology, then, teaches us that the physical features which now distinguish the earth’s surface have been produced as the ultimate result of an almost endless succession of precedent changes. Palzontology teaches us, though not yet in such assured accents, the same lesson. Our present animals and plants have not been produced, in their innumerable forms, each as we now know it, as the sudden, collective, and simul- taneous birth of a renovated world. On the contrary, we have the clearest evidence that some of our existing animals and plants made their appearance upon the earth at a much earlier period than others. In the confederation of animated nature some races can boast of an immemorial antiquity, whilst others are comparative parvenus. We have also the clearest evidence that the animals and plants which: now inhabit the globe have been preceded, over and over again, by other different assem- blages of animals and plants, which have flourished in. succes- sive periods of the earth’s history, have reached their culmina- tion, and then have given way to a fresh series of living beings. We have, finally, the clearest evidence that these successive groups of animals and plants (faunze and flore) are to a greater or less extent directly connected with one another. Each group is, to a greater or less extent, the lineal descendant of the group which immediately preceded it in point of time, and is more or less fully concerned with giving origin to the group which immediately follows it. That this law of ‘“ evolution” has prevailed to a great extent is quite certain; but it does not meet all the exigencies of the case, and it is probable that its action has been supplemented by some still unknown law of a different character. We shall have to consider the question of geological “ con- tinuity” again. In the meanwhile, it is sufficient to state that this doctrine is now almost universally accepted as the basis 8 PRINCIPLES OF PALZONTOLOGY. of all inquiries, both in the domain of geology and that of paleontology. The advocates of continuity possess one im- mense advantage over those who believe in violent and revo- lutionary convulsions, that they call into play only agencies of which we have actual knowledge. We vow that certain forces are now at work, producing certain modifications in the present condition of the globe; and we £zow that these forces are capable of producing the vastest of the changes which geology brings under our consideration, provided we assign a time proportionately vast for their operation. On the other hand, the advocates of catastrophism, to make good their views, are compelled to invoke forces and actions, both de- structive and restorative, of which we have, and can have, no direct knowledge. They endow the whirlwind and the earth- quake, the central fire and the rain from heaven, with powers as mighty as ever imagined in fable, and they build up the fragments of a repeatedly shattered world by the intervention of an intermittently active creative power. It should not be forgotten, however, that from one point of view there is a truth in catastrophism which is sometimes overlooked by the advocates of continuity and uniformity. Catastrophism has, as its essential feature, the proposition that the known and existing forces of the earth at one time acted with much greater intensity and violence than they do at pre- sent, and they carry down the period of this excessive action to the commencement of the present terrestrial order. The Uniformitarians, in effect, deny this proposition, at any rate as regards any period of the earth’s history of which we have actual cognisance. If, however, the “nebular hypothesis” of the origin of the universe be well founded—as is generally ad- mitted—then, beyond question, the earth 1s a gradually cooling body, which has at one time been very much hotter than it is at present. There has been a time, therefore, in which the igneous forces of the earth, to which we owe the phenomena of earthquakes and volcanoes, must have been far more intensely active than we can conceive of from anything that we can see at the present day. By the same hypothesis, the sun is a cooling body, and must at one time have possessed a much higher temperature than it has at present. But increased heat of the sun would seriously alter the existing conditions affect- ing the evaporation and precipitation of moisture on our earth ; and hence the aqueous forces may also have acted at one time more powerfully than they do now. The fundamental prin- ciple of catastrophism is, therefore, not wholly vicious; and we have reason to think that there must have been periods— THE LAWS OF GEOLOGICAL ACTION. 9 very remote, it is true, and perhaps unrecorded in the history of the earth—in which the known physical forces may have acted with an intensity much greater than direct observation would lead us to imagine. And this may be believed, alto- gether irrespective of those great secular changes by which hot or cold epochs are produced, and which can hardly be called “ catastrophistic,” as they are produced gradually, and are liable to recur at definite intervals. Admitting, then, that there zs a truth at the bottom of the once current doctrines of catastrophism, still it remains certain that the history of the earth has been one of /azw in all past time, as itis now. Nor need we shrink back affrighted at the vastness of the conception—the vaster for its very vagueness —that we are thus compelled to form as to the duration of geological time. As we grope our way backward through the dark labyrinth of the ages, epoch succeeds to epoch, and period to period, each looming more gigantic in its outlines and more shadowy in its features, as it rises, dimly revealed, from the mist and vapour of an older and ever-older past. It is useless to add century to century or millennium to millen- nium. When we pass a certain boundary-line, which, after all, is reached very soon, figures cease to convey to our finite faculties any real notion of the periods with which we have to deal. The astronomer can employ material illustrations to give form and substance to our conceptions of celestial space; but such a resource is unavailable to the geologist. The few thousand years of which we have historical evidence sink into absolute insignificance beside the unnumbered eons which unroll themselves one by one as we penetrate the dim recesses of the past, and decipher with feeble vision the pon- derous volumes in which the record of the earth is written. Vainly does the strained intellect seek to overtake an ever- receding commencement, and toil to gain some adequate grasp of an apparently endless succession. A beginning there must have been, though we can never hope to fix its point. Even speculation droops her wings in the attenuated atmosphere of a past so remote, and the light of imagination is quenched in the darkness of a history so ancient. In “me, as in space, the confines of the universe must ever remain concealed from us ; and of the end we know no more than of the beginning. In- conceivable as is to us the lapse of ‘“ geological time,” it is no more than ‘‘a mere moment of the past, a mere infinitesimal portion of eternity.” Well may “‘the human heart, that weeps and trembles,” say, with Richter’s pilgrim through celestial space, “I will go no farther; for the spirit of man acheth with 10 PRINCIPLES OF PALAONTOLOGY. this infinity. Insufferable is the glory of God. Let me lie down in the grave, and hide me from the persecution of the Infinite, for end, I see, there is none.” CHAPTER: § THE SCOPE AND MATERIALS OF PALZONTOLOGY. The study of the rock-masses which constitute the crust of the earth, if carried out in the methodical and scientific manner of the geologist, at once brings us, as has been before remarked, in contact with the remains or traces of living beings which formerly dwelt upon the globe. Such remains are found, in greater or less abundance, in the great majority of rocks; and they are not only of great interest in themselves, but they have proved of the greatest importance as throwing light upon vari- ous difficult problems in geology, in natural history, in botany, and in philosophy. Their study constitutes the science of paleontology ; and though it is possible to proceed to a cer- tain length in geology and zoology without much palzontolo- gical knowledge, it is hardly possible to attain to a satisfac- tory general acquaintance with either of these subjects with- out having mastered the leading facts of the first. Similarly, it is not possible to study palzontology without some ac- quaintance with both geology and natural history. PALZONTOLOGY, then, is the science which treats of the living beings, whether animal or vegetable, which have -in- habited the earth during past periods of its history. Its object is to eludicate, as far as may be, the structure, mode of exist- ence, and habits of all such ancient forms of life; to determine their position in the scale of organised beings; to lay down the geographical limits within which they flourished ; and to fix the period of their advent and disappearance. It is the ancient life-history of the earth ; and were its record complete, it would furnish us with a detailed knowledge of the form and relations of all the animals and plants which have at any period flourished upon the land-surfaces of the globe or inhabited its waters ; it would enable us to determine precisely their succes- sion in time; and it would place in our hands an unfailing key to the problems of evolution. Unfortunately, from causes which will be subsequently discussed, the palzontological record is extremely imperfect, and our knowledge is inter- THE SCOPE OF PALATSONTOLOGY. II rupted by gaps, which not only bear a large proportion to our solid information, but which in many cases are of such a nature that we can never hope to fill them up. Fossits.—The remains of animals or vegetables which we now find entombed in the solid rock, and which constitute the working material of the palzeontologist, are termed “fossils,” * or “‘petrifactions.” In most cases, as can be readily under- stood, fossils are the actual hard parts of animals and plants which were in existence when the rock in which they are now found was being deposited. Most fossils, therefore, are of the nature of the shells of shell-fish, the skeletons of coral-zoophytes, the bones of vertebrate animals, or the wood, bark, or leaves of plants. All such bodies are more or less of a hard consist- ence to begin with, and are capable of resisting decay for a longer or shorter time—hence the frequency with which they occur in the fossil condition. Strictly speaking, however, by the term “fossil” must be understood ‘any body, or the traces of the existence of any body, whether animal or vegetable, which has been buried in the earth by natural causes” (Lyell). We shall find, in fact, that many of the objects which we have to study as “fossils” have never themselves actually formed parts of any animal or vegetable, though they are due to the former existence of such organisms, and indicate what was the nature of these. Thus the footprints left by birds, or reptiles, or quadrupeds upon sand or mud, are just as much proofs of the former existence of these animals as would be bones, feathers, or scales, though in themselves they are inorganic. Under the head of fossils, therefore, come the footprints of air-breathing vertebrate animals; the tracks, trails, and bur- rows of sea-worms, crustaceans, or molluscs; the impressions left on the sand by stranded jelly-fishes ; the burrows in stone or wood of certain shell-fish; the “moulds” or “casts” of shells, corals, and other organic remains; and various other bodies of a more or less similar nature. FOssILisaTIoN.—The term ‘‘fossilisation” is applied to all those processes through which the remains of organised beings may pass in being converted into fossils. These processes are numerous and varied ; but there are three principal modes of fossilisation which alone need be considered here. In the first instance, the fossil is to all intents and purposes an actual portion of the original organised being—such as a bone, a shell, or a piece of wood. In some rare instances, as in the case of the body of the Mammoth discovered embedded in ice at the mouth of the Lena in Siberia, the fossil may be preserved * Lat. fossus, dug up. 12 PRINCIPLES OF PALZZONTOLOGY. almost precisely in its original condition, and even with its soft parts uninjured. More commonly, certain changes have taken place in the fossil, the principal being the more or less total removal of the organic matter originally present. Thus bones become light and porous by the removal of their gela- tine, so as to cleave to the tongue on being applied to that organ; whilst shells become fragile, and lose their primitive colours. In other cases, though practically the real body it represents, all the cavities of the fossil, down to its minutest recesses, may have become infiltrated with mineral matter. It need hardly be added, that it is in the more modern rocks that we find the fossils, as a rule, least changed from their former condition; but the original structure is often more or less com- pletely retained in some of the fossils from even the most ancient formations. In the second place, we very frequently meet with fossils in the state of “casts” or moulds of the original organic body. What occurs in this case will be readily understood if we ima- gine any common bivalve shell, as an Oyster, or Mussel, or Cockle, embedded in clay or mud. If the clay were sufficiently soft and fluid, the first thing would be that it would gain access to the interior of the shell, and would completely fill up the space between the valves. The pressure, also, of the surround- ing matter would insure that the clay would everywhere ad- here closely to the exterior of the shell. If now we suppose the clay to be in any way hardened so as to be converted into stone, and if we were to break up the stone, we should obvi- ously have the following state of parts. The clay which filled the shell would form an accurate cast of the zzferzor of the shell, and the clay outside would give us an exact impression or cast of the exterzor of the shell (fig. 1). We should have, then, two casts, an interior and an exterior, and the two would be very different to one another, since the inside of a shell is very unlike the outside. In the case, in fact, of many uni- valve shells, the interior cast or “mould” is so unlike the ex- terior cast, or unlike the shell Fig. 1.—Trigonia longa, showing casts itself, that it may be difficult to Cretandoae (Nicaea Of the shell. determine the truc @Hemayaieme former. It only remains to add that there is sometimes a further complication. If the rock be very porous and permeable by THE SCOPE OF PALZONTOLOGY. 13 water, it may happen that the original shell is entirely dissolved away, leaving the interior cast loose, like the kernel of a nut, within the case formed by the exterior cast. Or it may happen that subsequent to the attainment of this state of things, the space thus left vacant between the interior and exterior cast— the space, that is, formerly occupied by the shell itself—may be filled up by some foreign mineral deposited there by the infiltration of water. In this last case the splitting open of the rock would reveal an interior cast, an exterior cast, and finally a body which would have the exact form of the original shell, but which would be really a much later formation, and which would not exhibit under the microscope the minute structure of shell. In the third class of cases we have fossils which present with the greatest accuracy the external form, and even some- times the internal minute structure, of the original organic body, but which, nevertheless, are not themselves truly organic, but have been formed by a ‘‘ replacement” of the particles of the primitive organism by some mineral substance. The most elegant example of this is afforded by fossil wood which has been “ silicified” or converted into flint (sz/ex). In such cases we have fossil wood which presents the rings of growth and fibrous structure of recent wood, and which under the micro- scope exhibits the minutest vessels which characterise ligneous tissue, together with the even more minute markings of the vessels (fig. 2). The whole, however, instead of being com- BEX tea 310) } © TI bheston Fig. 2.— Microscopic section of the Fig. 3.—Microscopic section of the wood silicified wood of a Conifer (Seguozia) cut of the common Larch (Ades lari), cut in in the long direction of the fibres. Post- the long direction of the fibres. In boththe tertiary? Colorado. (Original.) fresh and the fossil wood (fig. 2) are seen the discs characteristic of coniferous wood, (Original. ) posed of the original carbonaceous matter of the wood, is now converted 8 flint. The only explanation that can be given 14 PRINCIPLES OF PALAONTOLOGY. of this by no means rare phenomenon, is that the wood must have undergone a slow process of decay in water charged with silica or flint in solution. As each successive particle of wood was removed by decay, its place was taken by a particle of flint deposited from the surrounding water, till ultimately the entire wood was silicified. The process, therefore, resembles what would take place if we were to pull down a house built of brick by successive bricks, replacing each brick as removed by a piece of stone of precisely the same size and form. ‘The result of this would be that the house would retain its primi- tive size, shape, and outline, but it would finally have been converted from a house of brick into a house of stone. Many other fossils besides wood—such as shells, corals, sponges, &c.—are often found silicified; and this may be regarded as the commonest form of fossilisation by replacement. In other cases, however, though the principle of the process is the same, the replacing substance may be iron pyrites, oxide of iron, sulphur, malachite, magnesite, talc, &c.; but it is rarely that the replacement with these minerals i 1S so perfect as to Pies the more delicate details of internal structure. CEVA Ray Eh THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. Fossils are found in rocks, though not universally or pro- miscuously ; and it is therefore necessary that the palzeonto- logist should possess some acquaintance with, at any rate, those rocks which yield organic remains, and which are therefore said to be “ fosszliferous.” In geological language, all the materials which enter into the composition of the solid crust of the earth, be their texture what it may—from the most im- palpable mud to the hardest granite—are termed “ rocks ;” and for our present purpose we may divide these into two great groups. In the first division are the Zeneous Rocks—such as the lavas and ashes of volcanoes—which are formed within the body of the earth itself, and which owe their structure and origin to the action of heat. The Igneous Rocks are formed primarily below the surface of the earth, which they only reach as the result of volcanic action ; they are generally destitute of distinct ‘ stratification,” or arrangement in successive layers ; and they do not contain fossils, except in the comparatively THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. 15 rare instances where volcanic ashes have enveloped animais or plants which were living in the sea or on the land in the immediate vicinity of the volcanic focus. ‘The second great division of rocks is that of the Aossiiferous, Aqueous, or Sedt- mentary Rocks. These are formed at the surface of the earth, and, as implied by one of their names, are invariably deposited in water. They are produced by vital or chemical action, or are formed from the “sediment” produced by the disintegra- tion and reconstruction of previously existing rocks, without previous solution ; they mostly contain fossils; and they are arranged in distinct layers or “strata.” The so-called ‘“ aerial” rocks which, like beds of blown sand, have been formed by the action of the atmosphere, may also contain fossils; but they are not of such importance as to require special notice here. For all practical purposes, we may consider that the Aque- ous Rocks are the natural cemetery of the animals and plants of bygone ages; and it is therefore essential that the paleeon- tological student should be acquainted with some of the prin- cipal facts as to their physical characters, their minute structure and mode of origin, their chief varieties, and their historical succession. The Sedimentary or Fossiliferous Rocks form the greater portion of that part of the earth’s crust which is open to our examination, and are distinguished by the fact that they are regularly “stratified” or arranged in distinct and definite layers or “strata.” These layers may consist of a single material, as in a block of sandstone, or they may consist of different materials. When examined on a large scale, they are always found to consist of alternations of layers of different mineral composition. We may examine any given area, and find in it nothing but one kind of rock—sandstone, perhaps, or lime- stone. In all cases, however, if we extend our examination sufficiently far, we shall ultimately come upon different rocks ; and, as a general rule, the thickness of any particular set of beds is comparatively small, so that different kinds of rock alternate with one another in comparatively small spaces. As regards the origin of the Sedimentary Rocks, they are for the most part ‘‘ derivative” rocks, being derived from the wear and tear of pre-existent rocks. Sometimes, however, they owe their origin to chemical or vital action, when they would more properly be spoken of simply as Aqueous Rocks. As to their mode of deposition, we are enabled to infer that the materials which compose them have formerly been spread out by the action of water, from what we see going on every day 16 PRINCIPLES OF PALAZSONTOLOGY. at the mouths of our great rivers, and on a smaller scale wher- ever there is running water. Every stream, where it runs into a a — = Fig. 4.—Sketch of Carboniferous strata at Kinghorn, in Fife, showing stratified beds (limestone and shales) surmounted by an unstratified mass of trap. (Original.) a lake or into the sea, carries with it a burden of mud, sand, and rounded pebbles, derived from the waste of the rocks which form its bed and banks. When these materials cease to be impelled by the force of the moving water, they sink to the bottom, the heaviest pebbles, of course, sinking first, the smaller pebbles and sand next, and the finest mud last. Ulti- mately, therefore, as might have been inferred upon theoretical grounds, and as is proved by practical experience, every lake becomes a receptacle for a series of stratified rocks produced by the streams flowing into it. These deposits may vary in different parts of the lake, according as one stream brought down one kind of material and another stream contributed another material; but in all cases the materials will bear ample evidence that they were produced, sorted, and deposited by running water. The finer beds of clay or sand will all be arranged in thicker or thinner layers or lamine ; and if there are any beds of pebbles these will all be rounded or smooth, just lke the water-worn pebbles of any brook-course. In all probability, also, we should find in some of the beds the re- THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. 17 mains of fresh-water shells or plants or other organisms which inhabited the lake at the time these beds were being de- posited. In the same way large rivers—such as the Ganges or Mississippi—deposit all the materials which they bring down at their mouths, forming in this way their “deltas.” When- ever such a delta is cut through, either by man or by some channel of the river altering its course, we find that it is com- posed of a succession of horizontal layers or strata of sand or mud, varying in mineral composition, in structure, or in grain, according to the nature of the materials brought down by the river at different periods. Such deltas, also, will contain the remains of animals which inhabit the river, with fragments of the plants which grew on its banks, or bones of the animals which lived in its basin. Nor is this action confined, of course, to large rivers only, though naturally most conspicuous in the greatest bodies of water. On,the contrary, all streams, of whatever size, are engaged in the work of wearing down the dry land, and of transporting the materials thus derived from higher to lower levels, never resting in this work till they reach the sea. Fig. 5.—Diagram io illustrate the formation of sedimentary deposits at the point where a river debouches into the sea. Lastly, the sea itself—irrespective of the materials delivered into it by rivers—is constantly preparing fresh stratified de- 18 PRINCIPLES OF PALEONTOLOGY. posits by its own action. Upon every coast-line the sea is constantly eating back into the land and reducing its com- ponent rocks to form the shingle and sand which we see upon every shore. The materials thus produced are not, however, ° lost, but are ultimately deposited elsewhere in the form of new stratified accumulations, in which are buried the remains of animals inhabiting the sea at the time. Whenever, then, we find anywhere in the interior of the land any series of beds having these characters—composed, that is, of distinct layers, the particles of which, both large and small, show distinct traces of the wearing action of water—whenever and wherever we find such rocks, we are justified in assuming that they have been deposited by water in the manner above mentioned. Either they were laid down in some former lake by the combined action of the streams which flowed into it; or they were deposited at the mouth of some ancient river, forming its delta; or they were laid down at the bottom of the ocean. In the first two cases, any fossils which the beds might contain would be the remains of fresh-water or terres- trial organisms. In the last case, the majority, at any rate, of the fossils would be the remains of marine animals. The term ‘ formation ” is employed by geologists to express “any group of rocks which have some character in common, whether of origin, age, or composition” (Lyell); so that we may speak of stratified and unstratified formations, aqueous or igneous formations, fresh-water or marine formations, and sO on. CHIEF DIVISIONS OF THE AQUEOUS ROCKS. The Aqueous Rocks may be divided into two great sections, the Mechanically-formed and the Chemically-formed, includ- ing under the last head all rocks which owe their origin to vital action, as well as those produced by ordinary chemical agencies. A. MECHANICALLY-FORMED Rocks. — These are all those Aqueous Rocks of which we can obtain proofs that their particles have been mechanically transported to their present situation. Thus, if we examine a piece of conglomerate or puddingstone, we find it to be composed of a number of rounded pebbles embedded in an enveloping matrix or paste, which is usually of a sandy nature, but may be composed of carbonate of lime (when the rock is said to be a “ calcareous — conglomerate”). The pebbles in all conglomerates are worn and rounded by the action of water in motion, and thus show THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. IQ that they have been subjected to much mechanical attrition, whilst they have been mechanically transported for a greater or less distance from the rock of which they originally formed part. The analogue of the old conglomerates at the present day is to be found in the great beds of shingle and gravel which are formed by the action of the sea on every coast-line, and which are composed of water-worn and well-rounded pebbles of different sizes. A dveccia is a mechanically-formed rock, very similar to a conglomerate, and consisting of larger or smaller fragments of rock embedded in a common matrix. The fragments, however, are in this case all more or less angular, and. are not worn or rounded. ‘The fragments in breccias may be of large size, or they may be comparatively small (fig. 6); and the matrix may be composed of sand (aren- aceous) or of carbonate of lime (calcareous). In the case of an ordinarysandstone, again, we have a rock which may be regarded as simply a very fine- &, EO a grained conglomerate or brec- yxy ia POSEN cia, being composed of small [Weezy ieapalle grains of sand (silica), some- timesrounded,sometimesmore or less angular, cemented to- gether by some such substance as oxide of iron, silicate of iron, or carbonate of lime. A sandstone, therefore, like a conglomerate, is a mechani- cally-formed rock, its compo- nent grains being equally the result of mechanical attrition Fig. 6.—Microscopic section of a calcare- ous breccia in the Lower Silurian (Coniston Limestone) of Shap Wells, Westmoreland. The fragments are all of small size, and consist of angular pieces of transparent quartz, volcanic ashes, and limestone em- bedded in a matrix of crystalline limestone. E Original. and having equally been trans- URE ported from a distance; and the same is true of the ordinary sand of the sea-shore, which is nothing more than an uncon- solidated sandstone. Other so-called sands and sandstones, though equally mechanical in their origin, are truly calcareous in their nature, and are more or less entirely composed of carbonate of lime. Of this kind are the shell-sand so com- mon on our coasts, and the coral-sand which is so largely formed in the neighbourhood of coral-reefs. In these cases the rock is composed of fragments of the skeletons of shell- fish, and numerous other marine animals, together, in many instances, with the remains of certain sea-weeds (Corallines, Nullipores, &c.) which are endowed with the power of secret- 20 PRINCIPLES OF PALZONTOLOGY. ing carbonate of lime from the sea-water. Lastly, in cer- tain rocks still finer in their texture than sandstones, such as the various mud-rocks and shales, we can still recognise a mechanical source and origin. If slices of any of these rocks sufficiently thin to be transparent are examined under the microscope, it will be found that they are composed of minute grains of different sizes, which are all more or less worn and rounded, and which clearly show, therefore, that they have been subjected to mechanical attrition. All the above-mentioned rocks, then, are mechanically-formed rocks; and they are often spoken of as “‘ Derivative Rocks,” in consequence of the fact that their particles can be shown to have been mechanically derived from other pre-existent rocks. It follows from this that every bed of any mechanically-formed rock is the measure and equivalent of a corresponding amount of destruction of some older rock. It is not necessary to enter here into a minute account of the subdivisions of these rocks, but it may be mentioned that they may be divided into two principal groups, according to their chemical composition. In the one group we have the so-called Avenaceous (Lat. arena, sand) or Svz/zceous Rocks, which are essentially composed of larger or smaller grains of flint or silica. In this group are comprised ordinary sand, the varieties of sandstone and grit, and most conglomerates and breccias. We shall, however, after- wards see that some siliceous rocks are of organic origin. In the second group are the so-called Argilaceous (Lat.- argilla, clay) Rocks, which contain a larger or smaller amount of clay or hydrated silicate of alumina in their composition. Under this head come clays, shales, marls, marl-slate, clay-slates, and most flags and flagstones. B. CHEMICALLY-FORMED Rocks.—In this section are com- prised all those Aqueous or Sedimentary Rocks which have been formed by chemical agencies. As many of these chemi- cal agencies, however, are exerted through the medium of living beings, whether animals or plants, we get into this section a number of what may be called ‘ ovganically-formed rocks.” These are of the greatest possible importance to the paleontologist, as being to a greater or less extent composed of the actual remains of animals or vegetables, and it will therefore be necessary to consider their character and struc- ture in some detail. By far the most important of the chemically-formed rocks are the so-called Calcareous Rocks (Lat. calx, lime), com- prising all those which contain a large proportion of carbonate of lime, or are wholly composed of this substance. Carbonate THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. 2I of lime is soluble in water holding a certain amount of car- bonic acid gas in solution ; and it is, therefore, found in larger or smaller quantity dissolved in all natural waters, both fresh and salt, since these waters are always to some extent charged with the above-mentioned solvent gas. A great number of aquatic animals, however, together with some aquatic plants, are endowed with the power of separating the lime thus held in solution in the water, and of reducing it again to its solid condition. In this way shell-fish, crustaceans, sea-urchins, corals, and an immense number of other animals, are enabled to construct their skeletons; whilst some plants form hard structures within their tissues in a precisely similar manner. We do meet with some calcareous deposits, such as the “stalactites” and “‘stalagmites” of caves, the ‘‘ calcareous tufa” and ‘‘travertine” of some hot springs, and the spongy calcareous deposits of so-called “ petrifying springs,” which are purely chemical in their origin, and owe nothing to the operation of living beings. Such deposits are formed simply by the precipitation of carbonate of lime from water, in con- sequence of the evaporation from the water of the carbonic acid gas which formerly held the lime in solution ; but, though sometimes forming masses of considerable thickness and of geological importance, they do not concern us here. Almost all the limestones which occur in the series of the stratified rocks are, primarily at any rate, of organic origin, and have been, directly or indirectly, produced by the action of certain lime-making animals or plants, or both combined. The pre- sumption as to all the calcareous rocks, which cannot be clearly shown to have been otherwise produced, is that they are thus organically formed ; and in many cases this presump- tion can be readily reduced to a certainty. There are many varieties of the calcareous rocks, but the following are those which are of the greatest importance :— Chalk is a calcareous rock of a generally soft and pulver- ulent texture, and with an earthy fracture. It varies in its purity, being sometimes almost wholly composed of carbonate of lime, and at other times more or less intermixed with foreign matter. Though usually soft and readily reducible to powder, chalk is occasionally, as in the north of Ireland, tolerably hard and compact; but it never assumes the crystalline aspect and stony density of limestone, except it be in immediate contact with some mass of igneous rock. By means of the microscope, the true nature and mode of formation of chalk can be determined with the greatest ease. In the case of the harder varieties, the examination can be conducted by means ‘ 22 PRINCIPLES OF PALAONTOLOGY. of slices ground down to a thinness sufficient to render them © transparent ; but in the softer kinds the rock must be disinte- grated under water, and the débris examined microscopically. When investigated by either of these methods, chalk is found to be a genuine organic rock, being composed of the shells or hard parts of innumerable marine animals of different kinds, some entire, some fragmentary, cemented together by a matrix of very finely granular carbonate of lime. Foremost amongst the animal remains which so largely compose chalk are the shells of the minute creatures which will be subsequently spoken of under the name of Foraminifera (fig. 7), and which, in spite of their, microscopic dimensions, play a more im- portant part in the process of lime-making than perhaps any other of the larger inhabitants of the ocean. As chalk is found in beds of hundreds of feet in thick- ness, and of great purity, there was long felt much difficulty in satisfactorily accounting for its mode of formation and or1- gin. By the researches of Carpenter, Wyville Thomson, Fig. 7.—Section of Gravesend Chalk, Huxley, Wallich, and others, examined by transmitted light and highly. magnified. Besides the entire shells of 1t has, however, been shown Globigerina, Rotaha, and Textularia, that there 1s now forming, in numerous detached chambers of G/odi- gerina are seen. (Original.) the profound depths of our great oceans, a deposit which is in all essential respects identical with chalk, and which is generally known as the “ Atlantic ooze,” from its having been first discovered in that sea. This ooze is found at great depths (5000 to over 15,000 feet) in both the Atlantic and Pacific, covering enormously large areas of the sea-bottom, and it presents itself as a whitish-brown, sticky, impalpable mud, very like greyish chalk when dried. Chemical examination shows that the ooze is composed almost wholly of carbonate of lime, and microscopical examination proves it to be of organic origin, and to be made up of the remains of living beings. The principal forms of these belong to the Foraminifera, and the commonest of these are the irregularly-chambered shells of Globigerina, absolutely indistinguishable from the Globigerine which are so largely present in the chalk (fig. 8). Along with these occur fragments of the skeletons of other larger creatures, THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. 23 and a certain proportion of the flinty cases of minute animal and vegetable organisms (Polycystina and Diatoms). Though many of the minute animals, the hard parts of which form the ooze, undoubtedly live at or near the surface of the sea, others, probably, really live near the bottom ; and the ooze itself forms a congenial home for numerous sponges, sea- lies, and other marine ani- mals which flourish at great depths in the sea. There is thus established an intimate and most interesting parallel- ism between the chalk and Fig. 8.—Organisms in the Atlantic Ooze, the ooze of modern oceans. chiefly Foraminifera (Globigerina and : : Textularia), with Polycystina and sponge- Both are formed essentially IN spicules; highly magnified. (Original.) the same way, and the latter only requires consolidation to become actually converted into chalk. Both are fundamentally organic deposits, apparently requiring a great depth of water for their accumulation, and mainly composed of the remains of Foraminifera, together with the entire or broken skeletons of other marine animals of greater dimensions. It is to be remembered, however, that the ooze, though strictly representative of the chalk, cannot be said in any proper sense to be actually zdentical with the for- mation so called by geologists. A great lapse of time separates the two, and though composed of the remains of representative classes or groups of animals, it is only in the case of the lowly- organised G/obigerine, and of some other organisms of little higher grade, that we find absolutely the same kinds or sfecies of animals in both. Limestone, \ike chalk, 1s composed of carbonate of lime, sometimes almost pure, but more commonly with a greater or less intermixture of some foreign material, such as alumina or silica. The varieties of limestone are almost innumerable, but the great majority can be clearly proved to agree with chalk in being essentially of organic origin, and in being more or less largely composed of the remains of living beings. In many instances the organic remains which compose limestone are so large as to be readily visible to the naked eye, and the rock is at once seen to be nothing more than an agglomera- tion of the skeletons, generally fragmentary, of certain marine animals, cemented together by a matrix of carbonate of lime. 24 PRINCIPLES OF PALAONTOLOGY. This is the case, for example, with the so-called “ Crinoidal Limestones ” and “ Encrinital Marbles” with which the geolo- gist is so familiar, especially as occurring in great beds amongst the older formations of the earth’s crust. ‘These are seen, on weathered or broken surfaces, or still better in polished slabs (fig. 9), to be composed more or less exclusively of the broken Fig 9 —Slab of Crinoidal marble, from the Carboniferous limestone of Dent, in York- shire, of the natural size. The polished surface intersects the columns of the Crinoids at different angles, and thus gives rise to varying appearances. (Original.) stems and detached plates of sea-lilies (Cvzzoids). Similarly, other limestones are composed almost entirely of the skeletons of corals; and such old coralline limestones can readily be paralleled by formations which we can find in actual course of production at the present day. We only need to transport ourselves to the islands of the Pacific, to the West Indies, or to the Indian Ocean, to find great masses of lime formed simi- larly by living corals, and well known to every one under the name of “coral-reefs.” Such reefs are often of vast extent, both superficially and in vertical thickness, and they fully equal in this respect any of the coralline limestones of bygone ages. Again, we find other limestones—such as the celebrated “Nummulitic Limestone” (fig. 10), which sometimes attains a thickness of some thousands of feet—which are almost entirely made up of the shells of Foraminifera. In the case of the “*Nummulitic Limestone,” just mentioned, these shells are of large size, varying from the size of a split pea up to that ofa THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. : 25 florin. There are, however, as we shall see, many other lime- stones, which are likewise largely made up of /oraminzfera, = Bol) AN \ \\ NG Ly TRL WANA < Nee , * Fig. 311.— Section of Carboniferous Fig. 12.—Section of Coniston Limestone Limestone from Spergen Hill, Indiana, (Lower Silurian) from Keisley, Westmore- U.S., showing numerous large-sized land; magnified. The matrix isvery coarse- Foraminifera (Endothyra) and a few ly crystalline, and the included organic re- oolitic grains; magnified. (Original.) mains are chiefly stems of Crinoids. (Ori- ginal.) sure, all traces of organic remains become annihilated, and the rock becomes completely crystalline throughout. This, for example, is the case with the ordinary white “statuary marble,” slices of which exhibit under the microscope nothing but an aggregate of beautifully transparent crystals of carbonate of lime, without the smallest traces of fossils. ‘There are also other cases, where the limestone is not necessarily highly crystalline, and where no metamorphic action in the strict sense has taken place, in which, nevertheless, the microscope fails to reveal any evidence that the rock is organic. Such cases are somewhat obscure, and doubtless depend on differ- ent causes in different instances; but they do not affect the important generalisation that limestones are fundamentally the product of the operation of living beings. This fact remains certain; and when we consider the vast superficial extent occupied by calcareous deposits, and the enormous collective thickness of these, the mind cannot fail to be impressed with the immensity of the period demanded for the formation of these by the agency of such humble and often microscopic creatures as Corals, Sea-lilies, Foraminifers, and Shell-fish. Amongst the numerous varieties of limestone, a few are of such interest as to deserve a brief notice. Magnesian limestone- or dolomite, differs from ordinary limestone in containing a cer- tain proportion of carbonate of magnesia along with the carbon, ate of lime. The typical dolomites contain a large proportion of 28 PRINCIPLES OF PALZONTOLOGY. carbonate of magnesia, and are highly crystalline. The ordi- nary magnesian limestones (such as those of Durham in the Permian series, and the Guelph Limestones of North America in the Silurian series) are generally of a yellowish, buff, or brown colour, with a crystalline or pearly aspect, effervescing with acid much less freely than ordinary limestone, exhibiting numerous cavities from which fossils have been dissolved out, and often assuming the most varied and singular forms in con- sequence of what is called ‘“‘ concretionary action.’ Examina- tion with the microscope shows that these limestones are composed of an aggregate of minute but perfectly distinct crystals, but that minute organisms of different kinds, or fragments of larger fossils, are often present as well. Other magnesian limestones, again, exhibit no striking external pecu- liarities by which the presence of magnesia would be readily recognised, and though the base of the rock is crystalline, they are replete with the remains of organised beings. Thus many of the magnesian limestones of the Carboniferous series of the North of England are very like ordinary limestone to look at, though effervescing less freely with acids, and the microscope proves them to be charged with the remains of Foraminifera and other minute organisms. Marbles are of various kinds, all limestones which are suffi- ciently hard and compact to take a high polish going by this name. Statuary marble, and most of the celebrated foreign marbles, are ‘‘metamorphic” rocks, of a highly crystalline nature, and having all traces of their primitive organic struc- ture obliterated. Many other marbles, however, differ from ordinary limestone simply in the matter of density. Thus, many marbles (such as Derbyshire marble) are simply “ cri- noidal limestones” (fig. 9); whilst various other British marbles exhibit innumerable organic remains under the mi- croscope. Black marbles owe their colour to the presence of very minute particles of carbonaceous matter, in some cases at any rate; and they may either be metamorphic, or they may be charged with minute fossils such as Foraminifera (eg., the black limestones of Ireland, and the black marble of Dent, in Yorkshire). “ Oolitic” limestones, or “ oolites,” as they are often called, are of interest both to the paleontologist and geologist. The peculiar structure to which they owe their name is that the rock is more or less entirely composed of spheroidal or oval grains, which vary in size from the head of a small pin or less up to the size of a pea, and which may be in almost immediate contact with one another, or may be cemented together by a THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. 29 more or less abundant calcareous matrix. When the grains are pretty nearly spherical and are in tolerably close contact, the rock looks very like the roe of a fish, and the name of “oolite” or ‘‘egg-stone” is in allusion to this. When the grains are of the size of peas or upwards, the rock is often called a “pisolite” (Lat. pzswm, a pea). Limestones having this peculiar structure are especially abundant in the Jurassic formation, which is often called the ‘‘ Oolitic series ” for this reason ; but essentially similar limestones occur not uncom- monly in the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous forma- tions, and, indeed, in almost all rock-groups in which limestones are largely developed. Whatever may be the age of the for- mation in which they occur, and whatever may be the size of their component “eggs,” the structure of oolitic limestones is fundamentally the same. All the ordinary oolitic limestones, namely, consist of little spherical or ovoid ‘ concretions,” as they are termed, cemented together by a larger or smaller amount of crystalline carbonate of lime, together, in many instances, with numerous organic remains of different kinds (fig. 13). When examined in polished slabs, or in thin sec- tions prepared for the micro- scope, each of these little con- cretions is seen to consist of numerous concentric coats of carbonate of lime, which some- times simply surround an ima- ginary centre, but which, more commonly, have been suc- cessively deposited round some foreign body, such as a little crystal of quartz, a clus- ter of sand-grains, or a minute shell. In other cases, as in some of the beds of the Car- Fig. 13.—Slice of oolitic limestone boniferous limestone in the Wun Cee ean (Oey a North of England, where the limestone is highly “‘arenaceous,” there isa modification of the oolitic structure. Microscopic sections of these sandy lime- stones (fig. 14) show numerous generally angular or oval grains of silica or flint, each of which is commonly surrounded by a thin coating of carbonate of lime, or sometimes by several such coats, the whole being cemented together along with the shells of Foraminifera and other minute fossils by a matrix of crystal- line calcite. As compared with typical oolites, the concretions in these oe are usually much more irregular in shape, 30 PRINCIPLES OF PALAONTOLOGY. often lengthened out and almost cylindrical, at other times angular, the central nucleus being of large size, and the sur- rounding envelope of lime be- ing very thin, and often exhib- iting no concentric structure. In both these and the ordinary oolites, the structure is funda- mentally the same. Both have been formed in a sea, probably of no great depth, the waters of which were charged with carbonate of lime in solution, whilst the bottom was formed of sand intermixed with minute shells and fragments of the Fig. 14.—Slice of arenaceous and skeletons of larger marine ani- oolitic limestone from the Carbonifer- mals. The excess of lime in ous series of Shap, Westmoreland ; mag- Sia nified. The section also exhibits Fora- the sea-water was precipitated ee and other minute fossils. (Ori- Touncitne sand-grains, Reena the smaller shells, as so many nuclei, and this precipitation must often have taken place time after time, so as to give rise to the concentric structure so char- acteristic of oolitic concretions. Finally, the oolitic grains thus produced were cemented together by a further precipitation of crystalline carbonate of lime from the waters of the ocean. Phosphate of Lime is another lime-salt, which is of interest to the paleontologist. It does not occur largely in the strati- fied series, but it is found in considerable beds * in the Laurentian formation, and less abundantly in some later rock- groups, whilst it occurs abundantly in the form of nodules in parts of the Cretaceous (Upper Greensand) and Tertiary deposits. Phosphate of lime forms the larger proportion of the earthy matters of the bones of Vertebrate animals, and also occurs in less amount in the skeletons of certain of the Inver- tebrates (¢.g., Crustacea). It is, indeed, perhaps more dis- tinctively than carbonate of lime, an organic compound ; and though the formation of many known deposits of phosphate of * Apart from the occurrence of phosphate of lime in actual beds in the stratified rocks, as in the Laurentian and Silurian series, this salt may also occur disseminated through the rock, when it can only be detected by chemical analysis. It is interesting to note that Dr Hicks has recently proved the occurrence of phosphate of lime in this disseminated form in rocks as old as the Cambrian, and that in quantity quite equal to what is generally found to be present in the later fossiliferous rocks. This affords a chemical proof that animal life flourished abundantly in the Cambrian seas. THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. 31 lime cannot be positively shown to be connected with the previous operation of living beings, there is room for doubt whether this salt is not in reality always primarily a product of vital action. ‘The phosphatic nodules of the Upper Green- sand are erroneously called ‘ coprolites,” from the belief originally entertained that they were the droppings or fossilised excrements of extinct animals ; and though this is not the case, _there can be little doubt but that the phosphate of lime which they contain is in this instance of organic origin.* It appears, in fact, that decaying animal matter has a singular power of determining the precipitation around it of mineral salts dis- solved in water. Thus, when any animal bodies are undergo- ing decay at the bottom of the sea, they have a tendency to cause the precipitation from the surrounding water of any mineral matters which may be dissolved in it ; and the organic body thus becomes a centre round which the mineral matters in question are deposited in the form of a “concretion” or “nodule.” The phosphatic nodules in question were formed in a sea in which phosphate of lime, derived from the destruc- tion of animal skeletons, was held largely in solution ; and a precipitation of it took place round any body, such as a decay- ing animal substance, which happened to be lying on the sea- bottom, and which offered itself as a favourable nucleus. In the same way we may explain the formation of the calcareous nodules, known as ‘“‘septaria” or ‘‘cement stones,” which occur so commonly in the London Clay and Kimmeridge Clay, and in which the principal ingredient is carbonate of lime. A similar origin is to be ascribed to the nodules of clay iron-stone (impure carbonate of iron) which occur so abundantly in the shales of the Carboniferous series and in’ other argillaceous deposits ; and a parallel modern example is to be found in the nodules of manganese, which were found by Sir Wyville Thomson, in the Challenger, to be so numer- ously scattered over the floor of the Pacific at great depths. In accordance with this mode of origin, it is exceedingly common to find in the centre of all these nodules, both old and new, some organic body, such as a bone, a shell, or a tooth, which acted as the original nucleus of precipitation, and * It has been maintained, indeed, that the phosphatic nodules so largely worked for agricultural purposes, are in themselves actual organic bodies or true fossils. In a few cases this admits of demonstration, as it can be shown that the nodule is simply an organism (such as a sponge) infiltrated with phosphate of lime (Sollas) ; but there are many other cases in which no actual structure has yet been shown to exist, and as to the true origin of which it would be hazardous to offer a positive opinion. “32 PRINCIPLES OF PALZONTOLOGY. was thus preserved in a shroud of mineral matter. Many nodules, it is true, show no such nucleus; but it has been affirmed that all of them can be shown, by appropriate microscopical investigation, to have been formed round an original organic body to begin with (Hawkins Johnson). The last lime-salt which need be mentioned is gypsum, or sulphate of lime. This substance, apart from other modes of occurrence, 1s not uncommonly found interstratified with the ordinary sedimentary rocks, in the form of more or less irregu- lar beds; and in these cases it has a paleontological import- ance, as occasionally yielding well-preserved fossils. Whilst its exact mode of origin is uncertain, it cannot be regarded as in itself an organic rock, though clearly the product of chemical action. To look at, it is usually a whitish or yellowish-white rock, as coarsely crystalline as loaf-sugar, or more so; and the microscope shows it to be composed entirely of crystals of sulphate of lime. We have seen that the calcareous or lime-containing rocks are the most important of the group of organic deposits; whilst the sz/ceous or flint-containing rocks may be regarded as the most important, most typical, and most generally distributed of the mechanically-formed rocks. We have, however, now briefly to consider certain deposits which are more or less completely formed of flint ; but which, nevertheless, are essen- tially organic in their origin. Flint or silex, hard and intractable as it is, is nevertheless capable of solution in water to a certain extent, and even of assuming, under certain circumstances, a gelatinous or viscous condition. Hence, some hot-springs are impregnated with silica to a considerable extent ; it is present in small quantity in sea-water; and there is reason to believe that a minute pro- portion must very generally be present in all bodies of fresh water as well. It is from this silica dissolved in the water that many animals and some plants are enabled to construct for themselves flinty skeletons; and we find that these animals and plants are and have been sufficiently numerous to give rise to very considerable deposits of siliceous matter by the mere accumulation of their skeletons. Amongst the animals which require special mention in this connection are the microscopic organisms which are known to the naturalist as Polycystina. These little creatures are of the lowest possible grade of organ- isation, very closely related to the animals which we ‘have pre- viously spoken of as Foraminifera, but differing in the fact that they secrete a shell or skeleton composed of flint instead of lime. The folycystina occur abundantly in our present seas ; THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. 33 and their shells are present in some numbers in the ooze which is found at great depths in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, being easily recognised by their exquisite shape, their glassy transparency, the general presence of longer or shorter spines, and the sieve-like perforations in the walls. Both in Barbadoes and in the Nicobar islands occur geological formations which are composed of the flinty skeletons of these microscopic animals; the deposit in the former locality attaining a great thickness, and having been long known to workers with the microscope under the name of ‘‘ Barbadoes earth” (fig. 15). In addition to flint- producing animals, we have also the great group of fresh-water and marine microscopic plants Fig. 15.—Shells of Polycystina from Fig. 16.—Cases of Diatoms in the Rich- “‘Barbadoes earth;” greatly magnified. mond ‘‘Infusorial earth;” highly magni- (Original.) fied. (Original.) known as Diatoms, which likewise secrete a siliceous skeleton, often of great beauty. The skeletons of Diatoms are found abundantly at the present day in lake-deposits, guano, the silt of estuaries, and in the mud which covers many parts of the sea-bottom ; they have been detected in strata of great age; and in spite of their microscopic dimensions, they have not un- commonly accumulated to form deposits of great thickness, and of considerable superficial extent. Thus the celebrated deposit of “‘tripoli” (“ Polir-schiefer”) of Bohemia, largely worked as polishing-powder, is composed wholly, or almost wholly, of the flinty cases of Diatoms, of which it is calculated that no less than forty-one thousand millions go to make up a single cubic inch of the stone. Another celebrated deposit is the so-cailed ‘“ Infusorial earth” of Richmond in Virginia, where there is a stratum in places thirty feet thick, composed almost entirely of the microscopic shells of Diatoms. Nodules or layers of fmt, or the impure variety of flint 34 PRINCIPLES ; OF PALZONTOLOGY. known as chert, are found in limestones of almost all ages from the Silurian upwards; but they are especially abundant in the chalk. When these flints are examined in thin and trans- parent slices under the microscope, or in polished sections, they are found to contain an abundance of minute organic bodies—such as Foraminifera, sponge-spicules, &c.—embedded in a siliceous basis. In many instances the flint contains larger organisms—such as a Sponge or a Sea-urchin. As the flint has completely surrounded and infiltrated the fossils which it contains, it is obvious that it must have been deposited from sea-water in a gelatinous condition, and subsequently have hardened. That silica is capable of assuming this viscous and soluble condition is known; and the formation of flint may therefore be regarded as due to the separation of silica from the sea-water and its deposition round some organic body in a state of chemical change or decay, just as nodules of phos- phate of lime or carbonate of iron are produced. The exist- ence of numerous organic bodies in flint has long been known; but it should be added that a recent observer (Mr Hawkins Johnson) asserts that the existence of an organic structure can be demonstrated by suitable methods of treatment, even in the actual matrix or basis of the flint.* In addition to deposits formed of flint itself, there are other siliceous deposits formed by certain sz/zcafes, and also of organic origin. It has been shown, namely—by observations carried out in our present seas—that the shells of Foraminifera are liable to become completely infiltrated by silicates (such as “‘ glauconite,” or silicate of iron and potash). Should the actual calcareous shell become dissolved away subsequent to this infiltration—as is also liable to occur—then, in place of the shells of the Foraminifera, we get a corresponding number of green sandy grains of glauconite, each grain being the cast of a single shell. It has thus been shown that the green sand found covering the sea-bottom in certain localities (as found by the Challenger expedition along the line of the Agulhas current) is really organic, and is composed of casts of the shells of Foraminifera. Long before these observations had been made, it had been shown by Professor Ehrenberg that the green sands of various geological formations are composed mainly of the internal casts of the shells of Foraminifera ; and * It has been asserted that the flints of the chalk are merely fossil sponges. No explanation of the origin of flint, however, can be satisfac- tory, unless it embraces the origin of chert in almost all great limestones from the Silurian upwards, as well as the common phenomenon of the silicification of organic bodies (such as corals and shells) which are known with certainty to have been originally calcareous. THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. 35 we have thus another and avery interesting example how rock- deposits of considerable extent and of geological importance can be built up by the operation of the minutest living beings. As regards argz//aceous deposits, containing alumina or clay as their essential ingredient, it cannot be said that any of these have been actually shown to be of organic origin. A recent observation by Sir Wyville Thomson would, however, render it not improbable that some of the great argillaceous. accumulations of past geological periods may be really organic. This distinguished observer, during the cruise of the Chal- lenger, showed that the calcareous ooze which has_ been already spoken of as covering large areas of the floor of the Atlantic and Pacific at great depths, and which consists almost wholly of the shells of Foraminifera, gave place at still greater depths to a red ooze consisting of impalpable clayey mud, coloured by oxide of iron, and devoid of traces of organic bodies. As the existence of this widely-diffused red ooze, in mid-ocean, and at such great depths, cannot be explained on the supposition that it is a sediment brought down into the sea by rivers, Sir Wyville Thomson came to the conclusion that it was probably formed by the action of the sea-water upon the shells of Foraminifera. ‘These shells, though mainly consisting of lime, also contain a certain proportion of alumina, the former being soluble in the carbonic acid dissolved in the sea-water, whilst the latter is insoluble. There would further appear to be grounds for believing that the solvent power of the sea-water over lime is considerably increased at great depths. If, therefore, we suppose the shells of Foraminifera to be in course of deposition over the floor of the Pacific, at certain depths they would remain unchanged, and would ac- cumulate to form a calcareous ooze; but at greater depths they would be acted upon by the water, their lime would be dis- solved out, their form would disappear, and we should simply have left the small amount of alumina which they previously contained. In process of time this alumina would accumulate to form a bed of clay; and as this clay had been directly derived from the decomposition of the shells of animals, it would be fairiy entitled to be considered an organic deposit. Though not finally established, the hypothesis of Sir Wyville Thomson on this subject is of the greatest interest to the palz- ontologist, as possibly serving to explain the occurrence, espe- cially in the older formations, of great deposits of argillaceous matter which are entirely destitute of traces of life. It only remains, in this connection, to shortly consider the rock-deposits in which carbon is found to be present in greater 36 PRINCIPLES OF PALAZONTOLOGY. or less quantity. In the great majority of cases where rocks are found to contain carbon or carbonaceous matter, it can be stated with certainty that this substance is of organic origin, though it is not necessarily derived from vegetables. Carbon derived from the decomposition of animal bodies is not uncom- mon; though it never occurs in such quantity from this source as it may do when it is derived from plants. Thus, many limestones are more or less highiy bituminous ; the celebrated siliceous flags or so-called ‘‘ bituminous schists” of Caithness are impregnated with oily matter apparently derived from the decomposition of the numerous fishes embedded in them ; Silurian shales containing Graptolites, but destitute of plants, are not uncommonly ‘‘anthracitic,’ and contain a small per- centage of carbon derived from the decay of these zoophytes ; whilst the petroleum so largely worked in North America has not improbably an animal] origin. ‘That the fatty compounds present in animal bodies should more or less extensively im- pregnate fossiliferous rock-masses, is only what might be ex- pected ; but the great bulk of the carbon which exists stored up in the earth’s crust is derived from plants ; and the form in _which it principally presents itself is that of coal. We shall have to speak again, and at greater length, of coal, and it is sufficient to say here that all the true coals, anthracites, and lignites, are of organic origin, and consist principally of the remains of plants in a more or less altered condition. The bituminous shales which are found so commonly associated with beds of coal also derive their carbon primarily from plants ; and the same is certainly, or probably, the case with similar shales which are known to occur in formations younger than the Carboniferous. Lastly, carbon may occur as a con- spicuous constituent of rock-masses in the form of graphite or black-lead. In this form, it occurs in the shape of detached scales, of veins or strings, or sometimes of regular layers ;* and there can be little doubt that in many instances it has an organic origin, though this is not capable of direct proof. When present, at any rate, in quantity, and in the form of layers associated with stratified rocks, as is often the case in the Lau- rentian formation, there can be little hesitation in regarding it as of vegetable origin, and as an altered coal. * In the Huronian formation at Steel River, on the north shore of Lake Superior, there exists a bed of carbonaceous matter which is regularly in- terstratified with the surrounding rocks, and has a thickness of from 30 to 40 feet. This bed is shown by chemical analysis to contain about 50 per cent of carbon, partly in the form of graphite, partly in the form of anthra- cite ; and there can be little doubt but that it is really a stratum of ae morphic ” coal. CHRONOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 37 CHAR PER Tit CHRONOLOGICAL SUCCESSION OF THE FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. The physical geologist, who deals with rocks simply as rocks, and who does not necessarily trouble himself about what fossils they may contain, finds that the stratified deposits which form so large a portion of the visible part of the earth’s crust are not promiscuously heaped together, but that they have a cer- tain definite arrangement. In each country that he examines, he finds that certain groups of strata lie above certain other groups ; and in comparing different countries with one another, he finds that, in the main, the same groups of rocks are always found in the same relative position to each other. It is pos- sible, therefore, for the physical geologist to arrange the known stratified rocks into a successive series of groups, or ‘ forma- tions,” having a certain definite order. The establishment of this physical order amongst the rocks introduces, however, at once the element of “me, and the physical succession of the strata can be converted directly into a historical or chronologt- cal succession. ‘This is obvious, when we reflect that any bed or set of beds of sedimentary origin is clearly and necessarily younger than all the strata upon which it rests, and older than all those by which it is surmounted. It is possible, then, by an appeal to the rocks alone, to de- termine in each country the general physical succession of the strata, and this “‘ stratigraphical” arrangement, when once de- termined, gives us the rve/atzve ages of the successive groups. The task, however, of the physical geologist in this matter is immensely lightened when he calls in palzontology to his aid, and studies the evidence of the fossils embedded in the rocks. Not only is it thus much easier to determine the order of suc- cession of the strata in any given region, but it becomes now for the first time possible to compare, with certainty and pre- cision, the order of succession in one region with that which exists in other regions far distant. The value of fossils as tests of the relative ages of the sedimentary rocks depends on the fact that they are not indefinitely or promiscuously scattered through the crust of the earth,—as it is conceivable that they might be. On the contrary, the first and most firmly estab- lished law of Paleontology is, that particular kinds of fossils \ 38 PRINCIPLES OF PALAZONTOLOGY. are confined to particular rocks, and particular groups of fossils are confined to particular groups of rocks. Fossils, then, are distinctive of the rocks in which they are found—much more distinctive, in fact, than the mere mineral character of the rock can be, for iat commonly changes as a formation is traced from one region to another, whilst the fossils remain unaltered. It would therefore be quite possible for the palzontologist, by an appeal to the fossils alone, to arrange the series of sedi- mentary deposits into a pile of strata having a certain definite order. Not only would this be possible, but it would be found —if sufficient knowledge had been brought to bear on both sides—that the paleontological arrangement of the strata would coincide in its details with the stratigraphical or physical arrangement. Happily for science, there is no such division between the paleontologist and the physical geologist as here supposed ; but by the combined researches of the two, it has been found possible to divide the entire series of stratified deposits into a number of definite zock-groups or formations, which have a recognised order of succession, and each of which is charac- terised by possessing an assemblage of organic remains which do not occur in association in any other formation. Such an assemblage of fossils, characteristic of any given formation, re- presents the “fe of the particular fevzod in which the formation was deposited. In this way the past history of the earth becomes divided into a series of successive /ife-fertods, each of which corresponds with the deposition of a particular forma- tion or group of strata. Whilst particular assemblages of organic forms characterise particular groups of rocks, it may be further said that, in a general way, each subdivision of each formation has its own peculiar fossils, by which it may be recognised by a skilled worker in Paleontology. Whenever, for instance, we meet with examples of the fossils which are known as Graftolites, we may be sure that we are dealing with S7/wrzan rocks (leaving out of sight one or two forms doubtfully referred to this family). We may, however, go much farther than this with perfect safety. If the Graptolites belong to certain genera, we may be quite certain that we are dealing with Zower Silurian rocks. Furthermore, if certain special forms are present, we may be even able to say to what exact subdivision of the Lower Silu- rian series they belong. As regards particular fossils, however, or even particular classes of fossils, conclusions of this nature require to be accom- panied by a tacit but well-understood reservation. So far as CHRONOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 39 our present observation goes, none of the undoubted Grapto- lites have ever been discovered in rocks later than those known upon other grounds to be Silurian ; but it is possible that they might at any time be detected in younger deposits. Similarly, the species and genera which we now regard as characteristic of the Lower Silurian, may at some future time be found to have survived into the Upper Silurian period. We should not forget, therefore, in determining the age of strata by paleeonto- logical evidence, that we are always reasoning upon generalisa- tions which are the result of experience alone, and which are liable to be vitiated by further and additional discoveries. When the palzontological evidence as to the age of any given set of strata is corroborated by the physical evidence, our conclusions may be regarded as almost certain ; but there are certain limitations and fallacies in the palzontological method of inquiry which deserve a passing mention. In the first place, fossils are not always present in the stratified rocks; many aqueous rocks are unfossiliferous, through a thickness of hundreds or even thousands of feet of little-altered sediments ; and even amongst beds which do contain fossils, we often meet with strata of many feet or yards in thickness which are wholly destitute of any traces of fossils. ‘There are, therefore, to begin with, many cases in which there is no palzontological evidence extant or available as to the age of a given group of strata. In the second place, paleontological observers in different parts of the world are liable to give different names to the same fossil, and in all parts of the world they are occa- sionally lable to group together different fossils under the same title. Both these sources of fallacy require to be guarded against in reasoning as to the age of strata from their fossil remains. Thirdly, the mere fact of fossils being found in beds which are known by physical evidence to be of different ages, ‘ has commonly led palzontologists to describe them as dif- ferent species. Thus, the same fossil, occurring in successive groups of strata, and with the merely trivial and varietal differ- ences due to the gradual change in its environment, has been repeatedly described as a distinct species, with a distinct name, in every bed in which it was found. We know, however, that many fossils range vertically through many groups of strata, and there are some which even pass through several forma- tions. The mere fact of a difference of physical position ought never to be taken into account at all in considering and determining the true affinities of a fossil. Fourthly, the results of experience, instead of being an assistance, are some- times liable to operate as a source of error. When once, 40 PRINCIPLES OF PALZONTOLOGY. namely, a generalisation has been established that certain fossils occur in strata of a certain age, palzontologists are apt to infer that a beds containing similar fossils must be of the same age. ‘There is a presumption, of course, that this infer- ence would be correct; but it is not a conclusion resting upon absolute necessity, and there might be physical evidence to disprove it. Fifthly, the physical geologist may lead the pale- ontologist astray by asserting that the physical evidence as to the age and position of a given group of beds is clear and un- equivocal, when such evidence may be, in reality, very slight and doubtful. In this way, the observer may be readily led | into wrong conclusions as to the nature of the organic remains —often obscure and fragmentary—which it is his business to examine, or he may be led erroneously to think that previous generalisations as to the age of certain kinds of fossils are premature and incorrect. Lastly, there are cases in which, owing to the limited exposure of the beds, to their being merely of local development, or to other causes, the physical evidence as to the age of a given group of strata may be en- tirely uncertain and unreliable, and in which, therefore, the observer has to rely wholly upon the fosstls which he may meet with. In spite of the above limitations and fallacies, there can be no doubt as to the enormous value of palzontology in enab- ling us to work out the historical succession of the sedimentary rocks. It may even be said that in any case where there should appear to be a clear and decisive discordance between the physical and the paleontological evidence as to the age of a given series of beds, it is the former that is to be distrusted rather than the latter. The records of geological science con- tain not a few cases in which apparently clear physical evi- dence of superposition has been demonstrated to have been wrongly interpreted ; but the evidence of paleontology, when in any way sufficient, has rarely been upset by subsequent investigations. Should we find strata containing plants of the Coal-measures apparently resting upon other strata with Am- monites and Belemnites, we may be sure that the physical evidence is delusive ; and though the above is an extreme case, the presumption in all such instances is rather that the physical succession has been misunderstood or misconstrued, than that there has been a subversion of the recognised succession of life-forms. We have seen, then, that as the collective result of observa- tions made upon the superposition of rocks in different locali- ties, from their mineral characters, and from their included CHRONOLOGICAL SUCCESSION. 4I fossils, geologists have been able to divide the entire stratified series into a number of different divisions or formations, each characterised by a genera/ uniformity of mineral composition, and by a special and peculiar assemblage of organic forms. Each of these primary groups is in turn divided into a series of smaller divisions, characterised and distinguished in the same way. It is not pretended for a moment that all these primary rock-groups can anywhere be seen surmounting one another regularly.* There is no region upon the earth where all the stratified formations can be seen together; and, even when most of them occur in the same country, they can nowhere be seen all succeeding each other in their regular and uninterrupted succession. The reason of this is obvious. There are many places—to take a single example—where one may see the the Silurian rocks, the Devonian, and the Carbon- iferous rocks succeeding one another regularly, and in their proper order. ‘This is because the particular region where this occurs was always submerged beneath the sea while these for- mations were being deposited. There are, however, many more localities in which one would find the Carboniferous rocks resting unconformably upon the Silurians without the intervention of any strata which could be referred to the Devonian period. This might arise from one of two causes: 1. The Silurians might have been elevated above the sea im- mediately after their deposition, so as to form dry land during the whole of the Devonian period, in which case, of course, no strata of the latter age could possibly be deposited in that area. 2. The Devonian might have been deposited upon the Silurian, and then the whole might have been elevated above the sea, and subjected to an amount of denudation sufficient to remove the Devonian strata entirely. In this case, when the land was again submerged, the Carboniferous rocks, or any younger formation, might be deposited directly upon Silurian strata. From one or other of these causes, then, or from subse- quent disturbances and denudations, it happens that we can * As we have every reason to believe that dry land and sea have existed, at any rate from the commencement of the Laurentian period to the present day, it is quite obvious that no one of the great formations can ever, under any cir- cumstances, have extended over the entire globe. In other words, no one of the formations can ever have had a greater geographical extent than that of the seas of the period in which the formation was deposited. Nor is there any reason for thinking that the proportion of dry land to ocean has ever been materially different to what it is at present, however greatly the areas of sea and land may have changed as regards their place. It follows from the above, that there is no sufficient basis for the view that the crust of the earth is com- posed of a succession of concentric layers, like the coats of an onion, each layer representing one formation. 42 PRINCIPLES OF PALZONTOLOGY. rarely find many of the primary formations following one another consecutively and in their regular order. In no case, however, do we ever find the Devonian resting upon the Carboniferous, or the Silurian rocks reposing on the Devonian. We have therefore, by a comparison of many different areas, an established order of succession of the strati- fied formations, as shown in the subjoined ideal section of the crust of the earth (fig. 17). The main subdivisions of the stratified rocks are known by the following names :-— Laurentian. Cambrian (with Huronian ?). Silurian. Devonian or Old Red Sandstone. . Carboniferous. aces kn ew Red Sandstone. riassic Jurassic or Oolitic. Cretaceous. Eocene. 11. Miocene. 12. Pliocene. 13. Post-tertiary. Lo] OSS coo STNG Gy Ne IL AINOZOIC. PALAOZOIC. CHRONOLOGICAL SUCCESSION.~— 43 IDEAL SECTION OF THE CRUST OF THE EARTH. _—<——— SSS sag a ———. a — - SSS Se we eee Ste Neate aay (a at Tae Fa | 9G 0% cf 9090 05SCO040 67900 02 DO 0°%°eD0P2% OS 5° Fig. 17. f Pliocene. Eocene. Cretaceous. Oolitic or Jurassic. Triassic. Permian. Carboniferous. Devonian or Old Red Sandstone. Silurian. Cambrian. Huronian. Laurentian. 44 PRINCIPLES OF PALAONTOLOGY. Of these primary rock divisions, the Laurentian, Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian are collec- tively grouped together under the name of the Przmary or Paleozoic rocks (Gr. palaios, ancient ; z0¢, life). Not only do they constitute the oldest stratified accumulations, but from the extreme divergence between their animals and plants and those now in existence, they may appropriately be considered as belonging to an “ Old-Life” period of the world’s history. The Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous systems are grouped to- gether as the Secondary or Mesozoic formations (Gr. mesos, inter- mediate ; 20¢, life) ; the organic remains of this “‘ Middle-Life ” period being, on the whole, intermediate in their characters between those of the palzeozoic epoch and those of more modern strata. Lastly, the Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene formations are grouped together as the Zertiary or Kainozoic rocks (Gr. azmos, new; z0e, life); because they constitute a “ New-Life” period, in which the organic remains approximate in character to those now existing upon the globe. The so- called /ost-Tertiary deposits are placed with the Kainozoic, or may be considered as forming a separate Quaternary system. CHAPTERSAV: THE BREAKS IN THE GEOLOGICAL AND PALA ONTOLOGICAL RECORD. The term “contemporaneous” is usually applied by geolo- gists to groups of strata in different regions which contain the same fossils, or an assemblage of fossils in which many iden- tical forms are present. That is to say, beds which contain identical, or nearly identical, fossils, however widely separated they may be from one another in point of actual distance, are ordinarily believed to have been deposited during the same period of the earth’s history. This belief, indeed, constitutes the keystone of the entire system of determining the age of strata by their fossil contents; and if we take the word “con- temporaneous” in a general and strictly geological sense, this belief can be accepted as proved beyond denial. We must, however, guard ourselves against too literal an interpretation of the word ‘‘contemporaneous,” and we must bear in mind the enormously - prolonged periods of time with which the geologist has to deal. When we say that two groups of strata BREAKS IN THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 45 in different regions are ‘“‘contemporaneous,” we simply mean that they were formed during the same geological period, and perhaps at different stages of that period, and we do not mean to imply that they were formed at precisely the same instant of time. A moment’s consideration will show us that it is only in the former sense that we can properly speak of strata being ‘ con- temporaneous ;” and that, in point of fact, beds containing the same fossils, if occurring in widely distant areas, can hardly be ‘‘contemporaneous” in any literal sense ; but that the very identity of their fossils is proof that they were deposited one after the other. If we find strata containing identical fossils within the limits of a single geographical region—say in Europe —then there is a reasonable probability that these beds are strictly contemporaneous, in the sense that they were deposited at the same time. ‘There is a reasonable probability of this, because there is no improbability involved in the idea of an ocean occupying the whole area of Europe, and peopled throughout by many of the same species of marine animals. At the present day, for example, many identical species of animals are found living on the western coasts of Britain and the eastern coasts of North America, and beds now in course of deposition off the shores of Ireland and the seaboard of the state of New York would necessarily contain many of the same fossils. Such beds would be both hterally and geologi- cally contemporaneous; but the case is different if the distance between the areas where the strata occur be greatly increased. We find, for example, beds containing identical fossils (the Quebec or Skiddaw beds) in Sweden, in the north of England, in Canada, and in Australia. Now, if all these beds were con- temporaneous, in the literal sense of the term, we should have to suppose that the ocean at one time extended uninterrup- tedly between all these points, and was peopled throughout the vast area thus indicated by many of the same animals. Nothing, however, that we see at the present day would justify us in imagining an ocean of such enormous extent, and at the same time so uniform in its depth, temperature, and other conditions of marine life, as to allow the same animals to flourish in it from end to end; and the example chosen is only one of a long and ever-recurring series. It is therefore much more reasonable to explain this, and all similar cases, as Owing to the migration of the fauna, in whole or in part, from one marine area to another. Thus, we may suppose an ocean to cover what is now the European area, and to be peopled by certain species of animals. Beds of sediment—clay, sands, and ee vl be deposited over the sea-bottom, and 46 PRINCIPLES OF PALA‘ON TOLOGY. will entomb the remains of the animals as fossils. After this has lasted for a certain length of time, the European area may undergo elevation, or may become otherwise unsuitable for the perpetuation of its fauna; the result of which would be that some or all of the marine animals of the area would mzgrate to some more suitable region. Sediments would then be accumu- lated in the new area to which they had betaken themselves, and they would then appear, for the second time, as fossils in a set of beds widely separated from Europe. The second set of beds would, however, obviously not be strictly or literally contemporaneous with the first, but would be separated from them by the period of time required for the migration of the animals’ from the one area into the other. It is only in a wide and comprehensive sense that such strata can be said to be contemporaneous. It is impossible to enter further into this subject here ; but it may be taken as certain that beds in widely remote geogra- phical areas can only come to contain the same fossils by reason of a migration having taken place of the animals of the one area to the other. ‘That such migrations can and do take place is quite certain, and this isa much more reasonable explanation of the observed facts than the hypothesis that in former periods the conditions of life were much more uniform — than they are at present, and that, consequently, the same organisms were able to range over the entire globe at the same time. It need only be added, that taking the evidence of the present as explaining the phenomena of the past—the only safe method of reasoning in geological matters—we have abundant proof that deposits which ave actually contempo- raneous, in the strict sense of the term, do net contain the same fossils, of far removed from one another in point of distance. Thus, deposits of various kinds are now in process of forma- tion in our existing seas, as, for example, in the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic, and the Pacific, and many of these deposits are known to us by actual examination and observation with the sounding-lead and dredge. But it is hardly necessary to add that the animal remains contained in these deposits—the fossils of some future period—instead of being identical, are widely different from one another in their characters. We have seen, then, that the entire stratified series is capable of subdivision into a number of definite rock-groups or ‘‘forma- tions,” each possessing a peculiar and characteristic assem- blage of fossils, representing the “life” of the “period” in which the formation was deposited. We have still to inquire shortly how it came to pass that two successive formations BREAKS IN THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 47 should thus be broadly distinguished by their life-forms, and why they should not rather possess at any rate a majority of identical fossils. It was originally supposed that this could be explained by the hypothesis that the close of each formation was accompanied by a general destruction of all the living beings of the period, and that the commencement of each new formation was signalised by the creation of a number of brand-new organisms, destined to figure as the characteristic fossils of the same. This theory, however, ignores the fact that each formation—as to which we have any sufficient evidence—contains a few, at least, of the life-forms which existed in the preceding period; and it. invokes forces and processes of which we know nothing, and for the supposed action of which we cannot account. The problem is an un- deniably difficult one, and it will not be possible here to give more than a mere outline of the modern views upon the sub- ject. Without entering into the at present inscrutable question as to the manner in which new life-forms are introduced upon the earth, it may be stated that almost all modern geologists hold that the living beings of any given formation are in the main modified forms of others which have preceded them. It is not believed that any general or universal destruction of life took place at the termination of each geological period, or that a general introduction of new forms took place at the commencement of a new period. It is, on the contrary, believed that the animals and plants of any given period are for the most part (or exclusively) the lineal but modified descendants of the animals and plants of the immediately pre- ceding period, and that some of them, at any rate, are con- tinued into the next succeeding period, either unchanged, or so far altered as to appear as new species. To discuss these views in detail would lead us altogether too far, but there is one very obvious consideration which may advantageously receive some attention. It is obvious, namely, that the great discordance which is found to subsist between the animal life of any given formation and that of the next succeeding formation, and which no one denies, would be a fatal blow to the views just alluded to, unless admitting of some satisfactory explanation. Nor is this discordance one purely of life-forms, for there is often a physical break in the successions of strata as well. Let us therefore briefly consider how far these interruptions and breaks in the geological and palzonto- logical record can be accounted for, and still allow us to believe in some theory of continuity as opposed to the doc- trine of intermittent and occasional action. 48 PRINCIPLES OF PALZONTOLOGY. In the first place, it is perfectly clear that if we admit the conception above mentioned of a continuity of life from the Laurentian period to the present day, we could never prove our view to be correct, unless we could produce in evidence fossil examples of a@// the kinds of animals and plants that have. lived and died during that period. In order to do this, we should require, to begin with, to have access to an abso- lutely unbroken and perfect succession of all the deposits which have ever been laid down since the beginning. If, however, we ask the physical geologist if he is in possession of any such uninterrupted series, he will at once answer in the negative. So far from the geological series being a perfect one, it is interrupted by numerous gaps of unknown length, many of which we can never expect to fillup. Nor are the proofs of this far to seek. Apart from the facts that we have hitherto examined only a limited portion of the dry land, that nearly two-thirds of the entire area of the globe is inaccessible to geological investigation in consequence of its being covered by the sea, that many deposits can be shown to have been more or less completely destroyed subsequent to their depo- sition, and that there may be many areas in which living beings exist where no rock is in process of formation, we have the broad fact that rock-deposition only goes on to any extent in water, and that the earth must have always consisted partly of dry land and partly of water—at any rate, so far as any period of which we have geological knowledge is concerned. There must, therefore, always have existed, at some part or another of the earth’s surface, areas where no deposition of rock was going on, and the proof of this is to be found in the well- known phenomenon of “‘wnconformadbility.” Whenever, namely, deposition of sediment is continuously going on within the limits of a single ocean, the beds which are laid down succeed one another in uninterrupted and regular sequence. Such beds are said to be ‘‘ conformable,” and there are many rock- groups known where one may pass through fifteen or twenty thousand feet of strata without a break—indicating that the beds had been deposited in an area which remained continu- ously covered by the sea. On the other hand, we commonly find that there is no such regular succession when we pass from one great formation to another, but that, on the contrary, the younger formation rests “ unconformably,” as it is called, either upon the formation immediately preceding it in point of time, or upon some still older one. The essential physical feature of this unconformability is that the beds of the younger formation rest upon a worn and eroded surface formed by the BREAKS IN THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 49 beds of the older series (fig. 18); and a moment’s considera- tion will show us what this indicates. It indicates, beyond Fig. 18.—Section showing strata of Tertiary age (a) resting upon a worn and eroded surface of White Chalk (4), the stratification of which is marked by lines of flint. the possibility of misconception, that there was an interval between the deposition of the older series and that of the newer series of strata ; and that during this interval the older beds were raised above the sea-level, so as to form dry land, ‘and were subsequently depressed again beneath the waters, to receive upon their worn and wasted upper surface the sedi- ments of the later group. During the interval thus indicated, the deposition of rock must of necessity have been proceeding more or less actively in other areas. Every unconformity, therefore, indicates that at the spot where it occurs, a more or less extensive series of beds must be actually mzssemg ; and though we may sometimes be able to point to these missing strata in other areas, there yet remains a number of unconfor- mities for which we cannot at present supply the deficiency even in a partial manner. It follows from the above that the series of stratified deposits is to a greater or less extent irremediably imperfect ; and in this imperfection we have one great cause why we can never obtain a perfect series of all the animals and plants that have lived upon the globe. Wherever one of these great physical gaps occurs, we find, as we might expect, a corresponding break in the series of life-forms. In other words, whenever we find two formations to be unconformable, we shall always find at the same time that there is a great difference in their fossils, and that many of the fossils of the older formation do not sur- vive into the newer, whilst many of those in the newer are not known to occur in the older. ‘The cause of this is, obviously, 50 PRINCIPLES OF PALZZONTOLOGY. that the lapse of time, indicated by the unconformability, has been sufficiently great to allow of the dying out or modifica- tion of many of the older forms of life, and the introduction of new ones by immigration. Apart, however, altogether, from these great physical breaks and their corresponding breaks in life, there are other reasons why we can never become more than partially acquainted with the former denizens of the globe. Foremost amongst these is the fact that an enormous number of animals possess no hard parts of the nature of a skeleton, and are therefore incapable, under any ordinary circumstances, of leaving behind them any traces of their existence. It is true that there are cases in which animals in themselves completely soft-bodied are never- theless able to leave marks by which their former presence can be detected. Thus every geologist is familiar with the wind- ing and twisting “trails” formed on the surface of the strata by sea-worms; and the impressions left by the stranded carcases of Jelly-fishes on the fine-grained lithographic slates of Solenhofen supply us with an example of how a creature which is little more than “organised sea- water” may still make an abiding mark upon the sands of time. As a general tule, however, animals which have no skeletons are incapable of being preserved as fossils, and hence there must always have been a vast number of different kinds of marine animals of which we have absolutely no record whatever. Again, almost all the fossiliferous rocks have been laid down in water; and it is a necessary result of this that the great majority of fossils are the remains of aquatic animals. The remains of air-breathing animals, whether of the inhabitants of the land or of the air itself, are comparatively rare as fossils, and the record of the past existence of these is much more imperfect than is the case with animals living in water. Moreover, the fossiliferous deposits are not only almost exclusively aqueous formations, but the great majority are marine, and only a com- paratively small number have been formed by lakes and rivers. It follows from the foregoing that the paleontological record is fullest and most complete so far as sea-animals are concerned, though even here we find enormous gaps, owing to the absence of hard structures in many great groups; of animals inhabiting fresh waters our knowledge is rendered still further incomplete by the small proportion that fluviatile and lacustrine deposits bear to marine; whilst we have only a fragmentary acquaint- ance with the air-breathing animals which inhabited the earth during past ages. Lastly, the imperfection of the paleontological record, due ~~ BREAKS IN THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. 51 to the causes above enumerated, is greatly aggravated, especi- ally as regards the earlier portion of the earth’s history, by the fact that many rocks which contained fossils when deposited have since been rendered barren of organic remains. The principal cause of this common phenomenon is what is known as “metamorphism ”—that is, the subjection of the rock to a sufficient amount of heat to cause a rearrangement of its par- ticles. When at all of a pronounced character, the result of metamorphic action is invariably the obliteration of any fossils which might have been originally present in the rock. Meta- morphism may affect rocks of any age, though naturally more prevalent in the older rocks, and to this cause must be set down an irreparable loss of much fossil evidence. The most stfiking example which is to be found of this is the great Lau- rentian series, which comprises some 30,000 feet of highly- metamorphosed sediments, but which, with one not wholly undisputed exception, has as yet yielded no remains of living beings, though there is strong evidence of the former existence in it of fossils. Upon the whole, then, we cannot doubt that the earth’s crust, so far as yet deciphered by us, presents us with but a very imperfect record of the past. Whether the known and admitted imperfections of the geological and palzontological records are sufficiently serious to account satisfactorily for the deficiency of direct evidence recognisable in some modern hypotheses, may be a matter of individual opinion. ‘There can, however, be little doubt that they are sufficiently extensive to throw the balance of evidence decisively in favour of some theory of continuity, as opposed to any theory of intermittent and occasional action. The apparent breaks which divide the great series of the stratified rocks into a number of isolated formations, are not marks of mighty and general convulsions of nature, but are simply indications of the imperfection of our knowledge. Never, in all probability, shall we be able to point to a complete series of deposits, or a complete succession of life linking one great geological period to another. Never- theless, we may well feel sure that such deposits and such an unbroken succession must have existed at one time. We are compelled to believe that nowhere in the long series of the fossiliferous rocks has there been a total break, but that there must have been a complete continuity of life, and a more or less complete continuity of sedimentation, from the Laurentian period to the present day. One generation hands on the lamp of life to the next, and each system of rocks is the direct offspring of those which preceded it in time. Though there 52 PRINCIPLES OF PALAONTOLOGY. has not been continuity in any given area, still the geological chain could never have been snapped at one point, and taken - up again at a totally different one. Thus we arrive at the conviction that continuity is the fundamental law of geology, as it is of the other sciences, and that the lines of demarca- tion between the great formations are but gaps in our own knowledge. CHAR TER V. CONCLUSIONS TO BE DRAWN FROM FOSSILS. We have already seen that geologists have been led by the study of fossils to the all-important generalisation that the vast series of the Fossiliferous or Sedimentary Rocks may be divided into a number of definite groups or “ formations,” each of which is characterised by its organic remains. It may simply be repeated here that these formations are not properly and strictly characterised by the occurrence in them of any one particular fossil. It may be that a formation contains ~ some particular fossil or fossils not occurring out of that formation, and that in this way an observer may identify a given group with tolerable certainty. It very often happens, indeed, that some particular stratum, or sub-group of a series, contains peculiar fossils, by which its existence may be deter- mined in various localities. As before remarked, however, the great formations are characterised properly by the association of certain fossils, by the predominance of certain families or orders, or by an assemblage of fossil remains representing the “life” of the period in which the formation was deposited. Fossils, then, enable us to determine the age of the deposits in which they occur. Fossils further enable us to come to very important conclusions as to the mode in which the fossil- iferous bed was deposited, and thus as to the condition of the particular district or region occupied by the fossiliferous bed at the time of the formation of the latter. If, in the first place, the bed contain the remains of animals such as now inhabit rivers, we know that it is “ fluviatile”’ in its origin, and that it must at one time have either formed an actual river- bed, or been deposited by the overflowing of an ancient stream. Secondly, if the bed contain the remains of shell- fish, minute crustaceans, or fish, such as now inhabit lakes, CONCLUSIONS TO BE DRAWN FROM FOSSILS. 53 we know that it is “lacustrine,” and was deposited beneath the waters of a former lake. ‘Thirdly, if the bed contain the remains of animals such as now people the ocean, we know that it is ‘‘ marine ” in its origin, and that it is a fragment of an old sea-bottom. We can, however, often determine the conditions under which a bed was deposited with greater accuracy than this. If, for example, the fossils are of kinds resembling the marine animals now inhabiting shallow waters, if they are accompanied by the detached relics of terrestrial organisms, or if they are partially rolled and broken, we may conclude that the fossil- iferous deposit was laid down in a shallow sea, in the immediate vicinity of a coast-line, or as an actual shore-deposit. If, again, the remains are those of animals such as now live in the deeper parts of the ocean, and there is a very sparing intermixture of extraneous fossils (such as the bones of birds or quadrupeds, or the remains of plants), we may presume that the deposit is one of deep water. In other cases, we may find, scattered through the rock, and still in their natural position, the valves of shells such as we know at the present day as living buried in the sand or mud of the sea-shore or of estuaries. In other cases, the bed may obviously have been an ancient coral-reef, or an accumulation of social shells, like Oysters. Lastly, if we find the deposit to contain the remains of marine shells, but that these are dwarfed of their fair proportions and distorted in figure, we may conclude that it was laid down in a brackish sea, such as the Baltic, in which the proper saltness was want- _ing, owing to its receiving an excessive supply of fresh water. In the preceding, we have been dealing simply with the remains of aquatic animals, and we have seen that certain con- clusions can be accurately reached by an examination of these. As regards the determination of the conditions of deposition from the remains of aerial and terrestrial animals, or from plants, there is not such an absolute certainty. The remains of land-animals would, of course, occur in “‘ sub-aerial ” deposits —that is, in beds, like blown sand, accumulated upon the land. Most of the remains of land-animals, however, are found in deposits which have been laid down in water, and they owe their present position to the fact that their former owners were drowned in rivers or lakes, or carried out to sea by streams. Birds, Flying Reptiles, and Flying Mammals might also simi- larly find their way into aqueous deposits; but it is to be re- membered that many birds and mammals habitually spend a great part of their time in the water, and that these might there- fore be naturally expected to present themselves as fossils in 54 PRINCIPLES OF PALAZSONTOLOGY. Sedimentary Rocks. Plants, again, even when undoubtedly such as must have grown on land, do not prove that the bed in which they occur was formed on land. Many of the remains of plants known to us are extraneous to the bed in which they are now found, having reached their present site by falling into lakes or rivers, or being carried out to sea by floods or gales of wind. There are, however, many cases in which plants have undoubtedly grown on the very spot where we now find them. Thus it is now generally admitted that the great coal-fields of the Carboniferous age are the result of the growth zu satu of the plants which compose coal, and that these grew on vast marshy or partially submerged tracts of level alluvial land. We _ have, however, distinct evidence of old land-surfaces, both in the Coal-measures and in other cases (as, for instance, in the well-known “ dirt- bed” of the Purbeck series). When, for example, we find the erect stumps of trees standing at right angles to the surrounding strata, we know that the surface through which these send their roots was at one time the surface of the dry land, or, in other words, was an ancient soil (fig. 19). In many cases fossils en- conclusions as to the climate Fig. 19.—Erect Tree containing Reptilian of the period in which they ea re ee Nova Scotia. (After lived, but only 4 fem stances of this can be here adduced. As fossils in the majority of instances are the re- mains of marine animals, it is mostly the temperature of the sea which can alone be determined in this way; and it is import- ant to remember that, owing to the existence of heated currents, the marine climate of a given area does not necessarily imply a correspondingly warm climate in the neighbouring land. Land- climates can only be determined by the remains of land-ani- mals or land-plants, and these are comparatively rare as fossils. It is also important to remember that all conclusions on this able us to come to important —— CONCLUSIONS TO BE DRAWN FROM FOSSILS. 55 head are really based upon the present distribution of animal and vegetable life on the globe, and are therefore liable to be vitiated by the following considerations :— a. Most fossils are extinct, and it is not certain that the habits and requirements of any extinct animal were exactly similar to those of its nearest living relative. b. When we get very far back in time, we meet with groups of organisms so unlike anything we know at the present day as to render all conjectures as to climate founded upon their sup- posed habits more or less uncertain and unsafe. _¢. In the case of marine animals, we are as yet very far from knowing the exact limits of distribution of many species within our present seas ; so that conclusions drawn from living forms as to extinct species are apt to prove incorrect. For instance, it has recently been shown that many shells formerly believed to be confined to the Arctic Seas have, by reason of the ex- tension of Polar currents, a wide range to the south ; and this has thrown doubt upon the conclusions drawn from fossil shells as to the Arctic conditions under which certain beds were supposed to have been deposited. d. The distribution of animals at the present day is certainly dependent upon other conditions beside climate alone ; and the causes which now limit the range of given animals are certainly such as belong to the existing order of things. But the establishment of the present order of things does not date back in many cases to the introduction of the present species of animals. Even in the case, therefore, of existing species of animals, it can often be shown that the past distribution of the species was different formerly to what it is now, not necessarily because the climate has changed, but because of the alteration of other conditions essential to the life of the species or con- - ducing to its extension. Still, we are in many cases able to draw completely reliable conclusions as to the climate of a given geological period, by an examination of the fossils belonging to that period. Among the more striking examples of how the past climate of a region may be deduced from the study of the organic remains con- tained in its rocks, the following may be mentioned: It has been shown that in Eocene times, or at the commencement of the Tertiary period, the climate of what is now Western Europe was of a tropical or sub-tropical character. Thus the Eocene beds are found to contain the remains of shells such as now inhabit tropical seas, as, for example, Cowries and Volutes ; and with these are the fruits of palms, and the remains of other tropical plants. It has been shown, again, 56 PRINCIPLES OF PALZONTOLOGY. that in Miocene times, or about the middle of the Tertiary period, Central Europe was peopled with a luxuriant flora resembling that of the warmer parts of the United States, and leading to the conclusion that the mean annual temperature must have been at least 30° hotter than it is at present. It has been shown that, at the same time, Greenland, now buried beneath a vast ice-shroud, was warm enough to support a large number of trees, shrubs, and other plants, such as inhabit the temperate regions of the globe. Lastly, it has been shown, upon physical as well as paleontological evidence, that the greater part of the North Temperate Zone, at a comparatively recent geological period, has been visited with all the rigours of an Arctic climate, resembling that of Greenland at the pre- sent day. This is indicated by the occurrence of Arctic shells in the superficial deposits of this period, whilst the Musk-ox and the Reindeer roamed far south of their present limits. Lastly, it was from the study of fossils that geologists learnt originally to comprehend a fact which may be regarded as of cardinal importance in all modern geological theories and speculations—namely, that the crust of the earth is liable to local elevations and subsidences. For long after the remains of shells and other marine animals were for the first time ob- served in the solid rocks forming the dry land, and at great heights above the sea-level, attempts were made to explain this almost unintelligible phenomenon upon the hypothesis that the fossils in question were not really the objects they repre- sented, but were in truth mere /usus nature, due to some ‘plastic virtue latent in the earth.” The common-sense of scientific men, however, soon rejected this idea, and it was agreed by universal consent that these bodies really were the remains of animals which formerly lived in the sea. When once this was admitted, the further steps were comparatively easy, and at the present day no geological doctrine stands on a firmer basis than that which teaches us that our present con- tinents and islands, fixed and immovable as they appear, have been repeatedly sunk beneath the ocean. THE BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF FOSSILS. 57 CHAPTER VE THE BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF FOSSILS. Not only have fossils,.as we have seen, a most important bearing upon the sciences of Geology and Physical Geography, but they have relations of the most complicated and weighty character with the numerous problems connected with the study of living beings, or in other words, with the science of - Biology. To such an extent is this the case, that no adequate comprehension of Zoology and Botany, in their modern form, is so much as possible without some acquaintance with the types of animals and plants which have passed away. There are also numerous speculative questions in the domain of vital science, which, if soluble at all, can only hope to find their key in researches carried out on extinct organisms. To discuss fully the biological relations of fossils would, there- fore, afford matter for a separate treatise; and all that can be done here is to indicate very cursorily the principal points to which the attention of the palzontological student ought to be directed. In the first place, the great majority of fossil animals and plants are ‘‘ extinct’”—that is to say, they belong to species which are no longer in existence at the present day. So far, however, from there being any truth in the old view that there were periodic destructions of all the living beings in existence upon the earth, followed by a corresponding number of new creations of animals and plants, the actual facts of the case show that the extinction of old forms and the introduction of new forms have been processes constantly going on throughout the whole of geological time. Every species seems to come into being at a certain definite point of time, and to finally dis- appear at another definite point; though there are few in- stances indeed, if there are any, in which our present know- ledge would permit us safely to fix with precision the times of entrance and exit. There are, moreover, marked differences in the actual time during which different species remained in existence, and therefore corresponding differences in their “vertical range,” or, in other words, in the actual amount and thickness of strata through which they present themselves as fossils. Some species are found to range through two or even three formations, and a few have an even more extended life. More commonly the species which begin in the commence- 58 PRINCIPLES OF PALEONTOLOGY. ment of a great formation die out at or before its close, whilst those which are introduced for the first time near the ‘middle or end of the formation may either become extinct, or may pass on into the next succeeding formation. As a general rule, it is the animals which have the lowest and simplest organisation that have the longest range in time, and the additional possession of microscopi¢ or minute dimensions seems also to favour longevity. Thus some of the Foramz- uifera appear to have survived, with little or no perceptible alteration, from the Silurian period to the present day ; whereas large and highly-organised animals, though long-lived as zmdz- viduals, rarely seem to live long sfecéfically, and have, there- fore, usually a restricted yertical range. Exceptions to this, however, are occasionally to be found in some “persistent types,” which extend through a succession of geological periods with very little modification. Thus the existing Lampshells of the genus Zzzgw/a are little changed from the Lingule which swarmed in the Lower Silurian seas; and the existing Pearly Nautilus is the last descendant of a clan nearly as ancient. On the other hand, some forms are singu- larly restricted in their limits, and seem to have enjoyed a comparatively brief lease of life. An example of this is to be found in many of the Ammonites—close allies of the Nau- tilus—which are often confined strictly to certain zones of strata, in some cases of very insignificant thickness. Of the causes of extinction amongst fossil animals and plants, we know little or nothing. All we can say is, that the attributes which constitute a species do not seem to be intrin- sically endowed with permanence, any more than the attri- butes which constitute an zudividual, though the former may endure whilst many successive generations of the latter have disappeared. Each species appears to have its own life- period, its commencement, its culmination, and its gradual decay ; and the life-periods of different species may be of very different duration. From what has been said above, it may be gathered that our existing species of animals and plants are, for the most part, quite of modern origin, using the term ‘modern ” in its geological acceptation. Measured by human standards, the majority of existing animals (which are capable of being preserved as fossils) are known to have a high antiquity; and some of them can boast of a pedigree which even the geologist may regard with respect. Not a few of our shell- fish are known to have commenced their existence at some point of the Tertiary period; one Lampshell (Zerebratulina THE BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF FOSSILS. 59 caput-serpentis) is believed to have survived since the Chalk ; and some of the Foraminifera date, at any rate, from the Carboniferous period. We learn from this the additional fact that our existing animals and plants do not constitute an assemblage of organic forms which were introduced into the world collectively and simultaneously, but that they com- menced their existence at very different periods, some being extremely old, whilst others may be regarded as compara- tively recent animals. And this introduction of the existing fauna and flora was a slow and gradual process, as shown admirably by the study of the fossil shells of the Tertiary period. ‘Thus, in the earlier Tertiary period, we find ‘about 95 per cent of the known fossil shells to be species that are no longer in existence, the remaining 5 per cent being forms which are known to live in our present seas. In the middle of the Tertiary period we find many more recent and still existing species of shells, and the extinct types are much fewer in number; and this gradual introduction of forms now living goes on steadily, till, at the close of the Ter- ulary period, the proportions with which we started may be reversed, as many as 9o or 95 per cent of the fossil shells being forms still alive, while not more than 5 per cent may have disappeared. All known animais at the present day may be divided into some five or six primary divisions, which are known technically as “sub-kingdoms.” ach of these sub-kingdoms* may be regarded as representing a certain type or plan of structure, and all the animals comprised in each are merely modified forms of this common type. Not only are all known living animals thus reducible to some five or six fundamental plans of struc- ture, but amongst the vast series of fossil forms no one has yet been found — however unlike any existing animal—to ' possess peculiarities which would entitle it to be placed ina new sub-kingdom. All fossil animals, therefore, are capable of being referred to one or other of the primary divisions of the animal kingdom. Many fossil groups have no closely- related group now in existence; but in no case do we meet with any grand structural type which has not survived to the present day. The old types of life differ in many réspects from those now upon the earth; and the further back we pass in time, the more marked does this divergence become. Thus, if we were to compare the animals which lived in the Silurian seas with * In the Appendix a brief definition is given of the sub-kingdoms, and the chief divisions of each are enumerated, 60 PRINCIPLES OF PALAZZONTOLOGY. those inhabiting our present oceans, we should in most in- stances find differences so great as almost to place us in another world. ‘This divergence is the most marked in the Paleozoic forms of life, less so in those of the Mesozoic period, and less still in the Tertiary period. Each successive formation has therefore presented us with animals becoming gradually more and more like those now in existence ; and though there is an immense and striking difference between the Silurian animals and those of to-day, this difference is greatly reduced if we compare the Silurian fauna with the Devonian; shat again with the Carboniferous; and so on till we reach the present. It follows from the above that the animals of any given formation are more like those of the next formation below, and of the next formation above, than they are to any others ; and this fact of itself is an almost inexplicable one, unless we believe that the animals of any given formation are, in part at any rate, the lineal descendants of the animals of the preced- ing formation, and the progenitors, also in part at least, of the animals of the succeeding formation. In fact, the paleeon- tologist is so commonly confronted with the phenomenon of closely-allied forms of animal life succeeding one another in point of time, that he is compelled to believe that such forms have been developed from some common ancestral type by some process of “evolution.” On the other hand, there are many phenomena, such as the apparently sudden introduction of new forms throughout all past time, and the common occur- rence of wholly isolated types, which cannot be explained in this way. Whilst it seems certain, therefore, that many of the phenomena of the succession of animal life in past periods can only be explained by some law of evolution, it seems at the same time certain that there has always been some other deeper and higher law at work, on the nature of which it would be futile to speculate at present. Not only do we find that the animals of each successive formation become gradually more and more like those now existing upon the globe, as we pass from the older rocks into the newer, but we also find that there has been a gradual pro- gression and development in the ¢yses of animal life which characterise the geological ages. If we take the earliest-known and oldest examples of any given group of animals, it can sometimes be shown that these primitive forms, though in themselves highly organised, possessed certain characters such as are now only seen in the young of their existing representa- tives. In technical language, the early forms of life in some THE BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF FOSSILS. 6! instances possess “‘ embryonic” characters, though this does not prevent them often attaining a size much more gigantic than their nearest living relatives. Moreover, the ancient forms of life are often what is called ‘“‘comprehensive types” —that is to say, they possess characters in combination such as we nowadays only find separately developed in different groups of animals. Now, this permanent retention of embry- onic characters and this ‘‘comprehensiveness” of structural type are signs of what a zoologist considers to be a compara- tively low grade of organisation ; and the prevalence of these features in the earlier forms of animals is a very striking phe- nomenon, though they are none the less perfectly organised so far as their own type is concerned. As we pass upwards in the geological scale, we find that these features gradually dis- appear, higher and ever higher forms are introduced, and “specialisation ” of type takes the place of the former com- prehensiveness. We shall have occasion to notice many of the facts on which these views are based at a later period, and in connection with actual examples. In the meanwhile, it is sufficient to state, as a widely-accepted generalisation of palee- ontology, that there has been in the past a general progression of organic types, and that the appearance of the lower forms of life has in the main preceded that of the higher forms in point of time. 1 a eG heed La PistORICAL, PALAON TOLOGY: Pee Ro ii CEA PE Re Vill THE LAURENTIAN AND HURONIAN PERIODS. THE Laurentian Rocks constitute the base of the entire strati- fied series, and are, therefore, the oldest sediments of which we have as yet any knowledge. They are more largely and more typically developed in North America, and especially in Canada, than in any knowr vart of the world, and they derive their title from the range of hills which the old French geo- graphers named the “Laurentides.” These hills are com- posed of Laurentian Rocks, and form the watershed Letween the valley of the St Lawrence river on the one hand, and the great plains which stretch northwards to Hudson Bay on the other hand. The main area of these ancient deposits forms a great belt of rugged and undulating country, which extends from Labrador westwards to Lake Superior, and then bends northwards towards the Arctic Sea. Throughout this extensive area the Laurentian Rocks for the most part present themselves in the form of low, rounded, ice-worn hills, which, if generally wanting in actual sublimity, have a certain geological grandeur from the fact that they “Shave endured the battles and the storms of time longer than any other mountains” (Dawson). In some places, however, the Laurentian Rocks produce scenery of the most magnificent character, as in the great gorge cut through them by the river Saguenay, where they rise at times into ver- tical precipices 1500 feet in height. In the famous group of the Adirondack mountains, also, in the state of New York, they form elevations no less than 6000 feet above the level of the sea. As a general rule, the character of the Laurentian region is that of a rugged, rocky, rolling country, often densely 66 HISTORICAL PALZONTOLOGY. timbered, but rarely well fitted for agriculture, and chiefly attractive to the hunter and the miner. As regards its mineral characters, the Laurentian series is composed throughout of metamorphic and highly crystalline rocks, which are in a high degree crumpled, folded, and faulted. By the late Sir William Logan the entire series was divided into two great groups, the Lower Laurentian and the Upper Laurentian, of which the latter rests unconformably upon the truncated edges of the former, and is in turn uncon- formably overlaid by strata of Huronian and Cambrian age (fig. 20). The Lower Laurentian series attains the enormous thickness of a Fig. 20.—Diagrammatic section of the Laurentian Rocks in Lower Canada. @ Lower Laurentian ; 6 Upper Laurentian, resting unconformably upon the lower series; ¢ Cam- brian strata (Potsdam Sandstone), resting unconformably on the Upper Laurrentian. Over 20,000 feet, and is composed mainly of great beds of gneiss, altered sandstones (quartzites), mica-schist, hornblende-schist, magnetic iron-ore, and hematite, together with masses of lime- stone. ‘The limestones are especially interesting, and have an extraordinary development—three principal beds being known, of which one is not less than 1500 feet thick; the collective thickness of the whole being about 3500 feet. The Upper Laurentian series, as before said, reposes uncon- formably upon the Lower Laurentian, and attains a thickness of at least 10,000 feet. Like the preceding, it is wholly meta- morphic, and is composed partly of masses of gneiss and quartz- ite ; but it is especially distinguished by the possession of great beds of felspathic rock, consisting principally of ‘‘ Labrador felspar.” Though typically developed in the great Canadian area | already spoken of, the Laurentian Rocks occur in other locali- ties, both in America and in the Old World. In Britain, the so-called ‘fundamental gneiss” of the Hebrides and of Suther- landshire is probably of Lower Laurentian age, and the “ hy- persthene rocks” of the Isle of Skye may, with great proba- bility, be regarded as referable to the Upper Laurentian. In other localities in Great Britain (as in St David’s, South Wales ; the Malvern Hills; and the North of Ireland) occur ancient metamorphic deposits which also are probably refer- able to the Laurentian series. The so-called “ primitive gneiss” of Norway appears to belong to the Laurentian, and the THE LAURENTIAN AND HURONIAN PERIODS. 67 ancient metamorphic rocks of Bohemia and Bavaria may oe regarded as being approximately of the same age. ‘By some geological writers the ancient and highly meta- morphosed sediments of the Laurentian and the succeeding Huronian series have been spoken of as the ‘“‘ Azoic rocks” (Gr. a, without ; zoe, life) ; but even if we were wholly destitute of any evidence of life during these periods, this name would be objectionable upon theoretical grounds. * Ifa general name be needed, that of ‘‘ Eozoic” (Gr. eos, dawn; z0e, life), proposed by Principal Dawson, is the most appropriate. Owing to their metamorphic condition, geologists long despaired of ever de- tecting any traces of life in the vast pile of strata which con- stitute the Laurentian System. Even before any direct traces were discovered, it was, however, pointed out that there were good reasons for believing that the Laurentian seas had been tenanted by an abundance of living beings. ‘These reasons are briefly as follows :—(1) Firstly, the Laurentian series con- sists, beyond question, of marine sediments which originally differed in no essential respect from those which were subse- quently laid down in the Cambrian or Silurian periods.: (2) In all formations later than the Laurentian, any limestones which are present can be shown, with few exceptions, to be organic rocks, and to be more or less largely made up of the, comminuted debris of marine or fresh-water animals. ‘The Laurentian limestones, in consequence of the metamorphism towhich they have been subjected, are so highly crystalline (fig. 21) that the microscope fails to detect any organic struc- ture in the rock, and no fos- sils beyond those which will bespoken of immediately have as yet been discovered in them. We know, however, of numerous cases 1n which lime- stones, of later age, and un- doubtedly organic to begin with, have been rendered so intensely crystalline by meta- morphic action that all traces of organic structure have been obliterated. We have there- ees. fore, by analogy, the strongest _ Fig. 21.—Section of Lower Laurentian possible ground for believing Limstore, fom Hull, Quawa;, enlarged that the vast beds of Lauren- crystalline, and contains mica and other tian limestone have been ori- ee eal Ones rie ay ginally organic in their origin, and primitively composed, in the main, of the calcareous skele- fy) iy AY ROA Ag a ARR Nt ne Hes AK HR ny ‘\ a NA 68 HISTORICAL PALAZONTOLOGY. tons of marine animals. It would, in fact, be a matter of great difficulty to account for the formation of these great cal- careous masses on any other hypothesis. (3) The occurrence of phosphate of lime in the Laurentian Rocks in great abundance, and sometimes in the form of irregular beds, may very possibly be connected with the former existence in the strata of the re- mains of marine animals of whose skeleton this mineral is a con- stituent. (4) The Laurentian Rocks contain a vast amount of carbon in the form of black-lead or graphite. This mineral is especially abundant in the limestones, occurring in regular beds, in veins or strings, or disseminated through the body of the lime- stone in the shape of crystals, scales, or irregular masses. The amount of graphite in some parts of the Lower Laurentian is so great that it has been calculated as equal to the quantity of carbon present in an equal thickness of the Coal-measures. The general source of solid carbon in the crust of the earth is, however, plant-life ; and it seems impossible to account for the Laurentian graphite, except upon the supposition that it is metamorphosed vegetable matter. (5) Lastly, the great beds of iron-ore (peroxide and magnetic oxide) which occur in the Laurentian series interstratified with the other rocks, point with great probability to the action of vegetable life ; since similar deposits in later formations can commonly be shown to have been formed by the deoxidising power of vege- table matter in a state of decay. In the words of Principal Dawson, “any one of these rea- sons might, in itself, be held insufficient to prove so great and, at first sight, unlikely a conclusion as that of the existence of abundant animal and vegetable life in the Laurentian; but the concurrence of the whole in a series of deposits unquestion- ably marine, forms a chain of evidence so powerful that it might command belief even if no fragment of any organic or living form or structure had ever been recognised in these an- cient rocks.” Of late years, however, there have been dis- covered in the Laurentian Rocks certain bodies which are believed to be truly the remains of animals, and of which by far the most important is the structure known under the now celebrated name of Zozeon. If truly organic, a very special and exceptional interest attaches itself to Hozoon, as being the most ancient fossil animal of which we have any knowledge ; but there are some who regard it really a peculiar form of mineral structure, and a severe, protracted, and still unfinished controversy has been carried on as to its nature. Into this controversy it is wholly unnecessary to enter here; and it will be sufficient to briefly explain the structure of Zozodn, as eluci- dated by the elaborate and masterly investigations of Car- THE LAURENTIAN AND HURONIAN PERIODS. 69 penter and Dawson, from the standpoint that it is a genuine organism—the balance of evidence up to this moment inclin- ing decisively to this view. The structure known as Zozoon is found in various localities in the Lower Laurentian limestones of Canada, in the form of isolated masses or spreading layers, which are composed of thin alternating laminz, arranged more or less concentrically (fig. 22). The laminz of these masses are usually of different Fig. 22.—Fragment of Zozo6n, of the natural size, showing alternate laminz of loganite and dolomite. (After Dawson.) colours and composition ; one series being white, and com- posed of carbonate of lim:e—whilst the laminz of the second series alternate with the preceding, are green in colour, and are found by chemical analysis to consist of some silicate, generally serpentine or the closely-related “‘loganite.” In some instances, however, all the laminz are calcareous, the concentric arrangement still remaining visible in consequence of the fact that the Jaminze are composed alternately of lighter and darker coloured limestone. When first discovered, the masses of /ozo0n were supposed to be of a mineral nature; but their striking general resem- blance to the undoubted fossils which will be subsequently spoken of under the name of Stromatopora was recognised by Sir William Logan, and specimens were submitted for minute examination, first to Principal Dawson, and subsequently to Dr W. B. Carpenter. After a careful microscopic examina- tion, these two distinguished observers came to the conclusion that 2ozoon was truly organic, and in this opinion they were afterwards corroborated by other high authorities (Mr W. K. Parker, Profesor Rupert Jones, Mr H. B. Brady, Professor Gumbel, &c.) Stated briefly, the structure of Zozodn, as ex- hibited by the microscope, is as follows :— 7O HISTORICAL PALZHEONTOLOGY. The concentrically-laminated: mass of Zozodn is composed of numerous calcareous layers, representing the original skele- ton of the organism (fig. 23, 4). These calcareous layers serve to separate and de- = HY y . fine aseries of cham- As aaa oO . bers arranged a ae C oe Pe an cessive tiers, one a ON /7) above the other (fig. hs Aad ~ and 23, A; By ©) ead they are perforated not only by passages (fig. 23, c¢), which serve to place suc- cessive tiers of cham- bers in communica- tion, but also by a system of. delicate Fig. 23.—Diagram of a portion of Zozodéx cut verti- branching canals (fig. cally. A, B, C, Three tiers of chambers communicating with one another by slightly constricted apertures: @ a, 23) a). Moreover, The true shell-wall, perforated by numerous delicate the central and prin- tubes; 4 6, The main calcareous skeleton (‘‘intermedi- el : f h ate skeleton”); c, Passage of communication (‘‘stolon- ClPa portion OI €ac passage”) from one tier of chambers to another; @,Rami- calcareous layer with fying tubes in the calcareous skeleton. (After Car- : 2 penter.) the ramified canal- system just spoken of, is bounded both abové and below by a thin lamina which has a structure of its own, and which may be regarded as the proper shell-wall (fig. 23,@a@). This proper wall forms the actual lin- ing of the chambers, as well as the outer surface of the whole mass; and it is perforated with numerous fine vertical tubes (fig. 24, @ a), opening into the chambers and on to the sur- face by corresponding fine pores. From the resemblance of this tubulated layer to similar structures in the shell of the Nummulite, it is often spoken of as the ‘‘ Nummuline layer.” The chambers are sometimes piled up one above the other in an irregular manner; but they are more commonly arranged in regular tiers, the separate chambers being marked off from one another by projections of the wall in the form of parti- tions, which are so far imperfect as to allow of a free communi- cation between contiguous chambers. In the original condi- tion of the organism, all these chambers, of course, must have been filled with living matter; but they are found in the present state of the fossil to be generally filled with some silicate, such as serpentine, which not only fills the actual chambers, but has also penetrated the minute tubes of the proper wall and the branching canals of the intermediate skeleton. In some cases y tia THE LAURENTIAN AND HURONIAN PERIODS. 71 the chambers are simply filled with crystalline carbonate of lime. When the originally porous fossil has been permeated Fig. 24.—Portion of one of the calcareous layers of Hozoéu, magnified 100 diameters. a a, The proper wall (‘‘ Nummuline layer”) of one of the chambers, showing the fine ver- tical tubuli with which it is penetrated, and which are slightly bent along the line a’ a’. cc, The intermediate skeleton, with numerous branched canals. The oblique lines are the cleavage planes of the carbonate of lime, extending across both the intermediate skeleton and the proper wall. (After Carpenter.) by a silicate, it is possible to dissolve away the whole of the talcareous skeleton by means of acids, leaving an accurate and Yeautiful cast of the chambers and the tubes connected with them in the insoluble silicate. The above are the actual appearances presented by Lozoon when examined microscopically, and it remains to see how far they enable us to decide upon its true position in the animal kingdom. Those who wish to study this interesting subject in detail must consult the admirable memoirs by Dr W. B. Carpenter and Principal Dawson: it will be enough here to indicate the results which have been arrived at. The only animals at the present day which possess a continuous calcareous skeleton, perforated by pores and penetrated by canals, are certain organisms belonging to the group of the Foraminifera. We have had occasion before to speak of these animals, and as they are not conspicuous or commonly-known forms of life, it may be well to say a few words as to the structure of the living representatives of the group. The Foraminifera are all inhabitants of the sea, and are mostly of small or even microscopic dimensions. Their bodies are com- 72 HISTORICAL PALZONTOLOGY. posed of an apparently structureless animal substance of an albuminous nature (‘‘sarcode”), of a gelatinous consistence, transparent, and exhibiting numerous minute granules or rounded particles. The body-substance cannot be said in itself to possess any definite form, except in so far as it may be bounded by a shell; but it has the power, wherever it may be exposed, of emitting long thread-like filaments (‘ pseudo- podia”), which interlace with one another to form a network (fig. 25,2). These filaments can be thrown out at will, and Fig. 25.—The animal of Vozonina, one of the Foraminifera, after the shell has been removed by a weak acid; 4, Gvomia, a single-chambered Foraminifer (after Schultze), showing the shell surrounded by a network of filaments derived from the body substance. to considerable distances, and can be again retracted into the soft mass of the general body-substance, and they are the agents by which the animal obtains its food. The soft bodies of the Foraminifera are protected by a shell, which is usually calcareous, but may be composed of sand-grains cemented THE LAURENTIAN AND HURONIAN PERIODS. 73 together ; and it may consist of a single chamber (fig. 26, a), or of many chambers arranged in different ways (fig. 26, 0/). Fig. 26.—Shells of living Foraminifera. a, Orbulina universa, in its perfect condi- tion, showing the tubular spines which radiate from the surface of the shell; 6, Glodz- gerina bulloides, in its ordinary condition, the thin hollow spines which are attached to the shell when perfect having been broken off; c, Textularia variabilis; d, Peneroplis planatus; e, Rotalia concamerata; f, Cristellaria subarcuatula. (Fig. a is after pile Thomson; the others are after Williamson. All the figures are greatly en- arged.] Sometimes the shell has but one large opening into it—the mouth ; and then it is from this aperture that the animal pro- trudes the delicate net of filaments with which it seeks its food. In other cases the entire shell is perforated with minute pores (fig. 26, e), through which the soft body-substance gains the exterior, covering the whole shell with a gelatinous film of animal matter, from which filaments can be emitted at any point. When the shell consists of many chambers, all of these are placed in direct communication with one another, and the actual substance of the shell is often traversed by minute canals filled with living matter (e.g., in Calcarina and LVummulina). ‘The shell, therefore, may be regarded, in such cases, asa more or less completely porous calcareous structure, 74 PRINCIPLES OF PALASONTOLOGY. filled to its minutest internal recesses with the substance of the living animal, and covered externally with a layer of the same substance, giving off a network of interlacing filaments. Such, in brief, is the structure of the living Foraminifera; and it is believed that in Zozodn we have an extinct example of the same group, not only of special interest from its imme- morial antiquity, but hardly less striking from its gigantic dimensions. In its original condition, the entire chamber- system of ozoon is believed to have been filled with soft structureless living matter, which passed from chamber to chamber through the wide apertures connecting these cavities, and from tier to tier by means of the tubuli in the shell-wall and the branching canals in the intermediate skeleton. Through the perforated shell-wall covering the outer surface the soft body-substance flowed out, forming a gelatinous investment, from every point of which radiated an interlacing net of deli- cate filaments, providing nourishment for the entire colony. In its present state, as before said, all the cavities originally occupied by the body-substance have been filled with some mineral substance, generally with one of the silicates of mag- nesia; and it has been asserted that this fact militates strongly against the organic nature of ozodn, if not absolutely dis- proving it. As a matter of fact, however—as previously no- ticed—it is by no means very uncommon at the present day to find the shells of living species of Foraminifera in which all the cavities primitively occupied by the body-substance, down to the minutest pores and canals, have been similarly injected by some analogous silicate, such as glauconite. Those, then, whose opinions on such a subject deservedly carry the greatest weight, are decisively of opinion that we are presented in the Zozodn of the Laurentian Rocks of Canada with an ancient, colossal, and in some-respects abnormal type of the Foraminifera. In the words of Dr Carpenter, it is not pretended that ‘‘the doctrine of the Foraminiferal nature of Lozoon can be proved in the demonstrative sense;” but it may be affirmed “that the convergence of a number of separate and independent probabilities, all accordant with that hypothesis, while a separate explanation must be invented for each of them on any other hypothesis, gives it that high probability on which we rest in the ordinary affairs of life, in the verdicts of juries, and in the interpretation of geological phenomena generally.” It only remains to be added, that whilst Zozodn is by far the most important organic body hitherto found in the Lauren- tian, and has been here treated at proportionate length, other Ps THE LAURENTIAN AND HURONIAN PERIODS. 75 traces of life have been detected, which may subsequently prove of great interest and importance. Thus, Principal Dawson has recently described under the name of Archeo- spherine certain singular rounded bodies which he has dis- covered in the Laurentian limestones, and which he believes to be casts of the shells of Foraminifera possibly somewhat allied to the existing Glodigering. The same eminent palzeon- tologist has also described undoubted worm-burrows from rocks probably of Laurentian age. Further and more extend- ed researches, we may reasonably hope, will probably bring to light other actual remains of organisms in these ancient deposits. THE HURONIAN PERIOD. The so-called AWuronian Rocks, like the Laurentian, have their typical development in Canada, and derive their name from the fact that they occupy an extensive area on the borders of Lake Huron. They are wholly metamorphic, and consist principally of altered sandstones or quartzites, siliceous, fels- pathic, or talcose slates, conglomerates, and limestones. They are largely developed on the north shore of Lake Superior, and give rise to a broken and hilly country, very hke that occupied by the Laurentians, with an abundance of timber, but rarely with sufficient soil of good quality for agricultural purposes. They are, however, largely intersected by mineral veins, containing silver, gold, and other metals, and they will ultimately doubtless yield a rich harvest to the miner. The Huronian Rocks have been identified, with greater or less certainty, in other parts of North America, and also in the Old World. The total thickness of the Huronian Rocks in Canada is estimated as being not less than 18,000 feet, but there is con- siderable doubt as to their precise geological position. In their typical area they rest unconformably on the edges of strata of Lower Laurentian age ; but they have never been seen in direct contact with the Upper Laurentian, and their exact relations to this series are therefore doubtful. It is thus open to question whether the Huronian Rocks constitute a distinct formation, to be intercalated in point of time between the Laurentian and the Cambrian groups; or whether, rather, they should not be considered as the metamorphosed representa- tives of the Lower Cambrian Rocks of other regions. As regards the fossils of the Huronian Rocks, little can be said. Some of the specimens of Zozo0on Canadense which have 76. < HISTORICAL PALASONTOLOGY. : been discovered in Canada are thought to come from rocks which are probably of Huronian age. In Bavaria, Dr Gumbel has described a species of Zozoon under the name of Zozo0n Bavaricum, from certain metamorphic limestones which he refers to the Huronian formation. Lastly, the late Mr Billings described, from rocks in Newfoundland apparently referable to the ehcagaeae certain problematical limpet-shaped fossils, to which he gave the name of Asfpidella. LITERATURE. Amongst the works and memoirs which the student may consult with regard to the Laurentian and Huronian deposits may be mentioned the following :*— (1) ‘Report of Progress of the Geological Survey of Canada from its Commencement to 1863,’ pp. 38-49, and pp. 50-66. (2) ‘ Manual of Geology.’ Dana. 2d Ed. 1875. (3) ‘The Dawn of Life.’ J. W. Dawson. 1876. (4) ‘On the Occurrence of Organic Remains in the Laurentian Rocks of Canada.” Sir W. E. Logan. ‘ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,’ XX1. 45-50. (5) ‘*On the Structure of Certain Organic Remains in the Laurentian Limestones of Canada.” J. W. Dawson. ‘ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,’ xxi. 51-59. (6) ‘* Additional Note on the Structure and Affinities of Eozoon Cana- dense.”” W. B. Carpenter. ‘Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,* xxi 59-66. (7) ‘‘Supplemental Notes on the Structure and Affinities of Eozoon Canadense.” W. B. Carpenter. ‘Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., XXil. 219-228. (8) ‘‘ Onthe So-Called Eozodnal Rocks.” King & Rowney. ‘ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,’ xxii. 185-218. (9) ‘ Chemical and Geological Essays.’ Sterry Hunt. The above list only includes some of the more important memoirs which may be consulted as to the geological and chemical features of the Lauren- tian and Huronian Rocks, and as to the true nature of Zozodn. Those who are desirous of studying the later phases of the controversy with re- gard to Hozoém must consult the papers of Carpenter, Carter, Dawson, King & Rowney, Hahn, and others, in the ‘ Quart. Journ. of the Geological Society,’ the ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy,’ the ‘Annals of Nat- ural History,’ the ‘Geological Magazine,’ &c. Dr Carpenter’s ‘ Introduc- tion to the Study of the Foraminifera’ should also be consulted. * In this and in all subsequently following bibliographical lists, not only is the selection of works and memoirs quoted necessarily extremely limited; but only such have, asa general rule, been chosen for mention as are easily accessible to students who are in the position of being able to refer toa good library. Exceptions, however, are occasionally made to this rule, in favour of memoirs or works of special historical interest. It is also un- necessary to add that it has not been thought requisite to insert in these lists the well-known handbooks of geological and palzontological science, except in such instances as where they contain special information on special points. THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD. T7. Cire Re VLE. THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD. The traces of life in the Laurentian period, as we have seen, are but scanty ; but the Camérian Rocks—so called from their occurrence in North Wales and its borders (‘‘ Cambria”)—have yielded numerous remains of animals and.some dubious plants. The Cambrian deposits have thus a special interest as being the oldest rocks in which occur any number of well-preserved and unquestionable organisms. We have here the remains of the first fawna, or assemblage of animals, of which we have at present knowledge. As regards their geographical distribu- tion, the Cambrian Rocks have been recognised in many parts of the world, but there is some question as to the precise limits of the formation, and we may consider that their most typical area is in South Wales, where they have been carefully worked out, chiefly by Dr Henry Hicks. In this region, in the neigh- bourhood of the promontory of St David’s, the Cambrian Rocks are largely developed, resting upon an ancient ridge of Pre- Cambrian (Laurentian?) strata, and overlaid by the lowest beds of the Lower Silurian. The subjoined sketch-section (fig. 27) exhibits in a general manner the succession of strata in this locality. From this section it will be seen that the Cambrian Rocks in Wales are divided in the first place into a lower and an upper group. The Lower Cambrian is constituted at the base by a great series of grits, sandstones, conglomerates, and slates, which are known as the “‘ Longmynd group,” from their vast development in the Longmynd Hills in Shropshire, and which attain in North Wales a thickness of 8000 feet or more. The Longmynd beds are succeeded by the so-called “ Mene- vian group,” a series of sandstones, flags, and grits, about 600 feet in thickness, and containing a considerable number of fossils. The Upper Cambrian series consists in its lower por- tion of nearly 5000 feet of strata, principally shaly and slaty, which are known as the “Lingula Flags,” from the great abundance in them of a shell referable to the genus Lingula. These are followed by tooo feet of dark shales and flaggy sandstones, which are known as the “ Tremadoc slates,” from their occurrence near Tremadoc in North Wales; and these in turn are surmounted, apparently quite conformably, by the basement Pe of the Lower Silurian, 7 8 HISTORICAL PALAZONTOLOGY. GENERALISED SECTION OF THE CAMBRIAN ROCKS IN WALES. Arenig Group (Base of the Lower Silurian). Tremadoc Slates. Z 4 : Upper Lingula Flags. 3 y Middle Lingula Flags, : =) Lower Lingula Flags, Menevian Group. Z 3 ea = = < O a Longmynd or Harlech Group. ° a Pre-Cambrian Rocks. The above may be regarded as giving a typical series of the Cambrian Rocks in a typical locality ; but strata of Cambrian age are known in many other regions, of which it is only possible here to allude to a few of the most important. In Scandinavia occurs a well-developed series of Cambrian de- posits, representing both the lower and upper parts of the THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD. 79 formation. In Bohemia, the Upper Cambrian, in particular, is largely developed, and constitutes the so-called “ Primordial zone” of Barrande. Lastly, in North America, whilst the Lower Cambrian is only imperfectly developed, or is repre- sented by the Huronian, the Upper Cambrian formation has a wide extension, containing fossils similar in character to the analogous strata in Europe, and known as the “ Potsdam Sand- stone.” The subjoined table shows the chief areas where Cam- brian Rocks are developed, and their general equivalency : TABULAR VIEW OF THE CAMBRIAN FORMATION. Britain. Lurope. America. a. Tremadoc Slates. a. Primordial zone | a. Potsdam of Bohemia. Sandstone. 6. Lingula Flags. 6. Paradoxides 6. Acadian Upper Schists, Olenus group of New Cambrian. Schists, and Dict- Brunswick. yonema schists of Sweden. a. Longmynd Beds. | a. Fucoidal Sand- Huronian stone of Sweden. Formation ? 6, Lianberis Slates. b. Eophyton Sand- stone of Sweden. c. Harlech Grits. ad. Oldhamia Slates of Ireland. é. Conglomerates and Sandstones’ of Sutherlandshire ? ~. Menevian Beds. Lower Cambrian. Like all the older Palzeozoic deposits, the Cambrian Rocks, though by no means necessarily what would be called actually ““metamorphic,” have been highly cleaved, and otherwise altered from their original condition. Owing partly to their indurated state, and partly to their great antiquity, they are usually found in the heart of mountainous districts, which have undergone great disturbance, and have been subjected to an enormous amount of denudation. In some cases, as in the Longmynd Hills in Shropshire, they form low rounded eleva- tions, largely covered by pasture, and with few or no elements of sublimity. In other cases, however, they rise into bold and rugged mountains, girded by precipitous cliffs. Industrially, the Cambrian Rocks are of interest, if only for the reason that the celebrated Welsh slates of Llanberis are derived from highly-cleaved beds of this age. Taken as a whole, the Cam- brian formation is essentially composed of arenaceous and 80 HISTORICAL PALZONTOLOGY. muddy sediments, the latter being sometimes red, but more commonly nearly black in colour. It has often been supposed that the Cambrians are a deep-sea deposit, and that we may thus account for the few fossils contained in them; but the paucity of fossils is to a large extent imaginary, and some of _ the Lower Cambrian beds of the Longmynd Hills would ap- pear to.have been laid down in shallow water, as they exhibit rain-prints, sun-cracks, and ripple-marks—incontrovertible evi- dence of their having been a shore-deposit. ‘The occurrence of innumerable worm-tracks and burrows in many Cambrian strata is also a proof of shallow-water conditions ; and the gen- eral absence of limestones, coupled with the coarse mechani- cal nature of many of the sediments of the Lower Cambrian, may be taken as pointing in the same direction.. The Zfe of the Cambrian, though not so rich as in the suc- ceeding Silurian period, nevertheless consists of representa- tives of most of the great classes of invertebrate animals. The coarse sandy deposits of the formation, which abound more particularly towards its lower part, naturally are to a large extent barren of fossils; but the muddy sediments, when not too highly cleaved, and especially towards the summit of the group, are replete with organic remains. This is also the case, in many localities at any rate, with the finer beds of the Potsdam Sandstone in America. Limestones are known to occur in only a few areas (chiefly in America), and this may account for the apparent total absence of corals. It is, however, interest- ing to note that, with this exception, almost all the other lead- ing groups of Invertebrates are known to have come into existence during the Cambrian period. Of the land- surfaces of the Cambrian period we know nothing ; and there is, therefore, nothing surprising in the fact that our acquaintance with the Cambrian vegetation is confined to some marine plants or sea-weeds, often of a very obscure and problematical nature. The ‘‘ Fucoidal Sandstone” of Sweden, and the “ Potsdam Sandstone” of North America, have both yielded numerous remains which have been regarded as mark- ings left by sea-weeds or “ Fucoids ;” but these are highly enig- matical in their characters, and would, in many instances, seem to be rather referable to the tracks and burrows of marine worms. ‘The first-mentioned of these formations has also yielded the curious, furrowed and striated stems which have been described as a kind of land-plant under the name of Lophyton (fig. 28). It cannot be said, however, that the vege- table origin of these singular bodies has been satisfactorily proved. Lastly, there are found in certain green and purple THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD. Sr beds of Lower Cambrian age at Bray Head, Wicklow, Ireland, some very remarkable fossils, which are well known under the (htdllli 2 —————_—————— Fig. 28.—Fragment of Zophyton Linneanum, a supposed land-p'ant, Lower Jambrian, Sweden, of the natural size. name of O/d¢hamza, but the true nature of which is very doubtful. The commonest form of Ol/dhamia (fig. 29) consists of a thread-like stem or axis, from which spring at regular intervals bundles of short filamentous branches in a fan-like manner. In the locality where it occurs, the fronds of O/dhamia are very abundant, and are spread over the surfaces of the strata in tangled layers. That it is organic is certain, and that it is a calcareous sea-weed is probable ; but it may possibly belong to the sea-mosses (Polyzoa), or to the sea-firs (Sevtularians). Amongst the lower forms of animal life (Protozoa), we find the Sponges represented by the curious bodies, composed of netted fibres, to which the name of Protospongia has been given (fig. 32, a); and the comparatively gigantic, conical, or cylin- 82 HISTORICAL PALZONTOLOGY. drical fossils termed Archeocyathus by Mr Billings are certainly referable either to the Foraminifera or to the Sponges. The almost total absence of lime- MG stones in the formation may i) EE be regarded as a sufficient ex- \ Ci planation of the fact that the ) Foraminifera are not more AE Wy largely and unequivocally re- SV“ AW argely a quivocally re GAA 2 presented ; though the exist- ence of greensands in the Cambrian beds of Wisconsin \ “My l) Y as an indication that this class of animals was by no means wholly wanting. The same fact may explain the total ab- sence of corals, so far as at present known. The group of the Echinoder- Fig. 29.—A portion of Oldhamia an- mata (Sea-lilies, Sea-urchins, tigua, Lower Cambrian, Wicklow, Ire- : ° : land, of the natural size. (After Salter.) and their allies) 18 represented by a few forms, which are prin- cipally of interest as being the earliest-known examples of the class. It is also worthy of note that these precursors of a group which subsequently attains such geological importance, are referable to no less than three distinct orders—the Crinoids or Sea-lilies, represented by a species of Dendrocrinus; the Cystideans by Protocystites ; and the Star-fishes by Padasterina and some other forms. Only the last of these groups, how- ever, appears to occur in the Lower Cambrian. The Ringed-worms (Azmnelida), if rightly credited with all the remains usually referred to them, appear to have swarmed in the Cambrian seas. Being soft-bodied, we do not find the actual worms themselves in the fossil condition, but we have, nevertheless, abundant traces of their existence. In some cases we find vertical burrows of greater or less depth, often expanded towards their apertures, in which the worm must have actually lived (fig. 30), as various species do at the pre- sent day. In these cases, the tube must have been rendered more or less permanent by receiving a coating of mucus, or perhaps a genuine membranous secretion, from the body of the animal, and it may be found quite empty, or occupied by a.cast of sand or mud. Of this nature are the burrows which have been described under the names of Scolithus and Scoleco- derma, and probably the Azstioderma of the Lower Cambrian - and Tennessee may be taken © THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD. 83 of Ireland. In other cases, as in Avenicolites (fig. 32, 4), the worm seems to have inhabited a double burrow, shaped like Fig. 30.—Annelide-burrows (Scolithus linearis), from the Potsdam Sandstone of Canada, of the natural size. (After Billings.) ° the letter U, and having two openings placed close together on the surface of the stratum. Thousands of these twin- burrows occur in some of the strata of the Longmynd, and it is supposed that the worm used one opening to the burrow as an aperture of entrance, and the other as one of exit. In other cases, again, we find simply the meandering trails caused by the worm dragging its body over the surface of the mud. Markings of this kind are commoner in the Silurian Rocks, and it is generally more or less doubtful whether they may not have been caused by other marine animals, such as shell- fish, whilst some of them have certainly nothing whatever to do with the worms. Lastly, the Cambrian beds often show twining cylindrical bodies, commonly more or less matted together, and not confined to the surfaces of the strata, but passing through them. These have often been regarded as the remains of sea-weeds, but it is more probable that they represent casts of the underground burrows of worms of sim1- lar habits to the common lob-worm (Avevzcola) of the present day. The Articulate animals are numerously represented in the Cambrian deposits, but exclusively by the class of Crustaceans. Some of these are little double-shelled creatures, resembling our living water-fleas (Ostracoda). A few are larger forms, and belong to the same group as the existing brine-shrimps and fairy-shrimps (PhyMopoda). One of the most characteristic of - 84 HISTORICAL PALHZONTOLOGY. these is the Hymenocaris vermicauda of the Lingula Flags (fig. 32, @). By far the Jarger number of the Cambrian Crustacea belong, however, to the remarkable and wholly extinct group of the Zyrzobites. These extraordinary animals must have literally swarmed in the seas of the later portion of this and the whole of the succeeding period; and they survived in greatly diminished numbers till the earlier portion of the Carboniferous period. They died out, however, wholly before the close of the Palzozoic epoch, and we have no Crusta- ceans at the present day which can be considered as their direct representatives. They have, however, relationships of amore or less intimate character with the existing groups of the Phyllopods, the King-crabs (Zzmulus), and the Isopods (‘‘Slaters,” Wood-lice, &c.) Indeed, one member of the last- mentioned order, namely, the Sevo/zs of the coasts of Patagonia, has been regarded as the nearest living ally of the Trilobites. Be this as it may, the Trilobites possessed a skeleton which, though capable of undergoing almost endless variations, was wonderfully constant in its pattern of structure, and we may briefly describe here the chief features of this. The upper surface of the body of a Trilobite was defended by a strong shell or “‘ crust,” partly horny and partly calcare- ous in its composition. This shell (fig. 31) generally exhibits a very distinct “ trilobation ” or division into three longitudinal lobes, one central and two lateral. It also exhibits a more important and more fundamental division into three transverse portions, which are so loosely connected with one another as very commonly to be found separate. The first and most anterior of these divisions is a shield or buckler which covers the head ; the second or middle portion is composed of mov- able rings covering the trunk (“‘ thorax”); and the third is a shield which covers the tail or “‘abdomen.” The head-shield (fig. 31, €) is generally more or less semicircular in shape ; and its central portion, covering the stomach of the animal, is usu- ally strongly elevated, and generally marked by lateral furrows. A little on each side of the head are placed the eyes, which are generally crescentic in shape, and resemble the eyes of insects and many existing Crustaceans in being ‘‘ compound,” or made up of numerous simple eyes aggregated together. So excellent is the state of preservation of many specimens of Tnilobites, that the numerous individual lenses of the eyes have been uninjured, and as many as four hundred have been counted in each eye of some forms. The eyes may be sup- ported upon prominences, but they are never carried on mov- able stalks (as they are in the existing lobsters and crabs) ; and THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD. 85 in some of the Cambrian Trilobites, such as the little Agnostz (fig. 31 g), the animal was blind. ‘The lateral portions of the Fig. 2r.—Cambrian Trilobites: a, Paradoxides Bohemicus, reduced in size; 6, Ellip- socephalus Hoffi; c, Sao hirsuta; d, Conocoryphe Sultzeri (all the above, together with fig. g, are from the Upper Cambrian or “‘ Primordial Zone” of Bohemia); ¢, Head-shield of Dikellocephalus Celticus, from the Lingula Flags of Wales; 74, Head-shield of Cozo- coryphe Matthewi, from the Upper Cambrian (Acadian Group) of New Brunswick; g, A gnostus rex, Bohemia ; 4, Tail-shield of Dikellocephalus Minnesotensis, from the Upper Cambrian (Potsdam Sandstone) of Minnesota. (After Barrande, Dawson, Salter, and Dale Owen.) head-shield are usually separated from the central portion by a peculiar line of division (the so-called “facial suture”) on each side; but this is also wanting in some of the Cambrian species. The backward angles of the head-shield, also, are often prolonged into spines, which sometimes reach a great length. Following the head-shield behind, we have a portion of the body which is composed of movable segments or “‘body- rings,” and which is technically called the ‘‘ thorax.” Ordi- narily, this region is strongly trilobed, and each ring consists of a central convex portion, and of two flatter side-lobes. The number of body-rings in the thorax is very variable (from two to twenty-six), but is fixed for the adult forms of each group of the Tnlobites. The young forms have much fewer rings than the full-grown ones ; and it is curious to find that the Cam- 86 HISTORICAL PALZONTOLOGY. brian Trilobites very commonly have either a great many rings (as in Paradoxides, fig. 31, a), or else very few (as in Agnostus, fig. 31, g). In some instances, the body-rings do not seem to have been so constructed as to allow of much movement, but in other cases this region of the body is so flexible that the animal possessed the power of rolling itself up completely, like a hedgehog ; and many individuals have been permanently preserved as fossils in this defensive condition. Finally, the body of the Trilobite was completed by a tail-shield (techni- cally termed the ‘“‘ pygidium”), which varies much in size and form, and is composed of a greater or less number of rings, similar to those which form the thorax, but immovably amalga- mated with one another (fig. 31, 4). The under surface of the body in the Trilobites appears to have been more or less entirely destitute of hard structures, with the exception of a well-developed upper lip, in the form of a plate attached to the inferior side of the head-shield in front. ‘There is no reason to doubt that the animal possessed legs; but these structures seem to have resembled those of many living Crustaceans in being quite soft and membranous. This, at any rate, seems to have been generally the case; though structures which have been regarded as legs have been detected on the under surface of one of the larger species of Trilobites. ‘There is also, at present, no direct evidence that the Trilobites possessed the two pairs of jointed feelers (‘“an- tennz”) which are so characteristic of recent Crustaceans. The Trilobites vary much in size, and the Cambrian forma- tion presents examples of both the largest and the smallest members of the order. Some of the young forms may be little bigger than a millet-seed, and some adult examples of the smaller species (such as Agwostus) may be only a few lines in length ; whilst such giants of the order as Faradoxides and Asaphus may reach a length of from one to two feet. Judging from what we actually know as to the structure of the Trilo- bites, and also from analogous recent forms, it would seem that these ancient Crustaceans were mud-haunting creatures, deni- zens of shallow seas, and affecting the soft silt of the bottom rather than the clear water-above. Whenever muddy sedi- ments are found in the Cambrian and Silurian formations, there we are tolerably sure to find Tnilobites, though they are by no means absolutely wanting in limestones. They appear to have crawled about upon the sea-bottom, or burrowed in the yielding mud, with the soft under surface directed downwards; and it is probable that they really derived their nutriment from the organic matter contained in the ooze amongst which they THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD. 87 lived. The vital organs seem to have occupied the central lobe of the skeleton, by which they were protected ; and a series of delicate leaf-like paddles, which probably served as respiratory organs, would appear to have been carried on the under surface of the thorax. That they had their enemies may be regarded as certain; but we have no evidence that they were furnished with any offensive weapons, or, indeed, with any means of defence beyond their hard crust, and the power, possessed by so many of them, of rolling themselves into a ball. An addi- tional proof of the fact that they for the most part crawled along the sea-bottom is found in the occurrence of tracks and markings of various kinds, which can hardly be ascribed to any other creatures with any show of probability. That this is the true nature of some of the markings in question cannot be doubted at all ; and in other cases no explanation so pro- bable has yet been suggested. If, however, the tracks which have been described from the Potsdam Sandstone of North America nnder the name of Profschnites are really due to the peregrinations of some Trilobite, they must have been pro- duced by one of the largest examples of the order. As already said, the Cambrian Rocks are very rich in the remains of Trilobites. In the lowest beds of the series (Long- mynd Rocks), representatives of some half-dozen genera have now been detected, including the dwarf Agvostus and the giant Paradoxtdes. In the higher beds, the number both of genera and species is largely increased ; and from the great compara- tive abundance of individuals, the Trilobites have every right to be considered as the most characteristic fossils of the Cam- brian period,—the more so as the Cambrian species belong to peculiar types, which, for the most part, died out before the commencement of the Silurian epoch. All the remaining Cambrian fossils which demand any notice here are members of one or other division of the great class of the Mollusca, or “ Shell-fish” properly so called. In the Lower Cambrian Rocks the Lamp-shells (Lvachiopoda) are the principal or sole representatives of the class, and appear chiefly in three interesting and important types—namely, Lzngulella, Discina, and Obolella. Of these the last (fig. 32, 2) is highly characteristic of these ancient deposits; whilst Dzscewa is one of those remarkable persistent types which, commencing at this early period, has continued to be represented by varying forms through all the intervening geological formations up to the present day. Lzngulella (fig. 32, c), again, is closely allied to the existing ‘‘ Goose-bill ” Lamp-shell (Zzzgula anatina), and thus presents us with another example of an extremely long- 88 HISTORICAL PALZ ONTOLOGY. lived type. The Zzngulelle and their successors, the Zingule, are singular in possessing a shell which is of a horny texture, and contains but a small proportion of calcareous matter. In the Upper Cambrian Rocks, the Zzmgulelle become much more abundant, the broad satchel-shaped species known as JZ. Davisii (fig. 32, e) being so abundant that one of the great divisions of the Cambrian is termed the “ Lingula Flags.” Here, also, we meet for the first time with examples of the genus Orthis (fig. 32, 7, &, 2) a characteristic Paleozoic type of i t Fig. 32.—Cambrian Fossils: a, Protospongia fenestrata, Menevian Group; 6, Avenz- colites didymus, Longmynd Group; c, Lingulella ferruginea, Longmynd and Menevian, enlarged; ad, Hymenocaris vermicauda, Lingula Flags; e, Lingulella Davzsi, Lingula Flags; 74, Orthts lenticularis, Lingula Flags; g, Theca Davidiz, Tremadoc Slates; %, Modiolopsis Solvensis, Yremadoc Slates; 2, Obolella sagittalis, interior of valve, Mene- vian; 7, Exterior of the same; 4, Orthts Hicksii, Menevian; @Z, Cast of the same; 7, Olenus micrurus, Lingula Flags. (After Salter, Hicks, and Davidson.) the Brachiopods, which is destined to undergo a vast extension in later ages. Of the higher groups of the A/ol/usca the record is as yet but scanty. In the Lower Cambrian, we have but the thin, fragile, dagger-shaped shells of the free-swimming oceanic Molluscs or ‘‘ Winged-snails” (Pteropoda), of which the most characteristic is the genus Zheca (fig. 32, g). In the Upper Cambrian, in addition to these, we have a few Univalves (Gasteropoda), and, thanks to the researches of Dr Hicks, quite a small assemblage of Bivalves (Lamellibranchiata), though these are mostly of no great dimensions (fig. 32, #). Of the chambered Cephalopoda (Cuttle-fishes and their allies), THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD. 89 we have but few traces, and these wholly confined to the higher beds of the formation. We meet, however, with examples of the wonderful genus Orthoceras, with its straight, partitioned shell, which we shall find in an immense variety of forms in the Silurian rocks. Lastly, it is worthy of note that the lowest of all the groups of the Mollusca — namely, that of the Sea- mats, Sea-mosses, and Lace-corals (Po/y- zoa)—is only doubtfully known to have any representatives in the Cambrian, though undergoing a large and varied development in the Silurian deposits. An exception, however, may with much | | probability be made to this statement in Big ohimemention favour of the singular genus Diuctyonema Dictyonema sociale, cow (fig. 33), which is highly characteristic -of fis ne Inoumy eel es the highest Cambrian beds (Tremadoc Win te onharos Slates). This curious fossil occurs in the of cells on each side. form of fan-like or funnel-shaped expan- 0”! sions, composed of slightly-diverging horny branches, which are united in a net-like manner by numerous delicate cross- bars, and exhibit a row of little cups or cells, in which the ani- mals were contained, on each side. Dzctyonema has generally been referred to the Gvaffolites ; but it has a much greater affinity with the plant-like Sea-firs (Sertularians) or the Sea- mosses (Polyzoa), and the balance of evidence is perhaps in favour of placing it with the latter. LITERATURE. The following are the more important and accessible works and memoirs which may be consulted in studying the stratigraphical and palzeontolo- gical relations of the Cambrian Rocks :— (1) ‘Siluria.” Sir Roderick Murchison. 5th ed., pp. 21-46. _ (2) ‘Synopsis of the Classification of the British Palzozoic Rocks.’ Sedgwick. Introduction to the 3d Fasciculus of the ‘ Descrip- tions of British Palzeozoic Fossils in the Woodwardian Museum,’ by F. M‘Coy, pp. i-xcviii, 1855. (3) ‘Catalogue of the Cambrian and Silurian Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cainbridge.’ Salter. With a Pref- ace by Prof. Sedgwick. 1873. (4) ‘ Thesaurus Siluricus.’ Bigsby. 1868. ; (5) ‘“‘ History of the Names Cambrian and Silurian.” Sterry Hunt.— ‘Geological Magazine.’ 1873. _ (6) ‘Systeme Silurien du Centre de la Bohéme.’ Barrande. Vol. I. (7) ‘ Report of Progress of the Geological Survey of Canada, from its Commencement to 1863,’ pp. 87-109. go HISTORICAL PALAON TOLOGY. (8) ‘Acadian Geology.’ Dawson. Pp. 641-657. (9) ‘Guide to the Geology of New York,” Lincklaen; and ‘‘ Contribu- tions to the Paleontology of New York,” James Hall.—‘ Four- teenth Report on the State Cabinet.’ 1861. (10) ‘ Palzeozoic Fossils of Canada.’ Billings. 1865. (11) ‘ Manual of Geology.’ Dana. Pp. 166-182. 2ded. 1875. (12) ‘*Geology of North Wales,” Ramsay; with Appendix on the Fossils, Salter.—‘ Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great _ Britain,’ vol. iii. 1866. (13) ‘fOnthe Ancient Rocks of the St David’s Promontory, South Wales, and their Fossil Contents.” Harkness and Hicks.—‘ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,’ xxvii. 384-402. 1871. (14) *fOn the Tremadoc Rocks in the Neighbourhood of St David’s, South Wales, and their Fossil Contents.” Hicks.—‘ Quart. ~ Journ. Geol. Soc.,’ xxix. 39-52. 1873. In the above list, allusion has necessarily been omitted to numerous works and memoirs on the Cambrian deposits of Sweden and Norway, Central Europe, Russia, Spain, and various parts of North America, as well as to a number of important papers on the British Cambrian strata by various well-known observers. Amongst these latter may be mentioned memoirs by Prof. Phillips, and Messrs Salter, Hicks, Belt, Plant, Hom- fray, Ash, Holl, &c. CoEPALP ER ik THE LOWER SILURIAN PERIOD. The great system of deposits to which Sir Roderick Murchi- son applied the name of “Silurian Rocks” reposes directly upon the highest Cambrian beds, apparently without any marked unconformity, though with a considerable change in the nature of the fossils. The name ‘‘Silurian” was originally proposed by the eminent geologist just alluded to for a great series of strata lying below the Old Red Sandstone, and occu- pying districts in Wales and its borders which were at one time inhabited by the ‘‘Silures,” a tribe of ancient Britons. Deposits of a corresponding age are now known to be largely developed in other parts of England, in Scotland, and in Ire- land, in North America, in Australia, in India, in Bohemia, Saxony, Bavaria, Russia, Sweden and Norway, Spain, and in various other regions of less note. In some regions, as in the neighbourhood of St Petersburg, the Silurian strata are found not only to have preserved their original horizontality, but also to have retained almost unaltered their primitive soft and inco- herent nature. In other regions, as in Scandinavia and many THE LOWER SILURIAN PERIOD. Ql parts of North America, similar strata, now consolidated into shales, sandstones, and limestones, may be found resting with a very slight inclination on still older sediments. In a great many regions, however, the Silurian deposits are found to have undergone more or less folding, crumpling, and dislocation, accompanied by induration and “‘cleavage” of the finer and softer sediments ; whilst in some regions, as in the Highlands of Scotland, actual ‘‘metamorphism” has taken place. In consequence of the above, Silurian districts usually present the bold, rugged, and picturesque outlines which are char- acteristic of the older ‘‘ Primitive” rocks of the earth’s crust in general. In many instances, we find Silurian strata rising into mountain-chains of great grandeur and sublimity, exhibiting the utmost diversity of which rock-scenery is capable, and de- lighting the artist with endless changes of valley, lake, and cliff. Such districts are little suitable for agriculture, though this is often compensated for by the valuable mineral products con- tained in the rocks. On the other hand, when the rocks are tolerably soft and uniform in their nature, or when few disturb- ances of the crust of the earth have taken place, we may find Silurian areas to be covered with an abundant pasturage or to be heavily timbered. Under the head of “Silurian Rocks,” Sir Roderick Murchi- son included all the strata between the summit of the ‘‘ Long- mynd” beds and the Old Red Sandstone, and he divided these into the two great groups of the Zower Silurian and Upper Silu- rian. It is, however, now generally admitted that a considerable portion of the basement beds of Murchison’s Silurian series must be transferred—if only upon palzontological grounds—to the Upper Cambrian, as has here been done; and much contro- versy has been carried on as to the proper nomenclature of the Upper Silurian and of the remaining portion of Murchison’s Lower Silurian. Thus, some would confine the name “ Silu- rian” exclusively to the Upper Silurian, and would apply the name of ‘ Cambro-Silurian” to the Lower Silurian, or would include all beds of the latter age in the ‘‘ Cambrian ” series of Sedgwick. It is not necessary to enter into the merits of these conflicting views. For our present purpose, it is sufficient to recognise that there exist two great groups of rocks between the highest Cambrian beds, as here defined, and the base of the Devonian or Old Red Sandstone. ‘These two great groups are so closely allied to one another, both physically and pale- ontologically, that many authorities have established a third or intermediate group (the “ Middle Silurian”), by which a pas- Q2 HISTORICAL PALAONTOLOGY. sage is made from one into the other. This method of pro- cedure involves disadvantages which appear to outweigh its advantages ; and the two groups in question are not only gen- erally capable of very distinct stratigraphical separation, but at the same time exhibit, together with the alliances above spoken of, so many and such important paleontological differences, that it is best to consider them separately. We shall there- fore follow this course in the present instance; and pending the final solution of the controversy as to Cambrian and Silu- rian nomenclature, we shall distinguish these two groups of strata as the ‘‘ Lower Silurian” and the “‘ Upper Silurian.” The Lower Silurian Rocks are known already to be devel- oped in various regions ; and though their geweral succession in these areas is approximately the same, each area exhibits peculiarities of its own, whilst the subdivisions of each are known by special names. | All, therefore, that can be attempted here, is to select two typical areas—such as Wales and North America—and to briefly consider the grouping and divisions of the Lower Silurian in each. In Wales, the line between the Cambrian and Lower Silurian is somewhat ill-defined, and is certainly not marked by any strong unconformity. There are, however, grounds for accept- ing the line proposed, for paleontological reasons, by Dr Hicks, in accordance with which the Tremadoc Slates (‘Lower Tremadoc” of Salter) become the highest of the Cambrian deposits of Britain. If we take this view, the Lower Silurian rocks of Wales and adjoining districts are found to have the following gezera/ succession from below upwards (fig. 34) :— 1. The Avenig Group.—This group derives its name from the Arenig mountains, where it is extensively developed. It consists of about 4000 feet of slates, shales, and flags, and is divisible into a lower, middle, and upper division, of which the former is often regarded as Cambrian under the name of “ Upper Tremadoc Slates.” 2. The Llandeilo Group.—The thickness of this group varies from about 4000 to as much as 10,000 feet; but in this latter case a great amount of the thickness is made up of volcanic ashes and interbedded traps. The sedimentary beds of this group are principally slates and flags, the latter occasionally with calcareous bands; and the whole series can be divided into a lower, middle, and upper Llandeilo division, of which the last is the most important. The name of ‘“ Llandeilo” is derived from the town of the same name in Wales, where strata of this age were described by Murchison. THE LOWER SILURIAN PERIOD. 93 3. The Caradoc or Bala Group.—The alternative names of this group are also of local origin, and are derived, the one from Caer Caradoc in Shropshire, the other from Bala 1 in Wales, - strata of this age occurring in both localities. ‘The series is divided into a Tower and upper group, the latter chiefly com- posed of shales and flags, and the former of sandstones and shales, together with the important and interesting calcareous band known as the “ Bala Limestone.” The thickness of the entire series varies from 4000 to as much as 12,000 feet, ac- cording as it contains more or less of interstratified igneous rocks. 4. The Llandovery Group (Lower Llandovery of Murchison). —This series, as developed near the town of Llandovery, in Caermarthenshire, consists of less than 1ooo feet of conglom- erates, sandstones, and shales. It is probable, however, that the little calcareous band known as the ‘‘ Hirnant Limestone,” together with certain pale-coloured slates which le above the Bala Limestone, though usually referred to the Caradoc series, should in reality be regarded as belonging to the Llandovery group. The general succession of the Lower Silurian strata of Wales and its borders, attaining a maximum thickness (along with contemporaneous igneous matter) of nearly 30,000 feet, is diagramatically represented in the annexed sketch-section (fig. 34) :— [GENERALISED SECTION O4 HISTORICAL PALZONTOLOGY. GENERALISED SECTION OF THE LOWER SILURIAN Rocks OF WALES. Fig. 34. May Hill Sandstone (base of Upper Silurian). Llandovery Group. LLANDO- VERY GROUP a 5 ©) g Upper Bala. oO < — < = ee fo) 3) 2 Lower Bala. < fo = O a 2, Upper hiandenet m2 oO ———— 3 SNe Seabee eee Bs Middle Llandeilo. ae ee ae 5 Sea ee ay eS rae ee 2 | Gerona 4 a ower llandelea: ees Upper Arenig. 5 io) / c —— | bite bser = TIA LPF PTT ee Lower Arenig (Upper SO ———————— Tremadoc Group). ——S— Tremadoc Slates (Lower = Tremadoc Group). In North America, both in the United States and in Can- ada, the Silurian rocks are very largely developed, and may be THE LOWER SILURIAN PERIOD. 95 regarded as constituting an exceedingly full and typical series of the deposits of this period. The chief groups of the Silurian rocks of North America are as follows, beginning, as_ before, with the lowest strata, and proceeding upwards (fig. 35) :— 1. Quebec Group. —'This group is typically developed in the vicinity of Quebec, where it consists of about 5000 feet of strata, chiefly variously - coloured shales, together with some sandstones and a few calcareous bands. It contains a number of peculiar Graptolites, by which it can be identified without question with the Arenig group of Wales and the correspond- ing Skiddaw Slates of the North of England. It is also to be noted that numerous Trilobites of a distinct Cambrian /aczes have been obtained in the limestones of the Quebec group, near Quebec. These fossils, however, have been exclusively obtained from the limestones of the group; and as these lime- stones are principally calcareous breccias or conglomerates, there is room for believing that these primordial fossils are really derived, in part at any rate, from fragments of an upper Cambrian limestone. In the State of New York, the Grapto- litic shales of Quebec are wanting ; and the base of the Silurian is constituted by the so-called ‘‘ Calciferous Sand-rock” and ““Chazy Limestone.”* The first of these is essentially and typically calcareous, and the second is a genuine limestone. 2. The Zrenton Group.—This is an essentially calcareous group, the various limestones of which it is composed being known as the “ Bird’s-eye,” ‘‘ Black River,” and ‘‘ Trenton ” Limestones, of which the last is the thickest and most import- ant. The thickness of this group is variable, and the bands of limestone in it are often separated by beds of shale. 3. The Cincinnati Group (Hudson River Formation t).— This group consists essentially of a lower series of shales, often black in colour and highly charged with bituminous matter (the ‘‘ Utica Slates”), and of an upper series of shales, sand- * The precise relations of the Quebec shales with Graptolites (Levis Formation) to the Calciferous and Chazy beds are still obscure, though there seems little doubt but that the Quebec Shales are superior to the Calciferous Sand-rock. + There is some difficulty about the precise nomenclature of this group. It was originally called the ‘‘ Hudson River Formation;’’ but this name is inappropriate, as rocks of this age hardly touch anywhere the actual Hudson River itself, the rocks so called formerly being now known to be of more ancient date. There is also some want of propriety in the name of ** Cincinnati Group,” since the rocks which are known under this name in the vicinity of Cincinnati itself are the representatives of the Trenton Limestone, Utica Slates, and the old Hudson River group, inseparably united in what used to be called the ‘‘ Blue Limestone Series,” 96 HISTORICAL PALZONTOLOGY. stones, and limestones (the ‘‘ Cincinnati” rocks proper). The exact parallelism of the Trenton and Cincinnati groups with the subdivisions of the Welsh Silurian series can hardly be stated positively. Probably no precise equivalency exists ; but there can be no doubt but that the Trenton and Cincin- nati groups correspond, as a whole, with the Llandeilo and Caradoc groups of Britain. The subjoined diagrammatic section (fig. 35) gives a general idea of the succession of the Lower Silurian rocks of North America :— GENERALISED SECTION OF THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS oF NORTH AMERICA. Fig. 5- Oo Medina Sandstone (base of Upper Silurian). 5 O a = == Cincinnati Group proper. =: Fp 2 3) Ai = = = Utica Slates. 5 eS — ~Trenton Limestone. O Zz. ° & aa a = | {ft} __Black River Limestone. = an! - . . iinnnTTin eae Rea os. Tne eee . BOA d Ae a Ht} Chazy Limestone. > HH} i = = SS ____ Quebec Shales (Levis Beds). o |___Calciferous Sand-rock. --.... Potsdam Sandstone. THE LOWER SILURIAN PERIOD. 97 Of the “fe of the Lower Silurian period we have record in a vast number of fossils, showing that the seas of this period were abundantly furnished with living denizens. We have, however, in the meanwhile, no knowledge of the land-surfaces of the period. We have therefore no means of speculating as to the nature of the terrestrial animals of this ancient age, nor is anything known with certainty of any land-plants which may have existed. The only relics of vegetation upon which a positive opinion can be expressed belong to the obscure ‘group of the “ Fucoids,” and are supposed to be the remains of sea-weeds. Some of the fossils usually placed under this head are probably not of a vegetable nature at all, but others Fig. 36.— Licrophycus Ottawaensis, a “‘ Fucoid,” from the Trenton Limestone (Lower Silurian) of Canada. (After Billings.) (fig. 36) appear to be unquestionable plants. The true affin- ities of these, however, are extremely dubious. All that can be said is, that remains which appear to be certainly vegetable, 98 HISTORICAL PALAZAONTOLOGY. - and which are most probably due to marine plants, have been recognised nearly at the base of the Lower Silurian (Arenig), and that they are found throughout the series whenever suitable conditions recur. The Protozoans appear to have flourished extensively in the Lower Silurian seas, though to a large extent under forms which are still little understood. We have here for the first time the appearance of /oraminzfera of the ordinary type—one of the most interesting observations in this connection being that made by Ehrenberg, who showed that the Lower Silurian sandstones of the neighbourhood of St Petersburg contained casts in glauconite of Foraminiferous shells, some of which are referable to the existing genera Rofa/ia and Textularia. True Sponges, belonging to that section of the group in which the skeleton is calcareous, are also not unknown, one of the most characteristic genera being As- tylospongia (fig. 37). In this genus are included more or less globular, often lobed sponges, which are believed not to have been attached toforeign bodies. In the form here figured there is a funnel-shaped cavity at the summit; and the entire mass of the sponge is perforated, as in living examples, by a system of canals which convey the sea-water to all parts of the Fig. 37-—Astylospongia premorsa, cut organism. The canals by vertically so as to exhibit the canal-system which the sea-water gains en- ee cn Tennessee trance open on the exterior of the sphere, and those by which it again escapes from the sponge open into the cup-shaped depression at the summit. The most abundant, and at the same time the least under- stood, of Lower. Silurian Protozoans belong, however, to the genera S/romatopora and Receptaculites, the structure of which can merely be alluded to here. The specimens of Stromato- pora (fig. 38) occur as hemispherical, pear-shaped, globular, or irregular masses, often of very considerable size, and some- times demonstrably attached to foreign bodies. In their struc- ture these masses consist of numerous thin calcareous lamine, usually arranged concentrically, and separated by narrow interspaces. These interspaces are generally crossed by numerous vertical calcareous pillars, giving the vertical section THE LOWER SILURIAN PERIOD. 99 of the fossil a lattice-like appearance. There are also usually minute pores in the concentric lamine, by which the successive Fig. 38.—A small and perfect specimen of Stromatopora rugosa, of the natural size, from the Trenton Limestone of Canada. (After Billings.) interspaces are placed in communication ; and sometimes the surface presents large rounded openings, which appear to corre- spond with the water-canals of the Sponges. Upon the whole, though presenting some curious affinities to the calcareous Sponges, Stromatopora is perhaps more properly regarded as a gigantic Foraminifer. If this view be correct, it is of special interest as being probably the nearest ally of Fozoon, the general appearance of the two being strikingly similar, though their minute structure is not at all the same. Lastly, in the fossils known as Receptaculites and [schadites we are also pre- sented with certain singular Lower Silurian Protozoans, which may with great probability be regarded as gigantic Foram- nifera. Their structure 1s very complex; but fragments are easily recognised by the fact that the exterior is covered with numerous rhomboidal calcareous plates, closely fitting together, and arranged in peculiar intersecting curves, presenting very much the appearance of the engine-turned case of a watch. Passing next to the sub-kingdom of Ce/enterate animals (Zoophytes, Corals, &c.), we find that this great group, almost or wholly absent in the Cambrian, is represented in Lower 100, HISTORICAL PALHONTOLOGY., Silurian deposits by a great number of forms belonging on the one hand to the true Corals, and on the other hand to the singular family of the Graf/olites. If we except certain plant- like fossils which probably belong rather to the Sertularians or the Polyzoans (e. g., Dzctyonema, Dendrograptus, &c.), the family of the Gyraptolites may be regarded as exclusively Silurian in its distribution. Not only is this the case, but it attained its maximum development almost upon its first ap- pearance, in the Arenig Rocks; and whilst represented by a great variety of types in the Lower Silurian, it only,exists in the Upper Silurian in a much diminished form. The Grag- tolites (Gr. grapho, 1 write; “thos, stone) were so named by Linnzus, from the resemblance of some of them to written or pencilled marks upon the stone, though the great naturalist him- self did not believe them to be true fossils at all) ‘They occur as linear or leaf-like bodies, sometimes simple, sometimes com- pound and branched; and no doubt whatever can be enter- tained as to their being the skeletons of composite organisms, or colonies of semi-independent animals united together by a common fleshy trunk, similar to what is observed in the colonies of the existing Sea-firs (Sertularians). This fleshy trunk or common stem of the colony was protected by a deli- cate horny sheath, and it gave origin to the little flower-like ‘“‘polypites,” which constituted the active element of the whole assemblage. These semi-independent beings were, in turn, protected each by a little horny cup or cell, directly connected with the common sheath below, and terminating above in an opening through which the polypite could protrude its tentacled head or could again withdraw itself for safety. The entire skeleton, again, was usually, if not universally, supported by a delicate horny rod or ‘‘axis,” which appears to have been hollow, and which often protrudes to a greater or less extent beyond one or both of the extremities of the actual colony. The above gives the elementary constitution of any Grafpfo- /ite, but there are considerable differences as to the manner in which these elements are arranged and combined. In some forms the common stem of the colony gives origin to but a single row of cells on one side. If the common stem is a simple, straight, or slightly-curved linear body, then we have the simplest form of Graptolite known (the genus M/onograptus) ; and it is worthy of note that these simple types do not come into existence till comparatively late (Llandeilo), and last nearly to the very close of the Upper Silurian. In other cases, whilst there is still but a single row of cells, the colony may consist of two of these simple stems springing from a THE LOWER SILURIAN PERIOD. IOI common point, as in the so-called ‘“ twin Graptolites ” (Dzdy- mograptus, fig. 40). This type is entirely confined to the earlier portion of the Lower Silu- rian period (Arenig and Llandeilo). In other cases, again, there may be four of such stems springing from acentral point (Zer- ragrapius). Lastly, there are numerous complex forms (such as Dichograp- tus, Loganograptus, &c.) in which there are eight or more of these simple bran- ches, all arising from a common centre (fig. 39), which is sometimes fur- nished with a_ singular horny disc. ‘These com- plicated branching forms, as well as the Zetragrapiz, are characteristic of the horizon of the Avenig # group. Similar forms, of- &, & ff ten specifically identical, <> =