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C. ALLEE The University of Chicago THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO - ILLINOIS COPYRIGHT 1931 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, PUBLISHED MARCH 1931 COMPOSED AND PRINTED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U.S.A. IN MEMORY OF MY SON WARDER ALLEE TOI G 28 IN APPRECIATION OF HIS BOYISH ENTHUSIASM OVER THE PARTS OF THIS WORK WHICH HE UNDERSTOOD ws 2 a | 2 eve, Oa p> Ne ae a Ss be Do ° : a oy - ae. i \ - ~ gv ar <4, a PRS a = 7 : a) > e Ber! hw ¥ - ——- ~ a fe. b, AoE -; : act ; ‘4 a> eat iv : : : - a - - =I 7 7 See : 7 ; - i 7 7 . a i 7 7 , ' , ~ — 7 - Sea a uf rf fi-): =. i = : eel 4 Se : ate On oe Tar 4 Ee ote | o CEN are ay i rte aoe - a ues) as if ag Gn r ae) ol } ae py eae oN er if , >, 7 7 Nee "> corsa @ hae ee aes . . he " py hGary wi ka a> - a aflat 7 Disk gs yi’ i. — . | pt —arne ose ay’ : 7 1* ud 7 7 7 7 line” tee > babes! - = =f] z : eed ive 7 ~ 4%. . —.er we Moe ' 7 oa ee > “f° _ . us 7 FET we : =f U => ; ae hts 44 _ : : 7 7 ‘ » ia + 4 Hl, i ji - sti: % ‘ ; : * —_ ; : 7 : eee = eT aes = = _ i a ae 7 : a 7 - _ “he . : . y ss a - : be was 61" . 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Mee ey = ea’? tg io iy Ve _ Phi => s& ¥ 4 _ - a = ~~ . 7 i i ae ae - 1h : : a 7 : _ sis pd ; a - 7 v 4, A a.:* : Ls a j - AL — > .» : pray! > “) : : : € er sa ae » « 7 ve 7 : r an : 7 ~ 7 ? ‘ 7 T i : , 77 — 7 a . 7 Tr 7 non — a ‘ - _ is | a . , Pil Pi er he . < Ate. irr ee re! a - mo a , Ps we | P _ SE = i ( ga’ -_ 9 : - ae : : - 7 : wg id 7 - = - . ps * 4 - ] - 7 a oe Wy satel ih i , : “fe - ho - san = » 6 : - _— = 7 _ ’ 6 9 - ] _ - i EE hh | te! ae : a a - <= : 7 Sieee is « . . | - —— rp 7 j > 7 -” a oe alae § oe See = Ginter cee as , a a =\ 7 : Ag Be mo. 7 : a 7 ia - a - a 7 an ae : ; ‘ : , |) é : , — oO y 7 eS PREFACE The attempt to summarize knowledge concerning the relations within and between different sorts of animal societies is not new. Espinas in 1878 undertook such an effort, and shows in his introduc- tion that Aristotle, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Montesquieu, Kant, Hegel, A. Comte, Herbert Spencer, and others had preceded him in the consideration of certain aspects of this problem. Since the time of Espinas, knowledge concerning the social insects and the develop- ment of insect societies has greatly increased. Wheeler, Forel, Buttel-Reepen, and many others have contributed both personal ob- servations and generalizing summaries of value; and I have no desire to enter into a field so ably covered. There does remain, however, a field of social, or perhaps subsocial, life almost entirely untouched by these students. They have been concerned with the fascinating prob- lems and intricate relationships presented by fairly well-developed societies. Here, I propose to investigate the relationships existing among the more loosely integrated collections of animals, which may rightly be designated as ‘‘animal aggregations,” with regard to their ecological and behavioristic physiology, as well as with regard to their strictly social implications. This book is built about a phenomenon or a series of phenomena, rather than about a philosophy. In the present form it may even be designated as notes on an unsolved problem; but since a presenta- tion of a problem is necessary for its ultimate solution, and since an inquiry into the universality of a given problem is imperative before undertaking laborious experimentation directed toward finding a solution, no apology is offered for summarizing our growing knowl- edge on the subject of animal aggregations at the present stage of inquiry into the problems involved. My own experimental work within the field covered by the pres- ent book began in 1911 and has continued intermittently to date. The investigation of animal aggregations has been at the center of vill viii PREFACE my research program for the last twelve years, during which time work has been actively carried on with the aid of a number of gradu- ate students, with facilities furnished by the University of Chicago, the Marine Biological Laboratory, and, more recently, with financial aid from a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to aid investiga- tions in the biological sciences at this university. The preparation of the manuscript of this book has been, in part, supported by aid from this latter source. In addition to the loyal co-operation of students and colleagues in the accumulation of experimental data, of citations, and of criti- cisms, aid with the scattered literature has come from friends and acquaintances from five continents. The extended literature list is incomplete, but the labor of gathering and selecting the references used has been appreciably decreased by this cordial co-operation. Certain specific acknowledgments I have made in the text. I am also indebted to Drs. Marie A Hinrichs, A. M. Holmquist, Walburga A. Petersen, J. M. Shaver, and O. Park; to Messrs. M. R. Garner, J. R. Fowler, J. F. Schuett, W. A. Dreyer, Carl Welty, W. H. John- son, E. O. Deere, Ralph Buchsbaum, D. A. D. Boyer, J. F. W. Pear- son, and T. Park; to Mrs. Frances Church van Pelt and Mrs. Gret- chen Shaw Rudnick; and to Miss Edith Bowen, for citations to per- tinent literature, for permission to give results before publication, or for criticism of parts of the manuscript, or for all three; to Professor F. R. Lillie, who read critically chapters xvi and xvii; to Professor A. E. Emerson for similar service with chapters xix and xx; to Mr. K. Toda, who drew or copied the text figures; and to Marjorie Hill Allee for editorial assistance with the manuscript. Acknowledgment of courtesy in permitting reproduction of figures will be given else- where. W. C. ALLEE WHITMAN LABORATORY OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO August, 1930 CHAPTER CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. THe GENERAL BACKGROUND VIII. XIX. XX. . CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS . FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS . GENERAL FACTORS CONDITIONING AGGREGATIONS . INTEGRATION OF AGGREGATIONS HARMFUL EFFECTS OF AGGREGATIONS . HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH , . RETARDING INFLUENCE OF CROWDING ON THE RATE OF REPRO- DUCTION a Coe ee CROWDING AND INCREASED DEATH-RATE . BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF AGGREGATIONS . STIMULATION OF GROWTH BY CROWDING : . STIMULATING EFFECTS OF CROWDING ON THE RATE OF REPRO- DUCTION . EFFECT OF CROWDING ON SURVIVAL AND OXYGEN CONSUMPTION . PROTECTION FROM TOXIC REAGENTS . RESISTANCE TO HypoToNic SEA-WATER Ses os . RELATION BETWEEN DENSITY OF POPULATION AND INSECT SUR- VIVAL . COMMUNAL ACTIVITY OF BACTERIA . . Mass PHysIoLoGy OF SPERMATOZOA GENERAL EFFECTS OF AGGREGATIONS . INFLUENCE OF CROWDING UPON SEX DETERMINATION . MoRPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS: OF CROWDING CONCLUSION ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS AND SOCIAL LIFE . THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATION BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX IOI INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I THE GENERAL BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION This study of animal aggregations is concerned with some of the physiological effects of crowding upon the individuals composing the crowd, and is offered as a contribution toward the development of general sociology upon a physiological basis. A few years ago it would have been possible to summarize the knowledge then existing on the subject with the statement that, except in hibernation or at breeding time, the physiological effects of crowding are uniformly harmful, whether attention is given to the effect upon rate of repro- duction, rate of individual growth, or longevity. Data on these harmful results will be presented later, but they are no longer ac- cepted as a complete picture; in this study they are needed to ob- tain a correct perspective for the recent discoveries of beneficial effects of relatively unorganized crowds of animals. Much attention has deservedly been given to the study of or- ganized societies, particularly those of mammals, birds, and insects— sometimes with relation to the light they may throw upon the social relations of man, but frequently on account of their own inherent interest. In the main, consideration of these highly organized social groups falls outside the interests of the present discussion, which will be limited, so far as possible, to the physiological effects of crowding upon organisms whose interrelations have not reached the level of development usually called “social.” The general physiologists contend with justice that one cannot understand the physiology of man without a knowledge of the gen- eral physiology of all animals and much of that of plants as well. The comparative psychologists conclude similarly that one cannot under- stand the working of the human nervous system without knowing how other nervous systems function. Similarly, an increasing num- 3 4 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS ber of investigators are convinced that without a knowledge of gen- eral sociology we are likely to regard the social traits exhibited by man or by the ants as being peculiarly human or peculiarly formi- cine, when many of them are merely human or ant variations of social traits common to animals in general. Again, it is difficult to evaluate properly the origin and function of many of these general social traits without a proper understanding of their physiological antecedents among animals not usually regarded as having reached the social level. It is quite easy to consider certain bits of behavior as definitely social in origin and inherent in the social type of organi- zation which may be merely specialized developments of general be- havior common to most animals when crowded. One fallacy may be suggested at the beginning. All too frequently one gains the impression that sex forms the main, if not the only, physiological connecting link between the infrasocial and the social animals. I believe that a consideration of the facts to be presented will allow us to place this important social factor more nearly in its proper relation to other factors equally important. The problems dealt with in the present study are of interest also to the large group of students of animal ecology. It is generally known that ecology deals with the relations between the organism and its environment. This environment is roughly divided into two parts— the non-living and the living—which are commonly referred to as the “physical” and the “biotic” elements of the environment. Of these, the former has received particular attention at the hands of modern animal ecologists, since such factors as light, hydrogen-ion concentration, humidity, wind velocity, and temperature are more or less readily and definitely measured, and since others, such as soil type or the chemical composition of the waters of a lake or river, though less readily analyzed, are still capable of being studied on a quantitative basis. Meantime the analysis of the biotic relations of the environment has lagged, probably on account of the greater difficulties involved in the quantitative treatment of this exceedingly complex part of the environment. Even so, marked progress has been made in this analysis by recent students of the ecological rela- tions within animal and plant communities (Smith, 1928; Shackle- THE GENERAL BACKGROUND 5 ford, 1929). In the present studies we shall find ourselves concerned with animal communities which, from their concentrated nature, necessarily make the biotic elements an important aspect in the en- vironment of any particular individual, while the physical elements of the environment act mainly through their influence on the entire aggregation or crowd. Such a situation must frequently obtain in assemblages of sea anemones, of Mytilus, of ascidians, or of crabs. In working at the aggregation level here considered, we find the ratio of importance of the physical and the biotic environment in a transition stage between that present in definitely social groups and that occurring in the more typical animal community, or biocoenose of the ecologist. We must emphasize the fact that all studies dealing with the biotic elements of the environment are likely to be less definitely quantitative than those dealing with the non-living environment. This is no reason for their neglect, but it is a reason why we may not expect their treatment to be precise and final. The present summary, gained from pioneering in this relatively new field, must be regarded as tentative in many respects. My own research program dealing with various aspects of the subject is only well under way; the pres- ent statements furnish a point of departure, rather than a gathering- in of conclusions. With the accumulation of evidence now being actively collected, the conclusions tentatively advanced here may be further confirmed, or they may soon be modified or entirely aban- doned. This must always be the case, even in the well-developed fields of physics and chemistry; and does not prevent summaries of knowledge to date having definite value, if they stimulate further research or give point to researches already in progress. TERMINOLOGY The general terminology causes unexpected difficulty. One usual- ly thinks that such words as “society,” “‘association,” and “com- munity” have a relatively stable meaning and that ‘‘biocoenosis,”’ for example, might be expected to be a quite exact term; but this is unfortunately not the case. According to writers on human sociology (Park and Burgess, DIGG 6 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 1921), “the terms society, community and social group are now used by students with a certain difference of emphasis, but with very little difference in meaning. Society is the more abstract and inclu- sive term, and society is made up of social groups, each possessing its own specific type of organization but having at the same time all the general characteristics of society in the abstract. Community is the term applied to societies and the social groups where they are considered from the point of view of the geographical distribution of the individuals and institutions of which they are composed. It fol- lows that every community is a society, but not every society is a community. An individual may belong to many social groups but he will not ordinarily belong to more than one community, except in so far as a smaller community of which he is a member is included in a larger of which he is also a member. However, an individual is not, at least from a sociological point of view, a member of a community because he lives in it but rather because, and to the extent that, he participates in the common life of the community.” The same authors evidently do not consider ‘‘association” as be- ing a sufficiently significant term to be given formal definition. In general sociology the contrast between what is ordinarily called an “association” and a “‘society” is important. Students differ concern- ing the proper criteria to use in making this distinction. Espinas (1878) recognized that there was a difference, and called ‘“‘associa- tions” accidental societies between animals of different species. Ac- cording to this pioneer in the field of general sociology, the charac- teristic trait of social life is to be found in habitual reciprocity be- tween activities which are more or less independent. He recognized certain similarities between associations and societies but regarded the former as less necessary for their constituent elements. Associa- tions, according to Espinas, are groups of convenience, not of neces- sity. Deegener sharpened this distinction (1918) on the basis of use- fulness of the animal group to the individual members. He designat- ed an “association” as a collection of similar or dissimilar animals, which does not have value for the individuals composing the group; and a “society” as one in which the collection does have distinct value for the individuals of which it is composed. THE GENERAL BACKGROUND 7 Deegener’s criteria for the social value of his categories were far less sensitive than those which were shortly developed by other workers in this field, and which will be summarized in the body of the present discussion. Application of such distinctions, even in their present incomplete form, would necessitate a marked revision in Deegener’s scheme. Later, Deegener recognized that certain groups of animals are held together by a social force or instinct of which we know at present relatively little. The arrangement of such groups in his original sys- tem is obviously difficult. One may think of the satisfaction of the so-called “social force” or “instinct” as having definite value for the animal so satisfied. According to this reasoning, the group collected by social instinct would be a “society’’; although, since there is no other demonstrable advantage accruing to the members of the group, Deegener at first was inclined to regard such an aggregation of in- dividuals as an ‘‘association.”? Faced with this dilemma, he decided (1919) that associations whose occurrence depends upon a social in- stinct may be designated as “instinctive associations.” They are opposed to aggregations of purely accidental character which are formed not because of instinct but because of limited space or local- ized food. If the aggregation is formed from obvious mutual attrac- tion but without any recognizable objective benefit to the members, Deegener calls it an “instinctive association,” as with young spiders, young ticks, or groups of grasshoppers. Alverdes (1927) understands by “‘associations” the chance gather- ings produced solely by external factors, such as insects collected around a lamp, while “‘societies’”’ are genuine communities held to- gether by the force of a social instinct. ‘In short,” Alverdes says, “no social instinct, no society!’ According to this point of view, the individuals are collected into an association because of their re- sponses to environmental factors, but they collect into a society primarily because of the presence of other similar animals and only -secondarily because of the action of environmental forces. Alverdes would consider the lack of a social instinct all the evidence necessary for calling such a group an “association.” Wheeler (1928), commenting on these two classification schemes, 8 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS doubts the applicability of Deegener’s basic principle of benefit or no benefit, but commends Alverdes’ position as being essentially sound. The ecological use of these and related terms must needs be con- sidered. Modern ecological work has shown that each different kind of a habitat contains a more or less characteristic set of animals which are not mere accidental assemblages but are interrelated com- munities. When these are geographic in extent, they are usually spoken of as a “formation,” within which may be recognized smaller units or “associations,” which are composed of groups of habitat strata that are uniform over a considerable area but smaller than a formation. These associations are frequently composed, at least in part, of developmental stages, such that an orderly succession of communities can be recognized. Such a series, forming a unit of succession from initial to climax stages of an association, is some- times called a ‘‘sere”’; and the different developmental units of the whole association are called “‘associes.’”’ Thus, we have the animal communities or associes of the open sand, the foredune, the pines, the oaks, and finally the beech and maple forest, forming one de- velopmental sere arranged in the order given, within the beach and maple association near Chicago (Smith, 1928; Shackleford, 1929). In ecology the term “‘animal society,” according to the most re- cent usage (Smith, 1928), has been divided into two parts, one of which is called a “‘pre-society.”* This is a community of organisms living among the plants of an association and subordinate to the plant dominants. The “plant association”’ is named for one or more of the dominant plants, while one or more of the predominant ani- mals give the name for the “‘super-society.”” The super-society, like its accompanying plant association, generally covers an extensive area with an essentially uniform taxonomic composition. Within such a super-society one finds animal societies which are communities of lesser magnitude and which may be seasonal, or stratal, or confined to a given locality. When these societies, or recognizable subdivi-’ sions of them, are composed of animals closely bound together by biotic relationships such as have been described in general terms as « “Super-society”’ would appear to fit the meaning more exactly. THE GENERAL BACKGROUND 9 composing a “‘web of life,” they are frequently called “biocoenoses.”’ Food and shelter relationships, climatic and edaphic factors, are im- portant determining conditions for a given biocoenosis. With the growing complexity of ecological terminology and the growing precision with which different terms are applied to various recognizable groupings of animals, a need has developed for some term which could be used in a general sense to cover any one of the named units from the largest to the smallest. The word ‘“‘communi- ty” has been reserved for this general purpose, and one may speak with equal propriety of the animal communities of the Amazon rain-forest or of a decaying tree within that forest. In the border-line field where general sociology meets and over- laps general physiology and ecology, the field which is being con- sidered in the present discussion, it seems desirable to have a term which may be applied loosely, but not incorrectly, to any of the recognized units lying below the groups accepted as definitely social, just as the term ‘‘community” is applied by the animal ecologists with equal propriety to strata, super-society, society, association, and what not. It is in this general sense, for this level of social or subsocial life, that I propose to use the term “aggregation.” I am not concerned with defining it closely in terms of the association or society of Deegener or Alverdes. It may be used with equal pro- priety in speaking of a group of frogs collected as a result of sexual attraction during the breeding season; or of a concentration of May flies about a light, where they have been collected by forced move- ment as a result of their strongly positive phototropism. There is in the term itself a strong suggestion that the groupings involved are not closely integrated, which is in keeping with the facts in the field to be covered. INSTINCTS In the course of this discussion we shall have reason to refer to ‘““nstinct,” a term deservedly in disrepute among careful thinkers be- cause of the slipshod way in which it has been used. Early students of human sociology and recent zodlogical commentators on socio- logical phenomena have sadly overworked the word by referring any unanalyzed social behavior to the working-out of a social instinct. 10 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS That social instinct may be acting in given cases is not to be denied, but there has been an increasing and wholesome tendency to depre- cate the use of this term to cover ignorance. “Instinct” is hard to define. The most satisfactory definition known to the writer is that of Wheeler, who says (1913a): ‘An in- stinct is a more or less complicated activity of an organism which is acting (1) as a whole rather than as a part; (2) as a representative of a species rather than as an individual; (3) without previous experi- ence; and (4) with an end or purpose of which it has no knowledge.” It is obvious to one who has observed the reactions of animals that there are two types of behavior: the learned and the unlearned. Much of the latter is frequently called “instinctive,” with propriety, though in the case of many highly organized animals, including man, there has been an unfortunate tendency to regard, as instinctive or unlearned, behavior that is in reality based on very early training which has been entirely forgotten or overlooked. In man breathing, swallowing, gland secretion, and muscle con- traction are all unlearned; and some of these, for example the secre- tion of certain glands, cannot be effected by learning. These un- learned reflex actions of parts of organisms seem to be the simplest of a series of unlearned responses whose other categories are those re- flexes of an entire organism commonly called “tropisms,” and the more complex behavior usually called “instinctive.” It is becoming increasingly difficult to draw hard and fast lines between instincts and tropisms, or between either of these and the general functioning of living cells. It is further impossible to dis- sociate any of these three categories of behavior from the activities concerned with growth and development. If one considers in this connection the metamorphosis of a larva into an adult, which is usually regarded as the function of growth and development, one finds the processes concerned so inextricably bound with major and minor activities of the animal that the instinctive behavior cannot be clearly separated from the other processes going on at this time. Is the production of the silk cocoon of the moth an instinctive action, while the production of the thickened hypodermis to form the chrys- « Or without modification caused by experience (W. C. A.). THE GENERAL BACKGROUND . II alis of the butterfly is only a growth process? What is the essential difference between the two? In so far as is possible, we shall avoid dwelling upon the aspects of behavior usually called “instinctive,” except in reference to the literature. This is not due to a disbelief in the reality of instinctive social behavior, but rather to a conviction that progress lies in a field where the elements of behavior can be more exactly ascertained. The drive which leads an animal to exhibit such behavior as is usually classified as being due to the operation of social instinct I prefer to regard, as does Wheeler (1928), as an expression of appe- tite. Wheeler says in this connection: “It thus takes its place with the other appetites like hunger and sex, though it is feebler and more continuous, i.e., less spasmodic and, therefore, less obvious. It is most strikingly displayed, however, in the restless behavior of the higher social animal when isolated from the continuous, customary stimuli of its kind.” From this approach, the strength of the social appetite can become a subject for objective investigation, such as Warner (1928a) has recently made for the relative strength of the drives furnished by food or sex hunger; but such an objective investigation of the general social appetite has not yet been con- ducted. The scope of the discussion, some concepts, and a part of the ter- minology having now been considered, we may plunge directly into the mass of material awaiting analysis. CHAPTER II CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL. AGGREGATIONS It has long been known that animals not naturally bound together in organic union may aggregate into groups or clusters more or less closely associated, in which physical contact may or may not occur. Actual physical contact is normally found as part of the aggregation phenomenon among many Protozoa, as, for example, in Paramecium; in flatworms, such as the planarians; in earthworms; in echinoderms, such as starfish; in mollusks; in arthropods; and among many chordates, including ascidians, fish, frogs, reptiles, birds, and mam- mals. Among other animals similarly widely distributed through the animal kingdom, collections occur in which physical contact is not the rule. These may be illustrated by the jellyfish, ctenophores, or copepods that may discolor the ocean for miles; by collections of leeches, snails, or ostracods; by the swarms of gnats that dance to- gether like particles in brownian movement; by ants, bees, schools of fish, flocks of birds, herds of ungulates, and groups of various other mammals, including man. The highest development of aggregations not based on physical contact requires the possession of highly de- veloped sense organs. These two types of animal aggregations are not mutually exclu- sive, even when reactions associated with copulation are disregard- ed; for animals may be involved in first one and then the other-in different phases of their life-cycle or seasonal history. With many birds the loose flock of the daytime may be replaced by close physi- cal contact during the night roost. At times this may be due to the lack of adequate perching space, and show merely toleration of close proximity; but in other instances, as, for example, the Indian tree swift, there is a positive movement together even in the presence of abundant roosting space. Bats may show the same phenomenon during their daytime sleep. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 13 There are abundant examples of animals that lead wholly or par- tially solitary lives during part of their seasonal- or life-cycle but at another period come together into flocks or in actual physical con- tact. This is true of the cowbirds, reared singly from eggs surrepti- tiously laid singly in the nests of other species of birds. The young cowbirds develop quite out of touch with other members of their own kind and yet collect into definite flocks when adult. Another aspect of the same kind of behavior is shown by the grackles, which nest fairly separately but join in large flocks before the fall migration; by deer, which summer separately or in partial family groups but winter in herds; by frogs, which remain practically solitary during the year except for possible hibernation groups and then aggregate during the breeding season; by solitary bees or wasps, which for the greater part of the year are out of physical contact with their fellows and yet during the summer may form overnight aggregations in closest physical proximity; or, to give one more of many possible examples, by land isopods, which congregate into dense bunches when their habitat becomes dry. The aggregations of the physical-contact type are, of necessity, transitory in character in motile organisms; but in sessile animals, such as the ascidians, or the marine mussel Mytilus, this may well be the normal way of living. The physical-contact type of aggregation finds its most complete expression among the sessile colonial organ- isms that grow in dense stands of many individuals, which are physi- cally connected with each other throughout life. Obelia hydroids represent this growth form. Collections without physical contact, such as the flock or the herd, may be constant and normal for some species; and the animals in these are usually said to exhibit the social habit. This social habit finds its best development in the insects, such as the ants and ter- mites, among whom division of labor is carried out to its logical end, in that polymorphic forms have evolved of which some do not com- plete their sexual development while others specialize upon repro- duction. These have been well described by Wheeler and Forel. Animal aggregations may be classified on many other bases be- side that of the degree of physical contact. Deegener (1918) has 14 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS made an exhaustive classification of the different forms of animal groupings (Vergesellschaftung) in which he undertakes to arrange logically all such associations, ranging from the relatively simple colonies of the protozoans—Synura or Carchesium, where all the individuals are similar and all arise from the same parent-cell and are organically connected with each other—to colonies of ants with their complicated social structure, which may include, in addition to the ant castes themselves, their slaves, their commensals, their tolerated guests, parasites, parasites of the parasites, or parasites of other associated forms. A summary of the classification of animal aggregations as worked out by Deegener is given here at some length, not because I accept it entirely with all its implications, but because it is the most complete classification yet produced and because I am in hearty accord with the principle underlying this scheme of organization: that no hard and fast line can be drawn between well-integrated social or- ganizations and loosely integrated aggregations which are usually regarded as being definitely non-social. Further, experience with pre- senting this material to seminar students has shown the desirability of wading through a detailed outline, such as that of Deegener’s, in order to acquire a comprehensive view at one and the same time of the ramifications of the subject matter and of its inherent unity. It is the custom at present to ignore this work of Deegener or to fail to appreciate its essential value (Wheeler, 1928) because of ob- vious defects in its cumbersome terminology, in the criteria used to distinguish between major groupings, and because the categories are not clean cut and mutually exclusive. Many of these faults are in- herent in a pioneering classification of subject matter in any field, and others were caused by the lack of definite knowledge in 1918 of the relationships involved. On this latter count we are in a position to make improvements on Deegener’s classification at the present time, but we do not appear to be able to refine it sufficiently as yet to repay the trouble involved. The account given below is not a direct translation of Deegener’s 1918 outline; but it follows that outline and gives his point of view, criticisms of which have been suggested and will later be elaborated. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 15 DEEGENER’S CLASSIFICATION OF AGGREGATIONS Part I. Accidental unions or associations are groups of animals without mutual benefit for individual members. ‘‘Accidental’’ is, to Deegener’s mind, a better term for these aggregations than ‘‘in- different,” because to him it plainly indicates the method of their formation, and also because the members of accidental aggregations are not always indifferent to each other. Accidental aggregations will be seen to be of various kinds, formed in various ways. They may consist of one or of a number of species. One cannot always be sure concerning the proper classification of a given association, which may as yet be merely a matter of opinion. Deegener recognizes that even the major distinctions are not always clean cut and that one of a pair of apparently closely similar groupings may be assigned to the accidental associations while the other is called an ‘essential so- ciety.” In the minor categories the methods of formation determine the classification to a considerable degree. A. Homotypical associations consist of members of the same spe- cies which have arisen either sexually or asexually, which may have remained together because they are the offspring of the same parent, or which may have become accidentally associated together although of different parentage. The former are called ‘“‘primary,” and the latter “secondary,” associations. Alpha. Kormogene associations’ are confined to invertebrates and do not occur in arthropods, echinoderms, and mollusks. They are those colonial forms in which the different individuals remain mor- phologically attached to each other. The advantages of the colony are not always clear. In Protozoa, relationships of individuals in the colony are not such as to guarantee nourishment for the entire colony; thus there is no advantage in this respect with this phylum. In the hydroid colonies, nourishment is better assured for the in- dividual by the colonial form. The colony does not appear to be formed necessarily because it is a more favorable adaptation to living conditions but because of the failure of the different elements to separate at fission. The tendency toward colony-building increases ™ Budded colonial forms, as among the hydroids, cannot be regarded as “accidental” in the usual usage of that word. 16 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS as habits become sedentary, andis also more marked in relatively sim- ple animals having strongly developed skeletal parts, as the sponges, hydroids, bryozoans, and tunicates. I. Primary colonies arise as the result of division in which the smaller pieces remain together, or as a result of budding in similar fashion. t. Homomor phic colonies result when the divisions are equal and all members of the colony are similar, as in Synura, Carchesium, and Salpa chains. Such colonies as Zodthamnium may represent true societies, since all individuals may contract if one is stimulated, and so all may escape harm; while Carchesiwm does not, and so is placed in the present category. 2. Heteromor phic colonies are formed when the divisions are un- equal, as is the case with the strobila of the Scyphozoa, or during the processes of asexual reproduction of certain worms, such as A utolytus. II. Secondary colonies, or concrescence colonies, arise by the sec- ondary union of individuals which are entirely separate for at least a brief period. 1. Concrescence colonies having a genetic basis, in that the individ- uals composing the colonies originated from the same mother, are shown in Proteriodendron, Dinobryon, and secondary Salpa chains. The fact that identical or related forms have survived and can live as separate individuals indicates that these animals are able to live without the small and perhaps accidental benefit arising from their communal life. 2. Concrescence colonies without a genetic basis are those in which the animals that later become attached together in one colony are not descendants of the same mother. These commonly occur in ses- sile animals, such as the ascidians, sea anemones, sponges, oysters, and Mytilus. If no organic union takes place, causing a real fusion between the different animals composing the colony, then the asso- ciation remains accidental. Beta. Associations of free individuals. I. Primary associations arise through asexual or sexual reproduc- tion when individuals descending from the same parent or parents remain near the place of origin and form an aggregation which varies CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 17 from a loose to a firm integration. The primary cause of their being together lies in their common origin, but the cause of their remaining together is not of a genetic nature but may depend on the favorable character of the place or on the presence of food. In other cases one must assume the operation of a social instinct which holds the ani- mals together. 1. Syngenia are primary associations which arise by means of asexual reproduction. This may be illustrated by Stentor coeruleus, which lives on decayed water plants and occurs frequently in such abundance as to give a blue color to the surface of the water. The aggregation is located in space by favorable food conditions. So long as there are only offspring from a single mother present, the aggre- gation would be called a monosyngenium; but when second and third generations appear from the same stem-mother, the group becomes a polysyngenium. Other unrelated individuals may wander into this favorable niche, forming a secondary association. Similar relations hold with Vorticella, but with both these aggregations there may be some social value accruing to the different individuals, since the combined vortex action of the cilia brings more food to each animal. This does not occur in hydroids, such as the common fresh-water Hydra, which reproduces asexually and remains in a purely acciden- tal aggregation in which there is no reciprocal relationship before sexual reproduction begins. Similar relations hold with various other simple coelenterates whose slight powers of locomotion tend to con- fine them close to the place in which they are budded free, providing it is a generally favorable location. 2. Primary associations arising from sexual reproduction may form close unions which may rise to the widely extending reciprocity of the highest types of society found among animals. In the inverte- brates these are represented by the conditions obtaining in ant and termite colonies; in the vertebrates, by human societies. This part of Deegener’s outline undertakes to consider only the more primi- tive, purely accidental forms of this family union, in which the par- ents need not necessarily be concerned. Various combinations of sim- ple families where the young all originate from the stem-mother may be distinguished and divided as follows: 18 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS a) Sympaedium, in which the offspring of the same mother form the aggregation without the presence of either parent. This condi- tion is seen in some spiders and insects, where the young of the same mother remain together for a longer or shorter period. If the mother remains with the offspring, the group belongs to another category. Lophyrus caterpillars, which feed on pine needles, form an aggrega- tion due in the first place to the eggs being laid together. No obvious benefit accrues to the individuals. They are more conspicuous as a result of the grouping and cannot defend themselves better than if alone. The causal factors in such an aggregation are obscure. The fact that the eggs are laid together is not sufficient in itself, since other forms have their eggs laid similarly close together and yet separate immediately on hatching. It may be that the sluggishness © of the animals and the lack of disrupting stimuli explain a large part of the behavior; while, on the other hand, there may be a social appetite which holds the groups together. The problem becomes more difficult with those larvae which remain together during the early larval life and separate when partly grown. Many lepidopterous larvae that remain together during part or all of their larval life spin a common nest. The formation of such a nest may be due to the fact of living together rather than the living together being due to the need or use of a common nest. The ability to spin a common nest does not guarantee the actual building of one, for many spinning animals live alone. These larval colonies are common among animals in which the adults are winged, and hence are readily distributed during that phase of their life-history. Such a sympaedium occurs in solitary bees which lay eggs in cells. The resulting larvae and pupae form an accidental association, living together as offspring of a common mother. When adult, they fly away separately. b) A gynopaedium is composed of a mother and her offspring that remain together for a period. This grouping is not concerned with the relationship between mother and offspring beyond the fact that they remain together without obvious benefits accruing to the group from the association. The aphid stem-mother in the spring gives CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 19 birth to young parthenogenetically. This gynopaedium, consisting of one female and her immediate offspring, may be designated a monogynopaedium. The young also reproduce parthenogenetically, and such a complex group may be called a polygynopaedium. These colonies are homomorphic; but as winged forms appear, heteromor- phic colonies are formed. In the autumn sexual generations appear and produce a resistant over-wintering egg, which carries the colony over the winter season. In this aggregation there are no benefits im- mediately apparent. The brood is not cared for by the older mem- bers or by each other. The individuals composing a crowd of aphids are more easily cared for by ants of the myrmecocolous species when together, but also are more easily preyed upon by their numerous enemies. The massed aphids also tend to destroy the food plant on which they cluster, to their own disadvantage. Deegener recognizes no social advantage, and therefore regards the aggregation as ac- cidental. c) Patrogynopaedia occur when both parents remain with their offspring in groups. Those with no social benefits for their members belong here, but this type of aggregation often carries with it some social advantage, and so usually belongs in a later category. Necro ph- orus beetles live with their young in decaying animal bodies. This association may confer social benefits under certain conditions, but they are not recognizable in all cases. In these scavenger beetles, the presence of a dead body seems to release a digging reaction whether the individual is solitary or in company with others. Each individual digs without reference to the others. The results may have no sig- nificance for the assisting beetles, but only for the pair leaving their eggs with the dead body. Obviously the whole has racial significance, although without significance for many of the participating in- dividuals. Combination family groups also occur in which the individuals composing the aggregation come from more than one stem-mother. d) Synchoropaedia are formed when eggs laid by different females in a favorable place hatch out and the larvae remain together from the very first, not as separate families, but freely mixed into a com- 20 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS mon aggregation. Mosquito (Culex) larvae in a rain barrel are an example of a synchoropaedium. When larvae of different species are present in the same rain barrel, we have a heterosynchoropaedium. e) Similarly, symphagopaedia may result from several groups of the same species laying eggs on the same food material except that here the favorable food rather than the favorable place becomes the integrating factor. This type of aggregation may be illustrated by flesh flies and, according to Deegener, by Drosophila. II. Secondary associations may be distinguished from primary as- sociations because they are the result of a coming-together of free individuals rather than their merely remaining together. The classi- fication is based on the integrating factor judged to be most impor- tant. 1. Sysyngenia arise from the secondary fusion of two or more syngenia. 2. Sysympaedia consist of fused ‘“‘children-families” and arise when one sympaedium meets with another. Deegener observed such in juvenile spiders of Epeira (1919b). The members of both groups mixed peaceably and gave no sign in their conduct that they were influenced by the foreign spiders; indeed, they did not seem to notice that their membership had been doubled, and new and old alike ag- gregated into one close mass. Another sympaedium was added to these two with similar results, although it was not ascertained whether or not the individuals of a given sympaedium remained for the most part together. Two sympaedia of caterpillars of Malacosoma castrense L. are not mixable when the larvae of one sympaedium are in the molting period; otherwise they mix without the caterpillars of the two broods appearing to sense the change in their association. Schulz (1926), in studying the reaction of caterpillars of Vanessa io L., V. urticae L., and Araschnia levana L., found, with the methods he used, no recog- nizable value to rest in the aggregations other than the satisfaction of a social instinct; and this value had lost much of its meaning, since the caterpillars are able to live if isolated, under which condi- ditions they spin small coverings in place of the usual communal nests. They will again take up communal life after an experimental CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 21 isolation of four days. Marked sympaedia, some of which differed from each other in size of individuals, fused to a single sysympae- dium. When this divided late, the resultant groupings usually con- tained members derived from different original sympaedia. 3. Sympolyandria are accidental polyandric associations formed on a synchoric basis, as that of Alcippe, a barnacle which dwells on the deserted snail shells occupied by hermit crabs, forming an ac- cidental heterotypical association; but the barnacles, considered alone, form a sympolyandria. Polyandria form a type of essential mating society to be discussed later in this outline. 4. Synchoria are locality aggregations formed primarily because of a limited expanse of particularly favorable locations for living. Bar- nacles gathered together on available rocks are a good example. 5. Syncheimadia are hibernating aggregations, such as those of snakes or salamanders. 6. Synhesia are swarming aggregations under the influence of the breeding season, as illustrated by palolo worms. Factors concerned here include the simultaneous ripening of the sex cells, a limited favorable area, and the correct external conditions,’ which are fre- quently associated with lunar rhythms. Similarly, the swarms of May flies are due at least in part to simultaneous pupation rather than to sex attraction. 7. Symphagia are aggregations about a favorable food supply, as flies collect about carrion or sugar. Here there is no obvious benefit from the association. 8. Symporia are migration aggregations joined either because they originated in the same place or because they are going in the same direction, and may be illustrated by the migrating masses of fiddler crabs, of butterflies, or of salmon. 9. Symphotia? occur when the aggregations collect about a source of light. Such a reaction is given by a great many insects, as well as by other animals (Mast, rorr). Considerations given later, particularly in chapters xvi and xvii, indicate that such swarms have a rather obvious survival value and hence should not be placed among the “accidental” groupings. 2 Tf this type of category be included, it is necessary to include similar headings for tropistic collections due to the reaction to other environmental factors, such as heat, 22 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 10. Synaporia are collections due to unfavorable conditions, as when beetles are collected by the wind and deposited in beetle drifts in the same way that snow is drifted. Krizenecky (1923) recognizes two different types of synaporia, the passive and the active. The first are formed when the animals are passively carried together, as by wind or wave action. The latter are formed when animals faced with unusual disturbing con- ditions collect together. Such aggregations may be noted in the worm Enchytraeis humicolor, which ordinarily lives singly in the soil but which aggregates into symphagia about decaying food ma- terial. If the worms are placed in a dish of water, they aggregate into larger or smaller masses with the worms closely intertwined. Such clumped masses do not remain together; but after the group is closely formed, there comes a disintegrating movement which re- sults in the animals finally coming to rest scattered singly over the bottom of the dish. The animals remain thus scattered as long as the water is undisturbed. When subjected to renewed stimulation by adding chemicals or by mechanically disturbing the water, another aggregation cycle is set up. B. Heterotypical associations consist of collections of unlike species which may occur for the reasons given above, and which may be designated by adding the prefix /elero- to the proper term for the homotypical aggregation, as: helerosymphagopaedium, heterosyncho- rium, heterosyncheimadium, etc. Deegener recognizes also co-incuba- tia, which are breeding aggregations of different species of birds, for example, selecting a common, restricted nesting site. Finally he adds symphoria, which are formed when one or more species of animals settle upon another of different species, forming a heterotypical aggregation without obvious mutualism or parasitism, and are well illustrated by the barnacles, hydroids, snails, bryozoans, and others growing on the shell of an old horse-shoe crab (Limulus poly phemus). chemicals, touch, gravity, and the like. Rather, it seems preferable to replace this cate- gory by some such term as syvtropia, meaning those collections which are brought about by tropistic reactions to some environmental factor. Such collections occur, due to a combination of elements, including that of a limited space into which tropistic reactions lead animals to assemble and the incidental presence of numerous individuals in the region at one and the same time. In all these collections there is this time factor working; otherwise we could not recognize them as aggregations. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 23 Some of the overlapping inherent in this type of subject-matter classification appears when one considers a heterosynaporium, a col- lection of different species due to the action of unfavorable condi- tions, which Deegener illustrates by the growing concentration of water animals in a drying pond. Obviously, such a collection would be at the same time a heterosymphagium and a heterosynchorium. Apparently, Deegener would classify the animal community of modern ecology as a heterosynchorium, since it is composed of sev- eral species occupying the same place, although the individuals of the group are not of obvious advantage to each other. He does not ac- tually say that an ecological community should be so classified; he does use the term biocoenosis in connection with his discussion of a coral reef heterosynchorium. Part II. Essential aggregations or societies are communities of spe- cies of similar or dissimilar animals which have a real value for the individuals composing them, thereby differing from the ‘‘associa- tions” treated in the previous sections. A. Homotypical societies are composed of the same species. Alpha. Kormogene societies have the different individuals compos- ing them organically connected with each other. I. Primary colonies have arisen from the same mother. 1. Reciprocal colonies are those in which all the individuals repre- sented stand in reciprocal relationship to each other. a) Homomor phic colonies have all the individuals morphologically similar and may be found among sponges and at certain times among hydroids and bryozoans. (1) Colonies formed by division may be illustrated by the colonies of Volvox so long as they remain free from specialized reproductive cells. (2) Colonies formed by budding occur commonly among the Hy- drozoa, the Bryozoa, and in many colonial chordates. b) Heteromorphic and polymorphic colonies are formed when there is a differentiation between the different members of the colony, as occurs in the hydroid Hydractinia, in which feeding, reproductive, and protective zodids may be recognized. Polymorphism is carried much farther in the Portuguese man-of-war, P/ysalia, and its allies. Here again we may recognize (1) colonies formed by division, as in 24 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Volvox, when reproductive cells appear, and (2) colonies formed by budding, as in the hydroids. 2. Irreciprocal colonies must be recognized in which all members do not contribute equally to the welfare of the whole. This is simply illustrated by the case of a budding fresh-water Hydra, where the new individual, the developing bud, has a parasitic relationship with the mother. IL. Secondary colonies develop by concrescence, as when the young fresh-water sponges developing from different gemmules coalesce, due to their proximity, and form one sponge body originating from several gemmules. Beta. Societies of free individuals may be classified as follows: I. Societies based on a sexual or genetic foundation. 1. Primary societies: families in which the young are descended from a common father or a common mother or from common par- ents, and which remain together from the very first. a) Reciprocal families in which all members benefit from the social connection. (1) Sympaedia are composed of young of the same brood, but without either of the parents present. Such societies may be homo- morphic, as in the case of minnows or young birds, or heteromorphic, as in bee colonies after the queen’s swarm has departed. (2) Gynopaedia are composed of the mother and her immediate offspring, which may again be divided between homomorphic and heteromorphic groups. The former is represented by the mole crick- ets (Gryllotalpa), the earwigs (Forficula), and many birds and mam- mals; the latter group, by colonies of bees or ants. (3) Patrogynopaedia consist of a male and a female and their off- spring, and may be divided into monomorphic, dimorphic, and. poly- mor phic societies. Monogamous monomorphic societies of this sort are common among birds where both parents remain with the young. Polygamous monomorphic families are similarly common among many large animals, although monogamous families occur there, too, as among foxes. In dimorphic patrogynopaedia the offspring living with the parents are true larvae, as, for example, in the passalid beetles. The best example of a polymorphic colony of this type is CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 25 given by the termites, where sexually mature males and females of one or more grades occur in the same nest with soldiers and workers. (4) In a patropaedium the male remains with his offspring for some time. Schulz (1926), in his analysis of the situation in the brooding stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus and G. pungitius), concludes that the value to the male is in the psychological realm, and quotes Deegener with approval as saying that the nest and young are of lively interest to the male stickleback, their loss is a misfortune, and the nesting and brooding phenomena are a source of inner peace. Obviously, such assertions are not susceptible of demonstration. To the eggs there is the benefit of added certainty of fertilization, of protection from other fishes, of aération, with resulting protection from fungus growth; while the young find a favorable place for development, passive protection by the nest, and active protection by the guarding male. The relation between eggs and young and the brooding male is essential rather than accidental, and therefore forms a true society. It is reciprocal, and the female is not concerned after the eggs are laid; therefore a patropaedium, which had its origin in a polygamous connubium existing merely as a mating rela- tionship, but this connubium is an association rather than a society. If the male dies, the society becomes a simple sympaedium, which would be accidental in nature, since the association of the young has no value for them. The relation of the young to the nest has a syn- chorium factor. The existence of the patropaedium is necessary for the well-being of the eggs but not of the young fishes. The relations between the males of the large- and small-mouthed black bass, the bullheads, and the fresh-water dogfish (A mia calva) and their nests and young give an opportunity for similar analyses. b) Irreciprocal families are those in which the social values rest only with the young. (1) Gynopaedia of this sort are to be found in the leeches (Glossi- phonia), according to Deegener; but Schulz detected evidence which led him to conclude that the female leech is somewhat interested in her eggs, and on this account he places these leech gynopaedia among the reciprocal societies. Similarly, careful observation might show 26 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS the same sort of value, if such it can correctly be considered, in the other cases cited by Deegener, such as the amphibians, Hylodes lineatus and Pipa pipa. (2) Patropaedia of this sort are thought by Deegener to be illus- trated by the relations in the obstetric toad Alytes, in which the male carries the strings of eggs twisted about his legs, and in Rhino- derma darwini, a small cricket-like frog of the moist beech forests of Chile. The male of the latter species takes the fertilized eggs and crams them into his singing pouch, which becomes greatly enlarged during the breeding season. Here they develop and transform, hop- ping forth from their father’s mouth as fully developed small frogs (Barbour, 1926). 2. Secondary societies are those in which the individuals are not together from the very beginning, or at least those in which the primary social group becomes modified by secondary additions. a) Sexual societies of the Protozoa are such as are shown in ciliate conjugation. b) Connubium simplex of the Metazoa is a grouping in which mat- ing occurs between animals of the same species but of different sexes, or between hermaphroditic animals. (1) Polygamy includes polygyny, or the mating of one male with more than one female, as in polygynous birds, such as the domestic fowl, and in many mammals; and polyandry, in which several males mate with a single female without the female being free to all males. Among Deegener’s examples are the cases of double copulation in insects. In the case of Alcippe, a barnacle, the females as a rule live near each other, and from three to twelve dwarf males join each female and remain with her during their lives. Alverdes (1927) states that this sort of relationship is rare, but adds the case of Bonellia, a worm of which more will be said in a later section, and with which as many as eighteen males attach themselves to a given female and remain so for extended periods. Polyandry has also been observed among some spiders. (2) Monogamy is fairly widespread, at least in the form of seasonal pairings. It is found among beetles, as for example, the monogamous CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 27 Passalidae, which remain with the larvae and the pupae. Alverdes lists also cases of at least seasonal monogamous mating among spiders, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. (3) Communal connubium, or promiscuity, occurs among many fishes at the spawning grounds, among certain lizards, and among gregarious bats. It is also reported for the American bison, for the American cowbird, and among various other birds (Alverdes). Miller (1928) summarizes evidence that this is a common state among anthropoid apes and certain monkeys; unlike most modern sociologists, he believes this represents the original mating relation- ship among Homo sapiens. (4) A conconnubium is formed when monogamous animals collect during the breeding period, forming small societies that continue during copulation. Deegener gives as examples the viper (probably Pelias) and birds, such as gulls, which move at mating time to a restricted location and there form seasonal pairs. c) Perversum simplex applies to those cases where males attempt to mate with each other, as has been observed for drones of the honey bee, after they are driven out of the nest in the autumn, and for various other insects, including certain beetles and house flies. d) Preconnubia occur when individuals of one sex collect at one place before the mating season, or both sexes may be present, but without mating. Such preconnubia occur among many frogs and birds. e) Synhesmia are swarming societies which collect under the in- fluence of reproductive drives. Androsynhesmia, male swarms; gyno- synhesnua, female swarms; and amphoterosynhesmia, or mixed swarms, are known to occur. Il. Societies that are not immediately based on a sexual or genetic basis are also known, as follows: 1. Sysympaedia are combinations of sympaedia, such as occur in minnows. 2. Syngynopaedia consist of two gynopaedia which have united as may happen with ants, or seals (Phoca gruenlandica), or wild hogs (Sus scrofa). 28 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 3. Sympatrogynopaedia are combinations of at least two patro- gynopaedia, and are known in monkeys, marmots, elephants, ante- lopes, and many other mammals. 4. Adoption societies are those in which a female takes offspring from the same species. They are known for birds and mammals, for example among the wild hogs (Sus scrofa). 5. Synandria are groups of males which herd together. Thus, male birds of several species are known to have this habit; and it is re- ported to be common also among mammals, as in seals and ante- lopes. 6. Syngynia are similar groups of females, such as are formed by the stickleback fishes. 7. Symphagia, again, are feeding societies formed of several in- dividuals, and illustrated by Necrophorus beetles during a portion of their life. 8. Synchoria are societies united around a common place which has some peculiarly favorable quality or qualities. They are well illustrated by the common bird roosts, as of crows and robins, and, among insects, as wasps and Mellisodes bees. (See chap. iv.) g. Syncheimadia are combined over-wintering societies, and may be illustrated by solitary bees and coccinellid beetles. 10. Symporia, again, are migration societies, such as swarms of bees or flocks of migrating birds or mammals. 11. Synepileia are marauding societies or hunting bands, such as those of jackals and wolves." 12. Sympaigma are groups of individuals brought together in or- der that they may engage in common play. Deegener cites the whirl- igig beetles (Gyrinus) as examples. Schulz (1926) has investigated this aggregation somewhat and concludes that play is not the prin- cipal integrating factor; he believes that the greater security fur- nished is the more important cause. Therefore he places them in the next category. Brown and Hatch (1929) think that the collection of gyrinid beetles is an example of a reaction to a general environ- «The American wolf pack apparently is usually a family affair, but may not always be so (Seton, 1929). CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 29 mental pattern which they regard as more important than the bio- logical values involved. 13. Symphylacia are societies that furnish protection for the in- dividuals composing them. B. Heterotypical societies are composed of individuals of different species. Alpha. Reciprocal societies. I. Integrated by sexual drives. 1. Connubium confusa are societies of both sexes, but of different species, brought together ior the breeding season. Thus, male frogs will attempt to mate with females of other species, or with toads, or even with fish. Or another taxonomic level, coccinellid beetles of different species have been observed to attempt copulation. 2. Perversum confusa are formed when individuals of the same sex congregate during the breeding season, although of different species, as for example, male frogs and toads, Rhagonycha melanura Oliv. with Luciola luistanica Charp. Il. Non-sexual combinations. t. Phagophilia are heterotypical reciprocal societies wherein each species benefits, although at least one of the two receives its food through its association with the other. Thus a passive species is freed of its parasites through the efforts of its active associates, showing one variety of mutualism. This is illustrated by cow- birds following cattle and feeding on the flies which infest the latter. 2. Synsitia are also symbiotic societies in which one of the asso- ciates lives on the shell or the outer covering of the other, without being parasitic and without the type of relationship found in a_ phagophilium. Deegener regards the relationship between a hydro- zoan and a hermit crab, such as Hydractinia growing on the shell occupied by Eupagurus, as a synsitium. The former clearly receives transportation and fragments of food, while the latter may be protected by the nematocysts of the dactylozoids, as Deegener suggests. 3. Phylacobia occur when two species live together in the same cavities, as Campanotus punctulatus termitarius Em., an ant, is said 30 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS to live (Wasmann, 1901~2) in the runways made by various ter- mites, receiving shelter and giving increased protection. Wheeler (t913a), Emerson, and other students of social insects are agreed that cases of reputed association in compound nests are in need of further careful investigation. Wasmann calls this relationship phylacobiosis. 4. Trophobobia exist when one species feeds upon the excretions of or the waste of the other, and in turn provides protection for the weaker species. This relationship is found between certain species of ants and aphids. 5. Symphilia are formed when one species receives food, protec- tion, and shelter from another, and in turn supplies excretions which are apparently narcotic in nature. This relationship exists between many ants and their myrmecocoles and between termites and ter- miticoles. 6. Dulobia are illustrated by the slave-making ants which raid other colonies and carry off the young, which in time take over the routine work of the colony into which they are carried, receiving in return the advantages of being members of the given society. 7. Adoption societies are formed by mutual adoption freely entered into by both species, and without recognizable advantages or notice- able harm for either. The ants, Formica consocians and F. incerta, are said to form such societies. 8. Heterosymphylacia, as in the homotypical symphylacia, furnish increased protection for all individuals as a result of the social union. Thus zebras and ostriches, or giraffes and elephants, are reported to live together, thereby increasing the security of both constituent species. 9. A heterosynepileium occurs when more than two species of ani- mals join forces and gain greater hunting efficiency for the group. Different species of storks over-wintering in East Africa have been observed to form common hunting bands and to conduct more or less organized drives for concentrating scattered grasshoppers. to. Confoederata are recognized by Deegener as being societies of unlike species united by mutual friendship or sympathy, and as having no other basis. Crows and jackdaws, alone or with starlings, golden-crowned kinglets and titmice, common creepers and wood- CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 31 peckers, are given as examples. Obviously, such a category is with- out secure foundation, but is perhaps to be expected from a worker who believes that the future belongs, however the present resists, to the psychic and not to the mechanistic (Deegener, 19200). 11. Heterosymporia are mixed migration societies, such as occur in birds and mammals, and are especially well marked on the plains of South Africa. Beta. Irreciprocal societies occur when the benefits extend mainly to one species, while the other may be decidedly harmed from the association. 1. Synclopia, or thieving societies, are those in which one species feeds upon the stored food supplies of another, as thieving ants are known to prey upon stored termite food, or as thieving species of termites take the food of other termites. Wheeler calls this clepto- biosis; Forel designates it as lestobiosis. 2. Syllestia are societies containing robber guests which prey upon the eggs or the young of the species with which they are associated. Thus staphylinid beetles may prey upon the brood of the ant colonies whose nests they inhabit, as Wheeler’s ‘“‘synechthren.”’ In somewhat similar relations are the hawks that prey upon flocks of migrating birds. The flocks of wandering grasshoppers, springbok, and the like are each set upon by its own particular set of predators which ac- companies the food flock on its migrations. 3. Paraphagia are societies composed of harmless companions of their host feeding commensually on fragments neglected by the host. Alcippe, a boring barnacle, inhabits the snail shells which have been appropriated by hermit crabs, and feeds on fragments escaping from the feeding of the latter. Dermestid beetles occupy nests of other insects, feeding on waste material such as molted skins. The so-called synoektes of ants form paraphagia with the ants with which they live. 4. Synoecium is the term given by Deegener to the association be- tween certain animals and the nests of other animals. This is known to be a widespread relationship. The crab Pinnixa lives in holes oc- cupied by marine mollusks. Birds’ nests have many animals regular- ly living in them; sparrows may build in storks’ nests. Fishes build in 32 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS the nests of other fishes (Reighard, 1920). Many similar examples could be given for other nests, such as those of ants and termites. 5. Paroecia, or neighborly groups, are formed in which the less conspicuous animal species finds protection from the other without occupying a part of its nest. Thus, small fishes are frequently as- sociated with medusae or with the Portuguese man-of-war Physalia; while many animals, such as fish, worms, snails, and starfish, have similar relationships with coral colonies. 6. Metrokoinia occurs in ants when the fertilized female of one species who has lost the ability to start a new colony joins herself with the fertilized female of another species that has retained this power, and is thus associated with a colony development which she would be unable to secure alone, and to which she contributes little or nothing. This relation has been described for Strangylognathus testaceus Sch., which has lost the power of colony formation, living in mixed colonies with Tetramorium caespitum L. 7. Irreciprocal symporia occur when one animal species attaches itself to the surface of another without becoming parasitic and with- out contributing aid to the animal on whose back it grows. This relationship may exist between barnacles growing on whales, be- tween hydroids and crabs, and between stalked protozoans, such as peritrichs and suctorians, and the snails, crustaceans, or hydroids supporting them. 8. Syncollesia are cemented societies in which one animal cements into its own covering the case or shell of another species of animal without killing off the original owner. Small mussels (Sphaeridae) and snails may be worked into the cases of caddis-fly larvae. 9. Parachorium is the name given to the relationship that exists when one animal lives within the body of another without being parasitic upon it. Hydroids, sea anemones, polychaete worms, ophi- urids, and crustaceans live in the canal systems of sponges; and Pin- notheres, a crab, lives in the mantle cavity of Mytilus, the sea mussel. 10. Parasitism is not easily separated from several of the preced- ing categories. A parasite, in the restricted sense used here, obtains its nourishment, at least, from the host with whose continued exist- ence the parasite is more or less closely bound. Frequently the nour- CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 33 ishment of the parasite comes from the living substance of the host. Many categories of even such restricted parasitism are recognized, and may be found listed in reference works on the subject (Hegner, Root, and Augustine, 19209). We have given here an outline of Deegener’s classification of ani- mal groupings in detail, but it is not our intention to fit the different aggregations to be discussed later into their appropriate niches in this classification. In fact, certain of its more detailed aspects will not be referred to again. But it is upon the idea that there is an es- sential unity within the phenomena to be discussed that the present summarizing account has been prepared; this concept, although foreshadowed by Espinas, was first fully expressed in Deegener’s out- line. We shall return to it in the concluding chapters. CLASSIFICATION OF ALVERDES When we turn to the analysis of social phenomena by Alverdes, we find, as suggested in the introduction, that the relations composing the first part of Deegener’s outline are omitted as without social significance, since in them Alverdes cannot recognize the expression of a social instinct and since the entire discussion of these so-called associations is limited to a definition and slightly more than two pages of text. This omits consideration of much of the material to be presented in the present discussion, and limits markedly the field of general sociology. Even under these sharper limitations, the criterion of social life suggested by Alverdes, that of the possession of a social instinct, must necessarily be vague and easily capable of misinterpretation. The material which Alverdes believes to form the subject matter of general sociology is organized in the main about sexual relations, in which he recognizes such categories as monogamy, polygyny, father-families, mother-families, and other similar divisions which were also found in Deegener’s more inclusive outline. In addition, he recognizes that animal societies may be closed or open. In the former, new members are admitted only under special conditions, if at all; insect states are such. Within a closed community there is frequently an established hierarchy, as has been shown for birds 34 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS which, to be sure, are only partially closed communities (Schjel- derup-Ebbe, 1922, 1923). In the open societies membership is much less exclusive, and chance alone determines whether or not its mem- bers shall unite or separate. The open societies may be organized, like those of the saiga antelopes, which have guards and leaders; or unorganized, as in many groupings of what Alverdes regards as, strictly speaking, non-social insects, as when grasshoppers, butter- flies, caterpillars, and the like unite in migrating swarms. CLASSIFICATION OF ESPINAS AND WHEELER Wheeler, in his discussion of animal societies (1930), gives a sum- marized scheme of classification of social and subsocial groupings, based upon the work of Espinas, which is reproduced herewith in a somewhat modified form. The principal modifications made have been the placing of all distinctions between homotypic and hetero- typic groupings in the third and least important column, the re- arranging of the categories under associations, and the substitution of ‘“‘anthropoid”’ for “human” in the last category. Wheeler does not believe that the societies arose from associations, although he says that the ancient aggregative or associative proclivities may have been retained by many species and may serve to reinforce their specifically social behavior. This subject will receive more detailed attention in the last two chapters. CLASSIFICATION ON BASIS OF INTEGRATION It is illuminating to attempt a classification of social] grouping on the basis of the type or the degree of integration of the social group. Some of the available knowledge on this point will be set forth later. From many points of view this seems a most desirable basis of classification, but there is not at present sufficient exact knowledge to justify an elaborate attempt in this direction. When made, such a classification would follow the general outlines suggested by Deege- ner, at least to the extent that such a scheme would present the social organization of animals from the loosely organized, apparently chance aggregations due to collections around favorable locations or on account of physical limitations which prevent separation, through CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 35 a series of small quantitatively, rather than qualitatively, different degrees of integration, up to the closely organized societies of ants and termites and the more extensive group societies of man. SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC ARRANGEMENT OF TYPES OF ASSOCIATIONS A. Associations: Loosely integrated, relatively unstable, and temporary sys- tems primarily de- pendent onthe reac- tions of individuals to environmental stimuli . Societies: More closely inte- grated, more sta- ble, and permanent systems primarily dependent on reac- tions of individuals to each other ns AND SOCIETIES (Modified from Wheeler, 1930) 1. Passively collected aggregations or agglomerations. e.g., wind collected 2. Actively collected aggregations or agglomerations, e.g., tropistically collected 3. Food chain associations a) Predatory b) Parasitic 4. Commensal associations 5. Mimetic associations 6. Symbiotic or mutualistic associa- tions 7. Communities (biocoenoses) 1. Persons (multicellular) 2. Organically interconnected colonial organisms forming closed societies chiefly nutritive in function, e.g., sponges, colonial hydroids * 3. Mainly reproductive societies closed, e.g., subsocial insects and social in- sects such as bees, ants, and termites 4. Mainly protective societies, closed and open, e.g., flocks, herds, and schools 5. Anthropoid societies; group societies Homotypic or Heterotypic Heterotypic Homotypic Homotypic or hetero- typic; i.e., may be pure or mixed colo- nies of dominant animals; dominants may be accompanied by social parasites or by various other sorts of associates The outlines of such a scheme of classification can be sketched. In doing so, its limitations in the present state of knowledge become the more evident. Alpha. Individuals organically connected. I: Individuals with true organic union, as in the hydroid Obelia. II. Individuals only superficially connected, as in the mollusks 36 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Mytilus or Ostraea. Beta. Individuals not organically connected. I. Aggregations primarily due to reactions to environment. Ani- mals live at this level of group integration in a common habitat but without marked organization into groups. This category would in- clude the habitat communities of the ecologists. To some extent the plants share with the animals in the organization of this com- munity, usually, in fact, being the conspicuous factors in land com- munities; hence the modern emphasis by ecologists upon the biota. Further classification would depend on the physical or biotic factors in the environment which dominate the habitat. II. Aggregations primarily due to reactions to other organisms. These are generally recognized to be more closely integrated than are habitat communities, being bound together by biological relation- ships as well as by those of habitat. There is no sharply defined line to be drawn between the two. In addition to the subdivisions based upon the method of inte- gration, three fairly definite subdivisions can be recognized, based on degree of integration. t. Relatively slightly integrated groups in which the primary (in- dividual) reactions predominate, and whose survival value is ap- parent only after experimentation. The aggregations of isopods, Ophioderma, and Procerodes, to be discussed later, are examples. Further classification would depend on method of formation of the group and on the type of integration, as well as on the different sorts of animals of which it is composed. Many of Deegener’s groupings could be taken over here and in the next two categories. 2. Moderately well-integrated groups in which the secondary (group) reactions predominate although primary reactions are still strongly in evidence. The survival value of the group is more ob- vious. Schools of fish, flocks of birds, and the like would frequently come under this category. 3. Highly integrated groups in which the primary reactions are decidedly in the minority and the social value is strongly in evidence. Here would be classified the diéferent insect societies, together with CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 37 the societies of man and those of the other vertebrates which ‘ap- proach these standard societies in their social organization. The difficulties inherent in the further elaboration of this scheme reveal at once the lack of natural divisions between the different levels of organization with which we are dealing. It is apparent that we must recognize that the whole field of interrelationships of organ- isms must be taken as the content of general sociology; we can only arbitrarily single out some particular level of social appetite, group reaction, community integration, social value, or exhibition of divi- sion of labor, as forming the beginning of social life. CHAPTERS ITIL FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS The method of formation of animal aggregations differs with the degree of integration and with the different types of integrating factors. The discussion to be given here is not necessarily exhaustive, but the examples included may serve to illustrate the common meth- ods and some of the problems involved. One whole group of aggregations of individuals that are ordinarily solitary is caused by tropistic responses to environmental stimuli. Deegener recognizes one phase of this type of aggregation in his grouping called “symphotium” which occurs when individuals col- lect about a source of light. Aggregations of this general type may be called “‘syntropia,” as suggested earlier. The method of forma- tion of such aggregations attracted much attention in the three dec- ades and a half of J. Loeb’s work in this field, from about 1888 to 1923. Loeb and his immediate followers were concerned chiefly with aggregations which result from environmentally forced orientations and movements. FORCED MOVEMENTS When exposed to certain stimuli, some animals react as if they were automatons forced by the interaction between their own organi- zation and their environment to move in a certain direction and to aggregate when available space is limited. The term “tropism” was at one time reserved for such reactions. These are well illustrated by the response of the larvae of the annelid worm Arenicola to light. These worms burrow as adults in the sandy tidal flats of the Atlantic Coast south of Cape Cod. The eggs are deposited in large numbers in a jelly-like mass which is attached at the opening of the burrow. The eggs develop into free-swimming ciliated larvae having two eye-spots symmetrically placed near the anterior end. Immedi- ately after hatching, the larvae are strongly positive to light and negative to gravity. Accordingly, they travel to the surface of the 38 FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 39 water, where they may collect in great aggregations unless scattered by waves or by tidal currents. These larvae swim in a long spiral path orienting quite accurately to light. The orientation, Mast says (1911), is not entirely accurate but is subject to frequent muscular turnings which result in re- orientations. The general course is toward the light, as shown by the diagram (Fig. 1). The following account of the details of this reaction is taken from Mast’s description (1911), since he has been consistently critical of interpreting any animal reaction as approach- ing automatonism. “Tf the direction of the rays of light is changed after the larvae are oriented, they all appear to turn directly toward the source of light in its new position without preliminary trial movements.”’ Ordinari- ly, these larvae swim so rapidly that the exact details of their path are hard to follow. When caught under a sloping cover slip so that they can no longer swim spirally, if the larvae are caught lying on one side no definite movement is seen except a slight forward mo- tion; in those lying on either dorsal or ventral surface, the anterior end is seen to move constantly from side to side with a slight jerky motion, a movement undoubtedly due to muscular contractions. If light is thrown on such an organism at right angles, the lateral move- ment toward the illuminated side is at once increased, and the larva turns in that direction. “By using two sources of light so situated that the rays cross at right angles in the region where the specimen is lo- cated, and then alternately intercepting the light from each of the two sources, it can be seen clearly that the larva, by muscular move- ment, turns the anterior end toward the source of light directly. There is no trial reaction in this process. It is an asymmetrical re- sponse to an asymmetrical stimulation. The movement of these an- nelid larvae appear little more voluntary than the precise movement of algal swarm spores.”’ Galvanotropic reactions frequently produce aggregations in a diagrammatic fashion. Thus Paramecium, a protozoan well known to react usually by a reflex type of behavior which suggests Jennings’ designation of a “‘trial and error” reaction, exhibits a forced-move- ment type of behavior under the influence of a continuous electric 40 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS current. Jennings (1906), in his discussion of this reaction, says, “When a Paramecium is transverse or oblique to the direction of a 1 ZZ Fig. 1.—(1) Arenicola larva in the free-swimming state proceeding on a spiral course. m,, Directions of light; a—-, positions in the spiral. Larvae react to changes in ray direction in positions b or d, but not in positions a and e. (2) Much enlarged sketch of larval head. The eye-spots are composed of a dark-brownish part y and a clear part «. Note the ciliary bands on (2) which are a part of the locomotor system. (From Mast, Light and the Behavior of Organisms; courtesy of Wiley & Sons.) current at the time when the circuit is closed (Figure 2) certain strik- ing effects are produced. If a current of medium strength is em- FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 41 ployed, such as causes reversal of about half the cilia, the following results may be observed. On the anode side the cilia strike back- ward as usual. On the cathode side the cilia strike forward. As a result the animal, when in a transverse position, must turn directly toward the cathode side, the cilia of both sides of the body tending as, Fic. 2.—Effects of electric current on the cilia of Paramecia and the direction of turning in different positions (large arrows). The small internal arrows show the direc- tion in which the cilia of the corresponding quarter of the animal tend to turn the animal. At f the impulse to turn is equal in both directions and there is no result until the revolution on the long axis brings the aboral side to the cathode. (From Jennings, Behavior of Lower Organisms; courtesy of the Columbia Press.) to produce this effect, as indicated by the arrows in Figure 2. This happens even when the oral side is directed toward the cathode (Figure 2e). The animal turns toward the oral side—a result never produced by other stimuli, and due to the peculiar cathodic effect of the current.”’ 42 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Once oriented so, the animals swim toward the cathode; if the current is reversed, a reversal is caused in the orientation and loco- motion of the animals. Many similar cases of forced orientation and locomotion under the influence of the galvanic current are to be found in the literature; in certain cases the animals move to the anode rather than to the cathode. A general summary of galvano- tropic reactions has been given by Loeb (1918). Similar forced movements which lead to aggregations under favor- able conditions are given in response to other stimuli, particularly those of chemicals and of gravity. They are not given by all members of the animal kingdom, and are more likely to be exhibited by those animals which, like the insects, have a disproportionate development of the sensory system in comparison with the central nervous sys- tem, so that the animal becomes the creature of its sensation (Ken- nedy, 1927). RANDOM MOVEMENTS On the other hand, animals may congregate as a result of a series of reactions, which suggest the method described by Jennings (1906) as “trial and error” or, as Holmes (1905) has put it, by ‘‘the selec- tion of random movements.” The classic case is that originally given by Jennings, of Paramecia collecting in the more-acid portion of the water they occupy. This reaction is in part, at least, a trap reaction, in that the animals do not react upon entering the more-acid region, but respond by the characteristic avoiding reflexes when they come in contact with less-acid water, and hence are caught in the region of higher acidity (Johnson, 1929). This reaction by Paramecia is so well known as to have been diagramed in all the current textbooks of zoology. It is worth emphasizing that such a method of formation of an aggregation, while less spectacular, is not necessarily less mech- anistic than is the type of reaction given by Arenicola larvae when they collect under the influence of directive light stimulus. It is also of interest to us that, as the Paramecia aggregate, the carbon dioxide given off as a result of their normal metabolic activities tends to keep the region more acid and thus the aggregation tends to perpetuate itself. When there is a limited space available, or a limited amount of FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 43 optimum space, aggregations may form from either of these two reaction methods, the method used depending in part on the nature of the stimulus emanating from the favorable locality, but, in the main, on the reaction system of the animals involved. If the condi- tions are such that directive stimuli are absent, aggregations, if formed, will result only from the methcd of “trial.” This apparently happens many times in nature and in tue .aboratory. Land isopods (Allee, 1926) tend to collect in aggregations in the hot, dry summer and in the cold, and often physiologically dry, winter. These aggregations are frequently such as might result when shelter is limited, provided there is a tolerance for the presence of other similar animals; but at times these animals collect in much closer units than can be entirely explained on this basis. That is to say, the isopods do not occupy all the available and apparently equally desirable space, but clump together in one part of this. When the method of formation of the aggregations is studied in the laboratory, the grouping is found to be brought about by the “Selection of random movement” type of behavior. Usually the iso- pods wander over the surface of their container, preferably around the margin, and come to rest in the position in which they are ap- parently less stimulated. Downs (Allee, 1926) made a long series of observations in an attempt to find the method of formation of ag- _ gregations when conditions were as nearly uniform in all parts of the container as they could be made. Under these uniform environ- mental conditions the land isopods usually wandered about until one came to rest for some reason or other. Sometimes inequalities developed in an originally uniform environment; at other times the isopod apparently stopped for internal reasons. After one became quiet, there was a distinct tendency for others to come to rest near- by. These might or might not be in physical contact with the first; frequently they had crawled over it immediately before stopping. In their incipient stages these bunches were frequently quite loose. The isopods would then alternate periods of rest and of motion. During the latter, many, or perhaps all, might start up again; but often a nucleus remained, consisting of the original individual and one or more others. Around such a nucleus the isopods would again gather, 44 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS and the bunch would at last become consolidated by slight move- ments on the part of those on the periphery. Partially successful attempts were made to control the place of bunch formation on a uniform field by gluing a recently killed isopod to the substratum. When a drop of water was introduced on a dry background, the isopods tended to occupy all of that favorable location regardless of whether or not they were in contact. The bunching in close physical contact came later, and might take place as a thigmotropic reaction, perhaps modified by chemical stimuli, or might have been condi- tioned by the drying of the small moistened region. Similarly, detailed studies have been made on the bunching be- havior of the ophiurid starfish, Ophioderma brevispina Say (Allee, 1927), which lives in the eelgrass along the Atlantic Coast of North America from Cape Cod southward. Individuals of this species have not been found in physical contact in nature during the summer and late autumn, but the collectors for the Marine Biological Laboratory report that large numbers may aggregate in late November and December. In the laboratory the tendency to collect in bunches dis- appears as conditions approach those obtaining in nature. Thus, bunches were absent or rare when eelgrass was present in approxi- mately natural condition. These relations held even under the tem- peratures of about 10° C. obtaining in laboratory aquaria in late December. When, however, the Ophioderma were placed in bare containers, bunches formed within a short time. The speed of formation was retarded by the slower movement accompanying low temperatures and dim illumination. The effect of changes in illumination are shown by the following example: With a constant temperature near 20° C. one lot formed a compact aggregation in from 1 to ro minutes in different trials in direct sunlight; in from 14 to 25 minutes in diffuse light, and in from 27 to 56 minutes in complete darkness. Detailed observations of the method of formation of a large num- ber of these aggregations made under a variety of conditions show that the collections occur in the less illuminated part of the container when there is a difference in light intensity. When conditions are uniform, the starfish cluster about one of the least active individu- FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 45 als of the lot. In both cases the aggregation forms after a large num- ber of apparently random movements in which the individuals react to the others present in much the same way that they do to pieces of glass rods or to eelgrass. Once formed, these aggregations tend to move together and so to form a more compact bunch. This may smack of a social tendency, although similar behavior is shown to occur when isolated individuals are adjusting themselves to the in- equalities found in a tuft of eelgrass or a loose pile of glass rods. These bunches of Ophioderma are formed in the same general manner already described for land isopods. Such behavior as that of the land isopods or of these starfish is obviously to a large extent conditioned by the reactions of the ani- mals to their physical surroundings. In the absence of elements usu- ally found in the normal physical environment, animals may so react to each other as partially to substitute for the normal environment; that is, other individuals may take the places usually occupied by non-living environmental items. Two types of explanation have been advanced for this kind of phenomenon, one of which implies some innate social tendency. The other explains such aggregations in more objective terms. THE FORMATION OF CELL AGGREGATES Roux (1894), a distinguished experimental embryologist, observed that when cells of the frog’s egg are shaken apart during early stages of cleavage and placed in water only a short distance apart, they slowly approach each other until they come in contact. He termed such cell behavior ‘“‘cytotropism.” In normal development this tend- ency acts to help keep the cells close together in a compact mass. Later Wilson (1910), Galtsoff (1925), and Child (1928), among others, have observed the behavior of dissociated tissue cells of sponges and hydroids. Some of these thoroughly dissociated cells move about and collect in cell aggregations which under proper con- ditions regulate into new organisms. Galtsoff for sponges and Child for the hydroid Corymorpha have concluded that these cells come together as a result of chance movements on the part of certain cells which incidentally collect other cells as they move and by chance 46 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS come together to form viable aggregations. Galtsoff’s statement con- cerning sponge cells is: ‘““The examination of the behavior of dis- sociated cells shows that the formation of aggregates is chiefly due to random movement of the archaeocytes which collect all the cells lying in their route.’ Child is more certain of the absence of definite cytotropism around dissociated Corymor pha cells and has observed cells when near together to move apart without aggregating ap- parently as often as he has found movement in the opposite direc- tion. The cytotropism observed by Roux can be interpreted as analo- gous with a very simple social appetite, or at least showing that mu- tual attraction between living units extends to dissociated embryo cells. From forces similar to those causing such simple mutual at- tractions of cells, we might expect social appetites to develop. Such a reaction may be regarded as a forerunner of the social instincts of many observers. On the other hand, in the formation of aggrega- tions of dissociated sponge and hydroid cells there is no evidence of such mutual attraction. The method is essentially the same as that just outlined for the formation of aggregations of land isopods and of starfishes. Yet under favorable conditions these cell aggregates formed without evidence of mutual attraction may develop into well integrated animals. PROTOTAXIS AND INSTINCT Wallin (1927) has postulated a factor or principle which he re- gards as of fundamental importance for many interrelations between cells or between whole organisms and which he has called the prin- ciple of “‘prototaxis.”’ This is defined as ‘“‘the innate tendency of one organism or cell to react in a definite manner to another organism or cell.” This reaction may be either positive or negative. The latter results in a mutual repulsion of organisms or cells, for, since organ- isms may be found separated for a number of reasons, Wallin recog- nized that negative prototaxis can be demonstrated only if the actual process is observed. On the other hand, positive prototaxis, which is “the affinity of one organism or cell for another organism or cell,” may result in such well-known phenomena as those of conjugation, FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 47 symplasm, cell fusion, parasitism, and symbiosis. Obviously these are real phenomena; but, as detailed information concerning the proc- ess by which the cells or organisms come together is lacking, the fact of their being together is no more evidence for the existence of a posi- tive prototaxis than the separateness of other cells or organisms is proof of the existence of a negative prototaxis. If we waive this objection to accepting the principle of prototaxis as an all-inclusive explanation of all aggregations whether of cells or of organisms, and proceed to examine the nature of prototaxis, we find that, instead of a simple tropism which may be best understood as a reflex action of an entire organism, prototaxis is a compound or complex tropism which Wallin says cannot be analyzed. Certainly we can recognize different elements, such as chemotropism, thigmo- tropism, stereotropism, as well as reactions due to surface tension, temperature, light, moisture, and electrical potential. In fact, such an analysis indicates that Wallin’s conception of prototaxis is merely another name for the type of reactions referred to by many writers as being instinctive, except that no one would ordinarily regard the reaction of tissue cells as belonging in this category. Logically there is no real reason why they should not be so regarded, but the usage has been otherwise. Wallin’s conception of the formation of aggregates, whether of cells or of organisms, as being due to the expression of a fundamental biological tendency or principle, has two merits. In the first place it recognizes rightly that there is no logical line to be drawn between the behavior of tissue cells forming an animal body and that of plants or animals forming a close aggregation like those seen in symbiotic or parasitic relations. This is in line with the conclusions of Espinas and of Deegener, which I believe to be essentially correct, that there is no hard and fast line that can be drawn between the social and the infrasocial. Further, Wallin specifically recognizes that the ideas that have developed about symbiosis and parasitism have usually been based on the utility of the relationships and have also involved the idea of purpose. When such phenomena are con- sidered from the point of view of prototaxis, then parasitism and symbiosis and presumably all their related phenomena are merely 48 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS different end-responses in the expression of one and the same bio- logical principle, involving therefore only the vague type of utility necessary for the cumbersome working of natural selection and with no more suggestion of purpose than is inherent in scientific concep- tions generally. This analysis of prototaxis shows that it is in the main a renaming of the type of activities usually called “instinctive,” with the exten- sion of this sort of action to include the behavior of tissue cells and with a deprecation of the tendency to include a distinct teleological element which is usually present in discussions of instincts. The question immediately arises as to what social instincts or appetites may mean, and whether or not they are capable of analysis. Szymanski (1913) undertook to investigate this problem by com- paring the reactions of isolated caterpillars of Hyponomeuta and of Arye with those given by groups when placed under the same general conditions. Recognizing the fact that social reactions are not readily analyzed, Szymanski undertook to separate them into two cate- gories: (1) those peculiar to the individual, which, if fortunate, make possible the living-together of individuals as a social group, and which may be called ‘“‘primary reactions’; and (2) responses which arise as the result of the living-together of many individuals, and which may be called “secondary reactions.” In order to distinguish primary and secondary responses in a social group, Szymanski suggested and used the following procedure. The reactions of the individual are first studied with a view to finding the usual responses given to various stimuli; thereafter one studies the behavior of individuals as members of a group. In the latter study it is frequently possible to recognize elements of behavior which have been observed in the isolated individuals. If all the reactions given by the individuals of a colony can be recognized as primary re- sponses, such as would be given were all the animals isolated, the problem of group behavior is solved without the need for recognition of secondary or essentially social behavior; but if there is a residue of behavior which cannot be recognized as primary, then this is to be regarded as the secondary or true social behavior. Szymanski so analyzed the responses given by caterpillars of FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 49 Hyponomeuta, which inhabit an irregularly rounded web usually placed between several branches of the food plant. The individual larvae exhibit no tropisms except a strong negative stereotropism. When placed singly on the ground, the larvae make a looplike path. They stop at almost every point of the loop and test out their en- vironment with their heads, selecting thus a place to lay their silk thread. Single caterpillars spinning their web behave similarly. The individual reaches out as far as possible from the place of beginning and lays down its thread. This action is repeated and results in a spreading of the web. Such a response to space Szymanski regards as a negative stereotropism. In one experiment eight caterpillars were observed in nest-build- ing. Six were placed together at one place, and one each at two slightly distant points. All began spinning webs as described above. The six spun a common web, which finally reached and fused with the webs of the isolated caterpillars, so that a joint web resulted. This probably happens in nature. So far, there are no reactions re- maining over and above the individual responses, and Szymanski concludes that in the formation of this common web there are no secondary or purely social reactions. Deegener (1922) disagrees with Szymanski’s observations and with his interpretations, particularly the latter. He, too, found that isolated Hyponomeuta larvae can spin webs, but concluded that they do not begin spinning as soon as if grouped together, and that the web spun by a group is smaller than that made by the union of webs spun by the same number of isolated larvae. In both respects he would recognize the working-out of a social instinct. Further, he believes that the caterpillars actively seek out the company of others, guided by sensing vibration waves, which may be merely refined touch perception. Back of all this he believes there is a need for association which leads the isolated larvae to seek their own kind. If they do not find their fellows, they build their own individual nests, which later they may abandon, wandering and seeking in order to associate themselves with other larvae. If none are found, they may remain solitary for days without losing their social in- stinct. 50 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Szymanski (1913) further studied the formation of feeding aggre- gations of Arye caterpillars. Groups of these young caterpillars gather on their species of food plant and arrange themselves on the leaves so that they cling with their thoracic legs on the upper surface while the posterior end hangs down curled around the edge of the leaf. They arrange themselves so, side by side along the margin of the leaf. When the larva at the tip has eaten to the main vein, it may do one of three things: (1) turn around and go to the base of the leaf and begin feeding there; (2) leave the leaf entirely; or (3) cross over to the opposite side and begin feeding there. The older cater- pillars tend to lose this regular arrangement and behavior. By the usual type of analytical experiments the Arye caterpillars are shown to be positive to light, negative to gravity, and positive to certain touch stimuli. The method of locomotion consists in the extension of the anterior end and the drawing-up of the posterior. The posterior end shows a definite motor reflex upon stimulation. Thus, if touched at the posterior end, the posterior half of the body is raised. A similar reaction is given if the substratum is gently shaken. If one side is touched, the same response may occur, to- gether with a bending-away of the touched part. If one tests out the method of colony formation, one finds that when the larvae are placed at the base of the food plant they will crawl up on it, since they are positive to light and negative to grav- ity. When the first leaf petiole is encountered, they will turn aside onto that because it is narrower than the main stem, and for the same reason they will move along the edge of the leaf. On the leaf they move to the side most strongly illuminated, or to the side far- ther from the ground, as the case may be. The larvae crawl here and there over the leaf, passing over each other; or they may touch the larvae ahead and cause them to move forward. Finally one begins to eat, and gradually all settle to eating. The positions taken may be accidental, for wide spaces may occur between larvae, while others are closely crowded. The piece of leaf between two larvae becomes eaten away, so that eventually the head of the second larva touches the posterior end of the first. This causes the latter to raise its posterior end, as in the test experiments FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 51 described above. The reaction will be repeated whenever the posteri- or end is stimulated, and only ceases when the abdomen curls over the edge of the leaf. In this way, and as a result of these reactions, the colony takes on its well-organized appearance, which depends on the interaction of the following factors: (1) the crowding of many individuals into a small space; (2) the tropic reactions of the larvae; (3) the character of the anterior and posterior end reflexes; and (4) the manner of locomotion and of feeding. Here, as in Szymanski’s analysis of the group formation in Hypo- nomeula, primary reactions play the principal rdle in the colony formation; but there are some elements of the behavior of the colony that Szymanski thinks may be due to secondary or social behavior. Thus, when the leaf is shaken, the posterior end of each larva is raised simultaneously. When we remember the great individual dif- ferences usual in behavior, the synchrony of this response suggests that there may be a social factor at work. However, it is possible that this, too, is merely an expression of primary or individual reac- tion, with the synchrony either more apparent than real or due to the proximity of the responding larvae. These investigations of Szymanski’s lead to the same conclusion as my own, formed independently, concerning the method of forma- tion of aggregations of land isopods and of Ophioderma. In these cases it is the primary, individual reactions that produce the group- ings, not the expression of a community spirit or of a social appetite. The only social trait necessarily present is that of toleration for the presence of numerous other similar animals within the same region. If this analysis be sound, as it appears to be, then one of the early stages of mutual interdependence is the appearance of toleration for the presence of other animals in a limited space, where they have collected as a result of tropistic reactions to environmental stimuli. Once formed, aggregations may persist for a considerable time, mere- ly because of the lack of disruptive stimuli. The conclusions of Szymanski are supported by Krizenecky (1923) in his work on the transitory aggregations of the enchytraeids al- ready mentioned in the chapter on classification. He thinks that individual reactions are important in the formation of these aggre- 52 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS gations, and that thigmotropic reactions are largely concerned. The observations of Essenberg and of Riley on water striders, of Clark on Notonecta, of the Severins on Belostoma, as well as the tremendous general literature on animal behavior (see Loeb, 1918, for a partial bibliography), show that aggregations do form in many cases with- out evidence of a positive social instinct or appetite, although this is not to be taken as proof that in other instances aggregations may not form as a result of social appetite. AGGREGATIONS OF ASELLUS IN NATURE The analysis of one other case is illuminating. For a number of years I had been seeking a favorable opportunity to apply in the field certain analytical methods worked out in studying aspects of the laboratory ecology of animal aggregations, and accordingly welcomed the information that a great aggregation of the common fresh-water isopod, Asellus communis Say, had been found in mid- winter in the Indiana dune country near-by. At the point where this collection occurred, a low sand ridge had been thrown up to serve as a roadway across an extensive cat-tail swamp, here about a quarter of a mile wide. To the east, the swamp stretched as far as could be seen from the low elevation of the road- way. To the west, there was also a very extensive continuation of the cat-tail swamp for at least a half-mile. The whole formed a major part of the headwaters of a small stream. The roadway was pierced at several places by culverts, introduced to relieve the water pressure above. These had proved inadequate, and at one place the water had washed away the ridge of sand and flowed over the roadway through an opening about 5 meters wide, with a current there sufficient to prevent complete freezing. When first seen, the ice was about 6 cm. thick and the effective stream was reduced to about 1.5 meters width. Here on the under side of the ice were tens of thousands of isopods, oriented to face upstream, and showing by their arrangement the definite lines of force of the current below. Thousands of other iso- pods were resting on the bottom in protected places, and many more were being swept downstream by the rapidly moving current. Some- FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 53 times these collected into small balls of from 6 to 20 isopods, which rolled along the bottom until they found a lodging against some ob- struction or settled into a deeper pool where the current was less strong. There were many isopods on the sandy bottom of the stream, mostly facing against the current, but making very little progress against it. Chopping through the ice above or below the roadway revealed no comparable collection of isopods, although there was evidence of an increase in numbers as one neared the narrow chan- nels of the washout either from above or below. After the break-up of the winter ice, the majority of the isopods disappeared, although traces of the aggregation could still be seen, particularly in the sheltered places just below the opening of the stream into the lower swamp. There the isopods were mainly travel- ing downstream with the current, or were collected in sheltered places in deeper water or about lodged débris. As before, few were found in the open above the roadway. After the ice was entirely gone, and with the usual rise in water level, the aggregation re-formed. In early April a few were being carried downstream through the washout. Several more were to be seen along the margins, for the most part headed upstream, where some were able to make their way for a considerable distance. At the lower edge of the roadway, great masses of isopods had collected about willow shrubs, old cat-tails, or in deeper pools, wherever they might find a lodging. The largest of these masses was about 75 cm. across the current, 30 cm. up and down stream, and over Io cm. deep, a solid writhing mass of isopods. This was loosely joined with other similar units, each formed about some basis of support from the force of the current, the whole making an isopod barrier all along the lower margin of the washout, over 5 meters in length and about 1 meter wide. The numbers concerned were unbelievable. They were to be measured by liters rather than by individuals. The mass can be imagined by thinking of the full swarms of some twenty or more beehives settling near each other. Conditions remained much the same for the next 3 weeks, with but a slight variation in the position of the largest mass, depending apparently on the strength of the current. 54 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS In late April the water level had again been raised by rain, and in the main current stood about 45 cm. deep, in place of the more usual 15-18 cm. A new, smaller overflow had been formed near-by. The isopods were all gone from their place of aggregation; and although they were still plentiful all around the edge of the fan of sand washed down by the recent rains, they were not collected into the great masses found heretofore. In the slacker current just preceding the rains, isopods were no longer being carried downstream across the roadway; and one could not have collected more than 50 such drift- ers by watching all day. Now with the higher water level and the swifter current they were again being swept downstream from the upper swamp in numbers. With the higher water level of early April, smaller aggregations had appeared about the lower ends of the central iron culverts piercing the roadway, but now there, too, were dissipated. With the higher water of late April, the culverts situated at the edges of the swamp showed a marked current for the first time—not nearly so strong as that in the center culverts, but corresponding in strength to the latter when aggregation of isopods occurred near them. Now, for the first time, sizeable aggregations were present at the lower ends of these side culverts. At the upper end of one of these there was a log and much plant débris on and about which isopods borne down from the upper swamp might have lodged; but none were there, while they occurred in large numbers at the lower opening, particularly in eddies out of the main current. The current ceased to flow through the north marginal culvert within a few days, and the aggregations there disintegrated. Those at the opposite margin per- sisted for about two weeks. The aggregations below the main over- flow did not re-form, although many individuals could be seen at any time unsuccessfully attempting to make their way up over the shift- ing sandy bottom. The final breaking-up of the aggregations was not observed, though at any time small groups or single individuals might be seen becoming detached and borne away by the current. When the water rose, the increased velocity probably carried the whole lot off in a similar manner. At the end of the season some of the aggregated ani- FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 55 mals died zm situ, especially if located at one side where the current became cut off. An increased flow following heavy rains in late May produced physical conditions similar to those of late April, but no aggregations were formed, although a few large isopods were carried downstream through the main spillway. The favorable localities were well watched the next winter and spring, but no large aggregations were found. In early April a small aggregation occurred below the culvert at the extreme south side, where the last one had formed the spring before. With the passing of time, the main washout had deepened so that a stronger current was running there than when the isopods had aggregated the preceding year. In general, there appeared to be fewer Aselli in the swamp, and one is led to suspect that there may have been an unusually large production of isopods preceding the formation of the monster aggregation observed in 1927. SEX RATIO In early spring one can usually determine the sex of Asellus by considering the size, shape of thorax, and presence or absence of the brood pouch. In the laboratory, sexes are easily and accurately de- termined. Careful observations showed that during the time of the great spring aggregations the ratio of the collected isopods ran as high as 25 males to 1 female, and never ranged below 9:1. November collections from the scattered isopods, both above and below the culverts, showed a 1:1 ratio. In early April of the next year, random collections from the relatively small aggregation at the lower end of a lateral culvert showed a sex ratio of 12 males to each female. At the same time, similar collections both above and below the aggregation showed a ratio of approximately 1:1. Five suggestions readily occur to account for the high ratio of males to females in the great bunches: 1. The aggregation may be due to a mating or other social im- pulse acting more strongly in the males than in the females, which impels them to gather in these large groups. 2. The males may tend to move about more and to come into 56 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS contact with the current and be swept off their feet, regaining a foot- hold only when the current slackens or when they reach a solid foot- ing. 3. The males may possess less clinging power than the females. 4. The females may be carried downstream as well as the males, but may escape from the bunches to the lower swamp. 5. The aggregations may be formed from isopods that start up from the lower swamp and are unable to make progress when the swifter current is encountered. If this is a factor, it would imply that the males are more strongly positive in their rheotropic reaction than are the females. The last four possibilities would account for the formation of the aggregations through the operation of tropistic reactions of the iso- pods as individuals, the so-called “primary reactions” of Szymanski (1913); while the first would bring in a secondary or group reaction. The different possibilities may be considered in reverse order. The rheotropic reactions of both sexes were tested according to methods developed earlier (Allee, 1912). These tests indicated that, in the breeding season at least, the males are somewhat more strong- ly positive in their rheotropic reaction than are the females, and that they respond positively to stronger currents. In so far as the aggregations form as the trapping of positive isopods moving up- stream from the lower swamp, this helps to account for -the great discrepancy in the sex ratio. However, this is not the whole story. There is little evidence for the assumption that the females may be carried down from the upper swamp in the same numbers as the males but escape from the aggregation to the lower swamp. There were very few females found among the many isopods collected while being carried downstream. The supposition that the males have less clinging power than the females, at least in the breeding season, was subjected to direct ex- perimentation, using the method described by myself in 1914. The results indicated that there is little, if any, difference in the clinging ability of the males and females under the conditions of this test, with whatever advantage that may exist favoring the males. Such results are to be expected from a consideration of the mechanical FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 57 difficulties of maintenance of position by females carrying a large brood pouch between their anterior thoracic legs. Of the tropistic non-social suggestions advanced as possible ex- planations of the greater proportion of males than females in the spring aggregations, one more remains for detailed consideration. This is the suggestion that the males move about more and so come into contact with the current more frequently than the more passive females. Such differential action would result in more males being swept off their feet and carried down from above, and also in more males coming in contact with a current strength which would call forth a positive rheotropic response and so bring them up from the lower swamp. This possibility is supported by the following kinds of evidence. The direction of the current impinging on a large bunch was artificially changed, and the current change resulted in a re- organization of the bunch of isopods in a new position. At a time when the main bunch showed a ratio of males to females of 25:0, 25:3, 25:2, 25:2, with a total of 100:7, the reorganized bunch showed ratios of 50:1 and 45:4, with a total of 95:5, which is nearly twice the number of males per female as found in the bunch of longer standing. Again, I pulled from near a large aggregation a tuft of grass heavily covered with isopods. The sex ratio of those that ac- tively crawled from the grass onto my hand proved to be 4 males to each female. The sex ratio of all the isopods on a similar tuft was found to be 1 male to 3 females. In both cases the males showed a higher degree of activity. It is also true that the vast majority of animals taken while being carried downstream by the current were males, and that the sex ratio of the isopods on the water plants out- side the main current, but above the roadway, showed a higher number of females than males. Regarding the possibility that the males may be responding to a stronger internal séxual stimulant than the females, there is evi- dence from earlier work that in the breeding season the males do tend to cling to any passing isopod, and apparently have this tendency more strongly developed than do the females. The tendency to col- lect in bunches is so strong that spring isopods must frequently be tested singly for rheotropism or they will fail to respond to the cur- 58 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS rent at all. I have seen males which were responding definitely to a water current behave as if they perceived another isopod at a dis- tance of some 2-4 cm., discontinue their rheotropic reaction, and move directly to the nearby isopod and cling to it. I have no evi- dence of such reactions at distances greater than 5 cm., so that their effect would be operative in bunch formation only, after the isopods had been brought close together through the operation of some other factors. I have no knowledge of such isopod aggregations except in winter and spring, and unfortunately the sex ratios of the winter aggrega- tions were not taken. In this connection it must be remembered that the isopods do not start their breeding season in December in nature. Yet large aggregations were found at that time. The observations show clearly that the ratio of males to females is high in the spring aggregations, and suggest that this is due to the tendency of males to move about during the breeding season, which makes them more likely to be caught in the current and swept down from the upper swamp, and, on the other hand, more likely to come into contact with a current sufficiently strong to cause them to react positively, and so move upstream to the place of aggregation from the lower swamp. METHOD OF FORMATION OF THE AGGREGATIONS This subject obviously overlaps consideration of the preponder- ance of males, and the conclusions reached from much consideration of the problem are the same as those indicated there. As was to be expected, disturbances in the swamp just above the opening of one of the outlets caused a marked increase in the numbers of isopods carried down. These might lodge in slight depressions in the stream bed where the current was less strong; some 50 were observed to collect in a small depression less than 12 cm. in diameter within 5 minutes following a disturbance in the upper swamp. Others were carried on by the current until they found physical support against rushes or other débris, or against other isopods which were in turn supported by the rushes. Thus, the bunch may be seen to grow on its upstream side, the newcomers using the other isopods as an extension of the support furnished by the lodged débris. FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 59 But this is not the only method by which the aggregations are formed. Mention has been made already of the finding of a large aggregation at the lower end of a culvert whose upper opening was well protected by the presence of logs, grass, and other débris, through which the water ran easily, but upon which few isopods collected even at the sides where the current was certainly not of sufficient strength to tear them loose from available support. In laboratory experiments with artificial streams some isopods, mostly males, traveled against the current and collected in the more quiet water at the upper end of the trough. Similar behavior was repeatedly seen in nature. After the ice left, isopods from the great spring aggregations could be seen laboriously moving against the current over the sandy bed of the stream; while those located below the opening of one of the streams into the lower swamp, if not pres- ent in sufficient numbers to form an aggregation of three dimensions, were frequently spread thickly over the bottom, with all individuals headed upstream. Of all the isopods moving upstream, those near the margin were most successful. Usually, however, all were swept down sooner or later to the main group below. When a board was placed with one end resting in an aggregation so that it furnished a solid substratum on which the isopods might crawl, they immediately started up- stream as closely as they could stick on the board. On reaching the upper end, many were immediately washed down by the current, while others would continue over the precarious bottom for a short distance before they, too, lost their footing. If dikes were built so that the current impinging on an aggregation was slackened, the isopods started upstream in numbers, only to be swept down again when a stronger current was encountered. There is also a fatigue factor which causes the failure of these isopods to continue their journey upstream even in a fairly weak current. The length of time before reversal is roughly correlated with the physical condition of the isopods. In laboratory tests with isopods from these aggregations, reversal in a straight current oc- curred after an exposure of about an hour. If the impinging current is cut off completely by the construction 60 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS of a dam, the aggregated individuals begin a rearrangement which usually results in new aggregations being formed in depressions, or about some quiet individual or a quiet group, just as such aggrega- tions form in the quiet water of a laboratory tank. These groupings are usually less dense than those exposed to the drive of the current. The negative reaction to light is one of the factors conditioning this reaction; positive thigmotropism is another. If grass or other débris is present in abundance, the isopods usually collect in contact with the inanimate matter rather than piling up in great isopod aggrega- tions. There may be some collections due to positive chemotropism, for these aggregations cause measurable differences in their chemi- cal environment. I was much impressed, in all the observations made upon these groups, by the fact that so large a part of the formation of the aggre- gations could readily be explained on the basis of individual tropistic reactions to environmental stimuli largely produced independently of the massed isopods themselves. Relatively few of the causes of aggregation were left to be explained by the reactions due to social appetite. In this respect the situation is wholly similar to that found with land isopods, with Ophioderma, and with Szymanski’s cater- pillars. Again the main social trait exhibited appears to be that of tolerance for the presence of many other individuals in a limited space where they have collected, or—one might almost say—where they have been collected. The same idea can be expressed by saying that almost the sole social trait exhibited is immunity to injurious effects resulting from the presence of many others in a limited amount of space. It is interesting to note that there were also leeches, snails, and other animals collected in the same location and, to a large extent, by the same combination of physical forces and tropis- tic reactions that had brought the isopods together. GYRINID BEETLES The reactions concerned in the formation and maintenance of two more complex, more closely integrated types of aggregations have also been made. In the case of the gyrinid or whirligig beetles, giant aggregations may occur on the surface of streams or of still water, FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 61 where the animals may be resting quietly or where they may exhibit what appears to be a perfect frenzy of erratic activity. As stated above, Deegener regarded these as forming play societies, while Schulz thought of them as having protective values. From the analysis of Brown and Hatch (1929) it appears that the aggregating behavior of these beetles is largely due to visual stimuli, since the aggregations break up in the dark. Further, the position they occupy in the laboratory tanks, though not necessarily in na- ture, may be determined by the lighting. These authors believe that the gyrinids are exhibiting a more complex type of behavior than that which is usually called “‘tropistic,” and refer it rather to some sort of configurationist behavior, in which orientation behavior con- sists of movements so co-ordinated that an invariant relationship is maintained between movements and variations of the visual field. They find evidence of two sorts of orientation: one in which the body axis is maintained in a relatively fixed position with respect to the base of orientation, and another in which the body is maintained in a relatively fixed region but without body orientation. The former is like the orientation called for by the tropistic theory. The latter bears at least a superficial resemblance to those cases where organ- isms move along a physical or chemical gradient in one direction without reaction to it but execute negative “avoiding” reactions when moving in the opposite direction, like the trapping of Parame- cia in weak acids, as described by Jennings. They believe that the location of an aggregation in nature is due to habituation to certain visual patterns, possibly of light and shade, to which the animals respond; these patterns are not significant in themselves but are a sign of the location of general environmental conditions which are of vital importance to the beetle and the spe- cies. If the patterns are slowly changed, the beetles may remain in a given position; and collections have been observed not to shift their position as much as a meter during a whole day, although the pat- tern of the field of vision changed radically in that time. If, however, the patterns are rapidly changed by a sudden increase in the com- plexity of the visual pattern, marked stimulation to activity results, which may cause a breaking-up of the aggregation. 62 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Brown and Hatch, in their report, do not discuss the importance of the presence of other individual gyrinids in the immediate neighbor- hood in connection with the pattern complex. Rather, they give the impression that each beetle is reacting as an individual to a general environmental pattern, which traps it somewhat as Jennings regards individual Paramecia as trapped by a drop of acid, until a collection is formed. CATFISH AGGREGATIONS The young of the silurid fishes, the catfishes and the bullheads, exhibit a striking type of aggregation, which has been analyzed by Bowen (1929). In the species Ameiurus melas used in this work the young may be observed in the summer months swimming in close bunches near the surface of ditches or small ponds, packed together in a more or less spherical mass. A single fortunate dip has yielded over 500 of these minnows. If such a group is scattered, within a few minutes 2 or 3 individuals appear singly and come together somewhere near the original loca- tion of the entire group. Gradually they are joined by single fishes or by small groups which come into the same locality, apparently swimming at random. These show no reaction to the larger group until they are within 2 or 3 feet of it, when they swim directly toward the larger aggregation and join it. Within 30 minutes to 1 hour the original aggregation will have re-formed. -Appropriate tests showed that the individual fish were not react- ing to a gradient of chemical emanations from the group, for they do not respond to fish-conditioned water (i.e., water in which fish have stood until it exhibits various chemical and perhaps physical changes), even when the conditioning is greater than could be the case with an aggregation in nature. Cutting the olfactory nerves had no effect either on normal or on blinded fish. With these bullheads, as with the gyrinids, vision is the important factor in the formation of the aggregation and in its subsequent inte- gration. Neither blinded fish nor normal fish in the dark ever ag- gregate, and normal fish will follow a moving fish model in a way similar to that which results in aggregation when in the company of other normal fish. FORMATION OF ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 63 Ameiurus melas can sense through the skin the presence of another fish in motion, probably by detecting the vibrations set up by the tail of the nearby fish. Slight positive responses to others of a group are shown by blinded fish; this reaction is not affected by the destruction of the lateral-line organs but is almost eliminated when the skin is anesthetized with magnesium sulphate. When the bullheads come into actual contact with another object, a positive thigmotropic response is given. The barblets are dragged over the object; and by means of the sensations received, apparently chemical in nature, the fish is able to discriminate between paraffin models and live fishes, but it is apparently unable to distinguish be- tween fish of the same or of different species. Bowen sums up her observations in practically these words: “In the evening, as soon as it begins to grow dark, the aggregated young catfish separate and swim about, sweeping through the water or along the bottom with the barblets, giving a feeding reaction similar to that given by blinded fish at any time of the day. As soon as it begins to grow light the young fish come together into aggregations in which they remain for the entire day, re-forming in a short time if scattered by a disturbance. Some feeding may occur while the fish are aggregating, but it is doubtful if this occurs to any extent. Usu- ally the fish are in a close bunch actively pushing against each other, or resting at the surface in contact or close proximity. A thigmo- tactic reaction seems to be at the base of this behavior. Unless dis- turbed, older fish in the aquarium rest during the day in contact with the substratum, or more often in contact with one another. By means of aggregations the young fish can satisfy their positive thig- motaxis even while in motion. The pushing in a group suggests the importance of this. Catfish will also push against other species of fish, which, however, do not reciprocate. This contact reaction is largely one of pressure, but gustatory response apparently plays some part, as shown by the different responses to paraffin models and to fish. Whether this factor is instinctive or is influenced to any ex- tent by conditioning is yet to be determined. The reaction is ap- parently not species specific, since there is no evidence that young catfish show different behavior toward members of their own species 64 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS than toward other forms.” The aggregation arises from the tend- ency of the other catfish to respond by appropriate positive reac- tions, instead of making-off as fishes of other species do when ap- proached. With these fairly well-integrated aggregations of young bullheads analysis shows that the social appetite is diffuse rather than specific, and that in the normal fishes, aggregation involves a sight reflex, a touch reflex, and possibly a low-frequency vibration reflex, all of which may be given to other moving objects, non-living as well as living; a chemical reflex, the sign of which is reversed with non- living models; and, finally, reciprocal behavior on the part of the different individual members of the aggregation. The matter of re- ciprocal responses contributes the distinctly social element in this behavior. The extent to which the combination of these reflexes into a functioning whole depends upon the presence of an inherited social appetite, or upon early conditioned behavior, remains to be investi- gated. CHAPTER IV GENERAL FACTORS CONDITIONING AGGREGATIONS In many animal species the formation of an aggregation depends on the physiological state of the animal. This may be controlled by internal developments, such as the maturing of the sex products, or by external factors, as when land isopods are made to bunch by con- trolling the moisture of the substratum; but more commonly the in- ternal and external conditioning factors work together closely. Some of the more outstanding of these are discussed here. THE BREEDING SEASON W ater isopods.—My own attention was drawn to the general prob- lem of animal aggregations in 1911, while studying the factors con- trolling the rheotropic reaction in the common water-isopod A sellus communis. As spring came on, the stream isopods no longer gave highly regular, positive responses to the water current; but, as stated in the preceding chapter, one might strike across a strong current, guided apparently by sight, and seize another isopod, male or fe- male. From such a beginning one might soon have all the isopods under observation gathered into a compact rounded cluster, rolling over and over in the water. During the height of the breeding season stream isopods disregard the stimulus of a water current almost completely unless they are relatively isolated. On the other hand, I have repeatedly tried to induce half-grown Aselli to form such a cluster, even placing them in a watch glass with rounded, smooth bottom, where they were con- tinually brought in contact with each other, but no real aggregation resulted. Bunching may be induced in adults out of the breeding season, but many conditions that favor it in April during the height of the breeding season have little or no effect in late May (Allee, 1923). 65 66 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Mosquitoes and midges.—Culicidae and Chironomidae form swarms of males which maintain position as groups, although the individuals within the swarm are continually darting from one part of the swarm to another. Such swarms have been known for years, although their significance has not been generally understood. Knab (1906) cites his own observations on the swarming of mosquitoes and reviews the literature to show that the swarms are composed of males which hover over or near prominent objects such as trees, corn shocks, house gables, or people. Enormous numbers of these dipterans may be present in the collections, which occur generally in the early evening of quiet and almost windless days. Straight-flying females dart into these irregularly gyrating swarms of males and emerge in copula with one male. One such newly mated pair was observed to emerge from one swarm only to enter accidentally another near-by. The copulating pair appeared to be greatly stimulated and flew into the open as soon as possible. The swarming males which were as- sociated for even so short a time with the mated pair also increased their rate of flying and “danced up and down at a furious pace for some time” before again quieting down to their normal rate of gyration. With growing darkness the activity of the swarms in- creased, but fewer successful matings took place; the entering female would be set upon by two or three males, and all would fall together to the ground, where they would separate. Later, females ceased entering the swarms, and the males gradually dispersed. Counted sex ratios of Culex were 897 males to 4 females (Knab), and of Chi- ronomus 4,300 males to 22 females (Taylor, 1900). Mosier and Sny- der (1919a) interpret the large morning swarms of tabanid flies which they observed in the Florida Everglades as aggregations of males to which females are attracted and into which they dart for the purpose of mating. Frogs.—With the approach of spring frogs desert their hibernation quarters for breeding places in the shallow ponds (Cummins, 1920). Many hibernate in the mud at the bottom of these same ponds; but others winter elsewhere, perhaps in nearby bodies of water or on land among masses of dead vegetation, or in localities similarly favorable. Cummins suggests that such frogs may migrate to open GENERAL FACTORS CONDITIONING AGGREGATIONS 67 water caused by the early melting of ice in a pond with proper ex- posure. Banta (1914), Yerkes (1903, 1905), and Noble (1923) find evidence that frogs may respond to frog calls and splashings, par- ticularly during the spring breeding season. Studies on the breeding migration of toads indicate that with them the voice serves as a sex call (Courtis, 1907; Miller, 1909; Wellman, 1917). Boulenger (1912) concluded that the voices of frogs and toads do not control migra- tions toward breeding grounds or movements of individuals at the grounds. Cummins later came to the same conclusion as a result of his observations on a partially fenced pond, since he found that heavy migrations followed periods in which there was no croaking in or near the pond, and that, on the other hand, great vocal activity was not accompanied by increased migration. Certainly, vocal ac- tivity cannot account for the similar spring migration of the voice- less Ambystoma. The immediate inception of the migratory impulse must be in- trinsic and is probably associated with the conditions of the sexual glands. In frogs it is secondarily conditioned by weather, since waves of migration are coincident with high relative humidity and with a temperature of from 41° to 52° F. The migration is independent of daylight. All of Cummins’ illuminating observations still give no information as to why the frogs congregate in a given pond or how they learn of its existence. He does record that migration routes are not direct, so that we may assume that we are dealing, at least in part, with random movements, probably controlled largely by tem- perature. Blanchard (1930) concludes that the external control for the breeding migration is to be found in rainfall rather than in tem- perature relations. During the breeding season a gregariousness appears among frogs which does not exist under usual circumstances. This is not entirely accounted for by the tendency which the animals exhibit to seek a similar habitat for breeding, for if there are only a few pairs of frogs in a given place, they force themselves together as closely as possible and the eggs form a continuous mass. At the height of the breeding season several males will struggle for the possession of a single female (Banta, 1914); the struggles attract 68 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS other males, and one female may become the center of a struggling mass. One such group which Banta caught had 6 males fastened together about a single female and 5 others nearby but not yet at- tached. The actual egg-laying and fertilization of the eggs is ac- companied by the formation of a close aggregation (Fischer-Sigwart, 1897). In addition to the male that has been i copulo for some time, these supernumerary males gather and, despite kicks from the first male, still manage to form a close clump. In Rana fusca one may find single pairs, but as a rule fertilization is a community matter. Supernumerary males also crawl over and among the egg masses and effect the fertilization of ova which may not have been reached by spermatozoa at the time of their discharge. At the close of the breeding season frogs scatter and resume a solitary, non-social existence. Fish.—Similar breeding clusters of fish have been described by Reeves (1907) with many identical details. With the rainbow darter supernumerary males crowd about the spawning pair and appear also to shed spermatozoa. Reighard (1903) has seen such behavior; but in the main his studies (1903, 1915, 1920) emphasize the orderly spacing of breeding holdings in fish, a phase of the aggregation phenomenon with which the present summary is not greatly con- cerned. The close contact between males and females of fresh-water animals with external fertilization is made necessary by the extreme- ly short life of the gametes shed into fresh water. Reighard has stated that fish sperm can remain functional for less than a minute under these conditions. Snakes.—Snakes are reported to form bunches in the breeding season similar to those described for frogs, except that they occur out of the water (Ditmars, 1907; Ellicott, 1880; Ruthven, 1908). Elli- cott records: “I first saw such a bunch of snakes on the stony banks of the Patapsco River, heaped together on a rock and between big stones. It was a warm and sunny location where a human being could scarcely disturb them. I reasoned that the warmth and the quiet of that secluded space had brought them together. Some hun- dreds could be counted, and all in a very lively state of humor, hissing at me with threatening glances and with such persistency GENERAL FACTORS CONDITIONING AGGREGATIONS 69 that stones thrown at them could not stop them nor alter the posi- tion of a single animal. They would make the proper movements and the stone would roll off; all the snakes in this lump were common garter snakes (Eutaemia sirtalis L.). “The second time I noticed a ball of black snakes rolling slowly down a steep hillside on the bank of the same river. Some of the snakes were of considerable length and thickness and as I noticed clearly, kept together by procreative impulses.” Lunar pertodicities.—Such breeding aggregations are much more important in fresh-water and land forms, with whom the surround- ings are more injurious to shed sperm or eggs, but they do occur among marine animals. With marine organisms the most spectacular expression of breeding aggregations is to be found in the case of the large number of animals whose breeding rhythms coincide to some extent with lunar periodicities. The literature on this subject is ex- tensive (Woodworth, 1907; Fox, 1923; Legendre, 1925; B. H. Grave, 1922, 1927); but while the facts are plain enough, the fundamental causal relations remain unknown. One illustration must suffice, based on the account given by Lillie and Just (1913) for the swarm- ing of the sea worm Nereis limbata in waters around Woods Hole. Nereis limbata has its swarming period only after twilight. Each run begins near the time of the full moon, increases to a maximum during successive nights, and sinks to a low point about the time of the third quarter, again rising and falling to extinction shortly after the new moon. They appear in four periods or cycles during the summer, corresponding to the lunar cycles in the months of June, July, August, and September. Only fully mature animals swarm. The swarming begins shortly after twilight and lasts for only an hour or so. The swarming animals are attracted by the light of a lantern. Males appear first, darting through the water in curved paths in and out of the circle of the light. Females are fewer in number and swim more slowly. The males outnumber the females hundreds to dozens. In the next few minutes the numbers increase, waning again after about three- quarters of an hour. New females appear each night, but some males may presumably 70 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS reappear on several successive nights. A swarming female is soon surrounded by several males. These swim rapidly in narrow circles about her. In a little while they begin to shed sperm, probably in reaction to some secretion from the female, rendering the water milky. Soon the female begins to shed her eggs, shrinking in bulk as she does so, until, a shadow of her former self, she sinks through the water to die. Lillie and Just, following a lead from Hempelmann (1911), assume that the maturing of the animals is dependent on some relation of the life-history to the phases of the moon, involving, probably, through lunar tidal variations, rhythmical alterations of conditions of nutrition. HIBERNATION Over-wintering aggregations of animals have long been known. This phenomenon in social bees has been noted in scientific litera- ture for almost two hundred years (Reaumur, 1734-42). Barkow (1846), in his monograph on hibernation written over three-quarters of a century ago, has a short chapter in which he calls attention to the winter aggregations of lepidopterous larvae, adult ants, bees, true bugs, beetles, including the frequently observed case of the coccinellid beetles, carp and the eel-like Muraena anguilla, snakes, frogs, and a few mammals, including marmots and bats. Barkow advances no theory to account for the congregation of these animals but does state that there is a suggestion current that the animals come together as a result of response to their sense of smell. This list of over-wintering aggregations has since been much ex- tended, especially by Holmquist (1926), who has made extensive studies on hibernating arthropods in the Chicago region. He reports that of 329 identified species taken during the winter season, nearly 17 per cent were more or less closely aggregated. Omitting those known to be of a somewhat social habit at other times of the year, about 9 per cent of the species ordinarily solitary in the summer were aggregated in winter. In the social bees careful experiments have shown that tempera- ture-control results from such clusters (Phillips and Demuth, 1914; Phillips, 1917); and Holmquist (1928) has demonstrated that protec- GENERAL FACTORS CONDITIONING AGGREGATIONS 71 tion from flooding, and other benefits, may accrue from the cluster formation of hibernating ants. In many cases these over-wintering groups are essentially shelter ageregations, apparently due to the small amount of serviceable shelter available. Often, however, all the apparently equally desir- able space is not occupied, so that the aggregation cannot be entirely explained on the basis of unavoidable crowding. In other cases Holmquist has been unable to find any environmental differences to account for the location of the hibernating aggregation. These groupings are partially under temperature control; but, as with other phenomena connected with hibernation, the temperature control is incomplete, and the problem of the exact nature of the causal factors remains open. AESTIVATION Aestivating aggregations have been less studied. Land isopods will form aestivating groups which may be either homotypic or heterotypic. Dr. C. H. Abbott has informed me personally that they collect in large numbers in protected places, and so pass the long, hot, dry summer of southern California. AGGREGATIONS CONTROLLED BY MOISTURE The chief controls of the aestivation reaction of these isopods are temperature and moisture. Of the two, laboratory experiments show the latter to be more important (Allee, 1926). When land isopods of various species are placed on air-dry filter paper, they collect in bunches within a few minutes, unless the substratum is too dry, when they will run about actively until at the point of death. If the substratum is moist, the same isopods will remain quietly scattered. These relations are shown in Figure 3. In the upper picture there are 25 isopods in a crystallization dish photographed 30 minutes after being introduced into the dish, which had the bottom covered with dry filter paper. In the meantime they were in a darkened room and the exposure was by flashlight. The lower photograph shows the effect of adding enough water to make the filter paper thoroughly moist without being sloppily wet. The same animals are shown as in the preceding photograph, but 15 minutes later, and 5 72 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS minutes after the background was moistened. The animals not shown in this photograph have crawled up the sides of the dish. A somewhat similar effect of drought in nature is reported for the California quail CE gemeey 1g01). Inan unusually dry season these Fic. 3.—(1) Land isopods in darkened room on dry background of filter paper. (2) Same animals and conditions as in (1) except that the filter paper has been moistened. quail do not breed but remain in flocks during the entire summer. The opposite type of moisture control is also observable. Too much moisture may produce well-defined aggregations. Thus Solenopsis geminata (von thering, 1894), a species of ant which often nests in lowlands, will, if the nest is flooded, aggregate in a ball of some 15-20 cm. in di- ameter, with the larvae and pupae inside. By constant rota- tion they avoid too long sub- mergence, and at length may come against some solid object and so escape from the water. Wheeler (1913a) cites this case and mentions similar instances in this and other species of ants. The formation of the dancing bunches of midges already men- tioned, which one frequently sees aggregated in the space of a half-bushel basket, appear to be in part conditioned by the at- mospheric humidity, although the absence of wind is another obvious prerequisite. In both these cases the environmental conditions are uniform; and the animals, in grouping together, react to each other only. There are also the place aggregations controlled by moisture, when animals GENERAL FACTORS CONDITIONING AGGREGATIONS 73 will collect in a limited area because it provides an oasis of moisture or of dryness in an otherwise overdry or overwet environment. Thus land isopods can be made to collect at will in a given spot by making it moist. Selous (1907) gives a striking picture of the congregating of large ungulates about an African drinking-hole in the dry season. The common fruit fly, Drosophila, struggling to escape too great moisture, aggregates in shifting masses at the top of a projection; these masses continually fall apart and re-form as the flies move up again. Under optimal conditions all of these move out of contact with their fellows. LACK OF NORMAL ENVIRONMENT The snake starfish, Ophioderma, lives in eelgrass in certain loca- tions along our eastern coast. Repeated attempts have failed to find this animal in contact with others of its own kind in nature during the summer (Allee, 1927). They are often found near together but never aggregated. Ten of these starfish were introduced into a laboratory aquarium made to approach normal living conditions by the introduction of eelgrass. Nineteen hours later 7 of the ro animals were sighted after a search lasting half an hour. One was found on the bottom at the side away from the strongest light; 6 animals were in the densest part of the vegetation in the same region; and, although not in immediate contact, all of them could probably have been inclosed in a 5-inch cube. The exact location of the other 3 animals could not be ob- served without disturbing them. These animals in the field may also be close together without actually touching. Only such loose collections were ever seen in this eelgrass aquarium. Extended ex- perience with these animals in the laboratory leads me to conclude that the tendency to bunch is greatly reduced in proportion as favorable natural conditions are approximated, and that the animals so congregated are usually found in regions to which they have been directed by their tropistic reactions. When, however, Ophioderma are placed as they are collected in a glass or similar container, they form dense mats of bunched animals with arms closely interwoven. The aggregations form in the shadiest 74 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS part of the dish and are to be explained in part by the fact that the lower animals are shaded by the upper ones, and so, having satisfied a negative phototropism and a positive thigmotropism, they remain quiet. The position of the arms shows the strong thigmotropic reaction of these animals. In the recently formed bunches there are a larger number of free arms than in older aggregations; at first the arms tend to extend out and up into the water. They may be entirely free, or they may touch another arm only where the two cross. Even in the early stages of the bunching some of the arms lie nearly parallel with each other. In bunches of longer duration there are practically no free arms. In one case I saw two starfish with four pairs of arms paralleling each other, and only two free. Larger bunches become ropelike masses composed of parallel arms or of arms intertwined like basketry. In these older aggregations the arms of the animals, at first extending freely, are turned back and interwoven with the others so that the outer edge presents a relatively regular line. When these starfish are isolated and left for a week or more in separate dishes exposed to light, frequently the arms are moved into contact until they present a sort of self-bunching. Laboratory aggregations occur in a large number of animals. May-fly nymphs, various isopods, earthworms, frogs, and others may readily be observed to form such bunches. The behavior ap- pears due to similar causes to that which results in the collection of foreigners into communities of their own nationality in our large cities; that is, a group of similar animals tend to minimize for each other the disturbing effects of unusual surroundings. “SLEEP”? AGGREGATIONS The sleep aggregations of insects have been relatively little written about, even in research journals; so it seems important to bring to- gether a more extended summary concerning such slumber aggrega- tions than is needed for the better-known overnight assemblies of birds. Fabre (1915) found some hundreds of the wasp Ammo phila (Sphex) hirsuta assembled under the shelter of a stone on the mountain side, GENERAL FACTORS CONDITIONING AGGREGATIONS 75 and speculated much concerning this gregarious condition of a soli- tary wasp. The Raus (1916) found three related species sleeping in such assemblies, from which it would seem probable that Fabre was observing a slumber aggregation. With Chalybion caerulum both males and females may be found aggregated at night in about equal proportions. As many as a thousand have been found in one colony. Marked individuals will return to the same sleeping place for at least 2 weeks. No one knows how the male of the species passes the day; the female labors about the nest. The solitary Spex wasps appear to choose their sleeping quarters independently; but since they select the same sort of place, they tend to form spaced aggregations. Prionyx sleeps sometimes singly; sometimes gregariously crowded close together on the top of a weed, with equal numbers of males and females present but without ob- served copulation. The males and females of the horse fly Tabanus sulcifrons are reported also to collect in favorable places to sleep (Hine, 1906). Similar observations are on record for various other insects. There is no evident protection from enemies in such assemblies. The sleep may be sound, and may extend so late that early birds could pick off the sleeping insects in numbers, as beetles are reported to kill off sleeping butterflies (Floerscheims, 1906). Schrittky (1922) observed in Paraguay an aggregation of from 20 to 27 butterflies (genus Heliconus) that gathered nightly during August and September. The butterflies could be handled in the early mornings without waking them. The temperature then ranged around 5° C. The butterflies were quite restless in the evening long after dark, when the temperature was higher than in the morning. He also observed males of the genus Tetrapedia in aggregations at night; females are found in temporary aggregations until the time of fertilization, after which they separate. Banks (1902) gives observations on males of the solitary digger bees of the genus Melissodes. He saw these bees at dusk in his back yard clinging with mandibles and feet to grass blades. He records three or four returning for several nights. He cites the record of Schwarz (1896) to show that Melissodes pygmeus clasp twigs with 76 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS their mandibles. Bradley also records finding Melissodes agilis cling- ing on dried blades of wild oats alongside a newly cut grain field. In this same patch were large aggregations of a number of species of wasps—no two species on the same blade. He accounts for the aggre- gations of wasps as being caused by the cutting of nearby grain. Boyer and Buchsbaum of this laboratory, from their unpublished observations, think that the Melissodes which Bradley found ag- gregated were present because of the cutting of the flowers on which they ordinarily collect. Von Frisch (1918) gives observations on 6 solitary male bees, Halictus, which returned for 4 days to the same dry stem of a plant. He records that the bees would return to this plant if the weather grew bad or if the temperature became low, even during daylight. For 4 evenings after his original observation he observed 5 bees pres- ent on the same stem, although there were other similar stems near- by. One bee had been taken for identification. He cannot be sure that the same five returned each evening. The Raus have several notes on bees. Concerning Melissodes ob- liqua they say: “. .. . We found the twenty-eight bees clustered near the tops of a small clump of stalks. Since it was now almost dark my presence did not disturb them. They were huddled together in groups of two to five, with only three insects occupying their sites singly. » “The next evening twenty-nine bees, only one more, were asleep on these five stems, all clustered on the apical three inches of the dead plants. At the top of another plant ten feet away, two were at rest. If they had chosen this site for protection alone they would have rested singly on the plants, but since they huddled in groups they must have sought sociability also. They were so close together in some cases as to arouse suspicion about their mating, but a close examination proved the idea false. “The following night, July 21, twenty-four of these bees were here to spend the night in the same way. On the 22nd, thirty were pres- ent. On this evening I marked part of them with white paint..... As fate would have it, the next evening a cow had broken down their chosen stems, so none of the bees were there. However, fifteen were found on similar weeds nearby; seven of these bore the white mark- GENERAL FACTORS CONDITIONING AGGREGATIONS 77 ings. This gave evidence sufficient to prove that the same bees re- turn to their chosen spot regularly . .. . all were males.”’ Here Boyer and Buchsbaum took up the problem, using the soli- tary digger bee, Melissodes agilis or aurigensia, which Professor Cockerell in a personal communication says are variants of the same species. They found Melissodes active in the field only on warm sunny days, with the temperature 16° C. or above, depending on the light. When it is cloudy or cool, the bees remain inactive on the sun- flowers Helianthus annuus and petiolaris, which they frequent. The male bees usually arrange themselves so that two are in contact when two or more become inactive on the same blossom. Several groups of two’s have been found on the same flower, isolated from each other. The bees are invariably inactive between twilight and sunrise. The beginning of activity depends on the amount of light and on the temperature. Controlled laboratory experiments showed that in bright sunlight activity started under stimulation at about 7° C., while in dim light the first activity came at 9° C. Similarly, spon- taneous activity began at 18° C. in the sunlight and at 21° in dim light. Aggregations of males at night were recorded as follows for one particular group of sunflowers: Year | Singly | Pairs Groups of 3 | Groups of 4 | Groups of 5 | Groups of 6 EQ 2 ere teicisre ¥ 6, <18 s05y T0O 31 3 I I 3 TQ QS ror criet sreireieieisveyers 3 39 5 I fe) Boyer and Buchsbaum marked some of these bees with paints of different colors so that they could follow individual reactions. There were some 500 flowers in this particular group. Each of these was plotted and followed night after night for its bee population. In all, 201 bees were observed in 1927. Thirty-four of these were success- fully painted. Of the 20 painted bees which were seen again, to bees returned to the flower they occupied when painted. Eight others returned to the same plant but to a different flower. Fourteen re- turned at least twice to the same plant but to a different flower from that on which they had been painted. In all, 37 returns were noted to the same flower or to a flower within ro feet of the original one, 78 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS while 24 returns were noted to some flower more than 1o feet away from the original. In 1928, 14 bees were successfully painted. Of these only 4 were seen again; and of these, two returned to the same flower where they were painted and the other two returned to a nearby flower. A study of the details of the observations shows that males of Melissodes frequently return to the same flower night after night or in cool or cloudy weather. They are generally found in the same vicinity on successive nights, even if not on the same flower. They must neces- sarily return to a different flower if the one on which they have been staying is destroyed or dries up. No bees were observed on withered flowers. If they are blown to a distant part of the sunflower patch, they tend to remain there in a narrowly circumscribed area for the next several days. It must be noted that these overnight aggregations in Melissodes were composed of males only. They cannot have sexual significance. It seems entirely possible that we are concerned here with an in- cipient social habit which does not extend to many solitary species and is not found in all individuals of the species in which it occurs. Swarming locusts of several different species are known to pass the night in dense masses both as nymphs and later when they become adults. Much of this literature is reviewed by Uvarov (1928). Re- garding the overnight aggregations of these locusts, Uvarov says: “The night is passed on plants in dense bands, which are extremely conspicuous on the background of the vegetation owing to their blackish general color; during the night the hoppers are in a state of torpor caused by the cold.” If the day is cool, the slumber bands do not break up as they do on warm sunshiny days. Even when con- siderable numbers of the South African locust, Locustana pardalina, have become adult, they collect at night near the main nymph swarm, although they may range at considerable distance during the day. The night clusters of the flying adults are not so dense as those of the hoppers. Faure (1923), in describing the night collecting of nymphs, says they gather slowly together into fairly dense masses, forming clusters «J. F. W. Pearson has taken 3 female Melissodes and go males from early morn- ing collecting on Helianthus in this locality. GENERAL FACTORS CONDITIONING AGGREGATIONS 79 that closely resemble close masses of bees. They swarm on the tall grass, or, if this is lacking, they pack together in the low grass, on stones or on the ground. At sunrise the swarm gradually breaks and continues its migration. These night clusters are conspicuous objects showing up as reddish-brown patches on the veldt. Man and pre- sumably other animals take advantage of these aggregations to de- stroy great numbers of the grasshoppers. The benefits accruing are not known. Nikolsky (1925, vide Uvarov, 1928) thinks that they conserve animal heat. Holmquist’s observations on mass collection of ants (1928a) suggest that they may at least slow down the rate of change of temperature. The congregation of birds for seen has been widely observed (Brewster, 1890; Davis, 1894; Bates, 1895; Widman, 1898, 1922; Allen, 1925), particularly for martins, robins, grackles, and crows. Many other birds are reported to gather in the roosts dominated by martins and robins. Extreme cases of close crowding in these roosts are reported by Baker (vide Allen, 1925) for the crested tree swift of India. “On arriving at their proposed meeting place,” Baker says, “‘they fly round and round, gradually lowering their flight until one bird makes a sweep and settles on some part of the tree near the top. This is the signal for the rest to perch, and in a few minutes they are all dotted about the higher branches. They then begin to close up with the bird which first alighted on the tree, finally collecting in a feath- ery ball, one on top of the other. Sometimes this happens again and again before they get settled, but at last the twittering stops and they are asleep for the night. It is wonderful how compactly these birds close up; a flock of eleven appeared not to take more than a foot long by half that breadth.” The Indian swallow shrike is said on the same authority to have a similar habit. Sharp records that the colonies of mouse birds of Africa, small birds resembling parrots, roost in small parties that cling together. It is well known that bats also gather into sleeping aggregations (Goldman, 1920; Howell, 1920; Allen, 1921). They may congregate in clusters comprising only a few individuals, or hundreds may hang with bodies touching. The groups may be homotypic or heterotypic. 80 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS To the human senses these bird and bat roosts are easily detected by their odor, and perhaps that is a factor in guiding the bats to the common sleeping place. Allen (1921) has banded clusters of these bats. He records re- covering three of a group of four from the same place where they were banded, after an interval of three years. These sleeping aggregations appear to be without mating signifi- cance. The Raus did not see copulation among the insects they ob- served; and, in fact, in many cases the sleeping groups were com- posed of males only. The robin roosts may contain both sexes and all ages of birds above the nestlings. With crows the common roost ends with the beginning of the breeding season, except for the bache- lors; and in general these roosts are not occupied by the breeding birds. After the breeding season the birds may return in family groups, a situation to be discussed later at some length. Among bats the sexes are segregated (Howell, 1920) during the time of gestation and of the care of the young, at a time when contact sleeping aggre- gations were observed. At the low level of integration of aggregations, with which we are especially concerned, the appearance of social appetite is an inter- mittent phenomenon. It may be awakened by gonadal activities that precede the breeding season or by the conditions which induce hibernation or aestivation. These varying exhibitions of a stronger social appetite are ordinarily part of an annual rhythm, but in many marine forms the rhythm may be a lunar one during the warmer season of the year. In the slumber aggregations, the periodic strengthening of the social appetite has a diurnal rhythm. Aggrega- tions may be induced or controlled by conditions of moisture or by the lack of normally favorable conditions; this phenomenon may or may not be rhythmicalin nature. At this low level of social integration the social appetite is not constant in appearance and in this regard becomes more like the sex and hunger appetites, in which rhyth- mical or spasmodic appearance is one of the usual characteristics. In more highly integrated social groups the action of the social appetite is steadier, and therefore less spectacular and less easily recognized. CHAPTER, V INTEGRATION OF AGGREGATIONS THE COMMUNITY LEVEL OF INTEGRATION It is instructive to regard an animal as a physiological system of physicochemical processes in dynamic equilibrium. When this is understood, one is prepared for the definition of an ‘“‘animal society” or an “ecological animal community” as a system of organisms which is in the process of dynamic equilibration. In the case of the animal considered as an organism, the different parts are integrated more or less perfectly into a unit, which has been receiving considerable attention in the last decade in studies on the organism as a whole as contrasted with the study of different parts of organisms. One can readily see that there are highly inte- grated organisms under close control of the nervous system or of hormones, the loss of any major part of which will strongly affect the whole system and frequently will cause death; but, on the other hand, there are the lower organisms much more loosely correlated, where the loss of even a major part of the body causes only tempo- rary inconvenience pending the regeneration of replacement tissues. Many of these more loosely organized animals are so poorly inte- grated that different parts may be in active opposition to each other. Thus, when an ordinary starfish is placed on its back, part of the arms may attempt to turn the animal in one direction, while others work to turn it in the opposite way. With sponges, the pores ad- mitting water to the canal system may be open and the flagella engaged in pumping water into the canals, while the ostia remain closed so that no water can be brought in (Parker, 1919). On ac- count of its loose integration, the sea anemone may move off and leave a portion of its foot clinging tightly to a rock, so that the ani- mal suffers serious rupture. It is to such relatively slack systems that an ecological animal 81 82 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS community is to be compared, rather than to the highly integrated ant or bird or man. In human society we are accustomed to the idea of community integration. Thus a village is composed of a number of families which are connected as a unit not only because they oc- cupy a limited amount of contiguous space but also because they are bound together by social organizations such as church and school, by economic relationships of kinship or of marriage; all of these knit the community into a working unit. The organization is loose. Individuals may come and go. Whole families may depart and others move into the village, and yet the village retains a defi- nite unity, with a more or less marked individuality which may be quite distinct from that of neighboring communities. In such a community as the village, men are associated not only with each other but with other animals. There are the horses that supply part of the draft power; cattle that give meat and milk; dogs and cats that provide companionship and amusement to man, feed on his surplus food or on other associated animals, add to the dirt of his household and scatter bacteria and parasites; flies that feed on the refuse of man and breed in the excreta of his commen- sals; mosquitoes that breed in water reservoirs and feed on man and other animals; birds attracted by the nesting sites and food to be found near man; rats and mice similarly attracted, and snakes attracted by the birds and rats and mice; insects that prey on gar- dens and orchards, and insects that prey upon these; as well as other animals with little direct relationship to the community but occupying the same general space. If a progressive town board decides to instal a hydroelectric plant, the river is dammed and a breeding place is furnished for thousands of mosquitoes; if some of these are Anopheles, the malarial parasite may become prevalent. The breeding range of fish and of pond in- sects is extended at the same time that the human population is ad- justing to the use of cheap water power; the dam is a matter of con- cern to the whole animal community. The consequences of an unusually mild winter ramify also through the entire community. One result is that many insects live over which would ordinarily be winter-killed. These attack orchard, gar- INTEGRATION OF AGGREGATIONS 83 den, and farm, affecting the food of grain- and fruit-eating birds and mammals and of man himself. These are finally checked by the sub- sequent increase in predaceous insects and birds that live on garden and orchard pests, and the rough biotic balance characteristic of animal and plant communities in nature thus tends to be restored. These instances are enough to illustrate the interdependence and general type of organization of an animal community of which man is a dominant element. The removal or introduction of animals, whether by accident or by purposive action by man, may upset the whole equilibrium, as has happened with the introduction of rabbits into Australia. A similar organization has long been recognized to exist in animal communities of which man is only a minor part, or perhaps no part at all. This type of organization has been called by J. Arthur Thomp- son the “web of life.”” Frequently the food relationships are the most easily demonstrated in a group of this kind. A partial idea of the complexity of such organization is given by a consideration of the food relations of the black bass as summarized from Forbes’ excel- lent essay on ‘The Lake as a Microcosm.” INTEGRATION OF THE BLACK-BASS COMMUNITY The organization of animal communities is more marked in the case of inhabitants of small bodies of water than of equal bodies of land, since conditions tend to isolate such aquatic animals and since, through long evolution, they have become closely integrated and highly independent of the newer societies of the land. The life in such a body of water represents an islet of older, lower life in the midst of the higher, more recent life of the surrounding region. It forms a microcosm, a little world in itself. The play of life is full, but on a smaller scale and less confusing to observe. In such a community one can see fully illustrated the degree of sensitivity characteristic of an organic complex, which has just been demonstrated for a man-dominated community. Whatever affects one species must have its influence on the whole assemblage. It thus becomes apparent that it is impossible to study any one animal completely if it be out of its relations to other animals and to plants, 84 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS even though the animal selected for study belongs to what is usually regarded as a non-social species. It is relatively easy, though sufficiently exciting to be called sport, given the right body of water and the proper season and bait, to lift a large-mouthed black bass from the water; but if one should under- take to trace out all the interrelations from which the black bass has suddenly been removed, he will have seen the whole complicated mechanism of the aquatic life of the locality, both plant and animal, of which the black bass forms a part. In the food of the black bass are to be found fishes of different species at different ages of the individual, representing all the im- portant orders of the fishes; insects in considerable number, especial- ly the various water bugs and larvae of the May flies; fresh-water crayfishes, shrimps, and a multitude of the small crustaceans called Entomostraca, of many genera and species. Looking at the food of the fishes upon which the black bass feeds, one finds that one of these eats mud, algae and Entomostraca, and another takes nearly every animal substance in the water, including mollusks and decomposing organic matter. The crayfishes are nearly omnivorous; of the other Crustacea, some eat Entomostraca and some algae and Protozoa. The insects eaten by the bass eat each other, other insects, and Entomostraca. At only the second step, therefore, do we find the black bass directly related to every class of animals, many plants, and the decaying vegetal matter of the water. Turning now to competitors, which are extremely numerous, we find that all the young fishes, except the suckers, feed at first almost wholly on Entomostraca, so that the young black bass finds himself at the very beginning engaged in a scramble with almost all the other fishes in the lake for food and, in fact, not only with the fishes but with the insects and mollusks and larger crustaceans that also live on these small entomostracans. The Mollusca are not in such direct competition; but they do compete, since they feed upon the microplankton which the Entomostraca themselves take as food. But the competitors of the bass are not limited to those which take the same food, for predaceous fishes, turtles, water snakes, INTEGRATION OF AGGREGATIONS 85 wading and diving birds, and the large beetles, dragon-fly nymphs, and giant water bugs feed on the young bass at every opportunity. An illustration of remote and unsuspected rivalries is found in the relation of the black bass to the bladderwort (U¢ricularia), which fills many acres of the northern Illinois lakes. Upon the leaves of this plant are small bladders, several hundred to the plant, which are tiny traps for the capture of entomostracans and other minute ani- mals. The plant usually has no roots and lives largely on the animals taken through these bladders. Ten of these sacs, taken at random, upon examination gave 93 animals of 26 different species, of the Entomostraca and insect larvae. Hence, the bladderwort competes with the fishes for food and, by destroying large amounts, helps keep down the number of black bass in an otherwise favorable lake; and they have an especial advantage since, when the Entomostraca be- come scarce, they may grow roots and live as other plants. These simple instances suffice to illustrate the intimate way in which the living forms of a lake are united. A different phase of the story is shown by the study of fluviatile prairie lakes which are appendages of river systems and form in oxbow cut-offs or bayous, or in other regions where the usual deposi- tion of materials has been retarded. Normally they are connected with each other during the rainy period and for a longer or shorter time during the summer. The amount and variation of animal life in them is dependent chiefly upon the frequency, extent, and dura- tion of the overflows. In them we may see illustrated the method by which the flexible system of the animal community adjusts itself to widely and rapidly fluctuating conditions. Whenever the waters of a river remain for a long time outside its banks, the breeding grounds of the fishes and other animals are cor- respondingly extended. The slow and stagnant waters of such an overflow, frequently enriched by sewage to a limited extent, form the best possible place for the growth of myriads of algae and Pro- tozoa. This development allows a similarly great development of Entomostraca. These animals increase with tremendous rapidity due to the pace at which their life-circle is run and to their high rate of reproduction. The sudden development of food resources allows a 86 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS corresponding increase in the rapidly breeding, non-predaceous fishes; and at last the game fishes which derive their principal food from the non-predaceous fishes also increase in numbers. Evidently the multiplication of each of these classes acts as a check on the one preceding it. The development of Protozoa and algae is arrested and sent below normal by the swarm of entomostracans; the latter are met and checked by the vast swarm of minnows, which are in turn checked by the increase in predaceous fishes. In this way a gradual readjustment of the conditions will occur; but usually, long before this new equilibrium is reached, a new disturbance of the water level results in the recession of the water. As the lakes grow smaller and the teeming life they inclose is daily restricted within narrower and narrower bounds, a fearful slaughter ensues. The predaceous fishes thrive for a time, since their food is more easily caught; but finally they too are thinned out by the lack of food and of space. Year after year in such lakes and in other animal communities there is a fairly steady balance of organic life. The community re- mains in dynamic equilibrium. The rate of reproduction about equals the death-rate. Every species must fight its way from hatch- ing to maturity. Adults are as rare as human centenarians; yet no species is exterminated, and each is maintained at the average num- ber, for which we have reason to think there is sufficient food year after year. Two ideas explain the order that is evolved in such com- munities. First, there is the background of common interests among all elements of the community. New evidence concerning the nature of some of these common interests will be presented shortly. Second, there is the struggle for existence and the elimination not only of the less fortunate but, at times, of the less fit animals. Upon such a foundation as this, modern comparative sociology is built in part, and must be built in entirety if it is to be solidly ground- ed. With this conception of the type of integration existing in eco- logical animal communities, and with the realization that even such loosely knit communities can be regarded as constituting a unit, we are better prepared to search for integrations in animal aggregations and to evaluate those found. INTEGRATION OF AGGREGATIONS 87 AGGREGATION INTEGRATION As has been said before, a decided advance toward social life is made by the appearance of tolerance for other animals in a limited space, where they have collected as a result of random movements or of tropistic reactions to their environment. This may occur in con- nection with some phase of breeding activity, but it may also be exhibited without sexual significance. Some of the less complex of these aggregations may exist because there is an absence of dis- sociating factors among a group of animals that have been hatched out in a restricted locality or that have been brought together by any other process. Thus, some of the aggregations resulting from tropistic responses may well owe whatever permanency they possess to the absence of disruptive factors rather than to any inherent gre- garious tendency or apparent advantage. Another advance in social life is made when these groupings con- fer especial survival values upon at least some of the individuals composing them. Such an advantage is illustrated by the slower rate of moisture change in an aggregation of land isopods out of water equilibrium with the surroundings. Under conditions of drought this results in a definite prolongation of life for the members of a group. Other examples will be discussed later. The land isopods and Ophioderma have gone little beyond such a stage in their social development. There is some slight evidence of mutual attraction, but the experiments to date do not indicate how much of this would also be exhibited toward similar inanimate ob- jects. There is also slight evidence of integrated group behavior, in that the bunch shows occasional periods of activity apparently originating in one individual and passed mechanically through the group. Such activity may be the beginning of disintegration of the group; but it frequently results in a closer aggregation, because the animals may move closer together during their brief period of ac- tivity. The state of development of integration by means of which the group, once it appears, acts as a unit is a very important criterion of the degree of social development it has attained. When there is no 88 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS integrative action, one is dealing with a crowd, a mere collection of individuals within a limited area. Apparently it was this aspect that Szymanski (1913) had in mind in distinguishing between primary reactions, the reactions of the individual, and secondary reactions, the reactions of the individuals as members of a group. TACTILE INTEGRATION The simplest form of group organization is found when animals in physical contact respond as a group to touch stimuli passed from one to another. Such organization may be sufficiently refined for the whole group to show definitely synchronous behavior. Collections of Liobunum, the harvestman, have been observed by Newman (1917), and later by myself, to give such reaction. One group was found by Newman resting on the under side of an overhanging shelf of rock on a steep hillside. The harvestmen were closely packed together within an area of about 5 feet in diameter. When first seen, they were hang- ing from the rock roof perfectly motionless. When the observer came nearer, they began a rhythmic stationary dance practically in uni- son. This died down shortly but could be started again by appro- priate mechanical stimulation. When the colony was first seen, the long legs of neighboring in- dividuals were interlocked, which would sufficiently account for the transmission of stimuli through the group. It should be noted, since we are interested in the state of integration of the aggregation, that the rhythm was not perfectly synchronous at the beginning but be- came practically so after a few seconds. Such integration, due to tactile transmission, must be present to some degree in all cases of aggregation in close physical contact. It is highly developed in the sleeping groups of bats (Allen, ro2r), which may hang in compact clusters, as already mentioned. If one is touched, the whole cluster may drop. Allen caught eighteen by hold- ing an insect net under the group and touching only one of the outer bats. The effect of physical contact in establishing synchrony in two reacting systems is illustrated by the observation of Fischer (1924), who found that two pieces of embryonic heart planted out in tissue- INTEGRATION OF AGGREGATIONS 89 culture media beat at different rhythms even when taken from the same individual and kept as far as possible under identical cultural conditions. When two such pieces succeeded, by outgrowths from each, in establishing close organic union, the two beat in unison. Such a modification of behavior may involve factors of transmission distinct from those we usually regard as tactile. CONTACT AND ODOR INTEGRATION Sex recognition frequently causes animals to give characteristic group reactions; often there are only two animals forming a diminu- tive group. Sex recognition is frequently accomplished by contact relations alone. Such behavior is recorded for crayfishes (Pearse, 1909; Andrews, 1910), spiders (Montgomery, roro), frogs (Banta, 1914), amphipods (Holmes, 1903), as well as others. Among other methods of sex recognition, that due to chemical sense deserves prominent mention. This is well illustrated by the long distances certain male moths will fly to cluster about a female ready to copulate (Kennedy, 1927). Animals may aggregate at other times than the breeding season, due to the same sort of stimulus; and this stimulus is also frequently effective in maintaining the aggregations once formed. In fact, it is common for the principal stimulus causing animals to congregate to be the effective one in in- tegrating their aggregation. These two senses, odor and contact, are sufficient means of group integration to form the basis of well-unified societies. Much of the social organization of the ants and the termites appears to be based on them. The ants apparently live in a world of contact-odor shapes, as we live primarily in a world of color-shapes (Wheeler, 1913¢). VISUAL INTEGRATION Sight plays an important réle in the organization of many animal groups. When one vulture, soaring aloft, sees another swoop miles away, he moves over and also swoops; his action is seen by others, and thus these scavenger groups congregate rapidly, although they are practically lacking in a sense of smell. Aggregations of male frogs in the breeding season will follow and go ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS frequently tightly clasp any moving object, whether salamander, fish, or other males; and this reaction is based at least in part on sight. Aggregations of young catfishes are primarily integrated by sight and secondarily by water vibrations and chemical-touch sen- sations (Bowen, 1930). Other instances might be multiplied; but one spectacular one, that of the synchronous flashing of fireflies, must suffice. A considerable controversy has been waged over this subject, but the observation experiments of Hess (1920) seem to have established the fact of its occurrence. He found a valley of fireflies flashing in unison, with the flash apparently initiated on a hill at one side, from which it spread almost instantaneously over the valley. The next night in the same place the observer was able to obtain at least partial control of the flash and to alter to some extent the intervals between flashes. With a pocket flashlight he gave the initiating signal just before it would normally have occurred, and the insects followed the artificial lead until the interval was reduced to three-quarters its original duration, and then one-half. At the second trial at one-half the original period fewer insects followed the flashlight, and after that the flashing in unison was broken. Such synchronous flashings of fireflies are apparently more com- mon in the orient. Morrison (1929) has published a recent note upon their occurrence in Siam, based upon three years’ experience there. His account follows: “During the months of July, August, September, and until the heavy rains set in, on any dark night it is possible to see whole stretches of the river or canal banks lit up by the flashing of myriads of insects. These areas of synchronism may extend for several hun- dred yards at a stretch or may be confined to single trees, glowing and being extinguished with surprising regularity. Actual timing of this intermittence showed that luminescence occurs at the rate of approximately 120 times a minute. During the period between the flashes the light of the fireflies reached almost complete extinction, the intensity being so low that at a few feet from a tree of actively luminescing insects it is quite invisible. “Perhaps one of the first things which is called to the attention of INTEGRATION OF AGGREGATIONS QI the observer is the fact that this synchronism is confined to localities bordering on streams, or to low, water-saturated ground..... Around Bangkok it is commonly known that the synchronal flashing of fireflies is confined to one particular tree, the ‘ton lampoo’ of the Siamese—Sonneratia acida. In all of the observations which the writ- er has made, no exceptions to this have been found, but whether this particular tree is the gathering-place of the insects in cases of syn- chronism reported from other parts of the East is a question. “The fact that Sonneratia acida is the tree on which the insects congregate around Bangkok leads one to question the statement that has been frequently made to the effect that the synchronal flashing of the fireflies is a mating adaptation. S. acida is found both in man- grove associations, and also as a solitary tree growing along the banks of streams. In these latter cases the roots of the tree are often immersed in water, the tree at times standing several feet from the bank. If the females of the species are wingless, as is the case with the majority of the North American Lampyridae, there would be no opportunity for them to approach the tree. Furthermore, at no time have females been found on a tree of actively synchronizing insects, or within its vicinity. Observations on this point have been repeated- ly made and have been corroborated by local entomologists who have become interested in the problem. “Perhaps one of the most popular theories as to the cause of synchronism is that of ‘sympathy.’ According to this idea there is some particular insect which acts as a pace-maker for the rest, and they follow him, regulating their flashes by his. However, due to the fact that the insects are scattered quite generally over a tree and are not within sight of any one particular animal, this appears to be quite impossible. Furthermore, any follow-the-leader action on the part of the insects would result in a wave of light passing over the tree and originating from a definite point, a fact which is not the case once the synchronism has begun. “Tt is possible to inhibit the synchronism of a tree of insects by ex- posing them to a bright light for about a minute. When the light is turned off, the synchronism returns having its origin, apparently, in some individual or group generally located in the central part of the 92 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS tree. From this group, then, the synchronism extends over the entire tree in an irregular wave until all of the insects are flashing in unison. “Synchronism usually begins shortly after darkness has set in, the fireflies emerging from the nearby thickets and flying in an indirect course to the Sonneratia trees. During this flight to the trees there is no sign of a concerted flashing, the actions of the insects being similar to those found in our local forms during flight.” It seems probable that with these fireflies we are dealing with a phenomenon of two distinct aspects (Blair, 1915). One is a recovery response similar to recovery from fatigue. Such flashing would rarely be synchronous or near-synchronous. On the other hand, there ap- pears to be a releasing stimulus which, in the cases observed by Hess, might come either from the pace-setting flash of a firefly or of an electric torch. This brings up the problem of the leader in group inte- gration, for which we have not space here. It is discussed at some length by Child (1924). INTEGRATION BY SOUNDS Among many animals group organizations occur as the result of sound production. To be sure of this, one must have evidence that behavior is altered as a result of sounds. The fact that collections of animals, such as frogs or insects, are producing sounds which are loud to the human ear is not good evidence that they have group significance (Lutz, 1924). There is evidence that among some ani- mals sounds may be used in sex recognition. Perhaps they are more often of sexual significance in general sex stimulation which, while of advantage to the group, may yield no advantage to the producer of the sound; and may even result disastrously in the case of the young deserted by a nesting bird which had been stimulated to renewed sexual activity by an outburst of song. Such cases have been re- ported by creditable ornithologists (Sherman, 1924). Ohaus (1899-1900) and Wheeler (1923) report that the Passalus beetles, which have the habit of boring in logs, are kept together by auditory signals; and Professor Wheeler has more than once spoken of his observations, indicating that aérial sounds may play a part in INTEGRATION OF AGGREGATIONS 93 the organization of ant colonies. But on this point there are other observations to the contrary (Fielde and Parker, 1905). Beebe (1916) thinks that there is a close correlation between habi- tat and habits of tropical birds and the development of their voices, which are popularly supposed to be one of the most striking attri- butes of tropical birds. He reports that solitary birds, living in the open country where the view is more or less uninterrupted, have a tendency to possess negligible voices. Inhabitants of dense jungle, if relatively solitary, have remarkable vocal powers, with loud staccato calls or with insistent rhythm, by means of which they com- municate with their unseen fellows. Such birds may be nocturnal in habit. Birds living in pairs or in families have, for the most part, vocal organs which they use to good effect; but they lack the super- lative voice development of solitary birds. Birds living in flocks have voices that are still less in evidence, though there are notable excep- tions to this rule, as, for example, the parakeets. In the matter of vocal performance, as with tactile and visual integrations, group unisons have been reported. The group singing of the western meadowlark is an example among birds. One of the most interesting cases is that of the snowy tree cricket, which has been much studied and which Fulton (1925) reported to effect changes of chirping rate in order to chirp in unison. Shull (1907), a careful and critical observer, concluded early in his studies that real synchrony does exist in the chirping of the tree cricket; but later he somewhat modified this opinion, saying that while he still believed that the singing insects do influence one an- other, he believed that cases of exact synchronism were usually accidental. Lutz (1924) was skeptical both concerning the fact of synchronism and concerning its importance with tree crickets. Ful- ton (1928, 1928a) in recent studies appears to have furnished con- clusive evidence that the Oecanthus song is both rhythmical and synchronous. After the usual listening tests, revealing almost per- fect synchronism, a number of the singing insects were placed in another cage at some distance, and the front tibiae containing the auditory organs were removed. This effectively broke up the syn- chrony except at those times when the individual rhythms appeared 94 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS to coincide for a brief period. Fulton records that “‘when three or more mutilated males were singing at once an utter confusion of notes resulted, so that the rhythmical quality of their songs was entirely obscured.” The removal of the tibiae did not seem to affect the general health of the insects. The loss of one or more legs ap- pears to be a matter of relatively small importance among these insects; they lived as long as did those with the ordinary quota of legs. Similar observations were made by Fulton on a katydid and on a grasshopper known as the ‘‘Nebraska conehead.”’ Synchronic behavior may, of course, merely mean that the group, while reacting as individuals, receive the stimulus at the same time and so react simultaneously. This is illustrated by the responses Minnich (1925) obtained when he exposed aggregations of caterpil- lars to various sounds. Such synchronism has no bearing upon the problem of group integration; but synchronism, such as described by Fulton, of responses by members of the group to each other may well have group significance. Buxton (1923) records an observation made some years before upon the production of rhythmical sounds by termites. ‘“T noticed,” he says, “small numbers of winged termites emerging at one p.m. from a subterranean nest under stones in a shady place by the road- side. The ground round the mouth of the nest over a radius of three feet was covered by thousands of small soldiers and a small number of large soldiers. All of these were making a rhythmical sound which resembled the noise made by sand falling on brown paper and which was caused by tapping their heads on the dead leaves on which they were standing. The sound was produced in perfect time at a rate of about 48 beats per minute, and in the intervals between the beats there was complete silence. This remarkable performance was not disturbed by my collecting a considerable series of the performers, but an hour later when I passed the spot, the emergence of winged adults had ceased and not a soldier was to be seen above ground.” The termites were determined by Silvestri to be Acanthotermes militaris Hag. Buxton does not believe that the rhythmical nature of the sound production could be explained by substratal vibrations, INTEGRATION OF AGGREGATIONS 95 since the termites were standing on many different dead leaves scat- tered over a considerable radius. Gounelle (1900) had previously described the sound produced by termites by tapping their heads on plants as being like the sound produced by a pinch of sand hitting paper, but he did not record synchrony. Emerson (1928) found that, despite the possession of the so-called “‘auditory organs’ on the tibiae, Nasutitermes guayanae did not respond to a wide range of aérial sounds but did react to substratum vibrations. Much emphasis has been placed on the réle played by the human voice in the integration of human society; some social psychologists prefer to define man as a language animal. In this, man does not appear to be unique except in the degree to which language has been developed in his species. Craig (1908), in discussing voices of pi- geons as a means of social control, finds that in animals with so highly developed instincts as birds there is still much of the social life that cannot be explained on an instinctive basis. The reaction of the individual pigeon must be adjusted to meet the activities of other birds, its parents, its mate, its young, its neighbors, and chance strangers. The adjustment is very delicate and requires that each individual must be susceptible to the influence of others, an adjust- ment which is largely accomplished by vocal means. Perhaps more time has been spent on the vocal-auditory method ‘of group integration than is justified by the conditions obtaining at the aggregation level with which this study is immediately con- cerned. Its interest by reason of its importance with the higher ani- mals must be the excuse. INTEGRATION BY LOW-FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS Much experimentation shows that animals that give little or no indication of perceiving sound vibrations coming through the atmos- phere respond definitely to vibrations of similar or lower frequency coming to them through water or through the substratum. With catfish, Bowen (1930) finds that blinded animals give definite reac- tions to the passing of another fish or of a model with a posterior part vibrating somewhat as does the tail of a fish. Such reactions are dependent on the presence of the sense organs of the skin. When 96 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS these are anesthetized, the blinded fish respond very little, if at all, to the passing of others. Various insects and other animals give no responses to aerial vibrations easily detected by the human ear, but readily respond to the same sounds when their receptacle is placed upon the piano pro- ducing the vibrations. Emerson (1929) has demonstrated that in the social termites mechanisms exist for producing substratal vibra- tions which can be detected at times by the unaided human ear, and easily when a microphone is used. He suggests that this may be one means of communication between these insects. Rabbits have long been known to signal by ground thumpings. The extent to which this kind of vibration is used in the aggregations with which we are specifically concerned awaits investigation. Buxton (1923) records an instance of co-ordinated movement among arctiid moth larvae which illustrates some of the possibilities of this type of integration. These caterpillars live in webs on herb- age in groups numbering several scores. If the web is disturbed, the larvae jerk the anterior ends of their bodies sidewise with a sharp flicking movement. All jerk together and maintain the reaction at a rate of about twice a second for as much as 20 to 30 seconds. Then they cease this movement and resume feeding. If they wander even an inch or so from the web, they do not take part in this movement. If an elongated web is chosen for the experiment (for example, a web 4X12 inches), the movement of the larvae is not simultaneous, but waves of movement may be seen to pass through the mass of larvae from the point of disturbance so that the movement is organized but not synchronous. Obviously, the stimulus is conducted along the web. More mature larvae that have left the web do not generally give this movement when disturbed, although they may so respond when another crawls over them. POSSIBILITY OF BIOPHYSICAL INTEGRATION It is probably too early as yet to speculate with profit concerning the possibility of other, more subtle methods of group integration, such as the observations of Gurwitsch (1926), Borodin (1930), and others suggest may result from exploration of the field of bio- INTEGRATION OF AGGREGATIONS 97 physics. These workers believe they have demonstrated that rapidly growing plant and animal tissues give off radiations which are able to stimulate other tissues completely separated from the so-called “senders” by being inclosed in quartz tubes so that these “‘detectors”’ show a decided increase in mitoses on the radiated half as compared with the non-radiated part of the same stem. A favorite experiment consists in placing a moist onion root, attached to part or all of the bulb from which it grew, into a small tube made of quartz. One or more onion roots from different bulbs are introduced into open-ended glass tubes and are also kept moist. The former is to be the detector; the latter, the sender. The sender is carefully centered so that its growing root tip points directly to- ward and at right angles to the detector root, and is allowed to re- main so for from 1 to 25 hours. The detector is then marked with India ink on the side away from the sender and is killed in an ap- propriate fixing-solution and sectioned. In fixed and stained sections the number of mitoses on the exposed and non-exposed sides are compared. Most of the work reported to date shows uniformly a greater number of mitoses on the exposed side; the work of Rossman (1928) is an exception. These are believed to have been induced by the action of mitogenetic rays. Definite but conflicting wave-lengths have been announced for these rays. This field needs further clarification before we can begin building, with a sense of security, upon the suggestions opened by this work. If the presence and importance of mitogenetic rays are finally es- tablished, we shall then have to inquire carefully whether or not we have similar subtle means of group integration in the field of bio- physics which may help us resolve the problems in social and sub- social behavior that are epitomized by Maeterlinck’s phrase “the spirit of the hive.” t = i sf = . ‘ be ¢ 4 — i Ps i ‘ th *. ‘ ‘ . : 7 . ; 7 : 7 > i ® _ ® * : J 2 . - ; on i i» ¥ *. a . . s - -_ z Pd i F . 7 o* “ F _ - f - th . ‘ ’ : i : ma; . ‘ aa ¢ 5 - : | “¢ . ’ - ‘ e haat uM é . a > 4 “ > a 7 7 HARMFUL EFFECTS OF AGGREGATIONS CHAPTER VI HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH Our knowledge concerning the methods of aggregating and the factors conditioning the formation of aggregations has grown steadi- ly and gradually, as has our information concerning their integra- tion. On the other hand, marked advance has been made since 1920 in the investigations of the physiological effects which such aggregations produce upon the individuals of which they are composed. The type and extent of such effects make one of the crucial tests of the impor- tance of the phenomena. If these aggregations are merely forced reactions resulting from limited space or from blind tropistic be- havior, or if they result only as an expression of a social appetite or instinct, their significance is more remote and the problem of their origin is more difficult of solution than if they can be shown to have group value even in their poorly integrated stages. Failure to ob- serve such values for many aggregations led Deegener to conclude that their formation must be due to some inexplicable instinct. In the investigation of this problem we must first inquire whether or not the aggregations with which we are dealing have positive or negative survival value which can be recognized. Even if positive survival value is found in a number of cases, the problem is by no means solved; but the methods to be used in its solution will be more clearly indicated than if we are forced to rely upon the postulate of a former survival value, of which the only remaining evidence is a weak social appetite persisting frequently in the face of present negative survival values. Even with the recently devised methods of analysis, the harmful effects of such aggregations are frequently more easily apparent than are the benefits. To the eye of the naturalist depending on field ob- servation for his data, benefits do not become obvious until the ag- gregation is sufficiently well integrated so that members may be warned of the approach of danger by some group attribute, such as Iol 102 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS the multiplicity of eyes in the group, or can attack or defend them- selves more effectively by the multiplicity of claws or of teeth. Most of the experimental approaches to this subject have been similarly limited. The impressive array of facts, accumulated by observation and experiment, which indicates that loosely integrated aggregations have harmful effects will be summarized in the present chapter so far as the rate of growth is concerned. The next following chapters will give other facts concerning harmful effects upon the rate of reproduc- tion and upon longevity. Dermestes beetles feeding on a limited amount of carrion exhaust their food sooner when more than one is present. This is also true of leaf-eating caterpillars, sap-sucking aphids, or tissue-filling parasites. It is only with well integrated groups of predators catching lively creatures as food that the feeding aggregation becomes of value. A school of young minnows is much more likely to catch a given Daph- nia than is a single individual, and each member of the group is more likely to feed upon the Daphnia stirred up than if he swam alone. This type of group advantage increases with group organization, as shown by the grasshopper drives of African storks. The same number of relatively defenseless individuals are more easily gobbled down by an enemy when aggregated than when scattered. One of the insect sleeping-clubs described by the Raus would provide a substantial breakfast for the proverbial early bird, and a hungry centipede would have easy picking in a group of aesti- vating land isopods. In locust control measures, men take advantage of the tendency of locusts to collect in dense overnight aggregations. There is a general ecological assumption that the accumulation of the waste products of a given species in their habitat tends, with most animals, to limit the time of their occupancy, at the same time preparing the way for another species to come in. This is sometimes considered one of the major biological factors causing ecological suc- cession, a process well illustrated by the sequence of fauna in a pro- tozoan infusion. PLANT TOXINS It has long been thought that one of the major causes of such suc- cession among plants is the accumulation of more or less specifically HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH 103 toxic root secretions. Almost a century ago De Candolle, the French botanist, suggested that the reason for the decrease in yield following the continued growth of the same crop on the same soil is due to the accumulation in the soil of harmful material given off by the growing plants. Liebig apparently adopted this view for a time but aban- doned it later, thinking that the observed benefits of crop rotation were due to the different nutrient requirements of the crops rather than to the accumulation of poisons in the soil. Pickering (1917) gives conclusive evidence that root excretions may have a toxic effect upon growing plants. In his work he used mustard plants growing in earth, on the surface of which rested a tray with a porous bottom, with a large central walled opening through which the plants grew. This tray held 5 inches of earth. The presence of such a tray made practically no difference in the growth of the plants in the pot below, even when the tray itself contained a growth of mustard plants, providing their roots were kept out of contact with the soil of the lower pot and that water from around the roots of the upper plants was not allowed to reach the lower soil. When washings from the upper growth were allowed to drain into the lower pot, carrying leachings from the plants grown in the upper tray, growth of the experimental seedlings was reduced to o.o1 of that given in control pots. Pickering found such results common and widespread, and especially well shown by the effect of grasses on the growth of apple trees. In summarizing all the evidence on the subject, Russell (1927) concludes that, while a toxin can be shown to be present, the toxin concerned’js not stable and is non-specific. CESSATION OF GROWTH IN BACTERIAL CULTURES The long-recognized failure of cultures of micro-organisms, such as bacteria and molds, to continue growing indefinitely has been attributed to three main causes: the exhaustion of foodstuffs, the accumulation of metabolic wastes or specific ‘““autotoxins,” or the limitations imposed by actual physical crowding. Henrici (1928) gives a good summary of the present state of knowledge in this field. The possible effect of physical crowding in limiting growth must be excluded because much more dense growths can be obtained with 104 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS organisms on filter paper or on agar than when they are grown free in liquid broth; and when the organisms are repeatedly filtered off so that the physical effects of crowding are periodically eliminated, the growth period is not thereby prolonged. There can be no doubt but that the exhaustion of food materials does play an important role in the limitation of cultures, but the question as to how important this is in comparison with the accumulation of waste products or “autotoxins” has not been decided. Henrici says, ‘““The idea that growth is limited by the accumula- tion of some toxic substance is the one that seems to be most general- ly accepted, though the evidence for it is far from being convincing.” The evidence supporting the idea that the toxic substances are im- portant is as follows: Eijkman (1904, 1906, 1907), working with a number of species of bacteria, grew them in gelatine until the culture was densely crowded. He found then that if he took a part of this, heated it to boiling and, after cooling, reinoculated it, it would then support growth; but that another part, heated only slightly and then allowed to resolidify, would not produce growth in a new surface inoculation. Since heating to boiling-point would add no new food material, Eijkman concluded that he was dealing with some ther- molabile product of metabolism or a more specific growth-inhibiting substance. Further experiments showed that the toxic material would not pass through a porcelain filter, that heating which killed the living organisms destroyed the toxicity of the medium, and that treatment with such volatile agents as ether and ammonium sulphide not only killed the bacteria but rendered the medium again capable of sup- porting growth after the volatile material was driven off. They also showed that if gelatine in which Bacillus coli had grown was resolidi- fied into a plate and reinoculated with more of the same organisms and covered with a layer of fresh gelatine, there would be no growth; or, if fresh gelatine was inoculated with B. coli and then had one part covered with fresh gelatine and another with the so-called “coli- gelatine,’ growth would take place in the former only. Inoculation of paper dipped in agar and then placed over the coli-gelatine did not yield a growth unless the coli-gelatine had first been heated. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH. 105 Rahn (1906), with B. fluorescens liquefaciens and three other species of bacteria, obtained essentially similar results except that in his experiments treatment with ether killed the bacteria without removing the unstable toxic material. The ether could be evaporated off but no growth would occur on reinoculation. Appropriate con- trols made by treating sterile broth with ether, which was then evaporated, showed growth on inoculation. Heated cultures gave growth when similar cultures treated with ether gave none, show- ing apparently that the food value of the medium was not ex- hausted. Chesney (1916), working with pneumococci, found that if the organisms are removed by centrifuging a rapidly growing culture, those remaining will continue to grow at the same rate; but that if the culture be similarly treated after the period of maximum growth is past, growth is delayed and some of the cells may die off. Filtrates from 24-hour cultures inhibit growth of new inoculations of similar organisms, but lose this property if the filtrates are allowed to stand for a time in the incubator. Chesney concludes that the cells do produce an unstable, toxic, growth-inhibiting material. Some inves- tigators have believed this substance inhibiting growth in pneumo- cocci is fairly specific in its action; but Henrici cites later work show- ing that the limitation of growth in pneumococcus cultures is due to three factors: the accumulation of acid, the production of peroxide, and the exhaustion of the nutrients. The first two come under the general heading of ‘toxic products of metabolism,” which are here shown to’ limit growth of this organism. Hajos (1922) also demon- strated growth-inhibition due to the accumulation of products of metabolism among the colon-typhoid type of bacteria. Curran (1925), again using B. coli, found a thermolabile growth- arresting material readily adsorbed by bacterial filters. The first 50 cc. of filtrate from a 200 cc. solution which had supported bac- terial growth for 3 days was found to support growth on reinocula- tion much better than did the last 50 cc. of the same solution. It would appear that the filter became loaded with the growth-inhibit- ing material and so allowed material that was stopped at the begin- ning to pass at the end of the filtering. Using a different sort of or- 106 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS ganism, Kuester (1908) finds that molds grown in a nutrient solution produce conditions which check the growth of further inoculations before the nutrient supply is exhausted. In the face of this evidence, Henrici is still unconvinced of the general applicability of the theory of the production of a toxic ma- terial serving to limit growth, and holds, rather, to the idea that the exhaustion of the nutrient material is the crucial point. He suggests rightly that the Eijkman type of experiment may only show that media may contain sufficient material to support a heavy population without growth and still be able to support growth in a smaller population; that heating the medium to kill the bacteria may cause a release of nutrient material, making it available for the reinoculat- ed organism; and finally cites the work of Graham-Smith (1920) in which he was able to revive staphylococci by adding concentrated meat extract and thus inducing new growth after the period of maxi- mum growth had passed, and could postpone the death phase in- definitely by small daily additions of meat extract. Henrici is prob- ably correct in concluding that different factors may limit growth in different cases and that there is no sound basis for believing in the production of specific autotoxins. EVIDENCE FROM TISSUE CULTURE In tissue-culture work Carrel and Ebeling (1923) and Mottram (1925) report a substance which inhibits growth of explants present in extracts of all adult tissues, in serum and even in extracts of em- bryos. The latter have usually been found to favor growth in such cultures. Heaton (1926) has found such a substance in yeast extracts and in a number of adult-animal tissues, especially the liver. He thinks that the failure of adult tissues to grow easily in vitro, and the stoppage of growth of connective tissue 7m vivo, as contrasted with the continued growth of epithelia, is to be attributed to this growth- inhibiting substance. Heaton finds it to be thermostabile, though destroyed by heating up to 125° C. It is soluble in water and alcohol up to 75 per cent strength, but is insoluble in 97 per cent alcohol. It seems to be destroyed by autolysis. Its action is greater on older than on younger embryonic tissues. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH. 107 GROWTH INHIBITION IN ANIMAL CULTURES The work on animal cultures most closely connected with these investigations on bacteria and on tissue culture is that dealing with the growth in a protozoan infusion. In two studies (1911 and 1914) Woodruff demonstrated that Paramecia excrete substances that are toxic to themselves when present in their environment and that probably play an appreciable rdle in determining the time of maxi- mum number, rate of decline, and other characters. Similar conclu- sions were reached as a result of work with the hypotrich as regards their own excreta, but they are immune to the effects of Paramecium A B & D Fic. 4.—A record of the rate of division of Paramecium aurelia in a series of four experiments (A, B, C, D) to determine the effect of different volumes of culture medium, changed every 24 hours, on the rate of reproduction. The ordinates represent the average daily rate of division of the four lines of organisms in the respective volumes of medium, averaged for 4-day periods. Rate of division in 2 drops, - - --- - ; 5 drops, 2OlCU TODS; ceencvese«s ; 40 drops, -+-+-+-+ (From Woodruff, 1911.) excreta. In a protozoan infusion the appearance of dominant Pro- tozoa at the surface runs in this order: Monad, Colpoda, Hypo- trichida, Paramecium, Vorticella, and Amoeba. ‘This ecological se- quence is due in part to accumulation of toxic material and in part to the supply of available food. This problem is closely related to the consideration of the effect of the size of the effective environment, whether lake, pool, or labo- ratory container, upon the contained organisms, which in turn is closely related to the whole problem of crowding. 108 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS In 1854 Jabez Hogg with some right apologized to the London Microscopical Society for taking their time with observations on the subject of the pond snail Limnaeus stagnalis, which had already been well studied; but in the midst of his tedious record he states that a snail kept in a “‘small narrow cell will grow only to such a size as will enable it to move freely.”’ This is the first recorded observation that has come to my attention of the limiting effect of volume on growth. Semper (1874, 1881) took up the problem twenty years after Hogg’s observations, using the fresh-water isopod Asellus and the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. With the former he found that when animals living in a balanced aquarium were sealed into glass dishes, they might be left for nearly 2 years, with an adequate food supply and, he believed, an adequate oxygen supply for the three or four generations that would be produced; but under these conditions the last generation was abnormally small. With the snails Semper divid- ed the same mass of eggs into different lots, which were placed in variously sized containers ranging from 100 to 5,000 cc. Food was kept at an optimum, but the snails placed in the containers of smaller volume grew more slowly than did their fellows placed in the larger vessels. Similar results were obtained regardless of whether the snails were isolated into a given volume or were put in groups, so long as the volume per snail was the same in both cases. Semper found that optimum growth lay between 4oo and 500 cc. per snail and that increases beyond this point gave no further increase in growth. The effect of increase in volume was much more marked in the smaller volumes. Later workers are agreed that relatively large volumes of water per snail are necessary for optimum growth. Semper recognized the complex nature of the problem and at- tempted, by chemical analyses made by a trained chemist, to find a chemical cause. Failing in this attempt, he advanced the hypothesis that some substance unknown to him was present in the water, prob- ably in a very minute quantity, ‘“‘which, by its relations to the water which holds it in solution, and by its osmotic affinity to the skin of the animal, can be absorbed only in a determined and extremely small quantity..... Since, according to this hypothesis, the amount of the substance absorbable in a given time depends on the HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH 1o9 volume of the water .. . . the attainment of full size within a definite period would only be possible if the volume of water were so great that the Lymnaea could at all times absorb this unknown stimulant from the water.”’ This hypothesis, in some form or other, has been proposed, apparently independently, by a number of workers since Semper’s time. Semper seems to have been certain of the evolutionary significance of the limitation of growth by volume. He found it impossible to obtain full-sized individuals from snails stunted during the first year of their lives; and if the causes checking growth were repeated regu- larly through the succeeding generations, he felt that a dwarfed race must arise. Whitefield (1882) came to the same conclusion, using Lymnaea megasoma from Vermont. Whitefield continued the crowd- ing for four successive generations, during which time the snails be- came successively smaller and more slender, so that an experienced conchologist did not recognize their relation to the shells of the parent stock. Yung (1878, 1885) concluded from his experience in raising tad- poles in containers of various sizes and shapes that dwarfing is due to a lack of aération. De Varigny (1894) took up the problem with Lymnaea again and in general obtained the same sort of results reported by both Semper and Yung. A snail kept in a liter of water with a surface of 257 sq. cm. for 5 months was nearly twice the length of one kept in the same volume of water but with a surface area of 3.14 sq. cm. In order to facilitate the analysis, De Varigny suspended a glass tube 2-3 cm. in diameter in containers of various sizes. The glass tubes were closed over the bottom with muslin, and each contained a single snail. Each day these tubes were lifted from the water and replaced two or three times in order to secure complete mixing of water. Even so, the contained snails grew approximately the same regardless of the volume of water with which they were in contact through the muslin screen. In one instance the growth was the same in such a muslin-bottomed tube as compared with that of a snail in a corked tube which prevented all exchange between the inner and the surrounding water. From these experiences he con- cluded that Semper’s explanation would not hold and that the size 110 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS to which snails grow depends in some way on the actual volume to which they are exposed and on the surface area of such water. His explanation was that in the small tubes the snails needed to move about less to obtain their food and that, with this decrease in exercis- ing, there came a decreased rate of growth. According to De Va- rigny, dwarfing from crowding is not so much due to the actual numbers in the vessel as to the ‘‘psychological” influence of num- bers, which inhibit exercise, just as a man is less likely to walk a considerable distance on a crowded street than on a deserted one. He also believed dwarfing to be-affected by the accumulation of faeces. Willem (1896) bubbled air through his snail cultures and found growth of the contained snails greatly increased. He concluded that aération is important because, even in lung-breathing pond snails, he believed cutaneous respiration to be more important than lung- breathing and alone sufficient for the animal. Davenport (1899) reviewed much of the evidence on the relation between crowding and rate of growth, and concluded with Hogg that in respect to the size attained, as in other qualities, the snail has the power of adapting itself to the necessities of its existence. Vernon (1895, 1899, 1903), working with echinoderm larvae, con- cluded that dwarfing is due to a concentration of the excretory prod- ucts in the media. He found that if eggs of echinoderms were allowed to develop in water which had previously contained other eggs for a considerable period of time, the larvae of the second batch were dim- inished in size as compared with the control. The growth of the larvae appeared to be reduced by their own excretory products, or especially by those of adult echinoderms, the more so if these belonged to the same species. On the other hand, he found that the excretory products of two species not closely related were favorable to growth. Warren (1900), working with the common entomostracan, Daph- nia, found that continued breeding in small aquaria with the medium unchanged caused dwarfing. This result he attributed to the action of the excretory products, which he found to be somewhat specific, since ostracods and copepods flourished in cultures of Daphnia in HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH 111 which the latter were dying out. Such results are similar to those reported by Woodruff and others for protozoan infusions. Legendre (1907) returned to the problem of the effect of crowding on the growth of snails, using Lymnaea stagnalis and Planorbis corneus, raised in one series of experiments In stagnant water and, in the other, in water changed periodically. As in the case of previous workers, he found the smaller shells in the stagnant water, and at- tributed the cause to the accumulation of excretions. In further work reported the following year, using another species of Lymnaea, Legendre changed the water every 2 hours in order to avoid the accumulation of excreta, and varied the factors of volume of water, surface area, and number of individuals. After 51 days he obtained the same shell size in all such experiments. He recognized that a number of factors might bring about retardation in crowded ani- mals, but laid particular emphasis upon the retarding effect of the excretions. Colton (1908) continued work on the effect of crowding on growth in Lymnaea. Food was recognized as an important element, but just how important Colton’s work does not reveal. He did find that snails need a certain amount of sediment to aid in grinding their food, and that certain salts, for example calcium sulphate, aid growth. Colton found that washed and filtered snail faeces placed in aquaria has- tened the growth of the snail, probably due to the increase in algae caused thereby. His aération experiments support the conclusions of Willem that these pulmonate snails have a large proportion of cutic- ular respiration. Concentrated excretory products caused dwarfing; accordingly decreases in volume of water per individual present, whether in isolations or in crowded cultures, caused a decrease in growth rate. Popovici-Baznosanu (1921) minimized the effect of ex- crement, thinking the amount of food more important. Crabb (1929) has recently reinvestigated this entire problem with the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis appressa, taking care that his snails were free from trematode parasites, and supplying them with food known to be favorable for growth in laboratory conditions. He used eggs from the same egg mass for experiments run simultaneously; since this snail reproduces by self-fertilization, individuals obtained Tena ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS from the same egg mass would be expected to have similar genetic constitution. He concludes that food insufficiency and foul media are the most common growth-inhibiting factors in snails reared in otherwise favorable media. Extreme crowding markedly retards growth, but the individuals rapidly reach normal size after transfer to standard conditions, unless they are too old. The volume of me- dium has little effect on the growth of isolated snails providing foul- ness is not permitted. Aération promoted growth through reducing foulness rather than by increasing the respiration of the snails. Daphnia introduced into the culture are beneficial to snail growth, since they retard fouling of the medium. He found no evidence that environmentally induced dwarfing is transmitted, though on this the experiments were not continued through enough generations to be conclusive. Crabb, in his work, continued the general methods of study of this problem which have been used since the time of Hogg, adding re- finements which make his conclusions the more trustworthy. Un- fortunately, he did not take advantage of the method originated by De Varigny (1894) and used extensively by Goetsch (1924), which allows a separation of the factor of available space from that of available volume. In this procedure Goetsch placed animals in the experimental aquaria in separate tubes thrust through corks to keep them afloat and covered at the lower end with gauze, which allowed diffusion connection with the entire aquarium while limiting the amount of available space. Goetsch was led to this method by the experience of Bilski (1921), who found that the relatively active tadpoles of Bufo and of Rana esculenta grew less rapidly when subjected to frequent changes of water than they did when metabolic wastes were allowed to accumu- late. Bilski also found that an increase in numbers slowed down the rate of growth more than would be expected by the change in vol- ume relations involved, when the rate of growth was compared with that given by an equal number of animals placed in different aquaria. Goetsch experimented upon sessile Hydra, upon the relatively slow-moving flatworms, and upon amphibian larvae which are capa- ble of rapid locomotion. As might be expected, he finds different HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH 113 factors important for different animals. Thus, with Hydra, volume per animal is the controlling factor because of the restriction of food which it conditions. There is no stimulation or depression caused by the crowding of Hydra into a narrow space; and, within reasonable limits, concentration of excretory products are not effective. With Planaria food is again the most important factor, but growth is in- hibited by the concentration of excretion products or of stale food. With the active amphibian larvae, if food is controlled, the major limiting factor is furnished by the more frequent collisions in a dense population or in a restricted area, and the concentration of excretory products plays a wholly secondary rdle. Church (1927) extended these experiments to include the rate of growth of the tropical fish Platypoecilus maculatus rubra in connec- tion with other experiments upon the effect of crowding upon the rate of growth of fishes. Eight liters of water were used in glass aquaria, each of which contained 2, 8, or 16 fish. In each series of experiments, one set of aquaria contained small fish 8-10 mm. long, another set held fish 12-14 mm. long, and the third set was supplied with fish 20-23 mm. Adult Platypoecilus range from 30 to 35 mm. The amount of oxygen and the pH of the different aquaria did not dif- fer significantly. The water was left unchanged during the entire ex- periment, which ran in some cases as long as 70 days, except that there were slight additions to replace the small amount lost by evap- oration. The fish were fed the same number of Daphnia per fish per day. Under these conditions the large fish always grew less rapidly the more fish there were present in a given container. With the small and medium fish there was some indication of more rapid growth early in the experimental periods among the fish grouped 8 to the aquaria; but as the experiment progressed, the rate of growth was always greatest when the fewest fish were present. Shaw (1929) has repeated these experiments, with similar results. The experience of these two workers demonstrates that when there is sufficient con- centration of waste products the rate of growth is retarded. In following out the Goetsch type of experiment, Church placed transparent celluloid containers in the center of each aquarium. 114 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS These were 4.5 cm. in diameter and were covered with coarse scrim at the bottom. They were suspended by wires so that each extended 1.5 cm. below the surface of the water, thus giving to the contained fish a volume of 24 cc. in which to move about, as contrasted with the 4,000, 1,000, or 500 cc. volume per fish to which the 2, 8, or 16 fish were exposed in the surrounding aquaria. A single medium-sized fish was transferred to each of these tubes, regardless of whether those in the surrounding aquaria were large-, small-, or medium- sized. Under these conditions the fish within the small tubes grew less than did those in the aquaria. At the end of the first ro days the average length of the 34 fish in the tubes showed 1.35 per cent in- crease, while the medium-sized fish in the surrounding aquaria grew 6.51 per cent. At the end of 20 days the difference was still more striking. The 25 fish in the tubes had grown in this period on the average 2.78 per cent, while those of the same original size in the larger volume of water had grown 12.83 per cent. So far as known, the size of the container was the only variable. The meshes of the scrim cloth were open throughout the experiment; but to guard against the possibility of lack of adequate diffusion, the tubes were raised once daily to insure a complete change of water. Such results are similar to those Goetsch secured for the relatively swiftly moving tadpoles, and are probably due to the effect of overstimulation caused by frequent contact with the walls of the small tube. As stated above, Bilski (1921) points out that when limitation of growth rate is caused primarily by stimulation from repeated con- tacts, and when the number of individuals present is proportional to the different sizes of the vessels, the rate of growth is not the same. If we take two vessels of different sizes, a and 6, and populate them with a and b number of animals respectively, so that each animal has the same amount of space available, in the simplest case the stimu- lation will come from the contact, or near approach, of two animals. The relation of the size of the two containers will be a:b, which in a simple case might be 2:3. The stimulation possibilities from group interference would be a(a—1):6(b—1). Substituting the values sug- gested above, we get a stimulation possibility of 2:6. Under such HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH 115 . conditions one would expect to find growth retardation with increase in numbers to be much greater than if volume relations alone were the responsible factor. Inspection of his experimental results in comparison with a simple formula built on the assumption that the growth would be inversely proportional to the group stimulation, i een in which y represents size, x stands for the number of animals in a given space, and & is a constant, shows that the influence of the stimulation is not on this order but is approximated by taking an exponential value of «, namely «3/7, The equation then becomes Values calculated from this formula fit fairly well with Bilski’s ob- servations on the effect upon the growth of differing numbers of tadpoles in jars of equal size; the observations of Semper on the growth of snails in relatively small vessels; and, according to Bilski, with the observations of Hoffbauer on growth in carp. Another for- mula derived by a continuation of the same reasoning better fits Semper’s results with snails in larger volumes. Bilski recognizes the general significance of his results and believes that such diverse phenomena as the reported dependence of size of mammals upon available land, and other similar relationships, in- cluding even a correlation between the size of children and available space, may depend upon an application of this principle. Farr (1843, 1875) worked out an equation essentially similar to that of Bilski to describe the relation between death-rate and the density of human populations. Brownlee (1915, 1920) finds that Farr’s law fits a wide 116 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS range of biological and biochemical relationships, including even the relation worked out by Kennealy (1906) between the racing record for a particular distance and the length of the race. Pearl (1925) finds that essentially the same equation describes the effect of crowd- ing upon the rate of reproduction in Drosophila. The problem is obviously complicated by many factors, but it is interesting and probably significant that the relationship can be ex- pressed mathematically in a similar way for such a wide range of phenomena. It is almost an anticlimax to have to record that physi- cal disturbance due to numbers is not the only factor controlling growth in rapidly moving animals, such as fish, under crowded con- ditions. The careful work of Church and of Shaw, already summa- rized, demonstrates that the accumulation of waste products is also effective with fish, just as a long line of evidence culminating in that given by Goetsch proves that it is effective in the slower-moving planarian worms. More recently Willer and Schnigenberg (1927) and Kawajiri (1928) have independently tested the effect of crowding on the rate of growth of young trout in running water. Both report essentially similar results; the work of the former will be reviewed here, since it is the more comprehensive. These workers used young of the brook trout during their prehatching, yolk-sac, and early feeding stages. In their experiment they tested a wide range of conditions. They used the same number of eggs or of young in different volumes and _ with different surface areas, and in other tests used different num- bers in the same volumes. All experiments were carried on with water running at a rate of from 3.3 to 65 cc. per second. Their results show that moderate crowding after hatching has no adverse effect upon fish whose prehatching development has been in equally crowded conditions. In fact, under these conditions, one set of experiments show an apparently beneficial effect. On the other hand, crowding the eggs produces definite retardation in length and perhaps also in weight at hatching time. Such retardation Js corre- lated with the volume of water rather than with the area of the screen on which the eggs rest. Exposure of uncrowded eggs to water that has flowed over a mass HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH 117 of developing eggs is found to produce about the same degree of re- tardation as is furnished by crowding. Under these conditions the dwarfing effect must be a result of toxic materials accumulated in the water. The general importance of these results is enhanced be- cause of the fact that they have been obtained from animals grown in running rather than in stagnant water. There was an indication of a condition of optimum crowding" in the early experiments which was not sustained by later work, although specific experiments designed to test this point were not attempted. Peebles (1929) has taken up the problem of effect of numbers present upon the rate of cleavage of echinoderm eggs, and upon the rate of growth of arms of plutei, in the light of developments in tissue-culture work. She finds, as did Vernon (1895) and Springer (1922), that embryo-water contains substances which check growth, but adds the observation that some of the inhibiting effect is counter- acted when living larvae are present. She produces evidence that the growth-inhibiting substances are associated with the lipoids and that, after their removal, growth-promoting substances can be dem- onstrated to be present. These latter will be discussed in chapter ix. The relation between the size of the effective environment and that attained by the animals living therein has more than laboratory interest. The belief is widespread that fish grow larger in large lakes than in small ones. Pearse and Achtenberg (1920) report such a correlation between size of lake and size of contained yellow perch. This correlation is not uniform, for numerous exceptions could be cited; for example, Jewell and Brown (1929) find no such relation- ship holding between size of fish and the size of the small Michigan lakes in which the fish live. Hesse (1924) states that the same relation holds for mammals with regard to the size of available range: those living on small islands attain a smaller adult size than related forms on larger bodies of land. In many cases the reduced amount of available food in the smaller habitats has been recognized as being sufficient to explain the observed phenomena. Semper (1879) critically discussed this * Kawajiri reports that the survival-rate increases as the number of fry in a box increases. 118 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS general situation long ago and left the impression that the suggest- ed relationship was either not proved or only indirectly related to the suggested space factor. The idea that there is a direct con- nection between available space, and size attained in land animals, still has, however, considerable vitality, as is shown by Bilski’s suggestion (1921), following his careful statistical analysis of the re- lations between available space and growth in tadpoles, that the smaller size of children reared in slums, as compared with that of the children of more fortunate parents, is to be accounted for by the smaller space available per child for the former and the resulting greater degree of stimulation by repeated contacts, such as have been shown to result in decreased growth in tadpoles, fish, and other rapidly moving animals. There can be no doubt that crowding decreases the rate of growth in many instances, and any interpretation of the facts to be present- ed later concerning beneficial effects of crowding up to an optimum population must take this fact into consideration. When one at- tempts to summarize the evidence concerning the factors causing the retarded growth in crowded conditions, he finds a decided lack of unanimity among the different investigators, indicating that in all probability there are many factors which may produce the same result. - It is instructive to review the retarding factors suggested to date. They are of two kinds: the vague and the definite. In the former category one must put the suggestion of Hogg, working with snails in 1854, that they adapt themselves to the necessities of their exist- ence, which Davenport, 45 years later, said still summarized the state of knowledge on the subject at that time. There is also Sem- per’s postulated X-substance necessary for growth in snails and water isopods (1874, 1881); the autotoxins of the bacteriologists; and the growth-inhibiting substances of the tissue culturists (Heaton, 1926) and of Peebles (1929) for echinoderm larvae; as well as a “space factor’ seriously discussed by many observers (cf. Willer and Schnigenberg, 1927). As commonly used, this space factor is about equivalent to Hogg’s conception. Regarding this group of suggested retarding factors, the best we HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CROWDING UPON GROWTH 119 can say at present is that they are unproved. We shall find the sug- gestion of an X-substance made in many different connections be- fore we have finished this discussion. It is useful as a hypothesis but is not to be confused with concrete fact. However, the recent de- velopments concerning the importance of small traces of vitamins, and the work upon “bios” and upon tissue-culture inhibitions, will keep us from dismissing this hypothesis too hastily. Of the definite factors suggested, we have lack of sufficient aéra- tion, in addition to undernutrition, reported as operating in crowded tadpoles (Yung) and among snails (Willem, Colton, Crabb). There can be little doubt but that insufficient aération is an effective factor under many conditions. The suggested harmful effects of lack of ex- ercise in snails (De Varigny) now appear groundless. The accumu- lation of excretory products reported as an effective agent by many workers appears to have undoubted and marked influence, whether in echinoderm larvae (Vernon, Peebles), in Daphnia (Warren), in snails (Legendre, Colton, Crabb), in planarians (Goetsch), or in fish (Church, Willer and Schnigenberg, Shaw). Evidence in favor of this conclusion will accumulate as we proceed. The reduction of available food correlated with crowding, whether caused by increase in numbers or decrease in volume, is another un- doubted factor in the situation, as shown for snails by Colton and Popovici-Baznasanu and for Hydra by Goetsch. With some animals, such as Hydra, it may be that this is the only factor operating. With rapidly moving animals, the effect of frequent contacts resulting in overstimulation of some sort also contributes to the retardation of growth in crowded animals, as in tadpoles (Bilski, Goetsch) and in fish (Church). CHAPTER Vil RETARDING INFLUENCE OF CROWDING ON THE RATE OF REPRODUCTION In the preceding chapter we have assembled evidence to demon- strate that among many animals overcrowding tends to produce dwarfed individuals, and have discussed the factors that have been suggested as operating to produce this effect. As might be expected, there is frequently a retardation of the rate of reproduction as well as of the growth-rate of the individual. In many respects the two phenomena overlap. The evidence for the slowing-down of repro- ductive rate under crowded conditions will be examined in part in the present chapter. At another place consideration will be given to the data brought forth by Robertson and others which indicate that under certain conditions the rate of reproduction is increased in early stages of protozoan or other cultures when more than one animal is present in a limited amount of medium. 7 REDUCED DIVISION RATE IN INFUSORIA Balbiani (1860) reported from a single experiment on Parame- cium that this infusorian must be in not less than 2—3 cc. of medium for the greatest productivity to be realized. Kulagin (1899) sug- gested that this is due to the accumulation within the medium of excretions analogous to toxins, which gradually accumulate until the nucleus is affected. Woodruff took up this problem in 1911 in an effort to find the effect of excretion products of Paramecium on its rate of reproduc- tion. Since the experiments of Woodruff usually form the starting- point for present-day citations on this subject, they deserve to be given in some detail. The reproduction of P. aurelia was followed for from 16 to 20 days ° in four volumes of hay infusion: 2, 5, 20, and 4o drops, which were changed at 24- and 48-hour intervals in different series of experi- 120 RETARDING INFLUENCE OF CROWDING I2I ments. The results are given graphically in Figure 4. For the ex- periments in which the medium was changed every 24 hours the Paramecia in 5, 20, and 4o drops are shown to have divided 2.4, 6.4, and 7.4 per cent more rapidly, respectively, than did those in 2 drops. When the medium was changed every 48 hours, the per- centages for the same volumes were 5.3, 9.3, and 9.25. The results are given throughout as averages for 4-day periods. From these experiments Woodruff concludes, ““The rate of repro- duction of specimens from pure lines of Paramecia when bred under identical conditions of temperature and culture medium is influenced by the volume of the culture medium (within the limits tested in the experiments) and the greater the volume, the more rapid is the rate of division.” The slight discrepancy with the 4o-drop cultures changed every 48 hours is unexplained, but the suggestion is offered that the bacteria always found in such cultures, and which are used as food by the Paramecia, develop so rapidly under these conditions that they may exhaust their own food or produce sufficient excretion products to be injurious to the associated Paramecia. Otherwise, Woodruff believes that by his culture methods, which included cross- inoculations between the different cultures, he has eliminated the bacteria as agents causing the observed difference in rate of Para- mecium division. The conclusion that the recorded effects are due to the accumula- tion of Paramecium waste products rests on three lines of evidence. In the first place, as we have just seen, the rate of division is higher, for the periods and amounts tested, the larger the amount of avail- able medium. Second, the rate averaged 8 per cent greater in the 2- drop cultures changed daily than in similar cultures changed every 48 hours. The other cultures similarly showed a 6 per cent increase if changed daily. Finally, culture media in which Paramecia had flour- ished for to days before removal were shown to have a depressing effect upon the reproductive rate of Paramecia replaced in it, as compared with the effect of an infusion which had contained no Paramecia but which otherwise was as nearly comparable as the two could be made. Woodruff (1913), as a result of further experience, concluded that 22 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS the substances which Paramecia excrete into their medium are es- sentially species-specific, at least to the extent that they do not uni- formly influence the rate of reproduction of the hypotrich Stylony- chia. This hypotrich produces conditions within its own culture me- dium which are definitely depressing for hypotrich reproduction and without necessarily affecting the rate of reproduction of Paramecium. The question of species specificity has not attracted the work it deserves; but, stimulated by the researches of Robertson, to be re- ported in a later chapter, several workers have retested the effect of crowding upon the rate of reproduction of Paramecia and of other protozoans. Without exception, all the workers reporting so far, Robertson included, have confirmed the conclusions reached by Woodruff for cultures running the length of time for which his averages were taken. A detailed discussion of this later work is post- poned for the present. From general considerations it appears highly probable that the relationships outlined above and in the preceding chapter, if properly adjusted, could so affect an animal (for example, Paramecium) that, while it might be able to continue to live, its powers of reproduction would be lost. Crampton (1912) tried this experiment. He found that a single Paramecium confined in a capillary tube could be kept from fission for as long as 32 days, while controls relatively un- restricted as to space were dividing at a rate that would produce 4,300,000,000 animals in the same time. He recognized three factors as working to produce this effect: lack of sufficient nutrition, ac- cumulation of waste products, and stimulation from the narrow limits. That lack of sufficient or proper food is not the sole cause is shown by his experience that the confined animals could be released to swim about in a culture of Bacterium termo daily for as long as 12 hours out of the 24, without division, if the remainder of the day were spent in the confinement of the tube; and that they could be held so without division for a week, while controls were dividing on an average of once a day. Such Paramecia remained plump and well nourished in appearance; those left in the tubes for long periods with- out changing became transparent and emaciated. Stylonychia gave similar results. It is significant that Crampton centrifuged his ani- RETARDING INFLUENCE OF CROWDING 123 mals, which must have brought them into violent contact with the walls of the capillary tubes. Crampton’s work was in many ways an extension of Conklin’s earlier observations concerning the size attained by the gasteropod Crepidula plana with relation to the amount of available space. The dwarfing of these snails when crowded, Conklin thought, should be interpreted as due to space inhibition of cell division. These facts were reported by Conklin in 1898. Crepidula plana lives within the shells harboring hermit crabs. If the shells are small, the contained Crepidula are few in number and are dwarfed; if large, the Crepidula may be present in numbers and be large. Since there may be but r small individual in the small shells, while there may be 4 ‘“‘giants”’ in a large one, Conklin believed that the difference in size is not due to differences in available food; nor is it due to the presence of accumulations of excreta, since both shells are equally open to the surrounding ocean. Neither is the result due to the lack of room to move about in, since both large and small Crepidula are relatively firmly attached to their substratum. Rather, there is a space retardation of cell division, since the cell sizes of the one are no larger than the other. If the small Crepidula are transferred to a larger space, they will increase in size. The stimulus acting to retard cell division in these dwarfed Crepidula is more obscure than in the case of the rapidly darting Paramecium confined in a capillary tube. Kalmus (1929) has added two other factors to Crampton’s three, in reporting his own studies on the effect of inclosing Paramecium caudatum, Stylonychia, and S pirostomum in capillary tubes. He finds that the age of the culture and the solubility of glass in the culture medium have decided effects. Capillary tubes made of two kinds of glass were used: “Schot- schem, nr. 20’ and the Bohemian glass made by Cavalier. The tubes measured 100-200 pw and the length of the contained column of liquid was from 8-304. Some of the observations are summarized in Table I. These results and others show that the type of glass in which small amounts of culture medium are held may affect the con- dition of the contained animals. Kalmus concludes that his observations show that the retardation 124 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS of division in small volumes is approximately proportional to the ratio of total surface to the volume of medium. Animals from young cultures are more sensitive to limited volumes than are those from old cultures. A fully bacterized medium retards the poisonous effect of small volumes by furnishing more food and by tending to keep the Paramecia out of the most toxic region next the glass, and by binding the toxins present, thereby rendering them relatively harm- less. These toxins may be of two sorts: there are the poisons which may leach out of the glass into the limited amount of medium in TABLE I Schotschem Glass Cavalier Glass 24 hours: IDINAROIN OH A PMS. ocnecasseonces II animals 1 animal Conjugating of 25 pairs.......--..- 2 pairs 4 pairs Deadior 25 palrseas see eis sens 4 animals 9 animals 48 hours: DivisionvoteosspallSmee eerie eee 17 animals 9 animals Conjugating of 25 pairs............ I pair 3 pairs Deadkotwocnpallseeeeieer meee eee 5 animals 15 animals 72 hours: IDYiynisitern, i AG foe NES. jonagacpon0dee 19g animals 16 animals Conjugating O1e5 AES. yer.nere feel coe etree (orl eee eran ree IDERGl Oi OS ORNS. -bsaoacenunsocuder 14 animals 29 animals sufficient quantity to have decided effects, and there are the meta- bolic products of the Protozoa themselves. The question of the fixing of toxins takes us somewhat afield from our present considerations and will be left to be taken up later in detail. Unlike Crampton, Kalmus found that divisions of protozoans are possible even when they are contained in small capillary tubes. Ap- parently he did not subject his animals to the action of the centri- fuge, which may partly account for the difference in results. How- ever, when there are so many different factors operating, such as composition of glass, age of culture, and bacterial flora, one cannot be sure of the precise factor or factors causing the differences in observed results. From his observations, Kalmus challenges the en- tire conception that a small amount of available space, acting direct- ly, may limit the rate of cell division and thereby the size of meta- zoans. In this he overlooks the important results obtained by RETARDING INFLUENCE OF CROWDING 125 Goetsch? on the effect of stimulation by contact with the walls of a small container in limiting the growth of active animals, even though the contained liquid be effectively connected with that of a much larger vessel. Undoubtedly there may be a limiting toxic effect of materials leached out of glass, particularly from soft glass. The dangers result- ing from the use of such glassware have been known for years. In ad- dition there may be a physical as well as a chemical effect from the glass walls of an inclosing vessel. Such effects are shown in the recent work of Drzewina and Bohn (1927). They base their experiments on the report of Norrish (1924, vide Taylor), who found that bromine combines with ethylene about twice as fast in contact with a surface of stearic acid as with one of glass, and that, on the other hand, the reaction within a paraffin-lined dish is about one-thirtieth of that given when the exposed surface is one of stearic acid. Using the marine flatworm Convoluta, Drzewina and Bohn found that these small worms survive only about half an hour when placed in sea water in a glass dish coated with stearic acid. In this instance the worms are not affected by dissolved chemicals, since stearic acid is insoluble in water. There is no change in the pH of the water, and water which has stood in such dishes is non-toxic when removed. A glass dish coated with paraffin becomes less toxic than is a plain glass dish. If the Convoluta in a glass dish on a white background are ex- posed to sunlight, they do not maintain their normal activity so long as when they are in a paraffined dish. There is also greater pro- tection in the latter against the toxic action of metallic silver. Para- mecia behave similarly. They die more rapidly in a dish covered with stearic acid, whether in light or in shade. Paraffin protects them against the action of metallic silver and of neutral red, even though they take up as much neutral red in a paraffined dish as in a plain glass dish. Drzewina and Bohn conclude that stearic acid catalyzes reactions of living animals but that paraffin inhibits them. They sug- gest that the action is similar to the action of paraffined glass in preventing the coagulation of blood, and advance the theory that «It is not yet definitely proven by chemical tests that the tubes with one end covered by cloth do allow free diffusion of excretory products. 126 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS both effects may be attributed to the electrical charge carried by the paraffin. Warren (1900), in his work on the effect of crowding on Daphnia, had previously found that media in which excretory products are allowed to accumulate cause a decrease in the number of genera- tions and the number of offspring in a brood, and that reproduction ceases long before the animals die. Such water is injurious, though not usually fatal to fresh Daphnia; and the reproductive power of the newly introduced Daphnia is soon reduced. The injurious nature of the water seems to pass off after a sufficiently long period. Our experience in growing Daphnia in quantity for fish food in a considerable volume of water, of perhaps 10-100 liters, accords with the experimental results of Warren. Events run as follows: A month or 6 weeks after having stocked such an aquarium with a few Daph- nia, conditions being favorable, several hundreds of animals may be living in good condition and reproducing. Then suddenly a change begins. The greater number die, young and old alike. Perhaps from 1 to 3 per liter survive, and these will live for months without pro- ducing eggs. After a very considerable time eggs are formed and Daphnia may become fairly plentiful again, but the second swarm is never as numerous as the first. During the time when the Daphnia have ceased to reproduce and have, for the most part, died off, the water may be teeming with other entomostracans, ostracods or cope- pods. This indicates a certain specificity in the effect of the Daphnia metabolic wastes. The duration of the period of depression of repro- duction is greatly shortened by keeping the food value of the medium at a high level. EFFECT OF CROWDING ON RATE OF EGG-LAYING OF HENS The effect of density of population upon rate of reproduction in a different medium and with animals far removed in habits and in the evolutionary scale from Protozoa or Entomostraca was reported by Pearl and Surface (1909) from the experiments of Professor Gowell of the Maine Agriculture Station. These men report the result of investigations concerning egg production extending over several years. The chickens studied were kept in pens containing 50, 100, RETARDING INFLUENCE OF CROWDING 127 and 150 hens each. The pens with the smaller flocks provided 4.8 sq. ft. of floor space per hen. In the largest flock this was reduced to 3.2 sq. ft. per individual. The number of pens is shown in Table IT. In all there were 700 pullets placed in the 5o0-bird pens, 500 in the 100-bird pens, and 750 in the 150-bird pens. Conditions varied some- what from year to year, so that Pearl and Surface warn that ‘‘wher- ever comparisons between years are instituted, great caution must be exercised in drawing conclusions.” Due care was taken to select the members of the different pens with hereditary constitutions equally disposed to egg-laying, so far as this factor could be regulated. All were from the same breed, and TABLE II 50-Bird Pens | 100-Bird Pens | 150-Bird Pens IGG no. Goigu hon c | 6 I I O05 ORME eer | 4 2 2 INO 7s bacogoune | 4 2 2 individuals were distributed among the different pens so that the percentage from ancestors of different productivity were the same throughout. The experiment with which we are concerned ran three seasons. Results are graphically given in Figure 5, which shows the mean annual egg production per hen. An inspection of this figure shows that each year there is a trend toward reduced egg production in the pens with the greatest number of birds. During two of the three years the decrease in rate of laying is practically the same between the 50- and the 1oo-chicken pen as it is between the roo and- 150. The results obtained the first season, 1904-5, are different and affect the mean differences, as is seen from the fact that the pens with 50 birds produced on the average 129.69 eggs per season; those with 100 produced 123.21, while those with 150 gave 111.68: The mean difference between the pens with 50 birds and those with 150 amounted to 18.01 eggs per year. The difference between the 100-bird pens and the 150-bird pens, where there were two factors acting—increase of numbers and de- crease of floor space—is approximately twice as great during these 128 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS three seasons as is the difference between the 50- and the 1o0o-bird pens, where numbers only were varied. The experiments on the whole indicate, as Pearl and Surface conclude, that the mean an- nual egg production is much influenced by the differences in environ- mental factors present in the experiment. 140 e /20 /1/0 LVI EAN OGM PRODUCTION /00 | J5O /00 150 BIRD PENS BIRD PENS BIRD PENS Fic. 5.—A graphic summary of the relation between size of flock and mean annual egg production in the domestic fowl. (From Pearl and Surface, 1909.) In an attempt to get at the underlying factors they suggest that there is another element involved besides the physical density of the population, which they are inclined to place on the psychological level, and which works even when the amount of floor space per in- dividual is equal. The conditioning of the surrounding medium is of a different type from that of crowded aquatic animals, where the RETARDING INFLUENCE OF CROWDING 129 excreta and glandular secretions are dissolved in the surrounding liquid medium and come of necessity into intimate contact with each of the contained animals. Presumably, with chickens we are free from inequalities in food, although in the larger pens some may have fared better and others more poorly, especially in view of the flock organization which Schjelderup-Ebbe (1922) has described. Availability of equal floor space does not insure equality of use, and crowding was probably greater the greater the numbers present. Even so, the significance of these observations is not lessened, and the conclusion of Pearl and Surface may be justified that we are here dealing with physiological effects on the reproductive system pro- duced by physiological effects on the nervous system of the order usually spoken of as ‘‘psychological.”’ It becomes important to follow the differences in egg production during the course of the year with these pullets housed with different degrees of crowding. The results of such analyses are published by Pearl and Surface (t911) and are summarized in Figure 6. The months from November to July are based on the averages of records for 4 years; from July through September on the records of 3 years. October is not included because records for only 2 years were avail- able. The data summarized in these graphs show that there is no harm- ful effect from keeping pullets in large and crowded flocks during early winter egg production near the beginning of the laying period. In fact there appears to be a significant advantage accruing from the crowding in the first really cold winter month, December. On the other hand, the s5o0-bird pens show a distinctly better production than do the other lots in late winter and early spring, about the time of heaviest egg production. This difference does not obtain between the birds kept in lots of 100 and those in lots of 150. The harmful effects of summer crowding on egg production shows plainly when the most crowded pullets are compared with less crowded lots. Overcrowding affects summer egg production in a distinctly ad- verse manner. There would thus seem to be three distinct aspects of the effects of crowding on egg production in the domestic fowl. First, in early AVERAGE EXCESS 130 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS winter at a time of relatively low egg production, when the nights are becoming increasingly cold, the large crowded flocks apparently NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT Fic. 6.—Diagram showing the average excess in mean egg production of different sized flocks of barred Plymouth Rock pullets in the first 11 months of their first year of laying. , 50-bird pens compared with 1oo-bird pens. ------ , 50-bird pens compared with 150-bird pens. duecesevecks , 100-bird pens compared with 150-bird pens. The broken lines running parallel with the zero line approximate the mean probable error. Points below the zero line indicate that the larger number per pen gave a higher average egg production. Points above the zero line show that the pen with the smaller numbers gave the higher average. (From Pearl and Surface, 1911.) conserve animal heat, so that greater egg-laying occurs in the more crowded pens. Second, as the period of maximum egg production is RETARDING INFLUENCE OF CROWDING 131 reached, crowding has the opposite effect, for reasons not yet clear. The nights are still cold, frequently colder than in December, when the opposite results were obtained. Probably the differential effect of crowding is associated with acclimatization to the cold; the gen- eral physiological condition of the hens must be different at the height of the laying season from that at its beginning, and this shift in physiological state may account for the reversed effect of crowd- ing; still, perhaps the psychological factor invoked by Pearl and Sur- face to cover admitted ignorance may be the only feasible suggestion as yet. Third, following the approach of warm weather and the com- ing of the hot summer months, the birds of the crowded pens prob- ably have difficulty in maintaining comfortable temperatures, par- ticularly while roosting. In concluding this discussion of the effect of crowding on the rate of egg production in chickens, it is of interest to note that the varia- bility in the rate of egg production increases with crowding when the annual egg production is taken as the unit. When this is broken into monthly periods, it is seen that the greatest effect of crowding is to be found at the beginning and the end of the laying-year, at a time of low production. From February to July, at the time of heaviest laying, the environmental differences implied by flock size as used in these experiments do not affect the relative variability of produc- tion. Unfortunately there are no data concerning egg production of chickens isolated in pens with the floor areas per individual used in these experiments. EFFECT OF CROWDING ON RATE OF REPRODUCTION IN DROSOPHILA Pearl and Parker (1922) have contributed another bit of signifi- | cant evidence to our problem by their work upon the influence of the density of population upon the rate of reproduction in Drosophila. In this work mass matings were made from a given line. The off- spring from this mass mating were used in making up the matings in the experiments to be described. Half-pint milk bottles were used as containers. The procedure was definitely standardized throughout. Sets of four bottles were started, each containing 1, 2, 3,....9, mated pairs of flies. Sets of three bottles contained, respectively, to, 132 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS 12,15, 20, and 30 mated pairs; two bottles held 50 mated pairs each; and one bottle had 25 mated pairs. At the end of 8 days at 25° C. the surviving parent flies were transferred to fresh bottles for a second breeding period of 8 days. The only variable known to be significant throughout this series was the density of the population. All the offspring from the two breeding periods were counted and sexed. The results tabulated as the rate of reproduction per female per day during the first 16 days of life are shown in Figure 7. In this figure the circles give the observations, and the curve is the graph of the following equation fitted by the method of least squares: Y=34..53 €7 0-018 y-—0.658 , which in logarithmic form becomes: log y=1.54—0.008%—0. 658 log x, when y signifies the flies per mated female per day and x is the num- ber of mated flies per bottle, taken over the whole 16-day period the experiment ran. The observations include a total of 23,922 progeny flies, which is a large enough number to cause the results to be treated with re- spect. Further, it is apparent that the curve fits the observed facts closely. In the preceding chapter, I have called attention to the fact that this formula is related to that which Bilski developed to describe the effect of crowding on the rate of growth in tadpoles, to that of Kennealy for the relation between length of race and the record established for that distance, and to that of Farr for the rela- tion between density of human population and the death-rate. These phenomena must be based on a common fundamental biological relationship. When these results are analyzed further, we find that the greatest drop in rate of reproduction of adult flies per female per day comes as the number of original mated pairs per bottle increases from 1 to 2, and the next greatest drop comes between the bottles having an initial population of 2 and 3 mated pairs. This result cannot be due to larval crowding, since the bottles containing 9 mated pairs of flies RETARDING INFLUENCE OF CROWDING 133 22 20 PROGENY FER #2 DAY (OOS ON 4 ONmSON G0) 7080) 90 WIEAN PLIES FER BOTTLE Fic. 7.—Pearl and Parker’s (1922) curve showing the decrease in rate of reproduc- tion in Drosophila as cultures become more crowded. 134 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS produced 2,117 adult offspring. The 80 cc. of banana-agar food with an exposed surface of 23.76 sq. cm. per bottle must therefore have been capable of supporting this number of larvae in the time avail- able. The bottles with 1, 2, and 3 original mated pairs produced, re- spectively, 1,348, 1,124, and 1,877 total imagoes in 16 days. The food available would have allowed at least 2,117 larvae to pupate and produce adults. The exposed area, as well as the amount of food present, has been shown to have a distinct effect upon the numbers of Drosophila pro- duced. Harnly (1929) varied the area of standard food with the 250 40 SQ.C/. AREA =o DS SSS =~ (-) Co} 24 52 150 O77 100 S44 50 Fic. 8.—Showing the relation between productivity and the area of food with Drosophila. The vertical column of figures gives density; figures on the graph show the area of food surface in square centimeters. The corresponding total volume capacities of the containers are: , 1181, 2365, 473, and 250. (Data and figure from Harnly.) depth kept constant at 25 mm. The five areas tried were those fur- nished by culturing the flies in vials, 4-ounce bottles, half-pint, and pint milk bottles, and in 250 cc. Erlenmeyer flasks. These different culture-containers gave food surface areas of 4.4, 11, 24, 40, and 52 sq. cm., respectively. Summarized results are given in Figure 8, which shows graphically the effect of surface food area upon the total yield from a single pair mating for a period of 1o days. The largest yield under these conditions was given by a surface area of 4o sq. cm.; 52 sq. cm. had about the same productivity as 24 sq. cm. The viability was greatest in the flies reared with the largest amount of space. RETARDING INFLUENCE OF CROWDING 135 The explanation of Harnly’s results is not necessarily obvious or easy. It may be that there is actually a surface-population optimum which stands below the largest surface and volume of food available. A possible factor may be that with greater area and volume wild yeasts or molds grow too rapidly for the Drosophila to control. Be- fore coming to this conclusion, it is well to note the sizes of the dif- ferent containers, which were: vials, size not stated, 118, 236.5, 473, and 250 ml. The population curve may be a result of the available. space rather than of the food surface acting alone. Such an interpre- tation would be in line with the data of Pearl and Parker shown in Figure 7. More work is needed, however, before one can draw as- sured conclusions. The tendency toward universality of the effect of crowding upon the rate of reproduction is shown by the fact that Hill (1926) and Sarles (1929), working with hookworms, have reported counts on population density of these parasites in relation to egg production which show that as the number of worms in a given host increases, the egg output per worm decreases. Pearl and Parker conclude the account of their work upon crowd- ing and the rate of reproduction in Drosophila with the following statement, which Pearl repeats in a later book: ‘In general there can be no question that this whole matter of influence of density of population in all senses, upon biological phenomena, deserves a great deal more attention than it has had. The indications all are that it is the most important and significant element in the biological, as distinguished from the physical, environment of organisms.” With this position I am in complete accord. CHAPTER VIII CROWDING AND INCREASED DEATH-RATE Measurements of growth, reproduction and length of life, sum up many of the physiological processes that may be affected by crowd- ing; the first two of these have already been considered in some de- tail. These three functions are closely connected, and it has been impossible to keep their treatment entirely separate. Thus, in the preceding chapter, the discussion of the effect upon the rate of re- production of confining Paramecia within a small capillary tube was extended to include a partial discussion of such treatment upon the longevity of the animals in order to get sufficient control of the avail- able evidence to be able properly to evaluate factors affecting the decrease in rate of reproduction brought about by crowding. Inspection of the material previously presented demonstrates that the ability of adult organisms to live is not necessarily the same as their ability to reproduce. Kuczynski (1928), in studying the bal- ance of birth and deaths among the human population of Western Europe, describes the differential effect of changing conditions upon fertility and upon the death-rate, and concludes that human fertility has become a problem in itself largely divorced from the problem of mortality. The experience of Warren that Daphnia lose their reproductive capacity long before they die, and that in such a condition they may be able to live through adverse conditions produced by overcrowding and again take up reproduction when conditions become more favor- able, is a case in point. Kalmus adds observations upon Paramecia along the same line. The usual interaction between fertility and mor- tality is such that in a given amount of liquid medium the popula- tion increases to a maximum whose size depends on the volume of the medium and the concentration of the food material, and then gradu- ally falls to complete or nearly complete extinction. This course of 136 CROWDING AND INCREASED DEATH-RATE 137 events is shown in Figure 9, which is taken from the work of Myers with Paramecia. If the initial volume is relatively large (16 drops, or about 0.8 ml.), Myers finds that fission begins at about the same rate, so far as 12- hour periods of observation show, regardless of whether the seeding be with 1, 2, or 4 individuals. The population of such cultures rises rapidly to a peak which is essentially the same for all the seedings just mentioned; at its peak it ranges from 123 to 126 individuals and 2 4 6 8 70 72 14 76 (SeeTSO Fic. 9.—Showing the rise and decline of populations of Paramecia in 0.8 cc. of culture fluid by, respectively, 1, 2, 4, and 8 individuals. The horizontal axis shows successive periods of 12 hours each; the vertical axis gives numbers of individuals in the populations. (From Myers, 1927.) then falls off at about the same rate. The cultures seeded with a single individual take longer to reach the maximum than do those seeded with 2 or 4, but otherwise the course of the population history is similar. When 8 individuals are introduced in place of 1, 2, or 4, the maxi- mum in Myers’ cultures showed a population of only half that given with the smaller seedings. The reason for this difference is not clear. On the surface it appears that the larger initial seeding either ex- hausts the food supply more speedily or poisons the culture medium 138 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS more rapidly than do the other seedings or acts in both ways at the same time. The point of especial interest to us in these observations is the fact that with certain initial densities of populations, even in an un- changed medium, the maximum reached is practically identical and independent of the numbers originally introduced. The effect of the exhaustion of food supply has been eliminated by Chapman (1928) in his work with the confused flour beetle, 77iboli- um confusum. Chapman introduced varying numbers of these beetles into a definite amount of whole-wheat flour and found for this insect, as Robertson, Cutler and Crump, Myers, and others had previously found with various Protozoa, that there is a definite limit to the number of organisms that will develop in a unit volume of culture medium. Chapman’s work does, however, introduce one new fact into the situation. His choice of experimental material is particularly for- tunate in that the beetles can be screened out of their floury environ- ment and the eggs, larvae, and pupae, as well as imagoes, can be counted and the flour renewed at each observation. Hence, in place of the usual more or less symmetrical population curve found by other workers dealing with a population composed of all age groups, in which the population, after rising to the maximum determined by the nature of the culture medium and the amount of space available, falls away to approximate or total extinction on account of the ex- haustion of food or the addition of excretory products, Chapman is able, by periodically renewing the environment, to carry his beetle population along for extended periods, perhaps indefinitely, with approximately the same number of individuals present per gram of flour. In his terminology, ‘‘a condition of equilibrium is attained in which the biotic potential is equalled by the environmental resist- ance and the population remains relatively constant.” Appropriate tests showed that the stationary character of the population when in equilibrium was not due to absence of eggs or to their lack of fertility. Rather, the lack of increase in population be- yond a certain point was due to the eggs, pupae, and, to some extent, the larvae, being eaten by the adult beetles. When eggs were placed CROWDING AND INCREASED DEATH-RATE 139 in flour cultures containing only male beetles, the percentage of eggs eaten varied directly with the population of adults per gram of flour. Chapman’s experience with Tribolium can be shown in a number of ways; perhaps as significant as any is the result of carrying to equilibrium a series of beetle environments of different sizes, of 4-128 grams of whole-wheat flour, seeded with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 pairs of beetles each, making one pair of introduced beetles per 4 grams of flour. This experiment may be followed in Table HI, which TABLE III BEETLES (Tribolium confusum) PER GRAM OF WHOLE-WHEAT FLOUR (Data from Chapman, 1928) Days 4G 8G 16 G. 32G 64G 128G ORM tisai ce: 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 OBS 0.5 TG hep asks tee 15 a9) 20 07) 21 19 ROS tsfayeeave 30 25 26 22 24 23 5 Omeeretrcra te 35 33 32 35 32 34 64.......-. 39 39 34 39 40 oii Ghote cL CRON 35 41 20 36 37 39 TiO Tees tats cchais = 40 46 38 44 49 39 THUAY Peeps ticis 48 45 36 43 40 Fike) TRA R ioteteioie shat Qi 50 41 41 48 45 TiS Ol nets siete -< 38 49 46 44 45 47 TA Tey syctescuere 3 46 49 46 43 42 40 gives the total number of the beetles present per gram of flour at different times in the history of the cultures, regardless of the de- velopmental stage of the beetles. In all the conditions tested by Chapman, the mean number of in- dividuals per gram of flour after equilibrium was established was 43.97, with a standard deviation of 4.27, and a probable error of 2.88. Chapman found, as will be shown in detail later (chap. x), that the time taken to reach this equilibrium differed with the initial seeding per gram of available flour, while the equilibrium population re- mained constant per gram of flour; and that, with the same initial seeding throughout, the equilibrium population per gram of flour re- mained constant but the time taken to reach equilibrium varied directly with the quantity of flour available. This equilibrium is primarily a food relation, or a food and space relation, since the 140 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS metabolic products are removed by the periodic changes of the flour. The equilibrium is apparently based upon a competition between adults and larvae, as is shown by the fact that in one 16-gram en- vironment the number of adults was accidentally reduced on the seventy-eighth day of the experiment and was never returned to its place in the geometric series, while the number in its total popula- tion—eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults—did so return. Following current tendencies, Chapman interprets his findings in terms of a mathematical formula, C=Bp(R), when C is the concen- tration of insects, R is the environmental resistance, and Bp is the biotic potential, which he defines as the mean maximum rate of re- production in a given period under given conditions. Substituting and solving, we find: pa '43:97%8.4)-25 43.97 Soi o The concentration of insects per gram of flour is 43.97. The aver- age number of eggs laid per day in these experiments is 8.4, and one- fourth of the population are egg-producing females. The formula so given represents the state of equilibrium only. The work we have been discussing summarizes the effect of the environmental factors associated with crowding upon the total popu- lation. The work which deals most directly with the harmful effects of crowding on length of life is that of Drzewina and Bohn. In con- nection with their studies on the relation existing between mass of toxic liquids and the contained mass of animals, Drzewina and Bohn have found that many cases of protection are furnished by increasing the numbers of animals present in the same solution. These will be reported later. In some instances they record the opposite results (1921d, 1922). When KCl was used as a toxic agent with cultures of Convoluta, a small marine planarian, other things being equal, those in the solu- tion containing the larger number died first. Similar relations hold when the same number of individuals are placed in differing amounts of the same strength of KCl solution: those in the smaller amount of liquid die more rapidly. The fresh-water planarian Polycelis nigra CROWDING AND INCREASED DEATH-RATE 141 reacts similarly. These investigators believe that the planarians give off a substance which causes autodestruction, and that, if this be true, such destruction is hastened by increasing the mass of indi- viduals in proportion to the amount of liquid. Their interpretation is supported by the observation that if fresh Planaria are introduced into a solution of KCl which has already contained others, their death is hastened. If, after some time in such a solution, a part are removed to a new solution of similar strength of KCl, these die more slowly than do their fellows left in the original solution, which contained not only KCl but also some substance or substances given off by the worms themselves. Later (1928) they observed that around cytolyzing flatworms the H-ion concentration (acidity) of the solution is greatly increased, and they considered this to be the factor which causes the increased mortality of the groups. The larger the number of cytolyzing in- dividuals, the more rapid and the greater the increase of the H-ion concentration, and consequently the more rapid and pronounced are the lethal effects involved. Such a process accelerates itself in the presence of many individuals, or, on the other hand, is not effective in the case of a few scattered animals. If the latter die, they do so because of the lethal effect of the KCI alone. Fowler (1927, 1931) undertook to test the effect of a large number of electrolytes upon the rate of survival in certain crustaceans, using mainly a species of Daphnia. His results show that there is a distinct correlation between the survival value of the group and the degree of toxicity of the salt solutions employed. Tests upon the rate of oxygen consumption have shown that crowded Daphnia, in the con- centrations tested, use less oxygen per individual than do isolated Daphnia under similar conditions. When the toxicity is sufficiently great so that death occurs within a relatively short time, this group depression tends to favor group survival. On the other hand, when the concentration is low and the effect of the chemicals is de- ferred, the isolated individuals live longer than the group. Such re- sults are in accord with Child’s (1915) differential susceptibility find- ings when planarians are subjected to relatively strong or relatively weak concentrations of various toxic agents, particularly KCN. 142 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Under conditions of high toxicity the animals, or, in the case of Child’s worms, certain regions, which have the lowest rate of general metabolism are least affected by the toxic agent and survive longest. With weaker solutions, on the other hand, the most vigorous indi- viduals, or, in the case of the worms, the most vigorous regions, can acclimate most readily and hence survive longer. Fowler’s results show that depression due to crowding may have definite survival value under certain conditions but that with weaker concentrations of even the same salts crowding decreases the chance of survival. In the latter aspect his results support the facts reported by Drzewina and Bohn in their experiments with KCl. Fowler’s results fail to support the hypothesis that a specific autodestructive material is produced. They extend the later explanation of Drzewina and Bohn by indicating that the unknown autodestructive substance is the carbon dioxide produced by the animals, which does raise the H-ion concentration as Drzewina and Bohn determined. For further consideration of the relation between density of popu- lation and the death-rate it seems best to take up the case with re- spect to man, since with human populations this relationship has attracted particular attention for a considerable period of time. We have already referred to the generalization known as Farr’s law; this states that if the death-rate be represented by FR and the density of population per unit area by D, then R=cD”, where c and m are con- stants. Brownlee (1915) rehabilitated this law by showing that the statis- tics used by Farr, which came from the decade 1861-70, compared favorably, so far as the relation between population density and death-rate was concerned, with those of the decade 1891-1900, as given by Tatham. Brownlee’s republication of these tables and his calculations are given herewith; see Table IV. Brownlee calls attention to the fact that the values of m corre- spond roughly for each type of analysis in the two periods but that in the case of the life-table death-rates they correspond to the third decimal place, which is as much as could be statistically expected. He concludes that Farr’s law is thus shown to be a definite law oper- ating independently of the changes due to sanitary progress. Re- CROWDING AND INCREASED DEATH-RATE 143 gardless of improvements in sanitation and in medicine, the ex- ponent does not vary, but only the multiplying constant. Therefore m represents the law, while c represents rather the coefficient of TABLE IV] Corrected | Same Fitted Crude ° Life-Table | Same Fitted No. of _ |Persons per Death- by Least Death- Same Fitted Death- by Least Districts Sq. Mi. y Farr Rate Squares Rate Rate Squares A. Showing Figures Relating to Density and Death-Rate, 1861-70 : t t IG acieie ears 166 15.50 16.70 16.75 18.90 19.90 20.73 RY Maas ere 186 17.02 17.00 19.16 19.10 Pit ey 20.96 LQ Fevers cate 379 20.52 18.99 20.87 20.87 23.97 225% Actes 1,718 24.35 24.03 25.02 25.02 26.09 20.19 OWE ac 4,499 27.94 27.92 28.08 28.08 28.54 28.84 Lita sctets 1D er) 33.98 32.67 32.70 82270 BORO 31.92 ggeaoe 65,823 | 40.55 42.39 38.74 38.74 Sj esui 37-74 E%=3.708 E%=2.70 E%=2.01 A=1.17 = .go = .61 B. The Same for 1891-1900 is tt tt DG basrctetys 136 11.63 13.06 14.20 14.16 17.38 17.18 si ae 161 12.54 13543 15.05 14.51 18.01 18.12 Oia epee 181 13.44 £3670 15.44 14.68 18.62 18.33 O2R aan © 201 452 = T4250 15.40 15.38 19.30 19.02 Ie eee 407 15.53 15.68 16.08 16.28 20.05 19.90 OR cis 457 16.53 I5.99 16.67 16.52 20.24 20.13 Bileiele 734 17.58 Ff. BE 17.64 17.56 21.45 21.02 GOs o6. 5.06 T3208 18.53 1Q.05 18.04 18.88 22TO 22). 37 iS iLlensvepe tor 1,705 19.42 19.93 18.61 19.54 DP opr 22.99 Diya) 2,339 20.37 21.00 19.50 20.35 23.30 DBZ TiO w erskaisks 4,42 21.56 22 eai 20.21 22.08 24.18 PN 24 Ti ssa. 4,884 22.36 23.76 20.69 22.35 24.72 25.50 Onepee a's 4,194 23.48 23.16 2205 PH OB 25.49 25.10 ae encore 2,925 24.33 21.80 23.29 20.94 26.07 24.21 iS crsetrae 7,480 26.54 Phy iat 24.74 23.60 27.58 26.68 Aber R ere 555503 34.82 32.67 23.67 30.49 3325 32.58 E%=4.3 E%=3.8 E% = 2.03 A=1.05 A=1.14 A= .63 4 From Brownlee, Journal of Hygiene, XV, 16. * R=7.534D-157" { R=10.234D-11998 t R=12.419D-118 § E%=mean experimental error; /\ =?¥ of the mean of the squares of the errors. ¥** R=12.40D).-16715 tt R=13.57D-7ss tt R=10.83D-2078 sanitary and general conditions of health. The coefficient c decreased from 12.42 in the earlier period to 10.83 for the later. In other words, in the same general area, conditions of living have so improved in 144 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS the thirty years’ interval shown in Table IV that density of popula- tion had only 0.875 the effect during the 1890’s that it had in the 1860’s. Here we have evidence that relatively mild crowding affects longevity in men. This is to be expected when we eoucidler the relatively greater ease of transmission of contagious diseases in the more crowded areas. Such dangers from the crowd are illustrated in a simplified form by one of the Ophioderma experiments to be reported in full in another connection. In these experiments the survival of 8 isolated brittle starfish, each in a 1-liter Erlenmeyer flask, was compared with a group of 8 similar starfish in an 8-liter bottle. Usually the group outlived the isolated individuals; but on one occasion one of the members of the group died soon after the daily inspection and change of water, and so polluted the whole 8 liters that all the remainder were dead on the following morning. When an isolated animal died similarly, the effects of its death could not extend beyond the limits of its single flask. When we pass in review the materials presented in the chapters of which this is the third, we find much evidence supporting the gener- ally accepted dictum that crowding is harmful for poorly integrated groups of animals, breeding and hibernation seasons excepted. We have seen that crowding may slow down the rate of growth and may result in dwarfed individuals, that the rate of reproduction may be decreased, and that the death-rate may be greater. These effects have been reported for so many different animals from such a wide range of the animal kingdom that there can be no doubt of their general significance. But this is not the whole story. In many of the experiments to be reported in our next section, we shall find that crowding does not always produce harmful results; and that under many conditions there are distinctly beneficial results, providing the crowding be not too great. When considering these beneficial re- sults, we must, however, always keep in mind the harmful effects of overcrowding. BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF AGGREGATIONS CHAPTER IX STIMULATION OF GROWTH BY CROWDING Having sketched in some detail the harmful effects resulting from the crowding of many animals into a relatively small space, it is now possible, with a better perspective, to look into the more recently ac- cumulated evidence that harmful results do not necessarily follow the formation of such aggregations and that they are often useful and even necessary to the welfare of the individual. The extent to which the phenomenon of aggregation affects the rate of growth in a positive manner has been relatively little in- vestigated. In the work of Colton (1908) upon Lymnaea it will be re- called that he found crowding generally decreased the rate of growth in snails. He found, however, that the snail faeces, if washed free of easily soluble material and placed in weak solutions with snails, tended to increase the rate of growth. With concentrated solutions of faeces the results were reversed. Similarly, weak solutions of urea favored snail growth, though stronger solutions retarded it. Popovici-Baznosanu (1921) also found that under certain condi- tions snails grew more rapidly in stagnant water, conditioned by the snails, than in fresh water. In short experiments (1914) Io young Lymnaea attained a length of 9.5 mm. in fresh water while those living in stagnant water grew to 10 mm. Later he tested this effect for a longer period. The young Lymnaea from three egg masses were placed in three culture dishes of identical dimensions as regards vol- ume and surface of water; after a long sojourn, when the water was thoroughly snail-conditioned, Popovici-Baznosanu took half of the individuals and placed them in better conditions of existence, in culture jars with a large volume and a relatively large surface, and containing fresh pure water. Elodea was used as food both for those in the stale and those in the fresh water, and in the same quantity for both. After 106 days the results were as given in Table V. 147 148 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS In only one of the three cases was there a clearly significant dif- ference; yet Popovici-Baznosanu interpreted these results as mean- ing that in the stagnant, snail-conditioned water, the higher plants present, as well as the walls of the jar, are covered by growths of microflora, which he regards as forming the chief food of the snails; and that the snails therefore grew more rapidly in cultures contain- ing a rich microflora than in those with only a scanty supply. Colton had interpreted his results similarly. The observations of Eigenbrodt (1925) that Drosophila grow larg- er in small culture vials when present in numbers of from 8 to 16 than TABLE V* Brawn Surface of Water | Volume of Water Condition of | |Length of Largest (Sq. Cm.) (Cc.) Water Shell (Mm.) I 1 113 1,300 Conditioned 19 Set eoete nape SETS PEN eee: nee = bS5 Rae 6.5 II 113 I, 300 Conditioned 19 ©), 0. @) 0B i0/ 1s), 018 Siete) e158) @ ee) 6 a lo 208 4 , 5 Io Raw I 8 113 I, 300 Conditioned 15 1 Gy ata ne tS tae aaa 4 116 1,640 Raw 15 * Data from Popovici-Baznosanu. at other population densities may be explained on the assumption that too few Drosophila larvae per culture fail to control the growth of harmful elements of the yeast or bacterial flora as well as optimal numbers do, while overcrowding overcontrols the growth of the food plant. This would result in a growth optimum occurring, as sug- gested, at a relatively low population density but distinctly above the minimum populations studied. These results should be compared with the relation between numbers present and Drosophila survival given in chapter xiv. Bilski (1926) tested the effect of crowding upon the rate of re- generation of the tails of Rana esculenta tadpoles. Five of these tad- poles were kept isolated, and five similar ones were placed together in the same sort of dish and with the same amount of water which was given to each of the singles. Although in most cases there was a decrease in length of body from tip of head to the root of the tail, there was growth both of the tail stump and of regenerated material. STIMULATION OF GROWTH BY CROWDING 149 The proportions of decrease and of growth or regeneration differ be- tween isolated and grouped animals. The results for the 7 days the animals were observed are given in Table VI. The results indicate, as much as a single experiment is likely to, that there is a greater re- generation with the decreased volume per animal, which is compen- sated by the greater growth of the tail stump when the animals are isolated. Bilski states that this experiment is supported by his gen- eral experience in many similar experiments in other phases of the work, but cites no direct support of these results. TABLE VI SHOWING THE EFFECT OF CROWDING ON THE RATE OF REGENERATION OF TAILS OF FROG TADPOLES IN 7 Days. (IN MILLIMETERS) (Data from Bilski) DIFFERENCE PERCENTAGE OF DIFFERENCE* ConDITIONS | Rody Length | Tail Stump | Body Length | Tail Stump Regenerated (B) (S) (B S (R) lsolatedaememeneaer —1I.4 2.5 —11.8 15.1 Sear Grewal, -scoddoor OMY 2.0 — 6.2 12.6 18.3 B, length from tip of head to root of tail. S, length of tail stump after cutting. R, length of regenerated material. * Percentage B is calculated on the basis of the original body length; percentages S and R are in terms of the original tail length before operation. CROWDING IN TISSUE CULTURES Work with tissue cultures has yielded pertinent evidence concern- ing the beneficial effects of crowding on growth. The literature in this field is enormous; and no attempt will be made to cover the different ramifications of the subject, with most of which we are not immediately concerned. It has been known for some years (Carrel, 1924) that tissues to be grown in vitro must have a proper back- ground on which to creep. One of the most used backgrounds is of fibrin network. In many recent studies this is placed as blood-plasma in a thin layer over the bottom of a special culture flask. The tissue to be cultured is introduced aseptically into this sterile medium, which is then covered with a sterile fluid that has Tyrode solution as its main ingredient but which contains other materials such as serum or a Saline extract of embryonic tissues. The latter, or some fraction thereof, appears to be necessary for real growth of such cells as 150 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS fibroblasts or epithelial cells. Extracts of sarcomas are superficially similar to extracts of embryos in their growth-producing qualities. Leucocytes (macrophages) behave in reverse fashion, growing per- manently in pure serum and being inhibited by the presence of em- bryonic extracts. Inorganic substances, oxygen excepted, apparently do not affect growth-rate of cells 7m vitro when present in approximately the same concentrations as in the blood of the animal furnishing the tissues under cultivation. Any departure from such concentrations yields adverse results. Only approximately isotonic media allow indefinite survival. The exact nature of the growth-promoting substance found in embryonic extracts is still unknown. It appears to be associated with the protein fraction and is particularly associated with pro- teoses which result from a brief digestion of the protein with peptone (Carrel and Baker, 1926). Prolonged digestion destroys the effec- tiveness of this material. Willmer (1928) has been unable to confirm this work, but concludes from the evidence furnished by Carrel, Baker, and others that tissues can get some energy from amino- acids but that their nitrogen supply is chiefly obtained from pro- teoses (embryo extract contains both elements). These are heat- stable substances; but most workers find that there is present in embryonic juice a thermolabile growth-promoting substance which is easily destroyed by heat or is adsorbed when heated, which does not pass through a Chamberlain filter, and which is destroyed by prolonged shakings. Carrel (1924) has called such substances “‘tre- phones”; Fischer (1925a) calls supposedly similar substances ‘‘des- mones”; and Burrows and Johnson (1925) named them the “archusia.”’ Tissue-culture workers appear to be agreed upon the necessity of keeping the cells from normal tissues in numbers, for successful cul- tivation in vitro. Harrison (1928) says in this connection: “It is a very interesting and at present inexplicable fact that single somatic cells isolated in culture media do not proliferate. Experiments to this end made in my own laboratory some years ago but not pub- lished did not succeed and other workers have reported similar ex- perience. As Fischer puts it, a colony of fibroblasts cannot arise STIMULATION OF GROWTH BY CROWDING I51 from a single cell even when the nutrient conditions are most favor- able. Likewise small groups of cells if isolated do not undergo divi- sion and their growth remains at a standstill. On the other hand certain tumor cells (Rous chicken sarcoma) are capable of multiply- ing and producing colonies when isolated singly.” Similarly, we know that in nature single egg cells will grow. The germinal area of the hen’s egg is an excellent example of an isolated bit of protoplasm which, under favorable conditions, will grow. It is of interest to us to note that Wright (1926) has found by dialysis a growth-stimulant in the incubated yolk of hen eggs which is not shown when such yolk is added directly to tissue-culture medium without dialysis. Haberlandt (vide Fischer), in his work with plant cells, could se- cure increase in size from certain isolated cells but did not find cell division in such cultures. He (Haberlandt, tg19—22) reports a direct relation between the size of the piece of plant tissue transplanted, or the number of cells within it, and the number of cell divisions. From these studies this investigator has concluded that the inciting to cell division comes from substance given off by injured cells, which he terms ‘‘wound hormones” or ‘‘division hormones.” A dramatic instance of the effect of heterotypic crowding upon growth of tissue cells im vitro is furnished by Carrel and Ebeling (1923). Cultures of leucocytes and of fibroblasts were made together in the same flask of plasma. As usual under these conditions, the fibroblasts did not grow, while the leucocytes grew well. In time they spread until they came in contact with the languishing fibroblasts, when a marked revival and initiation of growth took place in the latter cells. This agrees with the generally known fact that in the tissues of early embryos, when growth is taking place most rapidly, there is a mass of growing tissue tightly packed together which is supplied with a relatively small amount of blood. In tissue cultures growth takes place best when the cells are present in relatively large numbers in a small amount of medium which is stagnant but proper- ly supplied with oxygen. Both kinds of observations suggest that the cells forming metazoan tissues are dependent greatly upon one another for their growth. Fischer (1925) has suggested that this dependence is due to the 152 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS slow diffusion of products of metabolism or secretions from one cell to another. He thinks these travel by protoplasmic bridges and are independent of Carrel’s ‘“‘trephones,”’ since fibroblasts that cease to grow in the presence of an abundance of these trephones may be restored to rapid growth by the presence of active healthy cells. Burrows and his co-workers (1925, 1926) have put forward an in- teresting and ingenious suggestion which explains many aspects of the interrelations between cells and the fact that they must be pres- ent in numbers before growth will occur and at the same time ex- plains other characteristic activities of cells in tissue cultures. These workers suggest that in the presence of a sufficient amount of oxygen, about one-third of an atmosphere, the cells secrete a hypothetical substance or group of related substances which as stated above are called ‘‘archusia,”’ which are supposed to function somewhat like the desmones of Fischer except that the function of archusia is profound- ly modified by their concentration. If present in high concentration, they display an enzyme-like action which causes self-digestion of the tissues; if the concentration is somewhat lower, the presence of ar- chusia allows the cells to digest fats and proteins and to grow, pro- viding the medium is otherwise suitable. In more dilute solutions, tissue growth ceases; but the cells display their characteristic mi- grating ability, which is frequently shown in cultures, or parts of cultures, in which no growth is going forward. In yet more dilute concentrations, the cells lose their power of carrying on their ordi- nary activities, round up, and become dormant. Archusia are water soluble, are secreted by cells, and can diffuse through cell membranes to the outside medium. They tend to collect in quantity when many cells are together in a minimum volume under stagnant conditions, which are known to favor growth of tissue cultures. When too great a volume of medium is present in proportion to the number of cells, or if such cells as fibroblasts are isolated, archusia escape into the surrounding medium and growth ceases. Cells isolated into sufficiently small volume should grow, according to the implications of this hypothesis; but the needed volume may be so small that other complicating factors arise. Such a substance would also be carried away by repeated washings, which STIMULATION OF GROWTH BY CROWDING 153 are known to be harmful to cells whether grown in vitro or in vivo. Archusia have properties resembling bios and vitamin B and have been thought to be identical with the latter. The whole concept of archusia is in the hypothetical stage at pres- ent, and more evidence is needed before coming to a definite con- clusion concerning its validity. Heaton (1926) has worked upon the effect of vitamin B upon the growth of cells 77 vitro. He finds two elements present in extracts of yeast and of liver—one which stimulates growth and another which depresses it. The two can be separated by their different solubility in alcohol. Burrows and Jorstad (1926) think that vitamin A is neces- sary for the functioning of cells and is produced when cells are digest- ing fats and growing under the stimulus of relatively high concentra- tions of archusia (vitamin B?). They regard vitamins A and B as antagonistic, and balanced in cells that are functioning. In fact, most observers are agreed that fats and lipoids are associated with substances which inhibit the growth of cells, while some portion of the protein molecule is associated with the promotion of growth. EFFECT OF CROWDING ON GROWTH OF SEA-URCHIN PLUTEI Certain of these results of the tissue culturists have been applied to the problem of the effect of crowding upon the rate of cleavage and of the growth of the arms of sea-urchin plutei by Peebles (1929). By treating extracts of sea-urchin eggs and larvae with alcohol or with acetone, a growth-inhibiting substance was obtained which definitely retarded the rate of growth of eggs or of plutei. When this fraction containing lipoids was partially removed, growth acceleration was observed, as shown in Figure ro. Further experiments showed that there was a decided difference in growth, depending on whether the alcohol-soluble or alcohol-insoluble fractions of extracts of echino- derm plutei were used. These results are shown graphically in Fig. rr. Peebles was also able to remove growth-inhibiting substances from such extracts by adsorption, as shown in Fig. 12, but has not been able as yet to isolate either the growth-inhibiting or the growth- promoting principle. Peebles, in summarizing her work, says: ‘The eggs and larvae of 154 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Cleavage 0 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 120 Jime in Minutes Fic. 1o.—Showing the rate of cleavage in eggs of the sea urchin treated with acetone extract from which the fat has been partially removed. Acetone (extract) minus fats, O. Control, A. (From Peebles, 1929.) Cleavage eS 0 HO §©120 =: 130 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 7ime in /4inultes Fic. 11.—A comparison of the results obtained by Peebles (1929) by using the filtered alcoholic extracts of plutei (4A) with that of the precipitate (x, v). Ninety-seven per cent ethyl alcohol (filtrate), &; 75 per cent ethyl alcohol (filtrate), A; control, O; 75 per cent ethyl alcohol (precipitate), x; 97 per cent ethyl alcohol (precipitate), v. STIMULATION OF GROWTH BY CROWDING 155 the sea urchin and starfish contain growth promoting substances. These substances pass out into the surrounding water during seg- mentation, and later stages of larval development..... There is 59 aN a aS oO Divisions of -Ocular Micrometer 20 30 40 50 60 70 7ime in Hours Fic. 12.—Figure showing growth in length of plutei in the presence of animal charcoal (A) and fuller’s earth (x) compared with those growing in sea-water (CO). (From Peebles, 1929.) some experimental evidence in favor of the conclusion that the in- hibiting substances are associated with the lipoid constituents and the accelerating factor is contained in the protein molecule 156 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS The retarding effects of secretions of growing embryos are removed in the presence of animal charcoal and fuller’s earth. The percentage of normal larvae resulting from eggs grown in the presence of these adsorbents is greatly increased, while mortality is decreased.” By using hanging-drop cultures, a part of which contained isolated sea-urchin eggs while the others held small groups of eggs, Frank and Kurepina (1930) report accelerated growth in the grouped eggs. These results are particularly noticeable if the temperature is al- lowed to rise slightly above the normal. A résumé of two of their TABLE VII A Number of eggs per drop. ....... Te? 16-20 Number of such drops......... €.~) 810 3 83 hours after fertilization........ 75% have 8 blasto- o % at 8 blastomeres meres 12% past 8 blasto- 25% past 8 blasto- meres meres 88% at 16 blastomeres B Number of eggs per drop.......... I-2 3-6 - 10-20 Number of suchvdropss)--)-..a.. 10 I 5 421 hours after fertiliza- LOTR aye eter hcferelsectes 75% nomovement o%nomovement 0o%no movement 25% slight move- 26% slight move- 4% slight move- ment ment ment 10% plainly moy- 40% plainly moy- 12% plainly mov- ing ing ing o% gastrulae* 34% vigorously 60% vigorously moving moving o% gastrulae 24% gastrulae * Percentages as reported in original work. experiments, showing the type of results obtained under these con- ditions, is given in Table VII. These results are interpreted by the experimenters to indicate a stimulating effect of self-radiation as suggested by Gurwitsch’s mitogenetic rays. It is clear that such an interpretation is far-fetched at present; but the results indicate, despite careless reporting, that there is an optimum number of eggs which lies well above the minimum at which, under certain condi- tions at least, growth is favored as compared with that shown by eggs isolated into similar amounts of sea-water. STIMULATION OF GROWTH BY CROWDING 157 HETEROTYPIC CROWDING IN TISSUE CULTURES We have noted above the case of fibroblasts growing in plasma only when under the close influence of leucocytes, as an instance of the direct effect of different kinds of tissues grown together upon the ability of the one to grow at all; there is also evidence that differen- tiation is stimulated or accelerated by the presence of two sorts of cells in close association. Thus Ebeling and Fischer (1922) combined a ten-year-old strain of fibroblasts grown in pure culture with a two months’ strain of epithelium which had been similarly grown in pure culture. After the two had been grown together for some time, the epithelium became rounded into a sort of epithelial glandular tissue lying within a supporting network of fibroblast cells. Champy (1914) and Drew (1923) have reported somewhat similar results from com- bining these two kinds of tissue cells into one culture. GROWTH-PROMOTING SUBSTANCES The possibility of growth being promoted by small amounts of obscure chemical substances is indicated by the well-known work upon vitamins in connection with the growth and well-being of man and certain other mammals and of birds. The exact application of the facts developed in connection with work on vitamins with ani- mals at the level of group life with which we have been dealing is at present unknown, since practically no work has been done upon the vitamin relations of the invertebrates and little upon those of the lower vertebrates. From the work upon the higher vertebrates we know that vitamins A and B are both growth-promoting substances whose absence from the diet leads to serious disturbances and finally to death, and whose presence even in minute amounts promotes the normal metabolic processes which result in growth. The possibility of growth-promoting substances being concerned with the physiological effects of groups of animals upon the individ- uals composing the group is further indicated by the work on “bios.” The literature on this subject is voluminous and confused. Tanner (1925) presents an exhaustive review and bibliography of the re- searches from 1860 to 1924. “Bios” is the name provisionally given 158 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS by Wildiers (1901) to a mysterious organic substance which he be- lieved to be necessary for the proliferation of yeast cells. After ap- proximately a quarter of a century of work upon the subject, Tanner summarizes the situation regarding bios as follows: “One group of investigators denies the existence or need on the part of the yeast plant, of a substance like ‘bios.’ They feel that yeasts will grow without this accessory substance. ‘Another group believes that ‘bios’ is necessary for the growth of yeasts. They are unable to secure growth of yeasts in pure solutions without it. Certain of these investigators have reported fractiona- tion of ‘bios’ into components which are necessary to one another. “A third group of investigators believe that yeast will grow in pure nutrient solutions without ‘bios’ but that the addition of a ‘bios’ containing substance may cause increased growth. Whether this acceleration in growth following the addition of a ‘bios’ con- taining substance is due to ‘bios’ or to some other factor in the pre- parate has not been satisfactorily established. In this connection it is well to point out that even a medium such as beer-wort which is rich in ‘bios’ may be improved by the addition of other ‘bios’ con- taining substances. ‘A fourth group may also be recognized including those who have isolated ‘bios’ or substances having ‘bios’ properties.” Throughout his review Tanner’s attitude is satisfactorily critical; and from a study of it, supplemented with certain of the original research reports, it seems to me that the evidence favoring the view that there is a growth-promoting substance which markedly stimu- lates yeast growth is too strong to be disregarded at the present time. Concerning whether the yeast cells are able to synthesize this substance from nutrient solutions lacking it, as has been claimed, the evidence is not yet so clear. The same problem in a somewhat different guise is met with in the studies concerning whether inorganic substances taken alone are ade- quate for the growth of green plants. This question was most re- cently raised by Bottomley (1915 and subsequent papers) and Mockeridge (1920, 1927), who showed that certain complex organic substances, when partially broken down by bacterial action, stimu- STIMULATION OF GROWTH BY CROWDING 159 lated the growth of Lemna and other water plants to a marked de- gree. Bottomley gave the name “auximones” to these substances which were effective in promoting growth for green plants. It soon became apparent that the green plant Lemna can grow and multiply for indefinite periods in a purely inorganic medium (Clark, 1924, 1926; Ashby, 1929), and Wolfe (1926) was led to the point of view that Bottomley’s theory of the need of growth-promoting substances by green plants was completely refuted. Ashby made a more com- plete analysis of the problem (1929a) and has demonstrated that small amounts of organic substance obtained from fresh horse dung will increase the rate of growth of Lemna if present in only o.2 parts per million and that the growth-rate is little affected by additions of this material beyond 2.0 parts per million. The duckweed which Ashby used in these experiments had been growing for 6 months on a purely inorganic medium made up in glass-distilled water. Environmental conditions such as light, tem- perature, and pH were adequately controlled. The mean frond weight remained the same in control and experimental solutions; the mean frond number increased 42 per cent; the area of the fronds, 33 per cent; and there were roughly 80 per cent more chloroplasts in the cells of fronds treated with 0.002-0.02 grams per liter of dry ex- tract, as compared with untreated fronds. The addition of 0.2 parts per million of organic matter to a solu- tion containing already 1,210 parts per million of mineral matter will significantly increase the growth of Lemna. The power of the extract is not affected by autoclaving; hence the effect is not due to an enzyme. The ash constituent of the extract does not increase the growth-rate, and increasing the nitrogen content by adding 0.003 grams per liter of KNO, did not affect the growth, while adding one- hundredth of this amount of nitrogen as organic matter did signifi- cantly increase the rate of growth. It seems clearly established by this work that, while Bottomley’s “‘auximones”’ are not essential for plant growth, the addition of extremely minute amounts of organic material produces this effect by acting as a catalyzer. The work with vitamins, tissue extracts, bios, and auximones in- dicates clearly that the presence of very small amounts of organic 160 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS material may strongly affect the growth processes of organisms pres- ent. Relatively slight conditioning by the products of plant or ani- mal metabolism produces marked results, which are not necessarily increased by increasing the amount of material present. One reason for the failure to recognize the presence and effectiveness of such compounds lies in the exceedingly minute minimal quantities neces- sary to produce maximal effects. Unless especial care is taken, traces of such materials will be present as contamination and will produce as great an effect as if more were added. CHAPTER xX STIMULATING EFFECTS OF CROWDING ON THE RATE OF REPRODUCTION In a preceding chapter we have seen that there is much support for the conclusion that crowding decreases the rate of reproduction among animals generally, with specific instances among the Protozoa; the Crustacea, of which Daphnia is an example; in the insect Drosophila; and among birds. We have also seen that there is at times an optimum crowding for the growth-rate, which does not necessarily coincide with the minimum population density. It is now necessary to examine whether the evidence that has been advanced demonstrates a similar optimum, at least for certain animals at some time in their life-cycle, in so far as their rate of reproduction is con- cerned. The phenomenon which we are to discuss may deservedly be called ‘“Robertson’s phenomenon,” since Robertson was most active in collecting evidence of its existence. He himself gave it the name of “allelocatalysis,” which he defined (1924a) as meaning ‘‘the acceler- ation of multiplication by the contiguity of a second organism in a restricted volume of nutrient medium.”’ His announcement of the existence of this phenomenon naturally awakened an immediate interest among biologists generally and among students of the Protozoa in particular, many of whom have been unable to confirm its existence. Hence it becomes necessary to examine the development of the problem in an effort to evaluate the results of work centered on it. Robertson (19214a, 1923, 1924a, 19240) found that when two in- fusorians, Enchelys and Colpidium (later identified as Colpoda), are introduced into the same restricted amount of fresh culture medium, the early rate of reproduction following a period of readjustment, called the “lag period,” is not merely double that shown when a single infusorian of the same species is similarly treated, but is some 161 162 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS multiple in excess of this. He reports that he has obtained a rate of reproduction from two and a half to ten times that which might otherwise be expected. In his later work Robertson found this effect to be more marked when the transplants are freed from contamina- tion with the parent culture medium by repeated washings. The in- creased rate of reproduction, which Robertson calls the “‘allelocata- lytic effect,’ does not depend upon conjugation, because this does not occur within the conditions of the experiment. Robertson at- tributes the stimulation to the diffusion of some agent from the organisms into the culture medium, which accelerates their repro- ductive rate. When more than one organism is initially present, the concentration of this substance within the organism is higher; and the rate of multiplication is increased as a direct consequence. Table VIII gives Robertson’s allelocatalytic data from his 1921a paper, showing the effect of placing 2 Enchelys farcimen together in a single drop (0.08 cc.) of culture medium as compared with isola- tions of single individuals into the same amount. The figures given include all cases recorded in this paper, except those which Robert- son says were run under conditions unfavorable for allelocatalysis but which were run and described to test out the conditions under which allelocatalysis might occur. Omitted cases include those in which the parent culture was over 3 days old; those in which one of the two was purposely killed; and those introduced into bacteria- free media. Jahn (1929) calls attention to the fact that the averages of the generation time, during the first observation after isolation, in four much cited experiments of Robertson’s, Nos. 238A, 240A, 237A, and 242A, show a variation of + 31 per cent, about a median of 9.1 hours; and that one pair of experiments, Nos. 310A and 311A, with 1 iso- lated individual and one culture of 2 individuals, shows a similar variation of +20 per cent. He reasons that since Robertson has listed these experiments in several publications they must be typical, but that the acceleration in experiment No. 311A is less than the variation in 1-animal cultures and that therefore all Robertson’s results must be questioned. However, enough data has been cited in Table VIII to show that STIMULATING EFFECTS OF CROWDING 163 TABLE VIII SHOWING ROBERTSON’S ORIGINAL ALLELOCATALYTIC DATA (The Data in the Last Column Are Based on Those of the Preceding Column, Restated To Show Directly the Effect of the Presence of a Second Organism in the Same Limited Amount of Medium) No. after 24 No. of Animals Culture No. Hoss Ratio per Single Introduced Ratio Original Animal Normal Hay Infusion; Parent Culture 24 Hours Old oe go} 1:5 1:2.5 Ae ae sh 1:5.6 ta eee NS a 14.3 oe noe ‘et rg. ape ee | gee a) 3.4 ig 2 i} oe, 11.35 eA ns a 138.5 ria 25 See Me lee 2 ee ee a B75 ae a ee. S| a4 nee: 7 pee ne ss 2.5 we ee a.) 2 y 12.9 ene | ees |) is 4 4 - cone ee, Ree =} 135.5 12.75 164 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS ‘ TABLE VIII—Continued 5 No. of Animals No. after 24 . Ratio per Single Culture No. Introduced Hours | Ratio Original Animal Normal Hay Infusion; Parent Culture 48 Hours Old—Continued BADIA Ras eter srete civ’ I 8\ ie ES: DAN Nnapgae avecvtedehes 2 arf 9 7.95 DA Dee een rete pets I 10\ on caret PYG Y Bsa ten SAG Otro 2 34f “we asi Normal Hay Infusion; Parent Culture 72 Hours Old DUN a daeauslerelemnseere I I , p DANG. Marios cieny- 2 24f use aes Zia Blea ne eR I 2 7M Oa Seca or 2 6 230 be TODA ts susvesets eh ever I 2 k LO Qa setencbvsc ccten 2 6 es pier LOUD ie, = | Apterous | Oct QO) |) Oct: 19 Few 14 ° i i ly reasonable, it must be remembered that the factors involved in bringing about this result are not fully revealed. Observers agree that starvation is also an effective agent in producing winged aphids, and anyone who has undertaken to rear aphids under crowded con- ditions will appreciate the difficulty of separating these two factors with certainty. One of Reinhard’s observations indicates that crowding is the more effective agent of the two. Starvation did not cause winged forms to increase the number of winged progeny in the next generation, while crowding did do so. Other possible factors to be tested include the physical effect of the presence of 316 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS other aphids and the possibility of aphid secretions being transferred from one to another through the plant. Merely stating these alter- native hypotheses helps to emphasize the probability that changed or decreased nutrition is the dominating factor in the situation. This recital of references to observations by a number of workers in widely separated regions, and usually upon distinct species, indi- cates that the effect of crowding upon wing production must be a widespread phenomenon among aphids. The racial importance of this phenomenon is apparent when one remembers the added migratory power thus conferred upon members of a crowded colony living upon a host plant which may soon become exhausted from the feeding activities of its aphid population. CROWDING AND THE PHASE THEORY OF LOCUSTS In the following discussion it will be convenient to follow Uvarov (1928) in applying the name “locust” to gregarious members of the short-horned grasshoppers, family Acrididae, which migrate in swarms, while “‘grasshoppers,” in a restricted sense, will be used in speaking of the non-gregarious, non-migrating members of the same group. The gregarious collections of adult locusts will be spoken of as “swarms,” and the similar collections of immature hoppers (nymphs) will be called “bands.” In order to have clearly in mind the morphological relations of locusts and grasshoppers, it will be necessary to pass hurriedly in review some of the available knowledge concerning the behavior of these animals. The egg pods of the gregarious locusts are deposited close together so that when the young hatch and emerge from the ground they are immediately in close contact with each other. After their intermediate molt these recently emerged hoppers soon form primary bands, due largely to the reaction of the young animals to light and heat. On warm sunshiny days these gather in exposed sunny places; on cool wintry days the bands collect in sheltered spots (La Baume, 1918). In addition to these place aggregations there is said to be a distinct gregarious tendency which has not yet been analyzed to see whether it is a behavior unit or whether it may be split into more elementary reaction complexes. The alternation of behavior, night and day, appears to be related MORPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CROWDING 207 to that on cool days and on warm sunny days. The young hoppers spend the latter in groups basking in the sun, while at night or on cool days they crawl under stones or other shelter, or climb some plant. In either case they may be found in dense collections. Anal- yses to date do not show the relative importance of heat and of light in these reactions; but both, and particularly the former, are known to be of decided importance. Movement stops at night when the body temperature falls below the threshold for torpor, and begins in the morning when it rises above that level. A further rise in tempera- ture will send the hoppers into greater activity, which results in such a scattering that the surface covered by a band in full daytime activ- ity is three times that occupied by the same numbers at night. Comparison with the observations of Boyer and Buchsbaum, which have been summarized in chapter iv, in connection with slumber aggregations of insects, suggests that the temperature threshold of activity will be found to be lower on sunny than on dull days. On cool days the hoppers have been observed to keep their nighttime aggregation throughout the day. Uvarov (1928), from whose book much of the present account is summarized, cites observations which indicate that the temperature threshold for activity is higher in older nymphs. With still further increase in temperature the bands start on their irregular and apparently aimless wandering. Some become restless and make small irregular jumps. These seem to initiate jumping on the part of others which at first is aimless, but which at length settles into a definite direction. Uvarov considers favorably the suggestion by Loeb (1918), based upon the work of Lyon (1904) and others, that there is a tendency of an animal to move so as to stop the movement of images of surrounding objects on the retina. One hopper jumping thus starts others seeing it to jump in such a way that there will be no movement across the retina. In a band this is taken up continually and passes along as a sort of automatic restimulation. Further, Grassé (1923) has shown that even non- gregarious grasshoppers give greater activity when several indi- viduals are experimented upon together than when one is taken singly. If some such explanation holds, we have the common direction of 318 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS the movement of the band determined by chance or by environmen- tal factors. La Baume (1918) thinks that the bands of the Moroccan locust move downhill because of a positive geotropism. Most of the obvious environmental factors, such as direction of the sun’s rays, direction of wind, location of lush vegetation, do not seem to be definitely related to the direction of movement. The appearance of one of these bands on the march is shown in the accompanying figure from Uvarov, from which it may be seen that the line of movement tends to be broad and shallow and with an irregular front (Fig. 31). When two such wandering bands meet, they usually fuse and go off in the direction formerly taken by the larger band. Such migrating bands recognize no obstacles other Fic. 31.—A band of locust hoppers on the march. (From Uvarov 1928, by permis- sion of the Imperial Bureau of Entomology.) than smooth vertical walls, and these merely cause a deflection. Inequalities of the surface are filled by the bodies of the first comers, and those following pass over the smoothed surface. Rivers are crossed by swimming with the same hopping motions that carry the insects along on land. The bands stop at noon if the heat be- comes sufficient to produce heat torpor, and at night when cold torpor sets in. We have already seen that the beginning of the wandering, as well as other movements of these hoppers, is largely determined by the temperature. We shall see later that, according to the phase theory of Uvarov, living together in dense bands tends to cause an altera- tion in the coloration, so that black pigment develops. Buxton (1924) reported that the body temperatures of a black form of Calliptamus coelesyriensis, a grasshopper of Palestine, was from 4° to 5° C. warmer than buff individuals of the same species under the same conditions. If Uvarov’s theory is correct, it would appear MORPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CROWDING 319 that the collection in bands produces a coloration which increases the internal heat by increased absorption of the sun’s rays, and that this in turn increases activity of the animals and is responsible, at least in part, for a greater tendency to wander. Apparently, the behavior and the coloration may be found to be inextricably inter- mixed with various other physiological processes and their morpho- logical expressions, which have as yet escaped analysis. The transition from a wingless band of hoppers to a winged swarm is gradual. The first winged forms to appear continue to move as hoppers with the wingless nymphs. Later, when more are molting to the adult form, the behavior of the band is modified; they rest much and are easily disturbed. After some days, isolated winged forms take off, fly in a circle, and again settle. When they pass over other winged individuals, these too may take to the air, per- haps as a response to air vibrations, as suggested by Vayssiére (1921), since blinded locusts will respond, although those with eyes intact fail to do so if they are inclosed in glass (De Lepiney, 1928). Faure (1923) gives almost the same account for the brown locust, Locustana pardalina, of South Africa. He reports that the bands of hoppers may be composed of three or four distinct nymphal stages, although they are more usually of the same stage. The members of a band do not all molt to form flying insects on the same day, but the winged males and females remain with the main band, probably until there are enough winged individuals to make a separate swarm. These precocious flyers camp with the main band at night even though they have ranged widely through the day. Very large flying swarms travel for hundreds of miles. Small ones tend to remain near where they became winged. The distance covered is greater during the first few weeks of adult life. Later, as the females become heavy with eggs, the swarm tends to break up into sections. At night these flying swarms collect in clusters which are not so dense as those of the hopper bands. In South Africa brown locust swarms may fly on moonlit nights, particularly if harassed by birds. It is noteworthy that compact swarms leave large deposits of eggs behind. Ordinarily, these locusts which Faure describes feed upon sweet 320 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS grasses; but if food is scarce, they will eat almost anything. They readily become cannibalistic, eating injured members of the swarm. Mating does not begin until a day or two after the insects become winged; it continues at intervals thereafter until death. Nymphal aggregations are evidently not due to sex attraction; nor is the aggregation of the newly emerged winged adults, either with each other or with the nymphs which have not yet molted. Mating takes place immediately following egg-laying during the daytime; hence overnight aggregations, even of the mature adults, are not primarily due to mating reactions. Uvarov cites cases which demonstrate that the migration of the adult swarms is not related to flood supply, since they will leave dense stands of vegetation upon which they normally feed and mi- grate out into arid regions. Neither is it due to a search for suitable nesting sites, for they will leave the regular nesting grounds and deposit their eggs wherever the physiological urge becomes suffi- ciently strong, regardless of the fact that the place may be entirely unsuitable for the development of the eggs. Further, he does not believe that the migration is a negative reaction to high parasi- tization, since the heavily parasitized individuals do not migrate, and since the others carry along with them their destructive red- mite and fly-larva parasites. Swarms have been known to stop and deposit their eggs on a barren hillside, where their eggs will develop poorly, if at all, and within sight of dense growths of one of their principal food plants growing in the type of habitat where their eggs would develop well. Uvarov believes that the emigra- tion flight is both induced and regulated mainly by internal physio- logical factors. The non-gregarious grasshoppers are solitary, not in the sense that there is but one or, at most, a few in a considerable area, but in the sense that for some unknown reason these Acrididae lack the tendencies which lead to mass movements. Their individual re- actions to different environmental stimuli seem approximately like those of the individuals from the gregarious locusts, with the excep- tion that their reactions are not so closely dependent upon those MORPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CROWDING 321 given by nearby grasshoppers. In behavior there is no hard and fast line that can be drawn between the two types, and in matters of form and color it appears that they also intergrade to a consider- able degree. This lengthy introduction to Uvarov’s theory of phases of locusts is needed in order to have a proper background to understand the relations considered in that theory. To this, another known rela- tionship should be added. After a period when non-gregarious grasshoppers have been no more than the usual agricultural pest, taking a relatively light toll of the available plants, a locust outbreak may occur either suddenly or after building up for a year or so; and this may be so serious as to present a great agricultural problem for an entire district. Such an outbreak may disappear as suddenly as it appeared, leaving behind only the normal population of grass- hoppers. These outbreaks do not appear to have any definite pe- riodicity. They are probably conditioned by a favorable combina- tion of climatic and biotic factors. Weese (1924), working with spiders and their parasites, found that the climatic conditions which favored the development and survival of the. hosts differed from those which were most favorable for the development and low mor- tality of their parasites. Uvarov is probably right in saying that “neither climatic factors in themselves nor the activity of natural enemies can be regarded as sufficient for a satisfactory explanation of the rapid increase in numbers of locusts in their breeding grounds at the beginning of an outbreak”’; but he probably underestimates the possibilities of the two factors working together to supplement and reinforce each other. In order to account for locust outbreaks and their sudden subsi- dence, Uvarov has put forth his theory of locust phases (1921,1928). The essence of this theory is: “Various species of gregarious locusts cannot be considered absolutely stable in all their characters, either morphological and (sic) biological; on the contrary, there are good reasons for regarding each species as exceedingly plastic and liable to fluctuations in all essential characters. These fluctuations have, of course, certain limitations, but in some cases the bounds are so 322 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS wide that the extreme forms have been recognized as distinct species.” These diverse forms of apparently related stock Uvarov calls ‘‘phases.” Fic. 32.—Showing morphological differences between phases of different species of acridid grasshoppers or locusts. 1, 2, Pronotum of danica phase of Locusta migratoria L. 3, 4, Ditto of migratoria phase of the same. 5, 6, 7, Pronotum and wing of pardalina phase of L. pardalina Walk. 8, 9, 10, Ditto of solitaria phase of the same. 11, Pronotum of gregaria phase of Schistocerca gregaria Forsk. 12, 13, Ditto of flaviventris phase of the same. (After Uvarov 1928, by permission of the Imperial Bureau of Entomology.) Uvarov was led to this theory of phases by a consideration of the interrelations between the two supposedly good species, Locusta migratoria and L. danica. In his early work, on account of distinct MORPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CROWDING 323 differences in morphology, color, and ecological relations, he con- cluded that these are distinct species, as many others have regarded them. In hunting for delimiting structural characters, two were Se ee ee LSS (eae ees ee S| eee JSR Ss NSS eae 75021 She Coo a000 0008 Gee MUMBER OF SPECIMENS (SN C= Su U3 NN co CE oy (C—O Lr STE” Cs LN = UNC CD = ie) 3 = ep 2 & bk tS é S oy ey Rey ey) PRONOTAL PROPORTION Fic. 33.—Graph of the range in variation in the pronotal proportion in 358 speci- mens of Locusta migratoria L. (After Uvarov 1928, by permission of the Imperial Bu- reau of Entomology.) found—the proportions and shape of the pronotum and the relation between the length of the elytra and the hind femora. The pro- notum differences of these two forms are shown in Figure 32. The differences may be summarized by saying that in L. migratoria (3, 4) the pronotum is relatively shorter and broader than in L. danica (1, 2) and has a low median keel. There is a more definite constric- tion in the middle of the pronotum, and the keel is straighter in pro- 324 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS file. Locusta danica has the pronotum relatively longer and more compressed laterally; the midconstriction is less pronounced; the me- dian keel is higher and is convex in outline. The elytra of the former are relatively longer and the hind femora relatively shorter than in NVUMBER OF SPECIMENS 0.46-047 0.48-049 0.50-0.51 OFS: 2)=0:535 0.54 -0.55 0.56 =0.57 0.58-0.59 0.60-0.61 0.62-0.63 0.40 - 0.41 0.42-043 0.44 -0.45 FEMORAL PROPORTION Fic. 34.—Graph showing the range of variation of the femoral proportion in 358 specimens of Locusta migratoria L. (After Uvarov 1928, by permission of the Imperial Bureau of Entomology.) L. danica. These differences are summarized in numerical values in Figures 33 and 34. A study of Figure 33 shows that, so far as the pronotum characters are concerned, there is no evidence to indicate that here are two species, or even two forms of one species, but that with the femoral proportions there is a distinct difference in the erasshoppers shown by the two-humped curve. The hump to the right represents the L. danica type. Proportions taken for many MORPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CROWDING 325 individuals of both types show that there is no interval between figures for L. migratoria and for L. danica. In L. migratoria both sexes are about the same size; the males are about 4 per cent smaller than the females. On the other hand, L. danica males are about 20 per cent smaller than females of that species. In both, the proportions between different parts of the body remain constant, independent of the absolute measurements. The coloration of adults of the two forms is variable both in color and in pattern, so that they cannot be separated accurately on color characters. In general, L. migratoria is less variable in color than is L. danica; the color markings tend to be less sharp, and the general coloration tends to be more uniform. The hind tibiae are usually yellowish, though occasionally they are red. Locusta danica is more variable in adult coloration: bright-green forms are common; dark-brown and black forms are frequent; and the pattern is usually distinct, even if variable. The hind tibiae are frequently red, but this cannot be taken as absolutely diagnostic. During the breeding season males of L. migratoria become a bright yellowish, while males of L. danica show no color change when adult. The situation regarding coloration of the hoppers is different. Locusta danica nymphs may be uniformly green, fawn, gray, brown, or even black. ‘Quite the opposite is the case with migratoria, in which each larval stage exhibits its constant color characters. Their coloration presents a combination of black and orange-red (or yel- low), the earliest stages being almost entirely black, while orange or yellow appears later and extends with each molt without, how- ever, entirely replacing the black.” While there is variation even in this form, Uvarov says: “The main point is that this type of coloration never occurs in hoppers of danica in spite of the wide range of coloration in the latter.”” Somewhat similar conditions are exhibited in Figure 35 for the solitary and swarming phases of the South African locust, Locustana pardalina, and for the desert locusts, which have previously been known respectively as Schistocerca flavt- ventris and S. gregaria. In L. pardalina, of South Africa, there are approximately the same differences between the swarming and solitary phases as have Fic. 35.—A black-and-white copy of a color plate by Faure (1923) showing solitary and swarm phases of the brown locust (Locustana pardalina). Black in this plate repre- sents black or bluish black in the animals; heavy stippling represents dark brown; light stippling represents light or golden brown except on the head, prothrox, and meta- thoracic femora in Nos. 7 and 9 which are green. The numbered drawings are: 1, 2, 3, 4,5, swarm phase, first, second, third, fourth, and fifth stages of nymphs (or hoppers) respectively; 6, 7, 8, solitary phase, fourth, fourth, and fifth stages of nymphs (or hoppers) respectively; 9, adult female, solitary phase; 10, adult male, solitary phase; 11, adult female, solitary phase; 12 adult female, swarm phase, representing coloration of the young flier. MORPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CROWDING 227 just been described for Locusta migratoria and L. dancia. In addi- tion Uvarov, using specimens sent him by Faure, discovered dif- ferences in wing venation. With both Locustana and the Locusta we have been discussing, these characters are subject to great varia- tion, and intermediate forms occur. Adults of the desert locust Schistocerca flaviventris have a distinctly higher crest of the pro- notum than those of its supposed gregarious phase, usually known as S. gregaria. The coloration of the hoppers of the two phases for all three series is suggested in Figure 35 and may be compared with the description for the Locusta forms given above. The solitary nymphs are like Locusta danica, while the gregarious nymphs might be mistaken for L. migratoria, since they are of the same color and pattern. The evidence that these phases of particular species may be transformed from one to the other does not as yet appear entirely conclusive. It does strongly suggest that such transformations may take place, and for that reason this relatively large amount of space has been devoted to the consideration of these locust phases. Uvarov observed in 1912 in the northern Caucasus that a swarm composed entirely of L. migratoria deposited eggs in nature in posi- tions that were marked by those engaged in locust control work. The following year the hoppers were mainly of the parental type, but there was a considerable admixture of L. danica nymphs which showed the typical behavior of non-gregarious hoppers. There were many nymphs intermediate between the two. Similar field observa- tions were made in the two following years in a different locality. Plotnikov (1924; and, vide Uvarov, 1915, 1927) has carried on rearing experiments of the L. migratoria and L. danica nymphs. The account of the most convincing of his experiments that have come to my attention is summarized here. On May 26, he took 80 larvae of the third nymphal stage, and with typical migratoid coloration, from an ordinary cage of 0.02 cu. m. volume and transferred them to an open-air ground cage which covered 4 sq. m. of surface and was 60 cm. high. An equal number of similar larvae were left in the original cage for controls. After a time the larvae in the ground cage began to turn green, which Plotnikov regards as an intermediate 328 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS color between migratoid and danicoid phases. They attained the fifth nymphal stage by June 11, when they had become quite green with the exception of 6 larvae, which were dark gray, almost black. In the original cage all the control larvae retained their typical mi- gratoid coloration. The same experiment was repeated with dani- coid nymphs, and only green forms appeared in the ground cage. Plotnikoy performed 15 experiments with larvae of the second brood of ZL. danica reared under conditions of crowding. When the larvae were kept in small cages or in glass jars, with 30—50 nymphs to 450-675 cc. space, a typical migratoid coloration was invariably obtained, but no dark specimens were to be found. When the nymphs were kept singly in the glass jars, they began turning green as early as the second stage. They were quite green by the fourth or fifth instar. When groups of 4 were put into too cc. of space in glass jars the fifth-instar nymphs were a mixture of migratoid and green, with some transitional forms. In these experiments, in which the developing nymphs retain migratoid coloration only when they are crowded, Plotnikov reports that the nymphs having the migratoid color also lack the keeled pronotum typical of the L. danica nymphs, so that their structure as well as their color is affected by crowding. In another series of experiments with non-migratoid nymphs, 86 second and third instar nymphs were placed in a 2,000 cc. cage for 12 days, at the end of which time they were in the fourth and fifth instars. Forty-five of these had definite migratoid coloration, while 9g more showed tendencies in that direction. Again, when 44 non- migratoid nymphs were put into a 1,000 cc. cage, a few typical mi- gratoid animals were obtained. One regrets that there is no record of controls for these experiments reared under conditions such that crowding would be impossible. Plotnikov considered the question of factors causing the migratoid color to appear in crowded cages. He eliminated cannibalism as a causal factor by feeding the isolated migratoid nymphs with killed hoppers. Under these conditions the isolated animals lost their typi- cal migratoid coloration. He considers, too, that he has eliminated the humidity factor, since broods in highly humid jars gave the same MORPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CROWDING 320 results as those in an open outdoor cage with lower humidity. The same results were obtained in the hot midsummer as in the cooler autumn. This eliminated to some degree the factors of season, il- lumination, and temperature. Further, crowding experiments car- ried on in darkness produced migratoid coloration just as did rearing nymphs in open-air cages. Uvarov, in commenting on these experi- ments, thinks that the results are due to influences, as yet unknown, connected with the density of the larvae but not concerned with the density of the eggs or of the adults. One wonders whether the question of nematode infestation and its effects has been carefully checked in this work. Plotnikov (1927; vide Uvarov, 1928) has done work that confirms his earlier results that rearing under crowded or isolated conditions causes the changes above recorded; but he now regards these as aberrations, not as true transformations. The intermediate forms found in nature he interprets as hybrids between the two distinct races. These so-called “hybrids” do not differ in appearance from intermediate forms produced by cultural methods. In this connection we should record that Faure reports having seen a small, solitary-phase male of L. pardalina copulating with a large, swarm-phase female. Faure (1923), working on the South African locust Locustana pardalina, observed transitions from the swarming phase to the solitary phase. Eggs collected from a field, where they had “‘in all probability” been deposited by a swarm, hatched out the usual black of the swarming nymphs of the first instar. If a number of these, some 60 or more, were kept together, swarm-phase colors held during the succeeding instars. If small numbers, not more than ro or 12, were kept together in a cage, the color changed to that common for the solitary-phase nymphs after the first molt, and remained so during subsequent molts. The opposite change, from solitary to swarm phase, came on more gradually with crowding. Although without definite evidence, Faure believes, as a result of field and laboratory observations, that about 300 in a group will produce swarm-phase characteristics. Faure reconstructs the ap- pearance of these two phases in nature as follows: After an epidemic of swarm-phase locusts, great numbers are killed off by man or other 330 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS enemies, or by changed environmental conditions or overcrowding, and the species persists in the solitary phase. When conditions are again favorable, as at the end of a severe drought, these scattered grasshoppers multiply rapidly. As numbers permit, they gather into loose swarms, which deposit eggs in compact lots. From these compact deposits the swarming type of nymphs arises. Another link in the chain of evidence connecting the two phases is furnished by Johnson (1926), working with the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria and S. flaviventris. Uvarov (1923), as a result of his studies on the phases of Locusta migratoria, suggested, from his inspection of museum specimens of these two supposedly good spe- cies of desert locust, that Schistocera gregaria was the swarm-phase and S. flaviventris the solitary phase of one and the same species. Field observations recorded by Johnson suggested that this was indeed the case, and these observations were followed by breeding experiments which gave the same results as have similar tests with other species, since the experimenter was able to control the appear- ance of either phase by regulating the density of the crowding. A part of this test was made in nature and on a large scale. Bands of hoppers thinned out by poison turned into the solitary phase so far as coloration and behavior were concerned. There is also prelimi- nary evidence (Dampf, 1925, 1926) that the South American locust S. paranensis can be turned into the solitary phase usually known as S. americana by controlling the density of the population. The phase theory of Uvarov remains to be tested even in a pre- liminary manner upon two other species, which, with the four dis- cussed, make up the larger swarming locusts of the world. These are the African red locust Nomadacris septemfasciata, of which two types are known, differing in pronotal characters; and Patangia succincta of India, which apparently rarely swarms. Of the smaller swarming locusts, there is a suggestion that the Moroccan locust, Dociostaurus maroccanus, has a solitary phase which has been de- scribed as a pigmy race. Finally, there is the case of the Rocky Mountain locust, Melanoplus spretus, now apparently extinct in its typical form. In 1878, the United States Entomological Commis- sion, composed of Riley, Packard, and Thomas, in their first annual MORPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CROWDING 331 report, record that they considered and rejected the possibility that the offspring from the breeding swarms of M. spretus change in the direction of a morphologically related species, M. atlanis, which differs from M. spretus by being less gregarious in its habits. The nymphs of the latter have coloration suggesting that of other typical swarming-hoppers, and the pronotum of the adult is proportionately shorter than that of M. ailanis. Somes (1914) questioned on mor- phological grounds the validity of the separation of the two species; and Parker (1925) and Hebard (1925) have suggested that the two are phases of the same species. This suggestion offers an interesting possibility of putting the whole phase theory to the test of critical experimentation without the necessity of making an AEA, time- consuming journey. In final criticism of the phase theory, it does not seem to be clearly proved that the transformations from one phase to another do actually take place on a large scale and to a convincing degree. But as one reads through the descriptions of the different workers from different parts of the world and finds that independent students have thought that they have obtained these transformations, and when one learns that the same suggestion had been considered in 1878, long before Uvarov first stated his phase theory, it becomes impossible to dismiss the evidence entirely, although for the time being it must rest with a verdict of unproved but a promising open- ing for further work. DROSOPHILA CULTURE EXPERIMENTS The work of the Drosophila students probably presents the great- est mass of carefully controlled work upon the culture of a single animal species yet performed. Unfortunately, certain phases of the environment within the culture bottles cannot be controlled, but on the whole these workers have succeeded in creating standard con- ditions for their breeding experiments. For this reason one may ac- cept their results without the mental reservations just indicated in the case of work on the transformation of locusts from one phase to another under laboratory conditions. Bridges (1921) called attention to the necessity of having opti- 332 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS mum environmental conditions in order to eliminate distortion in ratios in experimental work with Drosophila, and lists the effect of overcrowding as one of three main sources of disturbance. In the early Drosophila work, he says, this was the largest source of diff- culty. Eigenbrodt (1925) presents evidence that overcrowding the larvae of a homozygous race of bar-eyed Drosophila decreases the weight attained by the adult flies and decreases the size of the whole animal and of such individual parts as the thoracic length and length of wing. The number of eye facets, of hairs on or around the eye, and the number of teeth in the sex combs (found in the male only), are also decreased. Flies reared under overcrowded conditions do not exhibit the correlation of size with the temperature at which they are reared that is characteristic of normal flies. The rate of devel- opment is retarded by the overcrowding; variability tends to be increased, and sexual dimorphisms tend to disappear. In order to obtain standard results, Eigenbrodt concludes that Drosophila should never be reared under overcrowded conditions. He finds that the flies are normal in the foregoing relations if from 8 to 20 hatch out in an 8-dram vial which contains 9g grams of standard food. Under these conditions a higher population than 20 flies rep- resents overcrowding. Plunkett (1926), in his attack on the problem of how genes pro- duce their effects, undertook to study experimentally the effects of various combinations of genetic and environmental factors upon the development of Drosophila bristles. These have the advantage for this sort of work of being discrete units that can be counted with a minimum of observational error. Their number is known to be affected by different genes, and also by such environmental factors as temperature and nutrition. The bristles have been plotted and named for the normal wild-type Drosophila and for various other stocks. Plunkett, in his experiments, used a mutant stock known as Dichaete, selected for low bristle number for many generations, and took care to insure uniformity in the different culture bottles, ’ except for the factors under observation. » Under these conditions it was found that the number of flies MORPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CROWDING 333 developing in a bottle, other conditions being equal, has a pro- nounced effect on the mean bristle number. This effect is summa- rized in Table XX XVII for populations from eggs laid during 4 days for the first 7 groups, and during 8 days for the last 5 groups. The temperature was held at 25° C. throughout. In commenting on these results, Plunkett says: “It is evident from the table that, under these conditions, there is no correlation between bristle number and density of population up to about forty TABLE XXXVII SHOWING DATA FOR THE EFFECTS OF DENSITY OF POPULA- TION UPON BRISTLE NUMBER IN DIcHAETE Drosophila (After Plunkett) Flies Mean Number of per 5 Posterior Dorsocentral Bottle Bristles per Half-Fly 1 UR ea it i aay eae a ae 0.234+0.030 Dyin Cian et ates aie Ad Aig ARI ONES Dicicen ue 0.284+0.017 SY ale feat ota: oe REC TIO 0.28440.012 ASUS Teneo eta g ae es EY, once Hee fe nN s 0.183 +0.009 SO Meee Ta ioe ec PE the cee ny Wee SAS etree ©, 13020-0151 OG 7 rere Rae unm eer Apo 0.120+0.011 7 ONO Meera Weck Tea ee PRR © crt es 0.056+0.009 Olas aeRO Re cis ice eee 0.055+0.008 LOSES en cele ee es ee 0.051+0.007 Lo hs 1S Aik An pete. Re ae A ag ee 0.027+0.006 22 ORO Pea Lpet tsess eke ae sctint tera Sei 0.022+0.005 B15 Ten Obra riser tect es ete oe ancl sie isttoexonna sys 0.017+0.003 flies per bottle; but above this the bristle number falls off rapidly with increasing population, reaching almost zero (for these bristles) when the population is much in excess of 100 flies per bottle, as in ordinary ‘stock’ bottles. This ‘crowding effect’ makes it unsafe to draw quantitative conclusions as to the effects of other genetic factors or other environmental factors (e.g., temperature) on bristle numbers in flies raised under these conditions; 1.e., more than forty offspring per bottle from eggs laid over a period of several days.” In later experiments, when parents were kept in the bottles for not over 24 hours, t were no obvious effects of crowding up to about 80 or 100 strep hie per bottle. Plunkett continues: ‘Experiments designed to analyze the factors 334 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS responsible for these ‘crowding’ and ‘age of culture’ effects, indicate that they are due largely, perhaps entirely, to competition for food. This factor seems to affect especially the younger larvae when in competition with older ones.” When virgin F, females from a cross of a wild type by vestigial winged Drosophila were backcrossed to vestigial males, an equal number of eggs destined to produce hybrid and homozygous vestig- ial flies was laid. Under conditions of overcrowding, Harnly (1929) found that the proportion of vestigial to the wild-type hybrid flies was reduced, thus demonstrating a pronounced selective effect of overcrowding. Similar results were obtained whether crowding was produced by using a reduced surface area of food or by increasing the length of the egg-laying period with the food area (and depth) remaining constant. Clausen (1924) reported a similarly low survi- val value for vestigial flies reared under crowded conditions. Evidence from these students of genetics concerning the effective- ness of an environmental factor is the more trustworthy since they do not have the reputation of being easily convinced of the effective- ness of environmental factors upon morphological characters. CONCLUSION CHAPTER XEX ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS AND SOCIAL LIFE We have seen something of the kinds and the extent of the aggre- gation phenomena in nature and in the laboratory, among members of the animal kingdom and among specialized cells such as bacteria and spermatozoa, as well as cells under the artificial conditions that obtain in tissue cultures. We have reviewed the action of the direct and indirect environmental forces which control the formation of such aggregations. We have found that methods and different de- grees of integration exist, which may serve to organize a group Close- ly, although it lies well below the division-of-labor level of social life. The well-known harmful effects of crowding have been summa- rized, as has the newer evidence that, despite the menace of over- crowding, many aggregations have survival values for their members and may even produce morphological changes as well as the more easily induced physiological effects. A further discussion of the ex- tent and implication of the co-operation involved in these loosely integrated groupings is reserved for the final chapter. It is sufficient to state here that aggregations formed without sexual stimuli and at the lowest level of group integration may have survival value for their members and, under certain conditions, are essential for the survival of the race. Although the matter has not been discussed, it has been the open as well as the implied suggestion throughout that these aggregations are important in social evolution. This question must now be faced directly. One avenue of approach to such a consideration might lie through an extensive review of the evidence concerning the origin of the social habit, but we shall limit this aspect of the discussion by citing summaries of generally accepted points of view and testing these against some of the known facts. We have already suggested that sex may have evolved from the mutual stimulation which has been demonstrated to occur under 337 338 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS certain conditions when two similar asexual cells are crowded to- gether within a limited volume of medium. If this suggestion is sound, it would indicate that mass physiology of animals is much more primitive and fundamental than can be considered to be the case under the assumption that the gregarious or social habit in animals is at bottom an outgrowth only of the association of young individuals with one or both parents, and therefore usually a result of sexual reproduction. It is assumed that in special cases or at critical periods in social evolution the period of the association be- comes lengthened and the family comes to react as a unit under many conditions. Students of social life in insects, especially as it exists among wasps, bees, and ants, usually adopt this explanation in some form for the origin of the social habit. Wheeler, in his summaries of studies on ants (1913a, 1918), and more recently in his review of social life in insects (1923, 1928), regards the insect colony as the result of an extension of the affiliation of mother and off- spring. Wheeler’s particular contribution is his theory that mutual feeding, which he calls “‘trophallaxis,” is the bond that unites parent and offspring in the social insects; the mother feeds on secretions from the larvae and so is bound to them through self-interests, while they receive food from the mother to their own advantage. Wheeler shows that the social habit, meaning thereby a more or less prolonged association of young and adults, has arisen de novo at least thirty different times among insects alone, in nearly that many natural taxonomic families or subfamilies, belonging to five different orders. The gradual development of the mother-offspring family from the solitary insects is shown almost diagrammatically by the growth of the social habit among the solitary wasps (Wheeler, 1923). Herbert Spencer’s suggestion that colony life arose from the con- sociation of adult individuals for nonsexua!, co-operative purposes was an early recognition of that type of social unit and, at the time it was advanced (1893-94), was not well grounded on proved fact. Spencer suggests that in some cases permanent swarms arise from such consociation and that natural selection establishes such of these groupings as are advantageous. In terms of human society, ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS AND SOCIAL LIFE 339 this view would stress the importance of the gang, rather than that of the family, as a preliminary step in the evolution of the social habit. It is important to note that the gang cuts across family lines in its formation, just as do the sleeping collections of male robins. which occur in our parks and orchards during the breeding season. Unfortunately for Spencer’s principle, which may be correct in many instances, he limited his theory by a concrete example in ants, where we now know that social development is probably due to an exten- sion of mother-offspring relations; but the easy dismissal of his illus- tration does not necessarily wreck the underlying principle. Wheeler (1913a) expressed the usual attitude toward these con- sociations in relation to social origins when, after describing some cases of aggregations in ants, he dismissed them as entirely fortuitous instances, which would occur wherever ants might be abundant and places of refuge scanty; or as the manifestation of highly developed social proclivities, and not of such proclivities in the process of de- velopment. More recently (1930) he said: “Societies really repre- sent very different emergent levels from the associations and have arisen in a different way, though, of course, ancient aggregative or associative proclivities may have been retained by many species and may serve to reinforce their specifically social behavior.”’ Highly developed social life demands well-developed sense organs, central nervous system and muscular apparatus, and in addition to these, according to Wheeler, there must be a development of the family. ‘All the societies of insects,’ he says, ‘‘are merely single families I OLISTIE se as The family origin of the flocks and herds of birds and mammals and hordes and tribes of primitive man is also ap- parent; though in these societies the family is open and not closed as in insects, and there is a retention in the flocks, herds and hordes of primitive aggregative or associative tendencies which seem to hark back to the ancestral fish and tadpole stages.” This attitude may be entirely correct so far as the highly inte- grated societies are concerned; but even in these closely knit organ- izations there is evidence, as has just been recognized, that the numerous aggregations, an account of whose formation, integra- tion, and physiological effects have made up the body of the present 340 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS discussion, have social significance. In more loosely organized social life we would expect the cohesiveness shown by animals at the aggregation level to make up a greater part of the total unifying forces which operate to produce a social unit. Further, we must recognize that at least a part of the forces which operate to bind members of families together are similar to those which operate in the case of other kinds of social groupings. It is worth re-emphasizing, as Child (1924) and Alverdes (1927) have recognized, that both the congregation and the family bases of societies are in fact but two different types of aggregations, so that at all events aggregations of some sort are essential for the develop- ment of the social habit. In other words, this phase of the problem of social origins is not the question whether the social habits as seen among birds, ants, men, and others arose from aggregations such as we have been discussing in earlier sections of this book or from some sort of family; but rather it becomes a question as to the kind of aggregation which gave immediate rise to them, since the family type is only one of a number of kinds of aggregations, as we have seen from Deegener’s outline. The main value of the detailed classification of social organiza- tion given by Deegener lies in his recognition and elaboration of the essential unity of sex-conditioned and asexually conditioned social tendencies. Throughout his two main categories of loose accidental unions, or associations, and essential groupings, or societies, Dee- gener has recognized important subdivisions, differentiated accord- ing to whether the groups are formed on a sexual basis or prolonga- tion of some sort of family relations, or whether by the gathering of individuals from different parents into more or less well-integrated groups. The former type, while common enough in homotypic groupings, does not compose all such groups; while the latter is most characteristic, though not necessarily exclusively so, of social bands or flocks which contain more than one species. In order to appreciate the importance of social organizations which are not fundamentally united on a sexual basis, one should review Deegener’s classification to find the extent to which he recog- ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS AND SOCIAL LIFE 341 nizes these asexually conditioned groupings. Among the homotypic categories alone are to be found such aggregations as the following: all collections in a favorable locality of limited extent; hibernating groups; animals collected about food; individuals joined in migrat- ing bands; aggregations brought together by tropistic reactions which lead the responding organisms into a limited space; collec- tions due to unfavorable conditions, whether passive, as in drift lines of beetles formed by wind action, or active, due to the moving together of stimulated individuals. From heterotypic categories one finds such social mutualism as exists between flocks of cowbirds and herds of cattle; one animal living upon the shell or covering of another without being parasitic; two different species occupying the same runways, even though these runways are made by only one of the species involved; the well-known relationship: between ants and aphids, where the former feed on excretions of the latter and in turn afford them some protection; the same sort of relationship where narcotic material is supplied rather than food; the relation- ship between so-called ‘“‘robber guests” and their hosts; or that of harmless guests which feed upon fragments dropped by a larger or more active species; or of the animals which make their small nests in the large nest of a larger individual; or of the small individuals which remain in the neighborhood of a larger one without being attacked, and thus avoid attacks from others; or the cases of ani- mals cemented into the built-up covering of another, as caddis-fly larvae use small mussels; or those which live within the body of other animals without becoming parasitic; and, finally, the different types of parasitism. All the foregoing list must be dismissed, wholly or in part, as fall- ing outside the range of social phenomena, if the latter is to be regarded as limited solely to those relations which depend upon some sort of a sexual or family basis. While there are many who would be willing to dismiss a part of these as falling without the field of the social life of animals, I know of no student of social life who would dismiss them all. From such considerations as these we are drawn to the conclusion that, important as sex and the family 342 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS are as integrating social factors, they do not form the sole outlet for the expression of the fundamental social appetites, nor are they the only foundation upon which social structures have arisen. Observations on bird behavior (Allee, 1923a; Sherman, 1924) furnish interesting information concerning the problem of the ex- tent to which social groups originate through individual, and to what extent through family, behavior. The question at hand is, Do these annually or semiannually recurring bird flocks form by the coming together of individuals or by the collections of some sort of family groups? The answer is that both methods occur. There is much evidence that ducks and geese migrate in flocks in which family units can be recognized (McAtee, 1924) and that in the tropical rain-forests parrakeet flocks are made up of pairs rather than of individuals. With the whistling swan and the Canada goose supposed family-groups have been identified in mid-winter (Miner, 1923). The large flocks of bronze grackles make a conspicuous feature of summer bird life in the Mississippi Valley. On July 3, M. Nice’ reports seeing one of the birds of a flock beg from another as young ones do from their parents, and interprets this as evidence that a family joined the flock before the young were entirely in- dependent. On the other hand, heterotypic flocks are frequent in which a species may be represented by a single specimen. An extreme in- stance of such a flock is furnished by Beebe (1916), who records a flock of 28 birds composed of 23 different species. He comments upon the common occurrence of heterotypic flocks in British Guiana. Such extremely heterotypic groups could scarcely have been formed by family rather than by individual units. Sherman (1924), known, like Nice, to be a careful observer of bird habits, gives much detailed information to show that not all flocking of birds is on a family basis. Proof of this is easily given by calling attention to the flocking habits of the cowbirds. The female cow- bird deposits her egg in the nest of some other bird, usually smaller, and leaves it there to be cared for by the latter. This socially parasitized foster-mother frequently hatches and rears the young t Personal communication. ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS AND SOCIAL LIFE 343 cowbird. When able to fly, these young cowbirds, reared separately and by foster-parents of different species, join in the well-known cowbird flocks. Such flocks can form only by the collection of in- dividuals. Bobolinks and goldfinches begin the formation of their autumn flocks by the congregating of old males. Chimney swifts, a pre- eminently flocking species, leave their nests by one’s and two’s to join the immense late summer flock. Many birds rear more than one brood a season; and Nice writes that the only young of the first brood that she ever knew to stay with their parents throughout the raising of the second brood were one set of bluebirds. Family ties apparently sit more lightly with birds than some would have us believe. Passerine birds may change mates for the second brood. Nice reviews the literature on banded birds and finds ‘that in 7 pairs of 3 species there was a known shifting of mates in one season, as contrasted with 20 pairs of 11 species in which there was none.* Nice writes further that she does not believe that song spar- rows retain the family unit when flocking or for flocking, and she cites trapping experience with a robin to show that the female outstayed her mate and her three sets of offspring, and so evidently could not have joined in a postbreeding-season flock. Much similar evidence exists that with such relatively highly social individuals as birds, which are capable of forming well-integrated flocks that ex- hibit definite physiological division of labor and concerted group action, the flocking may occur by the congregation of individual birds, just as has been observed for the sleeping aggregations, where the male birds may come together to sleep even during the breeding season. It has just been stated that these bird groups form well-integrated social units. Something of the intricacy of the social organization possible among them has been revealed by the work of Schjelderup- ‘In this connection Miss Sherman contributes the following pertinent observation in a personal letter: “My chimney swifts led a perfectly upright life for ten seasons, but on the eleventh a shocking scandal occurred. An unprincipled female supplanted the mate that had helped build the nest and had begun to lay her eggs, which were thrown from the nest in which the interloper raised her brood.” 344 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Ebbe (1922) in his analysis of the intragroup relationships shown by a flock of domestic hens. Such a group forms not a closed but an open society; that is, new members are admitted as occasion de- mands. The flock is organized by what Schjelderup-Ebbe calls the “neck-right,” or the “peck-order.”’ The rank of individuals within the group is indicated by their re- action when another member pecks or threatens to peck them. A given hen will submit to pecking by certain individuals without expressing resentment, and will in turn have the right to treat others similarly without their showing protest reactions. Hens with this power are said to have the “‘peck-right” over those submitting to the pecking. The “peck-order”’ decides which birds may peck others without being pecked in return. The ranking is determined by com- bat or by passive submission. A newcomer can win a position above the bottom of the peck-order only by fighting. Sometimes the peck-order within the flock is in a simple con- tinuous series, thus: A pecks B; B pecks C; C pecks D; and so on down to the humblest member of the flock. But it may happen that the peck-order is more confused. A may peck B; B may peck C; and still C may have the peck-right over A. Frequently, strong hens are pecked by weaker ones. This is due to the fact that young ones are attacked by older members of the flock, newcomers by old-timers, sick by healthy; and the order, once established, tends to remain permanent. A revolt or a fight may either change or confirm a previously existing peck-order. If the original order was accepted passively rather than as the result of a combat, a rebellion is more likely to occur. A hen revolting against a previously recog- nized superior fights less fiercely than at other times. This indi- cates a psychic obstacle to such an attack. Once a hen has accepted an inferior position, it is more difficult for her to return to superiority than if she had fought for the position at the start. Position in the peck-order is associated with certain behavior traits. The hen which is entitled to peck all others is usually the least malicious, and a threatening note usually suffices for a peck. A hen low in the scale is usually cruel to the remaining hens. Katz ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS AND SOCIAL LIFE 345 and Toll (1923) tested the intelligence of hens and found that their position in the social scale corresponds roughly with their IQ. During breeding time a hen is more easily irritated by other hens, and frequently against her superiors. A hen with chicks is very courageous; but if the chicks are removed, she may become timid and retiring in her behavior. Cocks are said by Schjelderup-Ebbe to behave in a manner similar to hens, but more ferociously. A cock may interfere with the fighting of two hens, or even of two other cocks, if he is superior to both. When among hens, he stands at the top of the peck-order. This is not the picture of a simple society, though many of the complexities of the organization have only been suggested in the preceding summary. It may be objected that we have turned from the formation of flocks in nature to the examination of the integra- tion of artificial flocks of domestic fowls. It does not necessarily follow that the details of flock organization are the same in nature, but fortunately there is evidence bearing exactly on this point. The same observer reports (1923) that in flocks of wild ducks essen- tially similar group organizations exist. Another complex type of organization of a bird community in nature has been worked out in detail, particularly by Allen (1911, t913) and by Howard (1920). This is the matter of territory in bird life. The evidence shows clearly that the males pre-empt fairly definite spaces before the breeding season begins, and maintain their position during the breeding season, driving off intruding males be- fore and after a female has appeared to accept the territory and the male as her mate. Such spaced community organizations are ap- parently widespread among birds and again indicate clearly a dis- tinct social development. These territorial relations are not limited to birds, but are also known for fishes (Reighard, 1920), as well as for mammals. Among the fishes we have further evidence of the kind we have been reviewing for birds. This is well known in the case of the black catfish minnows observed by Bowen (1930). While it is true that the group of young originates from the eggs guarded and ferti- lized by a single male, yet, at least in the absence of the male, the 346 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS young separate each night and come together one by one to form a group as the light increases the next day. Further, the group does not keep its original character of being made up of the young of one male; but the groups readily mix, either by the fusing of two sepa- rate groups or by the junction of individuals with groups with which they have not previously had acquaintance. In both cases, the group, once formed, is fully as well integrated as though all belonged to the original family, and shows a high degree of group protection, particularly through the multiplicity of eyes, which may detect danger, and the transmission of stimuli, which lead to quick separa- tion and flight. The members of the group are safer than if they swam alone. This case is the more instructive since the group re- forms daily, and since, as Bowen has shown, the coming-together is largely conditioned by the possession of a weak social appetite combined with certain reciprocal reflexes. These illustrations suggest the possibility of the formation of groups of decided social integration as the result of the congregation of individuals, without a family aggregation of any sort appearing in this particular type of organization. Social organizations among birds include phenomena of leader- ship, of group integration, of division of labor, at least to the estab- lishing of sentinels, of joint action in common defense by spreading an alarm and by joint attacks, so that we are warranted in ranking them as well-developed social groups. Even so, we repeat, they may arise from the congregation of individuals as well as by the coming-together af families. In so emphasizing the possible social development from the aggregations of individuals with which this book is mainly concerned, I have no intention of underestimating the other well-known method of social development by the extension of the family type of aggregation, which may be seen in process of development among the solitary wasps and which comes to a high state of perfection in the social wasps, bees, ants, and termites. Students of human sociology are generally agreed that our com- plex modern social organization rests primarily on family groups (Thomas, 1909; Lowie, 1920; Malinowski, 1927). Miller in 1928 reviewed a part of the literature appearing just preceding that date ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS AND SOCIAL LIFE 347 dealing with the sex relations of non-human anthropoids and of man. Miller concludes that a precultural gregariousness, not sexual- ly conditioned, but including sexual promiscuity, existed among early man and has influenced the course of development of human institutions. He emphasizes observations on the higher primates which indicate sexual promiscuity in horde life rather than family organization whether of the polygamous or monogamous type. Such observations give point to the strongly intrenched system of human taboos and laws which are directed against promiscuous horde sex-relations, and bear out the theory that these taboos and laws are in themselves a universal, tacit recognition of the fact that such promiscuous tendencies are strong enough to be a menace to human society as now organized. The firm hold of the tendency toward promiscuity among modern men even under these taboos and laws is witnessed by the prosperous condition of prostitution, which from this point of view is a lusty survivor from primitive horde life rather than a recent development conditioned by modern economic or other social pressure. The high percentage of occur- rence of gonorrhea and syphilis, diseases not excessively easy to acquire, also bears evidence that the sexual behavior of man, at least as shown under the prevailing Europeo-American civilization, consists in part of elements which cannot be distinguished from the activities which Miller thinks are characteristic of the ape horde. While there are many indications that horde life stands in the remote human background, it appears that other anthropoids than man have made the transition to some sort of family life. Yerkes (1929), after commenting frequently on the incompleteness and uncertainty of our knowledge of the social traits of the great apes, concludes his detailed presentation of existing evidence as follows: ‘“‘Gregariousness and degree of dependence of the individual on the group tend from lemur to man to diminish, and at the same time to give place to a more definite and stable social unit, the family. There is a great diversity within the several types. Lemurs and their kind may live in bands or as mated pairs. Monkeys almost invariably constitute bands, as do also gibbons and siamang, but by contrast the anthropoid apes live either as families or in groups 348 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS constituted by temporarily associated families. The transition from pronounced gregariousness to family life seems to occur between gibbon and chimpanzee. “Leadership, the dominance of one individual, and variation in social value and influence in accordance with individual traits, ap- parently tend to become increasingly important from lemur to man. The transition is from the leader of the herd to the patriarchal head of the family. “Likewise, sociability and social dependence, in certain at least, of their social aspects tend to increase from lemur to ape, but so does individualism; and whereas the chimpanzee is extremely soci- able and dependent therefore upon its social environment, both orang-outan and gorilla are markedly less so than are certain mon- keys and lemurs. Obviously knowledge does not permit of safe generalization. With respect to mutual aid and like expression of sympathetic interest there can be no doubt of marked increase: lemur, monkey, ape, man. “Permanency of mating, although not definitely established for any infrahuman primate, is rendered increasingly probable from lemur, through monkey, to ape, by the nature and abundance of pertinent evidence. The same may be said of monogamy, for al- though it may exist in any of the four groups which we are comparing, so also, according to pertinent observations, may polygamy. Wheth- er there is definite phylogenetic tendency toward the one or the other type of family it is impossible to say. But in any event the family as a social unit seems to become more prevalent and also more stable as we progress from lemur to man.” Men have other aspects of group life in common with these non- human anthropoids. Thus the monosexual human gangs and clubs seem to have their counterpart in the sleeping group of male gibbons which Spaeth (see Yerkes, 1929) found in the Siamese jungle. Such human and gibbon behavior appears to be an expres- sion of the widespread phenomenon of the formation of monosexual groups which have been recorded notably among various other mammals (seals, for example), among birds, and among the so-called solitary bees and wasps. As in man, the young orang-outans con- ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS AND SOCIAL LIPE 349 gregate in gangs; and Yerkes records various observations of groups of chimpanzees engaging in play. The high degree of group integration and the division of labor which may exist in social groups of monkeys are well illustrated by the following extract from a personal communication from J. F. V. Phillips, stationed in Tanganyika territory, East Africa. In writing about the social habits of baboons, he quotes from Sclater (1900), who says that these animals associate in groups of varying numbers up to about a hundred individuals; that, when moving from place to place, the old males are usually seen on the outskirts and always form a rear guard; and that, when resting, a sentinel or two is always placed on top of a rock to warn the troop of approaching danger. Phillips comments: “This is entirely correct; the sentinel is ex- ceedingly sharp and detects the least noise, scent, or appearance of man or leopard. In East Africa I have seen another species of ba- boon behaving in the same manner. The sentinels are often the largest, strongest males, that is, with the exception of the real leader of the group; they will remain faithfully at their post ‘waughing’ (the typical note of danger is ‘waugh,’ ‘waugh,’ very guttural and somewhat alarming) despite the proximity of danger. Upon these notes of warning reaching the ear of the leader, he will immediately assemble the leaders of the group, marshaling the males at the rear and along the sides, the females and the young at the forefront, or within the cordon of the males; he himself will alternately lead or bring up the rear, according to the plan of flight or the degree of danger. When things get too hot for the sentinels, they scamper off a short distance, mount some high position, and give further warn- ing to the leader. In times of slaughter, the young are protected by the parents, often with great danger to the latter.” The comparison of the behavior of this baboon horde with certain aspects of human behavior of which we are justly proud is too marked to need emphasis. Like behavior is frequently exhibited in some degree by herds of various sorts of mammals. The group defense of eggs or young by birds or of the nest by social insects shows similar behavior elements. The baboon example is particu- 350 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS larly valuable in that it dramatizes the possibilities of co-operation under group organization, even in non-human communities. Restating the general argument of the present chapter, we may say that it seems quite possible that sex arose originally from the beneficial stimulation received as a result of the aggregation of two, or more, simple asexual organisms. Sex, once originated, became one of the integrating factors in further social development. In sex- conditioned society the offspring of one pair or of one parent may have remained in association with their parents for the immediate mutual benefit of all concerned, or there may have intervened a sexually promiscuous horde life from which the consociation of off- spring with their individual parents arose as a further protective evolution. When these lengthened associations of parent and off- spring continued long enough, a division-of-labor type of society could evolve. At first this would occur between parents and mono- morphic offspring; later, dimorphic and even polymorphic offspring, as in ants and termites, might develop. However it arose, the family and the highly integrated division-of-labor society which may origi- nate through it is only one type of expression of the fundamental tendency of animals to aggregate. There are other social phases of animal life which have developed on this same foundation of animal aggregations as a result of forces not centering about sex; these have produced social units of importance in animal life. A part of the difficulties we have encountered in discussing the role of different types of animal aggregations in the evolution of social groupings may be avoided if we recognize that there are many levels of social organization and that these overlap. Among the groups which we may fairly call ‘“‘social” there are: (1) those that show their social habit merely through the toleration of the close proximity of other similar individuals in the same restricted space—these may exist without any positive mutual attraction and may be called the toleration level; (2) those that form groups which react more or less definitely as units—the group integration level; (3) those which show physiological division of labor; finally (4), those that show morphologically distinct castes, each associated with some phase of the division of labor. The animals on the higher ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS AND SOCIAL LIFE 351 planes of social development continue to show the group attributes characteristic of the lower levels. Survival values have been demon- strated throughout this whole series and extend well below the toleration social level to the threshold of primitive life. The first indication of structurally modified castes is to be found in the dimorphism accompanying sex, and the division of labor associated with sex runs not only through all the distinctly social levels but also through the majority of all types of animals as well. As we have suggested, sex itself, and therefore the divisions of labor associated with it, may have arisen as an outgrowth of certain bene- fits associated with primitive asexual aggregations. Sex phenomena aside, we have just seen that the different types of social organiza- tion, including even the physiological division of labor type, may have developed from aggregations formed by the coming-together of individuals without direct sexual causation as well as from those collections which have resulted from sexual appetite or from repro- ductive activities. The most permanent societies appear to have arisen when sexual and parental integration have operated in addi- tion to the more elemental aggregation tendencies. CHAPTER XX THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATION Espinas (1878) approached his task of organizing the materials available concerning animal societies with much the same point of view that we have developed from a behavioristic and ecological approach to the problem, the study of which has led to the present volume. Espinas says in his introduction to Des sociétés animales, “No living being is solitary. Animals, especially, sustain multiple relations with the organisms of their environment; and, without mentioning those that live in permanent intercourse with their kind, nearly all are driven by biological necessity to contract, even if only for a brief moment, an intimate union with some other member of their species. Even among organisms devoid of distinct and separate sexes, some traces of social life are manifested, both among animals that remain, like plants, attached to a common stock, and among the lowly beings which, before separating from the parental organism, remain for some time attached to it and incorporated in its substance. Communal life, therefore, is not an accidental fact in the animal kingdom; it does not arise here and there fortuitously and, as it were, capriciously; it is not, as is so often supposed, the privilege of certain isolated species in the zodlogical scale, such as the beavers, bees, and ants, but, on the contrary—and we believe we are in a position to prove this statement abundantly—a normal, constant, universal fact. From the lowest to the highest forms in the series, all animals are at some time in their lives immersed in some society; the social medium is the condition necessary to the conser- vation and renewal of life. This is, indeed, a biological law which it will be expedient to elucidate. Moreover, from the lowest to the highest stages in the series, we detect in the development of social habits a progression which, if not uniform, is at least constant, so that each social group carries the perfecting of these habits a little farther in one or another direction. Finally, social facts are subject 352 THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATION 353 to laws, and these are the same everywhere that such facts appear, so that they constitute a considerable and uniform domain in nature, a homogenous whole thoroughly integrated in all its parts.’” More recently Kropotkin, Deegener, Alverdes, and Wheeler have contributed to the development of this thesis. The latter, in Social Life among Insects (1923) expressed his point of view as follows: “All living things are genetically related as members of one great family, one vast living symplasm, which though fragmented into individuals in space, is nevertheless absolutely continuous in time. In the great majority of organic forms each generation arises from the co-operation of two individuals. Most animals and plants live in associations, herds, colonies or societies and even the so-called ‘solitary’ species are obligatory, more or less co-operative members of groups or associations of individuals of different species. Living beings not only struggle and compete with one another for food, mates and safety, but they also work together to insure to one an- other these same indispensable conditions for development and sur- vival.” We are not concerned here, as some recent writers have been (Wheeler, t911, 1930; Child, 1924), with renewing the Spencerian analogy between the living and the social ‘organism’? however much we are impressed by the remarkable similarities between the inter- relations of the organelles of a cell or the organs of the body, and the individuals composing a heteromorphic hydroid colony or a con- sociation of free individuals. Rather, it has been our task to present material gathered by numerous workers in the field of ecological physiology, particularly that collected within the last decade, and to focus it upon the present problem. The results obtained show that the generalizations of Espinas, of Deegener, and of Wheeler rest upon a broader base than that furnished by observational be- havior studies concerned primarily with the struggle for existence as conceived in the nineteenth century, and with the more obvious survival values, or upon the lives of insects admittedly social in habit. Certain of these problems with which we have been dealing be- t Translated by Wheeler, 1928. 354 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS come more clear if presented in the simplest possible form. In order to free our minds of the perplexities brought in by the special re- quirements of our present-day species, with their long history of past adjustments to environments, or of mutational changes, let us try to consider conditions existing when living molecules first evolved from their non-living antecedents. However, whenever, and wherever life first appeared on this planet, considerations which we have given in detail in the preceding chapters make it highly probable that, unless the first living mole- cules appeared in considerable numbers approximately simultane- ously within a limited microhabitat, there would have been little chance of survival; a single isolated living particle. must have suc- cumbed to the unconditioned unfavorable environment. If this occurred, a certain slight modification of the environment would result as the particle disintegrated. In doing so, it might free some X-substance, such as various workers, from Semper down to Robert- son, Drzewina and Bohn, and Burnet, have assumed to be necessary for the well-being of living organisms; or the decomposing proto- plasmic molecule might fix, by adsorption or otherwise, some of the elements of the environment harmful for a living system. In other words, the living protoplasm itself or the products of its metabolism during life, or freed by death and disintegration, would probably condition the immediate environment in such a manner that if an- other particle of living matter appeared soon in that niche it would have a better chance of survival. If, on the other hand, several of these living molecules appeared approximately simultaneously in the same restricted microhabitat, _ then by the processes of metabolism they would tend to condition their environment similarly, and by fixation of toxic substances, or by some one of the other communal activities, such as the produc- tion of an X-substance, or the modification of the electrical condi- tions, this primitive aggregation of living particles would show the survival value which we have demonstrated is frequently exhibited by present-day animal aggregations of approximately the same in- tegration level. It may be that numerous transitions from the non-living to the THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATION 355 living would occur one after the other in the same micro-niche, with a successive conditioning and a progressively greater longevity of some or all of the particles, until finally conditions would become sufficiently favorable for permanent survival. Whatever the details, it seems probable that this mechanism was operative from the very beginning of life and is a fundamental trait or property of living matter. In order to discuss this trait more easily, it should be named. A few years ago it might have been called “unconscious co-operation”’; but since many modern psychologists have discarded the concept of con- sciousness, the idea of lack of consciousness is less helpful than form- erly. It may be regarded as an automatic mutual interdependence among organisms, or, for the sake of simplicity, as the principle of co-operation. The only trouble with calling this relationship one of co-operation, which it is, lies in the fact that the word carries with it an idea of conscious effort (cf. Durkheim, 1922) possible only after long ages of organic evolution, and then only in certain favored types of animals, while the evidence appears to be clear that the sort of co-operation of which we are speaking is a fundamental trait of living matter. As in all the other fundamental properties of living organisms, there is probably no hard and fast line to be drawn here between the living and the non-living. The mutual interdependence of the living must have grown out of similar but simpler interde- pendence in antecedent non-living matter, and may, in fact, be merely a highly specialized biological application of the mass law of chemistry. If this analysis be sound, as it appears to be, the potentiality of social life is inherent in living matter, even though its first manifes- tations are merely those of a slight mutual interdependence, or of an automatic co-operation which finds its first biological expres- sion as a subtle binding link of primitive ecological biocoenoses. Lest we be accused of having been carried too far by enthusiasm, it may be well to pause for a moment to examine the extent to which this automatic co-operation has been demonstrated to exist among ani- mals. Are we, in fact, dealing with a phenomenon known to be sufficiently widespread to be thought of as having general rather 356 tha list ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS n special biological significance? Chart I gives a diagrammatic of the portions of the animal kingdom in which this principle of automatic co-operation has been demonstrated to date. CHART I DIpHYLETIC TREE OF RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM* Birps Mammars INSECTA REPTILES AMPHIBIA ARACHNIDA Myriapopa CEPHALOPODA VERTEBRATA CEPHALOCHORDATA CRESTACEA UrocnorpatTa OnycoPuor: HEMICHORDATA CHORDATA ARTHROPODA MOLLUSCA ANNELIDA /BRACHIOPODA, | ve io oat | ECHINODERMA 7 ROZOA | SAGITTA | TROCHELMINTHES | Le NEMATHELMINTHE ? Lea ee | PLATYHELMINTHES | ee SS | ] CTENOPHORA Wee | COELENTERATA Bacteria PORIFERA Plant kingdom PROTOZOA PROTOPHYTA eae, Primitive plants / PRIMITIVE PLANT-ANIMAL * Phyla are given in larger, classes in smaller, capitals. THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATION 357 This chart shows a diphyletic tree giving the relationships within the animal kingdom (Allee, 1926a). The distance from the base represents the relative degree of specialization. The phyla and classes underscored are those in which survival values from aggre- gations have been demonstrated, other than those known to occur in connection with normal sexual reproduction. Without reason- able doubt proper tests would reveal that aggregations of animals in all of the divisions still unchecked also possess survival value, at least when the animals are exposed to unusual or unfavorable conditions, such as those which would be furnished by hypotonic sea-water for the marine forms or by distilled water for the Tro- chelminthes. Exposure to various toxic agents would undoubtedly reveal group survival, providing the group were not too large nor the concentration too great. In addition to the group survival values known to be so widely distributed among animals, taxonomically considered, we have seen that similar survival values have been demonstrated for such diverse organisms as bacteria, for the sper- matozoa of several kinds of aquatic animals and of mammals, and for tissue-culture cells. Evidently mutual interdependence, or automat- ic co-operation, is sufficiently widespread among the animal kingdom to warrant the conclusion given above that it ranks as one of the fundamental qualities of animal protoplasm, and probably of proto- plasm in general. Even if we are prepared to grant the foregoing conclusion, it does not necessarily follow that the principle of automatic co-operation is of great importance, though it may be exhibited by all known major groups of animals. Before we can satisfy ourselves that we are dealing with an important as well as a universal principle, it is necessary to find how commonly it is exhibited in nature. Running through the preceding pages and building up a summary of the various organisms whose aggregations have been discussed in these pages, we find, even when the different species of such animals as planarians and grasshoppers are lumped together, about 125 such. Aggregations of all these have been found in nature, with the ex- ception of echinoderm larvae, which have not been reported in the density in which they may be found in laboratory containers. With about 14 exceptions, these aggregations are exhibited in addition 358 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS to the congregation of the two sexes during the breeding season. Less than one-third of these forms possess sufficient social appetite to allow them to be classed as social animals in the usual sense of the term. Definite racial survival values have been demonstrated for about one-half, again excepting ordinary bisexual breeding relations; and of this half, about two-thirds are usually called “non-social.” Even this brief survey shows that in addition to being a widespread phenomenon, taxonomically considered, survival values frequently accrue from animal aggregations in a state of nature, and often much below the level of group integration usually called “social.” The field naturalist, interested in observing a wide range of ani- mal life, is familiar with the widespread occurrence of aggregations. Inland waters are notoriously poorer in population than is the sea; but in California, during the breeding season, I have seen ponds paved with the pebble-like clusters of salamander eggs. In mid- Great Salt Lake our boat ploughed through surface-covering masses of aggregated Ephydra flies that rose in choking numbers. Aldrich (1912) calculated 370,000,000 of these were to be found along every mile of Salt Lake beach. In the nearby mountain ponds of Utah aggregations of ostracods of the size of a walnut were to be found, at times occupying a portion of each cow track with which the bot- tom of the ponds were stippled; and similar collections of annelid worms occur in Indiana ponds. The collections of Hydra in favor- able spots along Lake Michigan remind one of the abundance of marine organisms; and in some portions of spring-fed watercress swamps the supply of Planaria dorotocephala seems exhaustless. Along the seashore, in such favorable locations as part of the California coast, the supply of animal life is appalling. One cannot step on the rocks exposed at low tide without crushing sea urchins, sea anemones, barnacles, or mollusks. Even in the less prolific re- gions around Cape Cod every available rock or solid timber washed by the tidal currents is the base for a densely packed aggregation, composed of many or of few species. Favorable bottom areas are similarly packed; and Mytilus and Crepidula fornicata, if proper substratum be wanting, form chains of animals, attaching to each other in the absence of solid objects. A suitable bit of mud flat may THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATION 359 be packed with Mya so that the openings of their siphons fairly crowd the surface of the mud. At times and in favorable locations jelly fishes, or even minute copepods, may discolor the sea for miles; the entrance to the White Sea may be covered by red streaks pro- duced by the presence of multitudes of starfish eggs (Mesiacev, 1927). Brues (1926) estimated that the Hymenorus beetle population of a single panicle of Florida yucca would be about 15,000, and cites case after case of well-established insect aggregations. Some of the more striking include the hibernating aggregations of ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) in northern California, of which Carnes (1912) records that two men in a single day can gather from 1,200,000 to double that number from the hibernating masses among the pine needles. A thousand chinch bugs have been found in the shelter of a single tuft of grass 3 inches in diameter (Headlee, 1910). Howard (1898, 190r) records flights of a chrysomelid beetle, _ one of which formed a belt 15 feet thick and a hundred yards wide over the course of the Gila River. The flight continued for 2 days. Cicadas, monarch butterflies, migratory locusts, and many Diptera, including Polenia rudis, Muscina, house flies, midges, and other insects, are known to collect in great numbers. In this survey I have not mentioned the collections of insects about electric lights, or the insects in the shore drift of lakes, or the vast collections of the more strictly social species, or the type of relationship usually called “symbiosis.” The recapitulation we have just made summarizes the evidence on two points.. Aggregations of animals with little or no group or- ganization, which possess survival values for the aggregants, have been demonstrated sufficiently widely throughout the animal king- dom to indicate that if studied in the other taxonomic units with the proper methods they can probably be demonstrated to occur in all the larger taxonomic divisions. Certainly they have already been demonstrated in groups sufficiently widespread to indicate that the absence of such group protection, other things being equal, is to be regarded as an exception rather than the rule. Such aggregations are ecologically as well as taxonomically widespread, and they are 360 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS abundant in nature, as well as being widely distributed. It is upon such evidence that we may conclude that the mutual interdepend- ence, or automatic co-operation, of which we are speaking is a funda- mental and important principle in biology. There is nothing in this recent work which displaces the earlier conclusion that overcrowding is harmful; but this newer evidence which we have been interested in presenting does show that under proper conditions, and entirely apart from breeding or hibernation, beneficial results may follow aggregations, in many organisms of the same or of different species, within a limited space. This means that in groupings caused by the tropistic reactions of individuals to environmental factors there may be a natural co-operation effective long before the physiological organization of the group has: reached the level of development which occurs in the groupings usually des- ignated as being truly social. Symbiosis, commensalism, and intra-organismal relations aside, such unconscious co-operation was unknown to Espinas or to Kropotkin, who were much impressed by the evidences of mutual aid among insects and the larger animals. It was unknown to Wheel- er when he wrote the 1923 conclusion quoted above, to which he was led by the studies of the ecologists and by his own knowledge of the behavior of ants and other social insects. The knowledge which we have summarized, showing that such general co-operation exists among loosely organized, or among apparently unorganized, groups of animals living even temporarily in the same region, gives us much clearer evidence than has been available to these students of social life, that their conclusion that co-operation is one of the major biological principles is correct, and that its roots extend far below the level of well integrated social activity. From this point of view the first step toward the development of societies had probably already been taken when life came into existence on this planet. These first living particles were probably dependent on each other for the final adaptation of their physical environment so that they could continue to live; In the course of evolution they became more independent of close proximity to each other. A further advance was made when such more or less solitary THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATION 301 animals developed, in addition to the general automatic co-opera- tion inherent in living matter, a new toleration for close aggregation in a limited area, where they had collected not as a result of a social appetite but on account of their individual reactions to the sur- rounding environmental conditions. Such collections occur fre- quently as the result of forced movements in which the animal re- acts, apparently mechanically, to the forces operating upon it, and may persist only because of the inertia of toleration. These tropisti- cally conditioned groupings show survival values in addition to those resulting from the general co-operation of which we have spoken so frequently. Such additional survival values may be shown either by the effect of the group upon the individuals, rendering them more resistant to adverse environmental conditions, or conversely by so effecting the environment by the removal of toxic materials, or by some other ameliorating device, that it becomes more favorable for the continued existence of the animals. \Group survival values can slip into the background as animals become well adjusted to the environment, to reappear apparently afresh when conditions of exist- ence become again less favorable, These new survival values may be qualitatively as well as quantitatively different from those shown previously. ( The last advance in this series comes when individuals cease to react as separate units and respond only as members of a group— when, as in the case of ants or termites and, rarely, with men, they are largely group-centered rather than self-centered.) Many of the so-called “altruistic” drives in man apparently are the development of these innate tendencies toward co-operation, which find their early physiological expression in many simpler animals. _With the development of the nervous system, closer co-operation becomes possible and larger numbers are affected. There is much reason for thinking that many of the advances in evolution have come about through the selection of co-operating groups rather than through the selection of individuals. This implies that the two great natural principles of struggle for existence and of co-operation are not wholly in opposition, but that each may have reacted upon the other in determining the trend of animal evolution. 362 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS As a result of the working of these two principles, man has de- veloped social groups, the scope of whose organization has been constantly extended until at the present time we are confronted with the problems centering about national versus international organization. Now, as in each stage of the social evolution of man, the proponents of the narrower organization maintain that the type of groupings. they advocate satisfies the natural instinctive and traditional drives of man, while the more inclusive grouping is an abnormal desire for an idealistic utopia. So might the conservative primitive-living molecules, the protozoans, flatworms, isopods, or ants have argued, had they the wit, at each stage of their co-opera- tive evolution. It may be helpful, and restful as well, to remember that the great majority of the evolution of social life has been brought about, not by conscious effort on the part of those under- going evolution, but by the natural working-out of these two funda- mental principles of struggle and co-operation. We have been concerned in this book in tracing the earliest be- ginnings of these secondary (group) reactions (whether shown in overt acts or more subtly revealed), exhibited only under restricted conditions in nature which may be mimicked by properly controlled laboratory conditions. We have found that the physiology of the group considered independently from that of the individuals of which it is composed, begins simply and shows stages in development which can be arranged in various sorts of ascending series and which culmi- nate in the group-centered, division-of-labor type of society that at first glance seems impossibly remote from the life of the so-called “solitary” animals. 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H., 71 Achtenberg, H., 117 Acids, effect on sperm suspensions, 269, 278 see a pH, HCl, H.SO, Ackerman, L., 313 Acrididae, see Grasshoppers Adsorption, of colloidal silver, 208-12, 214, 222 of salts, 213-15 of material from Procerodes experi- ments, 233 Aération, effect on crowded snail cultures, LO, Tr2 Aestivation, of land isopods, 71 of quail, 72 Agamermis, see Nematodes Agar, W. E., 305 Agglutination, of bacteria, 249 of spermatozoa, 272 Aggregations, see also Crowding beneficial effects of, group defense, 102 catching food, 102 stimulate growth, 147, 148, 149, 153 stimulate rate of regeneration in tadpoles, 148 increase rate of reproduction, 161 166, 178 increase survival, 181 decrease starfish autotomy, 182, 189, 190 protect from colloidal silver, 201, 222 specificity of, 210 protect, from toxic salts, 213 high temperature, 217 from ultra-violet, 218 hypotonic sea-water, 222 heterotypic protection, 228 factors contributing to, 231 in insects, 236 in bacteria, 253 in spermatozoa, 263, 284 see also Survival value of groups breeding, 289, 358 of isopods, 65 of mosquitoes and midges, 66 of frogs, 66 ’ of Ambystoma, 67 of fish, 68 of snakes, 68 lunar periodicity in, 69 classification, 14, 35, 340 during ‘‘sleep,” 74 integration, 81, 87 effects on growth form, 311 in aphids, 313 in grasshoppers, 316 in Drosophila, 331 formation, 38, 42, 65 due to, social appetite, 46, 51, 52 instinct, 47, 48, 49, 52 moisture control, 71, 181 harmful effects on growth, ror by food exhaustion, 102 on bacterial growth, 103 on Lymnaea, 108, 123 on echinoderm larvae, 110, 117, 153 on Daphnia, 110 on tadpoles, 112 on Hydra, 112 on Planaria, 113 on fish, 113, 116, 117 summary of factors, causing, 118 on grasshoppers, 319, 329 on Drosophila, 332 harmful effects on longevity, 136 of planarians, 140 of Daphnia, 141 in electrolytes, 141 by pollution, 184 harmful effects on rate of reproduction, I20 of Paramecium, 120 of Stylonychia, 122 of Daphnia, 126 of hens, 126 of Drosophila, 131 of hookworms, 135 of Cladocera, 306 origin of sex and, 290 origin of society and, 339, 340, 350, 363 types, 12, 36 aestivation, 71 hibernation, 70 Asellus, in nature, 52 gyrinids, analysis of, 60 caterpillars, analysis of, 48, 49, 50 * Author citations in the index do not include reference to bibliography pages. 413 414 Aldrich, J. M., 358 Alkali, effect on sperm in sugar solution, 278 see also pH Allee, W. C., 43, 44, 56, 65, 71, 73, 181, TO2) LOA 202, 20o 224 225 ea. 235, 258, 342, 357 Allelocatalysis, 161 negative evidence, Jahn’s, 162, 170, 171 Cutler and Crump’s, 167, 168 Peskett’s, 167, 168 Calkin’s, 168 Greenleaf’s, 169, 170 Myers’, 170 Petersen’s 172 Robertson’s original data, 163 statistical analysis, 164 Robertson’s hypothesis, 166 relation of bacteria, to, 165, 178 Peterson’s data, 170, 171, 172 statistical analysis, 175 Yocum’s data, 171 exudates and, 235 Allelostasis in spermatozoa, 280, 281 Allen, A. A., 79, 80, 88, 345 Allen, E., 303 Allen, G. M., 79 Allomermis, see Nematodes Alverdes, F., 7, 8, 9, 26, 27, 33, 34, 349; 353 Alytes; breeding behavior, 26 Ameiurus, aggregation analysis, 62 stimuli causing aggregation, 90, 95 social significance, 336 Ammophila, ‘‘sleep” aggregations, 74 Amphibia, monogamy 27 heterotypic aggregations in, 29 polyspermy, 266 Amphipods, sex recognition in, 89 Andrews, E. A., 89 Annelida, as hosts of monstrillid copepods, 290 Antelopes, herds of males, 28 organized open societies, 34 Anthropoid society, 27, 35, 347 Ants, 12, 17, 24, 330, 340, 346, 352, 360, 361, 362 associated animals, 14 mixed families, 27, 30, 32 relation, to termites, 29, 31 to aphids, 30, 341 myrmecocoles, 30, 31 hibernation, 70 reaction of Solenopsis, to floods, 72 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS contact-odor reactions, 89 reaction to sounds, 93 soldier caste, 246 Apes, breeding relations, 27 social organization, 347 Aphids, 19 relations to ants, 30, 341 harmful effects of crowding, 102 wing production, 313 Appetite, social, 11, 46, 51, 52, 60, 64, 80, 342, 346, 361 Arbacia, see Sea urchin Archusia, 150, 152 Area, available, see Crowding Arenicola larvae, reactions, 38, 40, 42 Aristotle, vil Armadillidium, see Isopods, land Artemia, mass protection from salts, 215 Arthropods, hibernation, near Chicago, 70 Ascidians, 12, 13, 16 crowding on growth form, 311 Asellus, formation of aggregations, 52, 58, 181 sex ratio in aggregations in nature, 55 rheotropism, 56, 59, 65 breeding behavior, 65 effect of crowding on growth, 108 oxygen consumption in natural aggrega- tions, 194 protection from colloidal silver, 202, 210, 211 excretions and male production in Cladocera, 305 Ashby, E., 159 Association, 5, 6, 7, 8, 353 ecological, 8, 362 homotypical, 15 kormogene, I5 primary, 15 Deegener’s definition, 15 secondary, 20 heterotypical, 22 Wheeler’s definition, 34 subdivisions, 35 food chains, 35 mimetic, 35 commernal, 35 mutualistic, 35 relation to society, 339, 340 Augustine, D. L., 33 Autocatalyst, Robertson’s 166, 177, 178, 218 Autodestruction by crowding (Drzewina and Bohn), 141, 191, 204, 209 hypothesis, INDEX Autolytus, asexual reproduction, 16 Autoprotection (Drzewina and Bohn), Tit, Ali, Aey, Air, ins, Wr, 7) 223, 235, 274, 285 Autotomy of starfish arms affected by crowding, 182, 189, 190 Autotoxins, bacterial, 103 specificity, 106 . “Auximones,” 159 Baboons, 349 Bacillus spp., mass protection against gentian violet, 253 causes of, 255 heterotypic protection, 256 Bacteria, 337, 357 cessation of growth, 103 effect on allelocatalysis, 165, 178 communal activity, 167, 247, 250, 261 mass protection for, 217, 252, 260, 285 in Procerodes experiments, 233 culture, life-cycle of, 247 lag, theories for, 248 colony compared with an individual, 261 in mammalian semen, 283 effect on male production in Cladocera, 308 Baker, 79 Baker, L. E:, 150 Balbiani, G., 120 Baltzer, F., 291, 293, 294, 310 Banks, N., 75 Banta, A. M., 67, 68, 89, 235, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308 Barber, M. A., 253 Barbour, T., 26 Barkow, H. C. L., 70 Barnacle, 21, 358 polyandry in Alcippe, 26 food habits of Alcippe, 31 growing on whales, 32 crowding on growth form, 311 Barthélémy, H., 266 Baskervill, M., 266 Bass, black, community relations, 83 food, 84 BateswAt EC. 70 Bats, 12 breeding behavior, 27 hibernation, 70 roosts, 79 tactile integration, 88 415 Beavers, 352 Beebe, W., 93, 342 Bees, 12, 346, 348, 352 solitary, 13, 18 as heteromorphic societies, 24 honey, drone behavior, 27 hibernation, 28, 70 Mellisodes, 28, 75 “sleep” aggregations, 75 Beetles, drifts of, 22, 341 Necrophorus, 19, 28 passalid, 24, 27, 92 coccinellid, hibernation, 28 gyrinid, aggregations, 28, 60 dermestid, food habits, 31 staphalinid, preying on ant larva, 31 Dermestes, food exhaustion, 102 population equilibrium, 138, 179 reproductive rate stimulated by crowd- ing, 179, 236, 244 chrysomelid larvae, group protection in nature, 245 abundance, 359 Belostoma, aggregation formation, 52 Bilskiv he) £12, 104) ILLS) DLS, DLO; 132; 148, 149 Bilski’s formula for effect of crowding on growth, 117 Biocoenosis, 5, 9, 23, 35, 355 Bioelectrical, see Biophysical Biophysical integration, 96, 299 effects of containers, 125, 277 protection, 219, 276, 285 conditioning of environment, 354 “Bios,” 119, 157, 159 Biota, 36 of lake, 83 Biotic balance, 83, 85, 179 Birds, 12 young, as homomorphic societies, 24 breeding behavior, 27, 343 common roosts, crows and robins, e.g., _ 28, 79, 339 mixed groups, 30, 342 migration societies, 31 partially closed communities, 33 songs, significance, 92 polyspermy, 266 flocking behavior, 339, 349, 342, 343; 344, 348, 349 Bison, American, breeding behavior, 27 Blair, K. A., 92 Blanchard, F. N., 67 Bliss, C. I., 239, 240 416 Bluebirds, 343 Bobolinks, flocks, 343 Bohn, G., 125, 149, 142, IQI, 201, 202, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 212, 217, 210, 222, 223, 235, 250, 205, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 284, 285, 354 Bonellia, polyandry in, 26 sex determination in, 291, 309, 311 Bonnevie, K., 266 Borodin, D. N., 96 Bottomley, W. B., 158, 159 Boulenger, G. A., 67 Bowen, E. S., 62, 63, 90, 95, 345, 346 Tyo Keg, IDs “Xs 1Do5 Oy W775 BEF Bradley, J. C., 76 Breeding behavior, 358 of Asellus, 65 of dipterans, 66 of frogs, 66 of Ambystoma, 67 of toads, 67 of fish, 68 of snakes, 68 of Nereis, 69 controls bunching in A sellus, 181 Bresslau, E., 202, 212 Brewster, W., 79 Bridges, C. B., 331 Brown, C. R., 28, 61, 62 Brown, H., 117 Brown, L. A., 235, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308 Brownlee, J., 115, 142, 143 Brues, C. T., 359 Bryozoa, polyspermy in, 266 Bryozoan colonies, 23 Buchanan, R. E., 247, 248, 249, 259 Buchsbaum, R., 76, 77, 317 Bullheads, see Ameiurus Burgess, E. W., 5 Burnet, F. M., 217, 253, 260, 354 Burrows, M. T., 150, 152, 153, 166 Buttel-Reepen, H. von, vii Butterflies, 21, 3590 migrating swarms, 34 “sleep” aggregations, 75 Buxton, P. A., 94, 96, 318 Caddis-fly larvae, snails, etc., worked into case of, 32, 341 Calkins, G. N., 168 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Calliptamus, see Grasshoppers Cancer cells grown in vitro, 166 Candolle, A. P. de, 103 Capillary tubes, effect of growing Pro- tozoa, in, 122, 136 relation of kind of glass to effect produced, 123 Carbon-dioxide production, affected by crowding, 184 protects from salts, 215 from toxic gasses, 239 possible réle in Drosophila crowding, 245 in sperm suspensions, 267, 279, 281, 285 reaction of sperm to, 272 saturated sea-water and sperm, 275 Carbon tetrachloride, mass protection against, 237 Carnes, E. K., 359 Carpenter, K: E., 212, 213, 214) 258 Carrel, A., 106, 149, 150, 151, 152 Castellani, A., 259 Castes, 351 Castle, W. A., 225 Catalysis by contact, 125, 219, 278 Caterpillars, 18, 20 migrating swarms, 34 Szymanski’s analysis of social behavior, 48, 50, 60 tropisms, 48, 50 Deegener’s analysis of social behavior, 49 synchronous behavior, 51, 94 response to sound, 94 response to substratal vibrations, 96 menace of crowding, 102 Catfish, see Ameiurus Caullery, M., 301, 302 Cell aggregates, formation, 45 Cells, isolated in tissue culture, growth of, 150 Ceriodaphnia, see Cladocera Cerous chloride, effect on spermatozoa, 278 Chalybion, “sleep” aggregations, 75 Champy, C., 157 Chapman, R. N., 138, 139, 140, 178, 179, 180, 244 Chemotropism, 60 in sex recognition, 89 in aggregation integration, 89 Chesney, A., 105 INDEX Cimilel, (Co Iles AGE AG, (iP, silts ale, Ono}, 239, 289, 312, 340, 353 Chimney swifts, flocks, 343 Chimpanzee, 348 Chironomidae, swarms of males, 66 breeding behavior, 66 host for nematodes, 300 Chironomus, see Chironomidae » Chlorine content of hypotonic sea-water, 225 Christie, J. R., 299, 300, 301, 302, 303 Chromosomes in Cladocera, 303 Chrysomelid beetle abundance, 359 Church, F., 113, 116, 119 Churchman, J. W., 167, 252, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259 Cicadas, abundance, 359 Cladocera, mass protection from colloidal silver, 202, 210 male production in, 235, 303 chromosomes, 303 asexual generations, 304, 309 GlarkeNepas, 525 250 Classes of animals, 356 Clausen, R. E., 334 Climatic factors and animal numbers, 321 Clowes, G., 269, 270 Cobb, N. A., 299, 300, 302 Coccinelid beetle hibernation, 28 abnormal breeding behavior, 29 Cockerell, T. D. A., 77 CohnesEe)e 207)208,)2005 272) 270,2or, 284, 285 Colloidal silver, recipe, 201 mass protection from 201, 222, 258 Planaria, 202 Cladocera, 202 Asellus, 202 reconditioned solutions, 203, 204, 207 Paramecium, Colpodium, Stylonychia, Stentor, Hydra, Convoluta, leeches and tadpoles, 204 goldfish, 209 specificity of protection from, 210, 231 Colonies, primary, 16, 23, 35 homomorphic, 16, 23 heteromorphic, 16, 23 concrescence, 16 polymorphic, 23 reciprocal, 23 irreciprocal, 24 secondary, 24 417 Coloration, crowding in grasshoppers and, 319, 325, 328 Col pidium, 161, 166, 167, 168, 212 Col poda, 161, 204 Colton, H. S., 111, 119, 147, 148 Comas, M., 301, 302 Commensalism, 29, 341, 360 Common interests of animals, 86 Communal activity of bacteria, 167, 247, 259, 261 Communities animal, 4, 5 plant, 4, 5 biotic, 8 Community, 5, 6 ecological, 23, 36 definition, 80 integration, 80 organization, 81 man-dominated, 82 black-bass-dominated, 83 of bacteria, 247, 261 Comte, A., vil Conditioned medium, Ameiurus to, 62, 90 reconditioned against colloidal silver, 207 heterotypic conditioning, against col- loidal silver, 210 protection against hypotonic sea-water, 221 against hypotonic sea-water, 225 factors concerned in, 231 Paramecium cultures, 176, 177, 235 in allelocatalysis, 165, 176 see also Exudates Conditioning of environment by Asellus, reaction of ZS, at origin of life, 354 Conklin, E. G., 123 Contact-odor responses, 89 Convoluta, effect of glass on, 125 autodestruction in KCl, 140 mass protection from, colloidal silver, 204 hypotonic sea-water, 222, 223, 224 metallic silver, 277 Co-operation, 337, 338, 350, 352, 362 Copepoda, 12, 358 influence of crowding on sex, 290, 309 Copper chloride, effect on spermatozoa, 272 Coral colonies, associated animals, 32 Corymor pha, cell aggregations, 45 418 Courtis, S. A., 67 Cowbirds, 13, 341, 342, 343 breeding behavior, 27 mutualistic relations with cattle. 29 Crabb, E. D., 111, 112, 119 Crabs, 21 hermit, 21 relation to Hydractinia, 29 Pinnixa, lives in mollusk burrows, 31 Craig, W., 95 Crampton, G. C., 122, 123, 124 Crayfishes, sex recognition in, 89 Crepidula, size relation to hermit crab shell, 123 sex determination in, 295, 302 abundance, 358 Crew, F. A. E., 309 Crow roosts, 28, 80 Crowd, group defense by, 102 see Crowding Crowding, see also Aggregations Crowding— affects sex determination, 289 in monstrillid copepods, 290, 309 in Bonellia, 291, 309 in Crepidula, 295, 3090 in nematodes, 295, 309 in Cladocera, 303, 3090 harmful effects on growth, of plar ts, 102 of bacteria, 103 of Protozoa, 107 of snails. 108, 123 of echinoderms, 110, 117, 153 of Daphnia, 110 of tadpoles, 112 of Hydra, 112 of Planaria, 113 of fish, 113, 116, 117 summary of factors causing, 118 increased death-rate, and, 136 work of Drzewina and Bohn, 140 and contagion, 144 in Ophioderma, 205 in grasshoppers, 319, 329 in Drosophila, 332 ; increases rate of reproduction, 161 in tissue culture, 166 in Tribolium, 178 menace of, 184, 203, 360 morphological effects, 311 wing production in aphids, 313 in grasshoppers, 316 in Drosophila, 331 protection, from colloidal silver, 201, 222 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS from toxic salts, 213 from high temperature, 217 from ultra-violet, 218 from hypotonic sea-water, 222 heterotypic, 228 factors contributing to, 231 survival values in insects, 236 protects, from desiccation, 182 affects metabolic rate, 181, 184, 186 Ophroderma from autotomy, 182, 189, 190 bacteria, 253 in spermatozoa, 263, 284 retarding effect on reproduction, 120 in Paramecium, 120 in Stylonychia, 122 in Daphnia, 126 in hens, 126 in Drosophila, 131 in hookworms, 135 in Cladocera, 306 stimulates growth, 147 in tissue cultures, 149 heterotypic, in tissue cultures, I51, 157 in echinoderms, 153 stimulates rate of regeneration in tad- poles, 148 Crump, L. M., 138, 166, 167, 168, 169, 173 Ctenophora, 12 Culicidae, swarms of males, 66 breeding behavior, 66 Cumingia, distance sperm travel, 289 Cummins, H., 66, 67 Curran Eee Re 105 ; Cutler, D. W., 138, 166, 167, 168, 169, 173 Cyanide, effect on sperm suspensions, 269 see also KCN Cylisticus, see Isopods, land, Cytotropism, 45, 46 Dampf, A., 330 Daphnia, crowding, effect on growth, 110, 312 effect on rate of reproduction, 126 loss of fertility, death and, 137 survival value of crowding, 141, 215, 239 chromosomes, 303 asexual generations, 304 male production, 305 Darter, rainbow, breeding behavior, 68 Davenport, C. B., 110, 118 INDEX Davidson, J., 313 Davis, W. T., 79 IDeguaacin, JR, GO, We bh Os Us él, mG, Wy UG), We}, BA, Pe AG, AAS), Diy oy Ao, Zio) 31, 33, 34, 36, 38, 47, 49, 61, Tor, 349, 353 Deer, 13 Deere, E. O., 236, 239 Demuth, G. S., 70 Dendrocoelum, mass protection from col- loidal silver, 203, 210, 211 Dermestes, food exhaustion, 102 Desiccation, land isopods, from, by crowding, 182 Desmones, 150 De Varigny, H., 109, 110, 112, 119 Diphyletic tree, 356 Diptera abundance, 359 Ditmars, R. L., 68 Division of labor, 337, 343, 346, 350, 362 Dociostaurus, see Grasshoppers Domn, L. V., 309 Downing, R. C., 289 Downs, V. L., 43 Drew, A. H., 157 Drosophila, 20 aggregations conditioned by moisture, protection 73 crowding, reduces rate of reproduction, 116, 131, 280 affects growth form, 331 affects Mendelian ratios, 332 factors affecting rate of reproduction, 134, 236 optimum population for growth, 148 density of population and longevity, 240 Drzewina, A., 125, 140, 142, I9I, 201, 202, BOS 200782075 205,08 200,) 212, 217 BOs 522282295, 235,250, 205,107, 275, 276, 277, 278, 284, 285, 354 Ducks, flocks of, 342, 345 Duckweed, ‘‘auximones”’ and, 159 Dumas, J. B., 263 Durkheim, E., 355 Earthworms, laboratory aggregations, 74 Earwigs, heteromorphic societies, 24 Ebeling, A. H., 106, 151, 157 Echinoderma, 12, 357 growth, limited by crowding, 110, 117, 118, 312 419 promoted by crowding, 153 eggs, development hastened by crowd- ing, 156 mass protection, from KCN, 215 of sperm, 218, 263 see also Ophioderma and Sea urchins Echinus, see Sea urchin Ecological succession, in plants, 103 in protozoan infusions, 107 Ecology, 4, 8, 52 Egg production in hens, reduced by crowding, 126 seasonal values, 129 Eigenbrodt, H. J., 148, 332 Eijkman, C., 104, 106 Electrical resistance of hypotonic sea- water, 225 Electrolytes, crowding on resistance to, 140 Elephants, mixed families, 28 heterotypic groups, 30 Ellicott, E. L., 68 Emergence of society, 339 Emerson, A. E., 30, 95, 96 Enchelys, allelocatalysis, 161, 160, mass protection from high tempera- tures, 217 Enchytraeis, 32, 51 Ephydra (Diptera), 358 Espinas, A. V., vil, 6, 33, 34, 47, 352; 3535 360 Essenberg, C., 52 Ether, mass protection against, 237 Ethyl alcohol, mass protection against, 237, 238 Ethylene chloride, mass protection against, 237 Euglena, 171 Evermann, B. W., 72 Evolution, animal, 361 social, 362 Excretions retard growth of bacteria, 103, 107 of snails, r10 or echinoderm larvae, 110, 117 of Daphnia, 110 of Planaria, 113, 312 of fish, 113, 116 retard rate of reproduction, 120 of Paramecium, 120 of Stylonychia, 122 of Daphnia, 126, 304 420 snails, stimulate growth, 147 affect male production in Cladocera, 235, 304 Planaria, affects growth form, 312 as food, 341 see also Exudates Exudates, protect Procerodes, 225, 231 Planaria from distilled water, 225 Enchelys from high temperatures, 217 bacteria, 217 fail to protect Planaria from distilled water, 218 in allelocatalysis, 165, 176 in Ameiurus aggregations, 62, 90 see also Allelocatalysis, Autodestruc- tion, Autoprotection, Carbon di- oxide, Chemotropism, Conditioned solutions, Excretions, Metabolic wastes, Slime, Tektin Fabre, J. H., 74, 75 Faeces, stimulate growth in snails, 147 Families, reciprocal, 24 irreciprocal, 25 Family as basis of society, 338-51 Farr’s law, 115, 132, 142 Haine ween 7031310 32053271329 Fertility, mortality and, 136 Fertilization, survival value, 289 Fibroblasts, culture 7m vitro, 150, 166 Fielde, A. M., 93 Fireflies, synchronous flashing, 90 Fischer, A., 88, 150, 151, 152, 157, 166 Fischer-Sigwart, H., 68 Fish, 12, 345 monogamy among, 27 groups of female sticklebacks, 28 nests inhabited by other species, 31 relation to Portuguese-man-of-war and to coral colonies, 32 aggregations of Ameiurus, 62, 345 breeding behavior, 68 of Amia, 25 of bullheads (A meiurus), 25, 345 of black bass, 25 of sticklebacks, 25 general, 27 hibernation, 70 growth limited by crowding, 113, 116, Tet) size in relation to size of lake, 117 mass protection, from colloidal silver, 209 metallic salts, 213 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS excretions and male production in Cladocera, 305 Fisher, R. A., 164 Flatworms, see Planaria Flocking, of birds, 13, 36, 339, 340, 342, 343, 344 Floerscheims, C., 75 Food, exhausted by groups, 102, 111, 113, 119 of bacteria, 103 of Protozoa, 107 relation to population cycles, in Para- mecium, 137 in Tribolium, 138 snail faeces increase microflora of cul- tures, 147 Food chains, 35 Forbes, S. A., 83 Forced movements, aggregations due to, 38 Forel, A., vil, 13, 31 Formation, biotic, 8 Formulas, Bilski’s, crowding on growth, 115 Pearl’s, crowding on reproduction in Drosophila, 132 Chapman’s for biotic potential, 140 Farr’s law, 142 Carpenter’s fatality curve in fish, 213 Fowler, J. R., 141, 142, 215, 216, 239 Fox, K. M., 69 Foxes, monogamy, 24 Frank, G., 156, 215 Freemartin, 295 Frisch, K. von, 76 Frogs, 12, 13, 27 attempt to mate with toads or fish, 29 hibernation, 66, 70 spring migration, 67 breeding behavior, 67 of Hylodes, Pipa, and Rhinederma, 26 community fertilization, 68 laboratory aggregations, 74 sex recognition in, 89 regeneration rate of tadpoles affected by crowding, 148 Fulmer, E. I., 247, 248, 249, 259 Fulton, B. B., 93, 94 Galtsoff, P. S., 45, 46 Galvanotropic reactions, of Paramecium, 39; 41 of spermatozoa, 278 INDEX Gametes, distance traveled in sea-water, 28 ene in sea-water, 289 in fresh water, 284 allelocatalysis, 290 Gammarus, mass protection from salts, 215 Gang as basis of society, 339, 348 Geese, Canada, flocks of, 342 Gelatine, protection from hypotonic sea- water by, 233 Gemmill, J. F., 263, 264, 268, 281, 284 Gentian violet, mass protection for bacteria against, 253 Gibbons, 347, 348 Giraffes, heterotypic groups, 30 Glaser, O., 264, 266 Glass, effect, on protozoans, 124 on chemical reaction, 125 Glass rods, and oxygen consumption in Ophioderma, 192 Glossiphonia, relation to young, 25 mass protection from colloidal silver, 204, 211 Gnats, 12 Goetsch, W., 112, 113,.114, 116, I19, 125, 245 Goldfinch, flocks, 343 Goldfish, mass protection from colloidal silver, 209 from lead nitrate, 214 Goldman, E. A., 79 Goldschmidt, R., 309 Gorilla, 348 Gould, H. N., 295, 296, 297, 298 Gounelle, E., 95 Gowell, 126 Grackles, 13, 342 Graham-Smith, G. S., 106 Grassé, P., 317 Grasshoppers, migrating swarms, 34, 78, 316 synchronism in, 94 mass protection in, 236 host for nematode parasites, 299 morphological changes due to crowding, 316 phase theory, 316 mass menace, 319, 329 experimental evidence, 327 Grassi, B., 313 421 Grave, B. H., 69, 289 Gray, J., 278, 279, 280, 281, 284, 285 Greenleaf, W. E., 167, 169, 170, 177 Gregarious tendency of grasshoppers, 316 see Instinct, social Gregariousness, in anthropoids, 347 Grosvenor, C. H., 304, 305 Growth, limited by crowding, ror snails, 108, 123 echinoderms, 110 Daphnia, 110 tadpoles, 112 Hydra, 112 Planaria, 113 fiSh penn ss OTOL 7 summary of retarding factors, 118 stimulation by crowding, 147 in tissue cultures, 149 in echinoderms, 153 form, affected by crowding, 311 in aphids, 313 in grasshoppers, 316 in Drosophila, 331 Growth-inhibiting substance, 110, 117, 118, 153, 155, 165, 304 Growth-promoting substance, of Semper, 108, 118, 248 in embryonic extracts, 150, 159 in hen’s egg, 151 in echinoderms, 153 in yeast, 157 in green plants, 158 in allelocatalysis, 165, 166, 167, 178 Guest relations, 341 Gurwitsch, A., 96, 156, 215 Gynopaedium, 18, 24, 25 Gyrinid beetles, aggregations of, 28, 60 reaction to patterns, 61 Haberlandt, G., 151 Haemocera, see Copepoda Hajés, K., 105 Halictus, “‘sleep” aggregations, 76 Harmful effects of aggregations, see Ag- gregations, harmful effects Harnly, M. H., 134, 135, 334 Harrison, R. G., 150 Hartmann, O., 304 Haswell, W. A., 201 Hatch, M., 28, 61, 62 Haviland, M., 245 422 Hay infusion protects Procerodes from hypotonic sea-water, 228 Elayes sleet 252 HCl, effect on male development in Bonellia, 293 HCN, mass protection against, 237, 239 Headlee, T. J., 359 Heaton i B= roo. 1 1S5)053 Hebard, M., 331 Hegel, vii Hegner, R. W., 33 Helopeltis (tea bug), host for nematodes, 300 Hempelmann, F., 70 Henking, H., 266 Henrici, A. T., 103, 104, 105, 106, 247, 251 Hens, crowding affects rate of egg-laying, 126 seasonal values, 129 flock organization, 129, 344 Herbst, C., 293 Herds, 12, 13, 27, 30, 34, 35, 330, 341; 348, 353 Hermit crabs, 123, 296, 298 Hess, W. N., go, 92 Messe Re nr7 Heterotypic crowding in tissue cultures, 151) 157 nee protection, against colloidal silver, 210, 231 against hypotonic sea-water, 228 in bacteria, 256, 2590 in yeast, 259 excretory products and male produc- tion in Cladocera, 305 Heterotypic flocks of birds, 28, 30, 79, 339) 342 ; ; see also Birds, flocking behavior Hibernation, 66, 70, 341 temperature of bee cluster, 70 En Re Bess Hine eS 075 Hinrichs, M., 218, 219, 220, 265, 266 Hippodamia (beetle) abundance, 359 Hoffbauer, C., 115 Hogg, J., 108, 110, 112, 118 Hogs, wild, mixed families, 27, 28 Holmes, S. J., 42, 89 Holmquist, A. M., 70, 71, 79 Hookworm, crowding affects rate of re- production, 135 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Horde life in anthropoids, 347, 349, 350 Hormone, wound or division of Haber- landt, 151 effect on sex in freemartin, 295 Houseflies, 359 Howard, H. E., 345 Howard, L. O., 359 Howell, A. B., 79, 80 Huxleyan|s.203 Hybridization, phase theory of locusts and, 329 ratios affected by crowding, 331 Hydra, 17, 24, 358 effect of crowding on growth, 112 mass protection from colloidal silver, 204 Hydractinia, polymorphism, 23 relation to hermit crab, 29 H ion, effect on electrical charge of spermatozoa, 278 see pH Hydrogen peroxide, mass protection of bacteria against, 260 H.SO,, effect on male production in Cladocera, 306 Hydroides, distance sperm travel, 289 Hydroids, cell aggregations, 45 Hydrozoan colonies, 23, 353 growing on crabs, 32 Hyman, L. H., 186 Hymenorus (beetle) abundance, 359 Hypotonic sea-water, protection from 222, 300, 357 py. method of measuring hypotonicity, 224, 225 heterotypic protection, 228 factors contributing to, 231 Thering, H. von, 72 Indian tree swift, 12 Individual, metazoan compared with a bacterial colony, 261 with society, 353 Infusion, protozoan, sequence of forms, 107 Infusoria, see Protozoa Insects (general), migrating swarms, 34, 317, 341 societies, 36, 338, 349, 353, 360, 362 “sleep” aggregations, 74 ; density of population and insect sur- vival, 236 INDEX polyspermy, 266 larvae, excretions and male production in Cladocera, 305 drifts, 3590 Instinct, 9 social, 7, 47, 48, 49, 52 Integration of aggregations, 81, 87, 344, 346, water vibration, 63, 90, 95 tactile, 88 odor, 89 sight, 89 sound, 92 substratal vibration, 94, 96 biophysical, 96 mitogenetic rays, 97 Intersexes, in Bonellia, 293, 204 in Crepidula, 295 in nematodes, 302 Isopods, land, 13, 361 formation of aggregations, 43, 51, 60, 71, 181 aestivation, 71 stage of social development, 87 relation of bunching, to water con- tent, 182 to oxygen consumption, 181, 184 relation of bunching, to water con- tent, 182 water, formation of aggregations, 36, 52 aggregations in nature, 52,71, 194 laboratory aggregations, 71, 74 Jackals, marauding packs, 28 Jahn; DLs 162) 170,171, 172 Jellyfish, 12, 350 Jennings, H. S., 39, 40, 41, 42, 61, 62 Jewell, M. E., 117 Johnson, C. G., 150 Johnson, H. B., 330 Johnson, W. H., 42 Jorstad, L. H., 153 Just, E. E., 60, 70, 265, 266, 272, 273 Kahn, M. C., 253, 254, 257, 258, 259 Kalmus, H., 123, 124, 136 Kant, vii Katydid, synchronism in chirping, 94 Katz, D., 344 Kawajiri, M., 116, 117 KCl, crowding and resistance to, 139, 209, 274 KCN, mass protection from, 215, 260 423 affect on male production in Cladocera, 308 Kennealy, A. E., 116, 132 Kennedy, C. H., 42, 89 Knab, F., 66 KOH, mass protection from, 216 Krajnik, B., 185 Krizenecky, J., 22, 51 Krogh, A., 186 Kropotkin, P., 353, 360 Kuczynski, R. E., 136 Kuester, E., 106 Kulagin, N. M., 120 Kurepina, M., 156, 215 La Baume, W., 316, 318 ' Ladybird beetle abundance, 350 see also Coccinellidae Lag period, 161, 172, 248 Lake as a microcosm, 83 Langhans, V. H., 304 Lapicque, L., 223 Lasius, host for nematodes, 300 Lead nitrate, mass protection from, 213, 258 Leadership, 92, 344, 345, 348, 349 Leeches, 12 relation to young, 25 mass protection from colloidal silver, 204, 211 Legendre, R., 69, 111, 119 Leibnitz, vii Lemna,growthpromotionby “‘auximones, 159 Lemurs, 347, 348 Leopard, 349 Lepiney, J. de, 3190 Leuciscus, protection from lead nitrate, 213 Leucocytes, culture 7m vitro, 150 Liebig, J., 103 Life, origin, 354 Light, and temperature, relation to activ- ity, 77 : mass protection, of bacteria against, 260 of spermatozoa against, 276 and wing production in aphids, 313 see Temperature and light ” 424 Lillie, F. R., 69, 70, 264, 265, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 284, 295, 309 Limpet sperm, mass physiology of, 263 Limulus, animals on shell, 22 Liobunum (phalangid), synchronous be- havior, 88 Lipoids, growth-inhibiting, 153, 155 Lizards, breeding behavior, 27 Lloyd-Jones, O., 282 Locust swarms, 78, 316, 359 Locustana, see Grasshoppers Locusts, see Grasshoppers Loeb, J., 38, 42, 52, 317 Lowie, R. H., 346 Lunar periodicities, in breeding behavior, 69 utz; Feek., 625,93 ante aca of crowding on growth, se) on growth-form, 109, 311 factors causing growth limitation, 109 faeces, stimulate growth, 147 yon Ha be 307, McAtee, W. L., 342 McClendon, J. F., 304 Maeterlinck, M., 97 Malaquin, A., 290, 291 Malinowski, B., 346 Mammals, 12, 24, 339, 348 breeding relations, 27 African, migration societies, 31 hibernation, 70 size in relation to size of range, 117 sperm physiology, 276, 282 Man, breeding behavior, 27, 347 social classification, 37 animals associated with, 82, 349 social origins, 339, 340, 347, 348 social relations, see Society, human Marmots, mixed families, 28 hibernation, 70 Mass action, law of, biological applica- tion, 215, 355 Mass physiology, importance, 338 summary, 362 Mass protection, from colloidal silver, 201, 222 specificity, 210 from toxic salts, 213 from high temperature, 217 from ultra-violet, 218 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS from hypotonic sea-water, 225 heterotypic protection, 228 factors contributing to, 231 from gentian violet (for bacteria), 253 from hydrogen peroxide (for bacteria), 260 see Aggregations, beneficial effects Mast, S. O., 21, 39, 40 May flies, 21 nymphs, laboratory aggregations, 74 Melanoplus, see Grasshoppers Mellisodes, bees, place societies, 28 “sleep” aggregations, 75 Mendelian ratios affected by crowding, 332 Mercuric chloride, reaction with Mytilus gills, 213 Mermis, see Nematodes Mesiacev, I., 359 Metabolic rate, affected by aggregations, 181, 184, 186, 239 affects male production in Cladocera, 308 in other animals, 309 affects growth form in Planaria, 312 Metabolic wastes, effects on growth, of bacteria, 103, 107, 249 of snails, 110 of echinoderm larvae, 110, 117 of Daphnia, 110 of Planaria, 113, 312 of fish, 113, 116 effects on rate of reproduction, 120 of Paramecium, 120 of Stylonychia, 122 of Daphnia, 126 protect bacteria, 217 condition primitive environment, 354 see also Excretions Metallic colloids, mass protection from, 201, 208-12, 214, 222 Metallic salts, mass protection from, 213-15 Metazoén individual, compared to a bacterial colony, 261; to society, 353 Methylene blue, mass protection of Protozoa from, 212 Micrococcus, see Bacillus Midges, swarms of males, 66 breeding behavior, 66 humidity control of swarms, abundance, 359 Migration, of insects, 34, 317, 341 direction taken, 317 INDEX Miller, G. S., 27, 346, 347 Miller, N., 67 Miner, J. R., 240, 241, 243 Miner, J. T., 342 Minnich, D. E., 94 Minnows, as homomorphic societies, 24 protection from lead nitrate, 213 Mitogenetic rays, 97, 156 Mockeridge, F. A., 158 Moina, chromosomes, 303 asexual generations, 304 male production, 305 Moisture control of aggregations, 71 Mole cricket, heteromorphic societies, 24 Molluscs, 12, 358 Monkeys, breeding behavior, 27 mixed families, 28 bands, 347, 348 Monogamy, 26, 348 Monstrillidae, influence of crowding on SEX, 290, 309 Montank, 251, 252 Montesquieu, vii Montgomery, T. H., 89 Morphological effects of crowding, 311 wing production in aphids, 313 in grasshoppers, 316 in Drosophila, 331 Morrison, T. F., 90 Mortality, fertility and, 136 Mosier, C. A., 66 Mosquito larvae, 20 Mosquitoes, swarms of males, 66 breeding behavior, 66 Moss, pond, protects animals from col- loidal silver, 211 Moth, sex recognition in, 89 larvae, response to substratal vibra- tions, 96 Mottram, J. C., 106 Muscina, see Diptera Mutual aid, 348 Mutualism, 29, 341 Mya, 359 Myers, E. C., 137, 138, 170, 173, 177 Myrmecocoles, relation to ants, 30 Mytilus, 13, 16, 36, 311, 358 Pinnotheres in mantle cavity of, 32 Mytilus, gills, reaction with mercuric chloride, 213 425 NaCl, mass protection from, 215 NaOH, effect on male production in Cladocera, 306 mass protection from, 216 Nematodes, sex determination in, 299, 309 Nemertina, spermatozoa, mass _ physiol- ogy, 263 Nereis, lunar rhythm in breeding be- havior, 69 aggregations of sperm, 271, 273 Nests, animals inhabiting those of others, 32 Newman, H. H., 88 Nice, M., 342, 343 Nikolsky, V. V., 79 Noble, G. K., 67 Nomadacris, see Grasshoppers Notonecta, aggregation formation, 52 Norrish, 125 Obelia, 35 Odor integration, 89 Oecanthus, synchronous chirping, 93 Ohaus, F., 92 Oniscus, see Isopods, land Ophioderma, formation of aggregations, 36, 44, 51, 60, 73, 87, 181 menace of crowding, 144 autotomy affected by aggregation, 182, 190, 184 oxygen consumption, affected by ag- gregation, 186, 198 affected by glass rods, 192 mass protection from colloidal silver, 202, 205, 207, 208, 209 Orang-outan, 348 Organism, definition and integration, 80 Organismal analogy of Spencer, 353 Origin, of life, 354 of society, 338 Ostracoda, 12, 358 Ostriches, heterotypical groups, 30 Ostwald, W., 214 Overcrowding, 184, 203, 360 see Crowding Over-wintering aggregations, 70 Oxygen consumption, affected by crowd- ing, 181, 184, 186, 192, 195, 280 rate of, in isopods, 186 in Planaria, 186 in Musca, 186 426 in A pis, 186 Oxygen tension, effect on sperm sus- pensions, 269, 279, 280 in stream affected by mass of water isopods, 194, 200 Oxytricha, 171 Oysters, 16, 36 Packard, A. S., 330 Palolo worms, 21 Papanicolau, G., 304 Parafiin, effect on contained organisms, 125, 277 Paramecium, 12 galvanotropic reactions, 39, 41 trial and error reactions, 42 trapped in acid, 61, 62 growth inhibition, 107 reproduction retarded by 120, 136 population cycle, 137 allelocatalysis in, 167, 169, 170, 172, 235 mass protection, from colloidal silver, 204 from methylyene blue, 212 from ultraviolet, 218, 220 culture medium, protects Procerodes from hypotonic sea-water, 228 factors producing, 233 allelostasis in, 280 Paramermis, 301 Parasites, of ants and myrmecocoles, 14 social, 35, 341, 342 sex ratios affected by crowding, 290, 294, 209 Parasitism, Deegener’s definition, 32 relation to prototaxis, 57 Park wReg Ens Park, T., 180 Barker Gab. 1,03 Parkerp leeks [PEN eIE, Sh Wig, MBI, WGI, Isl Oko), Auli, We Parker, I. J., 201 Parrakeet flocks, 342 Passalid beetles, auditory integration, 92 Patangia, see Grasshoppers Patrogynopaedium, 19, 24 Patropaedium, 25, 26 Pawlow, P. N., 214, 215 Rear eRe fro. 20.0n27— 02S r2O Nel 30. E3E; 153; 2350246, 241, 242.0243, 244, 245, 280 crowding ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Pearse, A. S., 89, 117 Pearson, J. F. W., 78 Peck-order in bird flocks, 344 Vetetel ME Mle, wie, wits}, WiWe), HEC, Tyh, TG Penfold, W. J., 250, 251 Pentatomid bug attacks beetle larvae, 245 Feo ae lunar, in breeding behavior, 9 Peskett, G. L.,-167, 169, 170, 252 Petersen, Wes 70. laa 7 250072 7 Aan 170; 177, 178, 180, 218, 235 Pieffer We s272 pH, relation to autodestruction, 141, 142 affected by mass of water isopods, 194, 200 relation to mass protection from hy- potonic sea-water, 233 in sperm suspensions, 267, 284 Phalangidae, synchronous behavior, 88 Phase theory of locust forms, 316, 322 experimental evidence, 327 Phases of bacterial cultures, 247 Phillips, E. F., 70 Phillips, J. F. V., 349 Phototropic reactions leading to aggrega- tions, 38, 74, 181 of Asellus, 199 Phyla of animals, 356 Pickering, S., 103 Pieron, H., 203 Pigeons, voice in social control, 95 Pinnotheres, in mantle cavity of Mytilus, 32 Phylloxera, see Aphids Physa, protection from colloidal silver, 210 excretions and male production in Cladocera, 305 Plague, locust, 321 Planaria, 12, 362 growth limited by crowding, 113 autodestruction in KCl, 141 protection, from colloidal silver, 202, 203, 204, 205, 210, 211 from ultra-violet, 218 from distilled water, 225 protect Procerodes from hypotonic sea- water, 230 killed by KCl, 274 excretions affect male production in Cladocera, 305 * - Portuguese-man-of-war, INDEX crowding on growth form, 312 abundance, 358 Plant toxins, effect on succession, 102 Plants, relation to black-bass food chain, competitor of black bass, 85 Platypoecilus, growth limited by crowd- ing, 113 Pleurotricha, 167, 169 Plotnikov, V. I., 327, 328, 329 Plunkett, C. R., 332, 333 Polenia, see Diptera Polyandry, 26 Polygamy, 26, 348 Polygyny, 26 Polyspermy, 266 Popovici-Baznosanu, As, IL, 110, 147, 148 Population density, human, effect on death-rate, 115, 142 effect on size, 118 Drosophila, effect on reproduction, 132 optimum for growth, 148 hookworms, optimum for growth, 1 35 general importance, 135 equilibrium in flour beetles, 138, 179 death-rate in scale insects and, 239 longevity in Drosophila and, 240 Population equilibrium, in beetles, 138, 179 polymorphism, 23 Predators and prey, 31, 246 Prevost, J. L., 263 Prionyx, sleep aggregations, 75 Procerodes, formation of aggregations, 36 mass protection from hypotonic sea- water, 223, 275 heterotypic protection against, 228 factors contributing, to 231 Promiscuity, sexual, examples, 27, 347, 356 Protein, associated with growth promo- tion, 150, 155 Prototaxis, 46 Protozoa, 12, 14, 15, 362 colonial, 15, 16 sexual societies, 26 growing on other animals, 32 growth inhibition of, 107 rate of reproduction crowding, 120 retarded by 427 volume affects rate of reproduction, 122 allelocatalysis, 161, 250 lag, 161, 248 mass protection in, 204, 212, 218, 220 culture cycle compared with bacteria, | 247 killed by KCl, 274 allelostasis in, 280 Pseudomermis, see Nematodes “Psychological” influence of numbers, on snails, 110 on hens, 129, 245 Quail, in dry season, 72 Rabbits, signaling, 96 sperm physiology, 282 Racing record, relation to length of course, 116 Rahn, O., 105, 251 Rana, breeding behavior, 68 tadpoles, growth limited by crowding, 112 regeneration rate increased by crowd- ing, 148 mass protection from colloidal silver, 207 Random movements, aggregations, due to, 42 Rau, N. and P., 75, 76, 80, 102 Reaumur, R., 70, Reeves, C. D., 68 Reflexes leading to Ameiurus aggrega- tions, 64 Regeneration, tadpoles, crowding, 148 Reighard, J., 32, 68, 289, 345 Reinhard, H. J., 313, 314, 315 Reproduction, retarding of by crowding, 120, 165, 304 rate increased by crowding, 161 Reptilia, 12, 21, 27, 68, 70 polyspermy, 266 Resistance, electrical, of hypotonic sea- water, 225 Respiratory exchange, affected by crowd- ing, 181, 184, 186, 192, 195, 198 Respiratory rate in sperm suspensions, 207, 279 Rettger, L. F., 249 Rheotropism in Asellus, 56, 50 Rhythms, lunar, in breeding behavior, 69 in social appetite, 80 affected by 428 Riley, C. F. C., 52 Riley, C. V., 330 Robertson, T. B., 120, 122, 138, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172) 1735 170,170) Loo, 200, 209, 235, 248, 249, 250, 252, 354 Robertson’s phenomenon, in Protozoa, 161, 178 in Tribolium, 178, 180 Robin roosts, 28, 80, 339 postbreeding-season flocks, 343 Roosts of birds, 28 Root, F. M., 33 Root excretions, 103 Rophalosiphum, see Aphids Rossman, B., 97 Roux, W., 45, 46 Russell, E. J., 103 Ruthven, A. G., 68 Salamanders, 21 spring migration, 67 eggs, 358 Salmon, 21 Salpa chains, 16, 311 Salts, KCl, crowding and resistance to, 139, 209 metallic, mass protection from, 213 CaCh, KCN, NaCl, crowding and resistance to, 215 Sarcina food for Colpidium, 166 Sarles, M. P., 135 Scale insect, mass relations, 240 Schistocerca, see Grasshoppers Schizoneura, see Aphids Schjelderup-Ebbe, T., 34, 129, 343, 344; 345 Schnigenberg, E., 116, 118, 119 Schools, of fish, survival valve, 36 analysis of young Ameiurus, 62 Schrittky, C., 75 Schiicking, A., 264, 266 Schuett, J. F., 202, 231, 258 Schulz, R., 20, 25, 28, 61 Schwarz, E. A., 75 Sclater, W. L., 349 Scyphozoa, strobila, 16 Sea anemones, 16, 358 crowding on growth form, 311 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Sea-urchin larvae, growth, inhibited by crowding, 117, 153 promoted by crowding, 153 eggs, development hastened by crowd- ing, 156 mass protection, from KCN, 215 of sperm, 218, 210, 263, 264, 267; | 272, 274, 276, 278, 279, 281 egg secretions, effect on sperm, 272, 278 Sea urchins, 358 distance sperm travel, 289 Sea-water, hypotonic, protection against, 222 heterotypic protection against, 228 factors contributing to, 231 Seals, mixed families, 27 herds of males, 28, 348 Segmentina, mass protection from col- loidal silver, 211 Selous, F. C., 73 Seminal fluid, function, 263 Semper, K., 108, 109, 115, 117, 118, 191, 248, 354 Sentinels, 346, 349 Seton, E. T., 28 Save, 18h, (Ca, Be Severin, H. H. P., 52 Sex, importance of, 4, 337, 340, 341; 347, 350 as basis of societies, 24, 26, 29, 87 ratio in Asellus aggregations, 55 relations in “sleep” aggregations, 75, 78, 80 factors in sex recognition, 89, 92 determination influenced by crowding, 289 influence of crowding on, 289 in monstrillid copepods, 290 in Bonellia, 294, 309 in Crepidula, 295, 309 in nematodes, 299, 309 in Cladocera, 303, 309 determination of, 289, 309 origin of, 290, 337, 351 promiscuity, 347 Sexual egg production in Cladocera, 303, 306 Shackleford, M. W., 4, 8 Shaw, G., 113, 116, 119 Shelley, F. C., 305 Sherman, A., 92, 342, 343 Shull, A. F., 93, 313, 324 Siamang, 347 INDEX Silver, colloidal, see Colloidal silver metallic, mass relations, of spermatozoa LO; 27,7 of Convoluta, 277 Silver nitrate, as a measure for hypotonic sea-water, 224 Silvestri, F., 94 Simocephalus, see Cladocera “Sleep” aggregations, 74, 78, 80, 317 Slime, mass protection from colloidal silver and, 210, 211, 212, 221, 222 Smith, G., 304, 305 Smith, H., 269, 270 Smith, V. G., 4, 8 Snails, 12 growth limited by crowding, 108 growth form, ro9 factors causing growth limitation, 1o9g faeces stimulate growth, 147 protection from colloidal silver, 210, 211 Snakes, 21 breeding behavior, 27, 68 hibernation, 70 Snyder, T. E., 66 Social appetite, 11, 46, 51, 52, 60, 62, 64, 80, 342, 346, 361 Social behavior, criterion for, 48 in caterpillars, 48, 49, 51 Social instinct, 7, 33, 47, 48, 49, 52 Societies, animal, 3, 4, 8, 23, 352, 353 ecological, 8 Deegener’s classification, 15 with sexual basis, 24, 29 of Protozoa, 26 without sexual basis, 27, 29 Alverdes’ classification, 33 Espinas’ classification, 34 Wheeler’s classification, 34, 35 classification on basis of integration, 34 open, or closed, 34 reproductive or protective, 35 anthropoid, 35 see Family as basis of society Society, definition of, 5, 6, 7 human, 17, 37, 82, 361, 362 origin, 339, 340, 346, 350 Deegener’s definition, 23 homotypical, 23 kormogene, 23 heterotypical, 23 primary, 24 secondary, 26 reciprocal, 29 irreciprocal, 31 429 adoption, 28, 30, 81 integration, 82, 344 role of voice in, 95 origin, 338, 355, 360 as an emergent, 339 analogy to organism, 353 Sociology, general, 4, 33, 37, 285 comparative, 86 Solenopsis (ant), behavior when flooded, 72 Somes, M. P., 331 Song sparrows, 343 Songs, bird, sexual significance, 92 Sound integration, 92 Space, free, effect on spermatozoa, 280 distance spermatozoa swim, 289 Spaeth, R., 348 Spallanzani, L., 263 Specificity, of echinoderm excretions, 110 of Daphnia excretions, 110, 126 of protozoan excretions, 122, 173 of autodestruction, 142 of mass protection against colloidal silver, 210 of mass protection against hypotonic sea-water, 231 Spencer, H., vii, 338, 339, 353 Spermatozoa, 337, 357 mass protection for, 217, 218, 219 general mass physiology of, 263 summary, 284 functional life related to numbers present, 263 mass effect in fertilization, 264 mammalian, 276, 282 Gray’s explanation of decreased move- ment in masses, 279 distance sperm travel, 289 Sphex, “sleep” aggregations, 74 Spiders, young of Hpeira, 20 breeding behavior, 27 polyandry in, 26 sex recognition in, 89 climatic control, 321 Spinoza, vil Spirostomum, retarding effect of crowding, 123 Sponges, 16 growth from gemmules in fresh water, 24 animals living in canals of, 32 cell aggregations, 45 Sprays, mass protection from, 239 Springer, M. G., 117 430 Staphylococci, effect of isolation, 260 Starfish, see Ophioderma growth-promoting substance, 155 eggs, 358 Starvation and wing production in aphids, 315 Stearic acid, effect on animals, 125 Stearin, bio-physical effects, 277 Steiner, G., 299, 302 Stentor, 17, 204 Storks, African, hunting societies, 30 Strongylocentrotus, see Sea urchin Struggle for existence, 86, 246, 353 relation to co-operation, 361 Stuart, C. A., 308 “Student,” 164, 165, 187, 196, 230 Stylonychia, retarding effects of crowd- ing, 122, 169 mass protection from colloidal silver, 204 Succession, ecological, 102 of plants, 193 of Protozoa, 107 Sugar solution, effect on sperm, 278 Surface, Ha Me 126; 127, 128; 120; 130, 131 Survival value of fertilization, 289 Survival value of groups, 36, 87, 181, 200, 222, 262, 316, 337, 351, 354, 361 through co-operation, 30, 346, 349 of sleep aggregations, 75, 79 negative values, 1o1, 136, 140, 184 metabolism and, 181, 182, 186, 230, 319, 334 autotomy of bunched starfishes and, 182, 189 factors contributing to, ror protection from colloidal silver, 201 specificity of, 210 from toxic salts, 213 from high temperatures, 217 from ultra-violet, 218 against hypotonic sea-water, 222 in sex determination, 309 see also Aggregations and Crowding Swarm flocks, 342 Swarms, of Diptera, 66 lunar, of Nercis, 69 of grasshoppers, 316 Symbiosis, 47, 166, 359, 360 Sympaedium, 18, 2 Symphagium, 21, 28 Symporium, 21, 28 Syncheimadium, 21, 28 ANIMAL AGGREGATIONS Synchorium, 21, 28 Synchronous behavior, of caterpillars, 51, 04 . of phalangids, 88 in tissue culture, 89 of fireflies, go of tree crickets, 93 of grasshoppers, 94 of termites, 95 Syngynium, 17, 28 Syntropium, 22, 38 Sysympaedium, 20, 27 Szymanski, J. S., 48, 49, 50, 51, 56, 60, 88 Tabanid flies, morning swarms, 66 “sleep” aggregations, 75 Tactile integration, 88 Tadpoles, growth limited by crowding, 112 regeneration rate stimulated by crowd- ing, 148 mass protection from colloidal silver, 204, 207 excretions and male production in Cladocera, 305 Tanner, F. W., 157, 158 Tatham, 142 Taylor, T. H., 66 Tektin, a means of mass protection in Protozoa, 212 Temperature, and _ light, activity, 77, 317 high, mass protection from, 217, 276 low, mass protection from, 276 and wing production in aphids, 314 effect of body color on, 318 Terminology, 5, 8 Termites, 17, 24, 346, 361 relation, to ants, 29, 31 to termiticoles, 30 sound production, 94 response to substratal vibrations, 95 soldier caste, 246 Termiticoles, relation to termites, 30 Territory in bird, fish, and mammal life, 345 Terry-McCoy, E., 201 Thigmotropic reactions leading to aggre- gations, 44, 52, 60, 63, 74 Thomas, C., 330 Thomas, W. I., 346 Thompson, J. A., 83 Tissue cells, aggregation, 45 Tissue culture, effect of crowding, 149, 157, 106, 285, 337 relation to INDEX Tissue extracts, effect on male production in Cladocera, 306 Toads, voice as sex call, 67 tadpoles, growth limited by crowding, 112 Tolerance for other animals, 43, 60, 87, 182, 261, 350, 361 Toll, A., 345 Tracheoniscus, see Isopods, land Tree-cricket, snowy, synchronism in chirping, 93 Trephones, 150 “Trial and error’ reactions, 39, 42 Tribolium, Chapman’s work on, 138, 178, 236, 244 Trophallaxis, 338 SCOvEED 10, 38, 48, 50, 61, 182, 194, 341, 360 Ultra-violet, mass protection from, 218 Ungulates, 12 African, collection about water, 73 Uroleptus, 168 Uvarov, B. P., 78, 79, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 327, 329; 339; 331 Valley, G., 249 Vayssiere, P., 319 Vernon, H. M., 110, 117, 119, 312 Vibration, relation, of catfish to, 63, 90 of termites to, 95 integration, 90 substratal, 94, 96 Visual integration, 89 Vitamin A, growth-inhibiting, 153 Vitamin B, growth-promoting, 153 Vitamins, effect on growth, 119, 157, 159 Volume, limits growth of snails, 108, 123 ineffective with clean medium, 112 limits growth of tadpoles, 112 of fish, 113 limits reproductive rate of Paramecium, 120, 122 of Stylonichia, 122 of Crepidula, 123 of Drosophila, 134 affects population cycle in Paramecium, 137 population equilibrium in beetles, and, 138 Volume relations in allelocatalysis, 167, 168, 169, 172, 173, 178 431 Volvox, 23, 24 Vorticella, 17 Vultures, method of collection, 89 Wadley, F. M., 313 Wallin, I. E., 46, 47 Walton, A., 282, 284 Warner, L. H., 11 Warren, E., 110, 119, 126, 136, 312 Wasmann, E., 30 Wasps, social, 346 solitary, 13, 338, 348 sleeping groups, 28, 74 Water loss, land isopods, relation to crowding, 182 Water striders, aggregation formation, 52 Web-of-life, 9, 83 Weese, AU OX 321 Wellman, G. B., 67 Wheeler, W. M., vii, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 30, 31, 34, 35, 72, 80, 92, 338, 339; 353, 360, 363 Whitefield, R. R., 109, 311, 312 Widmann, O., 79 Wildiers, E., 158 Willem, V., 110, 111, 119 Willer, A., 116, 118, 119 Willmer, E. N., 150 Wilson, H. V., 45 Wing production in Aphids, 313 Wolfe, H. S., 159 Wolves, marauding packs, 28 Wood, T. R., 303 Woodruff, L: L., 107, 111, 120, 121, 122 Woodworth, W. M., 69 Wright, G. P., 151 Xiphidium, see Grasshoppers Yeast, growth promoted by “bios,” 119, 157 wild, effect on Drosophila, 134, 148, 145 allelocatalysis, 167, 168 lag in, 249, 251, 252 heterotypic crowding in, 259 Yerkes, R. M., 67, 347, 348, 349 iVocom He Be 7.78 Young, W. C., 276 Yung, E., 109, 119 Zebras, heterotypical groups, 30 PRINTED IN USA yy 5 A Pedi Gah iis 4 ey Aa ngs id ¢ wy hy ¢ i = i - fi one oe 1 iF i r net y co ul Dy ean te ma iy j ida i - j - “a eR . . ie i, ae way Bip: ale, a, huh ih, Ant . on a a) es jae EN vil he ye 0 Went, ne : Hi 1, i he ny an Pi os it : ra , "i i) Uy he i ny ve Mi, mre vig x ; ts my mili. Wo Ven an ae i be : oy vy i ay Tt , > im : Mi Mt Su Ula wei, a eee i ee tM HN an “ nt on i Rie A si hy Nee fort way ait r dae her na on aes Aisi ee a eh ; malt) ph. We: i, te vay. i an ene iw rie ea Wii. oo ie : Von ne | ‘ Y ens Aden . Tan A okt ie Pia " Mi ra Wei hk j