Ds i ae Be ay AG it eh nba cha mhiak ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY tak OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC BIOLOGISTS EDITED BY E. E. GREEN, Way’s End, Camberley (late Government Entomologist, Ceylon) AND Proressor B. T. P. BARKER, National Fruit and Cider Institute, Bristol Dr S. E. CHANDLER, Imperial Institute, London F. J. CHITTENDEN, Royal Horticultural Society’s Gardens, Wisley J. C. F. FRYER, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, London Proressor F. W. GAMBLE, The University, Birmingham Proressor PERCY GROOM, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London Dr A. D. IMMS, The University, Manchester ProFressor R. NEWSTEAD, The University, Liverpool Proressor J. H. PRIESTLEY, The University, Leeds Volume III 1916-17 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manacer LONDON: FETTER LANE E.C. 4 EDINBURGH: I00, PRINCES STREET also H. K. LEWIS & CO., LTD., 136, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C. f WILLIAM WESLEY & SON, 28, ESSEX STREET, LONDON, W.C. 2 PARIS: LIBRAIRIE HACHETTE & CIE. CHICAGO: THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS BOMBAY, CALCUTTA AND MADRAS: MACMILLAN & CO., LTD TORONTO: J. M. DENT & SONS, LTD. TOKYO: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA VV uf Q ? iy Cambridge: PRINTED BY J. B. PEACE, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS CON TEN TS No. 1 (June, 1916) The Fig “Canker,” caused by Phoma Cinerescens Sacc. By K. 8. SatmMon and H. Wormatp. (With Plates I and II, and 1 Text-figure.) : Shrinkage, Swelling and Warping of Grose: tad Woods: No. L Yang (Dipterocarpus sp.). By Percy Groom. (With a Diagram.) : ; : : . 5 The Dalby Profile eee ‘By W. E. Datsy, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.S. (With 7 Text-figures.) : : : : : The Action of Enchytraeid Worms. By the Rev. Hiuperic FrienD, F.R.MS. The Food of Slugs and the Development of Wnelocepialides By Proressor A. RatLurer : : 2 Nos. 2 and 3 (January, 1917) A Bacterial Se of Citrus. By Eruet M. Dore, D.Sc., F.L.S. (With Plates III—XIIL.) ; Report on a Trial of Tarred Felt “ eee i ie Patostiig Cabbages and Cauliflowers from attacks of the Cabbage-root Fly. By J. T. WapswortH. (With Plate XIV.) On the Resistance to Fungicides shown by the Hop-mildew (Sphaerotheca humuli (D.C.) Burr.) in different stages of Development. By E. 8. Satmon. (With Plate XV.) Observations on the Larval and Pupal Stages of Agriotes obscurus, Linnaeus. By Grorce H. Forp, M.Sc. (Vict.). (With Plates XVI and XVII and 1 Text-figure.) On the Biology and Economic significance of Tipula paludosa. By Joun Renniz, D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Part II. Hatching, Growth and Habits of the Larva. (With Plates XVITI—XX and 3 Text-figures.) ‘ : Note on Attacks of Phyllotreta vittula on ope hee 49 52 53 82 93 97 116 iV 1: 2. 3. Contents No. 4 (April, 1917) Accessory Wetting Substances with Special Reference to Paraffin Emulsions. By A. H. Less, M.A. d Empusa Muscae versus Musca domestica L. By H. T. Gissow. (With Plate X XI.) . P : ; A Blossom Wilt and Canker of pon Teed By H. WorMaALD, M.Sc. (Lond.), A.R.C.Sc. (With Plates XXII—XXIV.) PAGE 141 150 159 VoutumeE III JUNE, 1916 No. 1 THE FIG “CANKER,” CAUSED BY PHOMA CINERESCENS Sacc. By E. 8. SALMON anno H. WORMALD. Mycological Department, South-Eustern Agricultural College, Wye, Kent. (With Plates I and II, and 1 Text-figure.) In 1914 complaints were received by the South-Eastern Agricultural College at Wye of serious diseases affecting the plantations of fig-trees in the district of Sompting, Sussex. On a visit being paid in May 1914 to the affected plantations, fig-trees of all ages were found to be suffering from fungous attacks of two kinds. A species of Botrytis was found on the tips of the branches, apparently gradually killing them back. This disease is still under observation and will be the subject of a further communication. The second disease which occurred was a ‘‘canker”’ of the branches. In some cases, where old trees were badly attacked, numerous “cankers”’ were found, both on the younger branches, and on the old, main branches, often quite close to the ground. With the progress of the disease, the “canker” area enlarges, until the tissues extending through the branch are killed, with the result that the parts above die. With the successive removal of these ““cankered”’ branches the productiveness of the tree is soon seriously impaired. The majority of the trees in these plantations are of the variety known as “Brown Turkey,” but a few are of the “White Marseilles” variety. It was obvious from the effects produced that this “canker” disease was of serious economic importance; it was the opinion of the farmer of the largest fig-plantations that unless the cause of the disease could be discovered and a remedy devised the whole future of Fig-growing in that district was threatened. The constant occurrence of a fungus with pyenidial fructifications on the cankered area was noted in the field, and the following notes were made from the examination of the material collected. Ann. Biol. 1 1 2 Fig “Canker, caused by Phoma cinerescens Sace. One of the “‘cankers” which may be taken as typical of those found on the larger branches is shown in the photograph at Fig. 1, Plate I, where the characteristic cracking of the bark in the older portions is seen. It will be observed that near the centre of the “canker” is the old base of a smaller branch and it is probable that that was the place where the fungus made an entrance. This particular canker was evidently the result of three distinct periods of, activity of the causal organism. The oldest portion, recognized by the fact that the bark is very much cracked and separating from the wood, was elliptical and measured 16-5 x 5em. At each end of this ellipse the canker extended 5 em. upward and 2-5 cm. downward, these ex- tensions corresponding to the second period of activity. The check to the normal growth in © thickness of the branch induced by the presence of the organism caused these affected areas to be depressed below the general surface of the branch. The youngest portions of the canker extended still further upward and downward and though they were but indistinctly marked off from the adjoining healthy portions of the branch they bore numerous pycnidia. The accompanying diagram of the canker shows the areas, affected during the three periods of activity, numbered respectively 1, 2 and 3; this diagram should be compared with Fig. 1, Plate I, which is a photograph of the same canker. The portion of the branch bearing the “canker” was placed in a damp chamber and in twenty-four hours “tendrils” of conidia were issuing from the youngest portions of the canker but not from the rest. No conidia were obtainable from the older portions and there the fungus was either dead or had ceased to produce conidia, although these areas were still dotted over with old pyenidial pustules. The tendrils were at first of a pale orange colour but when fully protruded were almost or quite white. When a tendril or a portion of one is placed in a drop E. S. SauMon AND H. WoRMALD 3 of water the mucilaginous matrix binding the conidia together is dissolved and the conidia themselves stream apart and become diffused through the water; a slight “Brownian movement” is to be detected when the conidia are mounted in water. Transverse sections through the bark show the fungal fructifications to be pycnidia. These bodies are more or less circular in outline and are from 250» to 600 u in diameter; they are somewhat flattened and are therefore lenticular, appearing elliptical in transverse section. The pyenidia are produced a little below the surface, but on approaching maturity each develops a short neck which ruptures the outer layers of the bark and the tendril emerges through an apical pore. The wall of the pyenidium is lined with the conidiophores which are from 15 to 25 in length and which abstrict the conidia from their apices. The conidia are continuous, ellipsoidal to fusiform, often with one extremity more rounded and broader than the other. Their dimensions are 6-5-13 x 2:4-3-6 4. Usually they are about 9 x 3 and as a rule an increase of length is associated with a decrease in the width; thus the following dimensions are typical: 6-5 x 3-6, 9-2 x 3, 11-5 x 2-5, 13 x 2-4. With medium magnification they appear to be biguttulate, but by employing an oil-immersion objective this appearance is seen to be due to two groups of minute guttules. The two groups may merge into one another but usually they are quite distinct and situated at opposite ends of the conidium (see Fig. 10, Plate II). The conidia are capable of germinating in water. When placed in a hanging-drop of distilled water and examined after remaining three days at the temperature of the laboratory (about 18°C.) a few of the conidia had germinated. They showed no appreciable increase in size before the protrusion of the germ tubes. The latter were at this stage one to four times the length of a conidium and frequently were more or less geniculate; they emerged laterally, sometimes at or near the middle of the conidium, at others more towards one or the other extremity, but none was seen truly polar. In June of the same year (1914) Mr F. J. Chittenden sent us a specimen of the Fig “canker” from the glass-houses at Wisley; this bore pycnidia and conidia similar to those described above. The pycnidial form of fructification and the spore-characters referred the fungus to the genus Phoma, and reference to Saccardo’s Sylloge Fungorum enabled us to identify it with P. cinerescens Sacc. in Mich. 1, p. 521 (1879). The specific diagnosis given is as follows: “ Peri- theciis gregariis, globoso-depressis, atrolivaceis, subcutaneis; sporulis 1—2 4 Fig “ Canker,’ caused by Phoma cinerescens Sace. fusoideis, biguttulatis, 6-8 x 2-2-5, hyalinis. Hab. in ramis corticatis v. demum decorticatis Fici Caricae, in Italia et Gallia. Spermogonium Diaporthes cinerescentis Sacc.” To make certain of its specific identification, an example was sent to Prof. P. A. Saccardo, who replied, “J’ai examiné votre specimen. C’est sans doute mon Phomopsis cinerescens. Ma diagnose est incom- pléte, car les sporophora (comme il se fait trés-souvent) étaient déja disparus; aussi les gultulae dans votre specimen sont peu distinctes, mais cela est aussi variable.” The author who transferred the present fungus from Phoma to Phomopsis was J. B. Traverso (in his Flora Italica cryptogama, vol. 11, fase. 1, p. 278 (1906)), who after giving a description of Diaporthe cinerescens Sacc. merely remarks: “Status pyenidicus verisimiliter Phomopsis cinerescens (Sacc.) Trav. sporulis fusoideis, hyalinis, biguttulatis, 8 x 2.” In general appearance and structure the present fungus agrees so well with other parasitic species which are still named Phoma that we retain it in that genus. In searching for records of the occurrence of a Fig-tree “canker” in England, we met with the description given by Mr Massee first in the Gardeners’ Magazine, for July 23 (1898), and later in his Teazt-Book of Plant Diseases, p. 431 (1903). In the former place Mr Massee wrote: “A disease presumably of old standing has of late years proved very injurious to fig-trees, and one remarkable feature in connection with this disease is the fact that it is most prevalent and destructive in those cases where the trees have received the greatest amount of attention, pruning more especially favouring its extension. The most usual symptoms of its presence are a cankered or ulcerated appearance of the bark, which frequently becomes eaten away in large patches, or variously cracked. In the majority of cases it is very evident that the canker first starts at a pomt where a branch has been cut away or accidentally broken off, and in all instances it appears that a broken surface of the bark is absolutely necessary to enable the fungus causing the disease to gain a foothold.” While the general description of the disease given here agrees exactly with what we have found, the descrip- tion of the fungus which Mr Massee gives as the causal organism is quite different from that of Phoma cinerescens. Mr Massee places his fungus in the Melanconiaceae (“perithecia absent; conidia produced on a more or less developed cushion or stroma formed beneath the surface of the matrix, and becoming erumpent’’) as a new species of the genus Libertella, viz. L. ulcerata Mass. In the Gardeners’ Magazine, L.c., it is stated: “Finally the fruit of the fungus, which is formed in E. S. SALMoN AND H. WorMALD 5 minute pustules, below the epidermis, bursts through to the surface, the exceedingly minute spores, only about 1-3,000 of an inch in length, oozing out through minute cracks in the epidermis, under the form of very slender, white, gelatinous threads or tendrils.” The figure given of these spores is reproduced at Fig. 11, Plate II. It will be seen from Fig. 11, traced from Mr Massee’s figure of the Fig canker Libertella in the Gardeners’ Magazine, that the length of the conidia is about 1-3,000 of an inch (7.e. 8-9 1), or approximately that of the conidia of Phoma cinerescens (compare Figs. 10 and 11, allowing for the difference in magnification). In A Teat-Book of Plant Diseases! Mr Massee in describing his species under the name Libertella ulcerata Massee (sp. nov.) says, “Conidia fusiform, ends acute, continuous, curved, hyaline, 55-60 x 4 py,” and this description is repeated in his Diseases of Cultivated Plants and Trees®. This discrepancy in the accounts of the dimension of the conidia of Libertella ulcerata we are unable to account for. Our fungus, z.e. Phoma cinerescens, belongs to the Sphaeropsidiaceae (“ peri- thecia containing conidia borne at the tips of slender conidiophores ”’) and its conidia are ellipsoidal to fusiform, straight or slightly curved, ends usually rounded, averaging 9 x 3, and never exceeding 13 pw in length. The Herbarium at Kew was found not to contain the type specimen of L. ulcerata Mass. In March 1915, Mr Massee kindly forwarded to us an example of his fungus, writing “Enclosed is a fragment of the type specimen,” and adding as a postscript, “I am almost certain that the Libertella is followed by a Phoma stage, but have not been able to get one from the other in cultures.” The portion of the type specimen sent consisted of some hundreds of fructifications, mostly with dried-up tendrils of conidia still attached, and proved to be entirely Phoma cinerescens, with all the characters as described above. A thorough search of this type material showed no conidia resembling those described by Mr Massee, or any fructification of the type found in Libertella. With reference to the parasitic nature of his fungus, Mr Massee states: “Experiments conducted on healthy young fig-trees show that the spores of the fungus—a species of Libertella—-will not cause the disease when placed on the unbroken surface of even very young branches, whereas when the spores are placed on the end of a cut branch or on injured bark, inoculation always followed, and the mycelium was found in abundance at the expiration of 10 days. In one experiment 1 Massee, G., A Text-Book of Plant Diseases, p. 431 (1903). 2 Idem, Diseases of Cultivated Plants and Trees, p. 448 (1910). 6 ig ‘“ Canker,” caused by Phoma cinerescens Sace. a badly diseased branch, showing numerous threads of spores, was cut through; immediately afterwards the same knife was used for making an incision in the bark of a branch of a healthy young plant of Ficus religiosa. At the expiration of 10 days the wound showed un- doubted symptoms of disease and at the end of five weeks the white threads of spores were found. This experiment proves that the disease may be imparted to healthy plants by using a knife that had previously been used for pruning diseased plants, and an examination of various diseased plants suggests the idea that this method of spreading the disease is not an unusual one.” Since the above work was not conducted with a pure culture of the fungus, and especially since we had found associated with the Fig “canker” disease a quite distinct fungus from that described by Mr Massee, it was important to obtain scientific evidence of the parasitism of Phoma cinerescens. It was found that pure cultures could be obtained by two methods: (1) N —~ Date in grammes Y. Yab Yifides MAa) y .yxd yo. yb Top Bottom April 28 761-4 60-7 59-7 61-1 61-1 12-9 12-85 s1130 751-2 —_ 59-65 61-05 61-05 12:8 12-7 May 3 — 60-6 59-6 61 61 12:7 12-6 Ese SU) 733-54 60-55 59-625 61-05 61 12-75 12-6 a IO 738-85 — —- —- — 12-75 12-6 June 1 725°35 60-5 59-6 61 60-95 12-7 12-525 Total difference 36-05 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-15 0-2 0-325 20 Shrinkage, Swelling, Warping of Cross-grained Woods Set B (Tables Br and B11.) The next set of measurements (B) were made on the board as it was compelled to swell by submersion under water: vernier callipers and Professor Dalby’s instrument being used for the observations. The main results as evidenced by the statistics given in Tables Br and Bu, and as proved by the graphic records (unpublished) of the curves, are: The absorption of water at first causes a sudden relatively consider- able increase in length, which is relatively more marked than the increase of width even at the ends. This is succeeded by a decrease in length, which is synchronous with a more rapid gain in width. The water enters most largely by the ends; the gain in width is marked here at first, and only after some time does the middle of the board display a similar full rate of widening. As water continues to be absorbed the board, after undergoing its peculiar shortening, gradually lengthens and attains its maximum length even before it has absorbed the maximum amount of water, after which one or more times a shortening was noticeable. These contrary fluctuations as regards length are probably to be attributed to the fact that as the water penetrates from the ends the transverse belts at increasing distances from the two ends successively go through the shortening and lengthening phases, so that the measured result as regards the whole board is the algebraic sum of a number of items that are unequal and at times opposite in sense. Widening of the board continued as long as water was absorbed, but the slightness of the increase in width towards the conclusion of the soaking strongly suggests that the maximum width had been very nearly reached. Table B 1 records the changes in linear dimensions of yang 1 during the absorption of water. The results of these measurements are arranged in Table B 11, by grouping together measurements made at short intervals on the same day, and by taking the averages of the longitudinal, trans- verse end, and transverse middle measurements. In reference to these Tables it was conceivable that two sources of misinterpretation were possible. On the one hand curvature or straightening of the board might cause a spurious appearance of shortening or lengthening respectively. On the other hand the interval necessarily intervening between the weighing of the board and the recording of the measurements and curves would lead to a certain degree +ROOM of ‘€.9+ pUe G-O8g oI” sIOqtUNU poyeUITyso OAWVARdUAOD oY, 4 *Sp1Od0d [VUISIIO OY} JO SUOTIRIO}[R 94} 9DUOY '¢Q- Jo oovd url g. osvo YORI UT papsOdIAI T YVY} ONS Joo} [ ING HZE-09 PUe ‘FOC-09 ‘ZZE-09 *C-09 SB popazodod AT[UISIIO OOM SIOGUINU OSOYT, » { SuUOoIS PL TL c8:9 L80- GLO0> cs “uetuIp [euy oy, Jo ( gouoIOyIp o5vjUI0I0T 000-1 G96° CE6: €90: 9F0- S6-G1E gouoloHtp [840], 900: SLE“ 800 og: “ €00-- &F9-“ 100-- g¢s80d-“ 0: GLO: SLT 9-FEOT 14 Oe pa LGO: GLP“ FIO: F6F-“ 910° 879°“ GO00-- 980:“ 100:- GLO“ G08 T-LIOT SOIT ¢ “ ae | | -o1 SJUOTHOINSveTT Udyy ‘*)LG'T 100:-— ctP“ ZOO--— OSt-“ ZO0O-- ZE9:‘° ZO0O:— 8sd:-‘ g00:-— EL0°“ §-6T 9-986 L Cals 38 poysiom ‘“eT‘OT 4e ate | | Suryey-oAino pue sjusmoeInseeyy) 900- OFF: “* OT0- CSP: “* F00- Fe9g-** S00: 060: ** #00: 910: “* CLOL [WA ih 0: OFF“ ZO00'- GLP“ 0: 0g9: “ 0: G80: Z00:- ZLO-“ ieee aes ulese [ poumsvoul udyy ‘UeyeZ somo | | usy} “peysiea oy} pornsvoyy) 900: OFF: £00: FLE“ 00: 0€9:““ ¥00:- 80°“ 200: FLO: G-6% 6-196) OZ IT 6% “ is GI 4" ( unseq SsJUsMIeINsRou pPoMoUoI | 0: Fer“ ZOO-- OLF:“ ZOO-— 829: 910--— 980: T00-—- ZLO>“ T-8&6 Alea Udy} “CF TT 48 poysioa ‘eT ‘OT 4v | | unSeq ‘0}9 soAdno ‘syuomommseoyy) FOT- FEF“ OFO- ZLE“ O10 O89“ 8ZO- ZOT-“ C10. 20°“ 9-9F STOI 83 “ 900- 0&8“ 900-- 92%“ ZO0-- 029: ZOO: FL0-“ ZOO-- 8g0-“ T-OI- 168 Of et “ “ FI: = HEE“ 800- cE“ ~F00-— GZ9-“ GIO ZL0-“ G00- 090°" 0-82 9-106 ST'Il $3 “ 0cO- O8T-“ 00: et“ ZOO: 969: 600-— 090°“ §00- seo-“ 4L-- 49-€L8 O¢e “ “ 0€'€ 78 po “YSTOM Ayjeuy pure ‘uaye} soammo ‘poamsvom (Ge'z Ajoyeutxoidde ye) Woy} ‘podsromqns OT'ZI 1O9FV SCZ O9T-E1 FLO- GIF“ FO0-— #29“ TIO: 690°“ 0 ZO. FL- EFL8 OTZT “ “ a —= Gaines) — — 60: 890°" €10- c90°~ 1-68 L188 STII Fo “ sovjd yoo} Surysioa usyM ‘ec, TUN ponuTyuoOD pue CT'¢ 4B UNsoq syUoMIOIMsvoTY 9FO- G06: C20: SFE“ FOO. 829“ FOO FEO“ G00. 6e0-“ TT 9-278 STE “ “ F9G- = 98.“ EOF —OTE-ET GLI- #69: “ OFO-— O80-“ 9E0--— 980°“ GBFP F118 STIT & “ 080: 69: C6I- L98-“ FI9- GSF-EI ZO +¥9L0-“ G20: %cL0-“ ST-69 SaL6L STS “ “ sanoy §Z 10F 10¥A UT pooeyd quowoInsevoul JoIJY F8O- ZO“ GZI- B99“ SST. BER“ ZO: 4FCO-“ FZO- 4090 CFOT T88L O1 2 “ OL “GG “IA T4un ossnoy-joy wv jo are duep oy} Ul 4jo] JUoMoINseoM JOIJyY — SLFZI — OFfZIT — OILZI- — 28019 — 920-19 — OS9-1GL O€'ZT To ‘TA 9oua SIPPIN =: 90a quh* qh 90u0 wht 9oud qh h 9oue Qh wh goua »=soulmIeIs UL IMOyT aye “AO BIT “AOU UCT “AO HTT “AO BLT ~AOHT “AOTC. WUS19 AA SS ey eo —+-———_——_—_— jeguasuey, [eulpnylsuo0'T ‘Waon buiqsosqp ‘Ig AAV, = S & ~~ ~ Av) ~ ~ ~ ng of Cross-gra Warpi ig, Shrinkage, Swell . ») —_ ‘UOTJOOATP [LUIPNALSUOT & UT 4LY} SOUT] 1G SI UOTJOOITp JeIUISUeY v UT “yUd god SuToAs oY, €1-0 90-0 080-928 L8§-0 992-0 6F8-SZ8 GE:0 GE-0 899-FE8 ¢0-0 é10-0 PES‘ FES 10-1 1¥-0 8L0-FZ8 GS 960-0 EL8-618 62° ¥6:0 €68-F18 90-F &P O8§-F08 &% GP 90G-98L LO-¥ 8-7 PLO-GLL = = GL6-S9L pavog ejoya = spula ygpra ed ODVIOAB JO YJPIA oseIdAv x x YUE] yysue, Aq pozeut = Roly -I}80 UoYA “poqrosqe IOYVM JO SOTUMMLIS OT rad wore JO asvaIOUT L 62-89 110-668 €06-8¢8 680-828 FE9-LE8 0Z9-LE8 816-Sé8 TOL-Gé8 169-Gé8 L9€-€08 S1P-8LL 16F-OLL spua ayy jo qapra ISRIOAT x Yysuory SUOISUOUIIp [eu PL ae 86:9 = 610: = _ ~ (oy} Jo edvquooi9g 001 — ST6- — 6F0- _ 1g — soUdIOYIP [VIOT, 900: SLF “* ZOO’ 29°“ T00-— 8Z0-“ GLI 94801 — | ade LZ0- SLE“ P10: TLe-“ 800-—- 620°“° G08 TLI0I — Ge GOO: Str“ 900° xz9¢-“ 00: Z80-“ €61 9-986 — I ‘UA 900: OFF: “ 100: ee“ Z00-— LLO-“ Z6S = $-L96 — Gar =: LOI: 8%“ Gzo- oge-“ 10: 620°“ G:F 1-886 — sc.5 LST- LZe-“ 200: gece: 200° 990°“ ¢¢-2¢ ¢¢-968 — age: 16%: OLL-El 70. e209“ ¥20- 690-% S6Te PL8 Hoe + L8z- —-6L8: “ GZe- 6LF-“ 680:- sEo- “ StF &0-ZFS8 — ez 0f0- 26S: OF PST-SI 320: FL0°“ ST6E GZ-L6L SIZ a 780: agg: “ onl: SOSh. — “20 cco: GP9L T-SEL (ie coes — = SLF-T — 29:21 — 620-19 — ° &9-1ZL te Cura 9oueleyIp 9oua1ayIp 9soueIeyIp ules Inoy] aye “wd UT “Wd Ul “UD UL YQoUeTT «= “SURI UT YYSIO A, O[PPIU JO WPI SPue Fo WPI “11g ATAVY, P. GRoom 23 of inaccuracy as to the exact amount of water present in the board at the time of the records. Both these objections are shown in the suc- ceeding remarks to be groundless as regards the essential results obtained. Rate of loss of water during measurement and recording of curves. The board was first left in very damp warm air for nearly 24 hours (vi. 21-22) ; on June 22nd during measurement and so forth from 10 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. it lost water at the rate of 1-7 grammes per hour. In this case the water was wholly hygroscopic and in the cell-walls. On other days in summer in the dry laboratory air the board lost water during measurement etc. in most cases at the rate of 7-2 grammes per hour (vi. 22 from 2.15 to 3.5 p.m., and from 3.5 to 3.30 p.m.; VI. 23 from 11.15 a.m. to 12.5 p.m.; vi. 25 from 11.15 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.), though on one day (vi. 24 from 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.) the rate was 8:1. In these cases it may be assumed that the loss of water was largely at least at the expense of that present in the lumina of the wood, and at the surface of the sides. These figures render possible an approxi- mately accurate estimate of the amount of water present in the wood at the middle of the time occupied in recording measurements and curves on any day. In regard to the estimates of the amount of water in the board and the length the following cases may be discussed. On June 24th observations were made in the following order: at 11.15 a.m. the board was weighed (881-7 g.), then curves and measurements were taken until 12.10 p.m., when the board was once more weighed (874-3) and a second set of curves and measurements were immediately taken. When these last were concluded the approximate weight would be 874-3 —7-3 = 867 g. The board was then submerged until 2.30 p.m., | when curves and measurements were made before it was weighed (873-69) at 3.30, so that at 2.30 p.m. its approximate weight was 880-9. But whether these corrected or the recorded weights be accepted the changes in linear dimensions are not proportional to the change in the amount of water contained. During this phase these dimensions are determined rather by the exact distribution than by absolute amount of the moisture, probably because the water is largely passing from the lumina into the cell-walls whether the wood be soaking or drying. Again on June 28th, 29th, and July Ist, to begin with the measure- ments and curves were taken, then the board was weighed, after which a second set of measurements and curves were made. This second set therefore represents the wood in a drier condition (11, 7-3, and 12-5 grammes of water respectively having been lost) so that the linear 24 Shrinkage, Swelling, Warping of Cross-grained Woods dimensions are smaller than in the first set. Accordingly the average between the two sets of measurements represents more accurately the linear dimensions at the recorded weight. The subjoined Table Bim reports the changes of curvature lengthwise of yang 1 (during the absorption and exhalation of water) along the two sides y. yb and yz. yxb. = eT Oe Absorbing water Drying TABLE B 111. y . yb yx . yxb ] a SSS SSS SS a a ee ar es I SS SS SSS =~ Date Endy Middle End yb Date End yz Middle Endyxb |! Vi, 21 2 vs c (2) c Wise (vs) c (3) c | 22 11.40 Stocs c (3) Cc go 22 PLO US: torcs) 63) c Be b222o c c (5) c » » 2.30 (curve defectively taken) Poa) INE cs c (4) c » 23 11.30(cirea) (vs) oo cs 5 4.10 cs c (4-25) Cc sou iss eULo v vs vs to (cs) 24 11.46 Sn Sn Sn », 24 11.30 S S S 4 BSW) Sn Sn Sn Hy ates S S S 25) es Sn Sn Sn Ay ay NMA S S S 28 11 to 12 (vs) to(cs) cs(-75) — ,, 28 11.45 S S S 29) EDS S S S » 29 11.50 S S S | 1 11.10 v(-9) s s 5 11.40 v(-75) 3 MSU's 1s Ss S Ss | 7 1117 ~~ v (2:25) (2) v wy 11.265 S S S 9 12.53 (A wavy concave to » 9 12.45 S (vs) S S straight line) May PAG c c (1-5) Cc pe lowl 20 Cc c (3-25) Cc 15 11.57 c ¢ (1-5) c » 15 11.50 cc (3:25) c LG 7, fe c (1:5) Cc cl Gmdes() c c (3-25) Cc The first four columns refer to y.yb, the others to ya. yxb. Columns 1 and 5 give the dates and times of observation. The other columns denote the curvature: and as the curve of each side is often not uniform along its whole length, each column headed “middle” refers to the curvature at the middle of the length, while the remaining columns headed “end” give the curvatures at the end of each of the two halves of the length. In the columns: ec, cs, and (cs) respectively mean “concave,” slightly so, or very slightly so; v, vs, (vs) respectively mean “convex,” slightly so, or very slightly so; S and Sn mean straight and nearly straight respectively; the number succeeding in brackets in columns gives the number of millimetres of the middle above or below the straight or base line. The statistics given in Table Bim when compared with those of Table B 1 show in particular that the unexpected shortenings of the P. Groom 25 board during the absorption of water are true, and not due to increased curvature. and 23rd, and July Ist to 9th. Changes in transverse curvature. This is true of the changes in length between June 22nd In like manner Table Biv shows on comparison with Table Br that the measurements recorded of the widths are not determined by the transverse curvatures; even when there is a considerable difference in the amount of widening of the two ends (June 25th to 28th) this is not associated with any corresponding difference of curvature. Date and times VI. 21 99 od 10.30) 10.45 J 230) 2.50 11.50) 1229 i) TABLE B tv. yb . yxb SEE EEE, Change Change of shape of width Concave Less concave (tends to straigh- 122 ten) More concave (curves) -195 More concave throughout 463 (curves) Concave throughout “104 Nearly straight) (straightens) 005 98s “043 as a whole os - minutely -002 concave, = zs nearly 007 straight 3 3° O15 Practically straight —-008 Slightly convex (curves) 586 Minutely concave (curves) “034 Definitely concave _,, ‘058 yx. Yy —<—$$<$$<<$<—-—— ——_—$ —— ——— “ Change Change of shape of width Concave ») Less concave (tends to straigh- 128 * ten) Vigorously convex in middle 614 (curves equally) Less convex (tends to straighten) -172 Practically straight Still less convex (tends to 002 straighten) Minutely convex\ (tends to —-005 straighten) as a whole 009 Straight minutely convex, 10) Minutely convex| nearly | straight 003 | Nearly straight 013 | Became concave (curves more) 631 Slightly more concave (curves -024 more) Concave, about=vit. 13; hence “034 it straightens slightly Absorbing Water Drying 26 Shrinkage, Swelling, Warping of Cross-grained Woods Set C (Tables C1 and C1). The subjoined Table C1 records the linear changes of dimensions of the same board (yang 1) during the process of drying from an approximately saturated condition to a state of aqueous equilibrium with the air of the laboratory. Table Cm gives the averages of the results obtained. In addition to details that will be discussed subsequently in comparing swelling and shrinkage, two facts are worthy of note. 1. During shrinkage there is reached a certain phase at which the board elongates while still decreasing in width. This phase, when judged by the amount of water contained, is not exactly synchronous with the corresponding reverse one during swelling. As in the latter case this reversal in the change of length is temporary and is succeeded by longitudinal shrinkage that brings the board down to its earlier shortened condition. 2. Whereas the board when absorbing water at first widens more rapidly at the ends than in the middle, when drying it contracts in width more rapidly at the middle than at the ends. Two possible explanations of this latter fact present themselves. (a) When drying owing to the more rapid conduction along than across the grain there is near the ends a rapid shortening which tends to cause the angle of inclination of the crossing fibres to be increased with consequent tendency towards widening; while in the middle of the board the loss of water takes place more equally and more or less excludes this widening tendency. (b) Or possibly at first during the drying the water near the ends is largely in the lumina, as well as in the walls, so that the latter do not lose much, while the evaporation draws water to the ends from the middle, which probably contains less water in the lumina and becomes depleted of this more rapidly than at the ends. Between these alternatives it is impossible to decide until further researches are conducted on shrinkage in general. CHANGES OF DIMENSIONS OF YANG 1 DURING SWELLING AND SHRINKAGE. During swelling the percentage average increases in linear dimensions were: in length ‘079; in width at the ends and middle 6-98 and 7-4 respectively. Thus the percentage tangential elongation was 91 times as great as the longitudinal. P. Groom sv Jv oy} GT ANE ‘]JoF Uler Yonut FT Ayn 86° 908: 5 woTjORAqUOD eTppIa sTyM “FOS: SI Lg: pue [6L- SuoTZoeIzU0D pus 0M} oY} WeoMjoq Uvett OT, 908: CEI: G ‘Suluoyvory} JoyyvoM puv 4slour ‘papp® oq JSNUT GG. S}YSTOAs quonbosqns [[v pus sty} 0} oouY] “YO TPF 6S: SUIYSIOM JUOUISVLT Ajavou 98-G L10:-. L08:“ 800°- oro; 0 600: 0&8: +F€0- G20: = 68°“ F80- FOE: 198-el F£E- L80- 91° F290: O91: BGs“ 990: gc0: . 31h 390: porns -vomt wey} (3xoopo,o Zt) urese | g00- OLF-“* 900: poysioa uy} “Usyez Udy} SoAINO = SLE-El — oy} ‘peysioa. uoy}, “pornsvo]il aoue eIpPIAL = 990 “TOUT ~19 BIC 96F: GOSS qxh* qh Ayjaeau 9 . 90u9 “10 BIC. 8z8- 696°" 966“ 066-21 F10: “ gc0. 9gr PIs: “ Z8g: “ OF9: GP9:E1 wh fi IQ wlavVy, 090- 90ud “IOI ZrO“ 0c0- “ FLO“ 9L0: “ ¢80:19 qh hf 90° CEO ZE0: “ 8z0: “* ZE0: “ 8z0: “ 8z0: “ #0: “ OFO: “* 990: “* 890: GLO-19 quh* wh 8z-LOE 89-1 GLL-— GLE 1! 9-P 6:89 GST 6-89 GL-TF1 SLL a0ud “OHI | UoTJOMS [[NF | Z yysuo] JO 95¥}UIIIOgT pouddoyfIp [2IOL (83L) G8:9GL P-CPL GC9-1FL #9PL G-LPL TES TI8 G98 1-S88 G8-9C01 9-FE0L souIels UL FUS19 A — (01 ‘1x) — 60 1x Og Ol 6T “ Oc'OT 9T “ Geol ST “ Teel. ioral Oct e crol 6 * OF'OI 8 “ Gate ond 101 JA WAN awry, aed DH Ss S = ~S ~ L ~ -~ ~ gq of Cross-gra a 28 Shrinkage, Swelling, Warp UOTPOOATP [VUIPNFSUOT V Ul FLY} SB FVOIT Sv SOTUT} FG ST UOTJOOIIp [eIgUOSULy v UT “qUOd od SuTOAs OY, (world) 9 €S-6P OF L6:¥ I8F-6LL = aa S§S-F8L L0-9 SF:9 SE8-98L (C6-01) (6-91) 829-682 9-F L¥-9 €8é-16L OFS OL-€ 19€-F6L GE GL:S 1é9-918 G1 SL-0 I18-0@8 $60 FZ-0 6&2-SE8 99-0 G0 S79-8E8 — — T10-6Z8 pavoq ofoyA. spue spuo SS eee fw ORE JO oDRIOAR x Wsue'T “YApla x YQSUSy Aq poyeurnysa “4807 IojZVM JO SOUITILID (CT dod wore Jo osvaroa(T 86:9 908: S€I: GLO: “ LI0O:— LO8: “ OFO: O6L: “ 600- ogs: “ rer 68: “ FOE: 198-21 L80- cgT: “ O9T- Gas: “ 890: SIP“ 800- OLF: “ = SLP-E1 90U0 OHI es “uo Ul Apis STppruA C6S £90: FOS: S80: 8éI: S691: “ £00: OFO- “ 2200 Sues" Sot00e=9 ) rr0s 9F0: 068: “* — &Z00- G20: “ 660: 966: “* 00: — SFO: “ 6F0- S966. 100°- OF0- “ 99§- FIO: “* 900: — 60: “ 990: oss: “ G10: £80: “ L90: OFF “ G0: St0- “ 90: S19“ 00: 010: “ ¢¢00- soc: 9900: L0: “ a GELS-E1 a ¢8L0-19 eous §gahgh* ahh oouo gahxh: ghh CEG eG ee oe ee “U0 UT “wo Ul qIPTA puo uvoyy IQ Wavy, yQsuey UvoT G 8E-LOE 89-91 GELEL CLL — 6-CPL GLE-bD SGCL-GPL OT G:OFL 97 G-LPL 6:89 T-GSL el II8 6:8¢ G:9E8 GL-I¥I ~—1:S88 GL-L g8-9C0T a 9-FE01 ooue “OHI sae ey) souUIeIs UI ISIOM WINUIIXeUL [VIY “INL JO onRqyUODIOg aoUdIOZIp [VIO], O80 OS'01 cs'Or Il 4 O08 SPOIL OF OT él Il owt], 6G “IX 9T “ce cl “ce €1 ““c P. Groom 29 During shrinkage the board did not dry completely to its original condition (it retained only about 5-5 g. more water), but making allowance for this fact, its shrinkage was not relatively (nor absolutely) so great as the swelling. The percentage average decreases in linear dimensions were: in length -063; in width at the ends and middle 5-92 and 5-98 respectively. The percentage tangential shortening was 94 times as great as the longitudinal. Changes in area. During absorption and emission of water it has been shown that synchronous longitudinal and tangential changes in dimensions may be opposite in sense. The question arises therefore: During absorption and emission of water does the volume or surface as a whole always respectively increase and decrease? The statistics available prove that a decrease and increase in the amount of water respectively cause corresponding decrease and increase in area: thus anomalous changes in length are overborne by the more normal changes in width (the one apparent exception recorded in Table C 11 July 19th is discussed later). The subjoined Table D records the changes in surface for each ten grammes of water gained or lost. In order to show the corresponding conditions as regards the statistics concerning drying and soaking respectively the data are ranged in columns in reverse order. TABLE D. Swelling Shrinking oO a a t =a ee oS my Increase of Decrease of area per Weight area per Weight 10 grammes of board 10 grammes of board Date and hour of water and water of water and water Date and hour vi. 21 . a 4:07 | 4:97 x1. 29 2.15 2°3 : vir. 16 ‘ } 721-874 cea tae | (10-95) 797 896 2° 15 3 23 4-06 | 4-6 cad Be ES ae DA: 3°29 3:46 As 11 a5 2-2 874-896 3:2 » 9 4.30 Hy 4s) 1-01 896-938 1:23 826-885 » 9 10.45 53929 0-05 — — = — vant, 1 0:22 967-986 0-24 885-1026 sae ks) ayo 0-387 986-1017 0-66 1026-1034 hd d2 ee ei 0-13 1077-1034. — = — Both sets of observations show that the greatest change in area (and, judging by the statistics concerning the radial board, in volume) induced 30 Shrinkage, Swelling, Warping of Cross-grained Woods by gain or loss of the same amount of water takes place when the wood is poor in water, and that as the wood contains larger amounts of water there is a decline in such a change in area. This is in part due to the larger proportion of water present in the lumina of the wetter wood; moreover if we assume that the same loss of water always causes the same decrease in volume of the solid wood-substance (cell-wall) the smaller diameters of the wood-constituents in the dry phase have to be considered. But the irregularities in changes of area near the beginning and conclusion of the drying and soaking require explanation. One source of misinterpretation is brought out by the change between July 16 and 19, when there was a slight hygroscopic absorption of water and yet a decrease in area: probably this additional moisture was superficially distributed to a considerable extent, and the main mass of the wood was probably drier on the later date. During drying, small changes in weight of the board may on the one hand be associated with relatively greater changes in the distribution of moisture within the board; moreover during such small changes a slight underestimation of the amount of water lost will cause the increase in area to appear excessive. And it will be noted that during drying apparently unduly large results are associated with small changes of weight, viz. on July 7, 11 to 12 a.m., July 12-13, July 13-15, and July 15-16. On these dates the maximum result (dividend) appears when the loss of water recorded was the minimum (July 13-15). During soaking there were no such small changes in weight, and, excepting at the beginning and end, no sudden or great changes in the rate of dimensional increase. The contrast between the results between June 21 and 22 at 10 a.m., and June 22, 10 a.m. to 2.15 p.m., is possibly due to the fact that the increased water-content during the former period was due to slow absorption of aqueous vapour, and during the latter period to rapid intake of liquid water much of which would be in the lumina and in operation on swelling; but the unexplained smallness of the increase in width of the middle of the board on June 22 is also partly responsible. TWISTING OF YANG 1. The warping along the length and transversely across the ends have already been discussed; it remains to consider the warping along the diagonals and the consequent twisting. The deviations from the straight were measured in millimetres on the curves recorded by Professor Dalby’s instrument; but as the P. Groom 31 latter doubles the deviation the number recorded in the subjoined Table EK must be halved in order to give the true facts. The measure- ments recorded from June 21 to July 7 relate to the board during the absorption of water, those subsequent to July 17 to the drying board. The diagonal yx. yb runs rather across the grain exposed at the surface and consequently underwent greater elongation and shortening than did y . yxb, which tends more towards parallelism with that grain. The lengths of the diagonals measured were approximately 56 centi- metres. In Table E: Column | represents the time of observation. Column 2 records the amount of water absorbed subsequent to the immediately preceding period. Columns 3 and 7 record the nature of the curve, whether concave (c), or convex (v), or straight (s) of the whole board along the diagonal and the number of millimetres that the middle is sunk or raised above the true base line as recorded by the instrument. TABLE E. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ya. yb y. yxb a aS ore == Las 2a Grammes Shape and deviation Shape and deviation Date and of water = =—————_*__—_____, Twist Twist hour (cirea) absorbed Whole yx half ybhalf deviation Whole y half yxbhalf deviation vi. 21 — c 16-25 11-25 12-0 54 v 8-75 7-75 6-75 4-75 a ry gl il] 16-45 ¢ 15-5 11-75 9-25 51 v 8-25 6-5 6-25 3°75 Aso eh 3.25 59-15 c 14-25 6-5 12-5 53 v 9-75 7 6-75 6-75 oy a) dl 44-8 c 9-25 3°75 8-5 33:5 v 45 3 3:5 8 » 25 3.50 I:l ¢ 9-25 4-5 8-25 37 v 4-375 3 3 0 9» 24 12 32 s 0 0 0 1 oes: 5) 0 0 Somes 2.50 — fi sh O 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 6 25 12.5 18 (s) 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 so 26, 11-20 46°6) 1 (@) 0 dish 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 ap, AS) UP 29-2 » 1-5 1-5 “Hf 0 s 0 0 0 5 wary L135 Gye} cy aes: “75 5 Say (0) 0 0 0 ae) AL25 30°55 v4 2-5 2-0 1-0 ay (@) 5 5 ai! 1-0 soe fle 30 17-5 ¢ 2°75 2:5 1-25 0 (c) -5 “5 1 1-75 » 9 12.30 -2084 c 2:75 2 2°5 0 (c)) <1 375 1 0 ome l230) 75-4 6 13:5 9 10-0 A lone UiSOmes — a t-O)) 7c: 15 11-25 11-5 51 WG) M45." = 4:4" ¢ 16 11-5 11-75 2 xm.10 12 —13-6 c 18-75 13:5 14-0 64 32 Shrinkage, Swelling, Warping of Cross-grained Woods Columns 4, 5, 8, 9 similarly record the deviation in millimetres of the middle point of each half of the respective diagonals; columns 4 and 8 denoting the half (top) towards the y. yx end, and columns 5 and 9 denoting the half (bottom) towards the yb . yxb end. Columns 6 and 10 record the amount of twist by giving the number of millimetres that the end point is raised above the base line, as recorded by the instrument. Table E shows that on June 21 the dry board was warped and twisted, being on one face (y) concave along one diagonal yx . yb and convex along the other, y.yxb. With the absorption of water these diagonals by differential elongation lost their curvature, and were almost or quite straight on June 24 and 25. As water continued to be absorbed until July 5 the original curvatures of the diagonals were gradually reversed, yx . yb becoming convex and y.yaxb concave, the reversal taking place more obviously along yz . yb (crossing the grain)., During the drying from July 7 onwards (and even before this, for some unknown reason, in the case of yx . yb) the curvatures gradually reverted to those originally present in the dry board. [t is worthy of note that the amounts of warp and twist were not exactly determined by the amount of water contained. This fact is demonstrated by comparisons between the conditions of the board on June 21 and on July 16 and December 10. The greater twist and warp during the final drying are probably due to the fact that the loss of water was more rapid in the warm dry air of the laboratory than during the original industrial seasoning of the board. This consideration emphasizes the special importance of carefully regulated seasoning of cross-grained woods. OBSERVATIONS ON YANG 2. The board named yang 2 was cut tangentially and its faces were lettered as in the case of yang 1; on one face, Y and Ya denoting the top corners, Yb and Yab the bottom corners; and on the other face, y and yx, yb and yxb denoting the corresponding points, but y was superposed on Y, that is to say Y and y are at the same edge of the board. Thus for instance Y Yb and yyb represent the same side of the board on the two different faces and Y.Yab and y. yab represent the same diagonal on the two faces. P, Groom 33 Set F, The first set of measurements, recorded in Table F, were made by means of the measuring rod during the absorption of water. The changes in length were too slight to be accurately estimated. On the other hand measurements of the diagonals and across the two ends were possible, and evidence in favour of their substantial accuracy is supplied by the fact that the widening of the board at both ends was the same on the average, viz. -6375: moreover on the face y it was -65 at each end, and on face Y -625 at each end. This represents a widening of 5-3 per cent. of the full length attaimed. But it must be noted that when the board was first placed in water it was not sufficiently dry to be in equilibrium with the atmospheric humidity of the laboratory ; this was proved in the second set of observations when the board was dried. TABLE F. Diagonal Transverse (tangential) Date Weel NC Veni) Vein Mo OOF FRAO MR ae Wii) Do Oo April 29 588-4 44-5 44-3 44-3 44:3 11-5 11-55 11-25 11-25 May 3 672-6 44-6 44:5 44-5 44-4 12-08 12-1 11-75 11:8 m & 688 44-6 44-5 44-475 44-4 12-05 12-125 11:8 11-85 Sse 763-6 44-65 44-55 44-6 44-475 12-1 12-175 11-85 11-9 ase lia 787 44-6 44-5 44-55 44-475 12-125 12-2 11-875 11-9 Difference be-) tween Apr. 29 ; — 0-1 0-2 0-25 0-175 0-625 0-65 0-625 0-65 and May 17 During soaking the board twisted, but the direction of the twist was opposite to that of yang 1 in conformity with the fact that on the two faces its exposed oblique grain ran in directions representing spirals reverse in sense to those of yang 1. On face Y, the diagonal Y . Yab ran more with the grain and therefore showed less elongation (-1) than did Yx. Yb (-2) which was directed more across the grain and became convex. For the same reason the elongation of yx. yb (-175) was less than that of y . yxb (-25). Consequently of the two superposed diagonals Yx.Yband yz. yb the former became convex and the latter concave: while of the other two superposed diagonals y . yxb became convex and Y . Yzb concave: the result was the above mentioned twist. Naturally in subsequent drying these relations were reversed. Ann. Biol. mt ww 34 Shrinkage, Swelling, Warping of Cross-grained Woods Set G. The results of the measurements of yang 2 during its final process of drying from a saturated condition are given in Table G. The board at first decreased in length, but thereafter continued to elongate. In this respect it differed from the tangential board yang 1, but agreed with the radial board. The final loss of length was exceedingly small, merely -012 per cent. of the maximum length, but the maximal loss was -03 per cent. These figures are far less than those for yang 1, and even less than for the radial board. The shrinkage in width of the ends was 6-29 per cent. of the maximum width, and was thus greater than those of yang 1 (5-92) and the radial board (5). When the shrinkage in area is assessed by the changes in length and in width of the ends it will be seen that the loss of width atoned for the shightness in the shortening: for the shrinkage of area was 41-266 cm.®, compared with 49-53 cm.2 in the case of yang 1. Yang 2 was only about 48 cm. long, whereas yang 1 was about 61. Had yang 2 been of the latter length its contraction in area would have been (circa) 52-43 cm.”, thus slightly more than that of yang 1. The changes in length and width from May 28, 1915 to February 4, 1916, are worthy of special note as they occurred when the board was so far dry that it gained or lost water solely according as the air became moister or drier; and during this phase the weight of the board varied only between 570-075 and 570-48 g. RADIALLY Cut Boarp. The first set of observations were made while this board was absorbing 309 g. of water. As a measuring rod was employed for the purpose the longitudinal measurements were found to be useless. As regards the transverse measurements the ultimate increase in width was 5-5 per cent. of the maximum attained. This statistic is not of value as showing the full radial expansion, for it was subsequently found that when first measured (and weighed) the board was not fully dry in relation to the laboratory air. Its original weight was 719 g., whereas at the conclusion of the second set of observations the board had dried down to a weight of 706-5 g. During the soaking, in contrast with the tangential boards, the radial board remained flat and devoid of any twist. » ” P. Groom ‘sorqjowruoo “bs 99Z-[F ‘vor cs ce eynjosq V 6s:9 “qypra ee “6 ee e "e0. 9z 09 LT dy £210: F Goq 09 LT Tad y + ygSue] wnturxeUt oy} Jo (asvoroop) doUoIOYIp 95kzUI010 J UINUITX UL 098: StS: OLS: OLS: C10: S10: 910: S10: 910: SOG GHG | i F 420 gcse: 098: OFS: TGS: ZLS- 900: 800: 900: LOO: £00: <= —LI Avy | oOUdIO YLT ZBL: “ z69: “ 889: “ 006: “ 87s: ¢z100- “ FL6: “ #20: “* GL6: “ Ze0: “ SF-OLE F “49 PSL: “ 969: “ 989: “ 006: #g8:“* G000-;8% ZL6:“ Tzo: “ LG: “ seo: “ CLO-OLG el Aine 8sL:“ ZOL: “ 969: “ 006: “ Fas: “ 866: “ OLG6: “ STO: “ ZLG: ZEO- CT-OLG ¢ oun FSL-ZI FOL-ZI 90L-Z1 Z88-Z1 FPS-ZI £66: “ gg96-: “ 9TO- ‘ £96: “ 8zo-: “ L-OL¢ Gr 16g: “ C6F: “ CSF: “ GIL: “ GLO: “* 766°LF $96- “ FIO: “ OL6: “ 0z0- “ 8-699 6 “ 8z9: seg: 6c: “ PPL: ZOL-“* GZL00- “ Z86: “ G0: “* 786: “ cgo: * €-19L ae OF9-ET EOC FES-E1 COLT OZL-EL GL00-8F Z86-LF €0-8F Z86-LF 9€¢0-8F C-6LL LI Avy oseioay .qrh* qh qxx qx ch: h aE’ X osveiay qvh: xh Gh NODS Hae Ok =A qYDIO AA oye = ———_~—_—_—_—_———-——~ VW So1joUTZUGD UT [IPI sorjouIIyUe. UT YySUN'T ‘‘K) ATAV I, 36 Shrinkage, Swelling, Warping of Cross-grained Woods Set H, In the second set of measurements, made on the radial board while this was drying, vernier callipers were employed, and the results are recorded in Table H. During this thorough and at times rapid drying the board, in sharp contrast with the tangential boards, remained flat and untwisted. During drying the shortening was slight, only -025 or -04 per cent. of the maximum length, being intermediate in this respect between the two tangential boards. Reverse changes in length took place, as during two phases elongation took place while at the same time decrease in width was marked. Especially worthy of note is the fact that elongation continued to the final period of drying (June 18 to November 29). Such synchronous elongation and narrowing took place not only during the period June 14 to 16, when the board was drying, but actually continued between June 16 and 17 during a slight absorption of atmo- spheric moisture. This latter fact was probably caused by the smallness of the amount of the water absorbed and its incomplete distribution through the wood. The decrease in width of the ends was 5 per cent. of the maximum width, and thus less than in the tangential boards (5-92 and 6-28). During the process of drying, even when the board was elongating, the area of the faces (as assessed by length, and width of the two ends) continued to decrease. The whole decrease in area was less (40-907) than in the tangential boards. There is evidence that soaking caused the board to increase in width permanently, for the succeeding statistics show that for similar changes in water-contents shrinkage in width during drying was less than expansion in width during soaking. It must be noted in regard to these statistics, that during soaking the width measured was not the whole width of the board but the distance between two pencil points 11-325 to 12-15 em. apart, whereas during drying the whole width of the board, 13-258 to 12-802 em., was measured. Hence for perfectly similar comparison the statistics of widening given below are too small. Change of Gain or loss Change of width of weight of water Y= Yoeand soe eva Board absorbing water 722-1—1038 g. 315-9 g. *6 cm. » losing 3 1038—723:3 g. —314-7¢. —-5 cm. » absorbing ,, 719-1—1038 g. 318-9 g. -655 em. >» losing a 1038—717-4 g. — 320-6 g. —-577 cm. ‘OUvS 94} SojOoUep USIS snuTU &e ToyeM POUTeFUOS Jo JUNO oY} UT esuNY oY4 07 AreIZUOD OSes UT st SUOTSUOUUTP UT oSURYO oY} SOY Sosvo yrvur odAZ yory, ur poqyumd saunbr yp "ygSug] Jo sso] osvqyusored x YOT=YYIPIA Jo ssoy oSvyuoor0d Ayyeury ‘g “UMUIxelm pure [eUug + yypra se 4 ss ‘F0-0 ‘(UF 09 496 SUN) TINTUIxeUT ws ee ss ue "CZ0-0 “(ToqmIaAoN 07 ons) [BUY + 445u9] WNVATXeUT oYy Jo sso] oSeyUDDIOg = a — — — CFO: ae == = = = S = a — — — | ‘IA-6‘IA meee core = 199 — — eto) = cpr! G19" 299" Ga0: ZrO: G10. | B00. coon | ree eh oe : QUINOA, 88-9 €9F-> ZO GLO: 819: 600-— ZEo-“ gs99-“ seg“ orc.“ ge“ ozo“ eF0-“ EsE0-“ ZEO“ Baz Ze-90L 63 “IX ZOT-OLL LEG C0: C9E-FLL €€0- €69-" 700: 820: Sci“ est“ oso.“ oLo-“ O10-“ 980°“ #20: Fo." 68 8-SIL Sine S78 96-0 029-9LL F00-— 922°“ 000: ZLz0-“ FOL.“ B¥L“ 889.“ FOL“ LIO-“ geo“ HzO“ OF0-“ ‘elie L-LIL i GPS L6I-€ EL8-9LL €&0- o€L-“ 300-- L9Z0:“ FOL“ OGL“ G69.“ OTL“ 910°“ 280°“ g9zo-“ 9zo-“ 6-¢ PLIL 91 “ €F-9 910-9 OL0-08L OOT- €8L-“ 300-- S¥z0-“ O18-“ os“ Zot“ OLL-“ ozo“ seo“ O10“ of0-“ GPE €-SSL Cla Lé-G I8€6I 9FI-98L STE: 688-2 G10: 620: 9L8-ZT SL8-ZI LL8-ZI 006-ZI 810-“ zed.“ F20-“ 910°“ ecg GL-zeL ab & 5-0 ¢¢8-€ LzZG-G08 190: S61: O10: PEO" 98G° "SG EET." «SLT. «GTO. #0." 080° —oFO> T-€L 818 i II'0 L29:I 88-608 92z0- 6¢c:“* — §00- HrO'~ 908: g8c-“ gle“ ose“ gzo:“ 090°“ seo“ ogo“ 6 9FI T-168 Ol. 600-TT8 C8C-€1 L¥O-19 (O8E-E1) OIE-EI1 SESE 8SZ-SI ZE0-19 (290-19) ZEO-19 Z&0-19 8éor 6 “IA SOT Loves BdUBIABI Bly s9UaIayI YIPIAA suUeIepIq yYSueT quh qh Qqrx'qx ehh AOC RL gah h gh h Qo KE I9yeM pareoq Jo ued JO 9°9 0OT SSS SS. OO Sa = sy Sa JOSSOT 44ST A, tad Bare Jo (q}pTA pua Saajott}m99 $91qaUI1} 090 UT Sd1J9UITJU9O UI Spud JO TPT AL Sa1JOUIIUId UT Yysua'T SS asvaioa(y ASvIOAG X 45197) ul spua Jo YSU] osR18A Wy SOURIS UL JY SION seljetaiyuao arenbs Y}PIa ase10ay Ul BIB DSVIDAY ‘HL Wavy, 38 Shrinkage, Swelling, Warping of Cross-grained Woods While 323 (715-2 to 1038) g. of water were absorbed the average measured width of the same face decreased by -612 cm., whereas while the board underwent more thorough drying and lost 331-5 (1038 to 706-52) g. of water, the average whole width decreased by -673 cm., which represents a decrease of -606 on the width measured during absorption. I have pleasure in tendering thanks to Professor Dalby for his extreme kindness in inventing and providing the instrument for registering the changes in curvature, and to Mr Alexander Howard for presenting the boards for investigation. 39 THE DALBY PROFILE RECORDER. By W. E. DALBY, M. Inst.C.E., F.R.S. Professor of Engineering, City and Guilds Engineering College. (With 7 Text-figures.) 1. INTRODUCTION. A sHoRT time ago Professor Groom asked me if a method could be devised to enable him to measure the shape of the surface of a timber sample with reasonable speed and accuracy so that measurements taken from time to time could be compared in order to study questions relating to the warping of timber. In response to this request I designed a machine by means of which the shape of the surface could be explored and recorded automatically without the necessity of taking a single measurement directly. The result of the exploration of the surface by the machine is a drawing showing the shape of the surface along parallel lines spaced at definite distances apart. Such a drawing is seen in Fig. 1. It is the result of exploring an artificially prepared surface of a piece of pine along five parallel lines. The surface was made specially irregular in order to illustrate the working of the machine. The five datum lines numbered respectively 1 to 5 and the corre- sponding profile curves were drawn in 3 minutes. The datum lines are spaced 1 inch apart and the length of the record is about 2 feet. The size of the sample used in the particular machine in which the record was drawn is 30} inches long and 6 inches wide. The curves on the drawing are really the profiles of five equidistant sections of the timber sample taken normally to a reference plane. The profiles recorded show the variations of shape to twice the actual size for convenience of measurement. The machine can be designed to give the record the actual size or any multiple of it. 2. THe REFERENCE PLANE. The machine is so designed that the datum lines in the record correspond to lines lying in a common plane in the timber sample. 40) The Dalby Profile Recorder This plane is called the PLANE oF REFERENCE. The plane of reference in the timber sample corresponding to the lines on the record is defined by any selected point on the timber surface to be explored. Having selected a suitable point the exploring roller of the apparatus is set to the point and then the plane through this point parallel to the plane defined by the surfaces of three studs to which the sample is clamped is the plane of reference from which ordinates to the surface are to be measured. The roller was set on the sample to the point corresponding to'Z in Fig, 1. A reference to Fig. 2 will make this clear. A, B, C are three supporting studs in the machine. The upper surfaces of these studs define a plane. Let a piece of timber be laid on these three points. Let Z be the point in the upper surface of this piece of timber to which the exploring roller is set. Then a plane through Z parallel to the plane defined by the points A, B, C is the PLANE OF REFERENCE from which all ordinates are measured to the undulating surface. In all forms of the machine there will be found three supporting studs corresponding to the points A, B,C. These studs may be regarded as three blunted points, the upper surfaces of which define what may be called the PLANE OF THE MACHINE. The plane of reference is parallel to the plane of the machine at a distance from it determined by the particular point in the surface to which the roller is set at the beginning of the process of taking a record. The traces of these planes are shown in the vertical elevation Fig. 3. If the point Z is in the same plane as the points A, B, C then the plane of the machine and the plane of reference coincide. This condition is practically fulfilled m some 4 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 1. Profile curves from an artificially prepared surface of a piece of pine. In the original record the da- tum lines are 1 inch apart. W. E. DALBy 41 forms of the machine. In other forms the three points A, B,C are in the lower surface of the timber sample and the point Z is in the upper surface so that the plane of reference is above the plane of the machine by approximately the thickness of the sample. Fig. 2 It is only when the sample is clamped at three points that a true record of the surface can be made. The act of clamping at more than three points distorts the timber so that the family of profile curves correspond to a surface slightly strained, and the surface will therefore change in shape immediately the sample is removed from the machine. When however it is clamped at three points only the Z PLANE _OF REFERENCE _ sample is quite unstrained, and moreover it can be removed from the machine and can be replaced in it again in the same position relatively to the frame, providing always that it is clamped at the same three points. The initial clamping points should therefore be carefully marked on the sample by ringing them round or by any other con- venient method. 3—) 42 The Dalby Profile Recorder The position of the point Z must also be carefully marked on the surface so that the exploring roller can be re-set to this point when taking subsequent records of the surface. The re-setting to Z ensures that the families of profile curves in all the series of records which may be taken of the surface are recorded in relation to the same reference plane. In other words by re-setting the roller to Z the position of the reference plane in relation to the plane of the machine is maintained substantially without change however often the sample is replaced in the machine. In the time elapsing between two successive measure- ments of a family of profile curves of the surface, warping slightly changes the distances of the pomt Z on the surface from the clamping points; but the change is quite negligible in its influence on the position of the reference plane if the point Z is initially chosen close to a clamping point. In Fig. 1 for example, Z is taken as close to the clamp A, Fig. 4, as possible. It would probably be better in a definite series of experi- ments to take Z as near to the central clamping point as possible (C in Fig. 4). Then the warping of the surface would have the least effect in changing the relative positions of the reference plane through Z and the plane of the machine. Warping and shrinking also change the relative positions of the three clamping points themselves during lapse of time. The change is likely to be slight and the effect on the relative position of the reference plane and the plane of the machine negligible. To secure uniformity in practice it is advisable to re-clamp a particular sample so that the central clamp (like C Fig. 4) grips the timber at the same point in all the re- settings of the series. The clamps A and 6 will then grip the sample at points displaced from the original pomts by amounts due to shrinkage in the linear dimension of the imaginary triangle formed by joining the three points at which the sample was originally clamped. In cases where great accuracy is required the hole-slot-plane method of clamping may be used. Assuming the timber to be hard enough to bear clamping without appreciably indenting the surface, a conical hole is formed in the timber to receive the conical point C (Fig. 2); a V-groove pointing towards C' is formed to receive the conical point B; and the surface of the timber rests on the conical point A. The timber sample when clamped down on to these conical points is then fixed relatively to the frame of the machine in the most accurate manner possible. In cases where the timber is soft and therefore the conical sup- porting points are likely to form indentations in the surface, metal W. E. DALBy 43 screws may be screwed into the timber, the heads of these screws being specially formed, the screw at C with a conical hole, the screw at B with a V-slot, and the screw at A with a plane head. The reference plane will stand at a fixed distance from the plane of the machine defined by the hole-slot-and-plane clamping except for the negligibly small error produced by warping and shrinking in the distances of Z from the clamping points. This error is minimised by selecting Z as close to the conical hole as possible. 3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF A RECORDER. The particular form which the profile recorder takes depends upon the purpose for which it is required and upon the sizes of the samples which are to be tested. Apparatus may be designed for drawing the profile curves of the largest planks or for studying samples of moderate size or for measuring the shape of the blades of an aircraft propeller. One type (Mark 2) is shown by the photographs Figs. 4 and 5. This apparatus takes samples 303” by 6” and any thickness up to 14”. Variations in the shape of the surface are shown twice the actual size in the record. This multiplication of the surface variations can be carried to any extent desired but the scale once settled remains constant for any particular machine. Referring to Fig. 4 the timber sample 7' is clamped down by the clamps A, B and C to the corresponding studs below it. The drawing paper on which the records are to be taken is pinned down to the drawing board at D. The angle iron framework is self-contained and supports on the one side the timber sample and on the other side the drawing board. Lying on the bottom bars of the framework is a guide frame GG consisting of two parallel rods secured in end pieces. It will be seen that this frame can be lifted from its position and can then be placed in another position defined by any one of four pairs of V-notches cut in the lower bars of the framework. These notches are pitched | inch apart. The stock of the machine is supported by the guide frame. It is shown separately in Fig. 5. Its base is made of cast iron and it is srooved to slide along the guide bars GG@ seen in Fig. 4. It is pushed along them by hand when a profile curve is being drawn. The stock carries an exploring roller & on the end of an arm and a +t The Dalby Profile Recorder pencil P on the end of another arm. Mechanism connects the two arms so that the vertical movement of Ff is changed into a horizontal movement of the pencil in a direction at right angles to the direction of motion of the stock. To draw a profile curve the stock is placed on the guide frame GG and the mechanism is locked in a zero position by turning the milled head L seen at the lower part of Fig. 5. The roller is clamped clear of the surface. The pencil is then lowered on to the paper and the stock Fig. 4 is pushed along the guide rods by force applied to the handle U. The pencil then draws a straight datum line. The roller is then lowered into contact with the timber surface at a point of the path nearest to a clamping point and this point is marked Z. This point defines the position of the plane of reference, and the datum line already drawn lies init. The lock is then released by turning the head ZL and the stock is drawn or pushed along the guide bars. The roller now follows the unevenness of the surface along the path which it is compelled to follow and the pencil P draws automatically the curve giving the shape of W. E. DALBy 45 this path twice full size. The curve is the profile of a section taken through the roller path at right angles to the plane of reference. The process of drawing a family of curves is similar. The datum lines are first drawn one for each position of the guide frame in its Fig. 5; notches. Then the point Z is selected. Guide frame and stock are adjusted to bring the roller over the selected point and then the roller is lowered into contact with the surface and the roller post is securely 46 The Dalby Profile Recorder clamped. The profile curve corresponding to each pair of notches provided is then drawn. The family of curves, Fig. 1, were drawn in this way. 4. INTERPRETATION OF THE PROFILE CURVES ON THE RECORD. The datum lines lie in one plane, the plane of reference. The distance from any point on any one of the profile curves to its datum line is equal to twice the distance of the corresponding point in the timber surface to the reference plane defined by the point Z. For example the point Y, on the Record No. 1 (drawn again in Fig. 6) is ~” above the reference plane containing the point Z on the surface of the sample. Similarly the point Y, is 0-2” below this reference plane. All the points on the timber surface corresponding with points of intersection of the profile curves with their respective datum lines lie in the reference plane containing Z. For example the points on the surface corresponding to points Zzzzz and yyyyy in the record all lie in the plane of reference. The “lines joining these points are contour lines in the reference plane. Points on the profile curves at equal distance from their respective datum lines can be located. Curves through these points are contour curves for the particular distance located. The family of profile curves drawn by the machine can therefore be used to find the contour lines of the surface explored. And these contour lines can be drawn on the record. A family of profile curves of sections at right angles to those drawn automatically by the machine can be deduced. Suppose for example that the profile is required across the section SS on the record shown in Fig. 6. At each of the intersections of SS with the five datum lines of the record, set up (or down) the intercepts on SS, cut off by the re- spective datum lines and the corresponding profile curves. P,P,P,P,P; are points obtained in this way and the curve through them is the profile curve across the section SS. Profile curves for a series of transverse sections at any assigned interval apart can be deduced from the family of profile curves drawn by the machine. Such a family is shown in Fig. 7 for transverse sections taken about 3” apart on record No. 2, a record taken from an artificially prepared surface of a sample of pine. Lf /f, A) fp fp ALL LLL ll Fig. 6. Tr WY VTA Poot Y, \ ~\ \ \ \ \ Contour line OQ 2) = Ss ee ee PROFILE Curves. Redrawn Fig. 7. COS a fainily of profile from Fig. 1. curves taken from an ‘artificially : prepared surface of a_ pine sample together with a family of transverse profile curves de- duced from them. Each of these diagrams is a little larger than } full size. In the original records the datum lines are 1 inch apart. 48 The Dalby Profile Recorder 5. Use oF THE RECORD TO PLOT A ContTOoUR LINE ON THE TIMBER SURFACE. The point on the timber surface corresponding to any point on the record can be identified by placing guide frame and stock so that the pencil is brought over the point on the record. The roller will then mark the corresponding point on the timber surface. The series of points lying on a contour line on the record can thus be identified on the timber surface and an actual contour line can then be drawn on the timber surface itself. The meaning of such a line is that all points on it are equally distant from the reference plane con- taining the point Z and parallel to the points A, B and C which have been definitely imprinted on the timber surface by the three studs against which the timber sample was clamped. 49 THE ACTION OF ENCHYTRAEID WORMS By tHE Rev. HILDERIC FRIEND, F.R.MS. Tue following paper is based on the Report which was presented to the Board of Agriculture as the result of experiments carried out in 1914-15 under the direction of Professor Gamble, F.R.8., at the Birmingham University. The main objects were twofold: 1. To determine the question of the injurious action of Enchytraeid worms on living plants. A long series of experiments was conducted at the Hdgbaston Botanic Gardens with Asters, Antirrhinums and other plants, with a view to ascertaining what effect, if any, was produced upon the living plants by the presence of these worms, which had frequently been charged with causing decay and death. Control plants were used, and infections were made with various species of worms under a great variety of conditions. The results showed conclusively that so long as the plants are healthy and vigorous Enchytraeids do not attack them. On the other hand, when living plants begin to decline from any cause it is the usual thing for white worms to take up the work of destruction and play the part of scavengers. While the experiments were in progress visits were paid to Droitwich, Kenilworth, Shrewsbury, Edgbaston and other places in which gardens were reported to be suffering from injurious Enchytraeid attacks. In no instance was the evidence sufficient to justify the opinion that white worms were the original aggressors, though in several instances they were busily engaged in clearing away the decaying plants. The initial injury was due to a variety of causes, such as fungi, bacteria, Julus and other pests. 2. To determine the réle of the red-blooded Enchytraeids. During the year advantage was taken of many opportunities to study both in the field and in the experiment house, the réle of that group of minute worms belonging to the Enchytraeids which are charac- terized by red blood. They are found in moist places among vegetable debris, in sewage works, ponds, ditches, farmyards and especially by the seaside, and are found to be invariably engaged as beneficent scavengers. Though not infrequently met with in tap water their 50 The Action of Enchytraeid Worms presence is never occasion for alarm, and even if they were inadvertently swallowed no injurious effects need be feared. THE ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY. VOL. III, NOS. 2 and 3 PLATE XVI ry THE ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY. VOL. Ill, NOS. 2 and 3 PLATE XVII % 15. Goal horn [15 Manean, J. On the mouth parts of some Blattidae. Proc. Roy. Irish. Acad., Vol. xxvi. B. No. 1, 1908. MarsHam, T. Note on the wireworm. Trans. Linn. Soc., 1808, Vol. xx. pp. 160-1, p. 118, f. 4. NewsTEapD, R. Food of some British birds. Swpplt. Journ. Bd. Agric., Dec. 1908. Perris, M. E. Larves des Coleoptéres, 1878, Paris, pp. 161-188. ScHEFFER, J. H. The common Mole. Kansas Bull., No. 168, 1910. Scuioptr, J. C. De Metamorphosi Eleutheratorum observationes, 1870, Vol. u. pp. 470-536, Pl. VIII. SHarP, D. Camb. Nat. Hist., Vol. vt. (Insects, Pt. 1m), p. 188. Westwoop, J. O. Intro. to Mod. Class. Ins., 1839, Vol. 1. pp. 237-8, fig. Wuitr, P. B. Food of the common Mole. Journ. Bd. Agric., Aug. 1914, XXxI. pp. 401-7. XaAMBEU, Cpt. V. Mceurs et Métamorphoses des Insectes. Ann. Soc. Linn. de Lyon, 1912, p. 111; 1913, p. 28. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE XVI FIGURE Ile ~I 9. 10. ne Fully grown larva of Agriotes obscurus, lateral aspect, drawn from an extended spirit specimen. ant. antenna; mu. muscle attachment; sf. spiracle; ps. pseudopodium. x8. Mature larva, as above, ventralaspect. ps. pseudopodium; si. first spiracle. 8. Pupa of Agriotes obscurus, ventral aspect. ant. antenna (left); le. elytron (left). x 8. Pupa of same, dorsal aspect. 8. PLATE XVII Lateral aspect of the ninth abdominal segment of the larva of Agriotes obscurus. ps. pseudopodium; mu. muscle attachment. x 24. Ventral aspect of the ninth abdominal segment of the same. ps. pseudopodium. x 24. Right mandible of the larva viewed from above. gi. ginglvmus; co. condyle; la. lacinia mobilis. x 50. Right first maxilla of the same viewed from below. ca. cardo; sf. stipes; mp. maxillary palp; la. lacinia; ga. galea. x 50. Labium of same, viewed from below. m. mentum: pg. palpiger; Up. labial palp; li. ligula. x 50. Right antenna, seen laterally. -d/. dorsal lobe; vl. ventral lobe. — x 100. Right lee of third pair of the larva. co. coxa; fc. trochanter; f. femur; ¢b. tibia; ta. tarsus; cl. claw. x49. (a 116 ON THE BIOLOGY AND ECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE OF TIPULA PALUDOSA. By JOHN RENNIE, D.Sc., F.R.S.E. (North of Scotland College of Agriculture.) Part II. Hatcuinc, GRowTH AND HaBits oF THE Larval. -) (With Plates XVIII—XX and 3 Text-figures.) THE most common species of Crane-fly larva occurring in grass and corn land in the north-east of Scotland is Tipula paludosa. Tipula oleracea occurs also, but is much less frequently met with. Along with these, there has also been found in comparatively small numbers in fields the larval stage of Pachyrhina histrio, but this species appears to occur more frequently in garden ground. The following Tipulidae in addition have been found in the winged stage in the district sur- rounding Aberdeen: Tipula varipennis, common and generally distributed. T. gigantea, in small numbers. T. lutescens, in small numbers. Pedicia rivosa, L. widely distributed in the northern area, but not common. The Egg. Hatching of the flies goes on during the months of June, July, August and September, and as already recorded (Part I) the first mating and oviposition may take place within a very short period. In captivity, hatching mating and oviposition have all occurred within a few hours. A newly hatched female contains considerably over 400 shelled ova. In two such taken at random the actual numbers were found to be 448 and 490. A third female captured out of doors in coitu contained 255 black shelled ova together with a quite small number— about 12—of pale coloured immature shelled examples. The form of ! The work recorded in this series of papers bas been carried out with the aid of Grants from the Board of Agriculture for Scotland, eR tld J. RENNIE 117 this female when found indicated that oviposition had previously taken place. A female Pachyrhina histrio taken in the open contained 259 black shelled ova. The egg measures 1-1 mm. x -4mm.; it is black in colour, with a dark purplish metallic lustre. As development proceeds this lustre diminishes, and finally before hatching the shell is of a dull black colour. The covering of the egg is a strong tough membrane, which is completely formed around the egg before copulation takes place. I have been unable to detect a micropyle, but this may be present. It is possible that the membrane before coming in contact with the air is permeable to the spermatozoon. The somewhat remote possibility of partheno- genesis taking place with the first brood of eggs has not been overlooked, and females have been kept apart from males from the period of their hatching until death, but oviposition never took place under these conditions. The Early Larva. The emergence of the larvae takes place in about 14 days after the eggs have been laid. They are then of a pale reddish sandy colour, and about 2°7 mm. in length, Plate XIX (b). When fully extended, thirteen body segments can be made out. On each of these from the third to the twelfth there is a small tuft of laterally placed, moderately strong bristles. The thirteenth segment which bears the spiracles and terminal papillae, has a pair of tufts of relatively stronger and longer curved bristles, borne alongside the large lateral conical para-anal papillae. These tufts constitute the most striking difference between the early larva and the later form. Through the skin the two longitudinal tracheal trunks are visible, and also the alimentary canal with its four anteriorly and one posteriorly placed diverticula. The masticatory apparatus is well developed, both mandibles and first maxillae being strongly toothed. In a short time the segmental bristles tend to become very short or worn away, and so also do the anal tufts. Traces of the lateral bristles persist even in the fully formed ‘ grub,” but the anal tufts disappear completely. These changes appear to come about by attrition. In about 12 to 13 days from the time of hatching the larvae are 4—5 mm. in length when fully extended, and already resemble the older and more familiar “leather jacket.” By about three weeks they have attained a size of 6mm. They feed from the first day onward. Ann. Biol. 11 8 118 Biology and Economic Significance of 'Tipula paludosa The fully grown Larva: External features. Owing to the difficulty of keeping alive recently emerged larvae which were prevented from burrowing into the soil, it has not been possible so far to follow the changes in external form effected at the various moults. The larva when fully grown attains at full extension a length of about 40 mm. It is now of a brownish-grey earthy colour interspersed with irregularly placed blackish dots. Frequently the longitudinal tracheal trunks, two in number, may be seen through the skin. The shape is cylindrical, slightly narrowed anteriorly, and expanded posteriorly into a peristigmatic papillae-bearimg area. The skin, which is generally tense in healthy larvae, exhibits the following characteristics :—along each side there is a moderately wide strip which on the animal contracting folds outward, forming a pair of blunt keel-lke longi- tudinal ridges. Besides numerous transverse wrinklings, there are slight but definite transverse furrows marking off distinct segments. Eleven of these can generally be counted. Each segment bears on its ventral surface four very minute bristles, two lateral and two near the middle line slightly in front of the lateral pair. On the first four segments behind the head dorsally, there is a row of bristles, and a pair of dorso-lateral bristles on succeeding segments. The head bears a pair of short jointed antennae; there is a very strong chitinous and highly complex mouth armature which includes massive toothed mandibles with palps, a pair of serrated first maxillae, notched united second maxillae and elaborately folded and bristled labrum (Plate XIX (a)). The whole set of structures is based upon a large strong bivalved chitinous support which surrounds the gullet. The anus, which is sub-terminal, is surrounded by large fleshy lobes and a pair of large retractile laterally placed conical papillae. Beling regards these papillae as characteristic for this species. On the somewhat truncated terminal region there is a pair of large brown coloured circular stigmata, each with a lighter glistening dull golden marginal ring. This stigmatic area is expanded on its border into six conical papillae, of definite form and arrangement. There is a ventral pair whose tips are black with a clear central area. This pair appears to have a sensory function, and may be seen at times in the living animal apposed to the stigmata above. Below each of these ventral papillae there is a pair of small pigmented spots which are some- times united to form a short streak on each side, The remaining J. RENNIE 119 four papillae project dorsally in two pairs. These bear on their exposed surface numerous fine hairs which follow the boundary of an elongated shghtly raised conical area; the outer pair is tipped in black. Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Stigmatic area in Tipula paludosa, (a) showing papillae with hairs, stigmata, and pigment spots; (6) showing anus and fleshy lobes, together with para-anai papille. DP. Dorsal papille ; LP. Lateral papille ; VP. Ventral papillae; AP. Para-anal papille, outside stigmatic area: A. Anus. Duration of Larval Period. In the N.E. of Scotland the adult flies may be seen frequenting cultivated land from early in June to the beginning of October. It appears to be the accepted opinion in England (Theobald, Agricultural Zoology, 1913, p. 228) that there are two generations of these flies, T. paludosa, and T’. oleracea, in the course of the year. Our observations have shown that in this area, probably owing to the higher latitude and more rigorous climate, there is only one. The following observations made upon a small collection of flies reared from eggs which hatched in September, 1913, are typical of the results obtained in rearing during several years. The parent flies had hatched out within small laboratory cages or had been caught upon the college farm and placed in these. The cages had wooden roof and $—2 120 Biology and Economic Significance of Vipula paludosa base, wire gauze sides and glass front. They contained a bed of turf two to three inches deep. Mating and oviposition readily took place, and on the turf being broken up later a considerable number of recently hatched larvae was found. A later search in the month of October, however, showed the mortality to have been considerable. On Ist November, the turf was again broken up and the surviving grubs collected and measured. The lengths were taken by allowing the larvae to crawl upon a sheet of paper and pricking this at the moment of their maximum extension. About one half the number of larvae was found to be under 16 mm. in length, and the remainder from 30 to 35mm. It is remarkable that the larvae may attain to nearly their maximum length quite early, but it must be noted that they are relatively slender at this period. Subsequent growth takes place in the direction of thickness. By the end of the month the disparity in size was not so great. They all conformed to Beling’s description of Tipula paludosa larva. In November clover was sown in the cages; this for a time afforded opportunities for feeding but was allowed to die out during winter. These larvae lived throughout the greater part of the following summer in soil containing decaying vegetable matter only, and duly pupated and emerged as adults in July and the early days of August. As a control upon the above, portions of second year’s grass upon the farm were dug up in October, the turf was disintegrated, shaken up in sieves, and the soil searched. Larvae were found and measured in a similar manner, and the commonest size at this date was found to range from 20 to 25mm. These also were identified as 7. paludosa. Larvae collected out of doors during November and the first half of December showed a maximum size of 20mm. These were relatively slender at this degree of extension, and contracted when handled to much smaller bulk than the laboratory reared specimens. The larvae collected out of doors on 1st November, and which were separately caged, but kept under similar conditions, when fully extended measured 36 mm. in December, but in this state were distinctly more slender in the body. Examination of the contents of the alimentary canal showed that they had fed upon the decaying rootlets in the soil. As the season progressed it was found that there was eventually no signifi- cant difference in size between those reared indoors and those living a natural life outside. The records of soil temperature taken on the farm showed that there had been little frost during this experiment. The winter was a mild one, and the facts suggest that some feeding at least had taken place amongst the larvae out of doors, In a subsequent - - we Gomer ew J. RENNIE 121 season caged larvae kept short of food were found in February to measure from 20 to 30mm. Generally, there has been found out of doors great variation in the size of larvae at the end of winter in the same district and even upon the same field. Tipula paludosa has been kept under direct observation throughout its whole life cycle, and owing to variations in the length of the larval stage pupation and consequently hatching of adults is spread over a considerable period, viz., in this district, June to September. (Rarely, I have found adults in the cages in May.) Under experimental con- ditions of limited food supplies larvae have been kept alive and been continuously under observation for fifteen months. The minimum duration of the larval period has been found to be about nine months— September to June. Before all the larvae of a season have pupated the next season’s larvae may have appeared, so that there may be larvae present in the soil all the year round. There is a possibility that this fact may have led to the view that there are two generations of flies in the year. I have had under observation in breeding cages in the month of July, larvae, pupae, and adults of one generation, together with developing eggs and emerged larvae of the next generation—all alive at the same time; and in the variable climate of the region under observation such occurrences are not improbable in the field. Bionomics of the Larva. The newly emerged larvae are very susceptible to drought, and when kept in dry soil were found to die off quickly. Strong sunlight, even when the soil is moist, was also fatal in a short time. Artificially reared larvae require to be kept moist and sheltered from direct sunlight, otherwise the mortality in the early days is very great. Larvae which are hatched from eggs which have been placed upon the surface of the ground immediately burrow into the soil, avoiding the light. A large proportion of larvae reared from eggs in 1913 died in the course of the first eight weeks, especially towards the end of this period, notwithstanding all attempts to reproduce natural conditions, and only a comparatively limited number of flies have been reared from many thousands of eggs laid in the laboratory cages. In view of the fact that very large numbers of eggs are laid, and of the probability that the adults only rarely approximate to these numbers, there must be a considerable mortality in the course of the life-history, due, of course, to various factors. Our experience suggests that the first 122 Biology and Economic Significance of Tipula paludosa few weeks of life constitute a period in which the insect is particularly susceptible to the prevailing physical conditions. While difficulty was experienced in rearing large numbers of larvae from the egg to the adult stage, no such difficulty was met with in rearing flies under the same laboratory conditions from larvae collected in the field in late winter. It may be suggested for example that wet weather in the end of summer, and early autumn months, will favour the survival—apart from natural enemies—of greater numbers of larvae, and that con- versely, prolonged drought will tend to kill off numbers of those hatched about this time. In this connection it may be worth while to quote the opinion held by some farmers in this area that a wet summer and autumn foreshadows a plentiful supply of crane-fly in the following year. The Larva on Farm Lands. Published references to the activities of the larva as far as I have been able to trace them deal exclusively with instances of serious or even excessive damage effected by these insects upon grass or corn crops. But in the course of the present investigation it has become clear that Tipula larvae are very commonly present upon farm lands, sometimes in considerable numbers, without their presence becoming apparent. Cases of excessive damage have also been experienced, but the following instance may be taken as an average experience under the conditions named. It is quoted in full because it illustrates a number of features related to the larval habits. These observations were made in the spring and summer of 1913, upon the College farm at Craibstone. Search was made for the presence of Tipula larvae in the end of March and beginning of April. The weather was cold at the time, and the searches were not very fruitful. The Woodlands field (Fig. 3) which was in grass at this time was selected for enquiry, samples being dug up at a number of places, and the turf thoroughly examined, but no Tipula larvae were obtained. Grey slugs were particularly plentiful. This was on 3rd April. On the 19th, ploughing was in progress and the plough was followed, samples of the furrow were taken, disintegrated, and searched, but no larvae were found in this way. Further search by two observers resulted im four larvae being found. These were found under stones at the surface, on the part not touched by the plough. After the field had been sown and rolled it was again examined on the 29th, and larvae were now found to be very numerous under the turf clods upon the surface. In J. RENNIE 123 the interval between the times of examination there had been a good deal of rain. On the 3rd of May the field was visited at 6 a.m. The two previous days had been dry and sunny, but in the end of April there had been much wet. The morning was fine, and at 6 a.m. the sun’s rays had reached the western end of the field only. The eastern end was still in the shadow of the trees. A search was commenced at the eastern end where there was some frost in the ground. In about 45 minutes 94 larvae had been collected. In the southern hollow where the sun had now reached, 42 were obtained in about 10 minutes; on the crest of the field at the west end (in sun) 75 were found in 20 minutes, and on a low part (N.W. corner), in the sun, 15 in 15 minutes. Two collectors were at work. In all in about 14 hours 226 larvae were obtained. In some cases from six to a dozen were found in a single piece of turf. The smallest number appeared to be present in the shade at the highest level of the field (EK. end). The larvae were found mostly under the turf clods, and largely in the “mids”; sometimes they were lying on the soil below, and sometimes embedded in the turf with heads weil buried amongst the roots. They were not seen distributed generally amongst the sown grain. The field was again examined on the 10th of May. There had been continuous and heavy rain for several days previously, and the ground was very wet. The oats had “brairded” early in the week, but the wet weather had rendered rolling impossible. At the time of search rain was not falling, but there was a mist close down to the ground. Larvae were frequently found beneath the loose turfs upon the surface, and they were also to be seen crawling freely on the ground. Some trouble was taken to find them in the act of attacking the young crop, but with no success. The ground in a number of places was scraped with a toothed digger and the plants turned over. A few larvae were found in the ground in this situation, ie., free from turf clods and amongst the soil in which the oats were growing, but none was seen actually attacking any part of the crop. The oats were scarcely an inch above ground. In many places no corn could be seen and here the ground was turned with the digger. A few larvae were found in this way, but it could not be said that they were more numerous than in other situations. It was found that mostly the seed in these places lay deeper and was growing all right. During the following week the weather improved and there had been several warm and dry days. On the 17th the field was again 124 Biology and Economic Significance of 'Tipula paludosa examined. It had been rolled during the previous day. The crop looked well, and there were no indications of Tipula attacks. Larvae were again found in the most usual situation, viz., below the turf clods; 40 were collected in a few minutes. Search amongst the growing oat plants resulted in only one larva being found; none was seen upon the surface, and none detected attacking the crop. On the 21st another examination was made. The weather in the interval had been showery, but not very cold. The day was warm and there was some wind. The field was carefully searched, particu- larly for traces of larvae moving freely in the soil or actually attacking the crop. They were found in the usual places below or burrowing into loose “foggage” upon the surface. In a few cases they were found below flat stones at the surface. Only a very few were obtained by searching the open soil around the oat plants. In this search the soil was turned over with a digger and the oat plants uprooted. Some- times the ground was scraped and stirred. The examination ought to have discovered larvae if they were present in the soil in proximity to the roots of the oat crop, and it is concluded they were absent in this situation at the time of search, viz., between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. The weather at the time was warm and showery, and larvae could always be found amongst the decaying turf. The crop at this date, notwithstanding the undoubted presence of Tipula larvae in large numbers, showed no bad effects. Up to the beginning of July, when the last search for larvae was made upon this field, there was no apparent effect of the presence of Tipula upon the crop. On this occasion the search was effected by cutting the crop over certain areas, and sifting the soil by spade and sieve. Larvae were obtaimed, but no pupae were seen. It should be mentioned that in view of the presence of Tipula m appreciable numbers and the possibility of an attack ensuing, a plot experiment was early arranged upon the field with the object of testing the effect of rolling and of some common manurial substances. The experiment, though negative in its results as far as its original purpose is concerned, is given here because it confirms the conclusion that Tipula was not visibly damaging the crop. The field, which is surrounded by trees, was rich in humic matter. Below is given a diagram of its situation, and of the experimental plots together with the report of Mr W. Findlay, N.D.A., Superintendent of Field Experiments. J. RENNIE 125 S Treated) with) Paperworks Lime E t iy i} Rolled 3/5/13 J 16/4/13 3/5/13 Fig. 2. Diagram of Experimental Area of Field. Report. The Woodlands field at Craibstone was ploughed out of Lea during the second week of April, 1913, and immediately sown with Sandy oats at the rate of six bushels per acre. A heavy rainfall prevented the whole of the field being rolled at that time, and an interval of about two and a half weeks elapsed before the soil was dry enough to finish the operation. One strip the whole length of the field was rolled three times, and other two strips were rolled twice. On the 21st May three plots were laid off and treated as follows: 1. 4 ewts. Paperworks’ Lime per acre. 2. 1k ,, Nitrate of Soda per acre. 3. 2 ,, Common Salt per acre. The accompanying plan will show the scheme of the different treatments and cultivations. At no time was there any difference either in the thickness or strength of the crop between the parts rolled at different times. The plot to which Nitrate of Soda was applied showed an increased crop of about 20 per cent., but those to which Lime and Salt were applied could not be distinguished from the rest of the field. Wo. M. Frnpiay. 126 Biology and Economic Significance of Tipula paludosa The experience here recorded has been general for a series of years; large numbers of Tipula larvae have been regularly obtained from lea fields upon farms on Deeside and elsewhere in the neighbour- hood, which during the periods tested had no crop losses due to their attacks. In a good many such cases the numbers obtained from single fields were considerable. A case where serious damage was effected is given upon page 132. “AN "2 tete Cat ee : gets i ‘ Fig. 3. Plan of Craibstone Home Farm. Experimental Field, No. 5. Summarising the outstanding features of this record we note: (1) An apparent scarcity of larvae in spring before ploughing took place. The failure to find Tipula was not as subsequent finds proved due to their smallness of size, and it does not seem likely that they were deeply situated in the soil at this time. They have rarely been found below six or eight inches under the surface. Tests made with deep cages in winter (Feb. and March) yielded only insignificant numbers (eight per cent.) below six inches from the surface. (2) When known to be present in the field they could not be found in the act of attacking the crop. The suggestion that they feed at night is plausible, but observations on larvae in cages have shown that they feed readily at all times. The fact. that there was an abundance of humic matter in the soil is probably not without significance in this connection (see pp. 127—8). J. RENNIE 127 (3) The occurrence of most of the larvae at the surface beneath loosened decaying turf. Their presence here in the spring is general; they occur both loosely below, and also very frequently deeply embedded in the turf. The disturbance of the soil in ploughing and harrowing is probably the cause of their gathering in these situations, and their presence is probably primarily due to the need for shelter and moisture. (4) The absence of harmful effect upon the crop notwithstanding their presence in considerable numbers throughout the spring and summer. This feature is considered in connection with the further data given below. Further consideration of feeding habits. With a view to rendering clearer the feeding habits of the larvae and to throw light upon the circumstances under which they attack growing crops numerous experiments were made of which the following are illustrations. I. A small lot of larvae reared from eggs laid in September was kept in ordinary field soil covered with loose turf in a small laboratory cage. No crop was sown in the soil, but it was watered from time to time. They wintered under these circumstances and continued throughout the following summer. The larvae pupated in July and the last of them emerged as flies on the 4th August and mated on the same day. The life cycle in this case occupied about eleven months. II. A collection of larvae was kept out of doors in small boxes contain- ing ordinary garden soil without growing vegetation during the months of May, June, and July. They survived this treatment, but were under- sized. Some managed to pupate, but others died in the larval stage. One imago was observed to fail in the act of emerging from the pupal case. The larvae of this group did not on the whole do so well as those of lot I, and the mortality towards the end of the experiment was high. Dissections showed the presence of vegetable fibres in the intestine, and a considerable amount of gritty material. It may be mentioned that this latter is normally present in the intestine. III. A collection of larvae was kept in small cages with no growing plants, and a limited amount of decaying vegetable matter amongst the soil. These conditions were maintained during the months of May and June of the present year. At the end of June all were alive and healthy looking, and some were well grown. The cages were set in a large field rearing box containing washed sea sand, amongst 128 Biology and Economic Significance of Tipula paludosa which the metal cages containing the larvae were sunk. A consider- able number of larvae wandered from the cages and were subsequently recovered amongst the sand, alive and to all appearances quite healthy. Adult flies were later seen emerging from the cages in the laboratory to which they were removed during July. The larvae of this and Experiment II were collected in the fields and had wintered out of doors. The foregoing, together with other experiments and observations of a like nature have shown clearly that the Tipula larva may subsist in the soil and complete its development independent of the presence or absence of a growing crop upon the ground. The results here obtained have led to the institution of further and more exact experiments dealing with the nutrition of soil larvae including Tipula. These are at present in progress. IV. A number of larvae caged in the autumn of 1915 were kept in soil without growing vegetation except for a short period when a small quantity of corn sown in the cage germinated. In February they were found to have reached a fair size. Several killed and ex- amined on the 19th were found to contain soil particles and fragments of vegetable fibre. At this date they were found mostly in compact earthen cells formed against the sides at the bottom of the cage. This habit has been frequently observed in winter and suggests a quiescent period under the adverse conditions of cold, confinement and restricted food supply. In order to determine more clearly the circumstances inducing destructive attacks upon preee the following type of experiment was resorted to: Groups of larvae were put up in large cylindrical glass cages of about 10 inches diameter, in prepared soil, in which the visible amount of vegetable matter was very slight. This soil was, further, mixed with well washed sea sand. Around the cylinders between the glass and the soil, oat seed was introduced. The cages were kept at room temperature and were examined daily. After the corn had germinated, the larvae were kept under close and continuous observation for pro- longed periods at a time. The larvae appeared sluggish, and not much movement was seen in the day time, although their burrows soon became very numerous between the soil and the glass (Plate XX). They could be seen lying in these, and after the corn had germinated, or even before this, they could be seen attacking it, gnawing at the J. RENNIE 129 husk, radicle and plumule. They were also seen eating the blades which had come above the ground. The glass cylinders had removable ends of perforated zinc of fine mesh. A few larvae passed through the perforations at the bottom although these were small Within the cage they tunnelled freely to a depth of six or seven inches. After a week, when all the corn appeared to have germinated, and both radicle and plumule were of some length, the cylinders were removed and the state of the seedlings ascertained. These were separated out carefully and placed in water. The soil was removed as far as possible by gentle washing, and each seedling examined in turn. Care had been taken that no other creatures were present in the soil capable of damaging the oats. There were usually about 25 larvae present. ) See ee SB eS el ‘ 1 : H. T. Gussow 155 control dishes dead flies, not infected with Hmpusa, but at any rate collected at a similar date (the previous autumn), which precaution one would naturally expect in controlling the results of the first experi- ment. It appears that he placed no flies whatsoever on his control dishes, which naturally remained sterile. Had he done so, we are prepared to predict the identical formation of sporangia observed in his experiments with Hmpusa killed flies. Next he made transfers from his culture, sporangia forming in the secondary culture. “Meanwhile,” he states, “the fungus of his secondary culture, which in every respect was identical with Mucor racemosus, was transferred to a syrup made of sterilised sugar and water, and put aside for experiments.” How long he does not say. Nor whether the spores had time to germinate in the sugar solution in the “‘meantime.”’ Now comes the most surprising effect! In his experiments Mr Hesse uses “flies all bred from insects in confinement”; in June “the chrysalides of the greater and lesser flies commenced hatching out” (2? Musca domestica L. the common house fly, and Fannia canicularis, L. the lesser house fly). In his first experiment all negative results were secured, owing apparently to absence of plum jam. Notwithstanding an earlier statement by the author that many insects became entangled in the sticky mess of plum jam, in the second experiment this was used together with, though not specifically so stated, a filter paper saturated, as in the first experiment, with a syrup in which had been incorporated spores (we take it Mucor spores). By the fourteenth day the first deaths were noticed; by the twenty-first day all flies were dead. “All presented typical outward (sic) appearances of infection with Empusa Muscae.” No control was made in this case, he states. In. experiment three,—a repetition of No. 2,—the first deaths occurred in four days, and by the eleventh day all were dead. Cause of death is not stated. In the fourth experiment there was a control with flies not fed with “spores,” and some fed with spores from the fourth generation of Mucor. “The results were the same” (as which?). In the control “no deaths occurred and the flies appeared to be normal four weeks later.” This is most remarkable; and, if Mr Hesse had not reported this as an actual observation, I should feel inclined to challenge the accuracy of these observations. Cultures were then made by this indefatigable worker from “flies which had died in the cages with the naked eye appearance of infection 154. Empusa Muscae versus Musca Domestica ZL. with Hmpusa Muscae.” These resulted in a prolific growth of Mucor racemosus. Why, I wonder, the cautious expressions of “outward” and “naked eye” appearances? One must instinctively ask:—Was Empusa Muscae present, or did it only appear to be present? A state- ment of this most important fact is carefully avoided. Why? Dr Bernstein thus adds his opinion: “There can be no doubt than that Mr Hesse has succeeded in producing a growth, ingestion of the spores of which results in the death of all the flies from Empusa Muscae.” One cannot but feel greatly surprised at such a statement from the nature of the research work quoted. After consultation with Dr Copeman and Mr Ramsbottom (of the Nat. History Museum) the investigators, Dr Bernstein states, agreed on this fact. Here I should wish to ask:—Did they agree on the fact that the flies dead from Empusa Muscae were the flies used, or did they merely agree that all the flies, presumably submitted for examination, were dead from Hmpusa Muscae ? Dr Bernstein now steps in the breach and tries a number of experi- ments. Cage 1 was not interfered with; Cage 2 received a paper saturated with sterilised syrup of cane sugar; Cage 3 received in addi- tion a paper saturated with syrup containing the spores of Mucor hiemalis supplied by Mr Ramsbottom. Cage 4 contained a paper saturated with syrup containing spores of Mucor racemosus, “which had been cultivated on egg yolk from EHmpusa Muscae (sic). The cages were kept in a warm room (in whose charge, or under whose observation, we would gladly have seen stated). Abnormal changes only occurred in Cage 4. In fourteen days 75 % of the flies were dead. Mr Ramsbottom, examining one of the flies from this cage, expresses his opinion that the manifestations were identical with those of Empusa Muscae. No fly died in the other cages from Hnpusa. The general conclusions are stated as follows:—“It would seem then that there could be no doubt that the deaths of the flies in Cage 4 were due to a fungus indistinguishable from Mucor racemosus, but which can be readily cultivated in great quantities from the bodies of flies dead of Empusa Muscae.” This is more correct; we note “from the bodies of flies dead of Empusa”; what role did the Empusa play therein ? Empusa Muscae spores under no circumstances have produced in the cultures made by myself and many other workers anything else but what belonged exclusively to that fungus; certainly never anything like Mucor racemosus. Mucor racemosus, or Mucor resembling what — | seer re ee a H. T. Gussow 155 may now be somewhat loosely called Mucor racemosus, was readily secured from the bodies of any dead fly. We cannot, of course, doubt the correctness of the recorded observations; but we are of the opinion that if a Mucor proved fatal to flies in the manner described in these experiments, it must have been one of the pathogenic types or a different species altogether. We expect close diagnostic studies of the patho- genic organism would soon establish the identity. But we do absolutely question that Mucor developes from an uncontaminated Hmpusa spore. We are glad to note that Mr Ramsbottom has now become interested in clearing up this somewhat involved research work; and we quite agree with him that—if Mr Hesse’s assumption is correct that Hmpusa is a polymorph—a fundamental biological principle would be absolutely overthrown. The critic, they say, but assumes the rdle when he has failed in producing good or marketable merchandise in his own line. That I have assumed the critic’s réle, I may not deny: in what follows, I would play a constructive part, with what success I modestly leave in turn to my critics to say. I wish, therefore, in concluding to record some of my cultural ex- periences and other observations on Hmpusa Muscae, which I have not hitherto published. This may assist in simplifying the apparent difficulties which Mr Hesse had in securing an uncontaminated growth from Hmpusa spores. In my last paper (loc. cit.) I described briefly a method of successful auto-infection of flies coming into contact with flies recently dead from Empusa. By this means one has under one’s own control the securing of fresh material of the fungus for a considerable period. By placing a fly showing the fresh belts of fungus growth on a pillar made of plas- ticine, this latter can be bent and twisted under the microscope into any position. When carefully adjusted one can observe the discharge of spores very readily. These fly in every direction and for distances ’ of about seven centimetres. Hence this fact was used for obtaining spore cultures quite easily, and uncontaminated. A series of clear coverglasses was placed at the bottom of a sterile jar, which was closed with an ordinary cork. A fly which was observed to be surely “infected’’—experience having shown the incipient symptoms of infection, viz. sluggishness, increase in volume and lightening in colour of abdomen, and a peculiar reddish colour, a dirty brick red, of the “eyes”’—was pinned on to the cork from below, so that, when the stopper was replaced, the fly was securely held above 156 Empusa Muscae versus Musca Domestica L. the coverglasses underneath. Spores were freely shed and collected absolutely pure. The usual methods used in spore cultures were then employed, but the results were not satisfactory. I then used for a medium various animal fats—a droplet of butter, of dripping, of lard, etc. These were exposed to the spore bombardment, but no more appreciable results were obtained. Moreover, these substances were found to be very unsuitable for microscopic use owing to their annoying refractive indices and their opacity. How much more unsatisfactory must the egg yolk medium—stone hard, no doubt, from the method of treatment given by Mr Hesse—have proved itself. I also tried sterile asparagus tips—mainly because of the known lecithin contents of this plant— but no satisfactory results were achieved on it either. I then obtained interesting results from the use of a mineral fat, i.e. common vaseline, as used for ringing slides in hanging drops. This medium was sterile to begin with and made beautiful clear hanging drops or surfaces. A small quantity was placed with a scalpel on a clean coverglass and gently heated until evenly spread like a film over the coverglass. When exposed to spore-shedding, the number of spores desired thereon was easily adjusted by the removal of coverglasses after one, two, three or more minutes’ exposure. The coverglasses were then inverted on hollow ground slides and ready for examination. » To obviate any misunderstanding, here let me remark parentheti- eally that, in the description following, I am not detailing the result of any one particular experiment, but am summarising the nett results of some hundreds of observations. Germination began very shortly in every instance. The plasmatic mass which surrounds the spore when shot from the conidiophore appeared to remain in a liquid or semi-liquid form; it never showed the wrinkled appearance generally observed, and so often figured. The first symptoms of active life appeared about one hour after the spores had been shot on the medium. Never at any time did the original spore produce a germinal tube; at first there appeared something very much like a germinal tube in the shape of a small “exdentation” of the cell wall of the mother spore. This gradually elongated, but assumed, from ten to fifteen minutes later, a flask or clubshaped appear- ance. About an hour later it was recognised with certainty as a second- ary spore, the nucleus of the first spore having taken up its position in the now forming secondary spore. As this spore grew, it, together with the mother spore, presented a dumb-bell shape. Where joined H. T. Gitissow 157 to the mother spore the “handle of the dumb-bell” elongated somewhat, and the secondary spore also appeared surrounded by a_plasmatic substance—just as did the mother spore—but in very much smaller quantity. Immediately after the secondary spore was formed, it actually did germinate. It should have been said that in the mother cell the “exdentation”’ occurred on almost any position of the spherical body. But with the secondary spore, germination, as opposed to the “exden- tation” of the mother cell, took place at the end towards the mother cell. Indeed what appeared at first as a rather long “handle to the dumb-bell” was later recognised as a mycelial thread, or, more correctly, tube growing into the cavity of the old spore. Naturally in many cases the secondary spore often separated from the mother spore. The germ tube was seen to branch, and the contents of the spore to be slowly used up, while the mycelium grew in size. This produced sparse, short, stout branches at no special points. Later on a second germ tube grew from the secondary spore body; on rare occasions there were three in all. The growth made slow progress thereafter, becoming detached from its spore shell, and assuming shapes and sizes similar to the mycelial portion observed in the fat body of the fly. We have not been able to see a true tertiary spore in Hmpusa Muscae after germination took place, although peculiar club or flask shapes occasion- ally appeared which resembled spores; but they could not, on examina- tion, be determined as such. The growth remained pure all the time and made progress for 28 days on this medium. Then signs of disintegration appeared, and the mycelium became vacuoled more and more, less sharp in outline, and later collapsed. This is, so far as I know, the longest time a growth has been maintained outside a fly; but we cannot regard it as a successful culture yet. Every effort to continue growth failed, no doubt because it normally takes place in nature in the living fly body. These observations clearly show that Mr Hesse’s Mucor racemosus was nothing else but an impurity, and polymorphism does not occur in this fungus, as represented at one time by Mucor and another by ? Empusa. Every other experiment to continue the development of these spores has failed so far. The absence of nutrients accounts for this; for the various ingredients tried to furnish material for continued growth did not suit the fungus. The main points, from a scientific Ann. Biol. tt 11 158 KEmpusa Muscae versus Musca Domestica ZL, point of view, viz. the hibernation, the question of resting spores, so common in other species of this genus, and of artificial culture, — still remain unsolved. But, while it is realised as possible that the solution of these problems may have other than a scientific value, it appears to me from my observation that we must look, for the control of the fly problem, to other biological organisms—or remove systemati- cally, by all necessary precautions, the insanitary conditions favourable to the breeding of this annoying and dangerous pest. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XxXl. Fig. 1. Empusa spore shot on vaseline at 9.15 a.m. Fig. 2. Same spore at 11.15 a.m. Fig. 3. 2 BS 12.10 p.m. Fig. 4. a5 PS 12.25 p.m. Figs. 5, 6. Same spore, a little later. Fig. 7. Same spore at 4.40 p.m. Fig. 8. - 5 5.20 p.m. Fig. 9. S A 5.30 p.m. Fig. 10. a x3 6.5 p.m. Fig. 11. Spore shot on glass slide, mass of protoplasm drying up. Fig. 12. Same spore as before after 24 hours’ germination. Figs. 13-17. “‘Involution forms.” Figs. 18-20. Spore germinating into mother spore, and becoming separated from same. Fig. 21. Proboscis of Musca domestica and spore of Empusa Muscae, relative sizes. PLATE XxI VOL. Ill, NO. 4 THE ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY. j ! H.1.G, del. ad nat. a A A BLOSSOM WILT AND CANKER OF APPLE TREES. By H. WORMALD, M.Sc. (Lonp.), A.R.C.Sc. (Mycological Department, South-Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, Kent.) (With Plates XXII—XXIV.) CONTENTS. PAGE I. Introduction c : : : : 3 : : : 159 II. Historical ¢ : : : : : 5 3 : é : 162 Ill. The Disease as observed on naturally infected trees . ; : 165 (a) Observations made in 1915 é : : 2 ; : 165 (6) Observations made in 1916 : , - : : : 168 (c) Comparison with other diseases producing a similar con- dition . c : : : : : 3 : C 172 IV. The Blossom Wilt Fungus compared with other Monilias of Fruit Trees : : - : , . 4 é 3 173 (a) Cultural Studies of Monilias found in this country : 173 (b) Dimensions of Conidia . : ¢ ; = : : 177 (c) American Strains of Monilia . - - : : : 180 (d) Continental Strains of Monilia ‘ : : : : 181 (e) Nomenclature of the various forms : : 2 : 183 V. Inoculation Experiments with Pure Cultures : : : - 185 (a) Inoculation of apple flowers in the greenhouse - ; 186 (6) Inoculation of apple flowers in the plantation : : 192 (c) Inoculation of twigs through wounds : : “ C 195 (d) Inoculation of the fruit . - : : : ‘ : 195 VI. Control Measures . : - : : ; - : : - 198 I. INTRODUCTION. DuRING recent years many varieties of apples have been seriously attacked by a disease which causes the wilting and death of the blossom, frequently kills the twigs, and may produce cankers on the branches. From information received at Wye College from various localities in 11—2 160) A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees Kent and Sussex it is evident that the disease is increasing in intensity year by year; in some orchards and plantations it has now assumed epidemic proportions and is causing considerable loss to the fruit farmers. The varieties which have suffered most are Lord Derby, Cox’s Orange Pippin and James Grieve. A Sussex fruit grower! who supplied the writer with specimens gave the following list of varieties affected with the disease in one of his orchards in 1915: Duchess of Oldenburg, Worcester Pearmain, Allington Pippin, Cox’s Orange Pippin (this variety very badly attacked), Early Julyan, James Grieve, Lane’s Prince Albert, Lord Grosvenor, Prince Bismarck, Chelmsford Wonder, Newton Wonder, Domino and Lord Derby. In the same orchard the varieties which the owner found to be free, or practically so, from the disease were Charles Ross, Gladstone, Beauty of Bath, Lady Sudeley, Blenheim Orange, Royal Jubilee, Bramley’s Seedling, Warner’s King and Queen. Whether any of the varieties included in the latter list are immune is at present an open question but some of them are known to be susceptible, for Beauty of Bath, Warner’s King, and Bramley’s Seedling have been found elsewhere with the disease, as have also Duchess’ Favourite, Ecklinville Seedling, Fearn’s Pippin, Dartmouth Crab and Rival. The same grower writing in May 1915 said, the disease “is more extensive among apples than I have ever seen it before. I reckon that in some varieties one-fourth of the trusses of fruit have been ruined by it”; with reference to a similar outbreak in 1916 he wrote, “The specimens enclosed are from Fearn’s Pippin which is very badly damaged. One fairly large tree blossomed all over profusely and I am sure that nineteen out of twenty of the trusses of fruit blossom have gone off like those enclosed,” and in another letter he averred that “Three-fourths of my anticipated crops of Cox and Domino, and half that of some other varieties have been destroyed by the disease.” Inspection of affected orchards and plantations in Kent during the past season (1916) has shown that the experience of the Sussex grower is by no means unique, for trees with from 50 % to 75 °% of the flowering spurs killed by the disease were not uncommon. On one farm visited by the writer there were thirty large standard trees, about twenty years old, of the Lord Derby variety which had produced about 300 bushels of fruit in 1914 when a little of the disease was noticed; in 1915 the disease was worse, while last season (1916) the crop was practically nil and hundreds of dead spurs recently killed were to be seen on each 1 T am indebted to Mr Wm E, Bear, Hailsham, for the information supplied, Se os H. WorMALD 161 tree. The affected trees were in two rows; along one side of them was a row of the variety Warner’s King bearing a few diseased trusses while along the other side the trees (Newton Wonder) were apparently quite free from the disease. This would appear to indicate that the Lord Derby variety is particularly susceptible to the disease and this con- clusion is supported by the fact that in one large orchard where there were some hundreds of trees of this variety together with several other varieties it was possible to detect the Lord Derby trees even in winter by reason of the large number of dead spurs and twigs which they bore, In the Weald of Kent where this variety is extensively cultivated so much injury has been caused by the disease that it has been necessary in some cases to “top-graft” the trees with a more resistant variety. Not only are well-established trees attacked, but quite young trees too are susceptible to the disease. In one case, observed in the fruit plantation at Wye College, a voung cordon apple tree (of the variety Rival) was attacked through a fruiting spur situated near the middle of the stem during the first season after it was planted out; a canker developed round the base of the affected spur and killed the upper half of the tree. The first symptoms of the disease are noticeable about a fortnight after the tree comes into flower; it will then be observed that some “fruiting spurs” of the trees affected not only fail to set fruit but the flowers and leaves round the base of the inflorescence show evidence of wilting, and, within a few days become dry and withered. Where such a truss is borne on a short spur there will be found about the middle of June a depressed, often cracked, canker-like area on the branch, around the base of the spur. In some instances the canker within a few weeks girdles the branch and so causes the death of that portion distal to the canker. Usually no external sign of any parasitic organism is to be found on these newly killed spurs at this stage. During periods of wet weather however the dead flowers and pedicels may produce pustules bearing chains of elliptical to citriform conidia which are readily identified as of the Monilia type. Again if sections are made through the base of a dead truss, showing externally no trace of the fungus, and examined microscopically, hyphae are invariably to be found. When particles of these sections are placed on nutrient culture media the fungus con- tinues to develop and may be induced to produce conidia when growing in pure culture; under these conditions too the organism is recognised as a Monilia. 162. A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees If the dead spurs are allowed to remain on the trees until the following season the fungus appears at the surface of the spurs and over the cankered areas during the winter and spring in the form of rounded Monilia pustules which burst through the bark and produce numerous chains of conidia (Fig. 1). The constant association of the Monilia with the Blossom Wilt and the appearance of that fungus on the diseased spurs and cankers obviously suggest that the.organism is responsible for the damage done. The Monilia that is generally assumed by plant pathologists, in this country and abroad, to attack the apple is Monilia fructigena Pers. (= Sclerotinia fructigena Schroéter). In its conidial form this is the fungus that so readily attacks the ripening apple during the late summer and often causes them to become “mummified.” On such apples the fungus is usually to be seen in the form of yellow pustules which appear more or less in concentric circles over the diseased fruit. The form which I have hitherto always found to be associated with the Blossom Wilt was found to be quite distinct from the typical Monilia fructigena found on the fruit in summer and autumn, in the colour and size of its pustules, in the dimensions of the conidia and in its habit and growth on artificially prepared culture media. The pustules of the Blossom Wilt fungus are in general smaller than in WM. fructigena, are grey rather than yellow in colour and the conidia they bear are smaller. This grey Monilia of the apple conforms more nearly to descriptions of Monilia cinerea Bon. (= Sclerotinia cinerea Schroter) which, according to those continental mycologists who recognise this as a species distinct from M. fructigena, is the form responsible for the majority of cases of Brown Rot in the “stone-fruit” trees (i.e. plum, cherry, damson etc.). II. Historica. In 1888 Sorauer (21) pointed out that not only was Monzha destructive to the apples themselves but that it could invade the woody tissue of the twigs which were in consequence killed towards their tips, and since that year frequent references to this “ Zweigdiirre” have appeared in continental phytopathological literature. This condition on apple trees is generally attributed to MW. fructigena, while a similar disease on cherry trees is said to be caused by MW. cinerea by those who recognise the two as distinct species. Frank and Kriiger(i0) in 1899 make reference to an outbreak of Brown Rot on apple trees in the neighbourhood of Berlin; on the H. WorMALD 163 affected trees fruiting spurs were killed soon after the flowers opened, the flowers and leaves became withered and the fungus penetrated into the bark of the branches. One of the most valuable contributions to our knowledge of the Brown Rot Monilias is a paper by Woronin(23) published in 1899; in it he not only supplied evidence in favour of his contention that Sclero- tinia fructigena and S. cinerea were distinct species and could be dis- tinguished even in the Monilia (or conidial) condition, but also used the two forms in his inoculation experiments using, apparently, pure strains! of these fungi. With regard to his results when the flowers of the apple were inoculated, he found that the conidia of S. cinerea germinated on the stigmas and attacked the styles shghtly hut the germ-tubes were unable to penetrate further into the flower. The germ tubes of the conidia of S. fructigena on the other hand grew out into all parts of the flower and then into the pedicels and leaves, the latter gradually be- coming withered. From these results he states emphatically, “Meine Experimente beweisen ausserdem, dass die Laubdiirre bei den Aepfeln nur durch Sclerotinia fructigena verursacht werden kann.” In 1900 Aderhold (1) records having received specimens of apple twigs which, from their appearance, he believed had been destroyed by “ fire- blight,” the bacterial disease which ravages pear and apple trees in America. The affected shoots contained a white mycelium which when cultivated in hanging drops produced a Penicilliwm-like fructification? which he considered was the conidial form of a Mollisia. Later how- ever (2) having found that shoots killed during the previous year bore Monilia pustules he attributed their death to the action of M. cinerea and concluded that the form previously observed was of secondary origin. Miiller-Thurgau(5) in the same year describes a similar disease of apples and pear trees but refers the causal organism to M. fructigena. Aderhold and Ruhland(4) in 1905 confirmed the work of Woronin in that they found that inoculation of apple flowers with Sclerotinia cinerea led to a weak infection while Sclerotinia fructigena readily pro- duced the death of the blossoms. Eriksson (8) in 1913 figured and described a canker-like disease of 1 Woronin is not quite clear on this point; on p. 18 he writes of “zahlreiche, reine, streng controlirte und méglichst variirte Impfversuche mit diesen beiden Pilzen,” but whether his “reine Impfversuche’? were made from cultures growing on previously sterilised media is not stated. * From the description and figures it would appear that these Penicillium-like fructifi- cations consisted of “sporidia”’ or “microconidia”’ of the Monilia, as the production of these bodies is readily induced in artificially prepared cultures of the Brown Rot fungi. 164 A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees apple trees which, from the description, appears to be identical with that observed in this country. He found that the Monilia pustules which developed on the affected parts were grey in colour but states that he makes no distinction between Monilia cinerea and M. fructigena, and assumes that the form which appears on the fruit in autumn is a stage in the annual cycle of that form which kills the twigs and blossoms. Broz(6) in 1913 describes the occurrence of the “Zweigdiirre” at Vienna and states that late frosts favour the outbreak of the disease. Brown Rot is also known in America where it is particularly de- structive to peach trees, killing blossom, fruit and branches. The American form, though it has been generally! named Sclerotinia fructi- gena, is found by the more recent investigations of Matheny (14), Jehle (12), Conel(7), and Bartram(5) to conform more nearly to the descriptions given of S. cinerea, and is referred by them to that species. In our own country it has been customary to refer all cases of Brown Rot of fruit trees to Monilia fructigena, and although the Monilias are probably responsible for greater losses to the English fruit growers than any other genus of fungi (since in one form or another it attacks the blossom, young fruit, ripening fruit, fruit in the store, twigs and branches), no attempt appears to have been made until quite recently to determine whether the conclusions arrived at by Continental workers hold good for Britain. In 1903 Mr G. Massee observes(13) that Monilia fructigena “is most frequently seen on apples and although best known to the casual observer on the fruit occurs also on the young shoots, leaves and even the flowers.” That Monilia is capable not only of killing the flowering spurs but may also produce large cankers on the main limbs of apple trees was recorded by Mr Salmon (16) in 1910, Since that year many specimens of Blossom Wilt and Brown Rot canker have been sent to Wye College, and it was evident that the disease was becoming a serious menace to the cultiva- tion of some varieties of apples in certain districts, particularly in Kent. Mr Salmon has, on several occasions”, pointed out the serious nature of this form of Brown Rot; since preliminary examination showed that the results of investigations made abroad were not wholly in accordance with observations made on the disease as affecting apple trees in this country it was evident that it was a subject demanding further research, and as Mr Salmon himself, from pressure of other duties, was unable to continue the work, it was entrusted to the present writer. 1 Vide Duggar’s Fungous Diseases of Plants, footnote on page 187. 2 See Bibliography on p. 203. H. WorMALD 165 The investigation is still in progress but it was thought desirable that the facts already ascertained should be published in order that steps might be taken to check the further spread of the disease. III. Tuer DISEASE AS OBSERVED ON NATURALLY INFECTED TREES. (a) Observations made in 1915. An opportunity for studying the disease under conditions favourable for close examination occurred in 1915 when a row of apple trees in the fruit plantation at Wye College was found to be attacked by the Blossom Wilt. The trees, forty-eight in number, were of the varieties Warner’s King and Duchess’ Favourite planted alternately and were “closely spur-pruned” bush trees about eight feet high. Detailed observation commenced early in June 1915 and the following facts were noticed: Not one of the trees was entirely free from Blossom Wilt though two of them had but one dead truss each, while the tree which had suffered most had 132 wilted trusses of blossom or about one-third of the total number present. The affected trusses (inflorescences) were recognised by their brown and withered drooping flowers and leaves; they were often greyish since the edges of the withered leaves showed a tendency to curl inward thus exposing the hairy under surface of the leaves. That some disintegration of the tissues had occurred was evidenced by taking a spur between the thumb and finger, immediately below the insertion of the inflorescence, when it was found that, when pressure was applied, the diseased spurs were more easily compressed than was the case with healthy spurs, and wilted trusses were easily broken off at the lower limit of the year’s growth. The short axis of the inflorescence was at this time quite dead and when cut across was brown throughout ; microscopic examination showed the presence of mycelium in the cortex, xylem and pith, the last sometimes being almost replaced by interwoven hyphae. The discoloration of the tissues extended to the older parts of the spur particularly in the cortical region and frequently reached the branch bearing the spur. Some of these trusses, shortly after wilting, produced Monilia pustules on the dead flowers during a period of wet weather but in the majority the mycelium within the tissues apparently remained sterile throughout the summer. When however some of the latter were broken off from their spurs (i.e. at the lower limit of that year’s growth) and placed on damp filter paper in a large petri dish, pustules of conidia readily appeared on the exposed broken end and on the withered flowers ; 166 A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees in some cases well-developed chains of conidia were produced within twenty-four hours after placing the dead trusses in the moist chamber. Pustular outgrowths were observed on some of the recently produced (from infection in 1915) cankers in August but they were barren and no conidia were found on them before December. Old dead spurs bearing conspicuous pulverulent pustules of conidia during the summer months were present on some of the trees in the row, and in those cases where cankers had been caused these too had the conidial tufts scattered over the cankered surface, particularly towards the periphery. These in all probability were the result of infection during the previous flowering season of 1914. That these dead spurs and cankers were the source of infection resulting in the blossom wilt of 1915 and that the fungus on them was the cause of the injury was suggested by the fact that the newly killed trusses were most numerous on those trees bearing the greatest number of old spurs and cankers and were most frequently met with in their vicinity. Trusses within a short distance below such spurs and cankers were particularly liable to infection; thus on one branch of a Duchess’ Favourite tree a portion one foot in length bore nine dead trusses, three above and six below a dead spur with its accompanying canker on which were numerous conidial fructifications of the Monilia—three of the dead trusses were on the spurs immediately below the canker. (This canker is shown in Fig. 2.) The relation between the number of dead spurs and the number of wilted trusses per tree showed, although the disease may spread from affected trees to others in the neighbourhood, it may be stated generally, particularly if the trees are well separated from each other, that the wilted trusses are infected from spurs or cankers on the same tree. The forty-eight trees in the row had in all seventy dead spurs (some with cankers) bearing the fungus; the number of dead trusses was 1319, and since there was no other source of infection in the immediate vicinity it must be assumed that the wilted trusses of these trees were infected from the seventy dead spurs; that is to say that in that year each old spur was responsible on the average for the death of nineteen trusses of blossom. A search in the neighbourhood of a group of closely ageregated dead trusses almost invariably revealed the presence of one or more dead spurs bearing the fungus. Infection occurred through the flowers and not through the leaves as shown by the fact that primarily the flowering trusses only are attacked. On one of the trees (variety Warner’s King) was a branch H. WorMALD 167 with a single dead spur, near the upper end, bearing a number of powdery pustules; all the flowering spurs, fifteen in number, on that branch below the dead spur were killed, while all the barren spurs (i.e. bearing leaves only), eleven in number, were unaffected. Barren spurs and young vegetative shoots were not attacked directly but became wilted when borne on that portion of a branch distal to a canker which had encircled the branch, or when borne on a spur which also carried one or more infected trusses. By the middle of June it was found that where diseased trusses were borne singly on short, simple (unbranched) spurs, 0-5 em. to 1-0 em. in length, growing from the younger portions (5-7 mm. in diameter) of the branches the fungus had traversed the tissues of the spurs and penetrated to the branch itself producing a canker completely encircling it and causing the wilting and death of those parts beyond the canker. On older portions (to about 1-5 em. in diameter), bearing simple spurs to 2 em. in length, the canker at the base of each affected spur had reached about half way round the branch. A similar condition obtained in the case of spurs killed during the previous season, and it may be stated generally that when infection had occurred through a spur to 3 em. in length a well-defined canker was produced extending upwards and downwards along the branch for several centimetres; the lateral extension of the canker was less than the longitudinal but on those portions of the branches two or three years old it was sufficient to completely girdle them. When the spurs were longer they were often killed to the level of their insertion on the branch, but on those 5 or 6 em. in length the fungus as a rule had failed to reach the branch and the lower portions of such spurs were still alive. The fungus may grow downwards from the infected truss along one side of the spur while the other side remains alive and unattacked. One spur had pustules over an area extending two-thirds round it but at the apex there were two young growing apples. On another the pustules had developed over the terminal portion and along the whole of one side, the other side being still alive for about half its length as shown by a living shoot near the middle; a section across this spur showed the tissues on the one side to be brown as far as the pith, while on the other they were still green. A few old cankers were found from which the layers of dead tissue were in process of being removed by the formation beneath them of callus which was growing over and healing the cankered surface. These cankers at this stage showed no trace of the fungus but they bore such 168 XI, yofng green plum, June 16:0 x 10:04 16-0 x 12:04 » XIt, canker on plum tree, August no pustules present 15-5 x 11-5 > XIII, mature plums, August 14:5 x 11-04 15-5 x 11-54 Strain VIII on prune-juice agar produced a browning of the medium comparable with that caused by the blossom-wilt form of apples; the others remained hyaline except Strains X and XI which were inter- mediate in this respect, the coloration being less pronounced (hardly perceptible in plate cultures) than in Strain VIII. These strains from plums generally produced conidia more readily on steamed potato than did those from apple spurs and cankers; the conidial tufts of the latter were always scanty whereas the former may produce definite concentric circles of conidiophores. Four strains have been isolated from Morello (acid) cherries and though they have not yet been closely studied they behave in cultures as the Strains X and XI from plums. Monilia fructigena shows less variation in the size of its conidia but I have not yet found this species producing fresh chains of conidia in 180 A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees the winter time; pustules examined in March and April have been barren or the conidia present were not viable, a condition observed on the Continent by Ewert(9). Three strains of M. fructigena of which a sufficient number of conidia have been measured gave dimensions as follows: Average of 100 conidia Average of 100 conidia from original source —_ taken from cultures Strains of M. fructigena of strain on steamed potato Strain VII, mummied apple, June... 19:0 x 12-54 19-5 x 11-54 » WWIII, young plums, July ao. 21:5 x 13:04 20:5 x 13-04 » IX, mature apple, October ee 20-5 x 13:5 20:0 x 12-5 (c) American Strains of Monilia. As much attention has been given to the study of Brown Rot diseases in America it was possible to obtain specimens and cultures from that continent for comparison with those described in the preceding pages. In all, ten strains have been cultivated and examined. Apples and cultures were received from Dr G. B. Posey of the Oregon Agricultural College, a culture (from a peach) and mummified plums from Prof. L. R. Jones, Professor of Plant Pathology in the University of Wisconsin, mummified plums and peaches, together with cultures prepared from ascospores, from Mr W. A. McCubbin, Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Ontario. Thus the ten strains were from three different hosts, viz. apples, plums, and peaches, and represented three widely separated recions. : The strains are characterised by certain features common to all of them but absent from the Monilias obtained from material collected in this country. The most striking character peculiar to the American form is the readiness with which it produces conidia on sterilised culture media; even on prune-juice agar, as plate or as tube cultures, numerous tufts of conidiophores develop, usually within three or four days from inoculation. When growing on plates of prune-juice agar the mycelium grows out to form a regular circular dise with an entire or sub-entire margin, resembling the growth of M. fructigena in its rate of development and general habit rather than that of our grey Monilias; the production of numerous tufts of conidiophores (often in concentric zones) in these cultures serve to distinguish it from M. fructigena. On steamed potato the conidial tufts are grey and are usually so numerous that they form an almost continuous pulverulent layer over the surface. In these cultures therefore the general appearance of the H. WorMALD 181 American form is very unlike that of M. fructigena and the conidia too are smaller than in the latter as will be seen by comparing the dimensions given below with those of M. fructigena. The dimensions of the conidia of those strains where 100 conidia were measured were as follows: Average of 100 conidia OOO From the Agar Potato fruit culture culture Strain C, mummied peach from Ontario 16-5 x 12:04 14:0 x 9-54 16:0 x 12:04 oD “A plum _,, ap 17:0 x 12-54 140x 954 16:0 x 12:54 » , culture (peach) from Wisconsin — 14:0 x 95u 15:5 x 10'5u » F,mummied plum _,, Ps ‘No suitable 14:0 x 9-O0u 16:5 x 11:04 conidia present » G,ascosporicculture(peach)from Ontario — 14:0 x 9:54 14:0 x 10-54 50) EE ay 5 (plum) ,, 55 = 140 x 80O0n 13:5 x 10:04 The most uniform results are obtained on prune-juice agar but as all the British strains do not develop conidia! under those conditions a comparison of the size of the conidia of the various forms from this culture medium cannot be made. Growth is vigorous on the media employed; in one case conidia placed on agar germinated at room temperature (about 18° C.) producing within three days sporelings 3 mm. in diameter, and already short chains of conidia were present. On prune-juice agar plates growth takes place at a more rapid rate than in the case of the grey Monzlias of this country, and the periodicity in rate of growth observed in the latter is absent from the American form which grows out uniformly from the point of inocula- tion to the edge of the plate. In a paper recently published Bartram(5), working with strains of Monilia obtained in Vermont, concludes that the form in that state is M. cinerea but finds that it produces conidia in agar cultures; it is probable therefore that the Vermont strains resemble those received at Wye from Oregon, Wisconsin, and Ontario and that that form is the one commonly found in North America. (d) Continental Strains of Monilia. From our geographical situation and the frequency with which nursery stock is imported from the Continent it is natural to expect that the Monilias of this country would be closely related to, if not identical with, those of the rest of Europe, and from descriptions 1 Very rarely have I seen an occasional short chain of conidia on plate cultures of M. fructigena on this medium, but no definite pustules or tufts of conidiophores have developed, nor sufficient conidia for comparative measurements. 182. A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees available it seemed probable that M. fructigena and M. cinerea of the Continent were present on our own fruit trees. When it was found that cultural methods were a great aid not only in distinguishing M. fructigena from the grey Monilias, but could also be employed for the recognition of certain forms among the latter, efforts were made to obtain strains of the Brown Rot fungi from the Continent. To the time of writing I have only succeeded in obtaining specimens from Holland, Dr H. M. Quanjer of the Instituut voor Phytopathologie, Wageningen, having on several occasions kindly forwarded mummified fruit. The fungus usually present on such material was a yellow one, in cultures indistinguishable from the yellow form of England, and there can be no doubt that this is Monilia fructigena Pers. One strain from these specimens was obtained from a mummified pear received in March 1916. Conidia were fairly numerous and on the average measured 19-5 x 9-5, dimensions which are greater than the average size of conidia from grey Monilias in winter; these conidia failed to germinate when placed on agar so evidently they had not survived the winter. Particles of a pustule were teased out in sterilised water and placed on a prune agar plate; these grew out but were impure. More successful results were obtained by cleansing a portion of the skin with cotton- wool soaked with 94 °% alcohol, then, raising a portion of this sterile skin with a scalpel, particles of the pulp were removed and placed on an agar plate. The resulting culture was apparently pure; sub-cultures on potato yielded conidia and the isolation of some of these afforded pure sporelings. Sub-cultures from the sporelings were then grown for comparison with other strains of M. fructigena and no appreciable difference has been detected either in the mode of growth or coloration ; on potato the average size of the conidia was 21-0 « 12-5y. One batch of fruit from Dr Quanjer received early in January 1917 included plums bearing grey Monilia pustules with viable conidia and a strain was isolated from each of two of the plums. Conidia, taken from the plums as received, and later obtained from potato cultures, were measured and their dimensions found to be as follows: Average of 100 conidia in each case From mummied plums From potato culture Grey Monilia from Holland, Strain 1 11-5 x 8u 16:5 x 12-5 11-0 x Tp 16-0 x 12-04 bo 9 99 bb °° It will be seen that these figures approximate closely to those obtained, under corresponding conditions. from strains found on plums grown in H. WorMALD 183 this country. The mode of growth on culture media is also similar to that of our grev Monilias. Neither of the strains from Holland has produced definite brown zones in tube cultures of prune-juice agar but irregular brown patches eventually appeared. They thus resemble (and are probably identical with) a form frequently found on plums and acid cherries in Kent. I have not yet obtained diseased apple twigs from abroad. (e) Nomenclature of the various forms. In cultures it is possible therefore to distinguish four types of Monilia as found on cultivated fruit trees of the genera Pyrus and Prunus, as here tabulated: Cultures on steamed potato in Roux’ tubes Prune-juice agar plate cultures (1) Monilia fructigena, occurring commonly on apples and plums, and frequently on sweet cherries. Margin almost entire or laciniate; no Conidial tufts yellow, brown coloration; conidia absent. well-developed at upper end of potato, forming raised zones. (2) Blossom Wilt Margin with deltoid or flabelliform Conidial tufts grey, Monilia of the apple, also occurring occa- sionally on plums. (3) A grey Monilia frequent on plums and sweet cherries. (4) American form of Monilia. lobes, growth usually arrested about mid-way between centre and side of plate, and new outgrowths as flabelli- form lobes develop, usually from the sinuses; olive-green, to brown, zones appear, the first usually at 0-5 to lem. from the centre; conidia absent. As above but no brown zones appear. Margin entire or crenate; conidial tufts numerous, usually in concentric circles; brown coloration of the agar absent or appears as a_ peripheral band near edge of plate; growth generally more rapid than in (2) or (3) and more uniform. few and scattered. Conidial tufts grey, more numerous than in (2), often appear- ing in concentric circles round point of inoculation. Conidial tufts grey, almost covering the whole surface in a continuous Jayer. As shown in the table the successive brown zones typical of the plate cultures of the blossom-wilt Monilia do not appear in cultures of the other forms; sometimes a brown coloration occurs in the plate cultures of the American form but in that case it commences as a peripheral band when the mycelium approaches, or has reached, the edge of the 184 A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees plate. When growing as “slant cultures” in test-tubes both M. fructi- gena and the American Monilia usually produce a browning in old cultures, but this commences at the extreme lower end of the slant and gradually extends for some distance upwards, while in the case of the blossom-wilt fungus the first brown zone appears usually from 0-5 to 1 em. from the point of inoculation when the culture is still quite young (often within a week). The typical hyaline form from plums and sweet cherries remains colourless even in old slant cultures. On the Continent, opinion is divided as to whether all instances of Brown Rot, caused by Monilia, on fruit trees are to be attributed to one species only (retaining for it the name Monilia fructigena), or to more than one. Those who favour the latter view generally assume that there are three species concerned, viz. M. fructigena, said to occur chiefly on the pomaceous fruits, characterised by its yellow pustules and comparatively large conidia which usually are not viable in winter: M. cinerea, considered to be found almost exclusively on the “stone” fruits, with grey pustules and smaller conidia which retain viability throughout the winter: and M. laxa, a grey form, with small conidia, occurring on apricots. Aderhold and Ruhland(4) claim to have proved that these three species are to be distinguished by their respective ascigerous (Sclerotinia) stages, which they describe. SS. fructigena they obtained from mummified apples, and from the ascospores were able to develop the yellow Monilia stage, M. fructigena. That the two forms are stages in the life-history of one fungus appears therefore to be fully established. With regard to Sclerotinia cinerea their conclusions are less convincing. They were unable to obtain an ascigerous form from peaches, plums or cherries, so described the form, which they refer to S. cinerea, from apothecia (preserved in spirit) which had been found on mummified peaches and had been sent to them from America, and assumed that the Monilia cinerea of Europe is its conidial stage. Mummified apricots yielded a Sclerotinia which they described and named S. laxa, with Monilia lava as its conidial stage. Since, as has been shown above, the Sclerotinia generally occurring in America produces a conidial stage which can be readily distinguished, in cultures, not only from the grey Monilias of this country but also from those strains obtained by the writer from plums received from Holland, it would seem probable that Aderhold and Ruhland included in their diagnosis of the one species Sclerotinia cinerea two forms which are very different when grown under certain cultural conditions. H. WorRMALD 185 The description given of Monilia laxa of the apricot, as the conidial stage of Sclerotinia laxa applies equally well to the grey Monilias of other fruit. The most striking difference thev give is in the size of the conidia, viz. M. cinerea 9-3-14-5 x 6-2-12-4y, M. laxa 12-4-23-8 x 9-3 -15-5 4, but this difference is no greater than that shown by the blossom- wilt fungus or the Monilias of plums when growing under such diverse natural conditions as (a) mummified fruit or dead spurs in winter, (b) fresh fruit in summer. The present writer is of the opinion from the evidence to hand that the grey Monilias of this country are to be referred to the continental form M. cinerea Bon., the Sclerotinia stage of which has not yet been described, unless indeed it should prove to be identical with Sclerotinia laxa (Khrenb.) Aderh. et Ruhl. The blossom-wilt fungus must pro- visionally therefore be included under Monzlia cinerea Bon. This species as at present delimited includes at least two forms, one which remains colourless in prune-juice agar cultures, and another which produces zones of an olive green to dark brown colour. The American Brown Rot fungus appears to be a distinct form and it may be necessary to distinguish it specifically from the European species. V. INocULATION EXPERIMENTS WITH PURE CULTURES. As observations in the open had indicated that in all probability infection occurred through the open flower, it was necessary that inoculation experiments should be carried out when the trees were in bloom, and the time available under natural conditions was thus limited to about a fortnight in the year. It was decided therefore that a first series of inoculation should be performed under glass in order that any information thus obtained, relative to the mode of infection, could be utilised during the same spring in subsequent experiments in the planta- tion. Another reason for conducting the experiment under these conditions was to eliminate the possibilitv that the action of frost would modify the course of the experiment. Some difficulty was experienced in obtaining conidia in sufficient quantity to ensure successful inoculation. With the object of inducing the fungus to produce conidia readily on a sterilised substratum many culture media were tried, e.g. agar-agar media: 1-5 °4 agar in an extract of each of the following substances: celery, prunes, French beans, apple twigs, malt culms (also malt culms + 10 °% starch), maize meal, potato. Prune-juice agar containing strips of filter paper was also used. 186 A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees Woronin obtained conidia of Monilia cinerea on gelatine cultures pre- pared with apple juice or bread broth: these were tried for the apple blossom Monilia but without success. Nor were conidia produced on bread steamed in test tubes or on pieces of apple branches sterilised in the autoclave. The best results were obtained with semi-cylinders of tubers and roots as potato, artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), carrot, mangel ang parsnip. The last two produced a trace of conidia, the other three developed conidiophores in scattered tufts, and potato, sterilised either by intermittent steaming (20 minutes at 100° C. for each of three successive days) or in the autoclave for 20 minutes at 115° C., was generally used as the medium for cultures used in the inoculation of apple flowers. (a) Inoculation of apple flowers in the Greenhouse. For this experiment young apple trees about three feet in height were acquired; for convenience they were planted in pots early in the year (1916) and left outside until the fruit buds showed the first signs of expanding. The pots were then transferred to the greenhouse, with the result that the earliest flowers were fully expanded during the first week in April. Conidia for the inoculations were taken from cultures, about seven days old, on steamed potato (in one instance a culture on steamed carrot was used). They were removed from the culture tube and placed on the stigmas of the flower by means of a sterilised platinum needle, which was re-sterilised in the flame of a spirit lamp after each inoculation. One flower was successfully inoculated by inserting the needle between the stamens and the styles so that the conidia were deposited at the base of the styles, but this method was not generally adopted as usually there was no space between the filaments for the insertion of conidia within the hollow receptacle of the flower.” One flower only of each inflorescence was inoculated, and of twenty- four flowers thus treated thirteen not only withered but produced a wilting of the trusses to which they belonged. The results obtained on the four varieties tested were as here shown; in one column appears No. of flowers No. of successful Variety inoculated inoculations Prince Bismarck 9 7 Lord Derby 4 2 Cox’s Orange Pippin 5 2 Worcester Pearmain 6 2 Totals 24 13 H. WorMALD 187 the number of trusses treated (i.e. one flower of each inoculated), and in the other is the number of successful inoculations resulting in each case in the death of the whole truss. The blossoms of the Prince Bismarck trees were the first to expand and the earliest of these were inoculated immediately after opening, some of them on the first day on which the stigmas were exposed. The flowers of the other varieties were as a rule rather older when inoculated and this suggests (judging from results as indicated in the table) that the flowers are most susceptible to infection immediately after they open. None of the untreated trusses showed any signs of wilting throughout the season except in those cases where the fungus had extended from the inoculated flowers so far as to cut off supplies to those parts not directly infected. ; The results obtained from these experiments, in those instances where inoculation of a flower was followed by the wilting of the remaining flowers and also the leaves of the spur, are given below in detail to illustrate the progress of the disease from the time conidia were placed in the flowers. All the trees were removed from the greenhouse about the middle of May and were left in the open throughout the winter. Variety Prince Bismarck. (a) Flower of a spur 1 cm. in length inoculated April 4 by placing conidia on the stigmas. On April 11 the styles were dark brown for a distance of 4 mm.; the whole truss was dead before the end of April and on May 5 a canker extended from the base of the spur to three- quarters of the distance round the branch. (b) Flower of a spur 2:5 cm. long inoculated April 8; another truss of flowers borne on the same spur was untreated. The inoculated truss was dead by April 26 and the disease had reached the base of the other truss on that spur so that this also wilted. (c) and (d) Flowers inoculated April 8. Both trusses were dead on April 26. The trusses thus treated were all borne on a branch bearing in all six trusses of flowers, four of which were infected directly as shown; the fifth became infected indirectly from truss (6), and the sixth also wilted early in May as the result of a canker produced at the base of the inoculated truss (d) at the next node below. The cankers developing round the bases of the infected spurs later became confluent and by June 8 that portion of the branch bearing the trusses was cankered for iss A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees a distance of 19 cm. or from 3 cm. above truss (a) to 7 cm. below (d); the terminal portion of the branch died as a result. The fungus itself was not observed until the first week in December when young pustules with chains of immature conidia (the conidia remained cohering in chains when particles of the pustules were mounted in water) were seen at the lower end of the canker. Later others appeared and by Jan. 9 numerous conspicuous pustules were present along the whole length of the canker and on the infected spurs. By this time the conidia were more or less pulverulent as a considerable number became free on mounting in water; such conidia were viable and many of them germinated within forty-eight hours when the slide was kept in a damp chamber at a temperature of 6° to 8° C. (ec) On another branch a truss was infected by placing conidia at the base of the styles of one flower on April 8. The truss wilted before the end of the month and a canker developed which had nearly girdled the branch when examined on June 8. Immature Monilia pustules were present at the base of the spur on Dec. 6; these were well developed by Jan. 9. (f) On the same branch as (e) a similar truss was infected by placing conidia on the stigmas of a flower. The spur was killed before April 26, but no canker was produced on the branch. One Monilia pustule was found on the spur on Jan. 9. (g) A truss inoculated on April 11 was dead within fifteen days. On April 27 the twig bearing it was removed from the tree and it was found that the tissues of the spur (which was 1 cm. in length) were brown to the level of its insertion on the twig and the disease was already encroaching on the tissues of the twig itself. In sections made transversely through the spur there were found numerous hyphae, particularly in the pith, and particles of the sections placed on an agar plate produced mycelial growth resembling that obtained in a similar manner from naturally infected spurs. The exact date when the trusses of this variety first showed signs of wilting was not ascertained, but all those referred to above were dead on April 26 and had probably begun to wilt some days previously. The varieties which were treated at a later date were examined more fre- quently and the earlier symptoms of the disease noted. _ H. WorMALD 189 Variety Cox's Orange Pippin. (a) Truss of a spur 1 em. long on a branch (0-4 em. in thickness) bearing a terminal vegetative shoot distal to the inoculated truss. April 19. A single flower inoculated by placing conidia on the stigmas. , 27. Stigmas brown to base, stamens drooping. May 1. Truss wilting: flowers and leaves drooping, the latter curled and brown. Branch, bearing the truss, half girdled by a canker proceeding from the base of the spur. , 9. Branch three-fourths girdled: leaves of the vegetative shoot on the same branch flagging. June 8. Canker extending to 5 cm. below the infected spur. The upper limit of the canker was not distinctly marked, but the distal portion of the branch was quite dead by this time. Jan. 9 (1917). Well-developed Monilia pustules present on the dead spur. (b) Truss of a spur 0-5 em. long on a twig (0-4 cm. in diameter) bearing another flowering spur distally. April 19. A single flower inoculated as in (a). » 27. Stigmas of inoculated flower brown and withered, stamens collapsed, pedicel discoloured to its base, sepals brown and withered. Other flowers of the same and of the neighbouring trusses showed a little browning of the stigmas on this date but in every case the stamens were upright and the pedicels and sepals were not discoloured. May 1. Truss withered: flowers drooping, leaves curled and brown. » 9 The other truss (not inoculated) on same twig wilting. » 9. Twig completely girdled, both trusses dead. June 8. ‘Twig dead to the level of its insertion on the stem, but no canker had developed on the latter. Jan. 9 (1917). One Monilia pustule present at the base of the spur. ‘(c) A flower inoculated on April 19 showed the same symptoms of the disease as in (a) and (b) to April 27 when the stigmas were brown to the base, the stamens collapsed and the pedicel brown throughout its length; on April 29 however it was accidentally removed, evidently before the fungus had invaded the tissues of the spur itself for the leaves were still alive in June. None of the flowers of this truss set into fruit but this was probably due to non-pollination. Ot 39 Ann, Biol, ut 13 190) A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees Variety Worcester Pearmain. (a) Truss of a spur 1 em. in length on a branch 0-4 em. in diameter. April 19. One flower inoculated on the stigmas. ,, 27. Styles brown to the base, stamens collapsed. On a neigh- bouring control truss of the same age the styles were not brown and the stamens were upright. ,, 29. Flowers and leaves of the truss drooping. May 1. Truss withered, leaves brown and curled. June 8. Canker present on the branch, nearly girdling. Dec. 6. Young pustules (bearing very short chains of immature conidia) appearing. Jan. 9 (1917). Conspicuous Monilia pustules present on the canker and dead spur. (6) Truss of a spur 1-5 em. in length on a branch 0-5 em. in diameter. April 19. One flower inoculated on the stigmas. , 27. Styles of inoculated flower brown, some of the stamens collapsed; these features were not present on a neighbouring control truss. ,, 29. Flowers and leaves of the truss drooping. May 1. Truss withered, leaves brown and curled. June 8. Canker present round the base of the spur, girdling the branch and extending 2-5 cm. below the insertion of the spur; that portion of the branch distal to the canker was dead. Jan. 9 (1917). Several Monilia pustules present on the dead spur. Variety Lord Derby. On this variety the inoculations which resulted in wilting were made on trusses borne on short spurs at nodes on the main stem of a young tree. The flowering spurs were four in number and inserted at successive nodes, the stem being 0-6 to 0-7 em. in thickness in this region. The uppermost truss (a), borne on a spur 2 em. in length, was inoculated ; at the next node below was an untreated control truss (b); the third (ce), on a spur | em. long, was inoculated while the fourth (d) was another control. Within a few centimetres of (a) the stem divided into three branches all bearing leaves only. April 18. The first flower to open (i.e. in the centre of the inflorescence) of each of the two trusses (a) and (c) was inoculated by placing conidia on the stigmas. April 27. Noe May 1. > 5. 4 ALO: spon. ie). June 2 Dec. \6: H. WorMALD 191 The styles of the inoculated flowers were withered and brown to the base and the stamens had collapsed. In the corre- sponding flowers (of the same age) on the control trusses the styles were not discoloured and the stamens were upright. All the flowers of the inoculated trusses were drooping and the leaves were beginning to wilt; the stamens of the un- treated flowers were however rigid (not collapsed with distorted filaments as in the two inoculated flowers). All the leaves of trusses (a) and (c) were by this time curled, brown and withered; the stamens of the non-inoculated flowers were still rigid. (This stage is shown in Figs. 3 and 5.) From truss (c) the disease had traversed the tissues of the spur and was invading the main stem as shown by a slight sinking of the bark at the base of the spur and extending about half the way round each side; truss (b) was just beginning to wilt, indicating that the transpiration current was being interrupted, and that the vessels of the xylem were attacked. The canker at truss (c) had almost girdled the stem and extended 0-5 em. upwards and 1-5 em. downwards from the base of the spur; the cankered area was indicated by a distinct wrinkling of the bark which was also slightly de- pressed below the general level. The stem was now completely girdled; the lowest branch distal to the affected spurs began to wilt. The leaves of the other two branches above the spur were drooping and turning brown. A canker had also developed from truss (a) so that by this date the two cankers had united and together they extended along the stem for a distance of 10 em., i.e. from 4 em. above (a) to 6 cm. below (c); truss (d) however was still alive. Towards the upper end of the canker there was a series of dark lines more or less parallel to one another giving a zonate appearance. That portion of the tree above the infected spurs was by this time quite dead. (This stage is shown in Figs. 4 and 6.) Young pustules were bursting through the bark at the lower end of the canker; the immature conidia remained cohering in chains when mounted in water. 13—2 192. A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees Jan. 9 (1917). Numerous conspicuous pustules were present along the canker and on the infected spurs; the conidia were more or less pulverulent and a considerable number became free on mounting in water. Such conidia were viable for many of them germinated within 48 hours in distilled water at a temperature of 6° to 8° C. (b) Inoculation of apple flowers in the Plantation. The experiments carried out in the greenhouse furnished definite proof that the fungus is a true parasite under favourable circumstances. It was desirable however that similar experiments should be performed in the plantation in order to obtain evidence that the disease could be induced in a similar manner on trees growing in the open. Early in May 1916 inoculations of apple flowers in the plantation were made for comparison with the results obtained under glass. The flowers of the variety Warner’s King began to open about May 1 and as this variety was known to be susceptible to the disease it was selected for the experiments. As before, the conidia were obtained from cultures, about a week old, growing on steamed potato, but the method adopted in the actual inoculation of the blossoms was slightly modified, in order to avoid any injury to the stigmas that might occur when using the platinum wire in transferring the conidia from the cultures. The steamed potato, with the fungus, was removed from the culture tubes (using sterilised instruments) and placed in sterilised petri dishes; small portions bearing tufts of conidiophores were cut off with flamed scalpels and placed in another sterile petri dish which was taken direct to the plantation. In each case only one flower of each truss was inoculated and the inoculation was made by removing from the dish, on the point of a sterile needle, a particle of potato bearing conidiophores and bring- ing the conidia in direct contact with the stigmatic surfaces, so that the needle itself in no case touched the stigmas. The selected flower of the truss was marked, for identification and comparison with the rest, by a few inches of white cotton tied leosely round the flower. Variety Warner's King. Results of inoculations: (a) May 5. One flower of a truss inoculated on the stigmas. » Ll. One style of the inoculated flower brown to the base. 18. The stamens of this flower had collapsed, while those of be) 10 Or H. WorMALD 193 other flowers of the inflorescence were upright. On this date the treated flower was accidentally removed during the examination and the disease made no further progress, the spur remaining alive throughout the summer, One flower inoculated, borne on a spur 2 em. in length. One style brown in the middle. Stamens collapsed (stamens of the other flowers of that truss upright). Flowers and leaves of the truss wilting. The bark round the base of the spur beginning to crack. The disease had not extended further; the spur was dead to the base and the bark on the branch was fissured just below the insertion of the spur but there was no definite depressed cankered area. (1917). Conspicuous Monilia pustules present on the dead spur. One flower inoculated, on a branched spur bearing two trusses. Two styles brown to the base, two others brown for about half their length. The leaves round the truss wilting. Monilia pustules present on some of the dead pedicels. The infected half of the spur was dead to the base, a distance of 3 cm.; the rest of the spur, including the other truss, was alive. 10 (1917). Monilia pustules present on the dead spur. 5, bo pS bo —_ = (Sy ey ey = One flower inoculated, on a branched spur bearing two trusses. Stamens of inoculated flower collapsed. Truss wilting. Infected half of the spur dead to the base with a canker two-thirds round the main axis of the spur; the rest of the spur was alive. . 10 (1917). Monilia pustules present on the dead portion. One flower inoculated, on a spur 5 em. in length. Flower brown to the base of the pedicel. Leaves round the base of the inflorescence drooping. Truss quite withered, leaves brown. Spur dead for a distance of 5 cm. 194. A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees Nov. 28. The spur bore several Monilia pustules with chains of conidia; the latter were not pulverulent and evidently immature. Jan. 10 (1917). Numerous conspicuous pustules present along the whole length of the spur; conidia more or less pulverulent (a large number becoming free on mounting particles of the pustules in water). Although the conidia were obtained when the temperature of the air was below 0° C. many of them germinated within 48 hours, in a drop of water kept at ‘6° to 8°'C. (f) May 5. One flower inoculated of an unbranched spur 2 cm. in length. ,, 16. Flower discoloured to the base of the pedicel. , 18. Leaves at the base of the truss drooping. June 2. Bark on the branch cracking immediately above and below the insertion of the spur; a slightly depressed area extended one-quarter round the branch. .. 26.. Canker now extended half round the branch. Oct. 19. The canker had not extended any further round the branch; it was however quite well defined but at this date bore no Monilia pustules. Dec. 1. Immature pustules (conidia not pulverulent) present along the whole length of the spur and on the canker. Jan. 10 (1917). Pustules more conspicuous: conidia more or less pulverulent; many germinated in distilled water within 48 hours at 6° to 8° C. A flower on each of three other trusses was also inoculated; the three flowers died but became detached about May 20 and the disease did not extend into the axis of the inflorescence. The inoculation of three flowers on May 10 and five on May 11 did not produce any wilting of the trusses and it may be that in these cases the flowers were too old for successful infection, although at the time of inoculation the stigmas appeared receptive and showed no discoloration. These results corre- spond to those obtained in the greenhouse where, as already shown, the inoculations were most successful on those flowers which had recently expanded. It will be observed that in every case where inoculation with the fungus was followed by the death of the truss, Wonilia pustules appeared on the cankers and dead spurs during the succeeding winter. Usually H: WorMALD 195 they began to burst through the bark during December and many well- developed pustules with viable pulverulent conidia were to be seen by the middle of January. Although it has been noticed that in some cases spurs showing the typical symptoms of the Blossom Wilt in the summer failed to develop Momnilia pustules in the winter, this condition is exceptional, and where cankers have been formed these invariably have produced the conidial stage of the fungus. The results of the artificial inoculations too demonstrate that a spur showing the wilt condition in summer is almost certain to produce pustules of conidia before the following spring. The danger of allowing such spurs and cankers to remain on the trees until the next flowering season is obvious. (c) Inoculation of Twigs through Wounds. Twigs on trees of the Newton Wonder variety, which is known to be susceptible, were inoculated with mycelium from a plate culture of the same strain which produced wilting of the blossom in the inoculations made on the Warner’s King variety. A A-shaped cut was made through the bark, the triangular portion turned back, and agar bearing vigorously growing mycelium was placed between the wood and the bark; the latter was then gently pressed back and the wound covered with sterile tinfoil which was secured in place by means of raffia. Three wounds were treated in this way and three others, as controls, were not inocu- lated. The inoculations were made on May 30, that is, at the time when cankers were in process of development on trees infected through the flowers. When examined some months later all the wounds were covered with callus and no trace of canker was to be found on any of them. The result suggests that the fungus does not readily (if at all) produce cankers by infection through wounds on the branches, and agrees with observations in the open where, so far as my own experience goes, a canker produced on an apple tree by this Monilia invariably originates in a spur that has been infected through the flowers. (d) Inoculation Experiments on the Fruit. It has already been pointed out that the Monilia which causes the Blossom Wilt may occur on the young apples. It will also grow readily on apples approaching maturity and on ripe apples after picking, as artificial inoculations have proved, although under natural conditions instances of its occurrence on the mature fruit appear to be rare for 196 A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees the writer has not yet met with such cases eyen on trees seriously affected with Blossom Wilt. Apples of the varieties Warner’s King, Newton Wonder and Bramley’s Seedling were inoculated on August 10 and 11 by placing mycelium from a plate culture in wounds made with a sterile scalpel. Unfortunately the apples became attacked by ants and all fell to the ground after a few days; the experiments however continued long enough to show that the fungus rapidly produced a brown rot appearing within four days as a discoloured area 1-5 to 3 cm. in diameter round each point of inoculation. The experiments were then continued on apples of the Bramley’s Seedling variety, which were brought into the laboratory and inoculated with a strain isolated from a canker. The first inoculations of this series were made on Aug. 17 and the experiments were repeated at intervals throughout September and October. For comparison, other apples were inoculated with Monilia fructigena, using a strain obtained from a plum, and with a hyaline form of M. cinerea also isolated from a plum. In some cases M. fructigena and the canker strain were placed in wounds made on opposite sides of the same apple, while in others the hyaline strain of M. cinerea and the canker form were grown on the same apple. Under these conditions it was found that each of the three forms produced a rot which extended approximately at the same rate for all, i.e. 2-5 to 3-5 from the point of inoculation in seven days. The canker form of Monilia however seldom produced pustules of conidia; on some of the fruit a few scattered tufts of white barren hyphae developed but on others no pustules were produced. On the other hand the strain of M. fructigena used in these experiments freely produced large yellow pustules more or less in concentric circles. The hyaline form of M. cinerea also developed conidia readily but on smaller erey pustules which were usually fairly numerous. The skin of those apples inoculated with the canker Monilia rapidly assumed a dark brown shade over the affected area, which gradually became black. This nigrescence was to be detected towards the centre of the discoloured area about a week after inoculation; it gradually extended over the surface until the whole was black. The other two strains also produced some blackening particularly in the later experi- ments (i.e. on the more mature fruit) but not so readily. These differ- ences were most striking in those cases where two forms were growing together on the same apple by inoculations at opposite sides. For example, two apples were inoculated on Aug. 17 and two others on H. WorMALD 197 Aug. 21 by placing mycelium from an agar plate culture in wounds on opposite sides using the canker Monilia on one side and M. fructigena on the other. The result was the same for all four; that half of the apple infected with M. fructigena produced numerous large yellow pustules and remained brown, while the side infected with the canker form became quite black in from three to four weeks and developed no pustules at all or from one to three minute barren tufts of hyphae. The side inoculated with M. fructigena became shrunken at a much more rapid rate than the other. Similar experiments were performed about the same time using the canker-producing Monilia and the hyaline M. cinerea strain. Again that side of the apple infected with the former soon became black and bore few or no pustules, while the opposite side produced, as a rule, numerous greyish pustules and remained brown for some weeks, becoming however gradually darker until it was almost black; as before the shrinking of the skin was most pronounced on the pustular side. Later other apples of the same variety were inoculated using the same three strains of Monilia but infecting each apple with but one of the three. The results conformed with those obtained previously ; those apples infected with WM. fructigena became almost covered with large yellow pustules often becoming confluent, those with the hyaline strain of M. cinerea produced smaller greyish pustules, while those with the canker form remained sterile or produced a few scattered tufts of aerial mycelium usually sterile. The apples used in these experiments were such as showed no apparent injury before inoculation; they were obtained from trees growing in the College plantation and taken immediately to the laboratory and inocu- lated. As the crop was picked during the first week of October sub- sequent inoculations were made on apples (of the same variety) from the fruit-storage shed. On such fruit the results were practically as before except that the barren hyphal tufts produced by the canker- strain were rather more numerous than in previous experiments. This was probably due to small abrasions caused during the operations of picking and storing or to minute cracks produced in the skin on drying, thus allowing hyphae to grow out into the air. But even then the difference between these results and those obtained with the other two forms of Monilia was still conspicuous. Whether similar results are to be obtained with other varieties of apples has not yet been determined but it appears evident that the Monilia causing the blossom wilt and canker of apple trees produces 198 A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees conidia on the ripening fruit much less readily than M. fructigena, and this probably accounts for its inability to establish itself on the mature apples, for the chief sources of infection from this fungus (i.e. the pustules on the cankers and spurs killed in the previous season) have shed most of their conidia and are becoming desiccated at the time when the apples are reaching maturity. As indicated earlier in this paper the newly formed cankers do not produce conidia until long after the fruit is picked. The blackening of the skin of apples produced by the blossom wilt fungus may also be caused by M. fructigena and by the hyaline grey Monilha, particularly on the mature fruit, but the result takes place much more gradually. Black apples with few or no pustules are frequently found among stored fruit; this condition appears to be brought about by WM. fructigena which has invariably been isolated by the writer from such apples obtained from fruit growers in Kent. Spinks 22) finds that a similar “ Black Rot” of cider apples is also to be attributed to M. fructigena. VI. ContTrot MEASURES. It is evident that cutting away the dead spurs and cankers removes the chief source of infection, and an experiment, carried out on the row of trees of the Warner's King variety referred to in preceding pages, has demonstrated that where this can be done thoroughly the results are highly satisfactory. Ten trees at one end of the row were carefully pruned by the writer on June 15 and 17, 1915, and so far as could be seen at the time every withered truss was cut away until all the dead discoloured (brown) tissues of the spur were removed. In those cases where cankers had developed on the branches the operation involved the removal of dead bark and wood in those places, until a clean cut, showing healthy tissues only was made. The trees were not treated in any other way and the wounds made by the pruning knife were left exposed. In all over 220 dead spurs were removed from these trees. When these ten trees were examined in the summer of 1916 it was found that five were quite free from the disease, one tree had but one dead truss, three had two each, and one had six dead trusses; a search on the last mentioned tree how- ever revealed the fact that two dead spurs had been overlooked during the pruning operations and these now bore a number of Monilia pustules. The rest of the trees (fourteen in number) in the same row had been H. WorMALD 199 pruned in autumn in the usual way and no special instructions with regard to the disease has been issued to the men entrusted with the work. The consequence was that although a certain amount of “dead wood” had been cut away a considerable number of spurs and cankers, which subsequently produced the conidial stage of the fungus, remained on the trees. In some cases a dead spur had been cut off close to the branch but the diseased tissues of the canker round the base had been left and later the fungus appeared there. In the spring of 1916 it was found that every tree bore the fungus in its infectious (conidial) con- dition, the number of dead spurs and cankers with pustules varying from one to twenty-five per tree with an average of eight. The number of wilting trusses on these trees in May 1916 was 159 and varied from two to twenty-nine per tree; these numbers would probably have been considerably higher but for the fact that the trees had produced that year exceptionally few trusses of bloom. On several trees however more than one-fifth of the trusses wilted and in one case more than half of those present were killed. Thus on those trees from which all dead spurs had been removed (omitting the one on which two had been overlooked) the number of wilted trusses was reduced, on the average, to less than one per tree, the infection in these cases being doubtless due to air-borne conidia from the infected trees in the rest of the row, while those trees on which infected spurs were left had an average of eleven wilted trusses per tree. The ideal mode of treatment would be the removal of diseased trusses immediately after they first show signs of wilting; this would involve examining the trees three or four times at intervals of about a week between one examination and the next, all wilting trusses being removed and the spurs cut back until all brown bark and wood is removed, the first of these operations to be done about fourteen days after the earliest flowers open. This method would prevent the develop- ment of cankers which are not only much more troublesome to remove than the spurs themselves but it would prevent the girdling and death of the small branches. As such measures would usually be impracticable except in small plantations of bush trees where the disease has not yet become rampant, an alternative would be to prune off all diseased spurs and cut out the eankers as occasion permitted during the summer. This work should be done as early as possible for the dead trusses with their withered brown leaves are easily distinguished from the healthy ones and clearly 200 A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees indicate where pruning is necessary. If the operation is left over until the winter or spring very careful search is necessary to avoid overlooking some of the dead spurs and cankers, although even in winter the diseased spurs are often easily recognised from the fact that at leaf-fall the leaves and remains of flowers on such spurs still remain on the trees, and the pedicels and petioles may still be found on them in the spring. When, owing to difficulty in obtaining the necessary labour, the removal of the spurs and cankers cannot be carried out before leaf-fall it may be done any time during the winter, but it is imperative that all diseased parts be cut off before any of the flowers begin to open. It is important to emphasise the fact that the operation whenever carried out must involve the removal of all brown and dead wood and bark. Thus it is not sufficient merely to break off the withered trusses. In one experiment six withered trusses were broken off from their spurs early in June 1915, at the base of that season’s growth, the spurs being then labelled for future reference; in April 1916 four of these bore Monilia pustules. As already shown the disease occasionally appears on the young apples causing them to become dry and withered, and such “ mummified ” apples may be retained on the trees until the following year. Since it is impossible to distinguish, without close examination, between this form of Brown Rot and Monilia fructigena when occurring in this way. it is necessary that all “mummies” be picked and destroyed during the winter, especially as Monilia fructigena itself is the cause of a serious fruit rot. The cutting out of all affected parts before the blossoms open is the only treatment that can be recommended with confidence until further investigation is carried out. Owners of large standard Lord Derby apple trees have in some cases found, however, that to cut out all the dead trusses (which in serious attacks often number some hundreds per tree) is not practicable especially when skilled labour is difficult to obtain'. In those cases where the disease is very severe, “ top-grafting ” with a less susceptible varietv is to be recommended. Whether spraying is of value in controlling the disease is at present uncertain. As infection takes place through the open flower the use 1 Our Sussex correspondent writes: ‘To cut off and burn the millions of diseased spurs and shoots on apples and plums is quite impracticable here.” ‘‘ Miilions” is probably no exaggeration in the case of Jarge orchards, for the writer has counted over 130 wilted trusses (or about one-third of the whole) on a small bush tree, and has seen large standard trees where the proportion of dead to living trusses was even higher. H. WorMALD 20 of a “cover-spray ” to protect the stigmatic surface is out of the question, therefore a wash to be effective must be applied before the flowers open and must be capable of destroying the powdery conidial stage, or at least must prevent the conidia from falling during the period through- out which the flowers are open and receptive. Experiments have been tried in the open with the Lime-sulphur Wash, which is frequently recommended for cases of Brown Rot, but no favourable results have been obtained. ‘‘ Winter-washing” with Lime-sulphur failed to check a serious outbreak of the disease in the following spring. Facilities for testing the value of Lime-sulphur as a summer spray were kindly offered by Mr P. Manwaring! of Hors- monden, Kent, who permitted a plantation of Lord Derby trees (four rows each with thirty-two trees), which had had a severe attack of the Blossom Wilt in the previous year, to be used for experimental purposes. Three rows were thoroughly sprayed with Lime-sulphur at ‘summer strength” (s.c. 1-01) immediately before the flowers opened, the fourth row remaining untreated and kept as control. In May all the rows showed a serious attack of the Blossom Wilt and no difference in intensity could be detected between the unsprayed row and the rest; many of the latter had 50 °% or more of the trusses killed by the fungus, and the numerous Monalia pustules on the dead spurs were apparently uninjured by the spray fluid. This result is doubtless due to the fact that such a liquid as the Lime-sulphur solution is unable not only to penetrate but to adhere to the powdery pustules. Experiments carried out in the laboratory showed that Lime-sulphur solution even when applied in the form of a very fine spray with an atomizer immediately ran off from the pustules which appeared totally unaffected by the treatment. Bordeaux Mixture applied similarly with an atomizer adhered a little more readily but the majority of the pustules were not covered by the spray. An Ammonium Sulphide solution containing soft-soap, as recom- mended by Dr Eyre and Mr Salmon? for use on the conidial stage of the Hrysiphaceae, was also tried in the same way. This wash did wet the pustules which in consequence became brown on the surface and lost their pulverulent appearance. The pustules themselves were not 1 TI take this opportunity of thanking Mr Manwaring for the facilities offered for investigating the disease in his plantations. * Eyre, J. Vargas and Salmon, E. 8S. The Fungicidal Properties of Certain Spray Fluids. Journ. Agric. Science, Vol. vit. pp. 473-507. 202. A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees killed and conidia placed in hanging drops germinated readily. It would seem however that the surface layers were killed and the question is whether this would be sufficient to prevent the fall of the conidia during the critical period when the flowers are open if the spraying were done as late as possible but before the flowers expanded. It is proposed to carry out experiments in the open to test this point. In conelusion I desire to thank Prof. L. R. Jones (Wisconsin), Dr G. B. Posey (Oregon), Mr McCubbin, M.A. (Ontario), and Dr Quanjer (Holland), who have kindly sent specimens of mummified fruit or cultures from abroad, also Dr Pethybridge and Mr J. M. Hector, B.Sc., who sent mummified fruit and diseased branches. I am indebted also to Mr Salmon (head of the Mycological Department at Wye College) whose advice and criticisms throughout the investigation have been invaluable. SUMMARY. 1. A “Blossom Wilt and Canker” of apple trees, produced by a species of Monilia, is causing great loss to fruit growers in the south- east of England. 2. Infection takes place through the open flowers; the fungus invades the tissues of the flowering spur, thus killing the inflorescence and the leaves of the spur; the disease may reach the branch and produce a canker. 3. Spurs killed during the summer, together with the accompanying cankers, produce pustules of conidia during the following winter and spring; these conidia, falling on the flowers as they open, give rise to a new outbreak of the blossom-wilt disease. 4. When a canker has shed its crop of conidia it becomes covered with callus which eventually heals the lesion. 5. Inoculation of apple flowers with conidia from pure cultures of the fungus resulted in the death of the inflorescences and the spurs; in some cases cankers were produced. Conidia-bearing pustules of the organism appeared on these dead spurs and cankers during the following winter. 6. The causal organism is a grey Monalia easily distinguished from M. fructigena; at present it is to be referred to Monilia cinerea Bon. 7. On culture media the habit of the fungus is different from that of the grey Monilia (also referred to M. cinerea by American workers) which is commonly found in North America. H. WorMALD 203 8. The disease may be kept in check by cutting out all dead spurs and cankers before the flowers open; on the first appearance of the disease all wilted trusses and dead spurs should be promptly removed. Spraying operations can be efficacious only when they kill the conidial pustules or prevent them from shedding their conidia during the flowering period. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ApERHOLD, R. Zwei gefihrliche Erkrankungsfalle unseres Kernobstes. Prosk. Obstbau-Ztg. Jahrg. v. No. 3, 1900, pp. 39-42. —— Eine dem “‘fireblight” Amerikas fusserlich ahnliche Krankheit des Apfelbaumes. Cent. f. Bakt. 2 Abt. Bd. vr. 1900, pp. 628-629. —— Uber eine vermuthliche zu Monilia fructigena Pers. gehorige Sclerotinia. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 22, 1904, pp. 262-266. u. Runianp, W. Zur Kenntnis der Obstbaum-Sklerotinien. Arbeit. biol. Abt. Land und Forst. Kaiserl. Gesundheitsamte, 4, 1905, pp. 427-442. BarrraM, H. E. A Study of the Brown Rot fungus in Northern Vermont. Phytopathology, Vol. v1. pp. 71-78, Feb. 1916. Broz, O. Die Moniliagefahr. Separatabdruck aus “ Der Obstziichter,” Nr. 7, 1913. ConEL, J. L. A study of the brown-rot fungus in the vicinity of Champaign and Urbana Illinois. Phytopath. 1v. pp. 93-101, 1914. Eriksson, J. Zur Kenntnis der durch Monilia-Pilze hervorgerufenen Bliiten- und Zweigdiirre unserer Obstbiume. Mycol. Centralblatt, Bd. 1. pp. 65-78, 1913. Ewert, R. Verschiedene Uberwinterung der Monilien des Kern- und Stein- obstes und ihre biologische Bedeutung. Zeitsch. f. Pflanzenkr. Bd. xx11. pp. 65-86, 1912. Frank, B. und Kriicer, F. Uber die gegenwirtig herrschende Monilia- Epidemie der Obstbiitume. Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbiicher, Bd. xxvmt. pp. 185-216, 1899. Humpurey, J. E. On Monilia fructigena. Botanical Gazette, pp. 85-93, 1893. JEHLE, R. A. The brown rot canker of the peach. Phytopath. Vol. m1. pp. 105-110, 1913. Massex, G. A Text-Book of Plant Diseases. London, 1903. Martueny, W. A. A Comparison of the American Brown-Rot Fungus with Sclerotinia fructigena and S. cinerea of Europe. Bot. Gaz. Vol. Lv1. pp. 418 —432, 1913. Mtuier-THureav, H. Jie Monilienkrankheit oder Zweigdiirre der Kern- obstbiume. Cent. f. Bakt. 2 Abt. Bd. vi. pp. 653-657, 1900. Satmon, E. 8S. The “Brown Rot” Canker of Apple Trees. Journ. South- Eastern Agric. Coll. Wye, No. 19, pp. 355-357, 1910. —— A “Canker” of Apple Trees caused by the “Brown Rot” Fungus. Gard. Chron. Vol. Xtvit *p. 327, May, 1910, 204 A Blossom Wilt and Canker of Apple Trees Fi _ g. Fig. Saumon, E.8. The “Brown Rot” Canker of the Apple. Journ. South-Eastern Agric. Coll. Wye, No. 22, pp. 446-449, 1913. The “Brown Rot” Canker of the Apple. Gard. Chron. Vol. Lyi. p. 85, Aug. 1914. SmirH, W. E. Diseased Apple-twigs. (Rept. of the Scientific Conmnittee of the Roy. Hort. Soc.) Gard. Chron, Vol. xxv. (Third Series), p. 125, 1899. Soraver, P. Die Schiiden der einheimischen Kulturpflanzen durch thierische und pflanzliche Schmarotzers. Berlin, 1888, p. 235. Spinks, G. T. A Black Rot of Apples. Ann. Rept. of the Agric. and Hort. Research Sta. Long Ashton. Bristol, 1915, pp. 94-96. Worontx, M. Uber Sclerotinia cinerea und Sclerotinia fructigena. Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St Pétersbourg, vu. Series. Vol. x. No. 5. Phys. Math. pp. 1-38. Oct. 1899. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES XXIIl—XXIV. 1. Portion of cankered branch (var. Lord Derby) showing Monilia pustules; con- dition as seen in winter. (Photographed April 8, 1916.) 2. Dead spur and canker bearing Monilia pustules, with neighbouring flowering spurs; the wilted trusses below the canker were probably infected by conidia falling from the spur and canker; condition as seen in summer. (June 4, 1915.) . 3. Four trusses on the main stem of a young Lord Derby apple tree; the first and the third (from above) were each inoculated, from a pure culture of the fungus, on a single flower, Result fifteen days after inoculation—both inoculated trusses are dead. . 4. Asin Fig. 3 but four weeks later; the stem is cankered above and below the two inoculated trusses. ig. 5. The stem of the infected tree at the time that the photograph shown in Fig. 3 was taken; the four trusses there shown are to be seen immediately below the branch on the right. oe. 6. Asin Fig. 5 but taken four weeks later, i.e. on the same day as Fig. 4 was obtained. The leaves on the branches above the canker are wilting. . 7. A canker produced by a natural infection in 1914; it bore Monilia pustules in 1915, but when photographed in June 1916 was barren and was being covered over by callus. r. 8. The canker shown in Fig. 2 seen in transverse section (x 23). The development of callus at the sides of the canker has already commenced at this stage. (Figs. 1—4 and 7 are % natural size.) CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY J. B. PEACE, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. THE ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY. VOL. III, NO. 4 PLATE XXII THE ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY. VOL. III, NO. PLATE XXIII THE ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY. VOL. II , NO. 4 PLATE XXIV Fig. 8 be | THE ANNALS OF APPLIED © BIOLOGY THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ee Oe es : 4 ae ive r " eahe ie / /7/ @ Epvrep sy ’ E. E. GREEN, Way’s End, Camberley (late Government Entomologist, Ceylon) | WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF _ PROFESSOR B. T. P. BARKER, National Fruit and Cider Institute, Bristol ie ee Dr S. E. CHANDLER, Imperial Institute, London oy F. J. CHITTENDEN, Royal Fesieieal Society’s Gardens, Wisley _ J. C. F. FRYER, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, London Proressor F. W. GAMBLE, The University, Birmingham _PRorEsson PERCY GROOM, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London Bie oe RS Dr A. D. IMMS, The University, Manchester ee ae ~ __ Prorgsson R. NEWSTEAD, The University, Liverpool "So eee _ Proressor J. H. PRIESTLEY, The University, Leeds CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manacer LONDON:. FETTER LANE, E.C. EDINBURGH: 100, PRINCES STREET 5 EE SREY also fee * H. K. LEWIS & CO., LTD., 136, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C. : WILLIAM WESLEY & SON, 28, ESSEX STREET, LONDON, W.C PARIS: LIBRAIRIE HACHETTE & CIE. : CHICAGO: THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS a BOMBAY, CALCUTTA AND MADRAS: MACMILLAN & CO., LTD TORONTO: J. M. DENT & SONS, LTD. TOKYO : THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA Price Seven Shillings and Sixpence net The Association of Economic Biologists _ President Proressor NEWSTEAD, F.RS. Vice-Presidents ProFEssor CARPENTER, M.R.I.A. ProFressor HICKSON, F.R.S. R. STEWART MacDOUGALL, D.Sc. A. E. SHIPLEY, D.Sc., F.R.S. WR Council Pror. B. T. P. BARKER _ A. D. IMMS, D.Sc. S. E. CHANDLER, D.Sc. Pror. J. H. PRIESTLEY F. J. CHITTENDEN A. G. L. ROGERS E. E. GREEN E. S. SALMON Pror. P. GROOM, D.Sc. Hon. Treasurer J. C. F. FRYER, Esga., Craven House, 0 Northumberland Avenue ed Hon. Secretary Proressorn PERCY GROOM, Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington CONTENTS OF Vou. III, No. 1 | ne “pace 1. The Fig ‘Canker,’ caused by Phoma Cinerescens Sacc. By E. §. Satmon and H. Wormatp. (With Plates I and II, ie 1 Text- figure.) . ; : ‘ ; : ; : : ¢ pat | 2. Shrinkage, Swelling and Warping of Cross-grained Woods: No. 1, Yang os oe (Dipterocarpus sp.). By Percy Groom. (With a Diagram.) 13 © 3. The Dalby Profile Recorder. By W.E. Darpy, MInst..B., PRS. (With 7 Text-figures.) . : : : j TNE Pon ga a ae 39 “ 4. The Action of sien Worms, By the Rev. Hinpertc FRIEND, — ee ERM Be. Lie ed eR Oe ae 5. The Food of Slugs and the Pee of Anoeloeenianies, “By e 3 ProFessor A. RAILuieT. . saint Yee my bs CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS MIMICRY IN BUTTERFLIES. By R. C. Puynert, F.R.S., Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics in the University of Cambridge. Buckram. With 16 plates. Royal 8vo. 15s net, ‘Though much has been written on the subject of late years, there has not heretofore been any single comprehensive book dealing with it in the light of the latest knowledge. This lack Professor Punnett has admirably supplied. Primarily he brings to bear on the question the arguments of Mendelism....Professor Punnett collates the facts from various sources, and presents them clearly and in due proportion. His explanations are helped by excellent coloured plates illustrating the most important examples of mimicry from different parts of the world....The whole subject is still beclouded. We have only the beginnings of knowledge. But at least in Professor Punnett’s treatise we seem to see the foreshadowing of something like a foundation of solid fact in place of what has heretofore been a rather airy structure of fascinating guesswork.” —T'imes TICKS. A MONOGRAPH OF THE IXODOI- DEA. By George H. F. Nurratt, M.D., Ph.D., Sc.D., F.R.S., Ceci WarBurTon, M.A., F.Z.S., W. F. Cooprr, B.A., F.Z.S., F.L.S., and L. E. Roxsrnson, A.R.C.Sc. (Lond.). Royal 8vo. Part I. Argasidae. 5s net. Part II. Ixodidae. 12s net. Part III. The Genus Haemaphysalis. 12s net. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE IXODOIDEA Part I by G. H. F. Nurtatr, L. E. Ropinson and W. F. Coopzr. (2004 titles.) 6s net. (1911.) Not sold separately from Part II of Text as above. Part II by G. H. F. Nurratt and L. E. Rogrnson. (462 titles.) 4s 6d net. (1915.) Not sold separately from Part III of Text as above. N.B. These Bibliographies are an essential part of the work as they contain complete references to authors cited in the text and the references are frequently accompanied by notes in parentheses. ; FUNGOID AND INSECT PESTS OF THE FARM. By F. R. Peruersrivgs, M.A., Biological Adviser, School of Agriculture, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. 4s net. This book has been written for those who wish to acquire some practical knowledge of farm and garden pests. It does not aim at dealing with all the numerous diseases which affect crops but rather at giving an accurate account of some of the commoner forms. ConTENTS: Part I. Introduction to Fungi—Potato Disease and allied Diseases—Finger and Toe, and Wart Disease—Mildews—Ergot and Clover Sickness—Rusts—Smuts. Part II. Introduction to Insects—Butterflies and Moths—Beetles—Flies—Aphides and Sawflies—Eelworms. TYPICAL FLIES. A Photographic Atlas-of Diptera, including Aphaniptera. By E. K. Prarce, With 155 photographs. Royal 8vo. 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Primarily he brings to bear on the question the arguments of Mendelism....Professor Punnett collates the facts from various sources, and presents them clearly and in due proportion. His explanations are helped by excellent coloured plates illustrating the most important examples of mimicry from different parts of the world....The whole subject is still beclouded. We have only the beginnings of knowledge. But at least in Professor Punnett’s treatise we seem to sec the foreshadowing of something like a foundation of solid fact in place of what has heretofore been a rather airy structure of fascinating guesswork.” —T'imes TICKS. A MONOGRAPH OF THE IXODOI- DEA. By Groree H. F. Nourrauz, M.D., Ph.D., Sc.D., F.RS., Crom, Warsurton, M.A., F.Z.S., W. F. Cooper, B.A., F.Z.S., F.L.S., and L. E. Roxpryson, A.R.C.Sc. (Lond.). Royal 8vo. Part I. Argasidae. 5snet. Part II. Ixodidae. 12s net. Part III. The Genus Haemaphysalis. 12s net. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE IXODOIDEA Part I by G. H. F. Nurrarz, L. E. 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