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VOLUME 7 • PART 1 20th FEBRUARY 1970 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA CATALOGUE OF THE THYSANOPTERA OF THE WORLD (Part 1) by C.F. JACOT-GUILLARMOD (ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMS TOWN). INTRODUCTION Over many years the author has compiled a world catalogue of Thysanoptera, mainly for his own use. This had as its beginning a student project on the compiling of a catalogue of the southern African forms but it was soon discovered that cataloguing the South African or even the African taxa was quite inadequate and the scope was widened to include all known species. It was also found that unless all references, however slight, were placed on cards, some important information on synonomy or distribution might be overlooked. It is fitting that this work should be a tribute to Dr. J.C. Faure, under whose guidance it was started some thirty years ago and at whose suggestion it is now being published. This work is presented with considerable diffidence to other workers on Thysan- optera. It is fully realised that many mistakes and omissions will be found, but if the catalogue proves of use to future workers, the work it has involved will be well repaid. Great difficulty has been experienced in obtaining publications from some of the Communist countries but it is hoped that with the appearance of the first part of this catalogue, at least some of these articles will be sent to the author so that they may be included in future parts or in an adden- dum if this proves necessary. Perhaps unjustifiably so, all references have been taken as correct unless there is published or verbally stated evidence to the contrary. Each reference has been checked with the original; copies of most articles containing these references are in the author’s library. All references known are given, and each name has been checked as to validity; as far as possible the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature have been followed. There is still doubt as to the validity of some names and in such cases, common usage has been followed, in order to cause as few changes as possible. It is with much pleasure that the help of a great number of colleagues is acknow- ledged, not only for their generosity in sending separata of their own works but also in many cases in sending duplicates of other authors’ works. Thanks are also due to these workers for their patience in answering numerous questions and queries. Starting with the earlier workers, Dr. J.D. Hood helped for a great number of years and finally donated to the author his whole library on Thysanoptera and his notebooks as well as a duplicate set, complete as far as possible, of specimens from his collection. Dr. J.C. Faure not only started the author on work on Thysanoptera, but also has helped greatly in work on this group all through the years. Dr. H. Priesner, the only member of the older generation still actively engaged in work on thrips, has been of the greatest assistance and has also given great encouragement throughout. Dudley Moulton, R.S. Bagnall and J.R. Watson all proved considerate colleagues and sent, from the beginning of the undertaking copies of their publications. Today’s workers, more numerous, are also always willing to help. Chief among these are Richard zur Strassen, who, besides keeping up to date in supplying copies of his own papers, has also provided specially made copies of papers otherwise unobtainable; J. Pelikan, T.N. Ananthakrishnan, F. Titschack, L. Stannard, J.S. Bhatti, S.F. Bailey, K. O’Neill-Burks , F.A. Bianchi, H. Vevers Steele, H.K. Hartwig, L. De Santis, S. Medina Gaud, H.E. Cott, G.L. Thomasson, i A. Bournier, Shumsher Singh, R.L. Post and G. Schliephake, all of whom have sent me copies of their papers, specimens from their collections and have helped in many ways. To these and all the other workers, most grateful acknowledgment of their assistance is due; without their aid the catalogue could never have been completed as far as it has been. There are many others, workers in other fields, who have given advice or otherwise assisted in the compila- tion of the catalogue and to them too thanks are very gratefully tendered. To Miss J. Phillips and Mrs. Y. Riddin, who typed the first drafts of part of the catalogue, acknowledgment is due and I am especially grateful to Miss G. Gilder for the typing of the final draft and for taking changes and corrections, insertions and deletions cheerfully and carefully. A deep debt of gratitude is due to the Cape Provincial authorities for so generously providing the money for publication; without their aid, this catalogue could not have been printed and workers all over the world now and in the future will be indebted to them. Last, but by no means least, acknowledgment is due to my wife and my son, who have so patiently and cheerfully borne with the moods and irritated frustrations caused by the preparing of this catalogue. Scope and Method. It is fully realised that there is much to be said against a non-selective list of references under each name. It was thought, however, that at this stage all references should be included as there has been no earlier catalogue in this order of insects. This is a pioneer work, simply listing what has already been done in the group. All references are given under each name unless there is definite proof that the name has been incorrectly used in the literature. It is realised that in a number of cases this is quite unjustified especially for older references but these can always be corrected in the future if this proves necessary. In each case the name used by each author is given as it stands in print with [Sic/] to denote misspellings. Under categories higher than the genus the original author’s name. has not been i repeated for each reference but this has been done for all references under genera and species, contrary to the general usage of workers in the order, except for a few modern ones. It would have enhanced the value of the work to have given under each reference some further information but this was omitted except for important items in order to keep within reasonable proportions due to high costs of production. Under each genus the type-species of J the valid name and of each synonymy is given together with the manner in4which it was designated. Under the species, after the bibliographical references the same sequence has been used. Under ‘ ‘distribution’ ’, full data are given only for species of restricted distribution or for those of rarer occurence; for the commoner and more widely distributed, less detailed information is given, the same procedure is followed under the heading “habitat”. This reduction of data is again due to trying to keep within reasonable bounds. The general classification followed is that of Priesner with slight modification where it is deemed necessary. The genera are arranged alphabetically under the taxon in which they are considered to belong; the names considered as synonyms are also mentioned in the relevant places but merely referred to those genera where they are considered to belong (e.g. Archaeolothrips Bagnall = Desmothrips Hood). Genera are divided into subgenera when this procedure is thought advisable. The species are arranged alphabetically under each genus (or subgenus), the synonymous names being treated in the same manner as those - of genera (e.g. Desmothrips topali Pelikan = Arcuthrips topali (Pelikan) and Aeolothrips limbata Reuter = Aeolothrips vittatus Haliday). Any misidentifications are included in the relevant places (e.g. [Aeolothrips melaleuca Haliday; Uzel =Aeolothrips versicolor Uzell but referred to the species to which they are considered to belong. If only part of a reference belongs then the word partim is added after the reference, this being repeated under the species where the other part belongs. It is hoped that in this way any reference may be traced, whether a misidentification or not. The contractions of references are a modification of the world list; consistency has H n been aimed at although some inconsistencies may occur, mainly due to the length of time the catalogue has been in preparation. It is hoped that the compiler will be forgiven for not always using the latest names of the countries. In most cases, especially for Africa, many of the countries were not yet in- dependent when the entries were made. In addition, great difficulty was experienced in tracing the localities of many place names used in the older literature. For type localities the names used in the original description have always been given; for the distribution the nomenclature used, in most cases with only a few exceptions, is that occuring in the references on the respective species. iii JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Superorder T hysanopteroidea. Thysanopteroidea ; Weber, 1933. Lehrbuch der Entomologie, p.655. T hysanopteroidea; Weber, 1938. Grundriss der Insektenkunde, p. 150. Thysanopteroidea; Weber, 1949. Grundriss der Insektenkunde, 2nd ed. , p. 195. T hysanopteroidea; Blunck &, Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , ed. 5, 4(1): 375. T hysanopteroides; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10(2): 1805. T hysanopteroides; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paleont., 3:505. T hysanopteroidea; Weber, 1954. Grundriss der Insektenkunde, 3rd ed., p. 262. T hysanopteroidea; Oldroyd, 1960. Jeannel: Introduction to Ent., pp. 108, 239, 305. Thysanopteroidea; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal : Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:1. Order Thysanoptera Haliday, 1836. Hemiptera; Linne, 1746. Fauna Svecica, p. 220. Partim. Hemiptera; Linne, 1758. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 1:457. Partim. Hemiptera; Linnd, 1761. Fauna Svecica, p.266. Partim. Hemiptera; Linne, 1767. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 1(2):743. Partim. Ryngota Fabricius, 1775. Syst. Ent., p. 745. Partim. Ryngota; Fabricius, 1776. Gen. Ins., p. 187. Partim. Ryngota; Fabricius, 1781. Spec. Ins., 2:396. Partim. Ryngota; Fabricius, 1787. Mant. Ins., 2:320. Partim. Hemiptera; de Villers, 1789. Linne: Ent. Faun. Suecicae, 1:564. Partim. Ryngota; Fabricius, 1794. Ent. Syst., 4:288. Partim. Rhyngota; Fabricius, 1803. Syst. Rhyngotorum, p. 312. Partim. Hemiptera; Latreille, 1804. Hist. nat. Crust. Ins., 12:350. Partim. Pterodicera Latreille, 1807. Gen. Crust. Ins., 3:170. Partim. HSmipteres; Guerin, 1828. Tigny: Hist. nat. Ins., 3rd Ed., 6:151,229. Partim. Physapi Stark, 1828. Elements of nat. Hist., 2:326. Thysanuriformes Bouche, 1834. Naturgesch. Ins., 1:4. Partim. Thripsites Newman, 1834. Ent. Mag., 2:426. Thysanoptera Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:439. Physopoda Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):402, 404. Thysanoptera; Westwood, 1838. Ent. Text Book, pp. 333, 359. Thysanoptera; Curtis, 1839. British Ent., 7: pi. 748. Thripsiens Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., p. 215. Thysanoptera; Westwood, 1840. Intr. Modern Class. Ins., 2:1; 2(Synop.):45. Physopoda; Amyot &, Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Hemipt., p.637. Thysanoptdres; Blanchard, 1845. Hist. Ins., p. 270. Thripsiens; Blanchard, 1845. Hist. Ins., p.272. Thripsiens; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1):215. Physapoda; Haliday, 1852. in Walker: Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1094. T hripsina Newman, 1855. Trans, ent. Soc. London 3(7) : 264. Thripsidae ; Fitch, 1855. Trans. New York State Agr. Soc., Albany (1854) 16:807. Thysanoptera; Fitch, 1855. Country Gentleman, 6(24):385. Thysanoptera; Fitch, 1856. Trans. New York State Agr. Soc., Albany (1855) 15:537. Thrips; Clark, 1856. in v.d. Hoeven: Handbook of Zoology, 1:464. Physapoda; Kolenati, 1860. Wiener ent. Monatschr., 4(12): 390. Thripsidae; Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, p. 207 P hysapoda; Scudder, 1868. Geol. Mag., 5(47):221. 1 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Thysanopt&res; Blanchard, 1868. Mdtamorph. Ins., p.585. Thripsides; Blanchard, 1868. Metamorph. Ins., p.586. T hysanoptbres; Oustalet, 1873. Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, (6)10:20. Thysanoptera; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Forh., 21:210. P hy sopoda; Taschenberg, 1879. Praktische Insekten-Kunde, 1:205, fig. 44. Physophoda [Sic!]; Taschenberg, 1880. Praktische Insekten-Kunde, pt. 4:212. Thysanoptera; Reuter, 1880. Bidr. Kann. Finl. Nat. Folk, 40:4. Fisapodi; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric., Roma, 34:120. Thysanoptera; Duncan, [1882?]. Transform. Ins., 3rd ed. p.345. Phy sapoda; Packard, 1883. American Nat., 17:829. Thripidae; Osborn, 1883. Canadian Ent., 15(8): 151. Physapoda; Packard, 1883. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (5)12:154. Tisanotteri; Costa, 1883. Atti R. Accad. Sci. Matem. Napoli, (2)1:71. Thripsiens; Girard, 1885. Les Ins. Traite diem. Ent., 3:1072. Thysanoptbres; Provancher, 1885. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:2,4, 12, 17. P hy sopoda; Ludwig, 1886. Leunis: Synop. Thierk., 2:535. Thripsidae ; Ludwig, 1886. Leunis: Synop. Thierk., 2:535. Phy sopoda; Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturwiss. Halle, 60(6) : 554, 560. Phy sopoda; Uzel, 1889. Vesmfr, 18(21): 241, figs. 83 — 84. Thysanoptbres; Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:328. P hysapodes; Scudder, 1890. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ., 13:371. [ Thysanoptera ]; Kobus, 1892. Meded. Proefsta. Oost-Java, (1) 1892 (43) : 588. Thysanoptera; Ashmead, 1894. Insect Life, 7(1): 27. Thy sanoptera; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 24. [Monograph of world species]. Thripidae; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 3:214. T hy sanoptera; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2): 13. Thysanoptera; Oudemans, [1900?]. Nederland. Ins., p.234. Phy sapoda; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:614. Physapoda; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 278. Thysanoptera; E. Reuter, 1902. Landtbr. Meddel., 39:48,57. Thysanoptera; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:79. [Monograph North American species]. Thysanoptera; Del Guercio, 1903. Nuove Relaz. R. Staz. Ent. agr. Firenze, (1)5:1. Thysanoptera; Schille, 1904. Sprawozd. kom. fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:9. Phy sopoda; van Deventer, 1906. Handb. Suikerr. -Cult. Rietsuik.-Fabr. Java, 2:275. T hy sanoptera; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.) 12(3):42. Thy sanoptera; Karny, 1907. Berl. ent. Zeitschr., 52:44. Tisanotteri; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:226-300. Thysanoptera; Froggatt, [1907.] Australian Ins., p.392. T hy sanoptera; Bagnall, 1908. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)1:356. Thysanoptera; Bagnall, 1908. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. Newc.-Tyne, (N.S.) 3(1):185. Thysanoptera; Karny, 1908. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 6(8):110. T hy sanoptera; Karny, 1908. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 27(9-10):276. Thysanoptera; Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., pp. 22, 691 , 1097, 1243. Thysanoptera; Bagnall, 1909. Ent. mon. Mag., 45:33. T hy sanoptera; Reh, 1909. in Sorauer, Handb. Pflanzenkrank, 3rd ed., 3:217. Thy sanoptera; Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2):34. 2 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T hysanoptera; Bagnall, 1909. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, (Zool.) 30:329. Thysanoptera ; Bagnall, 1909. Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew, 1909(6):255. T hysanoptera; Bagnall, 1909. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 7:126. Thysanoptera; Cobelli, 1909. Verh.k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:1. Thysanoptera; Cockerell, 1909. Bull. American Mus. nat. Hist., 26(8):84. Thysanoptbres; Guenaux, 1909. Ent. Parasit. agr., ed. 2, pp. 86, 137, 364. P hysapoda; Trybom, 1910. in Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6. 3(16):1. Physapoda; Trybom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 16(4)(1): 147. T hysanoptera; Bagnall, 1910. Ann. S. African Mus., 5(8):425. Thysanoptera; Bagnall, 1910. Fauna Hawaiiensis, 3:676. Thysanoptera; Matsumura, 1910. Zeitschr. wiss. Ins.-biol. 6(3):103. Thysanura \Sic f\\ Sich, 1910. Proc. S. London ent. nat. hist. Soc., 1909-10:54. Thysanoptera; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):1Q. Physopodes; Trabut, 1911. Bull. Agr. Algerie et Tunisie, 17(7):163. Thysanoptera; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:10,21. [ Thysanoptera ]/ Karny, 1911. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionskrank (2)30(21-24):556. Thysanoptera; Matsumura, 1911. Mem. Soc. ent. Belg., 18:133. [ Thysanoptera :]/ Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25(41):225; (43):229. (Sep. pp. 5,9). Thysanoptera; Bagnall, 1912. Rec. Indian Mus., 7(3):258. Thysanoptera; Bagnall, 1912. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)10:221. Thysanoptera; Karny, 1912. Marcellia, 11(4-5):167. T hy sanoptera; Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63(l-2):5. T hysanoptera; Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):216. T hysanoptera; Bagnall, 1913. Ent. Rec., 25(9):226. Thysanoptera; Buch, 1913. in Reuter: Lebensgew. Instinkte Ins., p. 14. Thysanoptera; Vestal, 1913. Bull. Illinois State Lab. Nat. Hist., 10(1):25. T hysanoptera; Bagnall, 1914. Geolog. Mag., (6)1:484. T hysanoptera ; Tonge, 1914. Proc. S. London ent. & nat. hist. Soc., 1913—14:64. Thysanoptera ; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 135. T hysanoptera; Baldwin, 1914. 6th ann. Rep. St. Ent. Indiana 1912 — 13, p. 117. Thysanoptera; Hood, 1915. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 28:55. Thysanoptera; Bagnall, 1915. Vasculum. 1(4):127. T hysanoptera; Hood, 1915. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 17(3):128. [ Thy sanoptera ]; Karny, 1916. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. , 12(7-8):195. T hysanoptera; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):35. Thysanoptera; Cockerell, 1917. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 52:381. Thysanoptera; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):53. Thysanoptera; Williams, 1917. Bull. ent. Res., 8(1):59. Thy sanoptera; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)— 2(1):53, 65. Thysanoptera; Crampton, 1919. Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1919(l-2):99. Thysanoptera; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):27. Thysanoptera; Edwards, 1919. Proc. S. London ent. & nat. hist. Soc., 1918—19:43. Thysanoptera; Britton, 1920. Bull. Conn. geol. nat. Hist. Surv., 31:44. [ Thysanoptera ]; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:50. Tisanopteros; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist, nat., (1919)23(4-6):55. Thysanoptbres; Porter, 1920. Bull. Soc. Etude Vulgar. Zool. agr., 19:100. Thysanoptera; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:262. 3 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Thysanoptera ; Takahashi, 1921. Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 35:80-85, 13 Figs. [Metamorphosis]. Thysanoptera ; Miles, 1921. Ann. appl. Biol., 8(3-4):173. Thysanoptera; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1 (4 ) :2 1 1 . [Order classified; keys to genera]. Thysanoptera; John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catalog., 2(1):3. Thysanoptera; Carpenter, 1921. Insect Transformation, p.83,179,258. Thysanoptera; Peairs, 1921. Sanderson: Ins. Pests Farm, Gard. & Orch., 2nd Ed., pp. 225,372. Thysanoptera; Karny, 1922. Treubia 3(1):110. Thysanoptera; Watson, 1922. Florida Ent., 6(3):34. Thysanoptera; Karny, 1922. Journ. Siam Soc., 16(2):91. Thysanoptera; Karny, 1922. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math, naturw. Klasse, 98:114. 'Thysanoptera; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):3. Thysanoptera; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands , 2(29):29.1. Thysanoptera; Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)132(l-3):3. Thysanoptera; Costa Lima, 1923. Arch. Esc. Sup. Agric. Med. Veter., Nichtheroy, (1922)6(1-2): 111. Thysanopterelor; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric., Bucuresti, 3(7-9):49. Thysanoptera; Bagnall, 1923. Vasculum, (1922-23)8-9:84. Thysanoptera; [Wolcott], 1923. Journ. Dept. Agric. Porto Rico, 7(1):239. Thysanoptera; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta. , (1923)168:6,25. T hysanoptera; Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):82. Thysanoptera; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):130. T hysanoptera; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):6. Thysanoptera; Zanon, 1924. Atti Pontif. Accad. Sci. nuovi Lincei, 77:90. T hysanoptera; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Naturforsch.-Ges. Univ. Dorpat, 31(l-2):37. Thysanoptera; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s Ent. Jahrb., 1924-25:152,157. T hysanopteren; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):19. T hysanoptera s; Poutiers, 1925. Rev. Bot. appl. Agr. colon., 5(44):258;(45):358. Thysanoptera; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. T hysanoptera; Karny, 1925. Bull. Deli Proefst. Medan-Sumatra, 23:3. Thysanoptera; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Madras agr. Students Union, 13(10):1. T hysanoptera; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:862. T hysanopteren; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4(1):246. Thysanoptera; Herrick, 1925. Manual injurious Insects, pp. 3, 146, 292, 363, 413. T hysanoptera; Handlirsch, 1925. Schroder: Handb. Ent., 3:221,477. Thysanoptera; Hukkinen, 1925. Maatalouskoelaitos Tieteellisia- Julkaisuja, 25:18, 138,156. Thysanoptera; Light, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:132. Thysanoptera; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas., pt. 1:78, 79. [Monograph European species]. Thysanoptera; Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8 (suppl.):l-264. [early stages]. Thysanoptera; Karny, 1926. Treubia, 8(3-4):315. Thysanoptera; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:3. Thysanoptera; Tillyard, 1926. Ins. Australia & New Zealand, pp. 136, 138. Thysanoptera; Bryan, 1926. Bull. B.P. Bishop Mus., 31:91. T hysanoptera; Reijne, 1926. Onderzoek. Monddeel. Thysanoptera, pp. 1-109, Pis. I-V. Thysanoptera; Martynov, 1927. Bull. Acad. Sci. URSS, 6(9-ll):768. T hysanoptera; Priesner, 1927. in Brohmer, Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):1. 4 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T hysanoptera; Karny, 1927. Tropische Natuur, 1927(4):59. T hysanoptera; Keler, 1927. Prace Wydz. Chor. Ro^lin, 2:5. Thy sanoptera; Reyne, 1927. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anatom., 49:391-500, Pis. 3-7. [study on mouth parts]. Thysanoptera; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:11. T hysanoptera; Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111. Thysanoptera; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:66. Thysanoptera; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):163. Thysanoptera; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):217. T hysanoptera; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. nat. Hung., 25:61. T hysanoptera; Costa Lima, 1928. Arch. Esc. Sup. Agric. Med. Veter., Rio de Janeiro, (1 92 7)8(l-2): 77 . Thysanoptera; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):323. Thysanoptera; Priesner, 1928. in Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 142, 147. T hysanoptera; Carpenter, 1928. Biology of Insects, p. 311. T hysanoptera; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR. pp. 1-72. T hysanoptkres; Pomeyrol, 1928. Bull. biol. France et Belgique, 62(1):1. Thysanopteren; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):837. T hysanoptera; Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):77. T hysanoptera; Girault, 1929. New Pests from Australia VI, [p.l.]. Thysanoptera; Dammerman , 1929. Agric. Zool. Malay Archipelago, p. 215. Thysanopteren; Borner, 1929. Zeitschr. Wiss. Ins. -biol., 24:111, fig. 3. [mouth parts]. T hysanoptera; Girault, 1930. New Pests from Australia, VII, [p. 1.]. T hysanoptera; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:571. Thysanoptera; Girault, 1930. New Pests from Australia, VIII, [p. 1.]. Thysanoptera; Girault, 1930. New pests from Australia, IX, [p. 2.]. T hy sanoptera; Handlirsch, 1930. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool., 4(1 ): 779. Thysanoptera; Hansen, 1930. Studies on Arthropoda, 3:209. Ty sanoptera [Sic!]; Melis, 1931. Redia, 20:79 [sep.]. P hysapoda; Liebermann & Gemignani, 1931. Rev. Soc. ent. Argentina, 3(15):211. T hysanoptera; van Eecke, 1931. in Boschma, Fauna Nederland, 5:3, 153. T hysanoptera; Matsumura, 1931. 6000 illustr. Ins. Japan-Empire, p. 1321, 1322. T hysanoptera; Hood & Hook, 1932. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 27(1):4. Thysanoptera; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18,72. Thysanoptera; Canizo, 1932. Asoc. Esp. Prog. Cien. Lisboa, (4)5(2):7. T hysanoptera; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. S. Paulo, 2(4):452. P hysapoda; Keler, 1932. Prace Wydz. Chor. RosTin, 12:6. T hysanoptera; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:1. Thysanopteren; Oettingen, 1932. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkrank. Pflanzenschutz , 42(6):274. Tysanoptera [/Sic/]; Melis, 1932. Redia, 20:14. [sep.]. Ty sanoptera [Sic!]; Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:79, 156. T hysanoptera; Sharga, 1933. Trans, ent. Soc. London, 81(2): 185-202, Pis. X-XIX. Thysanoptera; Weber, 1933. Lehrbuch der Entomologie, pp.86,655. T hysanoptera; Hesse, 1934. Ann. S. African Mus., 30(3):434. Thysanoptera; Takahashi, 1934. Bot. & Zool., Tokyo, 2:1827. Tisanotteri; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):3. Thysanoptera; Paoli, 1934. Firenze 1st. agric. colon, ital., (1931-33):48. Thysanoptera; Ouchi, 1934. Journ. Shanghai Sci. Inst., (3)2:25. Thysanoptera; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 15(1):54. 5 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Thysanoptera ; Hood, 1935. Stylops, 4(9):193. Thy sanoptera; Rayment, 1935. A Cluster of Bees, p. 742. Thysanoptera; Martynov, 1935. C.R. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS, (N.S.)3(7):333. T hy sanoptera; Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. tropical Agr. Formosa, 7:67. Thysanoptera; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3): 86 . Thysanoptbres; Lameere 1935. Precis de Zoologie, 4:368. Thysanoptera; Bailey , 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935) 11 (4) : 1 63 . T hy sanoptera; Da Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 108. Thysanoptera; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):427. Thysanoptera; Doeksen, 1936. ZooL Meded., 19(l-2):80. Thysanoptera; Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:67. Thysanoptera; Kdler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:81. Thysanoptera; Russo, 1936. Mem. Soc. ent. Italiana, 1 5 ( 1 ) : 4 2 . Thysanoptbres; Priesner & Quidvreux, 1936. Bull. Soc. geol. France, (1935) (5) 5:471. Thysanoptera; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):223. Thysanoptera; Hood, 1937. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 7(4):505. [ Thysanoptera ]; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria, (2)Nat. Sci. 3:35. Thysanoptera; Maltbaek, 1937. Zool. Faroes, 2(1) (art. 35): 1. Thysanoptera; Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat. , 1937 (225):68. Thysanoptera; Maltbaek, 1938. Zool. Iceland, 3(40): 1. Thysanoptera; Fabian, 1938. Fol. Ent. Hungarica, 4(1-2): 7 . T hy sanoptera; Hood, 1938. N. Carolina State List Ins., Dept. Agr., Raleigh, p. 55. T hy sanoptera; Da Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:405-452. T hy sanoptera; Weber, 1938. Grundriss der Insektenkunde, p. 150. T hy sanoptera; Wolf, 1938. Anim. Cavern. Catal., 3:780. [Thy sanoptera]; Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:83. T hy sanoptera; Melis, 1939. Redia, 25:41. Thy sanoptera; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier. Ent., (1938)22:119. T hy sanoptera; Priesner, 1939. Broteria, Cien. nat., Lisboa, (Ser. trim.) 8(3):104. Tisanopteros; Bondar, 1939. Bol. teen. Inst. Cacau Bahia, 5:8. T hy sanoptera; Priesner, 1940. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 1940:67. T hy sanoptera; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:1. Thysanoptera; Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. , Wageningen, 45(5): 1-55, 56, 61. [Thysanoptera]; Watson, 1941. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 357:22. [Thy sanoptera]; De Santis, 1941. Anu rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:146. Thysanoptera; McKeown, 1941. Austral. Mus. Mag., 1941:385. Thysanoptera; McKeown, 1942. Austral. Ins., p. 77. T hy sanoptera; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):35. Thysanoptera; Melis, 1942. Redia, 28:155. Thysanoptera; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3):251. Thy sanoptera; Dudich et at, 1943. Mat. Term^sz. Kozlem., 39(6):16. Thysanoptera; Beatty, 1944. Journ. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico, 28(3-4):123. Thysanoptbres; Colas, 1944. Petit Atlas des Insectes, 1:39. Thysanoptera; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 32. Thysanoptera; Fullaway & Krauss, 1945. Common Ins. Hawaii, p.30,31. Thysanoptera; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:668. Thysanoptera; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):17,22. Thysanoptera; Morison, 1947. London Nat., Suppl. p. 23. Thysanoptbres; Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):85,91. 6 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thysanoptera ; Wolcott, 1948. Journ. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32(1 ): 94 . Thysanoptera; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):35. Thysanoptera; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:387. Thysanoptera; Morison, 1948. London Nat., Suppl. p. 37. T hysanoptera; Costantino, 1948. Boll. Zool., 15(l-3):75. Thysanoptera; Smifh, 1948. Textbook agr. Ent. ed. 2, p. 24. [Thy sanoptera]; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Thysanoptera; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:34. Thysanoptera; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):230. T hysanoptera; Morison, 1949. London Nat., Suppl. p. 112. Thy sanoptera; Weber, 1949. Grundriss der Insektenkunde, 2nd ed., p. 195, figs. 86a, 157. Thysanoptera; Shvanvich, 1949. Kurs obshchei ent., pp. 140-142, 795, 809-810. Thysanoptbres; Risbec, 1950. Trav. Lab. Ent. sect. Soudanais Rech. Agro., 1:137, 281. T hysanoptera; Weber, 1950. Trans. American ent. Soc., 7 6(3): 171. Thysanoptbres; Janssens, 1950. Manuel du Chasseur d’Insectes, 2nd ed., p. 15. Thysanoptera; Spiller, 1951. New Zealand Journ. Sci. Tech., (B) 33 (2):142. Thy sanoptera; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):9, 47. Thy sanoptera; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traitd zool., 10(2):1805. Thysanoptera; Pelikdn, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:188. Thysanoptera; Melis, 1952. Redia, 37:4. [ Thysanoptera ]/ Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:3. Thysanoptera; Evans 1952. Injurious Ins. British Commonwealth, p. 72. Thysanoptera; Chilson, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):81. Thy sanoptera; Davis, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):85. T hysanoptera; Krauss, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1): 123 . Thysanoptera; von Lengerken, 1935. Das. Tierreich iv/3 Ins. , Samml. Goschen , 594 :90. Thysanoptera; Skaife, 1953. African Ins. Life, p.91. T hy sanoptera; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paleont., 3:505. [ Thysanoptera ]; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4):138. Thysanoptera; Weber, 1954. Grundriss der Insektenkunde, 3rd ed., p.262. Thysanoptera; Eglitis, 1954. Fauna pochv. Latviiskoi SSR. p. 181, fig. 84. T hy sanoptera; Snodgrass, 1954. Smithsonian Misc. coll., 122(9):44. Thysanoptera; Mukerji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian Journ. Ent., 17(1):66. Thysanoptera; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31:266. Thysanoptera; Melis, 1955. Redia, 40:2. Thysanoptera; Hincks & Shaw, 1955. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., 96:143. Thysanoptera; Wagstaffe & Fidler, 1955. The Preservation of Natural History specimens. 1:65. Thysanoptera; Ripper, 1956. Annual Review Ent., 1:408. [ Thysanoptera ]/ Smith & Brier ley, 1956. Annual Rev. Ent., 1:301,303,304,305,307,309,316- Thysanoptbres; Bournier, 1956. Arch. Zool. exp. gdn. Paris, 93(3):219. T hy sanopteren; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N .S. ) 3 (5):285-330. Thy sanoptera; Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:11. Thysanoptera; Smith, 1959. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon. , 1951-56:19. Thy sanoptera; Faure, 1957. S. African Anim. Life, 4:377. ^ T hy sanoptera; Pelikdn, 1957. in Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:9. Thysanoptbres; Bournier, 1957. Comptes rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 244:506. Thysanoptera; Risler. 1957. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat., 76(2):251-302, figs. 1-45. 7 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Thy sanoptera; Stannard, 1957. Illinois Biol. Monog., no. 25:3. Thy sanoptera; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):467. Thy sanoptera; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 98 . T hy sanoptera; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):298. Tisanotteri; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44 (Append. ):1-184, Pis. I-V; text figs. I-CXXII. Thy sanoptera; Lewis, 1959. Ent. exp. et appl., Amsterdam, 2:204-215, fig. 1, tables I-VII. Thy sanoptera; Sanchez, 1959. Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. “J. Prado”, no. 7:32. Thy sanoptera; Maxwell, 1959. Handb. Florida Ins., p.21, 1 fig. T hy sanoptera; Le Pelley, 1959. Agric. Ins. East Africa, p. 95. Thy sanoptera; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):323. Tisanotteri; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45 (Append. ): 185. Thy sanoptera; Oldroyd, 1960. Jeannel: Introduction to Ent., pp. 108,305. T hy sanoptera; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.) 7:168. Thy sanoptera; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:5. T hy sanoptera; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alp. Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:401. T hy sanoptera; Child, 1961. Australian Ins., rev. ed., p. 27. T hy sanoptera; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A) 36 (7-9):89. T hy sanoptera; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):576-593. Thy sanoptera; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4):97. T hy sanoptera; Massee, 1962. Proc. S. London ent. & nat. hist. Soc., 196*1:64,66. T hy sanoptera; Duarte, 1962. Bol. Inst. Invest, cient. Angola, 1(1):7. Thy sanoptera; Pelekassis, 1962. Ann. Inst, phytopath. Benaki, (N.S.) 5(1):56. T hy sanoptera; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Tijdschr. Ent., 106(5):201. Thysanoptera; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1):12. Thy sanoptera; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:1*40. T hy sanoptera; Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Lublin Polonia, (1963) (C) 18 (6):135. Thysanoptera; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):251. Thysanoptera; Krauss, 1964. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1963) 18 (3):407. Thysanoptera; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1)*95. T hy sanoptera; Stannard, 1964. Pacific Insects Monograph, 7:235. [ Thy sanoptera ]; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Tijdschr. Ent., 107(6):341-344 , Pis. 25-27. T hy sanoptera; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:1-242. T hy sanoptera; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti U.S.S.R., 1:846. [keys to European U.S.S.R.]. Thysanoptera; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:1,161. Thysanoptera; Pelikan, 1965. Beitr. Ent., 15(5-6):761. Thysanoptera; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):150. T hy sanoptera; Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entomol., 99:29. Thy sanoptera; Moye, Stannard & Luckmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3):732. Thysanoptera; Thomasson & Post, 1966. North Dakota Ins., Publ. No. 6:4. Thy sanoptera; Forsyth, 1966. Agric. Ins. Ghana, p. 97. T hy sanoptera; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur, Neubearb., 4(9):1. Thy sanoptera; Stannard, 1967. Trans. Illinois St. Acad. Sci., 60(2):132. T hy sanoptera; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):261. Thysanoptera; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:1. 8 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T hy sanoptera; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:3-161. Thysanoptera; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):215, 237, 246. T hysanoptera; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:1. Thysanoptera; Ahring &, Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):979. Suborder TEREBRANTIA Haliday, 1836. T erebrantia Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:443. T erebrantia; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):407, 410. Terebrantia; Curtis, 1839. British Entomology, 7:P1. 748. T erebrantia; Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., 2(synop.):46. Terebrantia; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 641. Thripsides; Blanchard, 1845. Hist. Ins., pp. 272, 273. Terebrantia; Heeger, 1852. Sitzungsb. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 8:130. Terebrantia; Haliday, 1852. in Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1095, 1101. T erebrantia; Clark, 1856. in v.d. Hoeven: Handbook of Zoology, 1:464. Thripsines; Blanchard, 1868. Metamorph. Ins., p.586. T erebrantia; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Fbrh., 21:210. T erebrantia; Taschenberg, 1879. Praktische Insekten-Kunde, 1:205. Terebrantia; Reuter, 1880. Bidr. Kann. Finl. Nat. Folk, 40:5. P hysapoda; Taschenberg, 1880. Praktische Insekten-Kunde, 4:212. T ere br anti; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric., Roma, 34:130,123. T brebrants; Provancher, 1885. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:17. T erebrantia; Ludwig, 1886. Leunis: Synop. Thierk., 2:535,536. Terebrantia; Schlechtendai, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturwiss. Halle, 60(6):555, 563. Terebrantia; Uzel, 1889. Vesmfr, 18(21):258. T erebrantia; Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:331. Terebrantia; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 27, 42, 61. T erebrantia; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 3:214. Terebrantia; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):14,29. Terebrantia; Oudemans, [1900], Nederland. Ins., pp. 235, 240. T erebrantia; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:619. Terebrantia; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p.286. T erebrantia; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S, Nat. Mus., 26:124. T erebrantia; Del Guercio; 1903. Nuove Relaz. R. Staz. Ent. agr. Firenze, (1)5:5. T erebrantia; Schille, 1904. Sprawozd. Korn, fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:9. T erebrantia; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.) 12(3):42. T erebrantia; Schugurow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 32(1):9. T erebrantia; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:272,279. Thripoidea; Karny, 1907. Berl. ent. Zeitschr,, 52:44. Thripidae; Froggatt, [1907]. Australian Ins., p.392. Terebrantia; Froggatt, [1907]. Australian Ins., p.393. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1908. Ent. mon. Mag., 44:4. Terebranti; Buffa, 1908. Redia, 4(2):383, 384. T erebrantia; Hood, 1908. Bull. Illinois St. Lab. nat. Hist., 8(2):361. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1908. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. Newc.-Tyne, (N.S.)3 (1):185. T erebrantia; Buffa, 1908. Redia, 5(1): 123. T erebrantia; Karny, 1908. Mitt, naturwiss. Verh. Univ. Wien, 6(8):110. 9 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Tere brantia; Handlirsch, 1908. Foss. Ins., pp . 23, 691, 1097. T erebranti; Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5 ( 1 ) : 1 3 3 , 134. T ere brantia; Bagnall, 1909. Ent. mon. Mag., 45:33. T erebrantia; Reh, 1909. in Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 3rd ed. , 3:221. T erebrantia; Shull, 1909. Ent. News, 20:220. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2):34. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1909. Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew, 1909(6):255. T erebrantia; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:2. T erebrantia; Trybom, 1910. in Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6. 3(16):1. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1910. Ann. Mus. nat. Hung., 8:375. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1910. Fauna Hawaiiensis, 3:677,698. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. T erebrantia; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:10. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1911. Ier. Congr. intern. Ent. Bruxelles, 1910, pp. 283 , 286, 287 T erebrantia; Hood, 1912. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 25:63. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1912. Rec. Indian Mus., 7(3):258. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1912. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)10:221,222. T erebrantia; Hood, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14(3):129. T erebrantia; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25(43):229. (sep. p. 9). T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1913. Scottish Nat., 1913:37. T erebrantia; Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63(l-2):5. T erebrantia; Hood, 1913. Insec. Inscit. Menstr. , 1(6):65. T erebrantia; Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122 (7):991. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1913. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist,, (8) 12:290. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd. Intern, ent. Congr. Oxford, (1912)2:394. T erebrantia; Karny, 1913. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, (2) 10:55. T erebrantia; Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):216. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)13:22. T erebrantia; Hood, 1914. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 2(2):17. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)13:287. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6):187. T erebrantia; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. , 10 (8-9):294. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)14:375. Tere brantia; Bagnall, 1914. Geolog. Mag. (6)1:484. T erebrantia; Pongrdcz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 135. T erebrantia; Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:56. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:315. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8)15:588. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1915. Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool., 32:496. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1915. Sarawak Mus. Journ., 2(6):268. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1915. Vasculum, 1(4):127. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:213,397. T erebrantia; Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:221, T erebrantia; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigs berg, (1916) 57:51 . T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1917. Journ. zool. Res., 2(1):21. T erebrantia; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):35. T erebrantia; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5 (4-6).: 55. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1918. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)1:201. T erebrantia; Karny, 1919. Zeitschr. wiss. Ins. -biol., (1918)14:105,106. 10 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T erebrantia; Ba gnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:253. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1919. Sitzunsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1) 128(2-3):119. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. ent. Ver. Wien, 4(8):80. T erebrantia; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918 (12):27 . Terebrantia; Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:253. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:51. Terebrantes; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist. Nat., (1919) 23 (4-6):60. T kr&brants; Porter, 1920. Bull. Soc. Etude Vulgar. Zool. agr., 19:104,121. I erebrantia; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:263,264,286. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)8:393. Terebrantia; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1 (4):213, 231 . T erebrantia; Priesner, 1921. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 38(4-8):115. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. osterr. Ent. -Ver. Wien, 6(5):21. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1921. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1921 (3):187. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1 (l-2):87. Terebrantia; Karny, 1922. Treubia, 3(1):110. Terebrantia; Karny, 1922. Journ. Siam Soc., 16(2):91. T erebrantia; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3 (9):97. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1923. Ent. Mitt., 12(1):63. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands , 2 (29):29.2 (footnote). T erebrantia; Costa Lima, 1923. Arch. Esc. Sup. Agric. Med. Veter., Nictheroy, (1922) 6 (1-2): 111. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1923. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)12:624. Terebrantia; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric., Bucuresti, 3(7-9):55. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1923. Tijdschr. Ent., 66:89. T erebrantia; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:6. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:9. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1924. Konowia, 3(1): 1 . T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:113. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):132. T erebrantia; Solowiow, 1924. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 38 (12-13):25. Terebrantia; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):6,47. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:269. Terebrantia; Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:626. T erebrantia; Z anon, 1924. Atti Pontif. Accad. Sci. nuovi Lincei, 77:90. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1925. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst., 50:311. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:164. T erebrantia; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Madras agr. Students Union, 13(10):6. T erebrantia; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Terebrantia; Karny, 1925. Bull. ent. Res., 16(2):125. Terebrantia; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. ,30:862, 864, 871. Terebrantia; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4 (1):252. Thri'pidae ; Handlirsch, 1925. Schroder: Handb. Ent., 3:221,479. Terebrantia; Light, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:132. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas., pt. 1:79, 81, 82. T erebrantia; Karny, 1926. Treubia, 8(3-4):315. Terebrantia; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:98. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8 (suppl. ):8, 37, 38. 11 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 T erebrantia; Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 9(6):188. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon Mag., 62:280. T erebrantia; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:18. T erebrantia; Tillyard, 1926. Ins. Australia & New Zealand, p. 138. T erebrantia; Reijne, 1926. Onderzoek. Monddeel. Thysanoptera, p. 9. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1927. Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agr. Portici, 21:61. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1927. in Brohmer, Tierw. Mitteleur., 4 (8): 1 , 2 . T erebrantia; Reyne, 1927. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anatom., 49:400. T erebrantia; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:13. T erebrantia; Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111. T erebrantia; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:66. Terebrantia; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16 (3 ): 1 63 . Terebrantia; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10 (7):243 , 245. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. nat. Hung., 25:61. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1928. in Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 147, 151, 152. T erebrantia; Costa Lima, 1928. Arch. Esc. Sup. Agric. Med. Veter., Rio de Janeiro, (1927)8 (l-2):77. Terebrantia; Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927) 7 (1):105, 131 . T erebrantia; Bagnall & Kelly, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:205. T erebrantia; Moulton, 1928. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 18(98):287. Terebrantia; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon, 11 (4):288, 323. Terebrantia; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 19,20. Terebrantia; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5 (3):837, 839. Terebrantia; Moulton, 1929. Rec. Indian Mus., 31 (2):93. T erebrantia; Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):79. Terebrantia; Moulton, 1929. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 24 (4):224. T erebrantia; Enderlein, 1929. Zool. Anzeiger, 86 (l-2):42. Terebrantia; Moulton, 1929. Florida Ent., 13(4):61. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch. , 1:112. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1930. Ent. mon. Mag., 66:47. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:572. T erebrantia; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:19. Thripidae ; Handlirsch, 1930. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool., 4(1)'-791, 792. Terebrantia; Ishida, 1931. Insecta Matsumurana, 5 (3): 149. T erebrantia; Melis, 1931. Redia, 20:79. (sep.). T erebrantia; Ishida, 1931. Insecta Matsumurana, 6 (1):32. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. nat. luxemb., 7:117. T erebrantia; van Eecke, 1931. in Boschma, Fauna Nederland, 5:17, 18, 153. Terebrantia; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18,73. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1932. Ent. mon. Mag., 68:161. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:505. T erebrantia; Melis, 1932. Redia, 20:14. (sep.). T erebrantia; Canizo, 1932. Asoc. Esp. Prog. Cien. Lisboa, (4)5(2):7. Terebrantia; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2 (4):452. T erebrantia; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:18. T erebrantia; Moulton & Steinweden, 1932. Bull. Bishop Mus., 98:165. T erebrantia; Moulton & Steinweden, 1933. Bull. Bishop Mus., 113:29. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1933. Ent. mo#n. Mag., 69:120. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)11:649. 12 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T erebrantia; Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:79,156. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94 (2):179. T erebrantia; Weber, 1933. Lehrbuch der Entomologie, p. 655. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)13:482. T erebrantia; Ramakrishna, 1934. Indian Forest Rec., (Ent. Ser.) 20(4):3. T erebrantia; Moulton, 1934. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1 933) 8 (3):499. T erebrantia; Ishida, 1934. Insecta Matsumurana, 9(l-2):55. T erebrantia; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:482. T erebrantia; Takahashi, 1934. Bot. & Zool., Tokyo, 2:1828. T'erebrantia ; Ramakrishna, 1934. Rec. Indian Mus., 36(4):491. T erebrantia; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3) 44 (59):65, 67. T erebrantia; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 15(1):54. T erebrantia; Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. tropical Agr. Formosa, 7:68,70,71. T erebrantia; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):86. T6r6brants; Lameere, 1935. Precis de Zoologie, 4:372. T erebrantia; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935) 11 (4): 163. T erebrantia; Moulton, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2):181. T erebrantia; Da Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 108. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1936. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 5 (1 1):208. T erebrantia; Ishida, 1936. Insecta Matsumurana, 11 (l-2):67. T erebrantia; Priesner, 1936. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1936:83. T erebrantia; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3):126. T erebrantia; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):80. T erebrantia; Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:67,69 (footnote). T erebrantia; Kdler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Ro^lin, 15:83. T erebrantia; Russo, 1936. Mem. Soc. ent. Italiana, 15 (1):42. T erebrantia; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7 (2):263. T erebrantia; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60 (4):427. T erebrantia; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):226. T erebrantia; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria, (2) Nat. Sci. 3:35. T erebrantia; Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937 (225):68. T erebrantia; Da Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:419,426. T erebrantia; Weber, 1938. Grundriss der Insektenkunde , p. 150. T erebrantia; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1):21. T erebrantia; Moulton, 1939. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(12):141. T erebrantia; Ramakrishna & Margabanhu, 1939. Indian Journ. Ent., 1 (3):36. T erebrantia; Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14 (3):93 , 100. T erebrantia; Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop. Mus., 15 (24):243. T erebrantia; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:2. T erebrantia; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:146. T erebrantia; De Santis, 1943. Rev. Facult. Agron. La Plata, (3) 25 (1940):89. T erebrantia; Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. , Wageningen, 45(5):61. T erebrantia; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. T erebrantia; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):35. T erebrantia; Melis, 1942. Redia, 28:155. T erebrantia; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30 (3):251, 254. Terebrifera; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termdsz. Kozlem, 39(6):16. T erebrantia; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12 (2):260, 282. T erebrantia; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 32. T erebrantia; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:149. 13 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 T erebrantia; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:668. T erebrantia; Morison, 1947. London Nat., Suppl. p. 23. T erebrantia; Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4 (2 ): 9 1 . T errebrantia [Sic W; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:394,395. T erebrantia; Morison, 1948. London Nat., Suppl. pp.37,41. Terebrantia; Costantino, 1948. Boll. Zool., 15(l-3):75. T erebrantia; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad. Ier Ent., 33:34,35. T erebrantia; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):118. Terebrantia; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):231. T erebrantia; Morison, 1949. London Nat., Suppl. p. 112. T erebrantia; Weber, 1949. Grundriss der Insektenkunde , 2nd ed., p. 195. Terebrantia; Shvanvich, 1949. Kurs obshchei ent., p. 810. T erebrantia; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5,4 (1):384. T erebrantia; De Santis, 1950. Notas Mus. La Plata, 15 (Zool.) (133):59. T erebrantia; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman Ins., 8(1):47. T erebrantia; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10(2):1860. T erebrantia; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:188. T erebrantia; Melis, 1952. Redia, 37:4. T erebrantia; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:15. T erebrantia; Evans, 1952. Injurious Ins. British Commonwealth, p. 72 Terebrantia; Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15 (1):93. Terebrantia; Faure, 1954. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 17 (2 ): 1 6 1 . T erebrantia; Ananthakrishnan, 1954. Journ. zool. Soc. India, 6(2):159. Terebrantia; Weber, 1954. Grundriss der Insektenkunde, 3rd ed., p.262, fig. 62a. Terebrantia; Mukerji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian Journ. Ent., 17 (1):66, 68. T erebrantia; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold nat. Fid. CL, 31:266. T erebrantia; Melis, 1955. Redia, 40:2. Terebrantia; Ananthakrishnan, 1956. Zool. Anz., 157 (7/8):130. T errebrantia [Sic!]; Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:11. T erebrantia; Kurosawa, 1957. Botyu-Kagaku, Kyoto, 22(1):94. Terebrantia; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):147. Terebrantia; Ananthakrishnan, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159 (5/6):92. T erebrantia; Pelikan, 1957. in Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:11. T erebrantia; Faure, 1957. S. African Anim. Life, 4:377. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159 (7/8):159. T erebrantia; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:19. T erebrantia; Stannard, 1957. Illinois Biol. Monog., no. 25:3. Terebrantia; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109 (16):477, 481. T erebrantia; Morison, 1958. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, (Zool.) 43:587. Terebrantia; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958 (2 ): 2 98 . T erebranti; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44 (Append. ): 14. Terebrantia; Faure, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):367. Terebrantia; Ananthakrishnan, 1959. Zool. Anz., 162 (9-10):313. Terebrantia; Faure, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):16. Terebrantia; Faure, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23 (2):237. T erebrantia; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2)323. Terebrantia; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 57 (3):558. T erebrantia; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45 (Append. ):187. T erebrantia; Faure, 1961. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 24 (1):133. 14 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T erebrantia; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8):142. T erebrantia; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58 (2):422. T erebrantia; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A )36(7-9): 89. T erebrantia; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:22,23. Terebrantia; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105 (4 ) : 1 02 . T erebrantia; Bournier, 1962. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 67:41. T erebrantia; Faure, 1962. Rev. Zool. Bot. africaines, 66 (1-2):166. Terebrantia; Faure, 1962. Ent. Tidskr., 83 (l-2):5. Terebrantia; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Tijdschr. Ent., 106 (5):201. Terebrantia; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1):12. T erebrantia; Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53 (2):25. Terebrantia; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:22,31. Terebrantia; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252. Terebrantia; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. Terebrantia; Faure, 1964. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 70(l-2):54. Terebrantia; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963) 26 (2 ): 7 5 , 89, 99. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:9,10. Terebrantia; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti U.S.S.R., 1:850. [keys]. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:136,137,161. Terebrantia; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(3):42. T erebrantia; Bianchi, 1965. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1964) 19 (1):73. Terebrantia; Morison & Tanasijevid, 1966. Entomol., 99:29. Terebrantia; Moye, Stannard & Luckmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3):733. Terebrantia; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):2. Terebrantia; Stannard, 1967. Trans. Illinois St. Acad. Sci., 60(2):132. Terebrantia; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):262. Terebrantia; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29 (4):237, 246, 247 . Terebrantia; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19: 1,3,4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29. Super-family AEOLOTHRIPOIDEA (Uzel) Hood, 1915. AEolothripoidea Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:56. AE olothripoidea; 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):55. Aeolothripoidea; Karny, 1919. Zeitschr. wiss. Ins. -biol., (1918)14:106. Aeolothripoidea; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918 (12):27. AE olothripoidea; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:263. Aeolothri'poidea; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):213, 231. [key to world genera]. Aeolothripoidea; Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:36. Aeolothripoidea; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923) 168:6. Aeolothripoidea; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitteil., 13(4-5):132. Aeolothripoidea; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A (2):6, 47. Aeolothripoidea; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Aeolothripinae; Handlirsch, 1925. in Schroder. Handb. Ent., 3:479. Aeolothripoidea; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:862. AE olothripoidea; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:169. Aeolothripoidea; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:79,81,84. [Monograph of European species]. Aeolothripoidea; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon*. Mag., 62:280. 15 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 AE olothripoidea; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:564. Aeolothripoidea; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):1. Aeolothripoidea ; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:13. [Serbian species]. Aeolothri'poidea; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:66. [list of New York species]. Aeolothripoidea; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10 (7):244. Aeolothripoidea; Bagnall & Kelly, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:205. [list of Australian species]. Aeolothripoidea; Priesner, 1928. in Stellwaag Weinbauins., p. 152. AEolothripoidea; Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:195. Aeolothripoidea; Moulton, 1930. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 34:274. Aeolothripinae; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kukenthal Handb. Zool., 4 (1):792. Aeolothripidea [Sic!]; Ishida, 1931. Insecta Matsumurana, 5(3):149. Aelothripoidea [Sic!]; Melis, 1931. Redia, 20:79. [sep.]. Aeolothripidea [Sic!]; Ishida, 1931. Insecta Matsumurana, 6(1):32. Aeolothripoidea; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:18, 20. Aeolothripoidea; Bagnall, 1932. Ent. mon. Mag., 68:161. AE olothripoidea; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:288. Aeolothripoidea; Melis, 1932. Redia, 20:14. [sep.]. AE olothripoidea; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18. Aelothripoidea [Sic!]; Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:79, 156. [as Aeolothripoidea on p. 156.]. Aeolothripoidea; Cappelletto, 1934.. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino,, (3) 44 (59):65, 67. [Italian species] Aeolothripoidea; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:335. Aeolothripoidea; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935) 11 (4):163. [list of California species]. AE olothripoidea; Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:493. Aeolothripoidea; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria, Nat.Sci., (2)3:35. Aeolothripoidea; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:420,426. Aeolothripoidea; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:2. Aelothripoidea [Sic!]; De Santis, 1941. Anu rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:146. [list of Argentinian species]. Aeolothripoidea; Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen, 45(5):61. Aeolothripoidea; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):260. Aeolothripoidea; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 32. [list of British species]. Aeolothripoidea; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:149, 150. Aeolothripoidea; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., p. 23. Aeolothripoidea; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 37. [key to British genera and species]. Aeolothripoidea; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:395. [Hawaiian genera and species]. Aeolothripoidea; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:35. [key to world genera]. Ah olothripoidea; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 112. [list of British species]. Aeolothripoidea; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10 (2):1860. Aeolothripoidea; Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:11. [list of New Zealand species]. Aeolothripoidea; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159 (7-8): 167. Aeolothripoidea; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45 (Append. ): 188, 190, [Italian species monog.]. 16 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. i Aeolothripoidea; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:23,24. [Puerto Rican genera and species described]. Aeolothri'poidea; Frassen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:22,31. [list of Holland species]. Aeolothripoidea; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Bull. Ent. Madras, 5:49. Aeolothripoidea ; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963) 26 (2 ): 75 , 89, 90. [Indo-Cey lonese species]. Aeolothripoidea ; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11 (1 ): 95 . [list of British species]. Aeolothripoidea; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:162. Aeolothripoidea; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):2. Aeolothripoidea; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4 (2)2/19:3, 4, 6, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28. Family Aeolothripidae Uzel, 1895. C oleoptrata Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:450. Coleoptrata; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2 (2):411, 416. C oleoptrata; Westwood, 1940. Introd. Mod.. Class. Ins., 2 (synop. ):46. C oleoptrata; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hemipt., p.645. [key to genera and species]. C oleoptrata; Heeger, 1852. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 8:133. C oleoptrata; Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1095,1116. [described; species in British Museum]. C oleoptrata; Oustalet, 1873. Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, (6)10:23. C oleoptrata; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc . Forh., 21:210. [Finish genera]. C oleottrati; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34:130. [Key to genera]. Aeolothripidae Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 27, 42, 62. [World species monographed] . C oleoptratiaae Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acac. Sci., (1895)3:214,215. Aeolothripidae; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss, Ver. Bremen, 14 (3):470. Aeolothripidae; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Faunc Flora Fenn., 17 (2):14, 29. [review of Finish species; key to genera]. Aeolothripidae; Oudemans, [1900?]. Nederland. Ins., pp. 235, 240. Aelothripidae [Sic 1]; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:619,620. [described]. AEolothripidae; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26: 124, 126.. [Monograph of North American species.]. Aeolothripidae; Del Guercio, 1903. Nuove Relaz. R. Staz. Ent. agr. Firenze, (1)5:5. Aeolothripidae; Schille, 1904. Sprawozd. Korn, fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:9. AE olothripidae ; Daniel, 1904. Ent. News, 15:296. AEolothripidae; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.) 12 (3):42, 45. Aeolothripidae ; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:272,273,279. Aeolothripidae ; Karny, 1907. Berl. ent. Zeitschr., 52:44. Aeolothripidae; Franklin, 1908. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 33:715. Aeolothripidae; Karny, 1908. Mitt, naturwiss, Ver. Univ. Wien, 6(8):112. Aeolothripidae; Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., pp. 23, 691. [fossils]. Aeolothripidae ; Reh, 1909. Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd ed., 3:221, 222. Aeolothripidae ; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:2. 17 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothripidae; Try bom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 16(4)(1):148. Aeolothripidae; Bagnall, 1910. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 8:375. Aeolothripidae; Bagnall, 1910. Fauna Hawaii., 3:677. Aeolothripidae; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6 (1): 10. [list of British species]. AE olothripidae ; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:10,11. AE olothripidae ; Bagnall, 1911. Ier Congr. intern. Ent. Brussels 1910, pp. 286, 287. Aeolothripidae; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25 (43):229. (sep. p. 9). Aeolothripidae; Trybom, 1912. Ent. Tidskr., 33 (3-4):145. AE olothripidae; Hood, 1912. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 25:63. AE olothripidae; Hood, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14(3):129. AE olothripidae ; Bagnall, 1912. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)10:221. Aeolothripidae; Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63 (l-2):5. AE olothripidae; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd intern. Ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:394. [described, key to genera]. Aeolothripidae; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(3):155. [Key to subfamilies]. Aeolothripidae; Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):216. Aeolothripidae; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):232. Aeolothripidae ; Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:51. AE olothripidae; Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)13:287. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33 (5-6):187. AE olothripidae ; Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)14:375. Aeolothripidae; Pongrdcz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21 ^(9- 12): 135. Aeolothripidae; Williams, 1915. Ann. appl. Biol., 1 (3-4):240. AE olothripidae , Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:57. [in key]. AE olothripidae; Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:315. AE olothripidae ; Bagnall, 1915. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, (Zool.) 32:496. AE olothripidae ; Hood, 1916. Psyche, 23(1):7 (footnote). Aeolothripidae; Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:397. AE olothripidae; Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:221. Aeolothripidae; Bagnall, 1917. Journ. zool. Res., 2 ( 1 ): 2 1 . Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. Phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:51. [East Prussian species]. Aeolothripidae; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):35. AE olothripidae; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5 (4-6):55. Aeolothripidae; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):65. Aeolothripidae; Karny, 1919. Zeitschr. Wiss. Ins. -biol., (1918)14:105, 106. AE olothripidae; Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:253. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb.^Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1) 128 (2-3): 119. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4 (8):80. Aeolothripidae; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):27. AElothripidae [Sic !]; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist. Nat., (1919) 23 (4-6):60. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29:171. Aelothripidae [Sic )]; Porter, 1920. Bull. Soc. Etude Vulgar. Zool. agr., 19:121. AE olothripidae; Britton, 1920. Bull. Connecticut geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., 31:44. Aeolothripidae ; Priesner, 1920. Jahresb. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:51. AE olothripidae; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:263 (footnote). Aeolothripidae; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1 (4):231, 234. Aeolothripidae; John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. Catal. , 2 (1):5. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. -Ver. Wien, 6(5):21. Aeolothripidae ; Karny, 1922. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math, naturw. Klasse, 98:114. 18 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothripidae ; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3 (9): 97 . [Holland species with keys]. | Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1923. Ent. Mitt., 12 (1):63. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands , 2 (29):29.2 (footnote). Aeolothri'pidae; Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:36. Aeolothripidae ; Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)132(l-3):3. Aeolothripidae; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):56. [Rumanian species monographed]. Aeolothripidae ; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923) 168:6, 8. [Key to subfamilies]. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitteil., 13(4-5):132. Aeolothripidae; Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56 (4):82. [Canadian species]. Aeolothripidae; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):6, 47. [list of Australian species]. Aeolothripidae ; Zanon, 1924. Atti Pontif. Accad. Sci. nuovi Lincei, 77:90. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1) 133 (10):527. Aeolothripidae; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:9, 113, 114. AE olothripidae ; Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:626. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s Ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:157. Aeolothripinae; Handlirsch, 1925. Schroder: Handb. Ent., 3:479. Aeolothripidae; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Aeolothripidae; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:862,864. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Aeolothripiden; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4 (1):252. AE olothripidae; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:169. Aeolothripidae ; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:79, 81, 83, 84. [Monograph of European species]. Aeolothripidae ; Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8 (suppl. ):38. [key to families for larvae]. Aeolothripidae; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insekfauna, 6:18, 19. [described, Swedish species]. Aeolothripidae; Tillyard, 1926. Insects of Australia and New Zealand, p. 138. Aeolothripidae; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:280. AE olothripidae ; Bagnall, 1927- Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:564. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):1,2. [central European species]. Aeolothripidae; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:13. [Serbian species]. Aeolothripidae; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:66. Aeolothripidae; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):163. AEolothripoidea ; Bagnall, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1:305. Aeolothripidae; Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927) 7 (1):105, 131. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. Aeolothripidae; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5 (3):837, 839. [Arctic species]. AE olothripidae ; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11 (4):288, 323. [list of Japanese species]. Aeolothripidae; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10 (7):247. [Indian species]. Aeolothripidae ; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 19, 20 [Keys]. Aeolothripidae ; Priesner, 1928. in Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 147, 151, 152. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch, 1:112. Aeolothripidae; Moulton, 1930. Canadian Ent., (1929) 61 (12):286. 19 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothripidae ; Bagnall, 1930. Ent. mon. Mag., 66:47. AE olothripidae ; Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:196. AE olothripoidea; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:573. Aeolothripidae ; Moulton, 1930. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 34:274. Ae olothripoidea; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 7:117. Aeolothripidae; Ishida, 1931. Insecta Matsumurana, 5 (3):149. Aeolothripidae; Ishida, 1931. Insecta Matsumurana, 6 (1):32. Aelothripidae [Sic!]; Melis, 1931. Redia, 20:79. [sep.]. Aeolothripidae; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:18,20, 153. [Holland speciesl. Aeolothripidae ; Matsumura, 1931. 6000 illustr. Ins. Japan-Empire, p. 1325. AE olothripidae ; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18,73. AE olothripidae; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:290. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1932. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 49(3):171. Aeolothripidae ; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. S. Paulo, 2 (4):452, 453, 462. Aeolothripidae; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:19,20. [Danish species]. Aeolothripidae; Canizo, 1932. Asoc. Esp. Prog. Cien. Lisboa, (4)5(2):7. Aeolothripidae; Melis, 1932. Redia, 20:14. [sep.]. Aeolothripidae; Sharga, 1933. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 81 (2): 185-202. Aelothripidae [Sic!]; Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:79, 156. [as Aeolothripidae on p. 156]. Aeolothripidae; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44 (59):65, 67. [Italian species]. AE olothripidae; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:482. Aeolothripidae; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 15 (1):54. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1935. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1935:315. Aeolothripidae; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikaka., 1(3):86. Aeolothripides; Lameere, 1935. Precis de Zoologie, 4:372. Aeolothripidae; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:335. Aeolothripidae; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935) 11 (4): 163. AE olothripidae; Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:494. Aeolothripidae; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa Sta. Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):226. Aeolothripidae ; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):80. [Holland species listed]. Aeolothripidae; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:83,87. Aeolothripidae; Russo, 1936. Mem. Soc. ent. Italiana, 15(1):42. Aeolothripidae; Priesner & Quievreux, 1936. Bull. Soc. geol. France, (1935)(5)5:472. AE olothripidae ; Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937(225):68. Aeolothripidae ; Crawford, 1938. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 40(2):35. Aeolothripidae ; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1 ):69. Aeolothripidae; Hood, 1938. N. Carolina State List Ins. Dept. Agr. Raleigh, p. 55. Aeolothripidae; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:420. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:119. Aeolothripidae ; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):155. [key to subfamilies]. Aelothripidae [Sic/].* De Santis, 1941. Anu rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:146. Aeolothripidae; Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen, 45(5):61. Aeolothripidae; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):35. Aeolothripidae; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:104. Aeolothripidae; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6):16. Aeolothripidae; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):260. 20 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothripidae; Pelikdn, 1945. Ent. listy, 8:72, 116. Aeolothripidae; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 32. Aeolothri'pidae ; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:150. Aeolothripidae; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:668. Aelothripidae [ Sic /]; Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):91. Aeolothripidae; Morison, 1947. London. Nat. Suppl., p. 24. Aeolothripidae; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:395. Aeolothripidae; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 38. [key to British species]. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:34,35. [Key to world genera]. AE olothripidae ; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., 112. Aeollothripidae; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):384. Aeolothripidae; Speyer & Parr, 1951. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Chesthunt, 1950:39. [key to British genera], Aeolothripidae; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):48. [keys to Rumanian genera and species]. Aeolothripidae; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10(2):1860. Aeolothripidae ; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:188. Aeolothripidae; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:15. [ Aeolothripidae Chilson 1953 = Thripidae Stephens]. OElothripidae; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paleont., 3:506. Aeolothripidae ; Faure, 1954. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 17(2):161. Aeolothripidae; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold. Nat. Fid. CL, 31:266. Aeolothripidae; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):305. Aeolothripidae ; Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:11. Aeolothripidae; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. Nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:20. Aeolothripidae ; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:12. Aeolothripidae ; Faure , 1957. S. African Animal Life, 4:377. Aelothripidae \Sicl\; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 167. Aeolothripidae; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):477. Aeolothripidae; De Santis, 1957. Rev. Facult. Agron., (3) 33 (2 ) : 1 7 5 . Aeolothripidae ; Morison, 1958. journ. Linn. Soc. London, (Zool.) 43:587. Aeolothripidae ; Priesner, 1958. Zeitschr. Wien. ent. Ges., 43:247. Aeolothripidae; Pelikan, 1958. Acta Soc. ent. Cech., 55(3):280. Aeolothripidae; Pelikan, 1958. Prdce, 30:425. Aeolothripidae; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):298. Aeolothripidae; De Santis, 1959. Acta Zool. Lilloana, 17:87. Aeolothripidae; Titschack, 1960. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch . Hamburg, 34 (Suppl. ):3. Aeolothripidae; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):323. [list of South African species]. Aeolothripidae; Derbenyeva, 1960. Nasek Vredya. Kukur. SSSR., p. 186. Aeolothripidae; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45 (Append. ): 188, 190. [Italian species monog.]. Aeolothripidae; Franz & Priesner, 1961. Franz: Nordost-Alp. Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:402. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg. 35:16. Aeolothripidae; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8):142. Aeolothripidae; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.) 7:168. Aeolothripidae; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):590. Aeolothripidae; Faure, 1962. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 66(1-2):166. 21 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothripidae; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4):102. [list of Holland species]. Aeolothripidae; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1):12. Aeolothripidae ; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4):370. Aeolothripidae ; De Santis, 1963. Notas Comis Invest. Cient. La Plata, 1(6):4. Aeolothripidae; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(1 2 ): 1 05 5 . Aeolothripidae ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:9, 10. [Described, European species]. Aeolothripidae; zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet., Biol, seer., 13(1 ):62 . Ae olothripidae ; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, ( 1 963)26(2 ): 75 , 89, 90, 99. [Indo-Ceylonese species, with keys]. Aeolothripidae ; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4 ): 2 52 . Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:162,163,164. [key to genera]. Aeolothripidae; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. Aeolothripidae; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:850,851, 852. [key]. Aeolothripidae; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:22,31. Aeolothripidae; Pelikan, 1965. Beitr. Ent., 15(5-6):761. Aeolothripidae; zur Strassen, 1965. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 28(6):3. Aeolothripidae; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):150. Aeolothripidae; Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist. -Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):229. Aeolothripidae; Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entomol., 99:29. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):2,3. [Key to Central European genera]. Aeolothripidae ; Moye, Stannard & Luckmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3):733. Aeolothripidae; Mound, 1967. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 20(2):43. [revision of Australian species]. Aeolothripidae; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):87. Aeolothripidae ; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):262, 271. Aeolothripidae; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:8,153. Aeolothripidae; zur Strassen, 1968. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 31(2):365. Aeolothripidae; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:16,120. Aeolothripidae; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):249. [Illinois species monographed]. Aeolothripidae; Priesner, 1968. K’ukenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:4,6,9,10, 12,19,26,28. [key to sub-families]. Aeolothripidae; Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):979. Incertae Sedis. Larva nos. 1, 2. II Stadium. Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch. , 1:113. Location: Fritsch collection. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Subfamily Melanthripinae Bagnall, 1913 Melano thripinae Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(3):155. Mel ano thrip in ae ; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd Ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:395,396. 22 JACOT— GUILLARMQD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Melanothripinae; Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:57. M el ano thripin ae ; Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:315. Melanothripinae ; Karny, 1919. Zeitschr. wiss. Ins. -biol., (1918)14:106 Melanothripinae ; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):27, 28. Melanothripinae; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7 :263 (footnote). Melanthripinae; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):213, 234, 235. [key to genera]. Melanothripinae; Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:36. Melanthripinae ; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:8, 9. [key to genera], Melanothripinae; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:9. Melanthripinae; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. [list of Australian species]. Melanthripinae; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 142. Melanthripinae; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:84. Melanothripidae ; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:170. M e lano thripidae ; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon.' Mag., 62:16,280. Melanothripoidea; Bagnall, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1:306. Melanothripoidea; Bagnall & Kelly, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:206. Melanothripidae ; Bagnall & Kelly, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:206. [list of Australian s pecies] . Melanothripidae; Bagnall, 1930. Ent. mon. Mag., 66:48. Melanothripoidea; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. Melanothripidae; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. Melanothripoidea; Moulton, 1931. Pan-Pacific Ent., 7(4):173. D actuliothripidae ; Moulton, 1931. Pan-Pacific Ent., 7(4): 173. Melanothripoidea; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 7:118. Melanothripidae; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 7:118. Melanthripinae; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:20. Melanthripinae; Melis, 1931. Redia, 20:79. [sep.]. Melanothripidae; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18,73. Melanothripoidea; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):453, 466. Melanothripidae; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):453, 466. Melanthripinae; Maltbaek, 1932. Banmarks Fauna, 37:20. Melanthripinae; Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:79. Melanthripinae; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 67. [Italian species]. Melanothripidae ; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:485. Melanthripinae ; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 164. D actuliothripidae ; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):164. Melanthripinae; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):80. D actuliothripidae ; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(3):121. Melanothripoidea; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:423. Melanothripidae; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:423. Melanthripinae; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot Africaines, 32(2):156. Melanthripidae ; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(4):169. [key to non-fossil genera]. Melanthripidae; Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen, 45(5):61. [As a new family]. Melanthripinae; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:145. Melanthripidae; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3):251 , 254. Melanthripinae; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins. p. 32. Melanthripidae; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., p. 23. 23 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Melanthripidae ; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 37. [key to British species]. Melanthripinae; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:34,36. [key to world genera] . Melanthri'pidae; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 112. Melanthripinae; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10(2):1860. Melanthripinae; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):305. Melanthripidae; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. Nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:19. Melanthripinae; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Kli£ Zvireny CSR., 2:12. Melanthripinae; Titschack, 1960. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch . Hamburg, 34 (suppl. ):3. Melanthripinae; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45 (Append. ): 188, 190. [as Malanthripinae on p . 1 90] . Melanthripidae; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):89. Melanthripinae ; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:23. Melanthripinae; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):590. Melanthripinae; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4):102. [list of Holland species] . Melanthripinae; Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):25. Melanothripinae ; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):89. Melanthripinae; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:23,31. Melanthripinae ; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:163. [key to genera] . Melanthripinae; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):42. Melanthripinae; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Hand. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:4,7,12,28. Genus ANKOTHRIPS D.L. Crawford, 1909. Ankothrips Crawford, 1909. Pomona Coll. Journ. Ent., 1(4):100. Dicranothrips Trybom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 16(4)(1):148. Ankothrips Crawford; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bifr. Ent., 21:11,21. Ankothrips Crawford; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912) 2:395,396. Ankothrips Crawford; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918 (12):28, 30. Ankothrips Crawford; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):235. Ankothrips Crawford; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9,25. Ankothrips Crawford; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:9, Ankothrips Crawford; Hood, 1924. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 19:66. [key to world species] . Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Ankothrips Crawford; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:170. Ankothrips Crawford; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:17. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:84, 86. [Described, European species monographed]. Ankothrips Crawford; Moulton, 1926. Trans. American ent. Soc., 52:119. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):2. Ankothrips Crawford; Bagnall, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1:306 (footnote). Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. Ankothrips Crawford; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 20. 24 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Ankothrips Crawford; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:20. Ankothrips Crawford; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:73. Ankothrips Crawford; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 14. Ankothrips Crawford; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):164. Ankothrips Crawford; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:83. Ankothrips Crawford; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci. ,(2)3:35. Ankothrips Crawford; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13 (3 ): 121. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):156. Ankothrips Crawford; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(4): 169. Ankothrips Crawford; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(3):97-106. [List of and key to known species]. Ankothrips Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):38. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:36,119. Dicranothrips Trybom; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:127. Ankothrips Crawford; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10(2):1860. Ankothrips Crawford; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):147, 163. [key to world species]. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 167. Ankothrips Crawford; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:12. Ankothrips Crawford; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):324. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:11. [Described, key to European species], Ankothrips Crawford; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:851,852, Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:163, 164. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):3. Ankothrips Crawford; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):87. Ankothrips Crawford; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:16. Ankothrips Crawford; Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:4,22,28. Type-species: Ankothrips robustus Crawford, (California); monobasic ; of Dicranothrips Dicranothrips fissidens Trybom, (Namaqualand); monobasic. Ankothrips subgenus ANKOTHRIPS Crawford, 1909. [ Ankothrips ] subgen. Ankothrips Crawford; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):163. [ Ankothrips ] subg. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:12. [in key to European species]. Ankothrips (Ankothrips) aequalis Moulton, 1926. 9, ^ Ankothrips aequalis Moulton, 1926. Pan-Pacific Ent., 3(1):20, figs 3, 4. 9 A*. A.\nkothrips\ aequalis Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935) 11(4): 164. Ankothrips aequalis Moulton; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(3):102, 105, PI. I, fig. 5; PI. Ill, fig. 7. Ankothrips aequalis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 119. Ankothrips aequalis Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 164. Location of type : California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Redwood City, California; Wenatchee, Washington. Type locality : U.S.A.: near Redwood City, California. 25 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Habitat: Prunus sp.; Prunus demissa; Spiraea corymbosa ; Schizonotus discolor; Sambucus glauca; Ankothrips (Ankothrips) diffractus Hood, 1924. p. Ankothrips diffractus Hood, 1924. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 19:67. p. Ankothrips diffractus Hood; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 1 6(3 ): 1 0 1 , 105, PI, II, fig. 8; PI. Ill, fig. 3. Ankothrips diffractus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 19. [ Ankothrips ] diffractus Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 164. Location of types : Hood Collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Lake Burford, New Mexico. Type locality : U.S. A.: Lake Burford, New Mexico. Habitat: Flowers of C ercocarpus montanus. Ankothrips (Ankothrips) fissidens (Trybom, 1910). 9,°*. Dicranothrips fissidens Trybom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 1 6 (4 )( 1 ) : 1 4 8 , Pl.IIIb, fig. 1-8. Dicranothrips fissidens f. major Trybom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 16(4 )(1 ): 150. p,^ Dicranothrips fissidens f. major Trybom; Karny, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. (fauna Exotica), 2(5):Anhang. A. [ nkothrips ] fissidens (Trybom); Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:396. A. [ nkothrips ] fissidens (Trybom); Hood, 1924. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 19:66. A. [nkothrips] fissidens (Trybom); Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:35. Ankothrips fissidens (Trybom); Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(3):101, 105, PI. II, fig. 6; PI. Ill, fig. 9. Ankothrips fissidens f. major (Trybom); Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(3):105. [ Ankothrips ] fissidens (Trybom); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 164. [Ankothrips] fissidens (Trybom); zur Strassen, 1960. journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):324. Location of type : Berlin Museum, as well as for major. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Kamaggas, Little Namaqualand , Cape Province. Type locality : SOUTH AFRICA: Klein-Namaland ; of major: Kammagas, Klein- Namaland . Habitat: Flowers of ‘ ‘ Pferdebusches ’ * , “Zuurklee’L Ankothrips fissidens f. major (Trybom) = Ankothrips (Ankothrips) fissidens (Trybom). Ankothrips (Ankothrips) flavidus Pelikdn, 1958. 9. ' Ankothrips (Ankothrips) flavidus Pelikdn, 1958. Acta Soc. Ent. Cech., 55(3):280, figs. 1-6. 9. [Ankothrips ( Ankothrips )] flavidus Pelikdn; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:12, fig. 4. A. [nkothrips] flavidus Pelikan; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):3. # Location of type: Pelikan coll., Brno. Distribution: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Sturovo, Southern Slovakia. Type locality : CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Sturovo, Stidslowakei (etwa 2 km siidlich vom Dorfe Kamendin). 26 l JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Habitat: Saline marshy meadow. Ankothrips (Ankothrips) gracilis Moulton, 1926. 9,°? Ankothrips gracilis Moulton, 1926. Pan-Pacific Ent., 3(1):19, fig. 1,2. 9,°^ A. [ nkothrips ] gracilis Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935) 11(4): 164. A. [nkothrips] gracilis Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:43. Ankothrips gracilis Moulton; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(2):77. Ankothrips gracilis Moulton; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(3): 101, 105, PI. I, fig. 4; PI. II, fig. 7; PI. Ill, fig. 2. [ Ankothrips ] gracilis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):119. Ankothrips gracilis Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey , 4(5):164. Location of type : California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: various localities in California. Type locality: U.S.A.: near Riverside and Mayfield, California. Habitat: Flowers of “Chamise” (Adenostoma fasciculatum). Ankothrips (Ankothrips) notahilis Bailey, 1940. 9,°? Ankothrips notahilis Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(3):1Q1, 102. 105, PI. I, fig. 6; PI III, fig. 5. Ankothrips notahilis; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):37. Ankothrips notahilis; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):164, 165. Location of type : University of California, Davis. Distribution: U.S.A.: various localities in California. Type locality : U.S.A.: Mix Canyon, Solano County, California. Habitat: Manzanita; Ceanothus; laurel flowers; plum blossoms; grass; flowers of woody plants. Ankothrips (Ankothrips) robustus D.L. Crawford, 1909. 9,^ Ankothrips rohustus Crawford, 1909. Pomona Coll. Journ. Ent., 1(4):100, fig. 45a-i. 9,°\ Ankothrips rohustus Crawford; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:21. A. [nkothrips] rohustus Crawford; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ed. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:396. A. [nkothrips] rohustus Crawford; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):3Q. Ankothrips rohustus Crawford; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:25. A. [nkothrips] rohustus Crawford; Hood, 1924. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 19:66. Ankothrips rohustus Crawford; Annand, 1926. American Nat., 60(667):178. Ankothrips rohustus Crawford; Essig, 1926. Ins. West. North America, p. 182. A. [nkothrips] rohustus Crawford; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):164. Ankothrips rohustus Crawford; Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:43. Ankothrips rohustus Crawford; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent. , 16(3):101, 104, Pl.II, fig. 1; PI. Ill, fig. 6. Ankothrips rohustus Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):38. Ankothrips rohustus Mlt. [Sic!]; Bailey, 1954. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 56(2):81, 82, PI. I, fig.4; Pl.II, fig.3. Ankothrips rohustus Crawford; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 164, 165. PI. 17, fig.4. Location of type : Canadian National Museum. 27 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Distribution: U.S.A.: widely distributed in California. Type locality: U.S.A.: canyon near Claremont, California Habitat : Manzanita; Prunus ; C eanothus; Umbellularici; Arctostaphylos stanfordiana. Ankothrips (Ankothrips) vanykei Moulton, 1929. £. Ankothrips vandykei Moulton, 1929. Pan-Pacific Enl., (1928)5(2):91. 9. Ankothrips vandykei Moulton; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(3): 101 , 105, PI. I, fig. 3; PI. Ill, fig. 4. [Ankothrips] vandykei Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 119. [Ankothrips] vandykei Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 164. Location of type : California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Manitou, Colorado. Type locality : U.S.A.: Manitou, Colorado. Habitat : Unknown plant. Ankothrips (Ankothrips) yuccae Moulton, 1926. 9,°? Ankothrips yuccae Moulton, 1926. Trans. American ent. Soc., 52(2):119, Pl.V, figs 1 - 3 . 9 ,A A. [nkothrips] yuccae Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 164. A. [nkothrips] yuccae Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:43. Ankothrips yuccae Moulton; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(2):77. Ankothr ips yuccae Moulton; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(3):101, 105, PI. II, figs. 3, 5; PI. Ill, fig. 1. [Ankothrips] yuccae Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):119. Ankothrips yuccae Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):164, 165. Location of type : California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: southern California. Type locality: U.S.A.: Fallbrook, Riverside Co., California. Habitat : Yucca whipplei flowers. Ankothrips subgenus Prionothrips Schille, 1910. Prionothrips Schille, 1910. Sprawozd. Korn, fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, 45(2):3. i Prionothrips; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 24(43):229. [sep. p. 9]. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:84, 86. [European species monographed]. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):2. Ankothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. Ankothrips Crawford; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:20. Prionothrips Schille; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:11. [Ankothrips subg. Prionothrips Pr. [/Sic'l; Bailey, 1940. Pa'n-Pacific Ent., 16(3): 101. [Ankothrips] subg. Prionothrips Schille; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:36, 144. [Ankothrips subgen.] Prionothrips Priesner [Sic!]; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):163. [Ankothrips] subgen. Prionothrips Schille; Pelikan, 1958. Acta Soc. Ent. Cech., 55(3):284. 28 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Ankothrip s] subg. Prionothrips Schille; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:12. [in key to European species]. Type-species : Prionottirips Nie zabitowskii Schille, (Poland); monobasic. Ankothrips (Prionothrips ) mavromoustakisi Priesner, 1939. 9. Ankothrips (Prionothrips) mavromoustakisi Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22: 110,119. Ankothrips (Prionothrips) mavromoustakisi Priesner; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(3):102, 105, PI. I, fig. 2; PI. Ill, fig. 8. [ Ankothrips ] mavromoustakisi Priesner; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):164. Ankothrips mavromoustakisi Priesner; Pelikan, 1958. Acta Soc. Ent. Cech., 55(3):284. [ Ankothrips ( Prionothrips )] mavromoustakisi; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. - Bodenfauna Europas, 2:12. Ankothrips mavromoustakisi Priesner; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:16,120. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Australia. Distribution: CYPRUS: Limassol; SOUTHERN MOROCCO: Tizi-n-Test (Hohe Atlas). Type locality : CYPRUS: Limassol. Habitat: Turf; Juniperus oxycedrus . Ankothrips (Prionothrips) niezabitowskii (Schille, 1910). ?,°T Prionothrips Nie zabitowskii Schille, 1910. Sprawozd. Korn, fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie., 45(2):4, PI. I, figs. 1-3. 9. Prionothrips N ie zabitowskii; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25(44): 232, figs. 1-3. [sep. p.10]. A. [ nkothrips ] niezabitowskii (Schille); Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress Oxford, (1912)2:396. A. [ nkothrips ] niezabitowskii (Schille); Hood, 1924. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 19:66. Ankothrips niezabitowskii (Schille); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s Ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:157. Ankothrips niezabitowskii (Schille); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Ankothrips niezabitowskii (Schille); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:86. 9,°^ [described]. A. [nkothrips] niezabitowskii (Schille); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur. 4(8):2. Ankothrips Niezabitowskii (Schille); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61 A. [nkothrips] niezabitovski (Schille); John, 1928. Thysanop in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p.20, fig. 6. Ankothrips niezabitowskii (Schille); Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37:181. Ankothrips Niezabitowskii (Schille); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:83. Ankothrips (Prionothrips) niezabitowskii (Schille); Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(3):102, 104, PI. I, fig. 1; PI. Ill, fig. 10. [Ankothrips] niezabitowskii (Schille); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):164. 29 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 A [nkothrips] niezabitowskii (Schille); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR. , 2:12. Ankothrips niezabitowskii (Schille); Pelikan, 1958. Acta Soc. ent. Cech., 55(3). 284. Ankothrips niezabitowskii (Schille); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:402. [Ankothrips] (Prionothrips)] niezabitowskii (Schille); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.- Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:12,30, fig. 3. [in key to European species]. A [nkothrips] niezabitowskii (Schille); Yakhontov, 1964. Gpred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:852, fig. 343 (3). A. [nkothrips] niezabitowskii (Schille); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):3. A. [nkothrips] niezabitowskii (Schille); zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol. , 48(2):87. Location of type : unknown to writer. Distribution : EUROPE: Poland, Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, F ranee. Type locality : POLAND: Rytro, Galecia. Habitat: Juniperus communis. Genus ARC HAN K0THR1PS Priesner, 1924. Archankothrips Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):132. [Type: Archankothnp s pugionifer Priesner]. Archankothrips Priesner; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:1*0. Archankothrips Priesner; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:17. Archankothrips Priesner; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1*306. (footnote). Archankothrips; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Zool. Africaines, 32 (2). 156. Archankothrips > Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ier Ent., 33:37, 120. Type-species : Archankothrips pugionifer Priesner, (Baltic Amber); monobasic and designated. Archankothrips pugionifer Priesner, 1924. ^ f. i , ^ Archankothrips pugionifer Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):132, figs. 1-4. • Archankothrips pugionifer Priesner; Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. 45(5): fig. 108. Location of type : Fitsch collection. Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat : Fossil. Archankothrips varieornis (Bagnall, 1923). ?. Melanothrips varieornis Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:36. ?• Archankothrips variicornis [Sid] (Bagnall); Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon 62:16,17. Archankothrips varieornis (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. Ent., Suppl. 11:153, fig. 75. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Type slide no. 1436 V. 1. Habitat : F ossil. Mag., (nat. Hist.) 30 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Genus Craniothrips Kelly & Mayne = CRANOTHRIPS Bagnall. Genus CRANOTHRIPS Bagnall, 1915. Cranothrips Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:315. [Type: Cranothrips poultoni Bagnall]. Cranothrips Bagnall; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):235- Cranothrips Bagnall; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9. Cranothrips; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:9. Cranothrips; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:170. Cranothrips; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:17. Cranothrips; Bagnall, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1:306 (footnote). Cranothrips Bagnall; Bagnall & Kelly, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:206. Cranothrips Bagnall; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):792. Cranothrips Bagnall; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:73. Craniothrips [Sic!] Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 14. Cranothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):156. Cranothrips Bagnall; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(4):169. Cranothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:36,125. Cranothrips Bagnall; Bailey, 1954. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 56(2):82. Craniothrips [Sic! J Bagnall; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 167. Cranothrips Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):324. Cranothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1967. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 20(2):46, 53. [described, key to species]. Cranothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:16. Type-species : Cranothrips poultoni Bagnall, (Western Australia); monobasic and designated. Cranothrips emersoni Girault, 1929. Cranothrips emersoni Girault, 1929. New Pests from Australia. VI, [p . 1] . 2. Cranothrips emersoni Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S.) (Zool.) 7:168. Cranothrips emersoni Girault; Mound, 1967. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 20(2):53,54. £ [described]. Location of type : Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Sunnybank. Type locality : AUSTRALIA: Sunnybank. Habitat : Boronia, forest. Cranothrips karooensis Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Cranothrips karooensis Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:5, PI. I, figs. 1-3; PI. II, fig. 13. ?,o! [Cranothrips] karrooensis Jacot-Guillarmod; Bailey, 1954. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 56(2):84. [Cranothrips] karrooensis Jacot-Guillarmod; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):324. Cranothrips karrooensis Jacot-Guillarmod; Faure, 1962. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 66(1-2):166, figs. 1-4. [further description]. 31 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Cranothrips karrooensis Jacot-Guillarmod; Mound, 1967. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 20(2) : 53 - Location of type : Jacot-Guillarmod collection, Grahamstown. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Laingsburg and Swellendam, Cape Province. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Laingsburg, Cape Province. Habitat: Yellow flowered Aizoaceae; Aridaria sp. Cranothrips poultoni Bagnall, 1915. 9,°! Cranothrips poultoni Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:316, fig.l. 9. Cranothrips poultoni Bagnall; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. [Cranothrips] poultoni Bagnall; Bagnall & Kelly, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:206. C .[raniothrips] [Szc/.l poultoni Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 14. Cranothrips poultoni Bagnall; Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. W. Australia, 21:96- Cranothrips poultoni Bagnall; Bailey 1954. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 56(2): 84 , PI. I, figs. 1 , 5; PI. II, figs. 2, 9, 16. Cranothrips poultoni Bagnall; Mound, 1967. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 20(2):53, 54, figs. 9-11, 41. 9,°*. [described]. Cranothrips poultoni Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:16. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: near Freemantle; Bibra Lake; Gnangara; Belmont. Type locality: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: near Freemantle. Habitat: Dryandra floribunda; Banksia menziesii; Eucalyptus sp. Cranothrips spp. Cranothrips spp. Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. W. Australia, 21:96. Distribution : WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Jandakot; Spearwood; Wooroloo; Narrogin; Albany; Lesmurdie. Habitat : Hakea prostata; Melaleuca radula; miscellaneous wild flowers chiefly Hakea spp. and Acacia spp. D actuliothr ip s D actuliothrip s D actuliothrips D actuliothrip s D actuliothrip s D actuliothrips D actuliothrip s D actuliothrip s D actuliothrips D actuliothrips T ype-species ; Genus DACTULIOTHRIPS Moulton, 1931. Moulton, 1931. Pan-Pacific Ent., 7(4):173. Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935) 11(4):164. Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(3):121. [key to species] . Moulton; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):156. Moulton; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(4):169. [key]. Moulton; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:36, 126. Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):119. Moulton; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 167. Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey , 4(5): 147, 170 Moulton; Pelikdn, 1964. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, (Zool.) 56:270. [key to known species]. D actuliothrip s spinosus Moulton, (California); monobasic. 32 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Dactuliothrips boharti Bailey, 1937. ?,d*. D actulio thrips boharti Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(3 ): 1 22 , figs. 1-4, 9,10,15. 9,<* D. [actulio thrips] boharti; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(4): 170. Dactuliothrips boharti; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):37. Dactuliothrips . boharti; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):171. [Dactuliothrips] boharti Bailey; Pelikan, 1964. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, (Zool. ) 56 : 2 7 0 . Location of type : University of California, Davis. Distribution: CALIFORNIA: Kern Co.; Los Angeles Co.; Riverside Co. Type locality: U.S.A.: Tehachapi Pass, Kern Co., California. Habitat: Ceanothus; a legume; oak flowers; Joshua tree flowers. Dactuliothrips diversus Bailey, 1939. 9,°! D actulio thrips diver sus Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(4):170. figs. 1,2. 9,^ D actulio thrips diversus; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):37. Dactuliothrips diversus; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey , 4(5):170, 171. [Dactuliothrips] diversus Bailey; Pelikan, 1964. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, (Zool. ) 56:270. Location of type : University of California, Davis. Distribution: U.S.A., CALIFORNIA: Lancaster, Los Angeles Co.; Hinkley, San Bernardino Co. Type locality: U.S.A.: Hinkley, California. Habitat: Oenothera dentata parishii; Oe.contorta; Coreopsis. Dactuliothrips kaszabi Pelikdn, 1964. 9,^. Dactuliothrips kaszabi Pelikan, 1964. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, (Zool. >56:267, figs. 1-6. Location of type : Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. Distribution : ARGENTINA: vicinity of El Bolsdn, prov. Rio Negro. Type locality : ARGENTINA: Mt. Piltriquitron, El Bolson. Habitat : Rose; Colletia; F abiana imbricata; litter. Dactuliothrips malloi Tapia, 1953. 9,°T D actulio thrips malloi Tapia, 1953. Rev. Soc. ent. Argentina, 16(3):77, figs.a-e. 9,°T [Dactuliothrips] malloi Tapia; Pelikan, 1964. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, (Zool) 56:270. Location of type : Collection Department of Agriculture, Argentina. Distribution : ARGENTINA: Las Brenas, Pcia. Pte. Peron; Villa Alberdi, Prov. T ucumdn. Type locality : ARGENTINA: Las Brenas, Pcia. Pte. Peron. Habitat : Unknown. Dactuliothrips spinosus Moulton, 1931. 9,^ D actuliothrips spinosus Moulton, 1931. Pan-Pacific., 7(4):174. 9,^. D actulio thrips spinosus Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 164. Dactuliothrips spinosus Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(3): 122, figs. 5, 6, 8, 12, 13. D. [actuliothrips] spinosus Moulton; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent. , 15(4):170. 33 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Dactuliothrips spinosus Moulton; Doeksen, 1951. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. , 45(5): fig- 106. Dactuliothrips spinosus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):119. Dactuliothrips spinosus Moulton; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):231. D actuliothrips spinosus Moulton; Bailey, 1954. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 56(2):81, 82, PI. I, fig. 3; PI. II, figs. 1, 6. D actuliothrips spinosus Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 171 . [Dactuliothrips] spinosus Moulton; Pelikan, 1964. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, (Zool. )56:270. Location of type : California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: various localities in California; Utah. Type locality: U.S.A.: Willow Ranch, Siskiyou County, California. Habitat: Oak flowers; C eanothus; Prunus demissa; Larreai sweeping. Dactuliothrips xerophilus Bailey, 1937. 9,^. Dactuliothrips xerophilus Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(3):122, 123* figs. 7, IT, 14. 9,< D. [atuliothrips] xerophilus; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(4): 170. Dactuliothrips xerophilus; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):37- D actuliothrips xerophilus; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey , 4(5): 17 1 . [Dactuliothrips] xerophilus Bailey; Pelikan, 1964. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, (Zool. )56:270. Location of type : University of California, Davis. Distribution: U.S.A., CALIFORNIA: Kern Co.; Los Angeles Co.; Riverside Co. San Bernardino Go. Type locality : U.S.A.: Mojave, California. Habitat : Joshua tree flowers; C eanothus; Ericameria pinifolia. D ichropterothrip s = Melanthrips subgenus DICHROPTEROTHRIPS. Genus Dicranothrip s Trybom = ANKOTHRIPS Crawford. Genus DORYTHRIPS Hood, 1931. D orythrips Hood, 1931. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 26(1): 1. [Type: D orythrips chilensis Hood]. D orythrips Hood; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):253, 466. D orythrips Hood; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:423. D orythrips Hood; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):156. D orythrips Hood; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(4):169. D orythrips Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:36, 128. D orythrips Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. D orythrips Hood; Bailey, 1954. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 56(2):84. D orythrips Hood; De Santis, 1963. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 1(5):3 [Describedl. Type-species : D orythrips chilensis Hood, (Chile); monobasic and designated. Dorythrips chilensis Hood, 1931. 9. Dorythrips chilensis Hood; 1931. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 26(1): 1, fig. 1. °. 34 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Dorythrips chilensis Hood; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):466. [Dorythrips] chilensis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. Dorythrips chilensis Hood; Bailey, 1954. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 56(2):84, PI. I, figs. 2, 6; PI. II, figs. 4, 15. [ Dorythrips chilensis Hood; De Santis, 1957 = D orythrips hastatus De Santis.] Dorythrips chilensis Hood; De Santis, 1963. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 1(5):4, 6. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution : CHILE: Santiago. Type locality : CHILE: Santiago. Habitat : Flying among flowers of “Colliguai” (a common euphorbia-plant of Central Chile). Dorythrips edentulus De Santis, 1963. 9. Dorythrips edentulus De Santis, 1963. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 1(5):4, 5 » figs .2,5. 9. Location of type : Museo de La Plata. Distribution : ARGENTINA: La Plata (provincia de Buenos Aires). Type locality : ARGENTINA: La Plata (provincia de Buenos Aires). Habitat : Vegetation. Dorythrips hastatus De Santis, 1963. 9. D orythrips chilensis Hood; De Santis, 1957. Rev. Facult. Agron. La Plata, (3)33(2): 175. D orythrips hastatus De Santis, 1963. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 1(5):7, fig. 1. 9. Location of type : Museo de La Plata. Distribution : ARGENTINA: Pucara (prov. de Neuquen). Type locality : ARGENTINA: Pucard (provincia de Neuquen). Habitat : Vegetation. Genus EOCRANOTHRIPS Bagnall, 1926. Eocranothrips Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:17. [Type: Melanothrips annulicornis Bagnall]- Eocranothrips; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:170. Eocranothrips; Bagnall, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1:306 (footnote). Eocranothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):156. Eocranothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent. , 33 :36, 129. Eocranothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:154. Type-species : Melanothrips annulicornis Bagnall, (Baltic Amber); monobasic and des ignated. Eocranothrips annulicornis (Bagnall, 1923). 9?. Melanothrips annulicornis Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:36. 9, Eocranothrips annulicornis (Bagnall); Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:17. (?) Melanthrips annulicornis Bagnall; Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch. , 1:114. _<*! Eocranothrips annulicornis (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:154, figs. 74, 80. 9. 35 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Type slide no. 186. Habitat : F ossil. Genus Melanothrips Auct. = MELANTHRIPS Haliday. Genus MELANTHRIPS Haliday, 1836. Thrips Linne; Sulzer, 1776. Abgek. Geschichte Insecten, p. 112. Partim. Melanthrips Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:450. Melanthrips; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 4:146. Melanothrips Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):41 1 , 417 . Melanthrips Haliday; Westwood, 1840. Intr. Mod. Class. Ins., 2(sy nop. ):46. AEolothrips Haliday; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. Nat. Ins., p.218. Partim. Melanothrips Burmeister; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hemipt. , p.645. AE olothrips Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. Nat. Ins., 3(1):218 Partim. Melanothrips Haliday; Heeger, 1852. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 8:133. Melanthrips; Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1116. [Thrips] subgenus Melanthrips Haliday; Clark, 1856. in v.d. Hoeven: Handbook of Zoology, 1 :464. Melanothrips Haliday; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk. -Soc. Forh., 21:210,213. Melanothrips Haliday; Taschenberg, 1880. Praktische Insekten-Kunde, 4:213. Melanothrips Haliday; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric., Roma, 34:130. Melanothrips Haliday; Ludwig, 1886. Leunis Synop. Thierk., 2:535,537. Melanothrips Haliday; Uzel, 1889. Vesmir, 18(21):258. Melanothrip s Haliday; Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:334. Melanothrips Haliday; Scudder, 1890. Rept. U.S. Geol. Survey Territ. , 13:371. Melanothrips Haliday; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp.,63. [described]. Melanthrips Haliday; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., (1895)3:215- Melanothrips Haliday; Tumpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas pp. 284, 286. [described]. Melanothrips Haliday; Buffa, 1907. Proc. Verb. Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat. Pisa, 16(5):58, 61. Melanothrips Haliday; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:273, 275, 279. Melanothrips Haliday; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:2. Melanothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. Melanothrips Haliday; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25(43):229. [sep. p. 9]. Melanothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd Ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:395,396. Me lano th rips Haliday ; Bagnall, 1913. Ent. mon. Mag., 49:263. Melanothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6):187. Melanothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon, Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:51. Melanothrip s Haliday; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):36. Melanothrips Haliday; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):28. 36 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Melanothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128 (2-3): 119. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:51. Melanthrips Haliday; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):235. Melanothrips Haliday; John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. Catal., 2(1):5. Melanthrips Haliday; van F.ecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):97, 100. Melanothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:36. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)132:3,4. [larva describedl. Melanthrips Haliday; Knechtel, 1923. Bull. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):56. Melanthrips Haliday; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9. Melanothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:9. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Melanothrip s Haliday; Ahlberg, 1924. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Melanothrips Haliday; Handlirsch, 1925. in Schroder Handb. Ent. , 3:221, 479. Melanothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:17. Melanothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:170. Melanthrips Haliday;, Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:84, 86, 90. [Monograph of European species]. Melanthrips Haliday; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insekfauna, 6:19,20. [Swedish species monog.]. Melanthrips Haliday; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:13. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):3. Melanothrips Haliday; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):163. Melanothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1 :306 (footnote). Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. Melanothrips Haliday; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p.20. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1929. Andrde Bernstein-Forsch. , 1:114. Melanothrips Haliday; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. , 4(1):792. Melanthrips Haliday; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:20,21. Melanthrips Haliday; Melis, 1931. Redia, 20:4,79,134, figs. I-V, VII-XXV, XXVII-XXXV. [sep.] [morphology, described, Italian species monographed], [as Melantpris on p. 134] [the full number of Journal is published in 1933]. [ Melanthrips ] gr. Orthomelanthrips Melis, 1931. Redia, 20:134. [sep.]. [Melanthrips] gr. Plagiomelanthrips Melis, 1931. Redia, 20:134. [sep.]. Melanthrips Haliday; Caflizo, 1932. Asoc. Esp. Prog. Cien. Lisboa, (4)5(2):7. Melanothrips Haliday; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:73. Melanthrips Haliday; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:20,21. [Danish species]. Melanthrips Haliday; Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:4,79,134, figs. I-V, VII-XXV, XXVII-XXXV. [Morphology, Italian species monographedl [as Melanthpris on p.134]. [ Melanthrips ] gr. Orthomelanthrips Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:134. [Melanthrips] gr. Plagiomelanthrips Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:134. Melanothrip s Haliday; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 14. 37 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Melanthrips Haliday; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 67 . [Described, Italian species]. Melanthrips Haliday; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc., 15(1):54. Melanothrips Haliday; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:312. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1936. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 20:29, 49. [key to world species]. Melanthrips Haliday; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:84. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, & Quievreux, 1936. Bull. Soc. geol. France, (1935)(5)5:472,475. Melanthrips Haliday; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 1 3 (3 ): 121. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 3 2 (2 ) : 1 5 6 . Melanthrips Haliday; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(4): 169. Melanthrips Haliday; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:145. M elanthrips Haliday; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 32. Melanthrips Haliday; Morison, 1948. London Nat., Suppl. p. 37. Melanthrips Haliday; Morison, 1949. London Nat., Suppl. p. 112. Melanothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:137. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:36, 137. Orthom elanthrips Melis; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:140. P l agiom elanthrips Melis; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:143. Melanthrips Haliday; Speyer &. Parr, 1951. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Cheshunt, 1950:37,40. M elanthrips Haliday; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):48. Melanthrips Haliday; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10(2):1860. Melanthrips Haliday; Pelikdn, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:188. Melanthrips Haliday; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr. , 2(1 1 ) : 3 74 . Melanthrips Haliday; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:18, fig. 5. Melanthrips Haliday; Bailey, 1954. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 56(2):79. Melanthrips Haliday; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S. )3(5):305. Melanthrips Haliday; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):147, 185. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 167^. Melanthrips Haliday; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:12. Melanthrips Haliday; Titschack, 1960. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 34(suppl. ): 1-44. [German species]. M elanthrip s Haliday; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):325. M elanthrips Haliday; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):188, 190, figs. CXXVIII, CXXIX, CXXX 2-3. Melanthrips Haliday; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):590. Melanthrips Haliday; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:11, 12. [Described, key to European species]. Melanthrips Haliday; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:851, 852. [key]. M elanthrip s Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:163, 164, 165. [described, key to Mediterranian species]. Melanthrips Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:24,31. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):3. [key to Central European species]. Melanthrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):87. 38 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : TOYSAN OPTERA CATALOGUE. Melanthrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges. , 515:16. [species of southern Moroccol. Melanthrips Haliday; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:4,12,20,28. Type-species-: Melanthrips obesa Haliday [= Thrips fuscus Sulzer], (Britain); monobasic. Melanthrips subgenus DICHROPTEROTHRIPS Priesner, 1936. [ Melanthrips ] subg. Dichropterothrips Priesner, 1936. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 20:51. [ Melanthrips ] subgen. Dichropterothrips Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl. , p. 37. M. [ elanthrips ] subgen. Dichropterothrips Priesner; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 112. [ Melanthrips subg.] Dichropterothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:36,127. [Type: Melanthrips ficalbii Buffa]. [ Melanthrips ] subgenus Dichropterothrips Priesner; Titschack, 1960. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 34(suppl. ):4. [ Melanthrips ] subg. Dichropterothrips; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:13. [in key to European species]. [ Melanthrips ] subg. Dichropterothrips; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:168. [ Melanthrips ] subg. Dichropterothrips; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):4. Type-species : Melanothrips ficalbii Buffa, (Italy); designated from three species by Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent. ,33:127. Melanthrips anglicus Priesner = Melanthrips ficalbii Buffa. Melanthrips (Dichropterothrips) baileyi Ananthakrishnan, 1965. 2. Melanthrips baileyi Ananthakrishnan, 1965. Bull. Ent. Madras, 6:15, fig. 1. 2. Location of type : Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Goa-Mysore border. Type locality : INDIA: Goa-Mysore border. Habitat : Grass. Melanthrips (Dichropterothrips) faurei Hood, 1937. 2,**! Melanthrips faurei Hood, 1937. Ent. mon. Mag., 73:154, fig. la-c. 2. Melanthrips faurei Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. Melanthrips setariae Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):374, figs. 25, 26, 28, 29-32. Partim. Melanthrips faurei Hood; Faure, 1954. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 17(2):161. 2,°*! Melanthrips faurei Hood; Faure, 1957. S. African Anim. Life, 4:377. [ Melanthrips ] faurei Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):325. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution : BASUTOLAND: Maseru; SOUTH AFRICA: Uitval, Orange Free State; Transvaal: Vereeniging; Pretoria; Rietspruit. Type locality : SOUTH AFRICA: Vereeniging, Transvaal. 39 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Habitat: Tagetes minuta; Chloris virgata; grasses, maize; marshy meadows. Melanthrips (Dichropterothrips) ficalbii Buffa, 1907. ?,<*. Melanothrips Ficalbii Buffa, 1907. Proc. Verb. Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 16(5):60. 9. Melanothrips Ficalbii; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:275, 279, Pis. V, VI. Melanothrips Ficalbii; Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1):134. M. [ elanothrips ] ficalbii Buffa; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd Intern, ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:396. Melanothrips ficalbii Buffa; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(3):155. [short note]. M. [elanothrips] ficalbii Buffa; Bagnall, 1913. Ent. mon. Mag., 49:263. Melanothrips ficalbii Buffa; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:10. Melanothrips angusticeps Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag;, 60:10,11. 9,^. [Melanothrips] ficalbii Buffa; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:114. [Melanothrips] angusticeps; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:114. [Melanthrips] ficalbii Buffa; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. [Melanthrips] angusticeps Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Melanthrips ficalbii Buffa; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:90, 91. [described] . Melanthrips angusticeps Bagnall; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:90, 92. Melanothrips angusticeps; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:280. M. [elanothrips] ficalbii Buffa; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 20. M. [elanothrips] angusticeps Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 20. Melanothrips Ficalbii Buffa; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):793, fig. 832. Melanthrips ficalbii Buffa; Melis, 1931. Redia, 20:133, 135. [sep.]. Melanthrips ficalbii Buffa; Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:133, 135. Melanthrips ficalbii Buffa; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):62, 70. %cf. [ Erythrothrips ] perplexus (Moulton); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):324. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History), London; of monilis: British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution : SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria & Kameelfontein, Transvaal; Vrede, Kroonstad & Bloemfontein, Orange Free State; Somerset East, Cape Province. Type locality : SOUTH AFRICA: Orange Free State; of monilis : SOUTH AFRICA: Somerset East, Cape Province. Habitat : C ombretum zeyheri; Acacia caffra; Acacia karroo; Acacia sp.; Olea africana; Rhus undulata var. burcheliii. Erythrothrips (Erythrothrips) stygicus Hood, 1938. £. Erythrothrips stygicus Hood, 1938. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 9(1-2):218. [ Erythrothips ] stygicus Hood; Bailey, 1947. Pan-Pacific Ent., 23(3):106, 108. [ Erythrothrips ] stygicus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):2Q. [ Erythrothrips ] stygicus Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 173. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PERU: Almirante, Dept, de Amazonas. Type locality: PERU: Almirante, Dept, de Amazonas. Habitat: Flower of unidentified plant. Erythrothrips subgenus ADUNCOTHRIPS Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Erythrothrips subgen. Aduncothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):75, 75,91,99. Type-species : Erythrothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, (India); monobasic and designated. Erythrothrips (Aduncothrips) asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931. Erythrothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 34(4): 1029, PI. I, figs. 1-2. ?. Erythrothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ramakrishna, 1934. Indian Forest Rec., (Ent. ser. )20(4):3, PI. I, fig.l. 78 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [ Erythrothrips ] asiaticus ; Ramakrishna 86 Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins. 25:3. E . [ rythrothrips ] asiaticus Ramakrishna 8t Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:150. [ Erythrothrips ] asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Bailey, 1947. Pan- Pacific Ent., 23(3): 106, 108. [ Erythrothrips ] asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):173. Erythrothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna 8z, Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):426. Aduncothrips asiaticus (Ramakrishna 8z> Margabandhu); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):75, 91,99. Location of type : Indian Zoological Survey. Distribution: INDIA: Coimbatore; Bangalore; Salem. Type locality : INDIA: Coimbatore Habitat : Grass sweepings; cocoanut; mango leaves; sandal; Canthium didymum Genus LITHADOTHRIPS Scudder, 1875. Lithadothrips Scudder, 1875. Bull. U.S. Geol. Geog. Survey Territ., 1(4):221. Heliothrips Haliday; Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 582. Partim . Lithadothrips; Scudder, 1890. Rept. U.S. Geol. Survey Territ., 13:372. Lithadothrips Scudder; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:210. Lithadothrips Scudder; Cockerell, 1909. Bull. American Mus. nat. Hist., 26(8):84. Lithadothrips Scudder; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):235. Lithadothrips Scudder; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:8. Lithadothrips Scudder; Handlirsch, 1925. in Schroder Handb. Ent., 3:221. Lithadothrips Scudder; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2): 156. Lithadothrips Scudder; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:37, 136. Lithadothrips Scudder; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paleont., 3:506. Type-species : Lithadothrips vetusta Scudder, (Colorado); monobasic. Lithadothrips cucullatus (Schlechtendal, 1887). 9,**. Heliothrips cucullata Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 582, PI. V, figs. 21, 22. Lithadothrips cucullata (Schlechtendal); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.290, fig. 8. Lithadothrips cucullata (Schlechtendal); Handlirsch, 1908. Foss. Ins., p.691. Location of type : ? Kdnigliche Mineralogischen Institut, Halle. Distribution: Upper oligocoen: GERMANY: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge. Type locality : GERMANY: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge. Habitat : Fossil. Lithadothrips vetustus Scudder, 1875. Lithadothrips vetusta Scudder, 1875. Bull. U.S. Geol. Geog. Survey Territ., 1(4):222. Lithadothrips vetusta; Scudder, 1890. Rept. U.S. Geol. Survey Territ., 13:372, PI. 5, figs. 88, 89, 102, 103. 79 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Lithadothrips vetusta Scudder; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:211. Lithadothrips vetusta Scudder; Handlirsch, 1908. Foss. Ins., p. 691. L. [ithadothrip s\ vetusta Scudder; Cockerell, 1909. Bull. American Mus. nat. Hist., 26(8): 84. Location of type : Apparently lost. Distribution: U.S. A.: Fossil Canyon, Colorado. Type locality: U.S. A.: Fossil Canyon, Colorado. Habitat : F ossil. Genus OROTHRIPS Moulton, 1907. Orothrips Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.) 12(3):42, 43,45. Orothrips; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:11,13,21. Orothrips Moulton; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford (1912)2:395, 396. Orothrips Moulton; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia , 1918(12): 28, 29. Orothrips Moulton; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):235. Orothrips Moulton; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9, 25. Orothrips Moulton; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:169. Orothrips; Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4):182. Orothrips Moulton; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dept. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7): 245, 247. Orothrips Moulton; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):792. Orothrips Moulton; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. , 73: 18, 73. Orothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 163. Orothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):156. Orothrips Moulton; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:2. Orothrips Moulton; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:150. Orothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1947. Pan-Pacific Ent., 23(3):104. Orothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Pan-Pacific Ent., 25(3):1Q6. [key to and list of species] . Orothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent. , 33:37, 140. Orothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):122. Orothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 167. Orothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey , 4(5): 148, 187. [key to world speciesl. Orothrips Moulton, Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):75, 9 1 , 100. Type-species : Orothrips kelloggii Moulton, (California); monobasic. Orothrips australis Bagnall = Desmothrips australis (Bagnall). Orothrips keeni Moulton, 1927. 9. Orothrips keeni Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4):183, 184. 9. 0. [rothrips] keeni Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Pan-Pacific Ent., 25(3):110, figs. 3, 5,10. Orothrips keeni Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):123. [ Orothrips ] keeni Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey , 4(5): 187. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. 80 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Distribution: U.S.A.: Klamath Falls, Oregon. Type locality: U.S.A.: Klamath Falls. Habitat : Prunus emarginata. Orothrips kelloggi Moulton, 1907. 9,^. Orothrips kelloggi Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S.' Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser. )12(3):43, 45, PI. I, figs. 1-4. 9,* Orothrips kelloggii; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:13, 21, PI. 21, fig. 8. 0. [ rothrips ] kelloggii Moulton; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:396. Orothrips kelloggii Moulton; Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:57. 0. [ rothrips ] kelloggii Moulton; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia 1918(12):29. Orothrips kellogi Moulton; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:25. Orothrips kelloggii Moulton; Annand, 1926. American Nat., 60(667):178. Orothrips kelloggi Moulton; Essig, 1926. Ins. West. North America, p.181. Orothrips kelloggi; Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4):182, 184. [short note]. 0. [ rothrips ] kelloggi Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):163. Orothrips kelloggii Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):92. Orothrips kelloggii Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:43. Orothrips kelloggii Moulton; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(2):77. 0. [ rothrips ] kelloggii Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Pan-Pacific Ent., 25(3):110, figs .4, 6,9,15,17. Orothrips kelloggii Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):123. Orottirips kelloggii Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 187, PL 18, fig. 8. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: CANADA: Malahat, Vancouver Island, B.C.: U.S. A.: Talent, Oregon; Prescott, Arizona; various localities , California . Type locality: U.S. A.: Santa Clara Valley, California. Habitat: Manzanita; C eanothus; Arbutus menziesii; madrone. Orothrips kelloggii var. yosemitii Moulton = Orothrips yosemitei Moulton. Orothrips propinquus Bagnall - Desmothrips propinquus (Bagnall). Orothrips raoi Moulton, 1927. 9. Orothrips raoi Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4):184. 9. Orothrips raoi Moulton; Ramakrishna, 1928- Mem. Dept. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):247. [Orothrips] raoi Moulton; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:2. 0. [rothrips] raoi Moulton; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:150. 0 . [rothrips] raoi Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Pan-Pacific Ent., 25(3):110, 111, figs. 2,11. [Orothrips] raoi Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):123. [Orothrips] raoi Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey , 4(5): 187. 81 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Orothrips raoi Moulton; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):75, 91, 100. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution : INDIA: Bangalore. Type locality: INDIA: Bangalore. Habitat : Unknown. Orothrips tenuicornis Bagnall = Desmothrips tenuicornis (Bagnall). Orothrips unguttipennis Girault = Desmothrips bagnalli Karny. Orothrips variabilis Moulton = Orothrips yosemitei Moulton. Orothrips yosemitei Moulton, 1911. 2?. Orothrips kelloggii yosemitii Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:13, 21,34, PL II, fig. 9. [ Orothrips kelloggii\ var. Yosemitii Moulton: Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:396. 0. [rothrips] kelloggii yosemitii Moulton; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):29. Orothrips kelloggii yosemitii Moulton; Treherne, 1919. Canadian Ent. , 51(8-9): 181, PI. XV, figs. 1-3. 9. Orothrips kellogi yosemitii Moulton; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:25. Orothrips kelloggi yosemiti Moulton; Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):82. [ Orothrips kelloggi] var. yosemiti Moulton; Essig, 1926. Ins. West. North America, p.182. Orothrips yosemitei; Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn, ent. Soc. 22(4):183, 184. 9. [described]. Orothrips variabilis Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4):184. 9. 0. [rothrips ] variabilis Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):163. 0. [ rothrips ] yosemitei Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 163. 0. [rothrips] yosemitii Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:43. Orothrips yosemitae Moulton; Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen, 45(5):P1.I, figs. 12, 13. 0. [rothrips] yosemitii Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Pan-Pacific Ent. , 25(3): 1 10, 1 1 1 , figs . 1, 7, 8, 12-14,16. [Orothrips] kelloggii yosemitii Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent. , 32(3): 123. [Orothrips] variabilis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent. , 32(3): 123. Orottirips yosemitii Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 187, 188. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences, as well as that of variabilis . Distribution: U.S. A.: Oregon; Washington; Wyoming; numerous localities in California; CANADA: Mt. McLea n, Lillooet, British Columbia. Type locality: U.S. A.: Yosemite Valley, California; for variabilis : U.S. A.: Vacaville, California. Habitat: Ceanothus; live oak flowers; grass; Prunus demissa; madrone; manzanita; Brassica; Amelanchier. Genus RHIPIDOTHKIPIELLA Bagnall, 1932. Rhiphidothrips [Sic!] Uzel; Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:197. 82 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. R hipidothripiella Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:292. [Type: R hipidothrips turneri Moulton]. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Jacot-Guillarmod , 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., ‘(2)3:35. R hipidothripiella Bagnall; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines , 32(2): 1 57. Rhipidothripiella Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent. , 33:38, 147. R hipidothripiella Bagnall; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):377. R hipidothripiella Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):326. Rhipidothripiella Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:18. Type-species : R hiphidothrips [Sic/] turneri Moulton; (South Africa); monobasic and designated. Rhipidothripiella turneri (Moulton, 1930). R hiphidothrips [Sic/] turneri Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:197. ^ Rhipidothrips turneri Moulton; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. , (10)10:293. [Type of Rhipidothripiella Bagnall]. R hipidothrips turneri Moulton; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:35. [ Rhipidothrips ] turneri Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 123. Rhipidothripiella turneri (Moulton); Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):378, figs. 27, 33, 34, 36-38. ¥,Szc 1] Haliday; Blanchard, 1845. Hist. Ins., pp. 272, 273. AEolothrips Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. Nat. Ins., 3(1):218. Partim. AElothrips [Sic !] Haliday; Blanchard, 1851. Gay Hist. fis. pol. Chile, (Zool.) 6:151. Aeolothrips Haliday; Heeger, 1852. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 8:135. AEolothrips; Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. Brit. Mus. , 4:1095, 1116. [AE olothrips} subgen. Coleothrips; Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. Brit. Mus., 4:1095, 1116, 1117. [AEolothrips] subg. AEolothrips; Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. Brit. Mus., 4:1095, 1116, 1118. [as AEleothrips p.1095]. [ Thrips ] subgenus AE olothrips Haliday; Clark, 1856. in v.d. Hoeven: Handbook of Zoology, 1:464. Coleotrhips [Sic l] Haliday; Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, p.207. Aeolothrips Haliday ; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Forh. , 21:210, 213, 222. [Aeolothrips] subg. C oleothrips Haliday; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.- Soc. Forh., 21:213, 222. [Aeolothrips] subg. Aeolothrips Haliday; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.- Soc. Forh., 21:213. Aeolothrips Haliday; Taschenberg, 1880. Praktische Insekten-Kunde, 4:213. Aeolothrips Haliday; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric, Roma, 34:130. OElothrips ou Heliothrips Haliday; Girard, 1885. Les Ins. Trait6 elem. ent., 3:1074. [Partim.] Aeolothrips Haliday; Ludwig, 1886. Leunis Synop. Thierk., 2:535,537. Aeolothrips Haliday; Uzel, 1889. Vesmir, 18(21):258. C oleothrips Haliday; Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:334. AElothrips [Sic I] Haliday; Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:334. Aeolothrips Haliday; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 27, 31 , 42, 47, 68. [World species monographed]. C oleothrips Haliday; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., (1895)3:215. Aeolothrips Haliday; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., (1895)3:215. Aeolothrips Haliday; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):30, 31. Aeolothrips Haliday; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, pp. 284, 286. Aeolothrip s Haliday; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:620. [described]. AEolothrips Haliday; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:127. Aeolothrips Haliday; Del Guercio, 1903. Nuove Relaz. R. Staz. Ent. Agr. Firenze, (1)5:5. Aeolothrip s Haliday; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:273,275,280. [Italian species]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Karny, 1907. Berlin, ent. Zeitschr., 52:44. 95 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 AEolothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser. )12(3):42 , 43, 47. Aeolothrip s Haliday; Reh, 1909. Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkrank . , (Ed. 3)3:222. Aeolothrips Haliday; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:2. Aeolothrips Haliday; Trybom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 16:151. Aeolothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. AEolothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:11, 13, 21. Partim. AEolothrips Haliday; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):l . Aeolothrips Haliday; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25(44):232. (Sep. p.ll). Aeolothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd. ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912) 2:396,397. [Type designated as AE . fasciatus L .] Frank lino thrips Back; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd. ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912) 2:396,397. Partim. Aeolothrip s Haliday; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6):187. Oelothrips; Borden, 1915. Journ. econ. Ent., 8(3):360. Aeolothrips Haliday; Watson, 1916. Ent. News, 27:127. [key to North American species] . Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-ok. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916) 57:51. Aeolothrips Haliday; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):35. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(8):80. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 119. Aeolothrips Haliday; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12): 29,30. AE olothrips Haliday; Britton, 1920. Ins. Connecticut State, Conn. State Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey, Bull. 31:44. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1920. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 23(3): 1 0. [Key to European species]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:51. Aeolothrips Haliday; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):235. Aeolothrips Haliday; John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. Catal., 2(1):5. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. -Ver. Wien, 6(5):21. Aeolothrips Haliday; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):98, 100. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)132:3, 5. [key to larvae]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschla nds , 2(29): 29.3. Aeolothrips Haliday; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):56, 59. Aeolothrips Haliday; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9,25. Aeolothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:113. Aeolothripes [Sic!] Haliday; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:114. Aeolothrips (?) Haliday; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitteil., 13(4-5):135. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. [European species listedl . 96 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothrips Haliday; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:864. Aeolothrips Haliday; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Aeolothrips Haliday; Handlirsch, 1925. in Schroder Handb. Ent., 3:479. AE olothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:169. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:84, 86, 97. [European species monographed]. [ Aeolothrips ] group Pygaeolella Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt.l : 1 0 1 . [ Aeolothri'ps ] group Aeolothri'ps s.str.; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:104. [ Aeolothrips 1 group P odaeolella Priesner, 1926- Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:114. Aeolothrips Haliday; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insekfauna, 6:19,21. [Swedish species monog.]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleurop. , 4(8):3. Aeolothrips Haliday; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:14. Aeolothrips Haliday; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:66. Aeolothrips Haliday; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):163. Aeolothrips Haliday; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):839. [Arctic species]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag We inbauins. , pp. 147, 152. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. Aeolothrips Haliday; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dept. Agr. India ent. Ser. ,10(7): 245,247. Aeolothrips Haliday; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR. , pp.20,21 Aeolothrips Haliday; Richter, 1928. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1928(1):30. Aeolothrips L. [Sic fly Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch. , 1:116. Aeolothrips group Pygaeolella Priesner; Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:179. Aeolothrips subg. C oleothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:179. Aeolothrips subg. Aeolothrips s.str.; Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:179. Aeolothrips group Podaeolella Priesner; Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:179. Aeolothrips Haliday; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool. , 4(1):792. Aeolothrips Haliday; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:21,23. AE olothrips Haliday; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:73. Aeolothrips Haliday; Canizo, 1932. Asoc. Esp. Prog. Cien. Lisboa, (4)5(2):7. Aeolothrips Haliday; Melis, 1932. Redia, 20:3,14,43,44. [sep.] [Morphology; Described, Italian species monographed]. Plagioae olothrips Melis, 1932. Redia, 20:41 (footnote). [Sep.] Ortho aeolothrips Melis, 1932. Redia, 20:41 (footnote), [sep.] Aeolothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):453, 463 . Aeolothrips Haliday; Maltbaek, 1932. Denmarks Fauna, 37:21, 22. [Danish species]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Melis, 1933. Redia , 20: 145, 156, 185, 186. [Morphology, Italian species monographed]. Plagioae olothrips Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:183 (footnote). Ortho aeolothrips Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:183 (footnote). Aeolothrips Haliday; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, P-13. AE olothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:484. Aeolothrips Haliday; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 80. [Described, Italian]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1934. Ent. mon. Mag., 70:120. 97 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothrip s Haliday; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 15(1): 54. Aeolothrip s Haliday; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:335- Aeolothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1935. Ann. Soc. Cien. Argentina, 120(6):254. AE olothrips Haliday; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:311. Aeolothrips Haliday; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 164. Aeolothrips Haliday; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):226. Aeolothrips Haliday; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:85. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner & Quievreux, 1936. Bull. Soc. geol. France, (1935) (5)5:472. AE olothrips Haliday; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:36. [ Aeolothrips ] subgenus C ole othrips Haliday; Priesner, 1938. Konowia, 17(1):29. Aeolothrips subgenus Aeolothrips s.str., Priesner, 1938. Konowia, 17(1):29. Aeolothrips Haliday; Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. N.C., N.C. Dept. Agr. Raleigh Div. Ent., p.55. Aeolothrips Haliday; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:420. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines 32(2):157. Aeolothrip s Haliday; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:3. Partim. Aeolothrips Haliday; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:143. Aeolothrips Haliday; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):260. Aeolothrips Haliday; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. [Aeolothrips\ s. Pygaeolella Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins . , p.32. [Aeolothrips] s. Aeolothrips s.str.; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. [ Aeolothrips ] s. P odaeolella Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. Aeolothrips Haliday; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:150. Aeolothrips Haliday; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:395. Aeolothrips Haliday; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp.38,39. [Aeolothrips] subgen. Aeolothrips Haliday; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.39. [Aeolothrips] subgen. C oleothrips Haliday; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.39. [ Aeolothrips 1 subgen. P odaeolella Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.39. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 32:317. [Mediterranean species reviewed]. Aeolothrip s Haliday; Speyer & Parr, 1949. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Cheshunt, 1948:53,56. AEolothrips Haliday; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.112. AE . [ olothrips ] (C oleothrips Haliday); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.112. AE . [ olothrips ] (Poaaeolella Priesner); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.113. Aelothrips Ribaga; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:118. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent. , 33:39, 1 18. [Ae olothrips] subgen. Cole othrips Haliday; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33-:39, 125. 98 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : TOYSAN OPTERA CATALOGUE. P odaeolella; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:143. Pygaeolella; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:146. Aeolothrips Haliday; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):43, 46. [List of world species. Key to North American species]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Speyer & Parr, 1951. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Cheshunt, 1950:39. Aeolothrips Haliday; Knechtel, 1951. Fauna Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins . , 8(1):48, 56. Aeolothrips Haliday; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10(2):1860. Aeolothrips Haliday; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Aeolothrip s Haliday; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. A gr. , 2(1 1):362. Aeolothrips Haliday; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm.-Biicherei, 89: 15, figs . 5a, 6. Aeolothrips Haliday; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):306. Aeolothrips Haliday; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey , 4(5): 148, 151. Aeolothrips Haliday; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvi'fey CSR., 2:12. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 167. Aeolothrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa , 23(2):323. Aeolothrips Haliday; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append. ): 188, 215. [Italian species monog.]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):590. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:11,18. [Described, key to European species]. [Aeolothrips] subg. Coleothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:25- [ Aeolothrips ] subg. Aeolothrips s.str.; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:25. Aeolothrips Haliday; Ananthakrishnan, 1964- Treubia, (1963)26(2):75, 91, 100. [key to Indo-Ceylonese species]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins . , 1 1(1):95. Aeolothrips Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:24,31. Aeolothrips Haliday; Yakhontov, 1964. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:851,852. [key]. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:164,189. [described, Egyptian species]. [ Aeolothrips ] subg. C oleothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:190, 192. [ Aeolothrips ] subg. Aeolothrips s.str.; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:190, 197. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb. , 4(9):3, 4 . fig. 8. [key to Central European species]. Aeolothrips subgenus Gelothrips Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p.5. Aeolothrips Haliday; Mound, 1967. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent. ), 20(2):46, 47. [Australian species]. Aeolothriphs \Sic .'] Haliday; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):88. Aeolothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1968. Kukenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed ., 4(2)2/19: 4, 12, 19, 21, 24, 25,28, figs. 10, 19. Aeolothrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:32. Aeolothrips Haliday; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv. , 29(4):250. [Illinois species monographed]. 99 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Type-species : Aeolothrips albicincta Haliday, (Britain); monobasic for the subgenus Aeolothrips s.str.; of C ole othr ips : Thrips fasciata Linne, (Europe); designated from two species by Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., 2(synop.):46; of Pygaeolella: Aeolothrips albicincta Haliday, (Britain); designated from 2 species by Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:179. of P odaeolella: Aeolothrips versicolor Uzel, (Bohemia); designated from 2 species by Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:179. of Physapus: Thrips fasciata Linne. [Europe]; the only species; of Gelothrips Bhatti: Aeolothrips alis Bhatti, (India); designated and monobasic. Aeolothrips africanus Moulton = Aeolothrips brevicornis Bagnall. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday, 1836. 9 ,d AE . [ olothrips 1 albicincta haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:451. Aeol. [ othrips ] albicincta Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent. , 2(2):418. AE . [ olothrips (AE olothrips )] albicincta Haliday; Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., 2(synop.):46. AE olothrips albicincta Haliday; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. Nat. Ins., p.218. AE . \olo thrips 1 albocincta Haliday; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. Nat. Ins., Hdmipt. , p. 646. £. AEolothrips albicincta Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. Nat. Ins., 3(1 ): 2 1 8 . AEolothrips albicincta; Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. -Ins. British Mus., 4:1118. Aeol. [othrips] (Aeol. [othrips]) albicincta Haliday ; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc . Forh., 21:213. AElothrips [Szell albocincta Haliday; Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:334. Aeolothrips albocincta Haliday; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. , pp.31 , 47, 75, PI. I, fig. 3. [Described]. Aeolothrips albicincta Haliday; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):32, 33. Aeolothrips albocincta Haliday; Oudemans, [1900?] . Nederland. Ins., p.239, Pl.V, fig.l. A. [eolothrips] albocincta Haliday; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas , p.286. Aeolothrips albocincta Haliday; Buffa, 1906. Atti Acad. Venet., 2(1):5. Aeolothrips albocincta Haliday; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:275,280. Aeolothrips albocincta Haliday; Buffa, 1908. Ann. Mus. Zool. R. Univ. Napoli, (N.S. )2(23): 1-6. Aeolothrips albocinctus Haliday; Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1):134. A. [eolothrips] albocinctus Haliday; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol. , 6(1): 10. [Aeolothrips albicinctus Karny, 1911 = Aeolothrips ericae]. 100 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. AE . [ olothrips ] albocinctus Haliday; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:397. Aeolothrips albocinctus Haliday; Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol. , 8 (4 ): 216. [ Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Karny, 1914 = Aeolothri'ps cursor]. Aeolothrip s albocinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 187. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Hood, 1915. Ent. News, 26:165. Ae. [olothrips] albocinctus Haliday; Watson, 1916. Ent. News, 27:127. AE . [olothrips] albocinctus Haliday; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):35. [Aeolothrips] albocinctus Haliday; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):33. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Bagnall, 1920. Ent. mon. Mag., 56:61. [Aeolothrips] albocinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1920. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 34(3):10. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:51. AEolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Ahlberg, 1921. Ark. Zool., 13(17):3. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. Catal., 2(1):5. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)132:5,6. [Larva II described]. Aeol. [othrips] albicinctus Haliday; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):60, PI. I; text fig. 6. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:25, 26. Aeolothripe s [Sic1.] albicinctus Haliday; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:114. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):19. [Aeolothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. [Aeolothrips] albocinctus Haliday; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155- Ae. [olothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insekfauna, 6:21 , 22, figs. 9c, lib. 9,^. [described]. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:98, 99, 101. larval [Described]. Ae. [olothrips] albicinctus f. flavithorax Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:102. [Aeolothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):3. [Aeolothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:14. A. [eolothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:66. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):839. [Aeolothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. A. [eolothrips] albicinctus albicinctus Haliday; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p.22. A. [eolothrips] albicinctus flavithorax Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p.22. Aeolothrips albicinctus f. flavithorax Priesner; Ishida, 1931. Insecta Matsumurana, 5(3):152. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):90. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Melis, 1932. Redia, 20:33, 45. [sep.] 2,0*, larva. 101 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; CalTizo, 1932. Asoc. Esp. Prog. Cien. Lisboa, (4)5 (2): 7* Ae. \olothrips\ albicinctus Haliday; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:23, 24. £ d* Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:175,187. larva. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):62, 81. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:31. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):86, 88. [. Aeolothrips albicinctus\ f. flavithorax Priesner; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):86, 88. AE . [olothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:312. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):226. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:85. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):80. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):69. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen, 45(5):P1.I, fig. 14; PI. II, fig.21; PI. VII, fig. 69; PI. XIV, fig. 97; PI. XX, fig. 123. A. [ eolothrips ] albicinctus Haliday; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1 5:35 . [ Aeolothrips albicinctus] f. flavithorax Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. S uomen Hyonteist. Aikak. , 8(1):35. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:104. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 16. [ Aeolothrips (Pygaeolella)] albicinctus Haliday, Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Pelikan, 1945. Ent. Listy, 8:116. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Pelikan, 1947. Ent. Listy, 10:9. Aelothrips \Sic !] albicinctus Haliday; Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent. ,4(2): 92, PI. XII, fig. 208. [ Aeolothrips ] albicinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 32:336,339. [ Aeolothrips ] albicinctus f. flavithorax ; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 32:339. Ae . [ olothrips ] albicinctus Haliday; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl. , pp. 39, 40. AE olothrips albicinctus Haliday; Speyer & Parr, 1949. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Cheshunt, 1948:53, 56. AE olothrips albicinctus Haliday; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.112. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Pelikan, 1951. Prirod. Shorn. Ostrav. Kraje, Opava, 11:346. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):47, 50, 68, PI. 4, fig. 25; PL 5, figs. 28, 29; PI. 6, fig. 57; PI. 8, figs. 68, 69. 102 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Aeolothrips] albicinctus f. flavithorax Priesner; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 2 1(2):68. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2):156, 170, 182. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):56, 57, figs. 24, 25. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Pesson, 1951. Grassd: Traite Zool. , 10(2): 1861 . [ Aeolothrips ] albicinctus Haliday; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):74. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31:266. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):306. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Smith, 1956. Ent. mon. Mag., 93:350. [ Aeolothrips ] albicinctus Haliday; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):151, 154. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvifeny £SR., 2:12, fig. 11. Ae . [olothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 167. [Endothorax discussed]. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 112(1):265. Ae . [olothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:20. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append. ): 14. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):230, 235, 236, 2,^. [described]. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:402. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (A)36(7-9):89. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):590. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 103. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday, Lewis & Navas, 1962. Ann. appl. Biol., 50(2):303. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1): 12. [Aeolothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Boden fauna Europas, 2:24,28,30. [in key to European species]. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV. Tead. Akad. Toimet., Biol. Seer., 13(1):62. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:31. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 1964(4):157. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sklodowska Lublin Polonia, (1963)(C)18(6):137. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. [Aeolothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. 103 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Ae . [olothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:853, 854. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):150. [Aeolothrips] albicinctus Haliday; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):6, 7. Ae . \olothrips ] albicinctus Haliday; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol. , 48(2):88. Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):251, 253. [described]. Location of type : ? British Museum (Natural History); of flavithorax: Priesner collection, Linz. Distribution: EUROPE: Britain; Finland; Czechoslovakia; Sweden; Poland; Yugoslavia; Italy; Austria; Russia; Rumania; Hungary; Portugal; France; Holland; Germany; USSR: Siberia; NORTH AMERICA; U.S.A.: Massachusetts; New York; New Jersey; Iowa; Illinois; CANADA: Ontario. Type locality : Britain; of flavithorax : AUSTRIA: Traunauen, bei Offering. Habitat: Turf; Galium; Chelidonium; Cytisus nigricans; corn leaves; onion; Phleum; Alopecurus ; Dactylis ; Calamagrostis; Corylus avellana; Calamagrostis arundinacea; Pinus; rye seedlings; Lamium album; Triticum repens; Phalaris; Glyceria; Juncus; D eschampsia; generally on grasses. Aeolothrips albicinctus f. flavithorax Priesner - Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday. Aeolothrips albithorax Pelikan, 1964. Aeolothrips albithorax Pelikan, 1964. Cas. Cs. Spol. e/it. , 61(3):224, figs. 1-3, 8. 9 d» Location of type : Pelikan collection, Brno. Distribution : U.S.S.R., CENTRAL ASIA: Hissar Mts.; Zevarshan Mts. Type locality: U.S.S.R., CENTRAL ASIA: Hissar Mts., botanical reservation on Kondara brook, 30 km N. of Dushambe (formerly Stalinabad). Habitat : low herbage; Rumex sp. Aeolothrips alis Bhatti, 1967. Aeolothrips alis Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p.5. 2,^. [placed in subgenus Gelothrips Bhatti]. Location of type : Zoological Survey of India collection. Distribution: INDIA: Jabalpur, M.P. Type locality: INDIA: Jabalpur, M.P. Habitat : grass. Aeolothrips angustus Melis, 1932. Aeolothrips angustus Melis, 1932. Redia, 20:31, 45, figs. XI, XII 1. [sep.] Aeolothrips angustus Melis, 1933. Redia, 20: 173, 187, figs. XI, XII 1. ¥,^. Aeolothrips angustus Melis; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):62, 91, PI. XII, fig.36. [Aeolothrips] angustus Melis; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 32:321,339. [?syn. of intermedius Bagn.]. Location of type : ? Melis collection. Distribution: SARDINIA: Macomer. 104 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: SARDINIA: Macomer. Habitat : Brassica; Rap harms. Aeolothrips annectans Hood = Aeolothrips melaleucus Haliday. Aeolothrips anthyllidis Bagnall = Aeolothrips tenuicornis Bagnall. Aeolothrips arnebiae Priesner, 1948. Aeolothrips arnebiae Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent. , 32:322, 332 , 338, 339. figs. 4, 8. [Aeolothrips] arnebiae Priesner, Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. Aeolothrips arnebiae; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:190, 192, 194. V*. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: NORTH SUDAN: Wadi Shellal, near Red Sea coast. Type locality : NORTH SUDAN: Wadi Shellal, near Red Sea coast. Habitat: Flowers of Arnebia hispidissima. Aeolothrips arorai Bhatti, 1967. Aeolothrips arorai Bhatti, 1967- Thysanop. nova Indica, p.4. £. Location of type : Zoological Survey of India collection. Distribution: INDIA: Jabalpur district, M.P. Type locality : around Paraspani village, Jabalpur district, M.P. Habitat: Ficus religiosa leaves. Aeolothrips astutus Priesner, 1926. Aeolothrips astutus Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas , pt . 1: 100, 109. 2. Ae . [olothrips] astutus Priesner; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):163. [Aeolothrips astutus] f. atricornis Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):163. [Aeolothrips] astutus; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. Aeolothrips astutus f. atricornis Maltbaek; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:707. £. A. [eolothrips] astutus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 22.' Aeolothrips astutus Priesner; Bagnall, 1930. Ent. mon. Mag., 66:47. Aeolothrips astutus Priesner; Knechtel, 1932. Publ. Soc. Nat. Roman., No. 10:2. Ae . [olothrips] astutus Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:23, 25. [Aeolothrips astutus] f. atricornis; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:26, fig. 14B. Aeolothrips propinquus; Bagnall, 1934. Ent. mon. Mag., 70:121. AE . [olothrips] astutus Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:311. Aeolothrips astutus Priesner; Pelikan, 1946. Ent. listy, 9:56. Aeolothrips propinquus Bagnall; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 32:331,334,335,337,339,341. [Aeolothrips] propinquus {.atricornis Maltbaek; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 32:341. [AE olothrips] astutus Priesner; Speyer & Parr, 1949. Rep. Exp. Sta. Cheshunt, 1948:55. Aeolothrips astutus Priesner; Knechtel, 1951- Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):56, 64, figs. 33, 34. 105 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 [Aeolothrips] propinquus f. atricornis Maltbaek; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. [Aeolothrips] propinquus Bagnall; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Aeolothrips propinquus Bagnall; Lindner, 1958. Bombus, 2(5-7):25. Aeolothrips propinquus f. adusta Lindner, 1958. Bombus, 2(5-7):25. Aeolothrips propinquus Bagnall; Pelikan, 1958. Prace, 30:427. Aeolothrips propinquus Bagnall; Titschack, 1958. Bombus, 2(11- 13):45- Aeolothrips astutus Priesner; Titschack, 1960 Verh. Ver. naturw. Heima tforsch . Hamburg, 34:62, 72, figs. la, 2a, 3a, 4a. Aeolothrips astutus Priesner; Titschack, 1964. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 36:62, fig. 2. [Aeolothrips] astutus ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:23,26, fig. 19. [in key to European species]. [Aeolothrips astutus ] f. atricornis Maltbaek; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:23. [ Aeolothrips ] astutus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubea rb. , 4(9):5, 6. [Aeolothrips astutus ] f. aterrima Maltbaek; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):5. Ae. [olothrips] astutus Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967». Senck. biol., 48(2):88. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of atricornis : unknown to writer; of adusta : unknown to writer. Distribution : EUROPE: Hungary; Rumania; France; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Bulgaria; SYRIA; PALESTINE. Type locality: HUNGARY: Simontornya; of atricornis: DENMARK: Ebeltoft; of adusta: GERMANY: Rostock-Marienehe. Habitat: Anchusa officinalis; Echium vulgare; Aeolothrips astutus f. atricornis Maltbaek = Aeolothrips astutus Priesner. Aeolothrips aureus Moulton, 1931. ?,c?. Aeolothrips aureus Moulton, 1931. Pan-Pacific Ent., 7(3): 122. 9,^ Aeolothrips aureus Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1-2):91. [Aeolothrips] aureus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):118. Aeolothrips aureus Moulton; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):47, 50,68, PI. 4, fig. 23; PI. 5, fig. 38; PI. 6, fig. 54. [Aeolothrips] aureus Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4 (5 ) : 1 5 1 . Location of type : California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Las Vegas, Nevada; Yuma, Arizona. Type locality: U.S.A.: Las Vegas, Nevada. Habitat: Composite flowers. Aeolothrips auricestus Treherne, 1919. AE olothrips auricestus Treherne, 1919. Canadian Ent., 51(8-9):184, PI. XV, figs. 6, 7; PI. XVI, figs. 1, 2. ?. Aeolothrips auricestus Treherne; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:25, 26. Aeolothrips auricestus; Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):82. Aeolothrips auricestus Treherne; Essig, 1926. Ins. West. North America, p.181. Aeolothrips auricestus Treherne; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):49. Aeolothrips auricestus Treherne; Bailey, 1949. Canadian Ent., 81(6):153, figs. 4, 12, 16. if. 106 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothrips auricestus Treherne; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 2 1(2): 47, 50, 51, 68, PI. I, fig. 3; PI. 3, fig. 19; PI. 5, fig.34; PI. 6, fig.55. Aeolothrips auricestus Treherne; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):151, 154. Location of type : Canadian National Museum. Distribution: U.S.A.: California; Oregon; Washington; CANADA: British Columbia . Type locality : BRITISH COLUMBIA: Vernon or Kelowna. Habitat: Elymus condensatus ; grass; C eanothus . Aeolothrips avisor Priesner = Aeolothrips cursor Priesner. Aeolothrips halati Pelikan, 1958. Aeolothrips baldti Pelikan, 1958. Prace, 30:427, figs. 4-6. \Aeolothrips\ baldti Pelikan; Priesner, 1964. Bestim-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:21. [in key to European species]. Location of type: Pelikan coll., Brno. Distribution: BULGARIA: Pirin. Type locality: BULGARIA: Pirin. Habitat : Heavily grazed forest undergrowth. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds, 1902. AEolothrips bicolor Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:130, Pl.I, figs. 4-9. AEolothrips bicolor Hinds; Hooker, 1907. Bull. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent. , 65: 13. AEolothrips bicolor Hinds; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Bull. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur Ent., 21:13,21. AEolothrips bicolor Hinds; Russel, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14:128. AEolothrips bicolor Hinds; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech . Ser .)23(1): 1 . AE olothrips bicolor Hinds; Hood, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14:P1. IV, fig. 4. ?. AE . [ olothrips ] bicolor Hinds; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:397. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:42. Ae . [olothrips] bicolor Hinds; Watson, 1916. Ent. News, 27:127. AEolothrips bicolor Hinds; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):55. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):65. [Aeolothrips] bicolor Hinds; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):30, fig. 3. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Watson, 1922. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 162:44. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Watson, 1922. Florida Ent., 6(3):34. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:25, 26. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Blunck, 1925. Sorauer Handb. Pflan zenkrank. 4(1):253. A. [e olothrips] bicolor Hinds; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Moulton &> Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):226. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1-2):91. 107 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins., N.C., N.C. Dept. Agr. Raleigh Div. Ent., p.55. Ae . [olothrips] bicolor Hinds; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1 ):69. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:90. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific ent. , 15(2):92. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:668. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):43. A. [eolothrips] bicolor Hinds; Bailey, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(5):704. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):231. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pfanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):384. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):47, 52,68, PI. 4, fig. 24; PI. 5, fig. 32; PI. 6, fig.51, PI. 8, fig. 67. [ Aeolothrips } bicolor Hinds; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 151. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Moye, Stannard &. Luckmann, 1966. journ. econ. Ent., 59(3):733. Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):251,253, figs. 83, 87. ^,<7. [describedl. Location of type: Department of Entomology, Massachusetts State College, Amherst, U.S.A. Distribution: U.S.A: Utah; Florida, Georgia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Minnesota; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; Pennsylvania; South Carolina; Tennessee; Texas; Virginia. MEXICO. Type locality: U.S.A.: Amherst, Massachusetts. Habitat: Various grasses and weeds. Probably predaceous. Aeolothrips brevicauda Hood, 1935. ?. Aeolothrips brevicauda Hood, 1935. Trans. American ent. Soc., 61:105, PI. Ill, fig. 4. £. [Aeolothrips] bervicauda[Sic 'jHood; Bailey, 1949 Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Aeolothrips brevicauda Hood; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):47, 52, 68, PI. 3, fig. 21; PI. 5, fig. 43; PI. 7, fig.66. Aeolothrips brevicauda Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):152, 154. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S.A.: Crater Lake National Park, Oregon; Inyo Co., Mono Co. and Tehama Co., California. Type locality: U.S.A.: Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. Habitat: Ribes cereum ; Mentha sp.; grass; flowering shrub. Aeolothrips brevicinctus Bagnall = Aeolothrips collaris Priesner. Aeolothrips brevicollis Bagnall; Moulton = Aeolothrips collaris Priesner. Aeolothrips brevicornis Bagnall, 1915. 2,^. AE olothrips brevicornis Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:317. £. AE olothrips brevicornis Bagnall; Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:196. AEolothrips brevicornis Bagnall; Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17: 494 ^ JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. AE olothrips brevicornis var. fuscus Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17: 495. 9. AE olothrips africanus Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:495. 9,^. AE olothrips africanus Moulton, Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:36. Aeolothrips brevicornis Bagnall; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:37. AE olothrips brevicornis var. fuscus Moulton; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:37. Aeolothrips brevicornis Bagnall; Hartwig, 1948. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 11:123. Ae olothrips. africanus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):118. [Aeolothrips] brevicornis var. fuscus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 118. [Aeolothrips] africanus Moulton; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. [Aeolothrips] brevicornis Bagnall; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. [Aeolothrips] brevicornis var. fuscus Moulton; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia , 21(2):68. Aeolothrips brevicornis Bagnall; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):362, figs. 6-9. Aeolothrips brevicornis Bagnall; Faure, 1957. S. African Animal Life, 4:377. [Aeolothrips] brevicornis Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):323. Aeolothrips brevicornis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent. , Suppl. 11:8. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London; as well for africanus and the var. fuscus. Distribution: BASUTOLAND; SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Province; Transvaal; Orange Free State; Natal. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Town; for africanus : SOUTH AFRICA, CAPE PROVINCE: Mossel Bay; for var. fuscus: SOUTH AFRICA: Matjesfontein, Cape Province. Habitat: Many different plants. Aeolothrips brodiei Cockerell, 1917. Aeolothrips brodiei Cockerell, 1917. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 52:381, PI. 31, fig. 12. 9. [Aeolothrips] brodiei Cockerell; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution: ISLE OF WIGHT: Gurnet Bay (Oligocene). Type locality: ISLE OF WIGHT: Gurnet Bay (Oligocene). Habitat: Fossil. Aeolothrips brunneipictus Bailey, 1951. 9. Aeolothrips brunneipictus Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):47, 53, 68, PI. 8, fig. 70. 9. Aeolothrips brunneipictus; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):151, 155. Location of type : University of California, Davis. Distribution: U.S. A.: Indiana; Utah; California; New Mexico; Arizona. 109 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Type locality: U.S.A.: Green River, Utah. Habitat: Golden rod; grass, sweeping grass near water. Aeolothrips bucheti Bagnall, 1934. 9. AEolothrips bucheti Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:484,485. 9. [ Aeolothrips ] bucheti Bagnall; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc . Fouad Ier Ent., 32:318, 335, 339. [ Aeolothrips ] bucheti Bagnall; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. [ Aeolothrips ] bucheti Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:24. [in key to European species.] Aeolothrips bucheti Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:9. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution : NORTH AFRICA: Tangier. Type locality : NORTH AFRICA: Tangier. Habitat : Unknown. [May be synonym of A. citricinctus]. Aeolothrips carpobrotus Hartwig, 1952. Aeolothrips carpobrotus Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. African Dept. Agr., 2(11):368, figs. 14, 15, 17, 18. [Aeolothrips] carpobrotus Hartwig; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):323. Location of type : Hartwig collection, Bloemfontein. Distribution : SOUTH AFRICA; Stellenbosch, Cape Province. Type locality : SOUTH AFRICA: Stellenbosch, Cape Province . Habitat: Carpobrotus edulis. Aeolothrips citricinctus Bagnall, 1933. AEolothrips citricinctus Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. , (10)11:649. 9?. Aeolothrips citricollis Bagnall, 1934. Ent. mon. Mag., 70:126. 9. AEolothrips citricinctus; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:483,485- Szc* /] Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Tijdschr. Ent., 106(5):201. Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall; Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):25. [Aeolothrips ericae] f. meulleri [/Szc.'] Priesner; Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):25. Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall; Titschack, 1964. Verh. Ver. Naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 36:61. Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 253. Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. [Aeolothrips] ericae Bagnall; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1):95. Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded . , 5 1 :31 . [Aeolothrips] ericae Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:24,28,30. 9,^. [in key to European species]. [Aeolothrips] ericae f. aterrima Hukkinen; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:22,24. [Aeolothrips ericae] f. mulleri; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:24. Ae. [olothrips] ericae Bagnall; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:853,854. Ae . [olothrips] ericae f. muelleri Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Fvrop. Chasti USSR., 1:853. Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall; Pelikan, 1965. Beitr. Ent., 15(5-6):761. Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):151. [Aeolothrips] ericae f. aterrima Hukkinen; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb. , 4(9):5. 118 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [ Aeolothrips ] ericae Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):6, 7, fig. 13. [ Aeolothrips ericae] f. muelleri; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):6. Ae. [olothrips] ericae Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2): 88 . Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:10. Location of type : Probably lost syntypes in British Museum; of nobilis : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of speciosus : ? Melis collection; of albotarsata : ? Zoological Museum, Warsaw; of aterrima : unknown to writer; of lucidus : Entomological Museum, Berlin-Dahlem; of mulleri: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EUROPE; England; Scotland; Germany; Austria; Hungary; Finland; Poland; Spain; Italy; Dalmatia; Albania; Rumania; France; Sardinia; Switzerland; Cyprus; Czechoslovakia; Bulgaria; Turkey; Transcaucasia. Type locality*: ENGLAND: Ilfra combe, Devon [syntypes]; for nobilis, AUSTRIA: not specified; for speciosus, SARDINIA; for albotarsata : POLAND: for aterrima: FINLAND: V. Ruissalo; for lucidus: GERMANY: Aken (Elbe); for mulleri: AUSTRIA: Attnang, Upper Austria. Habitat: Erica tetralix; Sarothamnus scoparius; Medicago ; Colutea arborescens; Astragulus; Genista; C oronilla; Vicia; Melilotus; Cytisus; Anthyllis; Trifolium; Sinapis; Crataegus; Sambucus; Galium; Ajuga reptans; V erbascum; Anthriscus Silvester; Conium maculatum; Valeriana officinalis; V aleriana sambucifolia; Hypericum ; C ampanula; Senecio; Euphorbia cyparissias; C entaurea jacea; Erica verticillata; Isatis tinctoria; Hippocrepis comosa; Orchis militaris; Anthyllis vulneraria; V erbascum lychnitis; Rosamarinus ; Erica arborea; Lotus; Cotyledon; Calluna; Lathyrus; Ulex ; and others specially legumes and Ericaceae; Larvae predaceous. Aeolothrips ericae f. albotarsata Keler = Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall. Aeolothrips ericae f. aterrima Hukkinen = Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall. Aeolothrips ericae f. muelleri Priesner = Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall. Aeolothrips extinctus Priesner & Quievreux, 1935. £. Aeolothrips extinctus Priesner & Quievreux, 1935. Bull. Soc. geol. France, (5)5:473, PI. XXII, figs. 1,2. $. [Aeolothrips] extinctus Priesner & Quievreux; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 32:340. [ Aeolothrips ] extinctus Priesner & Quievreux; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia , 21(2):68. 119 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Location of type : Quievreux collection. Distribution : ALSACE: Potassium layers of Haut-Rhin. Type locality : ALSACE: Potassium layers of Haut-Rhin. Habitat : F oss il. Aeolothrips fasciatipennis Blanchard, 1851. ?. AElothrips [Sic/1 fasciatipennis Blanchard, 1851. Gay Hist., fis. pol. Chile, (Zool.) 6:152. Aeolothrips fasciatipennis Blanchard; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. , p. 78. Aelothrips [Sic/] fasciatifennis [Sic/.] Blanchard; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist, nat., (191 9)23(4 -6): 61 , 62. Aeolothrips fasciatus Linne: Moulton, 1930. Rev. Chil. Hist, nat., 34:274. 2. Aeolothrips fasciatipennis Blanchard; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):463. Aeolopthrips [Sic/] fasciatipennis Blanchard; Moulton, 1935. An. Soc. Cien. Argentina, 120(6):254. Aelothrips [Sic/] fasciatipennis Blanchard; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:146. [Aeolothrips] fasciatipennis Blanchard; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. Aeolothrips fasciatipennis Blanchard; Bailey & Campos-S., 1965. Pan-Pacific Ent., 41(2):101, figs.l, 4. ?. Location of type : Unknown to writer; Neotype in Bailey collection, Davis, California . Distribution: CHILE: Provincia de Valdivia; Las Condes; Santiago; Ocoa; Quillota; Pocochay; Hijeulas; ARGENTINA: Cinco Saltos, Rio Negro; Type locality: CHILE: Provincia de Valdivia; of neotype; CHILE: Ocoa, Prov. Valparaiso. Habitat: Aristotelia maqui; roses; Medicago sativa; foliage and flowers of various plants and in turf; Marubium vulgare; Spartium; Salix. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne, 1758). 7,^. [Thrips] fasciata Linne, 1758. Syst. Nat. 10th ed., 1:457. Thrips fasciata; Linne, 1761. Fauna Svecica, p.267. Physapus fasciata (Linne); Sulzer, 1761. Kennz. Ins., p.17 (of expl. of Pis.) PL 7, fig. 48, 48b. Thrips elytris albis nigrisque f asciis, corpore atro. Geoffrey, 1964. Hist, abregee Ins., p.385. [ Thrips ] fasciata; Linne, 1767. Syst. Nat. 12th ed., 1(2):743. Trips [Sic/] (fasciata) Linnd; De Geer, 1773. Mdm. Hist. Ins., 3:18. [Thrips] fasciata Linne; Fabricius, 1775. Syst. Ent., p.745. Thrips fasciata Linne; Fuesslins, 1775. Verzeich. Schweiz. Ins., p.27. Thrips F as data Linne; Sulzer, 1776. Abgek. Geschichte Insecten, 1:113. [Thrips] fasciata Linne; Goeze, 1778. Entom. Beytrage, 2:349. Thrips fasciata Linnd; Goze, 1780. Degeer Abhandl. Geschichte Ins., 3:11. Thrips fasciata Linne; Schrank, 1781. Enum. Ins. Austr. Indig., pp. 297, 298. [Thrips] fasciata Linne; Fabricius, 1781. Spec. Ins., 2:397. [Thrips] fasciata Linne; Fabricius, 1787. Mant. Ins., 2:320. 120 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips fascia to Linne; Berkenhout, 1789. Synop. Nat. Hist. Great Britain, Ireland , p. 123. Thrips fasciata Linne; de Villers, 1789. Car. Linn. Ent., 1:565,567,764. [Thrips] fasciata Linne; Gmelin, 1790. Linn. Syst. Nat. 13th ed., 1(4):2223. T. [/trips] Fasciata Linne; Rossius, 1790. Fauna Etrusca, 2:267. [Thrips] fasciata Linne; Fabricius, 1794. Ent. Syst., 4:229. Thrips fasciata Linne; Stewart, 1802. Elements Nat. Hist., 2:114. [Thrips] fasciata Linne; Fabricius, 1803. Syst. Rhyngot., pp.20,314. Thrips fasciata Linne; Latreille, 1804. Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., 12:352. Thrips fasciata Linne; Turton, 1806. General Syst. Nat., 2:717. T .[/trips] fasciata Linne; Illiger, 1807. Rossi Faune Etrusca 2nd ed., 2:416. [ Thrips] fasciata Linne; Samouelle, 1819. Ent. Use. Comp., p.395. T. [/trips] fasciata Fab. [5/c/]; Le Peletier & Serville, 1828. Encycl. Method., 10:642. T. [/trips] fasciata Latr. [Sic!]; Boitard, 1828. Manuel Ent., p.167. Thrips fasciata Linne; Guerin, 1828. in Tigny: Hist. Nat. Ins. ed.3, 6:233. [Thrips] fasciata Linne; Stephens, 1829. Syst. Catal. British Ins., p.363- AF .[o to thrips] ( C . [ole othrips]) fasciata (Linne); Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:451. 9,^. larva. Aeol. [othrips] fasciata (Linne); Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent. , 2(2):41 7. 9,^. AEolothrips fasciata (Linne); Blanchard, 1840. Hist. Nat. Ins., p.218. Thrips fasciata Linne; Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins . , 2(synop.):46. C .[ole othrips] fasciata (Linne); Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 646. T.[hrips] fasciata Latr. [Sic!]; Boitard, 1843. Nouv. Manuel Ent., 3:94. AEolothrips fasciata (Linne); Blanchard, 1850. Hist. Nat. Ins., 3(1):218. Aeolothri.ps fasciata (Linne); Heeger, 1852. Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 8:136, PI. XXI. Aeol .[othrips] vittata Haliday; Heeger, 1852. Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 8:138, PI. XXII. Colep thrips fasciata (Linne); Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Museum., 4:1117, PI. VII, figs. 31, 32, 35, 38. ?,d'. Cole othrips tri fasciata Fitch, 1855. Country Gent., 6(24):385, fig-g- [Sex not given]. Cole othrips tr if as data; Fitch, 1856. Trans. New York St. Agr. Soc.,(1855) 15:536,540, fig-g- [description repeated]. Thrips fasciata Schrk. [Sic!]; Gistel, 1856. Mysterien Ins. -Welt, p.112. Thrips fasciata Linne; Gistel, 1856. Mysterien Ins. -Welt, pp. 272, 336. C ole othrips trifa sciata ; Fitch, 1857. 2nd Rept. Nox. Ins. New York, no. 4:308, fig-g- C ole otrhips [S/c/1 fasciata (Linne); Disconzi, 1865- Ent. Vicentina, pp. 207, 208. Thrips fasciata Linne; de Man, 1871. Tijdschr. Ent., 1871:147. Aeol . [othrips] (C ol .[e othrips]) fasciata (Linne); Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Forh., 21:213. Co le'o thrips fasciata (Linne): Pergande, 1882. Entomol., 15:95. T .[hrips] fasciata Linne; Girard, 1885. Les Ins. Traite elem. Ent., 3:1074, PLCIII, fig. 13. A.[eolo thrips] fasciata (Linne); Ludwig, 1886. Leunis Synop. Thierk., 2:537. C ole othrips trifasciata Fitch; Webster, 1886. Rept. Connecticut Dept. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1886:577. 121 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Coleothrips trifasciata Fitch; Thaxter, 1889. Rept. Connecticut Agr. Exp. Sta., 1889:180. Aeolothrips fasciata de Geer [Sic!]; Uzel, 1889. Vesmir, 18(21):259. Coleothrips fasciata (Linne); Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada , 3 :334. Coleothrips 3-fasciata Fitch; Riley, 1891. Ins. Life, 3:301. Coleothrips trifasciata Fitch; Townsend, 1892. Canadian Ent., 24:197. Coleothrips trifasciata Fitch; Gillette, 1893. Bull. Colorado Agr. Exp. Sta., 24:15. Coleothrips trifasciata Fitch; Davis, 1893. Bull. Michigan Agr. Exp. Sta., 102: 39, fig. 10. Coleothrips trifasciata Fitch; Cockerell, 1895. Bull. N. Mexico Agr. Exp. Sta., 15:71. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp.31,47, 72, PI. I, fig. 4; Pl.V, figs. 46-48. ¥,. [described]. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Reuter, 1902. Medd. Soc. Faun. Fenn ., 28:75-83. Thrips fasciata (Linne); Ribaga, 1902. Boll. ent. Agr. Padova, T. Crescini, p. 1 1. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Reuter, 1902. Landtbr. Meddel., 39:58. AE olothrips fasciatus (Linne); Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:127, PI. I, figs. 1-3. £. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Reuter, 1902. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr., 12(6):337. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Del Guercio, 1903. Nove Relaz. R. Staz. Ent. agr. Firenze, (1)5:5, PI. XV, fig.l. Ae . [olothrips] fasciata (Linne); Schille, 1904. Sprawozd. Kom. fizyogr. Umiej. Akad. Krakowie, 38:9. Aeolothrip s fasciata (Linne); Buffa, 1906. Atti Acad. Veneta, 3:4,5. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Schtscherbakow , 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26):912, 914. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:275, 280, figs. 6-8. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Buffa, 1907. Proc. Verb. Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., 16(5):58. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Karny, 1907. Berl. ent. Zeitschr., 52:45. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Buffa, 1908. Annua. Mus. Zool. R. Univ. Napoli, (N.S. )2(23):2. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Karny, 1908. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 6(8):112, 113. 122 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1): 134. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Cobelli, 1909. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:2. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(2): 169. Aeolothr .[ips] fasciatus Haliday [/Sic/]; Reh, 1909. Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkrank . , 3rd ed., 3:222- Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Karny, 1909. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Wien, 7(10):271, 273. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall, 1910. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 8:375. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Trybom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 16:151. AE olothrips fasciatus (Linne); Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:14,22. A. [eolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. AEolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall, 1911. Ent. Rec., 23:240. AEolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):l . Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25(44): 232. (sep. p.ll). Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Karny, 1912- Ent. Zeitschr. (Fauna exotica), 2(7):25. AEolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Hood, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14: PI. IV, fig. 3. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:42. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(3):156. AE . [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:397. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Buch, 1913. in Reuter: Lebensgew. Instinkte Ins., p. 14. Aeolothrips fas data (Linne); Kurdjumov, 1913. Polt. Trd. selisk.-choz . , 18: 26-32, fig. 11-12. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Karny, 1914. Verh.k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:51. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6):187. Aeolothrips (C ole othrips) fasciata (Linne); Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 135. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Williams, 1915. Ann. appl. Biol., l(3-4):240. AE olothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. , (8)15:317. Ae . [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Watson, 1916. Ent. News, 27:127. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall, 1916. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. Newc.-Tyne , (N .S .)4(2):354. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys. okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:51. Ae .[olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):35. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1919. S itzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3):1 19. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr, Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(8):80. [ Aeolothrips ] fasciatus (Linne); Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):30, fig. 4. AE olothrips fasciatus (Linne); Treherne, 1919. Canadian Ent., 51(8-9):181, PI. XV, fig. 4. ^ 123 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall, 1920. Ent. mon. Mag., 56:60. AE olothrips fasciatus (Linne); Britton, 1920. Ins. Conn. State, Conn. State Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., Bull. 31:44. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29:171. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1920. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 34(3): 10. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:51. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Reijne, 1920. Tijdschr. Ent., 63:44. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. Catal., 2(1):5. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent.-Ver. Wien, 6(5):21. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Watson, 1921. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. , 16(3-4):85. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Ahlberg, 1922. Nat. Hist. Juan Fernan. Easter Isl.f 3(2):271. [Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); van Eecke, 1922 = Aeolothrips intermedius]. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Leonardi, 1922. Elenco Ins. dannosi, 2:12. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linnd); Priesner, 1923. Ent. Mitt., 12(1):63. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)132:6,7, fig.2. larva II. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1923. Schulze. Biol. Tiere Deutschlands , 2(29): 29.7, 29.8. Aeol. [othrips] fasciatus (Linne); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 60,66, PI. Ill; textfigs .4, 9. 9* Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:25,26. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); John, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(1):7. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(2):82. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:114. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Nestler, 1924. Mett. Ver, Natfr. Reichenbg. , 46:52. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s Ent. Jahrb., 1924/25: 157. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1): 19. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Partim. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Handlirsch, 1925. in Schroder Handb. Ent., 3:478, 480, figs. 400, 403. [Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Willcocks, 1925 = Aeolothrips meridionalis Priesner] . Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europ., pt. 1:99, 100, 105, larva. Partim. Aeolothrips fasciatus f. tenuicornis Bagnall; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:107 (footnote). Ae .[ol othrips] fasciatus (Linne); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insekfauna, 6:21,22, fig.4A. . [described]. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(Suppl.):Pl. I, figs. 1,4. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Essig, 1926. Ins. West. North America, p.181. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Klocke, 1926. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., 128(1):3, fig. 4. [histology]. JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111. Aeolothri'ps fasciatus f. atricornis Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:XIV. [. Aeolothrips ] fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):3, fig. 5. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:14. A. [eolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. Ae. [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):163. [Aeolothrips fasciatus] f. atricornis; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):163. Aeolothrips fasciatus f. atricornis Maltbaek; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:707. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag Weinbauins . , pp. 147, 153, fig. 37. 9,' * larva II, I. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):839. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37:181. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927) 7(1):105, 131. AEolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):288, 323. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); John, 1928. Ezhedgod. Gos. Muz. Martyanova Minussinsk, 6:62. A. [eolothrips] fasciatus fasciatus (Linne); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p.22, fig. 8. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1929. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1929(l-3):62, figs. 5, 7. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Zangheri, 1930. Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat. Milano, 69:33. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Pack & Smith, 1930. Bull. agr. Exp. Sta. Utah agr. Coll. Logan, 216:28. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); John, 1930. Rev. Russe Ent., 24(1-2):111. [Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Moulton, 1930. = Aeolothrips fasciatipennis Blanchard]. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):781, 785, 788, figs. 824, 827, 830. Aelothrips [8zc/] fasciatus (Linne); Hansen, 1930. Studies on Arthropoda, 3: 209, Pl.X, fig. 8. [mouth parts]. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Ishida, 1931. Ins. Matsum., 5(3):149. [described]. Aelothrips [Sid] fasciatus (Linne); Maltbaek, 1931. Comm. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fenn., 3(16):2. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):92. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Watson, 1931. Publ. Univ. Oklahoma Biol. Surv., 3(4):340. [Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); van Eecke, 1931 = Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall] . Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Goidanich, 1931. Boll. Ent. Bologna, 14:170. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Matsumura, 1931. 6000 illustr. Ins. Japan- Empire, p.1325, 2 figs. 125 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Melis, 1932. Redia, 20:36,45, figs. XII 2-3, XIII-XIV. [sep.l f,’*. larva. Ae . [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fa una , 37:24, 25 , figs. 10. 12-14A. Aeolothri'ps fasciatus (Linne); Canizo, 1932. Asoc. Esp. Prog. Cien. Lisboa, (4)5(2): 7. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Melis, 1933. Redia, 20:178,187, figs. XII 2-3, XIII-XIV. £,*, larva. Aeolothrips fasciata (Uzel) [/Sic/]; Sharga, 1933. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 81(2):190. [Internal anatomy] . Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Silvestri, 1934. Compendio Ent. appl., 1:187. Ae olothrips fasciatus (Linne); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):62, 84, Pl.III, fig. 40. AEolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. , (10)14:487, 491. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75: 32,37. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 15 ( 1 ) : 54 - AE . [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:336. Ae .{olothrips} fasciatus (Linne); Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):86. AE . [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:311. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); Lameere, 1935. Precis de Zoologie, 4:369, fig. 399. Ae .{olothrips\ fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent. , (1 935)1 1(4): 164. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1936. Canadian Ent., 68:97. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):226. AEolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. , (10)17 :495. [Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Doeksen, 1936.= Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall]. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:85. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Keler, 1937. Fragm. faun. Mus. Zool. Polonici, 3(2):8. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Syrjanen: in Hukkinen & Syrjanen, 1937. Suomen Hyoteist. Aikak, 3(1):5. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Jacot-Guillarmod , 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:36. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1-2):91. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:44. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):416. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1937. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 609:13,26,27. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2): 1 1 1 - Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta . , 346:72. Ae .[olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):69. 126 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:90. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(2):77. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Oettingen, 1941. Arb. morph, tax. Ent. , 8(1 ):50, 51 Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(11):560, 581, 585, figs. 2a , 1 1-13, 44a . [larva]. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen, 45(5): figs. 25, 73, 84, 92, 93, 110. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:144. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikaka., 8(1):35 . Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1942. Journ. Econ. Ent., 35(3):385. Aeolothrips 'fasciatus (Linne); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef . , 9 : 105, figs. 2, 3. Aeolothrips; fasciatus Haliday [Sic!]; Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4):236. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, tax. Ent. , 10(2-3):96 Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3):254. Ae . [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 16. Aelothrips [Sic!] fasciata (Linnd); Colas, 1944. Petit Atlas des Insectes, 1:39, PI. IX, fig. 148. [Aeolothrips (Aeolothrips)] fasciatus (Linne); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. [Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Shumsher Singh, 1946 = Aeolothrips collaris Priesner]. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Blickenstaff , 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:668. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Pelikan, 1947. Ent. Listy, 10:9. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bianchi, 1947. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc . , 13(1):41 Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., pp.29,34,35, figs .4, 9-1 1 . £. Aelothrips [Sic!] fasciatus ( Linne); Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):92, PI. XII, fig. 207. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 32:326,333,337,340. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus f. atricornis Maltbaek; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 32:340. C oleothrips trifasciatus Fitch; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):42. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:395, fig. 217a. Ae .[olothrips] (C .[oleothrips]) fasciatus (Linne); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.40. Aelothrips [Sic!] fasciatus (Linne); Smith, 1948. Textbook agr. Ent. ed.2, p.26. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(5):704. AE . [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Speyer & Parr, 1949. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Cheshunt, 1948:53,54,55,56, 2 figs. Partim. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):231. [AE olothrips (C oleothrips)] fasciatus (Linne)', Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl. , p. 112. 127 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed.5, 4(1):387, 404, 414, 424. [Preys on H ercothrips fasciatus , Franklinietla occidentalis , Haplothrips aculeatus]. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Pelikan, 1951. Prirod. Shorn. Ostrav. Kraje. Opava, 11:346. [ Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Oettingen, 1951 = Aeolothrips intermedius Ba gnalll . Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):47, 56, 68, PI. 3, fig. 18; PI. 5, figs. 30, 33; PI. 6, fig. 53; P1.7, fig. 62. [ Aeolothrips ] fasciatus f. atricornis Maltbaek; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia , 21(2):68. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Speyer, 1951. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 20(5-6):56. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Grandi, 1951. Introd. Studio Ent., 1:726. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):45. A. [eolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10(2):1861. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:188, 189. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4):138. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. CL, 31:266. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.) 3(5):306. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:11. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 152, 156, PL 17, fig. 2. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klfc Zvireny CSR., 2:14, fig. 3. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Goidanich, 1957. Enc. Agr.„Ital., 3:872. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 112(1):265. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):298. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.):14, fig.CXX. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); De Santis, 1959. Acta Zool. Lilloana, 17:87. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):323. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append .):216, 235, 236. figs. CXXXII; CXXXIII, CXXXIV 3-5. f/and larva [described]. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Derbenyeva, 1960. Nasek. Vredya. Kukur. S.S.S.R. P-186. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Ozols, 1960. Latvijas Ent., 1:61. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:403. Aeolothrips fasciatus fasciatus (Linne); Post, 1961. Pan-Pacific Ent., 37(2): !39, fig. 2. Ae . [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A )36(7-9):89. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bournier, 1962. Biol. Amer. Austr., 1:234. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent. Berlin, 13(3-4):370, 376. 128 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:9, Pl.V, fig.l. Aeolothri'ps fasciatus (Linne); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 253. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Gromadska, 1964. Vie et Milieu, 15(3):689, 690, tables 1-2. [ Aeolothrips ] fasciatus (Linne); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1 ( 1 ): 95 . Partim. [Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:21, 26, 30, figs. 2, 22, 29, 120, 121. [in key to European species!. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet., Biol. Seer., 13(1):62. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 75,100. Ae. [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:853, 854, figs. 341(2), 343(2, 7). Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Bailey &, Campos-S., 1965. Pan-Pacific Ent., 41(2):101, 103, figs. 2, 3. A. [e olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Moye, Stannard & Luckmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3):733. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entom., 99:29,33, 34,35,38,39,41,42. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):5, 6, figs .5, 15. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Mound, 1967. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 20(2):47. Ae . [olothrips] fasciatus (Linne); zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):88. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Stannard, 1967. Trans. Illinois St. Acad. Sci., 60(2): 131 . Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):251, 255, fig. 3. ?,d'. [described]. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)3/19:28, fig. 8a, b. Location of type: Unknown, probably lost; of trifasciata: probably lost; of atricornis : unknown to writer. Distribution: Europe; Asia; North and South America; Hawaii; North and South Africa; Japan; Canary Islands; Juan Fernandez; Australia; New Zealand. Type locality : Europe; for trifasciata: U.S.A.: Washington Co., New York; for atricornis; DENMARK: Hadersleben. Habitat: Numerous species of plants; predaceous on mites and thrips. [Note : Some of the references probably apply to Ae. intermedius Bagnall.] Aeolothrips fasciatus f. adusta Uzel = Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall. \Aeolothrips fasciatus f. aptera Karny = Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall. Aeolothrips fasciatus f. atricornis Maltbaek = Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne). Aeolothrips fasciatus var. collaris Priesner = Aeolothrips collaris Priesner. 129 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothrips fasciatus var. conjunctus Priesner = Aeolothrips melaleucus Haliday. Aeolothrips fasciatus justiceae Post, 1961. £. Aeolothrips fasciatus justiceae Post, 1961. Pan-Pacific Ent., 37(2):137, fig. 1. Location of type : California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A., OREGON: Cascade Locks; Portland; Troutdale. Type locality: U.S.A.: Cascade Locks, Hood River County, Oregon. Habitat: Cultivated flowers; Gladiolus; Lupine. Aeolothrips faurei Hood, 1935. £. Aeolothrips faurei Hood, 1935. Trans. American ent. Soc., 61:108, PI. Ill, fig.l . 9. AE olothrips faurei Hood; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:37. [ Aeolothrips \ faurei Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. [Aeolothrips] faurei Hood; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. [ Aeolothrips ] faurei Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2): 323. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution : SOUTH AFRICA: Nylstroom, Transvaal. Type locality : SOUTH AFRICA: Nylstroom, Transvaal. Habitat : Albizzia sp. Aeolothrips floridensis Watson = Aeolothrips vittipennis Hood. Aeolothrips fulvicollis Bagnall = Aeolothrips coliaris Priesner. Aeolothrips fuscus Watson, 1931. , Iff. Aelothrips [Sid] fuscus Watson, 1931. Publ. Univ. Oklahoma Biol. Survey, 3(4):340, fig. 7. Aeolothrips fuscus Watson; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):48, 57, 68. Pl.l, fig. 6; PI. 5, fig. 37; P1.6, fig.56. f, Aeolothrips fuscus Watson; Bailey, 1957- Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 152, 156. Location of type : University of Florida, Gainesville, Distribution: U.S'. A!: Oklahoma; Utah; California; Nevada; Arizona. Type locality: U.S. A.: near Sayre, Beckham County, Oklahoma. Habitat: C hry s o thamnu s nauseosus ; sage; grass; C eanothus . Aeolothrips ghabni Priesner, 1938.. 9,**. Aeolothrips ghabni Priesner, 1938, Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:214, figs. 1,3. Aeolothrips ghabni; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 32:327,334,338, 340. 9 *, [A.e olothrips] ghabni Priesner; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. [Aeolothrips] ghabni; Priesner, 1964, Bes tim- Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:22, 28. [in key to European species]. Aeolothrips ghabni; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:191,196, figs. 49, 53. 130 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothrips ghabni Priesner; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:32, 120. Location of type : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EGYPT: from Mersa Matruh to Alexandria; Siwa Oasis; PALESTINE Rehoboth; Gan Hajim; Ayanoth; Kafr Gileadi; Tabor Caduri; Jordan Valley; SOUTHERN MOROCCO: numerous localities; ALGERIA. Type locality : EGYPT: not specified. Habitat : A flower species collected on a large variety of plants. ; Aeolothrips ghabni insulanus Priesner, 1938. Aeolothrips deserticola Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitschr., 94(2):179. Ae. [olothrips] ghabi [Sic!] ssp. insulanus Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:216. [ Aeolothrips ] ghabni ssp. insulanus; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 32:334,338,340. ?,dl [Aeolothrips] ghabni ssp. insulanus Priesner; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. [Aeolothrips] ghabni ssp. insulanus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:28. [in key to European species]. [Aeolothrips ghabni] insulanus; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960) 13:196. Location of type : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution : Canary Islands. Type locality : CANARY ISLANDS: not specified. Habitat: numerous different species of plants. Aeolothrips gloriosus Bagnall, 1914. 7. AE olothrips gloriosus Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)14:375. 7. A Aeolothrips] gloriosus; Bagnall, 1920. Ent. mon. Mag., 56:61. [Aeolothrips] gloriosus Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Aeolothrips gloriosus Bagnall; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:99, 110. 7. A Aeolothrips] gloriosus Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 21.' Aeolothrips gloriosus Bagnall; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):62, 88. 7. Aeolothrips gloriosus Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 1938:119. [Aeolothrips] gloriosus Bagnall; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 32:337,340. 9. [Aeolothrips] gloriosus Bagnall; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. Aeolathrips [$7c7] gloriosus Bagnall; Blunck, 1958, Beitr. Ent., 8(1=2):101. Aeolothrips gloriosus Bagnall; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append .):14. Ae. [olothrips] gloriosus Bagnall; Derbeneva, 1959. Ent. Obdzr., 38:850. Aeolothrips gloriosus Bagnall; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):227, 236. 9. [described] . Ae. [olothrips] gloriosus Bagnall; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):89. ??[Aeolothrips] gloriosus Bagnall; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. 131 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 I [Aeolothrips] gloria sus Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:25. [in key to European species]. Aeolothrips gloriosus Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:34, 120. Aeolothrips gloriosus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:10. Location of type : ? British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution: SARDINIA: Sorgono; CYPRUS: Limassol; Yermasoyia river, ENGLAND; TURKEY; PALESTINE; SOUTHERN EUROPE; SOUTHERN MOROCCO: Asni, Hoher Atlas. Type locality : SARDINIA: Sorgono. Habitat : Elowers of Ijlex and Sinapis ; Citrus; Primus; V erba scum; Philiyre a angustifolia. Aeolothrips hartleyi Moulton, 1927. Aeolothrips hartleyi Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4):185. £,c*! [Aeolothrips] hartleyi Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):118. Aeolothrips hartleyi Moulton; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 2 1(2):49, 57, 68, P1.2, fig. 14; PI. 5, fig. 42; P1.6, fig. 52. Aeolothrips hartleyi Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 154, 157 Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: New York; California; Utah; Nevada. Type locality: U.S.A.: Cranberry Lake, New York. Habitat : Populus tremuloide s; Artemisia; Solidago; manzanita; mint; grasses. Aeolothrips hesperus Bailey, 1951. ?,df. Aeolothrips hesperus Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 2 1(2):48, 58, 68, P1.5, fig. 44; PI. 8, fig- 72. [Aeolothrips] gesperus; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):153. Location of type : University of California, Davis. Distribution: U.S.A.: Ft. Davis, Davis Mts., Texas. Type locality : U.S.A.: Ft. Davis, Davis Mts., Texas. Habitat: Beating grass and oak. Aeolothrips hyalinipennis Girault = Andrewarthaia kellyana (Bagnall). Aeolothrips inauditus Bianchi, 1945. 9,**. Aeolothrips inauditus Bianchi, 1945- Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):261, PI. XIII, fig. A. ?,* [Aeolothrips] inauditus Bianchi; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. Location of type: Experiment Station, H.S.P.A., Honolulu. Distribution: NEW CALEDONIA: Yahoue Valley; Oua Tom; Noumea; hill back of Noumea. Type locality : NEW CALEDONIA: Oua Tom. Habitat : Flowers of Melaleuca; mango flowers; flowering tree. Aeolothrips insularis Priesner, 1933. ?,cf! Aeolothrips insularis Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitschr., 94(2):183. °T 132 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothrips versicolor var. similis; Priesner, 1933- Stettiner ent. Zeitschr., 94(2): 1 84. Aeolothrips titschacki Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:214 (footnote). [ Aeolothrips ] titschacki; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent. , 32:336, 341. [ Aeolothrips ] insularis ; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Eouad Ier Ent., 32:337, 340. [ Aeolothrips ] insularis Priesner; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. [. Aeolothrips ] titschacki Priesner, Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. [Aeolothrips] titschacki; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:25. [in key to European species]. [Aeolothrips] insularis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:26. [in key to European species.] [ Aeolothrips ] insularis Priesner; zur Strassen, 1965. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci, Fennica, 28(6):13. [titschacki as synonym]. Location of type : and of titschacki , Hamburg Museum (destroyed during the war). Distribution : CANARY ISLANDS: Gran Canaria. Type locality : Los Tilos, Gran Canaria for titschacki as well. Habitat: Hypericum (? perforatum ); Ferula linki; Ilex canariensis. Aeolothrips intactus Pelikan, 1963. 7. Aeolothrips intactus Pelikan, 1963. Cas. Cesk. Spol. ent., 60(l-2):99, figs. 1,8. 9. Aeolothrips samarkandicus Djadetshko, 1963. Ent. obozr., 42(1): 161, figs. 1=5. 9, [synonymy of Pelikan in litt.] Location of type: Pelikan coll., Brno.; of Samarkandicus : unknown to writer. Distribution: U.S.S.R.: Samarkand; Tashkent. Type locality : 30km S.E. of Samarkand, Zeravshan Mts., in the vicinity of Kara-Tepe village; of samarkandicus : Samarkand or Tashkent. Habitat: On “Kiseleva” flowers; predatory on larvae of Frankliniella intonsa. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall, 1934. ?,dT. Aeolothrips fasciata var. adusta Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp.73, 74 75. 9. [Aeolothrips fasciata] var. adusta Uzel; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):470. [Aeolothrips fasciata] var. adusta Uzel; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):33. [Aeolothrips fasciata] var. adusta Uzel; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:621. Ae. [olothrips] fasciata var. adusta Uzel; Schille, 1904. Sprawozd. Korn. fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:9. Aeolothrips fasciata f. aptera Karny, 1910. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 8(2):44, fig. 8. 9. Aeolothrips fasciata v. adusta Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 22(44):232 (sep. p.ll). [Aeolothrips fasciatus] var. adusta Uzel; Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:51. [Aeolothrips fasciatus] var. adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6):187. 133 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothrips fasciatus var. adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien., (1)128(2-3):1 19. [ Aeolothrips fasciatus ] ab. adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresb. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:51. Aeolothrips fasciata (Linne); van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):100, 1 06. ?,cf. [described]. Aeolothrips fasciata var. adusta Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):108. [ Aeolothrips fasciatus ] ab. adustus Uzel., Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):71. [Aeolothrips fasciatus ] f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. [Aeolothrips fasciatus ] f. (?) aptera Karny; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Aeolothrips fasciatus f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:108. [described]. [ Aeolothrips ] fasciatus f. adusta Uzel; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:14. [Aeolothrips fasciatus ] f. adusta Uzel; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):163. [Aeolothrips fasciatus ] f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37:181. [Aeolothrips fasciatus ] f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. A. [eolothrips\ fasciatus adustus Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p.22. [Aelothrips [Szc/] fasciatus\ f. adusta Uzel; Maltbaek, 1931. Comm. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 3(16):2. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma, Fauna Nederland, 5:24, 153, fig. 8b. ¥,? Aeolothrips fasciatus f. adusta Uzel; Canizo, 1932. Asoc. Esp. Prog. Cien. Lisboa, (4)5(2):7. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall, 1934. Ent. mon. Mag., 70:123. [Aeolothrips fasciatus ] f. adusta Uzel; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):86. Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):80. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 1 6(2): 1 11. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:144. A. [eolothrips] intermedius Bagnall; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. [Aeolothrips fasciatus ] f. adusta Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):35. Ae. [olothrips] f. [ asciatus ] f. adusta Uzel; Dudich et alf 1943. Mat. Termesz Kozlem, 39(6):16. [Aeolothrips ( Aeolothrips )] intermedius Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Menozzi, 1947. Anim. Veg. Dannosi alia Barbabietola (1947), p.27. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 32:328,333,337,340. [ Aeolothrips ] intermedius f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 32:340. AE .[olothrips] fasciatus (Linn£); Speyer &, Parr, 1949. Rep. Exp. Sta., Cheshunt, 1948:53, 54, 55, 56. 134 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [ Aeolothrips ] intermedius Bagnall; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68, Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linne); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 156, 163, 166, 170,171,172,182. Ae.[olothrips\ intermedius Bagnall; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 179. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman., Ins., 8(1):56, 61, figs. 30, 31,32. 9*. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Grandi, 1951. Introd. Studio Ent., 1:726. [Aeolothrips\ intermedius Bagnall; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):586. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Titschack, 1952. Bombus, l(74-75):320. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:15, figs. 7-8. Ae. [olothrips] intermedius Bagnall; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):75. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):306. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Goidanich, 1957. Enc. Agr. Ital., 3:872. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 112(1):265. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Pelikan, 1957. in Kratochvil. Klic Zvfreny CSR., 2:14, figs. 2, 8. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Priesner, 1957. Sitzungsb. Osterr. Akad. Wiss. Math.-nat. Kl., (1 )166(5-6):249. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1~2):100. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Pelikan, 1958. Prace, 30:429, fig. 7. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th intern. Congr. Ent. 1956,2:691,692. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Titschack, 1960. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 34:64, fig. lb. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):232, 235, 236. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8): 142. [Aeolothrips] intermedius Bagnall; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: NordosL Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:403. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:18. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 11(5*=6):579, 583,584,585,586,590. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4):103. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68(17):8. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3~4):370, 376. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Roman., 13(12):1055. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3):281~317. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:31, PI. IX, fig. 2; Pl.X, fig.l. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sklodowska Lublin Polonia, (1963) (C) 18(6):137. 135 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 254. [Aeolothrips] fasciatus (Linne); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. Partim. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Tijdschr. Ent., 107(6):341, Pis. 25-26, textfig.2. [ Aeolothrips ] intermedius Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:21,25,30, figs. 7, 26, 28. ^,d! [in key to European species]. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. Ae. [olothrips\ intermedius Bagnall; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Chasti USSR, 1:853, 854, fig. 343(5, 8). Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Pelikan, 1965. Beitr. Ent., 15(5-6):761. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 147, 1 51. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist. -Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool. ):229. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Frenssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. Landbouwk. Onderz., 662:6,21, Pis. I, III, fig. 2. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Seczkowska, 1966. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sklodowska Lublin, (1965) (C)20(3):28. [ Aeolothrips ] intermedius Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):5, 6, figs. 14, 17. Ae. [olothrips] intermedius Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):88. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2 ):262, 271. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:11. Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed.# 4(2)2/19:28, fig. 20. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History); of adusta : unknown to writer; of aptera: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Italy; Switzerland; England; France; Holland; Albania; Serbia; Germany; Rumania; Czechoslovakia; Finland; Hungary; Poland; Bulgaria; Spain; Turkey; Central Asia; Mongolia. Type locality : SWITZERLAND: Uteliberg, Zurich; for adusta: Bohemia; for aptera: AUSTRIA : Bisamberg. Habitat: On numerous species of plants; predacious. Aeolothrips interruptus Bailey, 1951. £. Aeolothrips interruptus Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):49, 59, 68, PI. 2, fig. 8. ?. [ Aeolothrips ] interruptus; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):154. Location of type : University of California, Davis. Distribution : U.S.A.: Clear Creed Canyon, Utah. Type locality : U.S.A.: Clear Creed Canyon, Utah. Habitat : Chry sothamnus viscidiflorus . Aeolothrips kuwanaii Moulton, 1907. AEolothrips kuwanaii Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):43, 47, PI. I, figs. 5-8. ?,dl 136 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. AEolothrips kuwanaii var. robustus Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser. )12(3):43, 48. Aeolothrips longiceps Crawford, 1909. Pomona Coll. Journ. Ent., 1 (4 ): 1 0 1 , fig.46a-g. °! AEolothrips kuwanaii; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:14,22. AEolothrips lonqiceps Crawford; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:14, 22. AEolothrips kuwanaii Moulton; Tones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):l. AE olothrips longiceps Crawford; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser. )23(1):1. AE . [olothrips] kunwanaii Moulton; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:397. F .[ranklinothrips] longiceps (Crawford); Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:397. Aeolothrips longiceps Crawford; Hood, 1915. Ent. News, 26:162. Oelothrips [Sic!] kuwanaii Moulton; Borden, 1915. Journ. econ. Ent., 8(3):360. Ae. [olothrips] kuwanaii Moulton; Watson, 1916. Ent. News, 27:127. Ae. [olothrips] longiceps Crawford; Watson, 1916. Ent. News, 27:127. [Aeolothrips] kuwanaii Moulton; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):30, fig.l. [Aeolothrips] kuwanaii var. robustus Moulton; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):30, fig. 2. Aeolothrips kuwanii [Sic!] Moulton; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:26,27. Aeolothrips longiceps Crawford; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:26, 27. Aeolothrips kuwanii Moulton; Annand, 1926. American Ent., 60(667):178, 179. Aeolothrips kuwanai [Sid] Moulton; Essig, 1926. Ins. West. North America, p.181. Aeolothrips longiceps Crawford; Essig, 1926. Ins. West. North America, p.181. Aeolothrips kuwani [Sic!] Moulton; Bailey, 1933. Ent. News, 44(1):15. Ae. [olothrips] kuwanai [Sic!] Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific, Ent., (1935)11(4):164. Ae. [olothrips] longiceps Crawford; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11 (4):164. A. [e olothrips] kuwanaii Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Canadian Ent., 68:97. Aeolothrips kuwanii [S^c/] Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1-2):91. A. [e olothrips] kuwanaii Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 609:13,26,27. Aeolothrips kuwanaii Moulton; Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 346:71. Aeolothrips kuwanaii Moulton; Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16:77. Aeolothrips kuwanaii Moulton; Bailey, 1944. Pan-Pacific Ent., 20(3):84. Aeolothrips longiceps Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):38. [Aeolothrips] kuwanaii Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):118. [Aeolothrips] kuwanaii var. robustus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):118. Aeolothrips kuwanaii Moulton, Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):231. 137 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 [Aeolothrips] kuwanaii Moulton; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed.5, 4(1 ):3 87. [preys on Hercothrips fasciatus ]. Aeolothrips kuwanaii Moulton; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):48, 59, 68, PI. I, fig. 4; PI. 5, fig. 45, 50; PI. 6, fig.58; P1.7, fig.64; PI. 8, fig. 71. Franklinothrips longiceps (Crawford); Stannard, 1952. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 42(1):22. Aeolothrips kuwanaii Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 152, 157. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences; of Longiceps: Canadian National Museum. Distribution: U.S.A.: Arizona; California; Nevada; Oregon; Utah; Washington; CANADA: British Columbia. Type locality : U.S.A.: Saratoga, Santa Clara Co., California; for longiceps: U.S.A.: Claremont, California; for robustus: U.S.A.: near Cupertino, California, Habitat: C eanothus thyrsiflorus ; apricot tree; Artemisia; Sambucus glauca; Adeno stoma fasciculatum; Lupinus sp,; greasewood; cherry; peach; plum; prune; pear; apple; Lactuca scariola; Sarcobatus vermiculatus; Acer negundo; Chrysothamnus nauseosus; C. greeni; C. parryi; various flowering shrubs; predaceous on mites and thrips, has been observed feeding on Scir to thrips citri . Aeolothrips kuwanaii var. crucifer Hood = Aeolothrips crucifer Hood. Aeolothrips kuwanaii var. robustus Moulton = Aeolothrips kuwanaii Moulton. Aeolothrips limbata Reuter = Aeolothrips vittatus Haliday. Aeolothrips linarius Priesner, 1948. Aeolothrips linarius Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. F ouad Ier Ent., 32:328,333,337, 338,340, fig.9. [ Aeolothrips ] linarius Priesner; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. [Aeolothrips] linarius; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .“Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2: 21,26,27, fig. 30. [in key to European species], [Aeolothrips] linarius; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960) 13:190, 191. [in key to Egyptian species]. Location of type : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution : PALESTINE: Beit Kerem. Type locality : PALESTINE: Beit Kerem. Habitat: Flowers of Linum mucronatum. Aeolothrips longiceps Crawford = Aeolothrips kuwanaii Moulton. Aeolothrips lucidus Oettingen, 1944. = Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall. Aeolothrips luteolus Kurosawa, 1939. ?. Aeolothrips luteolus Kurosawa, 1939. Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 51(7):577, 578, figs. 1 A, B. 138 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Aeolothrips] luteolus Kurosawa; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. Location of type : Kurosawa Collection. Distribution: JAPAN: Takenokoda ira , Iwate-Ken. Type locality: JAPAN: Takenokodaira, Iwata-Ken. Habitat : Unknown. Aeolothrips maculosus Bagnall = Aeolothrips versicolor Uzel. Aeolothrips major Bailey, 1951. 2,^. Aeolothrips major Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):48, 60, 68, PI. 2. fig. 11; Pi. 5, fig. 46; PI. 7, fig. 63. ¥,,cf. AE olothrips vittipennis Hood, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14:129, PI. IV, figs. 1,2. ?,°f AE . [olothrips] vittipennis Hood; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:397. Aeolothrips floridensis Watson, 1916. Ent. News, 27:126,127, Pl.V, figs. 1-3. AEolothrips vittipennis; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):64. Aeolothrips floridensis; Watson, 1918, Florida Buggist., 1(4)-2(1):65. [ Aeolothrips ] vittipennis Hood; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia, 1918(12):31, fig. 8. [Aeolothrips] floridensis Watson; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia 1918(12):33, fig.10. Aeolothrips floridensis; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:26, 27. Aeolothrips vittipennis Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:26,27. [Ae. [olothrips] vittipennis Hood; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc. 47:69. Aeolothrips floridensis Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):22. [Aeolothrips] vittipennis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Aeolothrips vittipennis Hood; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):48, 49, 66, 68, PI. I, fig. 5, PI. 3, fig. 15; PI. 5, figs. 47, 48; P1.7, fig. 60. Aeolothrips vittipennis Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):153, 159. Aeolothrips vittipennis Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):237, 251,257, figs. 85,88. 9, ^[described]. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of floridensis : U.S. National Museum. 162 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Distribution: U.S.A.: Arizona; California; District of Columbia; Florida; Illinois; New Jersey; New Mexico; Tennessee; Utah; Maryland. Type locality: U.S.A.: Topeka, Illinois; of floridensis : U.S.A.: Gainesville, F lorida. Habitat: Gleditsia triacanthos; Robinia pseudacacia ; oats; hickory leaf; corn; grass; black locust; Barodendron arboreum ; pear; V iburnum; C eanothus integerrimus . Aeolothrips vittipennis oculatus Hood = Aeolothrips oculatus Hood. Aeolothrips vittipennis yosemitae Moulton, 1929. ?. Aeolothrips yosemitae Moulton, 1929. Pan-Pacific Ent., 5(3):125. ?. Ae. [olothrips] yosemitae Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 164. [ Aeolothrips ] yosemitae Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):118. Aeolothrips yosemitae Moulton; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):231. Aeolothrips vittipennis yosemitae Moulton; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):48, 67, 68. Ae .[olothrips] vittipennis yosemitae Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):153, 159. Location of type : California Academy of Sciences. Distribution : U.S.A.: California; Utah; Arizona. Type locality: U.S.A.: Yosemite Valley, California. Habitat : C eanothus integerrimus; Acer negundo. Aeolothrips wetmorei Hood, 1927. $,°f AE olothrips wetmorei Hood, 1927. journ. New York ent. Soc., 35:124, PI. XIII, fig-1- [Aeolothrips] wetmorei Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Aeolothrips wetmorei Hood; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):47, 67, 68. [Aeolothrips] wetmorei Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):152. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Williams, Arizona. Type locality: U.S. A.: Williams, Arizona. Habitat: Various plants. Aeolothrips wittmeri Priesner, 1935. Aeolothrips wittmeri Priesner, 1935. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1935:315, figs. 1,2. Aeolothrips wittmeri; Priesner, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 32:334,335,336, 339, 341, fig, 13. ?,°T [Aeolothrips] wittmeri Priesner; Bailey, 1951. Hilgardia, 21(2):68. Aeolothrips wittmeri; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:191, 192,197. ?,°f Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EGYPT: Wadu Abu Tog, Sinai; Wadu Rish-Rash; Baharia Oasis; Wadi Ambaga, Kosseir. Type locality: EGYPT: Sinai, Wadi Abu Tog. 163 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Habitat : Retama raetdm; Zilia spinosa; Zygophyllum coccineum . Aeolothrips yosemitae Moulton = Aeolothrips vittipennis yosemitae Moulton. Aeolothrips spec. larva I. Aeolothrips sp. Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 112(1):266. larva I. Distribution: GERMANY: Schiessberg. Habitat : Stachys rectus. Aeolothrips spec. Aeliothrips [Sid] sp. Everly, 1938. Ohio Journ. Sci., 38(6):315. Distribution : U.S.A.: Ohio, Habitat : Corn plant. Aeolothrips spec. Aeolothrips - species Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):42. Distribution: HOLLAND: Wylre and Ubachsberg, Zu id-Limburg. Habitat : Origanum vulgare; Anchusa officinalis. \ Aeolothrips (?) spec. larva II. Aeolothrips (?) sp. Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13:135. larva II. Distribution : Baltic Amber, Habitat : F ossil. i ! • Aeolothrips spec, larva II. Aeolothrips-'Latve Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch. , 1:116. Distribution : Baltic Amber. Habitat : F ossiL I Aeolothrips spec. larva II. Aeolothrips spec. Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)132:5,7. Distribution: AUSTRIA: Linz. Habitat: Quercus leaves; Cytisus hirsutus. Aeolothrips spec. (fasciatus- group). Aeolothrips spec, (fasciatus- group) Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 1938:119. Distribution: CYPRUS: Limassol; Yermasoyia River. Habitat: Flowers of Scilla; Papaver. Aeolothrips spec. larva I. Aeolothrips sp. Priesner, 1938. Ark. Zool., 30B(9):6. Distribution : Madeira. Aeolothrips spec. Aeolothrips sp. Titschack, 1964. Eos, 40(l-2):244. Distribution : SPAIN: in der Sierra de las Nieves. Habitat: White flowered Crataegus bush. 164 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aeolothrips spec. Aeolothrips sp. Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:669. Distribution: U.S.A.: Lafayette, Indiana. Habitat: Dandelion. Aeolothrips spec. Aeolothrips sp. Le Pelley, 1959. Agric. Ins. East Africa, p.95. Distribution : KENYA. Habitat: Medicago sativa. Genus Archaeolothrips Bagnall = DESMOTHRIPS Hood. Genus Arhipidothrips Bagnall = ALLELOTHRIPS Bagnall. Genus C oleothrips Haliday = AEOLOTHRIPS Haliday. Genus EUCERATOTHRIPS Hood, 1936. Euceratothrips Hood, 1936. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 6(3~4):424. [Type: Euceratothrips marginipennis Hood]. Euceratothrips Hood; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):157. Euceratothrips Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent,, 33:38,129. Euceratothrips Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent,, 32(1 ):20. Type species : Euceratothrips marginipennis Hood, (Peru); monobasic and des ignated. Euceratothrips marginipennis Hood, 1936. ^ Euceratothrips marginipennis Hood, 1936. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 6(3-4):425, fig, la-d. , Euceratothrips marginipennis Hood; Doeksen, 1941. Med, Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen, 45(5):fig.38, [ Euceratothrips ] marginipennis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PERU: Sani Beni, Dept. Yunin. Type locality : PERU: Sani Beni (“tropical jungle, region of Satipo, Dept. Yunin”). Habitat : F lower. Genus LAMPROTHRIPS Moulton, 1935. Lamprothrips Moulton, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. West. Australia, 21:97. [Type: S. [Szc/] maculosus Moulton]. Lamprothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):157. Lamprothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):122. Lamprothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:39,135. Lamprothrips Moulton; Mound, 1967. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 20(2):46, 72. [described]. Type-species : Lamprothrips maculosus Moulton, (Australia); monobasic and designated. 165 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Lamprothrips maculosus Moulton, 1935. £. Lamprothrips maculosus Moulton; Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. West. Australia, 21:96. nom. nud. Lamprothrips maculosus Moulton, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. West, Australia, 21:97, 9. Lamprothrips maculosus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):122. Lamprothrips maculosus Moulton; Mound, 1967. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 20(2):72, figs. 14, 37, 42. 9. [described]. Location of type : California Academy of Sciences. Distribution : WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Perth. Type locality : WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Perth. Habitat : Eucalyptus rudis. Lamprothrips miltoni (Girault, 1927). 9. D esmothrips miltoni Girault, 1927, Some New Wild Animals, [p.l], D esmothrips miltoni Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p,13, D esmothrips miltoni Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.) 7:168. Lamprothrips miltoni (Girault) Mound, 1967, Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 20(2):72. 9. Location of type : Queensland Museum, Brisbane. Distribution : AUSTRALIA: Flaxon, Queensland. Type locality : AUSTRALIA: Flaxon, Queensland. Habitat : Jungle. P odaeolella Priesner = AEOLOTHRIPS Haliday. Genus P seudaeolothrips Bagnall = ALLELOTHRIPS Bagnall. Pygaeolella Priesner = AEOLOTHRIPS Haliday. Genus RHIPIDOTHRIPOIDES Bagnall, 1923, Rhipidothripoides Bagnall, 1923. Ent, mon. Mag., 59:36. [Type: Rhipidothripoides abdominalis Bagnall], Rhipidothripoides; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:169. Rhipidothripoides ; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:292. Rhipidothripoides Bagnall; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool, Bot. Africaines , 32(2): 1 57. Rhipidothripoides Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc, Fouad Ier Ent., 33:38, 147, Rhipidothripoides Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:154. Type-species : Rhipidothripoides abdominalis Bagnall, (Baltic Amber); monobasic and designated. Rhipidothripoides abdominalis Bagnall, 1923. 9. Rhipidothripoides abdominalis Bagnall, 1923. Ent, mon. Mag., 59:36. 9. R .[hipidothripoides] abdominalis; Bagnall, 1932. Ann, Mag. nat, H ist., (10)10:292. Rhipidothripoides abdominalis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:154, fig. 78. 166 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber, I.B. 444. Habitat : F ossil. Genus RHIPIDOTHRIPS Uzel, 1895. Rhipidothrips Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 27, 31, 42, 46, 66. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):29, 30. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:396. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):218. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:221. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Treherne, 1919. Proc. ent. Soc. British Columbia , 1918(12):29. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):235. Riphidothrip s \Sid] Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):98 (footnote). Rhipidothrips Uzel; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:169. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:84, 95. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insekfauna, 6:19,20. [Swedish species monog.]. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):3. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Richter, 1928. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1928(1):29, 30. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Bagnall & Kelly, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:205. Partim. Rhipidothrips Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., 20,21. [key]. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kukenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):792. Rhipidothrips Uzel; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:21. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:73. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:291. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:21,26. [Danish species]. [ Rhipidothrips Uzel; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. = Andrewarthaia Mound and Arcuthrips Mound]. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:311. [ Rhipidothrips Uzel; Jacot-Guillarmod = Rhipidothripiella Bagnall ]. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):157. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:145. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.38. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.112. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:38,147. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Speyer & Parr, 1951. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Cheshunt, 1950: 35, 40. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins ., 8(1 ): 48, 54. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:188. 167 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Rhipidothrips Uzel; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:17, fig. 5b. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Bailey, 1954. Pan-Pacific Ent., 30(3):209. Partim. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 147, 148, 190. Partim. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:12. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):167. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append .):1 88, 213. [Italian species monog.]. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Pelikdn, 1961. Cas. Cs. Spol. ent., 58(1):64. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:24,31. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. British Ins., 11(1):95. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:11, 17. [described, key to European species]. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:851,852. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:164,185. [described, Egyptian species]. Rhipidothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):3,4. [key to Central European species]. Rhipidothrips Uzel; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):87. Rhipidothrips Uzel; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:30. Type-species : Rhipidothrips gratiosa Uzel, (Bohemia); monobasic. Rhipidothrips aureus Moulton, 1935. = Andrewarthaia aurea (Moulton). Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams, 1913. 9. Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):216, 218. $. Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter; Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:221. [ Rhipidothrips ] brunneus Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:221. [ Rhipidothrips ] brunneus Williams; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:114. [ Rhipidothrips ] brunneus Williams; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:96, 97. Rh.[ipidothrips] brunneus Williams; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p.21. Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams; Bagnall, 1930. Ent. mon. Mag., 66:47. Rhipidothrips brunneus f. macroptera Sea Ion, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):90. [ Rhipidothrips ] brunneus Williams; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:292. Rhipidothrips brunneus f. brachyptera Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):80. Rhipidothrips Bruneus Williams; Moulton, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(1):20. Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams; Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen, 45(5): fig. 122. [ Rhipidothrips ] brunneus Williams; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. R.\hipidothrips\ brunneus Williams; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.38. ?. [ Rhipidothrips ] brunneus Williams; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.112. [ Rhipidothrips ] brunneus Williams; Speyer & Parr, 1951. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Cheshunt, 1950:36, PI. I, fig. 2. Rhipiaothrips brunneus Williams; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dept. Agr. California, 41(3):2. 168 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams; Bailey, 1954. Pan-Pacific Ent., 30(3):210, figs. 1, 5, 10, 12. ?. RhipicLothrips brunneus Williams; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 191. [Rhipidothrips\ brunneus Williams; Pelikan, 1961. Cas. Cs. Spol. ent., 58(1):64. Rhipidothrips brunneus; Williams, 1961. Entom., 94:129. Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4):104. Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:31. [ Rhipidothrips ] brunneus Williams; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. [ Rhipidothrips ] brunneus Williams; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:18. [in key to European species]. [ Rhipidothrips ] brunneus Williams; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):4. Location of type: Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa. Distribution: EUROPE: England; Holland; Finland; SIBERIA: Batourino; U.S.A. Oregon; California. Type locality : FNGLAND: Bognor, Sussex. Habitat: Grass; Bromus sterilis; rye; Triticum repens; Oats; Osmaronia. Rhipidothrips cahirensis Priesner, 1932. 9. Rhipidothrips cahirensis Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932:45. ?. Rhipidothrips cahirensis; Priesner, 1935. Bull. Soc. R. ent. fegypte, 1935:315. [Macropterous form]. Rhipidothrips cahiresis \Sic!] Priesner; Bailey, 1954. Pan-Pacific Ent., 3O(3):210, 212. [ Rhipidothrips ] cahirensis Priesner; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):191. v v [ Rhipiaothrips ] cahirensis Priesner; Pelikdn, 1961. Cas. Cs. Spol. ent., 58(1):64. Rhipidothrips cahirensis; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13: 184,185. 9. Rhipidothrips cahirensis Priesner; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:30, 120. Location of type : Min. Agric. Cairo collection. Distribution: EGYPT: Giza Province; Alexandria; Oasis Dakhla; Sinai; SOUTHERN MOROCCO: Talmeste; Tamri; Tiznit; Saheb El-Harcha. Type locality : EGYPT: near the Pyramids at a canal bank on the Sakkara road, Giza Province. Habitat : Grasses; hibernating under fallen leaves. Rhipidothrips cinctus Hood, 1918 = Arcuthrips cinctus (Hood). Rhipidothrips elegans Pelikan, 1961. 9. Rhipidothrips elegans Pelikan, 1961. Cas. Cs. Spol. ent., 58(1):60,64, figs.l, 5. 9. [ Rhipidothrips ] elegans Pelikan; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:18. [in key to European species]. 169 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Location of type : Pelikan collection, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Distribution: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Kovacov near Sturovo. Type locality : CZECHOSLOVAKIA: left bank of Danube (Kovacov near Sturovo). Habitat: Low herbage in sparse wood. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel, 1895. ?,aT Rhipidothrips gratiosa Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp.31,46,67, Pl.V, figs. 42, 43. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1912. Journ. econ. Biol., 7(4):19Q. ft .[hi ft id o thrifts] gratiosa Uzel; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd Intern, ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:396. fthiftidothrifts gratiosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(3):156. ft .[hiftido thrifts] gratiosa Uzel; Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):218. fthiftidothrifts gratiosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):232. fthiftidothrifts gratiosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:114. fthiftidothrifts gratiosus Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):19. [ fthiftidothrifts ] gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:95, 96. o a" * > • Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:280. fthiftidothrifts gratiosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:565. fthiftidothrifts gratiosus Uzel; John, 1927. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 67:208. larva. ft h.[ipido thrifts] gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleurop., 4(8):3. £. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:706. larva I, II. [ fthiftidothrifts ] gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. ft h.[ipido thrifts] gratiosus Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p.21 . fthiftidothrifts gratiosus Uzel; Knechtel, 1929. Bull. Sect. Sci. Acad. Roumaine, 12(3):1. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1930. Ent. mon. Mag., 66:47. [ Rhipidothrips ] gratiosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:292. Rh.[iftido thrifts] gratiosus Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:27. fthiftidothrifts uzelianus Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:482. $. R. [hiftido thrifts] gratiosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1934. Ann Mag. nat. Hist. , (10)14:482. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1935. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1935: 315 (footnote). ft .[hiftido thrifts] gratiosus Uzel; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:311. fthiftidothrifts gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. fegypte, 1937:208. fthiftidothrifts gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 1938:119. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Boder, 1941. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:145, fig. 1 . Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Morison, 1947. London Nat. SuppL, p.31, fig. 6. egg. 170 IACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. a R .[hipidothrips] gratiosus Uzel; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.38. ?, . R .[hip id o thrifts] uzelianus Bagnall; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.38. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Sec. ScL Acad. Roumaine, 30(6):381 . [Rhipidothrips] gratiosus Uzel; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.112. [Rhipidothrips] uzelianus Bagnall; Morison, 1949. London Nat. SuppL, p.112. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2):155, 171, 179, 182. [Rhipidothrips] gratiosus Uzel; Speyer & Parr, 1951. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Cheshunt, 1950:36, PI. I, fig.l. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun, Rep, Pop. Roman Ins., 8(1 ): 55, figs. 22, 23. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Grandi, 1951. Intro. Studio Ent., 1:726. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dept. Agr. California, 41(3):2. [Rhipidothrips] gratiosus Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:188. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588, 597. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Bailey, 1954. Pan-Pacific Ent., 30(3):210, 213, figs.2,4,6,8, 11. Rhipidothrips uzelianus Bagnall; Bailey, 1954. Pan-Pacific Ent., 30(3):217. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins., Survey, 4(5):190, 191, PI. 17, fig. 5; P1.18, fig. 13. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. Nat. Hist. Soc. Qxon., 1951-56:20. R .[hip id o thrifts] gratiosus Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Kllc Zvireny CSR», 2:12, fig. 12. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(l-2):99. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):213, figs.CXXVI 3-8. [described]. [Rhipidothrips] gratiosus Uzel; Pelikan, 1961. Cas.jCs. Spol. ent., 58(1):64. R .[hip id o thrifts] uzelianus Bagnall; Pelikan, 1961. Cas. Cs. Spol. ent. 58(1):64 (footnote). Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2 : 4J0 2 . Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Pelikdn, 1963. Cas. Csekos. Spol. ent., 60(1-2):1 12. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad, Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12):1Q55. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch, MededeL, 51:4, Pl.III, fig. 2. [Rhipidothrips] gratiosus Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1): 95 . [Rhipidothrips] gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:17,30, fig. 16. [in key to European species]. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:186,187. ?,°T larva. Rh.[ipido thrifts] gratiosus Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Qpred. Nasekom, Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:852. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):150. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entom ., 99:29,30, 33,35. 171 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 [Rhipidothrips] gratiosus Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):4. Rh.[ipidothrips] gratiosus Uzel; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2): 87. Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., 11:19. Location of type : unknown to writer; of uzelianus: British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution : Czechoslovakia; England; Russia; Switzerland; Yugoslavia; France; Hungary; Austria; Italy; Rumania; Germany; Turkey; Tadzhikistan; Cyprus; Egypt; U.S.A.: California. Type locality : CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Bohemia; of uzelianus: SWITZERLAND: Uetliberg, Zurich. Habitat: Grass; cereals; oats; Gramineae; Brachy podium; Avena sativa; Triticum sativum; Ranunculus sp.; Vicia villosa; lucerne; barley; Secale cereale; Coronilla varia; mainly on Avena sativa; the larvae prey on the larvae of Stenothrips graminum . Rhipidothrips kellyanus Bagnall, 1924 = Andrewarthaia kellyana (Bagnall). Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter, 1899. ?. Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 17(2):30, 1 fig- R .[hipidothrips] niveipennis Reuter; Bagnall, 1913. Trans. 2nd ent. Congress, Oxford, (1912)2:396. R .[hipidothrips] niveipennis Reuter; Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):218. [Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter; Williams, 1916 = Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams]. Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter; Ahlberg, 1921. Ark. Zool., 13(17):2. [Rhipidothrips] niveipennis Reuter; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):142. [Rhipidothrips] niveipennis Reuter; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt.l: 95, 96. Rh.[ipidothrips] niveipennis Reuter; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insekfauna, 6:20, fig.9B. ?. [described]. Rh.[ipidothrips] niveipennis Reuter; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p.21. Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter; Priesner, 1930. Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., 1930(1):39. Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:20, fig. 8c. [Rhipidothrips] niveipennis Reuter; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:292. Rh.[ipidothrips] niveipennis Reuter; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:27. Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):86, 88. Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):35. [Rhipidothrips] niveipennis Reuter; Speyer & Parr, 1951. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Cheshunt, 1950:36. 172 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter; Bailey, 1954. Pan-Pacific Ent., 30(3 ):2 10, 216, figs. 3, 7. 9. [ Rhipidothrips ] niveipennis Reuter; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5 ): 191. [ Rhipidothrips ] niveipennis Reuter; Pelikan, 1961. Cas. Cs. Spol. ent., 58(1):64. [ Rhipidothrips ] niveipennis Reuter; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:17. Rh.[ipidothrips) niveipennis Reuter; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:852. [ Rhipidothrips ] niveipennis Reuter; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):4. Location of type : unknown to writer. Distribution : Finland; Sweden; French Alps: Alpfroide. Type locality : FINLAND: Habitat: Abies; C onvallaria; mixed Phleum, Alopecurus etc.; oats; Galium; Anthriscus ; Solidago ; Taraxacum; JJrtica; Hieracium; Rubus; Gramineae. Rhipidothrips turneri Moulton = Rhipidothripiella turneri (Moulton). Rhipidothrips unicolor zur Strassen, 1965. ?,°T Rhipidothrips unicolor zur Strassen, 1965. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 28(6):3, figs. 1-3. Rhipidothrips unicolor; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:31, 120, map. 2. Location of type : Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Distribution: CANARY ISLANDS: Lanzarote; Fuerteventura ; Lobos Island; Tenerife; SOUTHERN MOROCCO: Cercle de Goulimine; Prov. Tarfaya. Type locality : Jameo del agua, Lanzarote. Habitat : Stipa retorta; Picridium tingitanum; short fresh grass. Rhipidothrips uzelianus Bagnall = Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel. Genus Spathiothrips Richter = FRANKLINOTHRIPS Back. GENERA SEDIS INCERTAE Genus CALOTHRIPS Oustalet, 1873. Calothrips Oustalet, 1873. Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, (6)10:24. Calothrips Oustalet; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):236. Calothrips Oustalet; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:170. Calothrips Oustalet; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:64,123. Type-species : Calothrips scudderii Oustalet; monobasic. Calothrips scudderii Oustalet, 1873. [?]. Calothrips Scudderii Oustalet, 1873. Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, (6)10:24. [??]. Calothrips Scudderii Oustalet; Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., p.692. Location of type : Mus£e de Marseilles. 173 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Distribution : FRANCE: Aix en Provence. Type locality: FRANCE: marnes gypseuses d'Aix en Provence. Habitat : F ossil. Family MESOTHRIPIDAE Martynov, 1927. Mesothripidae Martynov, 1927. Bull. Acad. Sci. URSS., 6(9-ll):768. Mesothripidae; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traits Paleont., 3:506. Genus LIASSOTHRIPS Priesner, 1949. Mesothrips Martynov, 1927. Bull. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S., 6(9-ll):768. [nec Mesothrips Zimmermann]. Me sothrips Martynov; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:137. Liassothrips Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:34 (footnote), 135. [new name for Me sothrips Martynov]. Type-species : Mesothrips crassipes Martynov, (fossil); monobasic for Mesothrips Martynov. Note : This genus is placed in Mesothripidae Martynov by the describer. Liassothrips crassipes (Martynov, 1927). ?. Mesothrips crassipes Martynov, 1927. Bull. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S., 6(9-11): 768, figs. 16, 17. [??]. Mesothrips crassipes Martynov; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paleont., 3:506. Location of type : ? Academy of Sciences of USSR. Distribution : Jurassic from Turkestan. Type locality : Jurassic from Turkestan. Galkino, East Kara-tau. Habitat: Fossil, Upper-Liassoc. Genus Mesothrips Martynov = LIASSOTHRIPS Priesner. Family PALEOTHRIPIDAE Laurentiaux, 1953. Palaeothripidae Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paleont., 3:506. Genus PALAEOTHRIPS Scudder, 1868. P alaeothrips Scudder, 1867. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 11:117. nom. nud. Palaeothrips Scudder, 1868. Geol. Mag., 5(47):221. P alaeothrips; Scudder, 1875. Bull. U.S. Geol. Geog. Survey Territ., 1(4):222. [Described] . Heliothrips Haliday; Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 582. Partim . Palaeothrips; Scudder, 1890. Rept. U.S. Geol. Survey Territ., 13:373. Palaeothrips Scudder; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.286. Palaeothrips Scudder; Hinds; 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:211. Palaeothrips Scudder; Cockerell, 1909. Bull. American Mus. nat. Hist., 26(8):84. Palaethrips [Sic!] Scudder; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):235. Palaethrips [Sic!] Scudder; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9. 174 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Palaeothrips Scudder; Handlirsch, 1925. in Schroder Handb. Ent., 3:221. Palaeothrip s Scudder; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:170. Palaeothrips Scudder; Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2): 157. Palaeothrips Scudder; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc, Fouad Ier Ent., 33:38,141. Palaeothrips Scudder; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paleont,, 3:506. Type-species : Palaeothrips fossils [Sic!] = Palaeolhrips fossilis Scudder (Fossil); monobasic. Palaeothrips fossilis Scudder, 1868. Palaeothrips fossils [Sic!] Scudder, 1868. Geol. Mag., 5(47):221. Palaeothrips fossilis Scudder; Oustalet, 1873. Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, (6)10:27. Palaeothrips fossilis ; Scudder, 1875. Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey, Territ., 1(4): 222. Palaeothrips fossilis Scudder; Zittel, 1885. Handb. Palaeont,, 1(2):784, fig. 999, Palaeothrips fossilis; Scudder, 1890. Bull. U.S. Geol. Geog. Survey, Territ., 13:373, P1.5, figs. 104, 105,115. Palaeothrips fossilis Scudder; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.286. Palaeothrips fossilis Scudder; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat, Mus., 26:212. Palaeothrips fossilis Scudder; Handlirsch, 1908. Foss, Ins,, p.691. P .[alaeothrips] fossilis Scudder; Cockerell, 1909. Bull. American Mus, nat. Hist,, 26(8):84. Palaeothrips fossilis Scudder; Handlirsch, 1925. in Schroder Handb, Ent., 3:222, fig. 205. Palaeothrips fossilis Scudder; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb, Zool,, 4(1):790, fig. 831. Location of type : Apparently lost. Distribution: U.S. A.: Fossil Canyon, Colorado. Type locality : U.S. A.: Fossil Canon, in the valley of the White River, Colorado. Habitat: Fossil from the Tertiary beds. Palaeothrips longipes (Schlechtendal, 1887). Heliothrips longipes Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 586, PI. IV, fig. 23. Palaeothrips longipes (Schlechtendal); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. p.290. Palaeothrips longipes (Schlechtendal); Handlirsch, 1908. Foss, Ins., p.691. P .[alaeothrips] longipes (Schlechtendal); Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paleont., 3:506. Location of type : ? Koniglichen Mineralogischen Institut, Halle, Distribution : Upper Oligocoene. Type locality : Rott im Siebengebirge , Rheinlande. Habitat : F oss il. Family PERMOTHRIPIDAE Martynov, 1935. P ermothripidae Martynov, 1935. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. URSS,, (N.S.)3(7): 333. P ermothrypidae [Sic!] Martynov; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paleont., 3:506. 175 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Genus PERMOTHRIPS Martynov, 1935. Permothrips Martynov, 1935. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. URSS., (N .S.) 3(7):334. Type-species : Permothrips longipennis Martynov, (fossil); monobasic. Note : Placed by Martynov in the new family Permothripidae. Permothrips longipennis Martynov, 1935. Permothrips longipennis Martynov, 1935. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. URSS., (N.S.)3(7):334, figs. 1-4. Permothrips longipennis Martynov; Laurentiaux, 1935. Traite Paleont., 3:506. Location of type: ? USSR. Academy of Sciences. Distribution : RUSSIA: Kungur DisL, Village Sedy. Type locality: RUSSIA: Kungur Dist., Village Sedy. (No. 2506). Habitat : Fossil from Permian deposit, probably Lower Kazanian. Super-family ME ROT H R IPOIDE A (Hood) Priesner, 1926. Mereothripinae ; Handlirsch, 1925. in Schroder Handb. Ent., 3:480. Merothripoidea; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt.l:80. Merothripoidea; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):1, Merothripoidea; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. [as new status]. Merothripinae ; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):791, 792. Merothripoidea; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. luxemb., 7:118. Merothripoidea; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):453, 456. Merothripoidea; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(2):230. Merothripoidea ; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:425. Merothripoidea; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:149. Merothripoidea; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., p.24. Merothripoidea; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:34,35,39. Merothripoidea; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite zool., 1Q(2):1862. Merothripoidea; Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):99. Merothripoidea; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:23, 24, 79. Merothripoidea; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:162. Merothripoidea; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1 963)26(2): 89. Merothripoidea; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):2. Merothripoidea; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:3,5, 7,28. Family MEROTHRIPIDAE Hood, 1914. Merothripidae Hood, 1914. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 2(2):17. Merothripidae ; Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:58. Merothripidae ; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):60. Merothripidae ; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):71 . Merothripidae ; Karny, 1919. Zeitschr. wiss. Ins. -biol., (1918)14:106. JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Merothripidae; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:263 (footnote). Merothripidae ; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1 (4 ): 2 1 9, 232, 244. Merothripidae ; Priesner, 1921. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1921(3):191. Merothripidae ; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168: 7, 15. Merothripidae ; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):145. Merothripidae ; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:863. Merothripidae ; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt.l:80. Merothripidae ; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):1. Merothripidae ; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:69. Merothripidae ; Priesner, 1929. Andrde Bernstein-Forsch. , 1:134. Merothripidae ; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. Merothripidae ; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. luxemb., 7:118. Merothripidae; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):456. Merothripidae ; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18,74. Merothripidae ; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(2):230. Merothripidae ; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):230. Merothripidae ; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:425. Merothripidae ; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):71. Merothripidae ; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., p.24. Merothripidae ; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:34,35,39. Merothripidae ; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10(2):1862. Merothripidae ; Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):99. Merothripidae ; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paldont., 3:506. Merothripidae ; Faure, 1957. S. African Animal Life, 4:378. Merothripidae ; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):436. Merothripidae ; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):343. Merothripidae ; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:24,79. [described]. Merothripidae ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:9,128. [described, European species]. Merothripidae ; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):89. Merothripidae ; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:162. Merothripidae; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):2. Merothripidae ; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):249, 269. [described] . Merothripidae; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,7,12, 13,17,19,28. Sub-family Erotidothripinae Priesner, 1939. Erotidothripinae Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):155. [as sub- family of Aeolothripidae] . Erotidothripinae ; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:34,36. [as sub- family of Aeolothripidae]. Erotidothripinae ; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:23. Erotidothripinae; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):89. [as sub-family of Aeolothripidae!. Erotidothripinae; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:4,7, 28. [as sub-family of Aeolothripidae]. 177 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Genus DAMEROTHRIPS Hood, 1954. Damerothrips Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:19. Type-species: Damerothrips gemmatus Hood, (Brazil); monobasic and designated. Damerothrips gemmatus Hood, 1954. $. Damerothrips gemmatus Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:19. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Rondon, Parana. Type locality : BRAZIL: Rondon, Parana) Habitat : Unknown. Genus EROTIDOTHRIPS Pries ner, 1939. Erotidothrips Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):154, 155. [Type: E .mirabilis Priesner]. Erotidothrips, Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:36,129. Erotidothrips Priesner; Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:19 (footnote). [Transferred from Aeolothripoidea] . Erotidothrips; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:4,28. Type-species: Erotidothrips mirabilis Priesner, (Congo); monobasic and designated . Erotidothrips mirabilis Priesner, 1939. £. Erotidothrips mirabilis Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2):157, figs. 1-3. 2. Erotidothrips mirabilis; Priesner, 1952. Bull. Inst, francais Afrique noire, 14(3):879. Erotidothrips mirabilis Priesner; Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):99. Erotidothrips mirabilis; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:4,28. Location of type : Musee Royal d "Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Distribution: AFRICA: Congo Beige; Ivory Coast; SAMOA: Tapatapao. Upolu. Type locality: CONGO BELGE: Eala. Habitat : Unknown. Sub-family Merothripinae (Hood) Handlirsch, 1925. Merothripinae; Handlirsch, 1925. in Schroder Handb. Ent., 3:480. Merothripinae ; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):792. Genus MEROTHRIPS Hood , 1912. Merothrips Hood, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14(3):132. [Type: Merothrips morgani Hood]. > Merothrips Hood; Karny, 1 92 1 .Treubia , 1(4):244. Merothrips Hood; Priesner, 1921. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1921(3):191. Merothrips Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:15,47. Merothrips Hood; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):145, 146. 178 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : TOYSAN OPTERA CATALOGUE. Merothrips Hood; Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 10(4):61. [key to known species]. Merothrips Hood; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:69. Merothrips Hood; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):792. Merothrips Hood; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:74. Merothrips Hood; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):456. Merothrips Hood; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(2):23Q. [Described]. Merothrips Hood; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):230. Merothrips Hood; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:425. Merothrips Hood; Crawford, 1942. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 44(7):150. [Key to species] . Merothrips Hood; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:407,408. Merothrips Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. Merothrips Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:39, 137. Merothrips Hood; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traitd Paleont., 3:506. Merothrips Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):148, 185. Merothrips Hood; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):458. [Key to known species]. Merothrips Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):53. [Key to known species]. Merothrips Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):343. Merothrips Hood; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:79. [Described]. Merothrips Hood; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:128. [Described, European species]. Merothrips Hood; Ananthakrishnan, 1966. Bull. Ent., 7:28. Merothrips Hood; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):2. Merothrips Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):269. [Described] . Merothrips Hood; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,28. Type-species : Merothrips morgani Hood, (U.S.A.); monobasic and designated. Merothrips brevisetis Hood, 1954. Merothrips brevisetis Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:20. [Merothrips] brevisetis Hood; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):458, 460. Merothrips brevisetis Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):55,56. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Belem, Para. Type locality : BRAZIL: Belem, Para. Habitat : Dead branches of Hevea and Bixa. Merothrips capensis Faure, 1938. Merothrips capensis Faure, 1938. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)4:6, Pl.l, figs. 3, 4. ?,°! Merothrips capensis; Faure, 1957. S. African Animal Life, 4:378. [ Merothrips ] capensis Faure; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):460. Merothrips capensis Faure; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):55, 56, fig. 9. [Merothrips] capensis Faure; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):343. 179 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Location of type : National Collection of Insects, Pretoria. Distribution : SOUTH AFRICA: Hermanus and Cape Point, Cape Province. Type locality : SOUTH AFRICA: Hermanus, Cape Province. Habitat: Fallen leaves; moss; wet fallen leaves. Merothrips cognatus Hood, 1925. 2. Merothrips cognatus Hood, 1925. Psyche, 32(1):53. ?. Merothrips cognatus Hood; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(2):230. [ Merothrips ] cognatus Hood; Crawford, 1942. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 44(7):150. [Merothrips] cognatus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. [ Merothrips ] cognatus Hood; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):458. Merothrips cognatus Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):56. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: WEST INDIES: Trinidad. Type locality: WEST INDIES: Trinidad. Habitat: Dead branch of Lagerstroemia infested with bromeliads. Merothrips floridanus Watson = Merothrips morgani Hood. Merothrips floridensis Watson = Merothrips morgani Hood. Merothrips fritschi Priesner, 1924. 9. Merothrips fritschi Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13:145, fig. 17. 9. Location of type : Fritsch collection. Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat : F ossil. Merothrips fusciceps Hood & Williams, 1915. ?. Merothrips fusciceps Hood & Williams, 1915. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 23(2): 123, PI. VII, figs. 1-4. ?. Merothrips fusciceps Hood & Williams; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:47. [ Merothrips ] fusciceps Hood & Williams; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):146. [Merothrips] fusciceps Hood & Williams; Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 10(4):61. [Merothrips] fusciceps Hood & Williams; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. [Merothrips] fuscipes [Sid] Hood & Williams; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa' 22(2):458. Merothrips fusciceps Hood & Williams; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2): 56,57. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: New Orleans, Louisiana. Type locality: U.S. A.: New Orleans, Louisiana. Habitat : Ornamental clump of bamboos. Merothrips genuinus Hood, 1938. 9,^. Merothrips genuinus Hood, 1938. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 8(3-4):354. 9,°* [Merothrips] genuinus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. 180 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Merothrips^ genuinus Hood; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):458. Merothrips genuinus Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):55, 57, figs. 2,4. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Homestead, Florida. Type locality: U.S. A.: Homestead, Florida. Habitat: Dead branches. Merothrips hawaiiensis Moulton = Merothrips morgani Hood. Merothrips lacotae Medina Gaud, 1961. 9. Merothrips lacotae Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:80, fig. 5B. 9. Location of type : Rio Piedras Agr. Exp. Sta., Puerto Rico. Distribution: PUERTO RICO: Caja de Muertos Island. Type locality : PUERTO RICO: Caja de Muertos Island. Habitat: Ground litter, mostly of dried leaves. Merothrips laevis Hood, 1938. ?. Merothrips laevis Hood, 1938. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 8(3-4):350. 9. [ Merothrips ] laevis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. [ Merothrips ] laevis Hood; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa , 22(2):460. Merothrips laevis Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):55, 57, figs. 1,4. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Florida; WEST INDIES: Jamaica. Type locality: U.S. A.: Pine key, Florida. Habitat: Shells and debris; moulding leaves. Merothrips mirus Crawford, 1942. 9. Merothrips mirus Crawford, 1942. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 44(7):150, 152. 9. Merothrips mirus Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):41. [ Merothrips ] mirus Crawford; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):458. Merothrips mirus Crawford; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):55,58, figs. 3, 10. Location of type : United States National Museum, Washington, D.C. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, Santa Catharina. Type locality : BRAZIL: Nova teutonia, Santa Catharina. Habitat: Dead branches. Merothrips morgani Hood, 1912. 9,°* Merothrips morgani Hood, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14(3):132, Pl.V, figs. 1-3. %*. Merothrips morgani; Hood, 1914. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 2(2):17. Merothrips morgani; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):60. Merothrips Morgani Hood; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1 (4 )-2 ( 1 ) : 7 1 . Merothrips morgani Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:47. [ Merothrips ] morgani Hood; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5): 146. Merothrips morgani Hood; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):22. Merothrips floridensis Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 10(4):60. 2,^ [ Merothrips ] floridanus Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 10(4):61. [ Lapsus pro floridensis ]. 181 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 [Merothrips} morgani Hood; Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 10(4):61. Merothrips morgani; Hood, 1927. Ent. Americana (N . S . )7(4): 22 1 . M. [erothrips] morgani Hood; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101 :69. Merothrips morgani Hood; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3): 230. Merothrips hawaiiensis Moulton, 1937. Proc, Hawaiian ent. Soc. 9(3 ):4 1 1 . Merothrips morgani Hood; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc. , 47(1):71 . Merothrips plaumanni Crawford, 1942. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 44(7): 150. ?. Merothrips hawaiiensis Moulton; Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. ent. Soc., 12(1):121. Merothrips morgani Hood; Bianchi, 1946. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(3):513. Merothrips hawaiiensis Moulton; Bianchi, 1 946. Proc .Hawaiian ent. Soc ., 12 (3): 51 3. Merothrips floridensis Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):23. Merothrips plaumanni Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):41. Merothrips hawaiiensis Moulton; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:408, fig. 216e. Merothrips morgani Hood; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:408. Merothrips morgani Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Merothrips hawaiiensis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):122. Merothrips morgani Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1952 . Bull. Dept. Agr. California 41(2):2. Merothrips morgani Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):185, PI. 18, fig. 14; PI. 19, fig. 15. [ Merothrips ] floridensis Watson; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):460. [ Merothrips ] hawaiiensis Moulton; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):459. [ Merothrips ] morgani Hood; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):461 , figs .20, 23 , 30. [ Merothrips ] plaumanni Craw ford; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):459. Merothrips morgani Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):56, 58, figs .2, 3,5-8. Merothrips morgani Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4): 270, figs .64, 94, 95. [2,°! described]. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of floridensis : Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida; of hawaiiensis: California Academy of Sciences: of plaumanni: United States National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia; U.S. A.: California; D.C.; Florida; Illinois; Iowa; Kentucky; Maryland; New Jersey; New York; Ohio; Texas; Virginia; HAWAIIAN ISLAND: Poamohu, Oahu, T.H. Type locality: U.S. A.: Homer, Illinois; of floridensis:\].S.h.\ Earleton, Florida; of hawaiiensis : HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Molokai; of plaumanni: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, Santa Catharina. Habitat : Under loose bark on shellbark hickory; branch of Quercus stellata; burrows of Oncideres cingulata in dead hickory twig; mushroom; under dead willow bark; hibernating in a bird’s nest; moss on live oak; under bark of fallen elm; under bark of Betula nigra; dead branches; tantalum pamiculatum; \ 182 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Heimerliodendron brunoniamum ; Vrera sandwicensis; Perottetia sandwicensis; Pittosporum convertiflorum; beetle burrows in dead willows; date palm; Spanish moss, rotting bark; P olyporus; Polyporus gilvus ; Andropogon; pineapple trash; ferns; bromeliads. Merothrips nigricornis Hood, 1937. 2. Merothrips nigricornis Hood, 1937. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 7(2-3):272, fig. 3c . ?. [. Merothrips ] nigricornis Hood; Crawford, 1942. Proc. ent. Washington, 44(7):150. [Merothrips\ nigricornis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. \Merothrips\ nigricornis Hood; zur Strassen, 1949. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):46Q. Merothrips nigricornis Hood; Bailey, I960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):55,60. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution : PERU: vicinity of Celendin, Dept. Cajamarca. Type Locality : PERU: vicinity of Celendin, Dept. Cajamarca. Habitat : “in flowers of Helianthus jelskii” . Merothrips ottonis zur Strassen, 1959. 2,^. Merothrips ottonis zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):436, 460, figs. 1-17. M .[erothrips] pallidus zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):447. [ Lapsus pro Merothrips ottonis]. [. Merothrips ] ottonis; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):343. M .[erothrips] pallidus; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):343. [Lapsus pro M .ottonis]. Location of type : National Collection of Insects, Pretoria. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal. Habitat : Green and dry grass tufts. Merothrips pallidus zur Strassen = Merothrips ottonis zur Strassen. Merothrips plaumanni Crawford = Merothrips morgani Hood. Merothrips priesneri Bournier, 1960. Merothrips priesneri Bournier, 1960. Vie et Milieu, 11(1):98, figs. 5,6. ^ [ Merothrips ] priesneri Bournier; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:129, fig. 129. Location of type : Bournier collection, Monpellier. Distribution: FRANCE: Monpellier. Type locality: FRANCE: Monpellier. Habitat : Fallen leaves of Quercus ilex. Merothrips productus Hood, 1938. Merothrips productus Hood, 1938. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro 8(3-4):352. 2. [, Merothrips ] productus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. [Merothrips] productus Hood; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):459, Merothrips productus Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):55, 60, figs . 1 , 5. 183 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution : U.S. A.: Rocky Point (Pender Co.), North Carolina. Type locality: U.S. A.: Rocky Point (Pender Co.), North Carolina. Habitat: Dead branch. Merothrips tympanis Hood, 1954. £. Merothrips tympanis Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:20. 9. [ Merothrips ] tympanis Hood; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):459. Merothrips tympanis Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):55, 62. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C.; Rondon, Parana. Type locality: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Habitat: Dead branches. Merothrips williamsi Priesner, 1921. 9. Merothrips williamsi Priesner, 1921. Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., 1921(3):191. 9. [ Merothrips ] williamsi; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):146. [ Merothrips ] williamsi Priesner; Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 10(4):61. Merothrips williamsi Priesner; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(2):230. [Merothrips] williamsi Priesner; Crawford, 1942. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 44(7):150. [Merothrips] williamsi Priesner; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):459. Merothrips williamsi Priesner; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):56, 62. Location of type : Berlin Zoological Museum. Distribution : Paraguay. Type locality : Paraguay. Habitat : Under bark. Merothrips xylophilus zur Strassen, 1959. 9, ^ Merothrips xylophilus zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):447, 459,461, figs. 18, 19, 21, 24-29. ¥, 3 [Merothrips] xylophilus , zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):343. ? Merothrips xylophilus zur Strassen; Ananthakrishnan, 1966. Bull. Ent., 7:28. Location of type : National Collection of Insects, Pretoria. Distribution : SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal; ? INDIA. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal. Habitat : Rotten stump of Wistaria floribunda. Genus PRAEMEROTHRIPS Priesner, 1929. Prae merothrips Priesner, 1929. Andrde Bernstein-Forsch., 1:134. [Type: Praemerothrips hoodi Priesner]. Prae merothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:39, 144. Type-species : Praemerothrips hoodi Priesner, (Baltic Amber); monobasic and designated . 184 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Praemerothrips hoodi Priesner, 1929. Praemerothrips hoodi Priesner, 1929. Andrde Bernstein-Forsch. , 1:134, PI. VIII, fig. 8. ?. Location of type : Fritsch collection no. 55. Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat : F ossil. Super-family THRIPOIDEA (Stephen) Karny, 1907. Thripoidea; Karny, 1907. Berlin ent. Zeitschr., 52:44. [as suborder]. Thripides Bagnall, 1914. Journ. econ. Biol., 9(1 ): 2 - Thripoidea; Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:57. [as new status]. Thripoidea; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):56. Thripoidea; Karny, 1919. Zeitschr. Wiss. Ins. -biol., (1918)14:106. Thripoidea; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:263. Thripoidea; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):213, 231. Thripoidea; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:6. Thripoidea; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):136. Thripoidea; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):11, 48. Thripoidea; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):143. Thripinae; Handlirsch, 1925. in Schroder Handb. Ent., 3:480. Thripoidea; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:863. Thripoidea; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :79, 81, 116. Thripoidea; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:98,545. Thripoidea; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:281. Thripoidea; Bagnall, 1927. Ann, Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:565. Thripoidea; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:564. Thripoidea; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:14. Thripoidea; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):1. Thripoidea; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. Thripoidea; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent.Ser., 10(7):244. Thripoidea; Priesner, 1928. in Stellwaag: Weinbauins., p.154. Thripoidea; Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:198. Thripoidea; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. Thripoidea; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:19. Thripoidea; Moulton, 1930. Rev. Chil. Nat. Hist., 34:272,274. Thripinae; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):791, 792. Thripoidea; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 7:118. Thripoidea; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:18,26. Thripoidea; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18,73. Thripoidea; Bagnall, 1932. Ent. mon. Mag., 68:162. Thripoidea; Moulton & Steinweden, 1932. Bull. Bishop Mus., 98:165. Thripoidea; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):453, 476. Thripoidea; Moulton & Steinweden, 1933. Bull. Bishop Mus., 113:29. Aeolothripidae [Sic!]; Ishida, 1934. Ins. Matsumurana, 9(l-2):55. Thripoidea ; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 93. [Italian species]. Thripoidea; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:338. Thripoidea; Moulton, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2):181. 185 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Thripoidea; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):164. Thripoidea; Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:497. Thri'poidea; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p.108. Thripoidea; Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:67. Thripoidea; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):226. Thripoidea ; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):263. Thripoidea; Jacot-Guillarmod , 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:37. Thripoidea; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:424. Thripoidea; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian. Ins., 25:4. Thripoidea; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:146. Thripoidea; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges . Basel, 53:147. Thripoidea; Doeksen, 1941. Meded. Landbouwhoogesch . Wageningen, 45(5):61. Thripoidea; Melis. 1942. Redia, 28:155. Thripoidea; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):262. T hripoidea; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. Thripoidea; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:150, 152. Thripoidea; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., p.24. Thripoidea; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:395,396. Thripoidea; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:34,35,39. Thripoidea; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.113. Thripoidea; Pesson, 1951. Grassd: Traite Zool., 10(2):1861. Thripoidea; Melis, 1952. Redia, 37:4. Thripoidea; Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):93. Thripoidea; Mukerji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian Journ. Ent., 17(1):66. Thripoidea; Melis, 1955. Redia, 40:2. Thripoidea; Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:11. [New Zealand species]. Thripoidea; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):167. Aeolothripoidea [Sic!]; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append .):188. [in key]. Thripoidea; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append .):236. [Italian species monog.]. Thripoidea; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:23,32. [described, Puerto Rican species]. Thripoidea; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:23,31. Thripoidea; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Bull. Ent. Madras, 5:51. Thripoidea; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. Thripoidea; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):75, 89, 91. Thripoidea; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:162, 199. Thripoidea; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):2. Thripoidea; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:3,4,7,29. Family HETEROTHRIPIDAE Bagnall, 1912. Heterothripidae Bagnall, 1912. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)10:222. Heterothripidae ; Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63(l-2):5. Heterothripidae; Bagnall, 1914. Geolog. Mag., (6)1:484. Heterothripidae ; Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:57. Heterothripidae ; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):56. Heterothripidae; Karny, 1919. Zeitschr. Wiss. Ins. -biol., (1918)14:105,106. Heterothripidae; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:263 (footnote). Heterothripidae ; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):213, 232, 236. Heterothripoidea; Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:37. 186 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Heterothripidae ; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:6, 9. Heterothri'pidae ; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):136. Heterothripidae ; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:863. Heterothripidae ; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:79. Heterothripoidea; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:562. Heterothripidae; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):1. Heterothripidae ; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):244, 247. Heterothripidae; Priesner, 1928. in Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 147, 154. Heterothripidae ; Moulton, 1929. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 24(4):228. Heterothripoidea; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. Heterothripidae ; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. Heterothripini; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Hand. Zool., 4(1):791, 792. Heterothripoidea; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 7:118. Heterothripidae; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 7:118. Heterothripidae; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18,74. Heterothripoidea; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):453, 466. Hetorothripidae ; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):453, 466. [S. American species], Heterothripoidea; Moulton, 1933. Pan-Pacific Ent., 9(3):139. [described]. Heterothripidae; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p.15. Heterothripoidea; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p.108. Heterothripidae; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p.108. Heterothripidae ; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):226. Heterothripoidea; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:423. Heterothripidae ; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:424. Heterothripidae ; Moulton, 1938. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 9(3-4):374. Heterothripidae; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):69. Heterothripoidea; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:4. Heterothripidae ; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:4. Heterothripidae; Doeksen, 1941. Meded. Landbouwhoogesch. Wageningen, 45(5):61. Adiheterothripidae Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:151. Heterothripoidea; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:149, 151. Heterothripidae; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., p.24. Heterothripidae; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:34,35,39. Heterothripidae ; Ananthakrishnan, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(5-6):92. Heterothripidae; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):167. Heterothripidae ; Pelikan, 1958. Prace, 30:431. Heterothripidae ; De Santis, 1959. Acta Zool. Lilloana, 17:90. Heterothripidae ; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):65. Heterothripidae ; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):326. Heterothripidae; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):188, 237. [Italian species monog.] . Heterothripidae; Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. 35:18. Heterothripidae; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.) 7:169 Heterothripoidea; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico. Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:23, 27. Heterothripidae ; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:24,29. [described, Puerto Rican species]. 187 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Heterothripidae ; De Santis, 1963. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 1(6):5. Heterothripidae; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:10,30. [Described, key to European species]. Heterothripidae; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):76, 89, 100. Heterothripidae ; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:162. Heterothripidae Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):2,3. Heterothripidae Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):90. Heterothripidae ; Mound, 1968. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., SuppL 11:19,154. Heterothripidae ; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv. , 29(4):249, 261 . [Illinois species monographed]. Heterothripidae; Priesner, 1968. Kukenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19: 3,4,7,28. Tribe Heterothripini (Bagnall) Handlirsch sensu Priesner, 1949. Heterothripini ; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):792. Heterothripini; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:34,39. Heterothripini; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:24. Heterothripini; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 89. Genus AULACOTHRIPS Hood, 1952. Aulacothrips Hood, 1952. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 65:142. Type-species : Aulacothrips dictyotus Hood, (Brazil); monobasic and designated. Aulacothrips dictyotus Hood, 1952. Aulacothrips dictyotus Hood, 1952. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 65:142. ¥. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, Santa Catharina, S.P. Type locality: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, Santa Catharina, S.P. Habitat: “Compositae 99 and Solanum. Genus ELECTROTHRIPS Bagnall, 1924. Electrothrips Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:251. [Type: Electrothrips hystrix Bagnall]. Electrothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:39,128. Electrothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:158. Type-species: Electrothrips hystrix Bagnall, (Baltic Amber); monobasic and designated. Electrothrips hystrix Bagnall, 1924. ?. Electrothrips hystrix Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:252. Electrothrips hystrix Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:158. [description]. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat : F ossil. 188 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Genus EOCEPHALOTHRIPS Bagnall, 1924. Thrips Linne; Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 563. Partim. Eocephalothrips Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:161. [Type: Thrips capito Schlechtendal]. Eocephalothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:40,128. Eocephalothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:158. Type-species : Thrips capito Schlechtendal, (Fossil); monobasic and designated. Eocephalothrips capito (Schlechtendal, 1887). Thrips capito Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 579, Pl.V, fig. 20. [not sexed]. Thrips capito Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.290. Thrips (s.l.) capito Schlechtendal; Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., p.692. Eocephalothrips capito (Schlechtendal); Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:161. ?. Location of type : ? Konigliches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution: GERMANY: Braunkohlgebirge von Rott am Siebengebirge . Type locality : PRUSSIA: Braunkohlgebirge von Rott am Siebengebirge. Habitat : F ossil. Genus HETEROTHRIPS Hood, 1908. Heterothrips Hood, 1908. Bull. Illinois St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 8(2):361. Phyllothrips Buffa, 1908. Redia, 5(1):123. Phyllothrips Buffa; Hood, 1909. Ent. News, 20(6):25O (footnote). Heterothrips Hood; Shull, 1909. Ent. News, 20:220. Heterothrips Hood; Bagnall, 1910. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 54:461. Heterothrips Hood; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:12, 17,28. Heterothrips Hood; Karny, 1911. Ent. Rundschau, 28(23):179. Phyllothripsiolus Strand, 1912. Int. ent. Zeitschr. Guben, 5:287. [New name for Phyllothrips Buffa nec Hood]. Heterothrips Hood; Bagnall, 1912. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)10:222. Heterothrips; Hood, 1913. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 1(6):65. Heterothrips Hood; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):70. [key to North American species]. Heterothrips Hood; Watson, 1921. Florida Ent., 4(3):35. [key to North American species] . Heterothrips Hood; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):2 13, 236. Heterothrips Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9, 27. Heterothrips Hood; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. Heterothrips Hood; Priesner, 1928. in Stellwaag Weinbauins., pp. 147,154. Heterothrips Bagnall [Sic!] Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):792. Phyllothrips Buffa; Strand, 1932. Folia Zool., Hydrobiol., 4(1):129-133. 189 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Phyllothripsiolus ; Strand, 1932. Folia Zool. Hydrobiol., 4(1):129-133. Heterothrips Hood; Strand, 1932. Folia Zool. Hydrobiol., 4 (1 ): 1 3 2 . Heterothrips Hood; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):453, 466. [key to South American species]. Heterothrips Hood; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:74. Heterothrips Hood; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia , p. 15. Heterothrips Hood; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 1 0(3 ):2 2 6 . Heterothrips Hood; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:424. Heterothrips Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. Heterothrips Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:39, 132. Phyllothrips Buffa; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:143. Phyllothripsiolus Strand; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:143. Heterothrips Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):614. [Key to North American species]. Heterothrips Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):148, 179. [key to North American species]. Heterothrips Hood; Priesner, 1947. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 167. Heterothrips Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):65. Heterothrips Hood; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:29. [described, Puerto Rican species]. Heterothrips Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):261. [Illinois species monographed]. Heterothrips Hood; Priesner, 1968. Kukenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,28. Type-species: Heterothrips ansaemae Hood, (Illinois); monobasic; of Phyllothrips: Phyllothrips pilosus Buffa, (Paraguay); monobasic; of Phyllothripsiolus : Phyllothrips pilosus Buffa, (Paraguay); monobasic. Note : Heterothrips Buffa nec Hood is a synonym of Eupathithrips Bagnall, a Tubuliferon. Heterothrips subgenus Heterothrips Hood, 1912. Heterothrips- (Heterothrips s .str. ) Bailey , 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):65. Type-species : same as for the genus. Heterothrips (Heterothrips) aesculi Watson, 1915. *, . Heterothrips cesculi Watson, 1915. Ent. News, 26:50, PI. II, figs. 5-6. Heterothrips aesculi; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):70. Heterothrips aesculi Watson; Stirling, 1920. Florida Ent., 4(1):11. H .[eterothrips] aesculi; Watson, 1921. Florida Ent., 4(3):35. Partim. Heterothrips aesculi; Watson, 1922. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 162:48. Partim. Heterothrips aesculi; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:28,29. Partim. Heterothrips aesculi ; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):22. Partim. Heterothrips aesculi Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):23. Heterothrips aesculi Watson; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):617, 634. Pl.I, fig. 4; PI. II, fig. 8; PI. IV, fig. 8; PI. V, fig. 6. 190 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Heterothrips aesculi Watson; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 181. Heterothrips aesculi Watson; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 39(4):237,262,263, fig. 92. J,3” [described]. Location of type : Watson Collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: U.S.A.: Illinois; Florida; South Carolina; Alabama. Type locality: U.S.A.: Gainesville, Florida. Habitat: Aesculus pavia ; Judas tree. Heterothrips (Heterothrips) analis Hood, 1915. Heterothrips analis Hood, 1915. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 3(l-4):9, Pl.I, figs. 4, 5. £ a* H .[eterothrips\ analis Hood; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):71 . H . [eterothrips] analis Hood; Watson, 1921. Florida Ent., 4(3):36. Heterothrips analis Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:28, 29. [ Heterothrips ] analis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. Heterothrips analis Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):615, 618,634. [ Heterothrips ] analis Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):180. Heterothrips analis Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4): 237,262,263. [described]. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Maryland; New Jersey; Illinois. Type locality: U.S. A.: Plum Point, Maryland. Habitat: Flowers of wild rose. Heterothrips (Heterbthrips) angusticeps Hood, 1954. Heterothrips angusticeps Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:195. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Type locality: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Habitat : Unknown. Heterothrips (Heterothrips) arisaemae Hood, 1908. ?,°* Heterothrips arisaemae Hood, 1908. Bull. Illinois St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 8(2):362, fig. 1. *.°T Heterothrips arisaemae Hood; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:17, 28. Heterothrips arisaemae Hood; Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:44. Partim. Heterothrips arisaemae; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):56. Heterothrips arisaemae Hood; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):70. H .[eterothrips] arisaemae Hood; Watson, 1921. Florida Ent., 4(3):35. Heterothrips arisaemae Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ.. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:28. Heterothrips arisaemae ; Hood, 1925. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 20(3):126, Pi. IV, fig. 1. Heterothrips arisaemae; Hood, 1926. Bull. Lloyd Libr., (Ent. Ser.) 5:94. H .[eterothrips] arisaemae Hood; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. Heterothrips arisaemae Hood; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):226. 191 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Heterothrips arisaesmae [Sid] Hood; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):92. Heterothrips arisaemae Hood; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 4 7(1 ): 69. [. Heterothrips ] arisaemae Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. Heterothrips arisaemae Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America 47(4):616, 618, 634, PIT, fig. 14; PI. II, fig. 16; PI. IV, fig. 13; Pl.V, fig. 5. Heterothrips arisaemae Hood; Stannard, 1956. The Living Museum, 17(12):91, 96, 1 fig. [Heterothrips] arisaemae Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4 (5 ): 181. Heterothrips arisaemae Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):237,261,262,264, figs. 6, 65. ?,<* [described]. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Illinois; Florida; Tennessee; Virginia; Maryland; New York; Iowa; New Jersey. Type locality: U.S. A.: Urbana, Illinois. Habitat: Flowers of Arisaema triphyllum; A. dracontium; Heterothrips (Heterothrips) auranticornis Watson, 1922. Heterothrips auranticornis Watson, 1922. Florida Ent., 6(3):35,36. Heterothrips auranticornis; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:28,29. Heterothrips auranticornis Watson; Moulton, 1929. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 24(4):228. Heterothrips auranticornis Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):23. Heterothrips auranticornis Watson; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):616, 620, 634, PIT, fig. 1; Pl.II, fig. 12; Pl.III, fig. 5. [Heterothrips] auranticornis Watson; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 180. Heterothrips auranticornis Watson; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv. 29(4):237,262,265, fig. 90. [described]. Location of type : Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: U.S. A.: Georgia; South Dakota; North Carolina; South Carolina; Kansas; Utah; Illinois. Type locality: U.S. A.: Rabun County, Georgia. Habitat: Helenium: Helianthus dec ape talus . Heterothrips (Heterothrips) azaleae Hood, 1916. Heterothrips arisaemae Hood; Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:44. Partim. Heterothrips azaleae Hood, 1916. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 29:110, Pl.III, fig.l. ?. H .[eterothrips] azaleae Hood; Stirling, 1920. Florida Ent., 4(1 ): 1 1 . H .[eterothrips] aesculi; Watson, 1921. Florida Ent., 4(3):35. Partim. Heterothrips aesculi; Watson, 1922. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 162:48. Partim. Heterothrips aesculi; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:28,29. Partim. Heterothrips aesculi; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):22. Partim. H .[eterothrips] azaleae Hood; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. 192 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Heterothrips azaleae Hood; Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:93. [ Heterothrips ] azaleae Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. Heterothri'ps azaleae Hood; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):232. Heterothrips azaleae Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):616, 620, 634. PI. I, fig. 13; PI. II, fig. 13; PI. IV, figs. 7, 17. [, Heterothrips ] azaleae Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey , 4(5):1 81 . Heterothrips azalea Hood; Stannard, 1963. Proc. North Centr. Branch ent. Soc. America, 18:32. Heterothrips azaleae Hood; Stannard, 1967. Trans. Illinois St. Acad. Sci., 60(2):131. Heterothrips azaleae Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):237, 262, 263, 266. %?. [described]. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Maryland; New York; Utah; Florida; West Virginia; South Carolina ; Illinois. Type locality: U.S. A.: Beltsville, Maryland. Habitat : Azalea nudiflora; Azalea roseum; Sphaeraliea monroana; restricted to Azalea spp. and perhaps Rhododendron. Heterothrips (Heterothrips) bicolor Hood, 1954. ?. Heterothrips bicolor Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:196. ?. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Type locality: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Habitat : Unknown. Heterothrips (Heterothrips) borinquen Hood, 1915. 2,^. Heterothrips borinquen Hood , 1915. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 3(1-4):1, PI. I, fig- 1- 9* H .[eterothrips] borinquen Hood; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):70. H .[eterothrips\ borinquen Hood; Watson, 1921. Florida Ent., 4(3):35. Heterothrips borinquen Wood) Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:28, 29. Heterothrips borinquen Hood; Wolcott, 1948. Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32(1):100. [ Heterothrips ] borinquen Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. [ Heterothrips ] borinquen Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):634 . Heterothrips boriquen Hood; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:29,30, fig.4B. ?,**. [described]. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PUERTO RICO: Rio Piedras; Guanica Insular Forest. Type locality: PORTO RICO: Rio Piedras. Habitat: Blossoms of undetermined plant; flowers of a species of Malpighiaceae . Heterothrips (Heterothrips) brasiliensis Moulton, 1932. ?,°! Heterothrips brasiliensis Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):467, 473 . 9,^. 193 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Heterothrips brasiliensis Moulton; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 108. Heterothrips brasiliensis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):121. [ Heterothrips ] brasiliensis Moulton; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):634. Location of type : California Academy of Science. Distribution: BRAZIL: Santa Thereza. Type locality: BRAZIL: Santa Theresa. Habitat: Begonia . Heterothrips (Heterothrips) cacti Hood, 1955. 9,^. Heterothrips cacti Hood, 1955. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 62:130. 9,^ Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: ARGENTINA: Ingeniero Juarez , Formosa . Type locality: ARGENTINA: Ingeniero Juarez, Formosa. Habitat: Cactus flowers. a Heterothrips (Heterothrips) clusiae Hood, 1955. 9, . Heterothrips clusiae Hood, 1955. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 62:129. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution : SURINAM: Landerij (air-field near Paramaribo). Type locality: SURINAM: Landerij (air-field near Paramaribo). Habitat: Flowers of Clusia nemorosa. Heterothrips (Heterothrips) condei Moulton, 1932. 9,^. Heterothrips condei Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):467, 472. 9,^ [ Heterothrips ] condei Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):121. [ Heterothrips ] condei Moulton; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):634. Location of type : California Academy of Science. Distribution: BRAZIL: Santa Thereza. Type locality: BRAZIL: Santa Theresa. Habitat : Unknown. Heterothrips (Heterothrips) cuernavacae Watson, 1939. 9,c?. Heterothrips cuernavacae Watson, 1939. Florida Ent., 22(2):17, figs. 1,2. 9,^. Heterothrips cuernavacae Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):23. Heterothrips cuernavacae Watson; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America 47(4):616, 622, 634, PI. I, fig. 3; PI. II, fig. 14; PI. Ill, fig. 4; PI. IV, fig. 1. [ Heterothrips ] cuernavacae Watson; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):180. Location of type : Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: MEXICO: Cuernavaca. Type locality : MEXICO: Cuernavaca. Habitat : Unknown composite. Heterothrips (Heterothrips) decacornis D.L. Crawford, 1909. 9,^ Heterothrips decacornis Crawford, 1909. Pomona Coll. Journ. Ent., 1(4):110, fig. 50. 194 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Heterothrips decacornis Crawford; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur Ent., 21:17, 29. H .[eterothrips] decacornis Crawford; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):70 H .[eterothrips] decacornis Crawford; Watson, 1921. Florida Ent., 4(3):35. Heterothri'ps decacornis Crawford; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:28. Heterothrips decacornia [Sic!] Crawford; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(2):93. Heterothrips decacornis Crawford; Bailey, 1944. Pan-Pacific Ent., 20(3):84, figs. 4, 5, 7. Heterothrips decacornis Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):39. Heterothrips decacornis Crawford; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):616, 622, 634, PI. I, fig. 16; PI. II, fig. 15; PI. Ill, fig. 3; PI. IV, fig. 4. [ Heterothrips ] fiecacornis Crawford; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):634. [Lapsus pro decacornis ]. Heterothrips decacornis Crawford; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 180. Location of type : Canadian National Museum, Ottawa, Canada. Distribution: U.S. A.: Camp Torreya, Liberty Co., Florida; MEXICO: Guadalajara; Oxaca. Type locality : MEXICO: Guadalajara. Habitat: Holly blossoms; low native tree with yellow flowers; shrub belonging to Malpighiaceae . Heterothrips (Heterothrips) decoratus Hood, 1954. Heterothrips decoratus Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:197. ?,. Heterothrips watsoni Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):616, 632, 634, PI. I, fig. 17; PI. IV, figs. 3, 14. ¥,d’. [ Heterothrips ] watsoni Bailey & Cott; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):18Q. Location of type : Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. 204 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Distribution: U.S.A.: Gainesville; Florida; COLOMBIA: Rio Frio, Quebrada, Rodriques. Type locality: U.S.A.: Gainesville, Florida. Habitat: Dead petioles of W ashingtonia robusta. Heterothrips (Heterothrips) xolismae Hood, 1936. ?. Heterothrips xolismae Hood, 1936. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 44:81. %. [ Heterothrips ] xolismae Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. Heterothrips xolismae Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):617, 633,634, PI. I, fig. 8; PI. II, fig. 6; PI. V, fig. 3. [ Heterothrips ] zolismae Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 181. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Odenton, Maryland; Vienna, Virginia. Type locality: U.S. A.: Odenton, Maryland. Habitat : Flowers of Xolisma ligustrina. Heterothrips subgenus PROTEMNOTHRIPS Hood, 1937. Heterothrips subg. Protemnothrips Hood, 1937. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 7(2-3):258. [Type: Heterothrips (Protemnothrips) miconiae]. Protemnothrips Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. [ Heterothrips subg.] Protemnothrips Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:39, 145. [ Heterothrips ] (Protemnothrips) Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):65. type-species: Heterothrips (Protemnothrips) miconiae Hood, (Peru); monobasic and designated. Heterothrips (Protemnothrips) miconiae Hood, 1937. Heterothrips (Protemnothrips) miconiae Hood, 1937. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 7(2-3):258, fig. lc. [ Protemnothrips ] niconiae [S^c/] Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Heterothrips miconiae Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1954. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 47(4):634. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PERU: Celendin, Dept, de Cajamarca. Type locality: PERU: vicinity of Celendin, Departamento de Cajamarca. Habitat : Flowers of Miconia grisea. Heterothrips sp. Heterothrips sp. Bailey & Campos-S, 1965. Pan-Pacific Ent., 41(2):103. Distribution : CHILE: San Jose de Maipo, Santiago. Habitat : Kageneckia obloga. Heterothrips sp. Heterothrips sp. Bournier, 1962. Biol. Amdrique Australe, 1:234. Distribution: ARGENTINA: Lagune Sauce Grande, Prov. Buenos Aires; Los Arrayanes & lagune alpie del Cerro Catedral, Prov. Rio Negro. 205 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Genus Phyllothrips Buffa (nec Hood) = HETEROTHRIPS Hood. Genus Phyllothripsiolus Strand = HETEROTHRIPS Hood. Tribe Hemithripini (Bagnall) Handlirsch, 1930. Hemithripidae Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:37. Stenurothripidae Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:37. Hemithripidae ; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:130. Hemithripidae; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt.l:79. Hemithripidae; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur, 4(8):1. Hemithripoidea; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. Hemithripidae; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. Stenurothripidae ; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. Hemithripini; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):791, 792. Hemithripoidea; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 7:118. Hemithripidae; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 7:118. Stenurothripidae ; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 7:118. Hemithripoidea; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):453. Hemithripoidea; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:424. Hemithripidae; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., p. 24. Hemithripini; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:34,40. Hemithripidae ; Laurentiaux, 1953. Traite Paldont., 3:506. Hemithripini; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta . Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:24. Hemithripini; Ananthakrishnan , 1964. Treubia, (1 963)26(2):89. Genus HEMITHRIPS Bagnall, 1923. Thrips Linne; Sch lechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 563 . Partim . Heliothrips Haliday; Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 582 . Partim . Hemithrips Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:37. [Type: Hemithrips femoralis Bagnall]. Protothrips Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):136. [Type: Protothrips speratus Priesner]. Hemithrips Bagnall; Handlirsch, 1930. in Kiikenthal Handb. Zool., 4(1):792. Hemithrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:40, 132. Protothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:40, 145. [A synonym of Hemithrips Bagnall ]. Hemithrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:154. Type-species : Hemithrips femoralis Bagnall, (Baltic Amber); designated from three species; of Protothrips: Protothrips femoralis Priesner, (Baltic Amber); monobasic and designated. Hemithrips antiquus Bagnall, 1923. ?. Hemithrips antiquus Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:37,38. £. Hemithrips antiquus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:156, fig. 77. 206 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat : F ossil. Hemithrips breviventris (Schlechtendal, 1887). Thrips breviventris Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 572 , PI. IV, figs. 13-15. [?]. Thrips (s.l) breviventris Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., P- 289, fig. 7. Thrips (s.l) breviventris Schlechtendal; Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., p.692. Hemithrips breviventris (Schlechtendal); Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:160. £. Location of type: Coll. Pohlig, ? Koniglisches mine ra logisches Institut, Halle. Distribution : Upper Oligocoene Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge , Rheinlande . Type locality: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande. Habitat : F ossil. Hemithrips clypeatus (Schlechtendal, 1887). ^ Heliothrips clypeata Schlechtenda 1, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 589, PI. V, fig. 24. * Thrips (s.l.) clypeata (Schlechtendal); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 291, fig. 3. Thrips (s.l.) clypeata (Schlechtendal); Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., p.692. (?) Hemithrips excellens (Schlechtendal); Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:161. Location of type : Coll. Freeh. ? Koniglisches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution : Upper Oligocoene: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande . Type locality : Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande. Habitat: Fossil. Hemithrips excellens (Schlechtendal, 1887). ?. Thrips excellens Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 564, PI. Ill, fig. 2. Partim. ?. Thrips (s.l .) excellens Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.288, fig. 5. (?) Hemithrips excellens (Schlechtendal); Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., p.691. Thrips (s.l.) excellens Schlechtendal; Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:158. Location of type : Coll. Pohlig. ? Konigslisches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution: Upper Oligocoene: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinla nde. Type locality : Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande. Habitat: Fossil. Hemithrips femoralis Bagnall, 1923. ?. Hemithrips femoralis Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:37,38. £. 207 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Hemithrips femoralis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:156, fig. 82. ?. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat : F ossil. Hemithrips frechi (Schlechtendal, 1887). Heliothrips Frechi Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 591 , PI. IV, fig. 25. [notsexed]. Thrips (s .1 .) Frechi (Schlechtendal); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.291, fig. 4. Thrips (s .1 .) Frechi (Schlechtendal); Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., p.692. (?) Hemithrips frechi (Schlechtendal); Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:161. Location of type : Coll. Freeh. ? Koniglisches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution : Upper Oligocoene: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande . Type locality : Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande. Habitat : F ossil. Hemithrips longulus (Schlechtendal, 1887). [??]. Thrips languid Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 568, PI. Ill, fig. 9. [??]. Thrips (s.l.) longula Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1895. Pdonog. Ord. Thysanop., p.289. Thrips (s.l.) longula Schlechtendal; Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., p.691. (?) Hemithrips longulus (Schlechtendal); Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:159. Location of type : ? Koniglisches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution : Upper Oligocoene: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande . Type locality: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande. Habitat : F ossil. Hemithrips minimus (Schlechtendal, 1887.) £. Thrips minima Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 574 , PI. IV, figs. 16, 17. [??]. Thrips (s .1 .) minima Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.289, fig. 6. Thrips (s .1 .) minima Schlechtendal; Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., p.692. Hemithrips minimus (Schlechtendal); Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:160. ?. Location of type : ? Koniglisches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution: Upper Oligocoene: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande . Type locality : Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande. Habitat : Fossil. Hemithrips parallelicornis Bagnall, 1924. £. Thrips excellens Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle , 6®(6):555, 564, PI. Ill, fig. 4. Partim. 208 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips excellens Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.288. Partim. Hemithrips parallelicornis Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:159. 9- [ = ^of Schlechtendal]. Hemithrips parallelicornis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:156. Location of type : Coll. Pohlig. ? Koniglisches Mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution : Upper Oligocoene: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge , Rheinlande . Type locality : Lignite region of Rott. Habitat : F ossil. Hemithrips pennifera (Schlechtendal, 1887). 9. Thrips pennifera Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 6©(6):555, 570, PI. Ill, figs. 10-11. Partim . [9]. Thrips (s .1 .) pennifera Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.289. Thrips (s .1.) pennifera Schlechtendal, Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., p.692. Hemithrips pennifera (Schlechtendal); Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:160. 9. Location of type : ? Koniglisches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution : Upper Oligocoene: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinla ode . Type locality : Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande. Habitat: Fossil. Hemithrips pygmaeus (Schlechtendal, 1887). Thrips pygmaea Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, ©0(6):555, 577. PI . IV, figs . 18, 19. [not sexed]. Thrips pygmaea Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.289, fig. 2. Thrips (s .1 .) pygmaea Schlechtendal, Handlirsch, 1908. foss. Ins., p.692. Hemithrips pygmaeus (Schlechtendal); Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:161. Location of type: ? Koniglisches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution : Upper Oligocoen: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande . Type locality : Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande. Habitat: Fossil. Hemithrips schlechtendali Bagnall, 1924. 9. Thrips excellens Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 564 . PI. Ill, figs. 5-8. 9. Partim. Thrips excellens Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1896. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.288, fig. 5. Partim. Hemithrips schle chtendali Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:159. 9. Hemithrips schlechtendali Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:156. Location of type: ? Koniglisches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution : Upper Oligocoene: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande . 209 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Type locality : Lignite region of Rott. Habitat: Fossil. Hemithrips setosus Bagnall, 1924. ?. Thrips excellens Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 564, PI. Ill, fig. 3. Partim. ? Thri'ps excellens Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.288, fig. 5. Partim. (?) Hemithrips setosus Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:158. 9. [Not ^ as stated by Schlechtendal]. ‘ Hemithrips 1 setosus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus . (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:156. Location of type : ? Koniglisches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution : Upper Oligocoene: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande . Type locality : Lignite region of Rott. Habitat : Fossil. Hemithrips simplex, Bagnall, 1923. ?. Hemithrips simplex Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:37,38. 9. Hemithrips simplex Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:157, fig. 76. 9. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. (Phys. Oek. Ges. No. 9854. I. 14. No. 3). Habitat : F ossil. Hemithrips speratus (Priesner, 1924). ^ Protothrips speratus Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):136. PI. I, figs. 6, 7. ^ Location of type : Fritsch collection (no. 6). Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat : Fossil. Hemithrips thoracicus Bagnall, 1924. ?. Thrips pennifera Schlechtendal, 1887. Zeitschr. Naturw. Halle, 60(6):555, 570, PI. Ill, fig. 12. [¥] Partim. Thrips pennifera Schlechtendal; Uzel, 1896. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.289. Partim . Hemithrips thoracicus Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)14:160. 9. Hemithrips thoracicus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:157. Location of type : ? Koniglisches mineralogisches Institut, Halle. Distribution : Upper Oligocoene: Lignite region of Rott im Siebengebirge, Rheinlande. Type locality : Lignite region of Rott. Habitat : F ossil. 210 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Genus Protothrips Priesner = HEMITHRIPS Bagnall. Genus STENUROTHRIPS Bagnall, 1914. Stenurothrips Bagnall, 1914. Geolog. Mag., (6)1:484. [Type: Stenurothrips succineus Bagnall]. Stenurothrips Bagnall; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):236. Stenurothrips; Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:37. Stenurothrips Bagnall; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9. Stenurothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler. Ent., 33:40, 149. Stenurothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:157 Type-species : Stenurothrips succineus Bagnall, (Baltic Amber); monobasic and designated. Stenurothrips bagnalli Stannard , 1956. ?. Stenurothrips bagnalli Stannard, 1956. Fieldiana, (Zool.)34(4Q):453, figs.99c-e, 100. ?. Location of type : Illinois Natural History Survey. Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Stenurothrips brevisetis Bagnall, 1923. ?. Stenurothrips brevisetis Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:37. ?. Stenurothrips brevisetis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:157. 9. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Stenurothrips succineus Bagnall, 1914. £. Stenurothrips succineus Bagnall, 1914. Geolog. Mag., (6)1:484, PI. XXXVI. [Not sexed]. Stenurothrips succineus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:157. ?. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Tribe Opadothripini (Bagnall) Priesner, 1949. Opadothripidae Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:562. Opadothripidae; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):250 (footnote). Opadothripidae ; Bagnall, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:574. Opadothripidae ; Bagnall, 1931. Bull. mens. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 7:118. Opadothripidae ; Moulton, 1933. Pan-Pacific Ent., 9(3):139. [described]. 211 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Opadothripini Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler. Ent., 33:34,40. Opadothripini; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:24. Opadothripini; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):76, 89. Genus ADIHETEROTHRIPS Ramakrishna, 1928. Adiheterothrips Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dept. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):245, 247, 250. [Type: A. jambudvipae Ramakrishna]. Adiheterothrips Ramakrishna; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:4. Adiheterothrips Ramakrishna; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:152. Adiheterothrips Ramakrishna; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:40,118. Adiheterothrips Ramakrishna; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 1 59(7-8): 167. Adiheterothrips Ramakrishna; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):65. Adiheterothrips Ramakrishna; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):76, 91,100. Type-species : Adiheterothrips jambudvipae Ramakrishna, (India); monobasic and designated. Adiheterothrips jambudvipae Ramakrishna, 1928. Adiheterothrips jambudvipae Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dept. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):249, fig. 15. S. Adiheterothrips jambudvipae ; Ramakrishna, 1934. Rec. Indian Mus., 36:492. [ Adiheterothrips ] jambudvipae Ramakrishna; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:4. A Adiheterothrips} jumbudvipae [Sic!] Ramakrishna; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:152. Adiheterothrips jambudvipae Ramakrishna; Ananthakrishnan, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(5-6):92, fig. 1. * Adiheterothrips jambudvipae Ramakrishna; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):76, 91, 100. Location of type : Ramakrishna Collection. Distribution: INDIA: Nayudupetta; Tungabhadra; Siruguppa. Type locality: INDIA: Nayudupetta, near Madras. Habitat: Flowers of Phoenix dactylifera. Holarthrothrips Holarthrothrips Holarthrothrips Holarthrothrips Holarthrothrips Holarthrothrips Holarthrothrips Holarthrothrips Holarthrothrips Genus HOLARTHROTHRIPS Bagnall, 1927. Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:562. [Type: Holarthrothrips tenuicornis Bagnall ]. Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:312. Bagnall; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. [described]. Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:40,132. Bagnall; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 167. Bagnall; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):65. Bagnall; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append .): 1 88, 237. [Described]. Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . ;Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:31. [Described]. Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb. , 4(9):3 . 212 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Holarthrothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:19. Holarthrothri'ps Bagnall; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nded., 4(2)2/19:5,28. Type-species : Holarthrothrips tenuicornis Bagnall, (France); monobasic and designated. Holarthrothrips tenuicornis Bagnall, 1927. Holarthrothrips tenuicornis Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:563. ?. Holarthrothrips tenuicornis Bagnall; John, 1929. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1929 (12):203. H .[olart hr othrips] tenuicornis Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:312. Holarthrothrips tenuicornis Bagnall; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:27, figs. 1-7. [described] . Holarthrothrips tenuicornis Bagnall; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):237, fig. CXXXVIII-CXLIV. ^ [described], Holarthrothrips tenuicornis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bes tim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:31, figs. 20, 35. [described]. H .[olarthrothrips] tenuicornis Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):3. Holarthrothrips tenuicornis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:19, figs. 3, 6. Holarthrothrips tenuicornis Bagnall; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:28, fig. 6c. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution: France; Italy; Corsica; Greece. Type locality: FRANCE: St. Cyr-sur-Mer. Habitat : Vine; “Foglie e fiori di Agrumi”, on a vine; on cedar. Genus OLIGOTHRIPS Moulton, 1933. Oligothrips Moulton, 1933. Pan-Pacific Ent., 9(3):139. Olig othrips Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):122. Oligothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:40,140. Olig othrips Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):148, 186. Oligothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):167. Oligothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):62. Type-species : Oligothrips oreios Moulton, (California); monobasic. Oligothrips oreios Moulton, 1933. ?. Oligothrips oreios Moulton, 1933. Pan-Pacific Ent., 9(3):139. 7. Oligothrips oreios Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(2):90. Oligothrips oreios Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):122. Oligothrips oreios Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):187, PI. 19, figs. 17,20. Olig othrips oreios Moulton; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):64, figs. 1,2,5, 6. Location of type : California Academy of Science. Distribution: U.S.A.: California. 213 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Type locality: U.S.A.: Grass Valley, Nevada Co., California. Habitat : Manzanita; pear; cherry; principally on madrone. Genus OPADOTHRIPS Priesner, 1924. Opadothrips Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):133. [Type: Opadothrips fritschianus Priesner]. Opadothrips Priesner; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:170. Opadothrips Priesner; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:17. Opadothrips Priesner; Bagnall, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1:306 (footnote). Opadothrips ; Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:115. Opadothrips ; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:40,140. Type-species : Opadothrips fritschianus Priesner, (Baltic Amber); monobasic and designated. Opadothrips fritschianus Priesner, 1924. ^ Opadothrips fritschianus Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):133, PI. I, fig. 5. Location of type : Fritsch collection. Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat : F ossil. Opadothrips sexspinosus Priesner, 1929. ^ Opadothrips sexspinosus Priesner, 1929. Andrde Bernstein-Forsch., 1:115. Location of type : Fritsch collection. Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Tribe: F auriellini Priesner, 1949. F auriellini Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:34,40. F auriellini; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:24. F auriellini; Ananthakrishna, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):89. Genus FAURIELLA Hood, 1937. F auriella Hood , 1937. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)19:97. [Type: F auriella natalensis Hood]. F auriella Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. F ouad Ier Ent., 33:40, 130. F auriella Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. F auriella Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):65. F auriella Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):326. Type-species : F auriella natalensis Hood, (Natal); monobasic and designated. Fauriella natalensis Hood, 1937. ?. F auriella natalensis Hood, 1937. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)19:98, fig. 1. ?. [, Fauriella ] natalensis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. 214 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. F auriella natalensis Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):326. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Ndumu, Zululand, Natal. Type locality : SOUTH AFRICA: Ndumu, Zululand, Natal. Habitat : Flowers of tree like Rhus. Genus OPISTHOTHRIPS Hood, 1937. 0 pis t ho thrifts Hood, 1937. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)19:101. [Type: Opisthothrips elytropappi Hood]. Opisthothrips Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:40,140. Opisthothrips Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Opisthothrips Hood; Bailey, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(2):65. Opisthothrips Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):326. Type-species : Opisthothrips elvtropappi Hood, (Cape Province); monobasic and designated. Opisthothrips elytropappi Hood, 1937. Opisthothrips elytropappi Hood, 1937. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)19:102, fig. 2. [ Opisthothrips ] elytropappi Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. [ Opisthothrips ] elytropappi Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):326. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Grahamstown, Cape Province. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Grahamstown, Cape Province. Habitat : Elytropappus rhino c er otis . Genus OSMANOTHRIPS Priesner, 1961. Osmanothrips Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. naturw. He imatforsch. Hamburg, 35:18,20. Osmanothrips; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:31,32. [described]. Type-species : Osmanothrips ressli Priesner, (Turkey); monobasic and designated. Osmanothrips ressli Priesner, 1961. ?. Osmanothrips ressli Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:18,20, figs. 3-5. ?. Osmanothrips ressli; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:32. [described]. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: TURKEY: Aksehir. Type locality: TURKEY: Aksehir, am Fussedes Sultandagh. Habitat: Grass. 215 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 1 Genus ROPOTAMOTHRIPS Pelikan, 1958. Ropotamothrips Pelikdn, 1958. Prdce, 30:431. Ropotamothrips Pelikan; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:31. [described]. Ropotamothrips Pelikan; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb . , 4(9):3 . Ropotamothrips Pelikdn; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):90. Type-species : Ropotamothrips buresi Pelikdn, (Bulgaria); monobasic and designated. Ropotamothrips buresi Pelikdn, 1958. P. Ropotamothrips bureSi Pelikan, 1958. Prdce, 30:432, figs. 8-11. P. Ropotamothrips buresi Pelikan; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:32. [described]. R .[opotamothrips] buresi Pelikan; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb 4(9):3. R .[opotamothrips] buresi Pelikan; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):90. Location of type : Pelikan collection, Brno. Distribution: BULGARIA: Ropotamo; GERMANY: Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Type locality : BULGARIA: Ropotamo. Habitat: Unknown, dry slope. Family UZELOTHRIPIDAE Hood, 1952. U zelothripidae Hood, 1952. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 65:143. V zelothripinae Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):230. [as subfamily of Thripidae]. U zelothripidae ; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:3,5,6,19,29. Genus UZELOTHRIPS Hood, 1952. V zelothrips Hood, 1952. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 65:143. U zelothrips Hood; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,29. Type-species : IJ zelothrips scabrosus Hood, (Brazil); monobasic and designated. Uzelothrips scabrosus Hood, 1952. P,^. V zelothrips scabrosus Hood, 1952. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 65:143. U zelothrips scabrosus Hood; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,29, fig. 6d. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution : BRAZIL: Beldm, Pard. Type locality : BRAZIL: Beldm, Pard. Habitat : Dead branches of Hevea and Bixa. 216 217 NATURAL HISTORY nn. Cape Prov. Mus . {fiat. Hist.) KIMBERLEY KING WILLIAM'S TOY/N /.-V*’ - GRAHAMSYOWK . v^fEAST LONDON VOLUME 7 Novemb'er PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE :ape provincial museums at the Albany museum, , grahamstown SOUTH AFRICA ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 7 • PART 2 1st November 1971 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. PART 2 Family THRIPIDAE Stephens, 1829. Thripsides Lepeletier and Serville, 1828. Encycl. Mdthod., 10:642. Thripidae Stephens, 1829. Syst. catal. British Ins., p.363. [list of British species]. Stenelytra Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:443. Stenoptera Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):411, 412. Stenelytra ; Westwood, 1840. Introd . Mod. Class. Ins., 2(sy nop. ):46. Stenoptera; Amyot and Serville, 1843. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hdmipt., p.641. Stenoptera; Heeger, 1852. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 8:130. Stenoptera; Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1095, 1101. Thripididae; Fitch, 1855. Country Gentleman, 6(24):385. Thripididae; Fitch, 1856. Trans. New York St. Agr. Soc., (1855)15:537. Stenelytra ou Stenoptera; Oustalet, 1873. Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, (6)10:23. Stenelytra; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc . Forh., 21:210. Stenotteri Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34:130. Stenoptera; Jornan, 1888. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., 47(4):543. Thripsides; Mayet, 1890. Insectes de la Vigne, p.448. Thripidae; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp.27,42,78. Stenopteridae Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa- Acad. Sci., 3:214,215. Thripiden Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):470. Thripidae ; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):15,34. Thripidae; Zimmermann, 1900. Bull. Inst. bot. Buitenzorg, 7:8. Thripidae; Oudemans, [1900?]. Nederland. Ins., pp. 235, 240. Thripidae; Leonard i, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:619,621. Thripidae; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:124,132. Thripidae; Del Guercio, 1903. Nuove Relaz. R. Staz. Ent. Agr. Firenze, (1)5:6. Thripidae; Schille, 1904. Sprawozd. Korn, fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:9. Thripidae; Daniel, 1904. Ent. News, 15:294. Thripidae; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.) 12(3):42, 49. Thripidae; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:272,273,281. Thripidae; Karny, 1907. Berl. ent. Zeitschr ., .52 :45. Thripidae; Franklin, 1908. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 33:715. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1908. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. Newcastle-on-Tyne, (N.S.)3(1):185. Thripidae; Hood, 1908. Bull. Illinois. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 8(2):361. Thripidae; Buffa 1908. Redia, 5(1): 123. Thripidae ; Handlirsch, 1908. foss . Ins., pp.23,691. Thripidae; Karny, 1908. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 6(8):110. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1909. Ent. mon. Mag., 45:33. Thripidae; Reh, 1909. Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd ed., 3:221,222. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2):34. Thripidae; Shull, 1909. Ent. News, 20:220. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1909. Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew, 1909(6):255. Thripidae; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k. zool. -bot. Ges. Wien, 59:2. Thripidae; Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(16):1. 217 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Thripidae; Trybom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 16(4)(1):151. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1910. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 8:375. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1910. Fauna Hawaii., 3:677,698. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6 ( 1 ) : 1 0 . [List of British species]. Thripidae; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:10,11. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1911. Ier Congr. intern. Ent. Bruxelles, 1910, pp. 286, 287. Thripidae; Shull, 1911. Publ. Michigan geol. biol. Surv., 4:205. Thripidae; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25(44):232. (Sep. p.ll) Thripidae; Trybom, 1912. Ark. Zool., 7 (33 ) : 2 . Thripidae; Hood, 1912. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 25:66. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1912. Rec. Indian Mus., 7(3):258. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1912. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)10:221. C eratothripidae Bagnall, 1912. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)10:222. Thripidae; Hood, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14(3):132. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1913. Scot. Nat., 1913:37. Thripidae; Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63(l-2):5. C eratothripidae ; Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63(l-2):5. Thripidae; Hood, 1913. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 1(6):65. Thripidae; Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien., (1)122(7):991 . Thripidae; Bagnall, 1913. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)12:290. Thripidae; Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):209, 218. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):232. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)13:22. Thripidae; Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:51. C eratothripidae ; Bagnall, 1914. Journ. econ. Biol., 9(1):2. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)13:288. Thripidae; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6):188. Thripidae; Pongrdcz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12):136. Thripidae; Williams, 1915. Ann. appl. Biol., 1(3-4):241. Thripidae; Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:58. C eratothripidae; Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:58. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:317,588. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1915. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, (Zool.)32:498. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1915. Sarawak Mus. Journ, 2(6):268. Thripidae; Williams, 1915. Bull. ent. Res., 6(3):269. Thripidae; Hood, 1916. Psyche, 23(1):7 (footnote). Thripidae; Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:213,398. Thripidae; Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:222. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1917. Journ. zool. Res., 2(1):21. Thripidae; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg. (1916)57:51. Thripidae; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):36. C eratothripidae ; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):59. Thripidae; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):56. Thripidae; Williams, 1917. Bull. ent. Res., 8(1):59. C eratothripidae; Bagnall, 1918. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)1:201. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1918. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)1:203. Thripidae; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):66. Thripidae; Karny, 1919. Zeitschr. wiss. Ins. -biol., (1918)14:105,106. C eratothripidae ; Karny, 1919. Zeitschr. wiss. Ins. -biol., (1918)14:105,106. C eratothripidae; Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:254. 218 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:255. Thripidae; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2 -3 ): 1 2 0 . Thripidae; Britton, 1920. Bull. Connecticut geol. Nat. Hist. Sur.v., 31:44. Thripidae; Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)129(1-2):71 . Thripidae; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberrosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:51. Thripidae; Priesner, 1920. Kranchers ent. Jahrb., 29:171. Thripidae; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist, nat., (1919)23(4-6):60. Thripidae; Porter, 1920. Bull. Soc. Etude Vulgar. Zool. agr., 19:121. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:263,264,286. Cerato thripidae; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:263 (footnote). Thripidae; John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. Catal., 2(1):6. Thripidae; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):2 13 , 232, 236. C er at o thripidae ; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):218, 232, 244. Thripidae; Priesner, 1921. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1921(3):187. Thripidae; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(5):21. Thripidae; Karny, 1922. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 98:114. Thripidae; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):97, 98. [key to genera and species from Holland]. Thripidae; Karny, 1922. Journ. Siam Soc., 16(2):91. Thripidae; Priesner, 1923. Ent. Mitt., 12(1 ):63. Thripidae; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands , 2(29):29.2 (footnote). Thripidae; Costa Lima, 1923. Arch. Esc. Sup. Agr. Med. Veter. Nictheroy, (1922)6(1-2):111. Thripidae ; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):56, 74. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1923. Vasculum, (1922-23)8-9:84. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1923. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)12:264. Thripidae; Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)132(l-3):3, 8. C er at o thripidae ; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp . St a., (1923)168:7. Thripidae ; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida. Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923) 168:6, 9. Thripidae; Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):83. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:114,131. Thripidae; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):137. Thripidae; Solowiow, 1924. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 38(12-13):25. Paulidae Solowiow, 1924. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 38(12-13):25. Thripidae; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 38(16-1 7):34 . Thripidae; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Naturforsch .-Ges . Univ. Dorpat, 31(l-2):39. Thripidae; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):11, 48. Thripidae; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)133(1 0):528. Thripidae; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:157. Thripidae; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Madras agr. Students Union, 13(10):6. Thripidae; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:863, 865. C erato thripidae; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:863. Thripidae; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):143. Thripidae; Karny, 1925. Bull. Deli Proefst. Medan. Sumatra, 23:4. Thripidae; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. C erato thripidae; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. Thripiden; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4(1):253. Thripidae; Faure, 1925. S. African Journ. nat. Hist., 5:144. 219 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Thripidae ; Light, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:132. Thripidae ; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:80, 82, 83, 84, 116 C eratothripidae ; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:80, 82. Thripidae; Pridsner, 1926. Treubia, 8(suppl. ):38. [key to subfam. for larvae]. Thripidae; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insekfauna, 6:19,22. [Swedish species monog.; Key to genera]. C eratothripidae ; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insekfauna, 6:19,52. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:545. Thripidae ; Tillyard, 1926. Ins. Australia and New Zealand, p. 139. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:281. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:565. Thripidae; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):1,2,4. [ Thripidae ]; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:464. [key to larvae II of Europe] . Thripidae; Moulton, 1927. Pan-Pacific Ent., 4(1):30. Thripidae; Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4):187. Thripidae; Hood, 1927. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 40:197. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:564. Thripidae; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:14. [Serbian species]. Thripidae; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. Thripidae ; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):164. Thripidae; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:61. Thripidae; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):244, 250. [Indian species]. Thripidae; Moulton, 1928. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 18(98):287. Thripidae; Costa Lima, 1928. Arch. Esc. Sup. Agr. Med. Veter. Rio de Janeiro, (1927)8(l-2):77. Thripidae; Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1 927)7(1): 1 06, 131 . Thripidae; Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 147, 155. Thripidae ; Moulton, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)2:227. Thripidae; John, 1928. Ann. Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique, 68:139. Thripidae; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):837, 840. [Arctic species]. Thripidae; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., pp. 19,23. Thripidae; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):288, 323. Thripidae; Enderlein, 1929. Zool. Anzeiger, 86(l-2):42. Thripidae ; Moulton, 1929. Florida Ent., 13(4):61. Thripidae; Priesner, 1929. Andrde Bernstein-Forsch. , 1:116. Thripidae; Moulton, 1929. Rec. Indian Mus., 31(2):93. Thripidae; Dammerman, 1929. Agric. Zool. Malay Archipelago, p. 215. T hripidae ; Moulton, 1929. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 24(4):229. Thripidae; Bagnall, 1930. Ent. mon. Mag., 66:49. Thripidae; Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:198. Thripidae; Moulton, 1930. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 34:272,274. Thripidae; Steinweden & Moulton, Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:19. Thripini; Handlirsch, 1930. Kukenthal: Handb. Zool., 4(1):791, 792. T hripidae ; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:18, 26, 153. Thripidae; Matsumura, 1931. 6000 illustr. Ins. Japan-Empire, p. 1325. Thripidae; Ishida, 1931. Ins. Matsumurana, 5(3):153. Thripidae; Ishida, 1931. Ins. Matsumurana, 6(1):34. 220 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. C eratothripidae ; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18,74. Thripidae ; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18,74. Thripidae; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:19,27. Thri'pidae; Priesner, 1932. Wiener ent. Zeiiung, 49(3):172. Thripidae; Priesner, 1932. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 22(2):192. Thripidae; Moulton & Steinweden, 1932. Bull. Bishop Mus., 98:165. Thripidae; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):453, 476. Thripidae; Priesner, 1933. Stylops, 2(7):145. Thripidae; Sharga, 1933. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 81(2): 185-202. [internal anatomy]. Thripidae; Moulton & Steinweden, 1933. Bull. Bishop Mus., 113:29. Thripidae; Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):307. Thripidae ; Moulton, 1934. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1 933)8(3):499. Thrypidae [Sic!]; Paoii, 1934. Firenze 1st. agr. colon. Xtaliana, (1931-33):48. [Corrected to Thripidae on p.425]. Thripidae; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Austral., p. 15. C eratothripidae; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Austral., p. 33. Thripidae ; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 93. [Described; Italian species]. Thripidae ; Ishida, 1934. Ins. Matsumurana, 9(l-2):55. Thripidae; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 15(1 ):54 . Thripidae; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):87. Thripidae ; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:338. Thripidae ; Moulton, 1935. Philippine Journ. Agr., 6(4):475. Thripidae; Priesner, 1935. Stylops, 4(6):125. Thripidae; Ramakrishna, 1935. Bull. ent. Res., 26(3):357. Thripidae; Priesner, 1935. Philippine Journ. Sci., 57(3):351. Thripidae; Felt & Chaimberlain, 1935. Circ. New York State Mus., 17:12. Thripides; Lameere, 1935. Precis de Zoologie, 4:372. Thripidae; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 164. Thripidae; Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:497. Thripidae; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 108. Thripidae; Moulton, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2):181. Thripidae ; Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:67. Thripidae; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):263. Thripidae; Ishida, 1936. Ins. Matsumurana, ll(l-2):67. Thripidae; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 1Q(3):226. Thripidae; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1-2):81. Thripidae; K61er, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:88. Thripidae; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):427. Thripidae; Russo, 1936. Mem. Soc. ent. Italiana, 15(1):42. Thripidae; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomi Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3):126. Thripidae ; Priesner & Quievreux, 1936. Bull. Soc. geol. France, (1935)(5)5:472. Thripidae; Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937(225):68. Thripidae ; Moulton, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):409. Thripidae; Priesner, 1938. Ark. Zool., 30B(9):1. Thripidae; Crawford, 1938. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 40(2):36. Thripidae; Hood, 1938. N. Carolina State List Ins. Dept. Agr. Raleigh, p.55. Thripidae; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:424,427. Thripidae ; Moulton, 1938. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 9(3-4):374. Thripidae; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:119. 221 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Thripidae; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1 ):70. Thripidae; Moulton, 1939. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 1 5 (1 2): 14 1 . Thripidae; Priesner, 1939. Broteria, Cien. nat., Lisboa, (Ser. trim.) 8(3 ) : 1 04 . Thripidae; Mendes, 1939. Bol. Teen. Inst. Agron. Estado Campinas , 53 :6, 9. [as Thrypidae on p. 9]. Thripidae; Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24):243. Thripidae; Kurosawa, 1940. Tenthredo, 3(1):45. Thripidae; Steele, 1940. Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia, 64(2):325. Thripidae; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:4. Thripidae; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:146. Thripidae ; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:147,183. Thripidae; Doeksen, 1941. Med. Landbouwhoogesch . Wageningen, 45(4):61. Thripidae ; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:107. Thripidae; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. Thripidae; Melis, 1942. Redia, 28:155. Thripidae ; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termdsz. Kozlem., 39(6):17. Thripidae; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3):252, 254. Thripidae; Smith, 1943# Common Insects of Kansas, p.154. Thripidae; Beatty, 1944. Journ. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico, 28(3-4):123. Thripidae; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):262, 282. Thripidae ; Pelikan, 1945. Ent. listy, 8:72. Thripidae; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. Tripidae [Sic!]; Pelikan, 1945. Ent. listy, 8:117. Thripidae; Fullaway & Krauss, 1945. Common Ins. Hawaii, p.30,31. Partim. Thripidae; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:152. Thripidae ; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:669. Thripidae; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., p. 24. Thripidae ; Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Hemipt. France, 4(2):92. Thripidae; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR., 7:19. Thripidae ; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:396. Thripidae; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.41,42. Thripidae; Costantino, 1948. Boll. Zool., 15(l-2):75. Thripidae; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:34,35,40. [Key to world genera]. Thripidae; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 113. Thripidae; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed . 5, 4(1):384. Thripidae ; De Santis, 1950. Notas Mus. La Plata, (Zool.)15(133):59. Thripidae ; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traite Zool., 10(2):1861. Tripidae [Sic!]; Savenko, 1951. Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruzii. SSSR, 10:235 Thripidae; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Thripidae; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:18. Thripidae; Melis, 1952. Redia. 3 7:4. Aeolothripidae Chilson, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):81. Thripidae; Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1 ):93. Thripidae ; Krauss, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):123. Thripidae ; Seshadri & Ananthakrishnan, 1954. Indian Journ. Ent., 16(3):210. Thripidae; Ananthakrishnan, 1954. Journ. zool. Soc. Indian, 6(2):159. Thripidae ; Faure, 1954. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 17(2):164. Thripidae; Mukerji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian Journ. Ent., 17(1):66. Thripidae; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. CL, 31:266. 222 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T hr ipidae ;■ Me 1 is , 1955. Redia, 40:2. Thripidae; Weitme ier , 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):307. Thripidae; Ananthakrishnan, 1956. Zool. Anz., 157(7-8):130. Thripidae ; Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:11. [New Zealand species]. Thripidae ; Kurosawa, 1957. Boty u-Kagaku, Kyoto, 22(1):94. Thripidae; Ananthakrishnan, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(5-6):93. Thripidae; Faure, 1957. S. African Anim. Life, 4:378. Thripidae; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. Nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:20. Thripidae ; Pelikdn, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvifeny CSR., 2:12. [Key to Czechoslovakian genera and species]. Thripidae; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):165. [Classified into tribes and subtribes] . Thripidae; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):477, 481 . Thripidae ; De Santis, 1957. Rev. Facult. Agron., (3)33(2):176. Thripidae; Morison, 1958. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, (Zool.) 43:588. Thripidae; Priesner, 1958. Zeitschr. Wien. ent. Ges., 43:248. Thripidae; Pelikan, 1958. Acta Soc. ent. Cech., 55(3):284. Thripidae; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):298. Thripidae; Bei-Bienko & Skorikova, 1958. Laboratornya Zanyatya po Entomologii, p. 1 18. Thripidae; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(1):174. Thripidae ; Sanchez, 1959. Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. “J. Prado”, no. 7:32. Thripidae ; De Santis, 1959. Acta Zool. Lilloana, 17:90. Thripidae; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):461. Thripidae; Maxwell, 1959. Handb. Florida Ins., p.21. Thripidae; Faure, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):16. Thripidae; Hayward, 1960. Rev. Industr. y Agr. Tucuman, 42(1):81. Thripidae; Faure, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):237. Thripidae; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):327. Thripidae; Derbenyeva, 1960. Nasek. Vredya. Kukur. SSR., p. 187. Thripidae; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):l 88, 250. [Monog. of Italian species]. Thripidae ; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.) 7:169. Thripidae ; Faure, 1961. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 24(1):133. Thripidae ; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8):142. Thripidae; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 11(5-6):591. Thripidae; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):422 , 423. Thripidae; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:24,32. [Puerto Rican genera, species, keys]. Thripidae; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:404. Thripidae; Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. naturw. He imatforsch . Hamburg, 35:22. Thripidae; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):90. Thripidae; Priesner, 1961. Polskie Pismo Ent., 31(3):51. Thripidae; Faure, 1962. Ent. Tidskr., 83 (1-2): 5. Thripidae; Bournier, 1962. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 67:41. Thripidae; Faure, 1962. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 66(1-2):168. Thripidae; Pelekassis, 1962. Ann. Inst, phytopath. Benaki, (N.S.)5(1):56. Thripidae ; Bhatti, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras, 3:34. Thripidae ; Duarte, 1962. Bol. Inst. Invest, cient. Angola, 1(1):7. Thripidae ; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4):104. [List of Holland species]. 223 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Thripidae ; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1):12. Thripidae; De Santis, 1963. Rev. Soc. ent. Argentina, (1961)24(l-4):63 . Thripidae ; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4):371. Thripidae ; De Santis, 1963. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 1(6):5. Thripidae ; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13 (1 2 ): 1 05 5 . Thripidae ; Mantel, 1964. Ent. Bericht., 24(6):107. Thripidae; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 254. Thripidae; Stannard, 1964. Pacific Insects Monograph, 7:235. Thripidae; Faure, 1964. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 70(l-2):54. Thripidae; Krauss, 1964. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1 963)18(3):407. Thripidae; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:10,32, fig. 123. [Described, Key to European genera]. Thripidae; zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV. Tead Akad . Toimet. , Biol, seer, 13(1): 13. Thripidae; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1 963)26(2 ):76, 90, 92, 101 . [Key to genera and List of Indo-Cey lonese species]. Thripidae; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1 (1 ) : 95 . Thripidae; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:850,854. [keys] . Thripidae ; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:23,31. Thripidae; De Santis, 1964. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S .)8(Zool.58):39. Thripidae; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:162,199. [Egyptian species monographed]. Thripidae; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 89, 90, 121. Thripidae; zur Strassen, 1965. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 28(6):13. Thripidae ; Bianchi, 1965. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1 964)19(1):73 . Tripidae [Sic!]; Pelikan, 1965. Beitr. Ent., 15(5-6):762. Thripidae; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2 (2 ) : 1 5 1 . Thripidae; Pelikan, 1965, Ann. Hist. -Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):229. Thripidae; Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entomol., 99:29. Thripidae; Moye, Stannard & Luckmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3):733. Thripidae ; Priesner, Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):2,3,7. [Key to Central European genera]. Thripidae; De Santis, 1966. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 3(8):7. Thripidae; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):90. Thripidae; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):262, 271. Thripidae; Ananthakrishnan, 1967. Oriental Insects, 1 (1-2): 113. Thripidae; De Santis, 1967. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 4(6):3. Thripidae; De Santis, 1967. Rev. Facult. Agron. La Plata, (3)43(2):253. Thripidae; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. Senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:38. Thripidae; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:8,12,62. [Japanese species]. Thripidae; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:19, 158. Thripidae; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):249, 271 . [Key to eastern North American genera; Illinois species monog.] . Thripidae; zur Strassen, 1968. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 31(2):366. Thripidae; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:3,5,7, 16, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 29. [described]. Thripidae; Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):979. 224 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thripidae; De Almeida, 1969. Bol Inst. Invest, cient Angola, 6(1):47. Thripidae; zur Strassen, in Grzimeks Tierleben, 2:168, 169. Thripidae; zur Strassen, Comment. Biol. Soc Sci. Fennica, 31(5):29,68. Thripidae; Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.)21(2): 133. Thripidae; Mound, 1970. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist., (Ent.)24(4):89. Thripidae; Wasbauer, 1970. Pan-Pacific Ent., 46(1):48. Thripidae; Graves & Graves, 1970. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 6 3 ( 1 ) : 9 7 Thripidae; Pitkin, 1970. Ent. mon. Mag., 105:201. Subfamily Panchaetothripinae Bagnall, 1912. Panchaetothripinae Bagnall, 1912. Rec. Indian Mus., 7(3):258. P anchaetothripidae Bagnall,, 1912. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)10:222. P anchaetothripidae ; Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63 (1 -2): 5 . P anchaetothripidae ; Hood, 1915. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 28:58. P anchaetothripidae ; Karny, 1919. Zeitschr. wiss. Ins. -biol., (1918)14:105,106. P anchaetothripidae ; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:263 (footnote). Pleliothripinae Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):215, 236, 238- P anchaetothripidae ; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):218, 232, 244. Heliothripinae ; Knechtel, 1923. Bull. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):75. Heliothripinae ; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9, 11. P anchaetothripidae; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:6, 15. Heliothripinae ; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitteil, 13(4-5):137. Heliothripinae; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):11, 48. Heliothripinae; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):143. Panchaetothripiden Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkra nk, 4(1):266. P anchaetothripidae; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Madras agr. Students Union, 13(10):7. P anchaetothripidae; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:863, 867. P anchaetothripidae; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. l:80 (footnote). Heliothripinae; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:117, 118, 125. Heliothripinae ; Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(Suppl.):38. Heliothripinae; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):4, 5. Heliothripinae; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:464. Heliothripinae; Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1):106, 131. Heliothripinae; Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 148, 155. Heliothripinae ; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):288, 323 . P anchaetothripidae; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):244, 271 . Heliothripinae; Priesner, 1929. Andrde Bernstein-Forsch . , 1:118. Heliothripinae ; Moulton, 1929. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 24(4):229. Heliothripinae ; Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:198. Heliothripinae ; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist, Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:19. Heliothripineos Bondar, 1931. Arch. Inst. Biol., 4:84. Heliothripinae; Ishida, 1931. Ins. Matsumurana, 6(1):34. Heliothripinae ; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:26,33. 225 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Heliothripinae ; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):454, 477. P anchaetothripinae ; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):454, 455. D endr othripini; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):455. Panchaetothripidae; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:18,74. Heliothripinae; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:29. P anchaetothripinae ; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1):96. [South American species]. D endr othripini; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1):106. Heliothripinae; Moulton, 1934. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1 933)8(3):499. Heliothripinae ; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanopt. Australia, p. 15. Heliothripinae ; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 94. [Described, Italian species] . Heliothripinae ; W u , 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:338. Heliothripinae; Moulton, 1935. Philippine Journ. Agr., 6(4):475. Heliothripinae ; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):164. Heliothripinae ; Moulton, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2):181. Heliothripinae ; Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:497. P anchaetothripinae; Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:498. Heliothripinae; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1-2):81. Heliothripinae ; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 108. P anchaetothripinae ; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 110. Heliothripinae; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):263. P anchaetothripinae ; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):263. Heliothripinae; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):427. Heliothripinae; Kdler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Ros'lin, 15:88,90. P anchaetothripini Priesner, 1937. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 30(1):175. Heliothripinae ; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:424,427. P anchaetothripinae ; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:424:440. Heliothripinae; Moulton, 1939. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(12):141. Heliothripinae ; Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14(3):93. Heliothripinae; Kurosawa, 1940. Tenthredo, 3(1):45. Heliothripinae; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:10. Panchaetothripidae; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:28. Heliothripinae; Boder, 1941. Ver. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:147,183. Heliothripinae; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:146. P anchaetothripinae ; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:147. Heliothripinae; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):262. Heliothripinae ; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. Heliothripidae Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:152, 172. Heliothripinae; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:173. P anchaetothripinae ; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:172, 176. Heliothripinae ; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:396,398. Heliothripinae ; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 41, 42, 46. Heliothripinae; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 113. Heliothripinae ; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank ed. 5, 4(1):385. P anchaetothripinae ; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank ed. 5, 4(1):420. 226 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Heliothripinae ; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Traits Zool., 1 0(2 ): 1 861 . Heliothripinae ; Ananthakrishnan, 1954. Journ. zool. Soc. India, 6(2 ):1 61 . Heliothri'pinae; Mukerji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian Journ. Ent., 17(1 ):66 . Heliothripinae; Melis, 1955. Redia, 40:2. Heliothripinae ; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N .S . )3(5):307. Heliothripinae; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvifency CSR., 2:14. Heliothripinae ; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7~8):165. P anchaetothripinae; Hayward, 1960. Rev. Industr. y Agr. Tucuman, 42(1):81. H eliothripinae; Hayward, 1960. Rev. Industr. y Agr. Tucuman, 42(1):81. Heliothripinae ; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(append.):188, 251. [Monog. of Italian species] . Heliothripinae; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):422 , 423 . Chirothripinae ; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:33 [nec p.63]. P anchaetothripinae ; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:67, [160]. [Puerto Rican species, key]. Heliothripinae; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:24,33,53. [Puerto Rican species, key]. Heliothripinae; Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3):184. \T ryphactothrips complex discussed]. Heliothripinae ; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4):104. [List of Holland species]. Heliothripinae; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:32,39, 115. [European spec ies] . Heliothripinae; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. Heliothripinae; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1 963)26(2):86, 90, 98. [Key to Indo-Cey lonese genera]. Heliothripinae ; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:31. Heliothripinae; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 122, 126, 133. Heliothripinae; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:199,213. [Egyptian species monographed]. Heliothripinae; Bianchi, 1965. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1964)19(1):74. Heliothripinae ; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):151. Heliothripinae ; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteieur. Neubearb., 4(9):7. Heliothripinae; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):90. . Heliothripinae; Ananthakrishnan, 1967. Oriental Insects, 1(1-2):118. Heliothripinae; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:12. Heliothripinae; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):273. [described]. H eliothripinae; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,7,8, 25,28. [described]. Genus Achaetothrips Shumsher Singh = DENDROTHRIPOIDES Bagnall. Genus Aeliothrips Ribaga = HELIOTHRIPS Haliday. 227 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Genus AMORPHOTHRIPS Bagnall, 1924. Amorphothrips Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:252. Amorphothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:59,119. Amorphothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus . (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:158. Type-species; Amorphothrips klebsi Bagnall, (Baltic Amber); designated and monobasic. Amorphothrips klebsi Bagnall, 1924. Amorphothrips klebsi Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:252. ?^. Amorphothrips klebsi Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:158. Location of type : Not in British Museum (Natural History), may be lost. Distribution : Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat : F oss il. Genus ANISOPILOTHRIPS Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Hercothrips Hood; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):479. [Partim.\ Astrothrips Karny; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):455 , 484 . Partim. Tryphactothrips Bagnall; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:67,70. Anisopilothrips Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88:186. Type-species : Heliothrips v enustulus Priesner, (Surinam); designated and monobasic. Anisopilothrips venustulus (Priesner, 1923). £. Heliothrips venustulus Priesner, 1923. Tijdschr. Ent., 66:89, fig. 1. ?. Astrothrips angulatus Hood, 1925. Psyche, 32(1):50. Hercothrips venustulus (Priesner); Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):480, 481 . Astrothrips angulatus Hood; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):484. [ Asterothrips [£^c/] angulatus Hood; Takahashi, 1936 = Elixothrips brevisetis (Bagnall)]. Astrothrips angulatus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Tryphactothrips angulatus (Hood); Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:70. £. [described]. [ Caliothrips ] venustulus (Priesner); Faure, 1962. Ent. Titskr., 83(1-2):10. Anisopilothrips venustulus (Priesner); Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American Ent. Soc., 88:187, figs. 2,8,23,29,34,35,47,49,54. 2. [described]. Location of type : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of A.angulatus : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: WEST INDIES: Bermuda; Puerto Rico; Guadeloupe; Trinidad; Grenada; SURINAM: Paramaribo. Type locality : SURINAM: Paramaribo; for A. angulatus'. WEST INDIES: Grenada . Habitat: Cacao; Creeper;. Chlorophora tine tor ia; Agaline lutchuensis, 228 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Ficus sp.; Acalypha godsefiana var. heterophylla; Euterpe globosa. Genus AORATOTHRIPS Priesner, 1933. Aoratothrips Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):310. [Type: Aoratothrips tenuis Priesner] . Aoratothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:42,120. Aoratothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):165. Type-species : Aoratothrips tenuis Priesner, (Java); monobasic and designated. Aoratothrips tenuis Priesner, 1933. Aoratothrips tenuis Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):310. 2,^. Location of type : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: JAVA: Bogor. Type locality: JAVA: Bogor. Habitat: Dioscorea sp. Genus ARACHISOTHRIPS Stannard, 1952. Arachisothrips Stannard, 1952. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 45(2):327. [Type: Arachisothrips mill si Stannard]. Arachisothrips Stannard; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 1 59(7-8): 165. Type-species : Arachisothrips millsi Stannard, (Jamaica); by original designation from two species. Arachisothrips boneti Stannard, 1952. °T Arachisothrips boneti Stannard, 1952. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 45(2):330, PI. I, figs. 1,2. ^ Location of type : Illinois Natural History Survey. Distribution : MEXICO: Necaxa, Puebla. Type locality : MEXICO: Necaxa, Puebla. Habitat : Ground litter. Arachisothrips millsi Stannard, 1952. £,^. Arachisothrips millsi Stannard, 1952. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 45(2):330, PI. I, figs. 3-5. ?,* Location of type : Illinois Natural History Survey. Distribution : JAMAICA: Hardwar Gap, Portland Parish. Type locality : JAMAICA: Hardwar Gap, Portland Parish. Habitat : Ground debris and mosses. Arachisothrips seticornis Hood, 1955. ?. Arachisothrips seticornis Hood, 1955. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 62(2):99, Pis. V, VI. ?. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: ARGENTINA: Tucuman. Type locality : ARGENTINA: Tucuman. Habitat: Fallen leaves in a rather dark and moist place in the forest. 229 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Genus Archaeothrips Priesner = GERONTOTHRIPS Priesner. Genus ASTROTHRIPS Karny, 1921. \Heliothrips ] subg. Parthenothrips Uzel; Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7):991, 993. Astrothrips Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1 (4 ): 2 15, 239. [No species included]. Astrothrips ; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):331. Astrothrips Karny; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:11. Tryphactothrips Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):245, 247, 271. Partim. Astrothrips Karny; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):455, 484 . Partim. Astrothrips Karny; Bondar, 1931. Arch. Inst. Biol., 4:84. Tryphactothrips Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:10. Partim. Astrothrips Karny; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:41,42,121. [ Astrothrips subg.] Gamothrips (Bagnall) Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:41, 131. [No species included]. Astrothrips Karny; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):165. [ Astrothrips subg.] Gamothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):165. [No species included]. Astrothrips Karny; Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3):186, 190. [described]. Partim. Astrothrips Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1 963)26(2 ):86, 98. Astrothrips Karny; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:200,213. [Des cribed] . Astrothrips subg. Gamothrips (Bagnall); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:200, 214. Astrothrips Karny; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:13,17,62. Type-species : Heliothrips globiceps Karny, (New Britain) monobasic, in Karny, 1923. of Gamothrips : connaticornis Stannard & Mitri [= Astrothrips pentatoma, Hood.] Astrothrips subgenus ASTROTHRIPS Karny. Astrothrips angulatus Hood, 1925 = Anisopilothrips venustulus (Priesner). Astrothrips (Astrothrips) aucubae Kurosawa, 1932. Astrothrips aucubae Kurosawa, 1932. Kontyu, 5(5):230, fig. 1(1-4). ?. Astrothrips aucubae Kurosawa; Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3):217. Astrothrips aucubae; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:17, 62, 70, 74, pi. IV, fig. 27. Location of type : Kurosawa collection. Distribution : JAPAN: Mt. Takao, near Tokyo. Type locality: JAPAN: Mt. Takao, near Tokyo. Habitat: Aucuba japonica; Thalictrum minus. 230 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Astrothrips (Astrothrips ) aureolus Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Astrothrips aureolus Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3): 192, figs. 13, 19,44. %. Location of type : United States National Museum. Distribution : Malaya. Type locality : Penang, Malaya (intercepted in Honolulu, Hawaii). Habitat : Leaf of Pancratium (Hymenocallis ) sp. Astrothrips (Astrothrips) bhattii Mound, 1970. Astrothrips bhatti Mound, 1970. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)3 9(3-4): 43 , figs. 1, 19,20,36. ?,°T Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : NIGERIA: Ibadan. Type locality: NIGERIA: Ibadan, Moor Plantation. Habitat: Fruited pumpkin; palm leaves; Citrus grandis; cocoyam. Astrothrips (Gamothrips) connaticornis Priesner = Astrothrips pentatoma Hood. Astrothrips constrictus Hood 1925 = Hoodothrips constrictus (Hood). Astrothrips (Astrothrips) globiceps (Karny, 1913). ?. Heliothrips globiceps Karny, 1913. Arch. Naturgesch., (A)79(l):125, fig. 2. ?. Astrothrips globiceps (Karny); Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3): 192, 195, figs. 3, 9, 14, 17, 20, 24, 30, 42, 43, 51, 57. ? [described]. Astrothrips globiceps (Karny); Ananthakrishnan, 1966. Bull. Ent. Madras, 7:33. Location of type : Berlin Museum. Distribution: NEW BRITAIN: Ralum; PONAPE ISLAND: Colonia; SAIPAN ISLAND: Tuturam, Laulau Bay; INDIA: Poona. Type locality : NEW BRITAIN: Ralum. Habitat: Colocasia leaves. Astrothrips (Astrothrips) octarticulatus (Schmutz, 1913). £. Parthenothrips o ctarticulata Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7):993, PI. I, fig. 1. ?. T .[ryphactothrips] octarticulata (Schmutz); Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:867. [ Tryphqctothrips ] octarticulata (Schmutz); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:10. T ryphactothrips octarticulata (Schmutz); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:174. T ryphactothrips octarticulatus (Schmutz); Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American Ent. Soc., 88:219. Astrothrips octarticulata (Schmutz); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)2 6(2): 87. Location of type : Vienna Museum. Distribution : Ceylon. Type locality: CEYLON: Peradeniya. Habitat: Weeds, ferns and foliage. 231 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Astrothrips (Astrothrips) parvilimbus Stannard & Mitri, 1962. 9. Tryphactothrips rutherfordi (Bagnall); Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dept. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):271. Tryphactothrips rutherfordi (Bagnall); Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):79. Tryphactothrips rutherfordi (Bagnall); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 34(4):1036, PI. II, fig. 6. Tryphactothrips rutherfordi (Bagnall); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Indian Journ. Ent., 1(3):37. [ Tryphactothrips ] rutherfordi (Bagnall); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:10. Partim. Tryphactothrips rutherfordi (Bagnall); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:174. Tryphactothrips rutherfordi (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan, 1954. Journ. zool. Soc. India, 6(2):162 . Astrothrips parvilimbus Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3):192, 197, figs . 15, 18, 45, 58. ?. Astrothrips n.sp. Stannard; Ana nthakr is hna, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):87. Location of type : Illinois Natural History Survey. Distribution: INDIA: Madras; S.Arcot; Coimbatore; Punjab. Type locality: INDIA: Madras. Habitat : Antirrhinum; Acalypha; brinjal; cotton; Datura; C alotropis; Crinum. Astrothrips ventatoma Hood = Astrothrips roboris (Bagnall). Astrothrips (Astrothrips) roboris (Bagnall). 9,^. Tryphactothrips roboris Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:257. 9. Astrothrips pentatoma Hood, 1925. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 27(1):9. ?. [ Astrothrips ] pentatoma Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Astrothrips pentatoma Hood; Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3):l 99. Gamothrips connaticomis Bagnall; Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3):l 99. Tryphactothrips roboris Bagnall; Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3):219. Astrothrips (Gamothrips) connaticomis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:214. 9,^. Tryphaetothrips [Sid] roboris Bagnall; Forsyth, 1966. Agric. Ins. Ghana, p. 97. Gamothrips connaticomis Priesner; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:8. Astrothrips roboris (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., . Suppl. 11:25. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History); of pentatoma: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of connaticomis : syntypes in British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : Ghana; Nigeria; Sudan. Type locality : GOLD COAST [Ghana]: Aburi; of pentatoma: SOUTHERN NIGERIA: Ibadan, of connaticomis: SUDAN: Wad Medani. Habitat: Thunbergia laurifolia; Phaseolus lunatus; Dolichos lablab. 232 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Astrothrips (Astrothrips) stannardi Bhatti, 1967. 2,°^. Astrothrips ( Astrothrips) stannardi Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 7. Location of type : ? Bhatti collection. Distribution : India. Type locality: INDIA: not stated. Habitat : Leaves of a garden plant. Astrothri'ps tumiceps Karny = Brevithrips tumiceps (Karny). Astrothrips subgenus Proxothrips Bhatti, 1967. Astrothrips subgen. Proxothrips Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 8. Type-species : Astrothrips ( Proxothrips ) lantana Bhatti, (India); designated and monobasic. Astrothrips (Proxothrips) lantana Bhatti, 1967. £. Astrothrips lantana Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 8. ?. Location of type : ? Bhatti collection. Distribution: INDIA: Jabalpur, West Bengal. Type locality: INDIA: Jabalpur. Habitat : Lantana. Genus AUSTRALOTHRIPS Bagnall, 1916. Austral othrips Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:214. [Type: Austral othrips bicolor Bagnall]. P ter othrips Hood, 1918. Mem. Queensland Mus., 6:123. [Type: Pterothrips quadratus Hood]. Austral othrips Bagnall; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):215, 238. Austral othrips Bagnall; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:11. Pterothrips Wood) Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:11. Pterothrips Hood; Bondar, 1931. Arch. Inst. Biol., 4:84. Austral othrips; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:505. Austral othrips Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 15. C eratothrips Reuter; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 34. Pterothrips Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Australothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:41,121. Pterothrips Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:146. Australothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):165. C eratothrips Reuter; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S.), (Zool.)7:169. Australothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:25 Type-species : Australothrips bicolor Bagnall, (Australia); monobasic and designated; of Pterothrips: Pterothrips quadratus Hood, (Australia); monobasic and designated. 233 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Australothrips bicolor Bagnall, 1916. 2,^. Australothrips bicolor Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:215. £,d”. Pterothrips quadratics Hood, 1918. Mem. Queensland Mus., 6:124. ^ Pterothrips quadratus Hood; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. Australothrips bicolor Bagnall; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. C eratothrips rufiventris Girault, 1926. New Pests from Australia, III, [P.I.] [No sex stated],. Pterothrips quadratus Hood; Girault, 1928. Prodig. Disc. Wild Animals. Australothrips bicolor; Bagnall, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:505. A Australothrips^ bicolor Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 16. C .\_ewtothrips\ rufiventris Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 34. Australothrips bicolor Bagnall; Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. W. Australia 21:96. [ Pterothrips ] quadratus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Australothrips bicolor Bagnall; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.) 7:169. [C eratothrips] rufiventris Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.) 7:169. Pterothrips quadratus Hood; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool. ) 7:170. Australothrips bicolor Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:25, fig. 7. Location of type : Syntypes in British Museum (Natural History), London; of quadratus: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of rufiventris : Queensland Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Victoria; Queensland; Western Australia. Type locality : AUSTRALIA: Healesville, Victoria; of quadratus: AUSTRALIA: Pentland, North Queensland; of rufiventris : AUSTRALIA: Manly. Habitat: Eucalyptus viminalis : Eu.calophylla; Eu.rudis; Hypocalyma any us tifolia. Pterothrips quadratics Hood = Australothrips bicolor Bagnall. Ceratothrips rufiventris Girault = Australothrips bicolor Bagnall. Genus BHATTITHRIPS Mound, 1970. Bhattithrips Mound, 1970. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)39(3-4):44. Type-species: Heliothrips frontalis Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. , (8)17:213, (Australia); designated from three species. Bhattithrips dahmsi Mound, 1970. ?,°? Bhattithrips dahmsi Mound, 1970. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)39(3-4):45, 49, figs. 13, 21. ?,°T Location of type : Adelaide Museum, South Australia. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Tallebudgera Valley [10 miles west of Coolangatta], Queensland. Habitat: Bid ens pit os a; shrubs in rain forest. 234 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Bhattithrips frontalis (Bagnall, 1916). ?,°! Heliothrips frontalis Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:213. ?. Dinurothrips frontalis (Bagnall); Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:255. H eliothrip s frontalis Bagnall; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. Dinurothrips frontalis (Bagnall); Kelly & Maine, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p.16. “ Dinurothrip s” frontalis (Bagnall); Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3):218. Dinurothrips frontalis (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:35. Bhattithrips frontalis (Bagnall); Mound, 1970. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)39(3-4):46, PI. I; textfigs.8-10, 23, 25, 27, 31. ¥,* Location of type; British Museum (Natural History). Distribution : AUSTRALIA: Victoria; Queensland; Australian Capital Territory. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Healesville, Victoria. Habitat : Senecio dryandeus; yellow trap; grasses; wet sclerophyll leaf litter. Bhattithrips pitkini Mound, 1970. ?. Bhattithrips pitkini Mound, 1970. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)39(3-4):46, 48, # figs. 12,22,26,34. ?. Location of type : Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Mt. Nebo, Brisbane, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Mt. Nebo, Brisbane, Queensland. Habitat : Shrubs in rain forest. Genus BRACHYUROTHRIPS Bagnall, 1921. Brachyurothrips Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:265. [Type: Brachyurothrips anomalus Bagnall]. Brachyurothrip s Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dept. Agr. India ent Ser., 10(7):247, 271. Brachyurothrips; Bagnall, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):69. [Brachyurothrip s Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940 = Selenothrips Karny]. Brachyurothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:43, 59, 122. Brachyurothrips Bagnall; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):391 . Brachyrothrips [Sic!] Bagnall; Costa Lima, 1956. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 54(3):559. [Correct on p.560]. Brachyurothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):165. Brachyurothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:28. Type-species: Brachyurothrips anomalus Bagnall, (Seychelles); monobasic and designated. Brachyurothrips anomalus Bagnall, 1921. Brachyurothrips anomalus Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:265, PI. IV, figs. 3-5. 9. Brachyurothrips hargreavesi Bagnall, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):70, fig. 1 . ?. 235 ANN. CAPE PROV MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 B .[rachyurothrips\ hargreavesi Bagnall; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed.5, 4 (1 ): 3 91 . [ Branchyurothrips ] anomalus Bagnall; Costa Lima, 1956. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 54 (3 ): 55 9, 560. [ Branchyurothrips ] hargreavesi Bagnall; Costa Lima, 1956. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 54 (3): 560. Brachyurothrips walteri Costa Lima, 1956. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 54(3):560, figs. 1,2. Brachyurothrips anomalus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:28. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History); of hargreavesi: British Museum (Natural History); of walteri: Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Distribution: Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Brazil (Bahia). Type locality: SEYCHELLES: Cascade Estate, Mahe; of hargreavesi: SIERRA LEONE: Njala; of walteri: BRAZIL: Salvador (Bahia). Habitat: Acalypha; Hydrangea; pomegranate; brinjal; tomato; ? Capsicum sp.; ? Solanum sp.; Malvaceae. Brachyurothrips hargreavesi Bagnall = Brachyurothrips anomalus Bagnall. Brachyurothrips indicus Bagnall = Selenothrips indicus (Bagnall). Brachyurothrips walteri Costa Lima = Brachyurothrips anomalus Bagnall. Genus BRADINOTHRIPS Hood, 1954. Bradinothrips Hood, 1954. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)23(l 1-12):2Q5. Type-species: Bradinothrips williamsi Hood, (British Guiana); monobasic and designated. Bradinothrips williamsi Hood , 1954. £. Bradinothrips williamsi Hood, 1954. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)23(ll-12):206, figs. 1-3. £. Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRITISH GUIANA: Georgetown; TRINIDAD: St.Clair. Type locality : BRITISH GUIANA: Georgetown. Habitat: Grass. Genus BREVITHRIPS Bhatti, 1967. Astrothrips ; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):331. Partim. Astrothrips Karny; Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3):190. Partim. Brevithrips Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 8. Type-species : Astrothrips tumiceps Karny, (Java); designated and monobasic. Brevithrips tumiceps (Karny, 1923). ? ,c?. Astrothrips tumiceps Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):331, figs. 71,72. 9. 236 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Tryphactothrips rutherfordi Bagnall; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 60(2): 2 63. Partim. Astrothrips tumiceps Karny; Stannard & Mitri, 1962. Trans. American ent. Soc., 88(2-3):192, 199, figs. 16,25,46. *,"• [Described], B .[revithrips] tumiceps (Karny); Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 8. Location of type : ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. [? Leiden Museum], Distribution: Java; South India; Philippine Islands. Type locality : JAVA: Banjoewangi. Habitat: Erythrina leaves; Gossypium brasiliense ; Croton leaves; Castor. Genus CALIOTHRIPS Daniel, 1904. Heliothrips Haliday; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:133,168. Partim. Caliothrips Daniel, 1904. Ent. News, 15(9):296. Caliothrips Daniel; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):42. Heliothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):42, 43, 51. Partim. Heliothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:11,14,23. Partim. Heliothrips Haliday; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:11,34. Partim. Heliothrips Haliday; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:865. Partim. Heliothrips Haliday; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 4(1):255. Partim . Hercothrips Hood, 1928. Psyche, (1927)34(6):233. Partim. [Type: Heliothrips striatus Hood]. Heliothrips Haliday; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):245, 254. Partim. Heliothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 148, 151, 159. Partim. Hercothrips Hood; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ, Univ., 3:19. Heliothrips Haliday; Kurosawa, 1930. Kontyu, 4(2):112. Partim. Hercothrip s Hood; Moulton, 1931. Journ. econ. Ent., 24(5):1033. [described]. Hercothrips Hood; Bagnall & Cameron, 1932. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)10:412. Hercothrips Hood; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):455, 479. [Partim]. Hercothrips Hood; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:340. Heliothrips Haliday; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):164. Partim. Hercothrips Hood; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1 935)11(4): 164 . Partim. Hercothrips Hood; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):227. Partim. Heliothrips Haliday; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:11. Partim. Hercothrips Hood; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:174, 175. C aliothrips Daniel; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):41. Hercothrips Hood; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:398. Hercothrips Hood; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp.41,42. 237 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Hercothrips Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. Caliothrips Daniel; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:42,123. Hercothrips Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:42, 132. Hercothrips Hood; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed . 5, 4(1):386. Partim. Heliothrips Haliday; Mukerji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian Journ. Ent., 17(1):66. Hercothrips Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):149, 178. Caliothrips Daniel; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 165 . Caliothrips Daniel; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):478. Caliothrips Daniel; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):328. Caliothrips Daniel; Faure, 1961. Journ*. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 24(1):133. Caliothrips Daniel; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:53,57. [described, Puerto Rican species]. Caliothrips Daniel; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):423 . Faure, 1962. Ent. Tidskr., 83(l-2):8. [key to species]. Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:33, 41, 116. [in key to European genera]. Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1 963)26(2): 87, 98, 114. [Key to Indo Ceylonese species]. Priesner, 1964. Publ. Ins. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:200,219. [Described, Egyptian species monographed]. Caliothrips Daniel; De Santis, 1965. Publ. Didact. Dep. Esp. Inst. Nac. Tech. Agropec., 9:11. Caliothrips Daniel; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,28. Caliothrips Daniel; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):273, 285. [Described; Illinois species monographed]. Type-species : Caliothrips woodworthi Daniel, (California); monobasic; of Hercothrips : Heliothrips striatus Hood, (Maryland); by original designation from 20 species. Caliothrips Daniel; Caliothrips Daniel; Caliothrips Daniel; Caliothrips Daniel; Caliothrips ardisiae (Zimmermann, 1900). comb. nov. ?,d*. Heliothrips Ardisiae Zimmermann, 1900. Bull. Inst. Bot. Buitenzorg, 7:10, fig. 3. larva. Heliothrips ardisiae Zimmermann; Karny, 1911. Ent. Rundschau, 28(23):180. Location of type : Unknown to writer. Distribution : Java. Type locality: JAVA: Buitenzorg. Habitat : leaves of Ardisia purpurea; Ardisia spp. Caliothrips aulmanni (Karny, 1911). Heliothrips aulmanni Karny, 1911. Ent. Rundschau, 28(23):180, 181. 2 figs. [Not sexed]. Heliothrips aulmanni; Karny, 1913. Arch. Naturgesch., (A)79(l): 126. [ Hercothrips ] aulmanni (Karny); Hood, 1928. Psyche, (1927)34(6):233 . [ Caliothrips ] aulmanni (Karny); Faure, 1962. Ent. Tidskr., 83(l-2):8, 10. Location of type : ? Berlin Museum. Distribution: NEW GUINEA: F insch Island. Type locality: NEW GUINEA: Finsch Island. Habitat: Cacao leaves. 238 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Hercothrips bicinctus (Bagnall) = Hercinothrips bicinctus (Bagnall). Caliothrips bifasciipennis (Girault) = Hercinothrips bicinctus (Bagnall). Hercothrips bishoppi (Moulton) = Caliothrips marginipennis (Hood). Caliothrips braziliensis (Morgan, 1929). 9,^. Heliothrips braziliensis Morgan, 1929. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 3 1(1 ): 7 . ?. Hercothrips brasiliensis [Sic!] Morgan; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):480, 481. Hercothrips ipomoeae Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):480, 481 , fig. 3. Hercothrips ipomoeae Moulton; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 109. Hercothrips ipmoeae; Moulton, 1938. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 9(3-4):374. Hercothrips braziliensis (Morgan); Hood, 1940. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 3:37 (footnote). Heliothrips braziliensis Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent. , 31(2):46. Hercothrips ipomoeae Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):121. Caliothrips braziliensis (Morgan); Faure, 1962. Ent. Tidskr., 83(l-2):9, 11, 13, figs. 13,41, 56. Caliothrips braziliensis (Morgan); Bournier, 1962. Biol. Amerique Austr., 1:235. Caliothrips braziliensis (Morgan); De Santis, 1964. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S.) 8(Zool.58):39. Location of type : United States National Museum, Washington, D.C.; of ipomoeae: California Academy of Science. Distribution: BRAZIL: Santa Theresa; Bahia; Esperito Santo; Rio; Minas Geraes; ARGENTINA: San Juan; La Rioja; Tucumdn; Missiones. Type locality : Brazil; of ipomoeae: BRAZIL: Santa Theresa. Habitat : Ageratum conyzoides ; Ipomoea batatas; coffee; beans; potatoes; Dahlia; a legume; Canavalia ensiformis . Caliothrips bromi (Moulton) = Caliothrips marginipennis (Hood). Heliothrips bruneri Morgan = Caliothrips insularis (Hood). Hercothrips brunneipennis (Bagnall) = Helionothrips brunneipennis (Bagnall). Caliothrips cinctipennis (Hood, 1912). 9,^1 Heliothrips cinctipennis Hood, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14(3):137. ?,<*! Heliothrips cinctipennis Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:34,35. [Hercothrips] cinctipennis (Hood); Hood, 1928. Psyche, (1927)34(6):233. Heliothrips cinctipennis Hood; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 109. Heliothrips cinctipennis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):22. [Caliothrips] cinctipennis (Hood); Faure, 1962. Ent. Tidskr., 83(l-2):9, 12. Caliothrips cinctipennis (Hood); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):286, figs. 66, 103. 9,^. [described]. 239 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Location of type : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Illinois; Kentucky; Arkansas: Kansas; BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro, Type locality : U.S. A.: ILLINOIS: Makanda. Habitat : Grass and weeds; foliage of “arroz”; a grassland species. Caliothrips cordatus (Bagnall, 1924). ¥; Selenothrips cordatus Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:131. ?. C aliothrips cordatus (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:158. £. Location of type : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality : Baltic Amber. Habitat : F oss il. Caliothrips deserticola Priesner, 1964. ^,c?. Caliothrips deserticola Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960) 13:219,226. Location of type : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Egypt; Sudan. Type locality: Elba Mountains. Habitat: Scrub. Caliothrips fasciapennis (Hinds, 1902). Heliothrips fasciapennis Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:168,171, PI. VI, figs. 58-61. ?. Heliothrips fasciapennis Hinds; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:14,24. Heliothrips fasciapennis Hinds; Karny, 1911. Ent. Rundschau, 28(23):180. Heliothrips fasciapennis Hinds; Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:44. Heliothrips fasciapennis Hinds; Watson, 1922. Florida Ent., 6(3):34. Heliothrips fascipennis [Sid] Hinds; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:35. [Correct on p . 341 • Heliothrips fasciapennis Hinds; Essig, 1926. Ins. West. North America, p. 183. [ H ercothrips ] fasciapennis (Hinds); Hood, 1928. Psyche, (1927)34(6):233. H .[eliothrips] fasciapennis Hinds; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 164. Hercothrips fasciapennis (Hinds); Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):227. H .[eliothrips] fasciapennis Hinds; Bailey, 1937. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 609:13. Heliothrips fasciapennis Hinds; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(2):92. Heliothrips fasciapennis Hinds; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent. , 31(2):43. I Caliothrips ] fasciapennis (Hinds); Faure, 1962. Ent. Tidskr., 83(l-2):9, 12 Heliothrips fasciapennis Hinds; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):2 10. Caliothrips fasciapennis (Hinds); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):286, 288. ?,c?. [described]. Location of type : Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst. Distribution: U.S. A.: Massachusetts; California; Georgia; Texas; 240 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Illinois: Arkansas; Kansas; Florida; Tennessee; Iowa; MEXICO: Tlahualilo. Type locality: U.S.A.: Amherst, Massachusetts. Habitat: a grassland species. Caliothrips fasciatus (Pergande, 1895). 2,^. Heliothrips fasciata Pergande, 1895. Ins. Life, 7(5):391. [?]. Heliothrips fasciata Pergande; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. p.459. Heliothrips fasciatus Pergande; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:168, 174. £. [ Heliothrips ] fasciatus Pergande; Daniel, 1904. Ent. News, 15:294. Caliothrips woodworthi Daniel, 1904. Ent. News, 15:297. ?. Caliothrips woodworthi Daniel; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):42 (footnote). Heliothrips fasciatus Pergande; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser. )12(3):43, 51 , 52, Pi. II, figs. 12-14. Heliothrips fasciatus Pergande; Crawford, 1909. Pomona Coll. Journ. Ent., 1(4): 120. Euthrips fasciatus (Pergande); Bremner, 1910. Bien, Rep. California State Comm. Hort., 4:20. Heliothrips fasciatus Pergand zur Strassen, 1968. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 31(2):367. Phlebothrip s aegyptiacus Priesner; zur Strassen, Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):30, 68, 70. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of canariensis: Senckenberg Museum. Distribution: EGYPT: Giza; Gebel Elba, Wadi Rabdet; SOUTH AFRICA: Zebediela, Transvaal; CANARY ISLANDS: Gran Canaria; Tenerife. Type locality: EGYPT: Giza; of canariensis : GRAN CANARIA: Barranco de Tasarte. Habitat: Convolvulus arvensis; Euphorbia cuneata; Lycium arabicum; citrus; Plocama pendula . Genus PR AEDENDRO THRIPS Priesner, 1924. P raedendrothrips Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):139. [Type: P raedendrothrips avus Priesner]. P raedendrothrips ; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:44, 45, 144. P raedendrothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 165. Type-species: P raedendrothrips avus Priesner, (Baltic Amber); monobasic and designated. 31 ! Praedendrothrips avus Priesner, 1924. . P raedendrothrips avus Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5):139, figs. 11, 12. . Location of type: Fritsch collection (Nr. 4). Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Genus PROJECTOTHRIPOIDES Shumsher Singh, 1942. D endrothripiella subgen. Projectothripoides Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 112, 120. [D endrothripiella subgen.] Projectothripoides; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:159. [D endrothripiella subgen.] Projectothripoides Shumsher Singh; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:44, 144. [D endrothripiella subgen.] Projectothripoides Shumsher Singh; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 165. 353 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 [D endrothrip s] subgen. P roj ectothripoide s Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 77, 93. [D endrothripiella] subgen. Pro j ectothripoide s Shumsher Singh; zur Strassen, 1968. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 31(1):215. Type-species: D endrothripiella (Pro j ectothripoide s) pandai Shumsher Singh, (India); designated and monobasic. Projectothripoides pandai (Shumsher Singh, 1942). comb. nov. D endrothripiella (Pro j ectothripoide s) pandai Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2):112, 121. £. D .[endrothripiella] (P .[roj ectothripoide s]) pandai; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:159. D endrothrips pandai (Shumsher Singh); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):77. D endrothripiella pandai Shumsher Singh, 1968. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 31(1):215. Location of type: ? Shumsher Singh collection. Distribution: INDIA: Cuttack (Orissa). Type locality: INDIA: Cuttack (Orissa). Habitat: Ficus religiosa. Genus PSEUDODENDROTHRIPS Schmutz, 1913. Pseudod endrothrips Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7):992, 998. Pseudod endrothrips Schmutz; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):214, 238. Pseudod endrothrips Schmutz; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:10. Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:865. Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:6. D endrothrips Uzel; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:7. P artim . Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:156. Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:45, 46, 58, 145. Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank . ed. 5, 4(1):397. Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 165. Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):337. Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):77, 93, 106. Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960) 13:283 (footnote). Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4: 17, 18, 62. Pseudodendrothrip s Schmutz; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):273, 337. [described]. Type-species: Pseudodendrothrip s ornatissima Schmutz, (Ceylon); monobasic. 354 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Pseudodendrothrips alboniger Hood, 1952. 2,^. Pseudodendrothrip s alboniger Hood, 1952. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 65:145. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Type locality: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Habitat: T erminalia; unidentified plants. Pseudodendrothrips canadensis zur Strassen = Phlebothrips aegyptiacus Priesner. Pseudodendrothrips dwivarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931). ?. D endrothrips dwivarna Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 34(4):1032, P1.2, figs.3,4'. ?. \D endrothrips] dwivarna; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:7. \P seudod endrothrips] dwivarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian journ. Ent., 7:156. Pseudo dendrothrip s dwivarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):77, 106. Location of type: ? Ramakrishna Ayyar collection. Distribution: INDIA: Kaladi, Travancore; Trichur, Cochin. Type locality: INDIA: not specified. Habitat: Jak roots. Pseudodendrothrips ficus Hartwig, 1948. Pseudodendrothrips ficus Hartwig, 1948. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 11:117, figs. 19, 22. ?/. [Pseudodendrothrips] ficus Hartwig; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):337. Ps .[eudod endrothrips] ficus Faure [Sic!]; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:283 (footnote). Location of type: National Collection of Insects, Pretoria. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal. Habitat: Ficus pretoriae. Pseudodendrothrips fulvus Hood, 1952. ?. Pseudodendrothrips fulvus Hood, 1952. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 65: 146. ?. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Type locality: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Habitat: D albergia. Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa, 1908). Belothrips mori Niwa, 1908. Trans. Ent. Soc. Japan, Tokyo Nip. Konch. Kwaiho, 2:180. Belothrips mori Niwa; Karny, 1913. Arch. Naturgesch., (A)79(2):122 (footnote). B elothrips mori Niwa; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):337. P s eudod endrothrips mori (Niwa); Umeya & Omi, 1930. Rept. Sericult. Korea Agric. Exp.. Sta., 3:157'. Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa); Priesner, 1938. Arb. morph, tax. Ent., Berlin, 5(3):220. 355 ANN. CAPE PROV MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Ps eudodendrothrips mori (Niwa); Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14(3):94, 100; (4): 151. P Pseudodendrothrips] mori (Niwa); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank . ed. 5, 4(1):397. Pseudodendrothrip s mori (Niwa); Kurosawa, 1950. Icon. Ins. Japon., p. 172, fig. 437. PsPeudodendrothrip s] mori (Niwa); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:283 (footnote). Pseudodendrothrip s mori (Niwa); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl.4:18, 62, 70, fig. 29. Pseudodendrothrip s mori (Niwa); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):237, 337, fig. 124. Location of type: unknown to writer. Distribution: JAPAN: Tokyo; Izu, Hatizyo-zima; U.S.A.: Maryland; Illinois; CHINA: Tshenkiang. Type locality: JAPAN: Tokyo. Habitat: Leaves of Morus alba; Morns bombycis. Pseudodendrothrips ornatissimus Schmutz, 1913. 7,^! Pseudodendrothrip s ornatissima Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7):999, PI. I, figs. 3-5. 4,d! P pseudodendrothrip s\ ornatissima Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:865. Pseudodendrothrips ornatissimus Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1934. Rec. Indian Mus., 36(4):493, figs. 7a-b. [ Pseudodendrothrips ] ornatissima Schmutz; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:7. [Pseudodendrothrip s] ornatissima Schmutz; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:156. Pseudodendrothrips ornatissimus Schfnutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 77, 106. Pseudodendrothrips ornatissimus Schmutz; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:283 (footnote). Location of type: Vienna Museum. Distribution: CEYLON: Peradeniya; BURMA: Mandalay. Type locality: CEYLON: Peradeniya. Habitat: Macro carpus integrifolia; Morus. Genus Sericothripoide s Bagnall = SCIRTOTHRIPS Shull. V icinechaetella Yakhontov = DENDROTHRIPS Uzel. Tribe Sericothripini (Karny) Priesner, 1925. S ericothripinae Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):2 14, 236, 237. S ericothripinae; Karny, 1925. Journ. Siam Soc., 16(2):91. S ericothripinae; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):75. 5 ericothripinae; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:9,10. 6 ericothripinae; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):144. Sericothripini Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):144. S ericothripinae; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:117, 118, 119, 163. [European species monographed]. 356 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Sericothripini ; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:119, 163. S ericothripinae; Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(suppl.):38, 50. [Key to genera for larvae] Partim. & ericothripinae; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):5. \S ericothripinae; Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4): 187. S ericothripinae ; Priesner, 1928. in Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 148, 170. S ericothripinae; Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1): 107, 132. S ericothripinae; Moulton, 1929. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 24(4):23Q. S ericothripinae; Moulton, 1930. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 34:272, 275. S ericothripinae ; Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:198. Sericothripinae ; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ ., 3:20. S ericothripinae ; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:27, 51. Sericothripini; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:51. S ericothripinae; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):454, 455. Sericothripini; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):455. S ericothripinae; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:29. S ericothripinae; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1):101. Sericothripini; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 101. S ericothripinae; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 110. [Italian species]. Sericothripini; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 110. [Italian species]. S ericothripinae; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:340. Sericothripini, Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:340. S ericothripinae ; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 165. Sericothripini; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 165. S ericothripinae ; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Cat. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 111. S ericothripinae; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1-2):81. S ericothripinae; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):264. Sericothripini; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):264. Sericothripinae; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:94,98. S ericothripinae; Moulton, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):409. Sericothripinae; Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:424,441. Sericothripinae ; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):70. Sericothripinae; Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24):243. Sericothripinae ; Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14(3):94. Sericothripinae ; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:6. Sericothripinae; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:147. Sericothripini; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:147. Sericothripinae ; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:165, 183. Sericothripini; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:154. Sericothripinae ; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):263, 282. Sericothripini; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):263. Sericothripinae; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. Sericothripini; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. Sericothripinae; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:155. Sericothripinae; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:396,400. Sericothripinae; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 41, 42, 49. Sericothripinae ; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. 357 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Sericothripinae ; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed.5,4(l): 393. Sericothripinae; Pesson, 1951. Grasse: Triate Zool., 10(2): 1 86 1 . Sericothripinae ; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N .S.)3(5):308. Sericothripinae ; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvll Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:16. Sericothripini; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 165. Sericothripinae; Metis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.): 188. Sericothripini; Metis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append): 189. Sericothripini; Bhatti, 1961. Bull. Ent. Madras, 2:26. Sericothripinae; Metis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):331. [Monog. Italian sp.] Sericothripini; Metis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):331 . [Monog. Italian sp.] Sericothripinae; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8):142. Sericothripinae; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:32,72. [Puerto Rican species] . Sericothripini; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:24. Sericothripini; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4):106. [List of Holland Species]. Sericothripini; Bhatti, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras, 3:38. Sericothripinae; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 122,154. Sericothripini; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p.154. Sericothripini; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):77, 90, 93. Sericothripini; Davies &> Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. Sericothripini; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:32. Sericothripini; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:43. [European species]. Sericothripini; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:201, 232, 240. Sericothripini; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 151. Sericothripini; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):90. Sericothripinae; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4: 12, 20. Sericothripini; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:20. Sericothripini; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:38. Sericothripini; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):272, 274. [described] . Sericothripini; Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool. )21(2): 133. Subtribe Sericothripina (Karny) Priesner, 1957. Sericothripini; Moulton, 1929. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 24(4):230. Sericothripina Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):165. Sericothripina; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):77, 90, 93. Sericothripina; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. Sericothripina; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:43. Genus Brachythrip s Schmutz = SERICOTHRIPS Haliday. Genus D eutero brachythrip s Schmutz = SERICOTHRIPS Haliday. Genus Hydatothrips Karny = SERICOTHRIPS Haliday. 358 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Genus NEOHYDATOTHRIPS John, 1929. N e o hy d at o thrifts John, 1929. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 69:33. [Type: N eohydatothrips latereostriatus John]. A ^eohydatothrips John; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:45, 139. /V eohydatothrips John; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):165 (footnote). [Probably a synonym of Sericothrip s] . Type-species: N eohydatothrip s latereostriatus John, (Brazil); monobasic and designated. Neohydatothrips latereostriatus John, 1929. ?. N eohydatothrips latereostriatus John, 1929. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 69:34. £. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: BRAZIL: Alfonso Claudio, Esperito Santo. Type locality: BRAZIL: Alfonso Claudio, Esperito Santo. Habitat: Unknown (sweeping). Genus Rhytidothrips Karny = SERICOTHRIPS Haliday. Genus SERICOTHRIPS Haliday, 1836. Sericothrips Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:444. Sericothrips Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):411, 413. Thrips Linne Deuxieme Division Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., p.216. Partim. Sericothrips Haliday; Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., 2(synop.):46. Sericothrips Haliday; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins . Hdmipt. , p. 641. Thrips Linne; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1):216. Partim. Sericothrips; Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1102, Pl.V, fig. 14; PI. VII, fig. 22. Sericothrips Haliday; Gistel, 1856. Mysterien Ins. -Welt, p. 283. [ Thrips ] subgenus Sericothrip s Haliday; Clark, 1856. in v.d. Hoeven: Handbook of Zoology, 1:464. Sericothrips Haliday; Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, p. 207. Sericothrips Haliday; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Forh., 21:210, 211,217. Sericothrip s Haliday; Taschenberg, 1880. Praktische Insekten-kunde, 4:213. Sericothrips Haliday; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric., Roma, 34:130. Sericothrips Haliday; Ludwig, 1886. Leunis Synop. Thierk., 2:535, 536. Sericothrips Haliday; Uzel, 1889. Vesmlr, 18(21):258. Sericothrp s [/Sic/] Haliday; Provancher, 1890. Petite Fauna ent. Canada, 3:331. Sericothrips Haliday; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 28, 32, 43, 47, 96 . [Monographed] . [Sericothrips Haliday; Beach, 1896 = Plesiothrips Hood]. Sericothrips Haliday; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):35, 40. Sericothrips Haliday; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, pp. 285, 298. Sericothrips Haliday; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:133,141. Sericothrips Haliday; Daniel, 1904. Ent. News, 15:294. [ Sericothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1907 = Anaphothrips Uzel]. Sericothrips Haliday; Hood, 1908. Bull. Illinois St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 8(2):363. Rhytidothrips Karny, 1909. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 7(10):272. nomen nudum. 359 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Rhytidothrips Karny, 1910. Mitt. Naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien', 8(2):49. Sericothrip s Haliday; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. S ericothrip s Haliday; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:11,14,24. Partim. Sericothrips Haliday; Karny, 1911. Ent. Rundschau, 28(23):179. Sericothrips Haliday; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25(44):233. (sep. p. 12). Sericothrip s Haliday; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):5. Hydatothrip s Karny, 1912. Wiss. Ergeb. Deutsch. Zentr. Afr. Exp. 1907-8, 4(10):281 . [ Heliothrips ] subgen. D euterobrachythrip s Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7): 992, 997. [ Heliothrips ] subgen. Brachythrips Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7):992, 997. [Thus in part of edition]. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6):188. Rhamphothrips ; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. Wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(8-9):292, 294. Partim. Physothrips; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. Wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):364. Partim . Sericothrips Haliday; Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:222. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys. ok. Ges. Konigsbg., (1916)57:52. Sericothrips Haliday; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):38. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 121. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(8):80. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:52,62. Sericothrips Haliday; John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. Catal., 2(1):6. Hydatothrips ; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):237. Sericothrips Haliday; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):214, 237. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(5):21 . Sericothrips Haliday; van Eecke, 1922. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):98. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)132(1-3): 1 1. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands , 2(29): 29.3. Sericothrips Haliday; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):75, 90. Hydatothrips Karny; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:10. Sericothrips Haliday; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:10,31. Sericothrips Haliday; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. Sericothrips Haliday; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1: 1 19, 163, 164. [European species monographed]. Sericothrips Haliday; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insekfauna, 6:24,31. [Swedish species monog.] Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(suppl.):50, 51. [Key to known larvae] . 360 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Hydatothrips Karny; Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(suppl.): 50. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):5. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:465. S ericothrips Haliday; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:15 [Serbian species] . Sericothrips Haliday; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. Sericothrips Haliday; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):167. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. Hydatothrips Karny; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dept. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):246, 251. Sericothrips Haliday; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., pp. 23, 30. [Key] . Hydatothrips Karny; Girault, 1930. New Pests from Australia VII, [p.2] [= Sericicothrips [Sic/]]. Sericothrips Haliday; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:20. Sericothrips Haliday; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:28, 51. Sericothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):455. Sericothrips Haliday; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:29,30,46. Sericothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1):1Q1. Sericothrips Haliday; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, P-17. Hydatothrips Karny; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, P-l 7. Sericothrips Haliday; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 110. [described]. Sericothrips Haliday; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:340. Sericothrips Haliday; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:315. Sericothrips Haliday; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):165. Sericothrip s Haliday; Moulton Si Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. journ.Sci., 10(3):227. Sericothrip s Haliday; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:94. Sericothrip s Haliday; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:39. Hydatothrips Karny; Ramakrishna 8i Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:6. Rhamphothrips Karny; Ramakrishna Si Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:26. Sericothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1941. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 12(1-2):315. Sericothrip s Haliday; Boder, 1941. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:154. D enter obr achy thrips Schmutz; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2):1 12, 131. Sericothrip s Haliday; Kloet Si Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. Hydatothrip s Karny; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:155, 156. D eute r obr achy thrips Schmutz; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:157,161. Sericothrips Haliday; Pelikan, 1946. Ent. listy, 9:56. Sericothrips Haliday; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 41, 43, 49. Partim. Sericothrips Haliday; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. Brachy thrips Schmutz; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:122. 361 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 D euterobrachy thrips Schmutz; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:126. Hydatothrips Karny; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:133. Rhytidothrips Karny; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:147. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:44, 45, 148. Sericothrips Haliday; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):393. Sericothrips Haliday; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins ., 8(1):67, 86. Sericothrips Haliday; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Sericothrips Haliday; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):384, 402. [Key to world species]. Sericothrips Haliday; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):308. Sericothrips Haliday; Ananthakrishnan, 1956. Zool. Anz., 156(l-2):32. Sericothrips Haliday; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 150, 195 , Sericothrips Haliday; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvifeny CSR., 2:16. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 165. Sericothrips Haliday; Hood, 1957. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 70:50(footnote). Sericothrips Haliday; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):478. Sericothrips Haliday; Faure, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):373. [Supplementary key]. Sericothrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):339. Sericothrips Haliday; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.): 189. Sericothrips Karny [Sic!]; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):425. Hydatothrips Karny; De Santis, 1961. Rev.Mus.La Plata (N.S.), (Zool. )7: 170. Sericicothrips [Sid] Haliday; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool. )7: 170. Sericothrips Haliday; De Santis, 1961. Rev.Mus.La Plata (N.S.), (Zool. )7: 170. Sericothrips Haliday; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):331 . [described, and monog. Italian species]. Sericothrips Haliday; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:72, 73. [described]. Sericothrips Haliday; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Zool. Anz., 167(7-8):263. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:33, 43. [described, key to European species]. Sericothrips Haliday; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom Evrop. SSSR., pp. 123, 154. Sericothrips Haliday; Bailey, 1964. Hilgardia, 35(13):330. Sericothrips Haliday; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:855, 858. Sericothrips Haliday; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):77, 93, 108. [Key to Indo-Ceylonese species]. Sericothrips Haliday; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:201, 240. [Egyptian species]. Sericothrips Haliday; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):204. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):8, 15. [Key to C entral European species]. Sericothrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):90. Sericothrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:38. 362 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Sericothrips Haliday; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:20,62. [Japanese species]. Sericothrips Haliday; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv. , 29(4):274, 345. Sericothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,29. Type-species: Sericothrips staphyinus [Sic!] Haliday, (British); monobasic; of Rhytidothrips : Rhytidothrips bicornis Karny, (Austria); monobasic; of Rydatothrips: Rydatothrips adolfi-friderici Karny, (Bolero Sea); monobasic; of Deuterobrachythrips: Reliothrips ( D euterobrachythrips ) lineata Schmutz, (Ceylon); monobasic; of Brachythrips: Reliothrips (B r achy thrips) lineata Schmutz, (Ceylon); monobasic. Sericothrips abditus Hartwig, 1952. ?,c?. Sericothrips abditus Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):390, 405, figs. 46, 49-51. [ Sericothrips ] abditus Hartwig; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):339. Location of type: National Collection of Insects, Pretoria. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal. Habitat: Trifolium sp.; Rhyncho sia nitens. Sericothrips abdominalis Kurosawa, 1937. ?. Sericothrips abdominalis Kurosawa, 1937. Kontyu, 11(1-2):115, fig. 1A-D. Sericothrips abdominalis; Kurosawa, 1950. Icon. Ins. Japon., p.172, fig. 435. [Sericothrips] abdominalis Kurosawa; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):408. Sericothrips abdominalis; Kurosawa, 1954. Oyo-Kontyu, 10(2):134, 135. Sericothrips abdominalis; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:20, 62, 67, 72, 73, PI. IV, fig. 31. Location of type: Kurosawa collection, Yokohama. Distribution: JAPAN: Asakawa near Tokyo; Mt. Okusu, Kanagawa-ken. Type locality: JAPAN: Asakawa near Tokyo. Habitat: Grass; Glycine max; Wistaria floribunda; Avena sativa. Sericothrips abnorrnis (Karny, 1909). Sericothrips staphylinus Haliday; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 32, 47, 91, PI. I, fig. 1; Pl.V, fig. 52. S.[ericothrips] staphylinus Haliday; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p.298. Euthrips abnorrnis Karny, 1909. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 7(10):270. nom. nud. Rhytidothrips bicornis Karny, 1909. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 7(10):272. nom. nud. Euthrips abnorrnis Karny, 1910. Mitt: naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 8(2):45, Pl.V, fig. 9. [sex not given]. Rhytidothrips bicornis Karny, 1910. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 8(2):50, Pl.V, fig. 14. [Sex not given]. 363 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Psysothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Physothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips Sericothrips abnormis (Karny); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:336. staphylinus Haliday; Karny, 1913. Zool. Anz., 43(3):134. staphylinus Haliday; Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:51. abnormis (Karny); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. Wiss. Ins.-biol., 10(10-12):364. staphylinus Haliday; Priesner, 1914. Wiener Ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 188. staphylinus Haliday; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. bicornis (Karny); Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:226, fig. lb. staphylinus Haliday; Priesner, 1917. Verh. Phys. okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:52. staphylinus Haliday; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3):121. staphylinus Haliday; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(8):8Q. bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:52, 62. staphylinus Haliday; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(5):21. staphylinus var. brunneus Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(5)21(footnote). ^ staphylinus Haliday; John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. Catal., 2(1):6. staphylinus var. bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1922. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 39(1-4):105. bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)132(1-3): 1 1 . [Larva II and I described]. bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):29.8. Sericoth.[rips ] staphylinus Haliday; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):91, Pl.V. [ Sericothrips staphylinus ] var. brunneus Priesner; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):92. [ Sericothrips staphylinus ] var. bicornis (Karny); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):92. [Described]. Sericothrips bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s Ent. Jahrb., 1923/25:157. Sericothrips staphylinus Haliday; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):2Q. [ Sericothrips staphylinus ] var. bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):144. [Sericothrips staphylinus ] f. adusta Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. Nom.nud. [Sericothrips staphylinus] f. brunnea; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. Sericothrips staphylinus var. bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1: 164, 166. 7,^ larva. Sericothrips staph .[ylinus] var. bicornis f. adusta Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:166. 2. [Sericothrips staphylinus var. bicornis] f. brunnea; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:166. Sericothrips bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(suppl.):51 . Sericothrips bicornis (Karny); Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:281. 364 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Seri co thrifts] stafthylinus var. bicornis f. macrofttera (Karny); Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:15. S. [eric o thrifts] bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8): 5. [Sericothrifts stafthylinus] var. bicornis (Karny); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 167. [Sericothrifts] bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. nat. Hung., 25:62. Sericothrifts bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37:181. S.[eri co thrifts] bicornis (Karny); John, 1928. Ann. Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique, 68:138. S.[eri co thrifts] bicornis bicornis (Karny); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p.30. S.[eri co thrifts] bicornis brunneus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p.30. Sericothrivs stavhylinus var. bicornis (Karny); Zangheri, 1930. Atti. Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat. Milano, 69:34. [Sericothrifts stafthylinus] var. bicornis (Karny); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:46, fig. 25. ?. Sericothrifts stafthylinus var. bicornis (Karny); Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak. 1(3): 87 , 92. S.[eri co thrifts] bicornis (Karny); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:315. [Sericothrifts] bicornis { Karny); Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2): 111. Sericothrifts stafthylinus var. bicornis (Karny); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:154,183,210. [Sericothrifts stafthylinus] var. bicornis (Karny); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. [Sericothrifts] bicornis (Karny); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. S.[eri co thrifts] bicornis (Karny); Pelikan, 1946. Ent. listy, 9:56. S .[eric o thrifts] stafthylinus Haliday; Pelikan, 1946. Ent. listy, 9:57. S.[eri co thrifts] bicornis (Karny); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.49. [Sericothrifts] bicornis (Karny); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.114. Sericothrifts bicornis (Karny); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. Listy, 14:159, 161. Sericothrifts gracilicornis Williams; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2):156, 164, 174, 182. Sericothrifts bicornis (Karny); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2):174, 182. Sericothrifts stafthylinus Haliday; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 174, 182. [Sericothrifts stafthylinus] var. bicornis (Karny); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):86, 88, figs . 55, 56. [Sericothrifts] bicornis (Karny); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Sericothrifts bicornis (Karny); Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588. [Sericothrifts] bicornis (Karny); Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):402, 407. Sericothrifts bicornis (Karny); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):308. Sericothrifts stafthilinus [Sic!] var. bicornis (Karny); Bournier, 1956. Arch. Zool. exp. gen. Paris, 93(3):299, figs. 1C, XXI [biology, internal anatomy] . Sericothrifts bicornis (Karny); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 112(1):268. 365 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Sericothrips bicornis (Karny); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klid Zvi'reny CSR., 2:17, figs. 44, 45. S.[ericothrips ] bicornis (Karny); Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:20. Sericothrips bicornis (Karny); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:405. [Sericothrips bicornis ] f. adusta Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:405. Sericothrips staphilinus [Sic!] var. bicornis (Karny); Bournier, 1961. Verh. XI Intern. Kongr. Ent. Wien, 1960, 1:354. Sericothrips staphylinus Haliday; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):332, 336, fig. CLXIII, 1-2. Partim. [described]. S.[ericothrips] staphylinus var. bicornis (Karny); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):333, fig. CLXIII, 4. Sericothrips bicornis (Karny); Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. Sericothrips bicornis (Karny); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 155, figs. 32, 33, ?,d'. [Sericothrips bicornis ] f. brunneus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 156. [Sericothrips bicornis ] f. adusta Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 156. [ Sericothrips ] abnormis (Karny); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:44 [in key to European species]. Sericothrip s bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:42, 117, fig. 41. [in caption of figure]. S .[ericothrips] bicornis (Karny); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:858. S .[ericothrip s\ bicornis f. brunneus Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:858. Sericothrips bicornis (Karny); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 254. [ Sericothrips ] bicornis (Karny); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):95. Sericothrips abnormis (Karny); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):147, 151. Sericothrips abnormis (Karny); Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entom. , 99:29, 31 , 36. [ Sericothrips ] bicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur Neubearb., 4(9): 15. Sericothrip s abnormis (Karny); Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Curie Sklodowska Lublin, (1967) (C)22(8): 1 13. Sericothrips abnormis (Karny); Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.) 21(2): 133. Location of type: ? Berlin Museum; of bicornis: ? Berlin Museum; of brunneus: Priesner collection, Linz; of adusta: Priesner collection, Linz. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Austria; Sardinia; Albania; Italy; Jugoslavakia; Rumania; Scotland; England; Hungary; Finland; France; Switzerland; Germany; Transcaucasia. Type locality: AUSTRIA: Hainburg; of bicornis: AUSTRIA: Hermannskogel; of brunneus: AUSTRIA: Solsteinabhang, Innsbruck, Tirol; of adusta: AUSTRIA: Klaus. Habitat: Turf; grass; Erica verticillata; Cytisus hirsutus; Hieracium; 366 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. C entaurea; Trifolium; Astragalus; Medicago; Lotus ; Corylus; Quercus; Pinus; Luzula pilosa ; Vicia; Lathyrus; Caltha palustris; Triticum sativum. Sericothrips adolphifriderici (Karny, 1912). Hydatothrips adolphi- friderici Karny , 1912. Ergeb. Zentr. Afr. Exp. , 4(1 0): 2 8 1 , figs. 1, 2. [sex not stated]. II ydalothrip s adolphi- fiiderici ; Karny, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. (Fauna exotica), 2(7):25. Hydatothrip s adolfi- friderici Karny; Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(suppl.):50. [ Sericothrips ] adolphi- friderici (Karny); Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11): 4 07. Location of type: ? Berlin Museum. Distribution: Bolero Lake. Type locality: Bolero Lake. Habitat: Unknown. Sericothrips albus Jones, 1912. ?. Sericothrip s albus Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):5, 6, PI. II, figs. 2-5. £. Sericothrips albus Jones; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:31. S .[ericothrip s\ albus Jones; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):165. Sericothrip s albus Jones; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):89. Sericothrip s albus Jones; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):44. [Sericothrip s\ albus Jones; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):403. Sericothrip s albus Jones; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 195. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Visalia, California. Type locality: U.S. A.: Visalia, California. Habitat: Sambucus sp. and weeds. Sericothrips andrei J.C. Crawford, 1943. Sericothrips andrei Crawford, 1943. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 45(2):39. Sericothrip s andrei Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):41. [ Sericothrips ] andrei Crawford; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1): 410. Location of type: United States National Museum, Washington, D.C. Distribution: U.S. A.: Falls Church, Virginia. Type locality: U.S. A.: Falls Church, Virginia. Habitat: Unfolding young elm leaves. Sericothrips annulipes Hood, 1927. 2,°*! Sericothrip s annulipes Hood, 1927. Ent. Americana, (N.S.)7(4):211, PI. XX, fig. 4, ?,<*! Sericothrip s annulipes Hood; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):70. Sericothrips annulipes Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [ Sericothrips ] annulipes Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):409. 367 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Sericothrips annulipes Hood; Stannard, 1967. Illinois St. Acad. Sci., 60(2): 1 32 . Sericothrips annulipes Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):237, 347, fig. 128. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: New York; Virginia; New Jersey; Illinois. Type locality: U.S. A.: Ithaca, New York. Habitat: Legume; cherry; black locust. Sericothrips apicalis Hood, 1927. £. Sericothrips apicalis Hood, 1927. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 35:137. £. Sericothrips apicalis Hood; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll, journ. Sci., 10(3):227. Sericothrips apicalis Hood; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:669. [Sericothrips] apicalis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [ Sericothrips ] apicalis Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr. 2(11): 406 . [ Sericothrips ] apicalis Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):347. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Indiana; Iowa. Type locality: U.S. A.: Knox, Indiana. Habitat: Stachys palustris; dead leaves. Sericothrips apteris Daniel = Apterothrips secticornis (Try bom). Sericothrips arenarius Priesner, 1965. ?. Sericothrip s arenarius Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:241, 244. ?. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Egypt. Type locality: EGYPT: Gebel Elba, Wadi Rabdet. Habitat: Unknown. Sericothrips argenticinctus (Girault, 1927). Hydatothrip s argenticinctus Girault, 1927. Thysanop. Nov. Australiensis from Queensland, [p.l] £. H .[ydatothrip s\ argenticinctus Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p.17. [. Sericothrips ] argenticinctus (Girault); Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):410. [Hydatothrip s\ argenticinctus Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7 : 170. Location of type: Queensland Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Brisbane, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Brisbane, Queensland. Habitat: Cultivated flowers. Sericothrips baileyi Hood, 1957. Sericothrips baileyi Hood, 1957. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 70:53. 2,^. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: California. 368 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: U.S. A.: Westley, California. Habitat: Leaves of milkweed. Sericothrips baptisiae Hood, 1916. S ericothrips baptisiae Hood, 1916. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 29:113. 9,^. Sericothrips baptisiae Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:31, 32. S.[ ericothrips] baptisiae Hood; Crawford, 1939. Journ.New York ent. Soc., 47(1):70. Sericothrips baptisiae Hood; Crawford, 1943. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 45(2):41. [ Sericothrips ] baptisiae Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [ Sericothrips ] baptisiae Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):410. S.[ericothrip s] baptisiae Hood; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):204. Sericothrips baptisiae Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):237, 347, 348. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Virginia; Maryland; New Jersey; New York; Illinois. Type locality: U.S. A.: Mount Vernon, Virginia. Habitat: Baptisia tinctoria. Sericothrips basilaris Hood, 1941. £. Sericothrips basilaris Hood, 1941. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 12(1-2):139. ?. [ Sericothrips ] basilaris Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [S ericothrips] basilaris Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1): 407. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: WEST INDIES: San Vincente, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Type locality: WEST INDIES: San Vincente, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Habitat: Grass. Sericothrips beachae Hood, 1927. Sericothrip s beachae Hood, 1927. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 35:133. ?. [^mentioned but not described]. Sericothrips beachae Hood; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):227. [Sericothrip s] beachae Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [Sericothrip s] beachae Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):405. Sericothrips beachae Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):237, 347, 348. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Illinois; Iowa. Type locality: U.S. A.: White Heath, Illinois. Habitat: Catkins of midwestern hop; hibernating in moss. Sericothrips bedfordi Priesner = Sericothrips occipitalis Hood. Sericothrips bicornis (Karny) = Sericothrips abnormis (Karny). 369 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Sericothrips boerhaaviae Seshadri & Ananthakrishnan, 1954. Sericothrip s (Hydatothrips) bo erhaaviae Seshadri & Ananthakrishnan, 1954. Indian Journ. Ent., 16(3):210. [Sericothrip s\ boerhaevii [Sid] Seshadri & Ananthakrishnan; Ananthakrishnan, 1956. Zool. Anz., 156(l-2):32. [Sericothrip s\ boerhaaviae Seshadri & Ananthakrishnan; Faure, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):375. S.[ericothrip s] boerhaevii [Sid] Seshadri & Ananthakrishnan; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Zool. Anz., 167(7-8): 263. Sericothrips boerhaaviae Seshadri & Ananthakrishnan; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):77, 108. [as boerhaeviae on p. 108]. Location of type: not known to writer. Distribution: INDIA: Agra. Type locality: INDIA: St. John’s College Gardens, Agra. Habitat: Boerhaavia sp. Sericothrips burungae Hood, 1935. £,^1 Sericothrip s burungae Hood, 1935. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 43:150. £,c?. [. Sericothrips ] burungae Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [Sericothrips] burungae Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):405. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Type locality: PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Habitat: Undetermined plant. Sericothrips campestris Hood, 1939. £,^. Sericothrips campestris Hood, 1939. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 10(3):556. £. [Sericothrips] campestris Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [Sericothrips] campestris Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):409. Sericothrip s campestris Hood; Stannard, 1967. Trans . Illinois St. Acad. Sci., 60(2): 132. Sericothrips campestris Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):237, 347, 349, fig. 7. S,*. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Palacios, Texas; number of counties, Illinois. Type locality: U.S. A.: Palacios, Texas. Habitat: Panicum filipes; Mirabilis nyctaginea. Sericothrips catenatus Hood, 1957. Sericothrips catenatus Hood, 1957. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 70:51. £. [^ mentioned but not described]. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Arizona: Chiracahua Mts.; Pajarita Mts. Type locality: U.S. A.: Chiricahua Mts., Arizona. Habitat: Desert shrubs. Sericothrips ch_ sothamni Hood, 1936. Sericothrips chry sothamni Hood, 1936. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 44:85. £, . 370 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Sericothrips] chry sothamni Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [Sericothrips] chry sothamni Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):403. Sericothrips chry sothamni Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):195, 196. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Oregon; California. Type locality: U.S. A.: Galice, Oregon. Habitat: Chry sothamnus sp.; grass. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds, 1902. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:141, PI. Ill, figs. 27-29. y,3! Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:14, 24. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):5. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds; Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:45. Sericothrip s cingulatus Hinds; Shull, 1914. American Ent., 48(568):242. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):58. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:31, 32. Sericothrips singularis [Sid] Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):21. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds; Hood, 1927. Ent. Americana, (N.S.) 7(4): 2 1 1 . S Sericothrips] cingulatus Hinds; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr Exp. Sta., 101:67. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds; Moulton, 1930. Canadian Ent., (1929)61(12):286. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):227. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):92. S .[ericothrip s] cingulatus Hinds; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):70. Sericothrip s cingulata Hood [Sic!]; Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):93. Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(2):92. Sericothrip s cingulatus Hinds; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):43. Sericothrip s cingulatus Hinds; Stannard, 1951. Journ. Kansas ent. Soc., 24(4):130, fig. 3. [Sericothrip s] cingulatus Hinds; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr 2(11):402, 406, 408. P Sericothrip s cingulatus Hinds; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963) 26(2):77, 108, 109. S Sericothrips] cingulatus Hinds; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):204. Sericothrip s cingulatus Hinds; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):346, 350. 9?. Location of type: Massachusetts State College, Amherst. Distribution: U.S. A.: Massachusetts; Maryland; Illinois; Tennessee; Nebraska; New York; Iowa; New Jersey; CANADA: Birtle, Manitoba. ? INDIA. 371 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Type locality: U.S.A.: Amherst, Massachusetts. Habitat: Various grasses; Plantago; broom sedge; white clover; hibernating in moss. Sericothrips circumfusus Priesner, 1924. Sericothrip s circumfusus Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)133(10):529. £,<*! [Sericothrip s\ circumfusus; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. Sericothrips circumfusus; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 : 164, 168. [Sericothrip s\ circumfusus; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. S.[ericothrips\ circumfusus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 30. Sericothrips circumfusus Priesner; Knechtel, 1932. Public. Soc. Nat. Roman. , 10:3. Sericothrip s circumfusus Priesner; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 111. S Sericothrip s] circumfusus Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:315. S Sericothrip s\ circumfusus Priesner; Pelikan, 1946. Ent. listy., 9:56. Sericothrip s circumfusus Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman Ins., 8( 1 ) : 86 , 89. [Sericothrip s\ circumfusus Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. [Sericothrip s] circumfusus Priesner; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):407. Sericothrips circumfusus Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR . 2:17. Sericothrips circumfusus Priesner; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 14. [Sericothrip s\ circumfusus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:406. Sericothrips circumfusus Priesner; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):331, 336. [ 2,^ described! . Sericothrip s circumfusus Priesner; Knechtel, 1961. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 11(1 1):1327. Sericothrips circumfusus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom Evrop. SSSR., pp. 155, 157. Sericothrips circumfusus Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Anim., 15(3):281-317 . [Sericothrips] circumfusus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:44. [in key to European species] Sericothrips circumfusus Priesner; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):146, 152. [Sericothrip s\ circumfusus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 15. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Hungary; Italy; France; Czechoslovakia; Rumania; Germany . Type locality: AUSTRIA: Linz. Habitat: V erbascum austriacum; Astragalus o nob ry chis; turf; Genista sagittalis; Dorycnium pentaphyllum. Sericothrips collaris Hood, 1936. ?,**! Sericothrip s collaris Hood, 1936. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 44:91. £, . 372 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Sericothrip s\ collaris Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [Sericothrip s] collaris Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):403, 405. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Wickenburg, Arizona. Type locality: U.S. A.: Wickenburg, Arizona. Habitat: Hymenoclea monogyra ? Sericothrips ctenogastris Hood, 1936. Sericothrip s ctenogastris Hood, 1936. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 44(2):93. . [ Sericothrips ] ctenogastris Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [Sericothrips] ctenogastris Hood ; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):403. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: near Phoenix, Arizona. Type locality: U.S. A.: near Phoenix, Arizona. Habitat: Hymenoclea monogyra . Sericothrips daedalus Hood, 1954. Sericothrips daedalus Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:201. [ Sericothrips 1 daedalus Hood; Faure, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):374. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Type locality: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Habitat: Leuhea . Sericothrips dentatus Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Sericothrip s dentatus Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:20. ?. S.[ericothrips] dentatus Steinweden & Moulton; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:341. Sericothrip s dentatus Steinweden & Moulton; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):49. Sericothrip s dentatus Steinweden & Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 123. [ Sericothrips ] dentatus Steinweden & Moulton; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):407. Location of type: ? California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: CHINA: Hashing. Type locality: CHINA: Hashing. Habitat: Vicia sp. Sericothrips denigratus De Santis, 1966. Sericothrip s denigratus De Santis, 1966. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 3(8):11, figs. 4, 5. £. Location of type: Museo de La Plata. Distribution: ARGENTINA, PROVINCIA DE TUCUMAN: San Javier; San Miguel de Tucuman. Type locality: ARGENTINA: San Javier (provincia de Tucuman). Habitat: Unknown. 373 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Sericothrips desertorum Hood, 1957. ?. Sericothrips desertorum Hood, 1957. Proc. biol. Soc . Washington, 70:52. £. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: NEW MEXICO: Peloncillo Mts. Type locality: U.S. A.: NEW MEXICO: Peloncillo Mts. Habitat: Desert Shrub. Sericothrips desmodianus Stannard, 1968. Sericothrip s desmodianus Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):346, 351. £,,d! Sericothrips moultoni Jones; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:31, 32. S .[ericothrips] moultoni J ones; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 165. Sericothrips moultoni Jones; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):89, 92. Sericothrips moultoni Jones; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):44. 382 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Sericothrip s moultoni Jones; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):232. [Sericothrip s\ moultoni Jones; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):403. Sericothrip s moultoni Jones; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):195, 196, PI. 23, fig. 48. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: California; Utah. Type locality: U.S. A.: San Jose, California. Habitat: Perennial lupine; P enstemon; Argemone hispida; grass; lupine; blue legume. Sericothrips mundus Hartwig, 1952. 7,^ Sericothrip s mundus Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):387, 410, figs. 41,44, 48, 54. ?,d! [Sericothrip s\ mundus Hartwig; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):339. Sericothrip s mundus Hartwig; zur Strassen, 1968. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 31(2):367. Location of type: Hartwig collection, Bloemfontein. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Transvaal; SWAZILAND: Stegi. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal. Habitat: Mundulea suberosa; Combretum; Rhyncho sia nitens; Albizzia sp.; Avocado; Acacia; Citrus. Sericothrips nubilipennis Hood, 1924. Sericothrip s nubilipennis Hood, 1924. Ent. News, 35:312. ?. Sericothrip s nublipennis [Sic!] Hood; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi, nat., 36:669. [Sericothrip s\ nubilipennis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [Sericothrip s\ nubilipennis Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(1 1):406. Sericothrip s nubilipennis Hood; Stannard, 1967. Trans. Illinois St. Acad. Sci., 60(2):132. Sericothrip s nubilipennis Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):347, 353. f,d! Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Plummer’s Island, Maryland; number of counties, Illinois Lafayette, Indiana. Type locality: U.S. A.: Plummer’s Island, Maryland. Habitat: Willow; leaves of many forest trees. Sericothrips occipitalis Hood, 1917. Sericothrip s occipitalis Hood, 1917. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 12(2):32. 2,^ Sericothrip s occipitalis Hood; Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:198. Sericothrip s occipitalis Hood; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:39. [Sericothrip s\ occipitalis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. Sericothrip s occipitalis Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):395, 408, figs. 53, 56, 58, 59. ?,d! 383 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Sericothrips occipitalis Hood; Faure, 1956. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 19(1): 1 08. Sericothrip s occipitalis Hood; Faure, 1957. S. African Anim. Life, 4:379. Sericothrip s occipitalis Hood; Faure, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):371, 372. Sericothrips occipitalis Hood; Le Pelley, 1959. Agric. Ins. East Africa, p. 96. [Sericothrip s] occipitalis Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):340. Sericothrip s occipitalis Hood; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 57(3):559. S .[ericothrip s] occipitalis Hood; Ananthakrishnan, 1961, Zool. Anz., 167(7-8):263. Sericothrips occipitalis Hood; Faure, 1962. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 66(1-2): 176, fig. 23. Sericothrips occipitalis Hood; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):77, 109. Sericothrip s bedfordi , i.sched., Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst, Desert Egypte, (1960)13:242,243. & Sericothrip s bedfordi Priesner; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:8. [a synonym of S.occipitalis]. Sericothrip s occipitalis Hood; zur Strassen, 1968. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 31(2):367. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of bedfordi: in British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Nigeria; Sudan; Tanganyika; Portuguese East Africa; Congo; Malawi; Southern Rhodesia; South West Africa; Transvaal; Natal; SOUTH INDIA: Nilgiris. Type locality: SOUTHERN NIGERIA: Ibadan; of bedfordi: SUDAN: Khartoum. Habitat: Beans; legumes; citrus; various plants. Sericothrips opuntiae Hood, 1936. Sericothrip s opuntiae Hood, 1936. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 44(2):88, figs. la-b. •?,d>. [Sericothrip s\ opuntiae Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. [Sericothrip s\ opuntiae Hood; Hartwig, 1952. Ent. Mem. U.S. Africa Dept. Agr., 2(11):405. Sericothrips opuntiae Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dept. Agr. California, 41(3): 177. Sericothrip s opuntiae Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):195, 196. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Arizona; California. Type locality: U.S. A.: Comobabi, Papago India Reservation, Arizona. Habitat: Opuntia; sage. Sericothrips ormocarpi Faure, 1962. ?,<*! Sericothrips ormocarpi Faure, 1962. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 66(1-2):171, figs. 15, 16, 18-22, 30, 31. ¥,■<* Ch.[irothrips] Cypriotes Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):145, 160, 169, figs. 22, 30, 33. [Chirothrip s\ Cypriotes Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. [Chirothrip s\ Cypriotes Hood; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:108,112. [in key to European species]. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. 449 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Distribution: CYPRUS: Cherkes; Asomatos. Type locality: CYPRUS: Cherkes. Habitat: Turf. Chirothrips dolosus De Santis, 1967. ?. Chirothrips dolosus De Santis, 1967. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 4(6):5, figs. 2, 3. ?. Location of type: Museo de La Plata. Distribution: BRAZIL: Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul). Type locality: BRAZIL: Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul). Habitat: Unknown. Chirothrips dorsalis Hood, 1939. ?. Chirothrips dorsalis Hood, 1939. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 10(3):560. [ Chirothrips ] dorsalis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. Ch.[irothrip s] dorsalis Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 150, 169. [Chirothrip s] dorsalis Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. [Chirothrips] dorsalis Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6):351. [ Chirothrips ] dorsalis Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):294. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Palacios, Texas. Type locality: U.S. A. Palacios, Texas. Habitat: Dead grass. Chirothrip s Dudae Uzel = Chirothrips hamatus Trybom. Chirothrips egregius zur Strassen, 1957. Chirothrip s egregius zur Strassen, 1957. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 20(2):420, figs. 1-13. [Chirothrips] egregius; zur Strassen, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):344, 347. Chirothrips egregius; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(1):186. Ch.[irothrip s] eqreqius; zur Strassen, I960, journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 160, 162, 164, 169, fig. 31. [Chirothrips] egregius; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):329. Location of type: National collection of Insects, Pretoria. Distribution: KENYA: SOUTHERN RHODESIA: SOUTH AFRICA: Natal; Transvaal; Orange Free State; Cape Province. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Nelspruit, Transvaal. Habitat: Many species of grass; Cyperus articulatus. Chirothrips erinaceus zur Strassen, 1969. ?. Chirothrip s erinaceus zur Strassen, 1969. Senckenbergianan biol., 50(3-4):171, figs. 1-6. ■?. Location of type: National Collection of Insects, Pretoria. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Barberton dist., Transvaal. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Fig Tree Store south of Komatipoort, Barberton District, Eastern Transvaal. Habitat: Vrochloa sp. 450 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. * Chirothrips falsus Priesner, 1925. ?, . Chirothrip s falsus Priesner, 1925. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst., 50:312. ?. C h .[iro thrip s\ falsus f. adusta Priesner, 1925. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst., 50:313. [Chirothrip s falsus Priesner; Andre, 1939 = Chirothrip s simplex Hood]. [ Chirothrips falsus Priesner; Hood, 1939 •• Chirothrip s simplex Hood]. Chirothrips falsus Priesner; Swezey, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):395. Chirothrips falsus Priesner; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):231. Chirothrip s falsus Priesner; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dept. Agr. California, 41(3): 177. Chirothrip s falsus Priesner; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):168, 169. Chirothrips falsus Priesner; Bibby, 1958. Journ. econ. Ent., 51(4):450. C h. [iro thrip s\ falsus Priesner; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc., S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 152, 158, 166, 169, figs. 12, 17, 44. Chirothrips falsus Priesner; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:311,312, 315, 326, figs. 12, 13. Chirothrips falsus Priesner; Stannard, 1965. Journ. Kansas ent. Soc., 38(1):84. Chirothrip s falsus Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 69(1):47. Chirothrip s falsus Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:28, fig. 5. ^ [described]. [Chirothrip s\ falsus Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol. 48(5-6):352, 353, 354, 355. Chirothrip s falsus Priesner; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):294, 296. Partim. Chirothrips falsus Priesner; Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):980. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of f. adusta: Priesner collection Linz Austria Distribution: CANADA: Alberta; U.S.A.: Arizona; New Mexico; Kansas; Wyoming; Colorado; Nebraska; Illinois; North & South Dakota; Iowa; Texas; Washington; Montana; Utah; California; MEXICO. Type locality: MEXICO; of f. adusta: MEXICO. Habitat: Various grasses; sometimes on other plants. Note: Some of the above references may include C . simplex Hood which was considered a synomym. Chirothrips faurei zur Strassen, 1957. Chirothrip s faurei zur Strassen, 1957. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 20(2):432, figs. 14-26. [Chirothrip s] faurei ; zur Strassen, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):343, 347. ¥,< Ch.[irothrips ] faurei ; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):145, 156, 164, 169, figs. 24, 37. [Chirothrip s\ faurei; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):329. Location of type: National Collection of Insects, Pretoria. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Fish Hoek, Cape Province. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: slope of mountain above Fish Hoek, Cape Province. 451 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Habitat: Aristida capensis var. barbata. Chirothrip s floridensis Watson = Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford. Chirothrips frontalis Williams, 1914. Chirothrips frontalis Williams, 1914. Entom., 47:51, 1 fig. Chirothrip s sulcatus John, 1922. Ann. Mus. Acad. Sci. Russie, (1921)23:345, 348. ?. [Chirothrip s] frontalis Williams, John, 1922. Ann. Mus. Acad. Sci. Russie, (1921)23:348. Chirothrips frontalis Williams; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 100. Chirothrip s frontalis Williams; Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:498. Chirothrip s frontalis Williams; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci. (2)3:39. [Chirothrip s] frontalis Williams; Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6): 193 . Chirothrips frontalis Williams; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:147. Chirothrip s frontalis Williams; Andre, 1941. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 34:455, PI. 1, figs. 2, 3. ?. Chirothrip s frontalis Williams; Hood, 1953. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 47(1-2):110, 115, fig. 6. ¥,'\ [Chirothrip s] frontalis Williams; zur Strassen, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):344, 348. Chirothrip s frontalis Williams; zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2): 46 1 . Ch.[iro thrips] frontalis Williams; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):145, 152, 161, 164, 165, 169, figs. 4, 35, 36. Ch.[irothrip s] sulcatus John; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):175, [Syn. of frontalis ]. Chirothrip s frontalis Williams; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:311, 316,326, fig. 9. ?. [Chirothrip s\ frontalis Williams; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc., S. Africa, 23(2):329. Chirothrips frontalis; Williams, 1961. Entom., 94:129. Chirothrips frontalis Williams; Bournier, 1962. Biol. Amerique Austr., 1:234. Chirothrip s frontalis Williams; De Santis, 1964. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S.) 8(Zool.58):40. Ch.[irothrip s\ frontalis Williams; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol. 48(5-6):350. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London; of sulcatus: Unknown to writer. Distribution: ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires; Sierra de los Padres; La Ridja; La Pampa; Santa Fe; U.S.A.: Wyoming; KENYA: Chala; BASUTOLAND: Mamathes; SOUTH AFRICA: Transvaal; Cape Province. Type locality: ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires; of sulcatus : BRITISH EAST AFRICA: Chala. Habitat: Bromus catharticus; Themeda triandra; Pennisetum clandestinum ; Paspalum dilatatum; sometimes on other plants than grasses. 452 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Chirothrips fulvus Moulton, 1936. 9,^- Chirothrip s fulvus Moulton, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2):182. 9, . Chirothrips fulvus Moulton; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3): 417. Chirothrip s fulvus Moulton; Hood, 1939. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 10(2):463. Chirothrips fulvus Moulton; Sakimura & Nishida, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1): 124, 130. Chirothrip s fulvus Moulton; Bianchi, 1946. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(3):512. Chirothrip s fulvus Moulton; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:405, fig. 219. Chirothrip s fulvus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):119. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; De Santis, 1959. Acta Zool. Lilloana, 17:92. Ch\irothrips\ fulvus Moulton; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 150, 165, 170, fig. 40. \Chirothrip s] fulvus Moulton; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:310, 326. ChXirothrips ] fulvus Moulton; De Santis, 1966. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 3(8):7. Chirothrips fulvus Moulton; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:30. [ Chirothrips ] fulvus Moulton; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6):351, 354. Chirothrips fulvus Moulton; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):294, 297. 9*. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Oahu; Kauai; Hawaii; U.S.A.: Paris, Tennessee; Palacios, Texas; URUGUAY: Montevideo; ARGENTINA: Prov. de Buenos Aires. Type locality: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Paumalu, Oahu. Habitat: Paspalum orbiculare; Paspalum dilatatum; common on grasses; dead leaves of Styphelia tameiameiae; Viquiera stenophylla. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom, 1895. 9,^. Chirothrips hamata Trybom, 1895. Ent. Tidskr., 16(3): 1 87 . 9,^. Chirothrips Dudae Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 32, 47, 83. PI. 1, fig. 7; PI. V, fig. 50. ?■*. Chirothrip s hamata Trybom; Uzel; 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 455, 456. [Identical with Dudae ] Chirothrip s hamata; Trybom, 1896. Festskr. Lilljeborg, 1896:217. Chirothrip s hamata Trybom; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):63. Chirothrips dudae Uzel; Oudemans , [1900?]. Nederland. Ins., p.237, fig. 180i. Chirothrips hamata Trybom; E. Reuter, 1902. Landtbr. Meddel., 39:23,47,48. Chirothrip s hamatus Trybom; Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26):912, 914. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom (?); Schugurow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 32(1):10. Chirothr \ips\ hamatus Trybom; Reh, 1909. Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd ed., Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Chirothrip s hamatus Trybom; 3:222. Bagnall, Bagnall, Bagnall, Priesner Bagnall, Newc.-Tyne, (N .S. )4(2):347, 354. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:51. 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2):34. 1912. Journ. econ. Biol., 7(4):191. 1913. Ent. Rec., 25(9):226. 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6):188. 1916. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. 453 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Ch\irothrips\ hamata Trybom; Hukkinen, 1917. Meddel. Landtman, 50:7. Ch.[irothrips] hamatus Trybom; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):37. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Ahlberg, 1921. Ark. Zool., 1 3 ( 1 7 ) : 3 . Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. Catal., 2(1):6. [Chirothrips] hamatus Trybom; John, 1922. Ann. Mus. Acad. Sci. Russie, (1921)23:348 Chirothrip s hamatus Trybom; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:270. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 1 4( 1 ): 2 0 . [ Chirothrips ] hamatus Trybom; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. [Chirothrip s\ hamatus Trybom; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):143. Ch.[irothrips ] hamatus Trybom; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4(1): 253 . Chirothrip s hamatus Trybom; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:136, 137. £ CT Ch.[irothrips\ hamatus Trybom; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insekfauna, 6:27,29. described. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:565. [ Chirothrips ] hamatus Trybom; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):7. Ch.[irothrips] hamatus Trybom; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):165. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:708. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):840. Ch.[irothrips\ hamatus Trybom; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 28. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):92. [ Chirothrips ] hamatus Trybom; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:41. Ch.[irothrips] hamatus Trybom; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:38. 9,^. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Hukkinen, 1934. Maataloustiet. Aikakausk. , 6: 141, 145, 151. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(2):62. Chirothrips hamatus f. adusta Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(2):62. Chirothrip s hamatus f. albicornis Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1 (2 ): 62 . ?. Chirothrips hamatus Trybom; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak:, 1(3): 87, 88. [ Chirothrips hamatus 1 f. aptera Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3): 87.89. ?. [ Chirothrips hamatus\ f. adusta; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3): 87 , 89. ?. [ Chirothrips hamatus ] f. albicornis; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. 1(3):87, 89. fig. 1. ?. [ Chirothrips hamatus\ f. aurata Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3): 87.90, fig. 2. ?. [ Chirothrips hamatus\ f. testacea Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist., Aikak., 1(3):87, 90. . Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); John, 1930, Rev. Russe Ent. , 24(1-2): 1 1 1 . Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Moulton, 1930. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 34:274. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Zangheri, 1930. Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat., Milano, 69:33. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):92. \Chirothrips\ similis Bagnall; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:41. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:42, 153, fig. 11. f*. [ Chirothrips manicatus f.] adusta Uzel; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:43. [Chirothrips manicatus f.] albicornis Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:43. [Chirothrips manicatus\ f. aptera Schille; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:43. [Chirothrips manicatus f.l fusca Coesfeld; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:43. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Watson, 1931. Publ. Univ. Oklahoma Biol. Surv., 3(4):339. [Chirothrips manicatus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931 = Chirothrips ramakrishnai Ananthakrishnan] . Chirothrips similis var. productus Bagnall, 1932. Ent. mon. Mag., 68:184. ?. Chirothrips ambulans Bagnall, 1932. Ent. mon. Mag., 68:185. ?. Chirothrips laingi Bagnall, 1932. Ent. mon. Mag., 68:185. 9. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:38,39, fig. 22. 9,* [Chirothrips manicatus] f. brachyptera; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:39. 9. [Chirothrips manicatus] f. adusta Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:39. ?f°r Chirothrip s. manicatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1932. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkrank. Pflanzenschutz, 42(6):274, 277 . Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 100. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Knowlton & Thomas, 1933. Canadian Ent., 65:115. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1934. Maataloustiet. Aikakausk., 6:141, 144, 145, 151. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 18. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):62, 100. ?,°T [Chirothrips similis Bagnall; Cappelletto, 1934 = Chirothrips aculeatus Bagnall] . Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:32. Chirothrops [Sic!] manicatus (Haliday); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:37. 464 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Ch.[irothrips\ manic atus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):87, 90. [ Chirothrips manicatus ] f. aptera Schille; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):87, 90. [Chirothrips manicatus ] f. adusta Uzel; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak. , 1(3): 87, 90. [Chirothrips manicatus ] f. testacea Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1 (3 ) : 87 , 90. °* [Chirothrips similis Bagnall; Bailey = Chirothrips aculeatus Bagnall]. Chirothrips laingi Bagnall; Bagnall 8s John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:313 Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Bagnall 8s John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:313. [Chirothrips similis Bagnall; Bagnall 8s John, 1935 = Chirothrips molestus Priesner] . [Chirothrips similis] var. productus Bagnall; Bagnall 8s John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:313. Chirothrips takahashii Moulton; Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. trop. Agr. Formosa, 7:69, 70. 72. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Moulton 8s Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):227. [Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Moulton, 1936 = Chirothrips pretorianus Hood]. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1-2):81. Chirothrips manicatus Haliday: Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:90. Chirothrips takahashii Moulton; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):429. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Keler, 1937. Fragm. faun. Mus. Zool. Polonici, 3(2): 7. [Chirothrips similis Bagnall; Keler, 1937 = Chirothrips aculeatus Bagnall]. [Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937 = Chirothrips pretorianus Hood]. Chirothrips ambulans Bagnall; Hukkinen: in Hukkinen 8s Syrjanen, 1937. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(3):164. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2 ): 1 1 1 . Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1938. Konowia, 1 7 (1 ): 26 , fig. la. [Chirothrips] ambulans Bagnall; Priesner, 1938. Konowia, 17(1):27 (footnote). Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Hood, 1938. Ins. Carolina, N.C. Dept. Agr. Raleigh Div..Ent., p. 55. Chirothrips bagnalli Hood, 1938. Ent. mon. Mag., 74:162, fig. 2b. ? Chirothrips manicatus f. aptera Schille; Wolf, 1938. Anim. Cavern. Catal. , 3:780. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1938. Valtion Maatalousk. Tiedonant., 133:6. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):70. Chirothrips manicatus f. adusta Priesner [Sic!]; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):70. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:91 [Chirothrips] manicatus (Haliday); Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6): 193, 194. [Chirothrip s manicatus Ramakrishna 8s Margabandhu, 1940 = Chirothrips ramakrishnai Ananthakrishnan] . 465 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Kurosawa 1941. Kontyu, 1 5 (3 ) : 4 2 , fig. ld-e. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:147 (footnote). Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1941. Arb. morph, tax. Ent., 8(1): 51 . Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:149, 183, 185, 190, 193, 210, fig. 4a. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. [ Chirothrips manicatus ) f. adusta Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. [Chirothrip s manicatus\ f. testacea; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. Chirothrip s ambulans Bagnall; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4):237. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:107, fig. 4. Chirothrips similis Bagnall; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:108. Ch.[irothrip s\ manicatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. Morph, tax. Ent., 10(2-3):96. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3):255. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British, Ins . , p . 32 . [ Chirothrips ] similis Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 32. [Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Shumsher Singh, 1946 = Chirothrips ramakrishnai Ananthakrishnanl . Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:669. Ch.[irothrip s\ aculeatus Bagnall; Pelikan, 1947. Ent. Listy, 10:9. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1947. Ent. Listy, 10:9. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):92, PI. XII, fig. 209. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:19. Chirothrips similis Bagnall; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:19. Chirothrips antennatus Osborn; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):47. C .[hirothrips] manicatus (Haliday); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 47, fig. 17. ?,°! Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Bailey, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(5):704. [ Chirothrips ] bagnalli Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20, [ Chirothrips ] takahashii Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 119. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.114. Chirothrips similis Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:169. Chirothrips laingi Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:168, 172. ?. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:169, 172, 173, 174, fig. 6. Chirothrips manicatus longisetis Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:170.172. ?. 466 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Chirothrips bagnalli Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:167, 173. ?. Chirothrips ambulans Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:170, 173, fig. 7. f. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):231. Ch.[irothrips\ manicatus (Haliday); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):392. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Kurosawa, 1950. Icon. Ins. Japon., p.171, fig. 434. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1951. Prirod. Shorn. Ostrav. Kraje. Opava, 11:346. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, Pfirody, 42(l-2):7, fig. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Spiller, 1951. New Zealand journ. Sci. Tech., (B)33(2): 142. Ch.[irothrips ] manicatus var. longisetis Priesner; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. Listy, 14:158, 159. Ch.[irothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. Listy, 14:159. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):46, 53, 54. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2):156, 163, 170, 171, 172, 182. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):75, figs. 45, 46. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Tanaka, 1951. Oyo-Kontyu, 7(3):130, fig. 3. [ Chirothrips similis Bagnall; Grandi, 1951 = Chirothrips aculeatus Bagnall]. [Chirothrip s\ manicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. Listy, 1:189. Chirothrips manicatus f. longisetis Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. Listy, 1:188. [ Chirothrips ] ambulans Bagnall; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. Listy, 1:189. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588, 597, 598. Chirothrips manicatus f. longisetis Priesner; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):598. Chirothrip s manicatus Haliday; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm .-Biicherei, 89:18, figs. 9, lib. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3) : 1 77 , [ Chirothrips 1 manicatus (Haliday); Hood, 1953. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 47(1-2): 109. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4):139. Ch\irothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5Q-2):75. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31:266. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):296, 307, Pi. 41, fig. 2c. [ Chirothrips manicatus ] f. longisetis Priesner; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N .S.)3(5):307. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:12. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Ananthakrishnan, 1956. Zool. Anz . , 156(l-2):30. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Smith, 1956. Ent. mon. Mag., 92:350. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 168, 169. PL 19, fig. 21. 467 ANN. CAPE PROV MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 1 Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 112(1):267. Chirothrips ambulans Bagnall; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:16. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvi 1 Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:16, figs. 19, 20, 30. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:20. [Chirothrips] manicatus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):346, 348. ?,°! Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):298. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th inter. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:691, 692. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sklodowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(8): 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(1):89, 95. figs. 8-13. ?,d'. [Chirothrips] manicatus (Haliday); Ananthakrishnan, 1959. Zool. Anz., 162(9-10):316. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.):14. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skfodowska Lublin, (1956)(C)11(7): 185, 191-195, 198-200, 203-207, 209, 211-215, 217, 218. [as maniculatus on p.213]. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Ch.[irothrips\ Ch .[irothrip s] Ch .[irothrip s] Ch hirothrips] C h .[irothrip s] Ch.[irothrips] Ch.[irothrips] Ch.[iro thrips] Sklodowska Lublin, (1958)(C)13(7): 129. ambulans Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):155, 167. [Syn. of manicatus]. antennatus Osborn; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):168, [Syn. of manicatus]. bagnalli Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):168. [Syn. of manicatus]. laingi Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):170. [Syn. of manicatus]. longipennis (Burmeister); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1 ): 171. [Syn. of manicatus]. manicatus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 155, 165, 166, 171, fig. 42. similis Bagnall (nec Priesner); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S„ Africa, 23(1):175. [Syn. of manicatus]. takahashii Moulton; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 154, 175. Chirothrips manicatus (Halidav); Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:31 1 , 312,317,326, figs. 3, 4. [Chirothrips] ambulans Bagnall; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:325. [Chirothrips] bagnali [Sid], Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:325. [Chirothnps] laingi Bagnall; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. [Chirothrips] takahashii Moulton; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44 :326. [Chirothrips] similis var. productus Bagnall; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. 468 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Lewis, 1960. Entomol., 93:27. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Derbenyeva, 1960. Nasek. Vredya. Kukur., SSSR. p. 187. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append);289, 293, figs.CLIV, 1,3-4. [?,°^ larva described]. \Chirothrips similis Melis = Chirothrip s aculeatus Bagnall], Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):421, 422. Chirothrips ambulans Bagnall; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:404. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:404. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Lewis, 1961. Proc. Roy. ent. Soc. London, (A )36(7-9):90. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:22. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht, 21(8):142. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent. , ll(5-6):585, 588, 591. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1961. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 11(11): 1327. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sklodowska Lublin, (1959)(C)14(3):55, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 68. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Lewis & Navas, 1962. Ann. appl. Biol., 50(2):299-306 . Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Holtmann, 1962. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 5 1(1):7, 10. Chirothrips ambulans Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 123. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4):123. [including f. brachyptera and macroptera]. [ Chirothrips manicatus ] f. longisetis Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr., Ent., 105(4):124. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68(17):8. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1): 13. Chirothrip s manicatus f. longisetis Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1):13, Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. Chirothrip s manicatus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3):281-317. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., Berlin, 13(3-4):371. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):26. [Chirothrips] laingi Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:110. [in key to European species]. 469 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 [Chirothrips manicatus ] longisetis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:110. [in key to European species]. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:111, 112, 118, figs. 108, 110. [in key to European species] . [ Chirothrips ] bagnalli Hood; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:110, 111. [in key to European species]. [ Chirothrips ] ambulans Bagnalli; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:110, 111, fig. 109. [in key to European species]. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus f. brachyptera Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:111. [in key to European species]. Ch\irothrips\ laingi Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsv Bachrom Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR . , p. 139. Chirothrips manicatus Haliday; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 127, 140, fig. 22. [Chirothrip s manicatus]i. adustus Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 141. [ Chirothrips manicatus ] f. fuscus Coesfeld; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 141. [ Chirothrips manicatus ] f. albicornis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p.141. Chirothrips ambulans Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom, Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 139, 142. ?. Chirothrips ambulans Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:34. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:34. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skfodowska Lublin Polonia, (1963)(C)18(6): 137 . Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet. Biol. Seer., 13(1):62. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963) 26(2):76, 102. Ch\irothrips \ manicatus (Haliday); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:857, fig. 344(1). Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):260. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Gromadska, 1964. Vie et Milieu, 15(3):689, 690, tables 1-2. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1): 98. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus., Dresden, 1964(4):156, 157, tabl. 1. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Rev. Roumaine Biol. Ser. Zool. 9(5):355-363 . Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Stud, cercet, Biol., (Zool.)16(5):445, 447. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl. , 54(3):43 . Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):158. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. 470 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Vappula, 1965. Acta ent. Fennica, 19:30,31, 196. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist. -Nat. Mus. nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):230. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Vasiliu, 1965. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.) 17(2): 163 . C \hirothrip s\ manicatus (Haliday); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):201. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entomol., 99:29,30,33,34,35,36,42. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1966. Ann. Univ. M. Curie- Skfodowska Lublin, (1965)(C)2Q(3):28. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):13, 14, fig. 19. [ Chirothrips 1 manicatus longisetis; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):14. [ Chirothrips ] ambulans Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 14. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:32. Ch.[irothrips] manicatus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2): 101. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6): 352,355. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):261, 263, 271. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31-43. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sklodowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):tables 1, 3, 4. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:19, 62, 67, pi. IV, fig. 30. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:31. Partim. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illionois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):295, 298, fig. 17. ¥,* Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Curie-Sklodowska Lublin, (1967)(C)22(8): 1 13. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.) 21(2): 134. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 11(2): 83, 84, 85, 86. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of longipennis: unknown to writer; of antennatus : unknown to writer; of f. adusta: unknown to writer; of f. fusca: unknown to writer; of similis: British Museum (Natural History), London; of f. aptera: unknown to writer; of f. albicornis : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of ambulans : British Museum (Natural History), London; of laingi: British Museum (Natural History), London; 471 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 of var. productus : British Museum (Natural History), London; of f. testacea : unknown to writer; of bagnalli : Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of f. longisetis: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria.; of takahashii: California Academy of Science. Distribution: Europe; Asia; Japan; Formosa; Hawaiian Islands; Australia; New Zealand; North America; Argentina; West Indies. Type Locality: Great Britain; of longipennis : Germany; of antennatus: Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa; of f. adusta: CZECHOSLOV AKIA: Bohemia; of f. fusca: Germany; of similis: ENGLAND: Gibside, Durham; of f. aptera: POLAND: Rytro, Galicia; of f. albicornis: HUNGARY: Simontornya, Sib River; of ambulans: Galicia; of laingi: FRANCE: D’Hyeres; of var. productus: SPAIN: Puigcerda; off. Testacea: FINLAND: Siuntio; of bagnalli: SPAIN: Puigcerda; of longisetis: WESTERN GERMANY: Boberg sand-dunes, Hamburg; of takahashii: FORMOSA: Taihoku. Habitat: Many species of grass; also found on various other plants. Chirothrips maxim! Ananthakrishnan, 1957. Chirothrips maximi Ananthakrishnan, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(5-6):93, fig. 2. Chirothrips maximi; Ananthakrishnan, 1959. Zool. Anz., 162(9-10):315, 316, fig. 2b. Ch.\irothrips\ maximi Ananthakrishnan; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):145, 155, 161, 172. Chirothrips maximi; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):422. Chirothrips maximi; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):76, 103. Location of type: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Madras. Type locality: SOUTH INDIA: Madras. Habitat: Panicum maximum. Chirothrips medius zur Strassen, 1965. Chirothrips medius zur Strassen, 1965 Commen. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 28(6):37, figs. 17-20. Chirothrips medius; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):46, 69, map 11. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Distribution: CANARY ISLANDS: Gran Canaria; Tenerife; Lanzarote; Fuerteventura. Type locality: Pico de Bandama, Gran Canaria. Habitat: Hyparrhenia hirta; Andropogon sp.; short grasses; Stipa retorta; Avena fatua . 472 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall, 1927. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:566. ?. C .[hirothrips] meridionalis ; Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:180. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall; Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc, Roy. ent. Egypte, 1932(l-2):46. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:313. Chirothrips rkeridionalis Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:162, 171, 174, fig. 1. 9,* [Chirothrips] meridionalis Bagnall; Hood, 1953. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 47(1-2): 108. ?. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1958. journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):340, 342, 346, figs. 10, 11. Ch.[irothrips] meridionalis Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 160, 172, figs. 5, 8. [Chirothrips] meridionalis Bagnall; Husseiny, 1960 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. [Chirothrips] meridionalis Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):330. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall; Bhatti, 1961. Bull. Ent. Madras, 2:28. [Chirothrips] meridionalis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:108, 112, figs. 103. [in key to European species]. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 76,102. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:233, PI. X, fig. 51. ?,<*! [described], Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall; Vasiliu, 1965. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.) - 17(2): 163. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1966. Bol. Mus. Munic. Funchal, 20(93): 40. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:32. Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):46, 47, 69. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution: France; Italy; Egypt; Cyprus; Palestine; Yemen; Madeira; CANARY ISLANDS: Gran Canaria; Tenerife; INDIA: Punjab; SOUTH AFRICA: Transvaal. Type locality: FRANCE: Villefranche. Habitat: many species of grass; occasionally on other plants. Chirothrips mexicanus D.L. Crawford, 1909. Chirothrips crassus Hinds; Hooker, 1907. Bull. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 65:13. Chirothrips mexicana Crawford, 1909. Pomona Coll. Journ. Ent., 1(4):114, figs . 51a-h. ?. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:15, 25. Chirothrips floridenis [Jfjic/] Watson, 1920. Florida Ent., 4(2):21, 22 ?. [As C . floridensis on p. 22]. C .[hirothrips] mexicanus Crawford; Watson, 1920. Florida Ent., 4(2):22. 473 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 [ Chirothrips ] mexicanus Crawford; John, 1922. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. Russie, (1921)23:348. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:29,30. Chirothrips floridensis; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:30. Chirothrips floridensis var. catchingsi Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:30,76. Chirothrips floridensis catchingsi; Watson, 1924. Florida Ent., 8(3-4):52. [ Chirothrips \ mexicanus Crawford; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 9(4):59. [ Chirothrips ] floridensis; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 9(4):59. [ Chirothrips ] floridensis catching si; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 9(4):59. Chirothrips floridensis; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):21. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Hood, 1927. Ent. News, 38:112. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1):106, 132. C \hirothrip s\ mexicanus Crawford; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 165. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr. 7(2):264. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):417. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Moulton, 1938. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 9(3-4):375. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6): 194, 195, 197, figs. 3, 6. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Hood, 1939. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 10(2): 464. £,°T [Described]. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Bianchi, 1941. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 11(1): 37. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Bailey, 1944. Pan-Pacific Ent., 20(3):82. [ Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Bianchi, 1945 = Chirothrips patruelis Hood]. Chirothrips floridensis Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):22. Chirothrips floridensis var. catchingsi Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):22. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford: Wolcott, 1948. journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32(1): 97. Chirothrips mexicana Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):38. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:405,406, fig. 220b. C \hirothrips\ mexicanus Crawford; Bailey, 1949, Journ. econ. Ent., 41(5):704. Chirothrips saltensis Tapia, 1952. An. Soc. Cient. Argentina, 154: 109, fig. 2. ?. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Hood, 1953. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 47(1-2):110, 118. ?. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 168, 170. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; zur Strassen, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):341, 342, 346, fig. 9. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Bibby, 1958. Journ. econ. Ent., 51(4):450. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; zur Strassen, 1959. journ. ent. Soc., S. Africa, 22(1): 180. 474 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; De Santis, 1959. Acta Zool. Lilloana, 17:92. Ch.[irothrips] floridensis Watson; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 169. Ch.[irdthrips] mexicanus Crawford; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 146, 165, 172. figs. 5, 8. ' Ch.[irothrip s) saltensis Tapia; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc., S. Africa, 23(1): 174. [A syn. of mexicanus ]. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:311, 312, 320. figs. 15, 16. ?,°! [ Chirothrips ] mexicans [Sic!] Crawford; Husseiny, 1960. Bull Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. 1 [Chirothrips] mexicanus Crawford; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):330. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Medina Gaud. 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:65, figs . 3g, 4k, 1. ?,d?' described . Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Bournier, 1962. Biol. Amer. Austr., 1:233. Chirothrips maxicanus Crawford; De Santis, 1964. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S.)8(Zool. 58):41. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; zur Strassen, 1967. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 69(1):51 . Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:32. [Chirothrips] mexicanus Crawford; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6): 350, 353. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Sury., 29(4):294, 298, fig. 106. ?,* C .[hirothrips] mexicanus Crawford; Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 6 1(4): 97 9. Location of type: Canadian National Museum; of floridensis : Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. of var. catchingsi: Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: U.S.A.: Illinois; Georgia; Florida; Louisiana; Tennessee; California; Oklahoma; Texas; Arizona; Central America: Mexico; Costa Rica; Panama; West Indies: Cuba; Puerto Rico; St. Thomas; Dominican Republic; Antigua; Martinique; South America: Brazil; Argentina; Pacific: Hawaiian Islands; Island of Midway; Philippine Islands; Africa: Southern Rhodesia; Transvaal; Natal; Mozambique; Thailand; Australia. Type locality: MEXICO: Guadalajara; of floridensis: U.S.A.: Florida, of var. catchingsi: U.S.A.: Gainesville, Florida. Habitat: Several species of grass; occasionally on other plants, serious pest of Bermuda grass seed industry in Arizona. Chirothrips molestus Priesner, 1926. Chirothrips mole stus Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:137, 142. Chirothrips similis; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:567. Partim. [Chirothrips] similis Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw . Mitteleur., 4(8):7. * Ch.[irothrips] similis Bagnall; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:708. 475 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 [ Chirothrips ] molestus Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:42. Chirothrips similis Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:313. [Chirothrips molestus Priesner; Hood, 1938 = Chirothrips ruptipennis Priesner]. [ Chirothrips ] molestus Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check list British Ins., p. 32. Chirothrips molestus; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:166,173, 174, fig. 4. ¥,f. Chirothrips molestus Priesner; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. Listy, 14:158. [ Chirothrips ] molestus Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. Listy, 1:189. Chirothrips molestus Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:16, figs. 22, 27. Ch.[irothrips ] molestus Priesner; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):145, 156, 162,173, fig. 28. [Chirothrips\ molestus Priesner; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326 [ Chirothrips ] molestus Priesner, Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:404. Chirothrips molestus Priesner; zur Strassen, 1963. Senck. biol. Frankfurt, 44(5):402 figs. 9-19. ?,cf> [described] . [ Chirothrips ] mole stus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:111, 112, fig. 106. [in key to European species]. Chirothrips molestus Priesner; Djadetschko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop . SSSR . , pp. 127, 139, 141 fig. 23. ¥,°T Chirothrips molestus Priesner; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):146, 148, 158. [ Chirothrips ] molestus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur, Neubearb., 4(9):13, 14. Chirothrips molestus Priesner; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):271. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Czechoslovakia; France; Italy; Germany; Afghanistan; Mongolia; Russia; Kasachstan; Tadschikistan; Usbekistan; Turkmenistan; Iran; Turkey Type locality: AUSTRIA: Marchtrenk, Upper Austria. Habitat: Gramineae; turf. Chirothrips mongolicus zur Strassen, 1963. Chirothrips mongolicus zur Strassen, 1963. Senck. biol., Frankfurt, 44(5):408, figs. 20-29. 9,^ Chirothrips mongolicus zur Strassen; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):271. Location of type: United States National Museum, Washington. Distribution: Mongolia. Type locality: Mongolia (intercepted in Melica grass at Washington). Habitat: Melica, Elymus . Chirothrips moultoni Post, 1961. ?. Chirothrips moultoni Post, 1961. Pan-Pacific Ent., 37(2):137, fig. 3. 9. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A. Pitblado Ranch, Three miles south of Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon. 476 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: U.S.A. Pitblado Ranch, three miles south of Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon. Habitat: Dried blossoms of Amaranthus . [this is most likely a grass feeder like other members of the genus]. Chirothrips nigriceps Hood, 1952. ?. Chirothrips nigriceps Hood, 1952. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 65:147. ?. Ch.\irothrips\ nigriceps Hood, zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 152, 158, 173. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, Santa Catarina. Type locality: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, Santa Catarina. Habitat: Dalbergia. Chirothrips obesus Hinds = Chirothrips crassus Hinds. Chirothrips Orizaba Hood, 1938. ?. Chirothrips orizaba Hood, 1938. American Midi. Nat., 20(2):357. ?. [ Chirothrips ] orizaba Hood; Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6): 193 . [ Chirothrips ] orizaba Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. Ch.[irothrip s\ orizaba Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 158, 173. [ Chirothrips ] orizaba Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: MEXICO: Mt. Orizaba. Type locality: MEXICO: Mt. Orizaba. Habitat: Seeds of Epicampe s grass. Chirothrips oryzae De Santis, 1967. Chirothrips oryzae De Santis, 1967. Rev. Facult. Agron. La Plata, (3)43(2):254, fig- 1- ?. Location of type: Museo de La Plata. Distribution: ARGENTINA: Empedrado, provincia de Corrientes. Type locality: ARGENTINA: Empedrado (provincia de Corrientes). Habitat: Inflorescence of rice. Chirothrips pallidicornis Priesner, 1925. ?. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus f. pallidicornis Priesner, 1925. Zool. jahrb. Abt. Syst., 50:312. [sex not stated]. [Chirothrips manicatus] f. pallidicornis; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 143. Chir.[othrips] manicatus f. pallidicornis; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:139. ■?. [■ Chirothrips ] pallidicornis; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. Ch\irothrips\ manicatus pallidicornis Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 27. Chirothrips pallidicornis Priesner; Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:180. [Chirothrips manicatus f.] pallidicornis Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:43. Chirothrips pallidicornis; Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):300. Chirothrips pallidicornis; Priesner, 1938. Konowia, 17(1):24, fig. 1c. ?. 477 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Chirothrips pallidicornis; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:168, 173. ?. Chirothrips pallidicornis Priesner; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. Listy, 14:158. [Chirothrip s\ pallidicornis Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Listy, 1:189. Chirothrips pallidicornis Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR. 2:16, fig. 29. Ch.[irothrips] pallidicornis Priesner; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 173. [as syn. of manicatus]. [ Chirothrips ] pallidicornis Priesner; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. &gypte, 33:310, 326. [ Chirothrips ] pallidicornis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:110. [not completely a syn. of manicatus] . Chirothrips pallidicornis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom Evrop . SSSR . , pp. 139, 143, fig. 25. ?. Chirothrips pallidicornis Priesner; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):158. [ Chirothrips ] pallidicornis; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 13. Chirothrips pallidicornis Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa 29:33. ?. [described]. Ch.[irothrips >] pallidicornis Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol. 48(2): 102. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EUROPE: Czechoslovakia; Hungary; Germany; England. Type locality: HUNGARY: Simontornya, Tolna. Habitat: Gramineae; grass; Dactylis glomerata. Chirothrips patruelis Hood, 1940. ?. Chirothrips patruelis Hood, 1940. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, ll(l-2):550. ?. Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc.,. 12(3):512. Chirothrips patruelis Hood; Bianchi, 1947. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 13(1):41. [ Chirothrips ] patruelis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. C h .\ir othrip s\ patruelis Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 152, 158, 173. figs.'l8, 25. [ Chirothrips ] patruelis Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:310, 326. Chirothrips patruelis Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:35. [ Chirothrips ] patruelis Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol 48(5-6):352, 353. [Chirothrips] patruelis Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist., Surv., 29(4):294. Chirothrips patruelis Hood; Heming, 1969. Ent. News, 80(12):326, figs. 2, 4. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: New York; Maine; Iowa; California; CANADA; HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Hawaii; Kilauea; Humuula; ? PERU. Type locality: U.S. A.: near Wanakena, St. Lawrence Co., New York. Habitat: Grass; alfalfa; Sorghastrum nutans; .blue grass; wheat; Spartina sp . Chirothrips pedestris (Karny, 1910). ^ P ezothrips (?) pedestris Karny, 1910. Mitt. Naturw. Ver. Univ. Wien, 8(2):55, PI. V, fig. 20. [^.1 478 JACOT— GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. A .[mblythrip s] pedestris (Karny); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1 ): 3 , 4. Chirothrip s pedestris (Karny); Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:164,174. ?, (?) Ch.[irothrips ] pedestris (Karny); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 162, 173. [ Chirothrips ] pedestris (Karny); Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. [ Chirothrip s ] pedestris (Karny); Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:111, 112. [in key to European species]. [ Chirothrips ] pedestris (Karny); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 14. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: AUSTRIA: Neustift. Type locality: AUSTRIA: Neustift. Habitat: Grass. Chirothrips praeocularis Andre, 1941. ?. Chirothrip s praeocularis Andre, 1941. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 34:451, PI. 1, figs. 1, 4. ?. Chirothrips bradleyi Hood, 1941. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 12(1-2):142. ?. Chirothrips praeocularis Andre; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):36. Chirothrips bradleyi Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. Ch.[irothrip s\ bradleyi Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 152, 168. Ch.[irothrips] praeocularis Andre; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 155, 173. fig. 21. [ Chirothrips ] bradlagi [Sid] Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:325. [ Chirothrips ] praeocularis Andre; Husseiny, 1960. Bull, Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. C Chirothrips] bradleyi Hood; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):201 . [Chirothrips] bradleyi Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6):351. [Chirothrips] praeocularis Andre; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6):352. Chirothrips praeocularis Andre; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist., Surv. , 29(4):295, 300. ?. Location of type: United States National Museum, Washington, D.C.; of bradleyi: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Blackwater Refuge, near Cambridge, Maryland; Northfield, New Jersey; Louisiana. Type locality: U.S. A.: Blackwater Refuge, near Cambridge, Maryland; of bradleyi: U.S. A.: Northfield, New Jersey. Habitat: Seed head of Spartina cynosuroides; grass. Chirothrips pretorianus Hood, 1953. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:498. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:39. Chirothrips pretorianus Hood, 1953. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 47(1-2):110, figs . 1-5. 8,^ Chirothrips pretorianus Hood; Faure, 1957. S. African Anim. Life, 4:378. Ch.[irothrips] pretorianus Hood; zur Strassen, 1957. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 20(2):431 . 479 ANN. CAPE PROV MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 [Chirothrip s\ pretorianus Hood; zur Strassen, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):343, 347. Chirothrips pretorianus Hood; zur Strassen, 1959. journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(1): 182 . Ch.\irothrip s] pretorianus Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 160, 162, 164, 173, figs. 23, 38. [Chirothrip s] pretorianus Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):330. Chirothrips pretorianus Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:35. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: UGANDA: Kampala; KENYA; SOUTHERN RHODESIA: BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE: Tuli Block area; SOUTH AFRICA: Transvaal; Orange Free State; Cape Province; BASUTOLAND: Mamathes; Maseru; SOUTH WEST AFRICA: Kaokoveld; MOZAMBIQUE. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal. Habitat: A large number of grass species. Chirothrips priesneri Hood, 1949. Chirothrips priesneri Hood, 1949. Rev. Rio de Janeiro, 20(1-3): 14, figs. 10-12. ?. Ch.[irothrips ] priesneri Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 156, 174. [Chirothrips ] priesneri Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Sao Carlos, S.P.; Serra da Cantareira, Franco da Rocha, S.P. Type locality: BRAZIL: Fazenda Salto, Sao Carlos, S.P. Habitat: Grasses including Andropogon. Chirothrips productus Hood, 1927. $. Chirothrips productus Hood, 1927. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 35:126, PI. XIV, fig. 3. ?. C .\hirothrips\ productus; Hood, 1938. American Midi. Nat., 20(2):359 (footnote). [ Chirothrips ] productus Hood; Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6): 193. [ Chirothrips ] productus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 20 . Chirothrips productus Hood; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):231 . Ch.[irothrips\ productus Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 158, 161, 174, figs. 27, 34. Chirothrips productus Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:311, 321, fig. 14. ?. [ Chirothrips ] productus Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6):353. [ Chirothrips ] productus Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist., Surv., 2 9 (4): 2 94. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: North Dakota; Colorado; Utah; Nevada; Idaho. Type locality: U.S. A.: Devils Lake, North Dakota. Habitat: Achillea lanulosa; sweeping. 480 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Chirothrips propinquus zur Strassen, 1967. ?. Chirothrips propinquus zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:35, figs .6,7. ?. [ Chirothrips ] propinquus; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6):352. Location of type: United States National Museum. Distribution: U.S.A.: NE of Tucson, Arizona. Type locality: Mt. Lemon, NE of Tucson, Arizona. Habitat: Grass. Chirothrips pubescens Hood, 1949. Chirothrips pubescens Hood, 1949. Rev. Rio de Janeiro, 20(l-3):20, figs. 16, 17. ?. Ch.[irothrips ] pubescens Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 148, 174. {C hirothrip s\ pubescens Hood: Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. Chirothrips pubescens Hood; De Santis, 1966. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 3(8):7. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: Brazil; ARGENTINA: La Plata. Type locality: BRAZIL: Serra da Cantareira, France da Rocha, S.P. Habitat: Grasses. Chirothrips ramakrishnai Ananthakrishnan, 1957. ?. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 34(4):1031. [ Chirothrips ] manicatus (Haliday); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:5. C .{hirothrip s\ manicatus (Haliday); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:153. Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday); Shumsher Singh, 1949. Rec. Indian Mus., 45(2-3):202 . Chirothrips ramadcrishnai Ananthakrishnan, 1957. Zool. Anz . , 159(5-6):95, fig. 3. ?. [ Chirothrips ] ramakrishnai; Ananthakrishnan, 1959. Zool. Anz., 162(9-10):316, fig. 2c. Ch.[irothrips\ ramakrishnai Ananthakrishnan; zur Strassem 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):145, 155, 174. Chirothrips ramakrishnai; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):42 1 . Chirothrips ramakrishnai Ananthakrishnan; Bhatti, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras , 3:47. Chirothrips ramakrishnai; Ananthal rishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):76, 103. Location of type: Ananthakrishnan collection. Distribution: INDIA: Coimbatore; Ajmer: Delhi. Type locality: INDIA: Coimbatore; Habitat: Cynodon dactylon; grass; Apluda aristata. Chirothrips ruptipennis Priesner, 1938. £. Chirothrips ruptipennis Priesner, 1938. Konowia, 17(1):25, fig. lb. ?. Chirothrips molestus Priesner: Hood, 1938. Ent. mon. Mag. , 74:161, fig. 2a. Chirothrips ruptipennis f. pseudobrachyptera Boder, 1941. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:150,183, fig. 4b. C .{hirothrip s] molestus Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 47, fig. 18. 481 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 [ Chirothrips ] molestus Priesner; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. Chirothrips ruptipennis ; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:167, 172, 173. ?. [ Chirothrips ] ruptipennis Priesner: Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Chirothrips ruptipennis Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny tSR., 2:16, fig. 28. Ch.[irothrips\ ruptipennis Priesner; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 150, 174, figs. 11, 16. [Chirothrips] ruptipennis Priesner; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypte, 44:326. [Chirothrips] ruptipennis Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:404. [Chirothrips] ruptipennis Priesner, Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):98. [Chirothrips] ruptipennis ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:110, 111. [in key to European species]. Chirothrips ruptipennis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 139, 144, fig. 26. £., Chirothrips ruptipennis Priesner; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):146, 159. [Chirothrips] ruptipennis; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb. , 4(9): 13. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EUROPE: Austria; Switzerland; Spain; Scotland; Czechoslovakia. Type locality: AUSTRIA: between Marchtrenk and Oftering. Habitat: Poa.nemoralis; turf; grass. Chirothrips ruthae Hood, 1949. Chirothrips ruthae Hood, 1949. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 42(3-4):240, figs. 1-6. ?. [Chirothrips] ruthae; Hood, 1953. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 67(1-2):110. [Chirothrips] ruthae Hood; zur Strassen, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(2):344, 348. Ch.[irothrips] ruthae Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 155, 174. [Chirothrips] ruthae Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BELGIAN CONGO: Mukulia, near Beni. Type locality: BELGIAN CONGO: Mukulia, near Beni. Habitat: Grass. Chirothrips sacchari Moulton = Chirothrips spiniceps Hood. Chirothrips saltensis Tapia = Chirothrips mexicanus Crawford. Chirothrips secalis Moulton, 1936. 4)°! Chirothrips secalis Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent. , (1935)11(4): 173, ?. Chirothrips secalis Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(2):90. [Chirothrips] secalis Moulton; Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6): 192,194. ?,<*! [Chirothrips] secalis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):119. 482 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : TI I YS ANOPTER A CATALOGUE. Chirothrips secalis Moulton; Bailey & Cott, 1952, Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3):177. Chirothrips secalis Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 168, 170. Ch.[irothrips] secalis Moulton; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 165, 174. Chirothrips secalis Moulton; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypte, 44:311, 312, 322, 326. figs. 7, 8. [ Chirothrips ] secalis Moulton; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol. 48(5-6):350, 355. Location of type: Calidornia Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: California; Wyoming. Type locality: U.S.A.: Willow Ranch, Modoc Co., California. Habitat: Rye grass; marsh grass; grass. Chirothrips sensitivus Anre, 1939. ?,cf. Chirothrips sensitivus Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6):194> 195, 198, figs. 7. 10. ?,°! Chirothrips talpoides Hood, 1939. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 10(2):466. 9,^! Chirothrips sensitivus Andre; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):36. [Chirothrips\ talpoides Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. Ch.[irothrips] sensitivus Andre; zur Strassen, 1960. journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 150, 161, 175. Ch.[irothrips] talpoides Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 146, 161, 175. [ Chirothrips ] sensitivus Andre; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. [ Chirothrips ] talpaides [Sid] Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44: 326. Chirothrips sensitivus Andre; zur Strassen, 1967. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 69(1):51 . C .[hirothrip s] sensitivus Andre; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:27. [Chirothrips] sensitivus Andre; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol. , 48(5-6):350, 353. [Chirothrips] sensitivus Andre; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):294. Location of type: United States National Museum, Washington, D.C.; of talpoides: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Quincy, Florida; Homestead, Florida. Type locality: U.S. A.: Quincy, Florida; of talpoides: Homestead, Florida. Habitat: Chloris sp., grass. Chirothrips sericatus Hood, 1949. ?. Chirothrips sericatus Hood, 1949. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 20(1-3):18, figs. 13- !5. ?. Ch.[irothrips] sericatus Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 148, 175. [Chirothrips] sericatus Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Jacarenpagua, D.F.; Campo Grande, D.F.; Serra da Cantareira, Franco da Rocha, S.P.; URUGUAY. Type locality: BRAZIL: Jacarenpagua, D.F. Habitat: Andropogon condensatus. 483 ANN. CAPE PRQV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT 2 Chirothrips similis Bagnall = Chirothrips maoicatus (Haliday). Chirothrips simplex Hood, 1927. ?,d?. Chirothrips simplex Hood, 1927. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 35:128. PI. XIV, fig. 4. ?. Chirothrips falsus Priesner; Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6):192, 194, 195, figs. 1,2. fi Chirothrips falsus Priesner; Hood, 1939. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 10(2):463. Chirothrips simplex Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. Ch.[irothrips\ simplex Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):175. [as a syn. of falsus Priesner]. Chirothrips simplex Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:38, fig.s. 8-10. [described] . [ Chirothrips ] simplex Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6):352, 355. Chirothrips falsus Priesner; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 2 9(4): 2 96. Partim . Chirothrips simplex Hood; Ahring & Howell. 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):979. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Iowa; South Dakota; Wyoming; Kansas; New Mexico; Arizona; Texas; Colorado; Oklahoma. Type locality: U.S. A.: Denver, Colorado. Habitat: Various grasse, sometimes on other plants. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood, 1915. 9, ^ Chirothrips spiniceps Hood, 1915. Insec. Inscit. Menstr,, 3(1-4): 12, PI. I, fig. 8. ?. C .[hirothrips\ spiniceps Hood; Watson, 1920. Florida Ent., 4(2):22. Chirothrips spinicep s Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:30. [ Chirothrips ] spiniceps Hood; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 9(4):59. Chirothrips sacchari Moulton, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2): 181.' . ?. Chirothrip s sacchari Moulton; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3): 4 17 . -Chirothrips sacchari Moulton, Sakimura, 1938. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(1):. 167-173. C Xirothrip s] spinicep s Hood; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):70. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6):193, 195,198, figs. 4, 5. °! Chirothrips spiniceps Hood, 1939. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 10(2):464. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; Sakimura & Nishida, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian eat. Soc., 12(1): 124, 130. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):321. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; Zimmerman., 1948. Ins. Hawaii. 2:405,406. [ Chirothrips ] spiniceps Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):2Q. [ Chirothrips ] sacchari Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):119. C Xhirothrips] spinicep s Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3):177. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv. 4(5):168, 170. 484 IACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANQPTERA CATALOGUE. [Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; De Santis, 1959 = Chirothrips fulvus Moulton] Ch.\irothrips ] sacchari Moulton; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 174. Ch.[irothrips ] spiniceps Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 150, 165, 175, fig. 10. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:311,312, 323,326. ?,°T C \hirothrip s\ spinicep s Hood; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):201. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 69(1):51 . Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:42. [Chirothrip s\ spiniceps Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. bid., 48(5-6):351, 354. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):294, 300. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. Ent., 61(4):979. Chirothrips spiniceps Hood; Mound, 1970. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist., (Ent.) 24(4):89. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of sacchari: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S. A.: Arizona; Texas; Louisiana; Florida; Kansas; Oklahoma; Texas; North Carolina; Illinois; Virginia; New Jersey; California; South Dakota; Utah; Massachusetts; South Carolina; MEXICO: CUBA; ARGENTINA: La Plata; HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Oahu; Kauai; SOLOMON ISLANDS: Guadalcanal. Type locality: U.S. A.: Glendale, Arizona; of sacchari: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kailua, Oahu. Habitat: Sugar cane; privet; bamboo; Setaria g eniculata; P anicum coloratum; Panicum virgatum; moss; Echinochloa crus-galli; Cynodon dactylon ; grass; lupine; corn; various grasses; rice. Chirothrips spinosus Moulton, 1946. ?. Chirothrips spinosus Moulton, 1946. Pan-Pacific Ent., 22(2):56. ?. [ Chirothrips ] spinosus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):119. Ch\irothrip s\ spinosus Moulton; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 148, 175. [Chirothrip s] spinosus Moulton; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. C .[hirothrips] spinosus Moulton; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:43. [may prove to be a syn. of texanus ]. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: WEST INDIES: Damien, Haiti. Type locality: WEST INDIES: Damien, Haiti. Habitat: Heads of Holcus halipensis. Chirothrips spinulosus Andre, 1941. ?. Chirothrips spinulosus Andre, 1941. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 34:454, PI. I, fig. 5. Chirothrips spinulosus Andre: Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):36. Ch.[irothrips ] spinulosus Andre; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ., ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 146, 175. 485 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 [Chirothrip s\ spinulosus Andre; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. \C hirothrip s] spinulosus Andre; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:108. [in key to European speciesl. Chirothrips spinulosus Andre; Vasiliu, 1965. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.) 17(2): 163. Location of type: United States National Museum, Washington, D.C. Distribution: Russia. Type locality: Russia. (Intersepted at Washington, D.C. U.S.A.). Habitat: Seeds of Melica ciliata and Isopyrum anemonoides. Chirothrips sulcatus John = Chirothrips frontalis (Williams). Chirothrips takahashii Moulton - Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday). Chirothrips talpoides Hood, 1939 - Chirothrips sensitivus Andre. Chirothrips tenuicauda zur Strassen, 1963. Chirothrips tenuicauda zur Strassen, 1963. Senck. biol. Frankfurt, 44(5):397, figs. 1-8. ?,°T Chirothrips tenuicauda zur Strassen; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):271. Location of type: United States National Museum, Washington, D.C. Distribution: Mongolia; Russia. Type locality: Mongolia (intercepted on Elymnus grass in Washington). Habitat: Elymnus; Agropyron; Eragr ostis; Melica; Poa; Stipa; Bromus. Chirothrips texanus Andre, 1939. 9f*. Chirothrips texanus Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6):194, 195, 200. figs. 8, 9. 9*. Chirothrips auriventris Hood, 1939. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 10(2):469. 9. Chirothrips texanus Andre; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):36. Chirothrips auriventris Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Ch.[iro thrifts] auriventris Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 150, 168. Ch\irothrips\ texanus Andre; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 148, 164, 176. fig. 3, 9. Chirothrips texanus Andre; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:311,324, 326, fig. 11. 9. [ Chirothrips ] auriventris Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:325. Chirothrips texanus Andre; zur Strassen, 1967. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 29:42. [ Chirothrips ] texanus Andre; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6):351, 354. Chirothrips texanus Andre; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):294, 301 . fig. 79. jfe Chirothrips texanus Andre; Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent. , 61(4):979. Location of type: United States National Museum, Washington, D.C.; of auriventris: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: MEXICO: Chiapas; U.S. A., TEXAS: Denison; Bangs; Wichita Falls; Palacios; ARIZONA: Phoenix; ILLINOIS: Roth; West Chicago; Elgin; Milligan; Mounds; OKLAHOMA: Stillwater . 486 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: U.S.A.: Denison, Texas; of auriventris : U.S.A.: Palacios, Texas . Habitat: Various grasses and clover; Andropogon geradi; Bothriochloa ischaemum . Chirothrips tibialis (Blanchard, 1851). comb. nov. Thrips tibialis Blanchard, 1851. in Gay Hist. fis. pol. Chile, Zoologia, 6:151. Thrips tibialis Blanchard; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.218. T.[hrips] tibialis Blanchard; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist. Nat., (1919)23(4-6):61 . Thrips tibialis Blanchard; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1 ): 133 . Thrips tibialis Blanchard; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:52,79. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Chile. Type locality: CHILE: Valdivia. Habitat: Unknown. Chirothrips tuttlei zur Strassen, 1967. Chirothrips tuttlei zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6):345, 351, 354, figs. 1-7. ?,cf. Chirothrips tutlei zur Strassen; Wasbauer, 1970. Pan-Pacific Ent., 46(1):48. Location of type: University of California, Davis. Distribution: U.S.A.: Arizona. Type locality: U.S.A.: Oracle, north of Tucson, Arizona. Habitat: Aristida glabrata; Bouteloua rothrockii. Chirothrips vestis Hood, 1915. ?. Chirothrips vestis Hood, 1915. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 3(1-4):15, PI. I, fig. 9. ?. C .[hiro thrip s] vestis Hood; Watson, 1920. Florida Ent., 4(2):23. Chirothrips vestis Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:30. [ Chirothrips ] vestis Hood; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 9(4):60. Chirothrips vestis; Hood, 1938 Brimley’s Ins. N. Carolina N.C. Dept. Agr. Raleigh Div. Ent., p. 55. [ Chirothrips 1 vestis Hood; Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6):194. [ Chirothrips ] vestis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):20. Ch.[irothrip s] vestis Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 148, 176. [ Chirothrips ] vestis Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. [ Chirothrips ] vestis Hood; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(5-6):351, 354. Chirothrips vestis Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):294, 302. ?. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A. Virginia; North Carolina; Kentucky; Tennessee. Type locality: U.S. A.: Vienna, Virginia. Habitat: Broom-sedge; Andropogon. Chirothrips watanabei Ishida, 1931. ?. Chirothrips watanabei Ishida, 1931. Ins. Matsumurana, 5(3):153. ?. (?) C h. \ir o thrip s] watanabei Ishida; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 155, 176. 487 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 [ Chirothrips\ watanabei Ishida; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. Location of type: Entomological Museum, Hokkrido Imp. Univ. Distribution: SOVIET UNION: Sachalin. Type locality: “Konuma in Saghalin, Japan.” Habitat: "on some flowers of the meadow grasses”. Chirothrips xanthius Hood, 1934. ?. Chirothrips xanthius Hood, 1934. Journ. New York ent. Soc . , (1933)41(4):408. 9. [ Chirothrips ] xanthius Hood; Andre, 1939. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 41(6): 194. [ Chirothrips 1 xanthius Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):2Q. Ch.\_irothrips\ xanthius Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1): 145, 154, 176. [ Chirothrips ] xanthius Hood; Husseiny, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44:326. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Type locality: PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Habitat: Dead branches. Chirothrips spec. Chirothrips sp. Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):92. Distribution: Peru. Habitat: Unknown. Chirothrips spec, (near mexicanus') Chirothrips near mexicanus , Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:445. Distribution: Brazil. Habitat: Unknown. Chirothrips spp. (2 spp.) Chirothrips (2 spp.) Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., (1938)22:119. Distribution: Cyprus Habitat: Unknown. Chirothrips spec. 9. Chirothrips sp. Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33: 165, 172, fig. 3. ?. Note: Perhaps the female of pedestri (Karny). Distribution: SWITZERLAND: Reinag. Habitat: Euphorbia cyparissias . Chirothrips spec. (f. [ Chirothrips ] ? spec. Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:111, fig. 105. [in key to European species]. Distribution: Germany. Habitat: Not given. Chirothrips sp. (molestus ?). Chirothrips sp. (molestus ?) Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):148, 158. Distribution: Germany. Habitat: Lathyrus sp. 488 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Chirothrips sp . Chirothrips spec. Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)133(10): 527. Distribution: MEXICO: Chapingo. Habitat: Alfalfa field. Chirothrips sp. Chirothrips sp. Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):979. Distribution: U.S.A.: Stillwater, Oklahoma. Habitat: Cynodon daclylon. Chirothrips sp. (near spiniceps Hood). Chirothrips sp. near or = spiniceps Hood; Ahring & Howell, 1968. journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):979. Distribution: U.S.A.: Stillwater, Oklahoma. Habitat: Panicum coloratum; Cynodon dactylon. Genus EREIKETHRIPS Knechtel, 1960. Ereikethrips Knechtel, 1960. Comunic. Acad. Rep. Pop. Romine, 10(11):985. Ereikethrips Knechtel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:37. 112. [described] . Type-species; Ereikethrips calcaratus Knechtel, (Rumania); monobasic. Ereikethrips calcaratus Knechtel, 1960. Ereikethrips calcaratus Knechtel, 1960. Comunic. Acad. Rep. Pop. Romine, 10(11):985, figs. 1-4. Ereikethrips calcaratus Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Anim., 15(3):281-317 [. Ereikethrips ] calcaratus Knechtel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:113, fig. 101. [described]. Ereikethrips calcaratus Knechtel; Vasiliu, 1967. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.) 19(1):8. Location of type: Knechtel collection. Distribution: Rumania. Type locality: RUMANIA: Valul-lui-traian (Constanta). Habitat: Flowers of Xeranthemum annuum , Torilis arvensis, C entaurea solstitialis, Sambucus ebulus. Genus LIMOTHRIPS Haliday, 1836. [Thrips] subgen. Limothrips Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:444. [ T hrip s subgen.] Limnothrips [Sic!] Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):414. Thrips Linne; Blanchard, 1940. Hist. Nat. Ins., p. 216. Partim . [ Thrips ] subgen. Limothrips Haliday; Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., 2(synop .):46 . Limothrips Haliday; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hemipt. , p.642. Thrips Linne Blanchard, 1850. Hist. Nat. Ins. 3(1):216. Partim. Limnothrips [Sic!] Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. Nat. Ins., 3(1):216. [As syn. of Thrips]. [Thrips] subgen. Limothrips ; Haliday; 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. Brit. Mus. 4:1104, 1105. 489 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 85. 61 Limothrips Haliday; Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, p.207. [Thrips] subgen. Limothrips Haliday; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc . Forh., 21:211, 212, 218. Limothrips Haliday; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34:132. Thr.[ips] (Limothrips) Haliday; Ludwig, 1886. Leunis Synop. Thierk., 2:536 Thrips Haliday; Uzel, 1889. Vesmir, 18(21):258. Partim. Limothrips Haliday; Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canad, 3:332. Limothrips Haliday; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp . 28, 32, 43, 47, [Described and monographed]. Limothrips Haliday; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 3:215. Limothrips Haliday; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):38, Limothrips Haliday; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas , pp. 285, 287. Limothrips Haliday; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:623. [described]. Limothrips Haliday; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:133, 138. Limothrips Haliday; Del Guercio, 1903. Nuove Relaz. Staz. Ent. Agr. Firenze, (1)5:9. Limothrips Haliday; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti. Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:273, 275, 281. Limothrips Haliday; Reh, 1909. Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkrank, 3rd ed., 3:222. Limothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1910 Fauna Hawaiiensis, 3:701. Limothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol. 6(1): 10. Limothrips Haliday; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:11, 25. Limothrips Haliday; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44):233 (sep. p. 12). Limothrips Haliday; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., '(Tech. Ser.)23(l):8. Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6):188. Priesner, 1917. Schrif phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg., (1916)57:51. Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):37. Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 121 . 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, Limothrips Haliday; Limothrips Haliday; Limothrips Haliday; Limothrips Haliday; Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 78:52. Limothrips Haliday; Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:266. Limothrips Haliday; John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. CataL, 2(1):6. Limothrips Haliday; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):237. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(5):2 1 . Limothrips Haliday; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verb. Hollandsche. Matts. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):98, 100. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands , 2(29):29.7. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)132(1-3): 16 Limothrips Haliday; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):74, 81 . Limothrips Haliday; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:10, 31. Limothrips Haliday; Solowiow, 1924. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 38(12-13):25. [ Limothrips ] Haliday; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:270, [Key to ??]. Limothrips Haliday; Herrick, 1924. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 17:231-232. Limothrips Haliday; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. 490 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):143. Limothrips Haliday; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4(1):253. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1925. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:118, 120, 136, 144. [European species monographed]. Limothrips Haliday; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(1):1Q. Limothrips Haliday; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:24, 29. [Swedish species] . Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):4, 7. Limothrips Haliday; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:14. Limothrip s Haliday; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. Limothrips Haliday; Maltbaek, 1928, Ent. MeddeL, 16(3):165. Limothrip s Haliday; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):837, 840. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. Limothrips Haliday; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dept. Agr. India Ent. Ser., 10(7): 246, 250. Limothrips Haliday; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p.24,28. [Key]. Limothrip s Haliday; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:28,40,43. Limothrip s Haliday; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:29,30,40. [Danish species] . Limothrip s Haliday: Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, P-17. Limothrips Haliday; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 102. [described, Italian species]. Limothrip s Haliday; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 15(1):55. Limothrips Haliday; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:314. Limothrip s Haliday; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 165. Limothrips Haliday; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coil. Journ. Sci., 10(3):227. Limothrip s Haliday; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:91. Limothrips Haliday; Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. N. Carolina, N.C. Dept. Agr, Raleigh Div. Ent., p. 55. Limothrips Haliday; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins . 25:5. Limothrips Haliday; Boder, 1941. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:151. Limothrips Haliday; Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. Roy. ent. Soc. London, 91(11): 594, fig. 4b. [Larva] . Limothrip s Haliday; Melis, 1942. Redia, 28:153, 155. [Described]. Pruthiella Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2):112, 117. [Type [: Pruthiella (= Limothrips ) angulicornis (Jablonowski)]. AVbertothrips Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2):133. [ Lapsus pro Pruthiella] nom. nud. Limothrips Haliday; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.32. Limothrips Haliday; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:153. Limothrips subg. Limothrips s. str. Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:153. Limothrips Haliday; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:405,407. Limothrips Haliday; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 41, 43, 47. [ Limothrips ] subgen. Limothrips Haliday, Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 47. [ Limothrips ] subgen. Pruthiella Shumsher Singh; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 47. 491 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Limothrips Haliday; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. [Limothrips subgen.] Pruthiella Shumsher; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:64,135. [ Limothrips subgen.] Pruthiella Shumsher; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:64, 145. Limothrips Haliday; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank . ed.5, 4(1 ): 3 92 . Limothrips Haliday; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins . , 8(1):67, 77 . [Rumanian species]. Limothrips Haliday; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Limothrips Haliday; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:19. Limothrips Haliday; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.) 3(5):308. Limothrips Haliday; Bailey, 1957. Bull California Ins. Survey;, 4(5): 149, 184. Limothrips Haliday; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:16. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166 . [ Limothrips subgen.] Pruthiella Shumsher; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Limothrips Haliday; Morison, 1957. Trans. Roy. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):479. Limothrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):334. Limothrips Haliday; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append .): 188, 294, 324. [Italian species monog.] Limothrips Haliday; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico, Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:63,66. [described]. Limothrips Haliday; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 11(5-6):591. Limothrips Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:25,32. Limothrips Haliday; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR . , pp. 123, 138, 144. Limothrips Haliday; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):98. Limothrips Haliday; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:855, 857. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:34, 113, [described, key to European species]. Limothrips Haliday; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):76, 92, 105. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:203, 236. [Described, Egyptian species monographed]. Limothrips subgen. Pruthiella Shumsher Singh; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst.- Desert Egypte, (1960)13:236. Limothrips subgen. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:236. Limothrips Haliday; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):202. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb. , 4(9):8, 14. [Key to Central European species]. Limothrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):102. Limothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal; Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5, 28. Limothrips Haliday; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):274, 323. [described; key to N. American species]. 492 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Limothrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg, naturforsch. Ges., 515:85. Limothrips Haliday; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5): 18, 47. Type-species: Thrips (Limothrips) cerealium Haliday, (Britain); designated from two species by Westwood, 1840; of Pruthiella: Pruthiella (= Limothrips) angulicornis (Jablonowski), (Hungary); designated from two species. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski, 1894. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski, 1894. Termes Fuzetek, 17(l-2):45, PI. Ill, figs . h-k. ?. Limothrip s angulicornis Jablonowski: Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 452, 454. ?. Limothrip s angulicornis; Jablonowski, 1899. Faun. Regn. Hung., p. 17. Limothrip s angulicornis Jablonowski; Schtscherbakow , 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26): 914. Limothrips setariae Jones 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):8, PI. Ill, figs. 1-5. Limothrips angulicornis jablonowski; Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8) 13:296. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:56. [Limothrips angulicornis] var. adusta Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. wien, 64:56. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Krause, 1914. Arch. Nat., 49(12):144. Limothrips angulicornis jablonowski; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12):136. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:31. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:270. Limothrips angusticornis [Sid] Jablonowski; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):20. [Limothrips] angulicornis; Jablonowski; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 143. [Limothrips angulicornis] f. adusta Karny; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 143. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:144, 145. Limothrip s angulicornis f. adusta Karny; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:146. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9) 18:546, 644. Limothrips angulicornis Bagnall; Annand, 1926. American Nat., 60(667):178. [Limothrip s] angulicornis Jablonowski; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):7. Limothrip s angulicornis Jablonowski; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:565. [Limothrips] angulicornis Jablonowski; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. L .[imothrips] angulicornis angulicornis Jablonowski; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p.28. L .[imothrips] angulicornis adustus Karny; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins . USSR . , p.28. 493 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Morison, 1930. Bull. ent. Res ., 21(4):453. [ Limothrips ] angulicornis Jablonowski; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:44. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Morison, 1931. Bull. ent. Res ., 22(2):248. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Knechtel, 1932. Publ. Soc. Nat. Roman, 10:2. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 18. Limothrip s angulicornis Jablonowski; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 103. Limothrips angulicornis jablonowski; Newman, 1935. journ. Roy. Soc. W. Australia, 21:96. Limothrip s anqulicornis jablonowski; Bagnall & john, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:314. L .[imothrips] angulicornis Jablonowski; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 165. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent. , 13(l-2):89. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:44. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. Roy. ent. Egypte, 1937:209. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Bailey, 1942. Journ. econ. Ent., 35(3):385. Pruthiella (= Limothrips) angulicornis (Jablonowski;); Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 117, 118. [. Limothrips ] angulicornis Jablonowski; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins ., p. 32 . Limothrips angulicornis jablonowski; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:20. Limothrips setariae Jones; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):44. L .[imothrips] (P .[ruthiella]) angulicornis Jablonowski; Morison, 1938. London Nat. SuppL, pp. 47, 48. Limothrips angulicornis jablonowski; Bailey, 1949. journ. econ., Ent., 41(5):7Q3 . [Limothrips (Pruthiella)] angulicornis Jablonowski; Morison, 1949. London Nat. SuppL, p. 114. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman Ins., 8(1):77, 78. fig. 47. ?,°T Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 139. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 184. Limothrips angulicornis jablonowski; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR . , 2:16. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append .): 14. Limothrips anqulicornis jablonowski; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append .):321, 324. [^described]. [Limothrips] angulicornis Jablonowski; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):98. [Limothrips] angulicornis Jablonowski; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:114. fig. Ill [in key to European species]. L .[imothrip s] angulicornis Jablonowski; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti, USSR. 1:857. 494 JACOT — GU1LLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:236. ?,°! larva [described]. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 145, 146. %f. \Limothrips angulicornis ] f. adusta Karny; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 146. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Bailey & Campos-S., 1965. Pan-Pacific Ent., 41(2): 103. [ Limothrips J angulicornis Jablonowski; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur, Neubearb., 4(9):14. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4): 324. Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):47, 48, 69. Location of type: Museum of Budapest, Hungary; of setariae; unknown to writer; of f. adusta: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Hungary; Armenia; England; Sardinia; Transcaucasia; France; Spain; Rumania; Egypt; Sweden; Czechoslovakia; AUSTRALIA: Victorial Western Australia; South Australia; U.S.A.: California; CHILE; CANARY ISLANDS: Fuerteventura. Type locality; HUNGARY: Budapest; of setariae: U.S.A.: San Jose, California; of f. adusta: Sardinia. Habitat: Setaria viridis; wild oats; Aesculus californica; grass; Gramineae; Oenanthe aquatica; P olygonum; V erbascum; Lucerne; rose-bushes; tomato; Spergularia marginata; Lactuca scariola / grape vine; apple; sweet corn; sycamore; Brometum; oats; rye; Atriplex ; fiddleneck; Stipa retorta . Limothrips australiensis Girault, 1928. Limothrips australiensis Girault, 1928. Some Insects and new All Highness (Notes compiled in fear and sorrow), p.[3]. Limothrips australiensis Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord., Thysanop. Australia, p. 18. Limothrips australiensis Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. LaPlata (N.S.), (Zool.)7 : 170. Location of type: Queensland Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Wynnum, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Wynnum, Queensland. Habitat: Forest. Limothrips avenae Hinds = Limothrips cerealium (Haliday). Limothrips bidens (Reuter) = Limothrips denticornis (Halida y). Limothrips brachycephalus Shumsher Singh = Neolimothrips brachycephalus (Shumsher Singh). Limothrips cerealium cerealium (Haliday, 1836). ?,cf. Thrips physapus Linne; Kirby, 1796. Trans. Linn. Soc. London., 2:242. 495 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Thrips physapus Linne; Marsham, 1797. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 3:243, PI. 22, figs . 5-8. Thrips physapus Linne; Marsham, 1798. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 4:225. Thrips physapus Linne; Vassalli-Eandi, 1800. Mem. Acad. Sci. Torino, 16: Ixxvi. Thr.[ips\ (L .[imo thrips]) cerealium Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:445, 9,^. Thr.[ips] (L .[imo thrips]) cerealium; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 4:146. larva, pupa. Th.[rips ] cerealium Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):414. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. Nat. Ins., p. 217. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., 2:4. Th.[rips\ (Limothrips) Cerealium Haliday; Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., 2(synop.):46. L .[imothrips] physapus Kirby; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 642. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Blanchard, 1845. Hist. Ins., p.273. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. Nat. Ins., 3(1):217. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1105, PI. VI, figs. 4-6, 15; PI. VII figs. 1-6, 24, 27-29; PI. VIII, fig. 2. ?/. T.[hrips] cerealium Haliday; Fitch, 1855. Country Gentleman, 6(24):385. T.[hrips ] cerealium Haliday; Fitch, 1856. Trans. New York State Agr. Soc., Albany, (1855)15:537. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, p. 207, '208. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Blanchard, 1868. Metamorph, Ins., p.586, fig. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Kornicke, 1877. Korresp. Nat. Ver. Rheinl. Westph., p. 330. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Taschenberg, 1880. Praktische Insekten-Kunde , 4:213, fig. 55. 9,^, larva. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34:132. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Hofman, 1881. Die Schadl. Ins. Garten Feldbaues, p. 11, PL 7, fig. 62. L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Pergande, 1882. Entomol., 15:95. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Duncan, [1882]. Transform. Ins., ed.3, p.345, fig. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Girard, 1885. Les. Ins. Traite elem. Ent., 3:1074. Thr.[ips] ( Limothrips ) cerealium Haliday; Ludwig, 1886. Leunis Synop. Thierk., 2:536. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Jordan, 1888. Zeitschr. , Wiss. Zool., 47(4):590, 604,606, fig. 91. [Anatomy]. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Osborn, Insect Life, 1(5):141. Limothrips physapus (Kirby); Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:332. [ Thrips cerealium Haliday; Kirchner 1890. = Kakothrips robustus (Uzel)]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Trybom, 1894. Ent. Tidskr., 15(1):53, 54. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Jablonowski, 1894. Term es Fiistek, 17(3-4):95, PI. IV, figs.f-k. 9,^, larva, nymph. Thrips (Limothrips) cerealium Haliday; Trybom, 1895. Ent. Tidskr., 16(3):162, 163, 165. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 47, 89. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Trybom, 1896. Ofv. K. Vetensk.-Akad. Fbrh., 53(8):614. ^ [Thrips cerealium Haliday; Kirchner, 1898. = Kakothrips robustus (Uzel)]. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandbl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):471. 9,^. [described]. 496 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Jablonowski, 1899. Faun. Regn. Hung., p. 17. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Reuter, 1899. Acta. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17 (2):67 . [ Thrips cerealium Haliday; Ritzema Bos, 1899 = Kakothrips robustus (Uzel)]. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:624,645. Limothrips avenae Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:139, pi. I. figs. 10-12; PI. II, fig. 13. ?,<*. L .[imothrip s] cerealium (Haliday); E. Reuter, 1902. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr., 12(6):336 (footnote). Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Pinolini, 1902. II Coltivatore, 48(1):462. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Del Guercio, 1903. Nuove Relaz. R. Staz. ent. Agr. Firenze, (1)5:9, PI. XIX, figs. 2, 4. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Buffa, 1906. Atti Acad. Venet. Classe Sci. Nat. Padova, (N.S.)3:102, 103. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa 23:275, 281. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall, 1908. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 52:351. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Buffa, 1908. Annua Mus. zool. R. Univ. Napoli, (N.S.)2(23):2. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1):135. L'imothr .[ip s] cerealium (Haliday); Reh, 1909. Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd ed., 3:223. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2):35. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Guenaux, 1909. Ent. Parasit. agr. ed.2, p. 137, fig. 91. [ Thrips cerealium Haliday; Grossen, 1910= Kakothrips robustus (Uzel)]. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall, 1910. Fauna Hawaii., 3:701. L .[imothrip s\ cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:25. Limothrips cerealium, (Haliday); Prossen, 1911. Journ. Hort. Vitic. Suisse, 7: 120. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Hewitt, 1911. Annual Rep. exp. Farms 1910-11, Ottawa, p.226 Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech'. Ser.)23(l):8. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Ludwig, 1912. Zeitschr. wiss. Ins. -Biol. 8:71. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall, 1912. Journ. econ. Biol. , 7(4): 193, fig. 1 Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:44. Limothrips cerealum [Sic!] (Haliday); Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol. 8(4):219. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:56. [Limothrips cerealium] f. aptera Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien., 64:56. ?. [Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1914. ’= Limothrips schmutzi Priesner] Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Krausse, 1914. Arch. Nat., 79(12):144. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12):136. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Della Beffa, 1914. Ann. acc. Agric. Torino, 57:44. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); [Berlese], 1915. Ent. Agraria, p. 420. [biology]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Borden, 1915. Journ. econ. Ent., 8(3):354. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); van Eecke, 1916. Versl.71. Zomerverg. Ned. ent. Ver., 59:61. 497 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 L .[imothrips\ cerealium (Haliday); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):37. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):56. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):67 . Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1919. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 33(9):33. [simply mentioned]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29:171. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. , (9)7:266. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Miles, 1912. Ann. appl. Biol., 8(3-4):173, 177. Limothrips cerealis [Sic/] (Haliday); Theobald, 1912. Journ. Kent Farmers Union, 12(2): Limothrips ceralium (Haliday); van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):26, 100, 109, PI. II; textfigs. 6-12. [life history], Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1923. Ent. Mitt., 12(1):63. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):29.8, 29.9. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:31. L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:270. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Schuster, 1924. Badische Blatter Schadlings-bekampf , 1(2): 15-18. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); [Berlese], 1924. Ent. Agraria, ed.2, p. 39. [biology]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:154, 157, 164, fig. 1. [ Limothrips ] cerealium (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. [ Limothrips ] cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):144. [ Limothrips cerealium ] f. (?) aptera Karny; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. L .[imothrip s] cerealium (Haliday); Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4(1):253. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Light, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)17:132. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:145, 150. PI. Ill, figs. 33, 35. larva, prepupa, pupa. [Described] . Limothrip s cerealium f. aptera Karny; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:152. L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insekfauna, 6:29,30. fig. 10D. [ described] . Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Karny, 1926. Mem. Dept. Agr. India Ent. Ser., 9(6): 188. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:547. Limothrip s cerealum [S^c/] (Haliday); Watson, 1926. Florida Ent.,10(2):21. Limothrips cerealium f. aptera Karny; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:567. [ Limothrips ] cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):8. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:466. larva . Limothrips minor Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:565. [ Limothrips ] cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20: 566. [Measurements]. 498 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift., 1927:111, IV, V, VII, XII. Limothrip s cerealium f. actus ta Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:VI, XIV. L .[imothrips] cerealium Haliday; John, 1928. Thysanop. in manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 28'. L .[imothrips] cerealium apterus Karny; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 28. L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 1 6(3): 166 . [Limothrips cerealium ] f. adusta; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):166. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. Limothrips cerealium f. adusta Maltbaek; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:708. ?. Limothrips minor; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:95. L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:95. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dept. Agr. India Ent. Ser., 10(7):250. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1): 106, 132. [Limothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Morison, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:193. ?,d?. [Description and discussion]. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Korting, 1928. Nachrichtenbl. Deutschen Pflanzenschutz ., 2:14. [hibernation]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); del Canizo, 1929. Mem. R. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat., 15:746. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Korting, 1930. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 16(3):453, 488, 491, figs. 17, 19. [Biology]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Morison, 1930. Bull. ent. Res., 21(4):453. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Morison, 1931. Bull. ent. Res., 22(2):248. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:45, 46, 153, fig. 13. f/. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Korting, 1931. Zeitschr., Angew. Ent., 18(1): 154-160. [Flight habits]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Keler, 1932. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 12:6. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:41,42, fig. 23. [Limothrips cerealium] f. adusta; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:42, ?,cf. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Sharga, 1933. Ann. appl. Biol., 20(2):308-317, PI. XXI, [Biology and life history]. Limnothrips [Sid] cerealum [Sic!] (Haliday); Rivnay, 1933. Hadar, 6(1 1 ): 3 . Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1933. Stett. ent. Zeitung, 94(2):184. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Sharga, 1933. Trans. Roy. ent. Soc. London, 81(2): 185-202, PI. XII, fig. 4; PI. XIV, fig. 4; PI. XVI, figs. 1-3, 6; PI. XVII, fig. 5. [Anatomy]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1934. Maataloustiet. Aikakausk., 6:142, 144, 145, 146, 149, fig. 2. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 18. 499 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 106. 9* Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Silvestri, 1934. Compendio Ent. Appl., 1:191. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 1 5 ( 1 ) : 5 5 . Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Newman, 1935. Journ. Roy. Soc. W. Australia, 21:96. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:314. Limothrips minor Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:314. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12f2):90. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bailey, 1936. Canadian Ent., 68:95,96. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):227. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1-2):81. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:93. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):92. L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:45. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Hukkinen: in Hukkinen & Syrjanen, 1937. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(1):12, fig. 11. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):417. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. N. Carolina, N.C. Dept. Agr. Raleigh Div. Ent., p.55. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:93. Limothrips avanae [Sic!] Hinds; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(2):92. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1):135. [Limothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:5. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:152, 183, 185, 186, 210, fig. 6. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. Roy. ent. Soc. London, 91(11):560, 561, 582, 595, fig. 18, 45c. [Larva described] . Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef, 9:110. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Melis, 1942. Redia, 28:155, figs. 1-28. '9,^. [Full description of all stages]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday) Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3):255. Limothrips cearealium [Sic!] (Haliday); Smith, 1943. Common Insects of Kansas, p. 154. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):329. [Limothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check list British Ins0, p. 32. [Limothrips] minor Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check list British Ins., p.32. L.[imothrips ( Limothrips )] cerealium (Haliday); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:153. 500 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Blickenstaff , 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:669. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):93, PI. XII, fig. 215. Limnothrip s [Sic!] cerealium (Haliday); Wolcott, 1948. Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32(1):97. Limothrips avenae Hinds; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):43. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:407, fig. 20c. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Hartwig, 1948. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 11:125 L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Morison, 1948. London. Nat. Suppl., p.48. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Smith, 1948. Textbook agr. Ent. ed. 2, p. 28. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bailey, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(5):701, 702, 704. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bailey 8s Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 5l(5):232. [ Limothrips 1 cerealium (Haliday); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.114. L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):392, fig. 209. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Della Beffa, 1949. Insetti nocivi ecc., p. 97. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Speyer, 1951. Proc. Roy. ent. Soc. London, (B)20(5-6):56. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):49, fig. la. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Grandi, 1951. Introd. Studio Ent., 1:727. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bailey 8s Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3): 176. L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89 :20. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Melis, 1952. Redia, 37(append .):xix. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); van Lengerken, 1953. Das Tierreich IV/3 Ins., Samml. Goschen, 594:90. L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Titschack, 1955. Bombus, 1(86-87): 366 . Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31:266. L .[imothrips] cerealium (Haliday); Hincks 8s Shaw, 1955. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., 96:143. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Melis, 1955. Redia, 40(append .):iv. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):308. [sp. no. 13 Lapsus pro L. cerealium]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:12. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5): 184, PI. 20, fig. 23. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:16, fig. 31. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Morison, 1957. Trans. Roy. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):490, fig. 11. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2):102. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):298. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Davies, 1958. Proc. Roy. ent. Soc. London, (A)33(7-9):97-106, fig. 1-2. [Mouth parts]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Bei-Bienko 8s Skorikova, 1958. Lab. Zanya. Ent. p. 119. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- SkLodowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(8): 118. 501 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Lewis, 1959. Ent. Exp. Appl., Amsterdam, 2:187, figs. 1-9. [Annual cycle]. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 14. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sklodowska Lublin (1956)(C)11(8):224. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skfodowska Lublin, (1958)(C)13(7): 129. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); de Mallmann, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. France, (1959)64(7-8):151 , figs. 1-2. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Lewis, 1960. Entomol., 93:27. [ Limothrips ] cerealium (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):334. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):294, 325, figs. CLVjCLVI; CLVII 1-3: CLVIII; CLX; CLXI. [?,°y larva, prepupa, pupa, described], Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); de Mallmann, 1961. Bull. Soc. ent. France, (196 0)6 5 (9- 10): 2 89. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8): 142. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Davies, 1961. XI internat. Kongr. Ent. Wien 1960, 1:361. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Lewis, 1961. Proc. Roy. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):90. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Davies, 1961. Proc. zool. Soc. London, 136(3):41 1, figs. 1-14 [development of ? reproductive system.] Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Univ. Puerto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 32:66. described. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Holmes, Swailes & Hobbs, 1961. Canadian Ent., 93(8):645. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):579, 583, 584,585,588,591. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:404. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- SkJfodowska Lublin, (1959)(C)14(3): 55, 58, 61, 62. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Holtmann, 1962. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 51(1):1, 5-10, 12, 14-19, 21-23, 28-31, 33-39. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Lewis & Navas, 1962. Ann. appl. Biol., 50(2): 299-306,308-310, figs. 2-3. 1 PI. [overwintering.] Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Pelekassis, 1962. Ann. Inst, phytopath. Benaki, (N.S.)5(1):56. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr., Ent., 105(4): 124. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68(17):9. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1): 13. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandb., 53(2):26. Limothrips cerealium (Halidav); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Meded., 51:34, 37. [Limothrip s] cerealium (Haliday); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):98. 502 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Titschack, 1964. Eos, 40(l-2):235. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 127, 145, 147, fig. 28. f*. [ Limothrips ] cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:115, 119, figs. 113, 118. [in key to European species] . [Limothrip s cerealium ] var. minor Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim . -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:115. L .[imothrip s\ cerealium (Haliday); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:858. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):76, 92,105. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 1964(4):157. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:236,238. and all stages. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):43. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Bailey & Campos-S, 1965. Pan-Pacific Ent., 41(2): 103. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Ent. Bericht., 25:131. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1965. Bol. Mus. Munic. Funchal, 19(80): 52. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landouwk, Qnderz., 662:5, 7, 8, 10, 52, 66, PI. Ill, fig. 1; Pis. IV, XVII. Limothrip s cerealium (Haliday); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):159. L .[imothrip s] cerealium (Haliday); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):202. [Limothrip s] cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 14. L .[imothrip s] cerealium (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):1Q2. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skfodowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):table 4. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg naturforsch Ges., 515:85, 120. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:43. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist., Surv., 29(4):324, figs. 46, 115. ?/. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):979. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd. ed, 4(2)2/19:5, 8, 10, 24, 28. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Mantel, 1969. Landbouwvoolichting, 26(1):36-41, fig. 1. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1969. Prakt. Schadlingsbekampfer, 21(8): 124. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); [Mound], 1969. Econ. Leaflet British Mus. nat. Hist., 18:3 pp., fig. 1. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1969. in Grzimeks Tierleben, 2:169. 503 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):47, 48, 69. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Davies, 1969. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 121(5): 167-233, figs. 1-64. [Skeletal Musculature]. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of avenae: Massachusetts State College, Amherst; of f. aptera: unknown to writer; of minor: British Museum (Natural History), London; of adusta: Unknown to writer. Distribution: England; Holland; Germany; Austria; Hungary; Bulgaria; Italy; France; Denmark; Scotland; Spain; Finland; Switzerland; Czechoslovakia; Russia; Sardinia; Sweden; Greece; Poland; Egypt; Azores; Syria; Palestine; Morocco; CANARY ISLANDS: Lanzarote; Fuerteventura; Gran Canaria; Tenerife; SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Province; INDIA: Coimbatore; SEYCHELLE ISLANDS: AUSTRALIA: South and Western Australia; NEW ZEALAND: Auckland; HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kauani; Oahu; Hawaii; U.S.A.: Massachusetts; Pennsylvania; Maryland; Virginia; Florida; Tennessee; Indiana; New Jersey; Oklahoma; Illinois; Kansas; Texas; California; Iowa; North Carolina Utah; WEST INDIES: Puerto Rico; South America; Chile. Type locality: Great Britain; of avenae: U.S.A. Pennsylvania; of f. aptera: Sardinia; of minor: SARDINIA: Sorgono: of f. adusta: DENMARK: Haderslev. Habitat: Various plants but especially Gramineae; causes damage to cereals. Limothrips cerealium astutus Priesner, 1964. ?. Limothrips nov. spec. Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:119. Limothrips cerealium ssp. astutus Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:115, fig. 114. ?. [in key to European species]. Location of type: Priesner Collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Cyprus. Type locality: CYPRUS: Limassol. Habitat: Turf. Limothrips clarus Solowiow, 1924. Limothrips clarus Solowiow, 1924. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 38(12-13):25. [sex not stated]. Limothrip s clarus Solowiow; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 38(16-17): 34. [possibly a thripid larva!]. Location of type: Unknown. Distribution: RUSSIA: Gorki. Type locality: RUSSIA: Gorki. Habitat: Weeds. Limothrips consimilis Priesner, 1926. ?,c?. [ Limothrip s ] consimilis Priesner. 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 143. nom. nud. Limothrips consimilis Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:145.150. %. [Limothrip s\ consimilis Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:44. Limothrips consimilis Priesner; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 106. 9. 504 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Limothrip s schmutzi Priesner; Kratochvil, 1939. Limothrip s consimilis Priesner; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 117. Limothrips Schmutzi Priesner; Pelikan, 1949. Ent. Listy, 12:28. Limothrips consimilis Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):48, fig. lb. [Described] . [ Limothrips ] consimilis Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Ent. Listy, 1:188, 189. Limothrip s consimilis Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:16, fig. 34. Limothrips consimilis Priesner; Jenser, 1958. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (S.N.) 1 1(20): 365, 369. Limothrips consimilis Priesner; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 14. Limothrips consimilis Priesner; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append .):322, 325. ? [described] . [Limothrip s\ consimilis Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:404. L .[imothrips] consimilis Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom. 13(12): 1055. [Limothrip s] consimilis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:115, figs. 115, 117. [in key to European species]. Limothrips consimilis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 145, 146, fig. 27. ?. L .[imothrips] consimilis Priesner; Pelikan, 1965. Acta ent. Bohenoslovaca, 62(2): 102. Limothrips consimilis Priesner; Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist. -Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):230. Limothrip s consimilis Priesner; Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entomol., 99:29, 30, 42. [ Limothrips ] consimilis; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb . , 4(9): 15. Limothrips consimilis Priesner; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):271. [ Limothrips ] consimilis Priesner; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv. 29(4):324. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Italy, Czechoslovakia; East Germany; Rumania; Hungary; Yugoslavia; Mongolia; North America. Type locality: ITALY: Forli. Habitat: Dry turf; Bromus erectus; Bromus inermis. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday, 1836.) T hr. [ip s] (L .[imothrips]) denticornis Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:445. ?,cf. Th.[rips ] denticornis Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):414. Thrips denticornis Haliday; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. Nat. Ins., p. 217. L .[imothrips] denticornis (Haliday); Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hemipt., p.642. Thrips denticornis Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. Nat. Ins., 3(1):217. Thr.[ips] Kollari Heeger, 1852. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 9:484, Pl.XLIL Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Haliday, 1852. Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1106. ?. Thr.[ips] (L .[imothrips]) denticornis Haliday ; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc . Forh., 21:212. 505 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Thrips (Limothrips) bidens Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc . Fork., 21:212, 218. [Sex not given]. Thrips Kollari Heeger; Taschenberg, 1880. Prakt. Ins.-kunde, 4:216. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Pergande, 1882. Entomol., 15:95. Thrips secalina Lindeman, 1887. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moskou, 1886(4):301, 302, figs. 4-10. ?,°! larvae. Thrips secalina Lindeman, 1887. Ent. Tidskr., 8(3):120, 122. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Jordan, 1888. Zeitschr. wiss „ ZooL 47(4): 550, 599. Thrips denticornis Haliday; Uzel, 1889. Vesmir, 18(21):259. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:332. Thrips secalina Lindeman; Hoffman, 1891. Jahreshef. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirtemb., 67:24-28. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Trybom, 1894. Ent. Tidskr., 15(1):45, 46, 49, 51,53,54,55,56,57. Limothrips bidens Reuter; Trybom, 1894. Ent. Tidskr., 15(1):54. Limothrips secalina Lindeman; Trybom, 1894. Ent. Tidskr., 15(1):52, 53, 55. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); jablonowski, 1894. Termes Fuzetek, 17(l-2):47. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Trybom, 1895. Ent. Tidskr., 16(3): 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp.32, 47, 86. PI. I, fig. 8: PI. V, fig. 51. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); E. Reuter, 1895. Landtbr. Meddel., (1894) 7:11-12,32. LimXothrip s] denticornis (Haliday); Trybom, 1896. Ofv. K. Vetensk.-Akad. Forh., 53(8):614. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Trybom, 1896. Festskr. Lilljeborg, 1896:220, 226, 228. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); E. Reuter, 1897. Landtbr. Meddel., 21:23. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss Ver. Bremen, 14(3):470. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Jablonowski, 1899. Faun. Regn. Hung., p. 17. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):62. L .[imothrip s\ denticornis (Haliday); Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 287. ?,d! Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:623,645. [described]. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); E. Reuter, 1902. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 28:82. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); E. Reuter, 1902. Landtbr. Meddel., 39:22, 46-48, 57, 59. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Reuter, 1902. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkrank. 12(6):336, 337. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Ribaga, 1902. Boll. Ent. Agr. Padova, 9:13. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Schille, 1904. Sprawozd. Korn. Fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:9. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); E. Reuter, 1905. Landtbr. Meddel., 50:4. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:275, 281. 506 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Schtscherbakow , 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26): 912,914. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Buffa, 1908. Redia, 4(2):383, 384. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1):135. Limothr \_ip s ] denticornis (Haliday); Reh, 1909. Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd. ed., 3:222, fig. 160. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2):35. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); E. Reuter, 1909. Landtbr. Meddel., 64:10. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Karny, 1909. Mitt, naturwiss Ver. Wien, 7(10): 271, 273. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Bagnall, 1910. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 8:375. L .[imothrips] denticornis (Haliday); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25(44):233. (sep. p. 12). Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Kurdjumov, 1912. Mess. ent. Kiev, 1:94-96, figs .1,2. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):219. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 188. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Della Beffa, 1914. Ann. Acc. Agr. Torino, 57:45. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1917. Schrif. Phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:51. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1917* Meddel. Landtman, 50:5, figs. 8, 9. L .[imothrip s] denticornis (Haliday); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):37. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1919. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 33(9):32-33. [Simply mentioned]. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 121. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29:171. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:52. [ Limothrips denticornis\ ab. adustus Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:52. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); John, 1921. Faun. Petrop. Catal., 2(1 ): 6 . Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr., Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(5):21 . Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(4-5):180. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Theobald, 1922. Journ. Kent Farmers Union, 12(2): Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens Haarlem, 3(9):100, 109, textfig. 18. 7,^ Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)132:16. [Larva described]. Limo .[thrip s] denticornis (Haliday); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 82, PI. IV; textfigs. 12, 13. ?,°! L .[imothrips] denticornis (Haliday); Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:270. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Naturforsch.-Ges . Univ. Dorpat, 31(l-2):39. 507 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS, (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 2 Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/ 25:152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 164, fig. 2. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1 ): 20 . [Limothrip s\ denticornis (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. [ Limothrips ] denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):143. [Limothrips denticornis ] f. adusta; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 143. L .[imothrips\ denticornis (Haliday); Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4(1):254. fig. 137. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday) Hukkinen, 1925. Maatalouskoelaitos Tieteellisia julkaisuja, 25:18, 138, 156. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:144, 146. larva, prepupa, pupa. Lim .[othrips] denticornis f. adusta; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:147. L .[imothrips] denticornis (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insekfauna, 6:29, figs. 4E, 10C. P,°^ [described] . L .[imothrips] denticornis (Haliday); Bagnall, 1926.. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:281. Limothrips incertis Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:642, figs. 2, 4. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:644, figs. 1, 3. [ Limothrips ] denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):7, fig. 14. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:466. larva . [ Limothrips ] denticornis (Haliday); Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:14. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111, IV, VII, XI. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., 101:67. L .[imothrips] denticornis (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):165. [Limothrips denticornis] f. adusta Priesner; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent., Meddel., 16(3): 165. Limothrips incertis; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:94. L .[imothrips] denticornis denticornis Haliday; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 28, figs. 11, 12. L .[imothrips] denticornis adustus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 28. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):84Q. [Limothrips] denticornis (Haliday); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Morison, 1928. Ent. mon, Mag., 64:196. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Korting, 1928. Nachrichtenbl. Deutschen Pflanzenschutz . , 2:14. [hibernation]. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Pussard-Radulesco, 1930. Ann. Epiphyties, 16(3-4): 106, 114, 158, 175, pi. II. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Korting, 1930. Zeitschr., angew. Ent. 16(3):480, 489, 491, figs. 18, 20. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Hansen, 1930. Studies on Arthropoda, 3:209, Pl.X, fig. 9. [mouth parts.] Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Zangheri, 1930. Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat., 69:33. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):9O. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:44,45, 153, fig. 12. 508 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. L imothrips denticornis (Haliday); Keler. 1932. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 12:6. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:41. 7,^. L imothrips denticornis (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1934. Maataloustiet. Aikakausk., 6:141, 142, 144, 145, 154. L imothrips denticornis ( Haliday); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 104 . ?,cf. L imothrips denticornis (Haliday); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:37. L imothrips denticornis (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):87, 91. \L imothrips denticornis ] f. adusta Priesner; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):87, 91. L imothrips denticornis (Haliday); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:314. L imothrips incertis Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:314. L imothrips denticornis (Haliday ); Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci 10(3): 227 Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1-2):81. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:91; PI. I, fig. 5. Limothrip s denticornis (Haliday): Keler, 1937. Fragm. faun. Mus. Zool. Polonici, 3(2):8. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:151, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191, 193, 210. L .[imothrips] denticornis (Haliday); Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Oettingen, 1941. Arb. morph, tax. Ent., 8(1):50, 51. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:108, fig. 5. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak, , 8(1):36 . \Limothrip s denticornis ] f. adusta Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Melis, 1942. Redia, 28:199, figs. 28, 29. ?,d! larvae, nymphs, described. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph. Tax. Ent. 10(2-3):96 . Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Lor is on , 1943. Ann. appl, Biol., 30(3):255. Limothrips denticornis (Haliday); Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. [ Limothrips ] denticornis (Haliday); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins . , p . 32 . 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