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patron :






Council :

Elected 2ist December, 1848.





MAJOR T. A. LARCOM, R. E., V. P. R. I. A.


GEORGE PETRIE, ESQ., LL. D., R. H. A., V. P. R. I. A.


VERY REV. L. RENEHAN, D. D., President of St. Patrick's

College, Maynooth.

AQUILLA SMITH, ESQ., M. D., M. R. I. A., Treasurer. J. HUBAND SMITH, ESQ., A. M., M. R. I. A. REV. J. H. TODD, D. D., M. R. I. A., Secretary.










|N Intention there was not long since by Sir James Ley, Knight, then Lord Chiefe Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland (afterwards Lord High Treasurer and Earle of Marleburgh), to have published some of our country writers in this kinde, for which end hee caused to be transcribed and made fit for the Presse the Annales of John Clynne, a Friar Minor of Kilkenny (who lived in the time of King Edward the Third), the Annales of the Priory of St. John the Evangelist of Kilkenny, and the Annales of Multifernan, Rosse, and Clonmell, &c. But his weighty occasions did afterwards divert his purpose. The copies are yet preserved, and I hope ere long with other Annales and Fragments of the same nature will be divulged."

So wrote Sir James Ware, in his Preface to Campion's and Han- mer's Histories, printed in Dublin in the year 1 633*. More than 200 years have since passed, and by the publication of the Annals of Mul- tifernan, and by the present publication, the Irish Archaeological So- ciety

a Reprinted in Dublin, 1809. IRISH ARCH. SOC. a


ciety is only now partly realizing the purpose of Ley, and the hopes of Ware, Camden, and Ussher.

It is not for those who are endeavouring to put an end to it, to attempt to justify the delay that has occurred in the publication of these chronicles ; it may, perhaps, partly be accounted for by the dry and unsatisfactory nature of their contents.

Clyn lived ninety years after Matthew Paris, and was not many years older than Froissart ; but instead of the caustic remarks and striking details of the monk of St. Alban's, instead of Froissart's pictured pages, which make us familiar with the sentiments and motives, and even with the outward bearing, of the men of his day,— we have here, for the most part, only mere entries of names and of facts, the ashes of history in which there is no living fire. The fact is so, and must be acknowledged, nor shall we be surprised that it is so, if we consider the circumstances in which Clyn and the other Anglo-Irish monkish chroniclers wrote, and the objects which they had in view.

The very materials for writing at that time were not abundant in this country. Clyn mentions that he had left parchment for the continuation of his Annals (see page 37), a pious precaution which does not seem to have produced any effect ; and being confined by precedent and by an affectation of scholarship to the use of Latin, the monkish chroniclers were trammelled and hampered by a foreign language, with which they were not familiar, and in which they neither spoke nor thought, and in which, like men in a stiff and un- usual dress, they moved with slow and awkward formality.

Nor were the authorities, from which they derived their informa- tion, calculated to give them confidence and freedom. Their chief written authorities were evidently the Obits of their own, or of some other religious house of the same Order, combined with some brief Registry of public events and of wonderful occurrences, which seems



to have formed the common historical stock of all our Anglo-Irish monkish chroniclers, and which was probably communicated to the members of the different houses at the provincial or general Chapters of the several Orders.

To synchronize this general history with the Obits and special entries of their own records was the great object of the monkish writers, a task not without difficulty, and in which it is probable that many mistakes were made, as in the older Mortiloges the entries were made under the day of the month, without any notice of the year.

But we must not suppose that those annals were to the monks the dry and bare catalogues which they are to us, or that the inhabitants of the monastery were satisfied with that modicum of knowledge which we have inherited from them. Every name entered in their registry at its entry had its own peculiar history, and that history was preserved in the traditions of the chapter-room and of the cloister. From the founder of the house and the giver of broad lands, to the bequeather of a cope, and the increaser of their gaudy-day pittance, all their be- nefactors had their places in the grateful memory of the brotherhood ; and the novice and the lay brother were often told why this Baron bestowed the rich farm, and why it was leased to such a Knight ; why this Lady founded an altar and a chaplaincy, and why such a Burgess was commemorated with a double Lection. Every name in the re- gistry was made the text of some grave homily, or recalled some story, kept alive, not only by being repeated on every recurring anniversary amongst the habitual sitters round the refectory fire, and amongst the pacers in the cloisters, but by being told to the knights and squires who used the monastery as an inn, and to the pilgrims and visitors from other religious houses who there claimed charitable hospitality.

Nor was it only gratitude, and the wish to maintain the credit of their house before their visitors, that induced the monks to fill up in conversation the bare outline of their registers with traditional his-

a 2 tories;


tories; many of them had the strong interest of relationship, or of fa- mily dependence, connected with the names recorded ; and it was pleasant to tell how their fathers had fought in the battle in which their benefactor was killed, whose tomb was in the choir and whose death was in the Mortiloge. With respect, then, to occurrences in its own neighbourhood, or referring to its special benefactors, the date and the succession were almost all that was wanted by the in- mates of a religious house, and these were supplied by the dryest of their chronicles. The cloister tradition supplied the rest, giving to the merest outline fulness of detail and warmth of colouring.

With regard to the events affecting other religious houses of the same Order, the same knowledge was communicated by the mutual visits of their respective members, and especially by the provincial and general chapters. If we look upon a map of any Christian country in the middle ages, we see how the houses of the different Orders were scattered through it, so that lines drawn from one to another would make a close net- work over its wrhole surface ; and it is difficult to limit the amount of general knowledge which must have been in the possession of the inquisitive members of these societies, and of which we have nothing left but these meagre and lifeless chronicles. For the view of the writers there were fields, and flowers, and trees, " ho- minumque boumque labores ;" but the deep flood of oblivion covers them, and we see nothing but the land-marks and the boundary stones.

The authors of most of the other Anglo-Irish monastic annals are unknown, and we can feel no sympathy with the impersonal and unnamed writer who expresses no personal feeling in anything he mentions, and who records, as it were mechanically, all events, whe- ther of joy or sorrow, with equal brevity and with equal coldness.

Of the annals here printed we know at least the name and sta- tion of the writer, and the time of their composition.


John Clyn was a Franciscan friar, in the convent of that Order in Kilkenny. He seems to have been highly esteemed in the bro- therhood, for 111^336, when James, Earl of Ormonde, in his old earldom of Carrick, founded a " locus"b for Franciscans, John Clyn was the first Warden or Guardian ; William Naase being Gustos; and Friar Stephen Barry, Minister Provincial. The zeal and austerity of the earlier Franciscans and Dominicans had attracted into their Orders men of the loftiest minds and most generous tempers; and in the fourteenth century, when the fervour of religious enthusiasm was in some degree diminished, there were still to be found in these Orders the most profound theologians and the most subtle speculative philosophers. Among these the Irish Franciscans maintained a proud and honourable position. If the haughty attempt of Primate Albert of Cologne0 to subject causes, properly belonging to the King's courts, to Papal authority, provoked Henry HI. to forbid the future election*1 of any Franciscan to an Irish see, the prohibition was soon with- drawn, and the royal displeasure was probably amply compensated by that popular favour, which encouraged the Franciscans to en- croach upon the rights of the Irish parochial clergy. The earliest account of a British pilgrimage into the east6 was written by Simon Fitzsimon, and Hugh, the Illuminator, of the Franciscan Friary of Dublin, who commenced their pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1322. And when the University of Dublin was opened, Universitas, as Clynf, disparagingly says, " quoad nomen, set utinam quoad factuin et rem," three of the first four inceptors in theology were friars.


b The name appropriate to a Franciscan Frat. Minor, in Hib. eligatur de caetero

or Benedictine monastery. Not given in ad dignitat. archiep. sive episcopi. T. L. Du Cange. See pp. 38, 39, infra. e Published by Nasmith, Cambridge,

c Harris's Ware's Bishops, p. 66. i?78-

11 28 Hen. III. Quod nullus de Ord. f Ad an. 1320.


Of the individual character of Clyn we know only what we can gather from his own writings. The few gleams of natural feeling, which occasionally brighten his formal entries, betoken a good and ge- nerous mind, and make us lament that he did not let himself out more freely and give utterance more frequently to his own thoughts and sentiments. Some of his observations, brief and rare as they are, are not without pith and point, and few passages, of the same date, are more striking and pathetic in their calm and earnest simplicity, than the close of his work. After thus describing the plague of 1 348 : " That pestilence deprived of human inhabitant villages and cities, and castles and towns, so that there was scarcely found a man to dwell therein ; the pestilence was so contagious that whosoever touched the sick or the dead was immediately infected and died ; and the penitent and the confessor were carried together to the grave ; through fear and dread men scarcely dared to perform the offices of piety arid pity in visiting the sick and in burying the dead ; many died of boils and abscesses, and pustules on their shins or under their armpits ; others died frantic with the pain in their head, and others spitting blood; that year was beyond measure wonderful, unusual, and in many things prodigious, yet" (is not the observation natural and pathetic?) " it was sufficiently abundant and fruitful, however sickly and deadly;" then, having made entries of a fratricide committed in the midst of the pestilence, by Connell O'More, on the morrow of the Purifica- tion, and of the vengeance taken for it eight days afterwards, he thus returns : " The pestilence was rife in Kilkenny in Lent, for, from Christmas Day to the 6th day of March eight friars preachers died of it. Scarcely one alone ever died in a house. Commonly husband, wife, children, and servants, went the one way, the way of death. And I, Friar John Clyn, of the Order of Friars Minor, and of the convent of Kilkenny, wrote in this book those notable things, which happened in my time, which I saw with my eyes, or which I learned



from persons worthy of credit ; and lest things worthy of remem- brance should perish with time, and fall away from the memory of those who are to come after us, I, seeing these many evils, and the whole world lying, as it were, in the wicked one, among the dead, waiting for death till it come, as I have truly heard and examined, so have I reduced these things to writing ; and lest the writing- should perish with the writer, and the work fail together with the workman, I leave parchment for continuing the work, if haply any man survive, and any of the race of Adam escape this pestilence and continue the work which I have commenced." Then follows one pa- ragraph for 1349, containing the death and eulogy of Sir Fulco de la Frene, and then the copyist's brief entry: " Here it seems the author died."

Like most of the Anglo-Irish chroniclers, Clyn passes over in ig- norance, or in contempt, the legends, whether poetical, mythical, or enigmatical, with which the Irish seanachies filled up the vestibule of Irish history, thronging its gates with forms of strange aspect, elusive of the grasp. Yet even these legends, as we find them in Dowling and in the native annalists, are worthy of record. Although not true in themselves, it is true that they were once believed ; and although they may not constitute the history of the times to which they are assigned, they form at least important elements of the character of the times in which they were received. But it is not likely that le- gends, so widely propagated and so fondly cherished, had no founda- tion in fact, that they were altogether either poetical fictions, or moral and political parables and myths. It is more reasonable to conjecture that they were the forms of historical narrative used by one people, which, falling into the hands of another people of different language, and of other habits of thought and turns of expression, were under- stood by them in a sense which they were not intended to bear, and in which they were not used by their authors. We would look upon



these strange and portentous narratives as the hieroglyphic records of forgotten but substantial history.

We know that the Northmen had a peculiar genius for high- wrought and lofty imagery, enigmatical rather than fantastical ; not only were their ships " the wooden horses of the ocean," and their swords " serpents ;" the very geography of their countries, either from their own taste, or from the taste of their visitors, was allusive and metaphorical. The Baltic Sound, which, in the days of Tacitusg, was called " the Pillars of Hercules," was styled " the Hellespont" by Saxo-Grammaticus. And the Africa of Nennius and Geoffry of Mon- mouth seems to have been the southern coast of the Baltic, the land of the sea robbers, with whom, as Dubhgalls or black strangers, we are familiar in Irish history, but who startle and perplex us when we meet them under the name of Africans. It may be conjectured that the wild and seemingly absurd stories of Partholanus, Nemedus, and Milesius, are mistranslated and misunderstood narratives of some northern invasions, or rather of some one northern invasion, for all these stories have so many circumstances in common that we cannot but suspect them to be different versions of the same history. At what period these invasions, or this invasion, occurred, it would be difficult to ascertain ; it would seem, however, not to have been long prior to the times of St. Patrick, who is said to have learned from their contemporary, Ruanus, the history of those events. As to mis- takes in Irish chronology, it must be remembered that, from the want of any fixed and commonly acknowledged era, the dates of the oc- currences in early Irish history must have been a matter of calcula- tion. Even in the tenth century there is a difference of more than


*•' Ipsum quinetiam Oceanum ilia tenta- seu, quidquid ubique magnificum est, in vimns. Et superesse adhuc Herculis Co- claritatem ejus referre consuevimus. lumnas f'ama vulgavit, sive adiit Hercules, Germania, c. 34.


sixty years between the dates of the Annals of Boyle and of the An- nals of the Four Masters ; and, as low as the twelfth century, public documents were at least occasionally dated, not from any fixed era, but from such an arbitrary and mutable epoch as "the year when the kine and swine of Ireland perished by a pestilence."

The facts mentioned in the earlier parts of Clyn's Annals are, for the most part, common to all the Anglo-Irish annalists, and are to be found, with little variety of expression, in Pembridge and Grace, and the Annals of Multifernanh. It would appear, however, from the following pages, that Clyn's Calendar differed from that of the Eng- lish and Roman Churches, which was received in Ireland ; at least if the transcript from which we print is correct, which is very doubtful, it will follow that the Franciscans of Kilkenny held their festivals of St. Stephen's Day, and of the Conversion of St. Paul, as well as other festivals, on days peculiar to themselves.

In the early part of the fourteenth century the following annals increase in interest. Clyn, as we have observed, was appointed the first Warden of the Franciscan Friary of Carrick in 1336. For such an office, implying authority and discretion, it is not likely that a man under 30 should have been selected from the convent of Kilkenny; and we may, therefore, conclude that Clyn was not born after 1306, and that he may have been several years older. We are then not surprised that his annals begin to expand, and to contain something more than brief and general entries, about the year 1315.

In the present times, when we gather almost all our knowledge from books, the period of whose history men are generally the most ignorant runs backward from their own youth to the commencement of the former generation. The history of the father's age has seldom been compiled by public writers in the days of the son, and is often


h So commonly called ; although they the Annals of Drogheda. Vide Registr. are perhaps more properly to be termed Omnium Sanctorum, p. 134. IRISH ARCH. SOC. b

not told by the father, upon whom, as it fell drop by drop, it left an imperfect sense of its relations and proportions ; and the son, eager for something new or curious touching venerable antiquity, too often looks without interest or inquiry upon the days of his father, as upon times whose fashions are gone by, and whose notions he has outgrown. Even should the succeeding generation inquire into the history of that which immediately preceded it, the multitude of petty and vulgar details perplex the mind and disgust the imagination ; and we wander about, as in a thick wood from which we have no clue to guide us, unable to recognise any of our well-known landmarks. But in the fourteenth century, when reading and writing were rare ac- complishments, and when there were no standard libraries, the case was very different. Knowledge was then to be acquired, not from books, but from men. And what could men teach but what they had seen, in the words of Clyn, occulatajide, or what they had heard fide digno relatu ? And, however highly we may value the following annals, from the year 1315, when Clyn was probably a grown man, able to make his own observations on passing events, we cannot but lament that he did not burn the previous entries, and write down the remembrances and the traditions of the seniors of his convent.

From the Scottish invasion in 13 1 5, to the plague in 1349, may be considered as the period of Clyn's Annals. It was a dark and stormy period in the history of this country. It is strange that the reigns of the worst and weakest of the kings that ever sat upon the throne of England, should have been the times of the greatest prosperity of the English in Ireland. In the times of King John and Henry III. the English authority seemed about to consolidate itself throughout the kingdom. The whole country was then divided into shires, in which the king's justices held their pleas ; the bishoprics, even in Connaught and Munster, were not filled without the king's license. O'Conor and O'Neill paid their tributes of cows and marks, and



obeyed the king's summons ; and, although frequently goaded into re- sistance by the "oppressions of the Earls of Ulster and of the lords of Connaught, these Irish dynasts seem to have been willing to con- sider themselves as English lords, and to have placed confidence in appeals to the justice of the English king ; and, as the plainest evi- dence of the tranquillity and prosperity of the country, the London treasury was enriched by the transmission to London of money from Ireland. Such was the state of Ireland during great part of the thir- teenth century, as we learn from the Tower Records, from Rymer's Foedera, and from the Rolls of the Irish Chancery, which are the au- thentic records of Anglo-Irish history. Doubtless the same facts may be learned with still greater distinctness from the Pipe Rolls, should they ever be published.

There were, indeed, in these reigns, feuds, bloody and interminable, between different lords in Ireland, both of Irish and of English blood. The predatory habits of the country were continued ; and, except for the barbarized names of the Norman barons, the reader of the Irish chronicles would scarcely be able to distinguish the events of a year in the thirteenth century from those of most of the years in the eleventh ; but at that period the great distinction between the Eng- lish settlers and the native Irish was not strongly marked, although it had already manifested itself in religious houses of Irish founda- tion. The feuds were feuds between neighbours and not between na- tions. In almost all the frays, which have been dignified by the title of battles, English and Irish fought on both sides ; and the descen- dants of O'Melaghlin, O'Neill, O'Conor, O'Brien, and Mac Murrogh, boasted that they belonged to the five bloods who were entitled to the coveted distinction of pleading the English law. If the daring and resolute Prince Edward spent any time in his lordship of Ireland, he probably thought that the authority of the sovereign and the dominion of the law were fully as much respected by the Irish chiefs

b 2 and


and barons, as they were in England by the turbulent partisans of De Montfort, then plotting the overthrow of the monarchy and the imprisonment of the king.

Perhaps it was this confidence in the strength of the English in Ireland, joined, it may be, to a willingness to lower the pride and power of the Anglo-Irish nobles, that induced Edward I. to neglect this country, and to waste the best blood of its lords in the wars in Gascony and Scotland. To whatever cause it may be ascribed, it is certain that, in the reign of that great and powerful prince, the power of the English government in this country lessened; the English lords became at once weaker and more insubordinate; while they adopted the customs, claimed the privileges, and exercised the tyranny of the native lords, to the extirpation of the sturdy English freeholders, they at the same time frustrated the wise and benevolent wishes of the king. He wished that the distinctions which were now felt be- tween the English and the Irish, should be removed, and that all his Irish subjects, of whatever birth or descent, should enjoy the protec- tion of the English law and submit to its authority.

It is natural that, at the first introduction of a foreign power into any country, the natives should jealously insist upon the preservation of their peculiar laws and customs; and such a condition seems to have been made by the Irish in the time of Henry II. But in process of time it is also natural that the weaker people should desire admission into the courts of justice of the stronger, and should petition to be altogether incorporated with them. This is the best homage to su- perior power and superior civilization. Woe to the stronger if they refuse such homage ! Hereafter there will be two nations in one country ; they will be for centuries in daily struggle, as it were for life or death ; and their bitterest enemies will be at their doors.

It is true that the Irish law, to which alone the Irish were subject, gave some advantages to the Irish culprit. For a crime for which an



Englishman would be hanged, an Irishman, according to the more le- nient enactments of theBrehon law, might compound for a sum varying from £1 to £100 at the will of the judge. It is to be feared that the opposition of the Anglo-Irish lords to the extension of the English law proceeded from very base motives. They were at once jealous of the distinction of the English law, and anxious to escape from it. They claimed that the offences committed by an Englishman against an Irishman, should be tried by the Irish law, and they were unwilling that the offences of an Irishman against an Englishman should not subject the offender to all the penalties of the law of England. The erics, or compositions, payable by Irish criminals, enlarged the re- venues of the courts of their palatinates and lordships ; and, if the lands of the Irish chiefs were to be held by royal charters, the title of the native lords to their territories would then be secured by legal documents, acknowledged in the king's courts, and all chance of gaining possession of them, except by strictly legal means, would be terminated. The question of the advantage of establishing one uniform system of law throughout the country, especially when it was desired by the native party, appears now to be of very simple solution, yet it probably had its difficulties in former days. The opposition of the Anglo-Irish lords may have been justified by reasons which we do not see, and which we could not rightly appreciate. It is not fair to apply the notions of one century as a rule for measuring the conduct of men in another ; and perhaps the statesman who is most aware of the conflicting interests and discordant wishes of two races occupying the same country, of settlers and of natives, will be the most dis- posed to excuse the conduct of the Anglo-Irish lords, and to pity the perplexities of the legislators or rulers of the fourteenth century.

In the hope of profiting by these internal dissensions, and being, perhaps, invited over by some of the Irish princes of Ulster, Edward Bruce, accompanied by Randolph, Steward, Menteith, Campbell, arid



many other of the knights of Bannockburn, with an army of 6000 men, landed in Larne Lough on St. Augustine's day, in 1315.

It was a luckless day for Bruce and for Ireland. Although successful in various engagements, and crowned King of Ireland at Dundalk, Bruce never had any firm power in this country. Of the English barons scarcely any were accused of favouring him, except the Lacies and their followers ; and of their disloyalty, although their estates were forfeited and their persons proscribed, there seems to be some doubt. He was boldly opposed by the Earl of Ulster, Mande- ville, Logan, the Savages, " all hale the flur of Ullyster," and by Bisset, the descendant of a Scotsman, but not unmindful of the wrongs of his ancestors. Nor was he effectively assisted by the native princes. The usual fate awaited him, of those who, for their own aggrandize- ment, interfere in the civil dissensions of a foreign country. The ob- jects of the parties are different, and each hopes to use the other only so far as may promote their own purposes. The Irish princes did not fight to change their masters, but to secure their independence, and they were no more willing to submit to a Scoto-Norman than to an Anglo-Norman baronage. Meanwhile their general rebellion against the English, for their own special objects, and the disunion of the English lords, any one of whom, we are told, would have been able, with his own followers alone, to have driven back Edward Bruce, allowed the Scots, now commanded by Robert Bruce, to ravage Ire- land from Carrickfergus to Limerick. Although unable to take any walled town, and suffering the extremity of hunger from the general famine of the dreadful year 1316, in the words of Clyn, " They went through all the country, burning, slaying, depredating, spoiling towns and castles, and even churches, as they went and as they returned." The horror at their cruelty, their impiety, and the misery that went with them, dwelt long in the minds of all the inhabitants of Ireland; and when the barons of Meath and Louth gave Edward Bruce battle,



defeated, and killed him atDundalk, the Irish Annals of Clonmacnois declare that he was slain, " to the great joy and comfort of the whole kingdom in generall, for there was not a better deed that redounded more to the good of the kingdom, since the creation of the world, and since the banishment of the Fine Fomores out of this land, done in Ireland, than the killing of Edward Bruce; for there reigned scarcity of victuals, breach of promises, ill performance of covenants, and the loss of men and women, throughout the whole kingdom, for the space of three years and a half that he bore sway; insomuch that men did commonly eat one another, for want of sustenance, during his time."

Many generations passed before the devastating effects of the Scottish invasion, passing thus like a stream of lava through the country, were done away. The animosity between the English and the Irish was embittered, ,the sense of the greatness of the English power was diminished, the authority of law and order was impaired, the castle and the farm-house were alike ruined. The castle was more easily rebuilt than the more important farm-house. The noble may have had other resources ; in later times we know that his castle was repaired at the expense of the district; he was bound by stronger ties to the country; and when his castle was rebuilt, it was at least com- paratively secure : but when the homestead was wrecked and burned, and the haggard robbed of its stacks, and the bawn left without horse or cow, and " all his gear were gone," the farmer, as he looked about him in despair, might well be excused if he fled away to some safer country ; or if, listening to hunger, that evil counsellor, he became an idilman or a kerne, ready to plunder as he had been plundered, and eating up the produce of other men's labours.

If he endeavoured to remain, what was before him, but, poor and dispirited, deprived of his accustomed comforts, and of his compara- tive respectability, to sink hopelessly into a lower stage of society, and to yield to its customs ; or rather to turn in sullen or in passion- ate


ate anger from the civilization in which he no longer had a share, and to resent, as an injury, the existence of comforts which were his once, but were to be his no more, and to hate and to scorn their possessors?

Such, doubtless, was the history of the degradation of many Eng- lish freeholders consequent upon the Scottish invasion ; nor could the degradation be limited to the retainer alone. In a country in which there is no foreign interference, no rank of society can stand apart from others, and in proportion to its height it needs the more numerous supporters. The castle walls can no more keep out the influence of the social maxims and principles of the lower ranks of the people, than they can keep out the contagion of their diseases, and the lord neces- sarily partook of the degradation of the vassal.

To the Scottish invasion, then, may, at least partly, be ascribed the barbarism and the consequent weakness of the English in Ireland during the greater part of the fourteenth and the whole of the fifteenth century. In the thirty years that elapsed between that event and the close of Clyn's Annals, that barbarism had made great progress. The power of the central government grew weaker; the lords, whether of Irish or of English blood, became more independent and irresponsible, and, consequently, more arbitrary and tyrannical ; and private feuds, resulting in open violence, became of more frequent occurrence. The control of law nearly ceased, and little remained, as a rule of conduct, except the will of the stronger. It then became a question whether this anarchy should continue, or whether it should result in the pre- valence of either the English or the Irish system, or, as seemed more probable and more reasonable, whether some third system should not be developed, formed from the amalgamation of these two, and the natural growth of the circumstances of this country.

When the Normans came into Ireland they brought with them the feudal law system, and that law system, with all its complexities, they



endeavoured to establish wherever they had dominion. It was the system of a victorious army cantoned amongst a conquered nation. In this country the feudal Normans met with the remains of the pa- triarchal system ; of our society the type was, not an army, but a fa- mily. Such a system, doubtless, was subject to many inconveniences. The breaking up of all general authority, and the multiplication of petty independent principalities, was an abuse incident to the feudal system ; it was inherent in the very essence of the patriarchal or family system. That system began, as the feudal system ended, with small, independent societies, each with its own separate centre of attraction, each clustering round the lord or the chief, and each rather repelling than attracting all similar societies. Yet the patriarchal system was not without its advantages. If the feudal system gave more strength to attack a foreign enemy, the patriarchal system secured more hap- piness at home. The one system implied inequality amongst the few, and slavery amongst the many; the other system gave a feeling of equa- lity to all. It is needless to inquire which of these two systems was the better fitted to develope the powers and the virtues of mankind, and whether either of them could exist in a state of general refinement and civilization, which, perhaps necessarily, developes a system neither feudal nor patriarchal, but commercial, industrial, and pecuniary.

But, surely, it was not strange that a people brought up as mem- bers of septs, each recognised by the chief as of his blood, bearing his name, entitled by the law of gavelkind to a share of the public property, should be blind to the evils that belonged to such a system, and should have looked with wonder and contempt on the well regu- lated gradations of feudal authority, and with horror on feudal vas- salage and serfdom. Such were the natural feelings of the native Irish, and when the course of the king's writs, and the power of the English courts, were limited by the weakness of the central government, they joyfully fell back upon their native customs, as expounded by the IRISH ARCH. soc. c Brehons


Brehons upon the hills ; and they made welcome, as the sons of Heber, Heremon, Ir, and Ith, those English lords, who, like the Desmonds, adopted the manners of the country, and were rebuked amongst their own countrymen, for being more Irish than the Irish. From the very nature of the patriarchal system the exactions of the native chiefs were not excessive. In the hands of the English lords these exactions became intolerable to their English dependents. Unlike the Irish chiefs, the English lords had no rule by which their demands were regula- ted; they were ignorant of the restrictions of the Brehon law; and the customary cam or purveyance of the Irish chiefs, and the regulated and ascertained amount of their refections, became in English hands the unlimited, " outrageous," coyrie and livery, the ruin of the English yeomanry, and the object of the well-earned maledictions and denun- ciations of English judges, kings, and parliaments. Yet we find no complaint made by the native Irish against the levy of these dues by the Earls of Desmond. Those potent Earls, descendants of the first conquerors, had adopted the Irish customs, and were in fact, at the same time, Irish chiefs and English lords. By their Irish followers they were beloved with the most romantic and prodigal affection, and respected with almost superstitious veneration ; and, so popular was the first Earl amongst the English people of Leinster, that their special object of detestation was Sir Robert Ufford, the vigorous English Jus- tice, who drove the Earl into banishment, confiscated his lands, took his castles, and at Castle Island, in Kerry, hanged his seneschal, Sir John Cottrel, and his knights, Sir Eustace Power and Sir William Grant.

It was time that some vigorous exertion should be made for the support of the English government. The haughty Anglo-Irish nobles ill brooked the authority of the English officials, some of whom were men of low rank and of no great personal reputation ; and, indignant at the distinction made by the Parliament in Dublin, between the Eng- lish


lish by birth and the English by descent, and especially outraged by the King's order for the removal from office of all persons born in Ireland, they had held a Parliament at Kilkenny, not summoned by the King, under the presidency of the great Desmond. At that Par- liament, professing their loyalty to the King, of which they had given proofs in following him, at their own charge, in his wars in Wales, Gascony, and Scotland, they claimed the rights and immunities se- cured to them by the great Charter, and manifested a determination to resist all attacks upon their privileges or their properties. This jealous and angry feeling between the English by birth and the Anglo- Irish produced an approximation of the Anglo-Irish towards the native Irish ; and had not the obnoxious disqualification of the Anglo- Irish been withdrawn, and had not Desmond been beaten down by the strong arm of Ufford, there seems to have been a probability that the two races would at this time have been incorporated into one people, and that the English and the Irish systems would have been fused and melted into each other. But the circumstances of Ireland did not permit the growth and development of any internal system, with its peculiar compensations, producing in time its own corrections. The process of mutual assimilation was continually checked ; Irish civilization, such as it was, was destroyed, and the English statesmen of the fourteenth century vainly busied themselves in striving to erect upon its ruins the incongruous system into which Norman feudalism had then been moulded by the social condition of England.

During the times contained in these annals the English Govern- ment had not power to control the excesses of its subjects, or to re- press the attacks of its opponents. The great Anglo-Irish families had become septs. In Clyn's Latin, the St. Aubyns, now corrupted into Tobins, and the Archdeacons, now transformed into the patrony- mic Mac Odos, or Codys, are " naciones et cognomina ;" and he speaks of the Hoddinets and Cantetons, " cum nmltis de sanguine eorum."

C2 If


If the Irish chiefs acknowledged no common authority, and felt no common interest, the same division prevailed amongst the lords of English descent. Englishman was now opposed to Englishman, and sought to revenge himself by the help of the Irish ; nor did the Eng- lish refuse their aid to the Irish when plundering their own country- men. When Brien O'Brien ravaged Ossory and slew the loyal English of Aghaboe and Aghamacart, he had the help of the English of Ely. The country was fast verging towards anarchy, and it was not easy to stay its descent. The sword of the Lord Justice, if put into the hands of any of the native lords, of the Ormondes or of the Kil- dares, was used as an instrument to avenge their own wrongs, or to promote their own interests, rather than to execute impartial justice, and to promote the welfare of the whole country. Such also was the case during the lieutenancy of any of the great English lords, who had estates or claims in Ireland, such as the great Mortimers ; and, perhaps, nothing brought the royal authority into greater disrepute than the use of it by these men as a cover for private revenge or for private gain. Nor were the evils fewer, if the administration of the Government was intrusted to Englishmen unconnected with this country. Men of eminence, so situated, would scarcely accept the office; we know that Pembridge altogether refused it; and men of in- ferior rank and reputation, when invested with deputed and transient authority, were scorned by the haughty Irish lords, and were freely charged by them, and perhaps justly charged, with the grossest pecu- lation and malversation. The castles of Athlone, Roscommon, Rin- duin, and Bunratty, say the Irish lords to Edward in 1343, were lost, because his treasurers did not pay the constables the wages charged in their accounts ; and they continued to charge for castles and constables, after the castles had been destroyed. Officials liable to such imputations could have no moral influence ; and when some sturdy and honest man, like Sir Thomas Rokeby, who sold his plate



to pay his soldiers, saying that he would eat off wooden platters and pay in gold and silver, or when some bold and vigorous soldiers, like Sir Robert Ufford or Sir Anthony Lucy, held the King's commission, they were hampered by the narrowness of their allowances, and were thwarted by the old peers and ancient officials. The very success of their exertions brought with it no lasting national advantage. If they put down disturbance for a time, and reduced the English dominions to order and submission, yet, at the termination of their authority, there was a renewal of lawlessness ; and the only lasting effect of their vigour was the weakening of the natural props and buttresses of internal government, and the consequent increase of anarchy and disturbance.

Such was the political and social state of Ireland, during the ear- lier part of the fourteenth century, as represented in the following annals, and such, with little alteration, it continued to be for several generations. Whatever were the faults of the several parties in this long and bitter struggle, and, no doubt, all parties had great and grievous faults, they were the faults rather of the times than of the men. At all events, it little becomes any Irishman of the present day to re- proach their memories. He can scarcely do so without reproaching the memory of his own ancestors. There are few living Irishmen, whatever be their names, whether Celtic or Norman, in whose veins does not run the mingled blood of Norman and of Celt, or rather of Irishmen and Englishmen. Nor can the descendants of those good knights, who stood with Edward III. in the trenches of Calais, or of those hardy squires who overthrew the victors at Bannockburn, be unwilling to claim kindred with the descendants of the Irish chiefs, whose names were in the songs of the poet and the legends of the saint, when the names of Normandy and of Norman were unknown.

Of the condition of the labouring classes during this period we learn nothing from chronicles or histories. At that time the condi- tion


tion of the poor was but little regarded, from which circumstance it may perhaps be inferred that there was among them no great, or at least no unusual misery; had such existed it would have forced itself upon the observation of the annalist. We may observe, also, that the exist- ence of villeinage, when the right to a man's labour was a valuable property, shows that the population had not exceeded its just limits, and that the labourer, who, if he wandered from the land, was re- claimed by the lord, must have been supplied with food sufficient to maintain his strength. From monastic registries and chartularies, and other legal documents, we may painfully collect the history of the agricultural classes, which the professed historian would not conde- scend to give ; but even more valuable than these sources of informa- tion are the notices of labourers and farmers contained in contempo- rary poetry. What would we not give for such a picture of an Irish cabin in the fourteenth century, as Chaucer, the contemporary of Clyn, has given of an English cottage in the Nonne's Prieste's Tale? The social evils of Ireland, in the time now under our review, seem to have been but little mitigated by the influence of religion. When the Anglo-Irish nobles were gradually falling into Irish cus- toms, and were confederating, whenever it served their purpose, as readily with Irish against English as with English against Irish, we find national differences and dissensions, where we should least wish to find them, in the monastery and the con vent. Although the autho- rities, as well ecclesiastical as civil, favoured the English party, the strife seems not to have been altogether unequal. " In 1325," writes Clyn, " there was discord, as it were universally, amongst all the poor religious of Ireland, some of them upholding, promoting, and cherish- ing the part of their own nation, and blood, and tongue; others of them canvassing for the offices of prelates and superiors." And he adds, that in the same year, at the general chapter of the Order, held at Lyons, the convents of Cork, Buttevant, Limerick, and Ardfert, were



taken from the Irish friars, and assigned as a fifth custody to the English.

In those evil days neither the persons nor the places dedicated to religion were safe from violence. We read in Clyn :

u In the year 1323, on the Friday within the octaves of Easter, Philip Talon, with his son and about twenty-six of the Codhlitanys, was slain by Edmund Butler, Rector of Tullow, who, aided by the Cantitons, dragged them out of the church, and burned the church of Thamolyn, with their women and children, and the reliques of Saint Molyng"a.

"In 1336, on Thursday, the 3rd Ides of April, Master Howel de Bathe, Archdeacon of Ossory, a man of literature and munificence, with Andrew Avenel and Adam de Bathe, was killed by the O'Brynys of Duffyr, in defence of the goods of his church and parish."

But, perhaps, the most striking entry on this subject is the fol- lowing:

" In 1 346, on Friday, the 3rd Nones of May, Dermicius Mac Gilpa- trick (surnamed Monoculus, in Irish Caeoch), who ever gave himself up to plots and treacheries, little regarding perjury, burned the town of Achabo, having taken and brought O'Carroll with him, and raging against the cemetery, the church, and the shrine of St. Canice, that


a The MS. from which the text is print- or Condons (Con&unaij), seated in the

ed has a slight imperfection in the word north of the present county of Cork. The

" O'Cod . . . tanys," but the O'Codhlitans Anglo-Irish family of Talon were settled at

are plainly meant, a Carlow family now Agha, in the county of Carlow. Philip Ta-

reduced to poverty. The name in Irish is Ion, whose death is here noticed, had evi-

written O Coolacam, now anglicb Colla- dently sought for sanctuary or asylum in

tan. TheCantitones were a sept of Anglo- the church of St. Mullin's, on the borders

Norman descent, now anglicised Condon, of the present counties of Wexford and

a name still existing in the county of Kil- Carlow.

kenny, but the family is reduced and ob- The Editor is indebted to Mr. O'Dono-

scure. There was another sept of Cantons van for this note.


most holy abbot, the patron of the county and the founder of the ab- bey, like a degenerate son against a father, he burned them and con- sumed them in unsparing fire."

Nor were oaths always reverenced, even when administered in any of those strange forms, with which the Irishman still occasionally en- deavours to awaken the religious feeling and to bind the conscience of his opponent. So we are told in 1333, in the beginning of June, Scanlei Mac Gylpatrick, after many and reiterated oaths on different books and manifold reliques of saints, treacherously took and killed two of the sons of Fynyn Mac Gylpatrick, his uncle, and blinded and mutilated the third. Yet, notwithstanding the frequency of such acts evidencing the little power of religious principle, our ancestors were not devoid of religious feelings, of which, to omit others, the following entry is a proof: "Also in this year (1348), and chiefly in September and October, there came together, from divers parts of Ireland, bishops and prelates, churchmen and religious, lords and others, and com- monly all persons of both sexes, to the pilgrimage and wading of the water at Thath Molyngis, in troops and multitudes, so that you could see many thousands there at the same time for many days together. Some came from feelings of devotion, but others, and they the majority, from dread of the plague, which then grew very rife."

In the following annals there are some interesting notices of events not immediately connected with Ireland, such as, in 1347, the siege of Calais, at which were present Maurice, Earl of Kildare, and the Kil- kenny Knight, Sir Fulco de la Frene ; and in the same year there oc- curs a very curious notice of the Tribune Rienzi. To mention all these, however, would be beyond our due limits; it may, however, be allowed to give here together the various notices which are scattered through different years relative to the city of Kilkenny.

We must, however, previously give admission to the following:

" 1329. In that battle, the battle in which the Louth men killed



their new Earl, John Birmingham, fell Caech O'Kayrwill [O'Carroll], that famous tympanist and harper, so pre-eminent that he was a phoe- nix in his art, and with him fell about twenty tympanists, who were his scholars. He was called Caech O'Kayrwill, because his eyes were not straight, but squinted; and if he was not the first inventor of chord music, yet, of all his predecessors and contemporaries, he was the cor- rector, the teacher, and the director."

The following are Clyn's notices of Kilkenny :

*' 1 267. The Friars Preachers opened the convent at Ross, and the chapter of the Minors was held at Kilkenny."

" 1302. About the feast of Pentecost died Michael, Bishop of Ossory, who was succeeded by William Fitz John, consecrated at Kilkenny, on the Sunday within the octaves of the Epiphany of the same year."

" 1308. A chapter of the Minors at Kilkenny, on the feast of the Baptist."

"1315. A common parliament of the magnates at Kilkenny, in the beginning of June, to give aid and counsel against the Scots."

"1318. William Fitz John, Bishop of Ossory, is translated to the archbishopric of Cashel, in whose room is substituted Friar Richard Leddrede, who was consecrated by the Pope at Avignon, where the Roman Court then abode, on the 8th Kalends of May."

" 1321. The new choir is built at Kilkenny."

" 1323. Consecration of the great altar of the Friars Minors at Kil- kenny. On the same day, to wit, 3rd Ides of January, the funeral of Sir Robert Schortals."

" 1324. On Thursday, in the octaves of St. Hilary, William Outlaw, entangled in heresy and notoriously defamed, and failing in his pur- gation, publicly abjured his heresy in the church of St. Mary, in Kil- kenny, reading a new profession of faith, and signing it with his own hand."

"1331. On Friday, the Feast of St. Cecilia the Virgin, by Nicholas, IRISH ARCH. soc. d Lord


Lord Bishop of Waterford, the new cemetery outside the church of the Friars Minors of Kilkenny was consecrated."

"1332. The belfry of St. Canice of Kilkenny fell, and great part of the choir; the ruins broke down the vestibule of the chapels and the bells, on Friday, the i ith Kalends of June, so that it was a horrid and pitiful spectacle to the beholders."

" 1334. On the feast of Tiburtius and Valerian, on Thursday, the burgesses of Kilkenny began to make a pavement."

"i 335. On Thursday, the morrow of the Invention of the Holy Cross, Sir Remund le Ercedekne, with his two sons, Patrick and Sylvester, Sir William le Ercedekne, and eleven of that name, were slain by Leyath O'Morthe [Lewis OMore], his sons and servants, in a confe- rence at Clargoly, as were Thomas de Bathe, Gerald Bagot, and others, to the number of 50. This Remund, with his two elder sons, and his uncle, Sir William, and three more of the name, were carried to be buried in the convent of the Friars Minors, on seven biers together, one following the other, through the town of Kilkenny, with the wail- ing of many."

" In the same year, on Thursday, the morrow of Lucia the Virgin, the great cross was put up in the centre of the market-place in Kil- kenny, at which time many persons, flying to the cross, were marked on the naked flesh with the sign of the cross, with a red hot iron, that they might go to the Holy Land."

"1338. Sir Eustace le Poer, on the eve of the Ascension of our Lord, being then seneschal of Kilkenny, attached and imprisoned Sir Fulco and Oliver de la Frene, without showing them any cause for their caption ; and they- finding rather his malice and his revenge than the rigour of justice, Oliver prudently escaped from the castle on As- cension Day, and on the morrow, having assembled their men and their friends, with the strong hand they broke down the gates of the .castle of Kilkenny, and brought out Sir Fulco in spite of the seneschal."



" In the same year, on Tuesday, the i5th Kalends of December, there was a very great flood, such as was not seen for forty years be- fore, and it overthrew and carried away bridges, mills, and buildings. Of the whole abbey of the Friars Minors of Kilkenny only the great altar and the steps of the altar remained uncovered and untouched by the flood."

"1340. On the Friday within the octaves of Easter, Robert Conton was killed in the street of Kilkenny."

*' 1343. Building of the new belfry of the church of St. Mary,"

" 1 347. On the same day, Palm-Sunday and the day of the Annun- ciation of the Blessed Mary, at Kilkenny, the Lady Isabella Palmer, who built the front of the choir of the friars, was buried. She reached a praiseworthy old age, and having lived in her widowhood religiously and honourably about seventy years, she passed from this world, as was said, and as is believed, in a state of virginity."

"In the same year, on the first Sunday in Advent, began the con- fraternity of the Friars Minors of Kilkenny, for the purpose of build- ing a new belfry and of repairing the church."

" Also Friar Richard, Bishop of Ossory, obtained in the Roman Court an exemption from the jurisdiction and superiority of the Archbishop of Dublin."

Such, with the notices of the plague before extracted, are the chief events given by Friar Clyn relative to the fair city of Kilkenny, in which he passed the greater part of his life.

The Castle still stands, no longer, as in his days, a prison and a fortress, but as Spenser described it, " a brave mansion in as fair a land as may be read." Vainly will the antiquary seek for the great Cross in the centre of the market-place, where Clyn saw the pilgrims to the Holy Land burned with the sign of a cross on the naked flesh, with a hot iron ; and where the young men of Kilkenny were taught by the Protestant Bishop Bale to act his strange dramas

d 2 on


on a Sunday in 1552. The Cathedral of St. Canice yet remains, a memorial of the piety of past generations, consecrated to the glory of God ; but Clyn's home is now ruined and profaned. Not gently sink- ing, like many other holy ruins, in silence and quietude, into natural forms, assimilating with natural objects, with trees, and hills, and ri- vers, breathing deeper and holier thoughts than in its days of power and splendour, the Friary of St. Francis is now surrounded with poverty and wretchedness in the centre of the town. It was used as a soldiers' barrack while its walls could be inhabited, and now its beautiful church, vocal in Clyn's time with the constant voice of prayer and praise, is a racket-court for the citizens of Kilkenny.

To complete, as far as is in our power, the collection of Irish An- nals contemplated by the Earl of Marlborough in the reign of James I., there is printed in the Appendix the only remnant of the Annals of Ross to which we have had access.

For the interesting and valuable notes, marked with his initials, the Editor is indebted to the Rev. James Graves, of Kilkenny, from whose local knowledge, and antiquarian zeal, that ancient city, and the adjoining district, will hereafter derive yet greater elucidation.

The notes marked A. H. have been contributed by the Hon. Algernon Herbert, and those marked J. O'D. by Mr. O'Donovan.

The text has been printed from a MS. in Trinity College Library, Dublin (E. 3, 20), in the same volume which contains the Annals of Ross and Bowling's Annals. It was collated with a copy of a later date in the possession of Sir William Betham, which is deficient in a few pages at the end, viz. from line 15, page 33, of the text now pub- lished.

Although MSS. of Clyn do not seem to have been of rare occur- rence in the preceding century, in which they were quoted by Harris



and by Walker, yet such has been the recent loss of Irish historical documents (affording strong proof of the utility of the labours of our Society), that these were the only MSS. accessible to the Editor when these pages were put to press ; and, although evidently carefully written, it was impossible to place implicit reliance on them. It was, therefore, with great pleasure that it was ascertained, when four sheets of this edition had been printed, that a MS. of Clyn was to be found amongst the Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian Library.

For a most careful and elaborate collation of this earlier authority with the pages already printed from the College and Betham MSS., and with the proof-sheets of the subsequent pages, our Society is in- debted to the Rev. J. Wilson, of Trinity College, Oxford*. And it


a To whom the Society is also indebted for the following accurate description of the copy in the Bodleian Library :

" The Bodleian Library, it seems, pos- sesses one, and one only MS- of Clyn ; MSS. Rawl. B. 496. It is a small folio, contain- ing eighty-six leaves, which are so num- bered on the first side only, so that there are, of course, double that number of pages. The portion comprising John Clyn's work is from leaf 44 to 70 inclusive ; and, as far as I can judge from turning over and inspecting the pages, it is quite complete, and has the continuation up to 1405, which continuation, however, does in fact consist of only half a page. It is written in a close legal hand, such as a paid scribe would have used; and to the best of my judgment by the same hand from begin- ning to endj but there are added in the margin, in a paler ink and more careless

style of writing, a few corrections; and in the body of the last page but one, where a small space was left blank at the supposed conclusion of Clyn's part of the work, are inserted (evidently by the corrector) the words ' videtur quod author hie obiit.' The whole gives me the idea that some scribe had been employed to make a copy of the work, and that the person for whom it was made had himself afterwards col- lated and corrected it.

" Dr. Bandinel believes this to be the Chandos copy mentioned in Harris's edi- tion of Ware, and has favoured me with the following note : ' This MS. formed part of the Clarendon Library, and is re- ferred to in Catal. MSS. Anglice et Hiber- nice, ad calcem, sc. MSS. Hibernian, p. 5, No. 19. Lord Clarendon's library came wholly, or for the greater part, into the possession of the Duke of Chandos, at

was with great satisfaction that the Editor perceived that, although in the unprinted pagesb he adopted some better readings from the Ox- ford MS., yet that in substance and meaning it agreed so fully with the other MSS. that there was no necessity for cancelling any of the pages already printed off.

R B.


After the Notes had been printed off, the Editor received the fol- lowing remarks, which are too interesting to be omitted, and are, therefore, inserted here. For the information they contain he is in- debted to Mr. Prim, of Kilkenny, and to the Rev. James Graves.


It appears by entries in the " Clasped Book" of the Corporation of Kilkenny, that the Franciscan abbey was assigned for building barracks on the ipth of September, 1698.

" cth April, 1700. The waste of Francis' abbey, in addition to the former grant, given for building barracks." Id.

" 3ist August, 1708. St. Francis' abbey (now in the possession of his father) set to John Desborough, Jun., for forty-one years from the following Michael- mas,

whose sale it was purchased by Dr. R. Raw- b In Ussher's Treatise on English Laws

linson, as appears from a note of Rawlin- and Parliaments in Ireland, there is a

son's in an interleaved copy of the Chandos passage quoted from Clyn (page 30, line

sale catalogue.' It is No. 1006 in this ca- 28, of our edition), in which there is the

talogue. You may be interested in hearing interesting reading " Rege nescio," for the

that Dr. Rawlinson gave two shillings for words " quare nescio." Gutch's Collec-

the MS." tanea, vol. i. p. 35.


mas, at £10 is. per annum, excepting thereout the horse-barrack, hay-yard, and the set of pillars and uncovered walls within the said abbey." Id.

The Corporation possesses the original grants of the Black and Grey friars, and their possessions, made to them by Henry VIII., in the thirty-fifth year of his reign.

It appears from the City Books that the Franciscan abbey was canted to Alderman Evans at £6 a year, fee-farm lease, December ipth, 1724. It is still held by his descendants, who are reduced to poverty. J. G.


The burgesses of Kilkenny were incorported by William, Earl Marshal, the elder, before the year 1220, and received several important Charters from that nobleman's successors in the lordship of the district ; but the first royal grant obtained by the Corporation of the town, which can be found in the Calendar of Rolls, was made on the 25th November in the year named in the text, 1334, and as it conferred upon the " provost, bailiffs, and true men of Kilkenny," the right of " pavage" for seven years, to pave their town, it appears by our author that they lost no time in carrying its design into execution. [Rot. Glaus. 8 Ed. III. 123.] However, after the expiration of the seven years for which the privilege of " pavage" lasted, it would seem that the repair of their streets was very much neglected by the burgesses. A manuscript preserved amongst the Clarendon Papers, British Museum (torn. li. No. 479), which was written in the early part of the seventeenth century, and is devoted to a description of Kilkenny and the diocese of Ossory, notices the commencing of the pavement of the town in 1334, and observes: " Cujus instaurationem a tanto tempore in- termissam aut certe plurimum neglectam aggrediebatur vir nobilis L. S. dum

esset urbis Praetor anno salutis " The initials here given would

correspond with the name of Luke Shee, son of Sir Richard Shee, Knight, of Uppercourt, who was May or of Kilkenny in the year 1613, as appears from the following entry in the " Red Book of the Corporation of Kilkenny," folio 311, under the date September loth, 1613 :

" Mr. Luke Shee refused to serve as mayor. His reasons were, that he lived in the country, and, though named an alderman in the Charter, never took the

oath c See page 25.


oath of an alderman. The Corporation answered that he had an house in the town, and therefore was an inhabitant ; and that he had voted and acted as an alderman, and therefore was an alderman. He submitted to the Corporation, and was fined 100 marks, Irish; and a by-law made that every person hereafter refusing to serve mayor, when elected, shall forfeit 200 marks and be disfran- chised."

The reparation of the ancient pavement of Kilkenny, thus begun by Lucas Shee in 1613, would seem to have been carried out by his immediate successors in office ; but the Corporation appears only to have paved the centre of the streets, and to have caused the side ways to be repaired at the expense of the inhabitants. Thus in the " Red Book"d, at folio 341, under the date 1615, we find the following entry :

" A person hired by the city, by the year, to repair the streets. Every body to find labourers and pave before their own doors ; those who have leases, of which twenty-one years are to come, to pay as inheritors ; those who have less time, the cost to be divided between them and the landlord, according to the number of years to come."

In the " White Book," under the date 2yth January, 1670, is the following:

" By-law for paving the streets. Every inhabitant to pave the breadth of his front and twenty-one feet into the street; and if those pavements do not meet, the city to pave the remainder. But if the gutter be above twenty-one feet from the door, the inhabitant to pave the gutter. If the street be not forty- two feet wide, the opposite inhabitants to be at equal expenses. If not paid on notice from the mayor, to be distrained for double the value of the pavement."

Again the " Clasped Book" records that on the 22nd April, 1694, it was,

"Ordered, That each inhabitant of this city do pave the gutter before their doors, within the walls thereof, and that the city shall pave the rest."

The Corporation of Kilkenny at the present day defrays the expense of re- pairing the pavement of the town within the limit of the ancient city walls, but


d The " Red" and "White" Books of the copy, or rather summary of their contents,

Corporation of Kilkenny are not at pre- made early in the last century, by Al-

sent in the possession of that body, and derman William Colles, and which is now

probably are not in existence; but the in the possession of Dr. James of Kil-

extracts above given are taken from a kenny.


without their circuit, all such city works are carried on by the grand jury pre- sentment.— J. G. ; A. P.


This ancient and beautiful structure stood in the centre of High-street, near the Tholsel, but was barbarously destroyed, by order of the Corporation, in the year 1771. A drawing of it was preserved by the Rev. Mervyn Archdall, which was engraved for Ledwich's History of Irishtown and Kilkenny, in the second volume of the Collectanea de Rebus Hibernids, and was copied in the first vo- lume of the Dublin Penny Journal. In both of these works it is stated that the date " M.C.C.C." was indented upon its fourth step ; but this must be a mis- take, as Clyn, having been himself a resident of Kilkenny at the time, could scarcely be incorrect as to the period of its erection. In other respects the drawing would appear to correspond with the description given of the cross by Archdekin, Motraye, and other old writers. The Clarendon MS., torn. li. No. 479, already alluded to in the note upon the paving of Kilkenny, represents it as an arched structure, supported by marble columns, rising from a graduated base. Above the arch rose a slender shaft, upon the top of which was a richly sculptured cross, adorned with the figures of St. Kyran, St. Canice, St. Patrick, and St. Brigid, all of which religious personages are there asserted to bave been the tutelary saints of the town. Archdekin states (Theologia Tripart. Universa. par. 3) the Puritan soldiers of Cromwell to have shattered, with their muskets, the portion of the carving which represented the symbol of the crucifixion; but Motraye mentions that in 1730, though " the arms of it were broken off, the shaft, adorned with good figures in relief, was well preserved."

The plea upon which the Corporation of 1771 sought to justify the destruc- tion of this venerable monument was, that it had fallen into a ruinous condi- tion, and was dangerous to the public ; but it is stated by old inhabitants who had often seen the cross before its final obliteration, that the expenditure of a few pounds would have been sufficient to have restored it to perfect repair, and preserve it to future ages. It appears from the municipal records that the civic representative body of the seventeenth century was as anxious for its preserva- tion as the corporators of the eighteenth seem to have been regardless of its va- lue. e See page 27.



lue. It was recorded in the " Red Book" that, on the pth February, 1609, an order was made by the Corporation that " the market cross and Croker's cross be for ever repaired and kept in repair by the company of masons, in such manner as the mayor shall direct." The preservation of the structure would appear to have been immediately thereupon undertaken, as on the 2oth April following an invitation was sent forth to " every person that have plows within the city, to send them to draw stones from the quarry to repair the market cross ;" and on the 3rd August, in the next year, the following memorandum was inserted in the " Red Book :" " The market cross repaired May, 1 6 1 o, by the Company of Masons. The Corporation paid for carriage and lime and sand." Again, under the year 1624, October I5th, is this entry: " Part of the Black Quarry allowed for making up the south side of the market cross."

This is the last record which can be discovered of any attempt towards the reparation or preservation of the interesting and venerable structure ; but there are some other curious allusions to the cross in the Corporation documents. On the 1 3th April, 1632, "the north side of the market cross was granted to two persons for shops during the fair times of Corpus Christi, in regard that their shops are stopped up by the stations and play of Corpus Christi Day." The market cross seems to have been the locality of the performance of the ancient plays and mysteries in Kilkenny. Two of the mysteries there acted, and specially written for the purpose by John Bale, the first Protestant Bishop of Ossory, in the year 1552, are still preserved amongst the Harleian MSS., and are extremely curious and interesting specimens of those religious dramatic entertainments; they are: a tragedy entitled " God's Promises," and a comedy named " John Baptist's Preachings in the Wilderness," and both are strongly directed against Popery. The following passage from the curious personal nar- rative of Bale's " Vocation to the Bishopric of Ossory, and Persecutions in the same," printed in the sixth volume of the Harleian Miscellany, is interesting as connected with the subject of this note:

" On the xx daye of August was the Ladye Marye with vs at Kilkennye proclaimed Queene of England Fraunce and Ireland, with the greatest solemp- nyte, that there coulde be devised of processions, musters, and disgysings, all the noble Captaynes and Gentilmen thereabout being present. What-a-do I had that daye with the Prebendaryes and Prestes about wearinge the cope, croser, and my ter, in prosession, it were to much to write. I tolde them earnestly,



whan they would have compelled me thereunto, that I was not Moyses Minis- ter, but Christes. I desyred them not to compell me to his Denyall, which is, S. Paule sayth, in the repetinge of Moyses sacraments and ceremoniall schad- dowes, Gal. V. With that I take Christes Testament in my Hande, and went to the Market Crosse, the people in great nombre followinge. There take I the xiii. chap, of S. Paule to the Romanes, declaringe to them brevely what the au- thoritie was of the worldly powers and Magistrates, what reverence and obe- dience were due to the same. In the meane tyme had the prestes gotten ii dis- gysed prestes, one to beare the myter afore me, and another the croser, making iii procession pageaunts of one. The yonge men, in the forenoon, played a Tragedye of God's promyses in the olde Lawe, at the Market Crosse, with or- gane plainges, and songes, very aptly. In the afternone agayne they played a comedie of Sanct Johan Baptistes preachings, of Christes baptisynge, and of his temptacion in the wildernesse, to the small contentacion of the prestes, and other papistes there."

There are some curious notices, in the " Red Book," of these religious plays subsequently to Bale's time. On the 2oth April, 1610, it was resolved, "that the Mayor and Aldermen, with the advice of the Sheriffs and such of the second council as they shall cull, shall order the celebration of Corpus Christi Day in decent and solemn manner as usual, and shall employ carpenters to make rails for keeping out horses and the mob, and for placing strangers at the place where the interlude shall be plaid." On the 23rd July, same year, the Corpo- ration granted a salary of twenty shillings per annum to a person " for keeping the apparel used on Corpus Christi Day station, and the apparel of the Maries and players of the Resurrection;" and on the i3th January, 1631, was allowed "a salary of £3 135. qd. per annum to Wiliain Consey, for teaching to write and read, and instructing the children of the natives for the play on Corpus Christi day."

Croker's cross, alluded to in some of the foregoing extracts, was of lesser im- portance than the market cross; it was a monument erected in 1407, in com- memoration of the victory gained over the Burkes and O'Carrolls, at Callan, by Sir Stephen Scroop, the Lord Deputy, in whose army the burgesses of Kil- kenny served, under the leadership of their Sovereign, John Croker. This monument stood in the cross-ways formed by the junction of High-street, Pa- trick-street, Roseinn-street, and the parade, anciently called Castle-street, but



it has been long since removed. On the pth February, 1609, the Corporation ordered, " that the market place for cattle be at James's-green and Walkin's- green, and from the market cross to Croker's cross ; and no one to buy else- where." There were also several other similar monuments formerly existing- in Kilkenny. The Butt's cross is the only one yet remaining, but the sites of others are determined by the old names of localities, such as St. Leger's cross, Crinius's cross, Scaldcrow's cross, &c. The author of the Clarendon MS., torn. 51, No. 479, states that at the beginning of the seventeenth century there was a monumental cross near the gate of the Franciscan abbey ; he, however, gives nothing of its history, except that it had been removed thither from the suburb, on the south side of the town, called Loughbuidhe. J. G. ; A. P.


The original structure of St. Mary's church appears to have been purely early English in style, and was probably erected shortly after the incorporation of the town by William Earl Marshal. The tower, whose erection Clyn has recorded, existed until the year 1819, when it was taken down. The church is cruciform, and the tower stood at the north-west angle of the body of the build- ing, and was not, as the present tower is, attached to the west gable. An an- cient trowel was discovered imbedded in the wall of the old tower, which was used in laying the foundation stone of the new one, but we believe that this relic is not now in existence.

The walls of the present church are portions of the original building, but the triple lancets in the north and south transept gables are the only original windows which have been retained. The chancel has been much curtailed in length, as appears by the following extract from the Vestry Book of the parish :

" 2nd March, 1748.

" Agreed on by the minister, churchwardens, and parishioners, assembled that the eastern lie or chancel be pulled down within twenty-one foot of the

pulpit and that the several monuments in ye eastern isle and sheds

may be removed and setup in such parts of the church as ye Bishop shall aprove of, at the expense of the proprietors."

By an entry made in the blank leaf at the commencement of the parish Re- gister, ' See page 30, at the year 1 343.


gister, it appears that in 1 774 the Corporation of Kilkenny " repaired the steeple, being in a very ruinous condition, and also adorned the church with an organ," which cost £300.

The parish of St. Mary is at present a perpetual curacy in the gift of the Bishop of Ossory, the curate being paid by minister's money ; but originally it appears to have been an independent rectory. In the early taxations which oc- cur in the " Red Book" of Ossory it is always termed " ecclesia."

Thus (at fol. 1 8, dorso) its value and denomination are given as under, in a taxation made at the commencement of the fourteenth century :

"Ecc. be. Marie Kilkenn. cvi* viijd Deci" xs viijd;"

and again in the new taxation made " post guerram Scotorum," circ. 1320, the value and proxy payable thereout is thus given :

" Ecc be Marie iiij£i Decia viij8 procur. xijd" Lib. Rub. Ossor.fol 22, dorso.

The subsequent history of the parish is exceedingly obscure ; whether at this period it was in the gift of the bishop is not stated in the taxations; but from various documents it appears that there was a very intimate connexion between this parish and the Corporation of Kilkenny. In a burgess rent roll8, dated ann. 5°. Hen. V. there are entries which show that the Sovereign and burgesses of Kilkenny had the setting of various houses and lands which were charged with the supply of lights for the church of St. Mary, and this before the Refor- mation, and consequent acquirement of confiscated church property.

Again, under the year 1643, we ^n(ih " a docket of St. Mary's lands belong- ing to the city of Kilkenny," mentioning several houses and lands charged with " finding ropes for the bells in our Lady's church," " repairing the church from time to time," and " keeping the style, with lock and key to the church-yard." Amongst the items is the following : " Edmund Grace for the Mary priest chamber and garden 61 years beginning 1621, at 2od ^ an." For a statement made by Ledwich on this subject see his Antiquities, second edition, p. 495. His authorities were the MSS. of Counsellor James Laffan, Recorder of the city of Kilkenny, which MSS. Ledwich borrowed, but never returned. J. G.

* Preserved in the Consistorial Office. h Amongst the Corporation records, in Kilkenny. the possession of the Town Clerk.




Ncipit cathologus sive cronice. Ite m secundum Orosium ab orbe primo condito usque ad urbem Romam conditam anni quatuor milia cccc octuaginta quatuor anni. Et ab urbe condita usque nativitatem Christ! 715 anni, et sic colliguntur ab origine 5199.

Domimis noster Jhesus Christus primus et summus pon- tifex fuit, et sedit in hoc mundo annis 32 et 3 mensibus. Juxta illud ewan- gelii, Jhesus erat quasi incipiens annorum 30, id est, tricesimum inceperat, 13 diebus tantum ejusdem anni peractis, quia eadem die anno revoluto con- vertit aquam in vinum; et in sequenti Pascha, id est, anni 33* incarceratus est Baptista ; et in alio Pascha sequenti decollatus, et in tertio Pascha, id est, 33" anni passus est Dominus, et ita vixit 32 annis integre; et de 33° anno quantum est temporis a Natali usque ad Pascham, pro anno dimidio com- putatur.

Dominus noster [natus est] sub Augusto Cessare, id est, Octaviano, qui im- peravit ante nativitatem Christi annis 42, et nato Domino 13 annis. Iste totum [mundum] redegit in unam Monarchiam, Tiberius tempore Christi, annis 18,

Versus :

Anni bis centum minus uno millia quinque : Sunt ab Adam primo numerantibus usque secundum. IRISH ARCH. SOC. B Item,

Item, ulius Versus :

Annis nongentis decies, iterumque ducentis

Unus defuerat quo Deus ortus erat. Quater millenis tercentis iiiior annis

Nexus in inferno fuit Adam crimine primo.

In ortu Christi tria miracula apparuerunt. Templum Romse corruit ; fons olei erupit trans Tiberim de Taberna ; circulus ad speciem archus celestis circa solem eo die apparuit. Nova Stella orta fuit. Octavianus precepit ne quis eum Dominum vocaret ; ut captivi omnes liberentur ; et hereditas sua cuilibet red- deretur. Pax summa ubique fuit. Hie mundum totum regebat, et habuit 44 legiones militum.

Anno secundo. Innocentes occiduntur.

Anno tertio. Herodes occidit seipsura cultello, et Johannes evangelista natus est.

Anno 19. Johannes Baptista predicavit in deserto.

Anno 30. Christus baptizatus, incepit predicare, et conversi sunt Apostoli.

Anno 33. Kal: Aprilis, Christus crucifixus est; 6 Kal: Aprilis, surrexit; 4 Nonas Maii, ascendit; 15 Maii, Spiritus super Apostolos descendit. Idus Julii, sunt divisi. 1 7 Kal : Januarii, Stephanus lapidatus fuit.

Anno 34. viii° Idus Februarii, conversus est Paulus. Et 13 conversionis anno gentibus predicavit.

Et nota, Britones in Anglia fuerunt ante Christi incarnacionem per mille quingentos annos et viii.

Et quod prima etas mundi fuit ab Adam usque Diluvium, et continet annos 1256: secunda etas a Diluvio usque Habraham, et continet annos 292: tertia fuit ab Habraham usque David, et continet annos 942 : quarta a David usque transmigrationem Babilonis, et continet annos 473 : quinta a transmigratione usque Christi adventum, et continet annos 588 : sexta etas nulla annorum serie certa.

Petrus post Domini passionem tenuit cathedram sacerdotalem in partibus orientis annis 4. Anno 20° vero cathedratur Antiochie Kal : Maii, ubi sedit annis vii. Ibi primam missam celebravit ; dicendo tantum verba Conse- crationis, et Pater noster.

Anno 38. Matheus scripsit ewangelium.


Anno 45. Cathedratus fuit Petrus Rome viii° Kal: Februarii; ubi sedit annis 35, et mensibus 6, diebus 7. Hie Neronis anno, cum Paulo martyri- zatus.

Quadragesimo octavo. Marchus scripsit ewangelium.

Quadragesimo nono. Tempore beatiPetri Maria mater Domini obiit, 8 Kal: Septembris, anno vite sue 63, secundum fidem Ebraicam, secundum vero cronica anni computantur sic, 14 annos habuit quando natus est Jesus, 33 annis vixit cum filio, post cujus passionem vixit annis 16.

Anno 58. Lapidatus est Jacobus, sed non ex toto extinctus.

Quinquagesimo nono. Festus fuit procurator Judeas, a quo Paulus vinctus Romam mittitur.

Sexagesimo secundo. Lapidatur Jacobus frater Domini, a Judeis.

Sexagesimo 3°. Maria Magdalena obiit.

Sexagesimo 9°. Petrus et Paulus sub Nerone passi sunt ; qui eodem tern- pore occidit Senecam magistrum suum, matrem suam et sororem: et primam intulit christianis persecutionem. Hoc tempore Lucanus poeta moritur Parisius.

Septuagesimo 2°. Jerosolyma a Tyto et Vespasiano subvertitur.

Octuagesimo 3°. Johannes ewangelista in Pahtmos relegatur, ubi scripsit Apocalypsim et octuagesimo scripsit ewangelium.

Nonagesimo 7°. Passio Dionisii, qui postquam decapitatus fuit caput suum portavit ad locum sepulture, cantans hymnum " Gloria tibi Domine."

Anno 1 00°. Obiit Johannes ewangelista, post passionem Domini 50, etatis sue 98°.

Centesimo 56°. Lucius rex Britannie efficitur christianus a papa Eleu- therio.

Ducentesimo 33°. Ordinatur Ambrosius apud Mediolanum ; "et Augustinus a beato Ambrosio baptizatur. Hoc tempore, Turonis beatus Martinus virtutibus radiabat. Jo : et Id : [_et Jeronimus~\ apud Behtleem.

Anno 265. Cepit Lucius papa, et Anastasius fecit simbolum " Quicunque vult." Et sanctus Hilarius claruit : et Donatus artis grammaticse. Et Sixtus Papa, et beatus Laurentius martyrio coronantur.

Ducentesimo 86. Dioclesiano imperante, facta est persecutio christianorum, que duravit per annos 10. Circa illud tempus, heresis Arriana pullulabat, et dampnata in Niceno concilio. Hiis temporibus Constantius vir mansuetissimus regebat Hispaniam, Galliam, etBritanniam, et Constantinum reliquit nlium suum

B 2 ex

ex concubina Elena, creatum imperatorem Galliarum. Hec Helena fuit filia regis Britannie, secundum Bedam de gestis Anglorum. Et Albanus martiri- zatur.

Anno 316. Silvester papa incepit, qui baptizavit Constantinum imperato- rem magnum, et a lepra mundavit. Et sunt ab incarnatione Domini usque primum annum Sylvestri, 316 anni, et 20 dies. Dictus Constantinus, filius Helene, filie regis Britannie devicit Maxencium, et Lucium, et Serenum impe- ratores. Maxencio depulso in Alexandria Constantinopolim transiit ; et multos christianos occidit, et beatam virginem Katerinam.

Anno 410. Inventio corporis Sancti Stephani, et Augustinus composuit librum " de Civitate Dei."

Tercentesimo 13°. Jeronymus claruit.

Quadringentesimo 11°. Obiit Martinus Turonensis episcopus.

Anno 423°. Obiit Augustinus. Palladius mittitur ad Hiberniam.

Quadringentesimo 24°. Exordium regum Francorum ; Primus Faramundus : secundus Clodio.

Quadringentesimo 1 7°. Cepit Celestinus papa ; hie misit beatum Patricium in Hiberniam :

Quadringentisimo 32°. Sanctus Patricius venit in Hiberniam, cujus etas sic distinguitur. 16 annorum fuit, quando a piratis de Britannia in Hiberniam captivus ducitur. 6 annis erat in servitute. 1 8 annis sub sancti Germani An- cisiodorensis episcopi magisterio deguit. 35 Hyberniam, et alias insulas, ad Christum convertit. 33 annis contemplationi intendebat. Obiit autem anno 493° incarnacionis Christi; anno pontificante Felice papa; priino imperii Anas- tasii imperatoris : principante Aurelio Ambrosio in Britannia.

Quadringentesimo 39°. Nascitur beata virgo Brigida.

457°. Venerunt Saxones in Britanniam.

490°. Sanctus Memertus instituit " Rogaciones."

500°. Obiit beatus Benedictus.

Anno 525°. Francia convertitur ad Christum.

592°. Cepit Gregorius papa, qui misit sui pontificatus anno beatum Au- gustinum, et alios in Angliam misit.

595° Venit Augustinus in Angliam.

Anno 606°. Cepit Bonefacius, hujus tempore Cosdre rex Persarum vastavit Jerosolumam : et lignum crucis secum in Persidem perduxit.


Anno 63 8°. Cepit Severinus, hujus tempore Eraclius occidit Cosdre regem Persarum : et crucis lignum reduxit in Jerusalem.

Sexcentesimo 88°. Ysidorus claruit.

Anno 729°. Beda claruit.

Septingentesimo [nonagesimo nono]. Karolus vadit Romam. 800°, Karolus et Lodovicus imperatores perrexerunt in Britanniam.

Anno Domini 1066. Obiit Edwardusrex Anerlie.


Anno 942°. Willelmus Dux Normannie occiditur.

Nongentesimo. Obiit Edmundus rex martyrio.

Nongentesimo 73°. Martirizatus Edwardus.

Nongentesimo 89°. Obiit beatus Dunstanus.

Anno Domini 1066. Obiit beatus Edwardus anno regni sui 24°: Alfredo fratre suo occiso per Godewinum comitem Cancie. Cum ergo sanctus Ed- wardus non potiorem heredem haberet Willelmo cognomento Bastardo duce Normannie, consobrino suo, eidem regnum Anglie testamento legavit. Hie Willelmus eodem anno, pridie ydus Octobris venit in Angliam, et interfecit Haraldum, filium Godewini, apud Hastings, et coronatur Londini, die Natali Domini.

Anno Domini 1087. Obiit Willelmus primus Bastardus, anno regni sui 21°. Cui eodem anno successit filius ej us Willelmus Rufus.

Milesimo centesimo 3°. Hie Willelmus Rufus occiditur, dum iret venatum, anno regni sui 13°. Cui successit Henricus i, qui bonas condidit leges in Anglia.

1 1 06. Henricus Rex cepit Normanniam. Due Lune vise sunt in celo.

1133. Domus Clare-vallis fundatur.

1 139. Monachi venerunt in Hiberniam.

1 152. Christanus legatus mittitur in Hiberniam, et distribuit 4 pallia, et 4 archiepiscopatus constituit.

1 153. Obiit beatus Bernardus.

1 183. Anselmus eligitur in archiepiscopum Cantuariensem.

1 153. Sanguis e terra emanavit, apud Hameste.

1 109. Obiit Anselmus. Tamisia exsiccatur.

1 1 20. Ordo Premonstratensium confirmatur.

1133. Malachias fit archiepiscopus Ardmacanus.

1 125. Obiit Henricus rex. Successit Stephanus.

1142. Constituitur abbacia Mellifontis.


1 144. Puer Willelmus crucifigitur apud Norwych. 1148. Obiit Malachias Clarevallis.

1161. Thomas consecratur archiepiscopus Cantuariensis ; et anno 1165 exulatur.

1169. Dermicius McMorkada ad Henricum secundum transfretavit pro auxilio habendo.

1 1 70. Henricus primogenitus Henrici 2, coronatur Londini a Roberto ar- chiepiscopo Eboracensi et sex aliis episcopis ; contra inhibicionem Alexandri pape iiiili et contra inhibitionem Sancti Thome. Ex hac consecratione venit episcoporum anathematizatio a sede Apostolica. Inter patrem et filium conse- cratum dira rebellio. Thome occisio. Eodem anno scilicet 1 1 70, in estate pre- cedente Thome martirizationem, venerunt Anglici primo in Hiberniam.

Versus : Anno mileno centeno septuageno,

Anglorura primas corruit ense Thomas; Pro Christi sponsa, Christ! sub tempore, Christi

In templo, Christi verus amator obit.

Milesimo centesimo 72°. Circa Kal. Maii obiit Dermicius McMorkada apud Fernis.

1 1 74. Limericum ab Anglicis occupatur.

1177. Vivianus legatus mittitur in Hiberniam; et Johannes de Curcy Ul- toniam acquisivit.

1183. Ordo Templariorum et Hospicilariorum confirmatur.

1185. Kal: Maii fuit eclipsis solis, sole existente colore sanguineo. Post eclipsim Johannes films Henrici regis Anglie cum magno exercitu Hiberniam intravit, sibi a patre traditam, mense Maii.

1 1 86. Ordo Cartueciensium, et Granduensium confirmatur.

1 1 86. Hugo de Lacy occiditur.

1 187. Jerusalem cum cruce Domini capitur a Saracenis.

1 1 89. Henricus 2, films Imperatricis obiit, pridie nonas Julii, cui successit filius ejus Ricardus magnanimus, coronatus nonas Septembris.

Anno 1190. Ricardus rex Anglie et Philippus rex Francie vadunt in ter- ram sanctam.

1193. Ricardus rex Anglie capitur in Austria, in reditu suo ab lerosolymis, et redemptus infra sequens triennium, pro C. M. libris.


- Idem Ricardus obiit, interfectus Idus Aprilis. Cui successit fra- ter ejus Johannes, coronatus Westmonasterii in die Ascensionis, 5 Kal : Junii. 1 204. Johannes de Curcy capitur a Hugone de Lacy.

1214. Interdictum Anglie relaxatur.

1215. Concilium generale celebratur Rome ab Innocencio 3°, ubi conce- ditur Cisterciensibus nullas decimas dare. Et ordo Minorum confirmatur.

1216. Obiit Innocencius. Successit Honorius. Ordo Predicatorum con- firmatur.

1217. Henricus 3 coronatur.

1 22 1. Predicatores intraverunt Angliam ; et obiit beatus Dominicus, fun- dator eorum.

1226. Obiit beatus Franciscus, transactis 20 annis postquam adheserat perfecte consiliis ewangeliorum perfectionis.

1228. Translacio beati Francisci. Et Jerusalem redditur christianis.

1 23 1 . Obiit beatus Antonius, doctor de ordine Minorum.

1232. Translatio beati Antonii.

1233. Edmundus fit archiepiscopus Cantuarie, et translatio beati Dominici. Et occiditur Ricardus comes Mariscalli Kyldarie in bello, per Geraldinos, locum et partem regis tenentes :

Versus :

Post incarnatum lapsis de Virgine natum Annis nongentis tribus triginta trecentis : In primo mensis Aprilis, Kildariensis Pugna die Sabbati fuit, in tristicia fati Acciderant stallo pugne comiti Mariscallo.

Anno 1 240. Nascitur Edwardus primus filius Henrici iiiti. Et obiit Ead- mundus archiepiscopus Cantuariensis.

1241. Gregorius obiit, cui successit Alexander. Sedes Romana vacabat per biennium.

1242. Willelmus de Marisco proditor tractus est London ad caudas equo- rum.

1243. Obiit Hugo de Lacy, comes Ultonie; et Henricus rex Anglie in- travit Vasconiam. Obiit Geraldus filius Mauricii, et Ricardus de Burgo in Vasconia.

1202. Fundatur domus de Conale per Meylerum filium Henrici.



I22o. Obiit Meylerus Henrici, nobilis Hybernie conquestor.

Versus :

Indomitus domitor totius gentis Hybere.

1245. Innocentius papa deposuit Fredericum imperatorem in concilio Lug- dinensi, et obiit magister Alexander Halys, et magister Johannes de Rupella.

1251. Validus ventus fuit in Hibernia, idus Januarii.

1252. Occiditur Sanctus Petrus de ordine Predicatorum, et obiit David archiepiscopus Casselensis. Successit David Mc Karwyll ; et magna siccitas fuit ; et Waterfordia comburitur.

1248. Incepit guerra Mackanfy, et 1250 occiditur idem.

1253. Obiit Robertus Grostete, episcopus Lincollniensis ; et Alanus Lys- moriensis.

1254. Hybernia et Austria dantur Edwardo a patre suo Henrico.

1255. Obiit Lucas Dublin archiepiscopus. Et 4000 in Wallia occiduntur.

1257. Obiit dominus Mauricius filius Geraldi, justiciarius Hybernie, in habitu, et frater minor.

1258. Quatuor fratres regis Anglie exulantur, et ceteri alienigene; 12 pares constituuntur in Anglia, quorum consilio Anglia regeretur.

1260- O'Neyl regulus Ultonie occiditur cum multo populo apud civitatem de Duno, dominica infra octavas Ascensionis, et Willelmus de Dene fit justi- ciarius Hibernie.

1261. Occiditur dominus Johannes filius Thome, et filius suus in Desmonia.

1 262. Obiit Ricardus de Clare, comes Gloucestrie.

1264. Bellum de Lewys. Henricus rex capitur, cum filio suo Edwardo, et Ricardus frater ejus, et alii nobiles multi. Eodem anno guerra inter Geral- dinos, et Walterum de Burgo, comitem Ultonie ; et Mauricius filius Mauricii cepit apud Tristeldermot Ricardum de la Rokele justiciarium Hybernie, et Theobaldum le Botiller, et Johannem de Cogan, et carceribus de Leye et Donmaske mancipavit.

1265. Edwardus evasit de custodia Symonis de Monte-forti. Et pridie nonas Augusti bellum apud Evesam, ubi occiditur Symon de Monte-forti, et alii nobiles multi.

1267. Predicatores ceperunt locum de Ros, et capitulum Minorum Kyl- kennie.



1268. Karolus vicit Coradellum imperatorem Grecorum. Item, dominus Robertus de Ufford fit justiciarius Hibernie. Item, Mauricius filius Geraldi in mari submergitur, redeundo de Anglia, Kal: August!.

1269. Introitus fratrum in Clonmele.

1270. Lodowicus rex Francie, et Edwardus rex Anglie vadunt in Terram Sanctam ; Lodowicus in via moritur. Item, Walterus de Burgo vincitur a rege Connaccie apud Ahtkyppe ; multis nobilibus et militibus ex parte Walteri interemptis ; vix eo fuge presid[zo] se salvante. Et Jacobus de Audele, fit justiciarius Hybernie.

1271. Facta est magna fames in Hibernia, et pestilentia gravis. Et obiit Walterus de Burgo comes Ultonie. Item, occisi sunt domini Nicholaus et Jo- hannes de Verdona. Obiit Fulco archiepiscopus Dublin. Obiit Henricus iiijus rex Anglie, anno regni sui 56°; et Edwardus filius ejus cepit regnare 5. Kal: Augusti. Locus Predicatorum de Yohil capitur.

1272. Jacobus de Audele justiciarius occiditur in Totmonia. Item, Mauri- cius filius Mauricii fit justiciarius Hybernie.

1274. Concilium generale apud Lugdunum celebratur a Gregorio x. Inter- fectio Anglicorum apud Glandelory.

1279. Nicholaus iiijus fecit declaracionem super regulam beati Francisci. In Yoaellia terremotus magnus subvertens castra, et absorbens homines discor- des invicem bellantes. Obiit dominus David de Barry.

1280. Obiit Nicholaus Papa. Et Stephanus episcopus Waterfordie de or- dine Hospitalariorum mutavit monetam. Captus fuit Dermitius Mc Morkada. Obiit domina Margaria de Say, uxor domini Roberti de Ufford ; et combusta est Waterfordia.

1281. Occiditur Hogekyn Mc Gilpadricke.

1282. Guerra inter Edwardum iiij. regem Anglie, et Walenses. Item, occisi Morkardaht et Art McMorkarda. Capitulum apud Dundalke ; Matheus fit mi- nister Hybernie.

1283. Fit guerra inter Edwardum iiij. et Wallenses ; et destructa est Wallia per eum, et occisus est Lewelyn princeps Wallie, et David frater ejus captus, et tractus cum equis. Item, combusta est Dublinia infra muros, in cras- tino Circumcisionis Domini.

1284. Castrum de Leye perforatur per Hybernicos. Johannes de Sampford eligitur archiepiscopus Dublinie. Capitulum Minorum Dublinie in Pentecoste.

IRISH ARCH. soc. C Item,


Item, dominus Galfridus de Sancto Leodegario, episcopus Ossoriensis, acqui- sivit per duellum, manerium de Serrkeran. Item, dominus Emflues [Alphonsus] filius Edwardi iiij obiit. Item, obiit Karolus, qui fuit Gallicus, et filius ejus fuit incarceratus.

1285. Occisus fuit Willelmus de Larokele. Obiit Theobaldus Pincerna. Item, Geraldus filius Mauricii, (dictus Rochfalyaht) captus fuit a suis Hybernicis in Offaly, et detentus. Item, rex Philippus intravit regnum Arragonie, per pre- ceptum Pape. Dominus Willelmus Hacket, cum multis de suo genere occisus fuit ab Hibernicis.

1286. 7 Idus Aprilis, id est Dominica Palmarum, Johannes de Sampford consecratur Dublinie in ecclesia Trinitatis. Item, Callan in Ossoria combusta est. Captus est Calvah apud Kildariam.

1287. Mortuus est Geraldus filius Mauricii, capitaneus Geraldinorum ; he- reditatem suam dedit domino Johanni filio Thome, filio adwunculi sui; hie Johannes, primus de hac natione factus est comes Kildarie. Obiit dominus Thomas de Clare.

1288. Dominus Johannes filius Thome amisit multos equos et garciones in Offaly.

1 290. Judei de Anglia exulantur.

1291. Capitulum Cork.

1294. In festo beate Margarete virginis, fuit fulgur et corruscatio destruentes blada, unde provenit maxima caristia, qua multi fame perierunt. Item, eodem anno, ante festum Omnium Sanctorum, applicuit dominus Gilbertus de Clare, comes Gloucestrie, apud Ros. Item, eodem anno, dominus Johannes filius Thome dedit vadium super dominum Willelmum de Vescy, in principio mensis Aprilis, pugnandi in duello contra eum. Eodem die ad 40 annos occisus fuit Ricardus Mariscalli Kildarie.

1294. Ricardus de Burgo comes Ultonie, captus fuit per Johannem filium Thome, sabbato ante festum Sancte Lucie virginis.

1302. Circa festum Pentecostes, obiit Michaell Ossoriensis episcopus, cui successit Willelmus filius Johannis, consecratus Kylkennie, dominica infra oc- tavas Epiphanie, anno eodem.

1303. Ricardus comes Ultonie Scotiam intravit. Obiit Geraldus, filius Johannis, filii Thome.

1 304. Abbacia beate Marie Dublinie et locus Predicatorum, cum suburbio illius comburuntur in festo Sancti Collumbe abbatis.

1 1

1305. O'Conkur, regulus de Offaly, et Calvalit frater ejus, cum aliis 12 melioribus illius nationis interficiuntur in domo domini Petri de Brimegham, circa festum Trinitatis.

1307. In crastino Purificationis Marie, capti fuerunt Templarii ubique. Obiit Ed. iiii. 7. die Julii.

1308. Capitulum Minorum Kylkennie, in festo Baptiste.

1309. Obiit frater Philippus de Norraht, feria 3* ante Dominicam Palmarum. Pullulabat secta Soraboitarum, presidente Clemente Papa. Occiditur Mauri- cius Canteton et David suspensus. Dominus Johannes Bonevyl occiditur.

1310. Captus fait dominus Willelmus de Burgo. Interfectus dominus Johannes de Crok, cum aliis multis in bello de Bonratte, in die Ascensionis Domini, omissis in prelio spoliis multis. Item, obiit dominus Johannes de Cogan.

1312. In festo Aniceti martyris, occiditur dominus Nicholaus de Aveneil, Patricius de Rupe, et Hibernici multi, per dominum Nicholaum deVerdona, et burgenses de Dundalke, juxta Dundalke.

1311. Consilium generale celebratur Vienne per Clementem undecimum. Ordo Templariorum distruitur. 1311. Occiditur Philippus le Poer per Rupenses. Obiit Eustacius le Poer ante Pasca. Captus est Petrus de Caustona [Gavaston] per Baroniam et decapitatus, in festo nativitatis Baptiste.

1312. Capitulum Minorum de Yohil. Natus est Edwardus films regis Edwardi 5. Et in sequenti Natali dominus Johannes filius Thome tenuit magnum, opulentum et pacificum festum apud A[w]dayr, et fecit Nicholaum filium Mauricii de Kirrigia militem, et alios duos.

1313. Obiit dominus Johannes de Burgo filius Ricardi, circa Pentecosten. Capitulum generale Bare ..nono et dominus Edmundus Pincerna tenuit Dublinie magnum festum in festo beati Michaelis, et fecit 30 milites. In octabis bead Francisci proximo sequentibus capitulum de Duno. Item, in Natali Domini sequenti proximo, dominus Mauricius filius Thome duxit ad domum uxorem suam Katerinam filiam Ricardi comitis Ultonie ; et fecit duos ibi milites Ed- mundus le Botiller.

1314. Moritur Clemens Papa xi [v]. Item, occiditur dominus Gilbertus de Clare comes Gloucestrie, dominus Robertus de Clifford, et alii multi nobiles, atque flos Anglie apud Strifling per Robertum le Bras et Scotos, in festo Johannis Baptiste.

1315. Commune parliamentum magnatum Hibernie apud Kilkenniam, pro

C 2 auxilio


auxilio et consilio habendo contra Scotos in principio mensis Junii. Illo tern- pore applicuerunt Scoti in Ultonia, quibus adheserunt toto tempore suo quo fuerunt in Hibernia quasi omnes Hybernici terre, paucis valde fidem et fide- litatem servantibus. Eodem anno Scoti cum Hibernicis combusserunt Dondalk et locum Fratrum spoliarunt libris, pannis, calicibus, vestimentis, et multos occiderunt. 1315. Strages magna Hybernicorum, scilicet de O'Mmorchys, et ho- minibus illorum circiter 300 occiduntur juxta Balilethan, inEpiphania Domini. Item, in crastino conversionis Sancti Pauli bellum de Skethrys inter Anglicos, ubi occiduntur de Anglicis tantum 5 ; de Scotis vero, circa 70. Ibi occubuit ille nobilis guerrator, Hamundus le Grasse, et dominus Willelmus Prindirgast et 3 alii tantum, Anglici tamen campum dimiserunt cum Scotis, quorum prin- ceps fuit Edwardus le Brus, ingerens se pro rege Hibernie, qui mala multa intulit hominibus pacem diligentibus.

1316. Dominus Johannes films Thome, [et] Arnaldus le Poer, ad Edwardum 5, in Angliam se transtulerunt, dantes obsides de fide et fidelitate servanda ; et rex dedit Johanni filio Thome comitatum Kildarie, Arnaldo alias terras, pro garisona. Item, dominus Willelmus Comyn cum duobus fratribus suis occiditur, circa festum Baptiste. Item, occiditur dominus Henricus Crok. Item, Johannes de Dene, Patricius Lercedekne, circa idem tempus. Item, eodem anno et tempore, scilicet circa octavas Baptiste, fit magna strages Hibernicorum juxta abbaciam de Balkynglas ; ubi circiter 300 occiduntur. Item, ex Scotis interficiuntur circiter 300 in Ultonia per Anglicos patrie.

1316. Magna caristia salis in Hibernia, sic quodunus cranocus communiter vendebatur pro xl. solidis ; in aliquibus locis pro 4 marcis et ultra. Hoc anno omnes Hibernici fidem fedisszme et fidelitatem deserentes, ut communiter se ad guerram posuerunt. Item, eodem anno, in festo beati Laurencii martyris bel- lum de Ahtnery in Connaccia ; ubi interficiuntur de Hybernicis per Ricardum de Brimegham, dominum Willelmum de Burgo et ceteros Anglicos, multi reguli et nobiles, secundum communem relatum summa totalis, v . . . (here is a manifest erasure in the original) M. in universo, numerus capitum absciso- rum mille quingenta capita. Item, eodem anno circa Natale Domini, intravit dominus Robertus le Brus, qui se gessit pro rege Scotorum, Hyberniam trans- iens per totam terram de Ultonia, ubi applicuit, usque fere Lymericum ; com- burendo, occidenxlo, depredando, spoliando villas, castra et etiam ecclesias, eundo et redeundo:



1317- In Paschate, fuit magna congregatio magnatum Hibernie sub mon- tem de Loddyn juxta Lymericum, contra Scotos ; Scotis ex opposite apud castrum Conyl existentibus ; et facti fuerunt ibi de Anglicis 6 milites ; et in hyeme precedente dominus Ricardus de Clare tenuit magnam gardam apud Dernaht. 1317. Dominus Rogerus de Mortuo Mari justiciarius factus, applicuit in Pascha apud Yohel, cum militibus 38, exiens de navibus fecit 2 milites ; et applicans ad se dominum Johannem de Brimegham, dominum Nicholaum de Verdona, ejecit omnes de nacione et cognomine de Lacy ex Hybernia ; et coegit fugere ad Scotiam in estate. Et occiduntur juxta Pontensem civitatem multi de Ultonia ; quorum principalis fuit ubi de interfectis, Willelmus Savage. Hii autem et alii Ultonienses per Scotos extra patriam suam expulsi fuerunt ; et Scotos insequentes per Mediam, Legeniam et Momoniam, non minus quasi quam Scoti preter combustionem et interfectionem populo terre dampnum in- tulerunt.

1318. Kal : Aprilis, canonizatur Lodowicus episcopus et confessor de ordine Minorum, archiepiscopus Tolosanus, films et heres regis Cicilie, a Papa Johanne 22. Item, duo cardinales in Angliam mittuntur pro pace formanda inter Anglicos et Scotos, sed nil profecerunt. Item, eodem anno, dominus Willelmus films Johannis, episcopus Ossoriensis, transfertur ad archiepiscopa- tum Casselensem ; cui substituitur frater Ricardus Leddrede, per Papam Johan- nem consecratus Avinnone ; ubi pro tune degebat curia Romana, scilicet, 8°. Kal : Maii. Item, eodem anno, id est, 1318, a festo apostolorum Philippi et Jacobi usque autumpnum, fuit maxima caristia et fames, unde multi et innume- rabiles moriebantur ; nam cranocus frumenti ut communiter pro xx. solidis et amplius vendebatur. Item, Thomas Don, multarum navium depredator, sub- versor, et pirata crudelis de parte Scotorum, occisus est.

1317. Capitulum Waterfordie. Item, facta strages magna exercitus domini Edmundi Pincerne in Hibernia per Donatum O'Karwyll, ubi interficiuntur circa ducenti. Item, Rogerus de Mortuo Mari fecit Johannem Brimegham militem, et alios tres vel 4.

1318. 5. Idus Maii, occiditur dominus Ricardus de Clare per suos Hiber- nicos de Totmonia cum aliis 4 militibus, domino Thoma de Lesse, domino Henrico de Capella, dominis Jacobo et Johanne de Canteton, et aliis multis, die Jovis in mane. Item, Capitulum de Ros, in festo Bartholomei apostoli.



Item, in festo Michaelis proximo sequenti, applicuit Alexander Byggenor de Curia, archiepiscopus Dublinie factus, et justiciarii nomen et officium habens Hibernie. Item, eodem anno, 1318, in festo beati Kalixti pape et martyris, die Sabbati mane, occiditur dominus Edwardus le Brus (usurpans sibi nomen et vocari a suis se faciens regem Hibernie), apud Dundalke, per Johannem de Brimegham, et Milonem de Verdona cum Scotis multis. Item, eodem anno, occiditur apud Ros, Gilbertus de Rupe (justorum occisor, et fidelium depre- dator) per burgenscs de Ros. Item, occiditur dominus Johannes de Lyvet, per Tolonenses, et O'Nolanis. Item, circa festum Epiphanie interficiuntur per O'Nolanos, Petrus de Recheford, et Oliverus filius David le Grasse, et alii cir- citer 80, de exercitu dornini Arnaldi le Poer, qui ductor erat et princeps eorum.

1319. Occiditur Johannes filius Donati O'Morthe et alii fratres sui, pacis et pacificorum fidelium impugnator. Item, occiditur dominus Johannes le Bo- tiller, per satellites domini Willelmi de Brimegham.

1320. Capitulum Kildarie in festo Sancti Jacobi apostoli. Item, occiditur dominus Fulco de la Frene, per Willelmum et Sylvestrem de Marisco et ceteros satellites Edmundi Pincerne ; volens suos et fideles patrie salvare, ne eos spolia- rent ; scilicet, die Dominica infra octavas beati Martini episcopi et confessoris. Item, in estate precedente fuit congregatio pastorum diversarum terrarum versus Terram Sanctarn, spe tamen frustrata, sine commodo qui supervixerant redie- runt.

1321. Inter Edwardum 5 regem Anglic et baroniam fuit maxima discordia, propter Hugonem de Spenser, qui contra eos fovebatur ; et ipse Hugo per baroniam cum suo patre et filio exulantur, sed non diu exilium tenuerunt, reducti iterum per regem, et ditati excellenter. Item, circa festum Philippi et Jacobi occiduntur de O'Konchours, circiter 300, in confinio Midie et Legenie, per Andream de Brimegham. Item, capitulum de Clare in festo Baptiste. Item, dominus Johannes Brimegham fit justiciarius Hybernie. Item, Meylerus le Poer episcopus Lehtlinensis consecratus Waterfordie, Dominica Palmarum precedente.

1320. Incepit universitas Dublinie, universitas quoad nomen, sed utinam quoad factum et rem.

1321. Obi it Edmundus Pincerna Londonii, in vigilia exaltacionis Sancte Crucis, et in vigilia vigilie beati Martini episcopi et confessoris, apud Baliga-


veran sepelitur. Item, erigitur novus chorus Kilkennie. Item, circa festum Omnium Sanctorum obiit Willelmus filius Mauricii de Canteton. Item, 1321, occisus est dominus Omfrey de Boun, comes Herfordie, die Sancti Patricii apud Burbrigs, cum 2 militibus, per dominum Andream Harcley, quern idem comes militem fecerat ; volens Andreas ex hoc regi placere, et placuit ; quare rex eum comitem fecerat de Karlel, nee tamen commodum magnum reporta- vit ; quia infra 2 annos ipse fedus cum Scotis in secreto (ut dicitur), contraxit : et per regem Anglie tractus et suspensus est. Item, die Lune proximo sequente, in crastino Sancti Benedicti, decapitatus est dominus Thomas comes Lancastrie, Leycestrie, Salisbirie et Lincolnie, ac Ferers, filius adwunculi domini regis, et advunculus regis Francie, et regine Anglie, per regem Anglie et suos justicia- ries, ad instigacionem Hugonis de Spenser, cujus exilium ipse fecit et procu- ravit in communi parliamento Londoni. Item, in eadem quindena, dominus Rogerus de Clifford, dominus Johannes Mounbrey, dominus Bartholomeus de Baldismer, et alii milites et barones, circiter 26, de melioribus et potioribus Anglie, suspensi et tracti sunt ; alii vero multi nobiles, barones, milites et armi- geri capti in diversis carceribus Anglie retruduntur, et redimuntur multo precio pro voluntate regis.

1322. In principio autumpni, obiit Ricardus de Brimegham, dominus de Ahtnery. Item, Willelmus filius Reginald! Conteton (maximus malefactorum et depredator), Dominica ante festum beati Michaelis occiditur. Item, Sabbato, in vigilia vigilie Sancti Luce ewangeliste occisi per O'Nolanis Andreas de Bri- megham, et dominus Nicholaus de Lande cum suis. Item, isto anno, in au- tumpno intravit Edwardus 5 Scotiam cum exercitu copioso valde, de quibus multa milia fame perierunt ; nee tamen an parum profecerunt ; sed redeundo captus dominus Johannes de Britannia, comes Richmondie. Item, circa Natale vendebatur cranocus de sale, xxs. et plus. Item, 1322, in die Palmarum apud Waterfordiam consecrantur Nicholaus Welyfed episcopus Waterfordie, Johannes Lavnaht episcopus Lysmorensis, et episcopus Fynaborensis, eodem die et loco.

1323. Feria 6. infra octavas Pasche, occisus est Philippus Talon cum filio et circiter 26 de O'Cod . . tanys per Edmundum le Botiller, rectorem de Tylaht et Cantitonenses, qui eos de ecclesia extraxerunt, et ecclesiam de Thalmolyn cum viris et mulieribus et pueris, et Sancti Molyng reliquiis combusserunt.

Item, intra festum Assumptionis et Nativitatis Virginis, captus fuit

Mac Mor[Aac?a] et Henricus O'Nolan interfectus, et alii circa 24, per dominum



Henricum Traharne, et alios de Valle. Item, in vigilia ad Winculorum Sancti Petvi proximo precedente, dominus Rogerus de Mortuo Mari evasit de carcere turns Londonii. 1323. Consecratum est altare magnum Fratrum Minorum Kil- kennie. Ipso die, scilicet, 3°. Idus Januarii, deposissio domini Roberti Scor- thals. Item, in purificatione beate Marie applicuit dominus Johannes Darcy justiciarius Hibernie, apud Dubliniam. Item in lxxa- mortuus est dominus Willelmus de Burgo junior. Item, in vigilia Benedicti abbatis, interficiuntur de Hibernicis et malefactoribus de Yi[r]left circiter 200 per dominum Robertum, filium Mathei Caunteton.

1324. Circa Pentecosten obiit in Scotia dominus Walterus de Lacy, de Hy- bernia exulatus. Item, circa festum Baptiste obiit dominus Eymerus de Va- lencia comes Penbrochi in Vasconia. Item, obiit Johannes primogenitus domini Thome comitis Kyldarie in Anglia, regi datus pro obside. Item, eodem anno, scilicet 1324 die Lune in festo Processi et Martiani martyrum, domina Alicia Kyteler, propter sortilegia diversa et heresim multimodam, et sacrificia demo- nibus immolata, per fratrem Ricardum episcopum Ossoriensem, est heretica judicata, probata et condemnata ; presentibus domino Johanne Darcy justi- ciario Hybernie, Priore de Kylmaynan, Cancellario, Thesaurario, et Arnaldo le Poer, senescallo Kylkennie, hoc videntibus. Item, circa translationem Sancti Thome martyris occiditur dominus Walterus de Valle cum filio suo, per illos de cognomine de Crok, juxta Nenaht Ybreyn. Item, in crastino Anima- rum, anno eodem, mulier quedam Petronilla de Midia dicta de secta et doc- trina predicte domine Alicie superius memorate, fuit de heresi, sortilegio et sacrificio demonibus immolato condemnata et igni tradita et combusta. A re- tro autem actis temporibus non est visum vel auditum, quod quispiam pro heresi penam mortis sustineret in Hibernia ante ipsam. Prima hec omnium secundum hominum memoriam tune viventium et relatum, non dico quam sit quia in hoc facinore primo peccavit, sed quia primo passa est mortis justum judicium prop- ter heresim. Item, eodem anno circa festum Leonardi abbatis, mortuus est domimis Johannes films Thome, frater domini Mauricii filii Thome. Miles iste juvenis juvenum consilio ut plurimum constipatus, ductus et seductus, a proge- nitorum ejus militia et vestigiis degenerans, pacis extitit non propugnator nee defensor, sed expugnator. Item, hoc anno, scilicet 1324, fuit pestis gravis bourn et vaccarum, in multis locis Hibernie. Item, eodem anno ante Natale, Arnoldus le Poer tune senescallus Kilkennie, cum aliis de comitatu eodem


tenuit magnam gardam apud Ynistyoke contra Rupenses, et eos fortiter obsessit, et obsides coegit reddere de pace et fidelitate amodo tenenda. Item, eodem

anno die Jovis in octavis Sancti Hilarii, Willelmus Owtlau

de lieresi irretitus, et notorie defamatus, et in purgacione deficiens, in ecclesia beate Virginis Kilkennie, heresim publice abjuravit ; professionem novam legens, et manu propria conscribens. Item, Dominica precedents, obiit frater David, Prior de Inystyoke, vir venerabilis ac honorabilis multorum judicio apud Deum et homines.

Item, anno Domini 1325, occiditur Dermicius OgeMcKarthy rex Desmonie, per Willelmum filium Nicholai filii Mauricii, apud Traly. 1325, fuit discordia ut communiter inter religiosos pauperes Hybernie quasi omnes, quidam eorum nacionis sue et sanguinis et lingue partem tenentes et foventes ac promo- ventes ; alii prelacionis et superioritatis officia ambientes. 1325, die Lune in festo beati Dominici confessoris, occisus fuit dominus Johannes de Barry de Hely, miles strenuus et frequenter probatus in armis, per O'Carwyllis. 1325, die dominico in crastino octav : Sancti Laurentii occiditur Dovenaldus Duff Mc Gilpadricke per suos consanguineos, sed prodiciose. Item, eodem anno Jo- hannes de Brimegham, et Thomas le Botiller collegerunt exercitum super O'Carwyll ; qui hoc anno vix reliquit domum, castrum aut villam in Elycar- wyll, inter Anglicos et pacis amatores, quin combussit et destruxit. 1325, in Pentecoste, capitulum generale celebratum Lugduni ; ubi loca de Cork, Boton, Lymyric et Tartdart aufer[unjtur ab Hybernicis fratribus, et Anghcis, et quinta custodia assignatur, cum ante tantum fuissent 4 custodie. Item, eodem anno feria quinta in crastino sanctorum martyrum Dionisii &c. ; occiditur Willelmus, filius Ricardi le Butiller, cum multis aliis in Totmonia. Item, eodem anno, circa festum Sancti Thome apostoli Bren O'Bren, vallatus auxilio Anglicorum de Ely, cepit magnam predam in Ossoria, in confmio de Slesblanie, et super Athbo et Admacart ; et interfecerunt fideles Anglicos circa defensionem bono- rum suorum. Item, eodem anno die Lune in festo Epiphanie, in sero fuit ventus validissimus et tempestas prosternens domos et edificia, denudans eccle- sias et monasteria, frangens et evellens radicitus arbores et campanilia multa, dispergens tassos bladorum et horrea. Eodem die Dublinie fuerunt facti duo milites de ordine Hospitalariorum.

Item, anno 1326, in festo apostolorum Philippi et Jacobi (quod accidit die

Ascensionis), occiditur per O'Carwillis, dominus Matheus de Mylborne, miles

IRISH ARCH. soc. D probus

probus et prudens, nacione Anglicus, sed usu loquendi Gallicus, Gallicum tantum loquens. Annus autem iste siccus fuit ultra modum Hybernie consuetum ; sic quod in yeme quasi parum pluvie fuit, in vere estate et autumpno quasi nichil, tanta fuit siccitas et tantus calor, quod fontes et magni rivuli (ubi sem- per emanabant aque copiose) penitus siccabantur.

Anno 1326. Die Martis ante festum Petri adVincula, obiit dominus Ricardus de Burgo comes Ultonie et dominus Connaccie, apud Athyssell ; miles prudens, facetus, dives et sapiens, plenus dierum ; de isto communiter fuit dictum, quod filias ejus nobiliter graciose et excellenter maritavit ; nam, unam Roberto de Brus, qui tune preerat regno Scotorum ; alteram comiti Glovernie ; tertiam comiti Kyl- darie ; quartam comiti de Lowht ; quintam domino Mauricio filio Thome ; sex- tam sed seniorem domino Thome de Multon maritavit ; filium filii sui reliquit heredem Willelmum Johannis de Burgo filii sui et filie comitis Glovernie. Item, eodem anno die Lune in crastino Exaltacionis, obiit dominus Willelmus filius Johannis, quondam episcopus Ossoriensis ; sed postmodum in archiepiscopum Cassellensem translatus ; vir potens et dives, ac venerabilis in populo et in clero. Item, eodem die occisi fuerunt de hominibus de Cathyrlaht et patria ilia circiter 80, per O'Morchys. 1326. viii° Ival: Octobris, applicuit domina Isabella regina Anglicorum cum filio suo Edwardo primogenito, de Francia, et vallata auxilio comitis Hanaudie, et domini Rogeri de Mortuo Mari ; ceperunt Hugonem de Spenser comitem Wyntonie apud Bristollum, et eum ibi judicialiter fecerunt trahi, suspendi et decapitari, in quindena bead Michaelis. Et in vigilia beate Katarine virginis eodem anno, dominum Hugonem de Spenser juniorem, qui filiam duxerat et heredem comitis Glovernie ; ct eum apud Herefordiam simili pena cum patre suo occiderunt, et eum trahi fecerunt, suspendi et decapitari, et membratim dividi, et quarteria sua ad 4 Anglic angulos transmiserunt, capud mittentes Londoniam pro spectaculo. Item, eodem tempore, dominus AValterus Stapleton, episcopus Exoniensis, et thesaurarius Anglie, Londoniis est decapitatus per cives, quia erat de parte secta et consilio Dispensatorum, qui nitebantur reginam et filium ejus destruere (postea regeni), et de terra delere, ut dicebatur. Item, anno eodem, in communi parliamento Londonii circa Epi- phaniam deponitur Edwardus quintus communi assensu cleri et populi, cui successit Edwardus vius filius ejus, 16 annorum ; coronatus Londonii Domi- nica in vigilia Purificationis beate virginis, anno Domini 1326. Obiit autem iste depositus Edwardus in castro de Bercley detentus, in festo sanctorum mar-


tyrum Eustacii et sociorum ejus proximo post ejus depositionem et sepultus est apud Gloverniam.

Item, anno 1327, in festo Sancte Trinitatis, occiditur Symon Purcyl, tune in officio vicecomitis Kylkennie, per O'Brennanis, et alii cum eo fere 20. 1327, Dominica scilicet prima de Adventu, et in vigilia beati Andree apostoli, com- busta est villa et fere tota baronia de Kenlys in Ossoria, per dominum Willel- mum de Brimegham et Geraldinos, homines, scilicet, domini Mauricii filii Thome; et illo die ad octo dies combustum et destructum fuit Grasiscastel, cum toto territorio in circuitu ; et fuit guerra sevissima inter Geraldinos, Brimeg- hamys et sua[m] sequela[m] ex parte una, contra Poerinos et illos de Burgo ex parte altera. Tune unanimiter contra Poerinos insurrexerunt Geraldini, Bri-

megharnys sua potentia et illi de Valle, et de Sancto Albino, et

Ketyngys, cum multis aliis nacionibus, et multos Poerinorum occiderunt, et fere omnes eorum terras combusserunt et destruxerunt.

•1328. Feria 3a post Pascha, Nonas scilicet Aprilis, obiit dominus Thomas films Johannis, comes Kildafie, justiciarius tune Hibernie, apud Maynoht. Item, die Martis pridie Idus Aprilis anno eodem, occiditur apud Bargum, Wil- lelmus filius Johannis de Rupe, cum aliis malefactoribus, hominibus et consan- guineis suis, de loco Predicatorum extractis. Item 1 1 Kal : ejusdem mensis et anni, occiditur Petrus Poer, filius et heres baronis de Donhulle, cum aliis de cognomine suo circa 1 2, per familiam domini Mauricii filii Thome ; et illo die occiditur dominus Johannes filius Geraldi, in eodem conflictu. Item, eodem anno, Kal : Junii, in vigilia Trinitatis obiit dominus Willelmus de Sancto Leodegario. 1328, capitur et occiditur in vigilia vigilie beati Mathei apostoli Johannes filius Benedicti le Poer, dominus de Rahtgormocke et Kylmydan, per Cantitonenses ; et cito post obierunt Katerina filia Mauricii, uxor ejusdern, et heres eorum, apud Ros.

1327. Romani, cum Lodowyco duce Bavarie in Imperatorem electum. [Original hath a blank here in margine.~\

1328. Edwardus rex Anglic (post conquestum) tercius, fecit fratrem suum (Johannem de Eltam dictum), comitem Cornubie, dominum Rogerum de Mortuo Mari, comitem Marchie, et dominum Jacobum le Botiller, comitem Ermonie. Item, 1328, circa festum Michaelis, Willelmus de Burgo comes Ultonie, in Anglia educatus, cum Matilda uxore ejus, filia domini Henrici comitis Lancas- trie, et consanguinea ipsius, ex dispensacione curie disponsati, quia erant in



et gradu affinitatis, venerunt ad Hiberniam ; hie erat filius Johannis de Burgo, filii Ricardi, et Elizabethe, filie Gilbert! de Clare ; cui tertia pars terra- rum comitis Glovernie competebat, ex parte matris sue ipsius Elizabethe.

1328. Dominica in crastino Agnetis secundo, obiit dominus Johannes le Poer, baro de Dunhulle. Item, eodem anno scilicet ultimo die Februarii, die Martis, combustum est Cumbyr, per dominum Willelmum de Brimegham.

1328. 2 Idus Martii, die scilicet Martis ante festum Patricii, obiit Dublinie dominus Arnaldus le Poer.

1329. Die Veneris in festo Tiburcii et Susanne combustum fuit Drumhyr- thyr in vigilia vigilie Palmarum, per O'Brenanys ; et die Lune post, per Do- natum Mc Gilpatrick, combusta patria de Moyarfe et spoliata.

1329. Die Lune in vigilia Brandani abbatis, occiduntur per Rupenses et Barrenses Jacobus filius Roberti filii Jacobi Ketyng, cum aliis de suo cogno- mine ; dominus Philippus Hoddinnet, Hugo Canteton, cum multis de sanguine eorum, circiter 140, tam de sanguine, quam de familia eorum.

1329. In vigilia Pentecostes, et beati Barnabe apostoli, dominus Johannes de Brimegham, comes de Lowht occiditur, contra eum conspiraverunt omnes de comitatu suo, nolentes eum regnare super eos ; concilium fecerunt in unum, et in multitudine magna armatorum congregati, nulli de familia ejus parcentes, eum cum 1 60 et amplius, cum 2 fratribus ejus, et de cognomine ipsius circa novem interfecerunt. In ista strage ct eodem die Cam O'Kayrwill, famosus ille timpa- nista et cytharista, in arte sua fenix, ea pollens prerogativa et virtute, cum aliis

tympanistis disci pulis ejus circiter 20 ibidem occubuit. Iste vocatus

Cam O'Kayrwyll, quia luscus erat nee habebat oculos rectos, sed oblique respi- ciens, et si non fuerat artis musiee cordalis primus inventor, omnium tamen predecessorum et precedentium ipsum, ac contemporaneorum, corrector, doctor et director extitit. Item in vigilia vigilie Columbe abbatis obiit Robertus de Brus rex Scotorum, in armis strenuus, in bellicis negotiis doctus et expertus ; vulgari et communi relatu, in hiis vix in orbe parem habens. Item, eodem anno in crastino Johannis et Pauli, die scilicet Martis, occiduntur per Poerinos, Gilber-

tus et Remundus de Valle, Robertus O'Neyle, cum aliis quasi Item, eodem

anno, Dominica in crastino Magdalene, occiditur Malahtlyng O'Konkour, non marte sed arte prodiciosa, per Malmorthe filium fratris sui, cujus patrem quoque principem de Offaly (ut regnaret) exulavit, cujus et filium Dermoyd Oge, et in- terficientis se fratrem, occiderat prodiciose, et sic ars deluditur arte. Item, eodem



die occiduntur de O'Dymyscy circiter 200. post mortem ipsius Malalitlyn pa- triam ut earn spoliarent intrantes, et in eodem die, ibidem occiduntur de O'Donyn septemdecim.

1329. In prima hebdomada Augusti, Breyn O'Breyn villas de Athyssell et Tyberary combussit, atque totam patriam in circuitu vastavit spoliavit et de- struxit. Item, Sabbato ante festum Laurencii, occiditur per O'Nolanys, David le Botiller, juxta Cathyrlaht.

1329. Circa festum Sancti Petri ad Vincula, obiit Londoniis Johannes Mc Carwyll, primo episcopus Corcagiensis, postea Midensis, postremo factus archiepiscopus Casselensis, de Curia Romana rediens. Item, va eodem anno, dominus Jacobus pincerna Hibernie, per Edwardum Anglie regem post Nor- mannorum conquestum tertium, factus est comes Ormonie cat. Et dominus Mauricius filius Thome per eundem, eodem anno, Desmonie comes est creatus. Item, eodem anno, in vigilia beati Laurencii martyris, dominus Thomas le Bo- tiller cum aliis circiter 100 per McHokegan juxta Molingar occiditur. Item, eodem anno, 14 Kal: Augusti, Breyn O'Breyn apud Yrlef, interfecit de exercitu Willelmi de Burgo comitis Ultonie, Walterum filium Hillarii de Burgo, Konkur O'Breyn, Nicholaum Mc Nemare, cum aliis nobilibus de Totmonia. Item, eodem anno, Dominica ante festum Mathei apostoli, sole existente in Libra, castrum de Leye captum est per O'Dymyscy. Item, eodem anno die Martis, in vigilia Cicilie virginis, dominus Henricus Traharne, et Laurencius frater domini Jacobi le Botiller, per O'Nolan sunt capti ; ob quam rem dominus Jacobus pin- cerna collecto nobili exercitu, die Jovis in crastino Lucie virginis, et die Veneris sequente, terras eorum, et patriam fere totaliter ignis combustione vastavit.

1329. Idus Martii, captus est Eadmundus comes Cantii ; et in crastino Ed- wardi regis et martyris decapitatus est apud Wincestriam, objecta sibi proditione, scilicet quod regem capere et occidere niteretur, ut dicebant.

1330. In festo Philippi et Jacobi occiditur dominus Jacobus Beufo, cum aliis fidelibus plebanis circiter 1 20, per Breyn O'Breyn. Item, die Lune in vigilia vigilie beati Alexi confessoris, anno eodem fuit eclypsis solis ; et illo tern- pore, dominus Willelmus de Burgo comes Ultonie collegit exercitum copiosum Ultoniensium et Connactenensium ; et dominus Jacobus le Botiller suum exer- citum [duxit] super Breyn O'Breyn ; eo quod eorum terras et patriam distrux- isset. Qui omnes parum profecerunt contra eum ilia vice ; sed sine magno lucro vel dampno, dedecore vel honore ad sua sunt reversi. Item, die Mercurii sequenti



in vigilia vigilie beate Margarete virginis, in predicta congregatione, juxta Moyalby, idem comes Ultonie fecit Walterum de Brimegham, et alium de sua i'amilia milites. Dominus Walterus, dominum Ricardum de la Rokel, et domi- num Gilbertum de Brimegham ; et comes Hermonie fecit dominos Eadmundum le Botiller, Robertum et Patricium Travers milites ; et dominus Willelnms de Brimegham, fecit dominos Johannem de Sancto Albino, et Johannem Monsel milites eodem tempore ct loco. Item, eodem anno, natus est Henricus primo- genitus regis Edwardi tertii post conquestum ; [et postea, mutato nomine Ed- wardus appellatur, iste Edwardus fuit pater regis Richardi, qui Richardus primo vocabatur Johannes, in maryine.~\ Item, eodem anno, Dominica in festoVitalis et Agricole, occiditur apud Kilkenniam, Donatus nlius Galfridi Mc Gilpatrike. Item, in die Martis sequenti, in festo Sancti Leonardi natus est Johannes pri- mogenitus Jacobi le Botiller, comitis Ormonie, apud Athur. Item, anno eodem, Dominica in festo beate Katerine, fuit vehemens ventus et horribilis ; et Domi- nica in vigilia nativitatis Domini ventus consimilis, qui tassos dispersit, domos distruxit, et mala multa fecit. Iste annus fuit omnibus hominibus contrarius et charus ; et multi fame perierunt. Nam cranocus frumenti in hi/erne, marca vendebatur, et ultra ; sed propter bladum de partibus extraneis, parum ultra raluit in estate ; a Mayo usque Februarium fuit humidus, pluviosus nimis et ventosus, ita ut estas et autumpnus in hyemalem tempestatem fere videbatur converti. Item in vigilia Circumcisioms, Ricardus O'Nolan, in campanili mo- nachorum de Dowsky fuit obsessus, et filium suum in obsidem dare compulsus est. Item, anno eodem, morti damnatur R. de Mortuo Mari comes Marchie, ante Natale Domini. Item, obiit Walterus le Rede, archiepiscopus Cassellensis, et Robertus de Brimegham, [circa Purificationem, in margine.~\ Item, anno eodem, ante Dominicam Annunciationis, dominus Thomas de Dene capitur per Hibernicos, et vulneratur, aliquibus de familia sua peremptis ; et ipse, die Jovis in crastino Sancti Aniceti pape et martyris sequenti, de vulnere accepto obiit. Item, circa idem tempiis, occiduntur duo filii domini David Beket, per satellites domini Willelmi de Brimegham.

1331. Die Lune in crastino Tiburcii et Valeriani, occiduntur de Mac Mor- chada et O'Brynnys juxta Weysfordiam, per illos de patria ilia, plusquam ducenti.

1331. Die Mercurii in vigilia beate Marthe [beati Marci] ewangeliste, occi- duntur per O'Thohyl, dominus Philippus le Brit, et filius ejus, et unus templa- rius de Geraldinis, et alii valentes Anglici de patria, circiter 30. Item, eodem


anno, die Mercurii infra octavas Pentecostes Willelnms Haket apud Yorlys, cum aliis de patria interficerunt de hominibus Breyn O'Breyn, et aliis Hibernicis circi- ter 50, et ipse idem Willelmus eodem die et loco occiditur. Item, eodem anno, do- minus Willelmus de Brimegham cum sua familia occupavit tenuit et mansit in sylva monachorum de Dowsky in estate, et ibidem dominus Eustathius le Poer die Mercurii in festo Gervasii et Prothasii desponsavit filiam Johannis de Brime- gliam, comitis de Lowht ; et Sabbato proximo sequenti, interfecti sunt 9 de Rupensibus ; inter quos interfectus fuit David filius David filii Alexandri de

Fermoy et alii cum eis 19. Et captus est filius Georgii de Rupe,

gener domini Willelmi Brimegham de nupciis versus Fernegylan redeundo. Eodem anno venit dominus Antonius de Lucy, justiciarius in Hyberniam, circa festum Trinitatis. Item, circa idem tempus obiit Ricardus filius Thome, filiiis et heres comitis Kyldarie, etatis circiter 15 annorum. Item, eodem anno, in vigilia Alexandri confessoris, satellites Willelmi de Brimegham cum Cantitonen- sibus et Hibernicis, 24 homines de villa Thome et Jeriponte occiderunt, et mala multa in patria ilia fecerunt isto anno. Item, eodem anno, scilicet 1331, Mau- ricius filius Thome comes Desmonie, et Willelmus de Brimegham die Lune, in festo Benedicti confessoris, pacem cum predicto Antonio justiciario, pro guerra sua fecerunt et tactis Evangeliis et Sanctorum reliquiis, ac Christi corpore adducto, juraverunt pacem et fidelitatem domino regi et populo de cetero ser- vare. Multi etiam de secta eorum hoc tempore pacem gravi redemptione com- paraverunt. Ubi proclamatum fuit, quod nulla de cetero pro morte Anglici redemptio et pax concederetur. Eodem die juxta Balligaveran occiduntur et capiuntur Cantonenses. Item, isto anno, circa festum Johannis Baptiste projecti sunt ad terrain in portu Dublinie, juxta villain, multi et grandes pisces marini, . . . . et innumerabiles, quot non vidit etas hominum in Hibernia tune viventium ; erant in longitudine 40 pedum, quidam 30 ; ita quod quidam illorum vix nee virtute hominum, vel robore jumentorum de loco trahi poterant ; et tante erant quidam altitudinis, ut duobus hominibus longis circa unum piscem stantibus, ex una et altera parte ventris [neuter] alterum videre poterat. Item, anno eodem, dominus Mauricius filius Thome, infra quindenam post pacem sibi concessam per eundem justiciarium, apud Limiricum est captus, et in custodia sua de- tentus ; et vi. Kal. Martii apud Clonmele capiuntur per eundem domini Wil- lelmus et Walterus Brimegham.

1331. Die Lune in festo beati Hillarionis abbatis, occiditur Ricardus filius



Philippi O'Nolan, per Pincernam et suos consanguineos. Item, eodem anno, die Veneris, in festo beate Cecilie virginis, per dominum Nicholaum Waterfor- densem episcopum, confectum [consecratum ?] est novum cimiterium extra ecclesiam Fratrum Minorum Kylkenie.

Item, 1331, circa festum Omnium Sanctorum, obiit Dublinie, Katerina de Burgo, uxor Mauricii filii Thome. Item, eodem anno, circa festum Lucie vir- ginis, occiditur Jordanus Cauntcton et alii de cognomine suo, per Brein de Nathyrlah. Item, hoc anno, dominus Willelmus de Burgo comes Ultonie cepit et incarceravit Walterum de Burgo et fratres ejus, in castro de Knockfergus. Item, eodem anno, natus est Jacobus, films Jacobi le Botiller apud Kylkenniam, in festo bead Francisci.

1332. Cecidit campanile Sancti Kannici, Kylkennie, et magna pars chori, vestibulum capellarum, et campanas, et meremium confregit, die Veneris, 1 1 Kal : Junii ; unde horribile et miserabile spectaculum erat contuentibus.

1332. Antonius de Lucy, justiciarius, in crastino Trinitatis collecto exercitu castrum de Clonmore reparavit et renovavit ; et in principio autumpni imme- diate sequentis, castrum de Arclo reedificavit. Item, eodem anno, in festo Pii pape, die Sabbati Dublinie suspenditur dominus Willelmus de Brimegham, miles strenuus et bellicosus, miles audax et inperteritus. Eodem vero tern- pore, castrum de Bonrat (quod multorum judicio inexpugnabile videbatur) ; per O'Brein et Mc Nemare destruitur.

1332. Fuit guerra inter Edwardum de Bayloyle et Scotos ; et multi Scoto- rum, per ipsum et Anglicos sunt interfecti. Item, eodem anno, obiit in carcere Walterus de Burgo. Item, isto anno, post festum Omnium Sanctorum, comes Ormonie et Geraldini et [.BMJrgudmi, cum populo communi guerram habue- runt, contra Breii O'Bren ; et multos de suis occiderunt valde, et magnas predas ab eo et suis ceperunt.

1333. In principio mensis Junii, Scanlei Mc Gylpatrick prodiciose, post multa et iterata sacramenta super diversis libris, et sanctorum multiplicibus re- liqiiiis, duos filios Fynyn Mc Gylpatricke avunculi sui cepit et interfecit ; et tercium exoculavit et castravit. Item, eodem anno, sexto die Julii in octabis Trinitatis, Willelmus de Burgo, comes Ultonie dominusque Connactie, juxta Cnokfergus per suos armigeros (in quibus confidebat), prodiciose occiditur. Hujus autem sceleris autores erant, Johannes de Logan, Robertus filius Ricardi Mandevyle, Robertus filius Martini Mandevyle, qui tamen breve et momenta-

neum \

neum ex hoc solacium sunt consequti ; nam Hibernicis se jungentes (qui semper Anglicorum et fidelium persecutoribus receptores amici et defensores esse so- lent), infra menses duos, per Johannem de Mandevyle et paucos de patria, ccc. et amplius uno die occiduntur. Hoc malum, ut assolet, per mulierem, scilicet Gyle de Burgo, uxorem domini Ricardi de Mandevyle dicebatur perpe- tratum ; eo quod fratrem ejus Walterum de Burgo, et alios incarceravit. Hie comes subtilissimi erat ingenii, reipublice et pacis amator, 20 annorum etatis, unicam et unius anni filiam relinquens heredem. Item, feria quinta post octabas Trinitatis, tempore parliament! occiditur apud Dubliniam Murkyht Nicol Othothyl, cum in turma et inter multitudinem ambularet, occisore in- cognito clam fugente, et in turba latitante ; et hoc Dei justo judicio, qui multos male ipse fideles occiderat ante.

Item, comissa sunt multa dira bella inter Anglicos et Scotos ; ubi et multa milia Scotorum sunt occisa, duce Anglicorum Edwardo de Bayllol, qui plus nominis in hiis expedicionibus habuit quam facti, qui Scotiam sibi jure vendi- cavit hereditario, David filio regis Roberti Brus (qui vivente patre rex Scotie coronatur) in Norwangia fugiente ; Scotis ad insulas remotas, sed fuge presidio se tuentibus. Item, eodem anno, die Sabbati in crastino Sancti Remigii epis- copi occiditur Galfridus de la Frene (qui heredem de Obargi, Johannam Pur- cel duxerat in uxorem), per O'Morthys de Slemargys. Et die Veneris se- quenti fit miles Thomas Cantewel, apud Yrlef per Jacobum le Botiller. Item, circa Epiphaniam, apud Tyberary occiditur Willelmus Carraght O'Bren, de Nathyrlaght ; homo perversus et malus, male vixit, malo fine vitam finivit, semper in insidiis, semper in furtis, semper in spoliis et homicidiis vivens. Item, pridie Non : Marcii, Dominica quarta, scilicet, xle. obiit frater Adam de Callan, gardianus de Ros, vir gratiosus et dilectus, qui xxiiij. annis continue fuit gardianus apud Ros.

1334. In festo Tibertii et Valeriani, inceperunt Burgenses Kylkennie pavi- mentum Kylkennie facere, scilicet, die Jovis. Item, die Dominico in vigilia beati Marci ewangeliste, Thomas Fanyn intravit castrurn de Moytobyr, et occu- pavit ; ejectis inde hominibus domini Eustachii le Poer et exclusis. Et pro castri defensione, eadem ebdomada occiderunt castri custodes, Remundum et David de Angulo, et Thomam Roht-Grasse ; et Sabbato sequent! compulsi sunt reddere castrum Jacobo comiti Ermonie tanquam domino comitatus, et in manu media, donee discuteretur quis pinguius jus haberet.

IRISH ARCH. soc. E Item,


Item, Kal : Augusti David filius David de Barry, dominus de Olethan

in Desmonia, per Donatum Carbraht Mc Karthey capitur, interfectis c. de he-mi- nibus suis ipso die. Item, Sabbato in vigilia beati Augustini, dominus Jo- hannes de Sancto Albino, dominus de Cumcy, per filios Walteri de Sancto Albino (in quibus confidebat), in eapella propria occiditur prodiciose. Item, circa Epiphaniam, Guydo Canteton, propter multa mala sua opera, que ab pue- ritia gessit inique, rapinas, scilicet, sacrilegia, depredaciones, incendia et homi- cidia, Dublinie patibulo patris sui hereditatem invite suscepit ; et in eodem ligno cum patre suo vitam finivit. Item, in ebdomada ante Purificationem per viii. dies fuit nix magna, animalibus multum nociva, sed hominibus plus in- festa et mala, ut quosdam ex eis (ut ita dicam) incendio occidit ; multos muti- lavit, infinites graviter et plus solito inflacione pedum, pena et vulneribus afflixit ; molendina, gurgites et pontes ex glaciei dissolucione confregit et de- struxit. Hoc hominum passio, occisio et mutilacio fuit die Martis, scilicet ulti- mo die Januarii, et maxime propter leporum venacionem.

1335. Die Jo vis in crastino Invencionis Sancte Crucis, occiditur dominus Remundus le Ercedekne, cum duobus filiis suis Patricio et Silvestro, dominus Willelmus le Ercedekne et de illo cognomine xi. per Leyath O'Mortlie, filios et familiam suam in parliamento apud Clar-Goly ; et Thomas de Bathe, Geral- dus Bagot, et alii, usque circiter quinquaginta. Hie Remundus cum duobus primogenitis ejus, et domino Willelmo avunculo suo, et aliis tribus de cogno- mine eorum, in septem feretris simul et continue per villam Kilkennie, cum multorum planctu ad locum Fratrum Minorum deferuntur tumulandi. Item, dominus Jacobus comes Ermonie, et dominus Mauricius filius Thome comes Desmonie, et alii nobiles Hibernie, duce eorum Johanne Darcy tune justiciario Hibernie, post assumpcionem Marie, Scotiam intraverunt cum Ivi. navibus ; et spoliatis, combustis et subjugatis insulis de Aron et Bote, ac obsidibus ac- ceptis, indempnes ad Hiberniam sunt reversi. Pro isto autem passagio, de carucata qualibet pacifica Hibernie, dabantur duo solidi, a clero decima bono- mm suorum, a civitatibua et villis magnis, subsidium competens ad regis rogatum ; sic ne in consequenciam vel consuetudinem duceretur. Item, eodem tempore occiditur dominus David Beket, per O'Brynnys. Item, die Mercurii in octabis beati Francisci, dominus Jacobus comes Ermonie intravit terras O'Brynnis de Duffyr, spoliavit et combussit, et fecit ibidem Fulconem de la Frene militem ; et dominus Fulco fecit dominos Gregorium de la Launde, et Matheum filium


Oliveri milites ipso die et loco. Item, die Jo vis, in die Animarum, capmntur per O'Karwillys, dominus Ricardus de Mareys, dominus Robertus Travers, et dominus Robertus films David ; occiditur Johannes le Brit cum aliis.

Item, die Jo vis, in crastino Lucie virginis, erecta magna crux in medio fori Kilkennie ; hoc tempore multi ad crucem volantes, crucis signo cum ferro candenti super nudam carnem sunt signati, ut in Terram Sanctam vadant. Item, die Mercurii in octabis beati Johannis apostoli, dominus Mauricius films Thome comes Desmonie, fecit vii. milites juxta Greyn, in expedicione super Bren O'Bren. Item, dominus Alexander Bigenor, archiepiscopus Dublinie incepit diocesim Ossorie visitare, que a xl. annis ante per nullum metropolita- num ordinarie fuerat visitata ; scilicet, die Lune in festo beati Vincencii.

1336. Die Jo vis, iii. Idus Aprilis, occiditur magister Howelus de Bathe, archidiaconus Ossorie (vir literatus et largus), cum Andrea Avenel, et Adam de Bathe, per O'Bryinys de Duffyr, circa defensionem bonorum ecclesie, et parochie sue. Item, tercio die Junii, dominus Jacobus comes Ermonie contulit Fratribus Minoribus castrum suum et locum de Carrig. Item, die Sabbati, in vigilia beati Johannis Baptiste, Brien O'Bryn combussit villam et ecclesiam de Tyberary, cum hominibus et mulieribus. Item, die Sabbati in festo apostolorum Petri et Pauli, ingressus fratrum primus in locum de Carrig ; fratre Stephano de Barry ministro ; fratre Willelmo Nasse custode, et fratre Clyn, primo tune gardiano. Item, in estate ilia fuit guerra inter dominum Fulconem de la Frene, tenentem et foventem partem Anglicorum Ossorie, et Leysaght O'Morthe ; que ortum habuit ex morte domini Remundi Lercedekne et suorum ; nam idem O'Morthe omnes Hibernicos communiter totius Momonie et Lagenie, suasio- nibus, promissionibus et muneribus alexit ad guerram ; solum autem Scanlan Me Gilpatricke et Herry O'Ryan partem tenebant Anglicorum et pacis. Item, eadem estate in vigilia beati Jacobi appostoli occiditur dominus Mathias filius Henrici, et alii de comitatu "Weysefordie fideles, circiter cc. per Mc Morcada, et O'Brynns. Item, die Lune in crastino nativitatis Marie, fuit bellum et duel- lum assignatum, inter cognatos domini Johannis de Sancto Albino, et filios Walteri de Sancto Albino ; nam ambe partes domino Justiciario manuceperunt ipso die pugnare ; sed filii Walteri finem et exitum prodicionis sue timentes et vincdictam, pugnare renuerunt. Item, xiiii. Kal : Decembris, Walterus Oge de Sancto Albino, per Johannem de Recheford interficitur, et filios ejus. Item, in vigilia vigilie beati Andree appostoli, occiduntur Johannes Cumcy et Thomas de

E 2 Sancto


Sancto Albino, per filios Walter! de Sancto Albino. Item, die Lune in festo Fabiani et Sebastiani, Jacobus le Botiller apud Roscre fecit Johannem de Recheford et Galfridum Schorthalis milites.

1337. Dominica de passione, scilicet viij°. Idus Aprilis, consecratur Mauri - cius de Rocheford episcopus Lymerici, apud Lymericum. Item, die Lune in crastino beati Lawrencii, miles efficitur Henricus de Valle per Pincernam in expedicione super O'Brynnis, apud Arclo. Item, die Martis in festo Kalixti pape, applicuit Dublinie dominus Johannes Scharlyngton justiciarius Hibernie, cum germane suo, domino Thoma Herefordensi episcopo, cancellario, et Wallicis circiter cc. sagittariis. Item, eodem anno, obiit apud Baligaveran, dominus Jacobus le Botiller, primus comes Hermonie ; vir liberalis et amicabilis, facetus et decorus, in flore juventutis flos emarcuit xii. Kal : Marcii, die Martis in sero.

Item, anno Domini 1338, dominus Eustachius le Poer in vigilia Assensionis Domini, tune seneschallus Kilkennie, attachiavit et incarceravit dominum Fulconem et Oliverum de la Frene, nulla eis ostensa causa capcionis ; qui timentes potius malitiam ejus et vincdictam, quam justitie rigorem ; Oliverus die Assensionis prudenter de castro evasit, et in crastino congregatis liominibus et arnicis eorum, cum manu valida portas castri Kilkennye confregerunt et do- minum Fulconem inde, invito senescallo, eduxerunt. Item, eodem anno in festo Baptiste Edwardus tercius post conquestum Anglic, cum magno exercitu regni sui, et preter illos, cum aliis centum millibus, et xli. millibus (ut nuncii

referunt), contra regem France-rum, Alemaine partes intravit. Item,

ultimo die Augusti, comes Desmonie fecit xiiij. milites apud Rahtymegan. Item, die Mercurii, scilicet Nonas Octobris, Poterini \_sic~] post juramenta et diem captum inter eos, et dominum Walterum de Valle, cum esset tune vicecomes Tyberarie, redeundo de comitatu tento apud Clomele extra villam, eum cum xiii. de sanguine et familia sua occiderunt. Item, die Sancti Martini in sero fuit ventus validissimus et tempestas horribilis. Item, die Martis, scilicet xv. Kal: Decembris, fuit maxima inundancia aque, qualis a xlta. annis ante non est visa ; que pontes, molendina et edificia funditus evertit et asportavit ; solum altare magnum et gradus altaris de tota abbacia Fratrum Minorum Kilkennie, aqua non attigit nee cooperuit.

Hie annus fuit tempestuosus nimis et nocivus liominibus et animalibus ; quia a festo Omnium Sanctorum usque Pasclia, ut plurimum fuit pluvia, nix, aut gelu, a festo Andree usque Vincencii festum cessabant aratra propter nivem et


gelu, que illo tempore quasi continue habundabant. Sal communiter, pro xvi. vel xx. solidis vendebatur ; propter regum discordiam Anglie et Francie. Hoc anno boves et vacce moriebantur, et oves precipue, fere sunt destructe ; ita ut j uxta communem loquelam, vix septima pars ovium a peste evasit, sed agnorum major interitus. Item, in hoc anno in quadragesima, salices in Anglia rosas pro- tulerunt, que ad diversas terras pro spectaculo sunt advecte. Item, circa festum Magdalene, Anglici super Hibernicos Desmonie, scilicet, Mc Kartlij, magnum stratageme fecerunt, et statim post, super O'Dymiscy fuit facta magna occisio. Item, in principio autumpni, Mauricius films Thome, Desmonie tune comes, Clonmele et Kylkyban, a Willimo [sz'c] de Grandissono [emit], mille et centum marcis. Item, die Veneris in vigilia vigilie Assumpcionis, occiditur per O'Nolan- nis Laurencius le Botiller, frater comitis Ermonie. Item, die Lune in vigilia bead Mathei apostoli occiditur Johannes films Johannis de Sancto Albino (per filium Walteri de Sancto Albino), et alii sex cum eo. Item, anno eodem dominus Mauricius films Nicholai, per Mauricium filium Thome comitem tune Desmonie capitur et incarceratur ; et infra octabas beati Francisci, in carcere, in dieta in- clusus moritur.

1340. In platea Kilkenie occiditur Robertus Conton, die Veneris infra oc- tabas Pasche. Item, die Jo vis proximo post, occiditur Raynyl, soror Mc Gil- patricke, per Rechefordis. Item, Kalendis Maii, passagium omnium navium indifFerentur conceditur per regem, et concilium suum ville de Ros, ad instan- tiam, et laborem, et diligenciam Radulphi Meyleri. Item, hoc anno in festo Baptiste, rex Anglie cum exercitu suo, classem navium regis Francie cepit et destruxit, et multa milia hominum in eis inventorum gladio occidit et submer- sit, et regnum Francie intravit, debellando, occidendo et comburendo, in tantum quod Anglie et Francie simul regem se vocari fecit et scribi in omnibus causis, placitis et literis suis. Item, die Veneris, scilicet iiijto die Augusti, occiduntur per Mc Morcada et O'Nolan, circiter xxiiij. homines de Balygaveran. Isto anno sal vendebatur xvi. solidis. Item, die Martis in crastino beate Agathe virginis obiit frater Rogerus Owtlaw, prior Hospitalis in Hibernia apud Any, tune lo- cum justiciarii tenens ; et etiam cancellarius domini Regis, trium simul functus officio. Vir prudens et graciosus, qui multas possessiones, ecclesias et redditus ordini suo adquisivit sua industria, et regis Anglie gratia speciali et licentia.

1342. Parum ante Natale Domini obiit Leysart O'Morthe, a proprio servo in ebrietate occisus vir potens, dives et locuples, et in gente sua honoratus. Hie


fere omnes Anglicos de terris suis et hereditate viol^nter ejecit, nam uno sero, viii castra Anglicorum coinbussit ; et castrum nobile de Dunmaske domini Ro- geri de Mortuo Mari destruxit, et dominium sibi patrie usurpavit ; de servo dominus, de subjecto princeps effectus. Item, xvi die Marcii miles efficitur Ricardus filius Remundi le Ercedekne in Desmonia, a Mauricio filio Thome comitis Desmonie ; et ipse Ricardus fecit eodem die tres milites ; et Willelmus Grant illo tempore fecit Johannem le Ercedekne militem.

1343. Fit novum campanile ecclesie beate Marie Kilkennie. Item, in Pen- tecoste celebratur capitulum generale apud Marciliam. Item, obiit in festo Vin- cencii martins dominus rex Robertus, rex Jerusalem et Cecilie, vir Celebris et famosus, vir sapiens et sanctus, in habitu Fratrum Minorum Neapolim sepultus. Item, destruuntur et prosternuntur per Hibernicos Castrum Viride in Ultonia, et Castrurn Kevini archiepiscopi Dublinie.

1344. xiij. die Julii applicuit Dublinie dominus Radulplius de Ufford, justi- ciarius Hibernie, cum uxore sua Matilda comitissa Ultonie, filia comitis Lancas- trie ; cum pul[ch]ra comitiva sagittariorum et aliorum armatorum, et militum. die Martis, 3 Idus Julii. Hie terras Mc Morkada in O'Kensely, et blada Hyber- nicorum patrie combussit, et obsides de pace tenenda dare compulsit. Item, in eodem anno combusta est villa de Mondesseyl, et tota patria de Cumscy integre, et molestores de cognomine de Sancto Albino inde sunt expulsi ; nee domus ibi dimissa in qua possent habitare, per dominum Fulconem de la Frene, tune seneschallum Kilkennie, imediate ante et post nativitatem Domini. Item, in xla, dominus Radulphus Dufford justiciarius Hibernie, Ultoniam intravit cum manu valida, et passagium de Ymerdoylan reparavit, et meabile fecit ; ejecto Thoma McArthan rege patrie, interfectis quibusdam de hominibus dire ; et Henricum O'Neyl, regem Ultonie deposuit a regno, substitute O'Done O'Neyl pro eo ; et sic cum laude et triumpho revertitur. Item, in festo Cathedre Petri, fuit parliamentum factum apud Callan, et, quare nescio, ad quod venit Mauricius filius Thome cum multis millibus hominum, ad quod crediditmaj ores tcrre ad eum venisse ; sed rex timens talia conventicula suspecta, et potius ma- lum quam bonum ex hoc evenire, per breve regis prohibitum est omnibus ne venirent. Et per hoc majores terre predicto Mauricio se excusabant, sed domi manserunt. Item, filii Walteri de Sancto Albino utramque villam de Colaht combusserunt, et patriam spoliaverunt, multos fideles occiderunt, gravia dampna fidelibus patrie inferentes. Item, corpus Joseph ab Arimathia Glosconie dicitur



hoc anno esse inventum. Item, fit novus rex Insularum, per Clementem quin- tum in Curia Romana.

1345. Circa Pascha obierunt doraini Mauricius Geraldi, et Geraldus de Rocheford. Item, Poerini combusserunt quasi totam patriam circa Waterfor- diam, destruxerunt et spoliaverunt ; et ex hoc quidam eorum fuerunt suspensi, tracti, et in quarteria divisi apud Waterfordiam. Item, in festo Baptiste, Mau- ricius comes tune Desmonie castrum de Menaht cum multis milibus obsessit et impugnavit, sed non expugnavit, nee obtinuit ; frustratus a proposito revertitur. Item, capitulum apud Clan, in quo quatuor tantum custodie assignantur ; et loca Kilkenie et Ros de custodia, Dublinie assignantur. Item, obiit dominus Jo- hannes O'Grada, archiepiscopus Casselensis ; cuisuccessitfraterRadulphusO'Kally. Item, obiit dominus Henricus, cornes Lancastrie ; vir venerabilis, potens et bo- nus. Item, guerra inter Radulphum de Ufford, justiciarium Hibernie, et Mau- ricium filium Thome, comitem Desmonie ; et justiciarius eum terris suis, scilicet, Clomele, Kylsylan, Kysekyl, Oconyl, Kyrigan et Desmonia privavit: bona sua, predia ejus, dominia et possessiones ad opus et manum regis confis- cando ; et majores nacionis et dominii comitis obsides regi de fidelitate et sub- jectione regi servanda et facienda reddere fecit et coegit ; et multi eorum pacem regis, et cartam pro vita et terris suis habendis magna et gravi redempcione comparaverunt et habuerunt. Item, occiduntur per Mc Bermuda, dominus Ro- bertus de Barry, et Philippus de Prendergast, partem regis et justiciarii tenen- tes, contra generum suum ; narn, dominus Robertus germanam comitis, dominus autem Philippus filiam germane ejus duxerant in uxores. Item, castrum comitis predict! de Yniskysty, per justiciarium et suos obsessum, die Veneris (in festo leronimi doctoris) cst expugnatum et optentum. Item, die Veneris, xii. Kal : Novembris, in festo Hillarionis abbatis, cum grandi exercitu Lageniensium, Momoniensium et Connactencium, Castrum Insule, (quod vulgi judicio vix erat expugnabile), ipse justiciarius ipsum castrum ab ipso et exercitu ante ad quin- denam obsessum invasit et expugnavit ; et tune primo in hac expedicione et anno, vexillo regis erecto, extenso et elevato, Castrum Insule invaserunt, con- fregerunt, cum manu valida et fortitudine intruerunt [sic'], et inde enim Johannem Coteres [Coterel?], comitis senescallium (qui multas graves, extraneas, etintolera- biles leges dicebatur exercuisse, tenuisse et invenisse), die Sabbati incrastino ju- dicialiter trahi fecit justiciarius, suspend!, decapitari, interiora ejus comburi et membratim dividi, quarteria ejus ob memoriam tyranidis sue ad diversa loca pro-



vincie xnitti mandavit, ad exemplum aliorum ; et dominus Eustachius le Poer, et Willelmus le Grant, castrum contra regem et justiciarium tenentes, eodem die de castro educti, die Lune proxima sequente in eodem loco tracti et suspensi sunt ; et terre eorum in manum regis capte et forisfacte sunt. Item, die Sabbati in crastino Calixti pape occiditur in parliamento a suis consanguineis Tir Hal- waht O'Konkur, rex Conactie, ex discordia orta inter eos, una cum sagitta pro- jecta ad interitum ad comunem populum, eum in genu percussit, statim interiit, aliis illesis omnibus permanentibus. Item, in festo Innocencium, Hibernici de Slebanie combusserunt Bordgwyl, et Robertum le Gras et alios Anglicos occi- derunt; et ipso die Carwill Mc Gilpatricke patrie princeps, occiditur. Item, circa festum Annunciacionis Virginis, dominus Johannes de Weyr, comes Ox- onie in Connactia cum suis de Britannia reddiens, tempestate et vi ventorum dcpulsi sunt, dejecti, et inter Hibernicos applicuerunt ; qui spoliaverunt eos bo- nis suis, equis et armis, graves insultus inferentes, et cum eis gravi et impari in- sultu pugnantes ; qui de naufragio seminudi vix evaserunt. Eodem tempore dominus Henricus Skrope in Desmonia de Brytania veniens, tempestate depul- sus applicuit ; tamen inter fideles, qui nil ei mali fecerunt.

Item, anno 1 346, quinto Idus Aprilis, et Dominica Palmarum, obiit apud Kylmaynam, dominus Radulfus de Ufford, justiciarius Hibernie, delatus postea ad Angliam sepeliendus. Item, in vigilia precedenti, obiit in castro Dublinie dominus Mauricius filius Philippi, per justiciarium ante captus, et in carcere detentus ; vir dapsilis et liberalis, licet non multum dives aut potens. Item, parum post Pascha, dominus Johannes de Karrev castrum de Balymotha (quod alio nomine de Clerevoyse dicebatur), renovavit et reparavit, et gardam pro cus- todia loci apposuit. Item, hoc tempore universaliter omnes Hibernici Lagenie ad guerram contra Anglicos et pacificos se posuerunt ; comburentes, spoliantes et occidentes quos poterant ; non parcentes ecclesiis, aut locis sacratis vel sacris, imo ecclesias et cimiteria variis in locis spoliaverunt et combusserunt ; sicut ec- clesiam de Duleke, et Fynnowyr, et Clodaht, et cetera. Item, occiditur Dermi- cius O'Dymiscy, per Robertum filium Mauricii militem, feria sexta infra octabas Pasche. Item, in ebdomada post Dominicam in Albis, castra de Ley, Kylme- hyde, et Balylethan capiuntur et franguntur per O'Morthe, O'Konkur, et O'Dy- miscy, die Jovis in crastino Sancte Crucis. Item, die Veneris iii° Nonas Maii, Dermicius Mc Gilpatrick monoculus, qui semper insidiis et prodicionibus inten- dere consuevit, perjuriaque parvi pendens villam de Athebo combussit, associato



sibi O'Kayrwyll, et secum ducto, et in cimiterium et ecclesiam, ac Sancti Can- nici abbatis viri sanctissimi, patroni patrie et loci fundatoris, scrinium cum ossa- mentis et reliquiis ejus igne crudelissirao, (tanquam degener filius in patrem) crudeliter deseviens, igne crudelissimo combussit et consumpsit. Iste annus sterilis fuit et cams, nam cranocus frumenti xii. solidis vendebatur. Item, circa festum Baptiste occiduntur de hominibus Ergalie et Dundalke cccc. per Hiber- nicos. Item, illo tempore venit dominus Walterus de Bermegham justiciarius Hibernie. Item, occiditur dominus Johannes filius Georgii de Rupe per Ketyn- gis et Hodinetis. Item, baronia et dominium de Kenlis que fuit domini Eus- tachii le Poer domino Waltero de Bermegham, et terra domini Willelmi le Grant domino Fulconi de la Frene (que regi in eschaetam acciderant) per regem eis assignantur. Item, Sabbato in festo beate Marthe virginis, Rogerus de la Frene, tune vicecomes Kilkennie cepit magnam predam super Carwyl Mc Gillepatricke, et super homines ejus, qualem in partibus illis raro captam meminit homo a multis annis. Edwardus rex Anglie post conquestum tercius, regnum Francie intravit et commissis diris preliis et multis multos Francos trucidavit, regem Boemie et regem Majoricarum occidit, duces et comites xxv., archiepiscopos de Sannes et de Noynn, et episcopos et abbates multos, priorem etiam hospitalis Franncie, dominos magnos, barones et milites nominatos plus quam ij. milia occidit in bello, xxvi°. die Augusti, gentes ar- morum xxv. milia, alios armatos xxx. milia, pedestres absque numero inter- fecit. Item, die Martis in vigilia Sancti Luce ewangeliste capitur David le Brus rex Scotorum, et comes de Fyf atque Willelmus de Douglas, et occiduntur de Scotis apud Dunelmiam ij. milia per archiepiscopum Eboracensem, dominum de Percy, dominum de Moubrey et dominum de Neyvil. Item, Sabbato in crastino nativitatis beate Marie occiditur per dominum Fulconem de la Frene Thadeus filius Roderici O'Carwyl princeps de Elycarwyl, vir potens, locuplex et dives et bellicosus precipuus Anglicorum et fidelium inimicus et persecutor ; hie occidit, exulavit et ejecit de terris suis de Elycarwyl illos de nacione de Barry, de Mil- leborne, de Britis et alios Anglicos de patria, et terras eorum et castra tenuit et occupavit, omnibus fidelibus vicinis gravis tirranus existens. Eodem die per eun- dem capitur Rury filius O'Morthe ; occiditur Nicholaus le Gras. Item, in hyeme ilia fuit guerra inter Anglicos, videlicet, W. Bermegham comitem Kildarie, et O'Morthe et O'Dymiscy, et terras eorum invaserunt et combusserunt, paucos tamen homines occiderunt. Item, eodem tempore obiit Adam Northampton

IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. II. F episcopus


episcopus Fernensis. Item, circa festum dementis occiduntur de O'Dymiscy xxx. homines per duos, Thomam Wogan et Walterum Lenfant apud Ardscol. Item, magister Hugo de Saltu, Dominica de passions in episcopum Fernensem Dublinie consecratur.

1347. Dominica Palmarum et die Annunciationis beate Marie, dominus Nicholaus de Verdona apud Droukeda cum magno apparatu et solempni funere et multorum procerum conventu honorifice sepelitur.

Item, eodem die apud Kylkenniam humo domina Isabella Palmer traditur, que frontem chori fratrum erigi fecit, laudabili senio vitam transegit, hac in vi- duitate religiose et honorifice vixit annis circiter Ixx., et in virginitate ut dice- batur et creditur de hoc seculo migravit. Item, Mauricius filius Thome comes Kyldarie et dominus Fulco de la Frene, per regem vocati et invitati, Franciam intraverunt pro obsidione Calisie, que duravit a nativitate beate Marie prece- dente usque ad festum Sancti Laurencii martiris, et tune post multos insultus et diram famem atque incredibilem compulsi sunt Gallici claves civitatis et seipsos gracie regis Anglie submittere. Item, reedificatur villa de Thagmolingis per Wal- terum Bermeghamtunc justiciariumHibernie. Item, capitur Karolus deBloysdux Britannic in Britannia per dominum Thomam Dagworht circa festum Baptiste. Item, Fratres Predicatores Hibernie impetraverunt relaxacionem et licentiam carnes comedendi ad exta, a domino Papa Clemente VI°. quam ab exordio sue religionis ante non habuerant. Item, in festo vii. Fratrum, obiit Rogerus de la Frene tune senescallus Kilkennie, juvenis validus, prudens et discretus, qui ut putabatur ad magna et ardua ascendisset nisi morte prematura preventus fuisset. Item, fit magna discordia, contra versia et sedicio inter cives Bristollie. Item, incepit confraternitas Fratrum Minorum Kilkennie pro campanili novo eri- gendo et ecclesia reparanda, dominica prima adventus Domini. Item, die Vene- ris in crastino beati Nicholai obiit Oliverus de la Frene in officio seneschallie Kilkennie, vir probus, modestus et prudens. Item, in nataliciis Domini, Dome- naldus O'Kenidy filius Philippi, facta conspiracione Hibernicorum Momonie, Connactie, Midie et Lagenie, villam de Nenaght, et totam patriam et omnia castra Ermonie preter castrum de Nenaght combussit et destruxit ; qui feria sexta post festum Annunciacionis beate Marie per Purcelles cum principe sue nacionis captus est et incarceratus, et iiijto. Non: Junii judicialiter suspensus est et tractus cum filio Breyn O'Breyn apud Thurlis ad caudas equorum, anno sci- licet 1348. Item, undecimo dieNovembris comitatus Ermonie et regalitas ejus



Jacobo le Bottiller juniori per regem conceduntur. Item, Hugo de Calce cleri- cus Pape et collector et exactor fisci Dublinie in festo Patricii occiditur. Item, frater Ricardus episcopus Ossoriensis in curia Romana optinuit exempcionem a jurisdiccione et superioritate archiepiscopi Dublinie. Item, frater Forte- narrus Vassali minister generalis assumitur ad archiepiscopatum Ravenarum. Item, die Martis scilicet iij. Nonis Junii Dovenaldus Mc Morkada et Murcardaht Kevanaht per suos consanguineos in prodicione occiduntur, viri bellatores versi- pelles et pacis ac pacificorum impugnatores graves, ob quorum morte venit pax ad tempus, quievit populus pacificus, et cultura crevit. Item, fit novus tribiinus in Romana civitate qui dixit se velle Romam et Ytaliam et rempublicam repa- rare in melius et resarcire, cujus oflacii et dignitatis titulus talis erat ; Nicholaus severus et clemens libertatis pacis justicie tribunus, sacre Romane reipublice liberator illustris, liberator urbis, zelator Italic, amator orbis, et Augustus.

1348. In mense Julii et Augusti, dominus Fulco de la Frene habens curam et custodiam terrarum comitis Ermonie, ipso comite in Anglia commorante, tenuit magnam gardam apud Nenaht, et reduxit abjectos, revocavit ad propria fideles exulatos, muros confractos et diruptos per Hibernicos per ipsos reparari fecit et coegit, et cum magna multacione et gravi redempcione vaccarum et obsidum deliberacione, ad statum primum et subjectionem debitam (quod omnibus vide- batur fieri non posse) compulit redire. Item, obiit Laurencius de Hastingis comes Penbrochie. Item, hoc anno et maxime mense Septembri et Octobri convenerunt undique de diversis partibus Hibernie, episcopi et prelati, viri ec- clesiastici et religiosi, magnates et alii, et comuniter omnes utriusque sexus ad peregrinacionem et vadacionem aque de Thaht-Molyngis, turmatim et in multi- tudine, sic ut multa milia hominum simul illuc multis diebus convenire videres, quidam venerunt devocionis affectu, alii (sed plures) pestilencie metu, que tune nimis invaluit, que primo juxta Dubliniam apud Howht [Dalkey in margine] et Drovda incepit, ipsas civitates Dubliniam et Drovhda fere destruxit et vastavit incolis et hominibus. Ita ut in Dublinia tantum, a principio Augusti usque nativitatem Domini xiiij. milia hominum mortui sunt, hec pestilencia ab oriente ut dicebatur incepit, et per incredulos et Saracenos transiens, de eis octo milia legiones hominum interfecit. Item, in provincia, Avinione civitate ubi tune Romana viguit et fuit curia, a Januario precedenti incepit, tempore Cle- mentis Pape VI. ubi et ibi ecclesie et cimiteria civitatis non sufficiebant capere mortuorum corpora tumulanda. Et dominus ipse papa ordinavit unum cimi-

F 2 terium


terium novum consecrari, in quo mortui ex clade pestilencie interfecti reconde- rentur. Ita ut a mense Mail usque Sancti Thome translacionem quinqua- ginta milia et eo amplius corpora sunt sepulta in eodem cimiterio. De ista pes- tilencia facta est visio mirabilis (ut dicebatur) anno precedent! scilicet 1347, in claustro Cisterciensium Tripolis, sub hac forma ; quidam monachus celebravit missam coram abbate suo, uno ministro presente, et inter ablucionem et commu- nionem misse apparuit quedam manus scribens super corporale in quo predictus monachus confecerat. " Cedrus alta Libani succendetur et ibidem Tripolis de- struetur, et Aeon capietur, et marchionatus mundum superabit, et Saturnus insi- diabitur Jovi, et vespertilio fugabit ducem ab m. vi. Infra xv. annos erit una fides et unus Deus, et altere evanescent, filii lerosolomitani a captivitate libera- buntur, gens quedam nascetur sine capite ; ve in clero et sterilitate navicula Petri jactabitur vallidis fluctibus sed evadet et dominabitur in fine dierum. In mundo erunt multa prelia et strages magne, et fames vallide, hominum morta- litas per loca, regnorum mutaciones, et terra Barbarorum convertetur, ordines mendicantes certe quam plures adversabuntur ; bestia orientahs et leo occiden- talis universum mundum suo subjugabunt imperio ; et pax erit in toto orbe terrarum ; et copia fructuum per xv. annos. Tune passagium erit commune ab omnibus fidelibus ultra aquas congregatas ad Terram Sanctam. Et civitas Jeru- salem glorificabitur ; et sepulchrum Domini ab omnibus honorabitur ; in tanta tranquillitate nova audientur de Antechristo. Vigilate." Non est auditum a prin- cipio seculi tot homines pestilencia, fame aut quacunque infirmitate tanto tern- pore mortuos in orbe ; nam terre motus, qui per miliaria multa se extendebat, civitates, villas et castra subvertebat absorbuit et subversit ; pestis ista villas, civitates, castra et oppida homine habitatore omnino privavit, ut vix esset qui in eis habitaret, ista pestilencia sic erat contagiosa quod tangentes mortuos vel inde infirmos incontinenter et inficiebantur et moriebantur, et confitens et confessor simul ducerentur ad sepulchrum. Et pre timore et horrore, pietatis opera et mise- ricordie, videlicet, visitare infirmos et mortuos sepellire, homines excercere vix audebant. Nam multi ex antrace et ex apostematibus, et pustulis que creverunt in tibiis et sub asellis \_axillis~], alii ex passione capitis et quasi in frenesim versi, alii spuendo sanguinem moriebantur. Iste annus fuit ultra modum consuetum mirabilis insolitus et in rnultis prodigiosug, fertilis tamen satis et habundans, etsi, morbidus et mortalis. In conventu Minorum de Drouda xxv. et in Dublinia apud eosdem xxiij. fratres mortui sunt, ante usque Natale. Item, die Martis in



crastino Purificacionis, Connili O'Morthe patrie sue princeps et dominus per ger- manos ejus in quibus confidebat, cum quibus ipso die simul epulabatur confi- denter, quorum filios pro fidelitate et subjeccione sibi servanda tune habebat obsides, natorum suorum necem non formidantes, et in perjurii crimen incidere non verentes, ambicio dominandi fraternum fedus disjunxit et seperavit ; et rupto vinculo fraternitatis, spreto amore et federe sanguinis, eum prodiciose oc- ciderunt, et quos venter et uterus unius mulieris suscepit, tota ilia terra et patria recipere non valebat ; nee aufertur nee etiam differtur inde vindicta, nam octavo die Anglici de Ossoria, qui partem ipsius Conyl fovebant, patriam intrantes, com- muni consensu populi filius ejus primogenitus Rury in principem est electus et acceptus, et Anglicis Ossorie ad sua ut volebant revertentibus, David O'Morthe, occisi germanus, eis obstitit cum quibusdam Anglicis comitatus Kildarie et Cathirlaht, in quodain passu arto aliquos equos, qui sarcina et arina Ossoriensium portabant, abstulerunt, et ibi occisus ipse David, vir potens, dives et discretus post Conyl de sanguine parem non habens, et sic vitam perdidit, regnum et ger- manum ; alii vero fratres oinnes consentientes exulati patriam dimittere co- guntur. Ista pestilencia apud Kilkenniam in xla. invaluit, nam vito. die Marcii viij Fratres Predicatores infra diem Natalem obierunt, vix [in] domo unus tantum moriebatur, sed communiter vir et uxor cum natis eorum et familia unam viam, scilicet mortis, transierunt. Ego autem frater Johannes Clyn de Ordine Minorum et conventu Kilkennie hec notabilia facta, que tempore meo acciderunt, in hoc libro scripsi, que occulata fide vel fide digno relatu didici, et ne gesta notabilia cum tempore perirent et a memoria recederent futurorum, videns hec multa mala et mundum totum quasi in maligno positum, inter mortuos mortem expectans donee veniat, sicut veraciter audivi et examinavi sic in scrip- turam redegi, et ne scriptura cum scriptore pereat, et opus simul cum operario deficiat, dimitto pergamenam pro opere continuando, si forte in future homo superstes remaneat, an aliquis de genere Ade hanc pestilenciam possit evadere et opus continuare inceptum.

1349. In magna karistia sere et specierum, nam libra sere vendebatur xx*1. denariis, et piperis et zinsiberis xlta. denariis. Item, in festo Molingi episcopi, dominus Fulco de la Frene confidens in promissionibus falaciis Hibernicorum interficitur prodiciose, vir milicie et militaris a pueritia deditus et intendens, et pacis defeccione reipublice defensor, malorum malleus, plurium relatu communi in relaciono vix in Hibernia parem habens ; hie Rupences, Cantonenees fide- Hum

lium oppressores de terra extirpavit, vir magnanimus, minas magnorum et [cig- gredi~\ non formidans, vir largus et plus nominis quam hominis habens, ma- joris fame quam substancie, profusus erat in dandis epulis, nulli claudens suam jannuam [hie vias fidelibus patefecit in margins], et hominum linguis loquor et communis populi sentenciis vix in Hibernia relata.

Videtur quod Author hie obiit.

[Alia manu in margine] Anno Domini 1375. In festo Anne matris virginis Marie interfectus fuit Donatus Kevenach Mc Moorke per Galfridum de Valle prope Carlachiam. Prima pestilencia in Hibernia multum invaluit anno Domini 1349. Secunda vero pestilencia similiter invaluit ibidem per xiij. annos postea, viz. anno Domini 1362. Tercia etiam pestilencia a,cc[revit] per xi. annos pos- tea viz. anno Domini 1373. Quarta autem pestilencia crevit in Hibernia per ix. annos post hoc viz. anno Domini 1382. Quinta autem pestilencia inolevit con- similiter in partibus ejusdem per ix. annos, similiter post predictos annos, anno viz. Domini 1391.

Anno Domini 1405. Frater Johannes minister Hybernie veniendo de capi- tulo generali captus fuit in mari per Flandrenses et solvit pro capcione sua xxt5. marcas, et quinque pro familiis, quo anno fuit Iv. annorum, anno viz. [anno] Domini 1349 (natus) sic.

ANGLIA habet custodias vij. viz. Londoniensem, que habet viij. loca, viz. Londoniam, Salisbiriam, Cantuariam, Wynchilseyam, Southamptonam, Lewy- siam, Vintoniam, et Chichestriam.

Item Oxoniensem, que habet viij0. loca, scilicet, Oxoniam, Radingiam, Behtfordiam, Stafordiam, Nothyngamiam, Northamptonam, Leycestriam, et Gronthamiam.

Item Bristollensem, que habet ix. loca, scilicet, Bristollum, Gloucestriam, Herefordiam, Carmerdinam, Kerdiniam, Bruge walterum, Exoniam, Dorcestriam, et Bodminiam.

Item Granntebrigiam, que habet viij0. loca, scilicet, Cantibrigiam,Norwicum, Sanctum Edmundum, Lemiam, Gernemutam, Gepwycum, Colcestriam et Dun- wycum.

Item Wigorniam, que habet ix. loca, scilicet, Wigorniam, Coventreyam,



Lichfeldiam, Stafordiam, Prestonam, Salopidiam, Cestriam, Lamasiam, et Bregenorht.

Item Eboracensem, que habet vij. loca, scilicet, Eboracum, Lyncolniam, Beverlacum, Duncastriam, Sanctum Botulfum, Grimisbiam, et Scardeburgiam.

Item Novi Castri, que habet ix. loca, scilicet, Novum Castrum, Richemun- diam, Hertpolliam, Carliolum, Barwycum, Rochysburgiam, Hadyngtonam, Dunde et Dunfres.

Item duo loca Sancte Clare, scilicet Londonie et Bethe [Iviii. loca. in mar- yine.']

IfiERNiAliabet custodias, scilicet Dublinencem, que habet 7 loca, scilicet, Dub- li[ni]am, Kildariam, Clane, Totmoy, Desertum, Weysefordiam et Wykynlo.

Item Pontdris, que habet 6 loca, scilicet, Pontem, Trum, Dundalke, Molyn- farnam, Dunum, et Cragfergus.

Item Casselensem, que habet 6 loca, Casselum, Kylkenniam, Rosse, Water- fordiam, Clounmele, et Yohil.

Item Corkagensem, que habet v. loca, scilicet, Corkagiam, Botoniam, Ly- mericum, Thathmelage, et Ardart.

Item Nenaghtensem que habet viij. loca, scilicet Nenaght, Ahtloun, Clon- ronda, Clare, Galwy, Ardmachiam, Breffiniam, et Kylleyht.

[xxxij. loca in margine.~]

Summa omnium domorum 1455, Sancte Clare 410, iste estnumerus provin- ciarum ordinis Fratrum Minorum, custodiarum et locorum, collectis in capitulo generali celebrate Anno Domini 1331 (1320) sic.


THE following short Annals are copied from the Manuscript (E. 3. 20. p. 396, et seq.} preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. They are probably the same which have been noticed, under the title of Annals of Ross, in a passage already quoted (Introd. p. i.) from Sir James Ware's Preface to Campion's and Hanmer's Histories. " The Book of Ross," from which they profess to be taken, is not now known to exist, but the present manuscript is as old as Ware's time, and was probably a transcript made for him. It is evident, from the families most commonly mentioned in the following Annals, that the Ross to which this " Book of Ross" belonged, must have been Mic- Triuin, or New Ross on the Barrow, on the borders of Wexford and Kilkenny, where the Dominicans founded a locus in the year 1 267, according to Clyn's Annals. See the Note on that passage, p. 48.


1265. Occiditur Simon de Monteforti.

1266. Vincitur Walterus de Burgo ; et milites sui cum multis aliis occiduntur. 1280. Mutatur moneta. Comburitur Waterfordia.

1284. In festo Margarets virginis fait fulgor et coruscatio destruens blada, unde provenit magna caristia, et multi fame perierunt. Eodem anno comes Glovernias intravit Hiberniam, et Kichardus de Burgo comes Ultoniae captus fuit per Johannem filium Thomas.

1304. Abbatia monachorum et locus praedicatorum in festo Columbas abbatis Dublinise sunt combustae.



1 305. Calvach O'Konwhir et multi alii de cognomine in domo Petri de Brimingham occiduntur.

1310. Bellum de Bunrat, ubi capitur Willhelmus de Burgo cum multis aliis per Richardum de Clare, et occiditur dominus Johannes Croke cum multis aliis. Eodem anno obiit dominus J. Cogan.

1312. Ordo Templariorum destruitur. Eustacius le Poer moritur. Petrus Ca- vistun.

1313. In festo Sancti Michaelis, Edmundus pincerna Dubliniae fecit 30 milites. 1312. [fort. 1314]*. In festo J. Baptistse, Gilbertus comes Gloverniee apud Strive-

ling in bello occiditur.

1315. Scoti intraverunt Hiberniam ; et in festo conversionis Sancti Pauli sequenti apud Skethris bellum contra eos.

1316. Dominus J. films Thomse intravit Angliam, et factus est comes Kildariae. Eodem anno fuit magna caristia salis in Hibernia, ita quod cranocus unus vendebatur pro 40 solidis, ut communiter, et aliquanto pro 4 marcis ; et eodem anno communiter omnes Hibernici spreta fide et fidelitate omnimoda contra Anglicos posuerunt se ad guerram ; et eodem anno in festo Laurentii bellum contra eos apud Athynry in Con- nacia, ubi interfecti fuerunt per Richardum de Brimingham et dominum Wilhelmum de Burgo de Hibernicis, communi et multorum relatu, vii. M.

1317. Dominus Rogerus de Mortuo Mari expulit illos de cognomine de Lacy de Hibernia, et fugerunt in Scotiam.

1318. Fuit magna caristia in Hibernia, et innumerabilis populus moriebatur ; et cranocus frumenti communiter pro 20 solidis et plus vendebatur. Eodem anno domi- nus Richardus de Clare cum 4 nobilibus militibus et aliis multis a suis Hibernicis in Totmonia occiditur.

1318. In festo Kalixti papas occiditur Edwardus le Brus, apud Dundalk, per J. de Brimingham, et alios illius patriee ; et eodem anno congregatio pastorum volentium acquirere Terram Sanctam.

1320. Universitas Dublinias incepit.

1321. Edmundus le Botiler, in vigilia exaltacionis Sanctse Crucis, Londonii mori- tur. Eodem anno circa festum Sancti Patricii occiditur dominus Umfrai de Boune comes Hertbrdige, dominus Thomas comes Lancastrian et barones meliores et milites Anglici circiter 28 trahuntur et suspenduntur, Hugone de Spenser hoc procurante et faciente.

1322. Dominica Palmarum consecrantur Waterfordias, J. Laynach episcopus Lis- morensis, Nicholaus Welifedde episcopus Waterford, et episcopus Corkumroth.

I323- a Vid. Chron. Angl.


1323. Obiit dominus Willelmus de Burgo.

1324. Fuit pestis communis vaccarum et etiam aliorum animalium, quse dicebatur in Hibernia Mcddow [mael ouB].

1325. In vigilia Epiphaniae fuit ventus validissimus et magnus, qui prostravit domos et aedificia, denudavit ecclesias et monasteria, evulsit radicitus arbores et cam- panilia, dispersit tassos bladorum et horrea.

1326. Fuit magna siccitas in Hibernia quanta non est visa ante tempora tune viventi[um]. Eodem anno circa festum Petri ad Vincula mortuus fuit Richardus de Burgo comes Ultonise ; et eodem anno in crastino exaltationis sanctse crucis obiit W. Archiepiscopus Cassiliensis : et eodern anno apud Clonmel in vigilia Sancti Michaelis moriebatur mane nobilis armiger Theobaldus de Grandisono. (Item eodem anno in hyeme decapitatur Londoniis episcopus Exoniensis et cetera. In die Ascen- sionis occiditur dominus Matthaeus Mulburn).

1327. Dominica prima de Adventu comburitur Kenles in Ossoria, cum tota quasi baronia per Willelmum de Brimingham et Geraldinos ; et octavo die destruitur et comburitur Gras-castell, cum tota patria et terrse Poerinorum illo anno per eosdem.

1328. N. Aprilis, obiit dominus T. films Johannis conies Kildarias et justiciarius Hibernia;. Item pridie Idus Aprilis, occiduntur Rupenses apud Bargun per Fulco- nem de Fraxineto. Et ii. Kal. ejusdem mensis occiditur Petrus le Poer filius Baronis de Dunoyl, et alii de sanguine circiter 14, per Geraldinos ; et eodem die et loco occi- ditur dominus J. filius Geraldi. Item eodem anno in vigilia beati Matthsei capitur J. le Poer de Rathgormit et vulneratur, et cito post de vulnere moritur, per Can- titones.

Item, 1328. Dominus Jacobus le Botiler factus est comes Hermonige, et Mauricius filius Thoma3 comes Desmonia;, et Rogerus de Mortuo Mari comes Marchiaj ; et eodem anno in crastino Agnetis obiit dominus Johannes le Poer, baro de Dunoyl. Item ii. Idus Martii obiit dominus Arnoldus le Poer in castro Dublinise.

1329. In vigilia Brandani abbatis occiditur Jacobus Ketyng per Rupenses. Do- minus Philippus Hodinet, Hugo de Canton, cum aliis hominibus de cognominibus ipsorum circiter 140, per Rupenses et Barrenses. Item anno eodem vii. Non. Junii, obiit Robertus le Brus rex Scotorum, in armis et bellicis negotiis vix parem habens. Eodem anno in vigilia Pentecostes et beati Barnabas Apostoli occiditur dominus J. de Brimingham comes de Lowthe cum fratre suo et aliis circa 160, et cum eo occiditur ille famosus tympanista, Caym O'Kerwille. Eodem anno in crastino Johannis et Pauli per Poerinos occiduntur Gilbertus de Valle et Remundus de Valle et Robertus O'Neil, cum aliis quasi 80. Eodem anno in crastino Magdalene occiditur Maglachlyn O'Konwhir et multi de Odymsy ; et in principio Augusti Bren O'Bren combussit

G 2 villas


villas Athissel, Tiberari, et sabbato ante festum beati Laurentii occiditur David le Botiler per O'Nolans ; et post, eodem anno, statim in vigilia Laurentii occiditur do- minus Thomas le Botiler et dominus J. Warini, et cum eis centum et plus occiduntur. Et eodem anno 14 Kal. Augusti Bren O'Bren apud Ourleys inter fecit Walterum de Burgo filium Ullarii de Burgo, Conwhir O'Breyn, Mac Kenmar cum aliis de Totmonia. Et eodem anno captum est castrum de Ley per O'Dimsy, et eodem anno restitutum. Et eodem anno in vigilia Cecilise captus fuit per O'Nolan dominus Henricus Traharne et Laurentius frater Pincernae; ob quam causam Jacobus Pincerna collecto nobili exercitu terrain et patriam ipsorum combussit et destruxit, in crastino LUCEG virginis, et statim post modicum ante Natale, dominus Mauricius filius Thomae cum magno exercitu intravit Leys et cepit obsides de O'Morthe sine aliqua pugna et duxit eos usque Dubliniam.

1330. Mac Gilpatrik occiditur Kilkenniae per Anglicos in dolo. Et eodem anno in festo Philippi et Jacobi occiditur dominus Jacobus de Behun cum multis, quasi 1 20, per Brien O'Bren. Et anno eodem die Luna? in vigilia vigiliaa vid. ex ferial Alexi confessoris fuit eclipsis solis ; et tune fuit exercitus magnus versus Urleif Ultonien- sium et aliorum multorum contra Bren O'Bren ; qui illo anno destruxit et combussit terras comitis Ultoniae et Hermonias. Et in vigilia vigilias Margaretaa virginis juxta Mowyalin facti fuerunt milites, dominus Walterus de Brimingham, Edmundus le Botiler, dominus Consyn et alii sex.

1331. Captus est Mauricius filius Thomae in dolo apud Limericum a domino An- tonio de Lucy tune justiciario Hibernias [in vigilia assumptionis Virginis]. Nota in margine, "hoc Scriptum recentiori manu." Et eodem anno, in festo Sancti Matthsei apostoli anno bisextili ab eodem justiciario, capti sunt apud Clonmel dominus Wil- lelmus de Brimingham, dominus Walterus filius ejus, dominus Gilbertus de eodem cognomine, et dominus Johannes de Sancto Albino, dominus de Cumsy, et apud Corka- giam Willelmus de Barri.

1332. Dominus Willelmus de Brimingham miles strenuus in festo Sancti Pii impie morti traditur apud Dubliniam et suspenditur ; et statim post eodem anno comburitur villa de Cathirdenesk et destruitur castrum de Bunrath in Totmonia per Hiberni- cos. 1332" Post Antonium de Luci, mittitur dominus J. de Arci, justiciarius Hi- berniae.

I333- Occiditur Nicolaus Christofer per Poerinos ; et eodem anno per Hibernicos occiduntur homines de Eos circiter 27. Et eodem anno, occiduntur de hominibus Bren O'Bren 7des 2ots, et ipsemet est vulneratus. Eodem anno, deliberatur Mauricius

filius i> Vid. ex feria, interlined.


filius Thomae de castro Dublin infra octavas Ascensionis per dominum regem Angliaa. Eodem anno, Bren O'Bren ejicitur de Ourleyf per comitem Desmonige.

1333. Tenetur parliamentum magnum Dublin, et eundo versus dictum parlia- mentum occiditur dominus Willelmus nobilis juvenis comes Ultoniae, per suos Angli- cos UltoniEe proditiose ; et in eodem parliamento occiditur Mauricius filius Nicolai Othoil Hibernicus et in armis strenuus. Eodem anno occiditur Willelmus O'Bren Carrach.

(Fortasse 1334). Occiditur dominus Johannes de Sancto Albino dominus de Cumsy, per suos consanguineos.

1335. Occiditur nobilis dominus Reymundus Lercedeken cum duobus filiis suis senioribus, Patricio, Silvestro, et avunculo suo domino Willelmo Lercedekne, in om- nibus de illo cognomine n, per O'Morthe. Eodem anno, Johannes Darcy justiciarius, comes Hermonias, comes Destomonise, post Assumptionem intraverunt Scotiam et alias insulas. Eodem anno, occiditur dominus David Beket.

1336. Comes Hermonise dedit Fratribus Minoribus castrum suum et locum de Carriggriffy ; et eodem anno Bren combussit ecclesiam de Typerary et villam cum mulieribus et parvulis. Eodem anno, in comitatu Weisford occiditur dominus Mathias filius Henrici, circiter 200, per Mac Murch.

1337. Johannes Charlingtune applicuit justiciarius cum germane suo episcopo Herfordensi et cancellario, cum 200 sagittariis Wallensium. Eodem anno, obiit do- minus Jacobus Pincerna comes Hermonias. Item, eodem anno, dominus Edwardus rex tertius post conquestum Anglise cum magno exercitu regni sui ; et prseter illos cum aliis centum milibus et 40. milibus (ut relatum fuit) contra regem Francias, Al- mannia3 partes intravit. Eodem anno, ultimo die Augusti, comes Desmonia3 fecit 14. milites apud Rathymgan. Et eodem anno, Poerini occiderunt dominum Walterum de Valle cum 13. de sanguine. Item, eodem anno, comes Desmonise emit Clonmel, Kylfekil, et eodem anno in vigilia Assumptionis occiditur Laurentius Pincerna.

1344. Intravit Hiberniam dominus Eadulphus de Offord justiciarius ; et eodem hyeme obsedit Mac Morth, et obtinuit obsides ejus. Eodem anno, cum vexillo regis fugavit comitem Desmonise, et obtinuit omnia castra sua et terras, et statim post Dublinise mortuus est.

1345. Intravit dominus Walterus Brimingham justiciarius Hibernise. Interfecti sunt dominus R. Barri, dominus Philippus Prendegast ; et eodem anno, apud Novum Castrum comitis Desmonise in Kerigia castro capto justiciarium suspenderunt milites comitis ; viz. dominus Eustacius le Poer, dominus Wilhelmus Grant, dominus J. Co- terel. Et eodem anno, in bello capitur et vulneratur dominus Mauricius filius Philippi, et de vulnere in castro Dubliniensi mortuus est. Capti sunt Moriartach



Mac Murch cum uxore, sollemnior de sanguine, et clemens Ketyng malefactor pessi- mus, per homines de Eos, Dominica infra octavas Corporis Christi, et ex utraque parte duo interfecti.

1 346. Interficitur O'Karvwil in Elya per Ossorienses.

Sequentia a recentiori aliquo adscripta sunt :

1467. Anno Domini 1467°, et anno regni regis Edwarti IV. 7" apud Droghda in parliamento tento ibidem per Johannem comitem Wygornise, Thomas comes Desmonia? decapitatus 14° die Februarii, quasi hora 2a diei post nonam.

1480. Capitur et comburitur castrum Arbonen, constructum in Carigynserach prope Lesrenor per filios Petri Botiller. Et eodem anno, capitur castrum de Mang per Jacobum comitem Desmonis3, antea seditiose per Hibernicos deteutum. Et eodem anno, comes Kildarias justiciarius Hibernise cepit castrum deLechlyn. Eodem anno, filii Petri Butiller ceperunt castrum de Drongen, et comes Desmoniae cepit cas- trum de Balyewhill. Scoti et Dani intrarunt Angliam, et septem millia hominum perdiderunt. Eodem anno, Richardus filius Petri Butiller cepit et incarceravit Wal- therum de Sancto Albino malefactorem magnum. Et eodem anno, pueri et infantes in typum et figurant captures de Carygferach in collibus solebant bellare unde vulnera et incommoda proveniebant.

Ibid, (circa an. 1350).

Nota quod denarius ponderat 32. grana in medio spicse.

1 2. denarii faciunt unam unciam.

12. unciae faciunt libram, de 20. solidis.

8. librae de frumento faciunt galonem sive lagenam.

8. galones sive lagense faciunt bussellum, qui est 8. pars quartern de frumento.

Et 15. unciae faciunt libram Londoniis.

1 2. librae et dimid. faciunt petram London.





Page 2, line 21.

RITONES in Anglia. According to this, the Britons arrived in the year 787 post diluvium. That appears to differ from Mr. O'Flaherty's computation, so far as I can comprehend his scarcely intelligible chronology ; for he seems to say that Britannus, son of Fergus of the Red Side, came over on the expulsion of the Nemedians from Erin, which event he places in 588 post dil. Ogyg., p. 66. A. H.

Ibid., line 23.

Prima etas The six ages, of which the sixth dates from the first advent of Christ, are founded upon the tradition of the house of Elias ; but they are made unequal in their durations, in the attempt to make them historical. The Welsh divided them into the pumoes, or five ages, and the chwechedoes, or the sixth age. Their five ages were those of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, making no division at the Captivity. Taliesin Divregwawd, p. 96 A. H.

Page 3, line 29.

Anastasius __ That Athanasius is meant, and the anachronism, need hardly be pointed out. A. H.

Page 4, line 2.

Secundum Bedam __ Beda says nothing of the sort, and simply calls her Helena concubina. She was a woman of Naissus in Dacia, now Servia. The idea of Constan- tine being a native of Britain arose from the words of Eumenius, " O fortunata Bri- tannia quse Constantinum Ccesarem prima vidisti" in which Constantine first obtained the dignity of a Cassar; and from the more general expression of the anonymous panegyrist, " liberavit ille [Maximian] Britannias servitute [from Carausius], tu etiam nobiles illic oriundo fecisti." A. H.



Page 4, line 7-

Lucium et Serenum For " Lucium et Serenum" we must read " Licinium et Se- verum," although, in fact, Severus was put down by the arms of Galerius A. H.

Ibid., line 8.

Maxencio depulso. The sense seems to require " Maximinus depulsus." Maximi- nus, surnamed Daha or Daga, is said to have put to death St. Catherine, the martyr, who is also supposed to have been an Alexandrian woman ; but her existence is un- ascertained.— A. H.

Page 8, line 10. Mackanfy. This should unquestionably be Mac Carthy J. O'D.

Ibid., line 28.

Leye et Donmaske, i. e. Lea, near Portarlington, and Donamase, near Maryborough. —J. O'D.

Ibid., line 31.

Locum de Ros. Ware understands this of Rosbercan, in the barony of Ida, County Kilkenny ; but other authorities place the abbey at Ross-Pontis, or New Ross, which is but a short way distant, although on the opposite side of the Barrow, and in the County Wexford. De Burgo (Hibernia Dominicana, p. 271) thus explains this seem- ing discrepancy: "Quod si dicas Waraeum, ej usque memoratos sequaces, refragari anonymo scriptori sajculi decimi tertii disertis verbis aienti, ccenobium nostrum apud ipsammet Rossam Pontis situm, ut in Catalogo ipsius alibi a me exscripto, et mox recensito, legere est: nullo negotio respondebo nihil inter eos versari contra- dictionis, ut ea jam dictis facillime colligi potest. Enimvero tempore istius anonymi Rosbercana inter Ross-Pontis fines comprehendebatur, nunc autem seorsim se habent, tarn in civilibus, quam in ecclesiasticisa. Ut igitur juxta modernam rerum disposi- tionem loqueretur Warajus, nostrum scite collocat ccenobium apud Rosbercanam in agro Kilkenniensi, eoque vel maxime ne id confundere videretur cum Franciscano et Augustiniano ccenobiis, apud Ross-Pontem in agro Wexfordiensi sitis, de quibus hsec habet paullo ante locum mox allatum : ' Rosse, alias Ross-Pontis, Johannes Devereux Miles fundavit conventum ordinis minorum in loco ubi aliquando domus erat Cruci- ferorum, ad Baroi flumen Ripam, regnante Edwardo primo Conventus ordinis Ere- mitarum S. Augustini fundatur ibidem regnante Edwardo tertio.' "


1 Rosbercon was incorporated, and granted all by Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester. Chart. the liberties and free customs previously granted to Privil. Immu. p. 39. /. G. the burgesses of Kilkenny, an. 28 Ed. I., circ. 1300,


Page 9, line i.

Coradellum. Conradine, son of Conrad IV., King of Germany, and grandson of the Emperor Frederick II. , who was defeated, and afterwards murdered, by Charles of Anjou. He was titular king of Jerusalem. Query Why he is called Imperator Graecorum ? A. H.

Ibid., line 7.

Ahikyppe. Ath-kyppe, or Ath-an-chip, the ford of the stock or trunk, as Mr. O'Donovan interprets it. This name is now obsolete, but the place must have been on the Shannon, near Carrick-on-Shannon See the Four Masters, at the year 1270, for an account of this battle, and O'Donovan's notes.

Ibid., line 14. Yohil. Now Youghall; in Irish, Gochaill J. 0'Z>.

Ibid., line 18.

Glandelory Now Glenmalure, in the county Wicklow. See Dowling's Annals, sub ann. 1 308. The Four Masters record this defeat of the English at the year 1275 thus : " A great victory over the foreigners [jcillcnb] in Ulidia, so that there were counted 200 horses, and 200 heads [i. e. chiefs], besides those that fell of their plebeians."

Ibid., line 30.

Edwardum iiii. Edward, the first Norman king of that name, but the fourth Eng- lish king ; Edward the Elder, Edward the Martyr, and Edward the Confessor, having preceded him. A. H.

Ibid., line 31.

Morkardaht et Art M'-Morkarda, i. e. Muirchertach and Art Mac Murchadha, or Mac Murrough. Seethe Four Masters at A. D. 1282.

Page 10, line i.

Item Dominus, &c. In the Red Book of Ossory, fol. i, dor so, is an entry in a hand of the early part of the fourteenth century, perhaps written about forty or fifty years after the acquisition of Saer Kyaran ; it is headed " Eeddit Dm Epi Ossorie," and contains, amongst other "items," the following :

" Item. Saypkeran et fynchop. xxiiij". xiis. viijV

24Z. 125. 3d. was in those days a very large rent, and hence we see that the manor of

Saer Kyaran was well worth the trouble Geoffrey St. Ledger took to recover it.

IRISH ARCH. soc. H " Fyncho?"

" Fynchop" is now termed Fancroft. Immediately below the rent-roll, from which the above item is taken, occurs, in a hand and ink apparently identical, a memorandum, which states that the manor of Saypkeran then contained twelve score acres of arable land "in dominio," with its appurtenances; and the burgage land fifteen score acres of arable land with its appurtenances, on which were settled forty-one burgesses ; and that each acre of arable land in the lordship and burgage land were valued at six- pence per annum. At the bottom of the same page, in a hand of the seventeenth century, the following entry appears:

" Nomina Villaru de Seyp. Brechmorh [now Breachmore]. Cuyll-na-fernog. Athanarty [now Ahagurty]. D'longport [now Longford].

Caenachan. Vfyghath. Carrucata de Saeyp. Cyllmeagayn [now Kyllmain]. Capella de fyncora [now Fancroft]."

The denomination styled " Carrucata deSaeyp," is probably that now called "Church Land." The other denominations I have not been able to identify /. G.

Page n, line i.

Calvaht. The chieftains whose death is here recorded were Murtough O'Conor Faly, and his brother Calvagh O'Conor See the Four Masters at A. D. 1 305, and Mr. O'Donovan's note.

Ibid., line 7. Norrdht, i. e. Norrach, in the now county of Kildare. J. 0JD.

Page 12, tine 6.

(yMmorchys, i. e. the O'Mordhas or O'Mores. Balilethan is now Ballylehan, in the Queen's County J. O'D.

Ibid., line 21.

Balkynglass Bealach-Chonglais, now Baltinglass, in the county Wicklow

J. 0'Z>.

Ibid., line 27.

Ahtnery Athenry, County Galway See an account of this battle by the Four Masters, A. D. 1316, and Mr. O'Donovan's notes.

Page 13, line 2.

Loddyn They met at Rath-laithin, near Quin Abbey, County Clare See the



Caithreim Thoirdhealbhaigh, or Wars of Turlough, at A. D. 1 3 1 7. Castrum Conyl (in Irish, Ccnplen Ui Chonamj, i. e. O'Conaing's castle) is the present Castle-Connell in the county of Limerick. J.

Ibid., line 9.

Apud Pontensem civitatem, i. e. t)poiceo ctra, i. e. the bridge of the ford, now Drogheda, near the mouth of the Boyne __ «/. O'-D.

Page 13, line 20.

Cui substituiturfrater Bicardus Leddrede __ Immediately after his inauguration, having assembled his chapter and the entire clergy of his diocese, he held a synod in the octaves of St. Michael, and passed constitutions, which are yet extant in the Red Book of Ossory, written in a clear, bold, massive hand of the period. These constitutions were printed by Wilkins (Concil. Magn. Brit, et Hib. torn. ii. pp. 501-506), as he him- self informs us, from a transcript made by Otway, Bishop of Ossory, in 1686, for the use of the Bishop of Meath (Anthony Dopping), and then in possession of Sterne, Bishop of Clogher. This transcript, or at least Wilkin's printed copy of it, is in many instances inaccurate, as is also the date assigned by him, viz., the second year of Ledrede's episcopacy. The true date appears from a memorandum which follows immediately after the Constitutions (fol. 10, dorso), in the same hand and ink, and which an attempt has been made to erase, for what purpose it is difficult to conjecture. However, on the application of acid of galls, enough became legible to fix the period when the synod was holden, viz., in the octaves of Michael the Archangel, next following Ledrede's enthronization ; and it is remarkable that this contemporary memorandum, made, as we may suppose, by order of Ledrede, as matter of record, places his succession to the See of Ossory in the year 1316, two years earlier than Clyn. The commence- ment of the memorandum is as follows :

" Memorandum quod anno dm millio ccc° sexto decimo, translate Willo Epo Ossor8 quarto die post festum Annunciacois beate Virginis ad Archiepatum Cassellen8 ffrater Ricus de Ledred de ordine minorum de anglia oriundus, per sedem Apllcam factus est Epus Ossors8 pro illo subsequenter, qui admissus a rege tempalibus erat, traditis et Iris aplicis Archiepo Dublinien, et capitulo sxio Kilkenn publicatis, celebrata inaugu- racoe sua apud Kilkenn, convocato capitulo et clero totius diocs **** synodum solempnem in octavis beati Michis sequen ***** celebravit, et statuta synodalia supradicta per eum facta publicavit, et de consensu capituli et cleri publice statuit observari." Liber Ruber Ossor.,fol. 10, dorso.

"Ware quotes the Regist. Pontif. in Wadding's Annals, for the date of Ledrede's succession, but he was not ignorant of the existence of the Liber Ruber, as amongst

H 2 his


his MSS. (Mus. Brit. 4787, vol. xxvi. Clarend. MSS. No. 82) we find, " Excerpta ex Regist. Ossoriensis voc. lib. rubro." Could this memorandum have been erased when he or his amanuensis made these " excerpta?" J. G.

Page 14, line 9. Tolonenses, i. e. the O'Tuathails, or O'Tooles J. O'D.

Ibid., line 13. Donati O'Morthe, i. e. the son of Donchadh or Donough O'Mordha, or O'More.

J. O'D.

Ibid., line 27.

O'Konchours. The O'Conchobhair, or O'Conor Faly.

Ibid., last line.

Apud Baligaveran. Now Gowran, in the county of Kilkenny. See " Circuit of Ireland," p. 39. Theobald Walter (created chief Butler of Ireland, circ. A. D. 1177), by a charter, in which he styles himself " Theobaldus Walter, Pincerna Hibernia;," granted to his free burgesses of Ballygaveran various lands, at a rent of ten marks of silver per annum Carte's Life of James, Duke of Ormonde; Introduction.

Carte also says, that by an entry in the Register of the diocese of Ossory, dated at Kilkenny, the 2nd of November, 1312, it appears that William, Bishop of Ossory, binds himself to support, in the church of the Blessed Mary of Ballygaveran, four priests, to pray for the souls of Edmond le Botiller, his wife, Joane, &c. &c. (Such entry is not now to be found in any document connected with the see, to which I have had access.) The church of the Blessed Mary, here mentioned, still exists ; it is a beautiful early English church of large dimensions ; the chancel is at present used as the parish church, and has been barbarously disfigured : the nave is ruinous. It consisted of a centre and two side aisles, but the row of pillars on the north side has fallen within the last twenty years. There is a tower between the nave and chancel, but no transepts. In the west end is a very beautiful triple lancet window; the origi- nal font still exists, and has been lately erected in the interior of the church by the present rector. One or two effigies, represented in the armour of the early part of the sixteenth century, are to be seen ; they bear no inscriptions, but are of too late a cha- racter to be assigned to the time of Edmond le Botiller.

James, grandson to the above Edmond, and third Earl of Ormond, built the castle of Gowran, and, from the circumstance of his usually residing there, was often called Earl of Gowran. This castle, which is described to have been a stately pile, was razed



to the ground within the present century by the Viscount Clifden of the day. There is now no trace of it, but the site is still shown.

By Rot. Pat. 2 Hen. V. 153, a grant of tolls, such as were levied in the town of Kilkenny, is made to Ballygaveran for forty years, to enable the burgesses and community to pave and wall their town, which had been lately burned, and the lieges therein destroyed by the Irish enemy, by whom it was surrounded, " and who daily threatened to do it again." Calendar of the Rolls.

The four priests endowed by William Fitz- John, Bishop of Ossory, in 1312, lived collegiately, as appears by the following extract from the Regal Visitation Book of 1615, at present in the Royal Irish Academy:

" Erant ibidem ab antique quatuor vicarii in parvo collegio, et quilibet eorum recepit ex decimis illius villa? ad valorem viginti marcarum : eorum erat officium in- teresse divinis in Ecclesia Parochiale de Gowran."

" A. D. 1305, in the vigil of the Blessed Virgin, James Butler, Earl of Ormonde, then Justiciary of Ireland, died at Gowran." Many other distinguished members of the same, family were interred in Gowran church Annals in Camden.

By a Taxation of the Diocese of Ossory, transcribed by Richard Ledrede, Bishop of Ossory, from the original, " in Curia Romana, et in Registro Cleri eorum prope London, et in Registro apud ecclesiam Sti Pauli ibidem" (from internal evidence this taxation seems to have been made about 1306), it appears that the Templars of the Priory of Kilmainham were the rectors of the church of Ballygaveran, and that the vicarage belonged to the bishop, and was worth 61. 13$. ^d. The entry is as fol- lows:

" Ecc de Balygavan. templar st rector, (not taxed). Ex pte Vicar. Epus. vi11. xiij3. iiijd. Decla xiijs. iiijd."

Liber Ruber. Ossor. fol. 19.

The Knights Hospitalers succeeded to the Rectory after the suppression of the Tem- plars, as appears by another taxation made by the same bishop, " Post Guerram Scotorum," by order of Edward II., in which Gowran is thus noticed:

" Ecclesia de Ballygavan. Hospital, (not taxed), ex pte vicarii lxs. Decla vis. Procur duof denar de marca ix'1."

Liber Ruber Ossor. fol. 22, dorso, and fol. 23.

In a subsequent taxation, made about 1510, Gowran is valued as follows:

" Ecc de Ballygavran. ps vie xxiij ma."

Liber Ruber Ossor. fol. 62.



And again, in a subsequent taxation:

" Vica19 de Ballygauran xxs."

Liber Ruber Ossor. fol. 69.

It is worthy of remark that the value of the vicarage was reduced more than one- half by the devastations consequent on the invasion of Edward Bruce, of which frightful accounts are given by all the Irish annalists. Bruce, on raising the siege of Dublin in 1316, marched southwards, and was at Gowran some time before the 1 2 th of March in that year, old style. Annals in Camden, and Grace's Annals, p. 81.

About the year 1324, Roger Outlaw, Prior of the Hospital of Kilmainham, and Chancellor of Ireland, made over, for ten years, the fruits of the churches of Bally- gaveran and Galmoy to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Canice, Kilkenny, as security that William Outlaw (who had been convicted of heresy and witchcraft, and, on submitting himself to the grace of the Church, had been ab- solved from the sentence of excommunication, on condition, amongst other things, of covering the chancel of the cathedral church of St. Canice, and the whole church from the belfry eastward, and the chapel of the Blessed Mary the Virgin, with lead) should perform said work perfectly, or that the said Prior should do it for him if he failed, within four years. Narrative of Proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler, pp. 28, 36, 37 ; printed for the Camden Society.

By a list of all benefices in the diocese of Ossory belonging to religious houses before 1390, extant in the Liber Ruber, it appears that the churches or rectories of Gowran and Galmoy belonged to the Priory of Kilmainham, and therefore to the Templars of the same priory before their suppression, and subsequently to the Hospi- talers11— Liber Ruber Ossor., fol. 28. J. G.

Page 15, line 31.

OCod.. tanys. The O'Codhlitans, now anglice Collitans. See Introd. p. xxiii. note.

Page 16, line 21.

Nenaht Ybreyn, i. e. Nenagh ; called in the Irish Annals Aenach Ur Mhumhan, or the fair town of Ormond. Ybreyn is an attempt to anglicise Ur Mhumhan J. 0'Z>.


b By an Inquisition taken at Ballygauran, 21st Lands, which had been concealed and unjustly de- July, an. 37 Eliz. it appears that the prior and tained from the Queen by Thomas Earl of Ormonde religious of Kilmainham were seised, as in fee, of and Ossory Inquisit. Repertorium ; Lagen. Com. six messuages, with their appurtenances, within the Kilk. Eliz. No. 1. town of Ballygauran, commonly called St. John's


Page 17, line i. Ynistyoke, i. e. Inistiogue on the Nore, County Kilkenny __ J. O'D.

Ibid., line 21. Boton. Buttevant. Tartdart, i. e. Ardfert ; an c-Qpb-peapra. «7. O'D.

Ibid., line 27.

Slesblanie. Read Slevblame, now Slieve Bloom, Sliab 6la6ma. Athbo etAdma- cart, i. e. Achabo and Acha-mic-Airt, now Aghabo and Aghamacart, situated on the borders of the County Kilkenny and Queen's County. J. O'D.

Page 18, line 7.

Aihyssett Ath-iseal, i. e. the low ford, now Athassel, on the Suir, county Tippe- rary __ J. O'D.

Ibid., line 17. Cathyrlaht, i. e. Ceirthearlach, or Catherlogh, now Carlow J. O'D.

Ibid., line 18. (yMorchys, i. e. O'Mordhas or O'Mores, seated in Leix, in the now Queen's County.

Ibid., line 29.

Dispensatorum. Dispensator expresses the same name which had been previously written De Spenser A. H.

Page 19, line 4.

O'Brennanis __ The O'Brennans of Idough, in the barony of Fassadineen, in the county of Kilkenny. J. 0'Z>.

Ibid., line 8.

Graisiscastel. Grace's Castle. O'D.

Ibid., line 16. Maynoht __ Magh-Nuadhat, now Maynooth, in the county of Kildare J. O'D.

Ibid., line 17.

Bargum __ Now Bargy0, in the south of the county of Wexford. J. 0'Z>.


f Rather Bercon, i. e. Rosbercon, in the county in Bargy ; besides, the family of De Rupe were set- Kilkenny. We do not find a " locus praedicatorum" tied at the Roar, near Rosbercon J. G.


Page 19, line 20.

Donhulle. Dunoyle, in the County Waterford ; in Irish, t)un culle, the fort of the cliff.—/. O'Z).

Ibid., line 25.

Rahtgormocke et Kylmydan. Now Rathcormac and Kilmeadan, county Waterford. —/. O'Z).

Page 20, line 6.

Cumbyr, or Comar, now Castlecomer, county Kilkenny J. O'Z).

Ibid., line 9. Drumliyrihyr Drumaghadohir, near Castlecomer. J. O'Z).

Ibid., line u. Moyarfe. Magh-Airbh, in the barony of Crannagh, county Kilkenny J. O'Z).

Ibid., line 21.

Cam O^Kayrwill. Cam-shuilech, i. e. crooked or squint-eyed. See line 24. He is called Caec by the Four Masters /. O'Z).

Page 21, line 3.

O'Donyn. Read O'Doynn, now O'Dunne, a family seated in the barony of Tinne- hinch, in the Queen's County.

Ibid., line 15. M'Hokegan, i. e. Mageoghegan. J. O'Z).

Ibid., line 16.

Yrlef. This is an evident mistake of transcription for Thurles, which in the old manuscript was probably written HeJ. See also p. 23, line i O'Z).

Ibid., line 18, Totmonia. Thomond.— /. O'Z).

Page 22, line 2.

Moyalby. Moyaliff, county Tipperary J. O'Z).



Page 22, line 13. Athur. Read Achur, i. e. Achadh-ur, now Freshford, county Kilkenny /. 0'Z>.

Ibid., line 22. Dowslcy. Graigue-na-Manach (the Grange of the Monks), on the Barrow. J. O'D.

Ibid., line penult. OT/wfo/Z.— O'Toole.— J". 0'Z>.

Page 23, line 8. Rupensibus. The Roches. J. O'D.

Page 24, line 7.

Brein de Nathyrlah O'Brien of Atherlach, now the Glen of Aherlagh, lying be- tween Sliabh-na-muice and the Galty mountains in the south of the county of Tip- perary. J. O'D.

Ibid., line 9. Knockfergus. Now Carrickfergus, county Antrim J. O'D.

Ibid., line 16. Clonmore Cluain-mor, in the barony of Rathvilly, county Carlow. /. O'D.

Ibid., line 21. Bonrat Now Bunratty, county Clare. J. O'D.

Page 25, line 10. Othothyl— O'Toole /. 0'Z>.

Ibid., line 19.

Obargi. 0-m Bairrhe, a territory in the Queen's County, and extending into the county of Kilkenny c. J. O'D.

Ibid., line 20.

O'Morthys de Slemargys. The O'Mores of Slieve Margy, in the now Queen's County.—/. O'D.

c Rather Obercon, an ancient barony, Co. Kil- Their castle was at Ballyreddy, near Rosbercon

kenny. The family of De la Frene possessed the J. G. ; A. P. greater portion of Obercon till deprived by Cromwell.


Page 25, line 20.

Et die Veneris sequenti fit miles Thomas Cantewel, &c. In Camden's Britannia (London, 1667, p. 733), amongst those "qui venerunt cum Dermicio Murchardi filio in Hiberniam," we find the name of " Hugo de Gundevilla." Of this Hugo, Dominic O'Daly, the author of the History of the Geraldines, thus writes : " Hugh Cantoval, alias de Gundevilla, knight (the name is of Norman origin), was left by Henry the Second .... in charge of Waterford From him descended the Cantwells and Con- dons: in the ancient records of these families you will frequently find them called Cantown. But the name is precisely Cantwell, for the English name is formed out of the Norman one, i. e. Town pro Villa." The Geraldines, " Duffy's Library of Ireland" p. 22. However, very little weight can be allowed to so late a testimony as that of O'Daly; the Cantwells and Condons were certainly different families.

Hanmer, p. 137, in the list of those who came to the conquest of Ireland, gives a " Hugh Cantwell," and calls Hugo de Gundevilla, Hugh de Grandevilla; in both of which he is in error; for any person comparing his list with that of Camden must see, from the position of the names, that his Hugh de Cantwell is a mistranslation from Camden's " Hugo Cantilonensis," which is equivalent to Hugh de Contilon, or Cantileon.

The different branches of the Cantwells I have been unable to trace; but it is certain that very powerful families of that name were settled both in the counties of Kilkenny and Tipperary.

In Kilcooly Abbey, in the latter county, on a monumental slab, there is still ex- tant the following inscription:

" Hie Jacet Willielmus Cantwell quondam dominus de Ballyntobyr et Cloghe-

cordely qui obiit xxii luce Aprilis, A. D. Et Margareta Butler uxor ejus. qua?

obiit xxi die mensis Novembris A. D. M".CCCCC°.XXVIII°. pro quoru aiabs dicentib" pater et ave conceduntur cxx dies indulgentias." (An examination of the Munster Inquisitions would, no doubt, throw much light on the Tipperary branch.)

It is probable that to the Tipperary Cantewells belonged the Thomas Cantewal who, according to the text, was knighted by James le Botiller at Irlef, an evident mistake of the transcriber for Thurles.

The Kilkenny branch of this family had their principal castles at Cantewell's- court, now Sandsford-court, near Kilkenny; and at Stroan, Kilfane, and Cloghscragg, not far from Gowran. Of the first, the massive keep still exists ; and within some forty years back the outer walls and gateway were standing. The remains at Stroan and Cloghscregg are inconsiderable, and of that of Kilfane there is no trace. The charter granted to Gowran by Theobald Walter, first Butler of Ireland (see p. 43,



ante), is witnessed by " D. Thomas de Kentewell," whence it is probable he was in possession of these latter castles and lands (being in the neighbourhood of Gowran), at all events, before 1206, the year of Theobald Walter's death. This Thomas de Kentewell was perhaps grandfather to another of the same name, who was empowered by Edward II., in 1318, to treat with the O'Brenans and other felons of the Cantred of Odogh. Eot. Pat. 1 Ed. II. 2da pars, No. 129. The Cantred of Odogh was com- prised within the present barony of Fassadinan, County Kilkenny. Thomas de Cante- well was at this period an old man, for in the year 1 3 1 9, by a writ dated at Thomastown on the 6th of January, he was exempted from attending at assizes, " being worn out with age."— Eot. Pat. 13° Ed. II. No. 33.

In 1382 Richard II. granted license to Thomas Derkyn and Walter Cantwell, " living in the Marshes of Ballygaveran, in front of the Irish enemies, M'Murgh and O'Nolan, to treat for themselves, their tenants, and followers." Rot. Pat. $Ric. II. i a pars. No. 192. This Walter was, probably, grandson to the Thomas who was worn out with age in 1319. His castles of Stroan and Cloghscregg stand on the verge of the barony of Gowran, in 1382 the " marshes" of the Pale. He died before 1409, as on the i8th of March in that year, the " custody of the lands, &c., of Robert, son and heir of Walter Cantewell, in Rathcoull and Strowan," was committed, rent-free, to Richard and Thomas Cantewell. And by a writ, dated at Kilkenny on the 1 6th of December following, the king granted to Robert Cantewell (on his coming of age), " all the lands, tenements, rents, and services, which the said Robert held in Rathcoull and Strawan in the Co. Kilkenny, then in the king's hands." Rot.Pat. ioHen.IV. 2a pars. Nos. 48 and 87.

On the 2nd of October, 1595, Thomas Archer Fitz- Walter, of Kilkenny, enfeofed certain persons in the manor, town, and lands of Rathcoule and Carrigin, which he held in mortgage of John Cantewell. Repert. Inquisit. Com. Kilk. Temp. Jac. I. No. 20. By another Inquisition, taken at the " Blackfryars," Kilkenny, the 6th of Sept. 1637, it appears that the said John Cantewell, of Cantewell's-court, had mort- gaged several other portions of his property to various individuals. And in another Inquisition, taken at the same time and place, his possessions were ascertained as follows :

" Joh Cantwell de Cantwell's Courte seis' fuit de mane? de Rathcoule, & Kil- fanye (Kilfane), except proporcon spectant Walter Walsh in Kilfanye pdct, cu ptin ; & devil & ter de Rathcoule, Cantewells-Courte, Kilbennell, Tullaghbryn, le Ouldtowne de Rowebone, le Ouldtowne de Cowllwoekair (Kilmokar), le Ouldtowne de Glanheylie Cubicketanevallie, Kilfaine, Stroane, Cloghskraggie, Lisnemenaght, Reamynduff, Carrigine, Killudigan, Rassigine al Rathsiggin, Kilkerin, le Garrans, al Cantewells-

I Q Garrans,


Garrans, Johns-graige 51 Graigeshane, Inshilugh Ballyhomas, & Gawran in Co. Kilken. Contin 2^ pcell ter & i pcell ter Anglice two horsemens beds and a half, and the sixth part of a horseman's bed. . . . pmiss tenebatr de Re in capite p srvic mil." The ample possessions here enumerated, and which composed the manors of Rathcoul and Kilfane, John Cantewell alienated, for certain uses, to Patrick Archer of Kil- kenny, and Patrick Coppinger of Clonmore, in the County Kilkenny, by indenture bearing date 3Oth Dec. 1609 Repert. Inquisit. Com. Kilk. Car. I. Nos-92, 93. And they were finally lost by the forfeiture of Thomas Cantewell of Cantewell's-court, who was appointed provost marshal by the Supreme Council of Confederate Catholics sometime after 1641, and is called "that cruel and bloody rebel" in one of the depo- sitions given in Temple's Irish Rebellion (Ed. 1812, p. 119).

In the old church of Kilfane (a building originally erected in the early English style, as appears by the remains of the sedilia and piscina, but barbarously disfigured while used as the parish church) there lies a very perfect and well- sculptured cross- legged sepulchral effigy. The figure is gigantic, measuring from head to heel seven feet ten inches ; the body and limbs are represented as clad in a complete suit of mail, and the head and throat are defended by a chaperon or hood of the same ; the hood does not assume the shape of the head, but is flatted at top, presenting the form of a slightly elevated cone. A loose surcoat is worn over the hauberk; the right arm is extended by the side, and the right leg crossed over the left. The spur has a broad rowel, and the sword is placed under the figure, the end of it appearing from between the legs. A long triangular shield, very much curved, is borne on the left side, sup- ported by the guige passing over the right shoulder; the shield measures three feet four inches in length, and bears, carved in relief, the arms of the Cantwells, viz., a canton ermine, four annulets. Probably this effigy was erected in honour of the Thomas de Cantewelle who was an old man in 1319. It is called by the peasantry " Cauntwell fada," the tall Cantwell; and is traditionally said to have been brought from beyond sea. Tombs were often erected by persons themselves before their deaths ; perhaps such was the case in this instance. The rowdled spur forbids us to assign it to the predecessor of Thomas, who must have died early in the thirteenth century.

The Cantwell arms are given somewhat differently in the tomb of Butler Viscount Mountgarret, who died in 1571, and which still exists in St. Canice's Cathedral, Kil- kenny: on its side is carved a shield, bearing, on afield ermine, four annulets, and over it the word ©antcfodl. J. G.

Page 25, line 22.

Willelmus Carraght O'Bren, i. e. William Carrach O'Brien, of the Glen of Aher- lagh, near the town of Tipperary. J. O'D.



Page 25, line 30.

Moytobyr Moyhobber, in the barony of Cuimseanach, or Compsey, in the county Tipperary, the manor of the Fannings See Inquis. Lagenice, 7 Car. I. J. O'D.

Ibid., line ult. Manu media, i. e. in the hands of an indifferent person or stakeholder. A. II.

Page 26, line 4. Cumcy The barony of Compsey, in the county Tipperary J. O'D.

Ibid., line 17. Excedekene. Archdeacon, Archidiaconus ; alias Mac Odo, alias Cody J. O'D.

Ibid., line 18.

Leyath O'Morthe. Read Lesach [i. e. Lewis] O'Mordha, or O'More See p. 27,

line 22, and p. 29, line penult GPD.

Page 27, line 8.

Greyn. CnocGreine; from which the town of Pallas- Greine (Pallasgreen), county Limerick, takes its name. J. O"1 D.

Page 29, line 10. Kilkyban. Read Kilsylan, now Kilsillan, near Clonmel, county Tipperary.

Ibid., line 18. Conton. Read Contilon ; and in the next line, for Raynyl, read Ranylt. /. O'D.

Ibid., line 30. Any Perhaps a mistake for Athy.

Page 30, line 2.

Dunmaske, i. e. Dunamase; a great fortress near Maryborough, Queen's County. J. O'D.

Ibid., line 12.

Castrum Viride. Green Castle, in Inishowen. There is another Green Castle, a place of great antiquity, in the county Down /. O'D.



Page 30, line 19.

Mondesseyl. Modeshil (Hlaj beipl), in the barony of Compsey, county Tippe- rary.— J. 0'Z>.

Ibid., line 25.

Thoma M'Arthan Thomas Mac Artan was chief of the Kinel-Arty, a barony in the present county Down. J. O'-Z).

Ibid., line 26. CPDone OPNeyl— Read Odone O'Neyl, i. e. Hugh O'Neill.—/. O'D.

Page 31, line 15.

Clonele, Clonmel. Kylsylan, Kilsheelan. Kysekyl, read Kylsekyl. Oconyl, i. e. O'Conaill Gabhra. Kyrigan, i. e. Kerry. J. 0'Z>.

Ibid., line 24. Yniskysty Iniskisty, in Kerry, near Castle Island J. O'Z).

Page 32, line 5. Tir Halwaht CPKonkur Uoipoealbac O'Concobaip, i. e. Turlogh O'Conor.—

J. O'D.

Ibid., line 8.

Hibernici de Slebanie, i. e. of Slieve Bloom, in the Queen's County J. 0'Z>.

Ibid., line 9.

Bordgwyl. Now Bordwell, in the Queen's Connty, on the borders of the county Kilkenny.—/. 0'Z>.

Ibid., line 23.

Balymotha Ballymote, in the county Sligo. /. O'-D.

Ibid., line 31. Kylmehyde. Kilmohide, in the Queen's County J. O>D.

Ibid., last line. Aihebo Read Aghabo, in the Queen's County /. 0'Z>.

Page 34, line 2.

Ardscol Ardscull, near the hill of Mullamast, county Kildare. /. O'D.



Page 34, line 3.

Hugo de Saltu, i. e. Hugh of Leixlip; Leixlip is Danish, literally signifying Saltus Salmonis, i. e. Lax- leap, or Salmon Leap. J. O*D.

Ibid., line 16. Thagmolingis. Now Tigh-Moling, or St. Moling's, in the county CarloAV J. O'Z).

Page 35, line 30.

Hec pestilencia. The pestilence of which our author has left so touching a memo- rial is that known in history as the " black death," or " great mortality." Its progress through Asia, Europe, and Africa, has been traced with great learning and ability by Dr. J. F. C. Hecker, in his history of " The Epidemics of the Middle Ages," first pub- lished in 1832 ; translated by Dr. B. G. Babington, and republished by the Sydenham Society, in 1844,

The description of the disease given by Clyn not only agrees in every particular with the accounts of eye-witnesses in other countries, but affords many particulars, hitherto unpublished, of the ravages of the pestilence in the most western part of Europe. For all we learn from Dr. Hecker is, that " Ireland was much less heavily visited than England. The disease seems to have scarcely reached the mountainous districts of that kingdom." Page 27.

This pestilence, to which the compiler of the Annals himself seems to have ulti- mately fallen a victim, has been followed by similar visitations from time to time in Kilkenny. Indeed, all the more remarkable plagues of which mention is made in the history of other countries we can trace to this city, through its municipal documents, though we have, of course, a much more scanty record of their ravages than that sup- plied by the worthy Brother Clyn, with respect to the pestilence of 1348.

The pestilence which, in 1603, ravaged England, and struck terror into the court of King James I. at London, reached Kilkenny in the year following. On the 25th January, 1603 (old style), we find the municipal authorities of the Irish town of that city enacting the following curious by-law, through which they vainly sought to pre- vent the contagion from finding its way into their community.

" It is concluded and agreed by the assente and cosente of the portrive, burgesses, and comons, that henceforward evrie day one proper tall ma shall stand with his hal- bert in the oppen streete neere the gates at evrie gate within this Irishtowne, to keepe oute all strangers, or suspected psons that might come from enny enfected place wthin

the kingdom, and yl for his dayly wadges he shall have the wch to be levyed



of commons of the same Irishtowne if in case they doe not sevrally watch in the gates themselves.

" Cessors to take upp the sayd labor" hyre.


" It is also cocluded y* all the poore people wch be strang" to this towne shall have 24 hours victualls at the towne charge, and after driven out of the towne."

Stringent as these measures were, they were, as might have been foreseen, of no effect; and upon the 2pth October, 1604, the following entry appears, which shews that the plague had begun to do its work amongst the burgesses:

"In as much as it pleaseth God to visitt this poore towne with the sicknes for or manifould sinnes, and for y* divrs places within this poore corporacon is visitted with the same, it is needfull that care be taken to have the sick psons placed in some remote places from othrs wch are not as yett infected. Wee have therefore chosen the under named psons to ovrsee the sick psons severed from othrs hoping therby yl Gods indig- nacon might spare some."

The Board of Health appointed to carry these regulations into effect consisted of the portrieve, chief officer of the Irish town, and seven of the principal burgesses; and a few of the by-laws which follow were evidently consequent upon the alarm caused by the visitation of this plague. The enactments are curious, as shewing that, even in those remote days, something like a conviction of the necessity of cleanliness and sanitary regulation, for the preservation of the public health, had begun to force itself even upon the somewhat obtuse comprehensions of petty corporate officers.

" It is inacted and concluded, the day and yere above written, by the cosente and agremente of the portrive, burgesses, and comons of the Irishtowne, y* from henceforth noe pson or psons within the franchis of the aforesayd Irishtowne doe keepe enny dung in the oppe streete before there doores, uppo payne of the loss of the sayd dung and xiid. stg. fine to the portrive toties quoties, ech pty being eight dayes warned before the tyme.

" The day and yere aforesayde, it is concluded and inacted by the cosente and assente aforesayd, that noe pson or psons wthin this lybertye, from the fifth day of November next doe not suffer any there hoggs to goe or lye in the streete uppon payne of 4d. sterling to be levyed of the ownr of the swine toties quoties, and if they will not restrayne there hoggs, that then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the keep appointed for the like to kill them and have them praysed bye the praysers, and one qrtr of evrie such porke to be given to the prison6" according the portrive's direction, and the rest to the ownr. The officer appointed for same is Danyell O'Dowra."

In the year 1649 Kilkenny suffered much from another pestilence; and to avoid



its contagion, as well as to get out of the neighbourhood of Cromwell, the Supreme Council of Confederate Catholics removed their meetings from that city to the town of Ennis, in the county of Clare. A Cromwellian writer of the day makes the follow- ing curious mention of the circumstance :

" Some small party of ours, by way of affront, went to the gates of Kilkenny to ask who was there, where they learned, since the plague of the Supreme Council was gone, that of the sickness supplied their room, and truly it is so briskly there, that what is their danger is their security, and what fortifies besieges them, so that his Ex- cellency, thinking he ought not to meddle with what the Lord has so visib]y taken into his hands, has declined taking Kilkenny into his own.'' (Vide Irish Penny Maga- zine, page 1 1 4.)

However, Cromwell did soon after resolve to take Kilkenny into his hands, and upon his approach to besiege it on the 23rd March, 1650, it appeared that the garri- son, consisting of 200 horse and 1000 foot, had, through the ravages of the plague, been reduced to 300 men, and there had been also an immense mortality of the inha- bitants of the town. (Carte's Life of the Duke of Ormonde.')

From the evidence of a lease remaining on record in the office of the registrar of the diocese of Ossory, we find that " the great plague" which desolated London in 1665 also reached Kilkenny. The document to which we allude recites a grant from Griffith Williams, Bishop of Ossory, made to Martha Davis, on the I5th April, 1668, of "that messuage or mansion-house uninhabited and, ruinous, by reason that the same was converted, in the late visitation of the city of Kilkenny, into a pest-house, which is situate, lying, and being at the upper hill, in the Irish town of Kilkenny." /. G.

Page 36, line i.

Ex clade pestilencie. The number of deaths at Avignon, in the black death of 1348, are said to have amounted to 500 daily, and the total number to 60,000. Eebdorf apud Freher. Baluze Vitas Paparum Avenionensium, i. p. 316, cit. Hecker on the Black Death, p. 59. This number exceeds by more than double the entire modern population of that city. It farther appears, that the " unum cimiterium no- vum," which Pope Clement consecrated, was nothing less than the river Rhone itself, into which the bodies were flung, yet, by reason of that solemn benediction of the river, were considered to receive Christian burial. Torfseus, cit. ibid. This circum- stance will explain the otherwise surprising statement of John Clyn, that more than 50,000 bodies were laid in the new cemetery. On the 6th of April, 1 348, the famous Laura died at Avignon of this unparalleled plague. A . H.



Page 36, line 8.

Gedrus alta Libani. This prophecy announced the approaching end of the great schism of the East, and the universal establishment of the Latin communion, or ship of St. Peter. However, this union was not to be effected under one civil head, but with a division of power between the Western Empire or Lion, and the Eastern Em- pire, still schismatical (at the date of the prophecy), and so a Bestia. Therefore the Marchionatus could only be destined "mundum superare," as to one-half of it, either the Eastern or Western, which two were to comprise the " universum mundum." But as the Bestia was to undergo a change, and to desist from its schism, while no change is expressed or implied in the Leo, it is evident that the oriental mundus is that which the Marchionate was, in 1 347, expected to subdue.

With these data we can, I think, scarcely miss the prophet's meaning. There was only one Marchionate of great renown in Syria and other parts of the East, not to say anywhere; I mean the ancient Marchionate of Montferrat, which dated from the mid- dle of the tenth century, and the reign of Otho I. The wars of the Cross had brought that family of imperial feudatories into extraordinary celebrity, in the various forms of kings of Jerusalem, Latin emperors of Constantinople, and kings of Thessaly. At this particular epoch the Marchionatus was possessed by an ambitious and warlike prince, John Palaeologus, who was grandson to the Greek Emperor, Andronicus Pa- laaologus II. ; and represented, through his grandmother, lolante of Montferrat, the extinct male line of the royal and imperial Marquisses.

His father, the Marquis Theodorus Palaeologus, had spent a great portion of his life in Greece, and was learned in both languages. But the Marquis John, in whose days the Cistercian of Syrian Tripoli delivered his prophecy, spent his whole reign of more than forty years in his Piedmontese dominions, and in the prosecution of the wars of Northern Italy. He was consequently living in a settled communion with the suc- cessors of St. Peter, and his ears and lips were perfectly familiar with Filioque. There- fore, in the case of his elevation to the throne of his male ancestors at Constantinople, he might well be regarded as no unlikely person to effect the desired, but vainly at- tempted, re-union of the churches, upon terms agreeable to the Latins.

We shall consider whether any reasons then existed for speculative minds to turn their thoughts westward, to the warlike Palaeologi of Italy. In the June of 1341, -Andronicus Palaeologus III., cousin-german to John Marquis of Montferrat, died, leaving his son, John Palaeologus, only nine years old. The regency and guardian- ship of the child had been confided to John Cantacuzene, his father's favourite minister. But, no later than the October of the same year, Cantacuzene assumed the imperial



dignity for himself; and, after a civil war of more than five years, became master of Constantinople, and was crowned in the January of 1347, the year of the prophecy. The title of the youthful prince continued to be recognised; but Cantacuzene reigned, with undivided power, till his retirement in 1355. From which it appears that these predictions offered themselves to the heated imagination of the monk of Tripoli, at the precise epoch when the eastern sceptre of the Palaeologi had passed into the power of a private usurper, and at a time when all that remained of power and energy in that illustrious house was to be sought for in the Marchionate of Montferrat. I incline to interpret the words " Vespertilio fugabit ducem," thus: The Marquis John, coming from the Vespertine Region, or West, shall expel from Constantinople the man whom I only recognise as a dux or officer of state, though he has assumed a higher title. If " ab m vl" can be made to signify " ab anno sexto," it will express that exact year of Cantacuzene's usurpation, which was current until the 26th of October; 1347, and complete on and after that day.

It had long been evident that a re-union of the churches was essential to any suc- cessful renewal of the passagium, or crusading policy. The re- capture of St. John D'Acre was the most important military operation incident to a successful passagium. It is not so easy to understand why the Cistercian should determine upon destroying his own residence at Tripoli. But his discontentment with all that surrounded him, and the melancholy frame of his mind, might predispose him to exclaim, like Jesus the son of Ananus : " Woe to the city and to the people, Woe to myself also !" It may be remarked that the TripoKtans have retained the memory of some prophecy, that their city shall be destroyed ; and their expectations, that it will be buried under the accumulating sand-hills of the shore Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo, p. 317, Ed. Pinkerton. A. H.

Page 37, line 21.

In conventu Kilkennie The only portions of the Franciscan Abbey of Kilkenny, at present remaining, consist of the chancel and belfry tower, with a small fragment of the conventual buildings adjoining the south side of the latter.

The chancel (which measures seventy-three feet by twenty-five feet ten inches, the walls being three feet two inches in thickness, and about twenty-nine or thirty feet high) presents a very pure example of the early English style, both in its earlier and later pe- culiarities, and in its constructive features affords a curious illustration of a passage in these Annals, and a strong proof of their accuracy. Under the year 1347 (see p. 34), the burial of a benefactress of the abbey, the Lady Isabella Palmer, is recorded : " quefrontem chori fratrum erigi fecit." She is also stated to have lived seventy years a widow, and

K 2 if


if we suppose that she turned her attention to the improvement of the choir after her Avidowhood, which is most probable, we cannot place such improvement earlier than 1277. Now it is a curious fact that about fifty feet of the western end of the chancel is extremely early in the style, and must have been erected in the early part of the thirteenth century, as evidenced by its tall and narrow lancet lights, with plain chamfered jambs and wide internal splays: whereas about twenty-three feet of the eastern or forepart, frons chori, with the great east window, must have been erected late in the style. An examination of the masonry also shows, even to the cursory observer, an evident joint or want of proper bond in the wall, where the new work has been added to the old.

The early or western end of the choir is lighted by five lancets on the north side, and two small windows placed high up in the wall on the south. The addition made by Dame Isabella Palmer presents a magnificent east window, occupying nearly the entire breadth and height of the gable, and consisting of a cluster of seven lancet lights, divided, not by piers, as in the early period of the style, but by slender mul- lions, and rising, one above the other, toward the centre : over all, a bearing arch is turned in the wall, to take the weight off the mullions ; but there is no hood moulding or ornament of any kind, the mullions and jambs being simply chamfered.

In the north wall are the remains of a window of three lights, and on the south side is a perfect one, consisting of two lancets, both adjoining the east end, and presenting all the peculiarities exhibited by the great east window, being evidently the work of the same architect.

It is, perhaps, worth mentioning, as a proof of the knowledge possessed by the mediaeval builders with regard to the properties of stone, that the jambs of these windows are of Caen stone, but in the mullions, where greater strength and solidity is required, the compact limestone of the district is used. The windows of the chancel are all walled up, and, sad to say, it has been converted into a racket-court.

With regard to the tower, the statements of Clynn are also verified by the existing remains. He affirms (p. 34) that a confraternity was formed by the Friars Minors in the year 1 347, " pro campanile novo erigendo et ecclesia reparanda." Between that year and the end of the fourteenth century the present tower must have been erected, as its style is late decorated. The arch is a light and beautiful specimen of the style, and the bearing-shafts of the groining are supported by curious figures, which seem to represent the various contributors to the building. One, a female figure, has money in her hand, and all grotesquely represent the position of persons using all their strength to support the weight of the superincumbent mass.

In Grose's Antiquities there is a plate of the nave, as it existed when his sketch was taken. The piers appear to have been very massive, but it is impossible to judge



of their style. This portion of the building was destroyed, in order to erect a horse- barrack on its site.

Of the many monuments which, no doubt, once adorned the church, none now remain except a few fragments, on one or two of which a few words of Norman French may be traced. A stone built into the wall of a starch-yard, which adjoins the abbey on the south side, bears the following inscription, which is transcribed, in order to show the late date to which the cemetery was used :

•k -Ji-

ms. MA.

Here lyeth the body of Mrs. Agnes Banckes alias Smith. Daughter of Mr. John Smith of Damagh in the

County of Kilkenny Gentleman.

and was marryed to Mr. William

Banckes of Kilkenny, Pewterer. Deceased the 8th day of January, 1687.

I pray God be mercyfull to her Soule. Amen.

The precinct of the abbey was bounded on the east by the river Nore, and on the north by the Bregagh, a stream forming the wet ditch of a looped and bastioned wall, which here was part of the city defences. A wall seems also to have extended along the edge of the Nore. Cromwell attempted to gain entrance to the town by breach- ing the wall of the Franciscans with pickaxes, but was beaten off. A breach in the old work, filled up by a comparatively modern wall, not far from the tower at the angle where the Bregagh joins the Nore, may, perhaps, have been the locality of this attack.

The site of the abbey is a low alluvial inch, not many feet higher than the ordinary level of the river, which will account for the flooding of the abbey recorded under the year 1338, supra, p. 28.

The foundation of the chancel would seem to have been formed by sinking to a considerable depth, not all through the entire length of the wall, but for piers at stated distances, on which bearing arches were turned, and the intervals filled up with masonry ; or perhaps piles were driven to support the piers. J. G.

Page 37, last line. Rupences, Cantonences. The Roches and Condons. J. 0'Z>.


Page 38, line 8. Donatus Kevenagh MlMoorJce. Donogh Cavanagh, son of Morrough /. 0'Z>.

Page 39, line n.

Totmoy. Tuaith-maighe, in the east of the King's County, north of Portarling- ton.— J. CPD.

Ibid., line 15. Botoniam. Buttevant /. O*D.

Ibid., line 16. Thathmelage et Ardart. Timoleague and Ardfert. J. 0'Z>.

Ibid., line 17. Clonronda. Read Clonzouda, i. e. Clonzode, County Clare. J. O'ZX

Ibid., line 18. Kylleyht. Cill-achaidh Droma-foda, now Killeigh, near Geshill, King's County.

Page 44, line 15.

In vigilia vigilice vid. ex feria Alexi The words " vid. ex feria" are wrong, and ought to be omitted. The feast of St. Alexius was the iyth of July, and the vigil of that feast fell on Monday, in the year 1330.

Page 45, line 34.

Justiciarium suspenderunt. SeeClyn, p. 31, supra, for the correct account of these transactions, by which it appears that it was the Lord Justice who hanged the knights, not the knights that hanged the Lord Justice. Moreover, the Lord Justice at this time was not Sir Walter Bermingham (who did not come into office for four years after), but Sir Ralph Ufford.





ABraham (Habraham), 2

Aeon, 36

Adam, 1, 2, 37

Admacart, 17

Ahtenry. Vide Athenry.

Ahtkyppe, 9

Ahtlone. Vide Athlone.

Alanus, Episcopus Lysmoriensis, . . 8

Albanus, 4

Albino, Johannes de Sancto, .... 26

Alemaine, 28

Alexander, Papa, 7

Alexander IV. Papa, 6

Alexandria, 4

Alfredus, 5

Alphonsus (Emflius), Edwardi III. fil., 10

Ambrosius, Mediolnensis, 3

Anastatius, [i. e. Athanasius] S., . . ib.

Anastasius, Imperator, 4

Anglia, 5,6,7,19,29,35

Angulo, David de, 25

Remundus de, ib.

Anselmus, Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis, 5

Antiochia, 2

Antonius, Beatus, 7


Any, 29

Arcedekne, Remundus, 27

Arclo, 28

Castrum de, 24

Ardart, 29

Ardmachia, 39

Ardscol, 34

Arimathia (Josephus de), 30

Aron (Arran), insula, 26

Aragonia, 10

Arriana, Heresis, 3

Athbo, Villa de 17

Athebo, 32

Athenry (Ahtenry), 12, 15

Dominus de, Ricardus Brimeg-

ham, 15

Athlone (Ahtloun), 39

Athur 22

Athyssell, 18, 21

Audele, Jacobus de (Justiciarius Hiber-

nie) 9

Augustus Cessar, i. e. Octavianus, . . 1 Augustinus, (Sanctus), Hipponensis, . 3,4

(S.) Cantuariensis, ... 4

Aurelius Ambrosius, 4

Austria, 6, 8


Aveneil, Nicholaus de, 11

Avenel, Andreas, 27

Avinio 13, 35

A(w)dayr [Adare], 11


t, Geraldus, 26

Baldismer, Bartholomeus, 15

Balilethan 12,32

Balkynglas, 12

Balygaveran (Balligaveran, Baligaveran),

14, 23, 28, 29 Balymotha (Clerevoyse), Castrura de, . 32

Bargum 19

Barry, David de, 9

Barry, David de, Dominus de Olethan, . 26

Nacio de 33

Robertas de 31

Stephanus de, Minister Fratr.

Minor., 27

Barwycum (Berwick) 39

Bathe, Adam de, 27

Howelus de, Archidiaconus Os-

sorie, ib.

Thomas 26

Bavarie, Lodovicus Dux, 19

Bayloyle, Edwardus, 24

Bayllol, Edwardus, 25

Beda, 4,5

Behtfordia 38

Beket, David, 22, 26

Benedictus, Beatus, 4

Bercley, Castrum de 18

Bermegham (vide Birmegham et Bri-

megham), W 33

Bermegham, Walterus, Justiciarius Hi-

bernie, 33, 34

Bernardus, Beatus, 5

Bethe, 39


Bethlehem (Behtleem), 3

Beufo, Jacobus, 21

Beverlacus, 39

Bigenor, Alexander, Archiepiscopus Dub-

linie 27

Birmegham, Walterus (vide Bermegham

et Brimegham), 23

Bloys de, Karolus, Dux Brittanie, . . 34

Bodminia, 38

Boende, Rex, 33

Bonefacius, Papa 4

Bonevyl, Johannes, 11

Bonrat, Castrum de, 24

Bonratte, Bellum de, 11

Bordgwyl, 32

Bote (Bute), insula, 26

Botiller le, David, 21

Edmundus, 11,15,22

Jacobus, . . . 21,24,25,28,35

Comes Ermonie, . . 19

Johannes Primogenitus Jacobi,

Com. Ormonie 22

Johannes, 14

Laurencius, 29

Ricardus, 17

Theobaldus, 8

Thomas 21

Willielmus 17

Boton, Botonia, 17, 39

Boun, Umfrey de, Comes Herefordie, . 15

Breffinia, 39

Bregenohrt, ib.

Brigida, Virgo, 4

Brimegham. Vide Bermegham et Bir- megham.

Andreas, 14, 15

Gilbertus, Dominus, . . 22

Johannes, . . 13,14,17,23

Comes de Lowht, 20

Petrus, . . 11



Brimegham, Ricardus, 12, 15

Robertus, 22

Walterus, ib.

- Willielmus, . 14, 19, 22, 23

Dominus, . . 20,

22, 24

Brit, Johannes le, 27

Philippus 22

Britannia, 3, 4, 5, 32, 34

Johannes de, Comes Richmon-

die, 15

Britis, nacio de, 33

Bristollum, Bristollia, .... 18, 34, 38

Bruge, Walterus, 38

Brus le, Rex Scotorum, 33

David, 25

Edwardus, 14

Edwardus, Rex Hibernie, . . 12 -Robertus,. . . 11,12,18,20,25 Brytannia. Vide Britannia.

Burbrigs 15

Burgo, illi de, 19

- Gyle, uxor Richard! de Man-

deville 25

Hillarius de, 21

Johannes de, . . . .11,18,20

Katerina, uxor Mauricii, fil.

Thomae de, 24

Ricardus de, . . . . 7,11,20

Comes Ultonie, . . 10

et Do-

rninus Connacie, 18

Walterus de, . . . 9, 21, 24, 25

Comes Ultonie, . . 8

Willielmus de, . . 11, 12, 16, 18 Comes Ultonie, . 19, 21

Burgo, Willielmus de, Comes Ultonie et

Dominus Connactie, 24

Burgudini, ib.

Byggenor, Alexander, Archiep. Dublin, 14, 27 IEISH ARCH. SOC.



Calce, Hugo de, 35

Calisia, 34

Callan, 10, 30

< Adam de, Gardianus de Ros, . 25

Calvah, . ]Q

Calvaht, frater O'Conkur, .... 1 1

Cancie, Comes de, Godwinus, ... 5

Canicus Sanctus Abbas, 33

Cantewel, Thomas 25

Cantibrigia, 38

Cantii, Comes, Eadmundus 21

Canteton \vid. Caunteton et Canteton], 19

David 11

Guydo, 26

- Hugo, 20

Jacobus, 13

Johannes de, ib.

Mauricius de, 11

Willelmus, filius Mauricii de, 15

Cantitonenses, 15, 19

Cantonences 37

Cantuaria, 38

Cantuariensis, Archiepiscopus, . . 5, 6, 7 Cant well. Vide Cantewel.

Capella de, Henricus, 13

Carlachia, 38

Carliolum, ib.

Carmerdina, 38

Carolus. Vide Karolus.

Carrig, Castrum et locus de, .... 27

Cartuciensis, Ordo, 6

Cassel, 39

Casselensis, Archiepiscopus, David, . . 8 Casselensis, Archiepiscopus, J. M'Carwyll, 21


O'Grada, 31

Walterus le

Rede, 22


Page. Casselensisj Archiepiscopus, Willelmus

fil. Johannis, 13, 18

Castrum Insule [Castle Island], ... 31

Kevini, 30

de Leye, 32

de Menaht [Kenagh.], . . 31

Viride, 30

Cathirlaht [Carlow], 37

Cathyrlaht 18, 21

Caunteton, Jordanus, 24

Mattheus, 16

Robertus, ib.

Caustona [Gavaston], Petrus de, . . 11

Cicilie, Rex, 13, 30

Celestinus, Papa, 4

Cestria, 39

Cistercienses, 7, 36

Chichestria, 38

Christianus, Legatus in Hibernia, . . 5

Clan (Capitulum apud), 31

Clare, 39

(Capitulum apud), 14

Clare, Elizabetha de, 20

Gilbertus de, ib.

Comes Glocestrie, 10, 1 1

Kicardus de, 13

. Comes Glocestrie, . 8

Thomas de, 10

Clar-Goly, 26

Clarevallis, 5, 6

Clemens, Papa, 11

-V 31

- VI., 34, 35

-XI., It

Clerevoyse, 32

Clifford, Robertus de, 11

erus de, 15

Clodaht, 32

Clodio 4

Clomele, 28,31


Clonmele, 9, 23, 29

Clonmore, Castrum de, 24

Clonronda, 39

Clounmele, ib.

Clyn, Frater, Gardianus de Carrig, . . 27

Johannes 37

Cnokfergus, 24

Cogan, Johannes de, 8, 1 1

Colaht, Villa de 30

Colcestria, 38

Comyn, Willielmus, 12

Conale, Domus de, 7

Connaccia(Connactia), vid. Burgo, 12, 32,34

Connacie, Rex, 9, 32

Constantius, 3

Constantinus, 3, 4

Constantinopolis, 4

Conteton, Reginaldus, 15

Willelmus, ib.

Conton, Robertus, 29

Conyl, Castrum de, 13, 37

Coradellus, Imperator Graecorum, . . 7 Corcagiensis Episcopus, M'Carwyll, . 21 Cornubia, Comes de, Johannes de Eltham, 1 9

Cork, 10, 17

Corkagensis Custodia, 39

Cosdra, Rex Persarum, 45

Coteres, 31

Courcy, vide Curcy, 7

Coventreya, 38

Cragfergus, 39

Crok, cognomen de, 16

Henricus, Dominus, .... 12

. Johannes, 11

Cumbyr, 20

Curacy [Cumscy], 39

Dominus de, Johannes de Sancto

Albino, 26

Johannes, 27

Curcy, Johannes de, 6




Dalkey, 35

Dagworht, Thomas, 34

Darcy, Johannes, 26

Justiciarius Hibernie, 16

David, Propheta, 2

Archiepiscopus Casselensis, . . 8

Filius Alexandra, Rupensis, . . 23

Filius David, 32

Prior de Inystyoke, .... 17

(le Brus) Rex Scotorum, . . 33

Dene, Johannes de, 12

Thomas de, 22

Willelmus de, 8

Dermod Oge, 20

Dernaht, 13

Desertum, 39

Desmonia, 8,26,30,31,32

Comes de 28

Mauricius, films

Thome, .... 21,23,27,29,30,31

Desmonise Rex, 17

Dioclesian, 3

Dionysius, 3

Dispensatores, 18

Dominicus, Beatus, 7

Don, Thomas, 13

Dondalke. Vide Dundalke.

Donhulle, Baro de, 19

Donmaske, 8

Dorcestria, 38

Douglas, Willielmus de, 33

Dowsky, monachi de, 22, 23

Drumhyrthyr, 20

Drouda, Conventus Minorum de, . . 36

Droukeda, 34

Drovda (Drovhda), 35

Dublinia, . 9, 17, 20, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31,

34, 35, 36, 39

Page. Dublinia, Abbacia Beate Marie, . . . 10

Archiepiscopus, 35

Alexander Bi-

genor, 14, 27

Fulco, . . 9

. Lucas, . . 8

Castrum de 32

Ecclesia Trinitatis, .... 10

Exactor Fisci, Hugo de Calce, 35

Hospitaler um Or do, ... 17

Portus de, 23

Predicatorum locus, ... 10

Universitas, 14

Dufford (Ufford de), Radulphus, . . 30

Duffyr, O'Brynnys de 26, 27

Duleke, 32

Duncastria, 39

Dundalk (Dundalke, Dondalk), . 9, 11, 12,

14, 33, 39

Dunde, 39

Dunelm, 33

Dunfres, 39

Dunhulle, Baro de la Poer, . . .19,20

Dunmaske, Castro de, 30

Dunum, Capitulum apud, 11

Civitas, 8

locus, 39

Dunstanus, Beatus, 5

Dunwycum, 38


Eadmundus, Comes Cantii, .... 21

Eboracum, locus, 39

Eboracensis, Archiepiscopus, .... 33

Robertus, . 6

Edmund, Archiepiscopus Cantuar, . . 7

Edmundus, Rex Martyr, 5

Edwardus, Beatus, 5

filius Henrici III., . . . 7, 8

L 2


Page. Edwardus, filius Edwardi II., ... 11

Martyr, 5

Rex Anglie 5, 9

Edwardus V. (II.), 14,15,18

. -III., . . 11,18,19,21,28,33

Elena, 4

Eleutherius, Papa, 3

Eltham, Johannes de, Comes Cornubie, 19

Ely, 17

Elycarwell, ib.

Elycarwyl, Princeps de, O'Carwyl, . . 33 Emflues (Alphonsus), fil. Edwardi IV,, 10

Eraclius, 4

Ercedekne, Johannes le, miles factus, . 30

Patricius, 26

Remundus, 26

Ricardus, ib. 30

Silvester, ib.

Willelmus, ib.

Ergalie 33

Ermonia (Hermonia), Castra de, . . 34

Comes de, . . . 28, 29, 34, 35

, Jacobus, . 25, 26, 27

Evesa, 28

Exonia 38

Exoniensis, Episcopus (Walterus Sta- pleton), 18


Fanyn, Thomas, 25

Faramundus, 4

Ferers, Thomas, Comes de, .... 15

Felix, Papa, 4

Fermoy, 23

Fernegylan, ib.

Fernensis, Episcopus, Hugo de Saltu, . 34

Filius Geraldi, 8

Johannes 19

Mauricius, 9


Filius Henrici Mathias, 27

Meylerus 7, 8

Filius Johannis, Thomas, Comes Kildare

et Justiciarius, 19

Willielmus, Episcopus Os-

soriensis et Archiepiscopus Casselen-

sis, 10, 13, 18

Filius Mauricii, Geraldus, . . . 7, 10

Mauricius, 8

Thomas, 11

Willelmus, . . . . 15, 17

Filius Nicholai, Mauricius, .... 29

Filius Oliveri, Mattheus 26

Filius Philippi, Mauricius, Dominus, . 23

. Ricardus, . . . . 23

Filius Roberti, Jacobus, 20

Filius ThomEe Johannes, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16

Katerina, uxor Mauricii, 24

Ricardus, 23

Mauricius, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24,


Comes Desmonie,

1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 31

1 Comes Kildarie, . 34

Flandrenses, 38

Francia, 4, 18, 33, 34

Francie, Rex, 29

Ludovicus (IX.) .... 9

Franciscus, Beatus, 7, 9

Fredericus, Imperator, 8

Frene, Fulco de la, 14, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35,

37 Seneschallus Kilken-

nie, 30

Galfridus, 25

Oliverus Seneschallus Kil-

kennie, 28, 34

Rogerus, Seneschallus Kilken-

nie, 34

Vicecomes Kilkennie, 33



Fulco, Archiepiscopus Dublinie, ... 9

Fyf, Comes de, 33

Fynaborensis, Episcopus, Johannes Lav-

naht, 15

Fynnowyr, 32


Gallia, 3

Gallicus, 18

Galwy, 39

Gavaston, Petrus (Caustona), ... 11

Gepwycum, 38

Geraldi, Mauricius, 31

Geraldini, 19, 24

Germanus, Sanctus, 4

Gernemuta, 38

Glandelory, 9

Glosconia, 30

Gloucestria, 38

Gloucester, Comes de, De Clare, . 8, 1 1

Glovernia, 19

. . Comes de 18

Eliz. fil. Comitis de, . . . 20

Godwinus, Com. Cancie, 5

Granduensium, Ordo, 6

Gregorius, Papa, 4, 7, 9

Grandissono, Willimus de 29

Granntebrigia, 38

Grant le, Willielmus, ... . 30, 32

Gras le, Nicholaus, 33

Gras le, Robertas, 32

Grasis Castel, 19

Grasse le David, 14

Hamundus, 12

Oliver us, 14

Greyn, 27

Grimisbia, 39

Gronthamia, 38

Grostete, Robertus, Episcopus Lincoll-



Gyle de Burgo, uxor Ricardi Mande- vle,


Habraham (Abraham), o

Racket (Haket), Willielmus, ... 10, 23

Hadyngtona, 39

Hales, Alexander, 8

Hameste, 5

Hanaudie, Comes, 18

Haraldus, 5

Harclay, Andreas, 15

Hastings, Laurencius de, Comes Pem-

brochie, 35

Helena (Elena) 4

Hely de, Johannes de Barry, .... 17

Henricus I., 5

1- II., 6

HI., 7,8,9

Comes de Lancastria, ... 19

Henricus, vel Edwardus, Primogenitus

Edwardi III., 22

Herefordia, 18, 38

Comes de, Omfrey de Boun, 15

Herefordensis, Episcopus, Thomas Schar-

lyngton, 28

Hermonia. Vide Ermonia.

Herodes, 2

Hertpollia 39

Hibernia (Hybernia), 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 26, 29, 37, 38

Magnates de, 13

Minister de, 9, 38

Monachi, 5

Pauperes Religiosi, . . . 17

Pestilencie Quinque, ... 38

Hilarius, Sanctus, 3

Hispania, 3

Hoddinet, Philippus 20



Hodinetis, 33

Honorius, Papa, 7

Hospitalariorum, Ordo, . . . 6, 9, 17

Hospitalis, Franncie Prior 33

Howht, 35

Hybernia. Vide Hibernia.


Innocentius (Innocentius), . . . .7,8

Insularum Rex, 31

Inystyoke, 17

Isabella, Regina Anglie, 18

Italia 35


Jacobus, frater Domini, 3

Pincerna Hibernie, . . . . 21

Jeriponte, 23

Jeronimus (Jeronymus), 3, 4

Jerusalem (Jerosolyma), . . 4, 5, 6, 7, 36

Rex, Robertas, 30

Johannes, Baptista, 1,2

Evangelista 2, 3

Filius Henrici, 6

Frater, Minister Hibernie, . 38

Papa (XXII.), 13

_ Rex, 7

Joseph ab Arirnathea 30

Judea, 4

Justiciarius Hibernie, Audele, Jacobus, 9

Bermigham, Wal-

terus, 33, 34

Brimegham, Jo-

hannes 14

Darcy, J., . . . 16

de la Dene, Wil-

lielmus, 8

Lucy, Antonius, 23, 24


Justiciarius Hibernie, filius Geraldi Mau- ricius 8

filius Johannis Tho-

mas, 19

_ Herefordensis Epis-

copus, Thomas, 28

Mortuo Mari, Ro-

gerus de, 13

Rokele, Ricardus

de la,

Sharlyngton, Jo-

hannes 28

- Ufford, Radulphus

de, 30, 31, 32 Robertus de, 9


Karlel, Comes de, Andreas Harclay, . 15

Karolus, 5, 9

Karolus, qui fuit Gallicus, .... 10 Karrev, Johannes de, Doininus, ... 32

Katerina, filia Mauricii, 19

uxor Maurici, fili Thome, . 1 1

Virgo, 4

Kevanaht Murcardaht (Kevenaht), . . 35

Kenlys in Ossoria, 19, 33

Kerdinia, 38

Kettle (Kyteler), Alice, 16

Ketyng, Jacobus, 20

Ketyng, Robertus, ib.

Ketyngis, 19,33

Kevini, Castrum, 30

Kilderia (Kyldaria) 10, 39

Capitulum de, 14

Comes 10, 18, 23

Thomas, 16

Mauricius, fil. Thome, 34

Johannes, fil. Thome, 12


Page. Kilkennia, . 10,15,22,25,26,27,29,31,

34, 39

Castrum, 28

Ecclesia Beate Virginis, . 17, 30

Sancti Kannici, . . 24

Minores Fratres, II, 24, 28, 34

Parliamentum, 11

Predicatores Fratres, ... 37

Seneschallus de, Arnold le

Poer, 16


le Poer, 28

Fulco de la

Frene,, 30

Oliverus de

la Frene, 34

Rogerus de

la Frene, . ib.

Vicecomes de, . . . . 19, 33

Kilmaynan 16, 32

Kylmydan, 19

Kirrigia, Mauricius de 11

Nicholaus de, ib.

Knockfergus, Castrum de, 24

Kyldare. Vide Kildare. Kylkennia. Vide Kilkennia.

Kylkyban, 29

Kylleght, 39

Kylmehyde, 32

Kylsylan, 31

Kyrigan, ib.

Kysekyl, 31

Kyteler. Vide Kettle.


Lacy, de, 13

- Hugo, 6, 7

Walterus, 16

Lagenia, 13, 27, 32, 34

Page. Lamasia, 39

Lancastrie, Comes Henricus, ., . . 19,31

- Thomas, .... 15

- Matilda fil. Comitis, . . 30

Lande, de la, Nicholaus, 15

Larokele, Willielmus, 10

Launde, de la, Gregorius, 26

Laurentius, Martyr, 3

Lavnaht (Laynach), Johannes, Episco-

pus Lismorensis, 15

Leddrede, Ricardus Episc. Ossor., 13, 16 Legenia. Vide Lagenia.

Lemia 38

Lenfant, Walterus, 34

Lercedekene (Ercedekenej, Patricius, . 12

Remundus, 27

Lesse, Thomas de, 13

Lehtlenensis Episcopus, M. le Poer, . 14

Lewelyn, Princeps 9

Lewysia, 8, 38

Leye, de, Castrum, . . . . 8, 9, 21, 32

Leycestria, 38

Comes de, Thomas, ... 15

Libanus, 36

Lichfeldia, 38, 39

Limericum (Lymericum), . . 6, 17, 23, 39

Episcopus, M. de Rocheford, 28

Lincolnia, 39

Comes, Thomas, 15

Lincollniensis Episcopus, Robertus Gros-

tete, 8

Lismoriensis Episcopus, Alanus, ... 8 J. Lavnaht, . . 15

Loddyn, Mons de, 13

Lodovicus, 5

Archiepiscopus Tolosanus, . 13

. Dux de Bavaria 19

. . Rex Francie, 9

Logan, Johannes de, 24

Londinium, . . 5, 7, 14, 15, 18, 21, 38, 39



Lowth (Lowht), 18, 23

Comes de, Johannes de Brime-

gham, 20

Lucanus, Poeta, 3

Lucas, Archiepiscopus Dublinie, . . 8

Lucius, Imperator, 4

Papa, 3

Rex Brittanie, 3

Lucy, Antonius de, Justiciarius Hiber-

nia, 23,24

Ludovicus. Vide Lodovicus.

Lugdunum, 8, 9, 17

Lymeric. Vide Limeric. Lysmore. Vide Lismore. Lyvet, Johannes de, 14


Mc Arthur, Thomas, ...... 30

McDermada, 31

Mc Gilpatrick (M'Gilpadricke), Carwill. Princeps 32, 33

Dermicius, 32

Donatus 20, 22

Dovenaldus Duff, ... 17

Fynyn, 24

Galfridus, 22

Hogekyn, 9

Raynyl, 29

Scanlan (Scanleus), . . 24, 27

MeHokegan, 21

Mackanfy, 8

M°Karthy, 29

Donatus Carbraht, .... 26

Oge, Dermicius, Rex Desmonie, 17

M°Carwyll, David, Archiep. Cass., . . 8 Johannes, Episcopus et Ar- chiepiscopus, 21

Me'Moorke, Kevenach, Donatus, ... 38

JVT'Morkada (Mac Morcada),

Page- IB, 22, 27,

29, 30

Dermicius (Dermitius), . 6, 9

Dovenaldus, 35

M-- Morkada, Art, 9

Mc Nemare 24

Nicholaus, 21

Majoricarum, Rex, 33

Malachias, 6

Archiepiscopus Ardmacanus, 5

Malahtlyng O'Konkour 21

Malmortha O'Konkour, 20

Mandevyle, Johannes 25

Martinus, 24

Ricardus, 23, 24

Robertus, 24

Marchie, Comes Rogerus de Mortuo

Mari 19, 22

Marchus, 3

Marcilia 30

Mareys, Ricardus de, 27

Maria, Mater Domini, 3

Magdalene, ib.

Mariscalli, Comes Ricardus, .... 7

Marisco, Sylvestre de, 14

- Willelmus, 7,14

Martinus, 3

Episcopus Turonensis, . . . 3, 4

Mattheus 2,9

Matilda, uxor W. de Burgo, . . . . 19

Radulphi d'Ufford, . . 30

Maxentius, Imperator, 4

Maynoht, 19

Media. Vide Midia.

Mediolanum, 4

Mellifontis Abbacia, 5

Memertus, Sanctus, 4

Meylerus, filius Henrici, 7, 8

Radulphus, 29

Michaell, Episcopus Ossoriensis, ... 10

Page. Midia (Media), . . . . 13,14,16,34

Petronilla de, 16

Midensis Episcopus, Mc Carwyll, ... 21

Milleborne, Nacio de, 33

Minorum, Ordo, . . 7, 13, 24, 26, 27, 39

Conventus de Drouda, 36

Dublinie Capitulum, . 9

Kilkennie, 8, 16, 28, 34, 37

Capitulum, . 11

Yohil, ib.

Molingar, 21

Molynfarnan, 39

Molyng, Sanctus, 15

Momonia, 13, 27, 34

Menaht Castrum 31

Mondessyl, 30

Monsel, Johannes, Miles, 22

Monteforte, Symon, 8

Morkardaht, 9

Mortuo Mari, Rogerus de, . . 13, 16, 30

. Com. de Marchie, 19, 22

Mortuo Mari, Rogerus, Dominus de, . 18

Justiciarius, . 13

Moubrey, Dominus, 33

Mounbrey, Johannes de, 15

Moyalby, 22

Moyarfe, 20

Moytobyr, 25

Multon, Thomas de, 18

Mylborne, Matheus, 17


Nasse, W illielmus, 27

Nathyrlah Brein de, 24

Nathyrlaght, 25

Neapolis, 30

Nenaght, 34, 35, 39

Ybreyn, 16

Nero, 3



Neyvil, Dominus, 33

Nicenum Concilium, 3

Nicholaus, filius Willielmi, 17

Papa, 9

Tribunus, 35

Normannia, 5

Norraht, Philippus de, 11

Northamptona, 38

Adam, Episcopus Fernensis, 33

Norwangia, 25

Norwich, 6

Norwicum, 38

Nothyngama, ib.

Novum Castrum, 39

Noynn, Archiepiscopus de, 33


Obargi, heres, Johanna Purcell, ... 25

O'Brananys, 19, 20

O'Brennis. Vide O'Brynnis.

O'Bren, Bren, 17, 24, 27

O'Breyn, Breyn, 21,23,34

Konkur, 21

Willelmus, Carraght, ... 25

O'Bryn, Brien, 27

O'Brynnis, O'Brynnys, O'Brennis, 26, 27, 28

Duftyr de 26, 27

O'Carwyllis. Vide O'Karwyl.

O'Codtanys, 15

O'Conkur, Regulus de Offaly (vide

O'Konkur), 11

O'Conyl, 31

Octavian, 1> 2

O'Donyn, 21

O'Dymiscy 21, 29, 33, 34

Dermicius, 32

Offaly, 10

. O'Conkur, Regulus de, ... 11

Princeps de, 20


Page, O'Grada, Johannes, Archiepiscopus Cas-

selensis, 31

O'Kally, Radulphus, Archiep. Cassel., ib. O'Karwyl, O'Carwyl, O'Kayrwill, 17, 27, 33

Cam 20

Donatus, 13

Rodericus, 33

Thadeus, Princeps Elycarwyl, ib.

O'Kenidy, Domenaldus, 34

Philippus, ib.

O'Kensely, 30

O'Konchour, 14

Malahtlyng, 20

O'Konkur, 32

Rex Connacie, ib.

Olethan, 26

O'Morchys, 12, 18

O'Morthe, 32,33

Cornelius (Conyl), .... 37

David, ib.

Donatus, 14

Johannes, 14

Leyath, Leysart, Leysaght,

26, 27, 29

Rury, 33, 37

O'Nolan, 21, 29

Henricus, 15

Philippus, 24

Ricardus, 22

O'Nolanys, 14, 15, 21, 29

O'Neyl, Henricus, Rex Ultonie, ... 30

O'Done (Odo), ib.

O'Neyl, Regulus Ultonie, 8

Robertus, 20

Ormonia (vide Ermonia, Hermonia),

Comes de, 21, 24

Comes de, Jacobus le Botiller, 22

Orosius, 1

O'Ryan, Kerry 27

Ossoria, 17, 19, 27, 37


Ossoria, Archidiaconus de, Howelus de

Bathe, 27

Ossoriensis Episcopus, Galfridus, . . 10

Michael, . . . ib.

Ricardus, . . 16, 35

Willelmus, films

Johannis 10, 18

O'Thohyl, 22

O'Thothyl Murkyht Nicol, .... 25

Owtlaw, Rogerus, 29

Willelmus 17

Oxonia, 38

Comes de, Johannes de Weyr, . 32


Palladius, 5

Palmer, Isabella, Domina, 34

Parisius, 3

Pascha, 1

Patinos (Pahtmos), 3

Patricius, Sanctus, 4

Paulus, 2,3

Pembrochie Comes, L. de Hastingis, . 35

Eymerus de, Valencia, . . 16

Percy, Dominus, ........ 33

Petrus, . . ' 3, 8

Pharamond (Faramundus), .... 4

Philippus, Rex, 6, 10

Pincerna Hibernie, ... . . 24, 28

Edmundus, 11,13,14

Jacobus, . . . . 21

Theobaldus, ... 10

Poer, Arnoldus le, 12, 14

Arnold, Seneschalus Kilkennie,

16, 20

Benedictus 19

, Eustachius, . . . 11,25,32,33

Seneschalus Kilkennie, 28

Johannes, Baro de Dunhalle, . 20

Dominus, .... 19

Page. Poer, Meylerus, Episcopus Lehtlinen-

sis, 14

Philippus, ........ 1 1

Petrus, Baro de Dunhalle, . . 19

Poerini, 19

Pontdris, 39

Pons, ib.

Pontensis Civitas, 13

Predicatorum Ordo, . . . . 7, 19, 34, 37

Preraonstratensis Ordo, 5

Prendergast, Philippus, 31

Willielmus, 12

Prestona, 39

Purcell, Johanna, 25

Purcelles, 34

Purcyl, Symon, Vicecomes Kilkennie, . 19


Radingia, 38

Rahtgormocke, 19

Rahtymegan, 28

Ravennarum Archiepiscopus, Vassal! For-

tenarus, 35

Raynyl M'Gilpatrick, 29

Rechefordis (vide Rocheford), . . . ib.

Johannes de, . . . . 27, 28

Petrus de, 14

Rede, Walterus de la, Archiepiscopus

Cassellensis, 22

Ricardus, Comes Ultonie, 11

. Episcopus Ossoriensis, . 16,35

Ricardus, films Henrici III., .... 8

Rex (I.), 6, 7

(II.), 22

Richmond, Comes de, J., 15

Richmundia, 39

Robertus, Archiepiscopus Eboracensis, . 6

Rex Jerusalem, 30

Rocheford (Recheford), Geraldus, . . 31

Page. Rocheford, Mauricius, Episcopus Limerici, 28

Rochysburgia, 39

Rochfalyaht, Geraldus, films Mauricii, . 10

Rohtgrasse, Thomas, 25

Rokele, Ricardus de la, 8, 22

Roma, 1, 2, 3, 7, 35

Ros, Rosse, . . 8, 10, 14, 19, 25, 29, 31, 39

Capitulum, 13

Roscre, 28

Rupe, Georgius de, 23, 33

. Gilbertus, 14

Johannes, 19, 33

Patricius, 11

Willielmus, 19

Rupenses, 11, 17, 23

Rupella, Johannes de, 8


Salisbiria, 38

Salopidia, 39

Saltu, Hugo de, Episcopus Fernensis, . 34 Sampforde, Johannes de, Archiepiscopus

Dublinie, 9, 10

Sannes, Archiepiscopus de, .... 33 Sancto Albino, Cognomen de, . . 19,30

J. Dominus de Cumcy, . 26

Johannes, . . .22, 27, 29

Walt. Oge, .... 27

Walterus, . 27, 28, 29, 30

Sancti Canici Campanile, .... 24, 33

Scrinium, 33

Sancto Leodogario, Galfridus de, Epis- copus Ossoriensis 10

Willelmus, ... 19

Sanctus Botulfus, 39

Edmundus, 38

;, Willielmus, 13


Say, Margaria, uxor Roberti de Uf- ford,


Scardeburgia, 39

Schorthalis, Galfridus, 28

Scorthals, Robertas 16

Scotia, 10, 15

Scotie, Rex, David le Brus, ... 25, 33

Seneca, 3

Serrkeran, Manerium de, 10

Serenus, Imperator, 4

Severinus, ib.

Scharlyngton, Johannes, Justiciarius, . 28 Thomas, Episcopus Here-

fordensis, 28

Sylvester, Papa, 4

Sixtus, Papa, 3

Skethrys, 12

Skrope, Henricus, 32

Slebania, Slesblania, 17, 32

Slemargys, O'Morthys de, 25

Soraboitarum Secta, 11

Southampton, 38

Spenser, Hugo de, 14, 15, 18

Stafordia, 38, 39

Stapleton, Walterus, Episcopus Exoni-

ensis, 18

Stephanas, Episcopus Waterford, . . 9

- Rex, 5

Sanctus, 2, 4

Strifling, 11


Talon, Philippus, 15

Tamisia, 5

Tartdart, 17

Templariorum Ordo, 6, 11

Terra Sancta, 14,27,36

Thagmolingis, villa de, 34

Thaht Molyngis, 35

Thalmolyn, Ecclesia, 15

Thathmelage, 39

Page. Thomas, Archiepiscopus Cantuar., . . 6

Thomas, Sanctus, ib.

Thome Villa, 23

Thurlis, vide Yrlef, 34

Tiberis, 2

Tiberius, 1

Titus, 3

Tolonenses 14

Tolosanus, Archiepiscopus, Ludovicus, 13

Totmonia, 9, 13, 17, 21

Totmoy, 39

Traherne, Henricus, 16, 21

Traly, 17

Travers, Patricius 22

Robertus, 22, 27

Tribunus, Rome, 35

Tripolis, 36

Tristeldermot, 8

Trum, 39

Turonis, 3

Tyberary, 21, 25, 27, 28

Tylaht, Rector de, Edwardus le Bo- tiller, 15


Ufford, Radulphus de, 32

Justiciarius Hibernie,

30, 31

Robertus, 9

Ultonia, 6, 8, 12, 13, 30

Comes de, Hugo de Lacy, . , 7

Ultonia, Comes de, R. de Burgo, . . 18

Ricardus, . . . 10, 11

Willielmus de Burgo,

19, 21, 22, 24


Valencia, Eymmers de, Comes Pem- brochi, 16


Valle de, 16, 19

Galfridus, 38

Gilbertus 20

Henricus, 28

Remundus, 20

Walterus, 16,28

Vasconia, 7, 16

Vassal! Fortenarrus, Archiepiscopus Ra-

venarum, 35

Verdona, Johannes de, 9

Milo, 14

Nicholaus, . . . . 9, 11, 13, 34

Vesey, de, Willielmus, 10

Vespasian, 3

Vienne Concilium, 11

Vintonia, 38

Viride Castrum, . . 30

Vivianus, Legatus, 6

Wallia, 8, 9

Waterfordia, 8, 9, 31, 39

Capitulum, 13


Waterfordensis, Episcopus, .... 14


Welyfed, 15


Waterfordensis, Episcopus, Nicholaus, 24

Stephanus, 9

Weyr, Johannes de, Comes de Oxonia, 3:2

Weysfordia, 22, 27, 39

Wigornia, 38

Wincestria, 21

Winchelsia, Wynchelsia, 38

Win tonia (Wyntonia), Comes de, . . IK

Willelmus, Dux Normannie, .... 5

Puer, 6

Rufus 5

Wogan, Thomas, 34

Wykynlo, 39

Wynchelsea. Vide Winchelsia. Wyntonia. Vide Wintonia.


Yoaellia, 9

Ybreyn Nenaht, 16

Ymerdoylan 30

Yniskysty, 31

Yohil, 9, 11, 13, 39

Yorlys, 23

Yrtlef, Yirlef, vide Thultis, . . 16, 21, 25

Ysidorus, 5

Ytalia. Vide Italia.










the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the darkest period of Irish society, there were amongst the eccle- siastics of Leighlin some men of inquiring minds and of literary habits. Nicholas Magwyr, bishop from 1490 to 1512, was educated in the University of Oxford, and we are told that, " when Prebendary of Ullard, he preached and delivered great learninge with no lesse reve- rence, being in favor with the king and nobilitie of Leinster, who, together with theDeane andChapter, elected himBishop of Leighlin"8. When advanced to that see he was commended for his hospitality ; and the number of cows which he grazed without loss upon the woods and mountains of Knockbrannenb, Cumnabally, Aghcarew, Ballycarew, andMoilglas, gave proof to his contemporaries how much he was beloved in those districts. This bishop had begun many learned works, but could not finish any, " saveinge one Cronicle sum- mariely by him collected, and [it] is found in the handes of many in written hand laten."


a Dowling, p. 32. b Brandon-hill, near Graigne, Co. Kilkenny.



The Life of this learned and popular prelate was written by his chaplain, Thomas Brown, and " his Cronicle," preserved in the Yel- low Book of Leighlin, together with further collections made by Thomas Waterfeld, Archdeacon of Leighlin, seems to have formed the groundwork of the Irish collections subsequently made by Thady Dowling0, Treasurer and Chancellor of that diocese.

That the following pages contain those collections in the state in which they were left by Dowling it would be rash to affirm. In such collections every transcriber thinks himself justified in adding new matter, and in omitting what he esteems the mistaken entries of the original compiler. In successive transcripts marginal observations are apt to steal into the text, and from the way in which Dowling is hereafter mentioned it would seem that he is rather the chief autho- rity than the sole compiler of these Annals. We must, however, observe, that in the manuscript they are ascribed to Dowling, and that we have found no quotation attributed to Dowling by Hanmer or Ussher, which is not to be found in these pages.

It is evident that the compiler of these Annals had access to no contemptible library of printed books. Giraldus Cambrensis, Powell's Caradoc of Llancarvan, and probably that learned Welshman's other works on British History, Lanquet's Chronicle, continued by Bishop Cooper, Sir J. Eliot, Stowe, and Holinshed, form a library, for which many a modern clerical student of Irish history would envy Queen Elizabeth's Chancellor of Leighlin. Yet in Dowling's days the old cathedral town of St. Lazerian, looking from its sheltered glen and bright stream, across the rich plain of the Barrow, to the blue and undulating outline of Mount Leinster, beautiful as it ever must have been to the eye of the painter, was a place ill-fitted for quiet study


c Dowling died at Leighlin in 1628, in the brief notice of him in Harris's Edition the eighty- fourth year of his age. See of Ware's Writers, p. 99.


and learned research. The neighbouring monastery of the Carmelites at the bridge had beend converted into a royal garrison, and the goodly Barrow, as it flowed under its walls, reflected, not cowls and friars' frocks, but matchlocks and iron skull-caps.

In this transmuted monastery, in the beginning of the reign of Edward VI., Sir Edward Bellingham6, Lord Deputy, kept a stall of twenty or thirty horse ; and it was from this house that he rode into Munster, to the house of the Earl of Desmond, when, being unlocked for and unthought of, he found the Earl sitting at his Christmas fire, and took him, and carried him away with him to Dublin. Some years later, and in the time of Dowling, Leighlin was the residence of one of these bold and accomplished soldiers, at once worldly and romantic, who gave strength and glory to the throne of Queen Eliza- beth. Here came Sir Peter Carew, who having been in his youth, as recorded by his faithful stewardf, at Constantinople in the Turk's court, at Vienna in the Emperor's palace, at Venice, and in the French king's court, and in the houses of most of all Christian princes, in every of which places he left some token of his value, settled down at Leighlin in his ripe manhood, determined to preserve by policy and the strong hand the great Irish inheritance which he claimed by descent, and had obtained by law. Here he kept continually, and here, as we shall find, he needed to keep, in his own private family, too persons, and had always in readiness 100 horsemen, well ap- pointed, besides footmen, and 100 kerns; here his cellar door was never shut, and his buttery always open to all comers of any credit. Those days, however, of military strength and of proud hospitality, worthy of Branksome Hall, soon passed away ; and when that worthy knight, old Sir Peter, died at Ross, his cousin and heir,


d Dowling, p. 38. f Hooker, p. 323.

e Hooker (ap. Holingshed), p. 376.

a 2


young Sir Peter, was unable to defend his inheritance. In 1580, as we learn from Dowling, there was a great slaughter committed by the Ketings at Leighlin, and at Glynmalowra, in the county of Wicklow, by the Byrnes, where young Sir Peter, Baron of Odrone, and Francis Cosby, Esq., captain of the loyal kerns of Leix, and Master Moore, and Bernard Fitzwilliam, captains, were killed, with many other gentlemen of estimation, by Fiagh Mac Hugh [O'Byrne], and other rebels, who afterwards, at the instigation of young Maurice Cavanagh of Garrowchill, burned ten townlands in Idrone, and car- ried off as prisoners Master Wood, who was probably one of the Chapter, and Roger Hooker, Dean of Leighlin.

The Chancellor relates the captivity of the Dean of Leighlin with great composure, indicating, perhaps, that Thady Dowling, with his two Irish names, had no great sympathy with this English-born Roger Hooker. Yet, if Roger Hooker, as seems likely, was the bro- ther of the writer, John Hooker, alias Vowell, and promoted by the interest of the bookish Carew, he was probably no unworthy head of the Chapter of Leighlin, and no unfit associate in Dowling's historical inquiries. If the Dean had his brother's learning it is to be hoped that he did not make as vain a display of it as was made by that worthy English gentleman, who, when member for Athenry, in Con- naught, in a speech reported by himself, assured the Irish House of Commons that the Lord Deputy, Sir Henry Sidney, was treated by them as ungratefully as Moses had been treated, and Camillus, and Scipio, as Socrates, Themistocles, Miltiades, and others, and proved the same by various histories. Such learning we can well spare, but it is to be lamented that the Dean has not left any record of his cap- tivity. It would be interesting to read how the English Protestant churchman, the friend of the Carews and the brother of their law- agent, was treated, in the fastnesses of Glenmalure, by this Fiagh Mac Hugh, in his house of Balinecorr, who, from being abase varlet,


dared, in Spenser's time, " to front princes, and to make tearms with great potentates."

The successor of scholars, such as were the scholars of the time, and, as we suppose, the companion of scholars, Bowling spent a long life in the discharge of his ecclesiastical functions, and in the study of the literature and history of his country. There is something pleasing in the picture of such a life in such times, and we like to think of the old man, in the midst of an unquiet generation, as a re- laxation from grave and important duties, now examining the new and costly volumes in the library of the learned English knight, and now poring over the manuscript recordsg of his cathedral, or striving to find some traces of romantic history in the names of the neighbour- ing townlands, or searching for tombstones in the choir, and calling upon the clerk and the carpenter to bear witness that they had seen with their eyes the tomb which he had sought for. And, if the good Chancellor mistook the import of the epitaph which he read in simple verse, and, as has been suggested, confounded Burchard with Borardb, and the Norwegian pirate with the Norman knight, and, be it re- membered, the mistake may not be on the part of Dowling, but on that of his would-be corrector, still graver mistakes have been made by more learned men, who have not, like honest Dowling, preserved the document by which the truth could be ascertained.

As the O'Dowlings were one of the six septs of Leix, it is pro- bable that our Chancellor was of Irish blood ; the Statute against the promotion of Irish churchmen remaining, like many better Statutes, a dead letter on the Rolls of Parliament. We know from Ware that he was an Irish scholar, and the compiler of an Irish grammar; and in


z Page 4. Gilbert de Borard founded a Keceptory

h Gilbert de Borard. Conquest of Ire- for Knights Templars at Killarge, in the land, 1. 3 1 1 6. In the reign of King John, county of Carlow.


these brief Annals he does not omit to mention that the art of print- ing and of founding the letters and characters of the Irish language was introduced into Dublin, in the year 1571, by John Kearna, Trea- surer of St. Patrick's, and Nicholas Walsh, Bishop of Ossory. That an Irishman by birth and by blood should understand Irish in the sixteenth century provokes no observation ; as in the beginning of that century the Irish language was generally understood among the Anglo-Irish nobles and churchmen.

In the catalogue of the Earl of Kildare's library, taken in 1518, there are nearly as many books in Irish as in English; and in 1541 the Irish lords of English blood, Barry, Roch, Fitzmaurice, and Bir- mingham, seem to have understood Irish alone ; at least Sentleger1 writes to Henry VIII. that Sir Thomas Cusake's " right solemn pro- position in giving such laud and praise to His Majesty, as justly and most worthily His Majesty had merited, as well for the extirpation of the usurped power of the Bishop of Rome out of this realm, as also for his innumerable benefits showed to his realms and subjects, was briefly and prudently declared in the Irish tongue to the said lords by the mouth of the Earl of Ormonde, greatly to their conten- tation."

The policy of the English government, the great influx of English settlers in the seventeenth century, and the irresistible flow of cir- cumstances, have made us an English-speaking population ; but at no time, from the days of Dowling to the present days, have there been wanting wise and kind-hearted men, who, however they may have rejoiced that the English language, rich with the richest trophies of genius and of thought, was their's by inheritance, were anxious, not to supplant English or to extend the use of Irish, but to perpetuate the knowledge of the older and the more venerable language, and to


1 State Papers, cccxl.


procure, through its use, a readier access to the Irish heart and un- derstanding.

It must be confessed, however, that in the following pages we derive but little profit from Bowling's Irish scholarship. It is true that he makes mention of the Hibernie Scriptores of the Life of St. Patrick, and of the Hibernie Antiquarii, as well as of the Historici Hibernie, but he cites no Irish manuscript or Irish author by name ; and his ancient Irish history is made up of the traditions common to Giraldus Cambrensis, to Fordun, and the Four Masters, and left unsifted by them all, mingled with extracts from Saxo Grammaticus, and from Powell's edition of Caradoc of Llancarvan. Yet, notwith- standing this absence of Irish historical authority from Bowling's collections, historical compilations appear to have been at all times amongst the favourite productions of Irish literature. In the cata- logue of the Earl of Kildare's Irish Library before referred to, which is given in the notej, there occur names of works evidently historical ; and the Four Masters, who, although later compilers, were living in Bowling's old age, made use of nine sets of Irish chronicles, of which

O O i

six were not completed before the commencement of the sixteenth century.

The publication of that great compilation of Irish annals in O'Bonovan's splendid edition, rendered doubly valuable as it has been by his topographical notes, has made us indifferent to Bowling's neglect of Irish authorities, and has given to the student of Irish his- tory

j " Saltir Casshil. Saint Beraghan's lagh me Moregh. Concullyns act. The

boke. Another boke wherin is the begyn- monk of Egipt lif. Foilfylmiy. The VII.

nyng of the Cronicles of Ireland. The sages. The Declaracon of Gospellis. Saint

birth of Christ. Saint Kateryn's liff. Bernard passion. The History of Clave-

Saint Jacob is passion. Saint George is lyre. The Leching of Kene is legg.

passion. The Spech of Oyncheagh. Saint Castelens." Retrospect. Rev. and Hist, and

Feghin is lif. Saint Fynyan is lif. Bris- Antiq. Mag. 2nd Series, pt. i. p. 138.


tory ready access to all the knowledge which can be expected from such compilations. However honestly drawn up, whether made by the Chancellor of Leighlin or by the Friars of Donegal, such compi- lations in no wise supersede the necessity of consulting the original authorities. They must always bear marks of the character and cir- cumstances, not only of the author but also of the compiler, arid it is possible that the unconscious substitution of one word for another supposed to be equivalent to it, may have destroyed the only clue left by the original writer for unravelling the system, political, legal, or ecclesiastical, of his times.

Nor have combinations of chronicles, however accurately and fully expressed, the interest which belongs to the work of one mind. It would be vain to expect in any collection of monkish chronicles the philosophy which could fuse and mould their discordant mate- rials into one consistent whole; their very copiousness becomes a cause of obscurity, as the attention is worn out by the profusion of small events, apparently springing from no motive, and certainly leading to no result. As a national history such collections of annals must be confused and disheartening, but as materials for local history they are invaluable ; and if ever freely and boldly used for that pur- pose, they will be found to suggest many thoughts relative to the social condition of the country ; and being thus resolved into their original elements, for it was as local histories that their chief mate- rials were originally composed, they will cluster inform and clearness round various points of great interest. Such is the meagreness of our historical records that it is only by the judicious use of these stiff and formal compilations, and of the wild legends of Irish hagiology, that we can hope to gain any knowledge of the form and pressure of the ante-Norman period of Irish history, to arrange it into its several eras, to ascertain the habits and manners of those who lived in them, and to comprehend their motives, their objects, and their characters,



and thus to form some vague notion how their past has influenced our present.

The troubles occasioned by the O'Mores in Leix, and by the Cavanaghs in Carlow and Wexford, form the staple of Dowling's peculiar contributions to Irish history. These troubles, as we learn from the following pages, like almost all other Irish troubles, did not spring originally from political causes, but were directly connected with quarrels about the possession of land.

The Norman conquest of England, which preceded the conquest of Ireland by little more than a hundred years, had effected as great a revolution in landed property in England, as was designed in Ire- land ; but the Saxon occupier soon learned to submit to his Norman landlord : the rights of property, however acquired, in England were universally assented to, and order and security arose from invasion and spoliation. It was not so in Ireland. Some of the causes of this great difference it is not difficult to discover. In England the grantees of the Crown however enormous were some of the Conqueror's grants formed a' numerous and powerful body of feudal lords, all equally interested in the common title of all to their several estates. The presence of the central government, always interested in the maintenance of order, tended at once to repress the provoking inso- lence and tyranny of the landlord, and the insubordination of the peasant ; and where order was observed, and property secure, the industry of the tenant and the tradesman, before they were hardened into a middle class, repellent alike of lord and of peasant, penetrated the lower poor with feelings of hope and of attachment to the exist- ing state of society.

In Ireland, on the contrary, the grantees of the Crown were com- paratively few ; from the first the head lords of lands were scattered at wide intervals through the country. In the course of one or two generations several of their great inheritances descended upon Eng-


lish nobles resident in England, and leaving their Irish estates to the care of Irish undertakers, who seized the first opportunity from agents to become proprietors. The power of the Deputy was unable to repress the outrages of the landlord or the discontent of the tenant ; and where all things were in confusion there could be no accumulations of thrift or industry to give hope to peaceful ambition, and to make the poor man friendly to the authority of the law.

To all these causes of the security of the Norman possessors of Saxon estates, and of the constant resistance with which the grand- sons of these Normans and their descendants were harassed when they relied upon royal charters for the grant of Irish lands, must be added, above all, the different systems of landed tenure which had previously existed in both countries.

Whatever may have been the privileges of the Saxon churl, the occupier of land, he was still a tenant, holding, on certain conditions, under an hereditary, an official, or an elective superior, and liable, on the failure of such conditions, to forfeit possession. To the imme- diate cultivator of the soil the distinction of Bocland arid Folcland must have been indifferent. Whatever theory may be devised to account for the origin of rent in countries otherwise circumstanced, and whatever may have been the system of landed property origi- nally prevalent amongst the Teutonic nations, it is plain that in Saxon Britain, a conquered country, in which the natives were not extirpated, there must have been a gradual progress with the increase of civilization from the absolute slavery of the indigenous race, from their being hewers of wood and drawers of water, through serfdom and villeinage, to the commutation of arbitrary into fixed services, ultimately resulting in the payment of rent either in money or in kind. And this change must have brought about the abolition of national distinctions between the native thrall, now raised to the rank of a farmer, and the family of the smaller Saxon



proprietor, who gained their livelihood by the profitable occupation of land.

Whether at the time of the Norman conquest this last result had, or had not, been universally arrived at in England in all cases, it is plain that by the substitution of a Norman lord for a Saxon thane, the status of the Saxon occupier was not essentially changed ; the con- ditions of his tenure may have become more burdensome, but he still remained a tenant as he was before; and however strong may have been his Saxon indignation at the Norman superiority, there was little in it to affect his personal interest, or materially to deteriorate his actual condition.

In the greater part of Ireland, on the contrary, although the Saxon or Danishk system seems to have been introduced into Fingal and into other parts of the east coast, previous to the time of Strong- bow, there were neither landlords nor tenants. Every seignory or chiefry, with the portion of land that passed with it, went without partition to the tanist, who always came in by election, or the strong hand, and not by descent ; but by the law of gavelkind1 all the infe- rior tenancies were partible, not, as in Kent, only amongst the first heirs male of the last possessor, but at the will of the head of the sept, amongst all the males of the sept, whether legitimate or ille- gitimate.

Such was the Irish custom of gavelkind, as explained by the sa- gacious and inquiring Sir John Davies ; and although in the third year of James I. it was declared and resolved by all the Judges that this custom was void in law, not only for the inconvenience and un- reasonableness of it, but because it was a mere personal custom, and could not alter the descent of inheritance ; yet so deeply rooted in Irish prejudices was the love of common holdings, with minute and


k Eegist. Omnium Sanctorum, p. 50. ' Sir J. Davies' Keports, Gavelkind.

b 2


changeable subdivisions111, that they survived to perplex Sir Henry Piers in Westmeath in 1697, an(^ Lord George Hill in Donegal in 1 846. Perplexing, however, as it may have been to landlords, bar- barous as it was in the eyes of English lawyers, and however opposed to the general improvement of the country, this Irish custom of gavel- kind not only opened to every man a possibility of becoming tanist, or heir apparent, at the death of the chief, but it had also the far wider- spreading effect of giving to every man a positive interest in the preservation of the family estate, and, when that estate was lost, of exciting every man to exert himself for its recovery11.

Nor was it clear to the Irish understanding that the lands of the sept could ever legally be lost. By Irish law every occupier was but an occupier for life, and could alienate or forfeit only his own life- interest. As in the somewhat analogous case of the Kentish gavel- kind, the father's felony could not forfeit the son's right to the lands: in the old adage, though the father might be hanged " on the bough," the son had still a right to return " to the plough".

With such strong and generally diffused motives for striving to recover the landed property of the several septs, it is not surprising that the Irish should have availed themselves of the diminution of the small number of the original grantees, by absenteeism, by foreign wars, and by the wars of the Roses, to re-enter upon lands which had been wrested from their own sept, or from some other sept which


m Chorographical Description of West- multiplied, and as the arable land was di-

meath. The arable land alone was divi- vided into smaller portions, it is evident

ded, the pasture being held in common. that the relative power of the chief, whose

n In the English times the cuttings or portion was not partible, must have in- dues of the Irish chiefs became excessive, creased within the sept, whilst the increase but it must be remembered that they were of the numbers of his sept rendered him paid in kind, and were consumed on the more formidable to his neighbours, spot by members of the sept. As the sept


had not courage or opportunity to resume their rights. And as such attempts were contrary to English law, and inconsistent with English authority, the claims of private property excited public disturbance, and what might have been a lawsuit became a rebellion.

In the division made at Woodstock, by Henry III., of the great seignory of Leinster, between the five sisters of the five childless Earls Marshal, the country of Leix, with its chief castle of Duna- mase, was assigned to the third sister, Eva, wife of De Braosa, Lord of Brecknock: and her daughter, Matilda, brought the manor to her husband, Roger Mortimer. The territory of Leix, previous to the English conquest, had been the patrimony of the O'Mores ; and after the Scottish invasion, when the power of the English was every- where shaken, the absentee Mortimer0 esteemed it a good device for the management of his lands to employ the services of one of that supplanted sept, and " thought him not dishonoured by the service." It was a common, but a perilous expedient, and the temptation proved too strong for the fidelity of Lysaght O'More. Towards the end of the reign of Edward II., and probably at the time when Mortimer was proclaimed a traitor by his injured sovereign, the hour came for gratifying his inherent desire of independence, perhaps his rankling longings for revenge. In one night Lysaght O'More burned ten English castles, and destroyed Dunamase, the head of Mortimer's ba- rony; and on that night, to use the words of Clyn, from a serf he become a lord, from a subject a prince: " De servo dorninus, de sub- jecto princeps effectus."

After the death of Lysaght, who was murdered, when drunk, by his servant, the manor of Dunamase was recovered from the O'Mores, and in the reign of Edward III., during the forfeiture of the Morti- mers, was in the hands of Sir John Wellesleyq ; but although some


0 Finglas's Breviate, 82. p Hibernica, Part II. p. 74.


of the O'Mores were forced to acknowledge that they held their lands in Leix, which then formed part of the county of Kildarep, from Mortimer, as of his manor of Dunamase, yet the greater part of the De Braos portion of Strongbow's palatinate was lost to the Mortimers. Nor was Leix the only territory in Leinster, the inheritance of Eva Mac Morogh, of which the princely Mortimers were deprived by native claimants. Through the De Burghs and the Earls of Gloster they had hereditary claims to the territory of Ossoryr, and when the youth- ful Earl of March, grandson of Lionel, Duke of Clarence, and pre- sumptive heir of the crown of England, was appointed Lord Lieute- nant by his friend and cousin, Richard II., the viceregal sword added but little to his dignity in Ireland, where he was by descent Earl of Ulster, Lord of Meath, of Connaught, of Leix, and of Ossory, claim- ing in all these vast franchises the authority of a Lord Palatine, absorbing the royal revenues, and exercising royal power. But all these titles, and all this power, hereditary and deputed, were vain when employed to recover estates once fallen into the hands of Irish- men. In his attempt to rescue8 lands belonging to his mother, which his father had been obliged to reconquer, the " courteous" Earl of March was resisted by O'Nowlan, O'Byrne, Mac David More [Mac Morogh], Mortagh Mac Laghlin, and others; a battle was fought at Calleston,nowKellistown,in O'Nowlan's country, where Raymond le Gros had a castle in the time of Henry II.; the Earl was slain, and his mother, as we learn from Dowling, gave two chalices, one to Myshall and one to Garrowcheill, to ransom his body, which was sent to Eng- land, and interred with his forefathers in the Abbey of Wigmore.

In this obscure skirmish, fought in a place whose name has hitherto been mistaken and its site unknown, were involved the


q Rol. Cl. 29, 30. Ed. III. 8 Xoteto Translation of Deposition of

r Inquisitions, Jac. I. 19, King's Co. Richard II. p. 42 Archaaologia, vol. xx.


destinies of the British empire ; for it was to revenge the death of his cousin and presumptive heir that King Richard came a second time into Ireland, and so left the field open to Bolingbroke, to whose towering ambition the superior claims of Mortimer's orphan children offered only a feeble obstacle ; and hence the disputed succession, the thinning of the old nobles of England, the rise of the landed gentry, and all the thousand ever-spreading consequences of the wars of York and Lancaster.

Nor were the long and dangerous insurrections of the MacMoroghs and the Cavanaghs less directly connected with disputes about land, than those of the O'Nowlans and O'Mores. Connected with King Dermod, if not descended from him, and consequently allied in blood to all the noble posterity of Strongbow and the Countess Eva, and possessing the distinguished privilege of being one of the quinque sanguinum, the Mac Moroghs seem from the first to have held undis- turbed possession of the hill country on the borders of Carlow and Wexford. As the power of the English settlers decreased, the native sept gradually spread over the low lands, and acquired extensive possessions in both those counties. In 1327, ten years after Bruce's invasion, at an assembly of the Irish at Leinster, the power of the sept, and certain traditional recollections, secured Donald Mac Murgh's election to the title of King of Leinster, as Pembridge says somewhat scornfully : " Hibernici de Lagenia collegerunt se simul, et fecerunt quemdam Regem, videlicet Donaldum filium Arte Mac Murgh"1.

The vain boasts of the new king that he would plant his standard within two miles of Dublin, and then, after the fashion of the old Irish kings, go through all Ireland, were dissipated : he was taken prisoner by Sir Henry Traharne, and confined in the castle of Dub- lin, until, at the end of three years, he made his escape, with the help


1 Pembridge in Camden, in anno 1327.


of a rope, bought for him by Adam Nangle, for which, and perhaps with which, Adam Nangle was hanged.

Notwithstanding Donald MacMurgh's misfortunes, the captainship of the sept, with the title of king, long continued in this family.

In King Richard's11 first expedition, on the 1 6th day of February, 1 395, Arte MacMorogh, who was called king, " although he had small territories anywhere," came riding on a black horse to the field of Baligory, near Carlow, and having heard the King's letters read, and explained in English, by John Molton, clerk, of the diocese of Lin- coln, and read in Irish by Friar Edmund Vale, Master of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland, with Gerald O'Bryn, Donald O'Nolan, Loy Oge, and Shane Mac Mauriceboy of Slewmergy, and Murogh O'Connohur of Offaly, all captains of their respective septs, Arte Mac Morogh, having taken off his girdle, sword, and cap, joining together the palms of his hands, and holding them upright within the hands of the Earl of Nottingham, who had then a special commis- sion from the King, did homage and swore allegiance, and bound himself, on the restitution of his wife's barony of the Norragh, and on the annual payment of eighty marks as wages, to enter into the King's service, and to surrender all his lands in Leinster, for which he was to receive compensation by the grant of such lands as he might con- quer elsewhere from the enemies of his lord the King.

By this promised removal from Leinster of Mac Morogh and the other Irish captains, the English of Leinster would have been re- lieved from troublesome neighbours ; but the native grasp of here- ditary lands is not easily relaxed; and although they now bent before the royal power of England, the Leinster septs were rather disposed to intrude upon the old settled possessions of the English than to re- linquish the lands of their ancestors. It was at that very time that the


" Submissio Hibernicorum enrolled in Court of Exchequer, England.

Cavanaghs were supplanting the Carews in Idrone. The barony of the Norragh, the estate of his wife, the heiress of the Calfes or De Veels, gave Mac Morogh a footing in Kildare; its non-restitution afforded him grounds for the continuance of hostilities, and " he solemnly assured his wife," wrote the Irish Council in 1399, " that he will never be at peace until he has restitution of her lands."

Scarcely then were the two hampers, filled with Irish surrenders and indentures, delivered to the Court of Exchequer in England by the Bishop of Salisbury, before disturbances again broke out ; and although the Norraghu was restored to his wife, and the eighty marks annually paid to Mac Morogh and to many successive Mac Moroghs, yet the lands of the sept in Leinster were never relinquished, nor was the title of King of Leinster given up for many generations. Even as late as 1522 we have in these Annals the death of Gerald Kevanagh Mac Murchad, " qui se fecit vocari Regem Lagenie et Ducem Laginen- sium ;" and this titular king was buried with the king's lieges at Leighlin.

But although, like the other sixty chief captainsv calling them- selves kings, or kings' peers or princes, or dukes, or archdukes, living only by the sword, and making war and peace for them- selves, the Mac Moroghs exercised imperial jurisdiction within their narrow boundaries, these Annals show the insecurity of their power and the troubles of their lives. While, however, the captains, by whatever title they were called, were occasionally defeated and com- pelled to submit, or were imprisoned in Dublin or in London, or were hanged, the main body of the sept continued to occupy their hereditary and acquired lands, acknowledging no lord but their own elected captain, and no law but that pronounced by their Brehons on

the hill side.


u Rot. Cl. 20 Hen. VI. v State Papers, Part III. p. i.



The power of the government of Henry VIII. , and the activity of Sentleger, brought about a change. The words of the intelligent Lord Deputy, in announcing his success to the king, are worthy of notice, as they show that the points now insisted on had not escaped his observation :

" Perceiving that thos sectes of people called the Cavenaghes, as Mac Morogh, and other hys complicis, wer not, as then, in pece with Your Magestie, nor yet, at that tyme, had any pledges for securite of the same, yt was thought good by me, and other of the Counsell, to make a journay apon them, whiche we dyd the Monday next after myne arryvall. And contynueing teen daies in their countrey,burnyng and destroying the same, the said MacMorogh, with the moste parte of his nation and sect, cam and submytted theymself to Your Heighnes obedience, clerely renunsing the name of Mac Morogh, and never more, after that day, to elect, nor choise emonge them none to bere the same name, ne yet to be their governor, but only Your Magestie, and suche as ye shall appoynte to the same ; and have promysed to take their landes of Your Magestie, to holde the same by knight service, and not only to serve you from hensforthe truly according to ther dueties, but also to persecute all other of their nation that will disobey the same. And athoughe the nature of the Irishemen be very fikill and inconstant, yet it is thought here, by Your Magesties Counsell, that thes men whiche thus liberally have submytted, re- nunsing the same name, whiche they wolde never do bifor this tyme, will contynue in their sayde goode purpose, seeing we handled theyme after their saide submission very gentilly, not taking from theym any parte of their landes nor goodes, but only of suche as wolde not condescende to the same reasonable submission ; whiche parte so taken we agayne gave on of theymselves, which we sawe moost con- formable to the saide honest submission, savely to kepe to Your Ma- gesties use, alleging that yt was neyther their landes nor goodes, that



your Majesty so moche estemed, as their due obedience to the same, which at lengthe they shuld well perceyve shulde redounde moste to their owne profyte"w.

The increasing tranquillity of the country, and the reviving strength of the English Government in the subsequent reigns, in- volved the Cavanaghs in new troubles. Where the English go- vernment was acknowledged there the English laws were to be exercised, and the legal rights of English subjects were to be main- tained. When, therefore, Sir Peter Carewx of the county of Devon, knight, " bethought himselfe" upon such lands as his ancestors for- merly had in Ireland, he laid claim, among other possessions, to the barony of Idrone, from which, after the death of Sir Leonard Carew in 1369, his ancestor, Sir Thomas, as he alleged, had been driven by M'Murchad, and which was then, and had been for 200 years, in the hands of the Cavanaghs. The legal evidence of Sir Peter's right both to the lordship of Maston, in Meath, and to this barony of Idrone, was sufficient to satisfy Weston, then Lord Chancellor, and he en- tered into possession. In the strange medley of Bowling's words, he made " the Cavenages compound with him for Odrone, the which he quietly enjoyed, savinge that Maurice Oge Kavenagh of Garrowcheill per fas et nephas tenuit suas terras, vulgariter vocatas fyv mart landes absque titulo vel interesse."

Even the temporary quietness of Carew's possession may well be doubted. He had come from England to awaken obsolete claims, by a precedent capable of wide application, and shaking the titles to their lands of all those now loyal Irish captains, who, as tenants, managers, or enemies, had re-entered on the territories granted by the parch- ment charters of King Henry II. or King John, but which had been re-occupied by the Irish in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.


w State Papers, Part III. vol. iii. pp. 235, 236. * Hooker, pp. 339, 376.

c 2


Such claims, however valid according to the principles of English law, naturally provoked resistance, even when supported by Sir Peter's i oo kerns, and by his wise and statesmanlike conduct ; and in 1569, the year after he had received what Dowling calls quiet pos- session, the Leinstermen broke out in all sorts of enormities, and men talked of Peter Carew's wars, and the Cavanaghs, in Bowling's expressive language, which it is needless to translate, were " Diaboli contra Petrum Carew."

Such was the origin, and such was the nature, of the wars which disturbed the neighbourhood of Leighlin in the days of Chancellor Dowling. As some compensation for these troubles , it is to be sup- posed that he enjoyed the luxury of consulting, in Sir Peter Carew's library, the books of modern date to which he often refers. He does not, however, appear to have derived any advantage from the collec- tion of Anglo-Irish documents, once in the possession of Sir George Carew, which now enriches the library at Lambeth. To some docu- ments, which have since been lost, Dowling had ready access. He mentions the Registry, the Records, and the Yellow Book of Leigh- lin, all of which have disappeared ; and we cannot but lament that of these diocesan and capitular muniments he did not make freer use. It is chiefly, if not solely, from incidental notices in such records that Ave can gain clear notions of the ancient state of agriculture, of the modes of subsistence, and of the mutual relation of landlord, farmer, and labourer, upon which the happiness and the character of a nation so much more depend than upon legislative enactments or political events. The invaluable series of Church records, printed by the Bannatyne Club, has cleared up many doubtful points of great interest relative to the social condition of Scotland ; and the internal state of the Anglo-Saxon people cannot be fully understood without consulting the volumes of Mr. Kemble's Codex Diploma- ticus.



Of the transactions which took place in the time of Bowling in the counties contiguous to Carlow we might expect to find fuller de- tails in the following than in any other pages ; yet even in these Dowling has commonly been anticipated by the publication of Hooker, his more copious contemporary. Of the massacre of Mul- laghmast, which is omitted by Hooker, Dowling gives the following account :

" 1 577. Moris Mac Lasy MacConyll [O'More], Lord of Merggi, as he asserted, and successor of the Baron of Omergi, with forty of his followers, after his confederation with Rory O'More, and after a cer- tain promise of protection, was slain at Mullaghmastyn, in the county of Kildare, the place appointed for it, by Master Cosby and Robert Harpoole, having been summoned there treacherously, under pretence of performing service. Harpoole excused it that Morris had geven villanous wordes to the breach of his protection."

Such is Dowling's account of this event, the only recorded fulfil- ment of the blind propheciesy current in Queen Mary's days, that there should be a bloody field fought at Mullaghmast, between the Irish and the English inhabitants of Ireland. " And so bloody, forsooth, shall it be," says Stanyhurst, " that a mill in a vale hard by it shall run four and twenty hours with the stream of blood that shall pour down from the hill."

The value, however, of these Annals does not arise so much from any new facts contained in them, as from their showing the difficulty experienced by an inquisitive and not unlearned man, at the close of the sixteenth century, in his endeavours to gain some knowledge of the history of his country. Well might Hooker2 complain that the Irish public records were slenderly and disorderly kept, and that private historical collections remained in odd and obscure places.


•' Stanyhurst's Description of Ireland, p. 38. z Preface.


The more fully the studenta of Irish antiquities is acquainted with the earlier collections, manuscript and printed, so much the deeper will be his gratitude for the benefits conferred on him by the sagacity and industry of Sir James Ware, and by the stupendous learning and sun-bright truthfulness of Archbishop Ussher.

The following pages possess some interest, from the indications of the personal feelings of the compiler on religious and political events. Dowling, it must be recollected, was an Irish Protestant churchman, holding ecclesiastical preferment in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. ; yet there is little in his Annals to indicate that he felt any interest in the religious excitement of his times. When, at 1420, he tells how James Earl of Ormonde, in his attack on the Irish enemy, made the clergy of every district, twice every week, in solemn pro- cession, pray for his good success, he adds : *' Would that the clergy of this time would so devoutly call upon God in prayer that the soldiers should believe that victory was from God." Of Bishop Magwir and Bishop Deoran, ante-Reformation bishops, he speaks with great respect ; and Travers, the first bishop of Leighlin nominated by royal authority subsequent to the Reformation, he calls " cruel, eove- tous, vexing his clergy." It is, indeed, to be feared that in the times immediately preceding, as in the times immediately following the Reformation, when as yet religious and political feelings did not run in the same channels, there was not much earnest religion in this country. The barbarous murder of Bishop Deoran, by his Arch- deacon, Maurice Cavanagh, gives an evil distinction to the diocese of Leighlin, and tends, at least with regard to that district, to confirm the lamentable description of all orders in the Irish Church, as given in the State of Ireland in I5i5b.


* Some of Bowling's mistakes are un- and his misplacing the time of Bishop accountable; for instance, his confounding Fleming. Perkin Warbeck with Lambert Simnel, b " Some sayeth, that the prelates of


With regard to his political sentiments, it is plain from the tenor of all his observations that Thady Bowling was zealously, and if he was the author of the peevish wish, " I would the rest of the rebels had been so bestowed" somewhat intemperately loyal to the English Government. In the dissensions which harassed the country there was nothing to attract to the side of revolt thoughtful and cultivated men, even when, like the Chancellor of Leighlin, they were of Irish descent. In the centuries of resistance to English law and English government, from the days of Edward Bruce to the days of Roger Moore, notwithstanding the bold pretensions of Hugh O'Neill, there never appeared amongst the opposers of the Government any system or combination which could awake the thought of national indepen- dence. Of all such disturbances the objects were local and personal, and violence and lawlessness were the means used to effect them. Evil as was the conduct of the English party (and, however it may be palliated and accounted for, no one will now justify it), their side was the side of order, and of social and mental progress. It is doubtful that a single town can be named which existed in any merely Irish country, inland or on the coast, independent of English authority and of English municipal regulations. The overthrow of the English Government, at any period from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries, would have brought about total anarchy, and would have quenched the faint and flickering light of civilization.


the churche and clergye is muche cause be no grace, and wythoute the specyall

of all the mysse order of the land ; for ther (grace) of Godde, this lande may never be

is no archebysshop, ne bysshop, abbot, ne reformyd Also the Churche

pryor, parson, ne vycar, ne any other per- of thys lande use not to lerne any other

son of the Churche, highe or lowe, greate scyence, but the Lawe of Canon, for co-

or smalle, Englyshe or Iryshe, that useyth vetyse of lucre transytory ; all other scy-

to preache the worde of Godde, saveing ence wherof grows none suche lucre, the

the poor fryers beggers ; and ther wodde parsons of the Churche dothe despyce."

[where word] of Godde do cesse, ther canne State Papers, Part III. vol. ii. pp. 15, 16.


It is only necessary in conclusion to say, that the text of the Annals has been taken from a transcript on paper made for Archbishop Ussher, now preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Class E. Tab. 3. No. 20.

The original brass matrix of the Chapter Seal of Leighlin is pre- served in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy; from it the following wood-cut has been engraved, and is added here as a suit- able illustration of this work. It is probably a seal of the fifteenth century.


'Artholenus, aliter Bastolenus, Nini consanguineus ex suc- cessione Nemrodi in familia Japheti nepotis, venit in Hi- berniam cum sua complici et cum suis tribus filiis, qui vocabantur Languinus, Salamius, et Ruthurgus, viri activi et bellatores, eradicabant silvas et inhabitabanta eandem insulam pro majori parte ; et ex hoc isti vocavere certa eminentia loca secundum eorum nomina, ut Langrini strangius, mons Salanga, modo collis Sancti Dominici, sed ab Eliota dicitur " our ladies hill," et per hos eorum que posteros regebatur insula per 30 annos.

In consortio ejusdem Bartholeni venerunt plures gigantes ex stirpe Cham, viribus admirabiles sed stolidi.

Bergon, films Neptuni, acquisivit Hiberniam et insulam Orkney. Ruanus gigas in ilia peste in quadam spelunca se abscondit, vixit (ut aiunt) usque in adventum Sancti Patricii per spacium 2400 annorum, et omnia illi re- tulit, et ab eo baptizatus ; hoc tempus longiusb est bis quam aetas Mathusalem, sed nihil impossibile Deo.

Genandus, Rutheranus et Salvius, Greci, 5. filii Dale ex progenie Nemrodi, audientes civilem dissentionem facile eos destruxerunt, et regionem in. 5. partes


a Inhabitavit MS. b Longior MS.


diviserunt, et in cantredas seu baronias et cetera. Postea avaritia regnandi inter se pro principatu contenderunt, et fit Salanus monarcha per 30 annos, et sepe- litur in monte in Midia.

Quidam scribunt quod hoc tempore alii Schithiani de Nemrodi heredibus venerunt, et fecerunt Claym ad Hiberniam jure hereditario, fuit magna guerra, sed non obtinuerunt.

A. M. 3576, et ante Christum 387. Brennus, frater Belini, filius Muluntii,

de Bry tannia venit in Hiberniam, et sic Gurgodwyntius Belini predicti sed

nullam acquirere potuerunt possession! quietem, pluries repellebantur. Bren- nus hie fuit coheres Anglie anno ut supra, et Gurguntius iste erat rex Anglic anno mundi 3588. Lanquetus dicit quod iste locavit Hiberniam Hispanoc Heremono et suis filiis, sed cronica Scotorum dicit hoc fuisse ante tempus Gur- guntii.

Gathelus, filius cujusdam nobilis in Gretia, nomine Nielani, in exilio a patria (for robberies) cum suis adherentibus, in bello strenuus et eloquens, nobiliter serviens contra JEthiopianos, sub conductu Mosis generalis exercitus, duxit in uxorem filiam Pharaonis, et cetera. Ornavit linguam Hibernicam, dicit Thad- deus, et cetera. *

Hiber, filius Jubal, gubernavit Hispaniam, et Hermon de progenie Gatheli (ut quidam putant), venerunt cum filiis, filiabus, uxoribus in Hiberniam de licentia Gurguntii regis et cetera, qui jurati de homagio et fidelitate obtinue- runt, et cetera.

A. M. 3270. Brechus, aliter Simon Brechus, filius Humeci, filii Hiberi, venit in Hiberniam, primus rex apud eos coronatus, regna[vit] super Scotos (aliter Scythas) Hibernie. Anno mundi 3270, post diluvium 1616, ab urbe condita 55, post introitum Bruti 870, et ante Christum 697, hie Simon attulit cathedram suam regalem de lapide marmoreo in Hiberniam, quern lapidem Fer- gutius auferebat in Scotiam minorem et ibidem reliquit, qui Fergutius fuit sub- mersus in Ultonia, loco ab ejus nomine hodie nuncupate Carrekfergus. Hsec fuerunt tempore Helie prophete.

Muridi Ultonie regis filii intraverunt Scotiam minorem, et ibi hinc inde remanserunt, quasdam tenentes possessiones, quas eorum posteri tenuerunt vivente Geraldo Cambrensi, anno domini 1200.

Hibernici c Hispanii MS.


Hibernici quidam fuerunt instruct! in fide et baptizati per Jacobum Apos- tolum, immediate post Christi resurrectionem.

Scotici scriptores asserunt quandam mulierem christianam de Pictis in con- ductu regine Hibernie remanentem primo eos instruxisse in fide.

A. D. 389. Patricius secundum Hibernie scriptores filius Calphurni diaconi, et filioe presbyteri, natus inter Scotiam et Angliam in villa nomine Kyburne, cujus matris nomen erat Conches, (Concha) germana Sancti Martini, Turonensis episcopi in Gallia. Iste Patritius etatis xvi, scholaris et cetera, per piratas Hibernie captus et in Hibernian! ductus, porcorum custos fuit sub Hibernico, nomine McBway, sex annis, quo tempore linguam Hibernicam satis addiscebat, et postea ultra mare transfretavit, et cum Germano Augarensi episcopo sacram paginam per 40 annos addiscebat. A Celestino papa cum literis comendatitiis venit Hiberniam, tempore Laigerii, filii Nielani magni, monarche totius Hibernie, predicavit, baptizavit et cetera. Primo de Ultonia petiit Conatiam ad Dovaldum, Conatie dominum, qui ab illo baptizatus cum suis ; qui misit ilium ad Loganum regem Lagenie, quern baptizavit, et misit in Momoniam ad comitem Dareys qui ut ceteri et cetera. Postremo xvi. calend: Aprilis anno domini 496 obiit et sepelitur in Duno.

Eodem tempore floruerunt Brigida virgo et Sanctus Columba, quorum in eodem tumulo inventa sunt corpora statJm post Anglorum conquestum. Hsec Cambrensis, et Johanes Coursey, miles, comes et conquestor Ultonie testatur se vidisse precipua Hibernie Jocalia.

Tres sunt in Dunno et cetera.

Norwegiani, homines bellicosi, audaces, robusti et avidi, ad acquirendum aliorum regnorum conquestum multum dediti, postquam insulas de Orkney et Ilees acquisiverunt, viagium hue in Hiberniam fecerunt, tempore Laigerii mo- narche Hibernie et tempore Sancti Patricii, et ab illo tempore usque ad con- questum Turgesii Norwegii regnaveruntd 33 regesin Hibernia, vide infra in Tur- gesio.

A. D. 590. Gurmundus principalis eorundem Norwegianorum archipi- rata (sic etiam Caradocus) Affricanus natione, de Norwegianis acquisivit Hiber- niam pro parte, et se regem Hibernie nominandum ; edificavit Gormagston, et constituit filium suum et heredem, nomine Burchardum, aliter Burchardum

Gurmondi, d Regarunt MS.


Gurmondi, ducem Lagenie, cujus successor coramuniter vocabatur ab Hibernicis Gormagheyn, dux montis Onergi, sed ut alii volunt, ducem Lagenie et baronem le Margee. Hie Gurmundus fuit qui de Norwegianis primo invasit Hiberniam, et viam primo aperuit hominibus sue patrie in Hibernico mari ; et ulterius, D. Powell et Lanquet et Gualter Oxonie et Caradocus habent in cronicis, quod iste Gurmundus in anno 590 existens archipirata, Norwegiorum capitaneus, rex esset Hibernie, et post conquestum Hibernie accersitus per Saxones contra Ca- recticum Britannorum regem, vicit (potius fugavit) Carecticum in bello, et pro- sequebatur Bi-itannos ultra rivos de Severne et Dee. Et dedit Lloegriam Saxonibus et ibidem edificavit Gurmondcestriam, et postea, secimdum his- toriam Hibernie, transfretavit in Galliam ad conquerendum et cetera, ubi moriebatur, sed Hibernici antiquarii negant eum fuisse monarcham Hibernie, quia non subjugavit preter Lageniam et Midiam quod pro conquestu non reputarunt.

Burchardus Gurmundi, qui vulgariter nominatur O Gormagheyn, dux (ut asseritur) Lagenie, edificasse dicitur Gurmundi grangiam, et palatium suum in monte Margeo cum aliis memorabilibus pro se et suis, et fundasse matricem seu prioratum veteris Leighlen, sed potius earn dotavit tempore sancti Eubani Leniee patroni ; sed quidam nomine Lazerianus, episcopus et confessor, pro fundatione et erectione ecclesie cathedralis ibidem anno domini 65 1 fuit procurator, vide record. Leiylen. In eadem ecclesia fertur ille dux esse sepultus ex parte boreali in muro summo chori juxta stallum thesaurarii ecclesie sub lapide marmoreo habens ipsius ducis [nomen] desuper. Wittnesses lyvinge 1589 Karolus Rowac alias Makeyigan clerk, Donagh McGilpatrik, and Gilleranoy carpenters saw the tumbe with their eyes, andThadyDowlingf cancellar : ecclesie found his epitaph in simple verse as folio weth:

Hicjacethumatus dux fundator Lenise, id est Leghlenice.

En Gormondi Burchardus vir gratus ecclesie.

Extant etiam adhuc alia testimonia circa hanc villam ; scilicet nomma quo- rundam locorum ut Gormondus grove et Gormondes foord et cetera.

Anno circa 542. Arthurus, films Uter Pendragon, subdidit sibi Scotiam, Hiberniam, Daciam, Norwegian!, Islandiam, Gutlandiam, Insulas Orchadum et Galliam, vicit Luciiim generall of the Romaine army. Sic Thaddeus.


r Benie MS. ' Downing MS.

A. M. 4553.) Plures Bri tones fugam receperunt in Hiberniam ad evitandam

A. D. 592. J tyrannidem Ethelfredi et sociorum Saxonum.

A. M. 479i.|Turgesius Norwegianus cepit acquirere Hiberniam per gene-

A. D. 830. J ralem conquestum, vicit Edlongdingum regem, monarcham Hibernie, obtinuit totam terram et regnavit ut rex xxx annos. Sed quidam tradunt ipsum fuisse locum tenentem Norwegianorum ; et tandem superbia elatus filiam unicam Medensis regis, nomine O Melaghlen, struprare (others say marie) volens, petiit ab O Melaghlen ut sibi traderet ejus filiam. Rex respondebat quod illud non convenebat, sed tortuoso vultu aspiciens et cetera. Si opporteat, inquit, mittam earn cum aliis pulchrioribus puellis ad certum diem secrete, quod bene placuit Turgesio, et assignavit locum et diem. Pater misit earn cum xvi. pulchris juvenibus, quorum quilibet habuitlongum cultrum sub muliebri veste, et venientes in cenaculum ubi ille Turgesius cum lasciviosis suis complicibus erat, et ubi interfecerunt eum cum suis, et recesserunt ad exer- citum regis Midensis, qui prope in abscondito juvenum expectabat adventum, et tune cepit conquestus Hibernicorum.

A. M. 4822. ) Abloickus Hibernie rex cum suo conductu applicuit in in-

A. D. 86 1. j sulam de Mona, aliter Man, et cremandos villam de Holy- head spoliavit comitatumh de Llynn. Powell p. 6 2 (61) etobiit Powell pag. 1 5 .

A. D. 948. Abbatia beate Marie juxta Dublin erecta per Danos. Cam- brensis.

A. D. 950. Dani venerunt iterum in Hiberniam et interfecerunt in bello Cormachum, Hibernie monarcham et episcopum (id est primatem) totius Hi- bernie, ac filium Cukemani, hominem pium et religiosum, et Kirvaltum filium Murigani Lagenie regis. Powell ex Math. West. pag. 44.

A. D. 924. Hawlassus Hibernie monarcha interfectus per Adelstanum . . . .... apud Bremestbury cum rege Scotie et 5. regibus Danorum. Powell ut supra.

A. D. 952. Congellach Hibernie rex interfectus. Powell pag. 60.

Rodericus filius Edwalli Voel rex Britannic interfectus fuit in Britannia per Hibernicos qui spoliaverunt comitatum de Aberfraw. ibid.

Hibernia destructa per vermes ignotos, duos habentes dentes. Powell ex Math. West. pag. 42.

A. D.

f Crimando MS. h Com MS.

A. D. 1012. Bemardus vulgariter Brian Bowrow Hibernie monarcha ac filius ejus Murchardus McBrian et alii ejus reguli circa haec tempora in bello Clantarf juxta Dublin pugnaverunt viriliter contra Sutrarcum, aliter Sutrik, filium Abloicci regis Dublin, et Moylmordha regem Lagenie ; qui Sutrick conduxit multos milites advenas et piratas pro stipendio, in quo bello ceci- derunt Bernardus ille monarcha cum suo filio Mauro, et aliis quampluribus de familia et exercitu suo, et ex altera parte Moylmordha Lagenie rex et Roderi- kus magnus piratarum advenarum capitaneus cum innumerabilibus aliis. Powell p. 80. concord, cum Histor. Hiber.

A. D. 1041. Conan, filius Jago, rex North wallie, fugit in Hiberniam, et cum Alfredo Dublinii rege reintravit Northwalliam, et secum attulerunt Griffith regem Northwallie captivum, et reverterunt in Hiberniam non absque detri- mento hominum et navium. Powell.

A. D. 1050. Conan filius Jago navigando iterum in Walliam amisit quam- plures tarn per mare submersos quam in terra interfectos, et Herald venit cum eo in Hiberniam fugiendo quia adulterium cum regina Anglic comisit.

A. D. 1054 Hibernici transfretaverunt ad Griffith regem in Walliam cum xviii. navibus ; Algerus Leafrici fuit eorum capitaneus.

Circa A, D. 1066. Dani, Norwegii, Normanni, et Sueviani, nomine com- muniter Ostomanni, e regione de Scandinavia fluxerunt in Franciam, Angliam, Hiberniam et Scotiam minorem.

A. D. 1071. Amylavus Sutaricus, ad petitionem regis Lagenie procuravit Broydericum gigantem, archipiratam et capitaneum advenarum, filium domini regis Danorum de Denmark in Hiberniam, qui Broydericus et sui interfecerunt Brian Boro we, supremum Hibernie monarcham,in bello de Clantarf juxta Dublin, cum suo herede Morgho McBrian et suo exercitu, pluresque regni nobiles, qui se- peliuntur ante crucem de Kylmaynam circa1 Annum Domini io7y,ut quidam his- torici Hibernie scribunt ; a quorum opinione D. Powell differt in supputatione annorum, nee mirum cum Powell Hibernicas fyguras quibus utitur facile cog- noscere non valuit, scribunt enim ho 1564.

A. D. 1074. Patricius, Dublin episcopus, fuit in ecclesia Sancti Pauli London per Lanfrancum Cantuariensem archiepiscopum consecratus, super comendacione Teudionati, Hibernie monarche, Goderiique regis Lagenie,

ad 1 Citra MS.

ad electionem cleri et populi episcopatus Dublin; hie erat eorum mos cre- andi episcopos, quia nondum Armachanus nee alii Hibernie archiepiscopi sua receperunt pallia, ut quidam antiquarii scribunt et affirmant, quod mo- narcha Hibernie propter dominium regale, titulumque honorum coronas et alia regis privilegia, habuit negativam vocem in nominatione episcoporum totius regni.

A. D. 1077. Frotho, aliter Frotheus, rex Danorum 3. post acquisitionem Britannic venit in Hiberniam et interfecit O Carvell, capitaneum Hibernicorum bellantium, et recepit fratrem capitanei hujusmodi in suam protectionem ; et circa hoc tempus Hibernici bellaverunt ex parte Grifitz filii Conan apud rnontes Carmoon in Wallia contra Trahaern ap Caradoc, ubi victoriam obtinue- runt famosam.

A. D. 1105. Hugleto Hibernie monarcha (regnante Stracathero gigante) a Frotho 4. Danorum rege, in comitiva Herconis Segathii capitanei exercitus Da- norum, venit in Hiberniam, quern quidem Herco Segathus Hibernicus dire vul- neravit in capite, sed gigas hie Stracatherus talis stature, et animositatis ut ob- tineret victoriam, et Dani crediderunt ilium invincibilem, quidam Hibernici vo- carunt ilium Fin McCoyl, sed brevi post fuit interfectus.

Circa hoc tempus Cowkaggrig de Omoardha principalis de Clanmelaghlen in Basca, fundavit et dedicavit monasterium de Lege Dei in Lease Carraghain in Lagenia.

Reygnyrus films Sydwardi, 2. ejusdem nominis, Danorum rex venit in Hi- berniam et interfecit in bello Melbrichum, regem Hibernie, et Dublinia devicta in eadem remansit per 1 2 menses.

Regnante Willelmo Rufo conquestoris filio in Anglia, exercitus Hibernico- rum cum Riseo, aliter Rees, filio Theodori Britanni, devicit regem Wallie Ble- thyn Convyn in bello de Llecryd in Wallia.

Owinus, filius Cadogan ap Blethyn, North wallensis fugit hie [in] Hiberniam, eo quod interfecit Willelmum de Braubant episcopum, propter quod rex Anglie expulit patrem ejus Cadogan, et totam ejus hereditatem in Cambria dedit Gil- berto Strangbow, comiti Strugulensi, qui comes edificavit castrum de Kylgaran juxta Powis.

Grifitz filius Risei, educatus in Hibernia ab infantia, incepit vexare do- minium Gilberti Strangbow, et in adjutorium sibi assumpsit plures Hiber-


A. D.

A. D. 1 1 20. Murchardus serenissimus Lagenie in Hibernia princeps, fidus amicis, terribilis inimicis, alienis liber alls, a subditisJ propter ejus benemeritam pietatem et justiciam pre cseteris amandus, obiit, (quern cives Dublin in domo consilii occiderunt et fecerunt cum cane sepeliri ut infra) et apud Femes sepe- litur. He was not so much beloved, but his sonne Dermot McMorogh (for his cruelty and adulterie committed with the wif of Morice alias Murdhich king of Midia) was hated, as shall appeare in the history followinge.

Walterus fitz Richard fit primus comes Penbrochie Anno 3 1 . Henrici i . et edificavit abbatiam de Tyntern in Wallia, cui successit Gilbertus Richardus et cetera. Anno Stephani 14.

A. D. 1137. Tres soles apparuerunt coloris rubei, unde magne guerre et effusio sanguinis per totam Angliam, Walliam, et Hiberniam.

Eodem anno, mense Junio, duo dracones videbantur circa littus maris in australi parte Wallie invicem prosequentes effectus, seq*uebatur, nam Richardus Marshall de Hibernia, et Llewelyn princeps Wallie, insurrexerunt, et igne et gladio totam patriam usque ad Salisburiam, et sequebatur fames. Rex Henricus 3. pacem cum eis fecit.

A. D. 1137. Griffith ab Conan, princeps Northwallie, natus in Hibernia ex muliere Hibernica, filia regis Eblane, aliter Dublin, duxit secum ex Hibernia lyras, tympanas, cruttas, cytharas, cytharizantes.

A. D. 1142. Kadwalader ap Griffith ap Conan fugam recepit in Hiber- niam, et conduxit pro stipendio 2000 marcarum filium O Carvelli, nomine Che- rulsum capitaneum super 1000 hominibus ad bellum aptis, una cum spoliis et predis suis, et applicuerunt apud Carnarvon in Wallia, ipse cum suis adver- sariis de treuga concludens dedit Hibernicis nomine stipendii 200 animalia, preter spolia quaedam, sed quia (ad pacem confirmandam) hsec spolia restituere recusarunt, Kadwalader Hibernicos spoliis et omnibus aliis spoliavit, et pro majore parte eos interfecit persequens eos usque ad naves.

A. D. 1147. Cogganus ecclesie de Killuskin aliter Killeshin in Margge Lagenie patronus floruit hisce diebus, et ut Nicholaus Magwyre testatur, scripsit gesta Malachie Armachani et Bernardi Clarevallensis.

1155. Terdielach rex Conatie in Hibernia obiit.

Roderik Conchurk, rex Conatie, factus est Hibernie monarcha a vindicando


J Subditus MS.

injuriam Moricii alias Murdhicii regis Midie, sibi illatam per Dermitium McMur- chardi, Lagenie regem, qui Moricio in remotis agente rapuit illius uxorem. Roderik avidus regnandi (postquam proprium fratrem occidisset) petiit La- geniara, expulit Dermitium, totam ejus regalitatem in Lagenia sibi assumpsit, fit monarcha; peniten[tia] ductus pro nece fratris dicitur erexisse campanilia, alii dicunt quod hoc fecit in signum victorie.

Laurentius O Toole, abbas sancti Kevini, consecratur archiepiscopus Dublin a Gelatio Armachano, obiit 1 180.

Henricus 2. conduxit magnam classem ex Hibernia versus Britones. sic Powel.

Henrici 2. tempore Robertus fitz Stephans cum 30 militibus, 60 armige- ris, et 300 sagittariis cum Mauritio fitz Gerald applicuerunt apud Bagganbun in comitatu Weixford.

At the creek of Bagganbun Ireland is lost and wonne. (Lost by the Irish and wonne by the Welsh).

Robertus etMauritiusfuere germani ex una matre, Vesta filia Risei, avia Risei ap Griffin principis Wallie.

Mauritius de Prindergast nobilis cum decem militibus et 100 sagittariis ex portu Milford in duabus navibus applicuit die Maii.

Dermitius de horum adventu intelligens misit spurium suum [filium] Don- vald cum 5ooHibernicis ad Robertum fitz Stephan et complices ut venirent Weix- fordiam ; villa per tres dies insultante, Alphonsus episcopus ibi residens villanos persuadebat se suo regi reddere. Dermitius dedit Roberto fitz Stephans Weix- ford cum suis pertinenciis, et Harveio de Monte Marisco 2 cantredas inter Weixford et Waterford juxta littus maris jacentes in perpetuum.

Britones habentes 3000 homines ad bellum, Donwaldum principem supe- rioris Ossorie vicerunt, et certos dominos illius loci, et Dermitio tradiderunt 300 capita occisorum. Ubi Robertus Barry et Milerus multum commendebantur.

Roderik Conchur, monarcha (ut superius) cum aliis regulis quamplurimis in- surrexit, et obtulit pacem sub hiis conditionibus quod Dermot M°Morogho rex Lagenie de fidelitate jurans monarche, haberet et reciperet omnia jura et domi- nia regalia in Lagenia, quse Roderik confiscabat super fuga et demeritis ejus. quod idem Dermot spurium filium suum Conthurum Roderico vadiaret pro pace tenenda, cui Rodericus promisit filiam suam in maritagio dare, si haec fide-

IRISH ARCH. soc. 13. C liter


liter ooserventur. quod Dermitius restitutus dimitteret Walenses ex tota Hi- bernia sine spe redeundi.

Rex de Ardglas fundavit abbatiam de Mellefont, que antiquior reperitur aedi- ficata in Hibernia, preter monasterium beate Marie juxta Dublin quae incepta fuit per Danos 948, ut supra.

Richardus Strangbo, obtenta licentia a domino rege, premisit Reymundum de la Grosse cum 10 militibus et 70 sagittariis, qui applicuit apud Dunevols circa 4 milia a Waterfordia.

Richardus Strangbow cum 200 militibus ex Milfordia applicuit apud Wa- terfordiam vigilia Bartholomaei et crastino, scilicet die Martis, insultarunt parie- tes civitatis, a quo bis repulsi, tandem fregerunt parietem sub domo quadam desuper edificata, et inde obtinuerunt sanguineam victoriam. Deinde Dermot Laginensis rex et Robertus fitz Stephan accesserunt ad Waterfordiam et nupsit Evam filiam eidem comiti Strangbo, cum reversione in successione regni sui post ejus mortem. Iste Strangbo dicitur fuisse constabularius Anglie et vice- dominus Normannie, sed tandem propter ejus prodigalitatem impignoravit do- minium suum pro majori parte, et in manus regis confiscabatur, adeo quod pla- cuit ei fortunam sequi. Powell dicit quod iste comes venit in Hiberniam sine licentia regis, ideo terra et dominium suum confiscabantur, et quod petiit restitu- tionem possessionum suarum aut licentiam conquerendi in ultra-marinis partibus, sed post conquestum Lagenie oportebat eum dare domino regi, Dublin, Weix- ford, et Waterford.

A. D. 1171*. Civitas Dublin fuit capta per Strangbo, et Dermitius rex ejus- dem cives crudeliter punivit ; eo quod patrem suum eorum ad tune regem, in domo consilii existentem1 homicidio interfecerunt, et cum cane sepeliri fecerunt.

Eodem anno, Midia et confines spoliantur per Dermitium igne et gladio, et Roderik monarcha decapitari fecit Conthurum filium regis Lagenie, quia pater ejus noluit expellere incursionem Britonum.

1172. Clerus apud Armach congregati concludunt conquestum Hibernie non posse refrenari, et cetera.

Dublin assalted by Hastulph qui olim presidebat eidem civitati, et nunc venit cum Norwegianis sub conductu Johannis Heywod, quos Miles Coggan expulsit. Heywood interfectus et Hastulphus captus et decapidatus.

2°. "1174 MS. 'ExistensMS.


2°. Laurentius archiepiscopus Dublin, persuasit Rodericum monarcham et Godthredum regem de Man, cum Hibernicis et insularibus ad obsidendam civi- tatem Dublin. Donaldus films Dermitii nuper regis Lagenie, venit ex Kynsely, ac O Breyn, nee non donrinus de superiore Ossoria, obsiderunt castrum de Car- rig Carughornan juxta Weixfordiam, ubi Robertus fitz Stephan was betraied, et cetera. Sed Cogan et Dublinenses confundebant Rodericum, et venientes per passum de Polmonte confundebant O Brien et Ossorienses.

3°. Oraricus rex Midie, vocatus monoculus, venit adDublinium cummagna hominum armatura et obsidens convincebatur per Cogan.

Henricus 2. applicuit apud Waterfordiam cum 500 militibus preter equos et sagittarios, anno etatis sue 41. regni 18. et comisit Robertum fitz Stephan Right- genald turri, quia absque licentia sua talem conquestum adtemtavit, sed postea cum eo misericorditer dispensavit.

Reges Southwest Hibernie venerunt ad Henricum 2, scilicet Dermitius rex Cork, Donvaldus rex Lymricii in Cashell, et Donvaldus ac O Melaghlyn ex parte boreali, venerunt ad rivulum de Sure, et submittendo se juraverunt et ex- hibuerunt vadimonia de pace domini regis tenenda.

Apud Dublin venerunt Machelanus O Phelan, O Mac Chalewy, O Tuelihelly, Gile Mc Holmoc, O Cathdhessy, O Carvell de Uriell, et Orwairk de Midia. Sed Roderik rex Conatie obviavit Hugone de Lacy et Willelmo fitz Adelm ambasia- toribus domini regis apud rivulum de Shynien in confine Midie, et fecit homa- gium et promisit tributum et sic obtinuit pacem domini regis.

1173. Cleri Hibernie congregati in Cashell autoritate pape Adriani et Alexandri ad instantiam Henrici 2. tune in Hibernia existentis pro reformatione ecclesie et cetera. Ubi Lismorensis episcopus legatus, Donatus Cashellensis, Lau- rentius Dublin et Catholicus Tuanensis.

In primis, quod inhabitantes non contraherent aliquod incestuosum matri- monium cum suis consanguineis contra canonum sanctiones.

2°. Quod eorum infantes catechizentur per parochianos in porta ecclesie ante baptismum in fonte.

3°. Quod omnes, qui se pro christianis gerunt, solvant integras decimas bla- dorum, catallorum, et aliorum crescentium absque deductione expensorum, et diminutione.

4°. Quod territorium ecclesie et omnes mansiones sint libere et immunes ab omni seculari exactione et impositione, et in specie, quod nee reges nee comites

C 2 neque


neque alii domini Hibernie, aut eorum filii, aut familia, vel caputanei, vel alii aliqui temporal . . petant, aut presumant aliquo modo exigere violenter ab hinc aliqua esculenta aut poculenta, aut pernoctare infra terrain ecclesie, nee habeant nee petant fore illam dietam, quam in temporibus retroactis, quarterie annuatim exigere solebant ab ecclesiasticis personis.

5°. Quod homines ecclesiastici per compositionem redemptionis seu recom- pcnsationis homicidii per consanguineos comissi, non cogantur aliquid solvere, nisi probentur accessorii in crimine.

6°. Quod testamentum condens faciat testamentum fieri et legi coram per- sonis fide idoneis, et bona sua debitis servorum stipendii solutis dividantur inter uxores, liberos, et executores adusum funeralium, seu ut defunctusm invite tern- pore aliter ordinavit, et si non habeant liberos dividantur bona inter defunctum et uxorem. Sed si habeant liberos, uxore decessa, tune dividantur inter se et liberos equaliter.

7°. Quod funeralia defunctorum devote et solempniter teneantur et exe- quantur, et omnes vicini, sive fuerint inimici sive non, habeant tempore funera- lium atque exequiarum liberum accessum et recessum.

8°. Quod ecclesia Hibernie sit in uniformitate cum ecclesia Anglicana secun- dum usum, morem, ritum et ceremoniam ecclesie Salisburiensis.

Abusus [sic] ecclesie Hibernie sub sigillo legati fuere propositi, et confirmati per communem Synodi consensum, et postea per Gelatum alias Gelasium Arma- chanum primatem in Dublin, qui ratione sue debilitatis et senectutis ad Cashell venire non poterat, ita consumptus erat senio quod lacte vnius vacce albe ute- batur tantum, et anno sequenti obiit.

Maelgunus, germanus regis Northwallie, fugit a domino fratre suo in Hiber- niam, sed revertendo in Walliam ex Hibernia capiebatur a David ap Owen principem predictum ubi plures Hibernici conciderunt.

Ororicus, rex Midiensis, interficiebatur per Hugonem Lacy, quia ille propo- suit interficere eum de Lacy secum in preliando.

Lymric iterum capta per Redmundum de la Grace die Martis, cujus pre- textu rex Conatie et Donaldus rex Thomonie renovarunt homagium.

Richardus Strangbo, comes Penbrochie, dominus de Chepsto et Ogney in Anglia, comes Strangulensis, atque in Hibernia comes Marchiarum, pri- mus m Defectus MS.


mus Anglus qui primo invasit Hiberniam, obiit circa Kalendas Junii, et se- pelitur in ecclesia Trinitatis Dublin coram imagine crucis, relinquens unicam filiam, nomine Isabellam, quse remansit sub custodia domini regis Anglie 14. annis.

Hoc anno Geraldus Cambrensis cum fratre suo Philippo Barry venit in Hi- berniam ad taxandum supervidendum seu describendum terram Hibernie, qui collegit descriptionem totius terre Hibernie ad petitionem Roberti fitz Stephani avunculi sui.

Eodem anno castrum Femes fuit edificatum per filios Mauricii fitz Gerald.

Johannes Courcey, factus comes Ultonie, obtinuit victoriam quinque bellis versus Ultonienses, antequam fecit quietum conquestum, scilicet bis in Down, semel afferendo praedam", semel in Uriel, et postremo juxta fontem de Iveary.

Vivianus cardinalis tituli Sancti Stephani in monte Celio sede Apostolice lega- tus, ab Alexandro papa missus, venit in Hiberniam ad significandum titulum et interresse domini regis Anglie ad insulam Hibernie, super reservatione denarii Petri, et insuper ad dcnunciandum excommunicates et maledictos omnes, qui resisterent aut negarent dare cibarium seu victum militibus ac familiis domini regis pro rationabili pretio.

Milo Coggan et Richardus, alias Radulfus, filius Stephani ejus gener inter- fecti fuerunt inter Waterfordiam et Lism[ore] per proditorem nomine Mach- thyri, qui duxit eos ad convivium.

Ecclesia cathedralis Sancti Patricii Dublin fundebatur per Johannem Comen archiepiscopum, dedit eidem obventiones et convertebat earn a parochiali in Ca- thedralem, et postea controversia oriebatur inter ecclesiam Trinitatis et earn, sed Trinitas obtinuit preferentiam.

Abbatia de Jeripont in comitatu Kilkennie fundatur per Donatum O Do- nachow.

Meiller mutavit Kildariam pro Lacia, nunc vocata Queenes Countie, ut Omoordha vi et gladio subjugaret, quos Harvey in aliquam [non] potuit addu- cere conformitatem pacis, eo quod ille Meiller erat vir bellicosus et sanguineus.

Johannes Lacy, constabularius de Cestria, et Richardus de Peach missi sunt gubernatores in Hiberniam, edificarunt castrum in Frontera id est in Forhirtha Ynowland, Trysteldermot, et Tawlaught et sic deinde reverterunt in Angliam.

Circa n Pcedam MS.

Circa hsec tempora Mauritius fitz Gerald, justiciarius Hibernie, edificavit castrum de Sliggagh in Conatia, vivente Phelino O Conchur rege ibidem.

1227. Civilis guerra et comotio inter Hugonem Lacy et Willelmum Maris- call, adeo ut Midia devastabatur. Galfridus Trewell episcopus Ossoriensis.

1233, Gualterus Lacy dominus Midie obiit, habens ij. filias heredes scilicet Margaretam uxorem domini Thome Verdon, et Matildam uxorem Galfridi Ge- ne vile.

1234. Richardus Mariscall comes Penbrochie et dominus de Ossoria inHi- bernia, dire vulneratus juxta Kildar in bello de le greath heath et obiit Aprilis, sepelitur apud Kilkenniam, et secundum alios captivus fuit apud Lacy. Powell dicit hoc fuisse anno 1231, proditione familie sue, pag. 291.

1242. Gilbertus Mariscallus, 3. films Willelmi senioris, comes Penbrochie factus, intravit suam Hibernicam hereditatem.

Mauritius fitz Gerald de Tyrconell et seisatus in tota provincia dedit dimi- diam Cormaco McDermot McRory.

Hugo Mapilton episcopus Ossoriensis primus fundator ecclesie Sancti Keni- tii Kilkenie claruit et obiit, ut alii dicunt 1243, a^ 1256.

1243 &liter I253- Hugo Lacy comes Ultonie obiit et sepelitur in monaste- rio fratrum minorum Carregfergi, relinquens unam filiam heredem, quam Wal- terus de Burgo desponsavit et sic factus comes Ultonie.

1245. Walterus Mariscallus, 4. filius Willelmi senioris, comes Penbrochie obiit apud castrum Godrici juxta Monmoth, cui successit 5. filius Ancelmus, sed quia ordine juris omisso absque licentia domini regis hereditatem intravit, uxor sive relicta ejus portione uxorali gaudere non potuit. Marescallis omissis, 5 fratres absque heredibus decesserunt, et hereditas eorum fuit impartita inter 5 . filias Mariscalli, videbis in brevi collectione seu summa per Nicolaum episcopum Leighlin extracta, quam causa brevitatis hie omitto et scribam in foliis inter alias et cetera.

1252. Henricus 3. concessit suo seniori filio Edwardo Gasconie principi Hiberniam et comitatum Cestrie.

1253. Johannes Geffrey miles justiciarius Hibernie, forsitan eo anno obiit. 1257. Mauritius filius Galfridi de Geraldinis qui primus fun davit monas-

terium fratrum minorum de Yoghell alias vocatur Mauritius fitz Gerald.

1246. [?] Galfridus de Sancto Leothegario episcopus Ossoriensis famosus obiit. 1246 vel 1257. JElianus de la Zouch justiciarius Hibernie.



Vide antea. Mauritius fitz Gerald et Phelinus O Conchur postquam vene- runt ex Wallia pugnaverunt ex parte Cormaci McDermot McRory contra O Donull Hibernicum inimicum, qui subditos domini regis in Ultonia crudeliter vexavit post obitum Lacy nuper comitis ibidem.

1258. Stephanus de longe espee justiciaries Hibernie. Anno 42 Henrici 3. interfecit O Nel cum 352 ejus familiaribus in vico de Down.

1261. Willelmus Den justiciarius Hibernie obiit, et Johannes fitz Thome de Geraldinis (Desmond) cum filio ejus interfectus, qui fuit fundator monasterii de Trayly.

1262. Rogerus, episcopus Ossoriensis. Thomas, episcopus Leighlenensis. 1264. Mauritius fitz Gerald et Mauritius fitz Maurice (films ejus) manuce-

perunt Richardum de Capella justiciarium et Theobaldum Butler et Milonem Coggan apud Tristledermot, et inde Hibernia plena erat civili guerra et como- tionibus inter Geraldinos et Walterum Burk comitem Ultonie, ceterosque Burkes.

1268. Conchur O Brien fuit interfectus per Dermitium McMynard. Mau- ritius fitz Gerald comes Desmondie submersus inter Walliam et Waterfordiam.

1269. Terremotus in Hibernia. Castrum de Roscoman fundatum et pene edificatum.

1270. Hugo, fratrum minorum, episcopus Ossoriensis, dedit fontem Sancti Kenitii monasterio ibidem.

1271. Richardus Verdon et Johannes Verdon interempti et castrum Sligo fundat[um].

Pestilentia et fames in tota Hibernia, et Fulco archiepiscopus Dublin obiit. Bonifacius papa petiit decimam omnium spiritualium promotionum in Hi- bernia pro tribus annis in subsidium ad guerrandum contra regem Aragon. Henricus 3. obiit.

1272. Edwardus i.

Dominus Walterus de Genevile revertens a terra Sancta factus justiciarius Hibernie.

Waterfordia fuit cremata in magna parte.

Ricardus de Burgo comes Ultonie et Eustacius le Poer miles invaserunt Sco- tiam. Waltergus alias Gwalterus episcopus Leighlen.

1276. Magna strages hominum in Glyn-burrie et Rathpipherd; et Han- loynes persequebantur O Neill in bello, et castrum de Roscoman captum est per Hibernicos iterum.



1277. O Bryen Roo regulus Tholeremundi interfectus per Thomam de Clare, et idem Thomas cum suis fuerunt inclusi per Hibernicos in Slowbanny.

Edwardus i , statutum de terris in mortuam manum alias mortmayne (anno Henrici 3. conditum) renovavit, quod fuit confirmatum anno 23 Henrici 8. et cetera, multa dabantur ecclesiis.

i278.MacDermot deMoylargo interfecit Cothgurum O Conchur regemCona- tie, et Johannes0 de Derlington [fuit] archiepiscopus Dublin, secundum Raphuell-

1281. Adam Cusak junior interfecit Willelmum Barret et plures Hiber- nicos in Conatia.

Fulburnus frater, episcopus Waterfordie, factus est justiciarius Hibernie.

1282. Morthaghus (Murtagh) et Arthurus McMurchardi interfecti in Ath- lone per Pynquietum.

1283. Galfridus Leothegarius episcopus Ossoriensis secundus fundator ec- clesie Sancti Kenitii Kylkennie, et primus fundator collegii de le comuni aula in Kilkennia, qui etiam dedit cameram suam cum manso eidem aulae comuni.

Waterfordia et Dublin casualiter per igne combust : et plures Anglicani in- terfecti fuerunt in Ophaley, ubi dominus Theobaldus Butler perdidit equos et familiam.

1285. Johannes Stamford consecratur archiepiscopus Dublin. Dominus Theobaldus Butler obiit in Arcloo.

1286. Geraldusfitz Morice captus per Hibernicos in Ophaly, strages magna in Rathod (Ratoth) a qua dominus Galfridus de Genevile fugiendo, Geraldus Dogoit et Radulphus Petit, interfecti sunt.

1290. O Mulseaghlen rex Midie interfectus per McCoughlan et Wm Burg devictus apud Delon per eundem McCoughlan cum diversis Anglis qui fuerunt interfecti cum eodem rege.

Edwardus Baliol rex Scotie fecit homagium domino Veschy deputato Hi- bernie, et magna mortalitas fuit in Hibernia hoc anno et ij annis sequentibus.

1 292. Will[el]mus Veschi justiciarius Hibernie habuit xvam partem omnium bonorum temporalium sibi concessam ad onera guerrarum supportanda, et non multis diebus postea idem Veschie et Johannes comes Kildarie contenderunt, cujus causa fugit Veschie in Franciam, metu combati prefixi.

1 294. Richardus Burgh comes Ultonie et Will[el]mus Burgh capti sunt per

Thomam 0 Johannem archiepiscopum MS.

Thomara coraitem Kildarie, et comitatus Conatie fuit devastatus, et magna fames in Hibernia, adeo quod men^ura de la cronock solvebatur pro vns. vid. ster. et Calough O Conchur cremavit recordas, rotulos, et rentalia comitatus in castro Midie, ut credo in castro de Baliathroyn alias Thryme.

1295. Willmus Dongsells, justiciarius Hibernie, cujus tempore alterum fecerunt viagium ex Hibernia in Scotiam minorem.

1299. Johannes Wogan miles justiciarius Hibernie, autoritate brevis ad eundum cum domino rege in Scotiam, monuit Richardum de Burgo comitem Ultonie, Galfridum de Genevile, Johannem fitz Thomas, Johannem fitz Moris, Theobaldum le Butler, dominum Thomam Verdon, dominum Petrum Breming- ham, dominum Eustace de Power, dominum Hugonem de Prechell, Johannem de Coggan, Johannem de Barry, Walterum de Lacyp, Richardum de Exceter, Jo- hannem Pipard, Walterum Limfaunt, Willmum Caddell, Johannem de Wale, Mau- ritium de Carrwe, Georgium de la Roch ut essent in Withwalovn primo Martii.

1301. Lagenienses inferiores insurrexerunt et devastaverunt comitatum circa castra deArcloo etRathdown, propter quod catallaeorum fuerunt confiscata ad usum domini regis.

1303. Comes Ultonie cum Richardo Burgo et Eustace Power militibus intravit Scotiam minorem et antequam recessit ex civitate dubbavit34milites. Vide supra.

1304. Civitas Dublin casualiter cremata fuit in magna parte. Mortaghus O Conchur, rex de Ophaly, et Calvaticus ejus frater fuerunt

interfecti in curia Petri Bremyngham apud Carrig in Carebriaq per Jordanern Comyn filium Archiepiscopi Comyn, vide supra. Bishops then did not mary, yet had children.

1305. Richardus Fleeringis (Haveringis) archiepiscopus Dublin. Interemptio facta super O Conchur et familiam et conspiratores suos ubiquc,

et in specie apud castrum de Geishell in Ophaley per O Dempsy.

1 306. O Breyen rex Tuamens : et Downaldus Russe rex Desmondie fuerunt interfecti per M'Carty ; et magna strages contra Petrum Butler, dominum de le Butler.

Bala Moor Eustace fuit combusta et depredata per Moardhas et alios Hi- bernicos, et Henricus Calf generosus interfectus, magnaque guerra seu civilis factio in Lagenia et magna strages in Glynfell.


" Lastir MS. q Canebria MS.


1307. Morchodus Ballach princeps Lagenie, decapitatus juxta Merton per David Cantown militem, et statim postea Adam Dawn interfectus, et plures Anglican! interfecti in Conatia per O Shiell, primo Maii, et Hibernici rebelles in Ophaly destruxerunt castellum de Geishell, et cremaverunt villam de Leay.

Rex Edwardus i . obiit Julii.

1308. Edwardusr 2. cepit regnare, secundum alios anno 1307, deinde fecit confiscari bona et proscribere [sic] terras et personas Templariorum juxta directionem Romani Pontificis.

Willmus McBalthar cremavit castrum de Kennun et villam de Courcowley cum interfectione hominum ibidem.

1 3 08, Junii. In Glyndelory alias Glynmolowra, Johannes Woganjusticiarius Hibernie in fugam coactus per Hibernicos rebelles ibidem, et Johannes deSancto Ho wgelyn, Johannes Northon, Johannes Brereton et plures alii fuerunt interfecti. Downlowan, Typper, et plures alie villse cremate fuerunt per eosdem rebelles.

Petrus de Gaveston cum literis et autoritate a domino rege venit in Hiber- niam, cui dominus rex concessit jura regalia in Hibernia, qui Gaveston inter- fecit O Dempsies, et edificavit diversa castra, pontes et pavimenta in Hibernia, et fuit revocatus in Angliam anno sequenti.

1309. Dominus Roger Mortimer cum sua uxore, scilicet filia Petri Gene- vile filii Galfredi Genevile, domini de Midia, applicuit in Hiberniam vigilia Sanctorum Simonis et Jude, et intravit possessionem segnorii de Midia jure uxoris sue quse fuit heres.

1310. Parlamentum apud Kildariam tentum ubi dominus Arnoldus le Power fuit acquittus a morte domini Johannis Boneville per eum nuper inter- fecti, quia in defensione sua fecit et cetera.

1311. Parlamentum apud Kilkenniam coram Johanne Wogan justiciario, ubi plures condite sunt leges, que modo non sunt in usu, et in eodem par- lamento contenderunt Rowland us Joice primas Armachanus et Johannes a Leeckis archiepiscopus Dublin, quia primas Dublin inhibuit ei ne ipse Arma- chanus pontificalia in provincia Lageniensium coram eo ferri faciat, vide infra.

Richardus Haveringis Dublin archiepiscopus obiit, qui quinque annis tune retroactis ratione sumpnii resignavit suam dignitatem.

O Brienses de Gailgaish ad numerum 600 fuerunt interfecti per Richardum

de r Richardus MS.

de Clare justiciarium, et Johannes Mc Geoghegan interemptus per O Molmoy, et dominus O Brien in Thomond per suos sequaces necatus.

1312. Dominus Edmundus de le Butler deputatus justiciarii Wogan obsi- debat O Byrnes alias Branenses in Glyndelowra, et cogebat eos paci domini regis se submittere, et anno sequenti die Sancti Michaelis, dominico videlicet die, creavit 30 milites apud Dublin, et die Lune proximo subjugavit Branenses et quietam fecit Hiberniam ; adeo quod ab Arcloo ad Clonemoore et inde ad Ca- terlogh, et inde ad Cadelli domum, et inde ad Lymritium solebat progredi cum iij. equestris tan turn.

1314. Hospitalierii milites Sancti Johannis Jerusalem fuerunt primo insti- tuti in terra et possessionibus Templariorum per totam Hiberniam.

Theobaldus Verdon justiciarius Hibernie consti tutus, quo anno fuit rebellio universalis, Hibernenses in Conatia Ultonia et Midia rebellaverunt sic quoque in Momonia et Lagenia et cetera. Othoiles, Branenses et Moardhse insurrexe- runt cremantes et spoliantes a Wickloo usque ad Athy, non cessando donee 800 eorum fuerunt interfecti per deputatum Hibernie; et in Conatia juxta Athenry Burgus et Bremyngham interfecerunt Fedelmicum O Conchur regem Conatie et O Kelly in Manny cum xj. millibus de eorum confederatoribus.

Edwardus de la Bruce frater Roberti regis Scotie invadit Hiberniam, et in conductu suo habuit comites de Murrey et de Menthothe, cum domino Johanne Styward, domino Johanne de Cambell, domino Thoma Randulph, Fergutio de Andressam, Johanne Wood, Johanne Bishett, applicuerunt apud Carrekfergus, et conquisierunt Ultoniam et cremaverunt Dundalk, deinde venerunt ad Cas- trum Knock proponentes obsidere Dublin, sed Dublinenses totum suburbium cremaverunt, et pontem fregerunt. Rebelles mutaverunt consilium, manuca- piendo senem Tyrrell de Castro Knock cum uxore et herede, venerunt per patriam cremando Naas, Tristeldermot, Cathiiiogh, Gawran, alias Balla-Gawran, Callan et Cashill et tenuerunt pasca juxta Lymritium, et ibidem dictus Bruce fecit se denominari monarcha Hibernie. Sed civibus Lymritii resistentibus, in regressu suo exercit[us] ejus famem ob defectum provisionis patientes, plures eorum in itinere moriebantur, et alii quamplures interfecti in Westmeath per Butleros et cetera ; deinde venientes ad Dundalk dictus novus rex inter ceteros decollatus per carnificem de coherte Dublin (called Mappas) et tune cessavit conquestus Dublin. Suddane clyming sudane falling, an high flood a low ebb. Mappas a jugler knocked him with ij. bullets in a bagg and killed him, et ipse

D 2 super


super eum occisus et terra dabatur a rege heredibus suis 4or polles. The am- bassadors of Scotland expected of the King of England some dispatch, and he, as is said, thought to have geven Bruce Ulster, the head of Bruce with other ] leads after a great feast for a banquet was laid before them, confusi surrexerunt et discesserunt. The Scottis were killed by Brymyngham, and he made erle of Louth, vide infra in Alexander Bignor.

1315 vel 1316. Johannes fitz Gerald primus comes Kildarie obiit. 1316. Edmundus Butler j usticiarius Hibemie.

Johannes Leech alias Aleecke Dublin archiepiscopus prohibuit primati Ar- machano ne uteretur cruce, pallio aut aliis pontificalibus insigniis infra provin- ciam Dublin, quoniam Metropolitanus Dublin ut allegatum et probatum fuit non cognoscat aliquam superioritatem citra pontificem Romanum ; vide supra.

1316 secundum alios 1334. Milcrus episcopus Leighlen, vel alius ejusdem noininis.

1316. Robertus de la Bruce rex Scotie applicuit in Hibernia apud Knock (Carreg) Fergus, ecclesiam ibidem spoliavit, cepit castrum per sursum redditum custodum, cibo eorum deficiente.

Die Lune post festum Omnium Sanctorum. De iisdem Scotis 300 in du- plici armatura induti, ac 300 et supra in simplici armatura preter pedestres fue-

conducti "|

runt per Johannem Loggan et Hugonem Byssett milites V quere [sic] .


1317. Rogerus Mortymer dominus Middle jure uxoris, fit justiciarius Hi- bernie.

Tempestas magna et validus ventus insurrexerunt, quse prostraverunt cam- panile ecclesie Trinitatis Dublin et domos quamplurimas et alia nocumenta.

Fames irrationabilis prevaluit adeo quod mensura tritici de le cronock con- tinens 4°r galones solvebatur pro xxiij.s.

1318. Roger Mortimer justiciarius apud Yoghill applicans audivit quod Edmundus Butler interfecit plures Hibernicos rebelles apud Tristledermot, et jiixta Balyleathan alias Loaghan de familiaribus O Morochow.

Alexander Bignor archiepiscopus Dublin, qui erigens universitatem in Dub- lin creavit cancellarium et vice-cancellarium, ceterosque officiarios ad eandem requisites, primo anno sue consecrationis, vide paulo infra. Alexander Bignor fit justiciarius, in cujus gubernatione Edwardus le Bruce cum 2000 Scotis et



aliis combinatoribus suis fuerunt interfecti juxta Dundalk, per Johannem Bre- myngham comitem de Louth, campi generalem capitaneura, et tune conquestus Scotorum cessavit, vide supra.

400 fuere interfecti in Conatia inter duos nobiles ejusdem patrie circa par- vain terre portionera contendentes.

1319. Pons de Kilcullen et anno sequenti pons Leiglin fuerunt edificate per Mauritium (Johannem alii dicunt episcopum Kildarie postea) Jacckis cano- nicum ecclesie Kildarie propriis expensis et licentia prius obtenta.

1320. Academia Dublin cum privilegiis universitatis a Johanne 22. papa erecta, Alexander Bignor archiepiscopus, ejusdem fundator, creavit iij. doctores sacre theologie, videlicet Willelmum Hardity, Henricum Cogie et Edmundum Bernardin, et unum doctorem decretoram nomine Richardum archidiaconum ecclesie Dublin, qui postea fuit cancellarius dicte universitatis et cetera; qui ter- minos suos tenuerunt et comendationes solemniter, quaequidem academia fuisse revocata non reperio, immo ut credo quod ipsa per negligentiam et propter defectum exhibitionis ruit.

Johannes fitz John 2. comes Kildarie fit justiciarius Hibernie et anno se- quenti Johannes Bremyngham comes de Louth fuit creatus justiciarius Hibernie.

Edmundus Butler filius Theobaldi le Butler domini de Carrig Rosscrea apud London in vigilia exaltacionis Sancte Crucis, primus comes de Pincerms, qui vocabatur comes de Balygawran obiit, et vigilia Sancti Martini sepeliebatur apud Balygawran predictam.

1322. Dominus Johannes Darcy miles fit justiciarius Hibernie, vide infra anno 1338.

1322. In Kilkennia vixit quedam domina nobilis nomine Alicia Kettell sortilega cum Petronilla et Basilla suis complicibus et asserebat ipsam habuisse (vide rotulam Episcopi Ossoriensis) colloquium omni nocte cum nephando spi- ritu nomine Robin Artisson, cui ipsa consuevit sacrificare in via regali, ix. gallos rubros et novem pavonum oculos et colligere purgamenta platee in Kilkenia post complet [orium] ad dornum filii sui, dicendo Anglice hunc versum.

To the house of W" my sonne,

Hie all the welth of Kilkenie towne :

et inveniebatur in camera ejus sacramentalis hostia et nomen diaboli in eadem scriptum, una cum tonna olei, cum quo (ut serva ejus fassa fuit) baculum ad



equitandum ubi voluerat ungebat, deinde ista nobilis ex favore fugere permissa fuit, ceteri vero consolii omnia ista fassi et combust! fuerunt.

1326. Edwardus 2. obiit 25 Januarii, regnavit 18 annis, 6 mensibus et 15 diebus.

Edwardus 3. cepit regnare.

Adam Niger de familia de O Tooles in Lagenia spiritu satanico obsessus, negans incarnationem Christi, trinitatem personarum et resurrectionem carnis, dicensque scriptum esse fabulam et Mariam vite fuisse dissolute, sedemque Apostolicam errores premissos affirmasse et cetera, cremabatur in Hogges Greene juxta Dublin.

Arthurus Mc Murchardi et Henricus Traherne miles capti per Butleros.

1327. Rogerus Owtlaw prior de Kylmaynam fit justiciarius Hibernie.

1329. Johannes Bremyngham comes de Louth et Talbot de Malaghide cum pluribus aliis interfecti fuerunt apud Balybregan per inhabitantes pa- trie.

Thomas Butler et plures alii fuerunt interfecti per Mc Geoghan juxta Mo- lingar.

Adam McGillamore et alii Hibernici cremaverunt 80 innocentes in una ecclesia cum presbytero massam celebrante.

1330. Gives burgenses Wexfordie interfecerunt 400 Hibernicos rebelles juxta rivulum de Slayne, et anno sequent! plures rebelles Hibernici fuerunt interfecti in Kinsellay.

1331. Castra de Femes et Cowlaugh et Arcloo capta fuerunt per O Theo- thill qui interfecit Anglicas garrisones ibidem, sed anno sequent! Anglic! recu- perarunt ea, sed castrum de Bonrath alias Bonrathe destruitur per Hibernicos de Toamond.

1332. Edwardus 3. in bello de Haldownhill in Scotia interfecit de Scotis 8 comites, 900 milites et baronettes, 400 armigeros, et alios innumerabiles, cepit que Berwick cum aliis fortalitiis.

1333. Johannes Darcy Hibernie justiciarius intravit Scotiam et interfecit 700 Scotos vocatos red shankes.

1334. Milerus episcopus Leighlen.

Johannes episcopus Leighlin cognomine Mulgan primus fundator quatuor capellanomm choralium ecclesie Cathedralis Sancti Lazeriani Leighlen, sepul- tus fuit juxta tumbam ducis Gurmundi, ad stallum thesauraurii ecclesie.


1336. Cynnus et Oldratus legistas, ^ Sanctus Rochus vel Riochus et S. Hawlerus theologi $

In die Sancti Laurentii plures Hibernici rebelles interfecti f'uerunt in Conatia per Anglos patrie.

1337. Johannes Charleton baro Hibernie. Justiciarius cum 200 Walen- sibus venit in Hibernian! , erat maxima exactio eorum exclamata, unde Tho- mas, episcopus Herdfordiensis, eligitur et venit Justiciarius Hibernie 1338, et anno .... Johannes Darcy assignatus fuit Justiciarius Hibernie durante ejus vita.

1339. Edw. 3. made clay me ad totum regnum Francie tanquam verum ejus dominium et hereditatem, et fecit se proclamari regem Francie.

Thomas Minoth ^ Archiepiscopus Dublin, quere quis prior, quis

Johannes de Sancto Paulo $ posterior.

1340. Edwardus 3. ad sinistram persuasionem emulorum revocavit dmnes libertates antea concessas, inde omnes tarn Anglicani quam Hibernici tenentes scripserunt domino regi in Angliam querulando, et negaverunt interim venire ad parlamentum in Dublin.

1348. Mortalitas magna et pestilentia in Hibernia.

Translatio Sancti Fyntani abbatis patroni de Clonenagh in episcopatu Leighlen per Thomam de Sancto Leothegario episcopum Midensim facta fuit, etsi queratur quare examinatio miraculorum et autoritas canonizationis hujus- modi non comittebatur potius ordinario loci quam extraneo, resp[ondetur] quod episcopus Leighlen supplicavit Romano pontifici pro caussione [sic] translationis et canonizationis et cetera.

1350. Kymbrichus (ut puto Kenvrik Britanus) Sherman, major Dublin, inagnus omnium ecclesiarum provintie benefactor, legavit in suo testamento 3000 markes, whether to the church or no quere.

1355. Mauritius fitz Gerald comes Desmond, durante vita Justiciarius Hi- bernie, obiit, et Thomas Rocksey miles Justiciarius succedit.

1357. Rex Anglie plures habuit ex Hibernia, pugnatur versus Wallenses, et in Francia apud Crostea, ubi obtinuit victoriam famosam et cepit castra in triumpho.

Mauritius fitz Thomas comes Kildarie Justiciarius secundum Campion et Stanihurst anno 1357 habuit sibi per literas patentes domini regis in feodo an- nuali 500 libras ration e sui officii, ea condicione quod ipse haberet secum in quo-



libet bello 20 equos magnos cum equestris electis, quorum ipsemet sit unus. Historiographi putant hunc numerum fore ordinarium pro quolibet deputato et justiciario guerris et rebellionibus persistere.

1361. Leonellus filius Edw. 3. dux de Clarence et comes Ultonie, justi- ciarius Hibernie transtulit scaccarium domini regis ad Catherlough, et disbur- savit 500 libras in restaurationem parietum ville, et in autumno revocatus fuit in Angliam.

1366. Thomas Carrew alias Grew rejectus fuit (et fugit in Angliam) per Mc Murchardum a dominio et dominico suo in Baronia de Idrona quam tenebat de Margareta alias Matilda cometissa Norfolcie in comitatu Catherlough vide in- fra. Sed postea tempore Henrici Sydney deputati quidam senior Petrus Carew miles inveniens rotulam evidentiarum et cetera venit et invenit et cetera, unde compulsi componere et cetera, Sidney went to hauke et cetera.

1369. Anno Edw. 3. 44. Parlamentum in Kilkennia tentum coram Wil- lelmo de Windesor justiciario in quo concessum est domino regi 3000 libras pro subsidio ad guerras, et hoc anno inhibuit rex Edwardus 3. peti, colligi aut solvi denarium Petri ad usum ecclesie Romane.

1370. Pestilentia magna in Hibernia adeo quod propter imensitatem mor- talitatis vocabatur ab antiquis tertia Hibernie pestilentia.

1372. Patritius Freigney miles senescallus Lagenie, ut in registro ecclesie Leighlen reperitur, in itinere suo apud Caterlough, Kilkenniam et Wexfordiam anno 45 Edward. 3. tenuit curiam libertatis autoritatis [sic] domini regis, et fecit inquisitionem de chartis, usibus, libertatibus, et liberis consuetudinibus burgen- sium et libere tenentium Lagenie, copiamque sue inquisitionis decrevit concedi omnibus membris corporationum, qui suas chartas aut rescriptas aut escript [*ic] perdiderunt in ultimis comotionibus et cetera, si peterent et cetera. He made fayre wether with a vile reach, sed anno sequenti rex propter suas exac- tiones et cetera, et eo quod deposuit plures injuste ex suis dominiis et libere tenementis revocavit autoritatem, cum incarceravit fecit eum facere restitutio- nem probantibus et juste accusantibus et imposuit super eum mulctam pecunia- riam.

1373. Johannes Hussey baro de Galtrym, Johannes Richard vicecomes de Midia fuerunt interfecti in Kynealiaagh.

Galfridus le Wale interfecit Donatum McMurchard juxta Caterlaugh. Richardus Bookum episcopus Leighlen.


1376. Edwardus 3. obiit. l Richardus 2. succedit.

1381. Edmundus Mortimer comes Marchiarum et Ultonie (qui desponsavit Philippam filiam et solain heredem Leonelli duels de Clarence) obiit in civitate Cork.

1383. Philippus de Courtney justiciarius postmortem Mortimeri.

1385. Ricardus Vere marques Dublin creatus est dux Hibernie durante vita, et omnia precepta et brevia regalia sub teste et nomine ejus emanaverunt. Pestilentia et mortalitas magna vocabatur 4 pestilentia.

1390. Robertus Wadby (Weekeford) frater Augustinianus archiepiscopus Dublin.

1 394. Richardus 2. pro morte regine sue vexatus venit in Hiberniam circa festum Michaelis, et revertebatur circa carnisprivii festum, secundum alios se- cundum festum Sancti Johannis, ad ejus detrimentum, nam Hereford et Lancas- trie et comitatus Eboraci insurrexerunt ubi plures Hibernici ceciderunt in bellis ex utraque parte pugnantes.

1397. Rogerus Mortimer miles justiciarius Hibernie, qui jure uxoris sue fuit comes Marchiarum et Ultonie, fuit cum pluribus aliis interfectus per O Now- lan, O Byrne, Mc David More, Mortagh Mc Loaghlen capitaneum turbariorum Mc Murchardi et alios suos combinatores apud Calleston ab antiquis vocatum Ardabother, cujus mater ejus [? iis] deditij. calices, unum in Misheill, alterum in Garghill, ut haberet ilium vel vivum vel mortuum, ad transmittendum ilium in Angliam.

Richardus Northalis frater carmelitanus translatus ab alia sede in Dublin archiepiscopatum.

1398. Richardus 2. rex vindicaturus mortem Rogeri Mortimer sui depu- tati venit in Hiberniam cum 200 navibus apud Waterfordiam ; et eo tempore coegit O Nowlan vi. homines de majori natu sue patrie domino regi dare, ad voluntatem et electionem domini regis annuatim per xi. annos, et 2000 vaccas juvenes quolibet anno ad 7 annos.

Post adventum domini regis Jenicho de Arthois Gaiscoyn interfecit 200 Hi- bernicos in comitatu Kildarie, et Dublinenses proximo die mane interfecerunt 40 inimicos, et ceperunt 33, quos captives secum duxerunt ad Dublin.

In veteri (ola) Leighlen fuere 86 burgesses.

1401. Johannes Drack maior Dublin cum suis civibus interfecit 400 de Hibernicis inimicis juxta Bree.

IRISH ARCH. soc. 13. E Primitise


Primitiae fuerunt hoc anno assignatse per pontificem Romanum adeo stricte, quod nullus presbyter ad beneficium admittebatur, excepto quod hos fructus prius solveret.

Thomas dominus de Lancaster fiKus et locum tenens domini regis Henrici 4. in Hibernia tenuit parlamentum apud Rosse, in quo habuit visum cartarum et patentium horum, qui a domino rege tenuerunt in capite, et inde revertebatur in Angliam.

1403. Jacobus le Butler comes Ormonie, justiciarius domini regis in Hi- bernia.

1404. Charta libertatis Hibernie et statuta Kilkennie fuerunt confirmata autoritate parlamenti coram comite Ormonie justiciario Hibernie, die Sancti Vitalis martyris ; et exercitus domini regis interfecerunt 100 de Hibernicis ini- micis juxta Kilcaa, clero pro bono successu pugnantium in processione orante apud Tristeldermot.

1405. Jacobus Buteler comes Ormonie justiciarius Hibernie obiit apud Bellyngan alias Belligard, ut credo.

1407. Jacobus Butler films predicti comitis premortui fuit justiciarius Hibernie.

Hugo McAdam McGillamor falsus et ethnicus Hibernicus inimicus in Ul- tonia cremavit et destruxit 40 ecclesias, et manucaptum habuit Patritium Savadg,

quern crudeliter tractavit, unde vulgo appellabatur et iste Hugo McAdam

Mc Gillamor non diu postea petere beneficium sanctuarii compulsus, sed in ec- clesia seu monasterio minorum apud Knockfergus sine misericordia et reverentia fuit interfcctus, que [sic] ipse et pater antea cremaverant.

1408. Stephanus Scrope fuit deputatus Thome Lancaster locum tenentis domini regis in Hibernia, et obiit apud Casteldermot.

Comes Ormonie, comes Desmonie, et prior de Kilmaynam cum aliis gene- rosis et capitaneis invadentes terrain Mc Murchardi pugnaverunt in vicem in campo, primo Hibernici inimici ferociter resistere proposuerunt, et animose pugnaverunt, sed demum eis devictis comes Ormonie prosequendo viriliter in fine cepit O Nowlan cum duobus filiis suis, et pluribus aliis, quos duxit cap- tivos ad dominum deputatum. But these O Nowlans were afterwards quite extirped.

O Carvell et 800 de familia et confederatoribus suis fuerunt interfecti per comitem Ormonie et alios Anglos in suo conducto apud Callan, et sol dicebatur



expectasse post naturale tempus et occasum sui, et lucens donee Angli equita- runt vj. milia in prosecutione inimicorum suorum.

1409. Civitas Dublin recepit primo gladium regale ab Henrico 4. et tune creatus est maior cum antea gubernabatur per prepositum, in cujus probatione Dublinenses tenent adhuc suum antiquum sigillum cum superscriptione preposi- ture, et inde pluribus annis tune sequentibus regebatur ilia civitas per maiorem et ij. balivos, sed illos balivos Edward. 6. mutavit in ij. vicecomites.

1410. Comunitas Anglie petiit Henricum 4. regem ut auferret temporalita- tem a spiritualibus (which trobled England and Ireland, and especially the cler- gie of both landes, that they called all their wittes together to defend them selfes) allegando quod terra regni Anglie inordinate et negligenter per ecclesiasticos devastata, sufficeret pro creatione et sustentacione xv. comitum, 6200 armigerum, et 100 domibus elemosinariis et hospitalibus, atque exhiberent domino regi annuatim preterea ad sumptus guerrarum supportandos 20 millia librarum, ita quod quilibet comes haberet in feodo annuali seu redditu annuo 3000 marchas, quilibet miles i oo marchas, et 4 carrucatas terre arabilis, quilibet armiger 40 marchas, cumij. carrucatis terre arabilis, et quodlibet hospitale 100 marchas; sed cleri obstiterunt. Lanquet vel Cooper.

Fames magna in Hibernia.

Prior de Kilmaynam justiciarius Hibernie duxit secum 1500 turbarios, et fecit viagium in patriam Byrnensium, ubi plures amisit cum Johanne Dorpatrik generoso, quorum turbariorum quidam revolverunt ad inimicos.

1412. Henricus 4. obiit. Henricus 5. succedit.

OConchur de Ophaly multum nocuit Midie, et captivavit 160 Anglos una die.

1413. Johannes Stanley miles fit justiciarius Hibernie.

1414. Dominus Johannes Talbot de Sheffield creatus locum tenens Hiber- nie, et Robertus Talbot brevi obiit, qui suis expensis fabricari fecit parietes ville Kilkennie.

ArchiepiscopusDublin fuit justiciarius Hibernie, cujus tempore ipso episcopo et clero ad ejus mandatum in processione apud Tristeldermot, pro statu et bono successu, et celeri expeditione pugnantium contra Hibernicos orantibus, 3000 Hibernici inimici fuere inter fecti juxta Kilcaa, per comitem Ormonie generalem armi et exercitus et suos Anglicos. As his father did a litle before.

Thomas episcopus Leighlen cognomine Fleminge frater ordinis Augustiniani,

E2 in


in ecclesia Sancti Trinitatis Dublin recepit ex parte domini regis homagium et fidelitatem ab Hugone O Neil in presentia episcopi Ossor: quo tempore ipse Willmus translatus fuit in Cassiliens : archiepiscop : qui Thomas obiit Leighlen et juxta voluntatem suam sepultus fuit in Kilkennia apud ordinem profes- sionis sue.

1415. Patritius Borrett episcopus Fernensis obiit, et sepultus est Kenlis.

1416. Stephanus Fleming archiepiscopus Armach obiit.

1418. Consilium regale apud villam de Naas Lagenie, ubi concluserunt pro- sequere Hibernicos inimicos.

1419. 4 Idus Maii. Donatus More Cavenagh Mc Murchardus principalis omnium Lageniensium capitaneus, quern nominarunt regem Lagenie, fuit cap- tus et in Angliam missus, ubi per 7 annos fuit balinatus apud fabrum aurarium in Turre, et postea dimissus et destinatus in Hiberniam sub certa conditione.

Of Balachillchovan that scept of Cavenaghs of the house of Mc Morrgh

toke their names.

Thomas le Butler germanus comitis Ormonie (qui vocabatur Thomas clau- dus) ivit in Franciam jussu regis Anglic, habens in suo conductu 100 equites Hibernicos ad suam electionem, qui applicans in Franciam versus Roone crema- vit patriam in suo itinere, et deprcdavit et predam tam magnam duxit in cam-

pum regis erga noctem, adeo quod ubi solvebant mane xs. pro

habuerunt quarterium seu annum bovile pro Is. de nocte, sed post captionem civitatis licet ipse prius intravit sccundum quosdam ibi obiit, secundum alios in Anglia per venenum mulieris, post reversum.

1420. Jacobus le Butler comes Ormonie, locum tenens domini regis in Hi- bernia, occidit plures de familia et terribili exercitu Ymoardha juxta Athy, et sol preter naturam dicitur et cronicis scribitur stetisse per spacium iij. hora- rum ita ad mirationem plumim et miraculose, et donee comes vicit hostes in marisco rubeo (redd foord) alias prato rufo de Athy, nee grunna alias quack - myre ibi obsistit, quin equites justiciarii currebant in prosecutione hostium sicut hostes.

Arthurus more McMurcharda, ferax rebellis, cujus potentie omnes Lagenien- ses resistere non potuerunt, fuit demum per eundem comitem Ormonie devic- tus, et mitigatus adeo quod sese et suos confederatores gracie regali submisit.

Thomas comes Desmond et Momonie obiit, et sepultus in civitate Rothma- gens : vide infra in hac pagina annum verum.



Comes Ormonie deputatus regis domavit O Bryens de Gailgaish, Burgos et McBannanos in campo seu bellico confiictu juxta Sagelome, deinde Moardhos, O Geoghagan, Mc Mahonn et omnes Hibernicos iniraicos in tribus mensibus, et durante hoc itinere et viagio ipse deputatus fecit ubique clerum cujuslibet patrie esse in solemni processione, bis qualibet hebdomada, orantes pro bono et felici statu ejusdem nobilis et aliorum pugnatorum contra dictos suos adversarios cete- rosque reipublice dissipatores, utinam clerus hujus temporis Deum sic precibus devote invocarent, ut pugnatores crederent victoriarn a Deo obtineri.

1421. Henricus 5. obiit. Henricus 6. succedit.

Richardus O Hiden archiepiscopus Cassiliensis accusatus in parlamento per Johannem Geest episcopum Lismor et Waterfordie super 30 articulis, quorum primus quod noluit promo vere aliquem Anglicum ad beneficium in sua diocesi. Alius articulus quod sic consuluit alios comprovinciales episcopos et cetera.

Henricus 6. cepit regnare ultimo Augusti, et mortuo Delphino Carolo rege Francorum, fuit proclamatus rex Francie.

Johannes Swanige primas Armachanus obiit.

Mahonn multum nocuit Midie et Anglicanis cremando, spoliando, ne- cando, et depredando, donee fuerat devictus per deputatum et Dublinenses, qui animose et feliciter pugnaverunt.

T433 [yide 1419]- Thomas claudusle Butler miles deputatus domini regis in Hibernia, obiit in obsidio civitatis Roone in Francia.

1438. Thomas Crawley archiepiscopus Dublin revertens a consilio Basil autoritate Eugenii pape, in Anglia obiit.

1439. Richardus Talbot archiepiscopus Dublin.

1445. Henricus 6. rex Anglie (comite Suffolchie suadente) duxit in uxorem Margaretam filiam regis Sicilie, et repudiavit filiam comitis Arminachie, cum qua primo contraxerat, cujuscausaamisitNormanniam, et sui subjecti insurrex- erunt, et finaliter depositus cum sua regina et filio primogenito fugiebat.

1448. Duces Eboren : et Lancaster contenderunt circa coronam, ita quod quilibet eorum prosuo interesse excitarunt principales Anglos in Hibernia suos amicos respective, qui Anglici ceciderant in bello de Wakinfield, et sequenti anno in bello de le Mortimers cross in Wallia, quo Hibernici in absentia Anglo- rum assumentes vires et opportunitatem insurrexerunt in Hibernia, et obsiderunt ubique castra et fortalicia, que tenuerunt usque ad tempora Henrici 7 et 8.

1449. Dux Eboracensis venit in Hiberniam cum magno scutto et exercitu


ad pacificandos Hibernicos et rebelles, qui nihil estimabile potuit agere, nee parum[? pacem] concludere, nee Hibernicos vincere.

1458. Mac Geoghagan cremavit«Rathmore cum pluribus villis et villagiis in Midia, que est hereditas Plantagenet ducis Eboracensis.

1459. Dux Eboracensis comes Sarum, et comes Warwik bellaverunt contra regem Anglie juxta London in Bloore heath sed in fine dux fugit in Hiber- niam, alii in Caliciam. Et anno sequenti (1460) reversus est in Angliam et fecit clamen [sic] in coronam in parlamento ; deinde fuit interfectus cum filio suo comite Rutland apud Waken" eld per Margaretam reginam et suum exercitum, et sic rex liberatur e carcere.

Edward comes Marchiarum et heres ducis Eboracensis debellavit contra Henricum 6. et post aliquam interfectionem rex fugit cum regina et filio, cum regnasset 38 annos, ad ducem de Angeo, et iste Edwardus cepit regnare nomine Edwardus 4. et regit 22 annis.

1462. Thomas fitz John de Geraldinis qui primo oneravit comitatum Waterfordie, Corken, Kery, et Limrici impositionibus Hibernicalibus, scilicet mercuniis, carragiis, pedagiis, et customis obiit, alii tamen dicunt quod ipse comes propter has exactiones et outragias contra pacem domini Regis, et leges Hibernie fuit decapitatus apud Drogheda per Johannem Tiptot comitem Wor- cestrie deputatum domini Regis in terra Hibernie. Vide pedegrew Desmondie quod non fuit comes, pater turn vivebat et cetera. Usurping upon his father, and going to Tredaff, he gave him his curse, and said, thou shalt have an ill end.

Milo Roch episcopus Leighlen Momonie natus inter bardos numeratur pro omnibus instrumentis musice et rythmis.

1464. Paulus 2. papa creatus, avarus, crudelis, injuriosus, immisericors, rudis nee doctus, nee aliquo favore voluit prosequi doctos.

1469 [1487]. Lambertus nomine Peter Perchia de Warwik coronatus rex in ecclesia Sancte Trinitatis Dublin, cujus causa bellum de Storke vulgariter Martin Swarthsfield, in quo Thomas fitz morice de Geraldinis capitaneus Hibernicorum cecidit cum comite Lincolnie et pluribus nobilibus Lanquet.

1470. Rowlandus Eustace deputatus Hibernie obiit.

1471. Thomas fitz Morice comes Kildarie justiciarius Hiberine anno Ed- wardi 4" dicitur concessisse privilegium seu licentiam de la mortmayne ecclesie Sancti Kenitii Kilkennie et collegio vicar choralium ibidem.

Henricus 6. per ducem Clarencie, comites Warwick, Penbrochie et Oxford



dicitur restitutus, et Edwardum 4. fugisse in Flandriam ad ducem Burgundie Lanquet. Sed postea Edward iste rex ratione sui fratris ducis Clarencie venit ad London et cepit Henricum regem in palatio episcopi reginam et Edwardum principem, quern interfecit, et regnavit rex Henricus in turre per tempus et tune executus sepeliebatur in Schordich.

1473. David episcopus Ossoriensis scribitur habuisse autoritatem domini regis Edward 4. per literas suas patentes ad excommunicandos et censurandos omnes contradicentes et injuriantes vicarios de la communi aula.

1475. Edward 4. navigavit ad ducem Burgundie, qui habuit secum in ex- ercitu suo 1000 Hibernicos, et antequam venerunt rex Francie dedit regi Ed- wardo pro bono pacis 75000 nobilia auri puri, et promisit tantum ei annuatim pro 7 annis.

1476. Donaldus Fuscus Kavenagh qui se vocari regem Lagenie permisit obiit. alii anno 1478.

1483. Edward 4. obiit, relinquens Edwardum principem et Richardum ducem Eboracen : et Edward princeps cepit regnare sub nomine Edward 5. et obiit eodem anno.

Richardus dux Glocestrie avunculus cepit regnare et regnavit nomine Richard 3. et regnavit 2 annis, interfectus ab Henrico 7.

1485. Henricus comes Richmond nomine Henric 7. regnavit et duxit in uxorem Elizabethan! filiam Edwardi 4. et sic domus Eboracen : et Lancastren : imitse et cetera.

1494. Edwardus Poynyngis deputatus domini regis in Hibernia plura fecit statuta, et leges renovavit, et ordinationes regni in pristinum cum sua charta confirmavit.

Hue usque dicit autor meus Thaddeus ; Nicolaus episcopus in libro fiavo Leighlen Annotationes fecit.

Octavius Armachanus totius Hibernie primas addmittens appellationem David Curreyn decani et capituli Leighlen, a sede metropolitica factam, inhi- buit episcopo Leighlen ne quod attemptaret in prejudicium decani et capituli appellantium circa suas distributiones quotidianas ; per sententie instrumentum apparet episcopum comparuisse vigore inhibitionis et citationis emanate in consis- torio generali crastino Sancti Patricii in cancello divi Laurentii, presente Wil- lelmo priore Sancti Johannis baptiste de Drogheda Novembris anno predicto coram eodem primate in presentia domini Radulphi prioris domus Hospitalis aut



ecclesie Sancti Laurentii extra muros ville predicte, reverandi Johannis episcopi Midcnsis, Thome Lang clerici, autoritate apostolica imperial! notarii puplici curie predicte consistorie registrarii et scribe principalis, atque Thome Moye apparitoris et preconis, Nicolai prebendarii de Hillard economi syndinque et prolocutoris capituli atque procuratoris contra eundem episcopum in hac parte destinat.

Vide antea quomodo Archiepiscopus Dublin in parlamento Kilkennie inhibet Armachano ne ferret ante se in sua provincia aliqua episcopalia insignia. Notwithstanding out of the province and in province he was above him.

Nicholaus Magwyr episcopus Leighlen vulgariter nuncupatur Mc Syr Moris in Odrona Lagenie in Hibernia natus apud Tulmogiman, Sacerdotis spurius, Thaddeus Dowlinge comendes him for hospitalitie and the number of cowes that he grased without losse (so well was he beloved) upon the woodes and mountaines of Knockbrannen, Cumnabally, Aghcarew, Ballycarew and Moil- glas, but Thomas Brown his chaplen who also wrote his lif, reporteth that he studied in Oxford, although it was but ii. yeres and 3 months, yet he profitted so much in logik, philosophic, the seven liberall sciences and divinitie that in his latter days he seemed to excell, he was made prebendarie of Hillard, where he preached and delivered great learninge with no lesse reverence, beinge in favor with the King and nobilitie of Lenister, who together with the deane and chapter elected him b[ishop] of Leighlen to succeed Milo then lately de- ceased. This Nicolas had obtained of the bishop of Rome litres of provision and was consecrated b[ishop] being but 30 years of age, to the great losse of the church he died anno 1512 having begonne many learned workes and death preventing his purpose he cold not finish any savinge one cronicle sumariely by him collected and is found in the handes of many in written hand laten, and so farre Dowlinge and Browne.

1495. Maxima perturbatio in Anglia et Hibernia ex parte Perkin Warbeck qui se nominavit Richardum Eboracensem filium Edwardi regis.

1496. Thomas comes Surrey et dominus Nevell cum magno exercitu fue- runt missi hue in Scotiam majorem ab Henrico 7. qui Scoticos domuerunt.

1497. Katerina filia Ferdinandi regis Hispanic fecit [? fuit] nupta principi Arthuro primogenito Henrici 7. qui in pasce sequent! obiit.

1500. Margareta filia Henrici 7. nupta fuit Jacobo regi Scotie.


33 (

1501. Henricus filius Henrici 7. constitutus dux Eborurn, locum tenens domini regis in Hibernia, qui postea fuit Henricus 8.

1503. Elizabeth regina obiit in puerperio in turre London.

1504. Bellura de Knocktoa per Geraldum comitem Kildarie, deputatum Henrici ducis Eboracum locum tenentis Hibernie, contra Willelmum Burg de Bellathclare in Conacia, O Bryen, Mc Morogh, O Car veil, et alios boreales. Iste collis de Knocto situatus est vi. milliaria a Galway et ij milliaria a Ballagh- clare ; de quo versus.

* ******** *

1506. Maria filia regis Henrici 7. nupta fuit Carolo archduci Austrie et principi Castelle, et anno sequenti rex Castelle obiit.

1508. Henricus 8. anno etatis 18 cepit regnare.

1509. Geraldus comes Kildarie ordinis garterii miles qui Hibernicos gu- bernavit 33 annos obiit, et sepultus in capella beate Marie infra ecclesiam Trini- tatis Dublin.

1510. Walterus archiepiscopus fuit cancellarius et justiciarius Hibernie, obiit hoc anno, sic Nicolaus scribit.

Hue usque Nicolaus Leighlen. Sic Thaddeus (vide supra) scribitur. 1512. Maurus Nemorosus (Mauri tiusWoodkerne) rex Lagenie obiit. Will- mus archiepiscopus Dublin.

1514. Insurrectio magna in Hibernia.

Maria soror regis Anglie nupta fuit Ludovico Francorum regi.

Petrus Butler Mc James, interfecit Jacobum nigrum (Duff) le Butler bas- tardum comitis le Gawran inter Donmore et Kilkenniam, secundum alios anno 1497.

1515. Maria regina de Suffolk nupta fuit duci de Suffolk.

Jacobus Butler comes Ormonie insultabatur per cives Dublin in manerio archiepiscopi de la Sanct Sepulchres, unde legati sunt destinati a Romano pontifice ad puniendam presumptuosam violationem sanctuarii Sancti Patricii Dublin.

Thomes Halser Anglus Leighlen episcopus, utriusque juris doctor, protono- tarius apostolicus, pro Anglia Scotia et Hibernia in basilica apostolorum de urbe Rom : cujus vicar generalis erat abbas de Duysk nomine Carolus Cave- nagh cancellarius ecclesie Leighlen per octo annos, et episcopo mortuo custos fuit spiritualitatis per vi. annos.



1517- Magnum gelu in Hibernia et Anglia adeo quod CUITUS equorum ive- runt super flumen de Tamesey [in] Anglia et super rivos Hibernie.

1519. Thomas Howard comes Surrey qui postea fuit creatus dux Norfol- chie cum 200 de regis roba venit locum tenens in Hiberniam, et quia magna perturbatio fuit in Hibernia, comes Kildarie fuit officio deputati depositus ; et iste comes Surrey reduxit cornitem Desmondie et alios Hibernicos ad bonam conformitatem, deinde ipse Surrey cum multitudine Hibernicorum transnavi- gavit in Franciam, cujus quidem recessum habitantes (Angli) Hibernie queru- labant multum propter ejus integritatem, bonam naturam, et modum guberna- tionis, secundum alios venit anno 1521 et recessit anno 1523.

1522. Geraldus Kevanagh Mc Mochardiis, qui se fecit vocari regem Lage- nie et ducem Lagmensium obiit, sepultus Leighlen.

Mauritius episcopus Leighlen cognominatus Deoran in Laxia jam vocata Queenes County in Leinster frater minorum professus, in Theologia controver- sia et conversatione eloquentissimus predicator, castus a nativitate, episcopa- tum regebat annum cum dimidio [et] ij mensibus ; interfectus fuit per Maurum (Mauritium) Cavenagh archidiaconum dioceseos inter Kilneyn et Cloaghruish, eo quod dicti archidiaconi et aliorum redarguit perversitatem et corrigere pro- posuit. Iste episcopus in jocando ejus adventu quibusdam persuadentibus du- plicari subsidium cleri respondit : Melius radere oves quam destruere.

David Curren rector de Urghlen, curieque consistorii Leighlen advocatus ac capellanus choralis in ecclesia cathedral! ibidem, hue usque in rnemorandis suis, sic Thaddeus.

1523. Thomas fitz Water alias Radcliff comes Surrey dux generosorum exercitus Anglic habuit in suo conductu de Hibernia plures ad arma homines aptos in expeditionem Scotie, et ibidem cremavit 37 villas et transcurrebat ab orientali marchia usque in occidentem depredando et necando.

Fames magna in Hibernia et Anglia, ita ut Henricus 8. tenuit festum nata- litiorum in patria.

1524. Geraldus comes Kildarie juratus deputatus, qui Maurum (Mauri- tium) Guer id est " sharp" interfectorem episcopi Deoran predicti cruci affigere curavit, at the head of Glan Reynald by Leighlen, et ibidem intralia ejus fecit comburi, anno 1525, vide supra.

1525. Robertus Talbot de Pollygard, amicusPetri Butler comitis Ossorie, fuit interfectus juxta Ballymore per Jacobum fitz Gerald, pro eo quod suspec-



tus erat esse kalendarium actorum comitis Kildarie quo accusaretur, propter quod Butlerii storaacliabantur, adeo quod multa sequebatur regni perturbatio.

1526. Carolus Cavenagh filius Mauritii juvenis et Mevina hibernice Mean mater ejus cum aliis in Castro de Droymreagh juxta Killanna, mode vocata Oldabbey, cremabantur per Cahir Mc Arte de Polmevaty.

1528. O Neil Ultoniorum capitaneus et O Conchur cum suis confederatis insurrexerunt contra Petrum Butler comitem Ossorie, qui Ultonienses multum nocuerunt marchis Midie, et cetera. Sed Waterfield in recordo ecclesie scribit talem comotionem fuisse 1532. Illi etiam invaserunt Uriell spoliando et de- predando totam patriam.

Geraldus comes Kildarie contra O Carvell insurgendo et castrum de Byrre insultando fuit dire vulneratus ex castro in latere suo per buletum, cui quidam turbarius jocose dixerat, " domine cur gemis tarn dire, cum ego semel habui iij buletos in me, et vides domine quam sanus sum ad presens ?" cui comes mite respondit (in agonia) quod hunc etiam bulletum vellet ipsum in se una cum ceteris habuisse.

Matheus episcopus Leighlen agnomine Saunders natus juxta Drogheda, inirifice comendatur a Waterfieldo.

1529. Petras Butler comes Ossorie, Hibernie deputatus, incepit accusare comitem Kildarensem coram consilio in Anglia, vide haso omnia in Waterfieldo qui eo tempore vixit.

1530. Hibernici ferociter insurrexerunt in absentia comitis Kildarie ad tune in Anglia commorantis, qui dominia dicti Kildarie, et plures patrias in circuitu invaserunt, unde rex transmisit eundem comitem Kildarie et Wm. Skevington, qui rebellium ferocitatem cum celeritate reformarunt.

Cahir Mc Gerald Cavenagh communiter vocatus McNehenyne crostey, the sonne of the ill-begotten doughter, that is, a bastard, fuit factus Mc Murchardus, qui Mauritio Nemoroso Lagenie successit.

Edictum in parlamento emanavit quod nullus in regno Anglic aut Hibernie obtineret aliquod rescriptum aut beneficium ab ecclesia Romana.

1532. Parlamentum coram Geraldo comite Kildarie convocatum, quo finite in Angliam coram consilio accusatur, convocatur et in turrim London comitti- tur ubi finem vite imposuit.

1534. Thomas fitz Gerald vocatus Thomas serious, in Irish etida orsidan, for that his followers had silk frienges about their head peeces, baro de Ophaly,

F 2 cusots


custos gladii regalis, deputatus patris sui, justiciarius Hibernie, restituit gla- dium in presentia consilii et loco ubi gladium recepit, et denunciavit ibidem rebellionem fieri publice et omnium subditorum regis bona et catella proscribi, deinde fecit capi Johannem Allen archiepiscopum Dublin et interfici apud Tartayn.

Comitatus Kilkennie combustus fuit et depredatus per eundem Thomam fitz Gerald.

Wm. Skeffington miles venit in Hiberniam cum exercitu militum, deputa- tus obiit apud Kilmaynam. Stowe.

Dublinenses confusi fuerunt et interfecti per Thomam fitz Gerald tarn apud Kilmaynam quam apud Newgat, et vicum Sancti Thome incendio cre- mavit.

I535- Nicolaus Moscraw et Hamerton cum exercitxi militum tunicis albis cruces rubeas gerentibus induti, interfecti fuerunt per eundem Thomam apud Clontarff.

Dominus Leonardus Gray venit in Hiberniam et protexit Thomam fitz Gerald cum suis avunculis, Jacobo, Waltero, Olivero, Johanne et Richardo, qui postea fuerunt omnes super literis domini deputati executi, et decollati apud Tiburun. Secundum Stowe 3 Februarii 1536. Et ipse Leonardus Gray postea decollatus apud Tourehill anno sequenti, vide alibi.

1536. Religiosae domus et monasteria Hibernie fuerunt autoritate parla- menti concessa domino regi ad numerum 376 domuum, quorum valor annuatim extendit [ad] 32,000 libras, et bona mobilia eorum ad sumam 100,000 libr; et numerus hominum religiosorum in eisdem domibus professorum, et inde ad tune rejectorum excedit 100,000, ceterisque religiosis abbatias suas et monas- teria sursum reddentibus voluntarie, certe pensiones fuerunt quoad vixerunt concesse.

1539. O Neil rebellavit et oriabat [sic1] fere xx. millia in Midia et English pale, sed postea retractus per Leonardum Gray deputatum.

Estus et ariditas admirabilis aridos fecit rivos magnos, ita quod comuniter darent dimidium grani pro molitura alterius, et multi obierunt febre et fluxu, et hiems sequebatur adeo frigida gelu et nive, quod bestie inumerabiles pre frigore moriebantur, et ultimo pestis extirpavit inumerabiles.

Maneria ducis Norfolchie et Talbot comitis Waterfordie et Salop aliorum- que absentiiim et non habitantium siiper suas possessiones in Hibernia con-



fiscabantur in manus domini regis autoritate parlamenti apud Dublin, coram Leonardo Gray, 22 Maii.

Matheus Saunders episcopus Leighlen.

Milo Baron prior de Inisdiog episcopus Ossor.

1 541 . Keadan alias Keadagh Mc Congall Mc Mealaghlen, rex ut vocabatur Laxie, interfectus fuit juxta Kylneyn per Donaldum Mc Cahil in festo Sancti Petri.

Leonardus Gray deputatus hoc anno executus eo quod private tenuit fami- liaritatem cum Thoma Fitz Gerald rebelle, et eo quod promisit servitores ejus convertere ecclesiam cathedralem de Down in stabulam equorum, et quia non punivit suos propter spoliationem subditorum, et eo quod non eque ministravit j ustitiam postulan [tibus] .

Henricus 8. proclamabatur rex Hibernie.

Antonius Sanctleger miles fit deputatus Hibernie, et per concordatum sub suis aliorumque de consiliis manibus in modum charte magne decrevit pro liber- tate et immunitate ecclesie Hibernicane, videlicet, quod maneria principalia episcoporum Hibernie, mansusque rectorum et vicariorum ubi habitant ipsimet, atque mansiones et glebe ecclesiarum valore annuo decem marcarum ster : non excedentes, fuisse et esse libera et exempta ab omnibus oppressionibus et im- positionibus aliisque patrie usibus, coyney et livery, ut patet in archivis ecclesie Leighlen.

1542. ONeil, ODonel, Magwir, O Kahan, Mc Gwyllyn, O Hanlan, cum suis complicibus Hibernicis rebellarunt et spoliarunt boreales subditos usque ad Navan, et auferebant predas quam maximas, et anno sequenti submiserunt se gratiaa regis, tin a cum O Bryen famoso rebelle.

1543. Willmus Brereton miles fuit justiciarius Hibernie qui per tempus sui regiminis laudabiliter et pacifice gubernavit Hiberniam.

Magna perturbatio, crudelis et seditiosa factio in Hibernia. Georg Brown archiepiscopus Dublin.

1544. Hibernici ad numerum 500 sub gubernatione Poor et Finglas transmissi in preparationem ad Bolen.

Hugo (Con) O Neil dominus in Ultonia creatus fuit per Henricum 8. comes de Tyron, et Matheus ejus bastardus creatus Baro de Dunganon. Donatus O Bryen creatus comes de Clanriccard durante vita.

1545. Cahir Cavenagh Mc Art de Poolmohown alias Polmonty baronetus


de Sancto Moling habuit victoriam de Gerald Mc Cahir de Gerrowcheyll juxta Hacketston ubi ceciderunt de Byrnen et aliis in Idouagh i oo, et tarn multi ex altera parte. I wold the rest of the rebells had been so bestoned.

Jacobus Butler comes Ormonie et Leonax comes de Downbrittan in Scotia minore et Johannes Travers miles cum 3000 Hibernicis navigaverunt a portu de Skyrres et applicuerunt in Scotia, ubi nihil memoria dignum fecerunt.

1546. Jacobus Butler comes Ormonie et Ossorie obiit in Holborne, Lon- don, 1 8 Octobris, sepultus in ecclesia Sancti Thome de Acres; cor ejus dela- tum ad ecclesiam Sanctii Kenitii Hibernie.

Monasterium fratrum Carmelitarum Leighlen pontis in Lagenia Hibernie, erat in manerium aulamque regis et municipum edificatum, ad usum capitanei Coghlen et regiorum militum et garrison pro defensione patrie versus Hiber- nicos rebelles.

1547. Henricus 8. moritur. Edwardus 6. succedit. Edwardus 6. fecit ij. vicecomites in Dublin ubi antea balivi. 1550. Johannes Bale episcopus Ossorie.

Robertus Travers regali autoritate episcopus Leighlen, cruel, covetous, vexing his clergie, fuit decretum in cancellaria Hibernie contra ilium ex parte communitatis ecclesie Leighlen.

1553. Edwardus 6. obiit, si causam queras lege Cardanum de genituris. Jana filia Henrici ducis Suffolcie, uxor domini Gilford Dudley filii ducis

Northumbrie, denunciabatur regina Anglic vigore cujusdam statuti per eun- dem Edward regem ad persuasionem ducis Northumbrie editi, brevi fuit deca- pitata.

Maria Henrici 8. filia.

1554. Philippus princeps Hispanic applicuit in Southampton in festo Sancti Jacobi, et brevi matrimonium cum regina contraxit, et stilus eorum ab heraldo proclamatus et cetera, et stilus Caroli imperatoris illius patris in Gield- hall, London scriptus et cetera.

Charles the fyft his stile set up in golden lettres in Guyldhall London.

Charles the fyft by favour and assent of devine mercy and grace elected emperour of the Romaynes, Alway Caesar, kinge of Almain, kinge of Castill, kinge of Aragon, kinge of Leones, kinge of Naples, kinge of Cicillia, kinge of Jerusalem, kinge of Hungarie, kinge of Dalmacia, kinge of Croacia, kinge of Navarr, kinge of Granat, kinge of Morcia, kinge of Gien, kinge of Algarb, kinge


f 39

of Dorden, kinge of Cordubia, kinge of Valencia, kinge of Sevil, kinge of Solet, kinge of Corse, kinge of Algezirs, kinge of Gibraltar, kinge of Minorica and Majorica, kinge of the Islands of Canarie, kinge of the Antisles in Inde, kinge of the fyrme land of the ocean seas now called New Spaine Archduke of Austrich, duke of Burgonie, duke of Lotharingia, duke of Brabant, duke of Lunbrock, duke of Luxenbrock, duke of Callabrie, duke of Athens, duke of Nigripont, duke of Wiertingbick, duke of Gesder Erie of Flaunders, erle of Hasburge, erle of Marcellon, erle of Artois, erle of Borgon, erle palatine of the Mores, erle of Holland, erle of Zeland, erle of Ferret, erle of Ryburge, erle of Rosillon, erle of Brittaine, erle of Marnier, erle of Zetaine Lantgrave of Alasy Marques of Borgon, marques of Cristan, marques of Gocia -Prince of Suetia, prince of Austrich Lord of Frisland, lord of Slavonia, lord of Portua, lord of Bisky, lord of Molyn, lord of Salses, lord of Tripolis, lord of Meth, and lord of Lordships in Asia and AfFrica.

Petrus Carew miles baro de Odrona in Hibernia et dominus de Mochonus court alias de Mohounstreet in Anglia propter insurrectionem apud Devon- shire inceptam, audiensque infortunium Henrici ducis Suffolcie et postea deca- pitati cum suo filio et filia Jana fugit in Franciam. Sed postea revertit et reconciliabatur Phillippo et Marie.

Elizabetha filia Henrici 8. turn comissa, postea ducta ad Woodstock.

Cardinalis Polus restitutus et cetera, recepit supplicationes omnium in par- lamento congregato quod penitieret eos de scismate et cetera, supplicarunt ut absolvantur et cetera, ille eloquenti oratione acceptabilis penitentia et cetera ostensa comissione a sede apostolica omnes absolvit et cetera, fit cantatio, Te Deum laudamus et cetera, et hoc apud Romam audito processiones fiebant pro vera conversione Anglicorum et Hibernicorum, et papa concessit per bullam remissionem omnibus de hoc vere gaudentibus.

Georgius Brown archiepiscopus Dublin, Edwardus Midensis, Johannes Bale Ossoriensis episcopus, Robertus Travers Leighlen episcopus, et Thomas Darey aliique prelati et beneficiati fuere depositi per Georgium Dowdall primatem Armachamim, et Thomam Lewrous alias Leurus episcopum Darensem, primes et principales comissanos et ceteros eorum collegas, et custodia spiritualitatis Dublin concessa fuit Thome Lockwood decano Sancte Trinitatis Dublin, et custodia spiritualitatis Leighlen comissa fuit decano Canell et archidiacono et cetera, forge tt not D. Kenell [in margine].



Thomas Fylay alias Fighill minorum frater autoritate apostolica episcopus Leighlen.

1555. Hugo Curren archiepiscopus Dublin vocavit provinciale concilium, ut pretendebat pro reformatione religionis.

Thomas fitz Water alias Radclif comes Sussex deputatus Hibernie, vide viagium comitis Sussex et Thome comitis Ormonie in Scotiam.

Thomas Leighlen episcopus, ut patet in archivis ecclesie et libro concilii regalis.

1557. Congal Oge rex Lacie, apud pontem Leighlen cruci affixus.

1558. Johannes Othownery frater, episcopus Ossoriensis pre dolore amis- sionis thesauri sui per fures, mortuus. Fures confitebantur et executi.

Maria regina absente Philippo obiit, et multi nobiles cum ea.

Elizabeth regina 1 7 Novembris, religio reformata et corrupta pecunia extir- pata, vide sequens in statutis Hibernie.

1560. Thomas comes Ormonie et Geraldus comes Desmonie rebellarunt in loco vocato Aghemoy infra comitatum Tipperarie, ubi pluribus ex parte Desmonie intcrfectis, comes Geraldus fuit vulneratus, et captivus in Angliam per Ormond transmissus.

1566. Edwardus Randolf armiger locum tenens domini regis in Ultonia et collanellus mille pedestrium a Bristollia arrivavit in Knockfergus, et inde venit in Dyrrhy apud Laughfoil ubi fortificavit et 12° Decembris sequente in conflictu vicit O Neil, qui cum eo pugnavit, et non postea diu vixit.

1567. Shane O Neil secundum Campion vocans se O Neil et dominum provincie Ultonie in diversis conflictibus interfecit 3500 de exercitu Henrici Sidney deputati Hibernie, ac etiam de Scoticis 300, demum suam conmatrem in adulterio publice et notorie tenens, manus violentas in presbyterum qui una cum sociis sibi dixit non licere ei (in confessione) uxorem alterius tenere, et in ultima ejus etate crimina leste majestatis comittere et cetera, tandem compul- sus ad inimicos fugere, quorum patres ipse occiderat, illi in ebri etate ejus cultro eum inciderunt, et interfecerunt, at the key of Ybuyg.

1568. Whereas before mention was made of Thomas Carew Baron of Odrone banished, and Sir Peter Carew knight claiming of him, at this tyme old Sir Peter Carew, (havinge adopted as is said young Sir Peter Carew) entered upon the possession of Odrone, and made the Cavenages compound with him, the which he quietly enjoyed savinge that Morice Oge Kavenagh


of Garrawcheill per fas et nephas tenuit suas terras vulgariter vocatas fyv-mart Landes absque titulo vel interesse.

1569. Lagenienses omnibus enormitatibus dediti, quidam dixere Peter Carew his warres, alii dixere Edmund Butlers warres. Cavanenses hie dia- boli contra Petrum Carew.

1570. Adam Loftus archiepiscopus Dublin.

Lysac O Moardha (O Moore) sonne to Keadau Rough domini de Lasia factus capitaneus ab Henrico Sidney deputato servivit animose contra Ultoni- enses, sed postea (canis ad vomitum) inventus in proditionibus, convictus sus- pensus fuit ad pontem Leighlen.

Thomas Butler comes Ormonie venit ex Anglia, pacificavit rebelles, (s Robert Mylles of the saf conduct et cetera) cepit fratrem Edmundum Butler, tradidit eum deputato, quern Hibernenses fecerunt, statuerunt facere eum, capitaneum suum generale, Petro Carew principaliter resistente, sed e carcere aufugit, et omnia ei condonata.

1571. Magna clades in Conatia que vocatur bellum de Srughill inter

Johannem gubernatorem illius provincie de Conaught et

Conaghtinenses, ubi ceciderunt plures ex utraque parte, sed gubernator pre- valuit.

Scientia imprimendi et cudendi literas et characteres lingue Hibernice incepit in Hibernia in civitate Eoblana (Dublin) per Johannem Kerna thesau- rarium ecclesie Sancti Patricii et Nicolaum Welsh Ossoriensem episcopum. Daniel, episcopus Leighlin leased out all in maner.

1572. Willmus fitz Williams deputatus Hibernie.

1575. Rebellio Ketingensium sub Petro Keting eorum capitaneo sed brevi confusi et occisi.

Thomas comes Ormond rejecit omnes impositiones Coney et Lyvery ex patria sua.

Pestilentia magna per Weixfordiam, Dublin, Naas, Athie, Carloug ac Leighlin-Pontem, ita quod civitas Dublin preter castra tantum fuit quasi depopulata, ut fenum et herbe nascebantur in plateis et valvis ecclesi- arum.

Henricus Sidney iterum deputatus, post discessum Wm. fitz Williams.


Interlined. IRISH ARCH. SOC. 13. G


No terme after Trinities day held at Dublin, pretextu infectionis epidimiae pestis, et archiepiscopus Dublin per totam provinciam fecit litanias et suffragia diebus Dominicis Mercurii et Veneris fieri contra pestem.

Petrus Carew senior miles vir liberalis, strenuus, potens in armis, stature fortis, licet senex animosus tamen et belliger ex juventute, qui fortiter stravit plures in conflictu de Knockcownla de confederatis rebellium, conquestor Odronie in Lagenia et Corkybeig in Desmohown, dominus de Mohownsottrie in Anglia, obiit apud Rossam-Pontis in Hibernia, et sepelitur in ecclesia Tri- nitatis apud Waterfordiam ab antiquis vocatam Manapiam, qui in ultimo ejus eulogio per quinque episcopos approbate et insinuate confirmavit statum ffeof- amenti, per eum antea ad usum Petri juvenis Carew et Georgii Carew (modo presidentis Momonie) et ad usum aliorum in Anglia ad numerum 15 persona- rum in toto ; volens ut invicem secundum ordinem insertum succederent, si absque masculis de corporibus legitime sic procreatis vel procreandis successione dicesserint.

1576. Walter Devrox comes Essex, comes Marshall in Hibernia obiit Dublini, corpus in Angliam et cetera.

1577. Rory (Oge O Moor) O Moarda fecit magnam comotionem immo maximam in Lagenia, quam tenuit per xviij. annos, quo tempore currente crema- vit Naas, Athy, Caterlough, Leighlin-Pontem, Rathcoyl, Tassagard, Kilbrid, Bayllymore, Killy, et Rathmore in Lagenia (cepit treacherously Henricum Harington et Alexandrum Cosby) ; cremavit cantredam de Duthy-Fhelly do- minium O Carvelli, Athlone in Conacia, interfectus (whome the Irish rimers extol like him that burnt Diana his temple1) fuit per Bernardum McGilpatrick dominum de Upper Ossorie vide infra.

Moris Mc Lasy Mc Conyll dominus de Merggi (ut ille asseruit) et baronis de OMergi successor, cum 40 hominibus de sua familia post confederationem suam cum Rory OMoardha et super quadam protectione, interfectus fuit apud Molaghmastyn in comitatu Kildarie, ad eundem locum ob id propositum per magistrum Cosby et Robertum Harpoll, sub umbra servitii accersitus collu- sorie. Harpoll excused it that Moris had geven villanous wordes to the breach of his protection.

Eugenius Mc Hugh O Dempsie de Clonagovna miles ac dominus de Glyn- molyra fuit in castro suo ibidem interfectus per Lysac Mc Neill y Moardha.

Georgius 1 Interlined.


Georgius Ackworth legum doctor, et Robertus Garvey legum baccalareus, destinati ad clerum Hibernicum titulo magistrorum ad facultates pro refor- matione cleri, sed ecclesie potius perturbatio sequebatur.

1578. Henricus Sidney deputatus fecit suspend! 15 de familiaribus Calva- tin Mc Tyrrell capitanei eorum, eo quod extortionem comiserunt circa cibum et pecuniam.

Willelmus Gerrard armiger cancellarius Hibernie iterum venit [in] Hiber- niam. vide quse scripsit et cetera, et pone eum inter scriptores.

Willelmus Drury miles (post discessum Henrici Sideney) factus justiciarius Hibernie, moriebatur Waterfordie, corpus ferebatur Dublin, ubi per plures dies insepultum remanebat, tandem expensis domine regine in ecclesia Sancti Patricii inhumatur.

J579- Jacobus fitz Moris Geraldinus cum filio prioris de Rhodes et Spa- niardis ad numerum 700 armatis, applicuit in portu de Coan Thymore et fece- runt fortalicium apud Down Moyre in Mounster, ubi postea per dominum Gray fuerunt interfecti, paucis exceptis qui capiebantur.

Henricus Davels armiger, vicecomes comitatus Cork occisus apud Trally per Johannem Desmond.

Willelmus Pellam miles fit justiciarius.

1580. Arthurus Gray de Wilton miles garterii fit deputatus Hibernie duxit magnum exercitum ad fortalitium de Down Moyr, interfecit Italos et Hispanos, 4™ generosis exceptis quorum unus erat filius prioris de Rhodes.

Magna strages et clades per Ketingos apud Leighlen et apud Glynmalowra per Byrnenses, ubi Petrus Oge miles, baro de Odrona, Franciscus Cosby armiger de Stradbally, Laxie capitaneus turbariorum ligiorum, magister Moor, et Ber- nard fitz Williams capitanei, fuerunt interfecti una cum aliis quampluribus generosis estimationis per Feagh McHugh, et alios rebelles.

Feagh Hugh de Balyncorr in Cowlraynald, per procurationem Mauritii Oge Kavenagh de Garrovcheill, cremavit x. villas in High Odron, et captivos secum adduxit Magistrum Wood et Rogerum Hooker decanum Leighlen et alios Anglicanos.

1582. Johannes O Desmond miles captus fuit una cum Jacobo na Dty- noyll per capitaneum Smith executioni apud demandatus.

Thomas comes Ormond transfretavit in Angliam una cum cometissa.

Ga 1853.


1583- Geraldus fitz James comes Desmonie captus in cabano suo in sylva, et decollatus per Thomam Kelly *and this Kelly was hanged at Tyburne.

Mackworth capitaneus crudelis interfectus per Oconors de Ophaly, mem- brum genitale eo vivente extraxerunt, eumque excoriaverunt.

Thomas comes Ormonie reversus est in Hiberniam et factus est gubernator


provincie de Mounster, et Desmond generalis.

Johannes Perrot miles deputatus Hibernie pacificavit regnum.

1588. Anglicani undertakers Geraldo comite Desmonie mortuo venerunt familiis ad inhabitandum.

Willelmus fitz Williams (post discessum Johannis Perrot) fit deputatus, ejus tempore classis navalis Hispaniorum magnum habuit infortunium, preter in Anglia perdit et cetera. In Hibernia. In Tyreconill infra Ultoniam super lo- cum de Loghfoyl una navis et 1 1 oo homines. In Conatia apud portum de Sligo 3 naves magne, 1500 homines. In Tyreowley, i navis cum 400 hominibus. In Cleere Island i navis cum 300 hominibus. In Fynglassy una navis et 400 homines. In Ophlagartys contrey, i navis cum 200 homini- bus. In Irrish ij. naves sed homines ex illis in alias naves fugerunt. In Gallaway bay, i navis et 700 homines. In Momonia super Shenan, ij. naves et 600 homines. In Trally, i navis et 24 homines. In Deishy, i navis et 500 homines. In Desmonia i navis 300 homines. In rivo de Shenan i navis quam ipsi proprietarii cremarunt fugiendo in aliam. Summa Navium 17. Homines 5394. Vide compositio Turlagh Leoge et Hugonis Tyron. in turre London, et cetera.

1589. Richardus Meredith episcopus Leighlen.

Orwairk rebellavit, fugit in Scotiam, captus in Angliam mittitur, et termino Michaelis apud Tiburne suspensus, 1591.

1591. Arthur Achnan Kavenagh pensionarius domine regine captus in Monelly, et cum 7 de suis sociis fuit suspensus juxta Caterlough.

1592. Thomas comes Ormond applicuit in Hibernia.

1594. Willelmus Russell miles deputatus Hibernie, 20 Augusti ivit cum exercitu contra Ultonienses. Johannes Noris miles. Birnenses et McMahown interfeccrunt in uno conflictu 300 homines exercitun Henrici Duke militis, qui victualia ad Iniskillen adferre proposuerant.

Thomas dominus Burgh deputatus, obiit apud Newry. Wony McRory, in Lease, et cetera. Thomas Noris miles justiciarius uno mense.



1598- Adam Loftus et Robertas Gardiner justiciarii. Thomas comes Or- mond locum tenens exercitum.

1599. Robertas Essex comes locum tenens domine regine. Adam Loftus et Georgius Gary deputati Essex in ejus absentia.

1600. Carolus Mountjoy deputatus Hibernie mense Martii.





Berfraw, Comitatus, 5

Abloicusvel Abloickus, Rex Dub- lin, 5

Hibernie, 6

Ackworth, Georgius 43

Adelstanus, 5

Adrianus, Papa, 11

Affricanus, 3

Aghcarew, 32

Aghemoy, 40

Alexander, Papa, 11, 13

Allen, Johannes, Archep. Dublin, . . 36

Alphonsus Episcopus, 9

Andressam, Fergutius de, 19

Angeo, Dux de, 30

Anglia, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 18, 24, 28, 30, 32,

33, 34, 35, 39, 41, 44

Anglic Regina, ....... 6, 38

- Rex, 7, 13, 23, 29, 30

Anglicana Ecclesia, 12

Anglicani, 18, 43

- Undertakers, 44

Anglicorum Conversio, 39

Anglorum Conquestus, .... 3

Page. Anglus, Thos. Hasler, Episcopus Leighlin, 33

Aragon, Rex, 15

Arcloo, 16, 19, 22

Castrum de, 17

Ardabother 25

Ardglas, Rex de, 10

Armach, 10

Archiepiscopus 28

Armachanus, 7, 32

Gelatius, 9

Malachias, 8

Octavius, 31

Primas, 20, 39

Primas, Johannes Swanigi, 29

Rowlandus Joice, ... 18

Arminachie Comites, ...... 29

Arthois, Jenicho de, 25

Arthurus, 4

Arthurus, Primogenitus Henrici VII, . 32

Artisson, Robin, 21

Athenry, jg

Athlone, ]6> 42

Athy vel Athie, . . . . 19, 28, 41, 42

Augustiniani Ordinis Prater 27

Austria, Archdux de, . . . 33



Bagganbun, Creek of, 9

Bala Moor Eustace, 17

Bale, Johannes, Episcopus Ossoriensis, 38, 39

Baliathroyn, alias Thryme, .... 17

Baliol, Edwardus, Rex Scotie, ... 16

Ballach Morchodus, Princeps Lagenie, 18

Ballachillchovan, 28

Ballaghclere, vel Bellathclare, ... 33

Balla-Gawran, 19

Ballycarew, 32

Ballymore v. Bayllymore, 42

Balybregan, 22

Balygawran,Comes de, Edmundus Butler, 21

Balyleathan alias Loaghan, .... 20

Balyncorr, Feagh M'Hugh de, . . . 43

Baron Milo, Prior de Inisdiog, ... 37

Barret, Willielmus, 16

Barry, Johannes de 17

Milerus, 9

Philippus, 13

Robertus, 9

Bartholemus, aliter Bastolenus, ... 1

Basca, 7

Basilla 21

Bastolenus, I

Belinus 2

Bellathclere in Conacia, 33

Bellyngan, alias Belligard, .... 26

Bergon, films Neptuni, 1

Bernardin, Edmundus, 21

Bernardus, vulg. Brian Bowrow, . . 6

Berwick, 22

Birnenses (vide Byrnenses), .... 44

Bignor, Alexander, 20

Archiepiscopus Dublin, . . 20, 21

Bishett, Johannes 19

Blethyn Convyn. Rex Wallie, ... 7

Bloore heath, 30


Bonifacius, Papa, 15

Bonnevile, Johannes, 18

Bonrath, Castrum de, 22

Bookum, Richardus, Episcopus de Leigh-

lin, 24

Borrett, Patritius, Episcopus Fernensis, 28 Braubant, Willielmus, Episcopus, . . 7

Branenses, 19

Brechus, Simon 2

Bree 25

Bremestbury, 5

Bremyngham (vide Brymingham), . . 19

Johannes, Comes Louth, 21, 22

Petrus, 17

Brennus, 2

Brereton, Johannes, 18

Willielmus, Justiciarius, . . 37

Brigida, 3

Bristollia 40

Britannia vel Brytannia, . . . . 2, 5, 7 Britanie Rex, Edwallus Voel, .... 5

Britones 9

Brydericus, 6

Brown, George, 37

Archiepiscopus Dublin, 39

Thomas, 32

Bruce, Edwardus de la 19

Robertus, Rex Scotie, . . 19, 20

Brutus, 2

Brymingham (vide Bremingham), Earl

of Louth 20

Burchardus Gurmundi vel O'Gorma-

gheyn, 4

Dux Lagenie, .... 3, 4

Burgh vel Burg, Richardus, Comes Ul-

tonie, 15, 16, 17

Thomas, Deputatus Hibernie, . 44

Walterius de, 14

Willielmus 16, 33

Burgundie Dux, 31



Burgus, 19, 29

Burk, Walterus, Cora. Ultonie, ... 15

Burkes, 15

Butler, Edmundus, . . . 19,20,21,41

Comes Balygawran

et Pincerna, 21

Deputatus, ... 41

his warres, ... 41

Justiciarius Hibernie, 20,


Jacobus, Comes Ormonie, 28, 33, 38

Petrus, Comes Ossorie, ... 34

Deputatus Hiber- nie, 35

. Dominus de le Butler, . 17

Thomas 22

Claudus, Deputatus Hi-

bernie, 28, 29

Theobaldus, . . . . .15, 16, 17

Dominus de Carrig

Kosscrea 21

Butlerii, 19, 22, 35

Byrnen 38

Byrnenses vel Birnenses, .... 43, 44

Byrnensium Patria, 27

Byrre, castrum de, 35

Byssett, Hugo, 20


Cadelli Domus, 19

Caddell, Willielmus, 17

Cadogan ap Blethyn, 7

Calf, Henricus, 17

Calicia, 30

Callan, 19,26

Calleston, 25

Calphurnus, 3

Cambell, Johannes, 19

Cambrensis (vide Giraldus), .... 3 IRISH ARCH. SOC. 13. H


Cambria, 7

Campion 23, 40

Car el, vel Kenell, Decanus, .... 39

Can town, David, 18

Cantuarensis Archiep. Lanfranc, . . 7 Capella, Richardus de, Justiciarius, . . 15 Caracticus, Rex Britannorum, ... 4

Caradocus, 3, 4

Cardanus, 38

Carebria, 17

Carolus, Archidux Austrie, Princeps

Castellse, 33

Imperator 38

Carew, Georgius, 45

Mauritius, 17

Peter's warres, 41

Petrus, 24, 40, 41

Petrus, Baro de Odrone, . . 39

Sir Peter 40, 42

alias Grew, Thomas, . . .24, 40

Carlough vel Catherlough, 19, 24, 41, 42, 44

Carmoon Monies, 7

Carnarvon, 8

Carrickfergus, vel Carrekfergus, . 2, 19, 20 Monasterium Fratrum Mi-

norum, 14

Carrig Rosscrea, Dominus de, Theob.

Butler, 21

Carrig in Carebria, 17

Carrig Carughornan castrum, ... 1 1

Carolus, Rex Francie 29

Cashell, 12, 19

Cassiliensis Archiepiscopus, .... 28 Richard O'Hi-

den 29

Episcopus H

Casteldermot, 26

Castelle Rex 33

Castrum Knock, 19

Catholicus, Archiep. Tuamensis, . . 11


Cavenagh, Carolus '35

Maurus, vel Mauritius, . . 34

M< Gerald, Cahir, vocatus

M'Nehenyne Crosty, 35

Cavenaghs, Scept of, 28, 40

Celestinus, Papa, 3

Cestria, Constab. de, Johannes Lacy, . 13

Comitatus, 14

Cham, 1

Charles fyft, his style 38

Charleton, Johannes, Justic. Hib., . . 23

Cherulsus, 8

Chepsto, Dominus, Strangbo, ... 12

Clanmelaghlen in Basca, 7

Clanriccard Comes, Donatus O'Bryen, . 37 Clare, Richardus, Justic. Hib. ... 1 9

Thomas de, 16

Clarence, Dux, Lionel, ... 25, 30, 31

Justic. Hib. . . 24

Clarevallensis, Bernardus, 8

Cleere Island, 44

Cloaghruish, 34

Clonagovna 42

Clonemoore, 19

Clonenagh, 23

Clontarff, vel Cluntarf, 6, 36

Coan Thymore, Portus de, .... 43

Cogan, vel Coggan, 8, 1 1

Johannes de 17

. Miles, 10, 13, 15

Cogie, Henricus, 21

Comyn, Archiepiscopus, 17

Dublin, Johan- nes, 13

Comyn, Jordanus, 17

Conan, 6, 8

Conacia, vel Conatia, 3, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23,

33, 41, 42, 44

Conacia Rex, 8, 12, 19

Coth gurus O'Conchur, . . 16


Conaught, 41

Conaughtinenses, 41

Conchur, vel Concha, 3

Roderic Monarcha, .... 9

Congal Oge, Rex Lacie, 40

Congellach Rex Hibernie, 5

Cooper, 27

Cork, 25,30

Rex, Dermitius, 11

Vice Comes, Henricus Davels, . 43

Corkybeig 42

Cormachus, Monarcha Hibernie, et Episc., 5

Cosby, Alexander, 42

Franciscus, Capitaneus Laxie, . 43

Courcey, vel Coursey, Johannes, ... 3

Johannes, Comes Ultonie, . . 13

Courcowley, Villa de, 18

Courtney, Philippus, Justiciarius, . . 25

Cowkaggrig de Omoardha, .... 7

Cowlaugh, 22

Crawley, Thomas, Archiep. Dublin, . 29

Crostea in Francia, 23

Cukeman, 5

Cumnabally 32

Curreyn vel Curren, David, . . . 31, 34

Hugo, Archiep. Dublin, ... 40

Cusak, Adam, 16

Cynnus, Legista 23


Dacia, 4

Dale, 1

Daniel, Episcopus Leighlin, .... 41

Danorum Rex, Frotheus, 7

Dani, 5, 6, 7, 10

Darcy, Johannes, Justic. Hib., . 21, 22, 23

Thomas, . 39

Darensis Episcopus, Leurus 39

Dareys, 3



Davels, Henricus, Vice Comes Cork, . 43

David ap Owen, 12

Dawn, Adam, 18

Dee, 4

Deishy, 44

Delon, 16

Den, Willielmus, 15

Denmark, 6

Deoran, Episcopus, 34

Derlington, Johannes de, Archiep. Dub- lin 16

Dermitius, Rex Cork, 11

vel Dermot, Rex Lagenie, 10, 1 1

Desmohown, 42

Desmond, 15

Desmonie, vel Desmondie, Job., . . 43, 44

Comes, .... 26, 34, 40, 44

Geraldus, ... 40, 44

Mauritius Fitzgerald, 15


Hib., 23

Pedigree, 30

Devonshire, 39

Devrox, Walterus, Comes Essex, . . 42

Diana, his temple, 42

Dogoit, Geraldns 16

Donatus, Episcopus Cashellensis, . . 11

Dongsells, Willielmus, Justic. Hib., . 17

Donaldus, Dominus Conatie, .... 3

films Dermitii, 11

Rex Thomonie, 12

Donmore, 33

Donwaldus, vel Donvaldus, Princeps Os-


Rex Lymricii, 11

Dorpatrick, Johannes 27

Dowdall, Georgius, Prim. Armachan., 39 Dowling, Thaddeus (vide Thaddeus), . 32

Thady, 3

Down, 13, 15


Down Cathedralis, 37

Downbrittan, Leonax, Comes de, . . 38

Downlowan, 18

Downmoyre in Mounster, 43

Drack, Johannes, Major Dublin, . . 25

Drogheda, 30, 35

Sancti Johannis Bapt. Prior, . 31

Droymreagh castrum, 35

Drury, Willielmus, Justic. Hibernie, . 43

Dtynoyll, Jacobus na, 43

Dublin, vel Eoblana, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 22, 25, 27, 41, 42, 43

Academia vel Universitas, . 20, 21

Archiepiscopus, 32

. , Alexander Big-

nor, 20, 21

Adam Loftus, . 41

Georg. Brown, 37,


Johannes Allen, 36

Johannes Comen, 13

Johannes Der-

lington 16

Johannes de Sanc-

to Paulo, 23

- Johannes Stam- ford, 16

Fulco, ... 15

Laurence, . . 11

Laurence O'Toole, 9

Leeckis, . 18, 22

Richardus Flee-

ringis vel Haveringis, . . . . 17, 18 Richardus Nor-

thalis, 25

Richardus Tal-

bot, 29

Robertus Wadby, 25

Thomas Craw-

ley 29


Dublin, Archiepiscopus, Thomas Minoth, ' 23

Archidiaconus Richardus, . . 21

Gives de 8, 33

Major, Johannes Brack, ... 25

Sharman, 23

Beatae Mariae Abbas 5

Monasterium, . . 10

Marques Ricardus Vere, ... 25

Metropolitans, 20

Parliamentum, 23

Rex Abloicus, 6

Rex Alfredus 6

Sancti Patricii Cathedralis, . . 13

Ecclesia, ... 41

Sancte Trinitatis Ecclesia, 13, 20, 28,

30, 33, 39

Vice Comites 38

Dublinenses, 11,36

Dudley, Gilford, Dominus 38

Duke, Henricus, Miles 44

Dundalk, 19,21

Dunevols, 10

Dunganon, Baro de, Matt. O'Neill, . . 37

Dunnum, 3

Duthy-Fhelly, 42

Duysk, Abbas de, Carolus Cavenagh, . 33 Dyrrhy, 40


Eblana, vel Eoblana (vide Dublin), . 8, 41

Eboraci Comitatus, 25

Domus, 31

Eboren. Dux, 29

Plantagenet, .... 30

Richardus 31,32

Edwardus, Episcopus Midensis, ... 39

Edwardus, Princeps, 14, 31

Edwardus, Rex, 32

I., 15, 16, 18


Edwardus, Rex II., 18, 22

III., .... 23, 24, 25

IV., 30, 31

V., 31

VI., 27,28

Eliota, 1

Elizabeth, filia Edwardi IV 31,33

filia Henrici VIII., ... 39

Regina, 40

England, 27

King of, 20

English Pale 36

Essex, Comes de, Robertus, Locum Te-

nens Hib., 45

Walterus Devrox, ... 42

Ethelfredus, 5

Eubanus Sanctus Lenie 4

Eugenius, Papa, 29

Eustace Rowlandus, Deputatus Hib., . 30

Eva, filia Strongbo, 10

Exceter, Richardus de, 17


Fergutius 2

Femes, 8

castrum de, 13, 22

Fernensis Episcopus, Patricius Borrett, 28

Filius, Conan Grifitz, 7

Dermitii, 11

Galfridi de Geraldinis, Mauritius, 14

Mauritii, Carolus Cavenagh, . .

Risei, Grifitz,

Stephani, Richardus, alias Radul-


Finglas (vide Fynglassy), 37

Fin M'Coyl, 7

Fitz Adelm, Willielmus, 11

Fitz Gerald, Jacobus, 34

Johannes, Comes Kildarie, 20



Fitz Gerald, Mauritius vel Mauricius, 9, 13,


Justiciarius Hiber-

nie, 14,23

de Tyrconnell, . 14

Thomas, 36, 37

Sericus, . . 35, 36

Fitz James, Gerald, Comes Desmonie, . 44

Fitz John, Johannes, 2, Comes Kild., . 21

. Thomas de Geraldinis, . . 30

Fitz Morice, vel Fitz Moris, vel Fitz

Maurice, Geraldus 16

Jacobus Geraldinus, . . 43

Johannes, 17

Mauritius, Justic. Hib., . 30

Thomas de Geraldinis, . . 30

Fitz Richard, Gilbertus 8

Richard, 8

Walterus 8

Fitz Stephan, Ric. (alias Radulfus), . 13

Robertus, . . . 9, 10, 11, 13

Fitz Thomas, Johannes, 17

de Geraldinis, . 15

Mauritius, Comes Kildarie, 23

Fitz Water, alias Radcliffe, Thomas,

Deputatus 34, 40

Fitz William, Bernardus, 43

Fitz Williams, Willielmus, Deputatus, 41, 44

Flandria, 31

Fleming, Stephanus, Archiep. Arinach., 28

Fleminge, Thomas, Episcopus Leighlen, 27 Fleeringis, alias Haveringis, Richard us,

Archiep. Dublin 17

Francia, . . . 6, 16, 23, 28, 29, 34, 39

Francie, Rex, 31

Forhirtha, Ynowland, 13

Frotho, aliter Frotheus, Rex Danorum, 7 Fulburnus, Episcop. Waterfordie, Justi- ciarius Hibernie, 16

Fulco, Archiepiscopus Dublin, ... 15


Fylay, alias Fighill, Thomas, Episcopus Leighlen, ......... 40

Fynglassy, . . ........ 44

Fyv Mart Landes, ....... 41


Gailgaish, O'Bryens, ..... 18, 29

Galloway Bay, ........ 44

Gallia ............ 3, 4

Galway, ........... 33

Garghill, ........... 25

Garrowcheill (vide Gerrowcheyll), . .41 Garrovcheill, Oge Kavanagh de, . . . 43 Garvey, Robertus, ....... 43

Gasconie, Princeps Edwardus, ... 14 Gaiscoyn, Jenicho de Arthois, ... 25 Gathelus, .......... 2

Gaveston, Petrus de, ....... 18

Gawran, Comes, ........ 33

-- alias Balla- Gawran, ... 19 Geest, Johannes, Episcopus Lismore et

Waterfordie, ........ 29

Geffrey, Johannes, Justic. Hib., ... 14 Geishell ........... 17, 18

Gelatus, alias Gelasius, Primas Arma-

chan., ........... 12

Genandus, .......... I

Genevile, Galfridus, . . . . 14, 16, 17

__ Dominus Midie, . 18 -- Petrus ........ 18

__ Walterus, Justic. Hib. . . 15 Geraldinis, Galfridus de, . . . . 14

__ Thomas Fitz John, ... 30 __ Thomas Fitz Morice, . . 30 Geraldini, .......... 15

Geraldus, Comes Kildarie


Deputatus, 33, 34 - Cambrensis, ..... 2, 13 Germanus Augarensis, ...... 3


Page. Gerrowcheyll, Gerald M'Cahir (vide

Garrovcheill), 38

Gerrard, Willielmus, 43

Gilbertus (Fitz) Richard, 8

Gild or Guyld Hall, London, ... 38

Gilford, Dudley, 38

Gilleranoy, 4

Glan Reynald, 34

Glocestria, 31

Glyn-burrie 15

Glyndelory, alias Glenmolowra, 18, 19, 42,


Glynfell, 17

Godrici castrum, 14

Godthredus, Rex Man, 11

Gormagheyn, vel O' Gormagheyn, . . 4

Gormagston, 3

Gorrnondus Foord (vide Gurmundus), . 4

Grove, 4

Grace, Redmundus de la, 12

Gray, Leonardus, Deputatus, . . 36, 37

de Wilton, Arthurus, Deputatus, 43

Greci, Gretia, 1,2

Grewe, alias Carrew, Thomas, ... 24 Griffith ab Conan, Princeps Northwal-

lie, . 8



Grifitz, films Risei, 7

Grosse, Reymundus de la, 10

Guer (Sharp), Maurus, Mauritius, . . 34

Gurgodwyntius, 2

Gurguntius, 2

Gurmondcestria, 4

Gurmundus, 3

Burchardus, 4

Capitaneus Norwegiorum, 4

Dux, 22

Rex Hibernie, .... 4

Gurmundi Grangia 4

Gutlandia, 4


Gwalterus, alias Waltergus, Episcopus Leighlen, 15


Hacketston, 38

HaldownHill, 22

Hamerton, 36

Hanloynes, 15

Hardity, Willielmus 21

Harpoll, Robertus, 42

Harington, Henricus, 42

Harvey, 13

Hastulphus, 10

Haveringis,Richardus,Archiep. Dublin, 17, 18 Hawlassus, Monarcha Hibernie, ... 5

Helias, 2

Henricus Rex, 31

1-, '..- 8

II., 9,11

. III., 14, 15

IV., 27

V., 27, 29

. VI., 29, 30

VII., . . .29,31,32,33

VIII., . . 29, 33, 34, 38

Rex Hibernie. . . 37

filius Henrici VII., Dux Ebo-

racen, 33

Herald, 6

Herco Segathus 7

Herfordiensis Episcopus Thomas, Justi-

ciarius Hibernie, 23

Hereford 25

Heremon et Hermon, 2

Heywood, Joharmis, 10

Hiber, 2

Hibernia, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13,

14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26,

27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40,




Hibernie Cancellarii, 38

Cancell. Willielmus Gerrard, 43

Cleri, 11

Conquestus, 4

Deputati, viz. :

Archiep. Walterus, 33

Brereton, Williel- mus, 37

Burgh, Thomas, . 44

Butler, Edmundus, 41

Butler, Petrus, . . 35

Butler, Thomas (clau-


Gary, Georgius, . 45

Eustace, Rowland, . 30

Fitz Water, alias Rad-


cliffe, Comes Sussex, ..... 40 Fitz William, Willi-

elmus, 41, 44

Geraldus, Comes Kil-

darie, 34

Gray, Leonardus, 33, 37

Gray, de Wilton, Ar-

thurus, 43

Loftus, Adam, . . 45

Mount) oy, Carolus, 45

Perrot, Johannes, . 44

Poynings, Edwardus, 31

Russell, Willielmus, 44

Sanctleger, Antonius, 37

Sydney, vel Sidney,

... 24,40,41,43 Tiptot, Johannes,


Comes Worcester, 30

Dux, Richardus Vere, ... 25

Ecclesia, 12, 37

Jocalia, 3

- Justiciarii, viz. : Bremyngham, Johan-



Page. Hibernie Justiciarii : Butler, Edmundus, 19

Butler, Jacobus, . 26

Capella, Richardus, 15

Charleton, Johannes, 23

Clare, Richardus de, 18

Courtney, Philippus, 25

Darcy, Johannes, 21, 22

Den, Willielmus, . 15

Dongsells, Williel-

mus, 17

. Drury, Willielmus, 43

Fitz John, Johannes, 21

Fitz Gerald, Mauri-


. Fitz Morice, Thomas, Fitz Thomas, Mau-

23 30

ritius, 23

Fulburne, Episc. Wa-

terfordie, 16

Gardiner, Robertus, 45

. Geffrey, Johannes, . 14

. Genevile, Hugo, . 15

Herdfordiensis Ep., 23

Kilmaynan, Prior, . 27

Lionel, Dux Clarencie, 24

Loftus, Adam, . . 45

. . Long Espee, Stephen, 15

Mortimer, Roger us, 20, 25

. Noris, Thomas, . . 44

. Owtlaw, Rogerus, . 22

Pellam, Willielmus, 43

Rocksey, Thomas, . 23

, Stanley, Johannes, . 27

Verdon, Theobaldus, 19

Veschi, Willielmus, 16

Windesore, Williel- mus de, 24

Wogari, Johannes, 17, 18

. Zouch, de la, JE\\&-

nus, 14

Page. Hibernie Locum Tenentes, viz. :

Butler, Jacobus le, . 28

Henricus, Dux Ebor., 33

Norfolchie, Dux, . . 34

Talbot, Johannes de

Sheffield, 27

Thomas, Dominus Lan-

castrie, 26

Monarcha, Brian Borowe, . 6

Hawlassus, ... 5

Hugletus, .... 7

Tendionatus, ... 7

Rex Abloickus, 5

Congellach, 5

Cormachus, 7

Melbricus, 7

Hibernica Statuta, 40

Lingua, 3, 41

Hibernici, Rebelles, 18, 22, 23

Scriptores, 3

High Odrone, 43

Hillard, Prebendarius de, 32

Hispania, 2

Hispanie Princeps, Philippus 38

Hispani, 43

Hispaniorum classis, 44

Hogges Green, Dublin, 22

Holburne, London, 38

Holyhead, Villa de, 5

Hooker, Rogerus, Decanus Leighlen, . 43

Hospitalierii Sancti Johanriis Jerusalemi, 1 9

Howard, Thomas, Comes de Surry, . 34

Hugletus, Monarcha Hibernie, ... 7

Humecius 2

Hussey, Johannes, Baro de Galtrim, . 24


Idouagh 38

Idrona, Baronia de, 24


Ilees, 3

Inisdiog, Prior de, 37

Ireland, 9,27

Irish, 9

Irrish, 44

Isabella, filia Strangbo, 13

Iveary, fons de 13


Jacckis, Mauritius, 21

Jacobus Apostolus, 3

Nigrus (Duff), le Butler, . . 33

Rex Scotie, 32

Jago, Rex Northwallie, 6

Jana, filia Ducis Suffolcie, . . . . 38, 39

Japhetus, 1

Jeripoint Abbatia, 13

Johannes, Comes Kildarie, .... 16

Episcopus Kildar 21

Episcopus Leighlen, cognomine

Mulgan, 22

Episcopus Midensis, ... 32

Johannes XXII. Papa, 21

Joice, Rowlandus, Primas Armachanus, 18

Jubal, 2


Kadwalader ap Griffith ap Conan, . . 8

Katerina, filia Ferdinandi, Regis Hisp., 32

Kavanagh, vel Cavenagh, Arthur, . . 44

Carolus, 33

Donaldus, Fuscus, .... 31

Geraldus, 34

McMochardus, 34

Morice Oge, 40

Oge de Garrovcheill, ... 43

Keadau, Rough, 41

Kelly, Thomas 44

Kenlis 28

Kennun, castrum de, 18


Kenvrik, Britanus, 23

Kerna, Johannes, 41

Kery 30

Keting, Petrus, 41

Ketingi, 43

Kilbrid 42

Kilcaa, 26, 27

Kilcullen 21

Kildarie 13, 14, 25

Comes, 35

Geraldus, . . . 34, 35

Fitz John, Johannes,

Just. Hib 21

Johannes, ... 16

. Thomas, 17

Comitatus, 42

Episcopus Johannes, ... 21

Parlamentum, 18

Kilkennia, . . . . . . 14,21,28,33

Collegium de la Conmni aula, 16

Comitatus, 36

Parlamentum, . . . 18,24,32

Sancti Kenitii Ecclesia, . . 30

Statuta, 26

Kilkenie Town, 21

Killanna, 35

Killeshin 8

Killy, 42

Killuskin, 8

Kilmaynam, 6, 36

Prior, Just. Hib., . 22, 26, 27

Kilneyn, 34

Kinsellay, 22

Kirvaltus, 5

Knockbrannan, 32

Knockcownla, 42

Knocto, Knocktoa, 33

Knock (Carrig), Fergus, . . 20, 26, 40

Kyburne, villa de, 3

Kylgaren, castrum de, 7



Kylneyn, 37

Kymbriches (Kenvrick Britanus), . . 23

Kynealiaagh, 24

Kynsely, 11


Lacia, vocata Queene's Countie, . . 13, 40

Lacy, Comes Ultonie, 15

Gualterus, Dominus Midie, . . 14

Hugo 11, 12, 14

Conies Ultonie, .... 14

Johannes, Constab. Cestrise, . . 13

Walterus de, 17

Lagenia, . . 3, 4, 7, 17, 18, 19, 22, 38, 42 Lagenie Dux, 4, 34

Principes, 8, 18

Rex, 3, 5, 7, 31, 33

Dermot, 9, 1 0

Loganus, 3

Donatus More Cavenagh

Ml Murchardus 28

Godericus, 7

Moylmordha, 6

Seneschallus, Freigney Patritius, 24

Lagenienses, 17, 41

Laigerius, 3

Lambertus, Peter, Perchia de Warwick, 30

Lancastria 25

Lancastrie, Dominus Thomas, Loc. Ten.

Hib., 26

Domus, 31

Dux 29

Lanfrancus, Cantuariensis Archiep., . 7

Lang, Thomas, 32

Languinus, 1

Lanquet, 2, 4, 27, 30, 31

Laurentius, 31

(O'Toole), Archiep. Dublin, 1 1

Laxie, Queene's Countie, 34

Capitaneus de Francis Cosby, . 43


Lazerianus f 4

Leafrici, Algerus, 6

Lease, 44

Lease Carraghain 7

Leay, villa de, 18

Leech, alias Aleecke, Johannes, Arch.

Dublin, 20

Lege Dei, Monasterium de, .... 7 Leighlen, vel Lenia, . . . .4,21,34,43

Bishop of, 32

. Capitulum de, 31

Decanus, Rogerus Hooker, . 43

. Dux, 4

Ecclesia, 33, 37, 38

Episcopatus 23

. Episcopus Daniel, .... 41

Johannes, ... 22

Matheus Saun-

ders, 35, 37

Mauritius, ... 34

Milerus, . . 20, 22

. Milo Roch, . . 30

Nicolaus, . 14, 31, 33

, Magwyr, 32


RichardusBookum, 24 Mere-

, 44


Robertas Travers,

38, 39 Thomas, ... 15


27, 28

Fylay, alias


- Halsar, . 33

. 15

... 25 38, 40, 41, 42


Old, . . .

Pons, . . .

Record, 4

Veteris, 4, 25


Leinster, vel Lenister, 32, 34

Leonax, Comes de Downbrittan, ... 38 Leonellus, Dux de Clarence, .... 24 Leothegarius, Galfridus, Episc. Ossor., 16 Leurus, vel Lewrous, Episc. Darensis, . 39

Limfaunt, Walterus, 17

Limricia (vide Lymricia), 30

Lincolnie, Comes 30

Lismore, 13

Lismorensis, Episcopus Johan. Geest., . 29

. Legatus, ... 11

Llecryd in Wallia, 7

Llewelyn, Princeps Wallie, .... 8

Lloegria, 4

Llynn, Comitatus, 5

Lockwood, Thomas, Decanus Sancte

Trinitatis, Dublin, 39

Locum tenentes. Vide Hibernie.

Loftus, Adam, Archiepisc. Dublin, . 41,45

Loggan, Johannes, 20

Loganus, Rex Lagenie, 3

London 21,30,31,38

. Sancti Pauli Ecclesia, ... 6

Turris 35, 44

Long Espee, Stephanus, Just. Hib., . . 15 Lough Foyl, vel Laughfoil, . . .40, 44 Loath, Comes, Bermingham, Johannes,

Justiciarius Hibernie, . . . . 21, 22

. Earl of, Bremingham, .... 20

Ludovicus XII., Rex Francorum, . . 33 Lucius, General of the Roman army, . 4

Lymric, vel Limeric, 12, 19

Lymricii, Rex Donvaldus, 11


McArte, Cahir, de Polmevaty, ... 35

Mr Arte, Cahir Cavenagh de Polmonty, 37

M':Balthar, Willielmus, 18

M'Bannani, 29

McBrian, Murchardus, 6



M^Bway, 3

McCahill, Donaldus, 37

McCarty, 17

Mc Cony 11, Dominus de Merggi, ... 42

McCoughlan, 16

M'David More, 25

McGeoghan, 22

McGeoghegan, 30

. Johannes, 19

McGillamor, Adam 22

M°Adam, Hugo, ... 26

M' Gilpatrick, Bernardus, Dominus Up.

Ossorie, 42

Donagh, 4

M^Gwyllyn, 37

McHolmoc, Gile 11

Machthyrus, 13

McHugh, Feagh, 43

Mackworth, Capitaneus, 44

M( James, Petrus Butler, 33

Maelgunus, 12

McLoughlen, Mortagh, 25

M'Mahown, 44

McMealaghlen, McCongall, Rex Laxie, . 37

McMochardus, Kevanagh, 34

M°Morogh, 33

McMorogho M'Murchardi, Dermot, . 8, 9

M°Morrgh, House of, 28

M' Murchardus, .... 24, 25, 26, 34

Arthurus, . . . 16, 22, 28

Dermitius, 9

Donatus, . . . . 24, 28

Murtagh 16

M°Mynard, Dermitius, 15

McNehenyne, Crostey, 35

McNeill y Moardha Lysac, 42

MuRory, M1 Dermot Cormaco, . . 14, 15

Wony, 44

McTyrrell, Calvaticus 43

Mugwir, 37


Magwyr, Nicholaus, 8

Magwyr, Nicholaus, Episcopus Leighlen, 32

Malachi Armachan 8

Man (vide Mona), 11

Manapia, alias Waterford, 42

Manny, 19

Mapilton, Hugo, Episcopus Ossorie, . 14

Mappas, 19

Marchiarum, Comes Edwardus, ... 30 Edmundus Morti- mer 25

Strongbow, . . 12

Margareta, alias Matilda, Cometissa

Norfolcie, 24

Filia Gualteri Lacey, . . 14

Henrici VII., . . . 32

Regis Sicilie, ... 29

Regina, 30

Margee, le, 4

Margeus, Mons, ib.

Marie Beate, Abbatia, 5

Monasterium, Dublin, . . 10

Maria, Filia Henrici VII., 33

. VI.IL, .... 38

Regina 33, 40

Soror Regis Anglie, .... 33

Mariscallus, Ancelmus, 14

Gilbertus, ib.

Richardus, ib.

Walterus, ib.

, Willielmus, ib.

Mariscalli, Filia, 14

Marshall, Comes in Hibernia, Walterus

Devereux, Comes Essex, .... 42

Matheus (O'Neill), Baro de Dungannon, 37

Episcopus Leighlin, cognomine

Saunders, 35

de Westminter, 5

Mathusala, . . 1

Matilda, Filia Gualteri Lacy, .... 14




Maurus, Mauritius, 6

Mean, vel Mevina, mater Carolus Cava-

nagh, . . . . , 35

Melbrichus, Rex Hibernie, .... 7

Mellefont, Abbatia de, 10

Meluntius, vel Muluntius 8

Menthothe, Comes, 19

Meredith, Ric., Episcopus Leighlen, . . 44

Merggi, Dominus de 42

Mevina, Hibermce Mean, 35

Midia, vel Media, 2, 4, 10, 11, 14, 19, 27, 29,


Castrum, 17

Dominus de Genevele Galfridus, 18

Gualterus Lacy, . . 14

Mortimer Rogerus, . 20

King of, 8

Marchis, 35

Rex O'Melaghlin, 5

O'Mulseaghlin 16

Murdhich, alias Morice, . . 8

Oraricus 11

Midensis, Episcopus Edwardus, . . 32, 39 Thomas Leothera-

gius, 23

Rex, 12

Milerus, Episcopus Leighlen, . . . 20, 22

Milford, 9, 10

Milo, Bishop of Leighlen, 32

Minoth, Archiepiscopus Dublin, ... 23

Misheill, 25

Moardhas, 17, 19, 29

MrNeill, 42

Mochonus court, Dominus de Petrus

Carew, alias Mohounstreet, ... 39 Mohown, sottrie in Anglia, .... 42

Moilglas, 32

Molagh Mastyn 42

Molingar, 22

Momonia, 3, 19, 44


Momonie, Comes Thomas, 28

Mona, Insula, aliter Man, 5

Monelly, 44

Monmouth, 14

Monte Marisco, Harveius de, . . . . 9

Moor, Magister, 43

Morice, alias Murdhich, King of Midia, 8

Moricius, alias Murdhicius, Rex Midie, 9

Moris McSyr, 32

Mortimer, Edmundus, 25

Roger, 18, 20, 25

Mortimer's cross in Wallia 29

Moscraw, Nicolaus, 36

Moses, 2

Mounster, 43, 44

Mountjoy, Carolus, Deputatus, ... 45

Moye, Thomas 32

Moylargo, Mac Dermot de, .... 16

Moylmordha, Rex Lagenie, .... 6

Mulgan, Johannes, Episcopus Leighlen, 22

Murchardus, Princeps Lagenie, ... 8 Murdhicius, alias Muricius, Rex Midi'e, 8, 9

Muriganus, Rex Lagenie, 5

Murrey, Comes, 19

Muridus, 2

Mylles, Robertus, 41


Naas 19, 28, 41, 42

Navan, 37

Nemorosus Maurus, 33

Nemrod, 1, 2

Nevell, Dominus 32

Newgat, 36

Newry, 44

Nicolaus 33

Episcopus Leighlen, . 14, 31, 32

Prebendarius de Hillard, . . 32

Nielanus 2, 3



Niger, Adam (OToole\ 22

Ninus, 1

Norfolchie, Dux, 34, 36

Noris, Johannes, Miles, 44

Thomas, Justiciarius Hibernie, . 44

Normanni, 6

Normania, 10, 29

Northalis, Richardus, Archiepiscopus

Dublin, 25

Northon, Johannes, 18

Northumbrie, Dux, 38

Northwallia, 6, 7

Princeps de, 8

Rex, 12

Jago Griffith, ... 6

Norwegia, 4, 6

Norwegiani, 3, 4, 10


O'Brien vel O'Bryen, .... 19, 33, 37

O'Brien, Conchur, 15

Dominus Ossorie, .... 1 1

Donatus, Comes Clanricard, 37

Roo, Regulus Tholercmundi, 16

O'Brienses de Gailgash, 18

O'Bryens de Gailgash, 29

O'Byrne, 25

O' Byrnes, alias Branenses, . . . . 19

O'Carvel, vel O'Carvell, . . 8, 26, 33, 35

Capitaneus Hibernicorum, . 7

O'Carvell de Uriell, 11

O'Carvelli, Dominum, 42

O'Conchur, 25

Calough 17

Calvaticus, 17

Cothgurus, Rex Cunatie, . 16

familia, 17

Fedelmicus, Rex Conatie, . 19

Mortaghus, Rex Ophaley, . 17


O'Conchur, Phelinus, 14, 15

O'Conors, de Ophaly, 44

O'Cathdhessy, II

O'Dempsy, vel O'Dempsie, .... 17

Eugenius M1 Hugh, ... 42

O'Dempsies, 18

O'Desmond, Johannes, Miles, . . 43

O'Donachu, Donatus, 13

O'Donull, vel O'Donel 15,37

O'Geoghegan, 29

O'Gormagheyn, vel Burchardus, Gur-

mundi, 4

O'Hanlan, 37

O'Hiden, Richardus, Archiepis. Cassel-

iensis, 29

O'Kahan, 37

O'Kelly 19

O'Mac Chalewy, 11

O'Melaghlyn 11

Rex Medensis, .... 5

O'Merggi, Baro, 42

O'Molmoy, 19

O'Moardha 7, 13

Lysac, M< Neill y, ... 41

O'Moore, 41

Rory, .... 42

O'Morochow, -20

O'Mulseaghlen, Rex Midie 16

O'Neill, vel O'Neill, vel O'Nel, . 15, 36, 37

Hugo, 28

(Con.) Comes de Tyron, 37

Dominus Ultonie, . 37

Shane, 40

Ultoniorum Capitaneus, ... 35

O'Nowlan, . . 25, 26

O'Phelan, Machelanus, 11

O'Shiell, 18

OThoiles, 19

O'Toole, Laurentius, Archiep. Dublin, 9, 11 familia de, 22



O'Tuelihelly, 11

Odrona Lagenie, 32, 42

Odrone, Baro de, 43

Petrus Carew, .... 39

Baron of, Thomas Carew, . . 40

(Ethiopian!, 2

Ogney Dominus, Strangbo, .... 12

Old Abbey, 35

Oldratus Legista, 23

Onergi Montis Dux, 4

Ophaley 16, 17, 18

Baro de, Thomas Fitz Gerald, 35

O'Conors de, 44

Ophlagarty's country, 44

Oraricus vel Ororicus, Rex Midie, . 11, 12

Orchadum Insule, 4

Orkney Insula, 1,3

Ormond, 40

Conies de, Thomas, . 43, 44, 45

Cometissa, 43

Ormonie Comes, Deputatus, .... 29 Jacobus Butler, 26, 28, 33

Thomas Butler, . 40, 41

et Ossorie, Comes Jacobus

Butler, 38

Orwairk, 44

de Midia, 11

Ossorie Comes, Jacobus Butler, ... 38

Petrus, . . . . 34, 35

Ossorie Dominus, 11

Richardus Mariscall, . 14

Ossoriensis Episcopus 28

Galfridus de S<°

Leothegario, 14, 16

Trewell, 14

_ Hugo, .... 15

Mapilton, . 14

Johannes Bale, 38, 39

- Othow-

nery, 40

Page. Ossoriensis Episcopus, Milo Baron, . . 37

Nicholaus Welsh, 41

Rogerus, ... 15

Willielmus, . . 28

Princeps Donwaldus, . . 9

Ossorienses, 11

Othownery, Johannes, Episcopus Osso- riensis, 40

Owtlaw, Rogerus, Prior Kilmaynam, . 22

Oxford 32

Comes, 30

Oxonie Gualterus, 4


Patricius, vel Patritius, 3

Episcopus Dublin, .... 6

Sanctus, 1,3

Paulus II., Papa, 30

Peach, Richardus de,Gubernator Hibernie, 13 Pellam, Willielmus, Justic. Hibernie, . 43 Pembrochie, vel Penbrochie, Comes, 8, 30

Comes Mariscall, Richardus, 14

Strangbo, Richardus, 12

Perchia, Peter de Warwik, Lambertus, 30

Petit, Radulphus 16

Petronilla, 21

Petri Denarii 13, 24

Pharaon, 2

Philippa, filia Leonelli Ducis Clarencie, 25 Philippus, Princeps Hispanic, . . 38, 40

et Maria, 39

Picti 3

Pincerna Comes, Edmundus Butler, . 21

Pipard, Johannes 17

Poer (vide Power), 37

Eustacius le, 15

Pollygard, Robertus Talbot de, . . . 34 Polmevaty Cahir, M'Arte de, . . . . 35 Polmonte, alias Poolmahown, .... 37


Polmonte, Passus de, 11

Polus Cardinalis, 39

Powell, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14

Power, Arnoldus, 18

Eustace de, 17

Powis 7

Poynyngis, Edwardus, Deputatus, . . 31

Prechell, Hugo de, 17

Prindergast, Mauritius, 9

Pynquietus, 16


Queen's County, 13, 34, 40


Radcliffe (Thomas Fitz Walter), Comes

Sussex, 34

Radulphus, Prior Domus Hospit Drogh., 31

alias Richardus, films Ste-

phani, 13

Randolf, Edwardus, 40

Randulph, Thomas 19

Raphuell 16

Rathcoyl 42

Rathdown 17

Rathmore, 30

in Lagenia 42

Rathod, 16

Rathpipherd, 15

Rathurgus, 1

Ratoth, 16

Reygnyrus, films Sydwardi, .... 7

Rhodes Prior de, 43

Richardus II 25

- III., 31

Archidiaconus Dublin, . . 21

Marshall de Hibernie, ... 8

Richmond Comes, Henricus, .... 31

Riseus ap Griffin, Princeps Wallie, . . 9

Page. Riseus, aliter Rees, filius Theodori Bri-

tanni, 7

Rightgenald Turris, 11

Roch, Georgius de la, 17

Milo, Episcopus Leighlin, ... 30

Roderik, 9

Roderick, Rex Conatie 11

Rodericus 5

. Magnus, . . .... 6

Monarcha, 11

Rogerus, Episcopus Ossoriensis, ... 15

Romana Ecclesia, 24, 35

Romanus Pontifex, . . 18, 20, 23, 26, 33

Roma Urbs, 33

Rome, Bishop of, 32

Roone, in Francia, 28, 29

Roscomon Castrum, 15

Rossa Pons, 42

Rosse, Parlamentum apud, .... 26

Rothmagensis civitas, 28

Rowac, Karolus, alias Makeyigan, . . 4

Rutheranus, 1

Rutland, Comes, 30

Russe, Downaldus, Rex Desmondie, . 17 Russell, Willielmus, Deputatus Hibernie, 44


Sagelome, 29

Salamius, 1

Salanga Mons, 1

Salanus, 2

Salisburiensis Ecclesia 12

Salop Comes, Talbot, 36

Salvius, 1

Sanctus Columba, 3

Sancti Dominici (Collis), 1

Fyntani Abbatis, Translatio, . 23

Sanctus Hawlerus, Theologus, ... 23

Sancto Howgelyn, Johannes de, . . . 18


Sancti Kenitii Ecclesia in Kilkennia, 14, 15,

16, 30, 38

Laurentii Ecclesia, .... 32

Lazeriani Ecclesia, .... 22

St. Leger, Antonius de, Deputatus, . . 37 Sancto Leothegario, Thomas de, Epis-

copus Midensis, 23

Martinus, 3

Sanctus Patricius, 1

Sancti Patricii Cathedralis, Dublin, . . 13

. Ecclesia Dublin, . . 41,43

Sanctuarium, .... 33

Pauli Ecclesia, London, ... 6

Sancto Paulo, Johannes de, Arch. Dub- lin, 23

Sanctus Rochus, vel Rochius, Theolo-

gus, 23

Sanct Sepulchres, manerium, .... 33

Sancte Thomi, vicus de, 36

Sancti Thorne de Acres, Ecclesia, . . 38 Sancte Trinitatis Ecclesia Dublin, . 28, 30 Sarum, Comes de, Plantagenet, ... 30 Saunders, Matheus, Episcop. Leighlen, 35

Savadg, Patricius 26

Saxones, 4

Scandinavia, 6

Schithiani, vel Scythar, 2

Shordich 31

Scotia, 3, 4, 6, 15, 20, 22, 32, 33, 34, 38,

40, 44

Scotie Rex, 5

Edwardus Balliol, ... 16

Robertus Bruce, . . . 19, 20

Scotici Scriptores, 3

Cronica, 2

Scoti, 2, 21

vocati Red Shankes, 22

Scotland 20

Scrope, Stephanus, 26

Segathus, 7


Severne, 4

Shenan, vel Shynion, Rivulus de, ..11 Sherman, Major de Dublin, .... 23

Sicilia? Rex 29

Sidney, Henricus, Deputatus, 24, 40, 41, 43 Skeffington, vel Skevington, William, 35, 36

Skyrres, 38

Slayne, 22

Sliggagh in Conatia, 14

Sligo, . . 44

Castrum, 15

Slowbanny 16

Smith, Capitaneus, ....... 43

Southampton, 38

Srughill, 41

Spaniardis, 43

Stanihurst, 23

Stanley, Johannes, Justiciarius Hibernie, 27

Storke, bellum de 30

Stowe 36

Stracartherus (Fin M'Coyl), .... 7

Stradbally, 43

Strangbo, Gilbertus, Com. Strugulensis, 7

Richardus, 10

Comes Penbro-

chie, 12

Constabularius An-

Rlie, 10

12 19 6

Suffolchie, Comes, 29

Dux, 33

Henricus, . . . . 38, 39

Sure, Rivulus de, 11

Surrey, Comes, Thomas Howard, . 32, 34

Sutaricus, alias Sutrik 6

Swanige, Johannes, Primas Armachai.o, 29

Swarthsfield, Martin, 30

Sydwardus, 7

Strangulensis, Comes de, Strangbo,

Styward, Johannes,

Sueviani, .



Talbot, Comes Waterfordie et Salopie, 36

de Malaghide, 22

Robertas de Pollygard, ... 34

Richardus, Arch. Dublin, . . 29

Johannes, de Sheffield, ... 27

Tamesay, Flumen, 34

Tartayn 36

Tassagard, 42

Tawlaught, 13

Templariorum Possessiones, . . . 18, 19

Terra Sancta, 15

Teudionatus, 7

Thaddeus, vel Thady (Bowling), 2, 4,31, 33, 34

Theodorus Britannus, 7

Tholeremundum, 16

Thomas, Comes Kildarie, 17

Ormondie, . . . 43, 44

Surrey 32

Episcopus Leighlen, ... 15

Thomond, 19

Thomonie, Rex Donaldus, 12

Thryme, 17

Tipperarie, vel Typper, Comitatus, . 18, 40 Tiptot, Johannes, Comes Worcestrie,

Dep. Hib., 30

Tibern. Vide Tyburn.

Toamond, 22

Tourehill (London) 36

Trahaerne ap Caradoc, 7

Henricus, 22

Trally, 43, 44

Travers, Johannes, 38

Robertus, Episcopus Leighlen, 38

Trayly, Monasterium de, 15

Tredaff, 30

Trewell, Galfridus, Episcopus Ossoriensis, 14 Tristeldermot, vel Trysteldermot, 13, 15, 19,

20,27 IRISH ARCH. SOC. 13. K

Page. Trinitatis Ecclesia, Dublin, . . . 13, 20

Waterfordie, ... 42

Tuamens. Rex, O'Bryan, 17

Tuanensis (Archiepiscopus), Catholicus, 11

Tulmogiman 32

Turgesius, 3, 5

Turlagh Leoge, 44

Turonensis, Episcopus Martinus, . . 3

Tyburn, 36, 44

Tynterne Abbatia, 8

Tyreconill, 44

Tyreowley, 44

Tyron Comes, O'Neill (Con), .... 37

Hugo, 44

Tyrrell de Castro Knock, 19


Ulster 20

Ultonia, .... 2,3,15,19,37,40,44

Ultonie, Comes, 17

Edmundus Mortimer, 25

Hugo Lacy, .... 14

Johannes Courcey, . 13

Lionel Dux Clarencie, 24

Richardus de Burgo, 15, 17

Walter us de Burgo, . 14

Burk, ... 15

Upper Ossorie, 42

Urghlen Rector de, David Curren, . . 34 Uriel, vel Uriell, 13, 35

O'Carvell, 11

Uter Pendragon, 4


Verdon, Johannes, 15

Richardus, 15

, Theobaldus, Justic. Hib., . . 19

Thomas, 14, 17



Vere, Richardus, Marques Dublinie, . 25

Veschi, Dominus, Deputatus Hibernie, 16

Vesta, filia Risei, 9

Vivianus, Cardinalis, 13

Voel, Edwallus, Rex Britannie, ... 5


Wadby (Weekeford), Robertus, Archie-

piscopus Dublin, 25

Wakefield, vel Wakinfield, . . . . 29, 30

Wale, Galfridus le, 24

Johannes de, 17

Wallia 6,7,8, 12, 15,29

Wallie Princeps 9

Llewelyn, 8

Rex, Blethyn Convyn, ... 7

Waltergus, alias Gwalterus, Episc.

Leighlen, 15

Walterus, Archiepiscopus Dublin, Just.

Hib., 33

Warbeck, Perkin, 32

Warwick, Comes, 30

Waterfield, 35

Waterfordia, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 25, 30,43

. Ecclesia Trinitatis, ... 42

Welsh, Nicholaus, Episcopus Ossor., . 41

Westmeath, 19

Page. Wexfordia, vel Weixfordia, 9, 10, 1 1,22, 24,41

Wickloo, 19

Willielmus de Braubant, 7

_ Comes de Pembrochie, . . 14

Episcopus Cassiliens, . . 28

Ossoriensis, ib.

Prior Sancti Johannis Bap-

tiste, Drogheda, 31

. Rufus, 7

Wilton, Arthurus Gray de, Dep. Hib., 43

Windesor, Willielmus, JusticiariusHib., 24

Withwalovn, 17

Wogan, Johannes, Justiciarius Hibernie, 17, 18

Wood, Johannes 19

Magister, 43

Woodkerne, Mauritius, 33

Woodstock, 39


Ybuyg, 40

Ymoardha 28

Ynowland, 13

Yoghell, vel Yoghill, 14, 20


Zouch, ^Elianus de la, Justiciarius Hi- bernie, 14



AT a General Meeting of the IRISH ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY, held in the Board Room of the Royal Irish Academy, on Thursday, the 2 1 st day of December, 1848,

THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF KILDARE in the Chair, The Secretary read the following Report :

" The Council, in congratulating the Society on the arrival of its eighth Anni- versary, have but little to record of the events of the past year.

" Owing to the large number of Members who are in arrear of their sub- scriptions, the Council have been compelled to continue the economical arrangements announced in the last Report ; and they are happy to be able to say, that they have succeeded in reducing the expenditure of the Society to the limits of its income.

" Since the last Annual Meeting, the following new Members have been elected :

The Most Rev. Dr. Slattery, R. C.

Archbishop of Cashel. The Earl of Arundel and Surrey. The Right Rev. Dr. M'Gettigan, R. C.

Bishop of Raphoe. The Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of

St. Patrick's. Captain Broughton, R. E.

Edward Hailstone, Esq. Charles Kean, Esq. Robert Mac Adam, Esq. John O'Connell, Esq., M. P. Maurice O'Connell, Esq., M. P. James Power, Esq., D. L. John Wallace, Esq. James James, Esq.

" The Library of the Royal College of St. Patrick's, Maynooth, has also, during the past year, subscribed for the Publications of the Society.

a "We

" We have lost by death, since the last Meeting, the following Members:

The Most Rev. William Howley, D. D., Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Right Rev. Richard Mant, D. D., Lord Bishop of Down and Connor, and Dromore.

The Earl of Carlisle.

The Earl of Powis.

The Right Rev. Samuel Kyle, D. D., Lord Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross. Mrs. Margaret Jones. George Matthews, Esq.

"The Council have also exercised the powers intrusted to them by the seventh Fundamental Law of the Society, as amended at the last Annual Meet- ing, and have struck ofTyour books the Names of several Members, who, after due notice, have not paid their subscriptions ; some others also, on being applied to for their subscriptions, have voluntarily resigned. There are, therefore, now on the books of the Society only 389 Members. But of these it is hoped there are now very few who are not really interested in the objects of the Society, and determined to give it their zealous support.

" The funds of the Society being so small, the Council are compelled to restrict their Publications, during the present year, to the volume of Latin Annalists of Ireland, which has already been announced.

" It will be ready for delivery to the Members very shortly, the printing being now very far advanced. It contains the Annals of John Clyn of Kil- kenny, with an Appendix containing the Annals of Ross ; and also the Annals attributed to Thady Dowling, Chancellor of Leighlin. They are edited by the Very Rev. Richard Butler, Dean of Clonmacnois, who has prefixed to each of the two parts into which the volume is divided, a Preface, which will be read with interest by every student of Irish history.

" The Council have made arrangements for proceeding with Cormac's Glos- sary, some sheets of which are already printed, and, if no further difficulty occurs, they hope to be able to give it to all members of the Society who are subscri- bers for the year 1849.

" With respect to future publications, the Council have only to repeat what was said in their last Report ; they have in their hands the materials for a very curious volume of the Society's Miscellany ; they have also ready for publica- tion the Macarice Excidium, by Colonel Charles O'Kelly, with a translation and Preface, by Denis Henry Kelly, Esq., and Mr. O'Callaghan's valuable notes.


" A curious MS., illustrative of the same period, and giving an account of the civil war under James II. in Ireland, has also been placed in their hands by the Very Rev. Dr. Vignoles, Dean of St. Canice's, Kilkenny. This MS. is an auto- graph autobiography by Mons. Dumont, who accompanied King William III. into Ireland, and fought against King James at the battle of the Boyne. By uniting this account with the Macariae Excidium, two original narratives of the same events, by eye-witnesses engaged on opposite sides, and holding military command under their respective leaders, will be preserved to our literature. It is very much to be hoped that the funds of the Society will at no distant period admit of their being published.

"Another very interesting MS. has also been selected for future publication. It is a narrative entitled Coja6 ^aioeal le ^allaiB, or The Wars of the Danes and Irish, a tract which has been quoted frequently by Keating and other authori- ties, but which, until lately, was supposed to have been lost. An ancient, although mutilated MS. of it was discovered by Mr. Curry in the Library of Trinity College ; and a perfect copy, beautifully written, and in excellent preservation, in the handwriting of Michael O'Clery, one of the Four Masters, was subse- quently found by Mr. Bindon, and afterwards more fully identified by the Rev. Charles Graves, in the Burgundian Library at Brussels.

" The account given by Mr. Graves of this copy induced the Secretary, during the last summer, to visit Brussels, and to make a complete collation of the MS. there preserved, noting all the readings in which it differed from the Dublin copy, and transcribing the deficiencies which the mutilations of the latter had occasioned.

" The Secretary has also been in correspondence with some influential Members of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen, who have promised him their assistance in the editing of this curious tract; and there is no doubt that the Sagas and other historical remains of Scandinavian literature will be found to contain much to confirm and illustrate the notices to be found in our Irish records of the ancient connexion between the Norse- men and this country. It is unnecessary to call the attention of the Society to the importance of such a work. By bringing together the historical docu- ments of two nations so long and so entirely separated, it is obvious that, if found to harmonize, the most satisfactory confirmation of the truth of the his- torical traditions of both countries will be the result.

a 2 "It

" It is gratifying also to find that the value of such a comparison has been fully recognised in Denmark. In the Report of the results of Mr. Worsaae's late visit to this country, communicated to the Royal Society of Northern Antiqua- ries by His Majesty the King of Denmark, there is the following passage: ' L' Academic Royale d'Irlande et 1'Universite appelee Trinity College a Dub- lin, possedent Tune et 1'autre un tres grand nombre d'anciens manuscrits Irian- dais dont il n'y a que tres peu qui aient ete publies jusqu'a present d'une maniere fort imparfaite. On trouve dans ces manuscrits de nombreuses rela- tions, pour la plupart en forme d'annales, sur les expeditions des anciens Scan- dinaves en Irlande. Une comparaison exacte de toutes ces relations avec les rapports contenus dans les sagas Islandaises et dans les ceuvres de Saxon le grammairien serait d'une importance inappreciable pour I'archseologie du Nord de meme que pour celle d'Irlande. On en apprendrait en quels points les re- lations s'accordent, d'ou Ton pourrait encore juger combien il faut y ajouter foi sous d'autres rapports'(a).

" This passage describes exactly the object with which the Council would put forward the Cojao 'gaioeal le ^allaib, or Wars of the Danes and Irish, and its recognition of the importance of such a publication is the more interesting because it contains no allusion to the labours of this Society, and, therefore, was written evidently before our correspondence with Mr. Worsaae on the subject had taken place(&).

"In conclusion, the Council beg leave to recommend to the Society the adoption


(a) Mtimoires de la Societe Royale des disse Efterretninger med Beretningerne i de Antiquaires du Nord, 1845-1849, p. 144. islandske Sagaer og hos Saxo Grammaticus

(6) In the Danish edition of the report, vilde have uberegnelig Vaerd baade for den the passage above quoted is as follows : nordiske og den irske Archaeologi. Den vilde

"DetKongeligelrskeAcademihar desuden vise, i hvilke Punkter Beretninger stemme medgivet mig Tegninger af de vigtigste Old- overeens, hvorfra man igjen kunde gjore sager i dets Museum. Baade Acaderaiet og Slutninger til deres Trovaerdighed i andre Universitetet (eller Trinity College) ere i Be- Henseender. Det vilde derhos medfore den siddelse af etmeget betydeligtAntal aeldgamle store Fordeel at alle de falske Anskuelser irske Haandskrifter, der enten aldrig eller om de Danske og Nordmsendenes Toge, som i kkun hoist ufuldstaendgit have vasret udgivne. i Saerdeleshed nyere politiske Bevaegelser De indeholde talrige Efterretninger, mest i have bragt i Omlob, maatte gjore Plads for analistisk Form, om Nordboernes Toge til en sandere og troere historisk Opfattelse af Irland. En noiagtig Sammenstilling af alle Datidens Begivenheder."

of a Resolution, which they think will be for its advantage. It is not in any way inconsistent with our Fundamental Laws ; and, therefore, the Council might, perhaps, have adopted it, without the formal sanction of the Society ; but they have thought it better to bring the matter before you, and to obtain your opi- nion upon it. The Resolution will be proposed to you by the Treasurer, who will briefly explain its object and advantages."

The Report having been read, it was proposed by Charles T. Webber, Esq.,

" That the Report now read be received and printed, and issued with the forthcoming volume of Annals."

Proposed by the Rev. Dr. Renehan, President of St. Patrick's College, Maynooth,

" That Charles T. Webber, Esq., and James McGlashan, Esq., be appointed Auditors for the ensuing year ; and that their statement of the accounts of the Society be printed as an appendix to the Report."

Proposed by A. Smith, Esq., M. D.,

" That Members who are not in arrear be permitted to purchase copies of such books as were issued prior to their election, at prices to be fixed by the Coiincil ; reserving, however, for the use of future Members, as many complete sets as the Council may consider desirable."

Proposed by George Smith, Esq.,

" That His Grace the Duke of Leinster be elected President of the Society for the following year, and that the Vice-Presidents and Council of the past year be continued in office."

Proposed by the Rev. Dr. Russell,

" That the thanks of the Society be presented to the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen, for their Memoirs which they have pre- sented to this Society."

Proposed by John C. O'Callaghan, Esq.,

" That the thanks of the Society be voted to the President and Council of the Royal Irish Academy, for granting the use of their room on the present occasion."










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patron :



Ftce-^resitents :


Council :



VERY REV. DR. RENEHAN, President of St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

AQUILLA SMITH, ESQ., M. D., M. R. I. A., Treasurer.


REV. J. H. TODD, D. D., M. R. I. A., Se- cretary.

JtfUmbers of tf)e

{Life Members are marked thus*.~\

*His Royal Highness THE PRINCE ALBERT. His Excellency THE EARL OF CLARENDON,




*The MARQUIS of KILDARE, M. P., M. R. I. A.



















The EARL of LEITRIM, M. R. I. A.




The EARL of ROSSE, M. R. I. A.




Rev. Edward S. Abbott, Upper Mount-street,


*Sir Robert Shafto Adair, Bart., Ballymena. Miss M. J. Alexander, Dublin. Rev. John H. Armstrong, A. B., Herbert- place, Dublin. George Atkinson, Esq., A. M., M. B., Upper

Temple-street, Dublin. Rev. James Kennedy Bailie, D. D., M. R. I. A.,

Ardtrea House, Stewartstown. Abraham VVhyte Baker, Esq., Blessington-

street, Dublin. James B. Ball, Esq., Merrion-square, East,

Dublin. Sir Matthew Barrington, Bart., M. R. I. A.,

St. Stephen's-green, Dublin. Hugh Barton, Jun., Esq., Regent's-street,

London. Miss Beaufort, Hatch-street, Dublin.













Sir Michael Dillon Bellew, Bart., Mount- Dillon, Galway.

Samuel Henry Bindon, Esq., Limerick.

Lieutenant-General Robert H. Birch, Leeson- street, Dublin.

John Blachford, Esq., Bucklersbury, London.

The Rev. Beaver H. Blacker., A. M., Air- field, Donnybrook.

Loftus H. Bland, Esq., Upper Fitzwilliam- street, Dublin.

Bindon Blood, Esq., M. R. I. A., F. R. S. E., Ennis.

Sir John P. Boileau, Bart., London.

Walter M. Bond, Esq., The Argory, Moy.

*Beriah Botfield, Esq., M. R. I. A., London.

W. H. Bradshaw, Esq., Dysart House, Car- rick-on-Suir.

Right Hon. Maziere Brady, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, M. R. I. A.


William Brooke, Esq., Q. C., Leeson-street,

Dublin. William Edward Delves Broughton, Esq.,

Captain, Royal Engineers. John W. Browne, Esq., Upper Mount-street,

Dublin. *R. Clayton Browne, Esq., Browne's Hill,

Car low. Haliday Bruce, Esq., M. R. I. A., Dame-st.,

Dublin. Colonel Henry Bruen, M. P., Oak Park,


Samuel Bryson, Esq., High-street, Belfast. The Chevalier Bunsen, London. John Ynyr Burges, Esq., Parkanaur, Dun-


Joseph Burke, Esq., Elm Hall, Parsons- town.

John Burrowes, Esq. , Herbert-street, Dublin. Robert Burrowes, Esq., Merrion-square, N.,

Dublin. Rev. Samuel Butcher, D. D., M. R. I. A.,

Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. The Very Rev. R. Butler, A. B., M. R. I. A.,

Dean of Clonmacnoise, Trim.

* William E. Caldbeck, Esq., Kilmastiogue. *Robert Callwell, Esq., M. R. I. A., Herbert- place, Dublin.

Edward Cane, Esq., M. R. I. A., Dawson- street, Dublin.

George Carr, Esq., M. R. I. A., Mountjoy- square, S., Dublin.

*Rev. Joseph Carson, B. D., M. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.

Rev. William Carus, A. M., Fellow of Tri- nity College, Cambridge.

Thomas Gather, Esq., Blessington-street, Dublin.

* Patrick Chalmers, Esq., Auldbar, Brechin,

N. B. John David Chambers, Esq., London.

William Chambers, Esq., High-street, Edin- burgh.

Sir Montagu L. Chapman, Bart., M. R. I. A., Killua Castle, Clonmellon.

Edward Wilmot Chetwode, Esq., M. R. I. A., Woodbrook, Portarlington.

Thomas Clarke, Esq., Baggot-street, Dublin.

Rev. William Cleaver, A. M., Delgany.

James Stratherne Close, Esq., Gardiner 's- row, Dublin.

Rev. Thomas De Vere Coneys, A. M., Pro- fessor of Irish in the University of Dublin.

Frederick W. Conway, Esq., M. R. I. A., Terrace Lodge, Rathmines-road, Dublin.

Adolphus Cooke, Esq., Cookesborough, Mul- lingar.

James R. Cooke, Esq., Blessington-street, Dublin.

Philip Davies Cooke, Esq.,Ouston, Doncaster.

Rev. Peter Cooper, Marlborough-street, Dublin.

Sir Charles Coote, Bart., Ballyfin House, Mountrath.

William Coppinger, Esq.,Barryscourt, Cork.

*Rev. George E. Corrie, B. D., Fellow of St. Catherine's Hall, Cambridge.

The Ven. Henry Cotton, D. C. L., Archdea- con of Cashel.

Rev. George Edmond Cotter, Glenview, Middleton.

James T. Gibson Craig, Esq., Edinburgh.

Michael Creagh, Esq., Upper Gloucester- street, Dublin.

Rev. George Crolly, Professor of Theology, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

Rev. John C. Crosthwaite, A. M., The Rec- tory, St. Mary-at-Hill, London.

Rev. Edward Cupples, LL. B.,V. G. of Down and Connor, Lisburn.

Miss J. M. Richardson Currer, Eshton Hall, Yorkshire.



Francis E. Currey, Esq., Lismore Castle, Lismore.

* Eugene Curry, Esq., Portland-street, North,


* James W. Cusack, Esq., M. D., M. R. I. A.,

Kildare-street, Dublin.

*The Rev. Edward Fitzgerald Day, Home, Cabinteely.

Quentin Dick, Esq., London.

*F. H. Dickinson, Esq., Kingweston, Somer- setshire.

C. Wentworth Dilke, Esq., London.

Thomas Dobbin, Esq., Armagh.

Joseph Dobbs, Esq., Clanbrassil Terrace, Dublin.

William C. Dobbs, Esq., Fitzwilliam-place, Dublin.

* William Donnelly, Esq., LL. D., Registrar-

General, Auburn, Malahide. Rickard Donovan, Esq., Crown Office, Cork. Peter Dowdall, Esq., Summer-hill, Dublin. Charles Druitt, Esq., Lima. William V. Drury, Esq., M. D., M. R. I. A.,

Darlington, England. Charles Gavan Duffy, Esq., Holme Ville,

Rathmines, Dublin. Col. Francis Dunne, M. P., Brittas, Mount-

mellick. Rev. Charles R. Elrington, D.D., M. R. I. A.,

Regius Professor of Divinity, Trin. Coll.,

Dublin. John Edward Errington, Esq.,C.E., London.

* Right Hon. Sir Thomas Esmonde, Bart.,

Ballynastra, Gorey. Robert Ewing, Esq., Greenock. *J. Walter K. Eyton, Esq., Elgin Villa,

Leamington. M. Le Comte O'Kelly Farrell, Chateau dela

Mothe, Landon, Bourdeaux. Rev. Thomas Farrelly, St. Patrick's College,


Samuel Graeme Fenton, Esq., Belfast.

Sir Robert Ferguson, Bart., M. P., Derry.

John Ferguson, Esq., Castle Forward, Derry.

* Edward Fitzgerald, Esq., Carrigoran, New- market-on-Fergus.

John D. Fitzgerald, Esq., Merrion-square, West, Dublin.

Rev. Joseph Fitzgerald, M. R. I. A., P. P., Rahan, Tullamore.

Patrick Vincent Fitzpatrick, Esq., Eccles- street, Dublin.

John Flanady, Esq., Dublin.

Thomas Fortescue, Esq., M. R. I. A., Ra- vensdale Park, Flurrybridge.

John French, Esq., Stock well-place, Surrey.

Allan Fullarton, Esq., Westbank, Greenock.

Alfred Furlong, Esq., Newcastle, County Limerick.

Rev. Robert Gage, A. M., Rathlin Island, Ballycastle.

Edmund Getty, Esq., Victoria-place, Bel- fast.

Rev. Richard Gibbings, A. M., Myragh Glebe, Dunfanaghy.

I. T. Gilbert, Esq., Jer vis-street, Dublin.

Michael Henry Gill, Esq., Mount Haigh, Kingstown.

Rev. William S. Gilly, D. D., Norham Vica- rage, Berwick-on- Tweed.

The Knight of Glin, Glin Castle, Glin.

*John Graham, Esq., Craigallian.

George B. Grant, Esq.,Grafton-street, Dublin.

*Rev. Charles Graves, A. M., M. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.

Rev. James Graves, A. B., Kilkenny.

John Gray, Esq., Greenock.

John Gray, Esq., M. D., Upper Bucking- ham-street, Dublin.

Rev. John Greham, LL. D., Portora House, Enniskillen.

John Grene, Esq., Clonliffe.



James Sullivan Green, Esq., Lower Pem- broke-street, Dublin.

*Richard Griffith, Esq., M. R. I. A., Fitz- william-place, Dublin,

John Gumley, Esq., LL. D., St. Stephen 's- green, Dublin.

Edward Hailstone, Esq., Horton Hall, Brad- ford, Yorkshire.

James Haire, Esq., Summer-hill, Dublin.

Sir Benjamin Hall, Bart., M. P., Portman- square, London.

Right Rev. Francis Haly, D. D., R. C. Bi- shop of Kildare and Leighlin, Braganza House, Carlow.

George Alexander Hamilton, Esq., M. P., Hampton Hall, Balbriggan.

James Hamilton, Esq., Fintra House, Killy- begs.

Sir Wm. R. Hamilton, LL. D.,V. P. R. I. A., Observatory, Dunsink.

James Hardiman, Esq., M. R. I. A., Galway.

Leonard Hartley, Esq., Middleton Lodge, Richmond, Yorkshire.

Rev. Daniel Hearne, St. Patrick's, Man- chester.

Hon. Algernon Herbert, Ickleton, Saffron- Walden.

*Right Hon. Sidney Herbert, M. P., London.

Thomas Hewitt, Esq., Spencer's Library, London.

Sir W. Jackson Homan, Bart., Drumroe, Cappoquin.

*A. J. Beresford Hope, Esq., M. P., Lamber- hurst.

*Sir Francis Hopkins, Bart., Rochfort, Mul- lingar.

Herbert F. Hore, Esq., Pole Hore, Kyle, Wexford.

The Very Rev. Edward Gustavus Hudson, Dean of Armagh, Glenville, Watergrass- hill.

William E. Hudson, Esq., M. R. I. A., Up- per Fitzwilliam-street, Dublin.

James S. Hamilton Humphreys, Esq., London.

Thomas Hutton, Esq., M. R. I. A., Summer- hill, Dublin.

John Hyde, Esq., Castle Hyde, Fermoy.

Sir Robert H. Inglis, Bart., M. P., London.

*Rev. James Ingram, D. D., President of Trinity College, Oxford.

James James, Esq., New Palace Yard, West- minster.

*Rev. John H. Jellett, A. M., M. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.

*Rohert Jones, Esq., M. R. I. A., Portland, Dromore West.

*William Bence Jones, Esq., M. R. I. A., Kilgariffe, Clonakilty.

Sir Robert Kane, M. D., M. R. I. A., Grace- field, Booterstown.

William Kane, Esq., Gloucester-street, Dub- lin.

CharlesKean,Esq.,Keydell, Horndean, Hants.

Denis Henry Kelly, Esq., M. R. I. A., Castle Kelly, Mount Talbot.

Rev. Matthew Kelly, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

Henry Kemmis, Esq., Q. C., Merrion-square, East, Dublin.

The Right Honourable the Knight of Kerry, M. R. I. A., Listowell.

Thomas Kippax King, Esq., London.

Rev. Henry Barry Knox, M. R. I. A., Had- leigh, Suffolk.

George J. Knox, Esq., M. R. I. A., Maddox- street, London.

Rev. John Torrens Kyle, A. M., Clondrohid, Macroom.

*The Right Hon. Henry Labouchere, M. P., Belgrave-square, London.

David Laing, Esq., Signet Library, Edin- burgh. 2 Alexander


Alexander C. Lambert, Esq., Ballinrobe. Denny Lane, Esq., Sydney- place, Cork. *Major T. A. Larcom, R. E., V. P. R. I. A., Dublin.

* Walter Lawrence, Jun., Esq., Capt. 41st

Welch Regt., Lisreaghane, Lawrencetown, Co. Galway.

Rev. William Lee, A. M., M. R. I. A., Fel- low of Trinity College, Dublin.

Robert Leeson, Esq., Florence.

* Frederick Lindesay, Esq., Mountjoy-square,

West, Dublin.

John Lindsay, Esq., Maryville, Blackrock, Cork.

Rev. John Lingard, D. D., Hornby, Lan- caster.

Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, D. D., P. R. I. A., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.

*William Horton Lloyd, Esq., Park-square, Regent's-park, London.

Rev. Richard H. Low, Lowville, Ahascragh.

Joseph Lowell, Esq., London.

Robert Mac Adam, Esq., College-square, Belfast.

*D. Mac Carthy, Esq., Florence.

The Rev. Daniel M'Carthy, Professor of Rhetoric, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

Rev. Charles M'Crossan, Drumquin, Omagh.

G. A. M'Dermott, Esq., F. G. S., Chester- ton Hall, Newcastle-under-Line.

Right Hon. Alexander M'Donnell, Tyrone House, Marlborough- street, Dublin.

Charles P. Mac Donnell, Esq., M. R.I. A., Bonabrougha House, Wicklow.

Edmund Mac Donnell, Esq.,Glenarm Castle, Glenarm.

*Rev. Richard Mac Donnell, D. D., M. R. I. A., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dub- lin.

George M'Dowell, Esq., A. M., M. R. 1. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.

The Right Rev. Patrick M'Gettigan, D. D., R. C. Bishop of Raphoe, Letterkenny.

James Mc Glashan, Esq., D'Olier-st., Dub- lin.

Most Rev. John Mac Hale, D. D., St. Jar- lath's, Tuam.

Rev. John M'Hugh, Baldoyle.

John W. M'Kenzie, Esq., Edinburgh.

Most Rev. Dr. Mac Nally, R. C. Bishop of Clogher, Clogher.

Sir Frederick Madden, Hon. M. R. I. A., British Museum.

James Magee, Esq., Leeson-street, Dublin.

Pierce Mahony, Esq., M. R.I. A., William- street, Dublin.

Rev. Samuel R. Maitland, D. D., F. R. S., London.

Andrew John Maley, Esq., Merrion-square, South, Dublin,

John Malone, Esq., Rathlaslin, Ballyna- cargy.

Henry Martley, Esq., Q. C., Harcourt-street, Dublin.

Rev. George Maxwell, Askeaton.

*Andrew Milliken, Esq., Dublin.

William Monsell, Esq., M. P., M. R. I. A., Tervoe, Limerick.

Rev. Philip Moore, Rosbercon, New Ross.

John Shank More, Esq., Great King-street, Edinburgh.

*Andrew Mulholland, Esq., Mount Collyer, Belfast.

Sinclaire Kilbourne Mulholland, Esq., Eglon- tine, Hillsborough.

•Joseph Neeld, Esq., M. P., Grosvenor-sq., London.

The Very Rev. Dean Nolan, P. P., Gowran.

William Nugent, Esq., Killester Abbey, Ra- heny.

Cornelius O'Brien, Esq., Ennistimon.

Francis O'Brien, Esq., Thurles.


Sir Lucius O'Brien, Bart., M. P., Dromo- land, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

William Smith O'Brien, Esq., M. P., Caher- moyle, Rathkeale.

The Very Rev. Dominick O'Brien, Waterford.

John Cornelius O'Callaghan, Esq., Russell- place, Dublin.

John O'Connell, Esq., M. P., Gowranhill, Dalkey.

Maurice O'Connell, Esq., M. P., Darrynane Abbey, county of Kerry.

Denis O'Connor, Esq., Mount Druid, Bele- nagare, County Roscommon.

John O'Donoghue, Esq., Lower Mount-street, Dublin.

The O' Donovan, Montpelier, Douglas, Cork.

*John O'Donovan, Esq., Newcomen-place, Dublin.

The O'Dowda, Bonniconlan House, Ballina.

'Joseph Michael O'Ferrall, Esq., Rutland- square, West, Dublin.

The Right Hon. R. More O'Ferrall, Gover- nor of Malta.

* William Ogilby, Esq., London.

Nicholas Purcell O'Gorman, Esq., Q. C.,

Blessington-street, Dublin. Richard O'Gorman, Esq., Lower Dominick-

street, Dublin.

The O'Grady, Kilballyowen, Bruff. Major O'Hara, Annamoe, Collooney. Sir Colman M. O'Loghlen, Bart., Merrion-

square, South, Dublin. Rev. Mortimer O'Sullivan, D. D., Killyman,

Dungannon. Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M. P.,


Louis Hayes Petit, Esq., F. R. S., London. George Petrie, Esq., LL. D., R. H. A.,

V. P. R. I. A., Great Charles-st., Dublin.

* Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., Middlehill, Broadway, Worcestershire.

John Edward Pigott, Esq., Merrion-square, South, Dublin.

*Rev. Charles Porter, Ballybay.

Colonel Henry Edward Porter, Minterne, Dorchester.

James Power, Esq., D. L., Edermine, Ennis- corthy.

Robt. Power, Esq., Pembroke-place, Dublin.

Hon. Edward Preston, Gormanstown Castle, Balbriggan.

Colonel J. Dawson Rawdon, M. P., Cold- stream Guards, Stanhope-street, London.

Thomas M. Ray, Esq., Dublin.

Thomas N. Redington, Esq., M. R. I. A., Under Secretary for Ireland, Dublin Cas- tle.

Henry Thompson Redmond, Esq., Carrick-


Rev. William Reeves, B. D., Ballymena.

Lewis Reford, Esq., Beechmount, Belfast.

W. Reilly, Esq., Belmont, Mullingar.

Rev. Laurence F. Renehan, D. D., President of St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

Rev. G. C. Renouard, B. D., Dartford, Kent.

E. William Robertson, Esq., Breadsall Pri- ory, Derby.

Rev. Thomas R. Robinson, D. D., M.R.I. A., Observatory, Armagh.

Rev. Charles Russell, D. D., St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.

Rev. Franc Sadleir, D. D., V.P. R. I. A., Provost of Trinity College, Dublin.

John Sadleir, Esq., Great Denmark-street, Dublin.

Rev. George Salmon, A. M., Fellow of Tri- nity College, Dublin.

Robert Sharpe, Esq., Coleraine.

Right Hon. Frederick Shaw, Recorder of Dublin, Kimmage House.

Evelyn John Shirley, Esq., M. P., Carrick- macross.


Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esq., Eatington Park,

Shipton-on-Stour. Rev. Joseph H. Singer, D. D., M. R. I. A.,

Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. W. F. Skene, Esq., Edinburgh. The Most Rev. Dr.Slattery.R. C. Archbishop

of Cashel, Thurles. Aquilla Smith, Esq., M. D., M. R. I. A.,

Lower Baggot-street, Dublin. *George Smith, Esq., Lower Baggot-street,

Dublin. *George Smith, F. R. S., Trevu, Camborne,


*Rev. J. Campbell Smith, A. B., Rome. .}. Huband Smith, Esq., A. M., M. R. I. A.,

Holies-street, Dublin. John G. Smyly, Esq., Upper Merrion-street,

Dublin. George Lewis Smyth, Esq., Derby-street,

London. The Right Hon. Sir Wm. Meredyth Somer-

ville, Bart., M. P., Somerville, Droeheda.


Augustus Stafford, Esq., M. P., Blatherwycke Park, Northamptonshire.

John Vandeleur Stewart, Esq., Rockhill, Let- terkenny.

Colonel William Stewart, Killymoon, Cooks- town.

William Stokes, Esq., M. D., M. R. I. A., Regius Professor of Physic, Dublin.

The Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin.

The Ven. Charles Strong, A. M., M. R. I. A., Archdeacon of Glendalough, Cavendish- row, Dublin.

Hon. and Rev. Andrew Godfrey Stuart, Rec- tory of Cottesmore, Oakham.

Rev. George Studdert, A. M., Dundalk.

•Thomas Swanton, Esq., Crannliath, Ballida- hob, Skibbereen.

Walter Sweetman, Esq., Mountjoy-square,

North, Dublin. James Talbot, Esq., Evercreech House, Shep-

ton Mallet, Somersetshire. Bartholomew M. Tabuteau, Esq., Fitzwil-

liam-place, Dublin. *Edward King Tenison, Esq., Castle Teni-

son, Keadue, Carrick-on-Shannon. •Robert J. Tennent, Esq., Belfast. •James Thompson, Esq., Ballysillan, Belfast. Robert Tighe, Esq., M. R. I. A., Fitzwilliam-

square, North, Dublin. *William Fownes Tighe, Esq., Woodstock,

Inistiogue. *Rev. James H. Todd, D. D., M. R. I. A.,

Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. James Ruddell Todd, Esq., London. Rev. John M. Traherne, Coedriglan, Cardiff. William B. C. C. Turnbull, Esq., Advocate,

F. S. A., Edinburgh.

TraversTwiss, Esq., D. C. L., F. R. S., Uni- versity College, Oxford. *Henry Tyler, Esq., Newtown-Lirnavaddy. Crofton Moore Vandeleur, Esq., Rutland- square, Dublin.

Edward Crips Villiers, Esq., Kilpeacon. Rev. Charles W. Wall, D. D., V. P. R. I. A.,

Vice-Provost of Trinity College, Dublin. James A. Wall, Esq., Baggot-street, Dublin. John Wallace, Esq., Belfast. Charles T. Webber, Esq., M. R. I. A., Upper

Gloucester-street, Dublin. William Robert Wilde, Esq., Westland-row,

Dublin. The Ven. Archdeacon Williams, Llandovery,

Caermarthenshire. Richard Palmer Williams, Esq., M. R. I. A.,

Drumcondra Castle, Dublin. William Williams, Esq., Aberpergwm, Neath, South Wales.


Rev. John Wilson, B. D., Fellow of Trinity

College, Oxford.

Lestock P. Wilson, Esq., London. John Windele, Esq., Sunday's Well, Cork. Edward Wright, Esq., Upper Leeson-street,


*John Wynne, Esq., M. R. I. A., Hazlewood,

Sligo. The Very Rev. William Yore, D. D., V. G.,

Queen- street, Dublin.


Academy, Royal Irish. Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. Athenaeum, London. Belfast Library. Bodleian Library, Oxford. British Museum. Cambridge Public Library. St. Columba College Library. Cork Library. Royal Dublin Society. Dublin University Library. Edinburgh University Library. Glasgow University Library.

Irish Office, London.

King's Inns' Library, Dublin.

Kildare-street Club, Dublin.

Limerick Institution.

London Institution, Finsbury Circus.

London Library, Pall Mall.

Archbishop Marsh's Library, Dublin.

Maynooth College.

Oxford and Cambridge Club, London.

The Portico Library, Manchester.

The Signet Library, Edinburgh.

St. Stephen's Green Club, Dublin.




I. The number of Members shall be limited to 500.

II. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Council, consisting of a Pre- sident, three Vice-Presidents, and twelve other Members, to be annually elected by the Society.

III. Those Noblemen and Gentlemen who have been admitted Members prior to the first day of May, 1841, shall be deemed the original Members of the Society, and all future Members shall be elected by the Council.

IV. Each Member shall pay four pounds on the first year of his election, and one pound every subsequent year. These payments to be made in advance, on or before the first day of January, annually.

V. Such Members as desire it may become Life Members on payment of the sum of thirteen pounds, or ten pounds (if they have already paid their entrance fee), in lieu of the annual subscription.

VI. Every Member whose subscription is not in arrear shall be entitled to receive one copy of each publication of the Society issued subsequently to his admission; and the books printed by the Society shall not be sold to the Public.

VII. No Member who is three months in arrear of his subscription shall be en- titled to vote, or to any other privilege of a Member ; and any Member who shall be one year in arrear of 'his subscription, shall be liable to be removed by the Council from the books of the Society after due notice served upon him to that effect.

VIII. Any Member who shall gratuitously edit any book approved of by the Council, shall be entitled to twenty copies of such book, when printed, for his own use : and the Council shall at all times be ready to receive suggestions from Members relative to such rare books or manuscripts as they may be acquainted with, and which they may deem worthy of being printed by the Society.

IX. The Council shall have power to appoint officers, and to make by-laws not inconsistent with the Fundamental Laws of the Society.

X. No person shall be elected a Member of the Society until the entrance fee and subscription for the current year be paid to the Treasurer or one of the Local Se- cretaries.

Noblemen and Gentlemen desirous of becoming Members of the Irish Archaeo- logical Society are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Secretary,



Rev. Dr. Todd, Trinity College, Dublin. Literary Societies and public Libraries may procure the Society's publications by paying an admission fee of £3 and an annual subscription of £i, but without the privilege of compounding for the annual subscription.


I. Tracts relating to Ireland, vol. I. containing:

1 . The Circuit of Ireland ; by Muircheartach Mac Neill, Prince of Aileach ; a Poem written in the year 942 by Cormacan Eigeas, Chief Poet of the North of Ireland. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, and a Map of the Circuit, by JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq.

2. " A Brife Description of Ireland, made in this year 1589, by Robert Payne, vnto xxv. of his partners, for whom he is vndertaker there." Reprinted from the second edition, London, 1590, with a Preface and Notes, by AQUILLA SMITH, M. D., M. R. I. A.

II. The Annals of Ireland, by James Grace of Kilkenny. Edited from the MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, in the original Latin, with a translation and Notes, by the Rev. RICHARD BUTLER, A. B., M. R. I. A.


I. Carh TTluijhi Rach. The Battle of Magh Rath (Moira), from an ancient MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited in the original Irish, with a Trans- lation and Notes, by JOHN O'DONOVAN.

II. Tracts relating to Ireland, vol. n. containing:

1. "A Treatise of Ireland ; by John Dymmok." Edited from a MS. in the British Museum, with Notes, by the REV. RICHARD BUTLER, A. B., M. R. I. A.

2. The Annals of Multifernam ; from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited by AQUILLA SMITH, M. D., M. R. I. A.

3. A Statute passed at a Parliament held at Kilkenny, A. D. 1367; from a MS. in the British Museum. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by JAMES HARDIMAN, Esq., M. R. I. A.


I. An account of the Tribes and Customs of the District of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country, in the Counties of Galway and Roscommon. Edited from

c the


the Book of Lecan in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, in the original Irish ; with a Translation and Notes, and a Map of Hy-Many, by JOHN O'DoNOVAN, Esq.

II. The Book of Obits and Martyrology of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, com- monly called Christ Church, Dublin. Edited from the original MS. in .the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. By the REV. JOHN CLARKE CROSTHWAITE, A. M., Rector of St. Mary-at-Hill, and St. Andrew Hubbart, London. With an Introduction by JAMES HENTHORN TODD, D. D., V. P. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.


I. " Registrum Ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum juxta Dublin ;" from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited by the REV. RICHARD BUT- LER, A. B., M. R. I. A.

II. An Account of the Tribes and Customs of the District of Hy-Fiachrach, in the Counties of Sligo and Mayo. Edited from the Book of Lecan, in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, and from a copy of the Mac Firbis MS. in the possession of the Earl of Roden. With a Translation and Notes, and a Map of Hy-Fiachrach. By JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq.


A Description of West or H-Iar Connaught, by Roderic O'Flaherty, Author of the Ogygia, written A. D. 1 684. Edited from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, with copious Notes and an Appendix. By JAMES HARDIMAN, Esq., M. R. I. A.


The Miscellany of the Irish Archaeological Society. Vol. I. containing :

1. An ancient Poem attributed to St. Columbkille, with a Translation and Notes by JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq.

2. De Concilio Hibernise ; the earliest extant record of a Parliament in Ireland; with Notes by the Rev. R. BUTLER.

3. Copy of the Award as concerning the Tolboll (Dublin) : contributed by DR. AQUILLA SMITH.

4. Pedigree of Dr. Dominick Lynch, Regent of the Colledge of St. Thomas of Aquin, in Seville, A. D. 1674: contributed by JAMES HARDIMAN, Esq.

5. A Latin Poem, by Dr. John Lynch, Author of Cambrensis Eversus, in reply to the Question, Cur in patriam non redis ? Contributed by JAMES HARDI- MAN, Esq.


6. The Obits of Kilcormick, now Frankfort, King's County: contributed by the REV. J. H. TODD.

7. Ancient Testaments: contributed by DR. AQUILLA SMITH.

8. Autograph Letter of Thady O'Roddy : with some Notices of the Author by the REV. J. H. TODD.

9. Autograph Letter of Oliver Cromwell to his Son, Harry Cromwell, Com- mander in Chief in Ireland : contributed by DR. A. SMITH.

10. The Irish Charters in the Book of Kells, with a Translation and Notes by

JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq. u. Original Charter granted by John Lord of Ireland, to the Abbey ofMelli-

font: contributed by DR. A. SMITH.

12. A Journey to Connaught in 1709 by Dr. Thomas Molyneux: contributed by DR. A. SMITH.

13. A Covenant in Irish between Mageoghegan and the Fox ; with a Translation, and historical Notices of the two Families, by JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq.

14. The Annals of Ireland, from A. D. 1453 to 1468, translated from a lost Irish original, by Dudley Firbisse; with Notes by J. O'DONOVAN, Esq.


The Irish Version of the " Historia Britonum" of Nennius, or, as it is called in Irish MSS., £,eabap 6pecnac, the British Book. Edited from the book of Balimote, collated with copies in the Book of Lecan, and in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, with a Translation and Notes by JAMES HENTHORN TODD, D. D., M. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, &c. ; and Additional Notes and an Introduction by the Hon. ALGERNON HERBERT.


The Latin Annalists of Ireland ; edited, with introductory Remarks and Notes, by the VERY REV. RICHARD BUTLER, M. R. I. A., Dean of Clanmorris, viz. :

1. The Annals of Ireland, by John Clyn, of Kilkenny; from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, collated with another in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.

2. The Annals of Ireland, by Thady Dowling, Chancellor of Leighlin. From a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin.


I. Cormac's Glossary; with a Translation and Notes by JOHN O'DONOVAN and EUGENE CURRY, Esqrs.



II. Macarise Excidium, the Destruction of Cyprus ; being a secret History of the Civil War in Ireland under James II., by Colonel Charles O'Kelly. Edited in the Latin, from a MS. presented by the late Professor Mac Cullagh to the Library of the Royal Irish Academy; with a translation, by DENIS HENRY KELLY, Esq.; and Notes by JOHN O'CALLAGHAN, Esq.


The following Works are many of them nearly ready for the Press, and will be undertaken as soon as the funds of the Society will permit :

I. The Irish Archaeological Miscellany, vol. n.

II. The Annals of Ulster. With a Translation and Notes. Edited from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, collated with the Translation made for Sir James Ware by Dudley or Duald Mac Firbis, a MS. in the British Museum, by JAMES HENTHORN TODD, D. D., M. R. I. A., and JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq., M. R.I. A.

III. The Annals of Innisfallen; from a MS. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford; with a Translation and Notes by JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq.

IV. Ecclesiastical Taxation of Ireland, circ. 1500. Edited from the original Ex- chequer Rolls, in the Carlton-Ride Record Office, London, with Notes, by the REV. WILLIAM REEVES, M. B., of Trinity College, Dublin.

V. The Liber Hymnorum; from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity Col- lege, Dublin. Edited by the REV. JAMES HENTHORN TODD, D. D., M. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, and the REV. WILLIAM REEVES, M. B., M. R. I. A.

VI. Sir William Petty's Narrative of his Proceedings in the Survey of Ireland ; from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited, with Notes, by THOS. A. LARCOM, Esq., Major R. E., V. P. R. I. A.

VII. Articles of Capitulation and Surrender of Cities, Towns, Castles, Forts, &c., in Ireland, to the Parliamentary Forces, from A. D. 1649 to 1654. Edited, with His- torical Notices, by JAMES HARDIMAN, Esq., M. R. I. A.

VIII. The Genealogy and History of the Saints of Ireland : from the Book of Lecan. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq., and James HENTHORN TODD, D. D.

IX. An Account of the Firbolgs and Danes of Ireland, by Duald Mac Firbis, from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin ; with a Translation and Notes, by JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq.

X. 6opama. The Origin and History of the Boromean Tribute. Edited from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, with a Translation and Notes, by EU- GENE CURRY, Esq.



XL The Progresses of the Lords Lieutenant in Ireland; from MSS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited by JOSEPH HUBAND SMITH, Esq., A. M., M. R. I. A.

XII. A Treatise on the Ogham or occult Forms of Writing of the ancient Irish ; from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin ; with a Translation and Notes, and preliminary Dissertation, by the REV. CHARLES GRAVES, A.M., M. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, and Professor of Mathematics in the University of Dublin.

XIII. The Topographical Poems of O'Heerin and O'Duggan ; with Notes by JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq.

XIV. Cogao ^aoibeal pe ^allaib. The Wars of the Irish and Danes. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, collated with a MS. in the handwriting of Fr. Michael O'Clery, now in the Burgundian Library at Brussels. By JAMES HENTHORN TODD, D. D., and JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq.

In addition to the foregoing projected Publications, there are many important works in the contemplation of the Council, which want of funds alone prevents the possibility of their undertaking, such as the Brehon Laws, the Dinnseanchus, the Annals of Connaught, the Annals of Tigernach, &c., &c.




Butler, Richard

The annals of Ireland
