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r ye] 7 3 EY T BY C.'S. RAFINESQUE, Professor of Botany and Natural History in Transylvania University, at Lexington in Kentucky, and member of several Learned Soeieties in the United States and in Europe, &e.


First Annual Number, for 4820. ie

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FEVER since 1816, { had issued proposals for publishing a Periodical Work uns ' . . der the title of Annals of Nature : various circumstances have prevented me from r carrying the original plan into execution, and have now induced me to publish it annually or casually (instead of quarterly) in the present form, without confining myself to any particular time, nor extent ; but giving a preference to my own unpublished discoveries and those of my friends, over those of other Naturalists and Botanists. Every number shall form a peculiar tract, which shall be sold sepa- rate.

Vhe difficulty of ascertaining sometimes whether my discoveries are totally new, will not prevent me from offering those which I consider such. If a few shall afterwards prove otherwise, the blame, if any, must lay with those European : compilers, who give us now and then their bulky, costly & learned Cyclopedias, Peg Dictionaries of Natiral History, and Systems, without following the wise linnean plan of detailing all the former discoveries. ‘This is particularly the case with c, Zooloyists, who from the time of the compilation of Gmelin, published about 30 ¥ years azo, have never thought of giving us a new and complete description of all ; an the animals discovered since ; nov has any complete account of our own animals e- ver been published. In such a state of the science, & considering the difficulty of Ro ee “procuring many European works on this continent, evenby applying to their au- thors, I shall not be prevented from publishing: my new specics, because it may 4 happen that one out of fifty may be previously noticed in some costly and inacces-

sible work. 1 shall however be ready, at all times, to correct any such, or other :

unavoidable errors and oversights.

Ihave often felt the need of laying before the learned public, and ina concise Rs

and linncan shape, my numerous discoveries, which are accumulating every year; \ As

being often unable to find a proper vehicle, L have been compelled to avail my- im “self of magazines and ephemerous publications, which selktom meet their eyes, f

b (When I have sent memoirs and tractsfor publication to (he learned societies of Wf

+ London, Paris, New-York and Philadelphia, they arc only published after many “8

if ears delay, or rejected when tliey contradict the views of some favorite mem.

\ jber. I£1 propose publishing my works in Europe, they are refused by the pub-

{ ish érs, because the author is not one of the celebrated proeatiis of Paris, Lon.

or Edinburgh. Meantime } have lost by a shipwrecic the labor of many years,

he description and, figures of ane thousand new animals and plants, Byery:





L349 “votive urges me then to hasten to divulge my discoveries, & to continue it annue ally on the present plan, although 1 should prefer a.better one if I had the choice. ‘The principles of these tracts shall belong to the true linnean school of im-

"slonkgaables I shall follow all the improvements that the worthy Linneus would vave adopted if he had lived in this age ; but E shall carefully avoid any deviations

from the fundamental, rational and everlasting rules of noménclature and descrip-_

five history. :

The following lines shall contain many of my unpublished discoveries, made be- tween 1816 and 1819, in the states of New-York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, &c ; but sever- al must still be delayed, as well as the figures. As my Ichthyology, or natural history of the Fishes of the Ohio, (containing 100 new species) is now under tlie press, the fishes of that river shall not be mentioned here. “If I should oceasion- ally repeat the descriptions of some few new animals and plants, already commu- nicated to some societies, or journalists, the blame is their own. Why do they delay the publication of them? and how am L to know if they ever received them, & mean to publish them? Do they wish me to wait until somebody may follow the path which I have opened, and anticipating my publications, deprive me of the trait of my labor, (as it has been already attempted) and of the only rewardI ever hope for my individual exertions, the esteem of the fricnds of knowledge? 1 shall very seldom mention again those which have been already published, ex- cept when they are only to be found in jouryals of very limited circulation; or when it will be needful to illustrate more carefully their characters or history. Very few Reptiles, Shells and Fossils will be introduced, although they include some of my most numerous discoveries; because I have already prepared several letters on our Erpetology for the American Journal of Science; I am besides en- gaged in writing a general Conchology of the land shells and fresh water shells of the United States, and Ihave undertaken with Mr. John D. Clifford to de- scribe all the fossil remains of the western states...

To those who may happen to regret the continual increase of} new genera and new species, I shall observe, that unless we detect and fix all the unknown genera and species of beings existing in our country and on earth, we cannot extend and secure our researches after their properties, qualitics and manners. ‘Those who deplore the increase of natural knowledge, or knowledge of any kind, are;below our notice; they ought to be ranked with the enemies of mankind and of our moral powers. But from those who prefer to see new beings and materials ap- pearunder a handsome and prolix shape, J shall request to afford me the means of gratifying their peculiar taste, and when they do, I shall not fail to comply. Yet shall add, that it is better for the science and our purse, that many new objects should be introduced under a small compass,. than when a few are scattercd through a mass of extraneous or compiled matter. My constant aim has been the extension of knowledge rather than the compilation of old materials. I wish that many naturalists and philosophers would always have the same object in View.

C. S. RAFINESQUE. Transylvania University, March 1, 1820 ¢

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1. N. Sp. Atalapha fuscata. Ears longers than the head, auriculated and black. ish ; tail three-sevenths of total length, jutting only by an obtuse point ; body brownish above, greyish bencath shoulders and cheeks dark brown; hind feet blackish, hairy above ; wings blackish brown.—¥Found in the northern parts of the state of New York and in Vermont. Total l: ngth three and an half inches. My genus Atalapha (Prec. dec.) contain all the Bats without fore teeth; there are 3 or 4 species of them in the United States a!l blended under the name of Vespertilia (or Noctilio_) noveboracensis bythe writers.

I,N,G Erresievs. Four acute fore-teeth to the upper jaw, in two equal pairs, separated by a great interval and a large flat wart, each pair has two une- qual teeth, the outside tooth is much larger and unequally bifid, the outside one much larger, inside tooth small and entire. Six forc-teeth to the lower jaw, equal




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yery small, close and truncate. Canine teeth very sharp, curvéd and long. Grin- ders unequally trifid- Snout plain, nose without appendages. “Ears separated, auriculated. ‘l'ail mucronate.-—This genus appears to differ from all those of Geoffroy and Cuvier, among the extensive tribe of Bats. ‘The name means housc- flyer. :

“2. Eptesicus melanops. Fallowisn brown above, pale beneath, face, ears, wings, feet and tail blackish ; ears oval, shorter than the head and wrinkled ; tail naked, one-third of total length, mucronc one-sixth of the tail ; posterior toes ciliate —Not uncommon in Kentucky, Indiana, €c. total length four and an half inches. I had noticed it under the nanic of Vespertilio phaiops in the American Magazine, vol. 3d. It comes often in the house at night. ;

3. Eptesicus mydas. Fulvous above, grey beneath ; wings, ears and tail, pale brown, shafts whitish ; ears double the length of the head ; tail naked, slightly mucronate, nearly as long as the body.—I have observed it in the barrens of Ken- tucky flying in the houses. ‘Total length three inches, of which the tail includes five-twelfths. Ears three-quarters of an inch long. I mentioned it under the name of Vesp. mydas in my account of the Bats of the western states, (Am. Mag. y.5). Thave since instituted two other genera with them, Hypexodon and MVycti- ceive (Prodr. 70 N.G. An) ; the others are probably Atalaphes. I know already fifteen specics of Bats in the United States, almost all new ones.

4, Mephitis interrupta. Brown, with two short parallel white streaks on the head, and eight on the back, the four antcrior ones equal and parallel, and the four posterior ones rectangular, angles in opposite directions.—A rare species, a- bout one foot long, inhabiting Louisiana. The four rectangular streaks of the rump are very singular ; the anterior pair begins on each side towards the middle of the dorsal streaks, and reaching beyond them in a parallel line, become trans- versally angular, forming an unequal right angle facing the dorsal streaks ; while the posterior pair forms two complete right angles facing the sides of the rump, their anterior lines being parallel and longitudinal. .

5. Spaiax vittatta. Fallow above with three longitudinal, broad and brown streaks, white beneath.—It lives in the barrens and woods of Kentucky, where it is called mole-rat : length seven inches, it has no tail whatever ; back bent, head low, eyes small, ears small, oval, acute . it burrows like a mole and feeds on snails, slugs, earthworms, &c. It has almost the shape ofa pig, but the snout is rounded and with small whiskers, ;

6. Gerbillus megalops. Grey; ears elliptic, as long as the head, white inside ; tail black, longer than the body flexuose slender, tipt with a white tuft.—It inhab- its the barrens of Kentucky, where it feeds on seeds and fruits; total length six. inches, of which the tail composes more than half, Eyes very large and black, snout black, elongated obtuse.

7. Gerbillus leonurus. Entirely of a fine fallow ; ears elliptic, as long as the head, white inside; tail as long as the body, black, tipt with a fallow tuft—It lives in the woods of Kentucky, Indiana, &c. Eyes small. It rather jumps than runs, while the foregoing specics is oftener seen running than jumping.

8. Cricetus fasciatus. Rufous, with about ten transversal black streaks over the back, legs with some similar streaks; tail rather shorter than the body, slen- der and with black rings: pouches external, flaccid. --This is the Hamster of the barrens of Kentucky and the western states; it has athick body, the head like a dog, small eyes and éars, these oval and acute, the forehead rounded and

the pouches hanging like bags, - ;

9. Lemmus vittatus. Rufous, with five longitudinal white streaks on the back, the middle one extending over the head to the nose, white beneath; tail truncate as long as the head.—A very pretty little animal, about four inches long, living in the woods and fields of west Kentucky, Llinois, c, ‘he female has six pecto- ral paps, and carries her young on her back while running. Eyes small, snout sharp, ears small and oval-rounded.

10. Lemmus talpoides. 1von-grey, belly whitish ; tail truncate, as long as the head.—It is found in west Kentucky, where it is called ground mouse or snow mouse, becauge it burrowsin the ground like the mole, feeding on roots and grass, while in the winter it burrows under the snow, at the surface of the ground, to feed on tender grass.

11. Lemmus noveboracensix. Brown, with arufous tinge above, brownish prey beneath ; tail three-elevenths of total length, obtuse, brownish grey, scaly, setose, with a pencil of hair at the end—Total length five and an half inches; it has

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short and rounded ears, the feet short as in the Z talpoides, teeth yellow. It is found in the states ef New York and New Jerscy. ;

12. Sciurus ruber. Entirely of a fine brick red colour, except the belly, which is whitish, ears beardless —The largest of all the American Squirrels ; total length over two feet. Is it a variety of Sc vulpinus ? It is found in the Missournt Terie tory, where it is called Great fox-squirrel. ‘There are yet in the nited States many unnoticed species (or varieties) of squirrels. I know already about eight of them, such as Se. felinus, Se. phaiopus, Sc. melanotws, Se. luierulis, Se. Iam pre- paring a monography of them. ¢


13. Milvus leucomelas. White, unspotted, top of the head and part of the bac k, wings, tail and bill black, fect ) cllow.—It is found in west Kentucky and Aliinois, it feeds on fishes, and is therefore called Fishing Uawk; size small, tail quite forked.

14. Ardea phaiona. Entirely of a deep brown, neck ferrnginous behind, white before, bill black, feet yellow.—It lives in Missouri, Hlinois and west Kentucky ,; it is of a small size, total length about cighteen inches ; it belongs to the tribe of Bitterns.

15. Charadrius viridis. Entirely of alight green, unspotted, wings and tail tinged with brown, bill and fect black.—It has been seen by Mr. Audubon in Mis- souri, near St. Genevieve ; it is solitary and very wild bird, size of the commou Plover. Isita Fulica ?

16. Hirundo phenicephalu. Wead scarlet, back grey, belly white, bill and feet Slack.—A fine and rare swallow, seen only once by Vr. Audubon, near. Wender- sonville in Kentticky ; it must have been a wanderer, and is probably a native of Louisiana or Mexico.

HICLASS. ERPETIA.—THE REPTILES. 17. Neciurus macilosie. Olive brown, covered with large irregular and une-

qual black spots; tail elliptical, obtuse, blackish, margin redish, two-fifths of cotal fength ; a longitudinal furrow on the back, toes red.—My genus Necturus (70 N. 6. An.) is distinguished irom Vriturus by having teeth, four tocs toall the feet, ind the external gills persistent toa late period. ‘The Salumandra allegantensis belongstoit. Whe present species is found in the Ohio, vulgar name water pup- pet or scorpion ee}. Length over one foot, very slovenly ; bedy covered witha mucous matter. Jaws obtuse with thick lips and small acute tecth, the upper jaw longer. Eyes very small round brown ; ears behind them, large round, with afurrow. Three external gills, the anterior black, the second brown, and the es reddish. Toes sroa!!, roundec, obtuse, distinct, the lateral ones smal- er.

18. Necturus luteus. Entirely yellow, ungpotted ; tail obtuse, one-half of total length.—It is similar to the foregoing, found alsoin the Ohio, length about two feet, vulgar names yellow ec! or yellow puppet or yellow alligator.

19. Necturus phosphoreuc. Entirely brown, unspotted ; tail obtuse, nearly onc- half of total length, gills red.—Anotlier species from the Ghio, its gills shine in the night of afiry red colour. Total lenyth eighteen to twenty inches. Vulgar. names, Night Alligator, Brown Puppet, Alligator Ec}, &c. Many other species of Salamanders belong to this genus.

20. Triturus hypoxanthus. Brown above, yellow beneath; tail acute, slightly compressed, one-half of total length.—My genus 7yiturus is the same as the Z'yi- ton of Dumeril, there being already another genus of animals called ‘'riton ; it differs from the Salamandra by having a compressed tail. ‘This species is found in Kentucky, where it is called Ground Puppet, because itis often found in the lobster’s holes in moist ground ; total length six to eight inches.

Ps Tritusus fuscus. Entirely brown, rather olivaceous above and paler be- neath ; furrow onthe rump ; tail acute, slightly compressed, one-third of total Jength.—I found it in the northern parts of the state of New York, in small brooks. Vulgar name Black Ebbet. Length three or four inches. Eyes large and black, iris round and brown Upper jaw longer as in all the genus and without teeth, Poster'or feet with five toes as in all the species, the lateral ones smaller. I com- municated « description of this animal, together with many other reptiles from

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ilie state of New York, to the Philosophical Society of New York, ever since 1816,

22. Triturns viridescens. Olivaceous green above, with some faint brown spots, back carinated ; yellow beneath with small brown dotts : head unspotted, green above, yellowish beneath : an irregular row of bright and gilt red dotts along the sides : tail longer than the body, acute, very compressed.—A fine species found in Lake George, Lake Champlain, the springs and brooks of the neighborhood, ec. ‘Yotallength fourinches. It must forma peculiar subgenus Déemictylus, distinguished by the fore feet semipalmate with four equal toes, the posterior with only three toes and two lateral knobs ; jaws nearly equal, eyes elliptic, &e. The iris is oblong, rather obliqual, gilt, with a longitudinal brown streak; eyes black. Its vulgar name is Green Ebbet.

23. Triturus nebulosus. Brown above, clouded with faint and irregular grey spots, a row of them rounded on each side, fulvous beneath ; back convex; tail carinated, obtuse, one-third of total length.—It is found near New York, at Har- Jem and on Long-Islind. Length two or three inches.

24. Vriturus miniatus. Entirely of » red or orange colour, covered with small brown granular dotts and some black dotts ; back carinated with a double row of scarlet dotts, surrounded by a black ring . tail as long as the body, carinated, ob- tuse.—A very pretty species, common in the states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, &c. Wulgar name Red Lizard or Red Ebbet. It is com= monly of the colour of red lead; but varics with an orange or saffron colour. Length two to four inches. Head oval obtuse flat, without dotts; eyes blackish with an oblong and giltiris. [thas alinost all the characters of the sub-genus Di- emictylus ; but differs yet trom it, by having the toes of the fore feet free and un- equal, the lateral ones much shoiter whence it may form another sub-genus, Vo- fophthalmus There aye at least thirty species of this genus in the United States. I know alveady well twenty of them.

25. Ranaria ( Rana L) melanota Yack olivaceous black, a yellow streak on the sidgs of the head, chin throat and inside of the legs whitish, with black spots ; belly white, without spots—A pretty frog, living in Lake Champlain and Lake George ; vulgar name Black Frog : total length two and and half inches. Eyes large, iris gilt violet. The anterior feet have four free toes, and the hind feet five palmated ones.

26. Crotulurus ( Crotalus L) catenatus. Brown above, with achain-like row of white spots on the back ; belly white, clouded with black.—Discovered by Mr. Bradbury, on the upper Missouri. Length eighteen inches, one hundred and forty-four abdominal scales and twenty-seven candal scales:

27. Crotalurus viridis, Green with several rows of brown oblong spots, white belly.—Found also by Mr. Bradbury, onthe Missouri. It was two feet long, slen- der snd with only three rattles.

28. Crotalurus cyantrus. Body yellowish, with broad transversal brown bands, back grey between them; head fiulvous, a black oblong spot under the chin; tail black above, blue beneath.—1t is found in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mlinois, Missouri, Indiana, €?c. Length about five feet. The hogs will not eat it. The name of Crotalus being radical of Crotalaria &c. [have altered it to Crotalurus.

29, Coluber Kentukcusis, Back olivaccous brown, with four rows of brown spots, carinated scales and a central longitudinal streak bluish green ; sides bluish green, with two rows of brown spots ; belly whitish, unspotted : two hundred abd. scales ; tail one-fifth of total length, with fifiy pairs of scales—Length three feet ; head black ahove, white beneath. Common in Kentucky ; called Garter snake, like all the snakes with streaked backs.

30. Coluber similis. Back blackish, with a central yellowish streak, having two alternate rows of brown spots ; sides yellowish-white, spotted with black, belly white, each scale with two lateral black spots: tail one-fourth of total length. Abd. sc. 165; caudal 60 pairs,x—Another species belonging to the streaked snakes, of which I know ten or twelve species in the United States, Length twenty inches ; dorsal streak extending over the tail, pale fulrous posteriorly. Dorsal scales carinated.—Foundin Kentucky.

31 Coluber vanthenipus. Blackish above, with some faint brown line’ ; white beneath, with alongitudinal and yellowish streak frow the neck to the vent, and spotted on the sides with red, marginated of black: tail two-sevenths of total length, with eighty caudal pairs of scales, 140 abdominal scales.—I fonnd it near Newburgh, state of New-York ; length twenty-five inches, Vulgar name water

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black snake. It likesto goin the water. Dorsal scales carinated. Tail brown, having at the end a short obtuse and compressed horn, as most of the snakes.

32. Coluber tesselatus. Grey, checkered like a chess board with red spots, and some black ones intermixed.—Length three feet. This beautiful snake was found at Louisville ina hogshead of sugar imported from Louisiana. It is called calli- coe snake in Louisiana.

33. Coluber fulviventer. Entirely black above, and brick-red beneath, throat yellow ; dorsal scales carinated ; about two hundred abdominal scales, and seven- ty pairs of caudal ; tail one fifth of total length—Length nearly three feet; it has large teeth, butnofangs. Vulgar name chicken snake Found in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, &c.

34 Anguinus (Anguis L_) fasciatus. Yellowish-white, with broad brown fings, marginated of black on the back, and on the sides a row of small interme- diary bands like spots; head mixed with brown.—Length one foot, cylindrical ; scales smooth, hexagonal, head with large scales above and flattened. It lives near Lake George and Lake Champlain: vulgar names, e¢! snake, ring snake, worm snake.


Il. N.G. Hemirtus. Abdominal. Body oblong, one dorsal fin opposite to the vent ; head small, mouth puckered, toothless, looking upwards, lower lip longer; gill cover double ; abdominal fin with only five rays, and a scaly lateral appen- dage at the base_—It belongs to the family Cyprinidia, it differs from Cyprinus by the mouth and abdominal fins, which have appendages like the real G. Salmo, Clupea, Sparus, &c. ‘Yhis striking character hasbeen neglected by all the Ich- thyologists ; 1 wish to draw their attention to it. The gencric name means half- double.

55. Hemiplus iacustris. Silvery, with gilt shades, back and top of the head brownish ; lateral line curved downwards, a second and upper one straight reach- ing the dorsal fin only; all the fins olivaccous tipped with brown: dorsal fin nine rayed, anal falcate fourteen rayed, tail forked —I have already mentioned this small fish in the Amer. M. Mag. Ist Dec. of new fishes, sp.7, vol. 2. p. 121, un- der the name of Cyprinus hemiplus. tis found in Lake George, Lake Saratoga, and Lake Champlain. Length three to six inches. Pect. 14.C. 24. Vulgay names Shiner or Minny.

836. Cyprinus hematopterus. Back olivaceous brown, sides coppered, pale be- neath ; head black, tuberculated above and on the lower lip, gill cover reddish with « black spot : lateral line curved downwards at the base ; tail forked, lower fins bloody ved, anal and dorsal nine rayed, this last in the middle of the back.— A pretty fish called red-fin chub, not uncommon in the streams falling into the Hudson. Length five or six inches; iris gilt, mouth large terminal toothless jaws equal ; all the fins olivaceous, marginated or tipped with bloody red, the pec- toral and abc ominals are entirely red, the first ray of the pectoral is bluish. P 15. abd. 9. C. 20. Eyes black.

S87. Cyprinus trivittatus. Back and fins olivaceous, a brown longitudins on the back, a broad bluish band on each side above the lateral ate nearly straight ; belly white with gilt shades, head brown, rather rough above gill cover gilt : tail forked, anal and dorsal fins with nine rays, this last in the mid- dle of the back —Similar to the foregoing and to my C. vittatus in many points Iris gilt brown. Found in the Vishkilland Wallkill] creeks, state of New-York. _

38. Salmo pallidus. Lower jaw much longer, body cylindrical; grey crowded with irregular rounded pale yellowish spots, gills silvery, lateral line ascending at the base, tail forked brownish, dorsal fin brown with’ twelve rays, adipose fin olivaceous, lower fins white, the anal with twelve rays—Common in Lake Cham- plain, Lake George, Lake Seneca, &c : vulgar names salmon trout, white trout, vor lake trout, &c ; length twoto four feet. Very good food, flesh reddish.

Vv CLASS. PLAXOMIA.—THE CRUSTACEA. IIL N.G. Srencurvs. Antenna double tha

two long truncate articles, the upper pair rather broader and longer. Body com-

here! with seven segments, each with a large lateral appendage or scale; the

vurth larger and with an additional posterior appendage, the corresponding fect

nthe head, four nearly equal, with


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Targer and with a large rounded and thick hand, all the feet with only one claw. Rump with four large segments, without lateral appendages, but with the usual ones beneath, Tail with short and recurved appendages.—It belongs to the fam- ily Gammaria, the name was that of an ancient fluviatile God of Thessaly.

"$9. Sperchius lucidus. Shining brown, eyes black, nearly round ; appendages of the tail shorter than the last article, curved eutwards, with two articles and 2 terminal filament.—Discovered in the springs. and brooks near Lexington, Ky. Length about one-third of an inch, almost black when in the water, olivaceous brown when out of it, and pale when dry. Body arched, antenna descending. It

cate, with a single segment. Body rather compressed and straight, with twelve segments, all with a large lateral scale except the three anterior and the last, pos-

terior segments and scales longer. First pair of feet with a large oblong cheli-

form and cuspidate hand ; the second and third pair cylindrical pinciferous or

with two cylindrical and truncate fingers, the four other pairs slender ; all the

fect without real claws. Appendages beneath the rump almost similar to the

hind feet ; those of the tail short and with single segments.—Another fresh water \ genus of Shrimps, of the family Gammaria. ‘Ie name means lateral scales.

40. Lepleurus rivularis. Olivaceous, eyes very faint irregular ; appendage of the tail truncate straight obliqual ; antenna nearly horizontal, feet longer than the breadth of the body.—I have detected it in the brooks of the mountains of Penn- sylvania and at Shannon run, near Bedford Springs. Length about half an inch ; it crawls on the stones rather than swims or jumps.

V_N.G. Lrrcevs. Four antenna, the two upper ones very long, with four large articles, increasing in size upwards, and many sinall ones ; the two lower antenna shorter than the head and the fourth article ofthe long antenna, setaceous, adhe- rent with the upper ones at theirbase. Mead-rounded, eyes lateral and rounded. Feet with a single claw; body pinnatifid with seven segments without lateral scales ; taillarge, rounded, utriculated beneath, with concealed bifid appendages. This fresh water genus belongs to the family Oniscia and sub-fumily selotia. The | name was that of a spring in Greece.

4l. Lirceus fontinalis. Blackish, upper antenna one-third of total length ; seg- ments broader than the head and truncate lateraly, separated by deep clefts ; back convex ; tai] semitrilobe, margin hyalin, center raised longitudinally.—I de- tected it in October 1819 in a spring near Lexington. Itswims well; feet short with four articles, one of which isa claw; the posterior ones lonrer and more slender. Length one-fourth of an inch without the antenna ; breadth about one- fourth of the length. ‘Tail broad and twice as long as the head ; appendages short, articulated, seldom jutting out of the utricule.

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AT. N.G Sruista. Body depressed, with nine segments, including the head and tail. Head large ; forehead notche.! ending in a large curved forceps with tooth inside. Two palps as long as the to. "eps, with two articles and two claws atthe end. Eyes lateral round ; antenna inserted hefore the eyes, as long as the frontal forceps, with two long segments and two terminal threads Fourteen lat. eral legs, with two articles and two claws besides, or bifidat the end.—A very sin- gular genus of the family Myriapoda, and sub-family Scolopendria. The name wag that of a nymph. 42. Selista forceps. Fulvous brown, frontal forceps as loug as the head, tail bi- - dentated—Found near Baltimore by Mr. IL. Mayden. It comes into the houses ; length one inch. VII. N.G, Cryeromena. Body depressed, linear, narrow, with many segments, each with one pair of lateral filitorm legs with four articles; alternate segments shorter and almost entirely covered and concealed by the larger ones. Head ‘ap a eyes era th on long filiform, multi articulated nearly lateral, and dis ant antenna ; no visible palps.—It belongs to the family Myriapod -fami Chilognathia, next to the mae Poadan, The name weit SoMa cen « 43. Cryptomera lunularis. Reddish brown; sixteen pairs of legs, the Just pair longer ; antenna one-third of total length ; sides straight, tail short, linulate;

length about one inch.—Found near Ballimore hi i : sigingnis wp long tae bia ar ore aud Philadelphia on the ground :

swims well. IV. N.G.QLzerrvnvs. Tour antenna shorter than the head, nearly equal, tran-

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44. Crypiomera nemuara. Brown ; fourteen pairs of legs, the posterior pairs very long ; antenna nearly as long as the body , large segments gibbose, rounded behind, scutiform. sides notched; tail having two filaments as long as the body ; length over one incli—Found by Mr. Hayden in the cellars of Baltimore: seg- ments longer than broad. gh

VU. N.G.Srexourxa Differsfrom Crypiomera by narrow segments visible not covered ; the first segment isa narrow one; head oval, antenna setaceous, thick and approximated at the base.—Very near to Cryplomera: the name means narrow parts.

45. Stenomera interrupta. Antenna twice the length of the head; fourteen pairs of legs, the posterior ones longer and thicker; sides deeply notched, tail bi- dentate. —ihave found it near Hadley’s falls (in 1816) on the Hudson river, on mushrooms, npon which it feeds probably. Length one and an half inches; co- Jour pale brown; many of the large segments are slightly lunulate behind, all are broader than long.

IX. N.G. Mrcoturres Differs from Cryptomera by all the segments equal and apparent, and head of various shapes, eyes lateral when visible, &c.—This genus differs from Julus by having only onc pair of legs to each segment. The name implies feeding on mushrooms, as most of the species do, There are many of theminthe United States. Ishall merely mention three at present.

46. Mycotheres Oligopoda. Antenna one-third of total length, bent outwards ; head rounded ; body attenuated behind; seven pairs of equal legs ; tail bifid.— Found on the .uizerne mountains of New York, near Glen’s falls. Length one- fourth of an inch, colour fulvous. It may be the type ofa sub-genus, Erocera.

47. Mycotheres leucofoda, Antenna straight, one-fifth of total length ; head truncate body linear, fulvous, about twenty pairs of white legs, the posterior ones rather longer; tail bisetose. Found in the knobs of Kent’y. length less than 1 inch.

48. Mycoith res vittata. Fulvous, a longitudinal brown streak on the back ; an- tenna momiitorm, longer than the head ; about fifty pairs of legs, almost equal ; tail elongate obtuse, with a lateral setaceous appendage on each side ; head oval, pandurate, obtuse ; eyes lateral, visible, round.—A fine species about two inches long and one-twelfth broad. It may forma sub-genus Memzpleura. Found in the highlands of New York. Theantenna have about fifteen rounded articles. Eyes black, almost inferior. ‘lhe head and tail are not streaked.

X. N. G. Pieunotems. Body oblong, convex above, unable to contract into a globe ; many narrow segments, tie middle ones larger, each with a marginal scale on each side and commonly two puirs of ventral legs, with four articles and a cili- ated claw ; the first segment or neck nearly concealed and without scales or feet. Head short ; antenna lateral moniliform, with six oblong articles—A fine genus next to Glomeris: the name mens lateral margin. Hind legs shorter as in all the following three genera.

49. Pleuroloma flavipes. Antennagrey, one-fifth of the body; head brown, transversely oblong ; eyes black, back blackish shining, marginal scales reddish, eighteen segments and only thirty pairs of legs ; belly, legs and tail yellow, tail mucronate. Length one and half inches ; eyes very small, lateral—Found on the ground in the woods near Catskill in New York state.

‘KL N.G.Narcerus. Body cylindrical, with many narrow segments, each with iwo pairs of geminate legs, except the anterior segments which have only one vat Head obtuse with a visible neck; eyes anterior irregular ; antenna lateral yardly longer than the head, recurved behind ina lateral groove, with six depres- sed articlss, the second longer, the last globular. Legs with four articles and a elaw, ventral, the posterior ones rather shorter. Tail scutiform, mutic, concealed beneath.—Next to Julus : the name is mythological.

_ 50. Marceus tinctorius. Blackish brown, nincty pairs of feet, pale purple ; the #:x anterior segments with a single pair ; tail obtuse, split beneath ; length about three inches.—It is foundin the woods of Kentucky. When handled it dyes the fingers of a purplish colour, Discovered by MrJobn D. Clifford.

MIEN: G. Ruvvevon. Differs from Varcevs by all the segments with two pairs lege, having five articles anda claw. Eyes rounded in facets. nearly under the head, recurved upwards in a groove, with seven arti-



; 1, / = cles ; six oblong, the sixth larger,the seventh or last depressed obtuse.—The name is also Mythic logical.

; 51. Rhexenor anwuleris. Bluish brown with reddish brown rings on the mar- gin of the segments,Jegs brown, one hundred and ten pairs; neck broad, tail


arge, obtuse, split bencath ; vent linear, marginated with yellow—~Found in the tvoods of the higaiand hills of New-York Length three inches.

NIL Nite Asactoy. Dilfer from Murceus by anterior seginents with two pairs of legs ; neck hardly visible ; head rounded, eves rounded, lateral ; antenna lon- ger than the head, lateral before, straight, club shaped, six oblong articles in- creasing in size upwards.—Vhe name means little texture,

92. Abacion tesselutum. Body reddish brown, striated longitudinally, or tessc- lated ; antenna more than double the length of the head; legs pale, variable in nunber, about sixty pairs; tail acute—I found it on the knobby hills of Estill county in Kentucky, under stones: length nearly two inches.

AIV. N.G. Svupaenos, Body lanceolate, head, thorax and abdomen united in one, without divisions, some faint appearance of segments on the abdomen; six legs; antenna united in front, divergent, curved outwards, club shaped and nearly nal shaped, the end being large androunded. No visible eyes, nor palps nor lseak —it belongs probably to the family Parasitia next to Osteophilus: the name means united nails.

5). Sympkelos solidago. Body smooth, lanceolate, acute behind, rounded in front, mitic, whitish; antenna one-fourth of total length ; legs aslong us the breadth of the body—An exceeding small animal only the fortieta part of an inch im length ; found in the state of New-York on several speciesof the genus Soli- dao.

34. Tronbidion croccwn Entirely ofa pale saffron colour; body elliptic, tran- eate bebind, back convex pilose ; legs arched, nearly equal, pilose; eves brown, nearly lateral—Found in the state of New-York in houses ; length half a line, eyes sessile punctiform ; palps visible, strairht.

99. Arius canthopus. Body nearly elliptical and obtuse, smooth and red ; legs yellow, the antericr pair longer antenniform, nearly as long as the body—One of *he smallest insects, length about one hundreth part of an inch, almost invisible to the naked eye.—I found it on Long-Island in the flowers of A notropa unifiora.

36, Acarus ampelss. Body oboval, obtuse, orange color; legs pale, arched, nearly equal--On the wild grape vines of the state of New-York. Length the twenty-fourth ofan inch.

XV.N.G. Divroroxors, (Spider). Thorax rounded, the anterior pair of lega longer, palps straight, club suaped; eyes in two arched rows on the forehead, each with four eyes, convexity upwards, the upper bow with smaller eyes and shorter-—The name means eyes in double arches They are wandering spiders,

37. Diplotovops bilineat. White, abdomen rounded-ellipsoidal, with two short yellow parallel lines anteriorly, faintly ringed behind; anterior feet nearly as Jong as the body and arched—Not uncommon in many parts; seen near Lake Champlain, on Long-Island, the Alleghany mountains and in Ohio. Length one- fourth ofan inch ; abdomen double the size of the thorax

58. Diplotoxops ? coccinea. Scarlet, legs black; the anterior ones hardly lon. ser ; abdomen ellipsoidal obtuse—In the state of New-York, length only ones twelfth of an inch.

59. Lepisma saxatilis. Dirty and pale brown, antenna nearly aslong as the bo dy ; filaments of the tail unequal, the mid Ue one longer than the body and three times as long as the lateral ones—Length one inch; found on the stones in the erp of Kentucky, it springs and jumps occasionally ; feet medial, short,

ual. , 69, Termes montana. Black, antenna and tips of the legs fulvous, thorax semi- cordate anteriorly.—It lives in the Alleghany mountains They form large socies ties and build their nests in the fallen pine trees. The antenna are divergent, straight, moniliform, Jaws large, abdomen ringed obtuse, wings much longer, h: ri- zontal, greyish ; length one third of an inch.

61. Formica sncemnea. Entirely of a fine shining and ‘ransparent amber colour: thorax with three knots ; abdomen oboval-clliptical; antenna club shaped up- wards, two fifths of total length—It lives in small socicties of about one hundred individuals, under stones in the knobs of Kentucky; length about one-tenth of aninch. Head large, rounded ; palps visible, antenna bent inwards, the first knot of the thorax longer and bearing the legs. Larva white, oblong and pandu- rate orbilobed. I have already observed about twenty species of Antsin the U. States, mostly new; I am preparing a monography of them.

62. Chermes Silphium-trifoliatum. Elliptical, nearly truncate at both ends; length double the breadth, pale olivaceous green, back convex, undivided; ar.

[10 J tenna very short.—Found in Kentucky, onthe S$. ¢rzfoliatwin ; length one-eighth of an inch ; i! preduces a kind of white substance or mealy wax. J . 63. Locusta cwiiptera: Back brown, head and belly yellow, wings blue with two red stripes.—Length half an inch; a beautiful little species found in Illinois and Indiana, © * } ; 64 Locusta erythropoda, Yellowish, back with small transversal brown lines:

eyes and wings greenish brown: legs withblack knees and red feet.—Length one inch. Seen in Indiana and Kentucky.


65. Firudo aterrima Entirely black, oblong. obtuse.—Length over one inch ¢ foun: in the swamps and bi; ous of the valley of the river Ohio. There are at least twenty. other undescribed species of Leeches inthe United States. :

66. Hirudo Ohiensis. Olivaceous, elongated, flattened, obtuse ; back with two parallel rows of distant red dotts —Length two or three inches. Found in the Ohno, at the mouth of the Kenhaway. :

67. ¢hrndoticolor. Oblong, obtuse, attenuated behind ; red above, with a lon- gitucdinal black stripe, yellow or orange colouw beneath.—Length less than one inch In the swamps near Lake Champlain. ;

63. Hirudo marmorata. Oblong, obtuse, blackish variegated with brown white and rufous sputs.—Together with the foregoing and same size.


XVE.N.G. Puowyers Differs from Limar by no visible mantle, the longer pair of tentacule terminal and club shaped, the shorter tentacula lateral and obleng —The name means friend of fangi, on which they feed.

69. Phitomueus guudrilus. Grey, back smooth, with four longitudinal rows of irregular black spots, long tentacula black and approximated : rather attenuated behind, tail obtuse —On the banks of the Hudson, length over half an inch.

70. Philumycus oxyurus. Fulvous grey, stender, back wrinkled longitudinally ; tentacula brown, the lateral ones very small]; tail acutz, carinated above,—Length tw-thirds ofan inch, in New-York

TL. Philomyens fuscus. Entirely brown, tentacwla thick, back smooth, tail com- pressed, acute.—In Ohio, on Amanita elliptica ; length one-fourth of an inch.

72. Philomycusflexnolaris. Fulvous, back variegated with flexuose brown lines, slightly wrinkled transversally ; attenuated behind, tail obtuse —Length from nz to twoinches, it may change its shape. Found on the Catskill moun- tains. There are many other species of this genusin the United States.

XVII N.G Eumeres. Differs from Limax by no visible mantle, the four ten- taciiJa almost in one row in front and cylindrical, nearly equal, the smallest pair between the larger ones. —Name mythological,

73 Enmelus nebulosus. Body nearly cylindrical, rounded at both ends; back Smvoth, crowded with grey and fulvows spots intermixed of the same tinge, with- out spots beneath ; tentacula brown.—Length about one inch; im Ohio and Ken- tucky. /

74. Eumelus lividus. Livid brown above, greyish beneath, antenna black, ob- tuse behind, back smooth and convex.—Length one inch; in Ohio, Indiana and Kenitneky 3

73. Linar gracilis, Body slender, head and lower tentacula fulvous, neck mev, upper tentacula brownish, mantle dark fulvaus, back smooth brown, beneata

irty white ; tail brown, obtuse above, mucronate and acute beneath —Probubly areal Limax. Yet it has the two long tentacula inserted above the neck, while the small ones are terminal, and all slightly club shaped It may perhaps form a sub wenus Deroceras Length over one inch. Found near Hendersonville in Kentucky, and in woods, ;

XVIL NG Hewrvoma “(Univalve land shell). Spire raised and smooth ; 0- pening obliqual elliptic, with an interior raised half margin on the inside lip, a lit- Ue twisted ; Columella decurrent on the whorl obliquely and with a very small umbilieus.— the name means half margin. j

76 ‘emiloma ovata Ovate, verv obtuse, smooth, six spires, breadth two-thirds of the lenyth,--Found near Lexington, in nearly a fossil state, by Mr. John D. Clif- ford ; whitish, length three-sixteenth of an inch.


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77. Pleurocera-verrucosa. Ellipsoidal, top very obtuse, base of the opening obe tase, inside lip thickly plaited ; four spires, the two lost fattened, the ott « orge, with several rows of warts, back of the opening wrinkle d.-- Length abs ut ‘woe thirds of an inch, not quite double the breadth ; colour olivaceous brown, opor 1g whitish. It lives in the lower parts of the Ohio. ‘his genus which conta tis near- ly twenty species of fluviatile shells, was described inmy 70 N. G. Annals, &e. I have discovered already about one hundred and eighty species of fluviatile and land shells in the United States.



XIX. NG Maca tsua. Borly free, globular, cartilaginecus, without external organs. A large transversal narrow opening or mouth, ikea cleft. Inside lol- low, sides covered with undulated, plicated and lobed appendages.— This curious genus belongs to the order Monostomia, family Gymnotremia, and sub-family .dsum- opia, next to Mevastoma. Zocorum, ce. The name means large cleft.

78. Megalisma maculata early spherical. smeoth, brown with black spots. Ii was taken on the bank of Newfoundland ; diameter six inches. Moving, roll- ing on itself, contractible mouth shut or gaping

79. Milleporagnoniifirmis. Elongate, curved simple, torulose or beaded ; seg- Ments unequal. oval or oblong, roundea, solid ; pores nearly in transverse rows, subequal, suboval and rathyr approximate Fossil, near Lexington. One among the three hundred N. sp. of fossil animals, discovered in Kentucky by Mr. Clifford and myself.



AX ON G. seirentom. Bory flat, floating, gelatinous, evanescent, homogen- ous, without organs, :mequaily triangular.—I have first proposed this last class of animals, which have oniy invisible pores instead of months. This genns beloogs tothe order Gymneria fanily omendia, sub family plopoiu, next to Mteropsi'y

BU Scalentum tlaniwen. Flat, level aud thin, transparent, the three sues u cqul and stiaight, angles nearly acute—In the Atlantic ocean: breadth six inches.

81. Sealenium undulatum. Margin undulated, one side much smaller, sides stightly carved outward, angles obtuse ; colour hyaline, faintly coloured with y el- lowish.—Jn the Atluitic ocean.


82. Vitis denticulata. Branches and petio!s striated and pubescent, petiols sub- equal. leaves reniform, acute, subtrilobe, denticulate, denticules very small and callose, shining above, white tomentose beneath, nerves rufous; flowers polyga- mous —In the state of New-York. I presented three years ago to the Philosophi- val Society of N. York a memoir of the Vives of that state, contai. ing ten species, wherevf seven were new: this is one ot them

83. Prunus cuneata Shrubby, branches s'raight, round, biangular, leaves cu- neate, obtuse, erenate, base entire, glaucous beneath ; umbels sessile, commonly quadriflore, calix serrulate, rugose transversally —On the mouitains of Peun= sylyania, probably a Cherry shrub, it risestwo feet, branches dark purple, leaves and flowers small, peduncles short, three to five flowers together, white ; it blos- sems in May.

84. Prunus tviflora. Arborescent, branches crooked and smooth, leaves sub- sessile, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, crenate, sub-obtusc ; umbels sessile, com- monly triflore, calix acute, petals erose —A tree twenty feet high, probably a Cherry tree. In the mountains of Pennsylvania, - Flowers numerous, white, smelling strongly of honey.

85. Rosa pusilla. Stem procumbent, smooth and crooked, stipular thers straight, petiols pubescent, folioles 3-5, shining above, pubescent and pale be- neath, obovate, oblong, serrate, base entire, flowers solitary, peduncle hispid, a tomentose, umbilicate, fruits smooth, globular, depressed, calix appendi- culated.—A very small shrub, four to six inches bigh, fruits rather large, saffron colour, 1 found it at Button lick in the knob hills of Kentucky. LThave sent to Europe the Prodromus of a monograpby of America Roses, in which thirty-three Species and twenty vaneties are described, whcrcof one-half are new.

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86. Azalea fragrans. Foliosiflore, leaves obiong-cuneate, Pristly-citiate, bast, acute, end obtuseiy mucronate, glaucous beneath; uuibels intersoliate, nultifiore, bractate, bracteas scaly, ovate obtuse, concave, tube clongate, vise su pilose, Stamina and style twice as long as the coralla —A beautiful shrub, three to four feet high, growing on the mountains of Maryland and Virginia. Flowers large, white, smelling like Caprifulium and blossoming in June. : % E

87. Oxalis montana Stemless, creeping, caudex fibrose. petioles flaccid, foli- oles thin, obcordate, dilatate, almost reniform, smvoth, siightly ciliate, scape uni- flore equal to the leaves, styles and petals longer than the stamina, petals ct .e- ate emarginate.—'Lhis is the 0. acetosella of Pursh, but not of Linneus. TI found it on the summit of the Catskill mountains in the state of New-York. Pctals white, veined with purple, base yellowish, blossoming in June 2 :

88. Delphidium ( Delphinium_) fexuosum. Nearly smooth, stem upright, sim- ple, thick and flexuose, laves ou long petioles, palmated, divisions bilid, some- what laciniate, lanceolate acute ; raceme thick ovate, flowers nodding, spur ad- scencent, rather curved, as long as the corolla; capsules quaternate.—A_ small but fine species discovered on lurtle creek, near Pittsburgh. Itrises only one foot, it blossoms n May, flowers dark violet with a white palate, Taceme often with eight flowers. £ have modified the name of Delphinium which was nearly identical with Delphinus a genus of animals. nee

89. Dentaria parvifolia. Root tubersse vermicular, stem slender, leaves trifoli- tate, the radical ones with folioles petiolate, ovate, acute, serrate, lariniate, hose of the caulinar leaves sessile lanceolate, serrate or entire. —A small species, rising ouly four to six inches, Ifoundit on the beautiful banks of the Loyalhannal. creek in western Pennsylvania; it blossoms in May, flowers of a p:le rose colour, stigma capitate, raceme slender, leaves small.

90: Silene miniata. Stem viscid, pubescent, striated, leaves oblong, acute, pu- bescent, the radical ones petiolate, ciliolate and slightly undulate; flewers ter- ininal few, calix viscid, cylindrical-clavate, decangular, petals obtuse, bidentate, sapsule globos:-clavate, unilocular—A fine perennial species, about afoot high, leaves remote, flowers scarlet, like red lead and dazzling bright; but facing in drying. I lave seen it sometimes wiih four petal, eight stamina, &c. It may be probably necessary to re-establish the geius sttocion of Adanson, cot taining the species of Si/ene with unilocular capsules, in which case this speciesinay be called Atocion miniatum,

91. Rumer sylvatica. Reot tuberose, cylindrical, fusiform, stem angular, fur- rowed, straiglit & simple, leaves petiolate, ovate, oblong, nearly entire, flat, acute at both ends ; raceine elongate, naked and articulated, calix with the external se- pals small, oblong, obtuse, internal ones or petals lacerated ovate, one granular, grain spherical, very large.—Discovered in the woodsof western Kentucky, blos- soming in August; stem hardly overone foot high, radical leaves small,

92. Polygonum punctatum. ~ Stem branched, leaves broad lance olate, acumi. nate, dotted beneath, petiolate, sheaths nervese mutic ; spikes dense, elongate, bracteas ovate, acuminate, membranaceous, flowers geminute, nearly sessile ; ca- lix unequally quinquefid, divisions obtuse, two larger, five stamina, two styles, seed obtuse lenticular—-It grows in western Kentucky and blossoms in August ; flowers white, stem two or three feet lngh. The genus Polygonum must soon be divided, this then will forma genus or sub-genus, with the other species having an unequul calix, five stam. two st. and lenticular seed ; it might be called Chulic- sium,

93. Polygonum serotiyum. Shrubby, stem upright, striated, much branched; branches a igular, virgate ; leaves nearly sessile, ovate-ublong, acute, smooth; sheaths split laterally, lacerated, membranaceous + flowers axillary, fasciculate, pedunculate, polygamous: cxlix rhomboidal, unequally quinguefid, five stamina, three sessile stigmas ; seed unequally triangular, conical, smooth, longer than the calix.—A large species, discovered near Lexington in fields; it forms a small shrub two or three feet high, woody only at the base and blossoming in October.. It approximates to P. ramosissimum of Mx, & P. parvifolium of Nuttall ; but not at allto P. erectum of L. which Pursh has wrongly united withthe former. Branches nearly naked, leaves very small, flowers two to five together on peduncles as long as them, sreen, tip rose coloured. This species will probably belongto the genus Polygonella of Mx, which L have called Lyonella. 1tis polygamous by the abor- Sion of the stamina, ,

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94. Lycupus angustifulius. Leaves sessile, elongate, linear-lanceclate, acumi- nate, remote, serrate in the middle ; base dilatated ; whorls pauciflore ; bracteas and teeth of the calix subulate ; corolla equal to the calix; stamina hardly cx- erted.—Found in western Kentucky, blossoming in August; size one foot Pee rennial.

95. Geniuna serpentoria. _ Stem cylindrical flexuose ; leaves cuneate or oboe vate-oblong, obtuse, nearly trinerve, undulate, smooth ; flowers fasciculate, ses- sile ; bracteas sub-petiolate, lanceolate, acute ; calix campanulste, shorter than half ct the coroila, pentagone, sintisscs membranaceous, truncate ; sepals linear, acute, felicceous, carinate ; corolla tubulosce. five toothed ; teeth erect, elongate, obtuse, notched ; sinusses unequally toothed—Next to G. ochroleuca and G. ca- desbei ; fiowers straw colour veined with green ; five free stamina ; filaments ‘ri- gone ; anthers white, obtusely sagittated. It grows in Indiana where its routs are sepposed to stupify the venomous snakes and cure their dite.

XXILN.G Inysanties. Calix five parted, sub-equal, ebracteate ; corolla tur bulose, bilabiate ; upper lip ercet, short, bidentate, sinus obtuse ; lower tip iri- lobe, sinusses acute ; lobes nearly equal, rounded, entire, concave. Stamina two fertile under the upper lip ; anthers unilocular ; wo sterile filaments under the lower lip. Ovary oblong; style gompresscd above; stigma bilamellate. Capsul obtong-cylindrical, unilocular, bivalve, myriosperme ; receptacle central, cylin- drical.—This genus differs from Gretiola by the caiix, corolla and capsul. ‘The name meansinad flower. Habit of Gresicla and Lindernia ; leaves opposite ses- sile ; flowers axillary.

96. I'ysunthes riparia Branched, smooth, divaricate or decu:nbent ; leaves ovatc-oblong, obtuse, nearly five nerved, remote toothed, thickish ; peduncles alternate upright, as lung as the Icaves ; sepals of the calix subulate, shorer than the capsul—It grows‘on the overflowed banks and islands of the Ohio and tribu- tary streams, in the mud or even in the watcr. Stems quadrangular ; Bowers pale bluc, lower lip marginated with white. It blossoms in July and August. Annual. A var.ety has broader ovate leaves. hardly toothed.

97. Cuscuta paradoca. Stemless, parasite. verticillate ; whorls capitate and dense ; flowers sessile ; calix membranaceous, five parted; sepals embricate, o-

vate, lanceolate ; coro!la tubulose, quadrifid, equal to the calix ; sepals ianceolate, acute ; four stamina, no appendages; two long styles ; stigaius capitate —In the barrens of Indiana and Ilinois on the stem of Vernonia A very singular plant; its stems are filiform and very slender in their youth , but dry and fade while the plant blossoms. Flowers white ; blossoming in June. Annual

98. Cuscuta acaviis. Stemless, parasite, glomerate, compact, amplectent, dense ; flowers sessile ; calix membranaceous, five parted; sepals ovate, acute, corolla campanulate, urccolate, 5 fid ; sepals short, ovate, actite ; stamina five, no appendages ; two long styles ; stigma capitate.—Very similar to the forego- ing. Isit only a varicty of it ? Found on Eupatorium, Spirea, &c. in the barrens of Kentucky, blussoming in August; flowers white, seldem whorled ; but in large

_amplexicaule glomerations.

99. Gerardia levigata. Smooth; leaves nearly petiolate, lanceolate, acute, entire, pale beneath ; flowers nearly spiked, sub-sessile ; bracteas sessile, ovate lanceolate ; calix campanulate, semi quinquefid ; divisions obtuse —An interme- diate species between G. flava or villusa and G. glenca or quercifoliu, but very distinct from both. It grnws onthe knob hills of Kentucky, the Cumberland mountains and the Alleghany. It rises about two feet. Stem faintly quadrangular, purplish, simple or branched. Bracteas small; flowers yellow, large, similar to those of G. fava, and blossoming inJuly and August. Perennial.


100. Sambucus humilis. Perennial; stem herbaceous, fiexuose, few Icaved ; Teaves five foliolate ; folioles nearly sessile, ovate-elliptical, thin, serrate, acumi- nate, terminalone lacger and petiolate ; cyme terminal quinquefi:l ; two short binate and lanceolate bracteas—On the banks ofthe Ohio in Virginia; it blos- somsin June ; stem only one foot high ; leaves large ; flowers white. It will re- present in America the ¥ Fbulus

191. Cornus obliqua, Shrubby; branches nearly cylindrical, semirugose dicht


tomous; eaves petiolate, elliptical lanceolate, acuminate, smooth, yellowish glau. eeousbenea'h ; cyme erect, pedunculate, axillary ‘o the last « ichotomics and much shorter, naked and trichotomous.—A shrub four to five feet high, growing on the banks of the Kentucky river. J described itin the Western Review, vol, 1. p 229. The C albida of Erhart which isa distinct species, differs from it by Janceclate leaves, not obliqual, dimidiate petits, cvms terminal, &c. and the €. polugama of Fl- Ludoviciana by sessile leaves, fruit black, &c. ;

102 JImustonia rapestiis. Smooth; stems fruticulose, assurgent and genicu- late ; leaves long linear, attenuate andacute at both ends; flowers corymbose paniculate ; pedoticles short, unequal; divisions of the corolla lanceclate acute, style exert, Capsule elongate —A small shrub, a foot high, growing on the cliffs of the Kentueky river, and blossoming in August. It is very different from tenvifoha of Nuttall which is not frutescent ; _ 103. Aparine ( Gulium L_) viscidiflora, Stem erect ; leaves quaternate, semi- peti late, ovate-lanceolate, nearly obtuse trinerve, margin and nerves ciliate ; flowersin divaricate, lateral, loose and trichotomous panicles; bractes opposite lanceolate ; neduncles long and slender ; corolla visci’, divisions ovate mucro- nate. frnit smooth.—A pretty species with dark purple flowers ; it grows in the Alles\.anyv mountains of Maryland, &c blossoming in June. Stem a foot high ; Perennial. ‘Vhe finnean name of Galinnh being nearly the same as .7liwna, the former and better name cf Tournefort ought to.be emploved instea ,

104. Cacalic panicrtata ‘Stem grooved ; aes peticla’, rhon icidal, acute at hoth ends: base entire, remainder uncquolly sinuate ; teeth large. acute: flow. ers paniculate ; neduncles divaricate, with some small scaly bractcoles ; perian- the five leaved, five flowered: phvlles lanceolate. carinate —lt grows in the knob hil!s of Kentucky, blossomirg in Aucust ; fowers white.

105 Cacalia pteranthes, Stem grooved ar’ c:ocl ed; leaves petiolate, ovete or lanceolate. acute thick laviniate ; flowers corvmbose, paniculate ; peduncles elongate ; perianthe five Jeaved. five flowered ; phvlles oblong, with an undula- ted wing on the back —It grows in the barrens of Indiana and Hlinois, Flowers white: it has much affinity with the foregoing

106. Solidago sphacelata. -Sten striated, pubesce:t above ; leaves petiolate, ovete acute, mucronate, serrated inthe middle, rough on the edges and beneath, infericr ones subeordate ; flowers sessile. lateral spikes loose, denseflowered and shert, the lower ones recurved, reflexed. the terminal one erect; folioles of the perianthe oblong obtuse, brown or sphacelate at the end, adpressed, ligules ob- tuse, hardly longer.—It grows on the hills of Kentvekv and Virginia, vising less than two feet; leaves small, abent an inch Jong ; ; flowers of a dirty brownish yellov blossoming in August Px rennial.

107. Solidago rupesirvis, Stem straight. slender, striated, pubescent above ; leaves crowded, bread, linear, sessile, very acute, with faint rem ‘e servatures, except at the end, smooth and trinervate ; flowers lateral. ascending, pedancrla- ted ; racemes crowded, naniculated, elongate, flexuose. bracteate. divaricate, the terminal one reflexed ; bracteolesubulate; folioles of the nerianthe loose, subu. Jate, acute ; ligules elongate, narrow, Tinear.—A fine species. growing on the cliffs of the Kentucky river. and blossoming in ‘ugust; flawers bright yellow ; leaves slender, breadth only one-tenth ofthe length. Stemtwo feet high. It has some affinity with S odara butis not fimgrart. Thad wronely called it S. par- -ifora in some specimens sent to severa! botanists, Perennial.

108. Helianthus hirsutus. Hirsute ; leaves shirtly petiolate; lanceolate very acute. remote, serrate, pale beneath. somewhat trinervate: flowers terminal, soli- fary, nearly sessile ; folioles of the perianthe adnressed, ovate, acute, ciliate, stria- ted, brownish —T found it on the knob hills of Kentucky, blossoming in August: Stem twoorthree feet high, simple, covered with stiff grey hrirs very much er “dled,those of the leaves are more remote. Perennial

SSW ON.G. Peraminvs. Perianthe 12-16 partite ona single row, folioles al- ferpatels longer and shorter; eight sterile rays without ovarv. Phoranthe con- vex, paleaccous. Floretswith a triangular ovary without feeth, 'tybulose cam. panutate, Seeds triangular, naked, smooth —-This is another of the numerous

va having affinities with Rudbeckia, Ratibida, Tehachus and Coreopsis, from ffs by the naked seed, fe. and from Ohelist-ca by the simple perians h phorsnthe and triangular seeds The Coreopsis acuta, P. Cor scabra BPI. Vado’ oa) C. patmata rosea and nudata Nuttall w'0 belong either to this ge~ nusorte Udclisecc, ‘The name means alternating around.


102. Peramidus hirtus. Bristly ; stem angular, flexuose and nearly dichotome ; leaves semi-amplexicaule, lanceolate, acuminate, serratein the middle, the lower ones ovate-lanceolate ; flowers somewhat corymbose, nearly sessile ; folioles of the perianthe linear, lanceolate, hardly acute; chaffs ovate-lanceolate, acuimi- nate, purplish, as longas the florets; rays elliptical, notched, hardly longer thrn the perianthe --It grows on the hills near Licking riverin Kentucky Stem two or three feet high, covered with stiff white hairs as well as the leaves: it blossoms in August. I called it once Coreopsis hirta; rays vellow. Perennial.

WO. Gyaena viscidu. Partly pubescent and clammy ; leaves petiolate, ellip- tical, lanceolate, acuminate at both ends, mucronate, serrate, base entire ; flows ers corymbose, terminal and axillary, glomerulated ; folioles of the perianthe o- vateelanceolate, acute, rufous, ciliolate —A fine plant not uncommon in Kentucky in fickls and woods, It belongs tothe genus Gynema of my flora ludoviciana. Stem two to three feet high. ‘The whole plant has a very strong balsamic smell. It blossous in August and September; flowers pale red. I had fornerly cailed it G. dentata. Biennial.




U1 Lobelianivea. Stem simple, smooth, striated above ; leaves adpressed, cuneate, obtuse, emarginate, ciliolate, slightly rough, glaucous beneath, laterally aotched, notches glandular ; spike racemose, elongate, slender ; bracteoles subu- late ; flowers nodding ; peduncles shortcr than the calix ; sepals subulate.—-A pretty species, with a very long-spike of small snow-white flowers. I found it at the Blue licks in Kentucky, blossoming in July. Ferennial Stem one or two feet hich.

Ll2. WMelothria nigra. . Stem filiform, angular trailing ; leaves roughish, sub- reniform, five lobed, remote, denticulated, middle lobe longer, cirrhes and pe- duncles fasciculated with the leaves; flowers polygamous, monoical, mule, pe- duncles unifore, the males multiflore, berries globular ovate, black, shining.—I¢ grows in the valley of the Kentucky river near Estill; Stem trailing on the ground from three to ten fect ; leaves and flowers suvul, these vellow, blossom- ing in August. It offers many varietics, all distinct from pendula. An- nual.

113. Ludwigia tuber sa. Roots tubevose, geminate, fusiform ; stem simple, flexuose, angular; leaves alternate sessile, smooth, entire, ovate-oblong, acute at both ends; flowers terminal, one to ‘hree pedunculated ; capsuls 4gone, ob- pileate, short, truncate.—It grows on the banks of the Ohio in Virginia; stem on- ly six inches high, it blossoms in September. Perennial.

114. Oenothera pilosella. Pilose; stem simple, flexuose, patcifore, ; radical leaves petiolate ovate, obtuse, toothed, caulinar, sessile, ovate-oblong, acuie, entire ; flowers terminal, sessile ; tube of the calix shorterthanthe limo. which is four toothed, split laterally ; petals obc orilute, as !ong as the calix ; capsul oo- Jong, 4 gone, venose.—Discoyered in Indiana near Evansville. Biennial. Six inches high Flowers yellow, bloss oming in August.

11S. Cactus humifusus. Articulated ; articles diffuse, procumbent, obovate, flat; spinules very minute, rufescent; fruits lateral, scattered, inerme, smooth, ovate, scarlet.—This is the common Cactus of the United States, which has been mistaken for .he C. Opuntia by allour botanists. It grows from New-York to Kentucky and Missouri, trailing on the ground from one to fifteen feet; articles two to five inches long; flowers vellow, an inch in diameter; fruit size of a plumb, good to eat; skin very thin and quite smooth; while in, C opuntia it is thick and spinescent.


116, Habenaria racemosa. Stem flexuose, angular ;. lower leaves elliptical, ob- tuse, upper ones lanceolate and small ; flowers racemose, pedunculate; bracteas oblong, lanceolate, longer than the ovary, which is fusiform; sepals elliptical, oblong, concave, sub equal; labellum tripartite : divisions cuneate, flabellace, 5 fid, lacerated ; spur shorter than the ovary.—Disc »vered by Mr Knevels, near Fishkill. Stem two feet high ; flowers purple, blossoming in August, in an oblong and thick raceme, pretty large. The genus Habenaria of Brown contains all the species of Urchis with two anthers.

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RIT. Clintonia parviflora, Leaves with the margin and keel ciliate ; ume Vettes multifiore ; flowers ercet ; sepals unguiculated ; claws crcet; limb or tute; di k obovul, obtuse.—On the Alleghany mountains in Maryland, a small spccics with white inodorous flowers. J

118. Clintoma podanisia. Leaves ciated only in the margin; nmbctule flowered; peduncles unequal, one erect, the other curved; flowers ere semi-cumpaniulate ; sepals oblong, acnte-—Found with the foregoing y Jarger fluwers large and white. My genus Clintonia (Amer. Jour, of Sc.) contains now four species; the other two are Cl mutans Dracena borealis Auct.) and CZ. ode- rate, (the Convall. umbelluicia of Michaux) ; they afford many varieties. [ have sent a new monography ef this genus to the same Journal,


SMU. N.G. Henyen.oz, Flowers capitate, involucrate, chafly or paleaceous. Chafts uniflore, glumaceous. Glum bivalve ; valves unequal, carinate, the inter- nal Jarger and involving. Staminatwo. Ovary pedicellated, elliptical, obtuse, compressed; one style, two stigmas.--The type ofthis genus is the Ay/ingia

mani, whieh t call Medychloe fragrans, and is found from Tlinois to Carciina,

139. Scirpus orgea’:s. Scapesand leaves eylindrical, smooth ; fistulose very Tong, acute : spikes lateral undcr the apex, cloniersted, ovate, suli-sessile; scale: eyate, mucronate, brown, arachnoidal.—It grows in the creeks and rivers of New York and Penasylvania, rising to five and six feet. {tis probably the Se: facustiis of our botanists, but not the European and limnean species.


120. Pelupodiim crosum. Stem filiform and smooth; frond pinnated ; fohole pinnatifid ; pinnules erose, obtuse, notched, thin and smooth; nerves flexuose sores scattered, rounded, u equal.—A smal! species, six inches hich at wtmos’ with a short frond ; it grows owrocks in the knob-hiils of Kentucky .


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MXIV. N.G. Anasromants. Fructification ix flexnose lamellar eins: anac fomosed like anet.—This genus will benext to .Heruiius and Denalea: some species of them may probably belong to it.

21. Anastomaria campanulata: Suipitaced fidvous, ; stipe thick ; peride es» panulated ; netted outside, margin erose, insides scaly and dark spotted.—Vhis may be the type of the genus. Size four or five inches, It grows in the state of Wew-York.

122. Anastommia dimidiata. Sessile, dimidiated, embricated, wrinkled above and fulvous with brown or black zones, netted beneath ; veins often bifid near the margin.—Near Catskill, state of New-York. It may be the type of a sub-genu3s Campsilicus.

123. Sisostrema globidaris. Stipe lateral, exceedingly short: peride globular, white above, flattened and reddish brown beneath, with a marginal concentric furrow—Found on a Beech tree on the Catskill mountains ; pores unequal, po- lygonal, lacerated. Perhaps anew genus, Laniyvis, intermediate between Stoa.- Gena and Boletus.


AXVN. G. Srrrniox. A floating gelatinous and flocose mass, easily divided and homogenous, without any perceptible filaments or organs—A very singulay Heuus, nex! to my G. Potarcus. It differs trom Cauferva, which consists of fixed Ulaments, and Oscillatoria of interwoven articulated ones. 1 could not perceive auy filaments in it, perhapsa microscope might show some, surrounded by a jelly. Fhe name means Tow in greek.

124. Stypnion fuitans. Vloating, elongated perpendicularly ; amorphous, flos- 6ose or lacerated; of a dirty yellowish or brown colour.—Very common on the eurface of the Ohio in Summer, having the appearance of pieces of ropes or cake @m. it smells like Conforva.





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