cS ar P.. . i ath Mw : ' 3 a i) 4 3 : ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY ; OR, MAGAZINE OF CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY, MECHANICS, NATURAL HISTORY, AGRICULTURE, AND THE ARTS. BY THOMAS THOMSON, M.D. F.R.S. L. & E. F.L.S. REGIUS PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, MEMBER OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, OF THE WERNERIAN SOCIETY, AND OF THE IMPERIAL MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL ACADEMY OF PETERSBURGH ; ARTHUR AIKIN, F.L.S, MEMBER OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, SECRETARY TO THE SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE; AND JOHN BOSTOCK, M.D. F.R.S, weMBER OF THE GEOLOGICAL sociETY, &c. &c. VOL. XII. JULY TO DECEMBER, 1818. onda : Printed by C. Baldwin, New Bridge-street; FOR BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND JOY, 47, PATERNOSTER-ROW. —~<9——— 1818. TABLE OF CONTENTS. NUMBER LXVII.—JULY, 1818. Page History of Physical Science from the Commencement of the Year 1817. PartI. By Thomas Thomson, M.D. F.R.S. &c. &c. . pete et Ad Biopraphical Sketch Of Brissqm. oe oe ooo es ace os wo clos an ane tin nweeees 3 43 On the Geography of Plants. By N. I. Winch, te Ecteho ecteAseaeg 45 Account OL 2 SLOT SUSSEX I W720... «oes els cha) puivapsis nic eleaibieis ae ois oe 49 On the Construction of Fire-places to Steam Boilers. By John and Phi- lip Taylor, Civil Engineers ........sesseeceeeccceee ceeceeecrenenes bi Observations on the River Zaire ...... Sue Re IaG6e AcBaeewiae arabes nee aor Morphium and Meconic Acid........cesseeee cece sees teeeceeceeeeeeee 55 On softening Steel by heating and quenching it, and on the hardening and tempering it at one Operation. By 'Thomas Gill, Esq.........-...++. 58 History of Dr. Brewster’s Kaleidoscope, with Remarks on its supposed Resemblance to other Combinations of plain Mirrors. From a Corre- BEVELED bays ines a asaiein cic ee cieielaeae esas ee seals iptalsiaie e's eisiaaisiagini= s\sle:n ine aisle 59 Proceedings of the Royal Society, May 28, June4, and 11............ 67 —_—_—_—_—_——. Geological Society, March 6, April 3, 17, May 1, and 15 es Evens sun ee tale ies alorcis sini tein siace ate 69 Linnzan Society, May 5, 25, June 2, and16...... 71 Attempts to penetrate into the Interior of Africa . 1.2... 0222s eeueeeenee 72 PRETEEN GP wcatetle Ue estas tte senor Clas (ara\eiete diary « piatsle oip.cteiista ies (ssiasiaia 73 Cheveredtirittor:s, distilling Apparatus’... zy. sts. 1aiisisie moet meyepe's a\e' 4°80 Vegeto-animal matter. .........6- SOO aka. 3°60 Incrystallizable sugar . .....--..+4- OO Bes taoaie . 0°05 Gummy matter approaching starch .. OF baer eit. 0-10 LR GiB RS ARR NPE fa Se Re BO sive: OLS ec Fis cnt eee Phosphate. of Hume «2. 455, «ce «ne ease « «yy O40" io niet etal Muriate of potash 7 Phosphate of potash oe acid f ; > a eau taCRs Trace. egetable salt with base of lime | Ditto with base of potash | Sulphur 100-00 100-00 (Ann. de Chim et de Phys. iv. 370.) 1818.] the Commencement of the Year 1817. Part I. 39 10. Juice of Carrots—Laugier has observed that when the juice of carrots is subjected to fermentation, manna, in the state of crystals, makes its appearance in it.—(Jour de Phys. Ixxxv. 472.) , 11. Potatoes.—Vauquelin has subjected a great many different varieties of potatoe to analysis. The juice procured from the root by expression was the particular object of his research ; and ‘im this he Ras detected the following substances : 1.. Albumen of a black colour. 2. Citrate of lime. . Asparagin. . A bitter aromatic resin. . Phosphate of potash and phosphate of lime. . Citrate of potash and citric acid. . A peculiar animal matter. (Jour. de Phys. Ixxxv. 113; and Annals of Philosophy, ix. 430.) 12. Almonds.—The emulsive seeds have been thought to con- sist principally of a mixture of starch and fixed oil. M. Vogel, however, has lately discovered that the bitter almond contains no starch but albumen, or a substance analogous to curd, in the proportion of 30 per cent. This interesting discovery has been confirmed by the result of an examination of the sweet almond by M. Boullay ; and it is not improbable that the other emulsive ‘seeds are similarly circumstanced.—(Schweigger’s Jour. xx. 59; Journ. Pharm. Aug. 1817; Annals of Philosophy, 1x. 426.) 13. Copper as a Constituent of the Ashes of Plants.—Bucholz and Proust announced a good many years ago that they had detected copper in the ashes of certain plants. Very lately Dr. W. Meissner, an apothecary in Halle, made a set of experi- ments on the same subject. He detected traces of copper in the ashes of the following seeds : SID OF > OO Grana Paradisi, Cardomomum minus ; and the roots of Curcuma longa, Galanga ; but the quantity is so small that it is by’ no means easy to dis- cover its existence at all. He found the action of the galvanic battery to be the most unequivocal means of detecting the presence of that metal when it exists in very small quantity in a mixed mass.—(Schweigger’s Journal, xvii. 340.) XII. ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. 1. Nourishing Properties of Substances destitute of Azote.— Most of my readers are probably acquainted with the very curious experiments made some time ago by M. Magendie, in Paris. He fed dogs on sugar, allowing them no other nourish- 40 History of physical Science from (Jury, ment except water. The animals swallowed the food with avidity; but they gradually became thin, and in about six weeks died of starvation. An ulcer always broke out in the cornea of the eyes, and they lost their sight some days before their death. The same experiments were repeated on other dogs, substituting gum and butter for sugar. The result in both cases was exactly the same. From these experiments, M. Magendie drew as a conclusion that food destitute of azote is incapable of nourishing dogs.—(Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. 111. 66.) hese experiments are of so decisive a nature that they seem at first sight perfectly conclusive. There is one circumstance, however, which would render it desirable that the experiments should be repeated in a somewhat different manner—l allude to the great fudluende of habit upon the digestive powers of animals. It is possible that the stomach of dogs may not be capable at once of digesting food so different from what these animals are accustomed to, as sugar, gum, and butter. But ifthe change of food were brought about gradually, and not all at once, is it not probable that dogs might be made to live upon sugar, gum, and even butter? A sheep is accustomed to live upon vegetable food, and it is incapable at first of digesting animal food ; but it may be brought by degrees to relish animal food, and even to live on it. Itis said that in such cases the animal becomes incapable of digesting vegetable food. This effect of habit renders it very ‘difficult to draw unexceptionable consequences from experiments on living animals. ; 2. Composition of Animal Substances—Berard has subjected several animal substances to analysis by heating them in a glass tube previously mixed with peroxide of copper. The following table exhibits their constituents as then obtained : , Constituents by Weight, Total. Azote. Carbon. Oxygen. | Hydrogen. Dress s'fe 43°40 19-40 26°40 10-80 100 Uric acid. ..| 39°16 33°61 18°89 8:34 100 Butter. ....| 00°00 | 66:34 14-02 19-64 100 Bai iis Sass 00°00 | 69-00 9°66 21°34 100 Mutton suet.) 00°00.| 62-00 14-00 24:00 100 Cholesterine.| 00°00 72°01 6°66 21°33 100 Cetine. ....| 00°00 81-00 6:00 13-00 100 Fish oil ....| 00-00 79°65 6:00 14:35 100 Urate of barytes he found composed of Uric acid. ..... 61:64 2.2.04. 100°00....... 15°667 Barytes ...... 38°36 ....4. 62:23 ....2. O75 100-00 ‘ 1818.] the Commencement of the Year 1817: Part I. 4) Urate of potash is composed of Uric acid. .... 70°11 ...... 100-00 ...... 14074 Potash. ...... 29.89 Remain APO wee tien,’ 0 OO 100-00" (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. v. 290.) Dr. Prout has subjected urea, sugar, and uric acid, to analy- sis in the same manner as Berard. From the great degree of recision with which he makes all his experiments, and their very equent repetition, in the present case I am disposed to place very great confidence in their accuracy. A full detail of these experiments has been inserted in the Annals of Philosophy, ix. 352. Berard has made a very curious experiment. He mixed toge- ther 1 volume carbonic acid, 10 volumes carbureted hydrogen, 20 volumes hydrogen, ‘ which nearly represent the elements of fat, and passed the mix- ture through a red-hot porcelain tube. He obtained a substance in small white crystals, lighter than water, soluble in alcohol, and fusible by heat into a substance similar to fixed oil. Dobe- reimer, also, by mixing coal gas and aqueous vapour in a red-hot iron tube is said to have produced a substance similar to fat. 3. Cetine—This is the name which Chevruel has given to the substance known in commerce by the name of spermaceti. He has published a new memoir on the subject, in which he has altered some of his former opinions ; but as I have hitherto seen only.a part of this memoir, [ think it better to defer this subject till our next historical sketch. 4. Conversion of Animal Bodies into Fat.—M. Gay-Lussac has announced it as his opinion that the apparent conversion of animal bodies into fat is merely a deception ; and is nothing else than the wasting away of the muscular fibres while the fat remains. He states some experiments which corroborate this opinion. Fibrin of blood was kept in water renewed once every two or three days for three months. It was all wasted away, and no fat whatever remained. Muscle of beef and liver being treated in the same way, some fatty matter remained (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. iv. 71). I have little doubt, notwithstanding these experiments, that in certain cases, at least, something more happens than mere putrefaction. A remarkable example occur- red to me last winter. About the year 1684, a poor woman was drowned in a moss in Ayrshire, as she was going to visit her friends. She was carried to the neighbouring church-yard to be 42 History of physical Science from {[Jury, interred ; but the curate (for the church of Scotland at that time was episcopalian) refused to permit her body to be deposited in consecrated ground. She was in contequence carried back, and buried in the place where she was found. The proprietor of the estate had the curiosity last year to open the grave. The body was found quite entire, and even the plaid in which it had been wrapped was in good preservation; but the whole body was converted into a hard saponaceous matter. I had the curiosity to examine a portion cut from the thigh, which was sent to the Glasgow museum. It was hard and firm, and had the aspect of soap. On treating it with alcohol, I found that it was composed chiefly of the adipocire, which has been so often described and exammed that it would be superfluous to give any description. But the whole was not adipocire ; there remained undissolved by the alcohol a number of thin films, quite similar in appearance to the coats of the bladder. The quantity of fatty matter in this Instance was by far too great to suppose it to have pre-existed in the living body. 5. Powson of the Viper—From the experiments of Professor Mangili, it appears that the poison of the viper may be swallowed with impunity by animals, and that it preserves its poisonous qualities even after being kept 26 months.—(Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. iv. 169.) 6. Colouring Matter of the Blood.—Berzelius has published an instructive paper on this subject. According to him, Vau- quelin’s method of separating the colouring matter from blood by means of sulphuric acid, is unnecessary, and does not answer well. Berzelius’s method is very simple. Place the clot of blood upon bloating paper, to get rid of the serum as completely as possible ; then put the clot into water. The colouring matter is dissolved, while the fibrmremains. By evaporating the water, the colouring matter may be obtained in a separate state. No iron can be detected in the colouring matter while undecomposed ; but when reduced to ashes, about a half per cent of iron can always be separated.—(Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. v. 42.) 7. Respiration of Tortoises.—Few animals are able to live for any time when plunged under oil. Even those that can resist the vacuum of an air-pump, or which revive after being drowned in water, never revive if they have been kept for some time under oil. The leech alone is capable of remaining for some hours under oil with impunity. It appears from the experiments of Carradori, that the land tortoise possesses the same remarkable quality.. He kept one under oil for six hours. When he appeared dead, he was taken out and exposed to the air, and recovered. The same tortoise lived under oil for 24 hours. On being taken out, he vomited a considerable quantity of oil ; but died. Another tortoise lived 33 hours under oil; but was dead in 36 hours.—(Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. v. 94.) 1818.] the Commencement of the Year 1817. Part I. 43 8. Urinary Calculus of a Horse-—Bucholz has lately sub- jected a very remarkable calculus from a horse to a chemical analysis. This calculus had a brownish green colour, was des- titute of smell, but had a bitter taste. Its specific gravity was 1:07526. It was composed of concentric coats covering a nucleus of hair’ From its chemical properties it seems very similar to resin ; though it is distinguished from vegetable resin by its insolubility in sulphuric ether, by the feeble action’ of sulphuric acid on it, and by nitric acid converting it into Welter’s bitter principle, and by some other characters of less importance. When this calculus was burned to ashes, it left the following substances : : ; Silica, Phosphate of lime, Carbonate of lime, Alumina, Oxide of iron, Oxide of manganese, a trace, Sulphate of lime, a trace. (Schweigger’s Jour. xvii. 1.) The preceding historical sketch, from the length of time that has elapsed since the last was written, has extended to such a length, that I have thought it nght to leave out most of the apers which have already made their appearance in the Annals of Philosophy. (To be continued.) Arricre I]. Biographical Sketch of Brisson. Brisson was born at Fontenai, on April 3, 1723, and like many others of his countrymen, who afterwards became distin- guished for their scientific attamments, was originally destined for the ecclesiastical profession. Early in life, however, he was so fortunate as to attract the notice of Reaumur, from whom he acquired a taste for natural history, and under whose auspices he commenced his literary career, after he had renounced his original destination. He was employed by his patron in the arrangement of hiseabinet, and was induced to form a new classification of the specimens, which was principally derived from their external characters and most obvious qualities. He afterwards determined to make a general application of the method which he had employed in Reaumur’s cabinet ; and beginning by the animal kingdom, he divided it into nine classes, depending upon their greater or less resemblance to man. In 44 Biographical Sketch of Brisson. [Jury, 1756 he published the first two classes, the quadrupeds, and the cetacea; the prevailing character of the work is simplicity, the descriptions and the nomenclature are all marked by this quality, -and the whole seems to have been intended to convey the greatest possible quantity of information in the least assuming manner. In 1760 the third part, the omithology, appeared, a work that contained more original matter and more scientific research, than the former, and tended to raise his character to a higher rank as a naturalist. At this period, however, he had the misfortune to lose his friend Reaumur, and from some cause, with which we are not acquainted, Buffon and Daubenton, under whose care Reaumur’s cabinet was placed, threw some obsta~ cles to his use of it, and by this means almost compelled him to renounce his favourite pursuit. Being thus deprived of his former occupation, he accepted an offer, which was made him by the Abbé Nollet, to become his assistant in the lectures on natural philosophy, which he deli- vered in the college of Navarre. In this new situation, he exerted all the energies of his mind upon experimental philo- sophy, which had been before bestowed upon natural history ; and he seemed to have experienced no diminution of his ardour for science, by the change in the department to which he espe- cially devoted himself. He published, in a succession of memoirs, the results of his inquiries on various topics, of which the most important is a paper which he presented to the Aca- demy in 1772, on the specific gravity of metals. This was afterwards expanded into a separate treatise on the subject, which was published in 1787, and is said to have occupied his attention for 20 years; it is generally admitted to possess the merit of great accuracy in all its parts, and retains its estimation as a work of standard value. Brisson was one of the most active members of the commission that was formed in France to esta- blish a new system of weights and measures ; and it is probable that we are indebted to him for a considerable share of the merit, both of the plan and of the execution, of the method that was adopted. Besides his papers on individual subjects, he was the author of an elementary treatise, anda dictionary of natural phi- losophy, works of established reputation, which were extensively eraployed in France, and have been translated into other lan- guages. He died of an apoplexy in 1806, and has left behind the well-earned reputation of an accurate and patient investigator of science rather than of a profound theorist, or an ingenious discoverer. What he aimed at he accompkghed ; accuracy was his great object ; and hc was more desirous of becoming useful, by removing obstacles in the road to knowledge, than of attempting himself to enter upon any new or intricate paths. His reputation with posterity will principally rest upon his treatise on the specific gravity of metals. 6 . 1818.] Mr. Winch on the Geography of Plants. 45 Articte Ii. On the Geography of Plants. By N. 1. Winch, Esq. (To the Editors of the Annals of Philosophy.) GENTLEMEN, -— Newcastle-upon-Tyne, May 4, 1818. In January last I did myself the honour of transmitting to you a a. on the distribution of vegetables indigenous in the north of England; I now continue those observations hy some remarks on the growth of native and exotic forest trees and shrubs ; and hope next morfth to conclude this slight essay on the geography of plants in our parallel of latitude, with a concise account of the fruits that ripen, and species of grain which come to perfection, at different heights in 55° North. By these data the temperature of the climate and the nature of the soils may, in some measure, be elucidated; but several meteorological facts must be deferred till I have leisure and opportunities to revise and correct my notes, which are not at present sufficiently complete to lay before your scientific readers. Of forest trees, the oak first claims our attention. In the sheltered vales of Tyne, Derwent, and Tees, it attains to a laree size, and may be considered truly indigenous ; for enormous trunks and branches are dug out of all the peat mosses which are not situated af a very considerable elevation above the levels of the rivers; and this phenomenon occurs even among the recesses of the Cheviot mountains, a district which is now des- titute of oaks. In Weardale and Teesdale, trees of a stunted growth may be traced to the elevation of 1,600 or 1,700 feet above the level of the sea. The river Dal, in Sweden, in lat. 60° 30’ North, and Christiana, in Norway, in 59° 56’, appear to be the northern limits of this valuable timber; but the oaks which I have noticed on the banks of the Gotha, in lat. 58°, were of very diminutive size. ; The common elm of the southern counties of England (Ulmus campestris) is certainly not indigenous north of the Tees ; and, of course, I cannot help suspecting that the elm mentioned by Von Buch as growing in the vicinity of Christiana, and by Wahlenberg to the north of the Lake Venner, in Verm- land, will prove to be the Wych elm (Ulmus montana), or ay the smooth-leaved elm (Ulmus glabra of Eng. Bot.). ven in sheltered plantations, the common elm does not attain to a considerable size; but the Wych elm is abundant in every hedge, and, together with the smooth-leaved elm, skirts our moors at the height of 2,000 feet. The beech (Fagus sylvestris) and aspen (Populus tremula) are truly natives; but the former does not climb the hills to the same height as the oak, but flourishes beautifully in the vales. Von 46 Mr. Winch on the Geography of Plants. [Juty, Buch assigns the river Gotha as the northern boundary of the beech, and the province of Halland, in Sweden, as that of the aspen and black poplar (Populus nigra). Lightfoot doubts whether either the white or black poplar are natives of Scotland (see p. 616 and 618); nor have I ever seen these trees in @ natural wood in the north of England. The lime (Tilea europea), the chesnut (Fagus castanea), and the hornbeam (Carpinus Betulus), stand in the same predicament. ’ Large holly trees (Hex aquifolium) are among the chief orna- ments of many woods in the county of Durham, as is the yew (Taxus baccata) to the white calcareous cliffs im the romantic Dene at Castle Eden. In Borrowdale, and on the margins of the Cumberland and Westmorland lakes, the birch (Betula alba) equals in size and beauty the birches of Norway and Sweden; but it is not found on the mountains higher than the syca- more (Acer Pseudo Platanus), which in these subalpine regions. is quite at home. Here too may be seen the mountain ash (Pyrus aucuparia); but the white beam (Pyrus aria) may be traced fromthe High Force of Tees to the sea coast, provided the soil rests upon limestone rocks. The alder (Alnus glutinosus) and marsh elder (Viburnum opulus) accompany every stream, and the hazle (Corylus avellana), black cherry (Prunus cera- sus), bird cherry (Prunus padus), the spindle tree (Kuonymus europeus), the raspberry (Rubus ideus), the common elder (Sambucus nigra), are found in all the woods from the sea shore to those situated at an elevation of ],600 feet ; but the common maple (Acer campestris) occurs only in the hedges of the flat country which surrounds Darlington. The ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and white thorn (Mespilus oxy- acantha), as well as the less useful crab tree (Pyrus malus) and black thorn (Prunus spinosa), abound through the whole district ; but the bullace tree (Prunus insititia) is extremely rare; and the plumb tree (Prunus domestica), pear tree (Pyrus communis), black and red currants (Ribes nigrum and R. rubrum), the barberry (Rerberis vulgaris), and gooseberry (Ribes grossularia), though now of frequent occurrence, I suspect were not originally natives of the soil. The four following shrubs are certainly indigenous: Ribes petreum, Ribes spicatum (rare), Ribes alpinum, and Ligustrum vulgare; but Lonicera xylosteum, which stands on the authority of Wallace, should be expunged from our Flora. On the elevated moors between Blanchland, at the head of the Derwent, and Wolsingham, on the river Wear,* and even on the mountains of Cross Fell, at an elevation of nearly 3,000 feet, the roots and trunks of very large pines (Pinus sylvestris?) are seen protruding from the black peat moss, being exposed to view * This is the only spot in Britain where Gyrophora glabra of Acharius has been detected in fructification, 4 0 1818.} Mr. Winch on the Geography of Plants. 47 by the water of these bogs having drained off and left the peat bare; but this tree is no longer indigenous with us. And it may be worthy of remark, that the Scotch fir does not at this day attain the size of these ancient pines, though planted in similar moorland situations, even though the young trees be protected, and the plantations situated at a lower level. The spruce fir (Pinus abies) appears never,to have been a native of this island, though the woods on the continent of Europe, both to the north and south of Britain, abound with it. In lowland situations it is impossible to ascertain the native from the exotic willows; but having remarked the blue willow (Salix ccerulea) in the highlands of Scotland, I conclude it may be indigenous here ; but I apprehend the golden willow (Salix vitellina) has been brought to us from the south of Europe. On the banks of our subalpine rivulets is the true locality of Salix croweana, not in the hedges of Norfolk. (See Eng. Bot.) The weeping willow, a native of Syria, never ripens its wood, and of course never flowers in the north. The furze (Ulex europzus), when it can no longer exist on open exposed moors, may be found in sequestered Denes at a height of 2,000 feet; here too terminates the growth of our most common bramble (Rubus corylifolius), where it is all but an evergreen, and where the fronds of many ferns survive the seve- rity of our winters. On the Fyall Alps, in Lapland, at 1,400 feet below the line of perpetual snow, Wahlenberg noticed the following shrubs: Salix glauca, Betula nana, Juniperus communis, Salix hastata, Arbutus alpina, Andromeda ccerulea, Andromeda polifolia, and Rubus chamzmorus ; and at 600 feet higher, Salix lanata, Salix myrsinites, Azalea procumbens, Azalea lapponica, Vaccinium uliginosum, and Empetrum nigrum. It may not be amiss to compare these plants with those of a similar description found at 2,000 or 3,000 feet elevation in this latitude: Salix glauca, Betula nana, and Arbutus alpina, Salix myrsinites, Azalea pro- cumbens, and Andromeda ceerulea do not reach us, though natives of the Scotch highlands. Salix lanata and Azalea lappo- nica are foreign to Britain; but Juniperus communis may be traced from the coast to the highest mountains ; and Andro- meda polifolia is comparatively speaking a lowland plant. Rubus chamemorus flourishes on the Cheviots, on Cronkley Fell, and other moors in Teesdale, together with Empetrum nigrum ; but Vaccinium uliginosum does not attain to so great an eleva- tion. In the place of Arbutus alpina, we have Arbutus uva ursi, and of Salix Janata, a few scattered plants of Salix arenaria, on the Teesdale hills ; and the summit of Skiddaw is covered with Salix herbacea, but without its usual attendant, Salix reticulata. Cistus marifolius and Dryas octopetala grow by the Black Ark on the highest part of Cronkley.* * This is also the habitat of Tofieldia palustris, a native of Lapland and North 48 Mr. Winch on the Geography of Plants. [Juny, There appears something enigmatical in the causes which affect the growth of many exotic shrubs well known in gardens and plantations; for many natives of the north of Asia, Portu- gal, Japan, and even South America, resist the severity of our winters much better than many which are indigenous in Italy, the south of France, and of Germany. The strongest instances are those of the common myrtle, pomegranate, and oleander, all of which, though European plants, perish at a temperature no way injurious to the Rhododendron ponticum of Asia Minor; this, as well as the Rhododendron maximum of North America, is much more hardy than the bay, or even than the Portugal laurel. The common laurel and bay never flower here, nor will the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo), Aucuba japonica, Pyrus japo- nica, nor Buddla globosa of Chili, perfect their seeds. On the other hand, the Provence rose of the South of France is found every where, and the white rose (Rosa alba) is naturalized on the shores of Tyne, yet Rosa sempervirens flowers but spar- ‘ingly, and the yellow rose (Rosa lutea) never flowers in the vici- nity of Newcastle, but both flourish in the neighbourhood of Hexham at a distance of 30 miles from the sea ; the three latter are from Germany.* e On the coast of Greece, Albania, and Daimatia, [have observed the limestone rocks covered with the Mastic (Pistacia lentis- cus) myrtle, rosemary, Laurus tinus, strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo), and juniper. Of these, the first and second will not survive our winters ; the third, fourth, and fifth, will not perfect their fruit ; but the last ascends to the top of our highest mountains. I shall now briefly notice such exotic trees as succeed best with us in woods and plantations: the horse chesnut from the north of Asia, Populus dilatata from Italy, Populus balsamifera, P. monilifera, and P. angulata from North America, several of the genus Pinus and of Quercus from the same country, the larch and silver fir from the Alps, the spruce fir of the north of Europe, and some of the American ashes ; but the Platanus orientalis, P. occidentalis, Liriodendron tulipifera, the cork and evergreen oaks, and cedar of Lebanon, thrive only in the most sheltered situations and best soils. N. I. Wincn. America, which Dr. Smith has separated from the Swiss Tofieldia, which he has named T, alpina (See Linn. Trans, vol. xii. p. 239). On the same mountainous moors, Curex capillaris, a rare Lapland and Swiss species of Sedge, is likewise met with. Cornus suecica should have been included among the Lapland plants in the former part of this paper. * For a brief account of the Roses of the district, see Monthly Magazine, April, 1816. 1818.] Account of a Storm in Sussex. 49 ARTICLE IV. Account of a Storm in Sussex in 1729. ’ Tue Editors have been favoured by Sir Joseph Banks with a pamphlet, published in the year 1730, containing a narrative of a very remarkable storm, that passed over a part of the counties of Sussex and Kent, on May 20, in the preceding year. Except in its much greater degree of violence, it appears to have borne a very close resemblance to the hurricane of April 26, last, of which Col. Beaufoy has given an account, published in the last number of the Annals; and.as the pamphlet itself, as well as the occurrence of which it treats, seem to have been nearly forgotten, they conceive that a short abstract of it may not be unacceptable to their readers. The author, who signs himself Richard Budgen, begins by detailing the state of the weather for some days previous to May 20; after a succession of winds from a northerly point, attended by a low temperature, on the 12th, the air suddenly became much warmer, accompanied with southerly winds, and continued so until the day of the storm. The following is the account of the day itself: ‘“‘ The 20th, a slight flying tempest in the morning, with a little scattering rain; the rest of the day was very clear, and extremely hot and sultry ; wind south till about five in the afternoon, when there began to appear a haziness in the south, which, by degrees, with a vanishing edge, arrived at our zenith about seven; when there began to appear plain symptoms of a tempest. We distinctly heard the thunder at eight, and had a prospect of two different tempests ; one came over by Newhaven, Lewes, and Crowborrow, and scattered part. of the shower upon us at Fraint, and Tunbridge-Wells ; the other from Cuckmere-Haven, by Aldfriston, between Mayfield and Burwash, to Wadhurst, &c. About nine, these storms were passed over us into the north, and made an opening in the south-east, where we had the surprising horror of seeing (at about 20 miles distant) such unintermitting corruscations, toge- ther with such dreadful darting and breaking forth of liquid fire, at every flash of lightning (in the way of the hurricane from the sea side into Kent), as, perhaps, has not been seen in this climate for many ages.” The storm commenced its ravages at the sea side, near Bex- hill, in the eastern part of Sussex, and advanced nearly in a straight line, and in a direction a little to the east of north, across the country to Newenden, in Kent: here its fury was considerably abated ; it was again more violent a few miles fur- ther, but seems shortly afterwards to have been entirely dispersed. Its breadth was well defined, and comparatively limited ; for the first two miles it was no more than 30 rods, Vou. XII. N°'T. D 50 Account of a Storm in Sussex. [Jury, but afterwards it increased to more than double that width. The distance to which it extended in its extreme violence was about 12 miles, and in this space its ravages were almost inconceiv- ably violent; buildings of all descriptions, and many hundred trees, were instantly swept down and whirled in all directions. Its motion appears certainly to have been in a spiral direction, and from the right hand to the left, or contrary to the course of the sun; for it was observed that all bodies “ drove down near the eastern verge towards the north, and nearthe western towards the south.” With respect to its velocity, the author states that “ the distance from the sea side to Newmgden-Level is about 12 miles, which it passed over in 20 minutes ; and if we take 70 rods for the mean diameter of the vertiginous motion, the dura- tion of the offensive wind could not exceed 20 seconds...... According to this computation, the direct velocity of the storm is 42 feet in a second, to which adding 43 feet for the increase by the vertiginous or spiral motion, makes 85 feet ; whichis the space run through in every second of time near the outward verge of the gyration, and the velocity by which all obstacles received the impulse of the wind.” Although it raged with so much violence in its progress along the track which it pursued, it appears to have been completely limited to this space ; for in passing over woods, where it tore the largest trees into frag- ments, others that were in the neighbourhood suffered no injury, and “had not the least appearance of a storm by twigs or leaves blowed off; ” there does not seem to have been any wind out of the direction of the hurricane ; and as it proceeded across the country, its whole fury, in each particular spot, was over in perhaps half a minute. One of its most remarkable effects was that of raising up heavy bodies from the ground, and transporting them to considerable distances. In this way, large pieces of timber, and even portions of the roofs of houses, were carried many yards, and some bulky substances were entirely lost. A remarkable instance is related of this kind of transportation, where a cottage was destroyed in consequence of “a large apple tree brought out of a neighbow’s orchard, over three hedges, with the roots and earth about them, that fell upon the house.” It is said that the storm generally raged with the greatest violence in gills or narrow valleys, that hada considerable decli- vity on each side, and upon the highest ground. Its breadth was also increased as it ascended to the tops of the hills, which gives us reason to suppose, as the author remarks, that the body of the hurricane was in the form of an inverted truncated cone ; while its power of raising up heavy bodies would indicate that there was a partial vacuum in the central part of the cone, which, if it had occurred on the sea, would have produced the pheno- mena of a waterspout. The pamphlet contains a good deal of . theoretical reasoning on the cause of the hurricane, derived from the erroneous opinions that were then prevalent; but with > PPE PTO, y J . ¥ orn ef OE aE Ee Rd ay Rh) ae é NE ee rh AY ¥ 4 Pl IXXX7 Pagedl. In? & Philip Leevlor Engraved jor D7 Thomson's Anrvals_for Baldwin, Cradock, & Joy Paternoster Row, Tay, LAS 1818.] Construction of Fire-places to Steam Boilers. 51 respect to the correctness of the facts, there is strong internal evidence for placing great confidence in them. It is accompa- nied by an accurate map, in which the course of the hurricane is noted, and all the woods and houses marked on which it wrecked its fury. -ARTICLE V. é On the Construction of Fire-places to Steam Boilers. By John and Philip Taylor, Civil Engineers. 72, Upper White Cross-street, GENTLEMEN, May 6, 1818. Tue annexed sketch exhibits the construction which we have lately used in the erection of fire-places to steam boilers, and which seems to combine some advantages, so as, perhaps, to render it worthy a place in your journal ; at the same time we are aware that there is little in it that can be called absolutely new. We were desirous in the first place to remove the fuel from the possibility of actual contact with the bottom of the boiler, which sometimes happens from the carelessness of the men, and stillmore to avoid, if possible, the injury accruing from the sudden influx of large portions of cold air from frequent opening of the fire door. The contraction caused by this sudden diminution of the heat, is apt, in some cases, to disturb the joints of the plates, where high ae of temperature are used, and to render them leaky. e have avoided both these evils, by removing the fire from under the bottom of the boiler, and placing it, as in the drawing, in a furnace, at one end, whence the flame reverberates through a flue passing under tke vessel to be heated. As the cold air, which may at times be admitted, comes first into immediate contact with a mass of heated brickwork, and is mixed before it passes through the opening into the flue, by which the whole is, as it were, wiredrawn together, and so united as to render the changes, of temperature more gradual. The front of the furnace is provided with an inclined hopper, as shown in Plate LX XXI, which is to be kept full of coal at all times, preventing the passage of any air that way, and the fuel may be occasionally pushed forward into the furnace with- out much breaking through it, This mode of feeding boiler fire-places bas been used before, and with advantage, and parti- cularly where the coal is of sucha quality as not to cake much, in which case it has been found that it supplies the consumption for a long time with very little trouble, and without the admission of cold air. With Newcastle coal it will not go on so regularly, but acts very well with a little assistance. The hopper is made of cast iron ;, but the lower part of it, D 2 32 Construction of Fire-places to Steam Boilers. [Jury, which is in contact with the fire, is terminated by Welch or Stourbridge lumps. Under it a small door is placed, which serves to permit the introduction of a bar to break up the fire occasionally, or to cut out the clinkers. The furnace is further provided with apertures for the intro- duction of air, so as to consume the smoke, the situation of which may be observed in the two sections. In the lateral one may be seen where two enter the furnace on one side; the number may of course be increased at the option of the builder ; and in the transverse section, the mode of conducting the air is exhibited. _ It has been very judiciously observed that when cold air is admitted in a direction parallel to the current of the smoke, it frequently passes with it into the chimney without inflaming it, the two streams running as it were together without mixing in such a manner as is required to produce the effect. To have the inflammation complete, the air should be as hot as possible, by which also the least check is given to the action of the fire, and the current should cross that of the smoke where they meet, by which such a mixture of the two is produced as is required for the intended purpose. The air in this furnace is first admitted by small passages in its sides, which are fitted with registers, and passes horizontally so as to strike against the back of the fire-bricks lining the fire- place, behind which it rises until it is turned through small aper- tures into the furnace. The vertical passages may be extended considerably in a lateral direction, so as to present a great heating surface to the air, which also will serve to increase the durabi- lity of the fire-bricks by keeping them cooled at the back. The air enters so as to cross the current of the draft ; and the opening into the fire is so made as to direct the influx towards the centre, and to prevent it from striking the arch, which otherwise would be injured by it. The quantity of air is regulated at pleasure by the registers ; and it is obvious that it will always pass into the fire in a heated state, which seems to be essential to the speedy inflammation of the smoke. Weare, &c. &c. JoHN AND Puitie TayLor. Description of the Plate. Fig. 1. Lateral section, showing the furnace or fire-place, and one end of a long steam boiler, under which the flame passes through a semicircular flue to the chimney at the other end. A, fire-place. B, ash-pit. C, throat of the furnace. D, flue under the boiler. _ E, the boiler. a, the hopper for coals. 1818.] Observations on the River Zaire. 53 6, door for stoking. cc, passages for heated air to consume the smoke. Fig. 2. Transverse section, in which the same letters refer to the same parts as in Fig. 1. dd, entrances for air to inflame the smoke. ee, vertical passages behind the linings of the fire-place through which the air ascends and becomes heated. ArticLe VI. Observations on the River Zaire. Collected from the Journals of Capt. Tuckey and Prof. Smith. AurHoucu the first view of the river Zaire convinced thé gentlemen who had undertaken to explore it, that its magnitude had been very much exaggerated, still it was found to be a considerable stream, perhaps the most so of any of the African rivers which discharge themselves into the Atlantic. The depth of the river at its mouth appears indeed to be very great, as a common sounding line of 160 fathoms did not reach the bottom ; but its extreme breadth was scarcely three miles, and its velocity, concerning which such wonderful accounts had been received, was never more than five knots an hour, and often not more than two and ahalf. It had been asserted that the mver was always in a state of full flood; and on this fact had been principally founded the hypotheses of its being the embouchure of the Niger, or atleast of its extending up into the heart of the conti- nent beyond the equator ; this, however, was found to be erro-~ neous, as during the short stay which the expedition made in the country, they observed the swell of the water distinctly to com- mence in the beginning of September ; and from ail the inform- ation which they could obtain, they were led to conclude that, with respect to its periodical floodings, it did not materially differ from the other tropical rivers. The report that its stream was so powerful as entirely to resist the effect of the tide appeared to be equally incorrect. Near the mouth of the river, its banks are low, and formed of alluvial earth; they are covered with impenetrable thickets of a luxuriant vegetation of the mangrove, and other plants of similar habits, and the stream is frequently divided into several channels by low swampy islands. The loose texture of the banks of the river causes perpetual changes in the line of the coast and the direction of the currents, and frequently small fragments of the matted turf are detached and float down the stream, with the cyperus and other gramineous plants still remaining upon them. These, which appear to have been very inconsiderable in size, were magnified by the Portuguese into 54 Observations on the River Zaire. [JuLy, floating islands, torn off from the main land by the violence of the torrent, and suspended by its velocity. Beyond the alluvial ground, the country rises into rounded hills of moderate height, which are represented as being generally barren, and the whole district seems to be but thinly peopled. On account of the dif_i- eulty ofthe navigation, depending partly upon the irregularity of the sea breezes, which were scarcely sufficient to counteract the force of the stream, and still more from the winding and uncer- tain course of the bed of the river, the large vessel proceeded only as far as Embomma, a slave mart belonging to-the Portuguese, which is the principal settlement in the country, about 80 or 90 miles from the sea. For a distance of 50 or 60 miles further, the river still continues to be navigable, but it is considerably con- tracted in its dimensions, and the hills approach so near to each other, as in some places to leave only narrow strips of soil, and in others, to come to the water’s edge. They are described as bare and rocky, chiefly composed of mica slate, with masses of quartz rising above the surface. In the little valleys between the hills, there is more of the appearance of fertility; but the whole district appears to have been barren and uninteresting. The climate is represented as pleasant, the thermometer seldom exceeding 76° in the day, or descending below 60° in the night ; the atmosphere was generally serene, and the diurnal changes uniform. In the morning there are light breezes from the 8.; and for some hours in the middle of the day or afternoon, there is a regular sea breeze. The dreariness of the country increased as the travellers advanced into the interior. Capt. Tuckey remarks, ‘“ the most striking features of the country are the extreme barrenness of the hills near the river, the whole being still composed of slate with masses of quartz and sienite, the latter becoming the main formation, as we advanced to the S8.E. with perpendicular fissures from three inches to one quarter inch in breadth filled with quartz.’ The bed of the river continues to contract in its dimensions, and all navigation, even for canoes, becomes at length impracticable, and remains so for about 40 miles. The water was here not more than from 300 to 500 yards broad ; its current necessarily becomes rapid, is broken into whirlpools by rocks, while the banks are in many parts almost perpendicular, and rise up to a great height. Besides a succession of smaller rapids, there is a larger one in this part, which is spoken of by the natives as a prodigious cataract. When the travellers saw it, which, however, was just before the commencement of the rainy season, “ they were not less surprised than disappointed, mstead of a second Niagara, which the description of the natives, and their horror of it, had given us reason to expect, to find a compa~ rative brook bubbling over its stony bed.” Perhaps in the flooded state of the river, this rapid, which is called the fall of Yellala may correspond more nearly with the description which 1818.] Morphium and Meconic Acid. 55 the natives gave of it. At all times, however, it is quite suffi- cient to put an entire stop to all navigation; and besides this particular obstacle, the stream is, in this part of its course, full of eddies and whirlpools, and in some places darts along with very great velocity, The fall of Yellala is formed by a succession of ridges of micaceous slate, that cross the stream in an oblique direction ; the rocks on both sides the fall are very steep, and the mica slate, which is here undulating, abounds with veins of quartz and compact feldspar. After passing this long, rocky defile, the river again expands to a breadth nearly equal to that of its mouth, the banks become picturesque and beautifully varied, assuming the appearance of a succession of lakes, while the country itself seemed to be much improved in fertility. It is remarkable that from the mouth u to this point, the Zaire does not receive a single branch of the least consequence. Here the labours of the party terminated ; and respecting the source of the Zaire, we are left entirely to conjecture, as the reports that they were able to collect from the natives were perfectly vague, and not in the least to be depended upon. As to the hypothesis of the Zaire being the continuation of the Niger, we confess that the general impression produced on our minds is completely adverse to it; for although the Zaire, as it passes through the kingdom of Congo, is a river of considerable magnitude, it appears in the higest degree impro- bable that the stream which Park saw at Sego should not have received a greater accession after travelling some hundreds of miles. If the expedition to Congo can be considered as throw- ing any light upon the curious problem of the termination of the iger, we should be disposed to say that it has done so, in as much as it proved this river not to be identical with the Zaire. EEG SS ER A a ARTICLE VII, Morphium and Meconic Acid.* In the number of the Annals for June, 1817, we gave some account of the properties of the first of these substances, to which we shall now add a few more particulars. Many chemists had endeavoured to analyze opium, and M. Derosne, whose account appeared in vol. xlv. of the Ann. de Chimie, was sup- posed to have detected the principle on which its specific properties depend. By a succession of solutions, crystalliza- tions, and distillations, he procured a crystallizable body, which appeared to form a proximate principle of the opium, and to be * Abridged from Ann, de Chim, t, v. and Journal de Pharm. for Oct, 1817, 56 Morphium and Meconic Acid. {Juny, in an uncombined state, to which he gave the name of the essential salt of opium. It possessed the narcotic properties of this substance in a high degree, and in its chemical relations partook of the nature of a resin. The examination of opium has been. more lately undertaken by M. Sertuerner, and the results of his experiments have been considerably different from those of M. Derosne, or rather he has carried his researches to a greater degree of minuteness, so as to have detected in opium what seem to be two new vegetable principles, one the morphium, which possesses many characters of an alkali, the other, a new vegetable acid, to which he gives the name of the meconic acid. To procure morphium, the extract of opium is digested in acetic acid, or even in warm water, ammonia is added in excess, and the morphium is preci- pitated. It is, however, united to a quantity of extract and meconic acid, to deprive it of which it is dissolved in diluted sulphuric acid, and again precipitated by ammonia; it may be still further purified by alcohol. For the leading characters of morphium and its combinations with the acids, we shall refer our readers to the account which we have already given of it, and shall now proceed to the meconic acid. This sub- stance was entirely overlooked by M. Derosne in his examina- _ tion of opium; M. Sertuerner procured it by the following process. After precipitating the morphium from a solution of opium by ammonia, he adds to the residual fluid a solution of the muriate of barytes ; a precipitate is in this way formed which is conceived to be a quadruple compound of barytes, morphium, extract, and the meconic acid. The extract is removed by alcohol, and the barytes by sulphuric acid, when the meconic _acid is left merely in combination with a portion of the morphium, and from this it is purified by successive solutions and evapora- tions. The acid when sublimed forms long colourless needles ; it has a strong affinity for the oxide of iron, so as to take it from the muriatic solution, and form with it a cherry-red precipitate ; it also forms a crystallizable salt with hme, which is not decom- posed by sulphuric acid; and what is of importance, it seems to possess no particular power over the body when received into the stomach. The essential salt of oprum obtained by M. De- rosne is conceived to have been the meconate of morphium, 1. e. a compound of the two new principles contained in opium. The two new substances have been examined by M. Robi- ae and M. Vogel. M. Robiquet, in order to discover whether the morphium owed any of its peculiar characters to a portion of ammonia still adhering to it, substituted magnesia tor the - ammonia ; but he procured morphium by this process of the same nature as in the former ; it exhibited an equally, or even a more decisive alkaline character. M. Robiquet employed a more effectual method of procuring the meconic acid than that 1818.} Morphium and Meconic Acid. 57 employed by Sertuerner ; it consisted essentially in treating the opium with magnesia, in order to extract the morphium, when the meconate of magnesia is formed at the same time. The magnesia is removed by adding the muriate of barytes, and the barytes is afterwards removed by diluted sulphuric acid. The operation is more complicated than the one employed by M. Sertuerner, but the meconic acid is procured in much larger proportion. Yhe meconic acid is stated to be very soluble both in alcohol and in water; it does not seem to precipitate the oxides of iron as M. Sertuerner conceived, although it gives a bright red colour to the solutions of iron, nor does it appear to form combinations with the oxides of copper or mercury ; but with potash, soda, and lime, it forms crystallizable salts. M. Robiquet, in oppo- sition to the opinion of M. Sertuener, conceives that the salt obtained by M. Derosne is not the meconate of morphium ; but he does not inform us what is the constitution of this substance. M. Vogel observes that morphium may be obtained in larger quantity if the opium be dissolved in acetic acid than in water, and finds that it possesses the same properties whatever alkali or alkaline earth we employ for its precipitation. He obtained the meconic acid by precipitating the residual fluid after the removal of the opium by the nitrate of barytes ; it was then digested with alcohol, and afterwards treated with diluted sulphuric acid. Brown crystals are deposited, consisting of the acid in an impure state; they may be purified by sublimation, but the quantity thus procured is very small; it may be obtained more copiously by dissolving them in hot water and causing them to crystallize a second time. The power which the meconic acid possesses of reddening the solutions of iron is so great as to render it even a more delicate test for this metal than the prussiate of potash. Upon the whole there seems no reason to doubt the general cor- rectness of M. Sertuerner’s results, that opium contains two pecu- har vegetable prieiples ; that one of them is of an alkaline and the other of an acid nature, and that the former is the body which is the vehicle of the narcotic part of this substance. The only circumstance that seems to be wanting to remove all doubt respecting so remarkable a fact as that of the discovery of a new alkali, is that the alkali or alkaline earth, which is employed in the process, should be afterwards completely recovered or accounted for, so as to remove all doubt respecting the possibility of a portion of it still adhering to the adibieh and giving it its suppoeed alkaline properties. 58. Mr. Gill on softening and hardening Steel. [Juur, ArTicLe VIII. On softening Steel by heating and quenching it, and on the hard- ening and tempering tt at one Operation. By.Thomas Gill, Esq. (To the Editors of the Annals of Philosophy.) No. 11, Covent Garden Chambers, GENTLEMEN, * June 15, 1818, I HAVE now the pleasure of communicating for insertion in your Annals, the above two processes on steel; and which, to artisans in general, may seem to be impossibilities, being so very different to the general practices ; but which, nevertheless, can be readily performed under proper management, and possess very considerable advantages over the ordinary methods. It is well known that unless steel be heated to the proper degree, it will not harden on being quenched in water, or other proper fluid ; but it has escaped the general observation, that steel heated rather below the hardening point and quenched will be softened thereby, and in a much superior manner than by the usual methods of annealing it, insomuch that it can be more readily filed, turned, &c. and is entirely free from pins or hard spots; and as it is not at all liable to be injured by this process, and can be softened thereby in a much shorter time than by annealing it, so it ought to be universally adopted. Steel springs are usually hardened and tempered by two distinct operations, being first heated to the proper degree, and hardened by quenching in water, oil, &c. and then tempered, either by rubbing them bright and heating them till they acquire a pale blue or grey colour, or by burning or blazing off the oil, &c. It is, however, now found that both operations may be advan- tageously performed at once, in the following manner : The steel being heated to the proper degree, is to be plunged into a metallic bath composed of a mixture of lead and tin, such for instance as plumbers’ solder, and which is heated by a proper furnace, to the tempering degree, as indicated by a pyrometer or thermometer placed in the bath, when the steel will be at once hardened and tempered, and with much less danger of warping or cracking in the process than if treated in the usual way. It would be a further improvement to heat the steel in a bath of red-hot lead to the proper degree for hardening, previous to quenching and tempering it in the other metallic bath, as it would thereby be more uniformly heated, and be in less danger of oxidation ; and, indeed, it is an excellent method of heating steel, either for softening it, as in the first described process, or for hardening and tempering it at once, as in the last mentioned one, or even for hardening it in the usual method. eo 1818.] History of Dr. Brewster’s Kaleidoscope 59 Hoping these suggestions will lead to the improvement of the articles made of steel, and that they may also induce other per- sons, who may be possessed of processes not generally known, to communicate them through your channel for the public good, I have the pleasure to remain, Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant, Tuomas GILL. ArTICLE IX. History of Dr. Brewster's Kaleidoscope, with Remarks on its supposed Resemblance to other Combinations of plain Mirrors. From a Correspondent.* As this instrument has excited great attention, both in this country and on the Continent, the readers of the Annals will doubt- less take some interest in the history of the invention. -In the year 1814, when Dr. Brewster was engaged in experiments on the polarization of light by successive reflections between plates of glass, which were published in the Phil. Trans. for 1815, and honoured by the Royal Society of London with the Copley medal, the reflectors were in some cases inclined to each other, and he had occasion to remark the circular arrangement of the images of a candle round a centre, or the multiplication of the sectors formed by the extremities of the glass plates. In repeating, at a subsequent period, the experiments of M. Biot on the action of fluids upon light, Dr. B. placed the fluids in a trough formed by two plates of glass cemented together at an angle. The eye being necessarily placed at one end, some of the cement which had been pressed through between the plates appeared to be arranged into a regular figure. The symmetry of this figure bemg very remarkable, Dr. B. set himself to investigate the cause of the phenomenon ; and in doing this he discovered the leading principles of the kaleidoscope. He found that in order to produce perfectly beautiful and symmetrical forms, three con- ditions were necessary. 1, That the reflectors should be placed at an angle, which * In the Jast number of the Annals (p. 451), we inserted some remarks upon the kaleidoscope, » ore especially concerning its discovery by Dr. Brewster, and the circumstances in which it essentially differs from those instruments that have been supposed to bear a general resemblance to it. The subject is so generally interesting, that we do not hesitate to present to our readers a second and more extended communication on the same topic, in which the history of the discovery is more minutely traced, and the differences more fully detailed between the kalei- doscope and the apparatus described by Bradley, We have omitted the letter from Prof. Playfair to Dr. Brewster, as it had already appeared in the Annals, retaining only the postcript; and we have also curtailed the article in some other parts, which seemed of less importance. 60 History of Dr. Brewster's Kaleidoscope. [Juuy, was an even or an odd aliquot part of a circle, when the object was regular; or the even aliquot part of a circle when the object was irregular. 2. That out of an infinite number of positions for the object’ both within and without the reflectors, there was on/y one position where perfect symmetry could be obtamed, namely, by placing the object in contact with the ends of the reflectors. 3. That out of an infinite number of positions of the eye, there was only one where the symmetry was perfect, namely, as near as possible to the angular point, so that the circular field could be distinctly seen; and that this point was the only one out of an infinite number at which the uniformity of the light of the circular field was a maximum. Upon these principles Dr. B. constructed an instrument, m which he fixed permanently across the ends of reflectors pieces of coloured glass, and other irregular objects, and he showed the instrument in this state to some members of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, who were much struck with the beauty of its effects. In this case, however, the forms were nearly perma- nent, and a slight variation was produced by varying the position of the instrument, with respect to the hght. The great step, however, towards the completion of the instrument remamed yet to be made; and it was not till some time afterwards that the idea occurred to Dr. B. of giving motion to objects, such as preces of coloured glass, &c. which were either fixed or placed loosely in a cell at the end of the instrument. When this idea was carried into execution, the kaleidoscope, in its simple form, was completed. In this state, however, the kaleidoscope could not be consi- dered as a general philosophical instrument of universal applica- tion ; for it was incapable of producing beautiful forms unless the object was nearly in perfect contact with the end of the reflectors. The next, and by far the most important step of the invention, was therefore to remove this limitation by employing a draw tube and lens, by means of which beautiful forms could be created from objects of all sizes, and at all distances from the observer. In this way the power of the kaleidoscope was indefi- nitely extended, and every object in nature could be introduced into the picture in the same manner as if these objects had been reduced in size, and actually placed at the end of the reflectors. When the instrument was brought to this state of perfection, Dr. Brewster was urged by his friends to secure the exclusive property of it by a patent ; and he accordingly took out a patent for “ A New Optical Instrument for creating and exhibiting beautiful Forms.” In the specification of his patent he describes the kaleidoscope in two different forms. The first consists of two reflecting planes, put together according to the principles already described, and placed in a tube, with an eye-hole in the particular position which gives symmetry and a maximum uni- formity of light, and with objects such as coloured glass, placed 1818.] History of Dr. Brewster’s Kaleidoscope. 61 in the position of symmetry, and put in motion either by a rotatory movement, or by their own gravity, or by both combined. The second form of the instrument, described in the specification, is when the tube containing the reflectors is placed in a second tube, at the end of which is a convex lens which introduces into the picture objects of all magnitudes, and at every distance, as has been already described. After the patent was signed, and the instruments in a state of forwardness, the gentleman who was employed to manufacture them under the patent, carried a kaleidoscope to show to the principal London opticians, for the purpose of taking orders from them. These gentlemen naturally made one for their own use, and for the amusement of their friends ; and the character of the instrument being thus made public, the tinmen and glaziers began to manufacture the detached parts of it, in order to evade the patent; while others manufactured and sold the instrument complete, without being aware that the exclusive property of it had been secured by a patent. In this way the mvasion of the patent right became general among that class of individuals against whom the law is seldom enforced but in its terrors. Some workmen of a higher class were encouraged to piracy by this universal opposition to the patent ; but none of the respectable London opticians would yield to the clamours of their customers, to encroach upon the rights of an inventor, to whom they were at least indebted for a new and a lucrative article of trade. ; In order to justify these piratical proceedings, it became necessary to search out some combinations of plain murrors, which might be supposed to have some resemblance to Dr. Brewster’s instrument ; and it would have been strange indeed if some theorem or experiment had not been discovered, which could have been used to impose upon the great crowd who are entirely ignorant of the principles and construction of optical instruments. There never was a popular invention which the labours of envious individuals did not attempt to trace to some remote period; and in the present case so many persons had hazarded their fortunes and their characters, that it became necessary to lay hold of something which could be construed into an anticipation of the kaleidoscope. The first supposed anticipation of the kaleidoscope was found in Prop. XIli. and X1V. of Professor Wood’s Optics, where that learned author gives a mathematical investigation of the number and arrangement of the images formed by two reflectors, either inclined or parallel to each other. This theorem assigns no position either to the eye or to the object, and does not even include the principle of inversion, which is absolutely necessary to the production of symmetrical forms. The theorem is true, whatever be the position of the object or of the eye. 1m order to put this matter to rest, Dr, Brewster wrote a letter to Professor 62 History of Dr. Brewster’s Kaleidoscope. [Juuy, Wood, requesting him to say if he had any idea of the effects of the kaleidoscope when he wrote those propositions. To this letter Dr. B. received the following handsome and satisfactory answer : « St. John’s, May 19, 1818. «¢ Sir,—The propositions I have given relating to the number of images formed by plane reflectors inclined to each other, contain merely the mathematical calculation of their number and arrangement. The effects produced by the kaleidoscope were never in my contemplation. My attention has for some years been turned to other subjects, and I regret that I have not time to read your Optical Treatise, which | am sure would give me great pleasure. I am, Sir, your obedient humble servant, “J. Woop.” The next supposed anticipation of the kaleidoscope was an instrument proposed by Mr. Bradley in 1717. This instrument consists of two ra pieces of silvered looking-glass, five inches wide and four inches high, jointed together with hinges, and opening like a book. These plates being set upon a geometrical drawing, and the eye being placed in front of the mirrors, the lines of the drawing were seen multiplied by repeated reflections. This instrument was described long before by Kircher, and did not receive a single improvement from the hands of Bradley. It has been often made by the opticians, and was principally used for multiplymg the human face, when placed between the mirrors ; but no person ever thought of applying it to any pur- pose of utility, or of using it as an instrument of rational amuse- ment, by the creation of beautiful forms. From the very construction of the instrument, indeed, it is quite incapable of producing any of the singular effects exhibited by the kaleido- scope. It gives, indeed, a series of reflected images arranged round a centre; but so does a pair of looking-glasses placed angularly in an apartment, and so do the pieces of mirror glass with which jewellers multiply the wares exhibited at their windows. It might, therefore, be as gravely maintained that any of these combinations of mirrors was a kaleidoscope, as that Bradley’s pair of plates was an anticipation of that instrument. As the similarity between the two has been maintained by ignorant and interested individuals, we shall be at some pains to explain to the reader the differences between these two instru- ments ; and we shall do this, first, upon the supposition that the two instruments are applied to geometric lmes upon paper. 1. In Bradley’s instrument, 1. In the kaleidoscope, the the length is less than the length of the plates must be breadth of the plates. four, or five, or six times their breadth. 2. Bradley’s instrument can- 2. The kaleidoscope cannot not be used with a tube. be used without a tube. 1818.] 3. In Bradley’s instrument, from the erroneous position of the eye, there is a great inequa- lity of light in the sectors, and the last sectors are scarcely visible. 4. In Bradley’s instrument, the figure consists of elliptical, and consequently unequal sec- tors. 5. In Bradley’s instrument, the unequal sectors donot unite, but are all separated from one another by a space equal to the thickness of the mirror glass. 6. In Bradley’s instrument, the images reflected from the first surface interfere with those reflected from the second, and produce a confusion and over- lapping of images entirely. in- consistent with symmetry. 7. In Bradley’s instrument, the defects in the junction of the plates are all rendered visi- ble by the erroneous position of the eye. History of Dr. Brewster’s Kalecdoscope. 63 3. In the kaleidoscope, the eye is placed so that the uni- formity of light is a maximum, and the last sectors are dis- tinctly visible. 4. In the kaleidoscope, all the sectors are equal, and compose a perfect circle, and the picture is perfectly sym- metrical. 5. In the kaleidoscope, the equal sectors all unite into a complete and perfectly symme- trical figure. 6. In the kaleidoscope, the secondary reflections are en- tirely removed, and therefore no confusion takes place. 7. In the kaleidoscope, the eye is placed so that these defects of junction are invi- sible. The reader will observe, that in this comparison the two instruments are supposed to be applied to geometric lines upon paper, and that this was the only purpose to which Bradley ever thought of applying his mirrors ; yet the kaleidoscope is in every respect a superior instrument, even for that inferior purpose, and gives true symmetrical forms, which the other instrument is incapable of doing. In the comparison which has now been made, we have degraded the kaleidoscope by contrasting its effects with those which Bradley’s instrument is capable of producing, for these effects are not worth the looking at. When we attempt to employ Bradley’s instrument to produce the effects which have been so much admired in the kaleidoscope, namely, to produce beautiful forms from transparent or opaque-coloured objects contained in a cell, and at the end of the reflectors it fails so entirely that no person has succeeded in the attempt. It is indeed quite impossible to produce by it the beautiful and symmetrical forms which the kaleidoscope displays. Had this been possible, Dr. Brewster’s patent might have been invaded with impunity by every person who chose to manufacture Brad- 64 History of Dr. Brewster’s Kaleidoscope. [Juuy, ley’s instrument; but this was never tried,* and for the best of ll reasons, because nobody would have purchased it. We trust that no person, who wishes to judge of this subject with candour, will form an opinion without having actually seen and used the instrument proposed by Bradley. Let any person take Bradley’s plates, and, having set them at an angle of 30° or 221°, ace them upon a cell containing fragments of coloured glass, he will infallibly find that he cannot produce a picture of any symmetry or cage The disunion of the sectors, the darkness of the last reflections, and the enormous deviation from symmetry, towards the centre of the figure, will convince him, if he required conviction, that the instrument is entirely useless as a kaleidoscope. To those, however, who are not capable, either for want of knowledge or want of time, to make such a comparison, we may present the opinion of three of the most eminent natural philosophers of the present day, viz. the celebrated Mr. Watt, Professor Playfair, and Professor Pictet. “‘ It has been said here,” says Mr. Watt, “that you took the idea of the kaleidoscope from an old book on gardening. My friend, the Rey. Mr. Corrie, has procured me a sight of the book. It is Bradley’s Improvements of Planting and Gardening. London 1731, part 2, chap. i. It consists of two pieces of look- ing glass of equal bigness, of the figure of a long square, five inches long and four inches high, hinged together, upon one of the narrow sides, so as to open and shut like the leaves of a book, which, being set upon their edges upon a drawing, will show it multiplied by repeated reflections. This mstrument 1 have seen in my father’s possession 70 years ago, and frequently. since ; but what has become of it I know not. In my opinion, the application of the principle is very different from that of your kaleidoscope.” Postcsript to Prof. Playfair’s Letter. (or the Letier itself, see Annals, xi. 451.) “ P. §.—Granting that there were a resemblance between the kaleidoscope and Bradley’s instrument, in any of the particulars mentioned above, the intreduction of coloured and moveable objects, ‘at the end of the reflectors, is quite peculiar to Dr. Brewster’s instrument. Besides this, a circumstance highly deserving of attention, is the use of two lenses and a draw tube, so that the action of the kaleidoscope is extended to objects of all sizes, and at all distances from the observer, and united, by that means, to the advantages of the telescope. JPRS * Yn illustration of this argument, we may state the following fact. Mr. C. of Birmingham, being anxious to evade Dr. Brewster's pateut, ata time when the manufacture of the patent kaleidoscope was inthe hands of another person, attempt- ed to construct instruments in imitation of Bradley’s. After exercising his ingenuity for some time, he abandoned the attempt as impracticable, and set off for Scot- land for the purpose of offering his services in manufacturing the patent instrument, 1818.] History of Dr. Brewster’s Kaleidoscope. 65 Professor Pictet’s opinion is stated in the following letter : “« Sir,—Among your friends, I have not been one of the least painfully affected hy the shameful invasion of your rights as an inventor, which I have been a witness of lately in London. Not only none of the allegations of the invaders of your patent, grounded on a pretended similarity between your kaleidoscope and Bradley’s instrument, or such as Wood’s or Harris’s theories might have suggested, appear to me to have any real foundation; but I can affirm that neither in any of the French, German, or Italian authors, who, to my knowledge, have treated of optics, nor in Professor Charles’s justly celebrated and most complete collection of optical instruments at Paris, have I read or seen any thing resembling your ingenious apparatus, which, from its numberless apphsations, and the pleasure it affords, and will continue to afford, to millions of beholders of its matchless effects, may be ranked among the most happy inventions science ever presented to the lovers of rationalenjoyment.. “ M.A. Picret, Professor of Nat. Phil. in the “* To Dr, Brewster.” Academy of Geneva.” The propositions in Harris’s Optics relate, like Professor Wood’s, merely to the multiplication and circular arrangement of the apertures or sectors formed by the inclined mirrors, and to the progress of a ray of light reflected between two inclined or parallel mirrors ; and no allusion whatever is made, in the propositions themselves, to any instrument. In the proposition respecting the multiplication of the sectors, the eye of the observer is never once mentioned, and the proposition is true if the eye has an infinite number of positions ; whereas, in the kaleidoscope, the eye can only have one position, In the other proposition (Prop. XVII.) respecting the progress of the rays, the eye and the object are actually stated to be placed between the refiectors ; and even if the eye had been placed without the reflectors, as in the kaleidoscope, the position assigned it, at a reat distance from the angular point, is a demonstration that arris was entirely ignorant of the positions of symmetry either for the object or the eye, and could not have combined two reflectors so as to form a kaleidoscope for producing beautiful or Symmetrical forms. The only practical part of Harris’s proposi- tions is the fifth and sixth scholia to Prop. XVII. In the fifth scholium he proposes a sort of catoptric box or cistula, known long before his time, composed of four mirrors, arranged in a most unscientific manner, and containing opaque objects between the speculums, ‘“ Whatever they are,” says he, when speaking of the objects, “the upright figures between the speculums should be slender, and not too many in number, otherwise they will too much obstruct the reflecied rays from coming to the eye.” This shows, in a most decisive manner, that Harris knew nothing Vou. XII. N° I. E 66 Eistory of Dr. Brewster’s Kaleidoscope. [JuLy, of the kaleidoscope, and that he has not’ even improved the common catoptric cistula, which had been known long before. The principle of inversion, and the positions of symmetry, were entirely unknown to him. In the sixth scholium, he speaks of rooms lined with looking-glasses, and of luminous amphitheatres, which, as the Editor of the Literary Journal observes, have been described and figured by all the old writers on optics.* The persons who have pretended to compare Dr. Brewster’s kaleidoscope with the combinations of plain mirrors described by preceding authors, have not only been utterly unacquainted with the principles of optics, but have not been at the trouble either of understanding the principles on which the patent kaleido- scope is constructed, or of examining the construction of the instrument itself. Because it contains two plain mirrors, they infer that it must be the same as every other instrument that contains two plain mirrors, and hence the same persons would, by a similar process of reasoning, have concluded that a tele- scope is a microscope, or that a pair of spectacles with a double lens is the same as a telescope or a microscope, because all these instruments contain two lenses. An astronomical telescope | differs from a compound microscope only in having the lenses placed at different distances. The progress of the rays is exactly the same in both these instruments, and the effect in both is produced by the enlargement of the angle subtended by the object. Yet surely there is no person so senseless as to deny that he who first combined two lenses in such a manner as to discover the mountains of the moon, the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, and all the wonders of the system of the universe, was the author of an original invention. He who produces effects which were never produced before, even by means which have been long known, is unquestionably an original inventor ; and upon this principle alone can the telescope be considered as an invention different from the microscope. In the case of the kaleidoscope, the originality of the invention is far more striking. Every person admits that effects are produced by Dr. Brewster’s instrament, of which no conception could have been previously formed. All those who saw it, acknowledged that they had never seen any thmg resembling it before; and those very persons who had been possessors of Bradley’s instrument, who had read Harris’s ‘Optics, and who had used other combinations of plain mirrors, never Hs es for a moment, that the pleasure which they derived from the kaleidoscope had any relation to the effects described by these authors. No proof of the originality of the kaleidoscope could be stronger than the sensation which it created in London and * The reader is requested to examine carefully the propositions in Harris’s Optics, which he will find reprinted in the Literary Journal, No. 10. He will then be convinced that Harris placed both the eye and the object between the mirrors, an arrangement which was known 100 years before his time. 1818.] Proceedings of Philosophical Societies. 67 Paris. In the memory of man, no invention, and no work, whether addressed to the imagination or to the understanding, ever produced such an effect. A universal mania for the instru. ment seized all classes, from the lowest to the highest, from the most ignorant to the most learned, and every person not only felt, but expressed the feeling, that a new pleasure had been added to their existence. ; If such an instrument had ever been known before, a similar sensation must have been excited, and it would not have been left to the ingenuity of the half learned and the half honest to search for the skeleton of the invention among the rubbish of the 16th and 17th centuries. SS CG ARTICLE X. Proceedings of Philosophical Societies. ROYAL SOCIETY. May 28.—A paper, by John Pond, Esq. Astronomer Royal, was read, on the parallax of the fixed ‘stars in right ascension. The author stated that this paper was an appendix to a former one on the same subject. He divides the results of his observa- tions upon certain stars into two parts, according as they were made what he calls incidentally or according what is termed the law of parallax ; and as no greater difference was observable in the latter than in the former case, it is concluded that the paral- lax is not so considerable as to be sensible, A paper, by Mr. Donovan, was also read, on the oxides and salts of mercury. Mr. Donovan commences by giving a view of what had been done by preceding chemists ‘on this subject, and afterwards relates his own experiments. He thinks the protoxide of mercury consists of 100 parts of mercury to 4:12 parts of oxygen; while * the peroxide consists of 100 parts of mercury to 7-82 parts of oxygen. These he supposes to be the only oxides of mercury, the one corresponding to the black, the other to the red. June 4.—A paper, by Sir Ev. Home, Bart. V.P.R.S. was read, containing an account of the teeth of the delphinus gange- ticus ; also a paper, by T. Smith, Esq. on the structure of the poisonous fangs of serpents. A paper was also read, by A. B. Granville, M.D. on sulphur- eted azote, a substance which he supposes to be the produce of @ peculiar process of animal decomposition, which takes place in the living body. It existed as a component part of a gas which was found in the abdomen, and was mixed with a portion of carbonic acid. It was Supposed to be composed of 89+ parts of azote and ‘102 of sulphur. A paper was also read containing an account of some eXxperi- E 2 68 Proceedings of Philosophical Societies. [Jury, ments made to ascertain the effects of voltaic electricity upon vegetable life, by J. Williams, Esq. June 11.—A paper, by Dr. Prout, was read, on a new acid principle prepared from lithic or uric acid. The beautiful purple substance produced by the action of nitrie acid and heat upon lithic acid has been long known to chemists. This substance Dr. P. has shown to be a compound of a peculiar acid with ammonia. _ This acid principle, which may be likewise formed from the lithic acid by chlorine and iodine, possesses the remarkable property of forming beautiful purple compounds with the alkalies and alkaline earths ; hence the name of purpuric acid has been adopted by Dr. P. which was suggested by Dr. Wollaston. urpuric acid may be separated from the purpuret of ammonia, before mentioned, by the sulphuric or muriatic acids. It usually exists in the form of a light yellow or cream-coloured powder. It is exceedingly insoluble in water, and consequently possesses no taste, nor affects litmus paper, though it readily decomposes the alkaline carbonates by the assistance of heat. It is soluble in the strong mineral acids and in alkaline solutions, but not in dilute acids in general. In alcohol, it is insoluble. When exposed to the air, it assumes a purple colour, probably by attracting ammonia. Submitted to heat, itis decomposed, and yields carbonate of ammonia, prussic acid, and a little fluid of an oily appearance. Burned with the oxide of copper, it was found to consist of Carbomo wails 5 HOUT ‘Avote Gowers eth Se) SBRSi The alkaline purpurates, as before observed, all form solutions of a beautiful purple colour. They are capable of crystallizing, and their crystals possess some remarkable properties. The -purpurate of ammonia crystallizes in quadrangular prisms, which, when viewed by transmitted light, appear of a deep garnet red ; but by reflected light, two ofthe opposite surfaces appear ofa beau- tiful green, while the other two opposite surfaces appear of the natural colour. This curious property seems to be possessed by the other alkaline purpurates. The metallic purpurates are, in general, remarkable for their solubility and the beauty of their colours. The purpurate of zinc is of a beautiful gold yellow, the purpurate of tin of a pearly white, that of the other purpurates are more or less of a red colour. ' Dr. P. thinks it probable that this acid forms the basis of many animal and vegetable colours. The pink colour of the sediment in the urine of fever seems to be owing to the purpu- rate of ammonia. Dr. P. also thinks that some of its salts might be used as paints, and also for dyeing, as they appear to possess strong affinities, especially for animal substances. —— 1818.] Geological Society. 69 A paper, by Sir W. Herschell, was also read, entitled astro- nomical observations and experiments selected for the purpose of ascertaining the relative distance of clusters of stars ; and of investigating how far the power of our telescopes may be expected to reach into space when directed to ambiguous celes- tial objects. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. March 6.—A paper was read, entitled ‘‘ Observations on the Valleys and Watercourses of Shropshire, and of Parts of the adjacent Counties,” by Arthur Aikin, Esq. From the heights of parts of the line of the Ellesmere canal, and from other data, Mr. A. computes the summit level of the tract which separates the valley of the Dee from that of the Severn, to be about 295 feet above the Dee at Chester; and the height of the Severn at Shrewsbury to be about 155 feet above the Dee at Chester. The descent of the Severn from Llanidloes to the sea appears to be at the rate of 11 feet per mile for the first 20 miles, not navigable ; then three feet eight inches per mile for 26 miles ; one foot eight inches per mile for 21 miles, and from Worcester to Gloucester, about 30 miles, only four inches per mile. From a variety of observations on the course of the Severn, Mr. A. concludes that the navigation of a river is very precarious, and lable to long and frequent interruptions, even in a rainy climate, when the descent of the stream exceeds three feet per mile, and that the highest floods run off in a few hours, even when the descent amounts to two feet six inches in the same space. The descent of the Dee from Llandysilio to Pont y cysyllte, a distance of six miles, is at the rate of 22 feet per mile; and thence to Chester, amounts to about five feet one inch per mile. The heights of water-sheds, or sources of rivers, being import- ant points in physical geography, Mr. Aikin recommends the subject to the notice of such members of the Society as may be enabled to supply information concerning it. © April 3.—A paper was read, from Dr. Brewster, on the form of the integrant molecule of carbonate of lime. Dr. B. has discovered that the strie passing through the long diagonals of two opposite planes of the primitive rhomboid of carbonate of lime are occasioned by their traversing veins com- posed of rhomboids of different thicknesses, having their faces placed transversely to those of the rhomboid which they traverse, and adhering firmly to the two surfaces between which they are interposed. Dr. B. rests the proof of this fact on the action which the surface of the crystal exerts on aray of light. He concludes that the integrant molecule is not a trihedral prism, as Count Bournon supposed, since the transverse cleavage of the primitive rhomboid exists only in those specimens which are crossed by intersecting veins. 70 _ Proceedings of Philosophical Societies. [Juny, A paper was read from A. S. Lillingston, Esq. on granite veins and whin dykes, in which he explains these appearances on the supposition that the beds containing the veins were deposited upon the mass of which the vein is a portion, while that mass was in a fluid state; and that the deposited beds were the first to become hard, in consequence of which they contracted, thus occasioning fissures which were subsequently filled by the sub- jacent fluid mass. The author also supposes the red marl stratum to have been produced from the destruction of beds of whin stone, fragments of which abound init, as may be observed in Devonshire, North- umberland, and other places. A letter was read, from the Rev. W. Gilpin, on certain fossil bones found near Margate. These bones, in the state of frag- ments, occur in the hard, white, calcareous clay which overlies the extremity of the chalk cliff extending along the coast to the westward of Margate. The bones lie at least 10 or 12 feet below the surface, and are surrounded by a dark, friable sub- ‘stance, similar to decayed animal matter. April 17.—A second paper was read, from George Cumber- land, Esq. on some new encrinital and pentacrinital bodies found in the nighbourhood of Bristol. It affords much interest- ing and curious information concerning the class of bodies of which it treats, but which cannot conveniently be detached from the illustrative series of drawings by which it is accom- panied. May 1.—A paper was read, from George Cumberland, Esq. consisting of a descriptive catalogue of specimens of the Bristol limestone beds, from their transition from the sandstone to their termination, at a place called Cook’s Folly, nearly the whole of which Mr. Cumberland has measured. The series consists of above 300 beds, from one inch to 30 feet in thickness. A paper was read, from Francis Lunn, Esq. on the strata of the northern division of Cambridgeshire. Mr. Lunn observes that the ferruginous sand is the lowest stratum found in Cambridgeshire ; on this rests the blue marl, having in many places the line of their junction very well defined: the sand contiguous to the clay is generally cemented by a large portion of oxide of iron into a hard, rocky substance. The sand contains fossil wood ; the clay contains carbonate and sulphate of barytes. The temperature of the water in all the wells sunk through the clay, is about 47° Fahrenheit, and is nearly invari- able throughout the year. : May 15.--The following notices were communicated by M. Leman, M.G.S. through Mr. Heuland, For. Sec. On Mica.—M. Biot has lately divided this mineral into two species. When submitted to the action of polarized light, the coloured rigs which are produced are traversed in the first species by two axes in the form of a black cross; and in the second species by a second axis or black band, passing through 1818.] Linnean Society. 71 their centre. The surfaces of the first species. are smooth and brilliant, while those of the second are dull and finely furrowed. -M. Vauquelin has found a difference in the chemical constituents of the two species. Crystallography appears to admit as the primitive form of mica either a right or an oblique rhombic prism. Is it not probable that these may be the respective primitive forms of the two species ? On Wallerite, or Linzinite.—-Dr. Dufour, of St. Sever, Dept. des Landes, has lately discovered near that place, in a bed of clay, a substance externally resembling lithomarga. It appears, however, from an analysis of it by M. Laugier, to contain LER ah ooanacotere aie eterahebeeeton art ete 32 Aline: Se, ota ik eretveec iota 37 Weatera ein Le Sie cee Stee ele 27 _ Sulphate of lime. ....... eh heRS 99 It may, therefore, be considered as a siliceous hydrate of alumine. LINNEAN SOCIETY. May 5.—A continuation of the Rev. Mr. Kirby’s century of new insects was read. May 25.—The following is the list of officers for the ensuing _year. President.—Sir James Edward Smith, M.D. Vice Presidents.—Samuel Lord Bishop of Carlisle ; Aylmer ‘Bourke Lambert, Esq.; William George Maton, M.D.; Edward Lord Stanley. Of the Council, in Place of five Members who go out.—John Duke of Bedford; Mr. Andrew Forster; Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq.; Thomas Reynolds, Esq.; Sir George Thomas Staunton, Bart. ; Treasurer.—Edward Forster, Esq. Secretary.—Alexander M‘Leay, Esq. Under Secretary.—Mr. Richard Taylor. June 2.—A paper was read, by Capt. Carmichael, on the genus pandanus. June 16.—A letter was read, addressed to the Rev. Mr. Kirby by the Rev. Revett Sheppard, on the position of the toes in ‘certain genera of birds. The woodpecker tribe have four toes on each foot, two before and two behind, which arrangement, according to Ray and all subsequent naturalists, is for the purpose of enabling them to climb with facility. According to Mr. Sheppard, there are six genera of birds pedibus scansoriis, viz. psittacus, cuculus, picus, rhamphastus, trogon, and bucco. The common cuckoo, which is one of these, though furnished with two toes before and two behind, is never known to climb at all; while the nuthatch (sitta europea) and tree creeper (certhia 72 Scientific Intelligence. (Jury, familiaris) have their toes placed in the usual manner, viz. three before and one behind, and yet run up and down trees with great facility. From these and similar cases Mr. 8. conSiders the pes scansorius as intended not for climbing, but for secure prehension; and hence it is found in the woodpecker and others which, hav- ing to procure their food by penetrating the wood with their strong bills, require a firm footing, which is effected by the arrangement of their toes as already stated. ; ee ArTicLe XI. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE, AND NOTICES OF SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH SCIENCE. I. Attempts to penetrate into the Interior of Africa, In the Journal of Science and the Arts, v. 146, we have the following account, which we believe is the only authentic docu- ment, that has yet been published, of the unfortunate termination of the expedition under Major Peddie, “ A letter from Sierra Leone mentions the return to that place of the scientific expedition for exploring the interior of Africa. They were completely unsuccessful, having advanced only about 150 miles into the interior from Rio Nunez. Their progress was then stopped by ‘a chief of the country; and after unavail- ing endeavours, for the space of four months, to obtain liberty to proceed, they abandoned the enterprize and returned, Nearly all the animals perished. Several officers died, and but one private, besides one drowned, of about 200. Captain Campbell died two days after their return to Rio Nunez, and was buried in the same spot where Major Peddie and one of his officers were buried on their advance.” Our expectation of penetrating into the interior of Africa has received a stil! more crue! disappoitment in the death of that intrepid and adventurous traveller Burckhardt, which took place on October 15, last, at Cairo. He had resided nearly eight years in Egypt and Syria, and had diligently occupied himself in exploring these countries, and in making himself thoroughly acquainted with the language, manners, and religious ceremonies of the Arabs, He had so far attained this object as to have adopted their dress and costume, and under the denomination of Sheich Ibrahim, had effectually concealed his European origin, ‘Having completed all his preliminary arrangements, he was anxiously waiting for the arrival of a caravan from Mourzouk, which he proposed to accompany on its return, when he was seized with an attack of dysentery, which in ten days terminated fatally. This succession of disappointments has not, however, repressed the ardour of adventure, and we learn that Mr. Ritchie, late private secretary to Sir Charles Stuart, has undertaken to reach 1818.] Scientific Intelligence. 73 the Niger and Tombuctoo by a new route, which seems indeed to hold out peculiar advantages. The present Bashaw of Tripoli has intimated his readiness to co-operate with the British government in the promotion of their plans ; Fezzan is a depend- ency of Tripoli, and is at this time governed by a Bey, who is the son of the Bashaw; and it appears that there is a constant communication between Fezzan and Kashna, Bournou, and even Tombuctoo itself. It seems that the French are likewise turning their attention to the same object, and that the traveller Bahdia, who is so well known under his assumed name of Ali Bey, is now entering upon an expedition, which is stated to be nearly the same with that which had been projected by Burckhardt. If. On Pargasite. (To the Editors of the Annals of Philosophy.) GENTLEMEN, - The new mineral, of which you have given a short notice in the fast number of the Annals under the name of pargasite, has been known in this country three or four years, and was described by the Abbé Haity in vol.i. of the “ Memoires du Museum d’His- toire Naturelle,” published in 1815; he found the crystalline form of many of the grains, and the cleavage, similar to those of horn- blende ; of which mineral he considered it a variety. He says he observed in some of the grains traces of a dihedral summit, and these traces have probably led the author of the description you have copied to regard the form of the substance as an octohe- dron; a form which would obviously result from a very short prism with the dihedral termination. The relative proportions of the component parts of hornblende differ considerably in the different analyses which have beem published. But the presence of fluoric acid does not appear to have been noticed before. I am, Gentlemen, yours, &c. FJ. N.B. Has not Capt. Hall mistaken some of the mollusce for polypes in the description you quote of the coral reefs, observed by him near the island of Loo-Choo? Il. On Mr. Tritton’s distilling Apparatus. (To the Editors of the Annals of Philosophy.) GENTLEMEN, You have inserted in the last number of the Annals an account ofthe apparatus contrived by Mr. Tritton for distilling in vacuo ; the attempt, although not new, is specious; and when the method is recommended by so respectable a philosopher as Mr. Allen, it is extremely probable ¢that it will, to a certain extent, meet with the patronage of the public. I had prepared some remarks to show that the employment of the apparatus in ques- tion must necessarily end in disappointment ; 1 shall, however, content myself with merely sending you for insertion im the Annals the following extract from vol. i. p. 190, of Dr. Black’s 74 Scientific Intelligence. [Juny, Lectures ; in which it will appear that this illustrious philosopher — and his eminent friend Mr. Watt, are theoretically and experi- mentally inimical to distilling in vacuo. Your constant reader, Po. Mr. Watt “ finds that water distils perfectly well, when of the temperature 70°, and that, in this state, the latent heat of the steam approaches to 1,300, and certainly exceeds 1,200. The unexpected result of these experiments, is, that there is no advantage to be expected in the manufacture of ardent spirits by distilling in vacuo; for we find that the latent heat of the steam is at least as much increased as the sensible heat is dimi- nished. This will undoubtedly be attended with an increased expenditure of fuel ; for the increase of 100 degrees of sensible heat occasions an increase of fuel only while we are raising the temperature of the still to the ordinary heat of boiling water, in the beginning of the distillation. If the furnace be judiciously constructed, and due precautions taken to prevent dissipation, it requires very little fuel to maintain this temperature. But 100 degrees of latent heat is an expense that is continual, and which no contrivance whatever can prevent.” On the subject of Mr. Tritton’s method of distilling in vacuo, the Editors beg to remark, that this gentleman does not, in his letter, state the saving of fuel as an advantage likely to arise from his process, but merely the improved quality of the fluid, as being free from the unpleasant flavour which is apt to attach to spirits distilled at a high temperature. The experiments on the oils contained in different species of corn, mentioned at p- 35 of this number, may probably throw some light upon the point in question. IV. Newly discovered Membrane in the Eye. Dr. Jacob, Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University of Dublin, has discovered, and demonstrated in his lectures on the diseases of the eye, this spring, a membrane covering the exter- nal surface of the retina, in man and other animals. Its extreme delicacy accounts for its not having been hitherto noticed. He arrived at the discovery by means of a new method of displaying and examining this and other delicate parts. He argues from analogy the necessity of the existence of such a membrane, as parts so different in structure and functions as the retina and choroid coat must otherwise be in contact, in contradiction to the provisions of the animal economy in general. A detailed account of the discovery, with the method of displaying the membrane, is in preparation, and will shortly be laid before the public. V. Plate presented to Dr. Paris. -On Tuesday the 16th instant, a deputation of noblemen and gentlemen, of the county of Cornwall, waited upon Dr. Paris, at 1818.] Scientific Intelligence. 75 his house in Dover-street, with a magnificent present of plate for his acceptance. The inscription, which is engraved on a massy silver waiter, records the services for which it was given. “ To John Ayrton Paris, M.D. F.L.S. Fellow of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians of London, this plate is inscribed by the noblemen, representatives in Parliament, and gentlemen of the county of Cormwall, in testimony of their grateful sense of his services, in originating the plan, and promoting the institution of the Royal Geological Society of the county, which has rendered their home the school of science, and their native riches increas- ing sources of prosperity.” VI. On the Spiral Oar. By James Boaz,. Esq. (To Dr. Thomson.) SIR, Glasgow, June 8, 1818. In your Annals of Philosophy for this month, I see a paper signed by Mr. T. L. Dick, stating that Mr. Scott, of Ormiston, had shown him a drawing of a spiral oar for propelling a vessel. As I consider this kind of oar may be brought to do much good in that way, | beg leave to state that the same occurred to me on August 12, 1804, which was the day after I had been foiled in an experiment by another method for propelling a small boat (on the Hugginfield Loch) used at building the wooden bridge over the Clyde here. I soon after made a model of a boat on a small scale, with two strong clock springs in one barrel, to drive a train of wheels, which wrought one of these spiral oars inside of a double keel at the bottom of the vessel, having gratings to pre- vent weeds from getting foul of the oar. I tried various sorts of spiral, some with the thread very close, others more sparse, and a few with two, three, and even four threads. I was best pleased with that having a double thread and moderate angle, as the motion of the model in the water at an experiment, Nov. 2, 1804, was at the rate of from four and a half to five miles per hour. This, if necessary, 1 can produce credible witnesses to testify. Whether the idea was new on August 12, 1804, I know not— it was so to me. A spiral has since, under my direction, been successfully applied to force hot air into a cold ae where there was _ power to spare for driving it; and I have often thought that the principle, if properly executed on a large scale, might in some cases be used for ventilating coal and other mines so as to free them of dangerous gases. Your obedient servant, James Boaz. VII. A new Metal. We are informed that Prof. Stromeyer, in examining the subli- mate which concretes in the chimnies of the zinc furnaces of Saxony (and which has long been known to chemists by the name of Cadmia fornacum), has discovered a new metal, to which he has given the name of Cadmium. Of this we hope to be able to give a further account in our next number. =~ May 4. Solar eclipse Bia Astronomical Observations. Beginning 17) 53/ End. .... ARTICLE XII. Astronomical, Magnetical, and Meteorological Observations. By Col. Beaufoy, F.R.S. Bushey Heath, near Stanmore. Latitude 51° 37/ 42” North. Longitude west in time 1! 20°7’. May 19. Immersion of Jupiter’s second satellite wees 19 41 Hd 09/ 13 10 Bal 17 76 Colonel Beaufoy’s Astronomical, Magnetical, [Juty, : Mean Time at Bushey. 31” Mean Time at Bushey. 51°T Mean Time at Greenwich. Magnetical Observations, 1818. — Variation West. Month. ‘ Hour. May 1] 8h 40’ 2) 8 15 3) 8 40 4) 8 30 5| 8 25 6; 8 30 %| 8 35 8) 8 40 9| S$ '35 10; 8 35 1h} 8 25 32 8 30 13|.8 40 4/| 8 20 15; 8 40 16] 8 25 17} 8 40 18; 8 20 19} 8 40 20| 8 25 21; 8 30 22| 8 25 23; 8 30 24; & 30 25} 8 30 26) 8 30 271 8 25 28! 8 25 29; 8 30 30} 8 30 31) 8 25 Mean for Month. § SiiRd Morning Observ. Variation. 24° 36’ 32 Noon Qbsery. Hour. a Sp ees OS ed Pee ee ara el ee 24 Variation. 24° 45! 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 AA 45 AG A4 45 AS 50 A5 A5 45 46 AT 42 AA 44 46 48 46 46 A5 Ad 43 44 44 47 46 45 33" 49 24 45 49 Evening Observ. Hour. Pre ses eee ee eee | Oa oq caietey capeajeaeeedel | pe SETEP || | qh 15/ 15 15 10 Variation. 24° 38’ 24 24 24 36 383 37 35 38 38 36 37 39 Q5 46 51 30 — 16 14 40 50 50 34 54 53 13 28 13 36 26 44 10 46 58 00 54 03 24 24 38 35 Rain, by the pluviameter, between noon on May 1, and noon the Ist of June, 2455 inches. Evaporation, during the same period, 3°77 inches. 1818.] and Meteorological Observations. 77 , Meteorological Observations. - Lh WG Ga Winans See Month. Time, | Barom. | Ther. | Hyg. | Wind. \Velocity.| Weatirer,| Six’s. May Inches, Feet. Morn ..,.| 29°300 53° | 54°) SW by S Shewery | 47° hae --.| 29°363 57 44d |SW by W Showery| 58 Even ....| 29°445 50 AT SSW Clear 43 Morn.,..| 29-430 | 51 AT ESE Cloudy i 2 ae seis] SOc Ow le tae A3 Var, Showery | 53 Even .. = == _— — — 43 Morn,. 29-070 5t 83 ENE Sm. rain ‘ 32 \Noon....| 29-053 60 57 ESE Fine 622 Even,...) — 7 cam = — 462 Morn....| 29-065 | 51 50 Ww Very fine ‘ 2 a Noon,. 29-083 62 40 Var. Fine 64 Even ....| 29-090 57 —_— Calm Fine 49 Mern....| 29-025 | 52 49 N Very fine i 54 |Noon....| 29 000 59 Al Var, Cloudy 62 Even ....| 28-970 55 AQ E Thunder 49 Morn....| 28:905 | 52 60 ENE {Cloudy ‘ G4 |Noon....| 28°390 59 49 SSW Rain, thund.| 61% Even....| 28-885 52 54 s Fine Morn....| 28-900 | 51 | 60 sw Cloudy ‘ 48 74 |Noon....| — — pes pass ees 59 .|Even.. ses = = = = ; Morn....| 29113 | 53 | 51 SSE Fine ‘ 46 Noon....| 29°113 60 38 SSE |Fine 634 Even ....| 29 005 — 50 E Rain a Morn... 29123 | 53 | 51 | SW byS Fine ‘ 453 Noon, ...| 29-158 58 46 SSW Showery}] 6Q Even ..,.| 29°220 52 50 SSW Fine ‘Mora....| 29-418 | 51 | 41 SSW Very fine ‘ 44 104 Noon... .| 29-418 | 57 42 Var. Showery| 60 Even .,,.| 29-400 | 52 48 S by W Fine ie Morn.,..| 29°285 | 54 | 49 s Fine ‘ as 114 (Noon. ...| 29-240 | 62 | 39 SSW Fine 63 Even ..,.}| 29-200 55 45 Sby W Cloudy Morn... | 29-200 | 53 | 50 Ww Fine t 492 124 'Noon,...| 29°213 | 58 | 39 Ww Cloudy | 60 Even ....| 29°235 55 Al W byS Fine ‘ Ah Morn....| 29-000 AQ 65 ESE Rain ~ is} Noon,,..| 28°930 | 57 48 |SW byS Showery| 58 jEven.. spec CoS 50 50 |SW by S fine 43 |Morn,...| 28°930 | 51 54 Ss Showery 149 \Ncon.... = == = = — — |Even....| 29°054 | 49 56 SE by S "ine 458 Morn,....| 29:090 | 53 51 Var. Cloudy : = 154 \Noon....| 29070 | 53 | 42 NW Cloudy | 61 Even ....| 29°085 53 47 ENE Fine 43 |Morn,...} 29°122 5] 56 Wby N Cloudy ‘ 165 'Noon....| 29-137 | 57 | 44 | WNW Showery| 59% Even ...| 29°190 53 51 WbyN Cloudy 50 Morn, 29°243 58 74 NW Rain ‘ ir} Noon,...| 29271 | 54 | 70 NE Rain 55 Even....| 29°330 | 53 68 NE Cloudy 4b {\Morn....| 29-455 | 52 | 54 | NNW Very fine ‘ : 18) |Noon.... -- — -- oo = 66 Even....] 29°510 | 53 AT NNE Fine (nape 78 Col. Beaufoy’s Meteorological Observations. [Jury, Meteorological Observations continued. Month. | Time. | Barom.| Ther.| Hyg.| Wind. |Velocity.| Weather.|Six’s. May Inches, Feet. ’ ~|Morn,.,.| 29°550 499 | 62° | NE by N Cloudy Abe 192 |Noon..,.| 29°365 | 55 | 53 | NEby N Cloudy | 56 Even ....| 29°570 AQ 60 | NE byN Cloudy Al Morn,...| 29-615 49 49 NE by N Very fine ‘ 20} Noon,...| 29:623 60 36 Eby N Very fine] 62% Even....) — os — ae shez /|Morn... | 29°733 | 49 50 ENE Cloudy ‘ a} Noon....| 29°750 56 38 | NEby E Very fine} 58 Even...) 29°735 49 Al EbyN Clear 38 .|Morn....| 29-773 48 48 ENE Fine ‘ cat Noon....| 29:790 | 57 38 EbyN Very fine} 59 Even....| 29°810 | 52 Ad | E Clear NW Morn.....| 29:873 | 50 | 48 | ENE Fine é 2345 |Noon....| 29°862 57 40 ENE 5'894 |Very fine] 60 Even ...) — — — = a an § Morn,...| 29-900 52 54 Eby N Fine ‘ _ 245 |Noon,...| 29-900 61 37 E ; 11163 |Clear 624 it Even ....| 29:S90 55 39 E Clear 46 Morn,...| 29°895 | 51 5T ENE . Cloudy é 254 |Noon....| 29°865 60 44 ENE 7255 |Fine 63 Even ....| 29°835 55 Ad Eby N Clear ~ A | |Morn,...| 29°837 55 51 ENE Very fine : 20) Noon,...} 29°820 66 33 E 7033 |Clear 663 Even... .} 29°823 57 35 _E Clear AA Morn,...| 29°883 | 52 | 51 NE Very fine ‘ 2 274 |Noon,...}| 29°867 63 42 NE 5103 |Very fine} 64 Even....| 29°827 62 Al NNE Clear 4g Morn,...| 29°772 53 A5 “NNE Clear ‘ é 2845 |Noon....} 29-760 | 65 32 NNE — |Very fine} 66 Even...) 29°720 50 42 NE Fine AA Morn,....| 29°673 | 51 42 | NEbyN Cloudy ‘ 294 |Noon....| 29°673 57 35 N by E — Fine 60 Even ....| 29°670 | 52 37 N Fine 43 Morn... .| 29°685 48 42 NNE Cloudy ‘ 304 |Noon....| 29'652 | 57 39 NNE 3604 |Fine | 59% Even....| 29°610 | 48 43 E Fine 45 Morn....| 29°542 | 55 | 47 |NW by W Very fine ‘ 4 31) |Noon....} 29°530 68 31 N see Fine | Tl Even ....| 29°530 | 56 50 Var, Showery ——— 1818.]} Mr. Howard’s ‘Meteorological Table. 79 ArTicLe XIII. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE. 1818, |Wind. 4th Mon. April 28S W 20IN E 30} Var. 5th Mon. May 18 W 2) Var. 3\I8 W 4iN W SIN E The observations in each line of the table apply BAROMETER, 29°98 |29°80/29°890 29-98 |29°7 5|29°865 29°88 |29°75)29°815 29°88 /29°70|29°7 90 29°85 /29°45|20-650 29°4,8'29°36|29°4.20 29°4.8/29'40|29°4.40 29'26|29°22|29-240 29°51/29:26/29'385 29°51|29°40/29:4.55 29°84|29°51|20°675 29°84!29°67|29'7 55 29°67 |29' 57 |29°620 29°03|29'45/29°540 29:45'29°30!29:375 29:47 |29°30/29:385 29°52'29°47|29°495 29°65'29°52/20°585 29;87 |29°05]29-7 60 30°00/29°87|29:935 30°05 30:00/30-025 30°20 30°05/30°125 30°23'30°20)/30:215 30°32 30°23|30°275 30°35/30°32/30°335 30°3.5,30'25/30°300 30°26 30'25/30°255 30°33 30°23/30:280 29°4.0|29'26/29°330) - 30°35 29'22/29°766 THERMOMETER, Max.| Min. ; Med. |Max.| Min. Ce ee ee eee Hygr. at | Med. | 9 a.m. |Rain. 41°5 53 530 50 50°5 70 51 47°5 56 5 580 52 39 54:5 75 3 545 58 56°5 62 183i@ 550 | 72 | 31 525 |. 63 “| — 54°5 1°46 52'5 2 50-5.) Oar) — 580 | 43 2 53:0 | 44 5 51:0] - 59 | 101) 48:5 | 57 52'0 46 | — 565 | 45 5 525 | 75 58:0 47°5 55:0 fe) 47°5 51°5 49-0 53°5 52:5 55*5 C 52°84! 57! 3-28) to a period of twenty-four hours, beginning at 9 A.M. onthe day indicated in the first column, A dash denotes, that the result is included in the next following observation. 80 Mr. Howard’s Meteorological Journal. [Jury, 1818. REMARKS, Fourth Month.—28. Much dew: at nine a, m. a brisk wind carrying Cumulz, above which appeared beds of Cirrus and Cirrecumulus, moving from SE; a fine day ensued, with Cumulostratus. 29. Fine. 30, Overcast early, with the wind NE; after which wet till evening. Fifth Month.—l. A fine day, save a shower or two. 2. Large Cumuli rose, which in the E especially mingled and inosculated with Cirrostratus above; I sus- pecied thunder in that direction; at sunset, Cirri from N to $8, above Cirrostraté ranging E and W: rain by night. 3. Drizzling, a. m.: fine, with Cumulus, and Cirrus at mid-day: in the evening, heavy showers appeared to the Nand NE, with much Cirrostratus overhead. 4. Very fine, with Cumuli, and large, plumose Cirrt stretching Eand W ; the clouds, though heavy, dispersed at sunset. 5, Sunshine at six a. m. with a few Cirri, &c.: before seven, a sudden mist came on from the E and NE, which obscured the view of the Solar Eclipse during the middle half hour of the time; the dew lay on the grass till noon, in the sunshine, and large Cumuli formed, inosculating with the clouds above; at two p. m. some heavy showers fel], but so local, that the road, half a mile off to the $, remained dusty: in the evening, Nimbi appeared in thunder-groups to the SE and S, and, finally, more extensive rain came on, withthe wind SE, 6, Rain, a.m., and at night. Y ' RESULTS. Winds Variable. Barometer: Greatest height ,.............+.++++ 30°35 inches 3 Bicasth ck ce dacsetese oe Diels eels gates, ea oor CHEN « Mean of the period ........ eosse- 29°766 inches. Thermometer: Greatest height..............00000- 69° 2 Meantene.. osha ssta\op aces. veel aet ce sen OU™ Mean of the period .............. 52°84° Hygrometer (mean of 18 days). . ........00ees000 DT HEVAPOFAUON coaccsaee> cise wa tiesnt Gace cltaciay's) LaVOTEIDNeS. RRA is ab clavate o Deiadacidt ens qpelevemae’s cedien niece CEN. being, as usual of late, about double the average quantity. Having left home on a journey on the morning of the 8th ult. I did not witness a very uncommon fall of rain which took place in this neighbourhood, It com- menced early in the evening of that day, and Jasted about 12 hours. Near an inch and a half of water descended in the above space of time, which, taking the shortest course from the higher ground to the hollows, filled the latter several feet deep, and overflowed the roads, in several places not usually subject to this acci- dent. Much inconvenience, and some loss ef property, ensued, the particulars of which were detailed in the papers of the subsequent days, This heayy rain seems to have been connected with a change in the general current, which, after a few days further continuance of unsettled weather, became established from the north- ward, the barometer assuming a high level, and the earth drying rapidly. It was, indeed, a singular spectacle to behold the ground saturated with water, and every spting running up to sv late a period in the season as the middle of the fifth mouth, when our fields are commonly dry enough, in every situation, to admit of the soil being pulverised by the harrows. Torrennam, Sixth Month, 17, 1818, L. HOWARD. I a i i ‘a ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY. AUGUST, 1818. ArrIcLE I. Biographical Sketch of Charles Augustin Coulomb.* CHARLES AUGUSTIN COULOMB was bom at Angouléme, on June 14, 1736, and was a member of a family that had been distinguished for their public services in the town of Montpelier. He came to Paris when very young, and soon manifested a decided taste for mathematics ; but various circumstances hay- ing prevented him from pursuing this branch of science, he embraced the profession of a military engineer. In this capa- city he spent about nine years in the West Indies ; he prosecuted his employment with much ardour, and had the active superin- tendence of many important public works; but from the exertions which he made, together with the unhealthiness of the climate, he experienced such unfavourable effects upon his con- stitution, that it was necessary for him to return to frakbipe. From this time Coulomb devoted himself almost entirely to philosophical pursuits, directing his attention principally to the mechanical sciences, or employing himself in elucidating them by mathematical reasoning. Hé presented to the Academy, from time to time, memoirs on various topics connected with practical mechanics ; soon after his return from America, which was in the year 1779, he divided with Van Swinden the prize proposed for the best construction of the marier’s compass, and two years afterwards had the prize awarded him for his paper on the theory of simple machines. One of the most important * The facts in this biographical sketch are principally taken from the eloge by M. Cuvier, Mem, Inst. 6. Vou. XII. N° Il. FE 82 Biographical Sketch of [Aveust, topics which he discusses in this valuable memoir is that of friction; he examined the opinions of those who had already treated upon it ; he repeated and varied their experiments ; and proceeding upon a larger scale, he obtained results which were m many respects novel, and altogether very interesting. Some of the most curious observations which he made were respecting the relation between the length of time in which the effect of friction reaches its maximum quantity, and the amount of the weight or force employed. This relation he found to be of the greatest importance in a practical point of view, and to influence the results so materially, that unless it is taken into account, all our calculations must be fundamentally erroneous. For example, supposing that the force required to overcome the friction of one surface upon another, as depending upon a certain pressure on the surface, when the bodies were first placed in contact, was 100, in a few seconds it would be as 250 or 300, and ina few days it would increase to 900 or 1000.* n the researches to which he was led in his experiments on the construction of the compass, he had occasion to pay parti- cular attention to the effects of what he stiles torsion, or the resistance which the suspending wire opposes to the action of the needle, in obeying the magnetic attraction. This circum- stance was the cause of Coulomb’s invention of what he deno- minated his torsion balance, an instrument which he afterwards employed very extensively for measuring minute forces, such as those produced by extremely small quantities of electricity and magnetism. An account of his experiments on this subject was published in the memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1784, under the title of theoretical and experimental researches on the force of torsion, and the elasticity of metallic threads. The action of the torsion balance essentially consists in the resistance which an extremely fine thread opposes to our attempts to twist it, and his object was to obtain an accurate measure of the force of this resistance. The nature and construction of the instrument are too well known to require any minute description ; it may be stated, in general terms, as consisting of a metallic wire, which is fixed at its upper end and is suspended in a vertical direction, while to its lower end is attached a cylinder connected with a horizontal index ; by causing the arms of the cylinder to revolve upon the point of suspension, the wire to which it is attached is twisted; and when we cease to twist it, its elasticity causes it to assume its natural position. The index in this case will pass through a certain space which is measured by a graduated scale. Coulomb’s experiments led him to conclude that the force with * Mem, Scay. Etrang. x. 163. The prize was awarded in 1781, and the paper printed in 1784. + A figure of the torsion balance may be found in the Supplement to the Enc. Brit. Pl. 27, figures 1, 2, 3, 4,5, alsoin Dr. Brewster’s Encyc. Art, Electricity, Pj, 244, fig. 7, 8, 9, 10. ; 1818.] Charles Augustin Coulomb. 83 which the wire endeavours to regain its natural position is in the direct ratio of the distance to which it has been removed from it; and hence, when we obtain the measure of the distance, we have that of the force. The power which operates upon the wire is called the force of torsion; and the angle formed by the index in its natural position, and that to which it is brought by the operation of the twisting power, is called the angle of torsion. This is accurately measured on the scale ; and assuming that the force of torsion is equal to the angle of torsion, we are able to ascertain this force with the most perfect accuracy. Proceeding upon this principle, a number of experiments were performed with a view to ascertain the action of different wires, so far as respected their length, their:thickness, and the nature of the materials of which they were composed; and he deduced from them a series of propositions which afford very important data for estimating the amount of very minute, attractive and repulsive forces.* Coulomb had been elected a member of the Academy in 1781, and now made Paris his residence, devoting himself for some years almost exclusively to the investigation of the sciences of electricity and magnetism, more especially in endeavouring to perfect their theory. In this investigation he was materially assisted by his torsion balance, and was enabled, by means of it, to execute some very delicate experiments, which may be con- sidered as forming the basis of his most important speculations. He proved by it that electrical attractions and repulsions follow the general law of the inverse ratio of the squares of the dis- tances, a law which had been assumed by preceding philoso- phers as highly probable, and as agreeing generally with the phenomena, but which had not before obtained the sanction of -direct experimental proof. In the further prosecution of his researches on the subject of electricity, Coulomb was induced to adopt the hypothesis of the two electric fluids, which had been originally proposed by Dufay, and supported by Symmer, but which, at least in this country, had been almost unanimously renounced for the more simple doctrine, which attributes all the effects * Coulomb’s essay on torsion is in the ninth volume of the Mem, Sgay. Etrang. and is entitled, ‘‘ Researches theoretical and experimental on the Force of Torsion, and on the Elasticity of metallic Threads; Application of this Theory to the Employment of Metals in the Arts and in different philosophical Experiments; Construction of different Torsion Balances, for the Purpose of measuring yery small Degrees of Force ; Observations on the Laws of Elasticity and of Cohesion.” His general theorem is as follows: that the momentum of the force of torsion is, for threads of the same kind of metal, in the compound ratio of the angle of torsion, the fourth power of the diameter, and the inverse ratio of the length of the thread; so that if we call the angle of torsion B, the diameter D, and the length 1, we shall have as the expression which represents the force of torsion © : , Where « is a constant coefficient, which depends upon the natural stiffness of every metal; this quantity ~, which is invariable for the threads of each particular metal, may be easily determined by experiment, F2 84 Biographical Sketch of , [Aveust, to the excess or defect of a single fluid. Every one must admit that he defends his hypothesis with much ability, and even with the precision of mathematical reasoning ; but we must recollect that the whole is founded upona gratuitous assumption, and that we are not entitled to employ the agency of two fluids in our explanations, until we have found it impossible to explain the phenomena by the supposition of a single fluid. [f, therefore, the theories are equally plausible, we shall be obliged to reject the one which proceeds upon the assumption of the greater number of hypothetical principles. In the science of magnetism, upon which Coulomb bestowed a great share of attention, we may observe the same tendenc to assume imaginary data, upon which, however, he reasons with much precision, and from which he derives a beautiful and consistent theory. In order to explain the action of the magnet, he supposes that all the particles of the instrument are so many partial magnets, having their opposite poles in contact. The operation of these poles will, in a great measure, be neutralized by each other, so that the two extreme poles only will be in a state’ of activity. This hypothesis, like the one on electricity, he defended with much ingenuity, and he showed that it was adequate to explain all the phenomena, but, like the former, it rests upon a gratuitous foundation. Besides his hypotheses, he, however, made some important observations on magnetism, espe- cially those that refer to the effects produced upon it by temper- ature. He found that the magnetic property of the needle is diminished as its temperature is increased, and that probably, at a certain high temperature, it would be entirely destroyed ; this degree was too high to be ascertained by direct experiment ; but by employing a theorem of Laplace, it was estimated at the 700° on the centigrade scale, or about 1,450° of Fahrenheit. By means of the delicate sensibility of his torsion balance, Coulomb conceived that he was able to detect the magnetic property in many bodies which were not suspected to contain iron, and was finally induced to form the conjecture, that magnetism, like electricity, may exist in all bodies, though it is frequently con- tained in them in a latent state, and requires a particular com- bination of circumstances for its development. This idea appears, however, to have been brought forwards rather as a speculation, which might be confirmed or refuted by future expe- riments, than as forming a part of his matured theory, and is contrary to the opinions that are generally entertained upon the subject. The experiments and researches of Coulomb on electricity and magnetism were more directed to the establish- ment or elucidation of his hypotheses than to the development of any new facts; so that, although he devoted so much of his attention to these departments, he has produced in either of them very little of what can properly be considered as disco- veries. So far as our information extends, the torsion balance of 1818.] Charles Augustin Coulomb. 85 Coulomb has been very little employed in this country, and even in France its use appears to have been principally confined to the author himself, so that its value still rests, in a great measure, upon his authority.* : Among the other objects to which Coulomb directed his attention, we must not omit to mention a memoir which was published by the Academy in the year 1781 on wind-mills, in which the author made a great number of experiments on the mills near Lisle, particularly directing his attention to the form of the sails, arid the quantity of effect which they were able to produce by a given force of the wind. A very curious and elabo- rate paper of Coulomb was published in the Memoirs of the Insti- tute for the year 1798, detailing numerous experiments on the quantity of power which a man can exert in the course of a day, and on the best method of employing his strength. The author inguires what weight can be best borne during a certain number of hours, how many loads, and of what size, can be carried along a horizontal surface ; and how many by the same person mounting up steps: he afterwards examines the compa- rative force employed in performing many of the common opera- tions of labourers, such as pulling a rope, turning a winch, &c. and endeavours to form accurate estimates on all these points. We think it doubtful whether all the calculations and deduc- tions contained in this paper, although derived from experiments, which were doubtless made with much care and diligence, are applicable to any useful purposes; so many circumstances, besides those of a mere mechanical nature, are concerned; and * Coulomb published, in the whole, seven memoirs on electricity, whichare con- tained in the Memoirs of the Academy for the years 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, and 1789. The following may be regarded as among the most important of the pro- positions which compose his hypothesis of electricity : 1. There exist two electric fluids, one vitreous, and the other resinous, 2. The particles of each of these fluids repel each other. 3. The particles of one of these fluids attract the particles of the other fluid, 4. These attractions and repulsions are in the inverse ratio of the squire of the distance, 8 5. The electric fluid does not diffuse itself through different bodies in conse- quence of a chemical affinity, but it is distributed among them when placed in contact, according to their figure or position, solely by its repulsive force, 6. In conductors, the electric fluid diffuses itself entirely along the surface, Without penetrating into the interior, 7. In electrics, the fluid penetrates into the interior of the body. 8. The electric force is not produced by impulse, nor by the action of any ex- traneous impulsive fluid. 9. The electric fluid does not form active atmospheres around bodies, by the particles of which the phenomena of attraction and repulsion are produced, but they depend upon the action of the fluid in the body itself. 10. When electricity is excited by friction, or by any other means, the two bodies acquire different kinds of electricity, the one vitreous, and the other resinous, Coulomb supposed the cause of magnetism to be very analogous to that of electricity; that there were two magnetic fluids; that their particles repel each other; that the particles of one fluid attract the particles of the other ; that they act in the inverse ratio of the squares of the distances; but that the fluid is lodged entirely in the interior of the body. é 86 Biographical Sketch of C. A. Coulomb. [Aveust even the mechanical powers of different individuals depend so much upon causes which are difficult to detect and impossible to appreciate. In the year 1800, Coulomb published, in the Memoirs of the Institute, a paper on magnetism, and likewise one of his most learned essays on the cohesion of fluids. He employed his torsion balance in the experimental part of the inquiry ; and he was led by his experiments to form the conclu- sion, that the resistance which fluids oppose to the slow motion of their particles upon each other is represented by two terms, the one proportional to the velocity of the motion, the other to the square of this velocity.* The events of Coulomb’s life are few, and not particularly interesting. The French revolution deprived’ him of some offices which he had filled under the monarchy, and probably impaired his private property. At the dissolution of the Academy he felt no longer any interest in the metropolis, nor indeed could it be considered as a place of security for any one distinguished either for talents or for acquisitions of a more inci- dental kind. He retired for some time to a small estate which he possessed near Blois, until the violence of the storm was passed over, when he was recalled to take his place in the Insti- tute, of which he continued ever after to be an active member. His death took place in his 70th year, in consequence of a gradual exhaustion of the nervous system, the immediate result of a febrile attack, but probably originating in the decay of the system incident to the decline of life. The moral character of Coulomb is stated by his eulogist to be of a high order of excellence; he is said not. only to have possessed many great virtues, but to have had few defects to counterbalance them. It is indeed admitted that he had an impatience of temper, which he often found it difficult to restrain; but this seems not to have been carried to such a degree as to render him unamiable, or to disqualify him for any of the relations of society. The scientific reputation of Coulomb has been highly estimated by those who are the best qualitied to judge ofhis merits ; his mathematicallearning was unquestionably very profound ; and all his writings indicate a clear and correct method of reasoning, united to a comprehensive view of his * The following are the titles of the papers published by Coulomb in the Memoirs of the Institute: ¥V. 2. Experiments on the Circulation of the Sap in Trees. V. 2. Results of Experiments te determine the Quantity of Power which can be exerted by Men in their daily Labour, according to the Mode in which they employ their Strength, : V. 3. Theoretical and experimental Determination of the Forces which bring different magnetic Needles to Saturation at their magnetic Meridian. V. 3. Experiments to determine the Cohesion of Fluids, and the Laws of their Resistance in very slow Motions, V.4,. New Method of determining the Inclination of the Magnet. V.6. Results of the different Methods employed to give Plates and Bars of Steel the greatest Degree of Magnetism, 1818.] Mrs. Ibbetson on the Effect of burying Weeds. 87 subject. Upon the whole, however, we think it is to be regretted that he devoted himself so much to the formation of hypotheses ; and we cannot but regard him as having expended upon refined speculations a large portion of the ability and exertions which probably might have been more usefully bestowed upon the acquisition of real knowledge. Artic te II. On the tnjurious Effect of burying Weeds. By Mrs. Ibbetson. (To the Editors of the Annals of Philosophy.) GENTLEMEN, May 30, 1818. To establish facts upon the sure and solid foundation of repeated experiments, and to discard all those that are derived from hasty conjecture, and which have not been regularly subjected to examination, is certainly the duty of a botanist and agricul- turist. That such an error as I pointed out in my last letter, and now wish again to combat, should have been persisted in so long, makes us mourn over the imperfection of our knowledge, since it might have appeared impossible that so strange a con- tradiction should have been insisted on, and by many of the first agriculturists, without their being struck with the strange incon- sistency of the two facts which are both admitted as true, viz. that we can bury our vegetables with the certainty of their making in a few months good manure, fit to nourish plants ; and that we can put our vegetables into the same earth for the winter months, to preserve them from decay and from the influence of the frost. Thus we place them in the same ground, for the same time, and in almost the same manner, both to destroy and to preserve them. It is certain that we cannot be successful in both cases; and as daily experience makes us assured of the latter fact, we _ should hence have been led to doubt the first. It is admitted that a few succulent leaves will decay under these circumstances, but this will not be the case even with the leaves of trees, and certainly with no species of woody matter. Nor is it a greater mistake or a more fatal one to agriculture, to dig up our weeds at a great expense, and then replace them in the earth. A clean soil is one of the first requisites for good farming ; whereas we do all in our power, by burying weeds and green crops, to render the earth as foul as possible. ; I have in my last letter shown that no vegetable can be of use as manure till it has passed through all the various steps which precede decomposition. It has always appeared to me that there was a strange confusion made by agriculturists in comparing fresh vegetables with manure ; no two things can be 88 Mrs. Ibbetson on the injurious Effects [Aveust, more different, yet they reason as if the same operations took place in both; whereas the first effect to be produced on the recent plant is to kill it, a process of no small difficulty ; while the vegetable matter in the manure is certainly dead. It has passed through the stomach of the animal, has been exposed there to a high temperature, and yet often without being entirely decomposed ; since considerable quantities of straws and clover stalks will be found in dung not yet digested, though exposed not only to such heat, but to the dissolving power of the gastric juices. How then can we expect that the earth (so cold in com- parison) will so soon decompose the vegetable matter, and what would be a still greater miracle, convert it into mould, when it has only that sap to assist in its decay, which certainly possesses no digestive or reducing powers? So far indeed are the vege- tables when placed in the ground from making manure, that as soon as the part of the stem which is opposite a branch touches the earth, roots are directly nourished, and soon protruded ; and let the process of decay proceed ever so far before they are buried, it is directly stopped, and the earth is sure to arrest its progress instead of accelerating the decomposition. I have now dug up another trench, which has been preserved since last May,* and not opened till the Ist of the present month ; it fully confirms all I before made known respecting the excessive duration of vegetable life, with many curious circum- stances that greatly assist me in the acquirement of a more perfect knowledge of plants; while they confirm many of the most important points that I have before ascertained by means of dissections, and advanced on vegetable physiology. All the weeds natural to the soil, and the herbaceous plants, were growing again, sickly, though firmly ; 1aany of them even piercing the earth, and appearing just shooting above, and throwing out fresh germs, except the conium maculatum, which I have always found to die in the leaves, though not in the root. I this time made a thorough trial of fresh aquatic plants; as they decay so immediately on being taken out of the water, I supposed they would die still quicker under ground, and would of course form an excellent manure. I, therefore, buried several plants of potamogeton and ranun- culus aquatilis, which both appeared to decay as soon as taken from the water; the pit was opened four months after burying them, and they were perfectly alive, the first fermenta- tion having stopped the moment they entered the earth; so that they appeared as fresh as when they had been taken out of the water only fora very few hours. This plainly shows that there is no trusting to any thing but experimental knowledge; for though a part of these plants had really begun to decay before they were placed in the earth, yet the fermentation was directly arrested ; * May, 1817. 1818.] of burying Weeds. 89 the. most.convincing proof that plants, even of the tenderest kind, and such as most quickly decompose in the air, will require a very long time to pass through this process in the earth. Of the various branches of trees placed in the pit, a number of them having lost their leaves (at the proper time I suppose) were full of bud, and those buds were again ready to burst with their various contents, though the scales were not yet expanded; a strong confirmation, I think, that the whole process of the flowers and leaves is formed in the interior, and not in the bark, as Mr. Knight supposes. Had this been the case, would not some assistance have been wanted to bestow air, elaborate the juices, recompose them, and make amends for the light they must require in the bud? whereas in the interior all is ready prepared. The root is the complete laboratory of plants, whence the juices are propelled, and formed according to their respective affinity. But I have always found that every agricultural expe- riment only more thoroughly proves and confirms what dissection had before shown me. {In the oak branches I could detect both the flower and leaf. The horse chesnut was ready to protrude its leaves, while the flowers were less backward than they gene- rally are on the lst of May. But what was most curious, the buds had none of the glutinous matter which generally surrounds them, and the scales were completely fixed, which leads me to believe that the flowers (if the branches had not been taken out of the earth at this time) would not have protruded, though the leaves would ; but I shall certamly repeat this experiment next year. The walnut was quite dead, but the ash was apparently in the act of giving out its flowers. The alder had many leaf buds, but few flower buds: they all died soon after being exposed to the air; a fact which shows how fully unfit a medium the earth is for making vegetable manure. The method which the Chinese employ for forming little diminutive fruit trees for the ornament of their trays, is analogous to this subject, and shows how easy it is to make the roots of plants grow in any part. They place a shelf close to the pro- jecting branch of the tree which they mean thus to reduce ; they surround it with earth, fixing a bottle of water above with a long piece of felt hanging out of it; the water then drops on the earth, constantly keeping it moist, and soon the roots are sure to shoot from the opposite side, forming radicles enough to nourish the branch, when it is separated from its parent plant ; thus a whole tree is by degrees formed into many small ones. I have found this plan to succeed even with forest trees, as well as with every sort of fruit tree, one or two excepted. This very much resembles the manner in which the long roots form in the earth ; they continually shoot from the part of the stem opposite to the branch, and in grass from the ends of the shoots; in pther plants they not only form opposite roots as in trees, but 90 Mrs. Ibbetson on the injurious Effects [Aveust, the middle root throws out side roots and radicles te nourish any new shoot that may be formed. For some time past i have been endeavouring to enforce the proposition that all plants are favourable to one particular soil, the tenacious manner in which weeds grow, the difficulty of killing them, the variety peculiar to each soil, the plants found in certain situations, and in these only, are strong proofs that soil is of the first consequence to the existence of a plant. Then there are many plants that can live only where a peculiar ingre- dient (either earth or salt) is found. Vegetables near the sea coast will not thrive unless the soil contains a certain quantity of muriate of soda. How often have seeds been found totall dormant in one kind of earth, and when removed into a different soil have been revived and forced into life? Duhamel gives many examples of this, and I have myself frequently experienced it. The parietaria and borage will not thrive except in such soils as contain nitrate of potash or nitrate of lime ; saintfoi will not grow well without chalk. I have now tried, for three years past, many different corns (particularly wheat) in clay, gravel, chalk, sand, and a rich mould, to see in which each succeeds best, manuring all alike; and I have found that far from always choosing the richest soil, there are quite as many do well in the others ; provided it was their original and proper soil, and con- genial to their nature, they would give a much larger proportion than the same wheat would do in a richer soil without this advantage. J have known sand plants, which were constantly affected by a sort of dropsy, when put into a rich soil, completely cured, by being placed in their own original and proper earth. The red lammas wheat always produced the proportion of nine in sand to six in clay, when both were equally manured ; and the Taun- ton wheat will give in arich soil thirteen tc four in a sand. The blue cone wheat gave ten in clay to only five in sand, and only seven in arich soil. The Dantzic wheat gave in a sandy loam the proportions of eleven to seven in clay, and only six in chalk, all manured alike ; and they maintained nearly the same propor- tion during the three years that the experiment was continued. I tried about ten varieties of wheats, and the numbers in that time varied very little in three successive trials. The fact is still more decided with respect to clovers, and many other plants, as lucern, saintfoin, hogs’ peas, beans, canary seed, hops, briza media, poa pratensis, and trivialis, cynosurus cristatus, which are all decided chalk plants. In clay we have the hop-trefoils, cabbage of every kind, festuca calamaria, trifolium procumbens, poa pratensis, medicago sativa; while festuca fluitans, festuca elatior, and poa aquatica, grow still better in wet clay. In sandy soils the most decided plants are found, as the turnip, carrot, parsnip, beet, annual meadow grass, the cow grass, bird’s-foot trefoil, avena flavescens. The cow grass is so entirely fed by the atmosphere, and is, therefore, so truly a 7" plant, that it wants ee a ee 1818.] of burying Weeds. Ol but little if any manure. Indeed the advantage of placing a lant in its own soil is, that it will do with half that quantity. hen we are thoroughly persuaded and informed what plants really can take nutriment from the root and those which cannot, it will be a vast saving to the farmer; for in fact very few sand plants require manure. I should this summer have completed the business of my trenches, and the trial of all agricultural plants, in the five soils above mentioned, if a most severe illness had not impeded my progress for some time. If a botanist is asked how are plants fed, he will probably answer, without hesitation, ‘‘ by means of the radicles which draw from the earth the nutriment which is consigned to the root for that purpose ;” but I wish to know how those plants are to be nourished which have visibly and positively no radicles, or extremely few? Now this is the case certainly with two very large collections of plants, the mountain plants and the sand plants. If these vegetables, therefore, are not fed by the radicles, they must be supported by the atmosphere : is it not then of the greatest consequence to know which plants these are? for if they are wholly or principally supported by the atmosphere, they cannot certainly require manure. I think these propositions follow of course, and cannot well be refuted : to compare the root ofa plant which requires arich soil with the toot of a sand plant will at once show the difference. The size of the root is of no consequence whatever ; it is the small threads which absorb the nourishment, and which alone show the nature of the plant; the turnip, carrot, and parsnip, have hardly any of these. The plants of the barren rock have also no radicles, and the root serves merely to fasten them to the spot, and to form the corculum of the seed; and this is so deci- sive that in many annuals, among the sand and mountain plants, the root is almost dead before the flower appears. I do not despair that the time will soon arrive when every farmer will know the plants that exactly suit his soil, that he will be able chemically to appropriate the manure to the soil, and will be incapable of burying weeds and of turning in young crops. I am, Gentlemen, your obliged humble servant, AcNEs IsBETSON. ArtIcLe III. On the Fountainhall Chalybeate Spring. By T. L. Dick, Esq. F.R.S.E. (To Dr. Thomson.) SIR, Fountainhall, Jan. 26, 1818, ReFERRING you to my communications of April 13 and July 9, 1816, on the subject of the Fountainhall Chalybeate 92 Mr. Dick on the [AveusT, - Spring, published in your 43d and 47th numbers, I now- avail myself of being on the spot to copy for your Annals the follow- ing continuation of my father’s register of its alternations. The thermometer was regularly marked as formerly ; but as the tem- perature of the atmosphere seems to have had no influence at all in producing the phenomena, it is unnecessary to encumber the columns with it. ; ~ T have not leisure at present to send you, as formerly, a table of averages ; and if I had, a glance at the particular items of the register will convince you that little satisfaction could be had from such aview. It is evident from the great general increase of the discharge of water which took place in the month of February last, and which seems to have continued almost up to the end of the period embraced by the memoranda, that an actual increase of the body of water in the mine must have taken place in that month. : An attentive observation of the motions of the well has satis- fied my father that it is much more rapidly affected by any atmospherical change than the mercurial column. — It must, therefore, frequently happen, that when both are marked at the same moment, an apparently anomalous result will be afforded, owing to the mercury yielding more tardily to the change of density. A visible alteration as well in the increase as in the diminution of discharge has often been noticed to take place whilst the observer has been standing by the fountain. Register of the alternating Appearances in the Fountainhalt Chalybeate Spring, continued. N.B. No Measurements made on Sundays.* _ June 22, M, R, 233 pints. B, 29-74.—A, 313 pints. B, 29°65. A great deal of thunder, lightning, and rain, with hail. 24, M, R, 23 pints. B, 29°58.—A, 19 pints. B, 29°63. 25, M, R, 23 pints. B, 29°65,—A, 273 pints. B, 29°58, 26, M, R, 32 pints. B, 29°46.—A, 313 pints. B, 29°39, 27, M, R,20 pints. B, 29°50.—A, 18 pints. B, 29°59, 28, M, R, 16 pints. B, 29°70.—A, 20 pints. B, 29°70. 99, M, R, 223 pints. B, 29°69.—A, 243 pints. B, 29-64. July 1, M, R, 233 pints. B. 29:39.—A, 213 pints. B, 29:39, M, R, 233 pints. B,29-37.—A, 233 pints. B, 29°37. 3, M, R, 22 pints. B, 29°37.—A, 213 pints. B, 29°39. A, M, R, 223 pints. B, 29-40.—A,25 pints. B, 29°39. 5, M, R, 21 pints. B, 29°39.—A, 203 pints. B, 29°42. 6, M, R, 212 pints. B, 29-42.—A, 223 pints. B, 29°40. 8, M, R, 225 pints. B, 29°32. A great fall of rain last night and this morning.—A, 22 pints. B, 29°32. Rain all day. a 9, M, R, 22 pints. B, 29°35.—A, 233 pints. B, 29°30. 10, M, R, 25 pints. B, 29°25.—A, 253 pints, B, 29-21. * “The letter R, signifies that the well was running over; F, that it was full; In.~means the inches down, unless when specified otherwise; M, is morning; and A, afternoon, It isalso to be noticed that the degree of Fahrenheit’s thermometer haying been remarked, it is indicated by T; and afterwards the elevation of the barometer having been also attended to, its height is indicated by-B.”—(See Mr. Dick’s former paper, Annals, viii. 6.) 1818.] July 11, 21, 28, Fountainhall Chalybeate Spring. 93 M, R, 23 pints. B, 29°19. Distant thunder yesterday and the day before, and this morning a heavy fall of rain.—A, 20 pints, B, 22-29, Rain, M, R, 195 pints. B,29:24.—-A,183 pints. B, 29-27. M, R, 16 pints. B,29-36.—A, 16 pints. B, 29-40. M, R, 305 pints, B, 29-20.—A, 22 pints. B, 29°24. M,R, 17 pints, B, 29°29,—A, 194 pints. B, 29°29. Rain. M, R, 34 pints. B, 29°28.—A, 242 pints. B, 29-20. Thunder and rain. M, R, 33 pints. B, 29-04. A great fall of rain last night.—A, 28 pints, B, 29-04. Wind high from S. E, with showers of rain, M,R, 24 pints. B, 29-04.—A, 191 pints. B, 29-08. Slight showers. M, R, 103 pints, B, 29-20.—A, 9 pints. B, 29-28. M, R, 19 pints. B,29-20.—A, 14 pints. B, 29°23. A great fall of rain, M, R, 143 pints. B, 29°25.—A, 21 pints. B, 29°25. Showers of rain. M, R, 153 pints. B, 29°25.—A, not measured, M, R, 113 pints. B, 29°30. Rain.—A, 12 pints. B, 29°36. M, R, 123 pints. B, 29-40.—A, 12 pints. B, 29°45. M, R, 153 pints. B, 29-43.—A, 18 pints. B, 29°39. A very heavy fall of rain since twoo’clock, p. m., which still continues. M, R, 163 pints. B, 29°34.—A, 17 pints. B, 29°30, M, R, 22 pints. B, 29-22,—A, 22 pints. B, 29°19. M,R, 19 pints. B,29°19.—A, 18 pints. B, 29-19. M, R, 143 pints. B, 29-20.—A, 13 pints. B, 29°23. M, R, 12 pints. B, 29-26.—A, 113 pints. B, 29°28. M,R, 13 pints. B, 29-29.—A, 103 pints. - B; 29°31. M,R, 12 pints. B,29:40.—A,11 pints, B, 29°44. M,R, 10} pints, B, 29-46.—A, 124 pints. B, 29:46, M, R, 16 pints. B, 29-32,—A, 203 pints. B, 29:29. M, R, 19 pints. B,29-24.—A, 17 pints. B, 29°24. M, R, 152 pints, B, 29-23. Rain last night.—A, 103 pints, B, 29°28. Distant thunder, and a great deal of rain. M, R, 33 pints, B, 29-40.—A, 113 pints. B, 29:38. Rain in the afterneon. M, R, 63 pints. B,29-40.—A, 53 pints. B, 29-49, A high westerly wind, ; ; M,R,7pints. B, 29°50.—A, 91 pints. B, 25°52. M, R, 14 pints. B, 29:-42.—A, 173 pints. B, 29°36, M, R,15pints, B,29'66.—A, 10 pints. B, 29°87. M, R, 6 pints. B, 29°96.—A, 1] pints. B, 39:03. 2 M,R, 20pints. B, 30°03.—A, 174 pints. B, 30:03. & & OO . 1818.] Fountainhall Chalybeate Spring. 101 Oct. 7, M, R, 194 pints. B,30-00.—A, 20 pints. B, 29:94, 8, M, R, 20 pints. B,29°»9.—A, 20 pints. B, 29°86, 9, M, R, 18 pints. B, 29°81.—A, 18 pints. B, 29-75. 10, M,R, 193 pints. B, 29°70.—A, 194 pints. B, 29-70. Rain and east wind. 11, M, R, 143 pints. B, 29-77.—A, 143 pints. B, 29-80. ' 13, M, R,12 pints. B, 29°96.—A, 134 pints. B, 29:98. 14, M, R,15 pints, B, 29°97—A, 15 pints. B, 29°94. 15, M, R, 193 pints. B, 29°84. Some rain.—A, 15 pints. B, 29°80. Frequent drizzling showers, 16, M, R, 133 pints. B, 29°83.—A,\134 pints. B, 29°86. A good deal of rain and some hail since Jast night. 17, M, R, 11 pints. B, 29°91.—A, 11 pints. B, 29°91. . M, R, 163 pints. B, 29°84. Rain.—A, 19 pints. B, 29°80. Fre- quent and heavy showers of rain, 20, M, R, 19 pints. B, 29°79.—A, 15% pints. B, 29°78. 21, M, R, 183 pints. B, 29°65.—A, 20 pints. B, 29°50. 22, M, R, 64 pints. B,29'47.—A, 13 pints. B, 29°58, 23, M, R, 6 pints. B, 29°72.—A, 9 pints. B, 29°78. M, R, 112 pints. B, 29°72.—A, 14 pints. B, 29°67. 25, M, R, 17 pints. B, 29°49.—A, 214 pints. B, 29°38. Brisk S. W. wind, 27, M, R, 20 pints. B, 29°18.—A, 30 pints. B, 28°98. Ahigh S. W. wind, with heavy showers of rain. 28, M, R, 23 pints. B, 29°00.—A, 21 pints. B, 29-01. Showers of rain and sleet, 29, M,R, 17 pints. B,29:01.—A, 144 pints. B, 29°05. 30, M, R, 32 pints. B, 28°80. A high west wind, and heavy showers at intervals,—A, 32 pints. B, 28°80. Flashes of lightning seen last night. Storm of wind still unabated. 31, M, R, 14 pints. B, 28-90. A great fall of rain last night, and storm of wind abated.—A, 4 pints. B, 29°00. oe , PU AB. MES Gl xy : ed alte abi 2 iw : ane 14 ne i) eg ig ‘ a > t a siaiaiat eager Horwhrintot heh igi iy ¥ Ta fpolmmerces’ Fe 5 ee ne 7 Geib : i Pease , ' Chie 7 rae a Ge fi ! bolo 7 * Dacth ; | ] Aeldoheledeled ior 6le]2|alo]e [ele] apeacadvadedede mjode|a) 2) 9] 6) Je] Emone DEG : a tht + T | i ims H - t = | | Cry { mG CLT Mw t f L a H L - i ] ti s | amt CI | Ht ae | f — TT T HHH o 4 HH Het eueee T eet ty tt 1 a 1 I : cote ees 1s BB t ‘SEEBE | i T SEREBSSEER! 7 : Cot tH | ae im root | i: ror i | ae Oe al kil { nae sue tT Chl Tt peafewsnitatitasise : t Al it a 7 rT ! i [ | H 1 1-f 4 [ 1g I eg ai rH imome eueceet ion Crt Et T T i OP } oe - t at Hh ia ; | TTT Ht IN@eRoGoe Daa rary aon sy Lead DLvAS CGGEOEE Cet [ I EEC CEE t fl al TT |_| T t a ' if | a t | ion T POPE ian ; igi Try TTT ity if ETB Bi T } iat h T ima a ttt 7? eas = 2 ia & o b t | bipyabddadrdpdrardrdelaledaiod ede li eda [Ahokrdees ele] zl9[ o[elola] c eho4et GEEEEGoE = Yr? . > I ed ai : ALDULG A SESE Atv Lal Pry = IQ OMIOLB ET RESO 1818.] Mr. Holt’s Meteorological Journal. 123 _ Societies wishing to make an exchange of Transactions may address themselves as follows:—‘“‘ To Professor Gotthelf Fischer, at Moscow.” Or if they will send a copy of their Transactions, they may rely with perfect confidence that Professor Fischer will return in their place the works of the Imperial Society of Naturalists. ArticLe XI. Meteorological Journal for the City of Cork. By T. Holt, Esq. (To Dr. Thomson.) SIR, y Cork, May. 21, 1818. I nave been prevented by severe illness from transmitting the annexed meteorological scale (Plate LXX XII) before this time, but trust it is not now too late for insertion m the Annals of Philosophy for July. 1 shall be enabled to complete the continuation of the scale up to June 30, so as to transmit it by July 10; and I hope in future to have every quarterly scale ready in as short a time after its completion. Permit me to inquire, Sir, if it has been before noticed that a dilute solution of indigo in sulphuric acid, when treated with any deoxydizing subject, as bright iron or zinc filings ina closed vessel, loses its blue colour and remains colourless (or rather of a very pale green colour) so long as the vessel is kept closed? The admission of air restores the blue colour, which is again made to disappear by closing the vessel. As on the addition of the iron filings hydrogen gas is evolved, the vessel will require to be occasionally unclosed to let it escape, or it will endanger the bursting of the vessel. With much respect, I am, Sir, Your very obedient, humble servant, Tuomas Ho tt. ——=zI=— The fact related by our correspondent is, we believe, new ; and may, probably, be of considerable practical utility. {t is well known that indigo becomes a fast colour only when it is applied in a deoxygenated state ; and this is usually effected by digesting the indigo in warm or cold water with sulphate of iron and lime. The blues, however, thus produced, are not equal in vividness of tint to the Saxon blue, which is made by digesting the indigo in sulphuric acid, by which it is dissolved without undergomg any change of colour and consequent deoxygena- tion. On this account the Saxon blue, however beautiful, is a colour more or less fugitive, and, therefore, inapplicable to min purposes. It is possible that by judiciously following up the hint thrown out by our correspondent, a method may be 12 4 Mr. Holt’s Meteoroiogical Journal. [Aucus?, discovered of rendering the beautiful tint of the Saxon blue equally fast with the ordinary indigo dye.—Ep. . Lal OO sk teat pet w= 27, 28. 29, 31. = ie wo = SF CHAIHwW Pied Gets 2 wr owes evening. : Frost last night; bright day; rainy evening. Ditto, ditto; dry evening. Dull, showery day ; windy evening. . Rainy day, with wind. . Bright day. . Rainy day; snow in evening; windy. Showery day. 25. Bright days, Misty morning ; sleet, with wind. Showery day. Snow showers. ! 30. Frosty night; rainy days, Hard frost last night; bright day ; rainy evening. FEBRUARY. Snow last night, and through the day, with frost. Ditto. 4,5, Bright, frosty days, Thaw ; bright day. . Frost last night; bright day. Cloudy morning, thaw. Foggy morning ; bright day ; occa- sional showers. Bright day; rain last night; “showery evening. Frost last night; bright day ; some showers. . Cloudy morning; rainy evening. ‘Showery day; wind. Gale of wind last night ; showery day ; bright evening. REMARKS, 15. Frost last night; ; JANUARY. aa a showery day; Cloudy, dry day ; windy evening. 16. Rainy night and showery day. Ditto, with high wind. }7, Cloudy morning; rainy evening, Snow this morning; rainy evening. with wind, Bright morning; cloudy day, || 18. Misty day. rainy evening. 19, Rainynightand morning; bright day. Dry, bright day; light shower at || 20. Frost last night; showery day. noon, 21. Great wind and rain last night; Frost last night ; bright day ; foggy showery day. evening, 22, Frost and snow last night: showers . Duil, misty day. of hail this day. Bright, dry day. 23. Light snow last night; violent and Moist day. protracted showers this day. . Dry, cloudy day ; rainy evening, 24, Frost and snow last night; dry Stiowery day; rainy evening, morning ; rainy evening. Misty morning; dull day; rainy |) 25. Violent showers and wind. evening. 26. Showers ofsnow and wind. Great wind and rain last night, and || 27. Bright day. till noon. 28. Showery and windy. Bright morning; showery day, . with wind, a 3 - MARCH. Duii, moist day ; gale of wind. 1. Showery and windy. Heavy mist through the day; rainy 2. Rainy morning; clear day. 3,4. Very heavy rain, with wind. al. Frost and snow last night; heavy showers of rain and hail. Bright day ; a few showers. . Bright morning ; showery day. Showery day, with snow. . Frost, snow, and wind, last night, and this day. ‘ . Frost last night ; showers of snow. Rainy and windy day, Snow last night; showery day. Fine morning; showers of hail; fine, windy evening. . Ditto, ditto; rainy evening. 1 . Fine day; some showers of rain; wet evening, . Dull, dry day. . Bright day. . Dull, dry day. . Rainy day. . Bright day ; some hail showers. Fine bright day ; wet evening, with thunder and lightning. Hazy day, with wind. Clear day ;.some showers of rain and hail. . Bright day ; some hail showers. Ditto; showers of rain. Ditto, ditto; gale of wind. Dull, dry day. Cloudy, with light showers. Cloudy and showery day; evening ; rainy night. Cloudy morning; bright day; breeze. Bright day, fine 1818.] On English and Foreign Copper, Zinc, and Brass. 125 ARTICLE XII. On English and Foreign Copper, Zinc, arid Brass. By T.Gill, Esq. (To the Editors of the Annals of Philosophy.) No. 11, Covent Garden Chambers, — GENTLEMEN, July 14, 1818, In Dr. Thomson’s History of Physical Science, published in your Annals for last month, page 20, speaking of brass, he says, “ A friend of mine in London, who excels in the construction of time-pieces, showed me a piece of brass which he valued very highly. He gave it the name of old Dutch brass, and informed me that he was in the habit of buying it up whenever he could find it, and paying much higher prices than were demanded for modern brass. He was one of those persons who have a much greater veneration for former ages than for that in which they happen to live.” He then proceeds to state, that “the old Dutch brass was much more ductile than Bristol brass with whick I compared it.” This is surely a much better reason for his friend’s preference than his “ veneration for former ages ; ” and he is by no means singular in his opinion, and indeed is well justified in his practice by the vastly superior purity, ductility, and malleability of the old Dutch, or, more properly, Nurenberg brass, which to watch-makers is invaluable, and has long been employed by them. The late Mr. Harrison made his celebrated time-pieces of old Dutch pan brass ; and Mr. Hardy was recently furnished with some of it by the Board of Longitude, in whose hands it had been preserved from the time of Mr. Harrison, to make’ a time- piece with for the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. When it is considered that the foundation of the very superior accuracy and delicacy of finish of time-pieces and watches, rests entirely upon the excellent quality of the steel, and the purity and malleability of the brass, which they are composed of, it is by no means singular that watch-makers should prefer that brass, which so far excels every otherin these important respects. , The Dutch or Nurenberg brass owes its superior properties to processes, which are very different to those followed in the manufacture of brass in this country ; and, indeed, until copper is brought to that degree of purity and malleability as to be capable of being beaten into leaves by the gold beater’s process, similar to Dutch leaf metal; and that zinc shall be entirely,freed from the lead, tin, &c. with which it may happen to be combined in the ores by other processes than those usually employed in this country, namely, of mixing the ores of zinc with copper to make brass, or of distilling them per descensum to extract the zinc, which also carries down with it lead, tin, &c. it will be in vain to hope to make brass equal to the old Dutch brass, and as capable of being beaten or rolled into thin tinsel, or drawn into 196 Dr. Clarke on the [Aveust;. fine music wire ; articles for which we are entirely indebted to Germany. English brass also differs very considerably from Dutch brass im its lability to become decomposed and rotten in the time of 2 thaw, possibly from the combined action of cold and moisture, as happened to a piano-forte making by my friend Mr. T. T. Hawkins, the frame and strings of which were so exposed when all those made of English brass wire broke, and the remains of them were become quite brittle and rotten, and the broken parts exhibited a dark coloured grain; whilst all those which were made of foreign brass wire remained unhurt. i am, however, in hopes that this country will shortly be able to rival the Nurenberg copper and brass: my father-in-law, Mr. Wm. E. Sheftield, who has formerly been long in Germany, and paid particular attention to these important objects, and is a metallurgist of great skill and experience, having lately manu- factured copper, zinc, and brass, equal in every respect to the best foreign; and he is now endeavouring to establish a company for the erecting of works on a large scale; so that, I trust, this country will not much longer remain under the stigma of being excelled in some of its staple articles by the superior quality of those of other nations. Another very important advantage resulting from Mr. Shef- field’s superior method of extracting pure zinc trom its ores, 1s, that he can employ with profit those poor ores, yielding much less than 30 per cent. of metal, and which have hitherto been rejected by the manufacturers of brass in this country to the great loss of the miners. lam, Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant, Tuomas GILL. ArtTIcLE XIII. On the colouring Constituent of Roses. In a Letter to the’ Editors. By Edward Daniel. Clarke, LL. D. Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge, &c. GENTLEMEN, Tne doubts which have been entertained respecting the colouring principle in flowers, and especially in the blossoms of the rose, induced me to make a chemical examination of the substance to which their colour is due. The use to which this co- louring principle has been applied in the preparation of ¢est paper renders the inquiry worth a little attention ; and the inferences to be deduced from it are such as may excite the curiosity of your readers. Scheele succeeded in proving that the ashes of vege- tables contain manganese, whence, perhaps, originated the notion that the red colour of the radish and the green colour of its leaves, were owing to the presence of this metal. With 1818.] colouring Constituent of Roses. 127 respect, however, to the ved colour of the petals in roses, I have satisfactorily ascertained that this is due entirely to tron; having obtained zron and in the metallic state, from an infusion of roses in distilled water. In proof of this, [ send you a small globule of ron thus obtamed ; exhibiting a high degree of metallic lustre when filed, and having all other properties of the metal. The process by which the metal was extracted shall now be related ; merely premising that the sort of rose used in these experiments, was that which botanists term rosa gallica, or common red rose. After carefully separating the petals from their calices, the former were placed in a porcelain vessel and covered with warm distilled water which had been previously boiled ina Florence flask. In this state they were suffered to remain for eight hours, after which time the infusion was passed through a filter. A few drops of muriatic acid were then added, and afterwards liquid ammonia; when a dark precipitate immediately fell, which, upon the addition of a little more of the precipitant, and agitating the fluid, became of a leaf green colour. Being lett for a couple of hours, a considerable subsidence appeared at the bottom of the vessel, which, collected upon a filter, assumed a mud colour, and in this state was left to dry. After being dried, as much of this mud coloured precipitate as could be taken from the filter was placed in a test tube and a little mro-muriatic acid poured upon it. The acid had been previously proved, and yielded no precipitate or change of colour to prussiated alkali. Aided by a slight degree ~ of heat, it became of a dark chocolate brown colour, and began immediately to act upon the precipitate with violent effervescence ; disengaging a gaseous fluid, which I have not yet examined, and presently recovering its transparency and colour ; appearing only somewhat paler. Distilled water was then added, and being placed over an Argand lamp, the whole of the liquid was evaporated, nearly to dryness. There then remained at the bottom of the tube, a muriate of iron, and distilled water being again added, it was dissolved. Prus- siate of potass now threw down a beautiful emerald green precipitate, which, when left to subside, assumed a blue colour; this being collected on a filter, the remaining liquid after passing the filter exhibited a topaz yellow hue. As the grantity of precipitate collected upon the filter was very small, made use of an expedient which I have found convenient in experiments upon minute portions of metallic oxides before the gas blow-pipe, when it was necessary to preserve the quantity as much as possible from diminution; namely, that of tearing off the lower point of the filter containing the substance to be examined, and making it up, while in a moist state, into a pellet between the fingers. This pellet was then placed within a cavity in a stick of charcoal and exposed to the flame of a wax candle urged with a common blow-pipe. In this state, fusion, with exceedingly minute globules, became apparent; and the de-~ 128 On the colouring Constituent of Roses. [Avcust, oxydation being aided by the addition of a little wax, the whole gradually ran together into a single globule of more considerable size ; which remained upon the charcoal exposed to the most intense heat that could be communicated for several minutes. Being then suffered to cool, it was so powerfully attracted by the magnet, that from the preceding observations I had little doubt of its containing zon m the metallic state; and upon submitting it to the proper tests, this fact was decided. It exhibited a high degree of metallic lustre to the action of the file. As I have since repeated the experiment, and always with a similar result, [ thought it might gratify your curiosity to see the cron thus obtained. I have, therefore, sent you one of these globules fixed into a deal splinter and filed; exhibiting an appearance like a small zron nail driven into the wood. Butasa philosophical query suggested by-the whole of the preceding inquiry, I wish to propose this question: whether the rose tree, among other instances of the same nature, be not in itself a living test of the presence of an acid and an alkali in the lant ; the acid being manifested by the ved colour of the parts of fructification, and the alkali by the green colour of the leaves ? The mere circumstance of oxygen existing in a greater proportion to hydrogen, than is necessary to form water, in a vegetable substance, is sufficient to explain the presence of an acid; and alkaline bodies, being substances negatively electrified, an excess on the side of the hydrogen, explaining the alkaline character of the leaves, may thence be inferred. That the zon may, perhaps, exist as a phosphate in the flower seems to be warranted in this; that the precipitate thrown down by ammonia from the infusion of roses, when acted upon by a powerful heat, phosphoresces ; and this compound is still more likely to be detected in those flowers exhibiting white and blue colours, because these are the hues of the native phosphates of iron in the mineral state. How- ever, as the carbonated alkalies dissolve the oxide of iron with ease, and this solution, which was first noticed by Stahl, is decom- posed by the alkalies in a caustic state, it may be the same which acts asa colouring principle in roses. That the base of it is iron has been here proved. If I have leisure, I will carry this investi- gation somewhat further; and by extending it to the colouring principle in other vegetable bodies, endeavour to ascertain whether iron, so universally prevalent, be the only metal to’ which the varied hues of flowers ought to be ascribed. Hitherto, the nature of their colouring principle seems to have been un- known. Thenard says of it, that it has not yet been obtained in a separate form, although he admits that it is almost always soluble in water. His words are,* “ Leur principe colorant n’a point encore été isolé ; il est presque toujours soluble dans Peau.” I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, yours faithfully, Cambridge, July 14, 1818. Epwarp Danie CLARKE. * Traité de Chimie, tome troisieme (1716), p. 376. Paris, 1515. 1818.] MM. Gay-Lussac on the Boiling Point of Fluids. 129 ArtTicLe XIV. Notice respecting the Fixedness of the Boiling Point of Fluids. By M. Gay-Lussac.* In the memoirs of the Academy of Berlin for the year 1785, p- 2, or in the Annales de Chimie, x. 49, we havea set of expe- ’ yiments by M. Achard, the object of which was to ascertain: whether the degree of heat of pure boiling water be fixed and’ invariable, independent of the pressure of the atmosphere. He: deduced two conclusions from his experiments: 1. That, in a metallic vessel, water has not a fixed point of ebullition, but that, while it continues boiling, its temperature is constantly varying,. and that this variation is principally produced by the action of the air, both upon the sides of the vessel and upon the surface: of the water, while, in a glass vessel, boiling water has a fixed: and determinate degree of heat, without the action of the external: air upon the sides of the vessel producing any change in the: state of the fluid. 2. That the nature of the vessel has no’ influence upon the degree of heat which the water acquires in) boiling. There is, however, reason to suppose that M. Achard’s” experiments are not correct, and that they were so made that the results cannot be accurately compared together. 20 M. Gay-Lussac, some years ago, observed that a thermometer, ' which marked exactly 212 Fahr. (100 cent.) in water boiling in a» vessel of tinned iron, did not stop at the same degvee in a vessel’ of glass, although the circumstances appeared in other respects’ quite similar. The difference was about two degrees Fahr. and as. there seemed no way of accounting for it but the nature of the vessel, he concluded that water boils sooner in a metallic than” in a glass vessel.+ Prof. Munche, of Heidelberg, in conjunction with M. Gmelin, . has made a number of experiments in vessels of different kinds, ' and nearly of the same form, the results of which he conceives’ are unfavourable to M. Gay-Lussac’s position. Upon examining into the nature of M. Munche’s experiments, M. Gay-Lussacdoes not, however, conceive that they afford any real objection to his former opinion; many of the results in fact coincide with it, and with respect to the rest, they do not appear sufficiently satis-" factory: to entitle us to form any general conclusion contrary to it. ; With respect to the cause of the difference, M. Gay-Lussac: conjectures that it may depend both upon the conducting power of the substance of the vessels and upon the polish of the surfaces. In illustration of the subject he states the following’ * Abridged from the Aun. de Chim, et de Phys. vii. 307. (March, 1818.) + Ann, de Chim, Ixxxii. 174, Vou. XII. N° II. 1 130. M. Gay-Lussac on the Boiling Point of Fluids. [Avausr, facts. When a mattrass half filled with water is made to boil, a considerable noise is produced, which indicates that the ebulli- tion takes place with some difficulty ; large bubbles of vapour are formed, which rise up from certain points only, and a ther~ mometer plunged into the fluid experiences frequent variations. If we employ a vessel of tinned iron, the noise is less consider- able, the bubbles are smaller, but more numerous, the variations of the thermometer are less considerable, and the boiling point is lower. We may confirm this observation by boiling water in a glass vessel, and throwing into it a few filings of iron, when the ebullition will immediately proceed in the same manner as in a metallic vessel. If we employ sulphuric acid instead of water, the difference is more considerable, amounting often to many degrees. _ When a fluid is boiled in glass, not only is the ebullition more slow, but a thermometer plunged into the fluid experiences con+ ‘siderable variations, and rises above the real boiling point. It is supposed that the cohesion or viscidity of a fluid must have a considerable effect upon its boiling point; for the vapour which is formed in the interior of a fluid has two forces to over- come ; the Basis upon its surface, and the cohesion of the particles. It may be supposed that a solid or a fluid body, the vapour of which is formed at its surface, may be in a state of equilibrium with the pressure of the atmosphere, while the interior portion may acquire a greater degree of heat than that of the real boiling point, provided the fluid be confined in a vessel and heated at the lower part, as generally takes place in the boilmg of fluids. In this case the adhesion of the fluid to the vessel may be considered as analogous to its viscidity. The disengagement of an elastic fluid, which is dissolved in water, is analogous to the ebullition of a fluid. If we take any brisk fermenting liquor, and wait until the escape of the gas has ceased, it may be renewed by introducing imto it any solid substance, as a piece of paper, a crust of bread, a powder, or even by agitation. The carbonic acid is disengaged principally where the fiuid touches the glass, and particularly at any part where there are asperities in the surface. _ On this principle we explain the sudden starts which some- times take place in the boiling of fluids. When by any means the temperature of a fluid is raised above the true boiling point, it happens that some change occurs, by which a new state of things is induced, and the superfiuous heat is suddenly disen= gaged in the form of a great rush of steam. This frequently occurs to a great degree in distilling sulphuric acid, by which the vessels are not unfrequently broken, when they are of glass; this evil may be effectually doe by putting into the retort some small pieces of platina wire, when the sudden disengage- ment of gas will be prevented, and consequently the vessels will not be liable to be broken. 1818.] | Prof. Munche on the Boiling Point of Fluids. 181 The Editors have subjoined an account of Prof. Munche’s éxperiments, which are referred to by M. Gay-Lussac in the above paper, and also an extract, on the same subject, from M. Biot’s Traité de Physique. = On the Fixedness of the Boiling Point in Thermometers. By Professor Munche, of Heidelberg.* it had.been announced by M. Gay-Lussac, that water boils in metallic vessels at a temperature of 2°34 Fahr. (1:3 cént.) lower than in glass vessels; and M. Biot has since confirmed the observation ; hut the cause of so remarkable a fact has not been yet ascertained or even examined. M. Munche, in con- junction with M. Gmelin, undertook to repeat the experiments and to endeavour to give some explanation of the facts. A number of vessels of the same form were accordingly prepared, three inches high and 1:3 inch in diameter, but of different _materials. Four of them, one of thick leather, another of beech wood, a third of ivory, and a fourth of 12 folds of thin paper, could not be. made use of, because they were not sufficiently good conductors of heat to enable the water to boil. Those that were employed were of copper, tinned iron, tin, lead, and marble; they had also a goblet of silver and one of platina, the first ‘3 line thick ; the second, ‘2 only ; also a vessel of varnished delft ware, 1-6 inch in diameter, two cups in the form of goblets, one of porcelain and the other of Delft ware, two inches in diameter, and lastly three medicine phials, of 14 in diameter, one of white, the other two of green glass. The water in these different vessels was kept as nearly as possible at. the same temperature, by placing them in. the same sand bath. The following are some of the principal results that were obtained. _ 1. The heat of boiling water may be increased. by the quick- ness of the fire, so that the thermometer may be raised more than one degree of Fahr aboye the boiling, poiut on the scale. 2. When the bulb of the thermometer touches the bottom of the yessel, particularly when it is inserted between the cone which projects inwards and the sides of the vessel, the thermometer rises still higher, as much as 1-8 Fahr. 3. The heat of. the water is diminished, when sand is thrown into it, by some tenths of a degree ; a small quantity of copper filings, part of which swam on the water, whilst the remainder fell to the bottom, produced no effect. The following table contains the actual temperatures which the water exhibited in the different vessels when in a state of ebulli- tion, above or below the degree marked on the scale. * Abridged from Bibliotheque Universelle, vii. 101. (Feb. 1818) ; and Journal de Phys, lxxxvi, 243, (March, 1818.) 2 132M. Biot on the. Boiling Point of Fluids. [Aucust, Substance of the Temperature. vessels, The thermometer | When the thermometer was half an inch touching the bottom, below the surface of the water. ~ BREE ies o. 0's cs sn — 0:225 Fahr. — 0:45 Fahr. Platina. ......| — 0°226 — 1-125 210) 0) a + 0°9 + 0-225 Tinned iron. ...| + 1:24 — 0°34 Marble. ...... + 0-1 — 0°34 LBP LEY: Daa ke Sharad + 0°45 — 0:225 Dita oo. inp eit ote ail — 0°225 Porcelain. ....| + 0°1 — 01 White glass....| + 0°7 0-0 Green glass. ...| + 1:8 + 1:35 Distant. cmt ss + 0°7 0-0 Delft ware ....} + 1°8 + 0°7 Common earth- enware...... + 1:8 + 0°45 The inside of the metallic vessels, although they were not very highly polished, were so much so as to have a degree of metallic lustre. The silver goblet had on one side a black spot owing to the metal having been a little acted upon in that part. As soon as the bulb of the thermometer touched this spot, it rose more than a degree of Fahr. and upon touching the bottom, it fell to the pomt marked in the table; this curious observation has been frequently repeated, and always with the same results. The author explains the results of his experiments upon the principle that the heat passes through the bottom of the vessels, is united to the water, and forms elastic vapour ; but the vapour thus formed is .a conductor of heat; and besides the caloric necessary forits formation, contains also a certain quantity of the same caloric which is capable of affecting the thermometer. The proportion of the two quantities of heat depends upon the nature of the substance in which the water is boiled, and also upon the _ state of the two surfaces, internal and extérnal, so that the different quality, as well of the substance as of either of the surfaces, may affect the results, but not so as materially to affect the accuracy of the thermometer. ——— Extract from M. Biot. “ There is also some variation in the boiling point according to the nature of the vessels which we employ, and according to that of the substances which are mixed with the water, even when it cannot dissolve them. For this observation we are 1818.] Analyses of Books. 133 indebted to M. Gay-Lussac. In order to verify it by experi- ment, it is sufficient to put distilled water into a glass vessel, and cause it to boil; it will be perceived to boil by starts and with difficulty. Remove it from the fire, by which we must certainly lower its temperature ; and after an interval of some seconds, throw into it a small quantity of iron filings ; the fluid will instantly be thrown into a state of complete ebullition. These different operations must, however, necessarily tend to lower its temperature, and consequently the throwing in of the iron filings must have exercised upon it some unknown action which facilitates its ebullition. “This is the general fact: in order to ascertain its degree, M. Gay-Lussac observed the temperature of the water the moment when it began to boil in a glass vessel ; he found it to be 214-2 Fahr. (101-232 cent.) If we throw into the vessel finely owdered glass, the temperature of ebullition descends to 212°6 Fahr. (100°329 cent.) ; if we put iron filings into it, the temper- ature descends still lower, and becomes stationary at 212 Fahr. (100 cent.) M. Gay-Lussac also found that the size of the vessel has no influence upon the phenomenon, nor had the greater or less quantity of the iron filings any effect ; water heated in a metallic vessel boiled at 212 Fahr. (100 cent.)”— (Biot, Traité de Physique, i. 42.) ARTICLE XV. ANALYSES oF Books. Transactions of the Geological Society, Vols. III. and IV. (Continued from Vol. xi. p. 453.) IIl.—2. On the Oxide of Uranium, the Production of Cornwall, together with a Description and Series of its crystalline Forms. By Mr. W. Phillips. In this paper Mr. Phillips describes the varieties of uranite which have lately been found in Cornwall. This mineral had been observed to occur rarely in the mine called Carharack, accompanied with iron ochre, and cubic arseniate of iron. In 1805, Mr. P. discovered uranite at Tincroft mine, near Redruth, accompanied by pulverulent pecherz, and at Tol Carn mine, about two miles north of Carharack, also accompanied by pecherz. The most beautiful specimens of this substance, however, have recently been discovered in Gunnislake copper mine, near Cal- lington. The acuteness of Mr. P. has detected a considerable number of new crystalline varieties among his specimens of Cornish uranite, which are described in this paper. - Lit—6. Outlines of the Geology of Cambridgeshire. By the 134 Analyses of Books. [Aucusr, Rey. J. Hailstone, F.R.S. F.L.S.. Woodwardian Professor in the University of Cambridge. ; The upland parts of Cambridgeshire consist of chalk hills, which, at their northern extremity, appear to rest on an extensive bed of blue clay, provincially called gault; and on the east, on the borders of Suftolk and Essex, the chalk is covered by a thick deposit of clay. The grey or lower chalk is the most abundant in Cambridgeshire, where it is distinguished by the name of clunch. When burned, it affords a lime in very high esteem, and the harder beds form a good building stone, which, from its standing the fire well, is in great request for the backs of grates and similar purposes. The clunch and subjacent gault appear to pass into each other by insensible degrees ; the clunch first becomes sandy, then assumes the appearance of an argilla- ceous loam, and as it approaches nearer to the gault, becomes mixed with green sand, and contains imbedded nodules of a ferruginous indurated marl. The mass then becomes more uni- form in structure, and at length is not to be distinguished from fhe PS argillaceous marl which forms most of the beds of ault, . III.—7. Some Observations ona Bed of Trap, occurring inthe Colliery of Birch Hill, near Walsall, in Staffordshire. By Arthur Aikin, Sec. G.S. The following are the circumstances described in this oa ‘A vertical dyke of Trap intersects part of the colliery at Birch Hill, and comes up to the surface, forming a long, low mound from 70 to 100 yards broad, and known by the name of the green rock fault. A wedge-shaped lateral prolongation of this trap has apparently intruded itself between two of the coal strata, which in those parts of the colliery where the trap does not occur are found in contact with each other. The bed which covers the trap is shale, containing subordinate beds of iron- stone, and presents no peculiar appearances, but the three beds which lie below the trap, namely, sandstone, shale, and coal, of the aggregate thickness of about 71 feet, differ remarkably from the same beds where they are not covered by trap. The sand- stone is broken, and angular pieces of the shale are imbedded in it ; the structure of the sandstone is more compact ; it is harder and of greater specific gravity. The shale is much indurated, has a glossy metallic lustre, and is destitute of bitumen. The coal has a shining, somewhat iridescent lustre, is entirely desti- tute of bitumen, and when put in the fire, burns rapidly, like common cinder; but where the coal is not covered by the trap, it grin the usual characters of common bituminous stone coal. TII.—8. A Geological Description of Glen Tilt. By J. ' M‘Culloch, M.D. F.L.S. Pres. G. S. &e. The interesting appearances in Glen Tilt, first we believe observed by the late Dr. Hutton, have long aflorded materials 1818.) Geological Transactions, Vols. III and IV. 135 for controversy to Scottish geologists. The observers, to what- ever party they have attached themselves, fascinated as it were by the intricate and remarkable phenomena laid bare by the course of the torrent, have for the most part confined their atten- tion to the bed of the stream and its immediate banks: hence has arisen some misrepresentation which a more excursive research would have avoided. The following is an abstract of the observations made by Dr. M‘Culloch. From the junction of the Tarff to the bridge of Tilt, near Blair Athol, a distance of about 10 miles, the glen extends in a direction about N.E. and S.W. The mountains which form the north-western side consist chiefly of granite, generally of a red colour, but in some places passing insensibly into a variety of a grey colour, and containing crystals of hornblende. This latter may, on a superficial view, be mistaken for sienite, but differs from that rock in containing a large proportion of quartz, and but little felspar ; it also frequently contains epidote, and numerous, though minute, crystals ofsphene. Insulated patches of quartz- rock, schist, and limestone, interstratified with each other, may be seen resting on the granite ; which beds, on the south-eastern ‘side of the glen, cover the whole surface to the entire exclusion. of the granite. The bed of the torrent, and its immediate banks through the greater part of the space already mentioned, form the line along which the granite emerges from beneath the stra- tified rocks, and where the following very striking appearances present themselves. Veins of granite traverse the schist and quartz rock and pass into the accompanying limestone. These veins are occasionally of large size, in which case they may often be clearly traced into the main body of the granite; often, however, they appear to originate and end in the limestone, and present the aspect of detached lumps and irregular processes rather than of veins. Sometimes they intersect and reticulate both the schist and limestone, diminishing to the tenuity of a thread or a leaf of paper. Sometimes thin lamine of granite may be observed arranged parallel to the beds of limestone, and following every fiexure and contortion which it undergoes with the most perfect regularity; sometimes, again, minute points of the same red siliceous matter as constitutes the thin veins of granite occur inhering in the limestone, and from their minuteness are scarcely to be detected, unless where the calcareous base has been worn down by the action of water, in which case, these points are left protruding, and thus give a rough or echinated character to the surface of the limestone, Occasionally the limestone occurs apparently unstratified and in the state of crystalline marble, of a white colour, partially tinged by yellow and pale green. Where the marble is at the greatest distance from the granite, it ditters little or nothing in hardness or composition from ordinary speci- 136 Analyses of Books. [Aveusr, mens of this substance. But wherever it approaches or comes in contact with the granite, it becomes highly indurated, effer- vesces slowly with acids, and gives on analysis a large propor- tion of siliceous matter. All the varieties of this marble contain more or less of mica, which excludes it from the statuary’s use, though it is perfectly applicable to various architectural and ‘ornamental purposes to which its greyish hue and low tone of colour are more applicable than the dazzling white of the ‘Carrara marble. Steatite and noble serpentine are found mixed swith and imbedded in this marble, as also is the case with tremo- dite, which latter mineral besides constitutes thin beds alternat- img with the marble. Beds of sahlite, affording several varieties _of this substance, are likewise associated with the limestone. From the above and other similar appearances, Dr. M. concludes the general structure of this part of the country to be composed of regular, even, and defined alternations of quartz rock, schist, and limestone, resting on granite, the immediate covering of the granite being sometimes one, sometimes another of the superincumbent stratified beds. In every instance where the granite is actually visible in contact with the neighbouring rocks, great confusion and disturbance are apparent, consisting in a general mixture of all the stratified rocks with the granite, and a total discomposure of their regularity, being at the same .time accompanied by the passage of minute veins from the mass .of granite into the stratified rocks. Where on the contrary the beds lie out of the immediate vicinity of the granite, they retain their parallelism and regularity, its influence appearing to extend -to a yery short distance beyond the poimt of actual contact. . TIL—9. Sketch of the Geology of the south-western Part of Somersetshire. By L. Horner, Esq. F.R.S. The high part of the district here described, including the Quantock hills, is elevated from, 800 to 1,600 feet above the level of the sea, and is occupied, generally speaking, by a grey- wacke formation, consisting of sandstones, more or less clayey and fissile, of schist, coarse or fine slaty, and often inclosing thick irregular beds of limestone, abounding for the most part in madrepores. Curvatures, contortions, and fractures, are of frequent occurrence in the various beds of this formation, indicat- ing it to have been subjected to the violent impulse of some unknown agent, while the beds still preserved a greater or less degree of plasticity. The rock on which this greywacke rests is unknown; in a single instance Mr, H. discovered a vein of granite traversing the slate, and as usual producing a degree of induration on those parts of the rock which are actually or nearly in contact with it. | . The greywacke is bounded in every direction by that deposit, galled by the name of red rock, red marl, red ground, &c, which 1818.) Proceedings of Philosophical Societies. 137 consists of beds of conglomerate, of red sandstone, and of a red and greenish grey indurated marl, in which rock salt and brine springs are usually found. On the north of the red sandstone, and occupying the prin- cipal part of the coast from Minehead to the mouth of the Parret, ‘occur beds of lias limestone.. The junction of the red sandstone and lias is very apparent on many parts of the coast; but such is the disturbance and mutual. intermixture ‘of these rocks, that it is by no means easy to obtaina satisfactory proof of their relative superposition with regard to each other. The upper beds of the lias are of a light blue colour, which, by calcination, or long exposure to the atmosphere, passes to a yellowish buff colour : the lime which they produce is not in much estimation for agri- cultural purposes, but has the valuable property of forming a cement, which sets under water. The limestone of the lower beds of the lias is of a much darker colour, is very fetid when Tubbed or struck, and yields a lime in great estimation as a manure. The lamellar blue clay, which alternates with the beds of lias, incloses lenticular concretions of clayey limestone, many of which when broken present the structure cf septaria, the sparry matter of the veins being in some instances calcareous spar, in others sulphate of strontian, occasionally in well defined crystals. The red sandstone on the coast west of Watchett contains much gypsum, inclosing grains of sand and small pieces of quartz ; but no rock salt has hitherto been observed in it. - Three miles west of the mouth of the Parret the coast consists of deep and almost fluid mud, containing many trunks and branches of trees, of which some of the former still retain their natural position. Much of the timber has of late years been carried off Y the neighbouring inhabitants for fuel and other purposes. How far this submarine forest extends to sea is unknown. Ill.—10. Description of a Clinometer. By the Right Hon. Lord Webb Seymour, F.R.S. &c. The description of this instrument for measuring the inclina- tion of strata cannot be understood without the accompanying plates. (To be continued, ) ARTICLE XVI. Proceedings of Philosophical Societies. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. May 15.—The reading of a paper, by Thomas Weaver, Esq. “On the Geological Relations of the East of Ireland,” was commenced. June 5.—The reading of Mr. Weaver’s paper was continued. " 2 138 Proceedings of Philosophical Societies. [Avewst, June 19.—The reading of Mr. Weaver’s paper was concluded. The district described in this paper is bounded on the E. by the Irish channel, and on the S. and W. by the mountains which confine the Suire and Shannon, and on the N. by the hills of South Meath, Cavan, and Longford, and by a hve. produced from thence to the bay of Galway. Itis about 100 Insh mules from N. to. and 60 to 90 from E. to W. comprehending about 1 part of the island. It may be divided into primary tracts, comprehending Granite, Mica slate, Clay slate, Transition tracts, Floetz tracts, and Alluvial tracts. _ The granite principally occupies an extended line passing through the counties of Wickiow and Carlow, and is succeeded in the northern portion by mica slate, resting on its eastern and western sides; but towards its southern extremity, the mica slate is wanting; and it is found m contact on the eastern side with clay slate, and on the western with the floetz limestone, The clay slate is found also occupying a large part of the county of Waterford, and occurs again to the westward, in the counties of Clare and Tipperary. These primary rocks are found variously stratified with each other, and with trap, porphyry, and greywacke, both compact and slaty. The sat to which the author has assigned the application of transition tract, is of very limited extent, and occupies the -northern part of the county of Dublin, and the western part of Meath. It consists of clay slate conglomerate, greywacke, and greywacke slate, interstratified with limestone, trap, and por- yry- : The floctz tract is much more considerable, and may be divided into The old sandstone, ' The floetz limestone, and The coal district. The old sandstone is much dispersed, and is found resting on granite, clayslate, and greywacke, and occurs sometimes im isolated portions, and sometimes forming mountain masses. The floetz limestone is the most extensive formation in Ireland. With the exception of the counties of Derry, Antrim, and Wick- low, there is no part of the island in which it does not more or less prevail. It exhibits considerable variety of character m colour, structure, and hardness, and is found both in unmixed and continuous strata, as well as associated “7 other rocks, 1818.} Royal Academy of Sciences. 139 and sweeps round every mountain tract, filling up all the inter- vening spaces. The coal district of Leinster forms a range of low hills, placed upon and elevated above the floetz limestone. It is about six miles broad and about 18 in length, and consists of coal alter- nating with shale and great stones, and resting on a bed of fine clay. The alluvial tract contains with the limestone gravel, some valuable and extensive beds of marl, containing the remains of the Irish elk, and, in one instance, of the red deer. But the bones of a complete skeleton of the elk have not yet been found together. At the same meeting, a paper, by H. Warburton, Esq. was read, “ On Chromate of Iron as a volcanic Production.” In the Journal de Physique for March, 1818, the Chevalier Sementini describes some red earth, which fell in Calabria, mixed with crystals of pyroxene, and found on analysis to con- tain chrome, which M. Sementini considers indicative of meteoric .origin.* Mr. Warburton observes that pyroxene is almost.exclusively of volcanic origin, and he refers to a specimen of olivine presented by him last November to the Society, from the extinct volcanoes near Geroldstein, coloured green by oxide of chrome, and accompanied by grains of chromate of iron. From these circumstances, Mr. Warburton infers the greater probability that the earth in question was of volcanic origin. ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AT PARIS. March 2.—M. Vallée presented in manuscript a treatise on descriptive geometry accompanied by drawings. | The committee appointed by the academy to adjudge the prize offered in the class of physics to the best essay on the thermometric scale and the laws of the transmission of heat, made their report. The memoir which, in the unanimous opinion of the committee, was worthy of the prize, proved, on opening the accompanying sealed note, to be the joint production of M. Petit, Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique, and ofM. Dulong, Professor at the Ecole Royale of Alfort. M. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire read a memoir on the Os Hyoides of the Mammalia. M. Manouri-Dectot read a memoir on a new Steam Engine, and M. Delille read one on the Persea. March 9.—M. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire presented a printed copy of a memoir, “ On the Unity of Composition and Identity of the Substances composing the respiratory Organs in Animals with Vertebre.” M. FP. H. da Locle communicated a2 memoir on the Isochro- nism of Spiral Springs. ' * See Annals of Philosophy, xi. 466. 140 Proceedings of Philosophical Societies. [Aucust, . M. Chaptal, in the name of the committee to whom the subject was referred, gave an account of the memoirs that had been received in claim of the prize offered by the late M. Ravrio for the best method of protecting gilders from the fumes of the mercury employed in their art. The prize was adjudged to M. Darcet, Verificateur General of the Mint. M. Legendre anounced that the papers sent in claim of the prize for the Theorem of Fermat are not possessed of sufficient merit. : M. Humboldt read a memoir on the Arbre de la Vache (Cow Tree). M. Gillet-de-Laumont announced the discovery of a new alkali in the petalite of the mine of Uto in Sweden. The reading of a memoir by M. Beudant, on the Varieties of Form in Crystals of the same Species, was begun. ' The Academy adjudged the annual prize founded by M. de Lalande to Mr. Pond, Astronomer Royal at Greenwich, for his investigations on the annual parallax of the stars. March 16.—M. Delambre read the eloges of MM. Rochon and Messier, and M. Cuvier read those of Werner and of Desmaretz. M. Girard read a memoir, entitled “ An Historical View of Inland Navigation.” _ March 23.—A letter of M. Berzelius addressed to M. Berthollet was read, announcing the discovery of two new substances. M. Vauquelin read a note on the same subject. The Marshal Duke of Ragusa made a report on a work by M. Dupin, entitled ‘‘ An Essay on the Progress of Artillery, and of Military Engineering in Great Britain.” M. Dupin has examined with attention, and given a descrip- tion of the principal military estabhshments m England, viz. Woolwich, Portsmouth, Chatham, &c. The great laboratory and military manufactory of the state, is at Woolwich, in which arsenal are more than 10,000 cannon, besides a vast number of mortars, aud other species of artillery. Portsmouth and Chatham are fortified, but offer nothing in this respect worthy of remark. _ Phe steam engine and the hydraulic press are at present the principal moving powers employed in England; and it is not without surprise that we see engines performing the work of 200 or 300 horses without confusion and without noise. The hydraulic press of Pascal, brought to perfection by Bramah, was found during the late war to be eminently serviceable in reduc- ing the bulk of hay, and of stores and equipments of various cinds. The application of rockets to military purposes is not consi- dered by M. Dupin as of much importance ; but the eftect of the Shrapnel shells is acknowledged by him to be most formidable. The reading of M. Beudant’s memoir was continued. 1818.] > .° Royal Academy of Sciences. - 141 March 30.—M. de Varennes delivered in a description of a species of incombustible cloth, which was referred to a com- mittee. ; M. Desfontaines made a report on M. Dellile’s memoir on the Persea. 3 The persea was a: tree formerly cultivated in Egypt for the sake of its fruit, and of which Theophrastus, Dioscorides, Pliny, and other ancient naturalists have made mention. The former of these writers thus describes it. ‘‘ There grows in Egypt a remarkable tree called persea. In its leaves, flowers, and man- ner of growth, it resembles the pear tree; but differs from it in being evergreen. It produces fruit in abundance, which ripens about the time of the Etesian winds. When the fruit is intended to be kept, it is gathered before it is quite ripe. In this state it is of a greenish colour, and in form like an almond or elongated pear : the pulp, which is soft, agreeable to the taste, and of easy digestion, incloses a stone like that of a plum, but smaller and harder. The wood of the persea is dense, and of a fine black colour, and is used for making tables and statues.” Many modern naturalists have sought for this tree, but without success. M. de Sacy, in his translation of the Description of Egypt, by Abdallatif, an Arabian physician, proves. that the tree described by the ancient writers of that nation under the name of lebakh, is the persea of Theophrastus. This tree has for some ages past disappeared from lower Egypt ; but M. Dellile thinks that he has recognized it in the Xymenia Egyptiaca of Linneus, of which he saw one specimen in a garden at Cairo, and two others in Upper Egypt. It is, however, common in Nubia and Abyssinia, where it is known by the name of glig. The committee think the opinion of M. Dellile to be in all pro- bability well founded, and propose that his memoir should be inserted among the Scavans étrangers. ~ M. Poisson read a memoir on the Motion of Elastic Fluids. The reading of M. Beudant’s memoir was concluded, and was referred to a committee. M. Fresnel read a memoir on the Colours produced in homo- geneous Fluids by polarized Light. _ : M. Moreau de Jonnés read a memoir on the Coluber Cursor of Martinique. | April 6.—M. Dupin presented in manuscript that part of his Voyage en Angleterre relating to the construction of ships ; it was referred to a committee. ' M. de Lavalette gave in a supplementary letter on the’ musical notation of the Greeks; this also was referred to a . committee. r M. Biot presented a specimen of the glass employed by Mr. Stevenson in the ‘Bell-rock light-house in Scotland. It is a red: glass, the colour of which is occasioned by a thin, superficial) coating of metallic oxide. The cost is considerable ; and the reporter suggests that hollow glasses of any desired form, and 142 Proceedings of Philosophical Societies. [Aveust, filled with coloured fluids, like those which ornament the shop windows of druggists, would, in all probability, answer the end at a much less expense. - ; M. Gillet de Laumont stated that lithion occurs much more abundantly in the triphane than in the petalite. M. Beauvois read a description of an aggregation of stones observed in the United States, and known by the name of the natural wall. M. Geoffray-Saint-Hilaire continued the reading of his memoir on the Pulmonary Organs. M. Constantio, a Portuguese physician, read a memoir, in which he attributes a very marvellous effect to a certain balsain invented by M. Malati, a Spanish physician; which was referred to a committee. April 13.—M. Moreau de Jonnés read a memoir on the Calca- reous Islands of the West Indies. A series of observations by M. Dupetit-Thouars on the Effect of Frost on Vegetables, was referred to a joint committee of botany and agriculture. M. Girard read a report on a machine invented by MM. Lacroix and Peulvay, a mode! of which was presented to the Academy. . pet i April 20.—A sealed packet containing theoretical views on certain phenomena of light, by M. Fresnel, was deposited with the Academy. M. Rebours presented a new instrument, called by him micro- telescope ; which was referred to a committee. M. Peiletier read a memoir on Cochineal. A bed for the use of women in labour invented by M. Rouget was referred to a committee of Surgeons. The continuation of “ Meteorological Observations made at Alais, during the year 1817, by M. Hombres-Firmas,” was read. April 27.—M. Rauzon de Passan sent a new letter on the Theorem of Archimedes respecting the ratio of the cylinder and the inscribed sphere ; referred to a committee. M. Painsot read a memoir on the theory of numbers, entitled “ An Analytical Representation of the Remainders of Powers, by the Formula of imaginary Roots of Unity.” : M. Julien-le-Roi presented the description of a carriage invented by him ; referred to a committee. . M. Richerand read a memoir on a successful operation, in which portions of three ribs were removed, and the pleura was wounded. _ M. Dellile’s memoir on the Date Palm, cultivated in Egypt, was referred to a committee. _M. Colin presented an instrument of his invention for the purpose of facilitating the circular incision recommended for curing the bleeding of the vine. A memoir was read, by M. France, on the Shells composing the Genus Cabochon, 1818.] Scientific Intelligence. . 14 Artictre XVII. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE, AND NOTICES OF SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH SCIENCE. I, Effect of Camphor on heated platina Wire. The method of keeping a platina wire incandescent by means of the vapour of alcohol has been fully described in a former number of this journal. Sir H. Davy has discovered that the vapour of camphor will produce a similar effect. For this pur- pose lay a piece of camphor, or a few fragments on any conve- ~ nient support, and place upon it a coil of platina wire made red’ hot; the wire will immediately begin to glow, and will continue in that state as long as any of the camphor remams. Il. Silver from Luna Cornea. The following method of obtaining metallic silver from lun cornea has been discovered by M. Arfvedson: Put some grains of zinc into a conical glass, and cover them with luna cornea; then pour in carefully some diluted sulphuric acid. The hydrogen gas thus liberated will soon reduce the silver to the metallic state. . Ili. Geological Situation of the Gems of Ceylon. From a letter of Dr. J. Davy’s, inserted in the last number of the Royal Institution Journal, it appears that gems abound in the district of Matura, situated in the south of the island of Ceylon. They are procured by the natives from alluvial soil ; but the native repository of the sapphire, the ruby, the cat’s eye, the different varieties of zircon, and cinnamon stone, has been. ascertained by Dr. D. to be gneiss. IV. Geological Description of Adam’s Peak in the Island of Ceylon. By Dr. Davy.* “ Geologically considered, the mountain may be said to be composed of gneiss. The rock on the top, on which is the impression of the foot, is gneiss of a very fine grain. It abounds in quartz. It is hard and compact, of a grey colour, and only in mass exhibits a flaky structure. A little below, felspar pre- dominates, and the rock is richin garnets. Here it is in a soft state; and towards the surface rapidly decomposing. Still lower, hornblende prevails, and in so large a proportion that articular masses may be called hornblende rock. Near the ttom, felspar again predominates, and the rock contains much molybdena disseminated through it. Besides, in different places the rock exhibits other peculiarities ; here abounding in * Extracted from an account of Adam’s Peak in the Journ, of Science and the is, v, 144 Scientific Intelligence. [Aucust, quartz, in a massive form; there in mica, in large plates, and very frequently rich in iron and cinnamon-stone. Garnet, traces of the ruby, and adularia, were the only minerals which I observed ; but I have no doubt more minute examination would have detected others, and particularly the corundum, all the varieties of which, including the finest blue sapphires, are found in considerable abundance in the alluvial country at the foot of the mountains.” eae Dr. Davy remarks that the height of Adam’s Peak has been» much exaggerated, and that the estimate of 15-000 feet is evidently - imcorrect. From his barometrical observations, he is disposed to think that it does not exceed 6348 feet above the level of the - sea; but as the author himself acknowledges, this conclusion - cannot be regarded as more than an approximation to the truth, as there was no barometer at the bottom of the mountain to: compare with the one at the top. This deficiency is, however, less important inthe tropical regions, where the weight and temperature of the atmosphere are so nearly stationary. V. On the Acidity of Tungsten and Uranium when saturated with Oxygen. By M.Chevreul.* , When the tungstate of ammonia is calcined, a yellow powder: remains, which is tungsten saturated with oxygen. Many. chemists having observed that this powder had no action upon litmus, have concluded that tungsten saturated with oxygen was not properly entitled to the appellation of an acid. M.Chevreul wishing to assure himself of the fact, whether tungsten satu- rated with oxygen, which had no sensible affinity for acids, but’ which, on the contrary, hada very decided one for alkalies, did’ not redden litmus, heated tunstate of ammonia with litmus, when he observed that the ammonia was disengaged, and that’ the litmus was reddened ; hence he concludes that what has’ been called tungstic acid possesses a real acidity. M.Chevreul, when he communicated this observation to the Philomathic Society, stated that smce he had performed the experiment, he found a similar remark in the memoir of the D’Elhuyarts. ~ The peroxide of uranium is known to have the property of being dissolved in the sub-carbonate of potash, but it is not generally known that the native peroxide of uranium, and that which is formed fromthe nitrate, after having been decomposed by heat, causes litmus to assume the red colour; likewise that’ the peroxide of uranium heated with a solution of the. sub-. carbonate of potash, is dissolved in it without disengaging any carbonic acid; and that the solution, which-has a beautiful” lemon yellow colour, when sufficiently concentrated, affords crystals of the same colour. : M. Chevreul has observed that the peroxide of uran? 1m causes * Bulletin des Sciences for 1818, p. 20, 1818.] Scientific Intélligence.: 145 hematine to assume the blue colour, a circumstance which con- nects it with the salitiable bases. VI. Method of making Salt in the Great Loo-choo Island.* Near the sea, large level fields are rolled or beat so as to have ahard surface. Over this is strewn a sort of sandy black earth, forming a coat about a quarter of an inch thick. Rakes and other implements are used to make it of a uniform thickness, but it is not pressed down. During the heat of the day, men -are employed to bring water in tubs from the sea, which is sprinkled over these fields by means of a short scoop. The heat of the sun, in a short time, evaporates the water, and the salt is left in the sand, which is scraped up and put into raised reser- voirs of masonry about six feet by four, and five deep. When the receiver is full of the sand, sea water is poured on the top; and this, in its way down, carries with it the salt left by the evaporation. When it runs out below at a small hole, itis a very strong brine; this is reduced to salt by being boiled in vessels about three feet wide and one deep. The cakes result- ing from this operation are an inch and a half in thickness. —i<- The above account will be considered interesting, both as exhibiting the degree of perfection to which the arts of hfe have been carried in that remote and insulated country, and as being essentially the very same process which is practised on the western coast of France, particularly in Lower Normandy, and at the isles of Oleron and Rhé.—(See Journ. des Mines, No. 7, p- 61; Encyc. Meth., Arts and Metiers. Article Salines.—Ep. VIL. On Street Illumination. By John Millington, Esq.+ After remarking upon the very imperfect state of the old oil lamps that are employed in the streets of London, and the important improvement made upon them, first by Lord Coch- rane’s lamp, in which the combustion is promoted by a current of air entering at the bottom of the glass, and still more by the use of coal gas, Mr. Millington proposes an alteration in the reflectors that are employed. As the author properly observes, the object is not to produce a concentration of light, but an equable diffusion of it, exactly the reverse of the effect which is produced by the lenses which still dazzle the eyes in some parts of the metropolis. The reflectors employed by Lord Cochrane, although the best that have been employed so far as their form is concerned, are defective from the material of which they are composed. This is tinned iron, which although it is at first sufficiently brilliant, yet it soon loses its brightness by the smoke which adheres to it, or by the friction necessary for keeping it * Extracted from Capt. Hall’s ** Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea, and the great Loo-choo Island.” + Abridg d from the Journal of Science and the Arts, v. 17. Vou. XII. N° IT, K 146 Scientific Intelligence. [| Aveust, clean. As a substitute for the tin, Mr. Millington proposes to employ glazed white earthen ware ; it has a strong reflecting surface ; is very easily kept clean, is not expensive, and might, he conceives, be so fixed, as not to be lable to be broken. For the purpose of disposing of the light in the most useful manner, the lower surface of the reflector, which is placed over the lamp, should either be flat or curved outwards, so as to disperse the rays, unless the object be to concentrate the light in any parti- cular spot, when a concave dish, forming a portion of a hollow dish, may be used. VIII. On the Colour of Bodies. By M. Prevost. A new hypothesis respecting the cause of colour in bodies has been lately proposed by M. Ben. Prevost, according to which it is supposed that the effect depends not upon reflection but upon radiation. It was formerly supposed that the different rays which compose white light, were all of them, except those which produce the colour of the body, absorbed by it, whilst these were reflected ; M. Prevost, however, conceives that coloured bodies reflect a portion of the light in its white or compound state, and that they decompose a part of that which penetrates their sub- stance into two new parts, one of which remains in the body, and the other radiates from all parts of their surface. The colour of bodies, as we commonly see it, is rendered pale by the white light which is mixed with it; but it may be deprived of this by a series of mutual reflections and decompositions, so as consider- ably to augment the intensity of the Golour.. If, for example, we receive successively the image of a plate of gold which is polished and illuminated by a bright light, upon a second plate, and this image upon a third, &c. we may, after 12 or 18 of these successive reflections, procure a deep red orange, which is probably the real colour of gold. By applying the same process to copper, we procure a colour which approaches to that of scar- let ; silver becomes of a beautiful yellow ; tinned iron exhibits a yellow gear than that which is generally ascribed to gold ; and m short M. Prevost concludes from his experiments that there is no metal which is properly white or grey; but that they all of them possess some decided brilliant colour. IX. M. Depretz’ Experiments on the Cooling of Metals. A series of experiments have been performed by M. Depretz on the cooling of metals, which appear to have been conducted with considerable attention to accuracy. His object was to examine their specific heat and their conducting power, which pout although they had been made the subject of experiment, 1e conceived had not been ascertained with correctness, because the experimentalists had not been aware of the effects of radia- tion from polished surfaces. He employed balls of metal, with a cavity in the center adapted to a thermometer ; filings of the metals. were placed round the bulb so as to fill up the cavity, and 1818.] Scientific Intelligence. 147 the apparatus was heated by a current of hot air. Of the results of his experiments, we hope to give an account in a future num- ber of the Annals. X. M. Horner’s Photometer.* M. Horner, of Zurich, has proposed a new instrument for measuring the intensity of light, which is very cheap and simple, and has been found upon trial, as it is said, to afford very satisfactory results. It consists of a tube four inches long and an inch and a half in diameter, made of pasteboard, and there is a@ contrivance at one end by which bodies may be placed across it ina regular and uniform position. The bodies that are employed by M. Horner are discs of very thin varnished paper, and according to the number of these ‘that it is necessary to employ in order to intercept the light that we are examining, we estimate its intensity. ; XI. On Phosphate of Iron By J. Murray, Esq. (To the Editors of the Annals uf Philosophy.) GENTLEMEN; Ayr, May 19, 1818. In reference to the notice of « Native Prussian Blue ” (blue iron ore, or earthy phosphate of iron), in the Annals of Philo- sophy for May, I may mention that during my visits to the Isle ot Man last year, I paid some attention to its interesting mine- ralogy. On the farm of Ballatesin, in the parish of Ballaugh, there is a bed of white shell marl running NE. by E., and S.W. by W. This marl is white as chaik when dry, and so light as to be super- natant. Peat, or bog earth rests incumbent on the marl. The marl is hollow on the surface, and seems to form an independent basin, the extent of which is not yet ascertained, About five yards below the surface, various elk horns (the fossil elk of Ireland) have been found. Those first discovered were attached to the bones of the skull, and measured 11] feet from tip to tip. The horns since observed are much fractured. Different other bones of the skeleton are occasionally met with. ese all lay in a horizontal position. On minutely examining the interior of a fragment of one of these horns, I found a consi- derable portion of the blue earth in question; and on further search, quantities interspersed through the caked peat earth meumbent on the marl. The recent fracture is uniformly blue, feels meagre to the touch, and soils the fingers. It is found in small lumps, earthy, and in powder. The colour much resem- bling | common powder blue, or prussian blue of an inferior description. T have not yet analyzed this interesting substance, to deter- mune whether the analysis which considers it to be a compound * Abridged from Bibliotheque Univereelle, vi, 162. K 2 148 Scientific Intelligence. [Aveust, of iron and phosphoric acid be correct; but whether it be so constituted, or possesses for its proximate parts red oxide of iron and prussic (hydrocyanic) acid. Its production is easily accounted for. ‘The peat earth is highly impregnated with red oxide (peroxide) of iron; this filtermg through the superstrata comes in contact with the osseous phosphate of lime, and the phosphate of iron is formed. On the other hand, the prussic acid may be easily supposed a resulting product of the decom- posing horn. Carbonate of ammonia, being thus freed, contains the elemental constituents of prussic acid, and a slight modifica- tion in the ratio of the proportional quantities would give form to the hydrocyanic acid, one of the constituents of prussian blue, the prussiate of iron. » In this valuable marl are found chips of dints. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most humble servant, J. Murray. XII. Analysis of the Eggs of the Pike. By M. Vauquelin.* A portion of these eggs was washed in a large quantity of water; the water was evaporated, and a ‘white coagulable substance was procured, which was completely soluble in caustic potash, and was precipitated by the infusion of galls and nitric acid. By drying ,and calcining this substance, its saline con- tents were separated and their nature ascertained ; the coagu- lable substance was determined to be albumen, and the salts were found to be potash, phosphate of potash, muriate of soda, and phosphate of lime. ‘The water which had been separated from the coagulum was next examined, and was found to con- tain both animal and saline matter; a great number of reagents were employed to ascertain the nature of each; and the result of the experiments was, that there were two kinds of animal matter, one of an oily nature, and the other “ an animal sub- stance having a relation to gelatine.” This it may be presumed was the same kind of substance which Dr. Bostock found in the albumen ovi of the common fowl, and which has since been found in all albuminous fluid. The salts in what may be termed the serosity of the egg were the muriates of potash, soda, and ammonia, the phosphates of potash, lime, and magnesia, and the sulphate of potash. The eggs, likewise, were found to contain phosphorus. The author observes that there is a very strong resemblance between the eggs of fish and those of birds in their composition. There is, however, one circumstance in which the eggs of the pike differ from birds’ eggs, that the oil which in the latter is mild, and of an agreeable odour and flavour, in the former is acrid and extremely nauseous, so as to produce’ vomiting when taken into the stomach. M. Vauquelin observed the same circumstance with respect to the eggs of the pike that * Abstracted from Journ. Pharm. iii. 385, (Sept. 1817.) 1818] Scientific Intelligence. 149 Fourcroy and he had noticed in their experiments upon the mil of the carp, that a large quantity of phosphoric acid was produced by combustion. It 1s upon the whole more probable that this phosphoric acid was generated by the union of oxygen with a portion of the phosphorus which was contained in the substance of the eggs, than that it was produced merely by the decompo- sition of any phosphoric salts. XIII. Notice of the Chevalier Giescke’s Travels in Greenland.* M. Giescke spent five winters in Greenland, the first at Godt- Laub (Good Hope) in the latitude of 65°; the three next in the island of Disko, in the latitude of 70°; and the last at Omenak, at 73°. The most severe cold which he experienced was about — 39° Fahrenheit, that at which mercury freezes, and the greatest heat about 86° Fahrenheit. The whole country is traversed by an immense mass of ice, divided by deep fissures, that completely cuts off all communication from one part to the other ; the thick- ness of the ice is in many parts more than 100 fathoms. The trees consist merely of a few small and stunted specimens of the dwarf birch and some species of willows; the only plants that are employed for food are the Rhodiola rosea, the roots of the Polygonum viviparum, the flowers and leaves of the Saxifraga oppositifolia, the Oxalis, the Angelica, and the Cochlearia; there are also the berries of the Empetrum nigrum, and the Vacci- nium, which are the only fruits that are found in Greenland. The Greenlanders seem to belong to the Mongol race ; their stature is small, and they seldom arrive at a greater age than 50 years ; the women are nearly as tall and as robust as the men, and join with them in all their labours and exercises. Their habitations are all situated near the coast, as the climate is there less severe, and it is more convenient for fishing, which is their principal occupation ; they are generally placed in the recesses of the rocks, and are supported by them; they are constructed of large masses of micaceous schistus, the crevices of which are filled with peat, and are lined with moss. Each hut is about 15 feet square, and is occupied by about 20 indivi- duals, who lie in it promiscuously. The apertures for the pur- pose of admitting light are closed with the intestines of the seal instead of glass ; and the entrance into the huts is a long and narrow passage which just admits a man to creep in. They are heated and lighted by a lamp, which is suspended in the middle of the chamber, and over this they cook the flesh of the seal, which in the winter is their principal food. The houses are almost totally without any description of furniture, and are filthy to a degree which can scarcely be conceived ; all access of fresh air is carefully excluded, and the heat and stench is abso- lutely insupportable, except to those who have been inured to * Abridged from Bibliotkeque Universelle, vii. 133. (Feb. 1818.) 150 Scientific Intelligence. fAueust, them from infancy. Their only domestic animals are dogs, which serve as beasts of burden, and are employed by them im place of horses. The sea-coast is almost covered with rocks and shoals, and is without any appearance of vegetation; the part which is not composed of rock being either bog or marsh. The rocks are, however, covered with very beautiful lichens and mosses of the most brilliant colours; and the cascades which fall from the glaciers between the rocks occasionally form very grand scenes M. Gieske has paid the most minute attention to the minera- logy and natural history of Greenland; he has particularly noticed many remarkable geognostic facts, and has also disco- vered several new mineral substances. He is at present prepar- ing to publish an account of his travels both in English and German ; the work it is said will extend to three large volumes, and will contain many engravings consisting of views of the country, and representations of the inhabitants, their utensils, costume, &c. XIV. Experiments to determine the Action of Alcohol of are: Degrees of Strength on the Oil of Bergamot. y M. Vauquelin.* It is a common practice with the dealers in perfumes to adul- terate the oil of bergamot with alcohol; and M. Vauquelin was induced to make a series of experiments in order to discover the effects that were produced by the mixture of these two substances, and thus be enabled to detect the fraud. He found that 100 measures of alcohol dissolved 50 measures of oil, but that there were several anomalies in the proportions in which smaller quantities of alcohol dissolved the oil. The general results of the experiments are; 1. That the oil of bergamot may contain eight per cent. of alcohol, of the specific gravity of 817, without its bemg perceptible when mixed with water. 2. That when it contains a greater quantity of it, the surplus separates, dissolving about + of its volume of oil. 3. That a small quantity of water mixed with the alcohol diminishes remarkably its action upon the oil; since alcohol of specific gravity 880 dissolves only = of its volume, while pure alcohol dissolves almost 4 its volume. 4. That when we mix alcohol with a volatile oil, a mutual ex- change takes place between the two fluids, the relation of which must vary with the purity of the alcohol ; this last dissolves the oil, whilst the oil absorbs the alcohol. 5. That when we mix alcohol of specitic gravity ‘847, for example, with oil of berga- mot, which is °856, the alcohol sinks to the bottom, and the oil swims upon it; this depends upon’the oil absorbing a part of the pure alcohol, and thus rendering the remainder more dense, while it becomes itself more light. 6. That there takes place a * Abridged from Journ, Pharm. iii. 241, (June, 1817.) 1818.] Scientific Intelligence. 151 kind of decomposition of the water and alcohol by the oil ; from which it may be suspected, that if we were to mix a small quantity of diluted alcohol with a large quantity of volatile oil, the water would be separated, and be precipitated alone to the lower part of the vessel. Hence we learn that the dealers in perfumes may introduce eight per cent. of alcohol into them without our being _ able to detect the fraud by the ordinary means ; but it may be discovered by the assistance of the spirit hydrometer, as the density will be diminished by about +1, part. Sulphuric ether does not act on the oil of bergamot like alcohol; it unites with it in all proportions, and the fluids do not afterwards separate. XV. Analysis of Rice. By M. Vauquelin.* The object of the author in this analysis was chiefly to ascer- tain in what respect rice differs from the other cerealea; and especially to know whether it contains any saccharine matter proper for the formation of alcohol. A quantity of rice was pounded and macerated during some time in water ; a transpa- rent mucilaginous liquor was formed, without taste, that was neither acid nor alkaline, and was not precipitated by acetate of lead ; by evaporation an extract was formed that in every respect resembled gum arabic. By treating this extract with nitric acid, a strong acid liquor was formed, from which water separated the phosphate of lime. This solution also contains a quantity of starch; and the author found that it was by means of the starch that the phosphate of lime was dissolved in the infusion. He also found in the same manner that animal jelly rendered a portion of phosphate of lime soluble. The author then examined © the farina of rice, with a view to discover the quantity of ani- malized matter which was united to it, by distilling it and ascer- taining the amount of ammonia disengaged ; this was found to be very inconsiderable ; he afterwards made an experiment for the purpose of determining at what degree of heat the starch begins to dissolve in water, which, by means of the test of iodine, he determined to be 144°5°. (F.) The conclusions which M. Vauquelin deduces from his expe- riments are, that rice is a grain essentially amylaceous, which contains scarcely perceptible traces of gluten and of phosphate of lime. In this respect it differs from the other cerealea that serve for the nourishment of men and animals, which contain a considerable proportion of these substances. He was not able to detect any saccharine matter in rice, a circumstance which is considered as remarkable, because in some countries an ardent spirit, called arrack, is prepared from it. But potatoes also “afford a spirituous liquor, although they, in like manner, contain no saccharine matter; from which we must conclude that alcohol may be formed by something else besides sugar, unless * Abridged from Journ, Phys, Aug, 1817. 152 Screntific Intelligence. [Aveust, we suppose that the sugar is so enveloped in the other ingre- dients that it escapes the ordinary means of detection. XVI. Analysis of the Kupfernickel. By Prof. Stromeyer. Professor Stromeyer has been making an analysis of the kuppernickel of Riegelsdorf, in Hesse, with the following result : Arsenite cided sigetaed tiie o Satu chee AR 54°726 Nickel, with a slight admixture of cobalt.. 44-206 DRAM ENC is othe. hia shee. aaa ete RR 00°337 Miers tiaiwid jaiticiata cee ei Rome eke 00°32 page AAT «ike antedattelinis WWM LETS cae .- 00-401 100-000 From this it appears that the essential constituents of kupfer- nickel are arsenic and nickel. This is further confirmed by an analysis, by the same chemist, of the nickel ochre, which, in some cases at least, originates from the spontaneous decompo- sition of kupfernickel. Oxide of nickel, with a trace of cobalt.... 37°35 ATSCHIGUS OIE. neste hier Pie ciate aha hela 36°97 W ateniw joieshtee aicld supra’ Sey cei tet ai ar 24°33 Oxide, Gf irenigis aadssli.c Giles. Pig fee, 1:13 Sulphuric iacidia sis c}4 i iwiwa kis Lek Fe « ghendk 0:23 100-00 Hence the former of these minerals is a native alloy of arsenic and nickel, and the latter is arsenite of nickel. XVII. On the new Metal Cadmium. By M. Gay-Lussac.* The new metal resembles tin in its colour, its lustre, its soft- ness, its ductility, and the sound which it produces when it is bent. It melts and volatilizes at a temperature a little lower than zinc. It preserves its splendour in the air; but by heat it is changed into an orange yellow oxide, which is not volatile, and which is very easily reduced. This oxide does not colour borax; it dissolves very readily in acids, and forms colourless salts, from which it is precipitated white by alkalies. The hydrosul- huric acid precipitates it yellow, like arsenic. Zinc precipitates , itin the metallic state. Its specific gravity at 77° (F.) is 8-635. The metal was discovered in the autumn of the last year, by M. Stromeyer, while he was officially examining the apotheca- ries’ shops at Hanover. M. Hermann, who prepares this oxide on the great scale for medicinal purposes, having been prohi- bited from selling it (because the presence of arsenic had been supposed to have been detected in it) particularly examined it, and perceived that it contained a new body, which he procured * Ann. de Chim, et de Phys. viii. 100. (May, 1818.) 1818.J \ Scientific Intelligence. 153. in a separate state, and sent to M. Stromeyer, begging him to verify his conjectures. M. Stromeyer soon found that it had the same properties with the metal which he had just discovered, to which he gives the name of Cadmium.* XVIII. Experiments on Manna. By M. Bouillon-la-Grange.+ The principal result that M. Bouillon-la-Grange has obtained is that manna consists of two substances, that seem to have distinct properties, and that may be separated from each other. If manna be digested with alcohol, a part of it is dissolved, an amber-coloured fluid is obtained, which, by being partially eva- orated and then cooled, deposits crystals in small needles. his part of the manna, which 1s soluble in cold alcohol, appears to be very analogous to sugar. What remains is a whitish-grey substance, hard, and brittle, upon which cold alcohol has no action; it may, however, be dissolved in boilmg alcohol, from which it crystallizes by cooling. This part, when treated with nitric acid, forms the malic and oxalic acids, and a quantity of the mucous acid, which is precipitated. XIX. Experiments on Malic Acid. By MM. Bouillon-ls- Grange and Vogel. We are informed that a memoir on the subject was presented to the Institute in the year 1807; but it appears that the expe- riments were considered not sufficiently conclusive, and on this account the authors were induced to reconsider them. We shall not at present detail them to our readers, but we shall state the propositions which they deduce from them. Nitric acid, however weak, forms with sugar an extractive matter, which unites intimately to the acetic acid, which also results from the action of nitric acid on sugar. This extractive matter combines with lime, barytes, alumine, and many of the metallic oxides, and forms with them compounds, which are nearly or-totally insoluble in water. It does not decompose the earthy salts, but it decomposes many of the metallic salts, and especially those with bases of lead and tin. Sometimes it is found perfectly white, at other times more or less coloured, as in the sap of the sycamore, and the birch, and the juice of the iistect: The juice of apples and of buckthorn contains uncombined acetic acid ; and a great quantity of this extractive matter, and the malic acid, which we obtain from these sub- stances, is a compound of acetic acid and this extract. The fluids which do not form a precipitate with the acetate of lead do not contain any of the extract; of this kind are the solutions of sugar and gum, and linseed mucilage. The extract may be separated by barytes, and by combining it with acetic acid, the malic acid may be formed. * See Annals of Phil. xii. (5. + Abstracted from Journ, Pharm, iii. 10, (Jan, 1817.) } Abstracted from Journ. Pharm, iii. 49, (Feb. 1817.) , 154 Colonel Beaufoy’s Astronomical, Magnetical, June 5, -9, 28, 30, Magnetical Observations, 1818. [Aucust, ArTicLe XVIII. | Astronomical, Magnetical, and Meteorological Observations. By Col. Beaufoy, F.R.S. Bushey Heath, near Stanmore. Latitude 51° 37/ 42” North, Longitude west in time 1’ 20°7”, Astronomical Observations. 1’ 17” Mean Time at Bushey. 14> 14 13 13 14 Immersion of Jupiter’s first BICERIEE.S/. byaps's vitis eab.ce o's 6 Immersion of Jupiter’s third 5 BEECILILG Sains cick © ce eyecess Immersion of Jupiter’s first j Sra leM es aiciars ois" oie p oplawiemicnt AL Emersion of Jupiter’s first §11 satellite span Ay (UL 8 45 46 18 19 1 3 38 26 47 10 31 44 05 Mean Time at Greenwick, Mean Time at Bushey, Mean Time at Greenwich, Mean Time at Bushey. Mean Time at Greenwich, Mean Time at Bushey. Mean Time at Greenwich, Variation West. Morning Qbserv. Noon Observ, Evening Obsery. Month, . Hour. | Variation. Hour. | Variation. Hour. | Variation, June | 8h 25'| 240 35’ 59/| 1 25’! 24° 44! 34” Th 30’| 24° 39° 19” 2| 8 35]|24 32 46 1 25) 24 46 24] 7% 30} 24 36 15 31.8 30] 24 33 I1l 1 35 | 24 47 38 7 30) 24 37 14 4| ‘8 30|24 34 14 1 25) 24 47 30| 7 30] 24 37 19 5} 8 30] 24 33 04;— —|— — —]} 7 35] 24 37 58 6| 8 30] 24 32 56 1 10| 24 49 922 7 45|24 40 10 7| 8 30| 24 44 34 1 50/24 53 42 Y 25 | 24 38 45 8| 8 15|;24 34 O1;— —j~- — — 1 35) 24 38 49 9| 8 15| 24 33 48 1 25| 24 44 3%| 1 30) 24 37 33 10; 8 25) 24 36 00 | Nhe 3 Ta hie: ee: Ba q. 25°1 24 936 50 11} 8 35) 24 35 02 1 30] 24 43 45] 7 45] 24 89 46 12) 8 40 | 24 34 15 1 30); 24 44 00; T 30| 24 37 Qi 13 8 40 | 24 36 48 1 20; 24 41 44 1 40) (oe Tao 20 4;);—- —/;— — — 1 20} 24 44 12g 1 35|24 37 40 35) S89 S5/1624 5341.42 1 30; 24 44 45);— —|;— — — 16} 8 30] 24 32 48 1 25) 24 44 50 7 30| 24 40 06 7 8 35) 24 34 56 1 20/24 44 24|— —/|/— — — 18} 8 30|24 34 36 1 25 | 24 45 26 7 35|24 38 55 19} 8 25 |24 32 46] 1 25/24 47 30;— —|— — — 20) 8-20 | 24 338 42) —. —| =. fF: 1 25 | 24 36 44 21 8. 30,1, 84 | 32. 32 1 40 | 24-46 ll 7 10| 24 37 36 29} 8 40] 24 32 51 1 20| 24 43 51 Y 40 024 ST 57 23\| 8; 25°) 24/33. 14 1 30] 24 44 57 4 35|24 37 11 24) § 30) 24 33 32 1] 35|24 43 22) 7 35 | 24 36 26 25; 8 40/124 31 48 1 25 | 24 46 373 7 30| 24 36 56 26) 8 30] 24 31 57} 1 25| 24 44°43} 7 50| 24 39 45 27 8- 25) 94° 31° 50 1 30| 24 44 30; 7 30] 24 38 41 28} 8 25 | 24 32°42 1 25 | 24 44 31 7 25 | 24 39 O85 29; 8 30) 24 34 53 1 45 | 24 45 06 7 35 |24 35 40 30| 8 30/24 34 02 1 15 | 24 45 18 1 35.| 24) Sb 2s Mean for i the 8 30| 24 33 4% lk 27) 24 45 11 7 33 | 24 37 40 Month, - Tn taking the monthly mean of the observations, those on the morning and noon of the 7th are rejected, being so much in excess, for which there was no apparent cause, : 1818.] and Meteorological Observations, Meteorological Observations. Month.| Time. | Barom., | Ther. Hyg. Jun Inches, Morn.,..| 29°550 60° | 39° 1 <|Noon .| 29°550 68 26 Even ,...| 29°560 64 33 Morn,...| 29°600 66 38 2 2\Noon....| 29°605 13 26 Even....| 29-600 65 30 Morn, ,,. .| 29°654 62 38 32 |Noon,...| 29-657 72 26 Even....}| 29-680 67 33 Morn,...| 29:733 66 36 42 |Noon....| 29°750 15 22 Even ....| 29-780 65 29 ’ Morn....} 29°876 67 A3 Noon... _ — — Even ....} 29°891 67 31 Morn....} 29-900 64 36 6< |Noon....| 29°885 75 30 Eyen -| 29-885 64 43 Morn....| 29:825 58 50 74 |Noon....| 29-790 13 30 Even....| 29°795 65 33 Morn....| 29°825 64 36 84 |Noon... _ — 21 Even ....| 29-838 66 28 Morn....| 29-837 66 35 94 |Noon....| 29-820 | 72 29 Even ..,.| 29°786 64 31 Morn....| 29-785 66 35 304 |Noon..../ 29-800 | 75 25 Even ....| 29-800 67 34 Morn,.,.}| 29°720 10 34 114 |Noon....| 29-680 | 79 24 Even ....| 29-660 69 35 Morn....| 29°615 val 37 129 |Noon....| 29°615 | 82 | 93 Even....| 29°558 ve! 27 Morn....} 29:510 qt "ao 139 Noon....| 29:503 | 82 | 91 Even ....| 29:485 71 30 Morn....| 29°525 — 57 149 Noon....| 29:55T7 | 70 | 41 Even....| 29-600 66 40 Morn....| 29-625 65 AT 154 |Noon....| 29°603 | 72 | 33. TAVED ctec'0f _— ae Morn....| 29°550 63 AT 169 |Noon....| 29°507 | 72 | 35 Even ...| 29-435 66 Al Morn....] 29°378 64 51 17 |Noon....| 29:300 | 76 | 43 Even....] 29°275 68 59 Morn,...|°29°300 60 42 18) |Noon....| 29-300 71 32 Even,...| 29°310 63 39 Wind, .- NWbyN Calm Feet, 155 Velocity.!Weather.| Six’s. Fine 549 Cloudy 72 Cloudy Very fine as Very fine| 73% Very fine Clear : 1% Clear 15 Clear Clear : ay Wh.haze| 76 Clear Hazy : 55 — 76 Very fine Very fine f 533 Very fine} 76 Fine Very fine : 493 Very fine} 752 Clear 5b Clear : Clear 133 Clear Clear ; 55 Clear 13 Clear Clear ‘ 55 Clear 76 Clear Clear : — Very fine} 86 Very fine} Very hat ad Fine 83 Cloudy Very fine ‘ 6 Very fine] 84 Thunder 61 Rain Fine TI Fine Cloudy , sia Fine 74 Fine ‘ 5% Cloudy 73 Cloudy Showery : 60 Cloudy 70% Rain BA Fine ‘ Cloudy 12 Cloudy | 156 Col. Beaufoy’s Meteorological Observations. Meteorological Observations continued. Month. | Time. Morn,... Noon.... Even .... Morn.... 23¢ |Noon.... Even ... Morn.... 242 |Noon.... Even.... Morn,... 25) Noon,... .| 29°650 ...{ 29°648 ..-| 29°500 .| 29°405 Even.... .| 29°336 at Noop.... Even.... Noon.... .| 29°792 Inches, | 29°370 29-370 .| 29°236 29-195 29°365 29-580 29-550 29-500 29-340 29-285 29°262 29°380 29°457 297445 29°48T 29°5S3 29°613 29°660 29°615 29°583 29°628 29°310 29°393 29°533 29°740 29°782 «« «| 29°823 29°815 .| 29°T80 59° 62 56 56 57 63 57 59 63 59 39° 35 14 49 52 46 wsw SW byS ssw W by WNW Ww Feet, [Avéusrt, Barom. | Ther.| Hyg.| Wind. |Velocity.| Weather.|Six’s. Very fine} 53° , Cloudy 654 Rain 51 Fine ‘ Showery| 63 Fine AT Fine ‘ Sm. rain| 65 Sm. rain Showery ‘ a Showery | 66% Cloudy Fine ‘ 49 Fine 663 Cloudy Very fine ‘ a Fine 69 Very fine Sm. rain ‘ 55 Fine 13 Fine Fine ; ie Cloudy 13% Very fine Very fine : aa Fine 719 Cloudy Showery {55 Showery| 67 Cloudy Very fine ‘ oA Cloudy 13k Cloudy Very fine : 553 Very fine). 78 Fine Rain, by the pluviameter, between noon on the Ist of June and noon the Ist of July, 0°33 inches. The quantity that fell during the same period, on the roof of my observatory, which is flat, covered with lead, and contains 259 superficial feet, 0-336 inches. Evaporation, between noon the Ist of June and noon the Ist of July, 6°98 inches. 1818.) ° Mr. Howard’s Meteorological Table. _~ 157 ArTICLE XIX. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE. BaRoMETER, THERMOMETER, Hygr. at 1818, |Wind. | Max.| Min.| Med. |Max.|Min.| Med. | 9 a, m, (Rain. 5th Mon. ; ‘5 May 27\N E 30°23 30°13/30°180} 67 | 39 | 53-0 28)N E/30°13)30°09'30'110|] 69 | 44 | 56°5 29|N E|30°13/30-01/30-070] 63 | 41 | 52-0 30|N _E/30-02/29-90/29'960] 65 | 33 | 49°0 31}N W)29°97|29-90|29-935| 74 | 51 | 62°5 June 1{N W/30-00/29:97\29:985| 77 | 57 | 67-0 2; W_ |30:05/30:00/30°025} 80 | 43 | 61°5 3} W_ |30°14)30°05|30:095| 80 | 45 | 62°5 @ AIS E'30°30/30°14/30°220] 82 | 45 | 63°53 5| E |30-33/30-30130:315| 79 | 43 | 61-0 6|IN E)30-33/30°25'30-290] 78 | 45 | 61°5 7\S_ E)30°27|30'18/30:225| 77 | 52 | 645 8S E/30-27/30-23'30-250} 75 | 49 | 62-0 95 E)30-23/30'20|30-215} 75 | 46 | 60-5 10/S E.30-21/30°10/30°155|' 80 | 50 | 65°0 11S __E/30°10/29:98'30°040| 84 | 47 | 65:5 ) 12) E /29°98/29'85.29'915| 88 | 51 | 695 13. NW 29°93/29°82)29875] 89 | 58 | 73°5 3 14.N W/30:07|29°93'30-000} 75 | 49 | 62°0 = 15'S W’'30:05|29:92 29-083] 78 | 55 | 665 ss 16'S _W/29'9%29'75 29°835|.78 | 59 | 68°5 17'S W |29°70)29-67|29°685| 74 | 54 | 640 | * 6 18.N W 29°79)29°09|29'740| 75 | 49 | 62:0 50 | —10 19/S W (29°79)29'53/29°660 72 | 52 | 62°0 45 2 20|S . W/30-00/29-60)29-800| 72 | 46 | 59:0 AT 1 21|S W)30:00/29:75|29°875| 71 | 56 | 63°5 43 6 22/S W/29°76/29-64/29:'700] 71 | 50 | 60°5 62 25 23|N W/29'87|29-76|29-820| 71 | 53 | 62-0 44 24)N W)30:09|29°77/29°930| 74 | 52 | 63-0 47 | — 25|S W/30:09/30°02/30'055| 79 | 56 | 67°5 Sp Aas 4 | a | en | cen | ee | 30°33 29°53}29'998 89 | 33 62°36 48 | 0°43 —————— The observations in each line of the table apply to a period of twenty-four hours, beginning at 9 A.M. on the day indicated ‘in the first column, A dash denotes, that the resultiis inciuded in the next following observation, 158 Mr. Howard’s Meteorological Journal. [Aueusr, REMARKS, - Sixth Month.—6. Since this period came in, the weather has afforded little variety. The days have been serene, wita breezes, which commonly increased with the temperature, and died away at sun-set: the nights nearly calm, with dew, and a peculiarly clear, but not high-coloured twilight. Thunder clouds have shown themselves at intervals in the horizon; and to-day there are large plumose Cirrz. 8. My brother observed, about nine, p.m. a bright, blue meteor descending from the zenith tothe NW. 10. After sun-set, some beautiful diverging shadows on a pure, dilute, carmine tintin the NW. 11. Thunder clouds about. 12, A thunder group in the N and NW: the Cirrostratus for a short time assumed the form of the Cyma, and several discharges were heard while the Nimbi expanded their crowns within view : after this, it lightened insome clouds to the SE, 13. Cumuli, mingled with haze and Cirri, were followed in London by a smart thunder shower; while at Tottenham there fell but little rain: a lunar corona ensued. 14. A little rain, a,m.: alarge, faint lunarhalo. 15. A few drops at evening. 16. Cloudy: a strong breeze. 17. A light gale, with a rainy sound, and much cloud; but the showers proved scanty. 18. Much cloud, chiefly Cumulostratus: after some light showers, and appearances of rain and thunder to the southward, the twilight cleared up orange. 19,20. Windy, cloudy: light showers; Cumulus, Cirrocumu- - Tus. 21. Cumulus, with the lighter [modification above, increased to obscurity z wind throngh the day, and small rain, evening. 22, Windy, cloudy morning: this day more decidedly showery. At 11 p,m, a shooting star descended to the SE. 23, 24. More calm, with summer clouds in various modifications. 25. A very slight rain, a. m. followed by fine blue sky, and various clouds carried by a strong breeze. RESULTS. | Winds in the fore part light and Easterly, in the latter part Westerly and stronger, Barometer : Greatest height......-..ccsecsceceseccsesecesss 30°33 inches,, TiGHSt Te acdin nae Re nels ehaleses a,c alia ats ¢alatpire ciere ites tame Mean or themperigt) 15 0. cclees ss cence ake rcleeaneerguls Thermometer: Greatest height........sccceescecrecseecescceee 397 TASH Goo hole aie dale o Pela slcelat eaelaneis sb ianelaialstin~ (oer Mean of the period (at the Laboratory) ........ 62°36 Mean of the Hygrometer (the latter week) .....0.seeeeeeseeeee 48 Evaporation (a few days estimated). ,...++esesereserrerereeees 4°50 inches. Ee ee ear aee abate atoletalcis o enie aia dle e's oles ieielnaitiainje'sn fear MUCNESs The clear hot sunshine of the greatest part of this period had the effect of esta- blishing the summer in our climate in a manner to which we haye long been unaccustomed. The deeper green of the foliage and the richer colour of many flowers in particular presented a striking contrast to their appearance during the last two seasons; while the soil, parched and cracked over the whole surface of our loamy meadows, bore ample testimony to the continued receptive power of the dry atmosphere. Yet the turf (to use a familiar phrase) did not burn, proba- bly in consequence of the supply of moisture still left at a certain depth in the soil. 1818.] Mr. Howard’s Meteorological Table. 159 METEOROLOGICAL TABLE. i BaRroMeETER. THERMOMETER. |Hygr, at 1818, |Wind.| Max. may Med, | Max, Min. | Med, | 9 a.m. {Rain. {Pawnee -_ 6th Mo. | June 26/8 W/{|30-05|29°9530-000) 79 | 49 | 640 AT 97\S E/29'95 29°67 |29°S10| 84 | 55 | 69°5 43° | — 9815 W/30-17|29°'75|29°960| 72 | 52 | 62:0 4A 20 29} Var. |30°26|30'17'30°215| 81 | 51 | 66:0 43 |— 30IN W130-26/30°15'30°205| 84] 52 1680) 43 | — 7th Mo. | July 1)N E)30°15)30-02 30°085) -2) Var. |30°22/30°10 30°160| 73 | 44 | 58°5 3IN W/)30°22\30°06 30°140) 79 | 57 | 68:0 45 & Al N_ |30°06!30°04'30:050| 77 | 52 | 64°5 5\N__E/30°10/30'04.30-070) 79 | 51 | 65:0 46 BIS E130-10 30°00/30°050) 84 | 52 68:0 45 71S E}30°00/29' 80 29:900, 81 | 56 | 685 SIN W({30°11/29°80!29:955| 74 | 50 | 62:0 46 QIN W/30°11)30°10/30°105| 78 | 53 | 65-5 45 10} Var. |30°10/29°95|30°025| 76 | 55 | 65°5 42 11\S W/\|29:95|29°76'29°855| 79 | 50 | 64°5 42 33D 12IN W/{29'85/29:76|29°805| 74 | 57 | 65°5 70 i 13} N_ |30°20/29°85|30°025) 77 | 52 | 645 52 14\N W130°32/30'20\30:260) 83 | 57 | 70°0 52. 15) Var. |30°32/30°28'30°300| 86 | 53 | 69°5 47 16\N £/30°28/30'18 30°230| 88 | 62 | 75:0 45 17| E 1|30:20!30'0930°145| 82 | 52 | 67-0 53 |—'O 18|S E|30-09|29°91 30°000| 84 | 57 | 70°5 50 19|N W/29:95|29°88 29°915| 85 | 59 | 72-0 50 20} Var. |29°95|29'92 29 935| 76 | 52 | 640 55 21|N W130:05|29:95 30:000! 80 | 56 | 68-0 45 2921S W/30'13/30°'05 30°090| 84 | 55 | 69°5 45 23/8 B/30"13)29°83 29:980| 83 | 60 | 71°5 AT 2415S E/29-83/29°80 29°815| 93 | 61 | 77:0 40 9 ' ae | eet | | ce 30°32|29°67'30°037| 93 | 44 | 67-24 47 {0°63 REMARKS, Sixth Month.—27. It is said to have been misty early. Someremarkable, rapid changes in the electrical state of the clouds took place, the wind being brisk, veering from SE to SW. Cirri, passing to Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus, grouped like the ribs of a vessel, on a kind of keel presenting downwards; very dense and magnificent, With these were mingled the rudiments of Nimdi, one or two of which formed in sight, and probably discharged to the NE of us: a few drops fell, and there were distant thunder storms in different directions at night. 28. Some fine rain, a.m.: several short, heavy showers about noon: inosculation, and gray sky, evening. 29,30. Fine, with large Cirriabove Cumuli: some drops of rain. Seventh Month.—A fine display of Cirrocumulus, with a specimen of the Cirro- stratus resembling the grain of wood: also large plumose Cirri, p.m.: Cumulo- 160: Mr. Howard’s Meteorological Journal, [Aucusr, 1818, * stratus, and a few drops, evening. 2, 3. Exhibitions of the Jighter modifications variously interchanging and mingling, succeeded by Cumulostratus. 4. Windy morning, and overcast with Cumulostratus: a fine day: twilight coloured, with diverging shadows. 5, Very fiue day: Cirrocumulus aboye Cumu/us producing beautiful clouds by inosculation. 6. At three this morning, in the NE, a most extensive orange twilight, in the form of a pyramid, resting on a base of iow purple haze, occasioned by dew in that quarter. A fine day ensued, with a breeze, and Cumuli casting shadows in a somewhat hazy air. 7. The shadows radiating downward from clouds continue, perhaps occasioned by fine dust foat-~ ing. I observed, in passing Hounslow Heath, two whirlwinds, carrying the dust in anarrow, perpendicular vortex to a great heightin the air, from wlience it per- ceptibly showered down again. 8. Cumulostratus, after a clear morning: strong ~ breeze avd much cloud, with a few drops. 9. Clear morning, with Cumulus, Cirrus, and a breeze. About seven, p. m., setting out to return from London, £ saw, inthe NW, aremarkably Jarge Cirrus, composed mostly of straight, diverg- ing fibres, extended towards the SW ; and which, when I’got home, had passed to Cirrostratus. In this cloud (as it appears) my family at the same time observed a coloured solar halo with two rather indistinct parhelia, the whole of which had escaped my notice in coming out of town. They described the havo as so large, that a considerable portion of the circle, if continued, would have been below the horizon; and the parhelia as situated, the one directly above the sun (which was somewhat obscured), the other tothe N of it, and both in the circle: the parhelion to the S (if there were one) was behind some houses ; and the whole appe.rance had considerably gone off before they could get to view this side of it. Tue phe- nomena were witnessed by several other persons; and the halo, 1 find, was seen likewise at Hertford. 10, A few large drops between six and seven, a.m,: close Cumulostratus prevailed afterwards. 11, Large Cérri, passing to the form of the Nimbus, mingled with Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus. In the ey: ning an exten- sive obscurity in the W and SW, fronted by dense Cirrostrati: afresh, turfy smell came with the wind, and at length, at half-past 10, it began to rain steadily with us. 12. Wet morning: fine day afterwards. 13, 14. Fine, with Cumuli, &c. dew, and orange twilight. 15, A Stratus last night: thunder-clouds about: the moon bright goid colour, crossed by fine streaks of Cirrostratus. 16, Themoon paler amidst hazy Cirrus and Cirrostratus, &c, in SE. 17. Cloudy morning: light shower, then fine with Cirrus and Cirrocumulus. 18. Thunder cloudy, p.m.: Nimbi, &c. grouped inthe N. 19, Wind, SE; thundercame within heariig to the NW, p.m.: temp. 85°: hygrometer, 30°: not a drop of rain here, and wind NW after it. 20. Thunder groups, and rain visible to northward : fair with us: clouds red at sun-set. 21. Wind W, a.m, Cirrocumulus, chiefly in strips from N to S; then Cumulostratus, &c. A very variously compounded and coloured sky during twilight. 22. Fleecy Cumuli, &c. a.m. 23. Serene, with Cirrus, and fine breeze. 24. Cirrus and Cirrvcumulus proceeding to electrical formations: strong breeze and slight solar halo; p. m. after the maximum of temp. was over, Niméi, with thunder and lightning, approached from the south. The clouds at sun-set showed very rich crimson lake and orange tints; and we bad showers, withahollow wind, and lightning, till past midnight, RESULTS, Winds light and Variable. Barometer: Greatest height 0... cscs ceccencceccessvenecees « SU'S2 INCHES, TE CHBby\dsidisic'e aisidhats/oistehfe, sociale cackeiontesaaes «no 1en Mean‘of the Period xc. ce sccmeecnterdateicta en suterearee SOOom Thermometer: Greatest height ............... PSC ARAES ORR Geo Least ...... wine =. ofeie'e'e'ulejas sss E deleivieieiwumalsiainctesint Se Mean of the period (at the Laboratory) ........ 67°24 ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY. SEPTEMBER, 1818. ArtTicLe I, Biographical Notice of M. Deodat de Dolomieu. DEODAT DE DOLOMIEU, of a noble and opulent family, was born at Grenoble on June 24, 1750. Being destined from his childhood to become a member of the military ecclesiastical Order of Malta, he was entered in early youth on board one of their galleys. While in this situation, a quarrel arose between. him and one of his young companions, which terminated in a duel of fatal consequence to his adversary. The unfortunate result of this wanton violation of a wise and fundamental law of the Order occasioned the sentence of death to be passed upon him ; and it was not till after an imprisonment of nine mon hs that the conditional pardon which he had obtained from the Grand Master was finally confirmed by the Pope. On his liberation he repaired to France, and joined the regiment of Carbineers, in which he had been appointed to a commission some years before. It was at Metz, where the regiment was stationed, that he first became acquainted with the Duke de la Rochefoucault ; an intimate and unreserved friendship soon took place between them ; and it is probable that the attachment to science, by which this nobleman was distinguished, contributed, im a considerable degree, to direct the energies of the ardent mind of Dolomieu to similar pursuits. By attendance on the lectures of M. Thirion, a physician of Metz, he acquired the rudiments of chemistry and of natural history ; and his spirited and successful endeavours in stopping the progress of a fire which threatened the destruction of one of the military hospitals, Vor. XII. N° III, L 162 Biographical Notice of [Sepr. were rewarded by the notice and personal friendship of M. Thirion. His earliest publications were translations into Italian of Berg- man’s Treatise on Volcanic Substances, and of Cronstedt’s Mineralogy, to each of which works he added notes. The reputation acquired by these, and by some papers which appeared in, the Journal de Physique, aided by the good offices of his friend de Rochefoucault, obtained for him the unexpected honour of corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences. Deeply affected by the distinction conferred by this learned body, he was the more willingly led to regard as a duty that devotion of himself to the service of science which was now become his ruling passion. In pursuance of this resolution, at the age of 26, he resigned his commission in the Carbineers, retaining, however, his connexion with the Order of Malta, in which he rose, in process of time, to the rank of Commandeur, and entered on a laborious but interesting course of mineralo- gical study. He first established himself in Sicily, for the purpose of examining on the spot the geological connexion of Etna with the non-volcanic part of the island, of investigating the distinctive characters, if such exist, by which the acknowledged products of voleanos may be separated from the class of trap. rocks, and of resolving many important inquiries relative to the proximate causes of volcanic eruptions, the degree of heat required to maintain the fluidity of lava, and the materials of which these destructive torrents are composed. From Sicily he passed into Italy, and examined repeatedly, and with profound attention, not only Vesuvius, but also the numerous extinct volcanos which occupy a considerable portion both of the coast and of the interior of the country between Rome and Naples. These craters, some of which still pour out sulphureous and mephitic exhalations, and hence have formed the scene of many a poetical tale and superstitious legend from the days of the Cumean Sibyl and of Virgil to the present time, furnished to the philosophical spirit of Dolomieu many rich accessions of fact and of theory. At Naples he commenced an acquaintance with Sir W. Hamilton, the British Embassador, which similarity of pursuits soon ripened into intimacy. The Lipari Islands were the next object of his researches : he examined them with great attention, and made them the subject of a separate work, entitled “ Voyage aua Iles de Lipari,” which was published in 1783. The destructive earthquakes which desolated Calabria in the same year excited, as might have been expected, in an especial degree, the notice of Dolomieu. Repairing to the scene of ruin, he examined, with the most lively interest, the effects produced by this event on the face of the country, ascertained that the whole tract was covered by calcareous strata, without the smallest 1818.) M. Deodat de Dolomieu. 163 appearance of volcanic matter, either ancient or recent; and hence deduced some general principles on the nature and cause of earthquakes. Sir W. Hamilton having im 1785 taken a slight survey of the five islands known by the general name of Ponza (Ponti insulz of Pliny), which, with the islands Ischia and Procida, form an interrupted chain in front of the gulfs of Gaeta and Terracina, and having observed in them many interesting geological phenomena, suggested a more complete examination of them to his friend Dolomieu. He accordingly visited them in the spring of 1786, and brought back with him an abundant coilection of specimens, and many observations of great importance to the general history of volcanos. These observations form the sub- ject of his next publication, entitled ‘ Memoires sur les Iles Ponces,” 8vo. which made its appearance in the year 1788. In the preface to this work he states, that he had long contem- plated a detailed history of Etna, the largest, and loftiest, and most important active volcano which is readily accessible to Europeans ; but that the encroachments upon his time, arising from monastic disputes and the necessity of adjusting petty interests, and of humiliating his adversaries, had reduced him to be merely a collector of individual facis for the use of others. From this complaint, which is made with some asperity, we may .. conclude that he took a warm and active share in the intrigues and dissensions which agitated the Order of which he was a member, and that the foundation was here laid of those resent- ments from which he suffered so severely some years after- wards. On the breaking out of the French revolution, he returned to his native country; and, following the impulse alike of his feel- ings and of his friendship, arranged himself, togetlier with the Duke de la Rochefoucault, among the partisans of reform. His conduct on this occasion appears to have been perfectly disin- terested, for he occupied no office either of honour or profit, and appears, during his residence at Paris in the first years of the revolution, to have busied himself chiefly in the pursuit of his favourite study, and in the publication of a few papers on subjects intimately connected with it. The bloody fanaticism, following close on the steps of the revolution, which swept off so large a proportion of the public talent and virtue of France, although it spared the person of Dolomieu, inflicted on him the irreparable loss of his most intimate friend La Rochefoucault, who was bar- barously murdered by a mob of assassins in the presence of his mother, his wife, and his friend. During the remainder of that period, emphatically called the reign of terror, proscribed, and making his escape from one asylum to another, he nevertheless found leisure to compose and publish two memoirs, one on the figures presented by the indurated marly slates of Florence, and the other on the physical constitution of Egypt. Bee 164 Biographical Notice of (Serr. The fury of the revolutionary storm was now for the most part overblown, and, among other encouragements offered to science by the new government, the Ecole des Mines and the National Institute were founded. The merits of Dolomieu obtained for him a seat among the members of the Institute, and he enriched the Journal des Mines with several interesting papers, among which may be particularly distinguished his history of the species beryl, intended as a model of the manner in which the history of minerals ought to be drawn up ; and his memoirs on the heat of lava, and on leucite, in which he expounds his opinions on some of the principal questions relating to volcanos. He now undertook a new journey to Switzerland and the south of France, and renewed his former acquaintance with Saussure ; when the illustrious veteran formally devolved upon him the office of completing the survey of the Alps, which his own infirmities compelled him at length to relinquish, and of deduc- Ing from the multitude of important facts, the joint product of their several laborious journeys, some fundamental axioms in the science of geology. The extinct voleanos of Auvergne also attracted the special notice of Dolomieu during this excursion - being less encumbered by ejected matter than either the active or quiescent volcanos of Sicily and Italy, their connexions with the regular strata are much more easily traced, and many parti- culars of the very first consequence in their history, which else- where are the indirect result of dubious observation, offer themselves in full view to the student of Auvergne. After an interval of six months thus employed, he returned to Paris, laid before the Institute a sketch of his labours, and made the commencement of a very extensive work on mineralogy, which he had long meditated, and which, founded on researches so extensive and so accurate, must of necessity have added greatly to our knowledge of volcanic rocks, as well as to the science in general. Unfortunately for Dolomieu himself and for the public, the prosecution of this great design was interrupted by the offer of a situation in the expedition then preparing by Bonaparte for the conquest and colonization of Egypt. With the military rank of General, but probably with no other objects in view than those of science, in an evil hour he quitted the shores of France. The first blow struck by this great armament was the conquest of Malta; and in the arrangement of the articles of its surrender, Dolomieu was unwisely induced, by the joint persuasions it is said of the Order and of the French commander, to take a prin- cipal share. Bound by ties of allegiance to the sovereign authorities on each side, it was manifestly his duty not to inter- fere ; and, involved as he had been in the party disputes of the Knights of Malta, there could be no doubt that his interference, even if really impartial, would render him extremely obvious both to wilful misrepresentation and to involuntary misunderstanding. 1818.] M. Deodat de Dolomieu. 165 From Malta he accompanied the expedition to Egypt, and proceeded up the valley of the Nile as far as Cairo, from which place he meditated further excursions in pursuit of his favourite objects. His health, however, soon became seriously deranged, and he was obliged to seek for means of returning to Europe. Embarking at Alexandria, after a stermy passage, in which he narrowly escaped shipwreck, the vessel was obliged to take shelter in the port of Taranto. The day after their arrival, one of the sailors died of the plague, and of course the remainder, assengers as well as seamen, were placed in close custody. he Neapolitan territory was at this time in the crisis of revolu- tionary civil war, the one party being supported by the French, the other by the British and their allies : as each party obtained the temporary ascendency, Dolomieu and his companions ran the risk of being massacred, or were treated with high distinc- tion. The French army being obliged to retreat from the south of Italy, the triumph of the royalists became confirmed, and Dolomieu, together with Cordier, General Dumas, and some other Frenchmen of distinction, were conveyed prisoners to Sicily. His companions being simply prisoners of war, were treated accordingly ; but Dolomieu, by his conduct at Malta having subjected himself to the charge of a violation of alle- giance towards the Order, of which the King of Naples was the acknowledged protector, was immediately separated from his friends, and placed in rigorous confinement, the severity of his treatment being probably aggravated by party animosity. Legal proceedings against him, if they were ever really contemplated, ~ were suspended by the prompt interference in his favour of many distinguished persons, who nobly postponed on this occasion the gratification of political feeling in favour of their regard for science. The Danish government, M. D’Azara, the King of Spain, Sir Wm.-Hamilton, and Sir Joseph Banks, made appli- cations in his behalf, which, though not successful in obtaiming * his liberation, at least prevented the last extremity. At length the battle of Marengo was fought, which again laid Italy at the feet of France ; and the first article in the terms imposed by the conqueror on Naples was the restoration of Dolomieu to his country and to science. In the mean time his philosophical associates at Paris had not been unmindful of their colleague, they having elected him to the Professor’s chair, vacant by the death of Daubenton. His return to Paris was hailed with delight by his relations, his friends, and his colleagues ; and he entered on the duties of his office by the delivery of a short course of lectures on the general principles of mineralogy. For the restoration of his health, and in furtherance of his professional pursuits, he now undertook another journey to Switzerland, in the course of which he again reviewed and corrected his obser- vations on the spots where they were originally made. ‘Tearing himself at length, and with reluctance, from Ais beloved moun- 166 Biographical Notice of (Serr. tains, as he was accustomed to call them, he returned, through his native town, to Chateauneuf, near Lyons, the residence of his brother-in-law, M.de Drée ; and here, while enjoying the soothing attentions of friends and relations, and meditating further exertions in pursuance of his favourite science, he was attacked by a mortal disease, of which he died in the 53d year of his age. From a careful perusal of the works of Dolomieu, especially his later ones, the following appear to be the results of his obser- vations, and the bases of his geological system. It appears highly probable from geometrical considerations, and from the theory of central forces, that the earth at the time when it received its spheroidical shape was in a state of fluidity. This fluidity was probably neither the result of igneous fusion nor of aqueous solution, but of the intermixture of a substance, or substances, with the earthy particles, fusible, like sulphur, at a moderate heat, capable of entering into more rapid combus- tion when exposed to the air, decomposing water, and involving the gas thus produced so as to enter into strong effervescence when the superincumbent pressure does not exceed a given quantity. - The surface of this fluid by the action of the air on the com- bustible ingredient which occasioned its fluidity, would at length become consolidated, and would envelope the whole spheroid with a shell of less specific gravity than the fluid part, and, therefore, floating securely on its surface; this latter essential condition being rendered éxtremely probable from the well- known fact that the mean specific gravity of the globe is consi- derably greater than that of any natural rock hitherto known. The interposition of this solid shell of stony matter, a bad conductor of heat, between the liquid and the gaseous portions of the globe, would enable the aqueous and other easily conden- sible vapours to separate themselves from the permanently elastic gases, and thus the matter of the globe would be arranged in four concentric spheroids according to their respective gravities ; namely, the liquid central portion, the solid stony, the liquid aqueous, and the permanently elastic. As the water penetrated through the stony portion to the nearest fluid part, it would be gradually decomposed, the consolidation would proceed down- wards, the newly consolidated part would enlarge in bulk, and thus, aided by the elastic expansion of the hydrogenous base of the decomposed water, would occasion rifts of greater or less magnitude in the supermcumbent mass. Some of the larger of these rifts would open a free communication between the ocean and the fluid central mass, a torrent of water would rush down, and the effervescence occasioned by its decomposition would produce the first submarine volcanos. The lava thus ejected would in time raise the mouth of the volcano above the surface of the water, when it would either become quiescent, or, if 2 . \ 1818.] M. Deodat de Dolomieu. 167 supplied laterally with a sufficient quantity of water, would assume the character of a proper volcano, or burning mountain. The secondary rocks, 1.e. all those which either themselves contain organic remains, or are associated with those which do, were deposited from solution or suspension in water. By the deposition of these, and the increase by consolidation of the primitive rocks, the thickness of the mass incumbent above the central fluid is continually creasing ; and those causes which anciently broke through the solid crust of the globe are now rarely able to produce the same effect; hence the greater mag- nitude and frequency of volcanic eruptions in the earliest ages of the earth; for the same reason the elevation of large, moun- taimous, or continental tracts above the general level no longer takes place ; and thus the surface of the globe has become a safe and proper habitation for man and other animals. If the land animals were created as early as possible, that is, while the great changes of the earth’s surface above-mentioned were still m progress, many of the most ancient traditions of deluges and other catastrophes may be founded on fact. The fluidity of the central part of the globe, and its connexion with the active volcanos, affords a plausible theory of earth- quakes, and particularly accounts for the propagation of the shock, with diminishing intensity, to great distances. The crystals of hornblende, ‘of felspar, &c. which occur so abundantly in most lavas are, according to this theory, not those component ingredients of rocks which have resisted the heat while the other substances associated with them have been melted ; nor are they the result of the slow cooling of a vitreous mass, but are produced by crystallization in the central fluid, and are accumulated, on account of their inferior specific gravity, about its surface, together with the peculiar inflammable matter in which they float, whence they are disengaged during volcanic eruptions. ARTICLE II. ° An Account of some Basaltic Columns at Pouck Hill, Stafford- shire, with Prehnite, Zeolite, and Barytes. By J. Finch, Esq. (To the Editors of the Annals of Philosophy.) GENTLEMEN, Birmingham, June 1, 1818. Havine perused, in the Geological Transactions, a valuable paper, written by Arthur Aikin, Esq. upon the greenstone occurrmg at Birch-hill colliery, near Walsall, I was induced to visit that spot. Having collected various specimens from the mouth of the pit, I observed that the roads were repaired with a 168 Mr. Finch’s Account of some Basaltic Columns (Serv. different species of trap from that which I had just procured ; and on inquiring whence it came, I was directed to Pouck Hill, where a quarry has been worked many years. This hill is situated one mile and a half north west from Walsall, at a short distance from Bentley Hall, which is noted in history as a place of concealment for Charles Il. The estate belongs to Viscount Anson. On the north east it adjoins Birch-hill colliery, to which the ground descends by a gentle slope, and at the bottom a small stream of water forms a boundary between them. The distance from one hill to the other does not exceed half a mile. By barometrical measurement, the highest part of the hill is 60 feet above the level of the colliery, and constitutes a part of the formation of trap, noticed by Mr. Aikin as forming an elevated ridge, which crosses that place. The basalt extends without any interruption from one to the other. It is about 30 feet lower than Bentley Hill, which is the highest land in the vicinity, and consists of gravel overlying the coal formation. The extent of the trap may be estimated at nearly a mile in length. It varies extremely in breadth, from half a mile to 30 or 40 yards, which is the breadth at Birch-hill colliery. Pouck Hill may be regarded as situated near its centre. The opening of the quarry at this place has exposed to view some fine basaltic columns ; many of them are four or five feet indiameter. After their crystallization on this large scale, they appear to have been subject to fissures, dividing them longitudinally ; but the original hexagon can still be distinctly traced. Their length is various, some of the articulations being very short, and others extending . to five or six feet. The direction of some is singularly waved, whilst others are straight; and from their lying in an almost horizontal position, they resemble at a distance the massy trunks of trees piled one upon another. Some of the basalt has attached to it a small incrustation of carbonate of lime in irre- gular spots. The trap of which this hill is composed is exactly similar to that of the Rowley Hills; of which an account is given by Dr. Thomson in the Annals of Philosophy for Sept. 1816. Those hills are at the distance of 10 miles, and no connexion can be traced between them. Near the summit of Pouck Hill is a farm house, to supply which with water a well about 16 yards deep has been sunk in the rock, the lowest pump tree resting on a basaltic column. When the Birch-hill colliery was worked four years ago, the steam engine, employed to keep the mine free from water, drained this well, although at half a mile distance. The same effect was lately produced by cutting a deep trench on the oppo- site side of the hill beyond the boundary of the basalt. These two circumstances seem to prove, that this basalt is a superin- cumbent formation covering the coal. The stream already mentioned as separating Pouck Hill from the colliery, has worn itself a channel four feet deep; here the coal strata rise within a 1818.] with Prehnite, Zeolite, and Barytes. 149 foot of the surface, and are covered by the trap in the uncon- formable manner usually ascribed to it. ; The columns at the top of the hill dip at an angle of about 30 degrees in two directions, A, B; those on the north dipping south, and vice versa; this appearance is caused by a fault, C, which crosses the centre of the hill from east to west. (See Plate LXXXIII.) This vem, or fault, is about five feet in thickness, including what appears like a wall on each side of one foot thick, which can be separated from the centre without any difficulty. This fault is as wide at the bottom as at the top, and its direction is exactly vertical. It consists of basalt or trap in such a state of decomposition that it cannot be ascertained whether it is exactly similar to the basalt forming the hill. It contains the followmg minerals : Radiated zeolite, or mesotype of Hatiy: occurs abundantly in nodular concretions. In the walls it forms thin veins, which penetrate the whole of the mass. Some of the specimens have considerable beauty. Occasionally the zeolite assumes the form of acicular four-sided prisms radiating from a centre. Prehnite.—This mineral has not been found before in England. It occurs in massy, distinct concretions, rather abundantly, near the surface of the fault, imbedded in sulphate of barytes, and more rarely attached to the zeolite. Its colours are greyish white, greyish green, and greenish white. Its hardness very considerable. Sulphate of barytes occurs both crystallized and in a loose state resembling sand, and constitutes the major part of the top of the fault. I wish to acknowledge my obligation to the Rev. James Yates, of Birmingham, for his assistance in arranging the materials for this paper, for which purpose he has visited the spot. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your very obedient servant, Joun Fincu, ArticLe III. Some Remarks on the Climate and Situation of Nice, with ‘Observations on the Temperature and Weather taken in the Winter of 1816 and Spring of 1817. By a Correspondent. (To Dr. Thomson.) SIR, London, 1818. Dunriné a residence of some months last year at Nice, in a climate so superior to our own, it was an object of some interest to myself and party to make daily observations on the weather and temperature, with a view of comparing them with those 170 Remarks on the Climate, Situation, and [Sepr. which we received from time to time from our friends in England. Since my return home | thought it might be an object of suffi- cient utility, in some respects, to be worthy of a little time and trouble, to put my observations into some kind of order, by arranging those of the temperature taken at Nice and in England * together on a common synoptical scale, by which a comparison could be more readily made between the two climates in respect of the changeableness and difference of temperature. I regret much that I was not furnished with a barometer, that I might have added observations with that instrument also into my table. The latitude of Nice is about 431 degrees north, or eight degrees south of London, and 73 degrees east of the same. The city, with its suburbs, is situated in, or rather surrounded by a rich plain, which may be about a mile and a half from east to west, and about two miles from north to the sea shore ; it is bounded by a range of hills, which, beginning to the south east at the distance of about a quarter of a mile from the town, are continued as far round as the south west of various forms and gradations ; and, like the successive benches in an amphitheatre, rise one above another until the snowy chain of the maritime Alps, about 8,600 or 10,000 feet high, appears like the boundary wall to the whole at a distance of about 25 or 30.miles. The city is situated near the shore, which immediately faces the south; and the river Paglion, which takes its rise among the neighbouring mountains, after flowing through the plain, enters the sea near the city walls. The sea is remarkable for the beau- tiful blue colour it generally exhibits, probably arising partly from the absence of tides, by which its waters, being so little disturbed, become highly transparent. Afterrain, however, the limestone washings from the neighbouring mountains tinge its waters to a considerable distance off the mouths of the rivers, which sometimes has a curious appearance. The deep blue colour of this sea may also be owing to its depth, which 1s very considerable off this coast; according to the measurement of Saussure taken about half a league off the Cape, between the ports of Nice and Villefranche, the depth was found to be 1,800 feet ; it might also be observed by the great length of line used by the coral fishers who ply off this shore. Although little or no tide is perceptible in this sea, a southerly wind, or the approach of one, raises the ordinary level of the water some feet more or less upon this shore, and sometimes produces a very consider- able surf. The sea breezes usually prevailed from about nine or ten, a. m. to four or five o’clock in the afternoon ; and that was generally the case even when the upper current of wind came in quite a different direction. I remarked on one excursion to the # The observations of the temperature in England which I have used in my scale are those of Luke Howard, as published in the Annals, 1818.] Temperature of Nice. 17] summit of Mont Coa, about four miles north of Nice, that the sea breeze, which was felt so pleasant in the valley, did not prevail at that elevated station, about 2,000 feet. I occasionally observed, by the motion of the clouds, that the mistrale, or bise, (a north east wind so well known in Provence)* was passing over our heads, whilst the mild breeze from the sea was blowing upon us. The sirocco, or south east wind, sometimes came on about sun-set in a brisk breeze, but at the same time with a mildness which at first quite surprized me; it was by no means relaxing, but very agreeable to the feelings ; it generally ceased in the course of the night. The southerly winds sometimes blew with very sudden and rather violent squalls, which, however, com- monly subsided in an hour or two. The clearness of the atmosphere was very remarkable ; the moon and the stars appeared very brilliant, and the lofty moun- tains of Corsica, with their snowy summits, were occasionall to be seen by the naked eye rising above the south eastern horizon at a direct distance of about 120 or 130 miles (English); their forms were most remarkable a few minutes before sun-rise, sometimes presenting very perpendicular sides, and often vary- ing greatly in their apparent outline from day to day. This mountainous island very rarely appeared unattended by clouds even on clear, bright days ; their forms, I remarked, were gene- rally Cumuli (owing no doubt to the coldness of the atmosphere over the snows of those mountains) ; these Cumuli about sun-set sometimes presented a grand and richly coloured mass towerin above the horizon to an immense elevation, reflecting the sun’s rays for some time after the sun had gone down. The clouds which appeared in the field of our observation sometimes afforded much interest in a meteorological point of view. From the concave and sheltered situation of the plain of Nice, so directly exposed to the south, the temperature of the surface of this plain, as well as of the superincumbent atmo- sphere, is rendered more or less considerable, especially as the * This wind (styled one of “ les fléaux de la Provence), by which this part of France is so much visited, after passing over the High Alps and their immense snows and glaciers, takes its course with increasing violence towards the warm atmosphere of the Mediterranean ; it is particularly violent in the valley of the Rhone. A friend of mine travelling from cu northward up this valley, while this wind was blowing with its usual fiercenessinformed me that he did not appear to get clear of it until he had passed Lyons, although I found it still to prevail at Marseilles and Toulon for some days after. It is piercingly cold and dry, at the same time that it is violent, and in its course blows up the sand about the rivers and the limestone dust off the roads in vast clouds over the country, which is parti- cularly the case about Marseilles, where on those roads there is so much traffic. It Jasts in general several days, increasing in velocity and coldness as it seemed almost every hour. (‘* Laissez-le,” said a native to me, with a significant shake of hishead, in reply to my observation as this wind was coming on, that it was not so fierce as I was given to expect; and I had afterwards to remember his answer.) Itis felt generally throughout Provence, particularly at Marseilles, Avignon, Mont- pelier, &, 172 Remarks on the Climate, Situation, and [Sepr. sun gets up towards the meridian. The temperature of the lower stratum of air being increased, and consequently raritied, it is evident that the upper region of the atmosphere above us would also receive an increase of temperature, by the constant succession or supply of warmer air from the region below, which again (as it appeared) received its supply of cool air from the most open quarter, viz. from the sea. This sea breeze, as L have stated above, generally came on about nine or ten o’clock in the morning, by which time the sun was sufficiently elevated that its rays could bear upon the whole plain and sides of the hills with effect; the breeze generally increased till about two o'clock; and about sun-set subsided. This circulation, or ascending current of the warmer air, seemed to have at times considerable effect. upon the clouds which happened to pass in cur zenith, and which were not too elevated to be out of its influence. I have observed several instances of the atmosphere in the morning being quite overcast with clouds, and apparently (to an English eye) threatening rain, but which, about noon, became quite fine and clear; and in the afternoon the clouds, to my surprise, almost, and even wholly, to disappear (and this was not an uncommon occurrence). It was rare indeed during my stay there, that the sun was not to be seen and fe/t also in the middle of the day. In one instance a north westerly current brought up a quantity of clouds in detached Cwnuli, which, when they had reached our zenith, were met by the sea breeze from S.E. which carried them all back, and im a short time disap- peared. At other times they advanced to the summits of the neighbouring mountains, where they rested for the greater part of the day, assuming the Cirrostratus form. Thunder storms, | was informed, occurred very frequently in the summer, two or three times in the course of a week in the neighbourhood of the mountains, but that they seldom visited Nice (except at times during the spring). I had an opportunity of remarking this on _ the approach of a storm, one morning in the beginning of the summer.* In this fine Italian sky, if so it may be called, the clouds, as a variety, often added much to the picturesque appearance of the landscape ; it is not often, perhaps, that scenes are met with so beautiful and so highly picturesque of the kind as the north-east view of the town and role OF Nice, with the distant shores of * Extract from daily observations respecting this on June 2:—‘‘ Fine day: observed some finely illuminated Cumuli, with dark Cirri, traversing their sides, rising up above the mountains to the north: as they rose (o a certain elevation, their summits gave way, and spread, as if acted upon by a different state of electricity, into a Cirri form; at length, about noon, several collected in the north intoa dark, heavy mass of thunder clouds, discharging rain or hail over the mountains ; the mass gradually approached our zenith, although the wind with us was blow- ing in adirectioncontrary to it; but before it reached our zenith, it seemed to have fallen into a different atmospheric medium, and I observed it soon began to fold itself backward, and in an hour or two the whole seemed to be gone, or merely te leave behind some light Cirri.” 3 1818.] Temperature of Nice. 173 France over the Bay of Antibes, about sun-set, and the reverse view, viz. from the ramparts of Antibes, of Nice, with the moun- tains that rise behind it in successive ranges, and the snows of the Col de Tende, &c. bounding the picture. The mildness of this climate, and the sheltered situation of the country about Nice, render it a fine field for the lover of botany to follow his favourite pursuit, a subject which I regretted [ knew so little about. It was, however, interesting to attend to the geography of plants, which the gradual elevation of ground from the shore to the summits of the mountains rendered very remarkable, particularly in some species. On the fertile plain of Nice flourished the orange and lemon trees in gardens (of which there were above 60 different kinds) ;* also the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera), the pomegranate (Pu- nica Granatum), the Nerium Oleander, the cypress, different kinds of geraniums, the sweet-scented Verbena, the myrtle, one of the Gossypiums, or cotton tree, the olive, the white mulberry (Morus Alba), which supply the silk worms, and many other trees and plants ; and on the walls and rocks in warm situations, the Cactus opuntia, or Indian fig, the caper shrub (Capparis Spinosa), the great aloe (Agave Americana), to be seen in some places ornamented with its stately flower 20 or 24 feet high. On ascending the hills a few hundred feet, but few of these were to be seen; the orange tree soon disappears; its region is very limited in distance from, and elevation above, the sea; witht respect to the former two myriametres (about 11+ miles) has been stated by Risso to be its limit. The olive region may be traced considerably higher up the hills, higher on their south sides than on the north; this region, as near as I can guess, does not much exceed in general 800 or 1,000 feet in elevation; its distance from the Mediterranean I found, when travelling north- ward from Marseilles, to be about 70 or 80 miles; it dwindles away to a mere bush between Avignon and Pont d’Esprit, about which place I lost sight of it. Above the olive region generally appeared the Pinus Abies, the Pinus Sylvestris, or Scotch fir, Juniperus Communis, the chesnut (Castanea vesca), &c.; upon this region the snow in winter sometimes fell, and remained for a longer or shorter period, according to circumstances. Some attention to the geography of plants is useful in choos- ing a situation most Os aa an invalid whose case * Ina small publication, by Risso of Nice, of the different kinds of orange, ie and lime trees cultivated in the Dep. des Alpes Maritimes, he divides them as follows: Species of the Orange (Orangers),........eeeeees 19 Bitter ditto (Bigaradiers) ......... ll ECTIGES: (MRCS) ai\-, cic caieice'aesue.ce ————_— Cedratiers (Cedrat) .......... ac00- 3 ————— Limoniers (Lemon)... ..0s0-.eeeeee 25 174 Remarks on the Climate, Situation, and [Serre requires a warm climate; thus the olive and orange trees may serve as useful subjects in this respect for the south of France. About Aix and Nismes the olive is but a humble, lean-looking bush, or standard, from about four to 10 or 12 feet high, requir- ing the use of the pruning knife to bring it into condition for a crop every other year: at Marseilles it increases in stature, appearing as a small tree; at Nice it becomes a fine thick tree, about 20 or 30 feet in height, bearing annually, and apparently but seldom pruned ; and about two miles to the east of Nice, near the town of Villefranche, a situation peculiarly sheltered and exposed to the south, this tree appears to great perfection, and affords an excellent, hard, and close-grained timber, which is a good deal worked by the cabinet-makers and carpenters at Nice. Again, the orange tree flourishes and brings its fruit to perfection in the plain of Nice (some few of them under shelter of Mont Cimiez I should guess were from 25 to 30 feet high) ; the fruit is still finer in flavour and earlier matured at Ville- franche ; the tree is also well cultivated and in high perfection at Hyeres, though I understand that at Toulon, about nine miles only distant, it requires the shelter of a wall, and at Marseilles the shelter of a greenhouse in winter. And even in the neigh- bourhood of Nice, it might in the same manner be observed, ‘that some situations were much more eligible than others in point of shelter and warmth, though not so evident at first sight. After a visit by a very cold, bleak, and violent mistrale in the month called April, its mischievous effects were very observable upon the tender vine shoots as well as upon the young green leaves of the mulberry trees, in shrivelling them as if they had been burned, leaving but a poor prospect for the next vintage, and throwing back considerably the ensuing crop of silk. If observed these effects particularly between Antibes and the valley of the Var; also in many situations in the valleys about Nice, which ran north and south; but in other places on the south sides of the hills, the mulberry trees mostly escaped unin- jured, and in some instances were to be seen in a flourishing state at a little distance from others which were blasted, but which had riot been so protected. The most protected situation about Nice appeared to me to be the south side of Mont Cimiez, or the plain between it and the shore, which includes the Croix de Marbre, a quarter the most frequented by the English. Ville- franche is undoubtedly a warmer and more sheltered spot, but it is a place not to be compared to Nice for accommodations, or even the necessaries of life, at which place the now frequent visits of our countrymen for the benefit of the climate have afforded the inhabitants the opportunity of learning English wants and comforts. With respect to our consumptive patients visiting so distant a spot for the benefit for the climate, it appeared clear that unless they decide to go there at such an early stage of the disease when they are able to take the air Pagel 75 EXXNT” lake ; aeeeS—- 88 Tr | FE EEE T i t =| ~' | = J S L ss 5 Saas { | (a GS | S 1 [ | | 4 } 1 TI & t t a a a : ct ere x I | ! It T aii t t Tt t t t +t See = i i i i T T SS ime } ae Prt i it t r T tt t [ i et = Tt 4 ‘ist! j | | + ett a = t ft 1 a { | f } } t eesiaeet + 4 rit T rai fal im Baa j | l * fit ae it it t i ot 1 5B i Stetahell 1 ee f T 2 ES i | =, 4 ct 4 i § co ws T mas =F Fy LD) ae : oH a a af if 1 ~_ { + 7 =E l i Cy : I AR } = | H y cot t S He = re T t ++ S eo a NS IRM BBs i T i ; . Gites } it SIaleiey i =e ‘SOBEL aS ame +t rt I S EES ee e522 seseeas s Seer aR a = i =p | “TCE SERS CEE EEE EEE = ft Ht i sass Se Eishtas ome cy ; & ome i : SES & — T > T ims T Ls} = 1 | Ba s =: i t a TT T t x —— it { T [ 8 a x et t i i ! i 8 | i ; i t 1 $+ ct a t +H eeusnes ss mo if | < —t I T Ss T t r =~ 4 } i = i - —|- > a 3 3 s s z Aes x8 aan 83,8 34 os & 2S O08 = a4 Siss aé 5 FS zs eS for D" Thomsons Annals -forBaldwn, Cradock k& Joy, Paternoster Row, Sep! LAs, Engraved 1818.} Temperature of Nice. 175 and exercise which this fine climate allows of with so little inter-’ ruption, the experiment would seldom prove successful. The journey itself, of 800 or 1,000 miles, although alleviated by a safe and easy water conveyance from Chalons to Avignon, is of itself a heavy, and it may be a. painful toil to inflict upon the sufferer ; yet the earlier the decision is made, the greater appears to be the probability or certainty of ‘success, or recovery. hope I may be excused for thus deviating a little from the original subject of this communication ; but I am led to do so by the hope of droppmg a hint or two that might be useful at all to any concerned, or likely to be concerned, with the subject. Upon the annexed scale (Plate LX XXIV), the maximum and minimum of temperature for each day at Nice, taken by a Six’s double thermometer (suspended about 15 feet from the ground on a north aspect), are compared with those of L. Howard, as published in the Annals. It may be observed how uniform the daily temperature was at Nice comparatively with that in England, the line indicating the maximum at Nice having for the three winter months mostly confined itself within the 50th and 60th degrees of Fahr.; whilst that of England has marched during the same period between the 30th and 55th degrees, its sharp, angular course indicating the rapid changes of temper- ature in our English climate. It may also be observed how nearly the great depressions and elevations of temperature in the two countries correspond in point of date. The following is a brief, daily account of the weather at Nice. Day. Wind. Remarks. 1816. Dec, 1 N Fair; windy. 2 N Very fine; clear; warm sun. 3 E The same. 4 E The same, 5 NE Cloudy ; mild. 6 N Cloudy ; very mild. 1 NW The same. 8 Ww Cloudy ; fine; Cumuli. 9 SE Rain about sun-rise ; fine at noon. 10 NE Cloudy. ll Ww Cloudy ; haze. 12 SE Fine, and warm sun. 13| SSE Wet mists ; drizzling rain. 14 WwW Fine, and about noon very clear, 15 Ww A little rain; clouded sky. 16 NW Fine; very mild evening. 17 NW .jFine; hot sun. 18 WwW Very fine and warm. 19 E Fine; wind cold; a gale of wind atseven p. m. from E. 20 NE _ |Clouded day; the mistrale cold. 21 NE {Fine ; cold wind; vbserved four spots in the sun. 22 NE Fine; clear; cold wind. 23 N Very fine and clear, 24 N Brilliant day; scarce acloud, 2a E The same. 176 Remarks on the Climate, Situation, and [Sepr. Day. 1816. Dec. 26 OS O95 0D % = OO D3 1817. Jan. Feb. COMO F HU 69 > Wind. NE E NE NE E E Remarks, Cloudy, but pleasant. Cloudy ; Cumuli; atnoon clouds went off; fine and warm. Fine. \Fine; Cirri; Cirrostrati. Very fine ; warm sun. Cloudy, but pleasantly mild. Cloudy; wet mists, and a gentle shower ; little orno wind, Light rain. Rainy. Fine, clear day; warm at noon. Fine ; warm ; clear; Cirri. Fine; thermometer rising rapidly, with a SW wind, to 634 in the shade. Fine ; cold wind. Fine; clear; cold wind. Brilliant day, after a frosty night ; Cumuli over sea. Fine. Fine. Rain last night; cloudy ; windy. Fine ; warm at noon; one or two finely formed Cumuli were to be seen over Corsica towering high above the horizon, with Strati traversing them; sea calm. Fine, and warm. The same; at1l p.m. some distant lightning. Very fine and clear; no cloud that I saw. Fine morning ; afterwards cloudy, and a few drops of rain fell. Rain almost the whole day. Heavy gales off the Devonshire and Cornwall coasts ; very rainy ; clouds hanging upon the low hiils. Heavy gales off the Devonshire and Cornwall coasts; storm of wind and heavy raia last night ; rivers flooded. Cloudy ; an additional coat of snow on the mountains since these two or three days past. Very fine and warm. Fine ; afterwards, clouded sky. Fine, ” and warm. Very fine ; sultry, with the mist of an English summer's day. The same. NE—SE /Fine: a Mediterranean mist came towards us from the sea Ww E NE NE NE after yesterday’s warmth. Fine, and warm. The same. The same, Very fine and clear. Very fine; hot sun. SW—NE |Very fine; windy at night. NE ENE Very fine. Fine, and warm; fine night as usual, The same ; Cirrostrati. NE—SW |Very fine; Cirri. E—S N E The same; sea breezes. Fine, and very warm sun. Fine; sirocco in the evening ; clouded. NE—E Cloudy morning; fine at noon. SE—E |Clouded sky. W NE The same, Very fine, and hot sun. NE—W [The same; Cirri about nine p.m.: a thunder storm; light- ning very vivid, with some rain. 1818.] Temperature of Nice. Feb. 15) N—S_ |Fine; Cirri. Remarks. . 16] N—S_ |Very fine; a few Cirri. 17| NW—SW |Very fine and clear; a few Cirri. 18} N—S_ |The same. ° 19} N—S_ |The same, 20 — The same, 21 — The same. 22 NW _ |The same; much wind; a gale at one time. 23) NW—E |Brilliant day. 24, N—E_ j|Cloudy. 25 N Very fine and clear. 26| NE—S The same. : 27| SE—NW |Very fine; the upper current (NW) descended upon us in the evening as the sea breeze fell. 28) E—SE /|Very fine; clear sky. March 1 NE Very fine. - 5 2} N—SE /|Very fine, and warm. 3| N—SW |Very fine; therm. at 67%. 4 Ww Fine; therm. at 73; a hard gale to-day. 5} W—SW |Much wind; dark Cumulostrati. 6| N—W_ |Fine; but as the west current came on, clouds and a haze came up. 7 Ww Fine day ; much wind. 8) NW The same. 9| N—NW |Very fine. 10} NW Very fine; windy. 11] N—SE [Very fine; windy. 12 N Fine. 13} N—SE |Very fine. 14) N—SW /|Fine morning; cloudy afternoon. 15) N—SE |Very fine; cloudless. 16) NE—SE |Very fine. 17 £ Cloudy ; very cold ; a few drops of rain. 18) N—S_ |Very fine. 19| N—ESE |Very fine. 20| N—E_ |Fine morning; at night, cloudy and rain. 21) N—E_ |Rain, a.m.; fine, p.m. 22| N—S~ |Much snow fallen on the distant Alps; fine, a.m.; cloudy, p- m. 23 N Cloudy, but mild, 24| N—S_ |Fine. 25) N—S_ |Very fine. 26) E—S_ |Very fine. 27) N—E /|Very fine. 28| N—NE Very fine morning ; hazy, p.m. 29| N—SE Very fine. 30| N--SE (Very fine. 31| NE—E |Very fine; evening windy. April ! E Cloudy ; fine, p.m, E—SE |Vine. 2 3 SE Fine, 4) E—SE /Fine. 5 E Very fine. 6 E Fine, 4 E Fine, 8| E--SE /Fine. 9 _ Cloudy, 10 _ Vine. il — Cloudy; showery. 12| _ Fine. Vou, XII. N° Til, M 178 | Remarks on the Climate, Situation, and = [Serr. Day. Wind, Remarks. 1817. April 13 — Fine. 14 — Cloudy. 15 _ Fine day. 16 — Fine. 17 —_— Rainy. 18 — Fine, 19 to 23 omitted. 24) N—SE Very fine. 25, NE—SE |Very fine. 26) NE—SE |Fine. Q7 N Rain; snow on the mountains; very cold. 28} N—S_ jFine, and clear, 29| N—SE /jFine; and cloudy, p.m. 30 NE The same, May 1 and 2, omitted. May 3 E Fine ; wheat in the ear. : 4 SE Very fine. 5 SE Very fine, and clear of clouds. 6 SE Very fine. 7 SE Fine ; hazy. 8 E Hazy ; clouds reticulated; a brisk E. wind; a firefly seen. 9 SW Cloudy ; showery. 10 SW Fine morning ; large Cumuli above the mountains. iat S Heavy rain early, a.m. 12 E Very fine and clear. 13} SE—NE /|Fine day, and clear; but the N.E. current brought up clouds, p.m. 14 SE Fine; cloudy; Cirrostrati. 15 SE Fine; very hot; Cirrostrati. 16 SE Hazy; some rain; fresh breeze. 17 E Very fine, and hot; contorted Cirri in the zenith; soon after, a breeze. 18 E Clouded, with a very hard easterly gale throughout the day ; a few drops of rain, 19} ESE ({Overeast; dark Cirrostrati over a Nimbus; rain began towards dusk, but slight. 20 s Clouds very low; rain, a.m.; as the sun got up, the clouds were penetrated, and began to move away ; one part rose in a mass to a great elevation, the summit assuming a very fine Cumuli form, reflecting the rays of thesun inadazzling manner, 21} SSW_ {Very clear and fine; the snow on the Corsican Alps dis- tinctly visible, lying in the defiles distant about 120 miles. 22 SW Fine, a.m, fine Cumuli, one of which broke over one of the mountains, whitening it with snow, or hail; auother broke overus with a few drops of rain; some lightning over the mountains in the evening. 23 SW Very fine and clear morning ; some plumose Cirr? overhead, and the wind soon yot up from W.S.W. toa stiff breeze, and brought up a haze. 24) SW . jVery fine and bright; a fine Cumulus, highly illuminated in the N., over the summit of one mountain. 25 SW Cloudy ; some rain; fine, p.m. 26 SW Cloudy; some rain; afterwards sky cleared, aud brilliant afternoon, Se 1818.] Temperature of Nice. 179 Day. Wind. Remarks. May 27 SW Fire ; windy; Cirri. 28 SW Very fine; windy. 29 W Fine; windy; Cumuli. 30 SE Fine; Cirri. 31 SE Fine. SEE EERE niteneememimenesememmememereemennnneeremeceereeeee SIX MONTHS OF OBSERVATION. ArrTIcLE IV, Memoir relative to the Annular Eclipse o the Sun, which will happen on September 7, 1820. By Francis Baily, Esq. [The following essay, a few copies of which have been printed for private distribution, was transmitted by the author to the Editors of the Annals. The interesting nature of the subject will, they are persuaded, render it acceptable to their scientific readers. } ‘ Tue solar eclipse’ which will happen on Thursday Sept 7, 1820, will be the greatest of all those which have happened in this part of Europe ever since the year 1764; and indeed of all those which will again happen here before the year 1847. Like the two eclipses above alluded to, it will be annular: that is, the disc of the moon will not wholly cover the disc of the sun ; but, in certain parts of the earth, the sun will show the appearance of an annulus, or ring, round the body of the moon; the position and magnitude of which will depend on the situation of the spectator. In no part of England, however, will this annular appearance be observed :* but, on the continent, in any part of that tract of country which extends nearly in a straight line from the north of Westphalia to the south of Italy, the inhabi- tants will have an opportunity of beholding this singular pheno- menon. Annular eclipses do not appear to have been noticed by the ancients, who probably confounded them with partial ones. Indeed, the only authentic accounts of any well observed annular eclipses in this part of Europe (besides the one in 1764 above- mentioned) are those of Feb. 18, 1736-7, and of July 14, 1748; + * The eclipse, however, will be annular in the Shetland islands: and it will be of considerable magnitude along the whole eastern coast of Great Britain. * See a detailed account of these eclipses, and of the phenomena attending them, in the Phil. Trans. vol, x1, p. 177, and vol, xly. p. 582, M 2 180 Mr. Baily on an | [Szrr. the former of which was observed by the celebrated Colin Maclaurin at Edinburgh, and the latter by the Earl of Morton and Mr. Short, at Aberdour Castle, near the same place. Indeed the annular appearance of the eclipse of 1737 was confined principally to Scotland; and the eclipses of 1748 and 1764, although visible to a great part of Europe, were not so generally observed as could be wished, on account of the badness of the weather ; so that we have not any very considerable degree of information respecting this kind of solar eclipses. Moreover at those periods the lunar tables were so defective that it could not be predicted, with any degree of accuracy, where the annular appearance would be visible ; so that many valuable observations were probably lost on that account. This difficulty, however, is in a great measure removed by late improvements, not only in the lunar tables, but likewise in the analytical investigations relative to the calculation of eclipses; although the computations are still very laborious and troublesome. Prior to the total eclipse which took place in London in the year 1715, Dr. Halley published an account of the path of the moon’s shadow across the island of Great Britain; and called on the inhabitants to note down their observations and forward them to him, in order that he might afterwards compare them, and thereby correct the elements made use of in the calculation of eclipses. The good effect of this measure may be seen in the report which that illustrious astronomer afterwards drew up, and sent to the Royal Society, and which is inserted in the Phil. Trans. No. 343, vol. xxix. p. 245. Mr. Maclaurin, likewise, previous to the annular eclipse in 1737, before mentioned, wrote to several persons in the country, “ desiring that they would determine and note down the duration of the annular appearance as exactly as possible, in hopes, by comparing their observa- tions, to have traced more correctly the path of the centre and limits of the phenomenon.” And in 1748 Mr. Alexander Monro (Professor of Anatomy of Edinburgh), by Mr. Short’s desire, wrote to all his friends in different parts of the country, to pre+ pare in the best manner they could for the most exact observa- tion of the annular eclipse which was about to take place in that year. And he regrets that he did not make this application earlier ; for he remarks that had “ my request of having the duration of the annular appearance measured been made more public before the eclipse (after Dr. Halley’s example in 1715), I doubt not but I should have been able to have given a more exact account of the progress of the centre of this phenomenon and of its limits.” M. de L’Isle also, with a similar view, pub- lished a notice to astronomers * in order, as he observes, ““exciter les curieux de Europe, qui powront voir l’éclipse % Avertissement aux astronomes sur V’éclipse annulaire du soleil que Von attend le 25 Juillet, 1748. (t was published, however, only three mouths prior to the eclipse taking place; so that there wa; scarcely time-for it to get into general circulation. 1818.] Annular Eclipse of the Sun, 181. annulaire qui doit arriver, d’y apporter toute l’attention possible, et de faire, de bonne heure, toutes les dispositions nécessaires pour la bien observer; afin de nous procurer tous les avantages ue l'on en peut retirer pour l’astronomie, la géographie, et la physique.” It is worthy of remark that this eclipse (1748) was the first that the celebrated Lalande (to whom the astronomical world is so much indebted) ever saw. He was then only 16 years of age; and the impression which it made on him fixed his future pursuits in life, and induced him to become an astronomer. It indeed excited so much attention in Europe, that the King of France (Louis XV) went purposely to Compiegne in order to observe it, attended by the Abbé N ollet, and Messrs. de Thury and de la Condamine ; and furnished with every convenient instrument for the purpose. The royal astronomer there made several important observations.* M. Lemonnier likewise under- took the journey from Paris to Edinburgh, furnished with proper instruments, purposely to observe it during its annular appear- ance; and he afterwards published some important remarks thereon.+ M. de L’Isle, above-mentioned, published also a paper en the subject, entitled “ Nouvelle Théorie des kiclipses,” founded entirely on the recent observations that had been made. ft M. Pingré &fterwards added very considerably to these reflec- tions in his interesting memoir, entitled “ Recherches sur la Longitude des plusieurs Villes.§ Méchain likewise madea great many calculations relating to it, from the manuscript collections of M.de L’Isle. But it was reserved to Lalande, fifty years after Wie event, to deduce the most important conclusions from this “singular phenomenon, in his paper “Sur la grande Eclipse “Annulaire de 1748.” | if Considering, therefore, the interest which has always been attached to this kind of phenomena, and the important conclu- sions to be drawn from them, I was somewhat surprised to find that no particular notice has been taken of the ensuing eclipse either in the Connaissance des Tems, or in the Nautical Alma- nac; but that it is merely announced there in the usual formal manner, without a single remark on the occasion. It is true that M. Bode, in his ephemeris, published at Berlin, has given (as usual) a general outline of the eclipse, together with a ma descriptive of the phases ; but he has not called on the inhabi- tants to look out for this phenomenon, nor drawn their attention to any of the subjects which it is most desirable they should observe. In order to supplyhis defect, as far as my humblé * The same monarch had also made several observations on the eclipse of 1737, at Versailles, attended by the celebrated Cassini, + See the Memoires de Acad, Roy. des Sciences for 1765, p. 468, } Ibid, for 1757, p. 490, § Ibid, for 1766, alt, | See Memoires de l'Institut, (Scien, Math. et Phys.) vol, ii, p. 364, 182 Mr. Baily on an [Serr. efforts will avail, I have drawn up the following memoir, under the hope that it may induce others, who have more leisure, and are at the same time more conversant with the subject than my- self, to pursue the inquiry, and suggest further hints to those who may have an opportunity of observing this rare phenomenon. M. de L’Isle, in his Abbptissenient above alluded to respecting the eclipse of 1748, suggested the advantage and propriety of some scientific person in the principal states of Europe through which the shadow of the moon’s umbra passed undertaking to announce to the inhabitants the several observations which it would be proper for them to make; and afterwards to collect and arrange such observations for further investigation, if suffi- ciently convinced of their accuracy. A similar plan might be adopted in the present instance; and, from the more general diffusion of science, would be more likely to be attended with a beneficial effect. Such collections of observations (when made) should be sent by the different collectors to one or more of the principal astronomers of Europe, in order that they might be finally investigated, and the result laid before the public. With that view I would take this opportunity of requesting those into whose hands the present memoir may fall to circulate it as much as possible on the continent, and amongst those persons who, from their connexion with any foreign literary journal, may be likely to diffuse the subject of it amongst the inhabitants of that part of Europe and Africa where the annular appearance will be observed. Such of our own countrymen, likewise, that may be travelling in any of the provinces on the continen’ here alluded to, will promote the interest of astronomy if they would carefully note down or collect any of the circum- stances hereinafter alluded to, or indeed any other remarkable phenomena that may happen during this eclipse. I shall be happy to receive any observations of this kind that’ may be forwarded to me, and will preserve the result of them, as above proposed, for a future investigation. The elements of the present eclipse I have computed from M. Burckhardt’s tables of the moon, and M. Delambre’s tables of the sun; and they are as follow. The ecliptic conjunction will take place on Sept. 7, 1820, at i* 51’ 37” 3 p.m. apparent time, or Ae 1 49 26 2p.m. meantime .. oud bat Greenwich : And at that time we shall have the True longitude of the luminaries .......... 5% 14° 47’ 40-7” True latitude of the moon (north).......... 0 00 44 39:4 Mcon’s horary motion from the sun. ...... 0 00 27 1:7 horary motion in latitude (decreasing) 0Q 2 42:0 horizontal parallax. ........2+e.+: 0 00 53 53°0 ————— semidiameter . Sai edb ime ehceeasn CO 00 14 41:0 1818.] Annular Eclipse of the Sun. 183 Sun’s semidiameter. .........seceeececes OF 00° 15’ 54:8” horizontal parallax ......+.eeeee00. 0 00 O00 87 declination (north) ........e0..06.. 0 5-59 41:0 From these elements it may be determined that the moon’s shadow first touches the earth’s disc at 11" 23’ a.m. apparent time at Greenwich, in N. lat. 59° 43’, W. long. 90° 50’;* and that it finally leaves it at 4 392’ p.m. apparent time at Greenwich in N. lat. 3° 21’, E. long. 20° 25’. Consequently the total duration of the general eclipse to the inhabitants of the earth will be about 5" 17’; but at no one place in particular will the duration be much more than half that time. The central path of the moon’s shadow across the earth’s disc, which is the most material circumstance in inquiries of this ° nature (since it serves to point out those parts of the world where the eclipse will be seen annular), may be determined with considerable accuracy from the principles laid down by M. Delambre in his “ Traité d’ Astronomie” (vol. i. p. 384); and, agreeably to the formule which he has there given, | have carefully computed the following table, which shows the several points (expressed by positions of latitude and longitude) through which the centre of the moon’s shadow will pass in its progress across the earth’s disc at the several times therein mentioned. The first column denotes the apparent time at Greenwich at the moment when the centre of the moon’s shadow passes the given points laid down in the second and third columns, and the last column shows the corresponding apparent time at those places. Apparent time at Greenwich, p.m. Latitude North, |4°™situde from Green-| Apparent Time at the i wich, Place. rea’ be 39" 81° 39’ 29! W. 149° 32’ 55” 2> 56’ 27” am, 55 600 83 39 34 129 44 37 4 16 2 Rear OO 82 24 34 42 38 12 1On D BF 8 16 16). 6. val TE (OSS PRLS 12°. (Or 30 10 O 45 23 11 14 31 Al 12 Tl- 53 p.m. 20 O 69 9 Al D (5281 12 56 31 30 0 64 13 27 0 46 50 1 26 53 40 O 59 4T 3l E. 2 50 42 1 51 23 50 =O 55 44 40 5 48 32 213 % mp’ 8 51 56 26 8 26 4 2 33 44 10 O 48. 18 42 10 5% 6 2 53 48 20 O 44 49 25 13 32 32 3 14 10 30 0 Al 25° (32 16 23 32 3 35 34 40 0 38 3 53 19 44 0 3 58 56 50 O 34 AO Al 23 59 43 4 25 59 a0. .-0 he dowel 30 24 13 h 1 37 8 ll 27. 10 30 46 2 4 6 12 19 From this table it will be seen that the central eclipse com- mencesin N, lat. 81° 39’ 29”, W. long. 149° 32’ 55”, when the sun and moon will rise together (the centre of the moon being * Allthe longitudes in this memoir are reckoned from the meridian of Greenwich, 184 Mr. Baily on an [Sepr. directly on the centre of the sun’s disc) to the inhabitants of that part of the globe, at 256’ 27” in the morning, corresponding to 125 54’ 39” (or 0» 54’ 39” *) in the afternoon at Greenwich : that the sun will be centrally eclipsed on the meridian (or exactly at noon) in N. lat. 76° 6’ 21”, W. long. 17° 3’ 15”, when — it is 1" 8’ 16” in the afternoon at Greenwich; and that the sun will set centrally eclipsed in N. lat. 27° 10’ 30”, E. long. 46° 2’ 4” at 6" 12’ 19” in the afternoon, corresponding to 3" 8’ 11” at Greenwich. If-the points mentioned in the second and third columns of the above table be marked on a good map, and lines be drawn connecting these points, we shall have the path of the centre of _ the moon’s shadow across the globe. Whence it will be seen that the centre of the shadow, having entered the earth’s disc near the North Pole,+ will proceed between the Shetland islands and the coast of Norway down the North Sea, and enter the continent of Europe on the coast of Westphalia, about half way between the Ems and the Weser. _ It will thence proceed, nearly in a straight line, across Germany and the Tyrol country, and enter the gulf of Venice about mid-way between Trieste an Venice. ‘Traversing that gulf it will cross the heel of Italy ; and, after skirting the coast of the Morea and Candia, will pass directly over Alexandria in Egypt, and finally leave the earth in Arabia, near the Persian gulf. If we set off two other lines on the map parallel to this central line, one on each side thereof, and each at the distance of about 130 geographical miles from the central line, the intermediate space between these two boundary lines will nearly { represent the path of the moon’s wumbra; and will show all thos® places where the eclipse will be seen annular, or where the whole body of the moon will appear on the face of the sun. Some uncer- tainty, however, may exist with respect to those towns which are situated near the borders of the umbra, such as Rotterdam, Aix la Chapelle, Liege, Treves, Freyburg, Parma, Rome, and other places on the one side; and Magdeburg, Leipsic, Ragusa, Athens, and other places on the other side of the central path ; since the eclipse may or may not be annular in the neighbour- hood of those towns according to circumstances. Nevertheless at all those places, and indeed to the whole of Europe and to a * That is, 54’ 39” after 12 o’clock at noon. The English astronomers begin the day at noon; but the French reckon from midnight, as in the civil mode of reckon- ing, There cannot, however, be any ambiguity in the present case as to the 12, + It will traverse the supposed polar basin, and the north east coast of Green- land, the object of so much laudable curiosity at the present moment; so that if the adventurous nayigators to those parts should not have returned before the date of this eclipse, they will probably observe it in. those high latitudes. : } It must be evident to those acquainted with the principles of astronomy, that the umbra will not be exactly of the same width in any two points of its course; but willbe constantly varying. It will not, however, undergo any material alter- ation in its progress across the continent of Europe, 1818.] Annular Eclipse of the Sun. 185 great part of Asia and Africa, the eclipse will be visible ; differ- ing only in magnitude according to the situation of the spectator. But, in no part will it be annular except at those places which are situated within the limits of the umbra, as above-mentioned.* Those persons who happen to be situated on the western border of the umbra will, at the time of the middle of the eclipse, see the wpper limb of the moon in contact with the upper limb of the sun; and consequently the unobscured portion of the sun’s disc will be seen round the under part of the moon. On the contrary, those persons who are on the eastern confines of the umbra will see the /ower limb of the moon in contact with the fower limb of the sun. Whilst to those who are stationed _ directly in the central path, the centres of the sun and moon will appear evact/ly to coincide ; and an uniform luminous ring, equal in breadth to about , part of the sun’s diameter, will surround the body of the moon.+ As there are no two points on the face of the globe where the visible appearances of any solar eclipse are exactly alike, it would be an endless task to compute the phenomena for any considerable number of places; and the usual mode amongst astronomers is to give a general outline of the path of the moon’s shadow, and to calculate the particular circumstances of the eclipse forthe metropolis only, or for some known observatory ; which calculation may be easily adapted to other parts of the kingdom. The notices which are given in the various epheme- rides on this point are merely for the purpose of informing astronomers to /ook out for, and note down these phenomena ; and the observations thus made are afterwards collected and compared together. Under these circumstances the reader must not expect to find the exact time and appearances of this eclipse computed for every place on the continent. It will be sufficient for his purpose if he knows at what time of the day he ought to look out for its commencement, and at what point of the sun’s disc he ought to fix his attention in order to observe the first point of contact. The following table will show nearly these several particulars for the diflerent places therein men- tioned ; and will assist the observer in his computations for any other place within the umbra. These values are deduced merely from a projection of the eclipse, and are consequently given as approximations only, and by no means as the exact values ; for, where it is required to have the time true to the nearest second, the observer must calculate the phases of the mer 0 for the precise spot where he happens to be stationed. The angles from the vertex are all reckoned on the right hand * In order to give a general view of the path of the umbra across the continent of Europe,’ a map of the same (Plate LXXXY) will be given tu accompany the remainder of the paper in our next number. + The sun will be elevated on that day above the horizon about 34 degrees to that part of the continent over which the centre of the moon’s umbra passes; con- sequently the increase of the moon's semidiameter will be about 73 seconds. 186 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and _ (Serr. side of the sun, as the moon always makes the first impression on the sun’s disc on that side. Time of Commencement. TS a ee | ig le from: the Mean Time at |Mean Time at the Vertex. Greenwich, p.m.| Place, p.m. Place of Observation. oe Lerwick (Shetland)....) 12" 9’ | beatae 52° Bergen (Norway). .... 15 37 61 Amsterdam .......... 26 46 58 Aix la Chapelle. ...... 30 54 61 Pampas Ue. oyecicies 31 Pret 65 WEIPSIC! Oa. wi ee cect es 37 264 71 MPANGIOUE iy Sn ee ae ence 34 1 64 WAH Hate emai ph lo dei 441 411 76 WUD AEE ite pasteles, aca acs 42 28 70 " TION aa are kis sibs wa. 39 13 ‘65 WERIEO', oot cee see os 48 or 72 DP BlNEe he sows ew e's on 50 35 ce BUC T, shale cis 2 a e's 56 46 76 Naples 0... ..6s eevee. | yeaa 58 81 Mihens ss . bes ce wats 18 21 G3", 97 Wiewandtia. i256. os e ke 40 3 40 109 The whole duration of the eclipse will, at all these places, be rather more than two hours and three quarters. But the dura- tion of the annulus will not, in any place, exceed six minutes ; and in some places (at the confines of the umbra) it will be momentary. ‘The nearer the spectator happens to be to the centre of the path of the moon’s umbra, the longer will the annular appearance continue. . (To be continued.) / ARTICLE Y. Researches on various Fatty Bodies, and particularly on their Combinations with Alkalies. By M. Chevreul.* Arrer noticing the imperfect state of our knowledge on the subject of saponification, and the mistaken ideas that have been * M, Chevreul has, for some years, been assiduously directing his attention to this subject, and has, from time to time, published an account of his experiments in a succession of papers inserted in the Annales de Chimie; the first of them appeared in the 88th volume of that work ; they have been continued at intervals; and, as we learn from the’ number for April last, are not yet completed. We propose to give an abstract of the whole ; but as the contents of the earlier of them may probably be known to many of our readers, we shall pass them over ina more brief manner. 3 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalis. 187 entertained respecting it by preceding chemists, the author gives an account of a new compound, which he had discovered in examining the soap which is composed of hog’s-lard and. potash. When this soap is digested in a large quantity of water, a part of it is dissolved, while a portion, which is inso- luble, is deposited in the form of small brilliant scales, which he calls pearly matter (matiere nacrée). These scales were purified by being repeatedly washed in cold water, and afterwards digested in alcohol, to remove from them the soluble soap and the various impurities which they contained ; they were subjected to the action of diluted muriatic acid, by which they were decomposed, and a new animal principle was obtained, to which the name of margarine was apphed, in consequence of its pearl- like aspect, and the property which it possesses of communicat- ing the pearly lustre to the combinations which it forms with salifiable bases. The properties of margarine are then described; it is of a early-white colour, without taste, of a faint odour, a little like that of white wax, it is lighter than water, and at 134° * melts into a perfectly limpid colourless fiuid, which, by cooling, crystallizes into brilliant white needles. By distillation, marga- rine is partially decomposed ; it is insoluble in water, but is very soluble in alcohol when heated to 167°; as the alcohol cools, the margarine is precipitated, or if the solution has been satu- rated, the whole is converted into a solid mass. The pearly matter, formed by the combination of margarine with potash, was next examined. All the potash being very carefully separated from it by means of diluted muriatic acid, and the quantity of muriate of potash thus formed being accu- rately ascertained, it was calculated to be composed of Margarine....... O1QL «12... . 100-0 Potasli.' Gissies BOO cis de aS 100°00 Cold water has no action on the pearly matter; but boiling water partially separates the potash from it. Ye is less soluble in alcohol than margarine ; 1f water be added to the alcoholic solution, a precipitate is thrown down, which appears to contain a smaller proportion of potash than the pearly matter ; it was found that about + of the alkali was united to the water, Ifthe substance which is separated from alcohol by water be twice dissolved in alcohol, it is deposited on cooling in its original state, composed of 100 parts of margarme to 8°83 parts of potash. M. Chevreul was then induced to examine, whether, if * The degrees of temperature in this abstract are always measured by fahren. heit’s scale, 188 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Szrr. margarine be presented to a heated solution of potash, contain- ing a considerably larger proportion of alkali than was necessary to convert it mto the pearly matter, a more alkaline compound would be formed. Upon making the trial, this was found to be the case; by digesting in water a quantity of potash and marga- rine, a white matter was formed, which was soluble in heated alcohol, and was deposited from it as it cooled in the form of small needles, which, when treated with muriatic acid, were found to be composed of 100 parts of margarine, and 17-77 parts of potash, or almost exactly double the proportion of potash in the pearly matter described above. This compound of margarine and potash is white, not so soft as the pearly matter, and slightly alkaline to the taste; it is decomposed by water, the pearly matter being reproduced and the additional quantity of potash separated. This decomposition, however, only takes place when the quantity of water employed is large ; for if it be used in small quantity, the decomposition is only partial, and a thick transparent mucilage is formed. M. Chevreul regards this as a saturated compound of the two substances. Margarine decomposes the subcarbonate of potash, carbonic acid is disen- gaged, and the pearly matter is formed. As it appears that margarine possesses some of the leading properties of acids, it becomes a question for consideration, how far it is entitled to the denomination of anacid. {tis necessary, therefore, to determine what are the characters of acids; and M. Chevreul states the following as those which have been generally consideréd to be essential ; the sour taste, their attrac- tion to the positive galvanic pole, their neutralizing salifiable bases, and their effect upon vegetable colours. The value of these several characters, as indicative of acidity, is then dis- cussed; it is stated that the sour taste is not found in all acids, that the attraction for the positive pole is not confined to acids, and that the same is the case with the neutralization of alkalies ; with respect to the effect of acids upon vegetable colours, that. the reddening of litmus has been generally regarded as the most characteristic property, and that no body which is considered as an acid is destitute of it. Upon the whole, the properties of margarine are such as have generally been supposed to entitle a body to the denomination of an acid; for it not only reddens litmus, but it separates potash from carbonic acid, and forms combinations that are, in all respects, analogous to neutral salts. ts composition may, perhaps, appear an objection to this deci- sion; but it is now generally admitted by the modern chemists, that, in the classification of bodies, analogy of properties is to be considered more than composition. M. Chevreul’s Second Memoir.* In the former paper, the author had examined the nature of _* Abstracted from Ann, de Chim, xciv, 80. 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 189 one of the compounds resulting from the union of hog’s-lard and potash, which he found to consist of the alkali and marga- » rine. He now proposes to examine the other compound, which differs from the former in the obvious and essential circumstance of being soluble in cold water. ; M. Chevreul began by carefully purifying the fat, and after- wards digested 250 parts of it with 150 of potash for two days, at a temperature of about 175°, by which the fat was completely dissolved ; the compound became opaque, and a yellowish fluid spontaneously separated from it, the nature of which was exa- mined. It was found to consist of the carbonate of potash, with a great excess of base, arising from too large a proportion of potash having been added to the fat, a little acetic acid, an aromatic principle, and the sweet principle of otls. The soap itself was next examined : it was completely dissolved by boiling water; but as the fluid cooled, a large quantity of the pearly matter separated, and it required 10 successive operations, per- formed at an interval of several days, to remove all this matter from it. The solution of the pure soap was decomposed while hot by pure tartaric acid; the fat appeared in the form of white masses, which melted into a yellowish oil. The fluid which contained the acidulous tartarate of potash was poured off and distilled, and a quantity of acetic acid, of the aromatic principle, and a little of the sweet principle, were procured. The fat, which had been separated from the potash by the tartaric acid, was of a yellow colour, melted at about 60° ; its weight compared to that of the fat originally employed was as 120 to 250. These 120 parts were melted, and added to 72 parts of potash, dissolved in 480 parts of water, at the temperature of 86°. When the soap thus formed was added.to cold water, a very small quantity only of the pearly matter was precipitated ; but this was found, by repeating the experiment with a smaller quantity of potash, to depend upon an excess of alkali preventing the separation of the pearly matter; for under these circumstances, a portion of it was still deposited. When by this means the pearly matter was completely separated, the fat was obtained nearly in a fluid state, and was then found to possess the following properties. {t had a rancid odour and taste; at the temperature of 66° its specific gravity is *898; at about 43° it concretes into white needles ; while it remains fluid it possesses a light yellow colour, similar to that of olive oil. Suspecting that this yellow colour, as well as that of other oils and resins, depended upon a matter extraneous to it, M. Chevreul endeavoured to separate it by boiling the fluid fat with carbonate of barytes, in the proportion of two parts of the latter to one of the former, mixed with a quantity of water. The result of this operation is the disengage- ment of carbonic acid, and the combination of the fluid fat with the barytes, so as to form a yellow, viscid, saponaceous mass. 5 190 M. Chevreul on Fatiy Bodies, and [Seer. By separating the water, evaporating it, and treating the solid residue with alcohol, a quantity of yellow colouring matter is rocured, while the soap of barytes was left pure and colourless. The next object was to ascertain the composition of this soap : for this purpose a portion of it was put into a platina crucible, which was then gradually raised to a red heat, by which a quan- tity of carbonate of barytes was obtained, combined with a minute portion of carbon; sulphuric acid was added, and by comparing the quantity of sulphate of barytes formed with the soap employed, he determined the composition to be, PUNE. i oscte one iL LOD aah va eee et» BO BATGRCS cian. 00. ney SAO, helde sb seiea's bin Se ee 100-00 By decomposing this barytic soap with sulphuric acid, the fluid fat is separated im a very pure state, and was supposed, like the pure margarine, to possess the power of reddening litmus. a The fluid fat seems to be capable of forming two combinations with potash ; the first, with a minimum of alkali, which is gela- tinous, soluble in alcohol, but insoluble in water; the other is soluble in water, but appears to be decomposed into potash and into the other species of soap, when it is diffused through a large quantity of fluid. Water appears to exercise the same kind of action upon the soap of the fluid fat as upon that of margarine ; that is, it reduces it to potash and the super-soap ; a greater quantity of fluid and a longer space of time are, how- ever, necessary to complete the operation. ‘The experiments which were performed in order to investigate all these points require a very long space of time for their completion, some of them as much as 18 months, and they are among the most elaborate in the whole science of chemistry. The general con- clusions which the author deduces from his experiments are, that the soap formed by the union of lard and potash is not a mere binary compound, but is composed of margarme, fluid fat, a volatile oil, and an orange-coloured matter. These bodies are saturated with potash ; the first two exist in a much greater proportion than the last two, and may be regarded as the essen- tial constituents of soap. The experiments which have been related above, and the conclusions to which they lead, enable us to explain the manner in which soap acts when it removes grease from stufis. It in fact depends upon a portion of the alkali being set at liberty, and thus being enabled to act upon fatty substances, in consequence of the decomposition of the soap of margarine by the addition of water. ‘The same decom- position may be effected in the soap of the fluid fat, provided it be diluted with a sufiicient quantity of water; but probably 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 191 the principal operation of this substance is to yield to the fatty matters a portion of its alkali, so as to form them into a super- soap, while it is itself reduced to the same state. M. Chevreul’s Third Memoir .* The object of this memoir is to ascertain whether the bodies which are found after the process of saponification are the essen- tial products of that process, or if they previously existed in the fat, and in this way to become acquainted with the theory of saponification and with the composition of fat. M. Chevreul first inquires whether the acetic and carbonic acids, which are found in certain stages of the operation, are essential to it; and the result of his inquiry is, that they are not so, but that they depend upon some impurity in the substances employed. He next inquires whether oxygen gas be necessary to saponitication ; and by forming a portion of soap in a situation’ where it was deprived of all contact with the air, he found that it was not necessary for the union of the fat and the potash, nor for the separation of the pearly matter, provided the soap be diffused through a sufficient quantity of water. The next topic is respecting the change which the fat expe- riences during saponification ; and in order to ascertain this point, M. Chevreul enters into a detailed examination of the nature and properties of fat before and after it has undergone this process. The differences were found to be considerable : besides a change in colour and consistence, the melting point is different, being 78°5° for the fat in its natural state, and 103° after saponification ; in the former state it is nearly insoluble m alcohol, and does not redden litmus, while in the latter state it is extremely soluble in alcohol, and powerfully affects the colour of litmus. We must, therefore, conclude, either that the fat has experienced a considerable alteration by the action of the potash, or that it originally consists of margarine, fluid fat, together with a colouring, an odoriferous, and a sweet principle; and that these bodies have so strong an affinity for each other as: to conceal their specific properties ; it is, however, very difficult to conceive how this could be the case, when we consider the nature of the difference which there is between the two bodies. In order to throw further light upon this point, M. Chevreul proceeds to investigate whether fat ought to be considered as a simple proximate principle. By dissolving the fat in a large quantity of alcohol, and observing the manner in which its different portions were acted upon by this substance, and again separated from it, it is concluded that fat is composed of an o7/y substance, which remains fluid at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere ; and of another fatty substance which is much less fusible. Hence it follows that fat is not to be regarded as a * Abstracted from Ann, de Chim. xciv, 113, 192 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Szrr. simple principle, but as a combination of the above two princi- ples, which may be separated without alteration. One of these substances melts at about 45°, the other at 100°; the same quan- tity af alcohol which dissolves 3-2 parts of the oi/y substance dissolves 1:8 only of the fatty substance ; the first is separated from the alcohol in the form of an oil, the second in that of small silky needles. We perceive that the above substances differ as much from margarine and fluid fat as natural fat differs from that which has been saponified. Each of the constituents of natural fat was then saponified by the addition of potash; and an accurate description is given of the compounds which were formed, and of the proportions of their constituents. The ot/y substance became saponified more readily than the fatty substance; the residual fluids in both cases contained the sweet oily principle; but the quantity that pro- ceeded from the soap formed of the oily substance was four or five times as much as that from the fatty substance; the latter soap was found to contain a much greater proportion of the pearly matter than the former, in the proportion of 7-5 to 2-9; the proportion of the fluid fat was the reverse, a greater quantity of this being found in the soap formed from the oily substance of the fat. When the principles which constitute fat unite with potash, it is probable that they experience a change in the proportion of their elements; this change developes at least three bodies, margarine, fluid fat, and the sweet principle; and it is remark- able that it takes place without the absorption of any foreign substance, or the disengagement of any of the elements which are separated from each other. As this change is effected by the intermedium of the alkali, we may conclude that the newly formed principles must have a strong affinity for salifiable bases, ’ and will in many respects resemble the acids ; and, in fact, they exhibit the leading characters of acids in reddening litmus, in decomposing the alkaline carbonates to unite to their bases, and in neutralizing the specific properties of the alkalies. M. Chevreul’s Fourth Memoir.* The subject of M. Chevreul’s fourth paper is the action of certain salifiable bases upon hog’s-lard, and the capacities for saturation of margarine and fluid fat. Having already pointed out the analogy between the properties of acids and the prin- ciples into which fat is converted by means of the alkalies, the next object was to examine the action which other bases have upon fat, and to observe the effect of water, and of the cohesive force of the bases upon the process of saponification. The sub- stances which the author subjected to experiment were soda, the four alkaline earths, alumine, and the oxides of zinc, copper, #* Abstracted from Ann. de Chim, xciv. 225. 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 193 and lead. After giving a detail of the processes which he employed with these substances respectively, he draws the following general conclusions. Soda, barytes, strontian, lime, the oxide of zinc, and the protoxide of lead, convert fat into margarine, fluid fat, the sweet principle, the yellow colouring prin- ciple, and the odorous principle, precisely in the same manner as potash. Whatever be the base that has been employed, the products of saponification always exist in the same relative proportion. As the above-mentioned bases form with marga- rine and the fluid fat compounds which are insoluble in water, it follows that the action of this liquid, as a solvent of soap, is not essential to the process of saponification. It is remarkable that the oxides of zinc and of lead, which are insoluble in water, and which produce compounds equally insoluble, should give the same results with potash and soda, a circumstance which proves that those oxides have a strong alkaline power. Although the analogy of magnesia to the alkalies is, in other respects, so striking, yet we find that it cannot convert fat into soap under the same circumstances with the oxides of zinc and lead. But although magnesia does not saponify fat, it forms with it an homogenous substance, from which the fat does not separate even when placed in boiling water, notwithstanding the differ- ence in the specific gravity of the ingredients. Alumine that has been mixed with fat is entirely separated from it by this means. Hence we may establish three gradations in the action of salifiable bases on fat, that in which a perfect saponification is produced, as is the case with the alkalies, where there is a union but not a proper saponification, as with magnesia, and where there appears to be no union, as in the case of alumine. The author next proceeds to examine the quantity of fat which a given weight of potash can saponify, in order to form a stan- dard of comparison for the other saponaceous compounds, when it was found that 100 parts of hog’s-lard were reduced to the completely saponified state by 16°36 parts of potash. He now enters upon the consideration of the different soaps that are capable of being formed by the margarine and the fluid fat respectively, and endeavours to estimate the proportions of which they consist. The soap composed of margarine and potash, as has been stated above, exists in two proportions, the saturated compound, consisting of 100 parts of margarine to 17-77 of potash; the other, or the super-margarate, consisting of 100 arts of margarine to only half the former quantity of potash, ‘8 parts. It is observed that in the first of these combinations the margarine saturates a quantity of base, which contains three parts of oxygen, proceeding upon the estimate that 100 parts of potash contain 17 of oxygen. M. Chevreul then prepared soaps composed of margarine and soda, margarine and barytes, margarine and strontian, and margarine and lime ; by decom- posing them by an acid, and finding the quantity of neutral or * Vou, XII. N° III. N 194 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and (Serr. earthy salt that was thus formed, he was able to estimate the quantity of base that had been united with the margarine in each of the compounds. These were found to be as follows : Migeoruriie™ 6270). 5 ave ales 100-00 Byte. Sts aianvstete' suite eae PEN bi Margarine ..... aie tied 100-00 Batytes: sctees avin siew a oies 28°93 Moarcarine: ois Qa 100-00 Strontian. ....... ite He 20°23 Margarine’ ..'. ones «sus 100-00 MAME: Se wre cin aia Wate lav wants By calculating the amount of oxygen contained in these different bases, it appears that in these compounds, as well as in that of magarine and potash, the margarine unites to about three per cent. of oxygen. By boiling margarine with the sub- acetate of lead, a compound was formed of margarine and the protoxide of lead, which consisted of 100 parts of margarine to 83-78 parts of the protoxide of lead ; but as this would contain nearly six per cent. of oxygen, it was supposed to be a sub-soap, or one with an under proportion of base. By boiling together the saturated solutions of nitrate of lead and soap of potash, a neutral compound of margarine and oxide of lead was procured, composed of margarine 100 parts, and 41°73 parts of oxide of lead; the oxygen in this quantity of oxide of lead is 2-98. M. Chevreul next proceeds to examine the compounds formed by the union of the fluid fat with the different bases. It was found more difficult to ascertain the composition of these soaps than of the soaps of margarine, because it was less easy to pro- cure the fluid fat in a uniform state, always exhibiting the same properties ; under one form in which it was procured it remained fluid almost to the freezing poimt of water, while another spe- cimen congealed at 43°. The soap of the fluid fat and barytes was found to consist of fluid fat 100 parts, and barytes about 27 parts, which will give 2°83 per cent. of oxygen in the com- povnd. The soap of fluid fat and strontian consists.of 100 parts of the fluid fat to 19-38 of strontian, containing 2°81 parts of oxygen ; and the soap of the fluid fat and the protoxide of lead may be estimated at about 100 parts of the fluid fat to 114-81 of the oxide of lead. There was some difficulty in estimating the composition of the soap of the fluid fat and potash, in conse- quence of the tendency which these bodies have to form a super-soap as well as a neutral soap; but by a careful, synthe- tical experiment, the author~ascertained the proportion of the constituents to be 100 parts of the fluid fat to 16°58 of the base ; this quantity of base contains 2°82 parts of potash. The scap of the fluid fat and soda consists of 10°11 parts of alkali to 100 parts of fat. M. Chevreul then states the composition of some of the other saponaceous compounds formed by the fluid fat; 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalis. 195 with lime it combines in the proportion of 100 parts to 9-64; with magnesia, 7°52; with oxide of zinc, 14°83 ; with peroxide of copper, 13-93 ; the soap of copper was of a green colour; as was also the case with the soap composed of the black peroxide of copper and margarine. Soaps were also formed of the fluid fat with the oxide of cobalt, which was of a bluish green colour; with the oxide of nickel, of a yellowish green; and with oxide of chrome, which was of a violet colour: in these last cases the exact proportions in which the substances combine were not.ascertained. The above experiments establish in a decided manner the strong analogy which exists between mar- garine and the fluid fat and acids ; they have, like these bodies, determined capacities for saturation, while their combinations with salifiable bases may be regarded as forming a distinct class of salts. The art of making soap consists, therefore, in convert- ing fatty bodies into oily acids by means of alkalies; and in forming these acids into compounds subjected to definite pro- portions. M. Chevreul’s Fifth Memoir * The subject of this memoir is adipocire; by which is meant the crystallized substance that enters into the composition of human, biliary calculi, spermaceti, and the peculiar matter obtained from dead bodies. The term adipocire was introduced by Fourcroy, and was applied by him to the three substances mentioned above, which he conceived to be varieties only of the same primary compound ; and in the latter case, as obtained from the muscular parts of animals that had experienced a pecu- liar change in the earth to be converted into the state of a soap by the addition of ammonia. These opinions of Fourcroy, however, M. Chevreul supposes to be erroneous. He begins by examining the crystallized matter of human, biliary calculi; the properties of this substance are described; it melts at about 278°, and crystallizes by cooling into radiated plates; it appeared to be only partially decomposed by distillation ; it is readily dissolved by boiling alcohol, but it seemed to be inca- pable of forming a soap with potash, The properties of spermaceti are next examined; it melts at about 112°; it is not much altered by distillation ; it dissolves readily in alcohol, but separates as the fluid cools; the solution has no effect in changing the colour of the tincture of litmus, a circumstance, as it is observed, in which it differs from marga- rine, a substance which, in many respects, it resembles. Sperm- aceti 1s capable of being saponified by potash, with nearly the same phenomena as when we submit hog’s-lard to the action of potash, although the operation is effected with more difficulty, ® Abstracted from Ann. de Chim, xcv. 1, Nn 2 196 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Serr. For the purpose of analyzing the soap, it was added to a large quantity of water, and kept at the temperature of 212°; it was not dissolved; but the fluid, as it cooled, deposited a large quan- tity of opaque flakes. A portion was kept suspended, which had a brilliant and pearl-like appearance ; this was collected, and dissolved in boiling alcohol, from which it was in part depo- sited by the cooling of the fluid: this was the proper soap formed of spermaceti and potash. This soap, after being properly purified, was decomposed by muriatic acid, when it was found to be composed of a peculiar fatty substance, to which M. Chevreul gives the name of saponified spermaceti and potash, in the following proportions : Saponified spermaceti. .. 92°462 ...... ..«- 100:00 BOCAS nara a Bin. Bfereiatn.c) sta WOOD Wiel ove ouhla 9 wane AP Ko The soap of spermaceti is white, and is without taste. Alco- ‘hol, which has been saturated with it at the boiling heat, concretes into a mass as it cools; the solution slightly reddens hematine, but has no action upon litmus, in which respect it differs considerably from the super-soap of margarine. The soa of spermaceti is insoluble in water; but if it be boiled for a long time in this fluid, a quantity of the alkali is separated from it. The soap itself, by this process, appears to be decomposed into two compounds containing different proportions of potash ; one, 5:48 parts of potash ; and the other, four parts to 100 parts of the saponified spermaceti. M. Chevreul then examined the properties of the saponified spermaceti ; its melting point is the same with pure spermaceti, but it is more soluble in alcohol ; the solution reddens litmus ; and, as it cools, concretes into a crystalline mass ; it is capable of being combined with an additional quantity of potash, so as to form a soap similar to that described above. The authornext enters into a minute analysis of the substances which are con- nected with the saponified spermaceti in the process by which it is formed; he supposes them to be as follows: 1. Saponified spermaceti; 2. An oil which is fluid at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere ; 3. A concrete oily substance; 4. A yellow matter ; and, 5. A volatile oil: but it is admitted that the last four bodies exist in so small quantity as to render it difficult to ascertain their properties with accuracy. It is supposed that the third substance is a combination of the first two; and that it is particularly to the second that it owes its property of being soluble in potash. “MI. Chevreul remarks that the air may have had »some effect upon these substances, particularly upon the fourth and fifth ; for that the experiments occupied more than six months, during which time they were continually exposed to the air. Saponified spermaceti is very analogous to margarine; but this substance is sufficiently distinct from sper- 1818.] their Combinations with Alkales. 197 maceti both in its pure and in its saponified state; They differ materially in their boiling point, in their solubility in alcohol, and in their capacity of saturation with potash. _ We next proceed to the third part of the memoir, an account of the fatty matter occasionally formed in dead bodies. We have an examination of the substances which are united to the fatty matter, and afterwards an analysis of the fatty matter itself. The fatty matter was first acted upon by alcohol, and afterwards the residte, insoluble in alcohol, was boiled with water. The water removed small portions of lactic acid, lactate of lime, lactate of potash, a yellow colouring matter, and an azotated matter. The substance which was insoluble in water was then treated with muriatic acid,.and the fluid was saturated with ammonia, when phosphate of lime and magnesia, and oxide of iron were deposited: by the addition of carbonate of ammonia, carbonate of lime was deposited. The part which was insoluble - im muriatic acid was again treated with boiling alcohol, by which nearly the whole of it was now dissolved, except a small quan- tity of an azotated matter and some extraneous substances. That part of the fatty matter which had been deposited from boiling alcohol was then examined; it melted at 175°; by pro- longing the fusion, ammonia was diséngaged, and the substance was rendered more fusible. The substance was decomposed by muriatic acid; and from the result of the process, we learn that it consisted of a peculiar fatty matter, to be afterwards more particularly examined, ammonia, potash, and a minute quantity of lime which were combined with it. The alcohol itself was then examined, when by gradually evaporating it, two distinct substances were separated from it, which differed a little in their melting point and other properties, chemical and physical. A portion of ammonia, together with lactic acid and some other substances in small quantities, were detected in the fluid. The author’s general conclusion respecting the fatty matter of dead bodies is that, even after the lactic acid, the lactates, and other imgredients which are less essential, are removed from it, it is not a simple, ammoniacal soap, but a combination of various fatty substances with ammonia, potash, and lime. The fatty substances which were separated from alcohol, as has been remarked above, had different melting poimts and different sensible properties. It follows from M. Chevreul’s experiments, that the substance which is the least fusible has more affinity for bases than those which are more so. It is observed that adipocire possesses the characters of a saponified fat; it is soluble in boiling alcohol in all proportions, reddens litmus, and unites readily to potash, not only without losing its weight, but without having its fusibility or other properties changed. As adipocire appears to exist in different states, or as the same term has been applied to substances possessed of different properties, the author examined the action of potash upon 198 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Sepr. different varieties of it, and first upon adipocire that is fusible at 113°. He saponified 60 parts of this adipocire by half its weight of potash dissolved in water ; the soap that was formed was soft and opaque; a mother-water was left of an orange colour. The soap was diluted with cold water, when 40 parts of the pearl-like matter were extracted from it; what remained in solution being decomposed by tartaric acid, 16 parts of a reddish matter were procured, and 1°5 of a white, flocculent matter. The mother-water was then examined ; by distillation 4 quantity of ammoniac and an oily matter were obtained, and by using different re-agents, an odorous principle, and a bitter, yellow matter were also procured; by analyzing the pearly matter of the soap of adipocire, this body was found to consist of margarine, of a fatty matter which is fluid at 44-5°, of a yellow, colourimg principle, and of an odoriferous principle. An adipo- cire which is fusible at 129° was then subjected to the same series of operations with the preceding, when it was found to contain the same principles, but in different proportions; it dif- fered especially in containing more margarme than the former. The author then compares the margarine of the fatty matter from dead bodies with that from the soap of hog’s-lard. They are both soluble in the same proportions in boiling alcohol; the solutious both of them redden litmus, and deposit brilliant crys- tals as they cool. They are similarly affected by heat, they combine with potash in the same proportions, and they form soaps which exhibit very nearly the same properties. The points in which they differ are their fusibility, and the form which they assume when they pass from the fluid to the solid state ; but these differences are not considerable, and, perhaps, are not sufficient to induce us to regard the substances as essen- tially dissimilar. In his third memoir, M. Chevreul has shown, that hog’s-lard, in its natural state, has not the property of combining with alkalies ; but that it acquires it by experiencing some change in the proportion of its elements. This change being induced by the action of the alkali, it follows that the bodies of the new formation must have a decided affinity for the species of body which has determined it. If we apply this foundation of the theory of saponification to the change into fat, which bodies buried in the earth experience, we shall find that it explains the process in a very satisfactory manner. In reality, the fatty matter is the combination of the two adipose substances with ammonia, lime, and potash; one of these substances has the same sensible properties with margarine procured from the soap of hog’s-lard; the other, the orange-coloured oil, excepting its colour, appears to have a strong analogy with the fluid fat. From these circumstances it is probable that the formation of the fatty matter may be the result of a proper saponification produced by ammonia, proceeding from the decomposition of the muscle, 1818.] their Combinations with Alkales. 199 and by the potash and lime, which proceed from the decompo- sition of certain salts. Two suggestions are offered by the author, which seem to result from his conclusions, although _they are in opposition to the opinions generally received on this subject, and which he proposes to make the subject of a future memoir. He asks, whether fat is not the only animal matter which is capable of being converted into the peculiar adipose matter, and not the muscular fibre? and must not this change be effected by alkalies, and not, as is generally supposed, by nitric acid ? The author concludes by giving a summary view of the differ- ences between the three bodies which have obtained the name of adipocire. The biliary calculus and spermaceti may be con- sidered as immediate simple principles, since we have not been able to separate any bodies from them, without changing their nature. But this is not the case with adipocire, properly so called, as this certainly results from the action of two fatty bodies, one of which has the greatest analogy with margarine, while the other is very similar to the fluid fat. Biliary calculus requires for its fusion a temperature of 278°, whilst spermaceti melts at 112°. The fatty matter from dead bodies melts at different temperatures, from 111° to 129°, according to the pro- portions of the substances that enter into its composition, One hundred parts of boiling alcohol dissolve 18 parts of biliary calculus, and 6:9 parts of spermaceti: adipocire appears to dissolve in it in an indefinite quantity. Potash boiled during 15 days with biliary calculus in the proportion of five to one does not saponify it. The same alkali boiled with spermaceti during five days in the proportion of 18 to 30 entirely saponifies it. A substance is then produced ana- logous to margarine, but which differs from it so decidedly in some respects, that they may be considered as forming two distinct species. If the difficulty of saponifying biliary calculus does not depend entirely upon its force of cohesion; if, for example, we should prove that it cannot be effected by exposing it ina digester to a temperature of above 280°, we must conclude that the proportion of the elements of biliary calculus does not admit of its being reduced into the state of a body which has a great affinity for alkalies. The difficulty which there is in sapo- nifying spermaceti shows that the elements of it are not in the same relation as those of fat; and what proves the same thing is, that spermaceti does not produce the sweet principle of oils, as is the case with fat. (To be continued.) 200 Mr. Heuland on a Mass of Platinum. [Serr. ARTICLE VI. On a Mass of Platinum at Madrid. By Henry Heuland, Esq. (To Dr. Bostock.) DEAR SIR, 25, King-street, St. James's, July 22, 1818. I sec to wait upon you with the extract from an authentic communication, with which I have been favoured, respecting the mass of platina now deposited in the Royal Museum at Madrid. Dn. ignaico Hurtado is the proprietor of certain lands in the Quebrada* de Apoté, in the province of Notiva, in the government of Chocd. In this Quebrada is situated his gold mine, called Condoto. One of his negro slaves, named Justo, found this mass of platina in the year 1814, near the gold mine. Dn. Ignaico, most generously, and full of ardour for the sciences, resented this unequalled specimen to His Most Catholic Tajesty, through his Excellency Sor. Dn. Pablo Morillo, Com- mander-in-Chief of the Royal Spanish armies in the province of Venezuela, who transmitted the same, together with other objects of natural history, belonging to the botanical department, under the Spanish naturalist Dn. José Mutis, to Europe through General Pascual Enrile, who brought it safely to Sant and forwarded it to the hands of the King himself by Captain Antonio Van Halen. Being an unique specimen, his Majesty gave it to the Museum. Its figure is oval, and inclining toconvex. The Spaniards term it “ Pepita,” which signifies water worn, and not in sitt. Its larger diameter is two inches, four lines and a half; and its smaller diameter two inches. Its height is four inches and four lines. Its weight is one pound, nine ounces, and one drachm. Its colour is that of native silver. Its surface is rough, and here and there spotted with yellow iron ochre. The negro who found it suspected that it contained gold: he tried to fracture it, but he was only able to make a dent in the metal, which is, however, sufficient to show its character. I have to note the very important discovery of two mines of precious opal in the kinedom of Mexico ; they are in the district of Gracias de Dios, 60 Spanish miles in the interior of the pro- vince of Honduras, or Comayagua, in the kingdom of Guati- mala. These opals are imbedded in porcelain earth, and are accompanied by all the other varieties of opal, but particularly by the beautiful sky blue girasol, and by the sun opal of Son- nenschmidt, who discovered the latter at Guadalupe at a league’s distance from Mexico, the capital of that name. The gentleman through whom I procured these opals, presented to ; Quebrada signifies 2 country broken into, or intersected with ravines and clefts. 1818.] M. Proust’s Analysis of Barley. 201 me a very interesting meteorite, not yet described in any work; it is from the coast of Omoa, in the province of Honduras, at 10 leagues’ distance from the sea, and was found on a hill which abounds with this iron. The history of its fall and dates are ‘unknown. To avoid every possible doubt about the mass of platina, I should, perhaps, have mentioned, that the Spanish Secretary of State, his Excellency Dn. José Garcia de Leon and Pizarro, had taken all the measures to ascertain the fact of its bemg genuine, native platina. I have the honour to be, dear Sir, Your most obedient and humble servant, Henry HEvULAND. Articie VII. Analysis of Barley. By M. Proust. Bar.ey has been made the subject of an elaborate chemical analysis by MM. Fourcroy and Vauquelin, and by M. Ennhof, who each of them published his remarks upon it about the same period. The latter of these chemists found ripe barley to con- tain starch, sugar, mucilage, gluten, albumen, a minute quantity of phosphate of lime, and a considerable proportion of a volatile matter, the nature of which appears to be not very accurately ascertained, besides the woody fibres which enter into the com- position of the husk. To these constituents Fourcroy and Vau- quelin have added a peculiar species of oil, which was procured by macerating the barley meal in aicohol; the fluid, by this process, becomes muddy, acquires a yellow colour, and deposits the oil by evaporation. They also detected in barley minute portions of some earthy neutral salts, and of iron, which were not men- tioned by Einhof. This substance has been also examined by M. Proust, and his account of it differs considerably from that of his predecessors: it would appear from his statement that his experiments were principally performed some years since, even anterior to those referred to above, although they were only pub- lished during the last summer.* Alcohol extracts from barley a yellow resin, which, when dry, has a pitchy consistence, and is not soluble in water. It exists likewise both in wheat and in maize, and is found in them all in the ta Aig of about 1. of their weight ; it is not destroyed by the process of germination. When barley meal is washed with cold water, we procure a yellow saccharine extract which is readily decomposed by alcohol; it seems to consist of gun, * Ann, de Chim, et Phys. vy. 387, (Aug. 1817.) 5 202 M. Proust’s Anaiysis of Barley. [Szert, sugar, and gluten, in the proportions of -04, -05, and 03 respect- ively. The author remarks, that these sums, making in the whole 12, areexactly the quantity of loss which M. Sage found wheat to experience by being treated with cold water. But besides these products, M. Proust informs us that he has discovered in barley a large quantity of a new principle, which had hitherto been confounded with starch, and which is pro- eured by washing the meal in the same manner as when we wish to obtain gluten ; but instead of this substance, we perceive on the fingers a rough, gritty matter, which is the body in ques- tion. M. Proust givesit the name of hordeine. This hordeine, or hordein, is not soluble in water, and may be separated from the starch by boiling ; it will then be left in the form of a yellow, granulated powder, which, he says, from its appearance, might be taken for sawdust. The following are the } —- = 2 YP. 08 (y BAL 2b By making m = 4,n = 2,a=c, and P = —1; in formula A. bae™—1dx Fluent 13.—Required the fluent of Vane , b22°—1lder Paste OS aaa fey _ 2bx n\ 2° Q2ab ne1 n\ — i Se (a ee Se ao 'dz(a+ fa")? [26 x ee 77 n\i = amc Ge cee The same as Mr. Dealtry’s when reduced; m = n, &c. in formula A. 1818.) Lacroix’s Differential and Integral Calculus. 207 edz Fluent 17 —Required the fluent of 7===- This fluent being of the same form as fluent 13, it may be compared therewith ; by making 2x — 1 = 3, orn=2,a= 2°, fet, and f.=.1. weder z2—@ Then ee = Dealtry’s when reduced. ‘Fluent 20. (Case 4.)—Required the fluent of ra a (a? + 2°)2 ; the same as Mr. Pay By comparing with fluent 13; wehave22—1=1, orx= 2. Bey dae dod Gees zrdx am pascal BSREBL SN Then == = Bee “/x— a; the same as Mr. Dealtry’s when reduced. Fluent 23. (Case 2.)\—Given the fluent of sl ase re- J2ax+ x2” as Se V Zax + x? Dias SSS eee wdx 2 2)~ 3 VY 2axn+ 2 wie ( G2 ict!) z 3 = [x drQat at & vx (2a + 2)3 —3afaedz(Qa+ 2)-% Fee a ue Ba TT = r(Qax+ 22 ape. oN ees ae 2 2 Qax+ x2 By comparing with formula A, m = 3,n=1,a=2a,b= 1, andP = — 1. Fluent 28 Given the fluent of (a + ¢ 2")" .d2"~' dz; to find the fluent of (a + ca")™".d 2" dz. ee d z(a +c z")™ ae (a + ext )™t+t— an frn—s dz(a+ez2)m quired the fluent of cn(r + 2) am(a+cm)jm+t ad SS ee ,t—™e_"ERE n—1 \m. en + (r + 2) c(ur+2)Jf * dz(a+c2z)". The same as Mr. Dealtry’s, when L is put instead, of (a+cem)™,, xd (m+l)ne is written form, c for b, and m for p. Fluent 31.—Given the fluent of 2"*-" dz (a + c2*)"; to find the fluent of 2"-"-* dz (a + ¢ 2"). In making the comparison for this fluent, 2 208 Mr. Adams on [Sepr, et dz(a+ezy" = are—e(a tice ett — (m + r)nefarn—tde (a + C2 )™ ahG ajo ee et where m =rn—n, P = m, and b =c; in formula C. Fluent 32.—Given the fluent of 2°"*"—' dz (a + c 2°)"; to find the fluent of 2°"~'dz(a + c2""*', af a d24a ie 2S = wn (a+ ex ymtt —on(m +1) fornte-idz (at cz") ——— rn This fluent belongs to formula E, where m = rn+n,b6=c, and P= an: Fluent 33.—Given the fluent of 2"~-"-'dz(a + 2")"; to find the fluent of z""~' dz (@ + c2")"". See Ce ME C2. Ps arn—-1 (a + ca ym — (rn—n) f2rm—n—dz(a + cz" jm Eee Pe eS ee Ae eS ee ee mnc This fluent belongs to formula F; where m = rn, b = c, and P =m. f Fluent 38.—Given /°2" dz(atc2"=G Required /27** dz(a+c2y"=H fe erds (a + ey” i dz (a ef Cc 0) — K &e. This class belongs to formula A. And fx dz (a +2") eee frdza +ezryr?=M fez oye? = &e. This class belongs to formula B. . From whence gti(atecm)™t+! —afr +1). G 4 = cimn+n+r+ 1) wtnti(a + emt )m™+1—a(r+n+ 1). H je ee ae a ee a ee c(mn + 2n+7r + 1) 1818.] Lacroix’s Differential and Integral Calculus. 209 tentt (a+ co )mt+t—a(r+2n41).1 Ke c(mn+3nt+r-+ 1) &e. Where r is continually increased by x. And nS wti(a+com)mt+1+ (m+ l)na.G mn+n+rd¢1 M = w@t+ifa+cm)m+2 4 (m + 2)na. mn+2n+rt+1 N= wt(at+ com)™+3 + (m+ 3)na.M mn+3n+r+1 Xe. Where m is continually increased by unity. ArTictE IX. , Account of the Weather at Bombay. (To Arthur Aikin, Esq.) DEAR SIR, Foster-lane, May 28, 1818. Tue inclosed register of the weather at Byculla, Bombay, has been transmitted to me by Mr. Benjamin Hoton of that settlement. If you think it will be interesting to the readers of the Annals of Philosophy, it is much at your service for that purpose. Yours truly, RicHARD KNIGHT. Annual Statement of the Observations on the Weather, made at the Rooms of the Literary Society of Bombay from July, 1816, to June, 1817. eae THERMOMETER, BARoMETER. Mean. | Highest. | Lowest. |} Mean. | Highest. | Lowest. 1816, nches, | Inches, Inches. BENE site's 222)" - 80° 84° 119 29-80 29°89 29°64 August. ...... 184 814 764 29-82 29-99 29°71 September.... 794 824 15 29°905 30-04 29-79 October......) 833 87 80 30-035 30°19 29-95 November .... $24 864 18% 30:07 30:19 29-96 rrebe evo TOR 83% 16 30°075 | 30°18 30°01) January ...... 783. 83 A 30-135 80°19 80°01 February. .... 16% 82 10 30°10 30°22 29-96" March eceescan 19 82% 15 30-065 30°19 30-01 oT, | ee 83h. 884 80 29-99 30°12 29-94 BABY soc deus ew 85 90 82) 29°95 30°09 29°76 DUNE. oc cccks 82 49 “i } 29°885 29°99 29°62 Vou, XII. N° II, O 210 Account of the Weather at Bombay. [Szrr. N.B. The temperature is taken at 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4 p.m., daily; consequently the register does not show the extreme of cold, nor the true mean, which is probably about 2° lower. ; The pressure is taken at 10a.m., and 4 p.m., daily, at the opening and closing of the rooms. : Sag A Register of the Quantity of Rain fallen at Byculla, Bombay inthe Months of June ph July, 117. ~ : Inches, Inches. June 1 beste cle cok tem July 1 ...cccceeees 0:09 oe'w wp oleate. ale ena Pod NWCA Ne aS vier aielen 0-49 OP his syplin aha leas — + renee SMe ae i 0-05 ME Ge'tectoisersicy sori bree aid he sisal ae 0°18 a Ae rar 6°46 Re iss awate are : 6 @eseeeeerevanend pes! 6 eecevreeereeeioe 0 27 Mattes tia eine Cae 0°03 RR ear” 0°15 Trams eacla sete e.alt 0:11 a ceelen earewat oes eit fase aint nm DU SE eee i 0°55 ED i sever ariseein’ Feu a eine d te iiseraee 2:06 RA cnn eect anes 1°57 MID va eleleg estes 0°17 REA Bese 0:20 1D iin wien ale 3°80 13 Re ee ge! oe 2°30 | ASAP eS 0-99 abs ees 1:03 Le ae ey ic pare: 1°34 15 eeeereoecee =r 15 eoesosseesee 2°57 167 Soe ee 0-16 | NG) iowa as mcesmintett 3°00 WES AT te 1:38 iss eee 0-49 LS a alas « pintowie oe O12 DS is Lamon auleeiee 0°35 DOT See anes 1°85 BO ems watt ele Beg Be | DOr ca span wanes 0-54 yee lye Kembla 0-20 BET aeons meee _— OD Samy eee occa 0°25 Be Say eee Wane “hia D9! Se Lae 0-08 Se Saaie ne stacalbia’ © 9°03 Bet (a ticheentaets wee 0°35 Bi rhshe: late uvieliaars's 7°23 OA igranatace wraierwatet 0-43 25 Mfatalnte = sis 0-15 BOW les «cele ee as 0°64 26 oa esas O73 2) ee a con: CAGE 27 e @eoesece . ae 27 ecesesee eeee eae Or cpemmnb sa ws) [Orae 0. bss peboabian on 0°42 OO) cals Sines a Ba pela Oa aie ss spread 0-06 30 e@eeceeees sees 1:15 30 eoeeseseeeres 0°13 — PMMA Ge oe aay 31 exoeeerereeece 0:15 "ROU PAGES oh nsiavece 40578: | Rota siecle ives ewes «1 23°87 SCANT RO” SE 45:72 PEGs eins snsie.o's « ieidla's <4 0d 23°87 Be 5 eA 69°59 1818.} Account of the Weather at Bombay. 211 The pluviameter is fixed about three feet from the ground in an open garden, and the time of observation is 7 a. m. daily. The greatest quantity of rain in one day in June was on the 23d, viz. 9:3 inch. But on the 24th the rain was the heaviest, and is particularly. worthy of remark. It commenced about 8 a.m., and discontinued about 5 p.m.; so that the 7:23 inch. of rain fell in nine hours. Greatest quantity in July, on the 12th, 3-80 inch. August 1, 1817. i Register of the Quantity of Rain fallen at Byculla, Bombay, in the Month of suhadec 1817. Inches Best: 1: va, ek ket i ooh s Pe Sr 0-04 Be Ce oEaaca ahs Bc di: vkontere! s/atvhere ai — OE Aas RR anata Seek Ber 09 AY ae bi haa Oe sis, wialiavecotecaliase 0-18 ce ONS IS SITE As abe 0:07 POC CO EE CORE See ec 0:02 Ti atl whee Pee SNS AS Se Be 1:33 BW Ste aes set ph oa ae fei nia lacae Ar 0°33 Pir: shetere cc sipteigharate'ste araleleres and per Oe Discs neo’ Reiolanais ated, 6 sevse O92 eee ORE Ack slave ole « ca vate Ore De eitehie sisis(ab cela Sapaubrealts 32 1:50 La ee a ayavaiie acecaevetene .. 408 r BFReg od A pioih alee Nick dig sinlipi whole aparsie cenporae 15 cis. Sle bt prasa wie besle: aire = pe Lae BOS svete eee syhi aia si ajatele, dra RO Gi cae, 3, eee aN 0-42 MEd eran ct atlas dapat 3. as’? OF40 Sr eee Me tea Lp) 1-09 21 eCoeeeeoesesrer egeese eevee 1:75 P 22 ea eeeeeoeoeosee teen eeasesens 1:58 ee ei de: Sr eat te 4 SEE 6.9 oinsn winsoiaoidiaw'aincotinieeralnk aig Ole? 25 Coe oer eeoeeseerereeeseres = POLS 6 om cing Galavud Vee ae Vite 27 ereeeeoeeeeeeeeenesreeeses 0:21 28 eeeseoe coe eeeereseseseeee 0°55 30 Maile #ele/ee sislelele é)s's alure se steece 1-50 Total . Peewee eroresreseeseeoeeeese 24°87 o 2 212 Mr.. Gill on the New Improvements in the [SzEpr- Total in June. LRT SE HE EES 45:72 Fudge PA Aas ae eek. ea OF ATIBUBE. > c's alot «Ga ane ne Oe Reel lits SO OeT Gy Beye ee Total for the four months ..........403°80 Oete dk oy op te sshd eb ecetaononee Total . Scat CV piaratal thariainive, ate pjai’e'ya: 32’ 30” Mean Time at Bushey. Batellite y cia o.'csi deo -iopicieleie 9 33 51 Mean Time at Greenwich. 15, Immersion of Jupiter’s second re 27 21 Mean Time at Bushey. satelbite .. «2 werdereis estes 28 42 Mean Time at Greenwich. 15. Emersion of Jupiter’s third ye 52 13 Mean Time at Bushey. satellite. eisialbere eee oe 53 34 Mean Time at Greenwich, 23, Emersion of Jupiter's first rant 15 54 Mean Time at Bushey. BROMUS one Sew iaibuted cess 17 17 Mean Time at Greenwich, Magnetical Oitemvanous SN 1818. — Variation West. Morning Observ. Noon Obsery. Evening Obsery. Month. Hour. | Variation. Hour. Variation. Hour. | Variation. July 1) 8h 25’) 240 32’ 21” 1 30’| 24° 45' 99" Th 25’) 24° 36’ 567 2| 8 25); 24 33 52 1 25 | 24 49 34 T 55.) 24 30. 58 3} 8 39] 24 35 49 1 25} 24 44 18 1 35 | 24 38 30 4| 8 25} 24 “31 24 1 30] 24 45 30} 7 30) 24 39 35 5} 8 30}; 24 32 58 1 40 | 24 44 55 7 40 | 24 37 48 6)> 8" 5 [P24 Sb. is 1 30|24 46 39 7 35 | 24 38 14 T} 8°35 1 24°" 33 +23 1 25 | 24 44 49 7 35 | 24 38 OS 8]°.8, 25} 24 3234 1 30] 24 43 48 7 30)24 38 29° 9{| 8 30] 24 34 O09 1 3b 28 LT 16 7 30; 24 39 02 10] 8 30| 24 34 45 1 30}; 24 47 40 1 35)) 24" 38.57 Il Br 2b) 245732 716 1 35 ]24 43 51 % 35 24) $8. 39 lg2j— —{|— — — 1 25|24 43 44;— —|— — — 13| 8 30124 35 0;— —|— — — 7 30|24 89 O9 14]. 8 35 | 24 35 37% 1 30| 24 42 58 7 35 |24 39 30 15} 8 30{ 24 37 O82 1 25] 24 46 43 7 30) 24 37 52 16; 8 30}24 33 15 1} 15 | 24 44 19} — —|;— — — 17{j 8 25|24 385 03 1 20| 24 46 26} 7 35 | 24 37 57 18} 8 30 | 24 35 47 1 30] 24 43 19 7 30); 24 38 O7 19 BwvS5 es 33 4S 1 10) 24 45 36 7 20| 24 37 31 20} 8 30 | 24 37 40 1 20} 24 45 03 7 30|24 38 46 21 § (30) ) 24), 35,14 1 20)24 45 Ik} — —j|— — — 22} 8 830; 24 33 44 1] 25 |24 46 13 % 30. \24 37 36 23; 8 30)24 34 57 P2524 TAT POL 7 30} 24 41 OF 24; 8 30|]24 34 24 1} 25 | 24 42 58 7 10) 24 38 36 25. -&).25 124, Sha 13 1 35 | 24 44 45) KT ) 854|0QA 37.02 296; 8 $0; 24 33 40 1 30| 24 44 O1 7 30|24 38 38 27 8 35 | 24 34 38 1 55/24 42 43);— —/— — &— 98! 8 25/24 35 00 1 25) 24 45 58 1 25 | 24 35 .54 29; 8 30) 24 34 56 Ty 255) Bao vd Syed 7 25 |.24 38 15 30; 8S 30|24 35 30 1 25 | 24 44 26 7325. 172k AG an 31| 8 25) 24 32 29; 1 15/24 45 50);— —/}— — — Mean for? ¢ o9| 94 34 24/1 1 97/94 44 59| 7 30/24 38 14 Month, , ee ee ee 1818.] and Meteorological Observations. 237 Meteorological Observations. Month.) Time. | Barom. | Ther.| Hyg.| Wind. Velocity. Weather.| Six’s. July Inches. Feet. Morn....| 29°730 66° |} 42° WNW Fine 57® 1 <{Noon....| 29-683 13 32 WwW — |Cloudy 75 Even ....) 29°630 | 68 | 37 N Cloudy 58, Morn,...| 29°640 | 62 40 E Fine t 3 2 <(Noon,...| 29-667 69 33 ESE — {Cloudy | “71 Even....| 29-700 | 61 | 38 SE Cloudy |? Morn....| 29°768 | 60 | 43 sw Very fiuel 5 928 3< |Noon,...| 29°755 ve 23 WwW _— Fine 13 Even ,...| 29°720 €0 28 Nby W Cloudy t 59 Morn....| 29°652 60 43 NW Cloudy 42 \Noon....} 29°663 68 36 NW — |Cloudy 7 Even ....} 29°645 66 35 NW Fine 55 Morn....| 29°648 | 65 | 44 | NNW Cloudy ‘ of Noon....{ 29°638 | 71 34 N — /|Fiac 123 Even ....{ 29640 | 67 37 NW Fine 236 Morn.....} 29°668 66 43 NE Very fine ‘ 6¢ |Noon....| 29°675 | 74 31 Var. — |Misty 79 Even....| 29°660 69 38 SSE Fine 5 Morn....} 29565 | 66 | 41 | SEbyS Fine t . 74 \Noon,...} 29°530 16 31 Var, — /|Fine 13 Even....| 29-460 | 66 38 Var. Cloudy 56 Morn,...| 29°432 62 44 W by N Cloudy ; %< |Noon....} 29-463 67 32 | NWbyN — /|Fine ve = AG ee a 64 31 NNW | Fine ‘ 5a \Mern,...| 29°676 60 40 NNW Very fine 94 |Noon....| 29-700 | 71 QT NNW — |Fine 72 Even ....j 29°700 | 66 36 Calm Cloudy 64 /Morn....| 29°670 | 64 | 36 sw Fine f 109 Noon,...| 29-635 | 70 34 Wobys — |Fine 72 jEven ....| 29-600 65 AT Ss Cloudy Morn....| 29-548 | 64 | 32 | NW Cloudy ' = 114 |Noon....] 29-515 | 72 | 29 Var. — |Cloudy | 73 iEven....4 29-470 66 37 WNW Cloudy ‘ ‘Morn... | 29-373 | — | 75 N Rea ‘ 6a 124 |Noon....| 29-367 | 71 | 44 |NWbyN| — |otoudy | 71g -|Even.. _ -~ _— _ eu ‘ )|Morn....| 29468 | 64 | 58 Ww Suniieite t 58 ce) \Noon.. i Seay See My mes on 135 \Even....| 29°643 | 67 | 42 | NNW Wery dual? aa ‘Morn... .| 29-790 64 49° | NW by N Very fine § Ncou....| 29:818 15 84 Var. — Very fine! 79 Even... .}| 29-820 73 39 Calm Lightshowers ere ...| 29900 | 68 | 45 | NEbyE Very fine|{ 8 159 |Noon....| 29877 | 73 | 32 NNE — |Very fine] 7 Even ....] 29°875 12 A5 E Very fine gd |Mora....| 29°844 | 70 | 44 Ww Fine f a: 169 |Noon....| 29-723 | 62 | 31 Var — {Fine 84 Even...) — ~— _ _ _ - 47) |Morn....) 29:763 | 69 | 44 | EbyN Cloudy ‘ 655 Noon....) 29°753 vel 44 Calm Showery | 76 Even....} 29°710 67 35 E Cloudy {\Morn,...| 29-655 | 65 | 45 | ENE Fine ' 58 16) |Noon....] 29-605 Tz 35 ENE Cloudy 15 Liven....} 29°565 INE Cloudy 238 Col. Beaufoy’s Meteorological Observations. [Suv'r. Meteorological Observations continued. Month, | Time. | Barom,| Ther,| Hyg.} Wind. |Velocity.|Weather.|Six’s, July Inches, Feet, Morn..,.| 29°505 69° | 43° NE Fine 59® 19< |Noon....} 29-510 | 73 35 Calm — = [Much thund| 77 Even ....| 29°513 66 45 NW Showery 60 Morn,...| 29°523 64 52 N Cloudy zo} Noon,,..| 29°556 | 72 38 NNW 3-787 |Fine TAL Even,,..| 29°546 68 40 NNW Very fine 51 Morn... .| 29°532 62 43 WSW Fine ai} Noon... .| 29°530 | 71 36 WbyS 5-856 |Cloudy 13 Even....) — — = — — 59 Morn,...| 29-620 66 46 Wbhys Cloudy 224 |Noon....| 29°673 75 31 Ww 7:826 |Fine 18 Even ....| 29°670 | 74 35 | SW by W Fine 60 Morn,...| 29°685 71 44 SE Very fine : a3} Noon,...| 29°673 | 82 25 SE 4-231 |Very fine] 83% Even ...| 29°600 13 33 E Very fine 66 Morn,...| 29°443 17 A2 ESE Fine 245 |Noon....| 29°438 | 88 21 SSW 7495 |Fine 895 Even ....| 29°437 83 23 SSW Thunder 653 Morn,...} 29°400 | 71 40 WSW Fine 93 ‘ 95% |Noon....| 29°410 | 79 | 29 SSW | 11807 |Fine 19% Even... .} 29°420 70 36 SW Fine 61 Morn,,..| 29°435 | 71 A2 SSE Fine : 28) Noon... .} 29°407 80 QT SSW 9°356 |Fine 81 Even....| 29°405 | 69 51 5 Showery : 64 Morn,...} 29°400 | 70 50 SSW Cloudy * 274 |Noon....| 29°420 62 55 WNW 5°313 |Thund.; rain) 76 Even... .| 29°533 _ 56 NNW Rain 51 Morn... .} 29°747 59 42» NW Very fine 284 |Noon....| 29°86 68 30 NNW 5°079 |Very fine} 70 Even....| 29°793 | 64 34 NW Very fine 5T Morn,...} 29°800 64 AO SW Cloudy ; 294 |Noon....} 29.800 | 71 39 SW 5363 |Cloudy 12 Even ....| 29°780 | 68 AT Ww Fine ‘ 60 Morn... .| 29°715 66 48 Ww Cloudy 304 |Noon....| 29°715 76 37 WobySs 5°635 |Fine a its Even....] 29-710 | 70 AQ W byS Cloudy 60 Morn....] 29-687 | 67 | 50 | WbyN Cloudy 3 31) |Noon....| 29°636 | A8 8 —- |Showery| 74 Even....) — = — = — Rain, by the pluviameter, between noon on the Ist of July and noon on the Ist of August, 0°67 inches. The quantity that fell on the roof of my observatory, during the same period, 0-633 inches. Evaporation, between noon the Ist of July and noon the Ist of August, 7°015 inches. 1818.) Mr. Howard’s Meteorological Table. 238 ArrTiIcLeE XVII. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE. — BARoMETER,. THERMOMETER, Hygr. at 1818. Wind. | Max.| Min. | Med. |Max. py Med. | 9 a, m. |Rain. 7th Mon. July 25|\S W1{29°85/29'80/29'825| 77 | 54 | 65:5 e@ 261 S 29'85/29°80/29°825| 84 | 62 | 73:0 A5 9 27| N_ |30°22/29:80/30'010| 79 | 51 | 65:0 52 281S W1|30-27|30:22\30'245| 72 | 47 | 59:5 37 29/8 W1|30'27|30:16|30°215) 81 } 56 | 68°5 40 30|S W/30°16|30°10|30:130) 82 | 59 | 70°5 40 31} W_ |30°10)29°97|30:035| 80 | 58 | 69:0 46 12 3th Mon. Aug. 1 30°18/30°03|30°105| 70 | 50 | 60:0 52 2| S |30°18/30°10/30°140| 70 | 43 | 56:5 50 > 3| S_ |30'10/30°07/30:085| 79 | 47 | 63-0 4g AIS _E}30°10|30:05|30:075| 87 | 50 | 68:5 5| E |30:03/30:00/30-015| 93 | 57 | 75:0 6} N_ |30°09|30'03/30:060] 88 | 59 | 73°5 40° | — 7|N W/|30°10|30°07|30°085| 76 | 52 | 64:0 8IN W430°10)/29°95|30:025| 78 | 53 | 65:5 9 29°95|29°87|29'910| 82 | 56 | 690 52 ‘e) 10|N E/30°20/29'95|30°075} 72 | 43 | 57°5 1i/N E/30:20)30°10|30°150} 70 | 50 | 60:0 A7 12\N_ E/30°13|30°07|30-100| 72 | 46 | 59-0 50 13/N E/30°13|30°10/30-115| 76 | 45 | 60°5 AT 14\N E/30°10/30'08]30:090] 71 | 53 | 62:0 15|N Ej\30°11|3008/30'095] 68 | 53 | 60°5 16} N_ |3008|30-00!30:040| 76 | 46 | 61°0 C 17| N_ |30°00/29-90|29:950| 76 | 45 | 60°5 omnes 18IN W({29'94)29°88/29:910] 77 | 50 | 63°5 19} N_ |30:04|29'94)29-990| 66 | 46 | 56:0 ere 20} N_ |30:04|30°03/30'035] 66 | 50 | 58:0 21|IN W(30:06|30'00/30-030] 71 | 44°] 57°5 22IN W/|30°20)30:06/30'130] 66 | 43 | 545 39 30*27129'80130'051| 93 | 43 | 63°32 45 10°14 The observations in each line of the table apply to a period of twenty-four hours, beginning at 9 A.M. on the day indicated in the first column, A dash denotes, that the result is included in the next following observation, 240 = Mr. Howard’s Meteorological Journal. [Sert. 1818. REMARKS, Eighth Month—4. With the exception of a gentle rain in the evening of seventh month, 31, the steady, fine weather has continued. Much Cirrocumulus of late. This Gay, in trayeiling, | observed the clouds, both at sun-rise and sun-set, beau- tifully coloured with a double gradation of tints, in which the respective effects of the direct and refracted rays were very distinctly marked. 6, Wind in the morn- ing, SE, brisk, with Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus; the latter formed in ove instance oui of Cirrus with unusual rapidity : the wind veered gradually from SE by SW to NL: at nine, p.m. a strong breeze blowing, withan appearance ofrainto NW, it began to lighten: at first, a very faint blue flash ; then others, gradually increas- ing in intensity at intervals of about a minute, filling the air, without being refer- rible to any point of the compass, followed generally by a sudden puff of wind, and without thunder. In 20 minutes, however, thunder began to be heard in the W and NW, and astorm passed in view to the NE, the flasiies broad and vivid on the whole North horizon, and crossed by delicate striw of a different colour. We had only a few drops, and it was overintwohours. 7, The sun-set was morerichly coloured with yellow (passing at length through orange to lake and purple) than I remember ever to have seen itin this tint before. It literally glowed like a bright flame on the lower surface of some dense Cirri, passing to Cirrocumulus; which modification was well marked afterwards. 9, A fine coloured sun-set again, but in deep orange passing to red, and succeeded by Cirrostratus. 10. Cloudy, with a brisk wind most of the day: Cirrostratus and dew. 11—13. Fine breeze, varying to N and E: much dew; twilight, orange; and the moon pale. 14—22. Pretty strong breezes prevailed during this interval; the sky presented usually the Cumulus passivg to Cumulostratus; but at intervals this modification took its character from Cir;ocumulus, which entered into its composition from above. There was scarcely any Cirrus or obscurity above the clouds, but rather a cold, transparent blue: two or three times the density of the clouds promised showérs, but it aiways ended in a very slight sprinkling. Coloured skies at sun~ set were frequent; as also the appearance of diverging bars of light and shade, which I ascertained in several instances to be due to the immense quantity of dust constantly floating in the air. 22, This morning, being gray with Cirrocumulus and very cool, seemed like the commencement of autumn; and the warmth of a fire was acceptable in a north room in the evening, RESULTS. Winds Southerly in the fore part; Northerly, with depression of temperature, is the latter part of the period. _. Barometer ; Greatest MEIEEES, clone oaipsie cote cere eo OU ed EES MeHsp sae 6 Slcleitiels! w eletahawietc steht aad NeoroU Mean of the period. ...........-.- 30051 Thermometer; Greatest height ............2+-++--- 93° . Weenst. "70. Sc ee 2. slscedebinw coceves -- 43 Mean of the period,..........++-., 63°32 Mean of the Hygrometer.......22. seeeeseeee Aree so 20 Evaporation, nearly. ......0.sccccewececscsseeeees A inches. ALAA Nisin « ajaisinis'<'siseteeia a nabbnjeictn cia sine siandinieweialalia o's (tuum D Cele A period unequalled in dryness since the beginning of 1810; when, witha frosty air, under.a similar course of winds, and the barometer averaging 30-07 in. there— fell in 30 days only 0:12 in. of rain. Torrennam, Eighth Month, 26, 1818. L. HOWARD. ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY. OCTOBER, 1818. ARTICLE I. Biographical Account of M. Senebier.* THE little republic of Geneva, which has afforded us so many topics for scientific biography, was the native place of the sub- ject of this memoir. J. Senebier was born in this city in May, 1742; we have few particulars related respecting his parents ; but it appears that they were persons of worth and respectability, and in that middle rank of life which, if not the most favourable for the development of extraordinary genius, seems to be the best adapted for the cultivation of the amiable qualities of the heart. He entered at an early period upon his studies in the college of Geneva, and was proceeding in them with success, when his father, who is described as a prudent man of business, obliged him to abandon his literary pursuits, and to enter upon a commercial occupation, from which he had himself derived considerable emolument, and which he wished to transfer to his son. The wishes of the elder Senebier were given in so decided a manner, that the young man obeyed without a struggle, he entered into his father’s office, and appears for a time to have completely devoted himself to his altered plan of life. A year’s initiation in his new employment does not, however, appear to have effected any radical change in his views or wishes ; he still sighed in secret for a college life, regretted the time which he had been absent from his studies, and watched, with painful emotions, the progress which his late associates were making * The facts in this memoir are extracted from an elogé on M, Senebier by M. Maunoir, which was read before the Society of Arts in Geneva, Vou. XII. N° Iv. Q 242 Biuographical Account of fOcr. in their literary pursuits, in which he was no longer permitted to accompany them. In this state of mind he wrote a letter to his father, urgent, but respectful, in which he strongly painted bis eager desire to resume his former occupations, when the father, with a degree of forbearance and discretion which is not very usual under such circumstances, allowed himself to be ersuaded, and suffered his son to pursue the bent of his genius. The result was that young Senebier entered upon his college exercises with unusual ardour ; and in a few months was able to rejoin the classes to which he had formerly belonged, notwith- standing the length of time that he had been absent from them. At the age of 17 he commenced the study of natural philo- sophy, which afterwards became his chief oceupation ;, and about the same period he became connected with Le Sage, who, although 18 years older than Senebier, formed a strong attach- ment to him, which he ever afterwards retained. At the same time he went through a course of physiology under Tronchin, and became so much attached to the pursuit as to have been strongly inclined to devote himself entirely to the study of medi- eine. As, however, there appeared no prospect of his being able to exercise this profession at Geneva, he soon abandoned the idea; and after deliberating for some time between law and divinity, he finally decided in favour of the latter, and regularly, entered upon his theological studies in his 19th year. Senebier was ordained into the ministry in 1765, and shortly afterwards undertook a journey to Paris, with his expectations. raised to the highest pitch of the scientific and literary gratifica- tion which he was to enjoy in that city. But, as his eulogist remarks, when he arrived in that immense capital, ignorant of the world, without experience and without a guide, the brilliant pictures of his imagination were quickly effaced. As, perhaps, must always be the case under similar circumstances, he thought the literary men less interesting than he had conceived them to be from the perusal-of their works, complained that they were not communicative, and, after a very short residence in Paris, left it with his enthusiasm much diminished. His first publication was a collection of moral tales, which ap- pear to have been more remarkable for the pure and amiable spirit which they manifested than for their literary merits. He soon, however, entered upon the career in which he afterwards became eminent ; and in consequence of the advice of Bonnet, to whom he was strongly attached, undertook, in 1768, to answer a prize question, proposed by the Haarlem Society, on the art of making observations. This essay was afterwards extended by him inta a work occupying three volumes, and was published, after an interval of 30 vears, in its new form, under the title of “ An Essay on the Art of making Observations and Experiments.” _ In 1769, in his 27th year, Senebier married, and had the good fortune to unite himself with an amiable and. excellent woman, - 1818.) M. Senebier. ; 243 of a disposition and turn of mind very congenial to his own. Nearly at the same time he was appointed pastor in the parish of Chaney, about nine miles from Geneva, which is described “as a delicious rural retreat, where every thing was in harmony with the state of his heart.” In this situation he spent four of the most pleasant and useful years of his life, until in 1773 he quit- ted his rustic abode, and succeeded M. Lullin as the public librarian of Geneva. Soon after his appointment he undertook the task, in conjunction with M. Diodati, of forming a catalogue of the library, arranged according 'to the order of the subjects, a task which was completed in three years. About the same period he entered upon the study of chemistry, as a pupil of Prof. Tingry, and soon began to exercise his pen in discussing the merits of the doctrine of phlogiston, which was then becom- ing the great topic of controversy. It was also at this time that he undertook, at the request of his friend Bonnet, the transla- tion of Spallanzani’s ‘‘Opuscules de Physique végétale et animale.” In the year 1779 M. Senebier published his first memoirs on the influence of light, a subject in which he afterwards laboured with much attention, and is the topic on which he may be considered as having made the most important additions to our knowledge. His experimental career was stopped for some time bya severe illness, occasioned, as we are informed, by the grief which he experienced in consequence of the death of his father ; but he embraced the first moments of his convalescence to resume his labours, when he particularly directed his attention to the green matter which is often formed in water exposed to the action of light. This had been conceived by some natural- ists to be of animal origin; but Senebier clearly proved its vegetable nature, and determined it to be a conferva, affording a shelter or nidus for numerous insects, but in no way partaking of their properties. He resumed his researches into the action of light upon vegetables in the year 1782, and directly opposed the opinion that had been advanced by Ingenhousz, who con- ceived the action of leaves upon the air during the night to be deleterious. Probably in this instance neither of the opinions that were maintained are correct; but in the course of the discussion to which the controversy gave rise, Senebier made a series of important observations, which tended considerably to enlarge our knowledge on the subject of vegetation and the chemical change which this function produces onthe air. There is so much uncertainty in the results of experiments on living vegetables, that after all the researches that have been made, there are comparatively but few points that can be considered as at proved; but among these we may probably rank one of Senebier’s discoveries, that when the leaves of plants are acted upon by the sun’s rays, they absorb carbonic acid, decom- pose it, retain the carbon, and discharge the oxygen. Q2 244 Biographical Account of M. Senebier {Ocr. While Senebier was thus pursuing with so much assiduity his experiments on vegetable life, he was not inattentive to the pro- gress of the other departments of chemical science. In 1784 he published his “ Analytical Researches on the Nature of Inflammable Air;” he devoted a portion of his time to meteoro- logical observations, successively translated the two works of Spallanzani on generation and on digestion, and at the same time he drew up “ The Literary History of Geneva.” In the year 1787, a periodical work was established under the title of “ The Journal of Geneva,” to which Senebier is stated to have been a very liberal contributor; and in the following year he undertook the more difficult and laborious task of writing the article Vegetable Physiology for the French Encyclopedia. On this work he probably thought it necessary to bestow a degree of minute attention which was not customary with him, so that it was two years in being completed. Shortly after this period, Geneva became involved in those political revolutions which convulsed the whole of Europe; and Senebier, who was little adapted, either by his disposition or his profession, for taking an active part in these turbulent transactions, retired into the country, where he remained, as it appears, in a state of complete seclusion, for nearly 10 years. Part of this time he employed in reprinting in an enlarged form his treatise on vegetable physio- logy, which appeared in 1800, extended to five octavo volumes. During the same period he translated Spallanzani’s travels, and his work upon respiration: he contributed to the Journal de Physique, and other periodical works, a number of memoirs on. various topics; but, for the most part, connected with vegetable physiology, and in conjunction with his friend Huber published an essay on germination. This appears to have been one of the last of his published works ; but in the list which is appended to the eloge, we find that a number were left in MS. and some of them of consider- able size. His death was occasioned by a rheumatic affection of the left hand and arm, which terminated in a caries of the bones: amputation of the limb was had recourse to, but without success, as the operation was succeeded by a fatal haemorrhage, which appeared to be connected with an ossification of the valves of the heart. He died at the age of 70 years, and left behind him the reputation of a man of great moral worth and much literary industry. After making all the reasonable deduc- tions for the feelings of friendship which appear so conspicu- ously in the composition of his eulogist, we cannot doubt that Senebier was a person of the most amiable dispositions, and the most pure and upright intentions. He does not appear to have possessed much strength of character, although there is no cir- cumstance recorded which would lead us to suppose that he manifested any remarkable deficiency in this respect, still less that he degenerated into, any culpable weakness. 1818.] Mr. Dalton on the Lamp without Flame. 245 The same general remarks will apply to his scientific as to his literary character. There is a mildness and modesty which pervade his works, an obvious anxiety to arrive at the truth, a candour towards his opponents, and an air of good faith and simplicity, which cannot but produce a very favourable impres- sion on the readers. On the other hand we must acknow- ledge that the stile is insufferably tedious and prolix, and that the information which they contain is so much diluted with common-place remarks as to make them altogether uninteresting in the perusal. His experiments are numerous, and were pro- secuted with assiduity ; but they are seldom of that description which can be stiled masterly or ingenious, but rather belong to the class which derive their merit from patient observation and frequent repetition. Upon the whole, however, the results are not very decisive, and can scarcely be regarded as affording an adequate compensation for the quantity of time which was devoted to them. Besides the works which have been mentioned in the course of this sketch, Senebier was the author of many other publications on various topics, as well as of a number of sepa- rate papers in different scientific journals. We apprehend that few of them will maintain their credit with posterity; they seem to be written without much care, and to be destitute of that fire of genius or brilliancy of language, which can give currency to hasty productions. In short, Senebier wrote too much to write well; and we may venture to assert that he would have been more useful to his contemporaries, and better entitled to the gratitude of posterity, if his works had been less bulky, but more eorrect. ArtTIceE II. On the Combustion of Alcohol by the Lamp without Flame. By John Dalton, Esq. (To Dr. Thomson.) RESPECTED FRIEND, Manchester, Aug. 3, 1818. On considering the phenomena of the lamp without flame continuing the combustion of alcohol by means of the coils of platina wire, it struck me as desirable to ascertain whether the products in this are the same as in the ordinary combustion; I was meclined to think that an imperfect or semi-combustion of the charcoal might, perhaps, be the result, and that carbonic oxide, rather than carbonic acid, would be found in a confined atmo- sphere subject to this operation. About three months ago | suggested the above to Dr. Henry, when we immediately burned the lamp under a bell glass; and extracting a portion of the airjwe were soon convinced by the ordinary tests that it contained carbonic acid. A few days 246 Col. Beaufoy on the Spiral Oar. [Ocr. afterwards I repeated the experiment with a view to find whether any carbonic oxide was mixed with the acid; the lamp was burned under a bell glass of 120 cubic inches till the redness of the wire ceased to be visible in the dark, when a phial of the air was extracted for examination ; as soon as the bell glass was removed, the wire resumed its original glow again, which showed that the combustion had not ceased. On examining the air over mercury in the usual manner, I found it contained 14} per cent. of oxygen and about four per cent. carbonic acid ; but { could discover no more carbonic acid by firing the residue with the addition of hydrogen and a little oxygen. Thus it appeared that my conjecture respecting the produc- tion of carbonic oxide was not supported by experiment ; this kind of combustion proved to be rather more than less vigorous than the ordinary one, as the oxygen was reduced rather more than it would have been by the common combustion carried to extinction. In order tu examine this last point more fully, I caused the lamp to burn with flame under the same bell glass filled with atmospheric air, till it was extinguished spontaneously. The residuary gas was found to consist of 161 per cent. oxygen, and three carbonic acid. Again, the lamp without flame was burned under the same glass in like circumstances, and kept for 40 minutes, when it was quite extinct; the residuary air being examined was found to contain only eight per cent. oxygen, and nearly the same quantity of carbonic acid. I have frequently found on former occasions that the combus- tion of oil, wax, tallow, &c. all reduce the oxygen nearly in the same degree before the combustion is extinguished, namely, four, five, or six per cent. it being 21 per cent. at the commence- ment. It appears to me, therefore, a very singular and remark- able fact, that this species of combustion should be enabled to reduce the oxygen so much, or to support itself in circumstances in which the ordinary one entirely fails. I remain, yours truly, Joun DaLTon, Articxe III. Observations on the Spiral as a Motive Power to impel Ships through the Water, with Remarks when applied to measure the Velocity of Water and Wind. By Col. Beaufoy, F.R.S, (To the Editors of the Annals of Philosophy.) GENTLEMEN, Bushey Heath, July 22, 1818. In the Annals of Philosophy for last June, an ingenious plan is given for impelling vessels through the water with. a spiral oar, 18182] Col. Beaufoy on the Spiral Oar, 247 and which Mr. Dick is of opinion might be usefully employed in propelling ships of war. A contrivance of this kind I saw, between 30 and 40 years past, in Switzerland, in the model of a flat-bottomed vessel, brought by Monsieur Bosset from the East Indies, but made in China ; this model had underneath its bottom a spiral, which was turned when wanted with consider- able rapidity by clock-work, put in motion by a spring similar to a watch; the vessel being placed in a tub full of water, the spring wound up, and the helm put over, more or less according as the tub was large or small, the boat continued running in a circle until the clock-work went down. I witnessed an experiment on a much larger scale, made in Greenland Dock by Mr. Lyttleton, formerly a master in the Royal Navy. This gentleman had fixed to the stern-post of a Virginia pilot-boat, a frame containing a large copper spiral, which, by a winch, turned by two or more men, gave it a rotary motion; the effect was much less than expected ; for notwith- standing the boat was completely empty, and considerable exertions used, the progressive velocity did not exceed the rate of two knots per hour. As a perpetual log, the spiral* has been used, and found very useful in maritime surveying, by measuring a base line on the water. This method of findmg the distances of one head- Jand from another, is rendered useless, if the spiral be placed within a concave cylinder ; for the friction of the water against the inside impedes its progress, consequently the distance shown by the perpetual log is less than the true. Being requisite that the number of revolutions made by the spiral be noted, it 1s most advantageously done by a line and clock-work, one end being attached to the log, the other to the clock ; but as the friction of the clock-work, and the resistance the line meets with by revolving in the water, impede the rotary motion of the spiral, an allowance must be made for the error by placing the clock on board a vessel towed in a stagnant canal, and measuring with a perambulator, on the tract-path, the distance the vessel has moved, the difference of the space shown by the perambulator and the log is the error of the spiral; should the water have a slow motion, as is generally the case in our canals, the same distance should be measured both with and against the stream, and the mean of the two numbers of revolutions taken for finding the error. The spiral may also be applied to measuring the velocity of the wind ; and itis better in this case, as well as the former, to have two leaves, or a double spiral, each leaf making a half revolu- tion, than a single worm, which makes a complete turn. Mr. William Cary, optician in the Strand, made me a machine of this * Invented by the celebrated Dr. Hooke. 248 Col. Beaufoy on the Spiral Oar. ‘fOcr. kind. The accompanying drawing, fig. 1, represents the spiral> which consists of a double worm, a a, 20°8 inches in diameter» exclusive of the leaves, the cylinder d d round which it twines is 171 inches long; the parts a a are of brass, three inches broad; the clock-work (not represented in the drawing) consists of a pinion of 10 teeth fixed to the pivot of the axis d d, which gives motion to a contrate wheel of 40 teeth fixed to an upright axis passing in front of the frame; at the bottom of the upright axis 1s a small single thread worm, which turns a wheel of 50 teeth ; on the axis of this wlieel is fixed a long hand, which points out 200 yards in one revolution ; on the other axis is placed a pinion of 10, which turns a wheel of 100, and shows, by a second but smaller hand 2.000 yards, or nearly one nautical mile ; on the other axis of this wheel is also a pmion of .10 teeth, which communicates with another wheel of 100 teeth, and by another index, or third hand, shows 10 miles; on this axis, likewise, there is a pinion of 10 teeth, which tums another wheel of 100 teeth, and by an index, or fourth hand, points out 100 miles. Fig. 2, represents a spiral log, the thick part of the machine is of wood, for the double purpose of floating and fastening the tin or copper leaves cc. Ifthe spiral be truly made, and not resisted in revolving, it is evident it will make one revolution or half a revolution, whilst it moves through a space equal to the length of its axis, one revolution if the twist make a whole turn, half'a revolution if the twist go only halfround ; for the resisting medium may be considered as a concave screw, and the spiral as a convex one running into the former. To cut a plate of metal the proper shape, it is necessary to have the dimensions of the cylinder round which thé metallic plate is to be bent. The length of a spiral going half round the cylinder is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the cylinder’s length, and half its circumference ; and the diagonal of the cylinderis the 1818.] Col. Beaufoy on the Spiral Oar. 249 chord of this circle. To calculate the radius sufficiently accurate for practical purposes, add to three times the length of the arc the diagonal of the cylinder ; from + of the sum add and subtract half the diagonal of the cylinder, then multiply the sum and difference of these numbers together, and the square root of the heal the versed. sine of the arc. Next divide the square of alfthe chord by the versed sine, to the quotient add the versed sine, and half the sum is the radius of that part of the metallic curve next the cylinder. Besides giving the inner and outer edge of the metal a circular form, a second operation becomes necessary, which is hammering the plate to elongate the outer edge, begmning at the part next the cylinder, and gradually proceeding to the outer edge. Without this operation the me- tallic leaf which forms the spiral would not, when fixed, be perpendicular to the cylinder. This part of the work being so difficult that few workmen can execute it well, it depends on science to invent a machine, perhaps by passing the metallic leaf between conical rollers, which, by pressure, might supersede the necessity of hammering, and would render this instrument of more practical utility. {In conclusion it must be remarked, that it was originally intended that the axis of the wind spiral should have measured 18 inches, but the difference, half an inch, was designed to allow for the friction of the machine and the resistance of the air to the radii. For the purpose of determin- ing if half an inch was a sufficient allowance for the impediments the spiral met with when turning,.an upright and revolving shaft was erected, from which projected an horizontal arm, to the extremity of which was fixed the frame of the wind spiral, the upright shaft being turned a given number of revolutions: the space the extremity of the arm moved, calculated and compared with the distance shown by the spiral, the difference was as 1000 to 779, that is, the spiral in moving 1000 yards gave the distancé too small by 221 yards: a table being constructed, the true velocity may be had by inspection. Trusting some of your readers will not deem the subject unworthy their consideration, I remain, Gentlemen, Your obedient humble servant, Mark Beavroy. ARTICLE IV. Memoir relative to the Annular Eclipse of the Sun, which will happen on September 7, 1820. By Francis Baily, Esq. (Concluded from p. 186.) Havine thos given a general outline of this eclipse, I shall proceed to state the principal phenomena which have been 250 Mr. Baily on an | [Oct. observed in former eclipses of this kind,* whereby the reader may be aware of the principal observations to which it will be proper for him to attend, and make his preparations accordingly. Many of these phenomena have given rise to much discussion, and are far from being accurately determined, or reduced to general principles. There is also a degree of doubt respecting the existence of some of them. Those persons, therefore, who are furnished with convenient instruments, and have a favourable opportunity, should carefully attend to, and note dcwn, not merely the phases of the eclipse, but such other appearaaces as may present themselves. It is only by multiplying observations of this kind that we can ultimately arrive at the truth: and an annular eclipse is so rare an occurrence in this part of the globe, that it is hoped every advantage will be taken of it, to improve and advance the connected sciences of astronomy and geo- raphy. There is one important observation, however, connected with this eclipse, which it is in the power of almost any competent _ to make, without the aid of any particular instruments : allude to the formation and dissolution of the annulus.+ This may be determined very accurately, if not by the naked eye, at least with a telescope of very small magnifying power ; { fur- nished with a coloured glass to keep off the rays of the sun, or with a glass smoked in the manner hereinafter mentioned.§ The times of these phases may be determined with sufficient accu- racy by means of a clock, or watch that beats seconds; and which should, if possible, be set to mean time on the day of the eclipse. The neglect of this precaution, however, should not prevent the observer from noting down the duration of the annular appearance; which will be the same, whether the watch is nght or not.|| As the method, therefore, of observing this phenomenon is so simple and easy, it is hoped that no dl : * Those of 1737 and 1748, There are but few observations of the eclipse of 7164, + The annulus is considered as completely formed when the whole body of the moon just appears on the disc of the sun, however unequal in breadth the unco- vered part of the sun’s disc may be. It is considered as dissulved the moment the moon again touches the concave circumference of the sun’s disc. The duration of the annulus will not in any place, as already observed, exceed six minutes, and in some places will be momentary. $ A common opera giass might be made use of, if nothing better should present itself: as no method should remain untried for determining this very important phase. If the observer be near-sighted, and have not the advantage either of a telescope or concave glasses, he may view the sun through a small hole made ina card by meansof a pin. § Those who cannot procure either coloured or smoked glass may view the image of the sun in a bucket of water, ora vessel filled with oil, placed ina situa- tion where it may not be agitated by the wind. . | Should the observer be in such a situation as not to have the advantage of either a clock, or a watch beating seconds, he might easily make a temporary pen- dulum, of any convenient length, and notice the number of vibrations which it makes during the existence of the annulus, In such case, the length and substance of the pendulum should be specified. “Das 1818] Annular Eclipse of the Sun, 251 person, to whom the opportunity may occur, will omit to note down the particulars ; or fail to communicate the same to some person conversant with the subject of astronomy. It will be of equal importance to know that the existence of the annulus is only momentary: or even that it is nearly, but not completely formed.* Athough the possession of proper instruments must give a superior degree of credit to the observations of any person; yet { would not discourage those who have not this advantage from communicating any circumstances that may occur. For it has been justly observed by M. De L’Isle, that although no great dependance can be placed on those observations which are not made with a telescope, &c. yet that such observations as are made with the naked eye ought not to be entirely neglected; since it affords us an opportunity of judging of the accuracy of those observations which were made before telescopes, &c. were invented. Those persons, however, who have the proper instruments, and every conveniency for observing, will of course note down the usual circumstances in such case: viz. 1. The time of the commencement of the eclipse.t 2. The time of the formation of the annulus. 3. The time of the dissolution of the annulus. 4. The time of the end of the eclipse. If there should be any spots on the sun, it will be proper (previous to the commencement of the eclipse) to make a diagram of the sun’s disc ; and to note down the times when the body of the moon comes in contact with the spots, and likewise the times when they again become visible. All these may be determined * To those who are not much conversant with practical astronomy, it may, per- haps, be proper to remark, that the more numerous these observations may be (that is, the greater the number of places where they are made), the more import- ant will be the consequences to be derived from them, Consequently every obser- vation will be material. Those persons who may observe the eclipse in the country should state the distance and position of such place from the nearest principal town, + It is rather difficult to determine the exact time of the commencement of any solar or lunar eclipse; since the impression on the disc does not become visible till some seconds after the eclipse has begun. The field of the telescope should take in at Jeast one half of the circumference of the sun’s disc (taking that portion of it which may leave the expected point of contact in the centre), as the eye can much better judge of any impression made upon a large, than a small portion of acircle. In some cases, however, a very powerful telescope (which takes in only asmall portion of the sun’s disc) may be attended with advantage, as in the case of the solareclipse on Sept. 5, 1793, where Sir Wm, Herschel observed that the first impression on the sun’s dise was made by the projection of two high mountains of the moon, having the appearance of horns; which were distinctly visible on the sun’s disc before the body of the moon appeared.—Phil. Trans, 1794, page 39. ¢ In order to determine, with greater accuracy, the formation and dissolution of theannulus, the observer should take into his telescope that part only of the disc of the sun which is necessary for the purpose. By adopting this method Mr, Maclaurin, in 1737, was enabled to observe the appearance alluded to in page 254 and which preceded the perfect formation of the annulus about 20 seconds; thereby enabling him to look out for and note down the exact time with greater precision, 252 Mr. Baily on an [Ocr. with sufficient accuracy by the assistance of a telescope magni- ing 30 or 40 times ; together with a well regulated clock, or watch, that beats seconds; and which, if possible, should, as before observed, be set to mean time on the day of the eclipse.* I must again repeat, however, that the neglect of this precaution should not deter the observer from noting down the duration of the several phases above-mentioned, and particularly the times at which the annulus is formed and dissolved: which may be afterwards compared with more exact observations, and lead to a correction of the true times.+ It is presumed that the observer will also, from time to time, during the progress of the eclipse, observe and note down the distance and inclination of the cusps in the usual manner.{ It may likewise be proper to remark that it will be of considerable importance to ascertain, at the time of the middle of the eclipse, the magnitude of the annulus on the north and on the south side of the moon, in order to determine how far distant, at that time, the centre of the moon is from the centre ofthe sun.§_ If at the same moment the observer can determine the diameter of the sun and moon, it will add considerably to the importance of the observation ; and tend to determine a much disputed point in practical astronomy. || These observations, however, should be made with a good telescope furnished with an accurate micro- meter: and, in making a report thereof, the observer should describe the kind of telescope made use of, as well as the method employed in determining the magnitude of the annulus, &c. For the sake of greater accuracy, he should also make a diagram of the appearance of the sun and moon, at the time of the middle of the eclipse; placing a mark against that part of the sun’s dise which appears the most vertical to him. The point on the cir- * Inthe evening of the same day on which this eclipse takes place there will be - an eclipse of the first satellite of Jupiter: the immersion will take place at Green- wich at 84 34’ 34” mean time. Those persons, therefore, who are furnished with sufficiently powerful telescopes, may (if the weather prove favourable) have an opportunity of ascertaining the correctness of their clocks or watches. t M. De L’Isle states, that if we observe the situation of the cusps, er only their distance, at the time of the middle of the eclipse (when the eclipse is not annular, but nearly so), it will serve to determine the apparent route of the penumbra and its limits, as exactly as if we had observed the duration of the annular eclipse. } There are two modes of observingihe phases of an eclipse of the sun: the oue, by looking directly at the sun, with a telescope furnished witha micrometer; the other, by receiving the image of the sun, through a telescope, on ascreen, inadark chamber, or camera obscura. Each has itsadvantages, and may be practised accord- ing to circumstances, See Lalande’s Astronomie, vol. ii. p. 659. M. De L’Isle indeed says, that ‘‘ we may determine, with sufficient exactness, the situation of the cusps, without making use either of the dark chamber or the micrometer, by observing the moment of the passage of the cusps and of the limbs of the sun, by means of simple wires placed in the focus of the telescope, in any situation what- ever; and leaving the telescope in a fixed position, during the time that the sun employs to traverse the field of it.” § M. De L’Isle doubts whether this part of the observation can be made with sufficient accuracy in a dark chamber; on account of the indistinctness of the: image of the moon. l] See next page. 1818.] Annular Eclipse of the Sun. 253 cumference of the sun’s disc (relative to its vertical or horizontal diameter) where the moon leaves it in order to form the annulus, and again where it touches it at the time of the dissolution of the annulus, should also, if possible, be distinctly noted. M. Le Monnier considers this of considerable importance.* It was observed, in the annular eclipse of 1737, that the annu- lus was formed and dissolved very suddenly. For when the whole body of the moon had entered on the disc of the sun, the last portion that entered appeared to adhere to the concave cir- cumference of the sun’s disc for seme seconds ; and the moon appeared elongated on that side, till the sun’s light suddenly broke round it, when the moon reassumed its regular curvature. In asimilar manner, when the disc of the moon approached the concave line of the sun’s disc on the other side, they seemed to run together like two contiguous drops of water on a table when they touch each other. It was also observed, in the eclipse of 1737, “ that as the annulus was forming, the light appeared to break in several irre- gular spots near the point of contact: and that the limb of the moon seemed to be indented there.” These irregular parts seemed likewise to have a kind of motion ; although there was no undulation at the same time in the circumference of the sun. Such appearances of a tremulous motion, in certain periods of solar eclipses, are mentioned by Hevelius and others. It was noticed also in the eclipse of 1748.+ : In both these eclipses, as well as in that of 1764, it was observed, that when the annulus was formed, the moon appeared much smaller on the sun than it really ought to be ; and indeed much smaller than the calculations seemed to warrant. But whether this phenomenon arises from an apparent enlargement of the sun’s disc, or trom an apparent diminution of the moon’s dise, or from both, does not seem clearly decided. M. Du Séjour has discussed this subject, with his usual ability, in his Traité analytique des Mouvemens apparens des corps célestes, vol.i. page 405, &c.; but he has not come to any precise deter- mination thereon. ‘The observations have not been made with sufficient accuracy, nor are they sufficiently numerous to enable us to determine so nice an element in the calculation of eclipses. * Tn hispaper Sur [ Utilité des Eclipses de Soleil ‘wherein he has drawn many im- portant consequences from the eclipse of 1748) he remarks, respecting the method of determining the limits of the umbra, that * la plapart des observateurs, en pareil cas, suivent les routes ordinaires, et n’out jamais fait assez d’atteniion aa point de lacirconférence du limbe du soleil od se forment les roptures de |’anneau: de-ormais ces points de la circonférence du disque du soleil seront les plus import- aus, et nous foarniront les limites que nous youdrons bien assiguer.”—Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences for 1765, p. 463. + The Rev. Mr. Irwin, who noticed the eclipse of 1748 at Elgin, says that “the formation and breaking of the aonulus were sensibly to be observed, and passed in @ moment; affording a very pleasing sight by the irregular tremulous spots of the suo,”’—Phil. Trans, vol, aly. p. 595, 254 Mr. Baily on an [Ocr. It is hoped, therefore, that the attention of astronomers will be more drawn towards this subject in the ensuing eclipse.* In the eclipse of 1737, Maclaurin observes that about 20 seconds “ before the annulus was complete, a remarkable point or speck of pale light appeared near the middle of the part of the moon’s circumference that was not-yet come upon the disc of the sun; and a gleam of light, more faint than that point, seemed to extend from it to each horn.” In the eclipse of 1748, it was noticed that there was “ about the middle of the eclipse, a remarkably large spot of light, of an irregular figure, and of a considerable brightness, about seven or eight minutes within the limb of the moon.” Mr. Short states that. this eclipse was not quite annular at Aberdour Castle : “the cusps seemed to want about + of the moon’s circumference to be joimed, yet a brown light was plainly observed both by ray Lord Morton and myself to proceed or stretch along the circumfe- rence of the moon, from each of the cusps, about + of the whole distance of the cusps from each cusp ; and there remained about x of the whole distance of the cusps not enlightened by this brown light.”—“ I observed at the extremity of this brown light, which came from the western cusp, a larger quantity of light than in any other place, which at first surprised me ; but after- wards I imagined it must have proceeded from some cavity or valley made by two adjoining mountains on the edge or limb of the moon. I had often formerly observed mountains on the circumference of the moon, more or less every where round it, but never saw them so plain as during the time of this eclipse. The mountainous inequalities on the southern limb of the moon were particularly remarkable; in some parts mountains and valleys alternately ; others extended a considerable way along the circumference and ended almost perpendicularly like a pre- cipice. My Lord Morton was able to see them very easily through his small reflector.” The King of France, who (as already mentioned) went pur- posely to Compiegne to observe this eclipse, discovered towards the middle of the eclipse (which was not more than 93 digits) “ sur la surface de la lune, comprise entre les cornes du soleil, des rayons de lumicére rouges, et un filet de lumiére qui sembloit masquer le disque de la lune, et qui s’étendoit 4 une distance des cornes.+ ” M. De L’Isle, in his publication above alluded to, seems to think that a quick eye, guarded with a sufficiently dark glass, * See Lalande’s Astronomie, vol. ii. p. 445; Delambre’s Astronomie, vol. ii* p. 423; and also M. Le Monnier’s memoir Sur les Eclipses totales du Soleil, in the Mem. de I’Acad, des Sciences for 1781, p. 243, In this memoir there is a map of the path of the moon’s umbra in the total eclipse of May 22, 1724, and which ap- pears to have proceeded over great part of England: nevertheless 1 cannot find any observation ef it in this country. + Mem, de l’Acad, Roy. des Sciences, 1748, p. 56. 5 1818.) Annular Eclipse of the Sun. 255 might, in solar eclipses, discover the body or limb of the moon seven or eight minutes before it touched the sun, and also for the same time after it had left it and was entirely off the sun. He -remarks that the observer should defend himself as much as possible from the direct light of the sun, and also from the light of the external air. No person, however, has hitherto noticed such an appearance; although many observers attended particu- larly to it, in the eclipse of 1748, in consequence of M. De L’Isle’s remarks. Should the moon in such case ever be visible, it would enable us to determine with greater accuracy the com- mencement of any solar eclipse.* During the progress of the eclipse it would be desirable to ascertain the degree of cold and obscurity caused by the dimi- nution of the sun’s rays ; for which purpose preparations should be made before-hand, in order that no time be lost during the SS of the eclipse. The variations in the thermometer and ‘barometer may be easily noted down without interrupting the astronomical observations. The rapid change in the tempera- ture of the air may cause a hurricane of wind (together with rain or snow), as was observed about the middle of the eclipse by Mr. Maclaurin in 1737 ; and by Le Monnier in 1748. Mr. Short says, that (in the eclipse of 1748) “ we did not at all perceive or feel any greater degree of cold, during the eclipse, than we felt before it began.” But M. Cassini De Thury, who went with the King of France to Compiegne to observe this eclipse, and where it was only 91 digits, says, they experienced a con- siderable degree of cold at the time of the middle of the eclipse; the thermometer, however, fell only 21°: and the Abbé Nollet found that his burning-glass was then as powerful as before the eclipse began. M. De L’Isle, likewise, who observed this eclipse at the Luxembourg, remarks, that the thermometer did not indicate any increase of cold caused by the eclipse, although he and many other persons experienced it soon after the middle of the eclipse.+ In the eclipse of 1737, Maclaurin observed that a burning- = which kindled tinder and burned cloth towards the end of e eclipse, had no effect during the existence of the annulus, nor for some time before and after it. He likewise remarked, that “ during the appearance of the annulus, the direet light of * It must be evident to the practical astronomer, that if the moon were really visible in such cases, she would also be frequently visible at the conjunctions, when no eclipse took place. M. De L’Isle’s suggestion arose from a remark made by M, Cassini on a luminous ring which was seen to surround Mercury in its pas- sage across the sun’s disc in the year 1736, and which continued for six or seven seconds after Mercury was entirely off the sun’s disc. See Mem, de }’Acad, des Sciences for 1736, p. 373, + In the total ectipse of 1724 the thermometer had fallen only two degrees at the time of the middle of the eclipse. This is the more remarkable as the eclipse took place late in the afternoon of May 22, at which time we might presume that the atmosphere would be gradually becoming more cool. The total darkness took place at 6" 48! p, m, 256 Mr. Baily on an [Ocr. the sun was still very considerable; and that although some places that were shaded from his light appeared gloomy, yet that the day-light was not greatly obscured.” He adds, that many persons, about the middle of the annular appearance, although not short-sighted, were unable to discover the moon upon the sun when they looked without a smoked or coloured glass.* Nevertheless Venus and some other stars were visible at the same time ; and Venus continued visible even after the annulus was dissolved. Venus was also seen in the eclipse of 1748, but it does not appear that any other star was then visible. If the diminution of hght should be considerable (which there is not much reason however to suspect,}+) Mercury, Venus, and Mars, together with some of the principal fixed stars, may be visible to the naked eye. Mercury, if visible, will be seen about 18° to westward of the sun, nearly in conjunction with Regulus: Venus will be about 41° to westward of the sun:} and Mars about 35° to eastward of the sun, not far from Spica Virgints, The observer should also look out for any comet which may be visible during this eclipse; and be prepared to measure its dis- tance from the sun or a principal fixed star. As many persons may be so situated as not to be able to pro- cure any dark-coloured glass, for the purpose of viewing the sun, I shall conclude this memoir by inserting Dr. Maskelyne’s method of smoking glasses, which he published in the Nautical Almanac for 1769, in his Instructions relative to the Observation of the Transit of the Planet Venus over the Sun’s Disc in that ear. rc Dark glasses should be used to defend the eye from the intensity of the sun’s light. Transparent glasses, smoked over the flame of a candle or lamp, will give a more distinct and agreeable vision of the disc of the sun than any tinged or coloured glasses will do.. Provide two pieces of glass of conve- nient length, not too thick (the common crown glass, used for windows, will do as well as any), wipe them clean and dry. * M. Le Monnier mentions the same thing of himselfin the eclipse of 1748. + In the annular eclipse of 1764 an ignorant country clergyman alarmed the people of France by announcing that there would be total darkness during the existence of the annulus; and the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris thought proper to give this report a formal contradiction. Itis well known, however, that the smallest ray of light from the sun would prevent such a phenomenon; as Ihave shown more at length in niy paper ‘* On the Solar Eclipse which is said to have been predicted by Thales,” inserted in the Phil. Trans, fur 1811, part ii, p. 220.— I shall here take the opportunity of correctinga typographical error in that paper; where, in page 240, line 22, ‘* three degrees ” should be ‘* three minutes.’ Since the publication of that paper, I find that the Bureau des Lengitudes in France have printed a Supplement to M. Burgh’s Lunar Tables, wherein the mean epoch and mean motion of the Sapplement of the Node are considerably altered: so as to bring the latitude of the moon within the limits which I there suggested. t In the total eclipse of 1715, Venus was seen when only nine digits were eclipsed: but she was not seen at Compiegne in the eclipse of 1748, although the digits eclipsed were 93 ;~in the eclipse of 1724, however, she was distinctly visible when only six digits were eclipsed. This is not remarkable, as she is, in some situations, visible even at mid-day, es ec — ‘ “ Pages fe: Uy he ee oa 5 oe i Be WORE 0 >, tp RRR: eee ty a mate FOSP a, se ey ae ‘ ¥ pedal Ns AP sie “4 y nL NB nag ean pn pene Nae al Ley pe Hest eee Peet WwW cl v re fiw: ¥ eR 4 ‘Ln cited : : rf ii, aunt aby Ley. £ on yah ane f APRS * . , 4 Rite be ey el “ { : at SPS 4 ui ‘ Sua, Mins: e ee ea es on ‘sea . + ’ ; o 4. oe ve, . * ’ J ‘ J a 7 ue na sels * - ¢. 4 : g 4 A i ‘tosh _ . ‘ rie LU. LXXXF oS go FS FO 3S London o Fz iO PLA 20 25 Jar ° ql — ey Ber ° 3 ° c a a farts . x 5 Basle °Pienna ° . x =! Sa x nM Long East Engraved jor DT Thomson's Ainals.for Baldwin, CradocR & Joy Paternoster Row, ate TLE. 1818.] Annular Eclipse of the Sun. 257 Warm them a little by the fire (if the weather be cold) to prevent their cracking when applied to the flame of the candle: then draw one of them gently, according to its whole length, through the flame; and part of the smoke will adhere to the glass. Repeat the same operation, only leaving a little part at one end now untouched ; repeat the operation, leaving a further part at the same end untouched, and so each time leave a further part of the same end untouched, till at last you have tinged the glass with several dyes, increasing gradually in blackness from one end to the other. Smoke the other glass in like manner, and apply the two glasses, one against the other, only separated by a rectangular border, cut of brass or card paper, the smoked faces bemg opposed to each other, and the deepest tinges of both placed together at the same end. Tie the glasses firmly: together with waxen thread, and they are ready for use. The tinge at one end should be the slightest possible, and at the other end so dark that you cannot see the candle throughit. By this contrivance, applied between your eye and the sun, you will have the advantage not only of seeing the sun’s light white, according to its natural colour, and his image more distinct than through common dark glasses, but also of being able to inter- cept more or less of his light as you please, and as the clearness or thickness of the air requires it, by bringing a-darker or lighter part of this combined dark glass before your eye ; which will be a great convenience at all times, but particularly when the bright- ness of the sun is liable to sudden changes from flying clouds.’ I shall merely add, that it is to be hoped the Sovereigns of the different provinces and states, mentioned in this Memoir (page 184), will encourage persons from the neighbouring coun- tries to enter and observe this eclipse: and that the love of science will induce them to prevent such persons from being subject to any tarif, or vexatious delay at the Custom-house, on account of any astronomical or philosophical instruments which they may take with them for the purposes of observation. ARTICLE V. Researches on various Fatty Bodies, and particularly on their Combinations with Alkalies. By M. Chevreul. ; (Concluded from p. 199.) M. Chevreul’s Sixth Memoir * _ Tue subject of this memoir is the different kinds of fat ; par- tieularly that of man, of the sheep, the ox, the jaguar, and the goose. Before he enters upon the proper topic of this memoir, * Abstracted from Ann, de Chim, et de Phys. ii, 339, (Aug. 1816.) Vou. XII. N° IV, R 258 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and _ [Oer. the author takes a review of what he has done in the five preced- ing papers. He observes that in the first he described a body, which unites the characteristic properties of acids to all the generic properties of the fats and oils. This body, which he has named margarine, has served as the type of a new kind of ternary acid, and bears the same relation to the oxygenated vegetable acids as the hydrogenated do to the oxygenated acids in the morganic kingdom. The object of the second memoir was to analyze the products of the saponification of hog’s-lard as effected by potash. After having deprived the soap of its margarine, a fatty body was obtained from it which was denominated fluid fat. This body, hke margarine, unites to potash in two proportions, but it differs from it in fluidity, and in the solubility in cold water of its saturated combination with alkali. The examination of the fluid from which the soap is separated has shown that in saponifica- tion a sweet principle is produced, similar to that which Scheele observed in water, in which olive oil has been treated with prot- oxide of lead. These researches then have established that soap, which had been regarded as a compound of a fatty matter and an alkali, is really a double compound of alkali and of two fatty acid bodies. he composition of ‘soap being thus determined, in the third memoir the following facts were established: 1. That the essen- tial products of saponification are margarine, the fluid fat, and the sweet principle ; but that the odorous and colouring prin- ciples found in many soaps appear to be accidental: 2, That oxygen gas is not necessary for saponification : 3. That saponi- fied fat is formed of margarine and of the fluid fat, and conse- quently possesses acidity: natural fat is formed of two new proximate principles, one of which is analogous to tallow, and the other to the liquid oil of vegetables; but both of these principles differ from those of saponified fat; for instead of being acid, they rather appear to possess an alkaline nature: 4. The experiments have also shown that the saponification of hog’s-lard depends upon two causes that are inseparable ; first, upon the elementary composition of this fat, which is such, that it may be represented either by the two immediate. principles which constitute it, or by the sweet principle, margarine, and the fluid fat ; secondly, upon the sweet principle, and still more the margarine and the fluid fat, having an affinity forpotash much superior to the immediate principles, of fat for the same base, from which it results, that m saponification the potash deter- mines the fat to be converted into the sweet principle and the two acid substances. This total conversion of an organic matter into many substances, which are themselves compounds, and very different from the matter itself, may explain many pheno- mena in physiology, where bodies assume forms totally different from those which they previously possessed. 6 i ; > ) | 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 259 In the fourth memoir, saponification was examined under two relations ; 1. Under that of the bases which form it; 2. Under that of the quantity of alkali necessary to saponify a certain quantity of fat. The first inquiry, by showing that barytes, strontian, lime, oxide of zinc, and protoxide of lead, cause fat to ° undergo the same change that it does with potash and soda, has enabled us to generalize saponification, by proving that this oper- ation depends upon analkaline force which overcomes the obstacle which the cohesion of some bases and the insolubility of others seem to oppose to the change of fat into the sweet principle and the oily acids. The second inquiry, by showing that we can effect the saponification of a given weight of fat, merely by employing the quantity of alkali which is exactly necessary to neutralize the margarine and the fluid fat, into which this weight of fat can be converted, has formed a determinate basis for the art of the soap-maker. In this memoir, likewise, the capacity of the saturation of margarine has been exactly determined, and all the analyses of the soaps of this substance have shown that 100 parts of it saturate a quantity of base containing three parts of oxygen. There appears then to be a perfect analogy between margarine and the acids, so as to confirm the opinion of its nature which had been advanced in the preceding memoirs. The crystallized matter of the human biliary calculus, sperma- ceti, and the adipocire of carcasses, had been confounded together under the same species of fatty matter ; and the object of the fifth memoir was to show that this opmion is erroneous. The biliary calculus and spermaceti possess the characters of pure proximate principles, whilst adipocire, which is formed of margarine, of fluid fat, and of an orange coloured principle, sven all the properties of a saponified fat. On the other and, biliary calculus differs essentially from spermaceti, as the latter is perfectly saponified under circumstances in which the first absolutely resists the action of alkalies. The soap of spermaceti contains two oily acids, one of which only has been examined ; it is in its general characters analogous to margarine and the fluid fat, but is distinguished from them by possessing only about half as much capacity for saturation. The knowledge of the immediate principles. which compose the different kinds of fats and oils accounts for the different degrees of fluidity of their compounds, but it does not explain the differences in colour and odour which many of them present. The discovery of the cause of these differences gives rise to a new order of facts, which will form the subjects of the succeeding memoirs. In the present memoir, the sixth, M. Chevreul pro- poses to examine the fat of man, of the sheep, the jaguar, and the goose ; and to determine how far the proximate principles of these fats, and the oily acids which they are capable of produc- ing, resemble those of hog’s-lard. e author remarks that he has hitherto made use of peri- R 2 ~ 260 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodics, and [Ocr. phrases when speaking of the different bodies that he has been describing, as supposing that their nature was not sufficiently determined. He now, however, conceives that he may apply specific names to them, which will both be more commodious, and, at the same time, by being made appropriate, will point out the relation which these bodies bear to each other. The follow- ing is the nomenclature which will be hereafter adopted. The crystalline matter of human biliary calculi is named cholesterine, from the Greek words xy bile, and sepeos solid ; spermaceti is named cetine, from xytoc, a whale; the fatty substance and the oily substance, described in the third memoir, are named respect- ively stearine and elaine, from the words szag fat, and edsuoy oil ; margarine and the fluid fat are named margaric acid and oleic acid, while the term cetic acid is applied to what was named saponified spermaceti. The margarates, oleates, and cetates, will be the generic names of the soaps or combinations which these acids are capable of forming by their union with salitiable bases. The author begins his examination of the different kinds of fat by giving an account of the different properties which they exhibit in their entire undecomposed state. Two portions of human fat were examined, one taken from the kidney the other from the thigh; after some time they both of them manifested a tendency to. separate into two distinct sub- stances, one ofa solid and the other ofa fluid consistence ; the two portions differed in their fluidity and their melting point. These variations depend upon the different proportions of stea- rine and elaine ; for the concrete part of fat is a combination of the two with an excess of stearine, and the fluid part is a combi- nation with an excess of elaine. The fat from the other animals was then examined, principally with respect to their melting point and their solubility in alcohol; the melting pomt was not always the same in the fat ofthe same species of animal. When portions of the fat of different sheep are melted separately at the temperature of 122°, in some specimens the thermometer descends to 985° and rises again to 102°, while in others it descends to 104°, and rises again to 106°. A thermometer plunged into the fat of the ox melted at 122°, descended to 98°5°, and rose again to 102°. When the fat of the jaguar was melted at 104°, the thermometer descended to 84°, and rose again to about 85°; but a considerable portion of the fat. still remained in a fluid state. With respect to the solubility of the different kinds of fat in alcohol, it was found that 100 parts of it dissolved 2°48 arts of human fat, 2°26 parts of sheep’s fat, 2°52 parts of the fat of the ox, 2°18 parts of the fat of the jaguar, and about 2:8 parts of the fat of the hog. M. Chevreul next examines the change which is produced in the different kinds of fat respectively by the action of potash. All the kinds of fat are capable of being perfectly saponified, when excluded from the contact of the air; in all of them there : / | . 1818.] their Combinations with Alkaties. 261 was the production of the saponified fat and the sweet principle ; no carbonic acid was produced, and the soaps formed contained no acetic acid, or only slight traces of it. The sapopified fats had more tendency to crystallize in needles than the fats m their natural state; they were soluble in all proportions in boiling alcohol of the specific gravity of ‘821. The solution, like that of the saponified fat of the hog, contained both the margaric and the oleic acids. They were less fusible than the fats from which they were formed; thus when human fat, after being saponified, was melted, the thermometer became stationary at 95°, when the fluid began to congeal ; in that of the sheep the thermometer fell to 118°5° and rose to 122°; in that of the ox it remained stationary at 118°5°; and in that of the jaguar at 96°5°. The saponified fat of the sheep and the ox had the same degree of solubility in potash and soda as that of the hog. » 100 parts of the fat of the sheep when 2 ,-. saponified were dissolved by. ...... tort) OF -potalae 100 parts of the same were dissolved by 10°27 of soda. 100 parts of the saponified fat of the ox 2 45.49 o¢ potash were dissolved by. .......0sceesee> P . 100 parts of the same were dissolved by 10°24 of soda. 100 parts of the saponified fat of the hog 2 j 5.04 o¢ potash were dissolved by. ....020-00--220+ 100 parts of the same were dissolved by 10°29 of soda There is no carbonic acid necessarily produced in the saponi- fication of the different kinds of fat ; for if we take two equal quantities of the same solution of potash, and employ one of them in the saponification of any species of fat, if we then decompose the soap by the hydrochloric acid, we shall obtain a quantity of carbonic acid equal to that which is contained in the alkali that has not been employed in saponification. In order to discover whether any acetic acid is produced in the saponifica- tion of the fat of the human subject, of the sheep, and of the ox, 308-88 grs. (20 grammes) of ooh of these kinds of fat were sapo- nified by pure potash ; the soap was decomposed by tartaric acid ; the aqueous fluid was poured off and distilled, the product was then neutralized by barytic water, and this was evaporated to dryness in order to obtain the saline residuum. The saline residuum from human fat was too minute to be sensible to the balance ; it was observed that the aqueous fluid which proceeded from the decomposition of a soap prepared from the fat of the kidneys, and likewise from a soap prepared with the fat from the breast of a female, had a strongly marked odour of cheese, a circumstance which indicates the presence of the aroma of butter in these kinds of fat; this principle is not, however, found in all ee ePonnens of human fat, that from the thigh being entirely without it, 262 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. The saline residuum obtained from the soap of mutton fat weighed -06 gr. ; but it seemed to contain a small portion of the sweet principle. By adding phosphoric acid, a rank odour was disengaged, mixed with that of acetic acid. The saline resi- duum of the soap from the fat of the ox was in too small a quantity to be appreciated, yet the aqueous fluid proceeding from the decomposition of the soap was acid and amber coloured ; the odour was precisely the same with that which is disengaged from oxen, when they have been heated by exercise. The odor- ous principle is more developed in the fat of the jaguar by being saponified ; the odour is not easily defined, but 1s thought to resemble that which is sometimes perceived in the menageries of wild beasts. From these observations we may conclude, that the action of potash develops in the fat of the sheep, the ox, and even of the jaguar, odorous principles, which are analogous to, if not absolutely identical with, those which the animals exhale under certain circumstances, and that an acid property accompanies these principles. { . j The following table contains the proportions of the saponified fat and of the matter soluble in water into which 100 parts of the fat are capable of being changed. Human fat. Saponified fat. ...0...2.20+ 95 Soluble matter. ...-.eeeeees 5 Fat of the sheep. Saponified fat + ......... «na, Srl Satuble matter. weciccsacese. 49 Fat of the ox. Saponiffed fat. .....-eesec 95 Soluble matter. ........... 5 Fat of the hog. Saponified fat. ......... selon Srna Soluble matter. ..........-- ina phe The quantity of soluble matter in these cases was obtained by calculation from the weight of the saponified fat, because it was not possible to separate completely the former from a portion of water and saline matter which-was combined with it. Thus the syrupy fluid, which contained the sweet principle produced by saponification, although evaporated until it began to be volati- lized, always weighed more than the fat had lost of soluble matter; for example, the syrup obtained from human’ fat weighed 9:4, that from sheep’s fat weighed 8, while that from the fat of the ox and the hog each weighed 8°6. M. Chevreul next proceeds to a particular examination of the soaps of fat and potash. The following was the method of analy- 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 263 sis which was adopted: the soap, after being separated from the mother-water, was dissolved in boiling water: by cooling and rest a quantity of pearly matter was deposited, which is consi- dered as a super-margarate of potash, and the fluid becomes alkaline. It was filtered and neutralized by tartaric acid ; by rest there was a new product of super-margarate, and a quantity of alkali was set at liberty ; the same process as that employed above was repeated until there was no longer a pearly deposit ; an oleate of potash was then obtained, which was decomposed by tartaric acid. By this process the soap was reduced to the super-margarate of potash and the oleic acid. Our next object is to examine the relative proportion of these two ingredients as procured from the different kinds of soap. The super-margarates were first very carefully prepared by frequent ablution in distilled water and in alcohol, and they were then decomposed by the hydrochloric acid in the manner that has been described above as applied to the soap of hog’s-lard: the following results were obtained : Super-margarate of human fat. Margaric acid. .... 91°8848 .......... 100-00 “gl age er ae hy SEPA Hi aictarete b ove 8°85 Super-margarate of the fat of the sheep. Margaric acid. .... Peis she crsrats .- 100-00 IPOPARIE APs ata othe” Ld OS) AG J. aisee>, | OOO Super-margarate of the fat of the ox. Margaric acid... -91°925 4.0... . 100-00 DOLGSEF "ocbiats'oss hele OTE uae rene. 8-78 Super-margarate of the fat of the jaguar. Margaric acid. .... Lg cake 4 sige ALGO" OES pete TOD, shee PRO ION Super-margarate of the fat of the goose. Mfarcane acids o. sO O ak. tae eaicles = .- 100°00 POU near ig SOG texte Mae eee Oe ¢ The super-margarate of the fat of the hog is composed of 100 parts acid and 8°8 parts of potash, so that all these super-mar- garates are analogous in their composition. Equal proportions of water and of these super-margarates were boiled together to observe whether they were acted upon in a similar manner; and the principal difference that was perceptible was the greater or less degree of semi-transparency of the solu- tions. e super-margarate from the ox was less opaque than that from the sheep, and this was less than that from the hog. It is stated that a mixture of one part of this last super-marga- rate with 10 of boiling water seemed to lose its transparency 264 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. upon the addition of 18,190 parts of water ; from which it might be inferred that a great mass of this fluid, at the boiling temper- ature, may dispose the super-margarate to be reduced to the neutral margarate and the margaric acid. Boiling alcohol of the density of -832 dissolves the super- margarates in all proportions, when they do not contain any margarate of ime. The following experiment may be cited as an illustration of this property: 20 parts of alcohol dissolve 50 of the super-margarate of the ox at the temperature of 140°; the alcohol was then so far concentrated that the fluid was to the super-margarate as one to six, yet no precipitate was formed. If we compare the acids of the different super-margarates together, we shall find that they are-all of a brilliant white colour, insipid, nearly without odour, insoluble in water, and soluble in all proportions in boiling alcohol. Their saturated combination with potash is soluble in boiling water, and by cool- ing is reduced to potash and an insoluble super-margarate. The differences which they exhibit consist in their fusibility, and in the disposition and size of the needles which are formed when the margaric acid is suffered to cool on the surface of water. The following is a more particular account of each of the indivi- dual acids. The margaric acid of man was obtained under three different forms; i. In very fine long needles, disposed in flat stars ; 2. In very fine and very short needles, forming waved figures, like those of the margaric acid of carcasses ; 3. In very large brilliant crystals, disposed in stars perfectly similar to the mar- garic acid of the hog. The thermometer plunged into these last crystals in a state of fusion, sunk to 133°5°, and rose again to 134°; the first crystals melted at about 132°. The margaric acid of the sheep, when procured from the first deposit of super-margarate which was formed in the soap, was in the form of fine radiated needles ; the thermometer plunged into it when fused, sunk to 139°, and rose again to 140°. The acid which was procured from the last deposits of super-marga- rate, crystallized in larger needles than the preceding, and melted at 132°5°. The margaric acid of the ox crystallized in small - radiated needles ; when it became solid, the thermometer rose from 139° to 140°. The margaric acid of the jaguar crystallized in small radiated needles ; it was fusible at 131:5°. The margari¢ acid Le goose crystallized in beautiful brilliant, narrow lamine, like the margaric acid of the hog ; it melted at 131°. From this statement we perceive that the margaric acids of the ox and the sheep resemble each other the most nearly, as well in their form as in the degree of their fusibility, that we may obtain the acids of the human subject and the hog so as to exhibit similar proper- ties, and that the acids of the jaguar and the goose very nearly resemble them. The greatest difference in the degree of fusi- bility is 9°. : a 2 1818.] ree Combinations with Alkalies. 965 We next proceed to the consideration of the oleic acid. M. Chevreul’s experiments on the oleate of barytes, in order to determine the proportion of its elements, have finally induced him to adopt the quantities of 100 parts of acid to 27 parts of base as the most correct, and from these we conclude that 100 parts of the acid will neutralize a quantity of base that contains 2°835 parts of oxygen. This determination of the capacity of saturation of the oleic acid is further confirmed by the oleate of _ strontian and the sub-oleate of lead. The following table con- tains the proportions in which barytes, strontian, and lead, com- bine with the oleic acid. Oleic acid of human fat. Bary tes. Strontian. Lead. Meidss.< 5 100-00. ves LOO OD - 100-00 BeBe 305 2600.2!) ASD Ss . 82-48 Oleic acid of the fat of the sheep. Acid...... 100-00 ...... 10000 ...... 100-00 PR PIRREE 5 aloes 92O77 |i. 41a side PADBBs ny SHEL Oleic acid of the fat of the ox. Acid ..,.. 10000 ...... 100:00 ...... 100-00 PAAR’: oo 016) 23193 rate iow ote) MOA Lore, nccie . 81°81 Oleic acid of the fat of the goose. Acid...,.. 100-00 ...... 100-00 ...... 100-00 FASS op minainihy 202 04a mo.mep's ADDS \eny vnc 81°34 Oleic acid of the fat of the hog. Acid...... 100:00 ...... 100-00 ...... 100-00 | BINT Tiana vietephesl th TIS sc « win 81°80 M. Chevreul next gives an account of the analysis of fat by alcohol. He observes that he has found it very important in the prosecution of his experiments to employ alcohol of the specific gravity of from 0-791 to 0-798, instead of an alcohol of 0-821, which he had employed in his earlier experiments, because the solvent power of alcohol over fatty bodies diminishes in an ex- tremely rapid progression when it is combined with water, and particularly from the specific gravity of 795 to -82]. In proof of this position the following experiments are adduced : 100 parts of boiling alcohol, of the specific gravity of 7908, dissolved 100 parts of the stearine of the sheep, and the solution was not satu- rated ; 100 rm of boiling alcohol, of the specific gravity of *7952, dissolved 16-07 of the same stearine ; 100 parts of boiling alcohol, of the specific gravity of -805, dissolved 6°63 parts, while 100 parts of boiling alcohol, of the specific gravity of -821, dissolved only two parts. The method of analysis employed was to expose the different 266 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and {Ocr, kinds of fat to boiling alcohol, and to suffer the mixture to cool ; a portion of the fat that had been dissolved was then separated in two states of combination ; one with an excess of stearine was deposited, the other with an excess of elaine remained in solution. The first was separated by filtration, and by distilling the filtered fluid and adding a little water towards the end of . the operation, we obtain the second in the retort, under the form of an alcoholic aqueous fluid. The distilled alcohol which had been employed in the analysis of human fat had no sensible odour; the same was the case with that which had served for the analysis of the fat of the ox, of the hog, and of the goose. The alcohol which had been employed in the analysis of the fat of the sheep had a slight odour of candle-grease. Examination of the alcoholic aqueous fluids. That from human at exhaled an odour of bile similar to what was perceived from the fat of the hog ; it produced a bitter yellow extract : the part pro- cured from the first washing was alkaline, that from the last was acid ; it also contained a trace of empyreumatic oil. That from the fat of the sheep did not exhale the odour of bile, but it produced an acid extract similar to the preceding. That from the fat of the ov was red and alkaline; it contained a little muriate of potash and muriate of soda. That from the jaguar had a disagreeable odour ; it contained a yellow, bitter, oily matter, and it was thought also a little acetic acid. That from the goose only contained atrace of matter soluble in water, and was completely without smell. The varieties of stearine from the different species of fat were found to possess the following properties. They were all of a beautiful white colour ; entirely, or almost without odour, insipid, and having no action upon litmus.—Sfearine from man. ‘The thermometer which was plunged into it when melted fell to 105°5°, and rose again to 120°. By cooling the stearine crystal- lized in very fine needles the surface of which was flat.—Stearine of the sheep. The thermometer fell to 104°, and rose again to 109°5°; it formed itself into a flat mass; the centre, which cooled more slowly than the edges, presented small and finely radiated needies.—Stearine of the ox. The thermometer fell to 103°, and rose again to 111°; it formed itself into a mass, the surface of which was flat, over which were dispersed a number of minute stars visible by the microscope; it was slightly semi-trans- parent.— Siearine of the hog. It exhaled the odour of hog’s- lard when it was melted. The thermometer fell to 100°5°, and - rose again to 109°5°._ By cooling, it was reduced into a mass, the surface of. which was very unequal, and which appeared to be formed of small needles. When it cooled rapidly, the parts which touched the sides of the vessel had the semi-transparency of coagulated albumen.—Stearine of the goose. The thermo- meter fell to 104°, and rose again to 109°5°; it was formed inte a flat mass. 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 267 With respect to the solubility of these different bodies in alcohol, 100 parts of boiling alcohol, of the specific gravity of 0-7952, dissolved Of human stearine .............. 21°50 parts. Of the stearine of the BREED» sntesre . 16:07 Of the stearine of the ox. ........ 15°48 Of the stearine of the hog ........ 18-25 Of the stearine of the goose ...... 36:00 Saponification by potash. ¢_ It was fusible at 123-5°; i ; it crystallized in small scrnepe| Tn fit, O89 { needles joined in the form duced by sa- of a funnel. . ponification, ne { The syrup of the sweet { Soluble matter. principle weighed 8°6; the acetate 0°3.* ¢ It began to become | opaque at 129°, and the ' : thermometer became sta- ('Saponified fat. 94:6 { tionary at 127-5°; it crys- Stearine of : | tallized in small fine Ya- the sheep. diated needles. The syrup of the sweet ; ‘ principle weighed 8, the Soluble matter. 5-4 acetate 0°6; ithad a rancid odour. { Itbegan tobecome solid | | at 129°, but it was not : ] perfectly so until 125-5; ekg Saponified fat. 95-1 { it crystallized in small th needles united into flat- Eon tened globules. ‘ The syrup of the sweet Soluble matter... 4°9 { pine weighed 9-8, the acetate, 0°3. It began to grow solid | at 129°, and the thermo- : - g4-g74 meter became stationary { Saponified fat. 94 654 at 125°5°; it crystallized Stearine of {in small needles united the hog. into flattened globules. 4 The syrup of the sweet | Soluble matter. 5-352 principle weighed 9, the L kre aie 2 8 acetate 0:4. * This means the salt which we obtain after having neutralized by barytes the product of the distillation of the aqueous fluid which was procured from the soap that had been decomposed by tartaric acid, 268 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. It became solid at 119°; j it crystallized in needles ee. a f Saponified fat 94-4 [ant DT hes Re the goose. } (Soluble matter. 5°6 pe funnel. The syrup of the sweet inciple weighed 82. All the soaps of stearine were analyzed by the same process as the soap of the fat from which they had been extracted ; there was procured from them the pearly super-margarate of potash and the oleate; but the first was much more abundant than the second. The margaric acid of the stearines had precisely the same capacity for saturation as that which was extracted from the soaps formed of fat. The margaric acid of the stearine of the sheep was fusible at 144°, and that of the stearine of the ox at 143-5°, while the margaric acids of the hog and the goose had nearly the same fusibility with the margaric acid of the fat of these animals. Of the Elaines—They were all fusible at 59°; there was no deposit from them after they had been kept for a month in closed vessels; noné of them were acid. Human elaine is yellow, without odour, specific gravity -913 ; elaine of the sheep is with- out colour, has a slight smell of the sheep, specific gravity -916; elaine of the ox, without colour, almost without odour, specific gravity *913; elaine of the hog, without colour, almost without odour, specific gravity 915; elaine of the jaguar, of a lemon colour, odorous, specific gravity 914 ; elaine of the goose, of a light lemon colour, almost without odour, specitic gravity -92°9. Solubility of the different Elaines in Alcohol of “7952. Human elaine: 11-1 gr. were dissolved by 9 gr. of boiling alcohol; the solution began to become opaque at 170°5°. Elaine of the sheep : 3°76 gr. were dissolved at the temperature of 167° by 3-05 er. of alcohol ; the fluid began to become opaque at 145°5°. Elaine of the ox: 5°8 gr. were dissolved at the temperature of 167° by 4-7 gr. of alcohol; the fiuid began to become opaque at 145°5°. Elaine of the hog: 11-1 gr. were dissolved at the temperature of 167° by 9 gr. of alcohol; the fluid began to become opaque at 143°5°. Elaine of the jaguar : 3°35 gr. were dissolved at the temper- ature of 167° by 2°71 gr. of alcohol; the fluid began to become opaque at 140°, Elaine of the goose: 11-1 gy. were dissolved at the temperature of 167° by 9 gr. of alcohol, the solution did not become turbid until 123-5. Saponification by Potash—The determination of the soluble matter which the elaines yield to water in the process of saponi- 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 269 fication is much more difficult than the determination of the same point with respect to the stearines. The stearines are less sub- ject to be changed than the elaines ; it is less difficult to obtain the stearines in a uniformly pure state; besides the saponified fats of the stearines being less fusible than the saponified elaines, it is more easy to weigh them without loss. The elaines of the sheep, the hog, the jaguar, and the goose, extracted by alcohol, yield by the action of potash, Of saponified fat.......... 89 parts Of soluble matter..... SPE I The elaine of the ox extracted in the same manner yields Of saponified fat.......... 92°6 parts _ Of soluble matter. ........ 74 _ The memoir terminates with the following general conclusions. The different kinds of fat, considered in their riatural state, are distinguished from each other by their colour, odour, and fluidity. The cause of their colour is evidently a principle extraneous to them, since they may be obtained colourless. It is the same with respect to their odour; for if we do not always deprive them entirely of it, we can remove a portion of it, which is suffi- cient to prove that it must not be confounded with the fixed fatty bodies from which it has been separated. The reduction of the different kinds of fat into stearine and elaine explains the differ- ent degrees of fluidity which they possess ; but it may be asked, whether we ought to regard stearine and elaine as composing two genera, which embrace various species, or as two species, each of which may be absolutely represented by a stearine or an elaine obtained from any one of the fats which have been described above.. If the stearines and elaines are identical, they ought to exhibit exactly the same phenomena, when they are placed in the same circumstances, under all possible relations. They should have the same external appearance, the same solubility in alcohol, the same decomposition by potash, and consequently the margaric and the oleic acids, and the sweet principle which they yield, should be identical, and in the same proportion. Viewing the subject in this manner, we may easily answer the question, for we have only to examine whether the stearines and the elaines actually present this identity of properties. Now we have observed differences between the stearines when they have been brought to the same degree of fusibility. Those of the human subject, of the sheep, the ox, and the goose, coagulate into a mass, the surface of which is flat ; that of the hog into a mass, the surface of whichis unequal. The stearines of the sheep, the ox, and the hog, have the same degree of solubility in alcohol ; the stearine of man is a little more’ soluble, while that of the 270 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. goose is twiee.as much so. The elaines of man, of the sheep, the ox, the jaguar, and the hog, have a specific gravity of about -915; that of the goose of about ‘929. The elaines of the sheep, the ox, and the hog, have the’ same solubility in alcohol; the elaine of the goose is a little more soluble. On the other hand, the margaric acids of man, of the hog, of the jaguar, and of the goose, cannot be distinguished from each other; those of the sheep and the ox differa few degrees in their melting point, and alittle also in their form. As for the slight differences which the oleic acids present, they are not sufficiently precise for us to be able to particularize them. M. Chevreul’s Seventh Memoir.* This memoir consists of three parts ; the first of which is on spermaceti, or as M. Chevreul technically calls it, cetine. In the fifth memoir, in which we have an account of many of the properties of this substance, it was stated that it is not easily saponified by potash, but that it is converted by this re-agent into a substance which is soluble in water, but has not the sac- charine flavour of the sweet principle of oils; into an acid analogous to the margaric, to which the name of cetic was applied ; and into another acid, which was conceived to be ana- logous to the oleic. Since he wrote the fifth memoir, the author has made the following observations on this subject: 1. That the portion of the soap of cetine which is insoluble in water, or the cetate of potash, is in part gelatinous, and in part pearly ; 2. That two kinds of crystals were produced from the cetate of potash which had been dissolved in alcohol ; 3. That the cetate of potash exposed, under a bell glass, to the heat of a stove, produced a sublimate of a fatty matter which was not acid. From this circumstance M. Chevreul was led to suspect that the supposed cetic acid might be a combination or a mixture of margaric acid and of a fatty body which was not acid ; he accord- ingly treated a small quantity of it with barytic water, and boiled the soap which was formed in alcohol; the greatest part of it was not dissolved, and the alcoholic solution, when cooled, filtered, and distilled, produced a residuum of fatty matter which was notacid. The suspicion being thus confirmed, M. Chevreul determined to subject cetine to a new train of.experiments, which are now to be related. Being treated with boiling alcohol, in the same manner with hog’s-lard, as mentioned in the third memoir, a cetine was procured which was fusible at 120°, anda yellow fatty matter which began to become solid at 89°5°, and which at 73°5° contained a fluid oil, which was separated by filtration. Cetine in this state, fusible at 120°, was more sonorous, more brilliant, and less unctuous than the spermaceti of the shops ; it ; . Ba’ * Abstracted from Ann. de Chim, et Phys. vii.155. (Feb, 1818.) 1818] _—stheir Combinations with Alkalies. 971 had less smell, and was somewhat less soluble in alcohol; for 100 parts of alcohol of the specific gravity of :821 dissolved only 2:5 parts of it, while it dissolved 3-5 of the common spermaceti. The solution was neither acid nor alkaline ; by cooling, it pro- duced an abundant deposit of small pearly plates. The action of potash upon the puritied cetine was then examined. As the saponification of cetine is a tedious operation, and the potash is apt to act upon glass vessels, a digester was employed, and ri parts of cetine were added to the same quantity of potash, dissolved in 100 parts of water. The ‘process was repeated 10 times upon the same materials, when the matter which remained in the retort appeared to be completely saponified ; this was added to the fluid that was distilled over, and the whiole was mixed with a solution of tartaric acid. A watery fluid and a fatty matter were thus obtained, the latter of which amounted to 18-45 parts. . 1 The aqueous fluid was distilled, the product had only a very slight odour; when neutralized by barytes it afforded.a minute quantity of yellowish acetate, and by evaporation a portion of a yellow, syrupy fluid was procured. The fatty matter from the soap of cetine was of a lemon colour; after being melted at the surface of water, its fracture exhibited a lamellated and shining texture. It was subjected to a temperature of 131°; and when the thermometer fell to 112° it began to grow solid, but it con- tinued to fall to 102°, at which point the congelation was com plete: when melted with water it congealed at about 111°: 100 parts of alcohol of the specific gravity of -817 dissolved 115 parts of the fatty matter; the solution remained transparent for @ considerable time ; but after standing for 24 hours, it depo- sited some very fine, brilliant needles; it strongly reddened litmus, and the red colour was converted into a blue by the addition of water. A train of experiments was then entered upon to discover whether the whole of the substance was in the acid or saponified state ; the results of which indicated that the fatty matter con- tained two substances, one which was acid; and another which was not so; in order to ascertain the proportions in which they existed, the substance was treated first with barytes, and afterwards with successive portions of alcohol; and by separating the portion which was soluble in this medium from that which Was not so, it was found to consist of TR a, lean at Doe SS 63°79 aE. TOY GOIN 6 ohn btw atin. 4 01 tO, 100-00 These two bodies were then examined separately. The acid fat, after being melted, crystallized in small, radiated, yellowish needles. It was completely soluble in the water of potash when 272 M. Chevreul on Fatiy Bodies, and [Ocr; boiling, and much diluted ; as the solution cooled, it deposited the pearly matter very copiously. By analyzing it in the same way with the otherkinds of soaps, the same results were obtained ; it was reduced into pearly matter and into a soap which was very soluble in cold water; these were found to be the super- margarate of potash and a soap composed of the oleic acid. When a portion of the oleate of potash was decomposed by tar- taric acid, an oleic acid was obtained, fusible at 64-5°, of a yellow colour, soluble in all proportions in alcohol of the specific gravity. of 821, at the temperature of 77°. The following is the compo- sition of the oleates of barytes, strontian, and lead respectively. Oleie BEI: « dcce'sicks se ciee ast VUL0U Barytes. 5.64 puiade toy oh alla RSDINELENAEE 5 rte alg 5, e,eleveca wiecm 23°18 Oxide of lead. .........2. 100-00 The fat which was not acid, after being kept for some days in a closed vessel, impregnated the confined air with an aromatic odour. It wascolourless, and semi-transparent like wax ; when it was suddenly cooled on water, the upper surface was flat, and did not present any appearance of crystallization; while the lower surface, which lay upon the water, was deeply furrowed. When it was broken, it appeared to be composed of brilliant plates. A quantity that had been melted in a porcelain capsule was slowly cooled, and the upper surface was then crystallized in small needles which were united into stars. This substance melted at 176°, began to be opaque at 134°5°, and was com- pletely solid at 123-8° ; it was perfectly transparent as long as it remained fluid. It appeared to be soluble in alcohol in all pro- portions; the solution did not affect the colour of litmus. It contained a small quantity of barytes in the proportion of -066 to 100. By digesting the fatty matter in successive portions of alcohol, and examining the substance that was dissolved, it appeared that this re-agent does not possess the power of decom- posing the fatty matter. This fatty matter was then added to an equal weight of potash, dissolved in a large quantity of water, and subjected in the digester to eight successive operations, when a fiexble sapona- ceous substance was procured, of a light yellow colour, fusible at . about 144°, and an alkaline liquor which did not contain any of the sweet principle. This jleazble saponaceous substance was decomposed, and was found to consist of the peculiar fatty matter, which was not acid, described above, and potash, in the proportion of 100 of the former to seven of the potash. When one part of the substance had 40 parts of water added, it lost its semi-transparency and its lemon colour by absorbing the water, and the mixture became milky. After being macerated for three hours, it was boiled, and a perfect emulsion was produced, 1818.] _ their Combinations with Alkalies. 273 which, when concentrated to half its volume, was covered with little drops, of a yellow oily appearance ; these by cooling became solid, absorbed water, and formed a thick, white, mucilaginous fluid. This was diluted with a large quantity of water, and had all the soluble part’ of it removed by repeated ablutions. The insoluble matter resembled a gelatinous hydrate of alumine ; when heated gently in a small capsule of platinum, it was con- verted into a milky fluid, which was quickly covered with yellow oily drops ; as the matter cooled, it resumed the form of an ‘opaque mucilage ; and by dissipating all the water, a substance was obtained, which, when melted, resembled a yellow oil. This was found to consist of a fatty matter, which, by the test of litmus, appeared to be very slightly acid, and a minute quantity of potash, in the proportion of 100 to 0°63. From this result, M.Chevreul concludes, that the water had removed from the flexible sapona- ceous matter a great part of its alkali, and an atom of saponified fat ; and that the substance left after the washing, although it contained very little potash, was capable of forming a mucilage with water. We now proceed to a more particular examination of the fatty substance of the flexible saponaceous matter. This substance, after remaining for some days in contact with water, did not become mucilaginous ; it only absorbed a little of the water, and became white. After adding some drops of potash, and expos- ing it to a gentle heat, a mucilage was immediately formed which was clotted, and not homogeneous, like that described above. This want of homogeneity depended upon an excess of potash, which, not having formed a union with the fatty matter, had exercised such an affinity that it could no longer form a mucilage. This is similar to the action of an alkaline water, which has not the power of dissolving soap. What proves this to be the correct. method of viewing the subject is, that if the clotted mucilage be thrown bic a filter and sufficiently lixiviated, a residuum is procured, which, when diluted with water, forms a homogeneous mucilage ; the water which passed through the filter held alittle wes in solution. This experiment decidedly proves that potash is the cause of the mucilage which the fatty substance forms; but it still remains to be determined whether this substance is united to the alkalies by means of an acid fat, or of the oleic or mar- garic acid united toa fat which is not acid, or if it possesses this property without any addition. n order to resolve this question, a portion of the fatty sub- stance was boiled for the space of an hour with hydrate of barytes ; the solid matter that was formed was dried, and added to 15 times its weight of alcohol of the specific gravity of :791, at the temperature of 53°5°; the fluid was filtered, and there remained upon the paper some white flakes, which, after having been treated with muriatic acid and washed with warm alcohol, yielded barytes and an acid fat, fusible at about 68°, which, Vou, XII. N° IV. S$ 274 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. formed with a weak solution of potash a perfectly limpid solu- tion, and was reduced into the pearly matter and an oleate of otash. The alcohol, which was separated from the flakes, and which had dissolved the greatest part of the matter subjected to its action, was evaporated; the residuum, still containing barytes, was treated with cold alcohol, the solution, when separated by filtration from some flakes of the soap of barytes which were not dissolved, yielded a fatty matter which was free from barytes. This matter was fusible at 125:°5°; by cooling it crystallized in small radiated needles ; it was white, but when fluid, of a light lemon colour. By being heated in a platinum capsule on the sand-bath, it melted, and the greatest part of it was evaporated ; by increasing the heat, it inflamed, and a little carbon was left, which bummed, leaving a residuum too minute to be appreciated by the balance. Alcohol of the specific gravity of -812 dissolved it in all proportions at the temperature of 129°. The solution had no action on litmus or hematine ; when cooled, it deposited crystals which were not as brilliant as those of cetine. Cetine is also much less soluble in alcohol; for five parts of alcohol of the specific gravity of -791, which, when heated, dissolved 0°792 parts of cetine, deposited a great part of it at the end of 24 hours, while the solution of this other substance did not become turbid. Two equal portions of the fatty substance were taken ; one -was put into pure water, the other into water slightly alkaline ; they were digested durmg two hours, twice evaporated to dry- ness, and the residue had each time water added.to it. No mucilage was obtained by this process, and none was obtained when the alkaline part of the second portion was replaced by pure water, and when, by being melted several times in water, it was obtained free from potash. The fatty matter kept in pure water became white on its surface ; but after being exposed for a moment to the sun, it became yellow and semi-transparent ; in this state it melted without disengaging any water. Hence it follows that the fatty matter fusible at 125:5°, which is obtained from cetine by treating it with potash, is not acid, when it has been purified by barytes and alcohol from a small quantity of the margaric and oleic acids, and that it is not susceptible of forming a mucilage with potash. Having now observed the action of potash and of the saponified part of the cetine upon the part-which is not saponified, our next object will be to examine the action of the water of potash, and of the margaric acid upon cetine. Eleven parts of margaric acid which was fusible at 129°, and seven parts of cetine fusible at 118°5° were employed, this being nearly the proportion in which the saponified and the unsaponified cetine exist in the cetine which has been subjected to the action of potash: 16 parts of water and 18 of potash were added. The mixture was heated, and a gelatinous magma was formed; to this a quantity of water was added ; it was boiled for some time, digested during two 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 275 days, and again heated, when the following phenomena were observed during the cooling. At 212° the fluid was milky, without, however, exhibiting any appearance of flakes ; at 150°5° it began to become transparent, and flakes were visible in it: and at 140° its transparency was much increased. It preserved its transparency to 132°5°, but below this it gradually lost it, so that at 122° objects could not be seen through it, and white flakes began to be formed in the parts which cooled the most rapidly ; at 114:5° the fluid was so viscid that it resembled a pearly jelly; and at 113° it was per- fectly opaque. As it cooled still further it entirely lost its viscidity ; and it is remarkable, that after being left for some days, it was reduced to a solid mass, swimming in a perfectly transparent fluid, exhibiting an appearance similar to that of blood after it has separated into the coagulum and the serum. The fluid was decomposed by tartaric acid, and there were obtained an aqueous fluid which, after evaporation, yielded to alcohol a small quantity of a syrupy matter, which was not saccharine, and nearly colourless, and about 18 parts of a fatty matter, fusible at 118°5°. This substance was treated with water of barytes, and the soap that was formed was digested in boiling alcohol, when the following results were obtained. 1.A residuum insoluble in boiling alcohol, which, when decomposed by muriatic acid, produced 13-89 parts of a fat which was com- pletely saponified, fusible at 127°, and perfectly soluble in potash ley. 2. A soap of barytes, which was deposited from the alcohol as it cooled, and which, when decomposed by muriatic acid, produced -205 of fat completely saponified, which, added to the former quantity, made it 14-095 parts. 3. An alco- holic fluid, which, after it had been separated from the preced- ing soap, was distilled. The residue of the distillation, on being cooled, contained an abundant precipitate ; by applyimg a gentle heat the greatest part of the precipitate was re-dissolved; there only remained 0-185 parts of the acetate of barytes, in the form of small crystals ; but the author thinks it more probable that the acetic acid proceeded from the alcohol that was employed than from the cetine. - The alcoholic fluid itself, when concentrated, yielded with water a fatty matter, which had the following properties. It was mi-transparent, and without colour; it became solid at 120°. y slow cooling it presented the appearance of small needles united in the form of stars on the surface ; its solution in alcohol had no effect upon hematine or litmus. {[t appeared to bear a strong analogy to the portion of the cetine which resisted the action of potash; but its quantity was to the acidified part in the Seti aie of 52:64 to 47-36, instead of the proportion of 36-2 to 63:79, which was obtained by directly treating cetine with potash. The part which was not acid wag, therefore, s2 276 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. treated with its weight of potash in the digester, and the opera- tion was repeated eight times: a flexible saponaceous mass was obtained, which produced a fat that was treated with water of barytes. The soap then produced was acted upon by alcohol, and yielded ; Acid fat, soluble at 116°5°.............. 0°82 parts Fat, which was not acid, soluble at 123°5°. 2°62 3-44 By adding together the different products, we have the pro- portion of acid matter 59:9, and of matter which is not acid. 40-1, a result which proves that when cetine is dissolved by the alkaline margarate of potash, the cetine does not undergo all the change which might be produced in it by pure potash. M. Chevreul thought it desirable to repeat the preceding train of experiments with a margaric acid which was procured from some other substance besides cetine, because if it was found that the two margaric acids acted in the same manner, it would indi- cate a new point of resemblance between the substances. He - accordingly added together 11 parts of the margaric acid from the ox, which was fusible at 134°5°; seven parts of the sperma- ceti of the shops, fusible at 111°; and 16 parts of water holding in solution 18 parts of potash ; they were digested for some time with 500 parts of water, and after being heated to 158°, a ther- mometer was plunged into the mixture. The fluid was now perfectly opaque and milky; at 147° it began to grow clear, at 140° it was semi-transparent, and at 138° perfectly transparent ; at 131° it was again partially opaque, at 129° the pearly matter began to be visible, at 127:5° it was no longer transparent, at 120° there was a great quantity of the pearly matter suspended in it, and the fluid was considerably viscid : the opacity conti- nued to increase as the temperature was lowered. The saponaceous mass was then decomposed by muriatie acid; 17-9 parts of a fatty matter were procured, which was fusible at 117°; this was treated with water of barytes, and the following substances were afterwards obtained: 1. 13-19 parts of an acid fat, fusible at 126°, which was formed from the part of the soap that was insoluble in alcohol. 2. 0-423 parts of an acid fat, fusible at 110°; this proceeded from the soap of barytes which had been dissolved by boiling alcohol, and which was deposited from it by cooling. 3. 4:287 parts of a fat which was not acid, fusible at 111°. ‘This last product was treated with potash, and the saponaceous mass which was formed was decomposed by an acid; a fatty matter was thus obtained, which was boiled with water of barytes, and then subjected to the action of alcohol; the results were; 1. 1:192 parts of an acid fat, fusible at 71-5°; 2, 3-095 parts of a fat which was nos 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 277 acid, fusible at 123°5°. It appears then that in this process the acid matter was to the matter which was not acid in the propor- tion of 55°15 to 44°85. The changes which take place in the transparency of the fluids which have been described, in a range of not more than 10°, are worthy of being noticed, as it may, perhaps, enable us to explain by the laws of chemical affinity some of the phenomena which are observed to take place in the fluids of living animals, and which have been generally supposed to be independent of che- mical and physical powers. The existence of what was called the cetic acid was deduced _ from the two following observations ; 1. That the saponaceous mass resulting from the action of potash on cetine, diluted in water at 176°, did not permit any of the fatty matter to separate at the surface, so as apparently to prove that the fatty matter had been completely acidified by the action of the alkali. 2. That litmus was not reddened by the alcoholic solution of the insoluble matter which is separated when we treat the sapona- ceous mass of cetine with water, a circumstance which seemed to prove the absence of the super-margarate of potash in this insoluble matter. The first of these observations has been better explained on a different principle ; and it now remains to show why the alcoholic solution of a substance, which certamly con- tains super-margarate of potash, does not affect the colour of litmus. When the true nature of this substance had been disco- vered, it was at first supposed, that the fatty substance which was not acid might be alkaline, and that it might neutralize the excess of acid in the super-margarate of potash. This opinion, however, M. Chevreul afterwards abandoned, and was induced to ascribe the effects to the great concentration of the alcohol which he employed. The following experiments were performed in order to show that this was the true explanation of the facts. In five parts of alcohol, of the specific gravity of -791, 0-02 of the super-margarate of potash was heated; a solution was obtained which did not yield any precipitate when it was cooled to 86°, and which did not redden 0:26 parts of a watery extract of litmus, containing 11 per cent. of solid matter, when added to it drop by drop, and even when heated to the boiling point. If five parts of water be afterwards poured into the solution, no ere is produced, but the litmus acquires the red colour. o render the experiment more striking, we may tinge the water blue with litmus, to show that the effect cannot depend upon any acid contained in the water ; if we then add 10 parts of water to the red fluid, the super-margarate of potash will be precipitated, and the litmus will resume the blue colour. The fact may be explained upon the principle, that the excess of margaric acid in the super-margarate of potash, when dissolved in alcohol of the specific gravity of 791, is more strongly attracted by the neutral margarate of potash than it is by the potash of the litmus, ~ 278 | M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and — fOer.: which is not the case when the margarate of potash is dissolved in alcohol of a specific gravity above 900. This discovery induced M. Chevreul to examine what was the influence which water exerts on alcohol of the specific gravity of :791, holding the super-margarate of potash in solution. It. was observed that when the watery extract of litmus is added to a solution of the super-margarate in this kind of alcohol, a blue precipitate is produced, which was not dissolved, even when the alcohol was warm; for when it was filtered at the boiling heat, blue flakes were left upon the filter, and the fluid passed colour- less. In order to know the extent of this property of litmus, of oeing insoluble in concentrated alcohol, 0:02 parts of margaric acid were dissolved in five parts of alcohol of the specific gravity of :791, to which was added 0:26 parts of the watery extract of litmus, when the fluid immediately became of a reddish purple. It was boiled and filtered, the fluid passed through of a red colour, and there remained flakes of a deep red upon the filter. As the insolubility of the litmus in alcohol does not prevent the margaric acid which is dissolved in this fluid from taking the potash from litmus, we may conclude that there is some other power, besides its insolubility, which prevents the excess of margaric acid in the super-margarate of potash, when dis- solved in alcohol, from neutralizing the potash of litmus: this power is supposed to be the affinity which absolute alcohol has for fatty bodies in general. This affinity rapidly decreasing in proportion as more and more water is added to the alcohol ; and the affinity of alcohol for potash rather augmenting than diminish- ing by the presence of the water, it may be supposed that. absolute alcohol, when it dissolves the super-margarate of potash, will tend to diminish the action of margarate of potash on mar- garic acid less than diluted alcohol, which has less affinity for the excess of margaric acid. Consequently this action of water upon alcohol, joined to that which it has upon the extract of litmus, determines the excess of margaric acid to leave the. neutral margarate to combine with the alkali of the litmus, These considerations on the mode in which litmus acts, lead to the conclusion that its indications are relative only, and that we cannot deduce any positive consequences from them until we have taken into account the circumstances under which the bodies are placed. The second part of the seventh memoir of M. Chevreul is on the oil of the Delphinus globiceps.* The first chapter contains an account of the properties of the oil. It was extracted by a sand-bath from the cellular texture in which it was contained. It was of a light lemon.colour, its odour is said to resemble that of fish combined with the smell of leather soaked in fat; its specific gravity at the temperature of * Ann, de Chim. et Phys. vii. 264, (March, 1818S.) 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 279 68° was ‘9178. It was very soluble in alcohol ; 100 parts of this fluid, of the specific gravity of *812, dissolved 110 parts of the oil at the temperature of 158°; the solution remamed transparent to 125°5° ; 100 parts of alcohol of the specific gravity of -795, dissolved 123 parts of the oil at the temperature of 68°. This great solubility distinguishes the oil of the Delphinus globiceps from the different kinds of fat which were examined in the last memoir. Neither the oil itself, nor its solutions in alcohol, have any action on the tincture of litmus. 77-22 gr. (five grammes) of the oil being digested with potash for 20 hours, were converted into a saponaceous mass, the solution of which in water was not perfectly limpid. This soap was decomposed by tartaric acid, when an aqueous fluid and a fatty matter were obtained. The aqueous fluid had a very strong acid odour, which was more powerful when the fluid was evaporated. ‘The fixed residuum was treated with alcohol; and when this was evaporated, it left a red syrupy fluid, having a sweet, but at the same time, a very disagreeable taste, which weighed 9°73 gr. _ The fatty matter was nearly colourless ; it became fluid at 68°; when kept during three days at 62°5°, it deposited a con- siderable number of crystals. Its odour was much more power- ful than that of the natural oil; it had a fishy, and extremely rank, disagreeable flavour. Alcohol dissolved it in all propor- tions, and this solution strongly reddened the tincture of litmus. It weighed 51°6 gr. Hence it follows that the oil consists of Fatty, matterss.:. 02:04 + sialon ace 66°8 Substances soluble in water.......... ooc0 100-0 The small proportion of the fatty matter, the strong odour which it developed during saponification, and which was pecu- liarly powerful during the evaporation of the aqueous fluid, induced M. Chevreul to suppose that the oil of the Delphinus globiceps was analogous to an oil which he had discovered in butter, and which he proposes to make the subject of a succeed- ing memoir. The want of transparency in the solution of the soap, as mentioned above, led him also to conjecture that the soap might contain a matter which was not acid, analogous to that of the soap of cetine, and that consequently cetine might exist in the oil. The oil was, therefore, exposed to a temperature from 40° to 50°, and crystals were formed which were separated by the filter: the filtered oil, when exposed to the temperature of 26°5°, produced new crystals which were likewise separated from the uncongealed part of the oil. _We begin by an examination of the crystallized part of the oil of the Delphinus globiceps. After being carefully separated from the fluid part of the oil, it was dissolved in boiling alcohol, from which it was precipitated by cooling in the form of beauti- 280 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. ful laminated crystals. They were further purified by a second solution in alcohol and subsequent crystallization, and were then compared with cetine. The two substances were found to crys- tallize in the same manner, whether they were suffered to cool slowly on the surface of water, after having melted them, or were deposited from alcohol. A thermometer plunged into this crys- stallme matter when melted stood at 115°5°, when it began to become turbid ; at 111° there was a considerable degree of con- gelation, but the process was not completed until it reached the temperature of 110°. One hundred parts of boiling alcohol, of the specific gravity of :834, dissolved 2-9 parts of the crystalline matter of the Delphinus and three of cetine: neither of the solu- tions had any action upon coloured re-agents. About 0:9 parts of each of the two bodies were separately boiled in double their weight of potash for 30 hours: the cetine became united with the potash sooner than the other substance ; indeed a part of it appeared to be incapable of saponification. Yet when this part was digested in a platinum capsule with a solution of potash for 15 hours, an homogeneous mass was formed, although the fluid part did not become transparent. Both the saponified spermaceti and the saponified substance from the Delphinus were heated in a solution of potash, and in both cases the fluids became transparent. After remaining at rest for the space of a year, the fluids were found to have depo- sited a considerable quantity of pearly matter: when they were heated, the pearly matter of both of them disappeared, but more slowly from the crystalline substance of the Delphimus than from the cetine. The fluids, when concentrated, were mixed with the tartaric acid ; from the crystalline matter of the Delphinus, 0°82 of a fatty matter, fusible at 104°, was obtained, and from the cetine, 0°76 of a fatty matter, fusible at 100-5. The two fatty substances were treated with the water of barytes, and the soaps which were formed were then subjected to the action of alcohol at the temperature of the atmosphere. The results were as follows, from the crystalline matter of the Delphinus: 1. A substance which was not acid, fusible at 116°5°, and weighing 0:151; 2. An acid substance, fusible at 113°, weighing 0°552, and which produced a large quantity of pearly matter, when dissolvedin potash. There was obtained from the cetine: ]. A substance which was not acid, fusible at 125°5°, and weighing 0-227; 2. An acid substance, fusible at 98°5°, seeing 0:385, and which produced much pearly matter with potash, IM. Chevreul observes, that if these experiments do not decidedly prove the perfect identity of the crystallizable substance of the Delphinus and of cetine, they at least prove their strong analogy, since potash only partially acidifies them. We next proceed to an examination of the oil of the Del- phinus, after the separation of the crystalline matter. Its colour was a little deeper than that of the oil in its natural state ; its 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 281 odour was more powerful ; it was perfectly fluid at 68°; at this temperature its specific gravity was *924 instead of -917, which was the specific gravity of the oil in its natural state. One hundred parts of alcohol, of the specific gravity of 820, dissolved 149-4 parts of the oil at the temperature of the atmo- sphere ; at 127-5° the solution began to be turbid ; it was slightly acid by the test of litmus, and the colour of the fluid was converted into a blue by the addition of water, as if it had con- tained an acid fat.. In order to determine whether this was actually the case, or whether the acidity depended upon the development of the acid which had been detected in the aqueous fluid that was obtained from the soap of the oil, when it was decomposed by the tartaric acid, as mentioned above, the oil was treated with magnesia, because this base has the property of completely neutralizing acids, and does not acidity fatty bodies in the same manner with potash and soda. About six parts of oil which were slightly acid were mixed with two parts of caustic magnesia, and about 100 parts of water ; when subjected to a gentle heat they formed a kind of emulsion. More water was added, and the heat was increased; the fluid was filtered while it was still warm, and was found to be without acidity. Being evaporated to dryness, a residuum was obtained of a red colovr, which had the odour of the acid refer- red to above, and weighed 0:02. The residuum was composed of this acid united to magnesia, and of the orange-coloured matter. The compound of oil and magnesia was put upon a moistened filter, in order to remove from it any water which it might contain; it was then exposed to a gentle heat, and treated with alcohol of the specific gravity of -791. The solu- tion was concentrated and mixed with water; an oil was obtained of an orange yellow colour, which at the temperature of 59° concreted into a species of butter; it had lost some of its odour, it had no action upon paper stained with litmus, nor did its alco- holic solution affect the tincture of litmus. About 4-5 gr. of this oil were burned, and left only atrace of residuum, which was too small to be appreciated by a very delicate balance. It follows from this experiment that the acidity of the oil of the Delphinus depends upon the acid mentioned above, and not upon a proper acidification of the oil itself. Five parts of oil which was not acid were saponified by three ieee of potash dissolved in water; the substances were kept seated for 15 hours ; the saponaceous mass resulting from the operation was then dissolved in water, but the solution was not perfectly limpid. The soap was decomposed by tartaric acid, and the aqueous fluid was separated from the fatty matter : these two substances were then separately examined. The aqueous fluid was distilled; when it was concentrated into the state of a syrup» water was added, and the distillation was continued, until | the volatile parts which might yet remain in the residuum were driven off; the fluid, after bemg duly evaporated, was then 282 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. treated with alcohol of the specific gravity of -791. this being evaporated, left 0°562 of a sweetish syrup, containing the sweet. principle, a little matter having the smell of leather, and an orange-coloured principle, which existed in the oil before it was saponified ; for at the instant that the water of potash came into contact with the oil, its colour was converted into a brownish orange, even before the saponification had commenced. Hence the following conclusion is drawn, that the colouring principle, which is found in the aqueous fluid, is not produced by the action of the alkali, but that itis simply set at liberty, and that it afterwards unites with the potash, which renders the presence of it more obvious, by forming with it a compound of a deeper colour. The greatest part of the colouring principle remained in the aqueous fluid, for fins saponified fat had scarcely any colour. The product of the distillation of the aqueous fluid was neutral- ized by the hydrate of crystallized barytes; being then evaporated to dryness, it left 1:73 of a dry residuum, composed of acid 0-937, and of barytes 0°793. This acid was named the delphinic acid. The fatty matter was then examined. At the temperature of 68°, a small portion of the fatty matter was congealed ; and at 50°, the greatest part of it, whilst the other part was perfectly’ fluid: it hada light yellow colour. The warm water with sala it had been agitated had removed from it its odour of fish and of leather, and there only remained the rancid smell of the sapo- nified fat. Its specific gravity at 68° was *892: it was very acid: 100 parts of it boiled with portions of water which con- tained respectively 13°53 parts of potash and 9°5 of soda, pro- duced solutions which were not perfectly limpid. The fatty matter weighed 3:3 parts; it was digested with water of barytes in excess; it was evaporated to dryness, and the residuum was treated with cold alcohol of the specific gravity of °791. By this means there was produced 0-715 of a white fat, fusible at 82°5°, which did not redden the tincture of litmus, and soluble in cold alcohol ; and 2°585 parts of an acid fat, which remained in combination with the barytes, and which had not been dissolved by the alcohol. This acid fat began to congeal at 715°, and at 59° appeared quite solid. In order to know more accurately the nature of the products which have been described, 40 parts of the oil of the Delphinus were saponified, and the soap was decomposed by tartaric acid. The aqueous fluid was distilled, the product of the distillation containing the delphinic acid was neutralized by water of barytes, and then evaporated to dryness: the properties of the delphinic acid and its combination with barytes will be more. minutely described hereafter. The fatty matter which was separated from the potash by the tartaric acid formed with the water of potash a solution which was almost transparent, from) — which a very brilliant pearly matter was precipitated : when this. was collected upon atilter, a glairy matter was obtained, which. 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 283 dried into a fat. varnish. This precipitated substance, and the fluid which had been separated by the filter, were then examined’ in succession. 1. The precipitated substance was treated with the hydrochloric (muriatic) acid; the fatty matter which it yielded was successively subjected, first to the water of barytes, and afterwards to alcohol; by this process there were obtained anacid fat anda fat which was not acid. The acid fat was fusible at about 104°; it was completely dis- solved by a weak solution of potash. The solution that was formed contained the margaric and oleic acids; it deposited a pearly matter, the margaric acid of which was fusible at 122°, but which, after having been treated by the water of potash,. produced an acid which was fusible at 129°. The super-marga- rate which it formed with potash, contamed, for every 100 parts of acid, 8°89 of base: 100 parts of the same acid neutralized 27, parts of barytes and 21 of strontian. The fat which was not acid was fusible at 89°5°. It was boiled and digested for 20 hours in the water of potash: there was pro- duced a yellow flexible matter, and a mother-water, which did not contain either any fatty matter or sweet principle. The yellow flexible matter, after being washed in cold water, was melted ; it contained 100 parts of the fatty matter and 4°8 of potash. Being treated with boiling water in a retort, a very small portion was carried into the neck, where it attached itself under the form of a weak jelly, while the greatest part was melted at the surface of the water. The matter which was thus washed contained scarcely any alkali, as was proved by treating it with, muriatic acid. The tat was fusible at 86°; when treated first with barytes and afterwards with alcohol, there was obtained a little acid fat, and a white fat which was not acid, fusible at 95°. 2. The fluid separated by the filter from the precipitated matter was then examined. This fluid, which was slightly turbid, was rendered completely transparent by being heated : it was decomposed by tartaric acid. The fatty matter thus pro- cured was treated with the water of barytes and with alcohol ; by this process there were obtained an acid fat and a_fat which. was not acid, ; The acid fat was fusible at 70°, and completely soluble in the water of potash: it was converted into supet-margarate of 5 and oleate of potash. The oleic acid thus obtained was fluid at 59°, it had only a slight odour; 100 parts of it neutral- ized 27°8 parts of barytes and 20°5 parts of strontian. The fat which was not acid was fusible at 61°; it was boiled and digested during 20 hours with the water of potash ; a saponaceous mass: was obtained which was not separated from the mother-water. This was deprived of the fatty matter, but it still appeared to contain a little of the sweet principle. The saponaceous mass, heated with water, did not form a transparent solution, but it produced a fluid in which a portion of pearly matter was per- ceptible, and which was covered with a pellicle. This fluid |- 284 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. treated by an acid produced a fatty matter which was converted into acid fat, fusible at 59°, and entirely soluble in potash, and into a fat which was not acid, fusible at 80°5°. From these experiments we learn that the oil of the Delphinus globiceps is converted by the action of potash into, 1. Delphinic acid; 2. The sweet principle ; 3. Margaric acid; 4. Oleic acid; 5. A matter which 1s not acid, fusible at 95°; and 6. into a matter which is not acid, fusible at 86.5°. We now proceed toa more particular account of the delphinic acid.* We have already had occasion to notice the combination of this acid with barytes, and the proportion in which the elements of this compound exist ; the following is the method in which their proportion was ascertained. The delphinate of barytes was dried, and then heated in a capsule of platinum ; it exhaled a peculiar aromatic odow, which is compared to that produced by the distilled butirate of barytes :+ the residuum was neutralized by sulphuric acid: 0-216 parts of delphinate of barytes yielded 0-150 of sulphate, which represent 0°099 of barytes ; hence it consists of Ate rcligte uty We Sete ie Ul fiteteteks. aed 100-00 Barytes , OO la T SIRS chal 84:61 216 As 84-61 parts of barytes contain 8°88 parts of oxygen, it fol- lows that 100 parts of delphinic acid neutralize this quantity of oxygen in salifiable bases. After attempting different methods to separate the delphinic acid from the barytes, the following method was adopted. An aqueous solution of the delphinate of barytes was concentrated, and put into a long tube which was closed at one end, and a quantity of a strong solution of phosphoric acid was poured upon it; the mixture was then left at rest for some hours, and the following products were obtained; 1. An aqueous fluid contain- ing the acid phosphate of barytes, mixed with a little delphinic acid; 2. An oleaginous fluid lighter than the first; this was separated by means of a small syphon, and was the pure del- phinic acid. The delphinic acid resembles a volatile oil; it is of a light lemon colour, or even quite without colour, and has a very powerful aromatic odour, analogous to that of cheese or strong butter, or rather to the butiric acid ; when the odour was weak, it resembled that of old oil from the Delphinus. It has a very - sharp acid taste, which is succeeded by the ethereal flavour of the rennet apple : it left a white spot upon the part of the tongue to which it was applied. The delphinic acid moistened glass, paper, and stuffs, like essential oils ; it left on the bodies to which it was applied an extremely disagreeable odour, which it * Ann, de Chim, et Phys. vii.367. (April, 1818.) + The butiric acid is to form the subject of a future memoir. 1818.] their Combinations with Alfalies. I85 was very difficult to remove, exactly similar to that of the oil of the Delphinus. At the temperature of 57° it had the density of “941; its boiling point was not ascertained. It is very soluble in alcohol, and slightly so in water; these solutions produce a deep red colour in the tincture of litmus. The oleaginous delphinic acid was either an hydrate or an hydrogenated acid; for 0-3 parts of this acid being put into a small tube of glass with three parts of the yellow oxide of lead ; and the tube, after being introduced into a receiver, being gra- dually heated, there was produced 0-04 of a watery fluid which had no action upon litmus paper, and at the same time an ethe- real odour was disengaged. If we consider the oleaginous delphinic acid as a hydrate, its composition will be which contains 13-6 of oxygen; this may be considered as 14 the quantity of oxygen which the acid saturates in the bases, since 100 of acid neutralize 8-88 of oxygen and 888 x 1-5 — Eos The compound of delphinic acid and lead was then treated with water, filtered, and evaporated ; the fluid was turbid, and a quantity of delphinic acid was disengaged, which was percep- tible by the smell : 0-190 parts of the acid, when well dried, was put into a small capsule of platinum with diluted nitric acid, no sensible effervescence was produced, but the acid odour was perceptible. It was gently evaporated, the residuum was cal_ cined, and there was obtained 0-135 of a perfectly pure yellow oxide of lead, entirely soluble in weak nitric acid. Hence it follows that the delphinate of lead is formed of PRCIGL oplein'» i eiales lp MOD Mathie oon, il OO RIGS eiatare's an cies ies attack SALES This contains 17-3 of oxygen, which is about double the quan- tiry found in barytes, that is, 8°88 x 2 = 17-76: from this it appears that the salt of lead evaporated to dryness is a subs delphinate. elphinic acid was neutralized by the water of strontian, and evaporated to dryness : 0-200 parts of the salt were decomposed by nitric acid; ‘the nitrate of strontian which was produced formed 0-132 of sulphate, a quantity which represents 0:07656 of base. Hence we have, ate a sss s'a's's 10844, 5%; VO ee: 100 Pas ee WOGO de kw. 62; this con- tains 8-89 of oxygen. _ The delphinic acid was then neutralized with sub-carbonate of lime, and the product was treated in the same manner with the 286 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. delphinate of strontian ; the result was 0-1170 parts of sulphate of hme representing 00486 of base. Hence we have, contains 90112 of oxygen. The solutions of the delphinate of sirontian and of lime, placed under receivers containing quick-lime, crystallized in long prisms. The crystals of the delphimate of strontian became of an opaque white, in consequence of their efflorescing. The delphinate of barytes did not crystallize under the same circum- stances. After having thus made us acquainted with many of the proper- ties of the delphinic acid, M.Chevreul proceeds to inquire, what relation the oil of the Delphinus bears to the delphinic acid. This is a question which he is not at present able to answer in a satisfactory manner, because it would require the elementary analysis of the oil and its acid, which has not been yet accom- lished ; but the following points may be considered as esta- lished. ° When the oil is treated with a base, which, like magnesia, has a strong tendency to neutralize acids, without, however, having the property of determining the transformation of a fatty. body into the margaric and oleic acids, scarcely any delphinic acid can be separated from the oil. In order to procure the acid, the oil must be treated with a base which is sufficiently powerful to transform a portion of it into the sweet principle, and into the margaric and oleic acids. Without deciding whether this acid be a product or an educt, it must be admitted that the oil of the Delphinus contains a quantity of matter which experiences the same change with the fatty bodies that have been described in the earlier memoirs ; and besides this, a quantity of matter which produces the delphinic acid. From this result, it seems that we are acquainted with no substances which more resemble the one in question than the hydrochloric, acetic, and other ethers, which do not act upon vegetable colours, but which, however, yield on analysis a con- siderable quantity of carbon and hydrogen, besides the elements of the hydrochloric and acetic acids. The volatility of the ethers, compared to the fixedness of the oil, showd not be considered as an objection to this analogy, since the volatility of ammonia is not so to the analogy of this substance with the fixed alkalies : it must, however, be observed that the analogy is in the first case an analogy of composition, and in the second an analogy of properties. If we are to expect any aid in the prosecution of the science of natural history from chemical analysis, the com- position of the oil of the Delphinus will be an object deserving _our aitention, as it appears to be unlike any thing else with which we are acquainted, except the oil of butter. 5 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 287 We now come to the third part of the memoir, which treats of the common fish oil of the shops. It was of an orange brown colour, its odour a compound of that of fish and leather prepared with oil, its specific gravity was ‘927 at the temperature of 68°. It remained fluid during several hours at 32°; but after having been exposed for some days to this temperature, a fatty concrete matter was deposited, which was in very small quantity only, and was separated by filtration. The oz that was left, after the separation of the concrete fatty matter, was not acid by the test of litmus paper: 100 parts of alcohol, of the specific gravity of 795, dissolved 122 parts of the oil at the temperature of 167°; the solution began to be turbid at 145°5°; it was not acid. It was treated with potash, when placed under mercury out of the contact of the air: the sweet principle and an acid fat were produced, but no carbonic acid. Two hundred parts were saponified by 120 parts of potash dissolved in 400 parts of water: the saponification was easily effected, and the soap, which was of a brown colour, was com- pletely dissolved by cold water. It was decomposed by tartaric acid, and there was obtained, 1. An aqueous fluid; and2. A saponified oil. These two substances were each of them exa- mined. 1..The aqueous fluid was of a deep brownish yellow colour, and had the smell of leather. It was distilled, andthe residuum was evaporated, and then treated with alcohol ; the alcohol dissolved a sweet principle which was of a yellow colour, and had a very pleasant flavour. The product of the distillation was acid; it perceptibly held in solution an aromatic principle which had the odour of leather. It was neutralized by the water of barytes, and then distilled: the product was without smell. The residuum weighed 0°3; it was the proper delphinate, from which the delphinic acid might be obtained by means of the phosphoric acid. With respect to quantity, this residuum was very differ- ent from that which was obtained from the oil of the Delphinus. 2 The saponified fish oil had more tendency to crystallize than the oil in its natural state. It was soluble in all proportions in alcohol of -821; its solution contained the margaric and oleic acids: 100 parts of this oil, when heated, were completely dis- solved by portions of water which contained respectively 13-45 parts of potash and 9°15 of soda. Twenty parts of the saponified oil were boiled with the water of of barytes; the soap that was formed was treated with alcohol, but scarcely any of the fatty matter which was not acid was procured. The saponified oil was treated witha hot solution of potash, a little more than was sufficient to dissolve it: the soap was diluted with water; and after remaining some time at rest, a pearly matter and an oleate were formed, which were successively examined. The successive action of the water of potash much diluted 288 M. Chevreul on Fatty Bodies, and [Ocr. and alcohol on the pearly matter proved that it contained a per-~ ceptible quantity of oleic acid; after this was separated, the following results were obtained. The substance was very bril- liant, and perfectly white ; it had only an extremely slight odour; it was not dissolved in warm water, but it was completely soluble in a solution of alkali. By cooling, this solution was converted into potash and the super-margarate of potash, exhibiting all the properties which had been formerly described as belonging to this substance. By analysis, it yielded, Margaric acid. ......++++ 100°00 Potash . ste es eeeeeenees 8:77 The margaric acid was almost without odour ; it crystallized in small, fine, radiated needles. When melted at the temperature of 158°, it congealed at 131° ; but as the bulb of the thermometer was not completely covered in this experiment, and as the acid was very turbid at 132°5°, probably this may be more exactly the proper melting point. The oleate of potash, after it had ceased to yield any more pearly matter, was decomposed ; the acid was left at the temper- ature of the atmosphere, and a crystalline substance was sepa- rated. After this separation, the following properties were found in it: it was of a brown orange colour, much deeper than that of the oleic acids of the fat of the hog, the sheep, the ox, &c.; but this colour probably depended upon something distinct from the oil itself, whether proceeding from the decomposition of a portion of the oil, or from some other cause. This oleic acid had a strongly marked fishy smell, which it communicated to its combinations with barytes, strontian, and the oxide of lead. These oleates produced the following results by analysis. CON Art a Rae 100-00 Ban UCES gars Brain a\e aes Ns 2 26°77 DiPON AM sss heels rele cee 19-4] (Oxide GEAGAG:. |. 0 acu aietae te 81-81 We now come to the examination of the concrete fatty matter. After being drained on bibulous paper, it was acted upon by boiling alcohol, by which a considerable quantity of elaine was separated; during this process the concrete matter became coloured. It was then melted; a thermometer plunged into it descended to 70°, and as it became solid, rose again to 80°5°. The action of heat entirely removed from it the odour of leather. Nine parts of alcohol, of the specific gravity of -795, dissolved five parts of the concrete fatty matter. The solution yielded by cooling, 1. Small radiated needles of the most beautiful white colour; and, 2. Needles of a yellow colour: there remained a viscid mother-water, of a brown colour; and it seemed as if in this operation the colouring principle was increased in its quan- 2 1818.] their Combinations with Alkalies. 289 tity; whether it was really formed durmg the process, at the expense of the fatty matter, or whether it was detached from some substance which previously concealed its colour, it was peculiarly developed by the action of potash. It was observed that the process of saponification developed the leathery odour which the substance had lost by fusion. ' 3°6 parts of the coloured fatty matter, having been saponified by an equal weight of potash, produced a scap which was decom- posed by tartaric acid. 1. The aqueous fiuid was distilled, and the residuum was treated with alcohol. The alcohol dissolved about 0°25 of a yellow syrup, the taste of which seemed at first to be bitter and astringent, but afterwards became slightly sac- charine. The product cf the distillation had a slight smell of leather and a little acidity ; being neutralized by barytes, 0°03 of a salt was obtained, which had rather the smell of delphinic acid than of leather. 2. The saponified fatty matter contained two substances, which were easily separated from each other: the one which was the most abundani constituted 3-06 parts; it was of an orange yellow colour; the thermometer plunged into it, after it was melted, fell to 79°5°, and rose again to 82°5°. This sub- stance, which was very soluble in the water of potash, appeared to M. Chevreul to be entirely formed of the margaric and oleic acids. ‘The second substance, which constituted only 0-14 parts, was brown, infusible at 212°, completely soluble in boiling alco- hol, and left no fixed matter when it was incinerated. From this experiment, 100 parts of the concrete matter contain Fatty saponified matter............ foal Le Res Matter soluble in water. ............ I] 100°0 The properties of the concrete substance which is separated from the common fish oil seem to indicate that this substance belongs rather to stearine than to cetine, or to the crystallized substance which is obtained from the oil of the Delphinus. But it is possible that this substance may not be essential to this fish oil; and besides, it exists in so small a quantity, that its nature could not be very exactly ascertained. Upon the whole, we may conclude that the fish oil which was examined resembles the oil of the Delphinus in its odour, but that it differs from it, 1. In yielding only a trace of the volatile oil after being sapomified; 2. In not furnishing any crystalline substance analogous to cetine; 3. In its being more easily sapo- nified than that substance, and without producing any matter which is not acid; 4. In containing much more of the colouring principle. Besides the delphinic acid which exists in the oil of the Del- phinus and in common fish oil, M. Chevreul thinks that we must Vou. XLII. N° IV. > 290 M. Braconnot on Sorbic Acid. [Ocr. admit the existence of another principle, which has a fishy odour, and which he conceives to be identical with an odorous principle which he has discovered in the cartilage of the Squalus peregri- nus. This substance is peculiarly developed when it exists in combination with ammonia or an ammoniacal salt, and the salt is mixed with caustic potash. It may be doubted, whether the leathery odour of the saponified oil of the Delphinus and eommon fish oil, and the colouring principle which exists in so consider- able a quantity in these oils when they have been long kept, are proximate principles simply disengaged, or the result of some alteration which the principles that were extracted from these oils have undergone, or depend upon some other principles which have hitherto escaped detection. 4 ArTICLE VI. On the Sorbic Acid and its different Combinations. By M. Henri Braconnot.* Tue author had been led to conclude that malic acid, as it is usually obtained, is not pure, and had attempted to obtain it from the malate of zinc, a substance said by Scheele to form very beautiful crystals ; but he found that the acid thus procured differed essentially from the malic. He.was endeavouring to ascertain the exact nature of these differences, when Mr. Dono- van announced his discovery of the sorbic acid: M. Braconnot objects to the method adopted by Mr. Donovan, both as being one by which the acid is obtained in small quantity only, and in an impure state. M. Braconnot recommends the followin rocess : the fruit of the Sorbus Aucuparia is to be taken before it is quite ripe, and is to be bruised in a marble mortar and strongly squeezed. It must then be boiled, and carbonate of hme must be gradually added until all effervescence ceases ; it is then to be evaporated to the consistence of a syrup, the froth being carefully removed as it continues to form. The sorbate of hime is quickly precipitated in the form of a granulated salt ; the supernatant fluid is to be poured off, the salt washed in cold water, and dried with a linencloth. The salt has a slight yellow tinge, which indicates that it is not pure; it is, therefore, to be boiled for a quarter of an hour, with an equal weight of erystal- lized sub-carbonate of soda diluted with water, A neutral sorbate * Abridged from Ann. de Chim, et Phys. vi. 239, It is probable that the expe- riments of M. Braconnot and those of M. Vauquelin are to be regarded as equally original, and that they must have been performed about the same time, M. Bra- connot’s paper was read to the Royal Society of Sciences at Nancy, in November, 1817; and M. Vanquelin’s paper was published in the number of the Ann. de Chimie et de Physique for the following month. 1818.] M. Braconnot on Sorbic Acid. 291 of soda is thus procured, which is soiled by a red colouring matter, to remove which it must be warmed for some minutes with lime water, or cream of lime, which will remove the colour- ing matter, and leave the sorbate of soda untouched. The liquor must then be filtered, and will be found to be limpid and colourless; pass through it a current of carbonic acid gas to separate the lime which it may contain ; the sub-acetate of lead is then to be added, which will form a very white precipitate of the sorbate of lead, from which, after having well washed it, the-'sorbic acid must be disengaged by diluted sulphuric acid assisted by heat. By this process, M. Braconnot informs us that the sorbic acid may be obtained in a perfectly pure state ; itis uncrystallizable, and attracts moisture.* With respect to the characters of the sorbates, M. Braconnot observes, that the tartrates are the vegetable salts which bear the strongest analogy to them; from their property of combining with an excess of acid which, in most cases, diminishes their solubility. But as the two acids differ in their power of crystal- lizimg, we may lay it down as a general principle, that when the tartaric acid forms a salt that is only slightly soluble with any base, the sorbic acid will forma crystallizable salt with the same base ; and whenever a tartrate shall be uncrystallizable, by a still stronger reason the sorbate of the same base will be so peewee, In the formation of the sorbates, 100 parts of sorbic acid saturate a quantity of base which contains about 11 parts of oxygen. Tartaric acid has a greater capacity for saturation; according to Berzelius it is 11‘94, while he estimates that of citric acid at 13-588, that of acetic acid at 15°43, and that of oxalic acid at 22:062. The sub-sorbates contain a quantity of acid, double of that which is contained in the neutral sorbates. All the sorbates swell up by heat, and generally are disposed to attach themselves to the vessels in which they crystallize. The sorbates of potash, soda, and ammonia, are uncrystallizable and very soluble. M. Braconnot formed a neutral sorbate of lime, by pouring muriate of lime into the solution of sorbate of soda ; it was in the form of transparent, granulated crystals, which are not affected by the air, and contain no water of crystallization. {t requires for its solution 147 parts of water, at the temperature of 53°5° Fahr.; and less than 65 parts of boiling water. It is composed of Sorbic acid . RAGS ais nied Piouwohe awl ne ee BOD Ne uli s dsl eile OMe ch Libehieealt BOBO 100+ * We have it not in our power to decide upon the respective merits of the pro- cesses of Mr. Donovan and M. Braconnot; but we may observe that Mr: Donovan's succeeded in the hands of M. Vauquelin,—Ep. + This differs a little from Vauquelin’s estimate.—Ep, 72 292 M. Braconnot on Sorbic Acid. fOer. M. Braconnot also formed an acidulous sorbate of lime, by dissolving the neutral sorbate in sorbic acid. This salt presents prismatic crystals, with six faces; it is very acid, and requires for its solution no more than 50 parts of water at the temperature of 53:5°. It is composed of Sorbic acid ... 65°48 ........ 84:63 ........ 100°000 TAME, cobs ealeieg, LA Os e.sibi fein > ded 2 nee eS Water . PERT 100-00 100-00 M. Braconnot has procured three sorbates of zinc, a neutral sorbate, a super-sorbate, and a sub-sorbate. The neutral sor- bate is formed directly by combining the sorbic acid with the oxide of zinc, or in decomposing the sorbate of lime by sulphate of zinc. Itis composed of | Sorbie-acid'os «2 58:06 cn 0.8 645 V8.5 168-000 Oxide of zinc. .. 31:95 ...... SSDs oe ee 26 Water sihiec. 4: 10:00 100-00 100-0 The super-sorbate is prepared by dissolving neutral sorbate of zine in sorbic acid, and washing the crystals in alcohol or in water. It contains Sorbicgeid. 4 oho TBR oc: oe dese Vea Quidetabebineschun GHG Fe Rae Whater: hac beets : 100-00 100-00 - The sub-sorbate of zinc separates naturally from the watery solution of the neutral sorbate ; it is insoluble in boiling water, and consists of ACID Geiuta, dis) ewbey ie Serr ys 51:89 Oxide) of zine dy. incinge have 48°11 100-00 M. Braconnot has examined the sorbate of lead ; he finds that there is no super-sorbate, and that its solution in water does not redden litmus. By examining the crystallized sorbate of lead, well dried, and afterwards calcined in a platinum crucible, he estimated that it was composed of SNOPES CMe ao 57 03.10 OSs y las ixla'te ne sive voip OOD Oxidewrieads? 276115 666.0050. 3.. 1S 1818.] M. Vauquelin on Sorbic Acid. 293 If the sorbate of lead be obtained by double affinity, it affords different results ; in this case it consists of POLDIC ACIC., as/cittetomisies aaa WOR TEE Oxide Of lead. . o.c ss biuciiie n/a —_—_——-— 100-00* M. Braconnot is, however, inclined to suppose that the salt obtained by double decomposition is a mixture of the neutral sorbate and the sub-sorbate, because the oxygen in the oxide of lead which saturates 100 parts of sorbic acid is 11:253 accord- ing to the first analysis, and 14-7 according to the second. Sub-sorbate of lead may be procured by digesting ammonia upon the neutral sorbate of lead ; the sub-sorbate does not forma hard or granular mass with boiling water, as is the case with the neutral sorbate. M. Braconnot has also formed the sorbates of strontian, barytes, magnesia, alumine, and the protoxide and deutoxide of mercury, of silver, copper, iron, manganese, and tin; these salts are very soluble, uncrystallizable, and deliques- cent. —— Ea Experiments on the Sorbic Acid. By M. Vauquelin.+ In the year 1816 Mr. Donovan discovered in the fruit of the Sor- bus Aucuparia a new acid, possessed of specific properties ; and also announced that this acid exists in other vegetables. M. Vau- quelin has repeated the experiments of Mr. Donovan; he has confirmed the discovery of the new acid, and has made a number of observations upon it, which had not been noticed by the discoverer. The author began by obtaining a very large quantity of the juice of the ripe Sorbus, no less than 50 quarts. The juice, when recently procured, is viscid, so as to pass with difficulty through a filter; but by remaining for about a fortnight in a warm temperature, it experiences the vinous fermentation. It then becomes bright and clear, easily passes through the filter, while a quantity of yeast is separated from it. By distillation, a portion of alcohol, of a specific odour and flavour, may be pro- cured from the fermented juice, whence it is inferred that the recent juice must have contained saccharine matter. The sorbic acid itself does not appear to be affected by this fermentation. No malic acid could be detected in the recent juice of the sorb, The viscidity of the recent juice did not appear to depend, in * The estimate agrees very nearly with Vauquelin’s, who also formed his sor- bate of lead by precipitation.—Ep. + Abridged from Aun. de Chim. et Phys. tom. vi. p. 337. (Dec. 1817) t The readers will observe that M. Vauquelin differs from M. Braconnot in employing the fruit in its ripe state; it remains to be determined whether this circumstance was the difference which was observed between the substance as pro- cured by these chemists—Ep, 294 M. Vauquelin on Sorbie Acid. [Ocr. any degree, upon jelly mixed with it, but upon asubstance more analogous to vegetable gum. The juice of the sorbus, after fermentation, still contains a red colouring matter, which passes to a violet purple by the contact of tin, and which becomes a greenish yellow by the action of alkalies. The juice also con- tains a very acrid and hot principle, which has some analogy with that which we meet with in Pyrethrum ; it is soluble both in water and in alcohol, and is always accompanied by a brown and bitter substance. The berries of the sorb, after being bruised and expressed, retain a yellow matter, which may be separated ‘by warm alcohol, or ether, and which seems to have some resemblance to a resin; it is principally attached to the paren- chymatous part of the fruit. é The recent juice of the sorb is of a red colour, and of a very acid flavour, mixed with a degree of bitterness. When the carbonate of lime is added to it, an effervescence is excited ; but whatever quantity we employ, the fluid always continues acid. If this solution of the super-sorbate of lime be poured off, and the carbonate of potash added, a brisk effervescence takes place, and a white powder is precipitated, which consists of neutral sorbate of lime: 100 parts of the precipitated sorbate of lime, when well dried, were decomposed by heat, and appeared to consist of Ad eipindeenk beak Clarke on the + [Oer: colour. By means of nitric acid the sorbic is converted into the oxalic acid; nitrous gas and carbonic acid are disengaged. From this, as well as from its properties generally, M. Vauquelin concludes that the sorbic acid is the one which approaches the most nearly to the malic. For the purpose of analyzing the sorbic acid, the deutoxide of copper, and the sorbate of lead, both well dried, were heated together in the apparatus contrived by Prof. Berzelius. One gramme (15°444 grs.) of the sorbate of lead were mixed with five times its weight of the oxide of copper ; and two grammes (30°888 ers.) more of the oxide were used to cover the mixture. One hundred and seventy cubic centimetres of gas were pro- cured, which being totally absorbed by potash must have been carbonic acid. The loss of weight in the apparatus was 800 milligrammes. The quantity of acid contained in the sorbate of lead must have been, according to this analysis, 330 milligrammes. From these data we learn, that the sorbic acid is composed of . 2 LEAL i) CRP ARE Pa i 16:8 DETDOM Gs Selma eee = sha 9 Weir re ELD L009: 8 Fe reve We OPM PERE De 54:9 100-0 With respect to the relation which the constituents of the acid bear to each other, they appear to be nearly as the numbers one, two, and three, ‘The relation which exists between the quantity of oxygen in the acid and that of the bases which it saturates 1s as four to one. As the pure sorbic acid appears to be without odour and without colour, and of an agreeable flavour, the author suggests that it might be substituted for the tartaric and citric acids in medicine and the arts, Artic.teE VII. On the colouring Constituent of Roses, and of the Flowers and Leaves of other vegetable Bodies. ina Letter to the Editors. By Edward Daniel Clarke, LL.D. Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge, &c. (Continued from No, 11, Vol. xii. p. 128.) GENTLEMEN, In the conclusion of the thirteenth article of your number for August, 1 promised to continue my observations upon the colouring constituent of vegetables, and to ascertain, if possible, whether this principle ought in every instance to be ascribed to iron. ‘The presence of 2ron in those bodies will, perhaps, appear to be evident when | have communicated the result of a few -1818.] colouring Constituent of Roses. 297 subsequent experiments; and if it, be considered how very inconsiderable a portion of this metal communicates a blue colour to the sapphire and a red colour to the ruby, it is hardly ossible to conceive that any notable portion of it can exist m the flowers and leaves of plants without being manifested by some of the various hues by which the metal is characterized in its different combinations, when acted upon by light, heat, and atmospheric air. Before I proceed to detail any of these experiments, it 1s proper to notice some very powerful objections which have occurred - respecting the presence of iron in the precipitate which I ob- tained from the énfusion of roses, by means of ammonia, as men- tioned in my last; of which I transmitted a portion to you, and to other eminent chemists, soon after the publication of my former letter. This precipitate was found to burn to a white ash, in which no portion of iron could be detected sufficiently consi- derable to entitle it to the distinction of a colouring agent ; and hence it was inferred, as a probable conjecture, that the metallic iron, which I sent also to you, was due to the prusszated alkali used in the experiment. Jn answer to which, it may be urged that we must cease to employ this re-agent as a test of the pre- sence of iron, if the mere touch of a glass rod, dipped in a solu- tion of prussiate of potass, be capable of communicating such a considerable portion of the metal, to fluids before destitute of it, as to account for the metallic and magnetic beads exhibited to you, and which were obtained from such inconsiderable volumes of asolution as test-tubes are fitted to contain. But 1 trust I shall be able to show, that the iron is really due to the vegetable infu- sion to which it was ascribed ; having, by means of other tests and other experiments, not liable to these objections, obtained the same results; not only from the petals of roses, but from the leaves of plants, and from flowers of all colours. It must remain, therefore, for your chemical readers to determine, whether tron, existing under such various modifications, and differing only ax to its quantity, however decisively its presence may be demonstrated, ought to be considered as having any connexion with the colour of the vegetable in which it resides. (A.)—The colouring principle in vegetable extracts, whatever be its nature, being soluble im water, as admitted by Chaptal,* and also by Thenard,+ with whose observation I terminated the last communication 1 made to you upon the subject, | resolved - to try an experiment with the petals of the damask rose, using no other solvent than water. For this purpose, | made an infu- sion, by boiling distilled water in a Florence flask, and pouring it, in a boiling state, upon a quarter of a pound of the dried petals, * “ Nothing more is necessary than to infuse these substances in water, for the parpose of extracting their colouring principle.’”’"—Chaptal’s Chemistry, vol, iii. 151, London, 1795, * + Traité de Chimie, tome troisieme (1716), p. 376. Paris, 1815. ; 1 298 Dr. Clarke on the {Ocr. which I left in a porcelain vessel for several hours. Afterwards collecting the clear infusion which had assumed a deep red colour, | submitted it once more ina Florence flask to the heat of an Argand lamp, and evaporated the whole to dryness. There remained, at the bottom of the flask, a black carbonaceous substance which had the smell of burned sugar. A portion of this substance being placed within a cavity scooped in astick of charcoal, was exposed to the action of the common blow-pipe ; and, as it fused very readily, it was soon reduced to a very small black bead ; which, resisting the utmost action of the blow-pipe, was held for a considerable time in a state of fusion, attended with phosphorescence and ebullition. After bemg cooled, its ° form was perfectly globular, and it was attracted and taken up by a magnet. It was then hard enough to be driven into the end of a deal splinter, and filed. Particles with metallic lustre were by this means rendered conspicuous. I have sent one of these beads to you for examination, corresponding in appearance with the tron I before transmitted to you, and having the same magnetic character. But in other trials, made with the same carbonaceous substance, sometimes I obtained the black magnetic beads, and at other times, owing to causes I am unable to explain, it burned to a white ash, containing no magnetic particles. The same substance being exposed to the action of the gas blow-pipe, exhibited combustion with minute sparks, and was speedily converted into a white opaque glass ; probably owing to a portion of dime which has been detected in the precipitate thrown down by ammonia from the znfusion of roses, as described in my last letter; and which acting as a solvent for the colouring maitter,* may, perhaps, explain the presence of a metallic oxide in the vegetable. (B.)\—The magnetic beads, mentioned in A, being dissolved in acids, and the acid, in every instance, evaporated to dryness, and distilled water added, and afterwards filtered, tincture of galls threw down a dark precipitate ; and prusstated alkali, a deep emerald green precipitate ; the latter, collected on a filter, became afterwards blue. (C.)—The precipitates mentioned in B exposed to the action of the common blow-pipe upon charcoal, were again converted into beads acting upon the magnet; and after admitting the action of the file again, disclosing a metallic lustre. Exposed to the gas blow-pipe, combustion with scintillation ensued, as in the com- bustion of particles of zron. (D.)—The presence of tron appearing to have been thus satis- factorily ascertained in the carbonaceous substance obtained by the evaporation to dryness of an infusion of roses, as related in A, some of this substance was triturated in a porcelain mortar, and being reduced to a fine powder, was boiled in diluted * See Chaptal, vol. iii. p. 154. 1818] colouring Constituent of Roses. 299 muriatic acid. The acid being then filtered, was evaporated, with gentle heat, to dryness; and distilled water afterwards added and filtered. The surface of the clear filtered liquor was now touched with a glass rod, dipped in tincture of galls ; a pale whitish precipitate appeared which, upon warming the liquor, became chocolate brown, and afterwards black. Some of the same liquor, in a separate vessel, touched with a glass rod dipped m a very diluted solution of crystallized prussiate of potass, instantly exhibited an abundant blue precipitate. From the foregoing observations, it is plain that the petals of red roses contain tron; and, perhaps, the medical virtues ascribed to the infusion of roses, if they exist at all, may be due to the very inconsiderable portion of the metal present in the infusion. We all know how very insignificant are the chemical constituents of many chalybeate waters, destitute of which their salutary properties no longer characterize them ; and also that when art attempts to supply what Nature has thus sparingly afforded, the same deficiency ensues. Afterwards I submitted other vegetable bodies to a similar investigation, and found evident traces of zron, although not always in equal quantity, in the petals of blue, yellow, and white flowers, and in the green leaves of several plants, especially mm the petals and leaves of centaurea cyanus, verbascum thapsus, phlox paniculata alba, alcea fici folia, &c.&c. White flowers contain the smallest portion of the metal ; and its exhibition is more diffi- cult during their examination than in other instances. Infusions made of the green leaves of the fig-tree are sometimes used, when highly concentrated, to remove grease spots from black cloths and stuffs. I examined an infusion of this kind made with dis- tilled water, two quarts of it being reduced by boiling, in giass vessels, to a pint. From this infusion, a single drop of tincture of galls immediately threw down a whitish precipitate, which sepa- rated and became darker by being heated; and when collected ona filter was found to contain iron. Ammonia caused a more copious precipitate of the same nature, but of a mud colour; and this also contained iron. The same results were obtained in the examination of an infusion, similarly made, of zvy leaves. The most remarkable results, as being, perhaps,: the most satisfac- tory, were obtained from a concentrated infusion made with the green leaves of the hilium tigrinum, or tiger lily. From this in- fusion, a gallate of tron was instantly separated, simply by touch- ing the surface in a test-tube with a glass rod dipped in tincture of galls, and afterwards heating the infusion to the boilmg point. Ammonia, being substituted for the tincture of galls, threw down, as before, a more copious precipitate containing iron. I remain, Gentlemen, yours, Xc. Cambridge, Sept. 15, 1818. Epwarp DANIEL CLARKE. 300 Mr. Gill on Improvements in Printing. {Ocr: ArticLe VIII. On Improvements in Printing. By Thomas Gill, Esq. (To the Editors of the Annals of Philosophy.) No. 11, Covent Garden Chambers, GENTLEMEN, Sept. 14, 1818. Havine had my attention directed lately to the important arts of letter-press and copper-plate printing, and having obtained a knowledge of several new and useful improvements therein, I shall make no apology for communicating them to the public, through the medium of your Annals. The improvements made in the typographic art by the late Earl Stanhope, and particularly in forming the press of that unyielding substance cast iron, instead of the elastic materials before used, in making the platten and table with truly plane surfaces, and in working the screw by a combination of levers, has given the means of taking off an impression from a much larger surface at once than could ever be done with the old presses ; and the art of making paper by machinery in long con- tinued sheets has also afforded another important aid to this object. This increased size is, however, attended with the inconve- nience of causing much greater labour to the pressmen ; and it has accordingly been the study of. several ingenious mechanics to cause'the press to be worked with more ease, and particularly to introduce other contrivances in place of the screw, which, although a powerful agent, moves with very great friction. Mr. Medhurst was, I believe, amongst the first to substitute another movement, which, however, has never been brought into general use; Mr. Ruthven constituted a new combination of levers; and Messrs. Cogger and Scott, circular inclined planes ; and lately an alteration of Mr. Medhurst’s contrivance : still, notwithstanding all these endeavours, a great exertion of human strength is required in working these presses. I am, however, glad to state, that this evil is now in a very great degree alleviated, by the introduction of the Columbian press, invented by Mr. George Clymer, of Philadelphia, several of which are now in use in different printing establishments of this metropolis with very great advantages indeed in point of power and ease in working over other presses. Printing by machinery is also making considerable progress in this country, particularly by Mr. Kcenig’s machines at Messrs. Bensley’s, Messrs. Taylors’, and the Times newspaper printing offices, and by Messrs. Applegart and Cowper’s new invented machine. We are at present, however, outdone by our trans-atlantic competitors, insomuch that the Bible is now printed in North 1818.) Analyses of Books. 301 America in the very short period of three minutes! This is effected chiefly by the employment of cylinders covered with stereotyped plates, a contrivance which I invented, and endeavoured to get carried into effect in this country upwards of eight years since, and which at length is now, I believe, introducing here by degrees. Mr. Donkin has much improved the machine for printing by means of types fixed upon the flat sides of revolving polygons, originally invented by Mr. Wm. Smith, the geologist, and Mr, Bacon, of Norwich ; and particularly by the introduction of a permanently elastic inking roller, the composition of which is also substituted in other printing houses in the forms of balls and rollers, with very considerable advantages over the usual balls, which, as is well known, are covered with sheep’s skin, prepared, and kept in a state of use by a peculiarly offensive process. I am happy in being enabled to add, that the health and com- fort of persons employed in the very laborious business of copper-plate printing may now be very much promoted by the adoption of an improvement recently made by Mr. Ramshaw, of ‘Fetter-lane, and for which he has been very deservedly honoured with the gold Isis medal of the Society of Arts, namely, in heat- ing the copper-plates by means of steam, supplied by one boiler only to many cast iron receptacles with flat tops, on which the plates are laid, and heated with great convenience and uniformity to receive the ink, instead of employing as many open vessels with charcoal constantly burning in them, which, besides destroying the oxygen of the atmospheric air, producéd much carbonic acid gas, and consequently very much injured the health of the pressmen, enfeebled them, and rendered them much more liable to ruptures from the violent exertions they are obliged to make in that laborious employment. 1am, Gentlemen, Your most-obedient servant, THomaAs GILL ArTIcLE IX. ANALYSES OF Books. Journal of a Residence in the Island of Iceland during the Years 1814, 1815, &c. By Ebenezer Henderson. _ Tue main object of Dr. Henderson’s visit to Iceland was to superintend the distribution of a number of copies of the Scrip- tures, provided for the use of the inhabitants by the British and Foreign Bible Society. For this purpose he made the tour nearly of the whole coast, and crossed two or three times the dreary uninhabitable wastes that occupy the interior of the country. He thus had an opportunity of examining a much larger portion of the island than has fallen under the notice of any modern 302 Analyses of Books. {Ocr. traveller ; and although not, strictly speaking, a man of science, has collected much new and interesting matter relative to its mineral history. The following summary of his observations on this subject will, it is hoped, prove acceptable to the readers of : the Annals. From Reykiavik, the capital of the island, Dr. H. undertook three distinct journeys. In the first, he proceeded to the Gey- sers, then crossing the interior of the island ina N.N.E. direction he arrived at the head of the Eyafiord on the north coast ; thence, after a short excursion to the west, he proceeded along the coast in an easterly direction, visited the volcanic neighbour- hood cf Mount Krabla, traversed the eastern part of the island, and returned to Reykiavik along the whole of the southern coast. His second journey included nearly the whole of the western coast, together with such parts of the north-western as were aceessible ; and on his return he traversed the interior of the island somewhat to the east of the parallel of Reykiavik. The third journey included the tract between the two former ones. The central parts of Iceland appear to be wholly uninhabited except by a few roving banditti, the existence of whom, how- ever, of late years, is rather suspected than ascertained. Plains of loose volcanic sand, black rough ridges of lava many miles in length, deserts of loose stones and clay, deeply ploughed by torrents of hot and of cold water, which, during the tremendous convulsions to which the island has been subject, have descended with irresistible fury from the snows and glaciers of the usually inactive volcanoes, cones of a black or lurid red colour exhaling sulphureous vapours, jets of steam and of boiling water, the roar- ing rush of which is almost the only sound, except that of the tempest, which wakes the echoes of these forlorn solitudes— such is the scenery which composes the interior of the country as far as it is known to the inhabitants of the valleys and of the coasts. Patches of coarse grass and herbage, at intervals of six to 20 miles, just sufficient for a day’s sustenance to a score of horses, afford the possibility of traversing these deserts during a few weeks in the summer. The following extract from Dr. Hen- derson’s journal presents the whole scene in all its shuddering reality. ““ Next morning we were under the necessity of prosecuting our journey, the horses having eaten all the grass in the vicinity during the night, and we had a ride» of more than 30 miles to the next station. During the first three hours, we had rather a tedious ride up thesteep ascent covered with broken lava, which extends along the west side of the mountain till we gained its summit, called Blafells-hals, where there is a passage between that mountain and the immense chain of ice-moun- tains in the interior. From this elevation we had a most commanding prospect of the whole level tract of country, which, beginning at Haukadal, and stretching™ past Skalholt, opens into the extensive plains between Mount Hekla and the sea. Several miles behind Thingvalla lay the large volcanic mountains called Skialdbried and Tindafiall ; and between us and this latter mountain a regular chain of high conical mountains commenced, which stretched to a considerable distance along the base of the neighbouring Yikul. The blackness of their appearance formed a perfect contrast to the whiteness of the perennial snows behind them. What par-, 1818.] Henderson’s Journal of a Residence in Iceland. 303 ticularly struck us was the majesty of the vast ice-mountain, which extends from a little to the east of Tindafiall, in a westerly and northerly direction, to the dist- ance of not less than 100 miles across the interior of the island. ** Descending by the west end of BlAfell, which here consists of immense irregular masses of dark brown tuffa, we came again, in the course of a short time, to the Hvit4, near its egress from a large lake, to which it gives the name of Hvitarvatn, The whole of the western margin of this lake is lined with magnificent glaciers, which, before meeting the water, assume a hue of the most beautiful green. It abounds with excellent fish, and used to be much frequented in former times by the peasauts in the south, At the fording-place, the river may be about 100 yards across; and we found it in some places so deep, that our horses were on the point of swimming. It is certainly the most formidable river in this quarter of Iceland; and is often unfordable for weeks together, when travellers, coming from the de- sert, are not unfrequently reduced to great straits, by the consumption of the food they had provided for their journey. ** On leaving the Hvita, we encountered a long tract of volcanic sand, with here and there insulated stones, of an immense size, which must have been erupted from the Kerlingar-fialla volcanoes, situated at the distance of 15 or 20 miles in an east- erly direction. Most of these volcanic mountains form beautiful pyramids, and some of them are of a great height, and partially covered with snow. The cone, in the remote distance, is most perfectly formed, and is quite red in appearance, arising from the scorie deposited on its sides. None of these volcanoes have ever been explored ; nor have I so much as met with their names in any description of the island that [have seen, From the peasant at Holum, who has proceeded seve- ral times to the vicinity in search of moss, I learned that a very extensive tract of lava stretches between themand the ancient road, called Spreingi-sand ; and at one place he observed much smoke, which he supposed arose from springs of boiling water. “« At four o’clock we came to the Black River (Svarta4), fording which we fell in with an extensive tract, known by the name of the Kialhraun, which has been at least twice subjected to fiery torrents from a volcano in the neighbourhood of Bald-Yokul, if not from the Yékul itself. This lava is upwards of 20 miles in length, and in some places five or six in breadth, Here the road divided: that called Kialvegur, leading to Skagafiord, lay to the left, across the lava; whereas the way to Eyafiord, which we pursued, ran along its eastern margiu, now on one side of the Black River, and now onthe other, After travelling about eight miles farther, over a very stony tract, we came to the station of Grananess, which we found to be the termination of a very ancient stream of lava, mostly covered with moss and willows, and having only a little grass in the cavities, which have been formed by the bursting or falling in of the crust. Inhospitable as it appeared, we were obliged tostop, as we were exposed to a heavy rain, and the next green spot was about 50 miles distant. **On the afternoon of Monday, the first of August, we commenced the worst stage on our whole journey. Our road, which at times was scarcely visible, lay along the west side of the Hof, or Arnarfell Yokul, a prodigious ice mountain, stretch- ing from the volcanoes above-mentioned, in a northerly direction, for upwards of 50 miles, when it turns nearly due east, and extends to nearly 30 miles in that direc- tion. We rode at no great distance from it for the space of 20 hours, and were all the time exposed to a cold piercing wind which blew from that quarter. About il at night wecame to the Blanda, or Mixed River, the waters of which were of a bluish colour, and, dividing into upwards of a dozen of branches, they rendered our passage both tedious and troublesome. Near the north-west corner of the Yokul, a great number of curiously shaped hills presented themselves to our view, which we found, on approaching them, to be partly volcanic and partly immense masses of Yokul, intermixed with drosses and fragments of lava, which have beeu separated from the mountain during some of its convulsions, and hurled along to their present situation by the inundations it has poured down upon the plains. At *10 minutes before three o’clock in the morning, as we had got quite surrounded by these hills, and were almost shivering with cold (the waters being covered with fresh ice), we were gratified with a view of the sun, rising inall hisglory directly before us. The gloom in which we had been involved now fied away; and we obtained a very extensive prospect of the surrounding country, It wasa prospect, however, by uo means pleasing ; for to whatever side we turned, nothing was visible but the, devastations of uncient fires, or regions of perpetual frost.” 304 Analyses of Books. [Ocr. The middle part of the north coast appears to be by far the most fertile ; the rivers are larger, the vales broader, the inter-. mediate country less rugged ; and the Yokuls, or snowy moun- fains, are removed to a great distance in the interior. The last remains of the forests of Iceland are in this tract; but they are now fast disappearing in consequence of the improvident destruction made among them by the inhabitants, and the sup- posed increasing inclemency of the seasons. Stumps of birch trees more than two feet in diameter are still to be met with. The N.E. quarter of the island is one of the chief volcanic centres, and at present yields nearly the whole of the ‘sulphur which is annually exported from Iceland. The hot springs of Reykiahverf exhibit appearances similar, but inferior in magni- ficence to those of the geysers in the south-west of the island, and, therefore, need not be presented to our readers. But the description of the scenery in the vicinity of Krabla, the principal volcano of the district, forms, perhaps, the most interesting por- tion of Dr. Henderson’s book, as far at least as the natural history of the country is concerned. ‘ From the little port of Husavik the travellers proceeded in a southern direction till they came upon the Lax4rdal, a rugged valley filled with lava, through which the Laxa pursues its irre- gular course. After passing a few miles over the rough lava, they arrived on the edge of a desert, four hours’ journey across, consisting of sand, pumice, and other volcanic substances, wholly destitute of water and of vegetation. Beyond the sand extends a prodigious stream of lava, being one of those which issued from Krabla between the years 1724 and 1730, and inun- dated nearly the whole of the plain along the northern and eastern shores of the lake Myvatn. It still retains the orginal freshness of its appearance. In colour, it is as black as jet; the blisters and cracks by which its surface is diversified are of enormous size, and most of the chasms are completely glazed, and present the most beautiful and grotesque stalactitical masses. At Reykiahlid, one of the farm-houses, over-run by the fiery deluge, but which was afterwards rebuilt on nearly the same spot, the travellers encamped for the night. The view from this place is in an extreme degree savage and desolate. In front is the Myvatn, or Gnat-lake, and the whole of the intervening tract is one vast field of black, rough, and cavernous lava, pro- jecting a considerable way into the lake, and forming innumer- able creeks and promontories along the greater part of its northern margin. To the north-west rise a number of barren. hills that open into the sandy deserts, leaving which, the eye wanders over an extensive tract of moor, intersected by red conical mountains, till, reaching the south side of the lake, it falls in with several huge mountains of singular forms, and the Namar, or sulphur mountains, from which a vast profusion of smoke is _ constantly ascending, The most profound and death-like silence 1818.] Henderson’s Journal of a Residence in Iceland. 305 pervades the whole of this desolated region. The gloom of the lake is greatly augmented by the small black islands of lava with which it is studded; and the pillars of vapour ascending in different parts from the surface of the water remind the observer that the destructive element, which has been the tremendous cause of the surrounding ruin, still lingers there, and may again wake to activity. The lake is reckoned to be about 40 miles in circuit, but is shallow from the floods of lava that have been poured into its basin. The next morning they resumed their journey towards the sulphur mountains, passing over considerable tracts of lava and volcanic sand, till having arrived in their immediate vicinity, the increase of the exhalations, and the heat and unsoundness of the surface, obliged them to advance with caution over the more indurated parts. With all their care, the feet of their horses occasionally broke through the crust, forming holes through which the vapour issued in great abundance. On either side lay vast beds sPatulpinn, covered with a thin crust, composed of aluminous efflorescences, which being removed, a thick bed of pure sulphur appeared, through which the steam issued with a hissing noise. The sublimation of the sulphur is caused by the ascent of this vapour, and its abundance and purity depend considerably on the porosity of the subjacent soil. The tract which goes by the name of the Sulphur Mountain is about five miles in length and one mile in breadth, extending between the volcanoes of Krabla and Leirhnukr, and joining the ridge by which these two mountains are connected. The surface is very uneven, displaying large _banks of red clay and sulphur, the crust of which is variegated with tints of blue, yellow, and white. After overcoming with great difficulty the labour, and escaping the dangers of the ascent, they arrived suddenly on the edge of an abrupt descent of more than 600 feet, at the bottom of which lay a row of 12 large cauldrons of boiling mud, roaring, splashing, and sending forth immense columns of dense vapour. By a cir- cuitous route, among numerous boiling hot quagmires, they at length arrived close to the sprmgs. Excepting two which lie a short distance from the rest, they are all crowded into one Vast chasm in the lava, Some of them remain stationary, but roar terribly, and emit much steam; others boil violently, and splash their black muddy contents round the orifice of the pit, while two or three jet at intervals to a height of from five to 15 feet. From this extraordinary scene they passed along the margin of a stream of lava, covered with pumice and volcanic sand to the base of Krabla; and with much difficulty succeeded in mak- ing their way over the pumice sand and slippery clay which form the side of the mountain. After an hour’s climbing, they arrived at a vast hollow, forming the remains of the crater, in the middle of which lay a circular pool of black liquid matter at least 100 feet in diameter. Nearly about the centre of the pool is an aper- ture from which a vast body of fluid, consisting of water, sulphur, Vox. XII, N° IV. U 306 Analyses of Books. [Ocr and black clay, is thrown up, and which is equal in diameter to the column ejected by the great Geyser at its strongest eruptions. The height of the jets varied greatly, rising on the first propul- sions of the liquid to about 12 feet, and continuing to ascend, as it were, by leaps till they gained the highest point of elevation, which was upwards, of 30 feet, when they again abated much more rapidly than they rose. While Dr. Henderson continued there, which was about an hour, the eruptions took place every five minutes, and lasted about two minutes and a half. From Krabla Dr. H. proceeded to the eastern extremity of the island, whence he returned to Reykiavik along the southern coast ; and in so. doing passed along the narrow and dangerous tract, extending between the sea and the Yokuls, orice moun- tains, which occupy the whole interior of the island in this uarter. The Yokuls are mountainous tracts, varying considerably in elevation, almost the entire surface of which is covered with snow and glaciers. Being perfectly desert, the remote parts of scarcely any of them have been explored; but where they come in contact with the cultivated or inhabited districts, their mis- chievous and often fatal effects are but too well known. The glaciers of the Alps, according to Saussure and other accurate observers, are often found to encroach somewhat on the adjacent lands and then to retreat, partly in consequence of the vicissi- tude of the seasons, and partly from the accumulated pressure of the water from the melting of the snow filling the crevices in the ice, loosening more or less its adhesion to the subjacent rock, and pushing before it the mass of the glacier till the water has discharged itself by means of the numerous outlets thus formed, when the glacier again retracts and withdraws nearly to its accustomed limits. The above phenomenon, which in Switzerland is in. general little more than an object.of philosophical curiosity, is in Iceland, especially on the southern coast, the occasion at all times of reat inconvenience, and occasionally of horrible. devastation. he cause of this is in part the enormous accumulation of snow and ice which takes place during the winter in these high lati- tudes, but principally the circumstance that the mountains on which these glaciers rest are volcanoes. Hence, even in quiet years, the melting of the ice is much more rapid in some parts than in others, and this melting begins from the bottom of the superincumbent mass of ice, which, being thus undermined, sub- sides with a loud crash, sending forth long cracks in every direc-, tion, and pouring out torrents of water, the impetuosity of which bears down huge stones and blocks of ice into the rivers, thus stopping for a time, or rendering excessively dangerous all pas- “sage at the fords. In the mean time masses of the glacier, some . miles in extent, begin to move forward into the plain, pushing before them rocks of considerable magnitude ; and in the course of a few months will advance half a mile or more, after whic, 1818.] Henderson’s Journal of a Residence in Iceland. 307 they retract, but seldom so far as to recover their original situa- tion, leaving a face of rock or a waste of stones on which no soil can ever after accumulate, and which, therefore, is lost to the inhabitants. The following was the appearance of Breidamark Yokul.when Dr. Henderson passed by it. *¢ All along the margin, and a considerable way back, were deep indentations, and, in some places, chasms of an immense size, that penetrated further than the eye could reach, and in which I could hear the distant dashing of the water as it fell from the surface of the Yékul. The margin consisted, for the most part, of large flat pieces of ice lying in all directions: sometimes it was as perpendicular as a wall; at others, the ice lay horizontally, forming vast crys(al grottoes; and, what particularly struck me, was a number of small cavities and cells, in such parts of the surface of the ice as were not exposed to the sun, which were filled with the most beautiful pyramidic crystals, from a quarter of an inch, to an inch and a half in diameter. In some places, the interior of the grottoes was completely studded with these crystal groups, sparkling with a dazzling lustre, and assuming various hues, according as they were more or less exposed to the light. ** Towards the bottom of the slope, the ice has collected so much sand and clay, that if assumes a black and dark grey colour: higher up, where the heat of the sun has less influevce, the winter snows remain undissolved, and give the Yékul a whiter appearance; and, what is remarkable, at some distance from the margin, a vast number of round pillars, resembling sugar-loaves, only more pointed at the top, begin to rise above the surface, and extend back to the regions of snow. They are quite black in appearance, and may be from three to 20 feet inheight. Where the Yékul has pushed forward in one direction and again receded, large heaps of clay, sand,.and turf, are thrown up, so as to form a catenation of small hills round its base; but whereits progress is continuing, no such hills are seen; only furrows are laid open in thesand, by the sharp projecting pieces of ice, and the sand is raised, precisely as the ground by a plough, to either side. In some places, I could Plainly observe the motion of the sand; but whether it arose from the actual pro- gress of the Yokul, or merely from thedissolution of theice, I shall not determine.” Occasionally the Yokul volcanoes wake to activity, and then the destructive effects of an ordinary volcano are combined and heightened tenfold by the immense deluges of cold and of hot water which are then produced. Four times during the last century, namely in 1727, 1753, 1755—6, and 1783, has this part of the island been thus desolated. With the following descrip- tion of the last. of these awful visitations, we shall conclude our extracts from this interesting work. ** About a month previous to the commencement of the eruption, a submarine voleano burst forth at the distance of nearly, 70 miles ina south-west direction from Cape Reykianess in Guldbringe Syssel, and ejected such an immense quantity of pumice, that the surface of the ocean was covered with it to the distance of 150 miles, and the spring ships considerably impeded in their course. _“* The Skaptér volcano, so called from the river of the same name, down which i inghe part of the lava was poured, is situated close to the eastern boundary of West Skaftafell’s Syssel, about 32 British miles due north of Kyrkiube Abbey, and near the contiguous sources of the rivers Tiina, Skaptd, and Hverfisfliot. It lies principally in the valley called Varmardal, and consists of about 20 red coni- cal hills, stretching in nearly a direct line, from E,N.E, to W.S.W. which have served as so many furnaces, from which the melted matter has been discharged into the valley. From these craters the lava has flowed which inundated the low coun- try, through the channel of the Skapt4. What flowed down the Hverfisfliot, has had its source in some other craters situated further to the north-east, but which are evidently connected with the former hills, and would, in all probability, have poured their contents down Varmardal, had it not been completely tilled with the lava, which had already been emptied into it. “From the Ist to the 8thof June, 1783, the inhabitants of West Skaftafell’s Syssel were alarmed by repeated shocks of an earthquake, which, as they daily in- creased in violence, left no reason to doubt that some dreadful volcanic explosion u2 308 Analyses of Books. [Ocr. was about to take place. Pitching tents in the open fields, they deserted their houses, and awaited, in awful suspense, the issue of these terrifying prognostics. On the morning of the 8th, a prodigious cloud of dense smoke darkened the atmo- sphere, and was observed to be continually augmented by fresh columns arising from bebind the low hills, along the southern base of which, the farms, constituting the parish of Sida, are situated. A strong south wind prevented the cloud from advancing over the farms; but the heath, or common, lying hetween them and the volcano, was completely covered with ashes, pumice, and brimstone, The extreme degree to which the earth in the vicinity of the volcano was heated, melted an im- mehse quantity of ice, and caused a great overflow in all the rivers originating in that quarter, ** Upon the 10th, the flames first became visible. Vast fire-spouts were seen rushing up amid the volumes of smoke, and the torrent of lava that were thrown up, flowing in a south-west direction, through the valley called Ulfarsdal, till it reached the river Skafta, when a violent contention between the two opposite elements ensued, attended with the escape of an amazing quantity of steam; but the fiery current ultimately prevailed, and, forcing itself across the channel of the river, completely dried it up in less than 24 hours ; so that, on the lth, the Skapta could be crossed in the low country on foot, at those places where it was only possible before to pass it inboats, The cause of its desiccation soon became apparent ; for the lava, having collected in the channel, which lies between high rocks, and is in many places from 400 to 600 feetin depth, and near 200 in breadth, not only filled it up to the brink, but overflowed the adjacent fields to a considerable extent; and, pursuing the course of the river with great velocity, the dreadful torrent of red-hot melted matter approached and laid waste the farms on both sides. In the mean time, the thunder, lightning, and subterraneous concussions were continued with little or no intermission; and besides the crackling of the rocks and earth, which the lava burned in its progress, the ears of the inhahitants were stunned by the tremendous roar of the volcano, which resembled that of a large caldron in the most violent state of ebullition, or the noise of a number of massy bellows, blow- ing with full power into the same furnace. “¢ The torrents that continued to be poured down proceeded slowly over the tract of ancient lava to the south and south-west of Sk4l, which underwent a fresh fusion and was heaved up to a considerable elevation. It also rushed into the subterra- neous caverns, and during its progress under ground, it threw up the crust either to the side, or to a great height in the air. In such places as it proceeded below a thick indurated crust, where there was no vent for the steam, the surface was burst in pieces, and thrown up with the utmost violence and noise to the height of near 180 feet. Bi “On the 18th another dreadful ejection of liquid and red-hot lava proceeded from the yoleano, which now entirely covered the rocks that had towered above the reach of the former floods, during their progress through the channel of the Skapta, and flowed down with amazing velocity and force over the masses that were cooling, so that the one stream was literally heaped above the other, Masses of flaming rock were seen swimming in the lava. The water that had been dam- med up on both sides of its course was thrown into a violent state of ebullition, and overflowing its boundaries, it did great damage to the grounds of Syinadal and Hvammur, which farms had already been attacked by the edge of the lava, as also to the underwood of Skaptardal on the east. “© Continuing its progress the following day, the lava divided into two streams, one of which flowed with the same velocity asthe day before due south, along the river Melquisl into Medelland; while the other took an easterly direction over the parish of Sida, burning the tract about Skdlarstapa, and running with inconceivable force from thence to Sk4larfiall, by which it was prevented from spreading further north. But, rising on the hill, it rolled up the soil before it, and approached within 120 feet of the church and houses of Ska), and overran the whole tract between that place and Hollt. As Skél had now escaped the fury of two successive floods of lava, sanguine hopes were entertained of its safety; but a great quantity of rain having fallen on the 2lst, and swelled the water already dammed up in the valley, the church, the parsonage, and out-houses, were completely overflowed; and the whole tract was observed the following morning to be covered with water ina state of violent ebullition. “ While these awful devastations were going forward in the divisions of Skap- tartunga, Medaliand, Landbrot, and Sida, theonly inconveniences felt by the inha- bitants of Fliotshverfi were the destruction of vegetation by the showers of red-hot stones and ashes which fell upon it, and the impregnation of the atmosphere and water with mephitic substances. They had, indeed, twice been enveloped in almost 1818.] Scientific Intelligence. 309 total darkness, especially on the 28th of June, whenit wasso thick, thatit wasscarcely possible at noon day to distinguish a sheet of white paper, held up at the window, from the blackness of the wall on either side ; but they flattered themselves in the hope that the lava would soon all be ejected, and at all events that it would con- tinue to flow in the direction it had originally taken. However, on the 3d of August, they were alarmed by a quantity of smoke, which they observed arising out of the river Hverfisfliot ; and as the heat, which was also found to be in the water, daily increased, till at last the river was totally dried up, they concluded that the same destruction was about to be poured down upon them which had overwhelmed the parishes to the west. “* Nor were their apprehensions without foundation ; for the floods of lava having entirely choked up the Skapta, and all the low channels to the west and north of the volcano, it was forced to assume a new course, and running in a south-east direction, between Mount Blengur and Hverfisfliot, it was discharged at length into that river, which occasioned vast volumes of steam and smoke to arise from that quarter, attended with dreadful noises and lightnings. The burning flood now rap down the empty channel, and filling it tothe brink overflowed the low grounds on both sides; and, by the evening of the 9th, it had not only reached the outlet into the open and Jevel country, but in the course of a few hours had spread itself to the distance of nearly six miles across the plain, and stopped up the road between Fliotshverfi and Sida. The volcano still continuing to send forth fresh supplies of lava, the red-hot flood spread itself wider and wider, and in its progress destroyed the farms of Eystradal and Thverardal, the houses, meadows, and neighbouring grounds of which are so completely covered, that the spot where they lay is no longer visible, It also did considerable injury to the farms Selialand and Thvera, and obliged their inhabitants, as well as the whole parish of KAlfafell, to flee for their safety ; yet the above-mentioned were the only houses it burned. Though this branch ceased to extend over the low country after the end of August, quanti- ties of fresh lava continued still to be thrown up out of the volcano, and anew erup- tion is said to have taken place so late as the mouth of February, 1784, during the greater part of which year columns of smoke were observed to ascend from many parts in the lava; and ithad not quite cooled for nearly two years after the erup- tions were over. * «© With respect to the dimensions of the lava, its utmest length from the volcano, along the channel of the Skapta down to Hnausar, in Medalland, is about 50 miles, and its greatest breadth in the low country between 12 and 15 miles; the Hverfis- fliot branch may be about 40 miles in length, and seven at its utmost breadth. Its height in the level country does not exceed 100 feet; but in some parts of the Skapta channel it is not less than 600 feet high. +” : ARTICLE X. “SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE, AND NOTICES OF SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH SCIENCE. I. Lectures. Mr. Cooper will commence his autumn course of lectures on Practical Chemistry at his house, 89, Strand, on Tuesday, Oct. 13, at eight o’clock in the evening. Dr. Stephenson will commence a course of lectures on Natural History, on Wednesday, Oct. 14. The plan of the course is intended to embrace a general outline of the science of Natural History. Mr. Mac Kenzie commences his next course of lectures on * When Mr. Paulson visited this tract in the year 1794, he found a column of smoke still arising from certain parts of the lava; and some of the rents were filled with hot water, + Chief Justice Stephensen’s description of the Eruption of 1783, altered ac- cording to Mr, Paulson’s MS, 310 Scientific Intelligence. {Ocr. the Diseases and Operative Surgery of the Eye, Oct. 5, at nine o’clock in the morning, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 16, Newman-street, Oxford-street. II. On the Proteus anguinus. This singular animal supposed to be a native only of the lake of Sittich in Carniola, whence, in times of flood, it escaped into the Cirknitzer see, and which was generally considered as the larva of some unknown amphibious animal, has lately been the su of an interesting letter from M. Rudolphi to Professor inck. According to M. Rudolphi it has recently been discovered in the grotto of St. Madelaine, near Adelsberg, and in some other small lakes, or pools, in the vicinity, in sufficient abundance to have enabled him to procure 14 individuals. The manners and habitudes of this animal hear a great resem- blance to those of the salamanders. Although the eyes of the proteus are very small, and covered by a skin of considerable thickness, the animal appears very sensible to light, and its motions, when thus exposed, are very brisk ; the veins, also, beneath the transparent skin of the animal become at the same time very turgid. Although capable of enduring so long conti- nued an abstinence that it was generally supposed to take no solid food, M. Rudolphi has found in the stomachs of a few of them the remains of snails and of other small animals. The, irritability and muscular power of the proteus are very feeble. The globular particles of the blood are larger than in any other known animal, and its lungs are a sac much resembling the air bladder of fishes; which structure admitting only of a very slow decarbonization of the blood, appears to account for the very singular anomaly of the conjunct action of lungs and gills in the same individual. Cuvier, who some years ago dissected a specimen of the roteus, demonstrated in it the presence of ovaries, thus render- ing the opinion of its being a perfect animal and not a larva extremely probable. This observation has been fully confirmed by M. Rudolphi, who, in some individuals, has detected ovaries, and in others testicles. III, Nottce concerning certain Minerals lately discovered. Several minerals have recently been discovered in the valley of Fassa, in the Tyrol, and in different parts of Germany, whieh, by Werner and his pupils, have been regarded as distinct species. Specimens of these having been sent to M. Haiiy, were exa- mined by him and by M. Cordier, the latter of whom has pub- -lished a paper on the subject (Ann. des Mines for 1818, p. 1), from which the following particulars are extracted. ; Albin—This mineral, so called by Werner from its white colour, occurs at Mariaberg, near Aussig, in Bohemia, imbedded in clinkstone. It forms tubercular masses lining or filling cavi- 1818.] _ Scientific Intelligence. 31] ties, and exhibiting superficially right prisms with square bases terminated by truncated pyramids, the faces of which are placed on the angles of the prism. The structure of the grains is gra- nularly foliated with joints parallel to the bases. The colour both of the grains and crystals is an opaque white. When digested in hot nitric acid, it soon gelatinizes, and the same effect takes place in cold acid after a few days. From these characters it is manifest that this supposed new species is only a variety of mesotype. : Egeran.—This substance has been so named by Werner from the place where it was discovered, Eger, in Bohemia. Its gangue is a grey quartz covered in part with tremolite. It occurs in the form of small, nearly opaque crystals, of a deep brown colour. The form of the crystals is a right rectangular prism, each longitudinal edge of which is replaced by a facette forming an angle of 135° with the two adjacent sides. It possesses natural joints parallel to the four principal sides and to the bases: before the blow-pipe it melts into a black scoria. Hence it is clear that this supposed new mineral is idocrase. Gehlenite—So named by M. Fuchs in honour of the chemist Gehlen. It was discovered in the valley of Fassa, and has the form of small rectangular crystals, sometimes single, often imbri- cated, disseminated in a gangue of lamellar calcareous spar. The form of the crystals is a right prism with square bases, so low as to be almost tabular. The colour is grey with a greenish or yellowish tinge. The surface is dull, rough to the touch as if corroded. The crystals are opaque, or nearly so, and somewhat inferior in hardness to quartz. The fracture is uneven, passing to splintery, with indications of joints parallel to the bases. Specific gravity, 2°98. Before the blow-pipe it melts into a brownish yellow transparent glass, which soon becomes opaque and scoriform when acted on by the interior part of the flame. - It is to be remarked that the crystals are often traversed by minute veins of calcareous spar, and when reduced to impalpable powder, the mineral dissolves in muriatic acid, and the solution gelatinizes. The same property has been observed by M. Cor- dier in the idocrase of Barreges, which occurs also in a calca- reous base. Hence M. Cordier is induced to regard the gehlenite as a variety of idocrase. Helvin.—This substance, so wamed by Werner, was discovered in the mine of Schwartzenberg, in Saxony. It occurs in a black- ish green chlorite mixed with blende and fluor, in the form of minute disseminated irregular octohedrons, of a pale yellowish brown colour. Its fracture offers no indication of natural joints. {t is softer than glass, and melts easily before the blow-pipe into a blackish brown glass. The mineral acids when cold appear to have no action on its powder. _. Pelium—So named by Werner, was discovered at Bodemnais, in Bavaria. It occurs imbedded in grey granite, in crystalline 312 Scientific Intelligence. [Ocr. grains either solitary or aggregated. The form is that of a regular hexahedral prism truncated on the edges and angles. In form and other characters it perfectly resembles the dichroite of Cape de Gatte, and of India. Pyrgom.—By this name, Werner distinguishes the mineral found in the valley of Fassa, and to which the name of fassaite had already been given by the Italian mineralogists. In its crys- tallization, its structure, and other essential characters, it perfectly agrees with augite (pyroxene of Haiiy). IV. On Sirium, a supposed New Metal. A new metal is said to have been discovered by Prof. West, or Vest, of Gratz, to which he gives the name of Sirium, a speci- men of which has been sent over to this country. This, however, we learn, upon being examined by Dr. Wollaston, proves to be a compound, consisting essentially of a sulphuret of nickel and cobalt, with a minute quantity of iron, and exhibiting also a trace of arsenic, In the Annales de Chimie et de Physique for May, there is an account of this supposed metal from an anonymous corre- spondent at Vienna, accompanied by some observations from the editor ; a translation of which will, we trust, prove interesting to our readers. This metal is procured from the nickel mine of Schladminger, where it is found united to a large quantity of arsenic and nickel, with a little cobalt and iron. After having melted the ore in a crucible with glass, it is pulverized and dissolved in nitric acid ; the excess of acid is saturated, and the acetate of lead is then added : an arseniate of lead is precipitated, but a portion of arsenic still remains in solution. The excess of lead is separated by sulphate of soda, the finid is filtered, and a little acid is added, which is necessary to obtain the Sirium in a state of purity. After having passed a current of sulphuretted hydrogen through the solution, it is neutralized by carbonate of potash, until a flocculent precipitate is formed, which is not re-dissolved : if we then pass a second current of sulphuretted hydrogen through the solution, the Sirium is precipituted in combination with sulphur. It is an essential character of this metal not to be precipitated from its solutions by sulphuretted hydrogen, when they contain an excess of acid, but to be precipitated when they are not in this state. The green fluid, from which the Sirium has been precipitated, contains nickel, cobalt, and iron. If the dried sulphuret of Sirium be heated in a crucible lined with charcoal, we obtain a black scorified mass with a metallic frac- ture. This mass is pulverized, 1 of its weight of oxide of arsenic is added to it, and it is heated for half an hour at a temperature of about 60° W. The discoverer of this metal, M. Vest, procured, in one oxporunenti a spongy regulus ; and in another, a compact 1818.] Scientific Intelligence. 3133 regulus, which consisted of the Sirium still containing sulphur, arsenic, nickel, and iron, in consequence of the filter not having been sufficiently well washed. Remark of the Editor.—The above is the account of the dis- covery which has been transmitted to us, and which, as we are assured, has excited much attention among the Austrian philo- sophers. The author of the letter may have omitted some important particulars; for, as it now stands, nobody can give credit to M. Vest’s Sirium, but must rather be impressed with his want of experience. As he appears not to know that nickel is not precipitated from its solutions by sulphuretted hydrogen, when they are acid, and that it is partially precipitated when they are neutral, we must beg him to repeat his experiments in order to discover whether his Sirium be not merely very impure nickel. V. Notice on Picrotoxine, considered as a new Vegetable Alkali. By M. Boullay.* The term picrotoxine has been employed by M. Boullay to express the acrid, narcotic principle, to which the cocculus indicus, the fruit of the Menispermum cocculus, owes its poisonous qualities.} This principle he conceives is analogous to the morphium, which has been detected in opium, and which appears to constitute the active ingredient in that drug ; and he further supposes, that there are other vegetables which contain substances that may all be regarded as belonging to the same enus. ‘s A strong infusion of the seeds of the Menispermum cocculus, to which ammonia had been added in excess, precipitated by degrees the picrotoxine in the form of a white, granulated, and crystalline powder. This precipitate, after being washed, is partially dissolved by alcohol without colouring it, and is sepa- rated from it by the spontaneous evaporation of the alcohol, in the form of very beautiful silky needles. A strong infusion of 100 parts of these seeds in alcohol, gently evaporated to 4 of its bulk, had 10 parts of calcined and well- washed magnesia added, and was boiled for a quarter of an hour. The filtered fluid, which was powerfully acid before the addition of the magnesia, was then found to be sensibly alkaline by its action upon litmus paper and the tincture of rhubarb. A greyish deposit was collected upon the filter, which, after being lixiviated and treated with boiling alcohol, produced crystals of the same nature with those obtained in the former experiment, except that they were a little less white. The picrotoxine which was obtained in these experiments had only a weak action on vegetable colours ; but it readily dissolved in acids, neutralizing them, and forming with them proper saline compounds ; it is, therefore, especially from its property of * Abstracted from Journ. Pharm. iv, 367. (Aug, 1818.) + Thomson’s Chemistry, iv. 55, (Fifth Edit.) 314 Scientific Intelligence. [Ocr. saturating acids, like salifiable bases, that this bitter primciple derives its claim to be considered as an alkali. The same remark applies to morphium when it is in a perfectly pure state. M. Boullay remarks that the bztter narcotic principle which he first obtained pure and crystallized, and which appears to possess the properties of an alkali of vegetable ongin, forms a new class of bodies, of which it is probable we shall detect many species. MM. Pelletier and Caventou have just discovered an alkali in Nux vomica, and the bean of St. Ignatius, which probably must be referred to this head. The acid which appears to be naturally combined with the picrotoxine, in the form of a super-salt, is supposed by the author to be of a peculiar nature; it appears to differ from the meconic acid; but this he proposes to make the subject of further investigation hereafter. VI. Extract from a Notice read to the Academy of Sciences, Aug. 10, respecting the Discovery of a New Alkali. This notice relates to the discovery made by MM. Pelletier and Caventou, which is referred to in the last article. We are informed, that in analyzing the Nux vomica and St. [gnatius’s bean, they met with a new vegetable alkaline substance, which is conceived to compose the active principle of these bodies. {ts chemical properties are as follows. It is slightly soluble in water, very soluble in alcohol, restores the colour of turnsole after it has been reddened by an acid, does not redden turmeric, combines with acids, which it satu- rates, and forms with them crystallizable salts. The discoverers have given this substance the name of vaw- gueline, in honour of the celebrated chemist, who was their preceptor, and who is said to have first discovered the alkaline te nett of a vegetable substance which he procured from the daphne alpina. The authors remark that the alkali from the Nux vomica and from the Daphne, together with the picrotoxme of M. Boullay, and morphium, will form the first genera ofa new class of vegetable principles. VII. On the Existence of Boracic Acid in Tourmaline and in Axinite. By M. Vogel. The existence of the boracic acid in tourmaline and axinite was announced by M. Vogel tothe Royal Society of Munich, in July last, as we learn from the number of the Journ. de Pharm. for August, which we have just received. After remarking upon the uncertainty which still attaches to the composition of the tourmaline, M. Vogel gives an account of the method which he adopted to procure the boracic acid in a separate state: he declines detailing the complete analysis of this mineral, because M. Gmelin of Tubingen is now engaged in this investigation. 154-44 gr. (10 grammes) of black tourmaline, from the Upper 1818.] | Scientific Intelligence. 315 Palatinate, were kept at a red heat in a platinum crucible with three times their weight of potash; the porous mass, which was of a greenish brown colour, was well washed with boiling water, so as to separate the soluble matter from the oxide of iron and the earths which are insoluble in potash. The alkaline fluid when filtered was slightly supersaturated by sulphuric acid, in order to convert the earths into sulphates, and to decompose the borate of potash which might have been formed at a red heat. The fluid was evaporated to dryness, and the pulverulent resi- duum treated with boiling alcohol, which has no action upon the sulphate or the silex. The alcoholic solution when filtered was observed to burn with a green flame. Having been evaporated to dryness, and the residuum heated in a platinum crucible to drive off the free sul- phuric acid, a white substance remained which, when dissolved in boiling water, deposited by cooling scales of a white pearly appearance, which were vitrifiable by a red heat, and exhibited all the properties of boracic acid. M. Vogel also found boracic acid in a specimen of tour- maline brought from Madagascar, which had been formerly given him by M. De la Metherié. If we wish to know, by a single operation, whether a mineral contains boracic acid, it is only necessary to boil it for some time in a crucible of platinum with twice its weight of concen- trated sulphuric acid; the residuum, when nearly dried, is to be washed with warm alcohol, which will burn with a green flame if the substance contains boracic acid. Experiments similar to those made with tourmaline have enabled M. Vogel to detect the boracic acid in axinite from Dauphiné., M. Vogel informs us, that in a late number of Gilbert’s Ann. der Phys. there is a letter from Lampadius, in which it is said that tourmaline contains boracic acid; but we have no particulars given on the subject. We are informed that M. Arfvedson has procured boracic acid from tourmaline in combination with lithina. a The readers of the Annals are informed, that for reasons which. qt ts unnecessary to obtrude upon the public, Mr. Aikin and Dr. Bostock from this time cease to have any connexion with the work. The last twelve numbers have been entirely edited by them ; and, at dah whatever responsibility has been incurred during this period falls upon them alone. The Editorship will now be resumed exclusively by Dr. Thomson. 316 Colonel Beaufoy’s Astronomical, Magnetical, [Ocrt. ARTICLE XJ. Astronomical, Magnetical, and Meteorological Observations. _ By Col. Beaufoy, F.R.S. Bushey Heath, near Stanmore. Latitude 51° 27/42” North. Longitude West in time 1/ 20°7’. Astronomical Observations. Aug. 8. Emersion of Jupiter’s firat 5 9 34’ 12/ Mean Time at Bushey. SAfeNte =... oneness = 9 35 33 Mean Time at Greenwich. 20, Emersion of Jupiter’s third § 8 54 53 Mean Time at Bushey. SALCUING! tose cieis caplet sea on 8 56 14 Mean Time at Greenwich. 31, Emersion of Jupiter’s first § 9 49 23 Mean Time at Bushey. satellite...... bio-eele iele oi 5 9 50 44 Mean Time at Greenwich. _ Magnetical Observations, 1818. — Variation West. Morning Observ. Noon Observ, Evening Observ. Month. Hour. | Variation. Hour. | Variation. Hour, {| Variation. Aug. 1} 8h 30! |j24° 34’ 29! 14 25/| 24° 44 99!) 7h 20’) 24° 37’ 15! 2| 8 30} 24 35 43 1] 25 | 24 47° 32 % 95 84) (Sh. ali 31 8 30] 24 35 18 1 35 | 24 48 25 Ti s20) SSUES. soe 4| 8 30] 24 34 56 1 25/24 48 10 T) 2588" 938" bo 5| 8 35 | 24 36 49 1 20| 24 45 12 7, 255/(24% 37. <320 6| 8 20] 24 34 52 1 25 | 24 46 06 120.) 298 3, AT. 7! 8 30) 24 34 05 1 25 | 24 44 51 7 20| 24 37 10 8} 8 25] 24 34 09| 1 25/24 44 44|! 7 20) 24 38 !7 9| 8 25) 24 34 34] 1 25|24 46 59) 7 25 | 24 37 54 10; 8 25) 24 338 56),— —|—_ — —/|— —|— —, = 11 8 40 | 24 39 58 1 25) 24 45 02 7 35 | 24 39 23 12; 8 30) 24 35 Al 1 20} 24 45 OL} — —J— — — 13) 8 35.124 36 382 1 25| 24 45 18 7. 25°) Sarat eo 14}...8 ):25)) 24, .38..55 1 25| 24 46 10 7 20 | 24 36 AT 15: 8,020 | 247733. 10 1 20); 24 47 ALJ} — —|— — — 16| 8 30] 24 34 10 1 35 | 24 AT 06 % 25 | OA °39 OF: 17 8 25 | 24 34 18 1 25 | 24 48 29 1 05 | 24 38 27 18| 8 25] 24 32 43 TO 1-94-46. 37 7 20} 24 39 06 19 8 30} 24 35 37 1 20} 24 4T 26 7 20| 24 37 Ov 201" 825 )'2t “32 ~e2 1 20 | 24 43 02 1 15 | 24 36 36 21 § 25 |24 34 OT 1 30| 24 51 30 7 20 | 24 38 02 22} 8 30 24 35 46 ) J 30 | 24 46 QI % 05 | 24 38 12 23{ 8 25 |24 34 18 D220.) Qa rat ote %. 05 | 24 37. 32 24; 8 25/24 35 19] 1 25)24 45 34] 7 05 | 24 38 05 25} 8 30|24 34 42 1 25 | 24 45 59 7 05 | 24 31 36 26) 8 25)24 31 35 1 30| 24 42 41 7 05 | 24 37 20 QT 8 25]24 35 02 1 20) 24 46 32};— —|j— — — 28| 8 25 | 24 32 45 1 15 | 24 40.39 7 05 | 24 36 46 29; 8 30) 24 42 10 1 25 |24 46 43 7.10) 24 37 30 30} S 25] 24 34 43 1 30| 24 44 52 7 05 | 24 38 16 31} 8 30| 24 34 18 1.25 | 24 48 13 7 05 |24 40 56 Mean for ‘ 8 28| 24 34 40] 1 95194 45 58] 7 16/94 37 50 Month, In taking the monthly mean of the observations, those on the morning of the 29th and noon of the 21st are rejected, being so much in excess, for which there was no apparent cause. Month. 1818.] Time, Even... Noon... Even.... Morn,... Noon.... Even . Morn... Noon,,.. Even.... f Even.... Morn.... Noon,... Even.... Morn.,... Noon.... .C|Even.... Morn.... Noon.... Even .... Morn,... Noon.... Even.... Even.... Noon.... Even.... Noon,... Even.... and Meteorological Observations. Meteorological Observations. Inches, .| 29°548 -| 29°578 .| 29°625 -| 29°700 .| 29-713 ° 29-690 -| 29°690 -| 29°654 -| 29°652 -| 29°670 -| 29°670 29-685 29-658 29°657 -| 29°640 29°630 29°635 29-650 -| 29-650 -| 29°650 29°647 29-654 29-654 29-618 29°563 29-540 29-500 29:500 29°753 29°T47 29-740 -.-| 29°666 29-668 -| 29-690 «-| 29-710 29-700 -| 29-685 29°680 -| 29°665 29-647 -| 29-645 ...| 29°668 --.| 29°665 .| 29°645 ..| 29°623 .| 29°600: -| 29°594 -| 29°552 29°523 29°525 62° 66 50° 42 WwW a N WNW ENE ENE ENE ENE E NE by N NNE NNE NNE NNE NW by N Var. Calm Calm NW NNW NE Var, NE Barom. | Ther.| Hyg. | Wind. poi Weather, Six’s. Feet. 2°793 9-810 9:238 8-044 11°393 10°447 14:561 11-859 8-332 4-979 3°561 4011 317 Cloudy 55S Cloudy 67 Cloudy Very fine os Very fine} 71$ Very fine Re Very fine Cloudy Fine Very fine bss Very fine| 81} Fine Clear oe Clear Clear Very fine be os Cloudy Cloudy Very fine - Very fine} 71 Fine Fine te Fine Fine Rain fa se Fine Fine peda! ts ss Very! fine bs = Cloudy Tg Fine Cloudy ‘ sl Fine iL Very fine ; <- Fine 13h Fine 1 Very fine ‘ 5 Cloudy 66 Cloudy Cloudy ‘ 54 Cloudy 65 Cloudy : - Fine 695 Very fine 53 Fine ‘ Fine 12 Cloud Cleie’ ‘ Lg Fine 12 Fine TL 318 Month. | Time. Aug. Inches, Morn,..,.}. 29°505 192 {Noon..,.} 29°510 Even....| 29°563 Morn... .} 29°614 #02 |Noon,...| 29°615 Even....| 29-625 Morn... || 29°625 212 |Noon,...| 29°625 Even ....| 29.620 Morn....| 29°610 g24 |Noon....| 29-640 Even ....| 29°672 Morn,...} 29°T70 23 Noon,...| 29°770 Even ,..} 29°767 Morn,...| 29°754 24 |Noon,.. .| 29°728 Even ....| 29°687 Morn,...} 29°658 25 Noon,...} 29°665 Even ,...| 29°665 Morn,...| 29°584 26 Noon,...} 29°546 Even....| 29°513 Morn,...| 29°420 an} Noon....| 29°341 Even... .} 29°290 Morn... .} 29°245 20} Noon,...| 29°255 Even....} 29°393 Morn.,...} 29.527 29 Noon,...| 29°538 Even ....| 29°538 Morn....} 29°457 30 Noon....| 29°457 Even ..,.} 29°515 Morn....| 29°570 31 Noon,...} 29°515 Even ....| 29°453 Col. Beaufoy’s Meteorological Observations. Meteorological Observations continued. Barom. } Ther. | Hyg. 56° 63 , 5T 56 62 60 64 64 59 » 55 61 56 54 66 61 59 64 59 59 66 61 58 64 62 58 61 63 68 62 61 13 , 66 62 710 61 58 68 62 440 33 34 43 33 32 43 30 35 35 28 30 A2 28 35 3T 30 33 AA 30 30 Wind, NNE NNE NE NW by W NW by W WNW NNW Var. Var. NNW NNW NNE N Nby E NW by W WwW W by N WSW WNW Ww Calm Ww WSW WNW W byS SSW WobyS Ww W by N W by N Ww WwW W Wsw Ww WNW Sby W SSE S Velocity. Feet. 9°332 8°753 4204 11-196 93-099 -10°564 9-204 6°765 [Ocr, Weather.| Six’s. Fine 50° Cloudy 64 Cloudy Cloudy ; = Cloudy 643 Fine 52 Cloudy Cloudy 66 Rain Cloudy ‘ 48 Cloudy | 63 Fine ine t at Fine 68 Cloudy | Cloudy ‘ 56 Cloudy 653 Fine 54 Cloudy ¢ Fine 68 Cloudy Sm. rain : 528 Showery | 67 Cloud Cloudy ; 55 Showery | 62 Showery Fine ; 58 Cloudy 69 Cloudy Fine t 51 Fine 14 Fine Cloudy ; ST Fine 12 Cloudy Very fine ‘ an Very fine} 70% Rain, by the- pluviameter, between noon on the Ist of Aug. and noon on the Ist of Sept. 0°491 inches. The quantity that fell on the roof of my observatory, during the same period, was 0°457 inches. Evaporation, between noon the Ist of Aug. aut noon the 1st of Sept. 7-03 inches. 1818.] Mr. Howard’s Meteorological Table. 319 ARTICLE XII. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE. BAROMETER, TRERMOMETER, 1818, |Wind. | Max.| Min, | Med. |Max.}Min.| Med, $th Mon. Aug. 23} N_ /30'20/30°15130°175| 66 | 58 | 62°0 50 245 W/1/30°15|30°07|30°110) 71 | 56 | 63:5 42 25IN W/130:07|29'95|30-010| 72 | 50 | 61-0 45 26\N W1/29:95|29:75|29'850) 75 | 55 | 65:0 A7 27| W_ |29°75|29'60|29°675' 68 | 60 | 64:0 43 28IN W{29-94/29-65|29°793| 73 | 53 | 63-0 52 29| W_ |29-94)29°86)29'900) 80 | 58 | 69-0 48 30|. W_ |30-00/29-86/29-930| 76 | 40 | 58:0 52 31} E |20°00|29'49)29°745| 75 | 55 | 650 50 Oth Mon. . Sept. 1/8 W/29°70)29*49/29°595| 74 | 49 | 61°5 50 2S W/30-07/29°70|29°885| 71 | 50 | 60%5 59 S W{30:05!29°92/29-985! 71 | 61 | 66-0 Ag S_— |29:99|29-96|29'975| 75 | 63 | 69-0 W |29-96|29°70/29'830! 68 | 55 | 61°5 66 W /29°85|29'70/29'775] 69 | 55 | 62:0 65 N_ W/29°92/29°85|29'885| 64 | 45 | 54:5 46 Var. |29'90|29°60/29:750] 65 | 40 | 59°5 60 N W(29'68/29°59)/29'635| 63 | 43 | 53:0 65 10|\N _E/29°85/29-68/29:765| 61 | 39 | 50-0 11/N W/{30°00/29-85|29-925| 60 | 42 | 51-0 12,/N_W/30°20)30:00/30°100} 66 | 48 | 57-0 13} N_ |30°30/30°20|30°250] 68 | 41 | 545 14S W/{30:25/29°75|30:000} 67 | 58 | 69:5 15'S W\29-75|29-60129-675| 59 | 43 | 51-0 50 16\N W(30'10/29°60)29°'850| 56 39 | 47°5 60 17|_N_|30-20)30:05/30°125| 57 | 41 | 49:0 57 18N W/30:05/29°85|29-950| 63 | 51 | 57°0 72 19} S |29°85/29°58|29°'715] 67 | 50 | 58°5 20S E/29'58|29-38/29-480| 61 | 44 | 59°5 60 21'S E/29°63/29°32/29'475| 69 | 49 59:0 70 Hyer. at 9 a.m. |Rain, CO ONO, Oh Od ES | ES 30°30/29°32|29°860| 80 | 39 | 58-68! 54 The observations in each line of the table apply to a period of twenty-four hours, beginning at 9 A. M. on the day indicated in the first column, A dash denotes, that the result is included in the next following observation, REMARKS, Eighth Month.—23, Morning very clear : mid-day Cumulus beneath large Cirri: P-™. inosculation, followed by a shower to the NW, which sent us a turfy odour withthe wind, 24. Cirrostratus, followed by Cumulostratus, at times heavy ; the wind veered to SW, p.m, 25. Large Cirri, directed from SW to NE, 26. Cumu- lostratus and Cumulus crossed by Cirrostratus, 21. The hygrometer advanced to 67°: gentle rain, a,m.: cloudy, p.m, 28. Cumulus and Cumulostratus : a little rain, evening. 29. Cirrocumulus, beautifully coloured at sun-set, in lake shaded with violet. 30, Some very light rain, a.m; fair, with fresh breeze after it, 31. Large plumose Cirri, 320 Mr. Howard’s Meteorological Journal. [Ocr. 1818. Ninth Month.—1. Lowest temperature on the ground 44°, This morning from two to three it thundered and lightened much to the SE: thunder clouds prevailed, a,m.: wind SE, and a little rain: a slight shower again at night, and much dew after it: the hygrometer advanced to 80°. 2. After large Cirri, Cumulostratus, which inosculated about sun-set with a scanty Cirrocumulus. 3. A mixed sky, with a slight driving shower at evening: cloudy night, 4, A sweeping rain, early: hygrometer, 80° at six, a.m. : much hollow southerly wind: Cérrocumulus, followed by ill-defined Cirrus with Cumulus ; and about five, p.m. a Nimbus, shaped like a low, circular hay-rick, with a capped Cumulus by its side, on the NE horizon. 5. Much rain, for the most part small and thick, 6. Wet, cloudy morning: very turbid sky: hygrometer at 80°: calm air: tn the evening, inosculation of Cumulus with Cirrocumulus; after which frequent lightning between nine and ten, p.m. T. Morning gray, with Cirrocumulus : sun-shine followed, with inosculation of Cu- mulus and Cirrostratus. 8. Large Cirri, with fleecy Cumuli: the latter attached themselves in their passage to the smoke of the city, and appeared to disperse downwards intoit. Thunder clouds followed this appearance, and a smart storm passed in the S, from Wto E, about five, p.m.: the crown of the nearest Nimbus reached our zenith, and we had a few drops; while it rained hard, with a bow in the cloud, within two miles of us. 9. Heavy Cumulostratus: and showers, p. m. 10. Fine breeze, with Cumulus and Cirrus; the latter survived the sun-set, and was kindled with dame colour passing to red: calm at night, with hygrometer 45°, ¥1, 12,13. Chiefly Cumulus, and Cumulostratus by inosculation: some fine group- ing of the clouds at intervals: large Cirri at the conclusion. 14, A large meteor seen passing northward: windy night. 15. Cloudy, windy: hygrometer, 75°: wet, p.m. 16. Much dew: a rapid propagation of Cirrus from the S, followed by Cumulostratus and showers: during a heavy shower about nine, p.m. it thun- dered in the N W: the barometer stationary great part of these two days at 29°60 inches. 17—20. Windy at intervals, with €irrostratus, turbidness, and driving rains, 21. Much wind, with showers: the sky turbid, and streaked with Cirro- stratus, in a direction fram SE towards NW : calm night. RESULTS. Wind for the most part Westerly, and moderate. Barometer : Greatest height ......-....+--+++--- 30°30 inches. east. oc. aces aasiee Sige Se sineisspuee nee Mean of the period. ........ +++. 29°860 Fhermometer: Greatest height..........+++e+-++++- 80° Least, ..... 2.00 coecccecccess Sencar 39 Mean of the period...........+-+.. 58°68 Mean of the Hygrometer.......2.2 seeeeeee poles a tak ee Evaporation.........2...05-+- odo ccccesecessovcece 2°33 inches. Raings.«---% be Cabs be tanpe ee pce oe dela We ose Masts wet J LAG IDEMEgs The rains of this period, though absorbed by the parched ground as by asponge, haye completely restored vegetation in our meadows, which have resumed, in the space of a few days, a yerdure equal to that of spring. Neither the natural nor the artificial indications of this change of weather were very striking: the most considerable being, probably, the sudden increase of temperature in the nights pre- yious to the more considerable falls of rain. Torrennam, Ninth Month, 22, 1818. L. HOWARD. Large Meteor.—On the \4th of the ninth month ( Sept.) about half-past 10, p. m. a meteor was observed, ina direction nearly due north from Tottenham, which must have been a yery conspicuous object to the inhabitants of more northern countries. When first observed, it was but moderately elevated above the horizon ov which it appeared to descend slowly, continuing in sight for some minutes. My informant judged its apparent diameter to be at first equal to that of the moon when at her greater elevation : it hada diverging train, which was compared toa brush: the colour white, changing to red as the body descended and decreased in diameter; at which time a second observer reports that it simply emitted sparks. The course of this meteor was probably directly northward from the eye, which may account for ifs apparently slow motion. Further observations from those who may have seen it more to the north will be acceptable, I am not enabled to give the particulars with greater precision than as above. ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY. NOVEMBER, 1818. —____.-______ ARTICLE I. Biographical Account of Sir Torbern Bergman, Professor of Chemistry in Upsala. By Thomas Thomson, M.D. F R.S. I AM induced to draw up the following account of Bergman because I consider the events of his life, spent as it was in the tranquillity of the University of Upsala, as furnishing an admir- able lesson to the young chemist of the result of unremitting industry when united with a good education and excellent abili- ties, and its ultimate tendency to overcome all the obstacles thrown in the way of its possessor by the jealous rivalship of contemporaries, or the malignant obstructions of those who already occupy the stations to which a poor man of genius natu- rally looks forward. My knowledge of the biographical facts is derived partly from the oration of Hjelm, delivered in the Royal Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, on May 3, 1786; and partly from the eloge of Bergman drawn up by Condorcet, and printed in the Memoirs of the French Academy. Torbern Olof Bergman was born on March 9, 1735, at Cathe- rinberg, in West Gothland. His father, Barthold Bergman, was a revenue officer in the district of Wadsbo, and the province of Skaraborg. His mother, Sarah Hage, was a merchant’s daughter in Gothenburg, who had been previously married to another revenue officer. Torbern Bergman was the eldest child of this second marriage ; and his mother bore afterwards two other children, a son and a daughter. The first part of Bergman’s education was conducted at home. In the harvest of 1740 he went to the school of Skara, There he remained for six years, studying with great zeal and much Vou, XII. N° VY. 322 Biographical Account of [Nov. improvement. Besides Latin, logic, and natural philosophy, he acquired a knowledge of the plants growing wild in the neigh- bourhood of Skara, and made some progress in the Greek and Hebrew languages. In the autumn of 1752 he was sent from this school to the University of Upsala, where he was admitted with some eclat as a student of the Westgothland nation. We are informed by Condorcet that Bergman was destined by his father for the church, or the law, as professions which opened to his views the most desirable situations for a literary man which Sweden possessed: that he went to the University of Upsala with this intention, and commenced his studies under the inspection of a friend ; but that he very soon testified a dis- like to both the professions proposed for his choice, while he manifested a violent passion for mathematics and physics. His friend remonstrated, poimted out the absurdity of his choice, told him that law and divinity were the roads to profit and yeaa while mathematics and physics had nothing to estow upon their votaries but reputation. Our young philoso- pher listened to these remonstrances in silence, but still perse- vered in his favourite pursuits. His friend deprived him of his books, restricted his studies, and left him only to choose between law and divinity.* This restraint almost proved fatal. Bergman’s health declined. It was found necessary for him to leave the university and return home. His relations, finding it in vain to struggle with his inclinations, at last indulged them, and left him at liberty to pursue those studies of which he was 30 distractedly fond. While a student at Upsala, Bergman devoted himself with the most unremitted attention to the study of mathematics, physics, and philosophy. He was in the habit of getting up at four in the morning, and of going to bed at eleven. The books which he studied in the first place were Wolfe’s Logic, Walle- rius’s System, Euclid’s Elements, Keil’s Physics and Astronomy. These last two works were then reckoned the best introduction to mechanical philosophy. At that time, Linneus, after having surmounted obstacles sufficient to have crushed a man of ordinary energy, was in the height of his glory, and was revered every where as the patriarch of natural history. He had infused the enthusiasm which actuated his own breast into the minds of his pupils, and at Upsala every student was a natural historian. Bergman, in particular, attached himself to Linneus, and bestowed much pains on botany and entomology. This last branch of natural history indeed is deeply indebted to him. He first displayed in it those powers of arrangement which constitute the charm of his works, and that penetration which produced afterwards such important fruits. * This friend was Jonas Vietorin, his eousin, at that time Magister Docens iz the University of Upsala. 1818.] Sir Torbern Bergman. 323 He examined the different species of hirudines, or leeches, which are natives of Sweden. While engaged in this examina- tion, he made a discovery which I shail endeavour to explain. The females of the genus of insects, called by Linneus coccus, adhere to the plants on which they feed so immoveably that they have the appearance of gadls rather than animals. Linneus, in the Fauna Suecica, No. 2080, described an animalcule which he was disposed to consider as a female coccus ; but as no one had seen it, except adhering to aqueous plants, the Swedish Pliny was unwilling to decide whether it was really a coccus or the ovum of some aquatic animalcule. Bergman instituted a set of observations on this substance, and soon ascertained it to be the ovum of the hirudo octoculata. Linneus was at first unwilling to credit the truth of this discovery ; but when Berg- man had convinced him of the accuracy of his observations by ocular demonstration, Linneus sent the account of them, as drawn up by his pupil, to the Stockholm Academy, with a very flattering panegyric. Vidi et obstuput. ai iaan speedily distinguished himself by numerous papers on different branches of natural philosophy. He passed rapidly through all the gradations of rank usually conferred on students at Upsala, and in 1761 was appointed Magister Docens in physics. During the six years which he filled this situation he still further distinguished himself by a great number of ingenious apers ; for example, on the aurora borealis, on the rambow, on the twilight, &c. In the year 1767, Johann Gottschalk Wallerius, who had long been Professor of Chemistry at Upsala, and possessed a very high reputation, resigned his chair. Bergman was at that time by far the most distinguished young man at the University of Upsala, and had not neglected his chemical more than his mathematical studies. His dissertation on the manufacture of alum, published on April 1, 1767, and his treatise on physical geography, which had made its appearance a year earlier, afford specimens of a minute knowledge both of chemistry and mine- ralogy, such as could scarcely have been looked for from a person who had not hitherto devoted himself exclusively to chemical pursuits. He accordingly offered himself a candidate for the vacant chair; and his dissertation on the manufacture of alum seems to have been composed chiefly to show his acquaint- ~ ance with the science which he aspired to teach. But Wallerius had other plans. There was a relation of his own whom he wished to succeed him; and such was the in- fluence of that celebrated Professor, that there was every proba- bility of his accomplishing his objeét. It is asserted by Condorcet, that he attacked Bergman’s dissertation on the manufacture of alum in a style of acrimony which did him but little credit. Gustavus IV. afterwards so distinguished when King of x 2 . 324 Biographical Account of [Nov. Sweden, was at that time Crown Prince and Chancellor of the University of Upsala. The character and abilities of this extraordinary man are well known. He entered with his usual zeal into the dispute respecting the chemical chair, and consulted Von Swab and Tilas upon the merits of the candidates. Neither of these eminent men was personally acquainted with Bergman ; but they were not ignorant of his wntings nor of the high character which he bore at Upsala for industry and talents. Von Swab’s opinion of Bergman’s chemical skill was founded upon the dissertation on the manufacture of alum, while Tilas came to a similar conclusion from the second part of the physical geography which Bergman had written. Fortunately for chemistry and for the reputation of Sweden, both of them strenuously recommended Bergman as the candidate who ought to get the professorship. Gustavus, im consequence, took the part of our young philosopher; and he was so keen on the sub- ject, that he supported his cause in person before the senate. allertus and his party were of course baffled, and Bergman got the chair. His previous education and habits fitted him peculiarly for the cultivation of that science to which he was to dedicate the remainder of his life. At that time the intimate connexion between physics and chemistry, which is now so close that the exact boundaries of the two sciences cannot be defined, was not quite so visible. The mode of reasoning was not. exactly similar to that which was followed by those who cultivated mechanical philosophy; certain occult causes and unknown bodies were admitted without hesitation, and were supposed to play a very conspicuous part among chemical phenomena. It is sufficiently obvious that a man familiarly acquainted with the rinciples of mathematics, accustomed to mathematical reason- ing, capable of applying it to the different branches of mecha- nical philosophy, skilled in the phenomena and laws of electricity, optics, hydrostatics, and pneumatics, and possessed of those general views which are the natural result of a complete education—it is sufficiently obvious that such a man must possess prodigious advantages in studying chemistry over the uninformed and contracted mind of the mere chemist. Even at present when the science of chemistry has made considerable progress, when its principles are in some measure established, and the mode of investigating its phenomena ascertained, it is easy, at a single glance, to perceive the superiority of those who have imbued the principles of mathematics and physics over those who have been so unlucky as not to have received a sufficiently liberal education. When Bergman began his che- mical career, these advantages must have been of still greater . importance than they are at present, because the principles of the science were still to be investigated, and many prejudices and false opinions, originating from ignorance and contracted 1818. Sir Torbern Bergman. 325 views, still retained their full force. Accordingly, it is the extent of the views, the soundness of the reasoning, and the excellence of the arrangement, which constitute the merit of Bergman’s writings. His powers of invention do not seem to have been great; he scarcely ever attempted to investigate unknown substances, nor do we owe to him the discovery of a single new simple body, or gas; while Scheele, though his situation was apparently much less favourable for such investi- gations, brought to light a vast number of new bodies, and made a greater addition to chemical substances than any chemist that either preceded or followed him. But Bergman appears to have been more fully aware of the extent of his science than any of his contemporaries. He had experimented on all the chemical bodies that were known in his time. His dissertations are more complete than any contemporary ones. He first laid down the rules for the application of chemistry to minerals and waters. His essay on elective attractions, though much of it was theo- retical, displays the extent of his views in a very conspicuous manner. It must have contributed very materially to the future progress of the science by pointing out to chemists the facts already known, and the vast number of blanks which required to be filled up before chemistry could be considered as approach- ing to perfection. Though his views respecting affinity were not all sound, and though he reduced its laws to a degree of simplicity which the phenomena do not warrant, yet this does not appear to have been injurious to the advancement of know- ledge, because new facts were to be acquired only by experi- ment; and this was the mode of investigation universally adopted. Berthollet, who pointed out the weak parts of the Bergmanian views respecting affinity, has himself advanced a new theory, which he ie supported with infinite ingenuity and sagacity. No chemist ever possessed a greater stock of genius ; and he draws upon it in his endeavours to support this theory in the most lavish manner. But Berthollet’s theory, notwithstand- ing the abilities of its inventor and the admirable way in which he has contrived to support it and to palliate its defects, is still less conformable to the phenomena than Bergman’s ; forif car- ried to its full extent, it would destroy the existence of definite compounds altogether; that is, it would destroy the very existence of the science which it was brought forward to improve; for if there were no definite compounds, there could be no such science as chemistry at all. The fact seems to be, that the investigation of the ultimate laws of affinity (af the expression be allowable) is beyond our reach, at least in the present state of the science. If we ever are to arrive at any precise facts respecting these laws, it must be by an indirect ‘road; and, indeed, the atomic theory seems likely to throw some light on the subject. But that theory must be much further advanced than at present, before we can have it in our 326 Biographical Account of [Nov, power to draw any important consequences from it respecting the laws of affinity. Bergman filled the chemical chair at Upsala for 17 years, and during that period his numerous publications entirely altered the appearance of the science. He introduced an order, a perspicuity, an exactness, which were unknown before, and which were certainly one of the great causes of the subsequent rapid progress of chemistry. Their influence was universally felt; and as long as Bergman lived, he was universally looked up to as one of the patriarchs of the science. To satisfy our readers of the high reputation which Bergman acquired, we may mention the attempt of the great Frederick of Prussia, in 1776, to prevail upon him to become a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, and to settle at Berlin. Bergman took some time to consider the offer of his Prussian Majesty, which was highly honourable, and advantageous even in a pecuniary point of view; but the King of Sweden, who was justly proud of his illustrious subject, would not permit him to transfer his allegiance, announcing, that he would consider his expatriating himself as a personal offence to his Majesty. As some compensation for this sacrifice, Bergman received the honour of knighthood, and a pension of 150 mx dollars was annually paid him out of the Royal treasury. Nor is it a less striking proof of the estimation in which he was held in foreign countries that the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris, on the death of Sir John Pringle, elected him one of the eight foreign associates to which their number was restricted. He had been a Fellow of the Royal Society from the year 1764. This honour is never conferred except upon the most distinguished foreigners. Though as the number of such Fellows is not limited, as was the case with the French Academy, the same kind of difficulty does not present itself to prevent the conferring of such an honour upon such individuals as are con- sidered to be deserving of it. But it was not his’ publications alone which constituted his merit. His lectures were no less valuable ; and the pupils whom he educated contributed,-in no small degree, to spread his repu- tation. Gahn, Hjelm, Gadolin, the Elhuyarts, and others, who afterwards acquired celebrity, were educated by him. His first care after obtaiming the ¢hair was to collect all the different chemical substances and their products, and to form them into a cabinet. Another cabinet contained the minerals of Sweden, arranged according to the places where they onigmated; and a - third consisted of models of the different instruments employed in chemistry and in chemical manufactures. These were de- signed for the instruction of his pupils, whom he encouraged and inspired with that confidence and enthusiasm which is requisite for the successful prosecution of practical chemistry. His treatment of Scheele deserves to be mentioned with parti 1818.] Sir Torbern Bergman. 327 cular approbation. This extraordinary man was a journeyman apothecary, at Upsala, when Bergman got the chemical chair in that University. Ihave been informed by Assessor Gahn, at Fahlun, who was at Upsala at the time, and who enjoyed the friendship and confidence of both of these great men, that Scheele’s first attempt to get acquainted with Bergman consisted in sending him a paper describing the method of procuring pure tartaric acid. This paper was written in German ; and being upon a subject which many other persons had before treated unsuccessfully, and coming from a person entirely unknown, and whose appearance did not promise much, Bergman neglected to read it, and of course took no notice whatever of the communi- cation. Scheele was naturally hurt at this negligence, which he so little deserved. He sent the communication to Retzius, who made it known by publishing the process in the Memoirs of the Stockholm Academy. This unfortunate commencement preju- diced Scheele against Bergman, and made him unwilling to renew any correspondence with him. But when the ice was once broken, he became sensible of Bergman’s worth, and gra- dually became his intimate friend. The Professor gave him the free use of his laboratory, which. must have been of infinite importance to Scheele while he remained at Upsala. He adopted his opinions, supported them with zeal, and took upon himself the charge of publishing his papers. It is even said by some, though I do not know whether the allegation be well founded, that he procured him a small pension from the Stock- holm Academy to contribute towards the expense of his experi- ments. Bergman is by no means remarkable for the precision of his experiments ; indeed, the time for accurate chemical experi- ments, as far as quantities are concerned, had not yet arrived. Bergman and his contemporaries were occupied with the inven- tion of new methods of analysis. The numerical data could not be expected to be accurate. It is only within these few years, since the discovery of the atomic theory, that accurate chemical experiments have become possible ; and even at present, we have no accurate means of distinguishing between a true chemi- cal compound and a mechanical mixture. Hence the mistakes © still so conspicuous in the numerical analyses published by the most accurate chemists of the present day. There is likewise another thing to be taken into consideration before we condemn Bergman for want of accuracy. He wrote so much in so short a time, and all his papers are details of so numerous a train of experiments, that it does not seem possible, making every allowance for his industry and dexterity, for him to have per- formed the whole of his experiments with his own hands. He must have trusted a good deal to those who had the care of his laboratory. Who these were, we have no means of knowing, though it is obvious that upon their skill and attention, a great 328 Biographical Account of [Nov. deal of the value of his papers would depend. John Afzelius, his nephew, who afterwards succeeded him, was for some years his assistant, and must of course have performed most of his experiments during that time. Afzelius was considered as an accurate experimentalist, his reputation was high, and he succeeded his uncle without opposition. Eut 1 am not ac- quainted with any thing which he has published since Berg- man’s death, except a single paper on the analysis of sulphate of barytes. Bergman’s health for some years previous to his death had become delicate. He was afflicted with the hemorrhoids, and threatened with an hemoptysis. His immediate death seems to have been occasioned by violent hemorrhoidal discharge which brought on general convulsions, accompanied with the total loss of understanding. This continued for ten days, at the end of which he sunk altogether. He died on July 8, 1784, at the mineral wells of Medevi on the Lake Wetter, to which he had repaired in consequence of the badness of his health. His death was followed by the most unfeigned sorrow, not only of those who were at that time at Medevi, but of the whole inhabitants of Sweden. He was buried at Westra Nykyrke, not far from Medevi; and his funeral was attended by almost the whole population of Medevi, and by a prodigious concourse of people from every part of Sweden. Never was a man of science more respected, nor a professor more lamented, than Bergman. Scheele followed his fnend in two years; and Sweden, from bemg one of the first chemical countries in Europe, sunk at once, as far as that science is concerned, into comparative insignificance and absolute torpor. At present, indeed, in consequence of the unequalled activity, and zeal, and skill of Professor Berzelius, that kingdom has resumed her rank among chemical nations ; but a listlessness of nearly 20 years elapsed before this activity began. Bergman’s papers amount altogether to 106. They were published between the year 1755, in which his maugural disser- tation “ De Crepusculis ’ appeared, and the year 1784; for his little paper entitled ‘ Mineral Observations ” was published only a few weeks before his death. The greater number of them were collected in six octavo volumes entitled ‘‘ Torberni Bergman Opuscula Physica et Chemica.” The first three volumes of this collection were published by Bergman himself n the years 1779, 1780, and 1783. The fourth volume was published at Leipsic in 1787, and was edited by Dr. Emest Benjamin Gottl. Hebenstréit. The fifth volume was published by the same editor in 1788; and the sixth and last volume, which.contains some of the most early papers of our author, did not make its appearance till the year 1790. In the observations which I mean to make on these productions of Bergman, I shall pass over his essays on natural history and physics, and confine 1818.] Sir Torbern Bergman. 329 myself to his chemical papers, on which his reputation in a great measure depends. These, if we omit the Physical Geography, the Notes on Scheffer, the Sciagraphia, and the History of Chemistry, amount to about 48. It will be most satisfactory, perhaps, to take them in the order in which they occur in the Opuscula, as this was the order which Bergman himself gave them. The first two volumes of the Opuscula, and part of the third, were translated into English by Dr. Edmund Cullen and Dr. Beddoes, and the fourth volume by Mr. Heron. I am sorry to observe that Mr. Heron’s translation is far from accurate. He often mistakes the meaning of his author, and does not appear to have been sufficiently acquainted with the science of chemistry to understand Bergman’s Latin; which, though suffi- ciently perspicuous to one acquainted with the subject discussed, is not, perhaps, always classical. , 1. He prefaces his Opuscula with.a short dissertation on the Investigation of Truth, in which he gives us the rules which he himself always followed in his investigations. These rules are chiefly curious by showing us the state of chemistry when Bergman began his career. It is now universally admitted that the only mode of advancing chemistry is experiment. Experi- ments are now made with so much care that there is very seldom any dispute about facts. The discussions which exist at present in the science relate entirely to the consequences deduced from these facts. The most striking discussion of the kind in modern chemistry is the question whether chlorine be a simple or a compound body; or rather, whether it contains oxygen or not. Almost all the British chemists, all the French chemists, and most of the German chemists, conceive it to contain no oxygen; while Berzelius, and one or two individuals in Scotland, consider chlorine to be a compound of oxygen and an unknown basis, according to the original theory of Berthollet and the French chemists. If Bergman’s old maxim were to be adopted universally, this dispute would be cut short for the present. This maxim was to consider every body as simple till some evidence be produced that it is a compound, and not to admit the existence of a principle in a body till it can be shown expe- rimentally to exist in it. The experiments of Gay-Lussac, Davy, &c. to decompose chlorine, though varied in every conceivable way, are admitted on all hands to have been unsuccessful. We have, therefore, no evidence at present that it is a compound. Neither has the existence of oxygen in it been demonstrated by experiments upon which any stress could be laid. The only argument which Berzelius has brought forward is founded on a law of his own invention. Yet he admits that this law does not hold in the case of the nitrates and phosphates. If we suppose it not to hold in the muriates, what becomes of his argument ? This supposed law of Berzelius can be shown to be only a parti- cular case of the atomic theory. We can by means of that 330 Biographical Account of {Nov. theory explain all the cases which are conformable to his law, and those likewise which do not agree with it ; and we can explain the composition of the muriates just as easily on the hypothesis that chlorine is simple as that it is compound. Chlorine, indeed, for any thing we know to the contrary, may be a compound, and may contain oxygen as one of its econsti- tuents ; so may azote, and so may iron. But our opinions respecting the composition of bodies must be conformable to the evidence which is laid before us; otherwise we forsake the road of science, and get into that of fancy and romance. The rules for investigating chemical phenomena are sufficiently simple, and may be reduced to the following. (1.) Every fact must be established by satisfactory experi- ments. (2.) A body must be considered as semple unless satisfactory evidence can be brought to show that it is a compound. (3.) The most satisfactory way of showing a body to be a compound is to separate its constituents, exhibit them in a separate state, and to show that by uniting them again together, the original compound body is produced. (4.) When a substance cannot be exhibited in a separate state, it is always hazardous to draw any peremptory conclusions respecting its existence. Our conclusions should be given only as hypothetical or conjectural ; because the only unequivocal evidence of the existence of a chemical body is wanting. The existence of the principle called phlogiston, so universally admitted at one period, is an example in point, which should make us cautious in our conclusions. 2. On Carbonic Acid.—Bergman seems to have been the first who considered this substance as an acid. His opinions on the subject were communicated to foreign chemists in 1770, and his first essay on this acid made its appearance in 1773. It would be needless, considering the present state of our knowledge, to give a minute account of this essay, though at the time of its publication it must have been exceedingly valuable. He describes the mode of procuring this gas, shows that it possesses the properties of an acid ; that water at the tempera- ture of 41° absorbs rather more than its bulk of it; that the specific gravity of such water is 1:0015; that the specific gravity of carbonic acid gas is rather more than 1-5, and that it combines with the different bases, and forms salts. He prepared and deseribed bicarbonates of potash and soda, carboriate of .ammonia, carbonate of barytes, carbonates of magnesia, zinc, and manganese. He determined the order of the affinities of earbonic acid for the bases; and he showed that it is the weakest of all the acids known when he wrote. 3. Of the Analysts of Waters.—This paper, first published in 1778, was of great importance at the time of its appearance. In it the method of analyzing waters is first laid down. Before the 1818.] Sir Torbern Bergman. 334 appearance of this treatise, the method of analysing waters may be considered as unknown. Several attempts, indeed, had been made with more or less success ; but no general formula appli- cable to waters in general had been thought of. Considerable improvements have been recently made on the method of analyz- ing mineral waters. This, indeed, was the natural consequence of our more accurate knowledge of the exact composition of the different salts which exist in mineral waters, and of the simplest methods of detecting them and estimating their quantity. Kirwan published a treatise on the same subject about the beginning of the present century. But his methods are rather too complicated for actual practice, and they seem scarcely compatible with much precision. Dr. Murray’s formula, published m the eighth volume of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, is, as far as it goes, the best and easiest method of analyzing mineral waters. It seems unnecessary in the present state of our knowledge to enter into any particulars respecting Bergman’s paper. For the same reason we may omit his papers on the Waters of Upsala, on the Acidulous Spring in the Parish of Denmark, on Sea Water, on the Artificial Pre- aration of Cold Medicated Waters, and on the Artificial reparation of Hot Medical Waters. These papers were of much utility at the time of their publication ; hut at present the science has made such progress, that they have lost a great deal of their interest. 4. On the Acid of Sugar.—This paper was originally written as an inaugural dissertation, which was defended in 1776 by J. A. Arvidson. Hence, doubtless, the reason why nothing was said about the discovery of oxalic acid, and why it was generally supposed at first by the chemical world that Bergman himself was the discoverer of that acid. It is now known that the acid in question was discovered by Scheele, who merely commutii- cated the process to Bergman. In this paper Bergman describes _ the method of preparing oxalic acid, the properties by which it is characterized, and the salts which it forms with 22 bases, all that were known to exist at the period when this dissertation appeared. 5. On the Preparation of Alum.—This dissertation, which has been mentioned repeatedly in the preceding biographical account, contains a history of alum, a chemical examination of its composition, a description of its ores, a minute description of the processes followed by manufacturers, and a set of experi- ments undertaken with a view to improve these processes. Hven at present this dissertation will be allowed to be excellent, and alum makers would probably derive useful hints from a careful perusal of it:. He was aware of the importance of potash and ammonia, and owns that the facts would lead to the conclusion that alum is a triple salt. But he rejects this supposition on account of the fact that ammonia is equally efficacious in pro- 332 Biographical Account of [Nove moting the crystallization of alum with potash. Soda and hme he found possessed no efficacy whatever. It is rather surprising that this did not lead him to the true conclusion, that there are two species of alum, one containing potash, and the other ammonia. ‘This conclusion was first drawn by Vauquelin. Whether the analysis of alum by Berzelius, which is commonly received, be correct, is a point that I rather believe will require some further examination. The subject is of importance, because the weight of an atom of alumina, and even the mode of manufacturing alum, must be a good deal influenced by it. 6. On Antimoniated Tartar—This is the name by which Bergman distinguished tartar emetic, the only antimonial prepa- ration much used in medicine. ‘This dissertation is of consider- able importance. He details the different processes given for - preparing this salt, and shows that they were so discordant and maccurate, that the same substance could not be obtained at different times. His process is to mix powder of algaroth (the white powder which precipitates when chloride of antimony is mixed with water) with cream of tartar, to boil the mixture for half an hour in water, then to pour off the liquid, evaporate to a pellicle, and crystallize. It is now known that tartar emetic is a salt composed of bitartrate of potash (which acts the part of an acid) and protoxide of antimony. 7. On Magnesia.---This dissertation, first published in 1775, may be considered as the third chemical dissertation on magnesia. The first was by Dr. Black, in 1755; and the second, by Mar- graf, in 1759. Bergman describes the method of obtaining magnesia, details its properties, and gives a pretty full account of the salts which it forms with the different acids. The only paper of much consequence which has made its appearance upon magnesia since Bergman’s paper, is a small book published by Butini, of Geneva, in 1781, entitled ‘‘ Nouvelles Observations et Recherches Analytiques sur la Magnesie du Sal d’Epsom.” But most of the magnesian salts have been analyzed with toler- able accuracy by modern chemists. 8. On the Forms of Crystals.—This paper was first published in 1773, and is remarkable, because it contains the very same discovery which afterwards led Haiiy to his theory of crystals. He shows that the primitive form of calcareous spar is a rhom- boid, the faces of which have angles of 1014° and 782°, that all the different crystals of calcareous spar may be formed upon such a base, and that a nucleus having the primitive form may be extricated mechanically from all the different forms. In short, this curious paper, which he informs us was the fruit of many years’ assiduous observations on.crystals, may be considered as exhibiting the first outline of Hauy’s theory. 9. On Siliceous Earth—This paper was published in 1779. Bergman in it states with precision the chemical characters of silica, shows that it differs in its properties from the other earths, 2 1818.] Sir Torbern Bergman. 332 that it cannot be converted into them, and, therefore, that it is entitled to be considered as a peculiar substance. He adopts Scheele’s notion, that silica is a compound of fluoric acid and water; an opinion soon after refuted. 10. On the Hydrophanous Stone.—This name was given by Sir John Hill to certain stones which are opaque in the air, but become transparent when plunged into water. They were sold at an extravagant price. But the secret of these stones is here revealed by Bergman. Various minerals, particularly opals and chalcedony, exhibit this property. Such stones have hollow cavities in them. When these cavities are filled with air, the stone is opaque, in consequence of the very different refracting power of the stone and the air. But when the cavities are filled | with water, the stone becomes transparent, because the refract- or of water approaches more nearly that of the stone itself. 11. On the Earth of Gems.—This elaborate paper was first published in 1777, and is not the least remarkable of Bergman’s labours. It contains the first attempt to give an accurate analysis of the very hard stony bodies. The processes, though rude, exhibit obviously the rudiments of our present processes. Indeed Bergman must be considered as the original author of the processes for analyzing mineral bodies by the moist way. It would be useless to enter into details respecting his results, as it is not surprising that they should be all inaccurate. Indeed as he gives a very imperfect account of the bodies to which he affixes particular names, itis not always easy to conjecture what the mineral really was that he subjected to analysis. Pro- fessor Jameson, for example, conjectures that the hyacinth of Bergman was in reality a cinnamon stone. But I had an oppor- tunity of seeing the very collections of hyacinths from which Bergman’s specimens for analysis were selected ; for they are still in the University of Upsala, in possession of Professor Afzelius ; and there cannot be the least doubt entertained that they are true hyacinths. the next dissertation on the earth of the tourmaline stone needs not be particularly noticed, as the analysis was conducted paeely in the same way as the analyses of the gems. 12. Onthe Fulminating Calx of Gold.—This paper, first pub- lished in 1769, contains the first accurate account of the properties of fulminating gold, the first attempt to ascertain its composition experimentally, and to explain its fulminating power. According to Bergman, fulminating gold is a compound of oxide of gold and ammonia. Ammonia is a compound of azote and phlogiston. When heat is applied, the phlogiston reduces the gold ; and the azote being suddenly disengaged in its elastic state, occasions the explosion. The theory of this remarkable powder has advanced but little since Bergman’s time. Analo would lead to the suspicion that it is a compound of gold and 334 Biographical Account of fNov. azote, or of oxide of gold and azote. But we have no proof that this is really its composition. 13. On Platina.—This dissertation was published in 1777, and is chiefly valuable as explaining the effects of the alkalies when dropped into a solution of platmum. It was Bergman that first showed that sal-ammoniac precipitates platinum by forming with it a triple salt which is but little soluble in water. Potash produces a similar effect ; but soda and lime- do not form triple salts, but precipitate, according to him, the metal in the state of an oxide. 14. On the White Ores of Iron.—This paper, first published in 1774, Contains the first account of the properties of the metal called manganese. These properties’ were partly detected by Bergman, partly by Scheele, and partly by Gahn. It was Gahn that first obtamed manganese in the metallic state. It would be needless to give the substance of this elaborate and valuable paper; because we are now possessed of more accurate means of analysis ; and the properties of manganese are known with greater precision than they were when Bergman wrote. Berg- man’s method of separating iron and manganese from each other by solution in nitric acid and calcination was used till Vauquelin substituted another, which, however, does not suc- ceed better. 15. On Nickel.—This paper was published in 1775, It con- tains an elaborate set of experiments to obtain nickel in a state of purity. These experiments were all made in the dry way; and were not perfectly successful. But our author succeeded in establishing the peculiar nature of this metal by showing that its properties became more and more peculiar the more com- pletely it is freed from foreign bodies. ' 16. On Arsenic—This paper, originally published in 1777, tontains the fullest and best account of the properties of arsenic which has yet appeared. It contains, indeed, certain mistakes and erroneous deductions, which flowed unavoidably from the state of the science in 1777. Except the correction of these mistakes, and more exact numeral results, the chemical know- ledge of arsenic has advanced but little since the days of Bergman. 17. On the Ores of Zinc.—This dissertation was published in 1779, and contains an analytical examination of all the ores of zinc which were then known. He succeeded in pointing out the constituents of all these ores with sufficient accuracy ; though his methods were not sufficiently precise to enable him to obtain the accurate proportions of each. 18. On Metallic Precipitates.—This paper, first published in 1780, is one of the most elaborate productions which Bergman has left us. It may be considered as the first attempt to inves- tigate the nature of the metallic oxides, and to point out the state in which the different metals are precipitated by various 1818.) Sir Torbern Bergman. 335 reagents. Though it contains a great deal of erroneous theory, yet, as the experiments are all distinctly and numerically stated, we have it in our power to strip them of the theory in which they are involved, and to apply them to the present state of our knowledge. They must have contributed very materially to guide the subsequent investigations of chemists; though the numbers given by Bergman are not sufficiently precise to enable us, from them alone, to deduce the composition of the metallic oxides. 19. On the Art of assaying in the humid Way.—This disser- tation appeared likewise in 1780, and is no less than a complete treatise, explaining the method of analyzing the ores of all the known metals. It was the first treatise of the kind that appeared, and constituted the groundwork of all that has since been done. It would be useless to examine it here. Almost every part of the treatise has been improved upon ; almost every formula has been modified or altered. But it must be at once obvious how much the art of analysis owes to Bergman for this commence- ment. 20. On the Blow-pipe.—This paper had been sent in manu- script to Baron Born in 1777, by whom it was published in 1779. It contains directions how to make experiments with the blow-pipe, and gives a very particular account of the pheno- mena exhibited by the different stones, metals, and ores, when heated by the blow-pipe, either alone, or mixed with the different fluxes. Since that time, the use of the blow-pipe has been still further improved by Assessor Gahn. His essay on the subject, published in a preceding volume of the Annals of Philosophy, we recommend to the careful study of every person who wishes to become expert in the use of this very important instrument of investigation. 21. On the Analysis of Iron.—This important dissertation, published in 1781, contains the experiments, by means of which the difference between iron, cast iron, and steel, was accounted for. Bergman first detected the presence of plumbago in cast iron and steel, and he first showed that iron yields more hydro- gen gas than either cast iron or steel. The experiments were very numerous ; and as far as they went, they are sufficiently satisfactory. 22. On the Cause of the Brittleness of Cold Short Iron.— This paper, like the last, was published in 178]. When cold short iron is dissolved in sulphuric acid, a white powder remains, which, when heated with charcoal, was reduced to a metallic button. To this substance Bergman gave the name of siderum; and he showed that when added to iron it renders it cold short, It was soon after shown, that this supposed new metal is merely a phosphuret of iron. ‘Hence it has been inferred, that iron is rendered cold short by uniting with phosphorus. This paper nag been already carried to such a length, that it 336 Dr. Pescher on the State of Potash in Plants, [Nov. will be possible to give nothing more than the titles of the remaining dissertations of Bergman, with the date of the publi- eation of each. 23. On the different Quantity of Phlogiston in Metals. 1783. 24. On Sulphuret of Tm. 1781. 25. On the Sulphurets of Antimony. 1782. 26. On the Products of Volcanoes. 1777. 27. On Elective Attractions. 1775. 28. On the Analysis of Lithomarga. 1782. 29. On Asbestus. 1782. 30. Thoughts on a Natural System of Minerals. 1784. 31. On the Combination of Mercury and Muriatic Acid. 1769. 32. On the proper Mode of burning Bricks. 1771. 33. On the Acidulous Waters of Medevi. 1782. 34. On the Medicinal Springs of Lokarne. 1783. 35. On Cobalt, Nickel, Platina, and Manganese; and on the Nature of their Precipitates. 1780. 36. Chemical Analysis of Indigo. 1776. 37. On Vegetable Soils. 1771. 38. On the Mountains of Westgothland. 1768. 39. On the latest Chemical Discoveries. 1777. 40. Mineralogical Observations. 1784. ArticLe II. On the State in which Potash exists in Vegetables, and on the Saccharine Matter of the Potatoe. By Dr. Peschier. (To Dr. Thomson.) SIR, Edinburgh, dug. 12, 1818, Tue enclosed was sent me by Lord March, that it might be transmitted to you; the author being desirous that, if approved of, the discovery contained in it might have a place in your journal. Iam, Sir, with esteem, Your obedient servant, JoHN PLayFAIR. ee (To Lord March.) MY LORD, Geneva, July 20, 1818. You are too great a friend of the sciences, and I take too much pleasure in communicating to you the discoveries which may originate in this city; to allow you to remain ignorant of some new facts ascertained in the laboratory of my brother, and which will soon be communicated to the public. The chemical analysis of vegetables having been for some 1818.) and of Sugar in the Potatoe. 337 years a favourite pursuit of the chemists, different vegetable principles have been discovered in different parts of plants ; but hitherto it has not been demonstrated in what state potash occurs in vegetables ; and though it has been found inthe ashes of plants, its presence had not been ascertained either in their expressed juices or their decoctions. A set of experiments made upon a certain genus of plants with a view of studying its medical virtues has led to the discovery of potash in these different liquids, and has suggested an easy mode of determin- ing the acid with which the potash was united. . All the juices (the word juzce denotes the liquid expressed from a plant, but not from its fruit), or the decoctions of the different parts of a vegetable, are more or less acid, reddening paper stained blue with litmus, &c. It was necessary to find a substance which should not only combine with the disengaged acid, but which should have a greater affinity for that acid than potash itself has. The acids which occur most commonly in plants being the carbonic, the tartaric, and the oxalic, it was necessary besides that this substance should form an insoluble salt with each of these acids. Pure magnesia answers this pur- pose completely. If then we agitate in the cold, or boil together a vegetable juice or decoction, and a quantity of pure magnesia, we obtain, after the separation of the deposite, an alkaline liquid, which possesses all the characters of a solution of carbonate of potash. By examining the magnesia in the requisite manner, we can easily determine the acid with which it has combined. (The tartrates and oxalates of magnesia are insoluble, when there is no excess of acid—an excess which it is of importance to avoid.) The insolubility of pure magnesia and of a part of the salts which it forms when united with acids, renders the process very accurate, and of very easy execution. If the salts contained in the vegetables be sulphates or nitrates, they not only do not redden vegetable biues (because there is no excess of acid present); but magnesia is not capable of decom- posing them. ‘This isthe case with borage, &c. This discovery, besides its importance in the analysis of plants, facilitates the means of judging of the quantity of potash con- tained in vegetable juices. Hereafter, incineration will not be necessary in order to obtain that potash. The choice which a philosophical society in Holland made of this problem as a. prize question (in 1817), proves the interest with which it was viewed. Second Discovery.—In consequence of a careful analysis, Vauquelin drew as a conclusion, that potatoes are composed of starch, of parenchyma, of a peculiar animal matter, and of certain salts. These different substances did not explain the cause of the spirituous fermentation which they undergo, if they are exposed, sufficiently diluted with water, and mixed with a little barley meal to the requisite temperature. Hence it has VoL. XII. N° V, 338 Dr. Thomson’s Observations on the Weights of [Nov. been proposed as a prize question, to discover the substance which in potatoes supplies the place of sugar, to which alone the spirituous fermentation is conceived to belong. A set of experi- ments on potatoe meal, obtained by rasping, washing, drying, and grinding, has shown that these bulbs contain sugar and gum in the proportion of 64 gr. of mucous sugar, and of 220 gr. of gum, in the pound weight of potatoe. These two principles were discovered by digesting potatoe meal in six or eight parts of cold water for 24 hours in a cool place, evaporating the water to dryness, and treating the residual mass successively with alcohol and water. Now it is the existence of these two principles which occasions the commencement of the spirituous fermentation, assisted by the barley meal. Their action upon the starch, and the changes induced in it, account for the quan- tity of spirit produced. These two discoveries, my Lord, have a real connexion with political economy; and they mterest the sciences, as they consti- tute incontestible matters of fact. I may have the honour hereafter of transmitting an extract of the memoir which m brother proposes to read at the annual meeting of the Helvetic Natural History Society, on the tribe of corns and_ their products. Our means of public education will be considerably improved by the choice which has been made of a very convenient place for experimental lectures on chemistry, physics, astronomy, &c. by the association of about 200 persons connected with the same place, who receive all the scientific journals of the world, and who invite foreigners of every description for the election of new professional chairs, and even of new faculties of science and literature. Our academy will see with pleasure foreigners in its bosom (provided they be distinguished by their knowledge) reading public lectures on the sciences, and thus adding to the scientific resources of Geneva. We are at present purchasing in Paris a great many physical and astronomical instruments, which were wanting for our lectures. Already we have begun to form a cabinet of natural history, mineralogy, &c. The place is. very. large; and we are receiving from all quarters objects worthy of a place in this interesting museum. Preseuier, D.M. ArtTicce III. Some Additional Observations on the Weights of the Atoms of Chemical Bodies. By Thomas Thomson, M.D. F.RS. Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow. Tuoucsu little more than five years have elapsed since I pub-~ lished. my first tables of the weights of the atoms of different, 1818.] the Atoms of Chemical Bodies. 339 chemical bodies in the second volume of the Annals of Plhilo- sophy, the subject has since that time been investigated with so much skill and perseverance by Dr. Wollaston, Professor Berze- lius, and several other chemists, that improvements have been made in almost every individual number. 1 conceive, therefore, that it will be interesting to chemists if I lay before them an epitome of the present state of the subject. This I shall do by giving a new table of the weights of the atoms of different bodies such as they have been established by the most accurate experi- ments hitherto made. I am far from flattering myself that the numbers which I shall give are all accurate; on the contrary, [ have not the least doubt that many of them are still erroneous. But they constitute at least a nearer approximation to the truth than the numbers contained in the first table. it is only by successive, and probably very slow approximations, that we can expect to reach the truth at last. Every new step is something gained; and, therefore, deserving of attention. I am far from being apprehensive of being found fault with by those who understand the nature of chemistry, and the true mode of improv- ing it, for having formerly given numbers for the atoms of bodies founded on the best data which I could procure at the time, and for abandoning these numbers for others furnished by more accurate experiments. We may expect, now that accuracy is the great object of chemical experimenters, that more and more precise results will be obtained as we proceed. Many, of course, of the numbers which I now give will be to be abandoned hereatter, and new numbers substituted, founded on experiments approaching nearer to absolute accuracy. Meantime we must be satisfied with the best facts which the science can furnish. I am even of opinion that it has a very material tendency to advance the science to lay before chemists the present state of our knowledge, and the value of the data upon which our con- clusions are founded. Weight of an atom. PURGES 25 ones ale tidate ate mete L000 PCMIGHEE.. masala ees ee 2 De PUGS or rats ee ie anya ty ee Th B25-? ee Opemanetts 24, FOO On ee cee. OZ" a SEE SE DN A a ot he et ph eR Oe en i Se * The weight of an atom of hydrogen is derived from the composition of water. It has been established, that water is * This number depends upon the specific gravily of chlorine gas. Gay-Lussae and Thenard found it 2:47, 1 think Dr. Prout’s reasons for considering it as 2°5 are satisfactory. Davy has shown that protoxide of chlorine is a compound of two volumes of chlorine and one volume of oxygen. Now if we consider it as a com- pound of one atom chlorine +- one atom oxygen, it is obvious that an atom of chlorine will weigh 4-5, ’ + This is the number obtained by Gay-Lussac from the combination of iodine and zinc, which he found a compound of 100 iodine + 26°52 zinc. Now 26°52: 100 :: 4-125 : 15-625. [have very slightly modified Gay-Lussac’s numbers to make the atom of iodine a multiple of *i25, ¥ 2 340 Dr. Thomson’s Observations on the Weights of [Nov. Weight of an atom. ST OARHOS os SSOP ISTE POP ae ee 0:750 Gr Boron SE PHPeeI Ts ess a aA 0°875 > Puno OPO OF eee a 00 formed by the union of two volumes of hydrogen gas and one volume of oxygen gas. I consider it, with Dalton, as a com- pound of one atom of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Hence the weight of an atom of hydrogen will depend upon its specific gravity. Biot and Arrago found the specific gravity of hydrogen gas 0°074; that of air being 1. Now if the specific gravity of oxygen gas be I-11], and if two volumes of hydrogen gas are equivalent to one atom, it would follow that an atom of hydrogen weighs 0°133., I have been at much pains in endeavouring to determine the specific gravity of hydrogen gas, but never could find it lower than 0:073, which differs but little from the deter- mination of Biot and Arrago. But I do not think that abso- lutely pure hydrogen gas has ever been weighed. It usually contains traces of phosphorus, iron, zinc, &c. which must mate- rially affect its weight. On that account I think that Dr. Prout’s. method of determining the specific gravity of this gas from that of ammoniacal gas is more likely to be correct. In ammonia we are sure that the hydrogen is pure. It is likewise twice as dense in ammonia as it is in hydrogen gas. This doubles the chance of precision. When the weight. of hydrogen gas is deduced from ammonia, that of oxygen gas is found to be 16 times heavier. Hence the number in the table for the weight of the atom. > The data upon which this number is founded are not quite satisfactory. Covansa boracic acid, according to Davy’s expe- riments, is composed of acid 57 + 43 water. If it be a compound of one atom acid + two atoms water, the weight of an atom of boracic acid will be 2°998. From the analysis of borate of ammonia by Berzelius, the weight of an atom of the acid is 2°66. The mean of these two is 2°829. From the expe- riments on the combustion of boron, there is reason to believe that the acid contains at least two atoms of oxygen. Ifso, it must be a compound of 2 oxygen + 0°829 boron. The number 0°875 was chosen in preference to this number; because it is a multiple of 0°125, which all the atoms seem to be. © Neither are the data for this number to be depended on. Every thing shows us that silica in stony bodies acts the part of anacid. Yable-spar isa compound of 50 silica + 45 lime; if it be a bisilicate of hme, the weight of an atom of silica will be 2-015, for 45 : 50 :: 3°625: 4:03. Again, nepheline is a com- pound of 49 alumma + 46 silica. Suppose it a silicate of alumina, silica will weigh 1:994 ; for 49 : 46 :: 2°125 : 1:994. Now the mean of these two numbers is 2°0045. Hence we may 1818.] the Atoms of Chemical Bodies. 341 Weight of an atom. Prbaigephoras +. «6 s:.'.!,'s\ dsieinie's' 0 eee es ORAMEES 660 o6 dd 2 iskeedddalees etal aa BOW Salphir :..°.'sjo's'ac%slalpiaisisipis'c's e's’ 2 Dy Welbarrim: he's cies dateateoelatate! eta SO 1s Arsenic scocee code tad cetoeel eee ETD conceive the weight of an atom of silica to be 2:000. But as it must contain at least one atom of oxygen, it is obvious that an atom of silica must weigh |. 4 There can be no doubt that this is the true weight of an atom of phosphorus. Perphosphuretted hydrogen gas has the specific gravity of 0-9022. The bulk of hydrogen gas is not altered by converting it into perphosphuretted hydrogen. Hence t is composed by weight of BRC OBC: wires jeans whee sean Hoaeor) vl PRGSPROLUA, jx: «ye 'denit siginatsiarsk BOS: Sot LZ I conceive this gas to be a compound of one atom hydrogen and one atom phosphorus ; but 1 : 12 :: 0°125: 1:5. Perphos- phuretted hydrogen gas unites with 1 volume, 14 volume, and 2 volumes of oxygen gas. Now half a volume of the oxygen gas unites to the hydrogen; the remainder combines with the phosphorus ; so that one volume of phosphorus unites with half a volume, with 1 volume, and with 14 volume of oxygen, forming hypophosphorous acid, phosphorous acid, and phosphoric acid. This is the. same thing as if we said that one atom of phosphorus unites with one atom, two atoms, and three atoms of oxygen respectively. © I think it probable that oxide of tellurium is a compound of 100 tellurium + 25 oxygen. Berzelius found 100 tellurium + 24:8 oxygen, which comes sufficiently near. Now if this oxide be a compound of one atom metal + one atom oxygen, it is obvious that an atom of tellurium will weigh 4. f Experiments on arsenic seem to be attended with more * This is the number which Dr. Wollaston selected after a careful exami- nation of the experiments hitherto made on the subject. Mr. Phillips has, with his usual acuteness, shown it to tally very nearly indeed with the best experiments of Davy, Gay-Lussac, Dalton, and his own.—(Royal Institution Journal, v. 162.) I am disposed to consider it as correct. The only experiment which induces me to hesitate is one by Berthoilet. He decomposed nitre by heat, and obtained a gas composed of one volume azote and two volumes oxygen : our number would require one volume azote and 24 volumes oxygen. I shall givea translation of this paper of Berthollet in the next article of the present number, because I wish to draw the attention of chemists to it. 1 do not know very well how to account foc this discordance between the results of Berthollet and those of other chemists. Per- haps the half volume of oxygen wanting may have combined with the potash. I may, hereafter, relate the result of a set of experiments which I mean to undertake on purpose to elucidate this point. ‘Till then I think it safest toabide by the num- ber 1°75 for the weight of an atom of azote, 342 Dr. Thomson’s Observations on the Weights of [Nov. Weight of an atom, ede LOGRS SINT you 'e oo uae he ee eaten 5:000 Dae PN OUMUT as se Ce ace, tl cid So ehen eae ck 3°00 Ley MORE a eco cc acninic yates nie Meat ones 2-625 VG SRAACRDIINE 55 posed 'e Woe 'evs nenerahe noe aaa 8°750 DE APSO TUTEN wee tase cociain j2accucs pei eeois MRL 5:500 LO AVES UER .).\n'e'ais.nae oie, os. cre aarne 1-500 § ae eoteir Sci) Saree le Ae) teeta 6°000 » BD RI Res Sc Davo Se a Lo 4-000 ' difficulty than those upon other metals. The number 4°75 results from the compounds which arsenic forms with oxygen ; but it does not agree well with the chloride of arsenic. Besides, if 4°75 be the weight of an atom of arsenic, neither arsenious nor arsenic acid will contain whole atoms of oxygen ; for the first _ will be a compound of 1 atom arsenic + 11 atom oxygen, and the second of | atom arsenic + 21 atoms oxygen. ‘These ano- malies render it very unlikely that an atom of arsenic really weighs 4°75. & But few changes have been made upon the weights of the atoms of these six alkaline metals. The supposition that an atom of sodium weighs three, tallies very well with experiments, if we suppose soda to be a compound of | atom sodium + | atom oxygen. On that supposition soda will weigh 4, which agrees with the weight resulting from the composition of the salts of soda. The number for strontium results from the mean of Stro- meyer’s analyses of the salts of strontian, and my own. The number for magnesium is founded on Berzelius’s analysis of sulphate of magnesia. » This number is very convenient, and it tallies as well with the analyses of the salts of potash as any other. Acid. Potash. Kirwan found sulphate of potash composed of.. 45°20 + 54°80 hove 3 Le a one 9 Aa ee Aes eae ery Oey 45°30 + 54:70 ESS Oil Ap tata sidocls'ohch''s'cs ds wate thay andes vee 45°72 + 54:28 Mean yi5 cnehe sen 45°40 + 54:60 If it be a compound of 5 acid + 6 potash, its? ,-. constituents are...... Spies iat a hind : biekidve etd ‘ 45°46 + 54°54 T consider this as almost an exact coincidence. i This number agrees equally well for soda. Water, Acid, Soda, sts Wn sulphate of soda ining: 56 2476 4 19-24) If it contains 5 acid + 4 soda, its con- . : ' stituents willbe ...... eet ibaccesrsins - “pe 1 1818.] the Atoms of Chemical Bodies. 343 Weight of an atom. OU Me oye o's ide valent Wate a duane ik tmennelegO. 2D BVATY LES « voresere oie ateiew evernio are savee OO 9°750! 53 Strontian ........ Lia\ctetarcre oe ONY 6°500 ™ 2A Mapnesia. Ji)... e ak antes eee tl Oe Ae SSCL, “eal sholadsi a atasiaherel ets Wane 4-000 BED CP GLELAS. capo Waheratate ata eke gh daletcnaaters of 5:000 ° * If sulphate of lime be a compound of 5 acid + 3-625 lime, its constituents will be Acid. Lime. 57°97 + 42-03 Berzelius’s analysis gives US .....seeeeee eens 58:00 + 42-00 which may be considered as an exact coincidence. ' If sulphate of barytes be composed of 5 acid + 9-75 barytes, its constituents will be Acid, Barytes, 33°90 + 66°10 Mr. Arthur Aikin’s analysis gives ........000. 33°96 + 66:04 Berzelius and Fourcroy found. .............. 34:00 + 66:00 ™ Carbonate of strontian, supposing it a compound of 2°75 acid + 6°5 strontian, should consist of Acid. Strontian, 29°73 + 70°27 I found its constituents to be...... ces eeeeee 29:90 + 70:10 If sulphate of strontian be a compound of 5 acid + 6°5 stron- tian, its constituents should be Acid, Strontian, 43:48 + 56°52 Stromeyer found it ...........45 eeeeesseeee 43°00 + 57:00 These coincidences are sufficiently near. The deviations are on opposite sides; so that the mean of the two would almost tally with our theoretic number. Acid. Magnesia, * Berzelius found sulphate of magnesia com-2 pe. 29, Me is in o's pind) Zininieliag: ave. Wai slaanincs ig Na adi If it be a compound of 5 acid + 2-5 mag- ‘ : nesia, its constituents will be. ..........0. it 66-60 + 33°30 This coincidence I consider as exact. ° According to Berzelius (Afhandlingar, iv. 236), sulphate of yttria is composed of equal weights of acid and base. Hence an atom of yttria weighs the same as an atom of sulphuric acid. The weight of an atom of yttrium is conjectural. It is founded on the supposition that yttria is a compound of 1 atom yttrium 344 Dr Thomson’s Observations on the Weights of [Nov. Weight of an atom. OF MG CIN UID (232 Zi efapeloteter selene a televere 2°250 8 Getta. casey svetetes stetsh Ha AA Ree 3°250 P OO CAN MIN Ms Cone Shee ene oes }125 SO PAluminas 24 hs ee AS a ee 27125 4 SE Zarconinm eek Ek oe Rae 4-625 ? 32 Pareomia 3.2 382 Sew A Uren eS oe G5 2 Si Mees Ne ee ee eit ce cake Petes 3°500 of Protomde of tron i c2it) 3 Petters’ 4-500 © AlMeCLORIGe: OF ATONS 6 )c iu, Sole ale sehen 10-000 § SAO DADSICG 4 aig ove bee ioe prea he aa eiarea aad 3°3753 3? ‘Protoxide of nickel.) S000 0. 00. 3: Lovo © + 1] atom oxygen; but we have no means of determining whether the supposition be well or ill founded. It would be necessary to determine the weight of oxygen and metal in yttria before we could be quite certain. -? According to Berzelius, sulphate of glucina is a compound of Acid. Glucina. 100 + 64-100 If it be composed of 5 acid i 3°25 glucina, es 100 + 65-000 composition will he.....-.. Spies sietatetel sl lale i 4 This number is founded upon Berzelius’s analysis of sulphate of alumina.—(Ann. de Chim. Ixxxiu. 14.) Acid. Alumina. He found it a compound of. ...........-. oe. 100 + 42°722 Now 100 : 42°722 :: 5:2:115. I take 2°125 as sensibly the same with 2°115. Mr. Richard Philips informs me that he has analysed the sulphate of alumina with a different result ; that the quantity of alumina which he found in the salt was much greater. Should this statement turn out correct, the weight of an atom of alumina would be higher than it is stated above, and might even amount to 3-5, the number in my original table, * According to Berzelius’s analysis of sulphate of iron, the weight of protoxide of iron is 44. He found it a compound of 28°9 acid + 25°7 protoxide of iron + 45:4 water. Now 28-9: 25-7 <2): 44. have adopted 4°5 as sufficiently near the number. The mean of all the analyses of protoxide of iron gives us 100 iron + 28°78 oxygen. Ifwe consider protoxide of iron as a compound of | atom iron + 1 atom oxygen, and its weight to be 4:5, then it will be a compound of 100 iron + 28°57 oxygen. These coincidences are sufficiently near. ’ My reasons for pitching upon this number for the weight of an atom of peroxide of iron have been given in the Annals of Philosophy, x. 98. : I am not quite satisfied with this number, though it is 1818.] the Atoms of Chemical Bodies. 345 Weight of an atom, 38 | Peroxide of nickel ......0005 0. de. 9"750 * MAU OTIANT «ons 0 wan aie nis labanemnins toe 3°625 40 Protoxide of cobalt.......... lee as penne eee 41 Peroxide of cobalt. ............. . 10°250 Bie RAM CANIENG) Ki, circle wwasncunolielotel eaese aia 3°500 43 Protoxide of manganese.......... 4-500 * 44 Peroxide of manganese .......... 5500 AES USHA S iets serovars isin Dahesh dts a ak Ap hee 46 Protoxide of uranium ............ 16°625 ¥ founded on the best data to be had, and cannot be very far from the treth. Tupputi found sulphate of nickel composed of acid 100 + 87-26 protoxide of nickel. Now 100 : 87:26 :: 5: 4:362; so that the weight of an atom of protoxide of nickel is 4-362: 4-375 scarcely differs from this number. I prefer it, because it is a multiple of 0:125. ‘The average of the analyses of the prot- oxide of nickel (omitting Proust’s) makes it a compound of 100 metal + 28°74 oxygen. This shows us that it must be a com- pound of | atom metal + 1 atom oxygen. If so, the true pro- portions must be 100 metal + 29°63 oxygen. " This supposes it a compound of 2 atoms metal + 3 atoms oxygen. It contains 11 umes as much oxygen as the protoxide. ~ This number is derived from the analysis of protoxide of cobalt by Rothotf, who found it a compound of 100 metal + 27°3 oxygen. If it be a compound of 1 atom metal + 1 atom oxygen, anatom of the metal must weigh 3-663 ; but the atoms of carbon, oxygen, azote, phosphorus, and sulphur, which have been ascertained with the greatest precision, are multiples of 0°125, or an atom of hydrogen. Hence I suspect that all the atoms, if accurately ascertained, would be multiples of hydrogen: 3°663 not being a multiple of -125, I take 3-625, which is the nearest multiple as the weight of an atom of cobalt: of course the protoxide must be 4-625. Rothoff has shown that the oxygen in the peroxide is 1} times_as much as that in the protoxide. Supposing the peroxide composed of 2 atoms metal + 3 atoms oxygen, its weight will be as in the table. * Prom John’s analysis of sulphate of manganese, the weight of protoxide comes out 4:6 ; from his analysis of the carbonate, it comes out 4-495. I conceive, therefore, that 4:5 is probably the true weight. The peroxide of manganese has never been accurately analyzed ; but there can be little doubt that it contains just twice as much oxygen as the protoxide. I believe the red oxide of manganese, which is intermediate between the othertwo, not to be a particular oxide, but a compound of protoxide and peroxide. It does not seem capable of uniting with other bodies. Y The experiments of Schoiibert lead to the conclusion that 346 Dr. Thomson’s Observations on the Weights of [Nov. Weight of an atom. A? Peroxide of uranium. .. : 2044. 0s 2. 384°250 UGS CMOMERINRTTD ec’ Suhel bos kaostootan ties voll oa ies dabei one OO 49 Protoxide of cerlum. ...... ae ame6:FhO # 50 Peroxide of cerlum.......eee0.% . 14500 $5) APRN oe ork ite abilities Filan sconciaiaiie Mersey? 2") 245) BF Mxgide Ol 7G. 2c. Se we Ramee 60s ED ® 5S RAIN eas sce ow. trie vc CASTS d 2 os 43°000 54 Protaxide of lead. «| OOO TG CULO. 3: eee a he LG * POUT MtbOis i, 0 he Sin. poayent COOLOU Means 7s 0c 20. 66°02 It was supposed that the gas remaining in the retort after the process was precisely similar to that in the glass jar; because the communication was very free, and the great change of tem- perature which took place ought to have occasioned an equal mixture. * I presented on Jan. 17, 1778, to the Academy of Sciences, a memoir, in which 1 showed that the acid of nitre could be entirely converted into gas by the action of heat, or at least that the only portion not thus changed was quite insigni« ficant: that by that method 580 cubic inches of gas might be obtained from an ounce of nitre; that this gas consisted chiefly of oxygen, which afforded an expla- nation of the effects of nitre upon charcoal and sulphur: that dried nitre contained no sensible quantity of water; and that ata certain stage of the decomposition the nitrate was changed into a phlogisticated nitre, or into a nitrite, which preseryed its neutrality.-Memoires del Academie des Sciences, 1781. 352 M. Berthollet’s Experiments on the Proportion [Nov. The volume of gas disengaged added to that of the air in the vessels before the experiment forms a total volume of 5:07 litres, which, according to the preceding analysis, are composed of 3°3716 litres of oxygen and 1:7354 of azote, from which we must subtract 0:0629 of oxygen and 0:2368 of azote, which consti- tuted the atmospherical air of the apparatus. Hence the nitric acid was composed of 3°3037 litres (201-92 cubic inches) of oxygen and 1:4986 litres (91-456 cubic inches) of azote. This makes the composition of nitric acid in volume NORGE a terticssts nie ciee pre.evcisie m0 LOU The experiment was repeated with the same quantity of nitre ; but to avoid the sublimation which took place in the former one, the fire was much more cautiously raised; and in fact no subli- mation took place. To ascertain the capacity of the retort and tube with more precision, it was filled with water after the expe- riment, which was afterwards poured into a graduated cylinder. The result of this experiment was, that in nitric acid 100 litres of azote are combined with 222-96 of oxygen. From a third experiment it results, that 100 litres of azote are combined with 222°58 of oxygen. . The mean of the three experiments gives for 100 of azote (222-10 of oxygen. If we convert these proportions into weights, we find that nitric acid is composed of Oxygen. Azote. 69-92 + 30:38 100-00 + 43.65 My experiments give a proportion of oxygen a, little smaller than that which is adopted by Dalton, who admits for 100 measures of azote 133 measures of oxygen, a proportion which differs little from the results of Cavendish and Davy. Towards the end of the decomposition of the nitrate, the receiver acquires a red colour; but as the nitrous gas indicated by that colour is found in contact with an excess of oxygen, it ought tobe again converted (at least chiefly) into nitric acid, and of course produce little alteration in the ratio of the oxygen and azote as indicated by the experiment. This quantity of nitric acid which is again formed is so small that it cannot even alter sensibly the absolute weight of the acid, as determined by the weight of the gases disengaged. This I ascertained by passing through a small quantity of water all the gas disengaged during the process. This fact had been already constated by Lavoisier and Bacquet, who were eim- ployed by the Academy of Sciences to examine the memoir of which I have spoken. If we ey the products of this decomposition to determine ~ 1818.] of the Elements of Nitric Acid. 353 the proportion of acid in dry nitrate of potash, we find, by cal- culating the products of the first experiment, that 100 parts of the salt are composed of 1 ST RI a ee ea a < imat Motadhs 5... cs csle eben es a DUE 100:0 When we calculate the other experiments, the results vary merely a few thousandth parts. Hence it follows from these ee ene that nitre is composed of equal weights of acid and otash. This method gives, perhaps, a nearer approximation than those which are founded on the composition of any other salt, respecting which there must of necessity be a greater or smaller degree of uncertainty. —= Note by the Editor—Though I cannot pretend to account for the source of the fallacy, I have not the least doubt that the constitution of nitric acid, as deduced from the preceding expe- riments, is inaccurate. It has been sufficiently established that an atom of oxygen gas may be represented by one volume, and an atom of azotic gas by two volumes. We may of course obtain the atoms that enter into combination, by simply doubling the volume of the oxygen gas. If we do this, we see that, according to Berthollet’s experiments, nitric acid is a compound of 1 atom azote + 4-442 atoms of oxygen. Now it is quite obvious that the fractional part of an atom amounting to 0-442 cannot possibly exist as a constituent. Instead of 100 azote + 222:1 oxygen, the true number ought to be 100 azote + 250 oxygen. Ifany one prefers the theory of volumes, as explained. by Gay-Lussac, and adopted by Berzelius, to the atomic theory, the objection is not in the least diminished; for, according to that theory, one volume of azote can combine only with a cer- tain number of volumes of oxygen, and not fractional parts of a volume, as is indicated by the experiments of berthollet. But it is easy to show by experiment that the composition of nitrate of potash is not what Berthollet has deduced from his experiments. I took 100 grains of pure and dry niire, poured sulphuric acid upon the salt in a platinum crucible, and exposed it to a heat at first low, but gradually increased till it became sufficiently intense to decompose bisulphate of potash. ‘The residual sulphate of potash weighed 83°6 gr.; but 83-6 of sulphate of potash contain 45:6 potash ; therefore, nitre is composed of Nitric acid ..... W eAGighiey sl G44 Peta -. 60. aN eer. hae 100°0 ‘Vou. XII. N° V. Zz 354 M. Berthollet’s Experiments on the Proportions [Nov. Proportions very different from those of Berthollet, namely, Matric acid sxuten vie: wees 49°9 Patachrs to, sik. . Guiaitotek pao: 100-0 It is obvious that in Berthollet’s experiments 4-5 gr. of the nitric acid were lost, and this loss seems to have fallen chiefly, if not entirely, upon the oxygen. Let us deduce the weight of an atom of nitric acid from my experiment. We have 45:6 : 54-4 :: 6: 7:158. The weight of an atom of nitric acid comes out 7°158, which I believe to exceed the truth somewhat. It seems obvious, therefore, that my mode of experimenting has a tendency to increase the quantity of acid somewhat above the truth ; so that some of the potash must have been sublimed. Probably the error might be diminished by employing sulphate of ammonia instead of sulphuric acid to decompose the nitre. It is obvious that a much lower heat at least would be requisite. I intend to repeat the experiment in this way ; and may state the result hereafter. Im the mean while, as the errors in the two experiments lie on different sides, the probability is, that the mean of the two will come very near the truth. Such a mean will give for the com- position of nitre, NETIC AGI Ye waite, 5.0 cleo alent DOtED Piatasha ioe 3) Nidhius adm atae amended ee oD 100-00 Now 47°85 : 52:15 :: 6 : 6-539. This weight, 6-539, though not absolutely correct, is undoubtedly much nearer the truth than either the number derived from Berthollet’s experiment or mine. Dr. Wollaston made an experiment which was susceptible of very considerable precision. He saturated a given weight of bicarbonate of potash with nitric acid, and ascertained the weight of the nitre resulting. Nitre turned out a compound of 100 acid + 86-764 potash. This is equivalent to Nitric acid ........ tis vee, 60°S43 Potash? 09 42'5,£ a weeee 46°457 100-000 The error in this experiment lies upon the same side as in mine, but it is smaller. Both errors are not more than sufficient to counterbalance Berthollet’s error on the opposite side. There- fore, if we take the mean of all the three, we must obtain a result which will approach still nearer accuracy. This mean - gives us niire composed of 4 1818.] of the Elements of Nitric Acid. 355 Nitric acid. ............ 526143 PGES sec cus eee ee sepa ay Ode 100-0000 Now 47-3856 : 52°6143 :: 6 : 6-662. I consider 6°75 as the true weight of an atom of nitric acid. Now 6-662 approaches very near that weight. No person would believe who has not tried it how exceedingly difficult it is to attain absolute precision in chemical experiments. {am persuaded that we can reach that very desirable object in no other way than by taking eare that the errors fall upon differ- ent sides, and then taking the mean of a greater number of experiments. If we were in possession of three other sets of experiments made with the same care as those of Berthollet, Wollaston, and my own, upon the analysis of the same salt, I am persuaded that by taking the mean of all the six, we should approach the truth very nearly indeed. The error even from the three does not much exceed one per cent. ARTICLE V. A Barometrical Measurement of the Profile of Mount Jura, on the Line of Geneva,—Lons-le-Saunier, by successive Observa- tions, whale corresponding ones were fae s at Geneva, Stras- burg, and Paris. Executed in 1813 with a Barometer of Fortin, during the Course of a- Geodesical Examination. With a Critical Comparison of the Barometrical Measure- ments with those obtained by Zenith Distances. By M. Delcros, Captain ofthe Royal Corps of French Geographical Engineers.* (With a Plate.) BaroMETRICAL measurements would be very limited and almost useless if, as some philosophers seem to insinuate, they were only practicable when we have corresponding and nearly vertical observations to compare together. I am of opinion, from my own observations, that this valuable mode of measure- ment may be much further extended, and that it presents an infinite number of applications, which must be useful to the geologist, to the naturalist, to the soldier, and to engineers in general. It is of the more importance to point out all possible means of levelling, because hitherto stational topography has hardly entered into the class of operations by which engineers describe the surface of the earth. We possess excellent plane topogra- * Translated from the Eibliotheque Universelle, vii. 164, for March, 1818. Z 2 356 M. Delcros’ Barometrical Measurement [Nov. phical accounts; but these labours, though brought to great perfection in this respect, are still absolutely defective as far as pee is concerned. The method attempted of expressing eights by different kinds of shading is exceedingly vague and. unsatisfactory. Every person acquainted with the modern improvements, and aware of the importance of a complete and precise topography, would prefer the arid description of a northern geometer to the sweet harmony imported trom Italy. I appeal from my own judgment to that of all the civil and mili- tary engineers ofall nations. Let not the caprice of fashion and the necessity of yielding to its dictates be alleged. To eall in the assistance of painting to that class to whom topographical charts are useless, is to attempt a geographical description of parlours and boudoirs. It is as if we wished to transform the mathematical precision of the Mecanique celeste into familar conversations on the world. The present time may be considered as favourable for the improvement of topography. All nations are eager to introduce into it the rigorous methods which are adapted to it. Warcould form only engineers skilled in giving a rapid and picturesque, but vague idea of the country which they were called upon to describe. The leisure of peace permits us to demand a superior degree of perfection. Engineers formed in the first schools of Europe promise us what we have long desired. They are quali- fied to fulfil our expectations. Let us not offer them the seduc- ing picture of romance—let us be as ngid and as sage in geography as we are in literature. We possess engineers who are excellent in planimetry. Nothing can exceed the perfection with which they exhibit the horizontal projections of countries ; but another step still remains, which cannot be difficult for men of such skill. Let us take care neither to retard nor to stop this progressive motion, or to convert it into a’retrograde motion by allegations of superannuated authorities. In the sciences, as in the arts, let us never look behind us, except to admire the progress which has been made, and of which we should rather be the emulators than the servile imitators. I have no hesitation to say that a true topographical schocl, founded on the complete study of the surface of the earth, is still wanting in France and in Europe. When it is formed, and when the complete science of geology is taught in it, we shall then possess engineers capable of describing and expressing every thing. Among the improvements proposed for obtaining a good geometrical description of the topography of places adapted for public service, a complete levelling has been proposed, expressed upon charts by the projections of the equidistant curves of the level resultmg from the common section of the surface of the ground, witha series of horizontal planes equidistant in a vertical direction. This method is perfect. It is absolutely necessary in order to arrive at the end proposed. Vertical topography is one of the most important bases of every geographical descrip- 1818.] of the Profile of Mount Jura. 357 tion ; without it we can form no idea of the form and relations of the ground. I consider this kind of information as the most important of all. In fact, it is often of less consequence to the engineer to be acquainted with the horizontal distance of an object exactly, than to know its relative height. In all cases, both civil and military, the relation of height is of primary importance. A topography which leaves it out has only the appearance of being useful. The difficulty, the tediousness, and the inaccuracy of geome- trical levellings may be objected; and I admit these objections. Great geodesical levellings formed by the sole practicable system, reciprocal zenith distances taken at different times, are influenced by the anomalies of terrestrial refraction. A good system of previous observations in which all the effects of pertur- bations were combined, would furnish, it is true, a complete suite of circumstantial co-efficients. But this great undertaking is still to commence. Topographical levellings, executed by means of angular data, besides their dependance on horizontal distances and vertical bases, are extremely tedious and delicate. They suppose an exact planimetry; they are affected by the inappreciable irregularities of refraction. The series of absolute heights thus determined is subject to accumulations of errors, which the probable compensation of opposite errors can but ill obviate. In countries exposed to violent changes, the difficulties, and with them the ezrors, augment. Very steep declivities often are beyond the limits of the instruments: the horizontal bases, which are less exact in such countries, combined within accurate angles, affect the levels with a degree of uncertainty which may be very considerable. The difficulties and imperfections which I have pointed out belong to the most favourable case of all, when the engineer is furnished with proper instruments to give the zenith distances ; and when he possesses a very exact planimetry of the country to be levelled; and when several absolute heights are already accurately determined ; when he has sufficient leisure, the means of marking out the different signals, &c. &c. But how far is the solitary geologist, naturalist, or engineer, from this advantageous position! Horizontal bases, the means of measuring them, a sufficient number of known points, exact instruments, and time itself, that fugitive element which presses so much upon the travelling geologist, are here all wanting. Whole ages would not be sufficient to enable an engineer to obtain the complete vertical topography of a country of moderate extent; and yet the geologist and the geographer are often under the necessity of levelling with rapidity, and of determining in a few days the whole profiles of systems of mountains, of which he rarely pos- sesses a tolerable chart, and never an exact planimetry. Without the assistance of the barometer such a situation would be desperate. This instrument, so simple, so precious, 358 M. Delcros’ Barometrical Measurement [Nov. so little known, so little valued, so despised, may be employed with advantage, and may come in place of the impracticable system of geometrical levelling. The idea of employing the barometer for vertical topography is neither mine nor is it new. All the philosophers who have become practically acquainted with this instrument have recom- mended it. De Saussure and De Luc may be considered as its creators; after them, Ramond, Humboldt, Pictet, Prony, De Buch, &e, have either applied it or brought it to the greatest degree of perfection. It is with the greatest diffidence that I offer my observations after the immortal labours of these illus- trious geologists. Notwithstanding the encouraging example of all these philo- sophers, the use of the barometer is still very much neglected. Mathematicians despise it without attempting to become practi- cally acquainted with it. Naturalists, more disposed to adopt it, are afraid of venturing to apply it, and generally neglect it. I do not flatter myself that I shall prevail upon these different classes of observers to make use of the barometer ; I shall merely add a few facts to the mass already collected. Barometrical measurements may be obtained by two methods. 1. By asystem of corresponding observations made at the same time. 2. By suites of successive observations not made at the same time, but sufficiently near to answer the same purpose as if they were contemporary. The first of these methods supposes corresponding observa- tions made at points previously agreed upon, and with barometers compared with each other. But it is often difficult to obtain these two conditions, and they keep the observer absolutely dependant on his base. In extensive measurements he is soon too far from the corresponding points to be able to reckon on the exactness of the comparisons. The second method may be of the greatest utility, in conse- quence of its perfect independence, of its rapidity, and I may say, likewise, in consequence of its exactness. This method, like the former, supposes us to set out from a known base ; but when once set out, we become independent of it. Let us figure to ourselves the astonishing rapidity with which we can measure the height of whcle regions and of lines of immense extent, and we shail be able to form a conception of this method. The want of correspondence of successive observations will no doubt be objected to me. I cannot deny this inconvenience; but it becomes very small if the observer abstains from observing when obviously disturbing causes intervene; and if he multiplies his observations so as to have them at intervals of half an hour from each cther, then his errors will be smaller than if he were obliged to employ corresponding observations at the horizontal distance of 20, 30, or 50 leagues. We can almost always combine these two methods, which will ee ee 1818.] of the Profile of Mount Jura. 359 thus throw light upon and verify each other. This I sometimes did formerly ; but I propose to do it more frequently hereafter, now that I know the advantages of it. I have already given to the public a partial measurement of Mount Ventoux. If mean at present to give the profile of Mount Jura on the line from Geneva to Lons-le-Saunier and the chateau Mirebel. A rapid examination of it which I made in 1813, to ascertain some geode- sical points, furnished me with an opportunity for determining it. i regret that the little time I had at my disposal, and the length of time which an cbservation of Fortin’s barometer requires, did not allow me to make so many as I could have wished. But notwithstanding this great inconvenience, the reader will be astonished at the results which I have obtained from successive observations often made at an interval of several hours, and from other corresponding ones made at Paris, Geneva, and Strasburg. The table which I give in the first place exhibits in four columns the principal successive observations, and the corre- sponding ones which I could collect. It will be observed how far my successive heights are from each other.* Having interrupted the suite of my observations, I divide them into three series, which I place in the order in which they were made, I shall not state here the particular calculations which I have made of all the combinations of the observations in this table. I shall be satisfied with arranging together the results which they have furnished in a:single table, the first columns of which give ‘the simple heights of the stations by successive observations. In the four succeeding columns I shall give the absolute heights of these same stations determined from a comparison of the corre- sponding observations made at Geneva, Strasburg, and Paris. The last four columns, in which I shall collect the differences of these results, will show the errors to which we are exposed in unfavourable circumstances, and will enable us to foretell their limits in more advantageous cases; that is to say, when the corresponding observations are made at places less remote, and when the successive observations are nearer each other in respect to time and horizontal space. * Wesuppress this table, because its great bulk would render the printing of it rather embarrassing, We shall confine ourselves to the results of the observations. —(Note by the editors of the Bibliotheque Universelle.) 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Sa[qey ‘opeut ye apeu ‘Smqszi}s meant Siiaiemant $.QB0Q[O |219M SMOIWBAIASGO AISsa00N8 suoiyeaAsesqo == Suipuodsat109. : *SUO1ZIISLOCY Aq weasd jatoyas suoie;s aq} JO soweyr kq pourvjqo aso, = ouy FE STORPAISE | SUI QUaN NT suonrssaago adrssaoons Aq |-qo Surpucdsarzoo snoauejjnuis kq “suo TyBAdOSq0 @AISS89 WdAtS s}jnsos Bf} JO BUA eas oy} IAOGU SAOIZE;S 24} JO WS19H]-ous fq SUOL)RIS OY} JO IWFIay ayy JO UONP[NI{T) 360 of the Profile of Mount Jura. 361 1818.] Eh-3—-|19-81— |6cr+!] 1L9+{|Ss10L [oPLIL [98-769 |FI-c69 | ¢8-869 |6a-E9t +|0S-0+|/6L01+ | 06-9 — shh a — Ieee 2 99-966 + +|70-61+ + 96-5 to-8+|9F-9+| [L089 28-869 |01-63¢ | pe'gon § [0929S t|LL-0+ |¥0-61+ |O8-T *LIWUNDY~a)-SuOT Mott puoras ay? ur sv no S10} 498 ‘sawag pry F, _ — foprpt| — — — |96-88¢ = at-sss lo6-106 —|98-0+| L6-aT+ | 99-6 — — fontt} — — — |99-889 — 26-069 ls¢-L€ —|00-0 [90-5 + |0%1 + — — {writ} — — — | &PooL _ FR-L3L [CL-OF@ —109-0+196-1F+ |OF-L — g0.7+/¢9.9 + Ieg.it+leo-0+l]1e-¢96 |Fs-196 |#9-096 196-195 | 66-196 |FI-668 +/06-0+] Lo-FI+ |00-0 = — feng+| — _ — | ehs99 _ 8.99 lp¢-0F +/00-0 | 81-2 + |0a3 — - — lpogt+| — — — | 1-229 _ 16-829 |it-es +106-0+] 108 + [OTL + -- — le60-| — — — |secre _ 06-479 |L0-691 +/09-0+| FL + 1068 — _ — Lto+| — — — |99.9L8 — G8-GLE |St-19L +/O0F-0+/99-9 + (G66 + = — feag-| — -- _ — ¢6-965 |8¢-r1 +|00-0 |9L0 + loss — IPiI-|G¢he — |1%s—-|Pus+ieLeco |soee¢ |6g.peg {s9-si¢ | Leese [90-181 —|0s-0+| 09-2 + |09-% + TO REGE; oe mee aaee ma cS 1 JO [eUsis ‘Jaqamr LAZIO Me ee oa ra PG-OGLC|""**** *Taqaatyy OF pros “neal Sajaut =6©9g.Q «= ‘sgluNneg-3[-suoT E6'9sse; "°° °° auUaig 943 Jo s19}8As au} GAOGR sodjaUI 1.9 SapNeig ‘Ig OLBOgp et rss eee ms aes jh -809G|°* ‘pred-qanog ‘pei jo neareyg PRELgg CCC on|g TF: PLs¢ ee ee os * apne[9 WS 0) peor Ymiod Saneumyng PROERC) Cet? omg ea *ysod jeusis Sanuy.p yor ay) jo doy ge.gagel ct ttc om| §G.ez9C|SUT[LA 0} peor Quiod Zunvarjng ke SEQOG Re oe ee ee ae ‘ould ie -6996 ee gS SES re P X101¢) aq} JO IUOY sag ‘suessopy COPRLG: Three sts sonigE S0-FFLg|vousaIO rvau ‘suesdoyy 0) peoy . “ury ey) do ag ey Jo aspug settee appar @A0ge aijaw 3u0 ; ‘ury ayy uo al " (f - ~ 19 i, 7 a , P a 7 oy : fe) fects feconmon refraction on the fgnal of Clerhe JOCV from Shat g Aushercor on the Suwe meanired near Crshene th Mvace wilh frercte of Valinum ¢ é e 2. Been sche) on thom IMbrning lod. Ylorneen - MD alovcara 2 & . Ylernoon “ Patnwon 34S. Ylornoon Towards € Svenen ; ; i ee t Engrved Cor DEThomsons Annats forBDaldnin Cretock k Jou Nov? 11808 1818.] of the Profile of Mount Jura. say the time when it ceased to be visible, it ae ne under the form of a very obtuse pyramid upon the top of an apparent hill, © produced by the effect of refraction upon the plain, the refracted points of which, in consequence of their distance, exhibiting to me an inclined plane imitating upon the horizon the projection of a hill. The poplar, whose enormous pyramid rose to the height of 28 metres, appeared to me then reduced to a spherical mass of three or four metres in height ; and if we recollect that the contour of the line to which [ referred these appearances was itself elevated by refraction in proportion to its distance, we shall have an idea of the differences of terrestrial refraction at different times of the day. I give here four figures representing in the opening of the objective of my telescope the profile of the trench and the different aspects of the signal and poplar in its neighbourhood at the four principal epochs. (Plate LXX XVI.) I conceive, from a great deal of experience, that the refractions in the same season are nearly horary. Hence it would be of great importance for geodesy to determine the horary values of the coefficient. We might then hope to obtain good vertical measurements by means of zenith distances. Till this great and useful undertaking be accomplished, I can recommend to geo- graphers a method which has succeeded with myself, and which I regret that I did not think of sooner. It is founded on the coincidence of hours. To determine the difference in the height oftwo points, I observe thei reciprocally at the same hours, though on different days. This expedient is not rigorously exact; but | am persuaded that it has the advantage of eliminating, in the same season, the principal error. It may be employed by a single observer, as is often necessary in practice. By adopting this method, so simple and so easy, which neither requires more means nor more calculations, and which spares the time that would be uselessly wasted on taking repeated zenith distances, I believe with confidence that we should be able to reduce the limits of disagreement to small fractions of a metre. I intend to employ this metliod in the new geodesical operations with which I am going to be charged; and I expect from it the most com- plete success. It has been proposed to determine the circumstantial coeffi- cient by observing the zenith distance of a point whose height is already known ; but this supposes the refraction to remain constant during the intervals of the observations ; and, likewise, that the trajectories of the rays coming from all the points of the horizon are similar curves, modified in proportion to the dis- tances ; but all these suppositions are gratuitous, and contrary both to theory and experment. The method which I propose has not the same inconvenience. The luminous ray passing through the same space undergoes very probably the same modi- ' fications, especially if the barometrical pressures and the temper- 366 M. Delcros’ Barometrical Measurement [Nov. atures are nearly the same, which we may ascertain for our greater satisfaction. A similar undertaking remains to be executed for the formula for barometrical measurement. This last is affected likewise by horary influences. All the observers, and particularly M. Ra~ mond in his celebrated and useful researches, have pointed out this effect. It is the coefficient for noon which has been gene- rally adopted and applied to all the hours of the day ; for noon would limit the barometrical method too much. We must employ the whole day if we wish to obtain series of points, profiles, &c. Let me then request zealous observers employed m elevated situations, geodesically connected, to collect the data requisite for the solution of this interesting problem. Iam: at this moment employed in calculating a series of 112 corre- sponding observations made with great care at two points, the, ‘diflerence of whose heights has been trigonometrically deter- mined. These observations were made at intervals of two hours, from eight o’clock in the morning till six in the evening. If 1 succeed in discovering any pretty constant law, I shall commu- nicate it to the public. But it ought not to be concealed that the determination of such laws ought to be the result of an immense number of observations collected in all seasons, made in all hours, and varied in many different places, and with different horizontal and vertical distances. Paris, Feb. 15, 1818, DeE.cRos. — Appendix by the Editors of the Bibliotheque Universelle. It may be worth while to quote, in support of our correspond- ent’s ideas, the opinion of a celebrated philosopher on the comparison of the measurements of heights by the two methods of trigonometry and the barometer. This opinion is found in the memoirs of M.le B. Ramond “ Surle Nivellement Barome- trique des Monts Dores et des Monts Domes,” presented to the Academy of Sciences in 1815, in which he announces having determined the absolute height of about 400 remarkable points in the most interesting part of the department of the Puy-de- Dome, and indeed of the whole of France. For this region, which comruiirontiige: the mean parallel of our hemisphere, is likewise the portion of the realm where the mountains are most elevated, andthe levels the most different and best characterized, by the very different nature of the beds, mostly volcanic, but belonging to epochs separated by very long intervals of time. He has examined how the inhabitants, spontaneous vegetation, and culture, are distributed on a vertical scale of 1900 metres, between the 45th and 46th degrees of latitude. Called as he has been more than once in the series of his operations to compare his barometrical data with the geodesical results obtained by : ! 1818.] of the Profile of Mount Jura. 367 zenith distances, observed by skilful mathematicians furnished with repeating circles, he finds sometimes discordance between the two methods, and great probability in favour of the first ; sometimes agreement; and in that case a prodigious advantage in facility and dispatch on the side of the barometer ; “ and the accuracy of the trigonometrical method,” he observes, “ has likewise its bounds. When we compare together the total and partial measures which it has furnished us, we are forced to acknowledge that none can be depended on nearer than one or two metres. This uncertainty indeed is but small; but that which attends barometrical measurements is not greater ; and if we employ separately the different series which have concurred to the determination of the mean angle, these exhibit disagree- ments which far exceed the limits within which the errors of the barometer are confined.” “« The imperfection of the two methods comes from a common source ; and the two instruments are equally defective when the disposition of the atmospherical strata is such that the gradual decrement of heat and humidity is altered or inverted. But this disorder exhibiting itself to the trigonometrical instruments by anomalies in the refraction, appears to exercise on the results an imcomparably greater effect than when it alters the ratio of the pressures indicated by the two corresponding barometers. In this last case, a small number of observations is sufficient to compensate for the errors ; but in the first case a very consider- able number are requisite: and M. Broussaud and myself have convinced ourselves that barometrical measurements taken with care are preferable to trigonometrical measurements themselves, whenever these last do not repose on reciprocal and very nume- rous observations, made with excellent instruments and by ver skilful persons, with all the conveniences and all the time requisite for such operations.” ——— Explanation of the Profile of Jura in Plate LXXXVI. Places denoted by the Letters. a, Geneva. 6, Gex. c, Mount Colombier. d, La Faucille. e, Valley of Mijoux. Jf, Culminating point ; vallon tourbeaux. g, Sept-Moncel. ' A, Highest point of the road. 2, St. Claude. k, Bienne (river). 4, Chateau de Prax. m, Roche d’Antre ; signal. n, Moyrans. 368 Dr. Burney on some Atmospheric Phenomena [Nov. o, Road near Citernon. p, Bridge de la Pyle on the Ain. q, Highest part of the road. r, Orgelet. s, Mount Tourget. t, Highest point of the road. u, Ditto. v, Lons-le-Saunier. ax, Plateau Calcaire. y, Chateau Mirebel (signal). A B, Syphon barometer, constructed at Berne, in 1811, by Noseda, a pupil of Paul, of Geneva; and employed in 1811] and 1812 in the barometrical measurements executed by M. Delcros in Alsace and in Switzerland. GD, Profile of the tube without the mounting. ArTIcLE VI. Remarkable Atmospheric Phenomena and their Effects. By Dr. William Burney. Gosport Observatory, Sept. 24, 1818. Since the commencement of autumn, considerable changes have taken place in the atmosphere from a dry to a humid and electric state, and the temperature has consequently been very much diminished. On the lst inst. we had a storm of rain, hail, thunder, and lightning ; the latter continued very strong and vivid from two till half-past four, a.m. while the thunder proceeded in a north- west direction. On the 5th, 1°33 inch of rain fell, which is as much as had fallen here during the preceding 16 weeks. 16th.—At a quarter before eight, p.m. a large lunar iris appeared on an extensive Nimbus to the west, the harvest moon being in the east, nearly full, and about 10° above the horizon ; in 15 seconds after, it was well formed by refraction and the reflection of the lunar rays through the falling drops of rain, the moon. was eclipsed by a dark passing cloud, and the phenomenon disappeared instantaneously. There was no time to measure it, but the semicircle appeared nearly as large as the solar rainbow under-mentioned. 2ist and 23rd.—We had strong equinoctial gales rising from the south and south-west soon after sun-rise, and dying away at sun-set. A solar halo appeared on light vesicular vapour on the Ist, 6th, 14th, and 22nd, anda lunar halo in the evening of the 17th; three of them were 44°, and two 45° in horizontal diameter, their perpendicular diameters being somewhat greater; and 1818.] and their Effects. 369 they were all followed by. rain, in some instances in less than four hours after disappearing. On the 23d, from 40’ till 55’ after five, p.m., a double solar rainbow appeared to the east, when the sun was within two or three degrees of the western horizon, and measured as follows : Diameter of the exterior semicircle. .......... 84° 30’ 00” Distance of the interior from the exterior bow at 8 22 30 the north side. .... Meine THe SRR. 5 Basins Distance of ditto from ditto at the south side.. 8 22 30 Greatest diameter of the exterior semicircle.... 101 15 00 This measurement of the rainbow is as wide as it can be within 9’, according to the most accurate calculation ; it was of longer duration, and the finest in colours that I ever remember to have seen; and the sun was so favourably situated as to make it the largest in extent. Sept. 25.—Fine coloured parhelia appeared this morning at intervals from 50 minutes past seven till five mimutes past eight o’clock, on an attenuated Cirrostratus cloud from the soutiward. At eight, the sun’s altitude from the horizon was 19° 4’ 40”, and each parhelion was 23° 30’ distant from, and parallel with, the real sun, making their altitudes equal with the luminary, and the halo in which they were situated, and which was very con- spicuous, 47° in horizontal diameter. Each parhelion disap- peared three times, and their formation on re-appearing was more simple than that of the parhelia which I attempted to describe in page 235 of the last number of the Annads: the colours, however, were similar, but the mock-suns smaller, viz. a little larger than the apparent size of the sun’s disc. State of the Wind, Clouds, and Instruments, at Eight 0’ Clock.— Wind, duesouth. Attenuated Cirrostratus, gradually increasing in extent and density, through which the sun shone faintly, and some Cirrus in the zenith. Height of the barometer 29-60 inches, and of the thermometer 55°. De Luc’s whalebone hy- grometer 75°, there having been a copious deposition of dew upon this instrument till after sun-rise. These, as well as the last parhelia, were followed by a sinking barometer; the sky was overcast by two, p.m. and rain came on at four. 26.—-About eight minutes before eight, a.m. three coloured parhelia appeared on a thin Crrrostratus that was passing very slowly in a north-west direction from this place ; the sun’s altitude at the same time being 18° above the horizon, and the halo, in which the parhelia were situated, 45° 10’ in horizontal diameter to the outside of the colours. The two parhelia parallel with the sun, were each 22° 35’, and the upper parhelion nearly 23° distant from the centre of his disc ; the latter was formed by the intersection of part of another halo at the top of the perfect one, and the parhelion at the point of Vou. XII, N° V. 2 om 370 Dr. Burney on some Atmospheric Phenomena [Nov. this intersection was the largest and the most resplendent in prismatic colours. The three parhelia thus situated in the upper aha of the perfect halo, formed, with the sun, two right angles. ithe state of the instruments was nearly the same as at eight o’clock yesterday morning, and very heavy showers of rain fell during the afternoon. Hence it may be concluded that both solar and lunar halos are certain signs of a humid atmosphere and of approaching rain. The rains this month, amounting to upwards of four inches, - have penetrated the dusty surface to a good depth, and have ' had beneficial effects on the vegetable tribes : the loamy meadows too, which three weeks ago were completely scorched by the hot sunshine, so that scarcely a blade of grass could be seen, are now overspread with a lively verdure, having the appearance of spring. —ire— Remarks on the Weather that preceded and followed two other Mock-Suns, seen at Gosport Observatory. Oct. 2.—At eight, p.m. a very brilliant meteor fell through space of about 25° ; it was of the apparent size of Jupiter, towards which planet it proceeded in its descent from the zenith, witha astonishing velocity. : 5.—At one, a. m. several loud claps of thunder, and lightning, accompanied by heavy rain, and strong gusts of wind at inter- vals, driving the clouds upon each other. 6.—At seven, p.m. a small whitish meteor, which emerged from behind a Czrrostratus cloud to the S.W.: at 10, the sky cleared up, by achange of wind from W. to N.W. 7.—A copious dew (which, with a temperature of 40°, pene- trated through the glass windows), that had been deposited on the grass before sun-rise, was converted into fine hoar-frost for the first time this autumn. In a few minutes after sun-rise, a Stratus arose in the adjoining meadows, perhaps from the exhalation of the heavy dew. When the sun had ascended a few degrees, a parhelion appeared in the eastern point of the compass, 23° distant from, and parallel with, his disc; a broad streak of Cirrostratus crossed the sun at the time, and reached near the mock-sun, which was adorned with the usual prismatic colours. Barometer 29°75 inches, thermometer 45°, hygrometer 80°, and the wind due north. A sunny day, with ramified, linear, and plumose Carvz from the N.W., forming into extended arcs as they passed off by the force of an upper current from that quar- ter, it being calm below; these Czr7z were succeeded by fleecy and dusky Cumuii, some of them very lofty ; also Cwnulostratus, which, on coming to the zenith, passed to a Nimbus, and a short shower followed: after 10, p.m. the sky became apparently clear. 4 — 1818] and their Effects. 371 8.—Heavy dew and hoar-frost as the preceding morning: at six, a.m.a dense Cirrostratus formed a fog-bank on Portsdown- hill, about four miles distant ; and on its arriving here at eight o’clock, the hygrometer, which before stood at 75°, went to 80°, notwithstanding a brisk northerly wind : a clear atmosphere the remainder of the morning. P.M. Fleecy and dusky Cumult, which, being to the westward, at sun-set passed through orange, dark blue, lake, and crimson tints, while the eastern sky exhi- bited a rose colour ; the arched part of it was about 35° in height, with a purple base : this magnificent appearance of the evening Crepusculum, which remained in view an hour after sun-set, was evidently produced by reflection from haze descending rapidly in that quarter, the dew having fallen here copiously soon after- wards: an apparent clear sky through the night. 9.—Very heavy dew and hoar-frost as the preceding morning ; also a dense Stratus resting on the ground, and large Cirri and Cirrocumuli descending into the lower atmosphere. At 10 minutes before eight, a.m. another parhelion appeared 23° 30’ to the east of, and parallel with, the sun, on an attenuated Cirro- stratus that was passing slowly in an easterly direction: the south end of this modifcation did not extend more than 10° beyond the real sun, nor was there any solar halo to be seen; but a faint one appeared at noon, Hence a parhelion with its natural colours may appear without a solar halo when a cloud is thus situated between the sun and the observer, or when there isnot enough vesicular vapour on either side of the sun to create a mock-sun ; and on the other hand, a solar halo 45°, 46°, or 47° in diameter may frequently be seen in a vaporous atmosphere without a parhelion, or parhedia. Faint sunshine through attenuated and undulated Cirrostratus, and some distant Cumuli near the horizon till five, p.m. when the wind veered from N.W. to 8.W., and the night turned out wet. The two subsequent days and nights were very wet, mostly drizzlmg, till the evening of the latter day (the 11th), when a strong gale with heavy rain came on from the S.W. and closed this change of weather; and the barometer is now rising to its former level. . Errata. In the middle of p. 235, the article a before beautifully coloured parhelia is superfluous ; and in the second line below, for equidistant from, read equidistant 23° 30’ from. Biz © 372 Dr. Philip on Stimulants and Sedatives. [Nov- ArticLe VII. On Stimulants and Sedatives. By Dr. Wilson Philip: (To Dr. Thomson.) DEAR SIR, Worcester, Sept. 28, 1818. In compliance with your request, I trouble you with a few observations in illustration of the following remarks in the 254th page of the second edition of my Inquiry into the Laws of the Vital Functions ; namely, “A moderate application of every agent appears to act asa stimulus ; and excessive application of it as a sedative. The quantities which act as stimulus and sedative bear no particular proportion to each other, but in differ- ent agents exist in every possible proportion.” It appears on the most cursory view of'the phenomena of life that they depend on a capacity of action in living parts and the operation of agents capable of exciting them. Thus the heart possesses the power of contraction, but it soon becomes inactive 1f the blood is withdrawn. The degree of excitement produced is proportioned to the force and continuance of the exciting cause and degree of excitability possessed by the part acted on. By the action of the stimulus, the excitability is always impaired, and by its continued action at length exhausted. Thus excite- ment continues, unless the agent is withdrawn, till the part is so far deprived of its excitability that it will no longer obey the same degree of the same agent. To produce further excitement a more powerful agent must be applied, or the excitability of the. part acted on must be increased. ~ The excitability is, within certain limits, increased by the abstraction of agents. Thus, for example, our sensibility, one species of excitability, is exhausted by the various agents which affect us during the day ; and we find by degrees that the same agents no longer excite us. If more powerful agents are not applied, we soon fall into a state of insensibility, sleep, during which the operation of the usual agents being withdrawn, we again become sensible to these agents. Such are the more evident laws of excitability ; and it would be easy, I think, to prove that they are the laws which regulate the cerebral system in a state of health. But it has been main- tained that the same laws regulate the excitability of every part of the animal. To this position a very obvious objection occurs. When the eye becomes wearied with seeing, the ear with hearing, &c. they cease to be excited; their excitability is thus allowed to accumulate, and they are again fitted for their func- tions : they are not concerned in the preservation of life. An animal may be in perfect vigour, as far as relates to the powers on which his existence depends, although he ‘neither sees nor hears. The vital powers remaining in sleep restore vigour to the Le ek 1818.] Dr. Philip on Stimulants and Sedatives. 373 exhausted organs of sense ; but were the vital organs themselves subject to similar exhaustion, what during such intervals would preserve the life of the animal? and by what powers would the vigour of these organs be restored ? It has béen said, indeed, that the diastole of the heart arises from the stimulus of the blood exhausting its excitability in the systole which is restored to it during the interval that elapses between its contraction and the occurrence of that degree of distention which again excites it. But a very simple experiment shows the fallacy of this opinion. If the heart is exhausted by the stimulus of the blood, and recovers its excitability during the absence of such a quantity of this fluid as is capable of exciting it, it ought not to recover its excitability if it is prevented from expelling any part of the blood which has excited it ; for we have seen that the continued appli- ' cation of the same stimulus which has produced exhaustion cannot again excite the exhausted part, as no renewal of excitability can take place while the agent which exhausted it is still applied. The retina will never recover its powers under the impression of the same degree of light which exhausted it. We cannot recover from fatigue while the cause of our fatigue still operates. But the alternate contractions and relaxations of the heart still take place, as I have ascertained by repeated experi- ment, although a ligature be thrown around the aorta, im conse- quence of which, the heart remains uniformly gorged with blood. The result of this experiment is not influenced by previously destroying the sensibility of the animal by a blow on the occiput. If we sprinkle salt on a muscle, it does not occasion perma- nent contraction followed by exhaustion, but a constant alter- nation of contraction and relaxation, although the salt is never removed. The state of the muscle, however, in the relaxations which intervened between the contracttons is evidently very different from that in which it is left when the salt can no longer excite any contraction in it. The foregoing facts seem to prove that the nervous and mus- cular excitability obey different laws. While the effect of uniform stimuli acting on the former is permanent excitement, followed by exhaustion, the habit of the muscular fibre under the influence of uniform stimuli is to act by intervals. This is probably the cause why moderate excitement seems not to exhaust the mus- cular fibre, while the nervous fibre suffers proportional exhaustion from every degree of excitement. Two circumstances appear to be capable of occasionally counteracting this habit and producing in the muscular fibre permanent contraction, a peculiarly strong stimulus and the influence of the will, It is only, however, occasionally that the most peru stimuli have this effect; and it is only for a limited time that the will can produce it. After a certain time, the natural tendency of the muscle to alternate contraction apd 374 Dr. Philip on Stimulants and Sedatives. [Nov. relaxation prevails, and the limb which we wish to keep steady begins to tremble. f There is another species of debility of the living fibre of a very different nature from the exhaustion we have been considering, which appears to bear no relation to any previous excitement; but to be the direct effect’ of agents ; for while some agents increase, others lessen, the action of this solid. The former have been -called stimulants, the latter sedatives. It has been maintained, indeed, that as exhaustion is the effect of moderate excitement, the species of debility we are now considering is always the consequence of excessive excitement ; and, therefore, that, like exhaustion, the sedative effect is never the direct effect of the agent. And this opinion seems at first view to be countenanced by the fact that stimuli act as sedatives. when applied in excess. Thus a moderate quantity of distilled ‘spirits received into the stomach produces excitement, which, within certain limits, is greater in proportion to the quantity taken; but if a verylarge quantity be suddenly received into the stomach, it produces no degree of excitement, but immediate debility, or even death. It is surely a strained explanation of the latter effects, how- ever, to suppose them the consequence of excessive excitement, no symptom of which appears. The supposed existence of this excitement rests wholly on the preconceived opinion, that exhaustion, in consequence of previous excitement, is the only debility which can arise from the operation of agents on the living fibre. It has, therefore, been maintained, that however imperceptible the excitement produced by large quantities of distilled spirits for example, we must suppose that their first effect is excitement, and their debilitating effect, consequently, only secondary. And so much has this idea laid hold of the minds of many, that im an account of the above Inquiry, lately published in a journal of great respectability, my opinion of the nature of inflammation is opposed on the ground that the opera- tion of agents in producing this disease must, in the first instance, be stimulant ; and the debility of the vessels, which it is admitted exists in inflamed parts, the consequence of previous excitement ; and this is maintained without questioning the accuracy of my experiments, from which it appears, that none of this previous excitement could be perceived with the aid of powerful micro- scopes. Now I may surely be allowed to maintain that where no imcreased action can be perceived, none should be supposed. We must not substitute hypothesis for plain matier of fact. But if this argument, which is of all the most conclusive, were out of the question, there is another, which, as far as I can judge, would be unanswerable, to which even the supporters of the hypothesis m question must listen. It must be admitted, even by them, that if the tendency of different agents to produce debility arises from the degree of excitement occasioned by their 1818] Dr. Philip on Stimulants and Sedatives. 375 first impression on the living solid, those best calculated to pro- duce excitement should be found capable of the greatest sedative effect. But this isso far from being true, that we find that the agents which produce the greatest degree of this effect are the worst stimuli. Tobacco, for example, which is one of the most: owerful sedatives, cannot, by any management, be made to produce the degree of excitement which arises from opium or distilled spirits. The sedative, like the stimulant effect, may be communicated to the muscular through the nervous system. When tobacco is applied to any considerable part either of the brain or spinal marrow, as I have ascertained by repeated experiment, the heart soon begins to act more languidly ; but this languor is preceded by little, if any, increased action, unless the tobacco be applied in a very diluted state ; in which case, it produces comparatively little languor, and the excitement is much less than that pro- duced by opium, which is followed by no sensible languor. If we disregard preconceived opinions and fix our attention on facts alone, we shall, as far as I am capable of judging, arrive at the following conclusions. Every agent capable of _ affecting the living solid acts both as a stimulus and sedative according to the degree in which it is applied. Applied within certain limits, it is a stimulus ; and in proportion as it stimulates, it exhausts the excitability, this being equally true of the inter- rupted excitement which stimuli produce in the muscular, as of the permanent excitement which they produce in the nervous system. Applied beyond these limits, agents no longer produce excitement followed by proportional exhaustion, but direct exhaustion arising from the operation of the agent, and wholly unconnected with previous excitement, the stimulant and seda- tive powers existing in no particular proportion to each other, but in different agents in every possible proportion. I have just had occasion to mention the comparative effects of tobacco and opium in the heart. Thus the stimulant power of distilled spirits is great, its sedative power small. {t must be used in very great quantity to produce the sedative effect ; while a small quantity a fignalis produces this effect, and its stimulant power is very 8 Le } hese observations apply to agents affecting the mind as well as the body. Grief and fear possess great sedative power ; they act as stimulants only when they are present in a comparatively small degree. Joy and anger, on the other hand, are powerful stimuli, and only act as sedatives when in excess. There is no exception, I believe, to the law we are considermg. There is no agent which may not be made to produce a stimulant effect by applying it in very small quantity, and none which does not act as a sedative when applied in excess. 1 remain, dear Sir, our faithful humble servant, A. P. W. Pur. » 376 Dr. Thomson on the — [Nov, ArricLe VIII. On the Annual Fall of Rain at Glasgow. By Thomas Thomson, M.D. F.R.S. Iris a general opinion that the quantity of rain which fails at Glasgow is greater than the fall at Edinburgh ; but this opinion does not seem founded upon any well-authenticated documents. It is probable that it rains more frequently at Glasgow than at Edinburgh; at, least this is the general opinion, and is not denied by the inhabitants of Glasgow themselves. But to judge from the registers kept at Glasgow and near Edinburgh, the quantity of ram which falls in the neighbourhood of the former city is rather less than what falls in the neighbourhood of the latter. We are in possession, indeed, of no regular table of the weather at Edinburgh; but a rain gauge has been long kept by the Duke of Buccleugh at Dalkeith Palace, within six miles of Edinburgh ;.and the annual depth of rain which falls at this place is regularly published. Now this is uniformly greater than the fall of rain at Glasgow. Indeed when the situation of Glas- ow is considered, one would expect less rain at it than at dinburgh. It is nearly 20 miles inland from the west coast ; and is, therefore, beyond the immediate influence of the Atlantic, which renders some parts of the north-west of England so rainy ; while its distance from the east coast, and the high land between it and Edinburgh, screen it from those violent rains when the east wind blows, which are so common in Ediaburgh. The distance of the hills from Glasgow is further than from Edinburgh ; and it is in some degree screened by high grounds both on the east and the west. The city of Glasgow lies in north latitude 55° 51’ 32”,* and in iongitude 4° 16’ west from Greenwich. The surface of the Clyde at Glasgow at low water is probably elevated about 15 feet above the surface of the sea at Greenock ; for the tide rises only a few feet at the new bridge, and it proceeds but a very little beyond Ruthergien bridge, which is scarcely the eastern boun- dary of this populous city. The College gate is elevated 60 feet above the Clyde; and the Macfarlane observatory, situated m the College garden, must be very nearly et the same elevation. A rain guage, constructed by Crichton, was placed upon the top of this observatory in the year 1801; and a regular register has been kept of the rain ever since by the Professor of Astronomy. This rain gauge is elevated about 20 feet above the surface of the garden, or 80 feet above the Clyde. Itis situated on a plain, at some distance from any houses, and not overlooked by any trees. The situation, therefore, with the exception of its height above the river, is as favourable for accurate observations as can be. Itdeserves to be mentioned that the rain guage at Dalkeith * Edinburgh is in north latitude 55° 56’42”. It is, therefore, 5’ 10” further north than Glasgow, which is very nearly six miles. 1818.j Annual Fall of Rain at Glasgow. 377 Palace, and the one at Sir Thomas Brisbane’s, at Largs, upon the west coast, are all exactly similar, and were all made by Crichton; so that they can be accurately compared with each other. Dalkeith Palace stands, I conceive, at a greater height above the river Esk than the Macfarlane observatory does above the Clyde. The following table exhibits the fall of rain at Glas- gow for the last 17 years. It was kindly drawn up at my request by Dr. Couper, Professor of Astronomy. Register of Rain at the Macfarlane Observatory. 1801. | 1802. | 1803. | 1804. | 1805, | 1806. | 1807. | 1808. | 1809, Inches. Bee 1°627 | 0°426 | 3°881 | 1°483 | 2-329 | 0-908 | 1-246 | 1-435 Feb.... 1°645 | 1°544 | 0-545 | 1°617 | 1°579 | 0°959 | 0-778 | 2-Sv0 March.. 0°927 | 0:752 | 2°310 | 2°130 | 0-272 | 0-288 | 0-082 | 0°:360 April 1°450 | 1-051 | 0°791 | 0°630 | 0°683 | 1-085 | 1:5z5 ! U-£86 May... 0°606 | 1°286 | 2°406 | 0°885 | 2°085 | 2:430 | 157i | 2-379 June... 1-500 | 1:229 | 1°150 | 1-023 | 0-737 | 0-995 | 1°814 | 2-479 July... 3°802 | 0°800 | 1:587 | 1°414 | 2-693 | 3-205 | 3-118 | 2-245 August. 2:000 | 2:11] | 3°676 | 1°778 | 2°869 | 3415 | 5597 | 5-283 Sept....| 2°015 | 1-200 | 1-900 7T1 | 2°030 | 1-497 | 2°746 | O'616 | 2-925 0: Oct... .| 2°912 | 2°851 | 0:595 | 2°527 | 0-015 | 2°254 | 3-644 | 2°171 | 1-442 Noy,...}| 0°993 | 0°679 | 1°540 | 1-937 | 0°309 | 3:°506 | 1°553 | 2°135 | 0-925 Dec.. ..| 1°347 | 1-470 | 1234 | 0-701 | 2-468 | 3.358 | 1°016 | 1°342 | 3-153 <|— we Total. . 19°757 [14-468' 122-282 |15-782 |23-862 [29-244 121-795 |25-189 1s10. | 1811. | isiz. | 1813. | 1814. | 1815. | iste. | 1817. | 1818, em) ae - — - Inches, . r Jan....| 1°743 | 1-723 | 1°352 | 1-242 | 0:032 | 1°135 | 1-342 | 2624 | 2-594 Feb....| 1°283 | 2°T35 | 1°424 | 2°746 | 0°826 | 2°312 | 1°514.) 3°103 | 2-163 March, .| 1°687 | 1°254 | 1°865 | 1:342 | 0-702 | 2-457 | 1:126 | 0 627 | 1-952 April..| 0°659 | 2°054 | 0°842 | 0-216 | 1-654 | 0°925 | 1-243 | 0-072 | 1-420 May ...| 0°510 | 2°783 | 1°443 | 2-133 | 0°625 | 2:104 | 1-715 | 1-930 }. 1-212 June...} 1°145 | 1°982 | 1°802 | 0°794 | 0-127 | 1-246 | 1°584 | 2-312 | 0-904 July ...| 3°724 | 1°635 | 1°531 | 2°342 | 2°478 | 1°531 | 4°312 | 1-773 | 4:963 August.| 2°874 | 3°545 | 2°166 | 1-307 | 2°397 | 2°354 | 2°146 | 2:854 | 0-310 Sept....| 0°724 | 1°273 | 2°342 | 1°563 | 0°384 | 2:275 | 3-214 | 0-629 Oct. ...} 1°176 | 2°854 | 5:345 | 2-385 | 3°145 | 2-402 | 2-446 | 0°892 Nov....} 3°374 | 3-252 | 2-452 | 1-362 | 2°976 | 1-823 | 1-014 | 2°546 Dec. ...} 2°534 | 2°T11 | 0-246 | 0-936 | 4°176 | 1:780 | 2°143 | 3°058 Total. .!21°433 |27-801 22°810 |18°868 {19-522 |22°344 |23-799 oe 22°420 The following table of the fall of rain at Corbeth, 12 miles north-west from Glasgow, near the Campsie hills, and at the height of 4663 feet above the level of the Clyde at Glasgow, will give the reader an idea of the great increase of rain as we advance nearer the west coast and the mountains. [t was kept by Mr. Guthrie, of Corbeth; and the rain gauge is precisely the same as that used at the observatory of Glasgow. UBTB 6s... dee ses 41°393 inches, MANE: (ssid aus athe Mie @ ret 1817 eeeeoeeeeen ed 44-965 378 " Analyses of Books. [Noy. ARTICLE IX. ANALYSES OF Books. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. VIII. Part IL. 1818...) This part contains the following papers : I. On the Effects of Compression and Dilatation in altering the Polarizing Structure of Doubly Refracting Crystals. By David Brewster, LL.D. F.R.S. Lond. and Edin.—Dr. Brewster shows that when pressure is applied to a thin plate of calcareous spar bounded by planes perpendicular to the axis of double refraction (the shorter diagonal of the crystal), the circular rings of colour formerly observed change their shape. A similar effect is pro- duced upon quartz, and indeed upon all doubly refracting crystals, whether negative or positive. ‘He shows very ingeniously that this alteration is not owing to a modification of the original force, but to the creation of a new force. Hence it is easy to determine d priori the effect of compression or dilatation upon doubly refracting crystals. When positive crystals are com- pressed parallel to the axis of the crystal, the tints rise; when the axis of compression is perpendicular to the axis of the crystal the tints descend. When the same crystals are dilated, the opposite effect takes place. If the crystals be negative, compres- sion in the direction of the axis makes the tints descend ; perpen- dicular to the axis, it makes them rise. By dilatation, vice versa. Il. Experiments on Muriatic Acid Gas, with Observations on tts Chemical Constitution, and on some other Subjects of Che- mical Theory. By John Murray, M.D. F.R.S.E. This paper will be printed in a future number of the Avnals. Lil. Haperiments on the Relation between Muriatic Acid and Chlorine; to which is subjoined the Deseription of a new Instru- ment for the Analysis of Gases by Explosion. By Andrew Ure, M.D. Professor of the Andersonian Institution, and Member of the Geological Society. lt has been demonstrated by decisive experiments, and is universally admitted, that when chlorine and hydrogen gases are mixed together in equal volumes, and an electrical spark is passed through the mixture, these two gases disappear, and there is found in place of them a quantity of dry muriatic acid exactly equal in volume to the two gases before the combustion. Two explanations of this fact have been advanced. Gay-Lussac and Thenard, who, as far as I know, were the first chemists that established the fact by rigid’ experiments, explained it in this way. Chlorine gas is a compound of one volume of muriatic acid and half a volume of oxygen condensed into one volume. The volume of hydrogen combies during the combustion with the half volume of oxygen, and forms water. This water unites with the muriatic acid, which is incapable of existing without it Se ee 1818. Edinburgh Transactions, Vol. VIII. Part I. 379 in the gaseous state, and of course of being separated from it without depriving this acid of its gaseous state; and according to their calculations, the water which thus constitutes an essen- tial part of muriatic acid amounts to about 4th of the weight of the compound. According to this explanation, chlorine is a compound of one atom of oxygen and a certain unknown sub- stance which has never yet been obtained ina separate state. If we add an atom of hydrogen to this compound, it unites with the atom of oxygen, is converted into water, and this water combining with the unknown basis, converts it into muriatic acid gas. Sir Humphry Davy explained the fact in another and a much sim- pler manner. According to him, chlorine is a simple (that is to say, an undecompounded) body. Anatom of it has the property of combining by combustion with an atom of hydrogen, aud of forming muriatic acid. Gay-Lussac and Thenard have adopted this explanation, and. abandoned their own. Indeed they sug- gested it in their original publication ; and Gay-Lussac informs us that he had embraced it from the first, and that he had always from that time taught it in his lectures. According to the first of these explanations muriatic acid is a compound of 1th water and sths of an unknown substance, which constitutes the acid of the muriates: according to the second it is a compound of chlorine and hydrogen. Dr. Murray, of Edinburgh, is almost the only person in this country who has supported the first or o/d opmion. A controversy took place several years ago in Nicholson’s Journal, between him and Dr. John Davy, on this subject; the former supporting the old, the latter the new opinion. This controversy was carried on by both with much ability, and led to the discovery of a variety of new and interesting facts ; but it terminated as almost all controversies do: both combatants retained the original opinions with which they had set out, and both of them boasted of having gained a complete victory, and of having established his own opinions by the most satisfactory arguments. It occurred to Dr. Murray that muriate of ammonia might be employed to furnish an evidence on the one side or the other which should be decisive. According to the old view of the subject muriatic acid contains 1th of its weight of water: when it unites to ammonia this water ceases to be necessary to its constitution, and may, therefore, be obtained in a separate state. Suppose we mix equal volumes of dry muriatic acid and ammo- niacal gases, they combine and constitute sal-ammoniac. Now a volume of ammonia approaches to half the weight of a volume of muriatic acid ; therefore, dry sal-ammoniac, formed by the union of the gases, must contain about the 6th of its weight of water ; therefore, 100 grains of sal-ammoniac made in this way, if the old theory be true, must contain nearly 17 grains of water. Dr. Murray formed sal-ammoniac by uniting the gases; he ex- posed it to heat, and he obtained, in every case, a sensible quantity of water: this result, in his opimion, decided the con- 380 Analyses of Books. [Nov. troversy in his favour. As sal-ammoniac when prepared from the dry gases always exinbits traces of water, it follows, he conceives, that this water must have existed in combination with the muriatic acid ; therefore, &c. But this mode of reasoning did not satisfy his adversaries. The quantity of water thus evolved they said was small, and it became less andless according to the care taken to have moisture more completely excluded. They ascribed the water which made its appearance to the aqueous vapour which always exists in gaseous bodies, and from which, perhaps, it is impossible to free them. Dr. Ure is one of those persons who seems to have thought well of the opinion which Dr. Murray defended, but not of the experiments by which he supported it. The object of the present paper is to bring forward unequivocal evidence of the existence of water as a constituent of sal-ammoniac and of muriatic acid, and to infer from this that the old opinion is the true one. He sublimed sal-ammoniac very slowly through clean metallic filings (silver, copper, and iron) previously heated to redness in a glass tube. In every experiment, when properly conducted, there was a deposition of liquid in the part of the tube beyond the metals : this liquid was water of ammonia. The water which appears in this case he concludes must have previously existed in the sal-ammoniac ; for as that salt contams no oxygen, it is plain that no watce could have been formed by the decomposi- tion of the sali.. The old opinion, therefore, that muriatic acid vas contains water as an essential constituent, he considers as established by his experiments. These experiments appear to have been made with much care, and I have no doubt that the results are as Dr. Ure states them. I do not, however, see any reason for considering these experiments as decisive of the question, or as more favourable to the old opinion than the new. A short explanation will enable the reader to perceive the reasons on which this opinion is founded. 1. Muriatic acid seems capable of combining with most of the salifiable bases while in a liquid state, and of forming compounds to which the term muriates may be applied. Some of these compounds may be even exhibited in a solid state without de- composition. Now the salifiable bases (with an exception of two) contain oxygen, and muriatic acid contains hydrogen. Of course the constituents of water exist in all the muriates. Now whenever a muriate is subjected to a red heat it undergoes de- composition: the hydrogen and oxygen unite, and fly off in the state of water ; while the chlorine combines with the reduced sali- fiable base, and forms a chloride. Thus when muriate of barytes is exposed to a red heat it is converted into chloride of barium, muriate of manganese into chloride of manganese, and so on. 2. When muriatic acid comes in contact with a salifiable base at a red heat, the very same double decomposition takes place ; the chlorine unites to the reduced salifiable base, and forms a chloride ; while the oxgyen of the one unites with the hydrogen 1818.] Edinburgh Transactions, Vol. VIII. Part ITI. 381 of the other, and flies off in the state of water. Accordingly it has been ascertained by experiment, that when muriatic acid gas is made to pass through red hot lime, barytes, strontian, &ce. chloride of calcium, barium, strontium, &c. is formed, and a considerable eee of water is evolved. : 3. In Dr. Ure’s experiments it is obvious that the sal-ammo- niac was partly decomposed ; for the liquid obtained was water of ammonia ; therefore, the experiments are quite the same as if -muriatic acid gas had been passed slowly through a glass tube heated to redness. 4. But a glass tube contains several salifiable bases ; namely, oxide of lead, oxide of manganese, soda, &c. These will be partially converted into chlorides at a red heat, and of course water will be formed. Sir H. Davy has ascertained by experi- ment that this actually happens: he obtained water by passing muriatic acid gas through red hot glass tubes. Here then we see the source of the water in Dr. Ure’s experiments, without being under the necessity of considering it as previously existing in sal-ammoniac. The same explanation will apply to the water which made its appearance when Dr. Ure substituted muriatic acid gas for sal- ammoniac in his experiments. Into that part of the paper, therefore, I need not enter. I may here notice an illustration which Dr. Ure employs in his aper, and which is to be found likewise in Dr. Murray’s paper, which will be printed in a future number of the Annals ;—-it is that sulphuric acid cannot exist without water. Now this is a mis- take. I can procure sulphuric acid free from water, with great - ease, and I exhibited it last winter in that state to the Chemical Class in the University of Glasgow. The mode of obtaining anhydrous sulphurie acid, and the account of its properties in that state, will be found in the Fifth Edition of my System of Chemistry, vol. i. p. 105. Dr. Ure’s eudiometer for exploding combustible gases is ingenious. It will be understood from the figure in the margin. It consists of a glass tube, sealed at one end and open at the other, bent into a syphon shape, with the two legs of equal length. The shut end is graduated, and furnished with me- tallic wires in the usual way. The mixture of gas to be exploded is put into the graduated side ; a portion of mercury is allowed to remain in the bend of the syphon, filling it for example to a. Between a and the open mouth the tube is filled with common air. When the gas is to be exploded, cover the open mouth of the syphon with the finger, and pass an electric spark. The common air acts as a recoil spring, and prevents the fracture of the tube. IV. On the Laws which regulate the Distribution of the po- larixing Force in Plates, Tubes, and Cylinders of Glass that have received the polarizing Structure. By Dr. Brewster.—The 382 Analyses of Books. [Nov. author’s observations and experiments are of so miscellaneous a nature, that we could scarcely make them intelligible to our readers by abridgment: we must, therefore, refer them to the paper itself. It is terminated by the description of an instru- ment for measuring the elasticity of bodies, to which Dr. Brew- ster has given the name of teznometer. V. Remarks illustrative ¢ the Scope and Influence of the philosophical Writings of Lord Bacon. By Maévey Napier, Esq. F.R.S. Lond. and Edin. and F.A.S. Edin. Bacon is uni- versally admitted to have first pointed out the importance of induction in advancing the sciences, and to have laid down the laws according to which inductive philosophy is to be cultivated. For many years this method has been generally adopted, and the progress of the sciences has accordingly been vast, and is still continuing., It has been generally admitted that the com- mencement of this great career was entirely owing to Bacon, and that he of consequence may be considered as in some measure the author of all the discoveries in science that have been made since his time. But there are some individuals who are of a contrary opinion. According to them, Bacon’s writings had little effect, and indeed cozitinued almost unknown till the sciences had made very considerable progress. The object of this very entertaining and judicious paper is to show that this latter opinion is erroneous; that Bacon’s writings produced a ereat and immediate effect both in Britain and on the Continent ; that both Newton and Boyle regulated themselves by his views, and that they led to the establishment of the Royal Society, to which the physical sciences lie under such obligation for their progress. These important points are established by an in- duction of particulars, which produces conviction, and which furnishes a good example of that Baconian logic, the value of which it is our author’s object to establish. It is not easy for us at present to estimate the exact effects of the Novum Organum ; but that they must have been great, is, I think, undoubtedly true. In the present advanced state of the sciences, however, I conceive that the young philosopher may employ his time better than in studying the rules of Bacon’s logic. The inductive method is much more easily acquired by example than by precept. Let him select the best examples of true inductive reasoning which are to be found, Newton’s Optics and Principia for example, and let him study these so thoroughly as to imbibe their true spirit. He will be better qualified to advance the progress of any of the sciences than by a life-time devoted to the perusal of Bacon. Among the men of science in this country who have devoted considerable talents and much industry to the prosecution of scientific investiga- tions with very little benefit either to themselves or others, were I to be asked to point out who have been most conspicuous, I should without hesitation select those who have professed the~. greatest admiration of the Baconian logic. 1818.] Edinburgh Transactions, Vol. VIII. Part IT. 383 VI. Sketch of the Geology of the Environs of Nice. By Tho. Allan, Esq. F.R.S. Edin. From this paper it appears that the country in the immediate neighbourhood of Nice is composed of limestone. Mr. Allan distinguishes two different formations, which he calls first and second limestone : the first he suspects to be transition, and the second to be floetz, but he did not verify his suspicions by sa- tisfactory evidence. The first limestone has a brown colour, a compact texture, a conchoidal fracture, and, in general, shows no appearance of crystallization, though sometimes it does. It contais petrefactions, shells of different species, as cornu-am- monis, pecten, and corraloids. Flint also occurs in it in nodules, and seems sometimes to be in regular beds, as in chalk. Several varieties of this limestone are described. The second limestone, ° it would appear from the map which accompanies the paper, lies chiefly in the valleys skirting the different rivulets. It has the aspect, according to Mr. Allan, of having been twmbled down from above the first limestone ; it lies in the most irregular state, and is distinguished by those contortions and involutions which have been so often described by the Huttonians with so much delight. Had they examined the loose sand on the north side of Edinburgh, they would have seen as many contortions in it as in the rocks of St. Abbshead themselves. The second limestone is composed of strata varying very much in thickness from a few inches to several feet ; its colour varies from bluish to brownish grey ; sometimes it is hard and close grained, with a splintery fracture; sometimes its texture is earthy, and it gives an argillaceous smell. It contains a pro- fusion of shells. : Besides these two formations, there is a vast deposite of al- luvial gravel on the west side of Nice, and in other places in the neighbourhood. This gravel consists of fragments of primitive rocks, and contains mixed with it a vast quantity of shells, many of them the very same species that still exist in the Me- diterranean. The paper concludes with a catalogue of the shells found by Mr. Allan near Nice : they amount to 225 species. This cata- logue is drawn up by Capt. Brown, who ascertained the names of the species ; and there are 33 species which he considers as new. Of these he has given figures. VU. On certain Impressions of Cold transmitted from the higher Atmosphere, with the Descripiion of an Instrument adapted to measure them. By John Leslie, F.R.S.E. and Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh. Mr. Leslie is the philosopher to whom we are indebted for almost all our knowledge of the radiation of heat. He himself, how- ever, has never admitted the truth of the opinion that heat ra- diates. According to him heat is nothing else than light fixed in bodies ; it never can leaye a body at all without losing the character of heat, and assuming that of light. What others 384 Analyses of Books. [Nov consider as radiation, he affirms to be nothing more than pulses of the air, similar to the undulations by which sound is propa- gated; these undulations may be either of heat or of cold, ac- cording as they proceed from a heated or a cooled surface. Accordingly, the amount of these pulses, or what is called the radiation of heat, differs according to the gas through which the pulsation takes place. In hydrogen gas it is much greater than in air, and in a complete vacuum it would disappear alto- gether. Nothing can be more ingenious than his views on this subject, nor than the instrument which he has contrived for mea- suring the pulses of cold emitted from a clear sky. But as, after reading over his paper with some attention, I have not been able to see clearly the evidence on which his opinions are founded, I think that the best way to do justice both to Mr. Leslie and to the readers of the Annals will be to print his paper. It will appear, therefore, in an early number. VIII. A Method of determining the Time with Accuracy, from a Series of Altitudes of the Sun, taken on the same Side of the Meridian. By Major-General Sir Thomas Brisbane, Knut. F.R.S.E. Sir Thomas Brisbane having been moving much about for a number of years, was unable to carry with him large astrono- mical instruments ; he was induced in consequence to try how good results he could obtain from small instruments. His success has been such as to induce him to recommend the sextant as an instrument which would be much more employed by astronomers if its value were known. In this paper he shows his method of determining the time from a series of altitudes of the sun on the same side of the meridian. This method he recommends as fully as exact as the method by equal altitudes, and as more exact than that method when a change of tempe- rature has taken place in the interval between the forenoon and afternoon observations. For the method itself we must refer to the paper, as it could not be made intelligible without tran- scribing the whole calculation. IX. Observations on the Junction of the Fresh Water of Rivers with the Salt Water of the Sea. By the Rey. John Fleming, D.D. F.R.S. Edin. As the specific gravity of salt water is greater than that of fresh, Dr. Fleming naturally conjectured that when the tide begins to flow up the mouth of a river, the salt water will occupy the bottom of the channel, and will be covered by the fresh water which will occupy the surface. A set of trials made on the waters of the Frith of Tay at different times of the tide, fully confirmed the accuracy of his opinion. Mr. Stevenson made similar observations on the waters of the Don, but he found this not quite the case with the Thames. From his trials on that river he was led to infer that the fresh water moves backwards and forwards without any real flow into the sea. X. Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Hon. Alexander 1818.] Scientific Intelligence. 385 Fraxer Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee. By the Rev. Arch. Alison, L.L.B. F.R.S. Lond. and Edin. We shall insert this very in- teresting memoir in our next number. ARTICLE X. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE, AND NOTICES OF SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH SCIENCE. I. Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. A number of individuals in Philadelphia have for some years been accustomed to meet at leisure hours for the purpose of communicating to each other such facts and observations as were calculated to promote the knowledge of the natural sciences among themselves, and of extending it among their fellow citizens. On April 25, 1817, they were by the legislature of Pennsylvania incorporated into a society under the title of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. They have made some progress in the formation of a museum and a library; and since the time of their incorporation, they have begun to publish a journal in the octavo form. By Jan. 1, 1818, eight numbers were published, making in all 218 pages. The first four num- bers consist of a sheet each; the next three of two sheets; and the eighth, which is the last number that I have yet seen, con- sists of three sheets and 2 of a sheet ; but of it !2 sheets are filled with the act of incorporation, the constitution of the society, and a catalogue of the books and museum belonging to them. This Academy cannot but greatly promote the advancement of all the branches of natural history by making us better acquainted than we have hitherto been with the natural produc- tions of the vast continent of America. To give my readers some idea of tthe subjects treated of in the Journal of this Academy, | shall transcribe the contents of the numbers pub- lished during the year 1817. 1. Description of six new Species of the Genus Firola, observed by Messrs. Le Sueur and Peron in the Mediterranean Sea in the Months of March and April, 1809. By C. A. Le Sueur. 2. Account of a North American Quadruped, supposed to belong to the Genus Ovis. By George Ord. 3. Description of seven Species of American Fresh Water and Land Shells, not noticed in the Systems. By Thomas Say. 4. Descriptions of several new Species of North American Insects.. By Thomas Say. 5. Observations on the Genus Eriogonum and the Natural Order Polygonez of Jussieu, . By Thomas Nutall. Vou. XII. N° V. 2B 386 Scientific Intelligence. {Nov.- 6. Notice of the late Dr. Waterhouse. 7. Characters of anew Genus, and Descriptions of three new Species upon which it is formed; discovered in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Months of March and April, 1816; lat. 22° 9”. By C. A. Le Sueur. 8. Description of three new Species of the Genus Raja. By C. A. Le Sueur. 9. Some Account of the Insect known by the Name of Hessian Fly, and of a parasitic Insect that feeds on it. By Thomas Say. 10. On a new Genus of the Crustacea, and the Species on which it is established. By Thomas Say. 11. An Account of an American Species cf the Genus Tanta- lus, or Ibis. By George Ord. 12. An Account of the Crustacea of the United States. By Thomas Say. 13. A short Description of five (supposed) new Species of the Genus Murena, discovered by Mr. Le Sueur in the Year 1816. By C.A. Le Sueur. 14. Description of two new Species of the Genus Gadus. By Mr. Le Sueur. 15. Description of a new Species of the Genus Cyprinus. By Mr. Le Sueur. 16. An Account of an American Species of Tortoise, not noticed in the Systems. By C. A. Le Sueur. 17. A new Genus of Fishes of the Order Abdominales, pro- posed, under the Name of Catastomus ; and the Characters of this Genus, with those of its Species, indicated. By C. A. Le Seur. 18. An Account of two new Genera of Plants, and of a Species of Tillea and Limosella, recently discovered on the Banks of the Delaware, in the Vicinity of Philadelphia. By Thomas Nutall. 19. Description of new Species of Land and Fresh Water Shells of the United States. By Thomas Say. 20. Descriptions of four new Species, and two Varieties, of the Genus Hydrargira. By C. A. Le Sueur. 21. Observations on the Geology of the West India Islands, from Barbadoes to Santa Cruz, inclusive. By William Maclure- 22. Observations on several Species of the Genus Actinia ; illustrated by Figures. By C. A. Le Sueur. 23. Description of Collinsia, a new Genus of Plants. By Thomas Nutall. 24. Act of Incorporation; Constitution of the Society; Library ; Donors to ditto ; Donations to Museum ; Apparatus. Il. Common Magnesia Alba of the Shops. Berzelius informs us that he has ascertained the common magnesia alba of the shops to be a compound of three atoms of 1818.] Scientific Intelligence. 387° carbonate of magnesia and one atom of hydrate of magnesia.— (Ann. de Chim. et Phys. vii. 206.) Grotthuss has expressed a suspicion that common magnesia may be a compound of carbo- nate and hydrate of magnesia—(Schweigger’s Jour. xx. 276); a suspicion which seems to have been verified by Berzelius about the time that it was made ; for though Berzelius’s statement was not published till some months after Grotthuss’s conjecture, there is every probability that his experiments had been completed before the publication of Grotthuss’s paper. Bucholz informs us that magnesia alba exists in three different states of combination. These observations of Berzelius. and Grotthuss may, perhaps, apply correctly to the magnesia alba exposed for sale in the apothecaries’ shops of Sweden and Germany. In these coun- tries, the chemical medicines exposed to sale are subjected to an annual examination. Hence it is natural to look for more uniformity in their state than in this country where no such examination takes place, and where every chemical manufac- turer is left entirely to his own judgment. I have had occasion to examine a good many specimens of magnesia alba purchased in druggists’ shops, and I have found too great a diversity in its composition to permit the conclusion that it is a chemical com- pound. It seems rather to be a mechanical mixture of carbonate of 2 oe caustic magnesia, and, perhaps, hydrated magnesia, in different proportions. This no doubt would depend upon the state of the alkali employed to throw it down from Epsom salt, or muriate of magnesia ; for it is from these two salts that it is usually procured. . I shall give, as an example, an analysis of a magnesia alba, purchased in Glasgow, which I made last winter. Carbonic acid. ...... 14:0 ...... 1 atom Magnesia .......... SIs. irae « 4 atoms Wittety ie wie ccalte nts 2 eK) ee es 5 atoms Sulphate of lime. .... 6°6 100-0 III. Discovery of Hatiyne in the Island of Tyree. M. Necker, of Geneva, some time ago, discovered haiiyne in the primitive limestone of the island of Tyree. The following is the account of the specimens which he observed, as stated by him in a letter to Professor Jameson :— Colour.—Sky blue, pure, and sometimes a little greenish. Lustre.—Vitreous, shining. Transparency.—Pellucid. Fracture.—Vitreous. Hardness.—Scratches glass. Chemical Characters.—With the biow-pipe does not melt, but loses its colour and becomes opaque. 2B2 388 Scientific Intelligence. [Nov. By the acids it is dissolved; the quantity was too small to ascertain whether it formed a jelly. Occurs disseminated in grains not exceeding a line in diameter, in nodules composed of feldspath, mica, and sahlite, which are found in the limestone rocks on the sea shore, west of the farm of Balapheitrich, near the quarry of primitive limestone in the island of Tyree. The specimen of these nodules which I have brought home with me from that spot being small, and the haiiyne not abundant, and in very small grains, 1 was very limited in my experiments upon this interesting substance here, for the first time I believe, found elsewhere than m volcanic rocks. I trust that by your exertions, and those of future tra- vellers in the western islands, more will be known of this mmeral. To promote such an. inquiry, you may, if you think it proper, imsert this in some of your scientific journals. I think [ have mentioned the place where I found it in a manner clear enough to guide the mineralogist who may chance to visit the island of Tyree. It is on the rocks near the high water mark, exactly due west of the farm house of Balapheitrich, in round nodules projecting from the surface of the limestone strata. Believe me, my dear Sir, your obedient humble servant, L. A. Necker, Prof. IV. Tungstate of Lime. This rare mineral, the nature of which was first ascertained by Scheele, was some years ago subjected to a rigid analysis by Berzelius. He found ita compound of Tungstic acid ...... 80°417 ...... 100-00 Laman € 24:50 be ee 0-200) hiner eee As it is aneutral salt, there can be no doubt that it is a com- pound of one atom tungstic acid and one atom lime. Hence if ~ an atom of lime weigh 3°625, an atom of tungstic acid must weigh 15. Professor Bucholz and Mr. Rudolph Brandes, without being aware of what had been done by Berzelius, have lately subjected two varieties of this mineral to a very careful analysis. It is an object of some consequence to compare the results which they obtained with those of Berzelius, that we may see how far they confirm his conclusions. I shall, therefore, state here the composition of the two minerals according to their analyses. The first variety had a yellowish white colour, and a specific gravity of 6-076. It was from Schlackenwald. Its constituents were Tungstic acid. ..... SN mIREY PRE Pobre a le\ssn tw wip tanita dO. oe BE Matha ciclo tale in of nid DRA alin — 1818.] Scientific Intelligence. 389 The second variety was from Zinnwald ; its colour was brown, and its specific gravity 5-959. Its constituents were, Punestic, acid .,.:5)05 =e == == RPE PP ESP Pe T F apissparepareotaed: edelale Tail Diana maleebdemaiae araalatal 4elelels BOGUL camoame we ; SR SSS SOR SSas 4 GEESE ee eeeee! 4 ot = + eeene ease eee hae 4b |e || tei + } | segceeesauee sce! HH | } | PASEYLINO GD LUNG) H ma : i | Ce | I 1) | t | o¢ | oF ysog JO pony) ns LL iG D = if jaann | pairs ier CODASEOG 5 —- - - -—— Bi | Peer : | | ; Be? Fi bred mt [8p 060L % LAAT 2? 1818.] Mr. Holt’s Meteorological Journal. 431 man or of nature through which he passed, and which enabled him to enjoy every present hour with thankfulness, and to look forward to every future one with hope. The records of this Society contain the histories of greater men—of none, I believe, more virtuous, more amiable, or more happy; and while the lives of these illustrious men (written by men of kindred genius) will, I trust, long continue to inspire in this place the spirit of philosophical ambition, I dare to hope, that even the faint outline which | have now given of the character of Lord Woodhouselee, may tend to cherish that moral ambition which all men are called to indulge ; without which learning is vain, and talents are dangerous, and to which rewards of a nobler kind are assigned, than either the praise of men or the splendours of literary fame. Articie II. Meteorological Observations made at and near Cork. 5 By Thomas Holt, Esq. (With a Plate. LXXXVII.) REMARKS, 24. Dull day; showery evening, Beall. 25, 26, Dull, dry day. 1. Fine, bright day; breeze. 271, Foggy morning ; light showers; dull 2. Ditto, ditto, day ; showery evening. 3. Dry, cloudy day; gale. 28, Bright morning ; cloudy day, with 4, Ditto, ditto. showers, 5. Dull day ; showery from 12; rainy || £29. Showery day. evening. 30. Ditto; rainy evening. 6. Windy and cloudy ; no rain, MAY. 7. Rain last night; rainy day, with : = fresh breeze. 1, Brightday, ; 8. Rain, day aod night, with wind, 2. Showers of hail, with great wind 9. Showery morning; fine afternoon and heavy rain. : and night. ; 3. Cloudy morning and day; rainy 10. Showery day. evening and night, 11, Heavy gale, with frost and snow, || 4 Bright, warm day. last night ; fine day, 5. Ditto. ; : L 6. Showers of hail and rain, with 12. Bright, frosty night; clear day, with wind, lightning and thunder, 13, Rainy night and morning; dry, || 7+ Sbowery day. se cloudy day. 8. Bright day ; showery evening. 14. Bright day ; occasional light showers. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Clear days; occa- 15. Rainy night and morning ; fine day ; sional showers. ! ; rainy evening. 14, Bright day; windy ; rainy evening. 16, Rainy morning ; showery day ; fine 15,16, Ditto; few light showers. evening. IT, 18,195 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26; 17. Bright day; occasional light showers. 27, 28, 29, 30, SI. Bright, warm 18, 19, 20, Ditto, ditto. days. 21. Showery morning; dull, dry day; JUNE. showery evening, 1. Cloudy, dry day; breeze. 22. Rainy night and day. 2. Very heavy, dense clouds; dry, 23, Rainy night ; dull day; rainy even || 3, Light shower this morning; dry, ing. cloudy day. \ 432 4. Foggy morning; breeze. 5, 6. Bright days; breeze. 4. Bright, hot day. 8. Lightning and thunder, with heavy rain, at lla. m. ; fine afterwards, 9,10. Bright days; breeze. 11, 12. Bright, hot days; breeze. 13. Cloudy day ; cool breeze. 4. Ditto; breeze, with rainy evening. 15, Showers Jast night; cloudy day. 16. Showery day ; fine evening. 17, Bright day; breeze. bright day; Meteorological Observations made at Montreal. [Dec. 18. Shower at 10, a.m.; bright day ; cold wind. 19, 20, 21, 22. Fine days; cold breeze and cold nights, with occasional showers, 23. Bright day; breeze. 24, 25. Ditto, ditto, 26. Showery night and morning ; cloudy, dry day. 27, 28. Bright day; breeze, 29. Bright, hot day. 30. Bright morning; very hot; cloudy and cool afternoon. RAIN, 1818. Inches, 1818, Inches. 1818, Inches. April 1 May 1 June | 0-007 2 2 0°228 2 3 3 0°108 3 4 . 4 4 5] =: 0-450 5 5 6 6 0-150 6 a 0°504 7 0-180 7 & 0-684 8 0-050 8 0°396 9 0-048 9 9 10 10) 10 iH 0:072 11 ll 12 12 12 13 0-210 13 0°510 13 14 0-018 14 0-336 14 0:006 15 0-099 15 15 0045 16 0-516 16 0-036 16 0015 17 0-051 17 17 0-042 18 0:009 18 18 0°156 19 19) 19 O14) 20 20 20 21 21 Qt 0:015 22 0:882 22 22 0:144 23 1°032 23 23 24 0-010 24 24 25 25 25 26 0-090 26 26 0-042 27 27 27 28 0-408 28 28 29 0:054 29 29 30 0-018 30 30 31 5155 1°598 1-009 Articte III. Meteorological Observations made at Montreal. Tue following meteorological observations made at Montreal, during the winter of 1816 and 1817, are much at the service of the editors of the Annals of Philosophy. It is regretted that the register is so imperfect, the state of the barometer not being noted, and the thermometer frequently neglected ; yet it 1s pre- 1818.] | Meteorological Observations made at Montreal. 433 sumed that an inspection of it viewed in comparison with the subjoined tables, copied from diaries kept during the month of January, 1817, in Halifax and Boston, may not be without inte- rest to some of your meteorological readers. —_ a Journal of the Weather at Montreal. Thermometer. Wind, Remarks. 8 a.m. ]} 12n. I p-m.|10p.m. Foggy; rain. Gusts of wind; cloudy, Dec.26 36° 409 379} Ago) +» SW 27 AO Ad 40 32 SSW 98 34 36 36 34 SW Ditto, ditto, 29 33 30 27 19 NW Snow and hail. 30 4 14 14 5 WNW Clear and dry, 31 24 38 36 38 SE Stormy. 1817, Jan, 1) 34 40} 46] 41 SW Foggy. 2 29 30 36 25 SSW Clear and dry, 3 10 16 20 39 NE—SE Ditto; ice on the St. Law- rence broken. A Ag 40 39 26 | SE—SW Rain; hazy; change. 5 4 8 10 12 Ww Clear, dry day. 6 8 10 10 8 NE Two inches snow fell. Ui 12 1g| 18} 12 ENE |Hazy, 8 12 22 20 18 NNW __ |Snow; cloudy. 9 22 32 30 30 SW Ditto. 10 28 30 31 26 N Ditto. ll 7¢ 18 12. 3 Ditto Ditto. 12) —4 |—0]|— 3] —10 Ww Clear and dry winds, 13} —10 4\/—0/ —10 Ditto Ditto, river closed up oppo- ; site the town of Montreal. 14) 49h) 70 2 | 210 Ditto Ditto, ditto entirely frozen; temp. a few miles up the country at 8 a.m, 22° un- der zero. 15} —14 |—2)—2]—2 NE Cloudy, i6| — 1 14 14 10 Ditto Crossing commenced on the ice of the river. 17 1] 20 27 20 Ditto Four inches snow. 18 20 20 20 2 SSW Clear, 19} —11 — 6/—6/—0 WNW _ [Ditto, with much wind. 20/; — 0 if ie ees N Clear. 2; — 3 8 10 1 W Ditto, 22; — 1 10 S| se WSW Ditto. 23) — 8 7 3 | = 0 Ditto Ditto. 24 13 20 19 24 Ditto Snow. 25 2) 26 24 18 SSW Cloudy. 26 8 8 Ditto Clear and dry. QT 5 Il 10 | = 2 SSE Ditto. 28| —16 —8/;}-—-6;—8 WwW Ditto. 291 — 8 — 0 4} —6 WSW Ditto, 30} — 9 —6;-0/]-—6 Ditto Ditto. 31; —I1 —0O|-—6 Ww Ditto Feb. 1} —13 5 6 6 N Change; snow. 2 1 13 Ditto Snow. 8} — 83 .13 10 7 Ditto Cloudy. 4) -—12 | — 6] — 8 | —20 Ww Clear and dry. S/fluid in bulb} —11 | —12 | —20 Ditto Ditto temp. by a corre- sponding thermometer in the country at seven 434 Meteorological Observations made at Montreal. [D¥c. Thermometer,_ Wind. Remarks. o'clock, a,m. 31° under zero. Variable 129 Ditto | |Cloudy. 10 Ditto Snow. N Cloudy. SW Snow. : Ww Fair and clear. —4 NW Ditto. falling SE Blowing, with clouds. Ww Clear; temp. in country 30° under 0°, —14 Ditto Ditto and fair, SW Ditto. WNW Ditto; cloudy. NW Fair and bright, 36 | Variable |Hazy; foggy. SW Ditto. SE Dittosnow and rainshowers. sw—sS Cumulus clouds; evening rain. Ww Clear. NNE 4Snow storm. SW Blowy, cloudy weather. Ww Clear and serene. NNW—NE |A snow storm. N—NE_ |Cloudy; heavy winds. N Ditto. Ww Clear and fair, SW Ditto. SSE Cloudy ; showers. S Ditto. S—SE Ditto, with rain. SW Ditto; clear. SSE Ditto, ditto. SW Regular thaw commences. . Variable |Clear; cloudy. NW—NE (Ditto; frost succeeds again. N Ditto; clouds. NE Ditto, ditto. NNE Weather clear and fair, N Ditto. Ditto Ditto. NE Snow. SE—SW Ditto and rain. NNW Hazy. SW Ditto. SSW Sudden changes. SSE Cloudy. Ditto Ditto. . SE Cloudy, hazy weather. Variable {Fair and clear. N Snow. S—SW |Ditto. SW Ditto. iS) Ditto. SW Fair, clear weather. s Ditto, ditto. 1818.] Meteorological Observations made at Montreal. 435 Diary of the Weather at Halifax, Jan. 1818. Thermometer. Date, {~—A SS Winds, 8 a.m. 4pm. |10 p.m. Average. Jan, | 36° 38° 38° 31-32 WNW—WSW 2 36 38 27 33°6 Variable 3 23 27 24 246 NW—N 4 38 50 56 48:0 SW 5 34 32 14 26°6 Ditto and NW 6 9 20 21 16°6 NW q 36 33 25 ales Variable 8 19 23 15 19°0 N—NNE 9 13 25 30 22°6 NW 10 34 36 34 346 Caln 1] 36 26 34 32-6 WSW 12 26 25 20 23°6 Ww Is; > “10 15 10 11°6 WNW 14 10 14 2 8°6 NNW 15 2 15 5 13 Ditto 16 4 13 10 9-0 NNE 17 8 20 16 146 Ditto. 18 30 36 40 so3 SE 19 32 22 14 22°6 WSw 20 10 12 10 10°6 NNW 21 12 23 22 19-0 Ditto—W 22 22 20° 20 20°6 NbyE 23 22 29 23 24°6 Ditto 24 15 25 25 21°6 Variable 25 20 19 15 180 N 26 23 31 29 27°6 NW—NE 27 19 21 12 17°3 N 28 4 — 0 — 8 — 40 ' NW 299 —T7 5 1 — 25 : NNW 30 8 8 -—5 3°6 Ditto 31) —2 15 5 6:0 NW GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. Average of the month. Days. Dull and heavy.....--ce0.+-+++- sistwalner attolaletatafetete alors bisteet wie RRCLANN AMV AMG ctata lo ote e.c'sisialaains)= 0/a) cisle's's xie'e\e\e/naieidiesla'e *Sodclp ae! Dull weather, with snow ...........-+20-sseeeese Sianistosis 1 STOW: 65 one cicitcvameccsoculesecbele sssceseceuseucs ccaccoes 3 Wind and rain; stormy ...-0csseeseeeceecres seccecccccsee 2 Panic and Clever. sina elute ain'al ofeblale waive hitiaic alee cieve ats o)a.si waren lee 31 ONCE DAE Sr SAS DIC ACETIC BOONE Sa COE Or: sie dicciawapciastelsl a Above freezing....... Baihic/a'es otis osncaplelaine siulipslnnecescpie 5 ECMO «de en avinjei a b aialslhavattsiotals sfel'emiole cece cccns cesccsccece 25 31 Medium temperature for the month ,.....se...000.0++008> » 20? AN PURE 5 So istaiglads «tele sbidopalsie aie esi gas since suravinia slo guineie(OG MAONVEAC, Gawain tiaisiass a/adetaln a pleninaienidassisns.casiels coeoe — 16 which was at four o’clock, a, m, on the 29th. Snow fell on the 8th, rain 18th, snow 25th, &c, &c, &e. QE 436 Dr. Thomson’s Observations on the Weights of (Duc. Diary of the Weather at Boston, Jan. 1818. a Thermometer. Jan. 1} 31° 48° A. 22 | 48 3| 28) 44 A, 55) 50 5} 26] 28 “6| 29) 42 7] 34) 44 .8} 32 29 9 32) 44 10| 40} 42 ll] 38) 32 12} 19} 22 13] 12) 24 4, 14; 20 15) AF | 28 16] 34) 28 17 18 | 27 18} -37 | 33 19) 12] 15 20" IT | 20 21; 20) 30 22 9 | 20 23 26 24; 32) 30 2 AT | 32 26, 27 | 30 27 I 6 28; — 1 7 29} — 2] 2 30 5|] 13 31 (fv | Be 37 8 a.m. 2 p-m.|9 p.m.|Average. 39:3 Al'3 373 49-6 26°6 376 376 29°0 36°0 40°6 31:0 19-0 19-0 153 21-0 30°0 37:0 30°0 12°3 17:0 22°6 13°3 19°0 30°3 25°0 25°0 71°6 2°0 12-0 TO 150 Wind, Ww—NW Variable SSW NW brisk SW Variable NE—NW WwSW SE—W SW—WNW WwW Ditto N Variable NE Variable WNW high W by N gale Variable Ditto Ww SW—NW NW Ditto SW NW SW SSW Weather. Clear, dry day. Ditto, cloudy evening. Fog ; rain. Rain. Clear; cloudy. Foggy 3 ditto. Snow; cloudy. Ditto; cloudy. Clear; cloudy; rain. Cloudy ; fog. Snow ; clear. Clear ; fair, Day clear ; snow. Ditto, Clear ; cloudy. Snow ; lightning, Rain; thunder, Fog; snow. Clear. Clear; snow. Clouds ; clear. Serene. Ditto 5, snow. Snow ; cloudy, Clear; cloudy. Ditto, ditto. Fair and clear. Ditto, ditto. Ditto, ditto. Ditto, ditto. Ditto, ditto. Articie IV. Some Additional Observations on the Weights of the Atoms of Chemical Bodies. By Thoraas Thomson, M.D. F.R.S. (€ontinued from p. 350.) I sHALL now proceed to give the weights of the atoms of the compound combustibles, the acids, &c. as far as the present state of our knowledge will enable us to go. 102 Water composed of...... 103 Carbonic oxide. ........ 104 Carbonic acid ........... 105 Chlorocarbonic oxide .... 106 ‘Cyanogen Tee. oS Number of atoms. Weight of a particle. ee di ee ee B26. aoa io EO we alge e ee - Po lar. ea ee a. SIE 00 Re A iri ag 1818.J the Atoms of Chemical Bodies. 437 Number of atoms. Ma ss 107 Olefiant gas 2 ..e. see De +L A sees 0875 108 Carburetted hydrogen. .... lec + 2h ..... . 1-000 169N@hloric. ethers J..t.:46.). 05 2.¢:+°2: h + Ivch’ 16-250 110 Hydrocarbonic oxide ...... 3.¢ 450 B00 + Joke 6875 TiBoracic'acidtt . sk ob A eae Lb. bivepc D oikidGhas 2°875 MTGE 6 vetslvs a Scns s Ss aL akeetars l.s -#allo fouctle R200 113 Hypophosphorousacid. .... lp + lo .... 2500 114 Phosphorous acid.......... Lp.+t 20.0000. 3°500 115 Phosphoric acid .......... LipeP id townie. 4-500 116 Protophosphurettedhydrogen 1] p + 2h ...... 1-750 117 Perphosphuretted hydrogen. 1 p + 1A ...... 1:625 118 Protochloride of phosphorus. 1 p + 1 ch...... 6:000 119 Perchloride of phosphorus.. 1 p + 2 ch...... 10-500 120 Phosphuret of carbon...... Lag. cecil te teeis)ciah . 2°250 121 Hyposulphurous acid*...... ls.+ Lo .-. 3000 122 Sulphurous acid .......... ls + 20 we 4-000 dZor Sulphuric acid). . steals oe Weisz ko derislncny 752000 124 Chloride of sulphur........ Bis. “Bist Tehe Jagd. 6°500 125 Sulphuretted hydrogen. .... L. sib iptes 2°125 126 Sulphuret of carbon. ...... Osi ctbellea to tagdude750 127 Sulphuret of phosphorus. .. 1 s + 1 p?...... 3500? 128 VArsenious acid s. 2.26. sis os 1 a. yl) Gis sccenth250 ]2G: (Arsenic acid si. 0.0%. ats‘. .la+ 250 7:250 130 Choride of arsenic ........ ia. Ay l-behn se. 11-500 131 Sulphuret of arsenic. ...... Lg. EE2i9 Lies 8°750? 132 Oxide of tellurtum......... dé Saw so Asa - 5:000 - 133 Telluretted hydrogen ...... LE tlae T Aifoswseerve 125? 134 Protoxide of azote......... ba. 4.1 le Deak halle 760 135 Deutoxide of azote ........ Ay) lc et hy Omtocteucratett 3°750 136 Hyponitrous acid ......... Parr te PSs. Gk 4:750 IevNitrous acid 4 23.01... P guise 4io bios. cise 760 * This acid is formed when zinc or iron is dissolved in sulphur- ous acid. The salt obtained used to be called a sulphuretted sulphite. conceive that I was the first person who pointed it out as a peculiar acid in the fifth edition of my System of Che- mistry. Gay-Lussac assures us that he had recognized its existence before me ; but I am not aware of any publication of his in which the fact was mentioned previous to the appearance of my work. The composition of hyposulphurous acid is easily deduced from the action of sulphurous acid on zinc or iron. One half of the oxygen in the acid must go to the oxidizement of the zinc or the iron. Of course the acid which unites with these oxides must be composed of sulphur united with one half as much oxygen as exists in sulphurous acid, that is to say, the acid must be a compound of | atom one + | atom oxygen. 438. Dr. Thomson’s Observations on the Weights of [Dec. f Number of atoms. Te 138 Nitric acid. ........ bebe la 7A obiohaan ts eo 139 Chloride of azote......... ot he estes eal Roser 19°750 140 Sulphuret of potassium. .... lp + 1s ...... 7000 141 Sulphuret of sodium. :..... 1, so§-ch Siicaitiow 5-000 142 Protosulphuret ofiron...... 1a + 1s) ...... 5°500 143 Persulphuret ofiron....... 17 +25 .«.. 7°500 144 Sulphuret of cobalt........ 1 Gok pdgsadswiiclee 5°625 145 Sulphuret of zinc.......... 1. ge + bluse der 6°125 146 Protosulphuret of bismuth.. 1 6 + 1s ...... 10°875 147 Persulphuret of bismuth... 1b + 2s ...... 12875 148 Protosulphuret of lead..... 12 + 1s ...... 15°000 149 Persulphuret of lead....... 12 + 2s dived 7000 150 Protosulphuret of tin.....<. 1 f + 1s ...... 9°375 151 Persulphuret of tin...... cow ad ases Pree li lars v5! 152 Sulphuret of copper. ...... 1, ch Gbakisvicdeen 10-000 153 Protosulphuret of mercury.. 1 m+ 1s ...... 27-000 154 Persulphuret of mercury. .. l m+ 25 ...... 29:000 155 Sulphuret of silver. ........ I ‘st: Asc hy ss Serie 15:750 156 Sulphuret of gold. ........ l.g +1 8 beskemschlt250 157 Sulphuret of palladium. .... lp + 1s ...... 9-000 Th6 Oxalic acid.\a.i.. ses: Oh.+.:2 €:+°3 0 2x 4-500 159 Formic acid ........ LA+ 2.6 +130): 4-625 160 Mellitic acid........ Lave ) 4c Sle 6°125 161 Succinic acid. ...... 2h.t+ 4c¢c+ 30 6-250 162 Acetic acid. ........ 3h+ 4c430 6°375 163 Citricacid. .......,.34 + 4c¢+4 40 7°375 164 Tartaric acid. ..6..5 34.4 ,4¢ 4+. 5.0) S04 8376 165 Gallic acid. ..i.0..% 3: hod. (6. cats te) sha 7:875 166 \ Fannin. \.).i66. 23 sie oR 3. Bod-.. G. citen4 oy saapanerehe 167 Saclactic acid. ...... Shek. 6c 498 -au1) egakel2b 168 Benzoic acid........ 6 Bo + 15.ci4) Sian ager 00 + These numbers are the results of the analyses of Berzelius, with the exception of oxalic acid. Berzelius states the amount of the hydrogen in this acid at +,th ofan atom. It being obvious that such a combination cannot exist, I have left out the hydrogen till the point can be more accurately determined. Itis scarcely necessary to remark that the mere knowledge of the number of atoms of which a vegetable body is composed cannot lead to an accurate idea of its cénstitution. The proba- bility.is that these atoms do not unite altogether to form the vegetable body in question; but that they enter in the first place into binary or ternary combinations, and that these primary compounds, by uniting with each other, form the vegetable sub- stance in question. Thus we may conceive oxalic acid to be a compound of one atom of carbonic oxide with one atom of cat- 1818.] the Atoms of Chemical Bodies. 439 Number of atoms. saa 169 Muriatic acid...........6. LA + 1 ch...... 4625 1707 Chilorie acid’ es F are GS Gh oe oe ANS 9-500 171 Protoxide of chlorine ...... Peep Td Aue 5*500 172 Deutoxide of chlorine...... Melee: BGG MBO Gray 173 Hydriodic acid ........... Ll ho CPAP Ee 174 Iodic acid. ...... ae PAE ve FQ OP 20-625 175 Chloriodic acid. .......+4. la + 2 ch? 24-625? 176 Hydroeyanic acid. ....... SM cy er dure a 3°375 Wy be: 00) Co) Rae 2 olefiant gas + 1 water ...... 2°875 178 Sulphuric ether. 4 olefiant gas + 1 water? ..... 4625? bonic acid. It is even possible that 12 of these compound atoms may unite with one atom of hydrogen, which would constitute the oxalic acid of Berzelius. On that supposition the symbol for oxalic acid would be 12 (le + 10) + (le +20))4+ 1h. To give another illustration, we may suppose tartaric acid to be a compound of | atom carburetted hydron + 1 atom-water + 1 atom carbonic acid + 2 atoms carbonic oxide; for these binary compounds would exhaust the atoms of which tartaric acid is composed. 1 atom carburetted hydrogen. .. 24 + 1c +00 MEAL OMMEWALEIZ, vyeusers th ocneken ee el TOs) Starch. ssa geek py LO. Crater Se Oy cd ginkees 17-750 194 Gelatin.; .....« 44+ 1l5¢c4+4 60+ 24... 22-500 195. Albumiens «02 13,70, 17 co Geo): Granule 196, Fibrin,.....6.« L4;h 7m 18 .c.- 50 + 3 dup .ena0o As we are ignorant of the weight of the last 20 bodies which are capable of uniting with a given weight of any other com- pound, it is obvious that we have no means of determining the weight of an integrant particle of them. The numbers in the table represent the weights of the smallest number of atoms which agree with the analysis of each. If these analyses approach the truth, it is obvious that an integrant particle of each of these bodies must be either the number given in the table, or some multiple of that number, as two, three, four times the number. These analyses may be of some service in direct- ing the attention of chemists towards the kind of binary com- pound of the union of which these bodies may be supposed to consist. But it would be a mistake to consider the second column of the table as representing the real constitution of the vegetable and animal bodies subjected to analysis. I shall now proceed to give an example or two of the consti- tution of the salts. It would be unnecessary to give complete tables of all the salts, because their composition may be readily conceived by considering each neutral salt as a combination of one atom acid and one atom base. Sulphates. Atoms of acid, base, Weight ofa and water. particle.* 197 Sulphate of ammonia.... 1 s + 1 a@ + Swater 7125 198 Sulphate of potash ...... iS" GP ayer -+ 11-000 * The water is not included in this weight. The reader may easily supply the deficiency. 1818.] the Atoms of Chemical Bodies. 44) Atoms of acid, base, Weicht of ‘ , and water. a particle, 199 Bisulphate of potash .... 25 + Llp ....- +206 16-000 200. Sulphate of soda. ...... lis + 1s + 10 water 9-000 201 Hydrous sulphate of lime. 1 s + 12 + 2water 8°625 202 Anhydroussulphateoflime 1 s + 1l .......... 203 Sulphate of barytes..... 1s + 10 ...cceeeee 14-750 204 Bisulphate of barytes. .. 2s + 10 .......0.. 19°750 205 Sulphate of strontian.... 1s + 1 str.......... 11-500 206 Sulphate of magnesia. .. 1 s + 1 m+ Swater 7-500 207 Sulphate of glucina..... 1 s + 1 gl.......... 8-250 208 Bisulphate of glucina.... 25 + 1 gl.......eee 13-250 cee erate On G2 # 8 Bhan coc enee 19°760 210 Sulphate of alumina. .... Ls’ #ocleousueialiahn. 7°125 211 Sulphate of iron....... ~ ls +12 + T7water 9500 212 Persulphate of ron..... 1s + Lt ...ce.eeee 15°000 213 Tripersulphate of iron. .. 3s + 12 ......e0e, 25-000 214 Sub-bipersulphate of iron 1 s + 272 .......... 25-000 215 Sulphate of nickel ...... ls + 12+ Twater 9:375 216 Sulphate of cobalt...... ls + le + Twater 9-625 217 Sulphate of manganese... 1 s + 1 m+ Swater 9°500- 218 Sulphate of zinc........ ls + 1x + Swater 10-125 219 Sulphate of lead. ...... Ascent?) Libel ante ee 19-000 220 Bisulphate of copper ... 2s + 1c + 10 water 20-000 221 Subsulphate of copper... 2s + 3 ¢ + 6water 40-000 222 Sulphate of bismuth .... ls + 16 .......... 14:875 223 Subsulphate of bismuth... 1 s + 3.6 .......05. 34625 224 Sulphate of mercury .... ls + lm..... vevee 31°000 225 Turpeth mineral, or per- ; hea cae iS fayalky gg ENON Ce 32-000 226 Bipersulphate of mercury. 2s + 1 m.......ee 37:000 227 Sulphate of silver. ...... Lesieteinls ster. Re wee 19-750 228 Sulphate of platinum.... 1 s + 1 pl ........ee 28°625 ARTICLE V. On the Action of Sulphurous Acid Gas on Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas. By Thomas Thomson, M.D. F.R.S. Ir was first observed by Mr. Kirwan, that when sulphuretted hydrogen gas was mixed with sulphurous acid gas, the bulk of the two gases diminishes, and a quantity of sulphur is deposited on the sides of the jar. He found that five measures of sulphu- rous acid and six measures of sulphuretted hydrogen, when.thus mixed, were reduced to three measures.* Qn turning to Messrs, * Phil, Trans. 1786, p. 118, 442 Dr. Thomson on the Action of Sulphuretted Acid Gas [Drc. Aiken’s Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy, published in 1807, I find exactly the same experiments related as those pre- viously given by Kirwan in his paper “On Hepatic Air.” I conceive, therefore, that these gentlemen did not make any experiments on the subject themselves ; but simply adopted Mr. Kirwan’s results ; though the want of a reference to that gen- tleman might at first lead to the notion that the experiments related were their own. Thenard, in his “ Traité de Chimie,” vol. i. p. 539, informs us, that the action of sulphurous «acid gas on sulphuretted hydrogen gas has been fully examined : that the two gases decompose each other reciprocally, and form water and sulphur; that the action is instantaneous, if the gases be moist ; but very slow if they be dry ; and that rather more than two parts of sulphuretted hydrogen are requisite to decompose one part of sulphurous acid. These were all the circumstances respecting the action of these two gases on each other which | could find in chemical books at the time that I was employed in preparing the fifth edition of my System of Chemistry for the press. As they did not appear at all satisfactory, I found myself under the necessity of omitting all attempts to explain this action in my System, and to place the fact ear 5A list of subjects which required further inves- tigation ; of which I found myself under the necessity of drawing up a pretty copious list. These topics I propose to mvestigate in succession ; and I shalllay the result of my experiments occa- sionally before the readers of the Annals of Philosophy. The gases employed by Kirwan were probably not absolutely pure. He did not examine with sufficient care the volumes of the two gases requisite to produce the greatest condensation ; nor is his account of the properties of the residual gas sufficient to enable us to understand its nature. There is the same want of precision m the account given by Thenard. According to him, rather more than two volumes of sulphuretted hydrogen are decomposed by one volume of sulphurous acid gas, and the result 1s water and sulphur. In these two gases the weight of the atom is just double the specific gravity (supposing the speci- fic gravity of oxygen gas to be unity). We may, therefore, sub- stitute atom for volume. Sulphur Atoms. 2 atoms sulphuretted hydrogen contain.. 2 atoms + 2 hydrogen 2 atom sulphurous acid contains. ...... 1 + 2 oxygen From this it is obvious, that if the two gases decompose each other, and form water and sulphur, they will be completely con- densed when we mix two volumes of sulphuretted hydrogen with one volume of sulphurous acid—proportions which do not tally completely with the statement of Thenard. n repeating the experiment over mercury with gases perfectly pure and sufficiently dry, I found that the two gases are com- . 1818.] on Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas. 443 pletely condensed; and lose their gaseous state entirely, when we mix three volumes of sulphuretted hydrogen gas with two volumes of sulphurous acid gas. Two volumes of the former, when mixed with one of the latter gas, did not undergo complete condensation. The substance formed was quite dry ; and I could not separate any moisture from it by the application of heat, or by any other method which I could think of. Hence we have no experimental proof of the formation of water; nor is theory more favourable to the notion. Let us substitute, as before, atom for volume, that we may judge of the elements which have acted on each other. Atoms. Atoms, 3 atoms of sulph. hydrogen contain. .. 3 sulphur + 3 hydrogen 2 atoms sulphurous acid contain ...... 2 sulphur + 4 oxygen So that there are present three atoms of hydrogen and four atoms of oxygen. Were these bodies to unite and form water, it is obvious that there would remain one atom of oxygen gas uncom- bined, which would amount in bulk to the fourth part of the sulphurous acid gas, or half a volume. In my experiment I mixed over mercury 12 cubic inches of sulphuretted hydrogen with eight cubic inches of oxygen gas. If Thenard’s statement were accurate, namely, that water is formed during the action of these two gases on each other, the residual oxygen gas would have amounted to two cubic inches; whereas there was no residue, except an insignificant bubble of common air not larger than a pea. I think after the preceding detail there cannot be a doubt that the hypothesis of Thenard, that, when these two gases are mixed, they are converted into water and sulphur, is inaccurate. In reality, the two gases unite together and form a compound; which has hitherto been mistaken for sulphur, though it possesses properties somewhat different from that combustible substance. Its colour is orange-yellow, without any mixture of the green- ish tinge which distinguishes sulphur. It is not tasteless, like sulphur, but gives a sensibly acid impression to the tongue: this impression becomes at last hot, or peppery, aud continues in the mouth for a considerable time. When the dry compound is applied to paper stained blue with litmus, it does not produce any sensible change on it ; but if we moisten the paper ever so little, it is immediately rendered red by it. Hence I conceive that this compound possesses acid properties. But it is an acid that cannot be applied to any useful purpose in chemistry, as it is decomposed by all liquid bodies that I have tried; namely, water, alcohol, nitric acid, sulphuric acid; and as it does not sensibly unite with the salifiable bases when presented in a dry state. The acid which gives the red tinge to vegetable blues is neither the sulphuric nor sulphurous ; for when the compound is 444 Mr. Dalton on the Vis Viva. [Dzc. agitated in barytes water, no immediate precipitate takes place ; though if we boil the mixture, a dirty grey precipitate at last falls. When the compound is heated, it becomes soft and ductile ; but requires for fusion a higher temperature than sulphur. But if the heat be continued, a kind of effervescence takes place, and the compound is converted into common sulphur, which burns in the usual manner. = When the compound is agitated with water, that liquid becomes milky, acquires a slightly acidulous taste, and a quan- tity of common sulphur is speedily deposited. The very same decomposition is produced by alcohol. With potash it does not combine unless water be present, and in that case nothing is formed but common sulphuret of potash. I have tried the action of various other re-agents upon this compound ; but the phenomena presented were so little remark able that they seem scarcely entitled to be related. This is, perhaps, the first acid compound hitherto observed which contains both oxygen and hydrogen united to a combus- tible basis. Though of little importance in a practical point of view, itis of some little value as far as the theory is concerned ; for it possesses the properties of acidity in a very weak degree, so much so that I have not been able to succeed in uniting it with any salifiable basis. This, I think, is a sufficient proof that Dr. Murray’s notion, that the greatest degree of acidity is given to bodies by the jomt union of oxygen and hydrogen, is not coun- tenanced by chemical facts, nor consistent with the phenomena of the science. [ have not given this new compound a name, because it is not likely ever to be employed for any useful purpose. Perhaps the term hydrosulphurous acid, though not quite correct, might be applied to it without much impropriety. ArTIcLe VI. On the Vis Viva. By Mr. John Dalton. (To Dr. Thomson.) RESPECTED FRIEND, Manchester, Oct. 12, 1818. In the Annales de Chimie et de Physique for last July, there is a paper by: M. Petit on the employment of the principle of the vis viva in the calculation of the effects of machines. M. Petit expresses his surprise that so little attention has hitherto been paid to this principle, which he considers to be capable of general and highly interesting application. He observes, the theory of machines considered with reference to this 1818.} Analyses of Books. . 445 principle requires to be almost formed anew. You will probably recollect a paper “ On the Measure of Moving Force,” by Mr. Ewart in the second volume (second series) of the Memoirs of the Manchester Society, which was read Nov. 18, 1808. This — paper was reprinted by Mr. Nicholson in the 36th vol. of his journal, and it was also reprinted about the same time in the Beeitory of Arts. You noticed it yourself in the Annals of Philosophy, vol. i. p. 462, and again briefly in your review of the progress of science during the year 1813, in vol. iii. of the Amnals, p.8._ Excepting these, I do not know that any other public notice has been taken of this paper. I fully accord with M. Petit that our elementary treatises on mechanics are extremely defective in developing the principles _ of moving force, and in their application to explain the action of machines. The object of this letter is to recommend to M. Petit, and to others who may be interested in the subject, to peruse the above-mentioned essay. Mr. Ewart has pointed out the source of numerous errors and inconsistencies in some of the best writers on mechanics, and has, I think, succeeded in giving satisfactory explanations of various cases (especially those in which moving force is expended in producing change of figure), which were before involved in much obscurity. In estimating the power communicated by a stream of water to an under-shot water-wheel, M. Petit gives the same result which Mr. Ewart has given (p. 231), when supposing it to act in a similar manner; and they agree also in their statement of the maximum effect of the reaction of water in the machine known by the name of Barker’s Mill, supposing the waters to issue with the velocity due to the pressure. If M. Petit has not seen Mr. Ewart’s paper, their agreement in these results is the more remarkable ; as I believe they are different from those obtained by all other writers who have attempted solutions of the same cases. The investigation of both these cases, however, appears to have been pursued considerably further by Mr. Ewart than by M. Petit: and he has corroboratéd his conclusions by some original and ably conducted experiments. 1 remain, yours truly, Joun Datton. / ArTIcLe VII. ANALYSES oF Books. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for the Year 1818. Part Iv This part contains the following papers : I. On the great Strength given to Ships of War by the Appli- cation of diagonal Braces. By Robert Seppings, Esq. F.R.S. 446 Analyses of Books. [Dee. —Mr. Seppings begins his paper by assuring the society that the principle of applying a diagonal frame-work to ships of war had, as far as he knows, never been so applied either theoretically or ractically either in this or any other maritime country till he introduced it im the year 1805. The object of the paper is to ’ state an experiment upon the Justitia, an old Danish 74, which was ordered to be broken up in 1817 on account of her defective ‘state. Mr. Seppings got a certain number of trusses to be placed in the hold and the port-holes of this old ship, in order to ascer- tain what the effect of these trusses would be when the vessel was again floated. The experiment was successful. The report of the committee of Portsmouth officers, which is given in the aper, is exceedingly favourable to the trussing system. The owe, of 120 guns, which was built according to this system, when launched was found to have altered only 32 inches from her original sheer ; while the Nelson and the St. Vincent, both of the same size, but built according to the old system, altered, the first 94 inches, and the last 9} inches. The report of the ship Albion (built on the new plan), after the battle of Algiers, was equally favourable. The Northumberland of 80 guns was laid on one side fore and aft, on the other side diagonally. After she conveyed Bonaparte to St. Helena, the fore and aft side required caulking, the diagonal side did not. II. A Memoir on the Geography of the north-eastern Part of Asia, and on the Question whether Asia and America are conti- uous, or are separated by the Sea. By Capt. James Bumey, .R.S.—The object of this memoir is to show that there is no evidence that Asia and America are separated from each other by the sea; but that all the facts at present known concur to prove that the two continents are united together. It was Mul- ler, it seems, who first affirmed that the two continents were separated by a narrow sea, and his opinion has been universally adopted. Capt. Burney shows that no person has hitherto sailed round the north-east coast of Asia. According to him, the Russian navigators had never been able to double the promon- tory called on that account swieto noss (sacred promontory). But they were accustomed to construct vessels in such a manner that they could be with ease taken to pieces; they were carried across the land till they came to the sea, and then put together again. I donotsee, however, any evidence which Capt. Burney has actually produced that Deschnew, upon whose voyage Mul- ler’s opinion is founded, really transported his ships or boats over land to the sea of Kamschatka. Capt. Burney’s own opinion was founded upon two facts which he observed when he accom- panied Capt. Cook in his last voyage to Behring’s Straits. These were, the disappearing of the tides and the sea becoming shal- lower. These tworfacts indicated, he thinks, that the vessel had got into an inland sea. But, perhaps, it would be rather hazar- dous to consider these facts as decisive of the point. If the whole surface of the sea to the north of Behring’s Straits was 1818.] Philosophical Transactions, 1818. Part I. 447 frozen, probably the ice might have just as great an effect in destroying the tides as land would have. The shallowness of the Frozen Ocean seems to be greater, according to the observa- tion of Capt. Ross, at a distance from land than in its immediate neighbourhood. Upon the whole, this point of geography does not seem to be fully decided. Are we to hope fora full decision of it from the voyage of discovery made last summer under the command of Capt. Ross. III. Additional Facts respecting the fossil Remains of an Animal, on the Subject of which two Papers have been printed in the Philosophical Transactions, showing that the Bones of the Sternum resemble those of the Ornithorhynchus Paradovus. By Sir Everard Home, Bart. V.P.R.S.—The author had been favoured with several new specimens of the fossil bones of this unknown animal by the Rev. Peter Hawker, of Woodchester rectory, Minchinhampton, and Dr. Carpenter, of Lyme. He has been enabled in consequence to ascertain a strong resem- blance in the bones of the sternum to the ornithorhynchus para- doxus. He has satisfied himself that the animal must have breathed air, and that it must have lived constantly in the water. IV. An Account of Experiments for determining the Length of the Pendulum vibrating Seconds in the Latitude of London. By Capt. Henry Kater, F.R.S.—This interesting experiment has fortunately fallen into the hands of a gentleman whose sa gacity and experimental skill have enabled him to do full justice to the subject: hence there is every reason to be satistied that the result obtained is exceedingly near the truth. His mode of expe- rimenting was founded upon the known fact that the centres of suspension and oscillation are reciprocal. He made these two points alternately the points of suspension, and by shifting a moveable weight rendered the number of oscillations the same in equal times in both cases. The pendulum consisted of a bar of platinum with three moveable weights. It moved upon aknife edge. A minute account is given of the structure of this instrument, of the mode of estimating the vibrations and measuring the length of the pendulum. But for all this, we must refer to the paper itself. The general result of the whole is, that a pendulum vibrat- ing seconds in vacuo at the level of the sea, at the temperature of 62° Fahrenheit, in the north latitude of 51° 31’ 8-4” » has the fol- lowing length : Inches. By Sir George Shuckburgh’s standard. .... 39-13860 By Gen. Roy’s standard. .:.:......0.002: 39°13717 By Bird’s parliamentary standard. ........ 39° 13842 Sir George Shuckburgh’s standard is preferred by Capt. Kater. Bouguer found the length of the second’s pendulum at the equa- tor 38°9949 English inches. It appears from Dr. Maskelyne’s experiments (Phil. Trans. 1762, p. 434), that the length of the 9 448 Analyses of Books. [Dec. second’s pendulum at St. Helena, lat. 15° 55’ S. is 39:04255 inches ; for Dr. Maskelyne found the length of the pendulum at Greenwich to that at St. Helena as 10-0246 to 10. V. On the Length of the French Metre estimated in Parts of the English Standard. By Capt. Kater, F.R.S.—The result of a very careful measurement by Capt. Kater is, that the length of the metre is 39°37079 inches of Sir George Shuckburgh’s stan- dard scale. VI. A few Facts relative to the colouring Matters of some Vege- tables. ‘By James Smithson, Esq. F.R.S.—The author refutes an assertion of Fourcroy that turnsol is essentially of a red colour, and that it contains carbonate of soda. The infusion of turnsol contais no alkali, lime, nor acid, and its natural colour is blue. When the colouring matter of turnsol is burned, it leaves a saline matter which, with nitric acid, forms nitrate of potash. Mr. Smithson suspects that this colouring matter, like wlmin, is a compound of a vegetable substance and potash. The paper contains experiments on the colouring matter of the violet, sugar- loaf paper, the black mulberry, the corn poppy, sap-green, and some animal greens ; but they are of so unconnected a kind that they are scarcely susceptible of abridgement. We must, there- fore, refer our readers to the paper itself. VII. Account of Experiments made on the Strength of Mate- rials. By George Rennie, Jun. Esq.—These experiments differ a good deal from others of a similar kind given by former expe- rimenters. Mr. Rennie found a cubical inch of the following bodies crushed by the following weights : Elth ome.) cement. Seeks Saar eR Se eO. Dae of 1284 American pine ....... Spe oblae, PIale al. Aer ies 1606 White dedhe saindiinad conedosmminds iain JA ee 1928 Poglish Gak=si2 wien tise saiae. Bis bi deb ALN Shih, OR 3866 Ditto of five inches long slipped with. .,..... PEL Ae 2572 Phitijo of four meheés ditto sash said aio 3'% dB Bile DOM ead S147 A prism of Portland stone two inches long. ............ 805 Ditto statuary marble .........0.2005 od hep ea eel ties (216 Craig Leith stone. .......... sible shea lidle lots nae .-.. 8688 Cubes of 12 inch. Sp. gr. Chitika: cae in ce wintukirche in et SROVeP ate oo ws ok bee Brickwefat pale red colour),./.,. ostwavee yee es 2°085 3. «6/1265 Roe stone, Gloucestershire. ........ b avacbigit — .... 1449 Red brick, mean of two trials............-- 2168 <8 ge Loy Yellow face baked Hammersmith paviors 2954 three times’. sas... Sid 2. i an ies te? tone A See Burnt ditto, mean of two trials. ............ — 1... 3243 Stontbridge, or finevbtick: j5.2 0. «ie a. — .... 3864 Derby grit, a red friable sandstone......... 2316 .... 7070 1818.] Philosophical Transactions, 1818. Part I. 449 Sp. gr. lb. av. Derby grit from another quarry.......... Poems > he Killaly white freestone, not stratified. .... 2°423 .... 10264 Maret beara 8.36.23 an (nn CADEMY of Sciences at Paris, 139, 225. Acid formed by the slow combustion of ether, 22. - Adams, J., Esq.; formulas by, from Lacroix’s differential and integral calculus, 204, ars Peak, geological account of, 3. Africa, attempts to penetrate into the interior of, 72. Aikin, Arthur, Esq., on the valleysand water-courses of Shropshire, 69—on a bed of trap in a colliery near Wal- sall, 134. Albin, 310. Alcohol, union of, with oxalic acid, 23 —action of, onoil of bergamotte, 150 —combustion of, by a lamp without flame, 245. Alison, Rev. A., biographical account of Lord Woodhouselee, 401. Alkaline sulphurets, nature of, 24. Allan, T., Esq., on the gevlogy of the environs of Nice, 383. Almonds, 39. Alumina, preparation of, 24. Animal substances, composition of, 40. Annular eclipse of the sun, 179, 249. Aqua regia, action of, on antimony, 21. Arsenic, new method of detecting, 8. Atmospherical phenomena, near Gos- port, 235, 368. Atoms of chemical bodies, weight of, 338, 436. Axinite, existence of boracic acid in, 314. Azote, nourishing properties of sub- stances destitute of, 39. B. Bacon, Lord, on the scope and influence of his writings, 382. Baily, Francis, Esq., on av annular eclipse of the sun, 179, 249. Barley, analysis of, 201. Bauhof, M.J.C. D., on the union of al- cohol and oxalic acid, 23. Beaufoy, Col., astronomieal, magneti- cal, and meteorological observations by, 76, 154, 236, 316, 396, 470—on the spiral oar, 246. Berard, M., onthe composition ofanimal substances, 40. Bergamotte, oil of, action of alcohol on, 150. Bergman, Sir Torbern, account of, 321. Bertbollet, M., on the elements of nitric acid, 350. Berzelius, Professor, on peroxide of tin, i7—on the composition ef certain carbonates, 30—on the colouring mat- ter of the blood, 42. Beudant, M., on the property of certain salts to give their crystalline forms to others, 27. Bilberry, experiments on, 232. Black-lead mine in Glen Strath-Farrar, 453. Boiling point of fluids, on, 129. Bombay, weather in, 209. Bones, fossil, near Margate, 70. Boracic acid found in tourmaline and axinite, 314, Borax, action of, on tartar, 113, Boston, diary of the weather at, 436. Braconnot, M., on extractive, 34—ana- lysis of rice by, 38—on sorbic acid, 290. Brass, analysis of, 19. Breguet, M., metallic thermometer by,6. Brewster, Dr., on the primitive form of carbonate of lime, 69—on the laws of polarisation and double refraction in crystals, 45}—on the absorption of polarised light by crystals, 452. Brisbane, Sir T., on a method of deter- mining the time with accuracy, from aseries ofaltitudes of the sun taken on the same side of the meridian, 384. Brisson, M., biographical sketch of, 43. Brugnatelli, M., on metallic alloys ob- tained by galyanism, 228. Bucholz, Prof., analysis of tungstate of lime, by, 388. Buckland, Prof,, on an insulated group of slate and greenstone rocks in Cum- berland and Westmoreland, 223. Burney, W., Esq., on parheliaseen near Gosport, 235, 368. Capt. James, on the geography of the north-eastern partof Asia, 446. Cc. Cadmium, properties of, 152. Calculus, Lacroix’s differential and inte. gral, formulas from, 204, biographical 476 Index. Caldas de Rainha, mineral spring of, analysis of, 31. Cambridgeshire, strata of, T0—geology of, 133. Camphor, effect of, on heated platinum wire, 143. Carbonate of lime, on the primitive form of, 69. Carbonates, composition of certain, 20. Carrots yield manna, 39. Cetine, 41. Chamelion mineral, experiments on, 18, Charcoal, metallic, of Dobereiner, ana- lysis of, 13. -Chaudet, M., analysis by, of tin, alloyed with antimony and bismuth, 20. Chemistry, improvements in, during 1817, 1. Chenopodium olidun, analysis of, 231. Chevalier, M., on the analysis of cheno- podium olidum, 231. Chevillot and Edwards, MM., on cha- melion mineral, 18. Chevreul, M., on chamelion mineral, 18 —on the acidity of peroxides of tung- sten and uranium, 144—on fatty bodies, 186, 257. -Chloric acid, new mode of forming, 22. ’ Chlorides, combination of, with ammo- nia, 26. , Chromate of iron in the Ferroe islands, 453. Clarke, Dr., on the colouring consti- tuent of roses, 126, 296—on the disco- yery of pearl-sinter, 463. Clay, plasticity of, ascribed to water, A63. Cotour of bodies, on the cause of, 146. Comets, on the tails of, 227. Copper, traces of, in plants, 39. Cork, meteorological journal at, 123, 43}, Corn, analysis of, 37— oils contained in, 35 Cornwall, new literary institution in, 395—RoyalGeologicalSocietyof,465. Corrosive sublimate, new mode of detecting, 8. Coulomb, M.C.A., biographical sketch of, 81. Cow-tree, milk of, 115. Cumberland, G.,Esq., on encrinital and pentacrinital bodies, near Bristol, 70 —on Bristol limestone beds, 70. D. Dalton, Mr. John, onthe combustion of alcohol by alamp without flame, 245 —on the vis viva, 444. Davy, Sir H., researches on flame by, 3 —obtains lithium, 16—on the fallacy of the experiments in which water is said to have been formed by the de- composition of chlorine, 450. Davy, Dr. J., on the situation of gems in Ceylon, 143—geological description of Adam’s Peak, by, 143. ‘ Delcros, barometrical measurement of Jura, by, 355. Dick, T. L., Esq., on the Fountainhall chalybeate spring, 91. Dinsdale, W. M., on the management of dung-hilis, 464. Dolomieu, M., biographical account of, 161. Donovan, Mr., on the oxides of mercury, 67. Durham, geology of, 220. E. Egerane, 311. Elephant, gases in the intestines of, ana- lyzed, 119, Emetin, 36. Ether, acid formed by the slow combus- tion of, 22. Eudiometer, Volta’s, improvement in, by Gay-Lussac, 11—ditto, by Dr. Ure, 381. Extractive, Braconnot on, 34. Eye, newly discovered membrane in, 74. lhe Faraday, Mr., on the escape of com- pressed gases, S—on sulphuret of phosphorus, 12—on a supposed new oxide of silver, 25—on the formation of fulminating silver, 26—on the com- bination of the chlorides with ammo- nia, 26, Fat, conversion of animal bodies into, Al. Fatty bodies, on, 186. Finch, J., Esq., on some basalticcolumns in Staffordshire, containing mesotype, prehnite, and barytes, 167. Fire-places to steam-boilers, on the construction of, 51. Flame, researches on, by Sir H. Davy, 3. Flaugergues, M., on the tails of comets, 227. Fountainhall chalybeate spring, on, 91. Fleming, Rev. Dr., on the junction of the fresh water of rivers with the salt of the sea, 384, G. Garlic, 36. Gases, time they take to escape through small orifices, 8—specific gravity of, 9—in the intestines of an elephant analyzed, 119. Gautier, M., on the pellitory of Spain, 229. Gay-Lussac, M., hydrogen gas lampby, 5—analysis by, of the metallic char- coal of Dobereiner, 12—on alkaline sulphurets, 24—en the property of ‘y Index. tartar to dissolve oxides, 28—oun the boiling point of fluids, 129. Gehlenite, 311. Geological Society, meetings of, 69, 137—Royal, of Cornwall, 465. Giesecke’s travels in Greenland, notice of, 149, Gilby, Dr., on the magnesian limestone near Bristol, 224. Gill, Thos., Esq., on softening steel, 58—on brass, 125—on improvements in the manufacture of superfine cloth, 212—on improvements in printing, 300. Gilpin, Rev. W., on fossil bones near Margate, 70. 8 Girard, M., on the flow of liquids through capillary tubes of. glass, 230. Glasgow, on the annual fall of rain at, SUL. Glen Tilt, seological description of, 134. Granite veins, on, 70. Granville, Dr., on sulphuretted azote, 67. : H. Hailstone, Professor, on the geology of Cambridgeshire, 133. Halifax, diary of the weather at, 435. Hansteen, Prof., on the magnetism of the earth, 389. Haiiy, M., on magnetism considered as a method of detecting iron, 117. Haiiyne, discovery of, in the island of Tyree, 387. Heat, experiments on, by Dulong and Petit, 2. Heat, animal, diminished when animals breathe on their backs, 4, Hlelvin, 3il. Henderson, Mr., on Iceland, 301. Herschell, T. F. W. Esq., oncirculating functions, 450. Heuland, H., Esq., on a mass of plati- num in Madrid, 200—account of some new minerals, 453. Holt, T., Esq., meteorological journal at Cork by, 123, 431—on the effect of air in restorivg the colour of in- digo, 123. Home, Sir E., on the teeth of the del- phinus gangeticus, 67—on the fossil remains of an animal supposed to be the ornithorhynchus paradoxus, 447 —on the chunges the blood undergoes in the actof coagulation, 450—on the formation of granulations, 451. Horner, Leonard, Esq., on the geology of the south-western parts of Somer- setshire, 136. Houton-Laballardiere, M., on the union of hydriodic acid with phosphuretted hydrogen, 22, 233. A477 Howard, L., Esq. meteorological tables by, 79, 157, 159, 239, 319, 399, 473. Humboldt, M., on vegetable milk, 116. Hydriodic acid, uniou of, with phes- phuretted hydrogen, 22, 233. Hydrocyanic acid, amost violent poison, 23. Hydrogen gas, lamp, 5—how purified, 12. Hydroguretted carbonic oxide, 104. JT, and J. Ibbetson, Mrs., on the injurious effects of burying weeds, 87. Iceland, journal of a residence in, 30]. Tilumination of streets, on, 145. Tpecacuanha, 36. Treland, geological relations of the easé of, 137. Iron, perquadrisulphate of, 461. ore, hills of, in Brasil, 453. —— chromate of, in Ferroe, 453. rails, on the decay of, 455, Jura, barometrical measurementof, 355. K, Kaleidoscope, history of, 59. Kater, Capt. H., on the length of the pendulum, 447—on the length of the French metre, 448. Knebelite, 391. Knight, T. A., Esy., on the office of the heart-wood of trees, 450. Koelreuter, M., on the sand of the Rhine, 390. Kupfernickel, analysis of, 152. L. Lasseigne, M., on the analysis of the chenopodium olidum, 231, Laugier, M., on the juice of carrots, 39. Lead, crystals of protoxide of, IT. Legallois, M., experiments on animal heat by, 3. Leslie, John, Esq., on certain impres- sions of cold transmitted from the higher atmosphere, 383. Light, violet rays of, said to induce magnetism in needles, 1. Lillington, A. S., Esq., on granite veins and whin dykes, 70, Lime, separation of, from magnesia, 8. Linnzan Society, meetings of, 71. Linzinite, 71. Liquids, flow of, through capillary tubes of glass, 230. Lithina, account of its properties, 15. Lithium, 16, Loo-choo island, method of making salt in, 145. Lunn, F., Esq., on the strata of north Cambridgeshire, 70. Lyall, Dr., accountof the Natural His- tery Society of Moscow, by,12i. 3 M. M‘Culloch, Dr., geological description of Glen Tilt by, 134. Magendie, M., on hydrocyanic acid, as a poison, 23. Maguesia, separation of, from lime, 8, 393. alba of the shops, 386. Magnesian limestone near Bristol, on, 224. Magnetism, on, as amethod of detecting iron, 117. Malic acid, experiments on, 153. Malton New, register of the weather af, A459. Manna, experiments on, 153. Meinecke, Prof. on the specific gravity of gases, 9. Mercury, oxides of, on, 67. Metallic sulphurets, composition of, 16 —alloys obtained by means of gal- vanism, on, 228. Metals, relation between their oxida- tion and specific gravity, 7—influence of, on the production of potassium with charcoal, 16, Meteorological period of 18 years, on, 459. Mica, two species of, 70. Milk, vegetable, 35, 116. Millington, Jobn, Esq., on street illu- mination, 145. Montreal, meteorological observations made at, 432. Morichini, M., on the magnetic effects of light, I. : Morphium aud meconicacid, 55. Moscow, Natural History Secciety of, account of, 121. Munche, Prof,, on the fixedness of the boiling point in thermometers, 131. Murray, J. Esq., on native phosphate of iron, 147. N. Napier, Macvey, Esq., on the scope and influence of Lord Bacon's writ- ings, 382. Necker, M., on thediscovery of Haiiyne in Tyree, 387. Nice, on the climate of, 169—geology of the environs of, 383. Nitric acid, on the elements of, 350. Northumberland, geology of, 221. North-west expedition, 391—notice of animals from, 468, Nux vomica, new alkali in, 314. oO. Oar, spiral, on the, 75. Qils contained in corn, 35. Olivile, 38. Opal, two mines of, in Mexico, 200. QOxalic acid, union of, withalcohol, 23, Index. r. Pargasile, 73. Parhelia, seen near Gosport, 235, 368. Paris, Dr., plate presented to, 74. Pear] Sinter, on the discovery of, 463. Pelium, 314. Pelletier, M., on olivile, 33. Pelletier and Magendie, MM., on eme- tine, 37. Pellitary of Spain, chemical remarks on, 229, Peschier, Dr., on the state of potash in vegetables, and on the saccharine matter of the potatoe, 336. Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences in, 385. Philips, Mr. R., onthe blue and green carbonates of copper, 30- — Mr. W., on oxide of uranium found in Cornwall, 133. Dr. Wilson, on stimulants and sedatives, 372. Phosphate of iron, native, found in the Isle of Man, 147. Photometer, Horner’s, 147. Picrotoxin, 313, Pike, eggs of, analysis of, 148. Plants, on the geography of, 45. Platinium, sulphuret of, 18—salts of, 28 —mass of native, 200, Pond, Mr., on the parallax of the fixed stars in right ascension, 67. ; Porrett, Mr., on triple prussiate of pot- ash, 214, Potash, state in which it exists in vege- tables, 336. Potatoe, saccharine matter of, 337. Potatoes, experiments on, 39. Prehnite, found at Woodford, Glouces- tershire, 395, Prevost, M. Ben., on the cause of the colours of bodies, 146, Printing, improvements in, 300, Proteus anguinus, on, 310. Proust, M., analysis of barley by, 201. Prout, Dr., on the composition of ant- mal substances, 41—on purpuricacid, 68. Purpuric acid, on, 68. R. Rennie, G. Jun., on the strength of ma- terials, 448, Rice, analysis of, 38, 151. Ridolphi, M., on the magnetical effects of light, 2. Robiquet, M., on the formation of butter of antimony, 21. Roses, colouring constituent of, 126,296. Royal Society, meetings of, 67, 451. ———— Transactions of, 445. ——- of Edinburgh, Transac- tions of, 378, Index. Ss. Salt, method of making, in the great Loo-choo island, 145. Saltness of the sea, 32. Sand of the Rhine, nature of, 390. Santi, Prof., the discoverer of pearl- sinter, 443, Sedatives, on, 372. Selenium, properties of, 13. Senebier, M., biographical account of, 241. Seppings, Mr., on the use of diagonal braces inship-building, 448, Serpentine, on, 468. Shropshire, on the valleys and water- courses of, 69, Silver, solution ef oxide of, in ammonia, 25—fulminating preparation of, 26— from luna cornea, easy method of obtaining, 143. Sirium, 312. Smithson, J., on the colourigg matters of vegetables, 448. : Soaps, op, 27. Somersetshire, geology of the south- western part of, 135, Sorbic acid, on, 22, 290. Spiders devour sulphate of zinc, 454, Spiral oar, on, 246. Spodumene of the Tyrol}, 392. Steel, on softening, 58. Stimulants, on, 372- Storm in Sussex in }729, 49, Stromeyer, M., analysis of kupfernickel by, 152. Sulphate of nickel, form of the crystals of, 28. 454, Sulphur, action of, on the muriates, 393. Sulphuret of phosphorus, on, 12. Sulphurous acid and sulphuretted hy- drogen, compound of, 441, Syme, J., Esq., on coal naphtha as a solvent of caoutchouc, 112. Syoovia of an elephant, analysis of, 120. — zinc devoured by a spider, ae Tantalite found at Bodenmais, 393. Tar, coal, substance from, dissolves caoutchouc, 112. Tartar, property of, to dissolve oxides, 8 —action of, on borax, 113. Taylors, Messrs., on the construction of fire-places to steam-boilers, 51. Thermometer, metallic, 6. Thomson, Dr. Thomas, histery of che- mistry for 1817 by, 1l-—analysis of brass by, 19—on triple prussiate of potash, 102—biographical account of Bergman by, 321—on the weight ofthe atoms of bodies, 333, 436—on the rain 479 which falls in Glasgow annually, 376 —on the magnesia alba of the shops, 386—on the action of sulphurousacid gas on sulphuretted hydrogen, 441— on perquadrisulphate of iron, 461— on serpentine, 463. Tiarks, Dr., table for computing heights by the barometer, 456. Tin, peroxide of, 17—and antimony, alloy of, analysis of, 20—and bis- muth, alloy of, analysis of, 21—and lead, alloy of, analysis of, 21. Tortoises, respiration of, 42. Tourmaline, existence of boracic acid in, 314, Trap, on a bed of, inacolliery near Walsall, 134. Triple prussiate of potash, on, 102, 214. Tritton, Mr., on the distilling apparatus of, 75, 234. Tungstate of lime, analysis of, 388. Tungstic acid, acidity of, shown, 144. Tytler, Hon. A. F., biographical ace count of, 401. V and U. Vauquelin, M., on the production of potassium, 16—on sulphuret of plati- num, 18—on the salts of platinum, 28—on spurred rye, 36—on potatoes, 59—analysis by, of the gases in the intestines of an elephant, 119—analy- sis by, of the synovia of an elephant, 120—analysis by, of the eggs of the pike, 148—on sorbic acid, 295—on the action of alcohol on oil of berga- motte, 150—analysis of rice by, 151. Viper, poison of, 42. Vis viva, on, 444, Vegel, M., analysis of different species of corn by, 3%7—on the action of borax on tartar, 112—on the bilberry and the colour of wine, 23l—on the action of sulphur op the muriates, 393. Uranium, union of its peroxide with carbonate of potash, 3l—oxide of, found in Cornwall, 133—on the acid- ity of peroxide of, 144. Ure, Dr. Andrew, on the relations between muriatic acid and chlorine, 378, Urinary calculus of a horse, 43. Ww. Wallerite, 71. Warburton, H., Esg., on chromate of iron as a volcanic production, 139. Weaver, Thomas, Esq., on the geologi- cal relations of the east of Ireland, 137. Weeds, injurious effects of burying, 87. Wheeler, James Lowe, on the mode of obtaining chloric acid, 22, 480 Whin dykes, on, 70. Winch, N. J., Esq., 09 the geography of plants, 45—on the geology of North- umberland and Durham, 221. Wine, how extraneous colouring matter in, is detected, 231. Wistar, Dr., biographical notice of, 228. Wollaston, Dr., oD the property of certain salts to give their crystalline forms to others, 28. Woodhouselee, Lord, biographical ac- count of, 401. Index. Wronski’s mathematical works, on, 455. Z. Zaire, river, observations on, 53—on the collection of plants formed near, 21T. Zinc, sulphate of, devoured bya spider, Ab4. Zumic acid, the same with lactic acid, 391. END OF VOL. xil.3 “c, Baldwin, Printer, New Bridge-street, London: Now BYE ae roe ah i 4