siesta itaties iets See He +33 peetstis. errs q iss ee TO LIBRARY OF MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY WOODS HOLE, MASS. LOANED BY AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY The Annals OF Scottish Natural History mw OUART ERIEY WANGAZINE WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED “Che Scottish Naturalist” EDITED BY J. A. HARVIE-BROWN, F.R.S.E., F.Z.S. MEMBER OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION JAMES W. H. RAIL, M.A, M.D. E.B:S., FIs: PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN AND WILLIAM EAGLE CLARKE, F.L.S., Mem. Brit. ORN. UNION NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENT, MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART, EDINBURGH = “ 1893 EDINBURGH DAVID DOUGLAS, CASTLE STREET LONDON: R. H. PORTER, 18 PRINCES ST., CAVENDISH SQUARE (2) Her Ais) 0 iSite Or = hil awig S . An Unusually Coloured Raza clavata, Linneus. . Pylaiella varia, Kjellman, and Lctocarpus Landsburgit, Harvey. . Canuella perplexa, sp. nov., and Longip~edia coronata, Claus. . Scottish Desmidieze. Plate I. The Annals of Scottish Natural History No. 5] 1893 [J ANUARY. RISSO’'S “GRAMPUS (GRAMPETS, GRISETGS) IN EWE SS OUNWVIAW. Sa haiiiclr By ROBERT SERVICE. ON 28th of September last I read in our local newspaper, the “ Dumfries Courier,’ a short paragraph to the effect that on the 24th of that month a “ young bottle-nose whale” had been captured near Annan. Knowing that the dimensions given were very unlikely to apply to that species, I lost no time in writing for further information to my obliging friend, Mr. Wm. Wright, Annan, who in due course replied, giving the following particulars :—The animal had been seen, when the tide ebbed, floundering in a pool on the sands of the Dumfriesshire Solway at a spot close to Battlehill, near Annan, by Mr. Wm. Blake, fisherman, who with assistance, and after a considerable struggle, killed it. Its dimensions were, length 10 feet 3 inches; girth at thickest part 5 feet ; flippers 7 or 8 inches wide, 16 or 17 inches long; it had two bumps right on the nose, one on each side with hollow between ; the bumps were like one’s fist and could be taken hold of. The shape from the dorsal to the tail “went away to nothing.” Three teeth in each side of the front of lower jaw, and no teeth whatever in upper jaw. Colour of upper parts described as somewhat greenish in hue when alive and 5 B 2 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY in the sea; after death the back was exactly the colour of “dark blue Welsh slates.” Under parts white. The animal was a female. On making subsequent inquiry about the white stripes usually present as a distinguishing character of Risso’s Grampus, I was informed that “it had little faint sray streaky marks, } inch in width, and some were long, and some were short,” but as Mr. Wright had to prompt his informant on this point, I conclude these marks must have been inconspicuous. When requested by Mr. Wright, the lower jaws were very kindly presented to me by Mr. Blake. Before removing the mass of adherent flesh, I made a close examination of the dentition. Taking the left mandible, I found embedded in the flesh, at the point of the jaw in front of the three mandibular teeth, a couple of very small denticles, so soft as to be scarcely calcified, and quite easily cut through with the knife. They appeared on the surface as roughish points hardly to be seen, but easily felt with the finger. Then behind the three mandibular teeth were at regular intervals two small openings into the gum. These were about the diameter of an ordinary knitting wire. On shaving slices off the gum these openings were seen to widen out into tooth sacs of the calibre of an ordinary lead-pencil, and half an inch deep, and they were quite filled with a very soft, white, pasty substance with no signs whatever of calci- fication, except in the walls of these sacs, which were of tolerably hard cartilaginous matter, harder than the sur- rounding gums. The two front denticles had small, rough, shallow sockets in the bone, but the tooth sacs described had no visible sockets in the bone of the jaw, as was ascertained when the flesh was all removed. The right jaw had the couple of small denticles, the three mandibular teeth, and the two tooth sacs in the same order and position as on the left jaw. The mandibular teeth seemed remark- ably loose in their sockets, and with the finger and thumb could be moved quite easily in any direction, the great depth and width of the sockets when compared with the size of the teeth perhaps accounting for this. Each of them was exactly half an inch above the gums; when removed from their sockets and cleaned, the front one on each side measured 14 inch in total length, the others were all alike RISSO’S GRAMPUS IN THE SOLWAY FIRTH 3 in measurement—1+ inch. All of the six teeth had their summits bent inwards, had apparently been tolerably sharp at one time, but had become much worn and chipped. It may be worth pointing out that the dentition of this animal might be variously described as 9 9 or 2 2 or as ? ? accord- ing to the inclination of the observer. Not trusting my own identification of this Cetacean as Risso’s Grampus, I forwarded the jaw, after it had been cleaned, to Mr. Eagle Clarke, who promptly informed me that he had “compared it with the perfect remains of Grampus griseus in the Anatomical Museum of the University of Edinburgh, under Sir Wm. Turner’s charge. The jaw belongs, undoubtedly, to a young specimen of that species.” Before leaving this Annan specimen, it should be added that the oldest and most experienced of the Annan fishermen declared that none of them had ever seen a “ whale” of the same kind in the Solway before. On Monday, 17th October, I was told that a “small whale” had been killed on the previous Saturday evening at Carsethorn, a little fishing hamlet about fourteen miles from Dumfries, but situated in the adjoining county, on the shores of the Stewartry Solway, a little to the westwards of the mouth of the Nith. Following on the recent occurrence of the rarity at Annan, my interest in Cetaceans was now thoroughly aroused, and within a few hours after the notice reached me I was at Carsethorn. I had no anticipation whatever that I was so soon to hear of another example of the same species, and it was therefore with the most pleasurable feelings that, after walking down the beach from our gig, the friend who accompanied me and I saw, when the old sail had been lifted off the animal we had come to see, that we had before us another veritable Risso’s Grampus. This one had been caught at the mouth of the Kirkbean Pow, at a little distance above Carsethorn village. It had been seen stranded in the shallow water when the tide receded, and was captured by Mr. Robert M‘Call, fisherman, with the assistance of the villagers. One man who was present described it as grunting very loudly, another said it barked like a mastiff dog, and snapped viciously at anything or anybody that came within its reach, 4 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY while a third individual said it squealed! It had been stabbed in the throat and bled in the same way as pigs are slaughtered, and when I examined it, the body was positively undamaged in any way, with the exception of the cut under the throat. I made the following notes of its appearance on the spot :— Dimensions.—Total length, 8 feet. Girth in front of dorsal, 54 inches. . midway betwixt. snout and dorsal, 52 inches. > Gorsaliand tailyy 220. 9 ,, just before expansion of tail, 13a Flipper.—Length, 164 inches. - Width, 5 3 Dorsal.— Length, 16 _ Height, r0o5" . ,, a Breadth in middle, 7 inches. Tail fins from tip to tip, 18 inches. Lower jaw from point to angle of mouth, 9? inches. Upper - 33 53 TOME Sex.—Female. Colours.—Eye, dark brown; pupil round and black. General colour of upper parts of a dark slaty tinge, greenish in certain lights, bluish in others. Colour of upper parts passing through the different shades from slate colour to grayish at the median line, and gradually passing to pure milky white from vent to flippers, but becoming darker on the under side betwixt the flippers. Flippers deep black. White on throat extending to gape, and then over the upper jaw, covering all the nose and forehead except a deep black moustachial patch of pretty regular outline, beginning over the upper part of the nose and extending downwards on each side. Round each eye was a large deep black patch of irregular outline shading off to gray at the edges. The white lines usually assigned as a specific character were altogether absent, with the exception of a silvery white line lying obliquely across the back of the neck. It was about 8 inches long and enclosed a deep black line along its centre half an inch in width. There was one group of seven black spots on left side mid- way between dorsal and belly. The largest of these spots was the size of a half-crown, the smallest the size of a threepenny piece, and they looked precisely as if some one had been throwing ink on the skin. There was a large number of scattered white spots the size of peas, just behind vent and a little to left side. Three white spots outlined in deep black were situated just above middle of left upper lip; several white spots were also to be seen along the edge of left under lip. There were no other spots or lines anywhere on the beast, and those described were anything but conspicuous. ” RISSO’S GRAMPUS IN THE SOLWAY FIRTH 5 Dentition, etc.—The sides and front of tongue were fringed by a row of upright papille of rather horny consistency. No teeth in upper jaw. No teeth visible in lower jaws, but on feeling the left under jaw very carefully with the fingers two hard spots were felt. On cutting into them, these hard spots were found to conceal a couple of small teeth, and behind them another tooth was also dis- covered embedded in the gums. ‘The other under jaw was not cut into. Appearance of Head.—\.ips very thick and fleshy, but no depres- sion between the snout and lips such as has sometimes been described as seen in other specimens of this Grampus. ‘The great swelling lumps on each upper cheek, continuing down to and including the lips, was an extremely conspicuous feature, and gave one the strong impression that the swollen appearance was the result of injury or disease. Snout rounded in upper jaw ; much pointed in lower jaw. Skin.—The whole skin smooth and shining, transparent looking in some lights. Very soft and velvety to the touch, the outermost cuticle easily abraded or rubbed off. The skin was easily lifted in little folds betwixt finger and thumb. There is not much more to say about the Carsethorn specimen of this rare Cetacean, except that I was glad to be the medium of securing its skeleton for the Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh. A gentleman resident in the village who was present when the bones were divested of their flesh preparatory to being despatched to Edinburgh, and who examined the stomach, informs me it was quite empty. The same friend also had the curiosity, not to say temerity, to cut off a suitable piece of the flesh and have it cooked. He tells me “it was dark in colour and tasted not unlike the flesh of a hare, or between that and _ beefsteak. It was a little peculiar in flavour, but not unpleasant.” The blubber produced a little over six gallons of good oil, which is used in the same way, and for the same purposes, as the fishermen and others in this neighbourhood use porpoise oil. Whether the two specimens of Risso’s Grampus described in the foregoing pages entered the Solway in company can only be a matter of conjecture. I have been unable to hear of any of our whammle-net men who noticed such animals in the Firth before their capture, and the fishermen in question are distributed over the comparatively narrow limits of the Solway at every tide. One thing seems very certain to me that any such Cetaceans once passing inside 6 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Barnhourie Bank and the Robin Rigg would hardly escape many hours from being stranded on one or other of the numerous sandbanks that stretch for hundreds of thousands of acres in every direction, when the surges that swell up with the famous tidal flow of old Solway have once more ebbed again with equal swiftness back into the Irish Channel. DESTRUCTION OF WILD BIRDS’ EGGS, AND EGG-COLLECTING By Lieut.-Colonel W. H. M. Duruis, R.A. It is gratifying to learn from Mr. Knubley’s interesting paper in the “Annals” of last October, that some well known members of the British Association have taken up the subject of the destruction of, wild birds’ eggs, and are considering the question, whether legislative measures should be recommended for their protection. There is evidently no time to be lost if we wish to pre- serve as breeders in the British Isles some of our fast dimin- ishing species ; and it seems to be the duty of our Natural History Societies and Field Clubs throughout the country to use their utmost endeavours to educate and interest the public within their several spheres of influence, and thus co-operate with the British Association in its laudable efforts to stem the tide of egg-destruction which has set in. In seeking for the cause of the mischief complained of, we naturally turn our attention, first of all, to the egg- collectors, all of whom, in a greater or less degree, must be held responsible; and we feel sure that if they could be reason- ably controlled, there would be little left for the British Association to do. There are three kinds of collectors who require to be specially dealt with, viz. the Aimless, the Greedy, and the Mercenary Collector, The Aimless Collector should be discouraged. He is generally a person who knows little or nothing about birds or their habits. His collection is an accumulation of un- DESTRUCTION OF WILD BIRDS’ EGGS 7 authenticated specimens stowed away in ill-arranged boxes, totally regardless of order, species, or locality, and is useless to himself and of no interest to science. The Greedy Collector should be vestrazned. He should be satisfied, as a rule, with one clutch of eggs of each bird, with an occasional addition of an abnormal clutch or egg for the sake of comparison. The Mercenary Collector should be aboleshed. He it is who is mainly responsible for the extermination of species and waste of eggs. His collection is the result of gold, changed into silver and copper as it filters through the hands of dealers, gamekeepers, shepherds, herd-boys, and others, who, often in direct disobedience of orders from their em- ployers, have robbed many an important eyrie, and with indiscriminating ignorance have swept some of our bird nurseries bare. The size and value of this collector’s store depends upon the length of his purse, and while proud to tell the market value of a particular egg, he may be unable to describe the bird that laid it, or the nest in which it was found. The True Collector should be a Naturalist, acquainting himself with birds, their habits, flight, migration, language, and breeding haunts; his egg-collecting being only one of the means of acquiring this knowledge. He should collect for himself, and should never receive an egg into his cabinet unless authenticated by an individual in whom he can im- plicitly trust. To him, therefore, no dealer need apply, and under these conditions egg-collecting has all the excitement of sport, and the final acquisition of a rare egg, after perhaps years of waiting and watching, is a triumph, and the egg itself is a trophy of which the possessor is justly proud. The collection, whether large or small, should be perfect as far as it goes, all eggs being arranged according to order, genus, and species. Every specimen should be marked with a number and registered with a corresponding mark in a book kept for the purpose, in which should also be recorded the date, locality, and authority, and any note of interest taken at the time. The chief aim should be accu- racy ; and the journal, if properly kept, is a mine of useful information. It and the cabinet are inseparable, and the + 8 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY two together may form a valuable addition to a museum. Besides its ornithological value, the collection is deeply inter- esting to the collector himself on account of its recorded memories. That large white egg stained with brown, lying on a piece of dry seaweed, recalls a day on the Bass Rock, when eye and ear are bewildered by the constant movement and sound of countless hosts of Gannets and other wild sea- birds floating in the air and on the waves, or diving beneath the surface of the water, their shrill cries making a strange discord with the music of the sea, as it rolls its deep-toned accompaniment along the base of the stupendous cliff. Again, the clutch of Buzzards’ eggs speaks of the solitude of the mountains, of a bulky nest set on a ledge of a steep overhanging rock at the head of a Highland glen, with a peat-stained burn below winding its way through a world of heather and moss. And so on all through the cabinet, every clutch has its story, each egg its tale to tell, and every drawer breathes its own separate associations: the shady woods and breezy uplands, the swift-running brooks and sluggish streams, the lake and mountain tarn, the misty glen, the sandy shores and rocky coasts, the hedgerows, and shrub- beries, and eaves, and every nook and corner where the birds come, from far and near, to rear their offspring in the joyous days of spring—all are represented here in the lovely and varied relics which lie displayed in systematic order before us. When once the eggs of a particular bird have been obtained they are rarely required again; but the breeding haunt being known, the return of the birds may be looked for in each succeeding year, and their habits watched and noted during the whole period of incubation. If we could confine our Collectors to the true type, which I have attempted to describe, the Egg Dealers would cease to exist, and with them would also disappear the tribe of hangers-on which they maintain, there being no need for their services, and no demand for their supplies; and with the attainment of this happy result, legislation for the pre- servation of wild birds’ eggs would become unnecessary. | CONTRIBUTIONS TO A FAUNA OF SHETLAND 9 CONTRIBULIONS TO A FAUNA OF THE SHETEAND ISLES. AUTUMN NOTES. By J. A. Harviz-Brown, F.R.S.E., F.Z.S. Two visits paid to a far southerly portion of the Shetland Isles convinced the writer of these notes that the district is almost a ¢erra incognita to the working Field-Naturalist during the autumn. Dr. Saxby’s “ Birds of Shetland,’—excellent as in many respects it is,—and his earlier first notes in the “ Zoologist,” cannot be held as relating to Shetland generally, and indeed as only referring to the much more restricted area of Unst. Since Dr. Saxby wrote, we have scarcely a record from Shetland, except of summer observations, of which latter, however, there is no lack. We spent several weeks, first in October and November 1891, and again in September and October 1892, at the Southern extremity of the Shetland Isles, in the parish of Dunrossness, to which portion of the main island the ac- companying notes principally refer. During the first of these visits we only met with 56 species of birds. During our second visit we added consider- ably to this list, making a list of and notes upon 84 species. In 1891, migration along our whole East Coasts—Scot- tish and English—was at a minimum, on account of the prevalence of westering winds throughout the season, culmi- nating in a gale of great force and severity from S.S.W., which ranged over our coasts for the space of seven days, begin- ning moderately (in Shetland) on the night of the 8th October, continuing strong over the 9th to 13th, and reaching its maximum strength on the 14th. On the 15th, I find in my journals that the united roar of surf and wind “had gone down to a‘hum,’” and that it was windless on the 16th. All the time previous to the latter date, the wind had been westerly. In 1892, migration bulked much more heavily all down our East Coasts, even as far north as North Ronaldshay in Orkney, and at Girdleness in Aberdeenshire, whilst on the 10 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY East English Coasts it was quite phenomenal. But Shetland appears only to have been brushed, as it were, by the outer- most primaries of the right wing of the flight, and only a few “dropped feathers ”—a few solitary migrants—helped us to swell our list. The direction of the wind prior to the 4th October was southerly, veering to S.S.E. and S.S.W., and few migrants were observed. But on the 5th, and night of 5th and 6th, migration became more noticeable, both as observed at the lighthouse, and by ourselves in the open. This was the fringe of a vast migration, which will be found duly recorded by other observers farther to the southward. The wind had been northerly and strong, but during the night a sudden shift took place to S.E., and increasing to a gale, whipped up the migrants which had already started on their passage of the North Sea, and drifted them on our shores. But in Shetland we only got a slight waft of this change, and it did not last long enough to flood the islands with migrants. Such were the conditions of migration during the two visits we made to Shetland in 1891 and 1892. Of the place itself we must be very shortly descriptive. The area we treat of contains the hill and cliffs and high plateau of Fitful Head (928 feet), and the “scattald” or taxed land which lies around it. It also contains the links of Quendale, the sandhills, and long washed sands of Quendale Bay, the rocky points of Sumburgh Head and Garthness, and, out in the bay, the holms of Quendale. It includes the more important lochs of Spiggie, and Brow, and Hillwell, as well as a few other minor sheets of water, with the marshes and marshy meadows, peat “cuts ” and “banks,” which connect or surround them. Then there are the rocky, or sandy, or muddy voes of the South Coast, and the rockier voes of the west side. Between the pastured hills are glens and green-edged or marsh-edged burns. When we add to the above description the stunted heather of the high “ fields,” the short grazing of the “scattalds,” the wind- swept scalps, showing the disintegrating granitic rock in rapidly recurring stripes or succeeding terraces, with the ‘“plantie cruives ” or small enclosures in which young cabbage- plants are protected from the storms, which are dotted over the otherwise bare landscape, and the “ farm-toons ” with the CONTRIBUTIONS TO A FAUNA OF SHETLAND II agricultural land around them, and the long dividing walls and fences, we have, sufficiently for our present purpose, indi- cated the nature of the country in which we observed the following birds and mammals. HEDGEHOG (L£yrinaceus europeus).—When staying at the manse of Tingwall, three miles from Lerwick, I was informed, very much to my surprise, that the Hedgehog exists along the shores of Loch Tingwall (fresh water), and is perfectly well known to Mrs. Bain, who told me also that, “when we put them into the garden they usually die.” These animals were introduced at Veersgarth by the farmer there, and he planted whins for their protection. They are supposed to have been introduced into the island of Burra by means of a cargo of empty casks, or in the ballast of a vessel (v. “Annals S. N. H.” 1892, p. 132). In 1892, whilst staying at Sumburgh House, we obtained further account of the Hedgehog in Shetland from our friend Mr. John Bruce, who first heard of the animal occurring around Cunningsburg in the following manner. He had heard of some mischievous boys tormenting an old woman by putting a Hedgehog in her bed. Mr. Bruce had then asked the lads to bring him the next one they found, which they did, and Mr. Bruce obtained two, and had them alive in Sumburgh Garden ; but they escaped, and have not been seen or heard of around Sumburgh since. They are stated to be far from uncommon around Cunningsburg, and to frequent the high “ fields” and driest ground among heather. As yet I am unable to trace any reliable history of their original introduction, which, however, is currently believed and spoken of as having been effected fifty years ago. THE Common FirtH SEAL (Phoca vitulina) is very abundant about the Quendale Holms. OTTER (Lutra vulgaris).—Many Sea Otters occur all over the district, as is evinced by the fine skins which Mr. John Bruce obtains. SToat (Mustela vulgaris)—Not rare. We saw skins in the pos- session of Mr. George Bruce of Sand Lodge. The actual dis- tribution throughout the isles has not, to our knowledge, been worked out. We are credibly informed, however, that it occurs in some islands but not in others, and our friend Mr. Allan Briggs tells me it does not occur on North Ronaldshay, the nearest of the adjoining group of Orkney. BLACKBIRD (Zurdus merula).—Not observed at all abundantly. Only one seen in October (15th) in 1891, in a turnip-field up the Mill Glen of Quendale—a favourite shelter ground of migrants. In 1892 I shot a female up the burn which flows 12 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY into Garth Wick, 30th October, and saw another sheltering in nettles near Garth Crofts on Sunday 6th October. One or two others were observed around Sumburgh and Quendale, but not prior to 5th October. Sone THRUSH (Zurdus musicus)—My cousin, who accompanied us in 1892 to Quendale, Mr. Adrian Forrester, who is a keen collector, saw several thrushes, and we observed two near Garth on gth October. Repwinec (Zurdus tliacus).—One ; the only one seen up to date of 12th October 1891. I shot amongst the peat ‘“‘cuts.” Only single birds seen among the peat cuts, or in the “plantie cruives,” up till 2oth, when about a score were found sheltering in a flock in the Mill Burn Glen, close to Quendale. In 1892 a few single birds seen on and after 5th October. One or two seen nearly every day for a week or so. FIELDFARE (Zurdus pilaris)—In 1891, only a few solitary birds seen scattered among the more sheltered hollows. In 1892, they did not arrive or show up with Redwings or Thrushes during October; but early in November a flock was reported to us by Captain M‘Farlane, as seen in the angle formed by two walls, close to the Established Church—a favourite place for newly arrived migrants. WHEATEAR (Saxicola enanthe).—A few scattered birds, natives of the district, remained into October, and until about the 14th, but not later than this in 1891, except one—a passing bird, or a lingerer—on the roth. In 1892, most of the Wheatears disappeared earlier, or about the 6th October. Wuincuat (Pratincola rubetra)—We did did not meet with the Whinchat in 1891; but in 1892, Mr. Adrian Forrester shot a young male on Fitful Headland on 8th October. STONECHAT (Pratincola rubicola).—We did not meet with the Stone- chat in 1891; but a male was obtained on the Mill Burn, and a young bird on Fitful, 6th October 1892. Repstart (Ruticilla phenicurus).—A single male seen in Mill Glen Burn, and a female seen previously, between the sea and Quendale Links, on the 2nd October 1892. Not observed in autumn of 1891. HEDGE AccEeNTOR (Acentor modularis).—Not in our 1891 list. Only one seen in nettles at Garth Banks, 9th October 1892. BiackcaP (Sylvia atricapilla)—A female observed within a few paces, skulking and sheltering amongst nettles, inside old croft at Garth Banks, on Sunday, gth October 1892. WILLow WARBLER (Phylloscopus trochilus).—Not noticed in 1891. Several seen, one at Garth Banks, 6th October, 1892, on the CONTRIBUTIONS TO A FAUNA OF SHETLAND 13 sea slope, and others about the same dates, but not before. Again one in Sand Lodge garden, on 21st October. GoLp-crEst (Regulus cristatus).—Gold-crests were reported to us by Mr. Youngclause as appearing at the lantern of Sumburgh Head Lighthouse previous to 29th October 1891. But there are no returns during October 1892 in Mr. Youngclause’s schedules, although they appeared so abundantly at more southern stations. ComMON WREN (Z7voglodytes parvulus).—Not very abundant. In 18g1 only one seen in “plantie cruives” near Spiggie. Shot one in Garthwick Burn, and saw a family party in Moussa, one of which was shot, and is now in Edinburgh Museum. The other, of which I have the skin, I took the following measurements of: base of bill to end of tail, 42% inches ; wing from carpal joint 142 inches. These Shetland Wrens appear to be large and large-footed, light-coloured, and much vermiculated, both on back and under parts. Meavow Pipir (Azthus pratensis)—Not very abundant. In 1891, appeared to be almost confined to the limited marshy edging of the Hillwell Burn, by the base of Fitful, and the valley behind “The Cleap”; and there only singly or in pairs, up to about 3rd October. In 1891, we made the note on the date of 3rd October, ‘‘ Meadow Pipits and Larks are now flocking,” and ‘‘Meadow Pipits not common, and very local.” Most seen about 3rd or 4th October. Rock Pipir (Axthus obscurus).—Seen commonly, even abundantly, in its usual haunts, especially around the fish-curing station at Garth Banks; occurring also, however, inland, up the Eel Burn, and on the shore of Loch Hillwell. Observed no increase of numbers at any date, either in 1891 or in 1892. SwaLLow (//irundo rustica).—A solitary bird seen at Loch Hillwell on 17th October 1891. In 1892, two seen flying over Loch Brow, 8th October. The Swallow was reported to us by Mr. George Bruce as unusually abundant in the summer of 1892, along with Swifts. Sand Martin (Cottle riparia).—One seen hawking over upper Culsetter Marsh, near Hillwell Burn, on 8th October 1892 ; and another seen at Spiggie on 13th October. Rosin (£7ithacus rubecula).—In 1891, only one seen close to Garth fishing-station. In 1892, five or six seen, one at Hillwell Farm on 8th October. House-Sparrow (Lasser domesticus)—Common at Quendale Farm, and indeed at most, if not all, the farm-towns from Sumburgh House to Lerwick, yet scarcely to be called generally distributed, 14 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY and distribution somewhat broken, so far as we could observe. We have quite failed as yet to record the Tree Sparrow from Shetland. CuHarFINcH (Fringilla celebs)—The Chaffinch stands in our autumn lists as the first bird taken note of. When we visited Shetland in October 1891, Chaffinches were by that time in large flocks (9th October) in the corn-fields, and sheltering from the gale under the “kail-blades.” They were, however, all migrants. In 1892, the first observed was shot amongst a flock of Twites (5th October); and immense flocks afterwards of hundreds and thousands were seen for the space of a few days. Same day one Brambling seen amongst them; and on 8th at least one sixth were Bramblings. From the association, we think there is no doubt about the Scandinavian origin of these flocks. All disappeared as suddenly as they arrived, and stragglers only were met with after the roth October 1891. BRAMBLING (/vingilla montifringilla).—First seen in 1892—a single bird amongst a lot of Chaffinches—on the 6th October. Then on the 8th—wind north—close to Loch Spiggie, a large flock of mixed Chaffinches and Bramblings, the latter composing about one-sixth of the whole—several thousands in the flock. Wind had been N. or N.N.E., veering and backing, but always to the N. Suddenly shifted to S.E. and blew hard on night of 5th to 6th, but alas! only for too short a spell. LinneET (Linota cannabina).—Not observed in 1891. But in 1892 one small flock was identified by us, 17th October, near Scatness. Twitrt (Linota flavirostris).—Very abundant. In small flocks seldom exceeding fifty individuals. Frequent the cabbage- yards, feeding on seeding sorrel, especially in the unoccupied ‘‘plantie cruives,” and in numerous small flocks on the stubbles. Not so often seen on the “scattald” or “fields” at this season, except where the ‘‘plantie cruives” exist. Observations the same in 1891 and 1892. Corn Buntine (Zmberiza miliaria).—Not at all abundant, and ex- tremely local ; so far as our opportunities gave us of observation. Rarely seen on the farm-lands at this season, but a consider- able flock—probably all for many miles round—sheltered during the day, and roosted at night among the reeds of Hill- well Loch in 1891. In 18g2—but why, we know not—their numbers appeared to be not more than one-third of those in 1891, and besides they were not so persistent in their chosen roosting-place. Reep Buntinc (Emberiza scheniclus).—Not observed in 1891. One single female bird was shot on 8th October 1892. CONTRIBUTIONS TO A FAUNA OF SHETLAND 15 About same date we received a wing of one killed by Mr. Allan Briggs in North Ronaldshay. Snow Buntine (Plectrophanes nivalis).—In 1891, first a small flock went “tinkling” overhead. Then flocks of hundreds and thousands were seen along Loch Spiggie and upon Backasetter Farm on the 23rd October, and many were heard overhead all day, and they continued exceedingly abundant all the re- maining time of my stay—z.e. up to 3rd of November. Captain Macfarlane, however, afterwards reported that all, or nearly all, had left by the 1t9th December of the same year. In 1892, during October, Snow Buntings were much rarer than in 1891, all the time I was there—23rd September to 30th October. The first heard of was a flock of twelve on the 6th October. Then a flock of some hundreds same day, but they did not alight, but flew steadily south. After this some considerable flocks seen, but most passed on. ‘The people on certain farms catch these birds with a sieve-trap—twenty to thirty at a time—in snow-time. In Shetland, the skins are removed by inserting a quill, or the barrel of a steel pen-holder, in a small cut made on the forehead. The pen-holder is then used as a blow-pipe. Of course shot birds cannot be skinned in this way. This method is called ‘ blowing them.” STARLING (Sturnus vulgaris)—In 1891, observed in small flocks. Nowhere did we observe them in large numbers, as compared with more southern localities. But they are very abundant notwithstanding. We might expect to find amongst migratory Starlings, specimens of the so-called S. Farcensis. I did not care to slay numbers of them to make the discovery ; but any which I did examine did not appear to me to be worthy of specific separation. Jackpaw (Corvus monedula).—In 1891, two were seen distinctly by us flying in company with Rooks close to Sumburgh Head on 27th October; and in 1892, two again were seen on 18th October consorting with about a dozen Hooded Crows. As will be noticed further on, it is curious how many species observed in 1891 and 1892 appeared in exactly similar numbers at approximate dates, and in adjacent localities. (See Greylag Goose, Wood-pigeon, and several more.) Since writing the above, we have heard from Mr. Young- clause that “‘what he takes to be three Jackdaws were seen near Grutness on the 28th October 1892.” RAVEN (Corvus corax).—Perhaps nowhere more abundant in Britain than in the Shetland Isles. Often seen in dozens and half-dozens, and occasionally in much larger companies. Seem to have, in common with many other species, regular beats 16 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY over which they pass at certain hours, this varying with the direction of the wind. Thus some days the Garth Banks is a sure find, if one wishes to procure specimens ; other days the sandhills of Quendale close to Hillwell, and again Spiggie and other places. Hoopvep Crow (Corvus cornix).—Abundant, fearless, undisturbed. In flocks of scores or singly. Everywhere assertive and impudent. A possible increase was observable after the roth October— at least flocks were more commonly seen. Some were much whiter in the mantle than others, and may have been of more eastern origin. Rook (Corvus frugilegus).—In 1891 several were seen: first three on the 19th October, then five reported. By all accounts rare in Shetland, but Mr. Bruce of Sumburgh lately (September 1891) had quite a large flock close to his house. Many are seen at odd times. Wind always southerly and westerly when observed. Not observed in 1892. SKYLARK (Alauda arvensis).—In 1891, Skylarks were literally in thousands up to the middle of October, but after that, perhaps only in hundreds, and later on still fewer; frequenting the stubbles. By 22nd December, Larks had become still scarcer, as we were informed by Captain Macfarlane. In 1892, Larks were only seen rising out of the stubbles in September singly, or in small scattered flights; but soon after, about the 4th October, a great change appeared, and they were beginning to flock and draw nearer to one another—a change observable also amongst the Meadow Pipits. This was a day or two before the general movement of birds on 5th and 6th October 1892. Wrvneck (Zyzx torguilla).—Mr. Thomas Marshall, The Store, Stanley, Perthshire, informs us (27 “4 20th October 1892): ‘*Mr. Youngclause sent me the Wryneck on 21st August 1891.” Mr. Youngclause wrote thanking Mr. Marshall for the identi- fication, and said: ‘‘It was sent up to me by our local post- master, Mr. Isbister, and had killed itself on the telegraph wires. I, however,’—continues Mr. Youngclause,— “saw another one alive at Quendale this day week [letter is dated 29th August 1891]. So it seems a few of them have been about.” SHORT-EARED OWL (Asio accipitrinus).—In 1891, one was shot by us, as it rose out of the peat “cuts” below Loch Hillwell on the 17th October, and one—probably the same bird—was reported by Mr. Youngclause as seen at Sumburgh Lighthouse two days before. In 1892, one was seen about the same place by Captain Macfarlane before my arrival at Quendale in September. CONTRIBUTIONS TO A FAUNA OF SHETLAND 17 Snowy Owt (Surnia nyctea).—On the 28th October with S. and S.W. wind and heavy rain, and a migration of Glaucous Gulls passing S. to S.E., a magnificent Snowy Owl passed within a hundred yards of our boat on Spiggie. It was almost within range of the big eight bore, but we were all at first too much taken up in watching him, in a very bad light, trying to make him out. At first I thought it was an albino Sea Eagle. I felt dubious, and then flashed across my miserable memory the Snowy Owl’s flight in Russia ; the wings not so “ deard-square”’ as the Eagle’s. He flew low over Backasetter, and winged his way over the “fields” towards Fitful. When it dipped and its back. became visible, it appeared to be a bird about two to three years old, from the mottling of the feathers on the back. The wings showed “frilling” or “fringing” on the edgings against the sky, much as a Rook’s or an Eagle’s wings do. 1 believe this bird would probably rest upon the flat plateau which forms the summit of Fitful, and towards which it was slowly winging its way, flying south witha S.W. wind. Perhaps its next resting-place will be Butt of Lewis, possibly Orkney ; less likely the mainland of Scotland. WHITE-TAILED EaGLe (Haliaetus albicilla).—Distinctly saw a White- tailed Eagle wing its high way over Quendale Links and Sand- hills towards Fitful, which, however, was enveloped in dark thick mist. Mr. George Bruce, who was along with us, saw it also, and said, “It is one of the Fitful eagles.” He tells me these Fitful birds have often been killed, and he believes that the reason the Fitful Eagles have continued to hold their eyrie so long is to be found in this occasional destruction of one or the other bird before its mate gets too old to wed again. In this I perfectly acquiesce. Mr. George Bruce still believes there are five pairs in Shetland, and Mr. John Bruce corroborates the statement that there has been no break in the continuity of their occupancy of Fitful. Little or no information can be ex- tracted from the natives about this or almost any species of bird. We are not ourselves perfectly satisfied of their occurrence there as a nesting species now, but the above notes may elicit more data and proofs. PEREGRINE Fatcon (alco peregrinus).—The Fitful falcons were constantly seen both in r89r and 1892. ‘The female a very large powerful bird, and the male a particularly small bird. I saw them both often at short distances as they suddenly flashed past along the hill-sides, intent on Blue Rock Doves, about the outskirts of the cropped land. MeruIn (Falco e@salon).—Very common, and often seen hunting singly, and at times in pairs. Usually appears on the track of the Snow Buntings, Snipe, or flights of small birds. I have E Cc 18 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY several times nearly whistled them over with the plover call in Shetland, and successfully practised the dodge elsewhere. Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo).—A pair regularly frequent Loch Spiggie, and visit Loch Hillwell and fly across thence by the “cuts” and Quendale to Quendale Bay. Common at the Holms in Quendale Bay, but not to compare in numbers with the smaller species or Shag. SHaG (Phalacrocorax graculus).—Very abundant, sitting in great colonies upon the rocks all round Garthness, the Quendale Holms, and indeed everywhere prominent in the sea-scape—as many as 300 or 400 together. Common HeERon (4rdea cinerea).—Visits the district in autumn. In 1891, five or six were observed early in October along the side of Loch Brow, and in the marshy meadows (marked in the 6” scale O. S. Map as “subject to flooding”). These shortly disappeared, and only one or two were seen afterwards. In 1892, the first observed was on 1st September, when Captain Macfarlane saw two. Afterwards seen frequently at Loch Brow; and also on Mousa Island, on zoth October, six or seven were seen together. GREYLAG GoosE (Azser cinereus)—In 1891, one solitary bird was seen, and put up at a distance of perhaps a hundred yards, by the side of Loch Spiggie, on 26th October. Mr. Youngclause also reported (77 Zz.) “Greylag Geese” flying S.W. at Sumburgh Lighthouse on the same date. In 1892, curiously enough, again ‘a solitary bird was seen at the same loch side on roth October. It rose and ‘‘gabbled” as it flew, showing the alar patches very distinctly. BERNICLE GOOSE (Lernicla leucopsis).—Saxby says in July 1854 he saw one of this speciles—making sure of it—and added: ‘‘No other authentic record of its occurrence in Shetland has come to my knowledge ;” and Howard Saunders, building upon this, says: “To the Shetlands and Faroes, this species is only a rare straggler.” On gth October one which we examined had been shot, out of a flock of seven, among Quendale sandhills, by the Quendale grieve’s son, who did not know the bird. On 15th October, I saw three, and these were seen going about the sides of Loch Spiggie for some time. The Bernicle Goose is quite common here—Dunrossness—on migration in both spring and autumn, but does not remain, we are assured, in winter, as it does in the Hebrides. ‘Thirty-eight were frequent- ing Spiggie Shore on the 21st October 1891 and many more were seen. In 1892, quite a big lot were reported to us close to Backasetter on 6th October, but we saw none till gth October, when a flock of seven passed south near Quendale House—wind CONTRIBUTIONS TO A FAUNA OF SHETLAND 19 N.E.—at 2 p.m., and appeared to light on the larger of the Quendale Holms. This was the gth October, exactly the date of the flock of seven of which the grieve’s son killed one last year, and the wind was in the same direction. Afterwards flocks of seven, sixteen, and other numbers, were seen at Sum- burgh and on Mousa. WHOOPER (Cygnus musicus).—One which had been wounded now does ;duty on Loch Brow as sentinel for wild-fowl, and decoy for other swans. It often gets on wing and flies a few hundred yards, but seems little alarmed by the reports of fire-arms. Another came in November 1891. WiLp Duck (Anas boscas).—Common, but not to be called abundant. Seen early in the month, and shot in the marshes. Certainly less common than many other species of Anatidae ; much rarer than Wigeon or Teal, Scaup, etc., and never seen in large flocks. A drake shot by W. Moir on 22nd October had not lost the entire female plumage. It possessed the alar patch. ‘The head was only beginning to take back the glossy green. ‘The wing-coverts were partly male and partly female. General plumage, female predominating. No sign of curled feathers of the tail of the,male. Axillaries mostly female; very few vermiculated male feathers. Back mostly female, very few male. This appears to us a very late date at which to find this phase of plumage. But on the 28th October 1892, another in pre- cisely similar plumage was also obtained at Loch Spiggie. Now the first of these birds was decidedly an old bird; but the second, to our eye and examination, was a young male of the year. We cannot get any satisfaction on this point from Dresser’s “‘ Birds of Europe”; MacGillivray only quotes Waterton ; and Howard Saunders (‘‘ Manual”) says nothing of the differences of the plumage of old males reassuming the drake plumage ‘““by the middle of October,” and of the young drake of the year assuming first adult male plumage. MacGillivray only touches the question at vol. v. p. 41, under “ Progress towards maturity,” g.v. We regret that both these birds were not preserved, but our remembrance of them is very distinct. TEAL (Querquedula crecca).—About twelve seen upon Spiggie and Brow on 12th October 1891,—which appears to be about their usual time of appearance,—and daily almost afterwards. In 1892, seen at an earlier date, and numbers along with Wigeon on the 8th at Spiggie and Brow. WiIGEON (JZareca penelope).—Very common. Many seen. Flocks of twenty or more on Lochs Spiggie and Brow or in Backasetter Marshes or Meadows; all during October 1891. In 1892, during rough weather and south winds, over a hundred were in 20 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Brow, and when put up they broke up into six lots, and all chose a fly-line up the Culsetter Marshes to Hillwell, where, standing still, I shot one ; and had the line been observed sooner, I believe six brace could have been got, as they all flew over the same spot, and quite low, against the strong south wind. This was on the 6th October, and many were also in on the roth. Pocuarp (filigula ferina)—In 1891, five were identified clearly. Many more were suspected, but glass was not powerful enough to make sure whether Pochard or Scaup. In 1892, none made certain of. Scaup (/uligula marila).—In 1891, numbers of Scaup were frequent- ing Lochs Spiggie and Brow. Considerable uncertainty about their identity existed until the 29th October, when I secured one out of a lot by the side of Loch Spiggie. There remained then no doubt as to their presence long before this date, and afterwards. Turrep Duck (/udigula cristata).—I find no record of them in 1891, but four were identified in Quendale Bay, 25th September 1892. They certainly are not at present common here. GOLDEN-EYE (Clangula glaucion).—Common on Lochs Spiggie and Brow, and single old males at times on Loch Hillwell. Also in 1892 equally common. Lonc-TaILED Duck (Harelda glacialis).—We do not, curiously enough, find any records of Long-tailed Ducks in 1891. But in 1892 their numbers were very great close in shore. The first seen was a single male sitting on the east point of Loch Spiggie. It is not usual to find this ocean duck on a fresh- water loch. On 17th October, on Wildness Point, between Virkie V6e and Grutness Voe, there were some hundreds, coming pretty close in. Wind, which had been N.E., changed round for a short space to E., and blew pretty strong. On 18th there were large lots also in West Voe, and in Quen- dale Bay; and a pretty sight it was to watch them with the glass, ranged in close phalanx; those packs on the east side showing a preponderance of females, but the flocks in Quen- dale Bay a preponderance of males. Wind by 18th back to N.W., and bitterly cold. Common Ermer (Somateria mollissima).—Not seen very abundantly, though said to be seen very plentiful at times in the voes of the west side. Always a few about the Quendale Holms and Bay, and along the Scatness shore. RED-BREASTED MERGANSER (JZergus serrator).—Five identified flying overhead towards Quendale Bay from Spiggie, on the 28th October in 1891. In 18g2, several times seen; five in CONTRIBUTIONS TO A FAUNA OF SHETLAND 21 Garth Bay at the fishing-station, 9th October, two at same place on 15th October, and four in West Voe on 18th. RinG Dove (Columba palumbus).—In 1891, two were seen on the Backasetter Farm, close to Loch Spiggie; and one was shot on 26th October. It was in poor condition. Curiously, in 1892, two again were seen at Loch Spiggie on roth October, and one shot by Captain Macfarlane. Rock Dove (Columba fivia).—Abundant inland during the day, and repairing to the caves at dusk. The old Broch of Mousa is one vast pigeon-house, affording abundance of fine garden manure, which is collected once or twice a year for Sand Lodge garden—perhaps a ton annually. SPOTTED CRAKE (forsana maruetta).—In 1891, my _ spaniel “bunched ” a Spotted Crake in Culsetter Marsh, and fetched it to me alive; otherwise, I would not probably have found it. This was on the 26th October. Saxby says, ‘‘Not in Shetland”; but Saunders’ (‘‘ Manual”) says, “Twice in the Shet- lands in October.” This one is only the second I have seen alive in Scotland, the first having been flushed in a marsh in Stirlingshire close to our own house some years ago. At the Queen’s Hotel, Lerwick, we found another specimen stuffed, which had been shot by Mr. Weber, the landlord, who assured me they were not uncommon, and are usually seen between September and November, and even in the latter month. Mr. Weber added: “I could have shot one two days ago,” the 21st September 1892. Mr. Weber appeared to know the Water Rail quite perfectly, though he also gave that name to the Spotted Crake in his possession. Mr. G, H. Bruce of Sand Lodge, writing to Captain Macfarlane, says, ‘‘We never find these Rails unless we have a dog, and I was unaware of their existence in Mousa until last year (1891), when we had Furlonger’s dog and got three, ove of which was different from the other two.” WaTER Ratu (Rallus aquaticus).—Saw none in 1891, but shot one and saw another on Loch Hillwell, and obtained two in Mousa, 28th September and zoth October 1892. Said to be quite common, and believed to breed in Shetland. Coor (/ulica atra).—Common : five or six pairs on Loch Hillwell, and a few also between Lochs Spiggie and Brow. Young in down, one shot at Loch Hillwell, 28th September. Water HEN (Gallinula chloropus).—Less common than the Coot. None noticed in 1891, when the marshes were drier ; but seen and obtained in 1892, when the marshes were much too wet to hold Snipe. Commonest about Spiggie and Brow. 22 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY GOLDEN PLovEeR (Charadrius pluvialis)—We saw none ourselves, either in 1891 or 1892, but in September, William Moir shot two in the “scattald” between the two stone walls near the churches —a favourite place for newly arrived migrants. Golden Plover appear to be decidedly scarce in autumn in Dunrossness. Rincep PiLover (4 ¢ialitis hiaticula)—Abundant earlier in the year, but in 1891 decidedly scarce as resident birds. Only one seen in 1891 in autumn till the 27th October. But plentiful at Sumburgh and Virkie Voe on the 27th—doubtless migrants. In 1892 they were again scarce up till late in October, and again were very numerous at Virkie Voe on 17th, and at Sandwick on 2oth. Lapwinc (Vanellus vulgaris).—Decidedly a scarce bird around Quendale on migration. Four or five seen at Loch Brow the day before the gale culminated on the 14th October 1891, and an odd small flock afterwards. In 1892 a single bird seen near Quendale House, and four at Loch Spiggie, 3rd and 6th October. TuRNSTONE (Sérepsilas interpres).—1 have received a Turnstone in its flesh, shot at Quendale by Captain Macfarlane. Of course it is a species which, with many others, may be expected to appear there. ‘This, however, is my first positive record from Quendale. OysTER CATCHER (Hematopus ostralegus).—A few seen in 1892 on the Quendale Holms, most likely resident and old birds in pairs. Woopcock (.Scolopax rusticula).—Several were observed on Fitful Head after my departure ; and W. Youngclause writes us, 31st October 1892: “Since the rush of these Chaffinches” (viz. sth and 6th October), “I have seen no new birds, except one Woodcock, which I started on the 2oth inst. from the corner of one of the parks close to the houses. Common Snipe (Gallinago celestis).—Local sportsmen distinguish the dark-coloured home-bred Snipes from the lighter coloured foreign birds. Abundant. “A flight,” writes Captain Mac- farlane, ‘‘came in at the latter end of September, amongst which a number of very heavy [7.e. large ? ] birds were noticed.” This occurred before my arrival, and my host (Captain Mac- farlane) being at the time physically unfit for working the marshes, no specimens were obtained. From what I heard subsequently, there seems to be little reasonable doubt that these were Great Snipe, and it would have been possible to have killed two or three couple at that time, or even more. In 1891, Snipe were fairly abundant; but in 1892, Snipe were quite CONTRIBUTIONS TO A FAUNA OF SHETLAND 23 scarce as compared with the previous season, and all obtained up to end of October—with the exception of Jacks and perhaps two or three Full Snipe—were home-bred birds. We shot one day on Mousa with Mr. George Bruce, but nine Snipe, two Jacks, and two Water Rails composed our joint bag. Further north, on Bressay and in Lerwick district, we heard, however, of bags of ten anda half couple (W. Weber), and fifteen and a half couple (Captain Furlonger) ; and Captain Furlonger in Fetlar added in all ninety-six to his score in 1892 to date. It wasa bad migration season. Snipe which are constantly talked of as weighing seven and a half to eight ounces, and as “foreign birds,” can hardly prove to be other than Great Snipe. During our stay in Shetland in 1892, some three or four Snipe we shot were of the rwsse¢ variety ; and we brought home skins of both varieties : the dark, boldly-marked birds, usually looked upon as home-bred, and the russet, richly vermiculated variety, usually considered to be of foreign origin. Jack SNIPE (Gadlinago gallinula)—A sprinkling in the marshes in 18o9t, and quite a number in 1892—for a few days only—the earliest seen on 28th September, and two shot next day. But most seen about 6th October to roth: a few remained longer. SANDERLING (Calédris arenaria).—Mr. A. Forrester shot one,—the only one seen,—27th September 1892, 0n the shore of Quendale Bay. DuNLIN (77énga alpina).—Four were seen and two shot on the shore of Loch Hillwill on 6th October 1892 by Mr. A. Forrester ; and three more were seen on Loch Spiggie a day or two after- wards. None were observed in 1891. PURPLE SANDPIPER (Zyinga striata).—Only two observed at Garth Banks in 1891. One only shot by Mr. A. Forrester on 29th September 1892 at same place. REDSHANK (Zofanus calidris)—Not observed very commonly in 1891. But many seen along the rocky shores of Quendale Bay on both sides of the sand in 1892—probably all migrants. Bar-TAILED Gopwit (Limosa lapponica).—First identified by loose feathers picked up at Loch Hillwell. Saw several afterwards at Virkie Voe in October 1891, and also at the same place in 1892 ; but not by any means abundant. Curtew (Mumenius aguata).—A flock of about fifteen to twenty persistently frequented the Quendale Links and shore both in 189t and 1892; always most unapproachable. A large flock on Virkie Voe, and around, Sumburgh. WHIMBREL (umenius pheopus)—Not many seen. None in 1891. A few in 1892, as late as 3rd October. 24 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY BLACK-HEADED GULL (Larus rvidibundus).—In 1891, none observed. They are said to have bred on Backasetter Meadows only during the last three years. Twelve birds flew over the Hillwell “cuts,” 6th October 1892. I wonder if these are resident birds or migrants. Captain Macfarlane says about twenty pairs bred at Backasetter Meadows this summer, and nine nests were robbed. Saw a few on other occasions about Spiggie and Brow. Common GuLuL (Larus canus).—None seen in 1891. Several seen previous to 3rd October 1892, and one flock on that date. Several seen 1toth October, and often afterwards over land and sea. GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL (Larus marinus).—Common. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Larus fuscus).—Common. HERRING GULL (Larus argentatus).—Commonest of the three species. Thousands congregating in Quendale Bay for about three or four days previous to the 4th October. ‘“Sillock” came into the Bay with the change of wind to the N. KittiwakEe (f7ssa ¢tridactyla)—Hundreds in Quendale Bay, off Garthness, and around the Holms, previous to and also after the change of wind from southerly to northerly, in the end of September 1892. Giaucous GuLL (Larus glaucus)—In 1892, on gth October, wind N.E., one Glaucous Gull flew past in a N.W. direction, and I saw the same bird several times afterwards. On 26th October, wind N.W. by W., and in afternoon still more westerly, a migration of Glaucous Gulls was distinctly made out: only stray birds had been noted before, very occasionally. They were passing south in single birds and in pairs. I saw seven in all, one a splendid adult bird. They flew S. or S.S.E. Glaucous Gulls are known and spoken of in Shetland as “ Ice- land Gulls.” RicHarpson’s Skua (Stercorarius crepidatus).—An apparently dis- abled bird, or a gorged bird, on Quendale Links, was added to Mr. A. Forrester’s collection. It was in very dark first year’s plumage. NoRTHERN Diver (Colymbus glactalis).—Captain Macfarlane shot one in spring of 1892, and we saw a few in autumn—one in Grutness Vée, and another in Quendale Bay, in October 1892. Biack GuILLEMoT (U7ia grylle).—Very common all around the coasts, and varying in plumage to a great extent. SCLAVONIAN GREBE (Podicipes auritus).—Three were shot by us on 22nd October 1891, out of a flock of seven on Loch Brow. Ss Som fat Hirst. 1893. Prats I. a) LATA R&R.Clark imp UNUSUALLY COLOURED THORNBACK 25 Wind E. by S., fine, very light. They were at first mistaken for Teal flighting over. This appears to be the commonest Grebe in Shetland ; but none observed in 1892. Little GREBE (Podicipes fluviatilis).—Only one observed on Loch Spiggie, 26th October 1891. None seen in 1892 to date of 30th October. AN UNUSUAEEVS COLOURED EXAMPLE ©F THE THORNBACK GeaAyA CLAVATA, LINN.) By RH. Praquarr, M:D), F.R:S. Keeper of the Natural History Collections in the Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh. RAGES ie A SHORT time ago Mr. Charles Muirhead, Edinburgh, presented to the Museum a Thornback caught to the east of the Isle of May, the unusual colouration of which renders it worthy of being recorded and figured. The fish is a female and measures 33+ inches in length from the tip of the snout to the termination of the tail, and in breadth 214 inches across from angle to angle of the pectoral fins. In general form and in its dentition and dermal arma- ‘ture it is a perfectly typical example of Raza clavata, Linn., but in its colouration strangely aberrant. The ground colour of the upper or dorsal surface is white, mottled all over with blotches of dark gray and small spots of black so as to give it a most extraordinary appearance. The colour of the ventral surface is quite normal. Protective resemblance is generally accepted as the lead- ing motive in the tinting of the coloured surfaces of flat ground dwelling fishes, whether Raiida or Pleuronectide, thus we have ordinarily various shades of brown or brownish yellow, mottled so as to imitate more or less the appearance of a muddy, sandy, or gravelly sea-bottom. But it is hard to imagine what manner of sea-bottom the colour of this Thorn- back could imitate, unless it were a surface of white chalk, scattered over with dark pebbles! The only explanation which occurs to my mind is that this colour-sport may be a case of partial albinism. 26 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY NOTES ON ASTRONVX LOVENI, MULLER. By W. ANDERSON SMITH, Member of the Fishery Board for Scotland. WHEN I first obtained a specimen of this most interesting Starfish, from 90 fathoms in the Sound of Sleat, in the summer of 1886, it was considered a most rare inhabitant of the Scottish waters. Only one previously had apparently been recorded, viz. from Lochinver. But Mr. Thomas Scott had taken one the year previous in 70 fathoms off Peterhead, with a disc 2 inches in diameter and 12 inch arms. This is of much more robust and less characteristic dimensions than that from the Sound of Sleat, in which the disc was only 1 inch diameter, with two arms each 16 inches long, and three of inferior length and robustness. ‘This variation in the size of the limbs is a marked characteristic of the species, and is con- genital, and not owing to former severance and a new growth, as so frequently happens amongst other stars. Indeed Astronyx is not so brittle as its long slender limbs would lead one to suppose, although, when a mass of them get intertwined, it is difficult to obtain a perfect specimen; as noted by Mr. Sim when they are captured by the trawlers off Aberdeen. There they seem to be very plentiful accord- ing to the above authority, but I have no details as to their special habitat on that coast. During my recent West Coast investigations, however, I had the opportunity of obtaining this species from several localities, and found them indeed, as is commonly the case with all classes of life, to be plentiful enough once the proper habitat was discovered. A marked peculiarity of our West Coast lochs is the prevalence of the great Seapen, /unzculina guadrangularis, of noble proportions and great beauty. In every case in which Astronyx Lovent were taken during this summer they were in conjunction with these zoophytes, very often twined around them, and apparently living upon the polyps. In no case did we, however, meet with it south of Skye, either on this or on former expeditions. We first met it in 40 to NOTES ON ASTRONYVX LOVENT, MULLER 27 55 fathoms in the Sound of Sleat as before, two smaller speci- mens coming up, along with Pusiculina. In Loch Duich they proved to be numerous and larger, and in this they were in keeping with the Pennatule, which were also plentiful and of fine proportions. On the west of the Minch, in 63 fathoms, off the mouth of Erisort, we again met both the one and other of these low type organisms in juxtaposition, while Lochs Nevis and Hourn were both plentifully supplied with this Starfish, all so closely intertwined with the Seapens that their connection could not well be questioned. Loch Nevis, with its opening opposite the point of Sleat,—but the Loch itself trending southward,—is the most southern habitat I have yet found it in. But the fact that in both Nevis and Hourn they were more especially abundant, would not lead me to look upon them as the southern limit; so that specimens may be naturally looked for still further south in the waters of the west. The habitat in all cases then seems to be in deep water, from 50 to 100 fathoms; and as this depth is not readily found until a considerable northern latitude is attained on either coast, the possibility is that only stray specimens will be taken south of the Small Isles, and then under exceptional circumstances. We have never yet taken them, although we have trawled and dredged all the ground down to the south of Islay, south of the Sound of Sleat. Again, if they specially haunted the ground on which the Fusniculina quadrangularis displayed its greatest charms, we should find them in Loch Linnhe and the Mull lochs, where these are especially fine and abundant. But although that ground has been repeatedly worked by us at all times of the year, we have failed to dis- cover Astronyx Lovent amidst the Seapens. The enemy of Funiculina in these latter waters is the crustacean Arcturus longicornis, which evidently browses persistently upon the polyps, and refuses to allow itself to be removed. Astronyx therefore seems to demand not only the con- genial company of suitable provender such as Fuszculina, but deep water, which in itself may mean more temperature than pressure. On the East Coast therefore it may not require such great depth, as the temperature may be more suitable at lesser depths. The fact that they are occasionally taken 28 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY in quantities off Aberdeen in the trawl net would support this contention, as the common trawlers do not work at the depth mentioned. There is greater delicacy and attenuation evidenced by the measurements on the West Coast than on the East; and further, seems to be still more marked in the confined lochs than in the open waters of the Minch and Sound of Sleat. This would be natural, with no severe currents or rough water to contend against. The fact that these rare Starfish were taken in plenty in so many localities is proof not only of the inadequate examin- ation hitherto of the lochs of the West of Scotland, but also of their undeveloped possibilities. For these separate lochs, with their differing conditions and isolation, give every facility for differentiation. ON SOME SCOTTISH. WILLOWS GATHERED IN 1892. By the Rev. E. S. Marsuatt, M.A., F.LS. DURING last July I spent a fortnight at the Spittal of Glen Shee, mainly with a view to examining the Sales of the neighbourhood. Glen Callater has long been known as one of the best localities in Scotland for these plants; but this, and other rich spots accessible from my headquarters, had not, so far as I am aware, been especially worked for the hybrids of the genus. My expectation of fresh discoveries was not disappointed, four new ones being added to the British list ; of these, three were found in the course of one afternoon’s walk, on the banks of the Lochsie, above its junc- tion with the Thailneiche Burn, in the upper part of Glen Shee: A few days earlier, Mr. John Knox, of Forfar, had introduced me to the botanical treasures of Restenneth Moss. Here there is a large field for the salicologist ; but my visit was rather too late in the year, and the results are con- sequently not so certain as could be wished. The ground had already been worked to some extent, and _ several ON SOME SCOTTISH WILLOWS GATHERED IN 1892 29 hybrids discovered, either by my guide or by Dr. Buchanan White. To the latter I am indebted for very valuable notes and criticisms ; specimens from nearly all the gather- ings have passed under his eye, in some cases fresh as well as dried. I have also had some useful hints from the Rev. E. F. Linton, who has a good knowledge of many hybrids. The records fall under three vice-counties: East Perth (89) ; Forfar (90); and South Aberdeen (92). An asterisk denotes a new vicecomital, a dagger a new British discovery. Salix nigricans—phylicifolia.—Apparently frequent at Restenneth, no less than three plants being so named. I did not recognise the wZgricans element when they were growing, but it is very evident in the dried material. Dr. White (‘Revision of the British Willows,” p. 401) remarks that this is ‘in a few places more abundant than either phyZicifolia or nigricans.” S. Lapponum, L.—A fine bush was found by the Shee Water, some distance below the Spittal, at about 1100 feet; and this species is extraordinarily abundant on the Lochsie, from 1300 to 1800 feet. One very curious plant was found here, with extremely narrow (linear-lanceolate) leaves, which Dr. White suggests may perhaps be the form described as S. gnaphatoides, Schl. S. aurita x cinerea (S. lutescens, A. Kerner).—Restenneth ; I think it is common there. S. aurita x Lapponum.—By the Lochsie, 89 ; three bushes, between 1400 and 1500 feet. ‘Two of these, though very unlike one another, are good intermediates ; the third I suspected might possibly be Lapponum x phylicifolia, and I still feel some doubt, which it may be hoped that cultivation will clear up. Dr. White has seen a specimen collected by Mr. Baker in Glen Shee, many years since; no doubt from this locality, as the Thailneiche is very poor in willows. *S. aurita x nigricans (S. coriacea, Forbes).—Banks of the Lochsie, about a mile above the Spittal, 89; a good intermediate. Restenneth ; on the wzgrvicans side. *S. aurita x phylicifolia (S. ludificans, B. White).—Shee Water, 80 ; rather towards phylicifolia. S. aurita x repens (S. ambigua, Ehrh.)—Three forms were seen by the Lochsie, one being very remarkable for its Aerbacea-like habit and thin leaves, which scarcely shew any of the usual silkiness on the under side. Also near the Spittal of Glen Shee, a large state, and on the hills near Beauly, East Inverness 30 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY (v.c. 96). A very pretty little specimen was found at Resten- neth, with leaves only } to ? inch in length, linear-lanceolate. tS. caprea x Lapponum (S. Laestadiana, Hartman, A. canescens, And.)—By a waterfall on the Lochsie, at 1750 feet. A well- developed female plant, about four feet high. Fruit very like that of Caprea, but smaller; style distinct, but shorter than in Lapponum. One of the most beautiful willows that I have ever seen, owing to the satiny pubescence, which extends even to the upper surface of many of the leaves. These are small- sized (as was the case with the form of .S. Capvea which grew near), but not more so than ina specimen from Karesuando, Lapland, in herb. Brit. Mus., collected by Laestadius in 1839. In Scandinavia the hybrid is more or less silky, though not nearly so much so as in this Perthshire form; cézerea x Lapponum is duller, and more like aurita x Lapponum. S. Caprea x phylicifolia (S. faurina, Sm.)—Shee Water ; two bushes, both nearer phylicifolia. *S. cinerea x nigricans (S. strepida, Forbes).—Restenneth, 90. When dry, it looks very near wzgricans, but cinerea was the more evident parent when living. Barren. *S cinerea x phylicifolia (S. Wardiana, Leafe)—Restenneth, go. A female plant, just intermediate. *§. herbacea x lanata (S. Stephania, B. White).—Glen Callater, 92; at about 2700 feet, in the company of both parents. Much like one of Dr. White’s Glen Lochay forms. Nearer to herbacea, by its small leaves and decumbent, tortuous habit ; but the leaves are different in colour and texture, woolly at the tips when young, and very evidently reticulate. I notice that herbacea asserts itself in much the same way in Laestadius’ specimens of his S. hastato—herbacea (herb. Brit. Mus.) Very probably S. herbacea x Lapponum grows above Loch Kandor, where the two species are abundantly associated. This theory is favoured by the small size, the low and rooting habit, and the structure of some of the leaves; but I found no fructifica- tion, and cannot be sure that the plant is more than dwarfed Lapponum at present. *S herbacea x Myrsinites (S. Sommerfelti, And.)—Head of Glen Callater, 92. Stems prostrate, tortuous, rooting, buried in moss. Leaves small, } to ? inch long, frequently recurved, ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, crenate-serrulate, dotted, shining, more or less hairy on both sides. Bark shining, dark brown; twigs slender, like those of herbacea. A good intermediate ; probably male, as no catkins were found, though the plant was quite healthy. Close by grew a small bush + ON SOME SCOTTISH WILLOWS GATHERED IN 1892 31 which may be S. Lapponum x Myrsinites, but from the poor material obtainable there can be no certainty. S. Lapponum x nigricans.—At about 2700 feet in Caenlochan Glen, 90; on the “gentian rocks.” A small bush, about two feet high, growing with the parents ; unfortunately, the material was scanty, and my cuttings do not seem likely to grow. When alive, it rather suggested aurita x Lapponum ; aurifa does not, however, occur at the spot, and xzgvicans came out clearly as the specimens dried. Dr. White agrees with me in placing them here. I have examined Laestadius’s specimens of his Lappono-nigricans from Karesuando, at South Kensington ; two of them are evidently, as Anderssen has noted, glauca x nigricans, but the third is clearly correct, and closely resembles the Forfarshire form. Lapponum x repens.—By the Lochsie, at about 1500 feet. Very dwarf, creeping and rooting. Both parents have left unmistakable traces of their influence; but no flowers or fruit were to be had. ‘The leaves, however, afford sufficient material for a confident determination. I have healthy-looking plants in cultivation. S. Myrsinites x nigricans (S. Wahlenbergit, And.)—I found this in * S$. nigricans x repens. Caenlochan, as well as (in various forms) in Glen Callater and Corrie Kandor—several bushes being male. I also have the male plant in cultivation from Glen Doll or Glen Fiagh. A barren bush, growing in company with these species, a few hundred yards from the Spittal of Glen Shee, 89 ; quite intermediate in leaf-characters. 1S. phylictfolia x repens (S. Schradertana, Willd.)—By the Lochsie, at about 1400 feet, in two forms—one (probably male) low- growing, with shorter, ovate, less silky leaves; the other (female) taller, the leaves lanceolate, strongly resembling phylz- cifolia in their upper surface, and very silky beneath. Like phylicfolia in the catkins, which, however, are somewhat smaller, and have the capsules more crowded. Dr. White says (‘‘ Revision,” p. 395): ‘“‘It is possible that a hybrid between S. repens and S. phylicifolia (= S. Schraderiana, Willd., which is known only as a cultivated plant) also occurs in Britain ; but more specimens must be seen before it can be recorded.” 32 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY VE CEE VIGA ViGIEGARTS, VW; By G. CLaripGE Druce, M.A., F.L.S. THE following paper is translated from the “Schedze ad Floram Exsiccatam Austro-Hungaricam” by A. Kerner, 1884. Alehemilla Vulgaris, Linn., “Sp. Pl.” ed. i. p. 123 (1753). Linneus (“Sp. Pl.” ed. i.) distinguishes Alchemzlla vulgaris, with a var. B, A. alpina, with a subspecies A. hybrida, and lastly A. pentaphyllea. There can be no question as to A. penta- plyllea and A. alpina; and later botanists have never raised a doubt about them. But very different views have been entertained since Linnzus’s time with respect to A. hybrida, which he annexed as a subspecies to A. a/pzna, simply because most authors neglected to follow Linnzus’ indications ‘and statements. He cites as synonymous with A. ydrzda, on the one hand A. alpina pubescens minor (Tournef. “ Inst.,” p. 508), and on the other Plukenet’s “ Hist.,” tab. 240, fig. 1. Plukenet sives on the plate cited a figure of a small branch and a single leaf of an Adlchemzlla from the royal garden at Paris. The figure does not give us much information, scarcely more than that the plant depicted must have been clothed with very delicate hairs, and that the leaf was rather more deeply divided than the leaf of the AJdchemzla which the older botanists named A. vulgaris. Tournefort refers in the place cited above to Alchemilla minor hirsuta cinericia in Barrelier’s “Plante per Galliam, Hispaniam, et Italiam observate,” p. 103, tab. 728; and it is undoubtedly on Barrelier’s figure that Linnzus based the remark on A. hydrida which Linnzus introduced into the “ Hortus Cliffortianus,” and which will be noticed again presently. The figure presents a plant with its leaves so deeply divided that the incisions in most leaves reach almost to the middle of the blade. The leaf in the middle of the figure has the lobes toothed at the apex only, and the lateral margins of the lobes are entire. According to Barrelier, this A/chemzlla, which he says has only ash-gray hairs, is found “in editioribus Apeninorum pratis necnon in monte Ventoso prope Avenionem.” Linnzeus (“ Hort. Cliff.” ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS, L. 33 pp. 38, 39) says only of this Adchemilla, “A. alpina pubescens minor, Tournef.= A. mznor hirsuta cineritia TItalica, Barr., foliis gaudet minoribus et subtus villositate sericea nitida tectis et in sequente specie (4. a/pzua) ; attamen examinatis omnibus partibus nullam observare potui notam qua distingui posset. An sit species hybrida ab A/chemille foliis digitatis cum Alchemille foliis palmatis? Vel an sit solus locus qui luserit 2? Hec enim in solis alpibus crescit.” These remarks of Linnzeus would lead us to think of the hybrid form between A. vulgaris and A. alpina which Christ has named A. splendens, or of the Alchemilla which M. Bieberstein calls A. pubescens. As the hybrid from A. vulgaris and A. alpina is extremely rare, and does not answer to Barrelier’s figure, whereas A. pubescens, M. B., is found over a large area in the mountains of Southern Europe, occurs particularly on Mont Ventoux, and moreover agrees well with Barrelier’s figure, it may perhaps be taken for granted that the name A. hydrida L. should be assigned to the Adchemzlla with ash-gray hairs which Marschall Bieberstein has since named A. pubescens. Willdenow, who, in the “Spec. Plantarum,’ i.p. 698 (1797), unites A. hybrida, L., to his own A. vulgaris, and says of it, “ Differt modo foliis subtus sericeo-pubescentibus ; est sola varietas hujus, nec sequentis speciei (ze. A. al/pina),” evidently did not mean Linnzeus’s A. hybrida. This appears from the fact that afterwards, in 1809, in the “ Enum. Plantarum Hort. Berol.,” i. p. 170, he annexes only A. vulgarts and hybrida of the “Sp. Pl.” of the year 1795 to his A. montana, and does not give A. hybrida, L., as a synonym, and indeed does not mention it at all. What then is A. montana, Willd.? The author ranks it with the species which he considers to be A. vadgaris, and distinguishes the two in the following manner : “1. A. vulgaris, foliis reniformibus novemlobis acute dentatis glabris corymbis terminalibus. “2. A. montana, foliis reniformibus novemlobis acute den- tatis, subtus pubescentibus, corymbis terminalibus. The former species is said to grow in “ Europe pratis,” the latter in “ montosis ducatus Baruthini et Saxoniz.” According to Willdenow, therefore, the leaves of A. vulgaris are smooth; but we find the exact contrary stated of 5 D 34 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY A. vulgaris in Linnzus’s own writings. Inthe “Flora Suecica,” ed) 5p. 46 (1745), he distinouishes, under Noy i135 .the number which is appropriated for the first time to A. vulgarzs injthes Sp. Pl,” ed. i..(1753), a var @.- Alchemea petenmis viridis major, foliis ex luteo virentibus. Morison, “ Hist.” it. p. 195, 1 and adds a note, “ Nostra planta communis (A. vz/garts, a) erectior villosa et viridis est, at varietas 4 foliis magis glabris, caulibus procumbentibus magis viridis subluteis, rarissima, uti in quibusdam campis arenosis exaridis, rarius Upsaliz obvia”; and in the second edition of the “ Flora Suecica,” p. 50 (1755), he supplements this note with a fuller description of his A. vulgaris, a, from which the following passages are extracted: “Caules plures debiles . . . adspersi pilis albis patulis . . . folio reniformi globo obtuso plicato, ante explicationem lateribus involuto, margine circumserrato, subpiloso presertim apice.” The observations of Linnzus show undoubtedly, that by A. vulgaris, a, is meant the wide- spread plant with a stem rising from a decumbent base, and clothed with spreading hairs, and with leaves which are hairy on the margin, at least when they unfold: the plant, there- fore, which is numbered 816 in the present list. When Willdenow calls A. vulgaris, L., glabrous, he uses the term with some incorrectness, and must be understood to mean that A. vulgaris, L., is glabrous in comparison with the other Alchemilla which he formerly, erroneously, took for A. hybrida, L., and subsequently named A. montana. That is to say, while the leaves of A. vulgaris, a, L., when fully grown, often lose the hairs on the lower side and on the margin, those of A. montana, Willd., are permanently clothed with a dense overlay of silky soft hairs. The flower-stalks also, and the outer side of the calyx-tips, which are glabrous in A. vulgaris, L., are densely covered with gray hairs, both when the flowers open and when the fruit is ripe. The physiog- nomic impression which we receive from A. montana owing to the covering of hairs is strikingly different from that given by A. vulgaris. Physiognomically A. montana, Willd., is not unlike A. hybrida, L.(A. pubescens, M. B.), and we can under- stand how Willdenow previously confounded A. montana with A. hybrida, L. 1 Unfortunately no specimen of this is contained in the Morisonian herbarium. —G. C. D. ACHEMILLA VULGARIS, L. 35 As to Alchemilla vulgaris, 6, which is said by Linnzus to have large yellowish-green glabrous leaves and more decumbent stems, to be rare, and seen by him only in sandy places, I can hardly be wrong in taking it for A. g/adra, Wimm. et Grab., here numbered 817. The only thing to be said against this conjecture is that Linnzeus in “Flor. Suec.” cites Morison, “ Hist.,” ii. p. 195, for a synonym of A. vulgaris, 6, and that Morison’s description does not agree in all respects with our A. glabra. It is true that it is a matter of indifference, as far as the nomenclature is concerned, whether A. vulgarzs, 6, L., is the same or not as A. glabra, Wimm. et Grab., because Linneus has given this plant no specific name; at the same time it would be im- portant to establish the identity of the two, in order to determine the area of extension. A. KERNER. The above paper throws a good deal of light upon the vexed question of what is 4. montana, Willd. ; and it may be of interest to add a few particulars bearing upon A. valgarzs and its forms as noticed in Britain. First let me say that the plant in the Linnzan herbarium answers to the description given above for A. vulgaris, L., var. a; that is, that the type plant is pubescent, not glabrous. This is a plant which has a general distribution through the British Isles, and ranges from near the sea level to 4000 feet elevation. Whether we have A. montana, Willd., as well, perhaps this paper may elucidate; at any rate it may direct the attention of Scotch Botanists to the question. Now for the plant which Linneeus calls his var. 6, and which A. von. Kerner identifies with 4. glabra of Wimm. et Grab. “Fl. Silesiaca,” i. p. 135, as a variety of A. vulgaris (1827) [=A vulgaris, var. glabrata, Wimm., “ Flora von Schlesien,” i. p. 143 (1844)]. Respecting this A. von Kerner ¢ ¢.) says: “It is distinguished from A. vulgaris, a, L., by the glabrous state, colour, and texture of the leaves, by the flowers, which are twice the size, and especially by the presence of large foliage leaves to a considerable height on the stem, and by the cir- cumstance that the ramifications which spring from the axils of these leaves rise only slightly if at all above the sub- 36 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY tending leaves, and terminate in rather crowded cymes, are all very nearly of the same length, and thus give a racemose character to the entire inflorescence. The stem in A. vul- garis, a, L., bears fewer leaves ; some of the branches which terminate in loose cymes are elongated ; and the entire in- florescence gives the impression of a raceme of umbels rather than of a true raceme.” Last year, when botanising in Glen Spean, I found on a rock at the entrance of one of the upper corries near Aonach Mor a large-leaved 2: REPORT ON PLAGUE OF FIELD-VOLES IN SCOTLAND 131 This field-vole is at all seasons a well-known inhabitant of our pastures, and may be found at all heights from the sea-level to near the summits of our highest hills. The chairman of your Committee saw one in the autumn of 1891 at a height of 2000 feet on Ben Eibhinn, in Strath Ossian. The attention of farmers and shepherds is only attracted to it when circumstances have combined to cause an abnormal increase in its numbers. One shepherd stated that when as a boy he used to find a nest of voles he would “hap” (protect) it, because it was thought rare. The field-vole usually produces three or four litters a year, each consisting of from four to eight young, but in some seasons they are even more prolific, the breeding season is prolonged, young voles being observed from February to November, and the litter containing as many as ten young. Mr. Service of Maxwelltown, a local naturalist and careful observer, mentioned in his evidence that he had observed females simultaneously suckling young and in a pregnant state. The present outbreak may be traced back to the year 1888, when the voles were observed to be increasing on the farm of Glenkerry and others in Selkirkshire. In the summer of 1889 the low-lying pastures near Closeburn, in Dumfriesshire, were observed to be infested by enormous numbers of voles, which remained there during 1890, and disappeared in 1891, probably moving up to the hill pastures, where at the time of your Committee’s visit they were swarming. On some of the hill farms this excessive increase was ob- served as early as the autumn of 1890; elsewhere, however, they attracted no attention till the spring of 1891. The districts principally affected are the hill pastures in the north-west of Roxburghshire, the south of the counties of Selkirk, Peebles, and Lanark, and the northern part of Dumfries from Eskdalemuir by Moffat to Thornhill. The voles have also appeared in great numbers in the parishes of Dalry and Carsphairn, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Your local inspector, Mr. R. F. Dudgeon, has already in- formed you that at the date of his report he estimated that in Roxburghshire 30,000 to 40,000 acres had been affected, 132 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY of which he considered 12,000 to 15,000 acres had been rendered useless ; in Dumfriesshire 40,000 to 50,000 acres, and in the Stewartry of Kircudbright 10,000 to 12,000 acres were described by him as infested by voles. Your Committee received no estimate of the area affected in the counties of Selkirk, Peebles, and Lanark, nor had they the means of verifying Mr. Dudgeon’s calculation in respect to the other counties affected ; but a reference to the map accompanying this Report will show that an area not less than 60 miles in length, and from 12 to 20 miles in breadth, has been overrun. CAUSES OF THE OUTBREAK. The rapid increase in the number of voles to the dimen- sions of a plague was attributed by all the witnesses examined to one of two causes, or to a combination of both. The first of these consists in the character of the seasons. Mr. Service called attention to the occurrence of a series of dry springs in 1890, 1891, and 1892, adducing figures to show that the rainfall in these seasons was very much below the average, and therefore favourable, in his opinion, to the breeding of small mammals. The autumn of 1890 was unusually wet, producing great luxuriance of grass on the hill pastures, which afforded abundant shelter for the voles. The winter which followed, though very severe in England, was a mild one in Scotland. It will be observed that Sir Walter Elliot has traced the cause of the outbreak of voles which took place in 1876 to the unusual mildness of the four or five winters pre- ceding that year. The second cause assigned by witnesses is the destruc- tion of hawks, buzzards, owls, stoats, and weazels by persons interested in the preservation of game. Major Craigie had previously stated to your Board that “a preponderance of opinion amongst farmers is reported, tracing the cause of the present outbreak to the scarcity of owls, kestrels, hawks, weasels, and other vermin.” Of the prevalence of this opinion your Committee were made fully aware, nearly every witness who was examined giving it as his belief that the outbreak was due to the destruction of the “natural enemies” of the REPORT ON PLAGUE OF FIELD-VOLES IN SCOTLAND 133 voles. A similar view was expressed by the witnesses before the committee of the “ Teviotdale Farmers’ Club” appointed to inquire into the cause of the outbreak in 1876; but Sir Walter Elliot states that much weight was not attached to this “popular opinion . . . because no more hawks, owls, weasels, etc., had been destroyed than usual.” They had in fact (to use Sir Walter Elliot’s own words) “ been well nigh extirpated long before the outbreak took place.” EFFECT UPON THE PASTURE. Of the damage done to the hill pastures your Committee had ocular demonstration during their visit to Howpasley farm (3000 acres), and nothing short of personal inspection could have given them an adequate idea of the extent of the mischief. The voles had shown themselves there first in what is called the “ bog” land, ze. strong marshy land either grazed or cut for hay. Having devoured the grass there, they spread to the “bent,” “lea,” or dry hill pasture, and to the heather, which they destroyed as effectually as they had done the grass. The stem of the grass is eaten close to the ground where it is white and tender, leaving the blade above withered and useless. Plantations are sometimes attacked, the young trees being peeled and killed, but this has not been the case so much during the present outbreak as in former years. The arable land, so far, has not been much affected ; but there is no doubt from the experience of Mr. Oliver, who had three acres of corn damaged by them, that, if unchecked, they might swarm upon the cultivated ground with disastrous effect. Indeed, your Committee have information to the effect that in some districts they have recently appeared in numbers in the harvest-fields. In walking across the hill your Committee saw numbers of voles darting about in every direction, and caught several for examination. The grass, which, at the end of June, should have been in full flush of verdure, was lying in withered wisps over a large extent of the farm, and the heather, which is valuable for winter feeding of the stock, had suffered to a similar extent. 134 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY EFFECT ON THE STOCK. Numerous witnesses spoke to the injury to stock owing to the damaged pasture. This injury was twofold, consisting first in the low condition to which the ewes were reduced, at and after lambing, from insufficiency of food, and the consequent increase of death-rate among them, and secondly, in a diminution in the crop of lambs, and deterioration in their quality. Admitting the serious injury done to the pasture by voles, to which your Committee can testify from personal inspection, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the sheep dependent on that pasture must have suffered to a considerable extent. To quote Sir Walter Elliot's words, “The importance of these early grasses to flocks emaciated by previous scanty fare, at a time when the ewes, gravid with young, require more than ordinary nourishment to enable them to rear their lambs, explains how disastrous any diminution in their still scanty food might prove, whether from severity of weather, or other unusual cause, such as the swarming of voles.” But it is not easy to estimate the extent to which the death-rate of the ewes was increased, or the crop of lambs diminished as the direct result of scarcity of pasture caused by the voles. REMEDIES. No concerted or systematic attempts to stamp out the plague in its earlier stages seems to have been undertaken by the farmers of the district affected, and this is the more remarkable because some of them, at all events, had the bitter experience of the outbreak in 1875-76 to warn them of the serious results of allowing the voles to get ahead. Isolated efforts were made by some tenants to rid their land of voles by burning the grass and heather, by killing them with men and dogs, by turning out cats, and by poison ; but the effect of such piecemeal endeavours seems to have been well nigh inappreciable. Your Committee are not prepared to declare that landowners and farmers could have arrested the plague, REPORT ON PLAGUE OF FIELD-VOLES IN SCOTLAND 135 but they hold a very strong opinion that the best chance of averting its disastrous effects would have been for all interested in the ownership and occupation of land to have combined for the destruction of the voles when they were first observed to increase. Burning bog-land, bent, and heather, seems to be effective in driving the voles off the portions burnt. Mr. Carthew Yorstoun, Commissioner on the Duke of Buccleuch’s Lang- holm estate, stated that he had written to every tenant of a hill farm in 1892, asking if an extension of the time for burning would be an advantage. Three-fourths of those written to replied in the affirmative, and received permission to burn from 14th April (the usual limit) to 28th. The remaining fourth said they had already burned as much as the ground would stand. It is not profitable to burn all the rough pasture on a farm, as the sheep depend on it for sustenance when snow is on the ground. Poison has been tried with partial success. Samples of grain treated with strychnine, and coloured red to prevent mistakes, were supplied from Germany and submitted. It is stated that good results were obtained with this in limited areas; for instance, the tenant of Middlegill, near Moffat, holding a farm of 3000 acres, applied this poison to a meadow of 10 acres, and thereby partly destroyed the voles. Sir Walter Elliot quotes a letter from Sir Robert Menzies, who describes how he got rid of the voles which infested 140 acres of Scots fir plantation, by laying down half a ton of half-inch drain-pipes, in each of which was placed a tea- spoonful of oatmeal mixed with phosphorus. But for obvious reasons, the application of poisoned grain over hill farms extending to many thousands of acres, even if practic- able, would be attended with much risk to other forms of life. Pitfalls, ze. holes cut in the ground with precipitous sides, are equally out of the question when a large tract of country has to be dealt with. But they have proved effectual when plantations of limited extent have been attacked. The forester at Branxholm within a week exterminated the voles infesting a plantation of six acres, by digging pits 12 136 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY inches wide at thé mouth, 15 inches wide at the bottom, and 18 inches deep. These were placed at a distance of from 12 to 20 feet apart. On the other hand the head-keeper at Drumlanrig said that pitfalls had been tried without much success in the extensive plantations at that place. As a remedy on sheep-farms, pitfalls were graphically appraised thus by Mr. Whittle: “How many holes .. . would it take to cover my farm of 7600 acres, and what would be the cost ?” The same objection—namely, the nature and extent of the ground affected—applies to the proposal of other expedients which have been resorted to in various parts of the Continent, viz. passing a heavy roller over the ground, trampling it with cavalry, inundating it, injecting water, steam, or noxious fumes into the runs. All of these may be dismissed as wholly impracticable. Large numbers of voles were destroyed on some farms by men and dogs. The vole is extremely rapid in its movements and difficult to hit with a stick. A more effective weapon is a wooden implement shaped like a small spade. The tenant of West Buccleuch, in Selkirkshire, killed by this means 13,000 in three months on 3000 acres; the tenant of Glenkerry (3000 acres) employed a man who killed 15,000 in one month, or about 450 per diem. The tenant of Langshawburn hired a man with 12 terriers, who killed from 400 to 600 a day on 4260 acres. In addition he turned out 100 cats, and by the end of June 1892 reported that there was not one vole for every 100 that there had been on his ground. There can be little doubt that simultaneous and com- bined action of this sort on the part of owners and occupiers, aided by timely and judicious burning zz the earlier stages of the outbreak, is the most effective method of staying the ravages of the plague. Unfortunately, not only have these exertions been hitherto isolated and intermittent, but they have been delayed until the voles were swarming over a considerable extent of ground. REPORT ON PLAGUE OF FIELD-VOLES IN SCOTLAND 137 NATURAL ENEMIES OF THE VOLE. No phenomenon in connection with the present plague of field-voles in Scotland has been more marked than the presence of large numbers of the short-eared owl (O7us brachyotus). This bird, which is distributed over almost every part of the globe, is a normal winter migrant to these islands, appearing simultaneously with the woodcock (whence it is popularly known as the “ woodcock owl”) and usually departing in spring. Nests in ordinary seasons are of com- paratively rare occurrence in Great Britain, but in consequence of the vast multiplication of their favourite food, the vole, these owls have not only arrived in unusual numbers, but have remained and bred freely all over the district affected, laying from 8 to 13 eggs (though Professor Newton in his edition of Yarrell’s “ British Birds” mentions seven as an unusual number) and rearing more than one brood. The shepherd on Crooked-stone, near Crauford, has counted 14 nests on his ground. The small wood behind the farm- steading of Howpasly presented a remarkable appearance, the ground being densely covered with the “pellets” or “castings” of owls, composed of the fur and bones of voles. Living specimens of both old and young short-eared owls were produced for the inspection of your Committee at Howpasly. The short-eared owl differs from most other owls in that he hunts in daylight, and his operations can be observed ; but there is no doubt that the nocturnal species are equally useful to the farmer in destroying small rodents, and it would be difficult to condemn too severely the foolish and cruel action of those who allow or encourage the destruction of this useful and beautiful family of birds. It is with much satisfaction that your Committee record that many land- owners and game preservers seem to have become convinced in late years that owls of all sorts are not only harmless to game, but most beneficial to agriculturists, and have issued orders for the preservation of these birds. Next, and hardly second in merit, as a check upon voles and mice, comes the kestrel (alco tinnunculus), and it is to be deplored that popular ignorance as to its food and habits 138 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY is even greater than that which prevails in regard to owls. This bird, although possessing the long wings and dark eyes characteristic of a true falcon, is known to gamekeepers as a hawk—woscrtur a socits—its death warrant is a standing order in most preserves, though here again there has been some improvement, and the destruction of the kestrel is forbidden on some estates. The food of this bird is known to consist almost exclusively of mice, grasshoppers, coleop- terous insects, and their larvze; but the sort of evidence on which it is condemned may be gathered from the following answers made by a gamekeeper to questions put by your Committee :— Q. Why did you kill the kestrel 2—Well, it was an enemy of the game, of course, and that is why I killed it. OQ. How long have you been a gamekeeper ?—Six or seven years. Q. How often have you seen a kestrel take game ?— Many a time. Q. What kind of game >—Young pheasants. Q. Had you many young pheasants at West Buccleuch ? —No. Q. Then why did you kill the kestrel >—Because they will kill young grouse. Q. Did you ever see them take young grouse p—No. Q. Did anybody of your acquaintance ever see them take young grouse ?—No, but I have heard of their taking young grouse. Q. Would you believe a man if he said that he sawa kestrel taking young grouse ?—Yes, if he said it I would. Q. Any man ?—Yes, if he was not drunk. It is true that one witness, a tenant of shootings, stated his belief that the kestrel is a “deadly enemy of game” ; that one of this species took 70 young pheasants from the coops, and was shot one evening in the act of carrying off a young pheasant. But he was not speaking from observation, but from the report of his keeper, and there is little doubt that REPORT ON PLAGUE OF FIELD-VOLES IN SCOTLAND 139 kestrels are often attracted to pheasant-coops by the presence of rats and mice drawn thither by the food prepared for the young birds. Against this may be set the evidence of the head-keeper at Drumlanrig (where kestrels are preserved by order of the Duke of Buccleuch), who said that in his experience of over thirty years he thought he could remember twice seeing a kestrel taking a young pheasant. It will, your Committee feel convinced, be a very eratifying result of the present inquiry if it tends to persuade persons interested in game-preserving that the kestrel preys not so much on game as on the vermin of the farm. It may be observed in connection with this question of the kestrel’s habits, that it is rare to find people able to distinguish between one kind of hawk and another. Few of the witnesses before your Committee were able to describe hawks otherwise than as red, blue, brown, or yellow, and it was often impossible to make out what species they intended toindicate. Itis one of the peculiarities of the /alconzde that their plumage varies according to age and sex. In the southern counties of Scotland the sparrow-hawk (which does not prey on mice) is generally known as the “blue hawk,’ and the kestrel as the “brown” or “red” hawk. But an immature male sparrow-hawk has_ reddish-brown plumage, and an adult male kestrel has a bluish-gray head and back. Several witnesses deponed to an increase in hawks “ since the mice came,” but were unable to identify the species. No doubt they were kestrels, for other species of hawks do not commonly prey on mice, and your Committee, in driving back from Howpasly, observed five kestrels together hovering over the vole-haunted ground. .. . Buzzards probably destroy large numbers of voles and mice, and are too heavy on the wing to do much injury to winged game ; but they have become very scarce in southern Scotland owing to their destruction by gamekeepers. Ravens and hooded crows have also become rare, but this cannot be regretted in the farmer’s interest, as they attack young lambs, and even pick the eyes out of the weakly ewes. Moreover the rooks, which it is to be hoped no short-sighted 140 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY policy will greatly reduce in numbers, have done excellent service in digging up the voles’ nests and devouring the young. Mr. Service of Maxwelltown drew attention to a change which had taken place in the habit of rooks in his neighbour- hood during the last ten years, having “developed most marked carnivorous habits, taking eggs, young birds, young poultry, young hares and rabbits to an extent they never did before.” Simultaneously with this manifestation of carrion crow-like habits, Mr. Service had noted an increase in the number of rooks with feathered faces like the carrion crow, which he was inclined to connect with the change in their diet. (See Stevenson’s Birds of Norfolk, vol. i. pp. 274- DUS teat This alleged modification in the habits of the rook, though favourable to the farmer, has not unreasonably brought him into evil repute with game-preservers. Amongst other birds which have been observed to prey on voles are certain species of sea-gull. Stoats and weasels are among the deadliest and most persevering enemies of small rodents. They kill far more than they can devour, apparently out of sheer blood-thirstiness. In woodlands and on low ground they undoubtedly do much harm to game, especially the stoat, which may be easily distinguished from the weasel (known in Scotland as the “whittret”) by its greater size and by the black tuft at the end of the tail, which is retained at all seasons of the year, even in winter, when the rest of the body becomes wholly or partially white. Adders feed readily on voles, and in July 1892 the chair- man of your Committee was present when one was killed with a vole in its gullet. This was in Wigtownshire, where no abnormal increase in the number of voles has been observed. But a single adder would probably not kill more than one animal of the size of a vole in a single day—so there is no reason to extend protection to these venomous reptiles. Some naturalists aver that the mole preys upon voles, but your Committee, though directing inquiries upon this point, were unable to elicit any evidence tending to confirm this belief. REPORT ON PLAGUE OF FIELD-VOLES IN SCOTLAND 141 Your Committee deem it right to point out that the popular opinion that the excessive multiplication of field- voles is the direct result of the destruction of birds of prey, stoats, and weasels, which has been admittedly great over part of the affected area, does not appear generally to be the outcome of personal accurate observation. Your Committee are of opinion that birds and beasts of prey, even had they been wholiy unmolested, would not have prevailed to avert the vole plague, though they would probably have greatly mitigated its severity; and they are confirmed in this view by the circumstances attending similar outbreaks in this country in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and in foreign countries of late years. Neither in Essex previous to the outbreak reported by Holinshed, nor in South America previous to the outbreak described by Mr. Hudson in Zhe Naturalist in La Plata, nor in Thessaly previous to that prevalent there in 1891-92, was there any check placed by man upon the multiplication of the natural enemies of these rodents. In reply to the question (ter ala) whether “birds of prey and other rapacious animals have assisted to any material extent in the destruction of the voles (in Thessaly) ? ” Her Majesty’s Minister at Athens transmitted the following reply : “Birds of prey and other rapacious animals would never suffice to prevent the alarming multiplication of the voles under favourable climatic conditions.” This view has been amply confirmed by the observations of the chairman and secretary of your Committee during their recent visit to the infested plains of Thessaly. Birds of prey—eagles, buzzards, kites, kestrels, and other hawks— are exceedingly abundant there, and no one thinks of molesting them. Indeed, the Turks (of whom there are about 30,000 in the province) are exceedingly kind to wild animals, and object to their being destroyed. In 1866, when that country last suffered from a visitation of field-voles, Thessaly was under Turkish dominion, and birds of prey were protected. The change from Turkish to Greek rule which took place in 1881 made no difference in this respect, yet in favourable seasons the voles multiply in spite of the presence of a very full stock of their natural enemies. 142 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Your Committee have reluctantly been led to the con- clusion that they are unable to recommend any specific method of dealing with or putting an end to the present outbreak. It appears to be an instance of the power which small animals are well known to possess, of prodigiously rapid multiplication under favourable climatic conditions and with a plentiful supply of natural food. Experience shows that a combination of such favourable conditions will always tend to bring about a recurrence of the plague. That being so, it ought to be the endeavour of every farmer and shepherd to be on the alert, and report without delay to the land-agent, and to the secretary of the local farmers’ club, or agricultural society, the first signs of the multiplication of vermin, so that palliative measures may at once be adopted, not on isolated farms, but everywhere throughout the district. The most effective measures appear to be periodical and timely burning of grass and heather, followed by active pursuit of the vermin by men using wooden spades and dogs. If this were promptly done in the earlier stages of the out- break, it is quite possible that it might be averted altogether, or greatly mitigated in severity. It is hardly necessary to point out that the proprietor of the land should be informed as soon as any one else, because his keepers and others might be usefully employed in assist- ing to prevent what amounts, if unchecked, to a common calamity upon all classes connected with land. Where plantations of limited extent are attacked, pitfalls wider at the bottom than at the top, and about 18 inches deep, should be dug. The voles fall into them and cannot escape, and the ground is soon cleared of them in this way. Your Committee cannot speak with approval of the use of poisoned grain, except where the area affected is very limited. Nor have they been able to come to any conclusion favourable to the adoption of Professor Loeffler’s method of destroying voles by means of bread saturated in a preparation REPORT ON PLAGUE OF FIELD-VOLES IN SCOTLAND 143 of the dacillus typhi murium, or mouse typhus. The personal investigations made by the chairman and secretary in Thessaly (where in May 1892 Professor Loeffler was employed at the expense of the Greek Government to combat the plague of field-voles then prevailing in that country) convinced them that the favourable reports circulated as to the complete success of the experiments have not been justified by the results. In certain parts of Thessaly the voles were reported by landowners and others to be as numerous in January 1893 as ever they were. Your’ Committee readily admit that when used in a fresh state, the bacilliferous fluid is an effective though somewhat dilatory poison for mice or voles, and has this advantage over mineral poisons that, as has been proved, it is innocuous to human and other forms of life. It has also been reported by Professor Loeffler that the Scottish voles sent to him alive by instructions from your Committee have been found as susceptible of the mouse typhus bacillus as their Greek congeners. But there are three objections which in the opinion of your Committee render this method almost worthless except for employment in houses, gardens, enclosed fields, or other limited areas : 1. It is very expensive ; the virus supplied to the Greek Government was paid for at the rate of about 4s. a tube, containing enough when dissolved to treat about two imperial acres, a cost which in many instances would exceed the rent of the Scottish hill pasture. To this must be added the price of bread used in distributing the virus, which would appreci- ably raise the cost of the process. Thus to deal effectually with a hill farm of say 6000 acres, would entail an expenditure of from £700 to 41000, making the remedy more costly than the evil. 2. Mouse typhus is not contagious ; it can only be com- municated to those animals that will swallow some of the virus. The allegation that healthy voles will become infected by devouring the bodies of the dead has not been satisfactorily proved. That Greek voles when in captivity had been observed 144 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY to feed upon the corpses of their fellows hardly warrants the assumption that Scottish voles in a state of liberty will do the same; and unless the disease were communicable from one animal to the other, it is not easy to see how the remedy could prove effective on extensive hill pastures. 3. The fluid loses its value in about eight days after preparation. Consequently much disappointment might ensue if, after a supply had been obtained, a fall of snow, or wet weather, were to interfere with its distribution over the land. The remedy which has been found most effectual in Thessaly is an injection of the fumes of bi-sulphide of carbon into the burrows. ‘This, however, is a more expensive process than the other, besides being injurious to the health of those engaged in its application. It is, moreover, inapplicable to the Scottish vole (Arvzcola agrestis), which does not burrow to a depth like the vole of Thessaly (Arvicola Giinthert), but lives in shallow runs amongst the roots of herbage. With the under-noted exceptions, the natural enemies of the voles may be divided into two classes, viz. those which destroy the voles, and are harmless to sheep, crops, and game ; and those which, though preying on voles, are so hurt- ful in other ways as to have no claim to preservation : i. Vole-killers, harmless, or it. Vole-killers, hurtful in other nearly so to sheep, crops, ways. and game. Higees, Owls of all sorts, Ravens, Buzzards, Carrion and Hooded Crows, Kestrels, and the Great Blackbacked Gulls, and Smaller Seagulls. Adders. Strict injunctions ought to be given by landowners that the birds mentioned in the first class should not be destroyed. Their presence in full numbers, though inadequate to avert an outbreak, would undoubtedly tend to mitigate it, and, as has been proved in the case of the short-eared owl, they have the faculty of multiplying abnormally in presence of an REPORT ON PLAGUE OF FIELD-VOLES IN SCOTLAND 145 unusual supply of food. They are at all events most useful allies to man in combating attacks of ground vermin. Your Committee further desire to deprecate in the strongest manner possible the use of the pole-trap for the capture of hawks. Besides the inhumanity of this device, it is indiscriminate, and harmless owls, kestrels, and buzzards are just as likely to be taken by it as are the most mischiev- ous species. Three animals, diligent vole-destroyers, have been omitted from both these lists, because they are undoubtedly hurtful to game. The first of these is the common rook (known to the shepherds as the corn-crow), of which, however, the services to agriculture are now generally recognised. The other two animals referred to are the stoat and the weasel. Of all the smaller beasts of prey these are perhaps the most hateful to gamekeepers, and it is hardly reasonable to expect that stoats should be allowed to multiply in game- coverts, or in the vicinity of pheasant-coops. But your Committee have no hesitation in recommending that weasels, which are persistent mouse-hunters and do little damage to game, should not be molested, at least on moorlands and hill pastures, where they can do little harm and much good. Your Committee cannot conclude their labours without expressing gratitude for the consideration with which they were everywhere received in the course of their inquiry, for the hospitality shown to them, and for the exertions made by various individuals to obtain witnesses and arrange their evidence. HERBERT EUSTACE MAXWELL (Chairman). MINTO. D’ARCY W. THOMPSON. JOLIN GILEESEIE: WALTER ELELIOM J. E. HARTING (Secretary). 146 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY THE WHISKERED BAT VESPERTILIO MVS TA CINUS, EISEN, EAST LOTHIAN: By WiLu1aM Evans, F.R.S.E. ON 28th March last, Mr. George Pow, Dunbar, sent me a Bat which I at once saw was worthy of more than the cursory glance I was at the moment only able to give it. Accordingly it was passed on the same day to Mr. Eagle Clarke to be softened (the wing membranes were already too dry to be stretched without tearing), and then compared with the spirit specimens of British Bats in Mr. Clarke’s collection. A couple of days later we examined it together and found it to be an example of the Whiskered Bat (Vespertzlio mystacinus, Leisl.) I immediately wrote to Mr. Pow for full information as to place and date of capture, and learned from him that the little animal was knocked down on the links about a mile east of Dunbar, on the evening of 20th March, by a fisher-boy, from whom he received it alive. I am thus enabled to add this interesting species to the fauna of the Forth district; and I do so with real satisfac- tion, feeling sure that it is not a record of a mere straggler from distant lands, wafted hither by a combination of circum- stances which in all probability would not occur again for many years to come, but a genuine addition to the list of our native vertebrates. The specimen, moreover, is but the second that has been recorded for Scotland. The first, which is preserved in the Owen’s College, Manchester, was captured by Mr. J. Ray Hardy about four miles from Rannoch on the Pitlochry Road, in June 1874. When referring to this specimen in my “Mammalian Fauna of the Edinburgh District” (April 13892); pri235 I ventured stop point to sthe species as a very probable addition to our list, and it is there- fore gratifying to be able to add it so soon. For several years past Mr. Pow has rendered me and others invaluable aid in the investigation of various branches of local Natural History, and I gladly avail myself of this opportunity of publicly thanking him and commending his disinterested zeal to the notice of others similarly situated. MOVEMENTS OF BIRDS IN SCOTLAND DURING 1892 147 REPORT ON GoaE MOVEMENTS AND OCCUR- RENCE, OE TBIKDS IN SCOLRLANDF DURING 1892. By LionEL W. Hinxman, B.A. The usual schedules for recording notes on the move- ments and occurrence of birds during the past year were sent by Messrs. Harvie-Brown and Eagle Clarke to all the sixty light-stations on the Scottish coasts. Of these, twenty-two have been returned. Schedules were also sent to others who were thought likely to take an interest in the matter, with the result that notes have been received from twenty-five observers in different parts of the country, making a total of forty-three schedules tabulated. To those who have so kindly aided us in these inquiries, and to Mr. T. G. Laidlaw for other as- sistance, our hearty thanks are accorded, coupled with the hope that we may continue to be favoured with their valuable co-operation in the future. Further observations are much needed from the faunal areas of Sutherland, West Ross, Moray, Dee, Tweed, Clyde, and Solway—West Ross and Clyde being at present entirely unrepresented ; and it is hoped that a larger number of schedules will be available for next year’s report. It is also a matter of regret that no returns have been made from the Isle of May, one of the most important stations for migration records. The following list gives the names of observers from whom schedules and notes have been received. The localities are arranged under the different faunal areas, proceeding from north to south along the east and west coasts. NORTHERN ISLES. SHETLAND. Locality. Name of Observer. Burrafiord, N. Unst (Shore James Ferrier, Lightkeeper. Station) , Sumburgh Head L.H. James Youngclause, _,, Dunrossness J. A. Harvie-Brown. Foula F. Traill 148 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Locality. N. Ronaldshay L.H. N. Ronaldshay Hoy Sound (High Light) Cantick Head L.H. Pentland Skerries L. H. Dunnet Head L.H. Thurso Lochinver Helmsdale and Brora Tarbat Ness L.H. Glenlivet and Strathspey Fyvie Girdleness L.H. Bell Rock L.H. Arbroath and Montrose Newport and ‘Tayport Callander and Loch Tay Inchkeith L.H. Doune Linlithgow Dalmeny Edinburgh District The Lothians Hallmyre, Peebles Chirnside ORKNEY. Name of Observer. William Ross, Lightkeeper. A. Briggs, Holland House. Thomas Hughson, Lightkeeper. pes Lawrence, 3 Malcolm M‘Dougall, __,, SUTHERLAND. David Laidlaw and J. Carson, Light- keepers. Lewis Dunbar. Arthur Beveridge, M.B. Moray. Hugh Miller, H.M. Geol. Survey. Arch. M‘Eachern, Lightkeeper. Lionel Hinxman, H.M. Geol. Survey. DEE. George Sim. John Gilmour, Lightkeeper. Tay. James Cadger, Lightkeeper. Dr. T. F. Dewar. W. Berry. W. Evans. FORTH. Charles M‘Fadyen, Lightkeeper. Lt.-Col. W. H. M. Duthie, Row. P. C. Mackenzie, Longcroft. Charles Campbell, Dalmeny Park. T. G. Laidlaw. Bruce Campbell. TWEED. David G. Laidlaw. Charles Stuart, M.D. MOVEMENTS OF BIRDS IN SCOTLAND DURING 1892 149 OuTER HEBRIDES. Locality. Name of Observer. Butt of Lewis L.H. Alex. M‘Gow, Lightkeeper Island) Ghiais 1H, Hamis . “The Ligshtkeepersi? Monach Isles L.H. Wm. A. Tulloch, Lightkeeper. Barra Head L.H. James Edgar, :s Mingalay, Barra John Finlayson. Stornoway H., Mackenzie, Royal Hotel. Rodel, S. Harris John Finlayson. ARGYLL AND INNER HEBRIDES. Tiree Peter Anderson, Kirkapol. Skerryvore L.H. John Nicol, Lightkeeper. Skervuile L.H., Jura Alex. J. Grant and D. M‘Donald. Kilfinichan, Mull G. Ay MeVieans Oban, Canna, Kerrera, etc. Cecil H. Bisshopp, Oban. Inverary His Grace the Duke of Argyll. Ben Nevis The Observatory Staff. SOLWAY. Loch Ryan L.H. Rodk. M‘Innes, Lightkeeper. Portpatrick L.H. Jas. Biggs, bs Little Ross L.H. Neil M‘Donald, a GENERAL REMARKS. Owing to the long continued northerly winds during the latter half of April, the bulk of the summer migrants were fully a week late in arrival at all localities, though a few isolated early dates are recorded. Redstarts were again very numerous on the West Coast, though perhaps not so much so asin 1891. A noteworthy movement of Skylarks is recorded from the Bell Rock Lighthouse during the last week of February, beginning on 24th February with great numbers, together with a few Blackbirds,—wind S.E.,and fog,—continu- ing in fewer numbers during the 25th and 26th, and culmi- nating in a rush of hundreds during the night of 27th February, with light variable breezes and thick haze, when many were killed at the lantern. The first important movement in the autumn is recorded from Pentland Skerries on 20th September, but does not 150 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY seem to have been’ observed at any other station. On that date, with a S.E. gale and haze, a rush of Fieldfares, Red- wings, and Redstarts took place, some of the birds remaining for three or four days. At the same locality, on 4th October, at noon, with a S.E. gale, a great rush of Snow Buntings, Ring Ousels, Redwings, and Fieldfares. This was followed on 5th and 6th October by the greatest movement of the year, and of which we have records from most of the East Coast stations. At Dunrossness, a few stragglers came in on the night of 4th October; but on the night of 5th and 6th October, a sudden shift of wind from N. to S.E., rising to a gale, brought in numbers of Twites, Chaffinches, and Bramblings, with stragglers up to 10th October. At Sumburgh Head, under similar conditions, a rush all night of 5th October, and on 6th October during the day,of Chaffinches and Bramblings. A similar record comes from North Ronaldshay for 5th October, with stragglers up to 14th October. At Girdleness, the migration on this date was very heavy ; and during the afternoon of 6th October, with a southerly gale and haze, there was an extraordinary influx of Thrushes, Redstarts,— which seemed to be mostly females,—Redbreasts, Goldcrests, Willow Wrens, Chaffinches, and Bramblings. Mr. John Gilmour writes on this date: “A perfect rush of birds here this afternoon, the turnip drills in gardens perfectly swarm- ing with the species mentioned.” During November, the chief movements recorded were on the 5th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, and 24th, and included the usual autumn immigrants, with nothing worthy of special remark. The occurrence of the Great Gray Shrike (Lanzus excubitor),— a male-—near Haddington, on 15th June, is an interesting fact. The Iceland Gull (Larus leucopterus) have been more than usually abundant on the North and West Coasts, individuals being reported as seen or shot from eight several localities. NOTES UNDER SPECIES. Turdus musicus (Song Thrush). ORKNEY. . Hoy Sound, Oct. 9. N. Ronaldshay, Oct. 13, numbers about ; Nov. 3, large numbers. DEE . : . Girdleness, Oct. 5, numerous. MOVEMENTS OF BIRDS IN SCOTLAND DURING 1892 151 OuTER HEBRIDES ARGYLL AND ISLES ORKNEY OUTER HEBRIDES SHETLAND . DEE : Tay : OUTER HEBRIDES ARGYLL AND ISLES ORKNEY Moray SDEE.. FORTH TWEED : OUTER HEBRIDES ARGYLL AND ISLES Skerryvore, Nov. 18, in rush with Fieldfares ; Nov. 23, 24, great rush all night, with Field- fares, Blackbirds, etc. ; E. light, hazy. Skervuile, Nov. 18-20, 23-24, in rushes. Principal movements, Nov. 3, 18, 20, 23, 24. Turdus tliacus (Redwing). Pentland Skerries, Sept. 20, great rush; Oct. 4, in great rush with Fieldfares and Snow Buntings. Last seen April 30, Monach I. Principal movements, Sept. 20, Oct. 4. Turdus merula (Blackbird). Dunrossness, Oct. 30 ; Sumburgh Head, Nov. 5. Girdleness, Nov. 3, 19, numerous. Spring, ~ Bell Rock, Feb) 25; Mareh’ 3, 11. Skerryvore, Sept. 19, Nov. 20; Nov. 23, 24, in rush. Skervuile, in rushes, Nov. 18, 20, 23. Principal movements, Nov. 18-20, 23, 24. Turdus pilaris (Fieldfare). Pentland Skerries, great rush, Sept. 20; Oct. 4, do. N. Ronaldshay, a few each night, Nov. 5, 22. Strathavon, first seen Oct. 15; Strath Brora, Octi 20. Fyvie, Oct. 18; last seen April 22. Edinburgh, Oct. 5. Hallmyre, Nov. 5; last seen April 11. Rodel, Nov. 1; Skerryvore, Nov. 18-20, 23, 24, in rushes; Monach I., “ Mid-May.” Skervuile, Nov. 18-20, 23, 24, in rushes. First seen Pentland Skerries, Sept. 20; last seen Monach I., “ Mid-May.” Principal movements, Sept. 20, Oct. 4, Nov. 18-20% 235 24: Turdus torquatus (Ring Ouzel). ORKNEY DEE . SOLWAY Pentland Skerries, in rush with Snow Buntings, Fieldfares, etc., S.E. gale, Oct. 4. Girdleness, Oct. 4. A male, in poor condition, shot at Maxwelltown Dees ro; 152 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Saxicola enanthe (Wheatear). ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay, last seen Oct. 15. Moray . Strathspey, April 8; Cromdale Hills, Oct. 1. DEE ~ : . Fyvie, April 5 ; Girdleness, Oct. 5. Ay. . Arbroath, March 22, and Oct. 6. ForTH 5 . Doune, April 4; Edinburgh, April ro. TWEED ; Chirnside, April 11. OuTER HEBRIDES Mingulay, March 30; Monach I., April 1. ARGYLL AND IsLEs Tiree, one, March 27; plentiful after April 8 ; last seen Oct. 8. iBurst seen) Wiree, March 275; last —seenyeN: Ronaldshay, Oct. 15. Pratincola rubetra (Whinchat). SHETLAND . . Dunrossness, last seen Oct. 8. DEE . . Fyvie, April 22. Ave : . Glenlyon, May 8th; not numerous till a week later. ForTH . Edinburgh, April 18. TWEED . Hallmyre, Peebles, May 5. First seen Edinburgh, April 18; last seen Dunrossness, Oct. 8. Pratincola rubicola (Stonechat). SHETLAND . . Fitful Head, Oct. 8. ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay, one shot, Oct. 15.—‘‘ The only one I have noticed here.” OvuTER HeEsripES Skerryvore, Sept. 11, 12. Ruticilla phenicurus (Redstart). SHETLAND . . Quendale, Dunrossness, last seen Oct. 2. ORKNEY. . N. Ronaldshay, Sept. 1, 2, and one on Oct. 25; Pentland Skerries, Sept. 20, in rush with Turdide. DEE) « ; . Fyvie, May 1; Girdleness, Sept. 25 and Oct. 5, in rush, mostly ?. FORTH . Dalmeny, April 26; Menteith, April 28. ‘TWEED : Peeblesshire, May 1. OuTER HEBRIDES Mingulay, Barra, May 31. First seen Dalmeny, April 26; last seen N. Ronaldshay, Oct. 25. Principal movements, Dept. 20-25, OChes. Exithacus rubecula (Redbreast). SHETLAND . . Dunrossness, Oct. 8, five or six seen. ORKNEY. . N. Ronaldshay, Oct. 4.—‘‘ Numbers in small parties—a few remaining up to Jan. 7, 1893.” MOVEMENTS OF BIRDS IN SCOTLAND DURING 1892 153 DEE . Tay OUTER HEBRIDES ORKNEY DEn . FORTH TWEED OUTER HEBRIDES SOLWAY TWEED SHETLAND . FORTH OUTER HEBRIDES "TWEED ORKNEY DEE . TWEED SHETLAND . ORKNEY Moray DEE. TRAN? FORTH TWEED Girdleness, Nov. 19 ; numerous, Oct. 5. Bell Rock, Feb. 28. Skerryvore, Oct. 4. Principal movements, Oct. 4-8. Sylota rufa (Whitethroat). N. Ronaldshay, July 10, one, which remained a few days. Fyvie, May r2. Dalmeny, May 12; West Lothian, Sept. 19. Peebles, May 24. Barra, May 13. Little Ross L.H., May 23. First seen May 12; last seen W. Lothian, Sept. 19. Sylvia curruca (Lesser Whitethroat). Nesting at Allantore, Chirnside, June 20. Sylvia atricapilla (Blackcap). Garth, Dunrossness, Oct. 9; one Pf seen. Linlithgow, May 19. Mingalay, Barry, Oct. 5. Sylvia salicaria (Garden Warbler). Chirnside, June 5. Regulus cristatus (Golden-crested Wren). N. Ronaldshay, Nov. 5. Girdleness, Oct. 5, numbers in rush with other small birds. Phylloscopus collybita (Chiff-chaff). Chirnside, March 30.—“ Increased in numbers ’ oO of late years.” Phylloscopus trochilus (Willow Wren). Dunrossness, Oct. 6, 21. N. Ronaldshay, Aug. 31, and first few days of September ; large numbers about ; wind E. Glenlivet, May 7. Fyvie, April 22 ; Girdleness, Oct. 5. Arbroath, May 11. Edinburgh, April 18; Callander, April 23. Chirnside, April 20; Hallmyre, Sept. 15. First seen Edinburgh, April 18 ; last seen Dun- rossness, Oct. 21. Principal movements, Aug. 21, sept. 5, Oct. 55 6: 154 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Wood Wren). Ay y. : . Kenmore, May 5, one pair; not numerous till a week later. ForTH : . Dalmeny, May 8. West Ross . Loch Torridon, May 27. Acrocephalus schenobenus (Sedge Warbler). Moray . Helmsdale, May 17. DEE. : 2) OByvie, Mayere- sept. 13. TWEED : ; Hallmyre; Peebles; May 25: Motacilla (Wagtail). ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay, Aug. 22,29, Pied Wagtails.—“In family parties on shore; not observed during breeding season.” OvuTER Hesripes Monach L.H., April 27, 30, “ Wagtails” ; Barra, May 4, White Wagtail; Skerryvore, Aug. 17, two “ Wagtails.” ARGYLL AND IsLes Tiree, May 3, 6, White Wagtail, passing N.E.; Sept. 1, White Wagtail. Anthus trivialis (Tree Pipit). ForTH : . Callander, April 30; Lothians, May 1. TWEED : . Hallmyre, May 24. West Ross . Loch Torridon, May 26. Lanius excubitor (Great Gray Shrike). ORKNEY . . Pentland Skerries, one ¢ shot, Nov. 20. SUTHERLAND 4 Dhurso;one ¢ shot Dec, 16: Tay . : . Arbroath, one caught, sex doubtful, Dec. 7. ForTH : . One ¢ killed near Haddington, June 16. TWEED : . One seen near Hutton Village, Chirnside, Oct. 1e: Muscicapa grisola (Spotted Flycatcher). FoRTH 5 . Edinburgh, May 7; Dalmeny, May 14. TWEED : . Peebles, May 17. SOLWAY. > little Ross CE. May 23: Muscicapa atricapilla (Pied Flycatcher). ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay, July 1, one; Sept. 2, one; Oct. 14, two.—‘‘Seems to occur pretty regularly nearly every autumn.” . MOVEMENTS OF BIRDS IN SCOTLAND DURING 1892 155 SHETLAND . ORKNEY DEE. Tay FORTH ‘TWEED : OUTER HEBRIDES ARGYLL AND ISLES SOLWAY SHETLAND . ORKNEY Moray DEE . Tay ForTH ‘TWEED : OuTER HEBRIDES Flirundo rustica (Swallow). Dunrossness, last seen Oct. 8, reported as “ un- usually abundant in summer of 1892, along with Swifts.” N. Ronaldshay, Aug. 26, one seen flying W. ; wind strong S.W. Fyvie, last seen Nov. 16. Tayfield, April 23 ; Arbroath, Oct. 6. Callander, April 22; Edinburgh, Oct. 14. Hallmyre, April 11, Oct. 18. Butt of Lewis, May 17, Sept. 17. Inveraray, April 8, one; Jura, April 16. Loch Ryan, April 22. First seen Inveraray, April 8; last seen Fyvie, Nov. 16. Cotile riparia (Sand Martin). Dunrossness, Oct. 8, 13, one seen each day. N. Ronaldshay, Sept. 25, one seen after gale from S.W. Fochabers, last seen Nov. 12. Fyvie, May 2 to Oct 14. Arbroath, April 29. Doune, April 15 ; Edinburgh, Oct. ro. Chirnside, April 30; Peebles, Oct. 6. Monach I., May 25. First seen Doune, April 16 ; last seen Fochabers, Nov. 12. Chelidon urbica (House Martin). Moray DET. Tay ForTH TWEED ; OUTER HEBRIDES SHETLAND . Helmsdale, May 9. Fyvie, May 2 to Oct ro. Arbroath, April 28. Edinburgh, last seen Oct. ro. Hallmyre, May 13 to Oct. 14. Monach I., May 25. First seen Arbroath, April 28; last seen Hall- myre, Peebles, Oct. 14. Fringilling (Finches). Dunrossness, Oct. 5, Chaffinches and Twites; on succeeding few days Chaffinches in immense flocks, on the 8th associated with Bramblings, the latter forming one-sixth of the whole. Stragglers seen only after Oct. ro, wind shifting from N.-N.N.E. to hard S.E. on night of Oct. 5. 156 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY ORKNEY. . 'N. Ronaldshay. Large mixed flocks of Chaf- finches and Bramblings on Oct. 5, and in smaller lots till Oct. 10. Last Brambling seen Oct. 14. The Chaffinches seemed to be mostly females. Oct. 18, a few Redpoles. Oct. 19, small flight of Linnets. DEE . : . Girdleness, Oct. 5, rush of Chaffinches and Bramblings. MAY = 2 . Bell Rock, March 3, Chaffinches and Linnets ; April 12, Linnets. OUTER HEBRIDES’ Rodel, Harris, Nov. 17, several flocks of Chaf- finches and Linnets. Mingalay, May 18, one £ Goldfinch; Oct: 5, Siskins; Nov. 15, an army of Greenfinches. Principal movements, Oct. 5-10, Nov. 15-17. Loxta curvirostra (Common Crossbill). ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay, July 7 ; a female taken near the Lighthouse. Plectrophanes nivalis (Snow Bunting). SHETLAND . . Sumburgh Head, Sept. 13 ; Dunrossness, Oct. 6 and succeeding few days, considerable flocks passing south. Sumburgh Head, Nov. 13, a rush all night. ORKNEY . . Pentland Skerries, Sept. 7 ; N.Ronaldshay, Sept. 19, 21, in small flights, and from Oct. 19 to Oct 24 in flocks of thousands. * SUTHERLAND . Dunnet Head, Sept. 18. Moray ; . Strath Brora, Oct. 21; Ben Aigan, Oct. 28. DEE. ' , Bywie; Oct 2o>"Girdleness; Oct. 23: Way. Arbroath, Nov. 15. OUTER HEBRIDES Butt of Lewis, large flocks, Sept. 17; Rodel, Harris, Oct. 17 ; Monach I., May 3. First seen Pentland Skerries, Sept. 7 ; last seen Monach I., May 3. Principal movements, Sept. 17-21, Oct. 6, 19-24. Alauda arvensis (Skylark). SHETLAND . . Dunrossness, Skylarks observed drawing together in flocks a day or two previous to the great movement of Oct. 5, 6. DEE . ; . Girdleness, Nov. 19, 23, 24, in rushes with other birds ; wind N.E., light. awe : . Bell Rock, Feb. 24, in great numbers at light, 10 P.M. till dawn, wind E., fog; Feb. 25, MOVEMENTS OF BIRDS IN SCOTLAND DURING 1892 157 a few; Feb. 29, in hundreds, 9-12 P.M., hazy ; March 3, a few. Outer Hepripes_ Skerryvore, Sept. 19, three young birds; Dec. 4, four, N.W. gale, snow. ARGYLL AND IsLEs Skervuile, Jura, Nov. 18-20, 23, 24, in rush with Turdide ; wind strong E., haze. Principal movements, Feb. 24-27, Nov. 18-24. Sturnus vulgaris (Common Starling). ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay L.H., Nov. 5-22, a few each night, with Fieldfares. Large flights in N. Ronaldshay in early autumn, a few only re- maining for the winter. Hoy Sound. ‘Those wintering here leave about May 1, flying W. ARGYLL AND IsLEs Skervuile, Jura, Nov. 23, 24, in rush with Turdide. Cypselus apus (Common Swift). SHETLAND . . Reported by Mr. John Bruce as occurring with Swallows in Dunrossness during the summer. ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay. Three seen, one killed, Aug. 26, flying west ; wind S.W., very stormy. DEE . . Fyvie, May 20; Girdleness, Sept. 11. pIUAV . Loch Tay, May 10; Broughty Ferry, Sept. 3. ForTH : . Doune, May g; Edinburgh, May 12; Hadding- ton, Nov. 16 (‘‘ Annals,” Jan. 1893). TWEED : Hallmyre, May 11; Chirnside, May 13. OuTER HEBRIDES Monach I., May to. First seen Doune, May 9; last seen Hadding- ton, Nov. 16. Alcedo tspida (Kingfisher). OUTER HEpRIDES Barra, July 25. Cuculus canorus (Cuckoo). Moray. . Glenlivet, May 8; Helmsdale, May 9. DEE . . Fyvie, May 9. ForTH . Edinburgh, April 27 ; Callander, April 30. TWEED Hallmyre, April 29. OuTER HEBRIDES Stornoway, May 11; Rodel, May 15; I. Ghlas, Harris, Aug. 22, first time seen here. ARGYLL AND Isxtes Skervuile, Jura, May 1. SOLWAY. . Loch Ryan, May 1. First seen Edinburgh, April 27. 158 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Strigide (Owls). SHETLAND . . Short-eared Owl (A. accipitrinus) seen flying at Sumburgh Head in September. Snowy Owl (Wyet@a scandiaca) seen flying south over Loch Spiggie, Oct. 28. ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay. Long-eared Owl (Aszo otus), male, shot Nov. 24. A. accipitrinus, Dec. 2, 3; one killed, one seen. Nyctea scandiaca, seen Nov. 2. Scops owl (Scops giz), one taken at the Light- house, June 2 ; the first record of this owl for Orkney. Circus cyaneus (Hen Harrier). ORKNEY . . Hen Harrier, a male seen July 16; generally seen in September. Ardea cinerea (Common Heron). SHETLAND . . Visits Dunrossness in small parties in autumn. First seen Sept. 1. ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay, in small numbers every year, generally appearing early in August. Anatide. Wild Geese. SHETLAND . . Dunrossness, Oct. 10, one Greylag on Loch Spiggie. Bernicle Geese (2. /eucopsis) on migration, in numbers Oct. 6 and succeeding few days; wind N.E. ORKNEY. . N. Ronaldshay, Oct. 7, three Greylag, N.W. gale ;) Oct, te, Wald) (Geese 7-7 |ialyamas two Gray Geese. Brent Geese (4. dzenta) fairly plentiful during winter of 1891-92. Tay. : . Pink-footed Geese (Anser brachyrhynchus), Newport, Fife, April 29. Flock of ten, Sept. 19 ; ‘‘earliest date I have known here.” OvuTER HEBRIDES Barra Head, Oct. 17, about 150 Bernicle Geese flying south; wind N. I. Ghlas, May 3, flock of 29 ‘Wild Geese,” flying north. ARGYLL AND IsLEs Tiree, “‘ Wild Geese” left April 30, in flock of 150, going north, and returned Oct. 7, three weeks earlier than usual; strong N. wind. MOVEMENTS OF BIRDS IN SCOTLAND DURING 1892 159 ORKNEY SUTHERLAND Swans. N. Ronaldshay, Oct. 15, flock of 30 Whoopers (Cygnus musicus) crossing the island ‘to west. Thurso, March 25, Whooper seen; April gth, young male shot. OuTER HepripEs Barra Head, Dec. 7, Swan shot, supposed to SHETLAND . ORKNEY MorRAY Tay TWEED ’ be a young specimen of C. dewizcke. Ducks. Teal (Querguedula crecca), WDunrossness, in numbers about Oct. 8, with Widgeon. Tufted Duck (/udigula cristata), Sept. 17, a few in Quendale Bay. Longtailed Duck (/arelda glacialis), Oct. 17, in hundreds off coast at Quendale. Pochard (Fudigula ferina), N. Ronaldshay, Nov. 14. Tufted Duck, Oct. ro. Golden Eye (Clangula glaucion), Nov. 2. Longtailed Duck, Noy. 2, in large numbers. Ruddy Sheldrake (Zadorna casarca), Findhorn estuary, Oct. 19, see ‘* Annals.” Tufted Duck, Newport, Fife, Sept. 12. Tufted Duck, nest with eggs in Selkirkshire, July, see ‘‘ Annals.” OuTER HEBRIDES Pochard, Rodel, June 5, a pair remaining to SUTHERLAND SHETLAND . ORKNEY SHETLAND . ORKNEY breed. Pintail (Dajfila acuta), Rodel, Oct. 29. Longtailed Duck, a pair seen daily in May, Min- galay. Turtur communis (Turtle Dove). Male shot near Wick June 7. Rallus aquaticus (Water Rail). Loch Hillwell, Sept. 28 ; Mousa, Oct. 20, “ be- lieved to breed in Shetland.” N. Ronaldshay, in large numbers during the winter ; first seen Nov. 9; most of them dis- appeared by Dec. 9. Porzana maruetta (Spotted Crake). One seen near Lerwick, Sept. 21 ; said to be not uncommon between Septemberand November. One killed and another seen, N. Ronaldshay, Sept. 2i7. 160 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Crex pratensts (Land Rail). ORKNEY . . Pentland Skerries, April 27, a pair, the male bird killed at lantern ; Hoy Sound, May 18; last seen Oct. 16. WAY 3 . Fearnan, Loch Tay, May 10; Arbroath, May 23. FORTH : . Duddingston, May 7 ; Doune, May ro. TWEED : Hallmyre, May 4. OuTER HEBRIDES Stornoway, May 6; Island Ghlais, Aug. 23. ARGYLL AND IsLes Tiree, May 16. SOLWAY. . Loch Ryan, May 18. First seen April 27, Pentland Skerries; last seen Oct. 16, same locality, Charadrius pluvialis (Golden Plover). SHETLAND . . _Dunrossness, two shot in September ; decidedly scarce In autumn. ORKNEY. . N. Ronaldshay, first seen July .4; in numbers during first half of August, and again at end of November. OuTER HEBRIDES Monach I., May 1o. Sguatarola helvetica (Gray Plover). ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay Sept. 3. OuTER HEBRIDES I. Ghlais, Harris, May tro. Vanellus vulgaris (Lapwing). SHETLAND . . Dunrossness, scarce on migration ; Oct. 3, one ; Oct. 6, four. ORKNEY . . Hoy Sound, first seen April 3 ; N. Ronaldshay, mostly leave early in September. Tay. : . Bell Rock, Feb. 26, one; March 3, twelve pass- ing west, wind E. OuTER HEBRIDES Barra Head, Noy. 10, two; Oct. 25, one. Butt of Lewis, first seen April 15. Monach L.H., April 18. ARGYLL AND IsLes Skervuile, Jura, Nov. 23, large flock in rush with other birds, wind E. Strepsilas interpres (Turnstone). ORKNEY . . N. Ronaldshay, July 4, five; July 27, a score; and numbers later. A few seem to remain all the year. OurTER HesripEs Monach I.—“ iia WETS ss es Go) FOO es, Paris : le ke, O =O) 4 St. Malo . , SPT EGO} = as Mt. Ducan, Bellunine Alps, 5300 feet, $¢ 80 9) Bedriaga records a female from the Tyrol 90 mm. long. In both female specimens the ground colour, above and beneath, is sulphur yellow. In the larger specimen, the REMARKABLE SPECIMENS OF RAWVA TEMPORARIA 203 ground colour of the upper part is obscured by brown and mustard-coloured vermiculations ; the yellow appearing in the form of dots. Six pretty regular longitudinal series of large, deep black blotches, like ink-spots, extend along the body : two series between the giandular folds, and two on each side. The glandular folds are yellow, with a few brown dots, and edged on the outer side with brown and with a series of more or less confluent black spots ; the temporal spot dark brown, edged below with yellow. Hind limbs with black spots; the dark cross-bars traceable, though interrupted and irregular. The throat, belly, and lower surface of thighs are clouded with very pale brownish. The other female is more remarkable: both for its very warty skin, which gives it a quite toad-like appearance, and for its coloration. The ink-black spots noticed in the preceding specimen invade the upper parts in such a manner as to cover them, including the glandular lateral folds and the streak below the temporal spot ; the yellow appearing merely here and there in the form of dots or fine vermicula- tions. The exposed upper surface of the limbs show accord- ingly no trace of cross-bands. On the sides the black is abruptly limited by the bright yellow of the lower parts. The belly is devoid of spots ; but the throat is a little obscured by brownish mottlings. The male is:olive brown, more yellowish on the vertebral area, with a few large, irregular, deep black blotches. No cross-bands on the limbs, but small, deep black spots, which are rather crowded on the tibia. Temporal spot not much darker than the ground colour. The throat is pale lilac or pearl grey, as normal in males in summer, and the belly of a very pale yellow marbled all over with grey. A black and yellow male specimen, somewhat similar to the smaller female noticed above, was found in May 1892 at Kinlochewe, Ross-shire, by my colleague Mr. Ogilvie-Grant, and presented by him to the British Museum. Among some specimens obtained by the same gentleman in June last at Glen Avon, Banffshire, one is interesting in showing a pale, black-edged vertebral stripe as distinct as in the striated variety of Rana arvalis: it is a female, measuring 75 mm. from snout to vent. 204 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY SCORPAINA DACTYVLOPLTERA, DELAROCHE, WN SCOTDMISEN WAGERS. By GeorcE Sim, A.LS. THIs fish has been long known to the writer under the name of Sebastes norwegicus. Soabundant is it some twelve miles off Troup Head, that frequently from one to four hundredweight have been brought in by one vessel ; while smaller quantities are of much more frequent occurrence. This fish is caught in comparatively deep water, varying from 40 to 110 fathoms. It is an excellent article of food, and as it attains to a length of 18 to 20 inches, it is of some economic importance. As an inhabitant of the British North Sea Area, how- ever, Scorpena dactyloptera was first placed on record by Mr. W. Eagle Clarke, of the Science and Art Museum, Edinburgh, who received a young specimen from the York- shire coast. His remarks thereupon were embodied in a paper on this species generally, read before the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh during the present year. As already stated, Scorpena dactyloptera has been known to the writer, on the east coast of Scotland, under the name of Sebastes norwegicus ; and it might still have been looked upon by him as that species, but for the recent occurrence of another closely allied form, known as Sebastes viviparus, Kroyer. When Sebastes viviparus first came under his notice, the writer compared it with what he believed to be Sebastes norwegicus, and found so many marked differences that he reported his observations in the present volume of the “ Annals of Scottish Natural History,” p. 47, with a view to show that the two forms were specifically distinct : a point that is still doubted by some. Subsequently he sent specimens of both forms to Dr. Giinther of the British Museum, and that gentleman pro- nounced the Sebastes norwegicus of the writer to be Scorpena dactyloptera ; and since then this view has been supported by Dr. Traquair, and Mr. Eagle Clarke of the Edinburgh Museum. And to all three gentlemen the writer tenders his thanks. SCORPAANA DACTYLOPTERA IN SCOTTISH WATERS — 205 It is considered necessary to make these statements, so that the writer may point out that his remarks in “ Annals,” p. 47, are now of no value, otherwise than as a record of the occurrence of Sebastes viviparus. The chief external difference between Scorpena dactyloptera and Sebastes norwegicus is, that the latter has fifteen spinous rays in the first dorsal fin, while the former has but twelve in the same organ. It appears, however, that far too much value is placed upon spines and rays of fins as a specific distinction. Organs that are subject to such variation in number cannot surely be taken into account; and the species now under notice is no exception to this. The most common number of spines in the first dorsal fin of Scorpena dactyloptera is, as already stated, twelve. However, on the 19th of May last, nineteen examples of this form were brought into Aberdeen, and three of these had each thirteen spines in the first dorsal. Again, on 12th June, twelve more were brought in, one of which possessed thirteen spines in its first dorsal. And further, the writer is in possession of an example of Scorpena dactyloptera, in which the rays of the second dorsal fin stand clear of the connecting membrane for nearly half their length ; and the line is so exactly drawn that it does not seem to be the result of accident. These things considered, he repeats that fin-ray numbers cannot have much value placed upon them as a specific distinction." As some excuse for the error into which the writer has fallen, it may be pointed out that the names Sedaszes and Scorpena have been so mixed up together, and applied to Sebastes norwegicus, that he for some time believed these names were synonymous, and that there was no real Scorpena dactyloptera. In speaking of the latter form, Cuvier and Valenciennes say that “this species is so much like Sebastes norwegicus in appearance that it is necessary to place the two species side by side to distinguish them.” It may be further pointed out that this Scorpena dactyloptera has gone under the name of Sedastes dactylopterus (Giinther, 1 [Scorpena dactyloptera and Sebastes norwegicus, though much resembling each other in general appearance, are perfectly distinct species belonging to equally distinct genera. The characters by which they are defined are well marked, and not by any means confined to the spine and ray formula of the dorsal fin. —EDs. ] 206 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY “Cat. Acanth. Fishes,” ii. p. 99); and Savage gives it the name of Sebastes bibront. On the other hand, Sebastes norwegicus has figured under the name of Scorpena norwegicus by Richardson (“ Faun. Bor. Amer.,” iii. p. 52), Jenyns (“ British Vert.” p. 347), and Johnston (“ Trans. Berw. Nat. Club,” 1838,i.p.170). Now this continual change and substitution of names is an endless source of trouble and perplexity that could, to a large extent, be easily obviated ; and it is earnestly hoped that some mitigation of this growing evil may be soon brought about. ON THE DISCOVERY. OF C2222 72S72/S in THE CAITANESsS FrEAGs: (Abstract of a paper read before Section C of the British Association at Nottingham, September 1893.) By Dr. R. H. Traquair, F.R.S. Ir is remarkable that although Cephalaspzs is so character- istic a genus of fossil fishes in the Lower Old Red Sand- stone of Forfarshire and of the West of England, there has been hitherto no record of its occurrence in the great Orcadian area of Old Red Sandstone which lies to the north of the Grampians. This autumn, however, a magnificent specimen was discovered in the pavement quarry at Spital, about ten miles from Thurso, and presented by the Caithness Flagstone Company to the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. This unique specimen constitutes a new species, which is the largest known, exceeding in this respect even C. Salweyz, Egert. and C. /exz, Traq. The length of the shield is 83 inches, and its breadth, were the right cornu entire, would be 12 inches; but this excessive proportional breadth may be so far accounted for by its having been crushed absolutely flat. The snout is pointed, as in C. Campbelltownenszs, Whiteaves, though not quite so acutely; but the cornua, instead of being long and curved, as in that species, are com- paratively short and broad based,—the orbits are also pro- portionally smaller and farther apart. The surface-ornament, THE MARSH TITMOUSE IN STRATHSPEY 207 where seen, consists of an excessively minute and close tuber- culation, which is, however, coarser and more prominent round the margins of the orbits: the cornua are not provided with denticles along their inner margins. The pseudo-tesselation of the middle layer is proportionally minute. The remains of the Jody are scanty and badly preserved ; but on its scales clear evidence is afforded of a tubercular ornament similar to that of the cranial shield. To this new species of Cephalaspis, which is so interesting from its geological position and locality, I propose the name of C. magnifica. The occurrence of Cephalaspis in the Caithness Flags has however, no important bearing on the question of the relative ages of the Orcadian Old Red Sandstone and that of Forfar- shire and the West of England; as a species of the same genus (C. laticeps) has already been described by me from the Upper Devonian of Canada.! tHE MARSH TlIMOUSE INSTVAR EDS Bive By Wittiam Evans, F.R.S.E, A DETAILED account of the distribution of the Marsh Tit in Scotland is much to be desired, and would form a capital subject for a paper in the “ Annals.” But such a paper, to be of any real value, would have to be based on a much more extensive series of observations than is yet available ; for it must be admitted that our knowledge of the distribution of this interesting bird north of the Tweed is still very im- perfect. It has, to be sure, been recorded from practically every county in the Lowlands; but even there it is much overlooked, while in the Highlands and the northern parts of the country generally, records of its occurrence are very scarce indeed. Though undoubtedly local, and, as a rule, far from common, I am persuaded it is neither so very local nor so rare as is generally supposed. Among tiny and inconspicuous 1 «*Geol. Mag.” (3), 1890, vol. vii. p. 16. 208 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY woodland species; like the Tits and the Warblers, only the more common kinds come, as a rule, within the ken of the ordinary observer ; but it may well be doubted if any other native bird of equal population has succeeded in maintaining an zucognito existence so long and so thoroughly as the Marsh Tit has. The surest way to detect these tiny species is by their call-notes; a thorough knowledge of which is invaluable to the ornithologist. The observer who trusts to his eyes rather than to his ears will allow many a Marsh Tit to pass by unnoticed ; for the unmistakable tzay, tzay, tzay, may constantly he heard proclaiming its presence when all attempts to get a clear view of the bird itself in the thicket are unavailing. My own experience of the Marsh Tit in Scotland is limited to the Tweed, Forth, and Spey districts, in all of which I have found it breeding and resident. Hitherto the Lothians seem to have been looked upon as its Scottish stronghold ; but unquestionably they cannot compete with Strathspey for this distinction. Before narrating my own observations on the species in Strathspey, let me state what other writers have recorded of it in respect of the “ Moray ” area. The first to detect it in the district appears to have been Charles St. John, in whose “ Natural History and Sport in Moray” (ed. 1882, p. 16) we find it stated that the “ Marsh Titmouse (Parus palustris, L.) is numerous in the fir woods during winter, forming part of the large flocks of birds which are constantly passing in search of food, hanging on the branches and prying into every crevice for insects or their eggs and larve.” Then A. G. More, in his paper “On the Distribution of Birds in Great Britain during the Nesting Season,” published in “The Ibis” for 1865, tells us it extends to Fifeshire according to MacGillivray, and breeds in Perthshire, occasionally in Aberdeenshire, “and even as far north as Inverness (Mr. W. Dunbar).” It does not appear to have been again noticed—at any rate I am not aware of any further record—till I met with it in the Kingussie district of Strathspey, in the autumn of 1889, as recorded in the “Scottish Naturalist” for January 1891, and here shortly repeated. St. John’s observations were no doubt made much THE MARSH TITMOUSE IN STRATHSPEY 209 farther down the valley, presumably chiefly in the country around Elgin. In 1889, I spent about five weeks, beginning 3rd August, at Kincraig, and employed a great part of the time in noting the birds frequenting the valley between Kingussie and Grantown. From the day of my arrival, the Marsh Tits were a constant source of interest, and their abundance a continual subject of remark. Between the points mentioned, a party of Tits and Goldcrests was seldom encountered where birch or alder was prevalent, in which two or three were not present ; and occasionally as many as six to eight might be counted in one group. Though struck at the time with their abundance,—not having elsewhere in Scotland found them so numerous,—I afterwards thought little of the circumstance on subsequently reading St. John’s statement : which, by the way, loses some of its weight, however, when read along with his next statement, namely that the “Cole Titmouse (Parus ater) is more uncommon than the Marsh Titmouse”; for the Cole Tit is particularly abundant in the pine woods of “ Moray,” and could hardly have been otherwise when St. John wrote. In August 1891, I was again in Strathspey, this time at Cromdale, a few miles below Grantown, and again met with my friends the Tits, but in much smaller numbers than in the Kincraig district. My experience was, I understand, of much interest to Mr. Harvie-Brown, who has been working at the Ornithology of “ Moray” at intervals for a number of years past, inas- much as he had never met with the Marsh Tit there himself, and had practically no information concerning it beyond the statements of St. John and More quoted above. He was therefore inclined to regard the birds seen by me in 1889 and 1891 as migrants from Scandinavia, and consequently not likely to be found breeding in Strathspey. Various considerations, which need not be referred to now, led me to hold an opposite opinion ; but as the question could only be adequately settled by the detection of the birds in the breed- ing season and the discovery of a nest, I was not sorry to find myself on the 2nd of May last ex route for Aviemore, where, within a couple of hours of alighting at the railway station, I had the satisfaction of seeing a pair of veritable 8 € 210 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Marsh Tits evidently quite at home in a mixed wood of birch and pine. Several other pairs were soon detected, some busy drilling holes in old stumps; and in a few days two nests were under observation. In one of them, the first egg was laid on 1oth May and the last (the seventh) on the 16th ; and the other was found to contain eight eggs fully a week incubated on the 17th. Both were in dead portions of old alders: the first within a few inches of the ground, the other about twelve feet above it. The latter was in a remarkably well-made hole fully a foot deep, and must have cost the little artificers much labour to excavate. The fibre of the outside wood was still close and firm, and could scarcely have been pierced at any other point than that which had been selected, namely where a branch had formerly sprung from. Nesting-holes of former years were observed in many parts of the woods in the district ; and I cannot help thinking that not a few of the so-called wood- pecker borings in the forests of Spey have been formed by the Marsh Tit, and perhaps also by its crested relative: not that I for a moment doubt the existence of true woodpecker borings in Strathspey—I have myself seen them,—but from conversations with keepers and foresters, none of whom knew the Marsh Tit, I feel sure its work is often mistaken for that of the now almost traditional Woodpecker. While engaged in the duties of incubation, the birds were little seen or heard; and it was only after the young had left the nests, and the family parties were wandering through the woods, that their abundance could be fully realised. Though constantly observed feeding in the pines in company with Cole and Crested Tits and Goldcrests, they were seldom to be seen where birches or alders were totally absent. When seen at close quarters in the beginning of May, some of these Spey Marsh Tits gave one the impression of being a shade lighter than southern examples; and to test this, a specimen was secured on 17th May, which, on comparison with the only other specimen I possess, namely one shot in Stirlingshire in autumn, seemed to bear out this impression. Curious to know to what extent the Spey bird differed from English and Continental examples, I asked THE MARSH TITMOUSE IN STRATHSPEY 211 Dr. R. B. Sharpe to compare it with the specimens in the British Museum. This he kindly did, and replied that my bird is referable to the British form, to which Stejneger has given the name of Parus palustris dressert (Dr. Sharpe designates it shortly Parus dressert). It is, he adds, a little greyer, however, than examples from the south of England. When sending Dr. Sharpe the Marsh Tit, I also enclosed a couple of Cole Tits from the pine woods of Strathspey,— one obtained at Castle Grant on 4th September, immediately after the autumn moult ; the other in Rothiemurchus on 11th May,—and he pronounces both to be true Parus britannicus. Having been informed that Professor Newton possessed a Cole Tit, obtained by Wolley in the neighbouring forest of Dulnan, which approximated closely to the Continental form, —the typical Parus ater of Linnzus,—I wrote to him on the subject, and was kindly favoured with a sight of the specimen, which was killed in the beginning of May 1851. It agrees exactly with my Spey skins. When sending this Dulnan specimen, Professor Newton remarks that it is “inter- mediate” between ordinary English examples and those from the Continent: an observation which he made twenty years ago, and was able to confirm on the day he wrote me, after a comparison with Cambridgeshire specimens. While I write, I have before me two examples procured in Peeblesshire (near West Linton) in September, for which I am indebted to Messrs. T. G. and D. G. Laidlaw. One of these in no way differs from the Spey specimens; and the other is only very slightly more dingy. Without a large series of specimens from various districts for comparison, it would be rash to jump to the conclusion that Scotch Marsh and Cole Tits are always, or even generally, _ perceptibly greyer than those from England. Still, I. think it is a fair inference to draw from the facts I have stated that in all probability the tendency on the part of these birds is to assume a lighter aspect as we proceed northwards ; so that those from the pine woods of Scotland (of the Highlands in particular) can without much difficulty be distinguished, when in good plumage, from those of the south of England. My main object, however, in referring to these Spey specimens, is to show that they are referable to the British 212 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY rather than to the Continental forms, and that therefore any attempt to trace in them a Scandinavian origin will have to deal with a period many thousands of years back into the past, and not with a nineteenth-century immigration. That these two species are in any proper sense migratory,—as between one part of the British Isles and another, or from the Continent to Great Britain,—TI cannot believe. The very fact that so many geographical races exist, and the absence of any trace of migration at Heligoland and the lighthouses on the British coasts, seems well nigh conclusive on the point. One tit no more makes a migration than a swallow a summer, Our Tits are essentially non-migratory birds: they wander continually, no doubt, through the woods in search of food ; but these peregrinations are confined within very narrow limits. Wherever I have met with the Marsh Tit in autumn or winter,—it is most easily detected then,— I have invariably been able to find it again in spring and summer, when carefully looked for. With regard to the vexed question, namely the best form of nomenclature to use for the designation of geographical races, I do not presume to speak with the authority of an expert. I cannot refrain, however, from confessing to a certain amount of repugnance to the raising of them all to specific rank. In the interests of science, it is of course highly desirable that these races should be recognised and named ; but it seems to me the objects in view would be better attained by giving them merely sub-specific rank and adopting a trinomial system of nomenclature, than by raising them to full specific rank under a purely binomial system. To my mind, the old-fashioned plan, or some modification of it, of adding var. (variety) so and so to the binomial appella- tion of the species, regarded in the broad sense, is as good, and would meet with as general acceptance as any yet devised. By its adoption, the less learned among us would be saved much bewilderment, and at times more serious troubles ; while full scope would still be given for the genius of those who desire, or find it necessary to employ further subdivision. The more elastic the system, the greater will be its utility. For it must be remembered that Ornithology, with its many aspects, appeals to an unusually large con- HETEROPTERA AND HOMOPTERA IN PERTHSHIRE 213 stituency, and includes among its votaries men of very different attitudes of mind, and every degree of scientific attainment ; many of whom, like myself, would no doubt be glad to be able, without risk of being misunderstood, to speak on ordinary occasions of our Marsh Tit and our Cole Tit as Parus palustris and Parus ater respectively, reserving the use of the sub-specific additions dresser and britannicus (some day it may have to be sco¢zcus) for special occasions, when greater precision is necessary or desirable. Species- making, like other good things, may easily be overdone; and I cannot help feeling that the very laudable practice of occasionally naming plants and animals after outstanding personages is also rapidly assuming undue proportions. Linnea borealis, for instance, is excellent in every way—a tribute to the memory of a great naturalist, descriptive of the plant, euphonious, simple ; but as much can scarcely be said for the majority of names (already too numerous) of the Scarabeus schneideri type. ma LIST OF LHE HEMIPTERA AE tER OPT Re: AND’ HOMOPTERA OCCURRING, IN PERTH SERGE: By T. M. M‘GREGOR (Perthshire Society of Natural Science). HETEROPTERA. Sehirus biguttatus, Lin.—Pitlochry (Norman); Loch Ran- noch (Marshall). Pentatoma baccarum, Lin.—Kinnoull Hill in April, on Hesperis and Verbascum (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Prezodorus lituratus, Fab., Stal—Perth, on broom and furze, in autumn (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Tropicorts rufipes, Lin.—Perthshire (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Picromerus bidens, Lin.—Perthshire (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Asopus punctatus, Lin—Kinnoull Hill in May, upon blae- berry (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Rannoch (Marshall). 214 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Zicrona cerulea, Lin—Muir of Durdie (?) (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Acanthosoma dentatum, De Geer.—Ardargie, September; three specimens off birch. A. zxterstinctum, Lin.—Ardargie, September. Common on birch. Berytus Signoreti, Fieb—Perthshire (Norman). Nysius thymz, Wolff—Perthshire (Norman) ; Stanley, July ; one specimen. Stygnus pedestris, Fall—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). S. arenarius, Hahn.—Banks of Tay below Barnhill (Dr. F, Buchanan White). Trapezonotus agrestis, Panz.—Bankfoot, August ; one speci- men off heather by sweeping. Drymus sylvaticus, Fab—Kinnoull (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Aldie, by Methven; and Bankfoot. Not common. D. Lrunneus, Sahlb.—Rannoch (Marshall). Scolopostethus affints, Schill—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). SS. decoratus, Hahn.—Fairly common. Gastrodes abtetis, Linm—Kinnoull and Moncreiffe Hills, in winter, in spruce cones (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Pitlochry (Norman). Presma quadrata, Fieb—Banks of Tay at Invergowrie, in April, under stones (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Derephysia foliacea, Fall—Minkie Moss (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Monanthta carduz, Lin—-Common on thistles. J/. humutlz, Fab.—At Quarrymill Den (Dr. F. Buchanan White). flebrus ruficeps, Yhoms.—Minkie Moss, amongst sphagnum (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Velta currens, Fab.—Very common. Gerris rufoscutelata, Latr.—Pitlochry (Norman). G. coste, H. S.—Loch Rannoch (Marshall) ; Pitlochry (Norman) ; Perthshire (M‘Lachlan); Birnam (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Aldie by Methven, May; one specimen. G. aspera, Fieb.—Pitlochry (Norman). G. lacustris, Lin.— Almond; four specimens. G. odontogaster, Zett.— HETEROPTERA AND HOMOPTERA IN PERTHSHIRE 215 Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Common on pools at Methven Moss. Ploiaria vagabunda, Lin—Minkie Moss, September ; six specimens off Scots fir. Nabis flavomarginatus, Scholtz—Loch Rannoch (Marshall) ; Pitlochry (Norman); Stanley; Methven Moss. JV, “mba- tus, Dahlb.—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Fairly common throughout Perthshire. JV. ferws, Lin.—Perth (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Bankfoot, August; three speci- mens. WV. vugosus, Lin.— Almond, June. Fairly common. Salda saltatoria, Lin—Rannoch (Marshall) ; var. vest2ta— Linn of Campsie, July ; one specimen. S. C.-album, Fieb.—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Almond, May; one specimen. S. orthochila, Fieb—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). S. rzparia, Fall—Rannoch (Marshall, Rye). S. scotéca, Curt—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White, Marshall) ; Birnam (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Perth (Reuter); Linn of Campsie, July ; common. S. Morio, Zett—Shores of Loch Rannoch (Marshall). S. lettoralts, Lin—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). S. elegantula, Fall—Perth, March (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Cryptostemma alienum, H. S.—Tay shingles (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Linn of Campsie, July. Not uncommon. Cimex lectularius, Lin—Perth (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Temnostethus pusillus, H. S——Widely distributed, and fairly common. Elatophilus nigricornts, WH. S.—Moncreiffe Hill (Reuter). One specimen on Pzxus sylvestris (1876). Kinnoull, Stanley, Aldie by Methven ; three specimens. Rare. Anthocoris confusus, Reut.—Common and widely dis- tributed. A. xemoralis, Fab.— Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White), Perth. Common and widely dis- tributed. A. sarothamniz, D. and S—Perth (Reuter) ; Stanley, July; one specimen. A. sylvestris, Lin— Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Perth. Common and widely distributed. 8 D 216 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Acompocoris pygmaeus, Fall—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth. Common on Scots fir. Microphysa pselaphiformzs, Curt—Dunkeld, on juniper (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Rannoch (Marshall). Pithanus merkelt, WH. S.—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Aldie, Stanley ; two specimens ; July. Mirts calcaratus, Fall—Perth. Widely distributed and fairly common. JZ. /evigatus, Lin.—Perthshire (Dr. I. Buchanan White); Ardargie, September; four speci- mens. JZ. holsatws, Fab—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth. Widely distributed and fairly common. M. longicornis, Fall—Pitlochry (Norman); Rannoch (Marshall). Megalocerea ruficornis, Fourc.—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Perth. Fairly common. LTeratocorts viridis, D. and S.—Rannoch (Marshall) ; Perth- shire (Norman). Leptoterna ferrugata, Fall.—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth. Common and widely distributed. Z. dolobrata, Lin.—Glenfarg, July ; five specimens. Monalocoris filicis, Lin.—Perthshire (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Bryocorts ptertdis, Fall.—Rannoch, on lady-fern (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Phytocoris popult, Lin.—Rannoch, on hazel (Dr. F. Buchanan White). 2. ¢lz@, Fab.—Minkie Moss, September ; five specimens. JP. longzpennis, Flor.—Perth (Reuter) ; Minkie Moss, September; one specimen. P. dzmzdi- atus, Kb.—Kinnoull, Almond, Minkie Moss. _ Fairly common. P/. pzxz, Kb.—Pitlochry (Norman); Dun- keld; Minkie Moss (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Bankfoot. Common. Calocoris striatellus, Fab—Kinnoull, Minkie Moss, Almond. Not uncommon. C. serguttatus, Fab—Stanley. Com- mon in Glenfarg in July. C. dbzpunctatus, Fab.— Common and widely distributed. C. Chenopodiz, Fall. —Almond, July; two specimens. C. roseomaculatus D. T.—Rannoch, on low plants near water (Dr. F HETEROPTERA AND HOMOPTERA IN PERTHSHIRE 217 Buchanan White); Bankfoot, July; a few specimens by sweeping low plants. C. striatus, Lin—Pitlochry (Norman); Rannoch; Perth (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Minkie Moss, July; one specimen off broom by beating. Dichrooscytus rufipennts, Fall—Perth. Common on Scots fir. Plestocoris rugtcollis, Fall.— Pitlochry (Norman); Perth. Fairly common. Lygus pratensis, Fab—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth: Common. JL. vubricatus, Fall.— Bankfoot, August; three specimens. JL. contaminatus, Fall.— Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth. Common. L. lucorum, Mey.—Perth, July ; two specimens. Var nigronasutus—Perth, July; one specimen. JL. pabu- linus, Lin.—Perth. Common. L. cervinus, H. S.— Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth. Common and widely distributed. ZL. kalmziz, Lin.— Woody Island, May (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Almond, June ; four specimens. Peciloscytus Gyllenhalliz, Fall Almond, June, one specimen Ardargie, September, one specimen. P. wntfasctatus Fab.—Stanley, July ; three specimens. Liocorts tripustulatus, Fab.—Barnhill, February, in hollow stems of Umbellifera and nettles (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Bothynotus pilosus, Boh.—Bankfoot, July ; one specimen. Very rare. Rhopalotomus ater, Lin—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Strongylocoris leucocephalus, Lin.—Pitlochry (Norman) ; Ran- noch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Labops saltator, Hahn.—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Stanley, July ; one specimen. Macrolophus nubilus, H. S.—Pitlochry (Norman). Dicyphus constrictus, Boh.—Perth, on Symphytum (Reuter). D, stachydis, Reut—Perth. Common on Foxglove. D. pallidicornis, Fieb—Perth, off Foxglove (Dr. F. Buchanan White). 218 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Cyllocoris histrionicus, Lin.—Minkie Moss, Aldie, Kinnoull. Not common. JEtorhinus angulatus, Fab.—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Almond; Bankfoot. Not common. Mecomma ambulans, Fall—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ;; Almond ; Stanley. Not common. Orthotylus bilineatus, Fall—Rannoch, on aspen (Dr. F Buchanan White); Pitlochry (Norman). O. flavinervis Kb.—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). O. mar ginalis, Reut—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth. Common. O. éennellus, Fall—Almond, July ; one specimen. O. xassatus, Fab—Rannoch (Marshall). O. viridinervis, Kb.—Pitlochry (Norman). O. con- color, Kb.—Perth (Reuter). O. adenocarpfi, Perr.— Perth (Reuter); Almond, July; one specimen, 0: ericetorum, Fall—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Methven Moss, August. Common off sallows. Fleterocordylus tibialis, Aahn.—Perthshire (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Aldie; Minkie Moss, July. Common on broom. Malacocoris chlorizans, Fall—Rannoch, on hazel and alder (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Minkie Moss, September ; one specimen. Macrocoleus hortulanus, Mey.—Pitlochry (Norman). J/. molliculus, Fall—AI|mond, July ; two specimens. Harpocera thoracica, Fall—Kinnoull; Almond; Minkie Moss, May; three specimens. Phylus melanocephalus, Lin.— Almond, Kinnoull, Minkie Moss, July and August. Fairly common off oaks. P. coryli, Lin.—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Plesiodema pinetellum, Zett.—Perth (Reuter); Aldie, by Methven, July ; one specimen off Scots fir. Rare. Psallus ambiguus, Fall—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth. Common. P. detuletz, Fall—Perth, July. Fairly common on birch. VP. varzabelis, Fall—Rannoch (Dr. F:* Buchanan White); Perth.) (Common. “> gvercis, Kb.—Almond, July; four specimens off oak. P. HETEROPTERA AND HOMOPTERA IN PERTHSHIRE 219 lepidus, Fieb—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth. Fairly common, and well distributed. /P. Jallenit, Reut—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth. Not common. VP. varians, H. S.—Rannoch (Dr. FE. Buchanan White): Perth Common. 7. adiminutus, Kb.—Perth (Reuter). Common, and widely distributed. PP. sanguzneus, Fab.— Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Perth. Common. Plagiognathus virtdulus, Fall—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Perth. Common, and widely distributed. P. arbustorum, Fab.—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White), Perth. Common, and widely distributed. P. pulicarius, Fall—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). P. sa/tctans, Fall—Perth (Reuter). P. Welkinsoni, D. and S.— Moncreiffe Hill (Reuter). Asctodema obsoletum, D.and S.—AlI|mond, July; two specimens. Notonecta glauca, Lin.——Common in pools. Corixa Geoffroyz, Leach—AI|mond, August ; three specimens. C. Sahlbergi, Fieb—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Methven Moss. Common. C. Linne@z (var.), Fieb.— Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). C. semzstriata, Fieb.— Perth (Reuter); Almond; May; one specimen. C. venusta, D. and S—Almond. Common. C. striata, Lin.—Invergowrie (Dr. F. Buchanan White) ; Almond. Common. C. dstincta, Fieb—Perth (Reuter, Dr. F. Buchanan White). C. masta, Fieb—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Methven Moss; four specimens. C. fossarum, Leach.—Stanley ; Almond ; six specimens. C. Scottz, Fieb—Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White). C. Fabriciz, Fieb—Rannoch ; Perth (Dr. F. Buchanan White). C. preusta, Fab.—Common at Methven Moss in August.. C. preusta, var. Wollastonz, D. and S.— Rannoch (Dr. F. Buchanan White); Methven Bog, August ; one specimen. C. Lousdorffi, Sahlb.—Methven Moss, May (Dr. F. Buchanan White). Sigara minutissima, Lin—Common at Woody Island in May. 220 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY HOMOPTERA. Cixius pilosus, Ol—Almond ; Dupplin. Not common. C. cunicularts, Lin—A|mond ; Glenfarg, July and August. Not common. C. xervosus, Lin—Very common, and widely distributed. Liburnia difficilis, Edw.—A|mond, June and July ; two speci- mens. JL. dzscreta, Edw.—Almond, July ; one specimen. L. denticauda, Boh.—Aldie, May; six specimens. JL. limbata, Fab.—Bankfoot, Minkie Moss, Methven. Not common. Dicranotropis hamata, Boh—Al|mond, June and July; two specimens. Stiroma albomarginata, Curt.—Aldie, July ; one specimen. Aphrophora alni, Fall.—Al|mond, July ; two specimens. Philenus spumarius, Lin.—Very common and widely distri- buted. P. exclamationts, Thunb.—Minkie Moss ; common at Bankfoot. PP. lineatus, Lin—-Common, and widely distributed. Ulopa reticulata, Fab—Common at Aldie and Bankfoot amongst heather. Megophthalmus scanicus, Fall—Minkie Moss, September ; one specimen. Macropsis tanio, Lin—Common on oak. Bythoscopus alnz, Schr.—Stanley, July ; five specimens. JB. rufusculus, Fab.—Fairly common, and well distributed. B. flavicollis, Lin.—Common on birch, and widely distributed. Idtocerus confusus, Flor—Well distributed, and not uncommon on sallows. Evacanthus interruptus, Lin—Not uncommon, but not numerous. Acocephalus nervosus, Schr—Bankfoot and Methven, July and August. Notnumerous. A. dz/asczatus, Lin.—Glenfarg, July ; one specimen. A. albzfrons, Lin.—Minkie Moss, August ; two specimens. HETEROPTERA AND HOMOPTERA IN PERTHSHIRE 221 Doratura stylata, Boh.—Pitlochry (Buckton) ; Stanley, July ; one specimen. Athysanus brevipennis, Kbm.—Pitlochry (Buckton) ; Perth. Fairly common. 4d. sordzdus, Zett——Almond, May ; one specimen. A. gr7sescens, Zett—Minkie Moss, June. Fairly common. A. communis, Sah|— Almond ; Stan- ley, June and July; three specimens. A. obscurellus, Kbm.—Almond; Bankfoot, August; two specimens. A. obsoletus, Kbm.—Bankfoot, August ; two specimens. Deltocephalus abdominats, Fab—Common, and widely dis- tributed. D. distinguendus, Flor.— Common, and widely distributed. LD. strzatus, Lin—Not common. D. pulicaris, Fall Bankfoot; Stanley, July and August. Not common. Allygus mixtus, Fab.—Perth ; three specimens. Rare. Thamnotettix prasina, Fall— Common. 7. sabfuscula, Fall. Common. Limmotettix quadrinotata, Fab.—Minkie Moss; Ardargie, August and September. Not common. ZL. sulphurella, Zett—Almond ; Stanley, July; three specimens. Crcadula sexnotata, Fall,—aAldie, July ; two specimens. Gnathodus punctatus, Thunb.—Stanley, July ; one specimen. Alebra albostriella, Yall—Common throughout. Dicraneura variata, Hardy.—Dupplin, September ; two specimens. Kybos smaragdulus, Fall—Common throughout. Eupteryx atropunctata, Goeze-—Common throughout. 4. Germart, Zett—Kinnoull, July, one specimen ; Minkie Moss, September, off Scots fir. Common. £. pulchellus, Fall.—Common in August and September on oak. E. concinna, Germ.—Common on oak; August and September. Typhlocyba sexpunctata, Fall.—Dupplin, September; one specimen. 7. guercus, Fab.—Minkie Moss, September ; one specimen. 222 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY SOME NEW SCOTCH LOCALIMES BOR ARACHNIDS. By Gro. H. Carpenter, B.Sc. THROUGH the kindness of Messrs. W. Evans and W. Eagle Clarke of Edinburgh, and Professor D’Arcy Thompson of Dundee, I have lately had the opportunity of examining a number of spiders from Scottish localities. Most of Mr. Evans’ specimens were collected around Edinburgh and in the Grampians near Aviemore and Kingussie. Special lists of the species from these districts are now in preparation. The present list of spiders and harvestmen from other localities is put forward as a modest contribution to our knowledge of the distribution of these animals in Scotland. We have already Rev. O. Pickard-Cambridge’s paper “ On the Spiders of Scotland” (“Entom.,” x, 1877), Professor Drail’s “List-ot Spiders of Dee C Trans. Nat! Fist) Soc) Aberds. 1878) and Mr. Young’s lists from the Glasgow district (“ Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasg.,” vols. iii. and iv.), besides various Scottish records in Mr. Pickard-Cambridge’s “Spiders of Dorset.” The localities now indicated have not, I believe, been searched for spiders before ; and I accordingly enumerate all the species found, including those common forms which may be presumed to range over the whole of the British Isles. Some of Professor Thompson’s specimens are from Dundee, and the opposite coast of Fife ; but the majority were taken at Buckie in Banffshire. Mr. Evans’s collections were made in 1889 at Tushielaw in the Ettrick district, and near Callander in Perthshire. Mr. Evans has also placed in my hands some specimens collected for him by Mr. C. Campbell at Morven, Argyleshire. Two of the harvestmen from this locality—Olzgolophus ephippiatus, Koch, and O. palpinalis, Herbst.—are now recorded for the first time as Scottish. The former species is, according to Mr. Pickard-Cambridge, widely distributed in England ; but the latter has hitherto been found only in Dorset and North Wales. Mr. Evans has also sent mea few specimens taken by Mr. A. Robertson at heights of over 3000 feet on Ben Alder and Creag Meaghaidh in the SOME NEW SCOTCH LOCALITIES FOR ARACHNIDS 223 Laggan district. Through Mr. Eagle Clarke, I have had the opportunity of examining small collections made by Mr. Forrester of Glenmiln, at Callander, and at Kilmalcolm, Renfrewshire. I would place on record my indebtedness to Rev. O. Pickard-Cambridge, of whose readiness to assist students in determining difficult species I have had ample experience. ARANEIDA. DRA SSTDAE. Drassus troglodytes, C. L. Koch—Sidlaw Hills (D’A. W. T.) D. lapidicolens, Walck.—Callander (W. E.) Clubtona reclusa, Cb.—Callander (F.) DUCT VND. Amaurobius similis, Bl—Buckie (D’A. W. T.), Callander (F.) A. fenestralis, Str.—Callander (W. E.) AGELENIDA. Textrix denticulata, Oliv.—Callander (W. E.) Tegenaria derhamit, Scop.—Morven (C. C.) LTE RED TLTDAE. Theridion pallens, B\.—Fife (D’A. W. T.) T. stsyphium, C\.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.) T. tepidariorum, C. LL. Koch—Morven (C. C.) T. varians, Hahn.—Morven (C. C.) Phyllonethis lineata, C\.—Callander (F.) Pedanostethus lividus, B\.—Callander (W. E.), Kilmalcolm (F.) Linyphia triangularts, Cl.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.), Callander (F.) L. pusilla, Sand.—Morven (C. C.) Drapetisca socialis, Sund.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.) Leptyphantes tenebricolus, Wid.—Callander (F.) L. sebrinus, Menge.—Morven (C. C.) L. leprosus, Ohl.—Kilmalcolm (F.) Tmeticus bicolor, Bl.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.), Kilmalcolm (F.) T. abnormis, B\.—Callander (W. E.) Erigone atra, Bl.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.) E£.. dentipalpis, Wid.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.) Pachygnatha degeerit, Sund.) : Pet sind Callander (W. E.) 224 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY EPEIRIDA. Meta segmentata, Cl.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.), Callander (F.), Morven (C. C.), Kilmalcolm (F.) M. meriane, Scop.—Tushielaw (W. E.), Callander (W. E.) Tetragnatha extensa, Linn.—Callander (F.) Zilla x-notata, Cl.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.), Callander (F.) Z. atrica, C. L. Koch.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.), Callander (F.), Kilmalcolm (F.), Morven (C. C.) Epeira cucurbitina, Cl—Dundee (D’A. W. T.), Callander (F.) E. cornuta, Cl.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.), Tushielaw (W. E.) £. diademata, Cl.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.), Callander (F.) E.. quadrata, Cl.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.) THOMISIDA. Xysticus cristatus, Cl.—Callander (W. E.), Buckie (D’A. W. T.) LYCOSIDA. Trochosa pulverulenta, Cl.—Callander (W. E.), Morven (C. C.) T. terricola, Thor.—Callander (W. E.) Lycosa amentata, Cl.—Creag Meaghaidh (A. R.), Ben Alder (A. R.), Morven (C. C.), Callander (W. E.), Buckie (D’A. W. T.) L. pullata, C\.—Callander (W. E.), Tushielaw (W. E.), Morven (CXC), Buckies( DAS Wi) Ben Alden (Ay Ra) L. lugubris, Bl.—Morven (C. C.) L. nigriceps, Thor.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.), Morven (C. C.) Pirata piraticus, Cl.—Morven (C. C.) A LALIT Epiblemum scenicum, Cl.—Buckie (D’A. W. T.) PHALANGIDA. Phalangium opilio, L.—Dundee (D’A. W. T.) Oligolophus morio, Fab.— Buckie (D’A. W. T.), Callander (F.), Kilmalcolm (F.), Morven (C. C.) var. alpinus, Herbst.—Callander (F.), Creag Meaghaidh and Ben Alder (A. R.) O. agrestis, Meade.— Buckie (D’A. W. T.) O. ephippiatus, C. L. Koch—Morven (C. C.) O. palpinalis, Herbst.—Morven (C, C.) Platybunus corniger, Herm.—Callander (W. E.) Megabunus insignis, Meade—Callander (W. E.) CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS FLORA OF EAST SUTHERLAND 225 CONGRIBUMION TOWARDS AWE LORAVOE EAST SUTHEREAND: By ARTHUR BENNETT, F.L.S. THE county of Sutherland (East 107, West 108 of Watson) extends across the north of Scotland from the Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea. On its west and north-west seaboard it is deeply indented by numerous sea-lochs ; its eastern sea- board is much lessso. East Sutherland is divided by Watson from West by the water-parting on the central ranges of mountains; towards the south the county parting thus becomes very complicated, and it may be that parts of West Sutherland, hitherto so considered, are really drained into East Suther- land. West Sutherland has been much more searched by botanists than East, and its flora is much better known and is probably more extensive ; although in both cases the information is much scattered. As so much has been put on record respecting the West division of the county, and so little about the East, I have thought it would be well to put into print what I have been able to get together, especially as some of it is contained only in my own collection. I do not pretend to have exhausted the literature, but name such sources of information as are known to me, and appear in my notes on the county. These are as follows :— 1. Excursions tnto the Highlands of Scotland, by Dr. Graham, in Jameson’s ‘‘Edin. New Phil. Journal,” 1825, 1827, TOs. 2. The Northern Flora, by A. Murray, M.D., 1836. H. C. Watson. Catalogue in Kew Library, Nos. 39 and 41, contains “ Lists of Plants seen about Golspie in Sutherland in August 1832.” 4. List of plants seen in East and West Sutherland in 1881, by Mr. W. F. Miller, embodied in Votes on the Flora of Caithness and Sutherland, by Arthur Bennett, in “ Journal of Botany,” 1882, pp. 117-119. 5. Records of Characee, by Messrs. Groves, in “Journal of Botany,” 1883, 1884, 1886. 6. A collection of plants made by Mr. Grant of Wick, in 1888, and transmitted to me in the same year. w 226 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY 7. Excursion of the Scottish Alpine Botanical Club to Sutherland and Caithness in 1888, by Dr. W. Craig, in ‘‘ Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh,” 1889, p. 372. 8. Records, by Messrs. Linton, in ‘Journal of Botany,” 1889, p. 208. g. Notes of plants gathered by the late Mr. Henderson, in a notice of his life by Mr. Grant in “The Northern Ensign.” to. In Record Club Report for 1883 (quoted as R. C.), are numerous notices by Mr. Grant; but many of the stations here given as In East Sutherland are in West Sutherland, such as “ Trantlebeg,” which is at least ten miles to the west of the water-parting, though others are really in both East and West Sutherland. t1. Votes on Highland Plants in 1890, by Messrs. Marshall and Hanbury, in “ Journal of Botany,” 1891, pp. 108-118. For brevity the authorities for the specific names are omitted, unless zof contained in the usual Floras. References.—The names of the authorities responsible for the several localities are printed in italics, and refer to the above records in each case: ‘‘sp.” denotes that I have seen a specimen from the locality ; ‘‘exs.’’ denotes that dried specimens exist. RANUNCULUS HEDERACEUS.—Golspie, Watson; Lairg, AZiller. RANUNCULUS FLAMMULA.—Golspie, Watson; Lairg, AZiller. RANUNCULUS ACRIS.—Golspie, Watson. RANUNCULUS REPENS.—Golspie, Watson; Lairg, Miller. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS.—Golspie Links, Graz, sp. (RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS.—Not recorded.) RANUNCULUS FICARIA.—Grani, Cat. CALTHA PALUSTRIS.—Golspie, Watson; Lairg, Mller. TROLLIUS EUROP£US.—Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Grazz, 81 ; Lairg, Ader ; near Invershin, Craig. NyMPH#A ALBA.—Between Rosehall and Oykell Bridge, J/arshall and Hanbury. PAPAVER DUBIUM.—Golspie (1843), Watson. PAPAVER RHa@aAS.— Watson. CORYDALIS CLAVICULATA.—Gordonbush, Granzé, sp., 1888. FUMARIA OFFICINALIS.—Lairg, W. #. Ailler. RESEDA LUTEA.—Banks of railway above Invershin Station, Crazg. THLASPI ARVENSE.— lVatson. CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS FLORA OF EAST SUTHERLAND 227 CapsELLA BuRSA-PASTORIS.—Lairg, AZ//er. +LEPIDIUM LATIFOLIUM.—(107), Watson. COCHLEARIA OFFICINALIS.—Mouth of the Golspie Burn, Granz, sp. DRABA INCANA.—Heaths near Wilkhouse Inn, ‘“‘ Alora Scotica.” (DRABA VERNA.—Not recorded.) CARDAMINE PRATENSIS.—Lairg, JZ//er. NASTURTIUM OFFICINALE.— Watson. SISYMBRIUM OFFICINALE.—East Coast, [Vatson. SINAPIS ARVENSIS.— Watson. RAPHANUS RAPHANISTRUM.—Lairg, Aller. HELIANTHEMUM VULGARE.—Strathsteven, Grav, sp. VIOLA PALUSTRIS.— Watson. VIOLA SYLVATICA (RIVINIANA).—/Vatson. VIOLA ARVENSIS.—Lairg, JZ/er. Falls of the Shin, Dr. Craze. VIOLA CurTISH, var. MacKkatl.—Golspie Links, Graz, sp. VIOLA LUTEA, AMCENA. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA.—Kildonan, Granz¢, R. C. 1884. DROSERA ANGLICA.—Gyvaham, sp. in herb. Watson; Falls of the Shin, Craig. POLYGALA EU-VULGARIS.—Lairg, AZiHer. POLYGALA DEPRESSA.—Oykell Bridge, A/arshall and Hanbury. MONTIA FONTANA, var. RIVULARIS.—Helmsdale, Messrs. Linton. var. MINOR, Lairg, AZeller ; Grant, sp. SILENE INFLATA.—Golspie Burn mouth, Gravz, sp. SILENE ACAULIS.—Ben Griam, Henderson. SILENE MARITIMA.—Seashore at Golspie, Gravz, sp. Lycunis FLos-cucuLi.—Lairg, JZ//er. LYCHNIS DIURNA.— lVatson. (Lycunis GITHAGO.—Not recorded. ) SAGINA PROCUMBENS.—Lairg, JZHler’. (SAGINA APETALA.—Not recorded. ) SPERGULA ARVENSIS.—Lairg, J/c/ler. HONCKENEYA PEPLOIDES.—Golspie Burn mouth, Grand, sp. SPERGULARIA MARGINATA.—Seashore at Dunrobin, Grav‘, sp. (SPERGULARIA RUBRA.—Not recorded.) ARENARIA SERPYLLIFOLIA.—Lairg, AZiller. 228 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY ARENARIA SEDOIDES.—Ben Clibrich, JZarshal/, 1888. ARENARIA TRINERVIA.—Dunrobin Glen, Grant, sp. STELLARIA MEDIA.—Lairg, JZiler, STELLARIA HoLostEa.—Golspie Burn, Granz. sp. STELLARIA GRAMINEA.——Gyrant, 1883 ; but in West Sutherland. STELLARIA ULIGINOSA.—Waztson. CERASTIUM SEMIDECANDRUM.—Golspie Links, Grand, sp. CERASTIUM ALPINUM.—Ben Griam, Henderson. CERASTIUM GLOMERATUM.—Golspie Links, Granz, sp. CERASTIUM TRIVIALE.—Lairg, AZ/er. (CERASTIUM TETRANDRUM.—Not recorded.) CERASTIUM TRIGYNUM.—Ben Griam, Henderson. LINUM CATHARTICUM.— Watson. + Marva MoscHATA.—Golspie Burn mouth, Granzf, sp. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM.—Between Kinbrace and_ Kildonan, Grant, 1881. HYPERICUM PULCHRUM.— Watson. ERODIUM CICUTARIUM.— Watson. GERANIUM MOLLE—/Vatson. GERANIUM DISSECTUM.— Watson. GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM.— /[Vatson. RHAMNUS FRANGULA.—“ planted?” Watson. ULEx EUROP#US.—Along the East Coast, Graham, exs.; Strath Fleet, Graham, exs. ANTHYLLIS VULNERARIA.—Lairg, J/7ler. CyTisus scoparius.—Plentiful on the East Coast, Graham, exs. MEDIcAGO LuPULINA.—Field at Golspie, Granzé, sp. TRIFOLIUM MEDIUM.—Lairg, JZc/ler. 7 TRIFOLIUM HYBRIDUM.—By the station at Helmsdale, Handury and Marshall. TRIFOLIUM REPENS.—Lairg, JZiller. TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE.— Watson. (TRIFOLIUM PROCUMBENS AND TRIFOLIUM MINUS.—Grant, R. C., 1883, but in West Sutherland.) Lotus CORNICULATUS.—Lairg, Jiller. ASTRAGALUS HYPOGLOTTIS.—‘“ Gordon M.S.,” fide Watson. ViICIA SYLVATICA.—Free Vater, Graham, exs. CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS FLORA OF EAST SUTHERLAND 229 Victa Cracca.—Lairg, Ader. Vicia SATIVA.— IVatson., VICIA ANGUSTIFOLIA.—Pict’s House, at Dunrobin, Grant, sp. Vicia SEPIUM.—Lairg, A@7/er. Vicia HIRsUTA.—Cornfields, Kildonan, Gran7, R. C. 1883. LATHYRUS PRATENSIS.—Lairg, J/7er. OROBUS TUBEROSUS.—Lairg, Aller; between Kinbrace and Kil- donan, Grant; var. TENUIFOLIUS.—Lairg, AZiler. PRUNUS SPINOSA.—Between Rosehall and Oykell Bridge, Marshadl/ and Hanbury. Prunus Papus.—Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Granz. Prunus Avium.—Golspie Burn, Grand, sp. SPIRHA UtMariA.—Lairg, Aller. GEUM URBANUM.—Golspie Burn, Graz, sp. POTENTILLA ANSERINA.— Watson. POTENTILLA ALPESTRIS.—Ben Griam, Henderson. COMARUM PALUSTRE.—Lairg, JZller. FRAGARIA VESCA.—Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Granz. Rusus CHAMAMOoRUS.—Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Grant ; or near Achintoul, Grant. RUBUS SAXATILIS.—(Forsinain, Grant, 1883; but this is in West Sutherland.) Rusus Ip#us.—Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Grant, Lairg, Miller. RuBus CORYLIFOLIUS.—Near Invershin, J/arshall and Hanbury. RusBUS PLICATUS, RUBUS LEUCOSTACHYS, AND RUBUS MUCRO- NATUS.—Between Rosehall and Invershin, JZarshal/ and Hanbury. ROSA SPINOSISSIMA.—Golspie, MVatson. Rosa INVOLUTA, forma.—Granzé, sp. Rosa MOLLIS.—Golspie Burn, Gravzé, sp. Rosa TOMENTOSA.—Dunrobin, Gran, sp. var. SCABRIUSCULA, Sm. (¢esfe, Baker).—Golspie Burn side, Grant, sp. ROSA CANINA, var. ASPERNATA.— Rosehall - var. SUBCRISTATA.—lInvershin ‘5 var. BORRERI, £—Invershin Marshall and flanbury. ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS.—Golspie, Watson, Lairg, AZi/ler. 230 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY ALCHEMILLA ALPINA.—Ben Duhain (Dobhrain, 2030 ft.), Granz, ReaG 1853. ALCHEMILLA ARVENSIS.— Watson. CRATAGUS OxvacANTHA.—Near Rosehall, AZarshall and Hanbury ; Lairg, AZHer. Pyrus Aucuparia.— Watson ; Lairg, AZHer. EpILopiuMm MonTaNuM.— Watson. EPILOBIUM PALUSTRE.—Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Gvavz. EPILOBIUM OBSCURUM.—Near Rosehall, AZarshall and Hanbury. HippruRIs VULGARIS.—Kildonan, Granz, R. C., 1883. MyYRIOPHYLLUM ALTERNIFLORUM.—Loch Brora, Granjé, sp. CALLITRICHE PLATYCARPA.—JZiller, Cat. SCLERANTHUS ANNuUS.— Watson. SEpUM RHop1oLA.—Central corrie of Ben Clibrich, AZarshall. SEDUM ACRE.—Golspie Burn mouth, Gazz, sp. SAXIFRAGA STELLARIS,— Roadside between Rosehall and Oykell Bridge, Marshall and Hanbury. SAXIFRAGA AIZOIDES, “‘ Syme, sp.”— Watson. SAXIFRAGA TRIDACTYLITES.—Dunrobin, Watson, also ‘‘ Dr. Gordon.” CHRYSOSPLENIUM OPPOSITIFOLIUM.—Golspie Burn, Grant, sp. PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS.—Kildonan, Grant, R. C., 1884. HepeERA Hewix.—kKildonan, Grani, R. C., 1883. Cornus Suecica, Watson. HypROCOTYLE VULGARIS.—Lairg, AZiéler. SANICULA EUROPAA.—Kildonan, Gran, R. C., 1883. HELOSCIADIUM INUNDATUM.—Near the Mound, Golspie, Grant, sp. ZEcopopiuM PopaGRARIA.—Golspie Links, Gravz, sp. BuUNIUM FLEXUOsUM.—Lairg, AZi/ler. ANGELICA SYLVESTRIS.—Golspie Burn, Grant, sp. HERACLEUM SPHONDYLIUM.—Lairg, JZ/er. ToriLis ANTHRISCUS.—Seashore at Golspie, Grant, sp. ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS.— Watson. + ANTHRISCUS VULGARIS.—Golspie, Watson. SAMBUCUS NIGRA.—Lairg, J/ler. VIBURNUM OpuLus.—“ Stables,” Watson. GALIUM SAXATILE.—Lairg, JZiller. CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS FLORA OF EAST SUTHERLAND 231 GaALiuM APARINE.— lVatson. GALIUM BOREALE.—Rosehall, AZarshall and Hanbury. SHERARDIA ARVENSIS.—Invershin, Marshall and Hanbury. ASPERULA ODORATA.—Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Grant. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS.— Watson. VALERIANELLA OLITORIA.-— Banks on rocks in_ Strathsteven, Grant, sp. ScABIOSA Succisa.— Watson. LEONTODON AUTUMNALIS.— /Vatson. Lairg, Miller. . SONCHUS ARVENSIS.—Golspie Tower, Graz, sp. HyYyPOCHARIS RADICATA. SONCHUS ASPER.—Helmsdale, £. -: Linton, “Journ. Bot.” 1889, p. 208. SONCHUS OLERACEUS.— Watson. CREPIS VIRENS.—Roadside, Golspie, Gravzt, sp. CREPIS PALUDOSA.—Lairg, AZi/ler. Hr1eRAcIUM PILOSELLA.—Lairg, JZ/er. HIERACIUM MURORUM, Seg.—Lairg, JZ7/ler, sp. HIERACIUM RIVALE, Hanb,—On rocks by the Oykell at Oykell Bridge, Marshall and Hanbury, 1889; “Journ. Bot.” 1893, p- 368. HIERACIUM VULGATUM, H. CORYMBOSUM, AND H. RIGIDUM.—AIll at Lairg, AZi/ler. HIERACIUM PALLIDUM, Back.—‘“‘ Oliver, sp.” fide Watson. HIERACIUM DURICEPS, Hanb., and H. srricrum. Fr.—Both at Oykell Bridge, AZarshall, sp. HIERACIUM LANGWELLENSE, Hanb.—Oykell Bridge, J/arshall and Hanbury ; Dunrobin Glen, Grant, sp. HIERACIUM SPARSIFOLIUM, Lindeb.—Oykell Bridge, AZarshal/ and Hanbury. HIERACIUM OREADES, Fr.—Rocks by the sea, Strathsteven, Gravd, sp. TARAXACUM OFFICINALE.—Lairg, J/i//er. LAPSANA COMMUNIS.—Lairg, J/7/ler. CaRDUUS LANCEOLATUS.— Watson. CaRDUUS ARVENSIS.— Watson. CARDUUS PALUSTRIS.—Lairg, AZ/ler. 8 E 32 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY CARDUUS HETEROPHYLLUS.—Rosehall, Marshall and Hanbury. SAUSSUREA ALPINA.—Ben Griam, Henderson. CENTAUREA CYANUS AND C. NIGRA.— Watson. (ARTEMISIA VULGARIS.—Not recorded.) GNAPHALIUM DIo1cuM.— Moors about Golspie, Vatson ; between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Gran¢,; Lairg, M/ller. GNAPHALIUM SYLVATICUM.—Watson. GNAPHALIUM SUPINUM.—East side of Ben Clibrich, A/arshadv. GNAPHALIUM ULIGINOSUM.— Between Kinbrace and _ Kildonan, Grant. GNAPHALIUM MINIMUM.—Near Lairg, Craig. TussILAGO FARFARA.—/Vatson. ASTER TRIPOLIUM.— Watson. SOLIDAGO VIRGA-AUREA.— Watson. SENECIO VULGARIS.—Lairg, JZz/ler-. SENECIO SYLVATICUS.—Lairg, A/iler. (var. Livipus.—Abundant near Lairg, Dr. Graham.) +SENECIO viscosus.—Among stones scarcely above high-water mark at Helmsdale, Messrs. Linton, “Journ. Bot.,” 1887, p. 208. SENECIO JACOB£A.— Watson. SENECIO AQUATICUS.—Lairg, JZiller. BELLIS PERENNIS.—Lairg, AZi/ler. CHRYSANTHEMUM SEGETUM.—Lairg, JZiller. CHRYSANTHEMUM LEUCANTHEMUM.—Golspie, Graz, sp. +CHRYSANTHEMUM TANACETUM.—lVatson. CHRYSANTHEMUM INODORUM.—Lalrg, J//ler. MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA.—Railway bank at Golspie, Graz, sp. ACHILLEA Prarmica.— Watson. ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM.—Lairg, A/i/er. CAMPANULA ROTUNDIFOLIA.— Watson. ErIcA TETRALIX AND E, CINEREA.—Lairg, J/z/der. CALLUNA VULGARIS, f. “ INCANA.”—Near Bonar Bridge, Graham, exs. (ArputTuS ALPINA.—Not recorded.) Arsutus Uva-Ursi1.—Moors on East Coast, Watson; Falls of Shin, Craig; Killean, Grant, sp. VACCINIUM MyrtTILLus.— Watson. CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS FLORA OF EAST SUTHERLAND 233 (VACCINIUM ULIGINOSUM.—Not recorded.) VACCINIUM VITIS-ID#A.—Golspie, Watson ; between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Grant. LOISELEURIA PROCUMBENS.—Ben Griam, Henderson. PYROLA MEDIA.—Falls of Shin, Crazg. PyRoLA MINOR.—Golspie Burn, Granf, sp. PYROLA SECUNDA.—Ben Bhraggie, Granzé, sp. PYROLA UNIFLORA.—“ G. Gordon MS.,” Watson. {FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR.—Lairg, JZiler. GENTIANA CAMPESTRIS.— [Vatson. GENTIANA AMARELLA,—RKildonan, Grant, R. C., 1883. ERYTHRZA CENTAURIUM.—Links west of Golspie, Grant, sp. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA.—Loch Brora, Grané, sp.; between Kin- brace and Kildonan, Grazz. CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS.— Watson. VERONICA ANAGALLIS.— Watson. VERONICA BECCABUNGA.—lWatson. VERONICA ARVENSIS, V. SCUTELLATA, V. OFFICINALIS, AND V. CHAMADRyYS.—All at Lairg, AZ/er. V. HEDERIFOLIA.—Roadsides near Golspie, Grav, sp. V. AGRESTIS.—Trantlebeg (in West Sutherland), Grant, R. C., 1883. Bartsia Opontites.—Forsinard, Grant, in R. C., 1883. This parish is on the water-parting between East and West Sutherland. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS.—Lairg, JZi/ler. RHINANTHUS CRISTA-GALLI.—Lairg, JZiller. MELAMPYRUM PRATENSE.—Lairg, AZi/ler. Lairg, Adler. PEDICULARIS SYLVATICA.—Lairg, AZzller. PEDICULARIS PALUSTRIS. SCROPHULARIA NODOSA.—Near Invershin, Dy». Crazg, l.c. DIGITALIS PURPUREA, Lairg, AZ/ler. MENTHA SYLVESTRIS.—Gvaut, sp. MENTHA AQUATICA.—Grani, R. C., 1883. THYMUS SERPYLLUM, agg.—Lairg, Miller. TEUCRIUM ScoroponiA.—Forsinard, Grant, R. C., 1883. AJUGA REPTANS.— Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Grant. 234 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY AJUGA PYRAMIDALIS.—Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Grant; Burn of Culdgour (Killiegower), Aooker and Arnott; south of the Ord, near the sea. LAMIUM AMPLEXICAULE.— Watson. LAMIUM PURPUREUM.—Invershin, Marshall and Hanbury. (LAMIUM INTERMEDIUM.—Not recorded.) GALEopsIS TETRAHIT.—Lairg, AZller. (STACHYS PALUSTRIS, AND S. AMBIGUA.—Both in Strath Halladale, Grant, R. C., 1883 ; but this is in West Sutherland.) STACHYS SYLVATICA.—Cornfield at Golspie, Grant, sp. STACHYS ARVENSIS.—Helmsdale, Messrs. Linton, “Journ. Bot.,” 1889, p. 208. Nepeta Catarta.—Zf. C. Watson, “ introduced.” PRUNELLA VULGARIS.—Lairg, A/z/ler. SCUTELLARIA GALERICULATA.—Near Invershin, Craig. MyosorTis C&spirosa.— Watson. MYOSOTIS ARVENSIS AND M. VERSICOLOR.—Lairg, A/i//er. (MERTENSIA MARITIMA.—Not recorded. ) LycopsIs ARVENSIS.— Watson. ASPERUGO PROCUMBENS.—Dornoch Burn, 1808, Borrer, fide Watson. PINGUICULA VULGARIS.—Coast, Watson; Lairg, Miller ; between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Grant. PINGUICULA LUSITANICA.—Invershin, and abundant nearly to Oykell, Graham; Oykell, H. W. Campbell; roadside between Shin Bridge and Rosehall, dZwrray in “ Northern Flora.” UTRICULARIA INTERMEDIA.— Graham. PRIMULA VULGARIS.—Lairg, MHer. (PRIMULA scoTica.—Not recorded.) TRIENTALIS EUROP#A.—Falls of Shin, Drv. Craig, l.c.; between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Graz¢, sp. LysIMACHIA NEMORUM.—Lairg, J///er ; between Kinbrace and kil- donan, Grant. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS.—Roadside near Rosehall, J/arshall and flanbury. (GLAUX MARITIMA.—Not recorded.) ARMERIA MARITIMA.—Strathsteven, Ganz, sp. PLANTAGO MAJOR AND P. coronopus.—Both at Lairg, Aller. CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS FLORA OF EAST SUTHERLAND 235 PLANTAGO MARITIMA.—Goispie, Watson, Lairg, AZidler. PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA.— Watson. LITTORELLA LACUSTRIS.—Lake Brora, Grant, sp. CHENOPODIUM ALBUM.— Watson, CHENOPODIUM BONUS-HENRICUS.—Roadside near Golspie Tower, Grant, sp. (ATRIPLEX BABINGTONII.—Not recorded.) ATRIPLEX ANGUSTIFOLIA.—Seashore, Golspie, Gant, sp. SALSOLA KALI.—Seashore west of Golspie, Graz, sp. POLYGONUM AMPHIBIUM.— lVatson. POLYGONUM PERSICARIA. Lairg, AZiller. POLYGONUM AVICULARE.—lVatson. POLYGONUM ConvoLvuLus.—In a field near Golspie, Grvanzé, sp. RuMEX crispus.—Invershin, Rosehall, AZarshall/ and Hanbury. RUMEX DOMESTICUS.—Seashore, Helmsdale, 2. 7: Linton. RUMEX OBTUSIFOLIUS, Watson. Rumex Acetosa.—Lairg, JZe/ler. RuMEX ACETOSELLA, Watson. OXYRIA RENIFORMIS.—East side of Ben Clibrich, at 2000 ft., Marshall. EMPETRUM NIGRUM.—Golspie, Watson. EupHorsiA Hetioscopia.—Cornfield near Golspie Tower, Gvanz, sp. (EUPHORBIA PEPLUS.—Graut, R. C., 1883. This locality is in West Sutherland.) URTICA DIOICA AND U. URENS.—Both at Lairg, AZi/er. ULmus MONTANA.—“ Clearly native near Rosehall,” AZarshall and flanbury. QuERCUS ROBUR, Yar. SESSILIFLORA.—Dunrobin Glen, Grant. FaGus SYLVATICA.—Roadside near Golspie, Grant, sp. CoryLus AVELLANA.—Dunrobin Glen, Granf, sp. ALNUS GLUTINOSA.— Watson. BETULA ALBA, agg.—Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Granz. POPULUS TREMULA.—Near Invershin, Cvazg. (SALIX PENTANDRA.—Strath Halladale, Grant, R. C. This locality is in West Sutherland.) SALIX VIMINALIS.—Z. -. Linton, 1888 236 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY SALIX CINEREA.—Lairg, Miller ; Golspie Burn, Grant, sp. SALIX AURITA.—Lairg, JZiller, sp. SaLix Caprea.—Golspie Burn. SALIX AMBIGUA.— Watson. SALIX REPENS.—Watson. SALIX HERBACEA.—KEast side of Ben Clibrich, AZarshad. SALIX AURITA xX CINEREA.—Oykell Bridge, JZarshall and Ffanbury, lic: Myrica GALe.— Between Kinbrace and Kildonan, Grazz. PINUS SYLVESTRIS.—Oykell Bridge, near Rosehall, J/Zarshall and Flanbury, \.c. JUNIPERUS NANA.—Between Rosehall and Invershin, AZarshal/ and Flanbury, \.c. GOODYERA REPENS.—Ferry Wood, Golspie, Graz‘, sp. LISTERA CORDATA.—Ben Bhraggie, Golspie, Grant, sp. LISTERA OvATA.—Near Invershin, Dv. Craig, l.c. (ORCHIS MASCULA.—Not recorded.) ORCHIS LATIFOLIA, age.—JMViller, Cat. ORCHIS MACULATA.—Lairg, JZzller. HABENARIA ConopsEA.—Kildonan, Gran?, R. C., 1883. HABENARIA BIFOLIA.—Oykell Bridge, Marshall and Hanbury, |.c. HABENARIA VIRIDIS.—Golspie Links, Gravzé, sp. HABENARIA ALBIDA.—Lairg, A/iller. MALAXIS PALUDOSA.—Roadside above Invershin. On the hill behind Oykell, near Free Vater, Graham, exs. IRIS PSEUDACORUS.—Lairg, A//ler. ALLIUM URSINUM.—Golspie Burn Glen, Gravz, sp. (ScILLA VERNA.—Not recorded.) HYACcINTHUS NON-SCRIPTUS.—Between Kinbrace and Kildonan Grant. NARTHECIUM OSSIFRAGUM.—Lairg, JZz/ler. (TorreLp1a and ALtisma.—Not recorded.) TRIGLOCHIN MARITIMUM.—Near Little Ferry, Golspie, Graz, sp. TRIGLOCHIN PALUSTRE.—Lairg, J/i//er ; near Invershin, Crazg. (To be continued.) 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. ie ON SCOTTISH DESMIDIEA: 237 ON SCOTTISH DESMIDIE ZA. By Joun Roy, LL.D. (Continued from page 180.) . dejectum, Breb.—General. Zygospores are not uncommon. B patens, Nord.—Aberdeen—Alford and Tomachar. . Dickiet, Ralfs—General. With zygospores, in Aberdeen and Kincardine. . dilatatum, Ehr.—General. The zygospore of this species is rather remarkable. One example of the triangular form was found conjugated near Dinnet in Aberdeen. It is somewhat barrel-shaped, with round ends, and has numerous raised bands, passing longitudinally round it, giving the end view an undulated appearance. Diameter 48 p. (Our Plate IV. fig. 4.) . dispar, Breb.—Not common. Sutherland, Ross, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Dumbarton. With zygospores, in Aberdeen, at Slewdrum. S. echinatum, Breb.—Very rare. Aberdeen—near New Pitsligo, andsouth of Birsemore; Forfar—Canlochan ; Perth—Bracklin. S. elongatum, Barker (Trans. Dub. Micro. Club, 27th May 1869). St. terebrans, Nordst.— Norges Desmid.” 1872. Very rare. Ross—Poolewe ; Argyle—Glen Coe. . evasum, Breb., according to Boldt.—Very rare. Ross—near Coul (Mrs. Farquharson). . eustephanum, Ehr.—Must be very rare. Perth—Spital of Glen Shee (Mr. Wm. West). . Farquharsonii, n. sp.—Medium-sized, about as long as broad, almost circular, ends slightly depressed ; constriction deep, linear, outer opening small with basal angles acutely rounded ; end view triangular, sides slightly concave, angles very broadly rounded; membrane punctate. Length, 5474p; breadth, 48 ; isthmus, 11 w; thickness, 38°4 p. (Our Plate IVE figs 3.) This somewhat resembles a form figured by Delponte under 5S. ordiculare,; but his form, besides being only half the size, wants the depression in the ends—a very characteristic feature. Very rare. Aberdeen—plentiful in the old curling- pond at Haughton, Alford. S. forficulatum, Lundell—Very rare. Perth—near Buchanty, and near Fowlis Wester. 238 Bee DEP 54. 55: 56. 57: 58. 59: 60. Oit, 62. ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY S. franconicum, Reinsch.—Very rare. Aberdeen—Bishop’s Loch and Tomachar. S. furcatum (Ehr.) Breb. (including St spinosum, Ralfs.)— General. S. furcigerum, Breb.—General. Conjugated in a marsh south of the Ord, near Dinnet, Aberdeen. ‘The zygospore is exactly like that of S. armigerum in size and appearance. Unfortunately the specimen was lost. S. glabrum, Ehr.—Common. S. gracile, Ralfs.—Not common. Sutherland, Ross, Inverness, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Argyle, Fife. B bicorne, Bulnh.—Rare. Aberdeen—Upper Powlair, Slewdrum, Birsemore Loch, Craigendinnie, Heugh- head, west of the Ord, near Loch Dawan, Homehead, Birkhill, Mosston Moor; Kincardine—Scolty Dam and Dalbrake ; Perth—Folotry in Fowlis Wester. y tenutsstma, Boldt.—Rare. Inverness—in Skye, and at Brin ; Aberdeen—at Haughton, and in Glen Clunie ; Kincardine—Crathes. and Glen Dye; Perth—Glen Garry. S. grande, Bulnh.—Very rare. Perth—near Loch Mharc in the Forest of Athole, where it was found in July 1876, and in- cluded in a list of Perthshire species, published in the “ Scot. Nat.,” April 1877. S. granulosum, Kg.—Rare. Ross—near Tain; Aberdeen— marshes south of Birsemore ; Kincardine—Cammie, Heugh- head, and Dalbrake (with zygospores), in Strachan. Zygo- spore globular, with numerous slightly bifid spines. Diameter without spines, 28 1; length of spine, top. (Our Plate III., fig. 6.) S. Heimerlianum, Litkem. B spinulosum, Liitkem.—Rare, or overlooked. Aberdeen —Upper Powlair in Birse ; Kincardine—pool by the Spital Burn, Strachan. S. hexacerum, Ehr. (S. tricorne, Ralfs).—General, but occurs sparingly. Zygospores have been observed at Scotston Moor, near Aberdeen. f Ralfs.—General, but scarce, y semilunare, Wittr.—Apparently rare. Aberdeen— Whitestripes (Mr. A. Murray). S. jirsutum (Ehr.), Breb.—General, but scarce. S. horametrum, n. sp.—Rare. Medium-sized, a little longer than broad, “ hour-glass ” shaped, constriction opening rectangularly, sides about ON SCOTTISH DESMIDIE 239 straight, semi-cells widening upwards, angles subacute, ends flatly convex; angles with 3 to 4 rows of crowded, short, simple, acute, stout spines; end view triangular, or quad- rangular, sides slightly concave, angles acutely rounded, very spiny, 2 to 3 rows of spines across the angles, and a circle of 15 spines around the centre in the triangular form, and of 20 in the quadrangular. Isthmus about half the thickness of the semicell. Membrane smooth. L. 57; b. 48p; isth. 18; thick. 33 ».—from a triangular specimen. 9 65 5 9 SOMs 19 2463 3) 42 pf— 55 quadrangular ” (Our Plate III. fig. 2.) Its nearest ally is S. asperum, Breb. ; but the spines and their arrangement are wholly different. Aberdeen—Powlair, Slewdrum, Heughhead, Birkhill, Tomachar, Dinnet, Glen Clunie ; Kincardine—near Crathes, and pool near Durris Bridge ; Forfar—Glen Isla. 63. S. /Zystrix, Ralfs.— Not common. Sutherland, Inverness, Aberdeen, Forfar, Perth, Argyle, Arran. 64. S. inconspicuum, Nordst—Not common. Sutherland, Ross, Inverness, Moray, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Argyle. 65. S. zzflexum, Breb.—General. 66. S. totanum, Wolle.—Rare or overlooked. Aberdeen—near Girnoc ; Perth—Spital of Glen Shee and Ben Lawers (Mr. W. West). 67. S. Kjellmanit, Wille-—General, but very sparingly distributed on the low grounds; plentiful on the higher mountains, as Cairngorm, Ben Muichdhui, Lochnagar, etc., near melting snow. Seems too near S. punctulatum, Breb. 68. S. deve, Ralfs.—Rare. Sutherland—Loch Inver ; Aberdeen— Birsemore Loch, near Loch Dawan, Tomachar ; Kincardine —overflow pool in the Dee, near Durris Bridge. 69. S. devespinum, Bisset (“ Journ. Roy. Micro. Soc.” 1884, Plate V. fig. 5).—Very rare. Arran—Goat Fell (Oct. 1882). 70. S. lanceolatum, Archer.—Not common. Ross, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth. With zygospores, in Aberdeen and Kincardine. 71. S. leptodermum, Lundell.—Very rare. Aberdeen—Slewdrum. 2. S. lunatum, Ralfs.—Rare. Ross—near Tain; Inverness— near Brin; Aberdeen—near Alford, south of Birsemore, Dalbagie ; Perth—Craig-an-Lochan (Mr. W. West). 73. S. Maamense, Archer (Trans. Dub. Micro. Club, 17th December 1868. S. pseudocrenatum, Lundell, 1870).—Rare. Its dis- tribution is peculiar, being practically confined to a district 240 79: 8o. SI. 82. 85. 86. ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY extending a few miles west and east of Aboyne, on Deeside, and a distant outlier in Mull. Aberdeen—Upper Powlair, moor near Church of Birse, Rosehill Loch, Birsemore Loch, three localities near Craigen- dinnie, Moss of Logie, pool close to north end of Loch Dawan, foot of Culblean, east side ; Kincardine—Crathes ; Argyle—near Tobermory in Mull. S. margaritaceum (Ehr.), Menegh.—General. . Ss . mesoleium, Archer (Trans. Dub. Micro. Club, 22nd June S. megacanthum, Land.—Somewhat rare. Aberdeen, Kincar- dine, Perth, Argyle. megalonotum, forma, Nordst.—Very rare. Kincardine— between Bishop’s Dam and Clochnaben. meriant, Reinsch.—General, but scarce. 1883).—Not common. Sutherland, Ross, Aberdeen, Kin- cardine, Perth, Fife. S. minutissimum, Aurs.—Very rare. Inverness—on Cairngorm; Aberdeen—Milton Moor, and Tomachar in Cromar ; Kincar- dine—on Kerloch. S. monticulosum, Breb.—Not common. Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Arran. B bifarium, Nordst.—Rare. Ross—Falls of Connon ; Aberdeen—near Ballater. . mucronatum, Ralfs.—General, but scarce. AS muricatum, Breb.—Not common, Orkney, Sutherland, Ross, Inverness, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Argyle, Arran, Kirkcudbright. var. acutum, W. West.—Rare. Perth—Glen Tilt (Mr. W. West). muticum, Breb.—Not common. Sutherland, Inverness, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Perth, Stirling, Argyle. S. oligacanthum, Breb.—Rare. Inverness—near Brin; Aber- deen—near Cambus O’May and Tomachar; Perth—near Loch Clunie. . O'Mearit, Archer.—Not common. Sutherland, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Argyle, Arran. . orbiculare (Ehr.), Ralfs.—General, and often conjugated. B extensum, Nordst.—General, but scarce. With zygo- spores, in Aberdeen, near Dinnet. yidepressum, Roy and Bisset.—Rare. Perth (or Argyle)— Ben Laoigh (Mr. W. West); Fife—Tent’s Moor (Mrs. Farquharson). oxyacanthum, Archer.—Not common. Ross, Inverness, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Argyle, Arran. ON SCOTTISH DESMIDIE 241 88. S. pachyrynchum, Nordst.+Very rare. Aberdeen—Slewdrum in Birse, and Heughhead near Aboyne. 89. S. papillosum, Kirch.—Very rare. Ross—Loch Kinnelan ; Aberdeen—Tonley Pond. go. S. paradoxum, Meyen.—General. One crushed zygospore seen on Kerloch in Kincardine: it had been globular, not large, with few long spines, 2-3-fid at the apex. B longipes, Nordst.—Very rare. Caithness—Loch Hem- , prigs (Mr. James Mitchell) ; Ross—Poolewe (Rev. D. Campbell) ; Moray—Dallas ; Argyle—Glen Coe (Mr. W. Archer). y parva, West.—Common. gt. S. pileolatum, Breb.—Not common. Ross, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Perth, Argyle. With zygospores, which have been lost, in Kin- cardine, at Den of Garrol. They were pretty large, globular, with not very numerous stout spines, 2-3-fid at the apex. g2. S. pilosum (Niag.) Archer.—General, but scarce. With zygo- spores, in Kincardine at Cammie, and Argyle in Glen Coe. 93. S. polymorphum, Breb.—General, and variable. 94. S. polytrichum, Perty—Not common. Ross, Inverness, Aber- deen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Argyle, Wigtown. This species I look upon as identical with S. Pringsheimiz, Reinsch ; and being the older name, it must take the place of Reinsch’s. They agree in size and form; and in the arrange- ment and size of the spines. —S. saxonicum, Bulnh., appears to be distinct, having its semi-cells oval rather than elliptical, and its spines differently arranged, much more numerous, and smaller. For the sake of comparison, figures of both species from Deeside specimens are given on our Plate III.: fig. 8 is S. polytrichum, Perty, and fig. ro is S. saxonicum, Bulnh. 95. S. proboscidium, Archer (.S. asperum, Breb., 8 proboscidium, Breb.) —Not common. Ross, Inverness, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Fife, Arran. 96. S. pterosporum, Lundell.—Not uncommon. With zygospores, in Aberdeen, at Heughhead, near Aboyne. 97. S. punctulatum, Breb.—General, but rather scarce. 98. S. pungens, Breb,—Not common. Aberdeen, Kincardine, For- far, Perth. 99. S. pygmeum, Breb.—Not common. Ross, Aberdeen, Kincar- dine, Forfar, Perth. Forms mazus and minus, Wille.—Probably rare. Aberdeen —Ben Muichdhui, above Loch Etchachan. Var. semicirculare, Wittr.— Rare. Kincardine — near Clochnaben. Var. obtusum, Wille-—Rare. Forfar in Canlochan. 242 I0o IO! Toz2. Os 104 105. 106 107 108. ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY . S. guadrangulare, Breb.—Very rare. Aberdeen,—at Birse- more Loch, near Dinnet, and Dalbagie. . S. Reinschit, Roy.—General, but scarce. With zygospores, in Argyle, Glen Coe (Mr. Archer). S. repandum, Perty.—Very rare. Aberdeen—Glen Callater. S. rhabdophorum, Nordst.—Extremely rare. Aberdeen (or Forfar ?)—table-land north-west of Canlochan. . S. vostellum, n. sp.—Rare. Small, slightly longer than broad, broadly oval, constriction shallow, opening wide; semi-cell flatly oval, spiny, spines small, the one next the constriction rather larger and directed downwards, more prominent at one angle owing to a peculiar twist in the semi-cell giving it a considerable resemblance to a bird’s beak, a number of small spines (about 14) are arranged round the margin of the semi-cell and 2 to 3 rows within the margin; end view quadrangular, with sides con- cave, spiny, and angles a little produced, one more promi- nent on account of the twist. Membrane smooth; isthmus broad. Length, 31-33; breadth, 29-31; isth., 13-14 p. It seems unnecessary to compare this species with any other (our Plate III. fig. 3). Ross—near ‘Tain and Strathpeffer ; Inverness—Skye, at the head of Glen Sligachan ; Aberdeen—many localities from Scotston to Girnoc ; Kincardine—Rickarton ; Perth—Glen Garry ; Argyle—Glen Coe. S. vugulosum, Breb.—Rare. Ross—near Strathpeffer; Kin- cardine—on the north side of Cairnmonearn. . oS. saxonicum, Bulnh.—Rare. Aberdeen—near Mill of Maiden- craig, Haughton, Tillyfour, old channel of Dee below Aboyne, near Dinnet School, Koynach Moor in Cromar, Castleton, Braemar; Kincardine—near Durris Bridge, Cammie, Dal- brake, Slack of Birnie ; Forfar—Lundie Bog, Easter Ogil in Fern (our Plate III. fig. ro). . S. saxonicum, Reinsch.—Very rare. Aberdeen—Powlair in Birse, and Dinnet. This is probably nothing more than a form of .S. aculeatum, Ehr., but it is a remarkable one. I have seen few examples. S. scabrum, Breb.—Not common. Shetland, Sutherland, Ross, Moray, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Fife, Argyle, Arran. With zygospores, in Aberdeen near Cambus- o’-May. ‘They are globular, sometimes slightly oblong, with short stout spines, 3-4-fid at the apex. About 10 to 13 visible round the margin. Diameter without spines, 32-35 p; length of spine, 5-6 p. 109. IIo. 1h 1A Ee I12. pele iA. 1S). TOs Pt 7 118. Lip ON SCOTTISH DESMIDIEA: 243 S. Sebaldi, Reinsch. ornatum, Nordst.—Rare. Ross—Falls of Rogie ; Aberdeen—Brimmond, Slewdrum, old channel of Dee below Aboyne, Powlair, near Dinnet, ‘Tomachar ; Kincardine—plentiful in a moraine pool above Cammie; Perth—Durdie Moor; Kirkcudbright— New Galloway. S. setigerum, Cleve (S. Royanum, Archer).—Extremely rare. Argyle—Glen Coe (Mr. Archer, by whom only this fine species has been found). It is not known to occur elsewhere in the British Islands; and there are very few Continental localities. Glen Coe specimens are figured on our Plate III. fig. 9. The specimen in front view has been lying a little obliquely, hence the end margin is too straight: it should be very slightly convex. S. sexangulare, Bulnh.—Extremely rare. Inverness—near Brin (Mrs. Farquharson). All the examples seen were 6-radiate, agreeing exactly with Bulnheim’s form. ~ All the Welsh and Irish specimens which have come under my observation were 5-radiate. Mr. Archer was the first to note this handsome form as a distinct species ; it having turned up in one of his early visits, if not his first, to Connemara. S. sexcostatum, Breb.—Rare. Sutherland—Loch Inver ; Aber- deen—Brimmond, Ben-na-Chie, south of Birsemore, near Craigendinnie, Dalbagie, Lochnagar, Glen Callater Table- land ; Kincardine—Nigg, near Durris Bridge, Gillan, Curran, Muiryhaugh; Forfar — Canlochan (a five-angled form) ; Perth—Ben Lawers, Rannoch. Sub. sp. productum, West.—Not common. Sutherland, Ross, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Dum- barton, Argyle, Renfrew. S. spongiosum, Breb.—Not common. Sutherland, Ross, Inver- ness, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Argyle, Stirling. SS. subscabrum. Nordst.—Very rare. Kincardine—in a mor- aine pool in Glen Dye. S. teliferum, Ralfs.—General. Occasionally with zygospores. S. tetracerum, Kg.—General. S. tumidum, Breb.—Not common. Sutherland, Ross, Inver- ness, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth. S. turgescens, De Not.—Not common. Ross, Inverness, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Wigtown. S. Ungeri, Reinsch.—Very rare. Inverness—Loch Ruthven ; Aberdeen—old channel of Dee below Aboyne; Kincardine —Kerloch. 244 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY 120. 5S. vest’tum, Ralfs—Not common. Ross, Inverness, Aberdeen, qT. 2) Gs ~I XxX. X. mr, Kincardine, Perth. XANTHIDIUM, Ekhr. aculeatum, Ehr.—Not common. Sutherland, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Dumbarton. antilopeum (Breb.), Kg—Common. Of the two forms, the smaller, with slightly curved spines, is the more common. This form has been found conjugated in Sutherland at Loch Inver, and in Aberdeen at Logie Coldstone, The zygospore is large, globular, with numerous stout, tapering, slightly bifid spines, of which about 15 appear round the margin. Dia- meter without spines, 60; length of spine, 18p. Our Plate III. fig. 13, is from an immature specimen. Forma supernumeraria, Nord., occurs in Sutherland near Loch Inver. The other form is larger, with stout, almost straight spines. A curious state of this form occurs in Loch Ruthven, Inverness. It has a stout, short, blunt spine on the basal angle, under the lower pair of spines, and with them forming an equilateral triangle. Both forms are very constant in their characters, and each probably forms a good species; but not having seen the zygospore of the larger form, it is thought better not to separate them at present. . armatum, Breb.—General. Has been found conjugated in Sutherland at Loch Inver, in Kincardine at Cammie, and in Argyle in Glen Coe. Bigorrianum, Perty.—Very rare. Aberdeen—Loch Ullachie near Ballater ; Kincardine—Cammie. . Brebissontt, Ralfs—Not common. Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Dumbarton. B basidentatum, Borg.—Very rare. _Aberdeen—south west from the Ord, near Dinnet ; Fife—Tent’s Moor. concinnum, Archer. Var. Boldtiana, West.—Very rare. Aberdeen—Loch Ullachie, near Ballater. . cristatum, Breb.—Not common. Sutherland, Ross, Inver- ness, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth. B uncinatum, Breb.—Common. A curious form of this variety occurs in Loch Ruthven, Inverness, in which the central circlet of granules is replaced by a short, stout, blunt spine. y Delpontit, n. var. (Delponte, ‘Spec. Subalp.,” Tab. XIV. figs. 1-12).—Extremely rare. Kincardine—Scolty. ON SCOTTISH DESMIDIEA# 245 Delponte’s figures illustrate a form which differs from the typical form of Brebisson, and indeed are nearer var. 6. It seems better therefore, for the present, to include it as a tolerably distinct variety. 8. X. fasciculatum, Ehr.—Not common. Sutherland, Ross, Aber- deen, Kincardine, Forfar, Perth, Argyle, Fife. g. X. guadricornutum, n. sp., Roy and Bisset——Medium-sized, a little longer than broad, constriction deep, opening widely ; semi-cells elliptical, slightly reniform at the base, with two spines about the middle of each side; the centre of the semi-cell thickened, densely, and irregularly scrobiculate ; end view elliptical, slightly quadrangular, with a spine at each angle, sides thickened. Isthmus narrowed. Membrane smooth. Length, 47-5-50 ~; breadth, 45-47-5 »; isthmus, 14-15 p. (Our Plate IV. fig. 5.) Very rare. Kincardine—in a pool near Durris Bridge. This species does not come very near any other known to me: the arrangement of the spines and the remarkable centre sufficiently distinguish it. to, X. Smithit, Archer.—Extremely rare. Kincardine—Cammie in Strachan. Now lost by drainage. ARTHRODESMUS (Ehr.), Archer. 1. A. bifidus, Breb—Not common. Ross, Inverness, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Perth, Argyle. (Zo be continued.) ERRATA IN LasT NUMBER, Plate IV. should be distinguished as ‘‘ Scottish Desmidiez, Plate I.” (Wote.—The references in the text are to this and future special plate numbers. ) On page 171, under 3. A. undulata, for Plate IV. read Plate I. Fig. 1. pa eee 7. MM. jimbriata, ‘for ,, \Norvead %; I Bigs 3: 99 Wie on WA WE ea We 5g ING EL I Bigs 2 1 Whey on 1 Sa Ce Oe oy NG ep, UE, Vite, on uyhsy) on KO. Sh CAA TILEE Jor 3, IN 7eed We ic ae Bo LOO; espn gOsmSs COT7220E7 U2, F075, UN xeada eb i oan. DESCRIPTION OF SCOTTISH DESMIDIEZ, PLATE I.—Fig. 1. Ayalotheca undulata, Nord. x600. Fig. 2. JMtcrasterias verrucosa, Bisset: a, front; 4, end; x 200. Fig. 3. J. fimbriata, Ralfs, B spznosa, Bisset, x 200. Fig. 4. Closterium pseudodiane, Roy, x 400. Fig. 5. Cosmarium Archeriz, Roy and Bisset: a, front ; 6, end; x4oo. Fig. 6. C. alpestre, R. and B.: a, front; 6, end; x4oo. Fig. 7. C. microsphinctum, Nord., forma majus, x 400. Fig. 8. C. Davidsonzz, R. and B., x600. Fig. 9. C. eductum, R. and B.: a, front; 4, side; x600. Fig. 10. C. Grantiz, R. and B.: a, front ; 4,side; c,end; x600. Fig.11. C. Gregoriz, R. and B., x600. Fig. 12. C. hexalobum, Nord., B, x600. Fig. 13. C. trachypleurum, Lund., var. minor, Racib.: a, front; 6, side; c, end; x 600. Fig. 14. C. melanosporum, Arch.: a, front; 4, zygospore; x600. Fig. 15. C. Litchachanense, R. and B.: a, front; 6, side; c, end; x 600. 246 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY ‘ZOOLOGICAL NOTES. The Quail (Coéwrnix communis) in the Edinburgh Distriet.— With reference to Mr. Adair’s note in the July number of the “ Annals” reporting the presence of the Quail on the farm of Remote, some five miles east of Dalkeith, it may be worth while putting on record the following further occurrences this year in the district around Edin- burgh, as indicating a visitation in more than usual numbers: a cir- cumstance which it is natural to associate with the unusually fine spring and early summer. On 22nd July (shortly after sunset), and almost daily during the following week, I heard the well-known call in a field of barley ad- joining the village of Roslin. The field was immediately opposite the house in which I was staying; and it was very pleasant to sit during the evening near the partly open window listening to the liquid notes: now so distinct as to suggest the bird being but a few yards off, now almost inaudible, as if quite at the other side of the field. Mr. Eagle Clarke tells me that during the same week he and Mr. Adair heard one calling in a field of oats on the farm of Morton Mains, a few miles south of Edinburgh; and that on several occasions during the last few days of July he heard others on different parts of Comiston farm, only a few hundred yards beyond the city boundary at Morningside. To the neighbouring farm of Oxgangs, they used to come annually about twenty years ago; but I am not aware that they have been noticed there since. Again, just before daybreak on the mornings of the 12th and 14th of August, I heard one calling in the heart of the town of Leven in Fife: it must have come into one of the larger gardens to feed. Mention should also be made of a nest containing eggs within a few days of hatch- ing, which was discovered in June last in a hayfield adjoining the village of Tranent in East Lothian, as stated in the newspapers at the time. It must not be supposed that I record these occurrences because the Quail is a very rare bird in the Forth district (it occurs annually —in some localities with great regularity), but merely because they seem to point to its presence this summer in more than usual numbers.—Wm. Evans, Edinburgh. Quails (Coturnix communis) in Barra.—About the middle of June, I heard the notes of the Quail in a field of corn on the minister's glebe in this island. Since that time, and up to the beginning of September, I heard the notes frequently about the same locality; and one day I marked out at least four or five different birds, but although I walked over the fields I failed to see or put any of them up. The Rev. J. W. M‘Donald, who accompanied me on several occasions, was, however, more fortunate, as he saw ZOOLOGICAL ‘NOTES 247 and put up one in the early part of the month of August. From the time the birds have been in the island, I think they must have nested. I don’t think there is any record of the Quail having been seen or heard in Barra before this year.—JoHN MacRury, Barra. The Swordfish (X7phius gladius, L.) in the Firth of Forth.— A specimen of this fish, which is of rather rare occurrence on the British coasts, was caught in the salmon-nets at Bo’ness, Firth of Forth, on the 17th July, and has been acquired for the Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow. ‘The measurements were : Total length, 8 feet 2 inches. Tip of sword to front of lower jaw, 2 feet 5 inches. In the stomach were otoliths of young haddock and whiting, a few vertebree, and several specimens of a Nematoid.—J. M‘Naucur CAMPBELL, Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow. Bonito (Zzyunus pelamys) and Fox Shark (A4/ofecias vulpes) in the Solway Firth.—Mr. M‘Kie, honorary curator of the Kirkcudbright Museum, has kindly furnished me with particulars of the capture of this very rare fish in the salmon-nets at the mouth of the Dee. The fish is being mounted for the museum, which contains a collection of fish well mounted and beautifully shown. ‘This is only the third record of the Bonito in local waters, so far as I am aware. One was caught at the Bowes Scaur on 25th July 1831. Another one was captured on 22nd July 1842, by a haaver, near to Caerlaverock Castle, and was sold in Dumfries. Since then I am not aware of any other instances of the capture of this beautiful species in or near the Solway. Mr. M‘Kie also tells me of another interesting addition to his fish collection in a fine specimen of the Thresher, captured last month in Wigtown Bay. ‘This is by no means so rare a species in our waters as the Bonito.—R. SERvicE, Maxwelltown. Note on a Parti-coloured Plaice (//euronectes platessa).—The question as to the cause of the presence or absence of particular colours in fishes and other marine creatures is one of great interest. It might be the subject of the most important investigations, and has already occupied the attention of such a skilled and careful observer as Cunningham of Plymouth Laboratory. That all fish are largely influenced by the ground on which they may happen to dwell is well known. Flat-fish more especially seem to take the pre- vailing colour of the sea-bottom they affect, without losing their characteristic appearance otherwise. The White or Gray Conger of the deep sea, and the Black Conger of the tangle area, are cases in point. Every Highland loch with a silver strand or sandy bottom at one end and a peaty bottom elsewhere, carries Trout with characters derived evidently from such bottoms. It has come consequently to be an accepted opinion that colour in fish is due to the influence of light as reflected from coloured surroundings. 8 F 248 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Thus the experiments of Stoddart with Trout kept in white basins, which rapidly lost their colouring, was considered of a crucial character. And yet Gold Carp do not necessarily lose richness of colouring in any ordinary dishes. Similarly flat-fish whose under surface is removed from the influence of light have no pigment on this under surface; and by experiment this under surface has been pigmented by reflecting light thereon. Yet we have such creatures as the Palmipes Starfish with a band of rich colouring on the under surface, although living in deep water and on muddy ground. So that other elements may enter into the question. Apart from these experimental and natural observations, there are some which are evidently wholly abnormal. ‘These are perhaps still more important than what we have previously alluded to. Thus we find flat-fish such as Plaice with a partial coloration on the under sur- face. Some have been taken, as one fisherman described it, as if two young Plaice had been stuck together to make one fish—fully coloured on the under surface as well as on the upper. Through the kindness of Mr. Colin Leitch of Ardrishaig, we have been favoured with a very remarkable specimen of such a Plaice. The lower half and a portion of the upper half towards the dorsal fin were as well coloured as the upper surface, with the distinctive orange spots well shown. ‘The remaining fourth, including the under surface of the head, was quite normal, Here was a fish that had apparently reverted to the coloration of a prior condition, when the fish swam on its edge with eyes on both sides, as indicated in the early development of the flat-fishes. But the stvwctfuve had not reverted, and when the head was approached, it and its immediate neighbourhood retained the normal appearance of a present-day Plaice. If the normal development of the young Plaice were delayed so as to keep it on its edge with eyes on both sides a few days longer than usual, the pigment cells might obtain such a start as to continue developing in spite of the untoward conditions of an ordinary flat-fish existence. Has a Plaice ever developed completely so as to be taken absolutely double-sided: that is to say, not only pigmented on both sides, but with an eye on each side, as in the early stages? We have not met such a specimen, but partial retrogression, at least in colouring, is not uncommon, and the above specimen at the tail half was as com- pletely coloured on the one side as the other.—W. ANDERSON SMITH, Ledaig. Psodos coracina, /s/. (=P. trepidaria, Z77.), at a low eleva- tion.—This little mountain moth is, I believe, usually regarded as only occurring in this country at an altitude of 2000 feet and upwards —see Buchanan White’s “ Lepidoptera Scotica” (Scot. Nat., vol. iv. p. 32). It may be worth mentioning therefore, that in June of the present year I took two specimens at Inverdruie Saw Mill, and a third by the Spey close to Aviemore Bridge, only some 700 feet ZOOLOGICAL NOTES 249 above sea level. A few days before I captured one at about 1000 feet elevation by the roadside leading to Loch Morlich. On Cairn- gorm and Braeriach it was abundant at the usual altitude. —WILLIAM Evans, Edinburgh. Rare Beetles in Inverness-shire.—It may interest some of the readers of the “ Annals” to know that I found the bright red beetle Lros aurora, Herbst., in considerable abundance in the forest of Rothiemurchus towards the end of May last (1893). Besides a single example at Loch-an-Eilean and another at the Doon, I found numbers resting or crawling on the branches of a dead bush of broom at Inverdruie. From twenty to thirty might have been captured on each of several successive days. ‘The spot was thickly covered with decayed sawdust. According to Sharp’s “Coleoptera Scotica” and Fowler’s “ British Coleoptera,” this species has not hitherto been taken in Moray; the only British localities given for it being Rannoch, etc. Another interesting capture was Pachyta sexmaculata, L.,of which I obtained a single specimen on the sand-hills at the upper end of Loch Morlich in the forest of Glenmore. On referring to the authors above mentioned, I find only one previous record, and that for the same district, namely two specimens captured at Aviemore in 1877. Another good beetle taken among shingle by the margin of Loch Gamnha was JZeloe violaceus, Marsh.—WILLIAM Evans, Edinburgh. Lepidepecreum carinatum, Sfence Bate and IVestwood, in the Firth of Forth.—This curious Amphipod has recently been obtained in the Firth of Forth for the first time. The genus and species were instituted by Spence Bate and Westwood in 1868, and are described at page 509 of the second volume of their work on the ‘“‘ British Sessile-eyed Crustacea,” from a female specimen sent to them by the late Thomas Edward of Banff. Mr. Spence Bate had previously (‘‘ Cat. Amph. Crust. Brit. Mus.” 1862) described a male specimen sent to him from Shetland by Mr. George Barlee as Anonyx longicornis ; and it is therefore the opinion of some British Carcinologists that the name of the species should be Lepidepecreum longicorne, Sp. Bate : but Professor G. O. Sars (“‘ Crustacea of Norway,” vol. i. p. 115) thinks that the “last-named specific appellation must be cancelled as only referring to a masculine character, although it is of somewhat older date than the name subsequently assigned to the female.” The species does not appear to be a very common one. The Scotch records for it are Shetland (as Anonyx longicornis, Sp. Bate); Moray Firth (Thomas Edward: “I have it also from that locality”); and Firth of Clyde (David Robertson).—THomas Scort, Edinburgh. Metopa nasuta, 4ceck, from the Moray Firth.—This small Amphipod (scarcely 3 mm. in length) has been taken in the Moray 250 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Firth among Filograna implexa. It was obtained by carefully wash- ing the /7/ograna, and appeared to be moderately common. There is no previous record of this species for the East of Scotland ; but Mr. David Robertson has obtained it in the Clyde off Fairland Point, Cumbrae.-—TuHomas Scott, Edinburgh. Cumacea from the Moray Firth.—The following interesting species of Cumacea have lately been obtained in the Moray Firth, viz., Petalomera dechivis, G. O. Sars ; Endorellopsis deformis, Kroyer ; and Campylaspis rubicunda, Lilljeborg. The Firth of Forth is the only other Scotch locality where these species have been obtained hitherto; and they have not (so far as I know) been previously recorded for the Moray Firth. They have occurred in considerable numbers in both localities.—THomas Scott, Edinburgh. BOTANICAL NOTES AND NEWS. First Records of Seottish Plants.—JIn the continuation (Journ. Bot.” August and September) of “First Records of British Flowering Plants,” by William A. Clarke, F.L.S., the follow- ing are noted from Scotland. Linnea borealis, L.—‘‘ Found by Professor James Beattie, for the first time in Britain, in an old fir wood at Mearns, near Aberdeen, and exhibited at the Linnean Society, 2nd June 1795. ‘Linn. Trans.,’ lil. 333.” (Nore.—The locality was Inglesmaldie, near Fettercairn.) Erigeron alpinum, .—“ Found by James Dickson,.in 1789, on Ben Lawers. Dickson, ‘Crypt. Fasc.,’ ii. 29, and ‘Linn. Trans.,’ li. 288.” Gnaphahum Norvegicum, Gunn., ““1777.—As a variety sylvaticum, occurring upon the Highland mountains. Lightfoot, “Fl Scot, 7472: ¢ G. supinum, L., ““1777.—Upon the tops of the Highland mountains. Mr. Stuart. Lightfoot, ‘Fl. Scot., 471.” Arctium intermedium, Lange, 1856.—‘‘ Near Berwick-on-Tweed, etc. Babington in ‘Ann. Nat. Hist.,’ ser. 2, xvil. 375.” Crepis succisefolta, Vausch, “ 1794.—In ‘Sylvis Scotiz australis,’ 1789. James Dickson in ‘Trans. Linn.,’ i. 288 (//zeractum molle).” Lactuca alpina, Benth., ‘‘ 1810.—Discovered on the Aberdeen- shire mountain of Lochnagore by Mr. G. Don, September 1881. Oi Bs e242 Rosa resinoides, Cvefzn, in Mid-Perth.—I have to record the occurrence of the above rose near Lawers.—G. C. DRUCE. Juniperus intermedia, Sciur, in Seotland.—Among gatherings of Juniperus from the island of Scarp, Outer Hebrides, sent by Mr. Duncan, I found three that were- evidently not exactly wana or BOTANICAL NOTES AND NEWS 251 communts. On comparing them with specimens from Transylvania and the Austrian Tyrol at Kew, it seemed to me they agreed with Schur’s plant. But I should rather place it as a variety of communis, as Nyman has done, than as a hybrid, as Wettstein does ; as it fruits freely. It might be searched for when the two plants grow together, if an hybrid. ‘The references are : Juniperus intermedia, Schur, in “ Verh. siebund naturf. Verein,” 2, p. 169 (1851). Juniperus communis, L., var. intermedia. Nyman, in “ Consp. FI. Europ.,” 3, p. 676 (1881). Juniperus communis x nana, Wettstein, in ‘Sitzb. Wien. Akad. moatuanat-,- cle xcvi, p. 332 (1887): Intermediate in habit and characters between communis and nana, though perhaps nearer the former; fruiting freely on both the Austrian Tyrolese and the Hebridean specimens.—ARTHUR BENNETT. Algee Britannicz rariores exsiceate, fasc. vi., issued by E. M. Holmes, F.L.S.-—This excellent series of new, rare, and critical British Algze must prove of much value to all algologists, but especially to isolated students of these plants. Of the twenty-five in the fasciculus now issued, the following are from Scotland: Ascocyclus orbicularis, Magn., on leaves of Zostera, from Fintry Bay, Cumbrae ; Ascophyllum Mackait, var. Robertsont, Batt., from Loch Ranza, Arran; Chordaria divaricata, C. Ag., from Fairlie, Ayrshire ; Dermocarpa violacea, Crn., on Fucus vesiculosus, from Berwick-on- Tweed ; Lithothamnion corallioides, Crn., from Lamlash Bay, Arran ; L. rosaceum, Batt., M. S., from Berwick-on-Tweed ; JZesoglwa lanosa, Crn., from Lamlash Bay; MWonostroma Ailyttiz, Wittr., from Kame’s Bay, Cumbrae; Pylaiella varia, Kjellm., from Invergordon, Ross- shire (see “Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist.,” vol. i. p. ro1); Streblonema Areschougit, Batt., on Aimanthalia lorea, from Cumbrae. Monstrosity (Flower on Fruit) in Hydrocotyle vulgaris.— Being on the outlook for the flower of White-rot on roth August I found one plant, which bore only fruit. As there were several unopened buds on the plant, it was taken home and put into a shallow vessel in water where some sun-dew was growing in Sphagnum. The pennywort put out new leaves from the buds, and also a single flower from the tip of one of the fruits in the region of the style of the former flower. ‘The new flower was fully developed on the 15th; but the stamens did not appear to be well supplied with pollen. To-day (18th), the flower has quite withered away.—A. Mac- DONALD, Durris. Rare Fungi. Zactarius violascens, Fr.—This, so far as I am aware, is new to Britain. It has been discovered on Deeside by 252 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY Mr. James Renny, who informs me that he has gathered it in Savoy and Switzerland. The milk soon assumes a violet tint on exposure to the air, and is a very distinctive feature. Strobilomyces strobilaceus, Berk.—This has been forwarded to me from Eastwood, Dunkeld, by Mr. Charles M‘Intosh. The specimen was small, but perfectly developed. Until recent years it was found only in Herefordshire. In 1889 a few good specimens were gathered in Drummond Wood, near Crieff, during the visit of the Cryptogamic Society. Mr. M‘Intosh has been fortunate in adding another Scottish station for this very remarkable plant.—]oHN STEVENSON. Parka decipiens.—Notes on specimens from the collections of James Reid, Esq. of Allan House, Blairgowrie, Scotland. By Sir William Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S., and Professor Penhallow, B.Sc. “Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada,” Section IV., 1891, pp. 3-16, with a plate. Part I. Historical and Geological. By Sir William Dawson. This part gives an account of the various views that have been held regarding the nature of Parka decipiens since its discovery by Fleming in 1831. This is followed bya description ; but as to the mode of occurrence and the individual appearance of the specimens sent him by Mr. Reid,—who, in addition to those of his own collecting, forwarded to Sir William Dawson additional specimens collected by Mr. W. Graham, Rescobie,—after reviewing the evidence in favour of each of the rival claims for the animal and vegetable affinities of Parka, and referring to the plant remains with which it is usually associated, Dawson sums up as follows: ‘“‘ Putting the parts to- gether in accordance with these facts, we may suppose Parka decipiens to be the fruit’ of an aquatic plant having strong rugose but not woody stems or rhizomes, producing numerous branches ; those which were fertile, and perhaps nearer the base, supporting clusters of Parka, those which were barren producing long grass-like floating leaves like those of Zostera. The affinities of such a plant would be with modern rhizocarps, though a peculiar and exaggerated form.” Dawson further states: “It seems possible that the plant formerly described by the author as Cordaites angustifolia, from the Evian of Gaspé, may be allied to Parka, though only its leaves and stems are known.” He also thinks that such organisms as Sforocystes and Lepidocystis of Lesquereux may be allies of Parka. Part If. Microscopical and Botanical Results. By D. P. Penhallow, B.Sc. In the first paragraph of this part of the subject, we have the key-note to the general results of Professor Penhallow’s investigations summed up in the following sentence: ‘“ After careful examination and comparison, the conclusion was reached that Parka was an aquatic rhizocarp, probably allied to Pe/ularia. BOTANICAL NOTES AND NEWS 253 Preliminary to his investigation, Professor Penhallow classified his material as follows : 1. Rugose stems in which the organic matter has been wholly replaced by red oxide of iron. 2. Rugose stems showing apparently leaves attached. 3. Fragments of linear leaves (Cordaztes angustifolia ?). 4. Linear leaves or branches. s. Oval impressions showing distinct reticulations ‘devoid of Parka discs, but showing a reticulated and somewhat radiating structure, evidently composed of: elongated parenchymatous cells.” 6. ‘Discoid impressions of bodies represented by a somewhat carbonaceous residue, but showing no structure. Apparently solid, spore-like spherules flattened by pressure.” 7. Fragments of Parka. Detailed descriptions of the various organisms are given; but the point of greatest interest centres in Parka decipiens, the examples of which, owing to differences in point of size, are treated by Professor Penhallow in three distinct groups. In group A they measure 6 to r1 mm. in diameter. In group B they measure about 13 x 20 mm. In group C, the most perfect specimen measured, 3-5 x 5-3 cm. fe) ’ are) ro) Professor Penhallow believes that in these masses ‘*we must recognise sporocarps containing globular sporangia (Parka discs).” The discs appear, according to this writer, to be invested by a thick carbonaceous layer, which, when examined as an opaque object, shows a reticulation of the surface. Internal to this the disc consisted “of a distinct tissue, composed of rather thin walled cells, thus giving direct proof that they were not simple spores, but of the nature of sporangia. ‘Tn one or two cases they also appear to contain certain rounded bodies similar to spines, at least distinct from the other parts of the structure, but so involved as to leave their identity somewhat in doubt.” Certain isolated minute bodies were also observed, which are regarded as microspores. He also figures and describes some cellular structures which he believes to be prothadi. From the examination of the material at his disposal, Professor Penhallow comes to the conclusion “that Parka is an aquatic rhizocarp allied to Prdudaria.” He therefore defines the genus Parka as follows Genus Parka, Flem. “Aquatic plants with creeping stems, linear leaves, and sessile sporocarps having two kinds of sporangia. Sporangia, 2 mm. in diameter ; macrospores, 40 #3 microspores, 15 p. 254 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY “ Parka decipiens, Flem.—Stems rugose, about 4 cm. in diameter, showing stumps of branches about 11 cm. distant. Leaves linear, rt cm. broad, with somewhat rounded terminations. Sporocarps oval, 3-5 x 5-5 cm., bearing more or less conspicuous impressions of the contained sporangia. “a. media, n. var.—Sporocarps oval, nearly entire, 13 x 20 mm. broad. Impressions of sporangia distinct ; usually carbonised. “This var. shows no conspicuous leaves or stems. “6B. minor, n. var.—Stems 4 mm. broad. Leaves linear, 1-5 to 2 mm. broad, sometimes finely veined. Sporocarps oval, 6 to 11 mm. broad. Impressions of the sporangia distinct, often carbonised.” The paper, which shows that a great deal of care and labour has been bestowed on its preparation, must be carefully studied by all interested in the structure and affinities of Parka ; but, on the showing of the writers themselves, there is scarcely enough of conclusive evidence—the most of their conclusions are really in the form of probable explanations or suggestions—to admit of the genus Parka being so fully and rigidly defined as has been done by Pro- fessor Penhallow; as we have no evidence placed beyond reasonable doubt that the stems and leaves (?) with which Parka is associated are really referable to it. The mere fact of their association on the same slabs cannot be accepted as proving any original organic connection between them. ‘Their association may give ground for the assumption of their being different parts of the same organism ; but, in absence of any certain knowledge of their organic union, one is scarcely justified in characterising a genus on merely supposed relationships. The evidence on which it is accepted that Parka possessed macrospores and microspores is far too slender to justify the important conclusions drawn from it—R. Kipsron. CURRENT LITERATURE. The Titles and Purport of Papers and Notes relating to Scottish Natural His- tory which have appeared during the Quarter—July-October 1893. The Editors desire assistance to enable them to make this Section as complete as possible. Contributions on the lines indicated will be most acceptable and will bear the initials of the Contributor. The Editors will have access to the sources of information undermentioned. | ZOOLOGY. A CATALOGUE OF LocaL Lists or BriTISH MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES, ARRANGED UNDER Counties. By Miller Christy, F.L.S. Zoologtst (3), vol. xvii. No. 199 (July 1893).—Lists relating to Scottish Reptiles [and Amphibia], pp. 249-251. Lists relating to Scottish Fishes, pp. 260-262. CURRENT LITERATURE 256 DISTRIBUTION OF THE ALPINE HARE IN SOUTH-WEST SCOTLAND. R. Service. Zoologist (3), vol. xvii. pp. 265-266 (July 1893). THE VOLE PLAGUE IN SCOTLAND. Zoologist (3), vol. xvil. p. 353 (September 1893). Notes that the Voles have almost entirely dis- appeared from the affected area. VARIATION IN THE CoLouR OF FIELD VOLES. R. Service. Zoologist (3), vol. xvii. p. 266.—Observations based on Scottish specimens. LarGE Rat. R. Leckie Ewing. Zhe Meld, 5th August 1893, p- 208.—One killed on the banks of the river Devon, Perthshire, weighed 2 lb. A VISIT TO SULE SKERRY, ORKNEY. J. B.S. Zhe Field, 2nd September 1893, pp. 358-359.—Contains an account of the bird life. NOTES ON THE NESTING OF SOME SHETLAND Birps. By Ernest W. H.. Blagg, M.B.O.U. The lois (6), vol. v. pp. 350-358 (July 1893). GRASSHOPPER WARBLER IN ARGYLLSHIRE. Allan Gordon Cameron. Zhe Field, 29th July 1893, p. 198.—Observed this summer, for the first time, in the neighbourhood of Loch Crevan, North Argyll, in May and June. QuaIL IN SOUTH-wEST SCOTLAND. R. Service. Zoologist (3), vol. xvil. pp. 306-307 (August 1893).—Records, in addition to general information, the finding of two nests in June in Duntfries- shire. LocaL ABUNDANCE OF Quai. G.and B. Zhe Field, 1st July 1893, p. 3.—Several heard in a field near Edinburgh. QUAIL IN PERTHSHIRE. Arthur H. Crake. Zhe Field, oth Sep- tember 1893, p. 399.—One shot at Auchingarrich, 4th September. GREEN SANDPIPER IN SOUTH-WEST SCOTLAND. R. Service. Zoologist (3), vol. xvii. p. 305 (August 1893).—Winter records. A FURTHER DESCRIPTION OF PALEOSPONDYLUS GUNNI, Traquair. By R. H. Traquair, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin., vol. xii. part 1. (1892-93), pp. 76-94. LEPIDOPTERA IN ELGINSHIRE AND ABERDEENSHIRE. A. Horne. Lent, Record, vol. iv. No. 8 (August 1893), p. 234.—Ten species of Heterocera recorded from Burghead, eight species and one variety from Aberdeen, and Zygzena exulans from Braemar. THE LAND AND FRESHWATER CRUSTACEA OF THE DISTRICT AROUND EDINBURGH. ParRT II. THE OSTRACODA AND COPEPODA. 256 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY By Thomas Scott,-F.L.S. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin., vol. xii. part 1. (1892-93), pp. 45-76.—Gives extensive annotated lists of species. THE GLACIAL FAUNA OF KING EDWARD, IN BANFFSHIRE. By Alfred Bell. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin., vol. xii. part 1. (1892-93), p. 20.—A list of fifty-seven fossils given, principally Mollusca, of which seventeen are new to Scotland. On a Deposir IN LarGo Bay. By Alfred Bell. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin., vol. xii. part 1. (1892-93), p. 22.—Includes a list of thirty-three shells and one Crustacean, and compares the deposit with a similar one at Fillyside. _ THE ANCIENT LAKE oF ELIEz. By James Bennie and Andrew Scott. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin., vol. xii. part i. (1892-93), pp- 148-170.—Contains an account of the fauna and flora. BOTANY. First RECORDS OF BRITISH FLOWERING PLANTs. By William A. Clarke, F.L.S. Journ. Bot., August and September.—These instalments extend from Peucedanum to Wahlenbergia. (See p. 250 of this journal.) SOME PLANTS OBSERVED IN EAST SCOTLAND, JULY AND AUGUST 1892. By Edward S. Marshall, M.A., F.L.S. /ourn. Bot., August. —Plants are noticed from Selkirkshire, Forfarshire, around Spital of Glenshee, and near Beauly. Numerous new county records are given, as are also the altitudes at which many species were observed. BritisH HAWKWEEDS (concluded), By Edward F. Linton, M.A., and Wm. R. Linton, M.A. /ourn. Bot., July.—lIn this are described the following ‘‘new species”: /Z. eustales, from Glen Derry, South Aberdeen, and from two localities in Mid-Perth; A orcadense, W. R. Linton, from Hoy in Orkney. There are also several “ varieties ” described as new to science, or at least to Scotland. NEW OR CRITICAL BritisH ALcG&. By E. A. L. Batters, B.A, LL.B., F.L.S. Grevillea, September.—The following are enumerated (and each is described) from Scotland: Zzthothamnion roseum, n. sp., from Berwick, Cumbrae, and St. Andrews (C. Howie and Dr. Axford) ; Pleurocapsa fuliginosa, Hauck, from Berwick ; Aphanocapsa marina, Hansg., from Berwick; /lectonema terebrans, Born. and Flah., boring into shells at Cumbrae; Zyngbya lutea, Gomont, in shallow puddles at high-water mark at Cumbrae. ON THE OCCURRENCE OF ARTHROSTIGMA GRACILE, DAWSON, IN THE LOWER OLD RED SANDSTONE OF PERTHSHIRE. By Robert Kidston, F.R.S.E., F.G.S. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin., vol. xii. part 1. (1892-93), pp. 102-111, Plate III. REVIEWS 257 REVIEWS. SHORT SKETCHES OF THE WILD SPORTS AND NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HIGHLANDs. By Charles St. John.—A new edition, with the author’s notes, and a memoir by the Rev. M. G. Watkins. (London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1893.) This, the ninth edition of a most popular and classic work, issued by the world-famed publishing firm of Murray, differs from all the preceding in containing the additional notes of the author, marked “C. St. J.” These have been printed word for word from an inter- leaved copy of Jenyns’s Wanual of British Vertebrate Animals. ‘There are also numerous additional annotations by the Rev. M. G. Watkins, which are all that can be desired in illustrating and explaining the text ; and these in themselves display a wide and scholarly knowledge of the subjects dealt with. The preface, and a memoir of St. John by the same writer, give additional interest to the present edition, so also the portrait of St. John which forms the frontispiece ; this is the only portrait that was ever taken of the author, and is now for the first time introduced, and specially possesses a melancholy interest, as it was taken after the time the writer was struck down by the malady which eventually carried him off at the comparatively early age of forty-seven. ‘The volume contains 79 illustrations by Harrison Weir, C. Whymper, and others, exquisitely engraved on wood by J. W. Whymper. It is a long time since we have seen a book so well and beautifully got up, and so highly finished, and doing credit to all who have been engaged in its production. ‘There are some few works in our language treating of wild nature of which we may safely predict that they will never lose their interest with the reading public, and this is one of them. ANNALS OF THE ANDERSONIAN NATURALISTS’ Society. Edited by Robert Turner. (Glasgow: Allan and Ferguson, 1893.) Naturalists will examine this volume with interest because of the variety of features it presents, and the attractive way in which these are treated. It is the first publication of a society which has been in existence since 1885, and though local—and most properly so—in its character it is above the usual average of publications of the kind. The aim of the society is avowedly to popularise studies in natural science in Glasgow, and it seems already to have done some good in this way. The volume before us is an earnest of this, and con- tains just the sort of information that field-naturalists desiderate. It deals with botany, zoology, and archzeology, and the information given is both interesting and useful. The writers of the various articles possess a practical knowledge of the subjects they deal with, and seem to take a pleasure in them for their own sake. It would be invidious to single out any of the writers, but it is particularly notice- 258 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY able from one of the papers how a scientific subject can be handled to make it both attractive and interesting. The volume is handsomely got up, and is extremely well printed and illustrated. It has been carefully edited and printed, and few if any inaccuracies occur. Botanists may find fault in some places with the nomenclature. On page 2 the generic name Sarothamnus is preferred to Cyézsus, and on page 67 Caucalis to Torilis. On pages 63 and 77 the lesser club-moss is placed under the genus Selaginella, where it ought properly to be; but before doing so it would be advisable to alter its specific name, now no longer intelli- gible under this genus. A few more such trivial discrepancies occur, and will occur in such publications until some uniform system of botanical nomenclature is introduced and adopted by phytologists. All the papers are well worthy of being put on record, and we congratulate the society on its advent, and trust that other and equally useful volumes may appear in due course. Dr. JOHNSTON’s LETTERS.—Selections from the Correspondence of Dr. George Johnston . . . collected and arranged by his daughter, Mrs. Barwell-Carter. Edited by James Hardy, LL.D. Hon. Secretary to the Berwickshire Naturalist’s Club. (David Douglas, Edinburgh, 1892.) A remarkable phenomenon in history is the extraordinary influence exercised on intellectual progress by ‘borderers,” that is, people of mixed race, combining the strong rather than the weak points of the two races which mingle at their point of contact. To naturalists, and especially those whose work in the field is furthered by the active existence of field clubs and out-of-door societies for the investigation of natural phenomena, the name of George Johnston carries with it special veneration as that of the man from whose vigorous brain and bright interest emanated the idea that led to the successful establishment, and no less successful prolonged career of the first, and in many respects still one of the best organisations of its kind. Dr. Johnston was pre-eminently a Borderer, a native of Berwick, that bit of English land which lies on the Scottish side of the ‘Tweed; and his memory is cherished with equal pride by Scot and by Southron. The volume before us is remarkably interesting, and gives us an excellent notion as to the kind of man Johnston was. No one can rise from its perusal without an added feeling of regard for the man and his versatile, many-sided nature, the genial character which made for him such hosts of friends, the scientific acumen that enabled him to enrich natural history with a series of works that were really required. The volume, however, does not merely reveal Dr. Johnston himself, but also many of his contemporaries ; and while the English will take pride in the names of Alder and Selby, the Scot will evince no less interest in those of Landsborough and REVIEWS 259 Hepburn, Hardy and Baird, Fleming and Jardine, who also ranked among the favoured correspondents and valued friends of the subject of this memoir. All naturalists are deeply indebted to Mrs. Barwell-Carter for this tribute of filial affection, and to Dr. Hardy for the care with which the editorial supervision has been done. THE GLASGOW CATALOGUE OF NATIVE AND ESTABLISHED PLANTS; BEING A CONTRIBUTION TO THE TOPOGRAPHICAL BOTANY OF THE WESTERN AND CENTRAL COUNTIES OF SCOTLAND. (Glasgow: Peter Ewing, The Frond, Uddingston, 1892.) Mr. Ewing, in this useful catalogue, has unfortunately adopted an alphabetical arrangement. Many years ago Mr. H. C. Watson rightly inveighed against such lists; and to be dragged from Anthyliis to Afium and thence to Arum is most irritating. In the interest of Scottish Topographical Botany, I have waded through the whole list, but with many fits of impatience. It does not seem necessary here to go into the numerous omissions (these I have personally communicated to Mr. Ewing) of comital distribution, but actual omissions of species occur under Aradis alpina (104), Luphrasia gracilis (105), Festuca fallax (110), Hieractum nitidum (97), #7. strictum, Fr. (75), Kobresia caricina (98), and Linnea borealis (105). Lycopodium “complanatum” is an erroneous record for Lycopodium alpinum var. decipiens, Syme, but Mr. Ewing is not answerable for this. Witella batrachosperma (110), Orobanche cruenta, Bert. (98), Ranunculus pettolaris (97, 98, 104), Rubus Maasit (110), PR. calvatus (105), Urtica urens (110), Veronica saxatil’s (97), may be named. The botanists of Wester Scotland cannot do better than send Mr. Ewing any additions; as every one who has worked at comital distribution knows how difficult it is to include all reliable records, leaving out of question the numerous ones recorded on data often very doubtful, and sometimes absolutely misleading and untruthful! It should be explained that the numbers used by Mr. Ewing are those of the comital areas of Mr. H. C. Watson’s “ Topo- graphical Botany,” Ed. 2; and, being symbols only, great care is needed that they are accurately stated —ARTHUR BENNETT. NATURALIST’S Map OF SCOTLAND. By J. A. Harvie-Brown and J. G. Bartholomew. Large folding sheet in cloth case. 1893. With four pages of Explanatory Note. Price 2s. 6d. on paper, 3s. 6d. on cloth. Naturalists generally, and not merely those of Scotland, are laid under considerable obligation by the publication of this map; and its authors (if we may so term them) are to be deservedly congratulated on having attained a maximum of usefulness with a mimimum sacrifice of clearness and legibility. They are to be congratulated on having included everything with a general application that could be reasonably expected, and 260 ANNALS OF SCOTTISH NATURAL HISTORY in not having attempted to show specific features. In other words, they have been careful to avoid showing what are, strictly speaking, results to accrue from investigation, whether past or future, while giving the physical features which regulate those results. A brief statement of what is done will be useful. Carefully and appropriately selected colours show us at a glance the cultivated lands (pale green), the patches of woodland (deep green), the moorlands, hill pastures, and other uncultivated lands (purplish-pink, heather-colour), and deer-forests (bluish patches on the heather tracts). Blue is used to colour the freshwater lochs and rivers as far up as it is possible to have sport with salmon and sea-trout: this is the nearest approach to giving distribution that is attempted, but essentially all that is done is to show the inland waters which migratory fish are capable of passing up without physical impediment. Levels are shown by shading ; the lines being taken at 1000 and 2000 feet. We might suggest, however, that it would have been preferable to show H. C. Watson’s divisions at goo and 1800 feet instead, and so have fitted in with botanical and conchological investigations. The rooo’s are merely arbitrary; the goo’s are based on climatological considerations. Red bounder-lines, which are really the water-shed lines (or, as Mr. Harvie-Brown puts it, sky-lines) showing the drainage areas or river-basins, are given, and it will be a source of gratification to Dr. Buchanan White to see that the faunal divisions he proposed so long ago as 1873 still hold good, and seem to be universally accepted. The requirements of marine zoologists are also well catered for. The varying depths of the sea are distinguished by shades of blue at intervals of every ten fathoms ; and the area between high and low tide is coloured yellow. The principal (why not all?) lighthouses are marked by prominent red stars; and a useful feature is given by a dotted blue line to show the limits within which beam-trawl-fishing is prohibited. The scale of the map is 10 miles to the inch; and it is exceptionally clearly printed; for, notwithstanding the extent and variety of information shown, the place-names can be easily read everywhere, and the physical features readily made out. The map is accompanied by four pages of explanatory notes, setting forth the leading principles which have actuated the authors; but these are not as clearly and intelligibly set forth as we could like: in fact, we are totally unable to discover what is meant by the words “the first of these” and “the latter” used at p. 3 in reference to cultivated and uncultivated lands. Taken altogether, this map will be found most useful; and, so far as we can judge, not being on the field, it is extremely well done. It would be difficult to find authors more capable of dealing with such a task ; and they are to be congratulated on a good piece of work well done.—W. D. R. PN Dae ADAIR, PETER, Goldfinch near Edin- burgh, 43; Quailin Wigtownshire, 45; Quail in Midlothian, 183; notes on the disappearance of the Short- tailed Field Vole, and on some of the effects of the visitation, 193 Ajuga pyramidalis in Scotland (ve- ference to discussion of), 127 Alchemilla alpina, L., and A. conjuncta, Bab., 122; wzlgards, varieties of, 32, 186 Alge, New or Critical 605 1275 19257256 Algee Britannicze rariores exsiccatz, issued by E. M. Holmes, 251 Alismaranunculoides, var. zostertfoliune, Fr., near Beauly (reference), 127 Alopecias vulpes in Solway Firth, 247 Alpine Flora of Cam Chreag and Beinn Doireann (reference), 192 Ampelis garrulus in Scotland, 113; in Caithness (Curr. Lit.), 189 Amphipoda of Clyde and West Scot- land (Curr. Lit.), 125; new to Forth (Curr. Wit.) 57 Anas acuta in Forth District, 115 ANDERSON, PETER, Sand Martin and Carrion Crow in Tiree, 43; Jack- daw in Tiree, 114 Annelida, Forth, notes on, 185 Arachnids, some new Scotch localities fOr 222 Arthrostigma gracile, Dawson, in Lower Old Red Sandstone of Perthshire, 256 Arvicola agrestis, variations in, 112; report on plague of, 129; dis- appearance of, and the effects of the visitation, 194 Asterolepidee, British species of (Curr. Lit.),, 124 Astronyx Lovent, Miiller, notes on, 26 Astur palumbartus in Mull, 45 (references), BALDWIN, E. T., Pomatorhine Skua in Perthshire, 46 Bat, Whiskered, in East Lothian, 146 Beetles, rare, in Inverness-shire, 249 BENNETT, ARTHUR, F.L.S.— Ranun- culus flammula, var. petiolaris, Lange, and 2. fetzolarts, Marshall, 51; Caltha palustris, L., and its forms, 52; records of Scottish Plants for 1892, additional to ‘*Topographical Botany,” Ed. 2, 1883, 95 ; Ovobanche cruenta, Bertol. (in Argyle), 121; F sh: = ts Edt eeas szeeieseeit Pea ipHE i presestgests eaperirs: a eietts EEE gee Hae HE ete sreeaieetpsrietaeiee size ssc sesi tienes te 3. reyes? FS