lee HE Hi Ti Hit ni ith Ra HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. | È (4 fred lo Li Vin fame 3 igor rieti ANNOTATIONES ZOOLOGIC-H i PONENSES SOCIETATIS ZOOLOGICA TOKYONENSIS SERIATIM EDITA. Volumen I. Cum VII tabulis et XVI figuris in texto. CONTENTS: Partes I et II. Published May 25, 1897. I e tre stl RR te se à à» à K. Mitsukuri. ig Pear-boror (Nephopteryx rubrizonella, Kag.) With ÉCRIRE ace n AI eee te esse eee els IUISUMAN A... 1. On Two New Species of Asthenosoma. With Plate II.....S. Yoshiwara...... 5. Chaetognaths of Misaki Harbor. With Plate IIL.......... Tre Ata ates 1. 13. On the Accommodation of Some Infusoria to the Solution of Certain Substances in Various Concentrations....... AIR as aerei (23% On Changes which are found with Advancing Age in the Calcareous Deposits of Stichopus japonicus, Selenka..K. Mitsukuri...... 31. Revision of Hexactinellids with Discoctasters, with De- scriptions of Five New Species..….....…...........,......…. I Tunzeos nen... 43. Mis cellaMme GUS. NobES nee. « ee RER iena 61. Ueber eine in Misaki vorkommende Art von Ephelota und iiber ihre Sporen- bildung, vou ©. Isarxawa.—-Die Entwickelung der Gonophoren bei Physalia maxima, von S. Goro.—On the Fate of the Blastopore, the Relations of the Primitive Streak, and the Formation of the Posterior End of the Embryo in Chelonia, together with Remarks on the Nature of Meroblastie Ova in Vertebrates, by K. Mrrsuxurt.—Living Specimen of Pleurotomaria Bey- richii.— The Ophiuran Shoal.—Zoological Society of Tokyo.—List of Japanese Zoologists. Pars III. Published August 10, 1897. On a Mode of the Passage of the Eye in a Flatfish......... T. Nishikawa..... 78. On the Growth of the Ovum in Chaetognaths. With LA FRA Re SRO I SARAI RR AUTRE Te 77 Notes on the Paludina-Species of Japan. With Plate V...T. Iwakawa....... 83. Dendrocoryne, Inaba, Vertreterinn einer neuen Familie dee Hydromedusen.: Mit Taf. VI... Sh GANN 93. On a New Species of Malacobdella (M. Japonica). With LUE OR ee AAA tt! A eres nce PER U. Takakura...... 105. Notes on the Breeding Habit and Development of Rhaco- phorus Behlegelii, Günther... An... essen Se 113. ME ee RN I ninni 123. Zoological Society of Tokyo. —The Nee Imperial University of Kyoto. WE Pars IV. Published November 5, 1897. Note on an Amphioxus obtained in Amakusa, Kyushyu...H. Nakagawa..... 125. On a New Species of Elasipoda from Misaki.................. K. Mitsukuri...... 188. Preliminary Note on the Development of the Pronephros in PetromyZON 2-28... BOARA stor: 137. Sur une nouvelle espèce japonaise du genre Lucernaria...A. Okd.......+.... 141. Sur une nouvelle espèce japonaise du genre Phoronis........ A SONATE a 147. Miscellaneous Notes... cesse TO 149. The Occurrence of Sphærothuria bitentaculata, Ludwig in the Sagami Seas.— Contributions to the Morphology of Cyclostomata. I. On the Formation of the Heart in Petromyzon, by S. Harra.—Zoological Society of Tokyo. Personal News... ocean. E eee eee TI asile List of Publications received in exchange for the Anno- tationes uutil October, 1897, arranged alphabetically according to AUtOISTOFISOCIEHMES AN E I I emer 152. List of Names to which the Annotationes are regularly SEHE suini rca zato nen nee anne en. en een ee EEE 152. List of Publications received by the Zoological Society of Tokyo before the issue of the Annotations.............. sese erre sirene» 159. Erratum. In Mr. Ikeda’s paper beginning at page 113 read Rhacophorus instead of Raco- phorus. Ko HAAS 4 2 4 % di — 45 3 — KE _MW We StH A THA ER UL 17 1897 ANNOPATIONES ZOOLOGICÆ JAPON ENSES AUSPICIIS SOCIETATIS ZOOLOGICÆ TOKYONENSIS SERIATIM EDITA. Volumen I. Partes I et II. TOKYO: PUBLISHED May 25, 1897. NOTICE. The “ Annotationes Zoologicæ Japonenses ” are published quarterly, in January, April, July, and October. Terms of subscription—$1®=4s=F5= M4 per annum; single parts 25&=1s=F1.25=MI1 each. Postage included in all cases. Remittances from foreign countries are to be made by postal money orders, payable in Tokyo to M. Namiye, Zoological Institute, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. TO CONTRIBUTORS. Articles may be written in English, German, French, or Italian. Each contributor receives 50 copies of the reprints of his article gratis. Any number of extra copies will be furnished at cost. Contributors are particularly requested to specify the number of reprints they want at the end of the manuscript. If not specified 50 copies will be delivered. Articles may be accompanied by simple illustrations, as far as pos- sible in lines and dots. Communications are to be addressed to the Secretary of the Zoologic- al Society of Tokyo, Zoological Institute, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. INTRODUCTORY. The duty of introducing the present modest publication to our fellow workers of other lands, and of explaining its aim and scope, having fallen on me, I feel that I can do this in no better way than by offering a brief retrospect of the progress of our science in Japan. Until within a comparatively recent time, Japan was a sealed book to Europe. The name of our country stood in the West as the symbol of things strange, remote and antipodal. In the minds of Europeans, Japan has never been associated with science, except as an object of investigation ; and, if I mistake not, they would find something almost incongruous in the idea of contributions to the progress of modern science from Japanese sources. But if such a con- ception exists, it rests, I verily believe, on entirely unjust grounds. A slight acquaintance with the history of Japan would enable any one to see without much difficulty that a high degree of culture was attained at an early age in our land, and that there has ever been abroad a spirit of earnest study among our people. It would take me too far away from my immediate object to do any thing more than mention the existence of those masterpieces in literature and art which were produced in the period extending from the sey nth to ii INTRODUCTORY. the tenth centuries of the Christian era and which have been the despair of all who have striven to emulate them in succeeding ages. But I may perhaps be allowed to cite a few facts having a closer connection with our subject, which would, I believe, go far to sub- stantiate what I have claimed for my country. It is probably unknown to most persons in the West that early in the eighth century of the Christian era there was already estab- lished in Japan an Imperial University with four departments,— Ethics, History, Jurisprudence and Mathematics,—and with the pre- scribed number of four hundred students. There were also at the same time a bureau devoted to Astronomy, Astrology, Calendar-Com- pilation and Meteorology, and a Medical College with professors of Medicine, Surgery, Acupuncture, Necromancy (the art of healing by charms) and Pharmacology. The last named branch of study in- cluded the collection, cultivation, and investigation of medicinal plants, and thus a considerable amount of botanical knowledge must already have been acquired by that time. ‘Toward the end of the ninth century, when a catalogue of books existing in Japan was compiled by the order of the then reigning Emperor, the Imperial library was found to contain 16,790 volumes, divided into forty depart- ments,—and this in spite of a disastrous fire of some years previous. Among the medical works were some with very moderu sounding titles, such as “ The Curing of Diseases of Women” and “On the Methods of Healing Diseases of the Horse.” Japan in those early days derived its culture from India, China, and Corea, but the details above enumerated clearly show that educated society must already have attained a high degree of civilization. Coming to more, modern times, it is known that, during the INTRODUCTORY. lil long peace of two hundred and fifty years which the rule of the T'oxuGawa shoguns secured for Japan, literature, the arts, and all peaceful industries were developed with remarkable vigor and rapidity, and that the study of Natural History shared in this pro- gress. Apart from that innate love of Nature and the natural which was ever showing itself in poetry and other arts, the study of natural products was always pursued, ostensibly with the purpose of collecting materia medicu, or of discovering things that might be used as food in case of a famine, or of identifying objects mentioned in the Confucian classic, “ Shi-King.” But it is not difficult to perceive that naturalists looked in reality beyond these simple or utilitarian ends, and investigated animals and plants for their own sake, although the principal aim of their researches seems to have been the comparatively barren one of establishing a relationship between Japanese products and those described in various Chinese works on Natural History. Frequent were the excursions and expeditions undertaken with the view of collecting natural objects, among which plants were especial favorites, and all parts of the country seem to have been tolerably well explored in this way. Numerous were the treatises on Natural History, published or unpublished. Many of. these were encyclopedic in their comprehensiveness and size, such as “ Shobutsu Ruisan,” by Inao Jakusut, (1000 parts, early in the eighteenth century), and ‘“Honzò Komoku Keimo” by Ono RANZAN (48 parts, 1803). The last named naturalist was so famous for his extensive knowledge that we are told, his pupils were nearly one thousand in number. My colleague, Prof. Marsumura, in his book on the enumeration of Japanese plant-names, gives 306 titles of Japanese works on botany 1V INTRODUCTORY. compiled previously to 1868. Many of the Natural History volumes had beautiful colored illustrations, which serve their pur- pose even at the present day. Natural History displays were of common occurrence, when naturalists came together with their treasures, and showed them to one another and to the public. Of these the exhibitions given by HiraGa GENNAI in the middle of the eighteenth century were perhaps the most celebrated. The present Botanic Garden of the Imperial University was established early in the TokUGAWA period, viz. in 1681, and was long renown- ed as the “O Yaku En” (Garden of Medicinal Plants). The mastery of the Dutch language by a few earnest physicians in the middle of the eighteenth century has always seemed to me one of the greatest triumphs ever achieved by patient scholarship. Originally undertaken with the purpose of ascertaining something about Western medicine, their efforts soon exerted an influence on all branches of learning. The whole rich treasury of Western civilization became suddenly accessible through the channel thus opened of the Dutch language. It is not possible to overestimate the effect of the new acquisition on the progress of Japan. Suffice it here to say that the country would not be what it is to-day, but for this leaven which had been working through and through the whole mass of society for over a hundred years before the Restoration of 1868 enabled it to bear its legitimate fruit. This innovation, ‘together with the visits of THUNBERG (1775) and SIEBOLD (1821), had due effect upon the Natural History studies also. The system of Linné, especially in regard to plants, seems to have been well grasped, with very little delay. The most famous productions of the new school on Natural History subjects are pro- INTRODUCTORY. V bably “ Shokugaku Keigen” (Elements of Botanical Science) by UpAGawAa Yoan, 1835; and “ Somoku Zusetsu” (Icones Plantarum) by Imuma Yokusar, 1832 ;—the latter being a standard work at the present day. It is perhaps a circumstance interesting enough to record, that a work on the use of the microscope was published in 1801. Looked at from the modern standpoint, the Natural History of the pre-Restoration period (before 1868) was without doubt strongest in Botany. Our science of Zoology seems to have been greatly backward in its development, compared with that of the sister science. and its study was probably similar in method and aim to that of the Middle Ages in Europe. It seems to have concerned itself mostly with making commentaries on Chinese works of Natural History, like “ Honzo Komoku” or with identifying Japanese objects with names given in those writings. Excepting a little on birds, fishes and shells, hardly any work that can be called scientific in any modern sense, seems to have been accomplished. Nevertheless this school did an immense service by showing that the study of natural objects was worth the best efforts of intellectual men. Names like Akar HAKUSEKI, INAo JAKUSUI, KAIBARA EKKEN, Ono RANZAN* are among the most honored in the annals of our learning. With the Restoration of the Emperor to his full power, in 1868, came the wholesale reconstruction of all political institutions, and the country has been, and is still, going through such a social revolution as has seldom been witnessed in any part of the world. Along with many other things, the old school of Natural * All these names are given in the Japanese fashion, with the surname first. VI INTRODUCTORY. History was swept away, as chessmen from the board at the end of a game. So far as our science is concerned, there is a complete break at this period. ‘The modern school of Zoology dates from the appointment of Prof. E. S. Morse of Salem, Mass., U. S. A. to the chair of Zoology at the University of Tokyo, in 1877. His indefatigable zeal and genial manners won many friends for the new science among all classes of society, while his lectures, popular or otherwise, drew attention for the first time to the im- mense strides which our science, under the stimulus of Darwinism, was making in the West. He, with a few students under him, also soon had in working order a tolerably good museum—the nucleus of the present Zoological and Anthropological collections sof the Science College. It was also during his stay and through his care that the Tokyo Biological Society, from which the Tokyo Zoological Society is directly descended, was first organized. It is truly wonderful how much he accomplished in the brief time he was in Japan. On the return of Prof. Morse to America, he was succeeded by Prof. C. ©. WHITMAN, now of the University of Chicago. It was the latter who first introduced modern technical methods. These two Americans, MORSE and WHITMAN, thus stood sponsors to the modern school of Zoology in Japan. Since 1881, the development of Zoology in this country has been entirely in the hands of Japanese.* The spirit of earnest (4 * Some who read this statement may consider that I have not given due credit to those zoologists from other countries who have lived in, or visited, Japan from time to time. It is certainly as far as possible from my iutention to slight the labors of HILGENDORF, DÖDERLEIN, PRYER and others, but the fact remains that the recent development of the zoological school in Japan has been almost entirely independent of these men. It is a pleasure to me to add that Mr. Owsron of Yokohama has been very active in unearthing the treasures of the deeper parts in the Sagami Sea. E INTRODUCTORY. vil study which signalized the Natural History School of the pre- Restoration days is happily revived, but with higher and wider purposes, and with greater facilities for successful attainment. Though only twenty years have passed since the “new departure,” a vigorous school of Zoology has already sprung up. I shall perhaps not be overstepping the bounds of modesty, if I say for my confreres that a more earnest, more enthusiastic, or more industrious set of men could with difficulty be found anywhere. There can be no doubt that the establishment of the Marine Station at Misaki, by the Imperial University, in 1887, gave a great impetus to the study of Zoology in Japan. Situated at the point of the peninsula jutting out between the Bay of Sagami and the Bay of Tokyo, it has access to localities long since famous as the home of some remarkable forms of animal life. Along the coast, all sorts of bottoms are found, yielding a rich variety of animal forms, while the hundred-fathom line is within two or three miles of the shore, and depths of five hundred fathoms are not very difficult of approach. The existence of a remarkable deep-sea fauna in these profounder parts has been ascertained within the last few years, and zoological treasures are now being constantly hauled up. The great “ Black Current” (Kuro Shiwo) sweeps by, not many miles out, and a branch of it often comes into the very harbor of Misaki, gladdening the heart of the Plankton explorer. Face to face with this inexhaustible treasury of animal forms, the zoologist will have to possess unusual powers of self- restraint, indeed, not to grow enthusiastic over his science. by the year 1888, the number of those devoted to the study of Zoology in our country had so fax increased that the need of an vili INTRODUGTORY. organ of their own was felt. Thus was established in that year, under the auspices of the Tokyo Zoological Society, a monthly publication entitled the “ Döobutsugaku Zasshi” (Zoological Maga- zine). This had a twofold design; first, to serve as a means of communication among followers of the science in Japan, and secondly to spread the knowledge of Zoology among non-specialists, especially among teachers of the subject in primary and middle schools. The periodical is in the Japanese language, and popular as well as special papers have been published side by side. The Magazine is now in its ninth volume. About the same time, the Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, was established. Thus was opened a con- venient channel for carrying abroad the intelligence of scientific investigations conducted in Japan, and those who look over the ten volumes of the Journal will see that zoologists have not been slow in availing themselves of the opportunities afforded. The prospects of our science in Japan have never been brighter than they are at this time. All of its main branches, including applications of it to practical purposes such as Fisheries, Sericulture, Entomology, ete. are now fairly represented. Hach year will see gradual additions to the specialists of different groups, as the number of graduates from the Imperial University in- creases. The Marine Station at Misaki, which has become too small for our growing body, will be removed within the present year to a new site, about two miles north of its present location, and its accommodations will be considerably enlarged. While perhaps not essential to the pursuit of science, the extreme beauty of the situation, which commands a matchless view of INTRODUCTORY. 1X Fujiyama and the Sagami Bay, will certainly not lessen its attrac- tions; and an additional charm to those who are interested in the heroic achievements of the past may be found in the associations with which the spot abounds, as the ancient stronghold of a mighty warrior chieftain who was killed here in a desperate battle, after sustaining a long siege, and whose spirit is believed by the populace still to haunt the scene of his former greatness. A proposed railway, passing near the new site, will bring the station within two or three hours of Tokyo. A number of teachers scattered over different parts of the country are acting somewhat as sentinels at the outposts of our science, and doing good service in collecting animals from different localities. Our field of activity has also lately been suddenly widened by the addition of Formosa to the territory of Japan, and the work of a collecter now on that island will, it is hoped, be but the forerunner of many similar undertakings. Hardly a week now passes without something new turning up in the line of our study, and that something is often of great interest. Under these circumstances, it has seemed to us very desirable that there should be opened some channel for communicating the progress of our science in Japan to fellow-workers in other coun- tries ;—some channel less formal than the Journal of the Science College, and one through which even little things may be made known. A beginning was made in this direction about two years ago, when a department written in Huropean languages was added to the Zoological Magazine, which has perhaps become known, through this feature, to some who read these lines. We now feel justified in taking another step forward. Arrangements are x INTRODUCTORY. now completed for publishing the part written in European languages in an issue entirely separate from the purely Japanese text of the Magazine. The latter will now go on, containing sunply articles in our own language, and will be intended for internal circulation, with its original twofold object. The present publication will take the place of the foreign language part, and will be primarily for the purpose of making the progress of Zoology in Japan known abroad. It will be distributed among laboratories, museums, educational institutions, and various societies of different countries, much more extensively than was attempted with the Zoological Magazine. We regret that the limited funds at our command do not allow us to publish at as much length, or to make use of as good plates, as we desire, but it is hoped that in time there will be a marked improvement. For the present, the ANNOTATIONES will be issued quarterly, four numbers constituting an annual volume. In future, therefore, zoologists of other countries may look for contributions to their science from Japanese sources in two publications :—for more extensive or monographic works in the Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, and for shorter, less formal or preliminary notices in the present periodical.* On behalf of my fellow-zoologists of Japan, I should like to make here an earnest appeal to societies, institutions and indivi- duals, the world over, to help us in our efforts, by sending their publications to us. We who are so far from the centers of our - * There are some other publications in which papers on zoological subjects are published from time to time, for instance, Bulletin of the College of Agriculture, Imp. Univ. It is our intention to call attention to them in this journal, when- ever occasion arises. a i INTRODUCTORY. xl science in Europe and America appreciate this favor more keenly, I think, than those situated more favorably have any idea of. Publications may be sent either to the Tokyo Zoological Society or to the College of Science. We now send forth this magazine to our fellow-workers in other lands, asking their lenient judgment for whatever short- comings it may exhibit, and hoping that it will aid in promoting that fraternal feeling which must ever be characteristic of inter- national Science. SALVE! K. MirsugURI, Ph. D. Professor of Zoology, Imperial University, and President of the Tokyo Zoological Society for 1896-7. AL ae rar Mw. Pear-borer (Nephopteryx rubrizonella, Rac.). By M. Matsumura. Agricultural College, Sapporo, Hokkaido. With PI. I. There are two species of our pear-borers belonging to the genus Nephopteryx, the present one being much larger than the other. In 1889, the smaller species was described by Mr. S. IkEDA of the Ag- ricultural College of Tokyo, in the Zoological Magazine, Vol. 1, page 99 ; but its life history was not known clearly at that time. By this larger borer our pear growers have been losing every year 30-50% of their crops, it being a much more troublesome insect than the apple-borer I have described in a recent number of the Zoological Magazine. Entomologically it belongs to Microlepidoptera, group Pyradina, family Phycidæ, and its generic and specific name was kindly identified for me by Mr W. J. HoLLanp of Pittsburg, through the kindness of Mr. O. Howarp, the first Entomologist in the Department of Agriculture, U.S. A. Imago--Antenn® curved over the basal joint, the latter with a scaly tuft; labial palpi compressed, with a long end joint; maxillary palpi small and filiform ; anterior wing with 11 veins, branches 4th. and 5th. not being stalked; ground color varying form grayish brown to grayish black, crossed by two equidistant irregularly sinuated, grayish bordered black lines. Outer margin and basal half much deeper in color, with a black disco-cellular marking in the middle of the wing. Hind wing dark gray, with 8 veins, branches 3rd., 4th., and 5th. springing from a common stalk which rises from a hind angle of the closed mid-cell. 2 M. MATSUMURA. Thorax is of the same color as the anterior wing, abdomen much paler ; hind tibia large and compressed, with 4 spines. Wing expanse 25 mm., body length 12 mm.; two broods in a year, first middle July, second late September to early October. Eggs—These are placed just under a small twig where the rain does not strike directly, protected safely by a white silken web. The eggs under that cover are about 20 in number; oblong in shape, both ends being a little narrower ; very flat ; black in color; 0,7 mm.x0,4 mm. in size and hybernating through the winter in this state. Larva—The larva hatch in early june, just at the time when the pear attains the size of a cherry, at first spinning much silken thread on the branches and then making their way to different fruits near by. To the injured fruits are attached almost always silken threads just at the place of branch, where a fruit stalk hung. At first whitish in color, with black head and black first segment, the larve gradually change in color to grayish yellow; and when fully mature, they take a pinkish brown color, measuring about 20 mm. in length. They are spindle shaped in general, consisting of 12 segments, of which the Gth., 7th., and 8th. are the largest; head brownish black; the upper part of the second segment with 2 pitchy black horny spots ; legs show nothing unusual. They injure only the core of pears and as they leave always a large blackish opening at their entrance, it is easy to detect their presence. The larval stage lasts 3 weeks or more; the insects I cultured have made cocoons on the 30th. of June. Food plant only pear. Pupa—It always changes to pupa within the core of the fruit spinning very little silk ; it is deep red brown in color, head, thorax and wing portion being much more so; it measures 13 mm.—15 mm. in length ; pupal stage lasts more than 2 weeks. Preventive method—The most effectual preventive method is to take off the eggs during winter months, as they are easily recognizable by their whitish web cover at the branches. For this purpose pruning is indispensable, eggs being almost always on the top of the branches e PEAR-BORER. 3 and when pruned they must be immediately burnt up; the remaining branches must be carefully searched for. The eggs are always placed near the hybernating nest of the pear leaf roller Rhodophea hollandella, Rag. Kerosene emulsion is very beneficial after pruning as well as in early June, namely the time of larve hatching, for it kills at the same time the larve of the leafroller. After they bore into the fruit, no remedy is accessible, except carbon bisulphide, but this chemical being very expensive I only used it on a dwarf tree, pouring it with a small brush into the hole, through which insect entered; it very soon kills the insect and no injury was done to the fruit. Benzole also has the same effect, but inferior, and little injures the fruits. Now in our College garden, picking of the injured fruits by hands is the only means resorted to, as they are easily recognizable by their black holes and brown excrements. Lamp is of no use. Entomological Laboratory, Agricultural College, Sapporo. Jan. 5th. 1897. Printed April 30. 1897. ® N i HIER l'etat nil a PEU PE wire ni svat? i e Loch ee def toed i ; ’ hé pe À Ariel oi es. rate RL HEAR" FM “ol pe aided oa pi eae Juris anim ne: Fi 1e arth Pet PSS pt tego si l nf \ ch ATE ritieni cr ral ets iù MM CT e vr ins , suc RL pia AL” furie, del de it This ITA e TI whic we id it tigri. te diga ae AMOR SN a NP of bali [egg sist tepore i torio ASTRI molino PIE nz ud feriti onto ch / >> \ * N geil er Saurier ‘ rll SE N | NOR ify RAC 7 O) AM | i | sue er 4 1 F | j : LUS x / “erre \ > ARR a are OT; È an n £ lav ek ’ AN Soa, Pa BAER AJ sh x; ù Era ° 1 vi ver » ao, Ps Voc i di Lo PRO A È sae eS ST AA Oo | | LOT LIL NATA # n'a T 4 è pu 3 |! Lo ï * wr 4 | | ® | Annot. Zool. Jap., Vol. I. Tab. I. Fig. 1; Imago enlarged. Eis i); larva. Fig. III, A; Eggs under the Silky Cover. Fig. IV; Pupa in the Pear. On Two New Species of Asthenosoma from the Sea of Sagami. By S. Yoshiwara. Zoological Institute, Science College, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. With Pl. Il. The Echinoid collection of the Science College Museum contains, amongst others, five interesting specimens referable to the genus As- thenosoma, of which I propose to make two new species as described below. Asthenosoma longispinum, nov. sp. (Figs. 1-7.) Four specimens of this species have been obtained from a depth of 313-376 fathoms in Sagami Sea. Test flexible, disc-shaped, flat actinally, depressed abactinally, somewhat polygonal in ambital outline. Dimensions of the largest specimens : 135 mm. in diameter and 18 mm. in height. Color of covering membrane dark red as preserved in alcohol. Plates numerous. In a specimen of 110 mm. in diameter, there are in a vertical row : actinally, about 17 interambulacral and about 23 ambulacral plates ; abactinally, about 30 interambulacral and more than 80 ambulacral plates. Plates overlapping as in other species of the genus. Between every two interambulacrals in vertical succession, there exists actinally a considerable membranous area in the middle, but abactinally this membrane is reduced to a minimum, and the plates overlap one another even in the middle of transverse sutures, although 6 S. YOSHIWARA. in a very slight degree. Close to the periproct again, the overlapping Just referred to is not recognizable. Apical system (fig. 5) star-shaped, not projecting, the plates lying partly in apposition, partly separated by more or less wide membranous interspaces. The larger and peripherally situated apical plates with tubercles for pedicellariæ and secondary spines. Basals (bas.) wedged into interambulacram and bearing a short membranous tube with genital opening (g. 0.). Radials (rad.) separated from basals, usually with a periproctal (per.) between. Anals (an.) very small, elongated, closely packed together. Anus somewhat projecting. Ambulacrum straight, narrower than interambulacrum (the ratio of breadths of the two being 28 to 41 at ambitus), Ambulacral plate is composed, as determined near ambitus, of an aboral section and of a small, narrow, imperfectly calcified, adoral section situated at the middle of lower edge (fig. 6, am.). Closer ‘observation shows that the former again consists of three pieces apposed together in a transverse row. A pair of pores is situated on the outermost piece of the aboral,section. This pair of pores, together with two more pairs found side by side on the adoral section, forms a tolerably broad pori- ferous zone.—Towards the periproct the divisional lines between the pieces making up the aboral section become more and more difficult to distinguish and towards the periproct the adoral section apparently loses one of its pairs of pores, so that there now remain only two pairs of pores to each ambulacral (fig. 5, am... Finally the adoral section itself is no longer recognizable as such and henceforth the row is- continued to the periproct by a few, very imperfectly calcified plates, each with a single pair of pores. | Peristomal ambulacrum consists of transverselv narrow plates, each with a single pair of pores. They are arranged in each peristomal ambu- lacrum in two regular rows reaching the mouth, between which are irregularly interposed a few other plates eonfined to the peristomal periphery. The pairs of pores on the two rows form a continuation of the outermost series of those of the coronal ambulacrum. ‘Those of ON TWO NEW SPECIES OF ASTHENOSOMA. 7 interposed peristomal ambulacral plates form one or two irregular series. Tentacles of abactinal side, as also those situated near or within the peristome, are smaller, more pointed and poorer in calcareous networks, than the remainder of those of actinal side. They are also destitute of calcareous discs present in the latter. Calcareous networks of tentacles show special concentration along two symmetrically situated lines on either side. For the distribution and arrangement of large and small tubercles on both ambulacrum and interambulacrum, the reader is referred to figs. 3 and 4. Ambulacral arch of the perignathic girdle encloses a somewhat triangular space. The circumferential surface of the arch shows roughness at top for insertion of retractor muscles. On the other surface there is roughness along its inner edge for insertion of the muscle characteristic of the genus. Interambulacral ridge of the girdle possesses two slight prominences. Close observation shows at once that here the ridge is formed of one or two interambulacral plates derived from each of the two rows that compose an interambulacrum, and that each limb of the arch is formed by modification of a single ambulacral plate—a condition that reminds us of what occurs in the Cidaride. The sutures between all the plates composing the perignathic girdle remain distinct. Spines perforated, of four kinds: 1) long poison-spines, which are smooth, cylindrical, tapering, of reddish color; some as long as 60 mm. or more; found scattered all over abactinal side; 2) stout hoof- capped spines (fig. 7) similar to those generally found in Phormosoma with shaft crenulated in upper part, found on abactinal side from a short distance within ambitus and extending to peristomal margin ; 3) small slender spines like poison-spines but more or less crenulated and covered with thicker membrane containing red pigment, occurring intermixed with the two foregoing kinds; 4) those found thickly crowded in proximity of peristome, densely crenulated and slightly 8 S. YOSHIWARA. curved, with the concavity facing the peristome. Pedicellariz of two kinds: small slender-stemmed trifid ones and larger but short-stemmed cup-bearing ones. Both distributed all over coronal, periproctal, and peristomal plates. Spheeridia large, 1 mm. in length, arranged in a single series closely inside the innermost series of tentacles, not only on actinal side but also on abactinal side up to one-fourth of the way from ambitus to periproct. Their membranous covering contains red pigment ; the club- shaped calcareous body has numerous canals longitudinally traversing the neck. These open mostly on the surface of neck, while only three of them pass into the head to open there. Branchia with branches that are either simple and finger-shaped or lobose at end. Stome pentagonal. Jaws unclosed above with epiphyses. ‘Tooth keeled. Amongst other points of structural differences, the present species may be readily distinguished from all other species of the genus by the presence of very long spines on the abactinal, and of hoof-capped spines on the actinal side. Asthenosoma Ijimai, nov. sp. (Figs. 8-12.) The following description of this species is based on a single specimen which was purchased by Prof. Isıma from a Jögashima fisherman in a fresh state. It was stated that it came up sticking to the fishing net. The locality of its capture must have been not very far away from Misaki, but the exact depth is unknown, although we can safely assert that the particular kind of net used by that fisherman is never let duwn to a depth beyond 55 fathoms. Test similar in shape and nature to that of A. longispinum, Yosh., but proportionally higher. Diameter 132 mm., height 40 mm. ; color as preserved in alcohol light yellow with dark brownish spots and irregular markings. Plates very numerous. In a vertical row of interambulacral plates ON TWO NEW SPECIES OF ASTHENOSOMA. 9 there are about 86 plates abactinally and about 26 plates actinally. ‘The number of ambulacral plates almost twice that of interambulacrals. Apical system (fig 11) polygonal, projecting. Anus very prominent. Anal plates (an.) minute, of an elongated shape, few, not reaching anal margin. Periproctal plates (per.) with pedicellariæ and small spines. Basal plates (bas.) unclosed, leaving around the genital opening (g.0.) a narrow membranous tract (bas’.), containing numerous small calcareous pieces and networks and extending as far down as the 8th.—10th. plates along the median interambulacral line. Madreporic plate divided into 4 separate pieces of unequal size (mad.), the largest occupying the normal position. ‘This division of madreporic plate is probably merely an individual abnormality. Ambulacrum straight, 20 mm. wide at ambitus. The arrangement of ambulacral plates both coronal and peristomal, as also that of the pairs of pores, essentially same as in the foregoing species. Tentacles of abactinal side pointed, containing exceedingly minute calcareous pieces ina small quantity. In the proximity of ambitus, first the inner tentacles and soon also the outer tentacles begin to be provided with calcareous discs, as are all on actinal side except those on peristome. The latter are simply provided with calcareous network. Tubercles of both ambulacral and interambulacral areas show marked difference on actinal and abactinal sides. Primary tubercles of interambulacrum: these appear from the 23rd. plate (counting from periproct) in the proximity of ambitus on abactinal side, corresponding to the appearance of tentacles with discs. Down to the 33rd. plate they occur on alternate plates and form a single row running close to ambulacrum (in., fig. 9). From the 34th. they occur on every successive plate and form two rows down to the 42nd. plate. Plates 43rd. to 47th. have alternately two and three primary tubercles giving rise to five rows (in., fig. 10). Plates 48th. to 55th. with two primary tubercles each, forming four rows. Finally, plates 56th. to 62nd. with one primary tubercle each, forming two rows.— Secondary tubercles of interambulacrum : abactinally, up to 10 in a 10 S. YOSHIWARA. regular transverse row on each plate (in., fig. 9). Actinally, rather irregularly scattered between primary tubercles (in., fig. 10). Primary tubercles of ambulacrum: these appear at about the same level as those of the interambulacrum, in a single interrapted row along the median ambulacral suture (am., fig. 9). On actinal side (am., fig. 10) they occur one to each plate but so as to form two regular rows on the inside of poriferous zone. ‘Towards the peristome, these rows become more or less interrupted.—Secondary tubercles as on interambulacral plate, only fewer. Spines perforated, of four kinds: 1) poison-spines, which are smooth, pointed and with transverse bands of a brownish color; found all over the abactinal side, where they may be as long as 16mm., and also on the peripheral half of the actinal side, where they are mostly short and do not exceed 7mm. in length; 2) stout, slightly bent, cylindrical spines, truncated at free end and borne on all primary tubercles, consisting of crenulated shaft and of simply striated, short, terminal segment open at end (fig. 12) as long as 22 mm., 3) shorter spines, covering the main portion of the actinal side, straight, tapering, cylindrical or shghtly flattened, mostly smooth ; 4) short spines on the peristome and adjoining parts, club-shaped, curved, flattened, crenulated, with thick sheath of the soft part. Pedicellariæ of two kinds: one large and long-headed, the other small, long-stemmed and trifid. Branchia with branches that give off numerous, closely set, lobose branchlets. . The most prominent feature by which this species can be distin- guished from all known members of the genus, lies in the peculiar arrangement of the primary tubercles. Fig. yep I ON TWO NEW SPECIES OF ASTHENOSOMA. 1) Explanation of Plate II. Asthenosoma longispinum, Yosh. Portion of abactinal side. Nat. size. Portion of actinal side. Nat. size. Arrangement of tubercles on abactinal side. Semi-diagrammatic. in. interambulacral row ; am. ambulacral row. Arrangement of tubercles on actinal side. Semi-diagrammatic. Letter- ing as in foregoing figure. Portion of periproct and of adjoining coronal plates. Magnified. an. anal plate ; per. periproctal plate; bas. basal plate ; 9. 0. genital opening ; mad. madreporic plate; rad. radial plate; in. interambulacrum; am. ambulacrum. Portions of plates not covered with membrane are shaded. Adjoining ambulacral (am.) and interambulacral (in.) plates near ambitus. Magnified. End of hoof-capped spine. Magnified. Asthenosoma Jjimai, Yosh. Portion of profile view. Nat. size. Portion of abactinal side of test, showing two rows of ambulacral (am.) and interambulacral (in.) plates. 2. Portion of actinal side of test, showing two rows of ambulacral {am.) and interambulacral (in.) plates. x2. Portion of periproct and of adjoining coronal plates. Magnified. Let- tering asin fig. 5. Terminal portion of primary spines, showing the terminal segment and a small portion of the crenulated shaft. Magnified. Printed April 30, 1897. FOA In 2 ia vw ca Ow DE vi aria DATA. 4 1 Annot. Zool. Jap., Vol. I. Tab. IL. = AWS LA: ni 1% Chaetognaths of Misaki Harbor. By T. Aida. Zoological Institute, Science College, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. With Pl. III. § one wood-cut. During the frequent visits made to the Marine Zoological Station of the Imperial University at Misaki for the last two years, I have devoted myself specially to the collection of the chaetognaths to be found in the harbor. Up to date, I have been able to collect twelve species in all. The majority of these can not, however, be fished at all seasons of the year, as their presence depends a great deal on current and wind. For instance, late in summer last year, when an offshoot of the Great Black Stream (kuroshiwo) swept into the harbor, many species not to be seen at other times were caught. I do not therefore think that the list here given is by any means exhaustive. Other species will no doubt be added hereafter from time to time. Of the twelve species mentioned below, four I believe to be new to science. I have adopted the classification of Langerhans (1), as it appears most convenient to me. 1. Sagitta bipunctata, Quoy et Gaimard. (Fig. 1.) Literature: LANGERHANS (1), Herrwic (2), Grass (3), STRODTMANN (4). The specimens which I refer to this species present characters agreeing essentially with the descriptions given by the authors cited above, the agreement being especially noticeable in the position and size of the fins, the thickness of the epidermis, the form and position of the corona ciliata, the length of the body and its ratio to the length of the caudal segment, the size of the ovaries, and a few other points. But 14 TA GATDA there are some discrepancies in the number of the seizing hooks and teeth. Our specimens have 6-7 seizing hooks, 10-12 anterior teeth, and 18-21 posterior teeth, while GRASSI (3) and STRODTMANN (4) give for European specimens 8-10 seizing hooks, 4—6 anterior teeth, and 10-15 posterior teeth. Thus our specimens have a greater number of teeth and a smaller number of seizing hooks than those of Europe. Notwithstanding this difference, Ithink it correct to refer them to the same species, as they agree in so many other characters. 2. Sagitta serratodentata, Krohn. (Figs. 2 & 8.) Literature: Grassr (3), HERTWIG (2), Srroprmann (4). This species is rare in Misaki, and I caught only three during the spring of 1896. It resembles closely Sagitta bipunctata, but is distin- guished from it by its serrated seizing hooks, thinner epidermis and smaller size. \ Strodtmann (4) states that the tip of the teeth is distinctly star- shaped in this species and has at its center the opening of the canal which runs throngh the body of the teeth. But I was unable to find such an opening in the teeth of our species, The canal ends at the top of the teeth blindly and four processes of different size surround the top (fig. 13). 3. Sagitta hexaptera, D’Orbigny. (Fig. 3.) Literature : LANGERHANS (1), HERTWIG (2), Grass (3), STRODTMANN (4). All the specimens of this species which I have fished are young, with unripe genital organs. The pear-shaped corona ciliata on the head segment, the wide lateral field, the number of the seizing hooks and teeth, and the shape and position of the lateral fins, all point to the identity of this species with that described by European authors. , CHAETOGNATHS OF MISAKI HARBOR. 15 4. Sagitta lyra, Krohn. (Fig. 4.) Literature : LANGERHANS (1), HeRTWIG (2), GRASSI (3), STRODTMANN (4). I fished only a few individuals of this species together with Sagitta hexaptera during the spring of 1896. The largest specimen I have caught was 3 cm. long, and its caudal segment 4.5 mm., but its genital organs were not ripe. This species has a very wide trunk and a narrow caudal segment, and two pairs of lateral fins which are continued into each other, the first pair being long and extending anteriorly to the level of the abdominal ganglion. 5. Sagitta minima, (Grassi). (Fig. 5.) Literature: GRASSI (3), STRODIMANN (4). This is a small-sized species. The larger individuals reach the length of 1 cm. and its caudal segment the length of 1.5 mm. The epidermis is thin. The lateral field is pretty wide. As the body is widest in the lower part of the trunk and the caudal segment is comparatively narrow, it is constricted at the border of these two segments as,in Sagitta lyra. Thetop of the seizing hook is strongly curved inwards. The ovaries are short, and generally terminate at the level of the anterior end of the second lateral fin. The corona ciliata is elliptic and lies wholly on the trunk segment. The intestine is very wide, nearly filling up the body cavity, and shows here and there trans- verse wrinkles. It has two diverticula at its beginning. 6. Sagitta enflata, (Grassi). (Fig. 6.) Literature : GRASSI (3), STRODTMANN (4). This species is abundant in Misaki. It can be fished at all seasons 16 T, AIDA. of the year, though the number differs according to meteorological con- ditions. ‘The length of the body when fully grown is 12mm. and its breadth 1.6mm. ‘The caudal segment is 2mm. The anterior pair of lateral fins lies midway between the abdominal ganglion and the posterior end of the trunk segment. The second pair is much larger, and extends along the lower part of the trunk, to the middle of the cau- dal segment. The eipdermis and the muscular coat are very thin. The ovaries are small and scarcely reach the upper end of the second lateral fin. The head is comparatively small, and has 9-10 seizing hooks, 6-8 anterior teeth, and 10-11 posterior teeth. The corona ciliata is skein-shaped and lies on the head segment. The ratio of the length of the caudal segment to that of the whole body is, in our speci- mens l/,—1/;, thus differing from that given by Grassi, which is !/,. 7. Sagitta neglecta, nov. sp. (Fig. 7.) This is the smallest sized species. 'The whole length of the body is 7mm., that of the caudal segment 1.7mm., and the breadth 0.35mm. The fius are five ; the first pair of fins begin at the posterior end of the ventral ganglion ; the second pair, which is separated from: the first, is longer, extending to the middle of the caudal segment. Both lateral fins are semi-elliptic. The corona ciliata is long, like that of Sagitta bipunctata, and hes wholly on the trunk segment, never extending to the head segment between the eyes. Seizing hooks 8; posterior teeth 10-12, anterior teeth 4-5. ‘The top of each tooth has fine processes. ‘he ovaries reach the upper end of the second pair of fins. The sper- matic vesicle is comparatively large. ‘The epidermis thickens at the anterior part of the trunk, as in Sagitta bipunctata. The intestine has two diverticula at its anterior end. This species is abundant in Misaki throughout the year. CHAETOGNATHS OF MISAKI HARBOR. 17 8. Sagitta regularis, nov. sp. (Fig. 8.) A small-sized species. Larger specimens 7mm. long and 0,5mm. broad. The caudal segment is nearly */, of the whole length of the body. The epidermis is thick throughout the entire body, but especially so in the anterior part of the trunk, so that the head is not constricted from the body as in other species. The muscular layer is very thick. The two pairs of lateral fins are separated, and each fin has the shape of a semi-ellipse. he first fin is short, being nearly half as long as the second fin which lies mainly on the caudal segment. Seizing hooks 7 ; anterior teeth 2-4, posterior teeth 5-7. The intestine has two diverticula at its beginning. The mature ovaries may extend nearly to the anterior end of the first lateral fin. The corona ciliata is long and elliptic, and is on the trunk segment. The tactile prominences are well developed and regularly arranged. ---Qg. 4 7 As GRASSI says, there are in all chae- tognaths two kinds of tactile prominences : 90 os Ge pe o°09 QeSeo eCe0 00,959 € Ba one kind is larger, and the hairs, which are longer than those on the other kind, 60 «O° are arranged in transverse planes, while the second kind is smaller and has shorter hairs arranged in longitudinal planes. These two prominences are arranged in this species regularly in alternate trans- verse rows except in the dorsal and ven- tral median lines of the body, where the 20) small prominences of the second kind lie nalongitudinalrow at irregular intervals. Wood-cut 1. e=eye, c=corona ciliata, ag=abdominal ganglion. the dorsal and B the ventral surface, In the above wood-cut where A shows 18 T. AIDA. the tactile prominences of the first kind are shown with clear circles and those of the second with black spots. It may be gathered from the figures that the number of tactile prominences of the first kind in each transverse row, is reduced from 6 in the anterior part of the trunk to 4 in the posterior half, beginning from the level of the first lateral fin. In each transverse row of the prominences of the second kind 4 lie exactly between the prominences of the first kind. It must be noted, however, that the alternation of the rows of prominences of the two kinds are not rigidly carried out, as sometimes two transverse rows of the second kind are placed between the rows of prominences of the first kind. This irregularity commonly occurs in the other species having a similar arrangement of tactile prominences. In the caudal segment, the tactile prominences are comparatively few ; and in the head they are found only on the dorsal surface. Sagitta bipunctata (small specimens), Sagitta neglecta, Sagitta minima, Sagitta serratodentata, Krohnia viridis, Krohnia foliacea, and Spadella draco have all a more or less similar arrangement of tactile prominences, but none of them shows such a regularity as is found in this species. 9. Sagitta hispida, Conant. (Fig 9.) Literature : Conant (5). Whole length of the body llmm. that of the caudal segment 2.8mm., and the breadth 0.7mm. The epidermis thickens at the neck as in Sagitta bipunctata. The muscular coat is thick and gives the animal a stout appearance. ‘The two pairs of lateral fins are separated ; the first fin is shorter and begins slightly behind the abdominal ganglion (in the young, smaller individu- als, it begins at the middle of the abdominal ganglion) ; the second fin is longer, extending to the spermatic vesicle. The head is comparatively large, and has 7-8 seizing hooks, 11-17 posterior teeth, and 7-8 ante- rior teeth. Our specimens have a greater number of seizing hooks and CHAETOGNATHS OF MISAKI HARBOR. 19 teeth than that described by Conant. The corona ciliata is long, ex- tending anteriorly between the eyes to the base of the brain. It does not reach posteriorly, in our specimens, to the level of the abdominal ganglion, as described by Conant. The intestine has two diverticula at its beginning. The tactile prominences are very numerous and are arranged somewhat like those of Sagitta hexaptera. 10. Krohma foliacea, nov. sp. (Figs 10&16.) The essential characteristic of this species lies in the possession of a single pair of lateral fins of remarkable size. It extends from before the abdominal ganglion to the middle of the caudal segment, and its breadth is nearly equal to that of the trunk. Along its margin the tactile pro- minences are arranged symmetrically in both fins at more or less regular intervals. The body is llmm. long, and the caudal segment nearly 1/5 as long. The epidermis and the muscular coat are thick just as in Sagitta bipunctata, comparing individuals of equal size. At the anterior part of the trunk segment there is a thin but well marked transverse muscular layer on the ventral side. The corona ciliata is flask-shaped, and lies on the head segment. Seizing hooks 7, and the single row of teeth, which corresponds to the posterior row in other chaetognaths consists of 5 teeth. The top of the seizing hook is strongly curved inwards (fig 16). I caught only two specimens of this species in the spring of 1896, and as both were young, with unripe genital organs, I can not give further descriptions. 11. Krohnia pacifica, nov. sp. (Figs. 11, 14, & 15). This species can be easily distinguished by its faintly yellowish- green epidermis and the ovaries of the same color. One mature 20 T. AIDA. specimen measured 6mm. in length * and 0,33mm. in breadth, and its caudal segment 1.8mm. The head is comparatively small and has 9 seizing hooks and 10-11 teeth arranged in a single row. The row of one side meets at the top of the head with that of the other side (fig 14, a). Hach seizing hook has a simple termination like that of Krohnia subtilis (fig 15). The fins are three ; a single pair of lateral fins extend from before the spermatic’vesicle to the level of the anterior end of the ovary, and lies equally on the trunk and caudal segments. The caudal fin is narrow and long, its breadth being nearly one half of its length. It is attached anteriorly to the spermatic vesicle. The corona ciliata is elliptic and lies wholly on the trunk segment. The mouth is a transverse slit. This species greatly resembles Krohnia subtilis, but is distinguished by its small head, regular row of teeth, the smaller number of the teeth, and some other characters. 12. Spadella draco, (Krohn.) (Fig 12.) Literature : LANGERHANS (1), Herrwie (2), Grassi (3), STRODTMANN (4). This is the only species of Spadella ever fished in Misaki Harbor. The wide lateral epidermoidal extension of the large vesicular cells, a pair of large tactile prominences, a pair of lateral fins, two rows of teeth, etc. distinguish it from other species. In conclusion, I wish to tender my thanks to Prof. Dr. K. Mrrsu- KURI for valuable advice and aid. * Among the chaetognaths from the Bonin Islands, collected by the late Mr. Hrrora, I found one specimen of this species, which differs, however, from those of Misaki in some points. Itis a young individual, but its body is 13mm. long. The corona ciliata is more elongated posteriorly, like that of Sagitta neglecta. The lateral fins extend on the trunk segment nearly one half as much as on the caudal segment. CHAETOGNATHS OF MISAKI HARBOR. 21 LITERATURE. (1). LANGERHANS, P.—Wurmiauna von Madeira III Zeitschr. für wissensch. Zoologie. Bd.34, p. 132—136. 1880. (2). Herrwie, O.—Die Chaetognathen, eine Monographie. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medicin und Naturwissenschaft, 1880. (3). Grassı, B.—I Chetognathi. Anatomia e sistematica con aggiunte embriolo- giche. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. 1883. (4). STRODTMANN, S.— Die Systematik der Chaetognathen. Archiv für Natur- geschichte, Jahrgang 58, Bd. 1, 1892. (5). Conant, F. S.—Description of Two New Chaetognaths. The Johns Hopkins University Circular, no. 119, June, 1895. (6). Conant, F. S.—Notes on the Chaetognaths. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 6. series, vol. 18, no. 105, 1896. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. Fig. 1. Sagitta bipunctata. 2 Sagitta serratodentata. 3. Sagitta hexaptera. 4. Sagitta lyra. 5. Sagitta minima. 6. Sagitta enflata. ff Sagitta neglecta. 8. Sagitta regularis. 9. Sagitta hispida. d 10. Krohnia foliacea. 11. Krohnia pacifica. 12. Spadella draco. 13. Teeth of Sagitta serratodentata. 14. (a) Ventral view of the head of Krohnia pacifica. (b) Its teeth. 15. Seizing hook of Krohnia pacifica. 16. ‘lop of the seizing hook of Krohnia foliacea. Printed April 30, 1897. ATVAY OOTRARY > AO ARRE > serva di tenda 207 DUT ETS à RER eee) “gi Lu ional, Ì wove ool, aw ph haat st rs 4 «è DIETA } tin Nea Marty i 0 NAL I nr mre ) „nase datant i.” als BEA | legge. nl) seb diano i i UE ì Lea (DA nie { ; ht | d SIA Li ick. cadlenzotan mett pi Enti ict bi ri +. RAR . yet 14 sant ri sil er : ia) rift” do | DRAP our Et ba 1 * k > Pi è wur ‘_ aNATTAIT LO AORTA TER = i L 4 ea! | È bi . 1 Lo MAN tes ait (0), ft oe a . ANNOT. ZOOL.JAP VOL.I. _ HE A He _TAB.III. ite ca N, VW ed > /$. B. fig. 18. SANITOSHA ,E NG.,SHINACAWA On the Accommodation of Some Infusoria to the Solutions of Certain Substances in Various Concentrations.* (Preliminary Note.) By Atsushi Yasuda. Botanical Institute, Science College, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. Organisms are generally influenced by external circumstances, and when the medium, in which they are found, is changed they, to a certain extent, accommodate themselves to the new one. About this faculty a number of investigators have already contributed’ to our knowledge many interesting facts, various media and organisms having been submitted to observation. Among lower plants, SrtARL” studied the accommodation of some myxomycetes to grape-sugar solutions. KLEBS” noted the recovery of fresh-water algæ from the plasmolysis caused by solutions of some chemical substances, and in this way established to some extent their power of adaptation to the new media. RICHTER” made some detailed experiments on the accommodation of fresh-water alge to common-salt solutions. The same result as that found by KLEBS was observed by JANSE” with fresh-water and marine alge, and also by OLTMANNS” in * Reprinted, with the author’s approval, from the Botanical Magazine, Tokyo, Vol. XI, No. 121, published March 20, 1897. 1) E. Srauu. Zur Biologie der Myxomyceten. Bot. Ztg., 1884 Nr. 10, p. 166. 2) G. Kuess. Beiträge zur Physiologie der Pflanzenzelle. Berichte der deutsch. bot. Gesellsch., 1887. Bd. V, Heft 5, p. 181. 3) A. Ricuter. Ueber die Anpassung der Siisswasseralgen on Kochsalzlösungen. Flora, 1892, p. 4. 4) J. M. Janse. Plasmolytische Versuche an Algen. Bot. Centralbl., 1887. Bd. XXXII, p. 21. 5) F. Orrmanns. Ueber die Bedeutuug der Concentrationsänderung des Meerwas- sers für das Leben der Algen. Sitzb. d, Königl. preuss, Akad. ds Wissensch. zu Berlin, 1891, p. 193. 24 A. YASUDA. the case of marine algæ. EscHENHAGEN” showed the effects of various solutions on the growth of some moulds. Concerning higher plants, WIELER observed in one case” the recovery of Vicia Faba and Phaseolus multiflorus from the plasmolysis caused by sugar solutions, while in the other case” he noticed the deformation of the roots of the latter plant when put into glycerine solutions. STANGE” showed in his “ Beziehungen zwischen Substratcon- centration, Turgor und Wachsthum . bei einigen phanerogamen Pflanzen ” the adaptation of Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, and Lupinus albus to plasmolyzing agents. TRUE” experimented upon the influence of a sudden change of turgor on the growth of Vicia Faba. In the animal world, SCHMANKEWITSCH® came to the conclusion that Branchipus stagnalis which lives in fresh-water, changes into Artemia Milhausenti in brackish water, and then again into Artemia salina in salt-water. That the larve of sea-urchins are also deformed by various solutions of chemical substances has been shown by the ex- periments of HERBST.” There is no doubt that infusoria are like other organisms, also influenced by change in the concentration of the substratum, and within a certain limit, a more or less accommodation to the new medium takes 1) F. EscHenHAGEN. Ueber den Einfluss von Lösungen verschiedener Concentration auf das Wachsthum von Schimmelpilzen. Stolp. 1889. 2) A. WIELER. Plasmolytische Versuche mit unverletzten phanerogamen Pflanzen. Berichte der deutsch. bot. Gesellsch., 1887, Bd. V, p. 378. 3) A. WIELER. Ueber Anlage und Ausbildung von Libriformfasern in Abhängiskeit von äusseren Verhältnissen. Bot. Ztg., 1889, Nr. 34, p. 551. 4) B. Stange. Beziehungen zwischen Substrateoncentration, Turgor und Wachsthum #3 bei einigen phanerogamen Pflanzen. Bot. Ztg., 1892, Nr. 18, p. 292 und Nr. 19, p. 307. 5) R. H. True. On the Influence of Sudden Changes of Turgor and of Temperature on Growth. Annals of Botany, 1895, vol. IX, p. 372. 6) W. ScHMANKEWITSCH. Zur Kenntniss des Einflusses der äusseren Lebensbedin- gungen auf die Organization der Thiere. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., 1877, Bd. XXIX, p. 429. 7) ©. Herest. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über den Einfluss der, veränderten chemischen Zusammensetzung «des umgebenden Mediums auf die Entwicklung der "A Thiere. I. Theil. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., 1892, Bd. LV, p. 446. ACCOMMODATION OF INFUSORIA TO CERTAIN SOLUTIONS. 25 place. But then, to what extent would they accommodate themselves to that medium ? And again, what change is brought about to the bodies of these organisms ? Con”? observed in his early investigations ‘that. a sudden change of the concentration of the medium was injurious or fatal to them. FABRE-DOMERGUE? noted that the reserved materials found in the bodies of infusoria appeared and disappeared according as the ex- ternal conditions might be favourable or unfavourable to them. : BokoR- ny? found certain changes in their bodies when subjected to the action of some basic substances. But a more detailed study on the effects ‚of the changed medium upon them has not yet been made. I began to investigate this subject from the spring of last year in the Botanical Institute of the Imperial University, and will now make a preliminary note of some of the results of my experiments. I selected milk-sugar, cane-sugar,” grape-sugar, glycerine, and com- mon salt as the external media to be used, while the iufusoria Colpidium colpoda, Chilomonas paramecium, Euglena viridis, Paramecium caudatum, and Mallomonas sp. were chosen as bodies for the investigation. The experiments now described were made by a sudden transfer of the organisms from the normal medium to an abnormal one, those in which gradual change of the concentration of the medium is made being still in course of investigation, and it may be proved to be the case that the degree of accommodation given here is in reality much lower than that when gradual change is made.” 1) F. Coun. Entwickelungsgeschichte der microscopischen Algen und Pilze. Nova Acta Akad. Ces. Leopold., 1854, Bd. XXIV, Th. 1, p. 132. (Cited by TRUE.) 2) M. Fagre-DomerGue. Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur les infusoires ciliés. Annales des sciences naturelles, Zoologie, 1888, 7me série, tome V, p. 135. 3) T. Boxorny. Einige vergleichende Versuche tiber das Verhalten von Pflanzen und niederen Thieren gegen basische Stoffe. Pfliiger’s Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der 'liere, 1895, p. 597. 4) As our culture of infusoria contained bacteria it was necessary to test how long cane-sugar was recognisable as such in the culture-water. After four days I found, by means of Fehling’s solution, that a little inversion of it had taken place. 5) F. EscHENHAGEN,. loc. cit. p. 34. Also B. STANGE. loc. cit. Nr. 18, p. 293. 26 A. ‘YASUDA. ‘ Phe examination of each culture was made at the end of 1-5 days, was repeated several times, and every time carefully compared with the control-culture. Colpidium colpoda. In milk-sugar solution the organism was found to survive in 1- 10% :concentrations. In 1-2% solutions nothing remarkable was observed, but in a 4% solution the vacuoles increased in size and ihe body enlarged itself and became somewhat rounded. In solutions above 6% the vacuoles greatly enlarged and increased in number, giving the body of the organism an extremely plump appearance. In the case of cane-sugar the organism survived in 1-8% solutions. In a 3% solution the vacuoles became larger and the body began to be rounded. In solutions above 5% these changes were more noticeable. In grape-sugar it survived in 1-7% solutions, and behaved much as in the preceding medium. In glycerineit was found to survive in 1-5% solutions, changes like the last being produced by solutions of 3% and stronger. In common salt it survived up to 4% solution. Chilomonas paramecium. The organism survived in 1-8% milk-sugar solutions. In a 4% solution the corpuscles became larger and the body increased both in breadth and thickness while it rather decreased in length. In an 8% solution these changes were the most remarkable. Of the 1-7% cane-sugar solutions in which it could survive, those above 3% produced changes on its body like those caused by milk-sugar. This organism seemed to adapt itself well to 16% grape-sugar, 1-4% lycerine, and -,-2% common salt. SAS , 0m 0) Euglena viridis. Solutions of 1-17% milk-sugar, 1-13% cane-sugar, 1-11% grape- sugar, 1-5% ? glycerine, and more than 2% common salt were found to ACCOMMODATION OF INFUSORIA TO CERTAIN SOLUTIONS. 27 be suitable to the life of this organism. Its body is highly metabolic, so that no distinct change except the enlargement of the corpuscles could be observed. Paramecium caudatum. This organism was found to survive in 1-8% milk-sugar, 1-7% cane-sugar, 1-5% grape-sugar, 1-3% glycerine, and ~;>-}% common salt solutions, and experienced changes similar to those observed in the case of Colpidium colpoda. Mallomonas sp. Solutions of 1-9%milk-sugar, 1-7% cane-sugar, 16% grape-sugar, 1-4% glycerine, and ~,-3% common salt were adapted to this organism, and had the usual effects. In general, when the concentration of the external medium increas- ed, the bodies of the organisms contracted, and then their movements which had hitherto been active became slower and slower until they ceased entirely. In a few hours, however, the contraction of their bodies gradually disappeared and they recovered their normal condition, accom- modation to the new medium now beginning to take place. Similarly, FiscHER” found that 10-30% cane-sugar, which caused strong plasmo- lysis on Spirillum, stopped its movement. Ewart” also observed that Bacterium Termo, which moved actively in 10% cane-sugar or 5% grape-sugar, lost its activity in 20% cane-sugar or 10% grape-sugar, and finally came to rest in 30% cane-sugar or 20% grape-sugar. The higher the concentration of the solutions, the more difficult the accommodation of infusoria to them became, and when it took place the vacuoles or the corpuscles in the bodies of the organisms remained 1) A. FiscHer. Untersuchungen über Bakterien. Pringsh. Jahrb., 1895, Bd. XXVII, pp. 39—40. : 2) A. J. Ewarr. On Assimilatory Inhibition in Plants. The Journal of the Linnean Society, 1896, vol. XXXI, no. 217, p. 434. 28 A. YASUDA. increased in size as well as in number while their bodies became much thicker, with outlines presenting a more or less rounded appearance. Of the five external media I used the sugar-solutions proved to be the best adapted to the organisms, the highest degree of adaptation being possessed by milk-sugar, then followed cane-sugar and next grape- sugar. Glycerine was found to be better adapted than common salt. It is evident that the action of the above substances is not due to the degree of their concentration but to their chemical nature ; for the solutions which were in isotonic concentration did not have the same effect upon the organisms. Thus, in the cultures of Colpidium colpoda, for example, 8% cane-sugar, which is isotonic with 8.4% milk-sugar, 4.2% grape-sugar, 2.2% glycerine and 0.9% common salt, formed the highest limit, together with 10% milk-sugar, 7% grape-sugar, 5% glycerine and 4% common salt, so that the limits in the latter case were generally found to be far higher than those in the former, except with common salt where, on the contrary, the adaptation of the organism was much lower. A similar observation was made by STANGE,” who found that isotonic solutions caused various growth-rates in the bodies of plants. Conclusions :— (1) Isotonic solutions of the chemical compounds in question do not produce corresponding effects upon the bodies of infusoria. The action depends more upon the chemical nature of each substance than upon its concentration. (2) In solutions of higher concentration a contraction of the bodies takes place, which disappears after some hours, when the organisms begin to accommodate themselves to the new media. (3) Higher concentration of the medium retards the multiplication of the organisms, (4) As the concentration of the medium ingreases, the movement of the organisms is retarded. 1) B. Stange. loc. cit. Nr. 22, p. 364. ACCOMMODATION OF INFUSORIA TO CERTAIN SOLUTIONS. 29 dle (5) In sugar-solutions of higher concentration some infusoria seem to increase in size, only till a certain limit is reached. (6) The vacuoles or the corpuscles increase in diameter as the con- centration of the medium becomes stronger. (7) The more the concentration of the medium increases the more rounded become the organisms. March 1897. Reprinted May 6, 1897. WANG MLE TROVA 0 7 nu Keel io asta Jo Jim cieli: 16 à AA sol sapido ee saggi iosa Bon GRETA gpl {Essi DELE Hild ta roid uote 4 tdi] bf vi * iar On Changes which are found with Advancing Age in the Calcareous Deposits of Stichopus japonicus, Selenka. By K. Mitsukuri, Ph. D. Professor of Zoology, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. I am at present engaged in a study of the Holothurioidea of Japan, the results of which I hope to publish elsewhere before long. But the following facts in regard to the calcareous bodies of our commonest holothurian —Stichopus japonicus, Selenka,—appear to me remarkable enough to deserve a separate preliminary notice. The statements made by previous writers about the calcareous bodies of that species do not in many respects agree with one another, and it will be found difficult to obtain from them a clear idea on the matter. This is not to be wondered at, as some most important ‘facts have hitherto been entirely overlooked. SELENKA who gave the first description of the species (Zeitsch. für wiss. Zool., Bd. XVII, p. 318) had only one specimen 110 mm. long. ‘In Rig. 1 regard to the calcareous bodies, he says ; “Die Kalkgebilde bestehen ausschliesslich 34 35 36 in 0.05mm. breiten thurmförmigen Körper ak 0025 (Fig. 34-35), unter denen ich sehr zahlreiche Je) Hemmungsbildungen, nämlich durchbroch- Caleareous bodies 9 ene Ringe, finde (Fig. 36). ” Stichopus japonicus. Copied Ù from SELENKA. Von MARENZELLER who next touched on the subject (“ Neue Holothurien von Japan und China, ” Verhandl. zoolog-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, 1881, p. 137) had several specimens;; the largest of which was 70 mm. long and not sexually ripe. He says :— “Die Kalkkôrper sind, wie SELENKA angiebt, von den Kalkstaben der 32 K. MITSUKURI. Füsschen abgesehen, nur einerlei Art. Die Fig. 35 (SELENKA, J. c.) gibt wohl nur eine Hemmungsbildung wieder, die dadurch entstanden, dass die Stäbchen des Stieles nicht gleichmässig zur Ausbildung kommen, und mit einander vor der Bildung einer Krone verschmelzen. Uebrigens habe ich eine solche Form nie gesehen. Fig. 11a* stellt eine regelmässe kleine, Fig. 11 * eine grosse Scheibe dar. Die Scheibe der Stühlchen misst in Durchmesser nicht leicht unter 0.045 mm. und selten 0.075 mm. Dazwischen alle Grössen. Ich finde den Stiel nicht durchaus so gebildet, wie ihn SELENKA unter Fig. 34 wiedergibt. Er ist hier breit und zeigt nur einen einzigen Querstab unter der Krone, deren Zacken übri- gens zu stark nach aussen gebogen scheinen. Neben solchen Stühlchen, an welchen der an der Basis z. B. 0.18 mm. breite und 0.033 mm. hohe Stiel gegen das Ende immer verbreitert ist, finden sich andere noch von gleicher Gestalt, aber mit zwei Querstäben im längeren Stiele, und dann durch Uebergänge verbunden solche, deren Stiel schmal, lang, mit zwei und mehr Querstäben versehen und etwas konisch zulaufend, nicht verbreitert ist. * * * * Ferner kann die Zahl der Stäbchen des Stieles reducirt werden. Ich fand ein Stühlchen mit einem 0.09 mm. langen und 0.015 mm. breiten Stiele, der fünf Quertäbe aufwies, aber aus nur zwei Langsstäben bestand.” No mention is made by v. MAREN- ZELLER of the presence of such perforated plates as are given in SELEN- KA'S fig. 36. THEEL in his Report on the Challenger Holothurioidea (Reports, vol. XIV) had one specimen of Stichopus japonicus, and says: “ The specimen does not quite agree with the description of SELENKA and von MARENZELLER, but nevertheless, I do not think it possible to refer it to any other species. * * * * Itis especially with regard to the deposits that disagreements exist, which render the correctness of my determination dubious. The tables have the same shape as described by von MARENZELLER (Pl. VIL, fig. 3, a, d.) but, besides these, I find a great quantity of small rounded or oval perforated plates (PI. * Von MARENZELLER’s figs. Il a and b are very much like Fig. 2 a, b, of the present article. ON THE CALCAREOUS DEPOSITS OF STICHOPUS JAPONICUS. 33 VII, fig. 3, c) some of which bear a certain resemblance to buttons. SELENKA also described such bodies under the name of ‘ Hemmungs- bildungen’. ” THHEL had two other specimens each 220 mm. long which he established into a new variety under the name of Stichopus japonicus, var. typicus. In regard to the calcareous bodies of these specimens, he found that they consisted of tables alone, but comparatively few of them were fully developed, by far the greater part presenting themselves under the shape of perforated discs with the margin very uneven or spinous, and with no spire or a very poorly developed one. The rare complete tables were smaller and larger, composed of a rounded per- forated disc with smooth margin and a spire built up of mostly four rods, with one or more transverse beams, and often terminating in four longer or shorter teeth. There were also found tables with a spire com- posed of only two rods. It is but just to THÉEL to mention that he makes a distinct statement to the effect that, these specimens may prove to be older and more developed forms of Stiehopus japonicus than those previously studied. LAMPERT in his “ Die Seewalzen ” says : “‘ Stiel der Stühlchen bald mit einer, bald mit zwei Querleisten, in letztem Falle oft mit seitlichen Dornen besetzt; die als durchbrochene Ringe erscheinenden Hem- mungsbildungen sehr zahlreich. ” He also says ‘‘ einspitzige Stühlchen wie SELENKA eines abbildet, konnte ich eben so wenig wie v. MARENZEL- LER auffinden. ”’ To make the matter still more intricate, the form which SELENKA (2. e.) described under the name of Holothuria armata and in which he found only sparingly “ durchbrochene Plättchen ” besides the “ End- scheiben, ” is considered by THÉEL to be probably nothing else than Stichopus japonicus (Challenger Report, Vol. XIV, p. 196). From these citations, we are able to gather the fact that the calca- reous deposits of Stichopus japonicus consist of only one kind, viz. tables. But beyond this, it is difficult to obtain any clear ideas. It is most probable that these tables are present in the shape of simple per- 34 K. MITSUKURI. ’ forated plates as ‘ Hemmungsbildungen,” but von MARENZELLER makes no mention of them. As to what the shape ofthe complete tables is, one will be sorely puzzled to find out. The figures and de- scriptions given by SELENKA and by LAMPERT will be found difficult to reconcile with those of VON MARENZELLER or of THEEL. Moreover, while it seems certain that there are forms closely related to Stichopus japonicus, such, for instance, as that described by THÉEL as var. typicus, or that called by SELENKA Holothuria(or Stichopus according to THKEL) armata, it is impossible to know exactly in what relation these forms stand to the species proper or to one another. . When I began to examine the specimens of what I supposed to be Stichopus japonicus my perplexity was greatly increased. For actual specimens seemed to be about as varied as the descriptions of the above mentioned authors. Individual after individual were found with only perforated plates * and without any complete tables. Or if I succeeded in finding some with complete tables, these latter seemed to show a great variety of forms among themselves, so that it was impossible to specify a shape common to all specimens. Finally, the question seem- ed to resolve itself into this : Hither there are two distinct species among the form known in Japan as the common “ namako” (hitherto supposed to be identical with Stichopus japonicus), one species corresponding to Holothuria armata of SELENKA and the other to Stichopus japonicus of the same author, or else the species known as Stichopus japonicus, Selenka, presents an extraordinary variety of forms in their calcareous deposits. If the former alternative was the case, it was most desirable to establish the fact and to define the limits of each species, for it had a most practical bearing on the question which it had been, and is, my purpose to study, viz. how to protect or cultivate the namako for economic purposes. If the latter alternative was the case, it would be of great morphological interest to find out with what conditions, these variations of the calcareous deposits are correlated. To settle the ques- * Apart from the terminal dise and supporting bodies of the tube-feet and papille. Of these, I am not at all speaking in the present article. ON THE CALCAREOUS DEPOSITS OF STICHOPUS JAPONICUS. 35 tion in either way, the overhauling of a large number of specimens of both sexes, at various stages of growth and from all sorts of localities was a necessity. Fortunately, I had been slowly accumulating just such a collection, in course of the inquiry undertaken with the above-mentioned economic object at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. Moreover, from the experience thus gained, I found it possible to tell within certain limits the age of a ’ given “namako” and obtained the knowledge of when and where individuals of certain sizes might be found.* I thus flattered myself that I had favorable opportunities for settling the question put forth above in regard to the calcareous deposits of the “ namako. ” I shall now briefly set forth the results of my study on this ques- tion :—- The holothurians commonly known in Japan under the name , of the “namako ’ all belong to one species, viz.:—Stichopus japo- nicus, Selenka. The form distinguished by THÉEL as var. typicus is only a stage in the growth of the species. Holothuria armata, Selenka may possibly be better set down as a variety of this species, not, indeed, on account of its calcareous deposits but of some other characters——as will become clear in the sequel. The form of calcareous bodies + changes with advancing age in Stichopus japonicus. The youngest individuals have most perfectly formed, large-sized tables and nothing but these. They have such tables very thickly crowded or even overlapping with their bases. With the growth of the animal, perfectly formed tables decrease both in number and size, and tables in various stages of arrested development are found mixed with them. The degree of imperfec- tion in tables of arrested development as well as the proportion of such tables to perfectly formed ones constantly increase with age, * It is my intention to put together elsewhere the results of my inquiry into the habits and life-history of the “ namako,” together with my plan for the propagation of the animal. + As before, I am not speaking of the terminal discs and supporting rods of the tube-feet. 36 K. MITSUKURI. until in fully grown individuals, there are found nothing but small perforated plates, representing only a small central part of the basal disc and without any trace of the spire. These are moreover comparatively but thinly scattered in the skin. As the changes outlined above take place only by degrees, it is not of course possible to fix any well marked stages ; nevertheless as a matter of convenience in describing and identifying various steps in the changes, I have ventured to assort individuals in various stages of growth into five groups as follows :— Stage I:—Includes the youngest individuals whose caleareous bod- ies are all well formed tables. The preparations* made from specimens Fig. 2. 6 di) ) (N oo respectively 10, 18, 23, 27 and 30mm. iong + present a striking appear- ance. The skin is so thickly crowded with tables that very little space is left between them. These tables (fig. 2) have all a well formed basal disc and a tall slender spire, and are tolerably uniform in size, com- pared with those found in later stages. The commonest size of the basal disc is about 0.06 mm. but exceptionally large ones may reach 0.11— or even 0.12 mm. when measured along the longer axis of those that * Made by simply passing a piece of the thin and almost transparent skin through different grades of alcohol, clarifying it in clove-oil and then mounting it in balsam, without any treatment with potash. + All measurements made in alcoholic specimens, unless otherwise specified. ON THE CALCAREOUS DEPOSITS OF STICHOPUS JAPONICUS. 37 have an oval disc. Those below 0.06 mm. are comparatively few, at least in the youngest individuals. They all possess a smooth margin. The four pillars of the spire are set very close to one another in the center of the disc. The commonest number of transverse beams are three or four, but exceptionally may become five or two. The pillars often incline towards one another, above the highest transverse beam but one, so that the spire frequently looks as if it were slightly conical or ended in a point. There are minute teeth on the spire, especially near the tip. The height of the spire is generally about 0.06 mm. but may become slightly higher (0.078) or lower (0.048). In older individuals of this group—e. g. in those respectively 39, 40, 46, 50, 60 mm. long—the tables whose disc is less than 0.06 mm. sometimes becoming as small as 0.03 mm. are mixed with larger ones in a greater proportion than in younger individuals. Many of these discs have only eight holes è. e. four small holes in addition to, and alternating with, the four large holes at the center. Those with only the four central holes (fig. 3) which are such a prominent feature of later stages are as yet very rare, and even these have a tolerable spire. The height of the spire seems also in many cases somewhat reduced, and those with two transverse beams are of much more frequent occurrence. The tables are also much less closely scattered than heretofore. One indi- vidual 70 mm. long I feel justified in placing in this group, for although the features given above for the individuals that are 39-60 mm. long in contrast to younger individuals are brought out still more prominent- ly, nearly all the tables have still some sort of spire, even if the spire has often only one transverse beam, or may consist of only three or two pillars. We may therefore conclude that young individuals whose lengths are below about 70 mm. possess calcareous bodies which are all well formed tables. It is evident that the specimens which vow MARENZELLER examin- ed, belonged to this group, for the largest one in his possession measured 70mm. This circumstance accounts for the fact that he males no refer- 38 K. MITSUKURI. ence to those perforated plates or ‘ Hemmungsbildungen ” which others mention as an important feature. Stage II:—In this group, I propose to include those individuals in which those small, perforated plates with or without rudiments of a spire (fig. 3) begin to be a noticeable feature but not to such an extent that they seem to form a larger portion of the calcareous deposits of the animal than the well formed tables. I have fixed a somewhat arbitrary standard and put in this group all those in whose skin I could count at least 7-10 well-built tables (fig. 2) in a field, when examined with Zeiss CC x8. The tables with 2-3 transverse beams are most frequent. Some with only one beam are seen. It is impossible to fix any limits in the lengths of individuals belong- ing to this group with anything like accuracy. Those which I have placed in this group are respectively 50, 50 54, 70, 70, and 110 mm. in lengths. I believe that the single specimen which THEEL identified with some hesitation as Stichopus japonicus, belongs to this stage. His de- scription tallies well with what I have given above. Stage III:—This I propose to call the typicus stage, for those speci- mens which THÉEL distinguished as Stichopus japonicus, var. typicus may be taken as good examples of this stage. Here the calcareous bodies which correspond to the large well formed tables of the preceding stage have begun, many of them, to show various degrees of imperfec- tion. ‘This arresting of development affects both the basal disc and the spire. Thus the spire may become lower, have a smaller number of transverse beams (1-2), and often have the ends of the pillars bent out- wards (SELENKA, Fig. 34, or THEEL, pl. VIII, fig. 20). Or the pillars may be reduced in number to three or two, or be occasionally increased to five (THÉéez, pl. VIII, fig. 2d), and often inclined towards one another, especially near the upper end so as to produce a conical shape. Or the spire may be represented by 1-4 simple knobs which are rudi- ments of the pillars. Or finally there may be no trace of a spire. The complete tables have the margin of their basal disc entirely smooth, but ON THE CALCAREOUS DEPOSITS OF STICHOPUS JAPONICUS. 39 the discs that are affected by the “ Hemmungsprozess ” have all more or less spinous margin and are reduced in size in various degrees. (See THEEL, Pl. VIII, Eig. 2d.) When no spire is developed a table be- comes nothing but irregular perforated plates with spinous margin. The larger ones of this kind graduate by degree into small, perforated plates which we saw in the preceding stage. At this period, therefore, we see three kinds of calcareous deposits: (a) completely built tables such as we saw in Stage I, (b) tables showing various degrees of imper- fection and having spinous margin, and (c) perforated plates, mostly with spinous margin which from tolerably large ones shade off into quite small quadriloculate forms. The specimens which showed best the characteristics of this stage are several individuals 200-250 mm. long (in fresh state), which I obtained at Kanagawa and which I believe, from a series of observations made at the same locality, to be at the end of their first year. There are, how- ever, others which are smaller (175 mm. fresh. Tokyo market) and larger. THEEL’S specimens measured 220 mm. and must have been considerably larger in fresh state. Stage IV:—This is the stage in which the original specimen de- scribed by SELENKA must have belonged, although it was only 110 mm. in length. The tables of the original form which were characteristic of Stage I, have now all disappeared or, if present, very rare, and only those that show various degrees of imperfection are seen and even these are not very numerous. The spire is mostly very low, having generally only one or at the most two transverse beams, and may be reduced in the number of the pillars. Various forms of asymmetry* may be pro- duced by difference in lengths of the pillars on the same disc, or by the pillars inclining towards and fusing with, one another. SELENKA’s Fig. 35 represents without question one of these forms, and I have seen many which are quite near it, although never one which is exactly as symme- trical as the one the figure shows. By far the most prominent feature * Such forms may also be seen from earlier stages. 40 K. MITSUKURI. Fig. 3. of the calcareous deposits in in- dividuals of this stage is the pre- SONDA © ZO GS (@ eg 109 sence of those which SELENKA named “ Hemmungsbildungen ” & SY 63) I (Fig. 3). These show various g < sizes, but on the whole are small- Some forms of perforated plates. er than those in the typicus stage. 263, On many are seen little knobs which are the rudiments of the pillars of a spire. It is impossible to give any limits in the lengths of individuals which belong to this stage. Those that I placed here range between 50 mm. (alcoholic specimen) and 210mm. (in fresh state). Probably still larger ones may be placed here. Stage V:—This I propose to call the armata stage, for the speci- men which SELENKA named Holothuria armata, had calcareous bodies which are typical of this stage. In other words, all forms of tables with a spire have now entirely disappeared. At the most, there are only simple knobs which represent the rudiments of the pillars of a spire. All the calcareous bodies are therefore in the shape of perforated plates or SELENKA’S “ Hemmungsbildungen.” In the younger ones of this stage, these perforated plates may be still large aud have spinous margin, but the older the individual, the smaller and smoother become the cal- careous bodies, aud the nearer they approach the shape. of a ring with four openings, representing the four central holes in the dises of the earlier tables. In the very oldest, even these four holes are not complete, and a part of the circumference may often be lacking to the ring. The calcareous deposits are also much more sparsely distributed than in earlier stages. I need hardly remind the reader that as the above five stages have been artificially marked out in an unbroken series of changes, many an intermediate state of things will be found, which an investigator will find difficult to put precisely in any one of them. I claim for them nothing beyond some advantage that they afford in elucidating the ON THE CALCAREOUS DEPOSITS OF STICHOPUS JAPONICUS. 4] the process of changes in the calcareous deposits of Stichopus japonicus. It is evident from what has been given above that the calcareous deposits in our species are more complete and show more primitive characters in young stages than in older or adult forms. In the young- est stages examined, they have almost the character of a calcareous coat of armor, similar to that of a starfish or of a sea-urchin. There are un- doubtedly physiological reasons for this : the youngest individuals have a very thin and pliable skin and muscle layer so that some sort of protec- tion and support is a necessity. But a possible phylogenetic signi- ficance should not be lost sight of. It will be seen that I agree with THEEL in regarding Holothuria armata of SELENKA to be only a form of Stichopus japonicus. My rea- sous for thinking so are as follows :—I have fortunately some specimens of Holothuria armata which Prof. SELENKA kindly identified for us during his stay in Japan. There can be therefore no question as to their being Holothuria armata. Now, an examination of the calcareous deposits of these specimens reveals a condition exactly like the fifth stage of Stecho- pus japonicus. I see no reason for separating them from other speci- mens of Stichopus japonicus of the same stage, so far as the calcareous deposits are concerned. Unfortunately, these specimens lack the viscera, and I have not yet had an opportunity of examining the reproductive organs of this type. But my friend, Mr. Nozawa of the Hokkaido Fisheries Bureau informs me that when he examined some years ago the specimens of that form in order to determine its breeding season, he remembers seeing two genital bundles, one on each side of the median mesentery. There is therefore very little doubt in my own mind that the form which SELENKA has signalized as Holothuria armata is the northern form of Stichopus japonicus. It is easily distinguished by having four rows of many long pointed papille along the two dorsal ambulacra and the lateral margins, and by having numerous much small- er papille interspersed between these four rows. ‘This form is found in the Hokkaido (Yesso) and the northernmost part of the Honshu (the main Island of Japan). As we go down southward in our country, the 42 K. MITSUKURI. papille of Stichopus japonicus seem tod ecrease in number as well as in height. This difference becomes so apparent when dried for the market that dealers in dried “ namako ” divide them into those with spines (papille) and those without them. The former is the northern form, while the latter from the southern part, show only a row of low papille along the lateral margins and few others scattered over the dorsal sur- face. Those from Tokyo and the vicinity seem to be intermediate between the two. I think that if the form found in the central part is taken as the type of the species, the northern form with many papille might be distinguished as var. armatus, while the southern form with few papillae might be called var. australis. Of course, these pass into one another insensibly. And even at one and the same locality, there seems to be a great deal of difference in different individuals in this respect. I . : am inclined to think that the habitat of the animal has a great deal to do with the matter. Those that live among rocks along a rocky beach seem to be distinguished by a larger number of tall papille as well as by a mottled brown color, while those that live on sandy ground, probably among sea-weeds, have lower and fewer papille and have generally a dark green color. So that it seems possible to me to divide the species into varieties by latitude and by habitat. It would be a singular fact, if the changes in the shape of the calca- reous deposits brought out above in Stichopus japonicus should turn out tobe the solitary case of such an occurrence among the order of Holothu- rioidea. I am rather inclined to think that if carefully studied, every species will present more or less similar changes. If this should turn out to be the case, I need hardly point out what an important bearing it has on the systematic classification of the species of holothurioidea. At any rate, those who collect holothurians should bear the fact in mind and endeavor to obtain a large number of individuals in varios stages of growth from different localities. ) Science College, Imp., Univ., Tokyo. Printed May 16, 1897. Revision of Hexactinellids with Disc- octasters, with Descriptions of Five New Species, By Prof. I. Ijima, Ph. D. Zoological Institute, Science College, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. The discoctasters are, as enunciated by F. E. ScHULZE,* strongly modified discohexasters in which the six principals have entirely or almost entirely atrophied while the terminals have undergone a new arrangement into eight secondary principals and terminal tufts at points of the central node corresponding to the eight corners of a cube. This peculiar kind of spicules have hitherto been known to occur in the follow- ing four species of Rossellide, viz. Acanthascus cactus, F.E.S., Rhab- docalyptus mollis, F. E. S., Rh. Roeperi, F, E. S. and Rh. Dowlingi, L. M. Lambe. To this list, I will add five more species, making in all nine discoctasterophorous species. Before entering into diagnostic descriptions and systematic arrange- ment of these species, I hold it essential to make, once for all, some general notes on their structure. They are all moderately thick-walled, barrel-like, cup-like, or vase-like forms with a deep gastral cavity. Frequently the body shows lateral compression after it has attained a certain size. The simple osculum is situated at the upper end. The thin oscular margin is at first turned inwards, but becomes later directed upwards or outwardly expanded. Attachment to the substratum takes place by an irregular space at the blind end, which region may be contracted in a stalk-like manner but is never solid. When the sponge grows on an inclined or vertical sub- stratum, it commonly happens that the basal region is bent so as to direct the rest of the body upwards. * Sitz-ber. d. kg]. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., XLVI, 1893. 44 Le NA The power of opening secondary oscule or of budding out daughter persons seems to be widely spread, although neither of them are ever formed in any great number. A daughter person first arises as a coecum-like outbulging of the wall, eventually to open an osculum at the summit. The principal parenchymalia are exclusively long diactins of well- known nature and arrangement. The intermedia are always of three kinds : discoctasters, oxyhexasters, and microdiscohexasters. With respect to discoctasters, it is to be noted that the central node contains a typical triaxial cross, which seems not to have been observed before in this kind of hexactinellidan spicule. It is made plain- ly visible when examined in glycerine or in any other medium of similar refractive power. The six points of the cross are turned towards the middle of the protuberant or otherwise somewhat concave space sur- rounded by every four secondary principals. The terminals are always, though often obsoletely, rough. The minute terminal dises are either simply shaped like pin-head or toothed at the margin. It frequently happens that deeply situated discoctasters are considerably larger than those 1n the periphery. The oxyhexasters, which are the most abundant of all parenchymal intermedia, have very short and sometimes almost entirely atrophied principals. The terminals are smooth or more frequently rough. The roughness may develop at their basal parts into prickles with centrally turned points. Not unfrequently the oxyhexasters situated near the dermal surface differ from those more deeply situated in having longer principals and more slender and more numerous terminals, although they seem to be connected by transitional forms. ‘The most usual number of terminals to a principal is two, and it very frequently happens in such a bifurcated ray that one of the terminals is but very little deve- loped or entirely absent. Thus I have seen cases in which a small rudi- mentary and a normally developed terminal stood together on a princi- pal. Then there are cases to be met with often enough, in which a single terminal is joined to a principal by its crooked basal end. The HEXACTINELLIDS WITH DISCOCTASTERS. 45 crook just mentioned is, in other cases, modified into a gentle bend and in still others, completely straightened out so that now a principal and a terminal jut out from the central node in a single straight ray. But such a ray ought certainly not to be looked in the same light as the primary undivided ray of a hexactin. The latter is invariably traversed throughout its whole length by the axial canal, which, in the case of hexasters, is likewise found in the principals but never extends into the terminals. In conformity with the last mentioned fact, the apparently simple and unforked hexaster rays already referred to, contain the axial canal only at their bases, clearly demonstrating their constitution out of a principal and of a single terminal. As is well known, one or more rays in an oxyhexaster may be unforked or uniterminal ; and when all are so and straight, as is of common occurrence, there arises a form which is in shape a hexatin though not a genuine one in nature. Such a spicule, when cleaned and examined in glycerine, will be found to con- tain the usual central axial cross, the arms of which extend but for a short distance into the bases of the six rays. ‘The impropriety of simply calling it oxyhexactin, as has hitherto been the custom (SCHULZE, LAMBE, RAUF), is evident. It should be called hexactin-shaped oxyhexaster. The microdiscohexasters are probably never absent, although in some species they occur quite sparingly. ‘They are of usual shape and vary in diameter from 154 to 26.6. The autodermalia are rough, straight diactins, stauractins, or pen- tactins, one or the other of these predominating according to species. Monactins, orthodiactins, and triactins are only of occasional occurrence. As in all other Rossellids, a distally directed ray is never developed on the autodermalia. When stauractins or pentactins constitute the main elements, their cruciate rays are usually so arranged as to bring about an autodermal lattice-work with more or less regularly quadrate meshes ; whereas, in species with diactin autodermals, the meshes formed are triangular, trapezoidal, or irregular in shape. A hypodermal system of spicules is always present. For Acanthas- cus cactus it is characteristic that the hypodermalia consist exclusively 46 1.’ KITIMA: of diactins which are grouped in thin anastomosing strands. In the rest of octasterophorous species, they consist of moderately large oxy- pentactins, either solely or in union with subtangentially disposed diactins. The proximally directed shafts of these hypodermal pentactins are always smooth ; the four paratangential rays are also smooth or minutely rough (Staurocalyptus), or else armed with biserially arranged, strong, hook-like prongs (Rhabdocalyptus). The paratangentials are often, though not always, paratropal, i.e. the four rays are, as it were, pushed aside so that they form with one another three more or less acute angles and one wide angle greater than 90° or even 180°. Similar hypo- dermal pentactins have long been known in Rossella antarctica. As in this species they are generally found in groups of several together. In every such group, proximally directed shafts, accompanied with slender comital diactins, form a more or less compact column or tuft that dips deeply into the parenchymal mass, while the heads composed of paratan- gential rays bring about a star-like figure, in which a number of streaks radiate in all directions from what I will call, for the sake of convenience, the hypodermal centre. It is easy to discover that the pentactin-heads in a hypodermal group lie one above the other and that the one in an upper situation is older and more fully developed than that following next below. The lowest is therefore the youngest, which developes it- self clasping with one of its angles the column of shafts belonging to older pentactins. It is this preéxisting shaft-column that disturbs the regularly cruciate development of the head of young pentactins; hence the paratropal arrangement of paratangential rays. The hypodermal pentactins remain in their locus nascendi only in certain species. More usually they are destined to be protruded out- wards through the autodermal layer as prostalia pleuralia. These stand out isolated or in tufts from hypodermal centres; and, in case they are not shed off, their paratangential rays form a gossamer-like veil at a certain distance from the dermal surface, exactly as is known in the genus Rossella. Diactin prostalia are also of common occurrence. These are to be HEXACTINELLIDS WITH DISCOCTASTERS. 47 considered as specially developed parenchymalia. In many species of Rhabdocalyptus and Staurocalyptus I have found that in very young individuals the needle-like diactin-prostalia project from all parts of the body, but with growth of body, become restricted to the oscular margin, where they may form an ill-defined, often interrupted fringe. The autogastralia are as a rule rough hexactins with some excep- tions. They may be represented by pentactins or by both pentactins and stauractins. The autogastral pentactins has its unpaired ray al- ways distally turned. In one noteworthy case (Staurocalyptus pleo- rhaphides), the autogastrals are to be considered either as being not at all developed or as being represented by short diactins that are not sharply differentiated from parenchymal elements. When autogastralia with cruciate paratangential rays are present in large numbers, they form a continuous lattice-work with small quadrate meshes, covering over the apertures of efferent canals. But when sparingly developed, there are left in the autogastral layer wide gaps, by means of which the efferent canals stand in direct communication with the gastral chamber. Hypogastral strands are usually more or less distinctly present. They are nothing else than certain strands of parenchymal diactins, that have dissociated themselves in variable degrees from the parenchymal mass and have entered into the support of the autogastral layer. Finally with respect to dictyobasalia—by which name I designate the thin reticular plate that invariably cover the surface of basal attach- ment,—I believe that it is formed mainly by direct as well as synapticu- lar fusion of special spicules developed by the stimulus of foreign bodies in contact with the sponge. Where the plate is thin, the axial canal contained in the nodes of beams has the shape of a simple cross, showing that stauractins here lie as the structural basis. On the other hand, where the plate is of certain thickness, the axial canals contained are six-armed and even stout-rayed hexactins themselves are often discerni- ble in the process of fusing with the dictyobasal beams, The nine discoctasterophorous species, known to me at present, un- doubtedly constitute a coherent group separated by a gap of not incon- 48 1.1: TIJIMA, siderable extent from allied Rossellids in which the characteristie dis- coctaster is represented by typical discohexasters. Probably the group deserves to receive the rank of a sub-family, but I prefer to put off this question until I have studied all my Rosselid materials. As will be seen in the sequel I have distributed the species in question under three genera. One of these, Acanthascus, although represented by a single species, seems to me to be sufficiently distinct. With respect to the rest, I must say that it would largely depend upon the individual caprice of systematists whether to keep them on as two distinct genera, as I have done, or to make only a subgeneric distinction between them. GENus: ACANTHASCUS. Discoctasterophorous Rossellids with exclusively diactin hypodermalia. This genus as originally established by F. E. ScHULZE in the Chal- lenger Report, included besides the species given below, two more forms that were called A. grossularia and A. dubius. These latter do not possess discoctasters, which seem to be represented here by discohexas- ters. On this account and from considerations of certain other points, it seems to me justifiable to remove them altogether from the genus. I think they might be included among Rossella more naturally than be left in union with a discoctasterophorous species. Prof. SCHULZE him- self has declared, in his letter to me, to share in this idea now. So then, the genus Acanthascus remains with the following single species. I. Acanthascus cactus, F. E. Sch. Cup-like, vase-like, or fannel-shaped, often somewhat compressed, with simple oscular edge ; dermal REST with conical elevations, bearing on their apex a tuft of strong, needle-like, prostal oxydiactins. The body may attain a large size of more than 450 mm. in height. It fre- quently bears a limited number of secondary persons. Parenchymal diactins small, probably never exceeding 15mm. in length. HEXACTINELLIDS WITH DISCOCTASTERS. 40 Discoctasters with 3-6 straight or almost straight, minutely rough terminals on each principal. Length of entire rays (measured from centre) 53-1304 ; those found in deep parts being often twice as large as those lying near the dermal layer. In larger discoctasters the principals are also rough-surfaced and the terminal discs 7-8 toothed. Oxyhexasters 45-76 in radius, Principals exceedingly short or almost entirely absent. Terminals rough, straight, stout; usually two to each principal, but very frequently reduced to one, so that there occur oxyhexasters with 11, 10, 9,8, 7 or even 6 points. In the last case they may be typically hexactin-shaped though only in external appearance. The principal is rarelv supplied with three terminals. Microdiscohexasters of usual shape are of frequent occurrence es- pecially in the dermal and gastral membranes. Autodermalia are predominatingly rough stauractins forming a fine lattice-work with quadrate meshes. This layer is supported by rather thin strands of hypodermal diactins, forming a network of triangular, trapezoidal, or irregular meshes, whose sides rarely exceed 2 mm. in length. Autogastralia are mainly rough pentactins. These do not form by themselves a continuous autogastral lattice-work but are found scattered on hypogastral strands together with discoctasters and oxyhexasters. This species, known only from Sagami Sea, is one of the most abundant Hexactinellids of that locality in depths of over 200 fathoms. Genus RHABDOCALYPTUS. Discoctasterophorous Rossellids with pentactin hypodermalia, the paratangeutial rays of which are, when fully developed, armed with biserially arranged hook-like prongs. When F. E. ScHULZE instituted this genus for the first time in the Challenger Report, two species were described by him, viz. Rh. mollis and Rh. Roeperi. Later Li. M. LAMBE* described a third species, * 'l'rans. Roy. Soc. Canada. Sect. IV, 1893. p. 37. 50 1. IJIMA. Rh. Dowlingi. Of these three species, only one, i. e. mollis, is retainable in the present genus as defined above, while I will now add to it two new species. 2. Rhabdocalyptus mollis, F. E. Sch. Cup-like or vase-like, laterally compressed, contracted below, bear- ing one or more tube-like secondary persons. The body may attain a height of more than one foot. Parenchymal diactins short, not exceeding 20 mm. in length. Disc- octasters especially abundant in the subdermal region; ray-length (measured from centre) 65-884 ; terminals 5-9 to a principal, rarely as few as 2, straight or only slightly bent outwards ; terminal dise 7-8 toothed or simply pin-head like. Oxyhexasters 51-80. in radius. Two varieties are distinguishable. Those situated in deeper parts have usually two-forked rays, the princi- pals being very short and often obsolete ; terminals smooth or minutely rough, but always with more or less well developed basal barbs. Fre- quently there is only one terminal to a principal, and hexactin-shaped oxyhexasters are of common occurrence. Oxyhexasters found in the subdermal region have longer principals and bear 2-4 usually 3 rough terminals which are thinner and supplied with less prominent basal barbs. Oxyhexasters with spirally twisted rays are not of constant occurrence. Microdiscohexasters of usual shape occur in variable numbers, es- pecially in or near the dermal membrane. Autodermalia are predominatingly rough diactins. Hypodermalia consist of pentactins, pronged in fully developed state, and of smooth diactins. The former have either paratropal or regularly cruciate heads, and in places protected from external influence, may stand out isolated as prostaha. Such a pentactin has paratangential rays not exceeding 5 mm. and a radial ray of not over 10 mm. in length. Autogastralia are rough hexactins with bluntly conical ends, form- HEXACTINELLIDS WITH DISCOCTASTERS. 51 ing a continuous lattice-work with quadrate meshes. The free proximal rays do not differ in character from the rest. Locality : Sagami Sea. I have myself collected some specimens from depths of 274 fathoms and upward. 3. Rhabdocalyptus capillatus, n. sp. Sac-like or vase-like, more or less strongly compressed. Oscular edge fringed with thin needle-like prostals, not outwardly expanded. Dermal surface thickly beset with pentactin prostalia which stand out in tufts from every hypodermal centre and form a thick tolerably firm gossamer-like layer all over the surface. The body may attain a height of 210 mm. Parenchymalia may contain bow-like diactins of 24 mm. in length. Discoctasters are very small, measuring only 38-554 in radius, and are of very characteristic shape. From a principal there arise 6-12 slender terminals, which are always bent in an S-like manner and form a bunch considerably expanded at the extremity. Terminal discs pin-head like. Discoctasters are most numerously found in the gastral layer. Oxyhexasters and microdiscohexasters as in Rh. mollis, but the former have no or but little developed basal barbs. Hexactin-shaped oxyhexasters are rare. Autodermalia likewise as in foregoing species. Hypodermalia con- sist solely of paratropal pentactins, which are grouped in closely con- centrated centres. The older and pronged ones destined to be protruded as pleural prostalia, have paratangential rays that may reach 12mm. in length and a still longer shaft. ‘Autogastralia, forming a continuous quadrate mesh-work, consist of rough hexactins with pointed ends, the free proximal ray being longer and supplied with better developed microspines than all the rest of their rays. Notwithstanding the close similarity of spicules, this species is easily distinguishable from Rh. mollis by the smaller size and characteristic shape of discoctasters, by the larger size and the persistence of pentac- tin prostalia, etc. 52 I.:} (LJIMA; Locality : Sagami Sea, from depths between 274 and 313 fathoms. 4. Rhabdocalyptus victor, n. sp. Vase-like ; laterally compressed especially at basal part, which is usually bent ; sometimes with one or two secondary persons on the greater curvature of the basal region. Oscular edge simple or with an interrupted fringe of thin diactin prostals. The body may attain a large size, almost 3 feet high. Parenchymalia may contain stout bow-shaped diactins, 28 mm. long and 0.4 mm. broad at middle. Discoctasters 90-120 in radius ; termi- nals 4-8 in a tuft, straight or slightly bent outwards; terminal discs pin-head like. Oxyhexasters 90-140 in radius. Principals exceedingly short or obsolete, usually two-forked. Terminals rough, which character changes towards base into small, inwardly directed prickles. Oxyhexasters with two terminals to every principal occur less frequently than those in which one or more principals bear only one terminal. Hexactin-shaped oxyhexasters are of frequent occurrence. Microdiscohexasters of usual shape and size are of very isolated occurrence. Autodermalia consist predominatingly of rough stauractins. Hypo- dermalia as in foregoing species, but somewhat smaller (paratangential rays 5-7mm. long). Unlike that species, the protruded hypodermal pentactins seem to be readily thrown off, leaving at every hypodermal centre a little bunch of the external ends of comital spicules, that accom- panied the lost shafts, projected beyond the otherwise smooth surface. In this respect, the present species agrees with Rh. mollis. Autogastralia as in Rh. mollis. Locality: Sagamı Sea, in depths sof over 274 fathoms. Next to Acanthascus cactus, the present species is apparently the most abund- ant octasterophorous Hexactinellid in the locality just mentioned. HEXACTINELLIDS WITH DISCOCTASTERS. 53 GENUS STAUROCALYPTUS, n. gen. Discoctasterophorous Rossellids with pentactin hypodermalia, the paratangential rays of which never possess hook-like prongs, but are either smooth or minutely and uniformly rough. To this new genus I should refer F. E. SchuLzE’s Rhabdocalyptus Roeperi and L. M. LAMBE’S Rh. Dowlingi besides 3 new species to be soon described. 5. Staurocalyptus Dowlingi (L. M. Lambe). With some hesitation I consider certain specimens of Staurocalyp- tus from Sagami Sea as identical with this species first described by LAMBE (loc. cit.) from a specimen taken in the Strait of Georgia, Van- couver Island, at a depth of about 40 fathoms. From Sagami Sea, I have several, mostly fragmental specimens obtained at depths of over 235 fathoms. On these is based the following description. Body subcylindrical or vase-like. It may grow to a considerable size about a foot in diameter. Oscular edge turned upwards or in fully developed state reflected outwards in flaps; simple and smooth or with more or less needle-like prostals. External surface of smaller speci- mens with a veil produced by the heads of prostal pentactins and also with a number of long diactin prostals standing out in isolated positions. After a certain stage of growth, both of these prostalia pleuralia seem to be lost, except pentactin prostals in positions protected from abrading influences. What constitutes one of the special charac- ters of this species, is the spiny nature of the gastrai surface caused by humerous needle-like (parenchymal) diactins that project their ends beyond the gastral surface. In the specimens examined by LAMBE, these gastral prostals seem to have been wanting. Principal parenchymalia are bow-shaped and in large specimens may measure 35mm. in length, but their dimension is, as in other species, variable according to the size of individuals. Discoctasters with radius of 72-1457 or more, those deeply situated 54 I. IIMA. being generally much larger than and often almost or fully twice as large as, those situated in the subdermal space. Terminals 2-8, usually 4-6, nearly straight, forming a slightly diverging tuft. Discs minute and pin-head like or with toothed margin. Oxyhexasters vary in radius from 38 to 80y according to indivi- duals. When changed into hexactin-shape, the radius may measure as much as 1107. Principals exceedingly short or obsolete. Terminals 2-3, more usually 2, and often only one to a principal, hexactin-shaped oxyhexasters being of common or even abundant occurrence. Surface of terminals either smooth or rough, in which latter case the roughness may develop into small basal barbs. In some specimens only rough bexasters are found ; in others both rough and smooth ones occur, and then the latter are generally situated in deeper parts than the former. Microdiscohexasters present in sparing numbers near the dermal or gastral surface. Autodermalia consist almost exclusively of rough pentactins with rays 165, long and 8% broad in average. Hypodermal pentactins comparatively small, usually not exceeding 4mm. in length of paratangential rays (sometimes larger). The latter are either regularly cruciate or paratropal, according to their occurrence in isolated position or in groups. Their surface is smooth, but when fully developed, may become uniformly and thickly beset all over with exceedingly minute protuberances, exactly as I have observed in Staurocalyptus pleorhaphides, I}. or in Rossella longispina, Ij. Judged from the series of specimens in my hand, it seems not improbable that the power of giving the above mentioned roughness to the heads of hypodermal pentactins is possessed by the present species only in young state, losing that power after a certain stage of growth. So that the oldest hypodermally situated pentactins as also all the prostal pentactins may be rough-headed in small, but smooth-headed in large, individuals, since in the latter all the rough-headed pentactins would have been shed off during growth. In forming the hypodermal strands, the paratangential rays of the HEXACTINELLIDS WITH DISCOCTASTERS. 55 above-mentioned pentactins are supplemented by short smooth diactins with or without annular swelling at centre. Autogastralia are almost exclusively rough hexactins of approxi- mately same dimensions as autodermalia. They are never present in sufficient numbers as to form a continuous lattice-work. The gastral layer therefore possesses gaps of small but variable size, bounded by beams consisting of hypogastral diactins, intermedial rosettes and auto- gastralia, similarly as in Acanthascus cactus. 6. Staurocalyptus Roeperi (F. E. Sch.) This species is based on two specimens obtained by “ Challenger ” to the south of Puerta Bueno in Patagonia. It is not represented in Saga- mi Sea and is directly known to me only through two slide-preparations kindly sent to me by Prof. ScHULZE. The body should be sac-like or cup-like with sharp, smooth oscular edge. The subdermal space, as seen through the even lattice-work of the dermal membrane, should form irregularly scattered, elongated, an- gular or spindle-shaped pits, whence arise rather narrow afferent canals. On the inner surface round sharply contoured depressions of various sizes occur, into the bottom of which the more or less wide efferent canals open. Spiculation closely similar to that of foregoing species ; but differing in having much more slender rays to intermedial rosettes, dermalia and gastralia ; in the sparing quantity of prickles on dermalia and gastralia ; etc. Discoctasters with radius of 65-83, without appreciable difference in size according to position. Principals slender, not exceeding 4y in breadth ; with 2-5 nearly straight, slightly diverging terminals with minute, pin-head like discs. Oxyhexasters very slender rayed ; 44—65y in radius, those near the dermal surface being in general slightly smaller than those more deeply situated. Principals short, often exceedingly short, bearing 2-3 straight or wavy, obsoletely rough terminals. Cases of uniterminal principals 56 I. IJIMA. present ; hexactin-shaped oxyhexasters probably not absent. It fre- quently happens that in a dilophous ray, a third terminal is represented by a spurious rudiment. Microdiscohexasters of usual structure found in tolerable abundance in the subgastral region. Autodermalia are predominatingly pentactins, but stauractins are by no means unfrequent. Occasionally triactins and diactins, rarely monactins. Rays sparingly rough, not always quite straight ; 110-155, long ; usually less than 5y in breadth at middle. Hypodermal strands contain besides numerous slender diactins with tuberculated centre, medium-sized pentactins whose slender rays are smooth except at roughened ends. Head of pentactins not para- tropal. It is not known whether these pentactins are ever extruded beyond the external surface. Autogastralia are oxyhexactins with sparingly rough rays of about the same thickness as the autodermalia. Free proximal rays as long as 2307; other rays somewhat shorter. According to SCHULZE, the autogastralia line the gastral surface as also the surface of the wide efferent canals. 7. Staurocalyptus heteractinus, n. sp. This species 1s founded on a single beau-sized specimen from Saga- ini Sea. It represents a strongly compressed pouch with a small simple- edged osculum on one side of the upper end. Texture as in other species ; without prostalia pleuralia of any sort. Discoctasters especially common near the gastral surface. Radius 55-100. Terminals 2-7 to a principal; straight, diverging. Disc minute and pin-head like. Oxyhexasters 53-57 in radius. Most of those situated in deeper parts have two-forked rays with excessively short principals ; terminals stout, straight, rough with minute prickles, which are more prominent and inwardly turned near base. Peripherally situated oxyhexasters have somwhat longer principals, each with 2-4, usually 3, rough-surfaced, Or i HEXACTINELLIDS WITH DISCOCTASTERS. slender and straight terminals. Cases of a uniterminal principal have not been met with. Microdiscohexasters of usual structure found scattered in the parenchyma. Autodermalia consist mostly of faintly rough stauractins of variable size, with occasional pentactins and triactins, rarely with diactins. Some of these autodermalia are twice or even thrice as large as others. Ra- dius 90-270; rays 9-137 thick near centre. Ends of rays rounded or even clubbed. Autodermal meshes irregular, not rectangular. Hypodermalia consist of irregularly distributed pentactins, with occasional stauractins and triactins. Paratangential rays under !/, mm. in length ; smooth, but often sparingly rough near the conically pointed end ; not paratropal. Autogastralia include faintly rough pentactins and stauractins, more rarely triactins and diactins. Ray-length 55-100y; thickness near centre 6.54 in average. They are not present in large numbers. 8. Staurocalyptus glaber, n. sp. Goblet-like or vase-like ; laterally compressed ; thick-walled. Tex- ture loose and light-looking. In young state with long diactin pleural prostalia ; with age these become entirely lost or confined to oscular margin. Prostal pentactins not found. The body may attain a height of 250mm. Several specimens from Sagami Sea. Principal parenchymalia more or less bent in bow-like manner ; not over 13 mm. in length. Discoctasters especially abundant in subgastral region; very large, having radius of 250-330y, although smaller ones are not wanting. Terminals 5-6 to each principal, nearly straight, slightly diverging ; discs pin-head like. Oxyhexasters 49-57 in radius. Principals short but usually dis- tinct ; each with 2-4, usually 3, very slender terminals, which are faintly rough near base. 58 I. IJIMA. Microdiscohexasters occur not uncommonly in the dermal, less fre- quently in the gastral, membrane. 6 Autodermalia are almost exclusively stauractins with rough or prickly surface, the prickles on the external side being unusually well- developed. Hypodermalia consist of filamentous diactins and of moderately sized pentactins with cruciate or paratropal heads. Paratangential rays of the latter smooth but with rough ends. These are, I think, never protruded beyond the dermal surface. Autogastralia consist of comparatively large prickly hexactins, of whose rays the free proximal ray is the longest (450-560). They form a continuous lattice-work with quadrate meshes. 9. Staurocalyptus pleorhaphides, n. sp. Thick-walled sac of abont the shape and size of a small pear. Oscu- lar edge sharp and simple. The surface shows a number of low hillock- like elevations from the apex of which long diactin prostalia stand out in loose bunches. The body is moreover covered by a veil of pentactin prostalia. Two specimens from Sagami Sea. Principal parenchymalia, straight or bow-like ; not over 8 mm. in length. Discoctasters with rays 70-984 long; each principal with 2-4, usually 3, diverging terminals, which are straight or slightly bent out- wards. Discs minute, pin-head like. Oxyhexasters with radius of 57, in average. Principals extremely short; each with two, seldom more, rough-surfaced terminals. Fre- quently one or more principals in an oxyhexaster are uniterminal, al- though hexactin-shaped forms seem to occur but very rarely. Microdiscohexasters present in sparing numbers. Autodermalia are predominatingly rough diactins. Hypodermalia consist of a few diactins and of numerous pentactins, whose heads are either regularly cruciate or paratropal. Paratangential rays 5 mm. or HEXACTINELLIDS WITH DISCOCTASTERS. or aN = more in length ; smooth, but when fully developed, minutely and uni- formly rough as in St. Dowlingi. Gastralia are represented by diactins, some of which are similar to autodermalia, while others are larger and very sparingly rough and graduate over to parenchymal diactins. More detailed descriptions with illustrations of all the above species will be embodied in my monograph on the Hexactinellids of Sagami Sea, which will be published in the Science College Journal. Printed May 17, 1897. | . BAITE dI IL VIA 2 Ar bon istoni Peo love wliot salaries * ‘ay a ‘ A FORE A Rear aH 4 lisa van oid, lo, nada ‚eidosib cd, Dede ern pui { 2e af i ganz. Pare eo Er een PIANE. n = vo aptes pardon Leeny ia BE n ’ ( | “ d r A 5 po ei / to eftente ttentt CW ELIO LÀ ELISA ia ma ld * + 1 E tree! (anis FE: o, MERE CHO 4g a i : rat PRY ie Say | Haas ord nt le È I A ne ae are Le pen. È - = y: Lan te La! fra o > SLR ha EE DH ki LT AT > { Nu i uf 2 \ pat “i tai a Miscellaneous Notes. Ueber eine in Misaki vorkommende Art von Ephelota und über ihre Sporenbildung, von C. Ishikawa. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo. Vol. X, Part II, 1896, S. 119-137. Taf. XII-XIIT.—Diese in Misaki von mir in grosser Zahl auf dem Sargassum beobachtete Art von Ephelota sieht, von den Seiten angesehen, einem etwas plattgedrückten Hexagon gleich, und stimmt in vielen Beziehungen mit der von R. HERTwIG zuerst entdeckten Ephelota (Podophrya) gemmipara überein. Sie ist aber in vielen wichtigen Puncten von dieser Art leicht zu unterscheiden, und zwar in dem Bau des erwachsenen Thieres sowohl, wie in der Sporenbildung. Bei dem Bau des Thieres kommen vor Allem die 'l'entakeln in Be- tracht. Diese lassen sich in fünf Gruppen eintheilen, die von bestimmten Körperregionen entspringen. 1) Eine Reihe von sehr langen Greiften- takeln mit breiter Basis steht am oberen Rand des Körpers; 2) eine zweite Reihe von Greiftentakeln, aber ohne die verbreiterte Basıs, an dem mittleren Theil des Körpers ; 3) eine dritte Reihe von kleinen Tentakeln am Basalende des Körpers um den Stiel ; 4) ein Kranz einer Saugtentakelngruppe innerbalb der ersten Tentakelnreihe ; und 5) kleinere vereinzelte Tentakeln zwischen den anderen. Von besonderem Interesse dürfte die Thatsache gelten, dass in allen diesen Tentakeln Fadenstrukturen zu beobachten sind, die mit Eisenhematoxylin sich sehr stark und deutlich fürben lassen. Diese Tentakelstrukturen bestehen in den beiden grossen Greiftentakeln aus vier parallel laufenden Streifen, welche senkrecht zur Horizontalebene des Körpers stehen. Jeder dieser vier Streifen ist wieder aus zweien zusammengesetzt. Einige Aehnlichkeit besitzen diese Strukturen mit den neuerdings von S. R. BeRGH in der Zellsubstanz zweier Infusorien, Spathidium spatulae und Holophrya Emmae beobachteten “ Stutzfasern,” lassen 62 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. sich aber in beiden Fällen soweit von einander unterscheiden, dass diese Fadenstrukturen in unserem Thierchen stark contractil sind, was in den BERGH'schen Infusorien nicht der Fall ist. Der grosse Nucleus, den ich mit BuùrscHLI als Macronucleus anzunehmen geneigt bin, zeigt keine besonderen Eigenthümlichkeiten. Er ist wie in Ephelota gemmipara stark verzweigt. Einige Micro- nucleus-ähnliche Körperchen wurden nahe dem Mitielstück des Kernes beobachtet, jedoch lasse ich die Natur derselben unbestimmt, da ich keine T'heilungen dieser Körper warhgenommen habe. Interessanter als der Bau des ausgebildeten Thieres, ist die Sporenbildung. Bekanntlich producieren die europäischen Arten von Ephelota freischwimmende Sporen auf der apicalen Fläche des Körpers. Diese wurde auch in unserer Art beobachtet. Während aber die europäischen bewimperten Sporen keine Tentakeln tragen, besitzen unsere Sprösslinge gut ausgebildete Greif- und Saug-Tentakeln, selbst wenn sie noch nicht von Mutterkürper losgelöst sind. Ws findet sich in unserem Thierchen noch eine zweite Art von Sprösslingen, welche die ganze Gestalt des erwachsenen Individiums annehmen, wenn sie noch mit dem Mutterkörper zusammenhängen. Die Zahl dieser Sprösslinge wechselt sehr (1-16), je nach der Grösse des Mutterthiers. Es kann als Regel angenommen werden, dass. ein grosseres ‘Thier mehr Sporen als ein kleineres besitzt. Ueber die systematische Stellung des Thieres kann ich nicht be- stimmt sagen. Allerdings besitzt die Art eine auffallende Aehnlichkeit mit der europäischen Ephelota gemmipara. Ob man aber, nach den oben angegebenen Merkmalen, unsere Art als eine neue anzusehen darf, lasse ich noch unentschieden. Falls es aber so wäre, so möchte- ich das interressante Thierchen zum Ehren des Herrn Professor Dr. BÜTScHLt, “ Ephelota Bütchliana ” nennen. C. ISHIKAWA. Die Entwickelung der Gonophoren bei Physalia maxima, von Seitaro Goto. Journal of the College of Science, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. Vol. X, Pt. II, 1897, p. 176-191. With one Plate ——-This investigation MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. 63 was carried on at the suggestion of Prof. Brooks in the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, and was undertaken primarily with the object of settling the question as to the nature of the so-called female gonophores of HAECKEL, which are, however, regarded by Brooks and CoNKLIN as swimming organs. The question is left unsettled, as the writer has not observed any germ cells in these structures. Considering their muscular nature it is very possible that these organs have really a locomotory function, as claimed by Brooks and Conkuin. If this is the case, then we know nothing yet about the females of Physalia. The so-called female gonophores are provided with a ring-canal and four radial canals. The manubrium is present as a simple protuberance of the ectoderm in the centre of the subumbrellar cavity. The bell- nucleus is formed by the wandering in of interstitial cells from the ectoderm. Male gonophores were also studied, and the wandering of germ cells observed. These take rise from the endoderm cells of the young bud and wander out one by one into the subumbrellar ectoderm. The germ cells have no distinct membrane, so that they appear imbedded in a common mass of protoplasm. The cells of the subumbrellar ectoderm are comparatively few and are, as in the so-called female gonophores, the cells that have wandered in from the ectoderm, as described in a preliminary note published elsewhere (Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars, no. 119). The male gonophores have two radial canals when young; the mature ones are, however, entirely destitute of them. S. Goro. On the Fate of the Blastopore, the Relations of the Primitive Streak, and the Formation of the Posterior End of the Embryo in Chelonia, together with Remarks on the Nature of Meroblastic Ova in Vertebrates, by K. Mitsukuri. Contributions to the Embryology of Reptilia, V. Jour. of the College of Science, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. Vol. X, Pt. I, p. 1-118. Pl. I-XI.—In early stages of Reptilian embryos, there is always an area free from the epiblast, directly behind the blas- 64 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. topore. When the latter becomes horse-shoe shaped, this area is enclosed within it and becomes Fig. 1. easily noticeable (fig. 2, A). Transverse and longitudinal sections through the spot in question are as in fig. 1. In Contrib. I, ISHIKAWA and the author have identified this epiblast- free mass with the yolk- plug of the Amphibian ovum. The structure has also been noted by other writers, and its theoretical significance “has been interpreted in Meso. various ways. The author, in the present Contribution, follows the fate of this “ yolk- plug” stage by stage in three species of D. l'ransverse, section through the line AB, E. Longi- Chelonia Trionyzx tudinal, section through the line X Y, in fig. 2A. _ he F. Interpretation of the section E. Japonicus, Clemmys Japonica, and Chelonia CAOUANA. When the medullary folds arise and reach the posterior portion of the embryonic shield, they embrace the yolk-plug between their posterior ends as in a vice, and compress it laterally, thus lifting it up to the level of their dorsal surface. The yolk-plug meanwhile keeps its own independence. The yolk-plug now apparently recedes leaving in its track a groove from which the cells are proliferated. This movement backward of the yolk-plug is believed by the author to be caused by the active prolifera- tion of cells from the lateral blastopore lips, while pressing to meet each other in the median line. As cells thus proliferated accumulate, they form a mass which necessarily pushes the yolk-plug backwards. This pushing goes on, until the yolk-plug is placed at about the edge of the MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. 65 embryonic area. The edges of the groove (or track left in the wake of the yolk-plug) must therefore be considered the. lateral blastopore lips. Fig. 2, A, B, C will make this clear. A is the stage in which the yolk- plug has not yet begun its backward movement; in B it has moved some distance, and in C it has reached its final position. In the last stage, the blastopore therefore consists of three parts :— Fig. 2. ASTIQOSOHI Dorsal opening Swelling Neurent. Canal. Y | | | Er, fées / a = / eur 55 / an” N % se w ; | ch | 88 | AZ SI je Na k. Plug. Diagrams showing three successive stages in the development of the posterior part of the embryo. (1) the dorsal opening of the neurenteric canal. (2) the groove between (1) and (3). (3) the groove around the yolk-plug in its final position. 66 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. The line of cell-proliferation from the blastopore lips of these parts is the primitive streak. In Chelonia, and Clemmys, a groove is distinct on the streak and represents the primitive groove ; in Trionyx, it is absent, although sections show that cell-proliferation takes place just the same. The anterior half of the primitive streak is much thicker than the posterior half and gives rise to the mass known as the “ Endwulst.” The posterior half remains thin to the end. ‘The anterior thick part rises as the tail-swelling. This is formed by the addition of the new cell-mass on the dorsal surface, in other words, by upheaval or elevation and not by folding, When the tail has arisen to some height, the primitive streak and groove should of necessity be found over the dorsal median line of the tail, around its tip to the ventral median line, and then be continued to the thinner part of the primitive streak outside the embryo proper, until they reach the yolk-plug. They are thus &-shaped. Such a condition is actually seen in Chelonia up to quite a late stage. In Clemmys, the anterior part of the streak and groove over the tail disappears rather early. In Trionyx, the groove does not exist from the first, and the streak also disappears early from the tail part. In the tail which lengthens itself backwards, the medullary chord, the notochord, the enteron, and the mesoblast are differentiated in situ in the tissue surrounded by the epiblast. The primitive streak finally disappears entirely by the separation of the layers, with the exception of a short stretch on the ventral surface of the tail. The proctodæum is formed at this point. The yolk-plug, at the latest stage observed, stands out as an append- age of the epiblast. Probably it persists to a late stage as a rudimentary useless structure. In Clemmys, it is elongated posteriorly and forms on the floor of the posterior amniotic tube a prominent ridge, the signi- ficance of which is not clear. In Theoretical Considerations, the developmental processes as above described are compared in detail with those brought out by SCHWARZ, SEDGWICK, the ZIEGLERS and others in Elasmobranchii and the identity of the so-called yolk-plug in Chelonia with the large yolk-mass of Elasmobranchii is maintained. The conclusion is reached: “the course of events described in the preceding pages as taking place in the posterior portion of the embryonic area resulting in the formation of the posterior part of the embryo in Chelona is a repetition, in a rudimentary MISCELLANECUS NOTES. 67 form, of the process affecting the homologous parts in Elasmobranchii ” (p. 88). Also “ It seems most reasonable to conclude that in course of phy- logenetic development, the yolk which is homologous with the yolk-mass of the Elasmobranch egg must have dwindled in size and been lost from the eggs of the ancestors of the Amniota. This yolk-mass which I may call the primary yolk-mass has, however, left in some eggs (e. g. in the Chelonian egg) its rudiments in the structure known as the primi- tive plate and its direct derivative, the problematical cell mass* behind the blastopore. In further course of development, the eggs of the ancestors of the Amniota acquired for the second time a large yolk-mass which I may call the secondary yolk-mass. It is this which we see in the Amniota eggs of the present day. * * x Thus it becomes im- perative to distinguish the meroblastic egg of the Elasmobranchii from the meroblastic egg of the Amniota. "The former may be called the primary meroblastic ovum or proto-meroblastic ovum and the latter the secondary meroblastic ovum or meta-meroblastic ovum” (p. 90). Comparisons are also briefly made with the processes seen in Am- phibia, Aves and Mammalia. Finally, the classification of the vertebrate eggs is made as follows :— I, Primary TYPE. (a) Archi-Holoblastic (Amphioxus), (b) Proto- Holoblastic (Cyclostomi), (c) Proto-meroblastic (Elasmobranchii, Teleostei) (d) Meso-holoblostic (Amphibia ?). II. SECONDARY Type. (a) Meta-meroblastic (Reptilia, Aves), (b) Meta-Holoblastic (Mammalia). In a postscript, WILL's article ‘ Die Anlage der Keimblätter bei der Eidechse (Lacerta) “ Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Anat. IX. Bd. is reviewed. K. MITSUKURI. A Living Specimen of Plevrotomaria Beyrichii.——By the kind- ness of Alan Owston, Esq. of Yokohama we were favored, on the 31st of March last (1897), with a view of a living individual of tbat rare mollusk, Pleurotomaria Beyrichit. The specimen had been received by him, the day before, and had probably been caught by a long-line at the Okinose Bank off Boshù. The animal was not very lively and could not be persuaded to extend itself fully. At the utmost, we were able to see the foot and a part of the head. The sole of the foot was straw-yellow. The side of the foot and the throat were mottled with large and small * Le. the “ yolk-plue.” 68 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. patches and streaks of deep carmine-red on the ground color of reddish- yellow. The proboscis was uniformly deep carmine-red. The left tentacle had a small branch near the tip. On the sides and the posterior aspect of the foot, we were able to make out two lobes, one standing up from each side of the foot and applied to the shell. It seemed probable to me that when fully extended, these lobes etiveloped the shell to a greater or less extent—a supposition which is strengthened, as was first pointed out by Mr. NAMIYE, by the fact that the shells of Pleu- rotomaria, hitherto found, are all extremely clean and have never barnacles, worm-tubes etc. attached to them. The mantle was not at all visible and we were thus not able to see how it is related to the slit on the outer lip. As this is, so far as we know, the first time, a living specimen of Pleurotomaria has come into the hands of a naturalist, it has been thought worth while to put the fact on record. K. MIPSURKURI. The Ophiurian Shoal.——In the course of a collecting tour which we made last spring (1896) in the provinces of Satsuma and Osumi (in Kiushiu), we met with a curious mode of occurrence of an ophiurian which is perhaps worth noting here. On the eastern side of the island Sakurajima in the Bay of Kagoshima, there is a small village called Kurokami. A few hundred metres off the sea-front of this place there is a small sandy shoal named Hamashima which becomes exposed at low tide. ‘Towards the evening of April I, after having skirted the island the whole day, we found ourselves approaching this shallow. As our dug-out boat struck the bottom, all of us eagerly waded into water which was at the time fifteen to twenty centimeters deep. We were soon struck with very curious objects. | Numerous slender stalks a few millimeters in diameter and 10-15 centimeters high were standing up from the bottom, looking, for all we knew, like the stems of so many weeds. Along one side of each stalk, there was, however, a row of Fig. 3. white papilla-like structures. These stalks were mostly by twos, although sometimes \ f only one was standing by itself. We do not a: remember having seen three making a group. As we dug to learn more about these curious objects, we were greatly surprised to find that they were the arms of ophinrians, and that the papilla-like structures were therefore no doubt tube-feet. So far as we could see, there was no difference between the five arms of the MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. 69 animal and why only one or two of them should be thus thrust upwards into the water, and kept upright there, was a mystery. It seemed probable to us that it was done to secure respiration. he sand of the shoal was literally packed with these animals, and there must have been hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions in the whole shallow. We did not hesitate to give the spot the zoological sobriquet of the “ Ophiurian Shoal.” These ophiurians were of a species belonging to the Amphiuride and near or in the genus Ophiopsila. Together with them we found a species of Synapta in tolerable abundance and one individual of Sipunculus. K. Mrrsuxurt and T. Hara. Zoological Society of Tokyo——The monthly meeting of the Society for January was held at 2 P.M. on Saturday, Jan. 23, in the lecture room of the Zoological Institute of the Science College. Prof. MITSUKURI in the chair. The following papers were read : Mr. S. YosHrwARA on “Two Japanese Species of Asthenosoma.” The substance of this paper is found elsewhere in the present part of this periodical. Mr. H. WATANABE on “ the Phosphorescence of Cypridina Hilgen- dorfit, Müller.” The conclusions arrived at by the author were as follows : (1) The phosphorescent ostracod known in Misaki as ‘ marine fire-fly ” is Cypridina Hilgendorfii, Muller. (2) The phosphorescent organ of this ostracod is a group of elongat- ed, unicellular, epidermal glands opening to the exterior symmetrically on either side of the median line, on the external edge of the upper lip —the glands called by Claus “ Oberlippendrüse ” in 1873. (3) The glands secrete, together with the transparent, colorless “secretive vacuoles,” yellow homogeneous granules which are stored in the necks of the glands. (4) Physical as well as chemical stimuli cause contraction of the muscles of the upper lip, and the secretion of the glands is thereby mechanically squeezed out. (5) The phosphorescence of Cypridina Hilgendorfü is a chemical phenomenon accompanying the contact of pigment of the granules with the external medium, i.e. sea water. (6) The presence of free oxygen in any considerable quantity is 70 2 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. not essential to the manifestation of phosphorescence ; on the contrary the presence of water, unless it be strongly acid, is a sine qua non of the phenomenon. : (7) As the phosphorescent organs of the metazoa seem to be generally derived from a glandular transformation of the ectoderm, so physiologically they are attributable to a pigment producing change in the glands ; the phosphorescence being simply a collateral phenomenon due to contact of a yellowish pigment, capable of. changing into red or green, with water. It is,-generally speaking, a means of frightening other animals, possessed by certain aquatic organisms or those living in a moist medium. : Prof. MITSUKURI exhibited some specimens of Peripatus sent him from the University Museum of Cambridge, England. The meeting adjourned at 4.30 P.M. The monthly meeting of the Society for February was held at the usual place at 2 P.M. on Saturday, Feb. 20. The President in the chair. The following papers were read : Prof. MITSUKURI on “the Changes accompanying Growth in the Calcareous Bodies of Stichopus japonicus, Selenka.” The substance of this paper is found elsewhere in this periodical. Dr. KIsHINOUYE on the “ Petasma and Thelycum of some Shrimps.” The author dwelt at length on the morphology and physiology of these structures in several species. The substance of the paper is promised in a near future in the pages of this periodical. The meeting adjourned at 4 P.M. The monthly meeting of the Society for March was held at the usual place at 2 P.M. on Saturday, March 2. The President in the chair. The first part of the meeting was taken up by business concern- ing the issue of a new periodical in European languages. The following papers were then read : Mr. H. Kurorwa on “the Zoology of the Ryukyu Islands.” The author gave an interesting, detailed account of his experiences as a collector in these islands, referring specially to the habits of the gigantic bat and the dugong. Mr. H. WATANABE on “ Plankton and Tidal Currents.” The author dwelt on a close correlation of the quantity of plankton and tidal cur- rents, as shown in his table of quantitative plankton studies made in Misaki. He also exhibited some specimens of the plankton. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. 71 / Mr. IxkebA exhibited a specimen of an octopod of the genus Amphitretus, recently obtained of a Misaki fisherman, The meeting adjourned at 5 P.M. List of Japanese Zoologists. ——As some changes have taken place among our zoologists since the publication of FRIEDLANDER’s Adressbuch, we believe the following list with adresses will be welcome to our foreign confrères. Zoological Institute, Science College, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. | Mitsukuri, Kakichi, Ph. D., Rigakuhakushi. Director, and Professor of Zoology in the College. Specialty— Embr. Vert., Syst. Holoth. -Jjima, Isao, Dr. Phil., Rigakushi, Rigakuhakushi. Professor of Zoology in the College. Spec.—Plathel., Aves, Spong. a Namiye, Motoyoshi. Assistant. Spec.—Syst. Vert. suchida, 'l'oshîzo. T'axidermist. Nagahara, Kotaro. Draughtsman. J'akakura, Usamaro, Rigakushi. Grad. Stud. Spee.—Nemert. Hara, Jüta, Rigakushi. Grad. Stud. Spee.—Myzostomum, Crin. - Omori, Senzö, Rigakushi. Grad. Stud. Spec.—Actin. - Aida, Tatsuo. Grad. Stud. Spec.—Chaetogn: - Yoshiwara, Shigeyasu. Grad. Stud. Spee.—Echin. - Watanabe, Hisakichi. Grad. Stud. Spee.—Planktol., Trachomed. Tizuka, Akira. Grad. Stud. Spee.—Polych. - Nishikawa, ‘l'okichi. Grad. Stud. Spee.—Embr. Pisces. -Kdoyama, ‘l'orata. Grid. Stud. Spec.—Oligoch. ‘Terazaki, l'omekichi. Special Student. Spec.—Hmbr. Aves. “Miyajima, Mikinosuke. Spee.—Myriap. - Ikeda, Sakujito. Spec.—Cephalop., Amphib. Shishido, Ichiro, Rigakushi. Spec.—Syst. Pisces. Zoological Institute, Agricultural College, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. - Ishikawa, Chiyomatsu, Dr. Phil., Rigakushi, Rigakuhakushi. Director, and Professor of Zoology in the College. Spec.—Cyt., Arthrop. » Sasaki, Chujiro, Rigukushi, Rigakuhakushi. Professor of Zoology in the College. Spee.—Insecta. Tsuchida, Toshiwo. ‘l'axidermist. Anatomical Institute, Medical College, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. - Koganei, Ryosei, Dr. Med., Igakuhakushi. Professor of Anatomy in the College. Osawa, Gakutaro, Igakushi. Now in Freiburg i. Br, Germany. Higher Normal School, Tokyo. ‘ Iwakawa. l'omotaro, Rigakushi. Professor of Zoology. Frist High School, Tokyo. * Goto, Seitaro, Rigakushi, Rigakuhtkushi. Professor of Biology. Spec.—Plathel., Embr. Echin. 72 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. Nobles’ School, Tokyo. - Hatta, Saburo. Professor of Biology. Spec.—Embr. Cyclost. Fisheries Commisson, Tokyo. - Kishinouye, Kamakichi, Itigakushi, Rigakuhakushi. Spee.—Embr. Artlurop., Medus. Kitahara, Tasaku. Spec.—Ichth. Otaki, Keinosuke. Spee.—Ichth. School of Fisheries, Tokyo. - Matsubara, Shinnosuke. Spec.—Syst. Pisces. - Fujita, Tsunenobu, Rigakushi. Spec.— Moll. Rakusuien, Mayebashi. - Inaba, Masamaru, Rigakushi, Spec.—Hydromed. Yamaguchi High School, Yamaguchi. > Oka, Asajiro, Dr. Phil., Rigakuhakushi. Professor of Biology. Spee.—-Tun., Polyz., Hirud. Yasue, Toyotaro. Instructor of Zoology. Fifth High School, Kumamoto. Nakagawa, Hisatomo. Professor of Biology. Agricultural School, Fukushima. - l'oyama, Kametaro, Nogakushi. Principal of the School. Spec.—Spermatog. Fisheries Department, Sapporo, Hokkaido. Nozawa, Shunjiro, Nögakushi. Spec. Insec., Syst. Pisces. Agricultural College, Sapporo, Hokkaido. - Matsumura, Matsutoshi, Nögakushi. Spec.—Entom. Minami, Takajiro, Nögakushi. Spec.— Entom. Yushukwan, Fukuoka. Matsui, Katsunori, Rigakushi. Gitu. Nawa, Yasushi. Spec.—Entom. Hihikosan, Fukuoka. ‘l'akachiho, Norimaro. Spec.—Æntom. Normal School, Naha, Ryukyu. Kuroiwa, Hisashi. Professor of Biology. PRINTED AT THE “ T'oxyo PRINTING Co., Lp.” ‘l'orto, JAPAN. i = ero : hee ten ES e ZOOLOGICAL SECTION. E have always on hand for Scientific purposes and Ornaments of the household, well prepared Skeletons and good stuffed Skins of Mam- mals, Birds, Reptiles and Fishes: Birds’ Eggs and Nests: Shells and Insects. Also we prepare Specimens in Spirit of Land and Marine Animals. All our Specimens are collected by exp2riencad Collectors and mounted by Skillful Taxidermists. We collect any kind ot Animals immediatly on order. We have also for sale Instruments and Reagents for Zoological studies and Taxidermists’ and Collectors’ use. We have the honor of being favored with orders from the Imperial Museum, the Department of Commerce anl Agriculture, the Im- perial University, Middle and Normal Schools, both private and government. Specimens are sent on prepayment of price. Payments are to be directed to YONHKICHI KOMEYAMA, Proprietor. DOBUTSU-HYOHONSHA, NO. 1, GOKENCHO, KANDA, TOKYO, JAPAN. CONTENTS. Pear-horer (Nephopteryx rubrizonella, Rag.).....................,.....1 M. Matsumura......... On Two New Species of Asthenosoma from the Sea of Sagami...S. Yoshiwara. ......... Chaetognaths of Misaki Harbor..." "#28... DEE ARE On the Accommodation of Some Infusoria to the Solutions of Certain Substances in Various Concentrations. ..........,..........2 AE din. er On Changes which are found with Advancing Age in the Calcare- ous Deposits of Stichopus japonicus, Selenka......................... K. Mitsukuri...... Revision of Hexactinellids with Discoctasters, with Descriptions of. Five. New. Species. .... sauer. 00.0.0 ee Deere eee AMONG 2.00 Miscellaneous Notes. tate ae RITIENE TIT eee see eee wane 23 43 Ueber eine in Misaki vorkommende Art von Ephelota und über ihre Sporenbillung, von C. ISHIKAWA.— Die Entwickelung der Gonophoren bei Physalia maxima, von S. Go10.—On the Fate of the Blastopore, the Relations of the Primitive Streak, and the Formation of the Posterior End of the Embryo in Chelonia, together with Remarks on the Nature of Meroblastie Ova in Vertebrates, by K. MITSUKURI. — Living Specimen of Plenrotomaria Beyrichii.—The Ophiuran Shoal.—Zoological Society of Tokyo.— List of Japanese Zoologists al pa = à = ì E mR 5 Fate: pas SOS Baas | IH | = Aa = + Dil = Di » 4 Di! à xt il si Ras a và EU = ARNIS ) SE ZAINI SISSA + ESSELES ae a 1) = sE) Er ® È (E R & i Ree eS H ME st ft un = BR Qe ON tO Rt lies SSUNSUOURRTNW ES OCT 1 1897 13,918 RS RUE À BER M = + SAA +H BR ANNOTATIONES ZOOLOGICÆ JAPONENSES AUSPICIIS SOCIETATIS ZOOLOGICÆ TOKYONENSIS SERIATIM EDITA. Volumen I Pars Lif. TOME PUBLISHED AUGUST 10, 1897. NOTICE. The “ Annotationes Zoologicæ Japonenses ” are published quarterly, in January, April, July, and October. Terms of subscription—$ 1" =4s= F5 = M4 per annum; single parts 25¢=Is=F1.25=M1]1 each. Postage included in all cases. Remittances from foreign countries are to be made by postal money orders, payable in Tokyo to M. Namiye, Zoological Institute, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. TO CONTRIBUTORS. Articles may be written in English, German, French, or Italian. Each contributor receives 50 copies of the reprints of his article gratis. Any number of extra copies will be furnished at cost. Contributors are particularly requested to specify the number of reprints they want at the end of the manuscript. If not specified 50 copies will be delivered. Articles may be accompanied by simple illustrations, as far as pos- sible in lines and dots. Communications are to be addressed to the Secretary of the Zoologic- al Society of Tokyo, Zoological Institute, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. OCT 1 1397 On a Mode of the Passage of the Eye in a Flat-Fish. By T. Nishikawa. Zoological Institute, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. On a very quiet and brilliant morning of Aug. 10th. of last year, a transparent young flat-fish was caught with a surface-net at the mouth of the harbor of Misaki. The fish was then swimming vertical- ly ; but when placed in a glass vessel, it turned on its right side and remained motionless on the bottom for hours. It was 1.3 cm. in length and about 0.4 cm. in height. It had no pigment, and was quite transparent. The mouth was asymmetrical, a single nostril was pre- sent on the left side, and the vertical fins were confluent, while the pectorals were not to be seen. The two eyes were then situated symme- trically with reference to the longitudinal axis of the body. Fig. 1 re- presents the profile of the anterior part of this flat-fish, as drawn on the morning of that day. It will be seen that the dorsal fin has already extended itself along the head to the anterior extremity of the snout, but this extended part of the dorsal had as yet no fin rays, only the soft tissues having grown forwards. What is remarkable is that this anterior extension, although applied closely to the head, has not coalesced with it, and that at the inner base of the anterior extension, there was @ clear large hole passing from one side to the other. he posterior bor- der of the hole was about on a level with that of the eyes. As the animal was watched, the right eye gradually travelled, with 74 T, NISHIKAWA. the rotation of the head, towards the dorsal side of it, and approached more and more the base of the dorsal fin ; eventually it passed into the hole between the head and the anterior extension of the dorsal. This stage is shown in fig. 2, which was drawn at 10 : 30 P.M. of the same day; the anterior extension of the dorsal fin has not yet united with the head. The right eye then emerged on the left side and moved towards its final position. After this rota- tion, there occurred a fusion of the head and the anterior part of the dor- Fig. 2. sal fin, from the base towards the snout. Thus it was evident that the hole in front of the base of the dorsal was intended for the passage of the right eye, which travelled around the dorsal surface of the head, from the right to the left side. There occurred neither a new formation of the orbit for the right eye on the left side nor the atrophy of the original orbit of the right eye on the right side, as in the case of the Plagusia described by AGASSIZ.* The fish died on the evening of the next day, after the rotation of the right eye was finished; it had then many pigment-spots on the left side, and the snout was produced backwards into a hook, covering the mandible. The general characters of the young fish being still very incomplete, it was not possible to identify it, but it is probable that it belongs near the genus Plagusia. According to the observations of AGaAssrz, there are two different : modes of the passage of the eye in flat-fishes ; one of them is undergone by a majority of species, such as Plewronectes, Pseudorhombus, and others. In this mode, the eye on the side which in the adult is blind, travels round the dorsal side of the head, till it attains its final position, * A. Acassız.—On the Young Stages of some Osseous Fishes. II. Development of the Flounders. Proc. of the Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci., vol. XIV. 1878. 4 SIT PASSAGE OF EYE IN FLAT-FISH. and only after this votation, the dorsal fin grows forwards beyond the level of the eyes. In the second mode which is undergone by Plagusia, the dorsal fin grows forwards to the snout, while the eyes are still in their initial positions. When the right eye in the course of rotation. approaches the base of the dorsal fin, it gradually sinks into the tissues of the base of the dorsal fin, between it and the frontal ; so that the right eye is now not to be seen on the surface ofeither side. A very interesting circumstance was observed by Acassız, that a fresh orbital opening is formed for the right eye on the left side, and that the original orbit of the right atrophies after the rotation of the eye; therefore in a certain stage of metaniorphosis, there are three orbital openings: one on the left side, the original orbit of the left eye; a small one on the left side, the new orbit for the right eye ; and a small orbit on the right side, the remnant of the original orbit of the right eye. He says, “ With the continued sinking of the right eye, the gradual resorption of the tissues, and the closing up of the old orbit, as the eye works its way across the head, we eventually get the right eye entirely over to the left side. It has now, by a movement of translation and of rotation, penetrated through the tissues between the base of the dorsal fin and the frontal bone ; having apparently passed through the head, as was suggested to STEENSTRUP, by his examination of the alcoholic specimens which furnished him the materials for his paper on Plaqusia.” In the present flat-fish, the dorsal fin also grows forward before the rotation of the right eye, but this anterior extension does not unite with the head, and there is a distinct hole bounded by the head and the anterior extension of the dorsal fin, for the passsge of the right eye, which travels round the dorsal side of the head without sinking into its tissues. ‘The orbit of the right eye travels also with the rotation of the head from one side to the other, as in the case of a number of flat- fishes: Now if we compare this mode of the passage of the eye with the first mode described by AGASSIZ, which is undergone by a majority of flat-fishes, we find little difference between them, beyond the fact that before the rotation of the eye takes place, the dorsal fin grows in 78 m. WATDA. show that the cells which constitute the stalk-—or stalk-cells as I shall call them hereafter—are produced from the cells of the germinal epithe- lium by a succession of amitotic divisions and fuse one after another with the ovum until the latter becomes mature. We thus find two or three stalk-cells at the base of a young ovum. Fig. l is a cross section of the ovary of Sagitta bipunctata hardened with Flemming’s stronger solution. Each of the ova « and d has two stalk-cells at its base, where the germinal epithelium makes a deep inden- tation. «isa nearly mature ovum and its cytoplasm shows a fine cobweb structure. It has at its base a large stalk-cell which appears as a stopper to the spaceous indentation of the germinal epithelium under the ovum, and an indication of another cell which has been ab- sorbed by the ovum. dis a younger ovum and its cytoplasm is a dense reticular mass. ‘There is a distinct stalk-cell which has been taken up by the ovum, and below it there is another which serves as the stopper to the indentation in the germinal epithelium. This last cell is smaller than the stopper cell of the ovum a, as.is also the indentation of the ger- minal epithelium under it compared with the corresponding structure under the ovum a. In order to show that these stalk-cells are produced from the ger- minal epithelium by amitotie division a few of the nuclei undergoing that process have been sketched, and are reproduced in fig. 2. We find in the germinal epithelium two kinds of nuclei ; those belonging to the first kind have each a looped varicose chromatic filament (fig. 2, b lower nucleus) and he generally in the deeper portion of the epithelium ; the nuclei belonging to the second kind, which are found in the external portion of the germinal epithelium (fig. 2, a, b, upper nuclei, €, d.), have many dispersed chromatic particles and a central body of aggregated chromatic substance containing in its center a nucleolus-like structure, which can be well differentiated from the peripheral chromatic portion by a double-staining with orange G and hematoxylin. The second kind of nuclei is produced by direct division from the first class: a part of the long looped chromatic filament is first constricted off as a round OVARIAN OVUM OF CHAETOGNATHS. 79 mass constituting the central body of the second kind, and;the part which follows it disintegrates into granules and are dispersed within the nucleoplasm. In fig. 2 d, the central body has already separated off from the looped chromatic filament, and the outer part of it, which is within the daughter nucleus, is disintegrating into granules. By a succession of such direct division, several nuclei with a central body are produced within a cell of the germinal epithelium from a nucleus with the looped chromatic filament (a and e fig. 2, fig. 3). Each of these nuclei then separates with a little protoplasm, as a stalk- cell one after another, and is at last merged into the ovum, the merging beginning from that which is nearest to the ovum. In the ovum 4, fig. 1, and a, fig. 5, the upper stalk-cell is fusing with the ovum and in c, fig. ] and fig. 3, we see half disintegrating nuclei as remains of the fused stalk-cells. But the nucleus with the looped chromatic filament goes on dividing and producing daughter nuclei indefinitely. After a certain number of division, it is converted wholly into a nucleus with the central body. Two lower nuclei of a, fig. 2, are in their last division. The chromatic filament being stretched equally into two nuclei after the completion of division, two similar nuclei with the central body will be produced. The central body is, in this case, produced from the central part of the equally divided chromatic mass, the outer part of it being disintegrated into the granules. The nucleus with the central body may also divide amitotically. The separation of the central body is followed by the constriction of the nucleus in a manner similar to the amitotic division of nucleolated nu- clei as described by various authors (d, e, fig. 2). Besides these amitotic division which results in the formation of equal sized daughter nuclei, the nucleus of both kinds may divide un- equally in size and produce one or more small fragments (0, ¢, fig. 2). It is not rare to find a number of these fragments at the base of a nu- cleus with the looped chromatic filament. Thus the nuclei of the cells in the germinal epithelium multiply by direct division and separate as stalk-cells. These are one after another 80 l. AIDA. absorbed into the ovum to which they are attached, until the latter has fully grown. Often we see these cells arranged under an ovum like a stair, fig. 5, as Grasst found in the young ovum of some species (Sagitta Claparedi). I was unable to find a stalk cell with such a long tail-like portion as Grasst describes; all the stalk cells of our specimens of Sagitta bipunctata, Sagitta enflata, Sagitta serratodentata, etc. are round or rectangular. The ova, which have no follicle, must take their nutriment from, or through, these stalk-cells. Lam inclined to believe that the stalk-cells do not merely serve as food materials to the ova, but that they in some manner perform the function of actively nourishing the ova, as a follicle or a nutritive cell does, and that when they lose their capacity for that fune- tion are merged into the ovum at whose base they lie, andare replaced by the next cell. When all the stalk cells derived from a single epithelial cell are taken up, others will be produced from a neighboring cell to nourish the same ovum to its maturation. Thus as the cells of the germinal epithelium are constantly taken up by an ovum, there is necessarily formed an interruption in the epithelium directly under the ovum, and this inter- ruption becomes the wider, the greater the number of cells taken up. The last one of the stalk-cells, which is attached to the ripe ovum, is always larger than its predecessors and behaves somewhat dif- ferently from them. It is never fused with the ovum to which it is attached, but remains as a stopper of the interruption in the germinal epithelium (a, fig. 1». Itis this stalk-cell which Conanv* has described as preceding the ovum in its passage to the temporarily formed oviduct. I must notice here that the deepness of the interruption varies according to the thickness of the germinal epithelium. In animals which have a thin germinal epithelium, e. g. small specimens of Sagitta bipunctata, Sagitta enflata, Sagitta minima, ete., it is so shallow that the enlarged stalk-cell nearly fills it up, and is easily overlooked. From certain stages in its development, an ovum shows at its * Ann. & Mag. N. at Hist. ser. 6, vol. 18, no. 105, 1896 OVARIAN OVUM OF CHAETOGNATHS. 81 periphery many globules of various size, which may be called yolk- nuclei (the black dots in the ova of fig. 1). They show similar reac- tions to coloring matters as the inner part of the central body or the nucleolus of the stalk-cell nucleus. Probably they are derived from the latter, which persists after the fusion of the stalk-cells and changes its peripheral chromatic substance to a refractive amorphous mass similar to its inner part, and is metamorphosed into small globules which by reunion produce larger ones. As to the question whether the ovum passes outside through the ovisperm duct or through a temporarily formed passage as CONANT in- sists, I am unable to give an opinion, as none of my specimens had ova ‚in this stage. In conclusion I may remark once more that ın the germinal epithelium of chaetognaths, there are two kinds of nuclear division, mitotic and amitotic ; and that the ova are produced by mitotic, and the stalk or nutritive cells by amitotic, division. This fact seems to lend support to the hypothesis of ZIEGLER and Vom Ratu on the fate of the cells produced in these two different ways. Printed July 20, 1897. tina halts fife bs Borel " riety | a4 PE ro Tn! 119% | ‘ y tr rad Yin Ic Bu DE Kon Kan ets Arnd AS Ah A oo > ari nth alain ag ti i | ater la sa Lita ai A Motiv? “Bari irre ae TS ae tr viata è ‘ Û + x | [ Pr} m Aff ‚N In . DI " 4 . ' / I | ro N A u sé i \ deri è 4 n I VI sh, a um 4 er f ANNOT. ZooL. JAP., Vou. I. IAB AVE ® æ CAN, / y A Notes on the Paludina-Species of Japan. By T. Iwakawa. Professor of Zoology, Higher Normal School, Tokyo. With PI. V. While engaged in reärranging the shell collection of the Imperial Museum at Uyeno, Tokyo, I have found among it a pretty extensive series of native Paludina specimens from localities ranging from Awomori at the north-eastern extremity of Hondo as far south-west as the island of Shikoku. Advantage was taken of this opportunity to make a sys- tematic study of the genus, but as I soon felt the desirability of having more materials in order to arrive at satisfactory results, and especially as the labelling of localities appeared in some cases unreliable, I have given special attention to obtaining fresh paludinas while on a collecting tour in the northern provinces during the summer of 1896. On that occasion, I enjoyed the agreeable company and valuable assistance of Prof. C. IsuiKawa and also the coöperation of Messrs. K. Matsuura and I. HoRIKAWA, assistants to the Zoological Department of the Imperial Museum. Two hundred and eighteen fresh specimens were brought home from different localities, chiefly in the provinces of Mutsu, Rikuchu, Rikuzen, and Iwashiro. These, added to the old specimens of the Museum, formed a material of over five-hundred, which number further received considerable augmentation through the kind gifts of several friends in different parts of the country. For specimens from middle Japan I am especially indebted to Mr. M. Kawarsura of Kami- suwa, Prov. Shinano, and to Mr. Y. NawA of Gifu. Mr. Kurorwa of the Normal School of Naha has kindly sent me specimens from Yaye- yama Shima, Loo-choo Islands. To all the gentlemen above named I wish here to tender my thanks. 84. È TT. IWAKAWA. In Dr. W. Kose t’s well-known work “ Fauna Japonica extra- marina ” (1879), are given the following eight species : 1. Paludina japonica, v. Martens. Hab. Tokyo, Yokohama, Hakone Lake. 2. Paludina Sclateri (v. Frauenfeld. Hab. Biwa Lake. 3. Paludina stelmaphora (Bourgnignat). Hab. Tokyo, Yokohama, Biwa Lake, Yawatahama. 4. Paludina oxytropis, Benson. Locality not specially mentioned. 5. Paludina ingallsiana, Reeve. Hab. Biwa Lake. 6. Paludina nitens, Reeve. Hab. “Japan.” 7. Paludina abbreviata, Reeve. Hab. “ Japan.” 8. Paludina laeta,v. Martens. Hab. “ Japan.” Of the three last-mentioned species, viz. nitens, abbreviata, and laeta, there exist but very meagre diagnoses ahd no figures. It seems these species were never found again since they were first described. Indeed, there are not wanting in my collection certain specimens which somewhat approach the diagnosis of one or the other of them, but I found anything like satisfactory identification impossible. More speci- mens from the south-western provinces, which are still in need of thorough exploration, might possibly throw light on the validity or non-validity of the three species in question; but, considering the great variability of other well-established species, it is exceedingly doubtful if any of them would ever be found tenable as distinct species. On the other hand, the remaining five species or forms given by KoBELT are represented in my collection, although they can not all be held up as specifically distinct. In fact, I can recognize in my material only three species, viz. stelmaphora, ingallsiana, and oxytropis. Pal. stelmaphora and Pal. ingallsiana present no difficulty in being regarded as good species. Whereas, Pal. japonica, Pal. Sclateri and Pal. oxytropis has seemed to me rather doubtful as to their specific distinctness from the outset, since they were often found mixed together in one and the same locality. A thorough study of my specimens revealed the fact that both japonica and Sclateri insensibly grade over to o@ytropis, NOTES ON THE PALUDINA-SPECIES OF JAPAN. 85 and must therefore be looked upon as varieties of the latter. In identification I have found it of great importance to bring into consideration the form of young shells in different stages of growth, either found free or taken from within the body of mother shells. For, the young have characteristic shape for each species and are very persistent in their characters in comparison with adults. I. Paludina stelmaphora (Bourgnignat). Pi. V, figs. 1-4. The specimens which I refer to this species, have characters essen- tially agreeing with the original diagnosis of BOURGNIGNAT and with the description given by KoBELT (loc. cit.. p. 122). The principal characters are as follows : Shell swollen, egg-shaped, thin, smooth, with a greenish epidermis, umbilicated. Spire low, with an obtuse apex usually worn out in old specimens. Whorls quite rounded, separated by deep sutures; each whorl wound round with three punctured lines, which, though some- times extremely fine, are always present and easily visible to the naked eye. In young individuals the lines are often beset with fine hairs. These punctured or haired lines seem to be peculiar to this species ; they are not found in any other Japanese species of Paludina,in which we find raised lines instead. They were described by KoBELv but were omitted in his figures. Aperture nearly round, obtusely angled at the upper end. Edge of outer lip turned out, consisting of a thin epidermis which is connected with the inner lip by a thin callosity, margined with a black band. In fully grown specimens, the surface of the body-whorl is provided, especially close to the outer lip, with some elevated ribs besides the several lines of growth. Interior of the aperture bluish- colored. Height 43—58 mm. Diameter 26—36 mm. Aperture 22— 30 mm. long, 19—23 mm. wide. Specimens of this species very often present hammered-like sculp- ture on the surface (P. malliata, Reeve). As was correctly re- cognized by KoBELT, these should not however be made into a distinct 86 T.'° IWAKAWA. species, since they are counected by intermediate forms with those that are devoid of the sculpture. A collection of stelmaphora from one and the same locality may show an abundance of transitional forms from smooth-surfaced individuals to others that have a distinct hammered-like surface. Moreover this character of the shell is not peculiar to stelma- phora, being also met with in some individuals of orytropis. The embryo-shell (fig. 1) of this species is amber-colored and extremely delicate, consisting of only three or four whorls with a very low spire. Hach whorl is perfectly rounded at the shoulder except on the body-whorl which is somewhat angular along the middle and is besides provided with exceedingly fine spiral lines. The aperture is generally rounded above, while its basal portion at the lower end of the columella is stretched out so as to form a short canal. As the shell grows, the angle on the body-whorl generally disappears and the three punctured lines characteristic of this species are developed (fig. 2—4). I have specimens of P. stelmaphora from Awomori in Prov. Mutsu, Kogawara Swamp in Prov. Rikuchu, Miyagi in Prov. Rikuzen, Fuku- shima in Prov. Iwashiro, Kasumigaura in Prov. Hitachi, Tokyo, Aichi in Prov. Owari, Tokushima in Prov. Awa, and Yayeyama Shima. Thus it will be seen that the present species has a very wide distribution in Japan, from Tsugaru Strait as far south as the Loo-choo Islands. At the latter locality, this seems to be the only species of Paludina present, according to a private communication of Mr. Kurorwa. Further it may be noted that this species is confined to shallow water broadly exposed to light, such as rice-fields. So far as my obser- vation goes, it never occurs in such places as lakes or rivers where water is deep and cold. 2. Paludina ingallsiana, Reeve. Pl. V, figs. 5—7. This is an exceedingly variable species, the several forms of which are well represented and described in KoBELT’s monograph. Notwith- NOTES ON THE PALUDINA-SPECIES OF JAPAN. 87 standing its variability, the species is easily distinguishable by the fol- lowing characters : Shell pyramidal or turret-shaped, with apex sometimes extensively worn out in mature specimens. Sutures deeply canal-like, owing to the abruptly outstanding edges of whorls, between which edges the whorl-surface is flat or even slightly concave. In some speci- mens, each whorl is provided with two or three distinct, spiral raised lines; in others there is only one such line on the body-whorl, bringing about an angle at the outer lip. The surface is either rough and incrusted with a reddish substance or perfectly smooth and vividly green. Height 43—51 mm. Diameter 23—30 mm. Aperture 18—25 mm. long, 14—19 mm. wide. Fig. 5 represents one of the youngest specimens of ingallsiana from Lake Suwa. It will be seen that its shape is quite different from that of the corresponding stage of either stelmaphora (fig. 3) or oxytropis (fig. 9). This excellent species has hitherto been known only from Lake Biwa, to which I will now add two more localities,. Lake Suwa in Prov. Shinano, and Nagoya in Prov. Owari, on the strength of the specimens contained in the Imperial Museum. In Lake Biwa, it seems to be very common. Mr. K. MATSUURA incidentally obtained there several specimens, while collecting fresh- water fishes together with Prof. C. IsHIKAWA during the summer of 1895. From Lake Suwa there was originally only one specimen of this species in the Museum. Recently Mr. M. Kawarsura of that locality has made a collection at my request and kindly sent me a number of fresh specimens. With respect to specimens from the Province of Owari, of which there are three in the Museum, the exact locality is unknown. In the north-eastern provinces of Hondo, I could not obtain a single specimen of this species, in spite of my efforts to collect during the excursion of last summer. It is very desirable to ascertain its range 88 T. IWAKAWA. of distribution in Middle Japan and also in the south-western provinces, where it probably also occurs. 3. Paludina orytropis, Benson. After disposing of the two species above noticed, the rest of my specimens offered some difficulties in being identified. While some of these were referable to oxytropis (after KoBELT), others to FRAUENFELD’S species Sclateri and still others to v. MARTENS’ japonica, there were many with intermediate characters. After all I have come to the conclusion that japonica and Sclateri must be regarded merely as varieties of orytropis. Typical Pal. oxytropis (fig. 12) has the shape of a double cone. Spire usually acutely pointed, consisting of 6 or 7 whorls ; shell thiv and trans- lucent, upper whorls only slightly swollen or nearly flat, separated by narrow and shallow sutures ; each whorl provided with three or four dis- tinct raised lines, of which the lowest runs at the sutural line, while the re- maining lines run so as to divide the whori-surface into a corresponding number of zones, usually nearly equal, but sometimes unequal in width. The middle portion of the body-whorl forms a distinct angular ridge, below which there are numerous spiral lines converging towards the umbilicus. Aperture oval but more or less acutely angular above and below ; peristome thin and sharp, its portion at the lower end of columella alone being a little turned out; all the extremities of raised lines form more or less acute angles at the margin of outer lip. Pal. oxytropis var. japonica (fig. 17) (=Pal. japonica, v. Mart.) differs from typical orytropis in the following characters : shell ovoid- conical, moderately thick and opaque, usually with somewhat obtusely pointed spire; whorls swollen, separated by wide and deep sutures ; raised lines indistinct or absent except one on the body-whorl, where it makes a very slightangular ridge. Aperture nearly round, with an obtuse angle only at the upper end, and with thick peristome, which is considerably expanded ontwards and downwards. NOTES ON THE PALUDINA-SPECIES OF JAPAN. 89 Pal. oxytropis var. Sclateri (fig. 14) (= Pal. Sclateri v. Fr.) is dis- tinguished from the typical form by having oval, thicker and heavier shell, with an obtuse apex; whorls swollen, but not so much as in the above variety, and separated by very shallow sutures. Raised lines persist in each whorl, though not so prominent as to give rise to angles at the peristomal margin. Aperture oval, with obtuse angles above and below ; edge of peristome very thick, and the outer lip slightly expanded outwards. Notwithstanding the differences of adults, the young of the typical form and of its varieties all agree in characters. The embryo-shell (fig. 8) is light green and consists of five whorls, with a conical pointed spire. Three raised lines are distinctly to be seen. The last of these lines brings about a conspicuous angle at the margin of the outer lip, the aperture showing four angles in all. The general shape of the shell is that of a double cone. The main features of embryonal characters above referred to are retained during the growth of the shell (figs. 8—11), to be directly con- tinued further on into the adult stage in the case of typical orytropis, but to deviate at a certain period of growth into the respective definitive characters of japonica and Sclateri, where these are concerned. This is the ground on which I base my conclusion that orytropis represents the primitive stock, whence japonica and Sclateri have differentiated. I will here let follow an account of the specimens collected by myself at different localities in the north-eastern provinces to illustrate how this species varies. 1) Most of the specimens from a muddy stream in Yamagata village near Lake Inawashiro, Prov. Iwashiro, distinctly show the characters of typical oxytropis. Fig. 12 was drawn from one of the specimens collected at that place. In four out of fourteen specimens obtained, the spiral raised lines were either indistinct or nearly absent while the whorls were more or less swollen, which characters made them approach either japonica or Sclateri. In the majority of specimens the three 90 T. -LWAKAWA. raised lines were prominent ; in some there were one or sometimes two more lines interposed between the first and the second, and in still others another raised line was added above the first. The angular edge of the body-whorl was very prominent in all Yamagata specimens. The largest individual of the lot measured 70 mm. in height and 55 mm. in diameter, with an aperture 39 mm. long and 29 mm. broad. 2) In the specimens from Shinai Swamp in Prov, Rikuzen, eighteen in all, both typical orytropis and var. japonica are represented. Eight are referable to the former and the rest to the latter. In all and even in old specimens the apex is uninjured and the shell perfectly smooth, and vividly green in color. The typical orytropis specimens, although of normal configuration in young stages, have somewhat lower raised lines than those of Yamagata. This seems to indicate that Shinai specimens have a greater tendency to change into japonica form. 3) The specimens from a small swamp near the village of Nagahama on the northern shore of Lake Inawashiro are all var. Sclateri in both the shape and thickness of the shell, but they still retain the character of typical oxytropis in so far as the prominent raised lines are present. The embryo-shells have typical oxytropis shape. 4) In specimens from a canal near the village Shariki, Prov. Mutsu, the definitive characters of var. Sclateri are settled, although the embryo-shells are typical oxytropis as ever. 5) The specimens from Hirobuchi Swamp, Prov. Rikuzen, show abundance of transitional forms, typical oxytropis into var. Sclateri, while the tendency to change into var. japonica is indicated only in a slight degree. In all cases, embryo-shells have the shape of the typical species. 6) Finally, the specimens collected at Kogawara Swamp, Prov. Rikuchu, are of great interest in that they serve for definitely settling the question as to the mutual relationship of the three forms. ‘The young have invariably the shape and characters of typical oxytropis (figs. 8—11). Among the adults the Sclateri form prevails. There are besides unmistakable japonica form and others that combine the charac- NOTES ON THE PALUDINA-SPECIES OF JAPAN. 91 ters of the typical orytropis with those of either Sclatert or japonica. Adults with the characters of typical orytropis are not found in this lot. In fig. 14 I have represented a specimen from this locality, which must certainly be considered as Sclateri. In its general shape, the form of the aperture and the nature of raised lines, it tallies well with the description and figures given by KoBELT of that form. Fig. 17 represents a specimen from the same locality, which is a true japonica characterized by outbulged whorls, by the expanded outer lip of the aperture and by the partial absence of raised lines, The young specimen drawn in fig. 9 was taken from this individual. As examples of varieties with combined characters, I have given Late of three specimens in figs. 13, 15, and 16. Both the specimens of figs. 13 and 16 have almost the shape of Sclateri, but at the same time approach oxytropis in the character of raised lines, which is especially the case with the specimen of fig. 13. The individual of fig. 15 is nearly orytropis in its general shape, but the raised lines have all disappeared except one on the body-whorl, which respect it is like japonica. I wish to emphasize once more that the young of all the varieties above mentioned are essentially oxytropis in character, so that figs. 8—11 might pass as young stages of any one of them. Here is, I think, a sufficient ground to conclude that Pal. orytropis represents the ances- tral species whence the several varieties have arisen. 92 Tpagawa, LOUE UN det; Te er (4: 4 in “a | sinh ‘lode € EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. 'l'hree young stages of Pul. stelmaphora from Shariki, Prov. Mutsu. — reinpi fa An adult form of ditto. % DAI Two young stages of Pal. ingaUsiana from Suwa Lake, PARRA! An adult form of ditto. Tr it paci car pone Four young stages of Pal. 0 opis from Kogawara Swam Rikuchn. | DI Pal. oxytropis, a typical forn ‘rom Yamagata, Prov. Iwashi vali Two intermediate forms between oxytropis and Selateri fro Pal oxytropis var. Sclateri from ditto. An intermediate form between ( oxytropis and japonica from dito. Pal. oxytropis var. japonica from ditto. Leti TRA } à ro ag pui ANNOT. ZooL. JAP., Vou. I. pe e) T. Iwakawa. del, Dendrocoryne, Inaba, Vertreterinn einer neuen Familie der Hydromedusen, Von Seïtaro Goto. Zoologisches Laboratorium der Ersten Hochschule in Tokio. Hierzu Taf. VI. Als ich im vorigen Herbst eine Umordnung meines Laboratoriums unternahm wurde ich einiger Exemplare der Hydromedusen gewahr, die mir so merkwürdig erschienen, dass ich sie bei Seite stellte, um sie nachher einer näheren Untersuchung zu unterziehen. Auf weiterem Studium der Literatur fand ich dass diese Hydromedusen schon vor einigen Jahren und zwar 1892 von meinem Freund Herrn MASAMARU INABA beschrieben worden sind. Da seine Beschreibung aber japanisch geschrieben in unserer „:Zoological Magazine “ verborgen bleibt, so möchte ich mit Bewilligung des Verfassers eine Uebersetzung derselben mit den Originalfiguren voll anführen, und dann einige eigene Beobach- tungen mitteilen. „36*. Gen.? sp.? (Figg. 106-110.) „Lrophosom—Der Tierstock erreicht in der Höhe 10 cm. oder mehr, Verzweigung unregelmässig, die Zweige sind aber mehr weniger in einer Ebene angeordnet. Das Chitin bildet nicht eine oberflächliche Schicht sondern ein Innenskelett von feinem netzförmigem Gerüst. Die dünnere Zweige stellen im Querschnitt einen Kreis dar. Die Polypen kommen zerstreut vor und wachsen unmittelbar aus dem Stamm her- vor, ohne besonderen Stiel, spindelförmig. Tentakeln kugelförmig verdickt an der Spitze, 16-20 zerstreut an der Körperoberfläche, * Diese sowie die folgende Nummer bezieht sich auf die Reihenfolge der aufgezähl- ten Arten in der Originalarbeit, deren ‘Vitel folgendermassen lautet ? Sösha Miura Misaki Kinbò ni oite etaru Hydroidea (Die in Misaki, Minra, Sdsha, und seiner Nachbarschaft gesammelten Hydroiden), und welche in Bd. 4 (No. 41) der „Zoologienl Magazine,“ Tokyo, veröffenlicht worden ist. 94 sh (GONO) 108. 106. Ein kleiner Teil des Tierstocks von Dendrocoryne misakinensis. Nat. Grosse. 107. Derselbe etwa. 8 mal vergrössert. Es gibt drei Gonophoren. 108. Querschnitt eines diinnen Zweiges ; nur der chitinöse Teil ist wiedergegeben. Zeiss 2 aa. 109. Spitze eines dünnen Zweiges: nur ein einziger Polyp ist eingezeichnet ; man sieht das chitinöse Netzwerk an der Oberfläche des Zweiges. Zeiss 2 AA. 110. Längsschnitt eines weiblichen Gonophors. Zeiss 2 CC: DENDROCORYNE. 95 „Gonophor-—Medasoide, nie freischwimmend, mit einem kurzen Stiel aus dem Stamm hervorwachsend ; linglich ellipsoidisch, 2 mm. lang. Das Ostium ist nicht deutlich, seine Stelle jedoch ist durch vier rundliche Kôrper bezeichnet. Das Manubrium nimmt den ganzen Innenraum der Umbrella fur sich in Anspruch. Das Obige bezieht sich nur auf das weibliche Gonophor ; das männliche ist noch nicht bekannt. „Farbe—Chitinöser Netzteil braun, Polypen und Gonophoren farblos. „Fundort— Westlich von Misaki, auf den Steinen wachsend, aus der Tiefe von etwa 6-7 Metern. „Datum—Januar 1889. ,, Diese sonderbare Hydroide wurde bisher mehrmals gesehen worden, aber man hat sie als eine Art von Actinozoen angesehen. Als ich aber dieselbe näher zu betrachten kam fand ich zu meinem Erstaunen dass sie eine wahre Hydroide ist. In den Werken von ALLMAN, HINCKS u. a. habe ich eine der vorliegenden Art etwa nahe stehende Form nicht ausfin- dich machen können. Meines Erachtens stellt sie vielleicht eine neue Art von einer neuen Gattung dar. In Misaki aber kommt eine zweite, naheverwandte Art vor ;ich werde zunächst auf deren Beschreibung über- gehen und dann einige allgemeine Bemerkungen über beide vorlegen. „31. Gen.? sp.? (Figg. 111-113.) „Lrophosom—Der Stock erreicht im der Flöhe 10 cm. oder mehr, Verzweigung unregelmässig, die Zweige sind aber sämtlich in einer Ebene angeordnet. Das Chitin bildet ein Innenskelett von feinem netzförmigem Gerüst. Die Zweige sind meistens plattgedrückt, und auf ihrer Oberfläche kommen der Länge nach verlaufende vorspringende Rippen und stumpfe dolchformige Fortsätze vor. Die dünneren Zweige stellen im Querschnitt ein plattgedücktes Viereck dar. Von der Nähe der dolehförmigen Fortsätzen springen nach der Seite hin Polypen her- vor ; sie sind mehr weniger cylindrisch, schlank, und besitzen zerstreut an ihrer Oberfläche an der Spitze kugelformig verdickte Tentakeln, die in Zahl 20 nicht übersteigen, und von denen 4 oder 5 einen Ring um den Mund bilden. 96 Ei GOTTO: 111. Ein Teil des Tierstocks von Dendrosoryne secunda. Die Polypen sind von einem ! YI Teil weggelassen. Nat. Grösse, 112. Derselbe ; es gibt männliche Gonophoren. Zeiss 2 AA. 113. Querschnitt eines dünnen Zweiges ; nur der Chitinteil ist wiedergegeben ; ein Polyp ist in seiner natürlichen Lage eingezeichnet. Zeiss 2 AA. „Gonopnor—Medusoide, nie freischwimmend, wachsen meistens aus den Axillen der Polypen hervor, mit einem kurzen Stiel versehen, kugel- rund, die vier Radialkanäle deutlich ; die an deren Gipfel befindlichen vier randlichen Körper sind auch deutlich und treten aus der Oberfläche hervor ; das Ostium kommt niemals zur Ausbildung ; das Manubrium nimmt den ganzen Innenraum der Umbrella in Anspruch. Das Obige bezieht sich nur auf das männliche Gonophor ; das weibliche ist noch nicht bekannt. „Farbe—Chitinteil braun ; Polypen farblos. DENDROCORYNE. 97 „Fundort— Westlich von Misaki, auf den Steinen wachsend, aus der "Tiefe von 6-7 Metern. , Datum—Juli 1889. „Ich hegte den Zweifel ob diese und die vorhergehende nicht ein und dieselbe Art bildeten, aber nach näherer Beobachtung wurde ich davon gewahr dass es nicht so ist. Die Fortpflanzungszeit fur die erstere ist als Januar angegeben, aber nach dem mir vorliegenden Exem- plar zu urteilen ist die Fortpflanzungstitigkeit zu dieser Zeit schon etwas abgewachsen, die Zeit der regsten Fortpflanzung ist also wahr- scheinlich October bis November. Für die zweite Art ist die Fortpflan- zungszeit dagegen Juli. Andere Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Arten kommen in der Verzweigungsweise des Tierstocks, in der Form der Polypen, im Bau des Chitingerüstes und in der Form der Gonophoren zum Ausdruck. „Das Gonophor-der ersteren Art ist ellipsoidisch, das der zweiten kugelrand ; auch die Radialkanäle sind bei den beiden nicht gleich deutlich ; da aber bei der einen Art nur das weibliche Gonophor mir vorliegt, bei der anderen dagegen nur das miinnliche so ist seine Form- verschiedenteit wohl auf die des Gesehlechtes zurückzuführen. Der Polyp ist spindelförmig bei der einen, eylindrisch bei der anderen. Die Verzweigungsweise des Tierstocks ist sehr verschieden ; bei den beiden ist die Verzweigung unregelmässig, aber bei ber zweiten Art sind die Zweige in einer Ebene angeordnet, so dass die Verschiedenheit der beiden Arten in dieser Beziehung sogleich bemerkbar ist. „Zuletzt will ich den Chitingerüst besprechen. Derselbe besteht aus Fäden, von denen die longitudinalen resp. die transversalen einander nahezu parallel verlaufen. In den Maschen liegt der weiche Gewebe. Das Chitinskelett ist überall vorhanden, so dass es seine Bigengestalt nicht verlieren würde, selbst wenn man den weichen Gewebe entfernen sollte. Ueber die Anordnung der beiden Korperschichteu kann ich nichts mitteilen. Meiner Meinung nach gibt es zu äusserst eine lüktoderm- schicht wie bei Podocoryne und Hydractinia, wie man teils in Fig. 109 ersehen kann. Die Maschen sind bei den beiden Arten grob im Achsen- 98 Si- NGOTO: teil, und klein nach der Peripherie ; bei der ersteren sind dieselben rund- lich, wie in Fig. 108, bei der letzteren aber sind sie vieleckig (Fig. 113) und senden an der Peripherie dornformige Vorspringe aus. „Fassen wir nun also den beiden Arten gemeine Charaktere zusam- men: Der Stamm besitzt ein Chitinskelett, ist dendritisch verzweigt, sendet nach unten kriechende Wurzeln aus, mittelst welcher er am Substrat festsitzt ; der sitzende Polyp ist mehr weniger spindelförmig, und besitzt zerstreut an seiner Oberfliche am Ende kugelförmig verdickte Tentakeln. Das Gonophor ist eine nie freischwimmende Medusoide, und besitzt vier Radıalkanäle. „Ich schlage für diese neue Gattung den Namen Dendrocoryne vor, und nenne die erstere Art (No. 36) D. misakinensis, die zweite (No. 37) D. secunda. Diese Gattung ist durch den Bau der Polypen und des Gonophors der Syncoryne am nächsten verwandt, aber das Chitin- skelett scheint ähnlich wie bei Podocoryne angeordnet. Bei dieser bildet das Chitin eine dünne oberflächliche Schicht, bei der neuen Gattung aber ist es baumförmig ; die Weise wie der Polyp von demselben vorspringt ist bei den beiden dieselbe. Bei Podocoryne ist das Chitinskelett röhrenförmig, bei Dendrocoryne dagegen ist dasselbe stäbchenförmig, was man nicht leicht vorübergehen darf.“ Im in No. 42 der ,, Zoological Magazine “ erschienenen Teil der obigen Arbeit fasst INABA die Gattungsdiagnose folgendermassen zu- sammen! „ Lrophosow— Der Stamm ist verzweigt, besitzt ein inneres Chitinskelett, unten verbreitet, erhebt sich von fadenförmigen kriechenden Stolonen ; Polypen sitzend, spindelförmig, und tragen zerstreut an ihrer Oberfläche am Ende kugelförmig veidickte Tentakeln. Gonophor—Medusoide, Umbrella tief, Radialkanäle vier, Randtentakeln vier, rudımentär.“ Durch die Güte meines ehemaligen Lehrers, Herrn Prof. Dr. Mrrsu- KURT wurde ich in den Stand gesetzt die von INABA gesammelten und im Museum des Zoologischen Instituts der Kaiserlichen Universität depo- nirten Exemplare zu untersuchen, und da INABA aus äusseren Gründen sich sehr wenig der Schnittmethode hat bedienen zu können scheint, Ne) Das D DENDROCORYNE. so glaube ich seine Berchreibung verbessern und einige Lucken darin ausfüllen zu können. Was zunächst die äussere Gestalt des Tierstocks betrifft, so ist schon von INABA hervorgehoben worden, dass bei Dendrocoryne secunda alle Zweige in einer Ebene angeordnet sind. Dagegen scheint die Ver- zweigung bei D. misakinenszs etwas unregelmässig : bei den im Univer- sitätsinuseum befindlichen Spiritusexemplaren ist die Verzweigung fast nach allen Richtungen hin verbreitet nur mit mehr oder weniger accen- tuirter Neigung sich *in einer Ebene anzuordnen ; bei den im hiesigen Laboratorium befindlichen, sowie bei den im Universitätsmuseum befind- lichen Trockenexemplaren aus Bonin Inseln, die ich als der D. misaki- mensis gehörend ansehe, sind dagegen alle Zweige nahezu völlig in einer Ebene angeordnet, wie bei D. secunda. Als Unterscheidungsmerk- male kommt jedoch einmal der Umstand, dass bei D. mzsakinensis einige viel dickere Hauptzweige von den übrigen unterschieden werden können, während bei D. secunda die Dickenverschiedeheit der Zweige bedeutend zurücktritt, wie man aus der Vergleichung der Fig. 1 u. 7 (Taf. VI) teilweise ersehen kann. Dann aber kommt noch der Unterschied in der Farbe der beiden Arten: bei D. secunda nämlich sindd er Chitin- teil schwarzbraun, bei D. misakinensis dagegen weisslich braun. Bei den oben erwähnten Trockenexemplaren aus Bonin Inseln ist er zwar ganz schwarzbraun wie bei D. secunda, aber diess ist meiner Meinung nach entweder dem jahrelangen Trocknen zuzuschreiben oder doch wohl als Localvariation anzusehen. Was die Querschnittsbilder der Zweige anbe- trifft so erscheinen sie mir so unregelmässig und so viel der Variation unterworfen dass man Unterscheidungsmerkmale der Arten daraus nicht entnehmen darf. > Die Polypen sind im ausgestreckten Zustand spindelförmig bei D. misakinensis ; dagegen sind sie bei D. secunda stets cylindrisch. Was den inneren Bau anbetrifft so bildet das Chitinskelett ein Gitterwerk, so dass man in Schnitten Bilder von einem Netzwerk be- kommt. In einem Querschnitt eines Zweiges von D. secunda ist das Netzwerk überall fast gleich gebaut (Fig. 9); bei D. misakinensis kann 100 Ss. GOO. man aber drei eile unterscheiden : einen Markteil (Fig. 3, 4), einen inneren (b) und einen äusseren (c) Rindenteil. Im Markteil sind die Maschen gross und die Trabekeln ziemlich dick, im inneren Rindenteil sind die Maschen etwas kleiner and die Trabekeln am dicksten, im äusseren Rindenteil sind die Maschen klein und die Trabekeln sehr duno. In Natur sind diese Unterschiede noch frappanter als in der Abbildung, da die verschiedene Dicke der Trabekeln eine ungleiche Absorption des Lichtes hervorruft. Die Maschen sind etwas eckig bei D. secunda, rundlich bei D. misakinensis, was jedoch nicht durchaus constant ist. Gehen wir nun zur Beschreibung des weichen Teils. Die Stämme sowie die Zweige bis an die dünnsten sind zunächst nach aussen mit einer Ektodermschicht umkleidet, und der chitinöse Skelettteil befindet sich sämtlich nach innen von dieser ; nur da, wo die Trabekeln nach aussen hervorspringen sind deren Aussenfläche bei D. secunda nur durch eine äusserst dünne Ektodermschicht begrenzt; bei D. misakt- nensis jedoch ist diese überall von ziemlich gleichmässiger Dicke. Innerhalb dieses ektodermalen Ueberzugs liegen der Chitinteil und die beiden Körperschichten, und zwar so, dass jedem Chitinstück zunächst das Ektoderm und innerhalb dieses das Entoderm. Dieses letztere stellt sich in Schnitten als rundliche oder verlängerte Röhren dar, und fällt sehr leicht in die Auge, da seine Zellen mit groben, etwas lichtbre- chenden, ziemlich stark mit Hematoxylin sich firbende Körnchen erfüllt sind. In dünnen Schnitten, d. h. solchen wie man gewöhnlich mit dem Mikrotom sich bereitet, gehen die einen jeden Entodermring umgebenden Ektodermabschnitte verschieden in einander über, da in solchen Schnit- ten die "einzelnen Maschen des Chitinskeletts nach dieser oder nach jener Richtung offen sind; in dicken mit freier Hand verfertigten Schnitten, wie sie in den Figg. 3 u. 9 wiedergegeben sind, wo jede Masche von ihren Nachbarinnen völlig getrennt sich darstellen, sieht man dass die den jeden Entolermringen gehörenden Ektodermabschnitte auch vonein- ander getrennt sich darstellen. Zwischen den beiden Körperschichten sowie zwischen den äusseren ektodermalen Ueberzug und dem nach DENDROCORYNE. 101 innen davon liegenden Teil liegt die Stutzlamelle. Die Zellen des Ektoderms sind sehr arm an Cytoplasma: entweder sind sie stark vacuolisirt oder sie lassen grosse Intercellularräume zwischen sich. In und zwischen ihnen kommen zahlreiche Nesselzellen vor ; dieselben sind bei D. secunda von besonderer Grosse. Nach der vorhergehenden Beschreibung sieht man dass das weiche Gewebe unserer Tiere ein compactes Netzwerk bildet, ähnlich wie bei den Milleporiden, nur das Netzwerk ist bei unseren Tieren noch dichter als bei jenen. Das Skelett ist bei unseren Tieren chitinös, nicht kalkig. In Fig. 10 sieht man die Anlage einer Knospe. Dieselbe bildet sich zwischen den chitinösen Trabekeln, und legt sich so an, dass zunächst ‘ das Entoderm sich nach aussen hervorstülpt und das Ektoderm davor weicht, wie bei der Knospung der Hydromedusen überhaupt. An den Universitätsexemplaren von D. nusakinensis finde ich die männlichen Gonophoren massenhaft. Dieselben sind kugelrund, mit einem sehr kurzen Stiel versehen, und besitzen einen medusoiden Bau (Fig. 5). Das Ostium kommt jedoch niemals zur Ausbildung, sondern bleibt durch die Stützlamelle stets verschlossen. Radialkanäle sowie der Ringkanal kommen nicht vor. Die weiblichen Gonophoren von D. misakinensis kommen an den. dem hiesigen Laboratorium gehörenden Exemplaren ziemlich zahlreich vor. Sie sind länglich ellipsoidisch und mit einem deutlichen Stiel versehen (Fig. 6). Das Ostium kommt zur Ausbildung ; aber es giebt keine Radialkanäle, noch die Tentakeln, nur der Ringkanal ist ausgebil- det, so dass man ohne Gefahr erschliessen darf, dass die weiblichen Gonophoren niemals vom Mutterstamm getrennt werden. Von D. secunda kennt man z. Z. nur die weiblichen Gonophoren. Dieselben sind kugelrund, und mit einem sehr kurzen Stiel versehen. Das Ostium ist sehr eng; der Ringkanal ist wohl ausgebildet, aber soweit ich an dem mir vorliegenden, zwar nicht gut conservirten Material ausmachen kann, kommen keine Radialkanäle vor, was die INnABA” sche Angabe widerspricht. Das Velum ist ziemlich wohl ausge- bildet, und die kurze Tentakeln kommen in der Vierzahl vor. Diese letzteren sowie das Velum sind sämtlich nach innen gerichtet. 102 S. GOTO. Nach dem Vorhergehenden fasse ich die Gattungs- sowie die Arten- diagnose folgendermassen zusammen : GENUS DENDROCORYNE, INABA 1892. Hydromedusen mit stark gebauten, reichlich sich verzweigendem Tierstock, dessen Chitinskelett ein Gitterwerk bildet und von einer äusseren Ektoderm- schicht uberzogen ist. Polypen sitzend, cylindrisch oder spindelförmig; Tentakeln bis anf 20, an ihrem Ende kugelförmig verdickt, unregelmässig zerstreut am Körper. Männliches Gonophor soweit bekannt medusoid, kugelrund, geschlossen, ohne Radial- oder Ringkanal. Weibliches Gonophor kugelrund oder läng- lich ellipsoidisch, medusoid, mit Ostium und Ring- kanal, sowie zuweilen mit Velum und rudimentären Tentakeln versehen. l. D. misakinensis, Inaba 1892. Tierstock reichlich nach allen Richtungen hin verzweigt, mit einer Neigung sich in einer Ebene abzuzweigen ; mit einigen wenigen dicken Hauptzweigen, von denen die düuneren sich abzweigen. Polypen im ausgestreckten Zustand spindelförmig, von den Tentakeln 4—5 einen Kreis um den Mund bildend. Weibliches Gonophor länglich ellipsoi- disch, gestielt, mit dem Ostium und dem Ringkanal versehen, ohne Radialkanäle. Männliches Gonophor kugelrund, geschlossen, mit einem sehr kurzen Stiel. | Chitinskelett äusserlich blassbraun, weicher wie bei der folgenden Art. Fundort—Misaki. 2. D. secunda, Inaba 1892. Tierstock reichlich in einer Ebene verzweigt. Polypen cylindrisch, von den Tentakelıı 4—5 einen Kreis um den Mund bildend. Weibliches Gonophor kugelrund, mit dem Ostium und dem Ringkanal, sowie dem DENDROCORYNE. 103 Velum und 4 kurzen Tentakeln versehen. Männliches Gonophor unbe- kannt. Chitinskelett äusserlich dunkelbraun, stark gebaut. Fundort—Misaki, Bonin Inseln. Als ich Herrn INABA meine Uebersetzung seiner Originalbeschrei- bung zuschickte, wurde ich durch ihn darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass die vorliegende Gattung vielleicht den 1868 von J. E. Gray!) als Schwämme beschriebenen und von v. LENDENFELD? den Hydractini- den zugezählten Gattungen Dehitella and Ceratella naheverwandt sei. In der Tat ist Ceratella äusserlich unserer D. misakinensis sehr ähnlich, Dehitella dagegen der D. secunda. Da aber die Entscheidung dieser Frage erst nach Vergleichung mit den Originalexemplaren möglich ist, so verschiebe ich diese auf eine monographische Arbeit über Dendroco- ryne, die ich in Absicht habe. Ich sehe unsere neue Gattung als Vertreterinn einer neuen Fami- lie an, und schlage dafür den sachgemässen Namen : Deudrocorynidae vor. Am Schluss möchte ich die Paleontologen darauf hinweisen, ob nicht der Bau jener alten Petrefakten, der Graptolitiden, im Lichte der Strukturverhältnisse des Chitinskeletts unserer Tiere besser verständ- lich werde. 1.) J. E. Gray— Notes on the Ceratellidæ, a family of Keratose Sponges. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 575—579. 2.) R. vy. LENDENFELD— Ueber Coelenteraten der Südsee. V. Die Hydromedusen des australischen Getietes. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. 41, 1885, S. 657. 104 Ss. GOTO. 'TAFELERKLARUNG. Dendrocoryne misakinensis. Fig. 1. Ein kleiner Tierstock 1/;. 2. Spitze eines dünnen Zweiges. 54/,. 3. Ein 'l'eil eines Querschnittes des Stammes; nur der Chitinteil ist abgebil- det. 54/. 4. Ein kleiner ‘l'eil eines Querschnittes durch einen dünnen Zweig. 5. Schnitt durch einen dünnen Zweig samt dem darauf sitzenden männlichen Gonophor. Chitinteil schwarz, Entoderin dunkel schattirt, Ektoderm 250/.. schwach schattirt. 56/.. 6. Längsschnitt eines weiblichen Gonophors. Schattirung wie in Fig. 5. 5/1 Dendrocoryne secunda. Fig. 7. Ein kleiner ‘l'eil des Tierstocks, 1/1. 8. Spitze eines Zweiges. 54/,. 9. Querschnitt durch einen dünneren Zweig; nur der Chitinteil ist abgebil- det. 1186/,. 10. Ein kleiner Teil eines Querschnittes durch einen dünneren Zweig. ll. Längsschnitt durch ein weibliches Gonophor ; Schattirung wie in Fig. 5. 86/1. 250/1, Abgedruckt 27. Juli, 1897. D A000. JAP. Non I ANNO TAR. VI SIERT > eine - — am e « Ve PE on 2 Ti On a New Species of Malacobdella (M. japonica). By U. Takakura. Zool. Institute, Imp. University, Tokyo. With PI. VII. Since last April I have devoted myself to the investigation of a Malacobdella, which lives in the mantle cavity of Mactra sachalinensis, Japanese name, “ Ubagai” or “ Hokkigav’, and ,have found out that notwithstanding a close resemblance of its external form to that of M. grossa, Miller, its internal structure presents some features sufficiently different from that of the latter species, to justify its separation into a distinct species. M. japonica, as I propose to call our species, lives in the mantle cavity of Mactra sachalinensis, which is found in the northern part of our country. The specimen I used were all collected on the shore of Kujükuri on the Pacific coast of the province Shimousa. Almost every individual of Mactra from that locality contains the parasite. Of the 56 shelis, which I examined, 54 were found to be infected. As v. KENNEL found in Cyprina islandica, adult worms live always single in one shell, while if two or more live together in one shell these are invariably young individuals. Of the 54 shells, which contained the parasite, one was infected by 7, and two by 4, individuals which were all very young. The longest specimen of M. japonica is about 45 mm. long and 4 mm. broad when fully extended, and the cesophageal region is broader than the posterior. When contracted, its length is reduced to nearly one-half, and the posterior part of the cesophageal region is slightly concave. The ground color is dark yellow. 106 U. TAKAKURA. In the epithelium are found flasc-shaped glandular cells, whose con- tents stain with hematoxylin. They are generally numerous on the ventral side, while they are often entirely absent on the dorsal surface and on the very tip of the head. Under the muscular layer of the body-wall in the anterior region, numerous groups of glandular cells are imbedded within the pareuchymatous tissue. In most specimens, these groups are found in the cesophageal region, but sometimes they extend far behind that part. Generally they are found in a great number on the dorsal side. The ducts of these glands can not be clearly observed, but it seems probable that the streaks of fine granules, which are visible among the epithelial cells of the body-wall and which appear to have the same nature as the secretion of the glands, indicate their external ducts. At the anterior upper and lower edges of the mouth, their external ducts can distinctly be observed passing through the basal membrane to the exterior. In a greater part of the dorsal and ventral sides of the flattened lateral portion of the cesophageal region these glands are much developed, but few of them are met with in the anterior. Along the margins of such lateral portion, a voluminous aggregation of them is situated on each side, and their external ducts open at the lateral edge. These glands are abundant in the acetabulum as in M. grossa, especially on its ventral side. The wall of the cesophagus is folded into finger-like processes, which v. KENNEL and others have already noticed ; when fully extended they become rather slender, and those of the anterior part are protruded out of the mouth opening, and are moved to and fro like tactile organs. These processes, however, become short in the posterior and vanish in the narrow region, which connects the oesophagus with the intestine. The epithelium of the oesophagus is provided with a thin tunica propria, as BÜRGER observed, and the sub-epithelial glands are loosely imbedded on the outside of it, deeply within the body parenchyma. They are most numerous a little in front of the end of. the oesophagus. ‘The intestine, which is clearly distinguished by a narrow constriction from the cesophagus, makes about 10 windings, not ON A NEW SPECIES OF MALACOBDELLA (M. JAPONICA). 107 having diverticula. The anus opens dorsally nearly at the center of the acetabulum. . The rhynchocælom of the present species differs greatly from that of M. grossa by being short (pl. VII, fig. 1). v. KENNEL says : the structure in the latter species “ bis zum letzten Drittel des Köpers deutlich sichtbar bleibt,” and “ sondern jene (Biegungen des Darmes) manchmal schneid- end bis gegen das Hinterende des T'hieres hin, wo sie sich bei macros- copischer Betrachtung verlieren.” BURGER remarks also : “ Malacobdel- la ist mithin eine Angehörige der Holorhynchoccelomier.” hus in M. grossa it is obvious that the rhynchoccelom reaches the posterior end of the body, but the Japanese species is never a “ Holorhyncho- coelomier.’ The rhynchoccelom extends in the first two-thirds of the body and its posterior extremity is macroscopically distinctly observed. Different from M. grossa, a microscopical examination shows that it does not extend further backward than can be observed from the surface. Lt is slightly winding, being situated on the dorsal side of the digestive canal, but does not follow the curvature of the latter precisely (fig. 1). The proboscis, which has nearly the same length as the sheath, is distinguished into the anterior long glandular portion and the posterior short bulb-like cavity, followed by a strong retractor. The wall of the bulb is much thinner than that of the anterior division. The inner epithelium consists of low cylindrical cells, without glandular elements, and is not “ganz flaches Pflasterepithel” as v. KENNEL noticed. The retractor muscle is a strong bundle of longitudinal muscle fibres, which reaches the hind end of the rhynchoccelom, Its posterior ex- tremity not only reaches the narrow end of the latter, but passing through its wall enters the parenchymatous tissue surrounding it and is soon reduced in bulk. Of the termination of the retractor fibres of M. grossa, it is said that they, after passing through the end of the rhynchoccelom, rise dorsad to be affixed to the muscular body wall, but the case is quite different in the present species. Instead of proceeding dorsad, they bend rather ventrad, and no connection with the muscular body wall is observed, except their crossing the dorso-ventral fibres, and 108 U. TAKAKURA. they terminate freely in the parenchymatous tissue (fig. 2). BÜRGER noticed the undoubted existence of the proboscis nerves between both longitudinal muscle layers, but he did not enter into further detail. As far as my investigation goes, it is most probable that the “ Bindegewebe mit zelligen Elementen,” which is alluded to by v. KENNEL represents the nervous layer of the proboscis.. It has no definite form as in other Metanemertini, and is sometimes swollen and sometimes constricted, and often gives off several processes between bundles of muscle fibres. Numerous oval nuclei are imbedded within, or in the peripheral part of, the granular looking substance, which would be the fibrous part of the nervous layer. Such granular portion presents similar appearances as the fibrous part of the nervous system and has the same affinity for hematoxylin or eosin. The circulatory system shows very complex anastomoses, and approaches the condition described by BLANCHARD” and HorFMANN,” yet differs from them in some points. In young specimens it consists of only three vessels, one dorsal and two lateral, as in other Metanemertini, and has already been noticed by several authors (fig. 1} The two lateral vessels are connected in the head by a transverse canal and joined in the anal portion to two branches of the dorsal vessel (fig. 1). The dorsal vessel arises anteriorly a little behind the ventral commissure of the brain, by the fusion of two branches from the lateral vessels. At this stage there is not yet any branch to be found. But in the adult, the circulatory system reaches a degree of complication never found in other nemerteans, by giving off numerous branches, which come to anastomose with one another, especially in the anterior region. Figs. 3, 4, and 5, which have been reconstructed from sections, show respectively the circulatory system in the cesophageal, the middle, and the anal region. The vessels invariably show a complex system of anastomoses and are very asymmetrical, although there seems to be a great deal of individual variation. The dorsal vessel (fig. 3, d. v.) does not appear to be 1) & 2). I have not had access to the works of BLANCHARD and Horrmann, but I gather the above from the references made by v. KENNEL. ON A NEW SPECIES OF MALACOBDELLA (M. JAPONICA.) 109 derived directly from the laterals as in the young specimen, but there seems to be various interplaced canals. It gives off in its course several auastomosing branches of various sizes, and such branches are connect- ed laterally to those, which are derived from the laterals and occupy the lateral portions of the body (fig. 3, net. v.). In the anterior and middle regions the vessel can more or less distinctly be discriminated from its branches by its position under the rhynchoccelom, though it is often obscured in the middle region, where it makes strong windings and have large branches. In the anal region, however, it is im- possible to trace the vessel as a single canal as in the anterior region, for it becomes slender connecting canals, traversing between the two large vessels (fig. 5, d. v.) above the intestine, and does not take the median position. These two vessels are continuations of those which are observed in other portions on the side of the dorsal vessel, being fused together with the latter at several points (fig. 4, d. v.). Laterally these two vessels are continued to a network of small canals, situated in the lateral part of the body, as in the anterior part (fig. 4 & 5, net. w.). At the end of the body they are united into a single canal and the lateral networks nearly disappear. Sucha single canal divides, however, into two, immediately in front of the anus, and each branch enters the acetabulum to communicate with the lateral of its own side, and forms two curved vessels (fig. 4, ac. v.), which run along the edge of the acetabulum. Besides the horizontal windings, the two large vessels above stated make in their posterior portion strong vertical undulations along the sides of the digestive canal, approaching very near the lateral (fig. 4, /. v.), which is situated on the ventro- lateral edge of the intestine, yet there are only a few direct con- nections between the laterals and the large vessels in consideration. In the anterior region, some of the branches of the dorsal vessel always run among the muscular fibres of the proboscis sheath, and com- municate at several points with the dorsal itself. These branches already exist in young specimens, whose vascular system is furnished with only a few anastomosing branches in the tip of the head. The 110 U. 'TAKAKURA. lateral vessels (/. v.) are generally recognized everywhere, by their greater sizes and paucity in branches except in the cesophageal region. They are situated on the ventro-lateral sides of the digestive canal, except in the head, where they gradually shift their positions dorsad and finally take the lateral position, In the cesophageal region, varlous anastomosing branches are separated off towards the outer and imner sides and spread in the flat laterai edges of the body. It is through these canals that they are indirectly con- nected with the dorsal vessel. Atthe tip of the snout, the numerous branches also form networks, which are posteriorly continued to those in the lateral edges. Some branches from the vessels form a canal system which occupies the ventral side of the body. In fig. 3, this ventral canal system is shaded. Sometimes ventral con- nections under the cesophagus join the canals of the opposite sides (v. c.), a fact hitherto not noted in Metanemertini. The system is connected in several points to that (not shaded in the figure) situated on the dorsal side. In the middle region, the lateral vessels have only a few branches (fig. 4, 7. v.). Unhke those of M. grossa, they have no branch at the posterior region, and in the acetabulum no trace of a complicated vascular system, as described by v. KENNEL, is found. Of the excretory system no essential difference can be detected in the present species, except that the external opening is not situated ventrally, but dorsally to the lateral nerve stem and opens at the dorso-lateral side of the body. The peculiar feature of the nervous system is the position of the posterior commissure of the lateral nerve-stems. There is no trace of the anal commissure above the anus, but posterior to it, along the posterior margin of the acetabulum, a strong commissure is distinctly observed as shown in figs. 1 & 6(«. ¢.). At the points, from which the lateral nerve-stems enter the acetabulum, they slightly become larger, as v. KENNEL observed, and between these points a slender commis- sure runs along the anterior side of the acetabulum (ac.c.). This ON A NEW SPECIES OF MALACOBDELLA (M. JAPONICA). 111 commissure gives off numerous branches internally and externally, and together with the several big twigs from the larger commissure innervate the acetabulum. The ganglionic cells are found in the larger acetabular commissure. Thus the Japanese species of Malacobdella mainly differs from M. grossa by its short rhynchocelom, by its possessing the acetabular, instead of an anal, commissure, and by some differences in the vascular system. These data, I think, are enough to separate the present species from M. grossa. July 1897. 112 (5) Fig. U. TAKAKURA. LITERATURE. V. KENNEL—Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Nemertinen. Arbeit Zool.-Zoot. Inst. Würzburg Bd. IV, 1878. A. C.Oupemans—The Circulatory and Nephridial Apparatus of the Nemertea. Quart. Journ. Micro. Sci., Suppl., 1885. A. E. VeRRILL—Marine Nemerteans of New England and Adjacent Waters. Trans. Connect. Acad. vol. 8, 1893. L. Jougın—Les Némertiens, 1894. O. BÜRGER— Die Nemertinen des Golfes von Neapel, 1895. co a EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. AC, large acetabular commissure. «c.c. small acetabular commissure. ac. v. acetabular vessel. an. anus. b.v. blood vessel. d. v. dorsal vessel. D’.V. large branches of the dorsal vessel. in. intestine. /.v. lateral vessel. net. w. net-work of canal system. Oes. esophagus. Pr. proboscis. Ih. Rhynchocælom. Ret. Retractor muscle of the proboscis. Dorsal view of young II. japonica. Vertical section of the end of the rhynchocelom. Blood vessels in the head of the adult, reconstructed from sections; Md median line. The vessels on the ventral side are shaded. Blood vessels in the middle region of the adult, reconstructed from sections. Blood vessels in the anal region of the adult, reconstructed from sections. Vertical section of the anal region, showing the acetabular commissures of the lateral nerve stems. Printed July 25, 1897. Tas. VII. Notes on the Breeding Habit and Development of Racophorus Schlegelii, Gunther. By S. Ikeda. Zoological Institute, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. The breeding habit of one of our tree-frogs, Racophorus Schlegelii, Günth., present some remarkable features not known, so far as I am aware, in any other amphibia, and no apology, I believe, is needed for the publication of the following notes. It is now thriteen years ago that my attention was first called to the peculiar breeding habit of this tree-frog. When I was travelling in 1884 through the Aizu district in the province of Iwashiro, I came one day across a pair of the tree-frogs depositing eggs in soft muddy ground covered with grass. ‘The egg-mass was of a very peculiar ap- _ pearance —it was a frothy mass, about 6 or 7 cm. in diameter, full of air- bubbles, looking exactly like well-beaten white of hen’s egg. Pale yellowish eggs of the frog were scattered throughout the mass. I have since been able to find in Tokyo the frothy egg-masses of the same species imbedded in wet and muddy banks of paddy-fields, ponds, etc. and to continue my observations on the breeding habit from year to year. Some of the results I have already published in the Tokyo Zoological Magazine in Japanese. It has, however, been only within the season just past that I have had the joy of ascertaining exactly how the frothy mass is produced. What is stated in the sequel have been com- piled mostly from these observations made in Tokyo. JJ4 S. IKEDA. Pairing and Deposition of Eggs. The breeding season of Racophorus Schlegelii extends from the middle of April to the middle of May, the exact time varying from year to year according to meteorological conditions. It seems most probable that a certain mumber of both males and females wake up from their hybernation on every warm day or night during the season, and soon pair on that day or the next. Therefore at such times we often find soli- tary individuals here and there in shallow waters of paddy-fields or ponds, some of these repeating a peculiar cry “ kro-kro-kro, kro-kro-kro.” This is the sexual call of the males, which keep themselves hidden among grasses or in water and utter these notes elevating their heads a little.* The females are always larger than the males. The length in the median line of the former measures about 5—6 cm., while the latter rarely exceed 3—4 cm. Once I came on a funny sight of a large female 6 cm. long pairing with a male of 2.5 cm. It seems probable to me that the selection of partners is done mostly during the day time and that, towards the evening the female bearing the male on her back retires under ground to prepare for the deposition of eggs. If, however, the temperature should suddenly rise towards evening or during night after some cold days, then partners may be secured during the night, for at such times we often hear the sexual calls at night. After one or more cold days, it is difficult to find any animals either solitary or in pairs, or to find any fresh egg-deposit. *This species has another call. In summer it utters a ery “kiak-kiak-kiak, kiak-kiak- kiak,” and this appears to me to be uttered by both males and females. ‘he time and duration of the breeding season, and the sexual call of this species differ in many points from those of our Rana and Bufo. The breeding season of Rana temporaria is found in Japan to be a week or fortnight from the end of February to the beginning of March, and the tone of its sexual call is higher and longer than that of Racophorus. The breeding season of Bufo japonica is in the end of March or the beginning of April and lasts also a week or fortnight. Its sexual call is louder and higher but shorter. ‘The pairing of Bufo is generally effected on warm nights or days during the season, on land, and then the animals go into water for the deposition of their eggs. The breeding season of Rana rugosa is in Japan, in the middle or the end of June, and goes on also a week or fortnight, and its sexual call resembles somewhat that of Racophorus, but is a little higher in tone. BREEDING HABIT AND DEVELOP. OF RACOPHORUS. 115 The place where the partners retire to deposit eggs is always, so far as my certain observations go, in wet and muddy banks of paddy-fields, ponds, lakes, and the like. The spots chosen are generally along such a bank, at 10—15 cm. above the surface of the water, so that there is no fear of being washed by it. The site being fixed, the female digs in the muddy ground a spherical hollow 6—9 cm. in diameter. The inside of the hollow is made somewhat smooth by the movements of the female. Thus the auimal that performs the chief work is the female who bears the male on her back, and moves round in the hollow, pressing its body against the wall. ‘The hollow thus formed, the animals retire into it; and then it is entirely concealed under ground, being generally covered with grass. It is, therefore, very hard for one who is not well ac- quanted with the habits of the frog to find out such a hollow. The hol- low is not, however, situated very deep under ground, and a part of the wall tarned toward water is generally formed by a thin sheet of earth particles or dry mud, so that by boring through this part the animals may leave the hollow when they have finished the egg-deposition. The only way to find out such a hollow is to grope patiently by hand, along a bank which one thinks a favorable locality ; when the hand goes into a hollow and comes in touch with the frothy egg-mass, a sort of gushing sound, which is produced by the crushing of the air-bubbles, is heard. The animals in the hollow are dark colored, different from the green color which they assume on trees or among dense grasses. In general, when a night is warm, the animals sheltered as above finish spawning by the next morning, but if the night is cold, the egg deposition may be delayedand done either during the next day or at night, the latter, however, being much more frequent. The foregoing account is sufficient to show that the deposition of eggs in this species takes place almost always during the night. It is probable that the selection of partners, the digging of hollows, and the deposition of eggs are all accomplished in a single day and night, after their awakening from hybernation. When the deposition of eggs is finished, the pair separates and 116 S,.. IKEDA. each goes out of their hollow, leaving only eggs init. Once or twice, I have seen the female alone remaining behind in the hollow. As tothe mode of life after separation, Racophorus Schlegelii pursues one different from that of Rana or Bufo. The animals belonging to the latter genera go again under ground or into the bot- tom of deep water and there rest awhile, while the present species, after breeding, directly creeps out above ground and then goes upon the leaves or twigs of trees, uttering their peculiar summer call. I have said above that the place selected for the deposition of eggs is, so far as my certain observations go, in wet and muddy banks of paddy-fields, lakes, and the like. I used the italicized clause advisedly, for there are indications of the animal depositing eggs in other localities. When living in my native province Echigo, I often noticed a species of green tree frog depositing its eggs between twigs and leaves of trees standing near water or among grasses growing near ponds, paddy-fields, etc. These eggs, I remember, were always enclosed in a frothy mass full of air-bubbles: My friend, Mr. M. Kixucat, tells me that he once saw a similar egg-mass on a shrub growing by the side of the pond in our University grounds in Tokyo. Mr. Y. TAKAHASHI, I am told, once noticed in the Hakone mountains a similar mass that was falling from a tree into a water-pool below. Some others of my friends have often found the same kind of frog-nests on trees in Nikko. One of the cases at the last mentioned locality has been described: in an article entitled ‘“ Arboreal Tadpole’ by an American naturalist, Mr. W. J. HoLLAND (American Naturalit, vol. XXIII, May 1889, p, 383), who expresses evident surprise at the peculiarities of the nest. Although I have not had opportunities of examining the frog in any of these cases, it seems very probable that all these frothy nests belong to Racophorus Schlegelii, BREEDING HABIT AND DEVELOP. OF RACOPHORUS. ale and that this species deposits its eggs under ground as well as on trees, shrubs, and grasses. Egg-mass. The eggs, when laid as stated above, are enveloped in a white jelly-mass full of air-bubbles, and of a spheroidal form. The surface of the mass is generally dirty from mud and earth particles adhering to it, while the interior remains pure white. The bubbles in the jelly mass vary in size, but are commonly 2—3 mm. in diameter, and are spherical in form. The snow-like appearance of this mass is entirely due to the presence of bubbles, as the fact that certain portions free from them remain transparent well proves, so that the comparison of such a mass to froth formed of well-beaten white of hen’s egg is more than superficial. The newly laid mass is very elastic and tenacious, but with the lapse of time, it becomes gradually less elastic and less tenacious, so as to run down. The mass is then no longer able to keep its shape and flattens down gradually with the loss of air-bubbles in it, until finally it becomes so liquid as to flow out of the hollow into the water. By this time, the eggs have hatched into tadpoies, which are of course adapted to hfe in water. The outlet, through which the melted mass of the jelly runs down into the water, is the orifice previously made by the parents when they went out of the hollow through the thin portion of its wall above mentioned. ‘I'his circumstance beautifully explains the reason why the egg-nests are never placed far from water. Both too much wetness and dryness seem equally injurious to the development of eggs. Those that have not yet hatched can never thrive in water, and if placed artificially in it by way of experiment, they soon die. On the contrary, I once saw some years ago, at Echigo, a nest of the species hanging down about 2 feet above water between the leaves of Jug- lans Sieboldiana (.Jap—Onigurumi) near the bank of a ditch; it was entirely dried up like a piece of dry bread, with many dead eggs in it. What purpose does this frothy envelope of eggs serve? I am inclined to answer the question as follows :— 118 S., „IKEDA, (1) It protects the eggs, mechanically, from external agencies. (2) It perhaps prevents the eggs from too much crowding. (3) It is made especially, as I think, to facilitate the respiration of the eggs and embryos in their early developmental stages. The first of these points is very obvious. The jelly-mass around the eggs of Bufo, Rana, Salmandra, and the mass around the sepa- rately deposited eggs of Triton, must all serve the same protecting purpose. Small air-bubbles must act in this case as a sort of cushion, and are well adapted to protect the eggs out of water. As to the second point in Bufo, Rana, Salmandra, and others, in which eggs are deposited in groups in water, the jelly-mass around each egg absorbs water and swells up gradually, thus preventing the eggs from coming into contact with one another. In the present case, the mass of eggs being deposited under ground or in air out of water, the jelly can not swell up as much as 1n other cases, and it seems probable to me that the function of the air-bubbles within the jelly-mass is, in part, the means of prevent- ing the eggs from too much crowding. ‘The third point must surely indicate the chief purpose of this frothy envelope. The jelly-mass in this case is more hable to dry than those of the other amphibians, since it is not in water. And when the outer surface of the jelly-mass is dessicated and forms a crust, it effectually protects the inner part from further evaporation; but at the same time the inner part must necessarily be excluded from the external air—a condition which would cause the death of the eggs and embryos but for the presence of such air-bubbles as we see in this species. Now comes the question: how is this peculiar frothy envelope produced? It is a question to which I have given much thought and attention, and the answer to which I have tried to find out every succeed- ing breeding season for some years past. All my efforts were baftled until last spring, when at last I was rewarded with success. The breeding season was somewhat backward this year, and on the afternoon of April 26, I found and brought home, besides some masses of eggs, a pair of frogs that were together in a hollow. This pair could not BREEDING HABIT AND DEVELOP. OF RACOPHORUS. 119 have beed long in the hollow, for the latter was not yet completed in some respects. Warned by previous failures, I placed the pair gently in an already prepared glass-jar and covered it with apiece of black cloth, allowing an observer to peep in only from two opposite sides. I took the jar on my table and sat watching the animals until eleven o'clock at night. But the animals were no doubt frightened by abnormal conditions and could not be induced to deposit eggs. On the next day (the 27th.), however, when I returned home at 6 P. M. I found that the animals had just begun spawning. The frothy mass was only about 3 em. in diameter and contained about 20-30 eggs. The female was incessantly contorting her body. In order to watch these movements more satisfactorily, I lifted up slightly one end of the cloth-cover, but the instant I did so, the female ceased her movements aud retreated into the frothy substance behind her. After these manceuvers were repeated two or three times on her part and mine, I boldly took away the cloth wholly from the jar. At first, the female hesitated, but after’ some time she began to deposit eggs, as if she did not mind light at all. Now, at last, my wish of many years standing was gratified and I could make exact obsevations. The act of pairing in this species is not performed differently from other anurans, but the positions and movements of the hind limbs in both the male and female are very characteristic of the species. When the female is at rest, with the male on her back, the anterior part of her body is raised on the anterior limbs, but the posterior part of the belly lies flat on the floor and the loin is lowered so that the ventral margin of the cloaca comes into direct contact with the floor. The three portions (the femur, the crus, and the pes) of ber hind limbs assume the following peculiar positions: the femur is directed anteriorly and externally, its lower surface (at least its proximal portion) touching the floor ; the knee is flexed as much as it can be, so that the crus comes to lie dorsally to the femur, and the ankle-joint is drawn on the back of the animal, on the side of the posterior part of the urostyle. The aukle-joint is also deeply flexed and the distal part of the pes touches 120 S. IKEDA. the floor. It is through the movements of the posterior limbs of the female that the frothy mass is kneaded and formed, but the parts moved are confined for the most part to the crus and the pes, the femur remain- ing comparatively still The movements are not, however, by any means simple. Sometimes the knee and the distal end of the pes being fixed, the ankle-joint is moved backward towards the cloaca, just at the same time that it is flexed. Sometimes the ankle-joint is more or less straightened out and the crus and pes are thrown strongly backwards, the pes of the two sides often crossing each other. Corresponding parts of the two sides move simultaneously. The toes also perform an independent motion of their own ; they are strongly flexed, as if they were grasping some object. When any one of the motions is begun, it is generally repeated 5 or 6 times in succession, for about a minute. A rest of about half.a minute follows a series of these motions, before another is begun. Let us now see in what relation these motions stand to the produc- tion of the frothy envelope. While these motions are rapidly going on, the eggs together with the jelly-mass are gradually forced out of the cloaca, and are laid down on the bottom of the jar. When the ankle- joints or the crus and pes of both hind limbs are flexed backwards over the newly deposited jelly-mass, the latter easily adheres to the surface of the joints and of the pes, as it is very viscous. When the joints are again moved forwards to their positions on the back of the animal, the jelly adhering to them is pulled out as a thin transparent membrane stretching between the ankle-joints and the proximal part of the pedes of the two sides. When the joints are in the next motion again thrust backwards, the thin membrane is folded downwards and becomes a large vesicle about !/,—1 cm.in diameter, as the annexed woodcut shows. The air that forms the vesicle seems to enter from the sides, helped on by the grasping motions of the digits. ‘These large vesicles are formed successively and carried back with each motion of the hind hmbs. The large vesicles thus driven back are gradually broken up into smaller and smaller bubbles by the stirring of the crus and pes, when these BREEDING HABIT AND DEVELOP. OF RACOPHORUS. 121 are thrust back. It may appear strange that these treading and kneading mo- tions do not injure the eggs, but when we consider that they are covered over with highly elastic and tenacious jelly full of air bubbles acting as a sort of cushion, the safety of the eggs is not so mysterious as may appear at first sight. Fig. 2. AB—a thin membrane seen in the sagittal section. AC D E—a vesicle produced by the folding of the membrane AB. The hind limbs of the male on the back of the female are bent in a vertical plane. The knee which is strongly flexed is inserted between the anterior margin of the femur and the sides of the belly of the female. ‘The crus and pes are moved as a whole dorso-ventrally, thus stroking the pelvic portion of the female. This motion on the part of the male, it seems to me, is probably done in order to assist, by stimulation, the egg-deposition of the female. In some instances, however, another sort of motion was often gone through by the hind limbs of the male, in this way, viz. the hind limbs are withdrawn from the above mentioned position and soon thrown back, the crus and pes rubbing the dorsal face of the loin and cloaca of the female. Sucha motion of the male hind limbs seems to me to be done to clear away the jelly particles adhering to the region in question of the female, which possibly interfere with the safe passage of the sperm-fluid. Eggs and Embryos. The eggs in the frothy mass differ more or less in size according to that of the mother animal, but in general they measure about 1 mm. in diameter, and are at first free from any pigment, which appears only later at the tadpole stage. The yolk pole is yellow, while the animal pole is merely pale and somewhat translucent. The very thin structureless yolk-membrane is closely applied to the egg, around which the jelly- 122 S. IKEDA. mass is devoid of bubbles and shows, to a certain extent, a concentric arrangement. The pigment appears first at the pectoral region of the hatched larva, as in the case of fish-embryos. Segmentation on the whole is unequal and total, but it shows « greater approach toward the meroblastie mode than other amphibian eggs ; the first horizontal cleavage plane (3rd.) is placed nearer the upper pole and encircles a smaller area than in the eggs of Bufo and Rana. The first and second meridional cleavage planes may reach the yolk-pole, where they often cross with each other, but the subsequent meridional cleavage planes do not reach the yolk-pole and end mostly at about the equatorial region of the egg. Moreover at a later stage of development the first two meridional cleavage planes, which once reached the yolk-pole, become more and more insignificant up to the 32- or 64-cell stages, when they entirely disappear, together with some other cleavage planes in the lower hemisphere, while the cell outlines of the upper half are still distinctly visible. The early development of the embryo is quite different from that of other amphibians, but resembles very much that of the ganoid, which is indeed the point that roused my great interest in the development of the animal several years ago, when I was studying the embryology of other amphibians under the direction of Prof. K. Mitsukuri. The chief points of resemblance with the ganoid are as follows: (1) the embryo is greatly flattened over the large yolk-mass, so that the ven- trally observable organs, as the heart and the hyo-mandibular arches, appear in front and at the sides of the head ; (2) the body of the embryo, in later stages, is wedged into the yolk-mass, which is deeply grooved along the dorso-median line. There are many other points which must be studied comparatively with the ganoid, the teleost, and other fishes. I have, however, not yet finished the microscopical study of these eggs and embryos. It is my earnest hope to be able to return to this subject at a later date. na Printed July 27, 1897. Miscellaneous Notes. Zoological Society of Tokyo.—l'he monthly meeting of the Society for April was held in the lecture room of the Zoological Institute of the Imperial University at 2 P.M. The President in the chair. The following papers were read : Dr. KisHINOUYE on “a Trip to Tottori Prefecture.” The author dwelt on the routes to this part of the country and gave a general ac- count of its fauna. Prof. SASAKI on “ Pebrine.” After giving a brief historical survey of previous works done on this disease of the silk-worm, in which he referred specially to those of PASTEUR and BALBIANI, he communicated the result of his own investigation as to the trne nature of the micro- organisms that cause the disease. According to it those minute corpus- cles that are found floating in the blood of the infected silk-worm repre- sent only a stage in the life-history of an amoeba-like organism, in other words, those corpuscles are spores, thus confirming the result obtained by BALBIANI as opposed to that of PASTEUR. The meeting adjourned at 3.30 P.M. The monthly meeting of the Society for May was held at the usual place at 2 P.M. . The President in the chair. The following papers were then read : Mr. NisHikawa On “the Embryology of Caprella.” The author gave a detailed account of the segmentation, gastrulation, and the for- mation of the mesoderm in a species of Caprella common in winter among Sargassum in Misaki, and compared them with the same pro- cesses in other crustaceans. Prof. Harr on “the Development of the Heart in Petromyzon.” An abstract of this paper is promised in the next number of this periodica). The meeting adjourned at 4 P.M. The monthly meeting of the Society for June was held at the usual place at 2 P.M. The following paper was read : Prof. Mrrsuxuri on “the Species of Holothurians manufactured . 124 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. into Kinko* in Japan.” The following species were enumerated - Miilleria mauritiana, Quoy et Gaim., M. variuns, Sel., M. miliaris, Q. et G., M. lecanora, Jiig., M. formosa, Sel., M. nobilis, Sel., M. sp., Cu- cumaria japonica, Semp., Stichopus japonicus, Sel., St. sp., Holothuria monacaria, Less., H. decorata, v. Marenz., H. tenuissima, Semp., and H. fusco-cinerea, Jag. The New Imperial University of Kyoto.—By the Imperial Ordi- nance, No. 209, of June 18, a New Imperial University has been incor- porated in Kyoto, with ninety professorships, forty-one assistant-professor- ships, and a provision for ninety assistants (Imperial Ordinance, No. 210). It is to consist of the four affiliated Colleges of Jurisprudence, Medicine, Literature, and Science and Technology. Only the College of Science and Technology will be opened next fall, and the chairs for it has been ordained to be twenty-one, distributed as follows: Mathematics 2, Physics 3, Chemistry 4, Civil Engineering 3, Mechanical Engineering 3, Electrical Engineering 2, Mining 2, Metallurgy 2. We thus see that the department of pure Natural History has been wholly left out ; but we hope that this anomalous state of things will be but temporary, due entirely to financial deficiencies. We have every reason to believe that in a near future all ‚the principal branches of modern science, whether pure or applied, will be fully represented by an adequate number of chairs ; and we would suggest that when our science should be represent- ed in the New University, a fresh water station on Lake Biwa would be a very fitting adjunct calculated no doubt to contribute much to the collecting of valuable informations as to the biological conditions of large bodies of fresh water, on which so much excellent work is being done both in Europe and America. | * Dried holothurians used for food. PRINTED AT THE “'l'oryo Prinvine Co. Lp.” Torro, JAPAN. NATURAL HISTORY STORE, ZOOLOGICAL SECTION' We have always on hand for Scientific purposes and Ornaments of the household, well prepared Skeletons and good stuffed Skins of Mam- mals, Birds, Reptiles and Fishes; Birds’ Eggs and Nests: Shells and Insects. Also we prepare Specimens in Spirit of Land and Marine Animals, All our Specimens are collected by experienced Collectors and mounted by skilful Taxidermists. We collect any kind of Animals immediatly on order. We have also for sale Instruments and Reagents for Zoological studies and 'Taxidermists’ and Collectors’ use. We have the honor of being favored with orders from the Imperial Museum, the Department of Commerce and Agriculture, the Im- perial University, Middle and Normal Schools, both private and government. _ Specimens are sent on prepayment of price. Payments are’ to be directed to YONEKICHI KOMEYAMA Proprietor. Chiamuydosclaghwte... e. CA D... .. Yen 50:00 Megalobatrachus maximus ... ae 5.00—-30.00 Macrocheita Kampferin.. 250. ss ea Are see ss 4, L0/00—20:00 Metacrinus hea A LL ET Lo 2.00— 4.00 Euplectella imperialis Se CP 0 ces à 0 9:00-—10:00 Hyalonema ns 1.00— 6.00 EApiormmtkader ten | ss: ee en pe 3) 0:00 Package included. ‘Transportation extra. DOBUTSU-HYOHONSHA, NO. 1, GOKENCHO, KANDA, TOKYO, JAPAN. NVaV£. VNVHOMHMOA LSTIVHNLVN NOLSMO NV IV CONTENTS OF LAST ISSUE. —_ Ma en e... ee. Mitsukurt ..... 1 Pear-borer (Nephopteryx rubrizonella, Rag.).........M. Matsumura... | On Two New Species of Asthenosoma from the D AMD +... De OSNwAaTa... 5 Chaetognaths of Misaki Harbor...................... m Addas....: Biles 13 On the Accommodation of Some Infusoria to the Solutions of Certain Substances ın Various VORESNETANONS. San 001 OR A MUSA ae 23 On Changes which are found with Advancing Age in the Calcareous Deposits of Stichopus PAPOMICUS, ASS... een: KMRtsukurürn.... 931 Revision of Hexactinellids with Discoctasters, with Descriptions of Five New Species............... ID Rs: pt 48 oca NOE RR NA 61 Ueber eine in Misaki vorkommende Art von Ephelota und iiber ihre Sporenbildung, von C. ISHIKAWA.— Die Entwickelung der Gonophoren bei Physalia maxima, von 8. Goro. —On the Fate of the Blastopore, the Relations of the Primitive Streak, and the Formation of the Posterior End of the Embryo in Chelonia, together with Remarks on the Nature of Meroblastie Ova in vertebrates by K. MrrsuruRI—Living Specimen of Pleurotomaria Beyrichii.—The Ophiuran Shoal.—Zoological Society of Tokyo.—List of Japanese Zoologists. > CONTENTS. On a Mode of the Passage of the Eye ina Flat-fish......--.4- creare 1’, Nishikawa........- 73 On the Growth of the Ovarian Ovum in Chaetoguaths ................. TAB e eo 77 Votes on the Paludina-Species of Japam.sss"#;""""" "to" T.Iwakawa .......-- 83 Dendrocoryne, Inaba Vertreterinn einer neuen Familie der y » ’ Hydromedugemee. en EE Ss GOt0u sere 77e ae 93 Ona New Species of Malacobdella (M. japonica)............- ee Snes U. Takakura .......-- 105 Notes on the Breeding Habit and Development oî Racophorus Schlegelii, Gunther .. = ROSES: nl Tiredi» FE A 113 Miscellaneous Notes .2..:-2/--- tee Gr era ees D)... PER RE 123 Zoological Society ol Tokyo.—The New Imperial University of Kyoto. = déao+kmaR+Iss aH een ate = == È $ pas, <= 2 Al # N + = x | # | Hei sa RI A Rl 86 i RELA LA m AO ee A DTT ALLA 2 5 AE AL = : si si EN 7 M re BE Ari MURS BTE 2 As 5 “= i Bg = Me ai i) (E SER Tk H | i ne = de> st HS cava 4 N = EM To) Ex SSS BI pews Be di \ È = 2 ei — Satin Fo ns MR de OT On. ad À, z % [| 1 (fi mM ST i RAN GLA wi sa, inni et Toul "1 à Eri Cp (WW 11 { à UNA Cas CUE BAW LES La L roa A, MES A + A EN hal DEC 22 1857 ANNOTATION ES ZOOLOGICA -JAPONENSES AUSPICIIS SOCIETATIS ZOOLOGICÆ TOKYONENSIS SERIATIM EDITA. Volumen I. Pars IV. E OB: PUBLISHED NOVEMBRE 5, 1897. NOTICE. The “ Annotationes Zoologicæ Japonenses ” are published quarterly, in January, April, July, and October. Terms of subscription—$1°=4s=F5=M4 per annum; single parts 250=1s=F1.25=MI each. Postage included in all cases. Remittances from foreign countries are to be made by postal money orders, payable in Tokyo to Seitaro Goto, First High School, Tokyo. TO CONTRIBUTORS. Articles may be written in English, German, French, or Italian. Each contributor receives 50 copies of the reprints of his article gratis. Any number of extra copies will be furnished at cost. Contributors are particularly requested to specify the number of reprints they want at the end of the manuscript. If not specified 50 copies will be delivered. Articles may be accompanied by simple illustrations, as far as pos- sible in lines and dots. Communications are to be addressed to Seitaro Goto, Editor, First High School, Tokyo. SPECIAL NOTICE. After Volumen II, the terms of subscription for foreign countries will be as follows: $2.00=8s=F10=M8 per annum; single parts 50¢=2s=F2.50 =M2 each. DEC 22 1897 Notes on an Amphioxus obtained in Amakusa, Kyushyu, By H, Nakagawa. Biological Laboratory, 5th. Koto Gakko, Kumamoto. It was in the middle of August, 1893, that I first dredged up several specimens of Amphioxus in Gosho-no-ura, Amakusa, in the province of Higo, Kyüshyu. Hitherto, Shika-no-shima (Shigajima) in the province of Chikuzen was the only place where Amphioxus could be obtained with certainty, but the number obtained there at a time is at the best very limited. In Gosho-no-ura, the case is quite otherwise ; fifty or even a hundred may be got in the course of five or six hours. I have since visited the place five times, viz.—in November 1893, in April and November, 1895, and in June and July of this year. The animals thus obtained have been used from time to time for other purposes, but a certain number has been employed to make the observations herein recorded. I. Collection. The best time for collecting is from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. on calm fine days. The animals live at the depth of six to ten fathoms in coarse shelly sand and are caught by means of a trawl. II. Killing, Hardening and Preserving. Picrosulphuric acid (sulphuric acid 2 parts and saturated aqueous solution of picric acid 98 parts) has always been used for killing and hardening. The reagent is added drop by drop to a flat-bottomed vessel containing the animals, with sea-water just enough to cover them, until no sign of life is shown by touching the body. Then they are put into picrosulphuric acid alone and allowed to remain for two or three hours. 128 H. NAKAGAWA. presently be stated. The ova and the spermatozoa, however, are not yet fully ripe, for when these are subjected to examination the former are not separable from one another and the latter not uniformly developed. From these observations, it is quite.evident that the period of active egg-laying must be between the middle of June and the end of July. The relation of the size of the animal to its sexual maturity, I have already stated above. The color of the gonads is orange-red in the female and pale yellow in the male. V. The Number of Buccal Cirri and Branchial Arches. The buccal cirri were counted under the microscope by cutting out the margin of the oral aperture completely around and placing the cut- out part under a cover glass. To make out the branchial arches, the left side of the pharyngeal wall was dissected off and examined under the microscope. ‘The results are given in the following table. TABLE II. D D | atin | Set = the leftside. | right side. i right side. 46 … (00, 004 Gael. 21S Rei, TO MARS 371... | 23264 2408 183 CANON RER 283... | 2687... |... 1892 2 MM RE 26 … [BA NS. LOU 2 SO) The number of the buccal cirri is thus nearly constant—1. e. 20 on each side, but the number of the branchial arches varies, increasing with the growth of the body, as suggested by BATESON.* * Barrson—Materials for the Study of Variation, p, 174, foot-note. NOTES ON AN AMPHIOXUS OBTAINED IN AMAKUSA, KYUSHYU. 129 VI. The Position of the Tail-Fin, the Number and Distribution of Muscle-Segments, and the Formula for the Present Species. The number of segments was always counted only on the left side. The segment in which the anterior end of the dorsal or ventral portion of the tail-fin commences was counted from behind forward. In determining the position of the atriopore I have met with no little difficulty, but as the posterior end of the metapleural folds almost always corresponds with the hind margin of the pore, I have taken that end as the landmark for distinguishing the anterior and middle portions of the three regions into which the body may be divided. For the anterior limit of the posterior region I have taken that segment as the first which lies just behind the projecting lip of the anus. The following ‘table shows the results of these observations. TABLE Wye No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Bod PRATI IATA ; 2 segments be- | segments be- ? È segments in |, - È y 5 segments in Si hind the com-lhind the com- the the mencement mencement 3 the : of the of the anterior ‘ posterior e Al length. I dorsal end of |ventral end of region. middle region. region. the tail fin. | the tail fin. Specimens possessing 66 segments in all. PO eee! | sae CO ll... ee 17 i eerie LO nn 13... 1-27 18 Specimens possessing 65 segments in all. 483 83 2.1.2... 16 11 11 17 441 36 .. 218 10. = 421 SE: Le ©. 11 _ — 413 37 Pas 11 13 18 414 37 Li... 11 12 18 40 37 Kr: 11 1] 1 39 Sta EF: 11 12 17 363 Bib iis: FAT 11 Re a 36 38 218 Si Li 17 35 37 BR < coal 12 17 33 36 i STE 12 12 18 130 H. NAKAGAWA. No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of segments be- | segments be- segments in hind the com-|hind the com- the the mencement | mencement the of the of the dorsal end of |ventral end of region. middle region. region. the tail fin. | the tail fin. Body segments in segments in leneth. anterior posterior g Specimens possessing 64 segments in all. TIERE Joo LTL PM ARE ee Noe jie} tee uk’ RR a LI e GI es. 117 ABO) (AST370: 0] SH ALICIA a DIE ae, MIO MN RER sel ey a SIT MORE Oo | 43 … | 0870... LT) oe ee STI 43 1 | 87002, dot LT PENSION SITE la a 491... |... MST... 1e. u EPS I 01... | 2.887 NCIS ENORME Sole QI... | vee 186 +0 | ETNA EN RE 49 … | Be. URINE al... | 286.2 el. E i ND Rire AAA Al... | 288682 Er NT EMIR SIE EA IS 40%... | MSN MESS VISA 401.00] BB... 1 Ber Bla BD 404... | «ST JAMES Alles aa e e 394... | BB... JTE MR ars 39 … ese cn ROSI SSA A 88 … | et NRC RR a 1... [0086 LA. VE TIR OI 371... Le TH SP 374... er ARA 1.6 TROISE 87 … | BR NS IG balsa CO ARE 87 … 11.2386... 104. Rea 86 … RL TOO 854... LIT a 88 … | It IP ORNE 891... |. 88 sell... Re 31... |. 97 MIE... 16 ye 304... |... 36 all... OR ONE | 08... |. STAT. MC RI RESI E RS 102... l':: 36 AT MIS RI EA NOTES ON AN AMPHIOXUS OBTAINED IN AMAKUSA, KYUSHYU. 131 No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of ue . co segments be- | segments be- Body anna: segments in GET Es hind the com-lhind the com- the the mencement | mencement : the È of the of the length. anterior Po shea dorsal end of |ventral end of region. middle region. region. the tail fin. | the tail fin. Specimens possessing 63 segments in all. STA ee oe AR Te TI e, 17 HS El ao ant eco a Dds aot 118 dee eo poet. | ALT lg ll... 18 Eis). Sige absence LT | OS | ee Seri Poe RL 01) 1ER El. a... 17 ee SOU el: JUG, 2. ESE le. 17 Sen ae ee ALT .: | I a nce VSS 16 Bivona LT | OME | rs Specimens possessing 62 segments in all. Dio | en | ET | ec: 02 OMR Thus the dorsal origin of the tail-fin is in 28-cases out of 48 at the dorsal end of the dorsal arm of the hindmost segment of the middle region, and in 13 cases at the same end of the foremost segment of the hind region, while in 6 out of the remaining 7 cases, it is 2 segments, and in the other, 4 segments, before the anterior end of the postanal region. The place where the anterior end of the ventral part of the same fin commences is in 20 cases 7 segments, and in 19 cases 6 seg- ments, before the anterior end of the hind region, whereas out of the remaining nine cases, in five it is 8 segments, in three 5 segments, and in one 9 segments, before the same part of the animal. From these observations it is to be concluded that the dorsal origin of the tail-fin is in most cases 1 segment, and its ventral end 6--7 segments, before the hind section of the body. By referring to Table IV it will be seen that the total number ofthe segments composing the left side of the body varies between 62 and 66, but in the majority of cases 64 seems to be the normal number, for that is the case in 46 specimens out of 58. And it is also to be noted that 132 H. NAKAGAWA. the variation is not in accordance with the size of the animal, because one specimen of only 105 mm. in length possessed 64 segments, while another of 513 mm. had only 62. As to the distribution of the segments into the three regions, it will perhaps be proper to seek its normal state among the specimens that possess the average number of segments. So by consulting the third section of T'abie IV the two cases, 36, 17, 11 and 37, 17, 10, are ap- parently most predominant, the former occurring 16 times and the latter 11 times among 36 cases. Hence the formula for the present species is 36 (37), 17, 11 (10)—64, 35. This does not apply to any of the nine species mentioned in E. A. ANDREWS’ paper*, but as I have at present no opportunity of examining the specimens belonging to the species given there, I can not say whether we have here a new species or whether it belongs to one of the nine, which has not been collected and examined in sufficient number. August 17, 1897. Printed September 15, 1897. * An Amphioxus from Japan, Zool. Anz., No. 468. On a New Species of Elasipoda from Misaki. By Prof. K. Mitsukuri. Science, College Imp. Univ. Tokyo. Ilyodemon Ijimai, sp. n. This is by far the commonest of the holothurians found in the deeper parts of the seas about the Misaki Marine Station, exceeding greatly in number Letmogone violacea, Théel which is next to itin abundance. The definition of the genus Ilyodemon given by THEEL* is as follows :— Tentacles fifteen, rather large and non-retractile. The lateral ambulacra of the ventral surface with large pedicels, apparently disposed in a double row all along each side of that surface. "The odd ambulacrum naked. The dorsal surface with a crowded series of very numerous, retractile, slender, rather long processes, disposed in three or four irregular, close-set rows all along each of its ambulacra. Integument with numerous wheels and dichotomously branched bodies. The present species falls in well with this ‘definition, excepting a single point. Its calcareous deposits wholly lack dichotomously branched bodies. The specimens in my possession are quite numerous, and not only do I fail to discover any dichotomously branched bodies in all the preparations which show other kinds of calcareous deposits beautifully; but there is not in any specimen any trace of larger and smaller white spots visible to the naked eye, which are stated by THEEL to be present in I. maculatus, andto be caused by those bodies. In view of this fact, it * Report on the Scientific Results of the Exploring Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873-76, vol, IV, p. 84. | 134 K. MITSUKURI. would be necessary to modify the last part of the generic definition as follows: “Integument with numerous wheels, sometimes also with dichotomously branched bodies.” The same point also separates off the present species at once from I. maculatus, Théel, the only species, so far as I can discover, known hitherto of the genus. The main features of the species are as follows :— Body elongated, of almost equal breadth throughout, being in largest alcoholic specimens 120-160 mm. long and 35-40 mm. wide, about 3-4 times as long as broad. Mouth anterior, subventral. Anus posterior, subdorsal. Tentacles fifteen, with large circular discoidal ends ; on the whole, the ventral tentacles smaller than the dorsal. The odd ventral ambulacrum naked. Pedicels of each lateral ambulacrum 22-25, the alternate arrangement of pedicels in the inner and outer rows of each amlulacrun very obvious in some specimens, and. hardly recognizable in others, the difference being probably due to the degree of contraction in alcoholic specimens. Processes of each of the dorsal amlulacra very numerous, conical, rather short, the longest about one-third of the width of the body,in about four rows, of which the inner two are sometimes distinctly separated by a space from the outer two. Back naked in the median dorsal interamlulacrum, with the exception of the genital process in the anterior part. Integument soft, sometimes thin, sometimes thicker and spongy (the difference being probably due to the state of preservation), more or less translucent, most so in fresh state, internal organs (especially light-colored organs like the generative organs) being visible from the surface. Calcareous deposits of two kinds; large wheels with six central rods and small wheels mostly with four central rods. Among the former, the largest are about 0.21 mm. in diameter and have about nine spokes | (See THEEL, loc. cit. pl. XXXVI, fig. 15). These grade off into.those about 0.1 mm. in diameter and with about twelve spokes. Various stages of growth in the large wheels are visible, as given by Tuten. The small wheels (See THEEL loc. cit. pl. XXXVI, fig. 17) are 0.046-0.059 mm. in diameter. In them A NEW SPECIES OF ELASTPODA. 135 the felly is narrower and the spokes (usually 12) are shorter. Large wheels are most numerous on the dorsal surface, and in the lateral pedicels. Small wheels are predominant in the ventral perisoma and in the dorsal papille. Arcuate or spindle-shaped spicules are present on the pedicels and tentacles. Color.—In alcohol, white grey without any white spots. In fresh state, beautiful light violet with deeper tints on the dorsal papille, etc. A rather broad straw yellow streak on each side of the dorsal surface along and ontside the outer series of dorsal papille, becoming fainter toward the front. Habitat.—In all parts of the Sagami Bay and of the outer part of the Tokyo Bay in waters deeper than 250 fathoms. Specimens in the Museum of this Institute. The above description shows that this species closely resembles I. maculatus, the only distinct points of difference being the entire absence of dichotomously branched bodies, and the comparative shortness of the dorsal papille. Compared with the measurements given by THEEL, the wheels, large and small, seem also to be slightly larger in the present species. It is a fact worth noting that the two species of Ilyodemon occur at about the same longitudes (between 120°—150° E) but are separated by about 20 degrees of latitude. Anatomical notes as well as some interesting facts relative to the growth of the animal I reserve for some future occasion. I take great pleasure in naming this present species after my friend and colleague, Prof. Dr. Ista, in pleasant remembrance of many uncomfortable but fruitful days spent together on fishing boats on the Sagami seas and in appreciation of his great services in unearthing the treasures of those deeper parts. Sept. 19, 1897. Printed October 15, 1897. LI u ‘ 3 £ a, È . Gul AGLIO do GUN 418 wie As - - “a gini. MONO DI (8 | alls seit; #02 foce. sui boa pia, “ay 2. 277 ila isiel a ci hun Souter dI nd TTT Fat) ni ua Boost mn ons ae STILO ri Sidi DAR, Ve. « no dffpeoty ara Bolas B Saale sibi 10 ate tt jeu ( loavob old no pli 1 af ab. isi FRA I f i was 31 où out 20 © his og ) Ho og AE odnist emintosadì geliicqpog Ja: 68 19 LL x i a nee + to dump wading edd to fin gal ci o er 11 Ha fa ner ‘pon at snogriosge ato: at DIE illa ' { UST, \ i Seer EA N Imeası l620l rota cl ‘iad ; sonoade eidg ada {och Dal fe Me ; ise a lo aa vat orta She ig rai 3! ip h È ims b THe tay ya ton ig. iia ad n: | { A le Thi i da = out rit re ental vedi Si 1,6 to Bang qa oily ls SE i \ DE ER — och Hoche) sind Carat oe sp , as Port Isoltiotast i „aba: love > JM Li lands ods tou oA di, peli ui oud u a da ER Preliminary Note on the Development of the Pronephros in Petromyzon. By S. Hatta. Biological Laboratory, Nobles’ School, Tokyo. I have recently studied the history of development of the pronephros in Petromyzon, and the results arrived at throw, I believe, some light on this subject. I will enumerate the chief points obtained in the following pages. 1). Im Petromyzon, the pronephros becomes apparent at a com- paratively early stage, that is, the stage approximately corresponding to the early section of stage II in the list given by me*. When the metameric segmentation of the mesoblast in the anterier region of the body has been finished, we can distinguish, in each of a few somites in this part, a piece of mesoblast which les between the proximal somatic and the distal unsegmented portion (the lateral plate). The component cells of this piece first assume the regular arrangement of a columnar epithelium, and the parietal row of them is a little elevated aganist the epiblast. It is this piece which develops, as the subsequent history teaches, into the pronephric tubules and the nephrostomes; I will, therefore, hereafter call it the anlage of the pronephros. All the anlagen of the pronephros are cut off, with the lateral plates, from the segmented portion of the mesoblast, and are still more thickened by the repeated multiplication of cells. These thickened parts, however, is never a solid knob; for they acquire a lumen as soon as the anlagen come into view. The lumina of the pronephric anlagen communicate, of course, with the body cavity, which is a mere fissure in the stage in question. The cells ge the the anlagen are high and columnar in shape, while the cells * Harra, S.—Contrib. to the Morph. of Cyclostom. I. On the Formation of the Heart in Petromyzon. Journ. Coll. Sci., Imp: Univ. l'okyo, vol. X, pt, II 138 Ss. HATTA. of both the somatic and splanchnic layers of the lateral mesoblast are of irregularly quadratic forms. 2). The first appearance of the anlage of the pronephros is observed in the region under the fourth somite ; this is the first pair of pronephric tubules. The following pairs become pronounced one after the other. The distal end of these tubules become confluent by the multiplication of their cells and thus a direct connection is established among them. These connecting pieces together from the collecting duct (Sammelrohr of RUcKERT or the anterior continuation of the segmental duct) of the pronephros. 3). When all the tubules have become developed, there are 6 pairs, the first of which contains no lumen, while all the remaining pairs soon acquire a tubular structure. The independent canalization of each tubule proceeds backwards and into the collecting ducts, and finally all the tubules and the duct on each side are set in free communication. Then the ducts shift toward the median line of the body ; consequently each tubule takes a latero-ventral course, and the funnels themselves be- come open just ventrally. 4). The first pair of tubules does not develop further, and the second pair degenerates after a short existence, while the 6th. pair loses its connection with the duct. The disconnected tubules remain unchanged for some time, but finally they disappear. D) The total number of persistent tubules is, threfore, six, i. e. three pairs, of which the second and third pairs are developed most vigorously. This fact would explain why certain investigators believe 3 pairs to be present, while we are told by some others that there exist 4 or 5 pairs. In later stages, the foremost pair of the three persistent tubules is in close contact with the posterior wall of the gill-chamber. 6). The tubules are prolonged and grow downwards, pushing their way into the body-cavity, until the funnels almost meet with the cardiac tube. The proximal portion of the tubules also grows enormously and becomes coiled many times, so that the chest-cavity is at last filled up with the convolutions of the tubules and the cardiac tube. PRONEPHROS IN PETROMYZON. 139 7). In the anterior region, the segmental duct has every appearance of having been formed in the same manner by the thickenirig of the proximal margin of the lateral plates, as in the pronephros proper ; the only difference is that the anlagen do not develop into tubules, but unite with each other to form the duct. Owing to a large quantity of yolkmass in the posterior region the process is here much delayed and somewhat modified: it is brought about by the multiplication of a few cells proliferated from the proximal margin of the somatic layer of the lateral plates. I have observed neither any trace of an epiblastic origin of the duct nor any free growth of its posterior end*. In a much later stage, the posterior extremities of the ducts open into the cloacal section of the enteric canal. 8). From early stages, there is a complete blood supply in the pro- nephros: the arterial blood comes from the dorsal aorta; the blood corpuscles are found scattered between the tubules, and are afterwards transformed into two pairs of glomi, the anterior of which soon atrophies. The venous blood is taken away by the cardinal veins which drain the pronephros from early stages. From the facts mentioned above the following conclusions are justified : Both the pronephric tubules and the segmental ducts are purely organs of the lateral unsegemented portion of the mesoblast +; the somatic mesoblast as well as the other germinal layers have no share in their formation. The anlagen of the tubules follow, from their first appearance, the same segmental arrangement as the mesoblastic somites. The maximum number of the pronephric tubules formed is 6 pairs, of which the first, second, and sixth degenerate one after the other. The persistent tubules are, therefore, the third, fourth, and fifth, of which the third pair is not so well developed as the next * ] have observed a case in which mitotic cell divisions are taking place in that point of the epiblast, where the segmental duct lies in close contact with it; this subject will be explained in the full paper. + For convenience’s sake I divide the mesoblast into two portions the somatic and the lateral plates, and no more. 140 S. HATTA. two. Itis an interesting fact that the first and second pairs originate in the region where afterwards the gill-slits are formed, and they disappear when the latter come into view. In later stages, the third or foremost pair of persistent tubules is in close contact with the hind wall of the gill-chamber. These facts bear a close resemblance with those in Bdellostoma as described quite recently by G.C. Price*. Hence we have a strong reason to believe that the pronephros of cyclostomata is homologous ’ with the “ Nierencanälchen” of Amphioxus as described by TH. Bovertt, and that at the same time, the persistent tubules of Petromyzon are homologous with those of Selachia, Teleostei, Amphibia, &c. ; the mesonephros does not seem to be a part of the pronephros, but it probably belongs to another ‘series of excretory organs. The full paper will appear in the next number of the Journal of the College of Science, Imp: Univ., Tokyo. June 12, 1897. * Price.—Development of the Excretory Organs of a Myxinoid, Bdellostoma Stouti, Lockington. Zool. Jahrb., Bd. X. + Boveri, Tu.—Die Nierencanilchen des Amphioxus. Zool. Jahrb., Bd. V. Printed October 15, 1897. Sur une nouvelle espèce japonaise du genre Lucernaria. Par A. Oka. Laboratoire zoologique de l’école normale supérieure, Tokio. Au cours de recherches zoologiques sur les côtes de la province de Nagato, l’an dernier, j'ai eu la bonne fortune de pouvoir recueillir une méduse appartenant au genre singulier des Lucernarie dont aucun représentant n’a figuré jusqu'à ici dans la faune japonaise. Je n'en ai rencontré qu’un exemplaire, mais cet unique spécimen est interessant non seulement par sa nouveauté dans notre pays mais encore par sa forme qui diffère plus ou moins nettement de celle de toutes les autres espèces du même genre. C'est pour cette double raison que j'ai cru utile d’en donner une courte description. Description.—Comme chez toutes les autres Lucernarie, le corps de cette méduse se compose de deux parties bien distinctes, le calice et la tige. La tige, de forme cylindrique, courte, mesure 4 mm. de long et 2 mm. de diamètre. Le bout inférieur, qui est un peu dilaté, fonctionne comme une ventouse au moyen de laquelle l’animal se fixe. Le calice, qui est la plus importante partie du corps, n’est aucunement cyathiforme comme on le trouve généralement chez les méduses de la famille Fie. 1. des Lucernariidæ. Au contraire, il représente une croix grecque mince dont les bras sont divisés en deux à l'extrémité. On y distingue deux surfaces, une orale et une aborale, correspondant respectivement à la face interne et externe de la coupe. C'est au centre de la face aborale que le calice se joint à la tige. 142 AMORE Au milieu de la surface orale il y a un tube, assez court, le ma- nubriam, à l'extrémité duquel s'ouvre la bouche. En coupe transversale ce tube est plus ou moins carré. L'extrémité libre en est quelque peu dilatée, la lèvre de la bonche montre beaucoup de plis gardant tonjours un contour plus ou moins quadrangulaire. Les bras de la croix sont lisses à la face aborale, où l’on ne trouve qu'une légère ondulation de la peau causée par la contraction des muscles situés directement au dessous. La surface orale, au contraire, présente deux élévations longitudinales s'étendant presque jusqu’au bout et separées l’une de l’autre par un sillon assez profond, d’où il resulte qu’en coupe transversale chaque bras donne le contour d’un B couché. Près du centre de la croix, là, où les sillons atteignent les parois du manubrium,—car les angles de ce tube prismatique se trouve chacun en face de l'espace entre deux bras —il devien- Fic. 2. nent brusquement beaucoup plus pro- fonds pour former ce qu’on appelle l’entonnoir septal. La, les élévations que je viens de mentionner paraissent se toucher, formant chacune au point de jonction un angle droit avec son analogue du bras adjacent. Comme je l’ai déjà signalé chaque bras se divise à l'extrémité en deux branches dont le bout distal est fourni d’une touffe de processus tentaculaires. Ces appendices, qui servent sans doute d’organe de succion quand le sujet cherche sa nourriture, sont chez notre exemplaire au nombre de 24 par touffe. Cette méduse possédant en tout huit touffes prreilles le nombre total de ses tentacules se monte à 192. Le calice, étendu à plat, mesure 29 mm. de diamètre, chaque bras étant de 11 mm. de long sur 3 mm. de large. La portion où le bras est divisé en deux branches mesure environs 3,5 mm. Placé dans l'alcool le corps de cette méduse se réduit presqu’ aux trois quarts de sa grandeur originale. Les bras se contractent plus que le reste. Ils se conrbent en même temps en dedans et donnent alors à l'animal l'aspect caractéristique d’une Lucernaria. Quand il vivait, cependant, les bras NOUVELLE ESPECE DE LUCERNARIA. 143 étaient si minces et si mous qu'on aurait pu les prendre à première vue pour des vers némertiniens, Notre exemplaire qui se trouvait attaché sur une feuille de Zostera marina était, en état de vie, d'une couleur verte foncée imitant parfaitement celle de la plante. Je regrette bien de n’avoir pas déterminé d’où vient cette couleur qui disparait tres vite dans l'alcool. Grâce a cette ressemblance parfait: de couleur ce ne fut que par hasard que l’animal fut découvert, ce fait explique sans doute pourquoi il a échappé jusqu’à alors notre attention. | Habitat —L’animal que je viens de décrire ci-dessus provient de Kogushi, petite ville de la côte occidentale de la province de Nagato, où je l’ai recueilli dans un dragage fait par 6-8 mètres de profondeur le 3 avril 1896. Anatomie.—Pour étudier la structure interne de cette méduse j'en ai disséqué la tige et un bras. La cavité cœlentérique, qui est continue partout, s'étend jusqu’ au bout des bras. Dans chaque bras il ya un septum longitudinal qui divise cette cavité en deux moitiés latérales. La séparation, cependant, n’est pas complète, car à la base de la portion branchée se trouve au septum une petite ouverture par laquelle les cavités des deux cotés viennent à communiquer l’une avec l’autre. Les glandes génitales forment huit rubans de contour irrégulier. Chaque ruban est composé d’un grand nombre de vésicules séparées, attachées en rang au plafond de la cavité du bras. Ce sont des glandes génitales qui causent les huit élévations que nous avons observées dans notre description de la surface externe du calice. Les coupes minces montrent que la paroi du corps se compose de trois feuilles, l’ectoderme, l’endoderme et la membrane supportante. L’ectoderme couvre toute la surface externe du corps. L’endoderme revêt partout la cavité cœlentérique. La membrane supportante, gélatineuse et transparente, se rencontre entre les deux couches a toutes les parties du corps. Même la paroi des tentacules au bout des bras montre très nettement ces trois feuilles. Comme le représente la 144 A. OKA. figure 3 Jes ‘glandes :gemitales sont situées entre l’endoderme.et la membrane supportante. La cavité du corps se prolonge jusqu'à la tige. Celle-ci est en somme uniloculaire, bien qu’à la périphérie sa cavité soit divisée en quatre parties par les quatre élévations très remarquables qui s'étendent du calice au bout inferieur de la tige. La figure 4 re- présentant une coupe trans- versale de la tige indique non seulement la forme. de ces élévations mais encore l'étendue de la cavitéinterne. Les fibres musculaires, qui se trouvent toujours dans la substance de la membrane supportante, se groupent en huit rubans s'étendant entre deux touffes successives de tentacules. Comme on doit le supposer Fie. 4. d'après la configuration de la croix, ces rubans musculaires ne sont pas du tout d’egale longueur ; ceux qui joignent les touffes au bout du même bras sont très courts, tandisque ceux qui s’ étendent entre les bouts des deux bras sont naturellement beaucoup plus longs. Il ya en outre un système de quatre rubans musculaires situés dans les septa longitudinaux des bras. Leur contraction courbe évidemment les bras en dedans, ce que l’on voit se produire subitement quand on jette l'animal vivant dans J'alcool. À l'égard de l'orientation du corps de cette méduse nous somme portés, par comparaison avec des autres Lucernariæ, aux conclusions suivantes : NOUVELLE ESPECE DE LUCERNARIA. 145 1. Les rayons sur lesquels se trouvent les septa sont Interradii, la petite ouverture dans les septa représentant le canal marginal des Acalephæ. 2. Les touffes de tentacules, ainsi que les glandes génitales sont, par conséquent, sur les Adradii. La forme en croix que présente le calice de cette méduse ne vient d’autre chose que de la suppression du développement sur les Perradii. Remarques.—J’ai cherché vainement dans la littérature, dont je dispose, une forme qui serait identique à la nôtre. Il est donc fort probable qu'elle représente une espèce encore inédite. Toutefois, n’ayant pas pu consulter tous les mémoires publiés sur ce sujet, je n’insisterai pas sur ce point. Mais sila méduse que je viens de décrire se trouvait etre nouvelle, je crois que le mieux serait de la designer sous le nom . de Lucernaria nagatensis. Le nom japonais que je propose pour cette meduse est celui de Jumonji-kuragé (Jumonji, croix; kurage, meduse: méduse cruciforme). Comme on le sait l'ordre des Stauromédusæ se divise en deux fa- milles, Lucernariide et Tesseride. J’ai signalé ci-dessus l’existence sur nos còtes d’une espèce au moins de la première famille. Quant è la seconde, on connait déjà aussi une forme japonaise, dont le spécimen, également unique, a été recueilli il y a un peu plus de trois ans par mon collègue M. M. INAB4A On en trouve la description par M. K. KISHINOUYE, sous le nom de Depastrum Inabai, dans le numéro 61 du Zoological Magazine. Le 10 oct. 1897. Imprimé le 25 octobre 1897. P À 1163 x nr æ da | ì | : re en u one na | | jot hen sof sas dI a 4 4 Ji f judd nize RARE fi : x { [ar Z [ ul » be. 44 dr nea È ; ; Sur une nouvelle espèce japonaise du genre Phoronis. Par A. Oka. Laboratoire zoologique de l’école normale supérieure, Tokio. Grâce à l’amabilité de M. le Prof. I. IsımA de l'Université j'ai pu examiner récemment une espèce indigène du genre Phoronis. Nous connaissions depuis longtemps quelques formes larvales nom- mées Actinotrocha. Nous étions accoutumés à en rencontrer un grand nombre parmi les Planktons de nos côtes et il nous paraissait toujours inexplicable que l'animal adulte ne se montrât nulle part. Or, le savant zoologiste en a découvert, il y a un an, une colonie assez grande, composée de plusieurs centaines d'individus. C’est de cette colonie que proviennent les spécimens que je vais décrire ci-dessous. Chose étrange, on n'a, jusqu'au moment où j'écris, pas retrouvé cet animal. On sait que la Phoronis habite la mer et que chaque individu de ce genre s’y construit comme demeure un long tube. Chez notre espèce ce tube est formé de matières chitineuses sécrétées par la peau de l'animal. La paroi en est très mince, hyaline, d'une couleur jaune très pale; la surface est souillée d’une boue qui semble être faite des excrétions mêmes de l'animal. On n’y trouve jamais de sable. Ces tubes qui sont 1 mm. de large, mais dont je n'ai pu déterminer la longueur, s’entrelacent formant un véritable feutre. L’épaisseur de ce dernier peut être de plus 40 mm. Un petit ascidien s’y trouvait complètement caché. Au centre de la colonie on compte de 10 à 15 individus sur 10 mm. carré. Chez nos exemplaires, conservés dans l’alcool, le corps mesure, y compris la couronne tentaculaire, plus de 40 mm. de long et 0.5 mm. de large. A l'état vivant, il était, sans doute, plus grand. Au sujet de 148 AL NORA, la forme du corps proprement dit, ainsi que de la couronne, j'ai trouvé qu'elle ne fat en rien différente de celle du Phoronis psammophila décrit par M. I. Corı.* Le nombre de tentacules était chez trois individus pris au hasard, de 1 176, 138; soit d’environ 150 en moyénné. Les tentacules mesurent elles-mêmes 2 mm. de Jong. La colonie a été recueillie, ainsi que me l’a communiqué M. le Prof. Isıma, au mois d'août de l’année dernière, dans un dragage fait en rade de Moroiso, près de Misaki où se trouve notre station zoologique. Nous ne connaissons à présent que sept. espèces distinctes. de Phoronis : 1. Ph. hippocrepia, Wright. 2.. Ph. australis, Haswell. 3. «Ph. Buski, McIntosh. i si 4. . Ph. Kowalevskyi, Caldwell. nia irta 5. Ph. psammophila, Cori. 6... Ph. architecta, Andrews. 7. Ph.Sabatieri, Roule. | Les quatre espèces européennes, savoir. Ph. hippocrepia, Ph. Kowalevskyi, Ph. psammophila, et Ph. Sabatieri, ainsi que: l'espèce américaine, Ph, architecta, se distinguent très aisément de notre espèce en ce qu'elles ne possèdent que la moitié des tentacules qu’a cette dernière. D'autre part, Ph. Buski, est fournie d'environ 300 tentacules, c'est presque le double du nombre de notre espèce.’ Quant à la Phoronis australis il n'est ‘pas besoin’de:la cormparer avec: la: nôtre; car ses tentacules mesurant plus de 6 fois la longueur de celles:de cette-dernièré n'ont pas leurs pareilles parmi les espèces Jusqu'ici-décrites. +, : “> = Notre animal ne répond donc à .aneune:des espèces:connues:et.]e crois être autorisé à en faire une nouvelle espèce;Ph:.Ijénai. 7 ur! ‘4 Cont, C.J.— Untersichungen über die Anatomie ind Histölogie der’ Gattung Phoronis: Zeitsehr. f. wiss. Zool., LI. rela sinon ag TENTE | Imprimé le 25.octobre 1894; uw davo. Ë Yet Miscellaneous Notes. The Occurrence of Sphærothuria bitentaculata, Ludwig in the Sagami Seas.—This curious and interesting holothurian, looking externally like some simple Ascidian was obtained in the séas near the Galapagos Islands by Prof. ALEXANDER AGasstz,while on the exploring expedition to those parts on the U. S. Fish Conimission steamer “ Alba- tross,” and was described by Lupwie in his report on the’ Holothurioidea of the Expedition (Mem. Mus. Comp. Zoöl., vol. XVII, no. 3) under the name given above.‘ During the summer just past, I have been fortunate enough to obtain two specimens of this species in the seas near the Misaki Marine Station: One specitnen was obtained about seven miles south of Misaki in what is known as the Uraga Channel at the depth of about 350 fathoms: The other was fished up about five miles west of Misaki in the Sagaini Bay at about the same'depth. Both were caught by a fishing long line and found attached to the jelly-mass which Bdellostoma secretes and hides itself in. The specimens on the whole tally well with'the descriptions of Lupwic. The occurrence of this rare species at two places separated from each other by the entire width of the Pacific is, to say the least, very interesting and goes once thore to establish the comparative uniformity of the deep-sea fauna. The discovery ‘ofthe animal at intermediate stations would not now be surprising atall >” K. MITSUKURI. Contributions to the Morphology of Cyclostomata. I. On the Formation of the-Heart in Petromyzon, by S. Hatta. Jour. Sci. Coll., Imp. Univ: Tokio, Vol. X, Pt, II, p. 225-237. PL .XVIII— Die erste Andeutung des "Herzens findet man schon an sehr jungen Embryonen welche noch’ eine: wenige Zahl der Mesodermsegmente und nur: zwei Paar Kiemeheinbuchtungen besitzen. In diesem Stadium beobachten wir immer, zwischen den zwei primaren Keimschichten zerstreut, eine Anzahl Zellen, die den Mesodermzellen ganz ähnlich aussehen. Dieselbe gruppiren sich besonders auf der Medianlinie des Bodens, vor jener Stelle, wo der weit ausgedehnte Mitteldarm sich mit dem schlanken Vorderdarm verbindet. Diese mesenchymatischen Zellen weichen nach emiger Zeit auseinander: und bilden: ein Rohr, indem’sie sich’ epithelial anordnen. Dieses ‘Gebilde welches unterdessen rechts und links von den beiden 150 visceralen Seitenplatten umschlossen wird, ist nichts anderes als das. Herzendothel, wahrend die letzeren die Anlage des Perikardiums. darstellen. Das Herz hat nun, also, die Gestalt eines langen Epithelrohrs,. welches von den mesenterialen Visceralhäuten an der Körper- und Darm- wand suspendirt wird. Diese Suspensorien (Mesocardium anterius- et M. posterius) erfahren, aber, kurz nachher eine Rückbildung, so dass das Herzrohr schliesslich frei zu hangen kommt. Im nächsten Stadium. schnurt sich das Herzrohr, gleichwie die Perikardialhaut, in ihrer Mitte: ein und wird in zwei konischen Halften geteilt, von denen die vordere- das Ventrikel und die hintere das Atrium darstellt. Das Herzendothel bildet sich also nicht etwa durch die Delamina- tion der visceralen Seitenplatten, wie A. SHIPLEY annimmt, sondern es verdankt seinen Ursprung einzig und allein jenen im ventralen Raume vor dem Mitteldarm befindlichen Mesenchymzellen. Was die Herkunft dieser Zellen, worüber die Ansichten der tüchtigen Embryologen aus- einander gehen, betrifft, so kann ich unglücklicherweise nichts bestimmtes. aussagen ; da aber mehrere Mesodermzellen von den ventralen Kanten der Seitenplatten hinabfallen, bin ich geneigt anzunehmen, dass sich diese: freigewordenen Zellen in jenem Raume zusammen gruppirt haben. Nach der Angabe A. SHIPLEY’s tragen diese Zellen zur weiteren Bildung der Seitenplatten bei, wie ich sie auch schon in meiner früheren Arbeit. bestätigt habe. Da in späteren Entwicklungsstadien, aber, mehrere: mitotischen Figuren im eigentlichen Mesoderm selbst zu beobachten sind, scheinen die ventralen Partien des Mesoderms einzig und allein durch das Wachstum der Seitenplatten vervollkommnet zu werden, so: dass die Zellen einer anderen Herkunft mit derselben nichts zu tun haben. S. HATTA. Zoological Society of Tokyo.—The monthly meeting of the Society for September was held in the lecture room of the Zoological Institute of the College of Science, Imp. Univ., at 2° P.M. Saturday the 18th. The first part of the meeting was occupied with the election of officers. for the ensuing year. The following gentlemen were elected: President. Prof. I. Isıma. Secretary. Mr. T. Arba. Librarian. Mr. S. IKEDA. Treasurer. Mr. M. NAMIYE. Prof. MirsUKURI then read a paper “On the Occurrence of Sphero-. thuria bitentaculata, Ludw. and Ilyodaemon Ijimai, sp. n: in the Sea.of 151 Sagami.” The substance of the paper is found elsewhere in the present issue. Personal News. Mr. Jıuta Hara has been appointed Professor of Zoology in the Agricultural College of Sapporo. His address hereafter will be Agricul- tural College, Sapporo, Hokkaido. Dr. ASsAJIRO OKA has removed as Professor of Zoology to the Higher Normal Schoolof Tokyo. His place in Yamaguchi has been taken by Mr. MASAMARU INABA, hitberto in Mayebashi. Prof. MirsuKURI has been “delegated by the Imperial Government to the Seal Conference in Washington. After the Conference he will spend some months elsewhere in America and in Europe. 1:52 “ist of Publications received in exchange for the Annotationes until October, 1897, arranged alphabetically according to Authors or Societies. Auus, E. Ph.—The Cranial Muscles and Cranial and First Spinal Nerves in Amia 1, calva. A, ’ i ? Carnoy, JB? et LeBRUN, H.-—La fécondation chez l’Ascaris mégalocephala. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- u. Völkerkunde Ostasiens, Mitteilungen der. 2 ‘Hfte. 1,,5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 46, 48, 49, 52, 59. _ Dvurrpen. J. E.—The Actinarian Family Aliciide. Harrraus, Cl.—Beitriige zur Meeresfauna von Helgoland. X. Die Hydromedusen ‘"©Helgolands. II. Bericht. | Jatnaica, Journal of the Institute of. «Vol. II, No. 4.’ Manchester Microscopical Society, Transactions and Annual Report ete. of, for 1896. Naturhist. Forening i Kjobenhavn, Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den, for 1896. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie. Deel LVI. Neg. Ser. Deel V. Ditto, Alphabetisch Register van, op Deel I-XXX & Deel XXXI—L. , Naamregister van, op Deel I-XXX. Nebraska, Calender of the Univ. of, for 1896-97. North Carolina, Catalogue of the Univ. of, for 1896-97. | Novitates Zoologice. Vol. IV. Nos. 1 & 2. Società Romana per i Studi zoologici, Bolletino della. Vol. VI, fase. I e II. Smithsonian Institution, Publications of. May, 1896. SPENGEL, J. W.—Bemerkungen zum Aufsatz von N. Nassanow über die Exkre- tionsorgane der Ascariden in No. 538 des Zoolog. Anzeigers. r WartenwyL, ©. B. v— Monographie der Stenopelmatiden u. Gryllacriden. Wiupeman, E. de. —Prodrome de la Flore algologique des Indes Néerlandaises. List of Names to which the Annotationes are regularly sent. AFRICA. Josephs-Universität. Cape Town. Budapest. South African Museum. Zoolog. u. vergleich-anatomisches Institut. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. È Zoolog. Institut d. Kgl. Ungar.- Buenos Ayres. } Josephs- Polytechnikum. Sociedad Cientifica Argentina. i Czernowitz. Ausrria-Huneary. Zoolog. Institut der Universität. Agram. Graz. i National-Museum der Kgl. Franz- Zoolog.-Zootomisches Institut. Innsbruck. Zoolog. Institut. Klausenburg. Medic.-naturwiss. Gesellschaft. Zoolog. Institut d. K. Franz- Josephs-Univ. Krakau. K. k. Akademie d. Wissenschaften. Zoolog. Institut. Lemberg. Zoolog. Museum. Prag. Zoolog. Institut. Böhmische Gesellschaft d. Wis- senschaften. Wien, K. k. Akademie d. Wissenschaften. K. k. Zoolog.-botan. Gesellschaft. Zoolog.-vergleich.-anatom. Institut. Zoolog. Abteilung d. k. k. natur- ‘ hist. Hofmuseums. AUSTRALIA. Melbourne, Victoria. Univ. of Melbourne. Sydney, New South Wales. Univ. of Sydney. Linnean Soc. of N. S. W. BeLGIUM. Bruwelles. Musée royal d’hist. natur. de Bel- gique. Société royale Bruxelles. Linnéenne de Gand. Musée zoolog. Liege. Institut zoolog. Louvain. Cellule, Redaction de Ja, Chez M. le Prof. Carnoy. - Institut zoolog. 153 BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro. Museu nacional. Sao Paulo. Museu Paulista. Bririsx INDIA. Bombay. Univ. of Bombay. Calcutta. Medical College. Madras. Univ. of Madras. CANADA. Montreal. McGill College. Toronto. Univ. of Toronto. CHILI. Santiago. Deutscher wissensch. Verein. Societe scientifique du Chili. CHINA. Shanghai. Musée de Zikawei, pres Shanghai. DENMARK. Kjöbenharn. Naturhistorisk Forening. Zoolog. Museum. DEUTSCHLAND. Vide GERMANY. ENGLAND. Vide Great BrItAIN & IRELAND. FRANCE. Bordeaux. Société linnéenne. 154 Caen. Soc. linnéenne de Normandie. Clermont-Ferrand. Faculté des sciences. Grenoble. Soc. natur. et des arts industriélles d. de statistique des sciences départ. de l’Isere. Lille. Laboratoire de Zoologie. Lyons. Association des amis d. sc. natur. Marseilles. Académie des sciences, belles lettres et arts. Montpellier. Académie des sciences et lettres. Menton. Azris, Laboratoire de M. E. Pa. Nancy. Laboratoire zoolog. de la Faculté d. sciences. Nantes. Soc. d. se. natur. de l’ouest de la France. Paris. Institut Pasteur. Laboratoire d’histologie de la Faculté de Medieine. Laboratoire de zoologie de la Faculté des sciences. Muséum d’historie naturelle. S. Altesse serenissime Prince de Monaco. Soc. de Biologie. Soc. zoolog. de France. Rouen. Soc. des sc. naturelles. Toulouse. Soc. de Vhistoire naturelle. GERMANY. Berlin. Anatom. Institut, LI. Kg]. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Zoolog. Institut. Bonn. Anatom. Institut. Naturhist. Verein d. preus. Rhein- lande, Westfalens u. d. Regie- rungsbezirks Osnabriick. Zoolog. u. vergl.-anatom. Institut. Braunschweig. Naturwissenschaftl. Rundschau, Redaktion der. Breslau. Anatom. Institut. Zoolog. Institut. Dresden. Kgl. zoolog. u. anthrop.-ethnogr. Museum. Erlangen. Biologisches Centralblatt, Redak- tion bei Herrn Prof. Dr. Rosen- thal. Zoolog. Institut. Frankfurt am Main. Senckenberg.. Institut u. Museum. Freiburg, à Br. Anatom. Institut. Zoolog. Institut. Giessen. Anatom. Institut. Deutsche zoolog. Gesellschaft bei Herrn Prof Dr. J. W. Spengel. Zoolog. u. vergl.-anatom. Institut. Göttingen. Anatom. Institut. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Mikroskopie, Re- daktion bei Herrn Prof. Dr. W. J. Behrens. Zoolog.-zootom. Institut. ‘Greifswald. Anatom. Institut. Zoolog. Institut. ‚Halle a. S. ‘Anatom. Institut. Zoolog. Institut. ‚Hamburg. Naturhist. Museum. ‚Hannover. Naturhist. Gesellschaft. ‚Heidelbery. Anatom. Institut. Zoolog. Institut. Zoolog. Centralblatt, Redaktion bei Herrn Dr. A. Schuberg. ‚Helgoland. Kgl. Biolog. Anstalt. ‚Jena. Anatom. Institut. Anatom. Anzeiger, Redaktion bei Herrn Prof. Dr. Karl v. Bardele- ben. Zoolog. Institut. ‚Karlsruhe. Naturwiss. Verein. Kiel. “ Anatom. Institut. Zoolog. Institut. Königsberg. Anatom. Institut. Zoolog. Institut. Leipzig. Anatom. Institut. Carus, Herr Prof. Dr. J. V. Kgl. Sächsische Gesellschaft. d. Wissenschaften. Zoolog. Institut. Marburg. Anatom. Institut. Gesellschaft zur Beförderung d. gesamten Naturwissenschaft. Zoolog. Institut. 155 Metz. Societe d’hist. natur. de la Moselle. Verein fiir Erdkunde u. Naturwis- senschaft. München. Anatom. Institut. Gesellschaft f. Morphologie u. Phy- siologie. Zoolog. Sammlung. Münster i. Westfalen. Westfälischer Provinzialverein f. Wissenschaft u. Kunst. Plön. Biologische Station. Rostock. Anatom. Institut. Zoolog. Institut. Strassburg. Anatom. Institut. Gesellschaft f. Wissenschaft, Land- wirtschaft u. Kunst. Zoolog. Institut. Tübingen. Zoolog. Institut. Wiesbaden. Nassauischer Verein f. Naturkunde. Würzburg. Anatom. Institut. Physikalisch-mediein. Gesellschaft. Zoolog. Institut. Great Britain & IRELAND. Aberdeen. Natural History Museum. Bangor. University College of North Wales. Belfast. Queen’s College. Birmingham. Birmingham Nat. Hist. & Philo- soph. Society. 156 Bristol. University College. Cambridge. Balfour Library. Cardiff. University College of South Wales & Monmouthshire. Cork. Queen’s College. Dublin. Univ. College. Univ. of Dublin. Dundee. Univ. College. Edinburgh. Royal Society of Edmburgh. Zoolog. Museum. Glasgow. Laboratory of Nat. Hist. Leeds. Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union. Liverpool. Biological Dep’t. Liverpool Biolog. Society. London. Howes, Prof. G. B. Linnean Society. Nature, Editor of. Natural Science, Editor of. Nat. Hist. Museum, South Ken- sington. Royal Asiatic Society. Royal Microscopical Society. Royal Society. Royal College of Science. University College. Zoological Society. Manchester. Manchester Microscopical Society. Owens College, Zoolog. Dep't. of. Nottingham. Nottingham Naturalists’ Society. Oxford. Biolog. Dep’t. of the University. Plymouth. Marine Biolog. Ass. of the United Kingdom, Laboratory of the. St. Andrews. University. Tring. Zoolog. Museum. Hozzaxp. Amsterdam. Kon. Zoologiscli Genootschap “Nat. Artis Magistra.” Zoologisch Laboratorium en Muse- um. Groningen. Zoolog. Institut van Rijks-Univ. Helder. Zoolog. Station. Leiden. Zoolog. en zootom. Laboratorium. Rotterdam. Nederlandsche Dierkundige Ver- eeniging. Utrecht. Zoolog. Museum en Laboratorium. Huncary. Vide AusrRIA-HunGaRY. IRELAND. Vide Great Britain & IRELAND. Irıry. Bologna. | Gabinetto di zoologia di R. Uni- versità. Cagliari, Sardegna. Laboratorio e museo di zoologia e d’anatom. comparata di R. Uni- versità. Firenze. R. Museo di storia natur. Genova. Museo zoologico. Messina. Gabinetto di zoolog., anat. comp. e Fisiologia. Modena. Instituto di zoologia ed anat. comp. Napoli. Società dei naturalisti. Statione zoologica. Padova. Instituto di zoolog. ed anat. comp. Palermo. R. Università. Pisa. Gabinetto zoologico-zootomico. Roma. Gabinetto di zoolog. di R. Univer- sitä. R. Accademia dei Lincei. Società per gli studi zoologici. Torino. R. museo zoologico. JAPAN. Tokyo. Asiatic Society of Japan. Deutsche Gesellschaft f. natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. Java. Batavia. Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vere- eniging in Nederlandsch Indie. Buitenzorg. Jardin botanique. 157 Maracca. Singapore. Raffles Museum. Mexico. Mexico. Museu nacional. New ZEALAND. Christchurch. Canterbury College, New Zealand Univ. Dunedin ( Otago ). Univ. of Otago. Norway. Bergen. Museum. Christiana. Zootomisk Institut. PortuGat. Coimbra. Museo zoologico de Universidade. Purcrppine [suanps. Manilla. Real y Pontificia Universidade de Santo Tomai. Roumanra. Bukarest. Institul de Morphologie. Russia. Charkow. Zoolog. Museum d. kais. Univ. Dorpat (Jurjew). Zoolog. Museum d. kais. Univ. Helsingfors. Zoolog. Mus. d. kais. Alexanders- Univ. 158 Kasan. Zoolog. Cabinet u. Mus. d. Kais. Wladimir-Univ. Moskau. Societé impér. des naturalistes de Moscou. Odessa. Kais. neurussische Univ. Tobolsk. Museum. Tomsk. Zoolog. Institut d. kais. Univ. Warschau. Zoolog. Cabinet u. Labor. d. kais. Univ. SCOTLAND. Vide Great Britain & IRELAND. SIBERIA. Vide Russia. SPAIN. Madrid. Facultad de ciencias. SWEDEN. Lund. Zoologiska Museum. Stockholm. Naturhist. Riks-Museum. Zootomiska Institutionen. Upsala. Zoologiska Museum. SWITZERLAND. Basel. Zoolog. Institut. Bern. Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Zoolog. Institut. Genève. Laboratoire d’anat. comp. et de microscopie. Musée d’hist, natur. Neuchatel. Société des sciences natur. Zurich. Concilium bibliographicum. Zoolog.-vergl.-anat. Laboratorium. UNITED STATES or AMERICA. Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Michigan. Austin, Tewas. Univ. of Texas. Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins Univ. Berkeley, Cal. University of California. Boston, Mass. Public Library of the City. Champaign, Ill. State Lab. of Nat. Hist. Chapel Hill, N. C. Univ. of North Carolina. Chicago, Ill Univ. of Chicago. Warase, Dr. 8. Wuirmay, Prof. C. 0. Hanover, N. H. Dartmouth College. Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell University. Lincoln, Nebr. Univ. of Nebraska. New Haven, Conn. Yale University. New York City. Columbia Univ., Biolog. Dep’t. of. N. Y. Academy of Sciences. Science, Editor of. Palo Alto, Cal. Leland Stanford Univ. Philadelphia, Penn. Academy of Nat. Sciences. American Philosophical Society. American Naturalist, c/o Prof. Frazer. Princeton, N. J. Princeton College. Providence, ‘R. I. Brown University. San Francisco, Cal. California Acad. of Sciences. Salem, Mass. Morse, Prof. E. 8. Washington, D. C. Biological Society of Washington. ‘Microscopical Publishing Co. 139 National Acad. of Sciences. National Museum. Smithsonian Institution. STEJNEGER, Dr. Leonhard. U. S. Surgeon-General’s Office, Williamstown, Mass. Williams College.° Worcester, Mass. Clark University. West InpIrs. Kingston, Jamaica. Institute of Jamaica. List of Publications received by the Zoological Society of Tokyo before the issue of the Annotationes. 1. Bolletino della Societa Romana per gli studi Zoologici. Complete vol. IIT (1894); vol. IV (1895); vol. V. (1896). 2. Bulletin de la Société de France. 3. Revue des Sciences Naturalles 4 St-Petersbourg. From the Society. Complete vol. XX (1895). From the Society. Complete vols. for 1890, 1891, 1892, and 1893. From the Publisher. 4. Comptes rendus des Sciénces de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de St-Petersbourg. No. 7 and 8 for 1895, No. 1-5 for 1896, No. 1 for 1897. From the Society. 5. Travaux de la Société des Naturalistes de St-Petersbourg, Section de Zoologie et de Physiologie. Complete vols. for 1894 and 1895. From the Society. 6. Travaux de la Société des Naturalistes de St-Petersbourg, Section de Botanique. Vols. for 1894 and 1895. From the Society. 7. Travaux de la Société des naturalistes de St-Petersbourg. Section de Geologie et de Mineralogie. Vols. XXIII and XXIV for 1895 and 1896, and No. 2 of vol. XXI. From the Society. 160 10. 1% 17. 18. 19. Actes de la Société Scientifique du Chili. i liv. 5 Tome II; liv. let 2 Tome III; liv. 1-5 Tome V; liv. 152,8, DSL Orne Vie È From the Society. Anales de la Sociedad Ceintifica Argentina ; entrega 1-3 and 6 Tomo XL; entrega 6 Tomo XXXIX; entrega 1, 2, 4-6 Tomo XLI; entrega 1-3, 5, 6 Tomo XLII; entrega 1-5 Tomo XLIII. From the Society. The Microscope. No. 3 vol II; No. 1-5, 7, 9, 10-12, vol. III ;.No...1-12, vol. IV; 1-9, vol. V. | From the Microspical Publishing Company. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Part II and III for 1895; part I for 1896. From the Academy. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 5 and 6 for 1895 and 1896. From the Society. Congreso Cientifico General Chileno. De 1894. » Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening Kjobenhavn for Aarat 1895. Revista do Museu Paulista, 1895. Bolletino dei Musei di Zoologia ed anatomia comparata della R. Universita di Genova. No. 54, 55 of 1896. Etude sur le développement embryonaire du Gammaras pulex, reprint. From the authoress, Mde. Marie Ressyskaia-Kojernikova. Beitrige zur feineren Structur des Integmentes der Hatteria punctata. From the author, G. Osawa. The Indian Magazine and Review. | New Series, No. 74, vol XX VIII. From the Publisher. PRINTED AT THE ‘ Tokyo Prrtine Co., Lv.” Tokyo, JAPAN. PZL VE gl RO ZOOLOGICAL SECTION, WE have always on hand for Scientific purposes and Ornaments of the household, well prepared Skeletons and good stuffed Skins of Mam- mals, Birds, Reptiles and Fishes; Birds’ Eggs and Nests; Shells and Insects. Also we prepare Specimens in Spirit of Land and Marine Animals. All our Specimens are collected by experienced Collectors and mounted by skilful Taxidermists. We collect any kind of Animals immediatly on order. We have also for sale Emstruments and Reagents for Zoological studies and Taxidermists’ and Collectors’ use. We have the honor of being favored with orders from the Imperial Museum, the Department of Commerce and Agriculture, the Im- perial University, Middle and Normal Schools, both private and government. Specimens are sent on prepayment of price. Payments are to be directed to YONEKICHI KOMEYAMA Proprietor. CHOC AP USE west: LUN hese e 240° 2-0. Yen 50.00 Megalobatrachus maximus ... Pen, 5.00— 30.00 Macrocheira Kämpferi .. ee ae, 10:00 20:00 Metacrinus _... MR ii; SEE, UR Mek Te car 2.00— 4.00 Euplectella imperia da Me nen... $ 3.00—10.00 re lenti “ORES as er a CERTI 1.00— 6.00 Papilio mikado... .. Tecate ai gi 5.00 Package included. "Transportation extra. DOBUTSU-HYOHONSHA, NO. 1, GOKENCHO, KANDA, TOKYO, JAPAN. CONTENTS. Note on an Amphioxus obtained in Amakusa, Kyushyu .................H. Nakagawa.......... 125 On a New Species of Elasipoda from Misaki.................................. K. Miura 133 Preliminary Note on the Development of the Pronephros in Pe- ÉTOMYZONT. ue vacreovennvesecetesseneneee fesse Mere ee rate eee ae des Ei 137 Sur une nouvelle espèce japonaise du genre Lucernaria...............-.- AS Oh irra na 141 Sur une nouvelle espèce japonaise du genre Phoronis.................. sullo OLD nee. de 147 Miscellaneous Notes.........-... clerici ion ieenatz aeree a ento r hen nenn. PORTER Sine eno pese eee 149 The Occurrence of Sphærothuria bitentaculata; Ludwig in the Sagami Seas.—Contri- butions to the Morphology of Cyclostomata. I. On the Formation of the Heart in Petromyzon, by S. Harra.—Zoological Society of l'okyo. Personal News... iii cesser RE RSA ELIA PESI Ce A RE 151 List of Publications received in exchange for the Annotationes until October, 1897, arranged alphabetically according to Au- thors or Societies, ..ic.....+-usexdecures sy (e RRCRRRE ERE Renee apri 152 List of Names to which the Annotationes are regularly sent................................, 152 List of Publications received by the Zoological Society of Tokyo before the issue of the Annotationes....sr.-.1---s--scersisiezionera zones scanio nenepene nente 159 > X EI pig ED Bia & Ru Mo MS ENTIRE) SI ASTI SETA % SE a ARO sal TREES agz5migal1+t#$t+Mhis$S I — (E HI # À ARE en Br ff À AR e x Sh me SR 5 ame th 5 K ge yb eos ‘dg | ii ATE Ra ALT RS De i Moe yt NE yh A Rly UT 5 [Al Don A Ale #,H mai H mo N, e n Æ x fille FO A HE =, ER > Aal AR 7" Kw 7 gpu Ve FK BL E E AE Az XK Bg ae K A “= J Be di Gan To Tua te pre mA ik jt i JE = EB Lars. of! a a