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WELLS, A.M.,M.D., AUTHOR OF PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY, FIRST PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY, ETC. BOSON: GOUIyD: AND L1'N © Otbaw, 59 WASHINGTON STREET. NEW YORK: SHELDON AND COMPANY. CINCINNATI: GEORGE S. BLANCHARD. LONDON: TRUBNER & CO. 1864, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by GOULD AND LINCOLN, In. the Clerk’s Office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts. =~ NOTES BY THE EDITOR ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE FOR THE YEAR 1863. THE thirty-third annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science was held at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Sir William Armstrong (the gun-maker) being in the chair. The meeting was above the average, as respects the numbers in attendance and the interest of the papers brought forward. Sir Charles Lyell was se- lected as the President for 1864. From the annual address of the President, reviewing the recent prog- ress of Science, we make the following extracts. Referring to the district of Newcastle as the birth-place of Stephenson, and of locomo- tives and railways, he said, “ The history of railways shows what grand results may have their origin in small beginnings. When coal was first conveyed in this neighborhood from the pit to the shipping- place on the Tyne, the pack-horse, carrying a burden of three hun- dred-weight, was the only mode of transport employed. As soon as roads suitable for wheeled carriages were formed, carts were introduced, and this first step in mechanical appliance to facilitate transport had the effect of increasing the load which the horse was enabled to carry, from three hundred-weight to seventeen hundred-weight. The next improvement consisted in laying wooden bars or rails for the wheels of carts to run upon, and this was followed by the substitution of the four- wheeled wagon for the two-wheeled cart. By this further application of mechanical principles the original horse-load of three hundred-weight was augmented to forty-two hundred-weight. These were important results, and they were not obtained without the shipwreck of the for- tunes of some men whose ideas were in advance of the times in which they lived. The next step in the progress of railways was the attach- ment of slips of iron to the wooden rails. Then came the iron tramway, consisting of cast-iron bars of an angular section ; in this arrangement, It Dra SS Ea IV NOTES BY THE EDITOR the upright flange of the bar acted as a guide to keep the wheel on the track. The next advance was an important one, and consisted in transferring the guiding-flange from the rail to the wheel ; this improve- ment enabled cast-iron edge-rails to be used. Finally, in 1820, after the lapse of about 200 years from the first employment of wooden bars, wrought-iron rails, rolled in long lengths, and of suitable section, were made, and eventually superseded all other forms of railway. Thus, the railway system, like all other large inventions, has risen to its pres- ent importance by a series of steps; and so gradual has been its prog- ress that Europe finds itself committed to a gauge fortuitously deter- mined by the distance between the wheels of the carts for which wooden rails were originally laid down. Last of all came the locomotive engine, that crowning achievement of mechanical science, which enables us to convey a load of 200 tons at a cost of fuel scarcely exceeding that of the corn and hay which the original pack-horse consumed in bonieyi ns its load of three hundred- weight an equal distance. _In thus glancing at the history of railways, we may observe how promptly the inventive faculty of man supplies the device which the circumstances of the moment require. No sooner is a road formed fit for wheeled carriages to pass along than the cart takes the place of the pack-saddle : no sooner is the wooden railway provided than the wagon is substituted for the cart: and no sooner is an iron railway formed, capable of carrying heavy loads, than the locomotive engine is found ready to commence its career. As in the vegetable kingdom fit con- ditions of soil and climate quickly cause the appearance of suitable plants, so in the intellectual world fitness of time and circumstance promptly calls forth appropriate devices. The seeds of invention ex- ist, as it were, in the air, ready to germinate whenever suitable con- ditions arise, and no legislative interference is needed to insure their growth in proper season.” Necessity for a New System of Writing.— “The facility now given to the transmission of intelligence and the interchange of thought is one of the most remarkable features of the present age. Cheap and rapid postage to all parts of the world, — paper and printing reduced to the lowest cost, — electric telegraphs between nation and nation, town and town, all contribute to aid that commerce of ideas by which wealth and knowledge are augmented. But while so much facility is given to mental communications by new measures and new inventions, the fun- damental art of expressing thought by written symbols remains as im- perfect now as it has been for centuries past. It seems strange that ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. W while we actually possess a system of short-hand by which words can be recorded as rapidly as they can be spoken, we should persist in writing a slow and laborious long-hand. It is intelligible that grown-up persons who have acquired the present conventional art of writing should be reluctant to incur the labor of mastering a better system ; but there can be no reason why the rising generation should not be in- structed in a method of writing more in accordance with the activity of mind which now prevails. Even without going so far as to adopt for ordinary use a complete system of stenography, which it is not easy to acquire, we might greatly abridge the time and labor of writing by the recognition of a few simple signs to express the syllables which are of most frequent occurrence in our language. Our words are in a great measure made up of such syllables as com, con, tion, ing, able, ain, ent, est, ance, etc. These we are now obliged to write out over and over again, as if time and labor expended in what may be termed visual speech were of no importance. Neither has our written charac- ter the advantage of distinctness to recommend it — it is only necessary to write such a word as minimum or ammunition to become aware of the want of sufficient difference between the letters we employ.” National Uniformity of Weights and Measures. —“ Another subject _ of a social character which demands our consideration is the much-de- bated question of weights and measures. Whatever difference of opinion there may be as to the comparative merits of decimal and duo- decimal division, there can, at all events, be none as to the importance of assimilating the systems of measurement in different countries. Science suffers by the want of uniformity, because valuable observations made in one country are in a great measure lost to another from the labor required to convert a series of quantities into new denominations. International commerce is also impeded by the same cause, which is productive of constant inconvenience and frequent mistake. It is much to be regretted that two standards of measure so nearly alike as the English yard and the French métre should not be made absolutely identical. The metric system has already been adopted by other na- tions besides France, and is the only one which has any chance of be- coming universal. We in England, therefore, have no alternative but to conform with France, if we desire general uniformity. The change might easily be introduced in scientific literature, and in that case it would probably extend itself by degrees amongst the commercial classes without much legislative pressure. Besides the advantage which would thus be gained in regard to uniformity, I am convinced that the adop- tion of the decimal division of the French scale would be attended with Va NOTES BY THE EDITOR great convenience, both in science and commerce. I can speak from personal experience of the superiority of decimal measurement in all cases where accuracy is required in mechanical construction. In the Elswick Works [where the Armstrong guns are made. Ep.], as well as in some other large establishments of the same description, the inch is adopted as the unit, and all fractional parts are expressed in deci- mals. No difficulty has been experienced in habituating the workmen to the use of this method, and it has greatly contributed to precision of workmanship. ‘The inch, however, is too small a unit, and it would be advantageous to substitute the métre if general concurrence could be obtained. As to our thermometric scale, it was originally founded in error ; it is also most inconvenient in division, and ought at once to be abandoned in favor of the centigrade scale. The recognition of the metric system and of the centigrade scale by the numerous men of science composing the British Association, would be a most important step toward effecting that universal adoption of the French standards in this country which, sooner or later, will inevitably take place ; and the Association in its collective capacity might take the lead in this good work, by excluding in future all other standards from their pub- lished Proceedings.” In this connection it may be interesting to add that a commission of scientists has recently been convened in Germany, to consider what measures may be best adopted there, to secure uniformity of weights and measures, and the various continental Governments have been called upon to examine the practicability of those which have been rec- ommended. The Bavarian Government states its readiness to adopt the decimal system for weight and long measure, but in surface and cubic measure can only promise to have tables of reduction prepared and circulated. The land-tax, as it exists in Bavaria, is the chief ob- stacle to any simplification of the surface scale, while the fact that there are different measures for fire-wood, for timber, for earth and for stone would cause great confusion if any reform of cubic measure were to be introduced. Accuracy of Modern Astronomical Investigations. — In another part of the present volume, attention is called to the discrepancy which ex- ists in the estimates of astronomers respecting the solar parallax. This has usually been represented by eight seconds and a half; but accord- ing to the recent calculations of Hansen, the German astronomer, four- tenths of a second should be added, which reduces the distance of the earth from the sun about four millions of miles. Ata recent meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society (G. B.), Mr. Pritchard thus rep- ‘ ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. VII resented the difference: “ Take a hair and measure it, and you will find that the correction of the distance amounts to this, — that we have to look at the hair at a distance of 125 feet. This is the correction that astronomers have made: or, let us look at a sovereign at a distance of eight miles ; it amounts to about the same thing. We ought to be thankful that we are able to calculate and correct such inappreciable quantities.” Astronomical Memoranda. — The Lalande prize of the French Academy has been awarded to Mr. Alvan Clark, of Cambridgeport, Mass., for his discovery of the companion star of Sirius, the great object- glass (18 inches in diameter), with which this most interesting discovery was made, was Mr. Clark’s own manufacture, and was intended for the observatory of the University of Mississippi. In consequence, however, of the breaking out of the civil war, this glass was never delivered, and has since been sold to the Astronomical Association of Chicago for 11,000 dollars. It is highly creditable to the West that such a purchase should have been made for its busiest trading city, and we may antici- pate that the observatory of Chicago, which has already done good work, will achieve a reputation in the higher branches of astronomy. At a meeting of the Royal Asiatjc Society held March, 1863, Dr. Kern produced a translation of a portion of the works of Aryabhatta, a celebrated Hindoo mathematician of antiquity, which seemed to prove conclusively that the sphericity and diurnal rotation of the earth had been correctly apprehended by that early Indian writer, who flourished at an epoch variously estimated by different investigators, but which must have been prior to A. D. 600, and has been placed as far back as B. C. 100. Extensionof Telegraphic Communication.—During the year 1863, com- munication by electric telegraph has taken place between London and Turnen, in Siberia, a distance of 4039 miles. It was anticipated that r an extension of the wires will be made to Nikolaievski, on the Pacific, by the end of 1863, and that telegraphic communication with New York, via Siberia and California, will be established by the end of 1865. : Meteorological Science.— The most important contributions to Me- teorological Science of the year have been made through the balloon ascensions of Mr. James Glaisher, under the auspices of the British As- sociation. The observations of the meteorologist show that the de- crease of temperature with elevation does not follow the law previously assumed of 1° in 300 feet, and that in fact it follows no definite law at all. Mr. Glaisher appears also to have ascertained the interesting fact Vill NOTES BY THE EDITOR that rain is only precipitated when cloud existsin adouble layer. Rain- drops, he has found, diminish in size with elevation, merging into wet mist, and ultimately into dry frog. Mr. Glaisher met with snow for a mile in thickness below rain, which is at variance with our preconceived ideas. Cinchona Bark from India. — The gradual but certain destruction of the Cinchona forests of America, which has been viewed with so much anxiety by all who know how indispensable quinine is to the ex- istence of Europeans in many of the tropical parts of the world, may for the future be considered of minor importance, inasmuch as the suc- cessful cultivation of the Cinchonas in India has been demonstrated the past year. At a meeting of the Linnean Society, London, June, 1863, the first specimens of Cinchona bark sent from India to Europe were exhibited. It was stated that these had been found to yield a percentage of quinine, and the other febrifuge alkaloids, fully equal to that furnished by the bark of the same species when grown in South America; and it had also been ascertained that quinine might be ob- tained in small quantities from the leaves. The successful culture of the Cinchona plants in India must be regarded as a subject of the highest importance, not merely to the prosperity of India, but indirectly to the whole world; as the exploration and civilization of many tropi- cal countries by Europeans is absolutely dependent on a reliable sup- ply of quinine. Acclimatizing Efforts in Australia. —'The work of acclimatizing European animals in Australia, under the direction of proper authori- ties, is being pursued vigorously, and with great success. Mr. Edward Wilson, of Melbourne, Australia, in a report on the subject, states that the English skylark and the thrush were breeding freely in a wild state, , and “not only making various neighborhoods vocal, but absolutely, by force of example, compelling the native birds to improve their song- notes.” A number of fallow deer had been turned out, and taken readily to bush life. Several kinds of English pond fish had been safely brought over, and transferred to the native waters. A collection of birds, amongst others the Indian .curassow, gold, silver, and common pheasants, Ceylon peafowl, American and other waterfowl, were being prepared in the Botanic Gardens for transfer to wild land, and it was thought that all would eventually thrive. The lama has been acclima- tized and its wool has become one of the products of Australia. Steam Cultivation. — A “ General Steam Cultivation Company ” has been started in London, with a capital of over a million dollars, whose object is announced to be to purchase, keep on hand, and rent or leé ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. IX to farmers, at reasonable rates, every kind of steam agricultural imple- ment. The prospectus suggests that many farmers would gladly use steam in ploughing and otherwise working their soil, but cannot afford to invest several thousand dollars in the needful machinery. ‘To these this company proposes to be helpful. It is asserted that applications are already received for renting machinery to the vaiue of quarter of a million of dollars. A Mr. Smith, of Woolston, England, who has es- pecially exerted himself during the last few years to promote “ steam culture,” has recently published a resumé of his personal experience in this matter. He states, that the cost of preparing land for roots was, with steam, $2.88; with horses, $10.03; for barley two years, $2.16 with steam against $5.05 by horse power ; four years for wheat, $50.20 by steam against the same for horse power, and foots up a total for a number of other articles, which shows a gain of 200 per cent. in favor of steam. ‘The writer says also that besides the economy of the plan, he had much better crops. Novelty in Architectural Construction.— A novelty in architectural construction has been brought out during the past year in the construc- tion of a building designed for a school of art at Nottingham, England. The dome of the tower is to be covered, and some panels in the front filled in with Minton’s encaustic tiles, patterned in bright colors. The London Atheneum commenting on this peculiarity says, “‘ We cannot. understand why, considering the exigencies of our town life and atmos- phere, the whole exterior of a building could not be covered with ceram- ics, comprising bands in bold relief richly moulded and colored, dec- - orated heads for windows, and friezes of figures, either relieved, or, preferably, drawn on the flat, in an architectonic character and soberly toned in color, either on a white or a bright-hued ground. Glazed sur- faces are obviously the only ones fit for exterior decoration in modern towns. Let any one look at the waste of labor on the carvings of St. Paul’s, what a stained and smeared great structure it is, or at the Houses of Parliament, and see how the sooty streams trail over the costly waste of mouldings and figures, and not only hide but eat them away; then let him consider what the latter building will be a century hence, judging by what he sees of the piebald state of the former. Do we not make glazed earthenware for half the planet, and can we not cover our own houses with it ? ” Recent Progress of Chemical Science.— During the past year, through the aid of the process of spectral analysis, another new body, Indium, has been added to the list of the elements. Bessemer’s process of manufacturing iron and steel may now be considered as having _ ie NOTES BY THE EDITOR passed out from the domain of theory, into the province of actual and practical fact. The contributions made to our knowledge by Professor Graham respecting the molecular constitution and properties of gases, should also be included among the important novelties of the year in inorganic chemistry. The recent advances in organic chemistry are thus detailed by a writer in the London Pharmaceutical Journal, — Dr. MacAdam. He says, “Not only does the manufacturing chemistry of the day transform starch and sugar into alcohol by fermentation, as in brewing operations ; sawdust into oxalic acid by the action of soda and nitre; starch or sawdust into grape-sugar by the aid of sulphuric acid ; wood and coal into paraffin and paraffin oils by the process of destructive distillation ; coal into aniline and the coal-tar colors; and guano into a magnificent color, rivalling that from the cochineal insect ; but the organic chemistry of the day has proceeded to produce artifi- cially many alcohols and ethers, including jargonelle pear essence and pine-apple essence ; and to construct many alkaloids resembling quinine, strychnine and morphine in theirscomposition and chemical properties, encouraging the hope that we may soon be in possession of the means of preparing by artificial processes these powerful medicines, and pos- sibly others equally efficacious. And more than that, and principally through the researches of Berthelot, dead mineral matter has been worked up by stages into organic compounds. Thus Berthelot, taking carbon and sulphur, combines these into bisulphide of carbon, a mo- bile, ethereal liquid ; and therefore, by the mutual reaction of copper, hydrosulphuric acid, and the bisulphide of carbon, he obtains olefiant gas. The latter is absorbed by sulphuric acid (oil of vitrol) to the ex- tent of 120 volumes of the gas in one of the acid, and thereafter by di- lution with water and distillation, the acid mixture yields alcohol of the same composition and properties as that obtained from ordinary grain. Strecker takes the olefiant gas in solution in sulphuric acid, and by adding water, neutralizing with. ammonia, evaporating and heating, obtains crystals of taurine, one of the constituents of bile. Wahler combines the simple elements, nitrogen and oxygen, by electric discharges, into nitric acid, and then by the successive mutual reaction of this nitric acid with tin, hydrochloric acid, and black lead, and lime (or oxide of lead), he obtains a complicated organic substance, called the hydrocyanate of ammonia. The latter may also be prepared by passing a mixture of fhe gases ammonia and carbonic oxide through a red-hot tube. The hydrocyanate of ammonia may then be employed in yielding cyanogen, hydrocyanic acid (prussic acid), oxalic acid, and urea ; also formic acid, paracyanogen, cyanuric acid, sulphocyanogen, and mellon. ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. xI “ When cast-iron (which contains carbon) is dissolved in dilute sul- phuric or hydrochloric acid, there is evolved a volatile oil resembling turpentine, and there is left in the vessel a small quantity of graphite, and a brown mould resembling vegetable mould. Ordinary carbonate of soda (washing soda) can have carbon extracted from it, and if the latter is acted upon by dilute nitric acid, and the solution evaporated, an artificial tannin is obtained, which has the property of precipitating gelatine or glue trom its solution, like ordinary tannin obtained from gall nuts or oak bark. Berthelot has taken carbonic oxide and caustic potash, and compelled them to produce formic acid (yielded naturally by red ants) ; and with a single link of the chain awanting, he has manufactured glycerine, which is the base of fatty substances, and com- bining it with the fatty acids, he has prepared artificially the oils and fats generally obtained from the plant and the animal, and many more new oils and fats not known in nature. Berthelot has acted upon gly- cerine by putrefying animal matter, and obtained artificially grape sugar ; and has converted oil of turpentine into ordinary camphor and Borneo camphor ; whilst, in conjunction with De Luca, he has prepared artificially one of the chief constituents of oil of mustard (sulphocyanide of allyl). “‘ These researches in organic chemistry may appear, at this, the mo- ment of their birth, to have little influence on the arts and manufac- tures and on mankind in general. But are they not researches into the deep mysteries of nature ? and who can predict the influence which they miy yet have on the prosperity of the human race ? ” Change of Color in Stars. —Itis more than suspected by some of the European astronomers that an example of a star successively changing its color may now exist in the stellar body known as ninety- five Herculis. Mr. Higgins, in his observation on Spectra of Stars, has had occasion to notice the phenomena, and he describes the change as observable, even after intervals so brief as three or four nights. The so-called Spiritual Phenomena. — A recognition of the reality of many of the phenomena — physical or physiological — which are popularily classified under the term “ Spiritual” appears to be gradu- ally gaining ground among the scientific men of the United States and Europe. Among the names of note who are reported during the past year as having extended such a recognition, we find that of Prof. De Morgan, who is confessedly one of the most distinguished of liv- ing British physicists and mathematicians. The position which this gentleman and others assume is probably well expressed in the follow- XII NOTES BY THE EDITOR. ing extracts of a letter recently published in the London Athenceum. This observer says : — “J divide, for brevity sake, all the phenomena into physical and meta- physical, — a division which, if not strictly philosophical, will be sufti- giently understood by those who have been present at any so-called sitting. My testimony, then, is this: —I have seen and felt physical facts wholly and utterly inexplicable, as I believe, by any known and generally received physical laws. I unhesitatingly reject the theory which considers such facts to be produced by means familiar to the best professors of legerdemain. Ihave witnessed also many very sur- prising and extraordinary metaphysical manifestations. But I cannot say that any of those have been such as wholly to exclude the possibil- ity of their being deceptive, and indeed, to use the honest word required by the circumstances, fraudulent. This is my testimony reduced to its briefest possible expression. “Tf it be asked what impression, on the whole, has been left on my mind by all that I have witnessed in this matter, I answer, one of per- plexed doubt, shaping itself into only one conviction that deserves the name of an opinion, namely, that quite sufficient cause has been shown to demand further patient and careful inquiry from those who have the opportunity and the qualifications needed for prosecuting it ; that the facts alleged, and the number and character of the persons testify- ing to them, are such that real seekers for truth cannot satisfy them- selves by merely pooh-poohing them.” Interesting Report on Fisheries. — An interesting instarte of a governmental inquiry, under scientific auspices, into a branch of natu- ral industry, has been presented to us during the past year, in a re- port to the British Parliament, of a commission appointed to consider and investigate the subject of the herring fishery, particularly as it is connected with British interests. This commission consisted of Col. Maxwell, Dr. Lyon Playfair, and Mr. T. Huxley; and the following is a resumé of the more important features of the report in question. The conclusion is arrived at, that the herring does not, as some natu- ralists have affirmed, migrate to the seas within the Arctic circle, but, probably, on disappearing from the shores of the British Islands, passes into deep water near them. The herring is found under four different conditions: —— 1st, Fry or Sill; 2d, Maties, or Fat Herring; 3d, Full Herring ; 4th, Shotten, or Spent Herring. It is extremely diffi- cult to obtain satisfactory evidence as to the length of time which the herring requires to pass from the embryonic to the adult or full con- dition. The commissioners, after considering all the evidence obtain- ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. XTII able, are of the opinion, that the herring attains to full size and matu- rity in about eighteen months. It is also probable that this fish arrives at its spawning condition in one year, and that the eggs are hatched in, at most, two to three weeks after deposition, and that in six or seven weeks more the young have attained three inches in length. The maties, or fat herring, feed, develop their reproductive organs, and be- come full herrings in about three or four months. The herrings then aggregate in prodigious numbers for about a fortnight in localities favorable for the reception of their ova. Here they lie in tiers, cover- ing square miles of sea bottom, and so close to the ground that the fishermen have to practise a peculiar mode of fishing in order to take them, while every net and line used in the fishing is thickly covered with the adhesive spawn which they are busily engaged in shedding. So intent are the fish on this great necessity of their existence that they are not easily driven from their spawning ground; but when once their object has been attained, and they have become spent fish, the shoal rapidly disappears, withdrawing in all probability into deep water at no great distance from the coast. There is no positive evidence as to the ultimate fate of the spent herrings; but there is much to be said in favor of the current belief, that after a sojourn of more or less duration in deep water, they return as maties to the shallows and lochs; there to run through the same changes as before. The commission- ers were unable to gain any information respecting the time which one and the same herring may pass through the cycle. The enemies of this fish are, however, too numerous and active to render it at all likely that the existence of any one fish is prolonged beyond two or three reproductive epochs. Great difference of opinion has been held respecting the spawning season of the herrings. The commissioners’ conclusion is, that the herring spawns twice annually, in the spring and in the autumn. It is not, however, at all likely that the same fish spawn twice in the year; on the contrary, the spring and the autumn shoals are most likely perfectly distinct; and if the herring, as is probable, comes to maturity in a year, the shoals of each spawning season would be the fry of the twelvemonth before. The food of the herring consists of crustacea, varying in size from microscopic dimensions to those of a shrimp, and of small fish, particu- larly sand-eels. The commissioners ascribe the remarkable variableness in the annual visits of shoals of herrings to the British coasts to the varying quantity of food of the fish, and to the number and force of the destructive agencies at work. Any circumstance which increases or XIV NOTES ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. decreases the quantity of crustacea and sand-eels must exercise great influence on herring-shoals; but these are even more acted upon by their great destroyers. The latter may be ranged under the heads of fish, birds, marine animals, and man. Of these, by far the greatest de- stroyers are fish and marine animals, as porpoises and other cetacea. It is estimated that the total annual take of herrings by British fisher- men is 900,000,000 ; a prodigious number ; but great as this is, it sinks into comparative insignificance when compared with the destruction effected by other agencies. Cod alone destroy ten times as great a number as are captured by all our fishermen. It is a very common thing to find a cod-fish with six or seven large herrings in his stomach. When it is further considered that the conger and dog-fish do as much mischief as the cod and ling, that the gulls and gannets slay their mil- lions, and that porpoises and grampuses destroy additional countless multitudes, it will be evident that fishing operations, extensive as they are, do not destroy five per cent. of the total number of full herrings that are destroyed every year by other causes. These facts, which cannot be controverted, prepare us for the conclusions arrived at by the commissioners with reference to the legislative enactments relating to the herring fishery. They recommend that all prohibitory or restrictive laws bearing on the herring fishery be repealed, and that the fishermen be allowed to follow their business in any manner they may think proper. Tn con- clusion they add: “If legislation could regulate the appetites of cod, conger, and porpoise, it might be useful to pass laws regarding them ; but to prevent fishermen catching one or two per cent. of herring in any way they please, seems, in the opinion of the Commissioners, a wasteful employment of the force of law.” We present to the readers of the Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1864, the portrait of Major-General Q. A. Grttmore, U. S. A., best known in science for his investigations and researches respecting “limes, mortars, and cements,” and for the brilliant military engineer- ing displayed by him in the reduction of Forts Pulaski, Sumter, and Wagner. THE ~ £. va ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. THE SEWERS OF PARIS. THE present system of sewerage in Paris, decreed by the Emperor Napoleon II. in 1852, consists of six main galleries, called collectors, fifteen secondary ones opening into the former, and themselves fed by a vast number of smaller ones intersecting the city in every direction. Three of the collectors are located upon “the right bank of the Seine, and three upon the left bank. The united lenoth of the former is 8.600 metres; of the latter, 9.200 metres. The ratio of the section to be given to the various sewers has been fixed, as experience required, at from two to three square metres of wet surface tor every 100 hectares. On this principle, twelve different sizes have been chosen, the smallest having a section of 2.15 metres in height by 1.15 in breadth, and the largest one of 4.40 metres in height by 5.60 in breadth. The former is of an ovoid shape, and offers ample space fora man and a wheelbarrow. ‘The largest sewer or collector has a circular segment for its section; its breadth is divided into three parts, the two lateral ones being foot pavements, and the middle one a utter or drain 1.20 metres broad. On each foot pavement, a series of iron forks support a water pipe, varying in diameter from 1.10 metres to 0.80. In some of the galleries there is but one water-pipe. ‘To cleanse the drain a small cart, running on iron rails laid along the bot- tom, is pushed forward by two men; ‘the front of this cart is “provided with a drop-plank, acting like a sort of sluice, which, when down, exactly closes the section of the gutter, and pushes all the mud before it as the cart advances. By the sewers above described, all the foul waters of the right bank are easily brought to the Place de la Con- corde, where a general collector receives them and carries them off to Asnieres. But what was to be done with the sewerage of the left bank, which, according to the system adopted, was also to be poured into the 15 16 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. general collector. After much reflection, it was decided that the waters of the left bank should be carried over by a siphon passing under the bed of the Seine; and this singular engineering feat has actually been accomplished. An enormous pipe of wrought iron having an interior diameter of one metre, and about 200 meires in length, is sunk, a little above the Pont de la Concorde, two metres below the low-water mark, and thus the desired communication is established. As to the general collector, it is the most stupendous work of the kind in existence. It is 5 metres in height by 5.61 in breadth, with a length of about five kilometres and a half, in nearly a right line, except a turn under the Place de la Madeleine. The foot pavements are 1.90 metres on each side, the central drain is 3.60 metres in breadth, with a depth of 1.35; so large, in fact, that a well sized boat is kept afloat on it for the pur- pose of cleansing. ‘This boat is also provided with a drop-plank in front; this is let down to a distance of 15 centimetres from the bottom, while the boat advances, whereby such a head of water is obtained in front as to drive all the sedimentary matter — nay, even stones—to a distance of 100 metres. There the boat finds it again as it advances, and drives it further and further, till the orifice of the emissary is reached. Four boats perform this work, and it takes sixteen days to cleanse the whole length. Ventilation 1s provided for by air-traps at certain distances, and the gallery is lighted with oil lamps. The exe- cution of this immense system of sewers has cost fifty millions of francs. M. Dezobry, comparing this gallery with the far-famed Cloaca Maxima of Rome, shows that it is infinitely superior to it in size, not to mention the improvements in construction, of which the Romans had no idea. The Cloaca Maxima is two metres in height, and only 4.48 broad, and is supposed never to have exceeded a length of 900 metres. The di- mensions we have given abundantly show how vastly superior the modern Trench construction is to the ancient Roman one. THE NEW SEWERS OF LONDON. Tt is well known to our readers (See Annual Sci. Dis., 1859-60) that for the last few years, there has been in the course of construction in London, a system of sewage, of such magnitude as to form one of the marvels of modern engineering, and of such cost, as but few cities could afford to pay for. The object of the scheme is to do away with the present plan, whereby all the enormous drainage of London is dis- charged into the Thames;—a plan which has latterly converted the river itself into one vast sewer, to the great annoyance and sanitary detriment of the vast population contiguous toits waters. “ At the very first glance,” says the London Times : —“ This arrangement seems bad enough, though it is infinitely worse when we come to examine how it was arranged to work. On both sides of the river the banks are very hitle above high-water mark, while the average level of the ground im- mediately behind them is much below it; half Lambeth and Rother- hithe being six feet below high-water level. Of course, when this is the level of the ground, the sewers are much lower still, and their outlets so completely tide-locked that it is only at dead low-water that they can empty themselves at all. Thus, for nearly eighteen hours out of the twenty-four, the sewage on both sides of London is to an immense ex- tent, pent up, giving off its miasma into every street and house. As MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 17 we have said, it could only escape at dead low water, when the return- ing tide immediately churned it up the river, keeping all its abomina- bic ‘flotsam and jetsam’ above bridge till the tide ebbed out, finding 200,000 or 300,000 gallons of filth ‘to be operated upon ina similar manner on its return. This was the arrangement twelve years ago, and is almost entirely so still; but, even bad as this was, it was capa- ble of being made worse, and worse accordingly it was made. In 1849, most of the houses in London had cesspools attached to them, and a very large proportion were without any drains at all. The alarming nature “of this evil showed itself slowly but surely in the Bills of Mortality, and the then Commissioners of Sewers, who were feebly battling with the evils of the drainage system, set to work to mitigate the cesspool danger by drainage, making the Thames, as usual, “the general receptacle. From that time to the present some 700 or 800 miles of new drains have been made, and all cesspools made to drain at once into the river. By this ‘improved’ drainage some 200,000 additional gallons of sewage were daily added to the Thames at ‘low water, containing no less than 300 tons of ‘ organic matter, which in this case is the scientific term of filth. The ‘result, as a matter of course, has been that in the summer months the stench from the river has occasionally been intolerable. In 1857, great quantities of lime and chloride of lime were put in daily; in 1858, the same expedient had to be resorted to again ; and in 1859, the dose had to be increased into 110 tons of lime and 12 tons of chloride of lime, costing 1,500/. per week. Even in a pecuniary point of view, however, this was not the only evil of the system. The Thames in hot weather runs short of water; and when there is no rain, the collections of refuse in the sewers have to be flushed into the river by artificial means. This flushing alone during summer costs 20.000. a year to get the poison into the Thames, where 20. 000/. more is generally required to keep it from breeding a plague.” To obviate these difficulties, an immense new sewage system was devised, and for the last few y ears has been in the course of construction, whereby London will be effectually drained, and the Thames purified. As may easily be imagined, it is impossible, in an article like the present, to give more than an outline of this oreat plan, which may best be bricfly described as consisting of three gigan- tic main tunnels or sewers on each side of the river. These completely divide underground London, from west to east, and cutting all existing sewers at right angles intercept their flow to the Thames, and carry every gallon of London sewage under certain conditions into the river at a point far below the city limits and not far distant from the sea. “ These main drains are called the High, Middle, and Low Level sew- ers, according to the height of the localities which each respectively drains. The High Level, on the north side. is about eight miles in length, and runs “from Hampstead to Bow, being at its rise only four feet six inches in diameter, and thence increasing in circumference, as the waters of the sewers it intercepts require a * wider course, to five feet, six feet, seven feet, ten feet six inches, eleven feet six inches, and at its termination to twelve feet six inches in diameter. This drain is now entirely finished, and in full work. Its minimum fall is twelve feet in the mile; its maximum at the beginning nearly fifty feet a’mile. It is laid at a depth of from twenty to. twenty-six feet be- 2% 18 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. low the ground, and drains an area of fourteen square miles. The Middle Level, as being lower in the valley on the slope of which Lon- don is built, is laid at a greater depth, varying from thirty to thirty-six feet, and even more below the surface. This is nearly complete, and ex- tends from Kensal Green to Bow. The Low Level will extend from Cremorne to Abby Mills, on the marshes, near Stratford. At Bow, the Low Level waters will be raised, by powerful engines, at a pumping sta- tion, to the junction of the High and Middle Level ducts, thence descend- ing by their own gravity through three tunnels to the main reservoir and final outfall. These three tunnels are each nine feet six inches in diam- eter, and nearly four miles long. Great engineering difficulties existed in the construction of these main arteries, as, from the height at which they all meet, it was necessary to take them above the level of the marshes leading to Barking. For a mile and a half the embankment which en- closes the three tunnels is carried on brick arches, the piers going eighteen feet below the surface, and being based on solid concrete. In the marshes at Barking, a reservoir for the reception of the sewage of the north side has been formed. ‘This reservoir is a mile and a half long by one hundred feet wide, and twenty-one feet deep. It is made of this great length in proportion to width to allow of its being roofed with brick arches, which are again covered with earth to a considerable thick- ness, so that not the slightest smell or escape of miasma can take place. This is capable of containing more than three times the amount of sewage which can enter it while the pipes are shut, and thus, when all is complete, the works will not only be large enough to take off all London’s sewage now, but its sewage when London is double its present size. ‘While the sewage is in the reservoir we have spoken of, it will be completely deodorized by an admixture of lime. When the tide is at its height the sluices which pass from the bottom of the re€ervoir far out into the bed of the river will be opened, and the whole allowed to flow away. It takes two hours thus to empty the reservoir, by which time the tide will be flowing down strongly, and will carry its very last gallon a distance of thirteen miles below Barking, which, being itself thirteen miles below London, will place the contents of the sewers, every twelve hours, twenty-six or more miles distant from the metrop- olis. Thus, instead of letting loose the rankest of this great city’s abominations in the very midst of London, and leaving it to stagnate, or, still worse, to be agitated backwards and forwards in a small body of water, it will all be carried away a distance of thirteen miles, then deodorized, then suffered to escape into a body of water more than a hundred times greater than that into which it now crawls, and thus disinfected and diluted, so as to be without either taste or smell, swept still further down the stream, till every trace of it is lost. ‘On the south side, the three great sewer arteries are constructed on similar plans, — the High Level, from Dulwich to Deptford; the Mid- dle, from Clapham to Deptford; and the Low Level, from Putney to Deptford. At this point is a pumping station, which raises the water from the low to the high level, whence it flows away through a ten feet tunnel to Crossness Point. One part of this tunnel, passing under Woolwich, is a mile and a half in length, without a single break, and driven at a depth of eighty feet from the surface. At the outfall will MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 19 be another pumping “station, to lift the water to the reservoir. The southern reservoir is only five acres in extent; that on the north is fourteen. In the reservoir it will be deodorized and discharged in a similar way to that we have already described. \ “ The pumping stations will each consist of an engine-house, contain- ing ten boilers calculated to work up to five hundred horse-power nom- inal. This power, working through eight pumps of seven feet diameter and four feet stroke, will daily raise 119,000,000 cubic feet of sewage from nineteen feet below low water to the level of the outfall; but, in case of necessity, the pumps can raise 250,000,000 cubic feet per day. The reservoir into which it will all flow is not yet finished, but when roofed in with brick will hold 20,000,000 gallons of sewage. “ The total length of the three rows of intercepting sewers, the course of which we have sketched on each side of the river, will be fifty miles, and before all the works are completed 800,000 cubic yards of concrete will be consumed, upwards of 300,000,000 of bricks, and 4,000,000 cubie yards of earthwork.” During the past year, a part of this great work has been so far com- pleted, that a portion of the sewage of London has been diverted from its old channels. UNSINKABLE TIMBER SHIPS. At the last meeting of the British Association, Admiral Belcher stat- ed that many years since, Mr. Walters, an architect, tried to render ships for mercantile purposes unsinkable, by introducing copper cylin- ders between the timbers, the hold-beams, and, indeed, every opening where the cargo did not prevent; and he calculated that these dis- placements or cells would about compensate for difference of specific gravity between cargo, vessel, and gear, so as to simply reduce her to the state of a water-logged craft, to save crew, vessel, and such portions of cargo as might be secured in air-tight vessels. Latterly, the pneumatic trough had suggested itself to his (Admiral- Belcher’s) mind the propriety of close-ceiling the holds, or under- planking the hold-beams, and saving those spaces between them for the storage of light dry-goods above that deck (which was generally lost), and placing loose planks (indeed, as we were in the habit of hatching many, of our brigs of 386 tons and under) as a temporary deck. Now, in the event ofa dangerous leak, or even a large hole being stove in the bows or bottom of a ship, he proposed securing the hatches from beneath to hatches above, screwed firmly in opposition to each other, and filled in by pitch from the upper or open hatch. Now, it would be apparent that if the ship was air-tight, the water could only enter so long as the air was compressible, and by inverting the pump- boxes and rendering them air-pumps, the leak would not only be stopped, but, by the continued action of the air, it would be expelled by the very orifice by which it entered. Therefore, the customary and con- tinued labor and wear of the powers of the crew would not be required to such an extent, if at all, when once the necessary quantity of air had been forced in. He came now to the use of iron plates in forming air-tight cellular vessels, and he hoped to’ be able to show that, by pursuing this mode of constructién, a vessel would not only be very much less liable to injury by collision with a ram, but if carefully and 20 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. scientifically fitted, might be overrun by an adversary, and come up on the other side. He claimed the introduction into the navy of the air-tight compartments, by constructing a vessel upon the plan of a ship within a ship — the outer, sectional compartments each mdepend- ent per se for coals or stores; the inner to contain compartments and accommodation, if necessity demanded, for the crew. The oval form would secure the means of withstanding, externally, any compression ; it would facilitate the delivery of coals from the bunkers, and if any one of those bunkers was perforated or stove, you possessed the en- gine-power, to be exerted from within, of expelling the water, by forcing in air, making every such valve self-acting from the interior. STEERING SCREW FOR STEAMERS. Some experiments have recently been made by the British Admiralty on a new arrangement of that screw propeller which has for its object steering, as well as the propulsion of a vessel.’ The peculiarity of the screw is that a universal joint is placed within the hollow boss of the screw, which is thereby connected with the main shaft, the centre of gravity of the screw and the centre line of the rudder intersecting the centre line of the main shaft, so that the entire weight of the screw is borne by the shaft; and by means of a tail or spindle to the screw, projecting from the boss working in the rudder, or an iron car- rier in lieu of rudder, whatever may be the movement of the tiller or wheel, it communicates an equal movement to the screw, which be- comes not only the propelling but also the guiding power of the ship. One of these screws, fitted to a naval steamer of sixty-horse power, has been tried upon the Thames, and the result is yeported in the London Post, as unequivocally satisfactory, — ‘clearly demonstrating that it is no longer needful to apply doable screws, hydraulic steering apparatus, or add any other extra complications to the machinery of a steamer, when by a wave of her own screw, her motion can be directed and con- trolled at will.” RAILWAY TUNNELS IN GREAT BRITAIN. At a recent meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Mr. J. 8. Fraser stated that the aggregate length of the tunnels, now daily traversed by railway trains in the united kingdom, amounts to eighty miles; and, supposing their cost to have been on an average fifteen pounds per lineal yard, their construction must have caused the ex- penditure of six and a half millions sterling. STEEP RAILWAY INCLINE. The Bhore Ghaut Incline of the Great Peninsular Railway of India has occupied more than seven years in construction, and during the great- er part of that time there have been 45,000 workmen daily employed upon it. The incline is a series of tunnels through mountains of rock, and viaducts stretching across valleys, alternating with each other; each part a triumph of modern science and skill. The incline reaches at one long lift the height of 1,832 feet, the highest elevation yet attained by any railway incline. It is 15} miles long, and its average gradient consequently 1 im 46.39. The highest gradient is one in 37, and the sharpest curve 15 chains radius. ‘The MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. ye | tunnels are twenty-five in number, the greatest length of any of them being 3414 yards. There are eight viaducts, one consisting of eight arches of 50 feet and being 129 fect high, and another, of a like num- ber of arches, with a maximum height of 143 feet. The quantity of cutting amounts to 2,067,738 cubic yards, and of embankments to 2,452,308 cubic yards. There are twenty-two bridges of various spans, and seventy-four culverts. The total cost of the works has been £1,100,000, or £68,750 a mile. STEAM BOILER EXPLOSIONS. Vith reference to these destructive accidents, Dr. Joule, at a recent meeting of the Philosophical Society, of Manchester, England, stated his belief that, in nearly every-instance, rupture took place simply be- cause the iron, by wear or otherwise, had become unable to withstand the ordinary working pressure. Various hypotheses, set up to account for explosions, were worse than useless because they diverted attention from the real source of danger. He believed that one of these hy- potheses — that which attributed explosions to the introduction of water into a boiler, the plates of which were heated in consequence of de- ficiency of water — was quite inadequate to account for the facts; al- though weak boilers might be exploded at the moment of starting the engine, in consequence of the swelling of the water through renewed ebullition throwing hot water over the heated plates. The absolute necessity of employing the hydraulic test periodically had been point- ed out so frequently that he considered that the neglect of it was highly cruminal. UTILIZATION OF THE TIDES. Let us suppose (says a writer in the Chemical News) that by the action of the tides, the difference of level of the surface of the ocean at a cer- tain spot is twenty-one feet between high and low water. Omitting for the present all consideration of the power of the subjacent liquid, what is the mechanical value of a space of one hundred yards square of this water? One hundred yards square by twenty-one feet deep, equal 70,000 cubie yards of water, which is lifted toa height of twenty- one feet, or to 1.470,000 cubic yards lifted to a height of one foot. Now, since one cubic yard of water weighs about 1683 pounds, 1,470,000 cubic yards weigh 2,474,010,009 pounds, which is lifted in six hours. This is equivalent to lifting a weight of 412,335,000 foot pounds in one hour; and since one-horse power is considered equivalent to rais- ing 1,800,000 foot pounds per hour, we have, locked up in every one hundred yards square of sea surface, a power equal to a two hundred and thirty horse power steam-engine; acting, be it remembered, day and night to the end of time ; requiring no supervision ; and costing nothing after the first outlay but the wear and tear of machinery. By means of appropriate machinery connected with this tidal movement, any kind of work could be performed readily. THE PNEUMATIC DESPATCH. In the Annual of Sci. Dis. 1863, p. 43, the application of the prin- ciple of forcing packages through tubes by atmospheric pressure to the conveyance of mail-bags in London, to and from. the District Post 22 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Office and the Euston Street Railway station (a distance of 1800 feet) was described as about to be put in practical operation. A recent report of the Pneumatic Despatch Company now states, — “ That since the 20th of February, 1863, the authorities have discontinued their street conveyances, and intrusted the company with the trans- mission of the mails, and that the service of the district had since been entirely performed by the company. ‘Thirty trams per diem (Sundays excepted) have been despatched with perfect regularity, and upwards of 4,000 trains have run without impediment or delay. The time occupied in the transmission has not exceeded seventy sec- onds. The daily cost of working has averaged £1. 4s. 5d.; and five times the number of trains could have been conveyed without any appreciable increase of expense.” The successful result of these experiments has induced the com- pany to proceed to the laying of an additional line of pipe for further post-oflice accommodation, which will be 23 miles in length and 54 inches in diameter, at an estimated total cost of £65,000. Tt is confi- dently predicted that, in the course of a few years, ‘the entire trans- mission of the London mails throughout the city will be accomplished by atmospheric pressure. IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. At a recent meeting of the Franklin Institute, Prof. Fleury pre- sented specimens of imitated Russia sheet i iron, made under the patent of Mr. Wm. Riesz from ordinary rolled iron, the original cost of which was 5 cents per pound; the expense of the process was 2} cents, mak- ing the total cost of the iron in its present condition, al cents per pound. He stated that “the inventor, who was for a number of years director of a large iron manufacturing establishment in Germany, had made it his par ticular study to examine theoretically and practically the manufacture of the iron which was imported in large quantities from Russia. By repeated analyses of the iron, and also “thr ough no- ticing its beautiful, smooth, and incorrodible surface (by scraping off the surface from a large number of sheets), he came to the curious con- clusion that the Russia iron was not, as he had thought, and as the gen- eral impression among iron manufacturers still seems to be, covered by a film of carburet of iron, but that the smooth surface consisted of an atomic accumulation of a ‘peculiar substance, @ NITRIDE of tron com- bined with about 20 per cent. of carbon: the nitro-carburetted iron of Fremy. The quantity of carbon and nitrogen diminished gradually towards the centre, where the iron was nearly pure and very flexible. After years of experiments, he has finally succeeded in producing from ordinary sheet iron the best imitation of Russia sheet iron which, in my opinion, can be made.” “Though the process is very simple, it requires considerable skill; but once jearned, by short practice under the guidance of the ‘inventor, it can be carried on in the most regular manner. The iron is cleaned in a sulphuric acid bath, then washed with an alkali and water, and placed in a peculiar mixture described in the patent, which prevents oxidation; it is then rolled with the before-named coating, and, after being re-heated, placed under the hammer to receive the required tem- per and smoothness.” MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. pe PROTECTION OF IRON FROM RUST. At a recent meeting of the Society of Arts, London, the question of preserving iron from rusting formed a subject of conversation. It was stated that galvanized iron wire for telegraphs was not affected with rust in passing through the rural districts of England; but that the coating of zinc on the iron afforded no protection to wires in cities. The acid gas generated by the combustion of fuel attacked the coating and decomposed it. A new substitute for covering telegraphic wire was desirable. With respect to paints for coating iron, such as the plates of iron vessels, machinery, &c., Mr. John Braithwaite stated that pure red lead was the best. His experience dated as far back as 1806, with the use of red lead, and for fifty years he had used it with success. White lead was more injurious than beneficial as a paint for iron. In April last, he inspected a well, two hundred feet deep, a short distance out of London, where he had put up an engine forty-five years ago; the long iron rods which had been placed in it had been painted with red lead, and the metal had remained unchanged in all that period. The same preservative effects of red lead paint on iron, he had witnessed upon other iron-work which had been many years in use. ALUMINUM BRONZE. It has long been an object with scientific inquirers to reduce the weight of the philosophical instruments which they have to employ. Especially is this the case with magnetical and astronomical instru- ments used in the triangulation of a country for a survey, or the highly important operation of measuring an arc of the meridian. Aluminum bronze supplies the long-sought desideratum. This metal is produced from a mixture of ten per cent. of aluminum with pure copper; and a most remarkable metal it is. Col. Strange, m a recent communication to the Royal Astronomical Society, thus enumerates some of its proper- ties: Good gun-metal will break with a-strain of 35,000 Ibs. to the square inch; aluminum bronze requires 73,000 lbs to the square inch to break it. It resists compression equally well; it is malleable when heated ; can be easily cast, and behaves well under the file. “ It does not clog the file; and in the lathe and planing-machine, the tool re- moves long elastic shavings, leaving a fine, bright, smooth surface.” Moreover, “it can be worked with much less difficulty than steel; tar- nishes less readily than any metal usually employed for astronomical instruments, and is less affected by changes of temperature than either gun-metal or brass.” This latter quality is especially important in in- struments used for surveying in the tropics, as expansion by heat would very much impair their accuracy. It is remarkably well fitted to re- ceive graduation, as it takes a fine division, whichis pure and equable, surpassing any other cast metal in this respect. Col. Strange remarks that in its elasticity it is said to surpass even steel, and it would there- fore appear to be the most proper material for the suspension strings of clock pendulums. ie C. Tissier, Director of the Aluminum Works at Rouen, shows that one per cent. of aluminum in copper makes the latter more fusible, giving it the property of filling the mould in casting, at the same time 24 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. preventing it from rising in the mould. The action of chemical agents . upon it is also weakened, and the copper gains in hardness and tena- city without losing its malleability, thus producing an alloy which has the malleability of brass, with the hardness of bronze. Aluminum bronze has been selected by Col. Strange as the most ap- propriate metal for the construction of the large theodolite for the use of the Trigonometrical Survey of India. The horizontal circle of this theodolite is three feet in diameter, and the effect of using this alloy will be to keep the weight of the instrument within reasonable limits, notwithstanding its possession of means and appliances not hitherto bestowed on such instruments. In the manufacture of the alloy, Col. Strange says that extremely pure cepper must be used; electrotype copper is best, and Lake Superior copper stands next, giving an alloy of excellent quality. The ordinary coppers of commerce generally fail, owing, it 1s said, to the presence of iron, which appears to be spe- cially prejudicial. Further, the alloy must be melted two or three times, as that obtained from the first melting is excessively brittle. “Each successive melting, up to a certain point, determined by the working, and particularly the forging properties of the metal, improves its tenacity and strength.” The present price of English-made 10 per cent. aluminum bronze is 6 shillings 6 pence per lb. This is four or five times that of gun-metal. MALLEABLE IRON NAILS. There is a description of nails of cast malleable iron coming into use for fixing slates on to the roofs of factories and similar buildings. They oxidize much less in damp air than common iron nails, or even copper ones. To manufacture them, very hot metal is run into ordinary sand moulds. These malleable iron nails are very brittle before being placed in the annealing furnace. Their sojourn in the furnace renders them very ductile. They are then put into polishing barrels, in which they are cleaned, whereupon they are thrown into a zinc bath to obtain a coating.— London Mechanics’ Magazine. IMPROVEMENT IN STEEL WORKING. Mr. Anderson, Assistant Superintendent of Woolwich Arsenal, an- nounces the discovery of a simple process by which steel is rendered as tough as wrought-iron without losing its hardness. This change is ef- fected in afew minutes by heating the metal and plunging it in oil, after which the steel can be bent, but scarcely broken. ‘The value of this discovery will be at onze appreciated by those who are aware of the difficulties hitherto experienced in obtaining a suitable material for the interior tubes of built-up guns. FILES MADE BY MACHINERY. The manufacture of files by machinery is said to have been success- fully commenced in Birmingham, England. The blanks are forged by machinery, and they are then cut with the French machine of M. Ber- not. The machine, which is very compact, resembles a small steam- hammer in its general appearance. It is provided with a vertical slide, carrying a chisel on the lower end. The top of this slide is pressed by a flat spring, which is governed by a cam mounted upon a shaft, and MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. pi actuated by a ratchet wheel and pawl; and thus the strength of the blow of the chisel is regulated to the varying breadth of the file. every part of Europe. However, in the opinion of musicians, Naples still maintains the reputation of making the best small violin strings, because the Italian sheep, from their leanness, afford the most suitable material; it being a well ascertained fact, that the membranes of lean animals are much tougher than those of high condition. The smallest violin strings are formed by the union of three guts of a lamb (not over one year old), spun together. The chief difficulty in this manufacture is in finding guts having the qualities before mentioned, namely, to resist tension, and giving also good vibrating sounds. It is far more easy to arrive at the proper point in the making of harp, double-bass, and other musical strings, and the manufacturer is not so much circumscribed in the choice of the proper material. The tension upon the smallest string of the violin, which is made of only three guts, is nearly double that on the second string, formed by the reunion of six guts of the same size. In the preparation, the sheep’s guts, well washed and scoured, are steeped in a weak solution of carbonate of potash, and then scraped by means of a reed cut into the shape of a knife. This operation is repeated twice a day, and during three or four days, the guts being every time put into a fresh solution of carbonate of potash, prepared to the proper strength. In order to have good musical strings, it is indispensable to avoid putrid fermentation ; and as soon as the guts MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 33 rise to the surface of the water, and bubbles of gas begin to be evolved from them, they are immediately spun. In spinning, the guts are chosen according to their size ; combined with three or more, according to the volume of the string required, they are fastened upon a frame, and then alternately put in connexion with the spinning-wheel, and submitted to the required torsion. ‘This operation performed, the strings, left upon the frame, are exposed for some hours to the vapor of sulphur, rubbed with a horse-hair glove, submitted to a new torsion, sulphured again, further rubbed, and dried. The dried strings, rolled upon a cylinder and tied, are rubbed with fine olive oil, to which one per cent. of laurel cil has been previously added. The oil of laurel is supposed to keep the olive ou from be- coming rancid. The gut-strings employed by turners, grinders, and for cleaning cotton, &c., are made with the intestines of oxen, horses, and other animals. ‘These, cleared by putrefaction of the mucous and peritoneal - membranes, and treated by a solution of carbonate of potash, are cut into straps by means of a peculiar knife, and spun in the same way as the musical strings. The uses of bladders and gut for holding lard, for covering gallipots and jars with preserves, as cases for sausages, oe &c., and other domestic purposes, are well known. Lately, owever, the vegetable parchment, as it is termed (which is ordinary paper steeped in sulphuric acid), has come into extensive use for this purpose. Insufflated, or inflated guts, are chiefly employed for the preserva- tion of alimentary food. ‘They have to pass through a long series of modifications and processes, before becoming fit for use. The end of these preparations is, to free the muscular membrane of the intestine from the two other membranes covering it, the peritoneal and the mucous. The first operation of scouring consists in freeing, by means of a knife, the gut from the grease attached to it, and also of the greatest part of the peritoneal membrane. The scoured guts are washed and turned inside out, then tied together, put into a vat without any more water than that adhering to them, and left in this state to undergo a putrid fermentation. The time required for this operation will be from five to eight days in winter, and two or three days only in summer. If the fermentation were pushed too far, the guts would be disorgan- ized: to avoid this inconvenience, the workmen are often obliged to add some vinegar, in order to neutralize the ammoniacal compounds formed, and also because fermentation is slow in the presence of acids. After this fermentation, the mucous membrane is completely decom- posed, and the remaining portions of the peritoneal membrane are easily taken off. The guts are then well washed, and insufflated (in- flated). The operation is performed in the same way as swelling a bladder, with this difference, that the extremity of the gut is tied by a ligature, serving also to join a new gut insuflilated (inflated) in the same way. During this operation, the guts exhale the most noxious smell, and workmen employed at such work could not blow or insufflate many days in succession without having their health affected. 34 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. In order to prevent that inconvenient, unhealthy process of manu- facture, the Société d’Encouragement of Paris proposed a premium for a chemical process enabling the manufacturers of these articles to dispense with putrid fermentation. The process suggested by Mons. Labarraque, the successful candidate, is remarkable for its cheapness and the facility of its application. In following the method recom- mended by this chemist, these animal matters can be worked more easily, and kept for a longer time without evolving any noxious smell. The guts, previously scoured, are put into a vat containing, for every forty guts, four gallons of water, to which 13 pounds oxychloride of sodium, marking 13° on the areometer of Beaumé, is added. After twelve hours of maceration, the mucous membrane is easily detached, and the guts are free from any bad smell; by this method, the process of insufflation is more easily performed. The insufflated guts are suspended in a dry room until the desicea- tion is complete; and, once dried, the extremities by which they were tied together are cut, and, in pressing the hand over the length of the insufflated (inflated) gut, the air inside is completely, taken out. The guts are then submitted to fumigation by sulphur, in order to bleach and to preserve them from the attacks of insects. After this last opera- tion, the guts are fit for use. Besides a large home supply of bladders, England imports several hundred thousand a year, packed in salt and pickle, from America and the Continent; and the aggregate value of the bladders used in Great Britain, is stated at £40,000 or £50,000. NEW METHOD OF PREPARING GUNPOWDER. Mr. W. Bennett, of England, has invented a new method of manu- facturing gunpowder, the ingredients consisting of lime, nitre, sulphur, and charcoal ; the lime is dissolved in a suflicient quantity of water to bring the other elements into a paste. The lime, after having been made into a solution, is strained through a fine sieve ; this solu- tion is then added to the other ingredients, and the whole is put into a mill, and ground until it becomes a paste; it is then taken out of the mill, and passed between two rollers, one grooved and the other plain. The paste, by passing between the rollers, is formed into long strips of a triangular shape; it is then carried on an endless web or canvas over-some hot tubes, which are heated by steam, hot water, or any other artificial heat which may be applied; by this means, the strips are easily broken into grains. This mode of manufacture prevents a great deal of danger, as the powder is pulverized and brought into grain while in a wet state. The lime makes a firm grain, resists the damp, and gives it a degree of lightness which increases the bulk 25 per cent. over ordinary gunpowder, —a great advantage for blasting purposes. Plaster of Paris, Roman or Portland cement, or other strong cementing substance, may be used as a substitute for lime. And the patentee finds that for blasting purposes the following proportions an- swer well,—that is to say, nitre, 65 lbs.; charcoal, 18 Ibs.; sulphur, 10 Ibs.; and lime, 7 lbs.; but the proportions may be varied according to the strength required. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 35 THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAFES. The following is an abstract of a series of highly interesting and im- portant researches recently made by Prof. E. N. Horsford, vof Cam- bridge, Mass., on the “ Construction of Safes,” intended for proiection against jire, dampness, rust, and frost: — Protection against Fire. —'The experience of the last few years has practically demonstrated, what might have been foreseen, that protec- tion against fire can be relative only, not absolute. Fire-proof buildings, so called, yield, when stored with combustible materials and for a long time surrounded by flame. The best of fire-proof safes are destroy ed, when exposed to heat sufliciently intense and prolonged. This being admitted, how shall the largest practical measure of protection against fire be secured? First. By placing the books, papers, etc., to be pre- served, in an incombustible enclosure, as of iron. Second. By sur- rounding the books, etc., by a non-conductor of heat. Third, and chiefly, by interposing between the incombustible enclosure, or outer iron shell, and the wooden case containing the valuables, a substance which on the approach of fire, is converted into -vapor, absorbing the heat and carrying i away. If the second and third be omitted, the contents of the safe will be destroyed as soon as the iron enclosure has become sufficiently hot to set them on fire. If the third only has been omitted, the power of preservation will be proportioned to the thickness of the layer of non- conducting material ; and this, at the best, is relatively but for a brief period. If the second, only, has been omitted, since the protection arising from vaporization is due to the absorption of heat in convert- ing liquid or solid substances into vapor, it will obviously be propor- tioned to the quantity of substance so converted into vapor. A hun- dred pounds of water will absorb twice as much heat in passing off in the form of steam, as fifty pounds will; and a safe that contains one hundred pounds of water to be evaporated, will preserve its contents in safety, through a fire in which a safe containing but fifty pounds would be destroyed. A safe will then, manifestly, ‘be a better protec- tion against fire, in proportion as it unites within it, an incombustible shell, the best non-conductor, with the largest amount of liquid or solid to be converted into vapor, at a temperature not dangerous to the con- tents of the safe. Dampness. — Injuries from dampness in safes are not unfrequently of a most serious character ; such as the mildew, and disintegration of pa- pers, writings, &c. These injuries arise from the transmission of water irom the fire-resisting composition, through cracks imperfectly closed at the time of manufactur e, or made ‘subsequently by rusting; or through the pores of the wooden case ; or by the freezing of the water of the composition, by the expansion of which the walls are separated from each other, and communication established between the filling and the chamber of the safe. They may be prevented by so constructing the safe as absolutely to prevent any communication of water or vapor between the filling of the safe and the books and papers. In acclimate lke ours, a safe may be exposed occasionally to tem- peratures below freezing. Any of the safes, as at present construeted, cannot contain any considerable quantity of water above that in chem- 36 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ical combination, without the danger of bursting by cold. This open- ing of the seams of the safe at once exposes the contents of the case to the exhalation of moisture from the filling. The protection against this kind of injury manifestly lies in such construction of the safe as will provide for the expansion consequent on freezing, without opening the joints or seams of the various parts. Rust.— This is one of the agencies by which communication be- tween the filling and the chamber of the safe is effected after the lapse of time; and by which the contents of the chamber become damp. It may be prevented by consuming the oxygen of the air which would otherwise act on the iron. Chemical compositions are prepared which will, by absorbing the oxygen, perfectly protect the iron from corrosion or rust, even in the presence of air and water. Varieties of Safes in use.— The safes at present in use differ from each other in various respects, but chiefly in the capacity of the com- position employed, to yield vapor. The earliest safes were designed chiefly to protect treasure against burglary, and were distinguished for their strength. Next came safes having non-conducting walls as protection against fire. In 1840, a safe appeared which took advantage of the principle of vaporization of water as protection against fire. ‘The alum safe, upon the same prin- ciple was devised in 1843. The gypsum safe, also on the same princi- ple, has long been in use. ‘The cement safe, in which hydraulic cem- ent is substituted for gypsum, has been many years in use. In the English safe of Milner, invented in 1840, the space between the iron shell and wooden case is occupied with closed tubes containing water, these tubes being imbedded in saw dust. On exposure to fire, the tubes burst, and the water, flowing into the sawdust, is converted into vapor, and escapes through the jomts of the iron shell. In the alum safe, invented by Messrs. Tann, of England, and a modification of which is produced in this country, the vapor is derived from the water of crystallization of the alum. Twenty per cent. of the weight of the alum is converted into vapor at 212°, and eighteen more at 250°. The remainder is given up only at a heat destructive to the contents of the safe. In the ordinary gypsum safes, the surplus water added in the mixing, if it does not remain to do injury by charging the case and books with dampness, or by freezing, is in process of time exhaled until there re- mains only what has entered into chemical combination. This latter amounts to twenty per cent. Of this, ten per cent. is given up at 212°, and half of the remainder below 800°. The cement safes, as they are usually prepared, contain, after setting, and after time for giving up the surplus water, about six per cent. of water. Of this, one per cent. goes out at 212°. As the Alum safes are prepared in this country, the alum is mixed with pipe clay, and this mixture with fragments of brick, the former to absorb the water as the alum melts and to facilitate the vaporization ; the latter to give support and prevent the composition from falling when the alum melts. The proportion of alum is about one quarter of the whole. This would give of water from the compo- sition, at 212°, only five per cent., and at 250°, four and a half per cent. more, or only nine and a half in all. If the alum were raised to the proportion of one half of the whole mixture, it would give up but MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. ed ten per cent. of water at 212°, and nine more at 250°, or only nineteen per cent. at temperatures not dangerous to the contents of the safe. In most fires the exposure is for so brief a period that the protection in some of the best safes is adequate ; but there is the constant possi- bility that the fire may be too powerful and too protracted for the com- position employed, and the protection consequently inadequate. Can this protection against fires be increased ?—The incombustible inclosure is of wrought iron, and nothing could be better than this. The points, therefore, remaining for consideration are, What is the best practicable non-conductor ? and, What is the best composition for keeping down heat for vaporization ? In answer to the first question, experiments were made, among other materials, with Infusorial Earth ; a mixture of Sal Soda and Gypsum ; a mixture of Glaubers Salt and Gypsum; set Cement; Alum and dry Cement ; Gypsum with Gelatine. A wrought-iron cup, containing about eight ounces of water, was filled with each substance in its turn, and the bulb of a thermometer imbed- ded to the same distance from the bottom in all. The vessel and its contents were then subjected to the same degree of heat. The con- ducting power, or the facility of heating throughout, was measured by the number of degrees swept over by the ascending column of mercury in successive minutes. ‘The range of heat was from 220° to 572°. Infusorial earth was heated 27° in one minute. Sal soda and gypsum taken in equal parts, 14° in one minute., Glaubers salt and gypsum, taken in equal parts, 12° in one minute. Cement, set and dried, 11° in one minute. Potash alum, 3 oz.) 5° per minute, from 220° to 300°. Dry cement, 6 a 4° per minute, from 300° to 572°. Gypsum, 6 oz., and water, 6 Oz, ) 2° per min. from 220° to 300°. with 3 per cent. of gelatine, ) 4° per min. from 300° to 572°. From each, the water due to a temperature of 212°, had, as already intimated, been driven out. In the cement, alum, and gypsum, there remained water in combination. The infusorial earth proved the best conductor, and would of course be the poorest substance for fillmg a safe. Of all,the gypsum and gelatine, as prepared for this experiment, throughout the range in which the contents of the safe are secure against fire, namely, below 300°, affords the best protection, so far as conduction is concerned. It is, indeed, difficult to conceive of a sub- stance better suited for non-conduction than this mass of set plaster and gelatine, after the surplus water alternating with every particle of gyp- sum has been driven out, leaving behind an infinity of minute cavities, rendering the whole porous and non-conducting to the last degree. How shall this quality be combined most advantageously with the second requisite mentioned above, that of supplying matter to be va- porized, thereby carrying the heat away ? Two sets of experiments were undertaken to determine this point. The first on a small scale, the second ona large and more practical seale. The first was conducted at the same time with the series al- ready detailed, and employing the same apparatus. The wrought-iron cup was filled with each mixture in turn, supported at a constant alti- tude over a flame of uniform height, and the thermometer imbedded to the same depth in all. 38 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. The results showed, that, as regards protection to be afforded by vaporization from 212° to 220°, the following substances ranked in value in the order stated :—Gypsum, gelatine, and water; Cement; Glaubers salt and gypsum; Sal soda and gypsum ; Alum. The question of using a composition which should give up vapor ata temperature above 212° only, was tested in the use of a mixture of sulphate of ammonia and common salt, diluted with powdered coke, which, on the application of heat, yielded salammoniac. Experiments were also made with a mixture of ammonia-alum and common salt, dilu- ted, like the above, with coke. This yielded water in addition to sal ammoniae. Clay and powdered brick were substituted for coke. They gave results inferior to all except the potash-alum. In addition to these laboratory experiments, a series were undertaken on a scale of such magnitude as to render the results of more direct practical value. As the object was to determine the relative excellence of different kinds of safes in which all the circumstances of exposure were the same, it was conducted with great attention to details, and was, on many accounts, the most important ever made of which any record has been preserved. Experiments in Reverberatory Furnaces.—Five wrought-iron safes were constructed, each of one cubic foot capacity. For each, a small wooden box four inches in the clear, and three-quarters of an inch in thickness, was prepared to represent the inside case. When in place, there was a space for composition of three inches thickness on every side of the box. In each wooden box was placed a piece of parchment, some white writing paper, cotton batting, a piece of sealing-wax, a self- registering thermometer ranging to 600°, and a series of small ther- mometers bursting at given temperatures. No. 1 contained sulphate of ammonia, 15.5 Ibs.; common salt, 15.5 Ibs.; powdered coke, 24 Ibs.; wooden box, 2 lbs.; iron shell, 27 lbs. Total, 84 lbs. No. 2 contained potash-alum, 26 Ibs.; pipe-clay, 26 lbs.; brick, 28? Ibs. ; dry cement, to fill, 3 lbs. ; wooden box, 2 lbs. ; iron shell, 28? lbs. Total, 1124 Ibs. No. 3 contained ammonia-alum, 264 Ibs.; common salt, 133 lbs. ; coke, 16 lbs.; wooden box 2 lbs.; iron shell, 293 lbs. Total, 877 Ibs. No. 4 contained cement, 60 Ibs. ; water, 193 lbs.; soapstone front, 9 Ibs.; wooden box, 2 lbs.; iron shell, 30 Ibs. Total, 1203 Ibs. No. 5 contained plaster of Paris, 50 lbs.; water, 21 lbs.; dry cement, to fill, 9 lbs.; wooden box, 2 Ibs.; iron shell, 28 Ibs. ‘Total, 110 Ibs. These safes were carefully introduced into a reverberatory furnace from which a discharge of twenty thousand pounds of molten iron had just taken place, and when the walls were nearly at the temperature of melted iron. The safes were placed on the bottom of the furnace, the door closed, and after adjusting the draft so as to permit the fur- nace to cool slowly down in the usual way, the safes were left from five o'clock in the afternoon till ten the next morning. On taking the safes from the furnace, they were first weighed. No. 1 had lost 83 lbs.; No. 2,153; No. 3,7 162; No. 4,13; No. 5, 16. _ 1 This is the common alum safe, except that one-third of alum was employed instead of one-quarter. 2 One pound of this, and of each of the preceding two, isdue to the charring of the wooden box. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 39 The temperature of No. 1 had been above 600°. ‘The paper, cotton batting, and box were charred; the parchment and sealing-wax were destroyed. The temperature of No. 2 had been as high as 580°. ‘The paper, cotton, and box were charred. The parchment and sealing-wax were destroyed. The temperature of No. 3 had been 350°. Contents were much less injured than those of No. 1 and No. 2, but were still greatly dis- colored. The box was partially charred. The temperature of No. 4 was 287°. The paper and cotton were discolored. The box thoroughly dried and shrunken somewhat, but not charred. The parchment was shrivelled and the sealing-wax melted. The temperature of No.5 had been 212°. The parchment was somewhat shrivelled, and sealing-wax melted; but the paper, cotton batting, and box were uninjured. In the safes filled with potash-alum, clay, and brick, — with ammonia- alum, salt and coke, — and with sulphate of ammonia, salt, and coke, a coarse porous wall around the interior wooden case was preserved after the volatile matters had been driven out. In the cement safe, the cem- ent retained about one-third of its water and the form perfectly. Ino the gypsum and water safe, the plaster retained its form. It had parted with about four-fifths of its water. (Strictly $8.) From the foregoing, it is evident that in keeping the temperature down a given time, 74 lbs. of sal-ammoniac are inferior to 143 lbs. of . water from potash-alum ; and these inferior to 153 lbs. of water and sal-ammoniac, from ammonia-alum and salt; and these inferior to 13 lbs. of water from the cement safe; and these inferior to 16 lbs. of water from the plaster and water safe. In the gypsum and water safe, 5 pounds of water were fixed in the setting, and 16 pounds were held by capillary attraction. These 16 were driven out at 212°. There remained 5 in combination, at the close of the experiment, to be driven out at the same temperature. In the cement safe, 6 pounds were fixed in the setting, and 133 pounds were held by capillary attraction. Of these 133, 13 were driven out at 212°. There remained but 2 of a pound to be driven out at 212°. In the alum safe, there were but 8 lbs. expelled at 212°. In summary—the gypsum and water safe lost 16 lbs. at 212°; the cement and water safe, 13 lbs.; the alum safe, *8 lbs. The water remaining to be expelled, at 212°, from the gypsum and water safe, was 5 lbs. ; from the cement safe, was ? Ib. ; from the alum - safe, was 0. > Not only was there no water to be driven out at 212°, but 6? lbs. had been driven out at much higher temperatures, the last at 580°. A cement safe, as ordinarily made, set and dried, of these dimensions, contains a little more than half a pound of water to be driven out at 212°. In a plaster safe, set and dried, there would have been but 5 Ibs. to be driven out at 212°. In an ordinary alum safe, there would have been less than 8; while in the gypsum and water safe, as here prepared, there were 21 lbs., which, by the process already de- scribed, might have been increased to 50 lbs. 1 A part of this loss was evidently due to the moisture in the clay. 40 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. The potash-alum safe lost altogether within 13 lbs. as much water as the plaster and water safe, but nearly one-half went out at temper- atures from 212° to 580°, a range destructive to books and papers. The ammonia-alum and salt safe lost about 20 per cent. more of water and sal-ammoniac than the cement safe of water alone, and yet did not afford the same degree of protection, for the cement safe was heated only to 287°,’ while the ammonia safe was heated to 350°. Experiment in a Furnace at a White Heat.— Another experiment was undertaken with four safes of the capacity cf one cubic foot each. Each contained a wooden box, enclosing a series of thermometers con- structed to burst at given temperatures. No. 1 contained cement, 64 lbs.; water, 33 kbs. This is cement containing the quantity of water which remains after the filling is set and dried. No. 2 contained plaster, 624 lbs.; water, 12 lbs. This is a plaster of Paris safe, containing twenty-five per cent. more than the quantity of water due to plaster set and dried. No. 3 contained alum, 33 lbs.; pipe-clay, 33 Ibs.; brick, 194 Ibs. This safe, with a smaller proportion of alum, is in extensive use in this country. No. 4 contained plaster, 28 lbs.; gelatine,? 14 lbs.; water, 43 lbs. These safes were placed in the same reverberatory furnace in which the preceding experiment was conducted. There was this difference between the experiments: ‘The first was conducted with a constantly falling temperature. This with a temperature carried from freezing up to a white heat, and there maintained for thirty minutes; and then permitted to cooldown. At the end of the first half hour, Nos. 1 and 2, which were least exposed, were red hot; No. 3 was at low red, and No. 4 was dark. At forty minutes, the condition was the same. At forty-two min- utes, pronounced melting heat by the workmen, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 were red, but 4 still dark equally. At fifty minutes, No. 4 became low red, and No. 3 was burnt through and melted away at points nearest the fire. At 60 minutes, No. 3 was at a white heat, and No. 4 was red. This white heat was maintained for thirty minutes, when the furnace was opened and cooled down sufliciently to examine the condition of the safes. No. 4 was burned so as to crack a little on one side, but was not melted in any part. No. 3 was melted away from the top, front, and two sides. ‘The side farthest from the fire, and bottom, were alone whole. No. 2 was scarcely less injured. ‘The melting did not, how- ever, extend so far down the sides. No. 1, which was further from the fire and sheltered by the other safes, was burned but not melted. The fire was again raised to the melting point, the furnace closed, and the safes left in this heated chamber, slowly cooling down, from five o’clock in the afternoon till ten o’clock the next morning. 1 This elevated temperature, while there was still water in the cement, is mani- geetly de to the conducting power of the soapstone upon which the wooden box rested. 2 Temploy the term gelatine as expressing in a single word the substance ob- tained by the action of boiling water from gelatinizable substances, like sea-weed, of the variety known as Iceland moss, or potato starch, or animal membranes, or from other similar vegetable and animal substances. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 41 On opening the furnace, the appearances of the safes had not appar- ently changed since the examination at the close of the first experi- ment. The wooden boxes in Nos. 1, 2, and 3, had heen destroyed. The temperature in No. 2 had been above 600°, and in Nos. 1 and 3, above 300°, but not to 600°, though probably not far below. The wooden box in No. 4 was as fresh as when putin. The ther- mometer bursting at 150° was destroyed, but that bursting at 212° was sound. The heat had not attained to that of boiling water. It will be borne in mind that No. 1 is the ordinary cement safe, No. 2 is the ordinary plaster of Paris safe, No. 3 isthe alum safe, and No. 4 the new safe. The first three were destroyed, while the temperature in No. 4 was, at the utmost, entirely within the range of safety to the books and papers. * Conclusions. — 1st. It is evident that the protection against fire is mainly proportioned to the quantity of water the safe can give up to be carried away as steam, and not to the non-conducting quality of its filling. 2d. It is evident, further, that the protection against fire is not simply as the quantity of water that may be present in the composition for filling, but as the quantity of water that may be parted with unre- strained by chemical affinity, or WATER AS SUCH. ‘The more powerful the chemical affinity resisting the escape of vapor, the more elevated must be the temperature at which it will leave, while the capacity of the escaping vapor to render heat latent or to absorb and carry it away will remain unchanged. ‘The same quantity of water in combi- nation in alum is not so serviceable in keeping down the temperature as when free. 8d. It is evident, further, that while the water, in its uncombined or natural state, must constitute a large part of the filling of a safe in order to make its protection against fire in the highest degree avail- able, this water must be held in solid form so as to give strength to the safe ; and the safe must be so constructed as to prevent the water from passing off by leakage or as vapor, to the injury of the books and pa- pers, or to the lessening of the fire-proof qualities of the safe ; and yet be so constructed as to allow, on the application of high heat, the most free escape of vapor from those points to which the heat is applied, without endangering the strength of the safe, or driving the vapor into the interior chamber of the safe; and withal so arranged as to permit freezing, without injury to the safe or its contents. In a safe made in the light of the foregoing experiments, from 70 to 80 per cent. of the space appropriated to filling was occupied by water, and yet was exposed for a day and two nights to a temperature of zero without injury. On exposure to fire the water is resolved into vapor first at the outer surface of the filling, and leaves the best non-conductor, according to the results of foregoing experiments between the watér which remains and the heated metal of the exterior shell. At length, when all the water has been driven out as vapor, there remains the non-conductor of the whole thickness of the filling, to protect, as long as it may, the contents of the case. 4* 42 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. THE GREAT BOSTON ORGAN. During the past year there has been erected in the Music Hall, of the city of Boston, Massachusetts, an organ, which for absolute power and compass ranks among the three or four mightiest instruments ever built; and in the perfection of all its parts, and in its whole arrange- ments, challenges comparison with any the world can show. ‘The in- strument in question was built by E. F. Walcker, of Ludwigksburg, in the kingdom of Wirtemburg, and was upwards of six years in the course of construction. Its cost was upwards of $50,000, and the case alone cost $15,000. In itself, this organ may be described as really comprising five dis- tinct organs, or systems of pipes, which are capable of being played on alone, or in connection with each other. Four of these are played upon by manuals or hand key-boards, and the other by pedals or a foot key-board. The lowest of the former controls the swell organ, the pipes of which, as in other instruments, are enclosed in a box (in this case, itself as large as many complete organs), and so arranged that it may be open or perfectly tight at the will of the performer, thus giving opportunity for light and shade in endless variety. This organ contains 18 registers or stops, with which are drawn on or shut off an equal number of ranks or series of pipes, all of which, or any of them separately or in combination, may be made to speak through the swell manual. Next above this is placed the key-board of the “great organ,” as it is technically called. Here we have 25 registers, all of which connect with pipes on a large scale, and are the loudest voiced pipes in the whole organ. Here are the grand diapasons which form the foundation of the whole sound-superstructure, and the im- mense trumpets and clarions which ring out like a call to battle. Above the great organ manual comes that of the choir organ, which has 15 registers, and is in many respects the “ sreat organ ” on a softer scale, but without the harsher reed stops. The last and upper manual be- longs to the solo organ, which also answers for the echo organ, con- taining 11 stops, and among them the famous vox humana, the quali- ties of which have not yet been publicly tested. The pedals are the only remaining key-board, and in connection with them are 20 dis- tinct stops, 15 loud and the rest soft, some of the former being monster reeds and a close imitation of orchestral instruments. We have then a total of 89 speaking stops, which may all be combined, and a grand _ total of 5474 pipes. The largest of these pipes measure thirty-two feet in length, and are sufficiently capacious in diameter to allow men to crawl through them, while the finest tubes “ are too small for a baby’s whistle.” The breath to thése pipes, “to be poured forth in music,” is furnished by twelve pairs of bellows, moved by water-power derived from the Cochituate reservoirs. But this great instrument does not differ from other organs merely in size and wonderful variety of stops, but it excels them in almost every detail which can be mentioned. The principal diapasons are made of the purest English tin which is consistent with stability, and the pipes in the swell organ, although they are always hidden from view, are finished with the most scrupulous nicety. The dip of the keys of ordinary organs is three-eighths, or at the most three-eighths > MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 43 and a sixteenth of an inch, while the keys of this organ dip no less than five-eighths of an inch, presenting a considerable obstable to players unused to such great depth. But the difficulties which would arise from such a vast amount of mechanism connecting with the keys, ask- ing of an organist’s finger the strength of a blacksmith’s arm, are over- come by a delicate pneumatic action, which is called too easy rather than otherwise. The arrangement of the stops is controlled to a great extent by the feet, there being twelve separate pedals for this purpose, so that the most beautiful and changeful effects can be made without removing either hand from the key-board. There is also a pedal by which all the stops of the organ may be gradually, one by one or instantaneously, drawn on or shut off, thus producing the most mag- nificent crescendo and diminuendo, as well as explosive effects. Thus a tone which is scarcely heard at first can be augmented by degrees until it makes the air quiver with its thunders, and then slowly sink again to hushed repose; or the crash can come without warning and with almost deafening power, and as suddenly sink into mus‘e of which the listener can catch but the slightest murmurs. The value of such immense power under perfect contro] will be easily appreciated. This great instrument, enclosed in a case of black walnut covered with carved statues, busts, faces and figures in bold relief, is placed upon a low platform, the outlines of which are in accordance with its own. Its whole height is about sixty feet, its breadth forty-eight feet, and its average depth twenty-four feet. MANUFACTURE OF BOOTS AND SHOES BY MACHINERY. The old system of making boots and shoes entirely by hand labor is rapidly yielding to the march of improvement, and will soon, to all ap- pearances, be numbered with the relics of the past. This change in the character of the manufacture of a great staple industrial product, although slowly progressing for the last eight or ten years in the United States under the spur of competition, has been rapidly consummated within the last two years under the influences growing out of the pres- ent civil war; hand labor having proved entirely inadequate to supply the immense demand for boots and shoes required by government for its armies. Machines, therefore, have been invented, and are now in use, executing the different operations necessary to the manufacture of such articles, and with a rapidity and accuracy of action which far excel the efforts of hand labor. The following interesting account of a manufactory in New York city, in which boots and shoes are made upon an extensive scale by machinery, we derive from a recent number of the Scientific American: Three large apartments are occupied by the operatives, mechanism, and goods. The skins for the uppers’ are first spread out, examined, and selected according to the purposes for which they are required. ' Different cutters then cut out the respective parts according to the size- and form required, and these are all arranged and classified. After this these separate parts are given out in lots to be sewed by machines, and those uppers which are intended for boots are crimped, and the whole made ready for receiving the soles. ‘The more heavy operations of punching, sewing, pegging the soles and finishing the articles, are ' eerie ~~ 46 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. iron, and the gas generator connected with it. The heated chamber is of the usual form, but instead of a fireplace there are four passages (two at each end of the chamber) leading downwards into four regen- erators or chambers filled with loosely piled firebricks. The lower ex- tremities of these four regenerator chambers communicate with two cast-iron reversing valves. The gas arriving from the producer through a pipe is directed by the valve into one regenerator or other, according to the position of the valve. The gas then ascends through the one ‘regenerator, where it takes up the heat previously deposited in the brickwork, and issues into the furnace at a point where it meets with a current of heated air arising from the second regenerator to effect its combustion. ‘The products of combustion pass away through the oppo- site regenerator and the reversing valves into the chimney flue. The last-named regenerators receive at this time the waste heat of the fur- nace, becoming heated at their upper extremity to the temperature nearly of the furnace itself, but remaining comparatively cool towards the bottom. Every hour or half-hour the direction of the currents is reversed by a change of the valve lever, the heat before deposited in the one pair of regenerators is now communicated to the air and gas coming in, while the waste heat replenishes the second pair of regener- ators. The gas producer consists of two inclined planes upon which the fuel descends, being gradually deprived in heating of its gaseous constituents, and finally burnt to carbonic oxide by the air entering through the grate at the bottom of the inclines. Water admitted at the bottom also assists in the decomposition of the ignited coke at the bottom, converting the same into carbonic oxide and hydrogen gas. The saving of fuel which has been effected by this arrangement amounts to from forty to fifty per cent. In the application to re-heat- ing and puddling furnaces, a saving of iron has been effected, owing to the mildness of the gas flame, of from three to four per cent. of the en- tire quantity put in; the iron also welds more perfectly than it does in the ordinary furnaces. Smoke is entirely obviated. By another ar- rangement the regenerative principle has been applied also to coke ovens, the result being that the separation of the coke from its gaseous constituents is effected without losing the latter. In placing the coke ovens, constructed on this plan, near the works where the iron is pud- dled and re-heated, the latter operation may be entirely effected by the gas generated in producing the coke necessary for the blast furnace in producing the pig iron. The gas resulting from the regenerative coke oven may be used to heat the blast and boilers connected with the blast furnace. These latter improvements are now in course of being carried into effect on a large scale. The gas produced from the last- named producers is of a very illuminating character, and may, it is re- ported, be used for that purpose in preference to the hydrocarbon now manufactured for that purpose by a much more expensive process. American manufacturers desirous of acquainting themselves in detail with the principles of Siemans’s furnace will find a descriptive paper by me apvenicn in the Proceedings of the Society of Mechanical Engineers, ondon. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 47 IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SCIENCE OF WAR. In accordance with the plan pursued during the last two years, we give under the above head a summary of such inventions, discoveries, and applications relative to the science of war, brought before the pub- lic during the past year, as have seemed to the editor as most worthy of notice. IMPROVEMENTS IN GUN-COTTON. At the British Association meetings of 1862, a joint committee of chemists and physicists was appointed to inquire into and report on the so-called “Austrian Gun-Cotton.” At the last meeting of the Association, a chemical report was submitted by Dr. Gladstone, and a report on the mechanical portion of the question by Mr. J. Scott Russell. We present first an abstract of Dr. Gladstone’s report. . Chemical Report. — Since the discovery of gun-cotton by Schonbein, its application to war purposes has been frequently thought of; and many experiments, with a view of using it, have been made, especially by the French. Such serious difficulties have, however, presented themselves, that the idea gradually came to be abandoned everywhere but in Austria. Here experimentation was kept up, and it having been reported on good authority that the experimenters had succeeded in overcoming many of the difficulties encountered else- where, the committee of the Association applied to the Austrian gov- ernment for information, which was furnished them. The following is a summary of the more important facts elicited. In the first place, the gun-cotton prepared by Baron Von Lenk, the inventor of the Austrian system, differs from the gun-cotton generally made in its complete con- version into a uniform chemical compound. It is well known to chem- ists that if cotton is treated with mixtures of strong nitric and sulphuric acids, compounds may be obtained varying considerably in composition, though they all contain elements of the nitric acid, and are all explo- sive. The most complete combination (or product of substitution) is that described as C., H., (9 NO,) Os, which is identical with that termed by the Austrian chemists trinitrocellulose, C,, H; (3 NO,) Ov. This is of no use whatever for the making of collodion ; but it is Von Lenk’s gun-cotton, and he secures its production by several precau- tions, of which the most important are the cleansing and perfect dessic- cation of the cotton as a preliminary to its immersion in the acids, — the employment of the strongest acids attainable in commerce, — the steeping of the cotton in a fresh strong mixture of the acids after its first immersion and consequentim perfect conversion into gun-cotton, — the continuance of this steeping for forty-eight hours. Equally neces- sary is the thorough purification of the gun-cotton so produced from every trace of free acid. This is secured exclusively by its being washed in a stream of water for several weeks. ‘These prolonged processes are absolutely necessary. It seems mainly from the want of these precautions that the French were not successful. From the evi- dence before the committee it appears that this nitro compound, when thoroughly free from acid, is not liable to some of the objections which have been urged against that compound usually experimented upon as 48 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. gun-cotton. It seems to have a marked advantage in stability over all other forms of gun-cotton that have been proposed. It has been kept unaltered for fifteen years; it does not become ignited till raised to a temperature of 136° C. (277° Fahr.) ; itis but slightly hygroscopic, and when exploded in a confined space, is almost entirely free from ash. There is one part of the process not yet alluded to, and the value of which is more open to doubt, — the treatment of the gun-cotton witha solution of silicate of potash commonly called water-glass. Some Aus- trian chemists think lightly of it; but Von Lenk considers that the amount of silica set free on the cotton by the carbonic acid of the at- . mosphere is really of service in retarding the combustion. He adds, that some of the gun-cotton made at the Imperial factory has not been silicated at all, and some imperfectly ; but when the process has been thoroughly performed, he finds that the gun-cotton has increased per- manently about 3 per cent. in weight. Much apprehension has been felt about the effect of the gases produced by the explosion of gun-cot- ton upon those exposed to its action. It has been stated that both ni- trous fumes and prussic acid are among these gases, and that the one would corrode the gun and the other poison the artilleryman. Now, though it is true that from some kinds of gun-cotton, or by some meth- ods of decomposition, one or both of these gases may be produced, the results of the explosion of the Austrian gun-cotton without access of air are found to contain neither of them, but to consist of nitrogen, car- bonie acid, carbonic oxide, water, and a little hydrogen and light car- buretted hydrogen. These are comparatively innocuous, and this weight of evidence is, that the gun is less injured by repeated charges of gun-cotton than of gunpowder, and that the men in casemates suffer less from its fumes. It seems a disadvantage of this material, as com- pared with gunpowder, that it explodes at a temperature of 277° Fahr. ; but against the greater liability to accidents from this cause may be set the almost impossibility of explosion during the process of manufacture, since the gun-cotton is always immersed in liquid, except in the final drying.1 Again, if it should be considered advisable at any time, it may be stored in water, and only dried in small quantities as required for use. The fact that gun-cotton is not injured by damp like gunpow- der is, indeed, one of its recommendations, while a still more important chemical advantage which it possesses arises from its being perfectly resolved into gases on explosion; so that there is no smoke to obscure the sight of the soldier who is firing or to point out his position to the enemy, and no residuum left in the gun to be got rid of before another charge can be introduced. Physical Report.— Mr. Russell stated, that greater effects are produced by gases generated from gun-cotton than by gases from gunpowder, and it was only after long and careful examination that the committee were able to reconcile this fact with the low temperature at which the mechanical force is obtained. The great waste of force in gunpowder constitutes an important difference between it and gun-cotton, in which _ 1 In ten years’ experience it is proved that this temperature is sufficiently high to insure safety of manipulation ; 277° Fahr. is an artificial temperature, and artificial temperatures accidentally produced are generally high enough to ignite gunpow- oe. nae greater liability to accident from this cause can, therefore, scarcely be a e . MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 49 there is no waste. ‘The waste in gunpowder is sixty-eight per cent. of its own weight, and only thirty-two per cent. is useful. This sixty- eight per cent. is not only waste in itself, but it wastes the power of the remaining thirty-two per cent. It wastes it mechanically, by using up a large portion of the mechanical force of the useful gases. The waste of gunpowder issues from the gun with much higher velocity than the projectile ; and if it be remembered that in one hundred pounds of useful gunpowder this is sixty-eight pounds, it will appear that thirty-two pounds of useful sunpowder gas is wasted in impelling a sixty-eight pound shot composed of the refuse of gunpowder itself. There is yet another pe- culiar feature of gun-cctton. It can be exploded in any quantity instan- taneously. This was once considered its great fault; but 1t was only a fault when we were ignorant of the means to make that velocity anything we pleased. Baron Von Lenk has discovered the means of giving gun-cetton any velocity of explosion that is required by merely the mechanical arrangements under which it is used. Gun-cotton, in his hands, has any speed of explosion, from one foot per second to one foot IN > j5y Of a second, or to instantaneity. The instantaneous explosion of a large quantity of gun-cotton is made use of when it is required to produce destructive effects on,the surrounding material. The slow combustion is made use of when it is required to produce manageable power, as in the case of gunnery. It is plain, therefore, that, if we can explode a large mass instantaneously, we get out of the gases so explo- ded the greatest possible power, because all the gas is generated before motion commences, and this is the condition of maximum effect. It,is found that the condition necessary to produce instantaneous and com- plete explosion is the absolute perfection of closeness of the chamber containing the gun-cotton. ‘The reason of it is, that the first ignited gases must penetrate the whole mass of the cotton, and this they do, and create complete ignition throughout, only under pressure. This pressure need not be great. For example, a barrel of gun-cotton will produce little effect and very slow combustion when out of the barrel, but instantaneous and powerful explosion when shut up withinit. On the other hand, if we desire gun-cotton to produce mechanical work, and not destruction of materials, we must provide for its slower com- bustion. It must be distributed and opened out mechanically, so as to occupy a larger space, and in this state it can be made to act even more slowly than gunpowder; and the exact limit for purposes of artillery Von Lenk has found by critical experiments. In general, it is found that the proportion of eleven pounds of gun-cotton, occupying one cubic foot of space, produces a greater force than gunpowder, of which from fifty to sixty pounds occupies the same space, and a force of the nature required for ordinary artillery. But each gun and each kind of projec- tile requires a certain density of cartridge. Practically, gun-cotton is most effective in guns when used as + to 4 weight of powder, and oc- cupying a space of 1;1,th of the length of the powder-cartridge. The mechanical structure of the cartridge is of importance as affecting its ignition. The cartridge is formed of a mechanical arrangement of spun cords, and the distribution of these, the place and manner of ignition, the form and proportion of the cartridge, all affect the time of complete ignition. Itis by the complete mastery he has gained over all these minute points that Von Lenk is enabled to give to the action of gun- 5 50 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. cotton on the projectile any law of force he pleases. Its cost of pro- duction is considerably less than that of gunpowder, the price of quan- tities which will produce equal effects being compared. ~Gun-cotton is used for artillery in the form of a oun-cotton thread or spun yarn. In this simple form it will conduct combustion slowly im the open air, ata rate of not more than one foot per second. This thread is woven into a texture or circular web. ‘These webs are made of various diame- ters, and it is out of these webs that common rifle cartridges are made, merely by cutting them into the proper lengths, and inclosing them in stiff cylinders of pasteboard, which form the cartridges. (In this shape its combustion in the open air takes place at a speed of ten feet per second.) In these cylindrical webs it is also used to fill explosive shells, as it can be conveniently employed in this shape to pass in ‘through the neck of the shell. Gun-cotton thread is spun into ropes in the usual way up to two inches diameter, hollow in the centre. This is the form used for blasting and mining purposes; it combines great density with speedy explosion. The gun-cotton yarn is used directly to form cartridges for large guns by being wound round a bobbin so as to form a spindle like that used in spinning-mills. ‘The bobbin is a hol- low tube of paper or wood, the object of the wooden rod is to secure in all cases the necessary leneth of angnibien"s in the gun required for the most effective explosion. The gun-cotton circular web is inclosed in close tubes of India-rubber cloth, to form a match line, in which form it is most convenient, and travels with speed and certainty. In large quantities, for the explosion of mines, it is used in the form of rope, and in this form it is conveniently coiled in casks and stowed in boxes. As regards conveyance and storage of gun-cotton: it results from the fore- going facts, that one pound of gun- -cotton produces an effect exceeding three pounds of gunpowder in artillery. This is a material advantage, whether it be carried by men, by horses, or in wagons. It may ‘be placed in store, and preserved with great safety. The danger from explosion does not arise until it is confined. It may become damp and even perfectly wet without injury, and may be dried by mere exposure to the air. This is of great value in ships of war, and in case of danger from fire, the magazine may be submerged without injury. As regards its practical use in artillery, it is easy to gather from the foregoing gen- eral facts how eun-cotton keeps the gun ‘clean and requires ‘less wind- age, and therefore performs much better in continuous firing. In gun- lowe there is sixty-eight per cent. of refuse, or the matter of fouling. n gun-cotton there is no residuum, and therefore no fouling. Exper- iments made by the Austrian committee proved that one hundred rounds could be fired with gun-cotton, against thirty rounds of gun- powder. From the low temperature produced by gun-cotton, the gun does not heat. Experiments showed that one. hundred rounds were fired with a six-pounder in thirty-four minutes, and the gun was raised by gun-cotton to only 122° Fahrenheit, whilst one hundred rounds with gunpowder took one hundred minutes, and raised the temperature to such a degree that water was instantly evaporated. ‘The firmg with the gunpowder was, therefore, discontinued; but the rapid firing with the gun-cotton was continued up to one hundred and eighty rounds without any inconvenience. The absence of fouling allows all the mechanism of a gun to have much more exactness than where allow- MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 5¢ ance is made for fouling. The absence of smoke promotes rapid firing and exact aim. ‘There are no poisonous gases, and the men suffer less imconvenience from firing in casemates, under hatches, or in closed chambers. The fact of smaller recoil from a gun charged with gun- cotton is established by direct experiment. Its value is 2 of the recoil from gunpowder, projectile effect being equal. To understand this may not be easy. The waste of the solids of gunpowder accounts for one part of the saving, as in one hundred pounds of gunpowder sixty-eight pounds have to be projected in addition to the shot, and at a much higher speed. ‘The remainder Von Lenk attributes to the different law of combustion. But the fact is established. The comparative advanta- ges of gun-cotton and gunpowder for producing high velocities are shown in the following experiment with a Krupp’s cast-steel gun, six- pounder. With ordinary charge thirty ounces of powder produced 1,338 feet per second. With charge of thirteen and one-half’ ounces, gun-cot- ton produced 1,563 ft. The comparative advantages in shortness of gun are shown in the following experiments, twelve-pounder : — Velocity Calibers. Charge. feet per second. Cotton, length i0 me 1S: 9:02: 7 i & ° Cede ° 1,426 Powder, ‘ 13 ° 49 (normal powder charge) . ° ° 1,400 Cotton, ee 9 . e a . ° e . ~~! ° . 1,402 Wie. _ As to advantage in weight of gun, the fact of the recoil being less in the ratio of 2: 3 enables a less weight of gun to be employed, as well as a shorter gun, without the disadvantage to practice arising from _ lightness of gun. As regards durance of gun, bronze and cast-iron guns have been fired 1,000 rounds without in the least affecting the endurance of the gun. As regards its practical application to destruc- tive explosions of shells, it appears that from a difference in the law of expansion, arising probably from the pressure of water in intensely- heated steam, there is an extraordinary difference of result, namely, that the same shell is exploded by the same volume of gas into more than double the number of pieces. This is to be accounted for by the greater velocity of explosion when the gun-cotton -is confined very closely in very small spaces. _ It is also a peculiarity that the stronger the shell, the smaller the fragments into which it is broken. As re- gards mining uses, the fact that the action of gun-cotton is violent and rapid in exact proportion to the resistance it encounters, tells us the secret of its far higher efficacy in mining than gunpowder. The stronger the rock, the less gun-cotton, comparatively with gunpowder, is necessary for the effect ; so much so that while gun-cotton is stronger than powder as three to one in artillery, it is stronger in the propor- tion of 6.274 to 1 in a strong and solid rock, weight for weight. It is the hollow-rope form which is used for blasting. Its power of split- ting up the material is regulated exactly as wished. As regards mili- tary and submarine explosion, it is a well known fact, that a bag of gunpowder nailed on the gates of a city will blow them open. In this case gun-cotton would fail. A bag of gun-cotton exploded in the same way is powerless. If one ounce of gunpowder is exploded in scales, the balance is thrown down ; with an equal force of gun-cotton, nothing happens. To blow up the gates of a city, a very few pounds of gun-cotton, carricd in the hand of a single man, will be suflicient, 52 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ‘only he must know its nature. In a bag it is harmless; exploded in a box it will shatter the gates to atoms. “Against the palisades of a for- tification: a small square box containing twenty- -five pounds, merely flung down close to it, will open a passage for troops; in actual experience on palisades a foot diameter and eight feet high, piled in the ground, backed by a second row of eight inches diameter, a box of twenty-five pounds cut a clean opening nine feet wide. To this three times the weight of gunpowder produced no effect whatever, except to blacken the piles. Against bridges : a strong bridge of oak, twenty-four feet span, was shattered to atoms’ by a small box of twenty-five pounds laid on its centre ; the bridge was not broken, it wasshivered. As to its effects un- der water : in the case of two tiers of piles, in water thirteen feet deep, ten inches apart, with stones between them, a barrel of one hundred pounds gun-cotton, placed three feet from the face and eight feet under water, made a clean sweep through a radius of fifteen feet, and raised the water two hundred feet. In Venice, a barrel of four hundred pounds placed near a sloop in ten feet water, at eighteen feet distance, threw it in atoms to a height of four hundred feet. All experiments made by the Austrian Ar tillery Committee were conducted on a grand scale, — thirty-six batteries, six and twelve pounders (gun- cotton) having been constructed, and practised with that material. ” The reports of the Aus- trian Commissioners are all based on trials with ordnance, from six- pounders to forty-eight-pounders, smooth bore and rifled cannon. ‘The trials with small fire-arms have been comparatively few, and are not re- ported on. ‘The trials for blasting and mining purposes were also made ‘on a large scale by the Imperial Engineers’ Committee. Sir William Armstrong said it was impossible to listen to the report which had been read without being very much impressed with the great promise there was of gun-cotton’s beeoming a substitute for gunpowder ; but at the same time there were certain peculiar anomalies about it which he certainly should like to have cleared up, and until they were, they could not feel that perfect confidence in the results that they wished to do. In the first place, with regard to the heat evolved, they were told that, with such a quantity of eun-cotton as would produce a given quantity of gas, a certain initial velocity was imparted to the projectile, and that the heating effect upon the gun was much less than when a similar -velocity was produced by an equivalent quantity of gunpowder. The absence of heat in the gun implied an absence of heat in the gas. Where was the projectile force to come from, if there was no heat in the gas? He could not, for his part, conceive how it was possible of explanation. The next point that occurred to him was with regard to the recoil. It was stated that the recoil was very much less. That was ascribed to the absence of solid inert matter in the charge, which, in gun-cotton, was next to nothing. If the recoil was only two-thirds that of gunpowder, it would require, in order to account for that difference, a much larger quantity of solid matter than there really was in the case of gunpowder. The report stated that the use of gun-cotton enabled them to reduce the length of the gun. It was quite certain, however, that with a short oun they could not get an equal initial velocity as with a lone gun. ‘If the initial velocity were increased, there was more danger of bursting the gun than with gun- powder. Because, if they g cot any velocity, or an equal velocity with MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 53 the shorter gun, it must be concluded that it was done by virtue of a ereater initial pressure and an earlier action upon the shot. That necessarily implied a greater strain upon the gun at the first explo- sion, and that would necessitate the employment of stronger guns. He should have expected a smaller velocity by a shorter gun, for the ac- tion of the gas was necessarily shorter than inalonger gun. The heat question, however, was to him. the greatest puzzle ‘of all. How they could have the propelling power without heat in the gas, and if they heated the gas, how they escaped heating the gun, he could not under- stand. Prof. Pole said he was quite unable to give any explanation of the difference of recoil. Ifthe shot left the gun with the same velocity as when fired with pumpoma; it was natural to suppose that there must be the same quantity of recoil. Mr. Siemans, having briefly spo- ken on the dynamical question involved in the matter, suggested that the greater heat imparted to the gun in the case of ounpowder might be owing to the greater amount of solid matter, which, taking up the great heat of the gases under a pressure of some four hundred atmos- pheres, imparted a portion of the same by radiation to the side of the oun, while in the case of gun-cotton gases only were produced, which could only impart heat to the gun by the slower process of conduction, and left a larger margin of heat to be dev eloped in force by expansion. Admiral Sir E. Belcher thought that the reason the gun was not heat- ed by an explosion of oun-cotton might be because ‘the gases had not time to heat-the gun, owing to the rapidity of the explosion, which was slower in the case of gunpowder; or that it might arise from the great- er amount of fouling in the case of gunpowder. Mr. Scott Russell then said he would endeavor to clear away the many difficulties which at- tended this very difficult subject. How was it that in gunpowder and in gun-cotton, where there were equal quantities of gas put in, the gas in the case of gunpowder was raised to an enormously high tempera- ture, and came out at an enormously high pressure, showing that they had gas enormously expanded by heat ; “whereas in the case of gun-cot- ton the gas came out quite cool, so that you might put your hand upon it, and the gun itself was quite cool? He (Mr. Russell) had a theory. Steam was a gas, and steam expanded just by the same laws as other gases did. ry great deal of the gas of gun-cotton happened to be steam. Let them conceive one hundred pounds of gun-cotton shut up in a cham- ber that just held it. They had got there all the gases that had been spo- ken of, but they had also got twenty-five pounds of solid water — about one-third of acubie foot of water —in that chamber. Whatdid they do with it? They put fuel, they put fire to it. They heated the whole remaining pounds of patent fuel. If, then, they considered the gun-cot- ton gun as the steam-gun, they got rid of two difficulties. They would have, first, the enormous elasticity of steam; and secondly, they would get the coolness of it. They ali knew that if they put ‘their hand to expanded high pressure steam, it had swallowed up all the heat and came out quite cool. He believed that the gun-cotton gun was neither more nor less than Perkins’s old steam-oun, with only this difference, that you bottled up the fuel and water, “and let them ficht it out with each other. They did their work, and came out quite cool. He hoped, however, that it was understood that he did not dogmatize. He put all he had said with a note of interrogation upon it. Prof. Tyndail 5* 54 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. said he thought that a note of interrogation ought to be put to what Mr. Russell had said. The subject was considered of so much importance that the Associa- tion not only reappointed the joint committee to continue the inves- tigations, but passed a resolution requesting the government to investi- gate the matter separately. : Submarine Batteries, or Torpedoes.—M. F. Maury, formerly an officer in the United States service, who was present, re- marked in the course of the above discussion, that Mr. Rus- sell’s report “ was important as affording an element of security by giv- ing the preponderance on the side of defence. | Ever since steam had been applied to purposes of naval warfare, it had been considered a matter of very great doubt by many professional men how far ordinary steamers and men-of-war, where forts were to be passed at the mouth of a river, were capable of sustaining the fire of such forts and passing up the river. And to show that there was ample time for them to do so, they had only to recollect the fact of steamers having fought forts for several hours. In the Crimea and at Charleston, the steamers had remained under fire for several hours, — a much longer time than was necessary to enable them to pass the forts and go higher up the river into a place of safety, where they could do damage to the enemy. Tron-clads had rendered this much more easy than it had previously been. If, then, their principal defences failed them at the mouth of a river in this way, the question was whether they should not have re- course to mining for the destruction of the invading vessels? He him- self had been engaged upon the subject. He found this difficulty in em- ploying gunpowder, that in order to be sure of destroying the vessel as she passed in a given line by means of gunpowder, the magazines must be in actual contact, or very nearly in actual contact, with the side of the vessel; otherwise, the probability was that the vessel would not be destroyed. Recently they had the intelligence of a vessel having had a mine exploded under her on the James River. That magazine con- tained several thousands of pounds of powder. The vessel did not know that the mine was there; but the mine did not destroy the ves- sel. It merely threw up a column of water, which washed some of the men overboard. His own conclusion was that to make sure of destroy- ing a vessel after she had passed the forts, they must mine the channel in such a manner that the vessel must come in contact with one or other of the mines. It was found that wooden vessels to contain the pow- der would not do. They would not confine the powder long enough to produce a sufficient force. It was necessary to make them of stout boiler-iron. It would not do to leave the magazines on the top of the water, and it would not do to put them at the bottom, for then there would be a cushion of water between the bottom of the ship to be de- stroyed and the magazine, which would protect the vessel. In short, they had to anchor them beneath the surface with short buoy-ropes, at a depth proportioned to the kind of vessel expected to come up. But when they made the magazine of boiler-iron, they had to have buoys to float it so large that they were always in danger of being carried away by the vessels crossing the line of magazine. The plan was to place those magazines in a ring in such a position that the ves- sel in passing would have to come in contact with at least one and ~ MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 55 probably two of them. It was necessary to place those magazines of powder so that when you saw the vessel in that range you had only to bring the two poles of the galvanic battery together and make the ex- plosion. There was, as already stated, a difficulty i in using gunpowder. ut since gun-cotton had the remarkable effect of destroyi ing a vessel —he did not know her strength — at a distance of eighteen “feet, and that not vertically, but later ally, the question arose whether ' they might not fortify and protect those channel ways: by placing a ring of gun- cotton magazines along the bottom; but, at any rate, if that was not necessary, “they could float them at any depth, and out of reach of the vessels generally using the channel. That appeared to him to be one of the most important uses of gun-cotton, and it was one which would give safety to cities which were some distance from the mouths of nav- ivable rivers. Admiral Belcher stated that the explosion of powder under water was once done under one of his own vessels to clear away ice. He placed it upon the ground, thinking that its explosion would blow the ice clear of her bows without touching the vessel. There was, however, sufficient water to form a cushion, and when the explo- sion took place it only produced a gre eat wave upon which the vessel rose. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS IN RELATION TO GUNS, ARMOR, AND PROJECTILES. Armor for Ships of War. — Ever since iron-clad ships were invented, there has been a conflict of opinions upon the subject of their armor. The proper thickness, the mode of fastening it, whether single plates or a number of thin ones are the best, with wood backing or “Without, — these are only a few of the questions bearing upon the subject which have received attention. That some one plan has not been universally adopted is owing to obvious natural causes. Each person or govern- ment thinks himself or itself best qualified to judge where his or its im- mediate interest is at stake. In this country, we have more generally adopted the series of thin plates in preference to heavy single ones; although there are some ex- ceptions to this statement. In Europe, the reverse is true. Thus far we have had more practical experience with iron-clad ships than any hae people. ‘The last to adopt these engines of war, we have been the first to put them into actual service, and our success has been wholly with the combinations of thin plating. The gunboats on the Western rivers — Conestoga and Lexington —were plated with solid iron 2} inches in thickness, yet they were completely riddled in the attack on Fort Henry by the ordinary guns at that point; so also was the Hssex before her reconstruction. Che Ericsson batteries are all armored on the principle of many layers of thin plates, and they have proved themselves mpregnable, so far, to every assault. The arguments in favor of thin plates may be aed up in the following list : — 46 (74 Width :; ; Depth of hold ,Anoeet P supe Oh6og Sin Gave amare ( Draft of water . a g «6 ‘ F . LON ase : avn ghd SS Armor of sides . “ 44 in. . : > iin. . ° pee Os Thickness of turret . 11 “ . : 4 7 RRS re A eet ed AS MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 73 Original Monitor. Passaic. Tecumseh. Diameter of turret . 21 ft... . - PACH Uae wae ° i puealibe Number of turrets . 1 “ E 2 1 - A a 1 Dimensions of cylinders 30 in. . 2 A Soiree ve : » 40 in. Armament ° : 21l-in.guns. . Jiand 15-in.g guns. 2 13-in. guns. Tonnage - - 800 = As sie Sees oekes 1,400 Tt will be observed that the most important differences between the power of the first Monitor and the Tecumseh consist in the armor and armament — the offensive and defensive attributes. Instead of four and one-half inches we have nine inches of iron, and instead of one eleven and one fifteen-inch guns, the Tecumseh will have two thir- teen-inch guns, which, however, will be able to burn more powder than the old fifteen-inch guns. It was impossible when adding more weight of armor to the ship to make the draft of water as light as in the Monitor, if that were even desirable, which is a matter not decided on. One of the peculiarities of the Tecumseh is this, that she has sponsons which tighten the frame to the vessel, as it were. In the original Monitor this sponson was left out, and the consequence was that the overhang was said to have been the cause of the loss of that celebrated little vessel. The accident that happened to one of the monitors during Dupont’s attack on Charleston, which resulted in the temporary crippling of the turret, cannot happen to the Tecumseh, because an immense band of iron, several inches thick, perfectly solid and massive, covers the whole external base of the turret, rendering it absolutely impossible for any shot or shell to pierce it. This will insure the freedom of the turret, so far as its revolving powers are concerned. The propeller is driven by two powerful engines, with cylinders of forty inches in di- ameter and twenty-eight inch stroke of piston; and it will be observed that the speed of the Tecumseh vqll, in the natural course of things, be much greater than that of the original monitors, as the dimensions of her cylinders are nearly ten inches greater than those of the other ships. The monitors of the Passaic series have not realized the speed expected of them, but it is hoped that the Tecumseh series will do better. In still less important matters there are some points of difference ; in keeping the anchor, for instance, an arrangement is now made by which two holes are placed on each side of the bow, while in the other monitors it was directly in the centre. In fastening, the armor-rivets are substituted for bolts, as the latter give way and fly about when struck by heavy projectiles*in a severe engagement. In the arrange- ment of the machinery, the air and circulating pumps and the surface- condensers are independent of the main engines, and can thus be op- erated when the main engines are standing still, maintaining constant- ly a vacuum, and being able to keep up the condensation of steam, in- stead of blowing it off into the atmosphere, which every naval officer will appreciate, because it has been one of the most ‘intolerable nui- sances of the introduction of steam in the navy that when orders are given upon the deck the blowing of the steam rendered them inaudible, and it could not be silenced without danger of boiler explosions. New pattern Monitors. — Several vessels of the Monitor pattern, building in Boston, and intended for the defence of Massachusetts har- bors, have some marked differences of construction from the monitors 7 74 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. described above, and constructed for the U. 8. Navy. These peculiar- ities or improvements are thus described in the Boston Herald :— ‘One of them is a water-tight compartment two feet in width, extending around the whole body of the vessel. ‘The water is pumped out of this compartment when the monitor is at sea. This lightens her, and, hav- ing less surface exposed to the water, she can move more rapidly. If the monitor is preparing for action, the compartment is filled. This sinks her deeper into the water, so that little of the vessel, if any, ex- cepting the turret, is visible. Outside of the water-tight division is to be four feet of wood, and outside of the wood five inches of iron-plate. To obviate the foul bottoms to which iron ships are liable, an oak bot- tom is to be bolted on the iron one, and to be coppered like those of or- dinary wooden vessels. ‘They carry propellers and are provided with two screws, one under each counter, by which they can be turned in a smaller circle and in much less time than by a single screw.” The Comanche. — This vessel is one of the Ericsson monitors, and the circumstance particularly noticeable about her is, that she was con- structed in Jersey City, N. J., put together perfectly upon the stocks 3 and then taken apart and conveyed to San Francisco, California, where she will be reconstructed. ‘This feat of taking apart a ship of the size of the Comanche (200 feet) has never been attempted before, and was emi- nently successful in this case, every bolt being put in its place before a single particle of the hull was taken down. The armor-plating of the Comanche is composed of five courses of plates, having an aggregate of five inches thickness. Sheathing for Iron-Clads. — Some very interesting practical experi- ence has lately been gained in England in the use of paints for 1ron- clad vessels; also in the use of brass sheathing to prevent their bottoms from becoming foul. The large armor-irigate, Black Prince, after having been five months in the water, was recently docked at Devon- port and her bottom examined. It had been coated on one side with a paint chiefly composed of oxide of copper, and on the other with ene partly composed of the sulphate of copper. Both sides were corroded, but the sulphate of copper was the cleanest; still there were thousands of barnacles adhering to the plates on both sides. The Resistance, another smaller armor-frigate, was docked at the same time, but it had not been in service quite so long. One of its sides had been covered* with the oxide of copper paint, and the other with another paint, the composition of which has not been published ; along the bottom also several patches had been covered with thm porcelain plates cemented with marine glue. It was found that most of these plates had dropped off, the glue not being capable of holding them, and the rest of the bot- tom was nearly as foul as that of the Black Prince. But the most re- markable case was that of the Royal Oak, which was also docked at the same time. This was a wooden vessel which had been originally designed for a line-of-battle ship, but was afterwards plated with iron. A band of lead was then run around the whole vessel below the deep- load line, below which the vessel was sheathed with Muntz metal, — the common brass sheathing, containing about sixty per cent. of copper to forty of zinc. The iron “plates were painted with red lead; and it was supposed that the intermediate lead band, coated with paint, would prevent contact and galvanic action between the iron and the MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 75 sheathing. The latter was perfectly clean, but astonishment was caused by the galvanic action which had been induced between the iron and the sheathing. The lower tier of iron plates — each fifteen feet in length, three feet two inches in breadth, and four and one-half inches in thickness — were perfectly honey-combed, the holes varying in depth from one-fourth to five-eighths of aninch. Judging from the rate at which the corrosion had proceeded, the plates would have been entire- ly dissolved, had the vessel remained in the water many months longer. It had been supposed that wooden vessels could be built with iron plat- ing descending below the water-line, and that their bottoms could be sheathed with copper, and thus remain as clean as copper-bottomed wooden vessels. Indeed, this very mode of constructing war vessels has been advocated by a French naval architect as being superior to all others, and several French and Italian armor-clads have been built upon such ideas. The practical and expensive experiment made with the Royal Oak affords us evidence that copper, or copper alloys, can- not be employed with safety connected by sea-water with iron on a vessel. The connection of these two metals forms a galvanic battery leading to the rapid decomposition of the positive metal. — Scientific American. Conflict between the Weehawken ( Monitor ) and Atlanta, Iron-Clads.— Some important information respecting the offensive and defensive powers of iron-clad vessels and their improved armaments has been derived during the past year from the conflict between the Weehawken, one of Ericsson’s monitor. iron-clad vessels, and the iron-clad Con- federate steamer Atlanta, which resulted in the surrender of the latter. The Atlanta was originally a sea-going steamer, —the Fingal, — re- modelled and iron-plated. Her armor is described as follows: First and on the outside were wrought-iron bars, six inches wide by two inches thick, running perpendicularly with her side, and proper- ly secured, both above and below, by rivets and bolts. Across these bars, horizontally, and on the inside, ran bars of like material and pat- tern, fastened to the outside layer by the strongest rivets. Within this layer, and fastened to it, were two thicknesses of live oak two-inch plank, also running perpendicularly and horizontally, and again, within these, were two more similar thicknesses of Georgia pine plank, form- ing the last series of herarmor. The thickness of the Adlanta’s armor, therefore, was twelve inches, — four of iron, four of live oak, and four of pine planking. Her pilot-house is also thus described: Forward of the smoke-stack was an elevation on the top deck, to all appearance like a cone; updn this cone was a small, square lookout, just large enough on the inside to allow a man’s head to turn with freedom. On each side of this lookout were two small apertures, in the shape of parallelograms, slanting toward the interior, and presenting to the pi- lot’s optics, in the lookout, two lookouts, an inch and a half long by an inch wide. This look-out was of wrought iron, four inches thick, and the cone upon which it stood was the same thickness, with this addi- tional strength, however, that the interior of the pilot-house being square, the interstices between the sides of the upper part of the pilot- house and the concave surface of the cone were filled with eight-inch, square, live-oak blocks. From the top of the lookout to the base of the cone was but two feet and a half. 76 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. The action commenced by the Atlanta firing three shots. The Wee- hawken then replied with her fifteen-inch gun, throwing a solid shot of 440 pounds; and the first shot virtually decided the action, for the ter- rible missile tore through the At/anta’s iron-plating and timber-backing, as if it were stubble, and prostrated about forty of her crew, — some by splinters, but the most part by the mere concussion. The second shot struck one of the Alanta’s port-stoppers, which were protected by four inches of wrought iron, knocking it into fragments, and wounding seventeen men. ‘The third shot smashed the top of the pilot-house, wounding two of the pilots, and stunned the two men at the wheel, prostrating the whole four on the floor of the _pilot-house. The fourth shot struck her on the knuckle, that is, where the iron casemate joins at a sharp angle the iron plating of the side ; and _ the fifth shot went through her smoke-stack. After the fifth shot, the Atlanta surrendered ; the whole action, from the firing of the first gun, being over in fifteen minutes. The U.S. Secretary of the Navy, in commenting on this engagement in his report to Congress, Dec. 1863, says: “ This battle was to test not only the vessels but the new fif- teen-inch ordnance, then for the first time brought into naval warfare, and concerning which there had been, as well as with respect to the vessels themselves, some variety of opinion. The conflict was so brief and decisive that only one of the two monitor vessels present, though not widely separated, and each eager for the fight, was able to par- ticipate in the engagement. The Nahant, having no pilot, followed in the wake of the Weehawken, but before she could get into action the contest was over. Such was the brevity of the fight that the Weehaw- ken, in about fifteen minutes, and with only five shots from her heavy guns, overpowered and captured her formidable antagonist before the Nahant, which was hastening to the work, could discharge a single shot at the Atlanta. ‘This remarkable result was an additional testi- mony in favor of the monitor class of vessels for harbor defence and coast service against any naval vessels that have been or are likely to be constructed to visit our shores.” Other trials of Tron-Clads in Action. — But the most severe and practi- cal test to which iron-clad vessels have as yet been subjected occurred on the 7th of April, 1863, in the attack made by the U. S. fleet upon the forts and earthworks commanding the harbor of Charleston, 8. C. On that occasion nine iron-clads, — including seven vessels of the’ Monitor pattern, the Jronsides, an iron-clad broadside steamer, and the Keokuk, an iron-clad of a peculiar and novel construction, (see Annual of Sci. Dis. 1863, p. 63),— taking a position where they were exposed, at comparatively short range, to the concentric and cross-fire of two regularly-constructed forts, and some half-dozen earth- works mounting heavy, and in part rifled ordnance, assailed Fort Sumter, a fortress of modern construction and of great strength. The result was, that after a contest of a little less than two hours, in which the vessels engaged sustained the most fearful and concentrated fire on record, — the forts and batteries using the heaviest and most improved projectiles (including the Armstrong and Whitworth patterns), — the fleet was withdrawn. Upon the monitors and the Ironsides, al- though all these vessels were struck repeatedly (the Jronsides alone some ninety times) no person was killed, or even seriously injured ; while the MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. a 77 efficiency of these vessels was not permanently impaired : the most se- rious injury, perhaps, occurred to the Passaic (monitor), which was disabled by being struck at the base of its turret by a heavy shot, which so jammed the contiguous plating as to prevent the tower from rotating. The Keokuk, however, was more unfortunate. This vessel was smaller than any of the monitors engaged, being plated with one and three- fourths-inch plates on a four-inch backing of iron and wood ; the plates being inclined at an angle which, amidships, was equal to 36°, with a view of deflecting shot striking against them. The unfitness of such armor for defensive purposes was illustrated in a very few minutes af- ter the Keokuk came under fire. The armor was riddled with shot in every direction ; a considerable number of her crew were wounded, and one killed, while the vessel herself sunk some twelve hours after the conclusion of the fight." The Jronsides, —a non-turreted broadside steamer, plated with four and one-half inch solid armor, backed by from twenty-four to thirty inches of oak, — which took part in the above noticed attack, and in several other subsequent actions, appears to be the most effective and in- vulnerable of all the iron-plated vessels as yet constructed and sent in- to service by the United States; some even claiming that she is equiv- alent to any six vessels of the monitor pattern. In the various actions in Charleston Harbor in which the Jronsides participated, from April to September, she is reported to have been struck by shot and shell, two hundred and thirteen times, none of which have caused serious 1n- jury to life or limb of her crew, or essentially injured the vessel. The water-line of the Ironsides alone bears the imprint of ten ten-inch solid shot, while the most serious damage resulted from two shots strik- ing the same plate, within a foot of each other, and within a foot of the end of the plate. The result was the partial cracking of the plate, bending it, and forcing it about an inch into the wood-work. It occasioned no leak in the vessel. Several ten-inch solid shot, and one eleven-inch, have passed through the unprotected part of the bow and stern; but so much of their momentum was lost in the passage, that they did not reach the wrought-iron bulkheads that cross the ship for- ward and aft, and which would have effectually stopped their further _progress. The method of fastening the plating to the sides of the Ironsides has proyed very effective. It consists of common wood-screws, put through the plates from the outside, and tapped into the wood, having cylin- TAI] vessels with inclined armor are supposed to be so constructed that the shot will glance from them without doing any damage. If we conclude, for the purpose of argument, that the enemy will fire a round shot at a very low velocity, on a line with the horizon, then the assumption may be correct. The fact of the matter is, however, that inclined sides simply present to barbette guns the fairest target they could desire, and the supposed efliciency of the angle is utterly neutralized. The Galena, at Drury’s Bluff, and other gunboats on the western rivers, which were constructed with inclined armor, have been repeatedly pierced by guns fired from elevations. Inclining the armor simply increases the thickness ot the plating to be pierced when the shot is fired on a line with the horizon. A plunging fire is re- ceived by inclined plating fair and square, and there are no instances on record where acutely-inclined armor has resisted the impact of the heaviest rifled shot ata fair range. The Parrott 300-pounder is said to have pierced nine inches of iron inclined at an angle of 45°, and the Stafford projectile is known to have penetrated seven one-inch plates, heavily backed up with timber, at the same inclination. In- clined sides, with inadequate armor, are simply a delusion and a snare. — Scientific American. T* 78 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. drical heads countersunk into the plating and flush with the outside. Several of these screw-bolts have been struck directly on the head with- out causing any damage ; whereas, if the ordinary plan of using through bolts or rivets had been adopted, it is very probable that some persons would have been injured by fragments of the bolts being projected inside the ship. In the case of the monitors, the most serious acci- dents that have occurred on board them have arisen from the displace- ment and breaking of the bolts that hold together the plates of their turrets, through the impact of heavy shot. An idea of the fighting capabilities of the Lronsides may be formed from the circumstance that she threw, in the various attacks in which she participated from April to September, upwards of 4,400 shells. It is understood that one result of the attack on the fortifications of Charleston, by the U. S. iron-clad fleet, has been the withdrawal from the monitors of the fifteen-inch guns, with which their turrets were armed, and the substitution of thirteen-inch guns in place. New Port-Closer for Vessels of War. — An ingenious device for closing the ports of iron-clads and other vessels of war has recently been patented by Mr. W. S. Auchincloss, of New York City. The nature of the invention will be readily understood from the following clause of the patent: — The employment or use for a port-hole closer of two rollers, each being made to rotate independently of the other, and provided with a cavity, so that by turning the rollers to the proper position an opening is obtained which allows of giving to the gun any desired elevation, or of training the same to an angle of 45° or more. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY THE PHILOSOPHY OF TO-DAY. “THE natural philosopher of to-day may dwell amid conceptions which beggar those of Milton. So great and grand are they, that in the contemplation of them a certain force of character is requisite to preserve us from bewilderment. Look at the integral energies of our world ; the stored power of our coal our winds and rivers, our fleets, armies, and guns. What are they? They are all generated by a portion of the sun’s energy, which does not amount toz-300,000,000 500 of the whole! This, in fact, is the entire portion of the sun’s force in- tercepted by the earth, and in reality we convert but a small portion of this fraction into mechanical energy. Multiplying all our powers by millions of millions, we do not reach the sun’s expenditure. And still, notwithstanding this enormous drain, in the lapse of human his- tory, we are unable to detect a diminution of his store. Measured by our largest terrestrial standards, such a reservoir of power is infinite ; but it is our privilege to rise above these standards, and to regard the sun himself as a speck in infinite extension ; a mere drop in “the uni- versal sea. We analyze the space in which he is immer sed, and which is the vehicle of his power. We pass to other systems and ‘other suns, each pouring forth energy like our own, but still without infringement of the law, which reveals immutability in the midst of change, which recognizes incessant transference and conversion, but neither find gain nor loss. This law generalizes the aphorism of Solomon, that there is nothing new under the sun, by teaching us to detect everywhere, un- der its infinite variety of appearances, ‘the same primeval force. To nature nothing can be added; from nature nothing can be taken away ; the source of her energies is constant, and the utmost man can do, in ’ the pursuit of phy sical truth, or in the application of physical knowledge, is to shift the constituents of the never-varying total, and out of one of them to form another. The law of conservation rigidly texcludes both creation and annihilation. Waves may change to rip- ples, and ripples to waves; magnitude may be substituted for number, and number for magnitude; ‘asteroids may aggregate to suns, suns may revolve themselves into floree and faunz and flores and faune melt in air; the flux of power is eternally the same. It rolls in music through the ages, and all terrestrial energy, the manifestations of life, as well as the display of phenomena, are but the modulations of its rhythm.” — Prof Tyndall. THE NATURE OF FORCE. The following is an extract of a lecture recently delivered before the Royal Institution, London, by Prof. Tyndall, on the above subject. 79 80 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. *‘ Standing upon one of the London bridges, we observe the current of the Thames reversed, and the water poured upwards twice a day. The water thus moved rubs against the river’s bed and sides, and heat is the consequence of this friction. The heat thus generated is in part radiated into space, and then lost, as far as the earth is concerned. What is it that supplies this incessant loss? The earth’s rotation. Let us look a little more closely at the matter. Imagine the moon fixed, and the earth turning like a wheel from west to east in its diurnal ro- tation. Suppose a high mountain on the earth’s surface; on approach- ing the moon’s meridian, that mountain is, as it were, laid hold of by the moon, and forms a kind of handle by which the earth is pulled more quickly round. But when the meridian is passed, the pull of the moon on the mountain would be in the opposite direction; it now tends to diminish the velocity of rotation as much as it previously aug- mented it; and thus the action of all fixed bodies on the earth’s sur- face is neutralized. But suppose the mountain to lie always to the east of the moon’s meridian, the pull then would be always exerted. against the earth’s rotation, the velocity of which would be diminished _ in a degree corresponding to the strength of the pull. The tidal-wave occupies this position; it es always to the east of the moon’s meridian, and thus the waters of the ocean are in part dragged as a brake along the surface of the earth; and as a brake they must diminish the veloc- ity of the earth’s rotation. The diminution, though inevitable, is, how- ever, too small to make itself felt within the period over which obser- vations on the subject extend. Supposing then that we turn a mill by the action of the tide, and produce heat by the friction of the mill- stones; that heat has an origin totally different from the heat produced by another mill which is turned by a mountain stream. The former is produced at the expense of the earth’s rotation, the latter at the ex- pense of the sun’s radiation. “The sun, by the act of vaporization, lifts mechanically all the mois- ture of our air. It condenses and falls in the form of rain; it freezes and falis as snow. In this solid form, itis piled upon the Alpine heights, and furnishes materials for the glacieys of the Alps. But the sun again interposes, liberates the solidified liquid and permits it to roll by gravity to the sea. The mechanical force of every river in the world, as it rolls toward the ocean, is drawn from the heat of the sun. No streamlet glides to a lower level, without having been first lifted to the elevation from which it springs by the mighty power of the sun. The energy of winds is also due entirely to the, sun; but there is still another work which he performs, and his con- nection with which is not so obvious. Trees and vegetables grow upon the earth, and when burned they give rise to heat, and hence to me- chanical energy. Whence is this power derived? You see this oxide of iron, produced by the falling together of the atoms of iron and ox- ygen; here also is a transparent gas which you cannot now see,— car- bonie acid gas,— which is formed by the falling together of carbon and oxygen. ‘These atoms thus in close union resemble our lead weight while resting on the earth; but I can wind up the weight and prepare it for another fall, and so these atoms can be wound up, sepa- rated from each other, and thus enabled to repeat the process of com- bination. In the building cf plants, carbonic acid is the material from NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 81 which the carbon of the plant is derived; and the solar beam is the agent which tears the atoms asunder, setting the oxygen free, and allowing the carbon to aggregate in woody fibre. Let the solar rays fall upon a surface of sand; the sand is heated, and finally radiates away as much heat as it receives; let the same beams fall upon a for- est, the quantity of heat given back is less than the forest receives, for the energy of a portion of the sunbeams is invested in building up the trees in the manner indicated. Without the sun the reduction of the carbonic acid cannot be effected, and an amount of sunlight is con- sumed exactly equivalent to the molecular work done. ‘Thus trees are formed; thus cotton is formed. I ignite this cotton and it flames; the oxygen again unites with its beloved carbon; but an amount of heat equal to that which you see produced by its combustion was sacri- ficed by the sun to form that bit of cotton. “ But we cannot stop at vegetable life, for this is the source, mediate or immediate, *of all animal life. The sun severs the carbon from its oxygen; the animal consumes the vegetable thus formed, and in its ar- teries a reunion of the several.elements takes place, and produces ani- mal heat. ‘Thus, strictly speaking, the process of building a vegetable is one of winding up; the process of building an animal is one of run- ning down. The warmth of our bodies, and every mechanical energy which we exert, trace their lineage directly to the sun. The fight of a pair of pugilists, the motion of an army, or the lifting of his own body up mountain slopes by an Alpine climber, are all cases of mechanical energy drawn from the sun. Not, therefore, in a poetical, but in a purely mechanical sense, are we children of the sun. Without food, we should soon oxidize our own bodies. A man weighing 150 pounds has sixty-four-pounds of muscle ; but these, when dried, reduce them- selves to fifteen pounds. Doing an ordinary day’s work for eighty days, this mass of muscle would be wholly oxidized. Special organs which do more work would be more quickly oxidized; the heart, for example, if entirely unsustained, would be oxidized in about a week. Take the amount of heat due to the direct oxidation of a given amount of food; a less amount of heat is developed by this food, in the working animal frame, and the missing quantity is the exact equiv- alent of the mechanical work which the body accomplishes. “T might extend these considerations, — the work, indeed, is done to my hand, — but [am warned that I have kept you already too long. To whom then, are we indebted for the striking generalizations of this discourse ? All that I have laid before you is the work of a man of whom you have scarcely ever heard. All that I have brought before you has been taken from the labors of a German physician, named Mayer. Without external stimulus, and pursuing his profession as town physician in Heilbronn, this man was the first to raise the con- ception of the interaction of natural forces to clearness in his own mind. And yet he is scarcely ever heard of in scientific lectures, and even to scientific men his merits are but partially known. -Led by his own beautiful researches, and quite independent of Mayer, Mr. Joule published his first paper on the ‘ Mechanical Value of Heat’ in 1843; but in 1842 Mayer had actually calculated the mechanical equivalent of heat from data which a man of rare originality alone could turn to account. From the velocity of sound in air, Mayer determined the 82 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. mechanical equivalent of heat. In 1845, he published his Memoir on ‘Organic Motion,’ and applied the mechanical theory of heat in the most fearless and precise manner to vital processes. He also embraced the other natural agents in his chain of conservation. “When we consider the circumstances of Mayer’s life, and the pe- riod at which he wrote, we cannot fail to be struck with astonishment at what he has accomplished. Here was a man of genius working in silence, animated solely by a love of his subject, and arriving at the most important results some time in advance of those whose lives were entirely devoted to Natural Philosophy. It was the accident of bleed- ing a feverish patient at Java, in 1840, that led Mayer to speculate on these subjects. He noticed that the venous blood in the tropics was of a much brighter red than in colder latitudes, and his reasoning on this fact led him into the laboratory of natural forces, where he has worked with such signal ability and success. Well, you will desire to know what has become of this man. His mind gave way; he became insane, and he was sent to a lunatic asylum. In a biographical dic- tionary of his country it is stated that he died there; but this is incor- rect. He recovered, and, I believe, is at this moment a cultivator of vineyards in Heilbronn.” EFFECTS OF THE EARTH’S ROTATION. | M. Foucault’s beautiful experiment, by which, through the medium of a pendulum, the rotation of the earth on its axis may be said to have been rendered palpable to our senses, has had the effect of calling at- tention to a great many other phenomena going on on its surface, into which it enters as a modifying cause. To say nothing of those great and general facts of the oblateness of its figure, and the trade-winds which Newton and Hadley explained on this principle, we have seen the phenomena of Cyclones reduced to a dependence on this cause, com- bined with local disturbances of temperature; and, tracing the same cause into its still more local, and, so to speak, miniature sphere of action, it is recognized that the influence of the earth’s rotation cannot be left out of consideration in the accurate pointing of long-range artillery, inasmuch as in a flight of five miles, occupying twenty-five seconds of time, it would carry a projectile pointed northwards, about forty-five feet to the east, and southwards as much to the west, (7. e. in both cases toward the right hand) of its line of fire. Pursuing the action of this cause into geographical inquiries, it has been argued that the action of a river flowing directly northwards or southwards, or indeed in any direction considerably inclined to the parallel, cannot be equal on its right and left banks; and that in either case (and indeed, whatever be the direction of the stream, if at all so inclined), in the northern hemisphere, the rotatory motion of the earth will have the effect of driving the water against the right bank of the river, and thus causing it to exert a greater erosive action on that than on the opposite side ; and vice versé in the southern hemisphere; the effect in both being more powerful the higher the latitude ; and nil on the equator. On the other hand, it has been contended, that although, theoretically speaking, this is a real cause, (a vera causa), yet the amount of ero- sion thence arising must be far too small to produce any sensible ten- dency in rivers to shift their courses to the right, or to eat away NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 83 their right banks perceptibly more than their left ; and this opinion seems to have found currency among the French academicians, when- ever the subject has been discussed at the meeting of the Institute. Regarding this question as one of fact rather than of opinion, M. Von Baer, in an elaborate memoir, read before the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg, and lately published in the bulletins of that body, has brought together so large a mass of instances, drawn from observa- tion of the courses of almost all the rivers of any note, both in Euro- pean and Asiatic Russia as to justify this enumeration as a general feature (not of course, without local exceptions, owing to the natural inequalities of ground), over the whole of that vast region, that the right bank of a river is higher and steeper; the left the flatter and more alluvial one, and more subject to inundation, — the law being so general, that over vast tracts of country, it may be predicted, almost without risk of fail- ure, from the aspect of a stream in this respect, in which direction 1% runs. It deserves remark, that this general tendency has already been ~ noticed by more than one geologist of eminence, without any suspicion of its cause. Thus, even so long ago as 1847, Major Waugenheim von Qualen had announced it as a general feature of the Russian River system, in the bulletins of the Society of Naturalists of Moscow; and besides giving the result of his own observations in the region to the south and west of the Ural (where, from the absence of any con- siderable mountain system, and the general flatness of the country, the action of this cause would be little lable to be masked by local in- equalities of a geological origin), cites the authority of M. Blode, as having observed the same thing in southern, M. Bouiller in central, and Baron Wrangell in northern Russia; Tschichatscheff, in central Siberia; and Blasins, and other geologists, in many other parts of Rus- sia, — adding that a feature so uniform, and prevailing over so vast an extent of territory, must evidently be due to some uniform and general cause. This cause he seeks, accordingly, in geological upheavals and dislocations, though evidently at a loss to perceive bow such upheavals should have affected always the right bank of the river, without regard to the point of the compass toward which the water flows. The same cause which throws the water of a river preferentially against its right bank must act of course in every case where masses of matter are in motion along definite lines of route, and therefore on railways, wherever there is a double line of rail for up and down traffic. For in such the right-hand rail on each line will be most worn; and, in all cases, the flanges of the right-hand wheels of the carriages will suffer most by abrasion, and a greater probability (though in a very slight ratio) will exist of running off the rail to the right than to the left side of the line of travel, especially in lines running due north and south. CURIOUS DEVIATIONS OF THE PLUMB-LINE. The deviations of the plumb-line at different points of the earth’s surface from the general law of perpendicularity to the surface of a spheroid, is usually considered as owing to the lateral attraction of mountain masses drawing it toward them; but a singular case of a quite contrary nature has been brought to notice in the immediate vicinity of Moscow, where the operations of the Russian geologists, confirmed by the subsequent and more recent researches of M. So 84 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Schweizer, Director of the Imperial Observatory of that city, have established the existence of a local deviation to the extraordinary amount of nineteen seconds, within a very short distance of that me- tropolis. At Moscow, the plumb-line is found to deviate eight seconds from the spheroidical perpendicular toward the north. At twenty Russian versts (thirteen English miles) to the northward of Moscow, this deviation ceases. It does so, also, at twelve versts (eight miles) to the south of the city ; but on going farther south, it recommences in a contrary direction, and at twenty-five versts to the south of Moscow is converted into asouthern deviation of eleven seconds. Proceeding from Moscow in either an easterly or westerly direction, similar phenomena are observed. As there is nothing deserving the name of a mountain in the neighborhood of Moscow, it follows, as a necessary consequence, from these facts, either, — ist. That there exist beneath Moscow enor- mous cavities, occupied by air, or perhaps by water. 2d. That strata of some substance of very weak specific gravity exist beneath that city. Or, 3d, that there extends over the whole of the country sur- rounding it a generally loose, unconsolidated mass of geological mate- rial to a depth hopelessly beyond what human labor can ever expect to penetrate. The interest of the observation does not terminate with the particular case of Moscow, but seems to indicate that henceforth in all instrumental determinations depending on the level or the plumb line, attention must be given to the lithological character of the place of observation. Here, again, is a point of contact between the two antithetical sciences of astronomy and geology. DEFLECTION OF THE PLUMMET CAUSED BY THE SUN’S AND MOON’S ATTRACTION. * Mr. Edward Sang, in a paper read to the Royal Society of Edin- burgh, shows that the attraction of the sun causes a deflection of the plummet, having its maximum about the 240th part of a second, and proportional to twice the size of the sun’s zenith distance; the deflec- tion is at its maximum when the sun is 45° above or below the horizon, and occurs in the vertical plane passing through the attracting bedy. The deflection due to the moon has its maximum about the 60th part of a second, and follows the same law; it is toward or from the attract- ing body according as the zenxh distance is less or more than 90°. Upon the cross-level of a transit instrument, the joint effect is to cause a semi-diurnal oscillation, small at the quarters and rising to the 24th part of a second at new and full moon; while the influence upon me- ridian observations is sufficient to cause a disagreement between the greatest inclination of the moon’s orbit, as observed at St. Petersburg and Madras, amounting to the fiftieth of a second. The general conclusion drawn was, that we cannot determine the positions of the heavenly bodies true to the one hundredth part of a second, without having made allowance for this source of disturbance. MEAN DENSITY OF THE EARTH. In a memoir on this subject, by M. Faye, read at a recent meeting of the French Academy, the following valuations, from pendulum ex- periments, are given: 4.39 by Carlini and Plana, at Mount Cenis; 4,71 by Maskelyne, Hutton, and Playfair, at Schehallien, in Scotland; . NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ' 5.44 by Reich, 5.43 by Cavendish, and 5.56 by Baily, by means of the torsion balance; and 6.55 by Airy, at the summit and bottom of a coal-mine. ATTRACTION AND ADHESION. The phenomena of attraction and adhesion, as exhibited in solid bodies, films, liquid globules, etc., have been investigated by Mr. Rich- ard Norris, whose paper on the subject appears in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, from which we extract a few experiments. These Mr. Norris prefaces by reminding his readers that it has long been ob- served that solid bodies floating on liquids modify the figure of the surface of the liquid; pieces of tinfoil or greased bodies depress the liquid around them, whilst other bodies elevate it, giving rise to small mounds of liquid bounded by concave lines; likes attract likes, and repel unlikes, etc. He states that the following experiments are arranged to show that these effects of attraction are not peculiar to floating bodies, and that the only requirement is that the liquid should be associated with the bodies in which the movement occurs. 1. Let two balls of sealing-wax, or other material of greater specific gravity than water, be suspended by hairs in such a manner that they will both be partially immersed in water to an equal extent, the points of sus- pension being at a little distance apart, and the suspending hairs con- sequently parallel. When brought within the proper range, they will attract each other in the same manner as the floating bodies. In doing so they necessarily describe a small are of a circle, of which the suspending hair is the radius, and have, therefore, not simply moved toward each other in a horizontal line, but have been raised to a higher level. 2. Suspend movably, by means of a thread passing over a pulley and a counterbalancing weight, a horizontal cork disc, from the under surface of which a drop of water is hanging. On a support beneath, formed by three upright pins, place a small piece of paper or thin glass, on the surface of which there is also a drop of water. On depressing the disc until the two drops of water touch each other, the paper or plate will be instantly drawn up to it; or, if the plate at the bottom be heavier than the disc, the latter will be drawn down. 3. When a soap-bubble is allowed to fali on an mregular surface, such as a piece of lint or flannel, it maintains its spherical shape; but if a smooth surface, such as a sheet of glass, be brought into slight contact with it, the wall of the bubble will be immediately attracted and flat- tened out upon it. In like manner, when two bubbles come in contact by their convex surfaces and cohere, the cohering surfaces become flat- tened, and the bubbles in a group cohere by plane surfaces. STEAM BOILER EXPLOSIONS. The following novel ideas respecting the explosion of steam-boilers were given to the British Association, 1863, by Mr. Airy, the Astrono- mer Royal. He said, that in considering the cause of the extensive mischief done by the bursting of a high-pressure boiler, it is evident that the small quantity of steam contained in the steam-chamber has very little to do with it. That steam may immediately produce the rupture; but as soon as the rupture is made, and some steam escapes, and the pressure on the water is diminished, a portion of the water is 8 86 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. immediately converted into steam at a slightly lower temperature and lower pressure, and this, in the same way, is followed by other steam at still lower temperature and pressure, and so on till the temperature is reduced to 212° Fahr.and the pressure to 0. Then there remains in the boiler a portion of water at the boiling point, the other portion having gone off in the shape of steam of continually diminishing pres- sure. From this it is evident that the destructive energy of the steam, when a certain pressure is shown by the steam-gauge, is proportional to the quantity of water in the boiler. By the assistance of Prof. Mil- ler and George Biddell, Esq., the author has been able to obtain a re- sult which he believes to be worthy of every confidence. He first stated, as the immediate result of Mr. Biddell’s experiments, that when there were in the boiler of a small locomotive twenty-two cubic feet of water, at the pressure of sixty pounds per square inch, and the fire was raked out, and the steam was allowed gently to escape, with perfect security against priming, the quantity of water which passed off before the pressure was reduced to 0 was 23 cubic feet, or one eighth of the whole. In regard to the use made of Prof. Miller’s theory, Prof. Miller had succeeded in obtaining a numerical expression for the pressure of steam at twelve different measures of the volume occupied by water and steam, which expression the author had succeeded in integrating accurately and had thus obtained an accurate numerical expression for the destructive energy of steam. In regard to the use of General Didion’s experiments, these experiments gave the velocity of the ball, in cannon of different sizes, produced by different charges of powder. ‘ 4 Wr The author found, by trial with the formula Sgeearoeh = weight of powder powder’ which of these experiments exhibits the greatest energy per kilooramme of powder, and had adopted it in the comparison. The result is as fol- lows: the destructive energy of oné cubic foot of water, at sixty pounds pressure, per square inch, is equal to the destructive energy of — two English pounds of gunpowder in General Didion’s cannon experi- ments. General Didion’s experiments were made, as the author under- stood, with smooth-bored cannon. It cannot be doubted that much energy is lost in the windage; some also from the circumstance that the propelling power*ceases at the muzzle of the gun, before all the energy 1s expended ; and some from the coolness of the metal. If we suppose that, from all causes, one-half of the energy is lost, then we have this simple result: the gauge-pressure being sixty pounds per square inch, one cubic foot of water is as destructive as one pound of gunpowder. In one of Mr. Biddell’s experiments, the steam-valve was opened rather suddenly, and the steam escaped instantly with a report like that of a very heavy piece of ordnance. This is not to be won- dered at; it appears from the comparison above that the effect was the same as that of firing a cannon whose charge is forty-four pounds of powder. ILLUSTRATION OF THE ACTION OF THE SO-CALLED ‘ GIFFARD’S INJECTOR.” _ The paradoxical and apparently impossible action of Giffard’s in- jector, employed instead of a feed pump in charging steam-engine boilers, was illustrated in a remarkable manner by the Abbé Moigno, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 87 at the last meeting of the British Association, by means of a new in- strument invented by M. Bourdon, of Paris, and called the “ Injector of Solids.” Giffard’s injector consists of three tubes united at one point: one of these brings the supply of water for the boiler from any convenient source ; the second is for the purpose of conveying the water into the boiler, and opens below the level of the liquid in that vessel ; the third brings a jet of steam from the upper part of the boiler. This jet of steam has the power of injecting a constant supply of water into the boiler, and so obviating altogether the necessity for a feed pump, and, apparently impossible as it may appear, not only has the steam power to inject water into its own boiler, but is capable of feeding another boiler in which the steam has a much higher pressure than itself. M. Bourdon’s Injector of Solids, which is capable of rendering this action visible by means of solid bodies, consists of two air vessels, with a communicating tube capable of being opened or closed at the will of the experimenter. One of these vessels is made of glass, and furnished with an aperture closed by a valve opening inwards. The other has a small air-gun proceeding from it, the barrel of which is directed against the opening in the first vessel. On condensing air into the two re- ceivers, it is found that, even when four atmospheres are condensed into the glass vessel, and only two in that connected with the air-gun, the bullet driven by the latter has power to open the valve closed by the pressure of four atmospheres and enter the glass receiver. ESTIMATION OF DISTANCES AND SPEED. Many people hear of distances in thousands of yards—a usual meas- ure of artillery distances,—and have very little power of reducing them at once to miles. Now, four miles are ten yards for each mile above 7,000 yards, whence the following rule: the number of thou- sands multiplied by four and divided by seven gives miles and sevenths for quotient and remainder, with only at the rate of ten yards to a mile in excess. Thus 12,000 yards is 48 of a mile, or 6$ miles; not 70 yards too great. Again, people measure speed by miles per hour, the mile and the hour being too long for the judgment of distance and time. ‘Take half as much again as the number of miles per hour, and you have the number of feet per second, too great by one in thirty. Thus 16 miles an hour is 16--8, or 24 feet per second, too much by 24 of a foot.— London Atheneum. POWER OF WAVES. The Paris Cosmos, in describing the effects of a stormy period in January, 1863, on the coast of France, gives instances where “blocks of stone weighing thirteen tons were hurled to a distance of more than thirty feet, and blocks of three tons to more than one hundred yards. The outer harbor of Fécamp was destroyed, and the mass of earth torn from the north side of Cape la Heve was estimated at more than 300,000 square yards.” MOTIONS OF CAMPHOR UPON WATER. When small pieces of camphor are dropped on the surface of a glass of water, several curious phenomena may be observed. They im- 88 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. mediately commence to rotate, and move about with remarkable energy; varying sometimes in rapidity, but usually conducting their gyrations in a strange and erratic manner. In order to obtain the best eifects, some precautions are necessary: thus, the camphor should be tolerably pure, the piece employed should be cut and separated from the large lump with a perfectly clean instrument, and contact with the fingers should be scrupulously avoided. Moreover, the glass should be quite clean and the water pure. When these conditions are satisfied, the phenomena are very striking. In the Annual of Sci. Dis. for 1863, p- 131, the account of some operations by Mr. Tomlinson of Lon- don on this subject was published. ‘The following additional mem- oranda of interest have recently been laid before the public by Mr. Lightfoot, another experimentalist. This latter gentleman states, that if instead of using a torn or cut fragment from a lump of camphor, one or two fine crystals are detached with a clean needle-point from the cork of a phial in which camphor is kept, and these are let fall on clean water, they at once begin to move about with wonderfully in- creased rapidity, darting away in various directions, as if shot from some miniature engine, or endowed with life and a will of their own; each crystal quivering and rocking on the water with an apparently high deeree of indignation at its forced contact with the humid sur- face. This fury gradually diminishes, and a regular dance begins; the various particles select partners to some of which they will seem to cling with pertinacity ; whilst others will either remain indifferent, or, if attracted, will only stay a very short time in embrace, and wander again in search of more congenial floating associates. The explana- tions which Mr. Lightfoot gives of these movements is the emanation of a vapor from the volatile camphor, which has a very low tension ; the water upon which it floats being capable of dissolving and diffus- ing this vapor more readily in certain directions of the crystalline axes, thereby removes sufficient vapor pressure at those points for the oppo- site side to drive about (by recoil) the nicely-suspended particle. In certain positions two crystals of camphor will attract each other, whilst in other situations there is a mutual repulsion. It will sometimes hap- pen that two crystals of camphor may be thrown on the water and not have any tendency to locomotion. When this is the case, a continual trembling or vibration will be noticed in the crystal. When two such stationary vibrating crystals come in contact by attraction, immediate- ly an eccentric, irregular change of place occurs, as if the force agitat- ing each previous to the grouping, produced a new resultant force, in obedience to which the combined crystals move. As above stated, it is of essential importance that in separating and placing the camphor in water everything should be quite clean, and that the fingers should not touch the camphor in any stage. The reason of this is found in the circumstance that if camphor is actively moving on water, and the most minute particle of certain greasy sub- stances touch the water, instantaneously, as if by some magic, the cam- phor is deprived of all motion. The scene of previous activity is changed into immobility. This curious property has been made use of by Mr. Lightfoot to detect grease in quantities so extremely minute as would appear almost fabulous, for camphor cannot be made to rotate on water _ containing the most infinitesimal portion of grease. Mr. Lightfoot has NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 89 » . : made use of this test in a most ingenious manner, to distinguish be- tween the two different methods of dyeing cloth with madder and with garancine. It is difficult and often impossible for calico-printers and merchants to distinguish between the two; and as the garancine dye is more fugitive than the first, and also of less intrinsic worth, it is some- times substituted for it. There is however, a slight difference in the process of manufacture, — madder-dyed goods are, in one stage of the process, passed through a solution of soap to fix the color, whilst in garancine-dyed goods the soap is replaced by hypochlorite of lime. By proceeding as follows, it is easy to distinguish between the two kinds of dye: Let camphor rotate on water in any glass vessel, as previously described, then immerse a small strip of the cloth to be tested. If the rotation stops, we infer the presence of soap, and conclude it to have been dyed with madder. But if, on plunging in the small piece of cloth, the rotation is not stopped, we then arrive at the conclusion that garancine was the dyeing material used. In like manner the purity of water may also, to a certain extent, be tested by dropping a frag- ment of camphor upon its surface. CURIOUS ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA. Prof. Tyndall publishes the following account of some curious electrical phenomena observed by Mr. R. Watson, and a party of tourists in ascending a portion of the Jung frau Mountain in Switzer- land. Mr. W., in a letter to Prof. Tyndall says, On the 10th of July, 1863, I visited with a party of three, and two guides, the Col de la Jung frau. The early morning was bright, and gave promise of a fine day, but, as we approached the Col, clouds settled down upon it, and, on reaching it, we encountered so severe a storm of wind, snow, and hail, that we were unable to stay more than a few minutes. As we descended, the snow continued to fall so densely that we lost our way, and, for some time, we were wandering up the Lotsch Sattel. We had hardly discovered our mistake when a loud peal of thunder was heard, and shortly after, I observed that a strange singing sound, like that of a kettle, was issuing from my alpenstock. We halted, and, finding that all the axes and stocks emitted the same sound, stuck them into the snow. ‘The guide from the hotel now pulled off his cap, shouting that his head burned; and his hair was seen to have a similar appearance to that which it would have presented had he been on an insulated stool, under a powerful electrical machine. We all of us experienced the sensation of pricking or burning in some part of the body, more especially in the head and face, my hair also standing on end in an uncomfortable but very amusing manner. The snow gave out a hiss- ing, as though a heavy shower of hail were falling; the veil on the wide-awake of one of the party stood upright in the air, and on way- ing our hands, the singing sound issued loudly from the fingers. When- ever a peal of thunder was heard, the phenomena ceased, to be re- sumed before the echoes had died away. At these times, we felt shocks, more or less violent, in those portions of the body which were most affected. By one of these, my right arm was paralyzed so com- pletely that I could neither use nor. raise it for several minutes, and I suffered much pain in it at the shoulder-jomt for several hours. At half-past twelve, the clouds began to pass away and the phenomena g* 90 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. . © ; finally ceased, having lasted twenty-five minutes. We saw no light- ning, and were puzzled at first as to whether we should be afraid or amused. . INTERESTING ELECTRIC ILLUMINATION. Prof. W. B. Rogers communicates to Silliman’s Journal the follow- ing observations on a powerful electric illumination, exhibited in Bos- ton, August, 1863, by Mr. Ritchie, the well-known electrician, as a part of the display attendant on a public rejoicing. The battery in question, consisting of 250 Bunsen elements, having each an acting zine surface of about eighty-five inches, and grouped in five battalions of fifty each, was arranged’in the dome of the State House; and the carbon light, and the photometric apparatus prepared for the purpose were placed in line across the same apartment, commanding a range of fifty feet. Prof. Rogers says: — In view of the immense power of the light, as observed in the pre- vious experiment, I substituted for the 20-candle gas burner, used at that time as the standard of comparison, a unit ten times as great, formed by the flame of a kerosene lamp placed in the focus of a small parabolic reflector, and throwing its concentrated light on a photomet- ric screen of prepared paper fixed in front of it at the distance of five feet. Before the observation, the lamp and reflector were so adjusted as to make the light cast on the near side of the screen equivalent by measure to the action of 200 candles. This was done by the intervention of a kerosene lamp fitted up with a bridge of platinum wire for defining and restricting the height of the square flame. Such a lamp I find of frequent use in ordinary photome- try, as, when suitably adjusted, it gives the light of about eight stand- ard candles, and thus transfers the measurement in the photometer to the wider divisions of the scale. Being suspended in a balance of pe- culiar construction, its rate of consumption enables us to correct for any slight departure from the assigned illumination. The lamp thus regulated was placed with its flat flame twelve inches from the screen, while the lamp in the reflector was distant sixty inches, and the flame of the latter was adjusted until the effects on the screen were equalized. A platform supporting the standard lamp and screen at the assigned distance was arranged to slide on a horizontal graduated bar, extend- ing directly toward the carbon points so that the screen should receive the rays from the electric light and from the reflector perpendicularly on its opposite faces, In making the observations, the platform was moved to and fro until the illumination on the opposite sides of the screen was judged to be equal, and then the measured distances of the two antagonizing lights from the screen gave by easy computation their relative illuminating power. By a series of such observations, it was found that the carbon heght had a force varying from 52 to 61 times that of the lamp with reflector, making it equivalent in illuminating power to the action of from 10,000 to 12,000 standard sperm candles, pouring their light from the same distance upon the surface of the screen. This, it will be remembered, is the effect of the unaided carbon-light sending its rays equally in all directions from the luminous centre, and falls vastly short of the illumin- ating force of the cone of collected rays which was seen stretching, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 91 like the tail of a comet from the surface of the great reflector. Judging from some recent experiments on the power of such a reflector to aug- ment the intensity of the light emanating from its focus, there can be no doubt that, along the axes of the cone, when brought to its narrow- est limits, the illuminating force of the carbon light as displayed on the State House could be rivalled only by that of several millions of can- dles shining unitedly along the same line. In the above-described observations, a thick screen was necessary, on account of the great intensity of the lights to be antagonized. I need hardly say that the different color of the two lights added much to the difficulty of the measurements. But, by marking in each case the ex- treme limits on either side, it was practicable to adjust the screen pretty accurately to equality of illumination. The only previous experiment, of precisely the same kind, which I can recall is that of Bunsen, cited in the books, which was made with a battery of forty-eight elements. In this, the photometric equivalent of the carbon hght was estimated at 572 candles, or nearly twelve candles to the cell. My observations show a power more than three times as great, or about forty candles to the cell; a difference due no doubt largely to the more intensive battery at my disposal and the cumulative effect of its arrangement. I suspect, too, that the elements in Bunsen’s observation were of inferior size, but on this point I am without definite information. ELECTRICAL SUMMARY. Electric Express. —M. Bonelli, the Italian electrician, suggests a new application of electricity for the transmission of letters, light parcels, &e. 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In con udopt A raped rE into his pictures, n, give life and 0, and eves state of pt down ' y 116 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. those recently discovered; and he got up a petition, signed by a num- ber of artists, and presented either to or through the Lunar Society, entreating that the manufacture of these pictures might be stayed, as it would inevitably ruin the picture trade. A sort of foreman of Boul- ton’s, named Edginton, appears to have superintended the production of these pictures, if he did not actually discover the process by which the transfer to paper was done. Several of his letters are extant re- ferring to the subsequent coloring which some of the pictures under- went; none of them, however, afford any clew as to the original method of their production. But a little later, and after the alarm was taken by the artists, we find a talk of granting Edginton a government pen- sion. ‘This fell through because of a curious autograph letter of Mat- thew Boulton’s which has been fortunately found. In this letter, offi- cially addressed to the Minister, he claims for himself the discovery of the process on account of which Edginton’s annuity had been contem- plated ; he intimates his knowledge that the grant was only intended to insure the discontinuance of the process, suggests that he could ar- range this in a much more certain way, and concludes his letter with a strong hint that he is opem to be dealt with. Whatever ensued as the result of this letter, it seems very clear that the production of the pictures was thenceforward discontinued. Here the evidence comes to an end, so far as regards these curious paper pictures, and the silvered plates which the highest authorities re- fer to about the year 1791. In this same year, Thomas Wedgwood, son of the famous potter, was certainly at work on photography, as is shown by his bills and orders for apparatus and chemicals. At the meeting of the Photographic Society there was exhibited, side by side with the above-mentioned metal plates, a photograph of a neatly-laid breakfast-table taken upon paper by Wedewood, and the information about it tended to the conclusion that it also was done in the year 1791. Thus far, we have written the history of this curious discovery in ac- cordance with the evidence laid before the Photographic Society; but still there are many links wanting before it can be taken as proved that the pictures found at Soho were produced by photography. If it shall be shown that they were so produced, then it will also be established that at that time photographic feats were done which we cannot nowa- days accomplish. For it has been proved by chemical analysis that these pictures do not contain a trace of silver, and must therefore, if of photographic origin, have been produced by some process that has been lost to us. That an art promising such great results should have been suffered to die out, is in itself curious in these days of diffusion of knowledge; but still more remarkable is the double coincidence ex- isting between the independently produced metal and paper photo- graphs of Boulton and Wedgewood in 1791, and of Daguerre and Fox Talbot in 1839. LUNAR PHOTOGRAPHS. At a recent meeting of the New York Photographie Society, Octo- ber, 1863, Dr. Henry Draper gave an account of some extensive ar- rangements made by him for the photographic delineation of celestial objects, and of the results he had already attained to in this depart- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 117 ment of science. He stated, that in the autumn of 1858, he “ deter- mined to make the largest reflecting telescope in America. Its con- struction, together with the various improvements successively added, has occupied me up to the present time, — more than five years. The instrument, which is nearly sixteen inches in aperture and thirteen feet in focal length, was intended to be devoted to celestial photography, and consequently contains many novelties especially fitting 1t for that pur- pose. It has now the largest silvered-reflector of any instrument in the world except that in the Observatory at Paris.” ‘ The reflecting tele- scope,” said Dr. Draper, “is greatly superior to the achromatic for photographic purposes. In my instrument, a movement of the sensi- tive plate, one-hundredth of an inch on either side of the true focus, visibly injures the image. In the great achromatic at Cambridge, on the contrary, the position of the plate may be varied over an inch with- out any noticeable change. The difference is simply that, while by reflection the visual and chemical rays both converge to the same fo- cus, by refraction they do not. A sensitive plate, put where the eye sees the image sharply, produces a fine result in a reflecting telescope, but does not in an achromatic. Besides this, more light is reflected by a large silver mirror than an achromatic of equal size can transmit. “ At first, I used speculum metal for my mirrors, but abandoned it at Sir John Herschell’s suggestion in favor of silvered glass, the reflect- ing power of the latter being ninety-three per cent., while that of the former is at the best but seventy-five per cent. A large achromatic only transmits about seventy-five per cent. The glass mirror, too, weighs not more than one-eighth as much as the metal one, the one weighing sixteen pounds, the other one hundred and twenty-eight pounds. It is also greatly more permanent; for if the silver coating which covers the glass concave should by chance be injured, it can be dissolved off easily with nitric acid, and the mirror re-silvered in an af- ternoon ; and this may be repeated indefinitely. A person making such a silvered glass reflector is content to take the greatest pains to produce a glass concave of the utmost perfection; for when once it is obtained it need never be lost. The thin sheet of silver deposited upon it, only one two-hundred thousandth of an inch thick, copies with the last de- gree of accuracy the glass beneath, and does not modify the figure of the surface, but only increases the reflecting power from two or three per cent. up to more than ninety. This silver coating is transparent, and shows bright objects, such as the sun, of a light blue tint by trans- mitted light. | “ As regards the degree of excellence that can be reached by such telescopes, I can only say that mine can show every object that other instruments of similar size do, and more too. I can see the 18th mag- nitude pair near 8 Capricorni, discovered by Herschell’s eighteen and a half inch speculum ; and in tests for sharpness of definition, it will sep- arate the blue component of Andromeda with a power of four hun- dred, and the instrument, on a favorable night, will bear three times that power. It must not be supposed, however, that so excellent a re- sult was obtained without labor. I have ground and polished more than a hundred mirrors, of sizes varying from nineteen inches to one- quarter of an inch in diameter. “The mirror is sustained in a walnut tube hooped with brass and 118 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. supported in a frame which holds the tube at both ends. This is to avoid the tremulous motions so common in large instruments. The eye- piece, or, what is the same thing, the place of the photographic plate, is stationary at all altitudes, and an observer has never to strain him- self by awkward positions, but always looks straight forward. When photographs of the moon are taken, the telescope is not driven by clock- work, but is allowed to come to rest completely. The sensitive-plate alone is moved in a direction and at a rate to correspond with the moon’s motion. The difference is, that instead of having to carry more than half a ton, the clock has only one ounce to move. Of course, there is no comparison between the precision of movement possible in the two cases. “The observatory where the above-described instrument is erected, is at Hastings, Westchester County, N. Y., and is a building twenty feet square and twenty-two feet high, and is one-half excavated out of the solid rock, so as to keep the reflector at a uniform low temperature, and at the same time give steadiness and immobility to the telescope. It stands on a hill two hundred and fifty feet above the level of the sea. ‘I'he photographic laboratory is attached to the observatory on the western side, only a few feet intervening between the telescope and developing sink. It contains all the requisite conveniences for taking photographs up to three feet in diameter, and is furnished with a tank which holds a ton of rain-water. This supply is procured from the roof of the buildings, which are on this account painted with a stone paint so as not to contaminate the water. “ This instrument,” said Dr. Draper, “has been in working order for eighteen months, but a large part of the time has been unused be- cause of my absence with the Twelfth Regiment in Virginia, and on ac- count of professional duties. I have, however, taken some fine photo- graphs during the past summer. Some changes have been made in the photographic processes commonly used, in order to fit the pictures for bearing high magnifying powers. I have negatives which can be enlarged by a power of thirty-two without showing granulation or other defects to an offensive degree. The photograph which I show you to- night is nearly two feet in diameter, and is magnified to two hundred and ten times the size of the moon, as seen by the naked eye. I have now another, however, still larger in my observatory, — nearly three feet in diameter, — made under a power of three hundred and twenty. It represents the moon on a scale of seventy miles to the inch. In the picture before you, attention should be directed particularly to the Ap- ennine Range, Copernicus, with his reflecting streams, the great groove from Tycho, the numerous craters, with an internal cone, the irregu- larities visible in the bottom of the Mare Imbrium. But it is useless to particularize; there is an almost inexhaustible supply of objects for study and admiration. “The Society will see that, although celestial photography may be, as yet, only in its infancy, it is rapidly advancing. Every day is giving origin to improvements, and even now the limit of size in these pictures is rather owing to the great expense and difficulty of working such enormous plates than to any intrinsic defect of the images to be copied.” Upon the conclusion of his paper, Dr. Draper exhibited a photo- graphic view of the moon’s surface, the singular distinctness and beauty / NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 119 of which took the audience quite by surprise. It was a view of the moon when about half full, and presented a semicircle of nearly two feet in diameter. The whole of this surface was pictured with great vividness, covered with long ranges of mountains, or dotted with huge voleanic summits into the depths of which one could look down. From one of these central points, the lava streams could be traced for some eight inches, which, as an inch in length in the picture corresponds to a hundred miles upon the moon’s surface, afforded ocular evidence of volcanic agency through a line of eight hundred miles. From another, vast fissures were seen to radiate, which displayed evidence of convul- sions reaching through an area of half that diameter. When it is con- sidered that the largest photographs hitherto obtained of the moon are not more than from four to six inches in diameter, it will be perceived how great a triumph has been achieved by the science and skill which have been requisite for so great an improvement as a picture of twenty- two inches across. Foreign Lunar Photographs. — Mr. De la Rue, of London, who has long been successfully experimenting in lunar photographs, has also recently succeeded in obtaining two of these images of our satellite, 39 inches (34 feet) in diameter, which he has exhibited to the French Academy. THE DIOPTRIC AND ACTINIC QUALITIES OF THE ATMOSPHERE AT HIGH ELEVATIONS. In a paper on the above subject, read before the British Association, 1863, by Professor Piazzi Smyth, he stated, that the chief object of the astronomical experiment on the Peak of Teneriffe in 1856 was to as- certain the degree of improvement of telescopic vision, when both tele- scope and observer were raised some two miles vertically in the air. Distinct accounts have, therefore, already been rendered as to the ma- jority of clouds being found far below the observer at that height, and to the air there being dry, and in so steady a state and homogeneous a condition, that stars, when viewed in a powerful telescope with a high magnifying power, almost always presented clear and well-defined mi- nute discs, surrounded with regularly-formed rings, — a state of things which is the very rare exception at our observatories near the sea-level. Quite recently, however, the author had been engaged in magnifying some of the photographs which he took in Teneriffe in-1856, at various elevations, and he finds in them an effect depending on height, which adds a remarkably independent confirmation to his conclusions from direct telescopic observations. The nature of the proof is on this wise : at or near the sea-level a photograph could never be made to show the detail on the side of a distant hill, no matter how marked the detail might really be by rocks and cliffs illuminated by strong sunlight ; even the application of a microscope brought out no other feature than one broad, faint, and nearly-uniform tint. But on applying the microscope to photographs of distant hills taken at a high level in the atmosphere, an abundance of minute detail appeared, and each little separate “ re- tama” bush could be distinguished on a hill-side four and a half miles from the camera. Specimens of these photographs thus magnified have been introduced into the newly-published volume of the Edinburgh Astronomical Observations. 120 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. HELIOCHROMY. It is well known that M. Niepce Saint-Victor of Paris, has for aleng time occupied himself with the very interesting subject of the repro- duction of colors by photography. Some time since he announced to the scientific world his success in obtaining red, blue, and green; but, at the same time, he confessed:that to obtain a yellow tint in combina- tion with others was a matter of extreme difficulty, if not, at that time, _practically impossible to him. Of course, there was nothing at all sur- prising in this, as every one knows that yellow is most troublesome even in ordinary photography. Within the past year, however, he has an- nounced to the French Academy, that he has at last succeeded in re- producing yellow tints by preparing his silver plates in a bath composed of hyperchloride of soda instead of potash, and he produced specimens which are said to hold out great expectation of complete success. He has not yet, however, succeeded in absolutely fixing the colors; they remain perfect so long as the plate is kept in the dark, but soon disap- pear when exposed to the light. But in this respect, also, M. Niepce has made important progress; for, by the application of gum benjamin as a varnish to the plate, he has managed to retair the colors for three or four days even when exposed to the full glare of a July sun. The recent memoir read before the Academy by M. Niepce contains much interesting: matter. Amongst other things, he has discovered that all ‘compound colors are decomposed by the heliochromie process. The examples given are highly interesting, — for instance, if a natural green, such as that of the emerald, of arsenite of copper, of oxide of chromium, sulphate of nickel, or carbonate of copper, be presented, it is repro- duced on the plate; but, if the green be a compound formed, for in- stance, of chrome yellow and Prussian blue, that of a textile fabric dyed with a mixture of the two latter colors, or that produced on glass in a similar manner, it produces a blue color in whatever manner it 1s treated. Moreover, when transparent blue and yellow glasses are used, so as to produce a green, it matters not whether the blue be before-or behind or placed between two glasses of the other color, the effect is invari- ably the same ; no matter how long they are exposed to the light, the product is always blue. An orange effect produced by the combination of red and yellow glasses produces invariably red. A red and blue glass together produce at first a violet, because the plate itself is red ; but the result is ~blue. White paper colored green by means of the recently-discovered Chinese green, made from the juice of the buck- thorn, has but a sluggish action upon the heliochromic plate ; but, after a long exposure to the light, a blue-gray is produced ; and the same ef- fect is obtained from foliage of a grass-green color in the camera; but bluish-green foliage, such as that of the leaves of the dahlia, produces a tint that is almost positive blue. The eye of a peacock’s feather is well rendered in the camera, the tints appearing to vary between blue and green. Apart from photographic purposes, the experiments of M. Niepce Saint- Victor promise to be of considerable assistance in the analysis of the solar spectrum, for it is evident that his attempts to fix the colors of nature on a heliochromic plate go far to confirm the new theory which recognizes the existence of three, but not of the seven primitive colors; namely, violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 121 NOVELTIES IN PHOTOGRAPHY. Permanency of Photographs. —The Paris correspondent of The Photographic News (London) states that, at a late meeting of the Paris Photographic Society, M. Davanne presented two photographic pic- tures, on paper, which had been submitted to the test of exposure in two exhibitions (1861 and 1862), and which showed no signs of fading or alteration whatever. This, then, may be accepted as a satisfactory proof that photographs, when carefully prepared, are permanent ; for the pictures in question were submitted to the severest test to which photographs are ever likely to be exposed, the conditions being every variation of light, heat, moisture, etc., and they remain as fresh ayd pure as at first. It was also remarked that photographs are more lable to change when kept in a portfolio than under glass exposed to luminous action. A sulphurized proof, if kept in a perfectly dry place, remains for a very long time without exhibiting any signs of alteration, while in a damp place, change is immediately evident. Thus, a photograph carefully framed is much better sheltered from humidity than when kept in a portfolio. Photographic Engraving. — The London Atheneum, under date of November 14th, 1863, states that it has recently seen a beautiful speci- men of photoglyphic engraving on steel,—ain other words, a photo- araphic picture on steel, — effected solely by the agency of light acting on certain chemicals. The specimen (it is stated by Mr. Fox Talbot) is quite untouched. It represents an exquisite scene in Java, — a ra- vine and rivulet fringed with banana-trees. Not the least wonderful circumstance connected with it is, that at least 5,000 copies can be taken before the plate deteriorates. Such a result, after somany years of labor, must be, for Mr. Fox Talbot, a genuine triumph. New Photographic Fixing Agent. — To fix photographic pictures, a solution of the hyposulphite of soda has been the common agent em- ployed. In this, the picture is treated, and is thus prevented from changing. The London Photographic News asserts that the days of this agent in photography are numbered, and that sulphocyanide of ammonium will take its place as a superior agent, by the use of which a faded positive picture will be unknown. The original source of the cyanide of ammonium is the thick, tarry liquid remaining after the separation of the free ammonia from gas liquor: this has long been known to contain large quantities of sulphocyanide of ammonium, but hitherto all attempts to separate it from the impurities which accom- pany it have failed. Photo-Lithography. — A communication has been recently made to the French Academy, by M. Morvan, in which he describes a new method for obtaining photographic impressions upon stone, and which he can afterward print off. He first applies a coating, in the dark, of a varnish composed of albumen and bichromate of ammonia. Upon this he lays the right side of the image to be reproduced, whether it be on glass, canvas, or paper, provided it be somewhat transparent. This done, he exposes the whole to the action of light for a space of time, varying be- tween thirty seconds and three minutes, if in the sun, and between ten and twenty-five minutes, ifin the shade. He then takes off the original 11 124 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. > to the water, and in a few minutes we saw the delicate transparent film separated from the paper, and floating in the water. After rinsing, we placed a piece of white enamel glass underneath the floating film, and by a little careful management lifted it from the water uninjured, and stretched flat upon the glass, where it dried, smooth, bright, and firm. We now exposed a couple more, and printed until the image was com- pletely buried ; after which, before toning, we trimmed the print to the shape we desired, as we found it was a difficult thing to shape the film when once detached from the paper. We toned this time in a bath containing a little carbonate of soda, and we observed in the subse- quent rinsing that the blisters began to rise; these increased in the hypo bath, and in the course of the subsequent washings, the film read- ily separated and floated away from the paper. A subsequent couple were toned in the lime-bath, washed, and fixed. ‘These also separated in the subsequent washing without any trouble; but a longer time was necessary, some hours elapsing before the film of albumen was quite detached. The attenuated film, as delicate as the wing of the smallest fly, at first sight seems quite unmanageable, curling, twisting, and fold- ing itself with the slightest disturbance of the water ; and if the object on which it is to be placed be brought under it, and both lifted out of the water without proper precaution, it will probably be found to have run up together into a shapeless mass, apparently beyond remedy. If it be carefully returned to the water, the probability is that it will gradually float straight out again, and present itself quite uninjured. A little care and patience will be required. The variety of ornamen- tal purposes for such transfers will readily suggest themselves. When transferred to plain white enamel glass, the pictures acquire not only a beauty as transparencies, but also as positives, which they did not pos- sess before. ‘The pure white and fine surface seems to impart a won- drous charm of delicacy and brilliancy altogether unexpected, which, for locket and brooch portraits, will possess especial value. It is prob- able that the film so transferred to ivory will be of value to the minia- ture painter. As ornaments for vases of opal glass, etc., many very beautiful effects may be produced. ~ In the art of diaphanie, and as an adjunct to the now fashionable art of decaleomanie, it will probably be found useful; and in a variety of ways which do not now occur to us. At present, the only protection is a hard varnish, but it is possible that by the use of an enamel powder fusing at a low temperature, a vitre- ous surface might be secured.” A NEW KIND OF MINIATURE POSSESSING APPARENT SOLIDITY BY MEANS OF A COMBINATION OF PRISMS. A very ingenious and beautiful application of optical principles to the mounting of photographic miniatures has been recently made by Mr. Henry Swan, photographic artist of London. The effect of the new process is to exhibit the subject of the portraiture with life-like verisimilitude, and in natural relief, the image being apparently imbed- ded in the thickness of a small inclosed block of glass or crystal, there- by defining form and expression with a degree of accuracy unattaina- ble in a flat portrait. The projection of the nose, the moulding of the lips, and all the gradations of contour, are as distinct as if an able sculptor had exercised his skill; while the hair and the flesh are of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 125 their proper tint, and the whole thing has a singularly vital and comfort- able look. Indeed, were it not for the reduction in size, it would be difficult to avoid the belief that an actual man or woman, in ordinary dress, and with characteristic expression, was presented to your eye. This curious and beautiful effect is produced by a new application of the principles of binocular vision employed in the ordinary stereo- scope. ‘T'wo portraits (taken at an angle suitable for the effect intend- ed) are produced by the ordinary photographic means. To effect the combination of these, the block of glass or quadrangular prism, in the interior of which the solid image is to appear, is composed of two rect- angular prisms ground to an angle of ahout 39° or 40°. These are placed together so as to form one solid quadrangular prism, divided lengthwise by athin film of air. If one of the pictures be now placed at the back of this combination, and the other picture at the side, on attempting to look through the combination the two images will be su- perposed on each other (forming one solid image, apparently imbedded in the crystal), all the rays which fall on one side of a line perpendicu- lar to the surface of the prism next the eye suffexéng total reflection at the inner oblique surface of that prism, while nearly all those rays which fall on the other side of this line will be transmitted, unaltered in direction, through the body of the combination. Thus one of the eyes only perceives the object at the back at the prisms, while to the other eye the picture at the side is alone visible, and that lying appar- ently at the back also, producing the perfect appearance of solidity. It is evident that, to produce these results, care must be taken, not only that the pictures are not misplaced so as to produce the pseudo- scopic effect, but also that the picture which suffers reflection shall be reverted to compensate for the reversion occasioned in reflection. All these portraits are viewed as transparencies; the photographs being printed from ordinary negatives on small mica plates which are affixed to the prisms. THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT AND THE SUN’S DISTANCE. From an article contributed to the American Journal of Science (Sept. 1863), by Prof. Lovering, of Cambridge, we derived the following in- teresting memoranda respecting the above subjects: Four methods have been devised for determining the velocity of light, two of which may be termed astronomical and two experimental. The results ob- tained from these determinations, although agreeing so essentially as to prove their comparative accuracy, yet differ slightly among themselves to an annoying and at present inexplicable extent. The first discov- ered method for obtaining the velocity of light, was by observations on the eclipses of Jupiter’s Satellites, and the result obtained was 193,- 350 statute miles per second. The second process which astronomy has supplied is through observations on the aberration of light, and the result obtained gives 191,513 miles as the velocity of light per sec- ond. The determination of the velocity of light, by the two methods of astronomy, differ therefore by 1837 miles; a small quantity compar- atively, being only 1 per cent. of the whole velocity. It should be also stated that the velocity which aberration ascribes to light belongs to it at the earth’s surface; that is, in the dense atmosphere ; whereas the velocity discovered from the eclipses is that which extends from the 11* 126 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. planetary spaces. This distinction, however, will do little toward bringing the two results into greater accordance, as the theoretical dif- ference of velocities is less than 3,/,, of the whole, or less than 70 miles. Compare with these conclusions of astronomy two experimental re- sults on the same subject. The first attempt to obtain the velocity of light, by direct experiment and test, was made by the eminent, 'rench physicist, Fizeau, in 1849. The plan adopted by him for resolving this abstruse problem will be readily understood from the following description. If a wheel finely cut into teeth on its circumference is put in rapid rotation, a ray of light, which escapes between two con- secutive teeth, will, after being reflected perpendicularly by a mirror, return to strike the wheel at a different point, and either be intercept- ed by a tooth or admitted at another interstice. Suppose the velocity of the wheel just sufficient to bring the adjacent tooth to the position whence the ray first started, in the time which the light occupies in going to the mirror and returning. In this time the wheel has moved over an angle found by dividing 360° by twice the number of teeth which the wheel contains. Therefore the time taken by light, in go- ing over a line equal to twice the distance of the mirror, is that portion a second found by dividing unity by the product of the number of turns the wheel makes in a second, multiplied by double the number of teeth on the wheel; the velocity of the wheel being first made the smallest which will cause it to intercept the light. Such an experi- ment was made in 1849, by Fizeau, the wheel being placed in a tower ‘ at Suresne, near Paris, and the mirror upon a hill (Montmartre) at the distance of 8633 metres. As the wheel contained 720 teeth, and the and return. Hence its velocity was 313,274,304 metres, or 194,667 tiles a second. . Since then, M. Foucault bas successfully achieved the measurement of the absolute velocity of light by an experiment which admits of be- ing brought within the compass of a single room. The apparatus em- ployed by him embodied substantially the principle of Fizeau’s appa- ratus, but was much more complicated, and so accurately devised that Foucault states that the mean result of his experiments can be trusted to the fraction of <4;. This result gives for the velocity of light 185,- 177 statute miles per second; which is less by 6336 miles than the ve- locity for light usually admitted into science, namely, the velocity ob- tained from the aberration of light. This discrepancy between the re- sults of experiment and that of the astronomical determination, which comes nearest to it, is three times greater than the variation between the velocity deduced from aberration and that derived from eclipses. Now, neither the velocity by Foucault’s experiment nor the value of aberra- tion can be charged with a possible error of three per cent., or of any error approaching to this large discrepancy; and the question arises, how is the new velocity of light obtained by Foucault to be reconciled with the old value of aberration? It should be stated that aberration establishes only the ratio between the velocity of light and the velocity of the earth; but this ratio being established, the astronomer is enabled to assign the value of the one with all the accuracy which pertains to his knowledge of the other. Now if this ratio cannot be tampered with, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 125 and if one term of it (the velocity of light) must be diminished three per cent. to’suit Foucault’s experiment, then we must at the same time diminish the other term (the velocity of the earth) proportionally ; and the old ratio will be preserved, and the value of aberration will be left unchanged. Is it possible, therefore, that there can be an uncer- tainty to the extent of three per cent. in the velocity of the earth? If so, the tables are turned ; and, instead of employing the ratio which aberration supplies to calculate the velocity of light from the velocity of the earth, as the best known of the two, we henceforth must calcu- late the velocity of the earth from the velocity of light. For Foucault has found the latter by experiment more accurately than astronomy gives the former. If there is an error of three per cent. in the velocity of the earth, it is an error in space and not in time. To diminish the velocity of the earth sufficiently by a change of time would demand an increase in the length of the year amounting to eleven days nearly. The only other way of reaching the velocity of the earth is by dimin- ishing the circumference of the earth’s orbit, and this, if diminished, changes proportionally the mean radius of the orbit; that is, the sun’s mean distance. The question, therefore, resolves itself into this: Can the distance of the sun from the earth be considered uncertain to the extent of three per cent. of the whole distance ? The answer to this question leads to a discussion of the processes by which the sun’s distance from the earth has been determined, and the limits of accuracy which belong to the received value. ‘To know the sun’s distance, the astronomer studies the solar parallax, which is the angle between the directions in which two astronomers, located at op- posite extremities of the earth’s diameter, point their telescopes when - they are looking at the sun at the same moment. As Kepler’s third law establishes a relation between the distances of the different planets from the sun, and their periods of revolution, if thg astronomer finds either distance by observation, the others can be com- puted from this law. As the solar parallax is only about eight seconds, and an error of one-tenth of a second includes an error of more than a million of miles in the sun’s distance, he takes advantage of the law of Kepler, and selects a planet which comes occasionally nearer to the earth than the sun. The choice lies between Venus at inferior con- junction and Mars at opposition. What are the results which have been obtained ? 1. Only two transits of Venus have occurred since the time when the sagacious Dr. Halley invoked the attention of posterity to these rare, astronomical events, as pregnant with the grandest results to science, namely those of 1761 and 1769. The astronomers of the last century did not neglect the charge which Halley consigned to them. The transit of 1769 was eminently favorable, offering a chance which comes only once in a millennium; and whatever verdict posterity shall pronounce on the deductions from the observations then made, they will never, says Encke, reproach astronomers or governments with neg- ligence or want of appreciation toward this golden opportunity. The solar parallax which Encke deduced from an elaborate discussion of all the observations, fifty years after they were made, is 8.57116. This corresponds to a solar distance of 95,360,000 statute miles. Although transits of Venus will take place in 1874 and 1882, and 128 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. astronomers already begin to talk of preparing for them, Encke declares that, in comparison with that of 1769, the next two transits will be so unfavorable that nothing short of perfection in the construction of in- struments, and in the art of observing, can compensate for the natural disadvantage ; so that the reduction of the possible error in the sun’s arallax within the limit of one-hundredth of a second is hopeless for at east two centuries more. 2. The solar parallax may also be derived from the parallax of Mars, when this planet is in opposition. In 1740, the French astronomer, Lacaille, was sent to the Cape of Good Hope, and from the parallactie angle observed between the direction of Mars as seen from that station and from the observatory of Paris (deduced from observations of decli- nation), the horizontal parallax of Mars was computed, and consequent- ly that of the sun. The solar parallax thus found was 10/ .20, with a possible error not exceeding 0/!.55. Henderson, by comparing his own observations of the declination of Mars at its opposition in 1832 with corresponding observations at Greenwich, Cambridge, and Altona, computed the solar parallax at 9//.028. The United States Naval Astronomical expedition to Chili, under the charge of Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, during the years 1849-1852, had for its object the advancement of our knowledge of the solar parallax, partly by observations of Mars at opposition, and partly by observations of Venus during the retrograde portion of her orbit, and especially at the stationary points, in conformity with a method suggested by Dr. Gerling; the whole to be compared with simultaneous observations at northern observatories. Although the observations at Chili were made on two hundred and seventeen nights, covering a period of nearly three years, the cooperation of northern astronomers was so insufficient that only twenty-eight corresponding observations were made. On this ac- €ount, the second conjunction of Venus was useless : the other conjunc- tion of Venus and the second opposition of Mars were of little value ; and even the first opposition of Mars led to no significant result. Dr. B. A. Gould has computed the solar parallax from the first opposition of Mars, observed at Chili, at 8//.50. 3. The solar parallax can also be computed from the law of univer- sal gravitation. The principle may be thus stated: the motion of the moon round the earth is disturbed by the unequal attraction of the sun on the two bodies. The magnitude of the disturbance will be in some proportion to the distance of the disturber, when compared with the rel- ative distance of the two disturbed bodies; and this ratio of distances is the inverse ratio of the parallaxes of the sun and moon. By selecting one of the perturbations in the moon’s longitude, particularly adapted to this purpose, Mayer, as early as 1760, computed the solar parallax at 7/'.8. In 1824, Burg calculated this parallax, from better observa- tions, at 8//.62. Laplace gives it at 8/'.61. Fontenelle had said that Newton, without getting out of his arm-chair, found the figure of the earth more accurately than others had done by going to the ends of the earth. Laplace makes a similar reflection on this new triumph of theory : “Tt is wonderful that an astronomer, without going out of his observa- tory, should be able to determine exactly the size and figure of the earth, and its distance from the sun and moon, simply by comparing his observations with analysis, the knowledge of which formerly demanded NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 129 * long and laborious voyages into both hemispheres.” The accordance of the results obtained by the two methods is gne of the most striking proofs of universal gravitation. Pontecoulant makes the solar parallax, by this method, 8/'.63. Lubboch, by combining Airy’s empirical deter- mination of the coefficient with the mass of the moon, as he finds it from the tides (viz., 4,) makes the solar parallax 8/’.84. If the mass of 4 is substituted, the parallax is changed to 8//.81. Finally Hansen, in his new Tables of the Moon, adopts 8/!.8762 as the value of the solar parallax. Moreover, Leverrier, in his Theory of the apparent motion of the Sun, deduces a solar parallax of 8/’.95 from the phenomena of precession and nutation. The conclusions of this review are summed up in the following table ; in which the values of the solar parallax and of the sun’s distance, by the three methods of astronomy, and by the experiment of Foucault, are placed in juxtaposition; also the different velocities of light found by astronomical observations and by experiment. Observer or Method. Parallax. Distance. Computer. Encke, By Venus (1761), 8/753 95141830 miles Encke, os Soe (1769); 8 .59 95820610 Lacaille, By Mars, 10 .20 76927900 Henderson, ee a 9 .03 90164110 Gilliss and Gould, se ¥ 8 .50 96160000 Mayer, s By Moon, 7 .80 104079100 urg, bee ares 8 .62 94802440 Laplace, se * 8 .61 94915970 Pontecoulant, se o 8 .63 94689710 Lubboch, tc tt 8 .84 92313580 es ec s 8 .81 92652970 Hansen, J as 8 .88 91861060 Leverrier, 2 rs 8 .95 91066350 Foucault, By Light, 8 .86 9208734 Fizeau, ss S 8 .d1 9511700 Velocity of Light, By Eclipses, 193350 s & ‘© Aberration, 191513 4: cS ‘¢ Fizeau’s experiment, 194667 + ee ‘“ Foucault’s experiment, 185177 The three astronomical methods present solar distances, which, even if we select the most trustworthy decision of each, differ by three or four millions of miles; that is, by three or four per cent. of the whole quantity. Though the best products of the first and third methods were at one time within a million of miles of each other, an increase of lunar observations, and especially improvements in the lunar: tables, have now carried that difference up to four millions of miles. If Fou- cault’s experiment were allowed to give the casting vote, it would de- cide in favor of the third method; thus making the reflection of La- place, already quoted, still more memorable. In regard to the commonly receivéd distance of the sun, which is based upon Encke’s profound discussion of all the observations made at the last two transits of Venus, the case stands thus: Encke decides, from the weights of the observations, discussed in the light of the math- ematical principle of least squares, that the probable error of the sun’s distance, as given by the transits, does not exceed 3}, of the whole [Ae eee seer ee, , et ca ene CE etree. tntetninn » ee oe COOP Ge weet tee vote oil ( elegy Go f cream @ he caneane pe Fee Ge ee Fermin com cmpe meine bor the aatoral — & tee Ne eee ten Gee gamete comme oo the ns ee ae ee eT oY 5 > —— @ 6 owen’ » bh pekem be at ct ements cemet etem er Aetennd fom the pamalian of Mars, — ae ee & we reece = be 08 Ge Prenet mtreeemer eth. wet ee hee Cg Corned Pepe, ened fm the pee : tec : atawe 0G Wee oweree (ftee Cleew terme v Wouer 2 meet fem Ubet Catan — Gee we Sf Pere fen ee team cheers ane of der b- — emia pervlies & Wee @ee angie! gl emennent- eee tee | Die eter pereilins Ge Grend oe 1 otha > = * —, ee | ’ - err) ae >~ © etree" tar bee own oe «a 8 Ge Ge Liecewtesee Wee @ & eprereocn 2& jan? with el ie 2 cee, Cerrar eet Aon. et lle am ae FF _/ a ee ee r1sehttem © (Nek omder all J izaaww # Cite Gey Be reer shes.280¢. had = = te af ote or ium eenget — oe ae peuraiar, “ay fF etme Wier OH ver trerans arte eed crete be cfeee afore es fee etter per’ e — 2 2. coger! 5 al wan =e maw eo tf 6 aver here? eurresterd O¢ Lr. ~— owe t meet ot deameiiteneun (Corr worms at Peewee wf bt Sere gas S- . wre as! ewes eye waren © pers! ¢ erasth three ee ee matty wnt that hamden ern tule «I thes a tone @@2 cerieee ©“ heer compan ° (oo = exo vemed cpreereanstern é tae we of Wake valor ; .. aoe wetten of Bare et & se putenet cout, § Dr. te ater gaiiag fem Oe dove cp gemetcd oot - et eee t bs bevmngs M0 to neem o ouwe ad . ee et se ed ete perer “Ferre ” . » -_ wumnnreeteed naa owt & wer . 7 we ceeeattnnn cme see he compart eam thee bnw of ev \ ws oe Thee vereee te aa Se ie a htt ee Oo po neeng rate! pore tom of the san . a Te ong & Ge Gutartaare et tom compared Phe thr astro Alt we sciect the most (rye four milhons of miles; quantity. Though were at one time lunar observation have now carned coult’s experi ode wm favor cf place, alreag’ In regal based the 132 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. been made to ascertain what substance allowed them to pass most freely. The principal results attained to were as follows : — Of the solids experimented with, rock-crystal, ice, rock-salt, iceland spar, and the diamond, in the order named, exhibited the greatest photo- graphic transparency ; while thin glass, mica, iodide of potassium, and nitrate of potash, considerably affected the transmission of the photo- graphic rays. The photographic transparency of different liquids may be indicated as follows: water, 74; alcohol, 63 ; chloroform, 26; oil of turpentine, 8; of gases, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbonie acid, -have a photographic transparency indicated by the number 74; coal gas, 37; sulphurous acid, and sulphuretted hydrogen, 14 each. This remarkable fact was also noticed, namely, that solid bodies, when dis- solved or melted, maintain exactly the same photographic transparency as when in the solid state. The same was the case when they were converted into vapor, which showed that this power was part of the nature of the substance. The lecturer then described the phenomenon of fluorescence, and showed that the chemical rays of the spectrum corresponded with the rays of fluorescence, by taking a photograph in that part of the spec- trum which, though otherwise invisible on the screen, lighted up a so- lution of esculine. He then showed -that all metals give characteristic photographic spectra, some of them bearing a strong family resemblance to each other, as in the cases of iron, cobalt, and nickel ; the last metal giving one of the longest spectra observed, and which extended to 190° of the scale. Arsenic, antimony, and tin showed as great differences in the invisible as visible part of the spectrum. ‘The most interesting of the metals to study, in this respect, was magnesium, which opened a wide field for investigation. There were certain points of resemblance between the spectrum of magnesium and that of the sun, which led to the supposition that this metal existed in the solar atmosphere. The comparison of the spectrum of magnesium with that of the sun led also to some important considerations as to the temperature of the sun. It was known that the higher the temperature the more refrangible were the rays of light emitted by a body. We have no conception of the temperature of the electric spark. The heat of the strongest wind-fur- nace was estimated at 4500° F., and that of the oxy-hydrogen jet was supposed not to exceed 15,000° F.; yet with neither of these could the same effects be produced as with the electric spark. The lines of the puotographic spectrum of magnesium were not seen in photographs of the solar spectrum, and yet there was no doubt that this metal was present in the solar atmosphere. Karchoff, had discovered that. solids, when heated, give a continuous spectrum, but that bodies in the form of gas give rays of definite and limited refrangibility, each substance emitting licht of a definite property. He had also noticed that hght from a luminous mass, by passing through ignited vapor, which, per se, would give bright lines in the spectrum, became furrowed out in dark bands, occupying exactly the same position in the spectrum as_ the bright lines. Now, ignited magnesium vapor emitted green rays which were absolutely identical with the group of fixed lines } in the solar spectrum, and it was, therefore, certain that magnesium was a constitu- ent of the sun. It was, moreover, probable that the heat of the sun was inferior to that of the electric spark, inasmuch as it was insufficient NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 138 to bring out the highly refrangible lines observed in photographs of the magnesium spectrum. There were thirteen bodies known on earth, which these researches lead us to suppose existed in the solar atmosphere. Nor are they lim- ited merely to the sun. Fraiinhofer, had examined the spectra of sev- eral stars, and found that, although they presented no similarity to that of the sun, nor to each other, yet that some general relationship between them was observable. Mr. Huggins and the lecturer had recently been investigating this subject, and had obtained very perfect maps of the visible spectra of several stars. They had also obtained a photo- graph of the spectrum of Sirius. This star is 130,000,000,000 of miles distant, and the light which produced the photograph must have left it twenty-one years ago. A photograph of the spectrum of Capella, which is three times further distant than Sirius, had also been obtained, the light to produce which, the lecturer said, must have left that star when the oldest in the room was a little boy. Spectrum Analysis applied to the Stars. —In a communication published in the Intellectual Observer (London), by Mr. W. Higgins F. R. 8. who was associated with Prof. Miller in the foregoing de- scribed investigations, the author speaks more particularly respecting the results arrived at in respect to the spectra of the fixed stars. He says, “ A single glance at the spectra afforded by Sirius, .Aldebaran, and a@ Orionis, will show that the fixed stars have been created upon the same general plan as our sun, and yet that to this unity of plan is added variety of purpose in the different groupings of the elements composing each. In Aldebaran, a Orionis, Capella, Arcturus and oth- er stars, the sodium line of the solar spectrum is so clearly defined, that the proof of the presence of this metal in the stellar atmospheres may be considered as conclusive. Amongst some fifty stars observed, a very large number, if not all, have lines coinciding with those proved to re- sult from the presence of hydrogen. This would show that hydrogen — the element upon this earth, next to oxygen, perhaps, the most wide- ly present, and equally essential with oxygen to the structure of every- thing that has life — is also very widely diffused through the universe. Magnesium and iron would seem to be present in a large number of stars.” Mr. Higgins and Prof. Miller considered the direct observation of the coincidence of stellar with metallic lines so important that they intend not to rely upon measures, but to compare the metals directly with the stars. ‘This has already been done with some metals. Most of the star spectra appear to be as full of lines as is the solar spectrum. Other lines have been seen in Sirius, in the orange and in the green. If these distant suns have thus an analogous constitution with our sun, may we not suppose that the planets, which, doubtless, they uphold and energize, are of like material structure? And if terrestrial ele- ments, with their properties unchanged, be present, may we not fur- ther surmise, that life in forms not wholly dissimilar to those on this planet, and which these elements are so ¢minently adapted to subserve, may not be wanting? ‘The spectrum of solar light reflected from the planets has also been observed. Numerous lines have been measured in the spectra of Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon. They have also been “42 a 134 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. recognized in Saturn and Mars. No addition or change of lines has been seen to indicate that the light has undergone any change by re- flection from them. It is probable that, with the exception of the moon, we receive the light reflected from clouds or vapor in the at- mosphere of the planets, and not from the true planetary surface. ‘The light would not, under these circumstances, pass through so great a length of planetary atmosphere, and in the same proportion would it be less liable to have any modification impressed upon it. At a recent meeting of the Astronomical Society, Prof. Airy, in an account of the observations on stellar spectra made at the Royal Ob- servatory, stated that the line F of Fratinhofer indicating iron was seen in most stars, the sodium line D in two stars; and a line near- ly, but not quite coinciding with Gin many. ‘The star a Orionis ap- peared most like our sun, but generally the stars seemed not to be so complex in constitution. Temperature of the Sun and Stars. — Besides the light of the sun, which, when spread out, forms the visible spectrum, the sun sheds upon us a large amount of energy invisible as hght. Professor Stokes’s investigations have shown that this invisible energy, when passed through a prism of quartz, is spread out like light, and contains lines or spaces where this energy is absent, similar to the dark lines in the visible spectrum. By the substitution of a collodion plate for the eye, Professor Miller has investigated the invisible spectra of metallic flames. These are as distinct and characteristic of each metal as is the hght spectrum of each. Observation has shown that the length of these spec- tra of invisible energy and their lines are closely connected with the temperature of the source of; heat. Thus, when photographs of the re- frangible portion of the solar spectrum and that of: the metal magne- sium were compared, it was observed that that of the magnesium ex- tended much beyond the solar, and it was especially noticeable, that there was a strong band in the magnesium spectrum just beyond the limits of the solar. Yet no metal has been proved to be present in the sun with more certainty than magnesium. Professor Miller regards this difference as an indication of the solar temperature. The magne- sium spectrum was obtained by the electric spark. If, in place of this intensely high temperature, the oxy-hydrogen flame of only 15,000° F. be substituted, the magnesium spectrum is shortened, and does not ex- teiid beyond that of the sun. From this, Professor Miller infers that “the temperature of the sun may be approximately estimated to be not higher than that of the oxy-hydrogen flame. It certainly appears to be tar below that of the electric spark.” This seems to be scarcely in accordance with the known law of the decrease of radiant heat. This decreasing, inversely as the square of the distance, gives an in- tense amount of heat to the solar surface. Waterston, in a communica- tion to the Royal Astronomical Society, in February, 1860, states that his experiments, founded upon the supposition that the difference be- tween the temperature in the sun and the temperature in the shade is a function of the sun’s absolute temperature, give above “ten mil- lion degrees, probably twelve million, Fahrenheit,” to the solar sur- face. . Is it not possible that vapors may exist in the solar atmosphere which, as Professor Miller shows to be the case with sulphuretted by- * ‘ NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 135 . drogen, are but imperfectly diactinic, and so arrest these extreme rays of energy? Not that sulphuretted hydrogen, or any compound body, can be supposed to exist upon the solar surface. ‘The elements there must stand too much aloof, by the mutual hate of the fierce heat, to unite themselves in alliances with each other. It may be, however, that conditions unknown to us alter or modify the terrestriat law of de- crease of heat. It seemed, however, an object of great interest to know if similar ae spectra could be obtained of the stars. Mr. Higgins and r. Miller have already been successful in photographing the more re- frangible portion of the spectra of Sirius and Capella. New Observations on Spectral Analysis by Prof. Plucker. — The following new views respecting spectral analysis were presented to the British Association by Prof. Plucker: “ It is generally admitted now,” e said, “ that every gaseous body rendered luminous by heat or elec- tricity sends out a peculiar light, which, if examined by the prism, gives a well-defined and characteristic spectrum. By such a spectrum, by any one of its brilliant lines, whose position has been measured, you may recognize the examined gas. ‘This way of proceeding con- stitutes what is called spectral analysis, to which we owe, until this day, the discovery of three new elementary bodies. In order to give to spectral analysis a true and certain basis, you want the spectrum of each elementary substance. Most recently, some eminent philosophers, in examining such spectra, met with unexpected difficulties, and doubts arose in their minds against the new doctrine. These doubts are un- founded. The fact is, that the molecular constitution of gases is much more complicated than it has been generally admitted to be till now. The spectra, therefore, always indicating the molecular constitution of gases, ought to be more complicated also, than it was thought at first. By these considerations, a new importance, a rather physical one, is given to spectral analysis. You may recognize by the spectrum of a gas, not only the chemical nature of the gas, but you may also obtain indications of its more intimate molecular structure —quite a new branch of science. Allow me now to select out of the results already obtained two instances only. Let me try to give what I may call the history of the spectra of two elementary bodies — of sulphur and nitro- gen. In order to analyze by the prism the beautiful light produced by the electric current, if it pass through a rarefied gas, I gave to the tube in which the gas is included such a form that its middle part was capillary. Thus I got within this part of the tube a brilliant film of light, extremely fitted to be examined by the prism. After having provided myself with apparatus more suited to my purposes, I asked, about a year ago, my friend, Prof. Uittorf, of Munster, to join me in taking up my former researches. The very first results we obtained in operating on gases of a greater density opened to us an immense field of new investigation. We found that the very same elementary substance may have two, even three, absolutely different spectra, which only depend on temperature. In our experiments we made use of Rahmkorff’s induction coil, whose discharge was sent through our spectral tubes. In order to increase at other times the heating power - of the discharge, we made use of a Leyden jar. Now, let us supposea spectral tube, most highly exhausted by Geissler’s mercury pump, con- * Pete. oF eters MOSOOTERY. a ons enere eet Mere Se ebdnee o@ change of lines has ieee Get Ge bete kee pier gms an: mange by re- res ten eh 7S Ge fieerptes of the ' Th wee CF tae Lae al- - tee — phere free The iettest 3 =e fr ™ grwak @ 2 SaEBe r a 2 saad a4 Sit Ape NATURAL PHILOSOrUY. . drozen, are but unperfectly diactinic, and so arrest thar Gg enervy ¢ N Mm tia / iretiod hyd “oa. OF any ‘ ; i om tO €xXiet ono ¢ r i must slo : of ub : ; lr ti ‘ : te nr iran ~ Ve ; J? ‘es : : lie LA : : j | : om . iD ; ' By these meieraiions, a now Lbportan ' | ; 1) ee a tral analyas. You ma y recogni yt ' a4, Dot muy the : bs ‘tec -al nature of t) Mm PAs, ' h ity indications of its more intimate molecular structu , bran " of sence. Allow me now to select out of | Huits air obtaine i tw » ipstances only. Let me try to give whi uM inay « all py a 138 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. was placed under the jet at various points; the cloud was cut sharply off at that point, and when the flame was placed near the efflux orifice, the cloud entirely disappeared. ‘The heat of the lamp completely pre- vented precipitation. This same vapor was condensed and congealed on the surface of a vessel containing a freezing mixture, from which it was scraped in quantities suflicient to form a small snow-ball. The beam of the elec- tric lamp, moreover, was sent through a large receiver placed on an air- pump. A single stroke of the pump caused the precipitation of the aqueous vapor within, which became beautifully illuminated by the beam; while, upon a screen behind, a richly-colored halo, due to dif- fraction by the little cloud within the receiver, flashed forth. The waves of heat speed from our earth, through our atmosphere, toward space. These waves daslgin their passage against the atoms of oxygen and nitrogen, and against the molecules of aqueous vapor. Thinly scattered as these latter are, we might naturally think meanly of them as barriers to the waves of heat. We might imagine that the wide spaces between the vapor molecules would be an open door for the passage of the undulations; and that if those waves were at all in- tercepted, it would be by the substances which form 994 per cent. of the whole atmosphere. Three or four years ago, however, it was found by the speaker that this small modicum of aqueous vapor inter- cepted fifteen times the quantity of heat stopped by the whole of the air in which it was diffused. It was afterwards found that the dry air then experimented with was not perfectly pure, and that the purer the air became, the more it approached the character of a vacuum, and the greater, by comparison, became the action of the aqueous vapor.' The vapor was found to act with thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy times the energy of the air in which it was diffused ; and no doubt was enter- tained that the aqueous vapor of the air which filled the Royal Institu- tion Theatre, durmg the delivery of the discourse, absorbed ninety or one hundred times the quantity of radiant heat which was absorbed by the main body of the air of the room. Lookiug at the single atoms, for every two hundred of oxygen and 1 Melloni of Italy, who has been styled the ‘‘ Newton of Heat,” was the first to apply the thermo-electric pile to the investigation of dark, thermal radiations which are emitted from all bodies below a red heat, by the use of plates, lenses, and prisms of rock-salt (common salt in blocks), which is transparent to dark heat, Melloni first engaged in these researches, and in fact founded this brauch of science. Prof. Tyndall, taking up the subject where Melloni left it, investigated the rela- tions of radiant heat to gases and vapors in the following manner: He prepared a long glass tube, closed air-tight at its ends with plates of rock-salt. and which he could empty and fill with various gases at pleasure. At one end he placed his source of heat, —a canister of hot water, — and at the other the sensitive face of a thermo-electric pile. By exhausting the air and forming a vacuum, and then intro- ducing various gaseous bodies, he determined how much dark heat passed through and also the different absorbing or intercepting powers of the various substances in the tube. It was found that the simple gases, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen arrested hardly a trace of the passing heat, acting toward it as practical vacuum. On the contrary, other equally transparent gases, as ammonia, carburetted hydro- gen, ete., stopped enormous numbers of the dark rays ; in fact, were almost opaque to them. The small trace of ammonia, exhaled into an apartment by opening a lady’s smelling-bottle arrested many times more of the dark heat rays than the ni- trogen and oxygen gases which form the body of the atmosphere. Professor Tyndall found that perfectly pure air stopped an exceedingly minute portion of the heat, which he assumed as the unit for comparison of other bodies, and upon in- vestigation it proved that the small amount of aqueous vapor contained in the air struck down sixty or seventy times as much heat as the gases of the air itself. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 139 nitrogen there is about one of aqueous vapor. This one, then, is eighty times more powerful than the two hundred; and hence, compar- ing a single atom of oxygen or nitrogen with a single atom of aqueous vapor, we may infer that the action of the latter is 16,000 times that of the former. This was a very astonishing result, and it naturally excited opposition, based on the philosophic reluctance to accept a re- sult so grave in consequences, before testing it to the uttermost. From such opposition, a discovery, if it be worth the name, emerges with its fibre strengthened; as the human character gathers force from the healthy antagonisms of active life. It was urged that the result was on the face of it improbable; that there were, moreover, many ways of accounting for it, without ascribing so enormous a comparative ac- tion to aqueous vapor. For example, the cylinder which contained the air in which these experiments were made was stopped at its ends by plates of rock-salt, on account of their transparency to radiant heat. Rock-salt is hygroscopic; it attracts the moisture of the atmosphere. Thus, a layer of brine readily forms on the surface of a plate of rock- salt; and it is well known that brine is very impervious to the rays of heat. Illuminating a polished plate of salt, by the electric lamp, and casting, by means of a lens, a magnified image of the plate upon a screen, the speaker breathed through a tube for a moment on the salt ; brilliant colors of thin plates (soap-bubble colors) flashed forth imme- diately upon the screen, — these being caused by the film of moisture which overspread the salt. Such a film, it was contended, is formed when undried air is sent into the cylinder; it was, therefore, the ab- sorption of a layer of brine which was measured, instead of the ab- sorption of aqueous vapor. This objection was met in two ways. First, by showing that the plates of salt, when subjected to the strictest examination, show no trace of a film of moisture. Secondly, by abolishing the plates of salt alto- gether, and obtaining the same results in a cylinder open at both ends. It was next surmised that the effect was due to the impurity of the ‘London air; and the suspended carbon particles were pointed to as the cause of the opacity to radiant heat. This objection was met by bring- ing air from Epsom Downs, a field near Newport, in the Isle of Wight, + and a sea-beach. The aqueous vapor of the air from these localities in- tercepted at least seventy times the amount of radiant heat absorbed by the air in which the vapor was diffused. Experiments made with smoky air proved that the suspended smoke of the atmosphere of London, even when an east wind pours over it the smoke of the city, exerts only a fraction of the destructive powers exercised by the transparent and impalpable aqueous vapor diffused in the air. The cylinder which contained the air through which the calorific rays passed was polished within, and the rays which struck the interior surface were reflected from it to the thermo-electric pile which meas- ured the radiation. The following objection was raised: You permit moist air to enter your cylinder; a portion of this moisture is con- — densed as a liquid film upon the interior surface of your tube; its re- flective power is thereby diminished ; less heat therefore reaches the pile ; and you incorrectly ascribe to the absorption of aqueous vapor an _ effect which is really due to diminished reflection of the interior surface ef your cylinder. But why should the aqueous vapor so condense ? mm 140 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. The tube within is warmer than the air without, and against its inner surface the rays of heat are impinging. There can be no tendency to condensation under such circumstances. Further, let five inches of undried air be sent into the tube —that is, one-sixth of the amount which it can contain. These five inches produce their proportionate absorption. The driest day on the driest portion of the earth’s sur- face would make no approach to the dryness of our cylinder when it contains only five inches of air. Make it ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty- five, thirty inches: you obtain an absorption exactly proportional to the quantity of vapor present. It is next to a physical impossibility that this could be the case if the effect were due to condensation. But lest a doubt should linger in the mind, not only were the plates of rock-salt abolished, but the cylinder itself was dispensed with. Humid air was displaced by dry, and dry air by humid in the free atmosphere; the absorption of the aqueous vapor was here manifest, as in all the other cases. No doubt, therefore, can exist of the extraordinary opacity of this substance to the rays of obscure heat; and particularly such rays as are emitted by the earth after it has been warmed by the sun. It is perfectly certain that more than ten per cent. of the terrestrial radia- tion from the soil of England is stopped within ten feet of the surface of the soil. This one fact is sufficient to show the immense influence which this newly-discovered property of aqueous vapors must exert on the phenomena of meteorology. » This aqueous vapor is a blanket more necessary to vegetable life than clothing is to man. Remove for a single summer-night the aqueous vapor from the air which overspreads this country, and you would assuredly destroy every plant capable of being destroyed by a freezing temperature. ‘The warmth of our fields and gardens would pour itself unrequited into space, and the sun would rise upon a land held fast in the iron grip of frost. The aqueous vapor constitutes a local dam, by which the temperature at the earth’s surface is deepened ; the dam, however, finally overflows, and we give to space all that we receive from the sun. ‘The sun raises the vapors of the equatorial ocean ; they rise, but for a time a vapor screen spreads above and around them. But the higher they rise, the more they come into the presence of pure space, and when, by their levity, they have penetrated the vapor screen, which lies close to the earth’s surface, what must occur ? It has been said that, compared atom for atom, the absorption of an atom of aqueous vapor is 16,000 times that of air. Now the power to absorb and the power to radiate are perfectly reciprocal and propor- tional. The atom of aqueous vapor will therefore radiate with 16,000 times the energy of an atom of air. Imagine then this powerful radiant in the presence of space, and with no screen above it to check its radiation. Into space it pours its heat, chills itself, condenses, and the tropical torrents are the consequence. ‘The expansion of the air, no doubt, also refrigerates it: but in accounting for those deluges, the chilling of the vapor by its own radiation must play a most important tgs The rain quits the ocean as vapor; it returns to it as water. ow are the vast stores of heat set free by the change from the vapor- ous to the liquid condition disposed of ? Doubtless, in great part they are wasted by radiation into space. Similar remarks apply to the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 141 eumuli of our latitudes. The warmed air, charged with vapor, rises in columns, so as to penetrate the vapor screen which hugs the earth; in the presence of space, the head of each pillar wastes its heat by radia- tion, condenses to a cumulus, which constitutes the visible capital of an invisible column of saturated air. Numberless other meteorological phenomena receive their solution, by reference to the radiant and absorbent properties of aqueous vapor. It is the absence of this screen, and the consequent copious waste of heat, that causes mountains to be so much chilled when the sun is with- drawn. Its absence in Central Asia renders the winter there almost unendurable ; in Sahara the dryness of the air is sometimes such, that though during the day “ the soil is fire and the wind is flame,” the chill at night is painful to bear. In Australia, also, the thermometric range is enormous, on account of the absence of this qualifying agent. A clear day, and a dry day, moreover, are very different things. The atmosphere may possess great visual clearness, while it is charged with aqueous vapor, and on such occasions great chilling cannot occur by terrestrial radiation. Sir John Leslie and others have been perplexed by the varying indications of their instruments on days equally bright — but all these anomalies are completely accounted for by reference to this newly-discovered property of transparent aqueous vapor. Its presence would check the earth’s loss; its absence, without sensibly altering the transparency of the air, would open wide a door for the escape of the earth’s heat into infinitude. DYNAMICAL THEORY OF HEAT. Professor Frankland, in a recent lecture before the Royal Institution, London, presented the following points in reference to the dynamical theory of heat: ‘The amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of a body through a given number of degrees (e. g. from 32 deg. to 212 deg.) is termed “the specific heat” of that body, and that an atom of each solid element requires the same quantity of heat to raise its tem- perature through the same number of degrees. Hence, at any given temperature, the amount of heat-force associated with each solid element- ary atom is the same ; but the proportion of this force evolved during chemical combination differs in each element (which was shown experi- mentally in the case of heated balls of lead and iron placed on cakes of wax ; the iron dissolving more wax than the lead). It was stated that the greater the amount of heat evolved during combination, the more difficult is the compound to decompose ; and it was shown that even when atoms of the same kind are combined, heatis liberated. This oc- curs, also, whenever alcohol and water are mixed, when paper is moist- ened, etc. The heat-force associated with the atoms of matter exists as molecular motion. When two or more atoms unite or come into col- lision, a certain amount of this motion is destroyed and takes the form of heat. The greater the amplitude of the molecular motion of two bodies, in. so-called contact with each other, the more imminent is the collision of their atoms. An augmentation of temperature increases the amplitude of this molecular motion ; hence, heat usnally promotes chemical combination. In some cases, the molecular motion of two bodies, at ordinary temperatures, is sufficient to bring them into col- lision; hence, what is termed “ spontaneous combustion” (e. g., phos- 142 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. phorus burns in air, potassium in water, etc.). In regard to the spontaneous combustion of the human body, Professor Frankland showed that it was a physical impossibility, on account of the large. amount of water in its constitution. Gunnery and the Dynamical Theory of Heat.— In an address at the opening of the British Association, 1863, Sir W. Armstrong stated, “that the science of gunnery was intimately connected with the dy- namical theory of heat. When gunpowder is exploded in a cannon, the immediate effect of the aflinities, by which the materials of the powder are caused to enter into new combinations, is to liberate a force which first appears as heat, and then takes the form of mechanical power communicated in part to the shot and in part to the products of explosion which are also propelled from the gun. The mechanical force of the shot is reconverted into heat, when the motion is arrested by striking an object, and this heat is divided between the shot and the object struck, in the proportion of the work done or damage inflicted upon each. These considerations recently led me, in conjunction with Captain Neble, to determine experimentally, by the heat elicited in the shot, the loss of effect due to its crushing when fired against iron plates. Joule’s law, and the known velocity of the shot, enable us to compute the number of dynamical units of heat representing the whole mechani- cal power in the projectile, and by ascertaining the number of units de- veloped in it by impact, we arrived at the power which took effect upon the shot instead of the plate. ‘These experiments showed an enormous absorption of power to be caused by the yielding nature of the materials of which projectiles are usually formed; but further ex- periments are required to complete the inquiry.” THE EFFECT OF INTENSE HEAT ON LIQUIDS. At a recent meeting of the London Chemical Society, Mr. Grove, in a paper on the above subject, first called attention to the difference ex- isting between the boiling of water, under ordinary circumstances, and that of sulphuric acid. He stated that the equable evolution of steam, when water is boiled in an open vessel, is caused by the presence of a certain amount of air dissolved in the water, and that boiling may be regarded as an evaporation into the liberated bubble of air set free by the elevated temperature. In an open vessel, a suflicient amount of air is continually reabsorbed, so that the ebullition goes on equally. On the contrary, when water is heated in a very long tube, it boils in the first instance evenly, but after the air is expelled it boils with the most violent concussions ; during the regularly-recurring intervals between the sudden and violent emissions of steam, the temperature rises far above 212°, and then a sudden explosive production of steam occurs, almost resembling the discharge of gunpowder. By placing a portion of water in a flask under the vacuum of a good air-pump, and heating it by the transmission of a strong electric current, passed through a fine platinum wire contained in the water, Mr. Grove proved that the water did not boil at all, but that the whole burst up into violent con- cussions at regularly-recurring intervals. When the air was exhausted, ebullition occurred at intervals of about a minute, upon which a burst of vapor would almost eject the contents of the flask. On this action’s increasing, the water would again become perfectly tranquil, and re- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 143 main so for a minute, when another tumultuous ebullition would occur, to be succeeded by a period of rest; and the same phenomena would be repeated at such regular intervals that the apparatus might almost serve as an indicator of time. If a thermometer were placed in the flask, it would be found that the temperature alternately rose and fell some few degrees. Indeed, it could not be asserted that the boiling point of water was constant, for it depended upon the amount of air in solution ; and Mr. Grove believed that no one had yet succeeded in ob- serving the boiling point of absolutely pure water. Mr. Grove suggested that the phenomena of the Geysers, or inter- mittent explosive fountains of Iceland, would admit of a more satisfac- tory explanation by reference to these facts than on the supposition of the existence of complicated subterranean chambers. In the course of his experiments, Mr. Grove ascertained that it was almost impossible to free water from gaseous bodies; and, asa proof of this, he cited the following experiment: A long glass tube closed at one extremity, was bent in the middle to nearly a right angle; the closed limb was then half-filled with water, from which, by long boiling, the air was supposed to have been expelled; the remaining space in the tube was then completely filled with olive oil, and the open extremity was dipped into a small basin of the same. Heat was then applied to the tube until the water boiled, and this temperature was maintained for a considerable time. Each bubble of steam which left the surface of the water passed through the column of oil, becoming smaller and smaller during its ascent; but it never condensed without leaving a microscopic bubble of gas, which at length accumulated to such an ex- tent that it could be examined. It was found to consist of pure nitro- gen ; and he had never succeeded in expelling the whole of this gas from the water. ‘The evaporation of nineteen-twentieths of the water did not secure the remainder from being mixed with nitrogen. On boiling ordinary water, air containing a slightly-increased proportion of oxygen was first driven off, the oxygen gradually diminishing until pure | nitrogen was expelled. The avidity with which such water again ab- sorbs air is remarkable. In the expressive words of Mr. Grove, “ it sucks it up again almost as a sponge takes up water.” By a slight modification in the apparatus, the experiment was repeated with mer- cury, instead of oil, in contact with the boiling water. It furnished a similar result. A number of facts regarding the solubility of gas in water were finally enumerated. The general conclusion drawn from the experi- ments, was to the effect that water had a very powerful affinity for the gases of the atmosphere ; that the oxygen could be eliminated by seve- ral processes, but the nitrogen resisted all attempts to expel it from solution ; so much so that it might be doubted whether chemically pure water (i. e., a compound of the two elements, oxygen and hydrogen, only), had ever been prepared ; and, further, that ebullition (as applied to water), under all circumstances, consisted merely in the production and disengagement of bubbles of aqueous vapor, formed upon a nucleus of permanent gas. The question, therefore, was raised as to whether nitrogen is so absolutely inert a body as had formerly been supposed. 144 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. JOULE’S N EW SENSITIVE THERMOMETER. At arecent meeting of the Manchester Philosophical Society, Dr. Joule exhibited an exquisitely sensitive air thermometer, capable of being affected by the ;,/,5 of a centigrade degree of heat. ‘The con- struction is thus described: A glass vessel in the shape of a tube, two feet long by four inches in diameter, is divided longitudinally by a blackened pasteboard diaphragm, leaving spaces at the top and bottom, each little over an inch. In the top space, a piece of magnetized sew- ing needle, furnished with a glass index, is suspended by a single fila- ment of silk. It is evident that the arrangement is similar to that of a bratticed coal-pit shaft, and that the slightest excess of temperature on one side over that on the other must occasion a circulation of air, which will ascend on the heated side, and, after passing across the fine glass index, descend on the other side. It is also evident that the sensibility of the instrument may be increased to any required extent, by dimin- ishing the directive force of the magnetic needle. I purpose to make several improvements in my present instrument ; but in its present con- dition, the heat radiated by a small pan, containing a pint of water heated 30°, is quite perceptible at a distance of three yards. A further proof of the extreme sensibility of the instrument is obtained from the fact that it is able to detect the heat radiated by the moon. A beam of moonlight was admitted through a slit in the shutter. As the moon (nearly full) travelled from left to right, the beam passed gradually across the instrument, causing the index to be deflected several degrees, first to the left and then to the right. The effect showed, according to a very rough estimate, that the air in the instrument must have been heated by the moon’s rays a few ten-thousandths of a degree, or by a quantity, no doubt the equivalent of the light absorbed by the black- ened surface, on which the rays fell. CHANGE OF FORM IN METALS BY IRREGULAR COOLING. Colonel H. Clerk has communicated to the Royal Society some curi- ous experiments on this subject. It appears that a wheel had to be shod with a hoop-tire, which was required to have a bevel of about 8ths of an inch, and one of the workmen suggested that this could be accomplished by heating the tire red-hot, and immersing one-half its depth in cold water. ‘This was done, with the predicted result ; the part out of the water being reduced in diameter. A series of experiments followed, with similarity of action, the cylinders always exhibiting a contraction above the water-line, followed, if they were sufficiently high out of the water, by an expansion corresponding to that below the fluid. The explanation given is, that the parts under the water cooled quick- ly, and those above it slowly. If no cohesion had united the two parts, both would have obtained the same diameter, one first, and fhe other afterwards; but as the cohesive power of cast-iron, or other metal, is great, the under part tends to pull in the upper, and the upper to pull out the under. In this contest, the cooler metal, being the stronger, pee and so the upper part gets pulled in, a little above the water- ine, while still hot. But it has still to contract in cooling, and this it will do to the full extent due to its temperature, except so far as it may be prevented by its connection with the rest.— Proceedings of the Royal Society. 4 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 145 IGNEOUS CONDITION OF MATTER. Tn a recent work “ On Matter and Ether ; or, the Secret Laws of Physical. Change,” by Thomas Birks, M. A., Cambridge (England), 1862, the author, in a chapter entitled the “Igneous Condition of Matter,” sets forth the follewing views: ‘“ According to the present theory of the laws of matter, there may be more truth than has latterly been recognized in the old arrangement of the four elements, which placed a fourth region of fire above the solid, liquid, and gaseous con- stituents of our globe. In fact, above the region where the air, though greatly rarefied, is still elastic, there must be a still higher stratum where elasticity has wholly ceased, and where the particles of matter, being very widely separated, condense around them the largest amount of ether. All sensible heat, in the collision or oscillation of neighboring atoms of matter, will thus have disappeared; but latent heat, in the quantity of condensed ether or repulsive force ready to be developed on the renewed approach of the atoms, will have reached its maximum, and may be capable of producing the most splendid igneous phenomena, like the northern lights, or tropical thunder-storms.” THE FORMATION OF SMOKE-RINGS. Mr. W. B. Tegetemeir, in the London Intellectual Observer, nm an article on the production of “smoke-rings,” such as are produced by the spontaneous combustion of phosphuretted hydrogen, and by practised tobacco-smokers, describes an interesting method by which these rings can be produced at pleasure by mechanical means. He says, “If six ordinary, oblong cards, each about three inches by four, are taken and the ends folded down, after being partially cut through, so as to leave a central square, as here shown, they may with a kittle dexterity be combined into a very pretty cubical box. Previous to being put together, a circular hole about the size of a fourpenny-piece should be cut in one card. If the box so con- structed be filled with any dense smoke, such as that from a tobacco- pipe, or by allowing vapors of hydrochloric acid and ammonia to enter together, smoke-rings, in any number, and at any desired rate of suc- cession, may be caused to issue from the hole in the box, by the slight- est series of gentle taps on one of the sides. Their production in this manner is so facile, and so perfectly under control, that their formation constitutes —if the experiment be performed in a room in which the air is perfectly still—a very interesting and pretty experiment. “So much for the mode of producing these rings. Now let us con- sider their construction. Ifthe reader has ever observed an ascending column of smoke, on a perfectly calm day, he cannot fail to have been struck with the extreme beauty of its form, — rising, perhaps, from the summit of one of those tall factory chimneys, now, alas, so smokeless’ It ascends perpendicularly, spreading out as it rises, and gradually as- suming the form of an elongated convolvulus, or, to use a less poetical and more homely comparison, that of along funnel. This spreading out is due to the resistance of the air, which is greater, being more con- centrated, toward the centre than at the outside. “Tf the reader can imagine the emission of smoke to be intermittent, instead of continuous, it is obvious that this expanding column would be 13 146 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. broken up into rings, the constantly enlarging circular form of which would be due to the same cause as that which produces the enlargement of the column, namely, the greater pressure of the air in the centre. That this is the case will be evident on a close inspection of a single ring, when it will be found to consist of a vast number of rapidly ro- tating circles, arranged on a circular axis. Let us imagine a number of common, circular, bone button-moulds, each with a single hole through its centre, strung on a piece of wire, which is then bent in a eircular form. ‘This would give a correct idea of the structure of a smoke-ring ; and if we imagine, further, each of these bone moulds rota- ting downward and inward, as the ring rises and expands, the resem- blance would be still more complete.” PHENOMENA OF SOUND. The following is an abstract of a recent lecture before the Royal In- stitution, London, by Prof. Tyndall, on the “phenomena of sound :”— He began by showing how musical sounds can be produced by caus- ing water to flow through small apertures, these sounds being probably due to the viscosity of the liquid, causing it to ergate tremors in the or- ifice. He then proceeded to consider and exemplify the phenomena of resonance in open tubes, the cavity of the mouth being adduced as an instance, as in the ease of the jewsharp, which thereby becomes a mu- sical instrument. The human voice, it was also stated, is produced by a reed instrument, the reeds being vibrating membranes, which can be tightened so as to vary the pitch (as has been made visible by Czer- mak’s remarkable apparatus, the laryngoscope). Vibrating reeds, or tongues, also produce the sound in the concertina and harmonica, and are also associated with organ pipes. The latter part of the lecture was devoted to the consideration of the phenomena of interference, and discord or dissonance, in accordance with the following principles, based on the researches of Young, Wheatstone, Savart, and other philoso- phers. The sonorous shocks communicated to the ear by two tuning- torks shehtly out of unison are termed beats, which succeed each other more rapidly as the departure from perfect unison augments, — their number, in a given time, being equal to the difference in the number of vibrations executed in that time by the sounding bodics. When the beats were slow, they could be counted with ease ; but when exceeding- ly rapid,they manifested themselves to the ear by the roughness which they impart to the sound; the roughness is the cause of dissonance. Professor Tyndall concluded his lecture by exhibiting some of Lissa- jous’s remarkable acoustic experiments, by means of tuning-forks, mir- rors, and the electric lamp. It having been proved that a tuning-fork does not emit sound with the same intensity in all directions, and that the sounds of two tuning-forks which vibrate exactly at the same rate Blend together $o as to give the impression of a single sound, it was next shown that if one tuning-fork vibrate a little more rapidly than the other, at certain times both forks conspire to augment the sound, and at other times they act in opposition to each other. The conse- quence being an intermittent effect, composed of successive periods of sound and silence. When two sounds thus neutralize each other, the effect is technically called interference. It was also shown how, by the stifling of a portion of the vibrations of a sounding disk, we can aug- ment the sonorous intensity. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 147 Propagation of Sownd in the Air. — Newton was the first to study the propagation of motion in the atmosphere, and the solution which he gave still excites the admiration of geometers, and is termed by Laplace ‘‘a monument of his genius.” Sometimes, however, it does not entirely agree with experience ; for instance, it gives for the swiftness of propa- gation a value of about a sixth below that given by observation. Since his time Lagrange, Euler, Laplace, Poisson, and other geometers, have occupied themselves with this problem with the view of either estab- lishing the true mathematical theory, or discovering the cause of the difference between calculation and experience. The subject has also been taken up by the eminent mathematician Duhamel, who has laid a memoir befgre his associates of the French Academy, giving his cal- culations, whfreby he arrives at this singular consequence, — “that the theoretic swiftness of sound in the air, supposing that there is no eleva- tion of temperature, is identical with that given by experience.” The hypothesis of an elevation of temperature, which appears so probable, and which comes so conveniently to the assistance of the theory, be- comes a difficulty, and we find ourselves compelled either to demon- strate that this hypothesis is not legitimate, or to find a new and hith- erto unknown cause which shall neutralize the effect. Transmission of Sound toa great Distance. — Dr. F. C. Robinson, of Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pa., says that the report of ar-. tillery at the battle of Gettysburg, on the 3d of July, was distinctly heard at Greensburgh, a distance of one hundred and twenty-five miles from the seat of conflict ; on lying down on the ground, jarring could be distinctly felt. Dr Robinson says, “ That the whole neighborhood claim to have heard the firing. During Friday, the air was calm and the sky cloudless.” , Function of the Ear. — Prof. Helmholz regards the snail-shell, or cochlea, as the special organ for transmitting musical sounds to the nerves, while noises affect other portions of the ear. The so-called “ fibres of Corti,” of which there are about three thousand, he considers each capable of being affected by a simple sound, while a compound sound acts upon several, and produces a corresponding impression on the nerves. Each filament of the acoustic nerve is united to an elastic filament, which he supposes to be thrown into vibration by appropriate sounds. VIBRATING WATERFALLS. The American Journal of Science and Arts, for November, 1863, con- tains an article, by Prof. E. Loomis, discussing anew the subject “‘ vibrat- ing waterfalls,” and detailing observations on three vibrating water- falls, narbely, in South Natick, Holyoke, and Lawrence, Mass. In 1843, Professor Loomis published an article on this same subject, in which he suggested that the dam itself was the vibrating body, and that the vi-. brations were analogous to those of a stretched cord. Prof. Snell, of Amherst, however, differed from such a conclusion, and in turn attribut- ed the cause of the vibrations to a column of air behind the sheet of water falling from the dam. Prof. Loomis, after an extended series of observations, has apparently abandoned his original views, and arrived at conclusions similar to those of Prof. Snell. A series of careful obser- vations were made, in 1862, by Mr. William Edwards, at the request of 148 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Professor Loomis, on the vibrations of a dam at South Natick, Mass. These resulted in ascertaining that the time of a vibration, according to the depth of water on the edge of the dam, was a little less than the time in which a solid body would fall through a space equal to the depth of the water. ‘Thus, when the depth of water was 5.06 inches, the time of one vibration was 0.138 of a second, while the time ofa solid body falling through that depth was 0.162 of a secon The dam across the Connecticut River, at Holyoke, Mass., is 1017 feet long, and 30 feet high. It is formed of square timbers inclined 22 degrees to the horizon. From the crest of the dam, the water descends along an apron about four feet in length, sloping downward at an angle of 22 degrees. The sheet of water falling over this dam exhibits three different rates of vibration, namely, about 256, 135, and 81 vibrations per minute, corresponding to depths of 16, 28, and 56 inches of water on the dam. The change from the first to the second rate of vibration takes place when the depth of water is from 23 to 26 inches; and the change from the second rate to the third takes place when the depth is from 35 to 47 inches. The vibrations are not noticed when the depth of water is less than about 12 inches, and they also disappear when the depth is as great as 80 inches. At Lawrence, Mass., Mr. B. Coolidge, engineer, made a series of ob- servations, as also did Prof. Loomis. In all these, the time of the vibra- tions was taken, and compared with the time which a solid body would occupy in falling from the same height; and the number of vibrations of a column of air of the depth behind the sheet of falling water has been calculated. Now, as to the conclusions, Prof. Loomis says, “I do not know of any theory which will enable us to compute the precise influence of a sheet of water of given dimensions; but at present, it seems probable that the vibratory motion originates in the column of air behind the sheet of water, and that the ‘descending sheet serves merely as a load to retard the velocity of these vibrations.” When the edge of the dam is uneven, and when the sheet of water is very thin, an opening will be left for the column of air behind the sheet, and no vibrations are produced. In reference to this point, Prof. Loomis says, “It is believed that most waterfalls exhibit some degree of vi- bratory motion, at certain stages of water; but in order that these vibrations may be powerful and long-continued, the edge of the dam must be horizontal, and quite smooth; otherwise, the thickness of the . descending sheet will not be uniform; and the sheet will swell into ridges in some places, while other parts become thin. The sheet will divide in some places before reaching the bottom of the fall, and this leaves an opening in the enclosure which contains the column of vibrat- ing air. ‘This is probably the reason why many waterfalls never ex- hibit this phenomenon in a palpable manner; and why, in only a few cases, is the vibration so powerful as to cause any annoyance.’ The answer to the question, Why the vibrations vary or disappear with variations in the height of the water is given as follows: “ The descending sheet of water must have a thickness of several inches ; oth- erwise, it is divided by the action of the air, and the column of air ceases to be enclosed on all sides. With a fall of nine feet, as at South Natick, a thickness of four or five inches is requisite ; and with a fall of thirty feet, as at Holyoke, a thickness of nearly a foot is requisite. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 149 At Lawrence, with a fall of thirty-four feet, the vibrations are not no- ticed when the depth of water is much less than three feet; but this seems to be owing to the inequalities on the top of the dam. The vi- brations-cease almost entirely when the water exceeds a certain height because the thickness of the sheet becomes too great in comparison with its height, and there being some cohesion between the particles of the liquid, the sheet partakes somewhat of the rigidity of a solid body. In order to produce a strong effect, the thickness of the sheet must not ex- ceed about one-sixth or one-eighth of the height of the fall. At South Natick, with a fall of nine feet, which is somewhat diminished by the back-water at the time of a freshet, the vibrations cease when the depth of water much exceeds ten inches. At Holyoke, with a fall of thirty feet, which is also diminished by the back-water at the time of a fresh- et, the vibrations cease when the depth of water much exceeds five feet. At Lawrence, also, where the fall is a little greater than at Holyoke, the vibrations cease when the depth of water, on the crest of the dam, much exceeds five feet.” According to these views, all dams may be built so as toavoid jarring vibrations. SCIENTIFIC BALLOON ASCENSIONS. Under the auspices of the British Association, the balloon ascensions inaugurated in 1862, for scientific observation and experiment, have been continued during the past year by Mr. Glaisher the well-known British meteorologist, and the former aeronaut, (see Annual Sci. Dis. 1863, pp. 137-144.) At the last meeting of the Association, this gentle- man gave the following resumé of the facts and deductions arrived at in his recent ascensions : — On ascending with a cloudy sky, the temperature usually declines till the clouds are reached ; but on breaking through them, there is always an increase of several degrees of temperature ; and after this the de- cline of temperature usually continues, and would do so continuously if there were no disturbing causes in operation. On ascending with a clear sky, we start with a higher temperature than with a cloudy one as much higher as the loss of heat caused by the clouds; an approxi- mate measure of which is that sudden increase of temperature in passing from cloud to a clear sky. In no instance have I met with the atmos- ’ phere in a normal state in respect to temperature ; at different eleva- tions even up to four or five miles, warm currents of air have been met with. By warm, I mean ‘that their temperature was higher than in the stratum beneath. These warm strata are variable in thickness, from 1,000 feet to 10,000 feet, and varying from 1° to 20° in excess. It is necessary, in considering the law of the decrease of temperature, to take into account the state of the sky, and to separate the experiments made in one state from those in the ather. The results in the cloudy state do not at all confirm the theory of a decline of 1° of temperature in 300 feet. If we now consider the decrease at heights above the cloud plane, —the decrease of the temperature of the air, at heights exceeding 5,000 feet, — the results follow almost in sequence with those found with a partially clear sky, and show that an average change takes place of 1° of temperature in 139 feet near the earth and that fora change of 1° at the height of 30,000 feet, we have to pass through at 13* 150 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. least 1,000 feet. If we now take the whole decrease of temperature with elevation, we shall have the following results: From the ground to 1,000 feet 7.2°, or 1° in 139 feet. About 14,000, the average is the same as would be given by using the mean as found from observations on mountain-sides, namely 1° in 300 feet; but at heights less and greater than 14,000‘feet the space is less or greater than 300 feet. It is cer- tain, then, in any balloon ascent, between 8,000 and 20,000 feet, if the temperature on leaving the earth, and at the highest elevation, were only used, that the results, 1° in 254 feet in the former, and 1° in 355 in the latter, would have been looked upon as generally con- firming the theory of a decline of 1° in 300 feet, and hence the ne- cessity of noting the temperature on leaving the earth, as frequent- ly as possible afterwards, and extending the observations to the highest point possible. It would appear from the results obtained that the decline of temperature is largest near the earth, smallest at the highest elevations, and intermediate with increasing spaces for the same decrease of temperature, in these respects agreeing, therefore, with the general law, as formed from the extreme high ascents. ‘This law seems to me more natural and consistent than a uniform rate of decrease could be, received as a physical law, up even to moderate elevations. But I have reasons to believe that the amount of change is different at different seasons of the year, and I think it is different during the night from that during the day. And it seems certain that these Jaws will not hold good for all countries, although they probably will for very large tracts of country. I have reason to believe they will not hold good in India. From all the experiments made in the year 1862, it was found that at the earth’s surface there were upon the average very nearly five grains of water in a cubic foot of air, in the invisible shape of vapor, or 1-50th part of a cubic inch of water; or a cube of water whose sides were a quarter of an inch nearly. This value decreased grad- ually to one-half at the height of 5,000 feet, where there was only 1-100th of an inch of water in a cubic foot of air. At the height of 10,000 feet this amount was reduced to less than 1} grain; at 15,000 feet high there was only 9-10ths of a grain, or 1-280th part of a cubic inch; at 20,000 feet, this was reduced to half a grain; and at 25,000 feet to 1-10th only of a grain or to a drop of water, = 1-2530th part ofa cubic inch, being 1-50th part only of the water at the surface of the earth; in other words, about a drop of water but little more than 1- 100th of an inch in diameter. But the actual amount met with on any ascent will most probably differ from these results, as, like the temper- ature of the air, the diffusion of water seems to be very rarely in a normal state. The amount of water in the air at the same height seems to be constantly varying, and to be affected with diurnal changes, so that on comparing the moisture shown at one ascent with that experienced in another, the time of day at which the experiments were made will have to be considered. I have been speaking of the amount of water actually present in the air. This information, with- out reference to temperature, gives no“idea of the moisture of the at- mosphere, since a capacity of air for moisture doubles itself for an in- crease of about 20° of temperature; a clearer idea of the relative moisture at different heights will be given, by considering that amount NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Ta of water in the air which would saturate it as divided into 100 parts, and then ascertaining how many of these parts are present. From all the experiments treated in this way, the laws of moisture thus expressed are, with an overcast sky, almost uniform degree of humidity to the height of 3,000 feet — or 77 out of the 100 parts — then a rather sud- den decrease to 80, and to 83 at 5,000 feet. With a partially clear sky, the laws of moisture show a humidity on the ground, with 15 out of 100 parts more than in partially clear skies, and of 14 at 5,000 feet. Above 5,000 feet, the humidity decreases to 10 at 25,000 ; that is, low as the temperature there is, 10, out of the 100 possible to be present, at the temperature, is all that is present. Higher than this, there would seem to be an almost entire absence of aqueous vapor. These seem to be the general laws; but, as I have before remarked, the regular dimensions are frequently interrupted, and strata of moist air may ex- ist at great elevations. As regards the blue color of the sky, Mr. Glaisher was inclined to at- tribute the phenomena to reflection of light from the molecules of air, and not, as some have supposed, to reflection from the thin pellicle of water forming the vesicles of vapor floating in the air; inasmuch as the blue was found to be brightest at the greatest heights (six and seven miles) attained to by the aeronaut, where the air is almost de- prived of moisture. In an ascent made in a rain-storm on the 27th of July, Mr. Glaisher directed his attention particularly to observe whether there was a stratum of cloud at a certain elevation above that from which the rain- drops fell; and also as regards the size of the drops at different eleva- tions. The conclusions arrived at were, that whenever rain is falling from an overcast sky, there is a second stratum above; but with an overcast sky and no rain, then the sun is shining on the upper surface of the clouds. In regard to the second point, he says, “ The size of the rain-drops, as they fell on my note-book before starting, was fully as large as a four-penny piece; they decreased in size on ascending ; but our upward movement was too quick, and we soon passed. out of rain. On descending from above the clouds, we first encountered a dry and then a wet for; passed into that which may be described as damp air or exceedingly fine rain; then experienced very fine but de- cided drops of rain, like pins’ points, covering the note-book ; these in- creased in size on approaching the earth, but more rapidly when very near the earth. The drops of rain, on returning to the earth, were as large as those noted on leaving ; and rain had been falling heavily all the time we were in the balloon.” Another curious fact elicited in these ascensions is that the action of the sun’s rays upon “ sensitized” photographic paper is much less at great altitudes than near the earth’s surface. In an ascension made April 2ist, 1863, Mr. Glaisher took with him slips of such paper, and arranged that similar slips should be exposed at Greenwich Observatory, and the amount of coloration not- ed simultaneously every five minutes. In his report, he states that the paper in the balloon was exposed to the full rays of the sun, with this extraordinary result, — that at three miles high the paper did not color so much in half an hour as in the grounds of the Royal Observatory in one minute ; —a fact which would seem to indicate that the chemical effects of light are largely due to its passage through the atmosphere, 152 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. or at least to the density of the atmosphere through which it has re- cently passed.” In this same ascent, observations were made on the solar spectrum, especially upon the fixed lines of the spectrum. The number of lines visible seemed to be innumerable, and the conclusion arrived at is thus given: “The number of lines in the solar spectrum appear to be in- creased when viewed from a position above the clouds, and therefore none of the lines as viewed from the earth would seem to be atmos- pheric.” The most extraordinary ascent was made in the month of June 1863, of which Mr. Glaisher’s record is as follows : — “We left the earth at 1h. 5m. Pp. M.; at 1h. 9m. we were at the height of two thousand feet; at 1h. 15m. we passed above eight thousand feet; a height of eleven thousand feet was reached at ih. 17m.; in nine minutes afterwards, we were fifteen thousand feet from the earth, and rose gradually to about four and a quarter miles at 1h. 55m.; on descending, at 2h., we were twenty thousand feet from the earth; at 2h. 13m. about fifteen thousand; at 2h. 17m. ten thousand; at 2h. 22m. five thousand ; and on the ground 2h. 28m. Before starting, the tem- perature of the air was sixty-six degrees. It decreased rapidly on leaving the earth ; it was fifty-four degrees at three thousand feet high, forty-nine degrees at four thousand feet, forty-one degrees at one mile, thirty degrees at two miles; and, up to this time, every succeeding reading was less than the preceding. But here the decrease was checked; and, while passing from two to three miles, the temperature at first increased to thirty-two degrees, then decreased to twenty-nine degrees. A second increase followed, and at the height of three and a quarter miles the temperature was thirty-five degrees. A rapid de- crease then set in, and at three and a half miles the temperature was twenty-two degrees. From this time till the height of four miles was reached, the temperature varied frequently between twenty-two de- grees and eighteen degrees, and at the height of four and a quarter miles, the lowest temperature took place — namely, seventeen degrees. On descending, the temperature increased to twenty-six degrees, at the height of twenty-three thousand feet; and then to thirty-two degrees, at the height of four miles; it then decreased nine degrees in one min- ute to twenty-three degrees. It continued at this value for some time, then increased slowly to twenty-nine degrees at nineteen thousand feet. It continued almost constant for a space of two thousand feet, then increased to thirty-two degrees at fifteen thousand feet; and was thirty-two degrees or thirty-three degrees, almost without variation, during a snow-storm which we experienced from thirteen thousand five hundred feet to ten thousand feet, where an increase set in; at five thousand feet, the temperature was forty-one degrees, and sixty- six degrees on the ground.” At a height of two miles the sighing or rather moaning of the wind was heard, as preceding a storm, and was the first instance in which Mr. Glaisher had heard such a sound at such a height. It was not owing to any movement of the cordage of the balloon above, but seemed to be below, as from conflicting currents beneath. “ At the highest point reached, about four and a quarter miles, the sky was very much covered with cirrus clouds, and its color, as seen through the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 153 breaks in the clouds, was of a pale blue, such as is seen from the earth through a very moist atmosphere. We were above clouds, but there were no fine views or forms, — all was dirty-looking and confused, the atmosphere being thick and murky. “ At the height of three miles a train was heard, and at four miles another. These heights are the greatest at which sounds have ever been detected, and indicate the generally moist state of the atmos- mere.” R Mr. Glaisher concludes: ‘This ascent must rank amongst the most extraordinary ever made. The results were most unexpected. We met with at least three distinct layers of cloud on ascending, of different thicknesses, reaching up to four miles high, when here the atmosphere, instead of being light and clear as it always has been in preceding ascents, was thick and misty; but perhaps the most ex- traordinary and unexpected result in the month of June was meeting with snow and crystals of ice in thé atmosphere at the height of three miles, and of nearly one mile in thickness.” ASCERTAINING THE HEIGHT OF CLOUDS. At the British Association, 1863, Prof. Chevallier gave the following description of an instrument of his invention, designed to ascertain the height of clouds. It consisted, he said, of two jointed rulers, graduated from the centre of the joint, and one of them furnished with an up- right sliding-piece, with an opening to allow the sun’s light to pass, the edge of which is at a known distance by the scale from the ruler on which the piece slides. If, then, the distance in miles or yards at which the shadow of a cloud is cast upon the earth be known, by laying one branch of the ruler toward the shadow of the cloud and the other in the direction of the vertical line from the part of the cloud which casts the shadow directly on the earth beneath the cloud, and then moving the sliding-piece along this latter branch of the ruler until the shadow of the edge of the opening just reaches the middle of the rod laid in the direction of the shadow of the cloud, you have on the ruler and the sliding-piece an exact representation in miniature of the actnal circum- stances of the cloud, and a simple rule-of-three calculation gives the vertical height of the cloud above the earth. Thus, “ multiply the distance of the shadow of the cloud (supposed to be known) by the height of the sliding-piece, and divide by the distance of the shadow of the sliding-piece from the angle of the rulers, and the quotient is the height of the cloud required.” OBSERVATIONS ON WINDS. Prof. Dove, the celebrated meteorologist of Berlin, in the second edi- tion of his Law of Storms, recently published by the Longmans, of London, thus explains his so-called ‘“ Laws of Gyration,” or the rota- tion of the wind in relation to the rotation of the earth. He says, — “In the northern hemisphere, when polar and equatorial currents suc- ceed each other, the wind veers in general in the direction S., W., N., E., S., round the compass. Exceptions to this rule are more com- mon between S. and W. and between N. and E., than between W. and N. or between E. and 8. “Jn the southern hemisphere, when polar and equatorial currents 154 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. succeed each other, the wind veers in general in the direction S., E., N., W., S., round the compass. Exceptions to this rule are more com- mon between N. and W. and between S. and E., than between W. and S. or between E. and N. This is the phenomenon which I have termed THe Law or Gyra- TION.” The trade-winds and monsoons are special causes of this law. Pro- fessor Dove enters into a minute examination of the phenomena of the first, dividing what he calls the permanent winds into the under and upper trade- “winds. Both, he is disposed to regard, as imperfectly de- veloped monsoons, the word monsoon being as he shows, derived from the Arabic mausim, or season. This is confirmed by the fact that where monsoons exist, there are but two oscillatory movements of the atmosphere annually ; monsoons being polar and equatorial currents, alternately, according to the season of the year; so that their directions in the northern hemisphere are N. E. and S. W., and in the southern S. E. and N. W. Violent as monsoons generally are, they are tame in comparison to cyclones, which are truly terrible. Fortunately, the area of these hurricanes is comparatively limited, being confined to the West Indian seas ; their usual course being in a parabolic curve, _ having some point near Bermuda for its focus — originating in the Gulf of Florida — and running along the coast of the United States, following generally the course -of the Gulfstream. Cyclones, as their name imports, are strictly rotatory, and they never deviate from the fol- lowing rules. Cyclones in the northern hemisphere possess a motion that is retrograde, or in the contrary direction to the hands of a watch, whereas, those occurring in the southern hemisphere have a converse motion. On the equator itself cyclones never occur. According to Professor Dove, they are — “ Most common in the district between the S. E. trade-wind and the N. W. monsoon, which is called the region of the ‘ variables.’ “The rotatory motion takes place in the direction from E. through S. toward W. and N. ‘The intensity of the cyclone increases regu- larly toward its centre. At the centre itself there is adead calm, and the greatest violence of the storm is experienced at the edge of this calm circle. The diameter of this circle is greatest when the storm is just commencing. If the rotatory motion increases in violence, the di- ameter of this circle is decreased to about ten or twelve English miles. “ The advance of the cyclone, up to lat. 20° S., is at the rate of 200 to 220 miles in the twenty-four hours. From that point it becomes less rapid up to the outer edge of the 8. E. Trade. The direction of the advance is from lat. 10° S., near the Indian Archipelago, to lat. 28° or 30° on the east coast of Africa; first toward W. S. W., then to- ward 8. W. by S., and lastly toward 8. S. W. “ Throughout the whole of the cyclone, torrents of rain fall, which are more violent in front of it than behind it. The clouds are dark, massive, and lead-colored, as the centre is approaching. Electrical ex- plosions are most frequent on that side of the cyclone which is nearest to the equator. The sea is disturbed irregularly to the distance of 300 or 400 miles during every such storm. The barometer falls rapidly as the centre of the cycloné approaches, but the lowest level appears to occur a little before it passes.’ NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 155 Direction of the Wind. — Professor Airy has observed some curious facts respecting the direction of the wind. It seems that there are only eight points of the compass from which the wind ever blows stead- ily for any length of time, namely, the S. S. W., the W. 5. W. a point between the W. and N. W., another between the N. and E., another between E. and S. S. W., the N., the W., andthe E. The wind never blows directly from the south. PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE, OCEAN, ETC. The following novel views respecting the pressure of the atmosphere, and of the waters of the ocean at varying depths have been communi- cated by Mr. C. E. Townsend, Esq., of Tompkinsville, N. Y.:— According to the philosophy of the day, the pressure of the atmos- -phere at sea-level is calculated at fifteen pounds for every square inch, being equal to a column of water one inch broad and thirty- three feet in height, and every thirty-three feet descent into the ocean adds an additional fifteen pounds pressure, over every square inch, thus augmenting the density of parts beneath in proportion to the superincumbent pressure. Recent discoveries prove that a high order of radiate animals and fleshy inhabitants of shells, in vast numbers, are found living at the bottom of the ocean one and a half miles down. ; In a paper from Dr. I. C. Wallack, in the Scientific Annual for 1862, page 344, Professor Agassiz, is made to say “ that animals sub- ject to such enormous pressure, to avoid being crushed by the weight, from depths at fifteen pounds for every thirty-three feet descent, must admit water very freely through their tissues.” Surely such explana- tion must be unsatisfactory, for the animal tissues remaining, they coul not possibly sink in a medium one and a half miles down, which, ac- cording to the old philosophy, is equal to two hundred and forty times the specific gravity of surface water. Wood, which is specifically a little heavier than surface water, is supposed to sink to the bottom, whatever that depth may be, and to enable it to do so, in accordance with the above estimates of increasing pressure, must have its bulk di- minished 240 times to enable it to sink into the lower stratum, whose density is equal to 83600 pounds to the square inch. Thus a block of wood six inches square, would have to be reduced by successive pres- sures to a little less than one inch square, to reach the bottom. Animal life could not exist subject to such disorganizing pressures and survive on being brought to the surface, subject to a corresponding indation, and yet we know animals do live at the bottom, and are brought to the surface alive. Indeed, according to this old philosophy, the shells must be subject to the same contraction and expansion, which is hardly a supposable case. it is said that animal bodies, on the surface of the earth, support a pressure of fifteen pounds to every square inch, which is equal to 30,- 000 pounds pressure for the average size of man ; and to enable him to bear this weight (for it is not supposed that his muscular power is equal to the task), it is contended that the pressure exists equally on all sides, pressing with equal force upwards, downwards, sideways, in- wards and outwards, thus confessedly making such supposed weight a nullity. As this same pressure acts on the same principle throughout 156 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. the mass of the earth, water and air, it is necessarily a nullity every- where, and consequently only an imaginary philosophy. ‘The true ex- ' planation is, we suggest, the existence of a molecular repulsion, as well as admitted attraction, operating throughout the mass of all solids, liquids, and gases, in their normal condition, which effectually prevents any considerable condensation from simple incumbent weight, and this molecular repulsion and attraction may be positive and negative electricity. RESEARCHES ON THE FIGURE OF THE MOON. Some interesting researches have recently been made respecting the figure of the moon, which suggest many interesting speculations. Prof. Hansen, the German astronomer, claims to have proved by investiga- tion, that the hemisphere of our satellite, which alone is visible to us, is nothing but a mountain-range, raised twenty-nine miles above the average level of the moon’s surface ; or, to express the same thing more technically, that the centre of gravity of the moon is not her geometri- eal centre, but twenty-nine miles on the opposite side of her geometrical centre. That is, the more solid part of the moon would be on the iar side from the earth, and all that we see of her would be a bulging hemisphere, comparatively much less dense and weighty, projecting twenty-nine miles beyond the surface which the moon ought to show to us if the density were equal throughout ; and if the hemisphere on this side, therefore, were uniform in weight and form with the hemisphere on the other side, Prof. Hansen supposes, in fact, — and astronomers appear to think that he has proved his case, — that the moon turns a sort of tower of crusty, broken, porous, and therefore lighter, substance to the earth ; so that we see only an exaggerated Alpine or Andes region, projecting nearly thirty miles beyond the average level of the lunar suriace. If this be true, there are all sorts of provoking consequences. As we never get a glimpse of the other side of the moon, which keeps al- ways facing about just so as to avoid showing us her other hemisphere, we never get a glimpse at the average level of the lunar surface. Hence, all our conclusions as to the uninhabitability of the moon, de- rived from a knowledge that no clouds and no atmosphere of any ap- preciable degree exist on this side of the moon, are untrustworthy. ‘Twenty-nine miles above the average surface of the earth, the rarity of even our own atmosphere would be ‘probably so great as to render it scarcely appreciable at all, even to astronomical instruments, and quite unequal to the support of any of the vegetable or animal life of our earth. Accordingly, conjecture may take full possession of this invisi- ble side of the moon; and conjecture does, in fact, give it back the atmosphere which had been denied it, the outer margin of which is sup- posed so far to touch the mountain heights of this barren side, as to justify those astronomers who fancy they have seen proof of a very thin atmosphere in the refraction of stars just on the edge of the moon ; and to confirm the assertion of the astronomer Schroter, that he had discovered traces of twilight there, which could, of course, only be due to an atmosphere of some kind. Thus much may certainly be granted, that if Prof. Hansen is correct, the lunar atmosphere, if it exist at all, would certainly be attracted to the opposite or heavy side, and might well fail to be sensible at an elevation of twenty-nine miles, even though 4s NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 157 quite dense enough to support terrestrial life and vegetation at the average level of the lunar surface. It gives no proof that such an at- mosphere exists, but dees give very good reasons why, if there be one, we have failed to detect it with any certainty. ADDITIONAL RESEARCHES ON THE FIGURE OF THE MOON. No one who has seen Mr. De la Rue’s (London) stereoscopes of the full moon, in which the two images are obtained separately, but by one and the same optical instrumentality at the epochs of her extreme eastern and western librations in longitude, according to Mr. Wheatstone’s in- genious suggestion, can fail to have been struck by the marked and un- deniable deviation from the spherical form which the double picture suggests, standing out, as the convex surface does, in bold and full re- lief; exhibiting the most complete appearance of a round, projecting (vaguely speaking), globular figure. It is quite obvious, in a certain mode of presenting the-images to the eyes, that, were it really a solid object so presented to our view, no one would hesitate to pronounce it rather ego-shaped than spherical. ‘The apparent curvature of the sur- face under such circumstances is not that of a perfect sphere, alike throughout ; but conveys the irresistible impression of an elongation in one direction, and that, not directly toward the eye, but forming a pretty considerable angle, with the visual ray joining the eye and the moon’s centre. Nor does the form even presenta perfect symmetry, as of a solid of revolution ; but, on the contrary, somewhat distorted, or, as it were, skewed. The question which now arises is, how far any such appearances in a stereozraph are to be received as evidence of a cor- responding reality of conformation in the moon itself. And here we must at once reject any idea of explaining them by optical distortion, due to instrumental causes, or to photographic error, or subsequent dis- tortion in procuring the positive impressions from the original negatives. The instrumental means at Mr. De la Rue’s command preclude the one supposition, and the photographic process employed (collodion on glass, optically copied), the other. Mr. Gussew, Director of the Imperial Observatory at Wilna, with a view to determine how far the whole or any part of this apparent anomaly of figure is real, has subjected each of the two pictures of a pair in his possession, given him by Mr. De la Rue, to careful and rigorous microscopic measurement, by selecting on each of the pictures’ a con- siderable number of sharply-defined, and securely identifiable points, identical in each, and by measuring with extreme precision, by the aid of an apparatus constructed for the purpose, their distances from the centres and several points in the circumferences of the pictures. From these measures (which under such circumstances must be regarded as fully entitled to all the confidence of micrometrical measures, astro- nomically taken at the telescope), on subjecting them to mathematical computation, and applying the necessary corrections for parallax and refraction as afiecting the diameter of the moon, and the apparent figure of her disk, Mr. Gussew has been led to conclude that a real eccen- tricity of the figure actually does exist, and that, in point of fact, a por- tion of the moon’s surface having its axis directed about five degrees from the earth as seen from the moon at the epoch of her mean libration, may be considered as belonging to a sphere of smaller radius (and, 14 158 ‘ ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. therefore, more convex) than the mean radius of the moon by about eighteen parts in 1,000, and, of which, the centre is situated nearer to the earth than that of the whole moon, by seventy-three thousandths of such mean radius (seventy-nine English miles). The portion of the moon, then, turned toward the earth may be considered as a continu- ous mountain mass, in the form of a meniscus lens, capping the sphere of the moon, and rising in its middle to a height of about seventy-nine English miles above the general level of its figure of equilibrium. THE MATHEMATICS OF THE BEEHIVE. In the Annals of Natural History (London), 1863, will be found an analysis of the mathematics of the beehive, by the Rey. 5. Houghton, in which the theory of the bee’s forming hexagonal cells is completely overthrown. Lord Brougham, in his treatise Dialogues on Instinct, remarks: “ There is no bee in the world that ever made cylindrical cells;” and the fact of the existence of hexagonal cells in the honey- comb is generally quoted as a wonderful example of instinctive com- bination of means to ends in a low form of animal existence. Mr. Houghton, however, shows that the bee makes only cylindrical cells, and that the hexagonal and rhomboidal cells are alike the result of pressure, and represent the angles of equilibrium between the pressure and the resistance, just as the orbits of the planets are the midway lines between centrifugal and centripetal forces; the bee is not, therefore, such a mathematician as has been generally supposed. The alleged economy of material resulting from the bee’s method of working is also shown to be fallacious. Several mathematicians have carefully inves- tigated the relation of expenditure of material to the mathematical re- quirements of connected cells of given dimensions, and of a form adapt- ed to the uses to which they are to be put. L’Hullier, in 1781, arrived at the conclusion that the economy of wax referred to the total expen- diture is jst, so that the bees can make fifty-one cells instead of: fifty by the adoption of the rhombic dodecahedron. He also showed that mathematicians can make cells of the same form as those of the bees, which, instead of using only a minimum of wax, would use the minimum minimorum, so that five cells could be made of less wax than that which now makes only four, instead of fifty-one out of fifty. The humble-bee, moreover, in the construction of its cells, uses propor- tionably more than three times the amount of material that is used by the hive-bee. SUBSTITUTE FOR WOOD-ENGRAVING. The London Art Journal gives the following description of a process invented by Mr. Schulze, a German architect, for producing blocks for type-printing, to be used as asubstitute for wood-engraving. “ The material on which the drawing is to be made may be of glass or any other hard and smooth surface. The drawing is produced with a pen, and ink composed of pure gum-arabic dissolved in water, with the ad- dition of sufficient sugar to prevent it cracking when dry; lamp-black, or any other color, is mixed with the gum solution torender the work visible. When the drawing is completed, it is covered with a coat of bees-wax, asphaltum, resin, and linseed oil. The thickness of the cov- ering depends on the kind of work adopted by the artist; if the lines NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 159 of the drawing are very close together, a thin coat will suffice. After this ground has been applied, the plate or glass has to be submerged in water for about ten or fifteen minutes ; then a strong stream of wa- ter is poured upon it, which will remove the waxy substance above the lines of the drawing, but will leave that between the lines undisturbed. In most cases, the grounding will be sufficiently high to insure a good electrotype for printing; but where considerable height is required be- tween lines far apart, this can readily be effected by applying wax ac- cording to the method now employed by stereotypists, or by adding as- phaltum with the brush. Should the artist prefer to make his drawing on paper, the latter must first be rendered water-proof; and after it has undergone this process, it should be attached, with a water-proof paste, to a hard and even plate before it is covered with the wax ; in all other respects, it is treated in the manner just described. Before taking the electro deposit the plate must be covered with alcoholic ae and when dry, black-lead — plumbago— is applied with a soft rush. “ The advantages of the process are stated by the inventor to be — The obtaining a perfect fac-simile of the artist’s work; the drawing has not to be reversed, as in the methods now in use for copying on the wood pictures or objects; cheapness, and saving of time.” New Process of Engraving. — The following new process has been devised by M. Dalos, of Paris: A plate of copper is covered with a varnish of india-rubber and zinc-white. Lines are traced through this surface down to the metal by an ivory point. ‘The plate is then plunged in a solution of hydrochlorate of ammonia, the positive elec- trode being a plate of iron in cgmmunication with the negative pole of the pile. Iron is deposited on all the parts of the copper exposed by the ivory point, but not on the varnish, which is removed by benzine. The plate is once more exposed to electric action in a bath of silver, and that metal is precipitated on the copper but not on the iron. It is then heated to 80° C., and an alloy, fusible at that temperature, is poured over it. The liquid moistens the silver and adheres to it, but not to the iron, which it does not moisten. When cold, the fusible alloy will be found standing on each side of every line, and forming a mould, from which a new plate, adapted to printing, is obtained by a galvanoplastic process. DESIDERATA IN SCIENCE AND ART. The London Society of Arts proposes annually a list of subjects for invention, discovery, or explanation, for the attainment of which it of- fers medals, or money premiums, varying in amount from $100 to $500. From the list proposed for this year, 1864, we copy such of the sub- jects as seem to us most important and suggestive, and as best illustra- tive of the more practical wants of the present epoch. Goldsmith’s Work.— For the best essay on ancient goldsmith’s work. Bronzes. — For the best essay on the manufacture and casting of bronzes, and on bronze washes. Moulds for Metal Casting. — For the production of a material to be used in the formation of moulds for casting bronzes and other molten metals, so as to enable the casts to be produced without seams. 160 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Pigments. — For an account of the various pigments used in the Fine Arts, with suggestions for the introduction of new and improved substances. Substitute for Wood Blocks. — For the discovery of a substitute for the blocks used by wood-engravers, so as to supersede the necessity of uniting several pieces of wood. Photographs on Enamel. — For the best portrait obtained photo- graphically and burnt in in enamel. Photographs on China. — For the production of a dessert or other service, in china or earthenware, ornamented by means of photog- raphy, and burnt in from an impression obtained either directly from the negative, or from a transfer trom a metal plate obtained directly from the photograph. Photographs on Windows. — For the production commercially of or- namental glass for windows by means of vitrified photographs. Fluorie Acid. — For a substitute for fluoric acid, to be used for en- graving on glass, which shall be free from noxious fumes. Reproducing Designs for Printing. —¥or a rapid means of repro- ducing artistic designs or sketches, tor surface-printing by machinery, such process to provide for lowering portions of the work to fit it for steam-printing. Rollers for Calico-Printing. — For any important improvements for facilitating the production and economizing the cost of engraving roll- ers for printing calicoes and other fabrics. Aniline Colors. — For a means of fixing upon cotton and other fab- rics all the ordinary aniline colors, so that the dyed fabric will effec- tually resist the action of soap and water, or cold dilute alkalies. Napthaline. — For a process for converting the napthaline of gas- works into alizarine or madder-red. Chlorophyll. — For the manufacture of chlorophyll from grasses, suitable for dyeing silk and other fabrics of a green color. Green Dyes. —For the manufacture of green dyes from coal, or wood-tar. Paints for Carriages. — For the production of cheap purple and yellow lakes of good quality, suitable for carriage-builders, etc., and not liable to fade or change color. New Scarlet Dye. — For the production of a scarlet dye for cotton. Bleaching Wool. — For an account of any important improvements in the bleaching of wool. Thickening Colors. — For the introduction of any substance, the use of which will essentially economize the cost of thickening the colors and sizes used in dyeing and dressing fabrics. Substitute for Egg-Albumen. = For a thoroughly decolorized blood- albumen, or any economic and efficient substitute for egg-albumen in calico-printing. Uses of Seaweed. — For the extraction from seaweed of any sub- stance or preparation capable of extensive application as a dye, drug, thickening, tanning agent, or any other generally useful product. Also, fora means of ‘rendering seaweeds generally available as a whole- some vegetable food on board ship. Mining Machinery. — For improvements in the machinery for dress- ing poor ores of tin, lead, ete. ‘ 2 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 161 Regenerative Furnaces. — For the best account of the structure and application of regenerative furnaces to manufacturing purposes. Meiting Cast-Steel.— For an easy and cheap method of melting cast-steel in large masses. Hydraulic Engine. — For a small, simple, cheap, and effective hy- draulic engine, which, in connection with the ordinary water service of towns could be applied to lifts in warehouses, driving lathes, blowing the bellowses of organs, and many other purposes where steam cannot be made available. Protecting Iron.— For the invention of an efficient method of pro- tecting iron from the action of air and water, applicable to the various forms in which iron is used as a building material generally, and also to iron ships and armor-plated vessels. Shoal Recorder. — For an instrument to indicate the depth of wa- ter under a ship’s bottom, to prevent danger when at sea or nearing land. Application of Electricity to Organs. — For the production of an organ in which, by the use of electricity or magnetism, tunes of greater length and variety than those ordinarily produced in barrel-organs may be performed mechanically. Lace Machinery. — For a mechanical substitute for hand-labor in running in the outline to figures in machine-wrought lace. Woven Garments. — For the production in the loom, and introduc- tion into commerce, of woven garments, suited for soldiers, sailors, emigrants, operatives and others, so as to economize the cost of pro- duction, and reduce the amount of hand-labor. Incombustible Paper. — For the production of an incombustible pa- per, so as to render the ledgers of commercial men, bankers, etc., in- destructible by fire. Dyeing and Dressing Leather. — For improvements in the method of dyeing or dressing morocco or calf-leather, in such manner as to prevent the surface from cracking in working, and to render it more fit to receive the gilding required in ornamenting books, furniture, and other articles. Leather Cloth. — For improvements in the manufacture of leather- cloth, or artificial leather, especially in imparting strength and durabil- ity, so as to fit it for the purposes of saddlers, harnessmakers, trunk- makers, shoemakers, bookbinders and others. New Gums. — For any new substance or compound which may be employed as a substitute for india-rubber or gutta-percha in the arts and manufactures. New Gums or Oils. —For any new gums or oils, the produce of Africa, calculated to be useful in the arts and manufactures, and ob- tainable in quantity. Samples of not less than twenty-five pounds of gum, and fifty pounds of oil, to be transmitted to the Society. Elastic Tubing. — For an elastic material for tubing, suited to the conveyance of gas, and not liable to be affected by alterations in tem- perature, or to be acted upon by the gas itself. Color for Japanned Surfaces.— For the preparation of any color, applicable to the Japanned surfaces of papier maché, that shall be free from the brightness (or glare) of the varnished colors now used, but possess the same degree of hardness and durability. 14* 162 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Color for Slate. — For the preparation of light colors to be used in enamelling or Japanning slate, which will stand the action of the heat from the fire without blistering or discoloration, and be sufficiently hard to resist scratches. Electric Weaving. — To the manufacturer who practically applies electricity to the production commercially of figured fabrics in the loom. Japanning Zinc. — For a process whereby the surface of articles manufactured in zinc may be economically japanned. Coating Walls. — For the production of a cheap white enamel-like composition for the interior walls, etc., of houses, applicable to all or- dinary surfaces, easily cleansed, not liable to crumble or chip, and capable of being tinted. Subsittute for Turpentine. — For a new and efficient substitute for turpentine, applicable to the manufacture of varnishes and to purposes for which turpentine is now ordinarily applied. Substitute for Pitch. — For a cheap substitute for pitch, tar, &c., equally impervious to air and moisture, but not inflammable. Paper Machinery. — For a portable machine for planing the bars of a rag-engine-roll true when the roll is in position. Rollers for Printing Paper-Hangings. — For a composition for feed- ing rollers for printing paper-hangings by cylinder-machinery, similar in consistency and texture to the gelatine rollers used in letter-press printing, but adapted for working in water-colors. Paper-Hangings Colored in the Pulp.—¥or the manufacture of papers from colored pulp, bearing upon them designs, either colored or white, discharged after the manner of calico-printing. Green without Arsenic. — For the manufacture of a brilliant green color, not containing arsenic, copper, or other poisonous materials. Improved Chemical Balance.— For the best chemical and assay balance, suitable for the use of students and experimentalists, which will (with 600 grains in each pan) show a difference of .005 or less. To be sold at a moderate price. Cheap Spectroscope. — For the best and cheapest form of spectro- scope. Dialysing Apparatus. — For the best and cheapest form of dialysing apparatus, capable of being packed in a small compass, but of sufficient size to aid the country practitioner in the detection of poisons and adulterations, and in the preparation and purification of salts and drugs. Incombustible Wick. — For the production of an incombustible wick, suitable for oil, spirit, and other lamps. Cyanogen Compounds. — For the economical production of cyanogen compounds for employment in the arts, or as manures. Oxygen Gas. — For a more economical process of obtaining oxygen gas than any in present use. New Edible Roots. — For the discovery and introduction into this country of any new edible root, useful as food for man or cattle, and capable of exsensive and improved cultivation. Edible Seaweeds. —For a means of rendering seaweeds generally available as a wholesome vegetable food on board ship. Colored Starches. — For the production of a series of colored starches, which can be applied to articles of dress, such as lace, ete., without in- a NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 163 juring or staining the fabric, but at the same time give to them the re- quired tints, and thus render them in harmony with other portions of dress. , Titanium. — For the best essay upon titanium, with suggestions for extracting and utilizing the metal. Smelting Zinc. — For an account of the processes now in use for smelting zinc ores, with suggestions for their improvement. Emigrants’ Dwellings. — For the best essay (for the information of emigrants proceeding to new settlements), descriptive of the means of treating existing natural products in any locality, such as earths, shells, chalks, and limestones, woods, barks, grasses, ete., and applying them in the construction of dwellings. Diagrams and illustrations of the methods of applying materials should be given. Dutch Prizes for Investigation. — The Dutch Society of Sciences have also recently issued a prize-list of subjects for scientific investigation, to which they invite answers to be sent, in prior to January, 1865 ; and the followint are some of the topicsselected: A gold medal is offered for a paper on the Vertebrata (not including fishes) of the Indian Archipelago, ee those of Borneo, Celebes, and the Moluccas, and above ail those of New Guinea. In astronomy, a prize is offered for a deter- mination, as exact as possible, of the errors of Hansen’s Lunar Tables, by the occultations of the Pleiades, observed during the last revolution of the node of the lunar orbit. In electricity, the celebrated physicist, Ruhmkorff, has obtained sparks of extraordinary length, by the induct- ive machines which bear his name. Required: a determination, by experimental and theoretical researches, of the laws which govern the length and intensity of these sparks in machines of different sizes and construction. Other questions are, What difference is there between the perception of sounds with one and both ears? Is fermentation, as indicated by the researches of Pasteur and others, due to the develop- ment of cryptogamia and infusoria ? and, if so, what is the exact de- scription of these plants and animals and their mode of action? Re- quired: an investigation into the heat-conducting power of certain insulating, or non-conducting substances, as glass, marble, ete. Another is stated as follows: The researches of Gladstone and others have di- rected the attention of physicists to the changes which the indices of refraction of liquids undergo by achange of temperature. The Society attach great importance to a knowledge of the relation between the in- dex of refraction and the temperature, convinced as they are that this knowledge would throw light on other very interesting points of the theory of light. They therefore invite a series of exact researches on these changes, in pure liquids and in solutions. The prizes are a gold medal worth 150 florins, and an equal amount in money. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. THE RECENT PROGRESS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The following is an abstract of an address made to the chemical section of the British Association, 1863, by Professor Williamson, on assuming the Chair: — One of the features of our science is the rate at which materials have been accumulating by the labors of chemists, in the so-called or- ganic department of the science. The study of the transformation of organic bodies leads to the discovery of new acids, new bases, new al- cohols, new ethers, and at a constantly increasing rate. Some of these new substances are found to possess properties which can at once be applied to practical manufacturing processes, such as dyeing, but the greater number of them remain in our laboratories and museums, and text-books. New discoveries are constantly coming in to fill up the gaps which still disfigure our growing system. In mineral, or in organic chemistry, there is not the same scope for discovery at present, inas- much as the elements which belong to it do not combine in those numer- ous proportions which occur among the chief elements of organic bodies. But yet, mineral chemistry has not been standing still, for even the heavy metals, most remote in their properties from those volatile and un- stable substances of organic chemistry, have been made in many instances to combine together, and the organic metallic bodies thus formed have not only proved most valuable and powerful agents of decomposition, but they have served as a connecting link between the two branches of chemical science. A system.of classification of elements is now coming into use, in which the heavy metals arrange themselves harmoniously with the elements of organic bodies, and in accordance with the prin- ciples which were discovered by a study of organic compounds. It is now many years since the attention of chemists was directed by a French professor to some inconsistencies which had crept into -our sys- tem of atomic weights. Gerhardt showed that the principles which were adopted in fixing the atomic weight of elementary bodies gener- ally required us, to adopt for oxygen, carbon, and sulphur, numbers twice as great as those generally in use for those elements. The logic of his arguments was unanswerable, and yet Gerhardt’s conclusions gained but few adherents. It is to be observed, taat for some years Gerhardt represented chemical reactions by so-called synoptic formule, which took no account of the existence of organic radicles. These synoptic formule represent in the simp!est terms the result of a chemi- cal reaction ; but they give no physical image of the progress by which the reaction is brought about. The introduction, in this country, of the 164 CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 165 water-type in connection with poly-atomic as well as mon-atomic radi- cles, was found to satisfy the requirements of the synoptic formule. Gerhardt was the first to adopt them from us. He gave a system of organic chemistry on that plan, and his book has been of immense ser- vice to the development of our science. ‘The extension of these prin- ciples to mineral chemistry had been commenced in the cases of the commonest acids and bases, but their general introduction met with difficulties, and sometimes seemed wanting to their complete success. It was reserved for Prof. Cannizzaro, of the University of Palermo, to show us how the remainder of the knot could be untied. He argued, upon physical as well as chemical grounds, that the atomic weight of many metals ought to be doubled, as well as those of oxygen, sulphur, and carbon. His conclusions are confirmed by the constitution of those organo-metallic bodies which I mentioned just now, and it certainly does seem to supply what was still wanting for the extension of our system of classification from the non-metallic elements to the heavy metals themselves. The elements are now arranged into two principal groups :—1. Those of which each atom combines with an uneven num- ber of atoms of chlorine or hydrogen. 2. Those of which each atom combines with an even number of atoms of chlorine or hydrogen. Like every classification founded upon nature this one draws no abso- lute line, as some elements belong to both classes. The first group in- cludes the mon-atomic elements of the chlorine family, the tri-atomic elements of the nitrogen family, hydrogen, and the alkali metals, silver and gold, — in all about eighteen elements. The usual atomic weights of these are retained. The usual atomic weights of all the other ele- ‘ments, biatomic, tetratomic, etc., are doubled. This second group in- cludes the oxygen family, carbon, silicon, and the alkaline earths, the metals zine, iron, copper, lead, etc. Every step in our theoretical de- velopment of chemistry has served to consolidate and extend the atomic theory, but it is interesting to observe that the retention of that theory has involved the necessity of depriving it of the absolute character which it at first possessed. Organic compounds were long ago discovered, containing atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in proportions far from simple; and the atomic theory must have been abandoned, but for the discovery that the atomic, or rather molecular, weights of these compounds correspond invariably to entire numbers of the elementary atoms. We now use the term “ molecule ” for those groups which hold together during a variety of transformations, but which can be resolved into simpler constituents ; whilst we reserve the word “ atom ” for those perce which we cannot break up, and which there is no reason for elieving that we ever shall break up. RELATION OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. At the last meeting of the British Association, several examples were brought forward demonstrating the direct bearing of scientific research- es upon the advance of medical science. No sooner is any new sub- stance (whether an elementary body, such as thallium, or a compound) discovered, than experiments are made to investigate its physiological and therapeutical action on the living organisms of men and animals. In many cases, these experiments are made by the observers on their own bodies, and the records of science offer several examples of enthusiastic er” 166 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. investigators whose lives have been perilled by the self-administration of dangerous reagents. Asa rule, these investigations are made, in the first instance, on the lower animals; but the results so obtained only give a very slight approximation to what would be the nature of the action of these bodies on the human frame. We know absolutely nothing of the different constitutional powers in the different animals, so that our only means of acquiring a knowledge of the therapeutical action of remedies is by direct experiment in every case. For example, the goat and the sheep are so slightly different in structure and organization that it is difficult even to discover a well-de- fined specific distinction between the two animals. Nevertheless, many substances are fatal to the sheep that the goat eats with impunity. A goat will eat at a meal a sufficient quantity of laurel twigs (Cerasus Lauro cerasus) to destroy the life of a cow, a ruminating animal, whose organization closely resembles its own. In the same manner, tobacco — one of the most fatal of all poisons to the human frame — is eaten by goats and monkeys with great avidity, and without any apparent evil consequences. Sir Emerson Tennant, in his work on Ceylon, referring to the invulnerability of the mongoose to the bites of poisonous serpents, says, ‘‘ Such exceptional provisions are not without precedent in the animal economy; the hornbill feeds with impunity on the deadly fruit of the strychnos; the milky juice of some species of euphorbia, which is harmless to oxen, is invariably fatal to the zebra ; and the tsetse fly, the pest of South Africa, whose bite is mortal to the ox, the dog, and the horse, is harmless to man and the untamed creatures of the forest.” Among the most important new remedies which science has bestowed upon medicine may be mentioned the preparations of the element bro- mine. ‘This, as is well known, belongs to the same group of elements as chlorine, iodine, and fluorine ; each of these, though perfectly capa- ble of replacing each other in chemical combinations, has a totally dif-. ferent action on the vital organism. Chlorine is an essential to the life of all animals, and is supplied in the form of common salt, chloride of sodium. Iodine is, both when sim- ple and in combination, a powerful stimulant, exciting the glandular _ system. Fluorine, though never yet isolated, is in some of its combinations a powerful poison. Bromine has been discovered by Dr. Gibb to possess, when admin- istered in the form of bromide of ammonium, Br N Hy, a power of pro- ducing insensibility or even partial paralysis of the nerves going to the glottis and larynx, or organs situated at the top of the windpipe. This knowledge has been at once applied to practical medicine. ‘The pain- ful disease known as whooping-cough owes its chief danger and discom- fort to spasm of the nerves going to the respiratory organs. It has been found that the administration of a few grains of bromide of ammonium three times a day has the effect of allaying this spasm, and so prevent- ing the most dreaded symptoms of the disease. Having alluded to the newly-discovered metal, thallium, it may be as well to mention that M. Lamy states that continued investigation into its properties has resulted in extreme lassitude and pain in the lower limbs. With a view of determining its real influence on the ani- mal economy, he has administered it to the lower animals, and he men- CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 167 tions that a decigramme of the sulphate given to a dog has caused death in forty hours. Mr. Crookes, on the other hand, denies its power, and states that he has occasionally swallowed a few grains of its salts with- out injurious effect. THE SYNTHETIC PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. A lecture was recently given before the French academy by M. Ber- thelot, “On Synthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry.” It was an able résumé of the chief steps by which complex, organic substances have been built up from the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Although no absolutely new facts were given, yet-the treat- ment of the subject was such as to present some of the phenomena in a new light. It was illustrated by several experiments; the most inter- esting among these showed the first and most important synthetic step —the direct combination of carbon and hydrogen with formation of acetylene, C, H,. The union was thus accomplished : a stream of hy- drogen was conducted into a globe, in which the electric are was shown between two carbon poles. ‘The particles of carbon, transferred me- chanically from one pole to the other, took no part in the chemical action, but the volatilized carbon combined, in the intense heat, with the hydrogen present. The acetylene thus produced was converted into a compound with copper; from this substance olefiant gas was pre- pared, and, finally, from olefiant gas, alcohol. Prof. Franklin stated, in a recent lecture before the Royal Institu- tion, London, that more than one thousand organic bodies can now be produced from these inorganic elements (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, ete.) without the agency of vitality. CONVERSION OF ALBUMEN INTO FIBRIN. A paper by Mr. Alfred Suree, Jr., recently read before the Royal Society, appears, so far as can be judged at present, to have a bearing on physiological chemistry. In few words, the facts may be thus sta- ted: Pass a stream of oxygen through a quantity of albumen, and por- tions of that albumen will be converted into fibrin. The albumen may be derived from the serum of blood, from eggs, or from the gluten of wheat ; the result is the same, — formation of fibrin. Taking the facts for granted, this is a very remarkable discovery ; and it is thought that it may throw some light on the phenomena of fibrinous diseases, — Se ape peritonisis, and the like, — which are obscure in their origin. a small quantity of potash be mixed with the albumen, there is then no formation of fibrin. THE MOLECULAR MOBILITY OF GASES. The following paper on the above subject by Prof. Graham, pre- sented to the Royal Society, June, 1863, is a continuation of that em- inent scientist’s researches on dialysis, and is one of the most important contributions made to science during the past year : — The molecular mobility of gases is here considered in reference chiefly to the passage of gases, under pressure, through a thin porous plate or septum, and to the partial separation of mixed gases, which can be effected, as will be shown, by such means. In the diffusiom- eter, as first constructed, a plain cylindrical glass tube, rather less , 168 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. than an inch in diameter and about ten inches in length, was simply closed at one end by a porous plate of plaster-of-paris, about one-third of an inch in thickness and thus converted into a gas-receiver.