sh Raita ste i we wtihat hy ie a fen lth woe snot Seen T ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY: OR, YEAR-BOOK OF FACTS IN SCIENCE AND ART, On ao eh. EXHIBITING THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN MECHANICS, USEFUL ARTS, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, CHEMISTRY, ASTRONOMY, GEOLOGY, BIOLOGY, BOTANY, MINERALOGY, METEOROLOGY, GEOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, ETC., TOGETHER WITH NOTES ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE DURING THE YEAR 1870; A LIST OF RECENT SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS; OBITUARIES OF EMINENT SCIENTIFIC MEN, ETC, EDITED BY JOHN .TROWBRIDGE, S.B., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN HARVARD COLLEGE; AIDED BY W. R. NICHOLS, . ASST. PROF. OF CHEMISTRY IN MASS. INST. OF TECHNOLOGY 5 AND C. R. CROSS, GRADUATE OF THE INSTITUTE, B.O SEO UN. : GO. bi DD) iA Spi ba ee COLL. wy. 59 WASHINGTON STREET. NEW YORK: SHELDON AND COMPANY. LONDON: TRUBNER & CO, oii ee Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by GOULD AND GLENCOLN,, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. ROCKWELL & CHURCHILL, Printers, Boston. NOTES BY THE EDITOR, ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE FOR THE YEAR 1870. In looking over the material collected during the year, which is now embodied in the present volume, we find little that is new or startling in the province of the mechanic arts. Both in this country and in England attention is fixed upon more economical and safer processes in applying inventions. The American manufacturer would do well to read the report on steam-boiler legislation presented at the meeting of the British Association. Among the names of the committee who presented it we find those of Sir William Fairbairn and Sir Joseph Whit- worth. From the report it appears that about 50 explosions occur in Great Britain every year, killing about 75 persons and injuring as many others. The committee are confirmed in their opinion that explosions are not accidental, that they are not mys- terious; but that they arise from the simplest causes, and may be prevented by the exercise of common knowledge and common care. Boilers burst simply from weakness. Competent inspec- tion is adequate to detect the weakness of the boiler in time to prevent explosions, whether that weakness arise from malcon- struction or defective condition, while it tends to stimulate attend- ants to carefulness, and thus to diminish the number of those explosions arising from oversight. The committee state that for every explosion due to the boiler- minder in neglecting the water supply, etc., six are due to the boiler-maker or boiler-owner from making or using bad boilers. After discussing possible remedies the committee are convinced that the government should enforce the periodical inspection of all steam boilers. The numerous explosions of the year bring this subject home to us. III IV NOTES BY THE EDITOR. We can point with pride to some substantial engineering work of the past year: notably, the building, launching, and placing the great caisson at the Brooklyn terminus of the East River bridge. An extract from the report of Col. Roebling will be found in the present volume. It is stated that the great central shaft of the Hoosac Tunnel has reached the grade of the tunnel 1,030 feet below the natural surface. The Broadway Underground Railway is well underway; the construction progressing while the thoroughfare above is crowded with its endless procession of vehicles. The St. Louis bridge, under the able engineering skill of Captain Eads, progresses finely. The removal of the obstruction at Hellgate is continued day and night. These and the work of the coast survey testify to the pres- ence of engineering skill among us. The European war has not called forth to a large extent the in- ventive capabilities of our population, while it has had distinctly this effect abroad. Activity, however, among the American manu- facturers of arms and ammunition has necessarily followed. As a proof of the esteem in which American weapons are held abroad it is stated that the Remington Co., N. Y., have ex- ported to Denmark 25,000 breech-loaders, and as many to the Swedish government. Colt’s Co., 30,000 Berdan rifles to Russia. Turkey has also been a large purchaser. Nearly the half of the work of Smith & Wesson’s manufactory is bought by European parties. And the Union Metallic Cartridge Co. send their prod- ucts to all parts of the world. We learn, from the *‘ London Broad Arrow,” that ‘‘12 of the Gatling guns of 45-bore have been ordered from America for the government absolutely, and 50 additional on the understanding that they will be taken. Meanwhile, 50 more of these guns are being manufactured by Sir William Armstrong, at the Elswick ordnance works, in expectation that they also will be taken by the government. As it is understood to be the intention of the goy- ernment to arm each of the ships of war with a mitrailleuse, in addition to supplying a certain number to the army, it is clear that several hundreds of this arm will be required.” The new explosives, nitro-glycerine, dualin, lithofracteur, and dynamite have received considerable attention during the past year. Fullaccounts of dualin will be found in the present volume ; it seems to promise well for certain kinds of work, although the NOTES BY THE EDITOR. V authorities at the Hoosac tunnel do not speak very favorably of it. It consists, as do most of these new explosives, of nitro-glycerine, with some comparatively inert base: in the case of dualin the base is sawdust. The manufacturers of iron are quickly adopting the latest in- ventions, but have given us no very new modifications or im- provements during the year. Mechanical stoking is attracting considerable attention, and an able paper on this subject was delivered at the meeting of the British association, which can be found on page 23. The European war has not added materially to the list of in- ventions of arms of warfare. The merits of the chassepot and the needle-gun have been actively canvassed, but on account of the physical superiority and training of the German over the French soldier, the trial between the weapons has not perhaps been a conclusive one. The mitrailleuse has also come in for its share of praise and abuse. It is thought to be a good weapon for mowing down a close assaulting column, but not for general field work. It is stated that the projectiles of the chassepot and the mitrail- leuse reached an enormous distance in the recent contests. Ac- cording to the ‘‘ Lancet,” the number of thigh wounds made by bullets was relatively very great in the late battles; and the wounds made by the French sword-bayonet more difficult to heal than those of the Prussian triangular weapon. The loss of the ‘* Captain” will necessarily call attention to the safer construction of iron-clads. At the meeting of the British Association, Captain Rowell pre- sented his claims of the superiority of hemp cables over iron and hemp cables, and asserted that the hemp cable would be 50 per cent. cheaper than the present system. The recent interruption of telegraphic communication with Europe will result, undoubtedly, in the laying of more cables. A cable between England and France, from Beechy Head to Cape Antiper, near Havre, is in process of construction. It is to be an independent line, and is much needed on account of the pressure of business upon the other cables. Considerable attention has been paid lately to the use of wire- rope tramways. ‘The late Mr. Roebling, by perfecting the manu- facture of iron cables, undoubtedly led the way to this result. In mining districts, on steep inclines, and even on ordinary transpor- tation lines, the telo-dynamic system seems destined to play an VI NOTES BY THE EDITOR. important part. In England, 13 lines, varying from short dis- tances to 4 milesin length, have been constructed, and upwards of 100 miles are in course of preparation or under contract. The Suez Canal is a successful fact. At the meeting of the British Association, General Heine read a paper on ‘‘ Lines for Ship Canals across the Isthmus of Panama.” He concluded that only two lines were deserving of consid- eration, because of the expense for constructing and working them. The two lines were, first, from Aspinwall along the line of the railway to Panama, with an extreme elevation of 269 feet, a length of 35 miles through rocks of porphyry and basalt, and with but middling ports of entry; second, from the Gulf of Darien through the rivers Atrato, Caiarica, Paya, and Tuyra, to the Gulf of San Miguel, with an extreme elevation of 186 feet, length 52 miles, through soil composed of alluvial deposit, with some thin ranges of grayish sandstone and schist, and with very good ports of entry. The speaker urged upon Englishmen a greater interest in this canal, which would so materially shorten the marine passage to Australia, the west coast of America, and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. This year marks the completion of the Mount Cenis Tunnel. The use of artificial stone is on the increase. In many regions of our country, where stone and timber are scarce, the use of concrete in building would seem to find favor. Among the later inventions may be instanced that of the Rev. H. Highton, of England, which utilizes the refuse of granite quarries. A paper on International Communication in the present vol- ume will prove of interest to all who are afilicted with sea-sickness. Mr. Bessemer proposes to construct a chamber or state-room which shall accommodate itself to the motions of the ship,— somewhat as a lamp hung upon gimbals. This chamber is to be luxuriously fitted up, and to be carefully shut off from the air of the boilers and engines. The expense of such an arrangement seems to be the only feature that will militate against so desirable an improvement. The watering of streets with chemicals has attracted favorable attention abroad. At the meeting of the British Association, Mr. J. W. Cooper, who has given much attention to this subject, stated that three streets in the city of Liverpool were watered with salt during the month of July, 1869, with very favorable results, — so much so, that the experiments were continued this year. Mr. Cooper proposes to add a certain portion of the deliques- NOTES BY THE EDITOR. VII cent chloride of aluminum to the salts used, and, by its antiseptic qualities, afford a means of more thoroughly purifying thorough- fares. Photography applied to military purposes is not new, but the English government are making greater use of it than ever before. Photographs are taken of soldiers exercised in the manual of arms, — both in the infantry and the artillery service; of the lading of sumpter mules, and, in short, of everything which can convey information to new recruits in the colonies. The preservation of meat has long attracted much attention in this country and in Europe. The exportation of preserved meats from Australia is becoming a business of great impor- tance. Since the opening of the Pacific Railroad fruit and meat have been transported to the Atlantic sea-board in closed refrig- erator cars. In this connection it is well to notice the increased use of artificial ice. The French company Messageries Impé- riales, wishing to ascertain what kind of ice would be preferable for the vessels navigating the Suez Canal, caused experiments to be made under identical circumstances, and apparently proved that artificial ice would have the preference over natural ice for transportation, and for refrigerating mixtures. More experiments, however, are needed to establish this fact. A paper on the continuity of the gaseous and liquid state of | matter, by Dr. Andrews, will be found on page 128; the transition from the gaseous to the liquid state is shown not to be abrupt, but that the two states are connected by a continuous change. The writer infers, also, that liquids change to solids by a similar law. The recent experiments made by M. Andre, on the velocity of sound in water, give the velocity as 1206.5 metres per second. Wertheim, it will be remembered, found it 1173 metres per second, and MM.Colladon and Sturm, 1435 metres per second. Koenig’s investigation of the vowel sounds, supplementary to Helmholtz’ researches on the same subject, are interesting in a philological point of view. He infers from the simplicity of the ratio of the vibrations of the five vowel sounds found in all languages, the reason of their universal adoption. M. Jamin has extended the use of electric currents to the determination of latent heats and specific heats. In this con- nection it is well to mention Siemens’ resistance pyrometer. . This instrument will measure intense heat; it is based upon the princi- ple that metals offer a resistance to the passage of an electrical VIIr NOTES BY THE EDITOR. current when they are heated, — this resistance increasing in a determinate ratio. Efforts have long been made to invent an accurate pyrometer. Experts state that this pyrometer promises to be very useful. The new galvanic battery, invented by Bunsen, evolves -no fumes in working, and is quite constant. Consisting merely of one liquid, a mixture of sulphuric and chromic acids, no porous cells are needed. The experiments on the Atlantic Cable, conducted by Dr. Gould, can be found on page 155. The general reader will be interested in the fact that mes- sages were effectually and distinctly transmitted in each direction by the use of an electrometer formed by a small percussion cap containing moistened sand, upon which rested a particle of zinc. Colonel Woodward, of the Army Medical Museum, Washington, has made a series of experiments in microscopic photography, using the magnesium and electric lights. His results are very successful. The lime light and the magnesium light had been used before in this connection, in England, but not with great success. Measurements of Newton’s rings made some years since by Fizeau, together with the wave length of the light of the two principal components of the D line of the solar spectrum, show a remarkable coincidence in results obtained by different methods, and further confirm the truth of the undulatory hypothesis. (See page 151.) We incorporate herewith the notes of Professor Nichols, on the progress, during the past year, in Chemistry and Geology. ‘‘During the year considerable progress has been made in organic chemistry so-called. As a rule, however, much of the work done, and most of the results obtained, appeal to the minds of a very few even among scientific men. Still these researches ought not to be decried by practical men, in the face of such a brilliant result as the artificial production of alizarine. (See page 182.) The artificial product seems to be identical in physi- cal and chemical properties with the natural coloring matter, and is already manufactured on a considerable scale. Worthy of mention, also, is the synthetical construction of indigo-blue, by Emmerling and Engler (see page 211), although the method employed offers no prospect of its production in quantities suffi- cient for manufacturing purposes. Moreover, our knowledge of the constitution of chemical substances, and the laws which NOTES BY THE EDITOR. IX govern them is increased and rendered more certain by the study of the more complex compounds occurring in nature, or produced, in the laboratory. While, therefore, there is great fascination attending the pursuit of this branch of the science, there are still many interesting objects of research in mineral chemistry to, be investigated, still many problems in technical chemistry to be solved. The definition of organic chemistry as the ‘‘ chemistry of the compounds of carbon,” felt to be so happy when first pro- pounded, loses somewhat of its significance in view of the researches of Friedel and others (see page 193), which show that silicon is competent to replace carbon in the formation of many complex bodies. That the importance of silicon in the economy of organized existence has failed to be duly ap- preciated cannot be denied, although we may not be prepared to admit with Henry Wurtz, of New York City, that ‘‘ all silica in isolated forms appertains, in origin at least, to the vegetable kingdom.” ‘The researches of Thenard (see page 196) follow naturally those of Friedel and Landenburg. As standing on the border line between chemistry and physics proper, we may signalize the investigations of Thomsen, of Copenhagen, on the heat of chemical combination. His deter- minations differ to a considerable extent from those of Favre and Silbermann, hitherto regarded as authority. As the result of his experiments he finds that when a molecule of acid is neutralized by a caustic alkali, the heat evolved increases nearly in propor- tion to the amount of alkali added until this amount reaches 1, 4, $, 4, of a molecule of alkali, according as the acid is mono-, di-, tri- or tetra-basic. Silicic acid forms an exception to this law, as do also, toa certain extent, arsenic, boracic, and ortho-phosphoric acids. In this connection allusion must be made to the researches of Dr. Andrews, on the continuity of the liquid and gaseous states, which tend to show that the assumption of the existence of three distinet states or conditions of matter has no foundation in fact, the solid, liquid, and gaseous states being actually continuous. While we have no actual proof of the truth of the atomic theory, and while many chemists are disposed to place this hypothesis even without the limits of probability, it is interesting to note that Sic William Thomson, from the consideration of physical phe- nomena, has been led so far as to calculate the size of the mole- cules which go to make up chemical substances. He concludes x NOTES BY THE EDITOR. that in any ordinary liquid the mean distance between contig- uous molecules is less than one one-millionth of a centimeter and greater than one two-millionth. Dr. Angus Smith, in England, in connection with his work as Inspector under the Alkali Act, has been carrying on chemical examinations of the air and rain in various localities, and collect- ing statistics looking towards the establishment of a new branch of meteorology, — chemical climatology. While the methods of analysis are already tolerably satisfactory as far as the determina- tion of the various gases naturally or accidentally present in the air, and of the various saline matters contained in the rain, the great problem bearing upon health—the determination of the amount of organic matter in the atmosphere and its character, whether harmless or injurious — is still far from being solved. While in technical chemistry there is little to record that is strictly new, attention may be called to the great change wrought in one of the most important of the applications of chemistry to the arts, namely, the manufacture of chlorine. Weldon’s pro- cess (see page 166), announced at the meeting of the British Asso- ciation in 1869, is supplanting the old method, to considerable ex- tent, both in England and on the continent. That the process is, however, still imperfect, is evident from the fact that two-thirds of the chlorine in the chlorhydric acid employed goes to waste. The ingenious process of producing chlorine without the use of man- ganese, suggested by Henry Deacon (see page 169), while theoreti- cally excellent, presents practical difficulties which have not been surmounted so as to bring the method into actual use. Geology. — The most interesting results which have recently been obiained have been the results of the deep-sea dredgings, carried on along the Atlantic coast on both sides of the ocean, with assistance from the governments of Great Britain and the United States. The facts thus obtained in regard to the mode of deposition of calcareous and other sedimentary rock-strata, and in regard to the distribution of animal life, are of the highest importance. It seems that there is no limit to the depth at which animal life can exist; many genera and species, hereto- fore considered extinct, have been found to have living representa- tives; the influence of warm and cold currents is shown to be very great on the fauna of a given area, so that side by side deposits are forming’, one containing the remains of arctic, and another the remains of temperate or even tropical species. A somewhat NOTES BY THE EDITOR. XI detailed account of the results of these investigations will be found in subsequent pages.” Professor Huxley, in his address at Liverpool, contributed some new terms to science. The hypothesis that living matter always arises by the agency of pre-existing living matter, he terms biogenesis; and the doc- trine that living matter may be produced by not-living matter, abiogenesis. It may be well also to notice two other terms greatly used in this branch of science: homogenesis and heterogenesis, or xeno- genesis. When the living parent gives rise to offspring which pass through the same cycle of changes as itself, like giving rise to like, this is termed homogenesis; when the living parent gives rise to offspring which pass through a totally different series of states from those exhibited by the parent, and do not return into the cycle of the parent, — this is termed heterogenesis or xeno- genesis; like not giving rise to like. A late writer in ‘‘ The Lancet” says: ‘‘ The determination of the nature and mode of existence of the contagious principles of zymotic diseases has hitherto baffled the keenest search of scien- tific workers ; but the employment of improved methods of observa- tion is at length beginning to remove much of the mystery which envelops the subject of contagion. Until we have unravelled the nature of zymotic poisons, it is impossible to make any real prog- ress in the discovery of efficient means of averting the spread of epidemic and contagious diseases. From the results of a special investigation, conducted for the Privy Council in England by Dr. Sanderson, we are led to the conclusion that every kind of con- tagion, as regards its physical form, consists of extremely minute, separate, solid particles, to which the name microzymes is given; these particles being spheroidal, transparent, of gelatinous consist- ency, of density equal to that of the animal fluid in which they are contained, and, therefore, not deposited by subsidence, and com- posed of albuminous matter. They are organized beings, self- multiplying organic forms. The results of M. Chauveau’s exper- iments with small-pox, sheep-pox, and farcy poisons, all tell in the same direction. It is apparent that the tendency of recent re- searches is to induce a reaction in favor of the fungus origin of zymotic disease.” **The controversy about Spontaneous Generation, or Abiogen- esis,” remarks the ‘‘ Lancet,” ‘‘ resembles history, —it continu- ally repeats itself. Notwithstanding the discussions at the meet- XII NOTES BY THE EDITOR. ing of the British Association, the whole question is now rele- gated to the region of inquiries into the degree of heat that will be certainly destructive to the lower forms of life.” Dr. Bastian, in three articles (‘‘ Nature,” vol. 11., pp. 170, 193, 219), gives his reasons for believing that spontaneots generation does occur. He criticises Professor Huxley’s address before the British Association in ‘‘ Nature,” vol. 11., pp. 410, 431, and 492. In the hydrated chloride of aluminium we have a new antiseptic. At a meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, June Ist, 1870, Mr. Edward S. Morse made a verbal communication on the position of the Brachiopoda in the animal kingdom. After stating observations made upon different species, especially upon the Lingula pyramidata, and upon alcoholic specimens of Terebratula and Discina, he concludes that the Brachiopods, together with the Polyzoa, should be removed from the Mollusca, and placed with the Articulates among the Annelids. One cannot fail to notice that the workers in the different fields of biology and physics are both engaged in investigating the first conditions of matter, — the one striving after a knowledge of the germs of life; the other investigating the size of atoms and their existence or non-existence. Sir William Thomson, by his papers on the size of atoms (published in ‘‘ Nature,” vol. 1., p. 551), has directed attention in a strong degree to Molecular Physics. Professor Young, of Dartmouth College, has succeeded in photo- graphing a solar protuberance. A way is thus evidently opened for preserving records of these eruptions. An important research upon the constitution of the sun has been published by Professor Zo5\lner. His results are as follows: — The forms of the protuberances are divided into two groups, —vaporous or cloudy, and eruptive. The vesicles of vapor in ter- restrial clouds only form the means through which the differences of masses of air become visible. The clouds of the protuberances are made visible by the incandescence of glowing hydrogen. Starting with the hypothesis that the eruptions are due to the difference of pressure of gases emanating from the interior and the surface of the sun, and assuming that there is a separating layer between the inner and outer strata of hydrogen, he follows out the mechanical theory of heat and gases, consider- ing the eruptive protuberances due to the flow of a gas from one space into another, while the pressure in both is constant; neither communication nor absorption of heat being assumed. He finds the absolute minimum temperature in the space from which NOTES BY THE EDITOR. XIII an eruption of 1.5 minute’s height takes place, to be 40, 690° C., and from a protuberance of 3 minutes’ height, 74, 910° C. The maximum velocities of streams of gas moving vertically or horizontally in the chromosphere are from 40 to 120 English miles per second. According to the mechanical theory of heat such ve- locities of hydrogen necessitate differences of temperature amount- ing to 40,690° C. Having shown that the explanation of the eruptive protuberances necessitates the existence of a separating stratum between the space from which they emanate and the space into which they pass, we must assume a reference to its physical condition that it cannot be gaseous, and must, therefore, be either solid or liquid. The former is improbable on account of the high temperature; it is therefore concluded that the sepa- rating stratum consists of an incandescent liquid. In reference to the inner masses of hydrogen, bounded by that stratum, two suppositions are possible: 1. The whole interior of the sun is filled with incandescent hydrogen gas, which would make the sun an immense bubble of hydrogen, surrounded by a liquid glowing envelope. 2. The masses of hydrogen, bursting out into protuberances, are local collections, in bubble-like cav- erns, which form in the superficial layers of a liquid glowing mass, and burst through when the presence of the confined gas in- creases. Under the first supposition, stable equilibrium could only exist if the specific gravity of the outer layer is less than that of the gas below it. Since the density of a globe of gas, whose particles are subject to Newton’s and Mariotte’s laws, increases towards its centre, the specific gravity of the outer boundary layer must neces- sarily be less than the mean specific gravity of the sun. But if we take the mean specific gravity of the sun as the maximum of the liquid outer layer, we would be obliged to assume that all deeper layers, including the gaseous one immediately below, have the same specific gravity. Then the interior of the sun could not consist of a gas, but of an incompressible fluid. All these properties are clearly a necessary consequence of the supposition that the specific grav- ity of the compressed gases forming the protuberances reaches as its maximum the mean specific gravity of the sun. In that case we must suppose, secondly, that the sun consists of an incompressible liquid, near whose surface there are collections of glowing masses of hydrogen, which break through bubble- like caverns, as eruptive protuberances under certain differences of pressure. XIV NOTES BY THE EDITOR. However small these caverns may be in special cases, the spe- cific gravity of the enclosed gases cannot be greater than that of the surrounding liquid, because, otherwise, the compressed gases would sink towards the sun. Professor Zollner finds that, calling the pressure ata certain height above the ‘base of the solar atmosphere, between 0.500 m. and 0.050 m., there results a mean temperature of 27,700°. Iron must accordingly exist as a permanent gas in the solar atmosphere ; from the value of t = 27,700° the inner temperature is found to be 68,400°, and the pressure in the interior of the space from which the protuberances emanate is 22.1 times greater than the pressure at the surface of the liquid separating layer; the pres- sure at the base of solar atmospheres being 184,000 atmospheres, _ that at the interior would be 4,070,000 atmospheres, — this latter maximum pressure being reached at a depth of 139 geographical miles below the sun’s surface. The pressure increasing rapidly towards the interior of the sun, permanent gases, such as hydrogen, can exist only in a glowing state in the interior of the sun. Professor Zollner shows that the quantity of oxygen and nitro- gen, if these gases exist in the sun’s atmosphere, must be ex- tremely small compared with that of hydrogen in that stratum where the spectrum of hydrogen becomes continuous, and their pressure consequently would not be indicated by absorption. The absence of oxygen and nitrogen lines in the solar spec- trum may also be accounted for by the slight emissive power of permanent gases as compared with that of vaporized solids. Professor Zollner concludes : — 1. The absence of lines in the spectrum of a self-luminous star does not prove the absence of the corresponding bodies. 2. The stratum, in which the reversion of the spectrum takes place, is different for every body, and lies nearer to the centre of a star the greater the density of the vapor and the less the emissive power of the body is. 3. In different stars this stratum, other things being equal, lies the nearer the centre the greater the intensity of gravi- tation. 4. The distances of the strata of reversion for different bodies from the centre of the star, and from each other, increase with the temperature. 5. The spectra of different stars contain the more lines under NOTES BY THE EDITOR. XV similar circumstances, the less their temperature and the greater their mass is. 6. The great difference of intensity in the dark lines of the spectrum of the sun and other fixed stars depends not only on the differences of absorption, but also on the different depths at which the reversion of the spectra takes place. M. Borelly, at the Marseilles Observatory, has discovered a new planet (No. 110). Professor Peters, of Hamilton College, has added two new asteroids (the 111 and 112) to the number already enrolled. A new comet was discovered at the observa- tory of Marseilles, on the 28th of August, by M. Coggin. Professor Winlock, of the Cambridge Observatory, has had pho- tographs of the sun taken nearly every fair day during the past year. The primary objects in this work have been to prepare and perfect apparatus and processes which might be used with the best result during the coming transit of Venus, in 1874. A reliable record of changes in the sun’s surface is also obtained by these photographs. Mr. Proctor has published some novel views of the constitution of the stellar system under the title of ‘‘ Star Drift” and ‘‘ Star Mist.” Dr. Gould, with assistants, is now stationed at Cordova, in the Argentine Confederation, having the observatory there under his charge. He proposes to extend the catalogue of the south- ern heavens beyond the limit of 30°, to which the zones of Arge- lander extended. Dr. Gould says, ‘‘My hope and aim is to begin a few degrees north of Argelander’s southern limit, say at 26° or 27°, and to carry southward a system of zone observations to some declination beyond Gilliss’ northern limit, thus rendering comparisons easy with both these other labors, and permitting the easy determination of the corrections need- ful for reducing positions of any one of these three series to cor- responding ones for the other.” Great preparations were made to observe the total eclipse of the sun in December, Professor Pierce, of Harvard College, in his official capacity as superintendent of the coast survey, having general charge ofthe American expedition. After crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the shadow of the moon passed across the south of Portugal and the Straits of Gibraltar to Algeria, reaching its most southerly limits in about longitude 4° east of Greenwich, where the southern boundary of the shadow- XVI NOTES BY THE EDITOR. path was in about 34° north latitude. Thence the shadow passed to Sicily, the northern limit passing slightly to the north of Mount Etna, and so, touching the extreme southern point of the Italian peninsula, by the south of Turkey, past Thessaly. The most im- portant parts of the shadow’s path were those across the south of Portugal and Spain, in Algeria, and across Sicily. The chief towns which lie close to the central line are Odemira, Silves, Almodorar, Tavira, Ayamonte, Huelva, Palos, Jeres, Cadiz, San Fernando, Arcos, Estepona, and Marbella in the Spanish penin- sula; Oran and Ratna in Africa; and Syracuse in Sicily. The following letter from Professor Young, on the observations at Jeres, Spain, appeared in the New York Tribune : — ‘«« By the courtesy of Professor Winlock I am permitted to com- municate the general results of our observations on the eclipse. I think I may say that on the whole our expedition has been highly successful, though more might have been accomplished had the weather been better. We seem, however, to have been more favored in this respect than any of the English parties ob- serving in Spain. From those in Algeria and Sicily I have not yet heard. ‘The day and night previous to the eclipse were very fine, but early in the morning it clouded over, and when we arose the pros- pect was very gloomy. It even rained from time totime. We made all our observations, however, and before first contact (10.25 a.m., local time) there were many patches of partly clear sky, but there was always, even when clearest, enough haze of frost crystals to cause the sin to be surrounded by a conspicuous halo of 224° radius. At the time of first contact, it was clear enough to allow good observations to be made in the usual method. I attempted to use the spectroscope upon it in the same manner as last year, but failed on account of the thin cloud which most of the time entirely obliterated the chromosphere lines. ‘¢ Between time of the first contact and totality, there were several intervals of moderate clearness, in which photographs of the partial phases were taken. Just before totality the clouds be- came much thicker, and we nearly gave up hope; but at the needed time, almost by the direct interposition of Providence, as it would seem, a small rift in the now heavy clouds passed over the sun, and permitted us to observe the sublime phenomenon, ine not in all the beauty and sublimity of last year, yet satisfactorily and most gratefully. Within five minutes after the end of totality the sky was wholly clouded, and we did not see the sun again NOTES BY THE EDITOR. XVII until near evening, after a heavy storm of wind and rain. During the totality, one good photograph of the corona was obtained with the 6-inch glass, with an exposure of 14 minutes. It is, of course, by no means so good as it would have been had the sky been truly clear; but it shows a great deal of detail, curved filaments and radial shadings far better than ever before obtained. The picture produced with the 8-inch glass was injured by not being removed until the sun came out. No attempts were made to pho- tograph the prominences, which can be seen and studied at any time. All efforts were concentrated on the corona. ‘In respect to the polarization observations, there is reason to suppose that there must have been some peculiar defect in the particular instrument Professor Pickering used last year, as his assistant, Mr. Ross, using it on this occasion, obtained the same unsatisfactory result. But apparently similar instruments, used this year, together with others quite different in construction, in- dicated radial polarization of the corona. The appearances in the instruments were much complicated by the cloud and haze, but I believe Professor Pickering and Professor Langley both agree that the corona certainly has a considerable proportion of its light radially polarized. Our spectroscopic results completely confirm those of last year, and except that the two faint lines which I saw between D and E last year, and suspected to be corona lines as well as 1474, were not seen at all this time; 1474 was traced by Professor Winlock to a distance of nearly 20 minutes from the sun’s limb. I traced it 16 minutes on the west, 12 on the north, 14 on the east, and about 10 on the.south. The principal chro- mosphere lines were also visible in the corona to a distance of 3 or 4 minutes. Professor Winlock and myself both agree in attribu- ting this to the reflection of the haze around the sun. I am more confident as to this, because last year, in a clear atmosphere, the C line was certainly sharply terminated at the upper limit of the chromosphere or prominences under observation. Mr. Abbay, in his spectroscope, saw only the 1474 line and the F line, — the former was considerably the brighter of the two. He saw no con- tinuous spectrum. ‘But the most interesting spectroscopic observation of the eclipse appears to me to be the ascertaining at the base of the chromosphere, and, of course, in immediate contact with the photosphere, of a thin layer in whose spectrum the dark lines of the ordinary solar spectrum are all reversed. Just previous to totality I had carefully adjusted the slit tangential to the sun’s XVIII NOTES BY THE EDITOR. limb at the point where the second contact would take place, and was watching the gradual brightening of 1474, and the magne- sium lines. As the crescent grew narrower, I noticed a fading out, so to speak, of all the dark lines in the field of view, but was not at all prepared for the beautiful phenomenon which presented itself when the moon finally covered the whole photosphere. Then the whole field was at once filled with brilliant lines, which suddenly flashed into brightness, and then gradually faded away until, in less than 2 seconds, nothing remained but the lines I had been watching. The slit was very close, and the definition per- fect. Of course I cannot positively assert that all the bright lines held exactly the same position that had been occupied by dark ones previously, but I feel very sure of it, as I particularly noticed several groups, and the whole arrangement and relative intensity of the lens struck me as perfectly familiar. Mr. Pye saw the same thing, for an instant only. Professor Winlock did not, as his telescope at the time, in accordance with his directions, was pointed to a spot at some distance from the sun’s limb; neither did Mr. Abbay see it. ‘This observation is a confirmation of Secchi’s continuous spectrum at the edge of the sun, and, I think, tends to make tenable the original theory of Kirchoff as to the constitution of the sun, and the origin of the dark lines in the ordinary solar spectrum.” General E. Abbott, in a letter to Professor J. E. Hilgard, states, ‘‘ We have settled that the corona, in part, at least, is solar. The light is strongly polarized in radial planes.” Professor Peirce says, in a letter, ‘‘ that the true corona is proved to be a solar atmosphere, extending about 80 miles above the visible surface of the sun, there being three different sources of proof of this.” Lockyer, in his report, in ‘‘ Nature,” of January 19, asserts that the corona is a compound phenomena, arising some 5! or 6’ high around the moon, with a light beyond, which different observers have noted differently, now stellate with many rays; now stellate with few; now absolutely at rest; now revolving rapidly. From the spectroscopic observations, Lockyer thinks that the chromosphere may be built up of the following layers, which are in the order of vapor density in the case of known elements: — NOTES BY THE EDITOR. XIX At CHOW. BI GBIOING i ghaaiei Josoailes A a+, nip nies eel ea ane green coronal line Hydrogen § PE TGA OSE OID. cic oo /6/a cieia ald rat lew Venta lel )ais) slo's mao F i CAMMOSCOD GS. o as.5 ars,a-0 aay a oes apogee sine C, F, near G, h BUCH W GLOENONEU repels atria cis 5 <5 ©, « alien ala eseinietein als net e048 near D IE CSI CAR SEE AS SAnBE Cogcnrde b, and lines in blue and violet OMG Miseeec a ee alee aie ches ae sae a ase Sie e's aiche ren Cravalaye ham sieiate ts pelea D ESSER Se «cP aets ow aro civie’s oe ois vctoleinl < cisbtaesaiie alsetaerers 5 several lines MTON; Chl, G2 weds ka es sie was e sinslocee eis SOVEral lines; including E He further says: ‘‘ The foregoing table excludes naturally the substance or substances which give bright lines in the solar spec- trum, which are visible at times in the spectrum of the chromo- sphere. I have ventured to suggest that the substance which gives the line in the green is a new element, because invariably I have found that in solar storms the atmospheric layers are thrown up in the order of vapor density, and because all the heavier vapors are at or below the level of the photosphere itself ” ‘¢ Parties in Sicily obtained evidence that the corona was radially polarized. Hence the corona not only radiates, but reflects solar heat to us.” Lockyer offers as suggestions : — *‘1, The solar chromosphere extends some 5’ or 6/ from the sun (Watson and others), its last layers consisting of cool hydrogen (Mr. Abbay), and possibly a new element with a green line in its spectrum (Young, Barton, and others) ; which line, if it be identi- cal with the auroral line, as stated by Gould, may possibly be present in the higher regions of our own atmosphere. «© 2. Outside this stratum the rays, etc., are for the most part due partly to our own atmosphere, partly to our eyes, for their shape varies; they are seen by some at rest, by others in motion, and their spectrum is the same as that of the dark-moon (Maclear). *¢3. The white light of the chromosphere above the prominences, as seen in an eclipse, is due to its strong reflection of solar light, as shown by the polariscopic observations (Ranyard, Peirce, Jun., Ladd). “‘4, The rosy tinge of the corona proper, that is, of the region more than 5/ or 6’ from the sun, is due to our atmosphere contain- ing light which comes from both the higher and lower strata of the chromosphere (Peirce, Sen., Maclear, Abbay).” Professor Winlock found a faint, continuous spectrum without dark lines. 1474, Kirchoff, was found all round the sun to a distance of 20’ xx NOTES BY THE EDITOR. from the disc, and appeared to be the most conspicuous corona line. Professor Winlock also states the probable existence of an en- velope surrounding the photosphere, and beneath the chromo- sphere, of a thickness from 2 to 3 seconds of are, which gives a discontinuous spectrum of all the ordinary lines, — bright on dark fields. Professor Pickering, observing with an Arago polariscope, one of the four employed by Prazmowski and Savart, obtained with all three results pointing to a radial polarization of the corona. The light covering the moon’s disc he observed to be polarized throughout in the same plane, and the observations showed that the Arago and other polariscopes dependent on color were sufli- ciently delicate to determine this plane with accuracy. A writer in ‘‘Cosmos,” of July 30th, sums up the progress of geography for 1869-1870. We give the following abstract : — Each year the space of unknown lands on the surface of the globe grows smaller; but the investigations relative to different branches of geography embrace an immense field. The completion of the Suez Canal and the Pacific Railroad open extended ways for scientific exploration. Africa and the regions of the North attract, at present, the prin- cipal attention of geographers. In Africa, the Abyssinian war has brought out many treatises upon this particular region. An Italian scientific expedition at the present moment is engaged there. A German traveller, to whom we owe interesting studies upon the shores of the Red: Sea, has also explored the bordering regions of Nubia in the country of the Djours, where he is occu- pied principally with ethnographic researches. Dr. Schweinfurth, after a long residence among the Africans, confirms the opinions of M. de Quatrefages, that the coloration of the skin cannot serve for the distinction of different races. In the region of the great lakes of Equatorial Africa, Living- stone pursues his discoveries with a courage not abated by obstacles. May 30, 1869, at Ujiji, he was preparing to trace a new lake at the west of Tanganyika, from which flows a great river, it may be one of the sources of the Nile, which thus finds itself again reported more to the south. In the south-east there are the travels of Erskine upon the borders of Limpopo, those of Fritsch, of Mauch, which have given hopes of rich auriferous de- NOTES BY THE EDITOR. XXI posits in the interior of Zambéze, but the difficult courses of which have profited more to geography than to the seekers of gold. We have had recently an account of the expedition of Lieuten- ant Aymes, of the French marine, in the basin of ?Ogové from the side of Gabon, which has contributed some precious materials for natural history. Gérard Rohlfs has visited the oasis of Cyrenaique. Wallace has published an article upon the Malay Archipelago; Dr. Sempor upon New Guinea; Professor Bastion upon Sin- gapore, Batavia, and Manilla; and M. Garnier, a memoir upon the migrations of the Polynesians, published in the Bulletin of the Geographical Society. In regard to Asia, attention is called to the works of M. Her- man de Schlagintweit upon India; of M. Charles Lemire, upon Cochin China, and of M. Francis Garnier, upon the French ex- pedition to Mekong. In China, Cooper has pushed his explorations into the heart of the empire in the basin of the Yang-tse-kiang; while another traveller, M. de Richoffen, occupied himself with geological re- searches upon the frontiers of the north beyond the great wall; and a French missionary, P. Armand David, has employed the leisure hours of his office in the study of the natural history of Thibet and Mongolia. Upon the confines of Siberia the Russians have finally fixed the limits between their Asiatic possessions and China; at the same time they continue their explorations into Central Asia, as much from the political point of view as in the interests of science. Those desiring ampler details of the progress in geography will find them in the report made by M. Charles Mannoir to the Geographical Society, or in the selections of the «“ T7Année Geographique” of M. Vivien de Saint Martin. In Central America the piercing of the Isthmus occupies public attention. Malte-Brun enumerates no less than 28 projects for a canal across the isthmus. To these different projects it is necessary to add those of M. du Puydt, and of Commander Selfridge, who commands the latest expedition to explore the routes. In expectation of the realization of these projects, the government of Honduras has ordered the construction of a rail- road setting out from the port of Puerto-Cabello, upon the Atlantic, and ending in the Bay of Fonseca, upon the Pacific. These important works are indicated because they will have an important bearing upon many branches of geography. XXII NOTES BY THE EDITOR. Attention is also called to the publication of Poncel, upon the Argentine Republic; the researches of Agassiz upon the Ama- zon; the geological studies of M. Guillemin Taragre, in Mexi- co, and the expedition of Whymper, in Alaska. Moyne has made a visit to the Strait of Magellan, and to the country of the Patagonians. In Australia one signals the expedition of John Forrest into the interior of the eastern part of the continent as far as 123° of east longitude from Greenwich. The report published by the governor of the State of Victoria, under the title of ‘‘Auriferous Deposits and Mining Districts of the Province of Victoria,” by Mr. Brough Smith, is also cited upon this region. Proceeding eastward from the Sea of Aral, the Russians have rendered the river Syr Daria navigable by steam vessels of a lim- ited size, and, fixing military posts on its banks, have ascended towards its sources, and taken possession of the populous and flourishing city of Tashkent, a great mart of caravan commerce. Russia has also triumphed over the Khan of Bokhara. The appre- hension that these advances of Russia would prove prejudicial to British India is losing ground in England. The industrial classes of the United States have been the sub- ject of a long and interesting report by Mr. Francis Clare Ford, Secretary of the English legation, at Washington. This report was made in pursuance of a cireular addressed by Lord Clarendon, in April, 1869, to the diplomatic and consular agents of Great Britain, instructing them to report upon the condition of the in- dustrial classes in the countries to which they were accredited. Mr. Ford says that the American system of common-school education has elevated the condition of the native-born working man, and has disposed him to prefer occupations in which the exercise of the brain is in greater demand than that of the elbow, and asserts that the steady influx of immigrants for the last twenty years has created a disinclination on the part of American work- men to engage in the rough toil of purely muscular labor which the newly arrived foreigner is ready to exert for his support. It will be recollected that in the ‘Annual of Scientific Discovery ” of 1870, we noticed the enactment passed by the Massachusetts Legislature to provide instruction to the working-classes in me- chanical drawing. Several of these schools are now in opera- tion, and constitute, we think, the germ of a brighter future. THE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. MECHANICAL STOKING. Tue following interesting paper was read, at the meeting of the British Association, in Section G (Mechanical Science), by Mr. James Smith, of Messrs. T. & T. Vicars, engineers, Seel Street, Liverpool : — ‘¢OQur reasons and apology for bringing under your notice the subject of mechanical stoking are, first, the importance to the mechanical engineer of everything that relates to furnace man- agement, and especially the importance of any improvement that will enable him to have the slavish labor of stoking performed by a machine that will more efficiently discharge the required duty than human labor can; and this, I conceive, is always the case when a machine is successfully applied to any purpose. Sec- ondly, the visit of your society to our town enabies us to submit to the judgment of a competent tribunal the merits or defects of a system of mechanical stoking that we have applied and are ap- plying largely in different parts of the country. All who have had any experience in furnace management are aware that the duty obtained from a boiler or other furnace depends to a very great extent on judicious stoking, and one of the troubles of the practical engineer is to obtain the services of stokers upon whom he can rely. Several writers on the subject have directed atten- tion to the desirability of substituting mechanical for hand stoking as the only means of securing economy, efliciency, and smoke- lessness. Bourne, in his work on recent improvements in the steam engine, published last year, says: ‘In steam vessels it is most desirable that some proper species of firing apparatus should be employed, as the labor and difficulty of firing large furnaces at sea, especially in hot climates, is very great. I believe that a good smokeless furnace and a good self-feeding furnace will come together.’ Considering the acknowledged importance of 23 24 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. the subject, it does seem remarkable that so little has been done in this direction. Of the different fire-feeding machines, as they have .been called, that have been employed at different times, I think I am correct in stating that, excepting the one I wish to bring under your notice, Juckes’ Endless Chain Grate is the only one that has received any considerable amount of approval. Of the performance of this furnace very conflicting accounts are given; but I believe that under favorable conditions as to fuel, management, and work to be done, when applied to externally fired boilers the performance of this furnace has been found sat- isfactory. Although the Juckes’ grate does, under favorable cir- cumstances, prove the superiority of mechanical over hand _ stok- ing, yet it does not, I think, sufficiently meet the engineering requirements of the present time; it has one serious defect: it is only applicable to externally fired boilers, and is very cumbrous. Before describing particularly our furnace, I will speak of what I conceive ought to be aimed at in constructing a mechanical stoker. «The late Mr. Charles Wye Williams, who has done so much to diffuse and popularize correct views on the subject of furnace management, writes, in his work on the combustion of coal and the prevention of smoke: ‘The facility with which the stoker is enabled to counteract the best arrangements naturally suggests the advantage of mechanical feeders. Here is a direction in which mechanical skill may be successfully employed; the basis of success, however, should be a sustaining at all times the uni- form and sufficient depth of fuel on the bars.’ This is correct so far as it goes, but a mechanical stoker, to be successful, must do more than this: it must preserve the air spaces of the fire grate uniformly open, be self-cleansing by discharging the ashes, slag, or clinker as formed; and, in addition, I think it is important that the fuel should be introduced at the front of the furnace, and should have a progressive motion towards the bridge. ‘The ad- vantage of introducing the fuel at this part, as a means of insur- ing economy and preventing smoke where bituminous fuel is used, has been proved conclusively by numerous experiments. I suppose the cause of this is the long run of the volatile hydro- carbons over the incandescent fuel that fills the bridge part of the furnace. It is also important that the machine stoker should be easily regulated and controlled for the purpose of adjusting the supply of fuel to the work to be done, and that it should be very little liable to derangement, or wear and tear. I think our appa- ratus fulfils all these conditions. Like all fire-feeding machines, it is provided with a hopper or fuel receptacle; the fuel is forced into the furnace by two plungers or pushers (having an alternate motion) at a level of about 6 inches above the bars. In very wide furnaces we use 3 plungers, and the shaft that works the plungers is moved by a ratchet. A very simple arrangement enables the attendant to vary the rate of feed by causing the div- ing eccentric at each stroke to take a lesser or greater number of teeth. Progressive motion is given to the fire by causing the bars to move forward en masse, and bringing them back in detail. The MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. a5 cleansing of the bars is also effected by this motion: the bars have a stroke of about 3 inches, and we find in the average of cases that a complete stroke about every 2 minutes is sufficient to give the progressive motion necessary to maintain a proper thickness of fire. As the bars themselves form an important part of the machine, we have found it necessary to make special pro- vision for their preservation. Each movable bar is provided with a trough containing water, and there is a centre rib cast on each bar which is immersed in the water. The other part of the bar forms a perfect cover for the trough to exclude ashes, etc.; these troughs are supplied with water from a small cistern, and the level is maintained by a very sensitive float and valve. In conse- quence of the slow motion of the machine, very little wear and tear occurs in the working parts. There is no part of the appa- ratus exposed to any injurious action of fire except the upper sur- face of the bars, and these are effectually protected by the trough arrangement. Our experience shows that with moderate care the amount of wear and tear is not greater than what occurs in most ordinary furnaces. ‘¢ With regard to the economical results obtained, you will find some particulars given in our circular. As compared with the best hand-firing, where ordinary fuel is used, the results do not exceed 10 to 12 per cent. We find that the system adopted by the careful stoker and the machine system are very similar. In both cases frequent charges at short intervals are adopted instead of heavy charges at longer intervals; but, in the case of hand- firing, the incessant opening of the doors, and the interruptions caused by cleaning the bars, are drawbacks that are avoided in the machine. Of course, when the machine is compared with ordinary random hand-firing, its economical superiority is very decided; but the chief source of economy arises from our being able to use the smallest and cheapest fuel, —fuel much of which cannot be used at all in ordinary hand-fire furnaces. The saving from this cause varies in different districts, and will range-from 20 to 100 per cent. In most cases, perhaps, the appreciation that leads to the adoption of any machine or system is the most satis- factory evidence of its value; yet this is not a rule without numerous exceptions, and on no subject is there more reasonable ground for a justifiable scepticism as to the merits of any remedy that may be propounded than that of smoke prevention. For many years the public have had plans constantly brought under their notice that were to end the nuisance arising from smoke, but it still continues a very substantial nuisance, and appears to have a very wonderful vitality. As evidence of approval of the furnace, I may state that since we commenced manufacturing this form of furnace, about 18 months ago, we have fixed and put to work more than 120, with the most satisfactory results, and approval of the furnace is extending. We are at present sending out more than 20 per month; in the town of Bradford alone, which appears to be taking the lead in the enforcement of sanitary improvements we have orders for between 50 and 60 furnaces in a single street or road, Thornton Road. 26 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ‘*To prevent misapprehension it is as well to state that we have been, for a period of 5 or 6 years, engaged perseveringly in efforts to perfect mechanical stoking, but our first attempts were only partially successful. Our first grate was a modified Juckes ; but we soon found the wear and tear so considerable that we had to turn our attention to discover some means of remedying these very serious defects, and for more than 3 years we were en- gaged in extensive experiments involying much thought and money expenditure. The result is the machine I have the honor to bring under your notice.” Mr. Lavington E. Fletcher, C.E., said he had witnessed some very carefully conducted trials with this apparatus used against careful hand-firing, and the results were very satisfactory. The chairman said there was no doubt that mechanical stoking must be superior to hand stoking. Such an apparatus as had been described by Mr. Smith was wanted, and it was only a question of cost. Mr. Smith then thanked the chairman and gentlemen for their attention, and said he would be glad to show any gentle- man the furnace at work who would favor Messrs. Vicars with a visit to their works, Seel Street, Liverpool. EFFICIENCY OF FURNACES AND MECHANICAL FIRING. Having for some time past given a large share of my attention to the subject of the efficiency of furnaces, I have to bring before you a few results of my experience in this most interesting and important inquiry. Since the time in which Wye Williams lived and labored, Pro- fessor Tyndall and Dr. Frankland have shown that the energy of combustion is within wide limits independent of the density of the air, the natural inference at jirst sight being that in furnaces the temperature of the air does not affect the efficiency. One of Wye Williams’ well-known experiments was to introduce a bent plate perforated with 56 half-inch holes into the centre of a fur- nace where one or two bars had been removed for its reception. «‘ Adequate mixture,” says Mr. Williams, ‘‘ was thus instantly obtained, as in the argand gas-burner; the appearance, as viewed through the sight-holes at the end of the boiler, being even bril- liant, and as if streams of flame instead of streams of air had issued from the numerous orifices. It is needless to add that nowhere could a cooling effect be produced, notwithstanding the great volume of air introduced.” Now I cannot at present do more than state the simple fact that I have tried similar arrangements in many different instances and under several different conditions, and that I have rarely failed to produce a cooling effect. The arrangement by which the results have been arrived at may be thus described: A few of the ordinary fire-bars are removed from the centre of the flue. A pair of longitudinal bearers about 6 inches apart are then intro- duced, their upper surfaces being level with the common fire- bars. On these bearers are placed small arched transverse bars, each about 1 inch thick, in contact with one another. Semi-circu- MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 27 lar holes are cast in the transverse surface of these bars, so that when placed together on the bearers they present the appearance of a tunnel about 9 inches high pierced with numerous small holes, an arrangement not differing widely from that of Wye Williams, except that the tunnel, being of loose cast-iron pieces, is no more liable to deterioration by heat than common fire-bars. If the mere fact of admitting air to the hydrocarbons at the moment of their generation, and in minutely divided lines, is sufficient to insure their combustion, surely nothing could do so more effect- ually than this arrangement. But the result. A large quantity of fuel being placed upon the incandescent car- bon in the furnace, we have, after the expiration of a few seconds, a splendid display of white flame, not entirely smokeless, but com- paratively smokeless, unless the quantity of air admitted is very large ; white flame and intense heat, — evidence of the precipitation of the carbon particles and of their combustion after precipitation ; smoke-burning, — not smoke-prevention; greatly increased tem- perature of the furnace-door, — evidence of increased radiation of heat. But, as I said before, in almost all cases a loss of efficiency in the furnace, —a reduction in the absolute temperature of the flame. Was Mr. Williams deceived by that radiant heat? I cannot avoid the conclusion that he was in some cases at least. But the fur- naces adopted with economical results contained elements not yet described. The ash-pit was divided into 3 chambers by 2 vertical sheet-iron partitions, made fast to the longitudinal bearers in such a manner that all air entering it at the central chamber must pass through the arched bars, while that entering by the two side chambers reaches the fuel in the ordinary manner. Now, observe the difference : Here we have a long central fire-chamber open to the air only at one end. The air before entering the fire-cham- ber passes over the surface of highly heated sheets of iron, trav- erses in turn the cross-pieces of the little arched bars and the heated surface of the ribs. Even with this simple change the results are, I believe, in all cases, altered from failure to success. A heating effect has been obtained where a cooling effect only could be produced before. - | To sum up my own observations on this subject, I find: (1.) That the admission of cold air in quantities sufficient for the com- plete combustion of the gases in ordinary furnaces is attended with a loss of efficiency in all cases, even if that admission takes place in finely divided streams immediately over every portion of the fuel from which the gases are rising. Radiant heat, and con- sequent temperature of the furnace door, are enormously in- creased; smoke, however, is considerably reduced. (2.) That by the comparatively slow motion of air over heated surfaces, and its consequent rarefaction and increase of velocity when issuing from the orifices of the arched bars, a much more perfect chemi- cal union is insured. The flame is not so luminous, but a higher rate of efficiency is obtained. Radiant heat is decreased, the fur- nace door is rendered less hot, and smoke is more perfectly prevented. The old Cornish system of dead-plate firing, when conducted very carefully, and in such a manner that the incan- 28 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. descent fuel at the back of the furnace is never allowed to burn into holes, has, as we all know, certain advantages. But when the back of the furnace is left to itself, I believe it to be a most difficult matter to avoid the admission of cold air en masse, — a con- dition which cannot but be attended with loss of efficiency; and in my attempts to discover the best method of mechanical firing, I could not find that those systems in which the coal had a pro- gressive motion from the front to the back were free from these defects. Such methods appear to me to owe their advantages, for no doubt they have advantages, to other causes than that of the perfect combustion of the hydrocarbons; and is not the com- parative freedom from smoke in this system of firing the result, in a great measure, of that union of carbon from the front with carbonic acid from the back, producing carbonic oxide, and inev- itable loss of heat, — the pernicious principle resorted to by a whole army of smoke-burning patentees? The apparatus which appears tome most correct in principle does not profess to compete with the more perfect mechanical stokers, inasmuch as the clinkers are removed by the firemen in the ordinary manner. In short, since my attention was drawn to the subject, I have come to the con- clusion that the principle of what was probabiy the first attempt ever made in mechanical firing —I speak of Stanley’s patent — is capable of the highest possible efficiency. Twenty years ago neatly every furnace in Lancashire was fed by the apparatus pop- ularly known as the ‘‘hopper.” In a box on the front of each furnace 2 fans revolved horizontally. Fuel was drawn from a hopper by rollers which crushed and let it fall on to the 2 fans, which in their turn propelled it into the furnace. It was possible to adjust the speed in such a manner that the fuel was spread uniformly over the whole surface of the bars. I would merely add that when the 2-flued Lancashire boiler replaced the wagon and egg-ended boilers then in use, the hoppers were taken down, possibly in some places applied to the new flue boilers, found not to throw the fuel evenly over the bars, and discarded. In Leeds, however, they are still in use to a consid- rable extent, probably because some makers there took the trouble to adjust them to their altered circumstances. For a single 2-flued boiler the hopper, as now in use at Leeds, re- quires about 20 toothed wheels, and at least 2 worms to drive the crushers and other portions; and notwithstanding the fact that the teeth of those wheels are constantly breaking, and that the whole apparatus trembles under the sudden check caused by a large lump of coal falling between the small crushing rollers, manufacturers who have tried it for so many years give universal testimony as to its economy. I understand that one engineer in Leeds still makes a considerable number of them. This appara- tus does not, of course, prevent smoke, but it distributes the smoke from a given quantity of fuel over a longer period than in hand-firing, and reduces its blackness in the same proportion. Now, does it not appear that if we can retain the manner of throwing on the fuel, very considerably simplify the means, and use it in conjunction with the fire-bar arrangement already de- MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 29 scribed, we shall have a very eflicient furnace and a perfect pre- venter of smoke? The 20 toothed wheels and 2 worms have been reduced to 1 worm and wheel; the 2 hoppers (one over each flue) to 1 hopper in the middle of the boiler face. The crushing rollers have been done away with altogether, and an arrangement substituted which crushes and metres the fuel effectually but much less suddenly. Through the fuel in the middle of the hopper passes a cast-iron screw, with a tapering helix of small diameter at the centre, but increasing gradually up to the internal diameter of its containing cylinder outside the hop- per. The 2 halves of this screw are right and left handed, respectively. It has a slow revolving motion, and its action cn the coal contained in the hopper is evidently of a nibbling kind, while it metes out to the fans of each flue the desired quantity of fuel. There are other details which have not been overlooked, such as the well-known heaping up of the coal on the dead-plate, the cause of which has been entirely removed. And last, but not least, the whole machine is fixed to a frame made fast to the boiler, by 3 bolts through the shell, no holes whatever being cut in the boiler face. The fires made by this apparatus are per- fectly level, and are absolutely free from even light smoke. I hold in my hand a report prepared about 4 months ago, on the efficiency of the apparatus in question. It is founded on ver Vy carefully made evaporative experiments, the conclusion being that the feeder, when used for the first time in competition with the best hand-firing that could be obtained, gave an increased efficiency of 9.696 per cent. over and above the efficiency already attained with the argand furnace alone. The cost of the com- bined apparatus is, of course, much lower than that of any of the more elaborate mechanical stokers, — little more than one-half; but I believe the efliciency 1 is higher. —C. H. Deacon, British As- sociation. MANUFACTURE OF RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Herbert Barry, Esq., late director of estates and iron works of Vuicksa, thus describes the manufacture of sheet iron in Russia : — ‘*The refined iron is hammered under the tilt-hammer into narrow slabs, calculated to produce a sheet of finished iron 2 archimes by 1 (56 inches by 28 inches), weighing when fin- ished from 6 to 12 pounds. These slabs are called balvanky. They are put in the reheating furnace, heated to a red heat, and rolled down in 3 operations to something like a sheet, the rolls being screwed tighter as the surface gets thinner. This must be subsequently hammered to reduce its thickness and to receive the glance. A number of these sheets having been again heated to a red heat, have charcoal, pounded to as “impal- pable a powder as possible, shaken between them through the bottom of a linen bag. The pile then receiving covering “and a bottom in shape of a sheet of thicker iron, is placed under a heavy hammer; the bundle, grasped with tongs by two men, is 30 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. pocked backwards and forwards by the gang, so that every part may be well hammered. So soon as the redness goes off they are finished, so far as this part of the operation goes. So far they have received some of the glance, or necessary polish; they are again heated, and treated differently in this respect, that in- stead of having powdered charcoal strewed between them, each two red-hot sheets have a cold finished sheet put between them; they are again hammered, and, after this process, are finished as far as thickness and glance go. ‘“*Thrown down .separately to cool, they are taken to the shears, placed on a frame of the regulation size, and trimmed. Kach sheet is then weighed, and, after being thus assorted in weichts, they are finally sorted into first, second, and thirds, ac- cording to their glance and freedom from flaws and spots. A first-class sheet must be like a mirror, without a spot in it. “£100 poods of balvanky make 70 pounds of finished sheets ; but this allowance for waste is far too large, and might easily be reduced. 4 heats are required to finish. “The general weight per sheet is from 6 to 12 pounds, the larger demand being from 10 to 11 pounds, but they are made weighing as much as 30 pounds, and may then almost be called thin boiler plates, being used for stoves, etc. Besides the fin- ished sheets, a quantity of what are called red sheets are made, which are not polished, and do not undergo the last operation. ‘Taking the Micheelofskoi Works, which are the largest sheet- iron ones in the empire, I found that the power running the sheet rolls was equivalent to 40 horses, the rolls making 70 to 80 revo- lutions a minute. The hammers used are powerful,’ having the surface of the stroke very large, — just the contrary shape there to the ordinary tilt-hammer. A gang turns out in a shift from 450 to 500 sheets. ‘¢In the Central Works, where they make sheet iron from pud- dled iron, they roll it into the necessary size, and then roll this balvanky into half-ready sheets with the same sort of rolls as are used in the North, but which, however, run much slower; the finish being given also by hammers in the same manner, but leaving out the final part of the operation of placing cold fin- ished sheets between the hot unfinished ones. The hammers are not so heavy, and the heating furnaces are not so well constructed and do not regulate the flame as well. The trimming, sorting, etc., are carried out in just the same way. ‘¢The waste is really greater in the Central Works than it should be in the North, as the hammered iron does not leave such a raw edge as the puddled. ‘*A fact that proves the superior manufacture of the North over the north parts of the empire is, that whereas in the former sheet iron is the best paying, in the latter it is the worst busi- ness. ee ‘‘For the uses to which sheet iron is put ductibility is of the first consequence, and no sheet iron is of passable quality that that will not bend 4 times without breaking; some made in the MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 30 Oural [ have bent as many as 9 times without showing the break. Coupled with this quality the glance must be taken into consider- ation, as good polished iron will not take so much paint as the inferior polished.” — Bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association. COAL AND SMOKE CONSUMPTION. On the Pennsylvania Railroad, experiments are now being made, says the *‘ Chicago Railroad Review,” with an apparatus for bituminous coal invented by J. T. Rich, of Philadelphia, who puts into the fire-box a ‘‘dead-plate” extending from side to side, sloping from a short distance beneath the door and then turning down perpendicularly to the grate bars. Above is a fire-brick arch extending from the back well forward, around which the ascending flame must pass towards the front. Outside the door is a hopper, constantly supplied with coal, which passes in, as that already in the fire-box works down to the dead-plate. A fire being started in the grate, cokes the coal on the dead- plate; and the heat is utilized by passing around the arch and through the flues. As the coke, thus made, burns away, its heat and gases, without smoke, passing through the flues, new coal constantly works down and undergoes the same process. The experiment thus far shows there is no doubt that the process will result in almost entire freedom from smoke; but the practical question, whether steam can be made fast enough, is not yet decided. — Journal Franklin Institute. AERO-STEAM ENGINES. The advocates, says the ‘‘ Engineering,” of what is known here as the Warsop system claim that the application of that system to a boiler and engine prevents the formation of incrustation, does away with priming, and effects a considerable economy of fuel. Now we have no wish to deny that under certain circumstances results have been obtained which appear to warrant the above claims, in those particular cases; but what we object to is, that these results should be made the foundation of totally fallacious arguments us to the value of the ‘‘ aero-steam ” system of work- ing. It may be that the injection of heated air into a boiler is, under certain circumstances, a good way of promoting the circu- lation in that boiler, and thus preventing the evils by which a want of proper circulation is attended; but it by no means follows from this that the injection of air is the best way of producing cir- culation under ail circumstances. On the contrary, until we have clear evidence afforded to us that the injection of air so far im- proves the economic evaporation of, not a bad, but a thoroughly good boiler, as to more than repay the cost of forcing in that air, we shall regard the system merely as a means of counteracting faults of construction which should not have any existence. As with the boiler so with the engines, Non-condensing engines lraving unjacketed cylinders, supplied with steam at 32 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. from 40 pounds to 50 pounds per square inch, and worked with but little expansion, have in certain cases showed more econom- ical results when worked with a mixture of steam and air than when worked with steam alone in the ordinary way. But we submit that such engines — although we regret to say that large numbers of them exist —are not fair examples of steam machin- ery, and that the eredit to be derived from beating them in econ- omy is but very small. Given an engine consuming say 8 pounds or 10 pounds of coal per indicated horse-power per hour, and the difficulty of making such alterations as will produce a more economical result is not great. If the aero-steam engine is to take a high position in the future, it must do far more than this; it must be proved to be more economical both as regards fuel and maintenance than steam engines of thoroughly good construction, such as are turned out by our leading makers; and at present we have but small hope that any such proof will be forthcoming. In making this assertion, we have no wish to discourage Mr. War- sop, Mr. Parker, or others, who, like them, are experimenting on the use of steam and air in combination; but what we desire to point out is, that they would save themselves much use- less present labor and expense, and future disappointment, if, instead of contenting themselves with beating indifferent steam engines, they would ascertain carefully and without prejudice just what their respective systems can or cannot effect under the best condition under which they can be applied. Engineers well know that for a certain sum of money a steam engine can be con- structed to develop a certain power with a certain consumption of fuel. Let it be proved that by the adoption of the ‘‘ aero- steam” system there can be constructed for the same sum an engine developing a greater power with the same consumption of fuel, or the same power with a less consumption of fuel, and without any increased cost for maintenance, and the value of mixed steam and air engines will be established. — Scientific American. THE FRICTION OF STEAM ENGINES. If we did not believe that it is easy to say something new on a subject which has been in a very peculiar sense worn threadbare by the inventors of cylinder lubricators and steam greasers, this article would never have been written. So far as we are aware, all the information regarding the resistance of steam engines due to friction is to be found in the circulars of inventors, one or two papers read before engineering societies by the advocates of par- ticular methods of lubricating engines, certain theoretical disqui- sitions contained in text-books of mechanical science, and perhaps a report or two in the ‘‘ Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society.” It is almost needless to say that the subject is one of very considerable importance; but it may be worth while to bring this importance home in a tangible form to the employer of steam power. It may be stated, in pursuance of this object, that it by no means follows that an engine giving a very high indicated MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS, 33 duty per pound of coal is really the most economical that a manu- facturer can use, for the simple reason that the power required merely to drive the engine may be so great as to render the sav- ing in fuel valueless. A ease in point suggests itself. An experi- ment was made some time since with a compound engine, the general particulars of which are before us. This engine was of the annular type; the large cylinder about 35 inches’ diameter, the inner cylinder about 15 inches, the stroke of both pistons was the same, about 5 feet, the piston rods both laying hold of the same crosshead, which was connected with an overhead beam. The experiment consisted in shutting the steam off from the inner cylinder and driving with the outer annular piston alone. It was found that the engine, then indicating the same horse- power as before, failed to drive the machinery at the proper speed; and it was not till the indicated horse-power was aug- mented nearly 40 per cent. that the engine would do the work. On permitting the steam to find its way to the inner cylinder as before, the indicated horse-power fell to the. original point, the machinery being driven at the proper speed. We shall not pre- tend to explain why this was the case. It is indeed difficult to understand why the fact that the inner cylinder, though open to the atmosphere, took no steam, should so enormously reduce the effective power of the engine. The facts are as we have broadly stated them, and there is no reason to think they would now want explanation if engineers had in times past devoted a little atten- tion to the study of the phenomena of friction in the steam engine. We have no doubt whatever that many so-called eco- nomical engines are doing very bad work indeed, nor that many so-called wasteful engines, as far as coal is concerned, are giving out a far higher duty than is generally believed. The entire subject is wrapped up in mist, —a mist which can only be dis- pelled by careful experiments, extending over long periods, and properly and fairly analyzed. That a few engineers have con- ducted experiments on the friction of steam engines and other machines is certain; but it remains to accumulate in a single volume the statistics which these gentlemen possess, and to put them into a form which may render them generally useful. In pursuance of this object we have for some time past been accumulating data, as yet infinitely far from being complete. But these data have, at all events, done this much, — they have satis- fied us that ordinary theories regarding friction in steam engines, based on investigations concerning the coefficients of friction between lubricated surfaces, apply most irregularly and imper- fectly. In other words, there is no theory at present in exist- ence which will enable us even approximately to predicate with certainty what the loss of effect by friction in any given engine may be. In certain cases, calculations made with this object will correspond, with surprising exactitude, with the results obtained through the indicator and dynamometer. But the engineer, rest- ing satisfied with such occasional coincidences, is mistaken in his views. In scores of other instances enormous discrepancies will be found to exist between theory and practice, — the almost total 34 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. absence of frictional resistance in some engines contrasting strangely with the expenditure of power absolutely wasted in others. It is not the mere loss of fuel alone — although that is bad enough — that has to be cousidered in dealing with this sub- ject. We find engines unable to do their work overloaded and worn out; boilers burned and overtaxed; grease and oil wasted; indeed, we go so far as to hold that every horse-power unneces- sarily spent in overcoming the frictional resistance of a steam engine costs three times as much as if it were spent in doing useful work, and this without taking at all inte account the fact that useful work returns money, while what we may term the in- ternal work of the steam engine returns none. The difficulties which lie in the way of ascertaining by actual experiment what the frictional resistance of an engine is are very great, and to this cause no doubt is to be attributed the greater portion of the existing ignorance of the subject. The obstacles in the way are of two kinds. In the first place, it is very difficult to put a dynamometer or brake on large engines, whereby to ascertain their duty; and, in the second place, the amount of friction varies not only in different engines, but in the same engines, in a very extraordinary way. As regards the first difficulty, we can, in the case of pumping engines, ascertain pre- cisely how many foot-pounds of work an engine actually gives out in the shape of useful effect, while the indicator shows the work done on the piston; but from these data it is impossible to calculate engine friction exactly, because our calculations are complicated by the greater or less efficiency of the pumps. It is possible that nothing can be more deceptive than the results obtained from pumping engines, and therefore we have no hesitation in rejecting their aid in dealing with questions of engine friction. Practically speaking the only generally available test is the indicator, used with the engine light and the engine loaded; but diagrams taken thus do not account for the extra friction due to the performance of work, though useful to some extent in their way; but no investigation of the qualities of an engine can be regarded as complete unless the dynamometer is used as well as the indicator. As regards the variation in the loss by friction in the steam engine, a very great deal might be said which we shall not attempt to say now. It may induce others to experiment for themselves, however, if we place a few facts curiously illustrative of the peculiar phenomena of engine friction before our readers. In one ease we conducted the experiment personally; for the results of the other we are indebted to a gentleman who, in superintending the replacement of ordinary boilers by the now well-known Howard boiler, has occasion to indicate a very large number of engines, and on whose accuracy we can rely with cer- tainty. In the first experiment which we shall cite we found the full power exerted by a rolling-mill engine in the north of Eng- land, — where, it is unnecessary to specify, —to be 291.5 horse. This included the resistance due to fly weighing 30 tons, a bar- mill with 2 pairs of rolls working on heavy orders, and the MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 35 requisite gearing. Engine and mill empty required, according to one set of diagrams, 74.8 horse-power to run them at the working speed; but, according to another set of diagrams, the frictional resistance of engine and millis less than 35 horse-power, and all the diagrams were taken within a few hours. We cite this case only to illustrate the difliculties engineers have to contend with in endeavoring to estimate the friction of engines under ordinary circumstances. _ The other experiment is very interesting and curious as regards results. The engine was a double cylinder traction engine, built by Messrs. Howard, of Beckford. The cylinders are 8 inches’ diameter and 123 inches’ stroke. The engine shaft can be discon- nected from all the rest of the machinery, so that the whole work done by the steam consists in turning the crank shaft and over- coming the friction of the bearings, pistons, etc. With 60 pounds of steam in the boiler, the engine, making 190 revolutions, indi- eated unloaded 2.64 horse-power. The engine was then set to drive a brake loaded to 16 horse-power, the link being put in full gear; under these conditions the engine indicated 22.55 horse- power. The frictional resistance was therefore increased, by the fact that the engine was now doing work to 6.55 horse-power, or to nearly 5 times that of the unloaded engine. ‘This is all plain sailing, but now comes a most remarkable fact. The throttle valve was thrown full open, or nearly so, and the engine linked up, —that is, worked expansively at the same velocity, 190 revo- lutions per minute. The load on the brake, ete., remaining abso- lutely unaltered, any engineer would predict that, under these circumstances, the result would be the same. Far from this being the case, however, it was now found that, the effective work or duty of the engine being unaltered, the indicated power was only 19.86 horse-power, so that the friction of the engine when linked up was only 3.86 horse-power, or little more than one-half that of the engine working in full gear. Lest there should be any mis- take about this, the brake was then loaded with 504 pounds. With the link in fuli gear, the engine indicated 44.88 horse-power ; the link was then put in the first notch, and the throttle valve fully opened, everything else remaining unchanged, when the power fell to 40.92 horse; the frictional or internal resistance of the engine in the latter case thus being 3.86 horse-power less than in the immediately preceding experiment. How are these facts to be accounted for? Is it that the varying strain on moving surfaces in contact, due to the action of expanding steam, is attended with less frictional resistance than is present when the metals are under the steadier strain of non-expanding steam? _ We shall not pretend to answer these questions. ‘here are the facts for the consideration of those interested. Is it too much to hope that engineers, who have the opportu- nity, will take up this subject and endeavor to throw light into what is at present a very dark and unexplored region of mechan- ical engineering? We are convinced that the results would, when time and perseverance had multiplied data, be found of very great value to those who desire to see the steam engine un- 36 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. dergo the real improvement of which it is still capable. — Engi- nee. THE FAIRLIE ENGINE. Mr. Robert Fairlie certainly deserves success, and we have pleasure in believing that he is really commanding it. On two recent occasions in the little ‘“‘cabbage garden” “at Hatcham, another of his great triumphs was exhibited in the trial of the ‘<< Tarapaca,” a double bogie locomotive of 60 tons’ weight, coaled and watered, destined for Peru. The experiments were wit- nessed by some hundreds of eminent official and scientific men, who were all in accord, in so far as we could hear, in their admi- ration of the new engine, which for hours in succession performed the feat, smoothly and with perfect success, of turning round the oval in the gardens, the end curves being of only 50 feet radius. The railway world has heard of Mr. Fairlie’s ‘* Little Wonder” at work upon the Festiniog Railway, and of the triumphs of the ‘* Progress” on the Brecon and Mertly Railway. The ‘ Tara- paca” may properly be designated the ‘‘ Great Wonder” in the adaptation of steam-power to locomotive purposes. As stated, the engine is 60 tons’ weight in working order, or 40 tons’ weight when empty; the bunker-room is suflicient for 30 cwt. of fuel, and the tank accommodation is for 2,200 gallons of water, which should sutlice for a 60 miles’ run. The weight is equally distrib- uted upon 12.wheels, in 2 groups of 6 each. The wheels in each group are coupled together, so that all the 12 are driving-wheels, and the whole of the 60 tons is thus made available for adhe- sion. The ‘‘ Tarapaca” will have to work a gradient of 1 in 26 for 11 miles on the Iquiqui line in Peru, belonging to MM. Mon- tero Fréres. The engine has 4 cylinders of 15 inches’ diameter and 20 inches’stroke. The wheels are 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, and the brake-arrangement, very powerful, is applied to the 4 inner wheels of the 12. The force of the engine at the rails is about 21,400 pounds, or 93 tons, on the level, at a speed of 12 miles an hour. The ‘ Litthe Wonder” runs upon a gauge of 1 foot 114 inches; the ** Tarapaca” is made for the ordinary 4 feet 84 inches gauge. The Fairlie engine can double the capabilities of any line, irrespective of gauge, its power being double that of engines of the ordinary type. The Festiniog gauge is unduly narrow, and‘the ordinary 4 feet 84 inches gauge is wider than is necessary to realize the maximum advantages of the Fairlie sys- tem, which may be secured with a gauge of from 3 feet to 3 feet 6 inches. A 3-feet gauge line worked upon this system may be made to carry as many passengers and as many tons of goods as the broadest gauge line in existence, and it can be worked in the ordinary manner, ata speed of from 40 to 45 milesan hour. The dead weight on narrow-gauge lines is much less proportionately than on broad-gauge lines. A wagon for a 3-fect gauge, weigh- ing 1 ton, will carry 3 tons of paying weight. The best form of wagon on a 4 feet 84-inch gauge weichs from 38 to 54 tons, and carries from 5 to 10 tons, or about 1.90 ton per ton of wagon. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. _ 37 The average load carried by merchandise wagons, exclusive of coal, is about 10 ewt. paying weight. The load these wagons ought to carry should be from 5 to 7 tons; of paying load they really carry but a twelfth of what they ought to do. If our goods and mineral wagons were only a ton in weight, as they ought to be, they would carry 3 tons of load, or 6 times the average load now taken, and would reduce the dead weight from 4 tol. A railway company, that we forbear from naming, carries over its line 126,000,000 tons per annum, out of which it takes payment for only 15,000,000 tons of paying load. Fairlie’s narrow-gauge and 1-ton wagon system would reduce this gross tonnage one- half, thus saving the company the cost of hauling 60,000,000 tons per annum of dead weight. The experts who attended the trials at Hatcham on the last two days were agreed as to the entire absence of oscillation in the movements of the engine. The ordinary locomotive, it is well known, increases its oscilla- tion as it increases its speed, and ipso facto increases the power and effect of the blows inflicted upon the rails. The oscillations of the engines are communicated to the trains they draw, and danger is thus increased. The Fairlie engine, it has been fully demonstrated, runs more smoothly and faster without the pound- ing of the rails caused by the engines of the ordinary type. From all that we have seen of Mr. Fairlie’s ‘‘ Big” and ‘* Little Wonders” in his double bogie engines for any gauge, but prefer- ably for a gauge of say 3 feet, we cannot doubt that the adoption of his inventions would revolutionize railway working, and make the difference, as regards railway property, that there is between wasted money and lucrative investments. Ere long, notwith- standing the vis inertiz of the directorial mind, we have little doubt that we will have English companies sharing with Russian, Peruvian, and Welsh mine masters, in the benefits that Mr. Fairlie and his double bogie system are ready to confer upon them. An engine on the Fairlie principle has recently been com- pleted in the United States, adapted to the roads of that country. It is thus described by the ‘‘ Springfield Republican:” ‘‘The memory of that mythical divinity, the two-faced god, Janus, is perpetuated in a double headed locomotive, built by Mason, of Taunton, after a style invented by Robert Fairlie of England. This ponderous and unique machine, which is te become the property of the Boston and Albany Railroad, drew hither from Worcester the other day 40 freight ears, half of which were loaded. It would have drawn more had not the pump given out, —a defect easily remedied and by no means vital. It will speedily be repaired, and the machine sent on a trial-trip up the hills to Pittsfield immediately. This dual engine has 1 boiler with 2 heads, and at each end rests on 6 drive-wheels. The cab rests on the boiler, over the centre, where a lever lets on the steam. The water-tanks and bunkers for coal are above the boilers on each side of the cab. In going in one direction one- half of the locomotive is going ahead and the other backing, and the latter goes ahead when the steam is reversed, and the other half backs. Thus the necessity of turn-tables is avoided, and it is 4 38 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. claimed that the same amount of steam in such an engine will accomplish more than in one of the ordinary kinds.” — Van Nos- trand’s Eng. Mag. RAILWAY AXLES. In a letter to the ‘‘ Times” Sir Joseph Whitworth makes a sug- gestion relative to the construction of railway axles, which is deservi ing of attention by the engineers of railways. He proposes that a hole should be drilled through the centre of the axle, throughout its length, thus opening up to inspection and exami- nation that part of the -material which, in the case of ordinary manufacture, is most subject to unsoundness. The hole should be about an inch in diameter, and, with suitable mechanical ar- rangements, might be drilled at an average cost of about 1s. 6d., per axle. With the outside turned and the inside thus BOyOLe to view, a serious flaw in an axle, which is only about 4% inches in diameter, could hardly escape discovery. The plan, he says, would also diminish the tendency of the axle to get heated, and, by renewing the material near the neutral axis, would, under the circumstances, reduce the internal strains, and render the axle safer. — Van Nostrand’s Eng. Mag., Oct., 1870. PUMPING ENGINES. A set of the largest pumping engines yet made have just been completed by Messrs. Gynne & Co., of the Essex Street Works, Strand; they are to be erected in Denmark for some heavy drainage works, to reclaim 20,000 acres of land for the Nissum Fjird Company, and of the most approved construction. The manufacturers are confident that the engines and pumps will raise 40,000 callons, 1783 tons, 12 feet high in one minute, which is nearly 50 per cent. more than contracted. for. The machinery consists of a pair of engines, 4 feet apart from centre to centre, coupled, with a pump on each side. The engines are 21 inches cylinder expansive condensing, 21 inches’ str oke, mahogany lagged, running at 140 revolutions (490 feet piston speed) per minute, and consuming 3 pounds per horse-power per hour; vacuum 27 inches. The pumps are constructed on Messrs. Gynne & Co.’s well- known centrifugal principle, and are 42 inches’ diameter in the pipes. The same manufacturers will shortly have completed a combined pumping engine for the Punjaub Railway, to discharge 1000 gallons per minute 60 feet high.— Van Nostrand’s Eng. Mag. ELASTIC TIRES FOR TRACTION ENGINES. ‘¢ Engineering” states that an interesting trial was recently car- ried out between Rochester and Chatham of a 5-horse traction engine constructed by Messrs. Aveling & Porter, of the former place, and fitted with tires formed of India-rubber segments at- tached to iron plates by a process patented by Messrs. L. Sterne MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 39 & Co., Great Queen Street, Westminster, these plates being bolted to the wheel-tire and further secured by i iron rings. The front pair of driving-wheels of the engine are 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, and are “fitted with India-rabber segments 12 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 3 inches thick. The rear pair of driving- wheels are 5 feet in cies and are fitted with India-rubber segments 12 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 3 inches thick. The rubber is firmly attached to one-fourth inch steel plates, which are bolted on to the one-half inch wrought-iron tires, the seg- ments being still further secured by five- eighths inch wrought- iron rings placed on each side of the wheel. The trial, which was conducted by Messrs. Aveling & Porter, took place on Friday last in the presence of a number of govern- ment officials, and some of our leading engineers. The engine started from Messrs. Aveling’s works, at Rochester, with 2 long 4 wheel lorries and a load of iron girders, giving a total weicht of about 13 tons. It proceeded at a pace of about 4 miles an hour through the slippery streets of Rochester, travelling steadily up Star Hill, which hasa gradient of 1 in 12 for more than 300 yards. It made several sharp turnings round corners, the radius of the path of travel being not more than 15 feet. With one ordinary iron skid on the rear wheel of the hindmost lorrie, it descended Rome lane, — a steep falling grade, — under complete control. The rough and irregular stone causeway, the timber bridgeway of the Chatham doekyar d, and the rough and broken ground near the landing quay on the Medway, were all smoothly and successfully tr aversed. ‘The girders were landed on the quay and the engine then returned to Rochester. The ground near the landing” quay is fuli of hillocks of cinder, clinker, stone, bricks, scrap iron, etc., but, although the engine ran over all these substances, not a cut nor per manent indent was to be found afterwards in the India-rubber segments. The great advantage of Messrs. Sterne’s method of attaching the India-rubber in seements over the solid ring is, that if a see- ment gets damaged it is easily and quickly “removed and re- placed | by a spare segment at a moderate cost. The motion of the engine during the run was easy, and the India-rubber readily impressed itself into the inequalities of the roadways. To avoid all possibility of slip in wet streets and on clay soile, Mr. Aveling proposes to introduce steel staples or crossbars, so arranged as to take the traction without neutralizing the benefit derived from the elastic action of the rubber. There is no doubt a decided ad- vantage in Messrs. Sterne’s method of utilizing the India-rubber. Traction engines with their wheels thus tired will prove useful under the special local circumstances, such, for instance, as where they have to traverse paved or very uneven roads. But here, to our mind, the advantage of rubber-tired wheels ceases, and we believe that the engine in question, or, in fact, any of Messrs. Aveling & Porter’s engines, would work as well without as with this addin. and that in most eases the 1302. or 1402. which these appliances cost could be more profitably expended on the engine in other ways. 40 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. We may observe, in conclusion, that there is no fear of the rubber parting from the plates to which it is attached by Sterne’s process. Its adhesion has been tested by Mr. Kirkaldy, who found that a direct pull of 6,216 pounds, or 1774 pounds per square inch, was required to separate the two. In compression the rubber segments stood 663 tons per square foot, returning to their normal condition after the pressure was removed. THE USE OF WIRE ROPE IN CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGI- NEERING. A marked feature of present mechanical progress is the in- creasing use of wire rope in civil and mechanical engineering. The world probably owes a greater debt to the late John A. Roebling than to any other man connected with the introduction of wire cables as a constructive material. It was he who, by his scientific employment of this material, educated the public— at least the American public—up to the full appreciation of its value. From his labors and experiments the principal data upon which other engineers now depend in the use of wire for con- structive purposes have been chiefly obtained. Now we find wire rope employed in almost every engineering work. It constitutes an important part of modern ship-riggine. It is used for hoisting, for towing boats, for bridges, for sus- pended tramways, for propulsion of cars up heavy grades, and even upon level surfaces. It is found to be the cheapest and most efficient medium for the transmission of power to lone distances. Every year increases the number and extent of its applications. Two of the most recent applications to which this material has been put are, in our opinion, destined to prove equal in impor- tance to any which have preceded them. We allude to the trans- mission of motive power, and the tramway system invented by Mr. Hodgson, of which several notices have recently appeared in these columns. The telo-dynamic cable system is, if we mistake not, destined to a most brilliant future. This country affords a notable field for its advantageous employment. Our mining districts are, many of them, so situated that power can only be obtained in this man- ner, or by the use of steam. We do not entertain a doubt either that the wire-rope tramway system will be found of vast benefit to our mineral districts. It is simple, practical, and cheap, and has demonstrated its value as a means of transporting ores and freights. To what other uses wire rope may be destined it is impossible at present to say, but the success which has attended its applica- tions thus far encourages the belief that inventors and engineers may still find it a valuable resource for purposes not yet thought of, and in ways hitherto undiscovered. — Scientific American. THE WIRE-ROPE TRAMWAY AT BRIGHTON, ENGLAND. The wire-rope transport system may be described as consisting of an endless wire rope running over a series of pulleys carried MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. Al by substantial posts which are ordinarily about 200 feet apart. This rope passes at one end of the line round a drum, driven by either steam, water, or even horse power in small farming oper- ations, at a speed of from 4 to 8 miles per hour. The boxes in which the load is carried are hung on the rope at the loading end by a wooden V-shaped saddle, about 14 inches long, lined with leather, and having 4 small wheels, with a curved pendant, which maintains the box in perfect equilibrium while travelling, and most ingentously, but simply, enables it to pass the supporting posts and pulleys. By a sliding-ring arrangement the boxes or buckets are easily emptied by tilting, without unshipping the saddle from the rope. The boxes can be made to carry from 1 ewt. to 10 ewt., and the proportions of the line and the loading and discharging arrangements can be varied to suit any particular requirement, ranging from 10 tons to 1,000 tons per diem. At each end of the line are rails placed to catch the small wheels attached to the saddles of the boxes, by which means the weight, having acquired momentum, is lifted from the rope, and, thus suspended from a fixed rail or platform, can be run to any point for loading or emptying, and again run on to the rope for trans- port, the succession being continuous, and the rope never requir- ing to be stopped for loading and unloading. Curves of sharp radius are easily passed, as well as steep inclines, and its applicability to cross rivers, streams, and moun- tains, or hilly districts, will be apparent at a glance, as the cost of construction increases but little under such circumstances, whilst that of a road or railroad is, perhaps, increased tenfold, and the daily working cost doubled or trebled. The rope being continuous, no power is lost on undulating ground, as the descending loads help those ascending. In the case of lines for heavy traftic, where a series of loads, necessarily not less than 5 ewt. to 10 ewt. each, must be carried, a pair of stationary supporting ropes, with an endless running rope for the motive power, will be employed, but the method of supporting, and the peculiar advantage of crossing almost any nature of country with a goods line without much more engineer- ing work or space than is necessary for fixing an electric tele- graph, without bridges, without embankments, and without masonry, exists equally in both branches of the system. In the minor applications, such as short transport from mines to railways, the landing or shipping of goods in harbors and roadsteads, and the carriage of agricultural produce on farms, some peculiar features of the system render it specially advan- tageous. Amongst these are the facility with which power can be transmitted by the rope and taken off at any required point for mining or other purposes. In lines terminating on the sea- board, or on great rivers, a manifest advantage is secured in the facility for taking goods direct to or from ships in harbor or road- stead without transhipment into lighters. Seen from a distance, the posts which carry the tramway wires at Brighton might be mistaken for telegraph poles; but a nearer inspection reyeals a second line of wires on the same level, and 42 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. upon these 2 wire-rope lines, supported on standards at intervals varying from 300 feet to 1,000 feet apart, ding to the re- quirements of the ground,—are suspended iron boxes for the carriage of the goods, which boxes pass on noiselessly and stead- ily, carried forward by the rope at the uniform rate of 5 miles an hour, —the time required for performing the entire circuit of the line. In laying out these 5 miles at Brighton, the opportunity has been taken of exemplifying the working of the system under every variety of difficulty that could possibly present itself; thus we have at one part an incline of 1 in 6, up and down which the rope and boxes work with perfect facility, the descending weights assisting those which are ascending; then there are, besides sev- eral bends less acute, two instances of absolutely right angles which are passed with the greatest ease. In some instances the standards are carried to the height of 70 feet, to meet inequalities of the ground, undulating and hilly country being more trying to this system than craggy and mountainous, —such as that for which this plant is designed, and where, from the long reaches taken, fewer posts will be required. The line is rather over 5 miles long; there are 112 posts, or standards, in the whole length. These standards can either be made of lieht angle and band iron neatly put together, as in the present case, or of wood. The rope is made of ‘charcoal iron, is 2 inches in circumference, each strand, as well as the centre of the rope, having a hempen core, to secure ductility. The power employed to drive the rope is a portable 16 horse-power engine. Some of the spans are 600 feet and 900 feet in length, and in- genuity has been shown in devising every possible mode of test- ing the merits of this system of transport; and we are bound to record that all difficulties have been overcome with complete suc- cess. ‘The line is capable of delivering 240 tons per day of 10 hours, that is, 120 tons in each direction. This tramway has been erected by Mr. Hodgson, the inventor, at the request of some gentlemen with whom he was in negotia- tion, for the supply of materials for a line 60 miles in length in Ceylon. It is intended to divide the proposed Ceylon line, of 60 miles, into 5-mile sections, such as the one described, —1 engine work- ing every 2 sections, and the boxes passing each section by shunting arrangements, similar to those used at the termini, from one section to another. The line in work will be open daily to public inspection during the month of April, and is well worth a visit. It is hardly likely that so efficient and economical a means of transport will be for long exclusively confined, as at present, to the conveyance of eoods. For ourselves, we venture to con- fidently predict an early adaptation of the principle of this in- genious system to passenger traflic.— Condensed from Scientific Opinion. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 43 EXTRACT FROM THE REPORT OF COL. W. A. ROEBLING, CHIEF ENGINEER OF THE N. Y. BRIDGE CO. A boring made in 1867 showed gneiss rock at a depth of 96 feet below high water. The strata penetrated consisted in the first place of surface filling through alternate layers of hard pan and boulders of trap embedded in sand and clay. Below 50 and 60 feet depth the material was so compact that the bore hole stood without tubing for weeks. No necessity existed, therefore, for going down to rock; a depth of about 50 feet would suffice. But the great desideratum to be attained was a uniform character of the soil over the whole space of the foundation whatever the depth might be. It is well known that the drift formation of. Long Island presents a great variety of strata in comparatively short diagonal distances. Within a hundred or two feet on either side of this foundation, there is no bottom, so to speak, and piles are driven a great depth into mud ; whereas in the centre of our foundation the depth of water was only a few feet; the existing ferry slip had been blasted out at a great expense, and to drive an iron-shod pile even 2 feet into that material was the work of hours. This hard material, however, occupied only a part of the foundation, which comprises an area of 17,000 square feet. One- third of the area towards the east was much softer in character ; to meet the requirements of the case a heavy, solid timber founda- tion was decided upon, of sufficient thickness to act as a beam, and having the requisite mass to insure a uniform settling. The importance of a uniform foundation becomes evident at a glance when we consider the size of the tower, weighing 85,000 tons, with a height of 300 feet above the foundation upon which the permanent pressure is 44 tons per square foot. In addition, the buoyancy of the timber enables us to dispense with the screws ordinarily used in towing a caisson. In regard to durability, it is well known that timber immerse d in salt water is imperishable, and to protect it against worms it is merely necessary to sink it beneath the river bed. It at once suggested itself to make the timber platform as far as possible a part of the caisson. This has been done by making the roof of the caisson a solid mass of timber, of 15 feet in thickness. The ohject and purposes of a caisson in sinking a pneumatic founda- tion is too well known to need any description here; it is merely a diving-bell on a vast scale. It may well be said that, since the unparalleled achievement of Captain Eads, at St. Louis, the word caisson has become a household word among American engi- neers. The caisson of the East River Bridge is a large inverted vessel or pan, resting bottom upwards, with strong sides. Into this airis forced under asufficient pressure to drive out the water. Entrance is had to the large working-chamber, thus formed underneath, through suitable shafts and air-locks. The material is taken out through water-shafts, open above and below, and 2 supply-shafts pre ibe the material subsequently needed for filling up the air- chamber. 44 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. The dimensions of the caisson are rectangular; length 168 feet, width 102 feet, height 9 feet 6 inches. Thickness of roof 5 feet. The sides form a V, and are 9 feet thick where they join the roof, sloping down to a round edge. ‘The inner slope of the V has an angle of 45 degrees. ‘The lowest part of the slope is formed by a semicircular section casting, protected by a sheet of boiler plate, which extends up 3 feet each side. A heavy oak sill rests on the casting, and it consists of a stick nearly 2 feet square. The 3 suc- ceeding courses are laid lengthwise, after that the alternate courses are heading courses. The whole mass is thoroughly bolted together by drift bolts, screw bolts, and wood-screw bolts. In addition there are heavy angle irons uniting the V to the roof. At the corners the courses of timber are halved into each other, and strapped together for further security. The roof is composed f 5 courses of 12-inch square yellow pine sticks, laid close together, bolted sideways and vertically, and having a set of heavy bolts running through the 5 courses. ‘The outer edge of the caisson has a batter inward of 1 in 10 to facilitate its descent into the ground. To make the caisson air-tight, the seams were all thoroughly eaulked for a depth of 6 inches, inside and out, and in addition a vast sheet of tin, unbroken throughout, extends over the whole caisson, between the fourth and fifth course, and down the 4 sides to the shoe. The tin on.the outside is further protected by a sheeting of yellow pine. The space between the timbers was filled with hot pitch. As air under pressure of 40 or 50 pounds will penetrate wood with ease, the inside of the air-chamber was coated with an air-tight varnish, made of resin, minhaden oil, and Spanish brown. The air-tightness up to the present time is quite satisfactory, and only one-fifth of the air-pump on hand is suffi- cient to keep the water out. The yellow pine timber was selected specially for the purpose. It came principally from Georgia and Florida, and much of it was so pitchy that the sticks would not float. The average specific gravity of all the timber was 48 degrees per cubic foot. Every bolt-hole is bored with a large drift to ensure the hold of the bolts. As the construction of the caisson proceeded, the iron work of the water-shafts, air-lock-shafts, and supply-shafts was put in. The water-shafts, 2 in number, are square shafts, three-eighths boiler plate, properly stiffened by angle irons, and well secured to the caisson. They are 7 feet by 6 feet 6 inches, and are open above and below, the lower edge extending 20 inches below the edge of the shoe. The water inside of them rises and falls with the state of the tide outside. The material to be taken out is shoved under the edge into the water-shaft by the laborers inside, and is then taken out by the so-called clam-shell dredge of Morris & Cummings, of New York, the only known instrument which possesses the precise action of the human hand in picking up things. Any ether arrangement for excavating in the shape of a revolving dredge or a sand-pump was out of the question. The air-shafts are 3.6 feet in diameter, and extend simply through the MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 45 timber on top of which the air-locks are placed. The supply- shafts are 2 inches’ timber, 21 inches’ diameter, and of indefinite length, — they have a door at the bottom and one on the top with an equalizing pipe. They are filled full of made air, and the whole contents fall into the air-chamber below. It was the original intention to have made the air-chamber under the caisson one entire space without any divisions into compartments, thus facilitating the excavation of the material. Various considerations led to the abandonment of that view. Since the caisson was to be launched like a ship, a certain num- ber of launching-ways were required, and these required a stilf frame from the launching-way up to the roof. Again, in the boulder soil, only a few points of the edge would have rested and supported the weight at any one time. But the chief point was the rise and fall of the tides and their effect on the caisson. The extreme rise and fall is 73 feet. If the inflated caisson is just barely touching the ground at high water, it will press upon the base with a force of 4,000 tons at low tide, all of which has to be met by the strength of the shoe and the frames. And it is not until the caisson is permanently righted down that the continuous excavation can take place inside. ‘The frames are proportioned somewhat to the strains in launching, and form a heavy truss of pine posts and stringers with 3-inch sheathing on each side, and side-braces to the roof every 6 feet. The ends of the frames are secured to the sides or the V by knees. It was goneluded to limit the pressure of the caisson during the launch to 2% tons per square foot of launching surface. This required 7 ways in all, 2 under the edges and 5 under the frames. The total launching weight of the caisson was 3,000 tons, con- taining 111,000 cubie feet of timber and 250 tons of iron. It was launched sideways, — that is, with the long face of 168 feet by 14 feet 6 inches high facing the water. The ground-ways were laid at an angle of 1 inch per foot, the caisson standing 50 feet back from the end of the ways. ‘To buoy up the forward end of the caisson as it entered the water, and thus prevent its entire im- mersion, a temporary water-tight compartment of 2-inch plank was put in, one-third the distance across. It served its purpose admirably. A full complement of wheel-barrows, crabs, and winches were likewise stowed away in it. The oround-ways consisted of 2 timbers, of 11 inches square each, bolted together sideways. They were grooved like the guide of a planer, and the upper launching-way fitted their grooves correspondingly. The great danger of launching so large a mass on 7 ways consists in the liability ‘of one end going faster than the other, and thus wedging the caisson fast on the ways. Only the outer ways were prov ided with ribbands. They, however, proved superfluous to accelerate the motion of the caisson as it entered the water, and thus overcome the increasing resistance. The ways were laid crowning to the amount of 18 inches in their leneth:: ihe launching-ways were likewise continued 10 feet back of the caisson, and provided with shoes against the sides; it was desfr- able that the rear edge of the caisson should leave the end of the 46 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ground-ways uniformly, and not stick fast on one, —a thing likely to occur, since the ways stopped at the low-water line, and the rear edge would: fall at once into deep water. The above arrangement answered the purpose. On the 19th of March, 1870, the launch took place; in every respect a success. As soon as the last block was split out, the caisson commenced to move. The impetus it had acquired in the first part of its course proved sufficient to overcome the immense resistance offered by the water. ‘The caisson has daily been ris- ing with every high tide and resting on the ground again at low water, requiring most of the work inside to be done at low water, where the caisson is comparatively free from water. As the edge does not readily sink into the hard soil, it is expected that there will always be some water. Since the edge of the shoe is round- ing, it allows the air to blow off before the level of the water has reached the lowest limit. Thisis caused by any trifling agita- tion in the level of the water inside, which gives the escaping air a chance to establish an outgoing current before the head of water inside becomes sufliciently great to overcome it. By constantly building up on top the centre of gravity has been raised considerably, and the caisson is now in a condition of ua- stable equilibrium, — thatis, it does no longer rise uniformly with the rise of the tide. One end will remain on the ground and the other rises as much more in proportion, and the more it rises the more surface it presents to the upward pressure of the air on that side, the general level of the water inside being governed by the level of the highest point of the shore. This rising of one end of the caisson is attended by another phenomenon of imposing appearance. As the tide rises, and the downward pressure of the caisson is about being overcome by the increased tension of the air inside as well as the buoyancy of the water outside, one end of the caisson will suddenly rise 6 inches or more. The result is that for a few minutes the tension of the air inside exceeds the head of water outside, and a tremendous outward rush of air takes place under the shoe, carrying along a column of water of hundreds of tons to a height of 60 feet at times. This continues until a return wave inside of the caisson checks it. These blow-offs are not felt to any extent by the men inside, beyond the warning noise and momentary draft created. The magazine of force contained in 170,000 cubic feet of com- pressed air is so large that the loss of a few hundred tons is a trifle. A system of pipes is put in the air-chamber for the pur- pose of illuminating the air-chamber with calcium lights, a trial of which has resulted favorably ; with moderate pressures, candles answer very well. The first course of stone is now being laid. Its weight, together with the concrete on top of the timber, will probably suffice to ground the caisson permanently, and thus permit the erection of setting derricks on the caisson. ‘The stone setting will then keep uniform pace with the excavation, and by the time the desired point is reached the masonry is far above the water level. The stone used for these land courses, which will be perma- MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 47 nently under water, is the Kingston limestone, furnished by Noon and Madden. These stones have both beds eut, but the sides and builds left rough, with vertical quarry joints, the projec- tions not exceeding 24 inches. The beds are exceptionably wide. As the base of the masonry work resting on the timber is very much larger than the section of masonry at the water level, it is considered that this class of masonry is equally as good, and cer- tainly far cheaper than regular dimension stone. All the stone in any one course are cut to a uniform size. Above low water granite will be used on the water face, and subsequently through- out as freestone. The first or corner-stone of the extensive pile of masonry to be raised above the caisson, unlike as it was to ordinary affairs of this kind, was a massive block of limestone from the quarry at Kingston, Ulster Co., and in extent was 3 feet wide by 8 in leneth, weighing about 5,800 pounds, or 165 pounds to the cubie foot; and it is of this material that the foundation below low-water mark will consist. Additional borings are now being made for the New York tower. The boring made 2 years since was 400 feet away from the act- ual site of the tower. This one is directly on it. The same stratum of 30 feet of the finest quicksand has been penetrated, but boulders have been encountered at a depth of 80 feet, and the indications are that rock will shortly be oe CONCRETE AND IRON BRIDGE. A new bridge erected for Sir Shafto Adair, from the designs of Mer His Mi: Eyton, of Ipswich, over the Waveney, at Homers- field, England, has been recently tested. In designing the bridge advantage was taken of the principle of Messrs. Phillips’ patent fire- -prooft construction, — a system in which all the iron-work is completely embedded in Portland cement concrete. The bridge has one arch of a clear span of 50 feet, with a rise of 5 feet 3 inches. The skeleton of the bridge is of iron, and this is en- tirely filled in with Portland cement concrete, and rendered with Portland cement, thus forming one continuous beain, getting stronger every year, in addition to the iron skeleton, which is of itself sufficient to do the ordinary statical work of the bridge ; the weight of concrete alone is over 100 tons. The spandrels. of the bridge are relieved by a raised panel, and in the centre is a casting of the Adair arms, taken from the old 3-arched_ brick bridge. The first test applied was that of a 5-ton road roller “drawn by 4 horses. ‘This was passed across several times, and not the least deflection was perceptible. Afterwards a heavy wagon, laden with sacks of flour, weighing altogether 6 tons, was passed over, and still, it is stated, no deflection could be noticed. BRIDGE OVER THE DNIEPER. The railway bridge lately erected over the Dnieper, near 48 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Kiew, is the largest work of the kind in Europe, being 3,503 feet in length. — Van Nost. Hing. Mag. THE BROADWAY UNDERGROUND RAILWAY Commences at the foundation lines of the splendid marble building on the corner of Warren Street, and extends in a curve directly down Broadway. The lower terminus is intended to be at the South Ferry; but the present operating section only ex- tends a little below the City Hall, near to the north end of the new post-office premises, a distance of some 300 feet. The bed of the railway is 21 feet below the surface of Broad- way, and the diameter of the tunnel 9 feet. The passenger car is about the same size as the ordinary street cars. It is very tastefully fitted up, brilliantly lighted, and has seats for 22 per- sons. It is propelled by the atmospheric system; that is to say, by means of a strong blast of air which is supplied to the tunnel by a gigantic blowing-machine. The whole operation is described as being exceedingly simple and effective. The visitor enters at the corner of Broadway and Warren Street, descends a few steps to the waiting-room, —an elegant apartment, but wholly under ground, —at the end of which is seen the mouth of the tunnel and the car. On taking seats in the car, the conductor closes one of the doors and touches a telegraph signal, when the car immediately begins to move around the curve, and travels rapidly down Broadway. On reaching the lower end of the tunnel, the car moves instantly back again to Warren Street, then down Broadway again, and so on. The air is so elastic that the changes of motion in the car are effected with exceeding gentleness, and are almost imperceptible to the visitor. The car is run by telegraph; that is to say, the wheels of the car, at certain points on the route, press a telegraph key, sending a signal to the engineer, who turns a valve and thus reverses the air-current, without stoppage of the machinery. The aeolor, or blowing-machine, by which the air-current is produced, consists of a pair of great wings, geared together, and turned by steam. It is capable of discharging 100,000 cubic feet of air per minute, or enough to fill the interior of 3 3-story city dwelling-houses. The south end of the tunnel is provided with a lateral air-shaft, which opens in the grass-plot of the City Hall Park. The air-cur- rent thus traverses through and through the tunnel, the atmos- phere of which is thus kept pure and fresh. During the construction of the tunnel the entire travel of Broad- way, omnibuses, carts, hacks, and other vehicles, in endless pro- cession, passed on’ as usual, directly over the heads of the work- men. They were safely protected within the sides of an immense boring-machine, by which the bowels of the street were excavated, It is pushed forward into the earth by means of powerful hy- draulic rams; and as fast as it advances the masonry is built up Within its rear. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 49 The works of the Broadway Underground Railroad, taken altogether, are of a most interesting nature, well worthy of ex- amination. The general plan of the Company is to lay a double line of tubes from the South Ferry, under Broadway, the entire length of the island, with a branch at Union Square, under Fourth Avenue, to Harlem River. Such a road would have capacity for carrying 40,000 passengers per hour. ' ROTARY PUDDLING FURNACES. A number of puddlers, of this character, have, for some time, been in successful operation at the Cincinnati Railway Tron Works, and have attracted considerable local attention. : The machine puddlers dispense with the hand labor of the usual furnaces, performing the same duty by steam* power. Those at present in operation are making puddled balls of from 650 to 700 pounds in weight; and others, of greater capacity, are in process of construction. Samuel Danks, of that city, is the inventor. SUSPENSION BRIDGE AT PITTSBURGH, PA. This bridge crosses the Alleghany about half a mile above its junction with the Monongahela, both of which streams, when united, form the Ohio. The town of Pittsburgh is situated on the promontory made by the convergence of these two rivers, and has, with its suburbs, a population of about 200,000. The dis- tance between the abutments of the bridge is 1,037 feet 5 inches, being divided into 2 main spans of 344 feet 6 inches each, one- half span of 117 feet 5 inches, and asecond half span of 171 feet. 4 wire cables carry the structure; the 2 outer ones incline out- wards from the towers, and.the 2 inner inwards, to give stability to the bridge. The lighter cables which carry the footway are each 44 inches’ diameter, that of the others being 74 inches. The roadway is 20 feet wide, and the footways each 10 feet. The cables are attached to bell-cranks at the towers, instead of by saddles placed upon rollers,—a by no means satisfactory arrangement, the vibration of the bridge being increased per- ceptibly by the lightest passing load. ‘The towers are about 45 feet high. They are of cast iron, and of an ornate character, the weight they support being entirely carried by the 4 inclined col- umns, which are braced together by latticed castings. — Scientific American. A STEEP RAILWAY. A railway has been constructed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to carry passengers to and from the top of what is known as Coal Hill, which overlooks the city and the country around to a great distance. The plane is located 250 feet west of the Monongahela suspen- sion bridge. The roadway starting from Carson Street crosses the 5 50 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Pan Handle Railroad, and reaches the face of the hill (which at this point is 90 feet above the level of the Pan Handle Railroad track) by means of an iron bridge 160 feet long. This bridge is supported by 10-inch columns, made of wrought iron a quarter of an inch thick. ‘The vertical height of the hill at this point is 330 feet, giving the plane a length of 650 feet, and an inclination of 35 degrees. The roadway consists of 2 tracks, each 5-feet gauge, with 2 cars,—one ascending while the other descends. The cross-ties on the iron bridge are yellow pine, 7 feet by 7 feet. The stringers are also yellow pine, 6 by 8 feet, and the ties on the balance of the track 8 feet by 8 feet. A pine railing runs from the base to the top of the incline. It is 3 feet high, and quite fancy. It is to be painted — probably white. The rails are of the ‘*T” pattern, and substantially fastened to the stringers. The cars are to be hauled up by a wire rope, and are provided with a safety-cable, which runs idly except in case of the breakage of the principal rope, when the drum about which the safety- cable winds is held by means of a brake, thus preventing the accidental descent ofa car. — Scientific American. THE NEW TUNNEL UNDER THE THAMES. The new tunnel does not detract from the merits of Brunel’s great achievement in constructing the renowned passage between Rotherhithe and Wapping, but it is as great a wonder in its way, and in several respects offers a marked contrast. The old tunnel brickwork is 38 feet wide by 224 feet high; the new tunnel con- sists of an iron tube about 8 feet diameter over all. The old tun- nel was worked by a shield weighing 120 tons, accommodating 36 workmen; the new tunnel has been driven by a shield weigh- ing 24 tons, and accommodating at most 3 workmen at a time. The old tunnel was 5 times filled by irruptions from the river; in the construction of the new tunnel the water encountered might at almost any time have been gathered in a stable pail. 18 years elapsed between the commencement and the completion of the works in one case; less than a year has sufficed for the execution of the works in the other. The descending shafts of the one were 84 feet deep and 50 feet diameter; of the other they are under 60 feet deep and 10 feet diameter. The cost of the one was over £600,000; of the other it has been under £20,000. At the Tower Hill shaft we found the lift in which passengers are to ascend and descend fitted and at work. It is an iron chamber nearly cubical in shape, and large enough to accommo- date 7 or 8 persons comfortably. The entrance is by a pair of sliding doors. Guide-rods are attached to opposite sides of the shaft, and corresponding grooved rollers are fixed to the sides of the lift. The lift is balanced by a large cast-iron weight with an open centre to admit of its being loaded in accordance with the number of passengers that have to be raised or lowered. There is a continuous connection above and below between the lift and the balance weight by chains and wire ropes, calculated for 50 times the strain that can ever be put upon them. These pass MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 51 over pulleys at the top and bottom of the shaft. The balance weight works also in a pair of guide-rods. Mr. Barlow has de- signed a brake attached to the roof of the lift, and acted on by a powerful double-handed screw on the inside of the roof. The effect of applying the brake is to release 2 arms which clip the euiding-rods on each side, and effectually stop the descent in a few feet. At the bottom of the shafts, and under the level of the subway, are engine-rooms and coke-cellars. The engines at each end are of 4 horse-power, and these will at any time supply more than sufficient power for all purposes. The lifts are adjusted at each end with their doorways inwards towards the subway. On emerging at the bottom of the shafts, the passengers enter a chamber, which constitutes the ‘‘ station,” at and from which the one omnibus, which constitutes the entire ‘‘ rolling stock ” in use at one time, arrives and departs. There is space in these wait- ing-rodms for a seat along each side. We found the workmen at the Tower Hill shaft busy with the fittings and finishings of this chamber, and passing thence we entered the subway and pro- ceeded through its entire length under excellent guidance. Ordinary passengers, when the tunnel has been opened for traffic, will not realize the curious sensation and experience of a passen- ger through on foot, from the noises overhead, on and near the river, so distinctly heard in the subway, which is air-tight as well as water-tight. Arrived at the Tooley Street end, we found the waiting-room occupied by the light iron omnibus in which pas- sengers are to be conveyed. The vehicle, seated for 14 passen- gers, is tolerably roomy as regards width, but is necessarily rather low in the roof. The seats, cushioned and with stuffed backs, are placed lengthways, the entrances being at the ends. The wheels are 16 inches’ diameter, and at each end of the car- riage a powerful lever brake is fitted, to be worked by the con- duetor with his foot. The service will of course be of the shuttle character, the 2 halves of the omnibus being duplicates, the front end of the vehicle in one journey being the hinder end in the return. The gauge of the rails is 2 feet 6 inches, and the descent from each end to the centre of the subway is by a gradient of 1 in 50. We found the works connected with the Tooley Street shaft rapidly approaching completion, but not quite so near it as those at the north end; the’ subway itself may be pronounced finished, and the omnibus fit to take the road at any moment. The omnibus will be hauled by a wire rope running upon a horizontal pulley-wheel fitted between the rails at one end, and passing round a vertical pulley-wheel at the other. THE KANSAS AND MISSOURI BRIDGE. This bridge was designed and located by Mr. W. W. Wright, Engineer in Chief, and is being constructed under his supervis- ion. ‘The superstructure is to be of wrought iron, resting upon cast-iron piers, formed of large pneumatic piles sunk to a bear- ing on solid rock. These piles are 84 feet outside diameter, with 5p ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. a thickness 1} inches, and weigh about 1 ton to the square foot in height. They are manufactured in sections of 10 feet in length, with inside flanges at both ends to enable them to be connected together during the process of sinking, and thus form a continu- ous cylinder from foundation to bridge-seat. These columns will be filled with cement masonry and concrete from the bottom to an elevation 10 feet above high-water line. There will be 2 piers of this kind in the river, and 1 on the eastern shore. The west- ern end of the bridge will rest on a stone abutment. The 3 spans thus formed will be each 340 feet in length, and the bot- tom of the lower chord will be 50 feet above extreme high water, thus leaving ample space between the piers and sufficient height above the surface of water for steamboats to pass at any stage of the river. The approach to the bridge at the eastern end will consist of a substantial trestle work t, 500 feet long, connecting with an earth embankment extending 2,500 feet further. LATTICE GIRDERS AND SOLID PLATES. The English magazines have of late been devoting much space to a discussion of the relative merits of solid plates and lattice girders, and though the question is certainly an important one, entailing, as it does, almost a revolution in the methods of con- struction, in case lattice girders possess all the advantages their advocates claim, yet the topic is still discussed, and the solution of this problem in mechanics seems nearly as far off as ever. Those who rank among the more modern class of thinkers, who first theorize and then demonstr ate, claim that the lattice will, for the same amount of material, s sustain greater strains and endure shocks much better than a homogeneous plate, and the argument sustaining this claim is based chiefly upon the fact that iron will resist a greater force, applied in the direction of its fibres, than when across them, and it is claimed that mathematical analysis will render possible such an arrangement of the parts of the lattice that all, or nearly all, the strain will be in the direction of the grain or fibre of the iron. Now, if we admit, what we certainly cannot prove to be false, that the engineer can, from pure theory and by the aid of mathe- matics, so place and arrange the parts of a girder that the strains will be in the direction of the fibre, and proportionate to the size of the pieces, we can draw a strong comparison in favor of open or lattice work. No scientific man will deny the fact that a wire rope is both lighter and stronger than an iron rod of the same diameter, or, if he claim the privilege of comparing the actual sectional area, taking the sum of the sectional areas of the individual wires, we can still claim greater strength for the rope upon the ground of more perfect structur e, as proved by experiment, — the weight, of course, being the same, or nearly the same, in either case. Eng- lish bar iron will resist about 60,000 pounds’ tensile strain to the square inch, before parting, while wrought iron will resist over 100,000 pounds for the same actual area. Now, compare the MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. a3 lattice and plate in the same way. The plate corresponds to the solid bar and the lattice to the wire rope, and the openings to the space between the wire. Here we have undoubtedly so placed the direction of the strain that it is all with the fibres, and find that we have the proportion of 10 to 6 in favor of the structure composed of several separate pieces. Now, though this is perhaps an extreme case, and the argu- ment only one by analogy, yet, while perhaps the same propor- tions would not exist between the degrees of resistance afforded by lattice girders and solid iron plates as between the different qualities of iron, from the superiority of construction obtained in the former, the reasoning will apply most forcibly. It will probably not be denied that the superiority of construction claimed really does exist, and this one argument is, therefore, taken alone, convincing. But, after all, the matter of the relative strength of the material in different cases is really of less importance than is the apparently simple problem of fastening the parts together. If, after being properly arranged, the parts of the lattice can be so fastened together that each piece will do its entire duty without unduly straining its neighbor, there can exist no doubt that the lattice will be stronger than the iron plate girder, with its present form and arrangement; but, on the con- trary, could the plate be placed in such a way as to be of equal strength at all points, without increasing the weight of the struct- ure, the iron plate would certainly rival the weak forms of lattice as now constructed. Upon the ground that this perfect construc- tion cannot be obtained in a solid plate, the advocates of the lat- tice girders rest their claim, and it would seem that their as- sertions cannot, as regards this point, be readily controverted. — American Builder. SINKING SCREW PILES. A machine has been lately designed by an English firm, at the request of H. Lee Smith, Esq., chief engineer for the Punjaub Northern Railway, for screwing down piles to be used in con- structing bridges and flood openings on that line of railway. This machine consists of a wrought-iron under-carriage mounted upon wheels of 5 feet 6 inches gauge, and carrying a vertical boiler at one end. A strong cast-iron beam in the centre carries a cylinder in which works a ram, to the top of which a strong cross- beam is bolted which carries the machinery for operating on the piles. This consists of a horizontal steam engine bolted to the side of the cross-beam, and driving a pinion and train of spur and bevel wheels which impart motion to two large horizontal wheels carried in bearings at each end of the cross-beam. A friction clutch is carried in the centre of each of the wheels, through the boss of which the shaft of the pile to be screwed is passed. The shafts are rolled with feathers or ribs on each side, which, passing through corresponding recesses or keyways formed in the boss of the friction clutch, form the means of imparting motion from the horizontal wheels to the piles; steam is brought from the boiler, 5* 54 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. through the centre of the ram and cylinder which carries the cross-beam, by means of a telescope joint, which allows the ram to be raised without interfering with the steam pipe; anda small donkey engine is provided which can pump from a tank situated between the frame, either into the boiler or into the cylinder under the ram which carries the cross-beam. When the machine is at work the cross-beam is held firmly by means of cotter bolts to the frame. The modus operandi is as follows: A temporary road being laid on the centre line of the proposed structure, piles are pitched by passing the shafts through the wheels on each side of the machine, and keying them into screws which are placed in a small hole excavated to receive them. The engine is then set to work, and the piles screwed down as far as possible. The cot- ters holding the cross-beam are then removed, and it is raised by the donkey engine pumping into the cylinder of the machine, and lifted off the piles. The machine is then moved forward to the centre line of the next pile, and the operation takes place as betore. —Journal Franklin Institute. TRANSFORMATION OF CAST IRON. «¢Transformation of Cast Iron, Wrought Iron, and Steel, by means of the Vapors of Alkaline Metals,” — such is the title of a patent taken in France, by MM. Charles Girard and Jules Poulain (date 17th August, 1869, No. 86,784), the particulars of which we extract from our excellent contemporary, the ‘‘ Moniteur Sci- entifique :”” — ‘¢3n order to cause the vapors of sodium and potassium to act on Gast iron in fusion, we heat one of the former metals in an iron retort to 392° or 482° under a pressure of 5 or 6 atmospheres. When this heat is reached we direct the vapor thus obtained into the heart of the iron in fusion; the mass swells, and an alloy of the iron is the result. These alloys, although very hard, are malleable, and may be forged and welded. ‘They oxidize rapidly in air or water, and are easily decomposed if a current of air, steam, or carbonic oxide is injected into them when in‘fusion. By these compound effects of the vapor of sodium and of air, for example, the whole of the metalloids in the iron are attacked, and the final result is pure wrought iron, that can be hammered and welded with ease. Under certain circumstances the metal resulting from the operation may present the properties of steel. Finally, to facili- tate the production of the metallic vapors, carburets, rich in hy- drogen, may be added to the sodium or potassium in the retort. ‘‘In place of sodium or potassium an alloy of the two may be used; as, for instance, one composed of 4 parts of potassium (melting at 122°) and 2.5 parts of sodium (melting at 194°). This mixture, which has the appearance and consistency of mer- cury, has its point of solidification at 47.4°, and is consequently liquid at ordinary temperatures. It is prepared under naphtha. ‘It has been remarked that, besides the direct transformation of cast into wrought iron or steel, by means of the metals, their action produces other advantages; they allow of the employment MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 55 of iron castings, which, although containing manganese, can- not be converted by the Bessemer process, on account of the quantity of carbon, sulphur, or phosphorus which they contain. It is, in fact, now proved that the Bessemer process, far from eliminating the sulphur and phosphorus, tends rather to augment the proportion of these metalloids. ‘“¢The cast irons known as chaudes, and which contain silicium and magnesium, owe a part of their superiority to the calorific power of the silicium (7,800), the produce of the oxidation of which, silica, requires but little heat to disengage it, so that the liquefaction becomes more complete. On the other hand, carbon, under the same conditions, gives rise to the disengagement of masses of sparks produced by the gases, carbonic acid and car- bonic oxide, which traverse the mass; these take from the molten matter a considerable quantity of caloric, and are thus unfavorable to liquefaction. ‘‘In our process this latter inconvenience is partly dispelled ; for the gases produced by the combustion of the carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus, combining with the soda or potash, are mechani- eally carried through the mass of metal by the oxidation of the sodium of potassium. The direct action of the sodium or potas- sium, in the form of vapor, on the melted iron, may be replaced by adding to the mixture of ore, fuel, and fiux, cither chloride of sodium, carbonate of soda, a corresponding salt of potash, or a mixture of these. ‘¢ Acting thus on any given ore, and using coke or coal as fuel, a result analogous to that obtained with charcoal under the ordi- nary system is obtained. We must add, however, that in the former case the current of hot or cold air should be longer main- tained than when charcoal is used; this prolonged application of hot or cold air in the blast furnace may present inconvenience, which may be avoided by directing the alloys of cast iron with sodium or potassium into a converter, in which they may undergo the final action of the current of air ; with this process the work- ing of the blast furnace is the same as in ordinary cases. ‘We arrive practically at an assimilation of the coke or coal with alkaline salts corresponding to those furnished by wood charcoal, either by watering the fuel with the alkaline solutions above mentioned, and then allowing it to dry in sheds; or, lastly, by pouring a concentrated solution of the various salts on the fuel or the ore at the moment of charging the furnace. We intend tocon- tinue our experiments on the alloys and combinations of sodium and potassium with most of the other metals.” — Scientific Ameri- can. IMPROVEMENT IN ENAMELLING IRON AND STEEL. The process of Benjamin Baugh, of Chadwick, England, of enamelling iron and steel, patented recently in the United States, is as follows : — Lay upon the surface of the_plate of the metal to be enamelled 56 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. a uniform ground, of any color required to produce the intended design; as, for instance, a name-plate, or tablet, with the ground white and the inscription in blue. The white ground, having been fused on in the melting-furnace and allowed to cool, there is then applied, with a brush evenly over the whole surface, a coat- ing of blue enamel, the materials of which are finely levigated and mixed with gum-Arabic and water, or other mucilage, to form a paste of slightly adherent properties. When dry, a stencil of the inscription, or of each letter sep- arately, is laid on, and the enamel paste is removed from the parts which are unprotected by the stencil, by the application of a stiff brush, leaving the ground clean, except the letters. The plate is then again subjected to heat, whereby the paste, which is fusible at a lower temperature than the ground previously laid, becomes permanently fixed upon it. ; The mechanical removal, by means of a brush, enables very delicate lines to be formed through the paste, to expose the en- amel ground, and admits of the use of ornaments having sharp angles and minute points and details to be distinetly and per- fectly rendered. The ground may be dark, and of any color, as well as of the kind described, and the subsequent coat of a lighter color; as, for instance, the ground may be of blue and the inscription white, and a succession of colors may be given to produce a variously colored design, by the same method. The inscription or design may be cut out in the stencil, and the ground thereby exposed be removed by the brush, instead of the surrounding parts, with a like effect, it being left to the choice of the designer whether this process be followed, or that previously described. The stencils are formed of very thin sheet metal (or even of paper, where they require to be used but a few times), which, by their flexibility, lie more closely in contact with the surface, and leave the lines and margins of the figures perfect, while they con- form to convex and irregular surfaces. He combines with the method described the use of artistic graphic representations, such as views, portraits, or groups, thereby producing metal tablets decorated in enamel, in a man- ner adapted to architectural purposes, as the finishing of interiors, panels for cabinet work, ete. Such designs are produced upon stone in the usual lithographic manner, and printed in successive impressions upon paper prepared for transferring, by having its surface coated with gum-Arabic, or other substance that is soluble in water, mineral colors and fluxes being used, which are adapted to fuse under heat, and combine to form the picture in enamel of appropriate colors. The enamel ground having been fused on, as previously de- scribed, for stencilling, it is covered with copal or other suitable varnish, and the face of the prepared picture is laid upon it and pressed, to insure adhesion of all parts, when the paper is re- moved by wetting, as is ordinarily done in transferring prints. The plate is then subjected to heat until the colors of the picture MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 57 are fused, and become incorporated with the previously enamelled surface. IMPROVED APPLIANCES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HEAVY FORGINGS. The forging of iron in large masses is a subject of so much importance to our engineering industry that it needs little apology for its introduction to the mechanical section of the British Asso- ciation, and any improvement in the machinery or appliances for the more economical or rapid manufacture of large masses of wrought iron, or for any improvement in quality, must be of great interest to all manufacturers where such products are needed. These improvements, in the manufacture of large forgings, I intend to class under 3 heads. I propose simply to mention a few. prominent facts very briefly, but shall be glad to answer any inquiries that members may require further information about. 1. Improved heating by Siemens’ regenerative gas fur- nace. 2. Facilities for handling and moving large masses of wrought iron from the furnace to the hammer, and for moving them under the hammer. 3. Improved hammers, with a clean, unfettered fall, and with such width of standards as to give the workman all the comfort and convenience possible in executing the necessary operations of shaping, forging, and cutting the material to the required form. 1st. Improved heating by Siemens’ regenerative gas furnace. It is generally admitted that iron in large masses is greatly dete- riorated by long exposure to high temperatures, and that a crys- talline structure is developed in consequence cf such a form and nature as to detract in a very great degree from the strength of the material. It must, therefore, be admitted that furnaces, such as those of Siemens, which produce the most intense heat in the shortest possible time, must cause less deterioration to the product in hand than those which are slower in operation ; but a more im- portant item in this consideration is that the facilities given for regulating the admission of gas and air in a neutral flame can be produced; and, in consequence, the iron may be preserved from that burning and oxidation which are the cause of the formation of those large facets or crystals which weaken many wrought- iron structures of large size to such an immense extent. Another improvement, from these furnaces where the iron is prepared from the pig, is, that the gas furnaces do not bring over the large amounts of unconsumed ash or débris from the coal which is usually deposited on the body of the iron made in the ordinary puddling furnace, and, in consequence, the iron is more free from those specks and flaws which are so observable in or- dinary iron, and which produce the heating and galling so com- mon in large forgings, as heretofore made, and which cause the chief torment of the practical marine engineer. Perhaps the greatest advantage which the Siemens’ furnace offers is in the manufacture of forgings of puddled steel, from the facility in which the flame of the furnace may be regulated, first, + 58 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. in the puddling process, and, secondly, in the heating of the puddled steel masses. In furnaces of ordinary construction a constant deterioration of the puddled steel must necessarily take place from the free oxygen present in the furnace; but in the Siemens’ furnace the gases may be so regulated that a neutral flame is produced, and, consequently, the steel mass is heated without deterioration. I will not now enter into the question of economy of fuel, as this has been often discussed at meetings of mechanical engi- neers; nor will it be necessary to enlarge upon the great advan- tage, especially in large towns, of the absence of smoke, which has been hitherto thought a necessary nuisance in all branches of the iron manufacture. 2d. The second improvement which I would wish to mention is improved facilities for handling and moving these large masses of iron when heated as above described, which is effected by hy- draulic cranes and machinery of sufficient power to move these large masses almost instantaneously either from the furnace to the hammer, or vice versa, to raise and lower the load, or to in- crease or decrease the distance of the load from the centre of the crane. The truth of the old adage, of striking when the iron is hot, will prevent any necessity “of dwelling upon the advantage of rapidity of movement in dealing with large heated masses of iron. Atter the pieces of iron have been heated in the manner de- seribed, and when the machinery shown has brought the forging to the hammer, it is necessary that the instrument should be of the most approved description to cope with the material under operation in the best and quickest manner, and with the greatest possible comfort to the workman employed at the work desig- nated. Uammers that are described as suspended are employed ; they are carried upon wrought-iron girders, of 20 feet span, which gives the hammer-man such room for his operation, and such freedom from any obstacle to his work, as have seldom, if ever, been accorded before, and so much room to the rear is re- served that shafts 50 feet or 60 feet long could readily be made without any inconvenience. — Abstract of a paper read by Lieut.- Colonel Clay, of the Birkenhead Forge, before the British Association. CORROSION OF IRON GAS AND WATER MAINS. In an editorial on this subject the ‘‘ Gaslight Journal” remarks that the deposits which form in the interior of iron water mains cause serious annoyance and loss to many of our water eompa- nies. To so greata degree does this evil extend, that strenuous efforts are being made to substitute some other material for iron, which shall possess all its valuable qualities, and at the same time be free from liability to corrosion, and consequent obstruc- tion. The appearance of this internal deposit is very singular and assumes various modifications. Sometimes the corrosion is of a uniform thickness, and appears to attack the surface of the iron evenly, while at others the whole diameter of the pipe is MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 59 jagged with tubercles of various sizes and shapes, occurring at irregular intervals. Thus far no satisfactory explanation has been given of the causes of this peculiar deposit. That it is a species of oxidation is very clear, since the mass formed has all the external character- istics of iron-rust ; but why it should assume such peculiar physi- eal properties, and present a configuration so unlike the outward forms of other oxidation, has not yet been satisfactorily ex- plained. The effect of this incrustation is obviously very disastrous to the economical distribution of water, as the diameter of the mains is so much diminished as to reduce their capacity to that of much smaller calibre than they were originally constructed. In addi- tion to this, the strength of the pipe is much impaired by this process of oxidation, and it is rendered much less able to bear sudden concussions and heavy pressure than previous to the formation of the deposit. This must be apparent to all intelli- gent observers, for it is at the expense of the iron that the incrus- tation arises. ‘These facts are but too well known to engineers, who are fully cognizant of the difficulty under which they labor in endeavoring to remedy the evil. The same evil obtains in regard to gas-pipe, only in a less degree. The corrosion forms dust and scales, which drop off in time, and obstruct valves, traps, elbows, and connections. This is especially observable in inclined and vertical piping, such as lamp-posts, etc. It has been a question with practical men, whether to substi- tute some other material for iron, or to adopt some means of internally coating iron mains, so as to preclude all possibility of the formation of accretions. Methods have been tried to coat the interior of iron water- pipes with some substance which would protect the surface of the iron from contact with the water. This would seem to be the only remedy, but attempts in this direction have heretofore been attended with so much expense as to remove one of the strongest arguments in favor of the employment of iron, namely, the econ- omy of its application. Some few years ago, the Water Board in Brooklyn coated the interior of their iron main with a mixture of coal tar and linseed oil, applied at a high temperature, but we have never heard whether that remedy has been effectual in checking the formation of accretions. It was said to impose an additional cost of 24 dollars per ton on the mains. Recently, Prof. Henry Wurtz, of New York, has invented a peculiar cement for making gas or water pipes, and especially adapted to coat the interior of gas mains, to make them perfectly impervious even to hydrogen gas, and to prevent corrosion. Among the materials, other than iron, which have been com- mended and used to some extent for water pipes, are wood; iron-bound wood, and cement, and bituminized paper. Plain wooden pipes have been immemorially employed in some places for distributing water, and are still used in many instances. Pipes made of wood and cement have also been adopted to a lim- >. 60 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ited extent. They are durable, easily made, and have been made to withstand a pressure of 400 pounds to the square inch. The pipes constructed of sheet iron, lined and coated exter- nally with hydraulic cement, are said to be well adapted for dis- tributing water where very cold weather does not prevail, frost being inimical to the integrity of the pipe. So also is high pres- sure said to be liable to injure the continuity of this kind of pip- ing, especially at the numerous joints and connections. In England, pipe made of bituminized paper has been employed in distributing both water and gas, but we have not heard that it has become popular to any great extent. It also was attempted to be introduced into this country, but without success, we be- lieve. Another description of pipe is constructed of wood, being bored from the solid log, lined with cement, and coated externally with coal tar. This form of pipe is said to be extremely durable, and, not being subjected to expansion and contraction by change of temperature, is entirely free from leakage. In England and France, as well as in this country, the com- plaints on this score are wide and deep, and a wide field is open for enterprise in introducing an especial remedy. TWIST DRILLS, AND RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN THEIR MAN- UFACTURE. : We condense from a paper recently read, by Mr. G. Lauder, C.E., before the Liverpool Polytechnic Society, the following remarks upon twist drills : — The last half century has witnessed many important improve- ments in engineers’ tools. Self-acting machines have been intro- duced and improved, in numbers too great to mention in this paper. The leading idea which seems to have controlled in all these improvements is what has been designated the ‘‘ guide princi- ple.” As examples, we may cite the slide-rest, the planing-ma- chine, etc., the objects to be attained being, first, greater accuracy in the work performed, and, second, greater speed in performing it. | After improved machines, which have enabled us to attain the first object, we have to look to the forms of the tools used in these machines, to enable us to attain the second object, — speed. Tools for cutting metals are divided into two classes, namely, paring tools and scraping tools, these being distinguished by the edge they present to the metal being cut. The data on which our knowledge of paring tools is founded are altogether derived from practice in the workshop, — workmen themselves, he believed, having been, in a great many cases, the leaders in improvement. The best cutting angle has been found, for iron and steel, to be from 60° to 70°, and the angle of relief a Drills have been the last tools in common use by working en- gineers to come under the whip of improvement, a large propor- MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 6L tion of those now in use being of the worst conceivable form to effect the object they are designed for. The speaker referred to the common form of drill, and, at the same time, exhibited a sheet of drawings on which a number of different forms of drills were marked. Some of them depend for cutting action on, to use a homely phrase, ‘‘strength and stu- pidness,” no attempt whatever being made to form a proper cutting angle. Others are more advanced in form, and have a proper cutting angle provided; sometimes a small portion of the bottom end, he said, is turned, and forms, in this condition, a very excellent working tool indeed. tan Bee pase . 221.4 vols. Nitrogen, o: ccs cere cvetaieso ois) ol dtolsle'a oc aie! wistale, sisiels doe olwinisiesje 74.6 vols. Therefore one volume becomes ......... 22-222. ere epaveeioaie 296.0 vols. Of another kind of powder, which explodes with the gases at a lower temperature, one volume produces : — - 391 vols. Carbonic -GXidea. a< ajeos cf spiieuals clare creas 4 6)2.2 01005 9-01 5,9 Se cianae 66 vols. Nitrogen, ........ See Hevea deal eisisshaveisio 9 «see ve <-cin o nhWeieie Ono volume’ DECOMGS sone ool c wk ce esos Dees cle datas cenceleels ont SU (mimOEse 96 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. One volume of nitro-glycerine produces : — Carbonic acid Pasyce here sais ae ater oe ein ate ae osetia ise he) 469 vols. Wither ate DOC sata ta ceetansits See taseiaciae gislem =ienatelarsets 554 vols. SPOTS sce sore le eel ere ae near eke ciecus beter eee re 39 vols. PN TENOR ONS 0 5,0 iat im om min, sisin'e ols iefetsia a etiaie ie a siele “e/a @ ciavomtan eters 236 vols. Oné volume becomies's) 5% 5:2). 2c0 26s cies els lores ane see «. 1,298 vols. These volumes are given at the temperature 0 degree C.; at the temperature of explosion, they will be about 5 times greater, or about 10,607 times the original volume of the explosive, or about 10 times as large a production of mixed gases for the nitro- glycerine as for the gunpowder which produces mixed gases in largest amount. Still 18 times is claimed by the advocates of nitro-glycerine. If this is so, the discrepancy between the temperature of the explo- sion must be greater than here assumed. LITHOFRACTEUR. Analysis shows that ‘‘ Lithofracteur,” as well as dynamite, consists of a mixture of a silicious base with nitro-glycerine. The proportion of glycerine appears to be that which the base can take up without becoming sensibly moist. — Dresdner Gewerbeve- reins-Zeitung. In the ‘‘ Centralblatt,” of Oct. 15, can be found a discussion of the merits of the above. Its exact composition appears to be IND igo cra Wace Se Dees cr GE Oa hos Ce a ees See IS eerson ees 52 Silicious base,...... R abel taveg sis oa erie re OTe OE Eee 30 CONT vewtsns sic oases Cale oipitoie cis nee sheteis eae SST eltmorae cate aakehe lair Sees 12 Dalbpetres. 2 tt. eae. ior ectoarh ees teeitd Chea mle mila te ilonte eine te etnies 4 Pal pWare ss sti ciete cate cursing els Shei ws ee eine ae © sacl aenueaaies 2 DUALIN. Professor Mowbray, who superintends the manufacture of nitro- glycerine at North Adams, for the Hoosac Tunnel, writes to the ‘‘ Springfield Republican ” in regard to the explosion at Worces- ter, Mass. He finds that dualin consists of 60 per cent. mono- nitro-glycerine and 40 per cent. of sawdust. The mono-nitro-glycerine is exceedingly unsafe to manufacture, to use, or to transport; it is not nearly as destructive as the tri- nitro-glycerine and yet is far more dangerous to handle. There are 3 different nitro-glycerines. Of these 2 are the most dan- gerous and not as powerful as the third, which is not dangerous but very difficult to explode, and when exploded is 33 per cent. more powerful in its effects than either of the 2 others. Trials were made with dualin at the Hoosac Tunnel, and were complete failures. Only about 50 per cent. of results as com- pared with the nitro-glycerine in use at the tunnel were obtained, MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 97 and the miners were asphyxiated by the cyanogen given off. — Editor. Dualin is a brownish-yellow powder, similar in appearance to Virginia tobacco. In the open air it burns without an explosion, and in a confined space it acts like gunpowder. It is proof against shocks, it does not decompose, or bake to- gether, can be readily put into cartridges, and can be used as well in warm as in cold, in dry as in wet, places. Its strength is 4 to 10 times greater than the common powder, and greater than that of dynamite. ; Dualin consists of cellulose, nitro-cellulose, nitro-stdérke nitro- mannit and nitro-glycerine, mixed in different proportions accord- ing to required strength. We believe that dualin, with its present quality and with its present price, has every prospect of being useful in mining opera- tions, especially in coal-mining, when with its great, but yet not too quickly, working power, it can rival powder. — Bergeist. In the “‘ Centralblatt,” of July, can be found a long account of this new explosive, taken from the ‘‘ Deutsche Industrie Zeitung.” — ditor. COMPARATIVE EFFECTS OF GUNPOWDER AND GUN-COTTON. A number of experiments have been recently carried out by the officers of the Royal Engineers at Chatham to test the comparative effects of gunpowder and gun-cotton in various operations. The experiments were all made under the direction of Colonel W. O. Lenox, C.B., Y.C., Instructor in Field Fortifications at the school of Military Engineering, assisted by a number of other officers. The experiments were attended by a large muster of officers of the garrison, besides those of the engineering corps, and also by Major-General J. L. Brownrigg, C.B., the commandant of the garrison ; Colonel W. Pray, Colonel Graham, C.B., Y.C., Colonel Fiser, Colonel Lovell, commanding Royal Engineers; Colonel the Hon. H.F. Keare, Deputy Adjutant-General Royal Engineers ; Colo- nel Clarke, ete. Mr. F. A. Abel, chemist to the War Department, was also present, and assisted in some of the experiments with gun- cotton. The experiments commenced with explosions of gun- powder and gun-cotton directed against a double stockade of balks of timber 14 inches square, 3 feet 6 inches apart, and sunk 3 feet in the earth, each line braced together by strong cross-pieces. A charge of 200 pounds of gunpowder, in bags merely laid at the foot of the stockade, untamped, was first exploded. It forced a large gap in the front stockade, but, though partially shattered, the second row of timber would have presented a formidable ob- stacle to an attacking party if defended by a few resolute men. Portions of the timber were hurled through the air to some dis- tance. A charge of 80 pounds of gun-cotton was next laid in bags at the foot of the stockade, some distance from the former explosion. This also was untamped. It was fired by a detonat- ing fuse. There was a terrific explosion, and an almost perfectly 9 98 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. - clear breach was made through both rows of timber, practicable for an attacking party to get through. The effect was very much superior to that of the 200 pounds of gunpowder. Immense pieces of timber were hurled through the air to a great distance, mostly in the rear of the stockade. Not so wide an extent of timber appeared to be shaken as by the first explosion, but the work was more completely done; the results, indeed, were extraor- dinary. Experiments were also made by exploding dises of eun-cotton against single balks of timber, to show what effect would be produced if timber bridges had to be destroyed. Four balks of timber, about 16 inches square, were sunk in the ground some feet apart, in a square, and braced together by thick pieces of plank. A ‘‘necklace” of small discs of gun-cotton was formed (about 68 in number) ; this was doubled and placed half round one of the timbers. The explosion of this string of discs tore away the wood for some depth, 4 inches or more on one side of the balk, but did not break it, though the massive timber was much rent. Three or four larger discs were then exploded on one side of the timber, and tore out a large portion of the wood. A single ‘‘ neck- lace” of small dises, 65 in number, and weighing 24 pounds, was then placed round another balk, quite encircling it. When ex- ploded this tore out the wood all round to some depth. Then 12 of the larger discs, weighing 4 pounds 2 ounces, were hung on nails on three sides of the timber, and exploded. ‘The explosion was very powerful, and the large balk was cut in two; snapping off where the gun-cotton had been attached, but falling on the side where there had been no discs and partially splitting on that side. The spectators cheered at this decisive proof of the value of gun- cotton for this special purpose. All these experiments appeared to be very satisfactory. At that part of the lines in front of St. Mary’s Barracks, a number of mines and galleries had been exca- vated and charged with gunpowder or gun-cotton. One mine had a charge of 500 pounds of gunpowder; a second similar mine was charged with 200 pounds of gun-cotton. Two smaller mines were charged respectively with 21.6 pounds of gunpowder and 8.6 pounds of gun-cotton. These mines were successively ex- ploded by means of an electric current. In the larger mines the powder appeared to be the most effective agent. In the explo- sion of the 200 pounds’ charge of gun-cotton, a peculiar effect was produced; first, there was the eruption of brown clay and ‘smoke, and then a large flame, produced by the ignition of the gaseous products of the explosion. The officers then proceeded to the old Engineer Depot, near St. Mary’s Convict prison, and walls which are to be removed were experimented upon; they are 18 inches thick; charges of gun-cotton ranging from 2 pounds to 34 pounds were exploded against these walls, with satisfactory results, making breaches in them. The officers then returned to the scene of the mines, where two long galleries had been pre- pared, one charged with 240 pounds of gunpowder, the other with 96 pounds of gun-cotton. These charges were exploded. The object was to ascertain if it is practicable to form trenches in this manner, instead of throwing them up while exposed to the en- MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 99 emy. It was thought by some officers that the explosion would throw the earth up on either side in such a manner as to form a trench; but the result was not so; the earth was thrown up in a mass, and no trench was formed in which men could get under cover at once. The experiments were of great interest and highly satisfactory. — Van. Nos. Eng. Mag. COMPARISON OF NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL ICE. The French company Messageries impériales, wishing to ascer- tain what kind of ice would be preferable for their vessels navi- gating the Suez Canal, caused experiments to be made, under identical circumstances, with several varieties, with the following results: Time required to melt 200 pounds of ice :— Matural-ice.of, Switzerland jo o:a:d-o ace ayeaie of deselerepiale, apple aes 107 hours. ce Le spp NORWAY ih th tos ana cichct 4 ccdass cuss Sa tpeds rein letaycicciey nism ok enna Y EG 2 ERSSACHMSOEGS, on \aiatn scala dis salcie sparamie ates Lee a Artificial ice, Carré’s machine, .......... ae Tae a a SO an -: ME OIGE SR” WACHING ee fret matailas Sait cee at oe i If these experiments were conducted with accuracy, they would seem to prove that artificial ice would have the preference over the natural production of our lakes and rivers for transportation on shipboard, and for refrigerating mixtures. One series of ex- periments is scarcely sufficient to settle a question of this impor- tance. THE TELLIER ICE—MACHINE. The manufacture of ice by artificial processes is steadily gaining ground and favor. During the last summer it has received a powerful impulse from the exorbitant prices asked and un- willingly paid for ice in this and southern cities, in which this article has become so much a necessity that people will pay almost any price rather than be deprived of it. In this city its price reached 2 cents per pound before the close of summer, and in one southern city, we are informed by a correspondent, it reached 5 cents per pound. It is not probable that such exceptionable prices can be main- tained during ensuing seasons; but even at the prices at which we may reasonably hope to purchase ice, or at least such prices as must be demanded for ice shipped to southern towns, it is now demonstrated it can be produced artificially at large profits and in any required quantity. Two machines have been brought prominently into public notice, each employing the same volatile material as an absorb- ent, conveyer, and radiator of heat, and being in some sort rivals in the effort to secure public favor. We allude to those known as the Carré and the Tellier ice-machines. The volatile agent in both is generally ammonia, and, though differing widely 100 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. in detail and cost of construction, they employ the same general principle in the conversion of water into ice. To the general reader it may be well to state here that the fun- damental principle upon which machines of this kind operate is the absorption of heat from surrounding bodies by an expanding substance, the conveying of this heat to some other absorbing body, into which the heat is caused to radiate by the condensation of the conveying substance by mechanical compression, the pass- ing back of the “conveying body to extract another modicum of heat from the body to be cooled or frozen, and so on till the desired degree of refrigeration is reached. Itis a physical law with which perhaps some of our readers are not familiar, that the capacity of any substance for heat—that is, its power to absorb heat, and hold it in the latent or insensible state — increases with its expansion and decreases with its con- densation. A substance which at ordinary temperatures is a permanent gas will, when compressed, become sensibly heated ; the latent heat which it holds, under ordinary circumstances, being rendered sensible by condensation. If while in this state the sensible heat be taken up by some other substance and conveyed away, the gas in expanding will seize the heat from surrounding bodies, thus reducing their temperature. The gas, on being again compressed, will yield this heat to any substance having a lower temperature. The proportion of heat absorbed during expansion, and emitted under pressure, increases with the degree of alternate condensation and expansion. Ammonia, which is a gas of ordinary temperatures, becomes a liquid under a pressure of from 9 to 13 atmospheres, according to the temperature of the surrounding air, emitting a large amount of heat in so doing, which amount must be restored to it before it can expand to its original volume. On this account it is admirably fitted for use in refrigerating apparatus. The Tellier machine, besides differing much from the Carré machine in matters of detail, differs from it in its action,—the con- densation of the ammonia being in the latter effected entirely by mechanical compression, while in the former the strong affinity of ammonia for water is used in the collection of the gas, the latter being separated from the water again by distillation. In the Tellier machine the liquefied ammonia is first received into a strong cylinder, for convenience of transportation. This cylinder being attached to suitable pipes connected with the machine, the opening of certain cocks allows the ammonia to escape into a distributer or a cylinder connected by pipes with the congealer. The congealer is a square box divided into compatrt- ments by hollow metallic partitions, the compartments being filled with the water to be frozen, or they may be filled with a solution of chloride of calcium or salt water, in which are placed metallic moulds containing the water to be frozen. The latter is most con- venient when very large cakes are desired. The ammonia, passing from the distributer into the hollow metal- lic partitions of the congealer, expands into a gas, absorbing in its expansion a large amount of heat from the fluid contained in the MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 101 compartments. It is then drawn from the congealer by the pump and forced back again into the distributer in a condensed form. During the process of condensation it gives off its heat to water surrounding a coil through which the gas is passed on its way to the distributer, from which it again passes to the congealer, and so on, being used over and over without material loss. It will be obvious that any other volatile liquid besides ammo- nia might be used in the same manner as a conveyer of heat. It is further obvious that by replacing the hollow partitions of the congealer by a series of bent pipes, air might be cooled if forced through the series of pipes by a fan. This is precisely what is done with an apparatus made by the proprietors of the Tellier machine, the cool air being supplied to vaults and rooms used for preserving fruits, packing meats, etc., and for purposes’ of ventilation in churches and public buildings in hot weather. There is, we are informed, no difficulty in reducing and main- taining the temperature to any desired point down to 32° Fah., and the air, being supplied in a dry state, is much better adapted to keeping fruits and meats than when charged with vapor from its passage through ice.—Scientific American. \ NEW SUGAR—-REFINING PROCESS. In the sugar-house of Messrs. A. Sommier & Co., of Paris, 200,000 pounds of raw sugar have for a year past been daily refined according to a process invented by Boivin and Loiseau. The process is founded upon the use of a new body, the sucrate of the hydro-carbonate of lime, which the inventor employs for the purification of raw sugar instead of blood, bone-black, ete. For the preparation of this compound, milk of lime is made from the waste sweet liquors of the refinery, and enough syrup added to give the mixture 20° Baumé. This is well agitated and run through a cooler until the temperature sinks to 68° Fah. From the agitators the liquid flows into vats, where it is partially satu- rated with carbonic acid; the gas is passed through until the desired precipitate of sugar, lime, and carbonate of lime settles as a gelatinous mass. Alter the purifying agent has been thus prepared, it is applied in the following manner : — The raw sugar is dissolved in a cylindrical pan, similar to a vacuum pan, under diminished pressure. Revolving buckets carry it into receivers over the boilers, and from these it is per- mitted to flow into the boilers, where it comes in contact with the sucro-carbonate of lime previously introduced, in a quantity pro- portional to the percentage of raw sugar. ‘They generally take about 650 gallons of the gelatinous sucro-carbonate to 8,000 pounds of sugar. Water is added if necessary; the whole is boiled, and in this way the solution and clarification are simul- taneously accomplished. One great advantage of the operation is that when syrup is boiled in presence of lime, ammonia is evolved, all glucose is decomposed, and anything likely to pro- duce fermentation is destroyed. 102 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. The syrup from the boilers is filtered, the excess of lime sepa- rated by carbonic acid, and it is further concentrated and finished in the usual manner. The slimy residues and precipitates are squeezed out in filter presses until they contain no trace of sugar, and can be thrown away. ‘The wash-water is used in the prepa- ration of new material. The advantages of this new process are, that it does away with the use of blood, which is offensive, difli- cult to obtain, and the soluble constituents of which are finally concentrated in the molasses. It also yields greatly improved products, which are brighter in color and better in grain. The third crystallization of this process is better than the second in the old way. ‘The expense is, if anything, less, certainly not more. The process has been patented in the United States. APPLICATION OF DIFFUSION IN SUGAR-REFINERJES. Abbé Moigno states that in the years 1869-70 the number of sugar-houses in which the principle of diffusion or dialysis was employed for refining sugar was 82, and that 31 additional works are in process of construction; so that in 1871 there will be 113 refineries in which practical application will be made on a large scale of Graham’s important law. The crystallizable sugar passes through membranes, while the impurities, being uncrystallizable, are retained in the tank where the original solution was made. The fact that so many large houses employ this method would seem to indicate its entire practicability. PHOTOGRAPHY ON WOOD. Anthony’s ‘‘ Photographic Bulletin” gives the following process by A. J. Searing for photographing on wood for engraving pur- poses : — ‘« The block on which the picture is to be made is first dampened with water, then whitened with enamel, rubbed from the surface of good enamelled visiting-cards. Rub gently, removing only the enamel, after which it is brushed smooth with a moderately stiff brush, from right to left and up and down, making a smooth, even, and very thin surface. Allow this to dry, after which it is flowed with a solution of albumen, made with the white of 1 egg and 16 ounces of water, dried by heat or allowed to dry spontane- ously. Now coat it with another albumen solution made as fol- lows : — Formula No. 1.— White of 1 egg; water, 4 ounces; chloride of ammonia, 40 grains. Beat the whole to a thick froth. Allow it to subside, then decant or filter through a fine sponge placed in a glass funnel. Pour a sufficient quantity on one corner of the block to cover it, when spread around with the aid of a one-ninth or one-sixth glass (using the edge). Allow the surplus solution to drain back into the bottle. Dry by a gentle heat. Formula No. 2.— Ether, 1 ounce; alcohol, 1 ounce; gun- MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 103 cotton, 8 grains; nitrate of silver, 380 grains; dissolved in as small a quantity of water as possible, and allowed to settle for a few days, protected from the light. Flow the salted block with formula No. 2, in the dark room, and dry it by a gentle heat. It is now ready for exposure under the negative. A porcelain print- ing-frame, or any other suitable method, may be used to print it. After printing, formula No. 2 is removed from the surface of the block by dissolving it in ether and alcohol, assisted by rubbing gently with a soft sponge. The picture can now be toned and fixed in the ordinary way, or fixed and toned at one operation, by the hypo and gold bath. After being allowed to dry, it is ready for the engraver. THE OXYGEN LIGHT. According to the ‘‘ Opinion Nationale,” Paris, the new Prefet de la Seine has definitively authorized the Tessie du Motay Com- pany to lay their underground communications in the city of Paris for illuminating with oxygen gas. A system of pipes will connect the oxygen works of Pantin with the boulevards, and in a few months all the inhabitants re- siding between the ‘‘ New Opera” and the Passage Jouffroy will thus be enabled to benefit from the immense advantages offered by this new light over the old gas. Already oxyhydric lanterns have been placed at the entrance of the bazaar European, near the Passage Jouffroy, and project a light of the purest white and the most dazzling brilliancy, near which the old gas pales and appears to shine with the most singu- lar yellow color. The journal referred to congratulates M. le Prefet de la Seine for having ratified a measure in accordance with the general wishes and interests of the people, and which appears to it to be the indispensable corollary of the great improvements under- taken within a few years in Paris. USE OF CALCIUM LIGHTS AT THE ST. LOUIS BRIDGE. Mr. W. Milnor Roberts, who is in charge of the work, says: ‘*We have used calcium lights only for our open-air work in lay- ing masonry on the top of our caissons, —one light on one side, and one at the other, on diagonal corners; we found that they distributed the best light when thus placed. We had the oxygen gas forced into copper gas-holders with a pressure of about 200 pounds to the square inch. These were carried over from the city to the piers on a little steamer, and the gas was conveyed to the burner through small lead pipe. At first our reflectors were of glass, but so many were broken that they were replaced by metal. Aman remained with the two burners through the night, to regulate them occasionally, and to mend the pipes when a burst occurred. They usually burn from 11 to 12 hours; and, with the aid of some movable large reflector lamps, the masons 104 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. worked as well at night as in the day. The cost of the calcium lights to our company was 3% dollars per hour each.” MACHINES FOR PREPARING RHEA GRASS. A short time since there appeared in our columns an advertise- ment from the Government of India offering a reward of £5,000 for the production of the best machine for the extraction of fibres from the Rhea grass and preparing it for market. The condi- tions upon which this prize was offered will doubtless be remem- bered by all interested in the subject, and we need not, therefore, refer to them again on the present occasion. The great draw- back which has hitherto prevented the utilization of this grass has undoubtedly been the difficulty of extracting the fibre, the manual process being so expensive as almost to amount to a prohibition of fibre manufacture being carried on. ‘‘ Engineering” states that during the last 20 years or so, a number of machines have been brought out for extracting fibre, but none of these have been considered entirely satisfactory. Up to the present time the common mode of extracting the fibre from such plants as the aloe is by soaking the leaves in water till the vas- cular matter has become rotten, and then beating off this decayed matter from the fibre with a wooden mallet, or scraping it off with a blunt knife. This process is not only a slow and nasty one, but is attended with much waste of fibre; it also discolors, and, what is most important of all, weakens the fibre. At the London Exhibition of 1862, two American gentlemen named Sanford and Mallory exhibited a machine for extracting fibre from aloe, plan- tain, or pine-apple leaves. This machine has been used in America, but would scarcely be found either sufficiently simple or cheap for the ryots of India, its cost being about £45. What is wanted is a cheap machine of simple construction, by which the fibre can be easily extracted; and we think it only due to those of our readers who have contemplated entering the com- petitive list for the above-mentioned prize to state that a machine, possessing, so far as our present information goes, all the neces- sary requirements, has already been invented in India by Mr. Don- ald Cruikshank, representative of the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company. No preparation of the leaves is required for this machine; they are taken to it green, just as they are cut from the bushes, and in the wonderfully short space of 2 minutes the fibre in the leaves is brought out stripped of vascular matter, and in admirable condition. The rotting process not being nec- essary with this machine, the deteriorations in color as well as in the strength and fineness of the fibre, which follow upon the adoption of that process, are avoided. A correspondent of an Indian contemporary asserts that the samples from Mr. Cruik- shank’s machine were ‘“ fine, delicate, and even; not one was cut or broken; and the material would readily fetch £50 a ton in the home market.” Assuming that the efliciency and simplicity of the machine is equal to anything that is likely to be set up in com- MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 105 petition with it for the offered prize, we very much doubt whether it is likely to be surpassed in point of cheapness. It is so easily worked, we are informed, that any native may be taught to use it in an hour’s time, and its construction is so simple that it can be sold at 10 rupees (£1 sterling). — Scientific Annual. NICKEL PLATING. The specimens of nickel plating are exceedingly interesting. It is only recently that attention has been called to this new in- dustry, but the success that has attended its introduction is most gratifying. If, as is claimed by the company, nickel can be de- posited so much cheaper than silver, we see no reason why it should not be generally adopted. As it does not oxidize or rust, or become tarnished by fumes of sulphur, and is hard and will wear for a long time, it will find favor even if the cost were the same as that of silver. The company claim that ‘‘ the cost of nickel plating is from 20 to 30 per cent. cheaper than silver, presents a more stable and uniform brilliancy, and lasts 4 times as long as silver plating of like thickness. We should suppose that nickelizing would be advantageously employed as a substi- tute for galvanizing for metals used on board ships; it can also be used to advantage on guns, harness, carriage-trimmings, surgical and philosophical instruments, reflectors, knives, forks, machin- ery of all kinds, and all models that require to be protected from the oxidizing or corroding action of the air or water. As nickel is a magnetic metal it cannot be used about the ship’s compass ; but on the state-room doors and ornamental hin ges and knobs it can have no bad effect. The following is the substance of the patent aed to Dr. Isaac Adams, March 22, 1870. The process is said to be very successful : — This improvement consists in the use of 3 new solutions from which to deposit nickel, by the electric current: First, a solution formed of the double sulphate of nickel and alumina, or the sul- phate of nickel dissolved in a solution of soda, potash, or am- monia-alum, the 3 different varieties of commercial alum ; second, a solution formed of the double sulphate of nickel and potash ; third, a solution formed of the double sulphate of nickel and magnesia, with or without an excess of ammonia. I have found that a good coating of nickel can be deposited by the battery process from the solutions hereinbefore mentioned, provided they are prepared and used in such a manner as to be free from any acid or alkaline reaction. When these solutions are used, great care must be taken, lest by the use of too high battery power, or from the introduction of some foreign matters, the solution becomes acid or alkaline. I prefer to use these solutions at a temperature about 100° Fah., but do not limit my invention to the use of these solutions at that temperature. I therefore claim—1. The electro-deposition of nickel by means of a solution of the double sulphate of nickel 106 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. and alumina, prepared and used in such a manner as to be free from the presence of ammonia, potash, soda, lime, or nitric acid, or from any acid or alkaline reaction. 2. The electro-deposition of nickel by means of a solution of the double sulphate of nickel and potash, prepared and used in such a manner as to be free from the presence of ammonia, soda, alumina, lime, or nitric acid, or from any acid or alkaline reaction. 3. The electro- deposition of nickel by means of a solution of the double sul- phate of nickel and magnesia, prepared and used in such a man- ner as to be free from the presence of potash, soda, alumina, lime, or nitric acid, or from any acid or alkaline reaction. USE OF BORAX IN GLASS MANUFACTURE. MM. Maés & Clemendot, glass manufacturers at Clichy, pro- duce a crystal as fine as the best Baccarat and St. Louis crystal by using boracic acid. The presence of this flux allows a modification in the composi- tion of the crystal, as the oxide of zine can then be substituted for the oxide of lead; and soda, lime, or barytes can thus replace potassa. The barosilicates of zinc and potassa, of potassa and barytes, of soda and zine, manufactured by Maés & Clemendot, are re- markable for their limpidity and whiteness. The following are the proportions : — SHicious Sand (White) j.. 452s sac wee ae stale sles opiates, SOW 225 LU ATRGICR S07 gang are ee Se ALPS CR ae Soha sister Cosaaeiouegeke 261 225 POTASS ae PSG AUBLILY \y ais cea =<) 5 apni ejs wove aie wicte atone Tt oe eed 52 IBOLaXa eee pe selorae Cale s Donen oa oe ees PCA iy igen lie, 4 NMOS setae cs Skesrees Bren ami etetel Gu aLSS Shaken aretets Aleta fo 3 TAM PAMESO ge stoke Wc wo xie ca eis sie se ec ties ole Te ae eee Sie eeteteees 18 1 ATSOMIOMS SCI, c.yeices ici Soe Joh ain wilt eee biee re One cites 18 1 Refuse of former operations,......... Biosae. Celes ce eatee Re 89 GLYCERINE CEMENT. Professor Hirzel, of Leipzig, has discovered an important use of glycerine that ought to be more generally known. He finds that when glycerine is mixed with fine and well-dried litharge, it yields a cement that is capable of a large number of applica- tions. All metals and nearly all solid bodies can be bound together by this cement; itis said to harden under water as readily as in the air, and to resist a temperature of 500°. It is especially recom- mended for such pieces of apparatus as are exposed to the action of chlorine, — hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, sulphurous acid, and nitric acid; also the vapor of alcohol, ether, and bisulphide of carbon, —as none of these agents act upon it. The cement can be used in steam engines, pumps, foundations for machinery, and, finally, as a substitute for plaster in galvano-plastic and MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 107 electro-plating. The proportion of glycerine and litharge to be taken must depend somewhat upon the consistency of the cement, and its proposed uses. An excess of glycerine would retard the setting, as it does not readily evaporate. This new use of glycer- ine adds another application to a substance that only a few years ago was thrown away. CHINESE GOLD-LACKER. The gold-lacker lining of a Chinese cabinet in the Museum at Cassel peeled off, and thus gave Dr. Wiederhold the opportunity of studying the composition of this substance. On examining it he found particles of tin foil attached to the lacker; so he comes to the conclusion that this material formed the ground upon which the lacker varnish was laid. His attempts to imitate the varnish were perfectly successful, and he gives the following directions for the preparation of a composition which closely resembles the true Chinese article. First of all, 2 parts of copal and 1 of shellac are to be melted together to form a perfectly fluid mixture, then 2 parts of good boiled oil, made hot, are to be added; the vessel is then to be removed from the fire, and 10 parts of oil of turpentine are to be gradually added. To give color, the addition is made of solution in turpentine of gum gutta for yellow, and dragon’s blood for red. These are to be mixed in sufficient quantity to give the shade desired. MALLEABLE PROPERTIES OF CHINESE BRONZE. The ‘* Journal of Applied Chemistry” thinks the unsuccessful attempts made to manufacture Chinese gongs and bells, in Europe and the United States, are due to the mistake that was made of hammering the Chinese alloy at the ordinary temperature, instead of working it at a high temperature, according to the recent dis- covery made by Professor Riche, of Sorbonne, who has been per- fectly successful in his experiments made on a large scale at the Paris Mint. The different analyses have shown that the Chinese alloy was formed of a certain proportion of tin and copper, in the propor- tion of 20 parts of tin to 80 of copper. Ingots of bronze were cast containing 21.5, 20.0, 18.5 per 100 of tin; these were afterward submitted to the action of the hammer, at temperatures varying from the ordinary temperature to a red heat. At the ordinary temperature the metai was as brittle as glass, but approaching 300° to 350° Centigrade a sensible amelioration was noticed. At a dark-red heat it appears that the condition of the metal is quite different, as this alloy can be worked as easily as iron or bronze of aluminium. The metal flattened without cracking under the most powerful blows of enormous hammers, and can be reduced without the slightest difficulty to sheets of one millimetre thickness. These sheets have exactly the appearance of the Chinese bronze, and pos- sess great flexibility. 108 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. The action of the laminating is more striking, because, unde the hammer, the metal is so soon cooled; that is, it has to be re- heated from time to time, which operation complicates the work ; in using a laminating machine the work is done with extreme rapidity, especially if care is taken to heat the alloy to a red heat. At an ordinary temperature a single passage under the lamina- tors would break the sheet in thousands of pieces. This alloy can be cut at a high temperature like iron and steel, and presents the fine and homogeneous grain of the latter; it is soldered without difficulty with the ordinary jewellers’ solder. The following tests will demonstrate that the density of the bronze suffers very little modification by the hammering or lami- nating process : — Chinese Bronze. Density after Smelting. Density after Hammering. Bronze at 21.5 per cent. tin,........ S29a Sires oealeeivie sie salOeO eo Bronze at 18.5 per cent. tin,........ ISS 2iaseiea=ce siedeets oe OG Bronze at 20.0 per cent. tin,........ 8.924 Bronze at 20.0 per cent. tin,........ 8.918 ‘ ejciaie wiarers lager tap see Bronze at 20.0 per cent. tin,........8.912 ZINC AS A BUILDING MATERIAL. Stone, and stone only, says the ‘‘ American Builder,” has always been deemed, by architects and others, the appropriate material to be employed in the ornamentation of buildings, and doubtless there has existed, until a comparatively recent date, the best of reasons for this theory. First, stone is durable; there is nothing ordinarily entering into the composition of our buildings that, in this respect, can compare with it; and again, from its peculiar facilities, few other suitable substances can be worked into the required form, offering the means for such boldness and strength in the general effect, or such correctness and delicacy of detail. On the other hand, however, stone can be employed only at a considerable expense, both in working and transportation, and, in some localities, distant from quarries, this expense reaches a point where the employment of such material is practically pre- cluded, save where its use is an absolute necessity. In orna- mented fronts especially, where stone has heretofore been con- sidered indispensable, its use is being discarded, and metal imitations are taking its place. The principal objections raised against’'the use of metal lie in the fact that it is untruthful, and, therefore, inappropriate ; but certainly the use of an imitation in this particular is in no sense more appropriate than the use of hollow iron columns in imita- tion of stone, and the employment of similar counterfeits in in- terior ornamentation. Prominent among the substitutes for stone is zinc, a material which has proved eminently adapted to the purpose, and is rapidly acquiring a place among the building material from its adaptability to all forms as well as from its last- ing qualities. With the introduction of pressed ornaments of this material the expense of exterior decorations has been greatly MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 109 reduced, and an additional advantage is gained in the fact that, from the facility with which it is worked, there exists but little difference in the cost of the plainest-and most elaborate patterns. The work, when coated with paint suited to the purpose, may be made to resemble cut stone work so closely as to deceive the eye of any one not an expert; and in like manner the interior of buildings can be ornamented with zine in imitation of stucco, or embellished with elaborate mouldings at a small cost, which work may be cleaned at any time without fear of injury. In the orna- mentation of old buildings, which, if of cut stone, could only be accomplished by taking down the walls, zinc also plays a useful part, as decorations may be put on without displacing any portion of the structure. As a roofing material its value has become generally acknowledged in Europe, and, in this country, is rapidly acquiring an equally high reputation, particularly in the construction of large buildings. When exposed to the influence of the atmosphere, the oxidation that at once ensues, instead of rapidly eating up the metal, soon forms a crust which hardens and effectually protects the body of the covering from further damage. The points which we have presented above in regard to orna- mentation are simply those which seem most important in demon- strating the value of zinc as a building material, and while we do not by any means advocate its use generally in the place of stone in ornamentation, where stone is plenty and cheap, yet we wish, if possible, to overcome the prejudice which appears to exist in many instances where the employment of zinc would be more economical and equally appropriate. PROGRESS OF INVENTION ABROAD. In a paper read before the British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, Mr. J. W. Cooper, who has given much attention to the Watering of Streets by Chemicals, states that 3 streets in the city of Liverpool were watered with salts during the month of July, 1869, with very favorable results, so much so that the experiments were continued this year. It was difficult to prove the economy resulting from the use of chloride over a limited area; and the Westminster Board of Works, after observ- ing the effect produced at Whitehall and Knightsbridge, resolved to extend the experiment throughout their entire district, com- prising an area of 250,000 square yards. As soonas the area was extended, the economy in labor and water was at once made evident. By using 14 ton of chlorides per day, costing £3 15s., the labor of 10 cart-horses und men, costing £4 10s. (at 9s. per horse, cart, and man), can be dispensed with, and, consequently, the quantity of water they would spread is saved also, namely, 350 loads of 250 gallons each, which, at 10d. per 1,000 gallons (a fair average price for water in London), would amount to £3 12s. 11d. in addition to the 15s. per day saved in labor; thus showing aclear gain of £4 7s. 11d., after paying for the salts. 110 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. An effective method of remedying the evils arising from organic matter deposited on public thoroughfares is becoming daily a serious matter for consideration with sanitary authorities, as much sickness is believed to arise from the malaria emanating from this source. The disgusting odor and dangerous nature of some of the deodorizing agents used were strong evidence that they would not be used at all if the necessity for some determined action to prevent the spread of contagion and disease was not fully recognized. The deliquescent chloride of aluminum, re- cently introduced to public notice by Professor Gamgee, seemed to meet all the requirements needed in the antiseptic of the future. It was non-poisonous, and free from any odor; it pre- vented decomposition, and arrested it when commenced. It absorbed noxious gases resulting from putrefaction, and de- stroyed parasites andgerms. It was also not to be surpassed as a precipitant and deodorizer of sewage, and was only one-third the cost of carbolic acid. Mir. Cooper proposed to add a sufficient percentage of this chloride to the salts for street-watering, and thereby afford a means of thoroughly and effectually purifying public thoroughfares without additional cost to the rate-payers, the value of the water and labor saved being more than suflicient to pay for the use of the chlorides. There seems to be considerable activity in invention abroad. The stimulating effect of the war on military invention seems, however, to be gradually subsiding. Interesting to nautical men is a newly patented Steering Gear, which is an ingenious application of hydraulic pressure to move the rudder. ‘The rudder-head is provided with a strong tiller, which is actuated by means of a pair of hydraulic rams placed horizontally on each side of the tiller athwart the ship. These rams are connected together at their inner ends, between which they carry a block or bush, which works on the turned cylindri- eal end of the tiller, and which permits the tiller to slide radially. These hydraulic cylinders have branches attached to their outer ends, to which strong hydraulic pipes terminate in a slide valve chest having three ports, namely, one of the end ports, commu- nicating with one of the above-named hydraulic cylinders, which the inventor calls the port cylinder, the other extreme part with the other or starboard cylinder, and between these two ports the exhaust port is laid. Mr. E. Weare, of Stonehouse, England, has patented a method of Utilizing Waste Thread in the manufacture of textile fabrics. He accomplishes the end sought by returning the waste threads to the condensing carding engines by means of mechanism, the greater part of which is attached to one of the scribblers, in pref- erence to the last. Over the end of the carding engine, rollers are fixed, over which rollers the waste thread from one side of the engine is conducted to the other side, and the threads from the two sides of the engine thus brought side by side. The waste threads are taken up by, or coiled upon, a roller or spoon driven by any convenient gearing from the carding engine or otherwise ; and the said roller or spool, when filled with the waste threads, MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. EEE is conveyed to the scribbler (the axis of the roller or-spool placed in suitable supports), and made to bear or rest on a second roller or drum, which has a slow, uniform rotary motion communicated to it, whereby the waste threads are uniformly delivered into the sliver as it comes off the scribbler. The sliver passes to the con- densing carding engine in the usual way. Pentagraphic Embroider y isa name applied to an ingenious method of performing needle-work, invented by Mr. Billwiller, of St. Gall, England. A number of jointed frames are employed, each carrying tambouring or sewing apparatus. ‘They are so arranged and connected together that the needles they carry may be made to traverse in any direction over the surfaces of the fabrics to be embroidered, and that the movements of the several needles shall be simultaneous and similar. The needle-frames are also con- nected with a pentagraph having a tracing point capable of being led by the workman over the lines of a pattern which it is desired to copy, and when this is done the needles will each travel in and work along a path similar to that passed over by the tracing point. Thus each needle will produce embroidery resembling the pattern, but not necessarily of the same size; usually it is preferred that the pattern should be on a larger scale than the work produced by its means. Paving Streets — French — consists, first, in the employment of wood disintegrated into fragments, of as great a length as possible, in the construction of rides and bridle-paths, carriage- drives, ridin g-schools, and training-grounds, streets and roads “of all kinds. Second, in the employ! ment of disintegrated wood of shorter length than the preceding, in the construction of foot- paths of all kinds for promenades and gardens. Third, in the employment of disintegrated wood, mixed or not with pitch or with antiseptic material, or both, as a cushion for supporting the sleepers of railways. Fourth, in the employment of this disinte- grated wood, mixed with pitch obtained from gas tar or otherwise, or With natural asphalte or bitumen in the construction of roads, footways of streets, public drives, and any description of works in which asphalte is ordinarily employed. Sir William Fairbairn, of Manchester, England, has invented an improvement in Steam Boilers in which he combines together 3 cylindrical shells of boiler plate. He arranges them parallel the one to the other, and horizontally, or nearly so. Two of the cylinders, which are set side by side, are each traversed from end to end by an internal tube, in which are the furnaces, and these cylinders each communicate with the third cylinder, which is placed over and between them, by 3 or other number of pipes or passages, of sufficient size to allow the steam generated in the lower cylinders to escape freely into the upper, and to allow the water freely to circulate. A Liverpool inventor has patented a taper or Friction Light, which is made after the following formula: He takes 1 ounce saltpetre, one-half ounce powdered orris-root, one-eighth ounce of minium, and 1 ounce of phosphorus, or any other convenient friction-match composition. To these ingredients, the phospho- 112 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. rus being dissolved, he adds 1 to 2 ounces of oil, preferably castor, oil, varying the quantity according to the nature of the oil and the resultant tenacity or flexibility required. After all the ingredi- ents are well incorporated, the inventor adds thereto chloride of sulphur, in the proportion of from 10 to 15 parts of liquid chlo- ride of sulphur to every hundred parts of oil, agitates quickly, and shapes into the form required, either by moulding, cutting, pressing, or drawing. A very ingenious automatic device for Flushing Sewers has been produced by a London inventor. In this device, the flood-gate is hinged, opening upward and outward upon the release of a hook bolt by the buoyant power of a large copper float. Many lives have been lost through the action of poisonous gases, in flushing sewers, which flushing this simple device does whenever it is required. The rush of accumulated water swings the gate outward, and also carries off accumulations of sewage. As soon as the flood current subsides, the gate swings back to its original position, and is automatically locked. A machine for Hackling Long Vegetable Fibres, such as aloe, manilla, hemp, etc., consists of a drum, revolving on a horizontal axis, and armed with teeth or spikes pointed at the end, and having sharp, annular edges in front, or at the front and back. This drum is of such a size that the fibre upon the machine shall not be able to lap more than about half way round it. This is an English invention. A French invention, in the same line as the above, is a machine for Combing Fiax. ‘Two endless chains, consisting of flat links, are caused to travel together over flat-sided pulleys, and disposed one above the other; the two adjoining or opposing surfaces of the two chains being held in contact with each other by passing between guides. These surfaces form nippers for holding the tufts of fibres while being combed or straightened, and serve to carry them along, at the same time, to a receiving-trough, wherein each tuft is deposited in succession, the one overlapping slightly the other. The bottom of the receiving-trough consists of an endless travelling band, which continuously conveys away the combed tufts in the form of a ribbon or sliver. om miele aici sha 209,500 London, average of 68 determinations, ............-2 cee cons wean cone 208,850 Prpotthentre, V1.30 PMs, . cc: -crasicns o seestosmier. ae cece eels epee eee Metropolitan wathway, < £2.62. bajo edie seis eueleh = ore ety atte -b caa eRe uias 207,000 Court of Queen's, Bench, Heb. 2; 1866; .iccitects a.ic siocs wang pee sameeeeO,Oe TREAT GR, 6 Rava totepo aie: afoisrn eeSteneel ace tices epee teapae ole sed Gree s ater 204,240 to 201,400 Worst specimen yet examined in @ MiNe,.... 2... 2.6. cone enee cece cee 182,700 Carbonic acid. In mines — largest amount found in Cornwall,........... 2... eee 25,000 66 = — average of 339 analyses,..... secccncce cece ccnsccntacecn Jo lat's by S00 Manchester —-Guring? 1008) o.cls.o/s cielo aia ay sivls 58.80 Carbonate lok AMAMWORtUN, 5.435).57r0) ss aisvels-cts leer, aidetn ucla 1.76 Sulpwate-Ol caleimmys S55. acs icjacierse (aisialeiecieye cieiebeis.c« ... trace. Solu lerswhiss ss sese msc ceacaieeet aia cscaees oc islmiare ota oka erotet ee 4.20 OUR OMEIG MAELOT. weletocstrls oo sceslcieies seler aiale'e ayeisie cye/a-rerereta aerate 2.30 AEVLLOT: se Goteicc cro terarete ils 3) chars ia aleve sater aletehel ey cicrich has a aatatepeneaes 2.50 100.04 The silica was found, under the microscope, to consist chiefly of minute structureless fragments, some of them being crystalline. A small number of diatoms were also found. The carbonate of calcium consisted of larger organisms (class Moraminifera), some still containing the small par ticle of jelly-like matter constituting the animal substance of these or ganisms, and called sarcode by Dujardin. These doubtless yielded the organic matter noted in the analysis. The solubie salts were accounted for by the evapo- ration of the sea-water with which the mud was charged when GEOLOGY. 2ES taken up.— Before the Glasgow Philosophical Society, reported in Chemical News. Se iat Formation of Limestone.— The littoral and deep-sea dredgings, undertaken by the United States Coast Survey in the Gulf Stream in the vicinity of Florida, have contributed much information, not only with regard to the fauna of the ocean at various depths, but also with regard to the geological history of the past. In speak- ing of the formation of limestone, now going on near the Florida coast, Professor Agassiz (in his report quoted above) says: ‘‘We find upon the Florida reefs, as wellas between the innumer- able keys stretching along the American coast, and upon the coral plateau sloping towards the main trough of the Gulf Stream, extensive beds of regularly stratified rocks of various kinds.” One area in particular, beginning at a depth of about 50 fathoms and extending to a depth of about 250 fathoms, constitutes a broad slanting table-land. The floor is rocky; ‘‘ it is, in fact, a limestone conglomerate, a kind of lumachella, composed entirely of the solid remains of organized beings, a true concretionary limestone, such as we might find in several levels of the jurassic formation and more especially in that horizon which geologists call Coral Rag. Large fragments of this rock were brought up by the dredge; so that its structure and characteristic remains of animals could be studied at leisure. I do not know that there is on record in the annals of our science a more direct illustration of the manner in which mountain-masses of calcareous deposits have been accumulated on the bottom of the ocean. Such a for- mation exists nowhere else within the range of the Gulf Stream, unless it should be hereafter ascertained that a similar deposit extends along the submarine border of our continent, edging the American wall of the deeper part of the Atlantic trough. But in the shoal waters intervening between the coast of the peninsula of Florida and the keys and reefs, there exist various deposits of an entirely different structure, the accumulation and increase of which are constantly going on. ‘The most extensive of these formations is a regularly stratified oodlitic rock, the grains of which vary from imperceptible granules to larger and larger oOlites, approaching the dimensions of pisolites, and cemented together by an amorphous mass of limestone mud. ‘The oolites themselves are formed in the manner first described by Leopold von Buch. Hard particles of the most heterogeneous materials, reduced to the smallest dimensions and tossed to and fro in water charged with lime, are gradually coated with a thin film of limestone, and then another and another, until they sink to the bottom to be further rolled up and down the sloping shore bottom until they become cemented with other similar grains, and form part of the grow- ing limestone bed. Of course, the finer odlites are seen nearest the shore line, and it is instructive to see at low tide the little ripples of successive larger odlites left dry as the water subsides. Naturally these materials are frequently thrown up along the beaches in layers of varying thickness, and in course of time become cemented, and are transformed into solid rock, over which crusts of hard, compact limestone are in the end formed 216 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. by the evaporation of calcareous water dashed upon the dry sur- faces. ‘¢In very shallow waters which are not powerfully affected by tidal movements, and upon the bottom of which no oolites are forming, we find extensive beds of a dull amorphous limestone, formed of lime mud, alternating with seams of a more compact hard limestone in which a few oodlites may occasionally be seen that were floated over the flats in which such formations are going on. These deposits resemble the marly limestone of the Oxtord beds. Of course these different rocks may alternate with one another as, owing to the increase of the whole formation, the conditions for the deposition of one kind of rock may be followed by those favoring another combination. Again, in consequence of the changes in the directions of the currents, or as the result of a heavy gale, considerable deposits, which have been going on regularly for a long time, may suddenly be worn away and destroyed, giving rise in turn to the formation of conglomerates made up of limestone fragments of various structure united ‘together into very peculiar conglomeratic pudding-stone with angular materials. The compact limestones are frequently as hard as the hardest limestones of the secondary formation, have a conchoidal fracture, like the most compact Muschelkalk of the triassie period, and may ring under the hammer. ‘¢The extensive area occupied by the keys and reefs of Florida, ineluding the sloping coral plateau of the American side of the Gulf Stream bottom, may fairly be compared to the jurassic formation as it stretches across Central Europe and further east in the direction of the Caucasian and Himalaya Mountains. Indeed, the jurassic formation, as a whole, bears the same relation to the older deposits upon which it rests, as the modern American coral formation sustains to the older parts of the coast of our continent. During the geological middle ages the jurassic formation was the submarine margin of agrowing continent, as the Pourtales plateau forms at present the southern margin of North America,” DISTRIBUTION OF MARINE LIFE. “The Lightning and Porcupine dredgings have fully established the position that the distribution of marine much more closely related to the temperature of the ocean-bottom than to its depth. This is most clearly evidenced by the results of the careful exploration of the channel of from 500 to 650 fathoms’ depth, which separates the plateau which supports the northern extrem- ity of Scotland from the Faroé Banks. For we have shown that while the surface temperature of the channels is everywhere nearly the same, and indicates the derivation of its upper stratum from a warmer source, a considerable part of the deeper portion of this channel is covered by a frigid stream, bringing a temperature as low as 29.5° from the Arctic Ocean; this stream having in some places a depth of 2,000 feet. Thus the bottom temperature, at depths of from 100 to 600 fathoms, is about 45°, while there isa cold area, GEOLOGY. 217 on which the bottom-temperature at like depths is 30°, or even lower. We have traced these two areas at corresponding depths within about 20 miles of each other; and where the bottom was unequal, —the slope of the plateau at the edge of the cold area, or of a bank in its midst, raising its bottom out of the cold stream into the warm which overlies it, —a difference of 18.5° was found within eight miles. No contrast could well be more striking than that which presented itself between the faunas of these two areas. The Globigerina-mud was rigorously limited to the warm; and of the animals living on its surface, a large proportion were characteristic of the warmer temperate seas. The bottom of the cold area consisted of sand and stones, and of the animals which were abundantly distributed over it a large proportion were essentially boreal. In the shallower portions of the cold area, where an intermediate bottom-temperature pre- vailed, an intermixture of the two fauns, corresponding with the border position of this area between the temperate and boreal provinces, was readily traceable. ‘‘Here, then, we have the remarkable fact that two deposits may be taking place within a few miles of each other at the same depth and in the same geological horizon (the area of one pene- trating, so to speak, the area of the other), of which not only the mineral character but the faunze are alike different; that differ- ence being due on the one hand to the direction of the current which has furnished their materials, and on the other to the tem- perature of the water brought by that current. If the cold area were to be raised above the surface, so that the deposit at present in progress upon the bottom should become the subject of exami- nation by some geologist of the future, he would find this to consist of a sandstone formed by the disintegration of the older rocks, the faunze of what would in a great degree bear a boreal character ; whilst if a portion of the warm area were elevated at the same time, the geologist would be perplexed by the stratigraphical continuity with the preceding of a cretaceous formation,the produc- tion of which entirely depends upon the extensive development of the humblest forms of animal life under the influence of a higher temperature, and which includes not only an extraordinary abun- dance of sponges, but a great variety of other animal remains, several of them belonging to the warmer temperate regions. He would naturally suppose these widely different climatic conditions to have prevailed at different periods, and would probably have had recourse to the hypothesis of a ‘fault ” to account for the phenomenon. And yet these formations have been shown to be going on together, at corresponding depths, over wide contiguous areas of the sea-bottom, in virtue solely of the fact that one area is traversed by an equatorial and the other by a polar current. Further, in the midst of the land formed by the elevation of the cold area, our geologist would find hills, some 1,800 feet high, covered with sandstone continuous with that of the land from which they rise, but rich in remains of animals belonging to a more temperate province, and he might easily fall into a mistake of supposing that two such different faunz occurring at different 218 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. levels must indicate two distinct climates separated in time, instead of indicating, as they have been shown to do, two contem- poraneous but dissimilar climates, separated only by a few miles horizontally and by 300 fathoms vertically. ‘ the polariscope next December, since if there were but two the result would probably be contradictory, as was the case with re- gard to the observations made in India, in 1868, and in America last year. Different parts of the corona ought also to be exam- ined. — Nature. SOLAR PROTUBERANCES. The following is a communication to the editor of the ‘* Journal of the Franklin Institute ” (Professor Morton) from Professor Young of Dartmouth College : — : ‘‘T write to inform you that last Thursday, Sept. 22d, about 11 A.M. Hanover mean time, I was so fortunate as to see the sodium lines D, and D, reversed in the spectrum of the umbra of a large spot near the eastern limb of the sun. At the same time the C. and F. lines were also reversed, but with the great disper-. sive power of my new spectroscope I see this so often in the solar spots, that it has ceased to be remarkable. ‘¢T am not aware that this reversal of the sodium lines in a spot spectrum has ever been observed before ; its reversal in the spec- tra of prominences is not very unusual. A small prominence on the western limb of the sun, which was visible the same forenoon, presented all the following bright lines, namely, C, D;, Dg, Dg, 1474, 6,,6,,6,, 1989.5, 2001, 5, 2031., F, 2581.5, 2796., and h; 15 in all. ‘In the spot spectrum the magnesium lines b,, 64, and b,, were not reversed, but while the shade which accompanies the lines was per ceptibly widened, the central black line itself was thinned and lightened.” SPECTRUM OF A SOLAR PROMINENCE. Professor Young, of America, has made a remarkable observa- tion. On April 9, 1870, there was an exceedingly bright promi- nence on the south-west limb of the sun, near, but not over, a large spot which was passing off. At the base of this prominence, which was shaped like a double ostrich-plume, the C line was in- tensely brilliant, so that the slit could be opened to its whole width in studying the form of the prominence, but this line was not in the least distorted. On the other hand the F line, also very bril- liant, was shattered all to pieces, so that at its base it was 3 or 4 times as wide as it ordinarily is, and several portions were en- tirely detached from the rest. This is a most perplexing result, and seems to throw doubt on the interpretation which has hitherto been given to the displacement of the solar spectral lines. As Professor Young remarks, ‘‘ Since the C line was not similarly affected, it is hardly possible to attribute this breaking up of F to cyclonic motions in the gas from which the light emanates, and it becomes very difficult to imagine a cause that can thus disturb a single line of the spectrum itself.” <‘* Possibly,” he adds, but we must admit we can hardly conceive the possibility, ‘‘the appear- ance may be the result of local absorptions acting upon a line Sie ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. greatly widened by increase of pressure or temperature.” *In other words, as we understand him, Professor Young would im- ply that the bright F line was really undistorted, though widened, while distorted absorption lines belonging to some other element produced the appearance of shattering. But apart from the diffi- culty of assuming cyclonic motions in this other element, around a relatively quiescent hydrogen-core, we know of no elements having lines close by F strong enough to produce the observed result. The apparent dissociation of the F and C lines is a phe- nomenon of a very perplexing character. — Science Review. NEW OBSERVATORY IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. The following statement with regard to the Cordova Observa- tory, to the foundation of which we have before referred, is ex- tracted from the last number of Silliman’s ‘‘ American Journal of Science and Arts: ” — ‘‘The Argentine Congress voted to establish a national observa- tory at Cordova,at the instance of President Sarmiento, and through the exertions of the present Minister of Public Instruction, Dr. Avelleneda, who invited me to organize and take charge of it, knowing my desire to extend the catalogue of the southern heay- ens beyond the limit of 30°, to which the zones of Argelander extend. Bessel went through the region from 45° N. to 15°S., with systematic zone observations at Konigsberg, which have since been reduced and published in two catalogues by Weisse, of Cracow. Argelander carried the same systematic scrutiny with the Meridian Circle, from Bessel’s northern limit to the pole, and after- wards from Bessel’s southern limit to 30° S. ** Since then Gilliss has observed a series of zones for 30° around the south pole; but the reduction of these, although very far ad- vanced, was not completed at the time of his death, and the manuscript is now stored somewhere in Washington. Letus hope that it may at some time be recovered, the work completed, and given to the world. My hope and aim is to begin a few degrees north of Argelander’s southern limit, say at 26° or 27°, and to carry southward a system of zone observations to some declina- tion beyond Gilliss’s northern limit, thus rendering comparisons easy with both these other labors, and permitting the easy deter- mination of the corrections needful for reducing positions of any one of the three series to corresponding ones for the other. It is of course impossible to arrange in advance the details of such an undertaking, but my expectation is to go over the region in ques- tion in zones 2° wide (except in the vicinity of the Milky Way, where the width would be but one-half as great), up to a decli- nation of about 55°, after which the width would be gradually in- creased as the declinations became greater. Within these zones all stars seen as bright as the 9th magnitude would be observed, so far as possible, moving the telescope in altitude when no bright star is in the field until some one becomes visible, according to the well-known method of zone-observations. For reducing the ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. 313 observations, differential methods will probably be employed, in- asmuch as the time now assigned for my absence from home would be inadequate for proper discussion of the correction re- quired for nice determinations of an absolute character. Still, it is my present purpose, so far as possible, to make such subsid- ‘jary determinations as might hereafter be needed in any attempt at computing the observations absolutely. But as I hardly ven- ture to anticipate any opportunity of making a thorough deter- mination of the constants of refraction, or of the errors of gradu- ation, it seems best to arrange for a differential computation at least at first. It is improbable that a sufficient number of well- determined stars will be found available even for this differential reduction, and the necessity may thus be entailed of determin- ing the comparison-stars myself, this determination, however, itself depending upon standard star places. So far as possible I propose employing those heretofore determined by me, and pub- lished by the Coast Survey, which form the basis of the star places of the American ‘ Nautical Almanac.’ With these obser- vations of position it is my hope to combine others of a physical character to some extent; but in the presence of a plan implying so much labor and effort, it would be unwise to rely upon the possibility of accomplishing much more than the zone-work. The meteorological relations of the place are very peculiar; but I dare not undertake any connected series bearing upon these, without self-registering apparatus, which is beyond my means. Cor- doya is one of the oldest cities, and contains the oldest university, of the Western Hemisphere. It is situated in 314° S. latitude, on the boundary of the Pampa, where the land begins to rise towards the group of mountains known as the Sierra de Cordova. {tis connected with Rosario, on the Parana, by the Central Argen- tine Railway, which has probably been already opened to travel through its entire length of about 280 miles, although information to that effect has not yet reached this country. The two largest instruments will be a Repsold meridian-circle of 54 inches’ focal length, and 43 inches’ aperture, and an equatorial, by Alvan Clark and Sons, provided with the 11-inch object-glass, by Fitz, lately in the possession of W. Rutherfurd, who has supplied its place by one of 13 inches. A photometer, by Ansfeld, of Gotha, according to Zollner’s latest form, has been constructed under the super- vision of Professor Zollner himself;* a spectroscope will be fur- nished by Merz, of Munich, anda clock by Tiede, of Berlin. The scientific institutions of the United States have afforded the expe- dition every possible assistance. The Coast Survey lends a circuit-breaking clock, a chronograph, and a portable transit; the Smithsonian Institute lends a zenith telescope; the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of Boston (probably), a photom- eter and spectroscope; the Washington Observatory and the ‘Nautical Almanac’ have greatly aided the undertaking by gifts of books, and by a manuscript copy of Gilliss’s ‘ Catalogues of Standard Stars;’ and from the astronomers of England, Ger- many, and Russia, important assistance has been freely and effectively contributed, in the order and supervision of instru- 314 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ments and apparatus, and by the gift of books, as well as by im- portant and valuable suggestions. Four assistants will accompany me, — Messrs. Miles Rock, John M. Thome, Clarence L. Hath- away, and William M. Davis, Jr. We hope to reach Buenos Ayres not later than the middle of August. The building is now under construction in Boston. The means available proved inade- quate for its construction according to the original plan, which was in the form of across, with 4 square rooms about its centre, and tur- rets at its 4 extremities. One-half of it will be first erected, and it is hoped that the remaining portion will speedily be added.” — Nature. ARTIFICIAL HORIZON. At the Troy meeting of the American Association, Mr. Hilgard exhibited a very ingenious arrangement of J. H. Lane, by which the vibration or ripple, which acts so annoyingly under many cir- cumstances with the ordinary tank of mercury, is effectively sup- pressed. It consists of a shallow dish, with a circular groove around iis edge, and a cavity beneath, which communicates with the groove by a space, while by means of a tube air may be blown at will into the cavity. This cavity and the circular groove are filled with mercury. By blowing into the cavity, more mercury is raised and overflows into the central portion of the dish. On now allowing the air to escape and the excess of mercury to flow back into the cavity, a film, held by its.cohesive force, is retained over the surface, and, by reason of its thinness, this is incapable of maintaining a vibratory or ripple movement. A touch with the finger will instantly break up this surface; but it is easily re- formed, and experience has shown that it is not deflected from its horizontal direction by slight inclination of the dish. THE NEW CAMBRIDGE TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. During a late visit to Cambridge, we had the pleasure of ex- amining the above-named piece of apparatus, which has just been added to the appliances of this observatory, and which contains many novelties of construction and arrangement (due to the in- vention of Professor Winlock) worthy of special notice, and with- out doubt generally interesting to our readers. In the first place, with reference to its mounting. The pivots are not supported in Y’s, but on account of the great weight of the instrument, as well as for other reasons developed by experience, have journals accurately fitted to them. These journals, in their turn, are not provided with means of adjust- ment, but are permanently attached to plates set in the piers, and brought, by scraping and repeated trials, to the exact surface re- quired for an accurate adjustment of the instrument once for all. Another novelty consists in the arrangement of the setting levels and circles at the eye end, which are turned by a gear wheel, in place of the clamp and tangent screw, which is so apt to ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. tL ‘run out” at a critical moment. The new movement is ex- tremely smooth, gradual and convenient, being always ready, and never ‘‘ running out.” Again, the screw controlling the horizontal wire of the microm- eter in the eye-piece, beside having the graduations for parts of a turn clearly marked on the sides of its cylindrical head, in such a way that they can be easily read, has a similar graduated head connected with it by gearing, which records the whole number of turns in a like manner. The collimating lenses used with this instrument are of unusual size, being in all respects similar to the objective, which is of 8- inch aperture, and we should judge about 8 or 9 feet focal length. Other novelties have been intreduced by Professor Winlock in the reversing carriage, by which the time required for reversal is reduced to a few minutes in place of several hours. This instru- ment was made by Troughton & Sims. — Jour. Franklin Institute. THE LIGHT OF WINNECKE’S COMET. (COMET I. 1870.) MM. Wolf and Rayet in a note to the *‘ Comptes Rendus” of July 4, 1870, state that the spectrum of this comet is composed of 3 luminous bands upon a continuous ground. The extreme fee- bleness of the light did not permit them to determine their abso- lute position. ‘Their aspect, however, appeared to be identical with that of the spectra of comets already observed. This iden- tity of the spectra of different comets and their difference from the spectra of nebulze leads the authors to hope that means will be found to determine the nature and origin of these singular stars. They were struck with the feebleness of the spectrum compared with that of a nebula of the same apparent brightness. That re- flected light exists in a sensible degree is proved by the fact that the light of this comet is partially polarized in a plane passing through the sun. A NEW ASTEROID. Dr. C. H. F. Peters, of Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y., dis- coved, Aug. 14, the 111th asteroid. The planet was of about 114 magnitude. Sept. 20, he discovered the 112th asteroid. The dis- covery was made on Sept. 20, and on Sept. 21; the position of the planet was established as follows: 15° and 28/ R.A., and 10° 13’ north declination. The brightness is that of a fixed star of the llth magnitude. It is named ‘‘Iphigenia.” The planet discoy- ered the 14th of August has been named ‘‘ Ate.”— Hditor. ASTRONOMICAL PRIZE. Professor J. Watson has been awarded by the Paris Academy of Sciences, the astronomical prize, Lalande foundation, for the discovery of 8 new asteroids in one year. The planet Lydia (No. 110), discovered by M. Borelly at the Marseilles Observatory, on 316 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. the 19th of April, had at 10h. 33m. 13s. mean Marseilles time, the following position: Right ascension 12h. 2m. 39.22s. North declination 6° 50/ 38.8. Its horary motion has been determined as follows: In right ascension, 1.76s., in declination 4- 2.20s. ; its magnitude is between 12 and 13. M. Borelly had previously dis- covered 2 planets, bearing the numbers 91 and 99, in the system of asteroids revolving between Mars and Jupiter. The 91st has now received the name of Egina, the 99th that of Dike. — Nature. NEW COMETS. A new comet was discovered at the Observatory of Marseilles on the night of the 28th of August, by M. Coggia. The positions of the comet are given in the ‘‘Comptes Rendus” of Sept. 5, 1870. Winnecke discovered a new telescopic comet at Carlsruhe, on the night of the 29-30 of May. The position obtained by him for May 30 is as follows: M. T. at C. 14h. 13m. 34s.; R. A. Oh. 50m. 9.55s.; Decl. 4- 28° 52’ 18”. STORMS ANNOUNCED BY TELEGRAPH. The following bill was passed in the U.S. House of Repre- sentatives Feb. 2, and in the Senate Feb. 4: ‘* Be it resolved, etc., That the Secretary of War be and he hereby is authorized and re- quired to provide for taking meteorological observations at the military stations in the interior of the continent, and at other points in the States and Territories of the United States, and for giving notice on the northern lakes and on the sea-coast, by mag- netic telegraph and marine signals, of the approach and force of storms.”— Hditor. METEOROLOGICAL. Professor H. H. Hildebrandson, of the University of Upsal, in Sweden, has prepared 4 synoptical meteorological maps, which contain several features of scientific interest. It is generally known that a fall of the barometer is usually followed by an in- crease of heat, and vice versa. But in Sweden, from observations taken from Lapland to Upsal, the barometer and thermometer frequently show results quite contrary to the general experience of more southern latitudes ; the barometer often falls considerably, while during the long winter nights of this region the thermome- ter generally remains stationary, and when storms are prevalent invariably falls along with the barometer. Experience shows that in those regions an intimate relation exists, not only between the variations of the pressure of the atmosphere and those of the direction of the wind, but also be- tween the movements of the barometer and thermometer during serious atmospheric perturbations. The dampness of the atmos- phere being much greater in the south-east part of the territory visited by a violent storm than at the opposite extremity, it is easy ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. Siz to conceive that the atmospheres at those two points possess entirely different qualities, analogous, in some degree, to those of the equatorial and polar currents. SALT IN THE ‘AIR. From a series of-observations, conducted with great care at Monaco, on the shores of the Mediterranean, a French scientist reports to the Academy the presence of a stratum of air 200 feet high, extending for miles inland, which is constantly impregnated with saline particles. This saline stratum, the writer asserts, is found on all sea-coasts, is independent of barometric pressure or the hygrometric state of the atmosphere, and is due to the ‘* pulveriza- tion” of the sea-water by the breaking of the surf upon the rocks. He contends that the phenomenon he points. out must not be con- founded with what is commonly known as spray, which is of a coarse nature, and entirely local in character. GHOGRAPHY AND ANTIQUITIES. SIR RODERICK MURCHISON’S ADDRESS. AFRICAN EXPLORATION. Str RoDERICK ImMpEY Murcuison, Bart., K.C.B., President of the Royal Geographical Society, and Member of the Institute of France, delivered an address at the meeting of the British Asso- ciation, of which the following is an extract : — ‘‘ Before I speak of some few of the contributions which will, I trust, be brought under our consideration, let me glance at the rapid progress of discovery in recent years, and, first of all, at the great and important additions to pure geography which have been made in Central Asia both by Russian and British explorers. With all the western portion of that vast region in which lie the Khanats of Khiva, Bokhara, and Khokan, some of you may now be acquainted, through the accounts of Russian observers, who have already fixed the correct positions of the chief towns, moun- tains, and rivers of Western Turkistan. Proceeding eastwards from the Sea of Aral, the Russians have, for the first time in his- tory, rendered the river Syr Daria (the Jaxartes of Alexander the Great) navigable by steam vessels of a limited size, and, fixing military posts on its banks, have ascended towards its sources and taken possession of the populous and flourishing city of Tashkent, a great mart of caravancommerce. Again, Russia has triumphed over the Khan of Bokhara, the savage ruler who in years gone by barbarously put to death two British officers, Stoddart and Conolly, and who has now met with a due humiliation. As peace has been concluded between the Emperor of Russia and those turbulent chiefs, who have now been rendered subordinate to a great civilized nation, we may hope that the blessings of com- merce will restore this fine region to some portion, at least, of the wealth and dignity which it held in those ages when its monarchs ruled over nearly one-half of the then civilized world. The crude and ill-founded apprehensions which once existed that these ad- vances of Russia would prove highly prejudicial to British India, have, through due reflection, entirely evaporated from among British statesmen, who are now convinced that it is much better for the commerce and peace of both nations that intermediate warring chiefs should be kept under by a strong power. After all, between the great territories of Russian Turkistan and those of British India there lies the long, broad, and mountainous region of Afghanistan, with whose present ruler we are on good terms. But what about Eastern Turkistan ? some of my hearers may say ; 318 GEOGRAPHY AND ANTIQUITIES. oL9 what about those enormous tracts which lie immediately to the north of the north-western mountains of British India, the Hima- layas, and Cashmere? The-answer which I have given in my last address to the Royal Geographical Society is the most satis- factory explanation which can be offered, and I here give the pith of it. The Russians have not advanced beyond the chain of the Thian Chan into any part of those territories in which the cities of Kashgar, Yarkand, and others are. situated. These countries, which until a few years ago were held by the Chinese, and are inserted in all old maps as an integral part of the Chinese empire, have entirely extirpated their conquerors, and the mass of the natives, being Mahommedans, are now under the rule of a brave soldier of their own faith, who, under the title of the Ataligh Ghazee, or leader of the faithful, has brought the people into a state of perfect order, after having been in the most tumultuous and insurrectionary state so long as the Chinese vainly attempted to govern them. ‘“The process by which an intercourse has been established between this Eastern Turkistan and British India has been so eminently characteristic of the efforts of a powerful trading nation like our own, that a very brief account of it may be acceptable to some of my hearers in this great mart of commerce. Tea plan- tations having been successfully cultivated by our countrymen upon the southern and lower slopes of the Himalayan Mountains, it occurred to a most able British civilian, Mr. Douglas Forsyth, who was diplomatically employed in Cashmere, that the popula- tion of Eastern Turkistan having been so long accustomed to drink tea, and having been entirely deprived of it since all intercourse with China had ceased, would gladly hail the reappearance of their favorite beverage, if a supply could be brought to them from ‘the south. Mr. Forsyth accordingly sent a small sample (a horse- load only) of tea across the mountains, as a present to the great ruler of this new kingdom. As this present was ‘ gratefully re- ceived,’ one of our British tea cultivators at Kangra, Mr. Shaw, resolved to face all the difficulties of « passage through the lofty mountains of the Karakorum and Kuen Lun; and, fitting out a caravan bearing tea, he conducted it himself in safety by Yarkand to Kashgar, where he was well received by the Ataligh Ghazee. At first, indeed, things looked unpropitious, for Mr. Shaw was proceeding fairly and simply as a British merchant, when there arrived just at the same time a warlike-looking Englishman. This was Mr. Hayward, late of the 72d regiment; and for a time both were placed en surveillance, but most amicably treated. In fact, Mr. Hayward had been sent out by the Royal Geographical Society to explore, if possible, that great desert plateau, the Pamir Land, occupied entirely by nomade Kirghis, in which the rivers Oxus and Zerafshan have their rise; but being unable to force his way thither through certain disturbed tracts to the north-west of the Punjaub, he took a route which led him to Yarkand. The arrival of the two Englishmen, which at first seemed so unintelligible and suspicious, turned out to be in the end most advantageous to all parties concerned; for Mr. Hayward had it in his power to fix 320 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. the latitude and longtitude of places never before visited by a gveographer, whilst Mr. Shaw, dona ferens, gratified the Ataligh Ghazee, not only by his manners and address, but particularly by his packages of tea. ‘¢ After a year’s sojourn at Kashgar and Yarkand, in Eastern Turkistan, Mr. Shaw returned to British India, and the Viceroy, the Earl of Mayo, seeing the prospect of establishing a profitable alliance with this new sovereign, his Excellency not only received an envoy sent by the Ataligh Ghazee to his Excellency and the Queen, but has recently sent a special British mission to that great chief, and for this important mission he has wisely selected Mr. Douglas Forsyth and Mr. Shaw as negotiators in the establishment of a treaty of commerce between the respective countries. «* A jetter from Mr. Forsyth to myself, written on the eve of his departure from Ladak, on the 2d of July last, and containing matter of great geographical interest, will be read in the course of this meeting. It will be seen by this letter that, grand as are the geographical discoveries made by Captain Montgomerie and his pundits, a grander and richer field than any yet described seems now to invite exploration. I may add that I have received a letter from the Earl of Mayo, dated the 18th July last, in which he speaks hopefully of this important mission. On our part, we have thus opened out a market for our Indian teas, and also for many articles of British manufacture, in exchange for which we shall receive not only specie, but also the fine silks and wools of Turkistan, and many mineral products of those mountains, some of the peaks of which rise to upwards of 24,000 feet, and many of whose level tracts and plateaus are 14,000 to 17,000 feet above the sea. ‘“*To obtain a full insight into the nature of this hitherto un- known region and its remarkable ruler, I refer you to an admi- rably clear and telling memoir by Mr. Shaw, published in the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society,’ June 7, 1870. In making these observations, [ would invite some of the enter- prising merchants of Liverpool, Manchester, and other places in this flourishing County of Lancaster, to transmit to Yarkand, via Bombay and the Punjaub, some of their gayest but stoutest cloths and cottons; and I venture to prophesy that the Turkistan people will rejoice in the arrival at the remote Yarkand of such British goods, for which they will gladly exchange the products of their own country or pay in specie. ‘* But to return to geography: Mr. Hayward, nothing daunted by his first failure, is now endeavoring to explore the mysterious Pamir Land, which no European has ever yet traversed, though Lieutenant Wood, of the Indian navy, did, many years ago, reach one extremity of it, in an endeavor to determine the source of the Oxus, as recorded in the tenth volume of the ‘Journal of the Royal Geographical Society.’ I earnestly hope that Mr. Hayward will be the first geographer who will have described this lofty region which the natives term, in their Eastern style, ‘The Upper Floor of the World.’ If he should traverse the Pamir Land, I have learned, by correspondence with the Rus- GEOGRAPHY AND ANTIQUITIES. 321 sian Imperial Geographical Society, that our countryman will then have a free passage granted to him through all Russian Turkistan. It is thus that our science makes its cultivators of every nation as kindly and considerate to each other as free- masons. Let me add that the Royal Geographical Society has awarded its founder’s gold medal to this brave and energetic man; and we fervently hope that he will come home through Russia before next year, to receive his well-merited reward. ‘“¢The remarkable additions to geographical and natural his- tory knowledge, which have been made of late years by sound- ing and dredging at great depths in the ocean, have excited the liveliest interest. The attention of modern geographers was long ago directed to this subject by Parry, James Ross, and Captain Denham, R.N. The last of these measured downwards in the ocean, between South America and the Cape of Good Hope, to the great depth of 7,706 fathoms, and thus enabled geographers to realize the aphorism of Alexander Humboldt, —that the greatest depth of the’ sea would be found to be at least equal to the height of the loftiest mountains. Subsequently Dr. Wallich, who ably served as the naturalist on board the ‘Bulldog,’ commanded -by Sir Leopold McClintock, enunciated the then novel and surprising truth that certain marine animals (including star-fish) lived at the depth of 1,260 fathoms, and even preserved their colors when brought to the surface. More re- cently, the scientific explorations of the deep-sea to the north and west of the British Isles, as conducted by Dr. W. Carpen- ter, Mr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys, and Professor Wyvilie Thomson, have thrown much new light on this attractive subject. They have vastly extended our acquaintance with many submarine data, including the temperature of the sea at various depths, and have proved that currents of different temperatures — each containing a characteristic fauna—are running, as it were, alongside of each other, or in contiguity, beneath the surface of the sea. These data, and a consideration of the various species of marine animals which were found, are supposed to have had such material bearings on geological! science that it would be a dereliction of my duty as an old geologist if I were not to endeavor to disentangle the unquestionably true, novel, and even startling facts which these researches have made known, from one of those speculations which the eminent leader of this expedition has connected with them, and which, if acquiesced in, might seriously affect the inductions and belief of practical geologists. ‘* Dr. W. Carpenter, in a lecture given in the Royal Institution, in summing up his views as to the effects of the discoveries then made, thus spoke: ‘The facts which I have brought before you, yet still more the speculations which I have ventured to con- nect with them, may seem to unsettle much that has been gener- ally accredited to geological science, and thus to diminish rather than to augment our stock of positive knowledge; but this is the necessary result of the introduction of a new idea into any depart- ment of scientific inquiry.’ To this statement I beg to demur. ss 322 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Sound practical geologists, whether they be uniformitarians, catas- trophists, or evolutionists, like the great naturalist who now worthily presides over the British Association, are all agreed in the fundamental truths of this science as established by ] positive readings in the stone-books of nature. They are confident that undeniable proofs exist of an enormous succession of deposits, which have been accumulated under the seas of former periods, in each of which the physical geography of our planet, and with it the orders of animals and plants, were very dissimilar from each other, and also differ still more, as we examine backwards to the earlier deposits, from those of the present day. We believe, upon the evidences presented to us, and irrespective of all theory, that the vast accumulations under the seas of those periods have had their relations to each other thoroughly and conclusively estab- lished by a clear order of superposition. We further believe that the deposits so relatively placed contain, each of them, organic remains, which are, in great measure, peculiar to the one great group of strata which they occupy. ‘‘ With these indisputable proofs of geological succession as es- tablished by clear superposition of the formations, and the dis- tinctive fossil characters of each, I necessarily dissent from the suggestions of Dr. Carpenter and other naturalists, that, inasmuch as the present deep-sea bottoms contain abundance ‘of Globigerinz, with such animals as Terebratulidee, both of which differ little from the forms found fossil in the chalk formation, it may be in- ferred in a broad sense that we are still in the Cretaceous period. May we not, indeed, by a similar bold hypothesis, affirm that we still live in the older Silurian period? for, albeit no bony fishes then existed, many Globigerinz, and creatures of the lowest or- ganization, have been found in these old rocks and associated with Terebratulide and Lingule, the generic forms of which still live. Revering as Ido those great naturalists who have shown abundant proofs of the progress of creation, or, as others term it, of evolution, I hold to my opinion, matured by a long experience, whilst I dissent from the inferences of my friends Dr. W. Carpen- ter and Professor Wyville Thomson, that the recent discoveries may or can unsettle much which has been accredited to what I eall sound geological history, as established on absolute observa- tions and separated from all theory. The new ideas which have been introduced by the meritorious labors of Carpenter and his associates do not, as he has suggested, diminish the amount of positive knowledge. On the contrary, they augment it; though they do not shake, in any way, the foundations of geological science. I willinely 2 erant, however, that these new discoveries overthrow the theory ‘that defines the depths in the sea at which certain groups of fossil animals must have lived. ‘Whilst on this topic, [rejoice that at this meeting we are to be furnished with an excellent paper by my distinguished friend, Captain Sherard Osborn, on the whole subject of ocean deep-sea soundings, as carried out by the Admiralty, and in which he will illustrate, by maps and sections, much of his own most energetic op rations in reference to submarine telegraphy. GEOGRAPHY AND ANTIQUITIES. ozo ‘¢TIn connection with the interesting subject of the geography of the ocean, I may call your attention to a little work of great merit, which has lately appeared under the title of ‘ Physical Geography, in its Relation to the prevailing Winds and Currents,’ by Mr. J. K. Laughton. Snoconoliy IUNITGE TIVE var Spb OCORDOOL CEC ODOC DOUCE 91 Arsenic, detection of.......... ere 204 SATBCNIC a> «,5 SHOOODDOUSOSOo Saq0aeanceALes Artificial stone, Sorel process........ 79 cs NERUN ET we iclaciciseseleleerniciaiatll lc oistaneictoetetaca 173 Oat husks, paper from......... Son bol® Reduction of isatine to Indigo-blue..221 Obituary of men eminent in science 342 {'carDOniciAciG's ise eneeee 209 Ocean telegraphy.........-+- Sa5coac 87 Refi action and dispersion of opaque Ooze from Atlantic sea-bed......... 214 DOMES ierercrelniereclelwlele siotelai=inte ateialeloiete siete 145 Optical properties of benzile....... 151 | Relation of light produced to gas Organic matter of human breath in CONSUME UEetee atelete wioleiniclele aelalels eee ioe 17 health and disease.........-.+. ..-209 | Resistance pyrometer........ecceee- 154 Organisms in limestone, living...... 271 | Rhea grass, machines for preparing.104 Organic compounds of silica........195 | Rinderpest and scarlet fever, antisep- Oxide of zinc as mordant...... se eee208 tic treatment of..... teleforetetel ate teyeletey aie) Oxygen light...... hos oodaoguBed e----103 | Rio Grande, valley of..... Gooneansae 243 Ozone, atmospheric...........se0e0- 29d) || TRAVEL pOl lati OMe eilaselalelelelelerreresimisieet=rs 184 sS. Influence ON Picrateswieccse0-202 | Roebling, (Col Wi Ace cceciierccic sa 455 2B Rotary Budete g eyes teresa 49 Paper from oat husks........-+..---120 se PUMP, WE Weciiaeriaestow ioe estelers 65 Ravim op StReCEScmisiclsise elvleielsieleio« siclele ee 111 | Royal Albert Hall of arts and scien- Pentagraphio embroidery........... 111 ces, ventilation of.......... 62 Peruvian bismuth..........ccceee- 200 “Astronomical Society... 309 Petroleum for heating locomotive Russia sheet iron, manufacture of... 29 DOMES. ec ce cieisas noosSéo0gs0oacec 116 Phenyl. brown... 219 Tissues, air LNs eeecessceecereeseenncs 271 Traction engine, elastic tires for.... 38 Tramway, single rail...... ecccceseeel ld Tramway, wire rope.....- eecccecces 40 Transformation of cast iron......... 54 Transportation of fresh meats and PTUTESi a iotciere Ccleleloetelelse canliosio meena cle 349 Transformation of fatty acids into Alcohols: seas see mialaatatscterac amen 210 Transit instrument, the new Cam- bridges cen Sodronoaged Acocopoogocosie! DINKEEILC Tec cist cere see ain ee oelercietele sore 203 Tunnel, Hoosac, central shaft -.... wae te Mont: Cenis.c. cose dase ndees 117 se under the Thames........... 50 Twist drills, recent improvementsin 60 Tyndall, Prof...... dooooounscocKé oo 00207 Underground lines, asphalte tubes di railway, Broadway.... 48 United States,physical geography of 341 Utilization of sewage..............- 187 ss ‘< waste nitrous fumes. .206 Utilizing waste threads...........- -111 Valley of the Rio Grande............243 CS AUT 1.7; Os atat=layotersintaietaietale 243 Velocity of sound............ tetelata ae Ventilation of coal mines........... 115 “¢ “ Royal Albert hall eh arts and sciences... 62 WO ost) NeqpopeaoconucosdaQoUcon. £300 Volumetric estimation of copper... .204 Vowel sounds, fixed notes character- ISIC Ofaem SDOOOC ciel ola's) slals/e\elejelaletasels Walls, coating for outside...........68 Watering streets by chemicals......109 Water pipes, preservation of cast MILO Wetee cletnajaloleleleelereisieievetaiatereieieieteheeiis 67 Wiealden {are Oli. \clselas sete tere ete 250 Wieldon?sichlorine) proofwec.ccar = BARTON’S NEW INTERMEDIATE SYSTEM OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 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