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To His Honor Nathan Matthews, Jr.,

Mayor of the City of Boston :

The Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston have the honor to submit herewith their forty-second annual report, together with the report of the Committee for the Examination of the Library for the year 1893.

In accordance with the policy that has been pursued for some years past, the members of the Committee for the Examination of the Library were appointed early in the year, in order that they might have ample time to make a careful study of the Library, and to formulate the outcome of their investigations. That they made a faithful use of the time aftbrded them is shown by the result of their many and long deliberations, embodied in their report, to which the Trustees take great pleasure in inviting the careful consideration of the city government. In view of the thoroughness of the work of the Committee, it seems unnecessary for the Trustees to touch upon many of the subjects exhaustively discussed in the Committee's report.

The Trustees and the Committee have the same common object in view, and that is the best use of the Library. Some of the matters in the Committee's report have received the attentive consideration of the Trustees for years past, but they welcome the assistance that is offered them b}^ minds fresh to the subject. The friendly cooperation of so many scholarly and accomplished persons is of the greatest assist- ance, and furnishes a fresh proof of the wisdom of the City Council in providing for the appointment of such a body of citizens.

The Trustees desire to call particular attention to the urgent request of the Committee for an increase in the annual appropriation. The careful examination by the Committee of the extent of the work done by the Library, and of its increased needs, has convinced them of the necessity of more money, if it is proposed to keep the Library up to the stand- ard now attained and to extend its usefulness. The use and value of the Library have undoubtedly increased beyond the greatest expectations of its founders. What twenty years ago might have been considered a ver}^ ample and generous allowance for the whole institution is now barely more than requisite to keep the branches alone in efficient condition.

A very striking analogy between the need of new accommo- dations and the need of an increased appropriation may

2 City Document No. 21.

be dniwii tVoin the liistoiy of Iho old Library l)uil(ling. When the present Central Library was built, it was thought to be sufHcient for the accommodation of the books and of the public for a hundred years ; but this building was so far out- grown in a dozen years that it became necessary to double the amount of shelving. But even with this doubling and M'ith all the increase that can possibly be made, there is to-day not room for the books actually belonging to the Library, and the Trustees were unable, during the past year, to find place for a very valuable collection of books given to the city. While every possible square foot of space has been availed of for the use of the public, there is no room for thousands who wish to consult the Library.

In 1879, the annual appropriation for the Librarj' service was $120,000. But this did not include repairs of the buildings or the rents of the various branch buildings. Since 1888, all these rents and repairs, amounting to about $10,000 a year, have been charged to the annual appropriation. In the year 1879, the number of books in the Library was .■)45,734 : to-day there are 597,152. The number of persons employed was one hundred and forty-one : to-day it is one hundred and sixty-one. Since that time there have been ■established one branch library and eleven delivery stations, three of which iiave reading-rooms attached. In 1879, de- livery stations were open only a few hours a week : now they are open the whole or the greater part of every day. In 1879, Bates Hall was not open after six o'clock on week-days and not at all on Sunday : now it is open until nine o'clock on week-days, and from two to nine on Sundays.

The use of Bates Hall has much more than doubled, being 163,790 in 1879, and 384,342 the past year. With all this increase of use and of demands upon the Library, there has l>een no corresponding increase in the annual appropriation. Though the Trustees have been enabled, by the exercise of the strictest economy, to administer the Library, they feel, with the Examining Committee, that the progress of the Li- brary has been retarded and its usefulness, in some degree, impaired by lack of means.

The Committee call attention to the unsuitableness for its present purposes of the rooms used for the Dorchester Branch Library. They have not stated the case too strongly. The rooms of this branch are not only wholly inadequate, but their location is by no means desirable, being in a building occupied in part by the police court and police station. The citizens of a large district like Dorchester are certainly en- titled to a larger and better-situated library. Under the very efficient management of the officer at present in charge, its

Library Department. 3

growth and usefulness have increased beyond what the public have a riglit to expect, considering the cramped quarters and unfavorable conditions. The Trustees will gladly undertake to remedy this state of afli\irs, if the City Council will place at their disposal sufficient funds for the purpose. They recommend also that some different quarters be assigned to the East Boston Branch, which is at present situated in the same building with the police court and police station. Children and others using this library should not be forced to come into contact with the class of people who are neces- sarily found in such buildings. There is also need at East Boston and CharlestoAvn of increased facilities by means of delivery stations similar to those in the Dorchester and West Roxbury districts, which so fully meet an active public demand. Both these extensions have only been delayed for lack of means to 'pay for them. The North End Branch is also suffering from its objectionable situation.

There is no quarter of the city that stands more in need of a suitable reading-room and branch library than the West End. Personal search has been made by the Trustees for a place for the establishment of a branch library in this quarter of the city. The only suitable building that they have been able to find is the old West Church, at the corner of Lynde and Cambridge streets.

The Trustees are glad to see that the citizens, not only of this quarter, but of all the city, are taking great interest in this subject, and have already brought it to the attention of the City Council. The Ti'ustees are heartily in accord with this movement, and they earnestly recommend that the city acquire this property, since they believe no better or more useful investment of city funds could be made.

The Trustees are veiy glad to report that there has been a continued increase in the use of the Library, the details of which appear in the appendixes. Special attention is called to the remarkable fact that out of the very nearly 2,000,000 books used by borrowers, only 1 in 31,000 has not been recovered.

The continued interest of the general public is shown by the extent and value of gifts, amounting in all to 12,663 vol- umes, given by 1,254 individuals.

Mrs. R. Anne Nichols, of Roxbury, has added to the Thayer Library, given b}^ herself and her sisters, 1,435 volumes of rare and costly books, including many prints. Mrs. Benjamin S. Shaw, has given 585 volumes; Mr. Brander Matthews, of New York, 482 volumes ; Mr. Frank- lin L. Pope, 752 volumes.

Not enumerated in this list is the President John Adams

4 City Document No. 21.

Library, which has been ti'ansfcrrcd to the Trustees by the Supervisors of the Adams Temple and School Fund ot Quincy.

Another notable gift is that of the Hon. Mellen Chamberlain, of Chelsea, who has given to the Library his very valuable collection of autographs and historical manuscripts. This collection is undoubtedly one of the most valuable of its kind in this country. A special room has been assigned for it in the new building, to which it shortly will be moved.

In July, Mr. William C. Todd, of Atkinson, N.H., announced his intention of giving two thousand dollars a year during his life to the City of Boston, "all of this sum to be expended in newspapers," with a further provision that, upon his death, the City of Boston should receive the sum of $50,000, the annual income of which is to be applied to the same purpose. Mr. Todd has notified the Trustees that the first instalment of two thousand dollars is at their disposal, but, owing to the cramped quarters at present occupied, it will be impossible for them to avail them- selves of this sum until the new building is ready for occupancy.

The correspondence relating to these gifts is appended. The Trustees strongly recommend that official action be taken by the city government, in recognition of these three most important benefactions.

During the past year, the number of individual persons actually borrowing books for home use amounted to 35,000. The Trustees believe that this is the largest number of per- sons who have used the Library for this purpose in any one year ; but owing to the imperfect system of records hereto- fore used, no entirely satisfactory comparison can be made.

The New Building. There has been no interruption of work upon the new Public Library building during the year. It has proceeded satisfactorily, and is now in such advanced condition that the building will be ready for occupancy during the year 1894. The Trustees hope that they will be able later to propose some day in the coming autumn for the dedication of the building.

Samuel A. B. Abbott, Henry W. Haynes, Frederick O. Prince, Phineas Pierce, William R. Richards. Adopted, April 17, 1894. Attest :

Louis F. Gray, Clerk.

Library Department.

Correspondence Kelating to Recent Gifts.

Chelsea, February 14, 1893. To the Trustees of the Boston Public Library :

Gentlemen : I propose to leave to the Boston Public Library, by testamentary bequest, my collection of historical documents, manuscripts, autographs, portraits, and engrav- ings connected therewith, together with a few printed volumes, and some matters of personal interest to me, pro- vided the Trustees, after a more mature consideration of the subject, are still willing to accept the same agreeably to an informal understanding expressed at their meeting, January 17, 189o. That is to say, that the Trustees will furnish the room in the new building, connected with the librarian's room, substantially in accord with the plan prepared by Alex. S. Jennets and set said room apart as the permanent home of said collection, to be and forever remain in the sole custody of the librarian, under the Trustees.

From the above conditions are to be excepted the framed Address to the King, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States, which would be properly exhibited on the walls of some more public room.

While I desire to retain the property of the collection during my life, it is my wish, nevertheless, to transfer to the Library at once such portions of it as are in completed form, and the remainder as soon as it can be completed.

The collection will need an index and binding ; and as I am familiar with the requirements, I think it would be well to have one or more volumes of each division bound as soon as may be, to serve as examples for the remaining volumes.

It is my purpose to make the collection as complete as I may ; and to that end, after any portion of it is transferred to the Library I shall desire free access to it at suita])le times.


(Signed) Mellen Chamberlain.

Public Library of the City of Boston. To the Hon. Mellen Chaimberlain :

Dear Sir : It is my pleasant duty to inform you that I am instructed by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, that they accept with gratitude your proposed testamentary gift of your unique and valuable " collection of

6 City Document No. 21.

historical documents, autographs, portraits, and engravings connected therewith, together with certain printed vohimes," etc., and that they agree to perform all the conditions set forth in your letter of Fel)ruary 14, 181)3, to which the gift is made subject.

Permit me to improve the opportunity to express my own appreciation of the great value of your proposed donation, and assure you that all the conditions referred to will be faithfully performed. The Trustees have already commenced the work of preparing a suitable room in the new Library building for the accommodation of the collection, as you are pleased to allow them present possession of the same.

Very truly yours, (Signed) Frederick O. Prince,

President pro tern.

March 28, 1893.

Boston, Mass., June 16, 1893. To the Trustees of the Boston Public Library :

Boston is a city of rare privileges, but it lacks one now possessed by many others, viz., a place where all citizens and strangers can enter freely, and read the leading news- papers of the day ; some such place as the Cooper Institute of New York affords. The Boston Public Library is well supplied w^ith magazines, but not with newspapers. It is too late to discuss the value of newspapers they have become a necessity. The business man, the student in every depart- ment, the politician anxious to feel the public pulse, the men who, like the Athenians of old, " spent their time either to tell or hear some new thing," all, of every pursuit and con- dition, must read the newspapers to learn what has transpired the world over. The press has become the great agency by which information is diffused, leading questions discussed, the people educated, and public opinion moulded. Words spoken to a hundred people in the evening are, the next morning, read by a hundred thousand. Newspapers now form a large part of the reading of the whole community. I have heard business men say that they read the newspapers daily, occasionally a magazine, hardly a book in a year. It is not enough to read one paper, and that partisan, if any one would be correctly informed and judge clearly ; yet many newspapers are too ex[)ensive for ordinary readers, and a large part are desired only for occasional use. All this is well understood, and need not have been repeated.

Library Department. 7

Free reading-rooms, I have no doul)t, in the not distant future, will be even more in demand by the general public than free public libraries.

As the new Public Library building is about to be opened, I trust this great want of Boston will be supplied. If the Trustees will furnish a suitable room, and provide for all in- cidental expenses, I will pay two thousand dollars ($2,000) annually ; all of this sum to be expended in newspapers, and, sooner or later, will give a fund of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to secure forever this annual payment. Such pay- ments are to be appropriated to furnishing newspapers for a reading-room in the new central Public Library building- only. The aim shall be to select representative papers, giving the current thought of different sections of our own countrjs and, to such an extent as the Trustees may deter- mine, of foreign countries, so as to provide a reading-room that shall satisfy the wants of citizens, and also of the many strangers always to be found in Boston. No distinc- tion shall be made in the selection of newspapers in favor of any religious sect or political party.

I may add that my only interest in this matter is the wish to do some good to a great many people.

Trusting that this proposition may be favoral)ly received ,>

I am, very respectfully yours, (Signed) William C. Todd.

June 20, 1893. William C. Todd, Esq. :

Dear Sir ; The Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston have the honor to acknowledge your com- munication of the 16th instant.

They gratefully accept your very generous offer to pro- vide the means for establishing a newspaper department in the new Public Library, where not only our citizens, but all visiting strangers, may learn what is said and done, not only in the different States of the Union, but in foreign countries.

They indorse all you say touching the value of news- papers. They think with you that the power and influence of the press are beyond estimate. As it directs public atten- tion to all those great questions of politics, of religion, of literature, of science, and of art, and does so much to guide public opinion therein, it becomes one of the chief factors in the advancement of civilization and the maintenance of those conservative forces which are the safeguard of our free in- stitutions. But, as you truly say, it is "too late to discuss

S City Document No. 21.

the value of newspapers." It is recognized wherever there is constitutional liovernnieiit, and wherever the i)eoplc have voice in the direction of public afiairs.

The want of such facilities as your generosity will pro- vide has been long felt, but until other and more i)ressing needs were supplied, the Trustees have been unwilling to ask from the city government, which has been so liberal in its appropriations to this Library for the peoi)lc, the means to satisfy the deficiency.

The Free Public Library "open to all" was not es- tablished for the sole use of students and scholars, but for the enjoyment of the people of all classes and professions, especially the " plain people," to quote the language of our martyred President. These latter will greatly appreciate jour benefaction.

It is pleasant to know that the gift comes from a citizen of another State, avIio appreciates Boston and the " rare priv- ileges" which an enlightened public spirit has provided for all her people.

The conditions of your endowment increase its value, for they not only show your munificence, but also the broad and catholic spirit which prompted it.

Be assured that your name will always be dear to those who enjoy the fruits of your bounty, and that you will be associated with the many beneftictors of our Free Public Library with Bates and Ticknor and Everett and Bow- ditch and Scholfield, and the many others who are gratefully remembered by all interested in popular education.

Be assured also that the present Board of Trustees, and, without doubt, their successors in office, will always respect the terms of your gift and faithfully execute the trusts re- posed in them.

Very truly j^ours, (Signed) Fredeiuck O. Prince,

President pro (em.

Public Library of the City of Boston,

November 3, 1893. To the Supervisors of the Adams Temple and School Fund : Dear Sirs: The attention of the Trustees of the Public Library of the Q\ty of Boston has been directed lately to the very valuable President John Adams Library, which is now in the Crane Memorial Building at Quincy. They are so impressed with the great interest and historical value of the

Library Department. 9

collection that they feel it Avill not be out of place to ask you if it is not possible to place it in some position where it would be more accessible to the students to whom it would be useful.

In consideration of the great change that has taken place in the country since the Library was placed in your charge by President Adams, it may l)e possible to carry out Pres- ident Adams's intent better by placing the collection in some more accessible place.

As the new Public Library building in Boston is nearing completion, it has occurred to the Trustees that the most ap- propriate and useful place for the collection would be in that building, where it would be of great use to a great number of students who resort to the Boston Public Library from all parts of the country, and where its value would be increased by the convenience of using it in connection with the large collection on kindred subjects already collected, and where it might also serve as a nucleus for one of the most important constitutional libraries in the United States.

If this suggestion meets with your approval, the Trustees wall put the collection in a separate alcove with a suitable in- scrii)tion over it, and will take all proper measures for caring for and protecting it. I need hardly assure you that they would esteem it a great privilege if they were permitted to become custodians of a collection so very valuable both in- trinsically and because of its associations.

I have the honor to be, with great respect.

Yours very truly,

(Signed) Samuel A. B. Abbott,


Adams Building, 23 Court Street,

Boston, November 29, 1893.

My dear Sir : Referring to your communication ad- dressed to the Supervisors of the Adams Temple and School Fund, under date of November 3, I now have the pleasure of forwarding to you the following extract from the Records of the Supervisors :

" Communications received from Charles Francis Adams and Samuel A. B. Abbott, President of the Trustees of the Boston Public Library, relating to the John Adams Lil)rary, which is now in the Crane Memorial Hall at Quincy.

" Voted, That the said communications be spread on the records .

10 City Document No. 21.

" After due (ionsideration of the request of the President of the Trustees of the Boston Pubh'c Library, it was the opinion of the Supervisors that the intent of President Adams would be better carried out by placing the Library where it would be more accessible to students and investigators ; and it wa& thereupon

" Voted, That there being at present no settled ministers of the Congregational Society or of the P^piscopal Society of Quincy, the Supervisors assent to the request of the Trustees of the Boston Public Library, and that the care and custody of the Library belonging to the city of Quincy, deposited by the Supervisors of the Adams Temple and School Fund with the concurrence of the then settled ministers of the two societies above mentioned, in the Crane Memorial Hall, under vote of the Supervisors of May 12, 1882, be trans- ferred to the Boston Public Library ; and that the Trus- tees of the Thomas Crane Public Library be requested to deliver the same to the Trustees of the Boston Public Library."

The above extract from the Record was communicated to me, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Thomas Crane Public Library of the City of Quincy, in whose hands, as depositaries, the library of President John Adams now is.

That Board has no power of control over the collection. It is merely placed at their request in the Crane Memorial Hall, subject to any disposition which the Supervisors may make of it.

I have, therefore, now to inform you that the Trustees of the Thomas Crane Public Library hold the John Adams collection subject to the order of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston. We will deliver the library to your agents at any time it may suit your convenience to receive it, taking your written receipt therefor.

I have the honor to be, etc.,

(Signed) Charles Francis Adams,

Chairmcm. S. A. B. Abbott, Esq.,

Public Library, Boston.

Library Department. 11

Public Library of the City of Boston,

December 6, 1893.

My dear Sir : I have received and laid before the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston your letter of November 29, in regard to the President John Adams Library. I am instructed by the Trustees to inform you that they will accept the transfer of the John Adams Library in accordance with the terms of the vote of the Supervisors of the Adams Temple and School Fund, and will place it in an alcove in the new building as soon as it is completed.

I will notify you as soon as possible when the Library will be sent for.

I enclose herewith a copy of the vote of the Trustees.

I have the honor to be very truly yours,

(Signed) Samuel A. B. Abbott,

President. To Charles Francis Adams, Esq.,

Chairman of Trustees, Thomas Crane Public Library .

Adams Building, 23 Court Street, Boston, December 9, 1893.

My dear Sir : I have to acknowledge the receipt of your ftivor of the 6th instant, with enclosure in relation to the John Adams Library.

I see that under vote of the Trustees, the library in ques- tion is to be deposited "in a suitable alcove in the new Public Library building in Copley square."

Under these circunistanccs, I presume the Trustees of the Public Library will not be ready to make the transfer in question before next autumn, as I understand the new Library building will not be ready to receive books until that time.

As the library in question is now perfectly safe and w^ell cared for in the Thomas Crane Memorial Hall, I would sug- gest that it be allowed to remain there until the Trustees of the city Library are ready to transfer it to its place of final deposit. It would seem to be. a mere unnecessary waste of time, labor, and money to have it transferred twice.

12 City Document No. 21.

If this suggostion meets the views of the Trustees, there would seem nothing more to be done in the matter at present.

I remain, etc., (Signed) Charles F. Adams.

S. A. B. Abbott, Esq.,

5 Pemberton Square, Boston.

The following is a l)rief sketch of the Adams Library and its points of interest as existing at the time of the com- pletion of its card catalogue in 1884.

In 1822, John Adams, then in his eighty-seventh year, presented the town of Quincy with (to use the wording of the deed) " the fragments of ray Library, which still remain in my possession, excepting a few that I shall reserve for my consolation in the few days that remain to me." Upon this bequest he imposed several conditions, the first of which was that a catalogue of the books be made and printed. This catalogue was made, and may be seen in a pamphlet of sixty-seven pages, entitled "Deeds and other documents relating to the several pieces of land, and to the library pre- sented to the town of Quincy, by President Adams, together with a catalogue of the books," copies of which are in this library.

As a means of reference, the above-mentioned printed catalogue is wholly useless, the titles being arranged neither alphabetically nor by subjects, but simply according to the languages in which the l)ooks are printed, and to some extent according to the sizes of volumes. It appears from it, how- ever, that the actual number of books at the time of donation was 2,756.

Another condition of deed was that " none of the books shall ever be sold, exchanged or lent, or sutlered to be re- moved from the apartment, without a solemn vote of a major- ity of the superintendents." Unfortunately this condition has not been complied with, for a comparison of the old printed catalogue with the present card catalogue shows that some of the volumes are missing. One loss, in particular, is a severe one, that of Thomas Morton's New English Canaan. This rare volume has l)een replaced by the edition edited by Charles Francis Adams, for the Prince Society, wherein will be found a mention of this theft as it doubtless was.

Library Department. 13

Besides books lost or stolen, many have been badly muti- lated, in part by hard usage from frequent removals, in part by book rot, but mostly at the hands of autograph col- lectors, who, in many cases, have not hesitated to cut or tear the top or even the middle of title-pages.

It was the wish of John Adams that this library should be placed in "an apartment of the building to be hereafter erected for a Greek and Latin School or Academy," which academy was provided for in another deed. After a number of transfers from one place to another, this library, in its present proportions, was placed in the Thomas Crane Public Library in 1882. In 1883, sixty-one years after the dona- tion to the town of Quincy, an orderly arrangement and suitable catalogue of the library was begun, by the direction and at the expense of Charles Francis Adams. This work was begun in February, 1883, and carried on at intervals until its completion in October, 1884.


The books are placed in four alcoves, numbered A, B, C, D. These alcoves contain, respectively, eight, seven, seven, and eight ranges, and the ranges contain shelves varying in the ranges according to the slope of roof. The numbering of the shelves of each range is from top to bottom, and of the books on shelves, from left to right. For instance, the top shelf of first range of Alcove A is numbered A. 10, the first book or set of books (if more than one vol.) A. 10.1, the second, A. 10. 2, the next shelf is A. 11, etc. So far as pos- sible, a proper classification has been adhered to, but lack of space in the quarters at Quincy made it necessary to prefer, in certain cases, an arrangement by uniform sizes, for the sake of appearance, to a strict classification.

Generally speaking. Alcove A will be found to contain the classics, Italian works, grammars and dictionaries of various languages, and a part of the French works. Alcove B contains French and Dutch works, and a part of the English Avorks, also several folios belonging elsewhere, but put here for con- venience.

Alcove C contains English and American works (history, geography, etc., of America), also works of travel and voyages to various countries, works on the arts and sciences (astron- omy, physics, mathematics, medicine, political economy, etc. ) . The last range of C and first part of first range of D comprise theological and ethical works. Alcove D contains law books and works on political science ; the last range is occupied by United States government publications and several incomplete mag-azines.

14 CiTV Document No. 21.

The number of voliiincs :\t the time of (h)n!ition was, as stated, 2,75G ; at the completion of the catalogue in 1884 it was 2,804.* There have been added, it should l)e remem- bered, a number of books not in the oriirinal collection. Some are gifts from other sources, and some few from the libraries of the late John Quincy Adams and of the late Charles Francis Adams.


The catalogue contains about 3,800 cards, its arrangement is alphabetical, and in accordance with the system usually pursued by the Boston Public Lil)rary, somewhat simplified. The main title is given under the author's (or authors') name, when known, with a reference, when necessary, to the proper subject or subjects, and occasionally with a reference under the title. The cross-references are written upon the backs of the main cards. References are made from pseudonyms or anonymous w^orks to the author, when known, and kindred subjects are connected by various inter-references. Where an author is unknown, the work is catalogued under the title.

Interesting Features of the Library.

Though many books have been robbed of autographs and otherwise damaged, yet a number remain which contain auto- graphs of interest, or which give a special value to this col- lection from the fact that they contain manuscript annotations in the handwriting of John Adams. It ap[)ears that many books were presented to him while abroad, either in France or at The Hague, and some of these contain comments writ- ten by him at that time or later in life. For the most part these comments have never been printed.

Below will be found an alphabetically arranged list of names of persons whose autographs or manuscript annotations have been noted. The shelf numbers of books in which such autographs occur are placed opposite the names to the right.


Adams, Mrs. A. J. Belknap, from Mrs. A.

Adams ....... C.16.4

Adams, John, Occasional notes on Rousseau's

Nouvelle Heloise A.84.3

Adams, John, Many marginal criticisms in

Rousseau's Discourse upon inequality . . A. 85. 15

*This includes 57 volumes, containing 26) paragraphs, or parts of books, which have been catalogued separately.

LiBiiAUY Department. 15

Adams, John, Notes in two copies of Rousseau's

Social Compact .... A.85.13, A.85.14

Adams, John, Numerous Comments on mar- gins of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin's French Revolution ..... A. 86. 6

Adams, John, Man}'' notes on Davila's Histoire

des guerres civiles ..... B.31.2

The notes written in Adams' Discourses on Davila (C.23.2) were reprinted in C. F. Adams' edition of J. Adams' Works, Vol. VI.

Adams, John, Marginal notes in vols. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14," of Frederick the Great's GEuvres B.G6.1

Adams, John, Many notes in Hauterive's De

I'etat de la France (1799) . . . . B.67.8

Adams, John, Four volumes of Conyers Mid- dletou's Miscellaneous works, have notes and autographs B.67.11

Adams, John, The 13 vols, of this set all have

John Adams' book-plate . . . . B.72.1

Adams, John, Notes in vol. 1 of Mazzei's Re-

cherches sur les £tats-Unis . . . C.14.1

Adams, John, Observations on Prof. Win-

throp's Lecture on earthquakes . . No. 1, in C.15.6

Adams, John, Notes on Disney's Life of Sykes, C.16.1

Adams, John, Notes on J. Bristed's Hints on

bankruptcy of Britain .... C.17.1

Adams, John, Very many annotations on his own Discourses on Davila. Repr. in vol. 6 of his Works C.23,2

Adams, John, Notes on Priestley's Institutions

of Moses C.70.6

Adams, John, In vol. 1 and 2 of Priestlej^'s History of early opinions concerning Christ annotations on margin .... C.70.9

Adams, John, Notes and Autograph in Priest- ley's Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy . C.70.10

Adams, John, Comments on W. Christie's Dis- courses on Divine Unity . . . . C.75.6

Adams, John, Frequent criticisms in Con-

dorcet's Progress of Human Mind . . C.76.10

Adams, John, Notes on Recueil des loix con-

stitutives des colonies angloises . . C.10.5

Adams, John, Notes on Mably's Legislation, D.15.2

Adams, John, Criticisms on W. Godwin's Polit- ical Justice ...... D.62.9

16 City Document No. 21.

Adams, John (^iiiiicv, Autograph . . . A. 41. 4

Backwell, K. A., " " . . . A.26.5

Beresforde, Tli., "... A. 33. 8

Blusse, Pieter, " . . . B.71.5

Bradstreet, Benj., ' " ... C.73.15

Bromley, Robert, " . . . A. 73. 2

Br^an, Alex., "... A. 22. 2 Calonno, C. A. de, Autog. letter to John

Adams . . . " . . . . B.2().5 Cerisier, A. M. B., Vol. 2 has autogra[)li letter

to John Adams B.71.2.2

Colman, Benj., Autograph, 1704 . . . D. 10. 1(5

Dawson, Abraham and Joseph, Autographs . A. 26. 6

Disney, John, Autograph . . . . C.lB.l

Fiske, John, 1025, Autograph . . . A. 24. 5 Gerry, Elbridge, Autograph letter to John

Adams, placed in Mather's Magnalia . . C.78.9 Gridley, J., Autograph. (Many law-books in

AlcoveD contain Gridley's autograph) . A. 36. 9 Hollis, T. Brand, Autograph .' D.62.15, B. 72. 5, A. 73. 5

King, Rufus, Autograph .... 0.16.8 Marshall, John, Autograph note of presentation

to John Adams of his Life of Washington,

repeated in all five volumes . . . C.14.2

Mather, Samuel, Autograph . . . C.71.12

Otis, James, Autograph .... B.75.5

Parkman, Eben, Autograph . . . . A. 33. 2

Plumer, Samuel, Autograph . . . C.73.15 Prince, Thomas, Many manuscript notes in

Oldmixon's British Empire in America . 0.11.10 Prince, Thomas, Many manuscripts in Wins- low's Good News from New England . No. 1, in 0.21.11 Prince, Thomas, Autograph and book-plate of

New Elngland Library .... 0.5L4

Quincy, Josiah, LL.D., Autograph . . 0.14.5 Rush, Benjamin, Presentation copies, with

autograph, of author's works to John

Adams 0.63.6 to 63.10

Smith, Wm., fother-in-law of John Adams,

Autograph B. 75.8.4

Thaxter, John, Autograph .... A. 20. 10

A.23.7, 0.11.7

Tufts, Cotton, Autograph .... A. 60.3 Van Murray, Wm., minister of U.S. to Bata-

vian Republic. Autograph . . . A. 32.3

Warren, John, M.D., Autograph . . . 0.63.1

Library Department. 17

Warren, Joseph, Presentation copy to John Adams of his oration on Boston Massacre, with autograph .... No. 2 in C.15.6

Three books once seem to have belonged to Rev. Thomas Prince ; and two of them contain the book-plate of the Old South Library (now deposited in the Boston Public Library). One of these books is a pamphlet vol. (C.21.11) containing Winslow's Good News from New England, 1624 ; another is L. Robert's Merchants Map of Commerce (C.51.4) ; the third is Oldmixon's British Empire in America (C.ll.lO).

There are several specimens of the Elzevir and Aldus press.

Perhaps the most valuable work in the library is Henri Estienne's edition of Plato, Paris, 1578, in three folios, finely bound and well preserved (A. 41. 4).

This catalogue was prepared by Lindsay Swift, of the Boston Public Library, assisted, for a time, by Edward B. Hunt, of the same Library.

18 City Document No. 21.


To the Trustees of the Boston Public Library :

Gentlemen : An account of the many good points of the Library would cause not only reasonable satistaction, but honest })ride, that the city has, through the munificence of its citizens and friends, an institution which deserves lo rank so high among all its kind. If the Examining Commit- tee seem to emphasize what may be improved, rather than what is already perfect, it is because they wish that the Library may be evenly developed throughout on its })resent lines of excellence.

That the administration of the Library during the past year has been, on the whole, up to the standard which it has always maintained, goes without saying. That it may have been in some details a little below what the Trustees would have wished, also goes without saying. With the over- crowded shelves, and with the eager and restless eyes of Trustees and employees all turned towards the new building, in the hope that the date of removal may soon be fixed, it is quite possible and natural that there may have been, in some respects, a loosening of discipline, and a less satisfac- tory service than under other circumstances. And yet your Committee are gratified to be able to report that, all things considered, the public have been well served by a zealous and attentive body of employees, and to all great credit is due for the condition in which the Library is to-day.

The Committee, however, feel that each year only increases the responsibility of the Trustees and largely adds to their labors. The greater work soon to be entered upon in Copley square, together with that almost equally important work, also increasing greatly from year to year, the efficient carry- ing on of the branch libraries, will soon require a different system of management, or a new and enlarged application of the present system.

In these new and enlarged conditions there are two matters of deepest concern, the i)roper subdivision of duties and the fixing of responsibility. Surely a library with many heads is as bad as a headless library, and both are attended by demoralization. Without meaning to criticise what has

Library Department. 19

taken place in the past, under a system which has grown gradually as the need appeared, your Committee feel that now is the time to make sure that the present system is the best one, and should it be deemed otherwise, to make such changes as may seem proper. With methods fully elal)o- rated and based upon sound principles of business manage- ment, the work in the larger building can be begun and continued with little or no friction, and with the greatest possible efficiency and economy.

Experience would seem to show that in such a library as ours, very nmch depends upon the librarian, and yet quite as much upon the wise definition of his duties and authority. Two qualities are called for in a librarian such as Boston needs, a complete knowledge of books and all that pertains to them, and a very large executive ability, sufficient to con- trol not only the work of the Central Library, but to see that those most important feeders of our library system, the branches and the delivery stations, not only are not neglected, but are encouraged in every possible way in which they may tend to cultivate a taste for reading among our citizens.

Few men unite in themselves these two qualifications, and yet such men have been found for other libraries, and no doubt the Trustees will, by careful search, be able to find such a man for Boston, one who will bring with him a judg- ment ripened by experience, tactful, and broad-minded.

It is certainly for their own interest to find him. As the magnitude and responsibility of the library system increases from year to year, it is not to be supposed that in the future busy citizens will accept the office of trustee, which under any conditions is one of great responsibility, unless the librarian is one fully equipped to undertake the entire charge of the work. And yet such a board of trustees should be composed of men who, by their success as men of affairs, have shown themselves worthy of the trust. Such men only make good executive officers, but neither they as a body, nor their chairman as their representative, should be called upon, as they have been in the past, to give time to all the details necessary in the management of a library such as ours. They should have the best service under them possi- ble, and the detail of management should be so organized by them as to relieve them from anything more than very general supervision. They should outline the policy, and the librarian should have the ability to pursue it.

In any examination of the Library it is well to consider its whole purpose and its reasons for existence. Shall it be a means of amusement, or shall it be, as was designed, an advanced part of the general education ? Just here comes

20 City Document No. 21.

(lis!iiiro(MiUMit in teclinu" and oi)ini()n ; just hero the Trustees should liave support in efJorts to raise or to maintain its character. Fortunately we have, in the first annutd report of the Trustees, wisely reprinted in the Bulletin of last July, a clear statement of what should be in this Library. " I. Books that cannot be taken out of the Library, such as Cycloptwdias, Dictionaries, important public documents, and books that from their rarity or costliness cannot easily be replaced. ... II. Books that few i^ermns will wUh to read, and of which, therefore, only one copy will be kept.

. III. Books that will be often asked for, of which copies should be provided in such numbers that many persons . . . can be reading the same work at the same moment, . . . when it is living, fresh, and new. . . . IV. Periodical Publications."

How far these ideas of the first Trustees have been carried out can be seen somewhat by looking over the weekly lists of new l)ooks. A large field is covered by the Library in its late accessions. In twelve lists selected at random, and containing about 2,200 titles, about 950 books are in foreign languages, German and French being the most common. The others represented are Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swed- ish, Norwegian, Russian, Sanscrit, Arabic, Greek, Welsh, Volapuk, etc. AI)out one-quarter of the English books are starred, and therefore not intended for circulation, and many of those not so marked are of little common interest, being reports or memorials, or treatises on technical subjects. The small remainder, probably not more than a himdred, of works of a general literary character, is almost hidden among the many strange and curious titles. It should be under- stood, in criticising these lists, that they include no pam- phlets except those of special importance, and that there is no indication of books bought by request or given to the Library. It is hoped that these latter may be marked, in the future, by stars or daggers. Still your committee would suggest that more discrimination be exercised in the choice of popular books. There are now none too many, but the}' might be better chosen. Perhaps it would be well to appoint a reading committee for this class of literature.

Interesting as these lists are to the bibliophile or to one who cares for library detail, they are too full and published too often to be useful for reference or general information, and in no way take the place of the quarterly classified lists which they have superseded. Your Committee would urge strongly that the publication of these lists be resumed. If this is inexpedient, it is hoped that a selected list of new books, including only works of general interest, may be

Library Department. 21

published quarterly, and properly distributed in the popular departments.

The work of the catalogue department, which comes before the public, is seen chiefly in the quarterly Bulletins, in which have been published during the past year various special lists, which will be most useful to students, who, however, must of necessity form a small part of the public using the Library. These special bibliographies seem to have represented, of late years, the ideal method of cata- loguing; but, in a library of this size, the labor of preparing them is so great that only a few can be printed yearly, and therefore only a few persons can be beneflted by them. The general reader does not care for special subjects, but wants to know what there is interesting and new. This is the class of people for which new libraries are constantly being founded throughout the country, and which must not be overlooked, if it is still true, to quote again from the first annual report of the Trustees, that " it is of paramount im- portance that the means of general information should be so diffused that the Uirgest possible number of persons should be induced to read and understand questions which are constantly presenting themselves." The finding-lists of the branches meet this demand somewhat, but they would be far more useful if they were published regularly three or four times a year, instead of, as now% at irregular intervals, varying from six to nineteen months.

Your Committee have noticed with pleasure the carefully prepared short lists posted in some of the branch reading- rooms, particularly at Charlestown and Dorchester, for the use of young or inexperienced readers. It is wished that such lists could be placed in all the popular reading- rooms, for they must save much wear and tear of the card catalogue, and help to give an increased circulation of good books. Some stimulus to a fuller use of the branch libraries is surely needed, as during the past year there has been little, if any, gain in circulation, and previous years have shown a positive loss.

It is, however, pleasant to note a decided improvement in the circulation of the central departments. Ever}^ year shows an increased demand for books in Bates Hall, and nearly thirty per cent, more were given out in 1893 than in 1892. An almost incredible improvement is seen in Lower Hall, where sixty per cent, more books have been given out this year than last. This is.the more surprising as the gain w^as very slight in 1892, only seven per cent., and there was a loss of thirty-three percent, in 1891. As there has been

22 City Documknt No. 21.

no increase! in the service and a positive decrease in the registration, tliis growth is very remarkable.

Your Connnittec regret, with the Trustees, that, owing to the lack of funds, so few hooks have been bought during the past year. This economy has l)een felt chiefly in the branches, which have had but little more than half as many books as last year.* It is to be regretted that a larger appropriation could not be made for l)ooks, so that it need not always be necessary to exercise economy where the public most feel it, in the [)urchase of new books or duplicates. Is it not best to consider the greatest good of the greatest number, and sacrifice abstruse and curious books rather than the best works of fiction, travel, and American history, so much needed in the outlying libraries?

Your Committee have found most of the branch libraries in excellent condition. They wish to call attention, how- ever, to the objectionable location of the Dorchester and East Boston Libraries, which are both located over police courts or stations. The limited floor-space at Dorchester is alone a sufficient reason for removing that library. The location of the North End reading-room is in many respects unsuit- able. The stairway is very bad, the floor-room is insufficient, and a public hall overhead is often occupied by noisy people. Your Committee therefore recommend the removal of this reading-room from the North to the West End, where a branch is needed, and where both sections could be accom- modated. They understand that the West Church, on Cambridge street, can be purchased, and believe it to be an excellent location for a l)ranch library.

Your Committee recommend that fireproof shutters be placed on all the rear windows of the Charlestown Library, and that the walls and ceilings be repainted.

It is suggested that, on the completion of the new Library building in Copley square, the South End Branch be moved farther south, to a point about midway l)etween the Central and Roxbury Libraries.

Your Committee have examined into the method of auditing in force at the Library, and cannot suggest any point which in their minds requires change. They would call attention to the fact that the entire work is done by one employee, who for many years, without increase of salary, has ftiithfully performed duties which, owing in part to the construction of the new building, have constantly increased.

The Committee feel that, in view of the rapid growth of

Bates Hall. Lower Hall. Branches.

* Books added in 1892, 17,^06 1,233 5,496

" " 1893, 15,396 l,2o2 2,901

Library Department. 23

the city and the increasing use and importance of the Library, the annual appropriation should be considerably increased. The apparent increase of the past seven years has been more than absorbed by increased administrative expenses.

Your Committee cannot fail to note their own and the public appreciation of the gift of a generous citizen of another State, by which provision is made for a free reading-room, to be furnished with the leading newspapers of the world. For this purpose Mr. W. C. To'dd, of Atkinson, N.H., has promised $2,000 annually during his life, and at his death the noble sum of $50,000. Such an example of public spirit may well be commended to our own fellow-citizens.

In conclusion, we heartily congratuhite the Trustees upon the approaching completion of the beautiful Library buikl- ing in Copley square. This structure has won the highest praise from the most competent critics. Where so much detail was required, and the needs were so great and so expensive, it is not strange that everybody's idea was not reached. It is enough that the Trustees have secured a building well fitted to its special purpose, beautiful in design and finish, and entirely worthy of our beloved city.

Augustus Andrews, Geo. O. G. Coale, John W. Farloav, Jas. F. Hunnewell, Wm. a. Jeffries, Mary Morison, Elliott D. Eobbins, O. H. Sampson, Isabel F. Sherwin, a. j. c. sowdon, Louis Weissbein.




I. Extent of the Library (by years).

II. Volumes in the Special Collections op Bates 'Hall.

III. Increase op the Several Departments.

IV. Bates Hall Classipications. V. Givers and Amount op Gifts.

VI. Circulation.

VII. Registration of Applicants.

VIII. Financial Statement.

IX. Library Funds.

X. Library Service.

XI. List op Examining Committees for Forty-two Years

XII. List op Trustees for Forty-two Years.

Library Department.








11 13 1,



































































































































In the various readins-rooms ;

the current numbers of 829 periodicals.


. fBates Hall





16,871 16,004 32,875

^ 2 <; Duplicate-room

(.Lower Hall

South Boston

1 3,-394

Total, Central Library .

Brighton .

14,387 15 103

Dorchester . .

b^ fFellowes Athenaeum . . .

JljCity part

^ " Total, Roxbury Branch,

Jamaica Plain

West Roxbury delivery . . .

12,126 3,346

North Brighton



City Document No. 21.















Patent library . .














Bowditch library .














Parker library . .














Prince library . .














Ticknor library . .














Barton library . .














Franklin library .














Thayer library . .














John A. Lewis 11-







Bates Hall

Lower Hall


East Boston branch

South Boston branch

Roxbury branch

Fellowes Athenaeum

Charleatown branch

Brighton branch

Dorchester branch

.Tamaica Plain branch ....

Suuth-End branch

"West Roxbury branch ....

Ncrth-End branch

North Brighton Reading-room


1SS6 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893




loss 26 13 295






18,428 13,535 12,916 14

11,857 710 330

loss 70 130 309 294



loss 50


58 115 146 361 233

91 269 150 187



15,306 loss 23 2,355 59 200 308 438 421 167 222 214 365

15,519 20,256



I's 9,143



loss 352

20,493 loss 455 loss 542 48 55 147 318

Bates Hall


Lower Hall and branches

20,582 1,145 4,601




or lost

1,687 3,637

J^^et gain in detail, as above.


BATES HALL CLASSIFICATIONS (RepreKenting books located ooly.)

Special Libraries.

IS.-5S I8«l 1800 ; 1871 187* 187.-i 188<» 188«

S'O'g.d Total in .= ^ I ^ V . Sgs;«i iBateshall S £" | ^ £"

|i ' I ill lDec.%1 %i ' -^

^ n 11


Cyclopaedias, etc

' Bibliograpb}* and literary history

General history, biography, travel, and geography American history, geography, biography, travel, an

English history, etc

French history, etc







Greek, Latin, and philology .

tipanisb and Poitnguese history and 1:

Other history, geography, biography, travel, and literiit

Periodicals and transactions

Theology, ecclesiastical history, etc

Metaphysics and social science


Political economy

Medical science

Natural history and science

11,611 26,073 29,525 14,866 6,687

.xvn. .xvni.

.XX. , Useful arts .XXI. Fine arts .

I phys

xxn. x.xiu. -xxiv.


Bound volumes of miscellaneous pamphlets Bound volumes of manuscripts

Books for t Duplicate i

j 0.717 r W.]

24,222 11,116

3o,214 1(5,631

Explanation.' Claes IV.

-Class m. includes general history, etc..

and collected

Classes v., VI., VII., aiK raerica. Class VIII. inohi.l Claes XIV. includes iJoliti. Claes XIX. includes nu'_li;i

, educittion, ptrenology, etc,

' Includes ail books

ad voyages,

I the special libranc'S coin

I with from the DupHcate-Rooni, have been deducted

r them belonging to the Barton library, as originally shelved there.

include the Shakespeare collection of the general library. l;ih>es are kept in ranges by themselves, so that for purposes

of the ranges devoted when they were acquired by

or learning









John i brarj

Bales I



East B.

South 1








^\"est B




Bates E Duplici Lower

Library Department.



Givers . Volumes

1,254 12,663



Abbot Acadeni}', Andover, llass. ....

Abbott, S. A. B. .

Acaderaia Nacionale de Medicina, Lima, Peru . Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. Academy of Science, St. Louis, Mo. Adelaide, So. Australia, Dept. of Woods and Forests . Agassiz, Prof. Alexander, Cambridge, Mass. Aguilar Free Library Society, New York City . Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, Ala. Alabama Geological Survey, Tuscaloosa, Ala. . Albany Institute, Albany, N.Y. . Alvord, Rev. Henry C, South Weymouth, Mass, Alumni Association of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy delphia. Pa. ......

American Academy of Arts and Sciences

American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, Pa

American Anti-Vivisection Society, Philadelphia, Pa. .

American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Salem

American Baptist Home Mission, New York City

American Bar Association, Philadelphia, Pa. .

American Bible Society, New York City

American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

American Congregational Association

American Geographical Society, New York City

American Home Missionary Society, New York City .

American Institute of Architects, Providence, R.L

American Institute of Civics, New York City

American Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York City

American Institute of Instruction

American Institute of Mining Engineers, New York City

American Iron and Steel Association, Philadelphia, Pa.

American Laryngological Association, New York City .

American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, New York City

American Otological Society, New Bedford, Mass.

American Pharmaceutical Association, Philadelphia, Pa.

American Philatelic Association, Springfield, Mass.

American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.

American Press Co., Baltimore, Md.

American Screw Co., Prot)tcZence, i2./. .

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York City .

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York City

American Society of Naval Engineers, Washington, D. C.

American Society of Railroad Superintendents .

American Street Railway Association, Brooklyn, N. Y.

American Surgical Association, Philadelphia, Pa.


City Document No. 21.

American Unitarian Association .

Ames, John M., Chelsea, Mass. .

Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.

Aiidover Tiieological Seminary Library, Andover, Mass

Anonymous ....

Anthony, A. C. .

Appleton, W. S., Newton Centre, Mass.

Apprentices' Library Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Archaeological Institute of America

Arclueoiogical Institute of America, Neiv York City

Arnold Publishing Co.

Arnold, Howard P. . . .

Aron, Joseph, Paris, France

Art Club, Philadelphia, Pa.

Arundel Society, London, Eng. .

Associated Charities of Boston

Associated Charities of Fall River, Mass.

Association of Engineering Societies, Chicago, III.

Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idioti

and Feeble-Minded Persons, Faribault, Minn Astor Library, New York City Atkins, Hiram, Montpelier, Vt. Atwood, John, Maiden, Mass. Austin, Amory .... Avery, Elroy M., M.D., Cleveland, 0. Avery, S. V.,jr., New York City . . . .1 plate

Ba.hb,Rev. Thomas E., Holden, Mass. . Bailey, Joseph T., 2d, Philadelphia, Pa. Baillie's Institution Free Library, Glasgow, Scotland Baker, L. C, Philadelphia, Pa. . Balch, Edwin Swift, Philadelphia, Pa. . Balch, Galusha B., i/.Z>., Yonkers, N. Y. Balfour, David, Charlestown, Mass. Ballou, Maturin M. . . . .

Bamburgh, William Cushing, Plainfield, N.J. . Banks, Charles Y.., M.D. . Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, Scotland . Barnes, Arthur J., St. Louis, Mo.

Barrow-in-Furness, Free Public Library, Lancashire, Eng Barton, Clarence M., Olympia, Wash. . Bates, Kimball, & Guild . Battersea Public Library, London, Eng. Bm\e,K.Y., Chapel Hill, N.C. . Baumgartel, Otto, Chicago, III. . Baxter, Sylvester .... Beal, lion. Flavins O., Bangor, Me. Becker, George F., Washington, D.C. . Belfast Library and Society for Promoting Knowledge, Belfast, Ire

land ......

Belgium, Commission Royale d'Art et d'Archeologie

gium ......

Belgium, Federation des Societes d'horticulture de Belgique, B

Belgium .....

Beljame, A., Paris, France Benson, E. F., North Yakima, Wash. Berkley, Henry J., M.D., Baltimore, Md. Berkshire Baptist Association, Adams, Mass. Berkshire County Home for Aged Women, Pittsfield Biblioteca Nacional, Santiago, Chile Biblioteca Nazionale di Palermo, Palermo, Italy Bibliotheque de I'Universite d'Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Bibliotheque de Ste. Genevieve, Paris, France . Bibliotheek der Rijks-Universiteit te Lieden, Leiden, Netherlands

Bruxelles, Bel-


Volumes. 21

Library Department.


Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France .

Bibliotlieque Royale, Copenhagen, Denmark

Bibliotlieque Royale de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium

Bicknell, Hon. Thomas W.

Biewend, Rev. A. .

Birkenhead Free Public Library, Birkenhead, Co. of Chester, Eng.

Birkmaier, Mrs. Elizabeth G.

Birmingham, Eng., Free Libraries Committee

Bishop, S. S., M.D., Chicago, III.

Blaisdell, Frank C. . . .

Blake, Frank E. .

Blanchard, Miss Margaret

Blodgett, Warren K., y>'-

Boardman, Samuel L., Augusta, Me.

Boehmer, Edward, M.D., Lichtenthal in Baden, Ger.

Bohemian Society Lodge, Omaha, Neh. .

Bolton, Charles K., Cambridge, Mass.

Bolton, Prof. H. Carrington, New York City

Bolton, Eng., Free Public Library

Boston Board of Health .

Boston Board of Overseers of the Poor .

City Architect

City Auditor

City Engineer

City Hall Reference Library

City Hospital

City Messenger

Committee to Inspect Public Institutions

Commissioners of Public Records

Executive Department

Protective Department

Record Commission

Registry Department

School Committee

Street Department

Water Board

Boston Art Club .

Boston Camera Club

Boston Children's Aid Society

Boston Children's Friend Society

Boston Daily Advertiser .

Boston Daily Globe

Boston Daily Herald

Boston Fish Bureau

Boston Journal Publishing Company

Boston Public Latin School

Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Boston Normal School of Gymnastics

Boston North End Mission

Boston Post Office

Boston Post Publishing Co.

Boston Provident Association

Boston Society of Architects

Boston Society of Decorative Art

Boston Society of Natural History

Boston Society of Civil Engineers

Boston University

Boston Young Men's Christian Association

Bostonian Society

Bowditch, Dr. H. I., Estate of . . .1 block and woodcut

Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me

Bowen, Seranus

Bradlee, Rev. Caleb D.

404 periodicals, 559 newspapers

City Document No. 21.

Brayley, Artluir W.

Brayley, George ....

Brewer, Frances W., J/tngham, Mass. newspapers, periodicals, etc

Brewer, Mrs. Tiiomas M.

Bridgewater Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass.

Brigham, Edwin H., 3f.D.

Brigliam, William T., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Brlnton, Prof. Daniel G., Philadelphia, Pa.

British and Foreign Bible Society, London, Eng.

British and Foreign Unitarian Association, London, Eng.

British Columbia, Lands and Works Department, Victoria, B. C. Maps

British Museum, London, Eng. .

Brock, Hon. S. G., Washington, D.C. .

Brock, R. A., Richmond, Va.

Bronson Library Fund, Waterhury, Conn.

Brookline Public Library, Brookline, Mass.

Brooklyn, Conn., Town of

Brooklyn, TV^.r., City of .

Brooklyn, N.Y., Department of Public Instructi

Brooklyn, N.Y., Public Library .

Brooks, Francis A. . . .

Brophy, Thomas C. . . .

Brown University, Providence, R.L

Brown, Francis H., M.D.

Brown, H., and Updike, D. B., Newport, R.L

Browne, Miss Alice

Bruce, Miss Abbie M., Vassalboro', Me. .

Bryan, Lieut. R. B., Jefferson Barracks, Mo.

Brymner, Douglas, LL.D., Ottawa, Can.

BufPalo, N. Y., Historical Society

Buflfalo Library, Buffalo, N.Y. .

Builders Iron Foundry, Providence, R.L Bulkley, L. Duncan, A.M., M.D., New York City Bundy, Mrs. Mary E., Chicago, Lll.

Bunker, Alfred ....

Burnhani, George, Philadelphia, Pa.

Burridge, Rev. Brainard M., Ashtabula, 0.

Butler Hospital for the Insane, Providence, R

Calderwood, Prof. Henry, Edinburgh, Scotland

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal.

California Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley, Cal.

California Institution for the education of the deaf, dumb, and blind Oakland, Cal. .....

California State Library, Sacramento, Cal.

California State Mining Bureau, San Francisco, Cal

Callowhill, Sidney, Roslindale, Mass. ... 1 photo

Cambridge Overseers of the Poor, Cambridge, Mass

Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge, Mass. .

Campbell, John A., Trenton, N.J.

Canada, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Can.

Canada, Geological Survey, Ottawa, Can.

Canada, Governor-General's Office, Ottawa, Can.

Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town, So. Africa

Capen, Edward, Haverhill, Mass. . . .118 numbers

Carmarthen Joint Counties Asylum, Carmarthen, Wales

Carnegie Free Library, Allegheny, Pa. .

Carpenter, Rev. C. C, Andover, Mass. .

Carpenter & Moorhouse, Messrs., Amherst, Mass

Carret, J. F. .

Case Library, Cleveland, 0. . . .

Casey, Robert, Denver, Col.

Cash, Miss Emma D. .

Castilian Club of Boston ....

Library Department.


Chagas, Manuel P., Lishoyi, Portugal Chamberlain, Prof. Alex. F., Worcester, Mass Chamberlain, Hon. Mellen, Chelsea, 3Iass. Chandler, Alfred Dupont Chandler, Horace P. . . .

Chandler, Prof. S. E., Cambridge, Mass.

Chandler, Prof. W. H., Bethlehem, Pa.

Cliapin, Mrs. E. S., Springfield, Mass. .

Chaplin, Herman W., So. Yarmouth, Mass.

Charleston, City of, S.C. .

Chase, David, Lowell, Mass.

Chase, George B. .

Chicago, Board of Trade .

Chicago, Department of Public Works .

Chicago Public Library

Chicago and Northwestern Railway Co. .

Child, Prof. Francis J., Cambridge, Mass.

Children's Aid Society, New York City .

Children's Hospital

Chironian Publishing Co., New York City

Chittenden, J. Brace, A.M. Princeton, N.-T.

Christian Science Publishing Co.

Church Home for Orphan and Destitute Children

Chute, J. M., Cambridge, Mass.

Cincinnati, 0., Chamber of Commerce .

Cincinnati, 0., Public Library

Clapham Public Library, London, Eng.

Clarke, Messrs. Robert, & Co., Cincinnati, 0

Clarke, Eliot C. . . . . . 1,093 periodicals etc,

Clarke, Miss M. E.

Clarke, Samuel C, Marietta, Ga.

Clarke, AV. B. . . . . . .3 circulars

Clarke Institution, Northampton, Mass. .

Clerkenwell Public Library, London, Eng

Cleveland, 0., Citizen ..... 7 numbers

Cleveland, 0., Public Library

Clinton, Mass., Town of .

Cobb, J. F.

Cobb, Rev. William Henry, Newton Centre

Cochrane, Mrs. Alex. & Richard Sullivan

Colby University, Waterville, Me.

Cole, Theodore L., Washington, B.C.

Collective Exhibit German Book Trade, Chicago, III.

College of New Jersey, Princeton, N.J.

College Settlements Association .

Collins, Fred S. .

Collins, Holdridge O., Los Angeles, Cal,

Columbia College, New York City

Columbian Historical Commission, Madrid, Spain. . 1 silvermedal

Columbus, 0., Bureau of Labor Statistics

Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums for the Parish of

St. Leonard, London, Eng. Concord, Mass., Free Public Library Cone, Rev. Orello, D.D., Akron, 0. Conference of Child Helping Societies Conn, Charles F. .

Connecticut Academy Arts and Sciences, New Haven, Conn. . Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, Conn Connecticut Board of Agriculture, West Cornwall, Conn. Connecticut Bureau of Labor Statistics, Hartford, Conn. Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Conn. Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn. Constitution Publishing Co., Atlanta, Ga. . . .2 newspapers


City Document No. 21.



nee of


Converse, Parker L., Wohurn, Mass.

Converse & Valadier, JHessrs., Tucson, Arizona

Conway, Noel, & Co., Birmingham, Eng.

Cook, Prof. Albert S., New Haven, Conn.

Cooper Union, Trustees of, New York City

Co-operative Banks

Corey, Deloraine P., Maiden, Mass.

Cory, Cliarles B., Chicago, III. .

Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.

Council Bluffs (Iowa) Free Public Library

Cox, James, Cambriclgeport, Mass. ... 1

Crawshay, Mrs. Eose Mary, Bwlch, Breconshire, Wales

Crosby, Jolin L., Bangor, Me.

Crowell, Rev. John F., Durham, N.C.

Croydon Public Libraries Committee, Croyden, Surrey

Crummell, Rev. Alexander, Washington, B.C.

Cupples, Joseph G. . . .

Cushing, Thomas ....

Cust, Robert Needham, LL.D., London, Eng.

Cuthbert, Alexander A., Glasgow, Scotland

Cutting, Andrew, Consul, Argentine Republic, at Bosto

Cutter, Ephraim, M.D., New York City

Cyr, Narcisse, Rev., Springfield, Mass. .

Dairymen's and Creameries Associations of the Prov

Toronto, Ont. .... Dalrymple Home for the Treatment of Inebriety, Rickmansworth

Herts, Eng. .... Daly, Charles P., LL.D., New York City Daniel, Hon. John W., Washington, D.C. Danvers Historical Society, Danvers, Mass. Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. Davenport, Henry Daves, Graham, iVetyJerw, iV.C. . Davis, Andrew McF., Cambridge, Mass. Davis, Horace A., Cambridge, Mass. Dayton, 0., Public Library Deacon, Edward, Bridgeport, Conn. Dean, John W. . .

Decotter, N., Port- Louis, Mam'itius Dedham, Mass., Town of Deer Island Reformatory De Land, Fred, Chicago, 111. Denison Scientific Association, Granville, 0. Denver, CoZ., Board of Education Detroit, Mc7i., Public Library Detroit, Mich., Museum of Art . Deuerlich, Gustav, Gottingen, Ger.

Deutsche Gesellschaft der Stadt, New York, Netv York City Devitt, Rev. Edward J. . . .

De Vries, J. Hendrik, M.A., Bronxville, N.Y. Dick & Fitzgerald, New York City Dimmock, George, Canobie Lake, N.H. Doggett, Samuel B. . . .

Dolley, Charles S., 31. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Dolph, Hon. Mr., Washington, D.C. Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episco

pal Church in the U.S., New York City Domestic Monthly Publishing Co., New York City Dorr, G. B. Dorr, O. .

Dover, N.H., Public Library Dreer, Ferdinand J., Philadelphia, Pa. Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. Y.

Volumes. I

I 1

1 I 1

Library Department.







Drexel Institute of Art and Science, Philadelphia, Pa

Drowne, Rev. T. S., D.D., Flatbush, N.Y.

Drummond, Josiah H., Portland, Me.

Drury College, Springfield, 31o. .

Du Bois & Du Bois, Washington, D.C.

Dupee, Mrs.

Duron, G., M.D., New Orleans, La.

Dwight, Henry E., M.D., Philadelphia,

Dwight, Theodore F.

Dwight, Thomas, M.D. .

Dyer, Frederick W., London, Eng.

Eaton, Rev. Arthur W. H., B.A., New York City

Edes, Henry H. . . . newspapers

Edes, William, Charlestown, Mass.

Egypt Exploration Fund, London, Eng.

Ehrenfechter, C. A., London, Eng.

Eichberg, Isidor ....

Eldredge, D. . . . .

Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Chapel Hill

Ellis, George H. .

Ely, Robert E., Camhridgeport, Mass. .

Ely, William D., Providence, R.L

Engineering Association of New South Wales,

Engineers' Club of Philadelphia .

Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsh

Enoch Pratt Free Li'orary, Baltimore, Md.

Ernst, C. W. .

Esoteric Publishing Co., Applegate, Cal.

Essex Institute, Salem, Mass.

Estes, Rev. H. C, D.D., Jjeicester, Mass.

Evans, George W. ...

Everett, Mrs. O. E., Wo7-cester, Mass. .

Everett, Bon. Wm., Qiiincy, Mass.

Everett, Mass., Public Library .

Fall Eiver, Mass., Public Library

Farlow, C. F. .

Farlow, J. W., 3f.D.

Fewkes, J. Walter

Fick, Wilhelm ....

Field, R. M. .

Fiorini, Prof. Matteo, Bologna, Italy

Fish, W. B., M.D.

Fisher, George J. .

Fitchburg, Mass., City of

Fitchburg Railroad Co.

Fitz, Miss Louise, Newton Centre, Mass.

Fleischner, Otto ....

Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, Vt.

Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Lake

Floyer, Ernest A., Cairo, Egypt

Folk-Lore Society, London, Eng.

Ford, William E. .

Foster, Joseph, U.S.N., Portsmouth, N.H.

Fowler & Wells, Messrs., Neiv York City

France, Ministere de I'lnstruction Publique et des Beaux Arts

France, Ministere des Travaux Publics, Paris

Eraser Institute, Montreal, Can. .

Frazer, Dr. Persifor, Philadelphia, Pa.

Free Hospital for Women

Free Library for the General Society of Mech

New York City .... Freeman, Miss Harriet E. French, John Marshall, M.D., Milford, Mass

periodicals, etc

City, Fla.


anics and Tradesmen




City Document No. 21.



vk City

French, Josepli H., New Haven, Conn. .

Friends' Book Association, Philadelphia, Pa.

Friends' Free Library and Reading lioom, Germantown

Friends' Intelligencer and Journal, Philadelphia, Pa

Fuller, Francis H., Lincoln, Maine

Furbcr, George P. ....

Gallagher, Rev. William, Easthampton, Mass. .

Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Ga. .

Ganong, G. W., St. Stephen, N.B. .

Garrison, Charles .

Garrison, Lloyd McK., Orange, N.J.

Garrison, Wm. Lloyd

Gatschet, Albert S., Washington, D.G.

Geisser, Alberto, LL.D., Torino, Italy

Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, New Yo

■Geographical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal

Gerould, Rev. Samuel L., Ilollis, Nil. .

•Gibbs, Miss Emily O., New York City .

Gifford, Wm. L. R., New Bedford, Mass.

Gilder, Morris ....

Giles, Alfred E., Hyde Park, Mass.

Gilman, Prof. Benjamin Ives

Gilman, Miss E. S., Norwich, Conn.

Gilman, Rev. N. P.

Gilman, Winthrop G., New York City .

Giunta Municipali di Milano, Milan, Italy

Gloucester, Mass., City of

Gioversville, N Y., Free Library

Goddard, Miss Matilda

Godfrey, Frank, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Gooday, F., London, Eng.

Goodyear, Miss Anna F. .

Gordon, Ernest B. . . .

Gordon, Rev. George A. .

Gould, S. C, Manchester, N.H. .

Graham, Andrew J., New York City

Graphic Company, Chicago, III. .

Gray, Louis F. .

Great Britain, Commissioner of Patents, London, Eng

Great Yarmouth, Eng., Free Libraries Committee of the Borough of

Volumes. 1

periodicals, etc newspapers



newspapers, photographs, etc


Green, Samuel A.

Greenleaf, E. H. .

Greenough, Wm. W.

Greenwood, Isaac J., A.M., New Yorl

Griffis, Rev. AVm. Eliot, Ithaca, N. Y.

Grolier Club, New York City

Guastavino, Rafael ....

Guelfi, Dr. Lorenzo Filomusi, Popoli, Italy

Gurney, George B., Chelsea, 3lass.

Hackett, Frank W., Portsmouth, N.H. .

Hale, Rev. E. E. .

Hale, Hon. George S. .

Ham, John R., 31. D., Dover, N.H.

Hamilton, 0«^., Public Library .

Handel & Haydn Society ....

Handsworth Public Library, West Bromwich, Eng,

Hardingham, George G. M., London, Eng.

Harlan, A. W., M.D., D.D.S., Chicago, III.

Harrassowitz, Otto, Leipzig, Germany .

Harshberger, John W., Ph.D., Philadelphia, Pa.

Hartford, Conn., Board of Trade

Hartford Hospital and Old People's Home, Hartford, Conn.

Library Department.


Hartford Hospital and Training School for Nurses, Hartford, Conn.

Hartford Library Association, Hartford, Conn.

Hartford Seminary, Hartford, Conn.

Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn.

Hartmann, C. S. .

Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. .

Astronomical Observatory

Law Library

Library ....

Museum of Comparative Zoology

Harvard Medical Alumni Association Harvard Medical School Association Hassam, Frederick F., Hyde Park, Mass. . . .1 seal

Hassam, John T. .

Hatchard & Co., London, Eng. .

Hawes, Miss C. W. ....

Hawkins, Rush C, New York City

Hay den, Rev. Horace E., Wilkesharre, Pa.

Haynes, Tilly .....

Hazard, Miss Bertha ....

Hazard, Eowland, Providence, R.L

Hazelton, F. H., Portland, Me. .

Heaton, A. G., Washington, B.C.

Heinermann, Prof. Dr. von, Wolfenhuttel, Germany

Hennighausen, F. Ph., Baltimore, Md. .

Henry, MissM. A., Washington, B.C. .

Herrmann, Prof. Br. Anton, Budapest, Hungary

Hewins, 3Hss Louise ....

Hibbard, Miss Annie ....

Hiersemann, Karl W., Leipzig, Ge,rmany

Highland Club . . . . . .84 periodicals

Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati, 0.

Historical Library of Y. M. C. Associations, Springfield, 3Iass

Historical Society of Montana, Helena, Montana

Hoar, Hon. George F., Washington, B.C.

Hoar, Hon. Sherman, Concord, Mass.

Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y..

Hodges, William D., M.B.

Hoepli, Ulrico, Milan, Italy

Hollander, Bradshaw, & Folsom .

Holmes, Bayard, M.B., Chicago, 111.

Home for Aged Colored Women .

Home for Aged Men ....

Home for Aged Women .

Home for the Friendless, New Haven, Conn.

Home Market Club ....

Hooper, Edward W., A.B., LL.D.

Horsford, Miss Cornelia, Cambridge, Mass.

Horsford, Mrs. E. N., Cambridge, Mass.

Hovey, Ge7i. Charles E., Washington, B.C.

Hovey, Richard, Washington, B.C.

Howard Association, London, Eng.

Howard, Prof. George E., Palo Alto, Cat.

Huard, Em. Paul L., Paris, France ... 1 chart

Huddleston, John H. . . . .

Huling, Ray Greene, New Bedford

Humphreys, Arthur L., London, Eng. .

Hunt, Edward B. .

Huot, Lucien, Montreal, Can.

Hlinois Bureau of Labor Statistics, Springfield, III.

Hlinois Northern Hospital for the Insane, Elgin, III.

Illinois State Board of Charities, Springfield, III.

Illinois State Board of Health, Springfield, III. .


City Document No. 21.

Illinois State Metlioal Society, Chicago, III.

Imi)erial University, Tokyo, Japan

Indian Riijlits Association, Philadelphia, Pa.

Indiana Department of Statistics, Indianapolis, Ind

Indiana Geolo,u;ical Survey, Indianapolis, Ind. . . 1 map

Indianapolis, Ind., Public Library

Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Eng

International Committee of Y. M. C. Associations, New York City

International Journal of Surgery, Publishers of. New York City

International Maritime Congress, London, Eng.

Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D.C. .

Iowa Agricultural College Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa

Iowa Geological Survey, Des Moines, Iowa

Iowa State Historical Society, Iowa City, lotva .

Italy, His Majesty Humbert, King of .

Italy, Ministero dell' Interno, Rome, Italy

Italy, Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, Rome, Italy

Jackson, James, Paris, France ....

Jastrow, M., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. .

Jeffreys, B. Joy, M.D. .

Jenkins, S. B. .

Jersey City, N.J., Free Public Library .

John F. Slater Fund for the Education of Freedmen, Washington, D.C.

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Johnson, Rossiter, New York City

Johnson, T. H., M.D.

Jones, C. W., Needham, Mass. .

Julien, Alexis A., Ph.D., New York City

Kahler, P., M.D., New York City

Kaiserlich-Konigliche geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna, Austria

Kaiserliches Patentamt, Berlin, Oer.

Kansas Academy of Science, Topeka, Kansas

Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kam

Kansas Board of Railroad Commissioners, Topeka, Kansas

Kansas State Board of Agriculture, Topeka, Kansas

Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kansas

Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas .

Kate Field's Washington, Washington, D.C.

Keenan, J. J. .

Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky.

Key, L. E., Cuthbert, Ga.

Kindergarten for the Blind

King, Moses ....

Kinnear, B. O., New York City .

Kinsella, Rev. W. T., Omaha, Neb.

Kirkpatrick, George E., Philadelphia, Pa

Kittridge, Wm. P. ...

Knapp, Arthur Mason

Knapp, George B. ...

Knowles, Mss LydiaF. .

Koehler, S. R. .

Koenigliche bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich, Oer

Koenigliche Universitats Bibliothek, Gbttingen, Ger

Kongelige Biblioteket, Stockholm, Sweden

Kyle, William S., Plymouth, Mass.

Lacy, Rowland B., Bridgeport, Conn.

Lancaster, Mass., Town Library

Lane, W. C, Cambridge, Mass.

Langston, Wm. J., Milwaukee, Wis.

Lanza, Prof. Gaetano

Lapham, Major Wm. B., Augusta, Me

Larsson, Prof. Gustaf

Lawrence, Abbott

Library Department.


13 numbers 3 numbers


13 numbers Art Gailer}'

Lawrence, Mass., Public Library

Leader, Hon. J. Temple, Florence, Italy

Leeds Public Library, Leeds, Eng.

Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa.

Leland Stanford Junior University, Palo Alio, Cal.

Lenox Library, Neiv York City .

Leupp, Francis C, Washington, D.O.

Lewis, A. H., D.D., Alfred Centre, N.Y.

Lewis, Mrs. P. E. ...

Lexington, Mass., Town of

Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, Cal. .

Light Line Phonography Institute

Lincoln, Mass., Town of .

Little, George T., A.M., Brunswick, Me.

Little, Co., New York City

Liverpool Free Public Library, Museum and Walke

Liverpool, Eng. Loekwood, Messrs., Crosby, & Son, London, Eng Logan, Walter S., New York City Lomax, E. L., Omaha, Neb. Long, Ellas A., Buffalo, N. Y. . Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn, N. Y. Loring, Caleb W., New York City Los Angeles, Cal., Public Library Lothian, Marquis of, Dalkeith, Scotland

Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, Baton Rouge, La. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. Loveren, Edgar H.

Loveren, Fred. .... Lowell, Mass., City of . Ludlow, Thomas W"., Yonkers, N.Y. Lund, J. W., Cambridge, Mass. . Lyons, James ....

Lyman, Benjamin S., Philadelphia, Pa. Lyman, Mrs. Joseph ..... 445 numbers

Lyman, Mrs. Theodore, Brookline, Mass. Lynch, Michael, West Roxbury . Lynn, Mass., Public Library Macdonald, Arthur, M.D., Washington, D.C. Macfarlane, Prof. Alexander, Austin, Texas Macintosh, Miss S. B. . MacOwen & Bradley, Philadelphia, Pa. Maine Genealogical Society, Portland, Me. Maine Historical Society, Portland, Me. Maine Industrial School for Girls, Hallowell, Me Maine Missionary Society, Bangor, Me. Maine State Library, Augusta, Me. Maiden, Mass., Public Library . Manchester City Library, Manchester, N.H. Manchester, ^w^r.. City of Manchester, Eng., Geographical Society Manchester, Eng., Public Free Libraries Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society, Winnipeg Manual Publishing Company, Chicago, 111. Manual Training School, St. Louis, Mo. Marblehead, Mass., School Committee . Marsden & Company, Manchester, Eng. . Martin Luther Waisenhaus Martin, John Biddulph, London, Eng. . Marvin, T. R., & Son

Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, College Park, Md. Mason, Rev. George L., Chehkiang Co., China .


City Document No. 21.

Massachusetts Adjutant-General .....

Massachusetts Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners

Massachusetts Board of Railroad Commissioners

Massacliusetts Free Public Library Commission

Massachusetts Inspector of Factories and Public Buildings

Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth .

Massachusetts State Board of Arbitration

State Board of Health . . . .55 numbers

State Board of Lunacy and Charity

State Normal School, Wo7resier, Mass. .

Massachusetts Agricultural College, Experiment Station, Amherst Mass. ........

Massachusetts Agricultural College, Meteorological Observatory, Am- herst, Mass. .......

Massachusetts Bible Society .....

Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy ....

Massachusetts Cooperative Banks .....

Massachusetts Emergency and Hygiene Association

Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary ....

Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean Hospital .

Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospital ....

Massachusetts Horticultural Society ....

Massachusetts Infant Asylum .....

Massachusetts Institute of Technology ....

Massachusetts Medical Society .....

Massachusetts School for Feeble-minded, Waltham, Mass.

Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,

23 numbers

Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture

Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Con cord, Mass. .....

Massachusetts Universalist Convention .

Master Car-Builders Association, Chicago, III. .

Mather, Horace E., Hartford, Conn. . . autograph letters

Mattack, Rev. Dr. R. C, Philadelphia, Pa.

Matthews, Brander ....

Matthews, Hon. Nathan, /r.

Mayer, Charles H. ....

McCook, John J., New York City

McCleary, Samuel F., BrooTcline, Mass.

McKee, Major James Cooper, Bidler, Pa.

McGill College and University, Montreal, Quebec

Mechanics' Institute, Sail Francisco, Cal.

Medford Public Domain Club, Medford, Mass. .

Medical Society of the State of New York, Albany, N. Y.

Meehan, Thomas, & Sons, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa

MeKeel Stamp & Publishing Company, ;S'^. Lotiis, Mo.

Mellish, Arthur J. B., Cambridge, Mass.

Melrose Public Library, Melrose, Mass. .

Memorial Hall Library, Andover, Mass. .

Mercantile Library Association, San Francisco, Cal.

Mercantile Library, Philadelphia, Pa. .

Mercantile Library, New York City

Meriam, R. "S., A.M., Worcester, Mass. .

Mexican Central Railway Company, Limited

Mexico. Direccion General de Estadistica de la Republica Mex

Miami University, Oxford, 0. .

Michael, W. H., Washington, B.C.

Michels, Prof. John .....

Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Lansing, Mich

Michigan Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics, Lansing, 3fich

Michigan Central R.R. Co., Detroit, Mich.

Volumes. 1

Library Department.



6 numbers


27 numbers


Michigan Mining School, Hovghton, Mich.

Michigan State Library, Lansing, Mich.

Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

of Michigan, Z)e^rojY, J/tc/i. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

of Ohio, Cincinnati, O. Miller, O. E. & Co., New York City Millet, Joseph B. . Millicent Library, Fairhaven, Mass. Milwaukee, Wis., Chamber of Commerce Milwaukee, Wis., Public Library Minneapolis, J/zra?i., Board of Park Commissioners Minneapolis, Mimi., Public Library

Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey, Minneapolis Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minn. Missouri Botanical Garden, ^S"^. Louis, Mo. Missouri Geological Survey, Jefferson City, Mo Mitchell, John L., Washington, D.C. Mitchell, S. Weir, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. Mitchell, Rev. William, Kenkallville, Ind. Moldenke, Charles E., A.M., Ph.D., New York City Momerie, Rev. Alfred W., London, Eng. Monks, George H., M.D. . Montana Historical Society, Helena, Montana Moore, Miss Addie

Moore, Joseph A. ...

Morison, George S., Chicago, 111. Morison, Miss Mary

Morris, Phillips, & Co., New York City . Morse, Charles A. ...

Morse, Prof. Edward S., Salem, Mass. . Mount Auburn Cemetery, Trustees of, Cambridge, Mass. Mount Holyoke College, South Iladley, Mass. MuUett, Rev. E. A., Charlestown, Mass. Murdock, Albert L. . . .

Musical Courier Co., New York City Nannery, William A. . .

Nation, Publishers, New York City National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D National Board of Trade .

National Civil Service Reform League, New York City National Council Congregational Churches National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. National Woman's Christian Temperance Union Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, lAncoln, Neb Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Neb Needham, Daniel, Groton, Mass. Neill, Rev. Edward D., St. Paul, Minn. Nelson, William, Paterson, N..7. New Bedford, Mass., Board of Trade New Bedford, Mass., Free Public Library National History Society, St. John, N.B. New Church Messenger, Orange, N.J. . New England Conference Educational Workers New England Conservatory of Music New England Historic Genealogical Society New England Hospital for Women and Children New England Methodist Historical Society New England Society, Brooklyn, N. Y. . New England Tariff Reform League New England Water Works Association, New Bedford, Mass.

24 number New Hampshire Grand Lodge Knights of Honor, Manchester, N.H.

3 numbers


1 9 4 1 1,485 3 1


City Document No. 21.

New Hampshire Medical Society, Co?!Co?(Z, A^.//. New Haven, Conn., Free Public Library

New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, New Brunswick, N.J. New Jersey Bureau of Labor and Industries, Trenton, N.J. New Jersey, College of, Princeton, N.J. New Jersey Geological Survey, Trenton, N.J. . New Jersey State Library, Trenton, N.J. New London, Conn., County Historical Society New South Wales Commission Columbian Exposition New South Wales Government Board for International Exchanges New York Academy of Sciences, New York City New York City Board of Aldermen New York City Board of Education New Y'"ork Civil Service Commission, Albany, N. Y. New York Free Circulating Library, New York City New Y'ork Society Library, New York City New York State Hospital, Utica, N.Y. . New York State Library, Albany, N.Y. . New York State Chamber of Commerce, New York City New York State Reservation at Niagara, Commissioners of, Ne^t) York City ........

Newfoundland, Colonial Secretary's Office, St. Johns, Newfoundland

Newark Free Public Library, Newark, N.J.

Newell, Miss M. A. M. .

Newton, City of, Mass. ....

Newton, H. A., New Haven, Conn.

Nichols, Miss A. A. . . . . .24 numbers

Nichols, Mrs. R. Anne ..... engravings

Nichols, John Y. G., M.D., Cambridge, Mass. .

Nickerson, Sereno D. .

Norcross, Grenville H. .

Norcross, Messrs. 0. & G. H.

North Adams, Mass., Public Library

North End Mission ....

Northampton, Mass., Lunatic Hospital .

Northampton, Mass., Public Library Committee

Northwestern University Library, Evanston, III.

Norwell, Mass., Town of .

Nottingham Free Public Library, Nottingham, Eng

Nova Scotia Legislative Library and Historical Society, Halifax, N.S

Noyes, Edward H., Milford, Penn.

Oates, William C, Hon., Washington, D.C.

Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, 0.

Observatorio Nacional, Cordoba, Argentine Republic

O'Farrell, Charles .....

Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Wooster, 0.

Ohio Archajological and Historical Society, Columbus, 0

Ohio Bureau of Buildings and Loan Associations, Columbus, O

Ohio Bureau of Labor Statistics, Columbus, 0. .

Ohio State Bar Association, Columbus, 0.

Old Residents' Historical Association, Lowell, Mass.

Olivet College Library, Olivet, Mich.

Omaha Public Library, Omaha, Neb.

O'Neill, Hon. Joseph H., Washington, D.C.

O'Neill, Rev. J. L., Memphis, Tenn.

Ontario, Province of. Bureau of Industries, Toronto

Minister of Agriculture, Toronto

Agricultural Experiment Station, Toronto

Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, Corvallis, Ore. Orser, Levi .....

Osterhout Free Library, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Otis, Edward O., M.D. .... Owen, Edward J., A.M., Ticonderoga, N. Y.

I 1 5 4

I 1 3 23 9 1

1,435 1 3

58 192 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

12 1 3

15 2 1 4 1 1 6 1

11 1 3 5 7 5 1 1 1 1

Library Department.


Page, Alfred Baylies, Dedham, Mass.

Paige, Clinton P., New York City

Paine, Nathaniel, Worcester, Mass.

Palseographical Society, London, Eng

Palmer, Hon. A., Dresden, Ger.

Palmer, Capt. F. I., Chicago, 111.

Paris, France, Le Minist^re de I'lnstruction Publique et des Beaux

Arts ......

Parsons, Prof. E. S., Oolorado Spriiigs, Col. .

Parsons, Frank H., New York City

Passaic County, N..I., Board of Chosen Freeholders

Paterson, N.J., Free Public Library

Peabody, Philip G. . . . .

Peabody Education Fund, Washington, D. C.

Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md.

Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Cam

bridge, Mass. .....

Pector, Desire, Paris, France

Penafiel, Dr. Antonio, Mexico

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia

Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia

Pennsylvania Committee on Lunacy, Philadelphia

Pennsylvania Prison Society, Philadelphia

Pennsylvania State Library, Harrisburg

Pennypacker, Samuel W., Philadelphia, Pa.

Peoria, ///., Public Library

Perkins, Jolin M. .

Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind

Perrin, Rev. George L., Tokyo, Japan .

Perry, Thomas S. . " .

Perry, Rt. Rev. William S., D.D., Davetiport, Iowa

Peterson, P. Alex., Montreal, Can.

Phelps, Miss Fanny L. .

Phelps, William Lyon, New Haven, Conn.

Phelps, Dalton, & Company

Philadelphia, Pa., City Institute .

Philadelphia, Pa., College of Pharmacy

Philadelphia, Pa., Library Co. of

Philadelphia, Pa., Society for Organizing Charity

Phillips, Philip, y?-. ....

Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.

Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H. .

Philosophical Society, Glasgow, Scotland

Pliysio-Medical Society of Indiana, Indianapolis

Pilling, James C, Washington, D.C. .

Pitt-Rivers, Hon. Lieut. -Gen. A., Salisbury, Eng.

Plymouth, Eng., Free Public Library and Reading-Roo

Poole, Murray Edward, A.B., Ithaca, N. Y.

Pope, Col. Albert A.

Pope, Franklin L.

Porter, Rev. Edward G., Lexington, Mass.

Porter, Jermain C, Cincinnati, O.

Portland, Oregon, Chamber of Commerce

Portland, Maine, City of .

Portsmouth, Eng., Free Public Library

Posman, Rabbi

Potter, Hon. William K., Providence, R.I.

Preston, W. D. .

Preston, Wm. G. . . . . . music and periodicals

Priest, Page, & Company ..... 2 numbers

Prince, C. Lesson, Sussex, Eng. . Prince, Capt. George Providence, R.I., City of


1 1 2


City Document No. 21.




Providence, R.I., Commissioner of Public Schools Providence, ^./., Record Commissioners Providence, R.I., Board of State Charities and Corrections Providence, R.I., Athenaeum ....

Providence, R.I., Public Library

Public Reservations, Trustees of, Brookline, Mass.

Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station, La Fayette, Ind

Putnam, E. M. ......

Putnam, G. P., & Sons, New York City .

Quaritch, Bernard, London, Eng.

Queen's College and University, Kingston, Can.

Queensland Patent Office, Brisbane, Australia .

Quincy, Mass., City Hospital ....

Reale Istituto di Studi Superiori, Florence, Italy

Reale Istituto Lombardo de Scienze e Lettere, Milan, Italy

Rebecca Pomroy, Newton Home for Orphan Girls, Newton,

Redwood Library and Athenaeum, Newiiort, R.l.

Rennert, Dr. Hugo A., Philadelphia, Pa.

Renwick, Hon. Arthur, Examining Commissioner for New

Wales. World's Columbian Exposition Republica Argentina Biblioteca Nacional, Buenos Aires, S.A. Republica Argentina Department General de Immigracion

Aires, S.A. ....

Retreat for the Insane, Hartford, Conn. Reyer, Prof. Dr. E., Vienna, Austria .

Reynolds, W. H

Reynolds Library, Rochester, N. Y.

Rhode Island Commissioners of Industrial Statistic


Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, R.L

Rice, H. L.

Richmond, Borough of. Free Public Library

Rieu, Dr. W. N. du, Leiden, Holland .

Richards, Miss Mary C. .

Rijks Universiteit te Utrecht, Holland .

Roberts, Thos. P., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Rochester Academy of Science, Rochester, N. Y.

Rochester Theological Seminary, Rochester, N. Y.

Rodocanachi, J. M.

Roffe, William .....

Rogers, Thomas L. . . . .

Ropes, Joseph S. .

Hosen^ATten, S. G., Philadelphia, Pa. .

Rothrock, J. T., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.

Rowell, B. W. .

Rowlands, Walter, Allston, Mass.

Roxbury Charitable Society

Roxbury Latin School . . .

Royal Commission, British Section Columbian Expositi

Royal Observatory, Greenwich, Eng.

Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa, Can. .

Rumford Historical Association, Woburn

Sadler, Ralph, London, Eng.

St. Joseph, Mo., Free Public Library

St. Louis, J/o., Mercantile Library

St. Louis, Mo., Public Library

St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul, Minn.

St. Paul, Minn., Public Library .

Salem, Mass., City of

Salem, Mass., Public Library

Salem, Miss., School Committee .

Salisbury, Stephen, Worcester, Mass.

Salter, William M., Philadelphia, Pa. .


Library Department.


Sanford, Herman H., Madison, N.Y. Sanford & Kelly, Neiv Bedford, Mass. . Saussure, Henri de, Geneva, Switzerland Sawyer Free Library, Gloucester, Mass. Schindler, Rev. Solomon ....

Schlinke, G. . . . . .

Schoenhof, Carl .....

Schrader, JDr. Eb., Berlin, Ger.

Schurman, Prof. Jacob Gould, LL.D., Ithaca, N. Y.

Score, H. Berkeley, Lancashire, Eng. .

Scranton, Pa., Public Library

Scripture, Prof. Ed. W., Ph.D., New Haven, Conn.

Scudder, Mrs. Harriet L. .

Scudder, Samuel H., Cambridge, Mass. .

Seaver, Charles M. . . . .

Seaver, Mrs. Charles M. .

Seaver, Jay W., M.D., New Haven, Conn.

Seaward, Mrs. A. J. .

Seward, Gen. W. H., Auburn, N. Y.

Seybold, Dr. C. F., Waiblingen, Ger. .

Shaw, Mrs. Benjamin S.

Sheffield, £ng.. Free Public Libraries and Museum

Shinnick, J., Montreal, Canada

Small, A. D., Brighton, Mass. .

Smith, Benjamin G., Cambridge, Mass. .

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Smyth, Thomas .....

Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica de la Republica Mexicana

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Central Council of Boston .

Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents, New York City

Society for the Study of Inebriety, London, Eng.

Society of American Florists .....

Society of Arts, London, Eng. . . . .13 numbers

Solberg, Thorvald Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, Somerset Co., Eng. .......

Soudier, H. Le, Paris, France .....

South Australia Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, Adelaide South End Industrial School .....

South Shields, Public Library and Museum, Co. of Durham, Eng. Southard, W. F., M.D., Oakland, Cat. ....

Southbridge, Mass., Public Library ....

Southwick, Miss Sarah H., Wellesley Hills, Mass.

Southern California Bureau of Information, Los Angeles

Sowdon, A. J. C. .

Spain, Minister io de Marina, Madrid ....

Sparhawk, C. W., M.D. ......

Spaulding, Mrs. S. I., Newburyport, Mass.

Speed, John G., Warrington, Cheshire, Eng. .

Sprague, Henry H. .....

"^T^r Ague, HomQT^., M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. .

Sprange, Walter, Beech Bluff, Mass. . . .

Springfield, Mass., City Library Association

^t.?n\i-B\h\\o\.he\i, Frankfurt am Main, Ger.

Stadtisches Realgymnasium, Leipzig, Ger.

Stafford, Mrs. H. R. P., Cottage City, Mass.

Standard Publishing Company

Standish, Henry, Paris, France .

Stark, James H. .

Stebbins, Ciiarles, Cazenovia, N. Y.

Stedman, Dr. . . . . . .99 numbers

Steinert, Morris, New Haven, Conn.


City Document No. 21.

Stevens, Rev. C. Ellis, LL.D., Philadelphia, Pa.

Stone, Miss Annie ....

Stone, Col. Henry ....

Stone, Mrs. Lucy .....

Storer, Prof. F. H. . . . .

Storrs Sciiool Agricultural Experiment Station, Siorrs, Coi

Stratton, Charles E. . . . .

Sturmer, Herbert, Montserrat, British West India

^uXWv&n, 3. W., Montclair, N.J.

Sunset Club, Chicago, III.

Supple, Bernard F. . . . .

Supreme Lodge Knights of Honor, St. Louis, Mo.

Surveyor's Institution, London, Eng.

Swan, Robert T. .

Swan, Sonnenschein, & Co., London, Eng.

Swift, Lindsay ...... 6 charts

Switzerland, Departement de I'interieur de la confederation, Suisse, Berne ......

Sydney, Neiv South Wales, Free Public Library

Tacoma Hotel Co., Tacoma, Wash.

Taldsten, Miss Fanny ....

Tarplin, Samuel .....

Tatman, Charles F., Worcester, Mass. .

Taunton, Mass., Public Library .

Taylor, J. R., New Whatcom, Wash.

Technical Society of the Pacific Coast, San Francisco, Cal

Temporary Asylum for Discharged Female Prisoners, Dedham, Mass

Terquem, Emile, Paris, France .

Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, Texas

Texas, Geological Survey of, Austin, Texas

Textile Recorder, London, Eng. .

Thayer, James Bradley ....

Thayer Academy, Braintree, 3Iass.

Thirteenth Mass. Regiment

Thomas, Charles ap,/?-., Gravesend, Eng.

Thompson, Rev. A. C, D.D.

Thurston, John R., Wliitinsville, Mass. .

Thwaites, Reuben G., Madison, Wis.

Ticknor, Miss Anna E. .

Tiffany, Edward ..... 20 programmes

Tejima, Dr. S., Imperial Japanese Commissioner, Columbian Exposi- tion ......

Tokyo Library, Tokyo, Japan

Tomlinson, Mrs. Frances, Council Blufs, Iowa

Topographical Survey Commission

Toronto Public Library, Toronto, Can. ,

Torrey Botanical Club, Lancaster, Pa. .

Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.

Truman, Joseph M., yr., Philadelphia, Pa. . . 7 periodicals

Tubbs, Hon. Charles, Osceola, Pa.

Tucker, Capt. Cliarlton Tucker, Leamington, Eng.

Tucker, Thomas W"., Marblehead, Mass.

Tucker, Willis G., Albany, N. Y.

Tuesley, Herbert .....

Tufts Library, Weymouth, Mass.

Tufts College, Somerville, Mass. . . .17 numbers

Turner, A. T. .

Tuttle, Rev. Joseph F., Crawfordsville, Ind.

Tuttle, J. H. .

Tyler, Prof. Moses Coit, LL.D., Ithaca, N. Y.

United States Board of Indian Commissioners .

Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries

Court of Claims ....

Library Department.


United States Department of Agriculture

Bureau of Animal Industry

Bureau of Ethnology

Division of Chemistry

Division of Entomology .

Division of Forestry

Division of Microscopy .

Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy

Division of Statistics

Division of Vegetable Pathology

Office of Experiment Stations

Weather Bureau .

Department of the Interior

Bureau of Education

Census Office

Geological Survey

Office of Indian Affairs .

Patent Office

Department of Labor Department of tlie Navy

Bureau of Equipment

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

Bureau of Steam Engineering

Hydrographic Office

Naval Observatory

Office of Naval Intelligence

Department of State

Bureau of American Republics

Bureau of Rolls & Library

Bureau of Statistics

of Steam Vess

Department of Treasury .

Board of Supervising Inspectors

Bureau of Navigation

Bureau of Statistics

Bureau of the Mint

Coast & Geodetic Survey

Life Savhig Service

Light House Board

Marine Hospital Service .

Office of the Registrar .

Office of the Second Comptroller

Warrant Division

Department of War

Adjutant General's Office

Chief of Engineers ... 21 maps

Office of Indian Affairs

Ordnance Office .

Surgeon-General's Office

War Record's Office

United States Interstate Commerce Commission United States Naval Aoadem}^ Annapolis, Md. United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md. United States Naval Observatory, Washington United States Standard and Steamboat Owners', Builders', and Under- writers' Association, New York City .

United States Veterinary Medical Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Universalist General Convention, Manchester, N.H. Universalist Sabbath School Union, Chelsea, Mass. Universite de Lille, France Universite Laval, Quebec, Can. University of California, Berkeley, Cal. . University of Chicago, Chicago, III. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

0 maps

1 maps

3 maps


City Document No. 21.

University of Melbourne, Victoria, ^.S. W.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.

University of N. Carolina, Chaj)el Hill, N.C. .

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. .

University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.

University of Toronto, Toronto, Can. ....

University of Vermont, Burlington, Vi. . . .

University of Wisconsin, jVacZt5o?7., Wis.

Urbino, S. R., Auhurndale, Mass. ....

Utali Agricultural Experiment Station, Logan, Utah .

Vassar Brothers Institute, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. .

Vermont Agriculture Experiment Station, Burlington, Vt. -35 numbers

Vermont State Library, Montpelier, Vt.

Very, Miss Lydia L. A., Salem, Mass. ....

Victoria Patent Office, Melbourne, Victoria, JV.S. W.

Victoria Public Library Museum and National Gallery, Melbourne

N.S.W. ........

Victoria St. Society for the Protection o'f Animals from Vivisection

London, Eng. .......

Victoria University, Toronto, Can. ....

Virginia State Library, Richmond, Va. ....

Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind. ....

Wadsworth, Alexander ..... :^0 map:

Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia, Pa. .

Walker, E. W. . . . . . .6 portraits

Walker, Gen. F. A. .

Waltham, Mass., Public Library ....

Walton, G. L. .

Walton, J. P., Muscatine, la. .

Wanamaker, John, Philadelphia, Pa. ....

Ward, The Misses . . . . . 104 n

Ward, Lieut. -Col. Chas. J., ICingston, Jamaica

Ware, William, & Co. .

Warner, R. M., New York City .....

Warren, Charles E., M.D. . . .21 leaves of papyrus

Warren, Jlrs. Br. J. H. . . . . .83 almanacs

Wartenegg, Wilhelm von, Gottingen, Hannover

Washburne, Hon. H. ..... .

Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. Waterhouse, Prof. S., -S*^. Louis, Mo. ....

Watertown, Mass., Public Library . . . .

Watson, N. ...... .

Wayland, J/ass., Public Library . ....

Webb, Seward W., JVew York City ....

Weissbein, Louis .......

Welch, Francis, Paris, France . . . . G numbers

Weld, Miss Edith .......

Wendell, Barrett, Prof. ......

Wenham, Mass., Town of .....

Wesleyan University, Middleiown, Conn.

West Brookfield, Mass., Town of ....

West End Street Railway Co. .

West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Morgantoivn, W. Va

Westermann, B. & Co., New York City ....

Westcott, Mrs. Sarah, Cambridge, Mass.

Western Reserve Protective Tariff League, Cleveland, 0.

Wheildon, William G. . . . . . .5 maps

Whiston, i)r. E. A. .

White, James Paul ......

White, John A., Co., Dover, N.H.

Whitney, Charles .......

Whitney, James L. ..... .

Whitney, Jos. C. .

Library Department.


Volumes. Whitney, S. ¥., Watertown, Mass., FuhVic'Lihra.ry . . . 1

Wilkinson, Gartli I. I., London, Eng. ..... 2

VVillett, James R., Chicago, 111. ...... 2

William and Mary, College of, Williamsburg, Va. ... 1

Williams, Henry M. ....... 2

Williams, Hon. J. F., St. Paul, Minn. . . ... 1

Wilson, Gen. James Grant, New York City .... 1

Windsor and Kenfield, Chicago, III. . . . . .1

Winn, Ho?!. Henry, Maiden, Mass. ..... 1

Winsor, Justin, Cambridge, Mass. ..... 1

Winthrop, Hon. Robert C. ...... 4

Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Madison, Wis Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Madison, Wis. Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison, Wis Woburn, Mass., City of . Woburn, Mass., Public Library . Woman's Board of Missions Woman's Educational Association Woman's Medical College, New York City Woman's Relief Corps

Woods, Matthew, 3f.D., Philadelphia, Pa. . . 25 numbers

Woodward, William, Worcester, Mass. . Worcester, Mass., Academy Worcester, Mass., Polytechnic Institute . Worcester, Mass., Free Public Library . World's Fair Commission of Missouri, New Madrid World's Columbian Exposition, Department of Publicity and Promotion,

15 broadsides World's Columbian Exposition, Monastery of La Rabida Wright, Rev. J. E., Montiielier, Vt. .

Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, Laramie, Wy. Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Young Men's Christian Association, Albany, N. Y. Young Men's Christian Union

Young Men's Christian Association, New York City Young Men's Christian Association, Omaha, Neb. Young Men's Mercantile Library Association, Cincinnati, 0. Youngman, David .....

1891 . 18«*.



1,928,192 87,416

290,515 308,942 384,342


I h

[,016 1,580 1,268 2,0T6

Lower Hall.




i i . 1 1

i 1






33,838 174,29-






28,860 191,391





74,164 300,598



1 404,643

South Buston.



i 1








































c f




37,412 114,361




34,871 i 120,436




37,973 1 119,547




1 ' I i h

32,600 90,674 ; 298

18,665 17,743

I =

18,349 I 60 23,407 j 77 I 21,847 72




i 1

i 1


f 1












601 i







c .2

585 796

Jamaica Plain.

North End.

Lower Mills.

MonsT BowDoix. !' Mattapan. [1 North Briohton.

West Bo.iburt.






i 1



Hall use. Daily average.


i i 1


i 1


1 I

w 1 2

' i i i

! . 1

1891. . . .

48,835 44,031 45,.590

59,337 57,287 68,070



19,057 63

[ ,,

18,381 1 62,412 205 453 15,612 81,202 j 202 400


14.610 j 48

189S, . . .

192 ! 421

24,576 81 9,683 ^ 32 3,883

■; T ■; "

Library Department.




The first registration, 1854-58, had 17,066 names; the second, 1859-67, had 52,829 names; the third, 1868 to April 30, 1886, had 227,581

Central Library . . . East Boston branch . South Boston branch Rosbury branch . . Charlestown branch . Brighton branch . . Dorchester branch . South End branch . Jamaica Plain branch

Totals ....

1,395 1,260 860 270 815 1,040 705










6,370 896


1,371 735 286 827

1,470 785

6,542 682

1,277 993 665 179

5,408 674 1,115 1,030 646 148 561 702 745







52 City Document No. 21.


FINANCIAL STATEMENT. General Library Accounts. i Expended, 1893.

Binding materials $1,342 50

books 1,572 08

Books, City appropriation $14,142 84

Income from Trust funds . . . 17,372 11

31,514 95

Periodicals 4.017 08

Expense (miscellaneous: water-rates, cleaning, ice, etc.) . 3,956 95

Fuel 2,527 56

Furniture, etc 538 00

Gas 3,721 38

Printing and cataloguing 10,144 21

Stationery ..." 1,388 61

Salaries 97,498 62

Transportation, postage, etc 3,299 28

Rents 6,034 38

Repairs 1,585 87

Electric lighting 3,393 14

Total $172,534 61

Note. The cost of maintaining the branches, $41,276.39, makes part of the general items of the several appropriations.

Receipts from fines and sales of catalogues, $3,854.16.


City appropriation, .$2,000.

r Salaries $425 67

I Books 145 94

1892 ■{ Miscellaneous expense 677 77

1^ Amount actually expended $1,249 38

r Balance of appropriation $750 62

1 Salaries $231 00

I Books 30 95

I Miscellaneous expense 488 67

750 62

Cost of maintaining this branch for the year .... $1,10526



Amount, i Wticn t

.of Bond. When doe.


1 Joshua Bates . . . .

2 Jonatlian I'hilliiis .

.3 Abbott Lawrence .

4 Charlotte Harris . .

6 Henry L. Pierce . .

6 Mary P. Townsend .

7 George Tlcknor . .

8 John P. DIgelow . .

9 Franklin Chib . . .

$50,000 00 March,

I 20,000 OO I April,

i 10,000 00 April,

10,000 00 May,

10,000 00 I August,

6,000 00 ' December,

4,000 00 j April,

4,000 00 April,

1,000 00 ' August,

1 ,000 00 ' June,

f l,.iOO 00 November,

10 Humii

I. 500 00 I April,

U South Boston 100 00 I September,

12 Arthur .Scholfleld ! 60,000 00 ! December,

l:; Joseph Scliolfield j 11,800 00 I July,

14 'I'hoMias B. Harris ...

,000 00


,000 00 ,700 00

1 October,

,400 00


,000 00


500 00


0,000 00 January,

April, 1894

Jan'y, 1906

April, 1894

July, 1905

Oct., 1897

Jan'y, 1924

April, 1899

Oct., 1920

April, 1894

Jan'y, 1914

Oct., 1900 1

April, 1908)

April, 1914

July, 1919

Oct., 1913

July, 1920

April, 1914

April, 1916


600 Boolis h

600 Boolis for Chariestowu branch, published before 1850.

200 " Booiis of permanent value for the Bates Hall."

200 I Books five years old in some one edition.

160 Books in Spanish and Portuguese five years old in some one edition.

00 ! Purchase of books.

40 I Books of permanent value, preferably " books on goveniineiit .ai political economy."

I i- Books relating to American history.

books of permanent value

For benefit of Charieslowa bran

To hold and apjily the income and so much of tlie princioal as they [the

"^ ' ■■ choose to the purchaseof special booksorrcfcrenceto be

only at the Charlestown Bralich of said Public Library,"

1 Trustees] may choose to the purchase of special booksof reference kept and used only at the Charlestown Branch of said Public ' "■" 350 I For " the purchase of books of permanent value and authority matlcs and astronomy," to be added to the Bowdltch collectic

»9,878 I

Joibuft Bates, born nCQr Boston, 1788. < The luin oftlu.OOO wu gift in Mr. PI Mr. Lawnncc died in August, I8», on

1 London, os the head of the house



Thit fund was a sum intcudi^'tJ t'< Given by the Trustees of thi' V\t


!l^Nn,'jrs?Jt.',''l»a'HVdM&o|-Jify,'im ""' °

t.l wl'.uni disielion'ory power in making the gift »•«« given by the will. ,,j,,i,i,^„


Thebcquest of ChwlotteHttrrijlo tlicChurleslown branch. With it her privntr hln ,i , >■ ,; The doiiHtionof MayorPicrcp, jirrvifiiMto hip rptireinent fmni oftit-p Thcprin.ii i h^m.

Par Value Value per Share ' Total as Shares. per as received received from Share. from Trustee. Trustee.

•$128 00 60 00

6 00 2.i 20


16 B. & A. R.R. Co

6 n. & Prov. B.R. Co

0 I.-itchburgR.lt.Co

1 Vt. 8: Muss. K.R. Co

IS Cambridge Lyceum

Cash ... .

»100 00 $179 00 100 00 ; 179 60

100 00 : 118 00

100 00 133 00 2000 i 3000

. . 1 .

$2,686 00 1,077 00 1,002 00

540 00


\ $5.585 00 Loss 88 00

April 5, 1887. The certificates of 9 shares of F. R.U. exchanged for a certificate of 12 shares preferred stock in same corporation, par value $100. Total, $1,200.

Less paid May 10, 19S6, to City Collector, per order of Hoard of Trustees of Public Library.

1 B. & A. R.R. Co

$5,497 00

100 00 353 09

t'asb in City Treasury

. . ; .

Library Department. 53


BiGELOW Fund. This is a donation made by the late John P. Bigelow, in August, 1850, when Mayor of the city.

The income from this fund is to be appropriated to the purchase of books for the increase of the Library.

Invested in one City of Boston Six per cent. Bond, for . . .81,000 00

Payable to the Chairman of the Committee on the Public Library for the time being.

Bat:.s Fund. This is a donation made by the late Joshua Bates, of London, in March, 1853.

Invested in one City of Boston Six per cent. Bond, for . . ^50,000 00

"The income only of this fund is to be, each and every year, expended in the purchase of such books of permanent value and authority as may be found most needful and most useful." Payable to the Mayor of the City for the time being.

BowDiTCH Fund. This is the bequest of J. Ingersoll Bowditch.

Invested in one City of Boston Three and one-half per cent.

Bond 810,000 00

The whole income in each and every year to be expended in the purchase of books of permanent value and authority in mathematics and astronomy.

Phillips Fond. This is a donation made by the late Jonathan Phillips,, of Boston, April, 1853.

Invested in one City of Boston Six per cent. Bond, for . . §10,000 00

The interest on this fund is to be used exclusively for the purchase of books for said Library.

Also a bequest by the same gentleman, in his will, dated 20th September, 1849.

Invested in one City of Boston Six per cent. Bond, for . . $20,000 00'

The interest on which is to be annually devoted to the maintenance of a Free Public Library.

Both of these items are payable to the Mayor of the City for the time being.

Abbott Lawrence Fund. This is the bequest of the late Abbott Lawrence, of Boston.

Invested in one City of Boston Six per cent. Bond, for . . $10,000 00

The interest on this fund is to be exclusively appropriated for the purchase of books for the said Library, having a permanent value.

Edward Lawrence Fund. This is the bequest of the late Edward Lawrence, of Charlestown. The following clause from his will explains its purpose :

54 City Document No. 21.

" To hold ami apply the income, and so much of the principal as they may choose, to the purchase of special books of reference, to be kept and used only at the Charlestown branch of said Public Library."

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond, due April 1,

1916 $500 00

Pierce Fund. This is a donation made by Henry L. Pierce, Mayor of the City, Noveniber'29, 1873, and accepted by the City^Council, December 27, 1873.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond, for . . $5,000 00

TowNSEND Fund. This is a donation from William Minot and William IMinot, Jr., executors of the will of Mary P. Townsend, of Boston, at whose disposal she left a certain portion of her estate in trust, for such charitable and public institutions as they might think meritorious. Said executors ac- cordingly selected the Public Library of , the City of Boston as one of such institutions, and attached the following conditions to the legacy: "The income only shall, in each and every year, be expended in the purchase of books for the use of the Library ; each of which books shall have been pub- lished in some one edition at least five years at the time it may be so purchased."

Invested in one City of Boston Five percent. Bond, for . . .$4,000 00

TiCKNOR Bequest. By the will of the late George Ticknor, of Boston, he gave to the City of Boston, on the death of his wife, all his books and manuscripts in the Spanish and Portuguese languages, about four thousand volumes, and also the sum of four thousand dollars. After the receipt of said sum, the city is required to spend not less than one thousand dollars in every five years during the twenty-five years next succeeding {i.e., the income of four thousand dollars, at the rate of five per cent, per annum), in the purchase of books in the Spanish and Portuguese languages and litera- ture. At the end of twenty-five years the income of the said sum is to be expended annually in the purchase of books of permanent value, either in the Spanish or Portuguese language, or in such other languages as may be deemed expedient by those having charge of the Library. These books be- queathed or purchased are always to be freely accessible for reference or study, but are not to be loaned for use outside of the Library building. If these bequests are not accepted by the city, and the trust and conditions faithfully executed, the books, manuscripts, and money are to be given to the President and Fellows of Harvard College.

In order that the city might receive the immediate benefit of this contribu- tion, Anna Ticknor, widow of the donor, relinquished her right to retain dur- ing her life the books and manuscripts, and placed them under the control of the city, the City Council having previously accepted the bequests in accord- ance with the terms and conditions of said Avill, and the Trustees of the Public Library received said bequests on behalf of the city, and made suitable ar- rangements for the care and custody of the books and manuscripts.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond, for . . $-1,000 00

Franklin Club Fund. This is a donation made in June, 1863, by a literary association of young men in Boston, who, at the dissolution of the association, authorized its trustees, Thomas Minns, John J. French, and J. Franklin Reed, to dispose of the funds on hand in such a manner as to them should seem judicious. They elected to bestow it on the Public Library, attaching to it the following conditions : " In trust that the income, but the income only, shall, year by year, be expended in the purchase of books of permanent value for the use of the free Public Library of the city, and as far as practicable, of such a character as to be of special interest to young men."

Library Department. 55

The Trustees expressed a preference for books relative to Government and Political Economy.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond, for . . $1,000 00

Treauwell Fund. By the will of the late Daniel Treadwell, of Cambridge, late Rumford Professor in Harvard College, who died February 27, 1872, he left the residue of his estate, after paymefit of debts, legacies, etc., in trust to his executors, to hold during the life of his wife for her benefit, and after her decease to divide the residue then remaining in the hands of the trustees, as therein provided, and convey one-fiftli part thereof to the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston.

The City Council accepted said bequest and authorized the Trustees of the Public Library to receive the same, and to invest it in the City of Boston Bonds, the income of which is to be expended by said Trustees in such man- ner as they may deem for the best interests of the Library.

Invested in the City of Boston Four per cent. Bonds . . $4,700 00

" " " Three and one-half per cent. Bonds, 1,400 00

IG shares B. & A. R.R. Co. Stock, par value $100 each, 1,600 00

6 shares B. & P. R.R. Co. Stock, par value 8100 each, 600 00

12 shares Fitchburg R.R. Co. Stock, par value $100 each, 1,200 00

1 share Vt. & Mass. R.R. Co. Stock, par value $100 each, 100 00

" IS shares Cambridge Lyceum Stock, par value $20 each, 360 00

$9,960 00

Charlotte Harris Fund. Bequest of Charlotte Harris, late of Bos- ton, the object of which is stated in the following extract from her will :

" I give to the Charlestown Public Library $10,000, to be invested on in- terest, which interest is to be applied to the purchase of books published before 1850. I also give to said Public Library my own private library, and the portrait of my grandfather, Richard Devens." Bequest accepted by City Council, July 31, 1877.

Invested in one City of Boston Six per cent. Bond, for . . $10,000 00

Thomas B. Harris Fund. Bequest of Thomas B. Harris, late of Charlestown, for the benefit of the Charlestown Public Library.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond, for . . $1,000 00

ScHOLFiELD FuND. Bequest of the late Arthur Scholfield, who died in New York, January 17, 1883. The interest to be paid to certain heirs during their lives, and then to be used for the purchase of books of permanent value. The last heir, Joseph Scholfield, died November 18, 1889, and by his will be- queathed to the City of Boston the sum of $11,800, whicli represents the income of said fund, received by him up to the time of his death, to be added to the fund given by his brother. Invested in

One City of Boston Four per cent. Bond, for . . . . $50,000 00

" . . . . 11,800 00

Green Fund. Donations of Dr. Samuel A. Green of $2,000 tlie in- come of which is to be expended for the purchase of books relating to American history. Invested in

5H City Document No. 21.

Two City of Hoston Five per cent. Bonds, for . . . . $1,500 00 One City of Boston Four per cent. Bond, for .... 60000

$2,000 00

South Boston Branch Library Trust Fund. Donation of a citizen

of South Boston, the income of wliich is to be expended for the benefit of the Soutli Boston Branch Library.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond for . , $100 00

Recapitulation of Public Library Trust Funds.

Scholfield bequests $G1,800 00

Bates donation 50,000 00

Phillips bequest 20,000 00

Bowditch bequest 10,000 00

Phillips donation 10,000 00

Charlotte Harris bequest 10,000 00

Abbott Lawrence bequest 10,000 00

Treadwell bequest 10,313 09

Pierce donation 5,000 00

Townsend bequest 4,000 00

Ticknor bequest 4,000 00

Green donations 2,000 00

Bigelow donation 1,000 00

Thomas B. Harris bequest 1,000 00

Franklin Club donation 1,000 00

Edward Lawrence bequest 500 00

South Boston Branch Library Trust Fund .... 100 00

Invested funds $200,713 09

Library Department.




. 11

South Boston branch


. 15

Roxbury branch


. 16

Charlestown branch


Brighton branch


. 27

Dorchester branch .


Soutli End branch .


. 20

Jamaica Plain branch



North End branch .


'. 14






Executive department

Catalogue department

Book department .

Bates Hall circulation depart- ment .

Lower Hall circulation de- partment

Janitor's department

Bindery .

East Boston branch

At some of the branch libraries occasional extra assistance is employed when necessary.


Messrs. W. B. Clarke & Co., and Messrs. T. Castor & Co., Boston.

Mr. Edward G. Allen (for English patents), London.

Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., Limited, London.

Deurlich'sche Buchhandlung, Gottingen.

Mr. Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig.

Mr. Gustav E. Stechert, New York City.


Allston delivery station, 14 Franklin street, Allston.

Ashmont delivery station, 25 Argyle street.

Bird-street delivery station, 6 Wayland street, Dorchester.

Blue Hill avenue delivery station, 154 Blue Hill avenue, Roxbury.

Brighton branch, Holton Library Building, Rockland street.

Charlestown branch, old City Hall, City square, Charlestown.

Crescent-avenue delivery station, 940 Dorchester avenue, Dorchester.

Dorchester branch, Arcadia, cor. Adams street.

Dorchester Station delivery, 1 Milton avenue.

East Boston branch, old Lyman School Building, Meridian street.

Jamaica Plain branch, Curtis Hall, Centre street.

Lower Mills delivery station, Washington street, near River street.

Mattapan delivery station, River, cor. Oakland street.

Mount Bowdoin delivery station, Washington, cor. Eldon street.

Neponset delivery station, 49 Walnut street.

North Brighton reading-room and delivery station, 535 Western avenue,

Brighton. North End branch, 166 Hanover street. Roslindale delivery station, 19 Poplar street. Roxbury branch, 46 Millmont street.

South Boston branch, 372 West Broadway, cor. E street. South End branch, English High School Building, Montgomery street. West Roxbury delivery station, Centre, near Mt. Vernon street.


CiTV Document No. 21



The foUowiug gentleraeu have served oq the Examining Com- mittees for the years given. The names in italics are those of trnstees who have acted as chairmen of the various committees. The thirty-fourth year was from May 1 to December, 31, 1885, a period of eight months, for which no Examining Committee was appointed.

Clarke, James Freeman, D.D., 1877.

Clarice, James Freeman, D.D., 1882.

Coale, George O. G., 1892, 1893.

Collar, Wm. C. 1874.

Cudworth, Warren H., D.D., 1878.

Curtis, Charles P., 1862.

Curtis, Daniel S., 1872.

Curtis, Thomas B., M.D., 1874.

Gushing. Thomas, 1885.

Dalton, Charles H., 1884.

Dana, Samuel T., 1857.

Dean, Benjamin, 1873.

Denny, Henry G., 1876.

Dexter, iJei). Henry M., 1866.

Dillingham, Rev. Pitt, 1886.

Dix, James A., 1860.

Doherty, Philip J., 1888.

Donahoe. Patrick, 1869.

Durant, Henry F., 1863.

Duryea, Jos. T., D.D., 1880.

Dwight, John S., 1868.

D wight, Thomas, M.D., 1880.

Eastburn, Manton, D.D., 1863.

Eaton, William S., 1887.

Edes, Henry H., 1886.

Eliot, Samuel, LL.D., 1868.

Ellis, Arthur B., 1888. 1889.

Ellis, Calvin, M.D., 1871.

Ellis, Geo. E., D.D., 1881.

Endicott, William, jr., 1878.

Evans, George W., 1887, 1888, 1889

Farlow, John W., M.D., 1892, 1893.

Field, Walbridge A., 1866.

Fields, James T., 1872.

Fitz, Reginald H., 1879.

Foote, Rev. Henry W., 1864.

Fowle, William F., 1864.

Freeland, Charles W., 1867.

Frost, Oliver, 1854.

Frothingham, Richard, 1876.

Furness, Horace Howard, LL.D.,

1882. Gannett, Ezra S., D.D., 1855. Gay, George H., 1876. Gilchrist, Daniel S., 1872. Gordon, George A., D.D., 1885.

Abbott, Hon. J. G., 1870. Abbott, S. A. B., 1880. Adams, Nehemiah, D.D., 1860. Adams, Wm. T., 1875. Alger, Rev. Wm. R., 1870. Amory, 3Iiss Anna S., 1890, 1891. Andrew, Hon. John F., 1888. Andrews, Augustus, 1892, 1893. Appleton, Hon. Nathan, 18S4. Apthorp, Wm. F., 1883. Arnold, Howard P., 1881. Aspinwall, Col. Thomas, 1860. Attwood, G., 1877. Bailev, Edwin C, 1861. Ball, Joshua D., 1861. Bangs, Edward, 1887. Barnard, James M., 1866. Bartlett, Sidney, 1869. Beebe, James M., 1858. Beecher, Rev. Edward, 1854. Bent, Samuel Arthur, 1890, 1891. Bigelow, Jacob, J/.Z>., 1857. Bigelow, Hon. John P., 1856. Blagden, George W., D.D., 1856. Blake, John G., M.D., 1883, 1891. Bodflsh, Rev. Joshua P., 1879, 1891. Bowditch, Henry I., M.D., 1855. Boicditch Henry A, M.D., 1865. Bowditch, H. P., M.D., 1881. Bowditch, J. Ingersoll, 1855. Bowman, Alfonzo, 1867. Bradford, Charles F., 1868. Brewer, Thomas M., 1865. Brimmer, Hon. Martin, 1890, 1891. Brooks, Rev. Phillips, 1871. Browne, Alex. Porter, 1891. Browne, Causten, 1876. Buckingham, C. E., M.D., 1872. Burroughs, Rev. Henry, jr., 1869. Carruth, Herbert S., 1892. Chadwick, James R., M.D., 1877. Chaney, Rev. George L , 1868. Chase, George B., 1876. Chase, George B., 1877, 1885. Cheney, Mrs. Ednah D., 1881. Clapp, William W., jr., 1864.

Lii?iiAiiY Department.


Gould, A. A., M.D., 1864. Grant, Robert, 1884. Gray, John C, jr., 1877. Green, Samuel A., M.D., 1868. Greenough, William W., 1858, 1874,

1883, 1886. Grinnell, J?ev. C. E., 1874. Hale, Rev. Edward E., 1858. Hale, Mrs. Georsre S., 1887, 1888. Hale, Moses L., 1862. Hale, Philip, 1893. Haskins, Rev. George F., 1865. Hassam, John T., 1885. Haves, Bon. F. B., 1874. Haynes, Henry W., 1879. Ilaynes, Henry TT., 1881, 1884. Hayward, George, M.D., 1863. Heard, John, jr., 1888, 1889, 1891. Heard, John T., 1853. Herford, Brooke, D.D., 1884. Herrick, Samuel E., D.D., 1888,

1889. Higginson, Thomas W., 1883. Hill, Clement Hugh, 1880. Hillard, Hon. George S., 1853. Hillarcl, Hon. George S., 1873. Hodges, Richard M., M.D., 1870. Holmes, Edward J., 1881, 1884. Holmes, Oliver W., M.D., 1858. Holmes, Oliver W., jr., 1882. Homans, Charles D., M.D., 1867. Homans, Mrs. Charles D., 1885,

1886, 1887. Homer, George, 1870. Homer, Peter T., 1857. Hubbard, James M., 1891. Hubbard, William J., 1858. Hunnewell, James F., 1880, 1893. Hyde, George B., 1879. Jeffries, B. Joy, M.D., 1869. Jeffries, William A., 1893. Jenkins, Charles E., 1879. Jewell, Hon. Harvey, 1863. Jordan, Ehen D., 1873. Kidder, Henry P., 1870. Kimball, David P., 1874. Kimball, Henrv H., 1865. Kirk, Edward N., D.D., 1859. Lawrence, Hon. Abbott, 1853. Lawrence, Abbott, 1859. Lawrence, Miss Harriette S., 1890. Lawrence, James. 1855. Lee, Miss Alice, 1889, 1890, 1891. Lewis, Weston, 1872, 1878. Lincoln, Hon. F. W., 1856. Lincoln, Solomon, 1886. Little, James L., 1864. Lombard, Prof. Josiah L., 1868. Loring, Hon. Charles G., 1855. Lothrop, Loring, 1866. Lowell, Augustus, 1883. Lowell, Edward J., 1885. Lunt, Hon. George, 1874. Lyman, George H., M.D., 1885. McCleary, Samuel F., 1890.

Manning, Rev. Jacob M., 1861.

Mason, Rev. Charles, 1857.

Mason, Robert M., 1869.

Maxwell, J. Audley, 1883.

Metcalf, Rev. Theodore A., 1888, 1889.

Minns, Thomas, 1864.

Minot, Francis, 1866.

Morison Miss Mary, 1892, 1893.

Morrill, Charles J., 1885.

Morse, John T., jr., 1879.

Morse, Robert M., jr., 1878.

Morton, Hon. Ellis W., 1871.

Mudge, Hon. E. R., 1871.

Neale, Rollin H., D.D., 1853.

Noble, John, 1882.

Norcross, Otis, 1880.

O'Brien, Hugh, 1879.

O'Reilly, John Boyle, 1878.

Otis, G. A., 1860.

Paddock, Rt. Rev. Benj. H., 1876.

Parker, Charles Henry, 1888, 1889.

Parkman, Henry, 1885.

Parks, Rev. Lei'ghton, 1882.

Perkins, Charles C. 1871.

Perry, Thomas S., 1879, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1890, 1891.

Phillips, John C, 1882.

Phillips, Jonathan, 1854.

Pierce, Hon. Henry L., 1891.

Prescott, William H., LL.D., 1853.

Prince, Hon. F. 0., 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893.

Putnam, George, D.D., 1870.

Putnam, Hon. John P., 1865.

Randall, Charles M., M.D., 1884.

Rice, Hon. Alexander H., 1860.

Robbins, Elliott, M.D., 1893.

Rogers, Prof. William B., 1861.

Rollins, J. Wingate, 1888, 1889.

Ropes, John C, 1872. { Rotch, Benjamin S., 1863. ' Runkle, Prof. J. D., 1882.

Russell, Samuel H., 1880.

Sampson, O. H., 1892, 1893.

Sanger, Hon. George P., 1860.

Seaver, Edwin P., 1881.

Shepard, Hon. Harvey N., 1888, 1889.

Sherwin, Mrs. Thomas, 1893.

Shurtleff, Hon. Nathaniel B., 1857.

Smith, Charles C, 1873.

Smith, J/r5. Charles C, 1881, 1886. ' Smith, Miss Minna, 1892.

Sowdon, A. J. C, 1892, 1893.

Sprague, Charles J., 1859.

Sprague, Homer B., 1882.

Stedman, C. Ellery, M.D., 1888. : Stevens, Oliver, 1858.

Stevenson, Hon. J. Thomas, 1856.

Stockwell, S. N., 1861.

Stone, Col. Henry, 1885, 1886, 1887.

Story, Joseph, 1856.

Sullivan, Richard. 1883, 1884. ' Teele, John 0., 1886.


City Document No. 29.

Tliaxter, Adam W., 1855. Thayer, George A., 1875. Thayer, Rev. Thomas B., 1862. Thomas, B. F., 1875. Thomas Seth J., 1856. Ticknor, Miss Anna E., 1891. Ticknor, George, 1853, 185-t, 1855,

1859, 1863, 1866. Tobev, Hon. Eilward S., 1862. Twomblv, Rev. A. S., 1883, 1884. Upham, J. B., M.D., 1865. Vibbert, Rev. Geo. IL, 1873. Wales, George W., 1875. Walley, Hon. Samuel H., 1862. Ward, Rev. Julius II., 1882. Ware, Charles E., M.D., 1875. Ware, Darwin E., 1881. Warner, Hermann J., 1867. Warren, Hon. Charles H., 1859. Warren, J. Collins, M.D., 1878.

Waterston, Rev. Robert C, 1867. Weissbcin, Loui.s, 1893. Wells, Mrs. Kate G., 1877. Wharton, William F., 1886.

Whipple, Edwin P., 1869.

Whitmore, William H., 1887.

Whitney, Daniel //., 1862. Whitney, Henry A., 1873. Wightman, Hon. Joseph M., 1859. Williams, Harold, M.D., 1888, 1889,

1890. Williamson, William C, 1881.

Wilson, Elisha T., M.D., 1861.

Winsor, Justin, 1867. Winthrop, Hon. Robert C, 1854. Winthrop, Robert C, jr., 1887. Woodbury, Charles Levi, 1871. Woolson, Mrs. Abba Goold, 1888,

1889. Wright, Hon. Carroll D., 1884.

Library Department.




The Honorable Edward Everett was President of the Board from 1852 to 18(i4 ; the late George Ticknor in 1865 ; William W. Greenough, Esq., from 1866 to April, 1888; from May 7, 1888, to May 12, 1888, Prof. Henry W. Haynes ; Samuel A. B. Ab- bott, Esq., since the last date.

The Board for 1852 was a preliminary organization; that for 1853 made what is called the first annual report. It consisted of one alderman and one common councilman, and five citizens at large, till 1867, when a revised ordinance made it to consist of one alderman, two common councilmen, and six citizens at large, two of whom retired, unless reelected, each year, while the members from the City Council were elected yearly. In 1878 the organi- zation of the Board was changed to include one alderman, one councilman, and five citizens at large, as before 1867 ; and in 1885, by the provisions of the amended city charter, the repre- sentation of the city government upon the Board, by an alderman and a councilman, was abolished, leaving the Board as at present, consisting of five citizens at large.

Citizens at large in small capitals.

Abbott, Samuel A. B., 1879-93. Allen, James B., 1852-53. Appleton, Thomas G., 1852-57. Barnes, Joseph H., 1871-72. BiGELOw, John P., 1852-68. BowDiTCH, Henry I., 1865-68. Bradlee, John T., 1869-70. Bradt, Herman D., 1872-73. Braman, Jarvis D., 1868-69. Braman, Jarvis D., 1869-72. Brown, J. C. J., 1861-62. Burditt, Charles A., 1873-76. Carpenter, George O., 1870-71. Chase, George B., 1876-85. Clark, John M., 1855-56. Clark, John T., 1873-78. Clarke, James Freeman, 1878-85 Clapp, William W., jr., 1864-66. Coe, Henrv F., 1878. Crane, Samuel D., 1860-61. Curtis, Daniel S., 1873-75. Dennie, George, 1858-60. Dickinson, M. F., jr., 1871-72. Drake, Henry A., 1863-64. Erving, Edward S., 1852. Everett, Edward, 1852-64. Flynn, James J., 1883. Frost, Oliver, 1854-55; 1856-58. Frothingham, Richard, 1875-79.

Gaffield, Thomas, 1867-68. Green, Samuel A., 1868-78. Greenough, William W., 1856-88. Guild, Curtis, 1876-77; 1878-79. Harris, William G., 1869-70. Haynes, Henry W., 1858-59. Hatnes, Henry W., 1880-93. HiLLARD, George S., 1872-75:

1876-77. Howes, Osborne, jr., 1877-78. Ingalls, Melville E., 1870-71. Jackson, Patrick T., 1864-65. Jenkins, Edward J., 1885. Keith, James M., 1868-70. Kimball, David P., 1874-76. Lawrence, James, 1852. Lee, John H., 1884-85. Lewis, Weston, 1867-68. Lewis, Weston, 1868-79. Lewis, Winslow, 1867. Little, Samuel, 1871-73. Messinger, George W., 1855. Morse, Godfrey, 1883-84. Morton, Ellis W., 1870-73. Munroe, Abel B., 1854. Newton, Jeremiah L., 1867-68. Niles, Stephen R., 1870-71. O'Brien, Hugh, 1879-82. Pease, Frederick, 1872-3.


City Document No. 21.

IVrkins, William E., 1873-74. I'orry, Lyman, 1852. I'lummer, Farnliam, 1856-57. I'opo, Benjamin, 1876-77. Pope, Kici'iard, 1877-78. Pratt, Charles E., 1880-82. PiERCK, Phineas, 1888-93. Prince, Fuedekick 0., 1888-93. PuTNAii, George, 1868-77. Reed, Samson, 1852-53. Richards, William R., 1889-93. Sanger, George P., 1860-61. Sears, Phillip H., 1859-60. Seaver, Beniamin, 1852. Shepard, Harvey N., 1878-79. Shurtleff, Nathaniel B., 1852-68. Stebbins, Solomon B., 1882-83.

Story, Joseph, 1855-56; 1865-67. Thomas, Benjamin F. , 1877-78. TicKNOR, George, 1852-66. Tyler, John S., 1863-64; 1866-67. Warren, George W., 1852-54. Washburn,Frederick L., 1857-68. Whipple, Edwin P., 1868-70. Whitmorc, William H., 1882-83. Whitmore, William II., 1885-88, Whitney, Daniel H., 1862-63. Whitten, Charles V., 1883-85. Wilson, Elisha T., 1861-63. Wilson, George, 1852. WiNSOR, Justin, 1867. Wolcott, Roger, 1879. Wright, Albert J., 1868-69.



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