ALOU BILE YY ea 4 | i : wee eee . is ; : . | : Ane he IPE age oe oad ee AGE AT AGS ete ss RPE AL OCA OLD OLD OOCOLL AE PEM AEE ELIDA AE APA BE aie i sie 4 a oe : Pt ri a : ty : we a 4" a” bak , a - £4, . ~ 5 Pi - * ‘ : ‘ 2 : 4 a , > ea : . J ” ? ae 7 - a : . : : | - 4 | a ; eg at wy Bie a a PS Pa. ee - eae University of the State of New York NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Firty-First ANNUAL ReEporT OF THE mete N TS ioe aay, VOT REPORTS OF THE DIRECTOR, STATE BOTANIST AND STATE ENTOMOLOGIST TRANSMITTED TO THE LEGISLATURE JANUARY 5, 1898 ALBANY ., - UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1899 University of the State of New York REGENTS YEAR 1874 ANSON JuDD Upson, D. D., LL. D., L. H. D. Chancellor, Glens Falls 1892 WILLIAM CROSWELL Doang, D. D., LL. D. Vice-Chancellor, Albany 1873 MartTINn I. TowNsenpD, M. A., LL. D. — >) rem 1877 CuauncEy M. Depew, LL.D. - - _ New York 1877 CHARLES E. Fircu, LL, B., M.A., L. H. D. — Rochester 1877 Orris H. WarREN,D.D. .- - - _ Syracuse 1878 WHITELAW REID, LL.D. —- - ~ - — New York 1881 Witt1am H. Watson, M. A., M. D. = = Utica 1881 Henry E. TURNER — _ _ = = - Lowville 1883 St CuairR McKetway, LL.D., L.H.D., D.C.L. — Brooklyn 1885 HamiLTon Harris, Ph. D., LL. D. 2 = — Albany 1885 DanieEL Beacu, Ph. D., LL, D. ~ _ _ Watkins - 1888 CARROLL E. Smitu, LL. D. = - = — Syracuse 1890 Puiny T. Sexton, LL.D. - - ~ - Palmyra 1890° T. "GUILFORD SMITH, M.A.) C. BE. a Ss — Buffalo 1893 Lewis A. Stimson, B.A., M.D. - - 2 New York 1894 SYLVESTER MALONE — - = = - - Brooklyn 1895 ALBERT VANDER VEER, M.D., Ph.D. - ~ Albany 1895 CHARLES R. SKINNER, LL. D. Superintendent of Public Instruction, ex officio £307 CHESTER. 3.) WORD, Mi -AL 7 e.5— = - _ Brooklyn 1897 Timotuy L. Wooprurr, M. A., Lieutenant-Governor, ex officio 1899 THEODORE RoosEVELT, B. A., LL. D., Governor, ex officio 1899 JoHN T. McDonovucu, LL. B., Secretary of State, ex officio SECRETARY MeE.tviL Dewey, M. A. DIRECTORS OF DEPARTMENTS 1890 JAMES RUSSELL Parsons jr, M.A., College and High school depts 1888 MeLviL Dewey, M. A., State library and Home education 18go0 FREDERICK J. H. MERRILL, Ph. D., State museum REGENTS STANDING COMMITTEE ON STATE MUSEUM 1898 T. GUILFORD SMITH, Chairman LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OrrIS H. WARREN SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC DANIEL BEACH INSTRUCTION CARROLL E. SMITH BE 2°7735 : BNET A a oe PEATE OF NEw YORK. ee SENATE sist ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ieee ron K STATE: MUSEUM To the Legislature of the State of New York I have the honor to submit herewith pursuant to law, as the 51st annual report of the University on the New York state museum, the reports of the director of the museum, of the state geologist and paleontologist, of the state botanist and of the state ento- mologist, with appendices. : ANSON JUDD UPSON Chancellor CONTENTS : Vou. t ees Report of ‘the director... fea eceeee owes ee ee rb. Additions to. the geological collection. ....5.....2...252 r13. Additions: to the mineral ‘collection: +. 0.04. 2c. sae ig | Additions to the zoological collection................+. r19 Appendix A. Report on the relations of the Ordovician and Ko-Silurian rocks in portions of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis counties by Theodore G. White........... r2t Appendix B. Some higher levels in the postglacial de- — velopment of the Finger lakes of New York state by Thomas is Whats ies 54.0 seiee te oie eer ike Ocul ea r55- Appendix ©. The Tale industry of St Lawrence county, News Vork’ by J. Nelson Nevins’ 2.2201 h ee eee r119 Appendix D. The history of Cayuga lake valley by of Neelsoin AN ew nthe ince o.oo osiathoe: Drugs cra cit be aarp atta wae r129: Appendix 1: Museum bulletins 18, 19 Bulletin 18, Polished stone articles used by the New York ADONIO UNOS pos Wise ot ole Retna ale tc ea alle ag 3: Bulletin 19, Guide to the study of the geological collections of the. New: York state musemnie. 23 once: ta ne yee erie tte 105. Appendix 2 Report of the ‘state Poianigt . 2h e eae eet ce ts | eae 265: Report of, the state.entourolopist iia oon cece sss a eee 327 Tind@x) 4.432850 S.5!sog DRS, Sa Sa cece tee Cane ga 393 Vou. 2 z a 39 By 1s md ] ‘ iy ; : + . ‘v + Mea hag | t= hi ‘ ' a ~ oy NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR for the fiscal year ending 30 Sep. 1897 The honorable, the regents of the University of the State of . New York GentLeEMEN: During the past year the museum has been im- proved in its general appearance. and the collections have been increased to a very satisfactory cegree considering the limited means available. Since 1893 the work of the director of the museum and of the state entomologist and state botanist has been seriously affected by the abrupt and nnexpected reduction of the museum appropria- tion under the control of the regents, from $19,200 to $6720. Although a considerable portion of the original sum had been devoted to the salary and expenses of the state geologist, the reduced amount was insufficient to meet the salary list alone of the three officers previously mentioned. In this financial condition and with no encouragement for prospective increase in funds, it seemed necessary to preserve the existence of the museum by sus- pending expenditure wherever possible and by a careful husbanding of unexpended balances to tide over a very critical period. In the three departments mentioned the work was therefore limited, so. far as possible, to that which could be done with small expense. Among the important lines of work which could be accomplished in the museum without other expense than that for salaries, was the rearrangement of the geological collections which, owing to. the progress of geological science, had become somewhat antiquated. The paleontological collection having been rearranged during 1894-95, it was decided to prepare a synoptical geologic collection which should exhibit type-specimens from the various formations. T6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM and counties of the state arranged and labeled in such a manner as to form a standard collection of the rocks of New York which should be intelligible not only to the specialist, but to the school teacher and the beginner in geology. There being nowhere else in the world a complete collection of New York rocks, and New York being the mother state in geologic nomenclature, it seemed that nothing more important could be done. This task was by no means a light one. It involved the examination of all specimens which had been gathered since the beginning of the natural history survey in 1836 and the verification of the records on several thousand old labels with a view to the elimination of errors which were often found. Frequently an imperfect specimen needed to be replaced by better material and to do this with economy, has been a slow process, as it has been necessary to await the leisure of teachers of geology in various parts of the State, in order to secure particular specimens. No one who has not con- ducted similar work can appreciate the labor and pains involved in this undertaking. The value of the result will be understood by those who use it. Some time since, the chairman of the museum committee requested the director of the museum to prepare a report on the road materials of New York. It seemed desirable to combine with this a report on the road building conditions of New York, and in gathering material for this purpose, the attempt was made to avoid the beaten track of similar publications and to procure new facts of importance rather than republish things already well known. Through the director’s experience as an over-seer of highways in one of the districts of Albany county, it became possible for him to form a close acquaintance with local methods of road building and an accurate estimate of their value; so that a useful comparison could be made of the conditions existing in: different parts of the state. An arrangement was made with the Massachusetts highway commission by which representative samples of materials used for road building in New York were tested in the laboratory of the commission at Cambridge. The results of this inquiry are com- pleted and are in the printer’s hands.@ aThis report is published as Bulletin 17 of the New York state museum and is bound with the 50th report. ‘ REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR ro Together with the scientific and political study of this important question, the director has communicated with every proprietor of a stone quarry in New York state, in order to secure informa- tion concerning the local uses of stone in road building. The in- formation thus obtained forms a directory to the road-metal quarries of New York and their distribution is illustrated by a map. The director has been collecting from various sources photographs of important geologic formations in New York in order to make a. representative series forthe museum. These views will be further utilized in illustrating a Guide to the study of the geologic collec- tions of the New York state museum in the preparation of which the director is at present engaged. In this connection a geologist has been in the field making photographs of localities along the lower Hudson river. | To further illustrate the ‘‘Guide” above mentioned and render clearly intelligible the physiography of the state, a relief map on the scale of twelve miles to one inch has been prepared and was exhibited at the University Convocation. No accurate relief map of New York had been before undertaken, and the educational value of the one now completed can scarcely be over estimated. Copies in plaster can be purchased by educational institutions for $25, and, through the museum publications, photo- graphic reproductions will be distributed gratis. Two temporary field assistants Messrs T. G. White and D. H. Newland have made collections of rocks and minerals, respectively in the Mohawk valley and the highlands of the Hudson and Prof. C. H. Smyth jr of Hamilton college and Prof. R. 8. Tarr of Cornell university are having collections made for our museum in the vicinity of their respective institutions. In his administrative duties, apart from the daily routine work, the director has been occupied during the past two legislative seasons in the endeavor to secure a permanent increase of the museum appropriation. While the first season was full of promise it resulted only in a generous allowance in the supply bill which made it possible to carry the present salary list over another year. During the season just past renewed effort was crowned with success in so far as to increase the appropriation from $6720 to $10,000 with an additional allowance of $800 in the supply bill. This has been sufficient to pay the salaries. T8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM This brief statement of the condition of the museum and its work, ‘shows a status far more prosperous than was anticipated by the director when he was obliged to meet the difficult financial situation. Owing to the great variety and amount of work necessary to keep the various collections in presentable appearance and to im- prove them, from time to time, by additions and rearrangements, and to the frequent interruptions of routine work, the assistant curator has been obliged to divide his attention among various sub- jects as circumstances required, rather than devote himself to any one line of work until its completion. The greater part of the year has been occupied in develop- ing the introductory geological collection, the New York state ‘synoptical geological collection, in preparing a list of the more prominent natural history museums in the United States and Canada, with a brief outline of their respective collections; and in the identification of specimens (chiefly minerals) brought to the museum for determination. During the autumn several weeks were occupied in the work of identifying and labeling a large collection of mineralogical and paleontological specimens that had been donated to the Cobleskill high school on condition that the specimens be properly identified and exhibited by the school. The collection was in very bad con- dition on its arrival at the museum, and the loss of time to the museum was so great that it does not seem advisable to accept ‘another such task. A catalogue has been prepared of all the ethnological and histori- cal specimens in the museum, including the stored as well as the exhibited material. All catalogues of the exhibited collections and of the still greater amount of stored material, have been systemati- ‘cally arranged and a list.of them prepared. The collection of echinoderms has been rearranged and relabeled. During the year many valuable additions to the collection of minerals have been made. A detailed list of these accessions will be found in the appendix to this report. The cases are now so overcrowded that it is impossible to arrange the specimens so that all the labels can be read, and frequently a. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r9 new specimen can not be installed in its proper place without re- moving some other specimen. This process of weeding out the -older material has reached its limit, and a further removal of speci- mens, as the collection increases, will weaken the exhibit. To obviate this difficulty and to make room for growth and for the “introduction of labels dividing the mineral collection into the natural groups, (an addition which is urgently needed) a plan was prepared for a new arrangement of the table cases, by the use -of which the space necessary for two new cases would be obtained. It has not, as yet, been possible to make this necessary change. ‘A little time has been spent on the new collection of birds nests mounted with the birds and their eggs, and several additions were made during the collecting season. A few additions have also been made to the collection of birds. A list of the accessions to both these collections will be found in the appendix to this report. The space available for the exhibition of nests is already over- crowded and if the collection is enlarged the specimens of birds in another case must be unduly crowded. The large relief map of the state, which was exhibited by the museum at the World’s Columbian exposition, has been placed on exhibition in the museum. This map is 35’ 23’ long (east and west) and 26’ 22” wide (north and south); the horizontal scale is one inch to the mile and the vertical scale is one inch to 500 feet. It lies on the main floor in the rear wing of the building, and is enclosed by a railing and a raised platform. The best view of the map is obtained from the first gallery above it. Three smaller relief maps have been added during the year. ‘They are, a map of the state on a horizontal scale of one ineh to 12 miles and a vertical scale of one inch to 12,600’, a map of southern New England including Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island on a horizontal scale of one inch to 2 miles: and a map of New York city and vicinity on a horizontal scale of one inch to one mile and a vertical scale of 3 inches to one mile. They are mounted on easels in the same room with the large map. The maps of southern New England and of New York city and vicinity were purchased from Mr Edwin E. Howell of Washington, D.C. They are based on the topographic survey of the federal government in cooperation with the states of Massachusetts, Con- os rl1Q NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM necticut, Rhode Island and New York and have a high educational value. The small map of New York state was modeled for the New York state museum by Mr Howell, from a topographic map compiled for the museum by Mr C. C. Vermeule of New York city. This small map is of great importance to teachers of geog- graphy in New York. It is sold by Mr Howell at $25 and a copy of it should be in every school in the state. As before stated a systematic effort has been made during the year to obtain photographs of geologic subjects. This collection is designed to illustrate outcrops and exposures of the various geologic formations, geologic processes and phenomena, methods and appli- ances used in quarrying and mining, ete. Although considerable material has been collected, no exhibit has yet been prepared. This collection contains 324 views. A list of the views represented will be found in the appendix to this report. - An attempt has been made to compile a list of the geologic museums in the United States and Canada, with a brief note of what their respective collections contained and a circular letter was addressed to the various museums, universities, colleges and scientific societies. This was published in the 50th report of the museum. After going thus far it was deemed advisable to compile a more complete statement of the collections in all branches of natural history. Accordingly a circular letter stating the use to be made of the information, was again sent to the various museums, accompanied by a blank form for information under the following heads: 1. Name and address of museum, name and title of the officer in charge and a list of the museum staff. 2. Paleontological collections include: (names and size of various collections, type specimens, formations best represented, etc.) Esti- mated number of specimens, Specimens for exchange. 3. Min- eralogical collection contains: (collections, localities and groups best represented, ete.) Estimated number of specimens. Speci- mens for exchange. 4. Collections in historic and economic geology and in lithology, illustrate what? Estimated number of specimens. Specimens for exchange. 5. Zoological collections — include what? Estimated number of specimens. Specimens for exchange. 6. Botanical collections include what. Estimated number of specimens. Specimens for exchange. 7. Ethnologi- ot i ad Nl ——- REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR rll eal or anthropological collections include what. Estimated number of specimens. Specimens for exchange. 8. Mention any im- portant features of the museum not enumerated above. In reply to about 227 blanks sent out, about 140 were returned with the desired information more or less completely stated. Information concerning the institutions that have not replied will be obtained elsewhere, so far as possible. This compilation will soon be completed. The introductory geologic collection has been practically com- pleted, except for the prospective addition of better specimens and the filling of blank spaces, which will occur from time to time. This series of illustrations of geologic terms and definitions is limited only by the space and means available, so that it is com7 pleted only in the sense that these limits have been reached. The cases have been rendered more nearly dust proof by inserting strips of plush under the covers; and the exhibition labels have been added. Much progress has been made on the synoptical geological collection of New York state. Several special collections from various parts of the state have been made to add needed material. A list of these accessions will be found in the appendix to the report. With the exception of the small maps of the state showing the out- crops of each group, and the filling of a few spaces here and there, this series is now completed up to the carboniferous system. Taken in conjunction with the introductory collection, this series is already attracting favorable comment from visitors and from the local press, and will prove of still greater interest when an explana- tory handbook can be published to accompany it. Work on the economic collection has been confined almost entirely to the collecting of material. A splendid series of 21 specimens of potassinm salts, and products manufactured from them, from the famous Stassfurt. mines in Germany was presented to the museum by the German Kali works, proprietors of the mines. A list of these specimens will be found in the appendix to this report. Other additions to the economie collection include road-metal, abrasive material, and a collection illustrating the occurrence of the tale veins at Taleville and Fowler, in St Lawrence county. This r1Z NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM series was collected by Mr J. N. Nevius and included specimens of the country rocks, the foot and hanging walls of the mines and the various qualities of the tale from mines no. 3 and no. 5 of the Inter- national pulp co.,at Taleville and the American tale co. at Fowler, together with the manufactured product, and a series of photographs showing a vein of talc, the process of mining and the topography of the region. A list of these specimens will be found in the appendix to this report. The duplicate geological and mineralogical material stored in various parts of the building has been accumulating for years with- out any arrangement or system by which a particular specimen could be found when needed. A beginning has been made to arrange this material systematically and to catalogue the drawers and cases containing it. All the duplicates from the general min- eral collection have been arranged and considerable progress has been made with the geological material. - During the year there has been a great increase in the number of persons using the museum as a bureau of information. Most of these have wanted minerals identified, many have wanted speci- mens assayed and others have asked for practical information con- cerning various economic minerals, With the exception of making assays, for which the museum is nut equipped the museum has been able to. give satisfaction to all applicants. Between July 1 and September 30 there were upwards = 110 specimens received from all parts of the state to be tested for gold. This is an average of more than one a day, and as many as eight have been received in one day ; and these for gold alone. That the equipment of the laboratory and the amount of time that the assistant curator can devote to this work are inadequate needs no demonstration. During the month of September, weekly visits to the Hudson river were made by tbe assistant curator for the purpose of collecting Unionidae at the time reproduction was beginning. These collec- tions will contine until the river is frozen, and the gills of the specimens containing eggs will be preserved, thus forming a series of specimens showing the development of the eggs into the embryonic young. WYNKOOP HALTENDECK CRAWFORD CO., NEW YoIK AND ALBANY. IN F2 Ww wy ORF AND VICINITY HORIZONTAL SCALE //n~5Si miles VERTICAL SCALE [6 in-/mile, Modeled by Edwin E Howell. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r13 The attendance of visitors at the museum for the year just past as shown by the following record was somewhat greater than that of the previous year. Four scientific papers are published as appendices to this report. A Report on the relations of the Ordovician and Ko-Silurian rocks in portions of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis counties, by Theodore G, White, Columbia university. B Some higher levels in the postglacial development of the Finger Lakes of New York State. A thesis presented to the faculty of Cornell university for the degree of doctor of philosophy, by T. L. Watson. C The tale industry of St Lawrence county, New York, by J. Nelson Nevius. 7 D The history of Cayuga lake valley, by J. Nelson Nevius. Appendix B is published by request of Prof. R. 8. Tarr of Cor- nell University, under whose supervision the work was done. The subject is of such general interest that it seemed well to print it for distribution to the people of New York state. RECORD OF ATTENDANCE AT THE MUSEUM From Oct. 1, 1896 to Sep. 30, 1897 EI eMC OP re a ee tee 53 366 freatess monthly maximum, August:................. 6 931 Greatest daily maximum, January 6.................. 569 Respectfully submitted Freperick J. H. Merrivy Director Additions to the geological collection From Ocroser 1, 1896 ro SepremBer 30, 1897 Donations The geological department of Columbia university presented to the museum, through Prof. J. F. Kemp, 1 large specimen of Lim- burgite, from the Thetford boulders, Thetford, Vt. A collection of 82 small specimens of the rocks from the mining districts of Essex county, New York. The specimens are mostly Pre-cambrian crystalline rocks. | rl4 : NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A few months later, Prof. J. F. Kemp presented to the museum a collection of 28 specimens of the rocks of Essex county, New York. These specimens are duplicates of some of the former col- lection, but are much finer specimens. Through the courtesy of the state geologist, the museum received a specimen labeled: ‘Piece of wood believed to be of pre-glacial growth taken from a stratum of peat about 6 inches thick, underlying 8 feet of the boulder clay. Found in making excavations for the intake pipe for the Watertown city water works, near the settling basin, on the farm of Hubart Isham, October 1896.. Presented by fF. A. Hinds: A collection of 21 bottles of the various potash salts from Stassfurt, Germany and the products manufactured from them, was presented to the museum by the German Kali Works of 98-99 Nassau street, New York. ‘The series included the following material | Chlorkalium, (Potassium chloride manufactured from Sylvite) -Carnallit | ; i with peat, pulverized “© pulverized Polyhalit Kalidunger, (Potash fertilizer, manufactured) Kohlensaures kali magnesia, (Potassium magnesium carbonate manufactured from Sylvinit) Schoenit (Picromerite) Kieserit (Geserite) Berg-kieserit (Carnallite of low grade) Steinsalz (Halite Rock salt) Steinsalz—jungeres (Halite from upper strata) Hartsalz (Halite, Sylvite and Kieserite) Sylvinit ( .* d: Kainite) Sylvimit. (oye c * pulverized) Sylvin (Sylvite) Kainit (Kainite) «- ( ~~ pulverized) « ( “ — with peat, pulverized) Schwetelsaures kali (Potassium sulphate, manufactured) * ee 7? a oe eb Say Lemerse Mae” REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r1l5 Specimens of white quartz quarried at Billings, Dutchess county by the Bridgeport wood finishing co., of New Milford, Ct. The quartz is used for making wood filler. 2 specimens of Chlorite schist, from Harthau, Saxony. From Mr J. L. Davison, Lockport, N. Y., a large cluster of iron stained quartz crystals, and two gypsum concretions from an excavation for the Erie canal at Lockport. By purchase From Oscar Rohn, Madison, Wis., a collection of 85 speci- mens of the various formations of the Archaean, Algonkian, and Cambrian systems, illustrating the geology of the Lake Superior region. Each specimen is from the typical exposure of the forma- ‘tion it represents, and its label bears a reference to the published description. A chip of similar rock from which microscope sec- tions can be cut, accompanies each specimen. Material collected for the museum Prof. Ralph 8. Tarr of Cornell university, had made a collection of 84 specimens of the rocks about Ithaca, N Y. They illus- trate the variations in structure of the various beds of the Hamil- ton, Portage and to a less extent of the Chemung, Corniferous and Salina groups. It is a very complete collection of the rocks of that vicinity. . Prof. C. H. Smyth jr of Hamilton college, collected a series of 19 specimens illustrating the formations about Clinton, New York. They represent the formations from the Oneida Conglomerate to the Corniferous group. Prof. I. P. Bishop of the State normal school at Buffalo, col- lected a series of 28 specimens chiefly from the Niagara gorge and the vicinity of Lockport, Niagara co. The collection includes 1 specimen Hamilton sandstone. 2specimens Stafford (Marcellus) limestone. 2 specimens Onondaga limestone. | 1 specimen Corniferous “ 5 specimens Waterlime “ 2 specimens Salina shale. r16 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 6 specimens Niagara shale and limestone. 1 specimen Clinton limestone. 8 specimens Medina sandstone. Mr D. H. Newland collected 142 specimens of the crystalline — rocks of the region between Cold Spring, Putnam co., and Peeks- kill, Westchester co. 7 Material collected in St Lawrence county by J. N. Nevius Potsdam sandstone 3 specimens from Merritt & Tappan’s quarry, 4 miles south of Potsdam. 3 specimens from Clarkson quarry 34 miles south of Potsdam. 5 specimens from Dodge farm, Macomb. | 2 specimens from Popes mills. Miscellaneous 2 specimens breccia from Lon Smith farm, North Gouverneur. 3 specimens soil from decomposition, Potsdam. Crystalline rocks 2 specimens marble from Stevens quarry near Canton. 3 specimens marble from St Lawrence marble co. quarry Gouverneur. | 1 specimen marble from Northern New York marble co. Gouy- erneur. | 1 specimen marble from Empire marble co. quarry, Gouverneur. 2 specimens marble from the wall rock at a pyrite mine on Bel- mont farm, Little York, Fowler. 4 specimens containing pyrite, galenite and sphalerite from same mine. 2 specimens granite from near Macomb postoffice. 6 specimens granite from Dodge farm, Macomb. 2 specimens gneiss from Rossie. 4 specimens gneiss from Taleville. Pulverized tale. Samples of “Special asbestus pulp,” “Super stock” and “Finished asbestus. pulp,’ from the International pulp co. Gouverneur. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR rl7% Samples of “No. 1, Buhr stock” and “ Fine cylinder stock” from the United States tale co. Gouverneur. A sample of “ Cylinder stock” from the American tale co, Fowler. . A series of 36 specimens illustrating the country rock, the foot and hanging walls of the mines and the various qualities of the tale from mines nos. 3 and 5 of the International pulp co. at Taleville. Also a number of miscellaneous specimens from the other mines, in the vicinity — particularly from the mines of the American tale co. at Little York, Fowler. | Road metal 3 specimens limestone from the Howe’s Cave association, Huwe’s Cave, N. Y. 5 specimens granite from D. K. Donavan, Round Island, N. Y. _2-specimens trap from the Bouker contracting co. Guttenburg, Del: 1 specimen sandstone from F. E. Conley, Higginsville, N. Y. 4 specimens trap from Foss & Conklin, Haverstraw, N. Y. 3 specimens sandstone from Chas. Whitmore, Lockport, bi ee ee 4 specimens bluestone from Albert Shear & Co. Schenectady, N.Y. 1 specimen granite from John McGovern, Peekskill, N. Y. 2 specimens trap coll by H. Ries from top of Palisades. 3 specimens trap coll. by H. Ries from Bouker’s quarry. 2 specimens trap coll. by H. Ries from Lane’s quarry. 1 box assorted sand and gravel used in concrete making from N. W. Godfrey, East River storage yards, New York city. Additions to the mineral collection By donation Received from M. B. Hirsch of Albany, an amber pipe stem made in Russia, the amber is from the coast of the Baltic Sea. By exchange From Mr H. S. Peck of Menands, N. Y., 1 specimen of Cole- manite, crystallized, from San Bernardino co. Cal. From Otto F. Pfordte, Rutherford, N. J. 1 specimen Placer Gold, from Sandia City, Sandia, Peru. 1 specimen Placer Gold, from Sandia, Peru. r18 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1 specimen gold, with calcite, bornite and hematite, interior of Cerro de Pasco, Peru. 1 specimen silver, from Batopilillos, Chihuahua, Mexico. specimen Scheelite from Mina Vanguardia, Casapalea, Peru. specimen Brucite var. Nemalite from Hoboken, N. J. specimen Mercury from New Almaden, Cal. specimen Realgar from Mina Cuarenta, Casapalea, Peru. specimen Nickelite, from Richelsdorf, Hessen, Germany. specimen Edenite from Edenville, Orange co., N. Y. specimen Ehritite from Schneeberg, Saxony. specimen Galenobismutite from Falun, Sweden. specimen Silver Ore from Casapalea, Peru. a eC specimen Linarite from Mina Vanguardia, Casapalea, Peru. By purchase 1 specimen Sphalerite from Joplin, Missouri. 3 specimens Calcite from Joplin, Missouri. 2 specimens Flint from Dover, England. By collection ST LAWRENCE COUNTY BY J. N. NEVIUS Many specimens fibrous tale, from the mines at Taleville. 1 specimen tremolite, near Gouverneur. 3 specimens Pyrite Galenite and Sphalerite, Edwards. 8 specimens Graphite near Rossie. 4 specimens Graphite from North Gouverneur. 3 specimens Fluorite from Macomb. 2 specimens Williamsite from Taleville. 7 specimens Hexagonite from Taleville. SOUTH WALLINGFORD, VERMONT, BY J. N. NEVIUS. A quantity of pure white kaolin (see E. & M. Journal, Aug. 14, 1897) and several specimens of limonite and of manganese ores. rl9 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR ‘qSOU POTOTUOU GANG OY YIM PoJO9T[OO 919M SPAIQ YO, ‘oo Auvq[V ‘oo Aueqly ‘moor od ‘oo Aurqyy ‘aoyoTyjog ‘oo Aurqry ‘woo, qJoq ‘oo Auvqly ‘ueqo(Tjog ‘oo Auvqly ‘mayolqyog ALITVOO'T 00 QOUDIAL'T 4G ‘SLOUIOD S,olIsivag ‘oo Auvqry ‘moyoyiog ‘oo Auvqyy ‘moo qjog ‘oo ‘suey ‘ayvry pueg avod ‘oo Auvq y ‘umoyo/oq ‘oo Auvq iy ‘moreTyoq ‘oo Aueqyy ‘wooo ALI1VOO'T -gsou ojoldumooul oInjeuot gf Bie hn piaipe te mega Ws papel (° NNU.0 1 Pek USL) Oye CONS L OG 6 I elspa eh theif he “YMC pote} poy Bi Pe Re tsa “*paivg ‘siajueatavg ‘xeaopidmy | *tt* +--+ ss soqoqvody polp[oq-MO][oX ie se eces tweens eee ert. CML GO eae IOT. leis es seas = wreees*9LOLlO OLOTHI4 [BET e) "sSesc reeset qslOg ‘epelIys woTompued, | -5*° *<"- "= "=""""<7oqrem [[OG-x0eTT 2 wooerscerery fvoruearAsuded Boloripunod |°*°""**7 7" Ta]qIVM popts-ynujseqO a+ repens ser cesses ss P<" SUOILA, Ulogoy | ~°"~ <"" =" = Sng ene eee OO he xag HAVN OMIGNHIOg HANVN SNIAUN 'N ‘f AD CHLOATIOO sauita “—sico © PUB Isom.) ==> 5" =" Kum “gnOITUnT Topleqoodjed ||~ sss s= == ess "*7"""" MOITVMS OAR ewe ss Sse OO Gee els § ener STATO LOL BONsaLMOONO Oey | mee ae ss sme ee nie anne “**parg yey) eprom cence = Feo e Sikes Ol, toro seeseery BolmeA[ASUUOd BOLOLIpuag *Soriarc see Reker ort, ROT RLO LLU BINION Eee ns Se ey USOT ULe LOL BT MIST ROSS reps ee Pre SUA BInoda **S559 p pueB 4sou ““g600 p puy qsou ""s0.00 ¢ “"S000 ¢ puv 4sou NOILdIUNsAg HAVN: OMILNaIOg SOIAUN 'N '£ AM CHLOATION SODA AGNV SLSUN SAUIA UOI}DI][OI [eIISojooz sy} 0} SUOI}Ippy © see esas aaa rene ie Oto Tro: pure cure) sreecresom--19qIUM papls-jnuyseyO ne siata sic SS oe Sr ees Ot. WOO LULL y, ofa8 se Rial seaie Ae Ome maO le LLY, sorrserocooss* "ABT pojSBatd-AO][O AAV N r20 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Mammals BY PURCHASE From Joseph Lehner, 1 Canada porcupine, 4, Erethizon dorsa- — tus, L. Shot at McKownsville, Albany co. N. Y., July, 1897. BY DONATION From Prof. Chas. H. Peck, 1 red bat, Atalapha noveboracensis, Erxl. Menands, Albany co., N. Y. BY PURCHASE Plaster models of fishes, batrachians and reptiles made by Ward’s natural science establishment.. Yellow perch, Perea flavescens, Mitch. Small monthed black bass, Micropterus dolomieu, Lac. Northern rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus, L. Coach whipsnake, Bascanium flagelliforme acca Bull Frog, Rana catesbiana, Shaw. Invertebrates 1 specimen of coral from Hayti, unidentified, presented by George E. Mitchell, Brooklyn, N. Y. APPENDIX A REPORT ON THE RELATIONS OF THE ORDOVICIAN AND EO-SILURIAN ROCKS IN PORTIONS OF HERKIMER, ONEIDA AND LEWIS COUNTIES By Theodore G. White COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY CONTENTS : PAGE Introduction. Consideration of the type section of the Trenton Falls provancesss > Sos fe). ees. Fee r23 ’ Crystalline rocks: Oneida county (Hinckley, Ohio, Northwood, Forestport).. 125 Lewis county (Port Leyden, Lyon Falls)............... r26 Birdseye formation : Newport (Rathbone)..... Sok: Sete ae. ttn Oe ee r27 Black river formation : Newport'(Gathboney shor. Ga, oe ae ee eee r27 Boon vile t hs 7 Oe eae es ae Adie Cee ee r28 | Lyon atalia a7) a ee ee oe Seats ec eee r29 Trenton formation : Newport “(Rathbone 5 2.0 A oe ie ee oe ore r29 Prospect W est; Canada creek). S225. 05.5. eae ee r31 Pimekley 52003. Gif pate oe We ie ee oe ee ee r32 Greil Seem et aE ee DE a annie ew ate 2 CN Shee r32 Hawkindyilie (fe: ecieue o-oo Sa ce ean ee gO eo r32 Boonville and-Reyeene 27 (Areas Oh he SO ee 133 Utica- Hudson formation (Frankfort slates) : Consiablemiliges. oe" chen Ran Jo ie 0 ae RR Os Se 133 Prankfort’and). Frankiort: Hill 20-43 ae oe eee r34 Ferguson creek section........... eae eee. Pk cate oh. r35 Oneida conglomerate stage: Frankfort Hilland Genter egies eee, Gute s 136 Clinton stage : Frankfort Saal yg oo. se ete cae 0, ia Chadwick Mills and Willowvale........ pies eee r37 Palina ? red ‘slateeine..... .\ oer sore, os ene . 44 Summary of the sections in the vicinity of Frankfort Hill, N. Y. r44 Conclusions... 38 v5. s . Va eee oe oe cs, ee r45 List of papers referred to in the text...-................. . r46 Description of ‘plates.2--. |. Se here chs ot es re r52 Key to locality numbers: 5:..-<.2. ck ie 2 ee eee eee r54 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r23 INTRODUCTION ‘The notes and collections which are the basis of this report were made in the course of field work during the month of J uly 1897. The field work was undertaken for the purpose of locating, if possible, a complete section of the upper Ordovician rocks from the Birdseye or Black river limestone at least to the top of the Utica or Hudson river shales, within the area of the Trenton Falls pal- eontological province, from which a collection of rock specimens and fossils might be made for the New York state musenm. As the writer has previously pointed out (White ’96 & 96a) the type section of the Trenton formation at Trenton Falls, Oneida co., N. Y., from which the formation was originally described (Conrad 737, Vanuxem 742) is not a complete section.. The lowest layers seen there, are at an unknown distance above the top of the Black river zones and the section terminates in gray crystalline layers which Darton (793, p. 618-620) considers to represent the top ot the Tren. ton, although at Amsterdam, where the crystalline layers are lacking, he says (1. ce. p. 620) the thin bedded shaly limestones grade into the overlying Utica shales. Along Lake Champlain, which may be considered a border of the Trenton Falls province, it is possible to construct a continuous section from the Calciferous, well up into the Utica. But although the paleozoic seas were doubtless con- tinuous around the Adirondack island, the local environment and conditions of deposition varied considerably, so that intermediate stages of faunal development occurring on one side of the Adiron- dacks are lacking on the other, and local oscillations of the Ordo- vician land-surface have produced different sequences in the more or less impure limestone strata. r24 ? NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Gradual thickening of the Ordovician sediments* is, moreover, shown toward the western part of the state,so that a broader faunal range is likely to be found there. Correlation with the Trenton limestone has been attempted all over the country and this has led to much confusion of terms because, although many species have been described from various positions inthe New York Trenton, no systematic study of the sequence of strata and their contained faunas within the paleozoic province of Trenton Falls has yet been published which embraces all the zones originally deposited im the region. Stratigraphic work of this sort has already been done in several other groups of the Ordovician, notably for the type section of the Chazy formation and the area in its vicinity. (Brainerd and Seely ’88, 791, & 796). It has also been done for the Quebec group (Logan ’63 p. 227), and for those portions of the Cambrian which a The rate of this thickening is shown in the following table by the correlation of sections at the places mentioned, orin their immediate region ; the localities being in an approximate line, over 175 miles long, extending from west to east across the central part of the state. LOCALITIES Rochester?.) Chittenango2.) Utica’.) Amsterdam‘.) DISTANCES <$0 miles> <32 miles> <55 miles> NOUBtONG.<.cok ee Veni? KOO UEDA Stiaaiers booaetaehenrs Batts evel oeece. BAGG alee ealnes weitere aie vate oeabeears 5 Medina sy sse ieee LOMB) T A rice eat anteigen terete Dat aay aetna ts wees byte o ose We ebsie 23 e) sa aoe Oswego-Oneida it. 2 SB Vere race ee) ROT: (ERS pee ekes 16 fhe Tics oo eee Janine Utica- Lorraine). F-22598 eee cei onic ols ste SWB oS 95. so aero OOO SEU: Srvc cieerslenteters (‘Sat top.’’) Birdseye-Trenton.. 1954 8") woe. diese st eee 637 ‘+ Sdve shh ODO iGt= are eiaratanatate te 37 ft. Calciferous........ TB tins wacacnsih ete ante SEC en Gad oN aa aaresey Os goo toa Ac (‘‘at base.’’) 1) Fairchild ’91 p. 184. 2) Prosser °93 p. 108. 3) Walcott ’88 pp. 211-212; Prosser °93 p. 100; and the present paper, p. r44. 4) Darton ’93 p. 620. 5) Thickness 600 feet acc. Walcott 83 p. 1, and 710 feet according to the same author 790 p. 347. 6) Thickness 456 feet acc. Prosser & Cumings 98 p. 634. ' The following is a summary of statements by Hall (’74) 160 miles west of Schoharie in line from | 60 miles west of Schoharie. Schoharie valley. Seneca or Ontario to Oswego co. (Meridian of Utica.) (Meridian of Amsterdam.) ORISKANY SANDSTONE) 3... .. 0 .....- PreSENU ii ics a cei een beets wegen nee . Ce caer pper entameru ( Represented by a few| | Not distinctly developed. limestone. LOWER J feet of compact,| | Shaly limestone. HELDERBERG. }\_ grayish - blue lime-| 4 Indistinguishable........ Lower Pentamerus stone. limestone. IPRERGRG eich es Gate Oe teen Tentaculite limestone. WATER LIME FORMATION .......... PEGSONbig sig riven clerntine ests Present. ONONDAGA SALT GROUP........... Pr AS@ntiiclsaenk s.eciues hiciie'e Absent. (with gypsum beds 1000’.) ............ (Red and gray marls.) NIAGARA GROUP. (=Coralline sl..)..| Present..........-..s.20 Present. Green shales and sand- stone with calcareous CLINVONUGROUP....2.0/ pores: 4 bands, containing in- “byt shale ‘with Gs ( terstratified beds of red pyrite. | | hematite. MEDINA SANDSTONE) oso o0. cus seen Present ........ Bei anata Absent. HUDSON RIVER GROUP............. Presentiicice fucles orcas Present. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r25 derive their names from localities in this country, namely the Georgian (Walcott ’}1 p. 278-27:) and the Etcheminian and St John group (Matthew 792 and 795). The desired section for description, embracing all the zones developed in the Trenton Falls province was not found in the few weeks spent in the field last summer. The writer is convinced however that it will be found by further search. The present paper however adds several details on the border of the areas occupied by the formations, as depicted on the state economic and geologic map (Merrill ’95) and the preliminary geological map (Hall *94) and shows that the border of the crystalline rock extends further west than is indicated on either of them. . The area covered this year is in the vicinity of Frankfort Hill, Herkimer county, and from Rathbone, near Newport, to Lyon Falls, Lewis county, in detailed field work, and thence on to Car- thage in hasty inspection. ‘This may be defined as a portion of the West Canada creek and Black river valley. The formations enumerated are from the erystallines through most of the Clinton stage as there developed. CRYSTALLINE ROCKS The crystalline rocks are similar in character to those of the east- ern side of the Archaean Adironuack island. Along all the tribu- taries of West Canada creek Archaean appears in isolated out- crops, at some distance up-stream from the nearest paleozoic out- crop, which is last met with at Hinckley. From Hinckley the southern tributary (Black creek) meanders through black silt and sand until Mount creek is passed (Locality 134). The rock here aThe system employed in recording field notes was that developed by Prof. Henry S. Williams, during his study of the Devonian formations of central New York. The townwhich is the temporary headquarters for field work of the vicinity is assigned a definite number as 130=Trenton Falls. During the progress of the work in that vicinity every exposure or con tinuous section is assigaed a letter of the alphabet, whether the section be along a shore, in the bed of a stream, a railroad cutting ora quarry. In the case of sedimentary rocks, the geologically lowest layer in that section is sought and numbered 1 ; each superjacent dis- tinct layer being numbered in series, and measured, and a quantity of representative material collzcted from each, as described in the case of similar work by the writer (White °96). The field numbers have heen retained in the left-hand margin of the sections described in the present paper, although in some cases several layers distinguished in the field have been combined, as will be seen, where subsequent laboratory study failed to detect sufficient dis- tinction between them to warrant their separation. Port Leyden, Black river flows through a rather narrow alluvial — r26 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM is gneissoid, containing much -biotite, garnets and often, crushed — Siar The foliation banding of the ledges bears N 65° ee Outcrops of the same character are seen from this point non along Mount creek (loc. 135). The other streams in the town _ Ohio, Herkimer co., are in a sand plain and show no outcrops in — their channels. : a The north or main tributary of West Canada ereek has no wal crop exposed in its valley until Northwood is reached ; and flows for four miles between sandy banks of drift, often with high terraces. There is an outcrop of crystalline rock beneath the saw-mill at_ Northwood and on the neighboring hillsides (136). It is less ; gneissic and more feldspathic than that on Mount creek. The country rock between Hinckley and Forestport is deeply buried — beneath sand hills and plateaus. At Forestport extensive outerops — of coarse hornblendic red granite occur along Big Woodhull creek, Alder ereek and the “feeder” of the Black river canal (138). ‘The stone is almost identical with the red granites of Maine and eastern Massachusetts. From Forestport to Hawkinsville the ‘ feeder” — has been excavated chiefly in loose material. Extensive outcrops — of a handsome fine-grained light-gray gabbro (139 B) occur on Crystal creek in the center of the town of Hawkinsville and within — quarter of a mile of ledges of Trenton limestone. (139 A). No | crystallines are seen in Boonville nor Leyden. Above the bridge at plain without outcrops. At and below the bridge, (loc. 142 C) are — large gabbro bosses similar to those at Hawkinsville but reddish in color. The masses of rock are very strongly banded in a vertical direction, with black streaks rich in biotite and somewhat gneissic¢. — = Ie There are, also, numerous narrow quartz veins. From Port Ley-— den to Lyon falls the channel of Black river is entirely in the gabbro (143 D). The latter is strongly banded at Lyon falls, specially — near the pulp mill, (143 A) (Fig. 1.) where the flowage lines have a direction of N 60° E. Where unaltered it is a dark colored rock, chiefly labradorite, with considerable pyrite and occasionally grains — of quartz. The labradorite of the rock along Moose creek has . weathered to a brilliant brick red (143 B & C). FIG. 1: To face p. 26. m2 Me 38 P ‘ _ IWYNKOOPHALLENBECK.C RAWFORD CO T. G. White, photo. LYON FALLS, N. Y. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r27 BIRDSEYE FORMATION The only locality of the Birdseye observed was at Rathbone brook. It is shown along West Canada creek at the mouth of the brook and in a railroad cut a short distance north. It is about 14 feet thick, coarse and yellowish in the lower layers, fine and dove- gray above witb no fossils except calcite “nests” which may be — replacements of Scolithus tubes. BLACK RIVER FORMATION Rathbone (near Newport) (130 B). The lower beds of the section are not well exposed on Rathbone brook itself and the Black river formation is not seen in contact with the lower Trenton in the immediate vicinity. In the railroad cut, a short distance north, already referred to, 6 feet, 9 inches of the Black river lime- stone is exposed which yielded the following species: Lllaenus americanus Billings — Stictopora sp. Leperditia fabulites (Conrad) LRafinesquina alternata (Emmons) Avicula trentonensis Conrad Strophomena incurvata (Shepard) Cypricardites ventricosus (Hall) Ctenodonta levata (Hall) Raphistoma americana Billings Tellinomya nasuta Hall Zygospira recurvirostra Hall = Lsotelus gigas DeKay Oyrtoceras tenuistriatus Hall Protarea vetusta (Hall) Rhynchotrema inaequvalvis __Holopea sp. (Castlenan) Murchisonia sp. Bathyurus extans (Hall) Modiolopsis sp. Dalmanella subaequata (Conrad) Bellerophon sp. Dinorthis cf. pectinellaEmmons) Conularia sp. Orthoceras sp. Isochilina sp. The rock is barren in some portions, crystalline and highly fos- siliferous in others, especially toward the top; the fossils being brought out by weathering. Chert nodules occur in the rock. It is a nearly black, compact limestone, having a conchoidal fracture and weathering gray or yellowish. Boonville. ‘Che Black river limestone is well exposed in the bed of Dry Sugar creek near Boonville quarries (140A). The beds dip - 4°$ 10° E, and are deeply seamed in all directions, so that the ereek, although of considerable size, becomes a “* lost’ river in the crevasses just below the quarries and so remains nearly to its r28 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM juncture with Black creek. In the not very remote past the volume of this stream must have been great, for the extremely level floor ef its bed is worn into innumerable pot-holes, three inches to six feet in diameter and still retaining the rounded boulders of granite, gabbro, and other hard rocks which formed them. (Fig. 2) Beneath the bridge, below the quarries, the ledges cease and the remainder of the channel of Sugar river as well as of Black river, into which it flows, is carved through boulder drift until the gabbro at Hawkinsville is reached, so that the contact with the Cal- ciferous limestone is not seen. The section (140A) presented is as follows: 140A1 ;—Rather impure, tough, black limestone, 12 feet Columnaria alveolata Goldfuss Jsotelus gigas DeKay Stromatocerium rugosum Hall Huomphalus sp. Laphrentis canadensis Billings and large Orthocerata 140A2;— Zone of Parastrophia hemiplicata This appears to be a well marked zone of the upper Black river of New York, and is found in similar relations in the Lake Champlain valley. The Zriplesia zone, that follows it here, has not yet been found in eastern New York, and the fact that large and smooth adult specimens of P. hemiplicata often so nearly resemble 7. extans may indicate that the latter is a subsequent development from the former in central New York. The Parastrophia beds are shaly, with compact, dark gray seams. 1 to 4 inches thick, which are very fossiliferous. 5 feet Parastrophia hemiplicata Hall LRafinesquina alternata (Em- Plectambonites sericeus (Sowerby) mons) (a large form resembling Ostracods P. saxea Sardeson). Lamellibranchs, too imperfect for Dalmanellatestudinaria(Dalman) — identification. Isotelus gigas DeKay 140 A 3 ;— Zone of Triplesia extans. 3 feet Plectambonites sericeus (Sowerby), very abundant. Rafinesquina alternata (Emmons) 140 A 4;—Trenton. Thin layers of black, hard, almost flinty, barren limestone, with shaly alternations and thin zones with IMG. 2. T. G. White, photo. Pot HOLES, DRY SUGAR CREEK, BOONVILLE, N. Y. FIG. 3. T. G. White, photo. CLINTON. SWIFT CREEK SECTION, FRANKFORT, N. Y. FIG. 4. T. G. White, photo. RIPPLE MARKS ON STRATA NEAR CHADWICK, N. Y. ‘To face p. 28. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r29 well preserved fossils. These evidently represent the base of the Trenton. 12 feet Lafinesquina alternata (Emmons) Dalmanelia testudinaria (Dalman) Crinoidal columns Lygospira exrgua (Hall) Orthoceras sp. The Boonville section is not continuous above this, but exposures oceur at intervals along the canal, Sugar river, and its tributaries, as far as the road between Boonville and Leyden, while far beyond this is a single outcrop of Utica slate, (141 A) further east than is indi- cated on Prof. Hall’s map. Lyon Falls. From Leyden to Port Leyden and thence nearly to the point where the Black river canal leaves the river, no sedimentary outcrops are seen, the surface being buried in sand hills. At the locality mentioned, an escarpment of Black river limestone appears (142A 1-2), forming, as it were, at a height of at least 150 feet above the river, a retaining wall for the level country extend- ing westward at that higher altitude. The strata exposed in the escarpment at the top of the slope are about 20 feet thick. The lower portion (142 A 1)isa rather compact, dark gray limestone (142 A 2)with numerous calcite veinings, containing Leperditia fabulites and Jsotelus gigas. The upper portion is more impure. A continuation of the same escarpment of about the same thickness is seen west of the railroad station at Lyon Falls (143 E 1-2). The lower portion is a bed of Leperditia fabulites (Conrad) with Zsotelus gigas De Kay, as in the (142 A) locality. The upper is a dove colored limestone with pyrite. [In neither locality are the adjacent formations seen. TRENTON FORMATION Rathbone brook. Asabove mentioned (p. r27) the sequence of the beds from Black river to Trenton is not shown in the Rathbone brook section. The following zones may be established by correlation of the details in the writer’s previous paper (White ’96, p. 84-87), those at the base of the brook section being compared with those on the neighboring hillside. r30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 130 B1-2 & A 9-10) Zone of Monticuliporidae. Dalmanella testudinaria (Dal- Calymene senaria Conrad man) Strophomena rugosa Blainville Plectambonites sericeus (Sowerby) Trinucleus concentricus (Eaton) Isotelus gigas De Kay Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Protowarthia cancellata (Hall) Green Platystrophia biforata (Schlo- Lafinesquina alternata theim) (Eimmons) Murchisonia millert Hall Approx. 35 feet 130 B 3-6 ;—Sub-zone of Holopea symmetrica Hall, in which all the above, except Protowarthia cancellata, were found, and in addition the following: Trematis terminalis Emmons Eccylcomphalus trentonensis (Con.) Lingula riciniformis Hall Conularia trentonensis Hall Lingula aequalis Hall 20 feet 130 B 7;—Sub-zone of Trinucleus concentricus (Eaton). Contains nothing else. 7 feet 130 B 8-13 ;—Remainder of Montiwtipord zone, containing only, in addition to the corals, Lafinesquina alternata Dalmanella testudinaria Calymene senaria Dalmanella subaequata Plectorthis aequivalvis Modiolopsis sp. 12.5 feet 130 B 14;—Zone of Parastrophia hemiplicata and Orthoceras. It has included nodules. Also Calymene senaria Ctenodonta levata Dalmanella testudinaria Lingula riciniformis Monticuliporid corals Rafinesquina alternata Platystrophia biforata 9 inches 180 B 15-19;—Zone containing Plectambonites sericeus ex- clusively. 9 feet 130 B 20-28;—Zone of agglomerated Dalmanella testudinaria with occasionally ! Calymene senaria Plectambonites sericeus Lafinesquina alternata Monticuliporid corals Rafinesquina deltoidea 3 5 feet - ‘ .———— a eee - = — 7 i REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r3l 130 B 24-31 ;—Zone of Jsotelus gigas and Lingula curta Monticuliporidae Strophomena incurvata Calymene senarva Ctenodonta dubia Dilmanella testudinaria Ctenodonta levata Dalmanella subaequata Lafinesquina alternata Orthoceras vertebrale Rafinesquina deltoidea Protowarthia cancellata Diplograptus amplexicaulis 46 feet The section thus far is continuous. Above this, beds, presum- ably of about three feet in thickness, are invisible. Following this, appears 130 B 32;—Hard black, impure limestone in thin layers, often encrinal. This forms the fall near the stone bridge and the bed of the brook above it to the branch. Strophomenaincurvata occurs in the lower part. Abundant large Jsotelus gigas throughout, also Orthoceras proteiforme, the latter very abund- ant in the upper part. 40 feet 130 B 33;— The succeeding layers are again covered for some dis- tance. On the north branch then appears 9 feet of sandy, thin- bedded, gray, finely crystalline limestone, containing no fossils except comminuted crinoids and trilobites. An outcrop of the same rock, 11 feet thick, occurs on the south branch. Both branches rise in swamps without further outcrops. West Canada creek section—Prospect. At the suggestion of Prof. C. S. Prosser, the writer remeasured the Trenton Falls section (described on p. 76-80 White ’96) and discovered an error of 33 feet in beds 12-13, caused in transcribing partially oblit- erated figures in the note bouk of the previous visit. Beds 130 D 1-4 are repeated in D 5-7 so that the total thickness of the Trenton Falls section is 268 instead of 325 feet.” The dip of the strata changes quite abruptly at Prospect; the upper end of the gorge section. Beiow the quarries, as seen from the bridge, ic is 20° N. Beneath the bridge it is 10° 8, around the a Since the above was written, Prof. Prosser’s paper has appeared, in which my cor- rected figures are given (Prosser 98, p. 626) together with his own calculations of the Trenton Falls section, which differ by only two feet. In neither of the sections described by Prosser and Cumings was a complete series of the entire Trenton group secured. r32 NEW YORK STATE- MUSEUM first bend it is 9° S 80° E, but above the bridge all the beds are considerably folded and are also a repetition of the beds seen in the gorge, in decreasing order as one proceeds up stream. Hinckley. An isolated outcrop of 15 feet of light gray, rather coarsely crystalline limestone, alternating with encrinal shaly lime- stone, apparently rather high Trenton, occurs beneath the bridge at Hinckley, (133 A). The limestone is quite soft, with numerous more or less comminuted fossil remains. Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Platystrophia biforata Isotelus gugas — . Dalmanella testudinaria, abund- ant. Crinoidal columns, abundant. Bryozoa Above this the river flows deep and sluggish between banks of black mud and sand.*% Grant. Opposite the saw-mill on Black creek in the town of Grant, about ten feet of rather low Trenton is seen (133 B). It is impure and nodular with crinoids and monticuliporids. Blaék creek above this, as far as the town of Gray, shows only stratified dark gray clay. Hawkinsville. From Hinckley to Forestport and thence to Hawkinsville, the crystalline-sedimentary contact can not be traced on account of the deep sand deposits. An extensive peneplane at an elevation of 1200 feet, surrounds Forestport and extends for miles. It is entirely of sand and largely barren of vegetation (Brigham ’88 p. 114). This plateau falls off abruptly on the west, in a line which the canal approximately parallels although at some distance from it ; the escarpment of its edge being bare and sharply defined in the distance. None of the streams have cut to the base of this sand plain. On a small stream near the tow-path bridge just south of Hawk- insville, three feet of horizontal layers of Trenton are exposed (139A). These contain ; Dalmanella testudinaria Lsotelus gigas Plectambonites sericeus Ceraurus pleurexanthemus: Lafinesquina deltoidea a On the occurrence of diatomaceous earths among the glacial deposits at Hinckley, see Cox, C. F. Trans. N, Y. acad. sci. 12 ; 219-220 and 18 ; 101. EEE oom . A * Ve me + wh est oy ie ee = wor va ae = ni ee FIG. 5. To face p. 33. ~~ *, _~ ~ wa “ Boas ENBECK CRAWFORD Ort T. G. White, photo. FALLS OF THE SUGAR RIVER AT LEYDEN (TALCOTTVILLE), N. Y. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r33 As before mentioned (p. r26) this outcrop is within a quarter of a mile of the outcrop of crystalline rock. One mile west of Hawkinsville, in a fieid west of the turnpike, a ledge was found (139C) three feet thick, gray, very crystalline and abounding in Dalmanella testudinaria, gastropods and bryozoa. Protowarthia cancellata Lsotelus gigas Boonville and Leyden. As before stated a non-continuous sec- tion is cut by Sugar river from Boonville to Leyden. The highest beds of this section are seen at the Talcottville quarries (1410), where 62 feet of encrinal Trenton layers occur, dipping 3°S 90° W. (Fig. 5) The layers are 6-15 inches thick, with thin, shaly partings, the latter very fossiliferous. Orthids occur in great abundance, one layer 8 to 10 feet below the top of the mass being filled with a large form of Dalmanella subaequata. | UTICA-HUDSON (FRANKFORT SLATE) On a branch of Sugar river just east of the road from Talcottville to Constableville the Utica boundary was established. The river between, follows an older river bottom without outcrop. At the place referred to, the edge of a shaly ledge about 24 feet thick appears (141A) which, except for the extent which it covers might be considered a large boulder. For the most part it is brown and decomposed, but fresher fragments contain 7riarthrus becki, Orthis and a small Orthoceras, which also occurs in the shales at Frankfort. The Black river formation escarpment begins a few hundred yards east of the gabbro, but with no observed contact, and in gen- eral, for some miles parallels the railroad and canal. The gabbro appears west of the railroad at intervals, all the way from Lyon Falls to Glendale, and in more scattered outcrops over half way between Martinsburg station and Lowville. The first Trenton outcrop on the railroad is in a culvert one mile north of Lowville. Beyond this the railroad follows a sand-plain until Carthage is reached. The Trenton strip is therefore narrower than has been supposed, and the white area east of Lowville on Prof. Hall’s map (94) should be colored as Precambrian. It appears that the contact between the crystallines and the sedimen- taries is in geueral a little west of the railroad, and from the abrupt r34 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM nature of the Black river limestone escarpment. that it is probably a fault contact. The streams cut the crystallines, or ancient valleys eroded in them, that have been deeply filled with sand. The con- tinuous section which is desired should be sought on tributaries entering Black river from the west. As so far observed the Boon-_ ville section is the nearest approach to such an ideal section, but that is far from satisfactory. In addition to the work above described, the director of the state museum desired the writer to make, if possible, a section in the vicinity of Frankfort Hill, Herkimer county from the Ordovician through the Lower Helderberg, and to collect rocks and fossils. The area covered to secure the following results embraces the towns of Frankfort, Center, Frankfort Hill, Chadwick and Sauquvit. Type section 137 A ;—The type section of the Frankfort slates (Vanuxem ’40, p. 372) is on Moyer creek, Frankfort. The creek is called “Frankfort creek” in the report cited, and is misspelled ‘“‘ Myers creek” in Vanuxem’s report (42, p. 63, etc.) The strata beneath the slates are not shown. The section is as follows: 137 A i;—First exposure at the bridge on the farm road which leaves the road from Frankfort to Sauquoit, 14 miles west of Frank- fort. (Fig. 6) (No onterops occur between this point and the Mohawk.) Black thin-bedded shales with conchoidal fracture as if under stress. Dip 8° to 4°, S 60° W. Fault planes N 40° W and N 25° E. At 17 feet above the base a thin layer contains Graptolites and a small species of Orthoceras. Total thickness of the exposure, 20 teet A 2;—Gray sandstone, weathering red, overlying A 1 in the small brook which enters the creek near the bridge above mentioned 6 feet Along Moyer creek gorge for nearly three miles the same alter- nating series of shales and thin bedded sandstones is shown in cliffs at least 90 feet in height; so that the total thickness of the Frank- To face p. 34. T. G. White, photo. FRANKFORT SLATES ON MOYER CREEK, FRANKFORT, N. Y . 2 a z. - . - . - ‘ 4 x 2 raliit - j . 5 2 = » ‘ z 2 5 F t 3 5 7 : ~ ot 4 $ ’ : ; 4 4 * A yp ss a ; i < z - F J Foes a — e ‘ ee ie 43 % ,) aE ay - . 2 = . = ’ aed . Z ne. as > » ue Dae 7 2 Crs PSs = * ¥ a ; ; y + - ¥ t ¥ ~ ¥ re “sn rs >. a 7 o e 4 ‘ J al ‘ may * ?; 3 p ! — * ee, REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR rab fort shales must be over 100 feet.* No fossils were found above the zone referred to. Rounded concretions frequently occur in the slate. -The thickest sandstone layers, (‘‘rubblestone” of Eaton) are two feet thick. These sandy layers increase in abundance toward the upper portion of the mass, and may indicate passage beds to the Medina. The latter formation was nowhere found. The gorge of Moyer creek, known as “the gulf,’ was followed to its termination above Gulph in search of the beds of the Oneida conglomerate and the red shales at the base of the Salina stated by Vanuxem (42 p. 76 and 96) to occur there. Many boulders of both, some of them of large size, occur along the gorge, but no ledge could be found anywhere in the vicinity. The evidence afforded by boulders in this region is wholly untrustworthy, since the drift deposition is enormous, as notably illustrated about Forest- port. (See Brigham ’89 p. 113-114 and 95, also Chamberlain ’83.) Ferguson creek section ;—137 H ;—West branch of Ferguson ereek, on the north side of Frankfort Hill. H 1-2-3;—FRANKFORT SLATES in the bed of the west- ern branch of the creek beginning near its union with the creek. In appearance exactly the same as the Moyer creek exposures. Dip 5° $ 50° E. Directions of faultings, N 70° W and N 35° HE, very pronounced. Lower portion entirely shaly, black, showing conchoidal “pressure fracture.” Upper portion with intercalated, grayish, sandstone layers. Fossils occur only in one thin seam near the base. These are Triarthrus beckr | Orthis (small species.) Orthoceras (small species, same as in 137A1 and 141 A. common.) a Vanuxem (’42 p. 372 ) says ‘‘ The upper part of the Frankfort slate in many places alter- nates with thin layers of fine grained sandstone, more or less intermixed with the matter of the slate; both by long exposure to the air assume a dark green or olive colour, by which they are readily distinguished from the black (—Utica) slate, which changes toa brown. Fossils are rare in the lower part of the Frankfort slate but are numerous in the upper part where it adjoins the next series, the Pulaski shales. .. To which of these two masses they belong has not been determined.”’ Vanuxem’s classification (°42 p. 60-61) is Upper division = Pulaski. fae tiver group ; Lower division = Frankfort shale and rubblestone. Utica group, thickness 200 feet. r36 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A long series of water falls, two of which are shown in the photographs (Fig. 7 and 8), occurs on the stream, all of which are over cliffs worn in the gorge of this shale which evidently forms the greater part of the hill on that side. The thickness of the shales therefore, according to the contours indi- cated on the map, must be fully 160 feet. Occasional drift covered patches render close measurement impossible. Strata equivalent to at least 30 feet in thickness are covered by drift at the top of the shales. Following the shales at the upper water fall is H 4;—ONEIDA (?) CONGLOMERATE. Rather fine grained. One lenticle contains fragments of Lingula. 7 feet These conglomerates are much contorted in the lower layers, while the other layers are not, and the shales above and below them are not. They are possibly of Oneida age. The disturbance appears to have been at the time of their deposition. Again, above this, drift obscures a considerable thickness. H5;—OCLINTON. Green shales near the source of the stream barren of fossils, alternating with green sandstone and fine con- glomerate. No continuous section of the beds. ONEIDA CONGLOMERATE STAGE @ 137 G 1-4;— Quarry on the road from Center to Utica,’ near section H. (The altitude would indicate that this nearly corre- sponds to H 4.) Dip 5° § 55° W. Alternating layers of coarse sandstone, quartzite and con- glomerate, in beds 4 to 2 feet thick. Total 15 feet 137 K ;—Quarry one mile east of Washington Mills. Dip 6° W. Probably equivalent to G 1-4. K 1 Pyritiferous conglomerate, 2 feet+ 2 Heavy sandstone, 6 feet. 3 Fine gray sandstone 4 Coarse conglomerate 8 feet Fine white sandstone } Or The red color of the soil above K5 indicates that the Clinton beds follow soon after. i A a Jewett (64) states that the Oneida is the northern extension of the Medina, from the fact of finding Arthrophycus harlani in the Oneida at Utica, 6 Presumably this is Johnson’s quarry referred to by Brigham (’89 p. 105.) which he says occasionally shows layers of soft, dark shale, between the conglomerate beds. . FIG. 7. To face p. 36. = m d is} ® TRENTON LIMESTONE i CRYSTALLINE ~ NI ral < aN al : H as al. \ -) 25 24 23 eS, 2/ = | [DB thbdicectay ee 20 pe I Ko. ! Des A! ! ! O Bhan L. < ¢ < tw el ESN = Se bNAS | 1 ; S : my \ 1 7 t 1 y 1 ' Wi IEA ' U ' AS i TRENTO. FON LIMESTONE ¥ APPROX. BDY. UTICA SLATE APPROX. BDY.:U-TICALSLATE NT MAP OF THE PRECAMBRIAN BORDER IN ONEIDA & LEWIS COUNTIES SHOWING ROUTE FOLLOWED IN 1897 BY THEODOR es Scale of MES, - 1 fe 5 E G..Wk E f\ i I JNOLSFWIT NOLNZAL + GNITIVLSAYD ‘ | . eu CALCIFEROUS I x ¥/ \ a Seo et eS ye hreans R AAR pet SETI fev Ss fa ic VE : 3 Aas WIE Ae i \@=te a J IX_S c SS é ay \ q 5 YA) SV : w outh 0 ty SLATE RENTON.L.S. APPENDIX B | SOME HIGHER LEVELS IN THE LAKES : OF ae YORK STATE of doctor of philosophy By Thomas L. Watson 5 Ts S W t 4 , cia) a tons) i. S man ae h ae: A ie Neg eee eR Tee Se" i _—S < dt SE ae INTRODUCTORY NOTE Around the shores of Lakes Cayuga, Seneca and others of the Finger-lake group of central New York, are various terraces, clinging to the hillsides and standing at different levels. These are so pronounced that they are among the first features to attract the eye of the geologist who enters these valleys. Almost as soon as I came to Ithaca in 1892, I saw plainly, what others had previously noted, that these terraces represented former water levels. Their form and structure was clear proof of this. It seemed to me that there was here a very nice problem for student work ; and while I have made numerous observations in the district since first coming to'it, no attempt has been made by me to work out the lake history in detail. At first the size of the problem was not fully understood, and in 1892 Mr J. B. MacHarg jr, did some work upon it, but reached no definite results. Later, in the autumn of 1893, and the spring of 1894 a senior at Cornell university, Mr R. F. Liv- ingstone, undertook the study of some of the lower shore lines and wrote his graduating thesis upon this subject under the title, “ Origin of the Cayuga valley terraces.” This is now deposited in the library of Cornell university. Other students have also done some work upon parts of the problem. In 1894 Dr Watson undertook the investigation of these terraces as graduate work leading toward the degree of doctor of philosophy, finishing the field work in the spring of 1897. So far as the general results of this work are concerned, a supervision of the work which he undertook satisfies me that Dr Watson has brought out some very valuable results. This supervision also leads me to accept all of the details of observation, though of course I have not attempted to verify each of them. That he has not finished the investigation is no fault of his. The solution of the entire question reaches far beyond the district of the two larger Finger lakes, and to work out the full history might very likely mean the study of a large part of the Great Lake history. As it stands, Dr Watson’s paper constitutes a distinct contribution to the Pleistocene history of central New York. | Ratra §8. Tarr Cornell university, Ithaca, NV. Y. Marcu 8, 1898 r58 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Acknowledgments To Professors R. 8. Tarr, A. C. Gill, and G. D. Harris, of the geological department of Cornell university, the author wishes to express his obligation and appreciation for the interest manifested in his work while a student in the university. To Professor Tarr, under whose kind direction this investigation was undertaken, he is specially indebted for constant invaluable suggestions. Tob. We ae | rer iw REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR rb59 CONTENTS re ee oh a r65 Beerminary considerations..........................6.... r66 Topography of the Finger-lake oh et r66 The direction of flow of the streams occupying the valleys of Lakes Cayuga and Seneca in preglacial times........ r68 Classification of lacustrine deposits ........... 1S See ea a r70 2 ORT NS A ea r70 Wecdmme lays andigilts.-..................2 2... r70 Loeation and description of the valley divides and overflow LL ec Bo Se r7l Meets mnIMionten 5S... ee. oe r72 Meee OC iireinontiene ee. oe oe r73 TLE EES U1 Se joe ae r73 The shore features in the Finger-lake veallowarprntrme tan 8) 2." chs r75 Constructional shorelines. ............... pee el a Mae r75 Destructional shorelines of wave-cut Jy Fa tale SR Sea r76 Terraces of differential degradation ................... r76 Statement of the possibilities............................. r77 Disenssion of the hypotheses.............................. r78 The morainal terrace hypothesis ...................... r78 the margimal lake hypothesis .....................2.. r80 Bhemoderal lake lypothesis................5...2..... r83 Evidences of ice withdrawal as manifested in the CLD STS) a Re r83 Evidence supporting the general lake hypothesis ... r84 erminolosy.............. 1 SPEARS ei car eet ho RE RR r85 eee est Darby lakestave..... 2. 2. eee, r85 mesteuteeee Igkedovel.... 2... s.. 2 elle eee. r85 princice and: history of lake.........- 2.23 ess... . r85 Bae Brookton lake stage....................000.. pcan r87 eeeeterirer Make level oo... ee ce cee cee. 2 r87 mvidenee and history of lake......................... r87 EET a r88 eee tee bike lovel e oik ee r88 Meamenee aud history of lake ......................... r88 r60 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The Hammondsport lake stage 4 0...3. seme oy ns Markings of ‘lake Tewel 7 Ws. sg, eee et oe Evidence and history of lake! 7 see The Flint creek lake stage The Naples, lake ‘stage ic ios 5.5. Ac os Oe cee Markings of Jake leveliiis.c af ihec te wee REAL Aa, Evidence and history of lake The Grotondake stage ii.<¢ Af Ane 62 210s See eee Markings of lake level-o.0~ (aso: vos sae et Evidenee and history of lake:).5/.,. 20402. see 7 oe The Ithaca lake stage’... 09 ie cae ete eee ee Markings of lake. level in! ..: 96s. tee ee See Hvideneeand history of Jake. jet) Cane Ae eee The Newberry -lakeistawe +. o4. esta ho ek tt eee Markinae-ot Jake level <0 2a cities preerera ye. eee © e ee © © © @e *® © ee we we wee ee ee Evidence and history of lake .0s.\). 5) el ALS eee The Ovadsdeposite. (i) eo eee er, ees iW diet tena Maximum stage and water extent ................... Other terrace markings in the Keuka and Selle Welles accent ee TMs ihe bc aR Ra emer Aa Comparative strength in the development of the Ne ew- berrgiterraces. is viva cee ee en eee ny oF) eee The. Warrenlake: stage. js... 7... epee aie ee oe ener et Markings:of ‘lake leyel23)3,2 as ie ete eee Piste a Evidence and history of lake...... . ROY Menace ag Lake sequence in the Finger-lake valleys.............. are Features in the development of the terraces which have ren- dered their correlation dittienlic. fea... fii ee Discussion: of the lower terradet ie calc « 0s cma. see Comparison of the abandoned deltas with ne deltas forming in the present: lakes", 74am eas «esd ome = Differential movement in the Finger- ‘lake regio <)\75 «un Summary of conclusions 2 GOR, BORG RN Ngee, ‘91 ‘d ov OL Tt ‘Old REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR rv7 instances this type of terrace has been formed by accident at one or more of the higher lake levels, and by static water modification possibly transformed into a lake shoreline. This is shown along the south side of Six Mile creek, beginning at the east side of the Inlet valley just out of the city limits of Ithaca, and forming the juncture of the two valleys; and, is again marked along the south and east side of Cascadilla creek, which marks the beginning of the divide between Six Mile and Cascadilla creeks. Statement of the possibilities During.the entire progress of the field work the writer has con- stantly borne in mind all possible hypotheses by which the conditions might be explained. A large amount of data has been accumu- lated, which will be stated as we have need for it and will find its proper place in a subsequent part of the discussion. Three and only three, hypotheses have appealed to him as being at all plausible in explaining the facts. They may be stated as follows: 1 The whole or a part of the terraces are glacial or morainal terraces. ‘This hypothesis necessitates the former existence of a glacial tongue, partially filling the valley, against which allu- vial deposits were built; a subsequent entire or partial with- drawal of the tongue brings the deposit to the angle of rest, assuming in part the form and outline of a delta. Generally a portion of the terrace material is derived from the glacier. 2 A condition of marginal lakes due to differential wastage of a stagnant ice tongue or lobe, mostly along the ice and land contact. 3 A general lake condition. This hypothesis postulates a north- ward withdrawal! of the ice-lobe, acting as a northern dam or barrier to the north flowing waters and holding them up to _ the levels of their respective divides, thereby reversing the drainage to the Chemung-Susquehanna system, until the ice had nearly or entirely uncovered the Finger-lake region. Or, as may have been the case in some of the lower stages the outlet was to the north, and was possibly either supER- glacial or susglacial, or, both. r78 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM — ; Discussion of the hypotheses These will be taken up aud discussed in the order in which they have been stated. | Morainal terrace hypothesis. This type of terrace has been detined by Gilbert” in the following language: “When an alluvial plain or alluvial cone is built against the side or front of a glacier and the glacier is afterward melted away. the alluvial surface becomes a terrace overlooking the valley that contained the ice.” | Chamberlin,? in his report on the “Terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch,” gives the following description of a morainic terrace: “In the deep valleys of the more billy regions long tongnes of ice were thrust forward beyond the common ice- margin, along the sides of which drift terraces seem to have been formed, which, at their upper or ice-ward extremity, take on a morainic character, but at their lower or distal extremity, grade away into a smooth, irregular terrace which either dies away or abraptly ends.” In his report on the “Surface geology in New Jersey,” Salis- bury*® has proposed the name kame terrace for the morainic terrace of other glacialists After describing the Kame terrace, he says: “ This is essentially the sense in which the term moraine terrace has been used, although the term as heretofore used does not imply the absence or essential absence of motion on the part of the ice.” The material from which this topographic form is constructed may be land-derived or ice-derived, nearly always from the former, and generally, to a greater or less extent, a composite of the two sources of material, inasmuch as both kinds enter into its make up a Gilbert, G. K., Lake Bonneville, Monograph 1, U.S. G.S.,p. 81. For a complete description see p. 81-83. . b Chamberlin, T. C., Third ann’l report, U S. G. S., 1881-’82, 304. c Salisbury, R. D., Ann’] Report New Jersey geol. surv for the year 1898, p. 156; also consult, Hitchcock, E., Smithsonian contr. knowl. Vol. 9, p. 6, 33 This is not the true moraine terrace as described by later writers. Jamieson, On the last stage of the glacial period in Great Britain. Quart, journ. geol. soc. (London), 1874, 30,333. The author gives a cut illustrating the formation of lateral moraine terraces formed by a retreating glacial lobe. Reproduced from Miller, Hugh, River terracing: [ts m3thods and their results. Read before Roy. phys, soc., March 24, 1883. EPG. 12. ay : iva o. (( / / Abita {/ y/ M1) / A MORAINE TERRACES. Leee SSN hee GNSS acct Ny : i rary s GROUPED WIZ Na LYST, LATERAL Pee ° J . > = Satya eogte SNe ob Rg eae Re a eo ae 2 2 7 a bee ™~ OD — Sa Ao Sane ZY Z MORAINE TERRA \. AL LOS a eee ge op | al | { ul : vi “| i . o G. 15. as = E : Te == SS = = ware 55s = z See nae SES eA at ee. x ef-s a: a REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r79 or structure. The glacial-derived material always forms the frontal and frontal-basal portions of the.terrace. If no erosion of the terrace takes place it can usually be recognized from its composite character. Gilbert further states that this form so closely simulates the stream terrace as to be in many cases indistinguishable. As in the ease of moraines two types of moraine terraces, frontal and lateral, are recognized. (Figures {2 and 13)—(Fieures 14 and 15). Gulbert says:* “The lateral type is identical in cross profile and in longitudinal profile, and, unless portions of the morainic ridge remain, has but one formal difference; the contour of its outer face being determined by the side of an ice stream are smooth curves of gentle flexure.” Clearly, all of the terraces dotting the east and west sides of the Finger-lake valleys are lateral terraces, and in no way do they resemble stream terraces; but, as has been shown, represent true deltas deposited by streams, with their mouths at that eleva- tion and their entrance into a static body of water. If these represented moraine terraces we should expect to find in some of them at least evidence of glacial or morainal material; on the contrary, not a single terrace examined has offered much doubt as to the kind of material of which it is composed. The absence of such material can not be accredited to erosion, as the majority of. these terraces are almost as fresh as the day they were con- structed. Apparently, therefore, they have suffered no erosion save that of the streams which built them, which has been in the nature of a bisection when the waters fell to a lower level and the con- struction of the next lower delta began. As bas been shown, the morainal terrace is characterized either by a smooth flowing frontal outline or by an irregular morainal or hummocky frontal outline. The majority of the terraces so far examined in the valleys have distinctly serrated fronts, and with no structural resemblance whatever to the morainal type. After the deposition of the terrace material against the front or lateral edge of the ice, and the withdrawal of the ice, the material which has been held up at its front by the supporting ice tongue, must aGilbert,G K., Leke Bonneville. Monograph 1, U.8.G.S., p. 83. r8s0 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM assume the angle of rest or repose, generally causing a considerable settling for this part of the terrace. I have been unable to detect any such necessary movement. To sum up the characteristics of a moraine terrace, we find them to be: (1), insome cases a composite form, that is, constructed from both land and glacial derived material. (2), The terrace front is either a smooth flowing frontal outline, or, most generally, a hummocky morainal outline. From either condition would follow the absence of a serrated margin. (38), A settling or shoving motion as manifested in the frontal portion of the terrace after the retreat of the ice. (4), Closely simulating the stream terrace as regards sur- face slope on the terrace top and not having the true flat topped outline so characteristic of delta terraces. These characteristics, from the writer’s observations, do not enter into the make up of the Finger-lake terraces. ‘Thus, it is evident that this hypothesis is entirely at variance with the facts, and can, therefore, be eliminated and precluded from the possibilities, as being entirely inadequate to explain the terraces. Marginal lake hypothesis The second hypothesis postulates the existence of marginal lakes into which the streams poured and in this manner built up the existing delta terraces. The occurrence of marginal lakes along the ice border is by no means an exceptional and rare feature but, on the other hand, is in wnany instances found to be one of the marginal associates. There are many ways by which this kind of lake may be formed, dependent largely if not entirely upon the topographic relations of the land to the ice. No matter in what ways these lakes are called into existence, they.seldom assume very large dimensions, comparatively speaking, but are usually of medium or small dimen- sions, grading from a mere pond up to a moderate sized lake. In a narrow longitudinal valley similar to the ones studied here, and down which ice tongues were protruded, marginal lakes of two kinds are capable of being formed. (a), Separate and independent lakes formed along the lateral con- tact between the land and ice, where tributary streams en- tered and thereby augmeuted the wastage in the ice. Or, REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r81 (b), General marginal lakes formed along the marginal con- tact of the stagnant ice lobe and the land, where the wastage would naturally take place and be further facilitated. Two such zones would be established, one on each side, with the ice-mass occupying the middle of the valley, separating the two water ways, which have no apparent connection with each other, except for a slight areal con- tact at the frontal edge, where wastage always takes place. If their contact is formed and an outlet is found at the divide, it will serve as a common overflow to both water- bodies. Otherwise, there must exist two separate and dis- tinct overflow channels, if the lakes are drained. Fig. 16 Diagrammatic cross-section of a valley (aaa), partially filled with a stagnant ice tongue or lobe, marked ice. Lateral drainage along ice and land contact, showing deposit at (bb). The deposits, may or may not have the same correlative heights. Assuming this to represent the true condition, it is evident that the glacial drainage would be confined to channel ways, existing between the land and ice, where the in-pouring streams would transport their load, and under favorable conditions would neces- sarily deposit most, if not all of it, along the drainage ways, which at best would be irregular and confined exclusively to the valley sides. The thicker the ice mass, the higher up the valley side: would the drainage be established. This condition might endure until the ice had completely liquefied. The absence of such deposits along the valley sides accumulated by and in water bodies r82 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM as described above, which closely simulate streams, would neces- sarily disprove the theory. In no part of the valleys have deposits been found which could be accounted for in this way. Another and still more probable condition may be found, which is, that the channel ways which so closely simulate streams as above described, by the absence of direct and swift drainage become true lakes, and the streams entering have their velocities checked and their load deposited and developed-as a normal delta. In such an event, the delta terraces for the two valley sides and even for the same side are built in separate bodies of water, and might therefore, show no correlation whatsoever with each other ; also, the lake clay and silt should show very irregular distribution, being heavier in some places along each side of the valley and entirely absent from the middle of the valley. In his studies of the Malaspina glacier, Russell has shown the marginal lake condition to be a very common feature along the ice border. Concerning these lakes when comparing the:n with others of a somewhat different origin, he says:* ‘ The conditions which lead to the formation of marginal lakes are unstable, and the records which the lakes leave in the form of terraces, deltas, ete., are con- sequently irregular. When streams flow into one of these lakes, deltas and horizontally stratified lake-beds are formed as in ordinary water bodies ; but, as the lakes are subject to many fluctuations, the elevations at which the records are made are continually changing. and in instances like those about the Malaspina glacier, where the. retaining ice body is constantly diminishing, may occupy a wide vertical interval.” ) During the summer of 1896, the writer had occasion to examine a few marginal lakes along the ice border at the base of the Upper Nugsuak peninsula in north Greenland, and the conditions existing there only add confirmation to those under which the marginal lakes of the Malaspina glacier are formed, as stated by Professor Russell. In view of these facts, correlation of the deltas occurring along the valley sides of the Finger-lakes would be impossible, if formed in marginal lakes. Applying the test in the way of facts as they really exist in these val- leys, we find upon examining the table of terraces, a fairly accurate a Russell. I. C., Glaciers of North America. New York. 1897, p. 119. ‘NOIDEY AGNVC LSGM GDHL NI AMTIVA LOIN] VONAVD GHL NI ONITTIGA IVNIVUOW ‘oloyd ‘seumMOog ‘Ss ‘9 00,0404 MVYO NOASNSTIVH dOOMNAM : Pee ae ‘ - sie We 4 Pere : , j 5 tan in AE AO Siti, Pires yyy, Bn WriPAeRTadis cy, Chie Mp Bi | linge Us at "6g ‘d 90B] OF REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r&83 correlation throughout; also, each correlative set has its corre- sponding outlet with which it can be correlated, and the ter- races are not in any degree irregular deposits but true and fairly typical deltas. : | ; It is very evident that the facts are not in any degree consistent with ' the marginal lake hypothesis, as it fails in its explanation thereof, and is eliminated on the same ground as the first, namely, in being inadequate as a solution. General lake hypothesis The third and last hypothesis is that of a general lake condition caused by a damming of the north flowing streams by the receding ice front serving as a barrier to the north. The topographic condition of the glacier front, if such a term can be applied, would have no special effect upon the results; whether the retreating front was a perpen-_ dicular or nearly precipitous wall, or, whether it was of a more or less gentle slope, the result would be the same, so long as the ice was of sufficient height and continuous across the valley. The discussion of the terraces in the hypotheses here outlined, is restricted to the higher ones, as the lower terraces have not been thoroughly studied, and the conditions may cr may not hold true with equal certainty. Evidence of ice withdrawal as manifested in the moraines Chamberlin* has traced and described the moraine filling the southern extremities of the Finger-lake valleys which he has corre- lated with the “Terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch.” (Figure 17) The general outline of this deposit is convex south- ward, with its maximum convexity immediately south of the heads of Lakes Cayuga and Seneca. It is vastly stronger in develop- ment than any of the more northerly ones. The eastern part of this moraine is distinetly traceable in a northeasterly direction cross- ing the valley of Six Mile creek near its entrance into the Inlet valley where the filling is markedly heavy; thence, by the East Ithaca depot, into the valley of Fall creek. which it follows to and beyond Freeville, and is almost continuously traceable as far as Cortland, some 20 miles northeast from Ithaca. Its western part is somewhat a Third ann’! report. U. S. G. S., 1881-’82, 353-360. r84 NEW YORK sTATE MUSEUM strongly marked near Cayutaville in the Cayuta lake valley, and again in the Seneca valley to the south of Watkins. Apparently, a second halt is represented in a very meagerly developed moraine just south of the town of Ovid, some 20 miles north of Ithaca. The Ovid moraine may have its correlative to the east, in the Owasco valley between Groton and Locke, where it has attained a somewhat moderate but conspicuous degree of develop- ment. On the west it seems to have its correlative part in the. Gorham kame area found to the south of the town of Gorham in the Flint creek valley. There seem to be some evidences of a third halt in ‘the ice immediately north of the present lakes, in the form of distinet morainal deposits. The most significant fact indicated by the lack of development of these morainal masses is, since they almost certainly indicate or prove briefness in ice halt, that they suggest as strongly, briefness in the various lake stages held up by the retreating ice front. - Evidence supporting the general lake hypothesis The facts supporting this hypothesis and which serve as criteria are here classified under the following headings: 1 Possible berg deposits. 2 Lake clays and silts. The necessary result of lacustrine deposi- tion. 3 Unlike conditions in the materials found above and below the line of highest water level. This, however, is not always well marked and the differentiation in most cases is difficult if not quite impossible. ) 4 Strongly defined overflow ahannele: through which the glacial lake waters drained. The channels are distinctly shown and are easily traceable, thus affording rather strong evidence in favor of the once existent glacial lakes. 5 Shorelines. These are for the most part constructional fea- tures in the form of delta terraces. Some probable destructional forms in the way of till cuttings as benches formed in part by wave action and occupying the interstream areas, where the drift is heaviest, are apparently shown. The most significant and reliable of these are the delta terraces. They show not only a very close og <* Me 4 « is ‘ Sh TABLE No. 1 ° : Showing the height of the terraces in each of the lake valleys with the several stage correlations." CAYUGA LAKE Si) West Sir STREAMS WAST SIDE STREAMS SENECA UPRE KEUKA LAKE CANANDAIGUA LAKE OWASCO LAKE ab . z a a a |G ee a a a a & Stages and over- 3 Stages and over- 3 | z e flows £ flows pozer and foyer: “ Stages and over- Stayes and over. 4 c ie z = SY $3 a ai a 5 lows flows 5 co 3 2 3 ) 5 Bs cs 3 3 3 3 Hl 8 = 3 E 2 = = 3 S = 5 a a 2 c Ee 5 3 = 5 e “ 2 S g a | “ ° 5 a > E e = = = eS I = S s I 2 es ol ° eo 3 oO f=] ‘o 2 D 3 n o 2 a 2 io) 3 = a 5 a 2 S 2 5 S E g iI e A = 5 5 E o Z) 2 5 eI & 3 a 2 5 2 2 5 s 2 8 = a S 5 3 Cc) 2 Ea ¢ a 5 a = 5 ee 8 3 5 5 3 a = 3 5 3 3 5 a B & = = 5 z = E s et A 5 4 g g a 3 3 5 3 ra z q 5 3 ‘S 2 Ez 5 Baie 5 g ry = I os = $ b = By = S 2 Si) = ¢ 2 o) = " z = & = ivy eI E I = i} g =) a = 5 ‘2 = 8 E Beas 5 a | — 3 E || ie S aA ch | haley IN cea oll) ors ge a S|) & | & E a | & rl is a 5 es 3 2 = BB = 2 z L ah eee =a pes Be lees ees 4 & 5 a a ES Fe 3 1158 . 1160 1123 . * * 1127(F) West Danby levels * . 7 | 10i9 | 1056 * « * « * * * * * * i 1071 . * * * * ‘ * | Qverttow==i039 Hammondsport 1114(F) j levels * * Naples level; — peer = Nene 1088, ples levels } ) Overflow=1125 ) = * | 1034 * * * * * * * * 1047 * 1031 | 1031 | 1031 * * 1020(H) = 3 & Ithaon levels a ‘ ‘ # * 1021(L) 1015 * Watkins levels * 1018 * Ate ' rane ar leer “ 985 * * 1006() ci 3 # * « * = * ‘ 935 | 975 * ‘ x * Overflow=975 969(L) 990 Overflow=900 Groton levels J Overflow=0704- 954 950 955(L) 950 948 925(D) 940 | 947 * * * * 5 Bat) : i) Bio 960 965 960 Newberry levela 914 934 920 915 . * * * 919(Z) 919(Z) * 906 * * 915 | 920 * * ‘ 900(Z) * 922 906(Z) 957 927(L) 915 919 oF) | 938 | ° 998 20 Prey lien litcoresy tect vi ; beaters = Jal eres eel ie Ce ) Ts * 836 * * 890 864(Z) * * 843(D) 868 * * * * * 892 = « “ * a‘ * * x 2 808(Z) * « ) . 826 a5 | * 826(D) < "3 * 834 827 ‘ ‘ * ‘ 834 * * * * ‘ 830 | * 2 * 846(0) 840 839 ‘ . 810(2) . a5 : ‘ 32 | | warren levela * 816} 825 800 * 804(L) 3 * * 804 807 * * + + 800 * * 808 * 803(Z) 830 | 842 832() u 818(Z) 808 800 * 822 ae ae ' men = es _ 7 i - 785 ie “ * ‘ x * a Fs “ , i 5 * : * 5 790(2) * + 733(L) | 777 794() x * : * mo | 745 * « 768 « * 766(Z) * * « ‘ ‘ ‘ * « * ‘ ‘ ‘ 771(L) * 780(L) ‘ 5 * * * 710 . 726 * ‘ * * x ‘ * * * * * * 118 * 760(F) * * 721(L) 732 712(L) 751 (2) 727 * * “ ‘ * ‘ * * 628 674 * * * * * * * 628 | 658 | 628 = * * 652(L) * 709(L) ‘ 677 * * * * * 589 * 563 564 558 507 * 518 528 518 * « * * * 528 * 573 | 578 * ‘ * a * x 591 517 * * . * * 468 * . 468 488 * * > * * * * * 508 551 = . * * * * * ‘ * 408 * * * * * * * * 488 491 a (L) measured with a suryeyor’s level by O. L. W. (#) = measured by Professor H. L. Fairchild. (H) =measured with a hand level by T. L. W. ats i Re me hes Ne aes uy . lie alse in eels ee Me Pe ue a2 = i* a : ni h oe ¥ ne ee REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r85 correlation with each other but with the overflow channels as well. While the remaining criteria are, as a rule, rather plainly and some- what strongly marked, they can not be considered in any degree as primary factors, but only as efficient and emphatic aids to the prominent or primary ones. With such preliminary description as has already been given of the above criteria they can best be considered under each lake stage, where they will be discussed. Terminology In naming the various lake stages the writer has adopted the names first proposed by Fairchild.” Each level having a separate and inde- pendent outlet has been named for the most prominent town within the old lake area. Thus, each one of the local stages has received a geographic name, while the first coalescing of all the local waters into one large body, has been given a non-geographic name and called in honor of one of our ablest geologists, the late Professor Newberry. This stage in the lacustrine history of the Finger-lakes has been named glacial lake Newberry. West Danby lake stage Markings of lake level: Delta on stream one mile north of South Danby creek, 1071 feet. | West Danby creek, 1049 feet. Van Buskirk creek, 1066 feet. Extensive gravel deposits are found at about the 1066 foot elevation for the entire distance from Van Buskirk creek to West Danby, some five miles southward. Evidence and history of lake. The West Danby level is marked by gravel deposits on most of the streams at and between the elevations of 1050 and 1070 feet. Extensive deposits are found on Butternut creek, and the level is well marked on Van Buskirk | creek at an elevation of 1066 feet above tide. From West Danby to Van Buskirk creek a prevailing gravelly condition is distinctly traceable for the entire distance, some five miles, and where small a Bull, geol. soc. Am., 1895, 6, 353-374. r86 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM streams have entered at this elevation, their mouths are marked by prevailingly coarse gravel. On the east side of the valley beginning at South Danby creek and travelling northward for about one mile, when the next stream debouching into tke valley is reached, and, at about the 1070 foot elevation, are found distinct cuts or benches in the till, covered in some cases at their bases with water worn material, which are probably modifications in part resulting from wave action. pis The outlet to the West Danby lake was at Spencer Summit with an elevation of 1039 feet. (Figure 2) When the ice com- menced its northward retreat uncovering the divide region in the southern parts of the valleys of the Finger-lake region, the waters were ponded back between the divides and the ice front and held up to the heights of the divides in their respective valleys. This condition marked the beginning of the epoch of local lakes in sev- eral of the lake valleys. There existed such a lake in each of the Finger-lake valleys. Of these, three, probably, had their birth about the same time and were probably the first to make their records of a long and successive ‘series of lakes whose mark- ings are still seen to be so distinct and traceable in most of the val- leys of the central New York lake revion. The West Danby stage is not represented by sharp and well defined terraces but mainly by a distinctly traceable overflow, unlike surface conditions above and below the outlet level, which in most cases are very faintly developed and are very irregular. Sev- — eral indistinct delta terraces are found along a few of the streams which entered at the lake level. The best one yet seen, is found ona stream which enters the Inlet valley one mile north of South Danby creek at an elevation of 1071 feet. On all of the streams of any size are found more or less extensive gravel deposits, but not in the form of true deltas. The Danby stage marks mainly an epoch of frontal ice accumula- tions, when the moraine which fills the Inlet valley to a very great but unknown depth, was in process of construction, and which extends from the divide to within a few miles south of Ithaca. When the ice had withdrawn as far north as Ithaca from the Inlet and Six Mile creek valleys, the waters held up in these two valleys coalesced. The Danby stage was quickly closed by a rapid -and ia a ai REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r87 sudden falling of its waters to the level of the White Church over- flow, previously occupied by the local lake Brookton, which marks the beginning of a new episode in the ice dammed waters, namely, the beginning of glacial lake Ithaca. The records left by the West Danby, as well as the Brookton stage, point apparently to a very brief lake existence. Brookton lake stage Markings of lake level: Six Mile creek. Brookton delta, 1020 feet Slight and scattering gravel deposits are found at about the same elevation to the northwest of Besemer depot on both sides of the valley. Evidence and history of lake: The outlet to the Brookton stage was by White Church with an elevation of 975 feet. This was the beginning of the Ithaca stage, which was formed by the coalescing of the waters of the Danby lake with those in the Six Mile creek valley, after the ice had retreated to the region round about Ithaca. It was a local lake occupying the Six Mile ereek valley with its overflow by White church, and was analogous to and contemporaneous with the local Danby lake then occupying the southern part of the Cayuga Inlet valley. It was a lake separate from the Ithaca waters, and was in existence for a length of time sufficient for the ice to withdraw from the divide at White church, past Brookton to Ithaca. The evidence which marks the life of such a local body of water is essentially the same as that bearing testimony to the existence of the Danby lake. Excluding markings left to record such local lakes, which might very well be erased after so very brief a history, due entirely to rapid retreat in the ice, we could be assured of the existence of these lakes upon comparative theoretical grounds. No streams are found tributary to Six Mile creek, of sufficient size to be digni- fied by the name creek, hence, it would be impossible to find records here in the form of deltas. However, abundant evidence exists in the way of gravels found on the streamlets debouching into Six Mile creek at an elevation of from 985 to 1030 feet. Two such r8s NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM deposits are very well shown, one on the east side of the valley one mile north of Besemer depot, and a second about the same distance from the station on the west side. Numerous smaller deposits of similar character are found along the valley sides of Six Mile creek, and also notches of an irregular form but of a correlative height cut in the drift and possibly representing to some extent the result of wave modification. . | | When the Danby waters were added to the White Church lake and glacial lake Ithaca was initiated, practically no fall in the White Church waters occurred, but the same level and overflow was maintained throughout the Ithaca stage. Hence the Brookton delta was partly built during the White Church epoch and com- pleted during that of lake Ithaca. This delta, which is one of the largest and most extensive in any of the delta series, is therefore a © record of the White Church as well as the Ithaca lake episode. The records begun by the waters of the former were completed by those of the latter. | Watkins lake stage Markings of lake level : Burdett, 1021 feet. Lodi, 1015 feet. Big stream, 990 feet Watkins, 969 feet. North Heetor, 970 feet. , Havana. Not a definite terrace but a distinct till plain cov- ered with considerable water-worn gravel. 968 feet. Weed creek. Not a distinct delta in outline but an irregular deposit of sand and gravel. Evidence and history of lake. The outlet to glacial lake Watkins was near the village of Horseheads with an elevation of 900 feet. This stage was initiated by the uncovering of the Horseheads divide by the ice, and continued until the waning ice sheet had retreated north of the town of Ovid, when the waters were united with those of glacial lake Ithaca to inaugurate the initial stage of glacial lake Newberry. ‘Abundant evidence confirms the existence of this lake, in the form of true deltas; unlike conditions above and below the water “SUIYIOM OY27 JE1IDP|9 Jo sjanay adeaday aul APY B58 84). eee 000! Ba te =e 000] =z r— ow 199) re) 1 @) Cc Yo = a = x = > ao. Ay x z ® 3 : (4) o W al 3 (eo) x SWESAIS APIS jseq SWESAIS APIS jsam 94] edBUaS "gg ‘d onvy Og, & ‘ST (OIA REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r89 line; broad, undulating plains of till with water deposits covering portions of their surfaces, probably thus modified by the waters of the Watkins level, found opposite the mouths of the streams entering from the two sides of the valley. Lastly, evidence is found ina very strongly defined outlet channel to the south leading into the Chemung river, The most conspicuous deltas marking this level are found at Burdett and Lodi on the east side of the Inlet valley, and at Watkins on the west side. Other markings of a much less defi- nite character were noted at Dundee and on Weed ereek on the west side, and on North Hector and Havana Glen streams on the east side of the valley. $ Other things being equal, glacial lake Watkins must have had a longer time existence than any one of the other local lakes, since it was necessary that a northward recession of the ice amounting to some 35 miles should take place before the next lower level was. established. The outlet to the two stages, glacial lakes Watkins and Newberry, remained the same and endured through and to the close of the Newberry episode, when it was shifted to the north and west of Canandaigua. Hammondsport lake stage Markings of lake level: Laughlins glen, 1158 feet. Glen brook, 1123 feet, 1018 feet. - Evidence and history of lake. The outlet to glacial lake Ham- mondsport was-over the col between the towns of Hammondsport and Bath with an elevation of 1125 feet. The Hammondsport stage, or the highest ancestral water level of the present Keuka lake which is 718 feet above tide, is marked by two large and con- spicuous deltas just above the town of Hammondsport on opposite sides of the valley. The one on the east side at Laughlin’s glen has an elevation of 1158 feet above tide, the other, is on Glen brook which enters the Inlet valley from the west and has an eleva- tion of 1123 feet. A terrace on the same stream is found at the 1018 foot elevation and marks an intermediate halt Peenees the Hammondsport and Newberry levels. r90 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The moraine in the divide region of the Keuka valley is well developed, and in the neighborhood of Bath merges into and is replaced by the gravel flood-plains skirting the overflow channel. As soon as the receding ice sheet had uncovered the lower lands in the region of Penn Yan, or the northern part of the present lake, the water fell to the level of glacial lake Newberry, some 200 feet below the local lake levels. It will be observed, however, in the subsiding cf the waters from the Hammondsport to the New-. berry level, that it was not entirely sudden, but represented by a rather prolonged and intermediate halt at an elevation of about 1018 to 1020 feet. The same intermediate Jevel, in the form of a ter- race, while not given. for Laughlin’s glen is as well defined as the one measured on Glen brook. . Flint creek stage Flint creek heads in the Canandaigua territory not far from the town of Naples, between lakes Seneca and Canandaigua, and flows in an almost direct northerly course to join the Canandaigua outlet stream a little west of north from Geneva. It occupies a very extensive valley, which was at one time the scene of a lake similar to the ones found in the southern portions of the present lake valleys, althoagh no definite terraces* were found in any part of the valley. When the ice had retreated as far northward as the villages of Gorham and Stanley the waters in the Flint creek valley found a low pass to the eastward and fell to the Newberry level, which level in the Flint creek valley was sustained. through- out the existence of lake Newberry. Its waters were added to Newberry just before or about the time that the waters of glacial lake Naples were united, as Flint creek finds an outlet at present through the lowest part of the divide between the upper portion of Lakes Seneca and Canandaigua at Stanley. Unlike the other valley members of the Finger-lake system, no lake occupies any part of the Flint creek valley at present. a Since this paper was admitted to press, Professor H. L. Fairchild has published an article entitled ‘‘ Kettles in glacial lake deltas,’’ Journ. geol., 1898, 6, 589-596, in which he gives the elevations of two terraces found near the village of Pot’er on the West side of Flint creek valley as follows: 1150 feet, 1080 feet. The highest one of these, Fairchild says, ‘‘ corresponds with the summit levels of the several old deltas in the Keuka valley proper,’’ while no positive correlation has been worked out from the 1080 foot level. r on ; a ore Lab Sag bats my 2 “ F iy me a ee aed Me MN adie eel Oy nancial th, ameter ey whieh ake ae RLGS 19) To face p. 91. NAPLES LAKE. OUTLET CHANNEL. VIEW LOOKING NORTH, OR UPSTREAM, FROM NEAR THE MOUTH OF CHANNEL. (After H. L. Fairchild.) _ REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r9l Naples lake stage Markings of lake level: West Hollow brook. 1160feet. 1127 feet. (Fairchild) 1114 feet. (Fairchild) 1088 feet. (Fairchild) 1011 feet. (fairchild) Tannery glen. 1015 feet. The highest terraces on this stream were not measured. Evidence and history of lake. The outlet to the Naples lake was over the col into the Cohocton creek valley. (Figure 19) The elevation has not been taken. ‘The terraces marking this stage are large and well developed, though some of the highest have suffered slight erosion, causing a somewhat irregular surface. The waters fell very gradually from the Naples level to that of lake Newberry, which condition is well shown in a series of some > four or more quite strongly defined terraces, occurring at eleva- tions intermediate between the Naples and Newberry stages. The time interval from the beginning of the maximum or Naples stage to that of the Newberry, is represented in the northward retreat of the ice from the southwest of Naples to the lowlands near the northern end of the present Canandaigua lake. Groton lake stage Markings of lake level: Ensenore creek. 1022 feet. Casowaseo creek. 1022 feet. Evidence and history of lake. ‘The final outlet to glacial lake Groton was over the col, in the region of North Lansing with an elevation of 970+ feet. The southern end of the Owasco valley is clogged with moraine, which begins at Locke and extends southward to and beyond Groton, thus giving a width of some four miles. The moraine is fairly well developed in some places and rather scanty in others. It is partly stratified in places, but for the most part it is made up of the unassorted material so characteristic of true moraines. The divide, however, is located some eight miles south of the moraine at Dryden summit with an elevation of 1220.9 feet above tide. The valley is a broad one, and the walls or sides are r92 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM less steep than in the divides of the other valleys belonging to the Finger-lake system. A small local lake was held up to the eleva- tion of the Summit col and its waters passed southward by Owego into the Susquehanna. When the ice had receded as far north as Freeville, a lower pass was uncovered and its waters conducted through the Fall creek valley into glacial lake Ithaca just north of the city of Ithaca. The outlet by way of Fall creek at Freeville, has an elevation of 1046+ feet, and was held for only a short time; sufficiently long, however, for the receding ice to uncover the region round about Locke and North Lansing, when the drainage was again shifted to the north but more permanently fixed. Professor G. K. Gilbert informs the writer that he has found a distinct and wel] defined scour-way * in the neighborhood of North Lansing leading into a stream tributary to Salmon creek, which enters Cayuga lake a little to the south and west of the town of Ludlow- ville, through which the waters of glacial lake Groton must have found escape. Professor Gilbert further states that, while the evidence for the existence of this cannot be mistaken, its dimensions would rather indicate an escape of a not very large volume of water, and that it was probably not occupied for any very considerable length of time, although much more strongly defined than the Freeville outlet. Its elevation as given by Gilbert is between 960 and 980 feet, nearer the former, however. (Figure 20) The North Lansing overflow is the most northerly one through which the waters of the Groton stage found independent drainage into lake Ithaca. It was held until the ice had retreated sufficiently far northward to uncover the lowerlands to the west, when the Groton stage was closed by a falling of its waters to the Newberry level. Thus the lake at Dryden summit found independent drain- age to the south, while the expanded waters afterwards discharged at different times through two outlets, more northerly located the one at Freeville, and the other at North Lansing, into glacial lake Ithaca, | | al am indebted to Prof. Gilbert for a knowledge of the existence and description of the North Lansing overflow. ; ed Clk ee SS ee er eae ee Ce i os. Mi ie = oS | BLE: 20. To face p. 92. THE NORTH LANSING OVERFLOW. THE Most NORTHERLY OUTLET TO GLACIAL LAKE GROTON LEADING INTO GLACIAL LAKE ITHACA. (BASED ON THE UNFIN- ISHED MORAVIA TOPOGRAPHIC SHEET, U. S. G. S., CONTOURS 100 FEET.) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r93 Well developed deltas were studied and measured along the stream course, which is tributary to the Owasco valley from the east side, at Moravia. Two distinct water levels are represented; the highest one has an elevation of 1005 feet, and the lower one, which is expressed in two terraces with elevations of 880 and 850 feet. The 880 and 850 elevations clearly represent the level] of the Warren waters in the Owasco valley. The same level is apparently repre- sented at Locke, with an elevation of 865 feet. The delta deposits on Casowasco and Ensenore creeks consist of beautifully stratified sands and gravel with a sandy loam for the soil covering. They are not true deltas, but that they represent a lake level at that elevation does not admit of very much doubt. Both Ensenore and Casowasco creeks enter Owasco lake from the west side, the former entering about three miles north of the head of the lake, and the latter about one mile to the south of Ensenore. _ They are small streams but are the largest debouching into the lake. Forms closely resembling deltas were seen at about the same level on several streams entering the lake near its head and from the east side of the valley. When occupying this maximum level, the lake was some 21 miles longer than at present, and had an additional depth of some 237 feet. The terrace markings of both the Groton and Newberry levels are at best but faint, when compared with the similar markings of the other lakes... A reasonable explanation for the indistinctness of these shore markings would seem to be found in the smallness of the streams entering at that time, and also, the briefness of the lake’s existence at these two stages. Furtherinore, after the ice had uncovered Ensenore creek it had only a distance of some 10 miles or less of northward recession, before its waters would fall to the Newberry level and coalesce with those of the Ithaca lake on the west, inasmuch as the divide between Cayuga and Owasco lakes lowers very rapidly to the north after passing Ensenore creek. Therefore, the delta accumulations representing the Groton level must be proportional to the time which the ice would require in retreating to a point less than 10 miles north, when the Newberry level would become established in the Owasco basin, which from an absence of morainal deposits and other conditions as well, in- dicate a rather rapid recession. It isa noteworthy fact that the terraces found ay the Newberry level reached a much better stage of development, and are in most r94 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM cases fairly strong and well marked. They were noted at the fol- lowing elevations, 880, 865, 850, 832, 822 and 792 feet, down to those forming in the present lake, which are of good size, covering as much as three to fcur acres in some cases. The slight develop- ment of the delta deposits along the above mentioned streams, and correlated with the North Lansing overflow are in every way har- monious with the brief occupancy of that channel way. The characteristics of the deposits, which are slight and rather imperfect in development, and very limited in areal extent, though built of stratified sand and gravel, would suggest but a short period of time for the occupancy of the waters at that level. Ithaca lake stage Markings of lake level: Brookton. 1020 feet. Besemer. 1010 feet. Cemetery on Six Mile creek two miles west of Brookton. 975 feet. Water worn material on stream crossing D. L. & W. R. R., south side of Six Mile creek and one mile west of Besemer, 975 feet. Stream on the north side of Six Mile creek one mile west from Besemer. 1000 feet. 1025 feet. Coy glen. 1006 feet. Van Buskirk creek. 1034 feet. South Danby creek. 1031 feet. « Stream one mile north of South Danby creek. 1081 feet. Stream opposite Van Buskirk creek. 1081 feet. Lick brook. 985 feet. West branch (Newfield). 985 feet. Buttermilk. 975 feet. Trumansburg. 1047 feet. Evidence and history of lake. The outlet to glacial lake Ithaca was over the col at White Church with an elevation of 975 feet. The Ithaca level is defined by a large number of strong and definitely developed terraces, varying in elevation from 975 to 1047 feet. The largest of these are the Brookton delta, formed by the north branch of Six Mile creek at the town of Brookton, those on Lick brook and Buttermilk on the east side of the Inlet valley, and on West branch and Coy glen on the west side. The same level is recorded on Se ee ee To face p. 94. Bile WIG. Cayuga Lake East side streams West side streams IW XIS y[lw4Aaing 4Ooag 4217 WAIHSNG UPA ajisoddo WeaAS Kquequjnos 7) “No lw j weadis Aqueg yynos SanqsuewnaL ua}g Ao> yduedg jsam yalsng ueA 1000 1000 ‘ Lake Level 378 The Terrace levels of Glacial Lake Ithaca To face p. 95. FIG. 22. ° °o n uy E BunasuownaL 2 ra ypouuey$ney a wo 5 us|) fo a = 4209p00M (Piai}u3) inuaauing (p|21)Man) youedg isam yalisng Ue, 2 ne o x 2 49 Aquea 1sam ° o re) > a Ato 0 eS: 5 35 ° 1s) O1perse> e wiwaaying 2 2 MOSEMOSE) wooag 4217 av ~ ® ououasu Aquea yinos 3 o w ° o o 900 900. Lake Level 378’ spoawiy weaals Sig SUIMIOM 4904) paam Seneca Lake 1p07 heaping hind aoweay PUPAPH 900 900 Lake Level 441° Keuka Lake Pueqsn 900 yooag ua|9 | ud) suleney ‘900 Lake Level 718’ 900 yoog | MO}IOH LS9M | o as 0 — 0 2 2) i) a) c cr) c 0 Uv fajind | UslAded us|» AABUUCL 300 Lake Level 687’ The Terrace levels of Glacial Lake Newberry REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r95 numerous other streams entering from each side of the valley, which haye not reached so marked a degree in development. These can be seen by referring to the table of terraces opposite page r84. The farthest north that this stage is delineated is just above the town of Trumansburg, some 11 miles north of Ithaca on the west side of Lake Cayuga, where the marking is inthe form of a very imper- fectly defined delta. The line is marked by a small burying ground some 40 to 50 rods away from and on the south side of the creek. The ice receded some 14 miles north of this point before the Ithaca stage was closed and the next lower inaugurated. On the east side of the valley the most northerly trace of the Ithaca level is found on Buttermilk creek about two miles south of Ithaca, where a very extensive delta has been built with its front over-looking the Ithaca wagon road near the stream crossing. This may be due to the failure to recogiize these shore lines among the complex moraine of Fall creek valley. When the ice had withdrawn from the Inlet and Six Mile creek valleys, sufficiently for the West Danby waters to fall to the White church level, the West Danby and White Church glacial lakes coalesced to mark the beginning of a lower and more extended body, that of glacial lake Ithaca. This level in the static waters was held until the ice had wasted back sufficiently to uncover the low divide between lakes Cayuga and Seneca in the neighborhood of the town of Ovid, with the overflow established at White Church, when the waters fell to the next lower stage, and the outlet shifted from the Six Mile creek valley to the col at Horseheads in the Watkins valley. The Ithaca glacial lake represents a period of time much longer than that recorded by any one of the previous stages, revealed in the number of unusually strong and sharp terraces. The Brookton delta already referred to as being one of the most extensive shore deposits found in the lake region, was built mostly during the Ithaca stage, although its beginning dates back to the life of the local glacial lake Brookton. Newberry lake stage Markings of lake level: Owasco lake valley Ensenore creek. 902 feet. Casowasco creek. 902 feet. r96 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cayuga lake valley Butternut creek. 915 feet. Woodcock stream. 950 feet. Coy glen. 955 feet. Taughannock creek. 919 feet. Trumansburg creek. 919 feet. Van Buskirk creek. 934 feet. . | West Branch (Newfield). 920 feet. a West Danby creek. 914 feet. 954 feet. South Danby creek. 906 (?) feet. Doubtfully referred to a delta. , Lick brook. 915 feet. 950 feet. Buttermilk creek. 920 feet. Caseadilla creek. 948 feet. Seneca lake valley Weed creek. 919 feet. Watkins glen. 900 feet. 925 feet. Big stream. 940 feet. Himrods creek. 922 feet. 947 feet. Cramer gulf. 957 feet. Burdett stream. 927 feet. Lodi stream. 915 feet. 940 feet. Keuka lake valley Glen brook. 988 feet. Urbana stream. 928 feet. Laughlins glen. 911 feet. (F.) Canandaigua lake valley West Hollow brook. 920 feet. (909 feet. (F.)) 960 feet, Tannery glen. 960 feet. Parrish gully. 965 feet. Evidence and history of lake. The outlet to glacial lake Newberry was over the col at Horseheads with an elevation of 900 feet. (Figures 8 and 9) Fairchild* has proposed the name glacial lake Newberry for the coalescing waters of lakes Sen- eca and: Cayuga, with the inflow of waters from the east and west lakes belonging to this series, in honor of one whose name is so intimately associated with the glacialogy of this country, namely, the Jate Professor John Strong Newberry. (F.) Measured by Professor H. L. Fairchild. a Bull. geol. soc, am., 1895, 6, 368-369. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r97 Lake Newberry was the most extensive and comprehensive body of water in New York state south of the Great Lakes. Its level, along the stream courses tributary to the lake valleys with eleva- tions above sea level, is indicated in the above tabular statement of the delta terraces marked Newberry stage. (See Table opposite p. r84) The Newberry level found on the Taughannock—Trumansburg ereeks is especially noteworthy on account of its size and development. While these streams enter Lake Cayuga at present through distinct channels separated from each other by a distance of about two miles, careful study “ has revealed the fact that Trumansburg creek was a tributary to Taughannock creek in preglacial times, with its point of confluence a little south but near the town of Trumansburg. The Newberry delta has obscured the place of contact or junction. During this, as well as the Ithaca stage, the two streams were dismembered and entered glacial lakes Ithaca and Newberry as separate streams. Each began a delta at the Newberry level, and these, before its close, coalesced into one immense deposit. It covers a large area and, so far as revealed by sections, exposed in many places, is almost entirely composed of fine material. The sand from this delta has an extended local reputation for building purposes in that section. Its front is fairly well defined throughout, though more con- spicuously developed along the south side of Trumansburg creek where the town cemetery is situated. The delta top is quite level, but broken here and there by slight irregularities in the form of sand accumulations. It rivals any shore deposit found anywhere in the Finger-lake region. When the Newberry waters were at their maximum they meant: the blending of the waters of the higher levels in all of the local lakes, from Lake Canandaigua on the west to Lake Skaneateles on the east. This stage was immediately prior to the easternmost extension of the Warren waters across the plain to the south of a portion of Lake Ontario. The predecessors to this great expanse of water, which later fell and united to form the Newberry level, caused by a farther removal northward of the waning ice barrier, were glacial lakes Skaneateles, Groton, Ithaca, Watkins, Hammonds- port, I’lint creek and Naples. The manner and condition of the a A thesis presented to the faculty of Cornell university for the degree of B. A., by R. M. Evans, June 1897—Unpublished. r98 NEW YORK sTATE MUSEUM retreat of the ice as marked by its terminal moraine in the divide region, indicates that the blending or uniting of the waters marking the ancestral stages in the southern parts of the present lake valleys, did not unite all at once, but coalesced rather gradually. The beginning of the stage was marked by the coalescing of thie waters of glacial lakes Ithaca and Watkins when the ice had retreated as far north as the town of Ovid, where were left markings of the waters in the form of shore deposits, such as stratified sand, gravel, ete. A Ovid deposits. On the north side of the east and west road leading to Willard’s depot in the Seneca basin, and opposite the Ovid cemetery, are found several cuts revealing finely stratified coarse sand and gravel capped by some 18 to 36 inches of till. The cuts are approximately six to seven feet in depth but do not penetrate through the stratified material. No streams are to be found in the region at present, nor were any present during preglacial times, or else every trace of them has been obliterated, hence, delta deposits must be precluded as the source of origin of the materials. The deposits, however, seem to point rather strongly to the following con- ditions under which they were laiddown. No doubt can be enter- tained as to the materials being the result of water action. The ice had withdrawn northward sufticiently to uncover the land and allowa falling of the waters of lake Ithaca to the level of and coalescing with those of lake Watkins. Thespace occupied by the lake waters, between the land on the south and the ice front on the north, was probably not very wide atthis point. In this water space the stratitied deposits were assorted and laid down, derived in greater part per- haps from the ice, when the latter readvanced a short distance and covered the deposits with the depth of till found capping the water laid material. In other words the ice front, at this point, was not withdrawing uniformly and progressively northward; neither was it occupied in any permanent or protracted halt, but was oscillating back and forth. The elevation of the deposits by aneroid measure- ment is 953 feet above sea level. The till found capping the assorted material becomes thinner to the north and grows thicker southward, when it finally merges into the slight morainal deposits about one mile south of the town. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r99 The progressive thickening of the till and the proportional thinning of the underlying sand and gravel are well shown in the digging of graves iu the town cemetery. No crumpling, folding or disturbance of any kind could be recognized in the under deposits cf sand and gravel, but seemingly, were in their normally formed condition. The thinning of the till to the north can probably be,explained as a result of lake modification. Maximum stage and water extent. The Hammondsport stage, in the Keuka lake valley, was closed about the time that Ovid was uncovered by the ice and the waters in this lake basin were added to those of lake Newberry in the basins of lakes Cayuga and Seneca. The lower lands to the north and at the outlet portion of Kenka lake basin were uncovered by the ice about the same time that the Ovid divide was exposed, and glacial lake Newberry was limited to the coalesced waters in the entire Keuka valley and only a part of the Cayuga and Seneca valleys. The ice still occupied the northern parts of the two latter valleys at this time. The limit in the Newberry waters was maintained until the ice again changed its position and the northern portions of the Cayuga and Seneca basins were uncovered, when the waters of glacial lakes Naples and Flint creek on the west, and of glacial lakes Groton and probably Skaneateles on the east, were added. The maximum level as well as the extent of glacial lake Newberry, was thus marked and held until the ice again suffered a sufficient wastage northward to expose a lower col to the north and west, when the Newberry lake abandoned its overflow to the south through the Seneca valley for that of a lower level to the northwest. Other terrace markings in the Keuka and Canandaigua val- leys. Deltas, not given in the table of terraces (see opposite p. r84) were noted at the following places in the Keuka valley, and although not measured were taken to represent the Newberry lake level: on the west side of the lake at Snows glen, some two miles north of Hammondsport; and at Drakes point, between Snows glen and Urbana. They have been seen on several streams which enter the lake to the north of and between Urbana and Pulteneys, and are rather strongly marked in’ the region of the latter place, about eight miles north of Hammondsport. r100 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Generally speaking, the streams which enter the lake from the east side are smaller and other conditions for delta construction are very much less favorable, than on the west side. However, topo- graphic configurations closely resembling deltas of very imperfect formation are seen along the east side streams all the way fora distance of some three to five miles north of Hammondsport. Delta forms are also seen along the following streams entering Canandaigua lake from the west side, and are placed approximately at the Newberry levei: Lapham’s glen, two and one half miles north of Naples; the stream entering at Seneca point landing; Victoria glen, one and one half miles north of Seneca point land- ing; and on Menteiths creek which enters some elghy miles north from the head of the lake. Comparative strength in the development of the Newberry terraces. The shore features found marking the Newberry level when considered collectively, are the largest and therefore more strongly defined in development than any single set which mark the level of any one of the other lake stages. (Figures 23 and 24) _ The stronger development of the Newberry terraces over those of any other stage would suggest one of two conditions prevailing at the time of formation. First, that this level was held for a longer period of time than any previous or subsequent one thus far studied, during which the activity of the streams, in the transportation and ~ deposition of material while no greater than for any other period, enabled the streams to accomplish a greater amount of work. Or, second, that the time limit, being no greater than for any pre- vious or subsequent stage, the agencies concerned in the processes of collecting (erosion), transportation and deposition of materials were more vigorous, and attained a very much greater degree of activity than for any one of the other periods. When considered singly, neither of the two possibilities here offered entirely meets or satisfies the c-nditions, but the field evi- dence tends to combine these and suggests a greater activity in stream work combined with a longer stay in the static waters at the Newberry level, at that time. The last trace of the Newberry level is found about mid-w ay on the west side of Lake Canandaigua. The next evidence of lake action, but representing the next lower level, is found to the north- ‘LSUMHLUON DNIMNOO'TT ‘NVAULG JO AGIG HLNOG ‘MARUO (GIDAIANG) LANUALLAG NO VLIIAG AUUAAMAN ‘OD. GNOYNWYS MORGNATIVH AOOWNAM” é 1. x re » Pe t Say Oro harp d as iat ccna tn he ‘OOT “dd ooRy OF ‘HLUON @AQ AIUVEN DNIOVA WVGULS AO ACIS HENOG “MaMUO (CIDIANY) LANUAILNG NO VLIG(] AYUMAMAN anes eo Soe ‘00T ‘d oovy Oo ‘Pe ‘Olu 7 - ‘ : ’ . i ? ™ . = F al at 7 - “ Ld We ; * . at . “ - 229 I $ “7 4 e o ~ * > . t : = c a - ~ a ‘ = a > . * . ~ "ss ei, A , = 4 af 4 i a “ay e ; : F aes ( : j f 3s j > Ke > eae . = . 4 1 m ) Ul . } ; i ise 7 rin on io = & : - od J py ee A, -? AN ae SO ae ry rs a -* 3 ee ya x. et ay 4. the “ ih ‘UBAAEM BYCT [L12E[9 Jo sjara) are1sa] aU 008 as 008 SPoAwi} Wweails Sig 1po7 jJapang euerey SUIMJEM 42ad) paamM aye] PJDUNS a 008 —= == SS == 008 yAlysng ue, Sanqsuewnay yoouueyuFney ualg Ao) «= ss yueAg ysam =: 409 POO ynuaayyng yjlwAaygng aye} eSnkey) 008 : ne aaa : ———— 008 A\\N9 ysiased "yap eueqin : ‘yA ODSEMOSE) aye] ensiepueue) aye] eynay aye] 0SeMCO ‘TOT “d o0Rz OL Go OIA REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r101 west in the vicinity of Victor, where the kames have been partially leveled by the static waters and, from this point eastward, an abundance of sand and silt deposits are found scattered over the plain skirting the northern end of the Finger-lakes. Warren lake stage Markings of lake level: Owasco lake valley Casowasco creek. 822 feet. 832 feet. Keuka lake valley Locke. 865 feet. Moravia. 880 feet. 850 feet. Urbana. 840 (?) feet. Canandaigua lake valley Parrish gully. 845 feet. Cayuga lake valley Butternut creek. 800 feet. 845 feet. Woodcock stream. 890 feet. West branch. 825 feet. Coy glen. 804 feet. 826 feet. 864 feet. Taughannock. 804 feet. 834 feet. %843 feet. Trumansburg. 807 feet. 827 feet. 868 feet. Buttermilk. S. side, 800 feet. 892 feet. NN. side, 834 feet. Van Buskirk. 816 (h) feet. 826 (h) feet. 836 feet. Seneca lake valley Watkins. 803 feet. Big stream. 830 feet. 880 feet. Himrods. 842 feet. Havana. 837 feet. Lodi. 840 feet. Burdett. 818 feet. 898 feet. Evidence and history of lake. The next and last stage traced in the history of the Finger-lakes was connected with the Warren” a Accurately measured with an engineer’s level and rod. b This name was first proposed by J. W. Spencer in Science 1888, 11, p. 49. For a description of its extent, etc , see articles by Spencer, J. W., Taylor, F. B., Upham, W., and others in Bull. G §. A., Am. jo. sci., and Am. geol. (h) Indicates a slight halt in the waters, marked by slighter delta forms. rl02 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM waters on the east, which then occupied the greater part of the Laurentian lake basin, and drained southward past Chicago into the Mississippi. | Workers in the Lake Ontario region generally agree that the withdrawal of the Ontario ice-lobe was northeastward. Accepting this as the true condition it necessarily follows that the Mohawk valley was still blocked by ice, which in fact has been proven by recent work. No drainage could, therefore, be effected to the east- ward, unless it was subglacial. Furthermore, if the’ Ontario lobe retreated in a northeasterly direction, there was an abundance of land to the west uncovered by the ice, and sufficiently low in eleva- vation to admit of free passage between the declining stage of New- berry and the beginning of the Warren waters. At this stage it is unnecessary, therefore, to consider a subglacial drainage to the eastward for these waters. | Fairchild “, in his description and comparison of the kame areas of western New York has shown the effect of the Warren waters. on the deposits in the form of terraces, and truncated sand hills, espe- cially in the Victor-Miller’s coiners kame areas. (Figure 26) In speaking of these areas he says,” ‘“‘ Two strongly developed water levels are conspicuous; the higher between 850 and 900 feet, the lower about 700 feet above tide.” These levels show very close agreement with those traced by the writer in the lake valleys of the Finger-lake region and, therefore, have been correlated with the Warren waters. (See table above, also table opposite p. r84) Each level marked by the Warren waters, has apparently been recorded in the Finger-lake valleys. The higher or upper Warren stage varies between the limits of 800 to 860 feet in the Finger-lake region. - In 1895, Mr Frank Leverett ° accurately traced the Warren leeehs in western New York state, from Hamburg as far eastward as Crittenden, to which he has applied the name Crittenden beach. Professor Fair- child “ has taken up the level at Crittenden, where its elevation was accurately measured one mile southwest of Crittenden and found to be 858 feet above mean sea level. It was then traced eastward past the town of Morganville at a distance of one and a half miles a Journ. geol., 1896, 4, 129-159 ; Am. geol. 1895, 16, 39-51. b Journ. geol., 1896, 4, 154. c Am. jo. sci., 1895, 50, 1-20 ; specially p. 10-13. d Bull. geol. soc. Am., 1897, 8, 272. FIG. 26. To face p. 102. ates ® VICTOR KAMES. VIEW FROM TOBIN’S CORNERS LOOKING W. 15° N. ‘‘ HOPPER ”’ HILLS IN THE BACKGROUND. THE POINT OF VIEW IS UPON THE UPPER EROSION PLAIN OF THE WARREN WATERS, WHICH ALSO APPEARS IN THE DISTANCE ON THE RIGHT. (After H. L. Fairchild.) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r103 northeast, where its altitude was again carefully taken with a level and found to be 880% feet; thence to Batavia and beyond to Caledonia into the Genesee river valley,? where its levels record one of the higher ancestral stages of the Genesee* lakes. From Geneseo it has been traced to Lima, the latter being the most easterly point where this level is identitied by Mr Fairchild, the altitude beivg given as 877° feet. In the region of Lima the beach phenomena are represented by spits and bars connected with * the drumlins. The connection between the Warren waters and the same levels in the central New York lake region was to the northwest in the Miller’s corners and Victor kame areas where the same levels in the Genesee valley’ are recorded, and hence the coalescing of the Finger-lake waters and those of the Genesee valley at that point. When the Warren waters were dismembered and Lake Iroquois born, the Chicago overflow was abandoned for a lower one to the east in the Mohawk valley at Rome, New York. These levels are also seen to be recorded in the kame areas as well as in the Genesee valley Jakes? Lake sequence in the Finger-lake valleys As soon as the ice commenced its northward retreat, uncovering the southern divide region in the lake valleys, the incipient stages of the highest lake levels in the respective valleys began. Of these, © there were eight, named in order from east to west, glacial lakes Skaneateles, Groton, Brookton, West Danby, Watkins, Hammonds- port, Flint creek and Naples. Each one had a separate outlet leading southward into the Chemung-Susquehanna drainage. The Watkins, West Danby and Brookton stages were inaugurated about the same time. The West Danby lake was some 12 miles in length and only in existence sufficiently long for the ice to with- draw from the divide at Spencer Summit to Ithaca, when the Brookton and West Danby waters coalesced to form glacial lake Ithaca with the outlet shifted from the Summit to White church. a Bull. geol. soc. Am., 1897, 8, p. 276. = p. 277. y 1896, 7, p. 423-452. es 1897, 8, p. 280. a 1896, 7, p. 423-452. ss Se Ao of r104 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM This would mean a fall of some 50 feet in the Danby waters, and while no evidence has been found favoring such an hypothesis, the subsidence from the West Danby to the Ithaca level was prob- ably sudden. The Ithaca level was maintained for a much longer time, since large and well defined terraces are found marking its level in both arms of the valley. This meant a retreat of approxi- mately 25 miles to the north before the Ithaca lake stage was closed. At the same time and co-extensive with, but separate from glacial lake Ithaca, was glacial lake Watkins, which was rather ~ a long-lived lake, as it endured for a length of time sufficient for the ice to withdraw from the Horseheads divide to the town of Ovid, a distance of some 35 miles. When the divide in the Ovid region was reached by the retreat of the ice occupying Cayuga and Seneca valleys, the Ithaca lake stage was closed by a rapid falling of its waters to the level of the Horseheads divide. The drainage was then shifted from the White Church to the Horseheads col, indi- cating a fall of some 75 feet from the Ithaca to the Newberry level. This marks the beginning of glacial lake Newberry. Atthesame time the Hammondsport level was abandoned and its waters fell to and coalesced with those of lake Newberry, then formed by the united waters of lakes Watkins and Ithaca discharging south through Seneca valley. The change in level from the Hammondsport to the Newberry stage was not a very sudden one, but rather slow, marked by definite, intermediate terraces found on the same stream between the two levels. This stage in the Newberry level was held until the ice had retreated sufficiently far northward to open up the low lands at the outlets of Canandaiguaand Flint creek on the west, and Owasco and probably Skaneateles on the east; when the waters mark- ing the higher levels in the southern portions of each of these lake valleys fell to the level of and united with the Newberry stage then existing in Cayuga, Seneca and Keuka lake valleys. When this final coalescing of the waters from all the lakes occurred, lake Newberry occupied its maximum extent, which was held until the Victor and Miller’s corners area was uncovered. The Newberry stage was then closed by a falling of its waters to the Warren level, when the out- let was shifted from Horseheads to the Warren overflow at Chicago. The subsidence between the Newberry and Warren levels was gradual, as shown in terraces found only at a few feet below the REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR rl05 former level down to the lowest terraces of the latter stage. It is especially noteworthy that, in the coalescing of the waters in the several valleys when the outlet was shifted from one col to the next lower, the change of level of the subsiding waters was not by a sudden fall, but generally more or less gradual. This is especially noticeable in the case.of the three local lakes, Watkins, Hammondsport and Naples, and the general lake Newberry. The condition of gradual subsidence in the waters is marked by distinct terraces existing at intermediate levels between those marking the two stage limits. A comparison of the h.gher stages inthe Cayuga basin with that of Lake Cayuga, based on the difference in elevation of the outlets, is shown in the following diagram. Fig. 27 IL__.West Danby —- 672% feet -. Ere aa liiMeGae le isas oie ni a 52a eae A a Newberry ___547+ Tne hd ey We eae eel (Mess. a ec eta ha spb ait Wieihinieiin = war. 472+ SSS \- - = = - - ee Cayuga lake level O feet _ Diagram showing the relation of the higher lake levels to that of Lake Cayuga in the Cayuga lake valley. Based on the difference in elevation of the lake outlets. Features in the development of the terraces which have rendered their correlation difficult The principal and all important elements concerned in the devel- opment of lake shore features.are time, depth of water and size of lake, coupled with that of stream volume and load. Of course, the longer the waters are held at one level, other things being equal, the larger, more distinct and perfectly developed will be the shore lines. Relying on this last principle some inference can be drawn relative to the duration of an extinct lake’s waters while sustained at a certain level: that is to say, the degree of development of the lacustrine shore features will be proportional to the duration of the extinet lake, or, the time during which the waters marked one con- tinuous level. It should follow therefore, from the above that the rl106 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM strongest shore markings should exist, where the tinie existence of the lake was the most protracted. In applying this principle to the valleys in question we find very close agreement.’ The most pronounced and typical class of terraces is found in the southern portions of each of the existing lake valleys, where the lake endured the longest. As we travel northward the terraces very rapidly grow fainter and less pronounced, until near the north- ern valley extremities they are lost altogether, no record of this character being left to mark the history. An element which has attended the development of the stronger terraces in the southern parts of the valleys, is that the most vigorous streams are confined for the most part to this zone. While this is recognized to be one of the prime factors in terrace growth, the terraces in the Finger-lake valleys do not rigidly adhere to the size of the parent stream, hence, the other factors concerned must in some cases have been of equal if not greater import in thus regulating the growth of the abandoned delta terraces. A prominent element thus concerned in this region, and elsewhere noted by workers on glacial dammed lakes, is the fol- lowing: the farther removed from the northernmost extension of the ice while damming the waters (provided, of course, the block- ing occurs in a north and south valley with a northward ice reces- sion), the more accentuated are the terraces; lake depth, of course, being always an important factor. In other words, terrace accentu- — ation is commensurate with lake life. A study of the table of terraces opposite p. r84 shows at'a glance that while the terraces admit of fairly good correlation they are not found at the exact elevation for the same level on each stream, but vary between certain admissible limits. Their location in case of Cayuga and Seneca valleys as well as the remaining Finger-lake valleys, is certainly most unfavorable for maintaining their correlative heights throughout. | Discussion of the lower terraces Lower terraces occur at successive elevations on all of the streams from which the higher levels have been noted and discussed. Not only are they found on the same streams with the higher terraces, but also on a large number along which the higher levels have not been found. Wherever streams of any size enter the lakes, this a Sd ee ‘LU IN] VONAVO WO ACIS LSHM AHL WOU ‘LSAM YDNIMOOT SI MOIA AO LNIOG ‘NHTID AOD NO VITHC YAMOT ‘OIVGYOAMVYD MISENATIVH dOOWNAM ‘LOL “d 90eF OF REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR «_* plTOT lower succession is found, extending in some cases within a few miles of the lake outlets. They can be traced from the deltas now forming opposite the stream mouths entering the lakes, up to the Warren level. They have not lost any of their distinctive delta characteristics, and many of them stand out as conspicuously and are as large and strongly developed as any found among the higher levels. (Figure 28). While nearly all of these have been measured, the time available has been insufficient to study and work out their correlation with one another and the corresponding drainage chan- nels. No attempt therefore, will be made to work out the different stages among them in the present paper, but doubtless they will form a fitting theme for some future worker, after which the complete Finger-lake history may be written. On Lake Seneca the lower levels have been noted within three to five miles of the lake outlet on the most northerly tributaries enter- ing from the west side. The most northerly trace of the lower _ terraces on the west side of Cayuga lake was found on the stream entering at Sheldrake point, some 21 miles north of Ithaca. It is but a weakly defined terrace occurring on the north side of the stream at an elevation of 488 feet above tide and marks the site of a cemetery. Some of the lower terraces are as large and strongly defined as any among the higher levels, which probably indicates for the former a rather longer and more protracted halt in the waters. So far as study was possible the conditions of water level, etc., were interpreted as being the same as worked out for the terraces mark- ing similar levels among the higher stages. Among the lower levels in the general lake succession a change in the waters took place, whereby they were partly dismembered. The exact time of this change has not yet been worked out, but it hap- pened after the Warren levels were abandoned, and probably not until the shifting of the outlet of the Great Lakes to Rome and the Thousand Islands by way of the St Lawrence river. It is possible that during a part, if not all of the time, during which the Great Lakes were draining through the Mohawk at Rome, the waters of the Finger-lakes, or at least some of them, were still united with and formed a part of that system. r108 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM This point, when established and finally settled, will bea very interesting as well as needful one in the history of each of the lake systems. Comparison of the abandoned deltas with the deltas forming in the present lakes In all normally formed deltas the interaction between stream and lake tends to the production of a fan shaped outline in the deposition of the stream borne material. The delta apex is turned up stream or landward with the point-of maximum convexity in its pene practically opposite. ene 29) Fig. 29 Lake shore Lake shove Outline of the normal delta as exemplified in the higher level deltas of the Finger lakes The opposite outline or that of a V-shaped mass in delta form may result in several ways, dependent upon the direction of the dominant current. In this type the apex is pointed lakeward | with one side toward the land. All gradations in modified forms may be obtained between these two extremes, dependent upon the. variation in the forces concerned. (Figure 30) a Gilbert, G. K., The topographic features of lake-shores. © Fifth ann’l report, U.S. G. S., 1883-84, p. 108. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR rl09 Fig. 30 | i\ UY YY) | ip | Outline of the typical V-shaped delta. The type toward which the deltas forming in the present lakes are tending. The mainland is cross-hatched. ' A close examination of the deltas marking the former higher lake levels indicate an almost universal tendency toward the normally formed delta, in outline. ‘Their forms were more or less fan-like, with apex toward the land and periphery turned lakeward. In marked contrast to these, is the type of deltas in some cases forming in the present lakes, in which the V-shaped outline, or the “ delta cusp” “type, is strongly exemplified — with apex turned lakeward and one side toward the land. The apices of some point directly Jakeward, of others southward, giving an intermediate form and indicating a prevailing current in that direction. The difference in the two classes of deltas, as above distinguished, ean probably be accounted for, mainly, upon the ground of age and the conditions prevailing for the two periods of delta formation, which must have been of an opposite nature. Differential movement in the Finger-lake region No perfectly reliable results could be obtained for the differential uplift in this region, since the desertion of the shore lines by the static waters. While the terraces show a fairly good correlation they most certainly reveal some of the conditions under which they were constructed, such as, extreme variableness in the stream grades, . @¥or the different ways in which ‘‘ delta cusps’? may be formed, see, -s F. P., Cuspate forelands. % ‘Bull. geol. soc. Am., 1895, 7, 399-422 : specially 417-21. ~ . rl110 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM rapid deposition of material, and the existence of the several stages at any one level, which render the figures uncertain and probably of indefinite value in such computations. Another factor which enters into the result is that of terrace measurement. In taking the eleva- tions three sets of measurements in different positions were taken for each terrace: the first, was from 10 to 15 paces from the top and front edge of the terrace; the second, was on the top and middle; and the third, was on top and at the back of terrace. This method was adopted in order to secure some uniformity in the results, inasmuch as the true position of the water line could not be established for any one of the terraces. The results given in the: tables, both numerical and graphic, represent the measurement taken on the delta top ata distance of some ten to fifteen paces. back from the frontal edge. It at once becomes apparent, that the variation will be greater or less according to the factors concerned in the terrace construction, the most important one of which is. ‘stream grade and bottom slope. If a delta is built at the mouth of a stream entering a static body of water whose shore slope is pre- cipitous, the delta front will necessarily be lower than its correlative built by a stream entering where the slope is slight and gradual. This element is the principal one causing the variation noted in the different terraces, marking the same level in the Finger-lake region. As previously stated, the streams entering the lakes and upon which. deltas are found, show a considerable variation in stream gradient. No figures relating to strict accuracy can be given as a reliable computation for the supposed differential movement in the Finger-- lake regicn, but certain latitude must be allowed, owing to the complexity of the factors concerned in the shore-line development.. Nevertheless, some data have been collected of considerable interest and probably not without significance. Three of the largest and therefore principal successive lake stages. studied for the two largest valleys of the series, namely Cayuga. and Seneca, are selected for the test. In both cases the most. southerly stream upon which is marked, with the least doubt, the three levels, and in the same way the most northerly stream for the same lake basin have been selected. In case of Cayuga valley, the three levels are best defined on West branch which is the most south- erly stream for this basin representing these levels and have the- REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r111 following elevations above sea level; lake Ithaca 985 feet, lake Newberry 920 and lake Warren 825 feet. The same levels marked on the most northerly stream which is Trumansburg creek, have the following elevations; lake Ithaca 1047 feet, lake Newberry 919 feet and lake Warren 868 feet. In a comparison of the above figures a difference of 62 feet in elevation is noted for lake Ithaca in a northward direction, a differ- ence of —1 foot for lake Newberry, and of 43 feet in the same direction for lake Warren. The distance between these two streams, which are on the west side of the lake and in an almost due north and south line, is some 20 miles. The differences correspond therefore, to a gradient of 3.1 feet ; —.05 feet ; and 2.15 feet per mile, respectively, for the three levels. The figures show furthermore that the levels are not equidistant from each other in the two locali- ties, but indicate in the case of lakes Ithaca and Warren an increased northward rise, while a small negative result is indicated for lake Newberry. A similar comparison is likewise given for the same levels in the Seneca basin, The streams best suited for the comparison are unfortunately not on the same side of the basin, but the width of the valley in cross-section is not very great and probably will not materially affect the results, since the streams are approximately in a north and south line. Watkins glen stream is the most southerly one showing these levels with the following elevations; lake Watkins 969 feet, lake Newberry 925 feet, and lake Warren 803 feet. The elevations corresponding to the same levels on Lodi creek are lake Watkins 1015 feet, lake Newberry 940 feet and lake Warren 840 feet. The figures here indicate a general northward rise in the levels of the three lake stages. In the case of lake Watkins the difference is 46 feet, of Newberry 15 feet, and of Warren 37 feet, corresponding to a northward rise of 3, 1 and 2.5 feet per mile for the respective levels. As in the case of the Cayuga basin, the same levels in the Seneca basin show an unequal distance between the levels for the two streams and a rising to the north. The apparent warping of the-shore-lines, if such it be, is even more irregular when shorter distances are taken, the gradient being sometimes greater and sometimes less, than is shown above. r112 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM - The element of chance seems so large in the above calculations,. for reasons hitherto stated, that they must be taken more as a suggestion than asa statement of fact. As a rule however, the figures given in the table of terraces opposite p. r84, indicate a prevailing increase in elevation to the north for the different lake levels, and are, the writer believes, strongly suggestive of a change: in level of the shore-lines, but is how much is difficult to say. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS _ ol evidence, so far worked out, shows the ancestral lake ee in the post-glacial development of the present lakes to be a rather: complex one. A large number of lake stages are represented with: many outlets differently located. Briefly summarized, this paper after a statement of the preliminary considerations and facts, and a, discussion of the most plausible hypotheses, whereby the phenomena, might be accounted for, has, I believe, satisfactorily eliminated all but one hypothesis. This one successfully meets the conditions supplied by the facts and conclusively points to a two-fold lake stage in the Finger-lake region. The facts supporting this hypothesis, briefly stated, are 7 tee ~ 1 Shore lines. (a) Constructional forms— delta terraces. (b) Some probable destructional forms cut in the soft-till deposits which are in part resulting Be Ie probably: due to wave action. | 2 Overflow channels. 3 Lacustrine clays and silts. 4 Probable iceberg deposits. When the ice had withdrawn from the southern divide region, — the initial stage was introduced, or that of local lakes, of which there were nearly a score in number. These local lakes filled and occupied the southern portions of each of the present lake valleys, with overflows that were entirely separate from and independent of each other. , A general lake condition immediately succeeded the period of local lakes upon a farther northerly recession of the ice, when the local lakes coalesced to form one large expanse of water, closing all but one outlet which was subsequently shifted to different parts of REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r113 the lake divides, as the statie waters were forced to abandon one level for the next lower in the exposing of lower cols by the ice recession. It has been pointed out that some time after the Warren levels were abandoned in the Finger-lake valleys, a change was inaugurated, causing a partial dismemberment of the waters. This was succeeded by the present system of local lakes. The lake sequence in the Finger-lake region then becomes: | 1 An epoch of local lakes; the initial stage filling the extreme southern ends of the valleys with free drainage southward. 2 An epoch of general lakes; when the waters of the local lakes were united into one broad expanse with drainage shifted to different parts of the basin. | A final and second epoch of local lakes, to which the present lakes belong; occupying the middle and northern. portions of the valleys with free drainage northward. The conditions further indicate a brief existence in the static waters sustained at any one level. This is made manifest from the character of the shore phenomena. A condition must have pre- vailed, as suggested by the shore material and deposits, when the streams delivered large volumes of water and were given accordingly large quantities of material for transportation which also, was prob- ably accompanied by rapid deposition. The slight development of the probable destructional shore features and the entire absence of constructional beaches without the faintest trace of the latter found at any one of the levels are certainly highly indicative of brief halts at any one level. The faint and slight development in the moraines to the north of the “Moraine of the second glacial epoch” and the slight depth to which the overflow channels have been eroded, would farther strengthen the testimony favoring the short ‘duration of any one of the numerous lake stages. While the waters were sustained at any one level for a comparatively brief time they were probably held at one continuous level during some stages for a longer period of time than at others, as manifested in the unequal strength of the deltas and overflows. The characters of these point to a longer stay of the waters at the Newberry level than at any ‘prior or subsequent level studied. In the falling of the waters from one stage to the next lower, the subsidence was generally slow and gradual, leaving records of r114 NEW YORK ‘STATE MUSEUM distinct halts between the two definitely defined stages. This con- dition was not persistent throughout every stage, as some of the earlier ones in the local lakes strongly suggest a rapid falling in the waters. A study of the terrace elevations seems to indicate a general north- ward rise in the shore-lines of the different lake stages, which sug- gests a differential uplift in that direction, since the desertion of the levels by the waters. The figures furthermore, indicate not a uni- form uplift, but rather a kind of warping, better described as “ buckling ” in the gradient, shown in the unequal distances between the same levels in different places. Also, the gradient is not the same for any two levels. : LITERATURE A number of the references found in this paper are not included in the bibliography inasmuch as they did not bear specially on the Finger-lake geology. Brigham, A. P., The Finger-lakes of New York. | Bull. geogr. soc. Am. 1893, 25, 1-21. Chamberlin, T, C., Preliminary paper on the terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch. Third ann’l. report, U. S. G. S8., 1881-82, | 291-402. Davis, W. M., Classification of lake basins. Proc. Boston soc. nat. hist., 1882, 21, 359- 361; specially p. 359. | Dryer, .C. Rh. The glacial geology of the Irondequoit region. | Amer. geol., 1890, 5, 202-207. Fairchild, H. L., Kame areas in western New York south of Irondequoit and Sodus bays. Journ. Geol., 1896, 4, 129-159. Kame-moraine at Rochester, New York. Amer. Geol., 1895, 16, 39-51. Glacial lakes of western New York. Bull. geol. soe. Am., 1895,°6)) ches 374. Glacial Genesee lakes. ne Bull. geol. soc. Am., 1896, ralcag tie Lake Warren shore-lines iy ‘western New York and the Geneva beach. * ea Bull. geol. soc. Am., 1897, 8, 269-284. Gilbert, G. K., Grabau, A. W., Hall,. James, Hayes, G. E., Hitchcock, E., Johnson, L., Lincoln, D. F., Mather, W. W., Nicholson, H. A., REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r115 Lake Bonneville. Monograph no. 1., U.8.G. 8. 1890. A communication relative to the Iroquois shore-lines. Science, 1885, 6, 222. Postglacial anticlinal ridges near Ripley and Caledonia, New York. Amer. geol., 1891, 8, 230-231. The preglacial channel of the Genesee river. Proc. Boston soc. nat. hist., 1894, 26, 359- 369. Geology of New York-part 2, 1843. Geology of New York—part 4, 1848, 321, 405- 413. | Remarks on the geology and topography of western New York. Am. journ. sci., 1839, (I. s.), 85, 86-105. Surface geology. Smithsonian contr. knowl., 9, p. 6, 33. The parallel drift-hills of western New York. Annals New York acad. sci., 1882, 2, 249-266. ‘Glaciation in the Finger-lake region of New York. Am. journ. sci., 1892, 44, 290-301. Amount of glacial erosion in the Finger-lake region of New York. Amer. journ. sci., 1894, 47, 105-113. Report on the structural and economic geol- ogy of Seneca county. New York state museum report, 1894, 2 (48), 60-125 ; specially, 68-79. Geology of New York-part 1. 18438, 317- 365. Notes on some valleys of erosion—New York State. Geol. mag. (London), 1872, 9, 318-321. r116 Russell, I. C., Salisbury, R. D., 7 Salisbury, R. D. & ~ Kimmel, H. B., Spencer, J. W., VatrR-o8:, WAay lor, ..Bs Upham, W., NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Glaciers of North America. i) ee - New York, 1897. Surface geology. Report of progress New Jersey geol. surv. ann’l report for 1892, 37-166. See specially Section 9, 126- Hf gat ARE aE | Stratified drift. .— Journ. Geol., 1896, 4, 948-970. Lake Passaic. An extinct glacial lake. ~ New Jersey geol. surv. ann’l report for 1893, 9925-328. Lake Passaic. - Journ. geol., 1895, 3 533-560. A short study of the features of the region _of the lower Great Lakes during the. great river age; or, Notes on the origin of the Great. Lakes of North America. Proc. Am. asso. adv. sci., 1881, 80, 131-146; specially 136-138. Lake Cayuga a rock-basin. Bull. geol. soc. Am., 1894, 5, 339- 356. The physical veography of New York state. _ Bull. geogr. soc. Am., 1896, 28, 99-139. The Physical geography of New York state. Bull. geogr. soc. Am., Part 2, 1897, 29, 16-40. A Short history of the Great Lakes. Inland Pub. Co., Terre Haute, Ind, 1897, 21 pp. | The Upper beaches and deltas of glacial Lake — Agassiz. Bulletin No. 39, U. 8. G. S., 1887. Late glacial or Champlain subsidence and re- elevation of the St Lawrence river basin. Am. journ. sci., 1895, (8. s.), 49, 1-18. Con- tains an extensive bibliography of the Great Lakes literature. Glacial Lake Agassiz. Monograph 25, U.S. G. 8., 1897. Vanuxem, L., Williams, H. S., Wright, G. F., REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r117 Geology of the third district of New York, 1842, 3, 235-242. : Geology of New York. Part 3, 1842. Correlation Papers. Devonian and Carbo- niferous. Bulletin No. 80, U. S. G. S., 1891. The Undulation of the rock-masses across cen- tral New York state. Proc. Am. asso. adv. sci., 1882, 31, 412. (Abstract) Man and the glacial period. New York, 1892. The ice age in North America. New York, 1896, p. 178, 312, 313, 318, 323, 357. THOMAS LEONARD WATSON Irnaca, New York, June 1897 te eae NO ae trcae re asta Sen elhatcnied ee ee ee hw a A ELLE NOE IOI ICT, SSentaitini = ee o MAP 1. ee BURN PENN YAH eee TENN Himvods ~— | i oe ndee [> ee ren | ee f x cans x Cog ey |e i Sion if EA © Burdett egos vu ‘ Ke WATKINSo__-7 H \ \ Horse Heads Legend Becbvees Divide >= Moraine Lake area Lake outlet Map Showing the Areal Extent of Glacial Lakes West Danby and Brookton and the Incipient 5 tage of Glacial Lake Watkins. By Tomas L. Watson. \ Skaned} ajo. ian a Dae 4 b ’ eee >, . he Ps. =e 2 Skaneateles Rive a <3 — SA ‘ J gaxcd TIN f S c) = oS = < = < Ss s ee ° cae meth >"? ; oe ) des i oh ac? a os ul aly a ea a oi: *y MAP 3. OSweco ROCHESTER ° [) Senor Rivet ( 3 3 rd | 3 5 ol Millers Cov, ( a 2 Skaneateles CANANDAIGUA GENEVA, } 1 1 1 { ' ' 1 1 A lost, Leaend Horseheads ose S Divide eee - Newberry outline " outlet " deltas Figures indicate elevation above sea level. Map Showing the Approximate Areal Lxtent of Glacial Lake Newberry . By THomas L, WATSON. APPENDIX C THE TALC INDUSTRY OF ST LAWRENCE COUNTY, ; NEW YORK ee J. Nelson Nevius * wie i am Jpg Lee ares . a peg a LS ie oe : * Peay heed FaA es? ; ' 1% sa 4 =i) i, ; ¢ . ' s ’ ‘ Lite Sie) Sle mma 18, Ayer, reli yh Berio eee Apts eae | Seung SuRetirs > gh «Aelia Leal ines gh Ram Enea te ee ee ee ee re een 0 cere Cie ee he} A anaes neg Paap Amman a arn ee man om tan SONY ABN mS AN FF lame Nenana ete) ae ow Lon oar pn meamie os tominam fe amt ma { ‘ i i ¥ i 4 ‘ y : > “ ) . , 5 ; . - . J , A ‘ Ci o F i 1 ‘ » 5, o/. nA ee A f rn «< bl te Me ‘ be ie - Ly ¥ 7 . ow * ¥ ant ae rs ’ 7 ’ 7 - i za F aw, THE TALC INDUSTRY OF ST LAWRENCE COUNTY, NEW. YORK BY J. NELSON NEVIUS Nearly all the tale mines of this region are located in the village of Taleville, town of Edwards; a few are in the town of Fowler, which adjoins Edwards on the west. The intervening country, for a distance of five miles or more, has been prospected in a superficial manner, but without much success. The International pulp co., which is the largest operator, absorbed the Adirondack pulp co., the Agalite fiber co., the Natural Dam pulp co., the St Lawrence pulp co., and the Asbestos pulp co. The United States tale co. is the second largest operator. The other operators are, the American talc eo., Kellar Bros. and the Columbian tale co. ~ The word “ pulp” occurring through this article, refers to pulver- ized tale—the finished product of the tale mills. It is distinct from ' the use of the word “pulp” in the eastern part of the state, where © it refers to pulverized poplar wood. A third use is made of the same word in the paper mills, where it refers to the digested paper before it is run out on the drying felts. Mines at Talcville. There are 12 mines at this locality, though half of them are either abandoned or are at present idle on account of the dulness of trade. They are situated in three groups along an approximately east-northeast line, having a slightly cres- centic sweep, the groups being located on the sides of low hillocks separated from each other by strips of marshy land. As the strike of the country rock is almost identical with the direction of the line between the mines it is possible that the latter may all be located on the same seam of tale, which may be continuous over the entire distance. ; Opposite the railroad station at Taleville a ledge of pink gneiss is exposed in a railroad cut. The strike here is east-northeast and the dip is about 58° north-northwest. At other points in the vicinity the dip varies considerably from this angle, and the strike varies to a less extent. — | | r122 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The country rock in the vicinity of the mines is almost exclusively a massive gray or pink gneiss which is included within the erystal-. line limestone beit of this region. The mines are similar in general character, although some differences can be noticed both in the walls and the products. Mine No. 3, of the International aa co. This mine is entered by a shaft which follows the dip of the country rock at an angle of about 50°. The cross section of the shaft is variable, but is nowhere less than 6 by 8 feet. Timbering is necessary only at weak points and where the shaft is unusually wide, as the rock is massive gneiss, which gives place, as the seam is approached, to massive, white, tremolitic dolomite in the hanging wall. The bottom of the mine is 300 feet below the surface, though the tale seam was struck at a less depth. The shaft extends to this depth — in order to get below an old mine which had cavedin. The drift slopes gently upward away from the foot of the shaft to give drainage and to facilitate moving the loaded cars to the shaft. The hanging and foot walls are nearly parallel and dip at an angle of 50°. The seam of tale, which varies in thickness from 15 to 25 feet, and is of unknown width, has been removed for a distance of 250 feet along the strike of the walls and a distance of about 60 feet along their dip. At the breast of the drift the tale has the appearance of a mass of ice covered with an inch or two of snow. It is extremely tough, so that blasting is necessary. | The tale, in large masses, is thrown into ore cars which run on iron rails from the breast of the drift to the foot of the skip-way leading to the surface. Here it is dumped into the iron skip-cars which' are hauled out of the mine and on to a trestle 35 feet in height, by means of a cable from the surface. On this trestle the tale is dumped into another hand car and pushed to the railroad where the tale is loaded on platform cars which convey it to the grinding mills. From this trestle the waste is dumped. Plate 1 is a view of the end of the trestle, and also shows the waste dump, and the skip-way running down into the mine. It also illus- trates the position of the mine on the side of the hillock. Where the shaft first cut the tale seam, a drift was started in the same direction as the lower one now in use, but it was too close to PLATE L. To face p. 122. J. N. Nevius, photo. MINE No. 3, INTERNATIONAL PULP CO., SHOWING DUMPING SHED, WASTE DUMP AND SKIPWAY LEADING INTO THE MINE. PLATE file To face p. 123. : cs p ) ] . ; a ¢ : W)\.NKCOP. HALLEN E Oke FORD CO. a > J. N. Nevius, photo. SKIPWAY AND DUMPS OF MINE No. 5, INTERNATIONAL PULP Co., AT TALCVILLE, N. Y., SHOWING SKIP CAR COMING UP. AT ue ne 2 PLATE III. To face p. 123. J. N. Nevius, photo. ENGINE HoUsk AND DUMPING SHED OF MINE No. 5, WITH MINE NO. 6 IN THE BACKGROUND. TALCVILLE. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r1238 the spot where the old mine had caved in and was abandoned. It was subsequently connected with the main drift by an u plift along the seam, leaving a supporting pillar which gives an excellent section of the tale seam. . Pumping is necessary, and when a mine is abandoned it soon fills with water to within a few feet of the surface. Mine No. 5, of the International pulp co. This mine is located on the east side of the same hillock as mine No. 8, and is about 500 yards distant from it. It isnot quite so deep as its neighbor and is operated on two levels. The skip-way is con- siderably steeper, and the tale on coming from the mine in the skips is automatically dumped into another car and run down to the railroad by gravity, the empty car being hauled back bya cable. Plate 2, shows the entrance to mine No. 5, the waste dump, a loaded car on the skip-way and the track connecting with the rail- road. ‘The rails of the skip-way are bent to a horizontal position as they enter the shed. The front wheels of the car follow these rails, but the rollers projecting beyond the rear wheels are caught by sup- plementary rails and the rear of the car is thus carried upward, _ dumping the contents into the third car on the track below. PA Set _ A slight difference in texture can be notived between the best grades of talc from mines Nos. 3 and 5, in fact this statement is true of almost all of the mines. Plate 3, shows the engine house and dumping shed of mine No. 5 in the foreground, and mine No. 6 in the distance. Varieties and occurrence ofthe talc. Two grades of tale are mined. (1) “ First quality fiber.’ This is a compact rock, some- what variable in appearance. Its two chief types are characterized as follows: (a) distinctly fibrous in structure, with clusters of fibers tamifying in all directions, and usually of a grayish tint; (b) lack- ing somewhat in the fibrous appearance, as the fibres tend to run in one direction, and usually of a light sea-green tint. Both types when crushed form asnow white pulp. (2) “Second quality fiber” may be either (a) “gritty”, when an otherwise first quality material contains some harder impurity, which is usually tremolite or some other member of the amphibole group; or (b) “scaly” when it does not possess a fibrous structure and consequently tough charac- q r1?4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ter and is flaky and brittle. This last variety is more predominant in the mines at Fowler than in those at Taleville. . The second quality tale is useful only to a limited extent, as the pulp must contain but little gritty or scaly material. | The walls of the tale seam (or seams) were nowhere observed to be the gneiss which outcrops between the mines. The tale sometimes has an abrupt contact with a highly crystalline white tremolitic dolomite ; or there may be an inch or two of williamsite between the two. This occurrence is probably due to faulting. Or it may pass gradually from first quality fiber, through second class gritty material and fade gradually into a wall of tremolitic dolomite or schist This condition occurs in mine No. 5 where the aa tale ae into a massive amphibole rock. C. H. Smyth jr., in vol. 17 of the School of mines quarterly describes the occurrence and formation of the tale. He says ‘‘in most accounts * it is stated that the tale forms a clearly defined vein with walls of granite or gneiss, the vein being penetrated by, and including horses of, tremolite.” “According to the writer’s observations, the tale oceurs in the form of beds, lying wholly within the schist of the limestone formation. They dip and strike with the rest of the formation and have schist for both foot and hanging walls, sometimes with an intervening thin layer composed largely of quartz. There is little in the character of the beds to suggest a vein formation, while the walls of gneiss and granite are wholly lacking.” As to the origin of the tale, Prof. Smyth bases his conclusions on the microscopic examination of the tale, and he points out that the tale is an alteration product derived from beds of tremolite schist in the limestone, and all gradations between the tale and the unaltered tremolite can be found. In conclusion he says, “The deposits of tale are of complex origin and the process which has led to their formation consisted of three distinct stages. First, there was formed an impure siliceous and magnesian limestone. Second, this rock underwent metamorphism and was converted into enstatite and a A. Sahlin, Trans. Am. inst. M. E. 21. p. 583. A. Sahlin, The mineral industry. 1. p. 435. C. A. Waldo, The mineralindustry. 2. p. 603. a ae ' PLATE IV. J. N. Nevius, photo. EXPOSURE OF GNEISS AT THE TALC MINES AND ENTRANCE TO OPEN MINE, TALCVILLE. To face p. 125. AN ABANDONED PLATE V. T'o face p. 125. J. N. Nevius, photo. A PILLAR IN THE AMERICAN TALC CoO.’S MINE, NEAR FOWLER, SHOWING A SECTION OF THE TALC BED. DIP OF THE BEDS 50°. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r125 tremolite schist. Third, this schist, by the action of water, charged with C O , was.converted into tale.” Plate 4 shows the association of the gneiss and the hanging wall of the tale deposit. The observations of the writer, though brief, fully accord with the theory of origin advanced by Prof. Smyth. Mines at Fowler. The American tale co. operates mines and a mill on the Belmont farm near Little York, town of Fowler. The principal mine, having been idle, had become filled with water which was being pumped out (July 1897), and was not accessible below the second level. Judging from what could be seen, this mine differs from the others only in that the tale seam is thinner, averaging 15 feet, and this fact necessitated working it on several levels, pillars being left at regular intervals to support the hanging wall. The pillars present excellent cross sections of the seam and show its association with the walls. Plate 5 shows one of these pillars. The contact of the tale seam with both walls is strongly marked. Another opening is being made within a few hundred feet of the old mine, to cut thesame seam. Itreached scaly tale at a distance of 40 feet below the surface, which graded into first quality material 10 feet lower. The mill is within a couple of hundred yards of the mine, and the tale is conveyed to it in cars operated by hand power. The Columbian tale co.’s- mine on lot 106, Little York, town of Fowler, cuts a seam of tale over 80 feet in width, and the drift which follows the seam, is entirely surrounded by talc, neither wall being visible. The mill is about five miles distant from the mine. The pulp mills. The majority of these are located along the Oswegatchie river about midway between Talcville and the town of Gouverneur. Some of the smaller mills are operated by water power, but the majority use steam power exclusively, or combine the two. The mills are several miles from the mines, and the Gouverneur and Oswegatchie railroad transports the raw material to the mills and carries the pulp to the main line. The operations are practically identical in all the mills. Mill No. 3 of the International pulp co. This mill is located at Hailesboro, about 14 miles east of Gouverneur. It is one of the r126 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM sompany’s standard mills, of which they operate several others seat- tered to the eastward in the direction of the mines. In their largest mill, “no. 6,” they are experimenting successfully with a secret process by which grit and other impurities are separated from the pulverized tale, thereby producing a finer grade of stock. Almost the entire process of pulverization is performed by auto- matic machinery, so that after a supply of the raw material is pre- pared by the day shift, the mill runs itself all night except for the final operation of filling and weighing the bags of pulp and loading them on the ears. The raw tale varies in size from dust to masses two feet, 0 or more, in length. Asalready mentioned, there is some difference in color and considerable difference in texture and quality of the products _ of the different mines; but they are so mixed by experienced work- — men that the finished product is uniform both in appearance and quality. | Process of pulverization. The process of pulverization con- sists of seven operations. Tirst, the large masses of tale are broken with a sledge. Second, the tale is crushed by a pair of slightly corrugated steel rolls, 30 inches in diameter. Third, it is conveyed by a belt to bins on the top floor of the mill. Fourth, from these bins it feeds into a Griffin mill on the floor below. Fifth, it is loaded into large hopper shaped bin-cars which are used for: storing as well as conveying the material. Sixth, the contents of a — bin-car are piaced in an Alsing cylinder, along with a quantity of water-worn quartz pebbles, the abrasion of which, as the cylinder. revolves, completes the pulverizing process. The -tale pulp is sifted through a grating in the cylinder which retains the pebbles. Sev- -enth, it falls into a bin with a tapering bottom which joins the bag-filling device on the main floor.. This machine loads approxi- mately 50 pounds of the, tale pulp into a paper bag placed under the spout by hand, and packs it by means of a revolving dise acting against the rising platform which carries the bag. .The weight of the bag is then corrected on a scale, and the bag is loaded directly on the car for shipment. Two men are needed to fill and handle the bags. : There are two bag-filling machines, but at the time of this visit | REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR r127 the mill was not running to its full capacity, and but one was in use. It filled, on an average, three 50 pound bags per minute. The pulp is also packed in cloth bags containing 160 pounds each. Value and uses of the pulp. The pulp formerly sold for about $30 per ton, but recent competition has reduced the price to about $7 per ton, and has so nearly destroyed the profit that many of the smaller concerns are fast being driven out of the business. The pulp is prepared in several grades and each company has its own special names for the various grades. The greatest demand for the pulp comes from the paper industry. It is used as a filler in many qualities of paper, but the greatest con- | sumption is in the manufacture of newspaper stock, for which pur- pose it is mixed with wood pulp. The tale pulp thus used is a very finely pulverized grade, designated “ Finished asbestine pulp” by the International pulp co., and ‘Fine cylinder stock” by the United States tale co. A less finely pulverized (“fluffy”) grade is produced by omitting the process of grinding in the Alsing cylinder already mentioned. This grade is used with asbestus (chrysotile) fiber in the manu- facture of “asbestus paper,’ ‘‘asbestus packing,” nated “ Special asbestine pulp” by the International pulp co., and ‘No. 1 Buhr stock” by the United States tale co. Tale pulp is used also to some extent in the manufacture of certain etc., and is desig- paints and wall plasters. Vol. 5 of the “ Mineral Industry ” states that the production of this material for the year 1896 was 45,000 short tons, valued at $315,000. ee - HISTORY OF CAYUGA LAKE VALLEY ‘ a terrier ss : i : Ap Nelson Nevius | ; 894 as 4 requirement in research work at Cornell university. : Bibliopraphy 3c. ae peeks Okay astern anes ae meee r152 EEE ee eer! CONTENTS Page Map 08: the rPeoieipe rare 0 sire ee on ei (Map No. 3, appendix B) Cayuga lake: SLUMAMOR Sete beanie eee ae, eee r131 LSS eP LOL SS aes hearers suerte ate Sete r131 Ithaca delta ..... SS fa tipeta die SUNDA Dn Neca ote ae rr r132 Inlet valley: Glacial effects in........... Silence Suck cote 7188 Six Mile creek : Meraine 24000 nek cnakaes Las oan eer ot ae r135 | Igneous dyke ...... (as sk haseBSER ts ee NR IR HUG Reena ee palmon “creek 2590 ee Og EN rr Taughannock creek : Olid salley (5.055 a Re ee ae tet 1186 BP OUTRCOS fois Lee eee Ie arse che otad Re arlene Gaal = ae r136 Tray MES ORCOK 5 fie eet ee ne ne Oyen to acetd iakee ot ete aa 1136 hock terrace at Aurota sc. tke eR gon ds OP ee r136_ Anrora-to: UW pion-eprings. ois ac enis. Shies eee oto ee eee r137 Union springs -to-Cayiigar 7.) Seis oe r137 Drumilins: OPTRA OE! 3 eae RGIS ae Rs RA Ok a r138 Recession of valley walls................. Se EAC’ % ... 7187-8 Montez tuana. mia rein at 25 gs alec eee oreo cet a eee a r138 Country rock : | i CARA CCOMISEIES 2.555 oc stings stent eect oan ees ae r140 Girone the same river, has two small holes. It is of green striped slate, and nearly rectangular. The dimensions are seven and one fourth by three and three fourths inches. One of polished sandstone, but with a sharp convex edge is from. Black Creek, near Oneida Lake. The form approaches the triangular, and it is seven inches long by three and three eighths wide. ‘There is but one hole. This seems more like an implement than most, but sharp edges are not un- | common. _ Those with notches, also, are not rare. One of black slate, from Lake Champlain, has notched ends and but one hole. It is seven inches long by one and seven eighths wide. Others might be de- scribed from Chautauqua County, with this feature, as well as from other places. In fact they were so striking a part of personal decoration in early days, that they may be said to occur everywhere. GROOVED AXES Grooved axes are extremely rare in most parts of Vermont, _ New York and Canada, though not altogether unknown. Out of 419 in Mr. Douglass’ collection but two were from New York, and Dr. Rau figured none. Mr. Gerard Fowke said, ‘ In the eastern and ~ interior States the grooved axes are far more abundant than the celts of the same size, because, as a rule, only the larger implements of this class are grooved. All the ordinary varieties of axes and . hatchets are found about Lake Champlain, by far the most abund- ant being celts or grooveless axes.’ Between there and Lake Erie a grooved axe is a rare find indeed. In the later days they were not in use among the Iroquois as far as appears, and it may be ques- tioned whether some occasionally found in New York, may not in some instances have been lost by collectors. In his history of Onondaga, Mr. J. V. H. Clark represented that hundreds of these, particularly described, had been found on an Elbridge site, but farther inquiry proved this an unaccountable mis- take. They sometimes occur, but are evidently foreign to the soil. POLISHED STONE ARTICLES USED BY THE NEW YORK ABORIGINES 83 Fig. 215 is a narrow form, of light greenish stone with a groove all around. This is reduced in the figure and is from Jefferson County. Some occur of the more typical forms, specially in the southwest- ern part of the State. They are said to be more numerous east of the Mississippi than west, but this may be due to the number of collectors. The southern Indians have used them in historic times. The single grooves were for attaching the handles, and sometimes there are double grooves. They have been used by the Pueblo Indians. | While so rare in New York, Dr. Abbott reported many from New Jersey, and from every part. One axe weighed nearly 14 pounds, and several large caches of these implements have been found there. One contained 120 axes. Among three from Tioga County, N. Y., was one of eight pounds. There were none in the Wagman col- lection at Saratoga. Celts and gouges are sometimes roughened or grooved for secur- ing the handle, and a few broad axes rather suggest than have the groove. Fig. 219 is a flat axe of brown sandstone, not grooved across the surface, but with a deep and broad notch in each lateral -edge. It is a rare form, altogether unlike the typical implement. POLISHED PERFORATORS Fig. 221 is a neat polished perforator of brown sandstone, from Madison County. It is two and three eighths inches long, and much like some bone perforators in general appearance. Those like this are rare, for the early comers used flint, and the Iroquois very much preferred horn and bone, yet these seem to have belonged to them. Fig. 222 is from the same place, and is notched and more angular. The broadest part is near the point. This is two and three fourths inches long. Another of black basalt, with an oblique central notch, comes from the Nichols Pond site, the Oneida town of 1615. It is three and one eighth long by five eighths of an inch thick. This is decisive of its Iroquois use, but such a splinter of stone might be ground as easily as bone, the general form being the same. GROOVED BOULDERS Inthe Onondaga and Seneca territory specially, are found large boulders with straight grooves, from one to seven in number, and 84 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM very uniform in depth and width. Occasionally small stones are grooved in the same way. Fig. 241 is a reduction of one of these from the Minden earthwork, south of Fort Plain. It is a block of sandstone, 15 by 18 inches across, and has two grooves of the usual width and character. Another of these, but much smaller, comes from Schoharie, and is five and three fourths by three and three fourths inches. This has three parallel and one cross groove, but they are reported much narrower than usual, being but little over a quarter of an inch wide. The block is of grey sandstone. Another small one comes from Frenchman’s Island, in Oneida Lake. In this the groove is three quarters of an inch wide, with another partly within it. A few other small ones have been found, but usually large boulders were used. Of these larger ones Dr. Rau mentioned some in Massachu- setts and New York. | : One of clay slate and of irregular form comes from Dutchess County, and is 17 by 13 inches, and seven inches thick. It has one perfect groove, now 10 inches long, but originally more. This is half an inch wide and three eighths deep. Another groove is unfinished. One from Deming’s Point is broken through the center of the. second groove. This is now Io inches long, but originally more. The width is five eighths and depth three eighths of an inch. Strie appear in both. | | The most remarkable of the large grooved boulders, is that de- scribed by Clark in his history of Onondaga, and it was the first to attract much attention. The Gothic letters XIIIII fairly represent the arrangement of the grooves. The boulder is of corniferous limestone, 234 by 22 inches across. The grooves are wider than usual, being three quarters of an inch, and the striz are obscure. The longest groove is about I5 inches. It was in the ravine by the old Indian Fort in Pompey, reputedly of recent occupation. Another from that vicinity is also of limestone, 26 by 22 inches across. There are seven grooves irregularly dispersed, five eighths wide and three eighths of an inch deep. The grooves are about seven to 12 inches in length. A small block of blue limestone, much weathered, has two grooves. Another in the same condition, has POLISHED STONE ARTICLES USED BY THE NEW YORK ABORIGINES 85 five grooves, and the block is 16 by 18 inches. One of these grooves intersects the rest. They are five eighths wide, and three eighths of an inch deep. One of red sandstone, 15 by 18 inches, has one groove, 14 inches long, and of the usual width and depth. Some of these Pompey stones came from historic sites, and were un- doubtedly used within the last three centuries. A fine one of sandstone, from Yates County, has three grooves about 20 inches long and of the usual width and depth. Another has five grooves, and still others have been found there. Two were found in Hector, Tompkins County. One is of slate, I0 by Io, and about three and one half inches thick. It has five grooves across the face, which are nearly parallel. Four of these are but little over half an inch apart, and are half an inch wide and a quar- ter deep. The fifth is a little wider. The other stone is also of slate, eight and one half by 12 inches, and three and one fourth thick. It has two grooves, and all these are striated like the rest. Two more in Pompey are on either side of a stream, and partly imbedded in the banks. The exposed part of one is 24 by 30 inches, and the ends of the five grooves are buried in the earth. They are nine, 16, 14, 11, and eight and one half inches long. The boulder is common limestone. The other is in the west bank of the stream, and is of corniferous limestone, partly exposed. Both boulders extend into the brook. The exposed part of this is 24 by 30 inches, and has two grooves, which are nine and Io inches long. The grooves and striz are carried through the flint nodules as in the others, a feature best seen when the stone is wet. The use of these stones is of interest, and nothing has been sug- gested but that of straightening and smoothing arrow shafts, by rubbing them in these grooves. There are objections to this, but they may not be insuperable. In the case last mentioned, the point- ing of the grooves against a steep bank would embarrass arrow making, the most convenient position being parallel with the stream. If the shaft were long the difficulties would be increased. That water and sand were used may be inferred from the parallel strie, and the usual position near a stream. That the grooves were made with a purpose directly connected with their size, may be inferred 86 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM from the uniformity of that size, and the absence of narrower and shallower grooves. As to the period, they may have been in use in Onondaga County and vicinity for a hundred years after the form- ing of the Iroquois League, but probably less. The Indians of the present day have simple methods of arrow making, and whether their fathers made these grooves with so much labor, for this purpose, may be a question still. The strong point is that there is no other apparent use for them. Grooves of another kind are not rare, and among these are the sharper cuts made by sharpening tools on boulders. A large stone was often very convenient for this purpose, and some may still be seen on old village sites. As the Indians learned to melt and cast metals, they sometimes made use of a small stone for a matrix, and such stones are occasionally found. So are whetstones, easily recognizable by their marks of use. They are commonly slender and small. | After the foregoing was written, Mr. A. G. Rishinond described a large grooved boulder, weighing 1970 pounds. Of this he says, ‘There are three grooves at one end, pretty well off on the slope. Three more toward the center, and a seventh one started in the center. He thinks they were certainly used in working arrow shafts, and while there are certain difficulties in the position of those found in place, he makes suggestions worthy of consideration. These are quoted here, ‘ My theory is, and it would answer on every stone I have seen, that they sat astride, and worked the arrow in front of them, as my observation is that they all have grooves across, rather than lengthwise of the stone. Another thing makes me think they were made for this purpose, and that is that when the groove reaches a width sufficient for the maximum size of. arrow shafts, they proceed to make a second groove. If it was for some purpose that did not require a uniform or absolute size, one groove would answer every purpose.’ The crosswise grooving, however, while peerat is not invariable. The uniformity of the grooves, of which he speaks, is one of the re- markable features of these curious stones. | | » a Oe ee ee POLISHED STONE ARTICLES USED BY THE NEW YORK ABORIGINES 87 MISCELLANEOUS Fig. 220 is an elliptical brown sandstone pebble, two and one six- teenth inches long by seven eighths of an inch wide, and having a central groove and notched ends. It may have been a sinker. Fig. 236 is a perforated ball from Elbridge, found near an earth- work. It is a soft brown sandstone, one and seven eighths wide by one and three eighths inches deep. The top and the bottom are unequally flattened, and the diameter of the opening is less than an inch. A curved yellow stone, much like a horn in outline, is per- forated at the broad base. It comes from the Oswego River. Many years ago a fine carving made from the black slate of the northwest coast, and in that style, was found in Tioga County, but whether it was brought by an Indian or lost by a white man, may be a question. It is a characteristic piece, and of its ultimate origin there can be no doubt. A Sandwich Island adze was found in Mar- cellus some years since, but the cause for this seems clearer. It was brought there by a recent traveler, was lost and found again. Similar instances might be cited of unexpected articles found even in Indian hearths and graves. Mr. Fowke considered stone cones rare in the South and West, and they are still rarer in New York. A true stone cone, however, comes from Jefferson County, and is two inches high. They have been reported nowhere else, but small pyramids occur. A pebble, flattened like a muller, has a groove lengthwise from the flat surface at each end. It is four inches long, and comes from Cayuga County, where other odd forms are found. An oval pebble, with perforations representing eyes, has its edges chipped. This is from Brewerton, but similar things occur elsewhere, being usually recent forms. Many puzzling pieces are probably unfinished, and of the intention of others we know very little. Some doubtful forms have been passed over, there being no present occasion to discuss their authenticity, while others of undoubted value have been regretfully _ left unnoticed. Plates, blocks and ornaments of mica have been found in Cayuga, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chenango, Monroe, Oswego, Suffolk, and perhaps other counties. They are quite rare. 88 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM While the Iroquois made many records by pictures, these were usually on wood or bark, but sometimes were painted on stone. Such examples were known in St. Lawrence and Montgomery counties. No engraved pictures in rocks have been reported here,. but a few occur in large stones, notably on the Hudson. ‘There is. an account of footmarks in stone in Suffolk and Westchester coun- — ties, and in the latter mortars are common, excavated in the rocks. Stone heaps occur sparingly all over New York, and there are frequent allusions to the aboriginal custom of casting stones on such heaps, in early records. The stone heap near Schoharie creek was. the most noted of such monuments, and was constantly added to: as late as 1753, if not later. Such heaps sometimes covered eraves,. but not invariably. The Schoharie tumulus was reported as four rods long, between one and two wide, and from ten to fifteen feet high, being of the largest size. An early account of it will be found in the New York Documentary History. Small heaps of stone are sometimes found within the lines of forts, gathered as defensive missiles, but they are not conspicuous. This bulletin completes a general view of the stone implements and ornaments of the aborigines of New York, to which the paper on articles of chipped stone formed the introduction. Abundant materials are in hand for others on the interesting earthenware of our early inhabitants, as well as their articles of bone, horn, shell, wood and metal, of scarcely less interest and beauty, should it be determined: to complete such a series. Any information on either rare or common articles of this kind will be gratefully received. Figures are desirable, with full descriptions available for record, but specially notes of locality. This most important point in com- parative study should never be neglected. Of course contributions to the State Museum are very desirable, and many collectors may’ be disposed to do a public service in this way, but clear and full notes, to be compiled and preserved, will be an acquisition of no POLISHED STONE ARTICLES USED BY THE NEW YORK ABORIGINES 89 small value. Maps of localities, with descriptions of sites and finds, will be no less prized, specially from places where little has yet been done. These preliminary bulletins will reach many, it is hoped, who will take an active interest in the matter. There are many good private collections of aboriginal articles, and a simple systematic description of the New York relics in these would be a great aid in scientific research. It is a work in which many might and should share, and the prospective results are great indeed. go NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM EXPLANATION OF PLATES Many figures are greatly reduced for lack of space, and for convenience in arrangement some small ornaments are not placed in consecutive | order. For full descriptions given in bulletin, see index under P/aées. LENGTH, 5 , WIDTH DEPTH FIG. NAME MATERIAL IN A ; INCHES IN INCHES OR HIGHT riCeltiiry samen | Gteenstone iii. &. 45.6 536 | 2 a oe eM see mr bc 1 sandstone... .... 4% 2% c 3\ Plummet} ii. iS Slate) Gc Bee ae ANCHE E Senet: Green striped slate....... 3 334 3% | 3 wide s|Ornament Red pipestone ......... 1l4 ame hes) —_/Y/A. end 6|Chisel. 25. 24.0. (Brown, sandstone... 53222 5h 1% it CEL aie 8 peattonnialaye Grey « -20- ++| 3% aoe Bh alee data) af SRO EL PET santa ea 4 EA Qi ntact sve. viereen ‘striped’ slate... i aM Wahi 34 deep rola .......{Brownish drab sandstone] 8 2% II Chisel . 1, (lack ‘pasalt «...\5 les) sy2,5 26 2% YY 12\Celt..........|Greenstone Stra) apeiar aad s --.| 24 3 BRN gh aonlg Seale coh aC Ka ASI, Ai stare ios pe 18 I TAN Ay caoalaar cosets re eee OP oak anaveue teva n lai 34 | 1% Bae cr clashes tenn ene Light olive green ‘slate. . 23%, |1% GM alae oie om aioe DAT preen Striped. 4). legae) liesZ RPV Sala aye stlalichys at CO MeMDLZ LUG! arrccis we laaalelmtahets ai 2 1% 1B vedd s)k Brown sandstone fon o.. 134 yy POEL eo hava wie! tine a WS EAO DASENES oie iia, alee shia 134 34 Qe sie aint swe abn Grey ‘sandstone 2050, 4 5 24 BO ihgrte ie Wiel oreine . [Green striped” slate... ..'. 24 1% ZR A dle sinks ae {CO IShVOMVe Steely aw. 5% 234 Bo) ON alludes oo Giene | OWE Sai StOMG ir. 4% I Big ON) Eee eieale sete DEEUDER: SIALG. 6. iver, « aes pee eee 14g | 1% 61/Gauge ..... 1. Mottled stonésy..s56 (a), 4% 238 62/Pebble.. 23... . Brown sandstone .......|.-.--. 33% diam |1¥4 thick 63/Peede.. .....i..1 Grey deta RUM se cin = « 64;Double muller. .|Grey sandstone ........ 3% | 3% 27% deep 65) Beemiees ssa nnd. BaReStOLe oe ae aia ets 3% I 66) Agee bt: ites Slate ok ce a: 4% 3% 67|\Fesme ne bck eh Brown sandstone....... 834 | 2% 63). “(earwed):. 3: BN tar oe 15 22 BB SS eee oats: A BARUSTORE, SG ONLIRO CEG 33 634 | 1% SSL ASN} Pig tc ak oe 2 OG OAS Sa 5: 30 be aa aa'5 9% | 2% ES Ne anomie teh sel tae Brown sandstone....... 83% 13% 1¥% thick 72\Celt and gouge|Grey Ln POs WEIS 2344, | 14° paiPestle: 2235.05, Brown sandstone....... 5% | 2h ~ 2 ia ERRMRPS ae p Ae WS OMS AR 3. 3 22 134 Be ys 2 eee Grey sandstone......... 4% | 2% 76|Muller ........ Sandstone (pebble)..... 34, Y, Me 7ect. D of a vessel Potstone . 0... ee foe eee’ 20 fe hes |1O high 78|P’ceofpotstone 4 linotae tL eee 2 iy I deep 79|Notched _ pot- stone rim.... DNC E b.cA Gy sucdenle a. « 3 234 Mosinker......... RO HE a spac aias | 23% Il Beitandlé ...... enact e Stanek di keg! fora) doo a,e: benny =, 14 1¥Z proje 82|Ornament ..... PAP ESCONE ht oes; sce S455 Aces eee The I diam 92 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM EXPLANATION OF PLATES, continued LENGTH FIG. NAME Ss a are in Ke | bom see $3\Handle 2... - Potstone PM BAAR Ft ghee ei pair go Pag 21% proj. 84|Ornament..... Light drab slate........ 134 Yy . Sc\Pestietyt ses: Brown sandstone....... 138 34, TH 86|Sinew stone.... ESCH tei hid k Wy MANS Soe 3R 1¥8, 87\Ornament ..... PIPER one’ s(t 4:5 eo wer Crean ee + SS Begs...) ee TEE at: See fa fmcoles oMag,:| Hal PPms= - Sq|Pestle.. Ay. i. Brown sandstone....... 45% | 1% go|Plummet...... Pier ees Se eh Pe Pe eee BiB Ne Aca em 1 thick 9 paises Se Ae Grey oh it es ee Oe an ae 4Yy steer e ee 1a bg 92 oe Lee 2 Red oe DTP age pee 1 93 i aoa Greenstone............ 3% |1% 94 iat eras oe PNecteramvrer. °-75 0 then 2 134 95 abated wee ee Hornblendic gneiss..... 2% 178 96 ke ews ee astone 3s. Clee Om Gr s 138 TEMPE «> vas ten she Black soapstone........]--++-+/see.eee- 4% high BG Vt whl ie eae Sto Vellow sandstone. 21. at). ae tee 5 eee my a i ; I % «ee OEP PET Ty sae bk Babe Darkisoapstone ..... -scaghes ti. .|y. eae 13 deep Reo ee Th EN et ee Bigew marvle ooo Pee oAs sete ee RE ee ee ee ee White cathe AM ALG Fe. eT, hie anise wea 238 high ro2| “Bowl... ek \Dark SOapSfone 355405 ape eer ee Lae 103|Bird pipe...... ns (EER ED. SEES Sates ales Same dart 144. * EQAIPINS oS ss che Yellowish grey stone ....] 2% 2Y Am 105| tag meaner thoy" eNO a 1 Rd eS cb Ala ben i, Midas athe | 134 (?) 11% “ Poll CT o.oo ee {Black marble........... be SPE oot ee oak, ee ne Steyr GUATIZUE oe be] Brown; sandstone...) abbas s iis od } 134 tee Dial Seat chee eye 11 1) Lanne 2 Of: CEB 214 high Te gee eae eee SORORONE. een cele amie eee 2% deep DIA. ohh ee en Hee RI ON oe a nina ale aaa Mie ae 314 high 1 ea te a PE RVyStaliMme ye ca ats R041 Las cee a hs. ; uv.) 1g ; g1Gh C4 4 AaB Es Sandstone... ca oc ehaeg ened, MG cies 1 1354 aeep | 117|Bird pipe...... Green Sista.) sss pats sin Bom alma 5 tke Tre. Pipe Ve, 2c PARE RUMIE 6 Se. nacre 3 ate ai vith 334 | Idiam Brg, ) oP eee Grey, limestone’. «25.25. ois abuse ee ee eee 2 high ROG) ON soy eee Darksoapstone......... 0 al ye ee r21|Muller........ Greenstone "A ea oles . eabe cia |2 deep Par sEUDS .....002 stn Dark green striped slate..| 3% 1 BOR er Shin Reta Grey: striped slate... ...'. - 558 | I diam mah te Bee, Light olive green slate..| 34%+]........ BSG cae wares Striped green slate...... 7 fa esate POLISHED STONE ARTICLES USED BY THE NEW YORK ABORIGINES 93 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, continued LENGTH 126|Ornament..... Greenish slate...... sie eRicITs ah Te ong 127 . oe a bde taeda a moe sce = aes Eerie... -..- sandstone (?)........+-|/9% 14 diam SN Lacan's erst AOOSHONG yes ba so eosin 4% 1Yf diam ae = (DUAPSEGRE s.4.0e8% oh nee = 2 Be As LS 131/Bayonet slate ..|Bluish striped slate...... (8% R 132 és ey 1. (ered Slate. CRUE OSE VIA fe sd PaqiPiummet...... Brown sandstone ....... 22; .| 138 Ee ae QUAI 3.5 an se CES A 2% 14 Pameiulet .....: Green striped. slatept nou. 97 *. tip igen. “* cf Ee See Ma cee oct fel doce ia é 11% high Ea ee “ 5 TAR ak SR 6% zat fail a re Peon ts nr ts hae a 5s Pamgt Mek 6 os | A ae Green striped slate...... Fe oe a Murs ark) Cee ete i ie ee ee I Yihigh na a a Mottled stone.......... BELEN | ae Pls we? «|, «cs» « -|. .|Green striped slate. !'. <: ee ee ssa. re IZ Es ae Fe ebeca sen ERD Niches alae i's = 134 high : aa dye on tale | eae a: Rete ETS. airs eit: die Ola er eh naan : Be oad eels Mottled dark stone...... 4% | 1% SMT. >, sets yave. fs: Dark green striped slate. .| 57 34 3f high 148)Ornament..... BSc. Oh Si abel a ona aa 2 149 : ae Ope Sy Wa ejmiere topare yd I 43 150 166 ibe , APE 4 anid Rae 20h ESE Sn) «a, - Markoereen SGapsiole,. 51.4. |... .. eo IY thick DG PMM Mee woe «2 =) Green sandstone........ BRN S cise: « 23 ECS iiaty teks.) 2 eee spay eee se ee oe é 154|Boat stone..... SIDE IS1AGE Sr aes nas 4% | 1+ 7 high 155 “ (tna (esFeen sitiped State. 2. .% . 33% 1% Ne 15.3 Naas pain ONE Sia be SO Seas Se NS Oe 1% * 157 . Green striped slate...... 2d ae aioe 13% “ 158 ac ae, “ RLS Meee 4% 14 Ly CANDY 6°52 SG tha D’k blue gr’n striped slate]...... 234 I I ee Poentone, «424 wage. Lets! c5%.. 257g lone 161|D’bleedg’d knife|Grey slate............. | 23% 14 162\|Ornament...... Brown sandstone......../..---- I diam Ol ae “ ‘elias Pk! Ca Rs Enna 14 164|D’bleedg’d knife/Grey slate............. 2 1 165|Sinker (?)..... Light greenish slate..... 434 34, 166|D’bleedg’d knife|/Dark slate............ 54 | 1% 167 oe eee Se es » 334 13% 168 = Bere eter Co ovieeeu le. PT! Bay etree © 169 x ah Tats Ra Se ks 2% |1 rol nn Ss rae | sae | 94 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM EXPLANATION OF PLATES, continued os wan MATERIAL | aeons, Nee 171|D’ble edg’d knife Bluish slate............ 238 1yY 172 3 7 pl OER SUS SAO Be = 134 173 ff poled Ramey SECS ee ry % 774 Omibvedi yh’ sacl k ewe co 5 See), cas Ge eee = Sees oe 175) D’bleedg’d knifel Dark 00460). 05 45 ee 3% | 13% 176 s ~ioteeey, |S. ets heaniad 27 | 13 177|Woman’s knife. .|Slaty sandstone......... 276; || ite Se 214 deep 178 ..|Hard black slate........ Bit) log oa dene 1% « 179 3 ..|Brown sandstone........|------ 5% 2 Nee 180 ee . .{Grey sandstone ./..0icv s|enes 6% 24 181/Ornament...... Pipestoner ssi. Uae.) ce 24% | f+ | 182 s is = Bile Sings Sey oe iS 3% Fe iets eames fet P¥ree ci heen humid) I ¥, 184|Hammer stone..|Light green slate.......|..---- 438 234 deep 185 i ..|Green striped slate...... 4 1% 54a 186 a: x Stas canae Saat eae gre 53% seis 187 cc * fealetriped slates pee. apne ep 9 5% 258 188 ida ee sah NE Ai Sate! UCI 458 1% « 189 a .-|Olive green slate .......|-----> 234 4G 190/Ornament...... PIPERORE L.'s. Sao ces oh wee} on 191| Hammer stone. ./Green striped slate......|-.---- 25% aiam 192 fs ..|Greenish crystalline stone] - -- - -- 63% 2 deep 193 ‘ ..|Olive brown striped slate]- - ---- 3% 2.6 194|Ornament......|/Pipestoné ./........... I % 195 , aiehath PEPER Dba no vain sichn aneicis 17% Z 196 oe «ah SP RERE Ne IS Oo 2 es R 1% 197 fh Scie ea ONS ERE ayn tg a cae ee I 198 s 4 she si LPCRME 550 5 aameaeumees =| TBP eee 199 S ese es pe ada Teepe "|e--ee- 1% vs 200} Hammer stone..|Olive green striped slate.|- - ---- 7 IY deep 201 i Weal: SIME ee ek Ss OF is Cee oe ry « 202 Banner stone. . .|Green striped slate......|------ 3% I deep (?) 203| Hammer stone. " Pe Apiaceae Abe 338 1% deep 204 ; ..|Light olive green slate..|------ 3 34. $8 PP yp : 7 I yy “c 205 . soeriped Slate... .....<.< 2G estes << 2/2 / % thick 206|Gorget. 542% J. .|Yellowish olive quartzite! 456 | 134 207... Pewee Brown striped slate..... 4% ie at 4 base SER)” St. + key eae Green ribbon stone..... a BGR | aerate “striped slate..... 3¥8 | 27 210,Ornament..... PRDEMORE LS 6 ois a pee as 233 ¥ ; a par GOrpel. v0. oe x Dark olive slate........ rece 672 base 678 high 434 i ie a ee Binish' grey Fis ieeck 6% |. 1% LENGTH FIG. NAME MATERIAL IN INCHES meeierOreet........ Beer ACen. Wacecs,'s wins eA @eeiboat stone....|Brown slate ........... 5% 215|Grooved axe.../Light greenish slate..... 534 216|Plummet...... Rateen WASH. s.c% et ge ace 132 meriGxorget........ Grey stdne@isiate. .... sls. os Se ENR Seer BOW slates}. <2. ace sis 5% mro|Flat axe....... Pee Saeslone’. <= >» +. 4 mzoirebble........ a Se). eis hn 25 221|Polished perf...| “ 15 iad 238 222 : Me AIM SOUIE Wate. sw ges. 234 Mes Grorget......3. Striped (cr’m & pur.) stone] 6 MS ee piriped slatecy'... . 3. . See m225/Ornament......|Limestone ..... ee ae NR Ne mea0)Mask,......... RIE SHORE BINS xin Gili, «=, ian go> NR A ee LE et 8) RR Rem Be se oso sos 1 sos SE a Dee ele _ 229;Ornament...... Toa Die ES 2 SE SN a Ree aaa 230 - Feet ane a 1 ROR She 8 es oe 231 Bee ie Seu TS ES Sane ey Kae ma?) Mask.......... . ENE Oe SA ee MN Ns aie 5338 ga Se | a a i 234|/Ornament...... 2 ee 3 235 cc NO pe | Sa 252 POLISHED STONE ARTICLES USED BY THE NEW YORK ABORIGINES 95 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, continued 236|Ball (perforated)|Brown sandstone ,......|...... 237|Ornament....... 238) Mask PCRLOMET Sy wix's. 5 50 dies PebeyERIIMS oss asin tthe 239|Cob. st’ne (carv.) Sandstone 240|Ornament...... .| Pipestone - 241/Grooved bould.|Sandstone ............ 18 (?) = 242/\Ornament ..... SE aE a Ry arate 243 “ Ba PUMESIRIEUE Urals cv emterdic 6:0 114 244 - Ae Ae Aba 9 1% 245|Ornament eececeeeec see ec el|reeeee xseeseee eee eceet|oeoea ee ee WIDTH IN INCHES eoeees ree e DEPTH OR HIGHT WK H N _ laf wy e) Sw 1342deep) L , * o 1 4 t hak I Tid - 4 pak fi Fi ne cs ‘ 3 c * = iM - , ipa real Zj m, ‘ iv ~ rsh aos j iy 4 2 Wied * r 4 / - : + A : eu 7 Re i! / 5. % ' wy th ‘ i ah Pas he ? [ Pty 4 iW Nalieesse ‘ - j + NY s 3 iL \ as pe ~ / Ars ) : : i p “\ . ay . , s+ et . 5 A , ¥ ‘ a ‘ i 1 ‘ ' fay Tt on at { . fi re eer 4“ 4 “ AN ’ : i jig +r Ss eh PRR oh hast wy he ‘ * vise » aa D2 ee AM * é . . ’ is 4 ™ aR Ne Ml eae / ‘ | he ’ 7 i Ne a ‘é Gena Racer et Di ; hy “he a hie Se, } bak Na L stals, ae: oft a ee ee argh lee . ghete ulin Want Neste i oc eae eed ane toy) | sand 7s atte tate boas (fe MMIC. ‘¢ ; “i ; sa hi he Ms Citodind ae One atala pth ‘ : Aoi UO api shel a Ree -. oy a= a ; bet Sat Lea? ; ? u . 4 % *: : PERN ate Ld 11 vd es , Jan oe ; ‘ es : :t} oe i . i . f “et 4! Boe 7 ip aes aye ae } Oa EN eran Cea aiay Ror ‘yctantoineneh PP ia ba 78 ona La Ba sp} tea uae ape ¥ Shes he RC! las aya as haan ts ms ; $%) Pe re a * ? “ly >? a @ * ’ 4 : b “) i . OIA wit os fae” pie p yee es we | eS a Jaa 4 : | > Yor « ; i f Sy + a2 ; in oh . be i wid - ty aS es ~ 404 ye poe \ A 4 et a we, | o- “ly « ‘ 9 * Sal ’ 5 ? ‘ ae | ‘ A ‘ ; Sak Ph - s a © eer & ol , Ph } t Ve wh’ \ ie a ~ t 7 a ‘eve ‘ Ta " * rs iJ ‘s " wie 4 3 x R 4 ; a th hoe 3 : ee ee a ‘ ome He, Kn «one nia : ; ; os tae i ae ns ee s We , : 1s, : ps OP, $ * : PN PE oe ys Fes ee v.58 e , See vi , ; Le hie TR get antec: nets, (bee ase fi) i? = Bid ; < . . ; Va ne z . ‘ -. * SSAA Reet ath =e att ? or Oe «2h miele sw heen Wan CEN ¥« , ni 1 To ag tiie ABO NGTOL Cs sap id i Fe et bra * vf ¢ A vet i é if ’ ;

r fui elie ow 5 * ety ‘ vy aut . f ' , \a k * . v er Be . . i , ? et = ‘ > ‘ - \ 2 © } fs = i 4 ! , 4 ’ \ . be \ , nos ; { 2 “” - hd { i ‘ - — be ~ : j F J m FY . f v¢ | a * ‘ . , bed . a _ P 4 £ i ( t 3 ag vie | Ph SAK ie eid ctakad 5 puede eat eS, Bs a3 eS ee Fee ee * et ees * —- . ne — of . ~ PEELS) MENS NEI RES OLR EER RTE ma OR, pyc —— —- intact cen eee ee aes a. - —— - — - ———- — I SSS a Re ee ie aS | - = rs = a . £ ~ F 3 , y : : Y ‘ , - . - - * . . . ‘ a d t - ' * , ‘cae ; i a = | | ; _ Cie - m *s ; . we A ne a 7 im «4 ) Wr a —_ = “ Oe ak ¥ 7 SA ee | a tay) ; hae Dees ie ile = 7. 2 welt Sa. s es a i} ~~ . . fe » - , 1 . 7 -~ ° las ° " t ‘a * f ; bal * 5 " = ~ rf 4 e - ya “> 3 he? | id i: ' i m * \y ie oi” , ' eer ee INDEX The superior figure tells the exact place on the page in ninths; e. g. 8° means five ninths of the way down page 8, Adzes, collection, 20°; 23°-24°. Albany, tube found near, 55°. Allegany County, tubes found in, 54°. Allegany County, tubes found in, 54°. Amulets, description, 56°-61*; de- scription of plates, 58*-59"; collec- tions, 57°. Auriesville, ornaments found in, 30’. Axes, see Grooved axes. . description, Baldwinsville, amulets found near, 59°; banner stones, 78°; celts, {2°-13,, 13°; 13°; pipe, 47°; ‘slate knives, 67°, 67°; stone balls, 25°, 25°. Balls, see Stone balls. Banner stones, description, 727-78; description of plates, 73°-77'; col- lections, 73°. Bayonet slates, description, 55’-56°. Beads, description of plates, 27°-28', 28. Beaver Lake, gorgets found near, 81°. Belleville, ornaments found in, 31°. Binghamton, celts found in, sinew stones, 43°. Black Creek, gorgets found near, 82”. Boat stones, description, 61*-637; de- scription of plates, 61°-63°. Boulders, see Grooved boulders. 18°; Brewerton, amulets found near, 59°; banner stones, 74°-78°; bayonet Sigtes, -5a.;.ecltss 16, 167, | 18): gouges, 21°, 22°; pebble, 87"; pes- tles, 37°; pipes, 49*, 50°, plum- mets, “AT 14270 42543 5° “sinew stones, 43°; slate knives, 66°, 66°, 68°, 68°-69’; tubes, 55°; woman’s knives, 72’. California, ornaments found in, 29‘; plummets, 41°. Camden, woman’s knives found in, 70°. ’ Camillus, banner stones found in, 74? tubes, 53°. Canada, banner stones found in, 78°; bayonet slates, 55°; slate knives, 65°. Canajoharie, boat stones found in, 63°. Canajoharie Creek, ornaments found near, 31°. Canandaigua, pipe found near, 48°. Canandaigua Lake, banner stones found near, 78%. Canoga, pipe found near, 49°. Cape Vincent, ornaments found in, 30°. Catlinite, 26°-277. Catskill, plummets found near, 42". Cattaraugus County, mica found in, 87”. { 98 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cayuga, ornaments found in, 28’, 28°, 29", 29", 20°: 30°; 314 31°; pipe, 50. Cayuga County, amulets found in, 59°, 59°, 60°, 60°; boat stones, 63%; celts, 18’, 19°; mica, 87°; orna- ments, 29°, 30°; pebbles, 34%, 877; pipes, 46°; slate knives, 68°; stone balls, ‘25"<: tubes, 55". . See aise Fleming. Cayuga Lake, adzes found near, 24°; banner stones, 78°; boat stones, 62; gouges, 227; ornaments, 28°; pipe, 50’; sinew stones, 43°; stone balls, 247; woman’s knives, 72°. Cazenovia, banner stones found in, 78°. Celts, collections of, 20°; descrip- tion, 117-20"; description of plates, 12*-16°; largest perfect, 19°; mate- rial, 8’; soapstone, 19". Chaumont, ornaments found in, 27°; tubes, 55°. Chautauqua County, gorgets found in, 82*; mica, 87°. See also Elling- ton. Chautauqua Lake, banner stones found near, 74’. | Chenango County, mica found in, 87°; slate knives, 65°. Chisels, see Celts. Chittenango Creek, celts found near, 12*, 13‘; slate knives, 66°, 68°. Cicero, celts found in, 12°. Clinton County, amulets found in, 58°. Collections, of amulets, 57°; banner stones, 73*; celts, 20°; gorgets, 79°; gouges and adzes, 20°; grooved axes, 82°; pestles, 35’; plummets, 41°; stone pipes, 46°; tubes, 55°. Cross Lake, boat stones found near, 62"; gouges, 20°, 23°; pestle, 38°; pipes, 49°, 50°; stone balls, 26°; tubes, 55°; woman’s knives, 70°. Cups, description, 63°-64". Deer skinners, see Celts. Deming’s Point, gorgets found in, — 79°; grooved boulders, 84°; tube. rere ‘ Dexter, amulets found near, 58, Douglass, A. E., collection of amu- lets, 57*; banner stones, 73*; celts, 20°; gorgets, 79’; gouges and adzes, 20°; grooved axes, 82°; plummets, 41°; stone pipes, 46°; tubes, 55°. Dresden, amulets found near, 58°; banner stones, 767; stone balls, 257. Drilling, 9*, 11°. Dutchess County, grooved boulders found in, 84°. See also Deming’s Point. East Varick, pebble found in, 33°. Elbridge, amulets found in, 597; celts, 19’; cups, 64°; pestles, 37°; plummet, 41°; stone ball, 87’. Ellington, banner stones found in, 78. Fabius, banner stones found in, 75*. Fish Creek, ornaments found near, 28". . Fleming, celts found in, 15%. Fort Plain, grooved boulders found in, 847; ornaments, 30”. Geneva, pipe found near, 49". Gorgets, material, 8°; description, 79Q'-82°; description of plates, 80*-81°; collection, 79". Gouges, description, 20°-23°; descrip- tion of plates, 20°-22°; collection, 20°; broken, 23°. Grinding, 11°. Grooved axes, description, 82°-83°; collection, 82°. Grooved boulders, description, 83”- 86". Hammer stones, 8’; description, 31°- i 34°. | Hannibal, boat stones found near, — 63°; cups, 64°. —— mel INDEX TO MUSEUM BULLETIN 18 99 Hector, grooved boulders found in, 85°. Herkimer County, see South Lake. Hoes, description, 23°-24°. Holland Patent, slate knives found in, 68”. Hudson River, boat stones found near, 63; pestle, 38°. Indian Hill, mortars found in, 63°; muller, 33°-34'; pestle, 38°; stone balis, 25°, 25°. Iroquois, materials used by, 8°; arti- cles not used by, 9°, 20°, 69°, 72°. Jamesville, pipe found near, 47’; stone balls, 25°. Jefferson County, amulets found in, 58’; banner stones, 78*; celts, 19°; _ gorgets, 80-81"; gouges, 22°; grooved axes, 83°; pipes, 47°-48', 51°; slate knives, 66°, 68°; cone, 87°; tubes, 557, 55°. Belleville; Chaumont. See also Kendaia, mortars found in, 62°; slate knives, 68". Knives, see Slate knives; Woman’s knife. Lake Champlain, boat stones found near, 63’; gorgets, 82‘; slate knives, 66*; tubes, 52*; woman’s knives, 70°. Lake Ontario, slate knives found near, 66°. Long Island, gorgets found on, 80". Lysander, banner stones found in, ie Madison County, perforators found in, 83°. See also Nichols Pond. Marcellus, adze found in, 87°. Masks, description of plates, 30°. Massachusetts, found in, 71". Materials of implements, 87, 10”. woman’s knives Mica, plates, blocks and ornaments, 87’. stone , Mohawk River, celts found near, 14°; cups, 64°. Mohawk sites, mullers found on, 34°. Monroe County, gorgets found in, 80°; mica, 87°; pipes, 40°. Montgomery County, see Root. Mortars, description,63°-64". Mullers, description, 31°-34°. Munnsville, ornaments found near, AG 2 2s, 205 30',.30 . New England, amulets found in, 50°; plummets, 41°. New Jersey, amulets found in, 56°; celts, 20°; gorgets, 79°; gouge, 20*; grooved axes, 83°. Newark Valley, amulets found near, 58-597; pestle, \ 38’; knives, 72°. Nichols Pond, perforators found near, 83°; pipe, 49”. woman’s Ohio, banner stones found in, 78°; boat stones, 63’; plummets, 41°. Oneida County, celts found in, 10°. Oneida Creek, pestle found near, 37°. Oneida Lake, banner stones found Near, 7O,270 ; \celts, 12" 16°, 1&7; gorgets, 80’; gouges, 20°, 20°, 21°, 21°, 21°; grooved boulders, 84'; hoes, 247; ornaments, 27°, 28’, 28°; pestles, 38’; pipe, 48’, 49°, 517; sinew stones, 43°; woman’s knives, 70°, 72°. See also Black Creek: Fish Creek;) Wood Creek. Oneida River, amulets found near, 617; banner stones, 737; celts, 13°- 14’, 14°, 15°; cups, 64°; gorgets, 81°, 82'; gouges, 20°, 23°, 23*; pes- les," 37°; pipe; 47", 48°: «slate knives, 66°; woman’s knives, 70°, 70°. Onondaga, celts found in, 18*; pipe, 50°; tubes, 557. Onondaga County, bayonet slates found in, 55°; gorgets, 81°; arna- ments, 28°, ee ES Ioo NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Onondaga Lake, amulets found near, 617; banner stones, 73°, 77°; boat stones, 62°; celts, 12", 14°, 17°, 17°3 gorgets, 79°, 80°, 817; gouges, 20°; mullers, 33°; ornaments, 20°, 30%, 31°; pebble, 34°; pestles, 35°, 36, 37°, 37°; pipes, 47’, 49°; plummets, 41”, 41°-42*; potstone vessel, 40°; sinew stones, 43"; slate knives, 66°, 67°-687; woman’s knives, 72°. Onondaga Reservation, plummet found near, 42”. Ornaments, materials, 26°; descrip- tion, 26°-31°; description of plates, 27°-31°. Oswego County, banner stones found in, 78°; mica, 87°; woman’s knives, 70", 72°. See also Palermo. Oswego Falls, boat stones found near, 63*; celts, 19°-20°; pestle, 38°; sinew stones, 43°; slate knives, 68°. Oswego River, amulets found near, 60°; boat stones, 62°; celts, 17’, 19°; gorgets, 80°; gouges, 21°, 22°, 23°; ornaments, 30°; perforated ball, 87°; pipe, 48°; potstone ves- sel, 39°; slate knives, 67’, 67°, 68°; tubes, 53”. . Otisco Lake, tubes found near, 52’, 54°. Otsego County, stone balls found in, 26°. Owego, banner stones found in, 78’; pestle, 38°; potstone vessel, 40°. Oxford, gouges found in, 23”. Palatine Bridge, tubes found near, 53". Palermo, tubes found near, 53°. Pennsylvania, amulets found in, 56°; gouges, 20°; woman’s knives, 71". Perforators, description of plates, 83°. \ Pestles, material, 8*; description, 34°- 39°; description of plates, 35°-37°*, 39°; collections, 35°. Picked implements, 7°. Picking, 9°. Pictures, records made by, 83°. Pipes, material, 8’; description, 44- 51°; description of plates, 46°-50°; collection, 46°. Pipestone, 26°-277; first appearance, 7 ornaments, 27°, 20; aie Plates, description of; adzes and hoes, 24°, fig. 28, 66; amulets, 58*- 50, fig. 135-37, 139-47; banner stones, 73°-77', fig. 184-89, I9I-93, 200-5; bayonet slates, 55°-56, fig. I3I-32; boat stones, 61°-63°, fig. 154-58, 165, 214; celts, 12*-16°, fig. I-2, 4, 6-35; cups and mortars, 64°, fig. 159, 160, 163; gorgets, 80o- 81°, fig. 206-9, 2II-13, 217, 218, 223, 224; gouges, 20°-22°, fig. 36-40, 42, 43, 45, 54, 55, OI, 72; grooved axes, 83", fig. 215, 219; grooved bould- ers, 84", fig. 241; hammer stones and mullers, 32°-34°, fig. 62, 64, 76, I2I; ornaments, 27°-31°, fig. 5, 41, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 56-60, 82, 8&4, 87,88, 126, 127, 138, 148-50, 162, I8I- 83, 190, 194-99, 210, 225-35, 237-40, 242-45; perforators, 83°, fig. 227, 222; pestles, 35°-37', 30, fig. 63, 65, 67-71, 73-75, 85, 89; pipes, 46°- 50°, fig. 97-120, I5I-53; plummets, 41°-42", fig. 3, 90-96, 133, 134, 216; potstone vessels, 39°-40°, fig. 77-81, 83; sinew stones, 43°, fig. 86; slate knives, 65°-69°, fig. r6r, 164, 166- 76; stone balls, 25°, fig. 47, 49, 51, 53; tubes, 537-54°, fig. 122-25, 128- 30; woman’s knives, 70°, fig. 177- 80; miscellaneous, 87’, fig. 220, 236. Plattsburg, celts found in, 19*, 19°. Plummets, description, 40°-437; col- lection, 41°. INDEX TO MUSEUM BULLETIN 18 IOI Polished stone articles, period of decadence, 10’. Polishing, 9°, 11°. Pompey, banner stones found in, oe celts; 16) -" gotges,” "23"; grooved boulders, 84’, 85°; orna- ments, 30°, 31°; pipe, 49°; plum- met, 41°. Pompey Center, mortars found in, 64’. Potstone vessels, description, 39°-40". age, 10°; Ring, description of plate, 30°. Rome, nut stone found near, 34’; pestle, 35°, 38. potstone vessel, 39°; slate knives, 68°. Root, pipe found near, 47”. St Lawrence County, amulets found in, 60°; woman’s knives, 72°. St Lawrence River, celts found near, 15'; gouges, 21°. Saratoga, tubes found near, 55*. Saratoga County, gouges found in, 20°. Schodack, pipe found near, 47°. Schoharie, grooved boulders found in, 84’. Schoharie County, celts found in, 18°-19”; sinew stones, 43°. Scipioville, ornaments found in, 30%. Seneca County, sinew stones found in, 43’; slate knives, 68°. Seneca Falls, pipe found near, 50°. Seneca Lake, amulets found near, 61*; banner stones, 78*; celts, 15’, 18°; gouges, 22°; pestle, 38’; stone balls, 24’; tubes, 55°. Seneca River, amulets found near, 58’, 50°, 59°, 59”, 60°, 60°, 60°; ban- ner stones, 74°-75°, 75°, 76°, 77°, 78°; boat stones, 62°-63"; celts, 12”, 13", 14’, 14", 15", 15°, 16°, 16°, 16°-17", 17°, 17*, 17°, 18', 18", 19°, 19°; gorgets, 80*, 81°; gouges, 20°, 21°-22'; ham- mer stone, 33’; muller, 33°, 34°; or- naments, 28°-29°; pebble, 32°; pes- tles, 35°, 36°, 36°, 37’, 39°; pipe, 46", 47°, 48°, 48’, 40°, 49°; plum- mets, 41°, 427; potstone vessels, 39°-40°, 40°; slate knives, 65°, 65°- 665).0G.. 66’, '67';.68°; . stone balls, 25; tubes, 54°; woman’s knives, Orit Sinew stones, description, 43°. Skaneateles, banner stones found in, 75°-70°; celts, 177; gouges, 23°. Skaneateles Lake, gouges found near, 20°. Slate knives, description, 64'-69°; de- scription of plates, 65°-60°. South Lake, gouges found near, 22”. Spafford, gouges found in, 237. Stone balls, use, 8&*; description, 24°-26"; description of plates, 25°. Stone gouges, see Gouges. Stone heaps, 83°. Stone pipes, see Pipes. Stone plummets, see Plummets. Suffolk County, mica found in, 87’. Sullivan County, stones found in, 78°. Syracuse, celts found near, 13°; mor- tars, 63°-64". banner Thousand Islands, celts found on, 14°-15°. Three River Point, banner stones found. in,’ 73°: celts, 17°, 10°. Time required to finish implements, 2 9°. Tioga County, boat stones found in, 63°; grooved axes, 83*; pestle, 38; slate carving, 87°. See also New- ark Valley; Owego. b Tompkins County, see Hector. Totem, description of, 31%. Troy, boat stone found near, 63*. Tubes, material, 52°; description, 51°- 55°; description of plates, 537-54"; collections, 55°. nay 3's Sree Ulu, see Woman’s knife. BE olka 7 ie ea ane eae BOERS Rc a eo a i, ial ie ak eee bie 5 ‘ ~ ’ eA f py weds m amg Ie ' |. uf h ~ Van Buren, celts found in, 16’, 18°; gouges, 21°; pipe, 48°; tubes, 53°. Vermont, bayonet slates found in, Slam e a (aa Virginia, amulets found in, 56°. Wagman, Mr, collection of pestles, 1 Fi 35 - NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM hes “ vay 4 3 . 1A vA . i> 20 iy. % t ’ ry Aa ahs , 2 oR a ~ . if Cae te ¥ ey? “ i ‘ Wayne County, aries fo 61°; pipe, 487. fie Wisconsin, amulets found i i . naments, 30°. ci Woman’s knife, ‘on _ 72; description of plates, Yates County, grooved — found in, 85°. | \ : . . ¥ ’ ‘ ) af \ . A j : Pe me ys ads hep t a) er ae . UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. STATE MUSEUM BULLETIN No. 19. LEGEND [] creraceous TERTIARY QUATERNARY TRIASSIC. DEVONIAN. & a -| UPPER SILURIAN. ] LoWEeRSILURIAN. 2 | CAM BRIAN. aes ARCHAEAN. O The Carboniferous areas in the Southwest part of the State are too small to be shown on this Map. Y Mog RELIEF MAP OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE GEOLOGIC SYSTEMS. BY FREDERICK J. H. MERRILL, Director New York State Museum. Topography compiled by C. C. VERMEULE. Geology in part from the Economic and Geologic Map of the State of New York, by F. J. H. MERRILL, and in part from the Preliminary Geologic Map of New York, prepared under the direction of JAMES HALL, State Geologist, by W, J. McGEE. 1898. Scale 24 Miles to an Inch. Wren sor, WaLiennecy Coat ono Co NewYenn & Acasny, University of the State of New York BULLETIN OF THE New York State Museum VOL, 4 No. 19 - NOVEMBER 1898 A GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF THE eetLOGICAL COLBECTIONS OF THE NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM BY FREDERICK J. H. MERRILL, Pu. D., Director ALBANY UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1898 ae YEAR 1874 1892 1873 1877 1877 1877 1878 1881 1881 1883 1885 1885 1888 1890 1890 1893 1894 1894 1895 1895 University of the State of New York REGENTS ANSON dec Ueson, D. D., LL.D, B.D: Chancellor, Glens Falls WILLIAM CROSWELL DOANE, D. DLL. D, Vice-Chancellor, Albany MartTINn I. Townsenp, M. A., LL. D. Ener Troy Cuauncey M. Depew, LL.D. ~ o = ) = Newe CHARLES E. Fircu, LE: B., M.A., L.H. D.. —- Rochester. Orris H. Warren, D. D. — Bee a — Syracuse WHITELAW Reip, LL. D. = e = = New York WituiamM H. Watson, M. A., M. D. ~ — — Utica Henry E. TurNER, = = es = — Lowyville St CLtain McKetway, LL. D., L.H.D., D.C.L. — — Brooklyn Hamitton Harris, Ph. D., LL. D. ~- — ~~ Adibemag DANIEL Beach, (Phe Dy Eii-D. = rs ri — Watkins CaRROLL E. SmitH, LL. D. ~ OES — Syracuse Puiny T. Sexton, LL.D. = “ = = ~ Palmyra Ts GuoILForD Smit; M.tA;,— ¥).7t )) 7 eee Lewis A. Stimson, B. A., M.D. — se = — New York Joun PALMER, Secretary of State, ex officio SYLVESTER MALONE —- -—- —— -— ~ — Brooklyn ALBERT VANDER VEER, M. D., Ph. D. - =) SA CHARLES R. SKINNER, L.L. D., Species of Public iasiroctians ex officio 1896 Frank S. Biack, B. A., LL. D., Governor, ex officio 1896 Timotuy L. Wacsmnen: M. A. Lieutenant- Governor, ex officio 1897 CHmstar 8. Lorp, M.A. — = —~ — ° — Brooklyn SECRETARY MELVIL Dewey, M. A. “ DIRECTORS OF DEPARTMENTS 1890 JAMES RUSSELL PARSONS Jr, M. A., College and High school depts 1888 1890 MELvIL Dewey, M. A., State library F: J. H. MerRrRILL, Ph. D., State museum CON, LENSES PAGE Rated re Vs Vivian's 6-8 es 5 ae 109 Part 1. eee eerenee Of peolory aiid its history 220 .........0. 02. oe 113, Peeeiraraie enrinvandr is Criish . 4022... i ee we 114 Wemeumesl Mistory Of the carta). ee spin id Present condition of the earth’s interior................ 118 Marmclowen Or bie vearetl. cee ee es ae 119 Components of the earth’s crust, minerals and rocks......... Ba!) LU UIPCT Ee eg has ER eee DAE INR rahe ahh « 120 re een AEM BMC eg oy ic cis wo as sie ele Co Wis 123 Pe ee EO Gey er oats Aen Sie faa ee ele a ee 126 BONG fe i fee eo eee eee ee 128 inaieontolomy..! esi. 2). 2 Se 2 ace gh eae a a 129 ee EE le ake ee eee eee te es 130 Peyeerapky and siructite: 400... le... ery FA ees Lototy 134 General classification of geologic time and strata ............ 135 Part 2. ip Omie tOraaGans Gr Wem VOrk os... vik ne wn wate 137 PIM cee ee ees vin mp aele 137 ee ee a cess wtee eu se ep eel 138 Ee TOseTOSMe OF BENOLOZOIC! «2s... ee ee ee cides os eee: 141 ETS 70) (Cn Peele. adi ha Ae aa spi ee een ae 141 URINE RRO OR ACN ee fds o.oo pio W Siw ei shaw op when SiBp ane 170 OO EIS a st ree SL 174 108 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Parr 3. PAGE Economic, genlory is as he cok Vases ate pe a he 181 Building somes. oii 2h wae ae OS eee ee 181 Feoad ametale Coes dae PES Ak ak Be) ae 204 Clay and elay products. (2's. 3.) \5.<. eel ee — 208 Shale: and shale ‘prodacté.g3): Do Muh dg ee ... 214 TOR AIRE yates wes cae ae Faia Shae 214 fiime and Gementet ) 7 eS ARO, 222 Mineral paint ...... ete soy aa eae eek 222 i Od a rine RRS GEMM Malm Wilistones fT 52 SE ee awe oe 223 PE acs ao clam tive ie ny he aarti er of i err 223 Kay PSU. 852 ob sacs ees Pa cee Caen cae oe 224 AGRA PNVGS 206 sec. gk GNI Sue a aie ae, ia eee 22% OO MATER \/5 5 0G k iets Shes, BO Arp WolbEa ig Sues be Ca 224 Glass Wan oa) 88 ders usis aidcd 4m 5 hed Wee a ie aoe 225 Molding sand. a). 65. eb. oe eines katie cen ie he, Sine MATA Bia eo ce galt Gite Sh oe ng ea SA lain ate Re 225 MOBY 2 Ae aes ck A ack cp lenys ae Seip leh Bly Oe en 226 Diatomaceous or Infusorial earth ......... 0. +. . ssc 226 EN hoe Ok LE eee nis Re Pcie las heme = 4 ene a PONE sere s Wee tte ao a Sac sates nie Tea ged Bt ee 227 Petroleum and illuminating, gas. 2.2... . 2. + one chee 227 Natural carbonie-acid pag. oyo20. 2s. ep ee ,.- 228 Mineral waters. /isews Getler Hersek cee eee et 229 Minerals not commercially important.................. 231 Part 4 | Stpwestions for atudy 3. “rq sul veg eee anos oe a 236 Geologic text-books and books of reference ............. 236 Field work | .'. oaichits oie We CA Ge Ono oe ee 238 The natural history survey of New York and tbe origin of the New York state museum /.: 5.5. 02... 3. > ee 240 Officers of the state museums 3. ))2./5 os FON ae ee 246 PREFACE It has been the experience of the Director of the State Museum that a majority of the visitors to the Geological. Hall have not had the advantage of an elementary training in geology and therefore do not obtain from the collections such information as they might receive if they fully understood their purpose and value. This statement applies both to the majority of the adult - visitors and to the pupils of the various schools who, with their teachers, visit the geologic collections every year. With this fact in view, it seemed important to prepare a Guide to the Study of the Geologic Collections which could be sold at a nominal price and therefore placed within the reach of all who might need it. As the function of a geologic museum is to aid in the study of geology, the purpose of this guide is to supplement the collec- tions with such general information as cannot be given by cabinet specimens and to direct the visitor to reliable sources for more detailed information. In 1861, Mr. Ledyard Lincklaen prepared, by direction of the Regents of the University, a Guide to the Geology of New York and to the State Geological Cabinet, which was published in the Four- teenth Annual Report of the State Cabinet of Natural History. This report being now out of print and Lincklaen’s ‘Guide’ having been of much use in its day, though now obsolete in many re- spects, it seemed desirable to replace the latter so far as possible by the preparation of a new guide to the study of the collections. In this undertaking the attempt has been made not so much to write a new book as to put into convenient form all information necessary to the purpose in view. 110 NEW YORK sTATE MUSEUM In the following pages the general arrangement is similar to that adopted in most of the geologic text books. ‘The introduc- tory matter is newly written and also the larger portion of the chapters on the Archaean and Cambrian rocks. The Cambrian below the Potsdam was not known as such in Lincklaen’s time and was not discussed by him. The description given herewith is. taken chiefly from the work of C. D. Walcott, Bulletin of the U. S. Geological Survey No. 81. The Palaeozoic strata of New York from the Potsdam to the Catskill were well known to the members of the original geological corps, Hall, Mather, Emmons. and Vanuxem and Lincklaen’s interpretations of their published. results were so satisfactory that in the present work his descrip- tions of these formations have been used, so far as practicable, with such corrections and additions as were necessary to express. our present knowledge. In making these corrections, the statements of the original corps of geologists and of the later geologists who have worked. in New York have been freely quoted. The descriptions of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic ages have been. newly written. Lincklaen’s descriptions of the fossils of New York are not wholly accurate in the light of modern knowledge and in order to save time in revision and the considerable space needed for a proper presentation of the subject, they have been omitted. Ref- erences are, however, given to the proper authorities and it is hoped that the State Palaeontologist may prepare a handbook on: this important subject. The chapter on economic geology is abridged from Bulletin 15. of the New York State Museum, with some additions. The illustrations are, to a large extent, new and it is believed: that the representation of typical sections and exposures by photographs is more satisfactory than by the more common dia- grams. : It is to be regretted that it was not possible to make a series: of photographs complete in each geologic series, but no opportun- PREFACE 111 ity was afforded for this. The photographs of Dr. Heinrich Ries and Prof. I. P. Bishop were chiefly made for the New York State Museum. The photographs by N. H. Darton are from the collec- tion of the Geological Society of America, and printed through the courtesy of the United States Geological Survey; many of these have already appeared in the report of the State Geologist. The remainder have been secured from various sources. For many of the general statements concerning the ages and systems acknowledgment is made to the writer’s late friend and teacher Dr. John 8S. Newberry. To Prof. James Hall, State Geologist, the writer is indebted for numerous facts and conclusions concerning many of the Palaeozoic strata of New York. As it seemed desirable to provide a pamphlet which could be distributed at cost price to all visitors to the museum who were interested in the study of the collections, the bulletin has been made as small as possible, but it has much outgrown the dimen- sions originally contemplated. | Since the geologic collections of the New York State Museum are not yet in a state of final arrangement, no detailed reference is made in this bulletin to the museum cases, but the system of labelling adopted is such as to make it an easy matter to refer from the guide to the museum specimens. It is hoped that this bulletin may, in its function as a guide and supplement to the geologic collections of the State Museum, prove a useful aid to beginners in geology. It aims, through its text, to place within the reach of those interested, a brief synop- sis of the geology of the state, and by its illustrations made from photographs, to show the exact appearance of many typical exposures. It is hoped that its readers will receive from it a general idea of the New York formations and will be led to sup- plement by detailed study of local geology the valuable general text-books accessible to all. ae Ale b é Ma Sey : 7 . x iis i ht j soll dB «ih M Binoy = a ™ ; + 4 Cian + y. rss in ied "" ty frig Ps - ‘] fatty \ =» Poe ai i Y f a vo - ae d ; . ; | 5 c > . . ; ; \ ; E . ee, 112 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Tr It is assumed that the student before taking up geo! - ‘e had a good general training in physics and chemistry, which no proper understanding of the subject can be é elementary knowledge of zoology and botany is also i gable. | tnt sas , _ Freperick J. H. M Albany, N. Y. s ‘3 ‘ January 1, 1898 + ‘ = / ‘ X sé ‘ . MY \ . p ; 4 sie “) iy / Sala hae my % hep hi: , ne ; f a w yh aby ws P yi pyr Ae a Al 1» ee a ‘ am | Hwa4 Soe i THE SCIENCE OF GEOLOGY AND ITS HISTORY Geology includes all knowledge of the origin, history, compo- sition and structure of the earth. Before commencing to discuss geology in its present state of progress, it is desirable to consider briefly its history as a science. The origin of the world was a matter of interest to the earliest Oriental philosophers no less than to the sages of Greece, and the speculations of these early leaders in thought seem to indi- cate the possession of some accurate knowledge, but we must date the beginning of geologic science from the period when geologic phenomena were first observed and correctly interpreted. For a record of these earliest geologic studies we are mainiy indebted to the industry of Sir Charles Lyell.? Geology began, about 1000 B. C. with the Egyptian priests who observed that the limestones bordering the valley of the Nile had been cut through by erosion and that marine fossils were exposed. In the sixth century B. C. numerous observations on terrestrial changes are ascribed to Pythagoras, and Xenophanes is said to have observed and mentioned the occurrence of various fossils. Aristotle and others in their writings speak of fossil fishes. Attention was also called by Aristotle to the changing distribution of sea and land in certain localities. From that time to the Christian era, history affords many records of observations on geologic phenomena but no attempt was made to reason from the present to the past or to do more than recognize terrestrial changes contemporaneous with man. Some Arabian writers of the 10th century A. D. are credited by Lyell with accurate observations on the origin of mountains and certain changes of sea level, but not till the 16th century aPrinciples of Geology 114 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM did Christian nations give any attention to geologic phenomena, and one of the first men to appreciate and assert the true origin of fossils was Leonardo da Vinci, the famous painter. In his time, public sentiment, influenced by monastic teachings, was so biased that persons who held the opinion that fossils were _ the remains of living forms, were subjected to persecution. The orthodox view then was, that fossils were freaks of nature pro- duced by the influence of the stars and other mysterious agencies. As various religious interests were supposed to be jeopardized by the more scientific deductions, much animosity was aroused by them. After 100 years wasted in fruitless discussions on the source of fossil forms, in the beginning of the 18th century the theory occurred to some that the shells which were found in the rocks were relics of the Noachian Deluge and consequently the idea of their organic origin was adopted by many as a confirmation of Biblical history. This new hypothesis lasted for nearly 150 years and those who dared to assert their disbelief in it were ex- posed to persecution as unbelievers in the Holy Scripture. During the last half century an invincible array of facts has been developed by diligent scientific workers of many nations in geology, biology, physics, chemistry and astronomy. These facts have been classified into the science of to-day. ORIGIN OF THE EARTH AND ITS CRUST The history of the origin of the earth is not found in the study of the earth itself. Geologic history, properly speaking, begins with the period of the earliest geologic. record. But no portion of the first solid crust of our globe is known to be exposed to view nor does it seem likely that any portion of it will ever be revealed. From the kindred sciences of physics, chemistry and astronomy, in many ways, we obtain light upon the origin of the earth prior to the commencement of the geologic record. ORIGIN OF THE EARTH AND ITS CRUST ia ' The earth is to man, one of the two most important members of a group of celestial bodies held in relation to each other by gravitation, which we call the solar system. The center of this system is the sun, about which revolve the planets with their satellites and the planetoids, and without which as a source of light and heat, no life could exist on earth. To explain the origin of the solar system the Nebular hypothesis¢ was suggested by Swedenborg and Kant and elaborated by La- place. Aithough not completely proven it is highly plausible, and answers most of the conditions. According to this hypothe- sis Our solar system originated as a vast nebula, similar to nebulae which now exist, in the form of an immense volume of incandescent gas rotating in space from west to east, of which the limits extended beyond those of the present solar system which is about 5,500 millions of miles in diameter. As this mass slowly parted with its heat and contracted in obedience to physical laws, its velocity of rotation would increase and in the peripheral or outer portion the centrifugal force would overcome the attraction toward the center, causing it to separate from the central portion in the form ofaring. This ring through unequal condensation would subsequently be broken, its frag- ments uniting by gravitation into a body revolving about the nucleus and ultimately forming a planet or in one instance a zone of small planets, that of the planetoids or asteroids. This process is supposed to have continued until the various mem- bers of the system were set free; the remnant of the much dimin- ished but still intensely heated nucleus remaining as our sun which now has a diameter of 860,000 miles. The primary rings after condensing into planets are believed to have formed second- ary rings which subsequently broke and became satellites, except in the case of Saturn which still retains two rings. Inasmuch as some of the planets near the sun are denser than those more distant, it has been suggested that in the rotation of the primal nebula its components arranged themselves in lay- aSee Young, General Astronomy, p. 515-25. 116 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ers of different densities, the rarer substances to some extent occupying the outer portion of the mass. If, as this hypothesis suggests, our earth is an integral part of the solar system we should expect to find its component elements in the sun and in the other heavenly bodies, and this expectation is confirmed by two distinct sources of information. Chemical analysis of the meteorites which fall to earth shows that these bodies contain many minerals which occur in the earth’s crust? and that they do not contain any elements which are unknown on earth. Of late the application of the spectroscope to the study of the sun and stars has established the fact that these celestial bodies are largely composed of the elements already known on earth. There are however some lines in the solar and stellar spectra which are not matched by the lines in any terrestrial spectrum. The conclusion to which we are led by the nebular hypothesis, viz.: that the earth originated as a rotating mass of incandescent gas, is corroborated by its present form, which is that of a spheroid of rotation or of a plastic body which, by rotation, has become flattened at the poles. The difference between the polar and equatorial diameters of the earth is about 27 miles. Chemical science has established the fact that all forms of matter are composed of one or more of the elementary substances | or elements, of which there are 74. These are all found either in the earth’s crust, or in its atmosphere; they also occur in the sun, stars and other heavenly bodies. Most of these elements are very rare and do not come to the notice of the geologist. Only 11 are important as constituents of the earth’s crust. These more common elements are given in the following table® with their proportionate percentages as components of the earth’s crust: Oxygen: Hest IRA Se Ny UE ea ete 50 Bilicon'.'S. G3, 6st cuvette aa aes oe 25 Achumiim dm G06. Eas Ga ed bee 10 Oa lonatin x. OG T a Fe eked Sie Aha 4.5 Mavnesini:.". ¢ cienins bake 2 reece 3.0 Oita ig cess ia ois plate: seen cae eae eines tate 2 a The crust is the superficial portion of the earth. Prestwich Geology, p. 10. | i ORIGIN OF THE EARTH AND ITS CRUST 117 Pe CS ne ieee cd 1.6 Weereaige = Gye este eles oss 5 wee a et Sete ( MPR Lea Clee kee SS oe Sow boheme or ieee Penge re cies oid o's ots a dhe ees Del ae age ( REO PICIIPMAN Cee ts ca ois ic e's ounce a os i 100 CHemMicaL History oF THE EARTH In whatever manner our earth came into being, every known fact indicates that in the beginning it must have been intensely heated and in a gaseous condition. In obedience to the laws of matter such a mass would constantly lose heat, and with this loss of heat would come a gain in density, first at the surface only, but gradually progressing toward the center till at that point its con- stituent matter had reached at least a fluid condition. This may be the present condition of the earth’s interior. As an eminent chemist has observed, here commences the chemistry of the earth, and the probable course of events can best be stated by quoting from the words of the late T. Sterry Hunt. As long as the earth’s component matter remained in a gaseous condition and its tem- perature was sufficiently high to prevent the elements from com- bining, these elements remained separate, but as the temperature was reduced, chemical combinations of these elements became possible, and those would be first formed which were stable at the higher temperature. The oxides of silicon, aluminum, calcium, magnesium and iron were probably among the first substances formed. At some early stage of the earth’s existence the bases alumina, lime, magnesia and oxide of iron were probably all com- bined with silica and that which represented the earth’s crust was a fluid mass similar toalava. The carbon, chlorine, sulphur and water vapor only existed in the primeval atmosphere, which must then have been too acid to permit the existence of any form of life, as it would probably have destroyed animal or vegetable a Chemical and Geological Essays. pp. 37 et seq. 118 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM tissue. As the primeval temperature fell, the acid atmosphere would react on the lava-like crust and where the temperature fell below the boiling point of the acids which composed the atmos- phere, the water of the globe would be highly charged with salts resulting from the chemical action. With the continued fall of temperature the chlorine and sulphur would be gradually removed from the atmosphere until the composition of the latter became similar to that of the present day, though containing more car- bonic acid gas. | This chapter in the earth’s history has been so well translated by the aid of chemical science that there is no reason to question its accuracy, but we do not know in detail the history of the mas- sive rocks and gneisses which are now the oldest formations known. It also is probable that a long period of time elapsed be- _ tween the formation of the primeval ocean and the dawn of life therein. Science has not yet taught us how to measure the length of this period or how to recognize the details of earth-building which occurred in it. PRESENT ConpDITION OF THE Hartu’s INTERIOR It has been found by observations taken in deep mines and wells that in going toward the center of the earth, the tempera- ture increases approximately at the ratio of 1 degree Fahrenheit to 51 feet of depth.* At this rate, a temperature would prevail at the depth of 50 miles at which all known substances would be fused. On this basis rests the theory of a molten interior, which is corroborated by various volcanic phenomena. All through the historic period and through long geologic ages before, volcanoes have poured out from subterranean sources vast quantities of molten rock. Physicists who have inves- tigated this matter claim that if the interior of the earth were fluid, the crust would yield to the attraction of the moon and that the phenomena of tides would occur within the earth itself. It also appears that the great pressure on the in- ternal mass must keep it in a condition of solidity. In this con- nection it is pointed out that volcanic phenomena occur along * Theextreme ratios are 1 — 40 and 1 — 80. ——— COMPONENTS OF THE FARTH’S CRUST, MINERALS AND ROCKS 119 ' lines of mountain making and that probably the outflows of molten rock are due to local relief of pressure by some upward movement within the mountain masses. ENVELOPES OF THE [HARTH The earth, besides possessing a solid crust and an‘intensely heated interior, has two fluid envelopes. The gaseous envelope or atmosphere, which consists of the air we breathe, surrounds the entire globe. The liquid envelope, of which the various portions are known as oceans, seas, gulfs, bays, lakes, etc., envelops the globe only in part, the exposed portions of dry land being known as islands and continents. These two envelopes, under the influence of physical forces, are very active agents of destruction, transportation and deposition in their action on the earth’s crust. . The present relations of the envelopes to the continents, the forms of the latter, the causes of climate, the origin of the winds and ocean currents are usually discussed under the head of physical geography. As this subject is not at present illustrated in the State Museum, the student is referred to the many excel- lent text-books on this science. COMPONENTS OF THE EARTH’S CRUST, MINERALS AND ROCKS The earth’s crust consists of aggregates of matter which occur in stratified and unstratified masses and are known as rocks. The chemical combinations which form these rocks either singly or in mixture are called minerals. The minerals, therefore, all possess a definite chemical composition which can be expressed by formule. Rocks vary in composition, as they consist of one or more minerals. The rocks which are mixtures of several min- erals vary in composition as the proportions of their components vary; and it is possible for specimens taken from the same rock mass to differ in chemical composition. 120 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM MINERALS Minerals are classified by their chemical composition and by the geometric forms which they assume in crystallization, each mineral having a certain range of forms from which it cannot depart.@ | These forms are grouped in six systems named as follows: Isometric, Tetragonal, Hexagonal, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic and Triclinic. These systems are characterized by and named in ac-, - cordance with the number and relation of the axes about which the external geometric faces are developed. In physical relation with these axes are distinct optical properties which can be determined by cutting the minerals in very thin slices and exam- ining these by means of optical instruments. While there are over 700 recognized mineral species, only a small number are important to the geologist as rock making minerals. Of these a few are sometimes found to be the single components of entire rock masses. Quartz, the crystalline form of silica, is frequently found in - large masses in mineral veins and, in its fragmental form, con- stitutes beds of gravel and sand when loose and, when solidified by cementation, forms conglomerates, sandstones and quartzites. Calcite and aragonite are two crystalline forms of carbonate of lime, the former of which is the chief constituent of many great beds of limestone; the latter is usually deposited by water in forms called stalactites, calcareous tufa, travertine, etc. Dolomite, the double carbonate of lime and magnesia wholly or in part forms extensive strata of magnesian limestone. Kaolinite, the hydrous silicate of alumina, is also a very prom- inent mineral in rock masses. In its pure condition it forms beds of potter’s clay, and mingled with various kinds of rock- dust it constitutes extensive strata of clay and shale. Of the minerals which mingle in the formation of rocks, the most important are quartz, the feldspars and the magnesia-iron silicates. a For an elementary discussion of crystallography as well as of mineralogy the reader is referred to Dana’s Manual of Lithology and Mineralogy. ee eS EE lr . | COMPONENTS OF THE EARTH’S CRUST, MINERALS AND ROCKS 121 The feldspars are silicates of alumina combined with potash, soda or lime. The more common species are: orthoclase and mi- crocline, silicates of alumina and potash. Albite, silicate of alumina and soda. Anorthite, silicate of alumina and lime. Oligoclase, andesite and labradorite, which contain both lime and soda, and are intermediate between albite and anorthite. In crystallization orthoclase is monoclinic, the others named are triclinic. The triclinic feldspars are usually called plagioclase in techni- eal rock nomenclature, and are referred to collectively by this term. The magnesia-iron silicates are classified in three principal groups, the amphiboles, pyroxenes and micas. The amphiboles are monoclinic and comprise hornblende, actino- lite and tremolite. Hornblende is a silicate of alumina, iron, lime and magnesia; it is very tough and somewhat fibrous in fracture, its color varies from dark green to blackish green. This is a very import- ant constituent of granites and other crystalline rocks. Actinolite is a fibrous variety, generally light green in color and eontaining less alumina. Tremolite is usually white and contains but little iron and no alumina. It occurs generally in crystals scattered through crys- talline limestone. Asbestus is a finely fibrous tremolite. The pyroxenes have very nearly the same chemical composition as the amphiboles and are also monoclinic but crystallize with a different prismatic angle. Augite, which corresponds closely to hornblende in composition and resembles it in many ways, is an important constituent of many eruptive rocks such as diabase, basalt, etc. Pyrozene is lighter in color than augite and similar to actinolite in composition. Diopside corresponds closely to tremolite in composition and like it, occurs in limestones. : 129 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Besides the above species which are monoclinic, there is an important group of orthorhombic pyroxenes. | These are hypersthene, bronzite and enstatite. Of the micas there are many species. The most important rock-making mica is biotite, a silicate of alumina, potash, iron and magnesia. It is brownish black in color and is abundant in the granites and gneisses. | Muscovite, a silicate of alumina and potash, is less important as a rock mineral but is valuable commercially for its thin trans- parent plates used in stove doors, etc. The hydro-micas, margarodite and damourite, are similar to the true micas in composition but contain water. Olivine, or chrysolite, is a silicate of iron and magnesia which occurs usually in small crystals or grains in igneous rocks. It is pale green in color. Olivine is of special importance because from it, by decomposi- tion, is derived a large proportion of the serpentine rocks. Besides these few minerals which are essential components of rocks and usually by their presence or absence determine the rock species, there are others which are only accessory and while of frequent occurrence do not so invariably affect the name of the rock in which they occur. Such are garnet, zircon and staurolite. | In addition to the rock-making minerals are those which occur in large masses in other rocks and have a commercial value. Such are corundum, or emery, the ores of iron, e. g. magnetite, hematite, spathic ore; coal, asphalt, halite or rock salt, gypsum, the ore of lead and silver, galenite; the ore of copper and gold, chalcopyrite and graphite or black lead. Of rarer occurrence and great commercial value are the gems diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, etc. None of these are found in New York. OOMPONENTS OF THE EARTH’S CRUST, MINFRALS AND ROCKS 1238 Rocks These are the materials of the strata and other masses which form integral parts of the earth’s crust. They may be classified as massive or igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. The re- lations of these three natural groups may be shown by a trian- gular diagram, as follows: Massive or Igneous A g Nz e 3 - & Ss "s, g % € ‘3 > g 2 S ~» s ¢ g, ey e cA s* e V N Sedimentary by heat and pressure —————-> Metamor phic or ee <—+———____ by erosion and deposition stratitied This is meant to show that an igneous rock may, by erosion, be reduced to sediment and laid down in beds, or by heat and pressure may be metamorphosed from its original massive con- dition and become schistose. A sedimentary rock may also pass through the metamorphic condition, become fused and enter the igneous state. A metamorphic rock may arrive at the igneous condition by heat and pressure, or may become sedimentary through erosion and deposition, 124 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Igneous rocks The igneous rocks are very numerous, but may be classified in a few groups by mineral composition and texture. The tex- ture indicates usually the conditions of their cooling. If the cooling occurred at a considerable depth, the process was grad- ual, crystals of the component minerals formed slowly and freely, and the resulting texture is coarse. If the cooling was in the open air, as in a lava bed, the process was more rapid; there was — not sufficient time for crystals to form, and the resulting texture is fine or glassy. The first class is called plutonic, the second volcanic. Plu- tonic rocks abound in the regions where old geologic formations are exposed, since there, either the intrusions did not reach the - surface or the surface material which cooled as lava was re- moved by long erosion, and we see only those parts which were deeply covered while cooling. Examples of this are seen in the ~ Palisades of the Hudson; the granite mountains, Anthony’s Nose, Storm King, Breakneck and other peaks of the highlands, and in Mt. Marcy, Whiteface, etc., of the Adirondack chain. The voleanic rocks are chiefly exposed in regions of the newer forma- tions because of the deep-seated plutonic masses have not yet been brought to view by erosion. The only good exposure of this character in New York is the mass of red porphyry or trachyte at Cannon’s Pt., near Essex, on Lake Champlain. This statement involves the theory that every volcanic mass has beneath it, or connected with it, a plutonic mass of the same general chemical composition.@ | The names of a few important igneous rocks and their essential compositions are given below according to the classification of Rosenbusch.? a The accurate classification of rocks dates from about 1873, with the develop- ment of methods of study with the microscope. Most.of the older books in English are much behind the present German standard of progress. b Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gesteine. ‘KLIO MUOK MON ‘LS AZ6l JO ACIS HLINOS ‘LSIHOS UMAIY NOSaGNY NI AMACG ALINVUD ‘oyoyd ‘soy ‘H ‘FS osed 90BJ OL— TIT ALV Id a a ? evry ' ' : ¢ a . if ie s q j a c ee whe hi is - ~ M : Be \ ‘ W . * 4 ’ " ‘ 8 Orie hi» ‘ ‘ALIO MUOK MON ‘LS AZ6L ‘ANOLSHWIT NVIUNTIS UAMOT NO ALINVUD SNOUNDT ‘oyogd ‘sory “EH ‘auo0}sSOU]'T “oy UBIDH | | | ‘PEL osvd oovJ O[—II ALV Id eee ———SSS Si ‘MOOYU SNOANDT NV WO NOILVUALIVY TVOINGH)D AHL WOU GHATURqd ‘Tf 'N ‘NUMOAOT ‘sMODO0Y ANILNAdUAS WO AUNnsodxX ‘oyoyd ‘sey *H 7k. a ' m . a TAY Sala a(aT sR NSABL AYANANZIUM YN Abe te 3 Sea —s Peat en = < 4 ‘POL osed voVJ OL—'III] MLV Id o . . ‘ ' . $ he > ‘SQHIVL AHL AG G@IVHONOD SI HOIHM ‘AaNOLSANVS ONIATHYHAOQ ASVEVIG OISSVIUL ‘oo UALSAHOLSAM ‘SONILSVE] WoUud NGS ‘UMATY NOSGNH GHL WO SHAVSIIVd ‘ojoyd ‘soly “Ty = . ee BE UME SS Se Ke Se : oat ebi dentate: So at vi SN en en a A ea ar no OREN Wins bones HANI DIR OSA PEL eased 90¥J OL— AI ALVWId COMEBONENTS OF THE EARTH’S CRUST, MINERALS AND ROCKS 125 Orthoclase and Plagioclase and Plagioclase and | siapleengsae hornblende hornblende augite ee hypersthene With Without With Without With Without quartz quartz quartz quartz olivine olivine Plutonic Granite Syenite Quartz Diorite Olivine Diabase Norite diorite diabase Volcanic Quartz Trachyte Quartz Andesite Basalt Augite Hypersthene porphyry porphyrite| porphyrite andesite andesite rhyolite Sedimentary rocks These are, for the most part, deposited in water, and are of three classes, mechanical, chemical and organic. The principal examples of these are: ( 1 | 7 Mechanical < 2 L3 Chemical : 5 | \ (6 ° _ Organic 7 Sand, gravel, sandstone and conglomerate. These are the debris of rocks containing quartz, Clay and shale. These are formed of the debris of feldspar and the residuum from impure limestone. Tuffs. Deposits of loose volcanic materials. Rock salt (chloride of sodium), deposited by eva- poration from bodies of salt water. Gypsum (sulphate of lime), deposited by evapora- tion from bodies of salt water. All sea water contains sulphate of lime. Limestone, deposited in oceans from debris of marine animals, corals, mollusks, etc. Coal, formed from accumulations of vegetation in marshes. Metamorphic rocks These have been subjected to heat and pressure usually in the presence of moisture, and have lost their original form and structure. They include the following: Gneiss, which ordinarily has the same composition as granite, with a foliated or schistose structure. a In modern usage the word gneiss designates only the schistose or foliated structure and any massive rock made schistose by metamorphism is called gneiss, 126 NEW YORK sTATE MUSEUM ° Schist, mica schist, hydromica schist, talcose schist, etc. Various members of the mica group play an important part in the schists. Slate. This is mainly shale hardened by metamorphism and rendered fissile by pressure. The roofing slates are good ex- amples. | | | 7 Crystalline limestone. This is sedimentary limestone made crystalline by heat and pressure. All kinds of igneous rocks may become schistose by metamor- phism and then receive names indicating their composition and structure. HISTORIC GEOLOGY Historic geology treats of the succession of geologic deposits and is based on the study of sedimentary rocks. It is estimated that the geologic series consists of about 100,000 feet or 20 miles thickness of sedimentary strata. These are beds of sediment chiefly formed by successive invasions of the sea and the transportation and deposition by it of debris de- tached from the rocks of the mainland by rain, frost, rivers and the ocean waves. | It has been estimated that about 99% of all rocks are sedi- mentary, and although some of these were formed in fresh water, probably the larger part of the sedimentary rocks were deposited in the ocean. It has consequently been said that ‘the sea is the mother of continents.’ On our Atlantic coast, as elsewhere, the ocean is both a destructive and a formative agent. As the soundings show, the loose materials washed from the land are spread out about 100 miles from the shore line in a broad, sloping plain of sand and mud. In such submarine deposits, when uncovered by the ocean’s retreat, we find the remains of mollusks, fishes and other marine forms of life. Be- sides, land animals are often drowned and their bodies are carried out to sea and covered with sediment, leaves fall on the water and sink to the bottom. Therefore, in rocks formed in the sea we sometimes find remains of land animals and plants, besides the marine forms which we expect. The unceasing action of ————————— oo, nt all a Ss HISTORIO GEOLOGY 127 rain and frost, rivers, waves and currents through all time has . led to the deposition of a succession of strata which on the whole are unbroken in their sequence, though they have varied so much in the areas-of their deposition that in no region do we find the series complete. There has been a break of con- tinuity in those areas which for a time were elevated above the sea, but the continuity of the geologic series has always been maintained in one area or another. Contemporaneous strata are found only in those areas which are simultaneously depressed and which were submerged during the same time. Contemporaneous strata may differ widely in composition owing to differences in material and the conditions of their de- position. Thus the Potsdam sandstone in northern New York is contemporaneous with a limestone in Saratoga and Dutchess © counties. | As a result of the alternating invasions and retreats of the ocean over the land, we find in various geologic systems what is known as a trinity of formations,® viz. a base consisting of sand- stone or conglomerate, a center consisting chiefly of limestone and a ‘summit of shale or mud stone. The cause of this alternation is not fully known. The sand- stones and conglomerates are usually solidified beach and shoal water deposits. The shales are solidified sea bottom de- posits consisting of the finer material carried from the shore by waves and currents and also of sediment carried into the sea by rivers. The limestones were probably formed in many cases as at the present day, in warmer waters, which permitted the luxuriant growth of corals, mollusks and other marine invertebrates which have external skeletons composed of carbonate of lime. In New York there were coral reefs in the Trenton, Niagara and Cornif- erous periods. Whether corals in Palaeozoic time required the same warm temperature of water as at the present day, we do not know. a Geikie’s Text Book of Geology, IIrd Ed. p. 454. 128 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM DYNAMIC GEOLOGY Under this head there is only enough space to enumerate the different agencies which are productive of geologic change or are associated with it. For a detailed discussion the student is re- ferred to the text-books. The dynamic agencies of geology may be roughly classified into two groups: hypogene or subterranean and epigene or super- ficial. ‘Under the first head the principal agencies are volcanoes, earthquakes, secular changes of level and metamorphism. These, as their group name indicates, are chiefly controlled by forces that work beneath the surface of the earth; the second or epigene group comprises those which are chiefly manifest upon the earth’s surface. First among these is the air. Air in motion or wind, is of marked importance as an agent of transportation as manifested in sand dunes, at places where deposits of fine | sand occur, chiefly on the sea shore and in deserts. A more active agent than air is water. By the action of its terrestrial forms, rain, snow and ice and by the cumulative forms of these, rivers and glaciers, the highlands are reduced and vast amounts of material are transported by the aid of gravity. The oceanic waters are agents of destruction, transportation and formation. Waves beat upon the land and loosen fragments from the rocks upon which they beat. These fragments, carried — out within reach of the oceanic currents, are borne along and drop to the bottom forming sand bars and other sub-aqueous deposits. Lastly, animal and plant life, both terrestrial and aquatic, are formidable agents of change, both destructive and constructive. rd Resume Hypogene or subterranean agencies Volcanoes Earthquakes Secular change of level Metamorphism PALAEONTOLOGY 129 Epigene or superficial agencies Air . Water Pexresiniad oceanic Erosion and sedimentation Animal and plant life. PALAEONTOLOGY In studying an extensive series of geologic formations from bottom to top, we find that through geologic time there has been a progressive advance in the development of animal and plant life as well as a change of genera and species. Forms that are abundant at one horizon seem to have ultimately given up the battle for existence and disappeared, their place in nature being filled by others. So by careful comparison of the animal and vegetable remains found in the different systems and groups and in the minor sub-divisions of the groups, we come to regard the fossils as labels by which we may know the age of strata. While there are some persistent types which pass from one system to another without material change, we find that the life character- istics of each group are essentially distinct. It is therefore im- portant for the field geologist who is studying the formations above the Archaean to be familiar with their fossils in order to determine the horizons accurately. In the older formations, plants were few and elementary and, containing but little mineral matter, have not been well preserved so that we depend more on fossil animals than plants for the identification of the Palaeozoic strata. From the Mesozoic on, impressions of land plants are more abundant and become of much value in palaeontology. As shown by the fossil remains discovered in rocks of different ages, the development of animal life has been a gradual one, but we are not yet acquainted with any formation which contains the earliest forms of life. We begin our study, as it were, at a some- what late period of life development, the Cambrian, for the fossils of the pre-Cambrian rocks are not yet well known. Somewhere 130 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM and at sometime, an opportunity will be afforded for the study of pre-Cambrian life. West of the Rocky mountains, stratified deposits of great thickness are known beneath rocks of Cambrian age and these may, in time, when carefully searched, yield an abundant fauna. DEVELOPMENT OF LirE ANIMALS In classifying the animal kingdom, we find that by the presence or absence of an important feature it is possible to place most of the forms in two great sub-kingdoms: the invertebrates and the vertebrates; those without a backbone and those possessing one. The animals without backbone are considered lower in the scale of development, as they have, in general, less intelligence and fewer resources. They are usually dependent for protection on an external skeleton or armor which encloses their soft bodies. The vertebrate animals are, in general, characterized by rela- tively higher intelligence and have, at their command, more ways of protecting themselves and securing a living. The soft parts of their bodies are built around a bony skeleton and they depend for self protection more generally on their activity and intelli- gence than upon mere mechanical means of protection such as shells or armor. Among the invertebrates the cuttlefishes were and are still the most highly developed type in regard to size and power though the crustaceans are considered to be more highly organized; among the vertebrates, man is supreme. : _ As we do not know the whole history of life development, we cannot show accurately in a diagram or scheme the relations of the different groups. The older arrangement which is still used in many text-books of geology is as follows: ——— a Oe ee 7 . PALAKONTOLOGY 131 Classification of Animal Life Sub-kingdoms Classes Examples ; Mammals Man, cow, horse, sheep, dog, whale, etc. a eras Birds Owl, turkey, hawk, sparrow, ete. \ Reptiles Serpents, lizard, tortoise | Amphibians _ Frog, toad, salamander l Fishes | [ ( Cephalopods cuttlefish | | Pteropods Gasteropods, snail, etc. | Mollusks 4 Lamellibranchs, clam, oyster, etc. | Brachiopods 8 | Tunicates & | \ Bryozoans BA : | ak: (Crustaceans, _ trilobite, crab, lobster = lates <4 Insects. | Worms Radiates Corals, starfish, etc. | Protozoa Sponges, foraminifera, etc. This classification though time-honored and convenient in ele- mentary palaeontology, has been superseded among zoologists by one slightly different, which indicates more truthfully the rela- tions of the various groups or branches in point of development. \ 132 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The following diagram by Packard? may be taken as repre- senting the modern view. Sub-kingdoms of animal life VIII = Vertebrata Fishes to man VII = Arthropoda Crustaceans and insects VI Mollusea* Snails, clams and oysters, cuttlefish | V Vermes | | Worms | l IV = Echinodermata | Sea urchins, star fish IIL Coelenterata If Porifera Corals, jelly fish, ete. Sponges I Protozoa ; Foraminifera, polycystines, etc. aFirst Lessons in Zoology, p. 10 * The Brachiopods, Tunicates and Bryozoans are now separated from the Mol- lusca into the group of Molluscoida. —T eS ee ts] ’ PALAEONTOLOGY 30 PLANTS The following classification will give a general idea of the development of vegetable life. { Dicotyledons reese es a ! forest trees 5 iE ‘and shrubs, Angiosperms | xogens (ae 4 4 Phanerogamia | Monocotyledons ( Palms or | or { Lilies epermatophy sot | Endogens L Grasses, etc. | Gymnosperms se pine, spruce, etc. { Cycads {3 Acrogens Lyeopods or Club mosses | or } Fern te Pteridophyta ‘Equisetae or Horsetails S 2 Anogens or , Mosses 2 4 Bryophyta Liverworts bs S) 1 Thallogens [{ Fungi Mushrooms, ete. | ne 4 Lichens | Sea weeds Thallophyta | Algae | Signa hime aaa aie Diatoms This classification is not now used in the more modern books on botany, but is followed in most of the text-books of geology. 134 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM PHYSIOGRAPHY AND STRUCTURE In order to appreciate the position and attitude of the geologic formations in New York, it is necessary to form a mental picture of its physiography. For the purpose of reference the following terms may be adopted to describe the principal physiographic divisions of the state: I The Adirondack upland, comprising the Adirondack moun- tain region and the adjacent territory. Ii The southern upland; west of the Hudson river and south of the line of the Mohawk valley prolonged to Buffalo. III The Highland-Taconic range; the mountains of granite cross- ing the Hudson river near West Point, and those of mica schist along the New England border. IV The Central valley, consisting of the valley of the Mohawk and the low land extending from it to the Niagara river. V The Hudson-Champlain valley, including the basin of Lake Champlain. VI The Coastal plain, including Long Island and southern Staten Island. As the geologic map shows, the principal Palaeozoic outcrops in New York have three principal positions and directions: 1) In zones encircling the Adirondack upland. These zones are much disturbed locally by faults, so that the outcrops are irregu- lar. 2) In lines parallel with the Highland-Taconic range. This mountain axis has a northeast direction in the Highlands of the Hudson, changing gradually to north in the Champlain valley, where the Green mountain uplift is tangent to that of the Adi- rondacks. 38) In east and west lines across the southern upland from Albany county to the Niagara river and Lake Erie, locally intersected by river and lake valleys. That portion of the state bordering on the Pennsylvania boun- dary is a high plateau, with summits about 2000 feet above tide. Its surface slopes gradually northward toward Lake Ontario and its component rock strata slope or dip southward. a. —— - ~ = Tes GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GEOLOGIC TIME AND STRATA. 135 From this it results, that, as we go southward from Lake On- tario, we ascend in vertical altitude and also in the geologic column. Our youngest Palaeozoic rocks, which are Lower Car- boniferous, are near the Pennsylvania boundary. These physiographic features are well shown on the accom- panying relief map of New York. For a detailed discussion of the geography of New York see Examination bulletin 11, University of the State of New York, by Wm. Morris Davis. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF GEOLOGIC TIME AND STRATA It must be realized by the student at the outset that all classi- fication is to some extent arbitrary. There was throughout the earth as a whole a continuous process of erosion and sedimenta- tion and a continuous chain of life. Locally, through changes of level, sedimentation was varied and life interrupted from time to time. For convenience in discussion, a scheme of arrangement has been adopted which is based on the more conspicuous of these breaks in life and sedimentation. According to the classification most generally accepted, the principal divisions of the geologic time scale are called aeons or times and designated by the following names which are based on the principal features of life development: Cenozoic, latest time, characterized by forms closely related to those of the present day. Mesozoic, middle time of life development. Palaeozoic, early time; ancient forms of life well developed. Proterozoic or Agnotozoic, life not well known as yet. Archaean time of the most ancient rocks with only suggestive traces of life. een 136 NEW YORK sTATE MUSEUM The aeons are subdivided into periods as follows: Prevailing types of Eons Periods animal life Cancicie Quaternary or Pleistocene re Tertiary Cretaceous Mesozoic } Jurassic Reptiles Triassic . ( Carboniferous Gees Devonian Palaeozoic Upper Silurian Mollgate Lower Silurian or Ordovician | Cambrian Crustaceans Proterozoic or Keeweenawan Notiinewa in New wae Agnotozoic Huronian Archaean, Laurenti not yetsub-divided a i The rock formations of the aeons are called series and of the periods, systems. The systems may be described in general terms as those divi- sions of the series which are world-wide in their differentiation. The subdivisions of the systems which are called groups are chiefly local and variable. The groups are divided into stages. ee PART 2. GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK _ New York is the mother state in geologic nomenclature, and the names chosen by its early corps of geologists have been adopted in a large degree throughout the whole of the United States. It has moreover, exposed within its borders, a more com- plete and extensive series of the formations below the Carboni- ferous and above the base of the Cambrian than any other state in the Union. It is therefore evident that a complete and repre- sentative collection of the New York rocks is of no small import- ance and the description of its formations is a matter of much interest. SYNOPSIS System Group Stage Carboniferous Olean Conglomerate of Alle- ? gany and Caitaraugus counties. This is the- Pottsville Conglomerate of Pennsylvania. ( Chemung—Catskill ( Portage sandstone Naples beds | Portage etcin shale and sandstone | | Cashaqua shale ( Genesee slate | Tully limestone — ; Pelion Encrinal lime- Devonian Hamilton stone Ludlowville shale \ Marcellus shale yoke Corniferous limestone | irate Onondaga limestone orniferous . Schoharie grit tomas galli grit cm: Be el a nee Sandstone 138 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM System Group { Lowe: Helderber Salina Upper Silurian iagara Medina Hudson river Stage ( Upper Pentamerus limestone Lower Pentamerus limestone Shale, limestone, salt and gypsum ( Niagara shale and limestone $ Clinton sandstone, limestone and shale Medina sandstone Oneida conglomerate ( Pulaski and Lorraine shales Frankfort slate | Utica slate Aree shaly limestone | (Trenton Lower Silurian jee Black river lineata ; Birdseye | Chazy Calciferous f Potsdam Sandatone and limestone Cambrian Acadian | Georgian Quartzite and slate Archaean gneisses and Granites ARCHAEAN This name was proposed by Prof. J. D. Dana to include those ancient crystalline rocks, which in nearly all countries are seen to underlie the oldest fossiliferous strata. Although various subdivisions and classifications have been proposed at times, in the light of present knowledge their accu- racy is uncertain and they will not be mentioned here. The Laurentian rocks of Canada may be regarded as types of the Archaean. In New York, as elsewhere, this system is represented by a series of crystalline rocks including gneiss, granite, diorite and norite. Crystalline limestone is often associated with them, but we do not know whether it should be regarded as truly Archaean. These rocks are exposed where uplifts from below in early time raised them up to form islands in the Palaeozoic seas, or in later time have caused them to break through the overlying strata. An instance of the latter occurs at Littlefalls, where the hard, red and gray granite has been forced up in a dome and appears ‘O00 UAWINUTY ‘STIVAGILLIT ‘AGTIVA MMVHOW ‘SSIAND NVIvanvonud ‘010Gq ‘SNIAON ‘N ‘C AV ANAT IVH COWMYRM. VAN 2 es { ‘SET oSed s0vJ OL—A ALV Id * Waxy ; ¥ 4 i ONS i if af i Rat F A “rhe eee ; is 7 [ . iy ’ f GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 139 in the gorge of the Mohawk protruding through the Hudson river shale and Trenton limestone. Beneath the metamorphic rocks of the Archaean and intersect- ing them, are found what are known as Plutonic? rocks, the pe- euliarity of which is, that they are not found in layers or strata, but in solid masses, and appear to have been forced up from below in a plastic condition. They form the central mass of the Adirondacks, and large areas of them are found in the High- lands and in many parts of New England. They were once gen- erally called ‘primary’ or ‘ primitive’, as it was believed that they were the original crust of the earth, first formed in the cool- ing of its melted mass, but it is now doubted whether, if such a crust exists, it can be identified, and many geologists think that most of the granites and other plutonic rocks are only re-melted and altered forms of older ones. That many such masses are 60, is certain; and whether we can find any which are portions of an original crust of the globe, is at least very doubtful. Containing no fossils, these rocks have their chief interest in their value for economic uses in building and other purposes, and in the cabinet specimens of the minerals which they so often contain. The Archaean rocks cover two separate tracts of country in this state, one in its southeastern part known as the Highlands; the other lying in the central portion of the great Adirondack wilderness. Various kinds of rocks are mingled over most of these areas, seeming often to change or gradually pass into each other. The metamorphic masses of gneiss, etc. are more fully exposed (as a general rule) around the edges of the tracts, where they pass under the lower strata of fossiliferous rocks; while the granite, hypersthene and other plutonic masses are more fully developed near the centers of these areas and among the highest of the mountains. Throughout the Archaean districts there are many dykes, or veins of trap or other igneous rock penetrating masses of a dif- ferent character. Not infrequently, a mountain or hill shows @ Plutonic, from Pluto, king of the infernal regions in Pagan mythology. 140 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM such dykes cutting across or through it for a long distance, and to an unknown depth. These represent cracks or clefts by which the country has been riven and which have been filled by the rise of melted matter from below. They are all sizes, from half an inch to 100 feet or more in thickness. Plutonic dykes are not confined to Archaean regions. Dykes of granite are seen in many places on New York island, penetrat- ing in every direction the Lower Silurian mica-schist which forms the masses of its territory. ; These are examples of a phenomenon frequently observed, viz.: a plutonic rock penetrating strata of Paleozoic or later age. They are similar in their origin to the out-flows of lava from volcanoes. A prominent example of a late plutonic intrusion is seen in the ‘palisades’ of the Hudson, which is described under the Tri- assic rocks. The plutonic and metamorphic rocks generally decompose slowly and produce a poor or barren soil. The districts formed of these rocks are the least fertile in our state, except where over- lying deposits of glacial drift and alluvium furnish a soil which is adapted to tillage and the support of vegetation. Typical Localities of the Archaean The most southern locality of Archaean rock in New York state is on New York island, between 7th and 8th avenues south of 155th street. This is a good exposure and is typical of the Archaean gneiss of southeastern New York. This gneiss is well shown throughout Westchester county along the shore of the Hudson, though at a few points Lower Siiurian limestone and mica-schist occur. A little north of Peekskill may be seen the granite mountains of the Highlands, which traverse Orange and Putnam counties. These are chiefly massive, though on their flanks are some gneissoid rocks and in many of the valleys are Palaeozoic limestones and schists. Other localities are seen in Dover mountain and in Stissing mountain in Dutchess county. North of this southeastern area, the Archaean rocks are chiefly confined to the region known as the Adirondack wilderness. "NVIUANWVORUG “ALIO MUOX MOAN “HAV HL) JO LSV “LS HLgtl JO AdGIS HLUON ‘SSIAND NWVHGUOW NI sa iod ‘ojoyd ‘duoy “WA ‘OFT ased v0BjJ OL—IA WLVId ro *: AY ac An wa ’ 1. oe a ‘on hi i f . prt a hy gy rec We *e u F at 5 “TTIASHAORDd WOUT MAIA ‘NVIHENVOERUd “NOSGNH GHL 4O SANVIHSIH ‘oyoyd ‘sory “H AUSENGMNEH: GOAN AN *9A00 UISH00d d0BL19} *ALCUIOVeNeY “U1e}UN0 , is ap ey OFT sed sovJ OL— IIA ALV Id “NIVINQOW QOLINVIT GNV HSON S,ANOHLNY ‘NVIUEWVORUG ‘NOSdNH AHL AO SAGNVIHDIP ‘ojoud ‘sony “7H "OO GHOIMVHOD HOFIENINIVH GOOMN AM “Urey UNO “OSON NOPUBIN $s, ATOqIUVy ‘OPT osed oovJ OL—TIIIA ALVId i * ; : f ’ * ‘ONIM WHOLS GNV LUSHAN MOUND ‘NVIUANVOEUG ‘NOSadAH AHL wo SANV'IHDIH ‘oyoyd ‘sey °*H ‘09 AHOIMWYO HOFFANATIVH dOOMN'AM ‘sary W0}§ ‘OFT e8vd oovJ OL—XI ALVId ARON. ALOE) 4 at - ¢ ee oe , Ld da "NVIUANVORUd ‘OO GTONVUO ‘AUANWOOLNOW “LY WOU ‘NIVINNOW AvoT uvong GNV NOSdNY AHL JO SANVIHDIFT AHL AO MATA ‘ojoyd ‘TIMI0W “H “LW ve ite, © Sl, + ated " 20110} | Areuseyen’y ‘OFT o38ed o0BJ OL—X ALV Id ‘ALINVUD NVIHMAWNVORUdG ‘O90 WYNINd ‘ONIYdS GION ALIsOddO HUOHS AHL WOU NAS ‘NIVINNQOW MOGNNVaAUG ‘oyoyd ‘sory ‘H sey woe MAMAN SINYHS. Toraniaaiey ic ‘OPT sud aovyJ OL— IX ULV Id ee SES So de ee ee en eS eS ‘NVIUNTIS AUAMOT UNV NVIHSENVORUd ‘O09 GONVUO ‘TITVMNUOO WOU NAGS ‘NIVINNOW TIIMHSI ‘ojyoqd ‘sey “H “CRS aera nent . RRR ee rt ee Pee "OD GYHOIMVWVHOD YOIFNITIWH dAOOMNAM “Ut SUL ANE! -——+- "OVUBAs UBLAQUIBOOIg ‘OPI osed ooBy OL—IIX ALV Id ‘SSIANS) NVIUENVORUG “OD VONOLVUVS ‘xG1GCVH aANV “OO NHUUVM ‘ANUGZNAT ‘UGAIY NOSGdQONY FHL AO ADNUOoH ‘ojoyd ‘preppoig “YU “Ss M09 GHOIMVHD YOI8NITIWH dOOMN AAA Gs » ‘OFT osed 9vo¥J O[—IIIX ALV Id ‘OO XUSSH ‘AMVT GZHONVIVAY ‘SNIVINNOW MOVGNOUIGY ‘SuM00yu NVIUsaNvoOCUd ‘Preppoys “YU “S Aq Bsgl st4uAdoD “OS CHO IAAWHD MAFANATIWH JOOYNIIW ses r eRe % as es Wager ee ‘OPT osud vovy OL— AIX GALVId \ i | i t a Tel { ms *4 Fate siecle | | } ‘O90 XUSSW ‘NIVIANVHD OUVT] WO MUOHS ‘IANNO] OUOESTTIIM JO ING HLUON ‘SHOOY NVIUaNWvORUd ‘ojomd “pleppois “UY ‘S IIH OOM LM ‘OPT osed o0BJ OL—AX ALVId | | : <5 ES PS EO eer ET Te ‘(00 HONGUMVY] “LS ‘NOLNVOD FO HLNOS SH TIW ¢ ‘AUUVND SNHAGLS ‘WW ‘AIEUVN NVIBaWyoORUd ‘ovOUd ‘SNIAON ‘N ‘f ‘OPT 9sed sovyJ OT—IAX ALVId » PLATE XVII.—To face page 140 WYNKOOP HALLEN J. N. Nevius, photo. EMPIRE MARBLE Co.’S QUARRY NEAR GOUVERNEUR, ST. LAWRENCE Co. PRECAMBRIAN. Se ee oe s ta GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 141 The principal group of mountains, which includes Mt Marcy, is of massive rocks known as norite and anorthosite. The pre- vailing rocks of the wilderness are, however, gneisses of different kinds. In these are many local intrusions of granite and other eruptives. Trap, serpentine and many other rocks of igneous origin are found in all parts of the district. The great route of travel through Lakes George and Champlain is bordered by mountains and cliffs, in which these rocks are seen in great variety. | In the Mohawk valley are small exposures of pre-Cambrian, at Littlefalls and near Spraker’s. These are important localities and show the relations of ‘the over-lying Palaeozoic rocks. Proterozoic oR AGNOTOZOIC Rocks of this age are not definitely known in New York. They are well represented in the Lake Superior region by those forma- tions known as Huronian and the copper bearing deposits of the Keeweenaw peninsula. West of the Rocky mountains, they are developed extensively. All rocks between the Archaean and the Cambrian are included. PALAEOZOIC Upon the plutonic and metamorphic rocks of the Archaean in New York rest directly the Palaeozoic strata which are all fossil-bearing rocks. The Palaeozoic series includes all strata from the base of the Cambrian to the summit of the Carbonif- erous. These stratified fossil-bearing rocks form the greater part of the state of New York. At the beginning of the Palaeozoic, all life was marine, prob- ably because the land surfaces were at first too small to materi- ally influence the evolution of living forms. In the Cambrian, crustaceans prevailed, in the Lower Silurian the Cephalopods or cuttle fishes, in the Devonian the soft boned fishes were the dominant type, while in the Carboniferous, fishes and amphibians divided the honors of the sea and the land. ee ee 142 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM In like manner plant life, beginning with marine forms of low type, gradually developed to the large tree ferns, sigillaria, lyco- pods and equisetae of the coal measures. CAMBRIAN4 Subdivisions or periods Sandstone around the Adirondacks | | Potsdam Limestone in Dutchess, Washington and Saratoga counties Acadian Limestone in Dutchess county Roofing slates of Washington county Quartzite in Dutchess county Georgian The first and lowest Palaeozoic system known in New York is the Cambrian, so called from Cambria, the latin name of Wales, where rocks of this age abound and were first studied by the British geologist, Adam Sedgwick. Our knowledge of the Cam- brian of New York is largely due to the labors of C. D. Walcott, William B. Dwight, and S. W. Ford. The base of the Cambrian system in New York and New Eng- land rests directly upon the Archaean rocks and its limit can be recognized by this fact, as well as by its containing the earliest known fauna. But the termination of the uppermost division is. not so apparent, as it grades, both in sediment and fauna, into formations of the Lower Silurian system, thus showing that there was no great physical change to influence the transition. North of the Adirondacks the delimitation is more clearly defined. The strata of the Cambrian system are classified as follows: Upper Cambrian, or Potsdam. The type rock is the sandstone of the northern and eastern borders of the Adirondack mountains, and correlated with it are certain limestones on the south side of the Adirondacks, near Whitehall and Saratoga Springs, and in Dutchess county near Poughkeepsie. The characteristic fossils are the Dikelocephalus. trilobites. @The descriptions of the Georgian and Acadian groups are chiefly from the work of C. D. Walcott, Bulletin No. 81, U. S, Geological Survey. GEOLOGIO FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 143 Middle Cambrian, or Acadian. The type rocks are the shales and slates of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Braintree, Mass., and correlated with them are some limestones in Dutchess county. The characteristic fos- sils are the Paradoxides trilobites. Lower Cambrian, or Georgian. The type rocks are slates, limestones and the ‘red sandrock’ of western Vermont; and correlated with them the shales and in- terbedded limestones and roofing slates of Washington and Rens- selaer counties. The characteristic fossils are the Olenellus trilo- bites. Georgian The lowest rock is a bedded quartzite, resting upon the Arch- aean. This is seen on the flank of Stissing mountain, and be- tween Fishkill and Poughquag, in Dutchess county. From here its outcrops extend northeasterly through Massachusetts and Vermont, where it attains a great thickness. At Stissing mountain it passes above into a limestone contain- ing Lower Cambrian fossils. Above this lies a considerable thickness of arenaceous limestone, frequently passing into cal- ecareous shale, and containing Middle Cambrian fossils. Near Poughkeepsie an extensive limestone formation contains - Upper Cambrian fossils. Northward, in Washington county, the quartzite is represented by a great thickness of shales, slates, sandstones and limestones, well shown along a line between Greenwich and Salem, and the superjacent limestones of Dutchess county are entirely replaced in both Rensselaer and Washington counties by slates, shales and sandstones. Mingled fossils of Lower and Middle Cambrian are found at Berlin, Rensselaer county. These formations continue northeastward into Canada. ~ The great belt of roofing slate in western Vermont and Wash- ington county, belongs to this (Georgian) group. The greatest development of this formation is at Georgia, Vt., from which place it extends southward into Washington county, where it 144 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM is quarried at Middle Granville and vicinity, and broadening out southward, extends nearly across the southern part of Rensselaer county. Acadian The Middle Cambrian, or Acadian, rete is not so well de- veloped in New York. | Marble and limestone of this age are found resting soars ably upon the Lower Cambrian rocks about Stissing mountain, shown in the cut for the N. Y. & Mass. R. R. near Stissing, and extending into Massachusetts, where the development is greater. A portion of the Stockbridge limestone may belong to this group, though most of it is Lower Silurian. Potsdam The Upper Cambrian, or Potsdam, group is exposed over a larger area in New York than the two lower divisions and is typically represented by the Potsdam sandstone, which is seen in many places to rest directly upon the Archaean. It is a hard silicious sandstone and an excellent building material, often thinly bedded and usually reddish-brown in color, though some- _ times gray or buif. On many of its layers, are waved surfaces, precisely resembling the ripple-marks seen on sandy bottoms over which waters are agitated by waves or currents. They were formed in the same way, by movements of the waters in which were deposited the sands which were finally hardened into the Potsdam sandstone. Similar markings are frequent on almost all sandstones. The edge of this formation can be traced nearly all around the region of the Adirondacks, except between Cana- joharie and Carthage, and is especially well seen near Keese- ville in Clinton county, where the deep chasm of the Ausable river is cut through it, showing 333 ft. of horizontal strata, at Chateaugay chasm, where the section exposes a thickness of 250 ft., and at Potsdam, St Lawrence county, from which place it received its name, and where, in the valley of the Raquette river a thickness of 70 ft. is shown. ‘OD GDONGUMVT ‘LS ‘NvasLog JO HLNOos SATIW § ‘NVddV.L ¥ LLIVUaW wo AUUVNH ‘ANOLSGNVS WvasLog ‘oyoyd ‘SNIAON ‘N ‘f¢ ‘PPL osvd o0vJ OL—TIIIAX GMLV'Id ' ‘00 DONAUMV'] “LS ‘ANWOOVW ‘WUvy ANadoqd ‘SSIANH NVIYANVORUd NOdN ATAVWUYOANOONA ONILSAY ANOLSAGNVS WVaGSLOg ‘ojogd ‘SNIAON ‘N ‘f OO OYOIMVHO MOSENITIWH SOOMNAM ‘FPL osed vovy OLT— XIX ALVWId : Sadnssaf UVEAN UAAIY NOSsany “SSIANS) NVIUAWVORUG NO ZIAVWUOANOONQ DNILSAY ANOLSANVS WVdGSLOd ‘oyoyd ‘u0zWeC “H “N "09 VDOLVUVS ‘ONIGNV'T ‘PPL osed oovy OT-—XX WLW Id PLATE XNI.—To face page 144. WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO- S. R. Stoddard, photo. HELL GATE, AUSABLE CHASM, CLINTON CoO. POTSDAM SANDSTONE. PLATE XXII.—To face page 144. WYINKGOP HALLENBECK CRAWFCRD: GO. S. R. Stoddard, photo. PoTSDAM SANDSTONE, GRAND FLUME, AUSABLE CHASM, CLINTON Co. 7@ , # é ‘ a = “ es g g > “* *. a ba 7 F = - r se . 7 * j = a a - 4 ¢ A i el : ‘OO VDOLVUVS ‘HITIAUBMHSOW ‘ALVUAWOIONOD WVAGSLOd fWO HOVEAUNS AALVIOVID ‘ojoyd ‘uoVIvVd "H 'N ‘OO OCYO4AMVHO YOAENATIVH dOOMNAM ‘PEL osevd sovyJ OL—IIIXX ALVId 4 ‘OD VDOLVUVS ‘ATTIAUTHSOW ‘SMOOY GHNITIVISAUD NVIEWVORUG NO GQLVUANOIDNOD WVdGSLod ‘ojyoyd ‘u0VIeTg “HN s:. ‘%e-Q9 QHOAMYHS, MOIANITIWH dOOMNAM J @* yeh yy o' 7“ ; ‘PPT osed a0BJ OL— AIXX ALVId * ' , . GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 145 In the northern part of Lewis county the Potsdam sandstone, in a few small exposures, rests unconformably upon the Arch- aean terrane, and passes above into the Calciferous formation. It extends almost continuously through Jefferson, St Lawrence, Franklin and Clinton counties, and appears southward in the Champlain valley in irregular outcrops. The Potsdam, though not seen distinctly in the Mohawk val- ley (where its place between the Archaean and the Calciferous sand rock appears to be vacant) is a thick mass in Pennsylvania, and is known northeastward and northwestward over a great area. The base of the Potsdam at a few places in New York is a coarse conglomerate which gradually passes upward into the typical sandstone. Near Whitehall, Saratoga and Poughkeepsie, the Potsdam horizon is represented by a limestone and at the two former localities it passes upward into the Calciferous formation with- out marked change except in fauna. The characteristics of the Cambrian strata lead to the con- clusion that the sediments were accumulated in shallow seas near the shore of a slowly sinking land. As the water slowly encroached upon the land in late Middle or early Upper Cam- brian time, deeper water gradually covered the earlier long- shore deposits, and finer sediments were deposited upon them. Toward the close of Cambrian time (Potsdam) only the higher parts of the continent were above the sea. At this time the Potsdam sandstone was deposited along the shores, while in the deeper water the conditions were becoming favorable for the formation of the great beds of Silurian limestone. The conglomerate at the base of the Potsdam, grading upwards into the finer sediments of the sandstone, indicates the deepening of the water along the shore line of the Cambrian ocean. At their greatest development in Washington county, the Cambrian formations have a total thickness of 10,000 or 12,000 feet. ’ 146 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Life of the Cambrian So far as we know, the life of the Cambrian was wholly marine. No vertebrates are known to have existed. The Brachiopods were small. The Lamellibranchs, so far as known, were also very small. There were representatives of the groups of Pteropods and Gastropods. Cephalopods appeared in the Upper Cambrian. There were also sponges, and corals. The trilobites, however, were the only forms which had attained large size or high de- velopment. Besides these were some other articulates, the Ostracoids and Phyllopods, and probably some worms. The | plants were sea weeds. | LOWER SILURIAN OR ORDOVICIAN This system is a subdivision of the original Silurian system which received its name from that of the Silures, an ancient race inhabiting the eastern part of Wales, where Sir Roderick, Mur- chison studied these rocks in detail. The second name was de- rived by the British geologist Lapworth from that of the Ordo- vices, also an ancient British tribe. In New York this system is well developed and includes the following subdivisions: System Group Stage \ Hudson river shale and sandstone Utica slate (‘Trenton ' Lower Silurian { mo nton } Black river | Birdseye _ (Chazy | Calciferous ¢ Hudson river ! Calciferous Group Overlying the Upper Cambrian or Potsdam sandstone at many points is another, which contains a considerable proportion of lime mingled with it, and from this fact has received the name of the Calciferous sandrock. It may be described as a silicious or gritty limestone, generally. ‘of a brownish color, lying in straight, thin layers, and attaining ‘ClO AUMNODINO] ‘NOILVIS ONINMOG JO LISGM WIIWN T ‘ONIZIND “YU ‘YU WUOHS ISAM ‘SLSIHOS ANITIVISAUD NVIYAWVORUd NO ONILSAY MOOHAGNVS SNOUMAIOIVO ‘oyoyd ‘u0oVIed “H 'N “OS. GHOSMVYOD MOIBNITIVH dDOOMNAM ‘OFL OSevd OOBJ OL—AXX ALV' Id ‘HLNOW SLI AAOMY A IIW T ‘OO UAWINUAH ‘MAAUD VAVNVO LSVi ‘MOOUGNVS SNOUGAIOTVO ‘owogd ‘u0o.I"ed “H ‘'N vos SBA Ew 4 ee ‘OPL osed ooVJ OL—IAXX ULV Td “HLINOW SLI GWAOGY SATIN OME “OO AAWIMUAH ‘MAGUOQ VAVNVO LSVA “MOOUGNVS SNOUAAIOIVD ‘ojoyd ‘uoVIeg “HN ‘OPT o3Ud soBJ OT —IIAXX ULV Id - ‘dNNOUDMOVE AHL NI (OISSVIUL) SHUCVSIIVG ‘“LSIHOS UMAIY NOSanyY JO LAAT GNV LADIY SITE ‘ANOLSAWIT NOLNGUL-SNOUDAIOIVO JO NIVIG 4 ‘GNVIST NVLIVHNVIN ‘GOOMNT JC M@IA ‘oyoyd ‘sely “HT ‘QPL Osed oovJ OL—IIIAXX WLVId NP S« a | / .. : W en ky ; ‘ e cant | A 4) qt i 1 “ a % sess he Rodeo, i ce = . Co > ’ =~ Cre antes see we omety ctr tte oe ‘ANOLSHWI'T NOLNAUL-SNOUGMIOIVO GHSOHAUONVLIEW ‘OO UMLSHHOLSAM ‘DNIS PNIS ‘AUUVAH AIAUVW ‘oyoyd ‘sory “HH % 9. guosMveo WOIGNF7 IWHNAOOMNAM Pte ao 4S tis * ee: ry * ‘OFT osvd oovl OL —XIXX WLVId : ry 8 » i , * GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 147 a total thickness of 200 or 300 feet. It is well seen at the ‘ Noses’ about Fonda on the Mohawk, and also at Littlefalls; in each of which places it has been raised to the surface by an uplift which has brought it from its original position below the Hudson river shales which are common in this region. It may also be seen - near Middleville on West Canada creek (where it contains in its cavities many beautiful quartz crystals), and in many places in the vicinity of Lake Champlain and the St Lawrence river, in which latter region it has some layers so purely calcareous as to be profitably burnt for lime. | Outside of the Mohawk valley the Calciferous is a true lime- ’ stone and in parts of Columbia, Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester, Orange and Rockland counties cannot be separated from the Trenton. Trenton Group Above the rocks of the Calciferous group between the Mohawk valley and the Canadian border succeeds a thick series of bedded _ limestones known as the Trenton group. This group has four _principal divisions, Chazy, Birdseye, Black river and Trenton. These four divisions are nowhere all found together. Chazy Limestone Overlying the Calciferous sandrock in northern New York is a dark, irregular, thick-bedded limestone, which derives its name - from the village in Clinton county where it was first studied. ~ Its thickness is about 730 feet on Lake Champlain: but, in strik- ing contrast with the wide extent of many other rocks, it is known only in the Champlain valley, and does not appear to extend in any considerable thickness into those parts of the state west or south of the Adirondack region. It is not seen as a distinct or separate mass in the Mohawk valley, though the rocks above and below it are of well known occurrence outside of New York. Birdseye Limestone The rock which succeeds the Chazy limestone is one well known in the Mohawk valley, as well known along the Black river and 148 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lake Champlain: it is a fine grained, gray, brittle, limestone, 30 feet in its greatest thickness: and the most conspicuous of its fossils is one of which the nature is somewhat obscure, but which was regarded as the stem of some marine plant. Standing in an upright position, perpendicular to the strata the ends of the stems are seen on the surface of the layers, to which they give a peculiar dotted appearance, from which the rock has derived its name, and by which, as well as by its characteristic color and fracture, it is easily recognized. It is a valuable rock for economical uses, as it is a good building stone, and dresses well under the chisel; it is quarried to a considerable extent at various points in the Mohawk valley. Black River Limestone To the Birdseye limestone succeeds a thin mass, amounting in all to only 10 or 12 feet, but classed as a distinct rock from having a somewhat peculiar mineral character and containing a peculiar set of fossils. It is a dark, thick-bedded, compact, hard limestone, fine grained and taking a high polish, and is worked as a black marble at Glens Falls on the Hudson river, and at Isle La Motte on Lake Champlain. It is also well seen at Watertown, Jefferson county, in the banks of the Biack river from which locality it has been named. In the last place it is lumpy and irregular in texture, and not fit for good masonry or marble; and is known among quarrymen as | ‘the seven foot tier.’ In the Mohawk valley it seems to have been deposited in only a few places, the Birdseye being generally covered directly by the Trenton. Trenton Limestone Above the Black river limestone (or where this is absent, lying upon the Birdseye), is one of the most interesting repositories of organic remains in the state; a thick group of limestone strata, usually black and fine grained with seams of slate toward the lower part, but gray and crystalline near the top. ‘ANOLSHUWIT NOLNAUL “SHILNNOD NAUUVAA GNV VOOLVUVS ‘UMAIY NOSGNF AHL NO Ssitivy INGDTIY ‘ojoyd ‘uo.Ieg ‘HN “QO O804MVYO MOIBNITIVH GOOMNAM ‘Shl vsud oovl OL— XXX ALV Id (Lp a’, PLATE XXXI.—To face page 148. WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO. N. H. Darton, photo. UPPER GORGE, TRENTON FALLS, ONEIDA CO. TRENTON LIMESTONE. ¢ | ‘ANOLSAWI'T NOLNUUL ‘OO VOIANO ‘STIVY NOLNGYUL 'AGVOSVD IVdIONIYd ‘o}0YGd ‘u0oJIeg “HN ‘OO CM@MMAHO YOIANSTIVH dOOMNAM * ‘SFL osvd v0¥jJ O[—IIXXX GLV'Td - ; i — “ay <6 oe Ou © ©) x 2 = = N. H. Darton, photo. TRENTON LIMESTONE, SPENCER FALL, TRENTON FALLS, ONEIDA Co. PLATE XXXIV.—To face page 148. te WYTIKOOP: HALLENBECK CRAWFORD.COk N. H. Darton. photo. UTICA SHALE, TRENTON LIMESTONE AND CALCIFEROUS SANDROCK, CANAJOHARIBE, MONTGOMERY Co. » ~ DT en eal) % 4 : GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 149 It attains an entire thickness of more than 300 feet, and, suc- ceeding the lower rocks as already described, its edges surround the great Adirondack region in an almost unbroken circuit. Seen at Glens Falls on the Hudson, along the Mohawk at Fort Plain and elsewhere, on the west shore of Lake Champlain, and at many points on the shores of the St Lawrence, it also outcrops along the valley of the Black river and is crossed by West Canada creek at Trenton Falls, from which place it takes its name. In many places it furnishes building stone of excellent quality. Hudson River Group This formation, which is next in upward succession, is an enor- mous deposit of sandstone, slate and shale. The lower part of the Hudson river group is a fissile black slate about 75 feet thick, known as the Utica slate. The higher strata, to which the name of the Hudson river group is more usually restricted, are gray slaty masses, with coarse sandstones, especially toward the top, and in some places near the summit of the group, a coarse sparry limestone. In the eastern part of the state these rocks are 3,500 feet thick, as shown by a boring near Altamont in Albany county. They are well seen in the north of Oswego county, near Pulaski, the south of Lewis county and the middle of Oneida county; also through the Mohawk yalley, and from Glens Falls southward along the Hudson river, from which these strata take their name. West of Schenectady they are generally level and undisturbed; but near the Hudson river these strata are upheaved, broken, folded and faulted in every conceivable manner, as may well be seen in many places near Cohoes and Albany and along the Hud- son river railroad. In much of this disturbed region the rock has been changed in texture by the forces to which it has been subjected and fossils are very rare. That part of New York lying east of the Hudson, and along the western border of New England is formed of an enormous mass of upheaved and contorted strata of slate, schist sandstone and limestone, which were at one time supposed to be older than 150 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM the Potsdam sandstone, and were called Taconic. This range of rocks contains very few fossils or none in most localities, and geologists have been obliged to study it without the aid which fossils would have given in explaining the relation and true posi- tion of its confused and contorted strata. The general conclu- sion has been that this series of strata is not a separate and distinct one, but merely the eastward extension of the rocks older than the Medina and Clinton groups, changed in character or ‘metamorphosed’ by the effect of heat and pressure. The work of Walcott and others has proved that most of the schistose rocks are of Hudson river age, though a portion of them contain Lower and Middle Cambrian fossils and are therefore distinct. In Westchester and New York counties, rocks of Hudson river, age cover large areas. They are, however, metamorphosed into mica schist and contain no fossils. Life of the Lower Silurian | The animal life of this system was also marine and chiefly represented by sponges, corals, brachiopods, mollusks and crus- taceans. Cephalopods were the dominant forms and were of great size. Fishes have recently been announced by C. D. Wal- cott. No land animals are known to have existed except some insects reported from Europe. Vegetable life was represented by sea weeds, though a land plant has been found in Great Britain. | | UPPER SILURIAN SYSTEM The Upper Silurian system, which is the upper division of the original Silurian system, consists in New York state of the fol- lowing divisions: System Group (Lower Helderberg . Onondaga Salt Group | Mi ee Upper Silurian < Niagara Clinton Medina l Oneida PLATE XXXV.—To face page 150. WYNKOOP. HALLENBEC N. H. Darton, photo. GORGE IN THE UTICA SHALE SOUTH OF CANAJOHARIE, MONTGOMERY Co. ‘OO GDNANUD MAAUO IMMSLVO 'dNOUDY UMAIY NOSGNY WAHL AO SANOLSANVS NI aIOyy ‘opoyd ‘sory “H "OD GHOIMVYD HIISNITIWH dDOOMNAM 4 seer mre 2 74 in| gt i es : ~ ‘OCT osvd oovy OL—IAXXX ULV Id pee or eae te eee 2 > f 0 ag fat t r PLATE XXXVII.—To face page 150 J. N. Nevius, photo. HUDSON RIVER SHALE IN RAILROAD CUTTING. KENWOOD, ALBANY Co. DIP VERTICAL. PLATE XXXVIII.—To face page 150. - - > WX. NKOOPsHAPEENBECK GAR Wr OHimeU:. J. F. Kemp, photo. CRUMPLED HUDSON RIVER SCHIST, WITH PEGMATITE VEINS, OPPOSITE 130TH ST., ON WEST SIDE OF ST. NICHOLAS AVE., NEW YORK CITY. Bald i” inst ot? i ‘OO UMLSTHOLSAM ‘LNIOd s MONVIdURA ‘ANOLSAWI'T NOLNGUL-SNOUAMIOTVO ANITIVISAUOINAS DONIATUAAO LSIHOS VOIW UAAIY NOSaGnY assoHauoNvVLaAW ‘oyogd ‘soly °H O4MYYO MOIANITIVH dOOMN AM i ‘ + re vite 3 ret # gs ae a ‘OCT osed ooBJ OL—XIXXX WLW Id GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 151 Generally speaking, the lowest of these groups lies conform- ably upon the strata of the Hudson river group,—the uppermost of the Lower Silurian,—though in eastern Albany county the Hudson river shales are much disturbed. In regard to this relation it has been said by Dana®: ‘ Cases of intervening erosion may be found, for every period loses by erosion a large part of its deposition in the supply of material for the beds of the following period.’ Oneida Conglomerate The Hudson river group is covered in many places by a bed of conglomerate consisting chiefly of coarse sand and rounded pebbles of quartz, cemented together into a firm mass. Being well developed in Oneida county south of Utica, it has received its name frora that of the county. It is the base of the Lower Silurian system. In central New York it is but a few feet in thickness, and indeed seems to be entirely wanting in many places; but in the lower Hudson val- ley it swells to a thickness of several hundred feet and south- west of Rondout forms the Shawangunk mountain from which it receives the name of Shawangunk grit. From this place its upheaved edges may be traced in the range of hills southeast of the Delaware and Hudson canal and parallel to it, and the same rock forms most of the mountain range of the Kittatinny or blue Ridge, along which the Delaware flows from Port J ervis, where it leaves New York, to the famous Delaware Water Gap | where it cuts through the barrier. From this point, its edge ranges southward to Virginia. No fossils have yet been dis- covered in it: indeed the rolled and worn condition of its ma- terials would indicate that it was formed under agitated waters, which did not allow the growth or preservation of organic forms. The well known summer resort of Lake Mohonk is on the Shawangunk grit. The ‘Rensselaer plateau,’ in Rensselaer county, is an ex- tensive outcrop of greenish conglomerate, resting conformably a Man. Geol. pp. xxx 152 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM upon the Hudson river schists. This is probably equivalent to the Oneida conglomerate, or possibly the base of the Medina group. The source from which such enormous quantities of rolled pebbles of quartz could have been derived and the mode by which they could have been spread so widely over a sea bottom is a very obscure question in geology. Several other such forma- tions of conglomerate are known, two of which occur at the lower and middle parts of the Carboniferous system. Medina Sandstone The next succeeding group is that named from a village in Or- leans county where it is well exposed. It is a huge mass of sandy and shaly rock, of very variable hardness from soft marl to hard sandstone, and varying in color from deep red to olive and light gray. It is not known in the far west, seeming to thin out and disappear before reaching Wiscon- sin, but is well seen on the Niagara river, where it forms most of the precipice near Lewiston. At this point the lower part is a soft red shale, with harder and lighter colored layers above, to one heavy bed of which the cables of the Lewiston suspension bridge are fastened. This sandstone may also be seen in the lower part of the river cliffs, extending as far as the upper Suspension Bridge. The same rock is quarried near the lower part of Lockport for building and flagstone, and it forms the lower falls of the Genesee at Rochester, at the top of which the hard uppermost layer, called the ‘ Gray band,’ is very conspicuous from its light color. Further east, the same rock forms the falls of the Oswego river at Fulton; but in the Mohawk valley it thins out, and disappears. In southeastern New York, however, near Ron- dout, it re-appears and is very thick at the Delaware water gap in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, reaching, in the latter state, the thickness of 1,000 feet; and it may be recognized as far south as Alabama. ‘HIVHG UAAIY NOSGNH NO ONILSAY GALVUANOIONOO VGIANO ‘00 UALSTN SINOHOW AMV] JO HLINOS SHTIW Z ‘NIVLNQOW MNODNVMVHS JO OVW NUGLsvo ‘oyoyd ‘uoVIeg ‘HN “aaNaTIH GOON kM ‘ ‘ZT osvd oovy OL—IX ALVId Se ABE eh ‘0D UALSTN “HNOHOW GUNVI JO AUOHS LSAM AHL NO LIdN ANNONVMVHS JO SAHITO ‘ojogd ‘uoVIeEg ‘HN ‘SGI osed oovy OL—IIX ALWId i) ’ * ’ = j a > ' ” + : ‘ ; MP ah * g $y - . a y ‘ 1 ¢ r ‘ Be - ~ ' = v » ’ s * o te “= “ ‘ * . 4 PA et = fa ‘ ee ros < - , ik ne ‘7 re ie , ‘ i, / : 7 { yy ; pet He Oe ye 1 4 ele ’ a! “ 2 é : Apes 5 “aeN ~ a z , ote a¥ \ x i y ‘ ‘ oF ° ‘ 7% . * « Pi Att ‘ a vt oe a nee ae Sak AiiKits gn Mae a ip Re ew Z " , ert ; NM er 4 t ¢ as re “ . ( & ‘’ LP a Pe, 5" F PLATE XLII.—To face page 152. .WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO. N. H. Darton, photo. AWOSTING FALLS OVER SHAWANGUNK GRIT, PETERKILL, NEAR LAKE MINNE- WASKA, ULSTER CO. ONEIDA CONGLOMERATE. eo Me eee ee =| . ve pas ag ‘dNOuy VNIGHW ‘“NOLSIMAT UVEN GOHOHD VUVOVIN ojoyd ‘doysid ‘d ‘I ‘9U0]SPUS pus sereys euIpen ‘SGT osed 9083 OL—TIIITX MLV Id a= ar pe) rete wees - eae 4 » ? ry io re ar, ‘O90 VUVDVIN ‘NOLSIMG@T FO HINOS ‘ANUOH UAAIY VUVOVIN ‘oyoyd ‘doysig ‘d ‘J [00 OWOIMWHO-S1038N31AVH.dOONNAM ‘souojspues puve soyeys pel eulpe ‘gu0JSpuUesS AOIZ BUIPOW ‘ays UOVUTIO | *@U0}SaU]| uojzJUTIp ‘SGI osed 90¥J OLT—AIIX WLV' Id "ANOLSGNVS VNIGHW NO SONIMUVW HOVA ‘ANOLSGNVS VNIGH|. NO ‘INVIUVH SNOAHAOURLYUY ‘aHaMVaAS ‘o1oyd ‘SNIAON ‘N ‘f : ‘SGT osvd vovyJ OL—ATX ALV'Id “ PLATE XLVI.—To face page 152. J. N. Nevius, photo. BEACH MARKINGS ON MEDINA SANDSTONE, LOCKPORT, NIAGARA Co. ORIGINAL SLAB 53 INCHES BY 32 INCHES. ‘O90 VUVNVIN ‘LUOdMOOT UVAN ‘ANOLSAGNVS ABUD VNIGHIW UAAO STIVY ‘oyoyd ‘doysig ‘d ‘I ‘SGT osed 90BJ OT— TIA IX ALVId ‘AGNAAY ‘YAO AWUVNH ‘OO VUVSVIN ‘LUOdMOOT UVAN ‘ANOLSANVS AGUH VNIAIW ‘oyoyd ‘dows ‘d ‘J O4AMVEO HOIGNITLROQAO tthe * Yd C-" 4 ene Me . -- fe * ‘GGL asud 900J OF— IIIAIX GLY'Id ‘SdNOUH NOINIIDN GNV VNIGHW ‘OD HOUNOW “ANOLSGNVS VNIGEW AGUD AHL UMAO ‘UGATY AASANAD AHL 4O STIVy UAMOT ‘ojoyd ‘saqiy 3% J9eIsqoM “OD GHOMWWYO WOIANSTIWH dOOMNAM . ‘somojspues pue sereys BsulpoW pey “9u0jspuBsS eulpeyy Ary ‘oleus IOMOT UOZUIIO *@U0}SOULT] IO@MO[ TOJUTIO ~~ ‘gi ocvd ooBJ OL—XIIX ALVId _— —_—_ -—__ ‘soleus pue souoyspues J eulpel ped ‘9u0jspues eulpom Av19 “4S 0G ‘ejeys Weeds 19 MOl WOULD *peq o10 UOJ] “45 UT *QU0}SEUII] I9MO] UOJTITO “4S PG ‘ajeus e018 aeddn u0,a1IO —<—S eae ea erf—ae— "13 481 ‘eu0jSOULI] zoddn uo4ul[o ‘gleys VPIeSBIN —oa_oo ooo Ssadnoup VUVOVIN GNvV NOLNITO ‘VNIGUW ——— “409 GH RAN NS aww 4038N371VH pgm PS eA y ‘STIVA ‘SGT osed o0Bj UAMOT FHI MOTSG “OO AOUNOW “UMAIY ABSANAD FHL AO AHNUO ‘oloyd ‘seqly F 10IsqoM OL-— "1. Clie SE ERIE EET = aE IRS SE = SS ET PLATE LI.—To face page 152. tf EWN 'NIKOOP HALEBNBEGK ‘CRaMWE ORD CO: Webster & Albee, photo. GORGE OF THE GENESEE RIVER, MONROE CO., BELOW AND CLINTON GROUPS. THE LOWER FALLS. MEDINA ) | Upper \ Clinton | green i Shale. j Lower \ Clinton ; limestone. \ Iron ore. ) Green Clinton J shale. Grey Medina. : —. | y Gog a) ailinaeh 4 ‘ope * 7“ GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 153 Clinton Group Above the Medina sandstone lies a series of sandstones, lime- stones and shales, which receives its name from one of the locali- ties where it is well seen, the vicinity of Clinton, Oneida county. This group of strata is hardly distinguishable east of Fulton county, appearing to thin out in the eastern part of the state, where it is all sandstone and greenish shale. In the western part of the state, however, it contains two distinct layers of limestone and two of greenish shale, which can be well examined above the lower falls of the Genesee river near Rochester. Two thin strata of iron ore are found in this group, and are extensively mined in the vicinity of Clinton; the ore is of a peculiar granular appear- ance like an aggregate of small shot, and contains many fossils of small size. On the Niagara river, the upper limestone of this group is about 20 feet thick, and a very solid, massive rock. At the falls, this layer is near the level of the water below the cataract. Thisgroupof rocks extends westward through Canada,but does. not appear beyond Wisconsin as a distinct mass. It re-appears in Pennsylvania in enormously increased thickness, amounting to nearly 2,000 feet, and extends southward along the Appalachian chain even to eastern Tennessee. It seems everywhere to contain beds of iron ore of the same character as those in New York. Niagara Group This group consists in the region from Wayne county westward of two distinct members, a shale and limestone, which, are recog- nized as the products of one period, during which, there was an important change in the materials deposited and a lesser one in the animal life. The shale is a very uniform deposit throughout the whole extent of the fourth district; while the limestone, from a thin, dark colored, concretionary mass at the east becomes an extensive and conspicuous rock, constantly increasing in thick- ness in a westerly direction, even far beyond the limits of the state. 154 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The cataract of Niagara is produced by the passage of the river over this limestone and shale; and from being a well known and extremely interesting locality, as well as exhibiting the greatest natural development of these rocks within the limits of the state, this name has been adopted for its designation. Standing on the upper suspension bridge at Niagara Falls, one sees in the precipice, above the Clinton limestone, a sloping bank of soft gray shale about 80 feet thick, above which succeeds a thick series of layers. of limestone forming the brink of the rocky wall: these are the Niagara shale and the Niagara lime- stone. The great cataract pours over their edges; and its ver- tical descent is owing to the fact that the soft shale below wears away more rapidly than the hard limestone which forms the top of the fall, thus maintaining a recess behind the descending sheet of water. These rocks are perfectly exhibited in the gorge of the Niagara river, especially along the Niagara Falls and Lewis- ton railroad. _ The limestone at Niagara is about 160 feet thick (of which only ' the lower part is seen at the falls); at Rochester it is about 70 feet thick. The shale decomposes rapidly where exposed to the air, until it resembles a deposit of gray clay. It contains thin layers of limestone in many places, the surfaces of which are often covered with beautiful small corals of several species, and the shale itself contains them in great numbers. The ‘ deep cut’ of the canal above Lockport is through the Niagara limestone, some layers of which there form a massive and beautiful build- ing stone. The same limestone and shale form the upper falls - of the Genesee at Rochester. Salina Group, or Onondaga Salt Group The next series of strata in upward succession is a group of shales and thin limestones, the whole of which in central and western New York attains a thickness of nearly 1,000 feet. Its lower part in central New York is composed for several hundred feet of a soft red shale or hardened clay, especially conspicuous along the Erie canal in Madison county. Its upper ‘LAO AVOUTIVY IVUINAD MUOK MAN ‘OD VUVOVIN ‘HMIOP S,TIAGTGC MOTTA ‘ADUOHY UAAIY VUVOVIN ‘oyoyd ‘doysid ‘d ‘I ‘eu0 se] uojUuTO | | | J | BIVBVIN i | —_—$—<——_$— — _ _ ___ _____.. ‘Pal osvd oovjJ OL—IIT GLV Id “LAO ‘UU IVULNADN MUOK MAN “OD VUVOVIN ‘NOLSIM@T JO HLOOS ‘ANUOH UAAIY VUVOVIN ‘ojoyd ‘doystg ‘d ‘I “oumOIspues fois BUulpay ‘eyeys UOUTIO | : | -9uo}sounT] ( U0} TD | | | | | | B1IVSCIN ba j ‘gyeys ‘PCT osvd oo¥J OT—TIITI ALV Id . L ‘ se ‘ ~~ ‘ . i 4 + ’ . ie . x if ‘ wee, Ey arte ’ Pa 3 P { NG, . vd ¥ a’ ‘ .' , " % * +H, ’ Pi ‘ . +f 7 ‘ Meg s se . é ¥ = - Fed : r , wis bee Ye | ; ; t ts “J ee o : | > ' } , ‘ J am - ed ian - +r) ‘sMeht po oe ‘guojspurs BUDE pol 19M0 “2u0Ispues BUIPOW Adi3 1a MO euojspues eUuIpoW pod todd sa ‘ejeys U0JUT] *9U0}SOUIT] ‘a[VYUs ACSI *9U0JSOULT] Vlesel a uo}UTIO N N 1| f { ry | : at | ( | | | | | | | t HO HLYON SW IIN ‘aDaIUG NOISNHasns Al ‘SLVIW S,uaLsoOy WOUd MOAIA "PST osed ooRj ‘ACIS NVOIHUEWY ‘ADUOD UAAIY VUVOVIN AHL AO TIVM OL—~ AIT GLV Id ‘oyoyd ‘doystq ‘d ‘I WY TLE CIM OA MJ ‘HdIS NVIGVNVO GHL WOU ‘OO VUVOVIN ‘GSdIuq NOISNHdSNS AHL MOTHG ADUOD VUVDVIN ‘ojoqd ‘doysig ‘*d ‘I ¥a9 Qe Mvuo HOIENA TWH dOOMNAM.. *s00038 e er: -pues i <— ; ec. ; og 2h ae ane i PUR ere, Po 6 8 en pue aoe ; ; POE, . soleys “BUIDOIW Adis ‘oles u07U]] ‘9u0}SOUIT m0jUI| ‘oleys BIVZVI ‘9U0JSOUIT] BIVSVBIN ae mas Saas ay wit son Md ‘pGT osevd oo¥jy O— AT aya y Tree ih My 41 tak *‘SdNOUHN VUVYVIN GNV NOLNITID ‘VNIGAW ‘HLUYUON DNIMOOT ‘ADdIUq NOISNHdSNS AHL WOU ‘ADUYOH UAAIY VUVOVIN ‘oyoyd ‘doysig ‘dg ‘I ‘pGl osed oovy OL—IA'T MLV Id ‘HUOHS NVIGVNVOD FHL WOU GUVMHLUON MOAIA "OO VUVYDVIN ‘UGAIY VUVoOVIN ‘TOOd THUIHM GHL FO LATINO ‘oyoyd ‘doysig ‘d ‘I “O09 OHOIMVHO HOIGNATIWH GOOMN.AM ‘LI MO] ‘9038 -pues AdlS VUTpaT ‘O/VYs pol VUIPOTW toddn ‘amo04s -pues Aois BUIPOW ‘aleVYSs UOJUT[O ‘OUOJSOWT, MOJUITD ‘O[CUS BAVSCIN —st eee ooo st eee ‘OUOJSOUIT] VAVSVIN ; en , ‘Pal osvd oovyl OL—IIAT ALVId a trig ene tae all

@ Ed Wa) ~ PL WFORD. CO. CRA C u a mn = ee QO. , O Oo » xX ae R. S. Tarr, photo. LOWER PORTAGE SHALES, TRIPHAMMER FALLS, ITHACA, TOMPKINS Co. PLATE LXXXII.—To face page 164. WYNKCOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO I. P. Bishop, photo. BLACK SHALES, PORTAGE GROUP, PIKE CREEK, NEAR WEST FALLS, ERIE Co. ‘CHIU WUMVT AO AUOHS ‘dNOUD ADNVLUIG ‘SNOILHUONOD ANOLG NOUT AVID 91 X 7/81 SEX PL ‘POT asud ooBJ OL—I[IIXXXI ALVId is $i ve ‘LSAM ONIMOOT ‘0D UMLSTN ‘NOILVLS NVMOHS WO LSVQ@ ATIW V AIVH LNIOd V WOUd ‘STIINMSLVYD NUGHLNOS ‘GAONVY DUH NALLIM AHL AO MAIA ‘ojyoyd ‘uojyiegd “HN "OD QHO4MWHO MOFANITIVH GOOMN EM ob anata iain aback fi SE ck ae co ee ao eee ‘FOL osvd oovy OL—AIXXXI ALVId PLATE LXXXV.—To face page 164. gi], Ty pf) iegts A 78 wo | 14 yy gy: i Mg is us jes yng 2 ’ ] ik 'y pea lh, TAM ReLIse MAP OF THE EASTERN CATSKILL MOUNTAINS AND THE HUDSON RIVER VALLEY. ” GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 165 Catskill group The Chemung passes or changes eastward into the Catskill, an enormous series of shaly and sandy strata, which covers all the upper range of the Catskill mountains, and many of the higher tracts of the southern counties as far west as Steuben. In the latter county it is only a thin mass of calcareous sandstone, and farther west it thins out and disappears entirely; but in the Cats- kill region it is probably 2,500 feet thick, and twice as much in Pennsylvania; whence it is found southward along the mountain ridges, but in thinner volume. The beds of this series are varied in color, being greenish gray sandstones, fine-grained reddish sandstones, slates, shales, grind- stone grits and an accretionary mass appearing like fragments of hard slate cemented in calcareous rock. ‘The hard sandstone often weathers in a peculiar way, dividing into thin layers almost like piles of boards. Bite Git . The fossils of this rock are very few. ‘Recent studies of this group suggest that it is not entitled to distinct recognition but is equivalent to the Chemung and perhaps to the Portage. Re- mains of plants are numerous, forming occasionally tiny seams of coal; and in some localities are teeth, bones and scales of fishes. The latter are often conspicuous objects, as they are usually white or bluish in color, and contrast strongly with the red rock. Life of the Devonian In the Devonian is observed a marked general advance in the character of life on the globe. Sponges were few. Brachiopods were varied and numerous. - Mollusks were abundant. Corals were highly developed and very numerous. hi’ ng Fishes were the dominant type and appear to have supplanted the immense cephalopods which ruled in the Lower Silurian seas. Plant life was well represented on land, especially by ferns. Conifers also existed. The abundant flora which gave rise to the coal formations of the Carboniferous first became prominent in the Devonian. 166 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM This system took its name from the fact of its being the chief coal bearing formaticn of Europe. The Carboniferous is not well represented in New York; some of the uppermost sandstones, shales and conglomerates near the Pennsylvania boundary are undoubtedly of this age, but they contain no fossils. . In the endeavor to identify the Carboniferous strata of New York, it has been necessary to take up the known strata of this age in Pennsylvania and trace them, so far as possible, into New York. The gradation from the rocks of the Devonian to those of the Carboniferous is not abrupt. On either side of the assumed boundary plane are greenish gray shales and sandstones without distinctive characters. For the present purpose it is necessary to describe the succession of the Pennsylvania rocks and indi- cate their occurrence in New York. Sub-Carboniferous, Pocono group Above the uppermost Devonian sandstones lie the rocks which are considered to be the base of the Carboniferous system. They are mainly sandstones with occasional beds of conglomerate. This conglomerate is said to occur on some of the peaks of the Catskills, but it has not yet been recognized in southwestern New York. Sandstones of Pocono age doubtless occur in New York near the Pennsylvania boundary but they have no fossils. The Pocono formation attains a thickness of more than 2,500 feet in Pennsylvania on the Susquehanna river. Some thin seams of coal occur in it. It contains no fossils except fragments of plants. Mauch Chunk group The Pocono is succeeded by a formation called the Mauch Chunk group, which, in Pennsylvania, is about 3,000 feet in its greatest thickness, though far less in some districts. It is almost entirely composed of soft, red shales and argillaceous red sand- GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 16% stones seen in the northern counties and generally around the edges of the different coal fields. In southern Pennsylvania it includes limestones. This formation has not been recognized in New York. Pottsville conglomerate The Mauch Chunk red shale is covered by a thick series of strata, known as the Pottsville conglomerate. It is a gray and whitish conglomerate, in massive beds alternating with gray sandstones, and consists mainly of rolled and rounded quartz pebbles cemented with ferruginous sand intoa solid mass. Some of its finer or more sandy layers often show lamination in a diagonal or slanting direction. It is 1,700 feet thick at its maxi- mum and often contains one or more thin seams of coal; being the lowest horizon in which any considerable quantity of that — mineral has yet been found. It is remarkably massive in its general appearance, the ledges often separating into huge blocks with wide fissures between, which have been fancifully compared to ruined cities. Such localities are to be seen in New York six miles south of Olean, seven miles south of Ellicottville and near Wellsville, where they are popularly called ‘rock-cities.’ This is locally known as the Olean conglomerate. The ‘rock cities’ lie on high points not far from the Pennsyl- vania line and are simply remnants of the conglomerate left far north of the main body of the rock by the wear and tear of the elements, which, going on through ages, has worn away this mas- Sive stratum over a great extent of country. They are impressive monuments to the vastness of that erosion, which has left them in this isolated position and which will in the course of future centuries demolish them entirely. This conglomerate is the highest and latest formed of all Palae- ozoic rocks known within the limits of New York. In Pennsyl- vania it is the base of the ‘ Productive Coal-measures,’ as the strata containing workable layers of coal are called. They are made up of thick beds of sandstones and black shale, with which the coal layers are interstratified. The coal strata are of all thicknesses, from a few inches up to 20 or even 168 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 100 feet,and are separated from each other by masses of rock from 10 or 20 to 200 or 300 feet thick, and are mined in various vie according to their situation. . Geologic investigation in all coal regions has led to the conclu- sion that the strata of coal are composed of vegetable matter, which during the Carboniferous epoch appears to have reached an enormous and luxuriant growth, and formed vast accumula- tions, which after being buried under the marine sediments of clay and sand which now form the shales and sandstones over them, underwent chemical changes which transformed them to their present condition. The proofs of this are found in the fact that the rocks above and below the coal seams are filled with vegetable remains, leaves, stems, roots, etc.; the trunks of the trees being in some places found still erect and standing upon their roots, but converted into coal; and that even the coal itself, though in most cases it is solidified into one mass so as to show no organic structure, displays in other instances, under the microscope, all the structure of wood; the cells, the ducts through which the sap once circulated, and even minute markings by which it can be determined whether the wood belonged to one or another general class of trees. The vegetable origin of all coal is well established; but the mode in which great accumulations of it were made, over such vast areas, is yet an obscure question. A single bed of coal, that called the Pittsburgh seam, is known to extend over no less than 14,000 square miles, with a usual thickness of from four to ten feet. Other layers, though less in extent, are much greater in thickness, reaching even 100 feet. The prevailing opinion is that it grew in enormous morasses or swampy tracts, resembling on a larger scale the Great Dismal swamp, or the Okefinokee swamp of Georgia, in which the annual fall of leaves, branches, and trunks through a long period of time formed thick peaty masses, which, being submerged under the sea and covered with sedi- ments, became the vast deposits of fossil fuel which are now of 80 great importance. . GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 169 The fossils of the coal measures are almost entirely vegetable. In the slates above the coal seams, most perfect and beautiful impressions of leaves occur in profusion; and large trunks or stems are found, almost always compressed to a thickness of only an inch or two, though two feet or more in width. The greater part of these trees seem to have been allied to the tree-ferns of tropical climates, though there are remains of coniferous trees and several other vegetable families. The character of this fossil vegetation would seem to indicate that at the time it grew, a far warmer climate than that now known prevailed over the tem- perate and arctic zones. The fact that coal is of vegetable origin, seems to explain why the lower rocks which form the state of New York contain no coal. They appear to have been formed before terrestrial vegetation flourished to an extent sufficient to form accumulations of this sub- stance. The first relics of land plants are found in the Upper Silurian; above this they become more numerous and in the Catskill group of the Devonian are quite abundant, forming occasionally minia- ture coal seams an inch thick. In the Carboniferous rocks they increase suddenly to an enor- mous quantity, and in later formations are found in considerable, but generally in less abundance. Coal is also found in newer rocks, such as the Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary. The coal or lignite beds of the central part of the continent near the Rocky mountains, belong to the Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks. The coal of Vancouver island on the Pacific coast is Cretaceous. The coal beds near Richmond, Virginia, are of Triassic age. The con- clusions to be drawn from our present knowledge are that good coal is found above the Carboniferous system, but never below it. Permian This formation which is well developed in Europe, taking its name from the Province of Perm, in Russia, is not known to exist in New York state. It occurs in Texas and its vicinity. It has been suggested that some of the uppermost deposits commonly 170 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM known as Carboniferous in Pennsylvania, should be referred to this horizon. 3 Ife of the Carboniferous Animals Foraminifera were abundant. Sponges were well represented. Reef building corals were scarce. Crinoids were abundant. Brachiopods were large and numerous. | | Mollusks were prominently represented by cephalopods. The fishes of the Carboniferous were very numerous and were principally sharks and ganoids. The presence of amphibians was the prominent feature in the life of the Carboniferous; their bones occur in the coal measures. The largest were about the size of alligators. Before the close of the Carboniferous, reptiles appeared. Plants Vegetable life was well represented by ferns, lycopods, equi- setae, conifers and cycads. These were the plants which sup- plied the vegetable tissue which forms the coal beds. Mesozoic TIME The Mesozoic presents a marked contrast to the Palaeozoic. The sea was peopled with fishes. Cephalopods were most promi- nent among the mollusks. True reptiles which appeared in the Permian were large and numerous and reached their highest development. Mammals appeared as a new element but held a subordinate position. They were at first quite small. There was a complete change in the vegetation. Sigillaria and calamites disappeared and the age of gymnosperms succeeded that of acrogens or pteridophyta. Arborescent conifers were very large and abundant. The cycads occupied the place of the palms of the present day. The Mesozoic series includes the 7'riassic, Jurassic and Cretace- _ ous systems. GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 171 TRIASSIC SYSTEM This system received its name in Germany where it consists of three distinct members. In England it is known as the New Red Sandstone and contains the salt deposits of that country. West of the Mississippi river the Triassic is well represented in the United States, but in the east it is found only in narrow troughs on the east side of the Appalachian chain and approxi- mately parallel to it. It is well developed in the Connecticut valley and is again found near Stony Point, New York, from which locality it extends southwest across Rockland county into New J ersey, thence through Pennsylvania and Virginia. In the latter state it includes the Deep and Dan river coal basins which are of considerable importance. The Triassic deposits of New York and New England were apparently formed in estuaries and consist of shales and sand- stones. These bear ripple marks, sun cracks, rain prints and the foot prints of enormous biped reptiles with three toes. These were at first supposed to be bird tracks. Fishes are also abund- ant in the sandstones of New York and New Jersey. The eastern Triassic rocks are important as having furnished the greater part of the brown sandstone, which is used so exten- sively for building houses in our eastern cities. The Triassic period was also characterized by eruptions of igneous rock, which formed the well known trap dykes of Connecticut and New Jer- sey. In the latter state the most prominent is that known as the ‘Palisades of the Hudson,’ which extend along the west shore of the Hudson river from Staten Island to a point north- west of Nyack. At the level of the river the rock is a nearly horizontally stratified red sandstone; but between the bedding planes a vast volume of melted ‘rock has been injected, and in cooling has assumed the rudely crystalline or columnar struc- ture so common in basaltic or trap rocks. The broken edge of this enormous sheet of trap, fronting on the river, forms the precipice so well known as ‘the Palisades.’ The Orange moun- tains are also of the same formation, ey) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Life of the Triassic period In the Triassic was the reign of the amphibians, some of which were very large. The most highly developed was the labyrin- thodon, which had the form of a frog and was as large as an ox. Reptiles were very large and numerous but their remains are more abundant in Europe than America. The mammalian fauna was insignificant; fishes were numerous; mollusks were abun- dant, but were not a prevailing type. JURASSIC SYSTEM The connection between the Triassic and Jurassic is very close and the passage is very gradual. The Jurassic takes its name from the Jura mountains of France and Switzerland, which are chiefly composed of the rocks of this age. In eastern North America the Jurassic is moderately developed, and it is con- sidered that a part of the Triassic sandstone, already described, may have been deposited during this age. West of the Mississippi the Jurassic is well developed. Life of the Jurassic period The Jurassic was especially characterized by the prominence of reptilian life which appeared in a great variety of forms and occupied every place in nature. Reptiles were large and numerous, in the ocean and on land. Even in the air immense lizards with wings like those of a bat were abundant. In this age the first of the birds appears. This was the archaeopteryz, found in the slates of Solenhofen, Germany, a bird which was rudimentary in its development. The wings were short and also the wing feathers which were radiated. The tail was vertebrated and the vertebrae bore feathers. It had no teeth. The sharks and ganoid fishes were large and abundant. The mammals were numerous, but subordinate in rank, not being larger than rats and opossums. ; In this system also was the culmination of the ammonite fam- ily, a group of coiled cephalopods named from their resemblance to the horns on the statues of Jupiter Ammon. As the cephalo- ‘090 GNVIMNOY ‘LNIOG ANOLS ‘HLVUAWOTONOD OISSVIUL ‘oyoyd ‘sory LY osvd o0BJ OL—IAXXXI ALVId * A ttm o callandae Caesarea ancora mens « SKE Ne <% : ‘fT CN ‘Ga. LUO. KOud ‘UBAIY NOSGNH FHL JO SHaVSIIVd AHL ONOTY CUVMHLUON MATA ‘oyoyd ‘sely “HH ‘OO GHOIMVUO WOFIENATIVH dOOMN AM a ( “eseqeid OISSCILL ‘SLT 8d odvJ OL —IIAXXXT MLV Id + ‘ tice ane - 4 ara ST ‘ > ~ « ~ i. ‘. ‘ -=s o> Sa + ae a =v, “3 4 * 2 A x . ; 4 5 bg » “ yn “ ae) 7 » a a = * lt >». we < . a " “ Ser es 6 . a yr let aes =~ + > eg RL - - a : eee 7 = . aw = . eS ey er oad a p> = 4 . < : : ~ oS 3 ‘ : : - ‘ \ . > > bl . a > - \ ~ : \ CAB eX XOX VT o face page 172. Triassic Diabase. of; S. R. Stoddard, photo. THE PALISADES OF THE HUDSON. VIEW NORTHWARD FROM ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N. J. ‘ " 4 - = ou RS i ‘ Hs * se f R » m4 4 » a 4 ‘¥ . r ;, dep i a [pings 2 isi oy cee ig tm imine eae sie nha ; oo + ete . ‘ . * - s . ' ; t £ -~ z * . ~~ ; » - iy ¥ 1 » a Det cee < > é & t ‘ x , ve > ~ he? ? P L » rt b 4 . oe \ . ‘ 1 e : , e \ is ' x . ’ 7 2 ‘4 Ny y re - . 4 ES , 7 . Ww 2 ‘ ‘ a ae Aa ’ Bs } Z ? if wf 7 ' r P ‘ " ie a” / ‘ yy A , ” c jt M : : z ‘ _ iN “ <, ¥ L ® * aft ‘ ‘ ; " tee oa * ’ $ ‘ ee < - . » b' 4 , a ; : - y f wis Bs. _'.& * . . rf t é f r * ¥ ‘ a fr a ‘ “ x oe ¥ 5 i . 3 ; b i vd 4 are i . = 7 J i re “ ‘ ) . é a f * ay ‘ ; é . ‘ ¥, , , ‘ E ; uy iy es “ as ‘ : .; s i ry 9 da’ t : 4 bis e . . ¥ 4 i 2 1 l A F ’ y ° i ao, Vy oe ig / ‘ ‘ j ; ‘ - ‘eT CN ‘ADNVUO ‘aqvoyu-aA1dvVO NIVINNOW GFONVUO GHL UOT TNO V NI adwsodxqW GSvavId OISSVIUL ‘oyogd ‘SNIAON “N ‘f “OO GHO4MVEO. 17MIN ~ ‘cLL osed ooBJ OL—XIXXX'I WLW Id i ei ¢ ? “AGSUGL MAN oo Napuggd ‘aaT LUOT ‘AUUVNH S,ANVT AO GNW HINOS ‘ANOLSGNVS OISSVIUL DNIATHHAINY GNV dvuyL FO LOVINOD ‘ojoyd ‘sory “H Vn \n\ alent.” igs ee =." ‘SLT osud ao8jJ OL—OX LV Id F 7 * 4 é * . - ‘ . . a er by . a pet oe Xm wee agg cere A ree one ee y, e's — es . ~ s i, x A i a 5 4 ~ « ‘ a ? 4 . bs . _ oh ‘ er pe Sa s ¥ e Lt ~ > Ne p ss as - . . - is ; . PLATE XCI.—To face page 17z. J. N. Nevius, photo. REPTILIAN FOOTPRINTS ON TRIASSIC SANDSTONE, TURNER’S FALLS, MASS. ORIGINAL SLAB 15 INCHES BY 27 INCHES. ‘STIVY S,UHNUAL ‘HNOLSANVS OISSVIUL NO SLINIUdLOOM NVITLdGyY INV SLNIUd NIVU "SHHON]I 87 AM SHHONT €E AVIS IVNIDIUO ‘SSVI ‘oyoyd ‘sniAeN ‘N ‘Lf ‘ZL, o8ed vo¥J OL—IIOX WLV Id Pa os i . ‘ © : . a . ‘ , —— * ¥ - ti * ‘SHHONI $Z AM SHHONI Gh AVIS IVNIDIUO ‘SSVI ‘STIVA S UANUOL ‘ANOLSANVS OISSVIUL NO SHUVIT AIddiy ‘oyoud ‘SNTAON ‘°N ‘ff SAAR») AN rene ‘tL osed o0vJ OL—IILOX MLV Id GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 173 pods were represented in great development by the orthoceras in the Lower. Silurian seas, so were they represented by the am- monite in the Jurassic. The orthoceras disappeared after the Triassic age. The smaller mollusks were also abundant and began to assume more nearly the features of those which occur at the present day. At this time the oyster made its appearance. CRETACEOUS SYSTEM The Jurassic system was succeeded by the Cretaceous. This received its name in Europe from the chalk formation, which in England and France is very prominent, being several hun- dred feet thick. The chalk is a limestone which has not been consolidated. If it had been exposed to the same agencies as the Palaeozoic limestones it would probably like them have been consolidated to form a hard rock. A large part of the chalk consists of skeletons and shells of foraminifera, some of the species being found in the ocean at the present day. With these foraminifera, which are mostly calcareous, aretheremains of other minute animals called polycystines which are silicious and also the spicules of sponges. These, by some chemical action, have been gathered together and consolidated into nodules of flint which is a variety of quartz similar in composition to the horn- stone of the Corniferous and other limestones. Hornstone is also called chert and has furnished the material for most of the North American Indian arrow-heads which are commonly called flint arrow-heads. As a matter of fact the true flint does not occur in America and technically American flint arrow-heads are made of chert or hornstone. It is not impossible, however, that early traders from England may have supplied our Indians with flint from Europe. 3 In America there is but little chalk, although the Cretaceous system is largely developed. It extends from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic ocean in a belt 200 miles wide. On the Atlantic | coast Cretaceous deposits are found beneath the Tertiary and consist chiefly of sand and clay. The clays which occur on Long 174 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Island and are well represented from Staten Island to the vicin- ity of Camden, New Jersey, are important in the manufacture of pottery. Some of the clay beds contain plant remains and about 50 species of land plants have been recognized here. Among these are many genera which exist at the present day, such as the cinnamon, sassafras, oak, gum ete. The character of this vegetation suggests that a temperate climate prevailed in this region during cretaceous time. A little later, in the Ter- tiary, a sub-tropical climate prevailed in what are now the Arctic regions. West of the Mississippi the Cretaceous deposits of our country are divided into three principal groups; the Dakota, which consists of sandstone and conglomerate with beds of clay; the Colorado, a group of limestone and bituminous shales; and the Laramie, which is a bed of passage into the Tertiary and con- tains important deposits of lignite, a variety of coal. Life of the Cretaceous period In the Cretaceous, mammals were still insignificant. The mem- bers of the ammonite group of the cephalopoda, were numerous and varied in form. The other mollusks were closely allied to those of the present day. Many bony fishes appeared and sup- planted the ganoid fishes which had previously prevailed. The reptilian fauna was prominent, but became greatly diminished before the tertiary. With the close of this period occurred a great change in the life of the globe. . . Cenozoic TIME Following the close of the Mesozoic age begins the Cenozoic, which includes the Tertiary and Quaternary systems and is char-) acterized by a marked resemblance of its life, to that of the present day. TERTIARY SYSTEM Sir Charles Lyell divided the European Tertiary into three parts; the Eocene, Miocene and Pliocene. The Eocene was esti- mated to contain about 10% of living species, the Miocene about 50% and the Pliocene ahout 90%, but these percentages are not of world wide application, GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK 175 The Tertiary of our Atlantic slope consists chiefly of sands and clays, which in the southern states are well developed. A much larger development occurs west of the Mississippi river on the sites of extinct Tertiary lakes. Marine Tertiary is also found on the Pacific coast. | In New York state the Tertiary is not accurately identified and is indivisible, but is probably represented by sands and gravel on Staten Island and Long Island. There is comparatively little marine Tertiary in North America, as the northern part of the continent was out of water at that time. The Tertiary beds west of the Mississippi are chiefly fresh water deposits formed in lake basins. The Tertiary was a period of mountain making. In southern Europe the great chains of mountains known locally as the Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines and Carpathians, consist to a large extent of Tertiary rocks. This is also true of the Himalaya mountains of India. It is known that extensive disturbances in our Appalachian system occurred during the Tertiary. Life of the Tertiary period Birds and mammals succeeded the reptiles of the cretaceous. Of the mammals all the orders now existing were represented. Reptiles were not more numerous than at present and were simi- lar to existing genera. Fishes were very abundant. Insects were many and varied. Mollusks were abundant; oysters oc- curred in great variety and of enormous size. Corals were not plentiful. Land plants were very abundant and very similar to those of the present day; the cypress grew in the Arctic regions. QUATERNARY SYSTEM At the close of the Tertiary a cold temperate climate reigned in the United States and a great ice age began, during which the northern part of our continent was covered with a sheet of ice many hundred feet thick. The chief evidences of this are the inscriptions of the continental glaciers on the rocks in the shape 176 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM of grooves and polished surfaces and the material transported by. it. The glacial phenomena are well marked. Ice worked blocks of stone have a peculiar angular form, which does not occur on water worn boulders. The theory of continental glaciation was first worked out in , Europe from studies of the glaciers of the Alps. These are the result of a copious precipitation of moisture on the mountains in the form of snow and the formation of snowice. Large masses of this consolidate and form ice rivers or glaciers, which slowly move toward the valleys grooving and polishing the rocks over which they pass and tearing off rock fragments, which in turn are polished and scratched as they are dragged along in the base of the ice. Glaciers now exist in Iceland, Greenland and Alaska and in other Arctic countries, also on some of the mountains of Wash- ington, South America, Asia and Africa. They also abound within the Antarctic Circle. Evidences of former continental glaciation occur im both hem- ispheres. In New York state the continental glacier extended as far south as Long Island and Staten Island and formed at its front a great ridge of transported rock debris, sand, gravel, boulders and clay, at some points over 360 feet in height, which is called the ‘ ter- minal moraine’ and is known locally as the back bone of Long Island. After reaching its point of maximum extension and resting there, perhaps for a long time, the ice sheet with a recurrence of a warmer climate began to retreat. This retreat was not at an even rate. There were periods of arrested motion and probably of temporary advance as shown by the moraines of recession. These are masses of earth, Jehan and boulders which form small hills and ridges. As the ice melted, great Wendl of water were poured over the land and the valleys were flooded. The streams thus formed were loaded with sand and gravel which they carried for a dis- ‘OO FING ‘“VOVMOLNARTHD ‘ANOLSHWIT SQHOUAAINUOD AHL NO SHHOLVYOS TIVIOVID Fe a eee Pore Sg wv a-. to oS Sea é “a 3 ws fue \ ‘OLT osvd o90¥J OL—AIOX GULV' Id ‘ojogd ‘doysig ‘d ‘I i -O9 ALLSHHOLSAM ‘ONIGNVW] NOLOWOD JO HLNOS AIIW T ‘UMAIY NOLOUD JO LIsoOamq VITAG AUVNUALVAD ‘ojoyd ‘sory “H * soBFJ OL—AOX HLV Id ‘OO ANVETY ‘ANVE TV HLYUON ‘LISOdHG ANVY AUVNUALVAD AO MAIA ‘o}04d ‘SNIAON ‘N ‘¢ ‘94T asvd oovy OL—IAOX MHLW Id 2 phat . Bets oe at He ena > =2 ee ee 4 ar. ‘ 2 y s ‘NOILVULSOITIT LSV'T NI NMOHS “OD ANVE'Ty “ANVE&'TY HLYON ‘sanq IGM@AVUH AGNV AGNVS AUVNUGTLVNY WO NOWONS ‘ovoYyd ‘SNIAON ‘N ‘f ‘OLT ostd o0vJ OL[—IIAOX GLV Id te se i 4 é ‘ i tf , . ‘ + R ’ ’ : ; « ‘ 5 4 d ' : ‘ 5 r + 4 ‘ ’ «* *) On m | i q <~ vr 7 "' * wr ou “i ‘ wi Po. >» ¢ t Not'y ‘ ‘ Ae inl ee eae Ee ey hn Bee eee rene Rar ae te ’ . St f Sh 4 ee a eee Shoe ‘OO ANVETY ‘UVWIGCG UVAN ‘NIVIGd GNVS AUVNUDLVNAD AHL NI ‘NOISOUG FO ADTIVA ‘o}OYd ‘SNIAON ‘N ‘f HO” 1O38N I TIW/dOOMM AM, , * - A . * a ‘ Lvh ate! ‘OLT o8vd 90BJ OT—IIIAOX ULV Id ‘HONVLSIG BAHL NI NIVINONOW HONGUT “OD NEYUVM ‘STIVY SNAID AO LSAMHLNOS STTIH LaIYqd AUVNUALVNDH NI ANVT] ‘ ‘ojoyd ‘uoJIeqd ‘HN ‘09: OQy94IMYYO 4HOIGNITVIVH JOOMNAM ‘OLT asvd ootJ OLT—XIOX MLW Id , - ry ‘NHOHAIHLAG HLINOG GNV "090 ANVA'TIV VNOAVYU NAAMLIAG ‘LNAWdUvoOsSy DUUAUAGIAY GHL JO LOOM FHL LV NIVId AUVNUALVAD ‘ojoyd ‘sory "OD GHOSMVHO WOSANATIWE AGoyNAM a . oo = Mt, ‘OLT aded 9085 OL—O ALV Id wil “~* "TONNVHD MUN V OLNI NVUULS AHL FTO NOISHMAIG IVUNLVN Ad GHNUOY SVM OAMVT GHdVHS LNAOSHUD ‘SGNVS AUVNUGLUVNY AO NIVId V HONOUHL NVEAULS GTHL AM GHAUVD “OD ANVE'TY ‘ANVE IY UVAN “TIIMSNVWUON GHL WO ADTIVA ‘ojoyd ‘SNIAON ‘N ‘f ‘OLT a8ud a0RJ OT—IO OLV'Id Ae the ed 44... =e i ‘OO HINA ‘MANUOD ATI NAMDLHDIGQ FO HINOW ‘ary MMV] ‘Suva GNvs ‘oyoyd ‘doysiq ‘d ‘I ‘QgLT osed oovJ OL—TIO ULV Id ‘HINn AMV] AO HHOHS ‘OO DIUM ‘VOUNHS ISHM UVEAN ‘LINIOG ANOLS ‘GANIVUOW WOU GAHHSVM SUmaTAO, IVIOV1IYD ‘oyoyd ‘doysig ‘gq ° QL osvd oovJ OLT—IIIO ALWId *LISOdN( MANIVUOW V JO NOILVNUOT AHL DNIMOHS ‘'VIAWOATIOD HSILIug ‘uaovit HHIMIAS THE AO LOOT ‘oyoyd ‘pleppois “Y's Ca ‘OD GHOIMVY WeRSNAT TWH seOOMN AM ‘9LT 98vd 90BJ OL— AIO WALV Id i | oe ; ha r r J 7 2 ; Age ‘ ia $ A * $s i. 4 — GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF NEW YORK aT tance and dropped to form the fiood plains and terraces which border our river valleys and the hills of sand and gravel in the valleys which are called kames and eskers. Where there were bodies of still water the finer materials were dropped to form clay. At this time the country was deeply submerged and tide water filled the valley of the Hudson river and Lake Champlain so that the Gulf of St Lawrence and New York harbor were united. This is evidenced by the fact that near the St Lawrence and Lake Champlain, above the gravel beds, are some beds of clay 200 feet thick or more, which contain marine shells of species now existing on the coasts of New England and Canada. These show that, since such shells were living, those valleys have been de- pressed below the sea-level, long enough for these deposits of clay to be formed. They are known as pleistocene clays. The Hud- son river valley clays are their southern extension, but contain no fossils. The Quaternary deposits of New York are, therefore, chiefly those made in the presence of the ice and those resulting from the working over of the glacial deposits by running water. In this latter process the angularity of the glacial boulders and pebbles has been worn off. The evidences of glacial action are well seen in almost all parts of this state. Almost every gravel- bank consists of waterworn fragments of the old rocky strata; pebbles of limestone, sandstone and slate, with some of gneiss and granite, which universally appear to have been transported from north to south. From a bushel of pebbles taken from any gravel bank south of the Erie canal, the geologist can pick out specimens of almost every stratum which is exposed north of the bed whence they were taken. South of the line of outcrop of the Helderberg limestones, the gravels are full of fragments of their different layers; and among them lie worn pieces of the red Medina sandstone, others of the Hudson river group, and others of still more northern strata; while some are granite peb- bles, which must in many instances have come from Canada. They have evidently been transported from north to south in 178 NEW YORK sTATE MUSEUM vast quantities; they are smooth-worn, and are smaller the farther they are found from their original strata; theyare generally found in irregular layers with sand and clay, as if left so by the action of rapid currents of water. One of the most interesting facts connected with them is, that they have been in many cases trans- ported from lower to higher levels, even up steep acclivities and over high hills. There are spread with them also (but generally lying on the surface of the ground) many large and heavy masses of loose rock, called boulders. Some of these are limestones or sandstones, the origin of which can easily be traced to thin native strata within the state; others are granitic masses, which must have come from beyond Lake Ontario, in the same manner that the peculiar crystalline rocks of the Adirondack mountains are found to have been carried south beyond the Mohawk valley. The surfaces of the rocky strata in all the country, over which these ‘drift beds’ have passed, are in many places found to be worn smooth, and scratched or furrowed in a general north and south, or northwest and southeast direction, as if heavy materials had been dragged or driven over them. Quaternary fossils Among the most recent of the fossil remains, which link to- | gether the vanished forms of the past with the living animals of to-day, are the bones of the mastodon and fossil elephant, which are occasionally disinterred in various parts of the state, found buried only in recent accumulations of muck, peat, or other earthy materials. They are relics of a very modern period of geologic history,and these immense animals seem to have lived during the existence in this region of many of our still-remaining wild animals; possibly even since it was inhabited by man. Speci- mens of the mastodon have been found at Cohoes, at Batavia and in Orange county. In addition to these may be mentioned the Castoroides ohioensis, a gigantic extinct species of beaver, which was probably of the same period with the mastodon. A skull of this species was found near the village of Clyde, in earth, dur- ing the excavation of a canal. Remains of a reindeer have been found at Sing Sing. PRESENT SURFACE OF NEW YORK 179 The petrified wood, leaves, moss, etc., which are common in our limestone districts, are of modern date, and are forming at the present time. The rain-water which percolates through the crevices of the limestone rocks, by means of the carbonic acid which it gathers from the air, dissolves the carbonate of lime; and on coming again to the air in springs, re-deposits it in the form of tufa, a drab-colored mass which is nearly pure carbonate of lime. This, as it gradually forms, incrusts the leaves, sticks, etc., with which it comes in contact; and often, as they decay, replaces them in such a manner as to present the same form and structure; pieces of wood being thus replaced by a stony mass closely re- sembling the original substance. Age of man Man is the most highly specialized member of the animal king- dom. His remains are not found in deposits earlier than the post glacial, which appear to have an age of not many thousand years. There is, so far,,;no clue to his origin. The first relics of man are rude implements of stone or bone such as knives, arrow-heads, etc., and are found in the gravels of streams and in caves. The first period of man is known as the stone age, but though it ceased long ago in Europe, in North America it has existed to within the present century. The bronze age succeeded the stone age. Last of all came the age of iron which is the present. PRESENT SURFACE OF NEW YORK Under this head it is important to consider briefly the causes which have reduced so large a portion of the rock strata of New York, from the original condition of the wide and uninterrupted extent in which they were formed to that of an undulating and broken aggregate of hills and valleys which we now see. It is probable that during the slow process of emergence from their native sea, the action of waves and currents wore them deeply 180 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM and extensively; and since they were uplifted to their present elevation, the elements have unremittingly acted upon them. As the rocks, newer than the Carboniferous, occur in but small — areas within our state, it may be concluded that the greater part of this region has been above water since the Carboniferous period, during the countless ages while the Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks were formed and during the depo- sition of which the animated population of the earth has been changed many times. All of these formations were made of sedi- ments worn from pre-existing land. It is to be expected, there- fore, that this ancient land should show the marks of vast erosion and wear. Some marks of this are found in the long and deep valleys which traverse the state, all of which have been worn out of the solid strata, the remaining portions of which form the adjacent hills. These valleys are being worn deeper where the rivers are strong and their cutting action continues, and every- where they are being widened and the mountains and hills re- duced in height by rains and frost. Some valleys have been excavated much below the level of their present outlets, so that they retain the drainage and form the remarkable series of finger lakes previously mentioned. | Vast as the work may seem, the fact is plain that not only have these valleys been formed by erosion, but hundreds of feet of rocky strata have been removed from the summits of the hills themselves and from large tracts of plain country. The whole vast basin of Lake Ontario is an excavation in rocks which still lie nearly as level as when first deposited; and there seems no reason to doubt that the northern edges of the enormous thick- ness of formations above the Helderberg limestones once over- spread the present lowlands of the counties bordering that great body of water. . Such long lines of bluffs as the Niagara ‘ mountain ridge,’ and the steep escarpments of the Helderberg limestones, are evidences of the great work af erosion. The existence of old beaches, such as the Lake Ridge near Rochester, proves that the waters of the lake once stood far higher than now. ’ PART 3. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Buiupinc STONE * GRANITIC ROCKS Granite, Gneiss, Syenite, Trap and Norite Granite. Typical granite is a crystalline, granular mixture of a feldspar, quartz and hornblende. In addition to these essential constituents, one or more accessory minerals may be present. The more common are the micas, muscovite and biotite, garnet, tourmaline, magnetite and pyrite. The character of the rock is often determined by the presence of these accessory constituents in quantity, as in some cases the hornblende is entirely replaced by mica. ; The chemical composition also varies from that of the average or typical kind. The mineralogical differences mark the varie- ties, thus there are: hornblende granite, biotite granite, tourma- line granite, etc. 7 The texture of granites is determined by the aggregated miner- als entering into their composition. It varies from coarse-crystal- line, in which the individual crystals may be an inch or more in length, to fine-crystalline and aphanitic, wherein the minerals are hardly visible to the eye. In consequence of the wide varia- tion due to the mode of arrangement of the mineral constituents, there is an equally great variety noticeable in the texture. The color also is dependent upon the minerals. As feldspar is the predominant constituent it gives character to the mass, and the red varieties owe their color to the red or pink feldspars in them, as in the case of the granite of Grindstone Island in the St Lawrence. The shades of gray are due to the varying a This chapter on building stone is abridged with alterations and additions from Bulletin No. 10 of the New York State Museum, by John C. Smock. 182 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM amount of the dark colored mica mixed with the feldspar and quartz; and the dark colored varieties owe their color, in most cases, to hornblende or tourmaline which may be present. | The beauty, ease of working, durability and value of the gran- ites for use in construction is related closely to their mineralo- gical composition. Their arrangement in the mass and their relative proportions determine the color and give beauty. The presence or absence of certain species influence the hardness and homogeneous nature and the consequent ease with which the stone can be dressed and polished. For example the mica, if disposed in parallel surfaces, gives a foliated structure and tends to produce what is known as rift, and the granite is more readily split in the planes of the mica than across them. Again the mica flakes may be so large and irregularly massed that the surface is not susceptible of a uniform degree of polish. Hornblende, on account of its superior toughness, is less brittle than pyroxene under the polishing, and the hornblende granites are said to be preferred to those rocks which contain pyroxene in quantity. The more nearly alike in hardness and the more intimately interwoven the texture of the minerals, the more capable they are of receiving a good polish. Hence it follows that the very coarse crystalline granites are not so well suited for ornamental work. The enduring properties of granites vary with the nature of the minerals in their composition. Although popularly they are regarded as our most durable building stone, there are some notable exceptions, which are evident in the natural outcrops, where this rock is found decayed to the depth of 100 to 200 feet, - and in the active disintegration which is in progress in structures of the present century. Foliated varieties placed on edge in buildings, tend necessarily to scale under the great changes of temperature in our northern cities and towns. The more rapid decomposition of the micas makes those varieties in which they occur in large flakes or aggregations more liable to decay. The condition of the feldspar also is often such as to influence the durability. When kaolinized in part, it is an element of weak- ness rather than of strength. The presence of the easily decom- ‘OO UMLSAHOLSAM ‘“TTIINSHHRd UVAN ‘AGNVW IST GNNOY ‘AUUVHOY ALINVUY ! ‘ojoyd ‘soly “H (00 GeUsMve HJauNA | WH dOOMNAM ‘G8I asvd 90¥J OL—AD WLVId * ' ~ ’ < < 2 : ‘ se - =e ¢ ‘s é f x 4 e ae m ” = - - = M4 . Wis 2 Es C a = 4 . ¥ - ai" cy - ; : ‘ \, . - #) ay i A , 7 f ri ante . €., . Taw be 7 s ee ee ee et ra - ECONOMIO GEOLOGY 183 posable varieties of pyrite is not only prejudicial to strength and durability but also to the beauty of the stone as soon as it beguis to deeay. The term ‘ granite’ as used among builders and architects is not restricted to rock species of this name in geologic nomencla- ture, but includes what are known as gneisses (foliated and bedded granites), diorites, gabbro and other crystalline rocks whose uses are the same. In fact, the similar adaptability and use have brought the latter species into the class of granites. For example, the Au Sable granite of Essex county is a norite. The term is applied in some cases to the diabases or trap-rocks, as the ‘ granite quarries’ of Staten Island. Another massive crystalline rock which is used in building is norite, consisting of labradorite and hypersthene, with some brown mica. It is a common rock in the Adirondack region, and is known commercially as a granite. The massive crystalline rocks are of common occurrence in New York, but not in outcrops over extensive areas, excepting in the Adirondack region and in the Highlands of the Hudson. The schistose crystalline rocks are developed extensively in the Highlands of the Hudson and on the borders of the Adirondack region. On New York island and within the city limits the gneiss rocks have been quarried at many points. In Westchester county there are belts of gneiss and mica schist, in which quarries have been opened near Hastings; near Hartsdale, east of Yonk- ers; at Kensico; at Tarrytown and at Ganung’s, west of Croton Falls. In Putnam county there are quarries of granite near Peekskill, Garrison’s and Cold Spring. West of the Hudson river there are quarries on Jona island; at West Point; on Storm King mountain, near Cornwall; near Suffern; at Ramapo; and on Mount Eve, near Florida. The outcrops of the gneissoid and granitoid rocks are so numerous in the belt of the Hudson High- lands that quarries can be opened at many points. The supply of stone is inexhaustible. On the Hudson river, between Peeks- kill and Fishkill, there is a fine section of these rocks exposed, 184 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM On the borders of the Adirondack region quarries have been opened in the towns of Wilton, Hadley and Greenfield, in Sara- toga county; at Whitehall, in Washington county; at Littlefalls, in Herkimer county; Grindstone Island, Jefferson county; and near Canton in St Lawrence county. The inaccessibility of much of this region and the distance from the large city markets have prevented the opening of more quarries in the gneissic rocks on the borders of the Adirondacks, TRAP Trap-rock or trap is the common name given to a class of eruptive rocks because of a structural peculiarity, and has no distinctive significance in mineralogical composition. The rocks of the Palisade mountain range and of the Torn mountain, which extends from the New Jersey line, on the west shore of the Hud- son river to Haverstraw, are known as trap-rocks. There is an outcrop on Staten Island, at Graniteville, near Port Richmond, where a large amount of stone has been quarried at the so-called ‘granite quarries.’ The trap-rock of the Palisades range is a crystalline, granular mass of plagioclase feldspar (usually labradorite) augite and magnetite. It is generally finer crystalline than the granite. The colors vary from dark gray through dark green to almost black. This trap-rock is hard and tough, but some of it is split readily into blocks for paving. It has been used extensively in New York and adjacent cities for street paving, but since the introduc- tion of granite blocks this use has nearly ceased. On account of its toughness it makes an admirable material for macadamiz- ing roadways. It is so hard that only rock-face blocks are used in constructive work. Several prominent buildings in Jersey City and Hoboken are built of it. There is a large quarry on the river at Rockland lake, near Haverstraw, the output of which is for street work and road material almost exclusively. There are also quarries at Piermont and at Graniteville, Staten Island. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 185 SANDSTONE Sandstone consists of grains of sand which are united by a cement. The grains may be of varying sizes, from almost impalpable dust to small pebbles, and may be angular or more or less rounded in form. The cementing matter also may vary greatly in its nature. From this variation, both in the grains and in the cement, there is an almost endless gradation in the kinds of sand- stone. | Quartz is the essential constituent, but with it there may be feldspar, mica, calcite, pyrite, glauconite, clay or other minerals, and rock fragments common to stone of sedimentary origin. These accessory materials often give character to the mass, and make a basis for a division into feldspathic, micaceous, calcare- ous sandstones, etc.. as one or another of them predominates. The texture of the mass also is subject to a wide range of vari- ation, from fine-grained, almost aphanitic, to pebbly sandstone, or conglomerate, or a brecciated stone in which the component parts are more or less angular. Some of the brown sandstones of the Triassic age, quarried near Haverstraw, are such conglomeratic and brecciated sand- stones. Accordingly, as the grains are small or large, the stone is said to be fine-grained or coarse-grained. The variety of the cementing material also affords a basis for classification. Silicious sandstones have the grains bound to- gether by silica. They consist almost exclusively of quartz, and grade into quartzite. The ferruginous varieties have for their cement an oxide of iron, often coating the grains and mak- ing a considerable percentage of the whole. The iron is usually present as ferric oxide. Calcareous sandstones are marked by the presence of carbonate of lime. When it exceeds the quartz in amount, the sandstone becomes a silicious limestone. In the argillaceous varieties, the binding material is a clay, or an im- pure kaolin. The cementing material determines in most cases the color. ' The various shades of red and yellow depend upon the iron 186 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM oxides; some of the rich purple tints are said to be due to oxide of manganese. The gray and blue tints are produced iron in the form of ferrous silicate or carbonate. By an irregular association of masses of different colors a variegated surface is produced, or by an alternation of white and variously-colored laminz a striped appearance is given to the mass. Sandstones occur stratified and in beds of greater or less thick- ness, and they are said to be thick-bedded or thin-bedded. In some cases the beds are so thick, and the stone of such a uniform texture, that the stone can be worked equally well in all direc- tions, and is known as freestone. A laminated structure is com- mon, especially in the thin strata, or when the stone is micaceous. When the beds can be split into thin slabs along planes parallel to the bedding, it is called a flagstone. A less common structure is what is termed lenticular or wedge-shaped, in which the upper and under surfaces lack parallelism, and the beds wedge out. It makes the quarrying more difficult, and produces more waste material. | : The variations in the nature of the component grains, and binding material, in their arrangement, and in the forms of bed- ding, produce a great variety of stone, and the gradations from one to another are slight. The hardness, strength, beauty and durability are determined by these varying elements of constitu- tion. The stone best resisting the action of the atmospheric agencies is that in which the quartz grains are cemented by a silicious paste, or in which the close-grained mass OPP PORGR TR in texture a quartzite. The presence of mineral liable to decomposition, as feldspar highly kaolinized, of mica, marcasite, and pyrite, of calcite in quantity, and clays, affects the durability and tends to its de- struction. Sandstones are classified according to their geologic age dines They are found occurring in all the series, from the oldest to the ~ most recent formations. Those of a given age are generally ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 187 marked by characteristic properties, which serve for their identi- fication, aside from the fossil organic remains by which their exact position in the geologic series is fixed. This persistence in characters is exemplified in the Medina sandstones, in the Devonian bluestone, and in those of Triassic age. Sandstones occur in workable quantity in nearly all the greater divisions of the state. Quarries have not, however, been opened everywhere in the sandstone formations, because of the abundant supply of superior stone from favorably situated localities. There are, in conse- quence, large sandstone areas and districts in which there is an absence of local development, or abandoned enterprises mark a change in conditions, which has injuriously affected the quarry industry. Following the geologic order of arrangement and beginning with the Potsdam sandstone, the several sandstone formations are here briefly reviewed. Potsdam sandstone This formation is the oldest in which, in this state, sandstone is quarried for building purposes.@ - The bottom beds are of fine, silicious conglomerate; above are sandstones generally in thin beds. It is gray-white, yellow, brown and red in color. In texture it varies from a strong, com- pact quartzite rock to a loosely coherent, coarse-granular mass, which crumbles at the touch. Outcrops of limited area occur in the Mohawk valley. In the Champlain valley the formation is well developed at Fort Ann, Whitehall, Port Henry and Keeseville, and quarries are opened ‘at these localities. The stone is a hard, quartzose rock, and in thin beds. North of the Adirondacks the formation stretches westward from Lake Champlain to the St Lawrence; and there are quarries in the towns of Malone, Bangor and Moira in Frank- lin county; in Potsdam and Hammond in St Lawrence county; a Some of the sandstones east of the Hudson and in the Taghkanic range may belong to the Lower Cambrian. See Amer. Jour. of Science, series ili, vol. 35, pp. 399-401. But there are no quarries opened in these localities. 188 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM and in Clayton, Jefferson county. In parts of Clinton county the stone is too friable for building. The most extensive openings are near Potsdam; the stone. is hard, compact and even-grained, and pink to red in color. Some of it has a laminated structure and striped appearance. It is an excellent building stone and is widely known and esteemed for its beauty and durability. The Hammond quarries produce a gray to red stone. Nearly all of the output is cut into paving blocks and street material. Hudson river sandstone Rocks of this group outcrop in Orange county, northwest of the Highlands and in the valley of the Hudson river north- ward to the Champlain valley in Washington county. From the Hudson westward,the Mohawk valley is partly occupied by them. The belt increases thence in breadth, in a northwest course across Oneida, Oswego and Lewis counties, and continues to Lake Ontario. } : The rocks consist of shales interbedded with sandstones and silicious conglomerates. . The sandstones are generally fine-grained and of light-gray or greenish-gray color. They are often argillaceous and not adapted for building purposes. But the even-bedded and well-marked jointed structure makes the quarrying comparatively easy, and the nearness to lines of transportation, and to the cities of the Hudson and Mohawk valleys have stimulated the opening of quarries at many points. For common rubble work and for local use, the quarries in this formation have furnished a large amount of stone. The more important quarrying centers are now at Rhinecliff-on-the-Hudson,, New Baltimore and Troy, in the Hudson valley; at Aqueduct, Schenectady and Duanesburg, Schenectady county; and Frank- fort Hill, Oneida county. Flagstones are quarried from this formation in the gorge of the Bozenkill a few miles northwest of Altamont, Albany county. PLATE CVI.—To face page i88. J. N. Nevius, photo. POTSDAM SANDSTONE, CLARKSON’S QUARRY, 3 MILES SOUTH OF POTSDAM, ST. LAWRENCE Co. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 189 Oneida conglomerate This formation is developed to its greatest thickness in the Shawangunk mountain in Orange and Ulster counties. It is recognized in the Bellevale and Skunnemunk mountains, also, in Orange county. In the central part of the state it is traced westward in a narrow belt from Herkimer county into Oneida county. The prevailing rocks are gray and reddish-gray, silicious conglomerates and sandstones, which are noted for their hardness and durability. The cementing material is silicious. The jagged edges and angular blocks and the polished and grooved surfaces of the glaciated ledges, so common on the Shawangunk range, afford the best proof of the durable nature of these rocks. The bottom beds, near the slate, contain some pyrite. No attempt has been made to open quarries for stone, excepting at a few localities for occasional use in common wall work. The grit rock is quarried near Esopus creek for mill- stones, and at Ellenville is crushed for glass sand. The accessibility of the outcrops to the New York, Lake Erie and Western railroad, the New York, Ontario and Western rail- road, the West Shore railroad and the Delaware and Hudson canal lines is an advantage, as well as the comparative nearness to New York. No other formation in the state exhibits in its outcrops better evidence of ability to resist the weather. Medina sandstone The Medina sandstone is next above the Oneida conglomerate. It is recognized in the red and gray sandstones and the red and mottled (red and green) shales of the Shawangunk and Skunne- munk mountains in Orange county. A large amount of the red sandstone has been quarried on the north end of the Skunne- munk range, in the town of Cornwall, for bridge work on the railroads which cross the range near the quarry. The red sandstone is seen exposed in the cuts of the Erie railway northeast of Port Jervis. This formation reappears in Oswego county, and thence west to the Niagara river in a belt bordering Lake Ontario. 190 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Quartz is the principal mineral constituent associated with some kaolinized feldspar. The cementing material is mainly oxide of iron, with less carbonate of lime. The stone is even- bedded and the strata dip gently southward. The prevailing systems of vertical joints, generally at right angles to one an- other, divide the beds into blocks, facilitating the labor of quarrying. Quarries have been opened at Fulton, Granby and Oswego, in Oswego county; at several points in Wayne county; at Rochester, on the Irondequoit creek, and at Brockport, Monroe county; at Holley, Hulburton, Hindsburg, Albion, Medina and Shelby Basin, in Orleans county; and at Lockport and Lewiston, in Niagara county. The Medina sandstone district proper is restricted to the group of quarries from Brockport west to Lockport. The leading varieties of stone are known as the Medina red stone, the white or gray Medina and the variegated (red and white) or spotted. The quarries in this district are worked on an extensive scale, and their equipment is adequate to a large annual production. The aggregate output is larger and more valuable in dimension stone for dressing than that of any other quarry district in the state. Including the stone for street work, the total value is greater than that obtained from the stone of any other geological formation in the state. The stone has gained a well-deserved reputation for its value as a beautiful and durable building material; and its more general employment, both in construction and in paving, is much to be desired. The extent of the outcrops offers additional sites for quarrying opera- tions, and the greater use of this stone, and the increase of the producing capacity of the district are here suggested. Clinton group The rocks of this group are shales, thin beds of limestone and shaly sandstones. They crop out in a narrow belt from Herkimer county west to the Niagara river and bordering the Medina sand- stone on the south. Sandstone for building has been quarried in the southern part of Herkimer county; at Clinton, near Vernon ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 191 and at Higginsville in Oneida county, from this formation. The - nearness of the Medina sandstone, with its more accessible quar- ries and superior stone, has prevented the more extensive devel- opment of the quarrying industry in the sandstone of the Clinton group. Oriskany sandstone The Oriskany sandstone formation is best developed in Oneida and Otsego counties. The rock is hard, silicious and cherty in places, and generally too friable to make a good building stone. No quarry of more than a local importance is known in it. Cauda galli grit and Schoharie grit These rocks are limited to Schoharie and Albany counties and to a very narrow belt which stretches south and thence south- west to Ulster county. The Cauda galli sandstones are argilla- ceous and calcareous and are noi durable. They are used in Albany county for road metal, but are not very good for this purpose. ‘The Schoharie grit is generally a fine-grained, calcare- ous sandrock which also is unsuited for building. Quarries in these rocks have local use only. Marcellus shale As its name implies, this formation is characterized by shaly rocks, which are not adapted to building. The abundance of good building stone in the next geologic member below it—the Corniferous limestone—whose outcrop borders it on the north throughout the central and western parts of the state, also pre- vents any use which might be made of its stone. A single quarry was at one time opened in it at Chapinville, Ontario county. Hamilton group The rocks of the Hamilton group outcrop in a narrow belt, which runs from the Delaware river, in a northeast course, across Sullivan and Ulster counties to the Hudson valley near Kings- ton; thence north, in the foot-hills, bordering the Catskills, to Albany county; then, bending to the northwest and west across the Helderberg mountains into Schoharie county; thence increas- 192 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ing in width, through Otsego, Madison and Onondaga counties, forming the upper part of the Susquehanna and Chenango water- | sheds; thence west, across Cayuga, Seneca, Ontario, Livingston, Genesee and Erie counties to Lake Erie. In this distance there is some variation in composition and ‘texture. In the western and central parts of the state there is an immense development of shales and the few quarries in the sandstone referable to this group are unimportant. In the Helderberg region in the Hud- son valley and thence, southwest, to the Delaware river, the gand- stones predominate, and all of the beds are more sandy than at the west. Bluestone There is a great development of the bluish-gray, hard, compact and even-bedded stone, which is known as ‘ Hudson river blue- stone.’ | This is a variety of sandstone, which, by reason of its even texture can be cut or sawed into any desired form and is there- fore peculiarly available for house trimmings of various kinds. The sandstone is usually interbedded with shale and in general, the layers in the quarries vary from an inch to several feet in thickness; the thinner of these are used for flagstones and the thicker are cut into dimension stones for building purposes. The geological horizon of the commercial bluestone is very near the dividing line between the Hamilton and Portage groups. It is, however, not usually possible to determine in which of these groups a given quarry belongs, owing to the great scarcity of fossils. The bluestone industry is chiefly located in Ulster county and the quarries are almost innumerable but the business is con- trolled by a few large dealers who are located at points favorably situated for shipment and who, to a considerable extent, buy stone from the men who quarry it. Bluestone is also produced in the counties of Albany, Greene, Sullivan, Delaware and Chen- ango in Eastern New York and in Cattaraugus and Wyoming counties in Western New York. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 193 The number of quarries is large and can be increased in- definitely, as nearly the whole area of the formation appears to be capable of producing stone for flagging or for building. The difficulty of indicating the division line between the Hamil- ton and the Oneonta and the Hamilton and the Portage groups of rocks makes it impossible to refer to localities more particul- arly. The quarries near Cooperstown, and in the lake region, particularly at Atwater, Trumansburg, Watkins and Penn Yan belong to the Hamilton group. Portage group In this is included the Oneonta sandstone, the limits of which. at the east can not be indicated; the flagstone beds of the Hud- son valley and of the eastern part of the State continue up into the Oneonta sandstone horizon. Many of the quarries are in the latter formation. The more western and northwestern and higher quarries are in it; and some of the Chenango county quarries also. The Portage rocks in the western part of the State consist of shales at the base; then shales and flagstones; and the Portage sandstone at the top. In the last division, thick beds with little shale are marks of this horizon. The stone is generally fine- grained. The quarries near Portage and near Warsaw are in it; also the quarries at Laona and Westfield in Chautauqua county. Although not of as great extent in its outcrop as the Hamilton group, the Portage rocks are developed to a thickness of several hundred feet along the Genesee river at Mount Morris and at Portage; and form a belt having a breadth of several miles through Tompkins, Schuyler, Yates, Ontario and Livingston coun- ties, and thence west to Lake Erie. The formation is capable of supplying an immense amount of good building stone and flag- stone throughout its undeveloped territory. Chemung group The rocks of the Chemung group crop out in the southern tier of counties, from Lake Erie eastward to the Susquehanna. The. shales are in excess of the sandstones in many outcrops, and there | 194 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM is less good building stone than in the Portage horizon. The variation in color and texture is necessarily great in the extensive area occupied by the Chemung rocks, but the sandstones can be ; described as thin bedded, generally intercalated with shaly strata, and of a light-gray color, often with a tinge of green or oli¥e- colored. The outcropping ledges weather to a brownish color. Owing to the shaly nature of much of the sandstone of the Che- mung group, the selection of stone demands care, and the location of quarries where good stone may be found is attended with the outlay of time and money, and with great chances of possible fail- ure. Quarries have been opened near the towns and where there _isamarket for ordinary grades of common wall stone, and also for cut stone, but the larger part of their product is put into retaining walls. At Elmira and Corning good stone has been obtained, which is expensive to dress, and does not compete for fine work with sandstones from districts outside of the State. The quarries at Waverly, Owego, Elmira and Corning, and nearly all of the quarries in Allegany, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties are in the Chemung sandstone. Catskill group As implied in the name, this formation is developed in the Cat- skill mountain plateau in the eastern part of the state. Sand- stones and silicious conglomerates predominate over the shales. | The thicker beds of sandstones are generally marked by oblique lamination and cross-bedding, which make it difficult and expen- sive to work into dimension blocks. Except for flagging and for local use but little is quarried. There are no large towns in the district, and consequently the demand is light. There are, how- ever, some good quarries, which are worked for flagging, chiefly along the New York, Ontario and Western railroad and the Ulster and Delaware railroad lines in Ulster and Delaware counties; and in the Catskills, in Greene county, there are quarries in Lexington, Jewett, Windham, Hunter and Prattsville. — | in fee ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 195 Triassic formation This formation, which is known, locally, as the red sandstone, is limited in New York to a triangular area in Rockland county, between Stony Point on the Hudson and the New Jersey line, and to a small outcrop near the north shore of Staten Island, which is the southern end of the same belt. The sandstones are both shaly and silicious, and the varieties grade into one another. Conglomerates of variegated shades of color also occur, interbedded with the shales and sandstones. Formerly these conglomerates were in favor for the construction of furnace hearths. They are not now quarried. The prevailing color of the sandstone is dark-red to brown, whence the name ‘brownstone.’ In texture there is a wide variation, from fine conglomerates, in which the rounded grains are somewhat loosely aggregated, to the fine, shaly rock and the ‘liver rock’ of the quarrymen. Oxide of iron and some carbonate of lime are the cementing materials in these sandstones. The well-known Massachusetts Longmeadow sandstone and the Connecticut brownstone are obtained from quarries in the Con- necticut valley region, and of the same geological horizon. The Littlefalls, Belleville and Newark freestones are from the same formation in its southwest extension into New Jersey. Quarries were opened in this sandstone more than a century _ ago, and many of the old houses of Rockland county are built of it. Prof. Mather reported 81 quarries on the bank of the Hudson near Nyack. The principal market was New York city, and the stone was sold for flagging, house trimmings and com- mon walls. The Nyack quarries have been abandoned, with one or two exceptions, as the ground has become valuable for villa sites and town lots. There are small quarries at Suffern, near Congers Station, near New City and at the foot of the Torn mountain west of Haverstraw. ‘They are worked irregularly and | for local supplies of stone. The stone is sometimes known as ‘Nyack stone,’ also as ‘Haverstraw stone.’ 196 NEW YORK SsTATE MUSEUM SLATE Argillite, clay-slate, or roofing slate, which is marked by the presence of cleavage planes, and can be split into thin plates of uniform thickness, is a characteristic rock in the Hudson river group and the Lower Cambrian or Georgian group. Slate suitable for roofing has been found in many localities, and quarries have been opened in Orange, Dutchess, Columbia, Rensselaer and Washington counties. The openings in Orange county have not resulted in productive quarries. In Columbia county quarries were worked many years ago, east of New Lebanon. The Hoosick quarries, in Rensselaer county, were once more extensively worked, and produced a good, black slate. Out- crops of red slate are noted east of the Hudson, from Fishkill and Matteawan northward,-but no attempts have been made to open quarries in them. The productive slate quarries of the state are in a narrow belt, which runs a north-northeast course through the towns of Salem, Hebron, Granville, Hampton and Whitehall in Washington county. This slate belt is divided by the quarrymen into four parallel ranges or ‘veins,’ which are: East Whitehall red slates; the Mettowee, or North Bend red slate; the purple, green and varie- gated slates of Middle Granville; and the Granville red slates. The latter are close to the Vermont line. Further to the east, but over the state line, in Vermont, is the mee of the sea-green slates. i The quarry localities are at Shushan, Salem, and Black Creek valley, in the town of Salem, Slateville, in Hebron, Granville, the Penrhyn Slate Company’s quarries, Middle Granville, Mettowee or North Bend quarries, and ae Hatch Hill quarries in East Whitehall. LIMESTONE AND MARBLE Limestones consist essentially of calcium carbonate. They are, however, often quite impure; and the more common accessory constituents are silica, clay, oxides of iron, magnesia, and bitumi- ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 197 nous matter. These foreign materials may enter into their com- position to such an extent as to give character to the mass, and hence they are said to be silicious, argillaceous, ferruginous, magnesian, dolomitic, and bituminous. 3 The chemical composition is subject to great variation, and there is an almost endless series of gradation between these various kinds. Thus, the magnesium carbonate may vary in quantity from a trace, to the full percentage of a typical dolomite. Or, the silica may range from a fractional percentage to the ex- treme limit where the stone becomes a calcareous sandstone. Crystallized minerals, as mica, quartz, talc, serpentine and others, also occur, particularly in the more crystalline limestone. In color there is a wide variation—from the white of the more nearly pure carbonate of lime through gray, blue, yellow, red, brown, and to black. The color is dependent upon the impuri- ties. The texture also varies greatly. AJl limestones exhibit a crys- talline structure under the microscope, but to the unaided eye there are crystalline and massive varieties. There are coarse crystalline, fine crystalline, and sub-crystalline varieties, accord- ing as the crystals are larger, smaller, or recognized by the aid of a magnifying glass only. The terms coarse-grained and fine- grained may apply when there is a resemblance to sandstone in ' the granular state of aggregation. Other terms, as saccharoidal (like sugar), oolitic, when the mass resembles the roe of a fish; crinoidal, made up of the stems of fossil crinoids, also are in use, and are descriptive of texture. The state of aggregation of the constituent particles varies greatly, and the stone is hard and compact, almost like chert, or is loosely held together and crum- bles on slight pressure, or again it is dull and earthy as in chalk. The crystalline, granular limestones, which are susceptible of a fine polish, and which are adapted to decorative work, are classed as marbles. Inasmuch as the distinction is in part based upon the use, it is not sharply defined and scientific. Generally the term is restricted to those limestones in which the sediments have been altered and so metamorphosed as to have a more or 198 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM less crystalline texture. There is however some confusion in the use of the terms, and the same stone is occasionally known as marble and limestone, e. g., the Lockport limestone or marble; the limestone and coral shell marble of Becraft’s mountain, near Hudson; the Lepanto marble or limestone near Plattsburg, and others. ; | The fossiliferous limestones are made up of the remains of organisms which have grown in situ, as for example, the coralline beds in the Helderberg and Niagara limestones, or have been deposited as marine sediments. In the case of the latter the fossils are more or less comminuted.and held in a calcareous matrix. Generally the fossil portions of the mass are crystalline. The Onondaga gray limestone from near Syracuse, and the Lock- port encrinal limestone are good examples. The fossil remains are less prominent and scarcely visible in some of the common blue limestones, as in the lower beds of Calciferous and in some of the Helderberg series. These rocks are compact, homogeneous and apparently uncrystalline and un- fossiliferous. They are usually more silicious or argillaceous, that is, they contain quartz or clay, the latter often in seams rudely parallel with the bedding planes. On weathering, the difference in composition is often markedly apparent at a glance. Similar differences in composition are seen in the more crystalline mar- bles, and are evident either by variation in color, or in the pres- | ence of foreign minerals, as mica, quartz, hornblende, pyrite, ete. The variations in the strength and durability is as great as in the composition and texture. Some are stronger than many granites in their resistance to crushing force, and equally endur- ing; others consist of loosély cohering grains, and are friable and rapidly dissolved by atmospheric agencies. The more silicious and compact limestones are generally the more durable and stronger; in the marble the well-crystallized and more homogene- ous texture consists with endurance and strength. Both the mag- nesian and dolomitic varieties are good stone as is proven by the Calciferous and the Niagara limestones, and in the marbles of Tuckahoe and Pleasantville, in Westchester county. ‘ANOLSAWI'T NOLNAUL-SQOUAAIOIVO GCHSOHAUONVIEW ‘ODO UALSHHOLSHM ‘HOHVHONY, ‘AUUVAH AIEUvVN ‘opoyd ‘sory “H ‘S6L osed oovj OL—IIAO ALV Id PLATE CVIII.—To face page 19s. 7 WY.NKOOP: HALLENBECK*CRAWFORD OO J. N. Nevius, photo. INTERIOR OF NORTHERN NEW YORK MARBLE CO.’S QUARRY, NEAR GOUVERNEUR, — St. LAWRENCE Co. PRECAMBRIAN. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 199 Crystalline limestones occur in New York and Westchester counties, and in the Highlands of the Hudson. In the Adiron- dack region there are numerous localities. The rock in many of them is too impure and has too many foreign minerals to admit of its use as marble. Quarries have been opened in Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties, which have yielded a large amount of ffne white marble. In the northern part of the state, the Port Henry and the Gouverneur quarries have been produc- tive. The geological horizon of some of these marbles is in doubt. The belt in the eastern part of Dutchess and Putnam counties belongs to the Vermont marble range, and is probably metamor- phosed Trenton limestone. The Westchester marbles are of the same age. The limestones which furnish building stone in this state are the Calciferous, Chazy, Birdseye, Black river, Trenton, Niagara, Lower Helderberg, Upper Helderberg, or Corniferous, and Tully. The geographical distribution is given in the following notes, and in the order of geological succession, from the lowest to the highest. Calciferous sandrock The rocks of the Calciferous formation in the Mohawk valley and in the Champlain valley are more silicious than at the south- west, in Orange county and in the Hudson valley, and hence the designation as asandrock. Much of it at the north is a limestone rather than a sandstone, and may be termed a magnesian or silicio- magnesian limestone. Nearly all of the limestones, which are quarried for building stone, in Orange and Dutchess counties are from this formation. The stone occurs generally. in thick and regular beds. It is hard, strong and durable and is adapted for heavy masonry as well as for fine cut work. The quarries near Warwick, Mapes’ Corners and near Newburgh in Orange county _ and those on the Hudson river, near New Hamburg, are in the Calciferous. The Sandy Hill quarry and those at Canajoharie and Littlefalls are also in it. 200 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Trenton limestone Under this head the Chazy, Birdseye, Black river and Trenton limestones are included. The Chazy limestone crops out in Essex and Clinton counties and in the Champlain valley—its typical localities. The beds are thick and generally uneven. Regular systems of joints help the quarrymen in getting out large blocks. Quarries at Wills- boro Point and near Plattsburg are in the horizon of the Chazy. The stone is suitable for bridge work and for heavy masonry. The members of the Trenton above the Chazy limestone are recognized in may outcrops in the southeastern part of the state; in the Hudson-Champlain valley; in the Mohawk valley; in the valley of the Black river and northwest, bordering Lake Ontario; and in a border zone on the north of the Adirondacks, in the St Lawrence valley. In a formation so widely-extended _ there is, as might be expected, some variation in bedding, texture and color. Much of the Trenton limestone formation proper is thin-bedded and shaly and unfit for building stone. In the Birds- eye also the stone of many localities is disfigured on weathering, by its peculiar fossils. Generally the stone is sub-crystalline, hard and compact and of a high specific gravity and dark-blue to gray in color. But the variation is wide, as for example, be- tween the black marble of Glens Falls and the gray, crystalline rock of the Prospect quarries near Trenton Falls. The variation is often great within the range of a comparatively few feet ver- tically; and the same quarry may yield two or more varieties of building stone. In several quarries the Birdseye and Trenton are both represented. Many quarries have been opened in the formation and there are many more localities where stone has been taken from outcropping ledges, which are not developed into quarries proper. The more important localities which are worked steadily are: Glens Falls, Amsterdam, Tribes Hill, Cana- joharie, Palatine Bridge and Prospect in the valley of the Mo- hawk; and Lowville, Watertown, Three Mile Bay, Chaumont and Ogdensburg in the Black river and St Lawrence valleys. The railroad and canal lines, which traverse the territory occu- ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 201 pied by these formations, afford transportation facilities and offer inducements to those who are seeking new quarry sites where these limestones may be found in workable extent. Niagara limestone The Niagara limestone formation is well developed west from Rochester to the Niagara river; and there are large quarries in it at Rochester, at Lockport and at Niagara Falls. The gray, sub-crystalline stone in thick beds is quarried for ‘building pur- poses. It is filled with encrinal and coralline fossils and the un- equal weathering of the matrix and the fossiliferous portions are sometimes such as to give the dressed surface a pitted appearance with cavities which roughen and disfigure it. For foundations and heavy masonry it is well adapted. It has been extensively employed in the western part of the state. Lower Helderberg limestones The Water-lime, Tentaculite and Pentamerus limestones are included in this group. The outcrops are in the Rondout valley, southwest from Kingston to the Delaware river; in the foot- hills east of the Catskills—in Ulster and Greene counties; on Becraft’s mountain, near Hudson; and in a belt stretching west from the Hudson valley, along the Helderbergs and across Scho- harie into Herkimer county. The Tentaculite limestone is dark-colored, compact and in thick beds and can be quarried in large blocks. Some of it can be polished and makes a beautiful black marble, as for example, that of Schoharie. The Pentamerus limestones, both the lower and the upper, are in thick beds and are gray, sub-crystalline in texture, and look well when dressed. They are adapted to heavy masonry as well as for cut work. . Quarries are opened in this group of limestones in the Scho- harie valley, at Howe’s Cave, Cobleskill, Cherry Valley and in Springfield. The quarries west of Catskill and in Becraft’s mountain, near Hudson, are also in it. 202 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Upper Helderberg limestones The Upper Helderberg formation appears in the Hudson valley at Kingston; thence it runs in a belt west of the river, to the Helderberg mountains, bending to the west-northwest, and thence west it continues across the state to the Niagara river and Lake Erie. The subdivisions are known as the Onondaga, the Cor- niferous and the Seneca limestones. ‘The first is more generally recognized as the ‘Onondaga gray limestone’ and the last as the Seneca blue limestone. There is much diversity in the limestones of this group in its long range of outcrop. The Onondaga gray stone is gray in color, coarse crystalline; and makes beautiful ashlar work, either as rock face or as fine tooled, decorative pieces. The Corniferous limestone is hard and durable, but it is so full of chert that it can only be used for common wall work. The Seneca blue limestone is easily dressed and is a fairly good building stone. | Limestone of the Upper Helderberg epoch is quarried exten- sively at Kingston, Ulster county, and is a valuable building stone. In Onondaga county there are the well-known Splitrock and Reservation groups of quarries, which have produced an im- mense quantity of excellent and beautiful stone and which has found a market in all of the central part of the state. They are in the lower member of the group. Going west, there are the large quarries in the Seneca limestone at Union Springs, Waterloo, Seneca Falls and Auburn. The LeRoy, Williamsville, Buffalo and Black Rock quarries are in the Corniferous lime- stone. The aggregate output of the quarries in the Upper Helderberg limestones exceeds in value that of any other limestone formation in the state. The many quarries of the Trenton probably pro- duce more stone. Tully limestone The Tully limestone lying above the Hamilton shales, is a thin formation which is seen in Onondaga county and to the west— ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 203 disappearing in Ontario county. It does not furnish any stone other than for rough work and in the immediate neighborhood of its outcrops. Caicareous tufa As a supplement to the limestones the quarries in calcareous tufa at Mohawk, in the Mohawk valley, and at Mumford, Monroe county, should here be mentioned, although they are only of local importance. GLACIAL DRIFT This material, consisting of unsorted clays, sands, gravels, cobbles and boulders, is found in all parts of the state. The nature of the imbedded stone varies greatly both as to variety and amount. In places the deposits are full of large blocks of stone and of more or less rounded and scratched boulders; in other localities the hard, quartzose cobbles and small boulders predomi- nate. In the sandstone districts of the southern and western parts of the state the surface deposits of glacial drift contain much sandstone, as in the Medina sandstone belt, the Hudson river blue stone territory and the red sandstones at Haverstraw and Nyack. In the Highlands and in the Adirondacks the rounded, crystalline, granitoid and gneissic rocks predominate. On Long Island the terminal moraine includes a great amount of stone, and of many kinds. The cobblestones were formerly used for paving roadways, but this kind of pavement is no longer laid. From the fact of the stone being picked off the fields in the clearing of land for tillage, the stone fragments from the drift have been known as ‘ field- stone; ’ and they were used in the earlier constructions for walls, foundations and buildings, in localities where no quarries had been opened. Some of the oldest houses on the western end of Long Island, and in the Hudson river counties are built of such field stone. At Yonkers the excavations for foundations and in street grading afford an abundant supply of stone for common wall work. In parts of Brooklyn the drift furnishes a great deal of stone in the shape of huge boulders. | 904 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The stone of the drift is generally hard and durable, having resisted the wear of rough transportation. The economic use of the surface stones of the drift in constructive work, where they can be laid up in walls, is a desirable utilization of what is still in many parts of the state worse than waste—a nuisance in the © tilling of the soil. This formation can not, however, be con- — sidered as one of the important sources of stone in the quarry industry, although capable of yielding a great deal of rough stone. It will no doubt do so in the future clearing and improve- ment of the country. Roap Meta In New York the best materials for road metal are trap, granite and magnesian limestone. Trap is a general term for some of the basic eruptive rocks, the word being related to or derived from the German T'reppen which Signifies a flight of steps and is suggested by the somewhat regu- lar manner in which the rock is jointed. The trap which is used in New York for a road metal is a dia- base and consists chiefly of the minerals augite and labradorite, the former being a silicate of iron and magnesia and the latter being a lime-soda feldspar. Other minerals are present in small quantity but do not influence the properties which make the rock valuable as a road metal. While sufficiently hard to resist the wear of heavy traffic to a satisfactory extent, it possesses a high degree of binding or cementation power. This means that the dust produced by wear when moistened unites quite firmly and forms a cement which binds the larger fragments to a considerable extent. This property is most noticeable in rocks containing much lime, magnesia and alumina. Good trap is found only in Richmond and Rockland counties, and in the intermediate area of New Jersey bordering the Hudson river. Its outcrop is known as the ‘ Palisades.’ Granite consists chiefly of quartz mixed with one or more of the feldspars and hornblende or a mica. Hornblende has essentially ECONOMIO GEOLOGY 205 the same composition as augite which occurs in trap; and a horn- blende granite should be a very good road metal. Where horn- blende is absent one would expect to find less binding power. Granite is harder than trap and therefore should resist wear better, but this quality is offset by its usually smaller binding power so that trap should be preferred as arule. Granite is found in the Adirondack region and in the Highlands of the Hudson, also in Westchester county. The commercial term granite includes various kinds of gneiss. Magnesian limestone has great binding power but is quite soft and therefore not very durable for heavy traffic. Chemically, this rock is'a carbonate of lime, containing also magnesia, alumina and silica. It has been suggested that it might be used profitably as a binder with stone of less binding power. Sandstone has usually no lime, magnesia ior alumina and there- fore has no binding properties and never makes a first rate road, as the fragments continually break loose. | Limestone is found chiefly in areas parallel to and near the main line of the New York Central railroad and in a zone around the Adirondacks. In New York the best road materials occur in certain limited areas, and at points distant from these the cost of transportation is the controlling feature. For high class road building, trap and granite will be preferred and used in all places where their cost is not prohibitory. Ex- perience shows, however, that unless these materials are used under the direction of experienced road engineers, they are less satisfactory than limestone, and when it is proposed to mac- adamize a road by simply covering it with broken stone, the latter though less durable, will be more satisfactory. When granite and trap are properly laid, on a well prepared bed and rolled with a heavy steam roller to the proper standard of firmness, nothing can be better, but where no steam roller is available and the subgrade is not properly prepared, the trap and granite are liable to afford only an unpleasant and uneven surface of hard angular fragments which ceaselessly roll about on the 206 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM surface of the road injuring the horses and making pleasure driving impossible. Limestone from its softness and greater binding power is more easily rolled into an even surface under the wheels of vehicles, and while not having the durability to support heavy traffic for a long time, can be cheaply renewed if the source of supply is not far distant. This fact has been recognized for a long time at points within easy reach of the limestone quarries. In Onon- daga county at many points a portable crusher has been used to crush the blocks for road metal from the limestone fences which are cheerfully donated by the residents for the improve- ment of the roads. There are many other counties in which this might be done as may be seen from the geologic map. In most of these areas limestone will be found in the fences and may be crushed for road metal at small expense. Many of the local stone quarries, which are scattered over the state, sell for road metal the rock obtained in stripping off the upper layers from their quarries. A few large quarries are operated for road metal alone and deserve special mention. | Many tons of material are quarried annually from the Pali- sades range near Piermont. The material, which is exceedingly tough, is either dressed for paving blocks or crushed for road metal. Farther up the Hudson river the limestone quarries of Tomkins Cove have been in operation for a number of years and supply large quantities of rock for macadam. Other quarries are at South Bethlehem, Albany county, Howe’s Cave, Schoharie county and there are several near Syracuse and Buffalo. This magnesian limestone is one of the best materials used. It is hard, packs easily and makes a good surface, but the cost of maintenance is considerable. At Iona Island a granite is quarried and crushed to five or six different sizes for road metal and concrete. The fine residue or dust is sold for polishing. ‘ANOLSAWIT NOLNAYL-SQOUGMIOTVD GHSOHAUOWVLEW ‘OD GNVIMOOY ‘HAOD SNIMWOL ‘AUUVaH ANOLSAWI'T ‘oyoud ‘sory ‘HH scr peemanancn anes ceprenere ceeeneras TO) aM 19) ‘903 e8ed a0BJ OL—XIO ALV Id ¢ Cina OO ANVE’TVY ‘NOHODINLGG HLNOG ‘ANOLSHWIT DUAEUAGIAY UwaMoT NI AUUVAY ‘oyoyd ‘sory “HH 2 eran, atid pias Be ASan27 Jnoun a. Bo ‘90Z BSvd VBI OL— XD ALVId ‘HNOLSHUNI'T SQHOUDAINUOD OO Glug ‘OIvadng ‘AVMNUVG LGOIOdWnY UVAN ‘OO LIivHdSy UAduvG AHL JO AUUVNH MOOT, DNIAVd AGNV IVLGW Avoy ‘ojoyd ‘doysiq ‘d ‘I ey : ‘903 e8ed oovyJ OL—IXO ALV Id ; ‘OO GING ‘OTVaanNg ‘°00 LIvHdSY UAAUVA AHL AO LNWId DNIHSNUO ANOLS ‘o1oyd ‘doysig ‘d ‘I “OO O8OSMYEO HOSENATIVH DOOMNAM -—_—-_@ ‘90z eSud oovJ OL—IIXO ULV Id Ws « \ 7 » Le r ne pe! we eer em ore oe ve By r ; H i ; e ae ' ’ 7 4 Sate F < 1 : : ry ~ F > ~ « ~ i s : . ‘ Le * : , ri ¥ ‘ . ‘ i i =~ 4 y ° " tt oe ’ 4 x, = ‘ i é r 4 i t ia « ‘ ‘ A \ ; 5 * L S t > ‘ _ 4 ' oe ‘ ¥ f = 4} ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 207 The Hudson River Stone Supply Company has an extensive plant for quarrying and crushing granite, at Breakneck Mt, north of Cold Spring. The same company operates a second plant for supplying crushed limestone at Stoneco, north of New Hamburg. One of the largest quarries in the state is that of P. Callanan at South Bethlehem, Albany county. The Lower Helderberg limestone is the rock used and it makes a good road. The Cauda galli grit of Albany county is used in small quanti- ties locally and makes an excellent road, though it is not durable. At Duanesburg, near Schenectady, sandstone of the Hudson river group is crushed for road metal. At Port Chester, Westchester county, a coarse-grained granite is quarried and is considerably used locally, but the best ma- cadam roads of that district are of limestone from Tomkins Cove. The gray gneiss has been considerably used as a road material in Westchester county. On Staten Island the yellow gravel is much used for road making; also the diabase or trap from the Graniteville quarries, which is being extensively used on a system of county roads with the most satisfactory results. The materials used for making roads in the state vary with the locality. If the traffic on the road is moderate it is generally safe to use the local material, whatever its nature, unless it be shale, but if there is a heavy traffic it will pay in most instances to get a stone of superior quality from elsewhere. The requisite qualities of a road metal are hardness and tough- ness. Where both these qualities are not obtainable in the same stone the latter is perhaps preferable. Silicious rocks, though often hard, do not consolidate as well nor so quickly as limestone, owing to the sandy detritus formed by the former having no cohesion. The detritus of magnesian limestone acts like a mortar. | | Granite and gneiss, especially if very micaceous, are apt to dis- integrate rapidly and produce dust and mud. 208 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Shale is to be avoided, as it breaks up rapidly, forming a sticky mud. Gravel, while making a serviceable road, does not pack well, and is not durable. If it has to be used, some of the difficulty may be overcome by cracking the pebbles so as to produce an angular form. CLAY AND CrLAay Propvcts? Deposits of clay occur in nearly every county of New York. They belong to three geological periods, namely: Quaternary, Tertiary and Cretaceous. The clays of the first age are by far the most common. Those of the second. are somewhat indefinite in extent, but they prob- ably include a large number of the Long Island deposits. Of _ the third class there are undoubted representatives on Long Is- land and Staten Island. The clays of the mainland are all Quaternary so far as known. The problems of Quaternary geology in New York are by no means solved, and it is not always possible to decide on the causes leading to the deposition of any particular body of clay by a single visit to the locality. ; A great majority of the deposits are local, lying in the bottoms of valleys which are often broad and fertile. They vary in depth from four to 20 or even 50 feet; as a rule they are under- laid by modified drift or by bed rock. The clay is generally of a blue color, the upper few feet being weathered mostly to red or yellow. Stratification is rarely present, but streaks of marl are common. In some of the beds small pebbles, usually of lime- stone, are found, and these have to be separated by special ma- . chinery in the process of manufacture. In many instances the clay is covered by a foot or more of peat. These basin deposits are no doubt the sites of former ponds or lakes, formed in many instances by the damming up of val- leys, which have been filled later with the sediment of the streams from the retreating ice sheet. The valleys in which a Abridged from Bulletin No. 12 New York State Museum, by Heinrich Ries. ECONOMIC GEULOGY 209 these deposits lie are usually broad and shallow. The broad flat valley in which the Genesee river flows from Mt Morris to Ro- chester is a good example. The waters of the river were backed up by the ice for a time, during which the valley was converted into a shallow lake in which a large amount of aluminous mud was deposited. This material has been employed for common brick. Around Buffalo is an extensive series of flats underlaid by a red clay. en) (2) — ee) & H vA _ ‘dnoUuy AWITUALVM "00 UGLISTQ ‘LUOdMLIHM JO HLNOS ATIW ANO ‘SGINUVHOH INGNAD ‘oyoyd ‘uojIZGd ‘7G osed o0By OL—IAXO ULV Id Vege ee page 222. Nacct: CBAWEORD-Co.. N. H. Darton, photo. QUARRY IN LOWER PENTAMERUS AND TENTACULITE LIMESTONE, HOWB’S CAVE, SCHOHARIE Co. ‘OD HIUM ‘Olvaang ‘09 INaWAD OTVIHNG AHL AO AMUVNDY ‘ojogd ‘doysig ‘g ‘T Pi eg Oe SS aie Bem. ee — Bin — 7 ; . — =, _—— 7 —e 7 ~ e" eh Por a 3 mre C.. SMALE.) 70a YH dO —> ‘opeul S}] JUOUIOO qo wouJJ spog yoo quouled eand wy “9U0ISVUIT] esepuougo ‘9U0JSOUT] snoJegJUsGD : pe ale ‘Goo osed VDBJ OL—TIIAXO WLV Id ‘ = . % - 2 1 « i . G ' ‘ - ¢ ‘ ‘ . - - ; 4 ; ’ . . ‘y . ] :. “ € ‘ ; ie ¥ - ‘ ’ ( é “ “ td 7 ’ - ' a ‘MHHSNUDO AHL OL ANOLS DNIMVUC UO AVMTIVY “OD WIN ‘O1vadng *OoO INANAD O1VAANG AHL AO SHINUVND - ‘ojoyd ‘doysia ‘d ‘I “OO QGHOFMGYO % Ape Pe we ee ale swaps mee ‘Goo sed 90BJ O[—XIXO ALV Id i i be “Ae, Ove F thi / i vee a Ng > Fa ; A * & y : 4 e is ne > ¢ “ z . : , oan t . * Ps ’ \ : ‘ ’ , y f_ ; (y * ‘ . ah ee ca - fA 9 e : > - ; a; 7 “ ty u ie] ; t . : any ‘ ” * ” —— eS ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 223 3 From Clinton iron ore. 4 From Chemung shale, at Randolph. 5 From Catskill shale at Roxbury and Oneonta. This material is produced as a by-product in several industries. For instance near Whitehall red and green mineral paint are produced by grinding up the refuse of the slate mills. At Clin- ton, Oneida county, paint is manufactured from the Clinton iron ere. At Randolph in Cattaraugus county, paint is made from red shales of the Chemung group. At Roxbury, Delaware county, paint is made from red Catskill shales Oneonta a similar pigment has been made. Maru This material is found in many places throughout the state. Dutchess, Columbia, Orange, Ulster, Greene and Albany counties have many small deposits; in central and western New York there are large deposits in Onondaga and Madison counties, particularly in the Cowaselon swamp; it is also found in Cayuga, Wayne, Seneca, Ontario, Monroe, Genesee and Niagara counties. It is a deposit formed in standing water and consists chiefly of carbonate of lime. It is largely used as a fertilizer, but is also employed in the manufacture of Portland cement as at Warners, Onondaga county, by the Empire Portland Cement Co., at Montezuma and at Wayland, Steuben county, by Millen & Co. MILLSTONES Millstones for grinding paint, feed, cement and other purposes are guarried from the Oneida conglomerate in Ulster county in the town of Rochester at Accord, Granite and Kyserike and in Wawarsing at Kerhonkson. SALT The salt industry of New York is of great importance. Origin- ally Syracuse was the center of this industry, but since the dis- eovery of rock salt in and near the Genesee valley where richer brines can be obtained than atSyracuse, the center of the industry 994 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM © has. ‘been transferred to this new district and the manufacture of salt at Syracuse has gradually diminished. The salt mines of the Retsof, Livonia and Greigsville companies produce immense quantities of salt for the beef and pork packing industries, and in this respect are not directly competitors of the companies manufacturing salt from brine. About 15 miles south of Syracuse the Solvay Process Company having found rock salt in great quantity, by boring a large number of wells and availing itself of an abundant water supply is, by the aid of gravity, enabled to bring brine in a highly saturated condition to its works at Syracuse through a pipe line. This is the basis of a very large industry in soda ash. The Solvay Company also sells brine for the manufacture of salt. In the Genesee valley and near Warsaw and Wyoming are many salt wells. There are others at Ithaca and Watkins. A detailed description of the salt and gypsum deposits of New York is given in Bulletin No. 11 of the New York State Museum. GYPSUM Gypsum is quarried in New York on the outcrop of the Salina group in Madison, Onondaga, Cayuga, Ontario, Monroe and Genesee counties. It is chiefly used as a fertilizer in the form of land plaster, though at Oakfield, Genesee county, a factory has been established to utilize the gypsum in the manufacture of wall plaster. GRAPHITE Graphite of excellent quality is obtained near Ticonderoga, the deposit being controlled by the Dixon Crucible Company of Jer- sey City. ‘The mineral occurs in a mica schist and in crystalline limestone. It is used in the manufacture of pencils, crucibles, lubricants and for a variety of other purposes. QUARTZ This material is quarried for pottery at Bedford, Westchester county, and is shipped to Trenton, N. J. White quartzite of ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 225 Cambrian age, quarried at Fort Ann in Washington county, has been ground for use as a wood filler. It has also been used at the Troy Iron Works for lining Bessemer converters and for similar refractory purposes. A similar rock is quarried for wood filler at Billings, Dutchess county. At Ellenville, Ulster county, quarries and mills are operated by the Crystal Sand Manufacturing Company. The product which is called ‘ glass sand’ is obtained from the Shawangunk grit, which is crushed very fine. Much of it is sent to the glass works at Corning. Guass SAND Large glass sand deposits of Quaternary age occur at Durham- ville, near Oneida lake. They are operated by William Williams. The sand is not as white nor as fine as that from Ellenville, and is used for the commoner grades of glassware. Much of it is shipped to Lockport. The sand contains 97-97.5% Si. 02. Glass was formerly made at Sand Lake in Rensselaer County. An artificial glass sand made at Ellenville is described under the previous head. Mo.upine Sanp Sand for molding is found in southern Albany county, near the Hudson river, immediately below the surface soil. When this is removed the sand is skimmed off to a depth of about six inches. It is quite extensively shipped from the town of Bethlehem. This is a Quaternary deposit. Near Poughkeepsie molding sand is obtained from a silicious Potsdam limestone, which, in decomposing, leaves a fine sand which has been found very satis- factory for this purpose. GARNET Garnet is mined or quarried in New York state in and near the yalley of the upper Hudson river in Warren county on the borders of the Adirondack region. It all appears to be of the common variety, Almandite, and occurs in a formation of crys- talline limestone which appears to form the bed-rock of the val- ley in the vicinity of North Creek and Minerva and in gneissic 226 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM s <2 «dl rocks which adjoin, or are intercalated with, the crystalline lime- stone. It is found in segregated masses of varying sizes from that of a pigeon’s egg to a diameter of 20 feet. It is commer- cially classified as massive garnet, shell garnet and pocket gar- net, the former being impure from the admixture of other miner- als. The shell garnet is almost entirely pure and the most valu- able for industrial purposes. The pocket garnet is that which occurs in small segregations or incipient crystals in the gneiss. This garnet is used almost exclusively in the manufacture of sandpaper, or garnet-paper, as it is called, which is employed extensively for abrasive purposes in the manufacture of boots and shoes. It is also employed to some extent in the wood manufacturing industry. For metals garnet is not as good as emery, although some satisfactory results have been obtained from its use on brass. It has been experimentally mixed with emery in the manufacture of emery-wheels but without very satisfactory results. EMERY The variety of Corundum known as emery is quarried at many points in Cortlandt township, Westchester county, from deposits which occur in the eruptive rocks known as the ‘ Cortlandt series.’ It is used by the New York Emery Company at Peekskill. Diatomaceous Kartu —INFuSORIAL EARTH This material consists of hydrated silica, and is the accumu- lation of the minute skeletons of microscopic forms of vegetable life known as diatoms. It accumulates in the bottom of ponds and lakes, and is found in recent as well as Tertiary and Cretace- ous formations. While the living diatoms are found in all the waters of the state, deposits of diatomaceous earth have been reported from only two localities. One of these is in White lake, town of Wilmurt, Herkimer county, and the other is on the shore of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, on the property of Dr. Oliver Jones. The latter is a fossil deposit in beds probably of Tertiary age. The White lake deposit is the only one in use ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 997 commercially at present. The material is dug from the bottom of the lake, which covers about four acres, and has a thickness of two to 30 feet, being covered by about four feet of water. It is washed and run through strainers and pipes to settling vats, where it stands for 24 hours. The water is then drawn off and the material shovelled into the press. Here it is made into cakes four feet square and four inches thick. These are subdivided into cakes one foot square and piled under sheds to dry. For this information I am indebted to the proprietor, Mr. Thomas W. Grosvenor, of Herkimer. The White lake material is at present only used for polishing, though similar material is used for absorbing nitroglycerine in the manufacture of dynamite. TALC This material occurs near Edwards, St Lawrence county, N. Y., in ‘a narrow belt several miles long and about a mile wide. There are several quarries on the line of this belt. It is ground m mills near Gouverneur under the control of the Asbestos Pulp Company. It is chiefly used in the manufacture of paper and a small quantity is used in soap, paint and other minor purposes. The annual product is about 30,000 tons, valued at about $240,000. PEAT This material, which is the residue from the partial decay of plants in water, is of frequent occurrence, but is only used locally as a fertilizer. PETROLEUM AND [ILLUMINATING GAS The occurrence of petroleum in New York was first recorded by a Franciscan friar who visited the oil spring at Cuba, Allegany county, in 1627. Late in the present century the oil from this spring was highly valued by the Indians for external applications and was thought to have a highly curative power. It was widely known under the name of ‘Seneca oil.’ The pro- duction of oil in New York is at present confined to Cattaraugus 298 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM and Allegany counties. The Cattaraugus county field is a north- ward extension of the Bradford field of Pennsylvania and is con- tinuous over the state line. The Allegany county field is more isolated, although tthe oil comes from the same geological hori- — zon, Which is a sandstone in the upper Chemung or Catskill. This has been discussed in great detail by Charles A. Ashburner in the Transactions of American Institute of Minin g Engineers for 1887. Natural illuminating gas was first used in New York at Fre- donia, Chautauqua county, in 1821. Iit is still in use at the local- ity in question, but the quantity is insufficient to supply the whole village. Besides Fredonia, at the present time Buffalo, Honeoye Falls, Pulaski and Sandy Creek are using natural gas for heat- ing and illuminating purposes and wells have been bored in the vicinity of Oswego, as well as at Fulton and Baldwinsville. Gas wells have been bored tentatively at a large number of places in New York State and small quantities of gas have been found, but the enterprises have not been financially successful. At present many of the wells in Buffalo have ceased to yield and a large quantity of the natural gas now consumed in that city is brought in pipe-lines from Canada. The gas of Fredonia comes from shales immediately over the corniferous limestone. The gas of the oil districts comes, like the oil, from the horizon of the Catskill. The gas of central and northern New York comes from the Trenton limestone. 7 NaturaL Carsponic Acip Gas This material is obtained at Saratoga Springs and vicinity by boring wells to a depth of about 350 feet. Carbonated waters flow to the surface and are conducted through pipes to large gas holders, where the gas separates from the water and is then pumped into compressors from which it is forced into steel cyl- inders under a pressure of about 1,000 pounds to the square inch. These cylinders, when filled, are shipped to the consumers, who use it chiefly in the manufacture of soda water, both for the wholesale and retail trades. At present this gas is shipped from ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 229: Saratoga Springs to New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Iskand. In addition to the large quantities consumed for soda water, it jis also being used for refrigerating purposes and in the manufacture of cod liver oil. MrineraL WATERS The mineral springs of New York are widely known. In addition to the revenue from mineral springs used for baths at health resorts, a large industry now exists in the bottling and shipment of mineral waters for domestic consumption. List of Mineral Springs in New York which are Commercially Productive Adirondack Mineral Springs (H. V. Knight), Whitehall, Wash- ington county. Avon Sulphur Springs (O. D. Phelps), Avon, Livingston county. Artesian Lithia Spring (C. O. McCreedy), Ballston Spa, Sara- toga county. Cairo White Sulphur Spring si K. Lyon), Cairo, Greene county. Cayuga Mineral Spring (Lucius Baldwin), Cayuga, Cayuga county. Chittenango White Sulphur Springs (W. H. Young), Chitten- ango, Madison county. Chlorine Springs (J. L. Grover), Syracuse, Onondaga county. Clifton Springs (Dr. Henry Foster), Clifton Springs, Ontario county. Dansville Springs (J. Arthur Jackson, secretary and manager), Dansville, Livingston county. Deep Rock Spring (Deep Rock Spring Co.), Oswego, Oswego county. | » Massena Springs (Shedden & Stearns), Massena, St. Lawrence county. Nunda Mineral Springs (Daniel Price), Nunda, Livingston county. Reid’s Mineral Spring (J. R. McNeil), South Argyle, Washing- ton county. XN 230 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Richfield Springs (T. R. Proctor), Richfield Springs, Otsego county. Champion Spring (J. Z. Formel), Saratoga Springs, Saratoga county. — Empire Spring (H. W. Hayes, manager), Saratoga Springs, Saratoga county. | Excelsior Spring (F. W. Lawrence), Saratoga Springs, Sara- toga county. Geyser Springs (Geyser Spring Co.), Saratoga Springs, Sara- toga county. Hathorn Spring (Hathorn Spring Co.), Saratoga iio Sara- toga county. Old Red Spring (EK. H. Peters, superintendent), Be Springs, Saratoga county. Vichy Springs (L. A. James, superintendent), Saratoga Springs, Saratoga county. Sharon Springs (John H. Gardner. & Son), Sharon Springs, Schoharie county. Slaterville Magnetic Springs (W. J. Carns & Son), Sla'terville, Tompkins county. Verona Mineral Springs (A. A. Hunt, M. D.), Verona, Oneida county. White Sulphur Springs (T. C. Luther), Ballston Spa, Saratoga county. White Sulphur Springs (J. Hochstatter), Berne, Albany county. Star Springs, Saratoga Springs. Elkhorn Spring (Clark Snook), Manlius. Royal Spring (A. Putnam, Jr., president), Saratoga Springs, Saratoga county. Lebanon Thermal Spring (P. Carpenter), Lebanon Springs. Crystal Rock Water Co. (L. G. Dejiand, president), Fairport. Victor Spring (H. J. Dickinson, Buffalo), Darien, Genesee county. Geneva Mapuptic Mineral Spring (C. A. Steele), Geneva, N. Y., Ontario county. Oneita Springs (Oneita Spring Co.), Utica, N. Y., Oneida county. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 231 Empire Seneca Spring (M. W. Cobb, of Fredonia), Dunkirk, N. Y., Chautauqua county. Crystal Spring (Asa D. Baker), Barrington, N. Y., Yates. county. Great Bear Spring, Fulton, Oswego county. Mineracts Not ComMMERcCIALLY IMPORTANT In addition to the minerals which have already been mentioned there are many deposits in New York which are not at present of commercial importance. These may be roughly classified as metallic minerals and non-metallic minerals. METALLIC MINERALS In this class are iron pyrites, arsenopyrite, chromite, chalcopy- rite, cuprite, galenite, cerusite, sphalerite, wad or bog manganese, millerite and molybdenite. The galenite and pyrites have re- spectively yielded small quantities of silver and gold at certain places, but at no locality in New York have enough of the precious metals been found at any time to pay for the expense of extracting them. From time to time capital is invested for the purpose of gold or silver mining in New York, but always without practical results. The experience of 50 years has shown that neither in New York nor in New England have either of the metals been found in paying quantities. The following is a list of the principal localities at which the various metallic minerals are found: IRON, SULPHUR, ARSENIC Pyrite, iron pyrites, bisulphide of tron. Anthony’s nose, West- chester county, mine formerly worked; Philips ore bed, Phillipstown, Patterson, southeast of Carmel and near Lud- ington mills, in Putnam county; with galena at Wurtsboro lead mine, Sullivan county; Flat creek, Montgomery county; near Canton, St Lawrence county, in extensive beds; Duane, Franklia county, large bed; Martinsburg, Lewis county; Eighteen-mile creek, Erie county, and many other localities, sparingly in rocks. 932 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Arsenopyrite, mispickel. Near Edenville, Orange county, with arsenical iron and orpiment, in a vein in white limestone; near Pine pond in Kent, and near Boyd’s Corner, Putnam county. These localities have been opened, but not worked for arsenic. Chromite, chrome iron ore. In serpentine, Phillipstown, Putnam county; Wilks’ mine, Monroe, Orange county. COPPER Chalcopyrite, copper pyrites; sulphide of iron and copper. An- cram lead mine, Columbia county; Bockee mine, Columbia county; near Edenville, Orange county; with arsenopyrite; near Wurtsboro, Sullivan county, with galena in considerable abundance; Ellenville and Red Ridge lead mines, Ulster county; near Rossie, and also near Canton, in St Lawrence county, once worked. Many additional occurrences are reported where it is in small quantity. . Cuprite, red oxide of copper. Near Ladentown, Rockland county, in thin seams, in trap rock. LEAD Galenite, galena; sulphide of lead. Otisville, Orange county; Ellenville and Red Bridge, Ulster county; with copper pyrites and blende, in a gangue of quartz in Oneida conglomerate, mines no longer worked; Wurtsboro, Sullivan county; near Sing Sing, in Westchester county; northeast township, Dutchess county ; Ancram, Columbia county; strings of galena, blende and pyrites in limestone; White creek, Washington county; Martinsburg, Lewis county; Spraker’s basin, Montgomery county; Rossie and vicinity, St Lawrence county; mines largely worked years ago; ore occurs in vein with blend, pyrites and copper pyrites. These mines have all been idle for several years. Cerusite, carbonate of lead. Rossie, Robinson, Ross and other lead mines, in St Lawrence county; Martinsburg, Lewis county; near Sing Sing, on Hudson, associated with galena, in small quantity. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 933 ZINC Sphalerite, zinc blende; sulphide of zinc. Associated with galena at lead mines in Sullivan, Ulster and Orange counties; Ancram, Columbia county; Flat creek, Montgomery county; Salisbury, Herkimer county; Martinsburg, Lewisburg, Lewis county; Cooper’s Falls, Mineral Point, and in Fowler, St Law- rence county. . MANGANESE Wad, earthy manganese, bog manganese. In town of Austerlitz, Columbia county, are several localities; also in Hillsdale and Canaan, same county; smaller deposits near Houseville, Lewis county, and southeast of Warwick, Orange county. NICKEL Millerite, sulphide of nickel. Sterling iron mine, Antwerp, Jeffer- son county, famous for crystalline forms. MOLYBDENUM Molybdenite; sulphide of molybdenum. West Point and near Warwick, Orange county; Philips mine, Putnam county; Clinton county, but sparingly, in granite rocks. NON-METALLIC MINERALS Under the head of non-metallic minerals which have a com- mercial value but do not occur in New York in a quantity large enough to be of economic importance, may be enumerated apatite, asbestus, barite, biotite, calcite, fluorite, magnesite, muscovite and serpentine. The principal localities for these minerals are given herewith: ‘ Apatite; phosphate of ime. Hammond, St Lawrence county, crystalline, with calcite, zinc ore and feldspar; near Gouverneur, St Lawrence county, crystals in calcite, Vrooman lake, Jefferson county; Greenfield, Saratoga county; near Hammondsville, Essex county; with magnetite in some of irom ores near Port Henry; other localities of occurrence. . Barite, barytes, heavy spar ; sulphate of baryta. Ancram, Colum- bia county; near Schoharie Courthouse, with strontianiie, in the 934 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Water-lime group; Carlisle, Schoharie county; near Littlefalls and Fairfield, Herkimer county; near Syracuse, Onondaga county; Pillar Point, Jefferson county, in large veins; Hammond and De Kalb, St Lawrence county. Calcite, calcareous tufa, travertine; carbonate of lime. Vicinity of Schoharie Courthouse, Schoharie county; Sharon Springs, a large deposit; Howe’s Cave,. Schoharie county; near Catskill, Greene county; head of Otsquaga creek, Stark, Herkimer county; Saratoga Springs; near Syracuse and in Onondaga valley, Onon- daga county; between Camillus and Canton, same county; near Arkport, Steuben county; near Ellicott’s mills, Erie county, and many lesser deposits. Fluorite, fluor spar; fluoride of ime. Muscalonge lake, Alexan- dria, Jefferson county, very fine crystals; Lowville, Lewis county; Niagara county, at Lockport; Auburn, Cayuga county; Rossie and Mineral Point, St Lawrence county. Magnesite, carbonate of magnesia. Near Rye, Westchester county; Warwick, Orange county; New Rochelle, Westchester county; Stony Point, Rockland county; Serpentine hills, Staten Island; everywhere in thin seams and strings. Muscovite, mica. As a rock constituent, common. In large plates near Warwick and at Greenwood at Mount Bashan pond, in Orange county; Pleasantville, Westchester county, once opened and mined; Henderson, Jefferson county; Potsdam and Edwards, in St Lawrence county. | AR Serpentine. Staten Island, near New Rochelle and near Rye, Westchester county; Phillipstown, Putnam county; near Amity, Orange county, verd antique; Johnsburg and Warrensburg, War- ren county; Shelving rock, Lake George, Washington county; _ Gouverneur, Fowler, Edwards and Pitcairn townships, in St Lawrence county; other localities of occurrence in small quantity. COAL AND LIGNITE Coal and lignite, while they occur in New York, can never be found in commercial quantities. The coal measures of Pennsyl- vania are not found north of the boundary line between Pennsyl- ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. 235 vania and New York, and what coal has been discovered in the latter state is in older formations which do not contain this valuable mineral in commercial quantities. Many thousands of dollars have been spent in fruitless efforts to obtain coal in New York, but year after year men appear in the field who seem anxious to pay for their own experience. It can not be too strongly urged upon the attention of the people of the state that it is absolutely useless to seek for coal in New York. Coal. Woodstock, Ulster county, thin vein in the Catskill, worked out; in seams interstratified with shale, in Chautauqua, Erie, Livingston and Seneca counties. Lignite, brown coal. Near Rossville, Staten Island, thin seam in clay; also in Suffolk county in clays. PART A. SUGGESTIONS FOR STUDY Grotocic Text-Booxs AND Books oF REFERENCE Geology is not, like history, a subject which can be learned wholly from books. Not even an elementary knowledge of it can be readily obtained without careful field study of some promi- nent district. The student must, however, use books to supply him with information as to the work of others who have gone before, while his powers of observation and inference are being trained on geologic phenomena. When taking up the field study of a new district, it is import- ant to ascertain what is already known concerning it. An attempt is made, therefore, to direct attention to the principal publications on New York geology. | The four geologic reports of Hall, Mather, Emmons and Van- uxem on the districts assigned to them in the original survey of the state which was begun in 1837 and concluded in 1841, are now out of print, but are found in most of the public libraries of New York, and can be purchased of the dealers in old books in the larger cities. They contain an immense amount of valuable detail and should be consulted by all persons interested in New York geology. The report on the fourth district by James Hall, _is as valuable to-day as when it was written and comparatively little has been added by later investigators in the region des- cribed, except in regard to quaternary and economic geology. In addition to these four quarto volumes on the geology of New York, there have been many papers published in the annual reports of the New York State Museum and the State Geologist of New York. A multitude of papers have also been published by persons not officially connected with the State SUGGESTIONS FOR STUDY 937 Geologist or with the State Museum. These will be found in the _publications of various scientific societies; the New York Aca- demy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, the Geological Society of America and others; in the American Journal of Science, the American Geologist and other periodicals; and in the publications of the U. S. Geological Survey. Prof. John M. Clarke, in the 18th report of the State Geologist for 1893, also in the 47th report of the New York State Museum, has published a list of papers on the geology of New York from 1876 to 1893. | Attention is also directed to Bulletin No. 127 of the U. S. Geological Survey, entitled Catalogue and Index of Contributions to North American Geology, 1782-1891, by N. H. Darton, price 60 cents. For a proper understanding of the geographic distribution of the New York formations, a geologic map of the state is neces- sary. For general reference the large map prepared by the State Geologist is invaluable, and for field use, the small Economic and Geologic map is recommended. This may be purchased through the Secretary of the University of the State of New York for 25 cents per copy unmounted, or 75 cents dissected and mounted on muslin. The invaluable Geological Railway Guide of MacFarlane, pub- lished by Appleton & Co., is commended as a guide in travel. Dana’s Manual of Geology is also indispensable as a compendium and reference book on the geology of the United States. The most excellent Text-book of Geology by Sir Archibald Geikie is highly recommended for reference. The Principles of Geology by Sir Charles Lyell is a work of great value which should be read by all students and teachers. Dana’s Teat-book of Geology is very useful. ; While many are deterred from the purchase of these volumes by their seeming high price, it is, after all, but a small sum to pay for the liberal education in geology which can be obtained through their judicious use. 938 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM In addition to the more technical books described above, there are many accurate and important works written for popular read- ing both at home and abroad. The number of these is constantly increasing and they can be found in the large libraries or obtained through the book sellers. Fretp Work OUTCROPS There are in general two classes of geologic strata, the hard and the soft. In New York the hard strata include all rocks older than the Cretaceous. The soft include the formations of the Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary. Almost everywhere the hard rocks are overlaid by soft deposits, usually of Quarter- nary age, so that in any locality there is generally both hard and soft geology. The hard geology is probably best for the beginner to take up. first, where he has a choice between the two. In Dana’s Manual of Geology and Sir Archibald Geikie’s Outlines of Field Geology, detailed directions are given for methods of study among the hard rocks. | | The most important habit to be cultivated by the beginner in geology, is that of recognizing outcrops when they occur, or in their absence, of determining by surface indications the character of the rock which underlies the soil. | The beginner must form early, the habit of distinguishing loose fragments or boulders from ledges or outcrops, and in regions devoid of outcrops must study carefully the stone fences for frag- ments of the local rock. The fences as a rule represent the aggre- gate of loose rock fragments gathered from the surface of the agricultural lands and these fragments have usually come from the underlying rock. In parts of western New York, over the soft Salina shales no fragments of local rock are found because it decomposes into clay. There the fences are formed of small, hard cobblestones chiefly derived from the granite and gneiss rocks of Canada and brought to their present resting place by the great ice sheet. SUGGESTIONS FOR STUDY 239 Where the covering of soil and other loose material is thick, outcrops should be sought along the beds of rivers, creeks and rivulets. Running water usually cuts through the softer material and reaches the harder rock below. For this reason the gutters and ditches by the sides of roads should be examined for expos- ures, if no other source of information is available. It is not possible here to give any adequate directions for the study of soft geology. This branch is still immature and is chiefly in the hands of specialists. The literature of Quaternary geology is, however, very large and by a careful study of it, the beginner may form some conception of its scope. A single field day with a good geologist is worth more than many weeks of reading. FOSSILS It is important for the beginner to realize that perfect speci- mens of fossils such as are exhibited in the museums and figured in the works on palaeontology are not every where to be found and that the more common examples are fragmentary. Were it not for the dissolving action of atmospheric water on carbonate of lime the study of fossils would still be in its infancy, as in many cases the fossil is whollyinclosed in a firm mass of limestone from which it can not be separated by the hammer alone. On the sur- face exposures of limestone, the action of the weather removes a part of the matrix, exposing for a time the surface of the shell. This after a few years may in turn yield to the dissolving action ef atmospheric water and gradually disappear, another specimen at a lower level being gradually brought to view in its place. In sandstones, the calcareous fossils are usually entirely dissolved out of the surface layers and it is only by the impressions or casts which they leave behind, that we know of their existence. If means are afforded for excavation and blasting, below the reach of the rain water, will be found a bed of rock from which the calcareous matter has not been dissolved away, but in this case it is often difficult to separate the fossils except by long and tedious process of cleaning or developing with small tools. 940 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Within the writer’s observation, students at the beginning of their field experience are misled by the perfection of cabinet specimens and figures and hope to find everywhere such perfect forms; as a matter of fact, they must learn to be guided for the most part by fragments. It does not seem possible to give within the limits of this publi- cation any adequate description of the fossils which are charac- teristic of the different strata. Itis better for these to refer to the original publications of the New York Natural History Survey. In the four reports on geology by Mather, Emmons, Vanuxem and Hall, numerous illustrations of fossils are given but the names. are, in many cases, out of date. In the volumes on Palaeontology from I to VII, are described and figured most of the fossils of New York state from the Potsdam sandstone to the Chemung. Volume VIII gives a revision of the Brachiopoda. To these volumes, therefore, the student should refer for the identiti- cation of such forms as he may find in his field excursions. A few of the more common species are figured in Dana’s Manual of Geology, which should be in the hands of every student. For those | pursuing more critical studies, the work of S. A. Miller on North American Geology and Palaeontology is of great value as it gives a complete list of all Palaeozoic fossils described up to the date of its publication and indicates the more modern names in the many cases where there has been a change of nomenclature. Of the eight volumes of New York palaeontology mentioned, the first two are out of print and are only to be had from dealers in second hand books, but they will probably be found in most of the public libraries of New York state. The remaining volumes are sold at $2.50 each. ! THE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF NEW YORK AND THE ORIGIN OF THE STATE MUSEUM The New York State Museum, organized by act of legislature in 1870 under the title of the State Museum of Natural History and placed under the trusteeship of the Regents of the University, is the result of the geological survey of the state commenced in 1836. i THE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF NEW YORK 241 This survey was established at the expressed wish of the peo- ple to have some definite and positive knowledge of the mineral resources and the vegetable and animal productions of the state. Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer was the patron of the first enter- prise of this kind, and had published much valuable information, but it was felt that a more thorough investigation was needed. The idea was fully expressed in a memorial presented by the Albany Institute to the state legislature in 1834, in which the object was thus stated: ‘to form a grand and comprehensive collection of the natural productions of the state of New York; to exhibit at one view, and under one roof, its animal, vegetable and mineral wealth.’ In 1835 the New York Tchiin of Natural History presented a memorial to the legislature on the same subject, and it is pre- sumed that this memorial and the influences prompting the re- quest of the Albany Institute, induced the legislature of 1835 to pass a resolution requesting the secretary of state to report to that body a plan for ‘a complete geological survey of the state, which should furnish a scientific and perfect account of its rocks, soils and minerals; also a list of its mineralogical, botanical and zoological productions, and provide for procuring and preserving specimens of the same, etc.’ Pursuant to this request, Hon. John A. Dix, then secretary of state, presented to the legislature of 1836, a report proposing a plan for a complete geological, botanical and zoological survey of the state. The scientific staff of the natural history survey of 1837 was appointed by Governor Seward pursuant to an act of the legis- lature, and consisted of John Torrey, botanist, James E. De Kay, zoologist, Lewis C. Beck, mineralogist, W. W. Mather, Ebenezer Emmons, Lardner Vanuxem and James Hall, geologists, and Timothy A. Conrad, paleontologist. The state was divided into four districts, each of which was assigned to a geologist in the order given. The heads of the several departments reported annually to the governor the results of their investigations, and these constituted 9492 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM the annual octavo reports which were published from 1837 to 1841. The final reports were published in quarto form, beginning at the close of the field work in 1841, and 3,000 sets have been distributed, comprising four volumes of geology, one of mineral- ogy, two of botany, five of zoology, five of agriculture and eight of palaeontology. . The collections in the several departments were supposed to re- quire a room of some magnitude, and it was thought that such could be found in the third story of the old capitol, by taking away a partition and throwing into one, two rooms used by com- mittees; but long before the completion of the survey it was evi- dent that the collections would require much more space than the capitol rooms would afford, and in 1840 Gov. Seward, in response to a memorial urging ‘ the importance of providing suitable rooms ora separate building for the collections made during the sur- vey,’ recommended that the old State hall on the corner of State and Lodge streets be used for that purpose. This old building was replaced in 1857 by a new one, Geological and Agricultural hall, and the collections which at first were to find place in two committee rooms, now occupy a large part of the main floor and three entire floors above, besides storage ac- commodations in the basement. These collections form a scientific museum of great interest and value, and its publications are recognized among the works of standard authority in science. The geological survey of New York has been comprehensive and extended, yet some portions of the work are still incomplete; the northern part of the state has been but partially studied, and its geologic structure is but im- perfectly known. oy This museum, with its extensive and increasing collections and publications, plays an important part in the educational system of the state, since ithe importance of this kind of education has become so fully and generally recognized. Although neither coal nor mines of gold or silver have been found within the state, it has been shown that New York pos- sesses the most complete and unbroken series of the Palaeozoic THE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF NEW YORK 243 or older fossiliferous rocks known in the world; and that for these the collections of the museum with the nomenclature adopted by the geological survey of New York will always be the standard of reference and authority. It may justly be said that Hon. John A. Dix, as secretary of state, in 1836 laid the foundation of this museum and of all the scientific ‘and practical results which have accrued from the in- auguration of the geological survey of the state of New York. At the time of the final arrangement of the collections of the geological survey, in 1843, very little was known in this country regarding museums of natural history, and no true appreciation of what such an institution should be, existed, except in the minds of a few persons. It is not strange, therefore, that there should have been a general acquiesence in the proposition that the collections of the geological survey should be deposited in the old State hall for ‘safe keeping,’ and the idea of constant and steady increase toward a great museum of natural history was scarcely, if at all promulgated. The collections and the rooms that they occupied were placed in charge of a curator, Mr. J. W. Taylor, who was succeeded by Mr. John Gebhard, Jr, and he in turn in 1857 by Colonel Jewett. The small annual appropriations made by the legislature were only sufficient for the custody and very moderate increase of the collection. Mat- ters remained in this condition till 1865, when the legislature passed some resolutions tending to the expansion of the museum; and, following these, the secretary of the board of regents ad- dressed a circular letter to numerous scientific men, professors and teachers, asking suggestions as to the best mode of putting in force the objects of the legislature as expressed in the reso- lutions referred to. The communications in reply to this were published in the 19th report of the State Cabinet, together with a recommenda- tion of the committee of the regents to whom the subject had been referred. This recommendation became the first step to- ward an improved condition, and a recognition of the necessity of regarding the museum as a series of collections in natural history which were to be increased and elaborated in every de- 7 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM partment. In 1865 Col. Jewett resigned and was succeeded by James Hall. : The discovery of the mastodon skeleton at Cohoes, in the summer of 1866, and its acquisition by the State Cabinet, attracted much attention toward the institution. At the next legislature successful application was made for $5,000 to purchase the Gould collection of shells and this accession of 60,000 specimens repre- senting 6,000 species was generally appreciated. The new capitol commissioners, wishing information as to the sources of building material, engaged the curator of the State Cabinet to make a reconnaissance which resulted in a report to the commissioners, and the acquisition to the State Cabinet, by this and other means, of a large collection of marbles, limestones, sandstones and granites which are now included in the collection which occupies two sides of the entrance hall of the museum. At first the State Cabinet received no regular or fixed appro- priation of money from the legislature, but in 1870 a law was passed organizing the same, under the designation of the State Museum of Natural History, and appropriating $10,000 annually to provide for the salaries of the director and three assistants, together with the expenses of increase and preservation of the collections. In addition to this, a sum was annually appropri- ated for the salary of a botanist, and special appropriations have been made from time to time. In 1881 a state entomologist was appointed and in 1883 was made a member of the museum staff. 6 The present appropriation of $12,000 is quite inadequate to the requirements of such a museum, but a visible and substantial progress is made in each of the departments, as shown in the increasing order and the additions to the collections, as recorded in the annual museum reports. In 1889 the State Museum was made an integral part of the University of the State of New York. In 1894 the present director was appointed. Most of the museum remains on the four floors of Geological hall on State street, at the corner of Lodge. Here are the collections in mineralogy, geol-. ogy, palaeontology, zoology and ethnology and the offices of the director and his assistants. The state geologist and palaeontolo- THE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF NEW YORK. 245 gist and his staff have their offices in State ball in Eagle street, and the entomologist and botanist are in the north east section of the fourth floor of the capitol. The State Museum in addition to its work of collecting material representative of the natural resources of the state, is also the seat of the geologic and nat- ural history survey which has been in progress since 1832, and under the auspices of which numerous reports have been pub- lished on geology, palaeontology, zoology and botany. The mu- seum is open to the public from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m. daily except on Sundays and other holidays. Inasmuch as the State Museum comprises all scientific work intrusted to the regents it is proper to mention the resurvey of the boundary line between New York and the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. This was done in accordance with res- olutions passed by the legislature in 1867 and in 1875, and by the laws of 1880 the boundary lines resurveyed and monumented under the direction of the regents were accepted as the true boundaries of the state. OFFICERS OF THE STATE MUSEUM Administrative division Frederick J. H. Merrill, Ph. D. (Columbia)............ Director By CR TT CLON STU LL Ee aa Ra Ree ap Honorary curator in archaeology dN. N@Vile 5) 5s 1 ashe as ee a AE etal ge Assistant SU AMITI Nge oes esent wine ie eerie cn enn ei o gel e accee Page Research division {James Hall, M. A. (Rensselaer polytechnic) LL. D. (Harvard) State geologist and paleontologist Charies H. Peck Mo A. (Union) oe ete ee State botanist Wd. A HABTHer EY He SON ee he ie ee wine & State entomologist - John M. Clarke, M. A. (Amherst) Assistant state geologist and paleontologist Pip TASH LUA iat. Gleeson. Lithographer } SGML ME ES NIE so ha ga sls ole ne nee hice Draftsman | Geologist’s Marua Sheehy ost Sock ec oeuk eee ee Messenger | assistants FaGOR Varn JICNGO ae ese eka hes ee eee eee Clerk | Ephraim Porter Felt, B. S. (Boston) Sc. D. (Cornell) | Entomologist’s assistant * Died May 5, 1898. + Died August 7, 1898. PON EX. The superior figure shows the exact place on the page n ninths; e. g. 1217 means seven-ninths of the way down page 121. Acadian group, 1431, 1442. Actinolite, 1215. Adirondacks, Plutonic rocks, 1245, 1592; Archaean rocks, 1409-41%; limestone, 1428; sandstone, 1428, 1447; iron cres, 2188. Aeons, see Geologic time. Aguotozoic series, 1359, 1414. Air, 119°; geologic changes produced by, 1284, 1792, 2395. Albany county, Hudson river group, 1496 ; lower Helderberg group, 1578. Albite, 1212. Amphiboles, 1215. _ Andesite, 1212, 1252, Animals, classification, 130-31. Auorthite, 1212. Anorthosite, 1411. Authony’s Nose, 124°. Antwerp red hematites, 219°. Apatite, localities producing, 2338. Aragonite, 1208. Archaean series, 1385-406 ; term defined, 138°; exposures, 1388-414; typical localities, 1406-414, Archaean time, 1359. Archaeopteryx, 1727. Argillite, 1961. Aristotle, geologic observations of, 1137. Arrow-heads, material, 1737. Arsenic, localities producing, 2318. Asbestus, 1217, Ashburner, C: A., articles on produc- tion of oil, 2282. Asphalt, 1227, Atmosphere, see Air. Augite, 1218, 1252, — LL LT Barite, localities producing, 2339. Basalt, 1252; constituents, 1218. Beaver, fossil, 1789. Beck, L. C., mineralogist, 2418. Biotite, 1222. Birds, of Jurassic period, 1727; of Tertiary period, 175°, Birdseye limestone, 1475, 1479-484, 200°. Bishop, I. P., photographs by, 1109. Black lead, 1227. Black marble, 148°. Black river limestone, 147°, 1484. Blue Ridge, formation, 1516, Bluestone, 1924-933. Boundary line, resurvey, 245%. Breakneck mountain, 1245. Bronze age, 1797. Bronzite, 1222, Brown hematite ore, see Limonite. Brownstone, 1954. Building stones, 1483, 1493, 1527, 1606, 181-204. Burden iror mines, 2221, Calcareous tufa, 1207, 2032; localities producing, 2342. Caiciferous group, 1468-474. Calciferous sandrock, 199°. Caleite, 1206; localities producing, 2342, Cambrian system, 1384, 1422-463; origin of name, 1424; depth in Washington county, 1459; life of, 1461. Cannon’s Point, 1246, Carbonate of lime, localities produc- ing, 2342. Carbonate ores, 2219-224. Carbonic acid gas, 2288, \ 248 NEW YORK Carboniferous system, 1375, 1661-705; life of, 1701. Cashaqua shale, 1643. Catskill group, 1651, 1946, Catskill limestone, 1577. Catskills, conglomerate, 166°. Cauda galli grit, 1595, 1914, 2073. Cement, hydraulic, 1565. Cement, lime and, 2225, Cenozoic time, 1357, 1747-794. Chalcopyrite, 1227. Chalk, 1733. Champlain valley, calciferous sand- rock, 1473; Chazy limestone, 1477; clays, 2117-123. Chazy limestone, 1475, 2002. Chemieal history of the earth, 117?-185. Chemical rocks, 125°, Chemung group, 1647, 1939-945. Chert, 1737. Chromite, localities producing, 2322. Chrysolite, 1224. Clarke, J: M., papers on geology of New York, 2373. Classification, of geologic time and strata, 135-36. Clay, 1208, 1255, 1773, 2083-139; pro- ducts, 2133, Clay-slate, 1961. Clinton county, sandstone, 1452. Clinton group, 1531, 1908-912. Clinton ores, 2198-206, Coal, 1227; vegetable origin, 1257, 1682; shales resembling, 1628; in Pottsville conglomerate, 1674; fossils of coal measures, 1691; localities producing, 1696, 2349, system. Cobblestones, 2037. Cocktail fucoid, 1597. Cohoes mastodon, 2441, Colorado group, 1744. Columbia county, calciferous lime- stone, 1473; limonites, 2207-217; spathic iron ore, 2219-224, Conglomerate, 1206, 1254, 1275, 1666. See also Oneida conglomerate; Potts- ville conglomerate, See also Carboniferous STATE MUSEUM Connecticut brownstone, 1956. Conrad, T. A., palaeontologist, 2418. Copper ore, 1227; localities me 2323, Corniferous limestone, 160?, 2022, Corundum, 1227, 2266, | med _Cretaceous system, 1738-746 ; life of, 174°, Crust of the earth, 1166-172, 1197. Crustaceans, 1419. Crystalline limestone, 1262, 1388, 1991 constituents, 1216. Crystalline rocks, 1367, 1832. Crystallography, 1209. Dakota group, 1744. Dana, J. D., Manual of lithology and sieenatias 1209; Manual of geology, 1512, 2377. Darton, N. H., photographs by, 1109- 111; bulletin on North America geology, 2374. De Kay, J. E., zoologist, 2418. Devonian system, 1377, 1584-659; origin of name, 158°; life of, 1657. Diabase, 125? ; aguatiabuane! 1218, Diamonds, 1228. Diatomaceous earth, 2267. Diopside, 1219. Diorite, 1833, 1252, 1388. Dix, Jobn A., plan for geologic survey, 2416; founder of museum, 2432. Dolomite, 1207. Dover mountain, formation, 1409. Dutchess county, limestone, 1428, 1432; quartzite, 1434; calciferous lime- stone, 1473; limonites, 2207-217. Dwight, W: B., geologic studies, 142°. Dykes, 1399-403, Dynamic geology, 1281-292, Earth, origin of, 1148-172; crust, 1166 172, 1197; chemical history, 1173-18° ; present condition of interior, 1186 191; envelopes, 1192. Economic geology, 181-234. Elementary substances, 1166-172. Se ee | INDEX TO MUSEUM BULLETIN 19 Elephant, fossil, 178°. Emeralds, 1228. Emery, 1227, 2266. Emmons, Ebenezer, geologist, 2418; statement quoted, 1104; geologic re- port, 2366, Encrinal limestone, 1634. Enstatite, 1222. Entomologist, state, appointed, 2447. Envelopes of the earth, 1192. Eocene, 174%. Erie county, hydraulic cement, 1565. Feldspars, 1209, 1211. Fertilizers, 2236, 2246, 2277, Field work, 238°-407,. Fishes, 1157, 1418; of Carboniferous system, 1702; of Cretaceous period, 1748 ; of Devonian system, 158°, 1658; of Jurassic period, 1728; of Lower Silurian system, 1506; of Mesozoic time, 1707; of Tertiary period, 1757; of Triassic period, 1715, 1723, Flagstone, 1527, 1644, 1864. Flint, 1736. Fluorite, localities producing, 2344, Ford, 8. W., geologic studies, 142°, Formations, geologic, of New York, 137-79; trinity of, 127°: Fossil ores, 2198-206. Fossils, bibliography, 2402; disintegra- tion, 2394-407; early mention of, 1137-146; of Acadian group, 1432; in Black River limestone, 148°; of Cam- brian system, 1424; of Carboniferous system, 170!; in Catskill group, 165°; in Cauda galli grit, 1597; in Cham- plain valley clays, 2122; in Clinton group, 1534; of coal measures, 1691; of Devonian system, 1657; of Georgian group, 1433; in Lower Silurian sys- tem, 150°; in Niagara limestone, 2013; in Oriskany sandstone, 1593; in Potsdam group, 1429; of Quater- nary system, 1786-794; of Triassic system, 1715; of Upper Silurian sys- tem, 1582. See also Palaeontology. 249 Franklin county, sandstone, 1452, Freestone, 186%, 195°. Gabbro, 1832. Galenite, 1228; localities producing, 2328, Gardeau shale, 1643, Garnet, 1226, 2259, Gebhard, John, jr, curater of museum, 2438, Geikie, Sir Archibald, geology, 2377. Genesee river falls, 1547. Genesee rock, 1638-641, Genesee valley, salt wells, 1556, 2244. Geologic formations, of New York, 137-79. Geologic map of New York, 237°. Geologic series, 1264, 136°. Geologie strata, see Strata. Geologic time, classification, 135-36 Geology, defined, 113°; history as a Text-book of science, 1133-147; beginning of geologic history, 1148; historic, 1268-279. See also Dynamic geology. Georgian group, 1432-441, Glacial drift, 2033-43, Glaciers, 1767. Glass sand, 2254. Gneiss, 1259, 1388, 1832, 2053; constitu- ents, 1222; exposures, 1407. Gold, ore, 1227; mining in New York, 2316, Goniatite limestone, 1628. Gould collection of shells, 2442. Granite, 1252, 1388, 1814-834, 2049-53, 2056; constituents, 1215, 1222, Granitic rocks, 1814-849, Graphite, 1227, 2248, Gravel, 1205, 1254; as road metal, 2082, Greene county, Helderberg group, 1578, Groups, 1366. Guide to geology of New York and to the state geological cabinet, by Ledyard Lincklaen, 1096-103, Gypsum, 1227, 1256, 1557, 2246, lower 250 NEW YORK Halite, see Rock salt. Hall, James, statements quoted, 110; acknowledgement to, 1115; geologic reports, 2366; geologist, 2418; curator of museum, 2441, Hamilton group, shale, 1631, Haverstraw stone, 1959. Helderberg rocks, 1567-581, Hematite, 1227, 2192. Highlands, formation, 1245, 1392, 1396, 1408; magnetic iron ores, 2168-185, Historic geology, 1263-279. Hornblende, 1215, 1251, 1824, 2049-51, Hornstone, 1737. ““ Horses,”’ 2173. Hudson river, carbonate ores, 2219-224, Hudson river bluestone, 1924. Hudson river sandstone, 1884. - Hudson river group, 1493-504. Hudson valley, clays, 2106-116, Hunt, T. S., quoted, 11786. Hydraulic cement, 156°. Hydromiea sehist, 1261. Hypersthene, 1222, 1251: Ice age, 1759-772. Igneous rocks, 1232, 1241-253, constitu- ents, 1224. Illuminating gas, 2279, Infusorial earth, 2268. Iron age, 179%. Iron ores, 2144-224; localities produc- ing, 2319. 1622-641, 1918-923; Jefferson county, sandstone, 1452; Black river limestone, 1486; hema- tite, 2192. Jewett, Ezekiel, curator of museum, 2436; resignation, 2441, Jurassic system, 1723-732; life of, 1726- 732, Kaolin deposits, 2132. Kaolinite, 1207, Kemp, J. F., Geology of Moriah and Westport townships, 2146, Kittatinny mountains, formation, 1516, STATE MUSEUM Labradorite, 1212, Lake Champlain, iron ores, 2186-191, Lake Mohonk, on Shawangunk grit, 1518, Lakes of central New York, 1616. Lapworth, ——, geologic studies, 1465, _Laramie group, 1744. Laurentian rocks of Canada, 1387. Lead ore, 1227; localities producing, 2328, Lenticular iron ores, 2198, Lewis county, Potsdam sandstone exposures, 1451; Hudson river group, 1496, Lignite, localities producing, 2354. Lime and cement, 222°, Limestone, 1257, 1275, 1969-2033; con- stituents, 1219, 1949-955; of Acadian group, 144%; of Adirondacks, 1428; of Dutchess county, 1432; of lower Silurian system, 1468-493; Trenton group, 1475; of upper Helderberg group, 1589-601; of upper Silurian 1531-581; of Washington See also Crystalline -limestone; Magnesian limestone; Tully limestone; Upper Helderberg limestone. Limonites, 2207-218, Lincklaen, Ledyard, Guide to geology of New York and to the state geological cabinet, 109°-103, Lithology, manual of, 120°. Littlefalls, Archaean rocks, 1389-391; pre-Cambrian rocks, 1413; calciferous sandrock, 1471. Long Island, terminal moraine, 176°, 2038, Long Island clays, 2124. Longmeadow sandstone, 195°, Lower Helderberg group, 1574-581. Lower Helderberg limestones, 2015. Lower Pentamerus limestone, 1577. Lower Silurian system, 1383, 1464-507; life of, 1505, Ludlowville shale, 1634. system, county, 1437. INDEX TO MUSEUM BULLETIN 19 Lyell, Sir Charles, Principles of geology, 113°, 2378; division of European Ter- tiary, 1748. — Mac Farlane, James, Geological rail- way guide, 2377. Magnesia-iron silicates, 1209, 1214. Magnesian limestone, 1207, 205%. Magnesite, localities producing, 234°. Magnetic iron ores, 2168-191. _Magnetite, 1227. Mammals, of Mesozoic time, 1707; of Jurassic period, 1728; of Cretaceous period, 174°; of Tertiary period, 175°. Man, age of, 179°. Manganese, localities producing, 2333. Marble, 1443, 1978-983, Marcellus shale, 1625, 191°. Marl, 2235. Massive rocks, see Igneous rocks. Mastodon, 1786; Cuhoes, 2441. Mather, W. W., statements quoted, 1104; geologic reports, 236°; geolo- gist, 2418. Mauch Chunk group, 1669-67}. Mechanica! rocks, 1254. Medina sandstone, 1524; 1897-908. Mesozoic time, 1357, 1706-747. Metallic minerals, 231°. Metamorphic rocks, 1232, 1258-263. Mica, 1222; localities producing, 2346, Mica schist, 1261. Microcline, 1211, Miller, S. A., North American geology and paleontology, 240°. Millerite, localities producing, 2333. Millstones, 2238, Mineral paint, 2229. Mineral waters, 2293-30. Mineralogy, manual of, 1209. Minerals, defined, 1198; classification, 1201-229; number of species, 1204; commercially unimportant, 2313-34, Miocene, 1749. Mohawk valley, pre-Cabimiian rocks, 1413; Birdseye limestone, 1479-484 ; Trenton limestone, 1492; river group, 1496. y Hudson 251 Molding sand, 2257. Molybdenum, localities producing, 233°. Moscow shale, 1634. Mt Marcy, 124°, 1411. Mt Whiteface, 124°. Mud stone, 1279. Murchison, Sir Roderick, studies, 1465, 158°. Muscovite, 122%; localities producing, 2346, geologic Natural gas, 2283. Natural history survey of New York, 2408-432; scientific staff, 2417. Nebular hypothesis, 1153-166, New York city, rocks, 1406, 1504. New York state geologic formation, 137-79; present surface, 1798-809. Newberry, Dr. J: §., acknowledgment to, 1115. Niagara cataract, how produced, 1541, Niagara county, 1566. Niagara group, 1537-54", Niagara limestone, 2012. Niagara river, Medina sandstone, 152°, Nickel, localities producing, 2334. hydraulic cement, Non-metallic minerals, localities pro- ducing, 2337-349. Norite, 1252, 1388, 1411, 1834. Nyack stone, 1959. Officers of state niuseum, 246. Olean conglomerate, 1676. Oligoclase, 1212. Olivine, 1224, 1252. Oneida conglomerate, 1513, 1891. Oneida county, Hudson river group 1498, Oneonta sandstone, 1934. Onondaga county, waterlime, 156°; limestone, 1627. Onondaga limestone, 1605, 2022. Onondaga salt group, 1548-566. Oolitic ore, 2198. Orange county, caleiferous limestone, 1473, Orauge mountains, formation, 171%. 252 Ordovician system, see Lower Silurian system. Organic rocks, 1257. Oriskiny saudstoue, 157%, 1591, 1912. Orleans county, hydraulic cement, 1566, Orthoclase, 1211, 1251. Oswego county, Hudson river group, 1496, Outerops, 238-394. _ Oysters, 1732; of Tertiary period, 1757. Packard, A. S., First lessons in zoology, - extract from, 132. Palaeontology, 1293-302. sils. Palaeozoic series, 1416-705; in New York, 1346, 2429-482, Palaeozoic time, 1358. - Palisades, igneous rocks, 1245, 1404, 1717; trap-rocks, 1844, 2049. Peat, 2277. Pentamerus limestones, 2015. Periods, 1361. Permian formation, 1698-701. Petrified wood, 1791. Petroleum, 2278. Phosphate of lime, localities producing, 2338. Photographs, 1108-111. Physiography of New York, 1341-353. Plagioclase, 1213-1251, Plants, classification, 1331; develop- ment, 1421, 1695; of Cambrian sys- tem, 146%; of Carboniferous system, 170°; of Devonian system, 1659; of Mesozoic time, 1707; See also Fos- outcrops of Tertiary period, 1757; of Upper Silurian sys- tem, 158+. Pliocene, 174%. Plutonic rocks, 1244, 1252, 1392, Pocono group, 166°. Porphyry, 1253. Portage group, 1642, 1934. Potsdam group, 1428, 1444-459, Potsdam sandstone, 1445-45°, 1875-883, Potter’s clay, 1208, NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pottery, manufacture of, 1742. Pottsville, conglomerate, 1672-698. Precious metals, see Gold; Silver. Proterozoic series, 1414. | Proterozoic time, 1358. } Putnam, B. F., article on iron ores, 2145, Putnam county, calciferous limestone, 1473, Pyrite, localities producing, 231%. Pyroxene, 1217, 1219, 1824. Pythagoras, geologic observations, 1137, Quartz, 1205, 1209, 1252, 2249, Quartzite, 1206, 1434. Quaternary system, 1758-794; fossils of, 1786-794. Red sandstone, 1717, 1951. Reindeer, fossil, 1789. Rensselaer county, rocks, 1433; fossils, 1438; roofing slate, 1441. Rensselaer plateau, 1519-521. Reptiles, of Carboniferous system, 1704; of Cretaceous period, 174°; of Jurassic period, 1726; of Mesozoic time, 1707; of Tertiary period, 175°; of Triassic period, 1722. Rbyolite, 1253. Ries, Dr. Heinrich, photographs by, 1109. Road metal, 159°, 1847, 1915, 2044-82; quarries, 2045-56; requisite qualities, 2078. Rock cities, 1676. Rock salt, 1227, 1256, Rockland county, stone, 1473. Rocks, 1231-262; defined, 1197. See also Igneous rocks; Metamorphic rocks; Sedimentary rocks. \ Roofing slate, 1261, 1433, 1439-441, 1961. Rosenbusch classification, 1248-253. Rossie hematites, 2198. Rubies, 1228. caleiferous lime- ‘gs INDEX TO MUSEUM BULLETIN 19 St Lawrence county, sandstone, 1452; hematite, 2192. Salina group, 1548-566. Salt, 2239, Salt springs, 1552, Sand, 120°, 1254. Sandrock, 1433. Sandstone, 1254, 1275, 1716, 1851-959; composition, 1206; as road metal, 2054 ; of Cambrian system, 1428, 1437 ; Hudson river group, 1494; Mauch Chunk group, 1669; of Pocono age, 1667. Seealso Clinton group; Medina sandstone; Oriskany sandstone; Potsdam sandstone; Red sandstone. Sapphires, 1228. Saratoga county, limestone, 1428. Sehist, 1261. . Sehoharie county, lower Helderberg group, 1578, Schoharie grit, 1598-602, 1914. Scutella limestone, 1576. Sea weeds, 146%, 1506, 1583. Sedgwick, Adam, geologic studies, 1424.» Sedimentary rocks, 1232, 125%, 1265-279. Seneca limestones, 2022. Seneca oil, 2279. Septaria, 1646. Sericite, 1224. Series, see Geologic series. Serpentine, 1412, 2193, 2218; compo- sition, 1225; localities producing, 2348. Shale, 1255, 1275, 2141; constituents, 1208 ; of Cambrian system, 1431, 1437; of Hudson river group, 1494; Maueb Chunk group, 1669; Portage group, 1642; as road metal, 208!; of Upper Silurian system, 1531-561. See also Hamilton shale; Marcellus shale. Shawangunk grit, 151°. Shawangunk mountain, Oneida con- glomerate, 1891. ; Silurian system, origin of term, 1464. See also Lower Silurian Upper Silurian system. system ; 253 Silver, ore, 1227; mining in New York | 2315. Slates, 1262, 1431, 1437, 1494, 1638, 1961. See also Roofing slate. Smock, J. C., bulletin on iron ores, 2144. Soda ash, 2243, Spathic iron ore, 1227, 2219-228, Spirophyton cauda galli, 1594. Sprakers, pre-Cambrian rocks, 1413. Stafford limestone, 1627. Stages, 1366. Stalactites, 1207. State museum, origin, 2408, 2432; quarters, 2422, 2448-452; organiza- tion, 2445; officers, 246. Staten Island, clays, 2131; limonites, 2218. Staurolite, 1226. Stissing mountaiv, Archaean rocks, 1409; quartzite, 1434; marble and limestone, 1443. Stockbridge, limestone, 1444, Stone age, 1796. Storm King, 1245. Strata, thickness, 126+; 135-36, 2383. Sulphur, localities producing, 2318. Survey of New York, 2408-432. Syenite, 1252. Synopses, see Tables. Syracuse, salt springs, 1552, 2229. Systems, defined, 1365. classification, Tables, classification of animal life, 1311-322; classification of geologic time and strata, 1354-366; classifica- tion of plant life, 133; - geologic formations of New York, 1379-38; iron ores, 2151; Rosenbusch classifi- cation, 1251; sedimentary rocks, 125°. Taconic rocks, 150}. Tale, 2275. Talcose schist, 1261. Taylor, J. W., curator of museum, 2435, 954 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Tentaculite fossils, 1579-581. Tentaculite limestones, 2015. Terminal moraine, 176, 203°. Tertiary system, 1748-757; life of, 175°. Text-books on geology, 2363-382. Time, see Geologic time. Torn mountain, 184+. Torrey, John, botanist, 2418. Trachyte, 1252. Trap, 1399, 1412, 1844, 2044, 2058. Travertine, 1207; localities producing, 2342, Trenolite, 1215. Trenton group, 1475-493. Trenton limestone, 1475, 1488-493, 2001-11, Triassic formation, 1951. Triassic system, 1711-722; life of, 1721. Tuffs, 1255. ' Tully limestone, 1636, 2029-31. Ulster county, spathic iron ore, 2219- 224, Upper Devonian rocks, 1609-622. Upper Helderberg limestone, 1602, 2021. Upper Silurian system, 1381, 1507-583; life of, 1582. Utica slate, 1494. Van Rensselaer, Stephen, patron of first survey, 2412. . Vanuxem, Lardner, statements quoted, 1104; geologic report, 2366; geolo- gist, 2418. Vegetable life, 1331. Vinci, Leonardo da, geologic observa- tions, 1141, } Volcanic rocks, 1244, 1252, Walcott, C. D., Bulletin of the U. S. geological survey no. Sr, 1103; geo- logic studies, 1425, Warsaw, salt wells, 1556. Washington connty, limestone, 1428; rocks, 1433; quartzite, 1437; roofing slate, 1439-441; Cambrian forma- tions, 1459) °°" | Water, geologic changes produced by, 1284, 1792, 2395. Waterlime, 1562, 2015. Westchester county, Archaean gneiss, 1407; calciferous limestone, 1473; rocks, 1504. Xenophanes, geologic observations, Le Zinc, localities producing, 2332. Zircon, 1226, 4 | 4 ‘ ee a a ee ee PLATE IV. LXXXVII. ‘eXk VIII. 8.408 XC. Index to plates in geologic order. ~ Igneous. FACING PAGE Granite Dyke in Hudson River Schist, South Side of 192d St., NY 0s aN rn as eee in aaa oe Se wince sine oo = Igneous Granite on Lower Silurian Limestone, 192d St., New WaT GY are re eee coming tao kaos ne Hoe Exposure of Serpentine Rock, Hoboken, N. J. Derived from the Chemical Alteration of an Igneous Rock....-....-...-- Palisades of the Hudson River. Seen from Hastings, West- chester county. Triassic Diabase Overlying Sandstone Wiehe Coneealeu py the. alus o.oo oot 7.5. -- on cola ee Palisades of the Hudson River, from Fort Lee, N. J.; View BEV HSE MES DO oo hey sain inn a Wix'c' clam. a) a eee Sl Palisades of the Hudson, The; View Northward from Engle- NDA NaN eh arte ania Sip fa eid ois/s Seta So Enea ese Ras e e Triassic Diubase Exposed in a Cut for the Orange Mountain CAM Aaa OTRO! Ns a atcc ais Say ae sae aes ic Sees) ae Triassic Sandstone, Contact of Trap and Underlying; south end of Lane’s Quarry, Fort Lee, Bergen county, N. J..... Archaean or Precambrian. Precambrian Gneiss, Mohawk Valley at Littlefalls, Herkimer Precambrian. Folds in Fordham Gneiss, north side of 138th street, east of 7th avenue, New York city -.---....-...- ee Precambrian. View from Peekskill. Highlands of the Hud- Precambrian. Anthony’s Nose and Manitou Mountain. Eeniands or the Hadsomics. 252.52 oo boo. Sec Es. Lies Precambrian. Crow Nest and Storm King. Highlands of WIMORIMMGUH esos) ee eee sed ve ca cd Caeee VU Le dec ekied Precambrian. View of the Highlands of the Hudson and Sugar Loaf Mountain, from Ft. Montgomery, Orange PN ical ea en's Ola mime we CLR eller aa eae Precambrian Granite. Breakneck Mountain, seen from the Shore Opposite Cold Spring, Putnam county.....-.-...-... Precambrian and Lower Silurian. Fishkill Mountain, seen from Cornwall, Orange county ................-.-....-..-- 124 124 172 172 172 172 138 140 140 140 140 140 140 XXV. ay: CVIII. XXIV. CVI. _ NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM FACING PAGE Precambrian Gneiss, Gorge of the Hudson River, Luzerne, Warren county, and Hadley, Saratoga county-........-... Precambrian Rocks, Adirondack Mountains, Avalanche hake, Masexieowstliy. £2 ote Desist. et Se oe ee ee Precambrian Rocks, North End of Willsboro Tunnel, shore of iaake Champlain, Essex county 2.022... - 22. -222ee ae Precambrian Marble, E. E. Stevens’ Quarry, three miles south of Canton, St. Lawrence county. -.-.-....---..---.- Precambrian, Empire Marble Co.’s Quarry, near Gouverneur, St. Lawrenes county 2.2. .5.-22- sai ae soe ee Precambrian Gneiss, Dodge Farm, Macomb, St. Lawrence county. Potsdam Sandstone Resting Unconformably upon, Precambrian Gneiss, Hudson River, near Jessup’s Landing, Saratoga county. Potsdam Sandstone Resting Unconform- Precambrian Crystalline Rocks, Mosherville, Saratoga county, Potsdam Conglomerate on-.-.--...-.-..---=-.---. Precambrian Crystalline Schists, West Shore R. R. Cutting, ene mile west of Downing Station, Montgomery county. Calciferons sandrock Resting on: ...-..-2..-.5--4.>-peeee Precambrian. Granite Quarry, Round Island, near Peekskill, Westchester county... 2... 226. sb sees ne! eee Precambrian, Interior of Nortbern New York Marble Co.’s Quarry, near Gouverneur, St. Lawrence county..--.----- Cambrian. Potsdam Sandstone, Quarry of Merritt & Tappan, three miles south of Potsdam, St. Lawrence county ---......--- Potsdam Sandstone, Resting Unconformably upon Precam- brian Gneiss, Dodge Farm, Macomb, St. Lawrence county, Potsdam Sandstone Resting Unconformably on Precambrian Gneiss, Hudson River, near Jessup’s Landing, Saratoga eomnby ¢ oi Ce. - 2 4e tet ees gs 8 ee Potsdam Sandstone. Hell Gate, Ausable Chasm, Clinton commiy! & i+ Jk: ee Ks 2 pe Se 4c. 5 Be eae ~ one Potsdam Sandstone, Grand Flume, Ausable Chasm, Clinton county OY ee Ae ee Ee SON: Te Re ST Te Potsdam Conglomerate, Mosherville, Saratoga county. Glaci- dted Surface: of it.:)4 332+ vee seen Ye eae eel oe Potsdam Conglomerate on Precambrian Crystalline Rocks, Mosherville, Saratoga county Potsdam Sandstone, Clarkson’s Quarry, three miles south of © Potsdam, St. Lawrenee, county. . 2... .<25 «2.255 sanens acon 144 144 PLATE XXV. XXXVI. XXVII. XXXIV. XXVIII. XXIX. TEXIX. CVIL. CIX. 5.6.9. XXXI. XXXII. XXXII. CXIV. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVI. XXX VIII. XXXIX. INDEX TO PLATES IN GEOLOGIC ORDER Lower Se O57 FACING PAGE Calciferous Sandrock Resting on Precambrian Crystalline Schists, West Shore R. R. cutting, one mile west of Down- ning Station, Montgomery county ...-.-.--.---.2--. ..-=.- Calciferous Sandrock, East Canada Creek, Herkimer county, ONG MMIC MONE UAIMOUIN 62 JUSS 55 2555 SES ec ean) oes a new e Culciferous Sandrock, East Canada Creek, two miles above its ineuihe ierkimer county 2.2022 ..022)2. 9-37 s--5-- soe eee Calciferous Sandrock, Utica Shale and Trenton Limestone, Canajoharie, Montgomery county....-.-....---..--------- Calciferous-Trenton Limestone, Plain of; view of Inwood, Manha timn Asta ooo hao Sas Hees Stee oe = Tee Calciferous-Trenton, Metamorphosed; Marble Quarry, Sing Sine.) Wiese hesher Counly ..500 Pose 2 wot ieee Calciferous-Trenton Limestone, Metamorphosed Hudson River Mica Schist Overlying Semi-crystalline; Verplanck’s Point, Westehester county). 22) 223 25..-62 25.2. ed Sek Calciferous-Trenton Limestone, Metamorphosed; Marble Quarry, Tuckahoe, Westchester county.-.-.-..-..-------.-- Calciferous-Trenton Limestone, Metamorphosed ; Limestone Quarry, Tomkins Cove, Rockland couuty ..--.-..-..-..----. Trenton Limestone, Glens Falls on the Hudson River, Saratoga and Warren Padi tetas eam A Trenton Limestoue, Upper Gorge, Trenton Falls, Oneida COUNTY Con sea Seachem oe ead eae aoet s amigas Trenton Limestone, Principal Cascade, Trenton Falls, Daieidar eautby too) eee os eet on ce sin cota eee Trenton Limestone, Spencer Fall, Trenton Falls, Oneida county - Trenton Limestone, Quarry in, Saratoga county, south bank of Hudson River opposite Glens Falls .....---..-...----- Trenton Limestone, Utica Shale and Calciferous Sandrock, Causjoharie, Moutgomery county .. -... ..i.-...----. -----. Utica Shale, Gorge in the; South of Canajokarie, Montgom- seererese ee eces see ce eee eee wee eee ew eee ee tte ewer eee eee PONE tee ce Reba ao ede Stee mnlen om = Sas o Soe Hudson River Group, Fold in Sandstone “of the; Catskill Se RecN OR MEGY 2) ok waco ease Geen Lowe e sb ece Hudson River Shale in Railroad Cutting; Kenwood, Albany Pema UEREN? VEVMIGAL Oe Neste. Oh dete ve ees ebee wee Hudson River Schist, with Pegmatite Veins, Crumpled; opposite 130th street, on west side of St. Nicholas avenue, New: Sock dity--=- .2-.<- 4 Hudson River Mica Schist Overlying Semicrystalline Calciferous-Trenton Limestone, Metamorphosed; Ver- planck’s Point, Westchester county. . 146 146 146 8 146 146 150 198 206 148 148 148 148 222 148 150 150 150 150 150 258 3 XII. XXVIII. XXXIV. XL. XLI. XLII. XLT XLIV. XLV. XLVI. XLVII. XLVIII. 5 Ue L. LI. LIl. La LIV. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM FACING PAGE Hudson River Shale, Oneida Conglomerate Resting on; eastern face of Shawangunk Mountain, two miles south of Lake Mohonk, Ulster county. 2.22200 2952 te eee Hudson River Schist, Granite Dyke in; south side of 192d street,"New? Fork eity ie so ate Ae 192d street, New York city. Ferdous "Granite onl ..a2cie 22 eae ee Re eee Lower Silurian, Precambrian and, Fishkill Mountain. from Cornwall, Orange county Lower Silurian Limestone, Seen eres ere eee eee eee om wees wees Utica Shale, Trenton Limestone and Calciferous Sandrock, Canajobarie, Montgomery county.-.---.- -- Perea ete Upper Silurian. Oneida Conglomerate Resting on Hudson River Shale; Eastern Face of Shawangunk Mountain, two miles south of Lake Mohonk, Ulster county... -.4.4.--- .-<0-0 aoe Shawanguok Grit, Cliffs of; on the West Shore of Lake Mobonk,. Ulster county . 0. i222. ep ean Shawangunk Grit, Awosting Falls over; Peterkill, near Lake Minnewaska, Ulster county, Oneida Conglomerate... ..---- Niagara Gorge near Lewiston, Medina gronp...-...- Ra Niagara River Gorge, south of Lewiston, Niagara county ...- Medina Sandstone; Beach Markings and Seaweed (Arthro- phycas harlani}ion 2 oa ols Oe ee oe eee er Medina Sandstone; Beach Markings on; Lockport, Niagara COMMS 2 oop a'5 meee aes Si gee a ee oe eae eens ee are Medina Grey Sandstone, Falls over; near Lockport, Niagara ~ COUNTY ~.----- --- 222 enn ene ene wee ee enn ae = se gees Medina Grey Sandstone, near eee Niagara county -... Medina and Clinton Groups; Lower Falls of the Genesee River, Monroe county, over the Grey Mediia Sandstone.. Medina, Clinton and Niagara Groups; Gorge of the Gen«see River, Monroe county, below the Lower Falls ..........- Medina and Clinton Groups; Gorge of the Genesee River, Monroe county, below the Lower Falls...-.-.....-....--- Niagara River Gorge, below Devil’s Hole, Niagara pk S New York Central R. R. cut . Niagara River Gorge, south of oni Niagara county. _ “New York Central iicheat oe ek aon rae waar a ee a Niagara River Gorge, Wall of the; American side. View from Foster’s Flats, one aud oue-half wiles north of Sus- pension Bridge . cues Janek wes eeknas bees) eae 152 124 124 140 146 148 PLATE LV. LYNE. LVII. LVIII. LIX. LX. LXI. LXII. LXIII. LXIV.. LXV. LXVI. LXVII. LXVIII. LXIX. LXX. CX. CXV. CXVI. CXVII. CXVIII. CXVIII. CXIX. INDEX TO PLATES IN GEOLOGIC ORDER 259 FACING PAGE Niagara Go-ge below the Suspension Bridge, Niagara county. Nioy fromthe Canad ian side sii. 35202 cite s2c2- nok. Niagara Groups, Medina, Clinton and; Niagara River Gorge from the Suspension Bridge, looking north ....-.......--. Outlet of the Whirlpooi, Niagara River, Niagara couuty. View northward from the Canadian shore......-...----- Niagara Group, Upper Falls of the Genesee River, Rochester, NEsHroe Omit yr: - 1. Sibel ee ce ik 2d Niagara Group, Gorge of the Genesee River below the Upper Falls, Rochester, Monroe county.--i.0.2.5-250 222. -4-. 22 ‘Niagara River, Niagara county. View from bluff near Lewis- ton, looking north. ..-.-. SU eee. athe SEER e En 3 3 ASD Upper Silurian Rocks in road cut near Howe’s Cave, Scho- BALIC COUNSEL J S2U iit on cle Pee eh ee et eck ce EY. Clinton and Salina Groups in West Bank of Rondout Creek, Miah: Dalish dilster eomnty,25 «--- coon Triassic. Triassic Conglomerate, Stony Puint, Rockland county ..-.... Palisades of the Hudson River, from Fort Lee, N. J. View North ward: Along thac sa. fio spo ceee fotos te een ae ‘Palisades of the Hudson, The; View Northward from Engle- ‘wrod, “Grits, Wk de eee eae ra eke ee ese cena cic eon Triassic Diabase Exposed in a Cut for the Orange Mountain Cable Road, Orange, N. J... .-- 2+ -2-one coc one ee Leap Triphammer Falls, Ithaca, iar . 206 ‘4 i | PLATE XC. XCI. XCII. XCIITI. IV. XXVIII. XCIV. XCV. XCVI. XCVII. XCVIII. XCIX. C. CI. CII. CII. CIV. XXIII. INDEX TO PLATES IN GEOLOGIC ORDER 261 FACING PAGE Triassic Sandstone, Contact of Trap and Unienyine: south end of Lane’s Quarry, Fort Lee, Bergen county, N. J.... Triassic Sandstone, Reptilian Footprints on; Turner’s Falls, Re Pe ees one eae cana nhac noes ae moe Be Triassic Sandstone, Rain Prints and Reptilian Footprints on ; igre py baling SINS Let) Sede e cco okt eke eee ee eae Triassic Sandstone, Ripple Marks on; Turner’s Falls, Mass. . Triassic Diabase Overlying Sandstone which is Concealed by the Talus. Palisades of the Hudson River, seen from Hastings, Westchester county. ......-...---..----------- Palisades (Triassic) in the Background; View of Inwood, Manhattan Island. Plain of Calciferous Trenton Linie- stone. Hills right and left of Hudson River Schist ..-.-.. Quaternary. Glacial Scratches on the Corniferous Limestone, Cheek- UO Wy Sees EL ETG, COMMINY) oe seme eto oo nia oe apa aa aes Quaternary Delta Deposit of Croton. River, one mile south of Croton Landing, Westchester county....--.--.-.-----. Quaternary Kame Deposit, View of; North Albany....-.---. Quaternary Sand and Gravel Beds, Section of; North Albany, shown in last illustration ....:...............--. Quateraary Sand Plain, Valley of Erosion in the; near Del- EPESGIOT SSA UN Aint 00 SS ONE an eo eae EST Quaternary Drift Hills Southwest of Glens Falls, Warren county. French Mountain in the Distance, Lake in..-.-.-. Quaternary Plain at the foot of the Helderberg Escarp- ment, between Ravena and South Bethlehem, Albany Quaternary Sands. Crescent shaped Lake formed by natural diversion of Stream into a new Channel. Valley of the Normanskill, near Albany, Carved by the Stream Through SZ Eh eee noes eens cee meee coe one owen Sand Bars, Lake Erie, mouth of Eighteen Mile Creek, Erie FST a ee as een SDP oo ae Glacial Bonlders Washed from Moraine, Stony Point, near West Seneca, Erie county. Shore of Lake Erie .......-... Foot of the Selkirk Glacier, British Columbia, Showing the Formation of a Moraine Deposit soe. pect wae ---- one's Glaciated Surface of Potsdam Conglomerate, Mosherville, Sat AOld COUNLY.. 2 cbs desea teme yeaa ne sb cabn Gomd aacs ones 172 172 172 172 124 146 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 262. OXY. CXVI. CXVIIL. CXVIII. Oxix. LXIV. LXV. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Economic. FACING PAGE Precambrian, Granite Quarry, Round Island, near Peekskill, Westchester county 2-1 fl 50 aac. ee eae S See ae oe ee Potsdam Sandstone, Clarkson’s Quarry, three miles south of Potsdam, St. Lawrence county.....-...----........ ooh TER 188 Potsdam Sandstone, Quarry’ of Merritt & Tappan, three 182 miles south of Potsdam, St. Lawrence county...-.-..---. 144 Calciferous-Trenton Limestone, Metamorphosed; Marble Quarry, Tuckahoe, Westchester county.-.....--....-..... 198 Precambrian, Interior of Northern New York Marble Vo.’s Quarry, near Gouverneur, St. Lawrence county..---..--- 198 Precambrian Marble, E. E. Stevens Quarry, three miles south of Canton, St. Lawrence county....-.2.-.---2..------.0 140 Precambrian, Empire Marble Co.’s Quarry near Gouverneur, » Sb. Lawrence county /..2.- 222...) ee ee eee ee 140 Calciferous-Trenton Limestone, Metamorphosed ; Limestone Quarry, Tomkins Cove, Rockland county ..--.- 8 a3 eae 206 Calciferous-Trenton Limestone, Metamorphosed; Marble Quarry, Sing Sing, Westchester county........-.---...-- 146 Lower Helderberg Limestone, Quarry in; South Bethlehem, Albany County. a2 2 Mo aaa aie aie ee eee ee — 206 Corniferous Limestone. Road Metal and Paving Block Quarry of the Barber Asphalt Co., near Humboldt Park- Way, builalo, Erie county. °-.-.2 f2-25. cmos eae ee eee 206 Stone Crushing Plant of the Barber Asphalt Co., Buffalo, Erie . COUNLY «Soca concen ac shine sue eects ale en eG ae ere ele 206 Pleistocene Brick Clays, Haverstraw, Rockland county ..-.. 210 Trenton Limestone, Quarry in; Saratoga county, south bank ' of Hudson River, opposite Glens Falls. Rock quarried for Quek Mgme os oot ve was foes MT te ee ere A Waterlime Group; Interior View of Cement Mine at Rosen- dale, Ulster county.....-...- EP Waterlime Group; Cement Quarries, one mile south of Whiteport, Ulster comity . 2.2.2. 2.0) oe cote cere 222 Lower Pentamerus and Tentaculite Limestone, Quarry in; Howe’s Cave, Schoharie’ county .>../.-.- --4- :2g--. -cwess 222 Quarry of the Buffalo Cement Co. Buffalo, Erie county.-.. 222 Quarries of the Buffalo Cement Co. Buffalo, Erie county... 222 Quarry of the Cummings Cement Co. Akron, Erie county.. 156 Waterlime Group, Old Mine of the Newark Cement Co. Rondout, Ulster county, 0... - estan. reels wpe s Renee eee 156 (Pages 263-4 were bulletin cover pages) Appendix 2 — hee PORK]. OF THE ere BOT ANIS.T 1897 * REPORT STATE BOTANIST 1897 To the Honorable the Regents of the University of the State of New York : GENTLEMEN: [| have the honor of submitting to you the following report. | Since the date of my last report, specimens of plants of the state have been collected by the botanist in the counties of Albany, Essex, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Ulster. Specimens have been received from correspondents who collected them in the counties of Cayuga, Dutchess, Essex, Genesee, Hamil- ton, Monroe, Onondaga, St Lawrence and Suffolk. The whole number of species represented by the specimens added to the herbarium is 279, of which 258 are represented by the col- lections of the botanist, 21 by those of his correspondents. ‘The number of species new to the herbarium is 49, of which 42 are represented by collected specimens, 7 by contributed specimens. Among these are 26 species which are considered new to science and are therefore described as new species. - A list of the names of the species of which specimens have been added to the herbarium is marked A. A list of the names of the species of which specimens have been contributed or received for identification, together with the names of their respective contributors is marked B. A record has been made of the species new to our flora, giving the locality in which they were found and the time of their collection, 268 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM together with other matter of interest concerning them. Descrip-_ tions have also been written of the new species. A few plants pre- viously reported as varieties of recorded species, having been raised or restored to specific rank in the Jllustrated flora of the Northern” states and Canada, are now recognized as species not before reported. . This part of the report is marked C. A part of the report giving the results of recent observations on certain plants previously reported is marked D. Inquiries for a catalogue of the plants of North Elba having been received, and that locality being in the heart of a region of much _ botanical as well as public interest, it was thought desirable that a list of these plants should be prepared in connection with the inves- tigation of this part of the flora of our state. Parts of the months of June and of August were spent in the investigation of the flora of this town and in making a record of the species observed. Many early herbaceous plants which may be seen in June have disappeared by midsummer, and many later ones which are just beginning to develop in June are in good condition for identification in August. It is scarcely to be Gipected that anything more than an ante mate list of the plants of so large a town, some parts of which are not easily accessible, could be made in so short a time. A con- siderable area of the southern and northwestern part of the town was not visited. These parts are rugged and mountainous and covered by extensive forests whose exploration would necessitate a camping outfit and the continuous service of a guide, and would be © a. attended by greater expense than I felt justified in incurring at the © ai 4 present time. It was my purpose to make this list include not only flowering a plants and ferns but also mosses, lichens and fungi. Lack of time for its completion will compel me either to limit it to the flowering — ‘ < . 1 ’ ee ee ee ee aa REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 269 plants and ferns for this report and to complete it in another, or else to prepare the whole for a later report or bulletin. The latter course seems to me the better. The investigation of the species of edible mushrooms of the state has continued to receive attention. Those species that were unusu- ally abundant last year have beén unusually scarce this year. The common mushroom has scarcely appeared except in single and very rare examples. With these, as with some cultivated plants, there seems to be what are commonly called off years, which follow fruit- ful ones. In such years the conditions appear to be unfavorable to a full crop. Other species which were not remarkable for their abundance last year, have been plentiful this year. Several of these _have been tested and have been considered worthy of admission into the list of edible species.. Descriptions of 11 of these will be found in a part of the report marked E. The species have been illustrated by figures of natural size on plates of the same dimensions as those previously published in illustrating our edible and poisonous mushrooms. — : Respectfully submitted CHARLES H. PEcK State botanist Albany, December 29, 1897 270 ; NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 7. ae A ee, PLANTS ADDED TO THE HERBARIUM | a New to the herbarium ; Brassica juncea Cosson Pholiota lutea Pk, \ . iS F Euonymus Europaeus L. RP. marginella Pk. : Poterium Sanguisorba L. Inocybe rigidipes Pk. Agrimonia mollis Britton I. __ albodisca Pk. Crataegus mollis Scheele Tubaria deformata Pk, Amelanchier rotundifolia Roem.. Deconied-semistriata Pk. Solidago Virgaurea ZL. Picea brevifolia Pk. Gomphidius vinicolor Pk. Hygrophorus immutabilis Pk. | rr) et ee aa Clavaria fellea Pk. Praktee Tae er ret gs Boletus nebulosus Pk. : Pt lanuginosum Jil. Poria setigera Pk. Trametes serialis /’r. Hydnum chrysocomum Underw. — Cyphella fasciculata B. & C. Geaster velutinus Atk. Catastoma circumscissum Morg. _ Hypnum Jamesii L. § J. Lepiota acerina Pk. Clitocybe gilva Pers. C. monadelpha Morg. C. fellea Pk. Mycena cyaneobasis Pk. Omphalia clavata Pk. Lycoperdon cepiforme Bull. Isaria penicilliformis Pk. O. papillata Pk. , Marasmius ramulinus Pk. Cercospora caricina LE. § D. “M. subnudus (Zllis) Pk. Exoascus Insititiae Sadeb. 7" M. vialis Pk. E. unilateralis Pk. Clitopilus popinalis Fr. Hypocrea aurantiaca Pk. Leptonia subserrulata Pk. | Peziza odorata Pk. Flammula viscida Pk. ; Sphaerella Cypripedii Pk. Not new to the herbarium Thalictrum polygamum Muhl. | Oxalis cymosa Small. Capnoides sempervirens Borck. Xanthoxylum Americanum Mill. Dentaria diphylla Mx. Ilex monticola Gr. Viola obliqua Hill. Acer rubrum L. V. pubescens Ait. A. nigrum Ma. V. rostrata Pursh. A. Pennsylvanicum L. V. Labradorica Schrank. Staphylea trifolia L. Hypericum ellipticum Hook. Trifolium inearnatum L. Arenaria stricta Mz. Lespedeza hirta ll, A. Groenlandica Spreng. Rubus villosus Ait. Buda marina Dumort. R, Allegheniensis Porter Claytonia Virginica Z. R. Millspaughii Britton Tilia Americana ZL. R. Canadensis L. REPORT. OF STATE Rubus setosus Bigel. Spiraea tomentosa L. Ss. salicifolia LD. Crataegus tomentosa L. e. macracantha Lodd. Tiarella cordifolia L. Mitella diphylJa L. Penthorum sedoides L. Saxifraga Pennsylvanica L. Ribes rotundifolium Mz. Kueiffia pumila Spach. Aralia nudicaulis ZL. Viburnum alnifolium Marsh. L& pubescens Pursh Galium Aparine L. G.._—iboreale L. Symphoricarpos racemosus Mz. Lonicera hirsuta Haton Solidago neglecta T. § G. S. rugosa Mill. Aster acuminatus Ma. A. Lowrieanus Porter A. Novi-Belgii L. Heliopsis helianthoides B. 8S. P. Helianthus decapetalus L. Tragopogon porrifolius L. Senecio aureus L. S. Robbinsii Oakes Hieracium Pilosella L. H. aurantiacum L. Lobelia inflata L. Kalmia latifolia L. Xolisma ligustrina Britton Vaccinium Pennsylvanicum Lam. Chiogenes hispidula T. § G. Pyrola secunda L. Lysimachia terrestris B. S. P. Hydrophyllum Canadense L. Apocynum cannabinum L. Gentiana Andrewsii Griseb. Echium vulgare L. Symphytum officinale L. Physalis lanceolata Mz. Veronica officinalis L. Nepeta Glechoma L. Galeopsis Tetrahit Ly Anychia capillacea DC. BOTANIST, 1897 271 Polygonum cilinode Mr. Ee Pennsylvanicum L. Fagopyrum Fagopyrum Karst. Euphorbia nutans Lag. E. maculata L. Quercus Prinus Z. Q. macrocarpa Mz. Q. platanoides Sudw. Juglans regia L. J. cinerea L. Hicoria glabra Britton H. alba Britton Populus bals. candicans Gr. Salix fluviatilis Nutt. S. amyegdaloides Anders. 5. sericea Marsh. Betula lutea Mz. Naias flexilis R. § 8. Hy poxis hirsuta Cov. Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill. Habenaria orbiculata Torr. Peramium pubescens Mac. Lipatis Loeselii Rich. Polygonatum biflorom £11. o commutatum Dietr. Uvularia sessilifolia L. Trillium undulatum JWilld. Juncoides campestre Kuntze Eriophorum Virginicum L. E. polystachyon L. Carex arctata Boott brunnescens Poir. conoidea Schk. erinita Lam. flava L. formosa Dew. granularis Muhl. laxiculmis Schw. laxiflora Lam. lurida Wahl. platyphylla Carey seabrata Schw. sterilis Willd. tenuis Rudge triceps Mx. vulpinoidea Mx. xanthocarpa Bick. 2292229899282820 Q | 272 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Milium effusum L. Syntherisma linearis Nash Elymus striatus Willd. Lycopodium lucidulum M-x. Adiantum pedatum Ee ‘Dryopteris spinulosa Kuntze Asplenium acrostichoides Sw. Isoetes ech. Braunii Hngelm. Tetraplodon mnioides L, f. Asterella hemisphaerica Bv. Amanita muscaria LD. A. phalloides Fr. Amanitopsis vaginata Roze A. farinosa (Schw. ) A. volvata (Pk.) Sace Lepiota naucinoides Pk. augustana Britz. granulosa Batsch. metulaespora B. §& Br. felina Pers. rubrotincta Pk. amianthina Scop. granosa Morg. richoloma Columbetta Fr. Se ee a] | dhe albofiavidum Pk. ee. brevipes Bull. a: laterarium Pk. T. decorosum Pk. A ke terreum Schaef. Clitocybe clavipes Pers. C. albissima Pk. Ce cyathiformis Fr. C. Adirondackensis Pk. Collybia maculata A. § S. C _ stipitaria Fr. C. zonata Pk, C. confluens Pers. Cc velutipes Curt. C.. Hariolorum DC. Pleurotus ostreatus Ir. P. serotinus Schrad. Hygrophorus eburneus Fr. H. nitidus B. fC. H. borealis Pk. Lactarius aquifluus Pk. L. fuliginosus Fr. L, glyciosmus Fr. Lactarius hygrophoroides B. & C. Russula emetica Fr. R. crustosa Pk. AR. chameleontina Fr. Cantharellus cinnabarinus Schw. C. dichotomus Pk, C. - infandibuliformis Scop. C. aurantiacus Fr. Marasmius polyphyllus Pk. M.- - campanulatus Pk, Lenzites betulina Fr. L. sepiaria fr. Lentinus Lecontei Schw. L. suavissimus Fr, Pluteus cervinus Schaef. Ee umbrosus Pers. P. admirabilis Pk. Clitopilus Noveboracensis Pk. Claudopus nidulans (Pers.) Hebeloma glutinosun Jr. Galera tenera Schaef. Flammula sapineus Fr. KE, Highlandensis Pk. Agaricus campester L. A. arvensis Schaef. A. Rodmani Pk. Hypholoma incertum Pk. Elz hymenocephalum Pk. Coprinus plicatilis Fr. Boletus illudens Pk, B piperatus Bull. B. Clintonianus Pk. B. subtomentosus L. B _vermiculosus Pk. B scaber Fr. B. gracilis Pk.. Polyporus brumalis Fr. P Schweinitzii Fr. Py . elegans fr. P. albellus Pk. P fumosus Fr. E. borealis Fr. Fomes concbatus Fr. F, carneus Nees. Polystictus biformis Kl. P; | zonatus Fr. Poria fimbriatella Pk, REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 Poria sanguinolenta Fr. Stereum hirsutum fr. Daedalea unicolor Fr. S. rugosum Fr. Trametes scutellata (Schw.) S. fasciatum Scho. Favolus Canadensis Kl. ' Clavaria pinophila Ph. ' Merulius tenuis Pk. . \ Physalacria inflata Pk. M. tremellosus Schrad. ; Hydnum eraveolens Del. Anthurus borealis Burt. Irpex lacteus Fr. Mitremyces lutescens Schw. Thelephora pedicellata Schw. Lycoperdon giganteum Batsch. B CONTRIBUTORS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS | Mrs E. C. Anthony, Gouverneur, N. Y. Polyporus umbellatus Fr. | Helvella elastica Bull. Mrs L. A. Millington, New Russia, N. Y. Geaster radicans B. §° C. | Geaster velutinus Atk. Miss M. L. Overacker, Syracuse, N. Y. Symphoricarpos racemosus pauciflorus Robbins. Mrs L. L. Goodrich, Syracuse, N. Y. ~ Viola blanda Willd. Malus coronaria (L.) Mill. V. pubescens Ait. Mitella diphylla L. V. seabriuscula Sehw. Waldsteinia fragarioides Tratt. ie rostrata Muhl. Arisaema triphyllum Torr. V. striata Ait. Trillium grandiflorum Salisb. Vii sebuqea cna 7 | Aspleniam Trichomanes E. Vv. palmata L. J. J. Davis, Racine, Wis. Burrillia globulifera Davis. George F. Atkinson, Ithaca, N. Y. Polyporus umbellatus Fr. 1 lacteus Fr. Poria aurea Pk. Ramularia Fagopyri Atk. Charles E. Smith, Philadelphia, Pa. Carex bullata Schk. J. A. Lintner, Albany, N. Y. Juniperus Bermudiana L. Sisyrinchium Bermudianum L. Bryophyllum calycinum Salisb. Argemone Mexicana L. Nerium Oleander L. Charles McIlvaine, Philadelphia, Pa. Clayaria inaequalis Mull. Boletus parasiticus Bull. C. aurantio-cinnabarina Schw. 73 4 274 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM C. G. Lloyd, Cincinnati, O. Lenzites protracta Fr. Stereum Curtisii Berk. i. vialis Pk. 8. ochraceoflavum Schw. Polyporus sanguineus Fr. 1S: albobadium Schw. Py subpulverulentus B. ¢ C. Peniophora cinerea Cke. BP: pubescens Fr. P. purpurea C. J M. Polystictus ectypus B. § C. Irpex laeticolor B. § C. P, barbatulus B. g C. if bicolor B. § C. P, lilacinus E. § E. Hypochnus albocinctus Mont. Trametes hydnoides Fr. ~ | Lycoperdon Curtisii Berk. oe Sepium Berk. L. asterospermum D. § M. Fomes Curtisii Berk. Bovistella Ohiensis E. § M. FE: marmoratus Berk. Catastoma cireumscissum B. J: C. Merulius Corium fF’. Hypocerea citrina Fr. Hymenochaete corrugata Lev. Helotium citrinum Hedw. John Mather, Le Roy, N. Y. Polyporus Berkeleyi Fr. »Hydnum adustum Schw. i lucidus Leys. Mrs N. L. Britton, New Dorp, N. Y. Sphagnum acutifolium Ehrh. Mnium spinulosum B. § S. S. Squarrosum Pers. M. punctatum Hedw., S. recurvum Bv. Pogonatum alpinum Roehl. S. Russowii Warnst. Buxbaumia indusiata Brid. ie medium Limpr. Fontinalis antipyretica L. Ss. Girgensobnii Russ. Homalha Jamesii Schimp. S. sedoides Brid. Myurella Careyana Sulliv. Anomodon apiculatus B. & 8S. Pylaisia velutina B. § S. Climacium Americanum Brid. G dendroides B. § S. Andraea petrophila Hhrh. Dicranella heteromalla Schimp. Dicranum montanum Hedw. 1 viride Schimp. D caatae eels Brachythecium laetum Brid. 2 ra ee ee EB salebrosum Hoffm. 1: longifolinm Hedw. i: velutinum L. D. fuscescens Turn. ‘eae Starkit Brig Dicranodontium longirostre B. g S. % ae i tr Pee . ; ae-Ang . Racomitrium Sudeticum B. § S. y 1 oe 4 Se canted Rites B. rivulare Bruch. ue Cae bs S Rhynchostegium rusciforme Weis. PUES Gs Raphidostegium recurvans Schwaegr. UVlota Ludwigii Brid. R TganeeGek § J. JB cps pula ie Late R. laxepatulum L. & J. Georgia pellucida Rabh. Plagiothecium pulehellum Dicks. _ Tetraplodon mnioides B, § 8. Pp. denticulatuin L. Bartramia pomiformis Hedw. Pp. Mublenbeckii Spruce Sa ee S NEE — EE Ee Bryum roseum Schreb. Harpidium fluitans L. B. concinnatum Spruce H. - uncinatum Hedw. B. erudum Schreb. Limnobium ochraceum Turn, Xl eo ‘A REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 Eurhynchium strigosum Hoffm. Pleurozium umbratam Fhkrh. Calliergon Schreberi Willd. Hypnum reptile Mz. ia Haldanianum Grev. Fred. J. Braendle, Washington, D. C. Anychia dichotoma Mz. Lepiota Morgani Pk. Merulius rubellus Pk. Tricholoma multiceps Pk. Scorias spongiosa Fr. Stewart H. Burnham, Vaughbns, N. Y. Rubus Baileyanus Britton Crataegus tomentosa L. Solidago neglecta T. SG. Eehium vulgare L. Carex straminea /Villd. Ci formosa Dew. Cr eosteilata Britton C, pedicellata Britton Mrs A. M. Smith, Brooklyn, ‘N. Y. | Funaria hygrometrica Sibth. Dicranodontium longirostre Bb. § 8. Trematodou ambiguum Hornsch. Fred. Thorne, New Paltz, N. Y. Arisaema triphyllum pusillum Pk. Frank R. Rathbun, Auburn, N. Y. Hydnum Caput-ursi Fr. 15 vs coralloides Scop. Clitocybe multiceps Pk. B. L. Robinson, Cambridge, Mass. Ranunculus Allegheniensis Britton Polygala puberula Ands. Rosa humilis Marsh. Rubus Canadensis L. Sullivantia Ohiensis 7. § G. Pimpinella Saxifraga Koch. Aralia hispida Vent. Jalinm aspreilum Mx. Aster umbellatus Will. A. puniceus L, V0 sagittifolius /%illd. Solidago rugosa Mill. 8. Virgaurea L. Cnicus muticus Pursh Prenanthes serpent. nana Gr. Andromeda polifolia L. Plantago maritima Z. Chelone glabra L. Brunella vulgaris L. Mentha gentilis L. M. . Jongifolia Huds. M. alopecuroides Hull. Lemna Valdiviana Phil. Habenaria psycodes Gr. Hi. dilatata Gr. Goodyera repens &. Br. Triglochin maritimum LZ, Juncus trifidus L. J. Canad. brevicaudatus Engelm. Luzula parv. melanocarpa Gr. L. sylvatica Beck. Cyperus cylindricus Britton Scirpus caespitosus L. Carex salina Wahl. C. maritima Mull. C. subulata Wa. C. Willdenovii Schk. C. aquatilis Wahl. C. rigida Good. Gr, praecox Jacq. C. livida Willd. oe tetanica Schk. C. granularis Muhl. OF plantaginea Lam. C. Richardsonii R. Br. ©: pubescens Muhl. 276 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Carex canes. alpicola Mahl. Agrostis scabra Willd. Cc; Fraseri Andr. Triodia decumbens Bu. C. stram. invisa Boott Lycopodium Selago L. C. gynandra Schw. L. annot. pungens Spring. C. stipata Muhl. -Pteris aquilina ZL. OF intumescens Rudge Phegopteris Dryopteris Fee. C. oligosperma Mz. ~Gleichenia pectinata Presl. C. Raeana Boott Trichomanes pectinatum Hedw. | C. Magellanica Lam. Camptosorus rhizophyllus Lk. Calamagrostis Canadensis Bo. Marsilia mollis Rob. § Fern. | G. H. Nye and W. G. Cowell, Auburn, N. Y. ) | Hydnum cores Scop. Hydnum septentrionale Fr. H. Caput-ursi Fr. Polyporus Anax Berk. E. A. Burt, Middlebury, Vt. Cortinarius pulebrifolius Pk. Trametes serialis Fr. C. squamulosus Pk. 7 A. J. Perkins, Rochester, N. Y. Hyduum coralloides Scop. - | ? Miss Grace Sturtevant, South Framingham, Mass. Boletinus pictus Pk. Boletus ornatipes Pk. ry, a B. porosus (Berk.) Pk. B. subaureus Pk. a Boletus Frostii Russ. : B. ’ auriporus Pk, B. pallidus Frost B. Russellii Frost B. parasiticus Bull. . B. castaneus Bull. B. griseus Frost Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scop.) Berk. B. Peckii Frost : George D. Hulst, Brooklyn, N. Y. Aconitum reclinatum Gr. Rhus radicans L. Clematis Viorna L. Faleata comosa Kunize — Cc. ochroleuca Ait. Baptisia perfoliata Br. Ranunculus reptans L. Cytisus scoparius Lk, _ Nymphaea Kalmiana Sims Hydrangea arborescens L. Diplotaxis tenuifolia DC. _| Epilobium lineare M/uhl. Lechea maritima Leggett Myriophyllum spicatum L. Althea officinalis L. Eryngium Virginianum Lam. Malva moschata L. ~ Lacinaria squarrosa Hill. Drosera filiformis Raf. Eupatorium album L. D. brevifolia Pursh Solidago squarrosa Muhl. Moebhringia laterifiora Fenzl. Ss. _monticola T. § G. Alsine graminea Britton Aster tenuifolius L. A. longifolia Britton A. nemoralis Ait. REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 277 Leontodon autumnale L. Lobelia Kalmii LZ. Clethra acuminata Mz. - Cynanchum nigrum Pers. Gerardia tenuifolia Vahl. Koellia hyssopifolia Britton Plantago Virginica B. S. P. iP: aristata Ma, Bartonia Virginica B. S. P. Polygonella articulata Meisn. Samolus floribundus H. B. K, - Euphorbia Cyparissias L. E. Ipecacuanhae L. Mercurialis annuus L. Broussonetia papyrifera L. Quercus nana Sarg. Phoradendron flavescens Nutt. Sparganium simp. angustifolium Engel. Potamogeton perfoliatus L. Pp amplifolius Tuekm. r. zosteraefolius Schum. P. heterophyllus Schreb. Limodorum tuberosum L. Pogonia ophioglossoides Ker. P. verticillata Nutt. PB; trianthophora B. 8S. P. Peramium repens Salisb. Corallorhiza multifiora Nutt. Smilax glauca Walt. Vagnera stellata Morong Aletris farinosa L. Veratrum Woodii Robbins Chrosperma muscaetoxica Kuntze Chamaelirium luteum Gr. Gemmingia Chinensis Kuntze Juncus maritimus Lam. Scirpus robustus Pursh Rynchospora alba Vahl. Schoenocaulon gracile Gr. Carex extensa Gooden. Eriocaulon gnaphalioides Mz. Kh. decangulare L. Cenchrus tribuloides ZF. Paspalum distichum L. Distichlis spic. stricta Scerib. Polypodium vulgare L. Ophioglossum vulgatum L. S SPECIES NOT BEFORE REPORTED Cardamine Pennsylvanica Muh. The Pennsylvania bitter cress has been confused in our botanies with the hairy bitter cress, C. hirsuta. It may be distinguished by its glabrous character, its more leafy and branching stems and its more narrow pods. It is more frequent with us than that species, growing in swampy places and along streams and the shores of lakes. Cardamine purpurea (7or7.) Britton Goat island. C. S. Osborne. Syracuse. Miss Cobb. Previously reported as C. rhomboidea purpurea Torr., but now raised to specific rank in the Illustrated flora of the Northern states and Canada. Barbarea Barbarea (l.) VacM. The yellow cress is quite common and has been reported as if . . . j . . B. vulgaris arcuata Gray, but it is now raised to specific rank. 278 | _ NEW YORK STATE “MUSEUM Brassica juncea (L.) Cosson | Fields and waste places. Common. The indian mustard closely resembles the Charlock or wild mustard, B. arvensis, from which it may be distinguished by its more glabrous character, its longer and — more slender pedicels and its less prominently nerved pod. | Viola scabriuscula (7. & @.) Schw. The smoothish yellow violet was originally described as a distinct | species and in my opinion should never have been reduced to the _ rank of a mere variety of Viola pubescens. As such it has often | been a source of perplexity to young botanists who could scarcely . believe it to be a variety of that species. It is common in our state and is very constant in its characters. It-occurs in some localities where V. pubescens is wanting. ‘ Hypericum majus (Gray) Britton Shore of Bowman pond. Sand Lake, Rensselaer county. August. The larger Canadian St Johnswort was formerly considered a_ variety of the Canadian St Johnswort, Hypericum Canadense, and was reported as such. | | Euonymus Europaeus /. Borders of, woods and waste places. West Albany. June. This shrub has been introduced into this country from Europe, and occa- sionally escapes from cultivation. Its common name is spindle tree. Acer nigrum J/r. Cattaraugus, Seneca and Onondaga counties. The black sugar maple has generally been regarded as a variety of the sugar me but following the JIlustrated flora we now give it specific recognition. © I have not observed it in the eastern part of the state. The chicka difference between the two trees is found in the character of the a » leaves. | i. Rubus Allegheniensis Portier — — Common in hilly and mountainous districts of the state. Long considered a form of Rubus villosus, the high bush blackberry, but § separated from it by Prof. Porter in 1890, as a variety bearing he name R, villosus montanus. In 1896 he raised it to specific rar REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 279 giving it the name under which it is here reported. Its fruit con- stitutes its chief and most available distinguishing character. This is longer than broad, and has small drupelets and a peculiar rich spicy flavor which most people prefer to that of the fruit of the species from which this has been separated. Rubus Baileyanus Brition Bailey’s blackberry has long been known to be an inhabitant of our state and has been reported under the name Rubus villosus hunufusus. : Agrimonia mollis (7. ¢ G.) Britton Roadside. Sand Lake, Rensselaer county. September. The single fruiting specimen found does not fully correspond to the description of the species to which we have with some doubt re- ferred it. The lower surface of the leaves is slightly pubescent and is sprinkled with minute shining glands. Aronia nigra (Walld.) Britton The black chokeberry was reported in N. Y. state flora by Dr Torrey under the name Pyrus arbutitola melanocarpa. It is more frequent in the eastern and northern parts of the state than the red chokeberry, Aronia arbutifola. A dwarf form scarcely more than a foot high is common about Lake Minnewaska. It grows from thin soil covering rocks. Amelanchier rotundifolia (J/x.) Roem. North Elba, Essex county. This species should be cautiously separated from the closely related low June berry, A. spicata. It is a larger shrub and has larger leaves and flowers, but the leaves of A. spicata are sometimes quite as round as those of A. rotundifolta. The following table will indicate the prominent distinguishing characters of our five species of this genus. Isower surface of the young leaves glabrous or but slightly PRRs ere dane ee es OR Is tush even a9 oa Aisha Senne ets a Lower surface of the young leaves conspicuously pubescent Rar MUNN eR ads jo Rete 22 Vote Wada Onis. 's Doin POMS Bee 3 ty) Diomens Mone tide 4 im arclister. orks. Slee ee we eree ee Sk ee 2 280 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM a a 1 Flowers not more than 4 in a cluster............. x. oligocarpa. 2 Leaves dinely serratet! 20 oltre Seer aoe A. Canadensis 2 Leaves coarsely serrate....... stiibes ORT Aiee Nhe rotundifolia 3 Shrub or small tree, 6 to 20 ft tall, top of ovary Stabrous git | fe QE LOGE. BREE Oe Yee Botryapium 3 Small shrub, 1 to 4 ft tall, top of ovary woolly......... A. spicata — a : ‘ Crataegus macracantha Lodd. The long spined thorn has been reported as Crataegus coccinea macracantha. Following the Illustrated flora it is here given specific _ rank. Specimens collected near New Paltz have some of the spines a 4% inches long. Crataegus mollis (7. & G.) Scheele Albany and Rensselaer counties. May and June. The soft ‘pubescent young shoots, pedicels and lower surface of the young ."% leaves specially distinguish this species from C. coccinea with which | it was originally connected as a variety. ae eatin tinctorium L. InN. Y. state fora and in the Manual this plant stands as a variety of Galium trifidum. It has recently been restored to its original position as a distinct species. Our specimens are from Bethlehem, Albany county and Freeville, Tompkins county. July. Galium palustre L. ? Damp ground and ditches. . Near Ticonderoga. June. | Solidago alpestris) W. & K. ye q Open summits of the higher peaks of the Adirondack mountains. — Reported as S ohdago Virgaurea alpina, but now regarded as a good , species. Specimens of S. Virgaurea have. been collected at Paley 4 rocks on the shore of Lake Placid. Sasi ° | Solidago uniligulata () C.)* Porter Bergen swamp, Genesee county. Reported As Sis neglecta linoides — g Gr. , Be REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 281 Aster Schreberi Nees. Bethlehem, Albany county. July. Aster glomeratus (Vees.) Bernh. Albany county and Rathboneville, Steuben county. This and the preceding aster have been taken to be forms of the large leaved aster, A. macrophyllus, but it is more satisfactory to separate these white rayed asters from the blue rayed forms, since they afford obvious characters by which such a separation may easily be made. Betula pumila L. Abundant in the large wooded swamp near Lake Bonaparte. In fruit in July. This is closely related to B. glandulosa and its young shoots or branches are sometimes slightly glandular, nevertheless its larger leaves more conspicuously reticulated, its thicker fertile aments with the middle lobe of their scales larger than the others and the more obovate outline of the seeds afford sufficient marks for distinguishing it. B. glandulosa occurs on the summit of Mt Marcy. Salix balsamifera (Hook.) Barratt Near the southeastern shore of Mirror lake and the south end of Lake Placid. May and June. The range attributed to this species in Illustrated flora is Labrador to Manitoba, south to Maine, Ontario and Minnesota. The station here recorded is probably as far south as the balsam willow extends. Juncus secundus Bv. Amagansett, Suffolk county and Blue Mountain lake, Hamilton county. Reported under the name Juncus tenuis secundus Engelm. Juncus Torreyi Coville Charlotte, Monroe county. July. Rev. L. Holzer. This is Juncus nodosus megacephalus Torr. in New York state flora. Sparganium androcladum (Zngelm.) Morong Wet places, and margins of lakes and streams. Sand Lake. For- merly considered a variety of Sparganium simplex. 282 ; NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Carex xanthocarpa Bicknell Roadsides, wet meadows and pastures. Albany, Rensselaer and Saratoga counties. Not rare, but formerly united with C. vulpinoidea, — from which it may be distinguished by its long culm commonly — exceeding the leaves and by its larger perigynia. Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. Summits of the high peaks of the Adirondack mountains. July and August. Formerly considered a variety of C. canescens, but easily distinguished from it. It has several synonyms. Carex festucacea Willd. Columbia and Sullivan counties. June and July. In the Manual this is included under C. straminea brevior. Carex Bicknellii Britton Dry, sandy soil. Saratoga county. July. Carex costellata Britton | Thin woods, clearings and copses. Rensselaer and Suffolk coun- ties. July. This was formerly included with C. virescens, of which, in New York state flora it was considered a luxuriant state not even worthy of being called a variety. Panicum boreale Nash | Along streams and in wet places. Outlet of Lake Hamilton, Adirondack mountains. July. Panicum lanuginosum £1. Thin woods. Albany and Saratoga counties. July. Elymus intermedius (Vasey) Scrib. & Sm. North Greenbush, Rensselaer county; Riverhead, Suffolk county and Rathboneville, Steuben county. July. Picea brevifolia Px. PLATE A Swamps and marshes. Adirondack mountains, Schoharie and Wyoming counties. June. REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 283 This small spruce has hitherto been deemed a form of the com- mon black spruce, but in my opinion it is worthy of specific dis- tinction. It is smaller than that species and has smaller leaves, which are commonly glaucous and less curved, smaller cones and much smaller seeds. ‘The seeds are about half as long as the seeds of the black spruce and the seedwing is also about half as long as the seedwing of that tree. The twigs are pubescent and the sterigmata are glabrous or slightly pubescent. The cones are oval and their scales are eroded on the edge. While immature they are wholly purple or green with a purple margin. The tree is scarcely more than 20 or 30 ft high, and bears cones when only 4 or 5 ft high. The cones are 8 to 12 lines long, the leaves 2 to 5 lines long, the seed about 1 line and its wing about 2 lines long. It inhabits swamps and open bogs, bears its flowers in June and matures its fruit in September or October. A small, half-prostrate, shrub-like spruce occurs on the exposed summits of the high peaks of the Adirondack mountains. Its leaves are short and glaucous and on this account it has been considered a variety of this species. For convenience of reference I have named it variety semiprostrata. It does not bear fruit and is probably a mere form due to the peculiar and unfavorable character of its place of growth. Raphidostegium Jamesii L. & J. Trunks of trees. Adirondack mountains. August. Mrs E. G. Britton. Lepiota acerina n. sp. Pileus conyex, dry, floccose-squamulose, pale tawny or subalu- taceous, brownish and subumbonate in the center; lamellae thin, close, free, pallid, pruinose when dry; stem equal, stuffed or hollow, floccose-squamulose below the obsolete ring, colored like the pileus; spores oblong or narrowly elliptic, very blunt or subtruncate at one end, .0003 to .00045 in. long, .00016 to .o002 broad. Pileus 8 to 12 lines broad; stem I to 1.5 in. long, about 2 lines thick. . Prostrate mossy trunks of sugar maple, Acer Saccharum. North Elba, Essex county. August. 284 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Clitocybe gilva Pers. Under pine trees. Delmar, Albany county. September. In Sylloge different dimensions are assigned to the spores of this spe- cies according to the different authors quoted. In our specimens the spores are globose or nearly so and .00016 to .o002 in. in diame- ter. This agrees with the dimensions given by Professor Saccardo himself. | Clitocybe monadelpha Morg. PLATE B, fig. 1-5. Grassy places. Menands, Albany county. September. Edible. Resembling Armillaria mellea, but distinguished from it by the ab- sence of a collar from the stem, by the more decidedly decurrent lamellae and by the solid stem. It is also more agreeable in flavor. It is related to C. illudens in habit and mode of growth. Clitocybe fellea n. sp. PLATE B, fig. 8-11. Pileus ‘thin, convex or hemispheric, obtuse or umbilicate, mi- nutely furfuraceous, pale yellowish brown, flesh whitish, taste bit- ter; lamellae thin, subdistant, adnate or slightly decurrent, white; stem equal, firm, flexuous, glabrous, stuffed with a white pith, with a white mycelioid tomentum at the base; spores broadly elliptic, .00024 to .0003 in. long, .o0o2 broad. Pileus 6 to 12 lines broad; stem about I in. long, 1. to 2 lines thick. Growing in groups on the ground in woods. Gansevoort, Sara- toga county. July. The pale color, deep umbilicus and bitter taste are prominent characters. The species is referable to the tribe Versiformes. Mycena cyaneobasis 2. sp. PLATE B, fig. 1-7. Pileus thin, submembranaceous, conical or subcampanulate, at first brownish with the margin or apex or both tinged with blue, soon fading to grayish or dingy white, striate on the margin; lamel- lae close, adnexed, white; stem slender, firm but brittle, hollow, pruinose or subpulverulent, radicating, mycelium blue; spores sub- REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 285 globose, .00024 to .0003 in. long, nearly as broad, usually contain- ing a single large nucleus. Pileus 3 to 6 lines broad; stem 1.5 to 2.5 in. long, scarcely 1 line thick. Decaying trunks of yellow birch, Betula lutea. It is well marked by its radicating stem and blue mycelium. Its flavor at first resembles that of radishes, but this soon changes in the mouth to a bitterish unpleasant taste. The species is referable to the Rigidipedes. It differs from Mycena calorhiza Bres. in its firm stem, its pallescent pileus and broadly elliptic or subglobose spores. Omphalia clavata n. sp. Pileus thin, convex, becoming nearly plane, glabrous, pallid or subcinereous, the margin decurved; lamellae narrow, distant, very decurrent, pallid; stem long, slender, glabrous, stuffed, commonly enlarged at the top, slightly villous-tomentose at the base, pallid; spores globose, .0002 to: .00024 in. broad. | Pileus 2 to 4 lines broad; stem about 1 in. long, 5 lines thick. Dead prostrate trunks of arbor-vitae, Thuja occidentalis. Ray- brook, Essex county. August. The base of the stem is clothed with a few long loose whitish fila- ments, and the thickened upper part is often fluted by the long decurrent lamellae. The clavate form given to the stem by this enlargement is suggestive of the specific name. Omphalia papillata n. sp. Pileus membranaceous, conical or campanulate, nearly even, papillate at the apex, pure white; lamellae few, distant, arcuate and strongly decurrent, white; stem filiform, glabrous, white, attached to the matrix by a few radiating white filaments; spores broadly elliptic or subglobose, .o0016 to .0002 in. long. Pileus 1 to 3 lines broad; stem about 1 in. long, scarcely thicker than a thread. Sticks and fallen leaves in woods. Gansevoort. July. The species is related to Omphalia Fibula. It should also be cautiously separated from Mycena tmmaculata. ‘286 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Marasmius ramulinus 7. sp. Pileus very thin, submembranaceous, broadly convex, nearly even when young, becoming irregularly plicate-striate or radiately wrinkled on the margin, subumbilicate or slightly depressed in the center, white; lamellae rather close, adnate, white; stem slender, inserted, minutely downy or pruinose, stuffed, whitish, becoming tufescent or pale tawny red; spores elliptic, .o003 in. long, .coo12 to .o0016 broad. | Pileus 2 to 4 lines broad; stem 6 to g lines long. Dead twigs, branches and herbaceous stems. Delmar, Albany county. August. Related to Marasmius ramealis and M. candidus. From the former it may be distinguished by its striate or wrinkled pileus and from the latter by its adnate closer lamellae. Its spores also are larger than in either of these. Marasmius polyphyllus n. sp. Pileus fleshy, thin, convex or nearly plane, even, varying in color from whitish to pale reddish, often reddish brown on the disk, odor and taste alliaceous; lamellae very numerous, narrow, crowded, ad- nexed or almost free, white; stem equal, hollow, reddish brown, clothed with a whitish down or tomentum which is commonly more abundant toward the base; spores minute, elliptic, .oo02 to .00024 in. long, .ooor2 to .ooo16 broad. Pileus 1 to 2 in. broad; stem 1.5 to 3 in. long, 1 to 3 lines thick. Shaded damp ground. Minerva, Essex county. July. Gregarious or sometimes caespitose. Occasionally specimens are found that exceed the dimensions given above. The peculiar garlic-like flavor remains in the mouth a long time after tasting the flesh. The species is referable to the tribe Tergini and is related to WM. prasiosmus, from which it differs in its larger size, more crowded lamellae and smaller spores. The lamellae are whiter than those of Collybia confluens and nearly as crowded. Their great number has suggested the specific name. The downy coating of the stem is usually very thin at the top and sometimes absent there. REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 287 Marasmius vialis n. sp. Pileus membranaceous, convex, pruinose, white; lamellae arcuate, distant, decurrent, white; stem short, tough, solid, at first white, then brown or blackish but covered with a white pruinosity, commonly swollen at the base into a small downy bulb. Pileus 2 to 5 lines broad; stem 6 to Io lines long, about .5 line thick. Damp ground by roadside. Gansevoort, Saratoga county. July. This fungus has almost the same style of coloration as Marasmws nigripes, from which it differs in its smaller size, distant decurrent lamellae, bulbous base of the solid stem and in its habitat. Marasmius subnudus (£llis) Pk Pileus thin, flexible, tough, broadly convex or nearly plane, glabrous, more or less striate on the margin, often somewhat irregu- larly uneven, dull brownish red or dingy bay, taste of the dry plant bitter, unpleasant; lamellae narrow, subdistant, rounded behind, nearly free, whitish or creamy yellow, becoming darker in drying; stem slender, equal, tough, inserted, solid, reddish brown above, blackish brown below, everywhere clothed with a grayish down or tomentum which is commonly a little more dense near the base. Pileus 10 to 20 lines broad; stem 1.5 to 3 in. long, I to 1.5 lines thick. Fallen leaves and sticks in woods. July and August. Suffolk, Albany, Rensselaer and Essex counties. Common. This is M. peronatus subnudus Ellis, no. 909, N. A. fungi. It differs so much in its characters and general appearance from the descriptions and figures of the European M. peronatus, that it seems to me to be worthy of specific distinction. The pileus is almost membranaceous, often wavy or irregular on the margin, never um- bonate so far as I have seen, and more highly colored. The lamellae are not at all crowded, nor have I ever seen them rufescent. The stem is not sensibly narrowed upward and its color is darker than in M. peronatus. The tomentum on the lower part is by no means as copious and conspicuous as represented in the European plant. The 288 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM taste of the dried plant is bitter rather than acrid. The taste of the fresh plant has not been proved by me. The abrupt truncate or disk-like base of the stem is not shown in the figures of M. peronatus. — Clitopilus popinalis Fr. Woods. Gansevoort. July. The whole plant is of a grayish color except the mature lamellae which have a flesh-colored hue, and the base of the stem which is clothed with a white tomentum. It has a farinaceous odor. Leptonia subserrulata x. sp. Pileus thin, convex or campanulate, umbilicate, obscurely striate on the margin, grayish. white, darker colored and squamulose in the umbilicus; lamellae thin, close, adnate, white at first, bluish black and minutely denticulate on the edge; stem slender, rather long, hollow, glabrous, whitish or pallid; spores irregular or angular; .0004 to .00045 in. long, .0003 broad, usually containing a single large nucleus. Pileus 8 to 15 lines broad; stem 2 to 3 in. long, about 1 line thick. Low damp ground in woods. Gansevoort. July. This species is closely allied to Leptonia serrulata, but differs from it in its paler and more campanulate pileus, its paler lamellae and paler glabrous stem which is wholly destitute of dots or punctate markings. at the top. ; Pholiota lutea n. sp. Pileus fleshy, firm, convex, dry, slightly silky, sometimes minutely floccose-squamulose toward the center, buff yellow, often a little darker at the center, the thin incurved margin slightly surpassing the lamellae, flesh pale yellow, odor pleasant, taste bitter; lamellae thin, close, rounded behind, adnexed, pale yellow, becoming dark ferruginous with age; stem firm, solid, thickened at the base, fibril- lose, colored like the pileus, annulus slight, usually near the top of the stem; spores elliptic, ferruginous, .0003 in. long, .c0oo2 broad. Pileus 2 to 4 in. broad; stem 2 to 3 in. long, 3 to 5 lines thick. Decaying wood and trunks of trees in woods. August. Allied to Pholiota spectabilis and P. villosus, but distinguished from REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 289 the former by the adnexed lamellae and from the latter by its smoother pileus and solid stem. ‘The pileus is silky rather than villous. Pholiota marginella n. sp. PLATE B, fig. 12-20. Pileus fleshy, convex becoming nearly plane, glabrous, hygro- phanous, yellowish red or subferruginous when young or moist, then commonly striatulate on the margin, yellowish buff or whitish when dry, the young margin slightly silky with the whitish fibrils of the veil; lamellae close, thin, adnexed, minutely eroded on the edge, whitish, becoming dark ferruginous; stem flexuous, subequal, fibrillose, pruinose or mealy above the slight evanescent annulus, stuffed or hollow, pallid or whitish, sometimes with a white mycelioid tomentum at the base; spores elliptic, .00024 to .0003 in. long, -00016 to .0002 broad. Pileus I to 2 in. broad; stem 2 to 4 in. long, 2 to 4 lines thick. Single or caespitose on decaying wood. North Elba. June. The species is related to P. marginata, from which it differs in its paler color, even or merely striatulate margin, adnexed lamellae and uniformly colored stem. In drying the moisture first disappears from the center of the pileus. Inocybe rigidipes n. sp. Pileus thin, convex or subcampanulate, becoming expanded, um- bonate, squamulose, striate on the margin when dry, tawny gray; lamellae broad, subdistant, narrowed behind, slightly adnexed, tawny ochraceous, commonly whitish on the edge; stem rather slender, flexuous, rigid, firm, solid, slightly pruinose, colored like the pileus; spores globose, echinate, .0005 in. broad. Pileus 6 to 12 lines broad; stem 1.5 to 2.5 in. long, about 1 line thick. Damp clayey ground in shaded places. Menands, Albany county. August. When dried specimens are soaked in water the shriveled stems recover the plump condition of the fresh state. The spores are similar to those of Inocybe calospora, but they area little larger. The 290 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM squamules of the pileus are not ppinesseds nor has the pileus the t same color as that species. Inocybe albodisca n. sp. Pileus conical or campanulate, umbonate, smooth and whitish at the apex when fresh and moist, elsewhere dingy, yellowish brown or lilac brown, paler when dry and slightly fibrillose or silky, longi- tudinally rimose; lamellae moderately close, rounded behind, whitish. when young, becoming subferruginous with age; stem equal, solid, striate, glabrous or slightly mealy or pruinose at the top, pallid; spores nodulose, .0003 in. long, nearly as broad. Pileus about 1 in. broad; stem 1 to 2 in. long, 2 to 3 lines thick. Under spruce and balsam fir trees. North Elba, Essex county. August. Easily distinguished from all other species of this genus known to: me, by the whitish umbonate apex of the pileus. Flammula viscida 2. sp. Densely caespitose; pileus hemispheric or convex, glabrous, covered with a separable viscid pellicle, obscurely striatulate on the margin when moist, pale yellow, the thin margin incurved when young, flesh white; lamellae thin, close, emarginate, adnexed,. whitish when young, becoming dark ferruginous; stem equal, fibrous, hollow but the cavity small, sometimes squamulose, pallid or subferruginous; spores brownish ferruginous, broadly elliptic, .00024 to .0003 in. long, .00016 to .0002 broad. Pileus 6 to 12 lines broad; stem I to 2 in. long, 1.5 to 2 lines thick. Decaying wood of alder, Alnus incana. North Elba. August. ‘This species resembles F. alnicola in color, but its smaller size, densely caespitose mode of growth, viscid separable pellicle and emarginate lamellae separate it. Sometimes there is a slight trace of an annulus on the stem, thereby indicating a close hermeng to the genus Pholiota. Tubaria deformata n. sp. Pileus thin, convex, becoming plane or centrally depressed, often wavy or irregular on the margin, glabrous, hygrophanous, reddish REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 29r brown when moist, whitish when dry; lamellae thin, close, wider- behind, adnate or decurrent, often wavy, branched or even anasto- mosing, brownish ferruginous; stem firm, hollow, tapering down- ward, clothed with grayish white fibrils; spores broadly elliptic, .0003 in. long, .00024 broad. Pileus 6 to 12 lines broad; stem 1 to 2 in. long, I to 2 lines thick. Dung in old roads in woods. Connery pond, North Elba. August. The irregular character of the pileus and lamellae give this plant a deformed appearance. | Deconica semistriata 7. sp. Pileus thin except on the prominent broadly umbonate disk, gla- brous, somewhat wavy on the margin and striate to the umbo, gray- ish brown, paler when dry and less distinctly striate, the broad umbo yellowish; lamellae broad, distant or subdistant, adnate or slightly decurrent, purplish brown, whitish on the edge; stem equal, firm, short, slightly floccose-fibrillose, stuffed with a whitish pith, colored like the pileus; spores compressed, suborbicular, .00025 to- .0003 in. long, .00025 broad. Pileus 4 to 5 lines broad; stem 8 to Io lines long, .5 line thick. Damp ground in woods. Gansevoort. July. Easily distinguished by the broad convex umbo-like disk and the. widely striate margin. _ Gomphidius vinicolor n. sp. Pileus thick, fleshy, convex or nearly plane, viscid, dark red, be- coming blackish in drying; lamellae distant, decurrent, olive brown or blackish when mature; stem subequal, glabrous, solid, vinous. red, paler within; spores oblong-fusiform, .0007 to .o008 in. long, .00024 to .0003 broad. Pileus 1 to 2.5 in. broad; stem 1.5 to 2.5 in. long, 2 to 4 lines thick. Under pine trees. Lake Mohonk. October. This species is closely related to Gomphidius roseus, from which it differs in the color of the stem, lamellae and flesh. The gluten of the pileus becomes blackish in drying and sometimes separates in a: radiating manner, revealing the reddish color of the surface of the 292 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM pileus. The mature lamellae appear velvety when viewed by the aid of alens. This is due to the abundance of the prominent spores that cover their surfaces. ) Hygrophorus immutabilis 7. sp. Pileus thin, conical or convex and umbonate, often striate when dry, greenish brown or yellowish brown, not changing color in drying; lamellae subdistant, whitish or yellowish; stem slender, glabrous, hollow, yellow; spores elliptic, .co04 to .0005 in. long, .00024 to .00028 broad. i Pileus 8 to 12 lines broad; stem 1 to 2 in. long, 1.5 to 2 lines thick. . Dryish sandy or heathy places. Raybrook, Essex county. August. _ This plant is manifestly closely allied to Hygrophorus comicus, and might easily be considered a mere variety of it. It differs, however, in being less regularly and acutely conical, in having no orange, scarlet or red hues, in its paler or whitish lamellae and specially in its unchangeable color. Specimens of H. conicus collected at the same time and place and subjected to the same method of drying turned black, as usual, but these retained their colors. Clavaria fellea n. sp. Clubs about 1 inch high, ochraceous yellow, sparsely and sub- dichotomously branched; stem terete, solid; branches crowded, nearly parallel, the tips obtuse, concolorous; spores globose, .00024 in. broad; mycelium white. | Under oak trees. Gansevoort. July. Related to C. muscoides. The flavor is bitter and slightly farinaceous. Boletus nebulosus x. sp. Pileus convex, dry, snuff brown or smoky brown, flesh white, unchangeable; tubes convex, depressed around the stem, pallid or brownish, becoming purplish brown where wounded, the mouths small, rotund; stem enlarged toward the base, solid, scurfy, colored like the pileus; spores .0005 to .0006 in. long, .00024 broad. REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 293, Pileus 2 to 4 in. broad; stem 3 to 4 in. long, 4 to 6 lines thick. Shaded banks by roadside. Raybrook. August. No young or immature specimens were seen and the description is to that extent incomplete. | Poria setigera 7. sp. Effused, tough, thin, adnate, the thin sterile byssine or tomentose margin whitish; pores minute, rotund, shallow, + to + line wide, smoky brown, suffused with a grayish white pruinosity, the dissepi- ments entire, their edges and the sterile margin bearing smooth colored setae .003 to .005 in. long, .0005 to .0006 broad. Bark of red maple, Acer rubrum. Gansevoort. July. This fungus forms patches by confluence several inches in extent. The setae are external and do not appear to develop within the pores. Therefore the species is not a Mucronoporus. Trametes serialis 7. Decaying wood of spruce. Adirondack mountains. September. Trametes serialis resupinata Romel/ Resupinate, tough, adnate, white, 1 to 2 lines thick, composed mostly. of the small equal round white pores, one eighth to one fifth line broad, the dissepiments obtuse, sometimes becoming sub- acute and dentate with age; subiculum thin, sterile margin at length almost wanting. Wood and bark of spruce. Adirondack mountains. This fungus usually forms continuous patches several inches in extent. On even decorticated surfaces it is generally even and regular in outline, but on uneven surfaces it is apt to be interrupted and irregular. It is allied to Trametes serpens but may be separated from it by its smaller and more regular pores and more obtuse dissepiments. : Hydnum chrysocomum Underw. Much decayed sticks. New Dorp, Richmond county. October. L. M. Underwood. ¥ 294 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cyphella fasciculata B. é C. Dead branches of alder, Alnus incana. Lake Pleasant and Boreas river, Adirondack mountains. July. To the naked eye the clusters of cups appear to be grayish and pulverulent. In the typical form they are said to be pallid and minutely tomentose. The spores in our specimens are subglobose, .0002 to .00025 in. broad. Geaster velutinus 4¢z. New Russia, Essex county. Mrs L. A. Millington. Catastoma circumscissum (B. é C.) Morg. ‘Trout lake, St Lawrence county. Mrs E. C. Anthony. Lycoperdon cepiforme Bull. Ground. Lake Mohonk. October. Isaria penicilliformis n. sp. Stems commonly tufted and united at the base, 4 to 6 lines high, ‘simple or sparingly divided above, pointed or occasionally obtuse at the apex, everywhere flocculent-pulverulent, whitish, becoming glau- cous green; spores terminal on protruding penicillately tufted fila- ments, subglobose, hyaline, .ooo12 to .o0016 in. broad. On starch paste. Jamaica, Queens county. January. F. C. Stewart. . - It is possible that this fungus may be an extraordinary develop- ment of the common Penicillium glaucum, having the hyphae greatly elongated and compacted into a vertical stem from all sides of which their free ends project in penicillate clusters. Cercospora caricina LZ. d D. Living leaves of Carex arctata. North Elba. August. Exoascus Insititiae Sadeb. _ Living leaves of wild red cherry, Prunus Pennsylvanica. North Elba. June. REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 295 Exoascus unilateralis n. sp. Spots mostly suborbicular, convex above, concave below, some- times confluent and irregular, discolored, either paler or darker than the surrounding tissues; asci epiphyllous, subcylindric, sometimes a little contracted just above the basal cell, .0016 to .oo2 in. long, .0005 to .0006 broad, the stalk cell .co05 to .0006 in. broad and nearly as long; spores commonly 8, globose or broadly elliptic, .00024 to .0003 in. long, .0002 to .00024 broad. Living leaves of choke cherry, Prunus Virgimiana. Evans Mills, Jefferson county and North Elba, Essex county. June. This species is allied to Exoascus deformans, from which it may be distinguished by its rather larger asci and spores and by its general habit. The invaded leaves are less distorted, even when the spots are large and occupy much of their surface, and the fungus, so far as I have seen, occupies the upper surface only. This at length becomes slightly whitened by the effusion of the spores. Generally there are from one to three spots on a leaf. Hypocrea aurantiaca n. sp. Perithecia minute, compactly crowded forming a continuous stratum or rarely scattered and involved in an orange colored to- mentum, orange colored, the ostiola slightly darker; asci slender, cylindric, .0025 to .003 in. long, .ooo16 broad; spore cells sub- globose, .ooo12 broad. On Polyporus chioneus. Gansevoort. July. This fungus appears to have been included by Mr Ellis in Hy- pocrea pallida, with which it agrees in spore characters, but from which it differs so greatly in its formation of a continuous crust and in the orange color of the perithecia and tomentum that it seems to me to merit separation as a distinct species. Peziza odorata Pk. Damp ground. Gansevoort and North Elba. July and August. 296 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Sphaerella Cypripedii n. sp. Spots large, 4 to Io lines broad and long, brown reddish brown or grayish, sometimes with a darker border; perithecia minute, numer- ous, amphigenous, at first covered, then erumpent, punctiform, shining, black; asci subcylindric, .0o2 to .0024 in. long; spores crowded, oblong-fusiform, obscurely uniseptate, quadrinucleate, hyaline, .0006 in. long, .00016 to .0002 broad. Living leaves of some exotic species of Cypripedium. Bay Ridge, Kings county. October. Stewart. Tihe spots usually occur at or near the apical extremity of the leaf. D REMARKS AND OBSERVATIONS Brassica arvensis (L.) B. S. P. The form introduced and naturalized in this country is described as having glabrous pods. Nevertheless a form having the pods hispid with stiff hairs pointing downward was collected in a vacant lot in Albany. Roripa sylvestris (L.) Bess. Banks of the Wallkill at New Paltz. May. The yellow cress or creeping yellow water-cress is an introduced plant, but it appears to be well established in this locality. It is Nasturtium sylvestre in the Manual. | Viola striata Ait. Near Syracuse. Mrs Goodrich. The striped violet is not found in the eastern part of the state though its occurrence in the western part of New England has been recorded. Viola primulaefolia ZL. The primrose-leaved violet is rare with us. It occurs at Lake Minnewaska. vit Acer Negundo Z. The box elder or ash-leaved maple has been reported as occurring in a swamp about seven miles west of Salamanca and near Red House Station. | Py ‘ .. ee ee ee ee ee ee REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 297 Ilex monticola 4. Gray. This interesting shrub is not rare about Lake Minnewaska. It also occurs at Lake Mohonk. It blossoms in June in these localities. It has been reported from Cattaraugus county and from the Catskill mountains. Solidago rugosa Mill. ° A peculiar form of this species was found growing near Lake Ampersand. The flowering branches are very short, generally less than an inch long and shorter than the leaves in whose axils they grow. They therefore form an elongated narrow racemose leafy panicle. Solidago neglecta 7. ¢ G Rosecrans swamp near Glens Falls. August and September. S. H. Burnham. Rhodora Canadensis L. -Shawangunk mountain. Abundant near Lake Minnewaska. May. This small shrub is a beautiful sight when in blossom. The flowers precede the ‘leaves, and though smaller, they are similar in color to and scarcely less showy than those of the pinkster-flower, Azalea nudiflora. ‘They assume a purplish hue in drying. A single flowering specimen was collected several years ago near Thirteenth pond in Warren county and contributed to the herbarium by Mrs I. B. Sampson. Aside from this, the localities on the Shawangunk mountain are the only places in the. state from which specimens have come to my notice. Plantago major L. A small pubescent form is not rare along streams and about the margins of lakes in the Adirondack region. The leaf blades are 1 to 2 inches long and the scapes are 2 to 4 high. The number of seeds in each seed vessel is often less than eight. Arisaema triphyllum pusillum n. var. Plants 3 to 6 inches high; leaves usually solitary, the leaflets narrowed and pointed at the base, 12 to 18 lines long, 7 to 9 wide; the upper part of the spathe commonly dark purple. 298 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Millbrook, Dutchess county. June. Fred. Thorne. | The plants were in flower June 15th, about a month later than the time of flowering of the typical form of the species in the same | locality. Tetraplodon mnioides L.//. Specimens of this rare moss were collected many years ago on the Catskill mountains by the late S. T. Olney. A sample of these specimens has been presented to the state herbarium by Mrs E. G. Britton. | Lepiota arenicola Pk. ‘ This plant was discovered and published 10 years ago. It was found the second time in July of the present year, growing in sandy soil near Gansevoort. ‘These are fine specimens a little larger than the typical form. The species is apparently rare. | Lactarius aquifluus brevissimus n. var. , Pileus I to 1.5 in. broad, grayish buff; lemellae crowded, adnate, yellowish or cream color; stem very short, 6 to 8 lines long. Black mucky soil in roads in woods. Township 24, Franklin county. September. | Plant fragrant; sometimes caespitose. Cantharellus brevipes Px. Woods. North Elba. August. It sometimes grows in arcs of circles. This species is very rare. It was found 18 years ago, and since that time had not been seen by me till this summer. It has recently been found in Vermont also. \ Boletus chrysenteron /’r. The variability ofthis species is quite perplexing. Two forms occur near Gansevoort. In one the young pileus is red but it fades with age to a grayish buff. It has a persistently red and minutely scurfy stem. In the other the pileus is dark brown or olivaceous and the stem is pale red or yellow and red. In both, the flesh may be either yellow or whitish and the cracks in the pileus may be either red or pallid. In both, wounds assume a blue color. The flesh is sometimes whitish above and yellow next the tubes. ’ oe —— se | | ; i ) Se aaa ee ee eee ee eee REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 299 Polyporus umbellatus Fr. Prof. Atkinson finds this rare species near Ithaca. Polyporus Anax Berk. This species has apparently been confused by some American mycologists with. Polyporus intybaceus. JI have received specimens of it bearing that name. The spores of that species are described as elliptic or ovoid. The spores of Polyporus Anax, as shown by our specimens, are globose. Poria aurea Pk. Pine wood near Ithaca. Atkinson. The typical specimens were found eight years ago, growing on decaying wood of sugar maple. No others except the Ithaca specimens have come to my notice and the species is apparently very rare. Gyromitra esculenta crispa n. var. Whole surface of the pileus finely reticulate with anastomosing costae. Under evergreens. North Elba. June. Gyromitra sphaerospora (Pk.) Sace. PLATE B, fig. 21-25. Two specimens of this fungus were found in the Adirondack region 24 years ago. Since then a single specimen was sent me by Prof. Dudley who found it near Ithaca. In June a fine large cluster of this extremely rare fungus was found growing on decaying wood by the side of the Adirondack Lodge road. Some of the specimens had the pileus 4 or 5 in. broad, and the stem 3 or 4:in. long and 1 to 2 in. thick. The stem in the large specimens is deeply grooved and often pinkish tinted at the base; but it loses this color in drying. The plants emit a strong unpleasant odor in drying. The species is well marked by its globose spores and so far as I know has not yet been found beyond the limits of our state. Helvella elastica albida (Pers.) Sacc. Near Gouverneur, St Lawrence county. June. Mrs Anthony. 300 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM — 4 Spathularia rugosa Pk. North Elba. August. This is the second time this rare plant has been found. It was growing in lines or arcs of circles. E EDIBLE FUNGI Amanitopsis strangulata (/'r.) Roze STRANGULATED AMANITOPSIS PLATE 50, fig. 1-10. Pileus fleshy but rather thin, fragile, at first ovate, then broadly convex or subcampanulate, finally nearly plane, warty, slightly viscid when moist, deeply and distinctly striate on the margin, erayish brown or mouse color, sometimes paler on the margin; lamellae close, free, broader toward the outer extremity, white or whitish; stem equal or slightly tapering upward, stuffed or hollow, floccose-squamulose, white or whitish, the adherent remains of the ruptured volva sometimes forming an imperfect or fragmentary annulus near the base; spores globose, .0004 to .0005 in. in diameter. : ; The strangulated Amanitopsis resembles the livid variety of the sheathed Amanitopsis in color and size, but it is easily distinguished by the warts of the pileus and by the fragmentary remains of the ruptured volva or wrapper at the base of the stem. The spores also are a little larger than in that species. When the young plant first appears above the surface of the ground, the cap is oval or somewhat ege-shape, but it soon becomes more expanded and finally nearly flat. In wet weather the margin sometimes curves upward making the cap appear concave above or centrally depressed. The warts have a soft or somewhat woolly texture and are easily separable from the cap. In the European — plant they are represented as sometimes entirely absent. In the American plant they are quite persistent on the center of the cap, though they sometimes disappear from the thin plicate-striate mar- gin. They are represented in the figure of the species given by Fries in his Jcones as paler than the cap, but in our’ plant they are as ; ; 4 5 } 3 ; J é REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 301 dark as the cap or sometimes even darker. The cap is grayish brown or mouse color, sometimes becoming paler or drab on the margin. The gills are white or whitish, free from the stem and broader as they approach the margin of the cap. The intervening short ones are truncated at the inner extremity. The stem is neither bulbous nor distinctly annulate. It is white or whitish and more or less mealy or scurfy. It is rather slender and sometimes slightly tapering upward. Near the base it is often adorned with a few transverse fragments of the wrapper which are often so arranged as to resemble an incomplete ring or collar. Occasionally two or even three of these imperfect collars are formed. Fries represents the base of the stem .of the European plant as sheathed by a membranaceous wrapper, but such a character is not well shown in the American plant. Neither does it show the one or two swollen nodes near the base of the stem, as represented in the figure in Jcones. I suspect these discrepancies are due to the failure of the artist to represent these characters accurately, for Berkeley’s figure of Agaricus Cecilae B. & Br., which Fries, in Hy- menomycetes Europaei, places as a synonym of Agaricus strangulatus, well represents our plant. It is also well represented in the figure of Agaricus strangulatus as given by Saunders and Smith. They also represent the spores as globose, but at the same time they quote the presumably incorrect description of them, which says that they are oval, .0006 inch long, .00034 broad. Saccardo has also admitted this description of the spores in Sylloge. We must either suppose this description is incorrect or else we must suppose that all recent my- cological authors, including the illustrious Fries himself, have con- fused two distinct species. The former supposition seems to us to be the more reasonable. If, however, it should ever be shown that Agaricus Ceciliae B. & Br. is not the same as Agaricus strangulatus Fr., then our American plant must bear the name Amamnitopsis Ceciliae (B. & Br.) instead’of the name we have used. The cap is 14 to 4 in. broad, the stem is 3 to 5 in. long and 3 to 6 lines thick. 302 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The plants grow in groups in or near the borders of woods. They appear in July. The species is rare with us. It was first found by me in 1869, near Greenport, Suffolk county. The second locality known to me is near Gansevoort, Saratoga county, where it was recently found growing in a field but near the borders of some woods. Its edible character was tested and it was found to be agreeable and harmless but not highly flavored. It is much like the sheathed Amanitopsis in this respect. Europeanauthors do not appear to have included it among the edible species. Clitocybe monadelpha Morg. CLUSTERED CLITOCYBE PLATE 51, fig. 1-5. Pileus fleshy, convex becoming nearly plane or somewhat de- pressed, at first glabrous or nearly so, then squamulose or virgate, variable in color, honey-color, pale reddish brown or reddish, the margin even, flesh white or whitish; lamellae moderately close, dis- tinctly decurrent, whitish or pale flesh color; stem long, solid, crooked, fibrous, tapering at the base, shining, pallid or brown; spores subelliptic, .0003 in. long, .o002 broad. The clustered Clitocybe is a rare species in our state and has been found by me in one locality only. It is apparently more plentiful farther west. It resembles the honey-colored armillaria in size and general appearance, but it may be distinguished by the entire ab- ° sence of a veil and a-collar, by its decidedly decurrent gills and by its solid stem. The cap in the typical western form is at first smooth but it finally becomes scaly. In the eastern form it is smooth or nearly so when young, but it is soon adorned with minute tufted fibrils or fibrillose scales in the centerand with darker lines or closely pressed fibrils toward the even margin. The color in our specimens is a pale reddish brown, a little darker than isabelline and approach- ing russet. . The western form varies from honey-color to reddish brown. The gills are whitish or pallid and they run down on the stem, gradually tapering to a point. The stems are densely clus- tered and united at the base, forming tufts of many individuals. They are more or less irregular, twisted, crooked and tapering REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 303 toward the base. They have a fibrous texture externally and are smooth and somewhat shining. In our specimens they are brown and darker than the cap. The cap is 1 to 24 in. broad, the stem is 3 to 4 in. long and 2 to 4 lines thick. The plants grow under-trees and appear in September. In Ohio the typical form is said to grow from spring till late autumn and to form clusters of 20 to 50 individuals. The flavor seems to me to be superior to that of the honey-colored armillaria. Hygrophorus flavodiscus Frost YELLOW-DISKED HyGROPHORUS PLATE 51, fig. 6-11. Pileus fleshy, convex or nearly plane, glabrous, very viscid or glutinous, white, pale yellow or reddish yellow in the center, flesh white; lamellae adnate or decurrent, subdistant, white, sometimes with a slight flesh-colored tint, the interspaces sometimes venose; stem subequal, solid, very viscid or glutinous, white at the top, white or yellowish elsewhere; spores elliptic, white, .00025 to .0003 in. long, .00016 to .0002 broad. The yellow-disked Hygrophorous scarcely differs from the sooty Hygrophorous in anyrespect except in color. It is sometimes found growing with it in pine woods. Both appear late in autumn. The cap is rather thick and fleshy in the center but thin at the margin. It is so very viscid or glutinous that when dry its surface is smooth and shining as if varnished. The color of the disk is yellowish or reddish yellow but the margin is white. The interspaces between the gills are distinct and sometimes are marked by cross veins. The gills are white or nearly white and are attached to the stem or run down upon it. The stem is solid and externally glutinous except a short space at the top. , The cap is I to 3 in. broad, the stem I to 3 in. long and from 1 to 4 an in. or more thick. 304 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM - The flesh is tender and well flavored and the speties may well be placed in the list of first-class mushrooms. In consequence of the slimy surface, the cap is apt to be soiled by adhering dirt and leaves and it should be peeled before cooking. There is a closely related European species, Hygrophorus Friesu, which scarcely differs from this mushroom except in having the whole cap uniformly pale yellow and in its gills becoming pallid with age. It has not yet been found in our country. : Collybia radicata Relh. RootTepD COLLYBIA PLATE 52 : Pileus thin, convex or nearly plane, glabrous, viscid when moist, grayish brown or smoky brown, flesh white; lamellae broad, sub- distant, adnexed; stem long, slender, firm, generally slightly taper- | ing upward, stuffed, colored like or a little paler than the pileus, ending below in a long root-like prolongation which penetrates the earth deeply; spores elliptic, with a slight oblique apiculus at one end, .0006 to .0007 in. long, .0004 to .0005 broad. . The rooted Collybia is a common species and one easily recog- nized if notice is taken of the lower part of the stem. This is like a long slender tap root, tapering downward and generally pene- trating the earth to a depth about equal to the length of the stem above the surface. The cap is broadly convex or nearly flat, and sometimes is slightly raised or umbonate in the center. In well developed specimens the central part is generally rugose or radiately wrinkled. In wet weather it is viscid or even glutinous, but in dry weather the vis- cidity is scarcely noticeable. Notwithstanding this tendency to viscidity the cap is usually clean and attractive. The gills are broad, thick, well separated from each other and . excavated or notched at the end next the stem. The point of attach- ment is therefore much more narrow than the middle part of the gill. The gills are white or slightly tinged with yellow. ; The stem is generally thickest at the surface of the ground and tapers slightly from this point in both directions. In the typical REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 305 form it is smooth, but a variety is common in which it is minutely scurfy. This is named variety furfuracea. There is also a small form, called variety pusilla, in which the cap is about I in. broad. All these have the root-like prolongation of the stem which is sug- gestive of the specific name. The color of the stem is either whitish or similar to the color of the cap but paler. In the scurfy-stemmed variety it is often darker colored than in the typical form. Speci- mens are sometimes found in which the stem is white and occasion- ally both cap and stem are white. The spores are white when fresh, but after long exposure they sometimes assume a yellowish color. The cap is from I to 4 in. broad and the stem from 2 to 8 in. long above the surface of the ground, and from 2 to 3 or rarely 4 lines thick. , In one specimen in the state herbarium the subterranean or root- like prolongation of the stem is a little more than Io in. long. The plants grow singly or sparsely scattered in woods or recent clearings and may be found from June to October. The caps are somewhat tough but agreeable in flavor and the species is classed as an edible one without any hesitation. , Collybia velutipes Curt. VELVET-STEMMED COLLYBIA PLATE 50, fig. 11-16. Pileus rather thin, convex or nearly plane, obtuse, glabrous, vis- cid, reddish yellow or tawny; lamellae broad, subdistant, rounded behind, slightly adnexed, white or tinged with yellow; stem firm, externally cartilaginous, stuffed or hollow, brown or tawny brown, velvety hairy when mature; spores narrowly elliptic, .0003 to .00036 in. long, .00016 broad. , The velvet-stemmed Collybia is one of the few mushrooms that appear very late in the season. It may be found after nearly all others have yielded to the severity of the weather. It has even been called a winter mushroom because it is possible to find it in pro- longed mild thawing weather in winter. It sometimes develops in spring also. It is easily recognized by its viscid tawny cap, its velvety stem and tufted mode of growth. Sometimes the cap is 306 © NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM wholly yellowish or yellowish on the margin and: darker on the central part.. Because of the crowded mode of growth the caps are sometimes very irregular. The gills are rounded or deeply notched next the stem so that they are slightly attached to it. They _are whitish or white tinged with yellow. In very young plants the stem is whitish, but it soon becomes tawny or tawny brown from ‘the development of the dénse coat of velvety hairs. It is generally hollow. | The caps are generally about 1 inch broad in large tufts, but in smaller and looser clusters or in scattered or single growths they are often larger. The stems vary from 1 to 3 or 4 in. long and from 1 to 3 lines thick. The plants grow on dead trunks of trees either standing or prostrate or on old stumps or decaying wood. Its edible qualities are not inferior to those of the preceding spe- cies. Its flesh is more tender and quite as agreeable in flavor. It is well to peel the caps before cooking in order to free them from ad- hering particles of dirt or other objectionable matter. Russula roseipes (Secr.) Bres. ROSY-STEMMED RUSSULA PLATE 58, fig. 1-7. x ' Pileus convex becoming nearly plane or slightly depressed, at first viscid, soon dry, becoming slightly striate on the thin margin, rosy red variously modified by pink orange or ochraceous hues, sometimes becoming paler with age, taste mild; lamellae moderately close, nearly entire, rounded behind and slightly adnexed, ventri- cose, whitish becoming yellow; stem slightly tapering upward, stuffed or somewhat cavernous, white tinged with red; spores yellow, globose or subglobose. , The rosy-stemmed Russula is a good example of the close relation that exists between some species of this genus, and of the difficulty of assigning satisfactory limits to species. This Russula was first described by Secretan who considered it a variety of Russula alutacea and named it Russula alutacea roseipes. It was afterward raised ‘to specific rank by Bresadola and was accepted as a good species by © Saccardo in Sylloge. Still later it was reduced again to varietal rank Se * ee | REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 307 by Massee who considered it a variety of Russula puellaris and named it Russula puellaris roscipes. Though having points of resemblance to both R. alutacca and R. puellaris it seems better to us to retain it as a distinct species. It is not common in our state, having been collected in Albany and Saratoga counties only. Its distinguishing characte*s are its mild taste, its rosy cap which is commonly dry and but slightly striate on the margin, its gills changing from whitish to yellow or subochraceous and being slightly attached to the stem and its stem being slightly stained with rosy red. From R. alutacea it may be separated by its smaller size, more narrow and slightly attached gills and by its less highly colored giils and spores. From &. puellaris, which it resembles in size, it may be distinguished by not having the center of the cap more highly colored than the rest and by the rosy tint of the stem. In the European piant the stem is said to be sprinkled with a rosy meali- ness or pruinosity, but in our plant the color appears to be in the stem itseif. The cap is I to 2 in. broad, the stem is 14 to 2 in. long and 3 to 4 lines thick. The plants grow in woods of pine and hem- lock and have been collected in July and August. The flesh is tender and agreeable in flavor. Russula ochrophylla Px. OCHERY-GILLED RUSSULA PLATE 53, fig. 8-14. Pileus firm, convex becoming nearly plane or slightly depressed in the center, even or rarely very slightly striate on the margin when old, purple or dark purplish red, flesh white, purplish under the adnate cuticle, taste mild; lamellae entire, a few of them forked at the base, subdistant, adnate, at first yellowish, becoming bright ochraceous buff when mature, dusted by the spores, the interspaces somewhat venose; stem equal or nearly so, solid or. spongy within, reddish or rosy tinted, paler than the pileus; spores bright ochra- ceous buff, globose, verruculose, .0004 in. broad. The ochery-gilled Russula is a large fine species but not a common one. It differs but little in color and size from the European pun- 308 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM aa gent Russula, Russula drimeia, but it is easily distinguished from it by its mild taste. The cap is dry, 2 to 4 in. broad, convex or alittle depressed in the center, purple or purplish red, the white flesh purplish under the cuticle, which, however, is not easily veparable. The gills are nearly all entire, extending from the stem to the margin of the cap. ‘they are therefore much closer together near the stem than at the margin. They are at first yellowish, but a bright ochraceous buff when mature. They are then dusted by the similarly colored spores. The stem is stout, nearly cylindric, firm but spongy in the center and colored like the cap but generally a little paler. There is a variety in which the stem is white and the cap deep red. In other respects it is like the typical form. Its name is Russula ochrophylla albipes. This mushroom has an agreeable flavor but the flesh is rather firm. Unless peeled before cooking it imparts a purplish hue to the milk or other liquid in which it is stewed. Its edible qualities appear to me to be similar to those of the greenish Russula, Russula virescens. Both are fairly good but neither seems to be highly flavored. No mild-flavored Russula is known to be deleterious and two or three of my correspondents claim that even the very acrid Russula emetica loses its acridity in cooking and has been eaten by them without any harm. But there are so many mild species that there is no need of running any risks by eating the acrid ones. The ochery-gilled Russula grows in groups under trees, especially oak trees, and should be sought in July and August. Boletus subglabripes Pk. -SMOOTHISH-STEMMED BOLETUS PLATE 55 Pileus convex or nearly plane, glabrous, reddish inclining to chestnut color, flesh white, unchangeable; tubes adnate, nearly plane in the mass, pale yellow, becoming convex and darker or greenish yellow with age, the mouths small, subrotund; stem equal, solid, . furfuraceous, pale yellow; spores oblong-fusiform, .0005 to .0006 in. long, .00016 to .0002 broad. a REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 309 The smoothish-stemmed Boletus is well marked by its cylindric minutely scurfy stem which is colored like the tubes. Its cap is smooth and nearly always some shade of red or bay. Specimens occur occasionally in which it approaches grayish brown or wood- ‘brown. The flesh is white and unchangeable when cut or broken. The tubes at first have a nearly plane surface but this becomes somewhat convex with age, and slightly depressed around the stem. The tube mouths are small and nearly round. The color of the tubes is at first a beautiful pale yellow but it becomes darker or slightly greenish yellow with age. The stem is colored very nearly like the tubes, but sometimes it has a slight reddish tint toward the base, Its peculiar feature con- sists of the minute branny particles upon it. They are so small and pale that they are easily overlooked. 3 There is a variety in which the cap is corrugated or irregularly pitted anl wrinkled. Its name is Boletus subglabripes corrugis Pk. The cap is 14 to 4 in. broad, the stem is 2 to 3 in. long and 4 to 8 lines thick. The plants are found in woods in July and, August. Boletus edulis Bull. var. clavipes Pc. CLUB-STEMMED BOLETUS PLATE 54 Pileus fleshy, convex, glabrous, grayish red, bay red or chestnut color, flesh white, unchangeable; tubes at first concave or nearly plane, white and stuffed, then convex, slightly depressed around the stem, ochraceous yellow; stem mostly obclavate and reticulate to the base; spores oblong-fusiform, .0005 to .0006 in. long, .ooo16 to .0002 broad. The club-stemmed Boletus is so closely related to the’ edible Boletus and so closely connected by intermediate forms that it seems to be only a variety of it, but one worthy of illustration. It differs in the more uniform color of the cap, in having the tubes less de- pressed around the stem and less tinted with green when mature and in having the stem more club-shape and commonly reticulated to the base. The lower reticulations are usually coarser but less per- 310 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM manent than the upper. The cap is more highly colored when young and is apt to become paler with age, but the margin does not become paler than the central part as it so often does in the edible Boletus. Individuals sometimes occur in which the stem is nearly cylindric and reticulated only on the upper part. These connect so closely with the edible Boletus that we have considered this to be a mere variety of it. In size and in edible qualities it is very similar to that species. | | Hydnum albidum P&. Watrish Hypnum , PLATE 56, fig. 1-7. Pileus fleshy, thin, broadly convex or nearly plane, subpruinose, white, flesh white; aculei short, white; stem short, solid, central or - eccentric, white; spores subglobose, .co016 to .o002 in. broad. The whitish Hydnum is uniformly colored in all its parts. It grows in groups or in clusters. In the latter case the caps are sometimes irregular because of the crowded mode of growth and the stems are occasionally eccentric. It is a small species not liable to be mistaken for any other except possibly for very small pale forms of the spread- ing Hydnum. But wholly white examples of this species have never been seen by me. The caps are I to 2 in. broad and the stems are generally about I in. long and 3 to 5 lines thick. ef The plants grow in thin woods or in open bushy places and appear in June and July. It is not a common species and though well flavored it is not of very great importance as an edible mushroom because of its scarcity and small size. Hydnum Caput-ursi /’r. BEAR’S-HEAD HyDNUM PLATE 56, fig. 8-12. Fleshy, tuberculiform, immarginate, pendulous, white, the surface everywhere emitting short branches which are clothed with branch- lets and subulate deflexed aculei; spores globose or subglobose, .0002 to .00024 in. broad. REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 311 . The bear’s-head Hydnum is intermediate between the coral-like Hydnum, H. coralloides, on one hand and the hedgehog Hydnum, HT. erinaceum, and the medusa’s-head Hydnum, H. Caput-medusae, on the other. By reason of the numerous short branches of its surface it is classed with the branching species of the tribe Merisma, but on account of its thick fleshy tuberculiform body it shows a close connection with the unbranched tuberculiform species. The Ameri- can fungus is not always pendulous, and in this respect it differs from the typical form described by Prof. Fries. When it grows from the upper side of a prostrate trunk it is erect or nearly so. When it grows from the side of a standing or of a prostrate trunk it may be either ascending or pendulous, or it may develop in-both directions. The solid body is sometimes elongated and narrow, sometimes short and thick. Its branches are often scarcely more than tuberculiform projections or processes and the general outline of the whole fungus sometimes bears a striking re- semblance in size and shape to the heart of an ox. The spine-like teeth vary much in length. They are generally from 4 to 12 lines long, and point downward. They are longer than in the coral-like Hydnum and shorter than in the hedgehog Hydnum. The whole plant is white and beautiful when fresh and young, but with age and in drying it assumes creamy white, yellowish or pale alutaceous hues. It has sometimes been referred to Hydnum Caput-medusae by American mycologists but its branching character and the entire absence of erayish or cinereous colors forbid such a reference. It usually forms masses from 2 to 6 inches thick and high, but it sometimes greatly exceeds these dimensions. It grows upon dead or decaying wood of deciduous trees, specially of beech and birch and is mostly found in woods in summer and autumn. This species is not classed among the edible mushrooms by Eu- ropean mycologists and Prof. Fries says that its substance is tough and dry, and that he would scarcely think it edible. My own experi- ments with it lead me to think it less tender and savory than the coral-like Hydnum, still it is agreeable, digestible and harmless and much better than some species that are generally considered very good. Its great mass of firm flesh, free from larvae, clean white and ‘ resent Sh , 4 RA hh ne i ts c NEW YORK STATE) = eect ' 4 Br Hy) attractive, gives it value and importance which it woul wise have. It may be made specially useful to parties the Adirondack wilderness who may have become tired « nary fare of the camp or who may be running short of s cutting it in thin slices it can easily be dried and preserved f 14 “ * ; use. 7 ; . Ls ; - REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 313 : EXPLANATION OF PLATES Plate A Picea brevifolia Pk. SWAMP SPRUCE FIGURE 1 Part of a branch bearing staminate aments. 2 Part of a branch with ovule-bearing aments. 3 Part of a branch bearing two mature cones and three stami- 7 nate aments. 4 Large and old cone with opened scales. 5 Four seeds, two of them with wings removed. 6 Single leaf. | Var. semiprostrata Pk. 7 Part of a branch. 8 Single leaf. Plate B Mycena cyaneobasis Pk. BLUE-ROOTED MYCENA 1 Two young plants with the cap moist and highly colored. 2,3,4 Three mature plants with pale caps, two of them showing a part of the under surface. 5 Vertical section of a cap and the upper part of its stem. 6 Transverse section of a stem. 7 Four spores x 400. Clitocybe fellea Pk. BITTER CLITOCYBE 8 Two immature plants. g-Two mature plants. 10 Vertical section of a cap and the upper part of its stem. 11 Four spores x 400. Pholiota marginella Pk. SLIGHT-MARGINED PHOLIOTA 12 Cluster of four young plants. 13 Young plant showing a part of the under surface of the cap. 14 Mature plant showing a part of the under surface of the cap. 314 -* NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM FIGURE 15 Two plants, one young, the other mature and with its cap faded. a 16 Mature plant with its cap faded and the center depressed. 17,18 Vertical sections of two caps and the upper part of their stems. _ 19 Transverse section of a stem. 20 Four spores x 400. Gyromitra sphaerospora Sace. GLOBOSE-SPORED_ GYROMITRA 21 Young plant. 22 Mature plant. 23 Mature plant showing the under surface of the cap. 24 Paraphysis and an ascus containing eight spores x 400. 25 Four free spores x 400. Plate 50 Amanitopsis strangulata Roze STRANGULATED AMANITOPSIS 1,2 Two young plants. 3 Plant with the cap partly expanded. A, 5 Two mature plants with their caps fully expanded. 6,7 Vertical section of two caps and the upper part of their stems. 8,9 Transverse sections of two stems. : 10 Four spores x 400. Collybia velutipes Curt. VELVET-STEMMED COLLYBIA 1m Cluster of seven young plants with pale stems. 12,13 Two clusters of mature plants. 14 Single mature plant. 15 Vertical section of a cap and the upper part of its stem. 16 Four spores x 400. Plate 51 Clitocybe monadelpha Morg. CLUSTERED CLITOCYBE 1 Cluster of plants, two of them showing scales and fibrils on the caps. REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 315 FIGURE 2 Single mature plant. 3 Vertical section of the cap of a young plant and the upper part of its stem. 4 Vertical section of the cap of a mature plant and the Saag part of its stem. 5 Four spores x 400. Hygrophorus flavodiscus Frost YELLOW-DISKED HyGROPHORUS 6 Young plant. 7 Mature plant with the cap ‘pany expanded. 8 Mature plant with the cap fully expanded. 9 Vertical section of a cap and the upper part of its stem. 10 Transverse section of a stem. 11 Four spores x 400. Plate 52 Collybia radicata Relh. “ROOTED COLLYBIA 1 Young plant. 2 Mature plant showing radiating wrinkles on the center of the cap. 3 Form having a white cap. 4,5 Vertical sections of two caps and the upper part of their stems. 6,7 Transverse sections of two stems. 8 Four spores x 400. Var. furfuracea Pk. g Plant with the cap partly expanded and corrugated on the center. 10 Plant with the even cap fully expanded. 11 Four spores x 400. Var. pusilla Pp, 12,13 Two plants, one with the cap fully expanded. 14 Four spores x 400. 316 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Plate 53 Russula roseipes Bres. ROSY-STEMMED RUSSULA FIGURE 1 Young plant. 2 Plant with cap partly expanded. 3,4 Two mature plants, one with the cap nearly plane. 5,6 Vertical sections of the caps of two plants and the upper part of their stems. Four spores x 400. N Russula ochrophylla Pk. OCHERY-GILLED RUSSULA 8 Young plant. 9g, 10 Two mature plants. II Vertical section of a cap and the upper part of its stem. 12 Four spores x 400. Var. albipes Pk. 13 Immature plant with the cap partly expanded. 14 Mature plant. | Plate 54 Boletus edulis Bull. var. clavipes Pk. CLUB-STEMMED BOLETUS Young plant. Young plant with the cap slightly expanded showing the whitish under surface. by 3 Plant nearly mature. 4 Mature plant of small size. 5 Mature plant of large size with the stem nearly cylindric and reticulated on the upper part only. 6 Vertical section of the cap of a young plant and the upper part of its stem. 7 Vertical section of the cap of a mature plant and the upper part of its stem. ; 8 Four spores x 400. REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 317 Plate 55 Boletus subglabripes Pk. SMOOTHISH-STEMMED BoLETUS FIGURE 1,2 Two young plants. 3 Immature plant showing the color of the young tubes. 4 Mature plant with reddish stains at the base of the stem. 5 Vertical section of the cap of an immature plant and the upper part of its stem. 6 Vertical section of the cap of a mature plant and the upper part of its stem. : 7 Four spores x 400. Var. corrugis Pk. 8 Immature plant. g Mature plant with reddish base of the stem. 10 Vertical section of a cap and the upper part of its stem. Plate 56 Hydnum albidum Pk, WHITE HypNuM 1 Group of four plants. 2 Single plant of medium size. 3 Plant having the cap wavy on the margin. 4 Plant having the stem eccentric. 5,6 Vertical sections of two caps and the upper part of their stems. | 7 Four spores x 400. Hydnum Caput-ursi Fr. BEAR’S-HEAD HypNuM 8 Small plant of vertical growth. 9 Plant of lateral growth. Io Vertical section of a plant of vertical growth. 11 Vertical section of a plant of lateral growth showing both erect and pendulous development. 12 Four spores x 400. i : aS cian ohgeeed suse ari. Bey. ; - 2, | MARIA e207 OI A IN, ic ak, ue , es GN vet Chee Ree te i The ‘ga Nae: oe ca , ah Wath , E RTS DA ‘i ep the FP ok eae Nh | , Fey 4S prt pate h aie ATE AOS He oe ; Ly SRT TEE aI DE OR it: ; ERT ENE POTN RY Last pai Oy aes Se Bea, ; PS ese is, tee eri" bear my ay hat Fe ite tear} sie sks rhe i ae ; ; 7 mA k p he f « hoe shag? f sarah bans ¥i ai ey.” ti ia sae NY. AOS » tate eae ; i ry ' val A ‘ Mais \ os i, 7 sical WaKmee cota fcc T a aie eo acts He asta sh: are e BG sie ee oe ee pil MG Mier WO EN Ul Jey: use os = mn RE SE, ee RK AE ASAT mn i a ety cy rey at Macey ee * ae I AORN EN o: ; U4 See Ke : ee ae ere ie is Bk: | eee “lf se iste i waited ep istigs aie hasty oie | Roe. i ty qos a tog Bi sai wilt fh ule a) a a patiang ean ae me Fe) teas ‘ { i; 4 ; ' : : ef , ors te i aes ty : ee, ; ae as i ‘% ay : ae Bats i Ws Nt OER pees ee ros ao newt ee ae ae Peas : | Netas weatelet Tale oe x ne ¥ eee. uaa ve Ao he iavibont io thacky Gigiee p ki Ss tat WY te TY. yw Guy ‘Sa tian a 3 si Sasiiatismunscl a on Hiren wnat ins in} I re ty i? bd a »™% & b hig ; y a, \ all ale rue : ' : Tien hee teh = ie ; 4 “ J *,* ‘ 4 N.Y. State Mus. 51, : PLATE A C. H. PECK, DEL WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO. i aE é a PICEA BREVIFOLIA, Peck SWAMP SPRUCE EDIBLE FUNGI PLaTe 50 N. Y. STATE Mus. 51 C. H. Peck, DEL. Fics. 1-10 AMANITOPSIS STRANGULATA poze Fis, 11-16 COLLYBIA VELUTIPES curr STRANGULATED AMANITOPSIS VELVET-STEMMED COLLYBIA ae ayes pee Aus aieLs Be imax om ; « 7 ” FUNGI PLATE B N. Y. STATE Mus. 51 C. H. Peck, Det. Fics. 1-7 MYCENA CYANEOBASIS prex Fes. 8-11 CLITOCYBE FELLEA prcx BLUE-ROOTED MYCENA BITTER CLITOCYBE Fics, 12-20 PHOLIOTA MARGINELLA pécx Fics. 21-25 GYROMITRA SPH/EROSPORA sacc SLIGHT-MARGINED PHOLIOTA GLOBOSE-SPORED GYROMITRA Sv Se Paes “sda - N. Y. STATE Mus. 51 C. H. Peck, DEL. Fics. 1-5 CLITOCYBE MONADELPHA Morc CLUSTERED CLITOCYBE EDIBLE FUNGI Plate 51 Fics. 6-11 HYGROPHORUS FLAVODISCUS Frost YELLOW-DISKED HYGROPHORUS ‘ Aas ek ge vs dig cae a fe aa , a Bega a Shae =a ; Ps =« I . , e yy ae " : } ® * ‘ A + Pee ~ 4 ‘ ’ : , ‘ \ / ’ . 2 : 4 3 # .y ‘ 1 i rj ; { ‘ ) J / i - \ ' ‘ ( EDIBLE FUNGI N. Y. STaTe Mus. 51 Plate 52 ©. H. Peck, Det. COLLYBIA RADICATA rein ROOTED COLLYBIA N. Y. STATE Mus. 51 EDIBLE FUNGI Pate 53 C. H. Peck, Det. Fi. 1-7 RUSSULA ROSEIPES bres Fias. 8-14 RUSSULA OCHROPHYLLA Peck ROSY-STEMMED RUSSULA OCHERY-GILLED RUSSULA eo “— arene t f . ‘ a j 4 44 z N. Y. STATE Mus. 51 EDIBLE FUNGI PLATE 64 ee aeare = I It bi C. H. Peck, Det. BOLETUS EDULIS aur. var. CLAVIPES Peck CLUB-STEMMED BOLETUS Aa we i eee Ys th, 2 eee ee Uy © ie ol Pee ene nett ANT OES ee ayy e235 : 1. wad Py ear van aye Lopes . ‘ a + : F . ‘ ie seed Buse , ' ’ ~ * ‘ ’ 5 ' i \ ’ : 2 oF ' ve a. Seat aa DV Seo ." 4 . - . ‘ - J ‘— “oD i , ‘a ’ . i * ‘ “ j ~ ’ ‘ 4 A Whi bey z " tL + r yf iy ’ ‘ i s, “ : j ' 4 . a ee a Tr . es ‘ q N.Y. STATE Mus. 61 EDIBLE FUNGI PLATE 55 C. H. Peck, Det. BOLETUS SUBGLABRIPES Peck SMOOTHISH-STEMMED BOLETUS . a igh "LN | , ! wf n é 7 os Se ry vi ‘ 1° N. Y. STATE Mus. 51 EDIBLE FUNGI PLATE 56 fy i iit VY) ER ae 5 ae “y ih ganna Geant Ny vA it Ii coe? 2 ih oo fi Vien * f <_ fi ~ », yO es ee, . Wee ay \ VES | Ii, c Wi \ Vie i emis |B TN NG CG. H. Peck, Det. ° Fis. 1-7 HYDNUM ALBIDUM pPecr Fias, 8-12 HYDNUM CAPUT-URSI Fr. WHITE HYDNUM BEAR'S-HEAD HYDNUM LIN DE xX: The superior figure tells the exact place on the page in ninths; e. g. 2787 means seven ninths of the way down page 278. Acer Negundo, 2969. Acer nigrum, 2787. Agrimonia mollis, 2793. Amanitopsis strangulata, 3002-23 ; explanation of plate, 3145. Amelanchier rotundifolia, 2797. Anthony, Mrs E. C., gift, 273°. Arisaema triphyllum pusillum, 2979- 982, Aronia nigra, 279°. Aster glomeratus, 2812. Aster Schreberi, 2811. Atkinson, G: F., gift, 2737. Barbarea Barbarea, 2779. Betula pumila, 2813. Boletus chrysenteron, 2988. Boletus edulis, 3096-103; explanation of plate, 3168. Boletus nebulosus, 2928-932. Boletus subglabripes, 3088-95 ; explana- tion of plate, 3171. Braendle, F: J., gift, 2752. Brassica arvensis, 2964. Brassica juncea, 2781. Britton, Mrs N. L., gift, 2745-751, Burnham, S. H., gift, 2752. Burt, E. A., gift, 2764. Cantharellus brevipes, 2986. Cardamine Pennsylvanica, 2776. Cardamine purpurea, 2778, Carex Bicknellii, 2825. Carex brunnescen, 2822 Carex costellata, 2825. Carex festucacea, 2824. Carex xanthocarpa, 2821, Catastoma circumscissum, 2944. Cercospora caricina, 2948. Clavaria fellea, 2926. Clitocybe fellea, 2845; explanation of plate, 3137. Clitocybe gilva, 2841. Clitocybe monadelpha, 284%, 3023-33; explanation of plate, 3149-152, Clitopilus popinalis, 2882, Collybia radicata, 304°-5°; explanation of plate, 3155. Collybia velutipes, 3056-6°; explana- tion of plate, 3147. Cowell, W. G., gift, 2763. Crataegus macracantha, 2803. Crataegus mollis, 2804, _ Cyphella fasciculata, 2941. Davis, J. J., gift, 2737. Deconica semistriata, 2913. Edible fungi, 2692, 3002-122. Elymus intermedius, 2828. Euonymus Europaeus, 2788. Exoascus Insititiae, 2949. Exoascus unilateralis, 2951. Flammula viscida, 2905. Fungi, edible, 2692, 3002-122. Galium palustre, 2807. Galium tinctorium, 2806, 320 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Geaster velutinus, 2943, Gifts, 2733-775, Gomphidius vinicolor, 2917-921. Goodrich, Mrs L. L., gift, 273°. Gyromitra esculenta crispa, 299°. Gyromitra sphaerospora, ‘2996; expla- _ nation of plate, 314%. Helvella elastica albida, 2999. Hulst, G: D., gift, 2767-775. Hydnum albidum, 310°; explanation of plate, 3175. Hydnum Caput-ursi, 3108-122; explana- tion of plate, 3178. Hydnum chrysocomum, 2939, Hygrophorus flavodiscus, explanation of plate, 3153. Hygrophorus immutabilis, 2922, Hypericum majus, 278°. Hypocrea aurantiaca, 295°. 3084-43; Tlex monticola, 2971. Inocybe albodisea, 2902. Inocybe rigidipes, 2896-901, Isaria penicilliformis, 294°. Juncus secundus, 2817. Juncus Torreyi, 2818. Lactarius aquifluus brevissimus, 2985. Lepiota acerina, 2837. Lepiota arenicola, 2983, Leptonia subserrulata, 2883, Lintner, J. A., gift, 2738. Lloyd, C. G., gift, 2741. Lycoperdon cepiforme, 2944, McIlvaine, Charles, gift, 2739. Marasmius polyphyllus, 2865, Marasmius ramulinus, 2861. Marasmius subnudus, 2874-881, Marasmius vialis, 2871. Mather, John, gift, 2744. Millington, Mrs L. A., gift, 2734. Mushrooms, edible, 2692, 3002-122, Myceva cyaneobasis, 2848-853; expla- nation of plate, 313°. North Elba, plants, 2683-692, 2797-802, 2839, 289°, 2904-913, 2948, 2953, 2959, 2986, 299°, 3001. Nye, G. H., gift, 2763. Omphalia clavata, 2854. Omphalia papillata, 2857. Overacker, M. L., gift, 273°. Panicum boreale, 2826. Panicum lanuginosum, 2827. Peziza odorata, 2959. Perkins, A. J., gift, 276°. Pholiota lutea, 2887-891. Pholiota marginella, 2897; explanation of plate, 3138-142. Picea brevifolia, 2829-836; explanation of plate, 3131. Plantago major, 2977. Plants, new species, 2776-963; species added to collection, 2676-682, 270-732; contributed, 2733-775, Plates, explanation of, 313-17. Polyporus Anax, 2992. Polyporus umbellatus, 2991. Poria aurea, 2993. Poria setigera, 2932. Raphidostegium Jamesii, 2838. Rathbun, F. R., gift, 2755. Rhodora Canadensis, 2975. Robinson, B. L., gift, 2755-763. | Roripa sylvestris, 296°. Rubus Alleghaniensis, 2789-792, Rubus Baileyanus, 2792. Russula ochrophylla, 3076-87; explana- tion of plate, 3163, Russula roseipes, 3065-76; explanation of plate, 3161. Salix balsamifera, 2816. Smith, Mrs A. M., gift, 2753. Smith, C: E., gift, 2738. Solidago alpestris, 2808, Solidago neglecta, 2974. Solidago rugosa, 2972. Solidago uniligulata, 2809. t : ‘ 1 7 INDEX TO REPORT OF STATE BOTANIST, 1897 Sparganium androcladum, 2819 Trametes serialis, 2935, Spathularia rugosa, 3001. Trametes serialis resupinata, 2936, Sphaerella Cypripedii, 2961. Sturtevant, Grace, gift, 276°. Tubaria deformata, 2909-913, Viola primulaefolia, 2968. Tetraplodon mnioides, 2982. Viola seabriuscula, 2783. Thorne, Fred., gift, 2754. Viola striata, 2967. (Pages 323-206 were cover pages) 321 . PEA pM cabanas heeds ‘dln ictsla iat NER eeeramia isa nénegel rt i a mans) staal . rh ve HATES xe ek a eae shoh ital RY ae vid ii ste hNing aie tee eotape’s % bia te n re Wt ae ps G Ee Tan Hits: Re mide fs bale serae ee wikia Ghent 1 RAG ha flint ag oa 4 RORY ear tema stat a SAR ahivh eos ate GPSS. PEER ay ME TNS ant a ea es co, aie ae ‘ zn 4 “ "3 RAE MME Pe ee Hiccenienha eee “ +a ASS aaa dae PARES RESO AM es UND Y Sette | ae eine Rs Udit Ne GAIN een Aa ate gs ity Se Ug Pe ein we fe ate Pit \ i Poa a t ‘ ‘ ENP Ein ete a : He Sa eit fre t) Soe RAE Roe i * Ayah s9t-sie sy TA PER WC ene AN ei ) es ae syns si 3% bay eh} : RANA HC RRENE RS cee St ; 6 Po. Ay aS Ne Pain A ‘ eT Sahl ava L pad bet og a rt ARE aT ee, 9d a ia yo esl eae : 8) di vignette ani : : Bi wat a Ry i eh eae He opt Nits, "3, on , OM 3 EN Pa: ar tedig shad tuba Bh Ase : Hhie a eat Ree £) hate ay ves , " A beta ee rig deol iis. 3 ue: 3 i ! Prat ee Hs cca ieee PNT Oa (op foe oa s PIA BA Te, ee Bs. Soa att MEN eee | ‘ 5 ao je Sas aii SPOON mas aE Pia A va ok aa, De Sag be ae ae ) AD ena ’ ener Pes Ds} ye ; i ; sis teu thane ey Ayah fol’ iis ‘ jee BS Mahadevan iy. WD: Rae mat 1 Baie ri OTR AE 1 aay ” aes aed ee eae +. ae Oe LE arene, eee Npty as ta } hor hy Mak htt asrig gt Dab a an el ge Ni \ rae Seat att ist toe hey, wakes ‘ a gt au 4 Rey OTM “it Te re ee i ie Tapas: pha pain Ne Ay Ne eitodity, FAY os iB fi ‘i Apoh Dak Print’, Bed , at, ‘dare ith ee sl i 4 . “ni PAR as is, MeO hee wy als $i icadieses aie: inue os (Sita Bo Nei HR AER Rak HH SIS ES a ee Bh Maes aes jj AR Ny BERR Hsp ety f alddsine: atpaninty. ae We iia, edly? ieee “ % eae: Soop layer Hy ahiditn, bee Lothian Saat IAA, net Be a a wena Cyiara a | ate ahi senha, 0 in 4 nd oY al it le anc) a) a Wa OF THE Per aAttk ENTOMOLOGIST LoO7 thin . el-aod ine ae ee a ee Bat re gees ie Merger eeinle Pipes yoy as at SUE Bek Opa Ue: SAD TP EEE. DY RG ee aoe Fe ee ee and reeiam - : f = | i Fi Siar es ann 28 is mb CUE NAS wis Beene on yy Palmer ke Sara ten ac EE epee oc me nd a ~~ ‘Se? CaN TisN TS PAGE Lo a ee eee ee a 331 MRE Ee ei poe eal ee i aieemn a oie aie maa ay) anus wie mpaiaa wi siin 331 Pith report... \. ~../- eee ane tae ee meee se IS aS Aca ktint 2a) PEON On tie OWIEe 2 hoe. Alay Be seycee uel to Uae mewn en sna ece caine 331 PE releeHen 2. he oe hous Mote RE sees Siac eae deiewulelecise 331 siete TNC Er One ee oe cee eis ee cd A ie Gan tintin eee mee ee wae 332 ee eMLOM DOIG IEAIIECS 22 rae eels, Seta ec eee we cess ae peta Ee 332 eaaseseanspe \bminsecth in obese fey eee euch twee web iewersa’ 333 PCISRIISE s ee eer kee ee A gloat Sc nace ex gene cate 335 Emir rajopectys, TeG-bDTeasted SAaW-HY - 2 oh — acces ewes cose ceee teaeds 335 Usotcrus albicormis, white-horned Urocerus .* 2.2... -----+- 22-00, 2 MP nee 338 ea Pe TAN IEE Na oe oa cpa oe ie ete kin Sa een ane em nd eae 340 Pete er eet 7e ts APELIAL MOU en pleat ware cat eee ous sew enna senses woce 342 Riyeus paaicusn, tarmisucd plant-bues. 22 obese ese eS eee wees ete 351 al eta aA GEC ES a2 Se ls A ee a ow minim Sieahsmnd 358 res COsier 25. CIDVEL Nav CALCEMIUAL S 250.4 GlwGn casas ccm cone wasacs ehocns 358 remmomyped Lecumrnicolg, Clover-seed MAP 320065 cons on a en's een vis oeet 359 WI MIMECHIUES SET Op hi ieagre. Canpel WEEMe) emetic = ee ence vin mo earn alge Sao oe 359 eA eniae Cel (aston, One OTNGED. «nee ene tian msieee a ‘ eA ee wire 0. i 2 er | / op 4 “% ) we? - * ‘ rw ys \ “ ‘ ¥ { \ Pe wre ee * Nhat de Saath aise ts, ay aes A i wie ion Ndi et a es eee Cae EMAAR ea A oT eae gle ae ah oR ieee tha laa a ake Be aa a ee Bee Whew has arg eho ‘(a (708 AF ye eee ae f+ ee ee : & (ft Ane sees H OS« Ut ecgncee. Joe ' ea Ree i, ee a a it se aniahy Gadtioxnse Leven nat eiainy spy veka SEEN Dialignas’ Raney) bil ghar ve Sas i ig stad Nk oS OE a EM CARL Reh abhn ds ile . ¥ % ‘ * ie ~b a Chee ‘ Eee ns aS ae se eared LAS ae Maley 4 .S &-b Ain ab alte Jill Cd i ret rd 1 Ml lg ‘ , | oe Os Li cv Ay \ : ? att, ARTE ai CaIE DT, Vian hs o4)\res j ye Te ‘ : vAL* ‘ i ‘ ‘ v \ ‘ : ‘ r a ie] i id a ae 4 ee oly : , . nA ‘ - ‘ ~ —ooe WA Rl hte r a Z 4 * ; uy ¥ 4 1Dae a o* - We We ae i in ae i ee ’ ‘ te pe . nie ew ie es Bee a © oe 1 RY ape ligt as > me Ot ww od 4ag . * Wine Rey @ W A/ee w& wat Oe le hee in Me aitidettheliebe Giz Wiig ta kad | ape oa’ atte FO RS 9 e' Seu Aa eye ve ee eee ee eae 2 + «@ b ; eas 0 ort ERO 8 Rh WY Wa Ase lp he wa & aur % * ‘» vow whe to yi la PPE BON Mt MEV (opie hl eae i BPs RUN pKa Gute Es as i Biase Liey: ov teh EE EAE Se TOG areean U) pivieceahprstetiap, mre SANA Sh BUS hi Welt. GMb Ore ila Maas oulbial t , SOS reek aeesawes ues : devas ave Miaka gee on os Mt ins ted apo tieg bh Yowals wlalga Chae at pals ag) soy Ay Ss ugy TEV TS; Hah isdyitaign oy " Bind won ore ta ccd eae peng is Samah ir Sa sh bwdemhen hina y Rok weal tI alae: Aen hye aie CMA oe iy aN ah peitrv'a Wile bina SAMS whe etal ois Ne Ay eS ER EW SS RPO Rena re Het bested: anda ae | Shah (ue Vale S elid MME ager . | . 0 eh I AB ate ie er ai aisle Tue i, SRV a ie ~ . t os : a RL ic i ee nee Rene whiney Dy wrtyidly psy aoe Se cn pm kaa : *” ia w agra soinong ts REPORT OFFICE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST ALBANY, December 15, 1897 To the Regents of the University of the State of New York rd GENTLEMEN : I have the honor of presenting my 13th report on the injurious and other insects of the state of New York, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1897, containing in the main the results of observations -and studies made by me during the year, together with some of the details pertaining to my official work. Copies of the 11th report for the year 1895, were received last January, and about 600 have been distributed to societies, to students in entomology in this country and abroad, and to agriculturists and others to whom its contents should be of interest and value. The minor publications made during the year, usually in reply to inquiries of insect attacks of more or less general interest, and contributed to agricultural or local newspapers, were 40 in number. Abstracts of these are givenin the appendix to this report, after the manner adopted in preceding reports. Some of the more important of these notices are published in full, or extended in the annual reports, A list of earlier publications of the entomologist briefly summarized, 501 in number, extending from 1870 to 1888, may be found in the volume, entitled Szbliography of the more important contributions to American economic entomology, published in 1896 bythe U. S. depart- ment of agriculture, division of entomology. The additions to the state collection of insects have not been as large as in previous years, as no special time was devoted to field collections” 332 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The number received from correspondents, accompanied usually with inquiries of their name or means of control, was about 350, from 52 individuals, The correspondence of the office has not varied materially from that reported in preceding years. The record of letters sent is 1235. Of all those to which reference might be desirable hereafter, copies have been retained, and placed on file. The letters received, indorsed, and filed, during the year are gro in number. The year has not been marked by any wide-spread insects ravages in the state of New York, or by the introduction of any formidable insect pest from abroad. The army-worm, in accordance with its accustomed limitation of serious injury to a single year, did not again make its appearance in formidable number. The San José scale is not spreading rapidly over the portions of the state liable to its introduction. New localities for it not hitherto reported, are Niagara, Ontario county; Farmer, Seneca county; and Poughkeepsie, on the Hudson river. Apparently, conditions have not been favorable for its spread, and it is very encouraging to state that in the examinations of 35 western nurseries by my assistant, Dr E. P. Felt, in not a single instance was the pest discovered. In none of the localities in the state where it has been detected, with the exception of Long Island, has the scale spread to any serious extent, and in most of them it is believed to have been exter- minated. .In view of the grave apprehensions that had been entertained of the destructiveness and stubborn character of this pest, itis very gratifying to have received the recent announcement by Dr J. B. Smith, entomologist of the New Jersey agricultural experiment station, that it can be exterminated by spraying the infested trees with pure kerosene during the winter after Jan. 1 and again in July, and in the following summer should it prove necessary. The early spring months indicated an unusual prevalence of aphides upon crops and fruit trees, but later conditions prevented any very serious injuries from them. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 333 In reviewing the year, it may be said that the losses from insect in- juries sustained in New York were below their usual amount. This, in part, may be owing to greater watchfulness of our agriculturists, and their better knowledge of the methods recommended for the protection of their crops. ‘The state has so liberally provided for the study of insect injuries that there is no good reason why the marked advance in methods of dealing with our insect enemies should not be generally utilized by the people of the state. Respectfully submitted J. A. LINTNER State entomologist t 7 i . . . ‘ae i j os . ‘ sf 1 mf 5 er ‘wee ‘ , 2 / . Ae the payer : Ree Taiko PELE haa) ARS ty \ J ; * ‘ an 4 if ayy 53 Teas 4 id bifid Ween. ty FA f rie if a as j } nt) i bP REMIT TUNERS A AT Sa COR PRT R TEBE Sh Re ai it See ‘ 5 ’ va te 5 ive a abae yp Poe 4," " LW alk veut 4% ey ' i a Pay ‘ | 4 Tad &) Vad 7s CASE. ty rede dH “ey ie ' as 44 hs G Mam ay Feta, TELE PP AL OUI OP iad We ea a 0 AE ae i Lat il , ; pay a: ae tay Z / é St Rae ee Teta Be Pi : aN ¥ pes ‘| wih ¢ Nes b . pa 5 J gf (tt ed 4 ’ ; : f weit ‘ mh ; a3 7% by ae ‘i Hak WAN aa ‘ " , ; Pa siuet pope | o ; Ry tages BAe She oe é ‘t 7 4 - z ‘ i i } ( roe, i 3 ’ , iy, aA AM ) An wv i : a4 Fi 4 s =| . 3 ; ; bs a j ‘ 4 ? ' ; 4) i bf pkg ya’ sy ’ ; nee ‘ e 7 ty ? 4 : Wak Pent ae Ceres ie he ey fn Pd Rae ’ ; : Pie hat eh RN aah aaa to TORE a j : mits 4 ‘ . 7 » & i i t ‘ an 4} reqneidy, bas h, i; Rt j ; y ‘ i ‘ nh ‘ my i ne é 4, , , ' Te Pa a ‘ . oan! - ‘ . 4 ‘| 5)" j q +h. Nin MATa - INJURIOUS INSECTS Tenthredo rufopectus /Vorton Red-breasted saw-fiy Ord. HyMENOPTERA: Fam. TENTHREDINIDAE Norton, Edward. Boston journal of natural history. 1860. 7:255- 56,% no. 38 (male and female described, from Conn, Pa.; as Adllantus); Boston society of natural history. Proceedings. 1862. 9:121 (referred to Zenthredo); American entomological society. Transactions. 1868—69. 2: 237 (description, distribution). Cresson, E. T. Synopsis of the Hymenoptera of America. 1887. p. 168 (reference). Harrington, W.H. Canadian entomologist. 1890. 22:25 (taken at Ottawa in June and July); Ottawa naturalist. 1893. 7: 125 (taken early in July); Canadian entomologist. 1894. 26: 197 (mention). Smith, J. B. Catalogue of the insects of New Jersey. 1890. p. 14 (listed). Osborn, Herbert. Partial catalogue of the animals of Iowa. 1892. p- 17 (listed). For the past 15 years the stems of currant bushes in widely sepa- | rated localities have been injured more or less by an insect boring in the tender tips, causing them to wilt or lop over and eventually die. It was not till 1891, however, that the author of the mischief was reared and identified as Janus flaviveniris Fitch, which has since been referred by Mr A. D. MacGillivray to Janus integer Norton (see Bull. 126 Cornell agricultural experiment station. 1897. p. 41). Up to the present year there has been no reason for suspecting that there was more than one insect injuring the currant stems in this particular manner. New currant pest. The currant twigs of Mr Thomas Tupper of Corning, N. Y., have suffered more or less from the currant stem girdler, Janus integer, for the past 10 years, although the insect was not identified till 1891. In 1895 Mr Tupper informed me of his finding several black saw-flies associated with the currant stem borer, which he thought might be the male of that species. Specimens of this black insect were finally obtained, both by captures in the field and by rearing from infested twigs. They were submitted to the division of entomology, U. S. department of agriculture, where they were identified by Mr Mar- latt as Zenthredo rufopectus Norton. ———S ee a . .. ___aax L250 LL aVolume and page references are separated by a colon, e. g. 7: 255-56 means volume 7, pages 255-36. 336 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM There appears to be no record by American entomologists of injury to the currant or any other plant by this insect. It is apparently a new depredator on this shrub. Notwithstanding its general resemblance in appearance, it can hardly be said that it is closely allied to Janus integer, since the latter is referred to the Uvoceridae —_a family with females having ovipositors adapted for boring in solid wood, in which their larvae, as a rule, find sustenance. “On the other hand, the Zenthredinidae are largely phyllophagous, the females ovipositing in or upon the softer vegetable tissues. A careful comparison of the two insects above named reveals marked structural differences. Anomalous boring habit of the larva: Of the 24 British species of Tenthredo described by Cameron, the larvae of only 10 are mentioned, and each one of these is an external feeder. The habits of the Ten- thredo larvae in this country appear to be practically unknown, and we have found no record of any of the species living within the stems of plants. In Great Britain, in the closely allied genus of /vectlosoma, P. candida- tum Fall., is recorded as boring in the pith of rose branches in much the same way as Zenihredo rufopectus 1s supposed to work in the currant stems. The perfect fly appears about the middle of April or early in May and lays her eggs singly in the tips of the young branches. The newly hatched larva bores into the pith, ‘whereby the leaves become withered, and then damage is done to the plant.“ Two species of Cryptocampus, C. saliceti and C. angustus, are also recorded by Mr Cam- eron as boring in the pith of young willow twigs of several species. Certain species of Huzura and Pontanza are said to pass their early stages within stems of plants without forming galls, that is, they are practically borers. Emphytus maculatus according to Riley deposits her eggs in the stem of the cultivated strawberry, and by ‘their presence causing a swelling in the stalk.’ The larvae of some other species of Zenéhre- dinidae live in galls, in various fruits, or within mines in leaves, the great majority, however, appear to be external leaf feeders. The full grown larvae of some ofthese insects are known to bore into stems of plants for the purpose of finding a suitable place for pupation. Description. The perfect insect may be distinguished from Janus integer (plate 1, fig. 2) by the body being entirely black and the abdomen flattened above (depressed), while in the latter the abdomen is flattened on the sides (compressed). The abdomen of the male of Janus a Cameron: Monograph of the British phytophagous hymenoptera 1882. 1:210. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 337 integer is yellowish red, that of the female is broadly banded with the same color. The Zenthredo is also a stouter insect than the currant stem girdler. In length it measures about ,3, inch, and its wing-spread is twice its length. The coxae and femora of the anterior two pairs of legs are tipped with black, and the apical half of the posterior tibiae and their tarsi are black. The other characters of this insect may be recognized by the accompanying figure (plate 1, fig. 1). The following is Mr Norton’s description of the insect: Female. Black, body not very stout; antennae long and slender; color ferruginous, tips of joints above black, sometimes also the two basal joints; labrum rounded ; labrum, base of mandibles and palpi, tegulae, collar, and four radiating lines on ridges of metathorax, yellow; a white spot above base of posterior coxae; pectus and legs orange red; the four anterior tibiae and tarsi and the medial femora tipped with black; apex of posterior femora, apical half of tibiae and their tarsi black; wings hyaline, basal edge of stigma and the costa pale. Male. The male has a yellow spot on each side of the disk of clypeus and on the pleura over each of the four hinder coxae; the first and second segments of abdomen and the basal segments of venter are sometimes indistinctly rufous. Life history and habits. Very little is known of the life history and habits of this insect, as its operations in the currant stems at the same time as those of Janus integer has led to the ascribing of all the injury to that species. The perfect insects were observed on the cur- rant stems at the same time as were those of J/. zzfeger by Mr Tupper, but their oviposition had not been noticed by him. ‘The stems are probably injured seriously by this insect while ovipositing, since the attack is revealed by the wilted tips as in the case of the Jamus. There is apparently but a single brood each year, as the imagoes have been taken in May at Corning, N. Y., and in June and early in July at Ottawa, Canada. Distribution. This species is probably widely distributed over the northern United States. Its recorded distribution is as follows: New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iowa and Ottawa, Canada. ‘There appears to be no record of it in the western states, although it will probably be found there later. Remedy. ~The wilted tips should be watched for in the early spring, and as soon as seen should be cut off a little below the place of injury. If the attack should escape attention till some time after the dropping of the tips, the cutting should be made a few inches farther down, and beyond the burrow of the larva. 338 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Urocerus albicornis /aér. White-horned Urocerus Ord. HyMENOPTERA: Fam. UROCERIDAE. Fabricius, J. C. Species insectorum. 1781. 1:419-20 (original description, from North America); Mantissa insectorum. 1787. 1:258 (mention); Entomologia systematica, emendata et aucta. 1793. 2:127 (from South America, all as Szrex). | Fitch, Asa. N. Y. State agricultural society. Transactions. 1857. 1858. 17: 731 (brief account); the same in Insects of New York. 4th Rept, (068 8,,.). DAs. Harris, T. W. Insects injurious to vegetation, 3d ed. 1862. p. 538-39 (brief account). Norton, Edward. American entomological society. Transactions. 1868. 1869. 2: 360-61 (bibliography, discription). Walker, Francis. Canadian entomologist. 1873. 5: 78 (in Europe and America, as Szvex). Glover, Townsend. Commissioner of agriculture. Rep’t. 1877. IS7S:') P..93, pl.0s, Se Ds ention), Harrington, W. H. Canadian entomologist. 1880. 12:97 (spinules of wing); 1882. 14: 227 (at Ottawa, Ontario); Royal society of Canada. Transactions. Section 4. 1893. p. 138-44, 145, 153 (description, distribution); Entomological society of Ontario. 24th Rep’t. 1894. p.49 (mention). | Cresson, E. T. Synopsis of the hymenoptera of America. 1887, p. 172 (listed). Cameron, Peter. Monograph of the British phytophagous hymen- optera. 1890. 3: 134 (occurs in England). Packard, A. S. U.S. Entomological commission. 5th Rep’t. 1890. Pp. 733 (on pine). : Smith, J. B. Catalogue of the insects of New Jersey. 1890. p. 15 (listed). | MacGillivray, A.D. Canadian entomologist. 1893. 25:243 (from Washington). Slosson, A. T. Entomological news. 1895. 6:317 (on Mt. _ Washington), . Lintner, J. A. Country gentleman. 1897. 62: 707 (brief notice). Of the interesting but rather limited family of the North American Uroceridae, in which six genera are included, about one half of the species are embraced in the genus Uvocerus. This genus is one that evidently finds its most favorable conditions in the Canadian provinces, for while the Cresson List of North American Hymenoptera published to years ago, contains 24 species, Mr W. H. Harrington, writing in 1893, ~ REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 339 states that ‘nearly all occur in Canada, They are widely distributed throughout the Dominion from Nova Scotia to Vancouver island, and very far northward. The larvae of these insects are borers in coniferous trees, and their distribution is probably coextensive with the trees that they infest.’ The species named above is the one that more frequently comes under observation in the eastern United States, although it is far from common, and the male appears to be quite rare. Not a single example of the male has ever been taken by me or brought to my notice. An example of the female was received August 31, from Carthage, N. Y., with the following statement : The inclosed fly was seen a few days ago at a saw mill in Carthage, alighting on some freshly sawed spruce lumber, in the face of which it presently sank its ovipositor. The instrument was an inch or more long, fine as a needle, and went straight from the center of the body into the wood, taking six or eight minutes. It seemed operated by a lever move- ment of two thicker, shorter arms, and was drawn out by a reverse action. Description and habits. The female may be easily recognized from the accompanying figure and the description given of it by Dr Harris as follows: The white-horned Urocerus has white antennae, longer and more taper- ing than those of the pigeon Tremex, and black ateachend. ‘The female is of a deep blue-black color, with an oval white spot behind each eye, and another on each side of the hinder part of the abdomen. The horn on the tail is long, and shaped like the head of a lance. The wings are smoky brown, and semitransparent. The legs are black, with white joints. The body measures about an inch in length, and the wings expand nearly two inches (see plate 1, fig. 3). Dr Harris has appended to the above a few words descriptive of the male, but it is doubtful if they pertain to this species. The males are not often met with, and from being seldom taken in association with the females, their proper reference is always doubtful.. Mr Norton has remarked (see citation) of the examples of a male described by Dr Harris as Urocerus abdominalis which is found in the trunks of the | white pine in July, that it may be W@ albicornis or U. flavicornis (plate 1, fig. 4), but it is more probably the former. For its description, see the citation given above. The several members of Na genus are commonly known as horn-tails, from the horn-like projection at the end of the abdomen. The adults are usually found on the trunks of coniferous trees on bright days. The females are provided with an extended ovipositor designed to bore into wood. This organ consists of two guides about half an inch long and a 340 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM more slender median saw nearly an inch in length. Upon finding a suitable place, she drives this instrument with a sawing motion into the ‘wood to its full length, and deposits her eggs therein. Life history. The life history of this species has not been worked out. It is presumably similar to that of the other members of the genus. The eggs are deposited in pine or spruce, dying or diseased timber is apparently preferred, although they are known to oviposit in recently felled trees. The larvae run large burrows through the trunks, often ren- dering them unfit for building purposes. The imagos are abroad in July and August, but nothing seems to be recorded of the duration of either the larval or pupal stages of this insect. Distribution. Fabricius records UW. aldicornis from béth North and South America. Later observers have reported it from the following localities: New England; New York; New Jersey; Louisiana; state of. Washington; Ottawa, Canada; Lake Winnipeg; Newfoundland; North- west Territory. Cameron (see citation) calls attention to the fact that though this insect and other American species of the genus are taken from time to time in England, they are usually found near railway stations, mines and other places where they might easily have emerged from timber imported from America. He does not regard the species as indigenous to England. Its normal habitat is probably limited to the greater portion of the United States and British America. Comparatively harmless. Although some allied species are re- garded as quite injurious to pine forests in Germany, in this country their ravages are as a rule of not much economic importance. In most cases they attack only the diseased and dying trees. Urocerus cressoni /Vorion Ord. HyMENOPTERA: Fam. UROCERIDAE _ Norton, Edward. Entomological society of Philadelphia. Proceed- ings. 1864. 3:16 (original description); American entomological society. Transactions. 1868-69. 2:361-62 (insect and varieties described). Lintner, J. A. Country gentleman. 1884. 49:9 (brief account) ; Insects of New York. 5th Rep’t. 1889. p. 311 (abstract of preceding). Cresson, E. T. ‘Synopsis of the hymenoptera of America. 1887. p- 173 (listed). fied) J.B. Catalogue of the insects of New Jersey. 1890. p. 15 isted). - oo = od REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 341 Harrington, W. H. Royal society of Canada. Transactions. Section 4. 1893. p. 139, 147, 148, 153 (description). Cooley, R.A. Psyche. 1896. 7:397 (wing structure). This interesting insect is closely allied to U. a/bicornis of a preceding page, from which it differs mainly, in having the ro basal joints of the antennae black, and only the hind tibiae and tarsi white-banded. Description of the imago. At first glance, this insect, with its wings folded upon its back, looks not much unlike one of the large black wasps (fompilius), but on closer examination it is seen to be one of the peculiar hymenopterous forms commonly known from their formidable projecting ovipositor, as horn-tails. It may be distinguished from its allies by the apical eight or 10 segments of the antennae being straw-white, except the tip of the terminal segment which is brown; the others are brownish or black in color. A spot behind each eye 1s yellowish, the thorax black, the wings smoky brown, and the abdomen above yel- lowish brown, the terminal segments being darker. The base of both tibiae and tarsi of the legs in the example before me are yellowish, there being but little of it on the anterior two pairs. The following more detailed description is from Mr Norton: Female. Black; antennae 2o0-jointed, the 10 apical articles straw white, the base of the 11th and tip of the apical article brown; a rufous spot (not defined at edges) back of each eye; the six basal segments of the abdomen of a soft velvety violaceous brown; remaining segments rufous; cornu compressed at base, lance shaped ; ovipositor not longer than abdomen and cornu together; legs black, the base of posterior tibiae and of first joint of their tarsi white; remaining joints blackish; all the claws red ; wings obscure brownish violaceous, nervures piceous ; cross nervure of second brachial cell incomplete. This species is comparatively rare in this vicinity. Two interesting varieties have been described, one from Albany, N. Y., and the other from New Jersey (see citation). Life history and distribution. The larva, hatched from the egg, when it approaches maturity, is able to excavate large burrows within the trunk, to the serious injury of the tree that it infests. In its general appearance it is long, cylindric, with six legs, a small, rounded head, and a pointed horny tail. When it attains its growth, it undergoes its trans- formations within a cocoon of chips built at the end of the burrow and spun together with silk. The length of time that it remains in its grub state is not known. This insect has been recorded from New York, New Jersey and Penn- sylvania. Its rarity has probably prevented its being detected in many localities where it occurs, although it is undoubtedly much less common and with a more restricted range than U7. a/bicornis. 342 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM New York species of Urocerus and table for their separation In, addition to the two forms herein discussed, the following species 0 © Urocerus have been recorded from this state: U. edwardsiu, U. zonatus U. cyaneus, U. nigricornis, U. abdominalis and U. flavicornis. I have also taken a specimen of JU. ¢ricolor Prov. at Schoharie, N. Y. The following table of species, adapted from Norton, is given as an aid in naming our New York species: 1 Antennae of one color, apical horn of female trian- gular, not spear-shaped Legs: and: abdomen lack un! sts 5 ccs ale aries Motes oe edwardsit Brullé Legs and abdomen yellow-banded.......---.- zonatus Norton Legs rufous, abdomen blue........-...------ cyaneus Fabr. Legs rufous, abdomen banded ......2........ nigricornis Fabr. ~ 2 Antennae banded with white or yellow, apical horn spear-shaped Base of all the tibiae yellow, third and fourth ab- dominal segments purple-brown........-.-. tricolor Prov. Base ot all thetibias yellow’ 222s. koe eee albicornis Fabr. Base of all the tibiae yellow, abdomen yellow-red (possibly the male of albicornis)....----..4. abdominalis Harris Base of ‘hinder tibiae yellow Sener cressont Norton All the tibiae and tarsi yellow......... eae favicornis Fabr. Eacles imperialis Drury Imperial moth Ord. LEPIDOPTERA: Fam. BOMBYCIDAE Drury, Drew. [Illustrations of exotic entomology. 1773. 1:17 pl. g, fig. 1, 2 (described as Adfacus). ) Smith, J. E & Abbot, John. Natural history of the_ rarer lepi- dopterous insects of Georgia. 1797. 2:109, pl. 55 (as Phalaena imperatoria). Palisot de Beauvois, A. M. F. J. Insectes recueillis en Afrique et en Amérique dans les royaumes d’Oware. 1805. p. 52, pl. 20 (as Bombyx didyma). Fitch, Asa. Insects of New York. 4th Rep’t. 1858. p. 56-57 (larva described, as Ceratocampa\; the same in N. Y. State agricultural society. Transactions. 1857. 1858. p. 742-43. Harris, T. W. Insects injurious to vegetation. 3ded. 1862. Pp. 402-5, fig. 196, 197 (brief account, as Dryocampa). a Lal ees REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 343 Morris, J. G. Synopsis of the Lepidoptera of North America. 1862. p. 230 (description, food-plants, as Ceratocampu). Packard, A. S. Entomological society of Philadelphia. Proceed- ings. 1864. 3:381-2 (synonymy); Guide to the study of insects. 1869. p. 300 (mention); U.S. Entomological commission. 5th Rep’t. 1890. p. 2138, 282, 396 (list of food-plants), 425, 481, 514, 636, 646, 771~-72 (brief account), 857, 893, 909, pl: 6, fig. 1, a, d (figures colored, brief mentions except where otherwise stated); American philosophical society. Proceedings. 1893. 30:139-40 (larva compared with that of Agha tau), p. 157-63, pl. 6 (detailed life history); N. Y. Entomological society. Journal. 1893. 1:7 (mention); First memoir on the bom- bycine moths. 1895. p. 39 (ontogeny). Riley, C. V. American entomologist and botanist. 1870. 2:340 (mention, as Dryocampa); U.S. Dep’t Agriculture, Division entomology. Bulletin 31. 1893. p. 49 (feeding on leaves of cotton-plant). Lintner, J. A. Country gentleman. 1871. 36: 600 (brief mention, as Dryocampa); Entomological contributions. 1872. 2:46-50 (larval stages described); the same reprinted in N. Y. State museum. 24th Rep’t. 1872. p 159-54; Country gentleman. 1883. 48:781 (brief general account); Insects of New York. 2d Rep’t. 1885. p. 232 (ab- stract); 4th Rep’t. 1888. p. 20, 21 (on hemlock); sth Rep’t. 1889. p. 324 (mention); goth Rep’t. 1893. p. 462 (mention); 1oth Rep’t. 1895. p. 481 (taken in July, August). Reed, E. B. Entomological society of Ontario. Rep’t. 1872. 1873. p. 37 (reference, as Dryocampa). Andrews, W.V. Canadian entomologist. 1874. 6:17 (parthen- ogenesis of), p. 146-47 (coloration of larva). Gentry, T.G. Canadian entomologist. 1874. 6:87-88 (larva and varieties described). French, G.H. Insects of Illinois. 7th Rep’t. 1878. p.196(on buttonwood, mention). Siewers, C. G. Canadian entomologist. 1878. 10:85 (house ants attacking larvae). Hulst, G. D. Brooklyn entomological society. Bulletin. 1880. 2:77 (food-plants). Bell, J. T. Canadian entomologist. . 1881. 13:59 (mention). Edwards, W. H. Psyche. 1881. 3:174 (mention, as Dryo- campa). Marten, John. Insects of Illinois. roth Rep’t, 1881. p. rar (brief mention), Brooklyn entomological society. Check list of the Macro-lepidop- tera of America. 1882. p. 9, no. rroz2 (listed, as Dryocampa). Fernald, C. H. Standard natural history. Kingsley’s. 1884. 2:454, fig. 574 (brief mention). Schofield, S. Psyche. 1884. 4:175 (mention, as Cera/ocampa). Wailly, Alfred. Psyche. 188s. 4:314 (cannibalism of larva, as Ceratocamp2) ; 1888. 5:118 (mention, as Ceratocampa). ° 344 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Beutenmuller, William. Entomologica Americana. 1886. 2:53 (list of food- plants). Harrington, W. H. Entomological society of Ontario. 17th Rep’t. 1887. p. 29 (rare in Canada). Dimmock, A. K. Psyche. 1888. 5:28 (molts, as Ceratocampa). Hagen, HH; A. Psyche.) 2888... 5 3.43% (listed), _ Riley, C. V. & Howard, L. O. Insect life. 1889. 1:379 (on elm, as Dryocampa). Smith, J. B. Catalogue of the insects of New Jersey. 1890. p. 303 (usually common); List of the, lepidoptera of boreal America. 1891. p- 32, no. 1373 (synonymy); American entomological society. Trans- actions. 1893. 20:35 (synonymy, as Citheronia, after Kirby). Dyar,H.G. Psyche. 1891. 6: 129 (at light, June to August). Neumoegen, Berthold. Entomological news. 1891. 2: 150-51 (ab. punctatissima and var. nobilis described). Southwick, E. B. Insect life. 1891. 4:61 (mention). Kirby, W. F. Synonymic catalogue of lepidoptera heterocera. 1892. 1:933 (synonymy, as C2theronia). Osborn, Herbert. Partial catalogue of the animals of Iowa. 1892. p. 1g (listed, as Dryocampa). Mason, J. T. Entomological news. 1893. 4:157 (var. from Texas). Neumoegen, Berthold & Dyar, H. G. N. Y. Entomological society. Journal. 1894. 2: 151-52 (synopsis of varieties, as Baszlona). Comstock, J. H. & A.B. Manual for the study of insects. 1895. p. 346, fig. 425 (brief account, as Baszlona). Cooley, R. A. Psyche. 1896. 7: 397 (mention). Howard, L. O. U.S. Dep’t agriculture. Office of experiment sta- tions. Bulletin 33. 1896. p. 345 (feeding on cotton plant); reprinted in U.S. Dep’t agriculture. Farmers’ bulletin 47. 1897. p. 26. Soule, C.G. Psyche. 1897. 8:155 (on Prunus serotina). Though this insect is not noted for marked injuries to anyone of its numerous food-plants it is of special interest to everyone who chances to meet with it, from its strange appearing larva and the large size of the beautiful moth. The imagos are such desirable additions to the cabinet that the larvae are eagerly sought after by collectors, since it is only by rearing that the more perfect examples can be obtained. Notes on the life history. A pair of these beautiful and rare moths was taken in coition by a gentleman in Greenbush (now a por- tion of the city of Rensselaer), in June of 1869, and remained in that state while being brought across the river to Albany. In the box with them were some twigs and leaves of chestnut (Castanea REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 345 vesca), with a number of eggs already deposited on them, from which circumstance, in the absence of any accompanying statement, it may be presumed that the moths were captured on that tree. A large number of eggs were subsequently deposited by the moth, of which, through the kindness of Mr Louis Sautter, 85 were brought to me, which were said to have been laid June 25. When the eggs were received by me on the 30th, they showed a circular depression on their flattened surface, which, in the eggs of many of our moths, indicates an advanced stage in their development. They were of a light honey- yellow color, with some reddish spots or clouds maculating their border. By July 2d the larvae could be plainly seen in frequent motion in a few of the eggs, through the transparent shell. On the following day, the larval bands were quite visible. Four of the larvae were disclosed July 4, and 12 additional during the fivé days following; of these the last ones to emerge were quite feeble— four of them dying without partaking of food. None of the other eggs. developed, probably from failure in fertilization, resulting from a dis- turbed coition. Thus it will be seen that the duration of the egg stage was from nine to 14 days. The larvae fed only at long intervals, passing most of their time in wandering over the leaves or resting on their petioles. One larva molted July 11; two the r2th and four on the night of the 14th. Two larvae were in position for the second molting on the 16th, indicating progress in the change by their translucent, empty head-cases and the withdrawn heads covered by the skin of the first segment. The entire integuinent was cast the following day. The two surviving larvae molted for the third time July 30 and August 2. The fourth molt of the sole survivor occurred on the 15th. Unfortunately, it died of diarrhoea three days later—the result, probably, of its having been fed for so long a time on a food-plant unnatural to it. The chestnut leaves which were at first given to the young larvae were refused. It not being convenient to pro- vide them with buttonwood, its only food-plant as given by Harris, oak, mentioned by Abbot as one of their food-plants in the south, was procured for them, upon which they fed, but at no time in a very earnest manner. An attempt was afterward made to transfer them to pine, on which Dr Fitch states that they are almost invariably found in the northern states, but they were unwilling to make the change. The small size of the one larva which passed the fourth molt successfully, a Dr Hulst states that these larvae are difficult to rear in confinement, though hardy under natural conditions. 346 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM indicated that there was probably an additional molting prior to pupa- tion, but the rearing of the species later by Dr Packard seems te show conclusively that there are but four molts—the same number found by Mr Edwards (see citation). During the following month (September 1869), from the 7th to the 16th, 14 individuals were taken by me, and as many more by Mr Meske, of Albany, from the lower branches of a number of pines (/izus strobus) bordering a road in the Forbes manor, at Bath. Their presence on a tree was In most instances readily revealed by the large pellets of their excrement lying upon the smooth gravelled road beneath, when, from the robust form of the larva in marked contrast with the slender leaves sur- rounding it, its resting place was not difficult to detect. On the 7th one was taken which had just completed its last molting; on the gth one was observed in the process of molting, which, from some irregularity attending it, had fallen to the ground; and on the same day one which had already assumed the brown or tawny hue indicative of its full maturity was taken while moving down the trunk of a tree to seek its place for pupation. The most advanced one of the others collected matured on the rrth, and transformed to a pupa on the surface of the ground on the 16th of the month. Most of the remainder entered the ground, where they constructed cells of moderate dimensions for their pupal transformation. . The pupae were kept in a cold room during the winter, and about March 1 were removed to a warm apartment. April 28, May 3 and 7, male imagos emerged, after which females were disclosed till near the end of the month. Dr Dyar reports (see citation) that from June 20 to August 4, 40 examples of the moth were captured at electric lights in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., of which 16 were taken on July 9. In September 1870, diligent search was again made for the larva in the locality at Bath, where it had been abundant the preceding year, as above recorded, without finding a single individual. Its non-occurrénce indicates a marked periodicity in the appearance of the species or, possi- bly, an exhausted locality from the collections made. Description of the egg. The following is Dr Packard’s description of the egg of this insect: Length, 3mm; breadth, 2.5mm; thickness, 2mm. Flattened ellip- tic, ends alike, white, with an equatorial, smooth, distinct ridge. The shell is white, the surface under a high power triplet is seen to be finely pitted, the pits being shallow and not closely crowded. Undera half-inch objective the pits are seen to be shallow, and not often with a definite raised edge: often there is a boss or bead in the center. Arising REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 347 from the spaces between the bosses are slender, short, very minute hairs, originating from a swollen base. Under a one-fifth objective, as well as a one-half and a triplet, I can not distinguish between the microscopic structure and markings of zmperialis and regalis. Just before hatching the eggs are yellowish with reddish spots or clouds maculating their circumference. Description of the larval stages. Young larva. The newly emerged larva measures j inch in length. The head is red, round and smooth. Body of a dull red color, armed, except on the last two seg- ments, with six rows of bristle-tipped spines: the subdorsal spines on the second and third segments are nearly one third the length of the body, black, rugose, bifurcated, each prong tipped with a white acute bristle; on the top of the r1th segment is a similar spine resting on a red, conical tubercle. The segments are annulated with three fuscous bands termi- nating laterally at the stigmatal flexure, of which one precedes, and two follow the spines: the terminal segment declines considerably from the plane of the others. Legs, black; prolegs, red. First molt, Length of larva 4 inch. Head glossy, ferruginous, fus- cus at the clypeus and about the eyes. Collar and terminal segments, ferruginous. The segments are testaceous centrally, shading into an obscure red at the incisures, the transverse bands which had previously marked them having disappeared. The spines are glossy black with branches tipped with white acute bristles; the two long spines of the second and third segments each and the medial one ofthe 11th, which are about one fifth the length of the body, are directed slightly forward; their two forks are of unequal size; the last mentioned spine is in addition to the six of the preceding segments, and ranges with the four substig- matal and lateral spines, the two subdorsal being placed farther back on the segment: the terminal segment has 13 spines, viz, six occupying the usual position, a seventh medial one behind the range of the preceding, four on the anal shield, of which the two anterior are the larger (four others are indicated by acute granulations on the posterior margin), and a small one on each terminal leg exteriorly. The stigmata are broadly elliptic, fuscous, and situated on a distinct, elliptic, testaceous spot. Legs and prolegs testaceous, marked outwardly with fuscous. Second molt. July 17. Length, 8, inch. Immediately succeeding the molt the head is pale red, and the long spines before noticed, now appearing as horns, are pearly white. Three days thereafter, the larva measures ,8, inch in length. The head is dull ferruginous, with fuscous centrally and laterally. The body 348 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM is of an umber brown, lighter at the incisures, gray dorsally with a dark vascular line; segments with a few white hairs, the longest of which sur- round the subdorsal spines; horns of second, third and 11th segments curved, giossy black, with base luteous; spines dull black. Anal shield marked with a cordiform, glossy black spot, having central and marginal rufescent granulations; anal plates with a subtriangular, granulated fus- cous impression. Stigmata surrounded with a dark brown ring. Legs shining black; prolegs with a black spot exteriorly, and with fuscous near the plantae. Third molt. Wength, 1 inch. The head and color of the body are as before. A marked feature at this stage is the presence of long white hairs given out from the central portion of the segments, of which the superior ones are nearly twice the length of the thoracic horns, and the lateral ones shorter; similar hairs of medium length project laterally over the proleg-bases, The horns are +8; inch long, of a honey-yellow color, and are studded with conical projections (of which the two apicay are fuscous), bearing a short, acute, fuscous spinule. ‘The spines of the two subdorsal rows are +35 inch long, of the color of the head, and (except two exterior to the horns) have two fuscous, spinule-tipped projections. The lateral row consists of tubercles, of which those on the anterior segments are simple, and on the terminal ones branched, of a darker shade of color than the subdorsal spines. The substigmatal row is composed of still smaller simple tubercles. Anal shield brown with whitish granulations, bordered with tubercles, of which two are branched; anal plates fuscous centrally. Legs ferruginous; prolegs fuscous on the outer side. fourth molt. Wength, 12 inch. A marked change occurs in the horns at this molting. From being as heretofore cylindric they are now conical, are armed with stout spinules, and have become shorter ; the the length of the thoracic ones is +43; inch, of the posterior one, 345 inch. The anal plates are conspicuously marked with whitish granulations. The stigmata are brown, with a central line and border of white, sur- rounded with fuscous on a subquadrangular testaceous patch. The full grown larvae have been described by Dr Harris as follows: They are from 3 to 4 inches in length, and more than 4 inch in diameter, and, for the most part, of a green color, slightly tinged with red on the back; but many of them become more or less tanned or swarthy, and are sometimes found entirely brown. There are a few very short a Lintner, J. A. Entomological contributions, no. 2, contained in the 24th annual report of the New York state museum, 1870, p. 150-54. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 349 hairs thinly scattered over the body; the head and legs are pale orange colored; the oval spiracles, or breathing holes, on the sides, are large and white, encircled with green; on each of the rings, except the first, there are six thorny knobs on hard.and pointed warts of a yellow color, covered with shorf black prickles; the two uppermost of these warts on the top of the second and third rings are a quarter of an inch or more in length, curved backward like horns, and are of a deeper yellow color than the rest; the three triangular pieces on the posterior extremity of the body are brown, with yellow margins, and are covered with raised orange colored dots. The larval spines. The spines or tubercles in this species show remarkable variation and modification in the successive larval stages. The dorsal spines on the second and third thoracic segments in the newly hatched larvae are from nearly one third to about half as long as the body, very slender and deeply forked (plate 2, fig. 1,c, Zz). In the second stage, the dorsal spines on the posterior two thoracic segments and the eighth abdominal segment are stouter and not quite so deeply forked (plate 2, fig. 2, 4. c). In the third stage, the dorsal spines on these segments are a little stouter but otherwise nearly the same as in the preceding stage; compare 6 and d@ and ¢ and e of fig. 2. The varied form of some of the other spines are represented on plate 2, fig. 1, 2; see their explanation. Description of the pupa. The dark mahogany brown pupa of this insect varies in length from one and one-half to nearly two inches. It is subcylindric in form, broadly rounded at the head, less so at its pos- terior extremity with its elongated bifurcate cremaster. The short wing- cases extend only to the fifth abdominal segment. The seven oval spiracles on each side are conspicuous. Regions of the head and cre- master, and the oval subdorsal areas on the first abdominal segment are tuberculate; the margins of the abdominal segments are usually minutely toothed. The larva pupates in an earthen cell, spinning no cocoon. The teeth on the segments and the long forked cremaster enable the pupa to work its way to the surface just before the moth is disclosed. Description of the moth. This beautiful insect, with a wing-spread of from three and one-half inches in the male to nearly five or more in the female, ranks among the largest and most attractive of our native species. The purple brown markings on a yellow background are vari- able in depth of color and in extent. The following areas are purple brown in the female: patagia and the dorsum of the thorax lying between them; the dorsum of the anterior five abdominal segments except a median anterior spot on each; the basal fourth, the double dis- 350 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM cal spots with yellow centers and a more or less curved or oblique line, from the apex to its outer third, of the fore wings; an anal patch and a discal spot with an oblique line touching it on the hind wings. The yellow background is more or less spotted with dark brown; specially on the primaries. The males are readily indicated by their more feathery antennae and by the larger areas of purplish brown, specially on the fore- wings, where the basal patch extends to the discal spot, and frequently to the point where the oblique line touches the posterior margin of the wing. The larger portion of the area lying between this oblique line and the outer margin of the wing is purple brown, there being only a small yellow area within the posterior angle. The purple brown usually extends to the tip of the abdomen, Two varieties of this insect have been described: adidyma by Beauvois and nobilis by Neumoegen; the latter has also described an aberrant form under the name, punctatissema (see citation). Distribution. The recorded distribution of this insect shows that it ranges over the greater portion of the United States and into Canada. Although nowhere very common, it appears to be more abundant in the latitude of southern New York and in Pennsylvania. In both Mass- achusetts and Canada it is reported to be very rare. It has been recorded from the following states: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Texas; and from Belleville, Ontario. As ithas been reported on cotton without giving the locality, it is probably known to occur in one or more of the cotton states. Morris gives the United States as its habitat. Food-habits of the larva. This species has a very wide range of food-plants. Mr Beutenmiiller (see citation) has published a list of them, comprising 49 species distributed through 12 orders. In addition, it has been found on three other species of plants belonging to as many orders not represented in the list referred to above, thus giving a total of 52 species representing 15 natural orders. Though found on so many plants, the white pine (fizus strobus) appears to be its favorite in the north and species of oak in the south. Mr Gentry records (see citation) that in the vicinity of Germantown, Pa., the larvae of this insect appear to have deserted the pine for the red maple in the past few years. They also seem to have a liking for animal food. Mr Wailly (see citation) records an instance of cannibalism in the presence of abundant food, and also of this caterpillar feeding on the full grown larvae of TZélea polyphemus. , REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 351 Natural enemies. The larvae are said to be exceptionally free from parasitic attack. There is apparently no record of any true parasite having been reared from this species. Mr Siewers_(see citation) records an instance where some confined in empty butter tubs were attacked by house ants, which ate nearly through the epidermis, but without fatal results, though the victims of the attack were covered with black spots. An innoxious species. It is only exceptionally that this insect is abundant enough to do any material damage, and in consideration of the slight thinning of the. foliage attacked by it, it will seldom, if ever be necessary to resort to spraying with the arsenites or to other means to keep it in check. Lygus pratensis zzz. Tarnished plant-bug Ord. HEMIPTERA: Subord. HETEROPTERA: ‘Fam. CAPSIDAE Linnaeus, Carolus. Systema Naturae. Tom. 1, Pars 2, rath ed., 1767. p. 728 (as Cimax pratensis). Palisot de Beauvois, A. M.F. J. Insectes recueillis en Afrique et en Amérique dans les royaumes d’Oware. 1805-21. 20 (?) (as Coreus linearis). Say, Thomas. N. Y. State agricultural society. Transactions. 1857. p. 784-85 (described as Capsus oblineatus); the same in Complete writings. LeConte ed. 1883. 1: 340. Harris, T. W. _ Insects injurious to vegetation. 3ded. 1862. p. 200-3, fig. 85 (general account, as Phytocoris lineolaris). Walsh, B. D.” Practical entomologist. 1866. 1: 77 (briefmention, as Capsus oblineatus). Packard, A.S. Guide to the study of insects. 1869. p. 550 (men- tion, as Phytocoris linearis); Rocky Mt locust and other insects. Rep’t. 1877. Dp. 732, 755, pl. 66, fig. 14 (on potato, cabbage, as Lygus lineolaris). Walsh, B. D. & Riley, C. V. American entomologist. 1869. 1: 227 (mention, as Capsus oblineatus). Riley, C. V. Insects of Missouri. 2d Rep’t. 1870. p. 113-15, fig. 83 (general account, as Cafsus oblineatus); American entomologist and botanist. 1870. 2: 276 (mention), p. 291-93, fig. 182 (general account, as C. oblineatus); Insects of Missouri. 7th Rep’t. 1875. p. 26-27 (reference, as C. obfineatus); U. S. Dep’t agriculture. Rep’t. 1884. 1885. p. 312-15, pl. 4, fig. 3, 4 (extended account, as Lygus lineolaris); 1885. 1886. p. 317 (mention, as Z. “meolaris); U.S. Dep’t agriculture, Division entomology. Bulletin 31. 1893. p. 18, 24, 60 (attacking pear, strawberry, cabbage and cauliflower) Saunders, William. Canadian entomologist. 1870. 2: 111-12 ,126 (injuring pears, as Phytocoris lineatus); Insects injurious to fruits. 1883. 1889. p. 147-48, 426 (general account, as LZ. /ineolaris). 352 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Glover, Townsend. Commissioner agriculture. Rep’t. 1875. p. 126, fig. 34; Manuscript notes from my journal. 1876. p. 46 (brief accounts as L. /ineolaris). Lintner, J.A. Country gentleman. 1875. 40: 472 (on potato leaves, as L. lineolaris); Insects of New York. 1st Rep’t. 1882. p. 279, 280, 331 (mention, as LZ. Zineolaris); Canadian entomologist. 1884. 16: 182 (injuring peas, as L. dineolaris); the same in Entomological society of Ontario. 15th Rep’t. 1885. p. 13; N. Y. State museum. 39th Rep’t. 1887. p. 110 (on pear, as LZ. /ineolaris); Insects of New York. 5th Rep’t. 1889. p. 275, 326, fig. 43 (attacking pears) ; 6th Rep’t. 1890. p. 189 (on tobacco); Country gentleman. 1891. 56: 577 (injuring beets); Insects of New York. 8th Rep’t. 1893. p. 125 (on pear), p. 285 (mention), p. 291 (on potato leaves) ; gth Rep’t. 1893. p. 375 (injuring beets) ; rith Rep’t. 1896. “p."27o"(en apple). ee Cook, A. J. Cultivator and country gentleman. 1876. 46: 535 (brief account, as Capsus oblineatus). : Thomas, Cyrus. Ill. State horticultural society. Transactions. 1877. 1878. p.175—76 (brief account, as LZ. 4ineolaris). Osborn, Herbert. Iowa state horticultural society. Transactions. 1879. 1880. p. 95-96 (brief account, as Capsus oblineatus); Lowa agricultural college. Bulletin 2. 1884. p. 87-88 (brief account, as L. lineolaris). Forbes, S. A. Insects of Illinois. 12th Rep’t. 1883. p. 104 (on corn) ; i3th Rep’t. 1884. p. 10, 62, 115-35, 138, pl.-11, 12) ene tended account); Wis. State horticultural society. ‘Transactions. v.13. 1884. Separate. p. 21-25, fig. 10-14 (general account); Insects of Illinois. 14th Rep’t. 1885. p. 79-80, pl. 7, fig. 2; pl. 8 (life history, all as Lygus lineolaris). Webster, F. M. - Ind. Horticultural society. Transactions. 1886. 1887. p. 115-16 (injuring roses); Insect life. 1488. 1: 198 (men- tion); Ohio agricultural experiment station. Bulletin 45. 1893. p. 213-16, fig. 36, 37 (general account, injuring blackberry and raspberry). Uhler, P. R. Check list of the hemiptera heteroptera of North America. 1886. p. 18, no. 881 (synonymy). Van Duzee, E. P. Canadian entomologist. 1887. 19: 71 (listed) ; Psyche. 1889. 5: 240 (mention); Buffalo society of natural sciences. Bulletin no. 4. 1894. 5: 177 (listed); Canadian entomologist. 1889, 21: 3 (from Muskoka lake district). Comstock, J. H. Introduction to entomology. 1888. p 206-7 (brief account), Riley, C. V. & Howard, L.O. Insectlife. 1889. 2:49-50 (on pear and apple), p. 255 (injuring salsify) ; 189t. 3: 364 (men- tion); 1894. 6: 211 (mention). . Garman, Harrison. Ky. agricultural experiment station. 3d Rep’t. 1890. 1894 (Bulletin 31). p. 171-72, fig. 8 (brief account, on straw- berries). REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 353 Jack, J: G. Garden and forest. 1890. 3: 439 (injuring chrysanthe- mums, as Lygus lineolaris). Murtfeldt, M.E. U.S. Dep’t agriculture, Division entomology. Bul- letin 22. 1890. p. 75 (on chrysanthemums, injuring apple and pear buds, strawberries). Smith, J:B. Catalogue of the insects of New Jersey. 1890. p. 426 (listed). Bruner, Lawrence. U.S Dep’t agriculture, Division entomology. Bulletin 23. 1891. p. 16 (on beet); Nebr. State board agriculture. Rep’t. 1893. p. 447, fig. 78 (injuring small grains); Nebr. State horti- cultural society. Rep’t. 1894. p. 162 (listed). Osborn, Herbert & Gossard, H. A. Iowa agricultural experiment station. Bulletinis. 1891. p.270 (injuring beets). Summers, H. E. Tenn. Agricultural experiment station. Bulletin 3. v. 4. ,1891. p. 90-91 (brief mention). Townsend, C. ai T. Entomological ad of Washington. Pro- ceedings. 1891. : 54 (in Mich.). Weed, C. M. Insects and insecticides. 1891. p. 93-94, fig. 40. (brief account) Cockerell, T.D. A. Canadian entomologist. 1892. 24: 193 (on alfalfa, N. Mex.); Insect life. 1894. 7: 210 (in the Mesilla valley); N. Mex. Agricultural experiment station. Bulletinr5. 1895. p. 66,71 (taken in June, July). . Kellogg, V. L. Common injurious insects of Kansas. 1892. p. 80-81, fig. 44 (brief account, as Lygus lineolaris). Davis, G. C. Mich. Agricultural experiment station. Bulletin 1oz. 1893. p. 10-13, fig. 6 (general account, on celery). Fletcher, James. Entomological society of Ontario. 23d Rep't. 1893. 1894. p. 26-27, fig. 20 (brief account); —— 24th Rep’t. 1894. 10, fig 3 (abundant and injurious). Slingerland, M. V. Cornell agricultural experiment station. Bulletin 58. 1893. p. 232 (mention); Rural New Yorker. 1895. 54: 328 (brief general account), p. 505 (mention) ; —— 1896. 55: 99 (remedies). Strachan, Charles. Garden and forest. 1893. 6:448 (injuring dahlias, as LZ. Zineolaris). Blatchley, W.S. Psyche. 1895. 7:279 (common both summer and winter.) Gillette, C. P. & Baker, C. F. Hemiptera of Colorado. Col. Agricultural experiment station. Bulletin 36. 1895. p. 36 (Colorado localities, as Z. pratensis). Quaintance, A. L. Fla. Agricultural experiment station. Bulletin 34. 1896. p. 286-88, fig. 26 (on celery, as Z. Zinmeolaris). Webster, F. M. & Mally,C.W. U.S. Dep’t agriculture, Division entomology. Bulletin g (new series). 1897. p. 42 (injuring China asters). As may be seen from the above somewhat extended, though incom- plete bibliography, this insect has been frequently noticed by our writers 354 ? NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM on economic entomology, during the past 30 years. It was first brought to their notice in 1831, by Say, who believing it to be an undescribed species, characterized it and gave it the name of Capsus oblineatus, stating that it was a very common insect. Later it was-found that it had been previously described by Beauvois as Coreus linearis, and finally it was ascertained that it was originally described by Linnaeus, over 100 years ago, as C7mex pratensis. Economic aspect. ‘This insect has long been known as occurring on, and often quite injurious to a large number of both cultivated and native plants. Its earliest notice as of economic importance is by Harris, who represents it as a very general feeder. Another early account is that by Prof. Riley in his second report (see citation), where he ascribes to it an extended range of food plants, and mentions it as often exceedingly destructive to young pear trees. Hecites the case of Mr E. J. Ayres of Villa Ridge, who, in his efforts to grow young pear trees, was quite_ discouraged by the insidious work of this insect. Prof. Riley also gives an instance, coming under his personal observation, of potato fields with almost every stalk blighted and black from the work of this pest. It has proved itself a destructive enemy of the strawberry, sucking the green berries and causing them to ‘ button’ (Forbes, see citation). It has been recorded by a number of writers as very injurious to several flowers, and has recently been found injuring celery to such an extent as to materially reduce its market value. Itis known to attack such a large number of plants that a list of them would be of little value, including as it would, most of the crops grown on a farm and in the garden besides many native wild plants. Injuries in peach nurseries. In a number of nurseries in the western part of this state, many peach-trees showed, in the early autumn of the present year, a peculiar short bushy growth, which was evidently caused by a blighting or stunting of the growing tips earlier in the year. In some localities, a large proportion, perhaps one half, of the young trees were so seriously affected as to greatly reduce their value, as they were no longer first-class stock. The damage toone block of trees, not many miles from Rochester, from this cause, was estimated by its owner at $1,000. The total loss for the year to the nurserymen growing peach- trees in that portion of the state, must have amounted to a number of thousands of dollars. The nurserymen informed me that the trouble was due to an insect ‘stinging’ the young shoots from the bud as they appeared. ‘The injury REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 355 to the growing twigs arrested their growth, and caused the young trees to throw out additional side shoots. In many instances these shoots would also be attacked and the tree, as the result, would develop a thick head of stubby branches. Many of these. stunted and deformed trees were cut back and allowed to start again before they were sold. At the time of my visit (August), it was too late to identify positively the author of the injury, as most of the damage had been inflicted early in the spring. An examination, however, showed the presence of the tarnished plant-bug, on the trees. A grower informed me that Prof. Slingerland, of the Cornell agricultural experiment station, had been studying the work of the insect a year or two before. On communi- cating with him, my suspicion as to the cause of the injury was confirmed, he having found their eggs in blighted tips and watched their oviposition in breeding cages. Description. The following description of the immature stages of this insect is compiled from the notices of it by Prof. Forbes. The egg. The smooth, pale watery-yellow egg of this species is slender, cylindric, slightly curved, round at one end, truncate and com- pressed at the other, .g2 mm long and .25 mm wide at its greater diameter. The single example from which the above description was drawn, was loosely placed among the hairs on the petiole of a dead leaf. According to Prof. Slingerland’s observations, the eggs were evidently deposited within the young stems of peach trees. The first stage. ‘The recently emerged bug is a pale green or sulfur- yellow color with a median orange spot on the third abdominal segment, and about #4, inch long. The antennae are nearly as long as the body, the beak extends to the last abdominal segment. Head slightly darker before the éyes, legs long, white, with an orange ring at the upper end of the tibiae. In the latter part of this stage the antennae, tarsi and apical segment of the beak become dusky, and a transverse black mark is seen just behind the orange spot on the abdomen. The tiny insect is sparsely covered with short black hairs. The second stage. After the first molt it is ;4; inch long, the abdomen is broader than the thorax, a circular black spot occurs on each side of the middle of the first and second thoracic segments, and a median black quadrate spot on the suture between the third and fourth abdominal segments. The legs are much as before, except that the tibial rings are more brightly colored and there are traces of a second reddish tibial ring and of two femoral rings. The antennae are relatively shorter and darker, being reddish dusky with pale articulations, except that the second segment has a paler shade in the middle, and the basal one is nearly white. The third stage. The greatest change after the second molt is in size, the insect being +4, or +43; inch long, the wing pads are just begin- ning to appear, and there is a higher coloration. ‘In the more strongly marked specimens, the head, abdomen, legs and antennae, are more or less deeply suffused with crimson, the head having a median longitudinal 356 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM red stripe, with two short oblique ones on each side. The thorax is dusky, marbled with paler, with a median white line, and pale spaces surrounding the four black spots, and is sometimes variegated with crimson. ‘The under side of the head and the tip of the abdomen beneath are also marked with crimson.’ The fourth stage. This stage is indicated by the much greater develop- ment of the wing pads, they being nearly half the length of the abdomen, and by the relatively much greater breadth of the insect. The antennae are less distinctly ringed; there are now four longitudinal dusky or crim- son lines on the prothorax parallel with its margins; the wing pads are irregularly marked with fuscous; the abdominal sutures are crimson, with a crimson band across each segment. Some individuals are a uniform green above. ‘The insect in this stage is quite variable in its markings. With the fourth molt the adult form is assumed. The following description of the mature insect is given by Prof. Riley in his second report (see citation) : This bug is a quite variable species, the males being generally much darker than the females. The more common color of the dried cabinet specimens is a dirty yellow, variegated as in the figure with black and dark brown, and one of the most characteristic marks is a yellow V, sometimes looking more like a Y, or indicated by three simple dots, on the scutel, (the little triangular piece on the middle of the back, behind the thorax). The color of the living speci- mens is much fresher, and frequently inclines to olive green. The thorax, which is finely punctured, is always finely bordered and divided down the middle with yellow, and each of the divisions con- tains two broader longitudinal yellow lines, very frequently obsolete behind. The thighs always have two dark bands or rings near their tips. Pea & ished plant- ° . . s 5 bus’ Lyaus pratensis Life history and habits. The winter is passed _ (after Riley). ; 5 oa by the mature insects in a dormant condition beneath - any convenient shelter. They appear with the first indications of growth in the spring and may be found drawing their nutriment from the unfold- ing buds. Eggs are soon deposited on or in the stems of their food- plants, and the young emerging therefrom feed upon the more tender growth. Some of the earlier individuals mature by the middle of May or first of June in this latitude. From this time till September, young in all stages and adults may be found on the plants. This renders it difficult to determine the precise number of broods each year, but there are at least two in the state of New York. This insect is very shy, as shown by the mature insects taking wing and the young dropping to the ground on the least alarm, or else moving quickly to the opposite side of the stem or leaf-stalk when approached, On cool mornings and evenings the insects are said to be rather sluggish, REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 357 and are then-more easily captured while lying in concealment within the folds of the leaves. Distribution. This insect has a very extended distribution, being found in all the states, north, south, east and west, and, according to Riley, extending south into Mexico. It also ranges north for some dis- tance into British America, as Say received it from the ‘ Northwest Territory,’ while Saunders, Fletcher and Van Duzee record it from various parts of Ontario. Nursery protection. Owing to the very general feeding habits of this insect, it is difficult to indicate a satisfactory method for controlling it. Ina general way much may be accomplished by burning its shelters in weeds and under rubbish late in the autumn or early in the spring. As a protection-against its injuries to young peach-trees, as noticed in a preceding page, it would be well if the ground selected for the nur- series were not surrounded by uncared-for land which would naturally offer shelter to the insect favorable to its multiplication and distribution. When the insects are seen in the early spring to be unusually abundant in a nursery, their injury to the young stock should at once be arrested by jarring them from the trees, either into a large insect net or else into some modification of the umbrella used by collectors when beating insects from trees and shrubbery. A good form would be one similar to that recommended by Prof. Smith, reduced in size. Construct a light wooden frame about 24 feet square, with wires from the corners to a small central ring, which should be at least ro inches lower than the frame. Fasten to the frame and inclose the wires with a light cloth (oil cloth would be preferable) in such a manner that insects dropping upon it would roll toward the center, and be caught in a small pail or can, con- taining a little kerosene and water, fastened to the central ring. A short handle should be fastened to the frame for its convenient use in the nur- sery rows. The insects could be readily jarred into the bag as the operator passes between the trees. This should be done in the cooler hours of the day when they are comparatively sluggish and would drop at the slightest disturbance. 358 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM NOTES ON VARIOUS INSECTS Pyralis costalis /adr. Clover-hay caterpillar Numerous examples of the larvae of this insect, which were noticed in detail in my 11th report, p. 145-51, were brought to my office by Mr H. S. Ambler, of Chatham, N. Y. They were found swarming in the cow stable of Mr G: C. Herschart, North Hillsdale, April 8, having probably emerged from a mow of clover nearby. It is probable that their feeding place had been disturbed by the hay containing them being fed to the stock, as they were only about two-thirds grown and are not known to leave their food voluntarily except for pupation. The larvae were placed in a cage and provided with grass, on which ‘they fed readily, eating both green and dried blades. They manifested a gregarious habit in spinning their silken larval cases in ‘close proxi- mity to one another. So marked was this, that most of the larvae would usually be found in about one-fourth of the material in the cage. The places selected for their retreats rapidly became filled banat is . with frass and speedily molded on account of the gathering damp- ness. This gregarious habit is undoubtedly of benefit, as it ren- Fig.2 The clover-hay caterpillar and gold-fringe 5 ; moth, PYRALIS COSTALIS: 1, 2, Jarva; 3, cocoon; ders their food moist and more 4, pupa; 5, 6, moth; 7%, Jarva within the web palatable, since. they Cisiinn maa (from Riley). containing no moisture and are apparently unable to thrive when it is perfectly dry. April 19 a number of the larvae molted for the last time and others were observed casting their skins as late as May 4. A month later the pretty moths began to appear, and continued to emerge from time to time for about two weeks. Since Prof. Webster obtained a second brood in Ohio from moths emerging in June, it seems most probable that the insect has normally two generations annually in this vicinity, the moths of the ‘second appearing about the middle of August, the same as in Ohio. ba ST . REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 359 Cecidomyia leguminicola Zznzn, Clover-seed midge In August my attention was called to the ravages of the above-named pest by Mr C. W. Stuart, of Newark, N. Y. He informed me that the crop of clover seed on 25 acres of land was completely ruined by the larvae of this insect. The presence of this midge renders the growing of clover seed in that vicinity extremely hazardous, and in many seasons none can be obt&ined. It has also been injurious in many parts of the state of Ohio. Anthrenus scrophulariae /adr, Carpet beetle In my 11th report, p. 172-73, the attractiveness of the blossoms of rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum) was placed on record. The flowers of a number of other plants which bloom at the time the beetles are abroad also draw them, and in some cases the more attractive ones might be used as lures to prevent their entering houses, or for their con” venient destruction as in the instance given below. Mr M. B. Coombs, of Utica, N. Y., writes of the attractiveness of the tulip for the carpet beetle, as follows: ‘ My sister has for several years kept a bed of single tulips for the purpose of drawing the Fie. 3 Carpet beetle, AN. THRENUS SCROPHULARIAE seem to congregate almost entirely on the light- (after Riley). beetles for conveniently destroying them. They colored blossoms, the creamy or yellow shades speciaily. For about two weeks, with a pair of tweezers, she picked out from them from two to three dozen on windy or otherwise unfavorable days, and hundreds on quiet sunny days.’ Elaphidion villosum /2ér. Oak pruner ' Mr G: T. Lyman, of Bellport, Suffolk co., N. Y., informs me that this species was quite abundant in 1896, and that it attacked the English oak and Norway maple as well as the native species. Thomas Matthews & Sons, of Baltimore, Md., also made complaint of its working in -recently transplanted trees about five inches in diameter. It was observed as very abundant on Gov. Morton’s farm at Ellerslie, on July 8, in the maples, almost every tree passed in the driveway having a number of pruned twigs lying beneath it. 360 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cyllene pictus Drury FTickory borer It is not often that this beautiful insect is the cause of trouble within a dwelling house, though it might occasionally be introduced in its larval stage while within pieces of black walnut furniture. It was of interest, therefore, when examples of this beetle were received from Miss M. L. Williams, of Brooklyn, N. Y., under date of March 12, 1897, with the following statement: ‘During the last week we thave been quite troubled by these beetles. With doors and windows still closed we are at loss to know where they come from.’ In giving the identification of the beetle, it was suggested that they must have been brought into the house within some wood in which they were boring, probably in fire wood. In reply Miss Williams stated that the surmise was correct, as the beetles, soon after, had been seen emerg- ing from some hickory logs, lying in the fireplace at the time, in which a number of open burrows were already to be seen. _ The above occurrence is of interest as it adds one more to the list of insects that may be the occasion of trouble to the housewife. It would have been of interest could the locality where the infested hickory was cut have been ascertained, but this could not be learned. As a rule, this species is commonly more rare than the closely allied locust borer, Cyl/ene robiniae. Figures of Cyllene pictus in its different stages, together witha brief notice of it were given in the 8¢h report on the insects of New York, 1893. p. 175-76. Galerucella luteola Miller Elm-leaf beetle This very, injurious insect has repeatedly been noticed in preceding reports, particularly in the 11th and 1r2th®@ of this series, in consideration of the severity of its ravages brought directly to my notice during its presence in Albany and vicinity. © It has also aroused more interest on account of the development of three generations annually in this latitude, as recorded in the preceding report, while in northern New Jersey only one annual brood is assigned to it. The following fragmentary observations are put on record as confirm- ing those of the preceding year, and also as adding to our knowledge of the habits of this insect. July 3, of the present year, the larvae of the first brood were observed descending the trunks of the trees in large numbers, and six days later “11th Rep’t. Insects of New York. 1896. p. 189-96 ;——12th Rep’t. 1897. p. 258-64. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 361 pupae were abundant. Having completed their transformations, August ro the recently emerged beetles had seriously injured the tender leaves unfolding on trees that had been defoliated earlier by the first brood, while the second brood of larvae had begun their destructive work. September 8, they had completed their growth and many had transformed to pupae. The spraying operations conducted by the civic authorities at Albany against this pest prevented satisfactory observations later in the season. However, on visiting the neighboring city of Troy, a number of bright living pupae were found on the remarkably late date of Novem- ber 16 in the protected hollow of atree. This should be accepted as incontrovertible evidence of the occurrence of three generations annually in that city. The slow but continued spread of this insect recorded in preceding reports, was shown the present year by the appearance of the insect in force on English elms in Washington park, Albany (in the central portion of the city), hitherto exempt from its attack. Another noticeable feature of the insect’s presence was the marked injury to the American elms in portions of the city where the pest has been established for several years. They were not, as a rule, so badly affected as the English elms. The greater part of the foliage of the affected American elms was partly skele- tonized and injured to the extent that it presented a yellowish, unhealthy appearance, though not many of the leaves dropped as in the case of the more seriously injured English elms. Blissus leucopterus Say Chinch-bug This insect was discovered in the autumn of 1896 on the farm of J. N. Haswell, 1 mile to the southwest of the city of Watervliet, N. Y., in Hungarian grass and timothy. This year (1897) it appeared on the same farm, in timothy, but not in clover or any other crop. It was not very injurious so far as known. Llant lice or aphididae The present year has been remarkable for the abundance of various aphides or plant lice on many different plants. In some cases their injuries were very serious, in others, natural enemies prevented their becoming unduly abundant. Pemphigus populi-transversus A7/ey. Attention was drawn to this interesting species by the characteristic galls it produced on the 362 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM leaves of cottonwood, /opulus monilifera, in Washington park, Albany, N.Y. The petioles of many of the fallen leaves from these trees last year (1896) showed the peculiar galls of this insect with its nearly trans- verse opening for the escape of the winged plant lice. During the autumn of the present year the galls of this species were nearly as abundant as in the preceding season. Chaitophorus species. A plant louse belonging to this genus, was generally present in numbers on the under surface of the leaves of the Norway maple, Acer platanoides, throughout this city, and was also reported from a number of other localities within the state. Several winged and a number of wingless viviparous females were found on a leaf — the latter commonly surrounded by a numerous progeny — the winged individuals being, probably, the primary parents of the colony. The groups of young were usually clustered along the veins of the leat, specially of those at the base; occasionally groups would be found almost midway between two veins. A large amount of honeydew was excreted, which, when dripping upon the flagging beneath, would indicate the presence of the insects above. The honeydew was quite viscid, and when falling upon leaves underneath frequently dried in hard clear beads of considerable size. This severe drain upon the tree continued for several weeks, till arrested by the multiplication of the natural enemies of this aphid. One of the most active was the common ladybug, 4daka bipunctata, the larvae and pupae of which were abundant on infested trees. A larger species, Anatis ocellata, was associated with it. Syrphid larvae and the young of lace-wing flies, also preyed on this species. Examples of this insect were submitted to the division of entomology at Washington, but they could not be referred to any described species, Dr Howard had received it during the past season from many localities in New England, where it had been reported so injurious as to occa- sion the fall of many of the infested leaves. Callipterus ulmifolii J/onve//. This delicate species was unusually abundant on the under surface of the foliage of American elms. The honey-dew produced by these species covered the sidewalk beneath, and the surface of the leaves upon which it fell. This severe attack continued through July and during the greater part of August, when it was finally arrested by heavy rains, together with the aid of numerous coccinellid larvae. Numbers of these, actively engaged in their beneficial work, could be seen upon the lower limbs. Of a number of the larvae picked up near the base of a small tree, nearly all were identified as ddaka bipunctata, REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 363 Drepanosiphum acerifolii Zos. This beautiful species occurred quite commonly in small numbers on the tender leaves and growing tips of the silver or white maple, Acer dasycarpum. It was rarely sufficiently abundant to cause any material harm, and is mainly interesting on account of its beauty and comparative rarity. Aphis mali 7zér. The apple-tree aphis was extremely abundant in many localities in the state, early in the season, but in most cases the ravages of this pest were checked by its natural enemies before any extensive damage was caused. In the nursery center of Rochester and vicinity, the unusual multiplication of this insect imposed a large amount of work on those starting young trees. In some instances it was found necessary to treat the young stock growing from grafts two or even three times with kerosene emulsion, whale oil soap solution or tobacco water in order to keep the pests under control. Most of the nurserymen found the dipping of the slender trees into a vessel of the insecticide an easier and more effective method than spraying. Myzus cerasi /aér. The cherry-tree aphis was reported as very injurious in several localities in the state, causing the leaves to curl and shrivel. Myzus ribis Zzzz. The currant aphis was brought to notice early in June in several localities, through complaint made of its abundance on the leaves of currant bushes. Rhopalosiphum species. An aphid was found June 14 thickly infesting some of the leaves and fruit of a plum-tree belonging to Mr H. A. Unger of East Greenbush, N. Y. They swarmed on the leaves and literally covered portions of the young fruit. Examples were sent to Washington for identification, where they were examined by Mr Pergande. He was unable to refer them to any known species, but thought that they might possibly be an undescribed species of Ahopalosiphum. Thrips tabaci Zznd. The work of this insect, commonly known as the onion thrips, was observed in August last at Newark, N. Y. The leaves of the infested onions were badly blasted, and the crop, it was thought, would be reduced one third. This pest was also found on the lower leaves of an adjoining cabbage field, but not in very large numbers. 364. | NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST The following is a list of the principal publications of the entomologist . during the year of 1897: 40 are named, giving title, place and time of publication, and a summary of contents. Elm-leaf beetle. (Country gentleman. Jan. 7, 1897. 62:7, col. 4, 24 cm)! Corrections to an article on this insect from a correspondent of this : Journal, on p. 1,003 of the preceding volume, as for example: there is no such form of insect as ‘the egg larva;’ the eggs are not infinitesimal in size;’ they are not placed on-the ground with fine atoms of earth intervening, but upon the leaves of the tree; the grubs do not descend © | from the tree and hunt out the eggs in the soil for the purpose of covering | ye them with a protective secretion, and afterwards ascend the tree; it is | not true that only the larva that hatch out late in the season become beetles; the eggs (on the leaves) can not be destroyed by treating the soil at the base of the trees; bands of cotton about the tree trunks could not serve to prevent the grubs from ascending. | Two insects. (Country gentleman. Feb.11, 1897. 62: 106, col. 4,8 cm) To an inquiry if the warble-fly of England is identical with our ‘ buf- falo-fly,’ and when it first appearedin England, answer is made, that the | European warble-fly is Hypoderma bovis DeGeer, while that of the } United States is Hypoderma lineata Villers. The European species was | named about 150 years ago, and our species, till about 15 years ago, was regarded as identical withit. A. 4Zneata is known to attack the buffalo in the west, but the so-called ‘ buffalo-fly’’ is the one commonly known as the ‘horn-fly,’ Haematobia serrata Rob.-Desv., first noticed in this country in 1886. Potato bugs. (Country gentleman. Feb. 18,1897. 62: 126, col. 3,3 cm) Plaster of paris is recommended as preferable to ashes for mixing with paris green before applying it to potato vines. Carbon bisulfid for pea weevil.—aA serious danger. (Farmer’s advocate. March #5; 1897. \ 42:420, COL 2, 70 Cm) The danger of igniting carbon bisulfid, as suggested in a previous” number of ‘ Zhe Advocate, for the destruction of pea weevils, is shown and the proper method of treatment is briefly given. Probably the cheese-mite. (Country gentleman. March 18, 1897. 62: 217, col. 2-3, 26 cm) A correspondent from Valatie, N. Y., reports that some hams are infested with quantities of ‘animated dust.’ They are most prob- ably swarming with the cheese-mite, Zvvoglyphus siro Linn., though it may be 7. dongior Gerv. Characters of the species and their prolifi- aThe length of each article is given in centimeters, i. e. col. 4, 27 cm. ; REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 365 } cacy noted. Their source in the above infestation can not be indicated: their manner of s,reading is given. Cleanliness is the most efficient preventive. Fumigation with sulfur and washing with kerosene emulsion is recommenced for infested rooms. The mites work super- ficially and the infested meat may be dipped in a weak aqueous solu- 3 tion of carbolic acid after the mites have been removed so far as : possible. Canker worms. (Country-gentleman. April 1, 1897. 62: 248, col. 1, 2, 18 cm) A correspondent from Spencerville, Ind., requests a remedy for an insect which has been injurious for the past three years, and causes the apple trees to appear as though the tops had been killed by fire. The insect is identified as most probably Anzsopieryx vernata Peck, the spring-canker worm, although it may be the fall canker worm, Anizsop- teryx pometaria Harris. ‘The'life history is briefly given, and banding trees or spraying with paris green is recommended. Apple-tree borers. (Country gentleman. April 22,1897. 62: 307, col. 3, 18 cm) In reply to an inquiry from Harrison, N. Y., of proper treatment for apple-tree borers, it is stated: the principal apple-tree borers are two— the ‘round-headed,’ Saperda candida Fabr., and the ‘ flat-headed,’ Chry- sobothris femorata Kabr.,—the former attacking the base of the tree and the latter the upper part of the trunk. Some information of the species is given, and the best methods for preventing their injuries by means of washes, paper bands about the trunk, and digging out the larvae. Where detailed information of habits, remedies, etc., of these pests may be found. Grasshopper. (Country gentleman. April 29, 1897. 62: 326, col. 3— 4, II cm) , The two rows of eggs touching one another and overlapping in each row sent for name from Augusta county, Va., are those of the ‘ angular- winged katydid,’ Microcentrum retinervis Burm., of the southern states. ‘The eggs are described and the manner of their ‘peculiar deposit (over- lapping) given. Dr Riley’s account of the insect and its oviposition is referred to. In one instance the eggs were placed on a shirt collar ina laundry instead of their usual place on a small twig of a tree. Cow-horn fly. (Country gentleman. May 6, 1897. '62:350, col. 1- 2, 847:em) | : To a request for a remedy for the attack of the above-named insect, known scientifically as Haematobia serrata Rob.-Desv., recommenda- » tion is made of breaking up the cow droppings to promote their rapid drying, in which the eggs are deposited, and treating the manure in the stables with lime. Kerosene emulsion applied with a spraying machine to the cattle is recommended. Other remedies are the appli- cation of coal tar and Jard, pine tar and grease, tallow and carbolic acid, and dusting the animals with tobacco dust or the X. O. dust. 366 ee NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM — Elm and apple-tree pests. (Country gentleman. May 20,1897. 62: 390, col, 125 12) cm) Protection from the elm-leaf beetle is found in early spraying with paris green, while the larvae are young, or by killing them with hot water or otherwise as they come to the ground for pupation. For preventing injury by the apple-tree borer, apply soft soap and soda to the trunk in June and July, or cut out the young grubs: from beneath the bark. . Tent caterpillar. (Country gentleman. May 20, 1897. 62:: 390; eon 2, 9 cm) Caterpillars inhabiting a web on an apple-tree received from a Monroe county correspondent are identified as Cistocampa americana Harris. May beetle. (Country Benfica May 20, 1897. 62 : 390, col. 2, 10 cm) The dying of the grass in spots on a lawn reported: from Staten Island, N. Y., probably indicates the presence of white grubs. ‘Their habits are given and kerosene emulsion recommended, which has been ~ used very successfully at Washington. \ Strawberries and indian corn. (Country gentleman. May 20, 1897. 62: 394,.col. 1-2, 20 cm) Report is made of a worm feeding on the leaves, blossoms and fruit of the strawberry, and that another feeds on ears of green corn. The insect attacking the strawberries is most probably a cut-worm, and can be best fought by the use of poisoned baits. For the other, which is probably the cotton boll-worm, Heliothis armiger Hiibn., hand picking is recommended. Elm-tree beetle. (Country gentleman. May 27,1897. 62: 406, col. 3, 4 cm) A Brooklyn, N. Y., correspondent is answered that the largest elms can be protected from the beetle by means of a suitable force pump and a sufficient length of hose carried up into the tree. The inquirer is directed to the park commissioners of Brooklyn, for the spraying desired, or for further information to the entomologist of Central park, New York. Grasshoppers. (Country gentleman. June 10,1897. 62: 446, col. ne 2; (a 1.0m) In reply to an inquiry how to protect a garden from grasshoppers at Highland Lake, Col., allowing domestic fowls to run in the garden is recommended. The value of a poisoned bran mash is stated and directions given for its preparation and use. Apple woolly louse. (Country gentleman. June 10, 1897. 62: 454, col. 2, 3—21 cm) Examples of an insect fram Ruxton, Md., are identified as the — woolly louse of the apple, Schizoneura lanigera Hausm. ‘The two forms of the insect are referred to, and their characteristics given, j | ‘ea |. ¢. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, 307 The species is often very destructive in Europe where it is known as the American blight. The wide distribution of the insect is briefly stated. Kerosene emulsion, hot water, soap solution, tobacco water or dust, or bisulfid of carbon are the remedies advised. Arsenic and animals. (Country gentleman. June ro, 1897. 62: 454, col. 3, 5 cm) ‘ Inquiry is made from Warren, Va., if the drippings from trees sprayed with arsenites would injure live stock feeding on the grass beneath. In reply it is stated that if the spraying is properly done neither the grass nor hay from such localities will be injurious. Apple-tree aphis. (Country gentleman. June17,1897. 62:470, col. 1, 5 em) | An aphis attack, sent from Watervliet, Mich., is that of Aphis mah Serious injury from this insect is usually prevented if heavy rains occur, as have recently fallen in New York and neighboring states. Carpet beetles. (Country gentleman. June 17, 1897. 62: 470, col. 2, 6 cm) Insects sent from Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where they are infesting Spiraea, are the carpet beetle, Anxthrenus scrophulariae, which are often. found at this season abundantly on the flowers of several of the species of Spiraea, in addition to the one submitted, which is S. 7- tundifolia. Grain weevil. (Country gentleman. June 24, 1897. 62: 486, col. 2, 8 cm) A correspondent from Nazareth, Pa., inquiring if any plant oie be strewn among unthreshed grain to protect it from weevil, answered that no such plant is known, but a French agricultural sas has stated that grain weevils could be attracted from a grain bin to a tub of aniseed, and soon killed after contact with it. Wire-worms. (Country gentleman. June 24,1897. 62: 486, col. 2-3, 15 cm) To an inquiry from Elmira, N. Y., for prevention of wire-worms in cabbage-roots, recommendation is made of carbon bisulfid poured in holes near the plants. Kerosene emulsion might drive them from the plants. Reference is made to notices of wire-worms in the Country gentleman. Long-sting. (Country gentleman. July 1,1897. 62: 506, col. 3, 8 cm) An insect received from Racket River, N. Y., found in a granary, is the ‘black long-sting,’ Zhalessa atrata Fabr. Some of the characters of the insect, its general features, and the use of its long ovipositor are given. 368 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Army-worm. (Country gentleman. : July 1,1897. 62:506,col. 4, 8 cm) The fear that Hungarian grass seed may contain the eggs of the army-worm is groundless, nor is this grass known to be preferred for food by the larvae. A repetition of army-worm attack isnot expected in the state of New York the present year. No good’preventive of attack is known. Prompt destruction of the newly hatched larvae is the best remedy. | Honeydew. (Country gentleman. July 8,1897. 62: 526, col. 1, 6 cm) Maple leaves are sent from Port Chester, N. Y., ‘covered with gum.” The substance is identified as honeydew, probably exuded by plant- lice infesting the trees. ‘Their unusal abundance is noted and remedies given. . Cherry-tree Myzus. (Country gentleman. July 8, 1897. 62: 526, col. 2, 8 cm) Twigs of cherry-trees from Yonkers, N. Y., show a severe attack of the plant-louse, AZyzus cerasi. If not speedily arrested by its insect — enemies, the infested tips should be sprayed upon their under side with whale- oil soap solution or tobacco water, Scurfy bark louse. (Country gentleman. July 8, 1897. 62: 526, col. 2— 3, 10 Cm) An infestation of an apple-treein Newark, N. J., which was supposed might possibly be the San José scale, is that of the scurfy bark louse, Chionaspis furfurus Fitch. Its rangein the United States is given with note of its moderate multiplication. Remedies are: spraying with kero- sene emulsion, or with tobacco water, or whale-oil soap solution, prefer- ably when the young are hatching, or brushing with a stiff brush or a cloth saturated with the soap solution. Plant lice. (Country gentleman. July 8, 1897. 62: due col. 3, 9 cm) Insects reported as injurious to grape-vines and other plants, are species of aphids or plant lice. Hellebore, kerosene emulsion or tobacco water are recommended for killngthem. They will soon, probably, be attacked and destroyed by their natural enemies. The San José scale. (Country gentleman. July 8, 1897. 62: 533, col. 1-3, 97 cm) | | 3 | A general article treating of the introduction and spread of Aspzdiotus perniciosus in California; its discovery on the Atlantic coast; the infested localities in the eastern states; its distribution in New York; the ap- pearance of the scale and its numerous food-plants; methods of distri- bution; the most approved remedies and the fungus, Sphaerostilbe coccophila 'Tul., which destroys it. Elm-leaf beetle. (Argus [Albany]. July 10, 1897. p. 17, 39 cm) Replying to a communication to the Argus relating to the destruc- tion of the elms in Albany by insects, answer is made that the chief depredator is the elm-leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola. Its introduction ’ 6a a “be AS Tg ee ee ee REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST _ 369 and spread in Albany is stated. Its ravages are mainly limited to the English elms. It may be largely controlled by proper spraying. The city authorities should undertake the work, and the proper spray- ing machine to be used for the purpose is indicated. The destruction of the European elms will inevitably follow unless this is promptly done. Not the gypsy moth. (Country gentleman. July 15, 1897. 62:558, col. 1, 10 cm) _. The presence of the gypsy moth in Delaware co., N. Y., and ‘its serious ravages, have been reported by recent New York papers. From examples of the caterpillars received, they are found to be, as was suspected, the apple-tree tent caterpillar and the forest tent cater- pillar. Chinchbug. (Country gentleman. July 15, 1897. 62: 558, col. 1- eae, Ca). Replying to inquiry from Salem, N. C., the following directions are given for preventing serious injury from the chinch bug; arresting marches by trenching or ditching; application of kerosene emulsion; burning over infested portions of fields, or the introduction of the chinch bug fungus, Sporotrichum globuliferum. Subterranean grubs. (Country gentleman. Aug. 26, 1897. 62: 666, _col. 4, 12 cm) Grubs, represented as having destroyed hundreds of California privet plants in a hedge at Ruxton, Md., are probably Lachnosterna sp. or Allorhina nitida. ‘They should be treated with kerosene emulsion after the method employed in the capitol grounds in Washington some years ago. San José scale. (Country gentleman. Aug. 26,1897. 62:667, col. — I, 5 cm) For the method of destroying this insect, reference is made to an article in the Country gentleman for July 8 of this year, p. 533. Tussock moth. (Country gentleman. Sep. 2, 1897. 62:686, col. 2.79 Cm) : Caterpillars feeding on plum-trees at Moreton Farm, N. Y., are the hickory tussock moth, Malistdota caryae Harris. Their appearance and habits are given, and arsenical spraying recommended for their destruction. Insects and fruit. (Country gentleman. Sep. 2, 1897. 62: 686, col. 2, 8cm) Inquiry from Cohasset, Mass., for means of protecting peaches from injury by wasps and bees, is answered by suggesting their early pick- ing for subsequent ripening, or inclosure of the trees by netting. A sweetened mixture for attracting the insects is suggested. Possibly the. insects attack the fruit only after the skin has been broken by birds. 370 . NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Urocerus albicornis. (Country gentleman. Sep.9, 1897. 62: 707, col. I, 10 Cm) This saw-fly was received from Carthage, N. Y., where it had been taken while ovipositing in newly sawn spruce lumber. Its principal features are given together with the manner of oviposition. [See pages 338-40 of this report. | - ~ Plague of flies. (Country gentleman. Oct. 14, 1897. 62: 806, 807, ‘col. 4, 15 cm) A dwelling house in Peekskill, N. Y., is infested with ‘house flies,’ although the stable is 1,500 feet distant, and ‘ armies’ have been killed by fly-paper and traps. Recommendation is made of screens for windows and doors and trapping the few that would evade them. Possibly the fly may be the ‘ cluster-fly,’ Fo//enia rudis, which in certain localities has the habit of entering houses in the autumn for hibernation. Persian insect powder is most effectual for these. Pine borer. (Country gentleman. Nov. 4, 1897. 62: 867, col. 2— | 3, 4 cm) The operations of ‘a large white grub’ found in exuded masses of pitch on the lower limbs of a Scotch pine and causing the death of the foliage, are described, but without examples of the grubs the species can not be named. Its method of running its burrows, as . given, and its living within the pitch, are quite interesting. . Pine borer. (Country gentleman. Nov.11,1897. 62:887,col.1, 11cm) From examples received, the caterpillars boring pines are identified as the larvae of Harmonia pini Kellicott, an insect closely related to the peach borer. It was described in 1881, and its operations in three counties of this state were observed by Dr Kellicott. A brief aecount of its life-history is given and comment made upon its peculiar boring habits. The question is raised whether the insect attacks only sickly trees. Fall canker worm and its eggs. (Country gentleman. Dec. 16, 1897. 62: 986, col. 2~3, 29 cm) A cluster of eggs on an apple-twig from Newton, Mass, submitted Novy. 27 for name and information respecting them are those of the fall canker-worm, Avisopteryx pometaria Harris. The eggs and the caterpillars are described. The eggs are deposited in November or later in warm days during the winter. They hatch in the spring when the trees begin to put forth their leaves, and are often found associated with the spring canker-worm, Amisopteryx vernata — which they closely resemble. Spraying with the arsenites as soon as they are seen, is recommended, REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 371 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE COLLECTION IN 1897 “HYMENOPTERA Chalybion caeruleum Linn, From J: A. OrTerson, Berlin, Mass., sep. I Examples of ZLastus interjectus Mayr. From J. V. D. WALKER, Jamaica, N. Y. bas" Black long-sting, Zzalessa atrata Fabr. From W.R.StRonG, Golden’s Bridgé, N. Y., Sep. 9. White-horned horn-tail, Uvocerus albicornis Fabr., boring in spruce, at Carthage, N. Y. From W. H. Coremany, Albany, N. Y. Dolerus arvensis Say, occurring abundantly on a tree, May 4. From Cuar_Les H. Harpin, Schenectady, N. Y. Saw-fly larvae of Acordulecera dorsalis Say, from oak, June 13. From Harrison G. Dyar, Bellport, L. I. LEPIDOPTERA Chrysalis of Grapta comma Harris. From A. P. Hatt, Albany, N. Y. Thyreus abbotit Swainson, May 15. From W. H. CoLeman, Albany, N.Y. A larva of the same, June 30, from M. TANNER, Albany, N. Y. A larva of the same, July 26, from S. M. Davirs, Albany, N. Y. A larva of the same and of Philampelus pandorus Hiibn., from J. N. GALLATIN, Litchfield, Ct. Larva of the tomato worm, /rotoparce celeus Hiibn., Aug. 21. From Mrs E. B. SmitH, Coeymans, N. Y. Pine-boring larvae, of Harmonia pint Kellicott, in pitch, Nov. 2. From C. H. RosBerts, Ulster county, N. Y. Larvae (3) of the eight-spotted forester, 4lZyfia o¢tomaculata Fabr., and the Virginia ermine moth, Sfzlosoma virginica Fabr. From Mrs Ginman H. Perkins, Rochester, N. Y. Larva of Empretia stimu/ea Clem., on chestnut, Oct. 19. From Miss R. C. de V. CornwELL, Scarsdale, N. Y. Larva of Madata gibbosa Sm.-Abb. found in a cell of Eumenes Sraterna. From W: B. Dupree, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 28. The Cecropia emperor moth, ae cecropia Linn., July 10. From GEORGE SELLNow, Albany, N. Ys also, from PuHiLttep SEEHAUS, Coey- mans, N. YY. nv NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM * = Egg-belt of Cliszocampa americana Harris. From E. Ts ScHOON- MAKER, Cedar Hill, N. Y. Larvae of Clistocampa disstria Hiibn., May 20. From L. B. WHEELER, Berlin, Mass. Larvae and pupae of the same, from H. B. INGRam, Kingston, N. Y. Pupae of the same from Mrs W: W. Foster Pittsford Mills, Vt., and from S. B. Cuampion, Stamford, N. Y., and from Joun MickLEeBorouGH, Jewett, Greene co., N.Y. Carneades obeliscoides Guenée, Leucania albilinea Hibn. and Plusia precationis Guénee. From Mrs E. B. SmitH, Coeymans, N. Y. Zebra cabbage moth, Mamestra picta Harris. From F. J. Rices, Albany, N. Y. Examples of Diastictis ribearia Fitch, from currant, June 15. From Mrs H. D. Graves, Ausable Forks, N. Y. Numerous examples of the clover-hay caterpillar, Pyvals costahs Fabr., from near a barn, April 8. From H.S. AmsBuer, North Hillsdale, N. Y. Larvae of the gartered plume-moth, Oxyptilus periscelidactylus Fitch, May 27. From C: A. OTTERSON, Berlin, Mass. _ Pea-moth, Laspeyresia nigricana Steph. From James FLETCHER, Ottawa, Canada. - DIPTERA _ Sctara vulgaris Fitch, four a From W. D. Barrows, Agri- cultural college, Mich. | Sciara prolifica Felt., numerous examples. From J: A. OTTERSON, Berlin, Mass. ; Large black horse-fly, Zadanus atratus Fabr. From Mrs GILMAN, H. PERKINS, Rochester, N. Y. Eggs and larvae of Zabanus reinwardtii Wied. From J: A. Orrer- SON, Berlin, Mass. Therioplectes cinctus Fabr. From J: A. OrTERSON, Berlin, Mass. Pupae of Hvistalis tenax Linn., July 20. From Mrs J. H. DANFORTH, Mayfield, N. Y. Larvae of the emasculating bot-fly, Cuterebra emasculator Fitch, Aug. 16. From W: S. ABEerRT, Saranac Inn, Franklin co., N. Y: Examples of Stomoxys calcitrans Linn. From J: A, OTTERSON, Berlin, Mass. Cat flea, wih fos! serraticeps Gerv. From Dr S. G. SHANKS, Albany, INN REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 373 COLEOPTERA Necrophorus americanus Oliv. From J: A. OTTERSON, Berlin, Mass., Sep. 1. 15-spotted lady-bird, Avzatis ocellata Linn. From J: A. OTTER- SON, Berlin, Mass. Sep. 1. 7 Saw-toothed grain weevil, Sz/vanus surinamensis Linn., in linseed meal. From F. J. Riccs, Albany, N. Y. Limonius confusus L.eConte, from blossoms of a quince tree, May 18. From L. B. SHAFFER, Albany, N. Y. Virginia Buprestid, Chalcophora virginiensis Drury. From GEORGE R. Howe tt, Albany, N. Y. Photuris pennsylvanica De Geer. From J: A. OTTERSON, Berlin, Mass., Sep. 1. ; Numerous examples of Sitodrepa panicea Linn. From CHARLES GRIFFEN, New York city. . Aphodius fimetarius Linn. From J: A. OTTERSON, Berlin, Mass. Light-loving grape-vine beetle, Avzomala lucicola Fabr. From J: A. OTTERSON, Berlin, Mass., Sep. 1. Spotted grape-vine beetle, /e/idnota punctata Linn. From A. H. STRATTON, Arlington, N. J. Osmoderma scabra Beauv. From Mrs E. B. Smirtn, Coeymans, N.Y. Prionus laticollis Drury. From J: A. OTTERSON, Berlin, Mass., Sep. 1. Calhdium antennatum Newm. From R. L. Banks, Albany, N. Y. Llaphidion villosum Fabr, From Mrs E. B. Smita, Coeymans, N., Y. Hickory borer, Cyl/ene pictus Drury, 2 examples. From Miss M. L. Witu1ams, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Asparagus beetle, Cvioceris asparagi Linn. From Jutius G. Linsey, Oswego, N. Y. 12-spotted Diabrotica, Diabrotica 12-punctata Oliv. From J: A. _ OTTeRson, Berlin, Mass., Sep. 1. ; Larvae, pupae and imagoes of the elm-leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Miiller. FromS.C. Brant, Albany, N. Y. Imagoes of the same, taken from flour, July 14, from Henry RusseELt, Albany, N. Y. Ocedionychis thoracica Fabr. From J: A. Orrerson, Berlin, Mass., oa | on genre Cucumber flea-beetle, ZEpitrix cucumeris Harris, on tomato. From F. J. Riccs, Albany, N. Y. Examples of Systena hudsonias Forst., on apple. From V. H. Lowe, Geneva, N. Y. ~ Odontota dorsalis Thunb., four examples, from locust-tree, Aug. 31. From H. G. Dyar, Bellport, L. I. Clubbed tortoise-beetle, Copéoccyla clavata Fabr. From GEORGE val B. Stmpson, Albany, N. Y. | Examples of pzcauta pennsylvanica De Geer, on Clematis. From Mrs J. C. Mitrer, Alder Creek, N. Y. | | = Larvae and imago of a snout-beetle, Otiorhynchus sulcatus Fabr., injuring strawberry plants. From Mrs Gitman H.- PERKINS, Rochester, N. Y. ; 4 Calandra oryzae Linn., infesting rice and macaroni. From Bowers — & Sanps, New York. . | , ~ 374 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM HEMIPTERA Podisus modestus Dallas, Huschistus fissiis Uhler. From J: A. OTTER- sON, Berlin, Mass. Eggs (hundreds) of the squash-bug, Azasa tristis De Geer, july 19. From F. J. Riccs, Albany, N. Y. Eggs and imagoes of the same, from Mrs F. L. GoopENouGH, Windsor, N. Y., July 23. Chinch bug, Bissus leucopterus Say. From J. N. HASWELL, near Watervliet, N. Y. Young of the bed bug hunter, Opszcoetus personatus Linn. From Mrs E. C. ANTHONY, Gouverneur, N. Y. e Emesa longifes De Geer and the dog-day Cicada, Cicada tibicen Linn. From Mrs E. B. Smiru, Coeymans, N. Y. Schizoneura rileyt Thomas. From G: R. HANrorp, Watertown, N.Y. Lecanium hesperidum Linn., on house fern. From S. C. BRADT, Albany, N. Y. | Lecanium tulipiferae Cook, on the tulip-tree.. From Miss S. G. TOMPKINS, Somers, N. Y. San José scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus Comstock, on apple and pear. From A. W.-K. Dick, Germantown, N. Y. The same, on pear and currant, from H. A. UNGER, East Greenbush, N. Y. ae Apple-tree bark louse, Mytilaspis pomorum Bouché, abounding on a poplar. From Appison Keyes, Berlin, Mass. The same, on poplar, from Miss C. A. Smitu, Springfield, Mass. The same, on balm-of- Gilead, from E. T. ScHooNMAKER, Cedar Hill, N. Y. The same, on Magnolia umbrella, from JESSIE ELTINnG, New Paltz, N. Y. - Scurfy bark louse, Chionaspis furfurus Fitch. From ABEL DANCE, New York city. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 375 ORTHOPTERA | Periplaneta orientalis Linn. From JosEpH Karr, Troy, N. Y. Wyctobora ?holosericea Klug. From Mrs G: B. THompson, Albany, Ne Y. NEUROPTERA Plathemis trimaculata De Geer, from North Elba, N. Y. From Cuarzes Mitts, Fairmount, N. Y. Also from J: A. OTTERSON, Berlin, “Mass. . Examples of Phryganidae, species undetermined. From Prof. CHARLES Fees, Albany, N. Y. . THYSANURA Lepisma sp. From Mrs M. E. Horne, Maynard, N. Y. ARACHNIDA Cloyer mite, Sryobia pratensis Garman, infesting a house. From Epwin H. Sranrorp, Camden, N. Y. Cattle tick, Loophilus bovis Riley. From J. D. SxrpMmoreE, East Hampton, N. Y. MyRIAPODA } Scutigera forceps Raf. From S. M. Davies, Albany, N. Y. Numerous examples of Leptodesmus falcatus Lintn., from garden soil. From Miss M. L. Brown, Albany, N. Y. EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE 1 Fig. 1 Tenthredo rufopectus. Fig. 2 Janus integer. Fig. 3° Urocerus albicornis. Fig. 4 Urocerus flavicornis. PLATE 2°’ : ‘Fig.1 Stage 1: a,c, d, dorsal spines of first, second, third, thoracic segments; 4, subdorsal spine of first thoracic segment, ¢, first abdominal segment showing dark bands, spines and spiracle; /, subanal plate in part, showing spines; g, dorsal spine or horn of eighth abdominal seg- ment seen partly from the side; g’, end of same; 4, dorsal spine on ninth abdominal segment (after Packard). Fig. 2 Stage 2: a, 4, dorsal spines of first and second thoracic seg- ments; ¢, spine or hornof eighth abdominal segment. Stage 3: d, spine of second thoracic segment; ¢, the same of eighth abdominal segment (after Packard). — Parr te ‘ a ore nat Be ees i re Miy re a om BBs Plate 1 Horn-tails and two currant borers. Plate 2 Armature of Eacles imperialis (after Packard). ; oe ee ne pe ee ere y? a ie eS The superior figure tells the exact place on the page in ninths; e. g. 371° means four ninths of the way down page 371. Abbot, John, cited, 342’; reference, 345°. abbotii, Thyreus, 371°. abdominalis, Urocerus, 330°, 342’, 342° Abert, W: S.; insects from, 372°. Acer dasycarpum, see Maple, silver or white. platanoides, see Maple, Norway. acerifolii, Drepanosiphum, 363’. - Acordulecera dorsalis, 371°. Adalia bipunctata, 362°, 362’. Aglia tau, 343°. Albany, N. Y., elm=-leaf beetle in, 360'-61°. albicornis, Sirex, see Urocerus albi- cornis; Urocerus; 338'-40%, 341°, 341°, 342°, 370’, 371°. Seealso U. albicornis. albilinea, Leucania, 372°. Allantus rufopectus, see Tenthredo. Allorhina nitida, 369”. Alypia octomaculata, 371”. Ambler, H. S., insects from, 372‘; reference, 358°. American blight, see Schizoneura lanigera. American elm, see Elm, American. American entomological society, Transactions cited, 335°, 338°, 340°, American entomologist cited, 351". American entomologist and _ botanist cited, 343°, 351°. American philosophical society, Pro- ceedings cited, 343”. Dates are printed in italics. americana, Clisiocampa, 366°, 372’. americanus, Necrophorus, 373’. Anasa tristis, 374°. Anatis ocellata, 362°, 373°. _ Andrews, W. V., cited, 343°. angustus, Cryptocampus, 336°. Animals not harmed by grass under sprayed trees, 367°. Aniseed attracting grain weevils, 367’. Anisopteryx pometaria, 365°, 370°. vernata, 365°, 370’. Anomala lucicola, 373°. antennatum, Callidium, 373°. Anthony, Mrs E. C., insects from, 374. Anthrenus scrophulariae, 359°, 367°. Aphididae, species noticed, 361°-63'. See also Plant lice. Aphis mali, 3637, 367%. Aphodius fimetarius, 373°. | Apple-tree, insects injurious to; Anisopteryx pometaria, 365°, 370° Anisopteryx vernata, 365° Aphis mali, 363° Aspidiotus perniciosus, 374° Chionaspis furfurus, 368° Chrysobothris femorata, 365* Clisiocampa americana, 366° Lygus pratensis, 353° Saperda candida, 365° Schizoneura lanigera, 366° Systena hudsonias, 373’. Apple-tree aphis, 363°, 367°. Apple-tree bark louse, 374". 378 NEW YORK Apple-tree borers, 365%, 366°. Apple-tree tent caterpillar, 369°. Apple woolly louse, 366’. Argus, abstract from, 368’. armiger, Heliothis, 366°. Army worm, 332, 368°. arvensis, Dolerus, 371%. asparagi, Crioceris, 373’. Asparagus beetle, 373’. Aspidiotus perniciosus, 368°, 374’. Asters, China, Lygus pratensis on, 9 353 - atrata, Thalessa, 367°,.371": atratus, Tabanus, 372". Attacus cecropia, 371° imperialis, see Eacles imperialis. Ayres, E. J., reference, 354°. Baker, C. F., cited, 353°. Balm-of-Gilead, Mytilaspis pomorum on, 374°. Banks, R. L., insects from, 373°. Barrows, W. D., insects from, 372". Basilona imperialis, see Eacles im- perialis. Bed bug hunter, 374°. Bees, 369”. Beets, Lygus pratensis on, 352°, 353°. Bell, J. T., cited, 3477. - Beutenmiuller, William, cited, 344°; reference, 350’. Bibliography of the more important con- tributions to American economic ento- mology cited, 331°. bipunctata, Adalia, 362", 362”. Black long sting, 371°. Blackberry, Lygus pratensis on, 352’. Blatchley, W. S., cited, 353’. Blissus leucopterus, 361°, 369°, 374’. Bombycidae, species treated of, 342°- 51°. Bombyx didyma, see Eacles imperi- alis. Boophilus bovis, 375°. Boston journal of natural history cited, 335°. STATE MUSEUM Boston society of natural history, Proceedings cited, 335°. bovis, Bodphilus, 375%. Hypoderma, 364’. Bowers and Sands, insects from, 374°. Bradt, S. C., insects from, 373°, 374". British phytophagous monograph 336°. Brooklyn entomological society, Bulletin cited, 343°; Check list of the Macro-lepidoptera of America cited, 8 343°. Brown, M. L., insects from, 375°. Bruner, Lawrence, cited, 353°. Bryobia pratensis, 375*. : Buffalo-fly, 364°. Buffalo society of natural sciences, Bulletin cited, 352". of (Cameron), cited, Cabbage, insects injurious to; Lygus pratensis, 351‘, 351 Thrips tabaci, 363° wire worms, 367°. caeruleum, Chalybion, 3717. Calandra oryzae, 374°. calcitrans, Stomoxys, 372”. California, San José scale in, 368°. Callidium antennatum, 373°. Callipterus ulmifolii, 362%. Cameron, Peter,. cited, 336°, 338°. Canadian entomologist cited, 335*, 338, 338°, 338', 343°, 343°, 343", 351, (35?) a2, Bae aaa candida, Saperda, 365°. candidatum, Poecilosoma, 336°. Canker mele, fall or spring, 365°, 365°, 37 Capsidae, species ogee of, 351*-57°. Capsus oblineatus, see Lygus praten- sis. Carneades obeliscoides, 372°. Carpet beetle, 359°, 367%. caryae, Halisidota, 369". Castanea vesca, Eacles imperialis on, 9 344. hymenoptera, 4 _ . 4 3 | INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, 1897 Cat flea, 372’. Catalogue of the insects of New Jersey (Smith) cited, 335*, 338", 340°, 344, 353- Cattle tick, 375°. Cauliflower, Lygiis pratensis on, 351’. Cecidomyia leguminicola, 359’. -eecropia, Attacus, 371’. Cecropia emperor moth, 371”. Celery, Lygus pratensis on, 353, 354. celeus, Protoparce, 371". cerasi, Myzus, 363°,.368°. Ceratocampa imperialis, see Eacles Ceratopsyllus serraticeps, 372°. imperialis. -Chaitophorus species, 362°. Chalcophora virginiensis, 373°. Chalybion caeruleum, 371’. Champion, S. B., insects from, 372°. Check list of the hemiptera heteroptera of North America (Uhler) cited, 352". : Check list of the Macro-lepidoptera of America cited, 343°. Cheese mite, 364°. Cherry, Myzus cerasi on, 363°, 368°. Cherry-tree aphis, 363°. Cherry-tree Myzus, 368°. Chestnut, insects injurious to; Eacles imperialis, 344° Empretia stimulea, 370. China asters, see Asters, China. Chinch-bug, 361°, 360°, 374°. Chinch-bug fungus, 360°. Chionaspis furfurus, 368°, 374’. Chrysanthemums, Lygus pratensis on, 353. Chrysobothris femorata, 365°. Cicada tibicen, 374°. Cimex pratensis, see Lygus pratensis. cinctus, Therioplectes, 372°. Citheronia imperialis, see Eacles im- perialis. Citheronia regalis, 347’. clavata, Coptocycla, 374’. 379 Clisiocampa americana, ace, 372. disstria, 372’. ; Clover, insects injurious to; Cecidomyia leguminicola, 359° Pyralis costalis, 358°. Clover-hay caterpillar, 358°, 372°. Clover mite, 375- Clover-seed midge, 359°. Clubbed tortoise beetle, 374°. Cluster fly, 370°. Coccinellid larvae, 362°. coccophila, Sphaerostilbe, 368". Cockerell, T. D. A., cited, 353°. Coleman, W. H., insects from avis 371.. Colorado agricultural experiment station, Bulletin cited, 353°. comma, Grapta, 371°. Common injurious insects of Kansas (Kellogg) cited, 353°. Comstock, A. B., cited, 344°. Comstock, J. H., cited, 344°, 352°. confusus, Limonius, 373°. Cook, A. J., cited, 352°. Cooley, R. A., cited, 341°, 344°. Coombs, M. B., quoted, 359. Coptocycla clavata, 374’. Coreus linearis, see Lygus pratensis. Corn, insects injurious to; Heliothis armiger, 366° Lygus pratensis, 352°. Cornell agricultural experiment sta- tion, Bulletin cited, 335°, 353’- Corning, N. Y., Janus integer at, 335°; Tenthredo rufopectus at, 335’. Cornwell, R. C. de V., insects from, 371. costalis, Pyralis, 358", 372". Cotton boll-worm, 366°. Cottonwood, Pemphigus transversus on, 362°. Country gentleman, abstracts from, 352", 3647, 305°, 306°, 367°, 368°, 370°; cited, 338°, 340°, 343°, 352°. Cow-horn fly, 365°. Cresson, E. T., cited, 335°s 338°, 340°. populi- 380 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM cressoni, Urocerus, 3407-41", 342°. See also U. cressoni. Crioceris asparagi, 373’. Cryptocampus angustus, 336° saliceti, 336°. Cucumber flea beetle, 373°. cucumeris, Epitrix, 373°. Cultivator and Country gentleman cited, 352*. See also Country gen- tleman. ~ Currant, insects injurious to; Aspidiotus perniciosus, 374° Diastictis ribearia, 372° Janus integer, 335° Myzus ribis, 363°. Currant aphis, 363°. Currant stem borer, 335’. Currant stem girdler, 337’. Cut-worm, 360°. Cuterebra emasculator, 372°. cyaneus, Urocerus, 342”, 342°. Cyllene pictus, 360°, 373° robiniae, 360°. Dance, Abel, insects from, 374’. Danforth, Mrs J. H., insects from, 372°. dasycarpum, Acer, see Maple, silver or white. Davies, S. M., insects from, 371°, 375°. Davis, G. C., cited, 353°. Diabrotica duodecim-punctata, 373’. Diastictis ribearia, 372%. Dick, A. W. K., insects from, 374". didyma, Bombyx, see Eacles imperi- alis. didyma, var. Eacles imperialis, 350%. Dimmock, A. K., cited, 3447. disstria, Clisiocampa, 372”. Dog-day Cicada, 374°. Dolerus arvensis, 371%. dorsalis, Acordulecera, 371° Odontota, 374’. Drepanosiphum acerifolii, 363%. Drury, Drew, cited, 342". _Dupree, W: B., insects from, 371°. Dryocampa imperialis, see Eacles im- périalis. ane duodecim-punctata, Diabrotica, 373". Dyar, H. G., cited, 344°, 344°; insects from, 371*, 374°; reference, 346° Eacles imperialis, bibliography, 342"- 44°; distribution, 350°; egg “ez. scribed, 346°-47°; food habits, 350°; innoxious, 351°; larval spines de- scribed, 349°; larval stages de- scribed, 3477-49"; life history, 344'- 46°; moth described, 349*-50*; nat- ural enemies, 351°; pupa described, 349°. Hn A Eacles imperialis var. didyma, var. nobilis and aberrant form puncta- tissima, 350°. sila Economic entomology, Bibliography of the more imporiant contributions to American, cited, 331°. Edwards, Henry, reference, 346°. Edwards, W. H., cited, 343’. edwardsii, Urocerus, 342*, 342°. Eight-spotted forester, 371°. Elaphidion villosum, 359’, 373°. Ellerslie, N. Y., work of Elaphidion 9 at, 359. Elm, American, insects injurious to; Callipterus ulmifolii, 362"; Galerucella luteola, 361°. - Elm, English, Galerucella luteola in- ‘juring, 361%, 360°. Elm, European, Galerucella luteola injuring, 369°. = Elm-leaf beetle, 360°-61°, 368°, 373°, 364”, 366", 366°. ~ Elting, Jessie, insects from, 374’. Emasculating bot-fly, 372°. emasculator, Cuterebra, 372". Emesa longipes, 374°. Emphytus maculatus, 336". : Empretia stimulea, 371°. ; English elm, see Elm, English. English oak, see Oak, English. Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta (Fabricius) cited, 338. t ' F A } s = mee res z ~s, * ’ " < ae ee ta ee ee ee ee ee Se. ——- | ae. a ee > ¥ € INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, 1897 Entomologica Americana cited, 344". Entomological contributions (Lintner) cited, 343%, 348”. 3 Entomological news cited, 338’, 344°, 5 ee oleate society of Ontario, Report cited, 338°, 343°, 344°, 352°, 353" Entomological society of Philadel- phia, Proceedings cited, 340°, 343°. Entomological society of Washing- ton, Proceedings cited, 353°. Entomologist, publications of, 331°, _ 364'-70". Epicauta pennsylvanica, 374’. Epitrix cucumeris, 373°. Eristalis tenax, 372". Eumenes fraterna, 371°. Euschistus fissilis, 374°. Euura species, 336°. Fabricius, J. C., cited, 3387; refer- ence, 340°. falcatus, Leptodesmus, 375°. Fall canker worm, see Canker worm. Farmers’ advocate, abstract from, 364". Farmers bulletin cited, 344°. Felt, E. P., reference, 332°. femorata, Chrysobothris, 365°. Fern, house, Lecanium hesperidum on, 374’. Fernald, C. -H., cited, 343’. Fifteen-spotted lady-bird, 373’. Figures of Anthrenus scrophulariae, 359’ carpet beetle, 359* clover-hay caterpillar, 358° Eacles imperialis, plate 2 imperial moth, plate 2 Janus integer, plate 1, fig. 2 Lygus pratensis, 356° Pyralis costalis, 353° tarnished plant bug, 356° Tenthredo rufopectus, plate 1, fig. I Urocerus fig. 3 albicornis, plate 1, 381 Figures of (continued) Urocerus flavicornis, plate 1, fig. 4 fimetarius, Aphodius, 373°. First memoir on the bombycine moths (Packard) cited, 343°. fissilis, Euschistus, 374%. Fitch, Asa, cited, 338°, 342°; refer- ence, 345°. flavicornis, Urocerus, 339, 342°, 342”. flaviventris, Janus, see J. integer. Fletcher, James, cited, 353°; insects from, 372°. Florida agricultural experiment sta- tion, Bulletin cited, 353°. Forbes, S. A., cited, 352°; reference, 354°, 355° forceps, Scutigera, 375°. Forest, tent caterpillar, 369°. Foster, Mrs W: W., insects from, 372. fraterna, Eumenes, see Eumenes. French, G. H., cited, 343°. Fruit trees, see Trees, fruit. furfurus, Chionaspis, 368°, 374’. Galerucella luteola, 360°-61°, 373°. See also Elm-leaf beetle. Gallatin, J. N., insects from, 371°. Garden and Forest cited, 353’, 353°: Garman, Harrison, cited, 353’. Gartered plume-moth, 372°. Gentry, T. G., cited, 343°; reference, 350°. gibbosa, Nadata, 371°. Gillette, C. P., cited, 353°. globuliferum, Sporotrichum, 369°. Glover, Townsend, cited, 338*, 352”. Goodenough, Mrs F. L., insects. from, 374°. Gossard, H. A., cited, 353°. Grain weevil, 367°. Grape, plant lice on, 368". Grapta comma, 371°. Grass, white grubs injuring, 366°. Grass-hoppers, 3606". Graves, Mrs H. D., insects from, 4 372. 368", 382 Griffen. Charles, insects from, 373°. Guide to the study of insects Gerba d) cited, 343°, 351". Gypsy moth, 369. Haematobia serrata, 364°, 365°. Hagen, H. A., cited, 344°. Halisidota caryae, 369’. Hall, A. P., insects from, 371°. Hams, cheese mite in, 364’. Hanford, G: R., insects from, 374’. Hardin, C:-H.,:insects fromy 371°. Harmonia pini, 370°, 371". Harrington, W. H., cited, 335%, 238 341°, 344; quoted, 339°; reference, 338°. . Hlartis, «Bs 7 Wi, cited, © gaa" -951°s quoted, 330°, 348°-49°; reference, 330', 345°, 354. Haswell, J. N., insects from, 374’. Heliothis armiger, 366°. Hemiptera, species treated of, 351°- 57. Hemiptera of Colorado (Gillette and Baker) cited, 353°. Herschart, G: H., insects from, 358”. hesperidum, Lecanium, 374’. Heteroptera, species treated of, 351*- 57°. Hickory, Cyllene pictus in, 360°. Hickory borer, 360°, 373°. Hickory tussock moth, 369". ? holosericea, Nyctobora, 375”. Honeydew from plant lice, 368. Horn-fly, 364°. Horn-tails, 339°, 341°. Horne, Mrs M. E., 375". | House flies, 370°. Howard, L. O., cited, 344’, 344°, 352”. Howell, G: R., insects from, 373°. hudsonias, Systena, 373”. Hulst, G:..D.,\ cited: 349"; 345°. Hungarian grass, Blissus leucopterus ot Sy sat 8 | insects from, reference, NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Illustrations Hymenoptera, species treated of, 335-42". | Hypoderma bovis, 364° lineata, 364°. Illinois, Tenthredo rufopectus in, 337° Illinois state horticultural society, Transactions cited, 352*. of exotic (Drury) cited, 342°. entomology imperatoria, Phalaena, see Eacles im- perialis. Imperial moth, 342%-51°. Eacles imperialis. imperialis, Attacus, see Eacles impe- rialis See also Basilona, see Eacles imperialis Ceratocampa, see Eacles imperi- alis Citheronia, see Eacles imperialis Dryocampa, see Eacles ieeciecs = alis Eacles, 342°-51°. imperialis. Indiana horticultural society, Trans- actions cited, 352°. Ingram, H. B., insects from, 372%. Injurious insects treated of, 335*-57°. Insect life cited, 344°, 344°, 352", 352°, 353°. Insectes recueillis en Afrique et en Amérique dans les royaumes d’ Oware cited, 342°, 351°. Insects, notes on various, 358'-63”. Insects and insecticides (Weed) cited, 353" Insects from New York localities; Albany, 371°, 371’, 373°, 373 374, 374; 374", 375 375° Alder Creek, 374.55" Ausable Forks, 372* Bellport (L. I.), 371%, Brooklyn, 360’, 371’, Camden, 375* See also Eacles 372", 372", 373, 374° 373° q e 4 INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, 1897 383 Carthage, 339°, 370° 3 Insects injurious to fruits (Saunders) Cedar Hill, 372’, 374° cited, 351°. a Coeymans,. 371", 371°, 372°, 373> | Insects injurious to vegetation (Harris) } 374° 3d ed. cited, 342°, 351°. f East Greenbush, 374° Insects of Illinois, Report cited, 343°, East Hampton, 375° | 343°, 352°, 352°. Fairmount, 375° Insects of Missouri, Report (Riley) Geneva, 373° | cited, 351°. Germantown, 374° Insects of New York: Report (Fitch) Golden’s Bridge, 371° cited, 338°, 342°. Gouverneur, 374° Insects of New York, Report (Lint- Greenbush, 344° ner) cited, 331% 340°, 3435 343°, Jamaica, 371° 352", 352°. Jewett, 372” _ integer, Janus, 336°, 336° 337°, 337°. Kingston, 3727 interjectus, Lasius, 371°. Mayfield, 372° Introduction to entomology (Comstock) Maynard, 375° cited, 352°. New Paltz, 374° Towa, Tenthredo rufopectus in, 337°. New York, 373‘, 374°, 374° |_lowa agricultural college, Bulletin North Hillsdale, 358°, 372" cited, 352°. Iowa agricultural experiment station, Bulletin cited, 353°. Iowa _ state horticultural society, Transactions cited, 352°. Oswego, 373° Poughkeepsie, 367° Racket River, 367° Rensselaer, 344° Rochester, 371°, 372", 374° | Jack, J: G,, cited, 353°. Saranac Inn, 372° Janus flaviventris, see J. integer. Scarsdale, 371% - Janus integer, 336°, 336°, 337°. Schenectady, 371° + Karr, Joseph, insects from, 375’. Somers, 374° Katydid, angular-winged, 365°. Stamford, 372° Kellogg, V. L., cited, 353°. Troy, 375° | Kentucky agricultural experiment Ulster county, 371° station, Bulletin cited, 352°; Report ° Watertown, 374° cited, 352°. Watervliet, 374° | Keyes, Addison, insects from, 374”. Windsor, 374* | Kirby, W. F., Synonymic catalogue of Yonkers, 368. lepidoptera heterocera cited, 344%. | Insects from other localities; _ Lace-wing flies, larvae of, 362°. Agricultural college, Mich., 372° | Lachnosterna species, 369”. Arlington, N. J., 373° | lanigera, Schizoneura, 366°-67°. Berlin, Mass., 371°, 372, 372°, | Large black horse-fly, 372". 372°, 373, 374, 374 | Lasius interjectus, 371°. Litchfield, Ct., 371° | Laspeyresia nigricana, 372°. Ottawa, Canada, 372° laticollis, Prionus, 373°. Pittsford Mills, Vt., 372° Lecanium hesperidum, 374" : Ruxton, Md., 366° tulipiferae, 374". Springteld, Mass., 374°. leguminicola, Cecidomyia, 359°. ae Pe etal ee me 384 Lepidoptera, species treated of, 342°- oe Lepisma species, 375°. Leptodesmus falcatus, 375°. Leucania albilinea, 372°. leucopterus, Blissus, 361°, 374°. Light-loving grape-vine beetle, 373°. Limonius confusus, 373°. linearis, Coreus, see Lygus pratensis Phytocoris, see Lygus pratensis. lineata, Hypoderma, 364°. lineolaris, Lygus, see Lygus praten- sis . Phytocoris, see Lygus pratensis. Linnaeus, Carolus, cited, 351*. Linsley, J. G., insects from, 373’. Lintner, J. A., cited, 338°, 340°, 343, 348°, 352°, 360°, 360°. List of North American hymenoptera (Cresson) cited, 338”. List of the lepidoptera of boreal Amer- - ica (Smith) cited, 344°. Locust borer, 360°. Locust tree, Odontota dorsalis on, 374’. Long Island, San José scale on, 332°. Long sting, 367°. longior, Tyroglyphus, 364”. longipes, Emesa, 374°. Lowe, V. H., insects from, 373°. lucicota, Anomala, 373’. luteola, Galerucella, 360°-61°, 8 373 - Lygus lineolaris, see Lygus praten- sis. Lygus pratensis, bibliography, 351°*- 53°; description, 355*-56°; distribu- tion, 3577; economic aspect, 354°; figure, 356°; injuries in peach nur- series, 354'-55'; life history and habits, 356"-57'; nursery inspection, cg Lyman, G: T., reference, 350°. 368", Macaroni, Calandra oryzae in, 374°. MacGillivray, A. D., cited, 3387; reference, 335°. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM maculatus, Emphytus, 336’. Magnolia umbrella, Mytilaspis po- morum on, 374’. mali, Aphis, 3637, 367%. Mally, C. W., cited, 353°. Mamestra picta, 372°. Mantissa insectorum (Fabricius) cited, 338". Manuscript notes from my journal (Glover) cited, 352”. 5 Maple, Elaphidion villosum on, 359”. Maple, Norway, insects injurious to; Chaitophorus species, 362° Elaphidion villosum, 359°. Maple, red, Eacles imperialis on, 350. Maple, silver or white, Drepanosi- phum acerifolii on, 3637. Marlatt, C. L., reference, 335°. Marten, John, cited, 343°. Mason, J. T., cited, 344°. Matthews, Thomas and sons, refer- ence, 359. May beetle, 366°. Meal, linseed, Silvanus surinamensis in, 373. Meske, Otto, reference, 346°. Michigan agricultural experiment station, Bulletin cited, 353°. Mickleborough, John, insects from, 372° Microcentrum retinervis, 365’. Miller, Mrs J. C., insects from, 374’. Mills, Charles, insects from, 375°. modestus, Podisus, 374°. monilifera, Populus, see Cottonwood. Monograph of the British phytophagous hymenoptera (Cameron) cited, 336°, 338°. Morris, J. G., cited, 343°; reference, 6 350°. Murtfeldt, M. E., cited, 353°. Mytilaspis pomorum, 374°. Myzus cerasi, 363°, 368°; ribis, 363°. . — el 4 : i pwr Oya INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, 1897 Nadata gibbosa, 371’. Natural history of the rarer lepidopter- ous insects of Georgia (Smith and Abbot) cited, 342’. Report cited, 353°. Nebraska state horticultural society, Report cited, 353°. Necrophorus americanus, 373’. Neumoegen, Berthold, cited, 344°, 5 344. New England, Tenthredo rufopectus in, 337°. New Jersey, elm-leaf beetle in, 360’ Tenthredo rufopectus in, 337°. New Mexico agricultural experiment station, Bulletin cited, 353°. New York entomological society, Journal cited, 343°, 344’. New York state, Aspidiotus perni- ciosus in, 368°; broods of Lygus pratensis in, 356°; Tenthredo rufo- pectus in, 337°. New York state agricultural society, Transactions cited, 338°, 342°, 351°. New York state museum, Repori cited, 343°, 348’, 352°. Newark, N. J., onion thrips at, 363°. nigricana, Laspeyresia, 372”. nigricornis, Urocerus, 342’, 342°. nitida, Allorhina, 369°. nobilis, var. Eacles imperialis, 350%. North American hymenoptera, List of (Cresson) cited, 33%’. Norton, Edward, cited, 335°, 338°, 340°; quoted, 337°, 341°; reference, 3390", 342°. Norway maple, see Maple, Norway. - Notes on various insects, 358-63”. Nurseries; examination of for San José scale, 332°. Nyctobora ? holosericea, 375°. Oak, insects injurious to; Acordulecera dorsalis, 371° Eacles imperialis, 350° Elaphidion villosum, 359". 385 | Oak, English, Elaphidion villosum in, 350°. Oak pruner, 359", 373°. | obeliscoides, Carneades, 372”. Nebraska state board of agriculture, | oblineatus, Capsus, see Lygus pra- tensis. ocellata, Anatis, 362°, 3737. octomaculata, Alypia, 371". Odontota dorsalis, 374°. Oedionychis thoracica, 373°. Office, correspondence of, 332”. Ohio agricultural experiment sta- tion, Bulletin cited, 352". Onion, Thrips tabaci on, 363”. Onion thrips, 363°. Ontario co., San José scale in, 332°. Opsicoetus personatus, 374’. orientalis, Periplaneta, 375’. oryzae, Calandra, 374°. Osborn, Herbert, cited, 335°, 344; 3525: 353" Osmoderma scabra, 373°. Otiorhynchus sulcatus, 374’. Ottawa, Can., Tenthredo rufopectus at, 337". Ottawa naturalist cited, 335°. Otterson, C: A., insects from, 372°. Otterson, J: A., insects from, 371% ag) S73; 37a: Oxyptilus periscelidactylus, 372°. Packard, A. S., cited, 338°, 343, 351°; quoted, 346°-47°; reference, 340°. Palisot de Beauvois, A. cited, 342°, 351°. pandorus, Philampelus, 371”. panicea, Sitodrepa, 373°. Partial catalogue of the animals of Iowa (Osborn) cited, 335°, 344°. Pea-moth, 372”. Pea weevil, 364’. Peach tree, Lygus pratensis on, 354-55 Peaches, bees and wasps injuring, 369". M. Bed 386 Pear, insects injurious to; Aspidiotus perniciosus, 374" Lygus pratensis, 351°, 352°, 353°, 354°. Peas, Lygus pratensis on, 352”. Peck, C: H., insects from, 375°. Pelidnota punctata, 373°. Pemphigus populi-transversus, 361°- 62”. , Pennsylvania, Tenthredo rufopectus in, 337°. pennsylvanica, Epicauta, 374° Photuris, 373°. Pergande, Theodore, reference, 363’. Periplaneta orientalis, 375°. periscelidactylus, Oxyptilus, 372’. Perkins, Mrs. G. H., insects from, B78 8725-374... perniciosus, Aspidiotus, 368°, 374’. personatus, Opsicoetus, 374’. Phalaena imperatoria, see Eacles im- perialis. Philampelus pandorus, 371°. Photuris pennsylvanica, 373°. Phryganidae, 375°. Phytocoris linearis, see Lygus pra- tensis; lineolaris see Lygus pratensis. picta, Mamestra, 372°. pictus, Cyllene, 360°, 373°. Pine, insects injurious to; Eacles imperialis, 346 Urocerus albicornis, 340°. Pine, Scotch, Harmonia pini injur- ing, 370°. Pine, white, Eacles imperialis on, 8 350. Pine borer, 370*, 370°. pini, Harmonia, 370°, 371". Pinus strobus, see Pine. Plant lice, reference, 368’, species noticed, 361°-63’. platanoides, Acer, see Maple, Nor- way. - Plathemis trimaculata, 375°. 368°; NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM t Plum, insects injurious to; Halisidota caryae, 369" Rhopalosiphum species, 363°. Plusia precationis, 372°. Podisus modestus, 374%. Poecilosoma ‘candidatum, 336%. Pollenia rudis, 370°. polyphemus, Telea, 350°. pometaria, Anisopteryx, 365°, 370°. pomorum, Mytilaspis, 374°. Pompilius species, 341°. Pontania species, 336° , Poplar, Mytilaspis pomorum on,” 374°. : populi-transversus, Pemphigus, 361°- 62”. | Populus monilifera, see Cottonwood. Potato,. Lygus pratensis on, 351%, 352", 354. ; Potato bugs, 364°. Poughkeepsie, insects taken at, 346’; San José scale at, 332°. Practical entomologist cited, 351°. : pratensis, Bryobia, 375°; Cimex, see Lygus pratensis - | Lygus, 351°-57°. precationis, Plusia, 372°. Preventives, see Remedies and pre- ventives. : Prionus laticollis, 373°. prolifica, Sciara, 372°. Protoparce celeus, 371". Prunus serotina, Eacles imperialis on, 344". Psyche cited, 3417, 343%, 343°, 344> 344°, 344°, 3447, 352°, 353’. Publications of entomologist, 331°. | punctata, Pelidnota, 373°. punctatissima, form of Eacles im- perialis, 350°. Pyralis costalis, 358’, 372*. R Quaintance, A. L., cited, 353°. Quince blossoms, Limonius confu- sus in, 373°. INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, 1897 387 ! Raspberry, Lygus pratensis on, Remedies and preventives—(cont’d) 352". |. trapping, 370° = Red-breasted saw-fly, see Tenthredo | trenching, 360° rufopectus. | whale oil soap, 363*, 368%, 368° me Reed, H. B., cited, 343°. | X. O. dust, 365°. regalis, Citheronia, 347°. _ Remedies and preventives for; reinwardtii, Tabanus, 372”. | | Anisopteryx pometaria, 365%, Remedies and preventives; | 370° arsenites, 370° banding trees, 364*, 365% breaking up cow droppings, 365° burning shelters, weeds, etc., 357°, 369° carbolic acid, 365” carbon bisulfid, 364", 367°, 367° cleanliness, 365° cutting out grubs, 366° Anisopteryx vernata, 365‘, 370° Aphis mali, 363° apple-tree aphis, 363° apple-tree borer, 366° bees, 369°: canker worms, 365%, 370° cheese mite, 365° cherry-tree aphis, 368° destroying infested tips, 337° | chinch-bug, 369° itching. 360° | cluster fly, 370° fowls in garden, 366° . | cow-horn fly, 365° fumigation with sulfur, 365° cut-worm, 366° hellebore, 368’ elm-leaf beetle, 3667 hot water, 366°, 367° grass-hopper, 366° insect powder, 370° | Haematobia serrata, 365° jarring into nets and destroy- house flies, 370° = 5 ae ogi Lygus pratensis, 357° kerosene emulsion, 363°. 3657, : é erat eae, a, got | > Weevil 304 ee atck _ plant lice, 368%, 3687 Pollenia rudis, (370° Myzus cerasi, 368* lime on manure, 365° netting, 369° potato bug, 364’ paris green and plaster, 364’, | San José scale, 332° 365%, 366° | . Schizoneura lanigera, 367’ poisoned baits, 366°, 366° | tarnished piant bug, 357° selecting land not surrounded by Tenthredo rufopectus, 337° favorable breeding places, | Tyroglyphus species, 365° 357° | wasps, 369° soap solution, 367° | white grubs; 366° soft soap and soda, 366° sweetened baits, 369° tallow and carbolic acid, 365° tar, pine and grease, 365° tar, coal and lard, 365° | tobacco dust or water, 363%, _ Rhubarb, Anthrenus scrophulariae : 365°, 3677, 368%, 368°, 368" | on, 350% wire worms, 367°. | retinervis, Microcentrum, 365’. - Rheum rhaponticum, see Rhubarb. | Rhopalosiphum species, 363°. 388 ribearia, Diastictis, 372*. ribis, Myzus, 363°. Rice, Calandra oryzae in, 374°. Riggs, F: J., insects from, 372°, 373°, 373°, 374. Riley, C. V., cited, 343°, 3447, 351', 351°, 352°; quoted, 356*; reference, 354, 365". rileyi, Schizoneura, 374°. Riverside natural history cited, 343°. Roberts, C. H., insects from, 371". robiniae, Cyllene, 360°. Rochester, apple-tree aphis at, 363°; work of Lygus pratensis near, 354°. : Rocky Mt locust and other insects, Report (Packard) cited, 351." Rose, insects injurious to; Lygus pratensis, 352° Poecilosoma candidatum, 336°. Royal society of Canada, Trensac- tions cited, 338°, 341°. rudis, Pollenia, 370°. rufopectus, Allantus, see Tenthredo rufopectus. rufopectus, Tenthredo, 3357-37°. See also Tenthredo rufopectus. . ’ Rural New Yorker cited, 353’. Russell, Henry, insects from, 373°. saliceti, Cryptocampus, 336°. Salsify, Lygus pratensis on, 352°. San José scale, 332‘, 368°, 368", 360°, 374". . : -Saperda candida, 365°. ‘Saunders, William, cited, 351°. Sautter, Louis, reference, 345°. Saw-fly, 371%. Saw-toothed grain weevil, 373°. Say, Thomas, cited, 351°. scabra, Osmoderma, 373°. Schizoneura lanigera, 366°-677 rileyi, 374°. . Schofield, S., cited, 343°. Schoonmaker, E. T., insects from, 372’; 374°. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM _ serrata, Haematobia, 364°, 365°. Sciara prolifica, 372° vulgaris, 372°. scrophulariae, Anthrenus, 359°, 367°. Scurfy bark louse, 374°, 368%. | Scutigera forceps, 375°. Seehaus, Philip, insects from, 371°. Sellnow, George, insects from, 371°. Seneca co., San José scale in, 332°. serraticeps, Ceratopsyllus, 372.° Shaffer, L. B., insects from, 373°. Shanks, Dr S. G., insects from, 372°. Siewers, C. G. cited 343"; reference, aoe) Silvanus surinamensis, 3737. Silver maple, see Maple, silver or white. ; Simpson, G: B., insects from, 3747. Sirex albicornis, see Urocerus. siro, Tyroglyphus, 364°. Sitodrepa panicea, 373%. Skidmore, J. D., insects from, 375%. Slingerland, M. V., cited 353’; refer- ence, 355°, 355. Slosson, .\."T., cited, 3332%a0 Small grains, Lygus pratensis on, 3 Jas Smith, C. A., insects from, 378%. Smith. Mrs E. B., insects from, 371", 372°, 373, 373'> 374° Smith, J. B:, cited, 335, 436 .sae0n 344°, 353°; reference, 332", 357°. Smith, J. 42; cited, 342% Snout beetles, 374°. Soule, C. G, cited, 344°. Southwick, E. B., cited, 344%. - Species insectorum (Fabricius) cited, gig oe Sphaerostilbe coccophila, 368°. Spilosoma virginica, 371°. Spiraea, carpet beetles on, 367°. | Sporotrichum globuliferum, 369%. Spotted grape-vine beetle, 373°. _ Spring canker worm, see Canker worm. 1 ee Tarnished plant bug, 351*-57’*. INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, 1897 Spruce, insects injurious to, Uro- cerus albicornis, 340°, 370°, 371°. Squash bug, 374*.. Standard natural history (Kingsley) cited, 343°. Stanford, E. H., insects from, 375%. State collection, additions to, 331°- 1 32". State entomologist, see Entomolo- gist. State museum, see New York state _ museum. stimulea, Empretia, 371°. Stomoxys calcitrans, 372°. Strachan, Charles, cited, 353’. Stratton, A. H., insects from, 373°. Strawberry, insects injurious to Emphytus maculatus, 336° Lygus pratensis, 351°, 353° Otiorhynchus sulcatus, 374°. strobus, Pinus, see Pine. Strong, W. R., insects from, 371°. Stuart, C. W., reference, 350°. sulcatus, Otiorhynchus, 374°. Summers, H. E., cited, 353°. surinamensis, Silvanus, 3737. Synopsis of the Hymenoptera of Amer- ica (Cresson) cited, 335°, 338°, 340°. Synopsis of the Lepidoptera of North America (Morris) cited, 343°. Syrphid larvae, 362°. Systema naturae (Linnaeus) cited, 351% Systena hudsonias, 373°. tabaci, Thrips, 363°. Tabanus atratus, 372” reinwardtii, 372". Tanner, M., insects from, 371°. See also Lygus pratensis. tau, Aglia, 343°. Telea polyphemus, 350°. tenax, Eristalis, 372°. Tennessee agricultural experiment station, Bulletin cited, 353°. Tent caterpillar, 366°. 389 Tenthredinidae, species treated of, 335-37’. | Tenthredo rufopectus, bibliography of, 335°; boring habits of larvae, 336°; description, 336°-37°; - distri- bution, 337‘; injuring currants, 335'; life history and habits, 337°; remedy, 337°. | Thalessa atrata, 367°, 371°. Therioplectes cinctus, 372°. Thomas, Cyrus, cited, 352°. Thompson, Mrs G: B., insects from, 375 - thoracica, Oedionychis, 373°. | Thrips tabaci, 363°. | Thyreus abbotii, 371°. _ tibicen, Cicada, 374°. | Timothy, Blissus leucopterus on, 361". _ Tobacco, Lygus pratensis on, 352°. Tomato, Epitrix cucumeris on, 373°. Tomato worm, 371". | Tompkins, S. G., insects from 374’. . Townsend, C. H. T., cited, 353%. Trees, fruit, aphides on, 332”. © tricolor, Urocerus, 342”, 342°. trimaculata, Plathemis, 375°. tristis, Anasa, 374". Troy, N. Y., elm-leaf beetle in, 361°. Tulip-tree, Lecanium tulipiferae on. 374". tulipiferae, Lecanium, 374’. Tupper, Thomas, reference, 335’. -Twelve-spotted Diabrotica, 373’. Tyroglyphus longior, 364’ siro, 364°. Uhler, P. R., cited, 352". ulmifolii, Callipterus, 362”. Unger, H. A., insects from, 374°; ref- erence, 363°. | United States Dep’t of Agriculture, Farmers’ bulletin cited, 344°; Report cited, 338*, 351°; 352°; Division of entomology: Bul- letin cited, 343°, 344° 351° 353°, 353°; Bulletin (new series) cited, 353°. 39° United States entomological com- mission, Report cited, 338°, 343°. Uroceridae, 336°; species treated of, 338-42". Urocerus, table of New York spe- cies, 342’. Urocerus abdominalis, 339°, - 342’, 342°. Urocerus albicornis, 370°, 371°; bibli- ography, 338; comparatively harm- less, 340°; description and habits, 339°-40°; distribution, 340°; distri- bution of genus, 338°; figure, plate I, fig. 3; life history, 340°; refer- ence, 341°, 341°, 342°. Urocerus cressoni, bibliography, 340'-41°; description, 3417; life his- tory and distribution, 341°; refer- ence, 342°. Urocerus cyaneus, 342”, 342°. Urocerus edwardsii, 342”, 342°. Urocerus flavicornis, 339° 342”, 342°. Urocerus nigricornis, 342°, 342%. Urocerus tricolor, 342”, 342°. Urocerus zonatus, 342', 342°. Van Duzee, E. P., cited, 352°. vernata, Anisopteryx, 365°, 370°. - villosum, Elaphidion, 359", 373°. Virginia Buprestid, 373°. Virginia ermine moth, 371°. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM virginica, Spilosoma, 371°. virginiensis, Chalcophora, 373°. vulgaris, Sciara, 372°. Wailly, Alfred, cited, 343°; refer- ence, 350°. Walker, Francis, cited, 338*. Walker, J. V. D., insects from 371°. Walsh, B. D., cited, 351°, 351’. Warble fly, 364°. Wasps, 341°, 369°. Webster, F. M., cited, 352°, 353°; ref- erence, 358°. Weed, C. M., cited, 353°. Wheeler, L. B., insects from, 372”. White-horned horn-tail, 371%. White-horned Urocerus, 338'-40". See also Urocerus albicornis. White maple, see Maple, silver or white. | White pine, see Pine, white. j Williams, M. L., insects from, 360°, 373°; reference, 360°. Willow, insects injurious to; Cryptocampus angustus, 336° Cryptocampus saliceti, 336°. | Wire worms, 367%. Wisconsin state horticultural society, Transactions cited, 352°. Zebra cabbage moth, 372°. zonatus, Urocerus, 342°, 342°. SEeReRAL INDEX r prefixed to the page numbers refers to the Director’s report; other page numbers refer to the appendixes. The superior figures tell the exact place on the page in ninths; e. g. 23° means page 23, beginning in the third ninth of the page, i. e. about one third of the way down. For index to entomologists report, see p. 377. Acadian group, 1431, 144%. Acer Negundo, 296° Acer nigrum, Pao Actinolite, 121°. Adirondacks, plutonic rocks, 124, 1397; Archaean rocks, 140°-41°; limestone, 142°; sandstone, 142°, 144’; iron ores, 218°. Adzes, collections, 20°; description, 23°24". Aeons, see Geologic time. Agnotozoie series, 135°, 141°. Agrimonia mollis, 279%. Air, 119°; geologic changes produced by, 128*, 1797, 239°. Albany, tube found near, 55°. Albany county, Hudson river group, 149°; lower Helderberg group, 157°. Albite, 121’. Allegany county, tubes found in, 54’. Amanitopsis strangulata, 300"-2*; ex- planation of plate, 314°. Amboy, stone balls found near, 25°. Amelanchier rotundifolia, 279%. American talc. co., r 121°. Amphiboles, 121°. Amulets, description, 56*-61*; de- scription of plates, 58*-59"; cpllec- tions, 57°. Andesite, 1217, 1257. EE Animals, classification, 130-31. Anorthite, 121°. Anorthosite, 141’. Anthony, Mrs E. C., gift, 273°. Anthony’s Nose, 124°. Antwerp red hematites, 219°. Apatite, localities producing, 233°. Appropriations, reduction in, r5*; increase, r7°. Aragonite, 120°. Archaean series, 138°-40°; term de- fined, 138°; exposures, 136*41*; typical localities, 140°-41*. Archaean time, 135°. Archaeopteryx, 1727. Argillite, 196°. Arisaema triphyllum pusillum, 297° 987. Aristotle, geologic observations of, iG ee Aronia nigra, 279°. Arrow-heads, material, 173". Arsenic, localities producing, Zal Asbestus, 121’. Ashburner, C: A., articles on pro- duction of oil, 2287. Asphalt, 122’. Aster glomeratus, 281’. Aster Schreberi, 281’. Atkinson, G: F., gift, 273". Atmosphere, see Air. 394 Attendance of visitors at museum, rio. Augite, 121%, 1257. Auriesville, ornaments found in, 30". Axes, see Grooved axes. Baldwinsville, amulets found near, 598; banner stones, 78°; celts, 12°- 13’, 13’, 18°; pipe, 47’; slate knives, - 67°, 67°; stone balls, 25°, 25°. Balls, see Stone balls. Banner stones, description, 72?—-78°; description of plates, 739-77": col- lections, 73*. Barbarea Barbarea, 277°. Barite, localities producing, 233°. Basalt, 1257; constituents, 121°. Bayonet slates, description, 557-56. Beads, description. of plates, 27°-28', 28°. Beauchamp, W. M.; Polished stone articles used by New York aborig- ines, 1-102. Beaver, fossil, 178°. Beaver lake, gorgets found near, 81°. Beck, L. C., mineralogist, 241°. Belleville, ornaments found in, 31°. Berg deposits, r70°. Betula pumila, 281°. Bibliography, Ordovician and Eo- Silurian rocks, r46%527; finger- lakes, r114*-17°; history of Cayuga lake valley, r152-53. Binghamton, celts found sinew stones, 43°. - Biotite, 1227. Birds, collection of, r19; of Jurassic period, 172’; of Tertiary period, 175°. Birds’ nests, collection of, r9*, r19. Birdseye formation, r27'. Birdseye limestone, 147°, 147°-48', 200°. Bishop, I. P., collection for museum, r157-16'; phetographs by, 110°, im, 18s NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Black creek, gorgets found near, 82”. Black lead, 122%. Black marble, 148° Black river formation, r27°—297. Black river limestone, 147°, 148% Blue Ridge, formation, 151° Bluestone, 192*-93°. : Boat stones, description, 61*-63"; de- scription of plates, 61°-63°. Boletus chrysenteron, 298%, Boletus edulis, 309°-10*; explanation of plate, 316°. ay Boletus nebulosus, 292*—-93?. Boletus subglabripes, 308%-9°; planation of plate, 317%. Botanist, state, report of, 267-321. Boulders, see Grooved boulders. Boundary line, resurvey, 245°. Braendle, F: J., gift, 275% Brassica arvensis, 296+. Brassica juncea, 278. Breakneck mountain, 124°. Brewerton, amulets found near, 59°; banner stones, 74°, 78°; bayonet slates, 567; celts in, 161, 167, 18°; gouges, 21°, 22°; pebble, 87’; pes- tles, 37°; pipe, 49%, 50°; plummets, 411, 42°, 42°, 431; sinew stones, 43°; slate knives, 66°, 66°, 68°, 68°-69*; tubes, 55%; woman’s knives, 72%. Brigham, A. P., cited, r86°, r681, r69°, rise Britton, Mrs N. L., gift, 274°—-T5*. Bronze age, 179". : Bronzite, 1227. Brookton lake stage, r87?-88*. Brown hematite ore, see Limonite. Brownstone, 195*. Building stones, 148%, 149°, 1527, 160°, | 181-204," *, Burden iron mines, 222%. Burnham, S. H., gift, 2757. Burt, EB. A., gift, 276°. ex- Calcareous tufa, 1207, 203°; localities producing, 234’. GENERAL INDEX Calciferous group, 146°-47*. Calciferous sandrock, 199°. Calcite, 120°; localities producing, 234". California, ornaments found in, 29*; - plummets, 41°. Cambrian system, 1388*, 142?-46°; ori- gin of name, 142*; depth in Wash- ington ceunty, 145°; life of, 146". Camden, woman’s knives found in, 10% Camillus, banner stones found in, 742; tubes, 53%. Canada, banner stones found in, 78°; bayonet slates, 55°; slate knives, 65+. Canajoharie, boat stones found near, 63°. Canajoharie creek,ornaments found near, 31*. Canandaigua, pipe found near, 48°. Canandaigua lake, banner stones found near, 78*. Cannon’s Point, 124°. Canoga, pipe found near, 49°. Cantharellus brevipes, 298°. Cape Vincent, ornaments found in, 30°. Carbonate of lime, localities produc- ing, 234’, Carbonate ores, 221°-22%. ‘Carbonic acid gas, 228°. Carboniferous system, 1375, (rhe of, 170°. Cardamine Pennsylvanica, 217°. Cardamine purpurea, 277°. Carex Bicknellii, 282°. Carex brunnescens, 2827. Carex costellata, 282°. Carex festucacea, 282‘. Carex xanthocarpa, 282". Carll, J. F., cited, r152°. Cashaqua shale, 164°. Catastoma circumscissum, 294". Catlinite, 26°-277. Catskill, plummets found near, 42’. 166*— Catskill group, 165', 194°. Catskill limestone, 157’. Catskills, conglomerate, 166°. Cattaraugus county, mica found in, 87°. Cauda galli grit, 159°, 191*, 207°. Cayuga, ornaments found in, 287, 28° 20) 29% 207 SO) ol, ol. , DIDE, 507. Cayuga county, amulets found in, 59°, 59°-60!, 607; boat stones, 63*; celts, 187, 19%; mica, 87°; orna- ments, 29°, 305; pebble, 34*, 877; pipes, 46°; slate knives, 68°; stone balls, 25’; tubes, 55°. See also Fleming. Cayuga lake, higher levels in post- glacial development, r55-117; his- tory of valley, 1129-53; origin, r141°-525: flow of streams in val- ley, r68—70*; stone articles found near; adzes, 24°: banner stones, 78*; boat stones, 62!; gouges, 227; ornaments, 238: pipe, 507; sinew stones, 43°; stone balls, 247; woman’s knives, (2. Cazenovia, banner stones found in, 78. Celts, collection of, 20?; description, 117-207; description of plates, 12*-- 16°; largest perfect, 19°; material, 8?: soapstone, 19’. Cement, hydraulic, 156°, 222°. Cenozoic time, 135’, 1747-79". Cercospora caricina, 294°. Chaleopyrite, 122”. Chalk,273". Chamberlain, T. C., cited, r67°, r69?, r78°, r83°, r144?, r153°. Champlain valley, calciferous sand- rock, 1478; Chazy limestone, 147; elays, 211°-12°. Chaumont, ornaments found in, 27°; tubes, 55%, 396 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM - Chautauqua county, gorgets found in, 82*; mica, 87°. See also Elling- ton. ; Chautauqua lake, found near, 74’. Chazy limestone, 147°, 200’. Chemical history of the earth, 117°- 18°. Chemical rocks, 125°. Chemung group, 164’, 193°-94°. Chenango county, mica found in, 87°; slate knives, 65°. Chert, 1737. Chester, A. H., cited, r39°. Chisels, see Celts. Chittenango creek, celts found near, 12%, 13*; slate knives, 66°, 68°. Chromite, localities producing, 2a2'. Chrysolite, 122+. Cicero, celts found in, 12°. Clarke, J. M., papers on Geology of New York, 237°. Classification of geologic time and strata, 1385-36. Clavaria fellea, -292°. Clay, 120°, 125°, 177°, 208°-13°; lacus- trine, r70°-71°; products, 213°. Claypole, E. W., cited, r37°. Clay-slate, 196. Clinton county, amulets found in, 58°; sandstone, 145’. Clinton group, 153’, 190*-91?. Clinton ores, 219*%-20°*. . Clinton shales, r36°. Clinton stage, r37'-44°. banner stones _ Clitocybe fellea, 284°; explanation of | plate, 313’. Clitocybe gilva, 284'. Clitocybe monadelpha, 284°, 302?-3°; explanation of plate, 314°—15’. Clitopilus popinalis, 2887. Coal, 1227; vegetable origin, 125’, 168?; shales resembling, 162°; in Pottsville conglomerate, 167; fos- sils of coal measures, 169"; locali- ties producing, 169°, 234°. See also Carboniferous system. Cobblestones, 2037. Cobleskill high school, collection, rs’. Cocktail fucoid, 159’. Cohoes mastodon, 244. Collections, list of, r10°-11°; of amu- lets, 57°; banner stones, 73%; celts, 20°; gorgets, 79"; gouges and adzes, 20°; grooved axes, 82°; pestles, 35’; plummets, 41°; stone pipes, 46°; tubes, 55°. See also Geologie ¢ol- lections. Collybia radicata, 304°-5°; explana- tion of plate, 315°. Collybia velutipes, 305°-6°; explana- tion of plate, 314". Colorado group, 174*. Columbia county, calciferous lime- stone, 147°; limonites, - 220-21’; spathic iron ore, 221°-22*. Columbia university, gift, r13*. Columbian riZ5*% Conglomerate, 120°, 125*, 127°, 166°. See also Oneida conglomerate; Pottsville conglomerate. Connecticut brownstone, 195°. Conrad, T. A., paleontologist, 241°. 122’; localities pro: tale company, r121*, Copper ore, ducing, 232°. Corniferous limestone, 160?, 2027. Corundum, 122’, 226°. Cowell, W. G., gift, 276°. Crataegus macracantha, 280. Crataegus mollis, 280%. Cretaceous system, 173‘—74°; life of, 174°. Cross lake, boat stones found near, 627; gouges, 20°, 23°; pestle, 38°; pipe, 49%, 50%; stone balls, 26%; tubes, 55°; woman’s knives, 70. Crust of the earth, 116°-17?, 119". Crustaceans, 141°. a. ae i GENERAL INDEX Crystalline limestone, 126’, 138°, 199" constituents, 121°. Crystalline rocks, r25°-26°, 136’, 1837. Crystallography, 120°. Cups, description, 63°-64’. Cyphella fasciculata,. 294’. Dakota group, 174+. Damourite, 122%. Dana, J. D., cited, r39°; Manual of lithology and mineralogy, 120°; Manual of geology, 151°, 237’. Darton, N. H., photographs by, 110*- 11'; bulletin on North American geology, 237'. Davis,’'J. J., gift, 273". Davis, W. M., Cited, r143°, r153°. Davison, J. L., gift, r15*. Dawson, J. W., cited, r39°, r45°. Deconica semistriata, 291°. Deer skinners, see Celts. De Kay, J. E., zoologist, 241°. Deming’s Point, gorgets found in, 79°; grooved boulders, 84°; tube, -52°. Devonian system, 187°, 158*—65°; ori- gin of name, 158°; life of, 165°. Dexter, amulets found near, 58*. Diabase, 125’; constituents, 121°. Diamonds, 122°. Diatomaceous earth, 2267. Diopside, 121°. | Diorite, 125’, 138°, 183°. Dix, J. A., plan for geologic sur- vey, 241°; founder of museum, 243°. Dolomite, 120’. Douglas, A. E., collection of amu- lets, 5/*; banner stones, 73‘; celts, 20°; gorgets, 79°; gouges and adzes, 20°; grooved axes, 82°; plummets, 41°; stone pipes, 46°; tubes, 55°. Dover mountain, formation, 140°. Dresden, amulets found near, 58’; banner stones, 76°; stone balls, 25. 397 Drilling, 9*, 11*. Duplicate geological material, ar- rangement, r12°. Dutchess county, grooved boulders found in, 84°; limestone, 142°, 143°; quartzite, 143; calciferous lime- stone, 147°; limonites, 220%-21’. See also Deming’s Point. Dwight, W. B., geologic 142°, Dykes, 139°-40*. Dynamic geology, 128-297. studies, Earth, origin of, 114°-17°; crust, 116°-17°, 119%; chemical history, 117°-18°; present condition of in- terior; 118°-19'; envelopes, 119”. East Varick, pebble found in, 33°. Echinoderms, rearrangement of collection, r8&°. Economic collection, ri’. Economie geology, 181-23. Edible fungi, 209°, 3007-127. Elbridge, amulets found near, 59*:_ celts, 197; cups, 64°; pestles, 37%; plummet, 415; stone ball, 877. Elementary substances, 116°-17’, Elephant fossil, 178°. Ellington, banner stones found in, 78’. Elymus intermedius, 282°. Emeralds, 122°. Emery, 122’, 226°. Emmons, Ebenezer, geologist, 241°; statement quoted, 110‘; geologic report, 236°. Encrinal limestone, 163%. Enstatite, 1227. Entomologist, state, appointed, 244". Envelopes of the earth, 119’. Eocene, 174’. Erie county, hydraulic cement, 156°. Ethnological specimens, catalogue, rs’. Euonymus Europaeus, 278’. Evans, R. M., cited, r97*. 3908 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Exoascus, Insititiae, 294’. Hxoascus unilateralis, 295*. Eabius, banner stones found in, 75‘. Fairchild, H. L., cited, r66', r72°, E14,,268~ To0*, JOG, £102 er 1034. Feldspars, 120°, 121%. Fertilizers, 223°, 224°, 2277. Field work, 238°-40". i Finger lakes, deltas, r108’-9'; differ- ential movement, r109"—12’; expla- nation of conditions, -r77*-85°; Some higher levels in post-glacial development of, by T. L. Wat- son, rdd-117; lake sequence in val- leys, r103°-5°; shore features in, r75°-77°; terminology used in de- seribing lake stages, r85*; topog- raphy of region, r66°68". Fish creek, ornaments found near, 28". Fishes, 113’, 141°; of Carboniferous system, 170°; of Cretaceous period, 174°; of Devonian system, 158’, 165°; of Jurassic period, 172°; of Lower Silurian system, 150°; of Mesozoic time, 170‘; of Tertiary period,. 175‘; of Triassic period, BG seep baa . Flagstone, 152’, 164*, 186+. Flammula viscida, 290°. Fleming, celts found in, 157. Flint, 173°. Flint creek stage, r90*‘. Fluorite, localities producing, 234". Foerste, A. F., cited, r37°. Foote, C. W., cited, r148?, r152°. Ford, S. W., geologic studies, 142°. Formations, geologic, of New York, 137-79; trinity of, 127°. Fort Plain,. grooved boulders found in, 84’; ornaments, 30. Fossil ores, 219%-20°. Fossils, bibliography, 240°; disinteg- ration, 239’-40"; early mention of, 113’-14°; of Acadian group, 1437; in Black river limestone, 148°; of Cambrian system, 142'; of Car- boniferous system, 170°; in Cats- kill group, 165°; in Cauda _ galli grit, 159’; in Champlain valley clays, 212”; in Clinton group, 153'; of coal measures, 169'; of Devo- hian system, 165’; of Georgian group, 143°; in Lower Silurian system, 150°; in Niagara lime- stone, 201°; in Oriskany sand- stone, 159°; in Potsdam group, 142°; of Quaternary system, 178*— 79*; of Triassic system, 171°; of Upper Silurian system, 158%. See also Palaeontology. Frankfort slate, r33°-36*, r40°, r45°. Franklin county, sandstone, 1457. Freestone, 186°, 195° Freley, , quoted, r137*. Fungi, edible, 269°, 300-12". 3 Gabbro, 183”. Galenite, 122%; localities producing, 2325, | Galium palustre, 280’. Galium tinctorium, 280°. Gardeau shale, 1648. Garnet, 122°, 225°. Geaster velutinus, 294°, Gebhard, John, jr, curator of mu- seum, 248°. : Geikie, Sir Archibald, cited, r45°; Text-book of geology, 237". Genesee river falls, 154". Genesee rock, 163°-64'. Genesee valley, salt wells, 155°, 224*. Geneva, pipe found near, 49". Geologic collections, rearrangement, ro*-6°; r11°; additions, r138—-17°; Guide to study of, by HK: J. H. Merrill, r7*, 105-262. . Geologic formations of New York, 187-79. : Geologic map of New York, 237°. F 4 7 : GENERAL INDEX Geologic museums,, list, r10°. Geologic series, 126*, 136°. Geologic strata, see Strata. Geology time, classification, 135-36. Geology, defined, 113°; history as a science, 113*-14'; beginning of geo- logic history, 114°; historic, 126°- 27°. See also Dynamic geology. Georgian group, 143°-44. German Kali works, gift, r14¥. Gifts, to geologic collection, r13- 15°; to mineral collection, r17‘; to botanic collection, 273*-77°. Gilbert, G. K., cited, r78*, 179", 179, roo’; r108*. Glacial drift, 203°-4°, Glaciers, 176. Glass sand, 225%. Sreiss, 125°, 138°, 183’, 205°; con- stituents, 1227; exposures, 140’. Gold, testing specimens for, r12'; ore, 122'; mining in New York, 2a1*, Gomphidius, vinicolor, 291’—92'. Goniatite limestone, 162°. Goodrich, Mrs L. L., gift, 273°. Gorgets, material, &*; description, 79'-82°; description of plates, 80*- 81°; collection, 79’. Gouges, description, 20°-23°; de- scription of plates, 20°-22°; col- lections, 20°; broken, 23°. Gould collection of shells, 24+’. Granite, 125”, 138°, 181‘-83*, 204°-5', 205°; constituents, 121°, 1227. Granitic rocks, 181*-84’. Graphite, 122’, 224°. Gravel, 120°, 125*; as road metal, 208°. Greene county,. lower Helderberg group, 157°. Grinding 11°. Grooved axes, description, 82°-83°; - _ Hoes, description, 23°-245. collection, 82°. Grooved boulders, description, 83°- 86°. 399 Groton lake stage, r91*-94?. Groups, 136°. Guide to geology of New York and to the state geological cabinet, by Ledyard Lincklaen, 109*-10?. Guide to study of geological collec- tions in New York state museum by F. J. H. Merrill, r7°, 105-202. Gulliver, F. P., cited, r109°. Gypsum. t22% Tans. 155" 2248. Gyromitra esculenta crispa, 299°. Gyromitra sphaerospora, 299°; ex- planation of plate, 314°. RP SH Ls Halite, see Rock salt. Hall, James, cited, r42?, r66°, r142', 1152‘; statements quoted, 110‘; ac- knowledgment to, 111°; geologic . reports, 236°; geologist, 241°; cura- tor of museum, 244". Hamilton group, 162?-64', 191*-92°. Hamilton shale, 1637. Hammer stones, 8*; description, 31° _ 34. Hammondsport lake stage, r89°-90*. \Hannibal, boat stones found near, 3°; cups, 64%. ‘Haverstraw stone, 195°. ‘Hector, grooved boulders found in, 85%, Helderberg rocks, 1567-58". Helvella elastica albida, 299°. Hematite, 122’, 2197. Herkimer county, Ordovician and Eo-Silurian systems in, r21-04. See also, South Lake. Highlands, formation, 124°, 189’, 139°, 140°; magnetic iron ores, 216° -18'. Hinds, F. A., gifts, r14’. Hirsch, M. B., gift, r17’. Historic geology, 126°-27?. Historical specimens, catalogue, r8’. Holland Patent, slate knives found ( in, 68°. 400 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hornblende, 121°, 125’, 182*, 204°-5*. Hornstone, 173’. Horseheads, outlet, r71’, r73°—75°. Horses, 217°. Hudson river, boat stones found near, 63°; carbonate ores, 221°—22'; pestle, 38°. Hudson river bluestone, 192‘. Hudson river group, 149°-50*. Hudson river sandstone, 188*. - Hudson valley, clays, 210°-11°. Hulst, G: D., gift, 276"-77°. Hunt, -T. S., cited, :r45°; quoted, nb seen Hydnum albidum, 310°; explanation of plates, 317°. Hydnum Caput ursi, 810°-12’; expla- nation of plate, 317°. Hydnum chrysocomum, 293°. Hydraulic cement, 156°. Hydro mica schist, 126’. Hygrophorus flavodiscus, explanation of plate, 315°. Hygrophorus immutabilis, 292’. Hypericum majus, 278°. Hypersthene, 1227, 1257. Hypocrea aurantiaca, 295°. 303*-4* Ice age, 175°-77’. Igneous rocks, 1237, 124*-25°; con- stituents, 122+. Ilex monticola, 297}. Illuminating gas, 227°. Indian Hill, mortars found in, 63°; muller, 33°-34!; pestle, 38‘; stone balls, 25°, 25% Infusorial earth, 226°. Inocybe albodisea, 2907. Inocybe rigidipes, 289°-90'. International pulp company, ri21°, £122?) 123", 125° Introductory geologic ri, Invertebrates, collection of, r20°. Iron age, 179’. ; collection, Iron ores, 214*-22*; localities pro- ducing, 231°. Iroquois, materials used by, 8°; arti- cles not used by, 9°, 20°, 69%, 72° Isaria penicilliformis, 294°. Ithaca lake stage, r94°-95". Jamesville, pipe found near, 47’; stone balls, 25%. , cited, r78’. Jefferson county, amulets found in, 58"; banner stones, 78°; Black Jamieson, river limestone, 148°; celts, 19°; gorgets, 80°;-81°; gouges, 22°; grooved axes, 83'; hematite, 219?; pipes, 47°-48', 51°; sandstone, 145°; slate knives, 66°, 68°; stone cone, 87°; tubes, 55', 55*. See also Belleville; Chaumont. Jewett, Ezekiel, cited, r36°; curator of museum, 243°; resignation, 244’. Johnson, L., cited, r143°-44*, r153°. Juncus secundus, 281". Juncus Torreyi, 281°. Jurassic system, 172*-73"; life of, 172°-73?. Kaolin deposits, 2137. Kaolinite, 120’. Kellar, Bros., r121*. Kemp, J. F., gift, r14'; Geology of Moriah and Westport townships, 214°. : Kendaia, mortars found in, 64'; slate knives, 687. _ Kittatinny mountains, formation, 151°. Knives, see Slate knives, Woman’s knife. Labradorite, 121’. Lactarius aquifluus 298°. Lacustrine deposits, classification of, r70°—72'. brevissimus, 7, ee SS ae GENERAL INDEX Lake Champlain, boat stones found near, 63°; gorgets, 82*; iron ores, 218*-19'; slate knives, 66‘; tubes, 52*; woman’s knives, 70°. Lake Mohonk, on the Shawangunk erit, 151°. Lake Ontario, slate knives found near, 66%. Lakes of central New York, 161°; Some higher levels in post-glacial development of, by T. L. Watson, r55—117. Lapworth, ; 146°. Laramie group, 174*. Laurentian rocks of Canada, 138’. Lead ore, 122’; 22. Lenticular iron ores, 219°. geologic studies, localities producing, Lepiota acerina, 283". Lepiota arenicola, 298’. Leptonia subserrulata, 288’. Leverett, Frank, cited, r102’. Lewis county, Ordovician and Eo- Silurian systems in, r21-54; Pots- dam sandstone exposures, 145’; Hudson river group, 149°. Lignite, localities producing, 235%. Lime, 222°. Limestone, 125’, 127°, 196°—203°; con- stituents, 121°, 194°-95°; of Aca- dian group, 144°; of Adirondacks, 142°; of Dutchess county, 1438’; of Lower Silurian system, 146°*-49’; Trenton group, 147°; of Upper Hel- derberg group, 158°-60'; of Upper Silurian system, 153*-58'; of Washington county, 143’. See also Crystalline limestone; Magnesian limestone; Tully limestone; Upper Helderberg limestone. Limonites, 220-215. Lincklaen, Ledyard, Guide to geolo- gy of New York and to the state geological cabinet, 109°—10°. ' eee eee 4OI Lincoln, D. F., cited, r67", r69°, r145', r153°. Lintner, JS -A., ‘gift, 273°: Lithology, manual of, 120°. Littlefalls, Archaean rocks, 138°-39’'; pre-Cambrian rocks, 141°; calcif- ~ erous sandrock, 1471. Livingston, R. F., cited, r136°. Lloyd, C. G., gift, 274. Locality numbers, key to, r54. Long Island, gorgets found on, 80'; terminal moraine, 176°, 203°. Long Island clays, 212+. Longmeadow sandstone, 195°. Lower Helderberg group, 157*-58'. Lower Helderberg limestones, 201°. Lower Pentamerus limestone, 1577. Lower Silurian system, see Ordovi- cian system. Ludlowville shale, 163%. Lycoperdon cepiforme, 294*. Lyell, Sir Charles, Principles of geology, 113°, 237°; division of Eu- ropean Tertiary, 1748, Lysander, banner stones found in, TD*. MacFarlane, James, railway guide, 237'. Mellvaine, Charles, gift, 273°. Madison county, perforators found in, 83°. See also Nichols pond. Magnesia--iron silicates, 120°, 121*. Magnesian limestone, 120’, 205°. Magnesite, localities producing, 234°. Magnetic iron ores, 216%-19". Magnetite, 122’. Mammals, collection of, r20; of me- sozoic time, 170"; of Jurassic period, 172°; of Cretaceous period, 174°; of Tertiary period, 175°. Man, age of, 179°. Manganese, localities 233°. Maps, of New York state, r7°, r9°; of New England, r9"; of New York city, r9°; of glacial lakes, r64’. Geological producing, 402 Marasmius polyphyllus, 286°. Marasmius ramulinus, 286’. Marasmius subnudus, 287*-88'. Marasmits vialis, 287*. Marble, 144°, 197°-98'. Marcellus, adze found in, 87°. Marcellus shale, r140°, 162°, 191°. , Margarodite, 122%. Marl, 223°. Mask, description of plates, 30%. Massachusetts, woman’s’ knives | found in, 71’. Massive rocks, see Igneous rocks. Mastodon, 178°; Cohoes, 244". Materials of implements, 8’, 10’. Mather, John, gift, 274". Mather, W. W. cited, ments quoted, 110*; geologic re- ports, 236°; geologist, 241°. Mauch Chunk group, 166°-67'. Mechanical rocks, 125%. Medina sandstone, 152%, 189*—90°. Merrill, F. J. H., Guide to study of geological - collections York State museum, r7*, 105-202. Mesozoic time, 135’, 170°—74". Metallic minerals, 231°. Metamorphie rocks, 1237, 125°-26*. Mica, 122?; localities producing, 234°; plates, blocks and ornaments, 87’. Mica schist, 1267. Microcline, 121’. Miller, Hugh, cited, r78°. Miller, S. A., North American geolo- gy and paleontology, 240°. Millerite, localities producing, 233%. Millington, Mrs L. A., gift, 2734. Millstones, 223°, Mineral collection, additions, r17— 18°. Mineral paint, 222°. Mineral waters, 229-30. Mineralogy, manual of, 120°. Minerals, collections of, r7°, r&8°; de- fined, ..9°; classification, 120'-22’; r66°; state- | NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM number of species, 120*; commer- cially unimportant, 231°-34. . Miocene, 174°. Mohawk river, celts found near, 1". . cups, 64° . Mohawk sites, mullers found on, 34°. Mohawk _ valley, pre-Cambrian rocks, 141°; Birdseye limestone, 147°-48*; Trenton limestone, 149°; Hudson river group, 149°. Molding sand, 225". Molybdenum, localities producing, 230°. Monroe county, gorgets found in, 80°; mica, 87°; pipe, 49°. Montezuma marshes, r138—39. Montgomery county, see Root. Mortars, description, 63°64". Moscow shale, 163%. Mt Marcy, 141°. Mt Whiteface, 124°. Mud stone, 127°. Mullers, description, 31°-34*. Munnsville, ornaments found near, in New | 27°; 29", 29", 304, 306 Murchison, Sir Roderick, aeolenie studies, 146°, 158°. Muscovite, 122°; localities producing, 234° Museums, geologic, list, r10*. Mushrooms, edible, 2697, 3007-127. Mycena cyaneobasis, 284°-85*; ex- planation of plate, 313°. Naples lake stage, r91’. Natural gas, 228°. Natural history survey of N. Y., 240*43?. Nebular hypothesis, 115°-16°. Nevius, J. N., collections for mu- seum, r16°-17°, r18°, r19; Tale in- dustry of st Lawrence county, 1119-27; History of Cayuga = ; valley, r129-53. New England, amulets found in, 56°; map of, r9'; plummets found in, 41°, GENERAL INDEX 403 New Jersey, amulets found in, 56°; | Oneida county, Ordovician and Ko- celts, 20°; gorgets, 79°; gouge, 20*; grooved axes, S.*. New York city, map of, r9*; rocks, 140°, 150*. New York state, geologic formation, 1387-79; map, r7°, r9°; present sur- tace, 179°—80°. Newark Valley, amulets found near, 58-59"; pestle 38;* woman’s knives, ts 3 Newberry, J. S., cited, r45°, r152’, r153°; acknowledgment to, 111°. Newberry lake stage, r95‘-101?. Newland, D. H., collection for mu- seum, ri6*. Niagara cataract, how produced, 154". Niagara county, hydraulic cement, 156°. Niagara group, 1537-54’. Niagara limestone, 201 Niagara river, Medina sandstone, 152°. Nichols pond, perforators found near, 83°; pipe, 49°. ’ Nickel, localities producing, 233%. Non-metallic minerals, localities producing, 2837-34". Norite, 1257, 188°, 141’, 183*. North Elba, plants, 268*-69°, 279°- 807, 283°, 289°, 290*-91°, 294°, 2958, 295°, 298°, 299°, 300". Nyack stone, 195°. Nye, G. H., gift, 270. Officers of state museum, 246. Ohio, banner stones found in, 78°; boat stones, 63’; plummets, 41°. Olean conglomerate, iG7°. Oligoclase, 121’. Olivine, 122‘, 1257. _ Omphalia clavata, 285%. Omphalia papillata, 285’. Oneida conglomerate, r36°, r40°, 151°, 189%. ; | Silurian systems in, r21-54; celts found in, 19*; Hudson river group, 149°. Oneida creek, pestle found near, 37°. Oneida lake, banner stones found near, 76°, 76°; celts, 127, 16°, 18?; gor- gets, 80’; .gouges, 20°, 21%, 21%) 21°: grooved boulders, 84°; hoes, 24°; ornaments, 27°, 28%, 28°; pestles, 38'; pipe, 48%, 491, 517; sinew stones, 43°; woman’s knives, 70°, 72*. See also Black creek; Fish creek; Wood creek. Oneida river, amulets found near, 61°; banner stones, 73‘; celts, 13°- 14’, 14°, 15°; cups, 64°; gorgets, 81°, 82’; gouges, 20°, 23°, 23*; pestles, 37°; pipe, 47%, 48%; slate knives, 66°; woman’s knives, 70°, 70°. Oneonta sandstone, 193°. Onondaga, celts found in, 18; pipe, 50°; tubes, 557. Onondaga county, bayonet slates found in, 55°; gorgets, 81°; lime- stone, 1627; ornaments, 28°; water lime, 156°. Onondaga lake, amulets found near, 61°; banner stones, 73°, 77°; boat stones, 62°; celts, 127, 14°, 17°, 17°; gorgets, 79°-80', 81’ gouges, 20°; mullers, 33*; ornaments, 29*, 30%, 31'; pebble, 34*; pestles, 35°, 36’, 37, 37°; pipe, 47’, 49°; plummets, 41", 41°-42'; potstone vessel, 40°; sinew stones, 43‘; slate knives, 66°, 67°-68?; woman’s knives, 72*. Onondaga limestone, 160°, 202. Onondaga reservation, plummet found near, 42°. Onondaga salt group, 154*-56°. Oolitic ore, 219°. Orange county, stone, 147°. Orange mountains, formation, 171’. ealciferous lime- 404 Ordovician system, 138°,146*-50’; re- ‘port on relations of Ordovician and HKo-Silurian rocks, r21-54; life of; 150°. Organic rocks, 125’. Oriskany sandstone, 157°, 159’, 191°. Orleans county, hydraulic cement; 156°. Ornaments, materials, 26°; descrip- tion, 26°-31°; description of plates, 27°-31. Orthoclase, 1217, 125%. Oswego county, Hudson river group, 149°; banner stones found in, 78°; mica, 87°; woman’s knives, 70’, 72°. See also Palermo. Oswego Falls, boat stones found near, 63*; celts, 19°-20'; pestle, 38°; sinew stones, 435; slate knives, 68°. Oswego river, amulets found near, 60°; boat stones, 62°: celts, 17’, 19°; gorgets, 80"; gouges, 21°, 22°, 23°; ornaments, 30'; perforated ball, 87°; pipe, 48°; potstone vessel, 398; slate knives, 67’, 67°, 68%; tubes, 53. Otisco lake, tubes found near, 52’, 545. Otsego county, stone balls found in, 26°. Outcrops, 238-39+. Overacker, M. L., gift, 273°. Ovid deposits, r987—-99°. Owego, banner stones found in, 78; pestle, 38°; potstone vessel, 40°. Oxford, gouges found in, 237. Oysters, 1737; of Tertiary period, 1757. Packard, A. S., First lessons in ge- ology, extract from, 132. Palaeontology, 129*-307. See also Fossils. Palaeozoic series, 141°-70°; outcrops in New York, 134°, 242°-43?. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Palaeozoic time, 135°. Palatine Bridge, tubes found near, 537. | Palermo, tubes found near, 53°. Palisades, igneous rock, 124°, 140% 171’; trap-rocks, 184*, 204°. Panicum boreale, 282°. Panicum lanuginosum, 2827. Payne’s creek, r136°, r146°-48°. Peat, 227. ada Pennsylvania, amulets found in, ou; gouges, 20*; woman’s knives, aA Pentamerus limestones, 201°. Perforators, description of plates, 83°. ee Periods, 136+. Perkins, A. J., gift, 276°. Permian formation, 69%-701. Pestles, material, 8*; description, 34°-39"; description of plates, 35*- 37°, 39'; collections, 351. Petrified wood, 179%. Petroleum, 227°. Peziza odorata, 295°. Pholiota lutea, 2887-89". Pholiota marginella, 289°; explana- tion of plate, 313%-14’. Phosphate of lime, localities pro- ducing, 233°. : Photographs, 110°-11'; of geologic — subjects, r10*. ee Physiography of New York, 134 35%. Picea brevifolia, 282°-83°; explana- tion of plate, 313’. Picked implements, 7°. Pictures, records made by, 83*. Pipes, material, gis description, 44- 51°; description of plates, 46-505; collection, 46%. . Pipestone, 26°-21*; first appearance, 7°-8'; ornaments, 27°, 297, 307. Plagioclase, 1215, 125’. Plantago major, 297". ' ; GENERAL INDEX Plants, classification, 133'; of Cam- brian system, 146°; of Carbonifer- ous system, 170°; contributed, 273°- 77°; development, 142’, 169°; of De- vonian system, 165°; of Mesozoic time, 170°; new species, 277°—96°; species added to collection, 267" 687, 270-73°; of Tertiary period, 175’; of upper Silurian system, 158*. Plates, description of; Ordovician | and Eo-Silurian rocks, r52‘—53; finger lakes of New York state, r61-64; history of Cayuga lake valley, r152°; in Guide to study of geologic collections, 255-62; bo- tanieal, 313-17; polished stone articles; adzes and hoes, 24°, fig. 28, 66; amulets, 58*-59", fig. 135-37, 139-47 ; banner stones, 73°-77', fig. 184-89, 191-93, 200-5; bayonet slates 55°-56*, fig. 131-32; boat stones, 61-63%, fig. 154-58, 165, 214; celts, 12*-16°, fig. 1-2, 4, 6-35; cups and mortars, 64°, fig. 159, 160, 163; gorgets, 80*- 81°, fig. 206-9, 211-13, 217-18, 223-24; gouges, 20%-22°, fig. 36-40, 42-43, 45, 54-55, 61, 72; grooved axes, 83', fig. 215, 219; grooved boulders, 84', fig. 241; hammer stones and mullers, 32°-34°, fig. 62, 64, 76, 121; ornaments, 27°-31', fig. 5, 41, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 56-60, 82, 84, 87-88, 126-27, 138, 148-50, 162, 181-83, 190, 194-99, 210, 225- 39, 237-40, 242-45 ; perforators, 83°, fig. 221-22; pestles, 35°-37°, 39", fig. 63, 65, 67-71, 73-75, 85, 89; pipes, 46°-50%, fig. 97-120, 151-53; plum- mets, 41°-42°, fig. 3, 90-96, 133-34, 216; potstone vessels, 39°-40°, fig. 77-81, 83; sinew stones, 43°, fig. ' 86; slate knives, 65°-69*, fig. 16/, 164, 166-76; stone balls, 25%, fig. 47, 49, 51, 538; tubes, 53°-54', fig. | a 405 122-25, 128-30 ; woman’s knife, 70’, fig. 177-80; miscellaneous, 87’, fig. 220,236. Plattsburg, celts found in, 19*, 19°. Pliocene, 174°. Plummets, description, 40°-43?; col- lection, 41°. Plutonic rocks, 124*, 1257, 1397. Pocono group, 166°. Polished stone articles used by New York aborigines, by W. M. Beau- champ, 1-102. Polyporus Anax, 299°. Polyporus umbellatus, 299'. Pompey, banner stones found in, 75'; celts, 16°; gouges, 238°; grooved boulders, 84’, 85°; ornaments, 307, 31°; pipe, 49°; plummet, 41°. Pompey center, mortars found in, 64°. Poria aurea, 299°. Poria setigera, 2937. Porphyry, 125°. Portage group, 164*, 193%. Potassium salts, specimens, r11°. Potsdam group, 142°, 144*-45’. Potsdam sandstone, 144°-45°, 187° 88'. Potstone vessels, description, 39%- 40°. Potter’s clay, 120°. Pottery, manufacture of, 174’. Pottsville, conglomerate, 1677—-69*. Precious metals, see Gold; Silver. Proterozoic series, 141*. Proterozoic time, 135°. Putnam, B. T., article on iron ores, 214°. Putnam county, stone, 147°. Pyrite, localities producing, 231’. Pyroxene, 121’, 121°, 182%. Pythagoras, geologic observations, 113". ealciferous lime- Quartz, 120°, 120°, 125°, 224". 406 Quartzite, 120°, 143+. Quaternary system, 175*-79'; fossils of, 178°-79%. Ramsay, ——, cited, r144’. Raphidostegium Jamesii, 283°. Rathbun, I’. R., gift, 275°. Red sandstone, 171", 195". Reindeer, fossil, 178°. Relief map of state, r7*, r9°. Rensselaer county, rocks; 143°; fos- sils, 148°; roofing slate, 144’. Rensselaer plateau, 151°-52'. Reptiles, of Carboniferous systein, 170*; of Cretaceous period, 174°; of Jurassic period, 172°; of Mesozoic time, 170°; of Tertiary period, 175°; of Triassic period, 172’. Rhoaora Canadensis, 297°. Rhyolite, 125%. Ries, Dr Heinrich, photographs by, Te", Ring, description of plate, 30’. Road materials, report on, r6°-7?. Road metal, 159°, 1847, 191°, 204*-8’; qualities, 207°; specimens _collect- ed. Tide ~ Robinson, B. L., gift, 275°-76°. Rock cities, 167°. Rock salt, 1227, 125°. Rockland county, calciferous lime- stone, 147°. Rocks, 123'-26°; collections of, 17°; defined, 119’. See also Igneous rocks; Metamorphic rocks; Sedi- mentary rocks. Rome, nut stone found near, 34°; pestle, 35°, 38°; potstone - vessel, 39°; slate knives, 68°. Roofing slate, 1264, 143%, 196%. Root, pipe found near, 47°. Roripa sylvestris, 296°. Rosenbusch classification, 124—25*. Rossie hematites, 219°. 143°-44", NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM '/ 205%; of Cambrian ‘system, 142’, Rubies, 122°, Rubus Allegheniensis,, Rubus Baileyanus, 2797. Russell, I. C., cited, r82*. Russula ochrophylla, 307%8'; ex- planation of plate, 316%. Russula roseipes, 3806’-7°; explana- tion of plate, 316°. 278°-79?. St Lawrence county, amulets found in, 60°; collection from, r16*—-17’, | ri8*; hematite, 219°; sandstone, 1457; tale industry, rli9-27; wo- - man’s knives, 72°. St Lawrence river, celts found near, 15'; gouges, 21°. Salina group, 154°-56°. Salisbury, R. D., cited, r7&. Salix balsamifera, 281°. Salmon creek, r69’, r135*-36', r146’, r14s’. Salt) 223". Salt springs, 155’. Sand, 120°, 125%. Sandrock, 148°. Sandstone, 125*, 127°, 171°, 185*-95°; composition, 120°; as road metal, 1437: Hudson river group, 149’; Mauch Chunk group, 166°; of Pocono age, 166". See also Clinton group; Medina sandstone; Oris- kany sandstone; Potsdam sand- stone; Red sandstone. Sapphires, 122°. Saratoga, tubes found near, 55*. Saratoga county, gouges found in, 205: limestone, 142°. Sciust, 126°. Schodack, pipe found near, 47°. Schoharie, grooved boulders found in, 84’. Schoharie county, celts found in, 18°-19?; lower Helderberg group, 157°; sinew stones, 43%. Schoharie grit, 159-60%, 191%. GENERAL INDEX Scipioville, ornaments found in, 30%, Secutella limestone, 157°. Sea weeds, 146°, 150°, 158°. Sedgwick, Adam, geologic studies, 142+, Sedimentary rocks, 123°, 125°, 126°- rf il Seneca county, sinew stones found in, 43‘; slate knives, 68°. Seneca alls, pipe found near, 50°. Seneca lake, higher levels in post- iy glacial development, r55-117; flow of streams in valley, r68‘-70*; stone articles found near;amu- lets, 61%; banner stones, 7TS*: celts, 15’, 18°; gouges, 22%; pestle, 38’; stone balls, 247; tubes, 55°. Seneca limestones, 202”. Seneca oil, 227°. Seneca river, amulets found near, 58’, 59%, 59", 59°, 60*, 60°, 60°; ban- ner stones, 74°—15°, 75’, 76°, 77°, 78°; boat stones, 62°-63’; celts, 12°, fa, 1414" 15°, 16°, 16°, 16°17", meg ay, ts',°18'; 19% 19°;-gor- gets, 80*, 81°; gouges, 20°, 21°-22'; hammer stones, 33°; muller, 33', 34°; ornaments, 28*-29'; pebble, fae se pesties, oo, o0, 36, ol, oo; pipe, 46’, 47°, 48°, 487, 49° 49°; plummets, 41°, 427; potstone ves- sel, 39°-40°, 40°; slate knives, 65°, 65°-66', 66%, 667, 677, 687; stone balls, 257; tubes, 54°; woman’s knives, 70°, 72%. Septaria, 164°. Series, see Geologic series. Serpentine, 141?, 219°, 221°; composi- tion, 122°; localities producing, 234°. Shale, 125°, 127°, 214'; constituents, 120°; as road metal, 208'; of Cambrian system, 1431, 1487: of Hudson river group, 149*; Mauch Chunk group, 166°; Portage group, 164°; of Upper Silurian sys- 407 tem, 153’-56". See also Hamilton shale; Marcellus shale. Shaler, N. S., cited, r1531. Shawanegunk erit, 151". | Shawangunk mountain, Oneida con- glomerate, 1897. Shore features in the finger-lake valleys, r75°—-77?. Silts, Lacustrine, r70°-71°. Silurian system, report on relation of Ordovician and Ho-Silurian rocks, r21-54; origin of term, 146%. See also Lower Silurian system; Upper Silurian Silver ore, 122°; Work, 231°. Simonds, F.. W., cited, r142", r152°. Sinew stones, description, 43°. Six mile creek, r69’, r135’, r145°. Skaneateles, banner stones found in, 75°-76'; celts, 177; gouges, 23%. Skaneateles lake, gouges found near, 20°. Slate knives, description, 647-69°; description of plates, 65°-69*. Slates, 1267, 1487, 1437, 149*, 163°, 196". See also Roofing slate. Smith, Mrs A. M., gift, 275°. Smith, C. E., gift, 273°. Smock, J. C., bulletin on iron ores, 214". Smyth, C. H. jr, collection for mu- seum, r15°*; cited, r39*, r46’, r124*. Soda ash, 224°. Solidago alpestris, 280*. Solidago neglecta, 297%. Solidago rugosa, 2977. Solidago uniligulata, 280”. Some higher levels in the post ela- cial development of the finger lakes of New York state by T. L. Watson, r55-117. South Lake, gouges found near, 22’. Spafford, gouges found in, 237. Sparganium androcladum, 281’. Spathic iron ore, 122%, 221°-22*. mining in New 408 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM | Spathularia rugosa, 300°. Spencer, J. W., cited, 1101, r143°, r144°, r153'. Spencer summit outlet, r71°, r72%- wie | Sphaerella Cypripedii, 296’. Spirophyton Cauda galli, 159*. Sprakers, pre-Cambrian rocks, 141’. Stafford limestone, 1627. Stages, 136°. Stalactites, 120°. State. museum, origin, 240°, 2437; quarters, 2427, 2448-457; organiza- tion, 244°; officers, 246. . Staten Island, clays, 213'; limonites, 221°, Staurolite, 122°. Stissing mountain, Archaean rocks, 140°; quartzite, 143*; marble and limestone, 144°. | Stockbridge, limestone, 144+. Stone age, 179°. Stone balls, use, 8*; description, 24°— 26’; description of plates, 25’. Stone gouges, see Gouges. Stone heaps, 83%. Stone pipes, see Pipes. Stone plummets, see Plummets. Storm King, 124°. Strata, thickness, 126*; classifica- tion, 135-36, 238%. Sturtevant, Grace, gift, 276°. Suffolk county, mica found in, 87’. Sullivan county, banner’ stones found in, 78°. Sulphur, localities producing, 251°. Survey of New York, 240%-437. Syenite, 1257. Synopses, see Tables. Synoptical geological collection, r11°. Syracuse, celts found near, 13°; mortars, 63°-64?; salt springs, 155’, 223°. Systems, defined, 136°. Tables, classification of animal life, 131'-32°; classification of geologic time and strata, 135*-86°; classifi- cation of plant life, 133; geologic formations of New York, 137°-38°; iron ores, 215'; Rosenbusch elassi- fication, 125*; sedimentary rocks, 1255, 3 Taconic roeks, 150°. Taille, 2978: collections illustrating oe- currence of, r11°-12*?; Tale indus- try of St Lawrence county by J. N. Nevius, r119-27. Talcose schist, 1261. Tarr, R..8., collection for museum, 115°; cited, r67*, r69?, rd42*, ri45* r146', 1153". Taughannock creek, r136. Taylor, F. B:p cited;-r102: Taylor, J. W., curator of museum, 243°, Tentaculite fossils, 157°-581. Tentaculite limestones, 201°. Terminal moraine, 176%, 203°. Tertiary system, 174°-75'; life of, 175°. . Tetraplodon mnioides, 2987. Text-books on geology, 236*-38?. Thorne, Frederick, gift, 275+. Thousand Islands, celts found on, 14°-151. Three River. Point, banner stones found in, 73°; celts, 17°, 19°. Time, see Geologic time. Tioga county, boat stones found in, 63°; grooved axes, 83*; pestle, 387; slate carving, 87°. See also New- ark Valley; Owego. Tompkins county, see Hector. Torn mountain, 184*. Torrey, John, botanist, 241°. Totem, description of, 31*. Trachyte, 1257. Trametes serialis, 298°. Trametes serialis resupinata, 293°. Trap, 139°, 1417, 184*, 204‘, 205°. 4 GENERAL INDEX Travertine, 1207; localities . produc- ing, 284. . . Tremolite, 121°. . Trenton formation, r29°-31°. Trenton group, 147°-49°. Trenton limestone, 147°, 2007-1’. Triassic formation, 1957. Triassic system, 171'—72’; life of, 172. Troy, boat stones found near, 63%. Tubaria deformata, 290°-91°. Tubes, material, 52°; description, 51°-55°; description of plates, 53?- 54°; collections, 55°. Mutts, 125°. Tully limestone, r140*, r150°, 163°, 202°-31. 148°-49°, Ulster county, iron ore, 221°-22', Ulu, see Woman’s knife. Unionidae, collection, r12°. United States tale company, r121’. Upham, W., cited, r101°, r144°, r153°. Upper Devonian rocks, 160°-62?. Upper Helderberg limestone, 160’, 2021. Upper Silurian system, 13881, 1507- 58°; life of, 158. Utica-Hudson formation, r33°-386". Utica slate, 149*. spathic Van Buren, celts found in, 16’, 18%; gouges, 21’; pipes, 48°; tubes, 53°. Van Rensselaer, Stephen, patron of ’ first survey, 241’. Vanuxem, Lardner, cited, r35", r40’, r42’, r45’, r65°, r142’, r152’; state- - ments quoted, 110*; geologic re- port, 236°; geologist, 241°. Vegetable life, 133°. Vermont, bayonet slates found in, BBS, 4 409 Vinci, Leonardo da, geologic obser- vations, 114’. Viola primulaefolia, 296°. Viola scabriuscula, 278%. Viola striata, 296’. Virginia, amulets found in, 56°. Visitors at museum, attendance, Pio, Volcanic rocks, 124*, 1257. Wagman, ——, collection of pestles, 35". Walcott, C. D., Bulletin of the U. 8. geological survey no. 81, 110*®; geo- logic studies, 142°. Waldo, C. A., cited, r124’. Warren lake stage, r101?-3’. Warsaw, salt wells, 155° Washington county, limestone, 142°; rocks, 143°; quartzite, 143’; roofing slate, 143°-441; Cambrian forma- tions, 145°. Water, geologic changes produced by, 4285 1797, 2389°. Waterlime, 1567, 201°. Watkins lake stage, r88°—89°. Watson, T. L., Some higher levels in the post-glacial development of the finger lakes of New York state, r55-117. Wayne county, amulets found in, 61°; pipe, 48”. West Canada creek section, r317-33*. West Danby lake stage, r85°-87?. Westchester county, Archaean gneiss, 140°; calciferous limestone, 147*; rocks, 150‘. White, T. G., report on relations of Ordovician and Ho-Silurian sys- tems, r21—54. White Church outlet, r71°, r73*. Williams, H. S., cited, r67°. Wisconsin, amulets found in, 56’; ornaments, 30°. _- Woman’s knife, description of, 69°- | Yates county, groo 72°; description of plates, 70. | found in, 85% Wood Creek, celts found near, 13%. ELIE OBR Rite: SNR ee tore . ; Wright, Gi Fy: eited; isa RIBS Zinc, localities pro 1 fc Dita uganeers, aca | ‘lek ( Zirean 499° ities KS ; ; Xenophanes, geologic observations, | Zoological couection, ad : SLAB ite : FORGE: 20: Se aN 1 y ner yi a? = = * id ier : 5 o | «> J *s * ‘ * aS s “UAV ANN IN 3 9088 01300 5749