= 64 ~ Cae iar LOC Tannin See * e a — a x “ a sl oe ST he Ss = ~ w = Sees : = “= a Yeneee\ EM SD Nea oe P v \ x Wt ¥ aj Pat es : . z ee : fy Ses “Ts 7 Sof. » So Cee sae er. a. ‘ WIN SAM nee y SR we ee ee oe OP ae at - 2 maa ¢ . . > z ant. Pd wine are ye ee te “ , . ‘ 7 . ¢ C : - ? a Ee each halt ok ul ae. ye Vow ee A IS LEER SE, Os He hoe Ta eae ley ae : Soe ‘ ec Le De ee en Leen CAR ee re z Sa a RAE , % oP: ga ee - Vert a Die en ae panenty TS a ee ae a i OTS F i Tir, he 4 ew. wih 35TH CONGRESS, SENATE. Mis. Doc. 1st Session. No. 272. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, SHOWING THE OPERATIONS, EXPENDITURES, AND CONDITION OF THE INSTITUTION FOR THE YEAR 1857. WASHINGTON: WILLIAM A. HARRIS, PRINTER, 1858. In SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, June 3, 1858. Resolved, That ten thousand additional copies of the Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the year 1857 be printed ; five thousand for the use of the Senate, and five thousand for the use of the Smithsonian Institution : Provided, That the aggregate number of pages contained in said report shall not exceed four hundred and forty pages, without wood cuts or plates, except those furnished by the Institution : And provided further, That the entire amount of copy necessary to complete said Report be placed in the hands of the Superintendent of the Public Printing before the commencement of printing any portion of said Report. Attest : ASBURY DICKINS, Secretary. LETTER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, COMMUNICATING The Annual Report of the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Sirithsonian Institution for the year 1857. May 27, 1858.—Read. JUNE 12, 1858.—Ordered to be printed ; and that 10,000 additional copies be printed, 5,000 of which for the use of the Senate, and 5,000 for the use of the Smithsonian Institution. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Washington, May 26, 1858. Sir: In behalf of the Board of Regents, I have the honor to submit to the Senate of the United States the Annual Report of the opera- tions, expenditures, and condition of the Smithsonian Institution for the year 1857. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary Smithsonian Institution. Hon, Joun C. BREcKINRIDGE, President of the Senate. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, SHOWING THE OPERATIONS, EXPENDITURES, AND CONDITION OF THE INSTITUTION UP TO JANUARY 1, 1858, AND THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD UP TO MAY 19, 1858. To the Senate and House of Representatives : In obedience to the act of Congress of August 10, 1846, establishing the Smithsonian Institution, the undersigned, in behalf of the Regents, submit to Congress, as a report of the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution, the following documents: 1. The Annual Report of the Secretary, giving an account of the operations of the Institution during the year 1857. 2. Report of the Executive Committee, giving a general statement of the proceeds and disposition of the Smithsonian fund, and also an account of the expenditures for the year 1857. 3. Report of the Building Committee. 4, Proceedings of the Board of Regents up to May 19, 1858. 5. Appendix. Respectfully submitted. R. B. TANEY, Chancellor. JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary. OFFICERS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. JAMES BUCHANAN, Ex officio Presiding Officer of the Institution. ROGER B. TANEY, Chancellor of the Institution. JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary of the Institution. SPENCER F. BAIRD, Assistant Secretary. W. W. SEATON, Treasurer. WILLIAM J. RHEES, Chief Clerk. ALEXANDER D. BACHE, JAMES A. PEARCE, 4 Executive Committee. JOSEPH G. TOTTEN, jf 1 J RICHARD RUSH, WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, JOSEPH HENRY, Building Committee. REGENTS OF THE INSTITUTION. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, Vice President of the United States. ROGER B. TANEY, Chief Justice of the United States. JAMES G. BERRET, Mayor of the City of Washington. JAMES A. PEARCE, member of the Senate of the United States. JAMES M. MASON, member of the Senate of the United States. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, member of the Senate of the United States. WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, member of the House of Representatives. L. J. GARTRELL, member of the House of Representatives. BENJAMIN STANTON, member of the House of Representatives. GIDEON HAWLEY, citizen of New York. RICHARD RUSH, citizen of Pennsylvania. GEORGE E. BADGER, citizen of North Carolina. CORNELIUS C. FELTON, citizen of Massachusetts. ALEXANDER D. BACHE, citizen of Washington. JOSEPH G. TOTTEN, citizen of Washington. MEMBERS EX OFFICIO OF THE INSTITUTION. JAMES BUCHANAN, President of the United States. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, Vice President of the United States. LEWIS CASS, Secretary of State. HOWELL COBB, Secretary of the Treasury. JOHN B. FLOYD, Secretary of War. ISAAC TOUCEY, Secretary of the Navy. AARON V. BROWN, Postmaster General. J. S. BLACK, Attorney General. ROGER B. TANEY, Chief Justice of the United States. JOSEPH HOLT, Commissioner of Patents, JAMES G. BERRET, Mayor of the City of Washington. HONORARY MEMBERS. 2 ROBERT HARE, of Pennsylvania. WASHINGTON IRVING, of New York. , BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, of Connecticut. PARKER CLEAVELAND, of Maine. A. B. LONGSTREET, of Mississippi. JACOB THOMPSON, Secretary of the Interior PROGRAMME OF ORGANIZATION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. [PRESENTED IN THE FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF REGENTS, DECEMBER 13, 1847.] INTRODUCTION. General considerations which should serve as a guide in adopting a Plan of Organization. 1, Writ oF Smrruson. The property is bequeathed to the United States of America, ‘‘ to found at Washington, under the name of the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, an establishment for the increase and diffu- sion of knowledge among men.”’ 2. The bequest is for the benefit of mankind. The government of the United States is merely a trustee to carry out the design of the testator. 3. The Institution is not a national establishment, as is frequently supposed, but the establishment of an individual, and is to bear and perpetuate h's name. 4. The « jects of the Institution are, Ist, to increase, and 2d, to diffuse knowiedge among men. 5. These two objects should not be confounded with one another. The first is to enlarge the existing stock of knowledge by the addi- tion of new truths ; and the second, to disseminate knowledge, thus increased, among men. 6. The will makes no restriction in favor of any particular kind of knowledge ; hence all branches are entitled to a share of attention. 7. Knowledge can be increased by different methods of facilitating and promoting the discovery of new truths; and can be most exten- sively diffused among men by means of the press. 8. To effect the greatest amount of good, the organization should be such as to enable the Institution to produce results, in the way of increasing and diffusing knowledge, which cannot be produced either at all or so efficiently by the existing institutions in our country. 9. The organization should also be such as can be adopted provi- sionally, can be easily reduced to practice, receive modifications, or be abandoned, in whole or in part, without a sacrifice of the funds. 10. In order to compensate, in some measure, for the loss of time occasioned by the delay of eight years in establishing the Institution, 8 PROGRAMME OF ORGANIZATION, a considerable portion of the interest which has accrued should be added to the principal. 11. In proportion to the wide field of knowledge to be cultivated, the funds are small. Economy should therefore be consulted in the construction of the building ; and not only the first cost of the edifice should be considered, but also the continual expense of keeping it in repair, and of the support of the establishment necessarily connected. with it. There should also be but few individuals permanently sup- ported by the Institution. 12. The plan and dimensions of the building should be determined by the plan of organization, and not the converse. 13. It should be recollected that mankind in general are to be bene- fitted by the bequest, and that, therefore, all unnecessary expenditure on local objects would be a perversion of the trust. 14. Besides the foregoing considerations deduced immediately from the will of Smithson, regard must be had to certain requirements of the act of Congress establishing the Institution. These are, a library, a museum, and a gallery of art, with a building on a hberal scale to contain them. SECTION I. Plan of Organization of the Institution in accordance with the foregoing deductions from the will of Smithson. To Increase Knowieper. It is proposed— 1. To stimulate men of talent to make original researches, by offer- ing suitable rewards for memoirs containing new truths; and 2. To appropriate annually a portion of the income for particular researches, under the direction of suitable persons. | To Dirruse Know.eper. It is proposed— 1. To publish a series of periodical reports on the progress of the different branches of knowledge ; and 2. To publish occasionally separate treatises on subjects of general interest. DETAILS OF THE PLAN TO INCREASE KNOWLEDGE. I.—By stimulating researches. 1. Facilities afforded for the production of original memoirs on all branches of knowledge. 2. The memoirs thus obtained to be published in a series of volumes, me quarto form, and entitled Smithsonian Contributions to Know- edge. 3. No memoir on subjects of physical science to be accepted for publication which does not furnish a positive addition to human knowledge, resting on original research; and all unverified specula- tions to be rejected. 4, Each memoir presented to the Institution to be submitted for examination to a commission of persons of reputation for learning in PROGRAMME OF ORGANIZATION. 9 the branch to which the memoir pertains; and to be accepted for pub- lice tion only in case the report of this commission is favorable. 5. The commission to be chosen by the officers of the Institution, and the name of the author, as far as practicable, concealed, unless a favorable decision be made. 6. The volumes of the memoirs to be exchanged for the transactions of literary and scientific societies, and copies to be given to all the colleges and principal libraries in this country. One part of the remaining copies may be offered for sale; and the other carefully pre- served, to form complete sets of the work, to supply the demand from new institutions. 7. An abstract, or popular account, of the contents of these memoirs to be given to the public through the annual report of the Regents to Congress. Il.—By appropriating a part of the income, annually, to special objects of research, under the direction of suitable persons. 1. The objects, and the amount appropriated, to be recommended by counsellors of the Institution. 2. Appropriations in different years to different objects, so that, in course of time, each branch of knowledge may receive a share. 3. The results obtained from these appropriations to be published, with the memoirs before mentioned, in the volumes of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 4, Examples of objects for which appropriations may be made. (1.) System of extended meteorological observations for solving the problem of American storms. (2.) Explorations in descriptive natural history, and geological, magnetical, and topographical surveys, to collect materials for the formation of a Physical Atlas of the United States. (3.) Solution of experimental problems, such as a new determination of the weight of the earth, of the velocity of electricity, and of light; chemical analyses of soils and plants; collection and publication of scientific facts, accumulated in the offices of government. (4.) Institution of statistical inquiries with reference to physical, moral, and political subjects. (5.) Historical researches and accurate surveys of places celebrated in American history. (6.) Ethnological researches, particularly with reference to the dif- ferent races of men in North America; also, explorations and accurate surveys of the mounds and other remains of the ancient people of our country. . DETAILS OF THE PLAN FOR DIFFUSING KNOWLEDGE. I.— By the publication of a series of reports, giving an account of the new discoveries in science, and of the changes made from year to year in all branches of knowledge not strictly professional, _ 1. These reports will diffuse a kind of knowledge generally interest- ing, but which, at present, is inaccessible to the public. Some of the 10 PROGRAMME OF ORGANIZATION. reports may be published annually, others at longer intervals, as the income of the Institution or the changes in the branches of knowledge may indicate. 2. The reports are to be prepared by collaborators eminent in the different branches of knowledge. 3. Each collaborator to be furnished with the journals and publica- tions, domestic and foreign, necessary to the compilation of his report; to be paid a certain sum for his labors, and to be named on the title- page of the report. 4, The reports to be published in separate parts, so that persons interested in a particular branch can procure the parts relating to it without purchasing the whole. 5. These reports may be presented to Congress for partial distri- bution, the remaining copies to be given to literary and scientific institutions, and sold to individuals for a moderate price. The following are some of the subjects which may be embraced in the reports: I. PHYSICAL CLASS. 1. Physics, including astronomy, natural philosophy, chemistry, and meteorology. 2. Natural history, including botany, zoology, geology, &c. 3. Agriculture. 4, Application of science to arts. II. MORAL AND POLITICAL CLASS. 5. Ethnology, including particular history, comparative philology, antiquities, &c. 6, Statistics and political economy. 7. Mental and moral philosophy. 8. A survey of the political events of the world, penal reform, &c. III. LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. 9. Modern literature. 10. The fine arts, and their application to the useful arts. 11. Bibliography. 12. Obituary notices of distinguished individuals. Il. By the publication of separate treatises on subjects of general interest. 1. These treatises may occasionally consist of valuable memoirs translated from foreign languages, or of articles prepared under the direction of the Institution, or procured by offering premiums for the best exposition of a given subject. 2. The treatises should, in all cases, be submitted to a commission of competent judges previous to their publication. PROGRAMME OF ORGANIZATION. 11 3. As examples of these treatises, expositions may be obtained of the present state of the several branches of knowledge mentioned in the table of reports. SECTION II. Plan of organization, in accordance with the terms of the resolutions of the Board of Regents providing for the two modes of increasing and diffusing knowledge. 1. The act of Congress establishing the Institution contemplated the formation of a library and a museum ; and the Board of Regents, including these objects in the plan of organization, resolved to divide the income* into two equal parts. 2. One part to be appropriated to increase and diffuse knowledge by means of publications and researches, agreeably to the scheme before given. The other part to be appropriated to the formation of a library and a collection of objects of nature and of art. 3. These two plans are not incompatible one with another. 4. To carry out the plan before described, a library will be required, consisting, Ist, of a complete collection of the transactions and pro- ceedings of all the learned societies in the world; 2d, of the more important current periodical publications, and other works necessary in preparing the periodical reports. 5. The Institution should make special collections, particularly of objects to illustrate and verify its own publications. 6. Also, a collection of instruments of research in all branches of experimental science. 7. With reference to the collection of books, other than those men- tioned above, catalogues of all the different libraries in the United States should be procured, in order that the valuable books first pur- chased may be such as are not to be found in the United States. 8. Also, catalogues of memoirs, and of books and other materials, should be collected for rendering the Institution a centre of biblio- graphical knowledge, whence the student may be directed to any work which he may require. 9. It is believed that the collections in natural history will increase by donation as rapidly as the income of the Institution can make pro- vision for their reception, and, therefore, it will seldom be necessary to purchase articles of this kind. 10. Attempts should be made to procure for the gallery of art casts of the most celebrated articles of ancient and modern sculpture. 11. The arts may be encouraged by providing a room, free of ex- pense, for the exhibition of the objects of the Art-Union and other similar societies. *The amount of the Smithsonian bequest received into the Treasury of the WIIG SAIS UMLOST IS Wel va \eieslelete/e) enloid ajeterietala/aivelelslclcics atelsisieciciate.c ccc clades ses $915,169 00 Interest on the same to July 1, 1846, (devoted to the erection of the Inti LNA) jax potetetnloie/sin\alefele/s elaicla/o) esiavelnialsels) o/s) eiesisiola sieip\o\eiauieie tielce.cte een eierc 242,129 00 gi stalaalanlel sfe)o\s\s/nialtulaVaicleltcie’e'e'ajsistsie cet e:sle.8 o' 30,910 14 12 PROGRAMME OF ORGANIZATION. 12. A small appropriation should annually be made for models of antiquities, such as those of the remains of ancient temples, &ec. 13. For the present, or until the building is fully completed, be- sides the Secretary, no permanent assistant will be required, except one, to act as librarian. 14, The Secretary, by the law of Congress, is alone responsible to the Regents. He shall take charge of the building and property, keep a record of proceedings, discharge the duties of librarian and keeper of the museum, and may, with the consent of the Regents, employ assistants. 15. The Secretary and his assistants, during the session of Congress, will be required to illustrate new discoveries in science, and to exhibit new objects of art ; distinguished individuals should also be invited to give lectures on subjects of general interest. This programme, which was at first adopted provisionally, has be- come the settled policy of the Institution. The only material change is that expressed by the following resolutions, adopted January 15, 1855, viz: Resolved, That the 7th resolution passed by the Board of Regents, on the 26th of January, 1847, requiring an equal division of the in- come between the active operations and the museum and library, when the buildings are completed, be and it is hereby repealed. Resolved, That hereafter the annual appropriations shall be appor- tioned specifically among the different objects and operations of the Institution, in such manner as may, in the judgment of the Regents, be necessary and proper for each, according to its intrinsic import- ance, and a compliance in good faith with the law. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY FOR 1857. To the Board of Regents: GENTLEMEN: It again becomes my duty to present to you the history of the operations of another year of the Institution which the government of the United States has entrusted to your care. In an establishment of this kind, of which the policy has been settled and is strictly adhered to, there must of necessity be much sameness in the general form and character of the successive reports ; but since the field of science is boundless, and new portions of it are continually presented for investigation, there will always be found in the details, facts of sufficient interest to relieve the routine of the statements relative to the condition of the funds and the scrutiny of the receipts and expenditures. It might at first sight appear surprising that so constant a supply of materials for the Smithsonian Contributions and so many objecis of interest, demanding the assistance of the Smithsonian fund, should be presented, but it will be evident, on reflection, that this results from the influence of the Institution itself in increasing the number of laborers in the field of science, as well as in accumulating the materials on which they are to be engaged. The tendency is con- stantly to expand the operations, and much caution and self-control are necessary to repress the desire to be more liberal in the assistance rendered to worthy objects, than the income will permit. Indeed, a charge is frequently made of illiberality for what is the result of re- stricted means. It must be evident that nothing is more important to the permanency and proper conduct of the Institution than the cautious and judicious management of its funds. Any embarrassment in this quarter would involve a loss of confidence in the directors, which would be fatal to the usefulness and efficiency of the establishment. I have from the first expressed the regret that the original law of Congress directed the expenditure of so large a portion of the income on objects of alocal character, and this feeling has,been increased by the experience which time has afforded in regard to the good which could be effected by a more critical observance of the terms of the 14 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. bequest, as well as by the increasing expense of sustaining a large building, a library, and museum. It is to be hoped, however, that at least a partial relief will hereafter be afforded by an annual appro- priation, which it is reasonable to expect government will make for the keeping and exhibition of the collections of the various exploring expeditions which have been entrusted to the care of the Regents. At the last session of Congress an appropriation was made for the construction and erection of cases to receive the collections of the United States Exploring Expedition and others in Washington, and also for the transfer and arrangement of the specimens. This appro- priation was granted in accordance with the recommendation of the late Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Patents, in order that the large room in the Patent Office occupied by the museum might be used for the more legitimate purposes of that establishment. We presume that the other part of the recommendation will also be carried out, namely, that the annual appropriation be continued which has heretofore been made for the care of this portion of the govern- ment property. While, on the one hand, no appropriation should be made which would serve to lessen the distinctive character of Smith- son’s bequest, on the other it is evident that the government should not impose any burdens upon the Institution which would impair its usefulness or divert its funds from their legitimate purpose. It was stated in the last report that the extra fund of the Insti- tution, which had been saved from the accrued interest, was invested in State Stocks. This investment was made because the fund was at the time drawing no interest, and because, until action could be pro- cured by Congress in relation to receiving said fund into the United States Treasury, it was deemed the safest disposition of the money. Though a temporary depreciation of these stocks took place during the last year, there is no reason to regret the investment. Their marketable value is at present about the same as it was at the time they were purchased. By reference to the report of the Executive Committee it will be seen that the expenditures during the year, though less than the amount of receipts, have somewhat exceeded the estimates. This has been occasioned, first, by unexpected repairs which were found neces sary to the building, in consequence of an unprecedented hail storm, which destroyed several thousand panes of glass and did considerable injury to the roof and other parts of the edifice; secondly, by an expansion of the system of foreign exchanges, rendered necessary by the large amount of material entrusted to the Institution by the REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 15 different agricultural and other societies of the country ; and thirdly, the necessity we were under, on account of the financial pressure, of paying bills for publications which will appear during the present and the next year. The funds of the Institution are, however, still in a prosperous condition, but great care is required to prevent the accumulation of small expenses, which, individually, by reason of their insignificance, are allowed to occur, but which in the aggregate, at the end of the year, are found to have swelled into amounts of considerable magnitude, Publications.—Thé ninth annual quarto volume of Contributions to Knowledge was completed and distributed during the first half of the year. It is equal in size and importance to the preceding volumes, and contains the following memoirs : 1. On the relative intensity of the heat and light of the sun upon different latitudes of the earth. By L. W. Meech. 2. Illustrations of surface geology, by Edward Hitchcock, LL.D., of Amherst College. Part 1. On surface geology, especially that of the Connecticut valley, in New England. Part 2, On the erosions of the earth’s surface, especially by rivers. Part 3. Traces of ancient glaciers in Massachusetts and Ver- mont. 3. Observations on Mexican history and archxology, with a special notice of Zapotec remains, as delineated in Mr. J. G. Sawkins’ draw- ings of Mitla, &c. By Brantz Mayer. 4, Researches on the Ammonia Cobalt bases. By Professor Wol- cott Gibbs and Professor F. A. Genth. 5. New tables for determining the values of the co-efficients in the perturbative functions of planetary motion, which depend upon the ratio of the mean distances. By J. D. Runkle. 6. Asteroid supplement to new tables for determining the values of b and its derivatives. By J. D. Runkle. - It was stated in the last report that Mr. L. W. Meech proposed to continue his interesting investigations relative to the heat and light of the sun, provided the Smithsonian Institution would pay the ex- pense of the arithmetical computations. Though most of his time is necessarily occupied in other duties, he would cheerfully devote his leisure hours to the investigation with a view of extending the bounds 16 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. of knowledge. During the past year an appropriation has been made of one hundred dollars for the purpose here mentioned, and we are assured, from what Mr. Meech has already accomplished, that this sum will be instrumental in producing valuable results. He proposes to determine, from several elementary formulas, the laws of terres- trial temperature for different latitudes. The first formula has been pretty thoroughly applied, and the annual temperature computed by it compared with the result of actual observation. The diurnal temperatures have also been deduced and seem to agree with actual observation within the presumed errors of the latter. The temper- ature, however, of the surrounding medium, defived from the annual temperature, differs widely from the results obtained by the diurnal temperatures. The author is inclined to attribute this difference to a defect in the law of radiation as generally received, which, deduced from experiments in the laboratory, he thinks inapplicable to the phenomena of terrestrial temperature. The second formula takes into account another cause of the variation of temperature, namely, the cooling due to the contact of the air; and the third formula includes also the effect of the absorption of solar heat in its passage through the atmosphere. The investigation will include the consideration of— Ist, terrestrial radiation ; 2d, contact of air; 3d, the sun’s intensity ; 4th, atmospheric absor ation : 5th, the difference in radiating power of luminous heat by day and non-luminous heat by night. Among other inferences to be deduced is the relative heating or radiating powers of sea and continent, when the land is covered with foliage and vegetation, and when it is covered with ice and snow. These researches are intimately connected with the extended series of obser- vations on the climate of the United States, now carried on at the expense and under the direction of the Institution. The paper of Professor Gibbs and Dr. Genth, which forms a part of the 9th volume, has been republished in the American Journal of Science and in the London Chemical Gazette, due credit being given to the Smithsonian Contributions, from which it was copied. We regret to be informed by the authors of this interesting paper that the sum appropriated by the Institution for assisting in defraying the expense of the materials and apparatus employed in their researches was scarcely sufficient to compensate for more than one-fourth of their outlay. Limited means, and not a want of proper appreciation of the labors of these gentlemen, prevented their entire reimbursement for the pecuniary loss in the prosecution of their valuable researches. They intend, notwithstanding this, to continue their investigations, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 17 and to devote as much time to them as their other engagements and the means at their disposal will allow. Since this memoir has met the approval of the scientific world, it will be proper to make as liberal an appropriation as the demands on the limited income of the Institution will permit for the continuance of researches in the same line. The publication of the paper was of comparatively little expense, since it required no costly illustrations, and this may be an additional reason for granting a larger appropriation for further in- vestigations in the same line. The ninth volume also contains the supplement to the tables by J. D. Runkle, mentioned in the last report. The tables in this supple- ment are intended to facilitate calculations with reference to the asteroids. The search for these bodies has been prosecuted with so much vigor of late that their list now extends to more than fifty, and the mechanical labor required to calculate their places is so great that this can scarcely be expected to be accomplished, except by the use of general tables. The work of Gauss on the theory of the motion of the heavenly bodies leaves little to be desired, so far as the deter-- mination of their orbits is concerned; but this is by no means the case with regard to their perturbations by the larger planets. The tables therefore will afford an important means of facilitating the ad_ vance of our knowledge, particularly of this class of the members of our solar system. The third part of the Nereis Boreali-Americana, by Dr. William H. Harvey, has been completed and will be included in the tenth volume of the Contributions. Two hundred extra copies of the text of the preceding parts having been struck off before the distribution of the types, and the drawings on the lithographic stones having been pre- served, an equal number of plates from the latter have been printed and colored, so that we shall be enabled to make up two hundred copies of the complete work to be offered for sale, which will serve, it is hoped, to reimburse, in some degree, the heavy expense incurred in the publication of this interesting addition to the science of botany. It may be proper to mention that the work was published in numbers, in order that the whole expense should be defrayed by the appro- priation of different years, as well as to furnish the author the oppor- tunity of rendering the work more complete by more extended re- search. For the purpose of classification, the sea plants have been grouped 258 18 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. under three principal heads which are readily distinguished by their general color. They are as follows: 1. Melanospermeee—plants of an olive-green or olive-brown color. 2. Rhodospermee, or plants of a rosy-red or purple color. 3. Chlorospermez, or plants of a grass, rarely of a livid purple color. The numbers of the work already published relate to the first two divisions, and the third, now about to be issued, will contain the last, with an appendix describing new species discovered since the date of the former parts. The text of the first part of the work on Oology, mentioned in pre- ceding reports, has been printed ; but the publication of the plates to accompany it will be so expensive that we were obliged to defer it until the present year. In the meantime the author will proceed with the preparation of the other parts of the memoir, and the whole will be completed as soon as the funds of the Institution will permit. From an accidental oversight in the preparation of the last Report, I neglected to mention the fact that the author of this interesting work is Dr. Thomas M. Brewer, of Boston. The omission of his name in the reports would not only be unjust to himself, but might also pre- vent him from receiving in some cases additional information relative to his labors from correspondents who are engaged in the same line of research. The announcement of the fact of the intended publication of this memoir has induced a number of persons to enter into corre- spondence with the Institution on the subject, and we doubt not that these remarks will tend to call forth other additious to our knowledge of this branch of natural history. Since the date of the last Report a grammar and dictionary of the Yoruba language of Africa have been accepted for publication. Thi work is another contribution from the missionary enterprise of the present day, and has been prepared by the Rev. Thos. J. Bowen, of the Southern Baptist Missionary Board, trom materials collected during a residence of six years in Africa, and revised and rewritten with the aid of W. W. Turner, esq., of Washington. The grammar and dictionary are prefaced by a brief account of the country and its inhab- itants. The long residence of the author in this part of the interior of Africa has enabled him to gather more minute knowledge of its topography, climate, and productions, and of the political, social, and moral.relations of its inhabitants than has before been obtained. He REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 19 has collected interesting information as to the habits of thought and action of the people, and their capacity for moral and intellectual culture, which would have escaped the casual notice of the mere traveller. Yoruba is a country of Western Africa, situated to the east of Dahomey, and extending from the Bight of Benin, in a northerly direction, nearly to the Niger. It is between the countries explored by the distinguished travellers, Barth, on the north, and Livingstone, on thesouth. The author describes it as a beautiful and fertile region, densely inhabited by a population devoted to agricultural pursuits, who do not dwell on the lands they cultivate, but live clustered together in villages and towns, some of which contain from 20,000 to 70,000 inhabitants. The people are generally of a primitive, simple and harmless character, and governed by institutions patriarchal rather than despotic. In their appearance they resemble the Cau- casian race, while their mental powers and general moral impulses are considerably advanced in the scale of intelligence. They have, indeed, already attained no inconsiderable degree of social organiza- tion, while they have escaped some of the more depraved incidents of an advanced civilization. The language, which is said to be spoken by about two millions of people, is represented by Professor Turner to be very homogeneous in its structure, almost all of it being derived from some five hundrel primitive words. ‘Its articulations are sufficiently easy to imitate, and there is a system of vocalic concords recurring through the whole, which, together with the multiplicity of vowels, renders it decidedly euphonious. The great difficulty is found in the tones and accents, which can be discriminated only by a good ear, and must be uttered correctly to make the speaker intelligible. The Yoruba has neither article nor adjective, properly so called, and it is almost wholly des- titute of inflection. The verbal root remains unchanged through all the accidents of person, mood, and tense, which are indicated by separate pronouns and particles. The plurality of nouns is also indi- ° cated by the aid of a plural pronoun. The numerals are based on the decimal system, yet many of them are formed by subtraction instead of addition or multiplication, as with us. Thus 15 is literally 10 + 5; but 16 = 20 —4,17=— 20—3,&c. Although this language is spoken by a rude people, it abounds in abstract terms, and the missionary finds no difficulty in expressing in it the ideas he desires to com- municate.”’ é 20 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. It is believed that this work will be received by the student of ethnology as an interesting addition to this science, and that its pub- lication will not only facilitate the labors of the missionary, but be productive of valuable commercial results. The country in which the language is spoken is rich in natural and artificial productions, and as the inhabitants are anxious to establish relations of trade with other parts of the world, it would seem to offer a new and tempting field to mercantile enterprise. Under the head of publications, we may allude to the Appendix to the Annual Report of the Regents. Previous to 1853 this report was in a pamphlet form, and only in one or two cases were a few extra copies ordered. Since that date an annual volume has been presented to Congress, of which twenty thousand extra copies have been printed. The liberal distribution of this work has met with general approbation, the applications to the Institution for copies have been constantly in- creasing, and, in connexion with the Report of the Patent Office, no document has become more popular or is better calculated to advance the cause of knowledge among the people. The object is, as far as pos- sible, to distribute this volume among teachers, and through them to diffuse precise scientific knowledge to the rising generation. It is made also the vehicle of instruction, in the line of observations, to all who are desirous of co-operating in the investigation of the natural history and physical geography of this country. The wide distribution of this report has tended, more than any other means, to make known the character of the Institution, and to awaken an interest throughout the whole country in its prosperity. In order to render the series complete, the first volume—that for 1853—contained a reprint of the previous reports of the Secretary, from which a connected history of all the operations of the Institution from the beginning may be obtained. These volumes are illustrated by a large number of wood cuts, which have been provided at the expense of the Smithsonian fund. We have, however, to regret that, from the rapidity with which Congressional documents are hurried through the press, we have not been allowed in all cases revised copies of the proof. We cannot, therefore, be held entirely responsible for inaccuracies of the press any more than for the style of printing or the quality of the paper. It is a part of the settled policy of the Institution to appropriate its funds, as far as the original law of organization will allow, to such objects only as cannot as well be accomplished by other means ; and accordingly, in several instances, the printing of papers previously REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 21 accepted for publication has been relinquished because it was subse- quently found that the works could be given to the public, under certain conditions, through other agencies. In such cases the favor- able opinion expressed by the Institution as to the character of the work, or the assistance rendered by the subscription on the part of the Regents, for a number of copies to be distributed in exchange for other books among our foreign correspondents, has been sufficient to induce some liberal minded parties to undertake the publication, rather as an enterprise connected with the reputation of their estab- lishments, than as a matter of profit. (¢ ddl Among the works of this class is the “Theory ‘of the ules of the Heavenly Bodies,’’ by the celebrated Gauss, translated by Captain C. -H. Davis, U.S. N., late superintendent of the Nautical Almanac, which was originally accepted by us for publication, but was after- wards relinquished to Messrs. Little & Brown, of Boston, who have shown in this instance, as well as in others of a similar character, a liberality which cannot be otherwise than highly appreciated by a discerning public. This book, which is essential to the advance of practical astronomy, was published in Latin, in Hamburg, in 1809, and is now of difficult access, as well as of restricted use, on account of the language in which it appeared. It gives a complete system of formulas and processes for computing the movement of a body revolv- ing in an ellipse, or in any other curve belonging to the class of conic sections, and explains a general method of determining the orbit of a planet or a comet from three observations of the position of the body as seen from the earth. The essay was called for at the time it was produced by the wants of science. The planet Ceres, discovered on the first. day of the present century by Piazzi, of Italy, had been lost to astronomers in its passage through the portion of the heavens illuminated by the beams of the sun, and could not be found by the means then known, when Gauss, from a few observations of its former place, calculated its orbit, and furnished an ephemeris by which it was readily rediscovered. The methods employed in this determina- tion were afterwards given in a systematic form in the work now transJated. The copies subscribed for by the Institution, on account of exchanges, and those paid for by the Navy Department, for the use of the computers of the Nautical Almanac, were sufficient to secure the publication of the work, which could not have been under- taken without these aids. In accordance with the same policy the Institution has subscribed for a few copies of a work on ‘‘ The Pleiocene Fossils of South Caro- a2 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. lina,’’ by M. Tuomey and F.8. Holmes. This work received the com- mendation of some of the distinguished members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at its meeting in Charles- ton, in 1850, and its publication was undertaken at the risk and cost of the authors. ‘The actual expense, however, far exceeded their esti- mate, and without the liberal aid of the legislature of South Carolina they could not have escaped heavy loss, or been enabled to complete the work in a proper style of art. To aid the same enterprise the Institution was induced to make the subscription above mentioned for copies to be distributed to foreign societies. We regret to state that before the work was fully completed the science of the country was called to mourn the loss of Professor Tuomey, of the University of Alabama, who, during the past year, was prematurely snatched away from his family and friends in the flower of his age. His works, however, will remain as an inheritance to the cause of knowledge and the best monument to his memory. We have been gratified to learn that, at the late session of the legislature of South Carolina, a resolu- tion was passed authorizing a continuance of the patronage of the State to the publication of these researches, and consequently Professor Holmes has signified his intention to publish two additional volumes on the Eocene and the Post Pleiocene Fossils, to which the subscrip- tion of the Institution will also be extended. Another work, belonging to the same class, is the series of ‘* Contri- butions to the Natural History of the United States of America,’’ by Professor Louis Agassiz. It has been mentioned in a previous report that this distinguished savan was preparing a series of papers to be presented to the Smithsonian Institution, and that the plates for some of these had been engraved. But the number of these contributions, and the cost of their illustration, would have absorbed a larger portion of the Smithsonian fund than could have properly been devoted to the labors of one individual. Fortunately, however, the reputation and popularity of Professor Agassiz have enabled his friends to pro- cure subscribers for an independent work, containing the result of his valuable investigations, in numbers unprecedented in the annals of science of this or of any other country. In order to assist this enter- prise in the beginning, and to relieve its own funds, the Institution subscribed for copies, to be distributed among foreign libraries, in ex- change for rare works of a gimilar character, with which to enrich its own library. The Institution has also facilitated the researches described in the first two volumes of the work in question, and I may quote the REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 28 following sentence containing the acknowledgment of the author for the services which have thus been rendered him: ‘‘ Above all, I must mention the Smithsonian Institution, whose officers, in the true spirit of its founder, have largely contributed to the advancement of my researches by forwarding to me for examination not only all the specimens of Testudinata collected for the museum of the Institution, but also those brought to Washington by the naturalists of the dif- ferent parties that have explored the western Territories, or crossed the continent with the view of determining the best route for the Pacific railroad. These specimens have enabled me to determine the geographical distribution of this order of reptiles with a degree of precision which I could not have attained without this assistance.’’ Besides this, the Institution caused special collections of turtles to be made for Professor Agassiz, from those parts of the country from which no specimens had previously been obtained. It was originally intended, as announced in the prospectus, to issue one volume a year, but the author found that the first volume was insufficient to contain all the matter which he had designed to give init. Its publication was therefore delayed, that the whole of this part of his general subject might be presented at once, and hence two volumes have been issued together. The large subscription which has been obtained has enabled the publishers to extend the original plan, and to expend a much greater sum on the engravings than was at first thought possible. The work will serve to increase and extend the reputation of the illustrious author, as well as to afford a striking example of the liberality of our country and its growing appreciation of abstract science. Under the head of publications, and in justice to the memory of a distinguished naturalist, a profound scholar, and a worthy man, the late Dr. Gerard Troost, of Tennessee, it ought to be stated in this Report, that after his death, several years ago, a memoir he had _ pre- pared on the organic remains known as Crinoidea, illustrated by a collection of specimens, was presented to the Smithsonian Institution for publication. It was submitted to two naturalists of high reputa- tion, aud found by them to be an important addition to knowledge, though left by its author in an unfinished condition. The gentlemen to whom it was referred generously offered to supply the deficiencies, and to prepare the work for the press. Wheir engagements, however, nave since been such as to prevent up to this time the completion of the task which they undertook to accomplish. One of the gentlemen 24 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. to whom the paper was referred, Prof. James Hall, in whose posses- sion the specimens now are, states that he had hoped long since to put the memoir in such a form as to do justice to the memory of Dr. Troost, and be in accordance with the latest views of the subject. To do this, however, required an examination of other specimens, and for this object he had never been able to find time. At present he is engaged in a geological report of Iowa, in which there are several plates of Crinoids, and any which may be identical with those de- scribed by Dr. Troost will be accredited to him. We regret exceed- ingly this long delay in the publication of the labors of one so highly esteemed in life and gratefully remembered in death. It has, however, been caused by circumstances over which we had no control, and which have given us considerable disquietude. The new and extended series of Meteorological and Physical Tables, which has been in course of preparation for several years, is at length completed and ready for distribution. It forms a volume of 634 large octavo pages, which may be divided into separate parts, each distinct in itself. A copy of these tables will be sent to each of the meteoro- logical observers, and it is believed that a considerable number may be sold in this country and Europe, from which something may be derived towards compensating the author, Prof. Guyot, for the un- wearied labor and attention he has bestowed upon the work. At the request of the Institution, Baron Osten Sacken, of the Rus- sian legation, who has made a special study of Dipterous Insects has prepared a catalogue of the previously described species of this con- tinent, analogous to that of Melsheimer’s catalogue of the Cleoptera of the United States, which was published some years ago by this Institution. It frequently happens that the same animal is described by different naturalists under different names, and there may be among the species enumerated in this catalogue some of this character, but in the pre- sent state of the knowledge of American Diptera the publication of a complete synonymical catalogue is impossible. Yet a list like the one just completed is an indispensable preparatory work for the future study of this branch of entomology. The catalogue includes the species inhabiting not only the North American continent in general, but also those in Central America and in the West Indies. It also gives the principal localities where each species has been found. In a list like this, says the author, completeness is the principal merit ; the symmetrical arrangement is but of secondary importance. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 25 The groups adopted by Meigen and Wiedemann are retained, avoiding the subdivisions introduced by modern authors. The publication of this list, we trust, will very much facilitate the study of entomology, and it is a special object of this Institution to en- courage individuals to devote themselves to particular subjects of re- search. The field of nature is so extended that unless it be minutely subdivided, and its several parts cultivated by different persons, little progress of a definite character can be anticipated. To collect the materials for wider generalizations, microscopic research is necessary in every direction, and men enthusiastically devoted to one object are required in every branch of knowledge in order that the whole may be perfected. It is true, before entering on an investigation of this kind, that it is desirable for the individual to havea general knowledge of the different branches of science, since they are all intimately connected ; and the student can then narrow his field of view until it comes within the scope of his mental abilities, or the means which he may have at his disposal for its advancement. As a general rule, however, the ability to enlarge the bounds of science can only be obtained by almost ex- clusive devotion to a few branches. It is scarcely possible to estimate too highly, in reference to the happiness of the individual as well as to the promotion of knowledge, the choice in early life of some subject to which the thoughts can be habitually turned during moments of leisure, and to which observa- tion may be directed during periods of recreation, relative to which facts may be gleaned from casual reading, and during journeys of business or of pleasure. It is well that every one should have some favorite subject of which he has a more minute knowledge than any of his neighbors. It is well that he should know some one thing profoundly, in order that he may estimate by it his deficiencies in others. In this connexion it may be proper to remark that the association of individuals in the same community, each with a special and favor- ite pursuit, each encouraging the others, each deferring to the others, and each an authority in his own specialty, forms an organization alike valuable to the individual, the community, and the public gen- erally. To induce and encourage the establishment of such associa- tions is one of the objects of the Institution. It is suprising what interest may be awakened, what amount, of latent talents developed, and what dignity imparted to the pursuits of a neighborhood by a society in which the knowledge of each becomes common property, 26 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. and the labors of each one are stimulated by the appreciation and applause of his fellows. Iam acquainted with no plan of adult education better calculated to elevate the mental character of a community or to develop the local natural history of a district than that of a well organized and efficiently conducted association of this kind. Such establishments, I am happy to say, are now becoming common in every part of the United States. They have taken the place, in many cases, of the de- bating societies, which were formerly instituted for mental improve- ment. ‘To the latter it might justly be objected that they tend to promote a talent of sophistical reasoning, rather than to engender an uncompromising love of truth. The habit of fluent speaking may undoubtedly be cultivated at the expense of profound thought, and however promotive at times of the temporary interests of the indi- vidual, can never be supposed to tend to the permanent advancement of the species. Meteorology.—The system of meteorological observations under the direction of the Institution and the Patent Office has been so repeatedly described in previous reports that it will scarcely be necessary to give any more at this time than an account of the present state of the work. The system was commenced in 1849, and has since then been gradually improving in the number of observers, character of the instruments, and the precision with which the records are made. The Institution has awakened a wide interest in the subject of meteorology, and has diffused a considerable amount of information with regard to it which could not readily be obtained through other means. The manufac- ture of instruments, compared with standards furnished by the Insti- tution from London and Paris, has been an important means of advancing the science. The work is still continued by James Green, 173 Grand street, New York, and during the past year an increasing number of full sets has been purchased by observers. The Institution has continued to distribute rain-gages, with which observations are now made on the quantity of aqueous precipitation in nearly every State and Territory of the Union. We are indebted to the National Telegraph line for a series of observations from New Orleans to New York, and as far westward as Cincinnati, Ohio, which have been ptiblished in the ‘‘ Hvening Star,’’ of this city. These reports have excited much interest, and could they be extended further north, and more generally to the westward, they would furnish important information as to the ap- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 27 proach of storms. We hope in the course of another year to make such an arrangement with the telegraph lines as to be able to give warning on the eastern coast of the approach of storms, since the investigations which have been made at the Institution fully indicate the fact that asa general rule the storms of our latitude pursue a definite course. The materials which have been collected relative to the climate of the North American continent are as follows: Ist. A miscellaneous collection of MSS. and other tables relative to the climate of the United States. This series will be enriched by a reference list to all the meteorological records, which are to be found in the extensive library of Mr. Peter Force, of this city, and other accessible sources of information. 2d. The observations made under the direction of ae Institution since 1849. 3d. A series of observations made by Dr. Berlandier in Mexico. 4th. Observations made in the British possessions. 5th. The record of observations made by government and other exploring expeditions. 6th. Copies of the observations made under the direction of the Sur- geon General at the military posts. 7th. Copies of the observations made at the expense of the States of New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maine, and Missouri. 8th. A series of observations from Bermuda and the West Indies. Besides these, the Institution is endeavoring to obtain, by means of its exchanges, a full series of all observations which have been made in foreign countries, and to form a complete meteorological library. Complaint has been made on account of the delay in publishing deductions from the materials which have thus been collected, but, with the limited means of the Institution, it should be recollected that all objects enumerated in the programme of organization cannot be simultaneously accomplished. The reductions have been steadily pur- sued for the last five years, and all the funds, not otherwise absolutely required, have been devoted by the Institution to this object. It will be a matter of astonishment to those not practically ac- quainted with the subject, to be informed as to the amount of labor required for the reduction of the returns made to this Institution for a single year. During 1856 the records of upwards of half a million of separate observations, each requiring a reduction involving an arith- metical calculation, were received at the Institution. Allowing an average of one minute for the examination and reduction of each 28 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. observation, the amount of time consumed will be nearly 7,000 hours, or, at the rate of seven hours per day, it will be 1,000 days or up- wards of three years, or, in other words, to keep up with the reduction of the current observations the whole available time of three expert computers is required. This is independent of the labor expended in the correspondence, preparation and distribution of blank forms, and the deduction of general principles. The work has been prosecuted, therefore, as rapidly as the means at the disposal of the Institution would permit. Since the arrangement was made with the Patent Office, from twelve to fifteen persons, many of them females, have been almost constantly employed, under the direction of Prof. Coffin, in bringing up the arrears and in reducing the current observations. All the materials collected at the Institution are in the process of being arranged and bound in accessible volumes, with proper indices, to be used by all who may be desirous of making special investigations on any point relative to the climate of this country. During the past year the reductions for 1855 were printed in pamphlet form and distributed to observers for criticism and sug- gestions as to improvements which might be adopted in the subse- quent publication of the entire series. Hachanges.—The system of international exchange has been carried on during the past year with unabated zeal, and we trust with undi- minished good results. A large amount of scientific material has passed through our hands in its transfer to and from societies and individuals in this and other countries. The returns made to the Institution during 1857 for its own publications consist of 555 vol- umes, 1,067 parts of volumes, and 138 charts. These works embrace most of the current volumes of scientific transactions, and are of the highest importance as aids in original research. The number would be very much increased if the contents of several large cases, which were accidentally delayed until the beginning of this year, were in- cluded. The importance of the exchanges is not to be estimated by the com- mercial value alone of the books received. In addition to this we must consider the effect which it produces in bringing into immediate communication the cultivators of literature and science in this country with those abroad, of distributing among our societies publications of a class, the existence of which would scarcely otherwise be known, and of facilitating the diffusion of knowledge which, by the ordinary modes of transmission, would not be attained, except, perhaps, in the course of years. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 29 The system has now attained a great development, and increases measurably every year. The expenses hitherto have been principally borne by the Institution, but their amount has now become so great as seriously to interfere with other operations, and I therefore think it advisable that a charge be made, to the parties receiving a certain amount of packages annually, sufficient to reimburse some of the outlay of the Smithsonian funds. What would not be felt by each one individually would, in the aggregate, materially lessen the burden of expense connected with this part of the operations, which amounted, in 1857, to about $3,000. The expenses of the Smithsonian exchanges would be considerably greater than they are but for the liberality of various transportaticn companies in carrying packages free of cost. No charge on freight is made by the United States Mail Steamship Company, the Panama Railroad, or the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, forming the mail line from New York to San Francisco, while the agents of the line in these two cities, Messrs. 1. W. Raymond and A. B. Forbes, serve the Institution in various ways. The California Express Agency of Wells, Fargo & Co., has also acted with the greatest liberality, and the same should be stated of the old line of Bremen and New York steamers. None of the domestic agents of distribution—namely, Hick- ling, Swan & Brewer, of Boston; D. Appleton & Co., New York; J.B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia; John Russell, Charleston; B. M. Norman, New Orleans; Dr. Wislizenus, St. Louis; H. W. Derby, Cincinnati; and Henry P. B. Jewett, of Cleveland—make any charge for services ; and the same may also be said of Messrs. Oelrichs & Lirman, of Baltimore. The amount of labor involved in the exchanges is, of course, very great, as will be readily inferred from an examination of the tables of receipts and transmissions during the past year, given by Professor Baird. The entries in the several record books fill over 700 pages ; the circulars, invoices, and acknowledgments, exceed 4,300, in addi- tion to over 600 receipts for packages. For a detailed account of all the operations of the exchanges I would refer to the accompanying report of Professor Baird. Explorations, researches, &c.—It was stated in the last report that the magnetic instruments belonging to the Institution were given in charge of Baron Miiller, for investigations in Mexico and Central America. Two series of records of observations have been received, but for nearly a year past nothing further has been heard from the expedition. We should regret the loss of the instruments, although 30 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. the cost of them has been more than repaid by the services they have rendered to science in the Arctic expedition under Dr. Kane, and in the results which have already been obtained from them in Mexico. The self-registering apparatus in the observatory on the Smithso- nian grounds, established at the joint expense of the Coast Survey and the Institution, has continued to record the variations in the horizontal direction of the magnetic force during a considerable por- tion of the past year. The interruptions which have taken place have been principally caused by the impurities of the city gas, the exhala- lations from which have interfered with the photographic process. The records obtained, however, will furnish valuable data for study- ing, in connexion with similar observations in other parts of the globe, the character of the magnetic force, and to assist in determin- ing how far the changes are merely local, or to what extent they affect the whole earth. Laboratory.—During the past year the laboratory has been under the charge of Dr. EH. W. Hilgard, recently appointed State geologist of Mississippi. Among others, a series of experiments was made by him, under direction of the Secretary, at the expense of the Navy Department, relative to the vapor from a modification of bi-sulphuret of carbon as a substitute for steam applied to mechanical purposes. The result of these investigations was unfavorable to the substitution of this material in the way proposed. Although a greater amount of pressure is produced at the same temperature than in the case of steam, yet the amount of work relative to the absolute quantity of heat employed is by no means in accordance with this, the density of the vapor and its greater specific heat require a corresponding amount of fuel, and when we consider the fact that the bi-sulphuret of carbon is not a natural but a factitious substance, of which the vapor, when combined with air, is highly explosive and extremely offensive on account of its odor and the greater complexity of the engine required for its use, its application in the place of steam would be far from advantageous. Another series of investigations was conducted in the laboratory relating to the prevention of counterfeiting bank notes, particularly by photography; but as this was intended especially for private use, the expenses were paid by the parties interested. The Institution does not consider it a part of its duty to volunteer an opinion as to the practicability of the new projects with which the public mind is frequently agitated; but when directly called upon by the government or other parties of influence to pronounce a judgment REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. a on any point of practical or applied science, it does not shrink from the responsibility, but, after diligent and cautious inquiry, gives the conclusions, whatever they may be, at which it has arrived. Library.—Extensive alterations are in the process of being made in the wing of the building appropriated to the library, for the better accommodation of the bocks. The shelving has been arranged in two stories of alcoves, thereby more than doubling the space. Hach lower alcove is separately secured by a door ; a precaution which has been found necessary in the library of the Institution as well as in that of Congress. It is a fact to be regretted, but which it is necessary to mention in order to vindicate the restrictions imposed upon an indis- criminate access to the books, that there is in some quarters a lamentable want of honesty with regard to the use of property of a public character. Not only are works in many cases mutilated, merely to avoid the labor of copying a few pages, but valuable sets are sometimes broken by actual theft. The appropriation for the library must not alone be measured by the sum assigned for the ‘‘ cost of books ;’’ it must be recollected that the library is principally increasing by means of the exchanges ; that every year the Institution sends abroad, besides all the public docu- ments which it can procure, some hundreds of copies of the quarto volumes of its transactions, the marketable value of which is several thousand dollars. It therefore ought to be distinctly understood that the library is constantly increasing by the addition of the most valuable series of the transactions of literary and scientific societies in all parts of the world, and that this is at the expense of what are denominated the active operations of the Institution. It is true the number of books directly purchased is comparatively small, but indirectly pro- cured in the way stated the annual addition is valuable. Among the numerous donations received during the past year it is of course impossible in this report to particularize more than a few of the most important. The Academies of Science of Vienna, St. Petersburg, and of Brussels, have all contributed largely both of their older and more recent issues. The Real Sociedad Economica, of Havana, has been particularly liberal in this respect, furnishing nearly complete series for many years back, as have also the Horticultural societies of Paris and Berlin. The most extensive single gift during the year has been that of the Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, in 72 volumes, and the Histoire Naturelle des Mammirfées, of Buffon and Daubenton, in 15 volumes, from the Herzogliche Bibliothek der 32 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Friedensteinschen Sammlungen, Gotha. The British Admiralty has contributed a full set of all the charts published by it during the year, We may also mention, as an object of special interest of this class, a valuable set of historical maps, presented by Justus Perthes, the celebrated geographical publisher of Gotha, exhibiting the political condition of Europe from the beginning of the third century down to the time of the crusades. The limits of the several empires are ex- hibited by different colors, and the whole are on such a scale as to be adapted for instruction in schools or academies. To render this interesting work more generally known in this country, it is proposed to exhibit the maps in the reading room and to translate and print the pamphlet of explanations for the use of the visiters to the Insti- tution. Among the curiosities of the library received during the past year the most prominent is an ornamental album, presented through the Department of State, from Miss Contaxaki, a native of the isle of Crete. This work was designed as a contribution to the universal exhibition at Paris in 1855, where it received a diploma for the artistic merit displayed in its execution. The ‘‘ Classical Bouquet,”’ as it is called, consists of illustrations of the principal monuments and places in Greece, to which are added a few from the author’s native isle of Crete. These illustrations are accompanied by quotations from the most illustrious Greek authors, beautifully illuminated, while many of the pages are adorned with pressed flowers culled from the places which the drawings represent. The book itself is a large quarto, covered with blue velvet heavily embroidered, and lettered with silver. It is inclosed in a case, nade of olive wood of the country, about a foot and a half square, richly carved and ornamented with appropriate devices. This work was transmitted to the United States through Charles C. Spence, esq., and affords a favorable specimen as well of the present state of the arts in that country, which was the birthplace of the true and the beautiful, as of the talents, the taste, and the un. wearied industry of the lady who devised and principally executed it. The library possesses an extensive collection of pamphlets, in- cluding the separate theses of the candidates for graduation or honors at the German universities ; also a series of the annual reports of the public institutions and societies in thiscountry. During the past year these have been classified, a large number of them bound, and the remainder arranged in pasteboard boxes, labeled and placed on the shelves as volumes, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 33 The binding of the books received through exchange continues to be a large item of expense, and we have devoted the remainder of the appropriation for the library, not expended in the purchase of books or for clerical service, to this object. In relation to the books received by the copyright law, I have but little to say in addition to what has been stated in preceding reports. The provisions of the act are still disregarded, to a considerable extent, by the larger publishers, and, as a general rule, works are received of but little value in themselves and inconsistent with the character of the library of the Institution. Though the cost of postage has been diminished by the law of Congress authorizing the free transmission of copyrights, yet it has by no means exempted the Institution from a large item of expense on this account. The publishers frequently inclose within the packages letters relating to the proper direction of the certificates and other matter pertaining to the copyright, and by a decision of the Post Office Department all such communications are charged with letter postage. Though the sum in each case appears insignificant, yet in the aggregate it may amount, in the course of a year, to several hundred dollars; and since the system from the begin- ning has been of no real benefit to the Institution, we have addressed a circular to each publisher who forwards a copyright and neglects to pay the postage on the accompanying letters, apprising him of the fact. In conclusion, I may state that though the copyright law was un- doubtedly intended to enrich the library of the Institution, yet the non-compliance with it of some of the principal publishers, and the reception of a large amount of worthless matter involving expense in its transportation and care has entirely defeated this object. The cost of the system has been at least ten times greater than the value of the books received; nor is thisall; acompliance with the act has constantly subjected the Institution to unmerited censure. We have therefore been a loser both in funds and in the friendly feeling of an influential portion of'the community, and it is to be hoped that Congress will, at its present session, essentially modify the existing law. The deposit of a single copy of each article in the Patent Office, instead of the three now sent to Washington, would be sufficient to secure the rights of the author, and answer all the objects of a complete collec- tion of this class of American publications. Museum.—The general plan and objects of the collections which have been assiduously formed through the agency of the Smithsonian 35 34 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Institution have been given in several of the preceding reports, and it will be sufficient, at this time, to repeat that they are intended to exhibit the distribution and development of the plants and animals, as well as to illustrate the geological and mineralogical character of the North American continent. The number of specimens required for these purposes is great, since all the varieties from every locality re- quire attention. During the past year specimens have been collected by ten government expeditions and six private exploration parties. Some of the returns from these are now on the way, and will greatly enhance the number and value of the materials before received. Ac- cording to the statement of Professor Baird, hereto appended, the catalogued specimens of animals at the end of the year 1857, amount- ed to: mammals, 3,200; birds, 8,766; skeletons and skulls, 3,340; reptiles, 239 ; fishes, 613. ; During the year several persons have availed themselves of the use of the collections and library in the prosecution of original researches, and, as usual, several government expeditions, which have been sentout for surveys, the construction of roads and for military purposes, have been provided with instructions as to the mode of collecting specimens and observing meteorological and other natural phenomena. No oppor- tunity of adding to our store of information, in regard to the physical geography and natural history of the western portion of this continent, has been suffered to pass without being improved, and I may safely say, that since the establishment of the Institution more has been done to ascertain and make known the character of the less inhabited portion of our continent than all which had been previously accom- plished in this line. The survey of routes from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific has served of late to add much to our knowledge of Central America, and during the past year the British government has sent out a party for the exploration of the country north of the limits of the United States and between the great lakes and the Pacific ocean. This survey, in connexion with that along the 49th parallel of latitude, now in progress for determining the boundary line between the United States and the British possessions, will add to the natural history of the northern portion of our territory, and will furnish the data necessary to delineate more accurately the great mountain system which determines the climate and physical peculiarities of the western portion of this continent. Smithson’s personal effects. —The bequest of James Smithson included all his personal effects, and these were obtained by Hon. Richard Rush, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 35 the agent of the American government, through whom the legacy was procured. ‘They were delivered by him to the Secretary of State, and afterwards deposited in the museum of the Patent Office, where they remained until the last year, when they were transferred to the Regents’ room in the Smithsonian building. They have been arranged for exhi- bition in a large case of black walnut, and now form an interesting por- tion of the collections of the Institution. They consist of a very ex- tensive series of rare though minute specimens of mineralogy, of the table service of plate of Smithson, and of the portable chemical and mineralogical apparatus with which he made his investigations, Besides the above mentioned articles, the Institution has had in its possession for several years the library of Smithson, containing 115 volumes, and a collection of manuscripts, principally consisting of what would appear to be the materials of a philosophical dictionary. The whole collection taken together serves to exhibit the character of the man, and clearly to indicate his intention as to the nature of the Insti- tution to which he gave his name. It serves to strengthen the convic- tion, ifanything of this kind were needed, that the proper interpretation of the will has been given by the Regents in adopting the plan which makes active operations, the discovery of new truths, and a diffusion of these among men, the prominent object of the establishment. In this connexion, it may be interesting to repeat a statement made in a former report, that the institution is in possession of two like- nesses of Smithson ; one, a portrait of him while a youth, in the cos- tume of a student at Oxford, the other a medallion, from which a steel engraving has beenexecuted. The first was purchased from the widow of John Fitall, the servant of Smithson, and the other was among his effects, and identified by a paper attached to it, on which the words ‘‘my likeness’ were written in Smithson’s own hand. A list of the papers published by Smithson, and a record of all the facts which could be gathered in relation to him, have been made, to serve here- after for a more definite account of his life and labors than has yet appeared. Gallery of Art.—During the past year this apartment of the Smith- sonian building has been enriched by a faithful copy, in Carrara marble, of the ‘‘ Dying Gladiator,’’ one of the most celebrated statues of antiquity. This copy, which is said to be the only one in marble in existence, has been deposited here by its owner, F. W. Risque, esq., of the District of Columbia, to whom the public of this country is indebted for his liberality in the purchase and free exhibition of so 36 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. costly and interesting a specimen of art. It is by Joseph Gott, an English sculptor of high reputation, and its faithfulness, as a repre- sentation of the original, is vouched for by a certificate, among others, from our lamented countryman, Thomas Crawford. The Stanley collection of Indian portraits, which is still in the Gallery, has, during the past year, been increased by a number of new pictures, and continues to be an object of interest to the visitors of the national capital. This collection, now the most extensive in existence, of Indian portraits, ought, as we have stated in previous reports, to be purchased by government. Itis a sacred duty which this country owes to the civilized world to collect everything relative to the history, the manners and customs, the physical peculiarities, and, in short, all that may tend to illustrate the character and history of the original inhabitants of North America. The duty which Mr. Stanley owes to his family will not permit him to retain the collection unbroken, and unless Congress make an appropriation for its pur- chase, he will be obliged to dispose of it in portions. Such an event would be a lasting source of regret; and, from the interest which a number of distinguished members of the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives have expressed in regard to the purchase, we doubt not that the proposition will in due time be favorably entertained. Lectures.—During the past season the usual number of lectures has been given, without any diminution in the size of the audience and the apparent interest of the public. In connexion with this subject, we may mention, complaints have frequently been made against the Institution, on account of the bad condition of the walks leading to the building ; but it should be recol- lected that the grounds belong to the government and are not under the control of the Regents.. A plank walk has, however, been laid dewn along the principal thoroughfare and lighted, on nights of lec- tures, at the expense of the Institution. The Smithsonian lecture-room is found to be the most commodious apartment in the District for public meetings, and almost constant applications are made for its use. This is granted in all cases, pro- vided the actual expense of lighting, heating and attendance be paid, and the object for which it is required be consistent with the character of the Institution, and not merely intended to advance individual interests. The rule which excludes from the lectures any subject connected with sectarianism, discussions in Congress and the political questions of the day, has been strictly observed. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 37 The following is a list of the lectures which were delivered during the winter of 1857-58: Seven lectures by Professor John LeConte, of the South Carolina College, on ‘‘ The Physics of Meteorology.”’ One lecture by Hon. H. W. Hilliard, of Alabama, on the ‘‘ Life and Genius of Milton.’’ Two lectures by Dr. I. I. Hayes, of Philadelphia, on ‘ Arctic Ex- plorations.”’ One lecture by Rev. T. J. Bowen, of Yoruba, Africa, on ‘‘ Central Africa—the Country and People.”’ One lecture by D. K. Whitaker, esq., of Charleston, 8. C., on the “¢ Genius and Writings of Sir Walter Scott.’’ Two lectures by Professor C. C. Felton, of Harvard College, Cam- bridge, Mass., on ‘‘ Modern Greece.”’ Four lectures by Dr. James Wynne, of New York, on the ‘* Dara- tion of Life in Various Occupations.’’ Three lectures by Professor J. P. Espy, on ‘‘ The Law of Storms.’’ Five lectures by Rev. J. H. McIlvaine, of Rochester, N. Y., on ‘* Comparative Philology in some of its bearings upon Ethnology, and embraciag an account of the Sanscrit and Persian Arrowhead Languages.’’ Three lectures by G. Gajani, on ‘‘ The Catacombs, the Coliseum, and the Vatican of Rome.’’ One lecture by Professor Schele de Vere, of the University of Vir- ginia, on ‘‘ John Law and the Celebrated Mississippi Speculation.’’ From the foregoing" statements we think it will be generally acknowledged that the Institution is steadily pursuing a course of usefulness well calculated to make the name of its founder favorably known and the results of his bequest highly appreciated in every part of the civilized world, that its funds are in a good condition, and that the prospect of its future influence in the promotion of know- ledge is even more cheering than at any period of its past history. Respectfully submitted. JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary S. I. Wasurneton, January, 1858, APPENDIX TO THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, SMITHSONIAN [nsTITUTION, Washington, December 31, 1857. Sir: I have the honor, herewith, to present a report, for 1857, of the operations you have entrusted to my charge, namely, those which re- late to the printing, to the exchanges, and to the collections of natural history. Respectfully submitted. SPENCER F. BAIRD, Assistant Secretary Smithsonian Institution, JosepH Henry, LL.D., Secretary Smithsonian Institution. PUBLICATIONS. The publications of the Institution for the year consist of the ninth volume of Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, embracing 484 pages of quarto text and 22 plates, and of the annual report to Con- gress, an octavo volume of 468 pages. Considerable progress has also been made with the printing of the tenth volume of Smithsonian Contributions, 136 pages and five plates being finished. The catalogue of North American Diptera, by Baron Ostensacken, is nearly through the press and will include 112 octavo pages. EXCHANGES. The system of international exchanges so successfully prosecuted by the Institution since its establishment has been carried on during the year with the happiest results. A large amount of scientific material has passed through its hands and has been promptly transmitted to its destination. The general details of the system will be presented hereafter. The returns made to the Smithsonian Institution for its own dona- tions will be found in the following table: A.—eceipt of books, dc., by exchange in 1857. MOLUIMER—-OCLHVOns 222 ocee cece Se een e mstenec a aon na. eh eee 404 Oniantors sees Ses = Da ee eee ae os oa eee 146 Wolioz {lew Ase esse ese ah os ek ee 5 — 555 Parts of volumes and pamphlets— QOGAVO jase>. oe cesuce - secs ee saissisccessmeeeemeeinees 775 OUATIO tess sect eeas -StcccconenaneemecTeeeeene mentee 255 HMOWO Maca se leeemianesscclata cess = Seees cee eet ees 37 — 1,067 (Charts/aHG Maps) pcee ene eee es cence aes. Sean eee eee eee 138 REPORT OF ASSISTANT eee. 39 The works received embrace most of the current volumes of scientific transactions, with some back series, and are of the highest importance as materials of scientific research. In the following tables are exhibited the chief statistics of exchange during both 1856 and 1857. The last annual report did not fully cover the subject, owing to the fact that a supplementary sending was required in January, 1857, to complete that of July, 1856, and a re- port for 1856 could not reasonably include what was actually not per- formed till the ensuing year. In presenting the series of tables throughout, those of transmissions for 1856 are to be understood as embracing parcels forwarded in January 1857. This will explain the apparent disproportion in amount for the two years, as much of what was sent in the beginning of 1857 would otherwise not have gone until the ensuing summer. B. Table showing the statistics of foreign exchanges of the Smithsonian Institution in 1856. | wo | pat ' J P= PA a ete = orci fe = a Bah | eke oak ee eet) a a fe. Vad | ar = Se See = 9 (se ae ne 5 Ne ae) si} ae los 5 A) a | ae Distributed through— = oe bf Ss. lee os Ses lmees ae = cots Mall ae p= Oey OF) ees ik iors pte ae fae Pee 3 5 | & | #9 3e Eh go pera = By ai = ae | is aes 3 = = | =o = = R 20 = ee andes 3 = ae = Te ae Pa = Bee [ne ————$————_ ssp, —————— . Dr. F. Fliigel, Leipsic. RMMEUGHE Gilstad cictersla\a)e(awiels's'eweiaces 8 2 SS ole 22 Dy) orwtars. aiven fod Oth terete sarees g LOIS D Egos apeeoc Apageaee eases C) Tiler ce ack | 13 Tilaues aes RR Ae 3) eee MGEIANG warwc sas s oaicein's 0.06,0,0e.ce\sisine iW issoosd Seen eee | SB eSnes0| BERBOroA) Cinatiy ies -c@e) Mase e tae Den Marks isis cle clseiueiarae os w'ateeeves 6 Db i seinreweil IR SM Boconcee I Gwisieos pill oavatet sl aust aieki<« PGs Sea M sonic cana tees saenaens 2 ged ene A geal 8 ape: 2k rated | el ot Site aSeore HONANGe ttl sees veeewanecacwde 17 LG GFe Seek | AGH | | STS leh peRe seed eee wee ste Me ae 2, GEFMANY 7. sdclesvermeeniasesse sacs 15S, , AGS fe; aes be | ALE. CAD sensi sas pl sasislelellasweiss)(< cntaion = SMART AAI a sjciwie’eajelsic'ew che cinidisia'e 15 BU iheniesi wine's SO ue oa itera) le atniatal luletearwiell wt olaete reas BeleiaM 5 occas ceiiicavcecenses vee 3 TOP Et ree Aa) | VG eA ome teaenmbawiee | sbin ecw Lace aN | PR GAN sawn’ Se mnemasiinsienadh poeta aoe 562} 656 38 | 1,042| 42] 340] 10,428 | | | } | 2. H. Bossange, Paris. | | | Barca tetoeremrctars Siete c aislele efule's w/e ata dels 190i! *HQBe). 22s. Ler FAD | erate site Nate ee wsi|'ceecos'| miwcvoaee Picea Na eit misiele «/ ciel =, viwio ech atcisletama'niars 42 chal he are hain | 95 Be ee ee | ereranet s Fecal \amciove sine Spain and Portugal.........0....- 5 [owncnere 14 1 pease) neacts): [een crash eiae'e aaa } ea } | AL OLallscieriv octet cinioteinvete sats a's oh 281 | 296 | 176 | 472) ) 23126)" "45199 3. The Royal Society and H. Stevens, | London. Great Britain and Ireland......... 117 | 231 | 348 | 260 | 253 513 9| 94] 2,914 : —|—— ' — | 4. Other channels. ...ccevesicecaves eife 26 10 | 36 | 39 | 10 49 | 6 | 26 800 _———$—_ | ——__— | | | ——$———| | | | SPRUE Vek S cis ces cou ace 511 | 716] 1,227] 1,251 | 825] 2,076] 70| 5386 | 18,271 | | / | 40 REPORT OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY. G. Table showing the statistics of foreign exchanges of the Smithsonian Institution in 1857. Distributed through— 1. Dr. F. Fliigel, Leipsic. S WEEN . wevccevccccesscceeneees INOF Wale onic) to esie viuieaisisieniene PECAN eters e'e's 0 sain raise Sin to PICMG ALK cerniste alaicieies\elaiaisiolsinivieiale «x Russia..... plsje ais sjulels\olale(a's win tsin\eiaiei= Holland..... wleivuete Biateleyalpieid) sleleisisia’s GeNMANY/ «200 vec ces. sncccses eens SWITZELIAN Gon se view bow siecle enn vleise Belgium. cecveccsoves cesses cosee- PROtAb csp sietseicc esis visis ana . Bossange, Paris. FYaNCe ...ccccceccecccscees coves: SU tied Uyjate twists nls taloinlo\iclele biatw\e'ein'clclcjais/ele:« SS PARI erate va reietel = slelefejeleiel eters aialsin secs = ES St aloe] bog aS Se x 2 r—) Ms 3 |3 25 pa 3 Shs 3 = io) Ss » Zz = Zz 1a i GAl| eae. ae NG sk gac-rvc adhe. NA eee ae aa 37 Cr eo oe eeerl reer seen eres yaltee ea eee be ee DEP areermegeeany (re SH ie a ee oe Ei at, isnaicloul te aeeeste Re Galaedl oe cea Is) CPP Mee A A | ae 382 847| 19| 183] 6,928 Tiidltnccc Seealisas FNS RA as beae 32 Sin afaeitoasll Sea aes A thy re acs 2 110 288 6| 63] 2,410 158 390| 10] 118] 3,910 10 100 5| 20] 1,000 660| 1,625] 40] 384] 14,948 REPORT OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY. 4] D.—Packages received by the Smithsonian Institution for foreign dis- tribution in 1856 and 1857. No. of packages Albany, N. Y.— 1856. New York State Agricultural Society -....-.....-----.-.<---- 5 New, Monk state Medical’ Socicty;..— «nasser 6 PTOt aIneCs All ne oo can coo Rca enn ec so ee oem as ene 8 | Baltimore, Md. -- TE TedW q0g) ae B17 (2) eee ea ee a Se 25 Baton Rouge, La.— institution tor Mutes and’ Blind!) -..-<-<2s2y-.-2-s2s—-20 = <=c~ 18 Boston, Mass.-- American Academy of Arts and Sciences...-....-...=.-=...- 392 Beston Society of Natural History +. o--..-. <--- 2a on nee ==2- 65 Historic-Genealogical Society ..-..-.-.------..-- He obdactice 1 moron) Discipime NOCety 2-2 ona ajan an cae one a ones mea 32 WP WHILCO See ose oan es rae a cee oat oeeiaaaa cae saan = 5 Eiiguicr ied: oo 0" eel. oo cae tema eaaee te ote eS eee | Weehle Dixoniena. 236 Soleo ot aee deeds ao seats se 5 Een INS Mee ola oe no toe ern a late cine Se ee oom nase aimee ec | eee Hd. Tackerman....-- Oe er se Oe ee Se ee ee ee Negtiew LrescOtlmocn n= soe Cosa cee mote ek as ala ee ee ee aeeee 8 Pikeo) aanos prnney,, MiP Loo. oo ee ae ae se ee ee Cambridge, Mass.— American Association for Advancement of Science..-.-.------ 28 Cambridge Observatory’. 222542 55--Se 52 So ea ee eee ae Petes Denne Soe Joc aocce Solna meeeeet ces cemeteries sieleee sae 50 ero fensay GQIay a. aco ac ase oe sae See ee oe ae a a te 1 BRGe ot! Trend welle. 2 \con4- see eas caesar eacmaenaoeae ae 200 Charleston, S. C.— Dee “Wee Ravenel 220 fos Ss ese Se Se dese see eis - 2 Chicago, Ill — Colch Ds Grabai,, US. Ao asceoscee nome sas cmee cease rane. | seer eee Cincinnati, Ohio— Ja big] Dade SGA of ogg La Bega a ae pela ial Dae oe fa 24 De Vanohankes < os oaks Bole ce ee es 24 Columbus, Ohio-— One State: Board of Acricalture . 2 oto. -ssceu saeco aeemee | aecaeees Frankfort, Ky.— eauriesl Sutvey Of Kentucky ~~ Jccsccocss sooseso- ss osees eweecne. Georgetown, D. C— Georzetowns Colleres* sass fesse we sis Peek sas sass eee 2 Granada, Nicaragua— IPTESIM eR GIVER se eie cmete ne ee one tee ee eee. melee ome 100 Hartford, Conn.—- fon. Henry barmmandeeses ose se. hos Sele so See ee 283 Mes Potter sos oS eee eee Sone cae Sa ences sees See 22 Lansing, Mich.— Michigan State Agricultural Society ..-.---------+---------- 50 Letanon, Tenn.— ENOL OSOLd 2. = Loe Scene ane Bee eee ee eee ae =| hos see Lowell, Mass. — amensb Wancis’ . 2.222. cee ses SaaS aaa ee ee coe ee ne 16 Madison, Wis.— Wisconsin’ State Apricultural Society 2225-42 seseseseress ate lesee 2-5 istoricaly society, of WiSCOnsini jon ame ee eee as a ees woe New Brunswick, N. J.— Prot. Gen i. Cook <= .3.0. 22 eee “apo p ac Aapde lh Pood etic ae Ep eee see ree ae ee eee 42 REPORT OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY. D—Continued. No. of packages. New Haven, Oonn.-— 1856. 1857. amnencannlourmal of Sciencetee seu eeee see eases cee 48 20 ponenicany Oriental SOCebYy. .2eokeos owe ose aouk fo eget os Malis Dasma Proiemioe MIMS ted oe aoe Ue etes eee st ec Ae NRE 10 7 New York— American Geographical and Statistical Society............----|-------- 57 New: York Dycewm of Natural ‘History (02/220 200 eh oa RN eee tee SAE FY Ube 6 ote hs AS A RS aR RR emp UN AA 2 90 Philadelphia, Pa.~- Amen can iM OsOpMi Cali SOClet yay 26 ae ee eee ane mice a mena 42 79 ANCAdemy: GiiNetUrAlSCLeNCe sue = Seana atk anne ee ea a 300 173 CentralyHigh' School of Philadelphiac: 20.00.0000 00 100 109 Historical Society of Pennsylvania 222 se. ooo ee eee iy || eres oe Pennsylyaniaginstitute tor .the Blinds. 2m. — sane ie Ae 45 AY) Poailadeipiia iabrary Company i020 225222225 20" ee TO) joe eset WNT PER OGM CTU ISS UNG cara eee ete ee een eee ge BIN Aa IR URE LOO nares 53.8 SEND ES TE CaRy ee ge acetal car lee pe teeing Uae dee 171 178 Drmcse phi leldivecsmen cae acca tert t. \ tik 2AM SR aEe eee 16} 47 Domo nmAt NICIO ge tennis Se yale ees he ce ROA ee Teo eve eee 44 Providence, R. [ — SUACROMN NO CMS ANG acme mee se eet oe a Se ee Lee eeee 6 St. Louis, Mo — St WoulseAcademypotesciencese sees see een t. Se ee eee al eee eee 161 Dr Bh Shumeards= 226 ee ahaa See a ese ie eee Se eee, P2algece cree s San Francisco, Cal — California Academy of Natural Sciences .-......--.....------ We eases ae Santiago, Chile-— WiniversiiyOrn Chile tee cess. ee sam ee een Dae eat Pee ce 140) 2ae2e soe Savannah, Ga —— i eR OS hae ONCE Beers eee aint ste ae Set cans Ee St eR ee HO iekat cose Toronto, Canada—— Canachianialns trbUbe see oa ate oper he oe io taal Se ee ee Ng fat A 17 Washington, D. 0.— WegsmgBatent Offices s sa pee aun eh ee als 250 250 Ordnance Bureau -...... 15 AER A ade EB ee he ae Ca re a ANG, Nein Sea ST Woastisunveyacsoceecce ose seein eed ee sya 67 497 Rrsieohiee OO SERVALORV is.) cee 7s aoa Se owise Cte fc See Mis ome 73 ie TOUBE ES OAnO ns oe crete ee tee, SU Se ee a ae Oy a ceaees SISTER TERY GUE HAE AS SA A RC A TN nee aie 120 ii4 Surgeon General.....__- Sep a aie oT aT enone ae eieie | eee 50 Major Hi Bimory, We S.A sooo. 2 oo 8 BS ee rennet Whi) || sees Sees DIG ReAL Ey IBA ey Nk A ah Nh aR NN ee eR a eh i (33.0) DD ide St uNe Ww DEty Seema cere sin ter uee rs wane aa. oe 20 Wee 2 a= METS Ur tks CpliVes UNS SAE eee eee acre cen ERCP. sh |e Aree MGS UDHG Reena rem Rite Ateete ee Sewers en at se Lal ed BO eens eso Wie tibsye). We NG asa Ut Seige ere eee te ce et nl) ek 25 Ward SUL PSOM 2 eye oe eae terme re AF on S85 ta 50 Degg Ge enmediy . Sao 2 co ie hea eee at tat het ca 59 Vier pmuuhG Ogre ea cae cart me eRe ete te RET CL Ae en | 109 Minscellameousips 2 Pcie eae aid cic ai aw cle aN ee es eC 133 120 1 BC] Sip a Re a ath CC eet Ha Tir Oe 3,510 3, Ook Supposing cach parcel to contain an average of one and a half pieces, the numberof these would be so 222.22 ee on eee 5, 265 3,095 Add of Smithsonian volumes and memoirs, about _...--.----------- 2,500 2,500 Add volumes of public documents obtained and distributed, about....| 1, 500 1, 000 Approximate total of volumes and pamphlets sent abroad by the Instibutionl pean oee eee ae nace wae Se aoe Sea \ ) REPORT OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY. 43 E.—Addressed packages received, by the Smithsonian Institution from Europe, for distribution in America. No. of packages. Albany, N. Y.-- hen VOTKtotmtemibTanyie a cabs nee Sea leee samt eee Boston, Mass.—- | American Academy of Arts and Sciences ...-.-_------.------ Boston Society of Natural History.....-----------------7--- Bowarbew: UNDIaey =e eee awe cee n enema cee a= aaa a em meso Cambridge, Mass.—- American Association for Advancement of Science------------ Cambridge Astronomical Journal-..-.....------.<----.-=--- Gambmadce.ObsenvkuOly os ==> 2-5 e2 = aan ese = 41 39 70 56 90 Sargent, John S22... 2 Worcester .....- Worcester. .-- 22 42 16 71 48 | 536 Schlegel, Albert....._ Taunton) Seo ce. Bristol ose sess. 41 49 | 71 09 Shaw, Francis..--...- Plainfield......- Hampshire ..... 42 30 | 72 56 | Snaith: oH see ae IBOStOnme see eee UO KE ce see 42 22) ©7103 sell, Prot gmises2 5+ — Amberst...222 2323 Hampshire .---- 42 22 | 72 34 267 Tirrell, Dr. N. Quincy. | Weymouth ...-- INonole sue saat 42 10] 71 00 150 Whitcomb, L. F...--- Hlorida, ss2auue2 Berkshire ...... 42 42 3 10 2,500 RHODE ISLAND. Caswell, Prof. A_...-- Providence ..... Providence ....- 41 49 71 25 120 CONNECTICUT. Edwards, Rev. T., D.D.| New London..-.. New London....| 41 21 72 12 90 Harrison, Benj. F..-.. Wallingford -.... New Haven.--.- 41 26 72 50 133 oll; Aaron Bees. oo Georgetown -=<_| Hairfield’ 22. 222- 41 15 73 00 300 Hunt Dae eee iPomifret= so. 2 =< | "Wanda 22 oo. 5 41 52 ae, 596 Rankin, James...-..- Saybrook .....-- ' Middlesex -....- £118 || “72 20 10 Scholfield Noses. — === INOEWICH Soa .525 New London....| 41 32 | 72 03 50 Yeomans, William H.-| Columbia._._._- fe holl and ee sree 41 42 | 72 16 | METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS. 57 NEW YORK. Name of observer. Station. County. N. lat. |W. long. | Height. Oy 7 oP Feet. Biba Dri Bi Mes’. . 22. Angelica... sss Alleghany . -.--| 42 15 | 78 01 1,500 Arden, Thomas B.--.-- RE VETLY) < cetee Rutmam: 2 s2ees- 41 22 72 12 180 Bowman, John..-....-. Baldwinsville .-.| Onondaga --..-- 43 04 | 76 41 Byram, Ephraim N~. --| Sag Harbor. ---- Suffolk. 2-322 33 41 00 | 72 20 40 Chickering, J. W-..-.-- OV at; Eee eee SENCCA-<=seaeee 42 41] 76 52 800 Dayton, \HcA~ =. ==. Madridin ss 226. St. Lawrence....| 44 43 | .75 33 280 Denning, William H--| Fishkill Landing.| Dutchess -.....- 41 34 | 74 18 42 Mer Cae ell f Rochester’. cae. Monroe oes eae 43 08 | 77 51 516 Fellows, Henry B-.-.- Sennett -..-...-- Cay a aso Se 3) 00) |) iiees Erench, John R.....- Wexicog=2— 25: Oswero'g == 55 --< 43 27 | 76 14 423 ATOPTON hss oa 2 wet Westfarms._...- Westchester --.-| 40 53 74 O1 150 Greene, Prof. Dascom..| Troy..........- Rensselaer... =. - 42 44 | 73 3 58 Geaest-(Wphl 42). 22. Ogdensburgh . _.| St. Lawrence--.-| 44 43 | 75 26 House, J. Carroll.....- Lowville. .....- Lewis! so te 43 46 | 75 38 House, John. C. .....- Waterford . ....| Saratoga ......- 42 47 73 39 Mawell Rs. -=-..<2, Nicholls....-_-. NOE = tg 3 42 00 | 76 32 * Ingalls, S. Marshall...) Pompey - -.-... Onondaga -..... 42 56 76 05 1,745 Johnson, E. W.....-. Canton . -ze42 St. Lawrence....| 44 38 fa15 304 Landon, Anna §...... Biden 27355 ooo 4 WEIe 2 2 42 30 79 07 700 Lefferts, John.-...... 1sy3 ee ae Seneca = oo. cee 42 37 76. 53 1,000 Malcolm, Wm. S----- Oswero — —- eco Osyrero\ =... sa. 43 28 | 77 34 232 Morehouse, A. W-_---- Spencertown . -.| Columbia...-_-. 42 19 | 73 41 800 Morris, Prof. 0. W.-.-| New York-..... News York. - = 40 43 74 05 159 WGEDON: Jegela es o5 . Soe Plainville) £0 Onondaga .....- 43 00 (it fem is iFaine. He N., MD) o=.|) Clinton. .ss6- Oneida~ 47 ee 43 00 | 75 20 500 Pernot, Prof. Claudius.| Fordham ...---- Westchester _...| 40 54 74 03 147 Reed, Edwar.l C.....- Homer. socsene4 Cortland: 22225. 42 3 76 11 1,100 neds Peter: -a-.ccam Waals anaes Washington.....| 43°15 | 73 33 Riker, Walter H_-..-- Saratoga ...--.- Saratoga ....... 43 06 | 74 00 960 Sanger, Dr. W. W..--- Blackwell’s Isl’d.| New York_----- 40 45 | 73 57 29 Sartwell, Dr. H. P....| Penn Yan...<=; R01) 2 ee 42 42 (ree Aa! 740 Dbecrsr Hey Mie oi 2s Wellsville . ....| Alleghany -..... 42 07 78 06 1,480 Sias, Prof. Solomon..-.| Fort Edward....| Washington --..| 43 13 73 42 Smith, J. Metcalf. .... McGrawville....| Cortland ....... 42 34 76 11 1, 450 Spooner, Stillman ....| Wampsville..._.| Madison.......- 43 04 75 50 500 Taylors sos. W......- Plattsburgh... .. Chintone= 2254 2s6 44 40 73 26 156 Titus, Henry Wm.---| Bellport ....-..- Sufolkis=ss=2""" 40 44 | 72 54 ourrelione re hy A -|\ Utes, <2 22. 2-22 Graz Ne 43 07 75.05 500 Van Kleek, Rev. R..D_| Flatbush-.......| Kimgs.........- 40 37 74 O1 54 White, Aaron. = == Cazenovia ~....- Madison 22 -— 2--- 42 55 75 46 1, 260 Williams, Dr. P. O._-_}| Watertown ____. Jefferson ..--..- 43 56 75 55 Wilson, Rev. W. D___-| Geneva -_-.__.- Ontario 2: 22222 42 53 77 02 567 Woodward, Lewis -...| West Concord_..| Erie .......---- 43 00 79 00 2,000 Yale, Walter D......- Houseville =fe2 =|) Lewis. <:2-2< 2222 43 40 15 32 Zaeptiiel, Tis.... «----| West Morrisania | Westchester ....| 40 53 74 01 150 NEW JERSEY. Cooke, Robert L.----- Bloomfield >= - =| Hesse ee. 40 49 | 74 11 120 Schmidt, Dr. E. R-..-| Burlington .....| Burlington ....- 40 00 | 75 12 | 26 Sergeant, John T_..-- Sergeantsville.-.| Hunterdon ...-- 40 29 AR UE: tee e eis t Kreehold:s2s- 2-2 Monmouth .....| 40 15 / 74 21 Whitehead, W. A....| Newark - ....-- ese ee ot 40 45 | 74 10 30 58 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS. PENNSYLVANIA. Name of observer. Station. County. N. lat. |W. long.| Height. oa rail Feet. Brown, Samuel_.--.-- Bedford 22222 2= Bedtord 22.222" 40 01 78 30 Baird, Jonnie.) Tarentum _-...- Alleghany -..--- 40 37 79 19 950 Brickenstein, H. A----| Nazareth -. ---- Northampton .--| 40 43 |] 75 21 Brugger, Samuel .---- Hleming = sss" Centre: -.--=---- AO VSS | ioe 780 Coffin, Selden, J-.---- Hastoneecce se Northampton.--| 40 43 TOMLG 320 Comily; Johnoes--— 22 By beriye= see eae Philadelphia----| 40 06 | 74 58 Darlington, Fenelon --} Pocopson -- .--- Chester Sees 22 39) 547) 9°75 ST 218 Edwards, Joseph.--.-. Chromedale -..-| Deiaware.---.-- 39 55 75 25 196 Begert, John oo-5-<= Berwicksss2see. Columbia. -.-.-- 41 05 76 15 588 iniell: Pores sascha ee Shamokin ------ Northumberland.; 40 45 76 31 700 Hance, Ebenezer -.-.-- Morrisville 2. --- Buickssss222s2 05 40 12 74 53 30 Heisely, Dr. John ~.--| Harrisburg ----- Danphinesssec—— 40 16 | 76 50 ickoke Wee Oerecma Harrisburg ----- Dauphin 40 16 | 76 55 Hoffer, Mary H.------ Mount Joy --.-- laneaster-sess52 40 08 76 70 Jacobs, Rev. M.-.--.-- Gettysburg .---- Ndamsiasascesnc BOL eHiNS James, Prof. Charles §..| Lewisburg --.--- Union 2222/5522 40 58 76 58 Kirkpatrick, Prof. J. A.| Philadelphia --.-| Philadelphia...) 39 57 UL 60 Kohler, Edward__.--- North Whitehall | Lehigh_--.-.---- 40 40 | 75 26 250 Martin, William------ Pitishurcesssoo 2 Alleghany.-.--. 40 3 80 00 Mowry, George.------ POMersetaee == Somersebeeese 40 02 79 02 2,180 Ralston, Rev. J. Grier-| Norristown ----- Montgomery..--| 40 08 oma 153 Schreiner, Francis ..-.| Moss Grove. ---- Crawiorda2s. fee 41 40 79 5L Smith, Prof. Wm----- Canonsburg..--- Washington ----| 40 25] 80 07 936 Smyser, Rev. B. R..--| Pottsville.-__.-.- Schuylkill.----- 40 41 76 09 Stewart, Thos. B. ---.| Murrysville ...-- Westmoreland -.| 40 28 | 79 385 960 Swit Ds. eau sae West Haverford_| Delaware. .-.--- 40 00 75 21 Minekstime eh 2) Meadville ~....- Crawford! 2 41 39} 80 11 1,088 Walson, Prof: Wi. C222.) "Carlisles2222 22 2- Cumberland -.--| 40 12 Titer 500 Walson, We Wiese -ace Piutsbure sees oo Alleghany ------ 40 32 80 02 1,026 DELAWARE. Pee ae eset | Newanle aves New Castle....- 39 38 | 75 47 120 Martins Are ..-—=- Milford) = ee eens See etnies 39) O55 Zia 25 MARYLAND. Baer, Miss"H. M_.=322 Shellman Hills--} Carroll---.....- 39 23\) Gor 700 Cofrau Wy. Wasa. see Oakland! =)222= 22 Alleghany ...--- 39 40 | 79 00 Goodman, Wm. R-.--.-| Annapolis ------ Anne Arundel_--| 38 58 | 76 29 20 Hanshew, Henry E..--| Frederick ----.- Frederick -...-- 39 24 | 77 18 Lowndes, Benj. O-.---- Bladensburg -..-] Prince George---| 38 57 76 58 Mayer, Prof. Alfred_-.-} Baltimore -...-- baltimore = - .- =< 39 18 76 37 Pearce, James A., jr.--| Chestertown ....| Kent -........- 39 14 76 02 Stages DG ooweosen- Ridgessa--a¢ 226 St. Mary’s.....- 38 05 | 76 18 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Smithsonian Institu- | Washington ee Washington ----| 38 53 | 177 01 | 30 tion. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS. 59 VIRGINIA. Name of observer. Station. County. N. lat. | W. long.| Height. | le) ear 12 et | Feet Astrop, Col. R. F. - --| Crichton’s Store.| Brunswick....-- 36 40 | 77 46 500 Couch, Samuel-_----.- Ashland ~~ 32<22- Rutnam, =) ase 3o).38 |. Sl bf Dickinson, George C--| Rougemont ..-.. Albemarle - ...-| 38 05 | 78 21 450 millis, Col, 2D! Hi... 4t @rack Whip o.c|\Handy...5. 22282 39 30 | 78 31 1750 Fauntleroy, H. H.---- Montrose...---- Westmoreland --| 38 07 | 76 54 200 Fraser, James:----<-. Mustapha ....-.- Wood. sits 255 39 20 | 81 41 Hallowell, Benjamin --} Alexandria -..-. Alexandria ...-- 38 48 77 01 56 Hon, Josiah W---.2o- iWartiC: iz ssoae Winds 2. aaa 39 05 81 26 Hotchkiss, Jed......- Mossy Creek_..-| Augusta - ------ 38 20 79 05 Johnson, Enoch D.---| Sisterville ---.-- TVVET" 22 n = siete 39 34] 80 56 540 Kendall, James E .---} Charleston..--.-- Jefferson ......-| 38 20 81 21 Kownslar, Miss Ellen -| Berryville --..-- @lark.2> Ssees= 39 09°; 78 00 575 Marvin, John W..--.- Winchester .~.-.| Frederick .....- 39 15 78 10 Offutt, J. J., M. D--.-| Capon Bridge...| Hampshire --..- 39 16 | 78.29 Patton, Thomas, M. D.| Lewisburg------ Greenbrier ----- 38 00 | 80 00 2,000 Purdie.ohn. K-21 Smithfield...--- Isle of Wight.--| 36 50] 76 41 100 Ruftin, Julian C...-.- Ruthven)ssss..- Prince George-.-| 37 21] 77 33 Ruffner, David L_-..- Kanawha. -..-.-- Kanawhaesceenn 88 53 81 25 Slaven, James_...----- Meadow Dale .--| Highland .--.-- 38°23 | 79°35 Upshaw, George W.--| Rose Hill-.....- SSEX joy Ss syed 38 00 | 76 57 250 Webster, Prof. N B --.|} Portsmouth----. Nonfolk, je2eeee 386 50 76 19 34. Wells, J. Carson--...- SAleMes aos ats Roanoke —s-<+i-- 39 20] 80 Ol 1,100 Wickline, Thomas J --| Longwood.-..-. Rockbridge ---.. aia. 30) | aida 800 NORTH CAROLINA. Johnson, Dr. W. M-.--| Warrenton - wae Warren oo- o2 se 36 30 78 15 McDowell, Rey. A----| Murfreesboro’...| Hertford -.....- 36 30 77 06 MeDowell, W. W ..--| Asheville...-..- Buncombe-....- 35 37 | 82 29 2,250 Moore, Geo! F!; M. D-.| Gaston. .2.22--2 Northampton .--| 36 32 77 45 Morelle, Daniel... --- Goldshoro? + 223|) Waynesees a 22" SONEAO Raines Phillips, Rev. Jas., D. D} Chapel Hill...-- Oranges. S22222 aD 64) 19° 17 SOUTH CAROLINA. Cornish, ola eles a = AGO ys 35 oy sca Barnwell 22 226- 33 32 81 34 565 Dawson, John L., M. D.| Charleston.....- Charleston.....- '32 46] 80 00 Edisto Island .~--| Colleton....---- 32 34} 80 18 23 eee NM. Mount Pleasant -} Laurens_------- 32 47 | 79 55 Glennie, Rev. Alex’r..| Waccaman-.....- A Saints eee 33.40) 19.17 20 Johnson, Joseph, M. D | Charleston... -- Charleston.._.-- 32 46 | 80 00 30 NOUN a Aa. De Sole Cam dena son Kershaw) o-sace-ioe 17 ||, 80.33 275 GEHORGIA. Anderson, Jas , M. D -| The Rock -.....- Wpsomy os. cee 32 52 | 84 23 833 ArmmoldeMrst ws Lees AG LON = lalate PRO yer rot ahs) 2a 33 07 84 26 Haste, Prof.,John D-.|,Athens ... .-2-\@lerke:_....=..- 33 58 83 80 850 GIDSOn hn econesone Whitemarsh Is’d.| Savannah ...... 32 04 | 81 05 18 60 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS. GEORGIA—Continued. ka Name of observer. Station. County. N. lat. | W. long.| Height. ON Ce Feet. Glover; MIS 25.222 Hillsboro? S25 2/52 Jasperteo. Jt Bose 33 U3" \- 183945 566 Haines, William.._..- AUGUStA,. -|eAuburnja2e-cee- Macon 55-22 32 37 85 34 821 Tutwiler, Henry--.--- Greene Springs.-| Greene.......-- 32 50 | 87 46 Waller, Robert B. ~..-| Greensboro’. -_--- Greene _ = .22 Je 382 40°} 87 34 350 MISSISSIPPI. | Elliott, Prof. J. Boyd_-| Port Gibson_-~-- Claiborne #-.--- SL S098 rae. © on Lull, James 822.2528 Columbus ....-- Rowntles 2/2025 33 30 | 88 29 | 227 | LOUISIANA. Barton, Driyh Ef; o— =| New Orleans-=—-|) Onleams 222 /c=-0 29 57 90 00 Kilpatrick, A. R., M. D.| Trinity---...-.. Chatahoula --_--- 31 30 | 91 46 108 Merrill, Edward, M.D.) Trinity.....-..- Chatahoulaees-= Bil Boll 91 47 68 57} 90) 00 Taylor, lewes BX=-<-- New Orleans--- .| Orleans! --e see 29 | METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS, 61 TEXAS. * Name of observer. Station. County. N. lat. | W. long! Height. eae One! Feet. A Goliadess 2s shes% I Goliad = s2ss4ee" 28 30 | 97 15 50 oka C- | Helena__...---- Karnes.....---- 29 00 | 97 56 600 Barked. ling 225.258 New Wied..-.-.. Comal, 352252222 29 42 98 15 Horke, Ave Sih ekt 53 ke MicdrickiOte__. t New Braumfels_.| Comal .......-- 29 41 98 15 Gantt, Dr. Wm. H..--| Union Hill...... Washington ----| 30 3 96 31 540 Jennings, 8. K.,M.D. aa iTate ie f Most: - 222-2 iPrayin’=-22- oes 30 20| 97 46 650 Rucker, B: Hists= --1% Washington ....| Washington ----| 30 26 | 96 15 TENNESSEE. Bean; James B.. ...-=—- WalnutiGrove-=-|)Greene==-=—=—- | 36 00 | 82 53 1,350 Stewart, Prof. Wm. M-| Glenwood --.---- Montgomery. ---| 36 28 | 87 13 481 Tockway.J., M. D--..| Memphis ...<=4- Shelbyt-c-...--= 35 08 | 90 00 | 262 Wrieht, Dri Dani! H..| Memphis. ..2<--- DNCLDY < ses seeee | 35 08 | 90 00 262 KENTUCKY. | | ar 40 Peat Gee ss Danville 5222203 Bayle Peet aie 37 40 | 84 30 950 Ray, L. G., M. D- ---- Part Soe) eea vee | Bourbon .......| 38 16 | 84 07 810 Savage, Rev. Geo. §.--| Millersburg----- Bongpon’= 2-22. | 38 20| 84 20 804 Young, Mrs. Lawrence-| Springdale - is Jefferson ---...- | 38 07 | 85 34 570 } | OHIO. AbeHeRBa 2s noc cans Welchfield . ...-| Geauga -... ..-. 41 23 | 81 12 Daas: Allen, Prof. Geo. N..-.| Oberlin .... -.-. Loraine? 2 3.i<-- 41 20 | 82 15 800 ATmnipn. ips e a ea== = Ripleys = - Jackson) = o2oso 39910 | 82 32 666 Hannaford, Ebenezer-.| Cheviot -....--- Hamilton) aes 39 07 | 84 34 Harper, George W-.---| Cincinnati.-...- Hamilton .. ..-- 39 06 | 84 27 150 Herrick, James D--.--- Jetierson-.-5-=- Ashtabula. -_..- 42 00 81 00 Hollenbeck, F. & D. K.| Perrysburg ...-- Wieodeeeseco25 41 39 | 83 40 Holston, J. G. F., M. D.| Zanesville -..... Muskingum ....| 39.58 | 82 01 700 Hurt, hrancis W.-=.- Cincinnati . ....| Hamilton......- 39 06 84 34 Hyde, Gustavus A__-.| Cleveland ------ Cuyahoga .-...- 41 30 | 81 40 665 Ingram, John, M. D.--| Savannah ---- -- Ashlindies 2 —s—— 41 12 | 82 381 Janes, (C. (Crore cance Hillsborough . -.| Highland. iuther: ‘6: Maes. SS. Hirani sos eee Rormasess s5252- 41°20" 8115 675 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS. OH1IO—Continued. ? Name of observer. Station. County. N. lat. | W. long.| Height. 2 Feet. Mathews, Joseph McD.| Hillsborough - -.| Highland..-..-- 13 |} 83 1,000 MeCarty, HD S5.- 22 | West Bedford ---| Coshocton .....- 18 | 82 876 Peck, W. B., M. D.---| Bowling Green _.| Wood.......--- 271 $B 700 IPO; JAMES Elsa amon Portsmouth. .-.. NCIOLOe seeeee oe 50 82 468 Ropers eA bs. Sano mae Gallipolis .- ---- Gee rye es ip 00 | 82 520 Sanford, Prof. S. N.-.-| Granville.-=...- ticking» ssssee—e 03 | 82 995 Sanford, Smith......- \wEdinburssss2o—5 Borbacelea= see 20 | 81 520 Schenck, W. L, M.D.) Franklin .__..-- Warren ....._-- 30 | 84 Shaw, Joseph ---..--- | Bellefontaine . -.| Logan ........- 21) 83 1,031 Shaw, Joseph ......-- RICHEY sme nea Shelbyess ese 21] 84 ‘Suan ere aie t Bellecentre ...-- LOHAN. « cocnieck s 28 | 83 1,170 Treat, Samuel W- .---| Windham -....- Portagees. 2... 105) 28k Ward; in He Sees eee eMedinarss.=22.2 Medina 2.2 ses. 07 81 1, 206 Williams, Prof. M. G--}| Urbana .... ...- Champaign --_.- 06 | 83 1,015 MICHIGAN. Allen, James 22. --- Rorbeevuron esa StClaire sean a Zi laps) |e te 606 Andrews, Seth L., M.D.’ Romeo..--. ~..- Macombi 2. <2. 244 | 83 730 Campbell, Wm.M.,M.D. Battle Creek ~---| Calhoun-_--.--- 20 | 85 750 Crosbyiid.- Boles see ss New Bufialo----- iBermiente os ese" 45 | 86 600 Currier, Alfred O.-.-. Grandunaple ste) MMenibee aa lama 300 | 86 752 Sireng, ld; Hos22 Seo 5 Grand™hapids=, | ent= 4 cao. cag Waukesha. -.-..- Waukesha -..... 42 50 | 88 ll 833 Breed, J. Everett.__-- New London.-.-.| Waupacca .....- 44 21] 88 45 Chandler, Marine T.W.| Falls of St. Croix.| Polk. ........-- 45 30 | 92 40 660 Durham, (Wisden couc Racine <6 sseeeee Racine 4 je sao 25+ 42 49 87 40 Ellis, Edwin....---.- Bays@ity 2222 see Lar Pointe: 222 -/5 46 33 | 91 00 658 Gridley, Rev. John .--| Kenosha ....... Kenositti. . 2-00 42 35) 87 50 600 Hillier, Spencer L.---- Prescott2. 22222 PICkCe Ss 2a aes 44 56 92 40 800 Himoe, John E,.....- Norway 2.2222 Racine’..-= =... 42 50 | 88 10 753 64 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS. WISCONSIN—Countinued. Name of observer. Station. County. N. lat. |W. long.| Height. O50 ae Feet, Lapham, Increase A...| Milwaukie-....- Milwaukie. 45) 03y| /8ieai 593 haps; Jacobye2=- —- == Manitowoc ..--- Manitowoc ----- 44 07 | 87 37 ‘Wason, Prof. sRWZ: = 52 Appleton. ..--5- Outagamie.....- 44 10 | 88 35 800 Pickard, J. L., M. D--| Platteville... Grant= 355.586 42 45 91 00 Pomeroy, HC... 22 Milwaukie--.--- Milwaukie-...-- 43 04 | 87 59 658 Porter, Prof. Wm.---. Beloituss 25.28 10 eee ae 42°30 | 89 04 750 Schine: A. Me Ds. 23 Madison...-...- DANE i ajnantomtoee AZ: 05:_|. 89025 892 Sterling, Prof. J. W.--| Madison_-.---.-- DEMO iars ose ae 43 05 | 89 25 892 Struthers, Havele - =e Hind sossa=se9 Waupacca ..-..- 44 20 | 89 00 Underwood, Col. D.---| Menasha ...--.- Winnebago -.--- 4413} 88 18 Winkler, C., M. D----| Milwaukie_--.-- Milwaukie...... 43 04 | 87 57 5938 Walllard), J. 22.228 Janesville ...... RoGk,...- Sssse=e 42 42 | 89 91 768 MINNESOTA. Garnson,, Obie) iPrmcetones ace BeNLON ose5 =-25 45 50} 93 45 | Hillier, Spencer Ui:=-—= Wabashaw.----- Wabashaw...-.-- 44 30 | 92 15 850 Odell, Rey. Benj; He e2) Lake Winnibi-s|2- S22 22-5. ooo 47 30 | 94 40 goshish. Ripge Shien sse esos Heizlewoodtmerncimeser int see cee 45 95 30 | Walsh, Stephen_-_-.-- BUCHANAN ase a see ea ateraeree 47 33 92 00 Winteht wives sero JG}2H osha a Ss es Pembina -..-2-- 46 10 | 96 00 850 NEBRASKA. Byers Wim, Nese osos=| Omahanoo.-. 2-2 = Douglas: os-s—4< 4115 | 96 10 Hamilton, William-.--|} Bellevue .------ | Shia ea 41 08 | 95 50 KANSAS. Brown. GoW asses | Lawrence.....-- Douglass easeae | 38 58 | 95 12 800 Fish, Edmund---.----- | Council City ~---| Shawnee -...-.. | 38 42 | 95 50 Goodnow, Isaac T.---- | Manhattan ----- Rileyreeaseseas S 39 13 96 45 Himoe; S ©:,,M. D: <2) Mapleton==2=--— Bommbony=——--nsnenaetbaaubeags 1,194 12 Transportation for library.............0 nee 200 00 SLAC Yiveceivescnccscassascccsvacn dosent 1993, 92 67 $4,062 65 13,035 18: 11,051 52 68 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Explorationg,.).s.ansssevkteunceeears enue. $57 52 WOTICCtIOTB coe recs ens ce bes sais speieneeelien sae auea 49 78 Alcohol, jars, and museum incidentals..... 445 77 Transportation for MUSeUM. ............ee0eee 450 00 Assistance and labor in museum ............ . 500 00 Gallery 208 AT thd. ES ic6 sa» sninaheenee meeps decsiies 82 87 nae $6,999 81 Total Ex pendibare 2... o.cccscacsvcespsas€acacteenes te leccitee $35,149 16 The estimated income for the year 1857 was $38,290 14, exclusive of the balance in the hands of the Treasurer; the actual income ex- clusive of this balance was $38,326 14. The estimated expenditure amounted to $34,000, the actual ex- penditure to $35,149 16. The excess is due to unexpected repairs, necessary to the building in consequence of a very severe hail storm, which broke several thousand panes of glass, and otherwise injured the edifice ; and to the payment of the last unsettled account contracted by the architect for the gas pipes and fixtures. The expenditures, however, are less than the income for the year, leaving a total balance now in the hands of the Treasurer of $10,341 30. Of this sum, $5,000 are the remainder of the extra fund, ($125,000,) intended to be permanently invested, and the whole is at present re- _ quired for carrying on the operations of the Institution, until the receipt of the next semi-annual income. During the past year, the stocks purchased by the Institution tem- porarily declined in commercial value, but they are now selling at _ about the same prices as those at which they were bought. Fluctua- tions, however, of this character do not affect the income of the Insti- tution, since the amount of interest continues permanently the same. The committee respectfully submit the following estimate of the “receipts and expenditures for the year 1858: Receipts. _ Balance in the hands of the Treasurer January 1, 1858, (exclusive of $5,000 belonging to the extra fund)...... $5,341 30 Interest on the original fund for 1858...............eceeeeees 30,910 14 : Interest on the extra fund invested in State stocks......... 7,416 00 $43,667 44 Expenditures. BUILDING, FURNITURE AND FIXTURES, ETC. * Repairs and incidentals......c...1ss:cesseeeee ss $1,500 00 Furniture and fixtures in common.....,....... 500 00 “ Pe Stor libtarysieuvscstere 150 00 “ ys) for MUSEU, aces need 150 00 Magnetic Observatory.....ccssscessccesesssecosees 50 00 ons 9850000 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. GENERAL EXPENSES. Meetings of Board and committees ............ $300 Paemtine and ‘heatimgs. 6: .sccateicevsvedeelectee 600 cura kaise Segesensasons deditddaieddsicecdvsee 500 Transportation and exchange........seseccseees 2,500 Penna, SST RR casas dbses ps cos u PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. 75 referred to a committee, to examine and report upon on of the Board of Regents. Shancellor appointed Messrs. Mason, Pearce, Felton, ecommittee. — ~ ac sine die. | Wasurineton, January 20, 1858. ance with a resolution of the Board of Regents of the Institution, fixing the time of the beginning of their eting on the third Wednesday of January of each year, the et this day in the Regents’ room. orum being present, the Board adjourned to meet on Thurs- uary 28, 1858. THURSDAY, January 28, 1858. ting of the Board of Regents was held this day at 10 a. m., the Smithsonian Institution. : Present: Hon. John C. Breckinridge, Vice President of the United s, Hon. J. M. Mason, Hon. 8. A. Douglas, Hon. George E. x, Prof. A. D. Bache, Prof. C. C. Felton, Mr. Seaton, Treasurer, the ‘Godetory. ‘the absence of the Chancellor the Vice President was called to air. minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. peretary stated that, since the last meeting of the Board, the r of the House of Representatives had appointed Hon. William B ish, of Indiana, Hon. Benjamin Stanton, of Ohio, and Hon. hg |. Gartrell, of Georgia, as Regents for the term of their service as embers of the House. reasurer presented a statement of the receipts and expendi- during the year 1857, and also a general statement of the funds; ere referred to the Executive Committee. lowing communication was presented : Spit “Wasurnatoy, January 23, 1858. EM sn: The undersigned offers for sale, and respectfully sug- 0 ) your peeptabie aa the propriety of gta the gallery 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. He proposes to sell the whole collection described in the catalogue published by the Institution, one hundred and fifty-two in number » for the sum of twelve thousand dollars—one-third of the same cash and the remainder at two equal annual instalments; or, if it should be preferred, one-fourth down and the residue in three equal annual instalments. The undersigned commenced his labors in this work in 1842, and devoted the best years of his life in travelling through the region of our country peopled principally by the red man—through the wilds of Oregon and what is now Washington Territory. All of the por- traits are accurate likenesses of prominent chiefs and braves, and readily recognized by men who have had intercourse with the various tribes of Indians. Since 1852 he has cherished the hope (but has not been able to realize it) that Congress would authorize the purchase of this collec- _ tion. He has, up to this time, made sacrifices—such as one believing in the merit of his own work, and whose zeal in persevering through arduous and unremitting toil to accomplish it, alone would make—to keep this collection together. He will not affect the modesty of refraining from expressing his belief that no other gallery (aside from what artistic merit the public may award it)-possesses the interest, in a national point of view, that this does. Some of the chiefs repre- sented are no longer living; and, to the little we know of their history — it will be some satisfaction to add the perpetuation of their features. These were taken from life and in the character they themselves pre- ferred to be handed down to the gaze of future generations. The price at which he offers this collection will not more than cover the outlay in cost of material, transportation, insurance, travelling expenses, &c., and will not afford him any compensation for his time and labor. Taking, as he humbly conceives, the intrinsic value of these Indian portraits into consideration, he will receive no pecuniary profit by their disposal on the terms named. His ardent desire that they should be preserved, as a national work, in some place at the capital of our country ; his failure heretofore to induce Congress to agree to their purchase, and the more pressing reasons of liabilities now maturing, impel him to make this proposi- tion. Your honorable Board are again requested to consider it and communicate your answer at as early a day as is convenient. If the purchase of the portraits is not authorized by you, he will be com- PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. at pelled to expose them at public auction in time to have the proceeds available by the 1st of May next. — The undersigned will take this occasion to tender his acknowledg- ments to the Board and Professor Henry for the use of the hall in the Institution where the gallery now is, and for other courtesies, which he will always appreciate. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. M. STANLEY. The Hon. Boarp or Recents of the Smithsonian Institution. On motion, this communication was referred to a special committee, and Messrs. Felton, Douglas, and Badger were appointed. The Secretary laid before the Board a present from Miss Contaxaki, of Greece, consisting of a volume of drawings, &c., illustrating the celebrated works of art in her own land, together with the following letters : Wasuineton, November 23, 1857. Sir: During my last trip to the east I was charged by Miss Eliza- beth B. Contaxaki, a native of the isle of Crete, with an ‘‘ ornamental album,’’ which she desired me to present, through you, to the Smith- sonian Institution. In forming the work, this lady designed it as a contribution to the Universal Exhibition at Paris, in 1855, worthy of the classic renown of the ancient city of Athens. So ardent is her admiration of the United States and its institutions that she wishes it to be permanently placed in this country, and having a high appre- ciation, of you as an American statesman, and your reputation as a classical scholar, she desired that I would request you to offer it in her name to the Smithsonian Institution. The ‘‘ Classical Bouquet,’’ as it is entitled, consists of illustrations of the principal monuments and places in the kingdom of Greece, to which are added a few from her native isle of Crete, not yet emanci- pated from the Moslem yoke. These illustrations are explained by quotations from the ancient Greek authors in the original language, beautifully illuminated ; whilst many of the pages are adorned with flowers culled from'the spots which the drawings represent. Miss Contaxaki is the sole originator and authoress of it, assisted in its execution by native artists of Greece. The beauty of the finish, and the faithfulness and accuracy of the quotations from Hesiod, Homer, Xenophon, Plato, and others, show that the present sons and 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. daughters of the renowned ancient city of Minerva are not insensible of the glory that was once attached to her name, nor incapable of appreciating those monuments of art, science, and literature which still survive. Feeling assured that, as an eminent classical scholar, you will fully appreciate the worth of the Classical Bouquet, I beg to present it, through you, to the Smithsonian Institution, in her name. With sentiments of the highest respect, I remain your obedient servant, CHAS. 8S. SPENCE. Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of State. Wasuineton City, November 25, 1857. Sir: I send you herewith a splendid album, together with a letter from Mr. Spence, explanatory of the circumstances of its execution and transmission to this country. I perform the duty of presenting it to the Smithsonian Institution with great pleasure, for it is a finished specimen of taste and art, worthy of a prominent place in your inter- esting collection. Mr. Spence has so well described it that any further reference to it on my part is unnecessary. I am, dear sir, respectfully yours, LEWIS CASS. Prof. HEnry, Smithsonian Institution, Washington City. On motion, the work was referred to Professor Felton, to report a resolution expressive of the high appreciation of the gift on the part of the Board, and a letter of acknowledgment to Miss Contaxaki. A letter was read from Sir George Simpson, expressing the desire and intention of the agents of the Hudson’s Bay Company to co- operate with the Smithsonian Institution in procuring specimens of natural history, and in the prosecution of scientific researches. The Board then adjourned to meet on Saturday, 30th instant, at 11 o'clock, a. m. SATURDAY, January 30, 1858. The Board of Regents met this day in the hall of the Institution at 11 o’clock a. m. Present: Hon. J. C. Breckinridge, Vice President of the United States, Hon. J. A. Pearce, Hon. J. M. Mason, Hon. 8. A. Douglas, Hon. W. H. English, Professor A. D. Bache, Professor C. C. Felton, Mr. Seaton, Treasurer, and the Secretary. PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. 19 The Vice President took the chair. The minutes were then read and approved. The minutes of the last meeting of the ‘‘ Establishment’’ were read for information, according to the by-laws of that body. The Secretary stated to the Board the action of Congress at its last session relative to the construction of cases in the Smithsonian building for the government collections, and also the decision of the Attorney General respecting the law. The Secretary then presented the annual report of the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution during the year 1857; | which was read. The Board then visited the rooms of the building, the collections, &c., and adjourned. Wasuineton, April 10, 1858. The Board of Regents met this day at 11 o’clock a. m. Present: Hon. J. M. Mason, Hon. 8. A. Douglas, Hon. George E. Badger, Hon. Benj. Stanton, Hon. L. J. Gartrell. Mr. Mason was called to the chair. The.minutes were read and approved. The report of the Building Committee for the year 1857 was read and accepted. The report of the Executive Committee was presented, together with the estimates for the year 1858. Communications relative to the care of the government collections, the Wynn estate, the publications, investigations, and other opera- tions of the Institution, were read. On motion of Mr. Badger, the Secretary was directed to have the windows and other parts of the east wing of the building put in good order. The following report from Professor Felton was presented : REPORT ON THE PRESENT OF MISS CONTAXAKI. The Secretary laid before the Board a volume received from Greece, and sent as a gift to the Smithsonian Institution, together with the letter of the Hon. Mr. Spence, late United States minister to Con- stantinople, to the Secretary of State, and the letter of the Hon. Lewis Cass, the Secretary of State, to Professor Henry, the Secretary of the Institution. The volume and the correspondence were referred to Professor Felton. The volume was transmitted from Athens, Greece, through Mr. 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. Spence. It was designed and executed by a Greek lady of rare liter- ary accomplishments, Miss Elizabeth B. Contaxaki, assisted by six Greek gentlemen, resident in Athens. It contains sketches of the principal ruins in that city, and views of the most famous historical places there and in other parts of Greece, correctly drawn and deli- cately colored, together with the passage, from the classic authors, in which the objects and places are described or referred to, transla- tions of the passages, and extracts from English and French writers on the same subjects. The book is adorned with exquisitely drawn vignettes, and emblematic devices, and with specimens of the wild flowers which grow in the places described, carefully preserved, pressed, and attached to the leaves. The volume is bound in blue velvet, and tastefully decorated with silver. It is put in an elegantly and richly carved case, made of olive wood, from the olive groves near Athens, where stood, in ancient times, the academic groves of Plato’s school. The body of the case is made of the trunk of the tree, and the ornamental portions, of the root, which is of darker and richer color. This beautiful gift, therefore, combines a great variety of objects, possessing, from their associations with the loftiest achieve- ments of Hellenic genius, a deep and singular interest, and forming a most appropriate memorial of the country from which European art, education, philosophy, and letters took their rise. Miss Contaxaki, the tasteful designer of this memorial, is a native of the island of Crete. At the time of the outbreak of the Greek revolution, her father was a landed proprietor there, and, in common with the great body of the Hellenic race, lost most of his property by the rapacity and tyranny of the Turks. His family was dispersed, and his daughter Elizabeth became an inmate in the family of the Rev. Dr. John H. Hill, the American missionary, who established himself in Athens, at the close of the war, for the benevolent and enlightened purpose of aiding the Greeks to reconstruct the shattered edifice of civilization, by establishing the school, which still continues to dispense the blessings of education among the children of its first pupils in that illustrious capital. Residing with Dr. Hill for many years, and educated chiefly under his superintendence and care, Eliza- beth became known to many American travellers in the Hast, by whom she has often been mentioned with a cordial appreciation of her accomplishments and merits. Their personal relations have naturally inspired her with a warm interest in the United States, heightened by the sympathies of the citizens of America in the regeneration of her country, and the substantial aid furnished by them to Greece in PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. 81 the hour of her utmost need. Recently Miss Contaxaki, after a visit to Constantinople, where she was received with distinction, has re- turned to her native island, which is under the government of the Pacha of Egypt, and, by her learning and ability, has succeeded in recovering, through the Moslem tribunal, a portion of her paternal estate. The volume now presented to the Smithsonian Institution was sent to the great Paris Exhibition of 1855, where it excited much admira- tion, and gained a diploma for its accomplished author. She has now transmitted it for permanent deposit among the treasures of the Smithsonian Institution in the United States. The Regents of the Institution accept the gift with great pleasure, not only on account of its rare beauty, its intrinsic value, and the many interesting associations it suggests with that famous city, called by Milton ‘‘ the eye of Greece, mother of art and arms,’’ but also as an expressive symbol of the hearty good will for the American republic, cherished by the enlightened spirit of a nation which has so honorably vindicated its right to the glories of an illustrious descent by re-establishing the institutions of freedom and learning on the soil where, in ancient times, they earliest flourished, and with uunex- ampled splendor. The committee recommends the adoption of the following resolu- tions by the Board: Resolved, That the regents of the Smithsonian Institution ac- cept, with gratitude, the splendid memorial volume presented by Miss Elizabeth B. Contaxaki, and that they recognize, in the beauty, taste, and art displayed in its general execution and style of its embellish- ment, a pleasing indication that the genius which placed the ancient Greeks at the head of the civilization of the world still survives in their descendants. Resolved, That a copy of the above report, and of these resolutions, be transmitted, with a letter of acknowledgment from the Smithsonian Institution, to Miss Contaxaki, the accomplished donor. On motion, the report was accepted and the resolutions adopted. The Board then adjourned. WEDNESDAY, May 19, 1858. The Board met this day in the Vice President’s room, United States Capitol, at 94 o’clock. Present: The Chancellor, Hon. Roger B. Taney, Hon. John C. Breckinridge, Vice President of the United States, Hon. J. M. Mason, 6s 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. Hon. J. A. Pearce, Hon. 8. A. Douglas, Hon. W. H. English, Hon, Benjamin Stanton, Prof. A. D. Bache, and the Secretary. The minutes were read and approved. Mr. Pearce explained the report of the Executive Committee and the estimates for the year 1858, and, on motion, they were adopted. The following report was presented from Prof. Felton, of the com- mittee to whom was referred the communication of Mr. J. M. Stanley: REPORT ON THE PROPOSITION TO PURCHASE THE INDIAN GALLERY. ~ The Secretary laid before the Board a letter from Mr. J. M. Stanley, painter of the gallery of Indian portraits, now on deposit with the Smithsonian Institution, proposing to sell them to the Institution for the sum of twelve thousand dollars. The committee appointed to consider and report upon the subject respectfully represent that, while they are fully sensible of the great historical and ethnological value of this collection of portraits, and of their characteristic excellence, they are yet of opinion that it would be inexpedient to withdraw the sum mentioned from the funds necessary to carry on the scheme of active operations, which has been so ably inaugurated and, thus far, so successfully executed. The income of the Smithsonian fund should not be scattered among differ- ent and disconnected objects, and the sum necessary for the purchase of the gallery cannot be spared, without crippling for a time, at least, the regular operations of the Institution. Among the Contributions to Knowledge several important works relating to the aboriginal inhabitants of America have been published by the Institution and circulated over the civilized world. Grammars and dictionaries of the Indian languages may be men- tioned as of special interest, and of great value to the science of com- parative philology. Their language will probably pass away, and the races speaking them disappear; but the works to which we allude will preserve, for future investigators of the science of philology, the characteristic form in which their thoughts were expressed, and will have an important bearing, not only on general ethnological inquiries, but on the philosophy of the human mind. These volumes have been eagerly sought and studied by the most eminent compara- tive philologists of Europe, and have, by universal consent, contri- buted materially to the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men in that department of science. But though your committee are of opinion that the purckase of this PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. 83 gallery would interfere with the present plan of operations, and that it would not so directly tend to the increase and diffusion of know- ledge, they would earnestly express the opinion that, in a national point of view, the value of these portraits can hardly be over- estimated. They represent forty-three different tribes, and are taken from the leading personages in them. The artist has studied carefully the peculiarities of the tribes, the characteristic expressions of the in- dividuals, their natural attitudes and actions, their several styles of costume and ornament, and has reproduced, with artistic skill, all these particulars. To this interesting enterprise he has given ten of the best years of his life, having traversed, with great labor and incon- venience, the principal regions inhabited by the subjects of his pencil. The number of portraits, including that of the artist, enumerated in the catalogue, is one hundred and fifty-two. The price for which they are offered is much below their real value, being less than $80 apiece. At the proposed rate the artist will receive no compensation for his time and labor, and barely enough to defray the cost of material, transportation, travelling expenses and insurance. The number of the tribes represented so faithfully in this gallery, and the prominence of the individuals, render the collection very complete and satisfactory, as presenting a general view of the charac- teristic features of the red man. These circumstances make it important that the gallery should be preserved entire. Its peculiar value con- sists in its comprehensive character no less than in the fidelity of the individual details. Centuries hence, when most all of the tribes here represented shall have disappeared, as the New England tribes, for example, have nearly disappeared, this gallery will be an object of .the profoundest interest to the student of man, the historian, the philosopher, and the statesman. The relations between the government o! the United States and the Indian tribes form one of the most delicate and important subjects of national legislation. The government has not only endeavored to deal with the red men in a liberal and paternal spirit, but has done much towards illustrating their character and condition by the pub- lication of costly works embodying the observations and researches of investigators who have devoted themselves to Indian studies. It appears to your committee that to purchase this collection, and to place it in some secure situation easy of access to visitors at the capital, would be an act worthy of the enlightened liberality of Con- 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. gress. The cost would be insignificant, and the value of the collection would increase in all future time. No place is so suitable for its permanent deposit as the city of Washington, and no guardianship so appropriate as that of the government of the United States. Your committee recommend to the Board that the subject of the purchase of Mr. Stanley’s Indian gallery be brought respectfully to the attention of Congress, as a measure eminently deserving a favor- able consideration in its bearings upon the history of the aboriginal tribes of America, and as a monument of deep and lasting interest to the people of the United States. The report was accepted, and laid on the table for the present. The Secretary stated that Mr. Putnam having resigned the agency of the Smithsonian publications in New York,|Messrs. D. Appleton & Co. had been appointed his successors. The Secretary announced that since the last meeting of the Board the death of Dr. Rozert Haru, of Philadelphia, had occurred, who was one of the principal benefactors of the Institution, and its first honorary member. Professor Bache gave an account of the life, character, and scientific researches of Dr. Hare, and offered the following resolutions : Resolved, That the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution have learned with deep regret the decease of one of the earliest and most venerated honorary members of the establishment, Robert Hare, M.D., of Philadelphia, late professor of chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania. Resolved, That the activity and power of mind of Dr. Hare, shown through a long and successful career of physical research, the great fertility of invention, the happy adaptations to matters of practical life, and the successful grappling with questions of high theory in physical science, have placed him among the first in his country of the great contributors to knowledge, clarum et venerabile nomen. Resolved, That while we deplore the loss of this great and good man, who has done so much to keep alive the flame of science in our country in past days, we especially mourn the generous patron of our Institution, the sympathizing friend of the youth of some of us, and the warm-hearted colleague of our manhood. Resolved, That we offer to the bereaved family of Dr. Hare our sincere condolence in the loss which they have sustained by his death. The resolutions were adopted. The report of the Secretary for 1857 was then accepted. PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. 85 Professor Felton, in behalf of the special committee to whom the following communication of Professor Henry of March 16, 1857, together with accompanying documents, &c., were referred, presenteg @ report. COMMUNICATION FROM PROF. HENRY, SECRETARY OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, RELATIVE TO A PUBLICATION BY PROF. MORSE. GENTLEMEN: In the discharge of the important and responsible duties which devolve upon me as Secretary of the Smithsonian Insti- tution, I have found myself exposed, like other men in public positions, to unprovoked attack and injurious misrepresentation. Many instances of this, it may be remembered, occurred about two years ago, during the discussions relative to the organic policy of the Institution ; but, though very unjust, they were suffered to pass unnoticed, and gene- rally made, I presume, no lasting impression on the public mind. During the same controversy, however, there was one attack made upon me of such a nature, so elaborately prepared and widely circu- lated, by my opponents, that, though I have not yet publicly noticed it, I have from the first thought it my duty not to allow it to go un- answered. I allude to an article in a periodical entitled ‘‘ Shaffner’s Telegraph Companion,’’ from the pen of Prof. 8. F. B. Morse, the celebrated inventor of the American electro-magnetic telegraph. In this, not my scientific reputation merely, but my moral character was pointedly assailed ; indeed, nothing less was attempted than to prove that in the testimony which I had given in a case where I was at most but a reluctant witness, I had consciously and wilfully deviated from the truth, and this, too, from unworthy and dishonorable motives. Such a charge, coming from such a quarter, appeared to me then, as it appears now, of too grave a character and too serious a coasequence to be withheld from the notice of the Board of Regents. I, therefore, presented the matter unofficially to the Chancellor of the Institution, Chief Justice Taney, and was advised by him to allow the matter to rest until the then existing excitement with respect to the organiza- tion of the Institution should subside, and that in the meantime the materials for a refutation of the charge might be collected and pre- pared, to be brought forward at the proper time, if I should think it necessary. The article of Mr. Morse was published in 1855, but at the session of the Board in 1856 I was not prepared to present the case properly 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. to your consideration, and I now (1857) embrace the first opportunity of bringing the subject officially to your notice, and asking from you an investigation into the justice of the charges alleged against me. And this I do most earnestly, with the desire that when we shall all have passed from this stage of being, no imputation of having at- tempted to evadeinsilence so grave a charge shall rest on me, nor on you, of having continued to devolve upon me duties of the highest respon- sibility, after that was known to some of you individually, which, if true, should render me entirely unworthy of your confidence. Duty to the Board of Regents, as well as regard to my own memory, to my family, and to the truth of history, demands that I should lay thi matter before you, and place in your hands the documents necessary to establish the veracity of my testimony, so falsely impeached, and the integrity of my motives, so wantonly assailed. My life, as is known to you, has been principally devoted to science, and my investigations in different branches of physics have given me some reputation in the line of original discovery. I have sought, however, no patent for inventions, and solicited no remuneration for my labors, but have freely given their results to the world, expecting only, in return, to enjoy the consciousness of having added, by my in- vestigations, to the sum of human knowledge, and to receive the credit to which they might justly entitle me. I commenced my scientific career about the year 1828, with a series of experiments in electricity, which were continued at intervals up to the period of my being honored by election to the office of Secretary of this Institution. The object of my researches was the advancement of science, without any special or immediate reference to its applica- tion to the wants of life or useful purposes in the arts. It is true, nev- ertheless, that some of my earlier investigations had an important bearing on the electro-magnetic telegraph, and brought the science to that point of development at which it was immediately applicable to Mr. Morse’s particular invention. In 1831 I published a brief account of these researches, in which I drew attention to the fact of their applicability to the telegraph ; and in 1832, and subsequently, exhibited experiments illustrative of the application of the electro-magnet to the transmission of power to a distance, for producing telegraphic and other effects. The results I had published were communicated to Mr. Morse, by his scientific assistant, Dr. Gale, as will be shown on the evidence of the latter ; and the facts which I had discovered were promptly applied in render- ing effective the operation of his machine. PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. 87 In the latter part of 1837 I became personally acquainted with Mr. Morse, and at that time, and afterwards, freely gave him information in regard to the scientific principles which had been the subject of my investigations. After his return from Europe, in 1839, our intercourse was renewed, and continued uninterrupted till 1845. In that year, Mr. Vail, a partner and assistant of Mr. Morse, published a work pur- porting to be a history of the Telegraph, in which I conceived manifest injustice was done me. I complained of this to a mutual friend, and subsequently received an assurance from Mr. Morse that if another edition were published, all just ground of complaint should be removed, A new emission of the work, however, shortly afterwards appeared, without change in this respect, or further reference to my labors. Still I made no public complaint, and set up no claims on account of the telegraph. I was content that my published researches should remain as material for the history of science, and be pronounced upon, accord- ing to their true value, by the scientific world. After this, a series of controversies and lawsuits having arisen be- tween rival claimants for telegraphic patents, I was repeatedly ap- pealed to, to act as expert and witness in such cases. This I uniformly declined to do, not wishing to be in any manner involved in these lit- igations, but was finally compelled, under legal process, to return to Boston from Maine, whither I had gone on a visit, and to give evi- dence on the subject. My testimony was given with the statement that I was not a willing witness, and that I labored under the disadvantage of not having access to my notes and papers, which were in Washing- ton. That testimony, however, I now reaffirm to be true in every essential particular. It was unimpeached before the court, and exer- cised an influence on the final decision of the question at issue. I was called upon on that occasion to state, not only what I had pub- lished, but what I had done, and what I had shown to others in regard to the telegraph. It was my wish, in every statement, to render Mr. Morse full and scrupulous justice. While I was constrained, there- fore, to state that he had made no discoveries in science, I distinctly declared that he was entitled to the merit of combining and applying the discoveries of others, in the invention of the best practical form of the magnetic telegraph. My testimony tended to establish the fact that, though not entitled to the exclusive use of the electro-magnet for telegraphic purposes, he was entitled to his particular machine, register, alphabet, &c. Asthis, however, did not meet the full requirements of Mr. Morse’s comprehensive claim, I could not but be aware that, while 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. aiming to depose nothing but truth and the whole truth, and while so doing being obliged to speak of my own discoveries, and to allude to the omissions in Mr. Vail’s book, I might expose myself to the possible, and, as it has proved, the actual, danger of having my motives mis- construed and my testimony misrepresented. But I can truly aver, in accordance with the statement of the counsel, Mr. Chase, (now governor of Ohio,) that I had no desire to arrogate to myself undue merit, or to detract from the just claims of Mr. Morse. I have the honor to be your obedient servant, JOSEPH HENRY. To THE Boarp or REGENTs. The Chancellor, Chief Justice Taney, corroborated Prof. Henry’s statement as to his advising a delay in noticing the publication re- ferred to until the public mind should be more settled in regard to the policy of the Institution, and the discussions which had arisen in Congress in reference to it should be ended. He stated that it would be seen by the report of the decision of the Supreme Court, in the case in which Professor Henry was a witness, that, in the opinion of the court, Professur Morse had produced no testimony that could invalidate the testimony of Professor Henry, or impair in any degree its weight, and gave full credit to it in the udgment it pronounced. REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS ON THE COMMUNICATION OF PROFESSOR HENRY. Professor Henry laid before the Board of Regents of the Smithso- nian Institution a communication relative to an article in Shaffner’s Telegraph Companion, bearing the signature of Samusn F’. B. Morss, the inventor of the American electro-magnetic telegraph. In this article serious charges are brought against Professor Henry, bearing upon his scientific reputation and his moral character. The whole matter having been referred to a committee of the Board, with in- structions to report on the same, the committee have attended to the duty assigned to them, and now submit the following brief report, with resolutions accompanying it. The committee have carefully examined the documents relating to the subject, and especially the article to which the communication of Professor Henry refers. This article occupies over ninety pages, filling an entire number of Shaffner’s Journal, and purports to be ‘‘a defence PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. 89 against the injurious deductions drawn from the deposition of Professor Joseph Henry, (in the several telegraph suits,) with a critical review of said deposition, and an examination of Professor Henry’s alleged discoveries bearing upon the electro-magnetic telegraph.”’ The first thing which strikes the reader of this article is, that its title isa misnomer. It is simply an assault upon Professor Henry ; an attempt to disparage his character ; to deprive him of his honors as a scientific discoverer ; to impeach his credibility as a witness and his integrity as a man. It is a disingenuous piece of sophistical argument, such as an unscrupulous advocate might employ to pervert the truth, misrepresent the facts, and misinterpret the language in which the facts belonging to the other side of the case are stated. Mr. Morse charges that the deposition of Professor Henry ‘‘con< tains imputations against his (Morse’s) personal character,’’? which it does not, and assumes it as a duty ‘‘to expose the utter non- reliability of Professor Henry’s testimony;’’ that testimony being supported by the most competent authorities, and by the history of scientific discovery. He asserts that he ‘‘is not indebted to him (Professor Henry) for any discovery in science bearing on the tele- graph,’”’ he having himself acknowledged such indebtedness in the most unequivocal manner, and the fact being independently substan- tiated by the testimony of Sears C. Wanker, and the statement of Mr. Morse’s own associate, Dr. Gate. Mr. Morse further maintains, that all discoveries bearing upon the telegraph were made, not by Professor Henry, but by others, and prior to any experiments of Pro- fessor Henry in the science of electro-magnetism ; contradicting in this proposition the facts in the history of scientific discovery perfectly established and recognized throughout the scientific world. The essence of the charges against. Prof. Henry is, that he gave false testimony in his deposition in the telegraph cases, and that he has claimed the credit of discoveries in the sciences bearing upon the electro-magnetic telegraph which were made by previous investigators ; in other words, that he has falsely claimed what does not belong to him, but does belong to others. Professor Henry, as a private man, might safely have allowed such charges to pass in silence. But standing in the important position which he occupies, as the chief executive officer of the Smithsonian In- stitution; and regarding the charges as undoubtedly containing an impeachment of his moral character, as well as of his scientific repu- tation ; and justly sensitive, not only for his own honor, but for the honor of the Institution, he has a right to ask this Board to consider $0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. the subject, and to make their conclusions a matter of record, which may be appealed to hereafter should any question arise with regard to his conduct in the premises. Your committee do not conceive it to be necessary to follow Mr. Morse through all the details of his elaborate attack. Fortunately, a plain statement of a few leading facts will be sufficient to place the essential points of the case in a clear light. The deposition already referred to was reluctantly given, and under the compulsion of legal process, by Prof. Henry, before the Hon. Geo. S. Hillard, United States commissioner, on the Tth of September, 1849. The following is the statement of the Hon. S. P. Cuasz, (now gov- ernor of Ohio,) one of the counsel in the telegraph cases, in a letter to Professor Henry, dated Columbus, Ohio, November 26, 1856: In the year 1849, I was professionally employed in the defence of certain gentlemen engaged in the business of telegraphing between Louisville and New Orleans, against whom a bill of complaint had been filed in the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of Kentucky. The object of the bill was to restrain the defendants, my clients, from the use in telegraphing of a certain instrument called the Columbian Telegraph, on the ground that it was an infringe- ment upon the rights of the complainants under the patents granted to Professor Morse. It therefore became my duty, in the preparation of their defence, to ascertain the precise nature and extent of their rights. With this view I called upon you, in August or September of that year, for your deposition. It was taken before George SB. Hillard, esq., a United States commissioner for the district of Massa- chusetts, in Boston. L[remember very well that you were unwilling to be involved in the controversy, even as a witness, and that you only submitted to be examined in compliance with the requirements of law. Not one of your statements was volunteered. They wereall called out by questions propounded either verbally or in writing. I was not suf- ficiently familiar at the time with the precise merits of the case to know what would or would not be important, and therefore insisted on a full statement, not merely of the general history of electro-magnet- ism as applied to telegraphing, but of all your own discoveries in that science having relation to the same art, and of all that had passed between yourself and Professor Morse connected with these discoveries or with the telegraph. Youcould not have refused to respond to the questions propounded, without subjecting yourself to judicial animad- version and constraint. Nothing in what you testified, or your manner of testifying, suggested to me the idea that you were animated by any desire to arrogate undue merit to yourself, or to detract from the just claims of Professor Morse. 8. P. CHASE. Previous to this deposition, Mr. Morse, as appears from his own letters and statements, entertained for Prof. Henry the warmest feel- Ings of personal regard, and the highest esteem for his character as a PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS. 91 scientific man. In a letter, dated April 24, 1839, he thanks Prof, Henry for a copy of his ‘‘ valuable contributions,’’ and says, ‘‘I per- ceive many things (in the contributions) of great interest to me in my telegraphic enterprise.’’ Again, in the same letter, speaking of an intended visit to the Professor at Princeton, he says: ‘‘I should come as a learner, and could bring no ‘contributions’ to your stock of ex- periments of any value.’’ And still further: ‘‘ I think that you have pursued an origina) course of experiments, and discovered facts more immediately bearing upon my invention than any that have been published abroad.”’ It appears, from Mr. Morse’s own statement, that he had at least two interviews with Prof. Henry—one in May, 1839, when he passed the afternoon and night with him, at Princeton ; and another in Feb- ruary, 1844—both of them for the purpose of conferring with him on subjects relating to the telegraph, and evidently with the conviction, on Mr. Morse’s part, that Prof. Henry’s investigations were of great importance to the success of the telegraph. As late as 1846, after Mr. \forse had learned that some dissatisfac- tion existed in Prof. Henry’s mind in regard to the manner in which his researches in electricity had been passed over by Mr. Vail, an assistant of Mr. Morse, and the author of a history of the American magnetic telegraph, Mr. Morse, in an interview with Prof. Henry, at Washington, said, according to his own account, ‘* Well, Prof. Henry, I will take the earliest opportunity that is afforded me in anything I may publish to have justice done to your labors; for I do not think that justice has been done you, either in Europe or this country.”’ Again, in 1848, when Prof. Walker, of the Coast Survey, made his report on the theory of Morse’s electro-magnetic telegraph, in which the expression occurred, ‘‘ the helix of a soft iron magnet, prepared after the manner first pointed out by Prof. Henry,’’ Mr. Morse, to whom the report was submitted, said: ‘‘I have now the long wished for opportunity to do justice publicly to Henry’s dis- covery bearing on the telegraph.’’ Andina note prepared by him, and intended to be printed with Prof. Walker’s report, he says: “ <<>> m\ SS Lg by pay SS AS FP?) 4A /\ = Sess SS Saat | original field. Whether, however, the strata retain their original horizontality, or are thrown into basins by igneous agency, seldom or never do we find the whole of the original mass deposited. A large portion has been carried away by aqueous agency. From this cause a large coal field, covering many thousands of square miles, may exist only in the form of isolated mountains or detached basins of coal strata, as in the accompanying figures, where all the mass represented by the dotted lines has been carried away by denuding agencies. Thus, for instance, nearly the whole of Illinois was originally occupied by a vast coal field, but little disturbed by igneous agency, but by far the larger portion of the coal strata of this immense field was carried away by denuding agencies. You will observe, then, the striking difference in mode of occur- rence between metallic ores and coal. The former are associated with rocks of every age, except, perhaps, the tertiary; the latter almost exclusively confined to those of a particular age. The former exist in the form of veins intersecting the strata, the latter in the form of seams parallel with the strata. The former extend indefinitely down- wards, the latter horizontally. The former are the result of igneous agency, the latter of sedimentary deposit. Ignorance of this simple but radical difference has been the cause of much pecuniary loss, and seems not yet entirely eradicated. When, for instance, some years ago it was rumored in the streets of Philadelphia that the bottom of the Mauch Chunk Summit mine was reached, there was an universal panic, and stocks in coal mines went down enormously, not knowing that the continuation of coal seams was to be looked for horizontally rather than vertically. This simple rule, when taken in connexion with the one previously enunciated, viz: that a coal seam throughout its whole extent is attended both above and below by the same strata, would render the identification of coal seams, and the tracing of them across valleys from hillside to hillside, a matter of little difficulty, were it not for 128 LECTURES dislocation of the strata, producing what are called faults, slips, or troubles. In the accompanying figures, for instance, the strata have Fig. 7. Fig. 8. been displaced by the elevation of one part of the field more than another. This is not conspicuous on the surface, because all has been cut down to one level by aqueous agencies. The supposed configura- tion of surface immediately after such unequal elevation is represented by the dotted outline ; the strong line represents the present configu- ration of surface. All between these, therefore, represents the amount of matter carried away by denuding agencies. These faults occur very often in coal fields, and are a source of serious annoyance to the miner. I have taken here the simplest case of dislocation. The difficulty becomes very much greater when, instead of being horizontal, the strata are highly and variously inclined. In such cases the skill and knowledge of the geologist is often tasked to the utmost. I have said that while metallic veins extend indefinitely downwards, coal seams for the most part are extended horizontally, or nearly so. Sometimes, however, coal seams may appear, like metallic veins, to extend downwards. This is the case in highly inclined and particu- larly in vertical strata, as in the accompanying sketch of the anthracite coal field of Pennsylvania. In such cases, however, as well as in Fig. 9. ms Pan AON gs) At ily \ & every other, it will be observed that the seams are strictly parallel with the strata, that the strata have been elevated to a vertical posi- tion by igneous agency, and the included coal seams have been raised with them, still maintaining their relative position. The thickness of coal seams varies from a few lines to many feet ; sometimes they exist as sheets as thin as paper, in others in masses 30 or 40 feet thick. A single seam of pure coal, however, is seldom more than 6 or 8 feet thick. It is true that in France and in the anthracite region of Pennsylvania they are said to occur 60 or 70 feet thick, or even more, but upon close examination such mammoth seams wiil be found to consist of two or more seams, separated by thin laminz of slate; too thin, however, to form a roof, and, therefore, the several seams are wrought together as one. The number of seams occurring in one locality and separated by interstratified sandstone and shale is sometimes as great as one hundred, and their aggregate thickness one hundred and fifty feet. Enormous as is this mass of carbonaceous matter, it is but a small fraction of the entire mass of the coal strata. The thickest and purest ON COAL. 129 Seams are generally near the middle of this series ; as if the conditions necessary for the formation of coal had gradually come into existence and as gradually disappeared; that there were two poles and an equator belonging to this time-world—a morn, noon, and evening to this geological day. We have spoken thus far only of the thickness of coal strata and of coal seams; but it is impossible to form a correct idea of the amount of matter contained in these strata or in these seams without taking into account also their horizontal extent. Coal is very widely dis- tributed over the world, although some countries are more favored than others. England, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden, Poland, and Russia have their beds of coal. It is also found abun- dantly in Asia, Africa, and South America; but no where is the coal formation more extensively displayed than in the United States, and no where are its beds of greater thickness, more convenient for work- ing, or of more valuable quality. There are within the limits of the United States no less than four coal fields of enormous dimensions. One of these, the Appalachian coal field, commences on the north, in Pennsylvania and Ohio, sweeping south through western Virginia Fig. 10. U.S. oe America CoatArea 133500, Sg-Miles eee Brit. Amer.'Gr. Brit. 'Spain | France Belgimn. 18000 me60 =}: 3408 Sy. 7 1719 : ols Sgm | Sg.m 1 ! 1 i 1 ! ! ' 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! I ! | ! { 1 1 1 and eastern Kentucky, Tennessee, extends even into Alabama. lis area is estimated at about 60,000 square miles. A second occupies the greater portion of Illinois and Indiana; in extent almost equal to * Recent estimates by Marcou and by H. D. Rodgers make the coal area of the United States near 200,000 square miles. : 95s 130 LECTURES the Appalachian. A third covers the greater portion of Missouri, while a fourth occupies the greater portion of Michigan. Just out of the limits of the United States, in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, there is still a fifth, occupying, according to Mr. Lyell, an area of 36,000 square miles. Besides these there are several others of less extent. If we now compare the relative coal areas of the principal coal pro- ducing countries, the superiority of our own will be still conspicuous. The following diagrams represent these relative areas in a more in- telligible form than could be done by mere figures. But if, on the other hand, we compare in the same manner the relative annual production of the same countries, we will find the order very different. Fig. 11. Geeab ene. Annual Production 31.500000 Tons Belgium United, States France 4.960.000 4.400.000 4.341.600 Tons Tons Tons It will be seen that the annual production of coal in Great Britain is more than seven times that of the United States, although her coal area is so much less. It is estimated that even at this enormous rate of production the coal fields of Great Britain will yet last for 500 years. There is little danger, then, that ours will fail us shortly. Now industry, as the basis of the organization of society, forms the distinguishing feature of modern civilization. Coal is the very aliment of industry. The material prosperity of any country may therefore be tolerably accurately estimated by the amount of coal consumed. ON COAL. 131 According to this method of estimation, Great Britain is superior to all other countries in actual material civilization. But if the con- sumption of coal is a measure of the actua civilization of a country, the amount of coal area represents its potential civilization. How far are we superior to all other countries in this respect! Whata glorious destiny awaits us in the future—a destiny already predetermined in the earliest geological history of the earth. One more remark andl am done. It is certain that, as manu- facturing and productive industry take root and flourish almost ex- clusively in cool and temperate climates, so also in them do the coal formations prevail in the greatest abundance. Our scientific maps and investigations confirm the one, and national statistics the other, Almost all the true coal of the world is found in the north temperate zone. Thus the climates which are most congenial to laborious occu- pations, the latitudes best adapted to the vigorous growth of industrial civilization, are precisely those where, fortunately, have been placed. the materials of labor, the aliment of industry. Fortunately did I say? No; this has not been the result of blind chance, but of deliberate providential design. We have here a sublime illustration of that all-comprehensive foreknowledge which foresees and designs the end from the beginning ; of that immutability which changes not, but only unfolds its eternal plans; of that unity in the system of time-worlds of which I have already spoken, our own epoch being the. sun and centre. THEORIES OF THE COAL. There is no point connected with the coal which has been the subject of so much discussion as the manner of its accumulation. At first view, existing nature seems to offer no analogy to guide us in our attempts to account for such enormous accumulations of carbona- ceous matter. It is admitted, however, I believe, on all hands, that the deposit must have taken place in water. The perfect preservation of the carbon of the plants, and often of their external forms and structure, which must have suffered complete oxydation and disinte- gration if exposed to the air, the fact that the plants were most or all. of them swamp plants, and, more than all, the alternation of coal seams with sedimentary deposits of clay and sand, all seem to point unmistakably to water as the preserving agent. There is still another evidence which I think has generally been overlooked. In the midst of the more structureless bituminous matter of the coal are - often found imbedded wedge-shaped masses of vascular tissue called native carbon. No one who attentively examines these wedges can fail to perceive that they are the wooden wedges of exogens separated by the decomposition of the softer cellular tissue of the intervening medullary rays, while they floated as logs upon the water and finally became imbedded in the carbonaceous mud below. Thus far I believe all theorists agree. But from this point opinions diverge ; some geologists holding that the coal was deposited on the spot where the plants grew, others that the plants were drifted in the 132 LECTURES form of rafts to great distances and deposited at the mouths of rivers; the former, that a coal basin is the site of an ancient peat bog, the latter, that it is the position of an ancient estuary or delta. The former opinion is called the ‘‘ peat bog theory,’’ the latter the “‘ estuary theory.”’ Peat bog theory.—It is well known that in many countries, par- ticularly in moist, cool climates, and damp, low grounds, certain plants, such as ferns, mosses, &c., as well as trees which delight in moist places, if allowed to grow undisturbed from generation to generation will, by their decay, accumulate enormous masses of ear- bonaceous matter. Such a spot is called a peat bog. The theory of this accumulation is as follows: Plants derive all their carbon from the atmosphere. In the annual fall of leaf, and finally their own death, they return to the earth the whole of the matter thus silently extracted trom the air. Undisturbed vegetation, therefore, constantly enriches the soil by adding to it what has been taken from the air. Thus worn out lands improve by lying fallow. Thus the rich black vegetable mould found covering the ground in forests continues to increase from year to year. In all ordinary cases, however, there is a limit beyond which this accumulation will not go. By decom- position the organic matter is again returned to the atmosphere as fast as it accumulates. 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GHRO* cr80 i Z6L0" : 880" algo 6LLO" Lee dee eeee seen ere enone 190300 sane { ols: eae , €9L0° eas {| 990° see we erst eres tess teee “zoqioidag vor { Lg" O1L0"x hectene ~ cS $690" &690 { 9890" sewers et oer ees eseartersere © 3 r 7 . ree £690" 6690 { Gey" : €9co" Lepee eee tae seeecerseceesees s King ¢cgco } Ri e0. co" ogo" oa ee £9¢0" Sune oga0t } ae cope. fa eee eT ese eee eee ee eee rate e ovee AVIA 0080" 09u" ‘apnatyd ‘ural -WU ULvofl él | oor 6 P (g) | LG rac) 1G acy Cl OL 6 le emea¥s | He | 66 8 & t 1 Gi) OL leeeeeuital or {emnnG r | (6@) (92) &% tae (AY Ih OD lee leeOL Lewmar b | ae 6G | (#6) (g@) gl LI et rat he 6) ¢ ene 0g cS ize | 61 gl €1 GL fh 9 I 0g (cz) | Ge) | (61) (a1) | at L pe ee 9 [ 1g cB ¥G Vets Gite om 8L 1 el ‘vow eq jo sf{uq tee e cece nccereeeeroseerrs 1QqTIIIA(L iy sie: eisisie: sivie'w #ieie’*\winleiessiaisine: TAQUIOAON raeasee seeeee sess seeererrs 1900130) Seeeorseseoe poco vere renseTaquiaIdeg seer cere eteeee JORDI OODOO ONC TFs oh eeeerereeeseee DOD 299 OOOO POOR jah seeees coeees seoeeeseeeessseecs GUNS se vees terre eeeese sere snes sees ACW ne -shinp aarssavons xis 0) wis wosf sporwad Lof'g “ox apqu, moss pandiuoa ‘uajauoumg ayy Jo sapnyyducy unayy “6 “ON | METEOROLOGY. 263 | Caracas, July 16, 1858. Under date of January 141 sent you my meteorological registers for Colonia Tovar, for seven months ending with the last day of De- | cember, 1857, besides-some other observations on the meteorology of that region. The inclosed registers, which I send you this time, extend from the Ist of January to the 5th of June, 1858, for Colonia Tovar, and from the 16th to the 30th of June for Caracas. | On the 6th of June, after having sold my little property, I left Colonia Tovar, the place where I had lived for more than four years, ‘and moved to Caracas. Iam very sorry to say that on this journey, in endeavoring to measure some of the highest points of the difficult and dangerous mountain road, the barometer was accidentally broken, and hence the barometrical observations end with the 5th of June, | In February last I attempted to make a complete set of half-hourly barometrical observations, but after proceeding with this task for seven days I was compelled to leave off for want of time. The pres- bee of business at present also prevents me from sending anything | more on meteorology this time. A. FENDLEP L's 8°S¢ €16°€6 = OO XS —————————— OO — ——— ees 8 °eF 2°96 0°6F teeeeeeees! greg gee 919 6°26 sieeeeeeleeeesene[oeee seer! Tag spe 6'e% | 996°ee | UROWT CPs GPVLT C'Gcle| econ eel RO LEE T 9891 9I6T IPO SISTINE IIIS EI (OIE RRL 6 70 oc fy 0) ee Pea af por cel mee A LN 6P cs 8b oc 6S 19 Sg cc 19 eS GLb" 916° 96° 1€ 6b ag GS Log (¢ 69 £9 9S 9 c¢ 066" 816" 296° 0g c¢ 8S 1¢ L°L¢ 9¢ b9 €¢ 6S 69 €¢ €26° 0S6" 9¢6* 66 1G RS 6° Log €S 69 6g | &¢ 19 cs 996° 9°6° 96° 8G RP 9g 6 0'S¢ 1g 19 ¢¢ | $¢ C9 eG R16 016" Rc6" 1G ‘urd 2 ye sapunt,L | 6P GG 0S 6°eo. e | 1S LS rat GG 09 es 996° 966° 996° 96 9F LG bP ELS eg 9 9¢ #S $9 9S $L6° $96" 896° GG *s1¢ "WH 'R Og'g 18 ‘dua, tg Lg 6b €°09 $¢ L9 09 | LS. ¢9 9S 086° 956° 966° bG PS GG GS £09 Lg L Lg | 6S c9 9¢ 066° p16" 896°S3 | 8% cs LS #S €°R¢ 9¢ +9 c¢ | 6S £9 Lg C6686 066° €6 GOVPG | GG LS LS 9¢ L°6S 8S 9 6S | 6S £9 8¢ CEN 1G 00° bG 870° FG 1G Lg Rg bS LLG LS 19 cg | 6S 09 9¢ 000° b% 026" $86" 0 cg &¢ es L°9¢ 9¢ 09 #5 ag 19 oo P16" 0c6* 996° 61 be 1g cg es L'bS eg 8¢ #¢ 9¢ 6¢ bS OSs" a6" c6" gt S : 6S ¢¢ 6b £° 6S es 6¢ 1S Lg 6S 1g gu6" G6" GHB" LI ° “Sh We op gre ‘duiay, | gp c¢ £P 0's 1¢ £9 RP | ¥S $9 67 916° 96° ce6° 91 =) bP es ch £7 PS 6h | ¢9 6b | £g 9 1g 096" 996° or6* SI fo} by 9¢ er 0° 6S 0g | £9 6h | &¢ «9 6 926" 016" 026" PL eS ‘ol WI -v op g Ie dmey, | GP 9¢ OF 0 bg eo 19 6P | ¢¢ «9 0¢ G6" GL" 996" 1 5 ‘Qh mm Bop gie divas, | gp LS QF o'r fat 09 0g SG 19 0G eR6" 816" PEG" el Q ‘Sh WU voOP ge dmaL | Ep cs Lb L‘€S se Lg 1¢ &¢ 6¢ eg 016" 916" 0L6" IT fy ‘Qh ule Fg yweday | ag 6¢ Ly £°S¢ eg cg ab | 9S 19 0g 986" 086" 096" Or fe ‘Sp Wie Tov dU | gp ag OF &°bS 0S $9 6h S 19 0¢ 86" 096" 0c6" 6 s L cc Big 07es Lt 6¢ eg | og 09 eg p16" #86" 096" 8 ‘oig are Fg iw -dway, | 1¢ Lg 9F teas Sips sels (aeenOG £5 19 cs | 9S 09 eg 966" eL6° 086" L eg 6S TS poser 0G0S c¢ 09 eg | 2¢ £9 cs 866" 926" 8h6" 9 6b 6g eS L°9S 6S €9 c¢ | Sg v9 Po 66" | Gab" e96° i] 8P 6S L¥ Lv¢s €¢ €9 1g 9S $9 (os 816° 016° $96" 4 6F z es £°2¢ 1g . 65 9g | $¢ ag 9¢ PLA'EG GL6" P86" € cg TR¢ 9F Ligg cg 65 3 | 9g 19 eg $00°FS | SR6 R66" j *o0G "tu ‘ev Eg ye ‘dutay, 6P 19 GG L°9S eg +9 $S | G¢ ¢9 cg PCO hE 035°8G 9L6°€G | T i | ‘Hd 6G ‘W'dZ ‘NV, ‘unaytT ‘Wd 6 ‘Wd ‘NV G |*Ndg |W 'd S| NV, | ‘W'dgG ‘W'dG UR “qing A1q q i : ‘payorne Jajawouttat “44819 *syeulay ee as Mee ieee ba se “918d are uado ut Ja}aMIOUNIO YT, ‘sojauogoLsd | *TaJIMIOIV nt ened nena cio Be ee ll a SE ts ne ee =H co) ‘ ‘ * 6 ‘ 9 6 b NI 'gGgl ‘Gg aunpo ‘{ hunnurpe wo1f ‘nymzouagq ‘smagy 2)10]0D lof suorynasasgQ warboposoappyy fo Lanbry 265 METEOROLOGY. | 1 [renee ay ee er irs eee ee weet eee & |foy M ee G OT ee AN { seer ay & “AAS sete eee i] =| 3 Ig “uoTaIIGg seen ewes [sense os | sete *ao10g see wees eee eee theeeee see eee we eeee ‘monsalg z tee Ay “aoTaaIN(T { seen eee “Spury lew ewee g RWIS SAT TTy % QO ET (=| e Res ine: eee ee eee ‘asIN0O * ANDO] / ‘We'd 6 ‘Nd B “SPUL AL NIV E Wad g aAasSsra Dn OM a! 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I TSANG [rteeee lesen eeeelenenes I MG [thee feeee creel eeeees aa eee ass: | ees seeee See AAG [tert lees eeeel seen teal ter ees ls eee esas leeeeees eee eee ewe reee lt eeee [ewe t anes ls eenee Fa Pee MWg [tteeee leer eee eeeee Peewee etre eres HO eeeeleees sees eeeeee ‘Nd & ‘uonoalig seen ecoe seeoreee er ry seeo tees rr ey seee eens tee cces seer reese seeeeeer seer sees ‘uonoalig Wd WV, (‘paugep 1124) spur eeet eens se ee rene seee tees Cr CO seer eses scenes seca sene eee eee seco reese cote sere eee eens seererne ‘spury veces se eeee steno eeeeee seeeee teens *AVIOOTOA seee er eoeees eee ee twee seee cease « se eece ones see w ee eens Feeeesenee fee eens sree oe eeee se eeeeeses «eee eweees seeeeeenee eee oeeees Seen woes ‘asinog ‘W'd — Ssaqgo Frat O Ot 8 FO WOOD mo Oo OT SOUS 7 SOU EOOR 1 teereee SOOOE ita) SO OSOEES 1 SOOO SOO OOOEE reese “spurt tereeenrg rere “NUS NT erg seer go SOE na FF ANNAN AAS SAATANQ NANQN TBANNQANNA rile slot reeeee ag TMS veneer ees AAG aloe ‘asinog *AVIDOPIA ‘Nd Z "spnoig et ol oo oO — *junouly seer ony sezetere SQ 3 | see “Ww DOOR (a) Sonn euTg “spurt rilot = men vie “AN ANH NR NIN Aa et QNANMANH AN a *AWOOTAA, “aS a reer Tg freee org MS TAG reece Ay teen rene teeee era ‘asmop ‘WV, ec 6S OD FROM AVvRN © 1H MO FO NS a van o coal BE eet wee Hee ee eee ee HOO ee reer es eee e eens sens a i) es Pee eee twee ee) Rete e eee ee eee eee eee re Cee e meee eel tee ee tee ee Seen e ew ww ew eel eee r es seeees “stad og’g |" wd 0@"e a ‘d 02'S "Ul “d OLS Fe eee eee sows Foe eee reeeee ‘ud 06'T “aud CLT our ‘d C6 “‘u'd ec'g “Surpua “Suruuigaq JO OWL, JO Out y, Uley *ponulyu0g—suoynaiasqQ wobojosoapyy fo unsiboy——"T “ON O]B(L 275 METEOROLOGY. “§@ ‘GIN Bens a[ppiu £ paynqiyisip AprejnFo1 pue ouy Ajousinbxa “ato ‘AZ *MA “We 'e TT Ie spnolg ft WG'S HSM ‘wd oie spno[p » ST a ee a ee ee eee eee eee Ceeo eel rere eere|seeceeiseee seeleeccce |scvaccce|covecces|coccce| svece cesses ee Hee ewe eee eeele wees eeeee c'g seme ween] eeeesl sete eeeeee ee ci) “-uvoyy Pee eelcoere see eeesg | see eeeeicesses jocoserecicoseveceiconceeiesererosce SIT ee eC 9S Cer ees FORO eee meee leet ewe wee ***1eI10OL See es lees sesso seees leees sees |seseeees|sesese| cece seeeee teeeeenn |g sereeeneg |g sete eeeeleceeee|seeeevenes beeneevenceslseeeseeeseeel On urd ge'p [ttm d ge"T ‘urdog yt |ttes ad fp | gz urd opre |*turd gag surdotg ttt surd $ | 9g teeeeeeeeeselenereeeeeennl po seeseoume | og feerag | or I sr dneamemy 8% 8" ASS 6 incl) % sate bbibe) 6 poesia woes ia 6 + rr fey t Sls OL "IO T iad ssi OL [irrtrcec[seeeee|eeeeee cee wz [ttteteeeg fo |*"' MS'AL z vere ay eee eee eee FORO Ree ewe ewe eee eee eee ee tees G S 0 sewer eeel ee eees lense wees ‘HW $id "ASS 9 slauf sag ipawnse |-conageslapsancne| ge - |-oea agro | up v S G 0 ste eeesleseses 0] Bg [esedere eee cncccene er a aaa | iq he ta eee eee eee seen eee ee teen WwW seen eee WwW esi Neieint CUO CR PPOCR COs e reer). 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G we eeee “ASS wee eeel tere eens G i a) “ANS G ‘9010, ee “AA seen nwee AS seeoeleeeeee “uotoaIg sea *a010,.7 seleeee seleeee eee ete os seee eres sete wees ee] eee eene saeee “UOTOOIIG see eee lneee ee eeee lanes rere see eee twee ones eeee eens se ee eens See er leew noes eeceee| ere eene faoeeelnene “NN Stee eeee ‘2010, =) = 2 ® ° 2. S Ls Stee wees . “** Soq eee eres seer teee seee sees see wees teee anes se ee nee sev ewes eo seen eee seeeeere seen rene seen eeee ‘spuLy | z MS z Serge Gee ao ere ee ee sere es eee e ee eee Se eeeelsenee ones neeeeelae aoe se eeee ls eewwerere se eeesl eee eee sees seoees set ere eens eee eel see nee sees se ewee lee eeee ones ee eeeel eevee eener seers [serene es ee teweesleeeane eecees |e eeeeerees seer eeleeeeee a ee eeee ls eeees ‘asmnog *AILOOTIA ‘W'd 6 (‘pougap [[9M) SpulA @ jteeeseeees ¢ eecneneeee z veeces cece 7. se eeee weeees eet serge seeeee ergy OW Ur Tog Soon aay SOOO seen ee eee OOO [oe COC cer {aye | ae) Slrannyt x ee SOOOOoOn 1 seeeer ery Q “spurt ‘UnOW | oh Seo tct “sas a teen Gy seen een treed reeeertrg seer reseed veserg cee org miler ict alee lot ice AAIQAQNGANNN RANQANNAAIANIARA mile mic ANANAAARRN reeeeag Saga seeeee gy let siet ic r sen og renews cy SOO | Aaa ‘as.no0g *AUIOOPV A cl WW teeeery cilet et siete NAGA XQ [ot ct fen G *** Bod | 4 eee 30a “> Soa Sona “UW “spur terre gs tered ogg Sener tet vgs gf beeen resent seer reeset teeeeengy ee seacairied oe Gag teeeeen gy rere MG ‘asmmog ne Lal ono Oo OM Gaia iS DSHnnood AN Wd Z N'Y ZL ‘spnolp *‘ponulyu0pj—suoynalasq(, oorboposoapyy fo soso —*T “ON See nee “Ut? 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THE CLIMATE OF SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, BY THOMAS M. LOGAN, M.D. Latitude 38° 34'41” N. Longitude 121° 27’ 44” W. As supplementary to the abstract of meteorological observations for (1853, 1854, and 1855, published in the reports of the Smithsonian ‘Institution, the accompanying tables for 1856-’57, together with the results of the aggregate five years, have been prepared. | It may not meet the exactions of a rigid science to deduce a positive view of the climate from a series of observations extending through ‘only five years, still an approximation may now be arrived at that will be sufficiently near to afford a very just appreciation of some of the climatic features of this portion of the great valley of the Sacra- smento, due allowance being made for irregularities and disturbing ‘causes. Owing chiefly to the difficulty of procuring reliable instru- ‘ments and proper tables and instructions, the records, which were ‘made in various forms and with differing calculations, required re- arrangement and tabulation to render them comparable with each other. These considerations will be a sufficient apology with those 'who have much experience in arranging statistical tables for a certain amount of inaccuracy which has crept into our former publications. In the present instance we have used every possible precaution while rectifying former errors,* which are herewith specified, that the advan- jtages already received may be rendered more valuable hereafter. | BAROMETER. The series of barometric observations have not been, in one respect, continuous. Had they been conducted with one and the same instru- ment doubtless some valuable deductions might have been gathered from their analysis; as it is we can only note some of the most obvious ‘results. During 1853 theordinary ship barometer, (the only one to ‘be had then,) which was used, appears to have ranged entirely too low. ‘The readings from this instrument, as well as those which were ‘registered from a common open cistern, and a siphon of Gay Lussac, | * Errata in former publications.—The latitude and longitude of Sacramento are correctly given above, and are erroneous in the previous reports. 1853.—Bar. Mean for January, for 29.65 read 29.75; annual mean, for 30.01 read 30.02 ‘inches. Therm. Mean maximum, for 809.40 read 800.04; mean minimum, for 499.00 read 490.08; mean for October, for 789.00 read 739.00. Winds. SE., total, for 101 read 111. | 1854.—Bar. Mean of January, for 29.11 read 30.11; minimum of May, for 29.00 read /29.60; mean minimum, for 29.76 read 29.81; annual mean, for 29.98 read 30.07 inches. Therm. Mean maximum, for 799.54 read 790.29; mean minimum, for 4290.72 read 42.73 | Rainy days. March, for 9 read 4. Inches of rain, for 8.25 read 3.25. Annual total of clear _ days, for 223 read 228. Total rainy days, for 60 read 55. i - 1855.—Bar. Maximum of July, for 29.85 read 30.15; mean maximum, for 30.09 read 30.14 ‘inches. Dew point. Annual mean, for 479.52 read 469.69. 284 METEOROLOGY. were never corrected for temperature. During 1856 and 1857 Green’s | Smithsonian barometer was employed, and its readings reduced to 32° © Fahrenheit. No correction for altitude was ever made, as the cisterns of the various instruments employed were at so small an elevation above the level of the sea. Neither was the elastic force of vapor applied at the time of the record. This force has been calculated only ‘during the past year, according to the rules established by Regnault for deriving every degree of it exhibited in the atmosphere from the readings of the wet and dry-bulb thermometers. It will be seen that / it increases directly with the temperature, and amounted during 1857 § to nearly half an inch during midsummer, or one sixty-seventh of the « entire atmospheric weight. | The absence of either abrupt or great changes gives indication of | the tropical feature which the climate possesses. As a general rule ¢ the atmospheric pressure varies but little, and that through slow and | long continued movements, rather than in the sudden manner charae- } teristic of the latitude on the Atlantic coast and elsewhere. Never- + theless, although the mercurial column rises and falls within very j restricted limits, yet there are changes, represented it is true by mall measurements, which occur with wonderful regularity and certainty, , diurnal movements at fixed hours, as well as annual ones, having } reference to the position of the sun in the ecliptic. The former, or } horary oscillations, as revealed on the chart of diurnal barometrical | curves, present, in a marked degree, the two diurnal maxima and | minima observed within the tropics; the ante-meridian maximum, ab | i | t _— about 9 to 10 a. m., being more constant than that at the same period post meridian. Without a single exception the pressure is always less at 3 p. m., and this has no reference to whether the column stands high, as in the cold, or low, as in the hot season. a The following table, calculated from the horary observations, taken } once a month during 1857, gives the mean successive hourly range for | the year. The signs + and — denote the range of each hour above | 4 or below the mean of the twenty-four hours. j 285 @90° S6PT 90T 160° FLO" PLO" 990° #90" TS0° GhO* 6£0° LE0° 9€0° Lc0° 160° L10° c00° £00° 620° Lt0* 820° LOL Lot" Cr) 7210 LIt’ METEOROLOGY. ‘uno | ‘ee Jaquia00q 660° PFO" 9£0° Seo" tE0" GOL 9901 ecg GPS gI¢ _ 920° — 90" — 9%0° — R0le 000° — 930° ec0* Cr0" 930° 610° 990° ceo" £60" 690° 110° 9F0* OF0* 020" 080° £10" ce0° P60" £10" 1f0* £10" 610° 080° 910° 8c" z10° 600° ce0" Tc0" 9c0" 600° ¢co0* 860° 610° £20" L00° — coo" — SFO" tz0° oso" + 010" + roo’ + 9£0° Pz0" s00* — 010" - 00° 680° ceo" 810° L10° 910° 810° €co" £80" ge0" S10 080" ten" 9S0° 90° £00" — 060" ceo" oco* 10° _— 900° + $00" — cz0" 9F0" G10" = £00" 000° 200" — 860° P10" 900° 800° + 600° + R£0" 800° — P10" 180° 180° 810° 0c0" + cz0" G90" @c0" Lto" Le0° R£0° L0° 190° z00° 680" 690° P20" R20" f10° PPO" €S0° 60" SLO" ze0" GEO" PFO" 60° 190° P20" 9R0" + 9c0° + 080’ + LS0° + +0" — Reo* + "LZ AaQUIGAON| "1% 49q0190Q | ‘gZsequiaideg| ‘gg Isnsny ‘ee Aloe a ee ee eS ee 820° FG0" E10" 600° 200° C10" G10" 910° 1&0" 180° 80° 9p" 610" 180° 610° L00° al 810° 160° 80° 8F0° 880° GO" eco’ + het sel a ‘Ge oun "LERT Los sajruoing fo sobuns hpsnoy aarssooons fo qn], ceo" cro" ees F801 peo" to" — eho" 610° 1S0" 610" £50" @0" 1¢0° SO" Sho" L&0° ChO* 0g0" £h0" 110° OF0° 610° zoo’ + 0F0" $0" — gro" 920° 090° CEO" PS0* 90° ceL* 650° LO" @S0" 620" 0F0" 00s 180° Té0* OFO" £c0" 010" £20" 800° 10t’ B10" S01" 910" 260° 900° — 860° + "GG AU "66 Iudy ch0° SLOT 610° + GLO" 6L0° 190° £90" 10° 60" 9F0" 00" Si0* 800" 0r0" 800° 0r0" £r0" 90" 9F0" 6r0" £0" 810" 9%0* ze" LS0° $90" — oe ‘SG YOUR 6r0" ceo" sees supayg 981 009 Poss SUS £60" —=,|, a BU0 Te | eae, 480° clo" pe i I €80° £10" ise Un erp, @90° 010" "See Ube g gs0° coo" meme)! 120" 00° em -eT GhO" 00° “eur -d BT GO" COOtusr |e ed ay tG0° 20: — |e Ok Gon Go0" £t0° eS UEeorgS 900° 960" ‘urd g 100° 820° ‘ud 2 010" 1€0° ‘ud 9g 00" 620° “md ¢ coo: — £¢0" ‘urd & rea £80" ‘dg 810° 660" dzZ vG0" C10" dT 820" 820" Ww BI goo" 180° ‘TLL 180° 980° ‘BOL PIL’ 1F0° 7 6 cer" 170" UE Eg REL? ta} — peor to" ce eg Arenaqag) ‘7 Arenues “sInoyy a 286 METEOROLOGY. The mean successive daily range frequently, in summer, does not amount to more than the ninety-four thousandth part of aninch. The following calculation from the readings of the Smithsonian barometer during the last two years substantiates,this fact. Barometer. Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | April.| May. | June.| July. | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Year, Mean, 1856..........| -130 | .114} .116 | .114} .056 | .091 | .066 | .070 | .078 | .088 | .103 | .160| .099 Mean, 1857.......00. -110 | .126 | .101 | .071 | .109 | .062 | .046 | .059 | .057 | .075 | .110 | .143| 089 a Mean for 2 years..... .120 | .120 | .109 | .093 | .083 | .097 | .056 | .065 | .068 | .082 | .107 | .152| 094 The mean difference of the successive months above or below the annual average of the five years, as can readily be calculated from the data furnished, does not amount to more than one-sixteenth of an inch. Between the highest mean mensual mean and the lowest a fraction over one-fifth of an inch is found. The extreme ranges observed during the month are also limited, as may be seen in the sub- joined table for 1857, wherein is also revealed the annual tide shown in the chart of curves; gradually descending as the sun approaches the northern tropic, and ascending as he returns towards the southern.* PAMUALY natcseacceteeecceecrs, CLUOO SAL Geemarc tes Se AREE DE 0.349 February ...... Be ce ee 0.713 OTIS, cache a pon sin tore aan ee 0.401 Navel. (ot Secs sacash: tecweras 0.571 WE PLCNAVET s.r .ncsccn-ednwennene 0.411 PDT 3 an Cetus acer tune ete 0.427 CO CEODOT Seat aaaaite sadist 0.526 11 | as Re teaea, | U.400 NOV OMAN CEE anciecn dase keane oa OTM yeernewigacss eae ccceesee 0.404 DeCeniper o wacessece onstpesong UME The extreme annual ranges are alsosmall. During 1853 the maxt mum height of the barometer occurred in November and December, and read 28.980, giving the difference as the extreme annual range of 1.460 inch. This, however, is the result of an extreme minimum, never before nor since observed. A more reliable and the next lowest minimum was 29.380 inches, observed with Gay Lussac’s siphon ba- rometer on the morning, Ist January, 1855, before daylight, during a strong gale from the SE. The greatest mensual range was also observed in the same month, the maximum for the year having reached 30.410 inches in the same month, and giving a difference of 1.030 inch for the month as well as for the year The lowest read- ing for the same year was 29.569 inches on the 19th September. The extreme annual range was therefore 1.050 inch. These instances of extreme range are very rare, and must be regarded as exceptional. The extreme range for 1854 was only 0.850, and that of 1857 but 0.783 inch. During the rainy season northerly winds always deter- mine the greatest elevation, and southerly the greatest depression of the mercurial column. This rule is not so constant during the dry season. oll * The mean for July of the series is higher than that of June, in consequence of some peculiar disturbing causes in June, 1853, which year should be regarded as exceptional, and which may in part be attributable to a defective instrument. a a) C= aa es 58. 50 9 38 ea es 18 Ry f | Mowember 27.........-.-- 53. 58 10 47 124 35 13 48 Eiecember 23............- 43. 50 10 45 V2.9" 30 10 45 as Be a8 ho) an ain ss Sede ae Se ee Seen eee 12 20 One of the most striking features of the climate, seen on the accom- - panying chart of diurnal variations, is the greatest reduction of tem-- perature after the hour of maximum elevation. Howsoever high the wave of temperature towers up under the influence of a vertical sun: and cloudless sky, it sinks proportionately low during the night, rendering it cool and chilly. As an instance of the reliability and freedom from exaggeration of the curves of temperature in this respect, . we would remark that the record of the thermometrograph for July, 1857, reveals a range of 41 degrees, and a mean daily range of 18.68. degrees, while the chart of diurnal observations describes a curve of: only 24 degree’. The following table exhibits the successive hourly. ranges during one day of each month in the year. 19 s METEOROLOGY 290 G6°E ween ereree we ee rt eeeee sere wceees wren ee eeee wet wet eens uve "eG Jaquieoeq a | “1% JaquiaAON gee > Vey "13 1290100 ee a ated tG'E 98°F £9°9 79'S 60°S ers bev GP'S 8E'°% PR LL 09° F0T 00°6ST FE SeT 80° Gel | 00°€6T bo FOL 00°8¢ 00° LS 80k. SS= 16:9) 66,01 = $2) oe — ors — | 8°9 — SEL = Se (ses (0) ey Lex8) SGis) se 8) 6 == OFS seh Sh oa CLG) a= 0S 7 — S0cs liteigteie = tefcte | {bes Esha) OVER aan | Seek Se Sera = Cia = LT Sale me SOE a= Gch == GGL01 == cs ea OPO | 88 oS Cee Co = OSEG! ae SOUR Se G29! == 6c°S) = (Slsfite} = Oa8: serge Cle Se Chk. — OSnO es 80° Se == og = 6&9 — Sr Ls — OL [Spe es See li) OSn0. = (3 (0) boa lank = faery G8: 9F —— 0R,9a— 88:65 == Gls a Ce Ue) We Ss toe = SGur ss site OFSE el 8826 = bel Swe oh0) = 0S*T SOn0m TGiG Seana ssl = Or pe 7 880 SEO — i) ScnO 0ST 660 UC), Sz EGO ee Ce e}ael tae OP == é1°0 69°T cZ'0 OS°T Ch G 6L°0 “LT LT"0 rS°0 G'S 69'G cz" 0 os" c6°E 6L°G LLY LI& PST Gl? 69k Co T 0S % c6°E 6L P LL, LIS bS'P Gls 9'F [6% 09° c6E 6L°P LL'9 LIS SF GIL G9°S Sas os'€ t6'P 6L°¢ LL’6 LU pc's 6101 @9°¢ cab 0S"? c6'€ 6L°P LLOL LUG -S°9 GL OL 69'S Gob 0S P 6°G 6L°7 LU IT LV9 ps'9 @1°6 69'S cG°s¢ 0S°G C6°G 6L°P LL’6 LI'9 po°¢ GI's G9"S SGP 0s*1 G66 6L°S LL’ ALL $S°9 Gly GO'b Sich) 0s"0 G6'G 6L°S pps LI'8 bG°L GIG 9'é &G'0 (USE) es 6° 6L°P LL'¥ LI’8 $S'9 eT G9'G (ER os*e — c6°0 6L°G LL’0 L1'9 pS'€ 8820) = 69°0 Te re 0os°s — 80°e — 6L°0 fee a LV'G PST Shaper (ole ae oe Gusts ae OSS =a SO Rt se [Gale CHO! eke Sa SPAT Sa S279) = SERG)- Coe = sy — wa > a ry 2 > 2 = oH 3 a s 5 a 3 8 a 5 o =f oO ~ | | ic) a = 8 a 8 fe S| ee ane ames 2 B ima i) - = E = 2 a sa! g © | | 2 S ‘2 wo | © : ~~ | "LOQT Hof sajamountay 7, 247 fo sxBuny Apimozy aarsssoans fo 790], seeereeeee cay steer eesee cry tere eeeeee ony seee teens ety SS 0 sare teeeeeony tere eeceee eur sewer enn i os ft Sn go ¢ sere seseee ey seeeseseeeenry sere eeeeee ony ‘sno see censor tty see eeeeeerny siaisia/. = Pa Se L9°18 | TT Aime) *""8 | MS | AL L9°9S | ¢ Indy TN /AAN [°° N oo'e} Lo’se | L “OS | G8 |" N 19°64 ge'ss | SB ee Se] Gea) | ec O | “AAN |"AAN |* AAN ren } L919 | 6 ON |AAN |" N 19°9h | 9 "URL AN |"AWN | MN 00°89 |G ‘AON| **'§ [tees [ot og 00°64 | ereung) MS |°*"N [°° N ce'bS | 8 AR "AS |" aS |" ON 19°64 001s | &% “AAN |'AANI |**" N 00's} 00°29 | 6% "MAS "AAS |"°""S | good | 8°89 | & ‘MAN |"AAN |" AN re'e £8'8h | LB as |" as |" aN 88°Ih | B"90d)\"*" N | ON | AAN 00'°6S | 86 200|""*'S |" AN |"AAN LOLS | § ABW) AA [AWN |* MAN L9°ES | 96 “Ge —_—_—_ || a ——— —_]} —__ ———. a+ Bee | eG cl, 22 SN SOaies ek des | ete | ae rine) see at 2 ‘apni | ‘uRat ‘apni | *uvoul | ‘apny “uboUur ‘apni *“uUBOUL “ISsiora} Ayreq | sored ; cISSiOIA) Ape | ‘oieq “ISstoIA | Apeq | ‘eivg “Issyora | Aptuq | ‘ared *SPUIAL “SPULAA SPUTAA *SPUTAA UALNIM ‘NWOLNY “WaWwWwoas “ONTNdS MSs — wh "998 "LEBL Pur gogt fo suosnes ponboposommu ayy sof pymynajvs ‘sunou Kpnp aarssovons omg wolf paurngo sp ‘ainjposodway fo sapnpssing Apyjuopy ysanash fo 91Qn7;, 294 METEOROLOGY. Hygrometry, Wind, Hail, Snow, Electrical and other Phenomena. An examination of the results of the psychrometer will reveal the peculiar state of the atmosphere during the summer months. So great is the apparent aridity at times that the lower erial strata are fre- quently found to contain during the hottest part of the day not more than 15 to 20 per centage of their capacity for moisture. As an iso- lated and extreme case, on the 10th July, 1856, at 2 p. m., wind N. and light, and temperature 100°, the dew-point was found at 22°. This, we believe, is the greatest dryness that has yet been ob- served on the surface of the globe on low lands. Humboldt, in his Cosmos, states that the greatest dryness he has observed was in the steppe of Platowskaja, after a SW. wind had blown for a long time from the interior of the continent. With a temperature of 74°.07 he found the dew-point at 24°, the air containing ;4%,ths of aqueous vapor. The principal agent in this hygrometric peculiarity of the climate is to be found in the direct effect of northerly winds. In the winter and spring the north winds are the coldest and serve, as the land is then cooler than the sea, on account of the distance of the sun, to condense the moisture wafted with the atmospherical current from the southern hemisphere, and to precipitate it in the form of rain. During this season the southeast trades, charged to their utmost capacity with moisture, commence descending as their temperature decreases, and precipitate more and more rain as they become chilled by the north winds. During the summer, owing to the fact of these northerly winds passing over a highly heated and arid surface, their temperature is raised, thereby increasing their capacity for moisture, which not being able to obtain from the surface passed over, they appear as dry winds, reminding one of the reputed sirocco of Italy. Nevertheless, dry as these winds apparently are, on coming in contact with the westerly winds chilled by the oceanic polar current along the coast, and their temperature being again reduced, the vapor they con- tain is rapidly condensed; hence the heavy mists that are precipitated during the afternoon at San Francisco and at the gaps along the coast. In the valley, as a general rule, the direction of the wind is from north by west to southeast. It seldom blows from the east or north- east with any appreciable force. Doubtless the prevailing wind off the coast, where no causes of local deflection exist, is west, as estab- lished by Lieut. Maury. This wind, rushing into the heated valleys through the gap at San Francisco and Benicia, reaches us at Sacra- — mento and the northern part of the valley as a southwest wind, while » at Stockton and the San Joaquin valley it is a westerly and north- - westerly wind. To this wind, together with that descending from | the slopes of the sierras, may be attributed our cool summer nights. The influence of the winds on the temperature, as we have just seen | with respect to the hygrometric condition of the air, varies according { to the season of the year. It is during the occurrence of northerly » winds in the summer that we experience our hottest weather, which ) seldom lasts long, however, before the temperature becomes equalized © by a change of wind to the southward. Upon an examination of our | daily and hourly records we find it to be a common occurrence during + METEOROLOGY. 255 the summer months for the wind to commence blowing from the north at or shortly after the morning observation, and to remain in this quarter until afternoon, when it would change round to the south, freighted with moisture and invigorating freshness. It is the preva- lence of these cool winds which temper our summer climate so delight- fully, the greater or less predominance of which renders the mean temperature plus or minus. As regards the force of the wind, it is generally but slight. The observations in this respect having been registered for the two last years only itis impossible to make full deductions therefrom with any degree of completeness. The following enumeration of the fre- quency, course, and seasons of winds, during 1856 and 1857, stronger than (3) a fresh breeze, will afford some idea of this feature of the climate. The whole number of times it blew with the force of four, (4,) or what is estimated a strong wind, from the north, was 29, viz: Janu- ary, three times; February, five times; March, once; April, four times ; June, once ; September, three times; October, twice ; Novem- ber, eight times; and December, twice Highteen times it blew from the south with the force of four, (4,) viz: January, once; August, twice ; September, four times ; October, three times ; November, four times; and December, four times. It blew only eight times with the foree of (5) a high wind, viz: three times from the north, once in February, once in April, and once in November ; and again five times from the south, viz: once in January, oncein October, once in November, and twice in December. But twice does it appear in the register to have blown a gale, (6,) and on both these occasions it was from the southeast, in the month of November. These results, as be- fore stated, are derived from the record of the last two years. Prior to this no precise estimate was made of the force of the wind. The only time it was ever observed during the whole series of five years to blow with a force above six was on the last night of the year 1854, or rather on the morning of the Ist of January, 1855, when a strong gale from the southeast, attended with rain, was experienced. As a general rule, it very rarely rains with the wind from the northern half of the octant, which may be attributed to its coming to a warmer from a colder region. During the last five years there have occurred only fifteen exceptions to this rule, and the aggregate quantity that fell at these different periods does not amount to two inches. On one occa- sion, the 27th of December, 1855, the snow which fell at daylight, amounting, when melted, to 0.016 inches by the rain gauge, was added to the amount. This was the heaviest fall of snow ever experienced ; indeed only three other instances of this phenomenon appear on our record, and in all three the fall was very light. Hail storms are more common. These, also, are of short duration, and are attended with more or less disturbance of the electrical equilibrium. The breaking up of the rainy season is the period of the most violent manifestations of these latter phenomena. With the exception of the spring of 1857, which was a season of drought, hail and thunder storms have invari- ably occurred during the months of April and May, but have never ‘been very severe in this immediate locality. A hail storm which 296 METEOROLOGY. occurred at a point within eight miles of the city, in May, 1854, is represented to have been very violent. But we have experienced nothing in this locality like that, proceeding from a dense nimbus, which sud- denly arose from the southwest on the 13th of May, 1855, and, while discharging its watery contents, rivalled, in the vivid shocks of its well-charged battery, the thunder gusts of more tropical regions. The aurora borealis has been observed only once—on the night of the 16th of December, 1857; the sky being entirely clear at the time, the wind light, from the east—the thermometer reading 44°, and the barometer 30.321 inches, reduced for temperature. This phenomenon first appeared in a northeast direction, in the form of a diffused light defined by an arch below. From this arch, of about 15° radii above the horizon, the light extended in width apparently 10° above Alioth, in the constellation of the Great Bear, and gradually spread over the whole northern section of the heavens, the dominant hue being deep rose. Its aspect, however, was frequently changed by the successive appearance and shifting of streaks or columns of white light, which seemed to be more conspicuous at either extremity of the arch. With the exception of a somewhat similar phenomenon seen once at Sonora, Tuolumne county, during the winter of 1852-’53, we have heard of no other instance of the aurora being seen in California. Before proceeding to a consideration of the rains we would, in this connexion, briefly refer to the transparency of the atmosphere for which California has been noted. The relative frequency of clear and cloudy days in summer and winter, as appears in the tables, although sub- stantially correct, does not convey a just idea of the clearness of the sky. The results are calculated from three daily observations; and if it so happens that at either of these the least cloudiness is visible it is recorded as a cloudy day, without regard to quantity. Now, one of the peculiarities of the summer climate is, that if there be any cloud- iness during the day, which is rarely the case, it is almost invariably clear at night. Indeed, on this account, perhaps there is no region better adapted to astronomical purposes ; for, as Sir David Brewster expressed his wish, ‘‘ no clouds disturb the serenity of the firmament, and no changes of temperature distract the emanations of the stars.’’ As to the quantity of cloudiness, this not having been estimated pre- viously to the last two years, of course the results in this respect can- not be regarded but as approximative to a constant, the number of cloudy days having been in excess during 1856 and 1857. RIVER, RAINS, ETC. The rise and fall of the river at Sacramento is graduated by the terms high and low-water mark, or zero. A solid column, surmounted with a wind-vane, was set up by the city near the river bank in Sep- tember, 1856, when the river had attained the lowest stage ever known. The fig. 2 in the accompanying hydrographic scale agrees with the zero in our published observations up to that date. The mean depth of the channel of the river in this neighborhood is 16 feet below low-water mark, and the width of the river is about 300 yards. There is a tidal rise and fall of about one to two feet at Sacramento, METEOROLOGY. 297 according to the course and force of the wind and the stage of the river. if the wind blows strongly from the north this fall is still greater, especially during spring tides. The stage of the water is also affected by the temperature, as well as by the fall of rain. The months of November, December, January, February, March, and April constitute the ‘‘rainy season,’’ although more or less rain generally falls during October and May. The first and generally the greatest rise in the river occurs about the lst of January, after the early rains. The warmer these rains are the less snow falls in the mountains, and consequently the more sudden is the rise of the river. From the middle of January to the middle of February there is gene- rally a marked abatement, and sometimes a complete suspension of rain, and the river declines correspondingly. From the middle of February to the last of April the latter or warmer rains set in, and | cause a second or spring rise, which is kept up in accordance with the prevailing temperature. If the spring and early summer have been cold, the spring freshet soon passes off, and the river maintains a | high level, as it did in 1857, in consequence of the gradual melting of the snow at its sources; and the converse obtaining if the hot weather sets in early. Recurring to the hydrographic scale, we would | observe that the figures to the left indicate, when applied to the river, | the number of feet from zero or extreme low-water mark at spring | tide to the highest point the Sacramento has yet been known to rise, | viz: nearly 22 feet, in January, 1852. The curves for all the years | are not complete, our notes not being full and regular. The same | scale of feet, if read for inches, when applied to the perpendicular | lines, will denote at a glance, and which is most important in this connexion, the monthly quantity of rain that fell at Sacramento during the last five years—the rain for 1853-54 being placed in the first | column of each month, of 1855 in the second, and of 1856-57 in the | third. The scale to the right represents inches, and is intended to | show the comparative annual fail of rain since the year 1852. As | will readily be seen, the rains during 1856-’57 have been so much | below the average that they should be regarded as exceptional. | Averaging the rains of 1852—’53-’54—’55, we find an annual fall _ of 21,352 inches ; whereas the average of the last five years gives only 17.113 inches. In the rain chart of the Army Meteorological Regis- ter, Sacramento is included with San Francisco in the area of 22 inches of rain; and Dr. Gibbons puts down the mean annual rain of the ‘latter place at 21.17 inches. This corresponds with our estimate of the amount for Sacramento, and rather strengthens the opinion just expressed, that the years 1856-57 should be regarded as exceptional. , Although the river is, of course, but slightly affected by the amount _of rain that falls in this immediate vicinity, nevertheless the con- nexion here preserved is of much interest, inasmuch as experience shows that the amount of rain that falls at Sacramento bears a quan- titative proportion to that which is precipitated in the higher parts of the valley, as well asin the mcuntains. Certainly, the river never has | attained a high stage when there has occurred a deficit of rain at ‘Sacramento. To substantiate these assertions the following facts, | } f ' condensed from our publications in the California State Medical ; 298 METEOROLOGY. Journal, will suffice. As therein stated the winter and spring of 1849-’50 was a season of continual outpourings. The first settlers tell us that the rain came down in torrents, and that tubs and casks left out at night were found full and overflowing next morning. This must, of course, be taken cum grano salis. There were no ombro- meters in those mythical days, when the rain appears to have been as abundant as the gold. Doubtless the rains were copious; certainly they set in earlier than they have ever done since. ‘‘ The first rain of 1849 took place on the 23d of September. Through the month of October they became much more severe and cold, and, as no adequate preparation had been made for protection against this element, the Sgt) of the immigrants were consequently aggravated.”’ bs ‘: “Through the latter part of December and beginning of January, 1850, the rains were so heavy that serious apprehensions a to be entertained, for the first time, of an inundation.’ * = ““By Christmas the water was over the lower portions of the city ; on the 8th of January, 1850, it rose rapidly ; and on the 10th, and for several days after, there was A dry land in town , except the knoll at the public square.’ i ‘a “In a few days the waters subsided, the sun broke from its neta confines and shone bright and beautiful again. This weather continued until the heavy rains of the following March.’’ ms * ‘i ‘*On the 7th off April the waters began again to run into the town, and on the 8th the council voted an appropriation of money for constructing a tem- porary levee, which was made, and the principal business portion of © the city saved from an overflow.’’—(History of the City.) The open-_ ing half of the winter of 1850-’51, when commence our own observa- tions, was rainless, and consequently the river remained at low-water mark until January, 1851, during which month about three-fourths of — an inch of rain fell, and a corresponding rise in the river occurred. From this period the river remained very low until April 5, when it attained, although by no means a high level, still a greater elevation than at any prior date of the season, and navigation continued open to most of the upper trading points on the Sacramento, as well as to Marysville, until the summer. The rains that fell during this inter- © val amounted to about 4 inches. | The rainy season of 1851-’52 commenced early, and the river rose » correspondingly. By the 30th December it was up to within 4 feet of | its natural banks, in consequence of the heavy rains which fell up to ) that date, amounting in the aggregate, during September, October, November, and December, to about 10 inches ; thus compensating, in . a measure, for the deficit of the previous season. ‘The rain of the year *) 1852 was well distributed among all the months of the wet season, | and amounted in the aggregate to about 27 inches. The heaviest rains | occurred in March and December, and consequently the city was over- ~ flowed both these months, the levee not proving adequate. The first’ of these inundations occurred on the Tth March, owing to the washing | away of the embankment at the flood-gate in the levee at Sutter lake, , as well as to a crevasse on the American river; and for one week’ nearly the whole city remained submerged. The rains which followed | after the great fire of November, 1852, were the heaviest known for’ METEOROLOGY. 299 ' that season of the year of which we have any positive record. About | 12 inches fell in December. Accordingly the river rose 17 inches | higher than in the flood of 1850. From the 25th December to the 24th January, 1853, when the waters began to retire, the city re- mained aimost entirely submerged. During the following March the fall of rain amounted to 7 inches, and again a corresponding rise of the river occurred. On the 29th it rose 12 feet in twenty-four hours, . and soon reached above the original banks; and, backing up from a | break in the levee at Sutterville, the greater part of the city was | again overflowed by the 2d April, and thus remained more or less | deluged until the rains subsided towards the last of May. The ' amount of rain that fell during the latter month was nearly 14 inch, | and the aggregate for January, February, March, April, and May, | and which kept up the river at so high a level, was about 17 inches. | From the period to which we have thus brought down our account | of the freshets of the Sacramento river and the corresponding rains, | up to the present time, (Ist January, 1858,) there has been no ex- ' } traordinary rise to record, as may readily be seen by a glance at the hydrographic scale. As may also be there seen, the rains during the | same interval have been considerably below the average. 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UINUUTXR AL seee eeecee reece "Hd VUNOULAWOWUIHL CP a ry Sitisiel ean SSO BOIN 8 UUNUIUT ** TUNUIXe [Al sees Ce ee a a ry “UD LANOWUINL FCCP O HO He ee were eee sees sone sees eeeeesuparg UMNUILOI Fee ee nena sees ee ee seen esos eee TINUNXBHL “Ud LINOUVE *OSeT ‘TW ‘unboyT yy snwoyy, hg—sysnwas Kyyjuow ynn (‘aoiffo s yotouayy sohaaimg amg ey) fo 70) ‘ ‘Oo ‘pspposy ‘AD fig pauusayap sp) “4 PPL] oLSl apnnhuop “AT AP FE o8S anqn] ‘QGRT mah ay) Bursnp ‘nusofiyng ‘ojusumsong yo apps suoyoR.asgQ, yoorbojoLoapayy Jo jon.48Qy7 Abstract of Meteorological Observations—Continued. METEOROLOGY. 301 - . o o eg Spices = nea -rSmWDOrRME De Sve i 2. Stl +l +++ os > <= oonrwvwoones DBanoono os AQaAHaaA ia : “raqma00q Sana oOo New iy RMON NOMS a *1aqUIaAoN | ciailiatai sat oe ole ales DrANQNIAN ; ‘ | 1 | fai DOwWoMt0 SANHaAANH ’ "190100 rina jn ie cic ain aes rrnNoores MMrANANOS - ANA AMN Cl raquiaidag By fe cal SATO Senernseso BHM AMAaAN waroy Circle iariee ie ciles sSnwe oO ce | oe ioe | FSM NAH Sw AAARAARA einimcin ainaiaeiak mr NOW ARDONSOSH AAARAAKIN dene ajacieaeinals WIAA HOHOMIQ IO Lele) Be oe oe oon rile les cles caer caie> ein mI Nera oe al Ornora-oo meme SaNR Ser ale cle ole ance ale le tain oo 1d 1 = Honda s “your pl So ws ap aman ole SRATH SCAN - *Areniqa gy emmnonor Con? Bee onlin hon onion! ai aierim eyes ronmnA tN | hr ODM DONIm~ID an SoonanAa *Arenure HO. caeeae OO.ce. NW. wind. ...d0....W. wind .. ..d0....SW. wind. Bats bo Geeta f'h600 Bn -.d0....SE. wind... dO... Wind... Doe... 3 E E= | ae S = S = sana AAaa 1856. lst days and 2d force of N. wind... 302 METEOROLOGY. GENERAL REMARKS. The foregoing table for 1856 is the result of three daily observa- tions, made at 7a.m.,2p.m., and 9 p. m., with the instruments and instructions recommended by the Smithsonian Institution, The readings of the barometer have been reduced to the temperature of 32° Fahrenheit, but not to sea level. The height of the lower sur- face of the mercury is 41 feet above the mean level of the sea at San Francisco. The rainy days are included in the cloudy and foggy days, and are also put separately to show the number of these days on which rain fell every month. Professor Coffin’s psychrometrical table for determining the elastic force of aqueous vapor and the rela- . tive humidity of the atmosphere will be used in our register hereafter, and the dew-point column omitted. The following corrections of | errata are to be applied to our tables for 1853-54, published in the | Smithsonian Report for 1855: Barometer mean for September, 1853, 30.00, and mean mean 30.02 inches ; mean of barometer for January, 1854, 30.11 inches. MONTHLY REMARKS. January.—The means of the barometer and thermometer were above } the average of the three preceding years, the former by 0.254 inch, © and the latter by 3.59 degrees. The rainy days exceeded the average } to the number of seven. There were five days of more or less fog. The quantity of rain was plus the average 1.460 inch. A sprinkle} of snow, just enough to be perceptible, occurred on the 8th at 9 a. m. On the 3d frost remained all day unthawed in the shade. February.—There was little variation in the atmospheric pressure } from that of previous years. The mean temperature was plus the! average by 1.14 degree. Spring opened early. On the 7th the wil-- low (Salix) flowered. On the 13th the buttercup, and on the 16th | the wild violet were also in blossom. The rain fell short of the» average by 1.460 inch. ' March.—The temperature exceeded the average still more this } month, being plus 3.12 degrees. Spring progressed rapidly. On the» Ist the peach was in full blossom, and on the 10th was leafed out. . Although the deficit of rain for the month amounted to 2.560 inches, , frequent showers, accompanied on the 29th by lightning and thunder, , tempered, in this locality, the effects of the drought which prevailed | generally throughout the State. | April.—There was very little variation in the readings of the’ barometer and thermometer from that of previous years. Seasonable © rains invigorated vegetation, and although nothing like the deficiency / was made up, still the Sacramento river remained comparatively high » for the season, in consequence of the warm rains melting the snow. | Its temperature averaged about 54°, being four degrees lower than » that of well water. The last frost of the season occurred on the 29th, _ The barn swallow made its first appearance on the Ist, and toward — the latter part of the month wild geese were observed wending their / METEOROLOGY: 303 way northwardly. At the last of the month salmon and sturgeon began to ascend the river in considerable numbers. May.—The average readings of the barometer and thermometer did not vary much from those of the four preceding Mays. The pro- longation of the wet season to the last of the month somewhat com- pensated for the deficiency of the semestral fall of rain, which was reduced down to 6.263 inches. On the evenings of the 6th, 8th, and 9th sheet lightning in the northern horizon revealed the time of occurrence of terrific hail storms at various points at these respective dates. That which occurred at Butte creek, Shasta county, was accompanied by a gale, the belt of which was not over half a mile in width, and the extent of ground on which the largest sized hail fell two miles. These hailstones were about the size of carbine balls, of a nucleus of ice surrounded by snow, apparently. On the 21st snow fell lower down on the foot hills than at any previvus time during the winter. The temperature of the river still remained 4 degrees lower than that of well water, the current running at the rate of four miles an hour. June.—Throughout the whole month the weather was very variable. Instead of the close, sultry atmosphere that usually obtains as the sun enters the calm belt of Cancer, strong, chilly winds, varying from SSW. to WNW., just at the period of the summer solstice, pre- vailed, freighted with moisture from the ocean. As the land, how- ever, had already attained a high degree of temperature, of course it could not condense the vapors of water held by the air; consequently no rain fell after the 1st, when 0.033 inch are now chronicled as the last for this extraordinary season. The total amount, therefore, of rain for the season of 1855—’56, at Sacramento, was minus the average 4.264 inches The river continued to fall steadily. Its temperature on the 2lst was 4 degrees higher than that of well water 12 feet below the surface, which fact showed that the great bulk of the melted snow from the mountains had passed off. July.—Notwithstanding the cloudless sky which characterized nearly this whole month, the tempering of the atmosphere by fresh southerly breezes was more obvious to one’s feelings than by the ther- mometer, the mean of which was only 0.60 minus the average of the three preceding Julys. During the few days that northwardly winds predominated the heat became intense. An important meteorological fact connected with this unpleasant wind is that all the moisture has been wrung out of it that a dew-point of zero in the cold latitudes could extract. It is, indeed, a return wind, which, after blowing over the surface fresh from the ocean, grows colder as it goes north, where the process of condensation commences, and when it comes back it is as parching and obnoxious to animal and vegetable life as the simoon of the eastern deserts. The river reached a very low stage this month, and its temperature at 12 feet below the surface read 75°, while well water at the same depth was 66°. August.—This last of the summer months closed after a remark- ably cool summer. The whole number of days of extreme heat, in which the thermometer reached 90° and upward, amounted to only 11 for the summer, viz: two in June, six in July, and three in August. On 304 METEOROLOGY: the 26th the temperature of the earth at 53 feet below the surface (the depth then obtained in an artesian well) was 60°, the thermometer, having fallen about a degree and a half for every 10 feet from the depth of 15 feet, at the time of reaching which latter depth it read 66°, | September.—This month was characterized by variable weather, The barn swallow made its last appearance on the 5th. On the 10th,) at 54 o’clock p. m., we were suddenly visited with a high wind from a heavy bank of clouds in the southwest horizon, which at one time. presented indications of approaching rain, but was intercepted by thew arid mountains and high lands of Santa Cruz, Alameda, and Sani Francisco, where the accompanying lightning and thunder are reported to have been extremely violent. a For several days previous to the equinox a regular declension of) atmospheric pressure was experienced, attended with a stagnant,} sultry condition of the air. This was succeeded by a sprinkle of rainr (the first of the season in this locality) at daylight on the 20th, whent the lowest reading of the barometer, as above, was recorded. As thei sun entered Libra, however, the weather presented one of the mo favorable specimens of our autumnal climate, a fresh circulation of air being kept up by southerly breezes. The most remarkable feature of the month was the brilliant eerolites which appeared on the evening of the 11th, at about 8 o’clock. Ass it was seen simultaneously in an area of several hundred miles,), bounded by Red Bluffs, Iowa Hill, Stockton, San Francisco, and] Santa Cruz, the probabilities are that at the time of its brief appear-- ance it was in the upper regions of our atmosphere, and that, judging s from the interval that elapsed between its explosion and the reaching: of the report here, which resembled distant thunder, its distance then) was between thirty and thirty-five miles. After comparing all thes different accounts that have reached us, it would seem that its course’ was on the southern side of the zenith, from SE. to NW., and thatt its relative position to the point of aspect here was at first about forty) degrees above the horizon, and twenty when it vanished. When firstt seen it appeared but little larger than Venus, but as it approached! the earth it increased in size as suddenly as it diminished again justl before bursting into brilliant corruscations of light that reflected alll the prismatic colors. The moon was near the close of iis second | quarter at the time, and the atmosphere clear and transparent. | The Sacramento river fell to a lower point than has ever been before » observed, which will be the zero of the scale of a new river gauge ? about to be constructed by the city. Its present mean temperature» twelve feet below the surface reads 70°, while that of well water at ' the same depth is 60°. The temperature in the artesian well at! sixty-five feet below the surface is 592°. | October.—-The mean temperature of this month was 5°.47 minus }) the average. On the Ist the flight of wild geese southwardly, which | had been observed since the 8th September, prepared us to expect the » rain that fell on five different days—the 7th, 15th, 17th, 19th, and | 24th ; and though not amounting to much in quantity, it was sufficient | to indicate that the atmospherical changes which characterize the» rainy season had set in. The first frost occurred on the 20th, and ice » | | METEOROLOGY. 305 iformed on the 22d, at daylight. The effect of the rains and snows was sensibly demonstrated in the Sacramento river, both quanti- tatively and thermometrically. On the 17th, it rose suddenly ten inches, and fell again immediately to low water mark ; its temperature declining 12° lower than that of the previous month. The temperature of well water fell to 57°. On the last day of the month the leaves of the willow began to fall. November _— Although the readings of the barometer were not much \below the average, more or less stormy weather prevailed over the greater part of the State. In the south, the setting in of the rains was attended by disasters of a somewhat novel char acter. A shower of sand swept over a portion of Los Angeles county, completely de- stroying the grass on the pasture lands About the same period, severe gales prevailed at Humboldt Bay. The mornings of the 27th and 30th were unusually cold for the season. The rains of the month did not make much impression on the river, further than a rise of about 9 inches ; its temperature was 46°, while that of well water was 59°. The temperature of the Artesian well, at 73 feet, where it was discontinued, stood at 58°.50. The fall of leaf of the fig, apple, pear, and cotton-wood tree occurred on the Ist, 5th, and 30th dates of the month respectively. December.—The month was rendered remarkable for the unprece- dented persistence of continuous cold weather and the number of cloudy days—much beyond the average of the three previous years. The barometer maintained an unusually high range in consequence of the prevalence of northerly winds. The readings of its extraordinary maxima were made on the evening of the 19th and morning of the 20th, while the wind was fresh from the N.NW., and the temperature ranged from 30° to 40°. Its diurnal mean fell only five times below 30 inches. The minimum was registered on the 29th at 9 p. m., pre- ceding a SE. storm which was general throughout the State. On the same day it snowed at San Francisco, and about the same period the Coast range of mountains presented the unusual appearance of being covered with snow. The river was not much affected by the rains of the month ; its temperature read 41°. 20 8 306 906 °GT Ge9°6 90b'G ¢c9"0 00070) | ‘apuuds | z10°0 ose’o §= | aryunds |'aryuudg | ¢z9°9 108°F CLE'T vteeeeerseesecees Go} pug ured jo AANUENH ie OV g's Te 6°L o'r 2'0 PL 0G SP L'9 9'8 B'S See eee Sieiaisere ince R NO: jo Aqquene 6F 8 OL j 0 I I I T I #¢ TS € SAS Sa * sXup Atted jo caqunn ERGT tel t Td IT tL $¢ TOL fel 8 91 b (aa “srr eees skup Adagy pus Apnoyo Jo 1aquun yy EL8I TOL lL 191 61 36G 19% $81 $41 808 £6 $8 €S Teeseesecoeececcere SAUD Bylo JO aQUINN Sb°TL COLL 69°69 gI°99 GL*e9 Leto &&'P9 to 99 €b 69 £0°CL 91° 8L ££ "08 86° F8 Se eee eee ae uae aaa ae ETAL GP'S 0g 66 te LG 9% ce #G ve ee ch RG 19 Seen eee ae adie: ee. apie ae ULLAL &6°16 £6 00r 6 G8 8 &8 $8 88 oor 6 001 O01 So Se tee se eeeses BUUIXE AL “ALIGINAH FZAILVISU ine" eee" 98%" zee" CIF $or ELE 00" Lee 126° Lees 16%" cee bee e Settee teense eres seer eees eee eesupa TAT E16. raced C60" ebl* B0E* 186" ore" LRG" ERB" £26" b0G" 060° 9E1" a ae amet eae 708 BUUTULA, Bug ere" 16h" egh* 1¢s" Gig" Yeo" £28" cOL* SEg° thr ech° &Gb° pe "8° BUX UAL be "uouvA dO FOUR Llp 99° 6e We Ta 98 19°6h Beis ¢9*2c errs 96° TS oz"1¢ gS" Lb 1S°RF bb er Peek ee een een serene seeneeneeees see esUnO [AT sores 0 9% 6G 9g 8g 9 98 LE 08 cg 9G 9% : eee BUTTUTIAL oS &'8s 6h g gg | 8g 09 6¢ GL 69 $9 tS £S 8g ; meee BUX BIAT 8 “EN1Od MAG a gerer 9G ze te re a Ip te oF on 6% eR ge Teer enna se eeeey weet ees ensee sees oe ee oFinaT fy «= «OS & ce ce Gh Be ey es £S 1g Cr OF 0g 0g i eee : sees RULTUT Ss 80°64 gg 19 6L 98 96 6 101 16 é 69 69 89 SR SRC NS SS eer ee eee ane UL er "HA VUVOULAINOWUAHL £L'09 LE*LP PGES 6h'19 €6°L9 Té"TL Shik 66° TL 1s"¢9 18°89 &r'9S C&'0S £S° 8h sisisiejescen.e/ 8. slain SAA Lieb 00°LE 8 6F 8¢ 09 69 19 3g gs tP be 1g Seas oe , *VLULUTT GL°OL 00° LS $9 6L b8 6 06 86 18 6L 99 6g 19 GNI SG eNO? oe. SSB ULL SU AT ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° "MALAWONUAHL 166 66 SO"0E | T90'NE | TESS | 9166S | Ch'KS | BE8HG | OCB"ES | OFB'6S | 146 6G | €80'08 TRO ROG SEG Cee eee eee eee oe eat eee Al PIL’6G 808'6G | £19°6G | FhOGG | O1L'6G | 199°6G | BE9°6G | OF9'GG | LOLS | LLL GG | GLL'GG | GGL'GG | IGL'6GG | °** ~ Soo oe oo SLA kerr 9 6hp"0E | E9eCs | OLT OE LEU TOS ae MCOOROS Ml eLOCKOE) leenEORUS MinxOPTa0Gus|| ar0Gc0hen MRT EROS MESQEPIOGH |) GGr10G. set Unie ates soso 5 5 ie Rees EULACE TAL "ATLANOUVEA “SUBOT |,qUld0aQ |'1,qUIaAON| “19q0}0Q |'1,quaydeg) “sndny ‘ANE ‘oun “ARN judy ‘your «|'Areniqag | ‘Avenue “LEST $$$ —_ “piUulofiyg ‘opuaumungy “gy ‘unboy pr ‘soyz, fq ‘suonvasasq¢ qworbojo.oapyy fo 2DL)Sq¥ * Abstract of Meteorological Observations—Co a ip A apa November. September.) October. July. e August. Terr acnwn a saoosatoe + 2 = om nie clanies = | antatet= } OW arn wo e MONNMVWOD = Sete Ot a a = cjnoingia alarin nie 3 Caner HOt o oe ote fea Pasnbanae RRMA OMAND Soconanon m Meas aisaincie it) row ~~ nnn =“c7nsceorn akdalalaieiake MNOMDADCS eoconme eon dim aindinainein aco rawoonr = April. May. June. March. MOMMHSOHMA SSoScH-anon oo ain Ste Cle> leo So m~™ Ow BS ronn-socw RosaaaHn Be claste erie - >neo ie) Pete So St Os Co i S—SsHaaqanaa Mina mle nines co eMowo | } me oe He HOR | rinain-jmaie — -leeies 7T i aed ek a ~ February. = monorn i = ip fo cis ale nbonmoareaS January, 1857. on) alee ales ae —iord os | eoecnoscecen reas = Seue = Scene = Seas 3 = = = pa.3 Zz a 3 @ =« «7 . Ge. cece ‘ Cia 5 tae Ga ie Py Eescocoo seUTUuucT CMY oe 'S3 & se buon em sire Cah oye es SS Poco s=SARA ~ an cml METEOROLOGY, 307 METEOROLOGY. 308 SIT LT $I-F SS S1-S 66 81-9 OIG |" = weer $00'08 SOL 6G PEG OE *sayouy "svat GC ce" LP OF’ €€ 96° LS ‘sinod 7 | ‘stRad or ry cy [ veeeeeee |) GT-p L§ sees cee 88°62 00° 1h 0L°&6 IL’8& £9° FG 0S 6r sae eee LOT" 0S 6PL' 6G 80h 0€ *sayouy sivak & $80 °0€ CTL 66 IPS" 0€ *sayouy ‘AON cLIlsG CT OT ST-PI ALI #8°L9 06°66 G6°86 660° 0€ 62L°66 ThG 08 *sayouy 20 89°8¢ St'61 08° $8 £68 "6G 9EL°6C L90° 08 *sayouy 4dag -amydg | €00°0 | TPT‘O £3 0'% LS St-9 T |St61 GI-99 |SI-eh |SI-@L¢ GT-€ FG | ST-GL Se) SI-6 & 6L'e9 | 29°09 | PI'F9 G6‘8T | 08°03 | £L°0G 0s"eg | S0’%8 | 00728 p9'3G | FL BS | OL'PS cuize | este | 29°¢e w9'e9 | so°e9 | 49°89 os gr | 00°Sh | 00°9F 00'S | 00°PS | 00°ES 0¢°246 | 00°46 | 00°66 ag'0L | S6°PL | GO°TL 09'S | St'6S | 0G°9S 00°96 | OL°96 | 08°S6 006°6% | 8S6°6G | 692°6% ZOL'6G | QPL'6S | LES*6S 9g0'0E | SOL‘Og | 9EL"O8 “sayouy “sayouy “sayouy qsnsny | ‘Ang | ‘aune STEP SI-v18 CTsét LI GG" OL Ges 0& 88 &1'0S 00°8& 00°19 00°6& 00" 8P 00°28 G6°E9 09° 6F OF G8 ° 000° 0€ 069° 6G PLT 08 *sayout “ACN 066°6 ae cst-69 STI OL SI-S ft 66° bL 09°98 06°96 0S0°08 GEL 6G 166° 08 “sayouy qudy STF SI '89°SL STEP S6°E6 OL 9F LOGE 00°6S 0g *Sé 0G" BE 00° PL Ik 'S OF Th 09° EL LE) 08 COL" 6G 608° 0& *soyouy ‘yore £6 °¢P 00°66 0S*GS 040 '0€ €99° 6G €S8" 0€ “sayouy qd $6°S8 08° P9 08°46 be" lr €E°86 LT 0S OS TE 0S 08 os*19 bS0°0€ 069 6G 16°08 *sayouy ‘uer "SNVOW ITVONNV ‘gy ‘unboT “py snwuoy,z Ay ‘prusofyng Sopuru ‘SNVUW ATHINOW seen ee sees seeeeesguout ul ured JO AIUeN? eee +00 ep oeeee sess osvessnnola JO ANUUND tt eeeereeeseeeserserchpn Kurer JO aqUINN + seseesscdpp ASSO} puv APNOlo jo JaquINnAy SOC OICES SCHO CCE OR IIT 7,1 41) ivajo JO 19Q Wn Ay ree ee vee eeee ees seupong bes eee eee eens BUTTUTTAL * BULIXU A CO eh *KLIGINAH FAILV1Id bene eeneeeeeeee ce eeee ress seenne noes IAT sed cea g eee ee eeeeeeee cere BINIUTIAL *RULIXe AL CP eis *“ENIOd MIG Leeman teeta tee ee eres seseee sewers eT Ty dette enw ere e eee eeeee seen suit AL ** BUUIXRY ee ee eee sere eererese "Hd VUNOULANOWUEHL Lee eee ee ee eee eeeeee eee eereeere sone UDOT beeen ee eee ee ceeeee eeees BUTLUTTAL * BUIIXE {Ay seeee Oe *UTLANONUAHL Lecce eeeeeeeeeeeteerereee sere sees UTA TAT * BLUTUT AL *BULIXE [AT PRR eee eee eee eeeeeeesenee "UaLANOUV & *LGc-9Gc-ESc PSF SBT ouongy wo sunk aan 1of suormassgQ worbojovom yy fo synsae ayy fo QML, METEOROLOGY. Heteorological Observations—Contivued. 309 1853-°54-55—"56-757. MONTHLY MEANS. 5 = 3 ee : E ® eI Bes = 5 cs = < = lst days and 2d force of N.wind........| 5 8-45/ 1.7) 47-15[ 1.91 32-45 1.4 3715/1071 13-451 1.4 Rida... NB. wind. ......| 1 7-15] 1.3] 11-15] 0.9] 12-15] 1.0 | 815/0.9| 5-15] 0.8 eee »-E.wind......e.] 1 8-15] 1.9) 18-15] 1.3) 19-15] 0.8] 19-15] 1.9) 8-15] 0.2 RS SE. wind.......{ 7 | 1.81 6 1-15] 1.5] 5 10-15] 1.6| 4 14-15] 9.3] 6 4-15] 1.9 eee n-80...... .. S. wind.........| 2 14-15) 1.7] 9 4-15] 1.3| 3 8-15] 1.1] 4 9-15] 9.1] 7 6-15] 1.9 Do........d0........8W. wind ......| 113-16] 0.7] 26 15| 1.6] 6 6-151 1.9| 7 4-15] 1.9, 8 9-15] 1.8 Do........do........W. wind.......] 8-15] 0.7/ 10-15] 1.31 1 4-15] 0.7] 1 7-15] 1.4) 13-15] 1.6 Do. do........NW.wind...... | 10 2-15] 1/8} 9 11-15] 2.1) 8 11-15] 1.5] 6 14-15] 1.7| 5 12-15] 178 PERE ee i TS Oe ee WoL a ell lek MONTHLY MEANS. 1853-°54~"55-"56-57. e ; 2 : ; re : ; 3 s 2 2 3 5 5 4 DR 6 c | ist days and 2d force of N. wind........| 1 14-15 1.9) 16-15 1.2! 12-15] 1.1] 2 6-15] 1.0| 3 13-15] 1.3 ee ea NE. wind..... 5-15, 1.3) 3-15] 0.8) 7-15 1.9} 11-15] 0.7] 10-15] 0.9 “ee ae EB. wind......., 6-15, 0.7) 2-15 1.2) 5-15) 0-8) 10-15] 0.8] 10-15] 1.2 Diniz ds..:- ee SE wind.......| 5 3-15, 1.9} 92-15 2:9] 121-15] 1.6] 7 | 1.6| 5 5-15] 1.7 Bitieass. 4. Riteies ts Bwindi: cc. 8 3-15 2.2) 8 1-15 211) 7 10-15 2.1) 5 215) 2.1] 2 12-15) 2.1 DOisss....d0.......-8W. wind..... 6 6-15 2.0 6 11-15 2.2) 7 6-15] 2.1] 6 8-15] 1.6| 5 5-15) 1.7 ee * aan W. wind........| 14-15 1.5] 2 6-15) 1.3) 9-15] 1.9] 14-15 1.0| 1 | 1.3 Dovseversd0...... NW. wind..1.-] 6 $15 1.6] 2 14-19] 1-9] 1 10-19) 1.3, 5 14-19] 2.0) 11 5.18) 1.6 MONTHLY MEANS. ANNUAL MEANS. 1853-°54?-55 -°56—'57. r a git ee > 2 2 ee ae A © 3 a a a a > Ps) ° o o o oS o me > al > a = Q co) x re) Ist days and 2d force of N. wind.........| 5 5-15] 2.9| 48-15/1.7] 15 38 1-15 DOs.ee-s.-d0........NE. wind. -.....| 112-15] 1.5] 3 4-15] 1.6] | 1.1 12 5-15 SURasawades OU ccc cece Ei: WiNGs.ccccccs| 2 2-lo oh? 1.3 1.0 é Th 19215 Stee. coo ,......SE. wind ./.cn,.): SB Sla SPs SISA OTB Loe ed och ioe 77 3-15 thr. =4..d0.:-..-. S. wind ........ 2 (29 144 15] 19 |] 55 1345 Mites ...ddi,.,....9W. wind.....:) 8 215/l We aSspaal G07, |lislazc|cakeeas|) 68 Bas Se doe... We wind :...-|, Ws-lol ant Woof) Oo) | 1,8" roan. pce cee 12 10-15 Do... do sic NWewind...0)) 9 715, 2.5) 113-15) 18) VB eye) 90715 ReMaRkKs.—The mean mean of the barometer for July is apparently higher than that of June, in consequence ofsome peculiar disturbing causes in June, 1853; which month should have been regarded as exceptional. 1856 being leap-year, of course a fractional part must enter into the average of the clear and cloudy days for February, as well as of the number of the days of the wind. 310 METEOROLOGY. ON THE BEST HOURS OF DAILY OBSERVATION TO FIND | THE MEAN TEMPERATURE OF THE YEAR. BY PROF. CHESTER DEWEY. The mean temperature of a day is to be obtained, originally, from observations of the thermometer, taken twenty-four times daily, or double that number. The mean of daily and hourly observations of this kind must give a close approximation to the actual mean tem- | perature. From a series of such hourly observations the two, or three, or four hours may be selected, which will give nearly an ae result. The large Meteorological Society of Manheim, in Germany, selected . _ the hours of 7 a. m. and 2 and 9 p- m., but I could find no reason for this selection in any accessible work, when I began observations in meteorology in 1815. In 1816 and 1817 I made twenty-four hourly © observations of five days each in the different seasons ; the first of the kind on record, so far as I know, being made for thirty days. Th a mean of the 24 observations is 41°.50 ; of 10a. m. and 10 p. m, 41°.455 and of 7, 2 and 9 about one degree higher. Coming so near the mean I adopted those hours of the Manheim Society, for the ease of com- parison with the results obtained by them. The mean of observations at 6a. m., 2 and 10 p. m., gave a close — approximation to the mean of 24 observations ; ; but the morning hour would be too early for half the year in view of many observers. The results of this series of cbserved temperature I communicated to Secretary Calhoun, as he was about to organize the system of | meteorological observations, so successfully made by the surgeons at the military posts of the United States since 1819. These hours were adopted for all the posts. The fitness of these hours, 7 a. m., 2p. m., and 9 p. m, for obsell vations, is sustained by the ‘following facts : 1. By the hourly observations for a year at Leith Fort, Scotlands These give the mean of 24 daily observations, 41°.50 ; of 10 a. m. and | 10 p. m. very nearly the same; and of 7, 2 and 9 about one-fourth of — a degree above the mean of the 24 observations. 2. By the hourly observations at Amherst College, Massachusetts, _ through 1839, under the direction of Prof. Snell. The mean of the 24 observations is 47°.23 ; of 10 a. m. and 10 p. m., is 47°.16; and of — 7, 2 and 9, is 47°.88. This last, then, is two-thirds of a degree above — the 24 mean. Prof. Snell shows the mean at 6 a. m.; 2 and 10 p. m, is nearly the same as the mean of the 24 observations. 3. By the ‘‘Girard Observations,’’ under the direction of Prof, Bache, an extensive series of several years, bi-hourly and hourly. q The mean of 7, 2 and 9 is only three-tenths of a degree above that of 24 observations, and from this last, that of 10 and 10, differs only one-tenth of a degree. 4, Brooklyn Heights’ Observations, hourly, for 1856, by H. Meriam, esq. Ihave summed only the first seven days in each month. The | mean of 24 observations is 47°.72, and of 10 and 10 is very near the | METEOROLOGY, 311 same ; while that of 7, 2 and 9 is 48°.28, or greater than the 24 mean by one-half a degree nearly. 5. At Sacramento, Cal., lat. 38 N. The 24 mean is 64°.41, and the mean of 7, 2 and 9 is 64°.11. Nots.—By the last three it is evident that the mean of 7, 2 and 9 approaches nearer to that of the 24 mean, as the places have a lower latitude, and an examination of the 24 hours observation in the Arctic regions show; quite a departure of the mean of 7, 2 and 9 from the mean of 24 observations. The 24 hourly observations give the mean of the year— At Halle ........ Pathe. abe tedatashnas nase nate Pinas oddeke - 48°.00 re a eee Oi ee SPER A ae me Padua............ aiebeesinete’s tio alslsd iat igs SAE ee a 56 74 On calculating the mean of 7, 2 and ¥, I find that— REIL ECS «1 adcdesiecdass< act ean viaticé s deiae ae eee cnaeee sean aes meet Gottingen ...........ccssecscecsensas age custo’ aoceses eae . 53 45 COS SA Sa aes MPI ie bl 1-8 PEN e A SOAS Observations on the temperature of Salem, Massachusetts, were made with much care by Dr. Holyoke for thirty-three years preceding 1819. The hours of observation were four, viz: 8a.m., noon, sunset, and 10 p.m. By interpolating for sunset, in my series of 24 daily observations, I found that the mean from these four hours is only a little greater than that of the three hours, 7 a. m., 2 and 9p. m. Dr. Holyoke’s mean temperature of Salem is 48.68 degrees. The mean heat at Leith, by the 24 daily observations, is 48.24, and by the hours, 7, 2 and 9, is 48.50. This approximation from these four hours, and one of them variable, is another unexpected result. Between 1842 and 1855 the observations at the military posts were directed to be made at four periods of the day, viz: a little before sun- rise as the coldest generally; at 3 p. m. as the hottest, and at 9 a. m. and 9 p. m. as approximating the mean temperature of the day, but half the sum of the observations at sunrise, S. R., and 3 p. m. was to be taken as the mean heat of the day. In the preparation of the “* Army Meteorological Register,’’ published in 1856, the fourth part of the sum of those four observations was taken as the mean of the day, because Dr. Coolidge and his associate became satisfied from extensive comparison of the twenty-four daily observations, that the mean of the four observations was nearer the twenty-four mean, than those at sunrise and 3 p. m. would give. Dr. Coolidge states also, that the evidence was clear from the comparison of numerous twenty- four hourly observations at the posts that the mean of 7, 2, and 9, was for all the posts, the nearest approximation of any hours selected to the mean of the twenty-four daily observations. In 1855, there- fore, the Surgeon General, Dr. Lawson, issued his circular requiring a return to the original hours of observation, viz: 7 a. m., 2 p.m., and 9 p. m. In ascertaining the relative correctness of the results in the ‘‘ Con- solidated Tables’’ of the Army Meteorological Register, taken for a2 METEOROLOGY. twenty-three years from the three daily observations, and for twely years from the four hours’ record, it was important to make some teat, These are as follows: i 1. Prof. Snell performed the labor of interpolating for sunrise in. his hourly observations for the year 1839, and sent to me the following i result: While the mean of the twenty- -four hourly observations ig 47°.23, the mean of the four hours, 8. R., 9a. m., 3 and 9 p. m., fb AT°. ie making a difference of only one-tenth of a degree. This was an “unexpected result, but of high inter est. My own oe - servations interpolated in the same way gave only a little ereaug f difference. 2. The Consolidated Tables in the Army Meteorological Register r yield the following proofs: a.—For Fort Columbus, N. Y., p. 600, latitude 40°.42, TetimGnm OF ta (VEATOTASe: PLCet UN ec sss. cas cecsbewec st snovaancnstneahe 51°.69 } The mean ot Ps 2hand Oy Zlsy ears, -18...c.seerves vests cheecceatsess 51°.42- The mean of the four hours, 12 Years, 18....seeeeeeeeeeeeeceee teens 51°.83 } Hither hours give a close approximation. | b.—For Alleghany Arsenal, Penn., p. 605, latitude 40°.32, The mean for 21 Vea Hier events svcnipesuscvaliaspsicasshae sn bumee ss 50°.86 Wieanewnon 7, 2. and 9) fOr, VEaTS 18.0020. 60.. cc ewecnenseereseoess 50°.43° The mean of four hours, 12 years 18...........:sseeeseeeseeeeeeeeees 50° This is another close approximation. e.—For Fort McHenry, Md., p. 607, latitude 39°.17, : Meme H NUOMMEN. VATS AS ee cieeo ar ca .cqsengee cs cengsananasanneunsen 54°.86 } Wipementinoe (co. Aud, | Ole AWeAUS 18. 20.005 apacecnenwnavaraaemen 53°. 9a Mipaticatncol TOU MOUNTS, 0 VCAUS IB... c. ..teeceps scenes anne orpagennaae 54°.86 } d.—For Fort Monroe, Va., p. 608, latitude 37°.00, . Cesare oy VRE IS eSBs hee cr niebios a cwiews ans salads dQncicm ou eeits 59°. 2am PROM ate MOWES, LO IW CRES MS ss cnet ws ssere crs sneeaswevine nen nat cag 59°. 2am The mean of 4 hours, ATW CAITR UIS core seasslsgne nes tos syer secre remnants 597 Iu e.—For Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, p. 624, latitude 34°.47, ive amc aan One RV CATN 18 ten agiane se Spans eee ver vce ssene nnenninse une 60°.81 | MB IMEALO! oS MOUTH, LO VALS IS ss dcots. acebescee a nniens rok seenmeaasais 61°.53 Tie Gea Ol GUTS, Wor VCAES Tells oe ctpe sec nsen. -- Sap eMeeRMee hn 3k ac tins nina sis amrcinacs 44° 54 | The mean for 3 hoursye2 Years ISigeepewe wakes res sn - 86°G— g9°S— bP 9— cv Sae Ci 00°9— LAE TA AiR ¢9'¢— OL Sa= Cone rey ALG 99°9— OL Ga Eeiss bo" 8— OF 8— jb) Wey bi ¥8°L— er 1958) Ci Aa 68°h— Vase te NUTTY 02 DL [2 OL °L= 09°¢— 8a°S— bo 6— 02° 6— Oo sla 09°8— KIS LO Tine 08°S¢— (Sa) Pe gino Sine Se gstacs eo aher nL ERIS 96°8— 0859 = Jes Cr 86 '6— 02°6— 05° 6— 00°6— CL°8— Gh 01— bE °8— 90°9— Osc eas See eens ae UPA GS has te At bI'9— 6l 9— bo" 8— GLi6s S353 96° 6= a8 OF 6 ¢9°L— Ces Ga ha le - ‘urd T og: 9 OGthas WG ON) OT Rae 0s "*8— 80°8—- cL°9— COna as 8639 96° $— coo rae i. “Ul 6 yon oe OLiGae Ones G0°S— £0'°9— ee Ge 89°¢— Gls COlGa LU Mae GL G— CO ie a te EIN I 6 $A? Ff toca CON ck $6 G— foo 08°é— Glu Gae el 1— 69° — [GaGa ¢3"0— 96° 1— era FE OOOO LT IT 61°0 Oot pe 0+ g3°0+ | 99°0— RAAT (el ee) 90 Grit OFT Portia. Te eceeeuT ye OL'G ely 89°% le°P CS°G 60°T OFT co°L b0°¢ 80°G BLES: ER°E ee ve ees PBI LLY L6'E 86 °P L8°9 E's 08 °¢ 06°F GaP L6°S oo Pp 8L°P GLP bets St be RO £6°S RL'S vE F COL PPL G09 96°9 LL’9 Meira elo BL°P 89 PF Sete cae ee? SEG ceo CES €0°F GL°L 88° L PS*L OB °L 8I°8 | 61° 60'9 0G'°F GL’y — Ee. “UL 'B 90°9 0L°G CLS | 60°2 9¢°9 Ch'L F0°8 88'L | ¢°L 69°S re € 0S°P eS pe ogg selon 89°S cG'G 6b 9F°9 ¢6°9 RG'L GH°L Th*L GPL 96°S GE te 2 pape se pie EES 9I°¢ 0G°S 66°G coc G19 €8°9 86°L 8F'9 | 69°9 | 8°? ate bah “ULB & £9°F €9°T PEG L3°P 96°S 66° 9 b9°9 1¢°¢ €6'9 es Ph BL'G 06°E “Ul “2 T » | | } “rea k | | JO} uvafA |"Jaquiadeq |*4,qUI9AON | *19qQ0100 | ‘t,uraideg| ysnsny ‘Ajoe ‘oung *ARIN udy Ole *‘Arvnuiqay ‘Arenuvy | “NayUasy ny “dajunusay J “sdnoy tnof-hjuanp ayp fo sunaue ayy wmnjgo 0} Lnoy Yona fo wna Kjypuow ay, 07 payddo aq 07 woysaitoa ay) Hurag ‘ssnoy snof-hjuany ayy fo uno hpyjuou ay) wosf snoy yous fo sunous Ayyjuou ay)? fo aouaia {1g METEOROLOGY. 315 To use the table, let the mean of observations at 7 a. m., for the month of April be 42°.57; apply the correction for that month and hour in the table, 5.97, and you have this sum, 48.54, which is the mean of the 24 hour observations for that month. For the two hours, 7 and 7, in April, you would have— 42.57+50.23 , 5.97— 1.69 = 48.54 2 2 For the three hours, 7, 2, and 9, in March, take out the three means— 30.19 + 43.15 + 32.92 , the same mean. = 35.42, and corrections from the tables are 3 4.62 —8.34+1.89_ yg, — .61. The sum 34.81 is the mean of the 24 observations for the month of March. Nore.—At the foot of the preceding table are given the corrections for observations, made at various different hours of the days, to show the nearer or more remote approximations to the mean of the 24 daily results. The first of these is for the hours 3 and 9 a. m., and 3 and 9 p. m., the hours adopted by the Royal Society for obtaining the approximate mean temperature. These hours are convenient, except that of 3 a.m. The next corrections are derived from one-fourth of the observations at Ta. m.,2p.m., and 2 (9) p. m., the last being twice the temper- ature of 9 p.m. A very near approximation is easily obtained in this way: Thus, the mean of the year, in Amherst observations— At- - - 7a. m., is 42°.46 At - - - 2p.m.,, is 55°.29 mwice - - 9>p.m., is F140 am hh 1899.15 Mivideby 4 - - - = A7°.29 Add the correction - — .11 from the uibiee mpprox. mean - - == 47°.18 Mean of the 24, hourly = 47°.23 Difference - - - - = 0°.05, only ;4,th of a degree. Using the same formula for the Leith observations, the approximate mean differs from that of the 24 observations only 5},th degree. ‘ EE TOPOL. .6 ors keer dice stn ac ne oe cab eee ree ais : Franklin arsenal, Pennsylvania......... poe Halle; abputeSieeteneet. sessen as cn csedes 3 EE Padua,’ less Giaay Pisices- |. +-000 0 cance. 4 * Gottin cemat Fe eaecak« olen es -sceceheeee tie i Girard observations, not.......c0.ssseees . shy Fa Brooklyn heights about the same. The advantages of using the fourth part of the observation at 7 a. m., at 2 p. m., and twice that at 9 p. m., are obvious. The preceding cases are ample illustration. This table of corrections will have a special value in our country from the locality in_the heart of New England, where the observa- 316 METEOROLOGY. ; tions were made. No similar table has before been derived from thine } While it presents the analogies of other similar tables, it will be better adapted to a large district of our country where meteorological observations are being made systematically. Some gratification will) result to Professor Snell in such an application of his laborious and: scientific efforts, in this particular, in 1839. Such tables, it is evident, avail nothing where one or more simedi observation, as sunrise or sunset, have a constant change, even though; they may give an approximate mean. In different latitudes sunrises has different hours, as well as sunset, and the corrections must require a far greater series ‘of observations and far more labor. Though the: four hours used at the military posts for several years give an approxie| mate mean, no correction for the sunrise observation is yet obtain So great is the labor of making the observations, and of discussing; them for practical purposes, that the fewest practicable hours, exceeding three, should be adopted for the observations of meteorr ologists generally, Only a few observers, who are favorably situated) also, can afford to make hourly observations for a year or for years% and when such have been made, as enable observers to make the cor rections from prepared tables, ‘the great object will be attained by using only three hours of observation. The last line of corr ections Im) the preceding table is derived from six hours of observation, used for) some time at the Toronto Observatory, viz: siz and eight a. m., two and four and ten p. m., and twelve, or midnight. Though the correla tions are very small for these six hours, they are too numerous for) ordinary object or advantage. The same objection lies against they use of any four hours separated by six hours, as one and seven, both!) a.m. and p. m.; which, however, give very nearly the mean of 24 observations a day. Some of these hours will be very inconvenient) and troublesome. Take even the hours adopted by the Royal Society,” 3 and 9 a.m., and 2and 9 p. m.; 3 a. m. is a very inconvenient hour,” though the four give very nearly the mean of the daily 24 observar) tions, as shown in the first line of particular hours. In a series of observations of ‘twelve years, like those in the “Army Meteorological Register’ of 1856, these four hours, or any four hour would require a million more observations than the three hours, bes) sides increasing the labor of the reductions one-third more than is! necessary to attain the same approximation to accuracy. It is hoped that adequate evidence of the value of observations at | the hours 7, 2 and 9, has been presented, and that a near approxic: mation to the true mean is attainable. The results may be corrected, i if need be, by the prepared tables. "| Rocuester University, March 31, 1858. | METEOROLOGY. 317 “METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS. BY J. WIESSNER. Ist. The daily results of mean temperature of the air in shade, as ybserved on a farm in the District of Columbia. 2d. The monthly results. 3d. A trial adjustment, assuming that the mean motion of tem- erature may be represented by the motion of an elastic ball jumping ip and down. 4th. A comparison of the Washington summer with the summers it Naples, Rome, Constantinople, Petersburg, and Savannah. The probable error for the Washington series being very small, shows that the observations were made carefully and in large num- ser ; also, that the last summer was a very regular one. The figures in the former table for adjusting the daily observations nave the probable error + 0°.3, so that ten years’ further observa- ions will make them correct to the last figure. Next, a table containing p for each day of observation. By ising the three tables and the simple formula ¢, = ¢, + p w, all she observations now at the end of 1857, 4,500 in number, may be recomputed and compared with the individual records, which will tive an average probable error of a single observation and reduction, = + 1°.4. Mean temperature of the air in the shade of the District of Columbia. Date. October. |November|December,| January, | February,} March, Remarks. December, 1855. 1855. 1855. 1856. 1856. 1856. 1856.7 ° F ° ° ° ° ° o Beieass abc. 57.4 39.4 | 21.4 28.8 31.8 | Mean for this period |,......... ol Sa ee 59.0 38.0 29.5 23.0 34.2 36°.1, or after ad- |.........4 BP ivies ceecs 58.3 42.1 30.4 10.2 33.3 justment, 35°.8. Let |......eces Oe 55.0 45.5 15.8 (ie 42.1 pede) thepmuniberh|/. Sees, 7 oS eee 48.6 36.7 18.5 14.0 30.7 of weeks before or |......... _ 6 62.8 50.2 39.2 26.4 16.9 34.2 after: the ‘week, |’. .:.%... x 7 46.4 54.3 40.3 28 2 33.8 98.8 (Feb. 2—8,)+ after, | wace levee 8 45.5 55.2 35.6 16.7 33 1 35.6 — before; then the |......... y 52.6 48.9 Soe 5.0 29.0 19.6 adjustment gave |.....scc0. 10 58.8 44,2 35.8 2.5 29.2 16m the mean tempera- |.... cece ll 60.6 52.2 28.6 11.0 33.3 pais) ture for any week |......c.06 12 45.9 56.0 26.0 92.6 24.1 34.0 fe by the formula: |......... . 13 41.4 59.0 34.7 30.9 8.6 29.7 tm. = 25°.3 + 0.130 |.......00. 14 48.9 49.3 32.0 30.0 10.6 36.1 pe? with the proba- |....... ate 15 58.3 49.6 39.6 27.5 26.9 36.3 ble* errors so 4° oss |ercac ae ae 16 53.8 63.5 55.6 Dye) 34.7 31.6 The probable error 28.7 17 46 2 47.0 45.3 97.1 19.2 35.4 ofthe weeklymeans 27.0 18 53.6 46 8 36.5 95.5 S12 39.2 as found from ob- 198 19 55 4 41.4 27.9 27.9 19.4 34.7 servations, was +> 23.0 20 58.6 35.0 30.0 16.0 31.6 42.3 WP S8e 35.2 Qi 60.6 40.1 35 6 agi 31.6 41.9 Qe 22 52.2 38.5 43.0 18.9 35.6 39.4 18.5 23 42.1 35.6 50.2 17.4 33.0 40.3 13.4 24 38.7 46.4 40.6 17.8 33.1 41.4 22.2 25 38.7 38.5 33.4 17.6 34.7 39.9 25.8 26 42.1 51.3 24.3 11.8 ook 38.3 31.9 27 49.1 42.8 19.2 | 23.2 30.6 36.5 33.4 28 58.6 39.9 30.7 | 29.8 31.8 * 41.8 29 51.8 35.3 23.7 23.4 33.5 mapa 39.2 30 60.3 36.3 26.0 17.4 dealel ere Tsieiniais 32.8 31 es. idee aaa 26.0 dave Gn site wie siceletaltawuia cts cas 30.2 Mean a) Bey 47.8 36.0 20.7 26.1 34.5 27.8 { New station and thermometer, east corner District of Columbia. 318 METEOROLOGY. A table, [w], of use for the reduction of observations for tempera’ ture of the air in the ‘shade, made at different hours of the day by th formula to + = ft, - pw . The observed temperature. Lhe mean of the 24h. », A factor depending on the disposition of the atmosphere for solai heat, the mean factor of the month being unit. p w. The correction to the mean temperature of the day to get, ow the observed one. t,, and p are to be found for each day by the method of least squares: or by a good approximation to it, by a calculation shown on the next pace. octets Ss ie aoe LiFe asa METEOROLOGY. Example. 319 Reduction of observation for ipey by the formula fp = ty + p w | East corner of the District ot. Columbia, September 1, 1857. Observed. Equations of condition. Comp’d A. — : Bg a am ° os hae 5 30 55.0=t4,—82 p| —184=—10.8p | 56.9 —1.9 | 600 57.8=%4,—7.6 p | — 15.6 = — 10.2 p | 57.8 0.0 | 700 638=>¢4,—42 p|— 96=— 6.8p | 63.0 + 0.8 800 67.8=4,+0.3 p| — 56=— 2.3p | 698 — 2.0 900 73.8=>7,+25 p|+ 04=— 0.1 p | 73.2 + 0.6 1000 7704 +54 p| t+ 386=+ 28p | 77.7 —0.7 1100 808=>¢4,+7.3 p|}+ 7.4—=+ 4.7p | 80.6 + 0.2 PM.1215 8830=#,+90 p|+ 96=+4+ 6.4p | 83.2 —0.2 115 8.8>¢4,+9.4 p|+104=+ 68p | 838 0.0 200 8.8=4,+9.3 p|+104=+4+ 6.7p | 3.7 + 0.1 300 80=>4,+9.0 p| + 96=-+ 6.4 p | 83.2 —0.2 400 818=>#4,4+8.0 p|/+ 84=>-+4 54p)]81.7+0.1 500 798=¢4,+64 p| + 64=-+4 3.8p | 79.2 + 0.6 715 705-6, 7.0.1 p|— 29> —, 215 py 69-6 + 08 815 67.5=t4,—19 p| — 59=>=— 4.5 p) 66.5 4. 1.0 900 66.0=>t4,—2.8 p|— 7.4=— 5.4p | 65.7 + 0.3 73.4 = ¢, + 2.6 p [eae ae eee Sa.5-p es A 2 78G + FA = Fee he Normal eq., No. of observations, 16. Result, 0.08 + 0.53 cmt 5, t, — 69°.4+ 0.13 =+ 0.5 Oo bo =) e between 1855 and if ions, mad ty. + pw., obtained from 4,400 observat east corner of the District of Columbia, latitude 38° 53’. 8, longitude 76° 52'. 0, height 120 ft. Tuble of w. for the reduction of temperature observations to the mean of the day by the formula to 1857, by M. Wiessner, and reduced by J. Wiessner, METEOROLOGY. é Ser BER eres eer Se aeS wseernrotaassnre "1e9R wl Pili tl (tetetttet4+ TTT *uo1sur FANDOM DOHOCHNQAIANMAWMNOOrOHASOAN See | -qse Ad “oun Ueayy 3 g MED UD rt 08) SE rit St et Sf 00 09 GY 19) Cai a} AAA Gio tH Lalas tees 7 ar 4 si i] al Bs *aquiadag “SHS a pare TTF TTT "I9G WI9AO N HONM SAW SAOAAONTSODORMDOOSMON WOSCGHHOSOMATMASSOOBHSAaS | 3 = 5 = a. 6 7 A = os 5s | « =e a M a o a i= & B a i FI S 2 2 Ep B Sr Kees Es 5 ES ee = = Ss = =) ® 2 ae 3 — & ee | < = Lard ard < mM °o Zz (=) ar}. | 1 30.3 35.7 | 40.0 48 3 Sl 2.9 = 74.9 69.5 54.7 46.0 44.6 2 2.7 93.7 | 22.6 30.7 60.0 70.1 Ge 74.6 71.4 61.8 | 50.0 7.8 3 32.4 19.0 21.9 34.7 62.8 68.3 * 74.5 69.5 63.2 | 43.3 44.3 4 29.0 42.0 32.7 48.6 61.1 68.5 x 72.5 74.5 56.5 | 42.6 37.4 iS 39.5 46.2 34.6 | 69.7 63.4 53.8 al 72.8 75.4 56.6 53.3 43.0 6 23.5 54.0 | 36.7 43.0 61.1 61.3 S 73.7 72 5 54.4 64.9 43.6 7 21.0 49.8 26.4 33.7 56.9 68.8 r 71.8 58.8 54.7 66.7 44.7 8 11.6 52 5 23.9 44,1 61.0 7.9 eS Wl 58.0 Sot Abe Tie 55.7 9 20.4 27.2 29.4 50 5 62.0 68.0 74.7 77.0 63.1 59,9) an 715 64.5 0 28.1 25.1 27.0 | 46.6 68.7 65.6 75.9 74.9 69.0 58.4 43.4 45.8 iL 30.0 u7.5 33.5 | 50.0 51.3 63.8 74.3 75.0 ek 59.6 39.5 37.3 2 17.4 26.0 29.0 43.9 51.9. 70.7 75.6 76.5 72.6 64.0 42.3 29.5 3 21.9 38.6 | 26.7 37.0 57.4 75.0 79.0 81.3 72.0 65.2 50.5 30.0 4 23.0 40.6 | 38.4 42.3 63.5 75d 77.6 84.4 iaao 67.0 37.6 40.6 b 93.2 52.1 | 40.2 43.3 58.4 aioe: WEES 82 5 71.6 63 2 30.0 | 41.8 6 11.9 69.8 ; 43.1 40.3 yl so 79.7 76.1 73.6 65.3 53.6 | 41.6 | 40.4 7 3L.9 60.0 | 45.1 38.7 59.2 75.8 75.2 76.8 78.2 50.8 | 45.3 | 45.0 8 4.7 56.0 53.1 39,2 50.0 75.8 Tane 75.3 76.3 53.7 | 46.5 52.2 9 14.0 62.3 41.9 41.5 43.6 67.9 81.5 71.8 61.8 61.6 41.8 43.6 0 17,1 39.0 44.1 35.1 44.5 75.2 80.8 | 69.3 64.7 43.2 | 926.4 35,2 1 33.1 47.7 | 48.4 40.5 50.8 74.6 78.0 | 66.8 61.0 40.6 | 31.0 34.8 2 6.7 38.6 | 48.9 39.5 60.6 t 75.0 67.1 65.4 43.5 42.0 42.0 3 4.1 44.4 48.6 45.9 64.9 tT 71.9 70.0 58.8 49 5 47.8 38.7 4 | 74 | 52.0 | 60.0 | 47.2 | 677 | ¢ | 73:9 | 66.4 | 57.8 | sa1B | 30.7 36.5 5 11.0 61.9 | 52.0 31.2 Ari t 76.7 64.7 59.2 54.8 22.0 - 30.3 , 10.0 | 41.8 | 41.0 | 52.3 | 79.5 t 79.8 | 70.6 | 65.4 | 49.2 | 93.0 | 32.7 ? 37.7 ao. |) 841.2 ..|\. 56.3 69.7 Tt 79.2 69.4 67.5 48.0 | 29.8 30.4 32.7 42.8 44.0 | 63.8 67.4 t 79.0 76.5 66.5 41.9 32.5 37.3 Oe eo 40.4 | 90.4 64.8 T ills. 68.7 54.5 45.7 41.0 40.4 7 | See 46 4 51.4 §5.8 T 74.2 65.2 49.7 45,2 41.7 38.5 ei ca asco “ah > til Ha eee bel: Tt 75,2 GH Tt cones eee | ANAS iC 38.9 ean 22.4 42.7 | 38.9 44.9 60.4 70.6 76.7 72.9 665.5 53.7 43.2 40.6 ——— —_—_— * New thermometer from the Smithsonian Institution. } Thermometer broke during the hailstorm of June 21. 21s 322 METEOROLOGY. Adjustment of temperature for Washington, Summer 1857. Arg. Obs. Assumed eq. of m. *m. eunilition. —3 April — 3 449=—-2—3y4+92z —18.8=-3y+52z _— —2 May — 2 60.4=>2—-2Qy+t42z — 33>—2y _ —l1 June —1 70-6=2x—ly+tlez + 69=>—ly--3-¢ we 0 July 0 Gi, =| a + 13.0 = —4ez _— +1 Aug. + 1 RI=x2tlytiz + 92=>=411y—32z — 10.0 +2 Sept. + 2 66.5=74+2yt42z + 28=+4+2y — 57.9 +3 Oct. +3 53.7 =ertsyt+t9ez —W.0=+3y+52 Mean....ee0. 63.7 = @& +42 + 11.6 ood Normal Eq. Solution. 75.3 — 57.9 = 2 z 2 +17.2=>Ry y = + c= Washington, Summer, 75°.3 F. +- 1.4 m — 2.90 m* + 09.5. April. May. | June. July. Aug. Sept Oct. | + 5 3 + 75.3 BS CEs)! illsboseeesocos + 75.3 + 75.3 +. 75.3 ep ACO Eile e) OER Maly Soe aIpe im eee ete Sat SEV TII Pet OE RLS — 26.1 — 11.6 Se DAES doer aden ee — 2.9 — 11.6 — 26.1 | 45,0 9) == 760.9.) -- 71.0 + 15.3.- | 4- WS |) -h 66.5 + 53.4 | Resid’Ils— — 0.1 — 0.5 — 0.4 + 1.4 — 0.9 0.0 + 0.3 | ; Mean. Maximum y temp. July 23, 75°.4 be St 4 73.3 . 24 30 + 0.3 — — 0.2 7.2 15.5 75.4 23th For comparison— The summer of Naples........ Liat. 40°.9.....cceeeees V0.0 + 1.3m — 1.75 Romer idee misee ALG. wccccsceves, (3.9-+ 13m— 1.69 Constintinople valsiesie “Wentiisetsandaie+- led m —. 2.05 Petersburg.... DOG ccckisccsempepolure- 0.9 m —= 2.70 Savannah..... U2. Lsccccdestedesen cure + 0.6 m— 1.28 METEOROLOGY. 323 OBSERVATIONS ON NATURAL PHENOMENA. BY STILLMAN MASTERMAN, ESQ. Wetp, Marne, February 26, 1857. | Dear Str: Pursuant to my promise, I present to you the registry of certain miscellaneous natural phenomena observed by myself during a few past years, belonging principally to the departments of meteor- ology aud astronomy. Fragmentary and unsystematic as the obser- vations are, they can be of comparatively little value; however, as every phenomenon of nature, even the most trifling, is worthy of a place in the great study of the universe, and as you are desirous of collecting all registries of natural phenomena, I deem it proper to place them at your disposal. ‘The accompanying observations were made with no idea of placing them before the public, but under the conviction that perhaps they might be of some use in my future scien- tific investigations. Moreover, they were conducted during fragments ‘of time which happened not to be taken up by what I considered to be more important duties, therefore in many cases they are separated by leng intervals of time, not from the want of phenomena to observe, but from an inability to make trustworthy observations. So few ob- servations afford very insufficient data for generalizations ; however, the coincidence of certain results with those derived from more exten- Sive series are frequently very apparent. The following are some of the well known principles which the annexed observations tend to confirm : ‘ 1. That shooting stars have been more numerous, at least for a few past years, on or about the 10th of August, and for a number of days both before and after that date, than at other times of the year. _ 2. That these meteors frequently leave long bright trains behind them in the sky. 3. That during an exhibition they commonly have one general direction of motivun. 4. That exhibitions of the aurora borealis commonly commence at an early hour of the evening. 5. That auroral exhibitions generally have their maximum before midnight. 6. That in our latitudes auroras have been seen in all parts of the sky. 7 That the zodiacal light may be seen, in the absence of the moon, on clear evenings during the months of January, February, and March. ; 8. That this cone of light lies nearly in the plane of the ecliptic. 9. That the zodiacal light at times may be traced above 90° from the sun. i Yours, truly, STILLMAN MASTERMAN, Professor JosepH Henry, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 324 METEOROLOGY, A. ee | ’ Ke OBSERVATIONS OF SHOOTING STARS. ie ne | WELD, FRANKLIN COUNTY, MAINE. kid 1847—December 11.—At 8h. 30m. p. m. I saw a very brilliant : shooting star, which fell in the northwest. I should judge that when » it was in sight I could have read the smallest print without dificalae i in its light. I¢ left a bright streak or tail of phosphorescent matter, 60° or 70° in length, which remained motionless for about 30 second when it gradually vanished. The nucleus of light was apparently ofr three-fourths the diameter of the lunar orb, and - was about 2 seconds || in passing over 70° of the celestial sphere, ‘disappearing very near the: horizon. Se 1849—September 15.—Saw three large shooting stars. oh September 19.—Observed three shooting stars. September 20.—At 8h. p.m. I observed a brilliant shooting star, i; enveloped in a nebulous mist, and having a cylindrical cometic tail 1! 4° in length. It shot out brilliant jets or tufts of rays from its nucleus on its foremost side, which were bent back into the tail, presenting, § in miniature, the phenomena of Halley’s comet, so conspicuous to astronomers, during its last return in 1835. It passed between a Ane} dromede and B Pegasi, towards Momalhaut, describing 60° of the | heavens in about 2 seconds’ time. I also observed two other shooti i stars on the same evening. i October 3, evening. —Saw two shooting stars. in 3 November 14.—In the evening I saw four shooting stars. a 1850—August 4.—At 8h. 30m. p. m. I observed a large meteori¢) star. Its path was marked by a trail of light nearly 15’ in widtl which disappeared in about 4 seconds’ time. Its path lay from” 4 Oygni to near ¢ Sagitiarit. August 5.—At 9h. p. m. saw two shooting stars. The first sppeare to be as bright and to subtend nearly the same angle as the planet» Jupiter. It passed from Unuk al Hay in the Serpent to Arcturus int about three-fourths of a second. The other appeared like a mere line ( of light described by a brilliant point, and vanished in an instant. August T.—At 9h. 30m. p. m. saw a meteoric star, apparently to ( pass from near 0 Draconis by f of that constellation to the foot of) Hiecrcules. It appeared to be a streak or trail of light about 8° imi length, and, if my measurement of time can be trusted, it described | an are of 30° in less than a half second. q August 9.—In the evening saw four shooting stars. August 10.—Between 8h. 30m. and 9h. 20m. p. m. I saw thirty-four shooting stars, some of which were very brilliant. All excepting four — small ones appeared to pass down the Via Lacte, or near to and: parallel with it, from the northeast to the southwest, some as follows : br. 30m., one passed from near ¢ Cygni, between a and 9 Aquila, to: the ilk ’ Dipper in Sagittarius ; 8h. 35.m, two passed from Heuleus ’ to the head of Capricornus ; 8h. 40m. , one passed from 7 Ophiucht to ° METEOROLOGY. 325 Seorpio ; 8h, 48m., one passed from Scutum Sobieski to + Sagittarit ; 8h. 58m., observed two at the same instant, having their paths nearly parallel with each other, and about 8° apart. One passed to the east and the other to the west of the Milk Dipper. All of the foregoing seven meteors were accompanied by trails of light. _ August 11 —Between 1h. and 2h. a. m., saw twenty-one shoot- ng stars during ten minutes’ observation. They passed down the Mitky Way from Cygnus to Scutum Sobieski. A greater part of them were attended by trails of light. September 1.—At about 9h. 10m. p. m., there was a brilliant meteor in the west, which approached the horizon rather slowly, describing in appearance a serpentine line. Its ight was almost equal to that f the full moon, and its apparent diameter nearly 20’. September 4.—Between 1h. and 4h. a. m., observed eight shooting stars. Some of them left brilliant trails. September 22,.—In the evening, saw two shooting stars fallin the SH. September 30.—Between 8h. 5m. and 8h. 10m. p. m., saw two shoot- ing stars fall to the southwest. Between 9h. 45m. and 10h. of the same vening, I saw three shooting stars pass near to the Milky Way and sarallel with it. October 7.—In the evening, saw three shooting stars. October 9.—In the evening, saw four shooting stars. October 30.—In the morning, saw a brilliant shooting star. Even- ng of same day, saw two shooting stars. One appeared to rise up- wards from the earth. It was in the vicinity of the constellation erseus, November 1.—About 4h. a. m., observed two meteoric stars. November 10.—8h. 30m. p. m., saw a meteoric star. November 12.—63h. p. m., saw a brilliant shooting star pass from ear 0 Capricornus to 8 Draconis. It left a conical trail of light, which remained visible but a little more than one second. Between h. and 8h., saw a shooting star. November 13 —At 6h. 30m. p. m., saw a meteoric star. November 20.—In the evening, I saw a swiftly moving shooting star. I judged that it moved 20° of the sphere in } second. November 24.—Th. p. m., I saw a meteoric star. December 1.—In the evening, saw two shooting stars. December 30.—6h. 38m. p. m., saw a brilliant meteoric star. 1851—January 11.—Evening, saw a small shooting star. January 24.—Kvening, observed two shooting stars. March 31.—I saw two shooting stars. STILLWATER, MINNESOTA TERRITORY. 1851—July 19.—In evening, saw four shooting stars. | August 5.—In the evening, observed two shooting stars. _ August 9.—In the evening, saw three shooting stars during fifteen minutes’ observation. August 10.—In the evening, saw nine shooting stars during one hour’s observation. 326 METEOROLOGY. rt ny 4 August 20.—In the evening, saw four shooting stars during thir . minutes’ observation. August 21.—In the evening, saw three shooting stars during —- five minutes’ observation. August 22.—In the evening, saw two shooting stars during fifteen minutes’ observation. In’ the same evening I saw a shooting star apparently rise upwards. It was about three seconds in moving 45°, and made an angle with the horizon of about 30°. August 26.—In the evening, saw five shooting stars during forty=— five minutes’ observation. : August 2'7.—In the evening, saw three shooting stars during thirty , minutes’ observation. ; August 28.—In the evening, saw two shooting stars during sixty — minutes’ observation. va September 18.—In the evening, saw three shooting stars. One appeared to rise upwards more than 30° of the vertical. September 23 —Saw a very brilliant shooting star. September 24.—In the evening, saw two meteoric stars. September 25.—In the evening, saw three shooting stars. September 26.—In the evening, saw three shooting stars. September 28.—In the evening, saw a meteoric star. September 29.—In the evening, observed a brilliant shooting star. i , SUMMARY RECAPITULATION. Whole number of shooting stars recorded as observed pre- viously to the beginning of the year 1852...... .sss.essesaseeee 173 Observed’ previous to. the year 1850.........52....-0eccereosaeeennerne 6 Oliseryoam unin githel year MSRO ei dsictenes sckecssoewccenes outabans sine 100 Observed during TEV MUG Vanities, eo emeMae sain sn 0 ssiclsnmiy'ybeie Sh ; During the last five months of 1850, I usually passed an hour or two in the open air on every clear evening, and noted down alla the shooting stars that I saw, the number in each month being as follows : HAE AMIE a toh che dbaN asta @ TE OT PEE E A PELE 3 ME PECMUDET eae arsdces valapasecanin aeneciet ices 16 MietoWers. eecneeh ccs bless Oo ES aire 10 Pleven ete GOievd sehae sc 2c ces wale 3 Decem Hews, ateaee char ts ee tea eaaaiecs tes «wie 3 fh i's) 2 IRN Ag A ea A Sd 100 During 1851, I not only passed pilcht less time in making such observations, but likewise recorded only a part of the observations made. The following is the number recorded as seen in each of the | months of that year: ef ATIUIETY .. oul ances e+ sas Reta cee amen: 3 tHe Pebruar ys. ctieo ec sacs - + cee eee ate 2 On Bt AO ecck. seas speed neo) Seat geen sree 2 i DENTE ca cene snvoees wctret cnet eee eae 0 Oe May fa SoC Uc ale Sos 0 cy METEOROLOGY. 324 AURORA BOREALIS AND OTHER METEORS. WELD, FRANKLIN COUNTY, MAINE, ie EE ee ce) ae Ce a a Oe sen abs 0 ee * Pie NE ge ele at WMH midi Shit ieee SES 4 | UTES RN I a RR ee NH SRE 34 SPI CTCE on. wncatts neayia vn. conaddyraenastiiaios 14 BFCEEN TS ST NERD SPR EE SAD 0 NO Wer Dei a capele tetas ge «5.1 tds deta 0 DICER UL DHE a acd te ames + sntneethye Shins Sees 0 | dW eS 57 — | | B. | | i : Remarkable Meteor. 1850 —Sepiember 30.—At 9h. 30m. p. m. I saw a remarkably cae meteor in the southern sky. Its shape was that of an ellip- ical zone or ring, and when first seen its centre was about 5° east nd the same distance north of Fomalhaut, or in RB. A. 23h. 9m., nd declination 25° 23’. Its longer axis lay in nearly an east and west irection. The length of its transverse axis was about 10°, and of its onjugate diameter 5°. Width of the bright belt or annular surface n the upper part of the ellipse 2°, on its lower part 1°. The north- rn part was very brilliant, but its southern part was dimmer. It moved slowly to the westward, and also had a rotary motion. At 9h. 5m. its centre was 4° north of Fomalhaut and on the same declina- ion circle ; being less brilliant thaa when first observed, but of the irst noticed figure. _ At 10h. its centre was in about R. A. 22h. 25m., and declination 27° 23/. Its length was then nearly 15°, and width 3°. It was scarcely perceptible. It disappeared at 10h. 10m. STILLWATER, MINNESOTA TERRITORY. | / | ; | First Class Aurora. | 1851—September 29.—In the evening there was a remarkable exhi- dition of the Awrora Borealis. Soon after dark I observed a small and orilliantly white arch, having its point of culmination, which was about 10° above the horizon, very nearly, if not precisely, in the magnetic meridian, inthenorth. (The magnetic needle has a variation at this place of about 94° east, epoch 1850.) Soon after this, deep red streamers | 328 METEOROLOGY. were shot upward from the arch, 10 or 15 degrees apart, along its | whole length, which converged to a focus, as it were, in the south mag-) netic pole of the dipping needle. One of these, which stretched like | a broad band along the magnetic meridian, was of a deep crimson or) almost blood color. After a short pause the northern arch began to! rise slowly towards the zenith, where it was apparently dispersed. | On the disappearance of the first arch in the zenith a second arch: began to form, and was soon completed, in the south, just as if it wasy the reuniting of the first arch after passing the zenith ; also concentric i) with the magnetic meridian, and having an altitude of 30° above thei southern horizon. The extremities of this southern arch reached \ nearly 40° on each side of the magnetic meridian. Beneath this arch, 1 which was about 5° in breadth, was an intensely black arch concen=1) tric with the white one. Just as the southern arch was formed, a deeply red belts, springing from the horizon at the points formerly} occupied by the extremities of the northern arch, stretched themselves 3) through the zenith, crossing each other at that point, and ran down? nearly to the southern arch. These soon vanished, when a black seg-: ment of a circle was formed in the magnetic north, having its edge ( fringed with a silvery white. During this the southern arch had ( remained nearly unchangeable. Presently, alternately red and white \ streamers darted up from the horizon, or near to it, all around the com>) cave, varying in width from 1° to 3° or 4° and converging towards the zenith, the southern arch still remaining as before. On the ceasing f of this phenomenon the southern arch became serpentine in its course, } About two hours after this, that is about 11 o’clock, the aurora, \; arriving at its maximum, presented a most beautiful spectacle. The ¢ whole northern sky, from the east to the west, became thickly beset! with a multitude of stud like streamers, in the north coming to within » only about 15° of the horizon, but at the east and west meeting the horizon along an azimuth of nearly 30°, which all converged into@t: beautiful corona about the pole of the dipping needle. These stream= ers seemed all to have a sort of tremulous or wave-like motion from one side to the other in rapid succession. Shortly afterwards thee corona sent out streamers down the southern sky, thus completing the ¢ auroral illumination of the whole visible concave. Just at this time ¢| there was another arch formed,in the north, that is to say in the mage - netic north, stretching about 60° along the horizon, with an altitude ¢) at the culminating point of 40°, and composed of brilliant whites columns diverging from the north point of the compass, shaded with | black beneath. In a few minutes this arch mingled itself with the © columns, converging to the pole of the dipping needle; then there! followed a succession of auroral waves, passing over the whole sky, , not unlike the electric flashes sometimes observed in thunder clouds. . The southern arch maintained its position nearly three hours, disap- - pearing, however, during the occurrence of the last named phenome- / non. During the above auroral display the sky was clear from clouds; * for as brilliant as the auroras were the brighter stars could be plainly ) seen through thera, even where they were intensely black. The aurora continued more or less brilliant during the remainder of the night. | This auroral display was characterized by all the more conspicuous © METEOROLOGY. 329 ———————— wee eet _} phenomena of the higher classes, such as arches, streamers, a cofona, and auroral waves, the corona and waves being remarkably developed. The southern arch, however, was perhaps the most remarkable phe- nomenon of the exhibition. Si es as SE Second Class Aurora Borealis. December 23.—In the evening there was an auroral exhibition. A dark arch was formed in the north, having an altitude at its culmin- ating point of 15°, and its centre of curvature lying in the magnetic meridian. Numberless streamers shot upward from the ,arch to an elevation of 45°. The aurora was visible about one hour. The bril- liancy of the streamers would place this exhibition in the second class aurora. Iunar Halo. December 27.—In the evening I saw a beautiful halo around the moon. ‘The interior diameter of the ring was about 3°, and its exte- rior diameter was fully 7°. The inner edge of the ring was of a deep crimson color, and its exterior a brilliant blue; while it had an inter- mediate annulus of yellow, bordering on an orange color. The width of the red ring was 2°, that of the blue 2°, and that of the yellow 3°. The phenomenon was seen only about three or four minutes. Auroras of the Third and Fourth Classes. 1852—January 23.—In the evening saw a fourth class aurora bore- alis. January 24.—In the evening I observed the aurora borealis, but the exhibition was of little importance, being of the lowest class. February 7.—In the evening saw aurora borealis. February 18.—In the evening there occurred quite a brilliant exhi- bition of the aurora borealis, with finely developed streamers. I saw a very curious auroral meteor in the constellation Virgo. Its shape was that of the head of a huge spear. Its foremost point was in the vicinity of Spica, and the two anterior points were situated, the one near 7, and the other near 7 of that constellation. It remained visi- ble only a few minutes. February 19.—In the evening observed a slight auroral corrusca- tion. Parhelia. February 26.—In the morning I observed two brilliant parhelia, one on each side of the sun. The sun’s altitude at the time was nearly 15°, and the mock suns were distant about 30° on each side of the real sun. On their inner, or sides next the sun, their light was of dazzling | brightness, and their outer sides were tinged with the prismatic hues. =a ————— -— —_— —_— = _ —— —_— eee - - SE er ee ee 320 - METEOROLOGY. ‘ 1% Minor auroras. 4 March 9.—In the evening the sky was clear and serene. I saw am auroral arch in the north, having its centre coinciding with the mag- | netic meridian. March 12.—In the evening, saw the aurora borealis. m March 17.—In the evening, saw a fourth class aurora borealis. if Parhelia. " th March 1%.—Soon after sunrise I observed two parhelia, one on each — side of the sun, which remained visible at least two hours. *, March 19.—After sunrise I saw a parhelion. , 6 sy WELD, FRANKLIN COUNTY, MAINE. : i Aurora borealis, November 10.—In the evening I saw an auroral display, co sisting of a number of short streamers beset’ around the magneti¢” north. While gazing on these I beheld a meteor resembling a electric spark, which suddenly emerged from a brilliant streamer that lay in the magnetic meridian, and vanished ina moment. It appeared — to have a lateral and downward movement of about 2°. Color off streamers yellowish white. November 11.—In the evening I observed an auroral exhibition, which was much more brilliant than that of the 10th instant. The ) streamers reached a height of 45°, being intensely bright, and of a yellowish white color. bs Solar halo. ‘ : 1853—May 27.—When the sun had descended about a semi- diam- eter of its lower limb, below the horizon in the west, I saw the fol. lowing semi-circle of a ‘solar halo. The interior diameter of the circular » halo was about 8°, and its exterior diameter 18°. Its interior was crimson colored, and the several prismatic hues were depicted ont ward in succession. It was very brilliant, and a beautiful object for contemplation. i Aurora borealis. June 2.—In the evening, saw an auroral exhibition. The streamers : were quite brilliant, long, and slender. | June 27.—At a little “past 9h. in the evening I saw a fine auroras. It was in the form of a great arch, about 140° in length, and from 2° | to3° in breadth, The arch on the east approached within 3° of Altair; ah on or near the meridian it passed through Corona Borealis; and its ) western extremity was near ¢ Leonis. It was very brilliant ; and I METEOROLOGY. 331 observed a number of oscillations or waves pass along its meridian portion longitudinally. These waves were slow in progress, and some- what gyratory in appearance. Only a faint illumination was observed in the north. Rainbow. | July 12.—When the sun had been hidden nearly fifteen minutes by the western hills, and was just on the point of passing below the plane ~ of the horizon, I saw a beautiful rainbow. The bow was entire, and of splendid prismatic hues. Fragments of a secondary bow were seen. The bow in a few minutes showed a great preponderance of red rays, and did not disappear until the moment of sunset. 4 Aurora borealis. September 2.—In the evening, observed an auroral exhibition. At first, a dark segment of a circle appeared in the magnetic north, -about 10° in altitude at its culminating point. This was soon beset around its exterior with brilliant rays of a yellowish white. These rays extending out laterally shortly formed a serpentine arch, still with the black beneath. Then a few streamers shot upwards towards the zenith. Shortly afterwards these phenomena died away, and the northern sky remained quite luminous, with here and there patches of cirrus in filmentous wisps. I saw several small stars through the dark auroral vapor first observed. 1854— March 26.—In the evening observed brilliant aurora bore- -alis. Saw a fine auroral arch, having an altitude from the northern horizon of above 45°, and reaching from the eastern to the western -horizon. Width of arch about 10°. I saw many minor exhibitions of the aurora borealis during the winter of 1853-’54. March 29.—In the evening I observed a beautiful auroral meteor. It resembled the tail of a huge comet, proceeding from a nucleus about | 10° north of Spica Virginis. It lay along below Leo Major, branching out into two bright streams, with a fainter dawn between, the northern branch reaching a Canis Minoris, and the southern terminating a few degrees north of Canis Major. The above was its appearance at 8h. 15m. It was very brilliant, and remained visible for sometime. May 16.—In the evening saw a fine auroral arch, having an alti- tude of 70° in the north. It was composed of a great number of short transverse streamers 2° or 3° apart. Rapid oscillations in refraction. | September 4.—In the evening I observed rapid vertical oscil- | lations in the lunar orb, when crossed horizontally by thin cirrus | bands ; the latter projected in perspective on the lunar disk, reminding ' one of the belts of Jupiter. She appeared to rise and fall rapidly in | the vertical through about 4° arc: corresponding fluctuations being observed in the shadows of objects in her light. A number of other persons observed the phenomenon, which lasted about ten minutes. \ } I 332 METEOROLOGY. The altitude of the moon was about 15° ; and the cirrus bands crossi " her disk remained apparently unchangeable and motionless. A stor of rain followed before the next morning. | C, i THE ZODIACAL LIGHT, f WELD, FRANKLIN COUNTY, MAINE. | ae | 1853—January 31.—On this, as well as several preceding evenings, j) I have observed a prea column of whitish hight, ane the ceasing 4 an altitude of 40° or. more, which must - the conical body of the zodiacal light. the zodiacal light. ail base at ihe: horizon was above 18° j in vi and the iene of its vertex about 35° of zodiacal light. It was very brilliant, as much so as that part ‘ei the milky way visible at that season. Its vertex was above 90° fro m 1 the sun; in fact, a faint illumination seemed to extend almost to the) eastern horizon. Its width at its base was more than 20°. It was | observed on several other evenings of the winter. a 1856—February 2.—In the evening observed the zodiacal light; | it having been seen on several evenings during the preceding month, , It uniformly reaches about 90° from the sun, having an apparent! width at the horizon of 40°. Sometimes a faint reflection is observed | in the east. j 1856—February 8.—After the ceasing of twilight in the evening observed the zodiacal light. Apparent width at the horizon 40g length 10° from the sun. "| 1856—March.—I saw the pyramidal column of zodiacal light on) every evening, in absence of the moon, during this month. It appears | at the horizon of a width varying from 10° to 40°, and an apparent | length of from 30° to 90°, and even upwards. , 1857—January. —During this month I have frequently observed! | the zodiacal light. Its vertex is generally not less than 90° from i sun. Qn some very clear evenings a faint illumination may be traced to the distance of 170° or 180° from the sun, being visible a sre part of the night. Its width at the horizon sometimes reaches 40°. . Its axis appears to lie a little above the ecliptic, or to have a small | north latitude ; the amount of which is difficult of determination. | -> ; REPORT or RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. BY Dr. JOH. MULLER, PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF FREIBURG, [Translated from the German for the Smithsonian Institution. ] In revising this translation, originally made by different persons, it has been the constant aim to give as nearly and as literally as pos- sible the exact language of the author. But one exception has been made to this rule. In the case of the citation of English philosophers reference has been made to the original memoirs, and their own lan- guage adopted, instead of that of the report, wherever it was evident that the intention had been to give the equivalent German to their English. It is due to the author, however, to state that this change has been at most but a verbal one, not material to the sense. The notice is, however, deemed necessary, because this is the only departure, save in one or two unimportant cases, from the strict rendering of the language of the text. ' GEORGE C. SCHAEFFER, SECTION THIRD. THE LEYDEN JAR AND EFFECTS OF THE DISCHARGE. er {Continued from page 456, of the Report of 1856.] THE SECONDARY CURRENT. | § 56. Nature of the secondary current—When a battery is dis- charged by a long metallic wire the current in the conducting circuit wire induces a current in an adjoining closed wire conductor. The wire which forms the conducting circuit of the battery is known as the main wire. The wire in which a ctfrrent is induced by the action of the current in the main wire is termed the secondary wire. | [The existence of the secondary current was demonstrated in a series ‘of experiments by Professor Joseph Henry in 1838, published in the » Transactions of the American Philosophical Society,’’ vol. 6, p. 40, ‘in 1839, a publication apparently unknown to our author. 334 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. The experiments of Riess and of Henry were therefore nearly simul- taneous, as were the subsequent announcements. The article men-. tioned anticipates, however, much that is discussed in the following. sections of this report, founded on later publications of Riess an others. Thus experiments upon screening effects, upon secondary | conductors at different distances, and upon the difference in magne-. tism, were recited. The latter of these, in connexion with the matter. in § 70, throw additional light upon the apparently abnormal devel-| opment of magnetism. But the whole set of experiments, and the) deductions from them, were given as a sequel to similar investigations upon secondary currents with galvanic electricity ; severed from thisi connexion much of their value would be lost, and to reproduce the whole, together with later researches in the same line, would take up! more space than can be spared in the present volume G. C. S.] Riess proved the existence of the secondary current in the following , manner; (Pog. Ann., XLVII, 55.) e Fig. 59. uf Let A A, in fig. 59, bea | pe ENN UBIO CSL) _ Copper wire wound spirally! Sheth Sra aoe jj eo abet a glass tube anid ia troduced into the conduct | ing circuit of a battery; Ay A consequently is the main). wire. A wider glass tube) is passed over the main! wire, and upon it the seer ondary wire B B is wound, leaving its ends hanging; Shab hc cas a a free. The ends of a third” spiral C D, also wound, upon a glass tube, are to be fastened at a and 0. de The connection at b being severed, and the ends of the wire sepa-) rated a little, a spark is seen to pass at b when the battery, with @ sufficiently strong charge, is discharged through the main wire. This spark is a proof of the existence of the secondary current. A: passage of electricity from the main to the secondary wire cannot take place if the secondary spiral be kept at a sufficient distance from they ends of the glass tube on which it is wound. of A steel sewing needle placed in the glass tube of the spiral 0 D, which we will call the magnetizing spiral, will be magnetized by the secondary current. ip An electrical air thermometer inserted in the secondary circuit) indicates heat produced by the secondary current. Figure 59 represents the form in which Riess first arranged his experiments. Afterwards (Pogg. Ann., Lj 9) he gave the spiral a) more convenient form. ei In a disk of wood, consisting of three pieces glued together, the. diameter of which depends upon the size of the spiral to be ining > concentric grooves are to be cut and made into a spiral, by joining’ each circle with the following one by a curved groove; the innermost : ; | RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 33) ircle is joined to the second by the groove c d, (figure 60,) the second to the third by e f, &c. In these grooves a copper wire about half a line sh thick is so laid as to make a spiral. | One end of the wire passes through | disk at a, and along the under sideto z. From a the wire coils out to : e, from c tod, from dtoe, f,&.;a & 'y is the other end of the wire thus | wound in a flat spiral. | The disk is covered with a thin coat of pitch before placing the wire upon it. The wire being fastened by the su- perposition of a hot metallic plate, the spaces between the rings of wire will | be filled up with the pitch; a heavy heated plate laid on the disk will make the spiral perfectly level. This spiral is now blacked with coal and pressed upon another wooden disk to get the marks for a second spiral, which must correspond with the first as nearly as possible The disks are now fastened to glass sup- = their planes being vertical. They ) ' : . are arranged upon the same stand opposite each other, and so that they can be ap- proached and separated at pleasure. This arrangement is represented in figure 61. Another arrangement of the flat spiral, much more convenient for many purposes, shown to me by Professor Hisenlohr, of Carlsruhe, is represented in figure 62. One of the spirals is fastened on an upright glass sup- port in a horizontal position. The second spiralis fastened in the same manner on a glass rod, which has no foot ; it-is placed over the other, like the Upper, over the & lower condenser plate. The distance between the spirals can be changed by placing glass plates of differ- ent thicknesses between them. For greater ‘distances pieces of varnished wood having any desired thickness are interposed. The ends of the wires are provided with screw clamps z and y, by means of which the spiral can be connected as may be de- ‘sired. Fig. 62. Placing y and z of the lower spiral from one to two lines apart, and separating the two spirals by a glass plate, a spark will be seen to pass between y and zon discharging a jar, sufficiently charged, through | the upper spiral. The spark is produced by the secondary current. | as 336 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. § 57. Magnetizing by the main current.—To avoid false conclusions in regard to magnetizing by the secondary current, magnetizing by) the main current should first be properly investigated. ed Such an investigation was first made by Savary. Riess repeated: Savary’s experiments and obtained similar results. The following: are Riess’ results.—(Pog. Ann. XLVII, 55.) i In the conducting circuit of the battery, consisting of 25 jars with. 1}, square foot coating each, a spiral of platinum wire was placed; 26 inches of this spiral were wound in 42 coils on a glass tube 3 incheg: long. The ends of the wire not wound up were, together, 34 incheg: long. | In each experiment a new non-magnetic English sewing need ae 13.9 lines long and 0.19 lines thick in the middle, was laid in thei spiral. After the discharge stroke had passed through the spiral thei needle was magnetized. ‘To test the strength of the magnetism iti) was broyght to a certain distance from a compass needle two inches long, (in what manner this was done cannot be easily understood from Riess’ description,) and the deflection produced in the latter observeds] By increasing the charge of the hattery, not only the strength but the polarity of the magnetism of the needle changed, as the following, table shows: ‘ 5 Quantity, fet 10. 15 20 2587 2880. Deflection, 9914.5 15 10.3 65—25—7.5—8.5 2.3 116) It is seen that a stronger charge of the battery was not necessarily!) followed by a stronger magnetism ; also, that the magnetism thus caused was not always such as might have been expected, according t0l| Ampére’s rule, (namely, that if we suppose the figure of a man to Dé) introduced into the circuit, the positive current entering at the feeb. and passing out at the head, the figure, when it faces the needle, will have the north pole on its left hand,) for an abnormal magnetizing of the needle took place in all the deflections marked with the — sign. — In this series the strength of the magnetism of the needle at first) increased with the magnitude of the charge, then decreased until the) direction of the magnetism was reversed, and it was only after still [ { F more powerful charges that the normal magnetism appeared again. | These experiments are a proof that the direction of the discharge: current cannot be deduced from the polarity of the needle. With weaker charges the needle was normally magnetized ; abnormal: magnetism appeared with increased charges in fine needles only ; coarse needles are always magnetized normally, although constantly! increased charges produce in them an alternate decrease and increase) of strength of the magnetism. | §58. Magnetizing by the secondary current.—This peculiarity in the magnetism of steel needles occurs in like manner in the secondary: current. Magnetism produced by a secondary current will change 11 strength and direction: 1. By increasing the charge. a. i 2. By increasing the surface of the battery, the charge remaining thesame. The greater the surface, the stronger Riess found the mag- netism of the needle ; the same quantity of electricity being distributed | { | 1 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 337 jover a greater surface, it has a less density, and consequently a slower discharge, which is favorable to the production of magnetism. 3. The order of the periods of decrease and increase, as well as that ‘of the reversal of the magnetism, will be changed by an alteration in ‘the secondary circuit, such as introducing wires of constantly increasing length. . ‘If the secondary circuit remains metallic as before, but interrupted at lone place, so that the current has to pass with a spark, a very remark- ‘able influence is observed on the magnetic effect; often the magnetism is in this way increased very greatly, sometimes it is weakened, and again it is changed in direction. The strongest magnetization by the secondary current, amounting nearly to saturation of the needle, has been obtained in this manner. | 4, A continued change in the strength, as well as a change in the direction of the magnetism produced by the secondary spiral, takes place when, ceteris paribus, the length of the conducting circuit of the main spiral is continually increased. The apparatus shown in figure 62 may be very conveniently used ‘in these experiments. The lower spiral may be taken for the secondary circuit, and the magnetizing coil may be introduced between x and y by screwing its ends in the clamps. §59. Production of heat by the secondary current.—It has already been mentioned that the secondary current produces thermal phenom- ena; Riess has also investigated thoroughly the laws of the development: of heat by the lateral current.—(Pog. Ann., XLVII, 65.) In the conducting circuit of the secondary spiral, a magnetic spiral and an electrical air thermometer were introduced. The following ble contains the thermal and magnetic effects which the secondary current produces when the surface and charge of the battery are. changed. S and q have the same signification as before. } | } Heating. | S. Q. | etiam ' Observed. | Computed. 5 15 3.8 3.4 20 6.2 6.0 25 9.0 9.4 30 12.0 13.5 ° | 10 20 3.4 3.0 0.5 30 7.0 6.8 1.5 15 30 4. 4.5 1.5 | 20 30 3.5 3.4 4.0 25 30 2.5 2.7 2.3 / 40 4.4 4.8 0. 6 } 5 202 6.2 8.8 | 25% 8.3 2.0 303 9,8 5 6 22 8 338 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS, In the last column the deflections of the compass needle produced by the magnetized needle are indicated as explained above. Where 1 deviation is indicated the magnetism was not perceptible. 4 As far as the last three observations, indicated “by *, the observed) temperatures harmonize very well with the formula ed Li +7 Lies 2 8 From all the observations (the tables given by Riess contain a fe wi more) the mean result for a was 0.075; the temperatures computed \ with this co-efficient in the above formula accord perfectly well wi the observed values. Hence the formula holds good for the tempeli i tures produced by the secondary current. ny In the observations indicated by * the secondary circuit was inter-1 rupted, so that the current had to pass with a spark. This haga; very important influence (above mentioned) upon the magnetization, It is shown here, while the heating power is scarcely afiected—it being | a little diminished. P When a German silver wire, 78 lines long and half a line thick, was. inserted in the main circuit the heating was less; the co- efficient. a which was found above equal to 0.075, was now 0. 028. As may be readily conceived, the quantity of electricity in de secondary current is greater in proportion as the portion of the main) spiral acting upon the lateral spiral is greater, other circumstances} being equal. In order to determine the amount of increase of the: secondary current thus produced, the secondary coil B B, (fig. 59), closed by the platinum wire of the thermometer, was slipped over the straight prolongation of A A, and the temperature noted which was: produced in the secondary wire by the discharge of g = 20 ins = Then, in successive experiments, a different number of coils of the main spiral was brought under the secondary spiral, and the same quantity of electricity discharged in the same manner. These experi ments gave the following results: : Length of straight | No. of coils. | Heating in the lateral wire. wire. Tines. 134 0 1. 85 102 24 4,9 63. 4 do eG 24.8 82 11.5 0 enor 14.0 The numbers of the last column are the mean of two series of exX-) periments, giving nearly the same results. | Since we know what elevation of temperature (1.85) is produced i in the secondary wire by the action of a straight piece of the main wire | 134 lines long, we can compute the heat produced by the action of a straight piece ‘of the main wire 102, 634, &c., lines long, and thus} RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS, 339 | MIAO AS COMM cd ac ccinecpaceos Ss > SER Bw: eet pea ions wiv acutecusandanhicd 6.7 SAL) tila ad tendon ojaiee semmann ee 112 DT ee eras anmetac ee wifex ack te 14.0 | Thus the heat produced is very nearly proportional to the number bf acting coils of the main wire; hence it follows that the quan- ‘ity of electricity generated by the conducting cirewit of the battery in a econdary wire is proportional to the length of the acting part of the ircuit wire, other circumstances being equal. If over the same main spiral A A the same lateral spiral be wound, first with its coils parallel to those of the main spiral, and then with ore open coils, so that the main spiral acts always in the direction of its entire length, but at first upon a long part of the lateral wire running parallel with it, and then on a shorter and more open part ; n the latter case the action evidently is as much less as the direction : | f the coils in the spirals differs, or the closer the lateral spiral is in omparison with the main spiral. All the coils used for these experiments were wound to the right. It is not a matter of indifference, as far as regaras the strength of the econdary current, whether the lateral spiral is wound in the same or he opposite direction to that of the main spiral. Upon a main spiral ound to the right, eight inches of copper wire were wound first to he right, then to the left, with the result: Secondary spiral to the right...............see00 15.4 / ss &¢_, tho; bhenle tis vi segenuckaaaoaes « 2.7 '§ 60. Action of the main wire on different secondary wires.—A piece , a b,) 26 inches long, of the same wire which’formed the main wire as stretched out straight ; parallel with it a piece (c d) of the lateral ‘wire was stretched. The whole secondary circuit, in which the elec- trical thermometer was inserted, consisted of copper and iron wire. ‘'The piece cd of the secondary circuit, lying opposite a b, being a ‘part of the iron or of the copper wire which forms the lateral circuit, ‘with equal charges of the battery the temperature of the thermometer is the same, provided the iron and copper wire have the same diameter and the space between a 6 and c d is the same. Therefore, if the resistance to conduction of the whole secondary | circuit remains unchanged, it is perfectly indifferent for the strength of the secondary current whether a better or worse conducting piece ‘of wire is exposed to the action of the main wire. _ It is impossible for me to understand clearly the arrangement of the iexperiments relating to this matter from the description given.— ‘{(Pog. Ann., L, 3.) , § 61. Decrease of the secondary current in proportion to the distance \from the main wire.—To find how the action on the secondary wire decreases with the distance from the main wire, the piece running ‘parallel must have a great length, because otherwise, at tolerably | t 840 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. great distances, the heating of the lateral wire will be too little to be observed. ia Riess stretched two copper wires 10 feet 6 inches long parallel to each other, (Pog. Ann., L, 7.) One of them was connected by means of copper wires 6 feet long with the circuit of the battery ; the endg of the other were connected by similar wires with the platinum wire of the thermometer. By changing the distance between the axes of the parallel wires the thermometer showed that the current generated by the straight part of the conducting circuit of the battery in the paral lel wire decreases wm the proportion in which the distance of the a the wires increases, provided the distance of the wires at the start ig not too small; for if the wires approach within a certain limit the heat produced increases in a less proportion than the cistanel decrease. rf To obtain somewhat elevated temperatures by the secondary cur- rent, wires of great length must be used, and the management of these is very troublesome when they have to be stretched straight, Hence, when ouly the generation of an intense secondary current ig desired, it is greatly preferable to wind the wires in a flat spiral, as already described, (144.) The current which is excited by the main spiral in the secondary, is weaker the further the spirals are apart; but it is easily seen that be- tween the strength of the current and the distance between the spirals there cannot be a simple proportion, for any one part of the circuit of the main spiral excites a current, not only in the curved part lying” nearest to it and on the same side, but also in the more remote part of the curve, on the opposite side; the latter is indeed weaker, but it acts” against the former and diminishes its effect. But the proportion of the two opposite currents evidently changes when the distance of the spirals is changed. Ifthe starting point is from very small distances of the two spirals the strength of the secondary current at first increases” more slowly, but at a greater distance far more rapidly than the in- crease of the distance of the spirals. i i § 62. Action of adjoining closed conductors on the generation of the secondary current. Riess extended on the floor of a room three copper wires,0.55 line thick and 10 ft. 6 in. long, parallel to each other, (Pog Ann., L, 12,) these wires being denoted respectively by A, B, and C. The axial distance between A and B was 4.45 lines, that of B and C 2.35 lines. bie The wire A was inserted in the conducting circuit of a battery ; from the ends of the wire C copper wires six feet long led to the thermom= eter, and consequently the secondary wire C included the thermometer in its circuit. When B was removed the unit of charge gave a tem- perature indication of 0.135; B being restored to its place nearly the same temperature was indicated ; but when the ends of B were joined” by a copper wire 14 feet long only 0.094 was the temperature indi- cated. Hence it follows that— : The current generated in a secondary wire by the conducting wire of a battery remains unchanged when a wire with free ends lies between the two wires ; but the current is diminished if the intermediate wire 18 closed upon itself. ” RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 341 ' It is not essential that the wire B should lie between A and C in mrder to weaken the current in C, which is generated by the discharge ‘urrent traversing A. B may lie beyond C or beyond A; the lateral i turrent excited in C by the main current of A will be always weaker _'vhen B is closed, or when a secondary current exists in B, than when 4 this is not the case. Hence, the main wire of a battery having generated _ |lectrical currents in two secondary wires near each other, each of the two econdary currents ts weaker than it would have been were the other not oresent, | Two flat spirals, six inches in diameter, each formed of copper wire 13 feet long and 0.55 lines thick, were placed 10 lines apart. The thermometer of the secondary spiral indicated a considerable heat (42 livision of the scale) when the quantity of electricity (20) accumulated nm four jars was discharged through the main spiral. But when, _ inder otherwise equal circumstances, the same quantity of electricity _ was discharged, while a copper disk 6 inches 10 lines in diameter and _ ),33 lines thick was interposed between the spirals, the thermometer _»f the secondary spiral showed no sensible heat. This remarkable effect of the copper plate evidently depends upon he good conduction which it offers to the current. The interposed plate should be a poor conductor to allow a sensible heat to be developed in the secondary spiral. In proportion as the japacity for conduction in the interposed plate decreases the current in the secondary spiral increases. i Interposing plates were used successively as follows: 1. A sheet of -_ {~~ lin foil 0.01 line thick. 2. One of 0.0168 line thick. 3. Both to- ether. 4. A sheet of imitation silver paper. These sheets were lamped between glass plates and placed one line distant from the main piral. When the two spirals were two and a half lines apart the fol- wing temperatures were obtained in the secondary spiral for the unit f charge: Without interposed plate. ........cs0ssecssoccsssescees 0.56 Interposed plate of imitation silver paper......... 0.57 he Rainy tia foal stews tad ase 0.087 o cf Backes 48. Pkt akes als tea Sede 0.056 ‘ of both sheets tin foil............. 0.034 ‘ Comparing the last three indications with the corresponding thick- esses of the interposed sheets of tin foil, we find that the strength of fie current in the secondary wire is inversely proportional to the thick- Less of the interposed metallic plate. | The same result was obtained by repeating the experiments in the ame manner but at greater distances. § 63. Action of interposed insulating plates upon the formation of the jecondary current.—Faraday has ascribed a specific inductive capacity ‘o the different insulators in relation to statical electricity, so that hrough a glass or shellac plate induction should be much stronger than through air. ' The origin of the secondary current can only be satisfactorily ex- plained by the generation of electricity by induction ; and, in his view, ve should expect currents of different strengths, if plates of different \ : | | } j 342 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. | insulating substances were interposed between the main and sccomiaaay | spirals. Pit solid insulators possess a greater specific inductive capacity than } air a well marked distinction should be made by means of the seconda current between solid conductors and insulators of electricity. Thu while conductors, used as interposed plates, diminish the 7 aa current obtained ‘through the medium of the air, insulators, applied ; as interposed plates, should increase the current. | In spite of careful investigation Riess was unable to find such an } increase of the secondary current by the interposition of insulating ; plates, such as glass, shellac, &c. The use of these plates changes in no i respect the force of the secondary current, which was found just as i “wa as though air only had been between the spirals. —(Pog. | EB) § 64. Action of the conducting wire of a battery upon itself.—We have ' r seen that no electrical current can be generated by induction in a wire with free ends. The conducting wire of an electrical battery is such a wire, but since its free ends pass into broad metallic surface a! allowing the accumulation of opposite electricities, it is necessary examine experimentally whether one part of the wire may not | | — an inductive action on another part. a Riess sought to solve this question in the following manner: (Pog. Ann., L, 19.) a. The two spirals, one of which had served hitherto as the main, the) other as the secondary spiral, were placed at a short distance apart, t and joined so as to form a single conducting wire, so that, on being introduced into the circuit of the battery, the discharge current had : 0 | pass through both. v q In one case the outer endof one of the spirals was united with the cen= tral end of the other in such a way that when the discharge current im) the one spiral passed from the middle to the outside, it had to pass from | the middle to the outside in the other also ; and, consequently, the discharge traversed the two spirals in the same direction. The outer end of one spiral was then joined to the outer end of the! other, so that the current which traversed the one from the middle | to the outside went from the outside to the middle in the other ; the. discharge thus traversing the two spirals in opposite directions. 34 Now, if one part of the conducting circuit can act upon another,! each spiral in the first case must cause in the other a current in the: same direction as the main current, but in the last mode of connecting } the spirals a current opposed to the main current ; and hence, in the: last case the force of the current, cceferis paribus, should be weaker: than in the first. The thermometer being introduced into the circuit along with the: combined spirals, it indicated, under like circumstances, perfectly equal temperature, in whichever manner the spirals were united ; henee it follows, that in the discharge of a battery no part of the con utah wire acts inductively upon another part. | § 65. Retardation of the electrical discharge by conductors near the: conducting wire of a battery.—Riess introduced into the conducting | | | RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 343 eireuit of a battery (Pog. Ann., XLIX, 393) a copper wire 13 feet long and 0.55 line thick, which was coiled in a flat spiral on a wooden disk six inches in diameter, covered with pitch and supported by a glass _jleg, as represented by fig. 61. A series of experiments, made with {the circuit thus arranged, gave— 2 h = 0.43 ea s ———— A copper plate 6 inches 10 lines in diameter and 0.33 line thick as placed parallel to the main spiral, at a distance of 24 lines. It gave— 2 h = 0.412 s ee Then a secondary spiral exactly like the main spiral was placed parallel to it, the ends being in perfect metallic contact. This arrange- \jment gave— 2 | hi 0.42 2 | ‘ | Hence, neither the copper disk nor the secondary spiral had a sensi- ble influence on the temperature of the conducting circuit. Instead of the perfect metallic closure, a less perfect closure of the secondary ispiral was made; that is, the ends of the copper wire were connected by a platinum wire 138 lines long and 0.023 in. radius. The secondary spiral thus closed being placed 5 lines distant from the main spiral the result was— 2 | h= 0.322; oS placed at the distance of only 23 lines from the main spiral the result was— 2 A627 wl 8 The secondary spiral, clesed by a German silver wire 460 lines long and one-twelfth line diameter, and placed 23 lines from the main spiral, gave— 2 h= 0.17, 8 The secondary spiral, closed by a glass tube filled with water 9 | inches long, gave— 2 h = 0.39 £, 8 We will now subject these results to a somewhat closer examination. The current in the conducting circuit, as seen above, generates a : | 344 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. current both in the copper plate and in the secondary spiral, but t f current in the secondary spiral cannot induce a current in the main ) spiral, because the latter is not closed by metal, the two coatings ¢ | the jars being separated by glass. The only possible influence of the | current in the secondary spiral upon that in the main spiral is som | retardation of the discharge. Now, if the closure of the secondary spiral is more perfect than thal { of the main spiral, the current of the former will pass more rapidly ; than that of the latter, and on that account no reaction of the second- 4 ary spiral can take place upon the main spiral; hence, with a more : perfect closure of the secondary spiral, the temperature in the conduct= : ing circuit is found very little less than when no secondary spiral i present. i, With an imperfect metallic closure of the secondary spiral th secondary current has a longer duration, and then the discharge cure rent in the main wire finds, during its whole course, the secondar wire traversed by a current passing in the same direction, and we 3 must assume that this is the cause of the retardation of the main curs - rent, which is indicated by the diminished temperature ; by imperfect | closure of the secondary spiral the temperature in the main current ; was reduced in the proportion of 0.43 to 0.17. By inserting a tube of water into the secondary spiral the tempera= ture again increases almost as much as though no secondary spiral | had been present, which is well explained by the fact that, with very imperfect closure of the spiral, no sensible secondary current is gen= - erated. The circumstance that, with quite perfect as well as with very im= ~ perfect closure of the secondary spiral, the influence on the main wire © is less than for a aera ian good closure, leads us Lip ees! that, oy Ts, that, with a given length of the introduced wire, the influence of ‘thal i secondary spiral will become a maximum, and then decrease again, and _ that, therefore, the elevation of temperature of the conducting cireui Dt of the main spiral will again increase when the wire by which the secondary spiral is closed is lengthened. a This was verified by experiments which Riess made.—(Pog. Ann., LEA ATT: B erceehe by 100 the temperature observed in the thermometre introduced in the conducting circuit of the main spiral, the secondary spiral being closed by a short thick copper wire, the results given by the insertion of a German silver wire 0.1517 line diameter and 0 s different lengths, are as follows: RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 345 Length of wire. | Temperature. | 4.8 feet. 70 9.8 « 55 19.7 « 52 29.6 « 48 39.4 6 52 88.7 « 61 138,“ eee 3 236. 76 582. « 87 Open. 100 It is seen from this table how very rapidly at first the temperature f the circuit of the main spiral decreases with increasing length of xerman silver wire inserted in the circuit of the secondary spiral, and hat a minimum is reached when the l-ngth of the introduced wire is 9.6 Paris feet, in which case the heating effect is only 48 per cent. of hat which is observed with perfect closure of the secondary spiral. hen the length of the wire exceeds 29.6 feet the temperature grad- ally increases again; and by lengthening the wire to 582 feet the emperature rises to 87 per cent. of that originally obtained. A metallic closed circuit near the conducting wire of an electrical attery acts retardingly on the discharge of the battery in proportion to he length of its closing wire. The circuit of the secondary wire being rogressively prolonged its action successively increases, attains a maxi- num, and then decreases. The changes which the temperature in the main wire undergoes by engthening the secondary wire, obey the law indicated by the last able, whether the charge of the battery be stronger or weaker ; with tronger charges, as well as with weaker, the ‘retarding effect of the econdary wire attains a maximum when the secondary spiral is closed y 29.6 feet of the above-mentioned German silver wire; and then the emperature in the main wire is 48 per cent. of that which would ave been observed with an equal charge if the secondary spiral had perfect metallic closure; but as soon as the conducting circuit of he main wire is lengthened by the introduction of a thin wire the sourse of the retarding effect of the lateral wire changes. In the main conductor a platinum wire 7 inches 5 lines long and 023 line radius was introduced, and the results in the following able were obtained ; the lateral spiral being closed by German silver ire of different lengths : Lengthof German | Temperature of silver wire. main wire. -0 feet 100 29°56 a8 82 | Agua 78 : 69. « 78 ' 25 Ly 91 346 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. We see here that, on prolonging the main conductor, the maximum | effect. of the secondary wire is not reached until a greater length of wire | has been introduced into the secondary spiral, and moreover that the re tarding effect of the secondary wire is now much less. During the pre-) vious experiments the temperature of the main wire was reduced the maximum effect of the secondary spiral to 48 per cent.; now, tl maximum effect of the secondary spiral produces only a reduction : 78 per cent. of the temperature, which would have been observed eithe without the secondary spiral or by one perfectly closed. . a This is easy to explain. The secondary current is stronger in pro=} portion as the part of the main wire acting on the secondary wire ig i greater, and to the stronger secondary current we must also attribute: a greater reaction upon the discharge. The length of the main was the same in both series of experiments, namely, 13 feet of cop) wire, which acted upon the same length of the secondary wire. ] the first series these 13 feet made by far the greatest part of the ciret of the battery ; in the second a platinum wire was introduced, whose re- } tarding power was equal to a copper wire 568 feet long and 0.55 line, thick; consequently, in the last case, only about one-forty-fourth part: of the virtual length of the main wire acted upon the secondary spiral. | Riess caused two other spiral disks to be made, each containing 534 feet of copper wire two-thirds of a line in diameter. The large and | small spirals were introduced into the main circuit. The small main spiral being now placed opposite the small seconde spiral at a distance of 2 lines, the maximum retarding action of the| secondary spiral took place when it was closed with 29.6 feet of : ae, _- = man silver wire. With this maximum effect the temperature of t main circuit was 76 per cent. of that which was observed without th lateral spiral, or when it was perfectly closed. When the large secondary spiral was opposed to the large m spiral at a distance of 2 lines, the maximum retarding action of t secondary wire occurred when the latter was closed by 79 feet of Ge man silver wire, and in this case the temperature in the main wire was reduced by the retarding action of the secondary spiral to 45 per cent, Finally, the two secondary spirals, properly connected, being placed opposite the two main spirals, then 138 feet of German silver wire had to be introduced into the secondary circuit to obtain the op if retarding effect, and the temperature in the main wire was thereby | reduced to 20 per cent. of that which would have been observed with-} out a lateral spiral. From these experiments it follows that— a The maximum effect of a secondary wire upon the electrical hecho attained by lengthening the secondary circuit is as much greater as the’ length of the main wire acting on the secondary wire is greater. But, at the same time, to attain this maximum, a proportionately longer circuit is required for the secondary wire. | | The length of the platinum wire in the air thermometer in these: experiments was 143.5 lines. This wire, which is very long in pro-' portion to the whole circuit, can never act inductively on the secondary” wire ; to make the longest possible part of the main wire act on the secondary spiral, the wire in the thermometer must be shortened, by) which means the action of the main wire is, indeed, increased, but on) the other hand the sensibility of the thermometer is diminished. | } 4 | RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 347 Riess, in order to shorten the platinum wire which closed the main spiral, used Berguet’s metallic thermometer instead of the air ther- ometer. A straight platinum wire 61.5 lines long and 0.04 line radius was stened immovably in the axis of a sensitive thermometric spiral, ‘similar to that represented in fig. 63, and intro- uced into the circuit in a suitable manner. The instrument was of course placed under a bell- oy The platinum wire in the axis, on being heated by a discharge of the battery, commu- icated its heat to the spiral; the index then raversed a number of degrees, but soon returned its first position, in consequence of the rapid oling caused by the large volume of air in the li-glass. The experiments with the metallic thermometer ach nothing new, on which account no further mention need be made f them, though I could not leave this method of observing unnoticed. § 66. Direction of the secondary current.—To investigate whether the direction of the lateral current changes with the distance of the secondary wire from the main wire, Riess used the following method. (Pog. Ann., LXXI, 351.) | Au insulator, which cannot be pierced by electricity, being placed between the free ends of the secondary spiral, no secondary current occurs. Nevertheless the electrical equilibrium of the secondary wire is destroyed by the act which would have produced the current, as the following experiment shows: ‘ If we place between the free ends of the secondary spiral a thin cake ot resin, so that the two ends of the wire are opposed to each other, after the discharge of the battery by the main line, the two surfaces of the cake of resin may be distinguished (from each other in the most decided man- iner. Peculiar electrical figures are pro- duced, which, in most cases, are brought ‘out by slightly breathing upoh them. If it be desired to fix the figures, it is done, as shown by Lichtenberg, by strewing the be sbi with a mixture of flowers of sul- phur and minium. On one of the sur- faces of the resin treated in this way there appears a red disk, with a red border, and beyond it a dark (unpow- dered) ring, surrounded by yellow rays. On the other surface yellow and red segments of circles are visible, embraced by a wide red ring. The rays and the ring increase with the ‘strength of the electrical excitation; with 'very feeble excitation the rays of the first | figure are wanting, and a simple red disk | remains, which, however, is sufficiently dis- | Fig. 65. Fig. 66. tinct from the second figure, in which the red ring may always be recognized. 348 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. Each of these figures is composed of the two elementary formg) which Lichtenberg has distinguished as positive and negative, and) for this reason the direction of the secondary current cannot be de duced from these figures. . In the following experiments the ends of the secondary spiral wey lengthened by copper wires, and a part of one formed a short, close coil, wound to the right. In fig. 67 let z and y indicate the ends ¢ the secondary spiral to which the above-mentioned wires are attache¢ Fig. 67. the resin it was introduced between a and f. Th results contained in the following table were obtaing with the small main and secondary spirals, consistin of 13 feet of copper wire, already mentioned. . In the main spiral the discharge current passed 1 the direction indicated by the arrow. ‘The following table shows the polarity indicated by the needle when it lay in the coil pointing towards m. A glass plate was interposed between the two spirals. maf? ee oe. a ea oe eS Distance of Main wire. Quantity of | Polarity spirals. electricity. at m. 8 CA 9h TO ith It is seen that for the same direction of the main current the mag + netism of the needle varies with the other circumstances, whence a difference in the directions of the secondary current might be deduced; |) but the resin plate being interposed between a and f, and the battery” discharged through the main spiral under all the circumstances given || in the table, fig. 65 was constantly formed on the side of the resin. plate turned toward the end of the wire 8—a proof that the direction | of the secondary current remained the same, though the magnetism — of the needle was reversed. i. Riess used for producing the figure a small glass or copper plate, — both sides having been covered with a thin coating of pitch or resin. A surface of resin once used must be heated over the flame of a spirit lamp to melting before it can be employed again. iN The direction of the secondary current, which, as already remarked, | could not be directly determined from the figures of the resin plate, | was ascertained in the following way: Two three-inch condensers | were separated by a thin plate of mica; the lower one touched the © , | RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 849 arging the battery, a small bluish spark passed. After discharging rough the main spiral the upper plate was removed and tested by e electrometer. For a positive charge of the battery the condenser late, which touched the end f, was found electro-negative. The ayed figure (fig. 65) is, therefore, always produced by the end charged ith negative electricity ; and, consequently, the secondary current has lways the same direction as the main current. | The experiment made by Riess for ascertaing the direction of the teral current by the decomposition of iodide of potassium failed, as ie did not succeed in producing the decomposition by the secondary urrent.—(Pog. Ann., XLVII, 74.) § 67. Deflection of the magnetic needle by frictional electricity.—The foils of a multiplier, used for producing a deflection of the magnetic eedle by a current of frictional electricity, must be very well insulated. Riess has constructed such a multiplier (Pog. Ann., XL, 348) of a ‘jopper wire 105 feet long and one-sixth line in diameter, which, -jovered with three coats of silk and in 260 coils, formed 4 layers on ‘jeing wound upon a suitable frame. Before winding a length of the yire it was twice covered with shellac varnish, and the wrapping jut on before the varnish was perfectly dry. Hach layer was again arnished after wrapping. | The cylindrical astatic needles belonging to this coil were 22.5 lines png, 0.4 line in diameter, and 5 lines apart. The combined needles ade one oscillation in 6.6 seconds. One of the wire ends of such a multiplier being placed in conductin jonnexion with the conductor, the other with the cushion of the elec- biel machine, a deflection of 10 to 20 degrees could be maintained y turning. When it is desired to deflect the needle by the discharge current of he electrical battery the discharge of course must be retarded by the nsertion of bad conductors, such as moist strings, glass tubes filled ith water, &c. | The latest experiments made by Riess on this point (Pog. Ann., feat 535) gave results showing that the deflection of a magnetic : d of the wire a; the upper was so near the end f that, in dis- eedie by the wire which slowly discharges an electrical battery 7s ndependent of the surface of the battery, provided a perfect discharge f the bat-tery takes place. It is therefore immaterial to the deflec- ion of the needle whether the same quantity of electricity is distri- uted over one or over several jars. | Faraday had attempted (Haxperimental Researches, 363, Pog. Ann., 9) to compare the discharge current of the electrical battery with hat of a voltaic current. After obtaining a given deflection of the ea needle by discharging a battery he constructed a voltaic vair, which, acting 3} seconds, produced the same deflection as the dis- ‘tharge of the battery ; and he concluded that the quantity of electricity rielded by the pair was equal to that accumulated in the battery. Riess justly remarks, that this conclusion is not well founded, be- pause the instantaneous action of the discharge current of the battery n the needle is essentially different from that of a galvanic current, 350 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. I have reported Riess’ researches without interrupting the course the narration by speaking of what has been done by others on the say subject. Let us now turn to these labors. § 68. Knochenhauer’s researches on the current.—In a second artig le, with the title ‘‘ Haperiments on Latent Electricity,’ (Versuche tber\ die gebundene, Elektricitat, Pog. Ann., LVIII, 391 ») Knochenhauer pre-) sents the law according to which the force of the secondary currel decreases when the distance from the main wire increases. Riess has shown, as already mentioned, § 61, that the force of thet secondary current decreases in the same proportion in which the ax distance of the secondary wire from that of the main wire increases, , Knochenhauer: thinks this law is ‘‘ evidently insufficient.”’ ie Starting, apparently, from the idea that the lateral current is a pl nomenon of induction, Knochenhauer attempts to apply here his lay Thatalaw stating the relation between action and distance, adap to the case of spherical bodies only, in which all action can be cons ered as starting from a single point, cannot hold good for wires r ning parallel to each other does not stop Herr Knochenhauer. law has such an astonishing elasticity that, by barely changing the efficient, it serves for the secondary current. In his opinion there sub sists between the force of the secondary current (measured by the airi thermometer) and the distance of the wire the relation 6=— Aavn_ in which @ denotes the temperature of the thermometer in the second-/ ary wire, and n the distance of the secondary from the main wire. This n, however, is not the axial distance, but the distance of the) wire in the clear, in which he assumes three lines as unity ; hem the magnitude of 7 has first to be computed from the axial distam a given by Riess. i He first compares his formula with the results found by Riess. - series of these observations he arranged in the following table, with the values computed by his formula: d. © observed. 6 computed. Difference. Lines. . 2.71 0. 216 0. 219 + 0.003 6.78 0. 145 0. 143 — 0.002 11. 24 0. 119 0. 104 \ — 0.015 16. 01 0. 081 0.079 — 0.002 19. 61 0. 066 0. 066 0. 000 M 23. 87 0. 054 g. 055 + 0.001 ren | a In fact the values observed and those computed by the above form: !) ula correspond sufficiently well by making A = 0.401, a = 0.489.) Indeed, the formula answers for very short distances, for which the: law of Riess, on evident grounds, is no longer applicable. | But does this accordance of Knochenhauer’s formula with the observar \ *See Report of 1856. | | RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS, 351 ions prove its correctness? Certainly not. When there are two jonstants at our disposal it is easy to invent a whole mass of formulas _ hich would serve just as well; that is, they will accord with the few sumbers observed within narrow limits, quite as closely as the limits re narrow. Asa proof I propose ; @6=A+ blog. D; e first best arbitrary formula that occurs to me. In this formula let denote the temperature of the secondary wire, D the axial distance WANG Wires’ Makine A — 0.276, and 6 — 0-16? thiaformula’ will gree with Riess’ observations as well as that of Knochenhauer; as the following table shows, in which the third vertical column contains _ {he values computed by the above formula: / d, © observed. 6 computed. Difference. i Lines. ; 2.71 0. 216 0. 207 — 0.003 | 6.78 0. 145 0. 143 — 0.002 11. 24 0.119 0. 107 — 0.012 | 16. 01 0. 081 6. 084 + 0.003 | 19.61 0. 066 0. 069 + 0.003 j 23. 87 0. 054 0. 056 — 0.002 | In spite of this harmony between observation and computation, this formula expresses just as little as Knochenhauer’s, the law according to which the force of the secondary current decreases with the distance rom the main wire. Knochenhauer has himself made a series of experiments to confirm is formula, and by which he would show that the magnitude of a epends upon the conducting capacity of the main circuit, of the sec- ndary circuit, &e. The description of the modus operandi of the xperiments, how the wires were extended, &c., is exceedingly obscure, and since, I think, I have proved the inaccuracy of his formula, a further account of these experiments is unnecessary. This memoir forms the introduction to further researches, which relate to the secondary current and currents in branched circuits. The following are the titles of the memoir on these subjects: | On the lateral current in divided conducting wires of the battery.— (Fos. Ann,. LX—LXX, 235.) | On the electrical current in divided conducting wires of the battery. \(Pog. Ann., LXI, 55.) | On the diminution of the main current with divided conducting wires of the battery.—(Pog. Ann., LXII, 353.) | On the relation of the formulas which determine the development lof heat by the electrical and the galvanic current.—(Pog. Ann., LXI, (207. : BPs sts on the electrical secondary current.—(Pog. Ann., \LXIV, 64, and Pog. Ann., LXVI, 235.) . ' Determination of the compensating length of wire without the air ‘thermometer.—(Pog. Ann., LXVII, 327.) . | 352 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSIOS. Solution of the problems recently proposed on branched galvani currents, for the discharge current of the electrical battery. —(Po y) Ann. SUX Vi 136.) ay | On the ratio of tension in the discharge current of the electrica battery.—(Pog. Ann., LX1X, 77.) | On the comparison ‘of the electrical formula with the alo ‘a (Pog. Ann., LXIX, 421.) ! The experiments mentioned in these memoirs are very badly aa scribed ; the discussions inflated, confused, and full of difficult formulagy which do not lead to simple, clear, and well founded results. Tt Since the design of this report is to present to the reader the pro gress of physics, and not to weary him with criticisms on fruitl labors, I need say no more of Knochenhauer’s memoir on the latera current and kindred subjects. The criticism on the abovementioned paper suffices to justify me in this respect. i § 69. Charging current of the electrical battery.—In«Fig. 68 le Hig and b denote two electrical batteries, both of which are “insulated The exterior coatings of both batteries being in metallic connexion suppose @ to be charged and b to remain uncharged. i Fig. 68. Now, if any suitable dischargery fitted to the knob of the j jar b, aps proaches the knob of the charged jar, a spark passes, the jar a be comes partially discharged, a parti of the (e. g.) positive electricity) which was accumulated on the im ner coating of a, passes with @ spark to the inner coating of BY while a corresponding quantity of negative electricity passes withow spark, by the conducting connexion of the outer coatings, from @ Fs b. In this manner @ is partly discharged and 6 charged; the charge of b is not gradual, as in ordinary charging of jars, but very rapid Dove terms the current which, passing from the outer coating of @| to that of b, charges the latter battery, the charging current, (Ladungs-s stvom,) and he has compared the action of this current with the action) of the discharge current already ana is aan He found the: following results, (Pog. Ann., LXIV, 8 1. Induction. In the outer cae wire a cylindrical induction spiral was introduced, surrounded by an exterior secondary a The effects were the same as in the discharge stroke. 2. Sparks. The outer connecting wire having been interrupted, @ a brilliant white spark, with a loud report, appeared at the place x external interruption the instant the spark at the inner conducting wire passed. A moist thread being introduced into the inner con-) ducting wire, the spark assumes a redish yellow color and has a feeble). report ; the same change is also indicated in the place of interrupt of the outer connecting wire, in which there is no moist thread. | Dove found further that the “« charging current’’ produced in the same manner as the discharge current. | RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 353 | 3. Galvanic effects. } Magnetization of steel. _ 5. Physiological effects. . Penetration of bad conductors, and | 7. Evolution of heat. The needle of a galvanometer inserted in the connecting wire of she outer coatings is not affected when the inner coatings are brought nto metallic contact with a white and loudly sounding spark, without he interposition of a moist thread ; but it is sensibly affected when a noist thread is introduced there. The magnetizing of a steel needle laced ina spiral was produced with great effect in the first case, without interposition,) but feebly in the second case, (with inter- osition. ) The contents of one of Dove’s papers in Pog ggendort’s dnnalen, LIV, 305,) bearing the title, ‘‘ On the current induced in magnetiz- ng iron by means of frictional electricity,’s will have to be presented ater, because this subject is closely related to the corresponding ffects of the galvanic current. > Ore OO a § 70. Hankel’s researches on magnetizing steel needles by the discharge ark of the elecvrical battery. Hankel has published two large me- oirs on this subject, (Pog. Ann., LXV, 537, LXIX, 321.) In the irst he speaks of Savary’s observations, and then proceeds to the escription of his own experiments, the results of which are as follows: 1. When the discharge stroke passes through a spiral in which a teel needle is placed, a certain minimum of charge is generally ne- essary to magnetize the needle. Calling the polarity which it receives y the discharge stroke of this minimum, normal, the needle will be- ome abnormally magnetic by gradually increasing discharges, and one normal by still stronger charges, &c. The abnormal magnet- appears with strong charges of the battery, as the pieces of wire atrodiced into the circuit of the battery are longer in proportion as he charge is stronger. When in addition to the spiral and the pieces of the conducting ircuit remaining constant in all the experiments, an iron wire 34 eet long and 0.1 line in diameter was introduced, abnormal magnet- sm was obtained with a charge 70 (measured by sparks of the measur- mg jar); on inserting 82 feet of the same wire a charge of 120 was lequired, and a wire of 154 feet required a charge of 160. | 2. When a battery of more, and then one of fewer jars was used vith the same conducting circuit, the battery of the less number of rs produced the abnormal period with a less charge. | An iron wire of 202 feet having been introduced, a charge of 20 with two jars produced abnormal “magnetization, while by using 5 ars it was only obtained with a charge of 70, and with 9 jars, even he quantity of electricity 230, did not produce abnormal magnetiza- ion. . | If with gradually increasing charges, the change from normal to .bnormal magnetization is not always obtained, these periods are ievertheless not wholly wanting ; for an increase and decrease of the itrength of the normal magnetism is observed, and the minima of the 23 8 | } t 354 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. normal magnetization correspond in this case to the abnorm periods. Hankel applied himself to the explanation of this hentai and he lays down the following as the fundamental idea : ‘Tt is known from Faraday’s researches, that a current at its com= mencement generates an opposite current in a neighboring conductor ; at its cessation, on the other hand, a second current which passes in| the same direction with the original one. The electrical sparks must! act in both ways, upon a steel needle placed near the wires, as the» ! needle is perpendicular to the direction of the current, the planes 6: f ( the currents produced in the needle are likewise perpendicular to # length of the needle, and the magnetism of the needle will be’ opposite directions according as we consider it to be excited by 1 action of the beginning or by. the cessation of the spark. But the o instants of beginning and end of electrical sparks follow each other rapidly, that their separate effects cannot be measured ; ‘hence mag) ization is the result of both of these influences.’ 4 This is essentially the fundamental idea to which Wrede (Beraeli Jahresbericht, deutsch von Wéohler, 20ster Jahrgang, 8. 119,) song to reduce the alternate normal and abnormal magnetism of steel need by the discharge stroke in main as well as in secondary wires. _ : As already intimated by Riess, (Dove’s Repertorium, VI, 218,) thi mode cf explanation belongs yet to the domain of conjecture. It is possible that this is the natural process in magnetizing steel needles by the discharge stroke, but it is by no means proved. i On the whole this explanation seems very plausible; but the dedue- tion of the particulars of the phenomenon is not at all convineing although Hankel expresses himself quite at length upon the subj We wili do well to consider this as still an open question. Riess remarks, in the place above cited in Dove’s Repertorium, that it is better, and more for the furtherance of science, openly to confess the deficiencies of our knowledge, than to attempt to aid it with halt, explanation and to cover up its defects ; ; and in this connexion he quotes a passage from Franklin’s letters, which should be taken to heart by every scientific man: ap “©T find a frank acknowledgment of one’s ignorance is not only the easiest way to get rid of a difficulty, but the likeliest way to Ye information ; I think it an honest policy.’ In the second memoir Hankel treats of the following points: 1. The number and magnitude of the magnetizing periods, pen tioned in the first memoir. The action of different spirals. The action of the conducting wire upon itself. By | . The influence of the thickness of the needles. | . The influence of the surface of the battery. | . The changes of the alternations by obstacles interposed. Special influence of particular metals, totally distinct from theit conducting capacity. 3 We will consider these points in succession : | 1. As a magnetizing spiral, a spiral of silver wire was employe with coils so close that the introduced needle covered 31 of them on ‘ 2 aT op OTH Go bo | RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 355 the charge of the battery was regularly increased by 1 spark of the ,easuring jar, and at each discharge a new needle was magnetized ; ne strength of the magnetism cominunicated was then determined by ie time which the needle required to make a given number of vibra- ons. A copper wire 2.63 metres long and 1. 2966 millimetre diam- yer was used in the circuit together with the spiral. In this manner Hankel made a series of experiments whose results pe represented graphically in fig. 69. The abscissas are proportional HS eee SP bes sfar toa eee/ aeeaGee ae HE He eat oe Ray, Bis Sel the strengths of the battery charges, the ordinates to the strengths | the corresponding magnetization. The ordinates above the hori- ntal 0 correspond to normal, those below to abnormal magnetism. This curve does not produce the impression of regularity ; it seems ither to mask some sort of a law by irregularities which cannot be rrected by computation. But in such cases the law may be repre- puted by averages obtained from numerous experiments. | Hankel says he repeated these experiments with the shortest circuits, ) determine the position of the abnormal, or equally significant weak prmal periods ; from all his experiments with the same kind of needle, sing the same battery of nine jars, he found these periods to occur an fe followi ing charges: 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 26, 29, 32, 5, 40. | Hankel says, ‘‘ we see that the change in the polarity returns regu- irly ; but I can find in this series of numbers nothing very clearly «pressed, and least ofallregularity. He says, moreover, that this regu- \rity might have been more clearly represented by the introduction “fractions, but he purposely avoided them, as he had not measured 1em exactly, but only estimated them. ' Now, what does this mean? Does not the above series of numbers »present the means of numerous experiments made under the same padition ? IRfthis is the case, why hesitate to introduce fractions? -ean values are generally computed, not observed. To render it possible for the reader to judge of the value of his re- alts, Hankel should have told how he arrived at the series 3, 6,9, , &e. ; ; and he should have communicated the separate series of eye remains still.—(1428—1423.) a § 83. Lhe brush in various gases.—The experiments on the brush in” various gases Faraday made with brass rods, about one quarter of an inch thick, and whose rounded ends were placed opposite each other » in a glass globe of seven inches diameter, containing the gas. One of these rods was connected with the prime conductor, the other with the ground.—(Pog. Ann., XLVII, 553.) 1 ‘* Air, Fine positive brushes are easily obtained in air, at common ~ pressures, possessing the well known purplish light. When the air | is rarefied the ramifications are very long, filling the globe; the light _ is greatly increased and is of a beautiful purple color, with an occa- | sional rose tint in it. ) ‘“ Oxygen. At common pressures the brush is very close and com- pressed, and of a dull whitish color. In rarefied oxygen the form and | appearance are better; the color somewhat purplish, but all the char- acters very poor compared to those in air.’ | . ** Nitrogen gives brushes with great facility at the positive surface, far beyond any other gas.’ ‘* They are almost always fine in form, light, | and color, and in rarefied nitrogen are magnificent. They stirpass the discharges i in any other gas as to the quantity of light evolved.”” ‘¢ Hydrogen, at common pressures, gives a better brush than oxygen, _ but does not equal nitrogen; the color was greenish gray. In rare- fied hydrogen the anions were very ned in form and distinctness, but pale in color, with a soft and velvety appearance, and not at all equal to those in nitrogen. In the rarest state of the gas the color was a pale gray ereen,” ‘¢Qoal gas. The brushes were rather difficult to produce. 2”. They were short and strong, generally of a greenish color.’’ ‘‘In rare coal gag the brush forms were better, but “the light very poor and the color gray.’ RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 375 » “ Carbonic acid produces a very poor brush at common pressures.”’ ‘Yn rarefied carbonic acid the brush is better in form, but weak as to light, being of a dull greenish or purplish hue.’’ “* Muriatic acid gas. It is very difficult to obtain the brush in this gas at common pressures. On gradually increasing the distance of _the rounded ends the sparks suddenly ceased when the interval was about an inch, and the discharge, which was still through the gas in the globe, was silent and dark. Occasionally, a very short brush could, for a few moments, be obtained, but it quickly disappeared. Even when the intermitting spark current from the machine was used a brush was obtained with difficulty, and that very short ;’’ ‘‘in the ‘mean time, magnificent brushes were passing off irom different parts of the machine into the surrounding air. On rarefying the gas the forma- tion of the brush was facilitated, but it was yet of a low, squat form, very poor in light, and very similar on both the positive and negative surfaces.”’ ‘‘On rarefying the gas still more a few large ramifica- tions were obtained, of a pale bluish color, utterly unlike those in nitrogen.’’—(1456—1462.) §84. Brush in denser media.—Hlectrical brushes are produced, not only in air and gases, but in far denser media. Faraday procured it in owl of turpentine, (1452,) ‘“‘ from the end of a wire going through a glass tube into the fluid, contained in a metal vessel. The brush was small, and very difficult to obtain; the ramifications were simple, and stretched out from each other, diverging very much. The light was exceedingly feeble, a perfectly dark room being required for its observation. When a few solid particles, as of dust or silk, were, in the liquid, the brush was produced with much greater facility.’’ § 85. Difference of the positive and negative brush discharge.—On this subject I extract the following remarks by Faraday : *¢ When the brush discharge is observed in air, at the positive and negative surfaces, there is a very remarkable difference.’ The differ- ence in question used to be expressed in former times by saying that “a point charged positively gave brushes into the air, whilst the same point charged negatively gave a star.’’ ‘This is true only of bad con- ductors, or of metallic conductors charged intermittingly. If metallic points project freely into the air the positive and negative light upon them differ very little in appearance.”’ These phenomena vary exceedingly under different circumstances, as Faraday shows: “Tf a metallic wire, with a rounded termination in free air, be used to produce the brushy discharge, then the brushes obtained when the wire is charged negatively are very pour and small by comparison with those produced when the charge is positive. Orifa large metal ball, connected with the electrical machine, be charged positively, and a fine uninsulated point be gradually brought towards it, a star appears on the point when at a considerable distance, which, though it becomes brighter, does not change its form of a star until it is close up to the ball ; whereas, if the ball be charged negatively, the point, at a con- siderable distance, has a star on it as before ; but when brought nearer, ° e 376 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. ' a brush formed on it, extending to the negative ball ; and when | still nearer, the brush ceased and bright sparks passed.’’ 4 As we have already seen, § 80, the spark discharge passes into the brush at far less distances if the surface on which the discharge begins (the small ball or the rounded end of a rod) is negative, than if itis positive; but on going further into the succession of charges we find that the positive brush passes into glow long before the negative. , “* A metal rod 0.3 of an inch in diameter, with a rounded end pro- brush. It was ascertained, both by sight and sound, that the succesisve jecting into the air, was charged negatively and gave a short noisy discharges were very rapid in their recurrence, six or seven times more numerous than when the rod was charged positively to an equal — degree.’ “ When the rod was positive it was easy, by working the machine a little quicker, to replace the brush by a glow, but when it was nega tive no efforts could produce this change.’’—(1468.) ‘A point opposite the negative brush exhibited a star, and, as it was | approximated, caused the size and sound of the brush to diminish, and at last to cease, leaving the negative end silent and dark, yet effective ; as to discharge. (1469, ) “When the round end of a smaller wire was advanced towards the negative brush, it (becoming positive by induction) exhibited the quiet glow at eight inches distance, the negative brush continuing. When nearer, the pitch of the sound of the negative brush rose, indicating quicker intermittances ; still nearer the positive end threw off ramifi- cation and distinct brushes, at the same time the negative brush con- tracted in its lateral direction and collected together, giving a peculiar, narrow, longish brush, in shape like a hair pencil ; the two brushes existing at once, but were very different in their form and appearance, and especially i in the more rapid recurrence of the negative discharges than of the positive. On using a smaller positive. wire for the same experiment the glow first appeared in it and then the brush, and the two at one distance became exceedingly alike in appearance.’’ 1470. | RS Ti air the superiority of the positive brush is well known. In nitrogen it is as great or even greater than in air. In hydrogen the positive brush loses a part of its superiority, not being so good as in nitrogen or air, whilst the negative brush does not seem injured. In oxygen the positive brush is compressed and poor, whilst the nega- tive did not become less ; the two were so alike that the eye frequently could not tell one from the other. In coal gas the brushes are difficult of production ;’’ ‘‘and the positive not much superior to the negative, either at common or low pressure. In carbonic acid this approximation of character also occurred. In muriatic acid gas the positive brush was very little better than the negative.’’—(1476.) § 86. Glow discharge.—The glow ‘‘ seems to depend upon a quick and almost continuous charging of the air close to and in contact with the conductor.’’—(Haraday’s Researches, 1526.) Faraday was never able to separate it into visible intermitting elementary discharges. The glow is produced by— Ist. Diminution of the charging surface.—At the end of a metal rod . ) RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. ei a ‘with a blunt conical point, a phosphorescent continuous glow is ob- tained the more readily as the point is finer. + 2d. Increase of power in the machine.—Rounded ends, which give only brushes when the machine is in weak action, give the glow readily when the machine is in good order. 3d. Rarefaction of the air.—A brass ball 24 inches in diameter being made positively inductive in an air-pump receiver, became covered with glow in part, ‘‘ when the pressure was reduced to 4.4 inches. By a little adjustment the ball could be covered all over with this light. Using a brass ball 1.25 inch in diameter, and making it inducteously positive by an inductize negative point, the phenomena were exceedingly beautiful. The glow came over the positive ball, and gradually increased in brightness until it was at least very lu- minous; and it also stood up, like a low flame, half an inch or more in height.’’—(1529.) The negative glow is difficult to obtain in air at common pressures ; ‘and it is as yet questionable whether, even on fine points, what is called the negative star is not a very reduced, but still intermitting brush, or a glow.’’—(1530.) In rarefied air the negative glow can easily be obtained. If the rounded ends of two metal rods about 0.2 of an inch in diameter are about four inches apart in rarefied air, the glow can be easily ob- tained on both rods, covering not only the ends but an inch or two of the part behind. Balls are also covered with the negative glow in rarefied air, whether their surface is inductive or inducteous.—(1531.) The glow occurs in all the gases examined for it by Faraday. He thought he obtained it also in oil of turpentine, though it was very dull and smail.—(1534.) ‘The glowis alwaysaccompanied bya wind, proceeding either directly out from the glowing part or directly towards it ; the former being the most general case.’’ If the arrangements are made so that the ready and regular access of air to a part exhibiting the glow be interfered with or prevented the glow then disappears.—(1535.) Frequently it is possible to change the brush given by the end of a rod into a glow, by simply aiding the formation of a current of air at its extremity.—(1535.) § 87. Dark discharge.—If to the rounded end of a metallic rod pro- jecting from the prime conductor of a machine a similar rod be held at a little distance, it is easy to obtain the appearance of light at the ends of both rods, while the intervening space between the positive and negative light remains dark ; besides this familiar phenomenon, Faraday notices a very remarkable case of dark discharge. “<< Two brass rods, 0.3 of an inch in diameter, entering a glass globe on opposite sides, had their ends brought into contact, and the air about them very much rarefied. A discharge of electricity from the machine was then made through them, and while that continued the ends were separated from each other. At the moment of separation a continuous glow came over the end of the negative rod, the positive termination remaining quite dark. As the distance was increased a purple stream or haze appeared on the end of the positive rod, and proceeded directly onward towards the negative rod, elongating as the 378 | RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. interval was enlarged, but never joining the negative glow, there bei always a short dark space between. This space, of about one-sixteentho one-twentieth of an inch was apparently invariable in its extent an its position relative to the negative rod; nor did the negative glow von y Whether the negative ends were inductive or inducteous the same effect was produced,’’ Similar phenomena were obtained with balls instead of the rounded | | ends of rods. § 88. Convective discharge.—The dielectric being penetrated by the spark, the brush, and also by tke glow, Faraday calls this form of discharge the disruptive discharge. “With the brush, and still more > with the glow, another form of discharge appears, making itself mani- - fest by the so-called electrical wind. This is owing to the particles of the dielectric, in close contact with the charged conductor, (on the end | of the electrified rod ,) receiving an electrical charge, in consequence of [ which they are repelled ; and by a repetition of this action the conduc. . tor is discharged. i | ‘‘ Why a point should be so exceedingly favorable to the production of currents is evident. Itis at the extremity of the point that the intensity necessary to charge the air is first acquired ; it is from thence » that the charged particle recedes ; and the mechanical force which it im- - presses on the air to form a current is in every way favored by the shapes } and position of the rod whose point forms the termination.’’—(1573.) — Particles of dust floating in the air favor the escape of electricity. — ‘¢On using oil of turpentine as the dielectric, the action and course of small conducting, carrying particles in it, can be well observed.”’ 7 A Ae very striking effect was produced on oil of turpentine, which, whether it was due to the carrying power of the particles in it, or to. any other action of them, is, perhaps, as yet doubtful. A por ‘tion of” that fluid in a glass vessel had a large uninsulated silver dish at the bottom, and an electrified metal rod, with a round termination, dip- | | ping into it at the top. The insulation was very good. The rod end, with a drop of gum water attached to it, was then electrified in the fluid; the gum water soon spun off in fine threads, and was quickly dissipated through the oil of turpentine. By the time that four drops” had in this manner been commingled with a pint of the dielectric, the latter had lost by far the greatest portion of its insulating power ;’’— ‘‘the fluid was slightly turbid. Upon being filtered through paper only, it resumed its first clearness, and now insulated as well as be- | fore.’’—(1571.) ‘‘Conducting fluid terminations, instead of rigid points, illustrate in | a very beautiful manner the formation of the currents, with their effects and influence in exalting the conditions under which they were commenced. Let the rounded end ofa brass rod, 0.3 of an inch, or thereabouts, in diameter, point downwards in free air ; let it be amal- gamated and have a drop of mercury suspended from it, and then let it be powerfully electrized, the mercury will present the phenomenon © of glow ; a current of air will rush along the rod and set off from the — mercury directly downwards, and the form of the metallic drop will be slightly affected, the convexity at a small part near the middle and lower part becoming greater, whilst it diminishes all round at places a little removed from this spot.’’—(1581.) ee rp RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 379 * «Take next a drop of strong solution of muriate of lime; being ‘electrified, a part will probably be dissipated, but a con- “siderable portion, if the electricity be not too powerful, will “remain, forming a conical drop, (fig. 74,) accompanied by ‘a strong wind. If glow be produced the drop will be smooth on the surface. If a short low brush is formed a minute tremulous motion of the liquid will be visible.’’ ‘¢ With a drop of water the effects were of the same kind, and were best obtained when a portion of gum water or syrup hung from a ball, (fig. 75.) When the machine was worked slowly a fine, darge, quite conical drop, with concave lateral outline anda _ Fig. 75. small rounded end, was produced, on which the glowappeared, whilst a steady wind issued from the point of the cone of ‘sufficient force to depress the surface of uninsulated water “held opposite to the termination. When the machine was worked more rapidly some of the water was driven off, the smaller pointed portion left was roughish on the surface, ‘and the sound of successive brush discharges was heard. With still more electricity, more water was dispersed ; that which re- mained was alternately elongated and contracted,’’ and ‘‘a stronger brush discharge was heard. When water from beneath was brought towards the drop, it did not indicate the same regular, strong, contracted current of air as before; and when the distance was such that sparks passed the water beneath was attracted rather than driven away, and ‘the current of air ceased.’’—(1584.) *¢That the drop, when of water, or a better conductor than water, is formed into acone principally by the current of air, is shown, amongst other ways, thus: A sharp point being held opposite the coni- cal drop, the latter soon lost its pointed form, was retracted and_be- came round ; the current of air from it ceased, and was replaced by one from the point beneath, which, if the latter was held near enough to the drop actually blew it aside and rendered it concave in form.’’ With still worse conductors, as oil, or oil of turpentine, the fluid was “¢spun out into threads and carried off, not only because the air rushing over its surface helped to sweep it away, but also because its insulating particles assumed the same changed state as the particles of air, and, not being able to discharge to them in a much greater degree than the air particles themselves could do, were carried off by the same causes which urged these in their course. A similar effect with melted sealing- wax ona metal point formsan old and well known experiment.’’—(1588.) “ : nearly equal, or Var = yn ; moreover, 153 — 1.27 and 1944 = 1.35, Vall! y! or very nearly gigi Ba yn ; and, finally, 15% — 1.16, and 224 = | a Vall y" 1.17, or —— = —., therefore the values of Y are nearly in the in- : VJ a!’ yu y _yerse ratio of the square roots of the corresponding thicknesses of the glass ; that is | Or — nN Vides ap or et d mea Y? but we have J —c Y?, hence axJ=c. p, Bggne : d that is, the intensity of the spark is inversely proportional to the thick- ness of the condenser. The remaining experiments which Masson made on this point did not coincide generally so well with the above deductions. This he ascribes to the circumstance that he could not measure the thickness of the glass with sufficient accuracy, and that the different condensers may have had unequal “capacities for condensation.” § 93. Influence of the nature of the pole on the electrical spark.—Mas- son found that the spark is somewhat more intense, if, under circum- stances otherwise the same, it be passed between lead, zinc, and tin balls, than when the balls (equal in size) are of copper, brass, or iron. Masson thinks that this depends upon the unequal tenacity of the metals. In all his experiments there were traces of a transportation of the metal from one pole to the other ; now since lead, for example, is less tenacious than copper, more lead will be carried otf than copper with the same tension of the electricity ; the conducting circuit then will have its capacity for conduction suddenly increased, and the light must become more brilliant in consequence. 25 S 386 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. This opinion is sustained by the fact that the intensity of the spark | is very considerably increased if polished brass balls be exchanged for ~ such as have their surface amalgamated, where evidently the trans- ference is greatly facilitated. The spark, with the carbon used for Bunsen’s battery, is very white » in the middle, reddish at the edges, and looks a little like a flame. §94, Nature of electrical light.—There are two hypotheses as to the , nature of the electrical spark ; the first regards it as a motion which is communicated to the ether by the electrical spark ; according to the second hypothesis, electrical light is produced by incandescent pon- - derable matter transported by the electricity. Masson inclines to the first hypothesis, with which also his experi- - ments coincide, since the intensity of the spark depends in no respect upon the fusibility or oxidibility of the balls, but upon their tenacity, If, in consequence of the lower tenacity of the metals, more particles are carried off, the facility of the circuit for conduction is increased ; hence the same quantity of electricity is discharged in ashorter time, whereby a more brilliant light is produced. All of the laws of the | brightness of electrical light just mentioned are comprised by the _ following formula: X*s in which J denotes the intensity of the spark ; X the striking distance ; s the surface of the condenser ; Y the distance of the spark from the rotating disk of the photometer ; e the thickness of the condenser, and H a constant factor depending upon elements which are not yet determined. hs ay 3 Riess has shown that the striking distance is proportional to the elec- trical density (§ 31), we have Substituting in equation (1), X = p which is allowable, since 2 . ery ae (2) ep cis : : by making om == m, that is, equal to a constant factor which is ad- missible so long as the thickness e of the condenser does not vary. Hence the intensity of the electrical light is proportional to a the square of the electrical density, or which is the same, to the tension ot the electricity and the surface s of the condenser. Equation (1) may also be written vl Substituting for the last X its value pt, we get H J=fi Xo. (3) RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 387 or in words, the intensity of the spark is proportional to the striking distance and quantity of electricity. Accerding to equation (2), Sa BP ES ren k a or gis pedi: S But Riess has shown that, mec 6 te. 8 is the quantity of heat which is set free in the wire by discharging through it a quantity of electricity ¢, collected on the surface s. Hence if the discharge stroke of an electrical batcery produces a spark at any interruption of the circuit, the intensity of the light is propor- tional to the heat which the same discharge produces in a piece of wire forming part of the circuit. At the conclusion of his memoir, Masson proposes the spark gen- erated under determinate conditions as the photometric unit, by which it will be possible to compare the intensity of the most diverse constant sources of light with a common standard. SECTION FIFTH. ELECTRICAL ODOR. § 95. Ozone and its reactions.—When we are in the neighborhood of a powerful electrical machine we perceive, when the electricity issues from points, or when a series of sparks are passed from the conductor, a very peculiar odor, which, for sake of brevity, we will term electrical odor, or ozone odor. This electrical odor is very probably that which is observed after a stroke of lightning; and which, by those who do not know how to characterize it properly, is termed a sulphurous smell. Schénbein observed in the vicinity of a place where lightning had struck a decided odor of ozone, even some time after the stroke. Until recently we were quite in the dark as to the nature of this odor. Some physicists supposed that it was owing to a peculiar aftec- tion of the organs of smell, produced by electricity ; an explanation which, in addition to its error, did great injury, by preventing further investigation and discussion. __ Others advanced the hypothesis that electrical odor was owing to fine metallic particles carried off by the escaping electricity. But this view also is entirely inadmissible, because the nature of the emitting points does not in the least change the nature of the odor. 388 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. Schénbein has the great credit of having restored this question to the current of scientific activity. He has shown that the electrical odor comes from a peculiar gas, produced during the electrical emission, which he calls ozone. He has investigated the properties of this sub- stance for years with the greatest zeal, and although, as yet, it has not been obtained in an isolated state, many of its important chemical and physical relations have been ascertained, and further researches on the subject promise most interesting discoveries in the field of chemistry. The first memoir of Schénbein on ozone is in the ‘* Denkschriften der Miincheuer Akademie.’’ It is also printed in Poggendorf’s Anna- len. Bd. L. p. 616. A small pamphlet with the title, ‘* On the production of ozone in the chemical way,’’ evidently by Schénbein, was published in 1844 by Schénbein & Schweighaiiser, in Basel. The most important treatises on this subject which then followed are to be found in Poggendorfs Annalen, by reference to the index of names, appended to the LX XV volume. In these papers the historical course of Schénbein’s discoveries may be followed out. I will omit this historical investigation on account of its great extent, and I will not refer to the contents of the separate papers, but describe the most essential experiments which show the nature and most important relations of ozone, in the order in which Professor Schénbein had the goodness to show them to me in the year 1849, and, passing over their earlier phases, present his views upon its nature as now held, after many years investigation. The prime conductor of an electrical machine being provided at the Fig. 82. end with a round-pointed wire, a, b, about 1 line in diameter, (fig. 82.) When the machine is turned the peculiar electrical odor will be perceived in the vicinity of the end a of the wire. That this odor is not to be ascribed to a mere subjec- tive affection of the organ cf smell, but is owing toa peculiar gas, is certain from the fact that this odorous principle produces a series of chemical and physical effects, having the greatest similarity to the chemical reactions and physical relations of other gases. Indeed, Schénbein has succeeded in preparing this odorous prin- ciple, ozone, in a purely chemical way, and in producing _ the same reactions with it which are observed when elec- tricity is issuing from points. If we hold before the point, at the distance of about 4 or 1 inch, a piece of paper covered with a paste of starch and iodide of potassium, the paste will at once turn blue. To make this preparation two teaspoons full of starch with a small crystal of iodide of potassium are to be boiled to a paste, with ten times their volume of water. The ozone acts upon this paste as chlorine does ; it decomposes the iodide of potassium, and the iodine set free, colors the starch blue. RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 389 * This phenomenon (of turning the paste of iodide of potassium blue) takes place in the same manner whether the point emit positive or negative electricity ; it is also perfectly immaterial of what substance the point is made, if only an emission of electricity occurs, thus re- futing the view of those earlier physicists who maintained that the odtr was owing to metallic particles carried off by the issuing elec- tricity. On holding a platinum or gold plate before the point while the machine is turned, the plate has imparted to it negative galvanic po- larization, which can be demonstrated in the following manner : Connect the two mercury cups a and b, Fig. 83, with the wire ends of a multiplier. Into the cup a dip a copper ade, wire, to the other end of which a platinum é plate p is fastened, the plate having been first soldered with gold to a platinum wire, and this to the copper wire at nm. This pla- tinum plate hangs in a glass vessel contain- ing water slightly acidified. After having exposed a perfectly similar platinum plate for a time to the electricity issuing from a point, immerse it also in the water of the glass vessel, and as soon as the copper wire of the second plate is immersed into the cup of mercury 6, a considerable divergence of the galvanometer needle takes place, and in a direction which indicates that the platinum plate which had been exposed to ozone behaves negatively toward the other; that is, the deflection is in the same direction which would have been indicated had a zinc wire been placed in a, a copper wire in 0, and these wires then immersed in the liquid of the glass vessel. This current, however, is only transient. The whole subject of galvanic polarization we will discuss in an- other place ;* it is only mentioned here as one of the effects which accompany the emission of electricity from points. All these reactions disappear when sulphuretted hydrogen, ammo- nia, olefiant gas, &c., are diffused in the air of the room where the experiment is made. If the emitting point be raised by the flame of a spirit lamp to a red heat, and the machine put in operation immediately after the removal of the lamp, all the above described phenomena, which had accompanied the escape of electricity, disappear; that is, the elec- trical odor is no longer perceived, the iodine preparation does not turn blue, platinum or gold plates are not polarized. All the phenomena reappear, however, gradually, as the point cools. fa order to make the experiment distinct, with reference to the odor, it must be made with wires of one of the precious metals, because the easily oxidable metals diffuse a peculiar smell simply by being heated. Very thin wires are not suitable for this experiment; but as thick * See report for 1855, p. 377. 390 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. | | ones may not always be at hand, it will do to use a thin platinum ) wire having its end fused into a small knob about one line in diameter, . § 96. Electrical odor in the electrolysis of water.—The electrical | odor appears not only on the escape of electricity from points, but i also in the electrolytic decomposition of water, where we find it ac | companied by the same reaction and effects which were considered in | the preceding paragraph. ' | On closer investigation it appears that electrical odor manifests 5 i itself at the positive pole, where oxygen is given off ; for on collecting + the gases resulting from the decomposition of water separately, the » odor in question was perceived only in that vessel which contained the » oxygen, no trace of it being found in the one containing the hydrogen. — ‘Lhe gases when obtained together have the electrical odor. al On suspending a paper covered with the paste of iodide of potas- - sium in oxygen, or in the mixed gases to which the ozone odor has | been imparted by electrolysis, the paper turns blue. A platinum plate exposed for a time to the action of this, gas indicates the same — electro-negative polarization as though it had been acted on by the electrical brush. Chemically pure oxygen gas produces none of these effects ; it has not the odor, does not turn the iodide paste blue, and is not in the condition to polarize a platinum plate negatively. The gas obtained by electrolytic decomposition produces, in all these cases, the same effects as the air which issues from a strongly electrified point. § 94. Production of ozone in the chemical way.—The so-called electri- cal odor can be produced by purely chemical means without any aid from electricity. A piece of phosphorus made perfectly dry by blotting paper, so that it has a clean surface, emits a peculiar alliaceous odor. Placing such a piece of phosphorus in a jar of air, the vapor of phos- phorus will in the cold soon diffuse itself through the whole jar. A platinum plate being then suspended in the jar a short time it will be polarized positively. The polarization of the platinum plate is to be ascribed to the phos- phoric vapor diffused in the jar, but the odor very probably is due to the phosphoric acid, which is formed by the partial oxidation of the phosphorus vapor. If a little water be now introduced into the jar, (as much as will half cover the piece of phosphorus,) the phosphoric odor becomes weaker and weaker, and at length wholly disappears, and in its place a decided ozone odor will be perceived. At rather high temperatures the ozone smell appears very soon. This odor is not to be distinguished from that produced in the electrical way, and it is accompanied by all the reactions and effects which characterize the agency of the electrical odor. A paper with the iodide paste on it becomes blue when suspended in the jar, anda platinum plate exposed to its action is polarized electro-negatively. With the ozone obtained in the chemical way the reactions can be produced almost exactly in the same form as with a point emitting electricity. For this purpose a bottle of the capacity of several quarts i} Sor ee ye . 4 | | | | exposed to the jet is polarized electro-nega- ; RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 39:1. is filled with air containing ozone, and closed with a cork, (Fig. 84.) having two holes bored in it. Through one of the holes a tube passes nearly to the bottom, having a funnel at its upper end; through the other hole a tube passes, which merely goes through the cork, and above the cork is bent horizontally, ending in a tolerably fine opening ; water being poured through the funnel in a regulated stream, the air containing the ozone is driven out through the point of the other tube. This point now behaves exactly like a metallic point from which an electrical brush issues. By holding the nose to it the electrical odor will be observed; the iodide paper held before it turns blue, and a platinum plate Fig. 84. tively. We have seen above that all the effects of ozone disappear when the point emitting the brush is heated, in like manner all the re- actions of ozone disappear as soon as the horizontal part of the escape tube is strongly heated by a spirit lamp. The air which escapes from the opening of the hot tube has no longer any smell, it will not turn the iodide paper blue, nor polarize the platinum plate. But all these effects reappear on the cooling of the tube. § 98. Chemical naiure of ozone.—Schinbein, the discoverer of ozone, has observed and investigated for years, with unwearied industry, the relations of this remarkable substance, and has found that it bears the greatest resemblance to the hyper oxides; he has finally come to the opinion that ozone is nothing else than a gaseous peroxide of hydrogen.* Ozone is therefore formed by a further oxidation of the vapor of water contained in theair. Thus it is explained why water, or rather the vapor of water, is absolutely necessary to the formation of ozone. In perfectly dry air ozone cannot be obtained by means of phosphorus, Electricity prepares the vapor of the atmosphere to oxidize further * At the present time, however, the view of nearly all of the chemists who have studied this subject is different from that given by the author. It is now generally conceded that ozone is nothing but oxygen, but there are two different views in regard to its nature ; according to one, ozcne is simply oxygen thrown into a condition of activity by the instru- mentality of electricity or other agents above named. The other view considers ozone as formed of two or more equivalents of oxygen. If, as some hold, gaseous oxygen be 0,, it could be easily shown that this double molecule under- going decomposition, (even by reducing agenis as phosphorus, the essential oils, &c.,) sets free o,, (oxygen in the nascent state,) which might unite with 0, to form O 0g, similar in properties to S o,, (sulphurous acid,) sulphur and oxygen being elements capable of re- placing each other to form analogous compounds as in the sulphurets and oxides. We deem it moreover quite possible, ia a measure, to reconcile’ the views of Schonbein with those last named, but this whole subject, being a purely chemical question, would be out of place in a report upon physical science, and has only been mentioned because the bare statement in the text might lead those not familiar with the matter into erroneous views. Ge Uae 392 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. and form ozone; in like manner phosphorus effects the combination of the vapor of water with oxygen, but, as yet, we are not able to tell how it is done. Ozone is decomposed into its components, oxygen and hydrogen, by heat, as shown by the experiment noticed above. De la Rive and Berzelius, indeed, regarded ozone as modified oxygen, and maintained that it could be produced by an electrical jet in dry oxygen, but this is contrary to all Schénbein’s analogies, Schénbein presented the following experiment as the most striking proof of the presence of hydrogen in ozone: if air containing ozone be dried as perfectly as possible and then heated, it yields water on cooling to hydroscopic bodies over which it is passed. The ozone is decomposed by heat, and the vapor of water which it contained is set free. Ozone is one of the most powerful means of producing oxidation which is known. Air containing ozone being passed for a long time over finely divided metallic silver, the latter is converted into perowide of silver. The vapor of phosphorus is rapidly oxidized under the in- fluence of ozone, and converted into phosphorous acid and phosphoric acid. The fact that the passage of the electrical spark through moist atmo- spheric air forms nitric acid was discovered by Cavendish, in the year 1785. Schénbein has proved that under like circumstances ozone also is always formed. Since ozone can be produced in moist oxygen by the help of the elec- tric spark, it is evident that the formation of ozone is independent of that of nitricacid. On the contrary, Schénbein has made it appear highly probable that the formation of nitric acid is not a direct effect of electricity, but a secondary effect produced by the oxidizing influence of ozone on the nitrugen of the atmosphere. The formation of nitric acid by electricity may be shown in the simplest manner, by exposing, foratime, a paper moistened with a solution of carbonate of potash to a jet of electricity escaping from a wire; the carbonate, under these circumstances, is converted in part into nitrate of potash. The ozone formed by means of phosphorus also produces nitric acid. The mixture of phosphorous and phosphoric acids, which forms in a receiver containing a piece of phosphorus, water, and atmospheric air, is absorbed by water. If this water be colored by a solution of indigo, the color of the latter is immediately destroyed, an effect which neither phosphorous nor phosphoric acid alone can produce. The decoloring is effected by a small quantity of nitric acid, which, formed under the influence of the ozone, is also dissolved in the water. That it is actually nitric acid which is here in question is proved by shaking the water with milk of lime; insoluble salts of lime are formed with the phosphorous and phosphoric acids, while a nitrate of lime remains in solution. Davy observed that traces of nitric acid appeared at the positive pole of a pile when a voltaic current passed through water containing air or nitrogen. Here, also, the formation of nitric acid isa secondary effect RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 393 ‘of electricity. Ozone is first formed by the action of the current, and the ozone then oxidizes the nitrogen. §99. Illumination of phosphorus produced by ozone.—It is well known that at low temperatures, slow combustion of phosphorus does not take iplace in air free from ozone, and tnere is therefore no illumination in ithe dark; this, however, appears as soon as ozone is brought into con- tact with the phosphorus. In a receiver containing ‘ozonized air phosphorus shines at a very low temperature. Schénbein has shown this very beautifully by presenting a stick of phosphorus, at a low temperature, to an electrical brush, which, in accordance with the above, determines the formation of ozone. The manner in which the experiment was made is as follows: (Pog. Ann., Axvili, 38.) A piece of phosphorus an inch long, having a clear surface, was placed on a board in conducting connexion with the earth, and the freeend of a wire, connected with the conductor ofan electrical machine, brought w:thin a few lines of the phosphorus, Ata temperature of —2° the phosphorus by itself did not shine in the dark; but when the ‘machine was put in motion, so that an electrical brush played against the piece of phosphorus, a light flame at once issued from its whole length, and, like the tail of a comet, extended far beyond the piece of phosphorus. If the machine be stopped the illumination of the phos- phorus ceases in a few seconds. Schénbein obtained a very beautiful illumination by the following arrangement: A copper wire was coiled around a stick of phosphorus an inch long, so that the end of the wire extended about a line beyond the phosphorus, as shown in fig. 85. The Had 0 other end of the wire is connected with the conductor of an electrical machine. Ata temperature below U° the phosphorus did not shine at all in the greatest darkness ; but in turning the electrical machine, so that a strong brush appeared at the end of the coil, a luminous cone protruded from the middle of the brush, which attained a length varying from a few inches to some feet, according to circumstances. The longest cone obtained by Schén- bein was 2} feet. With powerful machines such cones should be obtained of still greater length. It may be assumed without hesitation that this luminous train is nothing else than the vapor of phosphorus in slow combustion. The luminous train vanishes with the electrical brush, GALVANISM. [Continued from page 423 of the Report ot 1855.] SECTION FOURTH. GALVANIC PHENOMENA OF LIGHT AND HEAT. § 54. Production of heat by the galvanic current—The laws of the development of heat produced by the galvanic current in metallic wires, have been investigated by Joule, (Phil. Magazine, Oct., 1841,), and by Lenz, (P. A. LIX, pp. 203 & 407, LXI, p. 18.) The memoir of Joule not being within my reach, I shall only reponi on the researches of Lenz, and this will be sufficient, since the results: of the Russian and of the English physicist agreee. The first. two sections of the memoir of Lenz, in vol, LIX of Pog. . Ann., contain only introductory matter, to which we shall but briefly y refer. | To measure the strength of the current Lenz made use of a Nerv-- ander’s tangent compass, which was most carefully constructed and! tested. He found by accurate experiments that up to 40° the strengths» of the currents are proportional to the tangents of the angles of de-- flection. Lenz also compared his tangent compass with the decomposition of!) water. It results, from his numerous and accurate experiments, that! the tangent of the observed angle of deflection is to be multiplied by” 39.3 in order to obtain the reduced quantity of detonating gas from) the same current per minute, expressed in cubic-centimetres. Leng‘ takes for his unit a current which causes a deflection in his tangent ' compass of 1°, and this produces 0.686 c. c. of the mixed gases in a Hh minute. Since our unit of current is that which gives 1c. c. per” minute, it is evident that Lenz’s values of strength of current must: be multiplied by 0.686 to reduce them to our unit. In what follows { I shall always make use of the reduced values for the strength of cur- » rent, instead of those of Lenz. i As the unit of resistance Lenz takes the resistance of one wind of | his rheostat (agometre) of German silver, which, according to his — statement, is equal to the resistanee of a copper wire of 6.358 English | feet in length, and 0.0336 English inch in diameter. Hence, it appears | that this unit of resistance is equal to 2.66 of our own ; the values of | | Lenz must therefore be multiplied by 2.66 to reduce them to our unit. | RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 395 _ To measure the heat produced by the galvanic current in a metallic _ tire, Lenz used the apparatus represented in Fig. 47. - In the middle of the board is fastened the Fig. 47. Jass stopper B, ground to fit into the neck faglass jar which, by means of some grease, aay be fitted upon it air and water-tight. A brass clamp, omitted in the figure, presses he lower rim of the neck of the jar to the joard, so that it cannot be displaced even by riolent motions of the apparatus. The jar jas ground in its bo.tom a cylindrical hole, to which the fluid can be poured, and through which, also, a thermometer can be inserted by means of a cork. The thermom- bter used was divided to + of a degree. Two mee of wire of about 1 line in diameter are assed through perforations in the glass stopper and cemented there. eir upper extremities projecting into the jar are somewhat conical, na made of platinum ; these platinum cones are soldered to copper wires of equal diameter, which, Jet into the board, pass to the screw- clamps s, into which the conducting wires from the poles of the battery are screwed. ‘The wire to be heated is previously coiled into a spiral around a cylinder of 1—2 lines in diameter, and has its ends clamped ‘upon the cones by means of two little pieces of platinum. It remains ‘erect by its own elasticity, its coils not touching anywhere. | The fluid with which the jar was filled, so far at least as en- tirely to cover the wire-spiral, was spirit of wine containing 85 to 86 per cent. of alcohol, for water is so good a conductor that a part of the current would pass through it and not through the wire, as becomes ‘immediately apparent from the feeble evolution of gas. After the wire-spiral was properly fastened and a measured quantity of spirit of wine poured into the jar the apparatus, together with the multiplier (Nervander’s tangent compass) and the rheostat, were inserted in the circuit of a Daniell’s battery. By means of the rheo- stat the current was always kept at a constant strength; and then the time required to raise the thermometer in the spirit of wine a certain number of degrees was noted. By turning round the apparatus in a small circle, the fluid was made to rotate, whereby an equal distribu- tion of the temperature throughout its mass was produced. In order to avoid the errors arising from the loss of heat to sur- rounding bodies, the spirit of wine was previously cooled below the temperature of the air, and the experiment finished when its tempera- ture was just as many degrees above that of the surrounding air as it had been below it at the commencement. To give a clear idea of the course of the investigation, the individual steps for one series of experiments will be described at length. The temperature of the air being 16° R, the spirit of wine was cooled by means of ice down to 7° and poured into the jar; the circuit was closed and the needle by means of the rheostat constantly kept at 35° ; next, with a watch marking seconds, the exact instant was ob- served when the temperature of the spirit was 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 396 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS, | degrees. In this way it was found that the time required to raise th temperature of the spirit of wine from— io ce Ay Yin: 2) was k 15 degrees, and also the instant when it was 16, 17, 18, &c., to i 1.05 minutes. | 14 c¢ 18 (a4 4 ¢ a ¢é 13 ce 19 a4 6 6¢ uy 4. 5. ce 12 a4 9() ce 8 ce ia ce Pall ce 10 ce 1G cabal read EE Mang ie! | and hence it follows that the time ¢, necessary to raise the temperat ture of the spirit of wine 1°, was on an average 0.542 minutes. The resistance to conduction of the spiral wire was ascertained byl observing, (after the removal of the apparatus of fig. 47 from thel circuit,) how many turns of the rheostat had to be inserted, in order: to bring the current again to the same strength that it had with thel heating apparatus in the circuit. 4 The following table contains the results of a great number of such: experiments: 05 22 Eig eed Sul 30 42 ce SZ " $5 5 | ag : ‘ > | bac Kind of wire. 8 t. i. o © Lew, Gorman sily er, sa. seo ait 3 of current required is 220. For an iron wire 1 millimetre in diameter to make it feebly red the » necessary force of current is 121 ; to make it red hot the necessary force } of current is 135. To make a copper wire | millimetre in diameter red _ hot a force of current of 433 is required ; for silver this value is 432, I consider these numerical values only as first approximations. Denoting by s the force of current which is required to bring a wire 1 millimetre in diameter to a certain state of ignition, thens.d indicates the force required to produce an equal amount of heat in a wire of the | same metal whose diameter is d. If once we know the force of current a required to produce a. certain degree of ignition in a piece of wire of given diameter, and also | the resistance to conduction 7, which this wire in connexion with the | other part of the closing circuit offers, then it is easily computed what com- bination of voltaic elements, of a known nature, has to be employed for the purpose. Let e denote the electro motive force, wthe specific resistance of one of the cups employed. These have to be so combined that they form a battery of ~ elements, each consisting of m cups placed together. Now, the values of » and m are to be determined. The cups must be so combined that the resistance of the battery is equal to that of the closing wire ; the total resistance, therefore, must be equal to 27. We have, therefore, ne ee Bie pro? 2ra and n = ; But the specific resistance of our battery is n —_W =TY., Therefore, mn Ww ; and the value for n being substituted, iris 2wa —_——— é RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 409 If, for instance, a platinum wire of 1.5 metre in length and 0.5 millimetre in diameter is to be heated to redness, how many Bunsen’s cups, of the electro motive force of 800 and the resistance of 10, must be used and how are they to be combined? The resistance to conduction of a copper wire 1 millimetre in diameter and 1.5 metre in length is 1.5; thatof alike platinum wireis 5.1,5 1,5. But the resistance of a wire of one-half the diameter is four times as great, viz: 30. This would be the resistance at the usual tempera- ture; but when the wire is red hot it is at least twice as great, viz : 60. If we suppose that the resistance of the other part of the closing circuit is comparatively so little that it may be neglected, we have yr = 60, and, for our case, a = 172.0,5 =86. Therefore, n.800 es 86, consequently, n = 12,9 ands 10 = 60, consequently, m = 2,1; from which it follows that a battery of 12 double elements has to be employed. It is evident from this example that in the above mentioned exper- iments the arrangement was not the most advantageous. Ifa copper wire 1 millimetre in diameter and 0.5 metre in length is to be heated to redness, its resistance would be 1, supposing it to be twice as great at a red heat as it is at the usual temperature. If the resist- ance of the rest of the closing circuit is also equal to 1, its total will be equal to 2; but a in this case is 433, and therefore m = 2.16, m= 10.8, We have, therefore, to use a battery of two elements, each of which consists of 11 cups. A more accurate knowledge of the resistance to conduction of metals at a red heat would be necessary to give a greater degree of exactness to these calculations. In general more cups in a series will be required for producing igni- tion if the wires are bad conductors and of greater length, and more cups, side by side in each element, if they are good conductors and of greater diameter. § 60. Ignition of metallic wires in different gases.—Grove has made the remarkable observation that platinum wire heated to redness by the voltaic current in atmospheric air, is apparently extinguished when covered with a bell-glass, filled with hydrogen.—(Phil. Transact., 1847, pt. 1; Pog. Ann., LXXI, 196.) Since the resistance to con- duction is greater in a wire intensely ignited than in one the heat of which is less intense, it was to be expected that, ceteris paribus, the same wire when in hydrogen would conduct a stronger current than in atmospheric air. Grove proved the correctness of this conclusion in the following 410 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. manner: In the circuit of a constant battery besides a platinum wire, which could conveniently be surrounded by an atmosphere of different gases, a voltameter was inserted. The intensity of ignition in the pla- tinum wire was found to be very different in the different gases, but, at the same time, the rate of the decomposition of water in the voltameter was also changed, so that in equal times the quantity of detonating gas obtained was greater as the heat evolved by the wire was less. The following quantities of detonating gas were obtained per minute in the voltameter when the platinum was immersed in the gases enume- ated : A AEB C0 9 2 pa Ag A Ot 7.7 cubic inches. QUOT AMIE PAE =) a B 3 p= Zane ‘i E =) a= SS" TTT RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICs. All about 3 ounces of water. A thermometer was immersed in the water of each of the vessels, and the copper wires were so connected that they formed part of the closing circuit of a constant zinc-platinum battery of 8 cells, each of 8 square inches acting surface. When the battery was closed the wire in the oxygen became incan- descent, while that in the hydrogen was not visibly ignited. The temperature of the water, which was 60° F. in both vessels at the beginning of the experiment, rose within 5 minutes to 70° in that around the hydrogen tube, and to 81° in that around the one contain- ing the oxygen. When both the tubes were filled with the same kind of gas the temperature in both vessels rose to the same degree. This experiment decidedly proves that the appearance of less heat in the wire immersed in hydrogen, with perfectly identical strength of current, cannot be caused by a more rapid absorption of heat by the hydrogen, because then, on the contrary, the water surrounding the hydrogen tube ought to be heated sooner. All this indicates that, in fact, a less production of heat takes place in the wire when sur- rounded by hydrogen. Grove has proved that this phenomenon is net caused by a small amount of conduction of electricity by the hydrogen; he has also de- monstrated that it cannot be brought into any connexion with the other physical properties of the gases, their density, specific heat, &c. As to the explanation of this peculiar fact, Grove endeavored in vain to find a tolerable one, and in the course of his somewhat dilated and obscure discussion arrives himself quite inconceivably at the con- jecture that the difference of the gases might have a similar effect to a difference in the condition of the surfaces. This would essentially coincide with Poggendorf’s above mentioned opinion, which was pro- pounded, however, before the experiment with the two glass tubes of fig. 50, which in the most distinct manner refutes such a view, was known to him. But Grove gives his consent to it immediately after he has himself made and described the experiment, which proves that this basis of explanation is inadmissible, and that the phenomenon cannot be deduced from differences in conduction and radiation of heat. In my opinion the phenomenon is still entirely isolated and unex- plained. [do not think it profitable in such cases to cover up our want of knowledge with dilated disquisition, in which the physical scape-goat of our days, molecular action, has to play the principal part. § 61. Effect of ignited platinum wires on different gases.—It is a known fact that some of the compound gases suffer decomposition in red hot tubes. Grove has produced similar effects upon these gases by the action of ignited platinum wires.—(Phil. Trans., 1847, pt. 1; Pogg. Ann. LX XI, 194.) The following is the apparatus he used for this purpose : Into the upper end of an eudiometer tube, fig. 51, a curved plati- num wire was fused, from whose extremities copper wires conducted to the two mercury cups which connected them with the poles of the battery. The gas to be examined was confined over water, and, to prevent the glass from becoming too much heated, the whole eudiome- 412 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. ter tube was immersed in a wider vessel filled with water. Sometimes the water was covered with a layer of oil one inch in depth. Fig. 51. When the gases had to be confined over mercury, or when a longer continuation of the ignition was necessary, the apparatus of fig. 52 was used. Here the eudiometer tube is bent, and its closed end, con- taining the platinum wire, immersed in a vessel filled with water or oil ; the open end dipping into another vessel containing the water or mercury, used for confining the gases. With this apparatus the following results were obtained : Nitric oxide, over distilled water, contracted in varying proportions to the heat. (The volume, of course, was not measured betore the apparatus had entirely cooled.) In the best experiments the contrac- tion amounted to one-third of the original volume. The remaining gas was nitrogen, and nitric acid was found dissolved in the water. Nitrous oxide was decomposed into nitrogen and oxygen; the volume increased by 0.35 of the original. The full equivalent pro- portion or 0.5 could not be obtained. : Carbonic acid did not show any perceptible change. Ammonia increased to double its original volume ; the gas could no longer be absorbed by water, and consisted of 3 vol. of hydrogen and 1 vol. of nitrogen. Olefiant gas contracted a little, and deposited carbon. The re- mainder was hydrogen and olefiant gas; the greater the heat the more hydrogen was formed. Nitrogen remained unchanged. Oxygen contracted but very little, about one-fiftieth of its volume ; it might, perhaps, have contained a minute quantity of hydrogen. Chlorine over water gave white fumes, and a grayish-yellow insolu- ble powder collected on the sides of the tube, near the platinum wire; this was afterwards found to be chloride of platinum. The greatest part of the chlorine combined with the hydrogen of the aqueous vapor, and the muriatic acid formed was absorbed by the water. When the experiment was finished the volume of gas was reduced to about one- half, and the remainder was oxygen. With bromine and iodide of chlorine oxygen was evolved, (how the experiments with these bodies were performed I could not perfectly RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 413 understand.) The residue could not be examined, because it acted both upon the platinum and upon the glass. Hydrogen contracted very much, sometimes to one-tenth of the original volume. The cause of this contraction was a small quantity of oxygen, with which hydrogen gas is nearly always contaminated. Phosphorus bronght in to the most carefully prepared hydrogen emits vapors of phosphorous acid, shines in the dark, and produces a slight contraction. But even after this, the ignited wire produces a further contraction. The phosphorus, therefore, cannot remove all the oxygen from the hydrogen. After this experience Grove doubts the correctness of the values ascertained for the atomic weight of hydrogen. According to these experiments it seems that it would be more advantageous to use the platinum wire ignited by the galvanic cur- rent, than the electrical spark in eudiometric experiments. Hydrogen and carbonic acid mixed in equal volumes were easily affected by the ignited wire. They contracted to 0.48 of the original volume; the residue was carbonic oxide. One equivalent of oxygen and 1 of hydrogen had, therefore, combined together. Carbonic oxide exhibited a remarkable phenomenon. Carefully purified from any carbonic acid, it was exposed to the action of the ignited wire over distilled water, and its volume increased from one- fifth to one-third, according to the intensity of ignition. When the gas was dry and confined over mercury, this increase of volume did not take place; it must have been dependent, therefore, upon the presence of aqueous vapor; and, in fact, the increase of volume was found to be caused by the formation of carbonic acid. By agitation with caustic potash or lime water the gas was reduced to exactly its former volume; but then it was found to be mixed with a volume of hydrogen equal to that of the carbonic acid absorbed. This is explained in the following manner: ‘‘ Half a volume or one equivalent of oxygen derived from the vapor of the water had com- bined with one volume or equivalent of carbonic oxide, and formed one volume or equivalent of carbonic acid, leaving in place of the car- bonic oxide, with which it had combined, the one volume or equiva- lent of hydrogen with which it had been originally associated.”’ On comparing this experiment with the previous one, the singular inversion of affinity under circumstances so nearly similar will appear surprising; in the former case hydrogen abstracted oxygen from car- bonic acid in order to form water, leaving carbonic oxide, while in the latter the carbonic oxide takes the oxygen from the aqueous vapor to form carbonic acid and leaves hydrogen. A more exact idea of the nature of these reactions has not yet been obtained. By the latter experiment, in which a decomposition of aqueous vapor also took place, Grove was led to the idea that it might be possible to decompose aqueous vapor and produce detonating gas simply by means of the ignited wire. He succeeded in this as will be seen in the following: § 62. Decomposition of aqueous vapor by ignited platinum wire.— Grove discusses the decomposition of aqueous vapor into its elements in the same memoir in which he treats of the action of the ignited 414 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. wire upon the different gases. After many unsuccessful experiments this decomposition was effected by means of the following apparatus : A bent glass tube, Fie? open at one end, (fig. 53) was connected at its other end by a nar- row neck, with a bulb into which the plati- num wire passed, as represented in the fig- ure. The whole tube was filled with water previously freed from air, and its open end immersed in a vessel of water. On applying a battery of two zinc-plati- num cells, the air in the bulb was expanded and expelled so that the water entered it and then soon boiled, and at a certain period the wire became ignited in the vapor. ‘‘At this instant a tremulous motion was perceptible, and separate bubbles of the size of pin-heads ascended and collected in the bend of the tube. it was nota continuous evolu- tion of gas as in electrolysis, but appeared to be a series of jerks; the water in returning through the narrow neck formed a natural valve, which cut off by an intermitting action portions of the atmosphere surrounding the wire.’’ The collected gas was detonating gas. That this evolution of detonating gas can certainly not be attributed to electrolysis has been satisfactorily demonstrated by Grove. I give below the most important of his arguments. 1. A battery of two cups produces in distilled water, even under the most favorable conditions, a scarcely perceptible electrolysis. 2. The decomposition did not commence until the wire became ignited. 3. When the wire was divided no gas was evolved. Grove now endeavored to produce the decomposition of aqueous vapor in such a manner that the red hot platinum wire could only come in contact with the vapor. A glass tube, as in fig. 54, which at its closed end had a curved platinum Fig. 54, wire melted in, was filled with water which had been carefully freed from air by long boiling and the air pump; it was then inverted in a vessel of the same water, and a spirit lamp applied to its closed extremity until the upper half was filled with vapor, which therefore sur- rounded the platinum wire. The wire was then brought to full ignition. After the connexion was broken and the lamp removed, the water gradually ascended again, but a bubble of the size of a mustard seed remained in the tube, and detonated when touched by a lighted match at the surface of the water trough. The experiment was repeated, the wire being RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 415 kept ignited for a longer time, but the gas could not be increased beyond a very limited quantity. The experiment just described was repeated and the gas bubble transferred to another tube, the wire was then again ignited in vapor, the bubble formed again removed, until a sufficient quantity of gag was collected for analysis, which required the labor of ten hours. This gas was now detonated in a eudiometer and left a residue of 0.35 of its original volume, which consisted of nitrogen. The experi- ment was repeated several times with the same result; sometimes a trace of oxygen was found in the residue. Here electrolysis was completely excluded ; the wire was ignited in dry steam. When in the apparatus of fig. 55 the sparks of a large hydro-electric machine were passed between platinum points through the vapor, a small bubble of de- tonating gas was also formed. As in the previous experiments a whole day’s work did not increase the bubble, but when it was transferred, another in- stantly formed. The gas similarly col- lected detonated and left a residue of 0.4 of its original volume of nitrogen with a trace of oxygen. By an estimation, which could of course only be approximate, the detonating gas formed, was found to be about =, of the volume of the vapor. Grove considered this evolution of detonating gas not to be a spe- cific effect of electricity at all, but of heat alone, and indeed, succeeded also in decomposing aqueous vapor merely by heat without electricity. Omitting the less successful experiments, we shall at once proceed to those that gave very decisive results. With a constant battery of 30 zinc-platinum cells the end of a thick platinum wire was melted into a globule of the size of a pepper corn; between this and the carbon point of the negative pole the voltaic arc was taken until the gobule was again near its melting point. It was then rapidly plunged into water, freed from air, that was kept boiling by means ot a spirit lamp, and into which a tube filled with the same water was inverted. Sepa- rate bubbles of gas rose into the tube. This process was repeated until a sufficient quantity of gas was collected, which, after explosion, once left a residue of 0.4; another time only 0.25 of the original volume, consisting, as usual, of nitrogen and traces of oxyen. The galvanic battery here served evidently only to bring the platinum to ignition. When melted and heated by means of the oxy-hydrogen blow-pipe, it acted exactly in the same manner. In this way more than 4 cubic inch of detonating gas was obtained. The heated globule is evidently, when immersed in the water, immediately surrounded by a stratum of vapor, from which then the small quantity of detonating gas is developed. Fig. 55. Al6 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. To obtain acontinuous evolution of the mixed gases from water sub- jected to the action of heat alone, Grove constructed the apparatus Fig. 56. shown in fig. 56; a and b are tubes of silver 4 inches in length and 0.3 in diam- eter, connected by two pla- tinum caps to a tube of a perforated platinum wire 0.125 inches diameter, the bore having the diameter of a large pin; @ is closed at the extremity, and to the extremity of 6 is fitted, by means of a coiled strip of bladder, the bent glass tube d. The whole apparatus is filled with water freed from air, and, after having expelled the air from a by heat, the end of the glass tube was immersed in a vessel of boiling water. Heat is now applied by a spirit lamp, first tod and then to a, until the whole boils; after this the flame of an oxy-hydrogen blow- pipe is directed upon the middle part of the platinum tube c, and when this has obtained a high degree of ignition gas is evolved which, mixed with vapor, soon fills the whole apparatus, and escapes through the open end either into the open air or into a gas collector. The gas thus obtained left, after its detonation, a residue of 0.3 of its volume, consisting of nitrogen and a trace of oxygen. That, in all these cases, the remnant consists of nitrogen is caused by the great difficulty or even impossibility of absolutely removing all the air from the water. This series of phenomena is very remarkable. While the detonating gas, under the influence of heat, is condensed to vapor of water, we have here exactly the opposite action, though toa very limited extent only. The elaboration of the more intimate conditions and relations of this decomposition of aqueous vapor, which might lead to an explan- ation of the phenomenon, we must leave to the future. When Grove says ‘‘ that these experiments afford some promise of our being, at no distant period, able to produce mixed gases for pur- poses of illumination, &c., by simply boiling water and passing it through highly ignited platinum tubes, or by other methods,’’ I cannot help expressing my doubts whether, even if the manufacture on a large scale should succeed, the detonating gas thus produced could give more light and heat than the fuel consumed in its formation. § 63. Application of galvanic ignition to blasting rocks.—It has for a long time been known that gunpowder can be ignited by the electric spark, as shown long ago by Franklin, and still repeated as one of the usual experiments in the lecture room. But, although blasting by means of frictional electricity is therefore possible, still there are too many difficulties in the way of the process to allow us to expect its introduction into practice. Hare was the first to employ the ignition of metallic wires by the galvanic current in blasting. But his apparatus was too complex and RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. AIT unsuited for every day use by common laborers, and, therefore never was used to a great extent.* In consequence of the many fatal accidents in mines and quarries, Roberts, of England, directed his attention to this subject. After many endeavors he succeeded in making the application of the galvanic current to blasting so simple that his process deserves general commendation. It was first described in the Mechanics’ Magazine, May, 1842, p. 353.—(Dingler’s Polytech. Journal, LXXXV, 275.) We shall be .brief in this notice, as pro- bably much that is contained in the article mentioned is well known. _ In order to avoid the necessity of arranging before each charge the fine iron wire between the conductors, Roberts invented cartridges, a number of which can always be prepared in advance. They are made in the following manner: two copper wires, each 10 feet long and 1 line thick, well covered with waxed cotton or woolen yarn, are placed side by side close together; at one end they are twisted together for abont 6 inches, as represented in Fig. 57, and their extremities left to form a fork, a little over } inch long, with its extremities } inch apart; the ends of this fork are then laid bare, cleaned by filing, and the fine iron wire is stretched between them. The iron wire is wound around the extremities of the copper wires, and may then be soldered with tin. The iron igniting wire is, of course, destroyed by each explosion; to save the conducting copper wires they are firmly tied together with twine, as indicated in the ficure, and then wound around with fine binding wire. The body of the cartridge is a tin tube, 3 inches in length and ? to 1 inch in width, soldered and perfectly water tight. (A glass tube might probably answer.) The fine iron or steel wire is placed at about the middle of the cylinder, and is kept in its place by means of a cork which closes the cylinder, and through which the twisted copper wires pass. It is best to cut this cork lengthwise, and after putting the wire between the two halves, to press them into the tube. But on account of the thickness of the conducting wires it will probably be found more convenient to make a groove in the cork | for their reception. The cork being put in so that the | fork is nowhere in contact with the sides of the tube, it |is covered with a good cement. Roberts recommends a mixture of one part beeswax and two parts rosin. _ The tube is then to be filled through its open end with dry sporting powder, and closed by another cork, which must also be covered with the cement. Figure 58 represents the entire cartridge. Figure 59 shows how the cartridge is placed in the hole. ——. * Our author could not possibly have seen Dr. Hare’s description of his apparatus when he wrote this sentence. The original notice (Am. Jour. Science and Arts, vol. 21, p. 139, - 1832,) shows that Dr. Hare’s apparatus was not complex, and that it was essentially the Same ag that here described as the contrivance of Roberts. G. C. 8. 27 8 4i8 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. After ail dast and moisture are properly removed from it, one half of the intended charge is put into the hole, the cartridge is inser and the remaining gunpowder As Fig. 89; filled in above it. Thus, the cartridge is in the middle of the charge, and the long conducting wires still project several feet above the rock. The charge is not tamped in the usual way. A wadding of straw or tow is carefully pushed down the hole, so that a space filled with air, of variable size according to circum- stances, remains between it and the charge. Upon this wad dry sand is poured until the bore is entirely filled. The two separate ends of the cartridge wires must now be brought into connexion by con- ducting wires with the battery 60 to 90 feet off. The conductors are also covered wires about one line in diameter, plaved side by side and kept close together by being wound over with twine throughout their whole length, a with the exception of their extremities, where they are to be connected with the battery and with the car tridge wires, ; It is sometimes necessary that the person who has to ignite the - charge should still be further off from the charge than the battery i is, and for this purpose an arrangement must be made by which the circuit may be closed from a distance. Roberts contrived the following arr angement for this purpose : upow ‘4 two opposite ends of the box which contains the battery two wooden posts are erected, connected above by a wooden rod of one inch in diameter. At one end a tin disk, A, fig. 60, three to four inches im diameter, is fastened, to which a wire is soldered conducting to one, - say the positive pole of the battery. Another tin disk, B, is fastened to a tin tube, made to slide easily on the rod, and this is kept from A by aspiral spring. One end, D, of this spiral i is connected with one of the conducting wires, while the other conducting wire leads to the negative pole of the battery. The disk B is therefore connected RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. Ai19 through along circuit, including the fine igniting’wires, with the nega- five pole, so thateB may be considered the negative pole and A the positive. The current circulates and produces ignition in the iron wire as soon as A and B come into contact. In order to pull the disk B towards A from a distance, two pieces of twine fastened to B pass through holes in the disk A, and at E are ‘connected with the long string that reaches to the place whence the |person who is to close the circuit stands. An accidental discharge is prevented by a peg F between A and B, which must be removed Detore the two disks can come in contact. But besides lessening the |danger this method of blasting offers other considerable advantages; | it enables us without much difficulty to explode powder under water. For this purpose the entire charge is to be enclosed in a water-tight ‘tin box and this put in the place where its action is desired. The application of galvanic ignition is also very advantageous when |great masses of rock are to be blasted. Formerly, in such cases, it was necessary to use a heavy charge in one great mine, but several smaller properly distributed charges would produce a much greater effect if they could be ignited simultaneously. This can now be done | by the aid of the galvanic current; the connecting wires have only to be so arranged that all the holes are at the same time in the circuit. In this way immense effects have been obtained in England. What power the battery must have in each case can easily be ascer- tained from preceding sections. From section 59 can be ascertained what force of current is required to make the thin iron wire incandescent, ‘(the diameter of which must of course be known,) and after computing |the resistance in the conducting wires, it is easy to determine how many cups or pairs of plates of any give point must be used and how ‘they must be arranged to produce this force of current. | §64. The voliaic are.—By the construction of the constant battery, |} the production of the arc of hight which Davy was the first to observe | is greatly facilitated, and hence this interesting phenomenon has beer ) several times investigated, though much is still left for further _ researches. De la Rive paid great attention to the galvanic arc; we take the | following from his elaborate treatise on this subject, published in Phil. Trans., f. 1847, (Pogg. Ann., LXXVI, 170.) The voltaic arc can be produced not only between carbon points but also between points of different metals. Itis greater with the more | fusible or oxydisable metals, as zinc or iron, than with platinum or | silver. The size of the arc of light is proportioned to the greater or | less facility with which the substance of the electrode disintegrates ; | for since this phenomenon is produced by minute particles ot matter carried over from one electrode to the other, its formation must | necessarily be favored by a less cohesion of the electrodes; this is also | the reason why, under otherwise like conditions, the greatest arc of | light is always obtained between carbon points. The transference of the matter is always from the positive to the negative pole. In the air and with metallic electrodes, the deposit upon the negative pole 420 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. always consists of oxydized particles of the metal used as the positi electrode. : If the negative pole has the form of a plate, while the positive po is a point, the deposit of the transferred matter upon the plate forms a very regular ring, the centre of which is the projection of the — point upon the plate. oo When the are of light is taken between a metallic point and an opposite surface of mercury, the latter, when positive rises In a cone, — but forms a cavity when negative. In this case it is very difficult to — observe accurately the minutiz of the phenomenon, on account of the great quantity of mercurial vapor evolved. " De la Rive made experiments with plates and points of platinum, ~ iron, silver, and copper, but I cannot enter upon the details of the — experiments, because there is much that is not clear to my mind; in~ many cases, for instance, I cannot see in the individual experiments” the proof and confirmation of the generalizations announced. A repetition of these experiments and an accurate description, illustrated when practicable with figures, seems therefore very desirable. § 65. Intensity of light of the voltaic arc.—Casselmann has made ~ experiments upon the intensity of light of the voltaic arc, which have- been described in the memoir already mentioned. They were after- wards also copied into Poggendorf’s Annals.—(Pog. Ann., LXIII, ” 576.) The photometer used in his experiments was constructed upon the same principles as that described in the third edition of my Lehr- buch der Physik, vol. IL, 674. The carbon pieces, between which the arc was taken, were of the same composition as that. used in the cylin- ders of Bunsen’s battery, but prepared also in other ways, as some of 7 them were saturated in solutions of nitrate of strontium, boracic acid, &c., and then intensely ignited. Thus prepared they gave a very” steady light, differently colored, according to the solution employed; and the carbon points could (with a Bunsen battery of 44 cups) be re-_ moved to a distance of 7 to 8 millimetres before it disappeared, while the unsteady light of unprepared carbon went out at a distance of 5 millimetres. q A tangent compass was at the same time inserted into the circuit, so that for each measurement of the intensity of light the correspond-_ ing force of current could be determined. 4 The brightest parts of the whole light, it is well known, are at the’ points of the two pieces of carbon, upon which the arc rests. In the following table the intensity of the whole light is compared with that_ of a stearine candle, and for each kind of carbon, with the points once - ata very small, and then at the greatest possible distance. The values” of the force of current are reduced to the chemical unit. | RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. | 431 a se [gps he ie Bae Bas B82 o§ aa Bs a og gq oo a Ouls = 24 2 eae all a } mm Sumunepareaicarpon...0.-.).0. 2.501220 bk 0.5 95 932 ; 4.5 68 139 Menu with nitrate of strontium -.....1...-...------<--. 0.5 120 353 6.75 88 274 } Bambartenithecaustic potash’...< _ fore, cover a surface n2 times as large, and consequently the im=” tensity of light at each point of the image will be n* times less,” The chemical power of the source of light may, therefore, be com- sidered proportional to the square of the distance of the image formed ~ from the lens. ae But it is also, as easily perceived, inversely proportional to the sure” face of the opening of the lens, 7. e., to the square of its radius, and therefore tis = i=] ad? tg when J denotes the chemical power of the source of light, d the dis- tance of the image from the lens, r the radius of its opening, and ¢ the time required to produce a Daguerrean image. If we denote by a the angle which the radius of the aperture of the lens subtends at the place of the image, then = a tang. @ 1 a therefore yp sp ce t. tang. a RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 423 _ By this, or rather by a similar equivalent formula, Fizeau and Foucault computed the results of their observations, and thus obtained the following relative values for the intensity of the sources of light. Sun-light, in August and September, at noon, with a clear sky 1000 Carbon-light, produced by 46 Bunsen’s zinc-carbon cups........ 235 Toe igo ees fe wns t don signe vne ts ee ie cdavndety tase ; 6.8 | The lime-light appears to be surprisingly little; but Fizeau | and Foucault found with the common photometrical method a similar elation between the lights from lime and carbon. No other com- parative measurements are known to which these can be referred; a careful experimental re-examination of the matter is, therefore, de- sirable. | In reference to the change of the intensity of the carbon-light with the number and magnitude of the galvanic elements we find the fol- | lowing data in this memoir: While a battery of 46 Bunsen’s elements | gave an intensity of light of 235, this was increased to 238 only when the number of cups was augmented to 80; but a battery of 46 triple cups gave an intensity of 385, after having been already in action for one hour. In consequence of the rapid alteration of the fluid—the diluted sul- phuric acid becoming gradually a solution of sulphate of zinc—the force of the battery, and with it the intensity of the arc of light pro- duced by it, decreases rapidly. While 80 cups afforded at first an intensity of 238, this after three hours was diminished to 159. It is to be regretted that these physicists have not measured the force of current corresponding to the intensity of light, whereby the value of the above given numerical relations would have been very much enhanced. § 66. Production of heat by the voltaic arc.—The heat developed at } the poles, between which the arc is taken, is entirely too great to be attributed to the mere passage of the electric current through these conductors. According to the experiments mentioned in § 57, a cur- rent, to make a platinum wire of 0.75 mm. in diameter incandescent | by its passage, must have at least a force of 160. Therefore, to make a platinum wire of 3 mm. in diameter only white-hot requires, at the | very least, the enormous force of current of 640; and yet with the cur- Tent of a Bunsen’s battery of 44 cups and a force of 80 to 100, we can produce an arc in which the point of a platinum wire of more than 3 | mm. in diameter may easily be melted into a globule, if used as one _ pole of the battery while the other is formed by a carbon point. The combustion of carbon is so trifling that it cannot essentially contribute _ to the great heat produced ; besides, the fusion of the platinum wire by the galvanic arc takes place in a vacuum as readily as in the open air. The electric current, therefore, besides producing heat by its mere passage through the conductors, in forming the arc must act at the ole itself to produce heat in some other way, of which as yet we now nothing, The development of heat is not equal at the two poles of the are ; it is greater at the positive than in the negative. De la Rive, in his 424 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. treatise already mentioned, in § 64, adds, in reference to this fact, the following observations: . iB When, in forming the arc, a positive metallic point is opposite to&, . negative plate, the point becomes ignited throughout, while on invert- ing the poles the negative point is “heated at its extremity only. a If two points of the same metal are opposed to each other the | tive one becomes more intensely ignited, and over a greater length. If they are of different metals, of course that one becomes most in- tensely ignited which is made of the worst conducting metal. i To this category belongs also an observation of Walker, made wil a Daniell’s battery of 160 cups.—(Trans. of the Lond. Electr. Soe. » Pp. 65 and 71; Pog. Ann., LV, 62.) He laid the pole wires crosswise, but so that after the contact they were again moved to a little distance : from each other, and a shortarc of light passed between them. Under © these circumstances the positive end of the wire, from the point of | crossing, became so intensely hot that it softened and bent, while the | negative end remained comparatively cold. i Experiments on the heating effects of the voltaic arc have been made on the greatest scale by Despretz. He collected, in Paris, 500 zine-carbon cups, and arranged a battery of 124 elements, each con- — sisting of four Bunsen’s cups. When a piece of sugar carbon, in a glass globe exhausted to 5 millimetres, was brought between the poles | it became intensely ignited and the globe was covered with a dry,” crystalline black powder. Carbon from gas retorts produced the same _ effects. This shows a sublimation of the carbon. Despretz thinks too that he observed. traces of fusion of the carbon} At any rate his experiments show that carbon evaporates more readily than it melts. He believes that it could be melted in metallic vessels in an atmosphere of compressed nitrogen. Similar in behavior to carbon are lime, magnesia, oxide of zinc, &c. Alumina, rutil,” anatase, nigrine, oxide of iron, &c., form at first small globules, but afterwards evaporate. Previous to these experiments with 496 cups Despretz had used a bat- tery of 165 elements, and combined the heat of its arc with that of the oxy-hydrogen blow-pipe and of the sun concentrated through a sec- tional lens 90 centimetres in diameter. The effect of the galvanic battery was increased by the addition of the other sources of heat.—_ (Comptes Rendus, July, 1849, No. 3; Dingler’s Polytechnic Jour- nal, CXIV, 342.) | § 67. Influence of magnetism upon the voltaic arc.—That magnetic forces have an influence upon the position and form of the are has already been observed by Davy, and it is known that this arc is affected by a magnet in the same manner as a movable conductor when — a galvanic current is passing through it; the terrestrial magnetism, — therefore, must also act upon it. By the motion of the heated air the | arc of light is always carried upwards, so as to form a curve, convex | above. If we conceive a perpendicular plane to be passed through | the carbon points lying horizontally, the action of terrestrial magnet- | ism will be such that the highest point of ‘the arc will never be in this plane, but on one side or the other. | RECENT PROGRESS 1N PHYSICS. 425 . Casselmann, in his treatise already mentioned, in § 56, gives ex- periments on this subject. If, with opposite horizontal carbon points, the current was passing— From The deviation of the apex was towaids N. to 8. ae oi W. to E. Ne S. to N. W. E. to W. 8 This can be easily deduced. In fig. 61 aand 6b represent the two horizontal carbon points between which the arc is produced. If now we imagine a per- pendicular plane passed through a and 8, | Fig. 61. and a straight line to pass perpendicularly through the plane between these points, as indicated by the arrow, then a steel needle | placed in this line would be magnetized by |} the current of the arc, and its N. end would |g be at the point of the arrow when the posi- tive current is passed from a through the arc towards b. But by the influence of the terrestrial magnetism the N. end of the needle would dip, and in like manner also the arc will be inclined from the vertical plane towards the direction of the N. end of the needle. If ais to the west, and 0 east, the inclination will be toward the north when the current is passing from a to b; but with a direction of the current from east to west, the north end of the supposed mag- netic needle would be on the south side of the arc, and the latier, therefore, would incline toward the south. By means of this supposed magnetic needle we can, under all cir- cumstances, determine in what manner the arc will be affected by terrestrial magnetism or either pole of a magnet, or what must be its position when placed between the two poles of a horse-shoe magnet. If, instead of one of the carbon poles, a magnetic bar is used, so that the arc is formed between carbon and steel, the arc rotates around the magnetic pole according to the same laws which apply when a mova- ble current rotates around a fixed magnet. The first notice in refer- ence to this rotation of the arc is given by Walker, in the ‘‘ Transac- tions of the London Electrical Society’’ from 1837 to 1840.—(Pog. Ann., LIV, 514.) De la Rive also has made experiments on the in- fluence of magnetism upon the voltaic arc, but in a different way. Their description is found in the memoir mentioned already in § 64. | “I shall quote here from De la Rive’s memoir literally, in order to give a characteristic example of his want of precision in writing, by which his papers are frequently rendered obscure, as before men- tioned : “If two points of soft iron, acting as electrodes, be both placed within a helix formed of thick copper wire of several coils, the voltaic are developed between the two points of iron ceases the moment a strong current is passed through the wire of the helices, and reappears if this current be arrested ‘before the points have become cold. The are cannot be formed between the two iron points when they are mag- netized, whether by the action of the helices or by that of a powerful soatasa Sbeals { 426 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. ‘ee magnet, unless they be brought much nearer to one another, and the appearance of the phenomenon is then entirely different. The trans- | ported particles appear to disengage themselves with difficulty from — the positive electrode, sparks fly with noise in all directions, while in | the former case it was a vivid light without sparks and without noise, — accompanied by the transfer of a liquid mass, and this appeared to be effected with the greatest ease. It is of little moment with respect to the result of the experiment whether the two rods of magnetized iron present to that part of their extremities between which the luminous arc springs the same magnetic poles or different poles. ee ‘¢The positive electrode of iron, when it is strongly magnetized, — produces, the moment that the voltaic arc is formed between it and a ~ negative electrode of whatever nature, a very intense noise, analogous — to the sharp hissing sound of steam issuing from a locomotive engine, — This noise ceases simultaneously with the magnetization. Cae ‘‘For the purpose of better analyzing these different phenomena, I placed an electro-magnet of large dimensions and great power In” such a manner as to enable me to place on each of its poles, or be= tween them, different metals destined to form one of the electrodes of the pile, while one point of the same metal, or another substance, acted as the other electrode. I have alike employed as electrodes, - placing them in the same circumstances, two points of the same metal, — or of different metals. The following are the results which I have obtained: A plate of platinum was placed on one of the poles of the electro-magnet, and a point of the same metal was placed vertically above it; the voltaic arc was produced between the plate and the © point, the plate being positive and the point negative. As soon as < the electro-magnet was charged a sharp hissing was heard. It be- 7 came necessary to bring the point nearer to the plate to enable the are” to continue, and the bluish circular spot which the platinum plate © presented became larger than when the experiment was made beyond © the influence of the electro-magnet. ; + ‘* The plate was made negative, and the point positive. The effect was then totally different. The luminous arc no longer maintained — its vertical direction when the electro-magnet was charged, but took an oblique direction, as if it had been projected outwards towards the © margin of the plate.t{ Itwas broken incessantly, each time accompa- — nied by a sharp and sudden noise, similar to the discharge of a Leyden jar. ‘he direction in which the luminous arc is projected depends upon the direction of the current producing it, as likewise on the po- — sition of the plate on one or other of the two poles, or between the poles of the electro-magnet. A plate and a point of silver, a plate and a point of copper, and generally a plate and a point of any other metal, provided it be not metal too easily fused, present the same phenomena. ‘Copper, and still more silver, present a remarkable peculiarity. Plates of these two metals retain on their surfaces the impression of the action that took place in the experiments just described. Thus, when the plate is positive, that portion of its surface lying beneath the nega- tive point presents a spot in the form of a helix, as if the melted metal in this locality had undergone a gyratory motion around a centre, at the SS eS Se RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 427 am time that it was uplifted in the shape of a cone towards the int. The first part of this is clear; not so the last two paragraphs. The ‘passage between f and +f appears to indicate that the oblique direc- tion of the arc of light only occurs when the plate is negative and the point positive ; but somewhat further on we read that the direc- tion in which the luminous arc is projected depends upon that of the exciting current. It should, therefore, take place when the plate is positive and the point negative. Besides, an obscure allusion to the rotation of the are is found in this passage, but so obscure that one not previously acquainted with the phenomenon could form no idea of it from this representation. That the Genevan physicist, in penning this passage, actually had this rotation in view is evident from the conclusion of the last paragraph. Similar faults frequently occur in De la Rive’s treatises ; his description rarely gives a clear and intelli- gible representation of the phenomenon. It is much to be regretted that in this way the results of many a beautiful and difficult experi- mental research are only imperfectly presented to those engaged in physical studies. § 68. Use of the galvanic light for illumination.—It was to be expected that the great intensity of the galvanic carbon light would soon lead to the idea of employing it for illumination after its production was so much facilitated by the invention of tle constant batteries. Deleuil several times made public experiments with this kind of Hlumination. At first he illuminated the pavilion of a mansion at the Pontneuf, in Paris, with 98 zinc-carbon elements. Acherau made Similar experiments in the Place dela Concord.—(Dingler’s Polytech. Journal, vol. 91, p. 324.) - Though the intensity of the galvanic carbon light is enormous, and although a battery of 48 Bunsen’s elements produces as much light as 63 common gas burners, yet the use of the galvanic light for public illumination appears unfit for practical application for the following reasons : An immense quantity of light is here emanating from one single point, and therefore very strong contrasts between light and shade will be produced ; the darkness in the shade will be the more unpleasant just on account of its contrast to the dazzling light. At any rate, the illumination obtained from 63 gas burners, pertectly distributed, will be more uniform and agreeable than an equivalent light concentrated in one point. Another objection to the application of the galvanic carbon light, is the difficulty of keeping its intensity uniform for a long time. In consequence of the formation of sulphate of zinc the conducting power of the fluid decreases so rapidly that the force of the current, even in half an hour, becomes considerably weaker than it was at the beginning. But, apart from this, the maintenance of the battery is extremely expensive, because much more zine is consumed than the current itself requires, and the nitric acid acts destructively upon the metallic rings around the carbon cylinders. It is true the disadvan- “tages of this action of the nitric acid could be avoided by the use of Daniell’s elements, but then the battery must be considerably enlarged to obtain the same effect. 428 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. In an economical point of view, therefore, the galvanic illumina- | tion of streets, halls, theatres, &c., does not appear advantageous, But there is yet another difficulty ; the management of the battery and of the whole apparatus is too complicated to be confided to such, persons as generally have charge of the illumination; the carbon — points are continually changing, and their position, therefore, must — be continually regulated in order to keep the light uniform and pre-— vent its extinction. It is difficult to accomplish this regulation by mechanical means, though different contrivances have been proposed — for the purpose. Le Molt, for instance, obtained a patent in England, | in 1848, for an apparatus for galvanic illumination, in which carbon | rig. 2. disks, with the form represented in fig. 62, take the place of the points. Two of these disks are placed with their sharp edges opposite each other; their axes rotate uni- formly by means of clock work, and their distances are / regulated by a metallic spring. t It is therefore scarcely to be expected that the applica- tion of galvanism to public illumination will have any — practical success. But Donné and Foucault have obtained very favorable results from their experiments, in which the galvanic carbon ~ light was substituted for the incandescent lime in the so called gas microscope. A tolerably complete description of the photo-electric microscope of Donné and Foucault may be found in the 4th edition of Ponillet, Hle- ments de Physique Experimentale, &c., vol. I], pp. 746. We can — here only indicate the most essential parts of the apparatus. The luminous are is produced between sticks of carbon cut from the hard carbon of gas retorts; they are made Bie Ge. in the shape represented in fig. 63, the negative electrode being pointed and the positive blunt. These carbon pieces are so held that their position can easily be regulated. A general idea of the arrangement of the illuminating apparatus of this microscope may be gathered from the diagram fig. 64. a isa concave mirror of an aperture of about Hie Se i decimetre, and a radius of 1.6 de- cimetre. The carbon light is at b,a little nearer to the mirror than ce, the centre of its curvature, and somewhat higher, so that the rays emanating from 6 are collected at /, where the minute object to be magnified is in- tensely illuminated. The system of lens through which the magnified image of the object is thrown upon a screen 4 to5 metres distant is precisely the same as in the solar microscope. To diminish the great heat at 7, a vessel is placed between the mirror and 0, the sides of which are made of polished plate glass; it it is filled with a solution of alum by which a great part of the calo- RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 429 ey is absorbed without sensibly lessening the intensity of the «hight. , The image of the arc of light itself, as produced at / by the concave mirror, may be taken as the object to be magnified through the lens, but _ then the magnifying power must be lower. Thus, a highly magnified image of the arc of light is obtaine] upon the white screen, and all the phenomena accompanying it can be observed with ease. _ But the magnified image of the galvanic arc of light can also be produced by much simpler means; it has only to be brought directly near the focus of a lens of 1 to 3 centimetre focal distance. Of course, care must be taken that the carbon light is so inclosed that no light falls upon the screen, except that which passes through the lens. § 69. Galvanic Wumination of mines.—The remarks on galvanic illumination in general are also applicable to the proposal to illumi- nate mines by the light produced by means of galvanism; there is scarcely much practical success to be expected. Because the galvanic carbon light can be produced in a’ vacuum and even under water. Boussingault believed that it could be used instead of Davy’s safety lamp in mines where inflammable gases make open lamps dangerous. But in mines an intense light at any one place is never wanted, but a feeble one at many different places. The same objection is to be made to De la Rive’s proposal to pass in a hermetically closed glass balloon the positive current from an upright carbon cylinder to a me- tallic one placed vertically above it.—(Dingler’s Polyt. Journal, XCVIII, p. 158, and 232; Moniteur industr., 1845, No. 961 & 965.) Grove proposed, instead’of the carbon light, the ignition of a pla- tinum wire by galvanism in a hermetically closed glass vessel.— (Dingler’s Polytechnic Journal, XCIX, p. 201; Phil. Magazine, Dec., 1845, p. 442.) He gives to the wire the form of a spiral, and thus employs a greater length of it in a smaller space ; and this arrange- ment has the further advantage that on account of the less rapid cool- ing the coiled wire is more intensely heated with an equal force of current than the same wire when extended in a straight line. Grove does not give any details as to the length and diameter of the wire used, or of the precise construction of the spiral. With two to three constant elements a uniform light was obtained during several hours. Grove experimented (and read) by this light ; but this notice gives only a very imperfect idea of the illuminating power of the apparatus. In mines this light will probably be sufficient, and the proposition therefore appears to be a more practical one than the ap- plication of the carbon light, especially on account of the small number of constant elements required for the purpose. But still, even this apparatus will be more expensive and complicated than Davy’s safety lamp, and consequently its general introduction into use is scarcely to be expected. King uses, instead of the platinum spiral, a strip of very thin pla- tinum foil, and makes it incandescent by the galvanic current.— (London Journal of Arts, June, 1846, p. 348; Dingler’s Polytechnic Journal, CI, p. 12.) ~ §%0. The galvanic spark.—Most of the observers who have experi- mented with the galvanic arc have noticed that the two poles must first a 430 RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. 4 7 be brought into contact before the current can be produced. After be the carbon points have once been in contact, they may be separated : from each other and then the luminous arc is formed. The arc also — can be produced by discharging the spark of a Leyden jar between the ( carbon points, instead of ‘bringing them into contact, as has been observed by Daniell, (Phil. Trans., 1839, 89; Pog. Ann. LX, 3798 ‘ and previously by Stur geon, —(Ann. of Electr.. VLU, 0 te Pos. Anaya XLIX, 122.) The latter believes that this " experiment originated with Herschel. The formation of the current in this case is evidently — caused by conducting particles carried from one pole to the other bys the spark. Even the powerful batteries which have been used to produce the — luminous are have not yet sufficient tension to effect the passage of a spark through the smallest distance. Jacobi found by accurate measurement that the poles of a battery — of 12 zinc-platinum elements could be brought to within 0.00005 inch ~ of each other without a spark passing. —(Bulletin of the Petersbingaaa Academy; Pog. Ann., XLIV, 633 | Gassiot obtained distinct pack from his great water battery aaa (Phil. Trans., f. 1844, pt. I, pp. 39; Pog. Ann , LXV, 476.) This remarkable battery consisted of 3,520 glass tumblers, each containing a zinc rod and a copper cylinder. They were charged with rain water. The tumblers were distributed upon 44 oaken boards, every 11 of which were combined in a stand, similar to the shelves of a book case, and were supported by four strong pillars. Especial care was taken to secure perfect insulation, the glasses were varnished and placed upon glass plates, and these as well as the boards were in like manner covered with varnish. It might be expected that this battery, when the circuit was unclosed, should exhibit in a decided manner the phenomenon of tension, and, in fact, the leaves of a gold leaf electroscope diverged already, when yet at a distance of 2 or 3 inches from one of the poles. As soon, however, as the battery was closed, all signs of tension disappear ed. When the poles of the battery were brought within 0.02 inch of each other sparks continually passed between “them. In one case this phenomenon continued day and night for five weeks without interruption. Several months after its construction the battery showed no signs of decrease in strength. since the ordinary galvanic batteries have no striking distance at all, it is evident that the appearance of light observed in opening and closing even simple batteries, must be an entirely different phenomenon from that of the common electric spark. In the memoir just mentioned, Jacobi states it as his opinion that the usual galvanic spark is a phenomenon of ignition and combustion ; the extremely fine points which first come into contact and permit the conduction of the current, become incandescent and burn, and thus pro- duce, according to Jacobi’s opinion, the phenomenon of ight. ‘There is no doubt that with more vivid sparks such ignition and combustion really do occur, but then the phenomenon is no longer a simple one ; ’ in closing and opening a battery the spark is observed under circum-. stances which make ignition and combustion very improbable. RECENT PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. A3l Neef has shown that this appearance of light, when occurring simply without the action of secondary currents, is neither a common electric spark, viz., a spark passing from one pole to the other, nor can it be attributed to a combustion of metal.—(P. A. LXVI, 414.) In his so called magnet electrometer, as described in the 3d edition of my ‘‘ Lehrbuch der Physik,’’ vol. Il, p. 251, a continual closing and breaking of the current takes place at c which is accompanied by a corresponding appearance of the light. But in this form of the apparatus the observation of the phenomenon is rendered difficult by the width of the hammer which strikes the platinum plate. In avery convenient modification of this apparatus by Desaga, in Heidelberg, which will be described hereaiter, a platinum point is substituted for the hammer, so that the contact is made and broken in rapid alterna- tion between a platinum: point and plate. When the apparatus is in action, light is observed, at the place of separation, which, on account of the rapidity of the oscillation, seems to be continuous. To the naked eye, when protected from the day- light, the light appears violet, whether the positive current pass from the point to the plate or inversely ; but the point of light is so ex- tremely small that Neef was induced to examine the phenomenon with the microscope. By the aid of this instrument he found that the light always appears at the negative pole only. These observations are best made with a microscope which magnifies 25 to 50 times, which permits the objective to be removed to at least 14 inch from the point of light. When the positive current passes from the plate to the point, the latter appears enveloped in violet light, while the plate remains en- tirely dark. At the lowest extremity of the point within the continuous violet light there appear single, extremely fine, dots of dazzling white light with a sort of swarming motion ; and towards the upper extremity of the violet envelope there is also seen light of the same color but of much greater intensity, flashing out, and yet no passage to the other pole could be observed. The last mentioned flashing gradually dis- appears as the force of the current decreases. When the current passes in the opposite direction, and the point, con- sequently, is positive, it remains quite dark and the violet light is spread upon the plate around the point of nearest approach. In this case, too, there is no spark, strictly so called, to be observed, and the uniform violet glimmering light can scarcely be attributed to a com- bustion of the platinum. Besides, Neef also especially remarks that this phenomenon of light takes place at the negative pole only, while the greatest heat is always developed at the positive pole. oa 1 Dyan a ce en A 5 areas Cai al 2") A i AM 13, wil alae) y i s 4 ayia : eek! 4 Se hae: soabiea? ieee f pete ‘ - in eee tore epet> iS sete me aNeg Ri, a States a ae eee ipsa ites Peacest ene Yoke rayne ifeye? 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Mads Gy : Res) iby ngurtied am tee RE duyemreky en € prancing aren ” nang hen) wait OL ‘ BD as i: ; ey. j “pn seh er ane chat sala Pee: _ ' sib i i banc eea wee oP ve heegar rh INDEX. Agassiz, L., Natural History of the United States.... 2... nn ceccee ceccen socces ae Albany Academy, Henry’s Telegraphic Experiments in....-....-.--. 2.222. seeeee 96, 105 Alexander, Prof. S., Lecture on the Vastness of the Visible Creation....-...----. 169 ENCaery sn. S82 bees 22h. Vet A ee eee eee 100 Bppendix to the Report, Remarks concerning.........--. --.- ----22 nee eee nec ene 20 ECS 3. see 7 eS ee eee eee 68 DEY SE periments... 22. 2. Sa tha tees Chae eae eoe eee ee eee. 100 Beeacianions tor study of Natural History, &c!.2--. 2-2. 2ccdbscccccceccdes sone 25, 26 Bey Gy GHORAl VOWS: Of- 22s 55> cates GL ste SSk SEL EL ie ences eee once 119 neeoranlis. Observations: Ofs2sss 55262 s25625ec anes L255 Be ee 327 Bailey, Professor J. W., Resolutions respecting...... .----- .----+ eo-cee ence cece 7 Baird, 8. F., Report on Publications, Exchanges, and Museum.-.---......-.-.---- 38 menk Note Counterfeiting Investigation...... .-.. 2-2. -2--2. cseces cone nee cacene 30 SRUDEA UB ATOD 2, ew ccwwrnue saectsee Vles BOSE see a gene dees 104 DE HIGUENY ObSOrvations: wan cecner nude elf}. eR ea 285 Barometer, Half-hourly observations.........-....----- 206, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 282 ener ot Carbon investipation .-../.5.2022..° -. 2. e222 i ee ee 30 Sennunievienozucla,: South Ameri¢as.=-~=sss- Soe. s2e etek Lees SSS LS eee 186, 222 Bowen, Rev. T. J., Grammar and Dictionary of Yoruba.--..---. .---.----.-------- Rear tied eM. Memoir on Oology tists. tas s2- teen ne sees ceeo cece secs cess 18 marmdaieoe, Report-Ofsc. fos coun oo Se Se ioe ecco geen cen wcne 71 Beuena Meteorological observations ates cco e- fs oo- lee pac eeeeeecce concche-- 27 Cass, Lewis, Letter relative to Miss Contaxaki’s present...--...---..----..----- 78 rem tenes >> StALCMeN tt Olse es eee eee Meee oe cae eee cet es Sacco coace® 90 Beicd Eouguet trom Mass'Contaxahisls. fore. «ec-c- sooscessecu~ one ce~ one 32 ERO OTA] 52 ees See eee Ce ae ee rete i case secwes Gama 283, 300 Sener ecuires on, by Prof Jos: Whe Wonter 22555 22 222- ssc con ne ce eeen coeens cone 119 Seecnousror the: Exploring Hxpeuition.<22-< sac ons --- cote woos. c.ccescs enccus 14 molonia Tovar, Venezuela, Meteorology of---. ..-------. -----6 w2n- -cocecs ---=-0 179 Communication from Prof. Henry relative to Mr. Morse....--. ..----.-----.----- 85 mine: resents ORY to oe see Cae eee ee a nt. em ens Seen ees 32, 77, 79 INNING dren te eat tae at aa ae oe ons Seen aes eee 33 meen Udine Grindors’In. Venesuela.--2- Sosa. te cece ence 219 MEMUMETDGHSIA V OHOHUOIA onto s aa sao oe A tee oe eas Sees secces coeesceece seocee 221 wave, Captain C. H., Translation of Gauss... V2.2 - soe een oe cane cee coee ones 21 Deposition of Joseph Henry in telegraph suit..--...----. -----.-..----- -------- 107 Dewey, Professor Chester, On the best hours of daily observation.....----..----- 310 SE Caan ae O85 25s soe aera toes sede wands Sane reas scnae seena= 24 Bennet ofColumbia, Moteorelopy Of st-rsacese soe etes seacteecec. cose cece severe 317 Sere to. Musaunnd uring 1850 conc. cecece comet ewew A) RISES ce. Cals 50 PEER CMACINIAMROUHtHOG. Of. <2 acne sone cone ocean coer en coc ces seen cnnsconsensses 30 436 INDEX. Page. Blectticty, .Mullora report G0 ooo sec cen san'b on cS sae ame wis aamipemticcieeet caeeee 333 The Leyden Jar, and effects of the discharge......---..----- ------------ 323 PlectricaliSparkiand Bush o5 eee ce niemerie saci seer = ee eee eee 367 IDeA LOGI eae aceone peace ObA> So dSSo HeegOOGerS Sue Senora ase6 or 387 Entomology, Study, Of...06 sasccsj- se a5. me eae bas is gecse semces pecions aeeicose 25 SIShNALeH Of “ADPFePTIAvIONS OT TSO ap. oeee poeta see aes eee ia . 68 Hxecutiye:Committes, Report Ofc s Igaaseg onoose S08 96 Hall, Prof: James, Revision of Droost’s: Memoir, ybyac-ee'- os osee eee ace oe 24 Hare, Dr. Robert, Resolutions relative to the death of ..---. .... 2-2. ---- ---- enone 84 Harvey, Wr: \W).ui.; Memoir onvAll pee: Sento. eloeet tale ein ote eaten cision 17 Henry, Prof., Communication relative to Mr. Morse...... .--..-----.----2------ 85 Deposition in Leleprap hi Case ma aim cei pei pete (olla elle ale iol 107 Ep GriMeNntsiDY soca cio note ecto tates See aloe ecto islet cee tere cele tenetre 101, 102 Report of Committee on Communication of....-......- .5252-sc2= sans ao-e 83 History. of the Telegraph ...~ cece cmisccistemewes ican mies cess mee eee ees 99 Ehigard, Dr: M:,; Experiments: by see areata eee ele eta oie = ee 30 Holmes, F. §., and M. Tuomey, on the Fossils of S. C. -.-..----- -------.------- 22 Honorary Members of the Institution <2) 2 st epae selene a aeieie = moose seme seal 6 Indian Portraits, Stanley’s Gallery 22 -ssseeee aayem ne tmene cela hell Saceyeae a 36, 82 Journal of Proceedings of the Board of Regeuts -........-.--.-.--------------- 72 Kane; Dr. HE: K-) Resolutions raspectingecsos 2-4 ee =e een e emcee eerie 74 WabOratOny ae - alee eae oe oe a eel ele oe le mea el ete ieee ae nl 30 MeiConte, Prof. Jos:, ectureson’ Coal 2sse5s-cscos--5 cece see eal eee dg ee Rs 119 ihectures'during season 1657-8) se oe en ote ae eee ie eee eet ee eee 36, 37 Bectures on Coal;'by Prof. Jos: ae’ Conte’ -- oe ae tooeeieen pease eee a ae : iyi) Lecture on the Vastness of the Visible Creation, by Prof. S. Alexander...--...-.. 169 Tietter of the Secretary to) Congress) 22-2. o-- | se eee eee eee eee reer 3 Mibrary, Donations received - 2c \e scence aa eee aa a ee eee eee te eee ol Mibrary, New Arrangements ins. ..\ee- =n aleeeindee mn eehaem ere einer ee aerate 31 INDEX. 437 Page. Little & Brown, Publications by.-.....--. -.-.----- o autererss AS See AS Hack 21 Logan, Dr. Thomas M., Meteorology of California .-.--- .--. ---.---2-+ +--+ 20+. 283 MamneiiG OUROnVAatIONS 10) MeXxiGD ouewe esas Jus- -- ~~ tis wceceenes one nerinanalosa\~ 29 Magnetic Self-registering Apparatus. ..-. peas cote S Soe eel ach aerate 30 Marine Algz, Descriptions of .. 22-2. -200 2-222. coc nee cee ene come ee eens coc ene 18 Mason, Hon. Charles, Letter of March 31, 1856, relative to extension of Morse’s AHEM tras no oa ce aa ds tos oe ean ERE RES ee eee coe a eee eee a ateaate 97 Masterman, S., Observations on Natural Phenomena..-.-.-.....--. .----------- ---- 323 SMP StH 2222 22.5 5 Soot eaee sane ce ow cae tee eee tote eegne ne aie ewe 324 PRUE eee ae cla eee Seca re aera ras aa ee eee: eaten ees 327 Bt UI 2 ho Sete on eo eens pons acon oat ami erin ee ee eee 332 aicueneni. Wi, Researches and Memoir, by---s--+ sces)---5 enon soos sarsscieeniaeera- 15 Meteorological Stations and Observers in 1857 ..---. .....----------- ------ ----- 55 Mrriearolopical Tables, by J Wissner!.--.-. -----. . 02. conn e meena eee esien nn 317 Meteorology, Professor Dewey on the best Hours of Observation.-..------------ 310 Perrin GT MOATHCHN -5.- ¢ 2-026 toss cones ease te bece tonnes wae ceeieegeee@ nian : 279 Meteorology of Colonia Tovar, South America ..---...--.. -----. 220+ -- 2-22 eeee- LAS Meteorology of Sacramento, California........-...-------- ---- eee -e- 2+ eee --- 283, 300 Meteorology, Smithsonian System described ..-...--...----- ---- ------ o--- 22 phe a7 Morse, Prof. S. F B., Communication from Prof. Henry relative to..---..------- 8d Morse, Prof. S. F. B , Report of Committee on article of....-..----- ------------ 88 Muller, Baron, Magnetic Observations in Mexico. .----. ------------ ---- -------- 29 ole erer don, Keport. On HLectriclty ..-- =. -<<0 Se ce 36 tanley, J. M., Letter offering Indian Gallery for sale....--.....---..--...----.. 75 Stanley Gallery, Report on purchase Ofjo-----sees socace soesec ec ces et aeeoesere 82 Statement of Prof. Henry in relation to the history of the Telegraph......------ 99 Sallwater,wMinneésotas.Observationsiadtresess-ceseeccs caoeettms seoacc oe emcees Bey) Scurseon's Experiments. = jcemecre vteeise de ceee sootes sone teers sen aeaeeeels 101 Hables;,’ Meteorological’ and Physicaljsn222-fesccc-+ eno eesene sense soet esoseese 24 ‘Haney, Hon. B:, Letter to. the Board/of Resents .... 25... ---.----sosee = : 72 Statement Of.25.esess-cs-— == Pe Min Daten ee) 88 Relegraph; ststonyaor-uho 25 etaone SoS sects see see ea ee oe ee ee eee ae 2 99 Lelegraphic Reports of the: Weather 22..-2-5-. 0s. -0 . Maine Observations atiances ote. sos ce Geotes ee ae eee onan) meme 323; B21, doz Wissner Ji; Meteorolopicall Tables by s-2--chasce= saeosea cc eces pene hele eee eee ale; Yoruba Grammar and Dictionary -ca-5 secose ose nce csssee sone a ccee= scone eecme 18 Yoruba, themCountry and banpuare.. toss cesote mon ees coerce cee ben cae cere eete a 19 “wHaMane, OF CHOTMOUs Tree IN VeENeZUCla scene cece cons sacs wee esetccss eons e ame 221 medineal LIpit, USUIVaONS ON scnsece nase nem eer oie case ewes acne pale eee ee 332 rs A Ns ri) ai stik , Nt rary ay: a Co i ~ 3 9088 ~— 1 6162